mil < '. , m m I .ll'i ■ ■ .1 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF WATER RESOURCES AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN CALIFORNIA LEGEND Area of Ba5in in IVi f rnt of Arta of Slate -■V^riculmnU Lands in IVr fmt of Toial of State Vater Resources In Per Cent of Toial of Slale Srnle of Milns ai ^0 oi 80 M JS" % S STATE OF CALIFOHNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES EDWARD HYATT. State Engineer Reports on State Water Plan Prepared Pursuant to Chapter 832, Statutes of 1929 ^ BULLETIN No. 29 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 1931 80997 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT 22 ORGANIZATION 23 ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 24 SPECIAL. CONSULTANTS 25 FEDERAL AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION 26 STATE AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION 28 CHAPTER 832, STATUTES 1929 29 FOREWORD 30 Chapter I INTRODUCTION, SUMIVL\.RY AND CONCLUSIONS 31 Water problems in San Joaquin River Basin 33 Previous investigations 35 Scope of present investigation 35 Water supply 38 Precipitation 38 Run-off 38 Return water 41 Agricultural lands 41 Irrigation development and water supply utilization 42 Water requirements 46 Major units of ultimate State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin 47 Surface storage reservoirs 48 Underground reservoirs 49 Conveyance units 49 Capital and annual costs . 52 Operation and accomplishments 53 Initial development of State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin 55 Economic and financial aspects 58 Flood control 62 Navigation 63 Conclusions 04 Chapter II WATER SUPPLY 68 Description of basin 68 Precipitation 76 Run-off ■ 83 Full natural run-off 88 Ultimate net run-off 89 Net run-off under existing conditions of development 91 Variation of run-off 91 Return water 97 Chapter III AGRICULTURAL LANDS 100 Geology and s6ils 100 Land classification 101 Valley floor lands 102 Foothill lands 104 Classification by counties 105- Gross agricultural areas 106 Hydrographic divisions 107 Present agricultural development of San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foot- hills 110 Cropped areas 110 Future agricultural development of San Joaquin River Basin 112 (3) TABI-K OK CONTENTS CiTAPTKR IV I'aye IRRIUATION DEVELOPMENT AND WATER SUl'l'lA' I.TILIZATIOX 114 History of irrigation development 114 Agencies furnisliinp irrigation service 115 Irrigation districts 116 Public utilities 117 Mutual water companies 118 Water storage districts 119 Reclamation districts 120 Water- conservation districts 121 County water districts 121 Individual and private companies 122 General location and extent of irrigation development 122 Upper San Joaquin Valley 123 Location of present irrigation development 123 Present storage 123 drovvth of irrigated area 124 I'resent irrigated crops 126 Ground water conditions 127 Analyses of ground water records 131 Terms and methods used 132 Determination of the water supply reqviired to meet net use require- ments 133 Kern River areas 134 Edison-Arvin unit 136 Canal-served areas south of Kern River 137 Rosedale unit 138 Pioneer canal area 139 Buttonwillow and Semitropic ridges 139 Buena Vista Water Storage District 139 McFarland-Shafter unit 140 Earlimart-Delano unit 142 Tule-Deer Creek unit 144 Kaweah unit 148 Lindsay unit ISl Kings River areas 152 Fresno-Consolidated unit 156 Areas northeast of P'resno Irrigation District 159 Laguna and Riverdale irrigation districts 159 Areas along north side channels of Kings River 160 Alta unit 160 Foothill Irrigation District 163 Areas served by Kings County canals 163 Tulare Lake area 163 Hydrographic divisions 5 and 5B 164 Madera unit 16* Net use in ground water units of upper San Joaquin Valley 106 Lower San Joaquin Valley 166 Lands witli irrigation service from San Joaquin River above mouth of Merced River 167 Lands with irrigation service in San Joaquin Valley, north of Merced — 173 Service from main San Joaquin River 173 Service from east side tributaries 173 Service from San Joaquin Delta 175 Foothill areas 175 Growth of irrigated area 176 Present irrigated crops 1"7 Ground water conditions 178 Chapter V WATER REQUIREMENTS 179 Unit irrigation requirements 180 Upper San Joaquin Valley floor ISO Lower San Joaquin Valley floor 182 TABLE OF CONTENTS WATER REQUIREMENTS — Continued Unit irrigation requirements — Continued Page Foothill areas 1^^ San Joaquin Delta 184 Net irrigable areas 184 Ultimate water requirements 186 Water requirements under ultimate State Water Plan 189 Chapter VI MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 191 Relation between water supply and ultimate water requirements 191 Source of supplemental supply 193 Ultimate water service areas and water requirements under State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin 194 Fundamental elements of State Water Plan 196 Major units for ultimate development in San Joaquin River Basin 197 Surface storage reservoirs 198 Nashville reservoir on Cosumnes River 201 Present development on Cosumnes River 201 Water supply 202 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 202 Dam site 203 Dam and appurtenances 205 Cost of Nashville reservoir 205 lone reservoir on Dry Creek, a tributary of Mokelumne River 205 Water supply 206 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 206 Dam site 207 Dams and appurtenances 207 Cost of lone reservoir 208 Pardee reservoir on Mokelumne River_ 209 "V^'ater supply and yield 211 Other developments on Mokelumne River 211 Valley Springs reservoir on Calaveras River 213 Present developments on Calaveras River 213 Water supply 214 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 214 Dam site 215 Dam and appurtenances 215 Cost of Valley Springs reservoir 210 Melones reservoir on Stanislaus River 217 Present developments on Stanislaus River 217 Water supply 219 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 219 Dam site 221 Dam and appurtenances 221 Power plant 223 Cost of Melones reservoir 223 Don Pedro reservoir on Tuolumne River 224 Present developments on Tuolumne River 225 Water supply 227 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 227 Dam site 228 Dam and appurtenances 230 Power plant 230 Cost of Don Pedro reservoir 230 Exchequer reservoir on Merced River 232 Water supply and yield 234 Other developments on Merced River 235 Buchanan reservoir on Chowchilla River 235 Water supply 23('i Reservoir site, capacity and yield 236 Dam site 236 / 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN— Contnued Major units for ultimate development in San Joaquin River Basin — Continued Surface storage reservoirs — Continued Buchanan reservoir on Chowchilla River — Continued Paye Dam and appurtenances ^ 237 Cost of Buchanan reservoir 239 Windy Gap reservoir on Fresno River 239 Water supply 239 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 239 Dam site 242 Dam and appurtenances 242 Cost of Windy Gap reservoir 242 Friant reservoir on San Joaquin River 243 Present developments on San Joaquin River 243 Water supply 244 Economic considerations governing the selection of the Friant site 244 Economic capacities of Friant reservoir and San Joaquin River- Kern County canal for ultimate development 249 Reservoir site and yield 257 Dam site 257 Dam and appurtenances 257 Power plants 259 Cost of Friant reservoir 259 Pine Flat reservoir on Kings River 260 Present developments on Kings River 261 Water supply 261 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 261 Dam site 262 Dam and appurtenances 263, Power plant 265 Cost of Pine Plat reservoir 265 Ward reservoir site on Kaweah River 266 Present developments on Kaweah River 266 Water supply 266 Reservoir site and capacity 266 Economics of surface storage on Kaweah River 267 Dam site 267 Pleasant Valley reservoir on Tule River 26S Present developments on Tule River 268 Water supply 268 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 268 Dam site 269 Dam and appurtenances 270 Cost of Pleasant Valley reservoir 270 Isabella reservoir on Kern River 271 Present developments on Kern River 273 Water supply 273 Reservoir site, capacity and yield 274 Dam sites 275 Dams and appurtenances 27G Cost of Isabella reservoir 277 Summary of surface storage reservoirs 277 Underground reservoirs 277 Locations and capacities of underground reservoirs in San Joaquin Valley 278 Cost of utilization of underground reservoirs 280 Cost of pumping by wells 280 Capital cost 280 Items of annual cost 280 Plant depreciation 280 Interest 281 Taxes and insurance 281 Operation and maintenance 281 Total annual fixed charges 281 Plant efficiencies 28i TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN — Continued Major units for ultimate development in San Joaquin River Basin — Continued Underground reservoirs — Continued Cost of pumping by wells — Continued Page Power costs 281 Total annual costs per foot acre-foot 282 Conveyance units 283 Sacramento-San Joaquin delta cross channel 286 Plans for development investigated 288 Cost of Sacramento-San Joaquin delta cross channel 289 San Joaquin River pumping system . 289 Cost of San Joaquin River pumping system 292 San Joaquin River-Kern County canal 293 Cost of San Joaquin River-Kern County canal 296 Madera canal 298 Cost of Madera canal 298 Kern River canal 299 Cost of Kern River canal 300 Mendota-West Side pumping system 302 Cost of Mendota-West Side pumping system 303 Summary of conveyance units 304 Summary of major units of ultimate State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin 304 Chapter VII OPERATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 306 Objectives of ultimate State Water Plan in Great Central Valley 306 Major units of ultimate State Water Plan in Great Central Valley 307 Operation and accomplishments of ultimate State Water Plan in Great Central Valley 308 Surplus water in Great Central Valley 314 Utilizable water supply from major streams in San Joaquin River Basin 317 Operation and accomplishments of Priant reservoir 328 Utilization of underground reservoirs in San Joaquin River Basin 333 Operation of underground reservoirs in upper San Joaquin Valley 334 Net use and maximum capacity of water supply utilization 335 Results of underground reservoir operation 343 Operation of underground reservoirs in lower San Joaquin Valley 348 Operation and accomplishments of conveyance units in San Joaquin River Basin 3 49 Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals 3 49 San Joaquin River and Mendota-West Side pumping systems 350 Summary of operation and accomplishments 353 Chapter VIII INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OP STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 356 Immediate water problems in San Joaquin River Basin 357 Determination of developed areas with deficient water supply and amounts of water shortage 357 The Madera unit . 361 The Fresno-Consolidated unit 361 The Alta unit 362 The Kaweah unit 363 The Lindsay unit 363 The Tule-Deer Creek unit 364 Area east of Tule-Deer Creek ground water unit 364 The Earlimart-Delano unit 364 The McFarland-Shafter unit 364 The Rosedale unit 366 Canal-irrigated area south of Kern River 366 The Edison-Arvin unit 366 Other areas studied 367 Estimation of relative deficiencies in water supply 369 Areas and amounts of deficient water supply and required importations of supplemental water 371 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF STATE WATER PLAN — Continued Paqe Progressive steps in plan for initial development 372 Alternate sources of supplemental water supply and plans for immediate initial devoloijment 373 Alternate plans investigated ^ 377 Capacity of Friant reservoir for immediate initial development 381 Cost of alternate plans for immediate initial development 3S3 Selection of plan for immediate initial development '. 393 Proposed plan for immediate initial development 395 Operation and accomplishments in upper San Joaquin Valley 390 Operation and accomplishments in San Joaquin Delta region 412 Economic and financial aspects 417 Complete initial development of State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin 428 Alternate plans investigated 420 Alternate plans for San Joaquin River pumping system 432 Cost of alternate plans for complete initial development 434 Selection of plan for complete initial development 446 Proposed plan for complete initial development 448 Operation and accomplishments 448 Economic and financial aspects 457 Chapter IX FLOOD CONTROL 4 60 Present status of flood control in the San Joaquin Valley 461 Upper San Joaquin Valley south of San Joaquin River 461 Upper and lower San Joaquin valleys — Herndon to mouth of Merced River 462 Lower San Joaquin Valley — mouth of Merced River to Paradise dam__ 462 San Joaquin Delta and bordering lands 462 Size and frequency of flood flow 463 Winter and summer floods 464 Flood flows at foothill gaging stations 465 Winter flood flows at selected points of concentration on lower San Joaquin Valley floor 479 Methods of flood control 482 Plans for flood control with flows uncontrolled by reservoirs 482 Upper San Joaquin Valley south of San Joaquin River 482 Upper and lower San Joaquin valleys — Herndon to mouth of Merced River 483 Lower San Joaquin Valley — mouth of Merced River to Paradise dam 484 San Joaquin Delta 485 Control of floods by reservoirs 487 Utilization of reservoirs of State Water Plan for flood control 488 Flood control benefits from reservoirs of State Water Plan 492 Upper San Joaquin Valley south of San Joaquin River 494 Upper and lower San Joaquin valleys — Herndon to mouth of Merced River 496 Lower San Joaquin Valley — mouth of Merced River to Paradise dam — 498 San Joaquin Delta 499 Summary 500 Chapter X NAVIGATION 501 History of navigation on the Sun Joaquin River 501 Existing navigation project on San Joaquin River 505 Present limits of navigation on San Joaquin River 500 Economic value of further improvement of navigation on the San Joaquin River 500 Proposed plan for further improvement of navigation on the San Joaquin River 508 Coordination of proposed plan for navigation improvement on San Joaquin River with State Water Plan for San Joaquin River pumping system 509 TABLE OP CONTENTS 9 Appendix A Paue CLASSIFICATION OF VALLEY FLOOR LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 511 Appendix B GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 529 Appendix C GEOLOGICAL REPORTS ON DAM SITES IN* SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 551 Appendix D ADEQUACY OF INITIAL AND ULTIMATE MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN IN THE SEASONS 192y-1930 AND 1930-1931 607 Appendix E THE CHEMICAL. CHARACTER OF SOME SURFACE WATERS OF CALI- FORNIA, 1930-1932 635 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 653 LIST OF TABLES Chapter II — Water Supply Table Page 1 Distribution of drainage areas of the major streams of the San Joaquin River Basin above the lower edge of the foothills by zones of elevation 75 2 Precipitation stations in San Joaquin River Basin 77 3 Indices of seasonal wetness for San Joaquin River Basin 82 4 United States Geological Survey stream gaging stations in San Joaquin River Basin SG 5 Seasonal full natural run-offs of San Joaquin River Basin streams opposite 88 6 Ultimate net seasonal run-off of major streams at reservoir sites of State Plan in San Joaquin River Basin opposite 90 7 Seasonal net run-off from San Joaquin River Basin into San Joaquin Delta for the period 1917—1929 under conditions of irrigation and storage developments as of 1929 and municipal diversions as of 1940 92 8 Variation in seasonal run-off for major streams in the San Joaquin River Basin, 1889-1929 94 9 Average monthly distribution of seasonal run-off of major streams of San Joaquin River Basin 95 10 Maximum and minimum mean daily stream flows in major streams of San Joaquin River Basin 97 11 Monthly distribution of return waters in lower San Joaquin Valley 99 Chapter III — Agricultural Lands 12 Segregation of lands in San Joaquin River Basin 102 13 Classification of lands on San Joaquin Valley floor 103 14 Comparison of land classifications in Tulare County 104 15 Classification of agricultural lands in foothills adjacent to San Joaquin Valley floor 105 16 Classification of agricultural lands in San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills, by counties 106 17 Gross agricultural areas in San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills, including San Joaquin Delta lOG 18 Classification of lands on San Joaquin Valley fioor by hydrographic divi- sions 109 19 Classification of agricultural lands in foothills adjacent to San Joaquin Valley floor, by hydrographic divisions 110 20 Classification of crops in the San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills by counties, 1929 opposite 112 21 Agricultural statistics of San Joaquin River Basin by counties opposite 112 22 Ultimate net irrigable areas in San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills, including San Joaquin Delta 113 Chapter IV- — Irrigation Development and Water Supply Utilization 23 Irrigation districts in San Joaquin River Basin 116 24 Public utility water companies in San Joaquin River Basin, 1929 118 25 Mutual water companies in San Joaquin River Basin, 1929 119 26 Growth of irrigated areas in upper San Joaquin Valley by counties 124 27 Growth of irrigated areas in upper San Joaquin Valley by stream basins 125 28 Capacity of wells in upper San Joaquin Valley, for 1919 and 1929, by stream basins 125 29 Irrigated crops in upper San Joaquin Valley, 1929 126 30 Edison-Arvin unit — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 137 (11) 12 LIST OV TABLES Table Page 31 Rosedale unit — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 138 32 McParland-Shafter unit — water supply, area irrigated and gi'ound water changes 141 33 Earlimart-Delano unit — water supply, area irrigatcid and ground water changes 143 3 4 Tule-Deer Creek unit — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 145 35 Tule River area — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes-- 140 36 Deer Creek area — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes.. 147 37 Kaweah unit — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 149 38 Water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes for Kaweah Delta below McKay Point 149 39 Lindsay unit — water supply and ground water changes 152 40 Summary of Kings River schedule for June 153 41 Diversions by Kings River canals, 1922 to 1929 154 42 Fresno Irrigation District — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 157 43 Consolidated Irrigation District — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 158 44 Fresno-Consolidated unit — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 159 45 Irrigation systems along north side of lower Kings River 160 46 Alta unit — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 161 47 Canal systems in Kings County 163 48 Madera area — water supply, area irrigated and ground water changes 165 49 Diversion capacities of canals and areas of irrigation service from San Joaquin River, above mouth of Merced River 168 50 Areas of irrigation service, crop land requirements and average seasonal schedule yield for diversions from San Joaquin River, above mouth of Merced River, 1910-1927 1"2 51 Water yield of San Joaquin River in accord with proposed schedule of San Joaquin River water Storage District 172 52 Growth of irrigated areas in lower San Joaquin Valley, by counties 176 53 Growth of irrigated areas in lower San Joaquin Valley, by stream basins__ 176 5 4 Growth of irrigated areas in eastern foothills of lower San Joaquin Valley, by counties 177 55 Irrigated crops in lower San Joaquin Valley, 1929 177 Chapter V — Water Requii-evients 56 Net irrigable areas in San Joaquin River Basin by hydrographic divisions 185 57 Net irrigable areas in foothill divisions above and below major reservoir sites 186 58 Ultimate water requirements of San Joaquin River Basin 187 59 Monthly distribution of the use of irrigation water in San Joaquin River Basin in per cent of seasonal total, by hydrographic divisions 188 CO Net areas and water requirements of lands included for service under ultimate State Water Plan in upper San Joaquin Valley, by hydro- graphic divisions 189 61 Summary of net areas and water requirements of San Joaquin River Basin 190 Chapter VI — Major Units of Ultunale State Water Plan 62 Available water supply and ultimate water requirements, San Joaquin River Basin 192 63 Surplus water in Sacramento River Basin 194 6 4 Ultimate water service areas and water requirements under State Water Plan in San J Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of flood flows of Merced River at Merced Falls 472 194 Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of flood flows of Tuolumne River near La Grange 473 195 Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of flood flows of Stanislaus River at Knights Ferry 474 196 Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of winter flood flows of Cala- veras River at Jenny Lind 475 197 Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of flood flows of Mokelumne River near Clements 47G 198 Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of winter flood flows of Dry Creek near lone 477 199 Probable sizes and frequencies of occurrence of winter flood flows of Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar 47S 200 Probable frequency of maximum mean daily flood flows at foothill gaging stations on major streams of San Joaquin River Basin 479 201 Classification of areas of mountain drainage basins tributary to selected points of concentration on lower San Joaquin "Valley floor 4S0 202 Probable frequencies of winter flood flows at selected points of concentra- tion on lower San Joaquin Valley floor, without reservoir control — 481 203 Reservoir space required to control winter floods on major streams of San Joaquin River Basin 490 204 Space to be reserved in reservoirs of State Water Plan for controlling floods to certain specified amounts 491 205 Probable frequencies of winter fiood flows at selected points of concentra- tion on lower San Joaquin Valley floor, with reservoir control 492 206 Comparison of winter flood flows at selected points of concentration on lower San Joaquin Valley floor, without and with reservoir control 493 Chapter X — Navigation 207 Water-borne traflac on San Joaquin River, 1880 to 1929 504 208 Capital cost of dams and locks for canalization of San Joaquin River from Stockton to Mendota 509 2 — S0997 LIST OF PLATES Geographical distribution of water resources and agricultural lands in California Frontispiece Chapter II — Water Supiily Plate Page I Forested areas and stream gaging stations in California opposite C8 II Geographical distribution of precipitation in California opposite 7G III Combined seasonal run-off of major streams and minor stream groups tributary to San Joaquin River Basin 90 IV Distribution of run-off of San Joaquin, Kings and Kern rivers for typical seasons 96 Chapter III — Agricultural Lands V Classification of agricultural lands in the San Joaquin Valley opposite 102 VI Hydrographic divisions and zones of water service in San Joaquin River Basin opposite 108 Chapter IV — Irrigation Development and Water Supply Utilization VII Agricultural lands and areas under irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills opposite 122 VIII Lines of equal elevation of ground water table in upper San Joaquin Valley, fall of 1929 opposite 12S IX Lines of equal depth to ground water table in upper San Joaquin Valley, fall of 1929 opposite 130 X Lines of equal total lowering of ground water table in upper San Joaquin Valley, 1921-1929 opposite 130 XI Zones of variation in depth to ground water, San Joaquin Valley, fall of 1929 opposite 132 XII Key map showing boundaries of ground water units and locations of profiles and typical record wells, upper San Joaquin Valley opposite 132 XIII Profiles of water levels in ground water units of upper San Joaquin Valley along line X-X, 1921 and 1929 opposite 132 XIV Edison-Arvin ground water unit opposite 136 XV McFarland-Shafter ground water unit opposite 140 XVI Earlimart-Delano ground water unit opposite 144 XVII Tule-Deer Creek ground water unit opposite 146 XVIII Kaweah ground water unit opposite 148 XIX Kaweah and Lindsay ground water units opposite 150 XX Fresno-Consolidated ground water unit opposite 156 XXI Alta ground water unit opposite 162 XXII Madera ground water unit opposite 166 XXIII Lands with irrigation service from San Joaquin River above mouth of Merced River opposite 168 XXIV Lands with irrigation service in San Joaquin Valley north of Merced opposite 168 XXV Lines of equal elevation of ground water table in lower San Joaquin Valley, fall of 1929 oi,)posite 178 Chapter VI — Major Units of Ultimate State Water Plan XXVI Major units of State Plan for development of water resources of California opposite 198 XXVII Nashville dam site on Cosumnes River 203 (19) J 20 LIST OF I'LATES Plate Page XXVIII Nashville reservoir on Cosumnes River 204 XXIX lone dam site on Dry Creek, a tributary of Mokelumne River 208 XXX lone reservoir on Dry Creek, a tributary of Mokelumne River opposite 208 XXXI Pardee dam on Mokelumne River ! 212 XXXII Hogan dam on Calaveras liiver 215 XXXIII Valley Springs reservoir on Calaveras River opposite 216 XXXIV Melones dam site on Stanislaus River 220 XXXV Melones reservoir on Stanislaus River 222 XXXVI Don Pedro dain site on Tuolumne River 229 XXXVII Don Pedro reservoir on Tuolumne River 231 XXXVIII Exchequer dam on Merced River 235 XXXIX Buchanan dam site on Chowchilla River 237 XL Buchanan reservoir on Chowchilla River 238 XLI Windy Gap dam site on Fresno River 240 XLII Windy Gap reservoir on Fresno River 241 XLIII Economic comparison of Friant and Temperance Flat reservoirs on San Joaquin River 247 XLIV Friant dam site on San Joaquin River 248 XLV Temperance Flat dam site on San Joaquin River 249 XLVI Curves of equal total annual costs and of equal mean seasonal yields for the operation of Friant reservoir and San Joaquin River- Kern County canal, 1889-1929 , 253 XLVII Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Friant reservoir 258 XLVIII Friant reservoir on San Joaquin River opposite 258 XLIX Pine Flat dam site on Kings River 263 L Pine Flat reservoir on Kings River 264 LI Ward dam site on Kaweah River 267 LII Pleasant Valley dam site on Tule River 269 LIII Pleasant Valley reservoir on Tule River opposite 270 LIV Isabella dam site on Kern River 272 LV Borel dam site on Kern River 273 LVI Isabella reservoir on Kern River opposite 276 LVII Profile of major conveyance units of State Plan for ultimate develop- ment in San Joaquin Valley — Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Kern County opposite 290 LVIII Typical designs, dam and pumping plants for San Joaquin River pumping system -opposite 290 LIX Mendota weir on San Joaquin River 291 LX Typical conduit sections of San Joaquin Valley conveyance systems 295 LXI Typical design river siphon and appurtenant canal structures for 3000 second-foot canal opposite 296 LXII Typical design railroad siphon for 3000 second-foot canal opposite 296 LXIII Typical design highway skew bridge for 3000 second-foot canal opposite 296 LXIV Typical design box culvert underdrain for 3000 second-foot canal opposite 296 LXV Typical design county road bridge for 3000 second-foot canal opposite 296 Chapter VII — Operation and Acconiplishvients of Ultimate State Water Plan LXVI Yield from Friant reservoir for San Joaquin River-Kern County canal under plan of ultimate development opposite 332 LXVII Operation of underground reservoirs in upper San Joaquin Valley under plan of ultimate development south of San Joaquin River, 1889-1929 345 LIST OF PLATES 21 Chapter VIII — Initial Development of State Water Plan Plate Page LXVIII Ground water units and developed areas with deficient water supply- in upper San Joaquin Valley opposite 35S LXIX Profile of major conveyance units of State plan for initial develop- ment in San Joaquin Valley — Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Kern County opposite 39C LXX Yield from grass land rights and surplus waters of San Joaquin River at Friant under plan of immediate initial development 404 LXXI Yield from Friant reservoir for San Joaquin River-Kern county canal under plan of immediate initial development, 1889-1929 opposite 406 LXXII Ground water conditions in absorptive areas in upper San Joaquin Valley with and without supplemental importation under plan of immediate initial development, 1921—1929 408 Chapter IX — Flood Control ILXXIII Lands naturally subject to overflow in the San Joaquin Valley opposite 460 LXXIV Probable frequency of flood flows at foothill gaging stations on major streams of San Joaquin River Basin opposite 464 LXXV Probable frequency of flood flows at points of concentration on San Joaquin Valley floor with and without reservoir control opposite 482 LXXVI Reservoir space required to control floods on major streams of San Joaquin River Basin opposite 488 Chapter X — Navigation I^XXVII General plan and profile showing canalization of San Joaquin River in conjunction with San Joaquin River pumping system Stock- ton Deep Water Channel to Salt Slough opposite 510 ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the investigation of the water resources of the San Joaquin River Basin and in the preparation of a plan for their conservation, utilization and distribution, most valuable assistance and cooperation have been received. Many individuals, irrigation districts and other public and private agencies, mutual water companies and public utilities have furnished data and information which were particularly useful in the preparation of this report. . Active and material aid in many phases of the investigation was received from departments of the Federal Government and the State. The advice and assistance of the engineers of the Advisory Commit- tee throughout the investigation and preparation of this report have been of inestimable value and their services are especially commended. (22) ORGANIZATION Earl Lee Kelly Director of Public Works Edward Hyatt State Engineer This bulletin was prepared under the direction of A. D. Edmonston Deputy State Engineer By G. H. Jones Associate Hydraulic Engineer The preparatory investigational work for the Bulletin was in charge of A. L. Trowbridge Hydraulic Engineer C. B. Meyer H, M. Crooker G. F. Mellin Theodore Neuman Principal Assistants Garfield Stubblefield Assistants G. L. Long E. D. Stafford P. E. Stephenson J. T. Maguire Delineators P. H. Van Etten A. M. Wells R. L. Wing J. A. Case E. N. Sawtelle Chapter IX on Flood Control was prepared by T. B. Waddell Hydraulic Engineer The bulletin was edited by Raymond Matthew Hydraulic Engineer J. J. Haley, Jr. Administrative Assistant (23) ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE This investigation was ontlined and the report prepared with the advice of and in consultation with the following committee of consult- ing engineers : I. H. Althouse W. H. Code B. A. Etcheverky F. C. Herrmann H. L. Haehl R. V. Meikle i I (24 ) SPECIAL CONSULTANTS Consulting geologists and engineers rendered reports on special features of the investigation as follows : Hyde Forbes, Engineer-Geologist, made geologic investigations of dam sites on the Cosumnes, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, Chowchilla, Fresno, San Joaquin, Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern rivers and on Dry Creek, a tributary of Mokelumne River ; and also made studies of the underground reservoirs and ground water conditions in the San Joaquin Valley. His reports, entitled "Geological Reports on Dam Sites in San Joaquin River Basin," and "Geology and Underground Water Storage Capacity of San eToaquin Valley" are presented in Appendixes C and B, respectively. Lester S. Ready, Consulting Engineer, rendered a special report on the value of electric energy that would be developed at the Friant power plant and the cost of electric energy that would be required for the operation of the San Joaquin River Pumping System. S. T. Harding, Consulting Engineer, classified the lands on the San Joaquin Valley floor and rendered a report thereon entitled "Classifi- cation of Valley Floor Lands in San Joaquin River Basin," which is presented as Appendix A. S. K. Love, Chemist, United States Geological Survey, analyzed samples of water of various California streams, including some in San Joaquin River Basin, and rendered a report thereon, entitled "The Chemical Character of Some Surface Waters of California," which is presented as Appendix E. Harry Barnes, Consulting Engineer, prepared an estimate of the water requirements and rights of certain irrigated areas on the San Joaquin Valley floor. He also collaborated with Mr. Harding in the classification of the lands on the valley floor and submitted valuable data on existing conditions of irrigation development in Madera County. C. H. Holley, Consulting Engineer, classified a part of the lands in the upper San Joaquin Valley and furnished additional information on existing conditions of ii'rigation development in Tulare County. (25) FEDERAL AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION WAR DEPARTMENT Thomas M. Robins, Lieutenant Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer, Pacific Division J. R. D. Matheson, Major, Corps of Engineers, District Engineer, Sacramento District of Pacific Division W. A. Wood, Jr., Captain, Corps of Engineers Under the general direction of Colonel Robins, the general super- vision of Major Matheson and the immediate direction of Captain Wood, the War Department carried out an investigation of the water resources of the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Kern rivers with a view to the formulation of general plans for the most effective improve- ment of navigation and the prosecution of such improvement in com- bination with the most efficient developments of potential water power and supplies for irrigation, and the control of floods, and rendered a report thereon. The investigation was made under authority of the River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927, and in accordance with the provisions of House Document No. 308, 69th Congress, 1st Session. The investigations of the State and War Department were coordinated effectively without duplication of effort. The work of the War Depart- ment covered special important phases of the investigation, particularly flood control and navigation. The War Department also has furnished valuable assistance by testing the soil conditions along the San Joaquin River for determining the best location of the conveyance channel for the San Joaquin River Pumping System. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Reclamation Elw^ood Mead, Director R. F. Walter, Chief Engineer C. A. BissELL, Senior Engineer H. W. Bashore, Senior Engineer An investigation of the State Water Plan with particular regard to irrigation development was initiated in May, 1930, by the Bureau of Reclamation under the general direction of Dr. Mead and the imme- diate direction of Mr. Bissell and in cooperation with the State. The investigation was continued under the general direction of Mr. Walter and under the immediate direction of Mr. Ba.shore. This investiga- tion deals principally with the formulation of a plan for the immediate relief of the improved lands with a deficient water supply in the upper San Joaquin Valley. A report on the State Water Plan and a relief project for the upper San Joaquin Valley is in course of preparation. Geological Survey, Water Resources Branch H. D. McGlashan, District Engineer Studies of the water supply of the San Joaquin River Basin were aided by the cooperation rendered by Mr. McGlashan in furnishing (26) advance information on stream flows in the basin and in improving the installations of certain stream gaging stations maintained for this purpose. Chemical analyses of the waters of several streams of the San Joaquin River Basin also were made by this branch of the United States Geological Survey. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bicreau of Puhlic Roads, Division of Agricultural Engineering W, W. McLaughlin, Associate Chief Under cooperative agreement, the Division of Agricultural Engi- neering under the general direction of Mr. McLaughlin and the imme- diate supervision of Major 0. V. P. Stout, made detailed measurements of the consumptive use of water by crops and natural vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, covering a period of about six years. The Bureau in cooperation with the College of Agriculture of the Uni- versity of California made a study of the cost of irrigation water in California which has been of much assistance in determining the value of irrigation supplies to be furnished under the State Water Plan. A report on this study has been published as Bulletin No. 36, Division of Water Resources. It is entitled : "Cost of Irrigation Water in California" by H, F. Blajstey, Irrigation Engineer, U. 8. Department of Agriculture and M. R. HuBERTY, Assistant Irrigation Engineer, Division of Irrigation Investigations and Practice, University of California, Agricultural Experiment Station Weather Bureau E. H. Bowie, in charge of Western States The Bureau cooperated in furnishing unpublished precipitation records which were of great value in the investigation. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils M. H. Lapham, Inspector, District 5 The Bureau furnished advance data on soil surveys which aided in the land classification. A. T. Strahorn of this Bureau, at the request of the Bureau of Reclamation, reviewed the State's classification of lands on the San Joaquin Valley floor. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION F. E. Bonner, Executive Secretary E. W. Kramer, Regional Engineer, U. S. Forest Service, Representing the Commission in California In connection with the investigation of the War Department, Mr. Kramer and J. E. McCaffrey, Senior Hydroelectric Engineer, made a study of the growth of consumption of electric energy in California and the probable value of hydroelectric energy which could be gen- erated at several units of the State Water Plan. (27) STATE AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE C. B. Hutchison, Dean Two cooperative reports were prepared by the College of Agricul- ture ou economic phases of tlie investigation, namely : "Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley" by Frank Adams, Professor of Irrigation Invesiigatiofis and Practice and M. R. HuBERTY, Assistant Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice and "Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in California" by David Weeks, Associate Professor of Agricidtnral Economics The data in these reports published respectively as Bulletin Nos. 34 and 35, Division of Water Resources, were of particular value in determining the rate at which additional water supplies would be needed in the San Joaquin Valley and the amount that the landowners could afford to pay for these supplies. (28) CHAPTER 832, STATUTES OF 1929 An act making an appropriaiion for ivork of exploration, i)ivestigation and preliminary plans in fiirtherance of a coordinated plan for the conservation, development, and utilization of the water resources of California including the Santa Ana river, Mojave river, and all water resources of southern California. (I object to the item of $450,000.00 in section 1 and reduce the amount to $390,- 000.00. With this reduction I approve the bill. Dated June 17, 1929. C. C. Young, Governor.) The people of the State of California do enact as follows: Section 1. Out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four hundred fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to be expended by the state department of public works in accordance with law in conducting work of exploration, investigation and preliminary plans in furtherance of a coordinated plan for the conservation, develop- ment and utilization of the water resources of California including the Santa Ana river and its tributaries, the IMojave river and its tributa- ries, and all other water resources of southern California. Sec. 2. The department of public works, subject to the other pro- visions of this act, is empowered to expend any portion of the appro- priation herein provided for the purposes of this act, in cooperation with the government of the United States of America or in cooperation with political subdivisions of the State of California ; and for the pur- pose of such cooperation is hereby authorized to draw its claim upon said appropriation in favor of the United States of America or the appropriate agency thereof for the payment of the cost of such portion of said cooperative work as may be determined by the department of public works. Sec. 3. T^pon the sale of any bonds of this state hereafter authorized to be issued to be expended for any one or more of the pur- poses for which any part of the appropriation herein provided may have been expended, the amount so expended from the appropriation herein provided shall be returned into the general fund of the state treasury out of the proceeds first derived from the sale of said bonds. (29) FOREWORD This report is one of a series of bulletins on the State Water Plan issued by the Division of Water Resources pursuant to Chapter 832, Statutes of 1929, directing further investigations of the water resources of California. The series includes Bulletin Nos. 25 to 36, inclusive. Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan," is a summary report of the entire investigation. Prior to the studies carried out under this act, the water resources investigation had been in progress more or less continuously since 1921 under several statutory enactments. The results of the earlier work have been published as Bulletin Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20 of the former Division of Engineering and Irrigation, Nos. 5, 6 and 7 of the former Division of Water Rights, and Nos. 22 and 24 of the Division of Water Resources. The full series of water resources reports prepared under Chapter 832, twelve in number, are : Bulletin No. 25— "Report to the Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan." Bulletin No. 26 — "Sacramento River Basin." Bulletin No. 27 — "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay." Bulletin No. 28 — "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Continence of Sacramento and San Joa- quin Rivers." Bulletin No. 29— "San Joaquin River Basin." Bulletin No. 30— "Pacific Slope of Southern California." Bulletin No. 31— "Santa Ana River Basin." Bulletin No. 32— "South Coastal Basin." Bulletin No. 33 — "Rainfall Penetration and Consumptive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain." Bulletin No. 34 — "Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley." Bulletin No. 35 — "Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in California." Bulletin No. 36— "Cost of Irrigation Water in California." This bulletin presents detailed data and information on the water supplies and agricultural lands of the San Joaquin River Basin; the history and present status of irrigation, flood control, navigation and hydroelectric power developments; the utilization of water supplies from surface and underground sources; the irrigable lands and water requirements of the basin ; the major units of a plan for the ultimate development and utilization of the water resources of the basin; and a proposed plan for initial development, comprising units of the ulti- mate plan immediately required to meet the deficiencies in water supply for present developments and needs in the San Joaquin Valley. (30) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The San Joaquin River Basin occupies that portion of California lying between the crests of the Sierra Nevada on the east, the Coast Range on the west, the San Emigdio and Tehachapi mountains on the south, and bounded on the north by the lower San Joaquin, the Mokeluinne and Cosumnes rivers. It is approximately 290 miles long and 130 miles Made and embraces an area of 32,000 square miles or about one-fifth of the area of the State. In the central portion of the basin surrounded by mountainous areas lies the San Joaquin Valley, an area of 13,000 square miles of gently sloping plains with predomi- nantly fertile soils M^ell adapted to agriculture. The basin is drained by the San Joaquin River and its many tributaries, comprising one of the two largest stream systems within California. The San Joaquin River Basin on the south and the Sacramento River Basin on the north together form the Great Central Basin of Cali- fornia, which reaches from near the northerly boundary of the State to the Tehachapi Mountains a distance of about 500 miles or nearly two-thirds the length of the State and occupies more than one-third of the State's area. The Sacramento River Basin includes in its cemral portion the Sacramento Valley which merges with the San Joaquin Valley on the south to form a practically continuous area of 18,000 square miles of plains designated the Great Central Valley. This northerly basin is drained by the Sacramento River and its many tributaries which comprise the largest stream system wholly within the State. The Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers flow toward each other and meet in a network of channels forming a common delta, finally combining to discharge through a common mouth into Suisun Bay and thence through San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean. The San Joaquin River Basin is devoted chiefly to agriculture. An area of about 8,500,000 acres of agricultural land or 36 per cent of the total agricultural area of the State lies in this basin. Wliile the San Joaquin Valley in the early days of development was devoted largely to the raising of grain and cattle, the introduction of irrigation made possible the production of a great variety of crops. Irrigation development began in the decade following 1850 when diversions were made to lands lying adjacent to the streams, although areas of naturally overflowed lands had been used for pasturage prior to that time. Con- struction of the railroad through the valley during the period 1869 to 1875 resulted in an increase in population and a demand for suitable land for more intensive cultivation. Up to tlie present time more than two million acres have been placed under irrigation, more than one- third of the total area of irrigated lands in the State. The chief crops produced are deciduous and citrus fruits, olives, nuts, grapes, nearly every variety of vegetable, grain, alfalfa and cotton. Dairying and the raising of beef cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry also are important (31) 32 nivisrox ok water resources industries. It is estimated that in VXW tlie value of the land, buildings, equipment and live stock utilized in the industry was about $912,917,000. The retui-ns from crops and live stoek pi-oducts from the basin in 1929 amounted to $2:^'i220,0()() or about .'30 per cent of the total return from these industries in the State. Manufaqturing, in the San Joacpnn River Basin, is second only to agriculture as a source of income. The most important manufac- tured products are canned and preserved fruits and vegetables, dairy products and canned milk, lumber, lime, cement and marble. The income in the basin from the value added by manufacture, in 1929, amounted to about $68,740,000 or 5.1 per cent of the total for tlie entire State. A large amount of both hydroelectric and steam-electric energy is also produced in the San Joaquin River Basin. A considerable portion of this energy is used within the basin and the remainder is trans- mitted to the metropolitan areas of Los Angeles and other nearby sections of southern California, and to those in the San Francisco Bay region. The power ])lants of the basin have an installed capacity of about 911,000 kilovolt amperes and in 1929 produced about .'3,240,- 000,000 kilowatt hours of electric energy or about 37 per cent of the total production in the State. Mineral production ranks third in source of income. The value of all mineral products from the San Joaquin River Basin in 1929 amounted to $54,730,000 or 12.7 per cent of the total for the entire State. This included $37,375,000 for petroleum, $3,015,000 for natural gas, $2,340,000 for gold and $12,000,000 for miscellaneous minerals. The latter item includes, silver, copper, lead, quicksilver, tungsten, gems, platinum, barytes, coal, manganese, chromite, gypsum, marble, magnesite, dolomite, silica, pumice, clay for pottery and bricks, slate, limestone, granite, borates, assorted building stone, volcanic ash, salt, diatomaceous earth, minerals for paint, lime and other materials for the manufacture of cement, and mineral water. The present population of the San Joaquin River Basin is about 575,000, more than one-tenth of that of the entire State. It can be classed as about 40 per cent urban and 60 per cent rural. Over 95 per cent of the population resides iii the San Joaquin Valley. During the last decade, the i)oinilation increased about 28 per cent while during tlic previous decade it increased over 60 per cent. The largest cities in the basin are Fresno and Stockton, the industrial and com- mercial ccjiters of the San Joaquin Valley and its environs. The former city has a population of 53,000 and the latter 48,000. The completion of the Stockton Deep Water Channel to San Francisco Bay in the near future will make this city a port of call for ocean-going vessels. Bakersfield and IModesto are the next important cities. The former has a ])oi)ulation of 26,000 and the latter 14,000. Other incorporated cities and towns having a population of more than 2500 in order of size are: Visalia, 7300; Merced, 7100; Hanford, 7000; Lodi, 6800; Tulare, 6200; Poi-terville, 5300; Madera, 4700; Turlock, 4300; Lindsay, 3900; Tracv, 3800; Taft, 3400; Selma, 3000; Sanger, 3000; Dinuba, 3000; Coalinga, 2900; Exeter, 2700; Delano, 2600 and Reedley, 2600. The basin, especially the San Joaquin Valley, is well served b.v transportation facilities. It is traversed from north to south by the SAN JOAQUIN KIVER BASIN 33 Soutliern Pacific Railroad, which has tAvo main lines Troni Frosno north and one main line from Fresno south, and by the main line of the Santa Fe Railroad. There are also numerous branches from the main line railroads into the mountains and different parts of the valley. Electric lines connect urban areas in certain sections of the valley. A network of improved highways throughout practically the entire basin also provides facilities for rapid motor truck transporta- tion, either for short or long hauls, and such transportation is now competitive with that by rail. Water Problems in San Joaquin River Basin. Irrigation development has been so rapid and extensive in the San Joaquin Valley that local water supplies are now' insufficient to meet the needs of present irrigated areas, particularly in the southern or upper portion of the valley south of the Chowchilla River. On all of the streams tributary to the upper San Joaquin Valley, there long since has been effected a very high degree of utilization of run-ott' without surface storage regulation. For many years, while the irri- gated areas devoted to annuals have varied from season to season with the available amount of surface water supplies, the expansion of irri- gated areas devoted to permanent crops has occurred chiefly througli the development of ground water supplies. With limited or no surface supplies, the replenishment of ground water storage, commonly result- ing from the use of ample surface irrigation applications, is lacking in many of these areas. In some localities, expansion of irrigated areas has continued to such an extent that the net draft on ground water storage exceeds the average seasonal replenishment from whatever local sources are available. The result has been a depletion in ground water storage, which is indicated by a continuously receding water table. Out of a total irrigated area in the upper San Joaquin Valley of 1,200,000 acres drawing their supplies both from streams and wells, some 400,000 acres are now overdrawing the water supplies naturally available to them. Studies reveal that there is only about one- half the amount of water for their full requirements. With the recession of ground water levels, water supplies in some areas have become exhausted while in others pumping lifts have become so excessive as to be eco- nomically prohibitive. Farms and homes have already been abandoned for the lack of an adequate and dependable water supply. It appears probable that some 200,000 acres must go back to desert condition if a supplemental water supply is not obtained in the near future. These 200,000 acres are valued at' more than $50,000,000 and yield annually under normal economic conditions $20,000,000 worth of agricultural products. In the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, about two-thirds of which lies in the San Joaquin River Basin, the available inflow from the Sacramento and San Joaquin River systems during recent years of generally subnormal run-off has been insufficient during certain months of several years to meet the consumptive demands in the delta and adjacent delta uplands drawing their supplies from the delta channels, and to keep the water fresh against invasion of saline water from San Francisco Bay. Saline invasion has rendered the water unfit for irri- 3—80997 34 DIVISION OK WATER RESOURCES jjatioii and other uses, not onl}'^ in the delta and adjacent delta uplands but also in the adjacent ujiper San Francisco Bay Basin in the area adjoining Suisun Bay. The resulting curtailment of irrigation in the delta has caused material losses in crop production which in 1931 is estimated to have been about $1,300,000. In addition, the salinitj' menace with a possibility of more extensive and prolonged invasion in future years than has occurred in the past has tended to depreciate land values in this most fertile and productive region. Moreover, industries and agricultural lands in the areas adjacent to Suisun Bay have been curtailed in their use of fresh water from the lower river and upper bay channels with losses resulting of substantial amount. Additional water supplies are urgently needed to prevent saline invasion into the delta channels and maintain continuous fresh water therein, and to provide for the full consumptive needs of the delta and adjacent upland areas and for the nearby industrial and agricultural areas in the upper San Francisco Bay region. In addition to the problems of water shortage in the San Joaquin River Basin, there are problems of flood control and navigation which should receive attention. Disastrous floods have occurred in past years of large run-off and the possibility of their repetition is a menace to some of the improved valley lands and populated areas. Although works for flood protection have been provided for considerable portions of the areas subject to flood menace, there is a need for additional flood protection on many of the streams in the basin. The problem of navigation involves chiefly the upper San Joaquin River above Stockton. This waterway from Stockton to Mendota is potentially navigable and in former years was actually navigated by commercial craft operating as far upstream as Mendota and occasionally to Herndon. Because of deficient stream flow during several months of the year resulting in inadequate navigation depths, transportation by water has never been dependable on this stream. This w^aterway is worthy of improvement from Stockton to Mendota to provide cheap water transportation for the large volume of tonnage moving to and from the San Joaquin Valley. Studies reveal that, even with a full practicable development of the water resources of the San Joaquin River Basin, additional water supplies will be needed to meet the full requirements in the basin. On the other hand, the water supplies in the Sacramento River Basin are in excess of its full requirements. The most logical and practical source of supplemental water supply for the San Joaquin River Basin is the surplus water which could be made available in the Sacramento River Basin. The adequate solution of the water problems of the San Joaquin River Basin, therefore, involves plans for develop- ment of water supplies not only in its oAvn basin but also in the Sacramento River Basin. A proper and coordinate solution of the water problems of the San Joaquin River Basin is highly desirable. The investigations upon which this report is based have been directed to this purpose together with the formulation of a general plan for the conservation, regulation, distribution and utilization of the water resources to pro- vide for the ultimate needs of the basin. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 35 Previous Investigations. Investigations of the water resources of the Great Central Basin with a view of utilizing the water for the greatest beneficial uses have been made at various times over a long period of years. Some of the more important of these are enumerated in the following paragraphs. In 1873 an investigation was made by the United States War Department and a plan was outlined for utilizing the water supply to the greatest advantage for irrigation purposes. The first effort of the State to make an investigation of its water resources and offer a solution of the problem concerning water utiliza- tion was made in 1878 and resulted in ''An act to provide a system of irrigation, promote rapid drainage and improve navigation on the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers." Under this act, investiga- tions were carried out by the State Engineer, William Ham. Hall. He, like the Army Engineers in 1873, suggested that the water of the Great Central Valley be developed in a systematic manner. Several reports and maps were published by the State Engineer between 1880 and 1888. In 1900, the United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, made an investigation of irrigation conditions and recommended certain changes in the water laws of the State. In 1906, a report on hydrographic investigations in the Sacramento Basin, California, was prepared by S. G. Bennett, engineer for the United States Reclamation Service. This report summarized data on irrigation and reclamation from other reports and described a number of reservoir sites and possible storage and irrigation projects in the basin. Another State investigation was made in 1911 through a special board called the "Conservation Commission," which issued a report on its fuidings. In 1912, the United States Department of Agriculture made an investigation and issued a bulletin dealing with the irrigation resources and their development. The State investigations known as ''The California Water Resources Investigations" were initiated in 1921. These investigations have been carried on under the direction of the State Engineer in accord with successive authorizations of the Legislature in 1921, 1925, 1927 and 1929. Scope of Present Investigation. The present investigation has been directed to the formulation of plans for the ultimate conservation, regulation, distribution and utilization of the water resources of the San Joaquin River Basin for all necessary and desirable purposes and, of more immediate impor- tance, to the solution of the present water problems in the basin involving the determination of a plan for initial development compris- ing units of the ultimate plan required to meet the immediate needs. Because of the dependence of the San Joaquin River Basin upon the Sacramento River Basin for supplemental waters to meet its full requirements, the plans for both initial and ultimate development in the two basins are interrelated and interdependent and, therefore, have been considered together as one unified project for the entire Great Central Valley. 36 DIVISION OK WATER RESOURCES In the formulation of the State Water Plan in tlie Great Central Valley, studies in addition to those presented in this report on the San Joacjuin River Basin have l)('en made coverinasin comprise about 36.3 ]ier cent of those in the entire State. The classification of agricultural lands on the basis of their adaptability for crop pro- duction and irrigation, made during the present investigation, covered all those lands lying in the San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills. Tlip lands were divided into five classes, the first four of which are considered as agricultural and the fifth as having no present or potential agricultural value. The character of the soil and topographic and surface features determined the class in which each parcel of land was ])laced. A certain percentage of each class of agricultural land Avas estimated to be capable of irrigation and these percentages applied to the areas of the respective classes of land in any tract, gave the 42 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES irrigable area of that tract. The gross agricultural and net irrigable areas in the basin, estimated during this investigation, are shown in the following tabulation: AREAS OF AGRICULTURAL AND IRRIGABLE LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Section Gross agricultural area In acres In per cent of total Net irrigable area In acres In per cent of total Upper San Joaquin Valley floor Lower San Joaquin Valley floor Poothill areas - San Joaquin Delta Totals 4.881,800 2,360,600 977,000 279,000 57.4 27.8 11.5 3.3 3,648,000 1,676,000 380,000 257,000 8,498,400 100.0 5;961,000 61.2 28.1 6.4 4.3 100.0 Irrigation Development and Water Supply Utilization. Favorable soil and climatic conditions, with the one exception of adequacy of rainfall, have made the San Joaquin Valley a pioner sec- tion in the irrigation development of California. Starting in the decade following 1850, the early irrigation enterprises were largely undertaken by individuals. Subsequently, larger enterprises were undertaken under various forms of organization including first, private and mutual water companies and later irrigation district and other similar forms of organization. There are now 36 active irrigation districts embracing a gross area of 1,826,578 acres of which 1,143,840 acres were irrigated in 1929 ; 16 public utility water companies irrigating approximately 184,000 acres in 1929 ; and 48 mutual water companies irrigating in 1929 approxi- mately 336,000 acres. There are also several water storage, conserva- tion, reclamation and other forms of public district organization under which lands are irrigated in the San Joaquin Valley. Irrigation development has been rapid and extensive, particularly in the last three decades. The area irrigated has increa.sed from about 800,000 acres in 1900 to about two and one-quarter million acres in 1929, which comprises more than one-third of the irrigated land in the State and about tw^o-fifths of the entire net acreage susceptible of irrigation in the San Joaquin River Basin. The following tabulation sets forth the areas of irrigated crops in the San Joaquin River Basin in 1929. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 43 I H 8 H Z u u <; Q z Id >J .J < > 3 < o z u I H O b: u Q < O a: oo ^ o o oo o o xn 00 oo « o> — ^ £« CO •w r^ O CO CO <» CJ C c^oo o_ N H cS e C3 00 •»^ c4" CO 00 00 a o ^ CO h- t^ o O « "C « o CO ^ •* ■^ od .h Sfe C^ CO W5 CO oo »-H u_ O 2; oo o o o •< oS oo o o o •£ o to S •w^w^ in to ^ fc- CD CO OS to to O c^> M o o Q o o o <=> o t^o 1^ t^ « >. 05C0 in • f5 1. 5? ^< .-« to to o.s CO -^ -<«' TT > eciduous rchards, icluding igs, nuts nd olives o o o o O oo o s o to c^t-T o" »-H ^ (M O cc n e> 1 c a ; B S ■5 J ■ ■3'3 _3 0) ! cro" Q S o o V .s'-i c c: _of E2 OD a a C3 c* o OS a; CO O e3 o ■8 H H l» 1 &^ M s o Q s 44 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Irrifrated crops comprise 79 per cent of all crops produced in the San Joacpiin River Basin in 1929. Of the nnirrigated crops, grain constitutes 97 per cent of the total acreage. Tile early enterprises made use of the natural stream flow only. Due to the rapid reduction in stream flow following the melting of snow on the higher drainage areas, usually in June or early July, the lands wliich could be given full service without storage were limited. Many areas received only a partial service and either adjusted the crops to those of early maturity, or by excessive use of flood waters, while available, raised the ground water to provide at least partial subirrigation during the remainder of the season. "Waterlogging was caused in many instances by such excessive applications, and continued high ground water resulted in soil injury through alkali accumulations in many areas. In the southern or upper valley, the first irrigation developments were made by direct surface diversion to the lands, principally on the delta fans. For areas distant from streams, where surface supplies were not obtainable, ground water was found to be available and pump- ing began to be practiced in the early part of the present century. In many localities, where artesian wells first were secured, increased draft has resulted in a lowering of water levels and pumping is now required. Pumping from wells has been developed to a very large extent in thi,s section of the valley, where stream flow is small in relation to the demand. On the Kings and Kaweah river deltas, pumping from wells, within the irrigated areas, is extensively used to supplement direct surface diversion. For areas further south, practice includes all varia- tions from entire dependence on stream diversion to full pumping or combinations of these two practices. Due to the low run-off of the 1928-1929 season, the irrigated areas for the upper San Joaquin Valley are somewhat below the average. None of the streams, tributary to this portion of the basin, are regulated by surface irrigation storage and the limit of utilization of their surface run-off under existing diversion rights has long since been reached. The cropped land, irrigated solely from surface diver- sion, varies through wet and dry periods. This is particularly true where lands are in large holdings. On the other hand, the extent of irrigated areas, entirely de])endent upon a supply pumped from ground water, has been increasing rapidly even though the water levels underlying these areas have been receding steadily. It is esti- m.ated that the acreage so served, in 1929, is the maximum of record. As a result of the increase in use of ground water .supplies in the upper San Joafpiin Valley during the ])eriod of generally subnormal run-off extending over the past decade or more, ground water levels have ])een depressed in the most of the irrigated areas of the upjier San Joa(|uin A^alley. In some areas lacking adequate soui'ces of ground wafer replenishment, underground supplies either have become exhausted or ground water levels have dropped to such an extent that pum])ing lifts are now excessive. During the period 1921-1929 the lowei'ing in areas of heavy pumping draft has vai-ied generally fi'om 2") 1() .")() feet Aviiere no direct sources of suj)ply were available, with maximum lowering in one area of 85 feet. In the major portions of areas liaving direct sources of water suj^jjly such as the Kings and SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 45 Kaweali river deltas, a lowering from 5 to 10 feet has oeenrred. Prom the known extent of recession, it is estimated tliat the average seasonal depletion of ground water, in an area of abont 400,000 acres in which the available supply even over a long period is insufficient to support present requirements, has amounted to 387,000 acre-feet over the 8-year period 1921-1929. Based upon records of ground water fluctu- ation, irrigated areas, and estimates of net inflow to the under- ground basins, the present net use requirements of the several absorp- tive areas of the upper San Joaquin Valley were found to average about 2 acre-feet per acre of area irrigated. In the northern or lower valley, direct surface diversions were used until the developments had become sufficiently extensive to enable storage to be financed. These storage developments were made, to a large extent, economically feasible by the development and sale of hydroelectric energy in conjunction with the storage and release of irrigation water. Such storage is now in use on the Merced, Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers. Pumping from wells is limited to drainage. However, drainage water, in most instances, is reused for irrigation. On the San Joaquin River, some storage for power is now available as a partial aid to irrigation. Supplies from the low^er portions of the San Joaquin River have been obtained by pumping rather than by gravity diversion. A large area above the mouth of Merced River, including about 309,000 acres of land devoted to crops, is irrigated from the main San Joaquin River with diversion works at or near Mendota. Lands irrigated by the Merced, Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers have a gross area of 621,275 acres of which 421,000 acres were irrigated in 1929. In the San Joaquin Delta, about 219,000 acres out of a total gross area of 279,000 acres were devoted to irri- gated crops in 1929. The water supply for these delta lands, com- ing partly from the San Joaquin River system and partly from the Sacramento River, has been insufficient in certain months of several recent years to meet the net water requirements and to keep the water in the delta channels fresh as against invasion of saline water from the bay. It is estimated in another report* that the deficiency in supply for the entire delta for meeting the full consumptive demands and preventing saline invasion ranged from about 150,000 to 1,128,000 acre-feet per season with an average seasonal defficiency of 451,000 acre-feet during the period 1920 to 1929. Except for the San Joaquin Delta the water supplies in the lower San Joaquin Valley under present conditions of development are adequate to meet the present requirements of the irrigated lands. The tendency is for a slight increase of irrigated cropped areas from year to year. It is believed that the area irrigated in 1929 in the lower San Joaquin Valley probably represents the maximum area irrigated at any time up to that year. With a limited use of ground water in the lower San Joaquin Valley, there has been no general lowering of ground water levels due to pumping in excess of replenishment as in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The depth to ground water is from 5 to 10 feet over a large part of the area irrigated east of the San Joaquin River. Such lower- • Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joa- quin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of Water Resources. 1931. 46 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES ing as has occurred in recent years has been beneficial. North of the Tuolumne River, the depth to ground water over a considerable por- tion of the area is from 10 to 50 feet and from 50 to 100 feet near the foothills. Water Requirements. The uses of water in the San Joaquin River Basin are many. They include domestic, municipal, irrigation, salinity control, industrial, navigation, power development and recreational uses. Of all these uses, however, that for irrigation predominates at the present time and probably will continue to do so. Recreational and navigation uses result in no actual consumption of water and in most instances do not alter the regimen of the stream. The for development of hydro- electric energy, M'hile altering in some instances the regimen of the stream, does not consume any water. For domestic service alone, the unit use within small cities is practically the same as for irriga- tion. For industrial and commercial areas in or near municipalities, the amount of water used may be somewhat larger than for the irriga- tion requirements for an equivalent area. In this basin, the water requirements for present and future ultimate developments have been based on irrigation use. It is believed that on this basis ample water Avould be provided for all uses except that for salinity control in the Sacramento-San Joaquiu Delta. In the State Water Plan, provision for that requirement is made primarily from the Sacramento River Basin. Water requirements, for anj- particular area, vary not only in amount with the use to which the water is put, and in monthly demand, but also with the point at which the water is measured. The geographic position of the source of supply in relation to point of use, methods of conveyance, the extent of the area and the opportunity afforded for reuse of. water controlled l)y topographic, geographic and geologic conditions, are factors that have an important bearing on water requirements. For these reasons, variations in treatment of the prob- lems for the different areas necessitated the employment of different terms of use, as follows : "Irrigation requirement" is the amount of water in addition to rainfall that is required to bring a crop to maturity. This amount varies Avith the crop to be supplied and the point at which the water is measured. As related to the point of measurement, it is the "gross allowance," "net alloM-ance," or "net use." These terms together with the term "consumptive use" are defined as follows: "Gross allowance" designates the amount of water diverted at source of supply. "Net allowance" designates the amount of water actually delivered to the area served. "Consumptive use" designates the amount of water actually consumed through evaporation and transpiration by plant growth. "Net use" designates the sum of the consumptive use from artificial supplies and irrecoverable losses. In the upper San Joaquin Valley, full development will require importation of water at relatively high costs. It is believed that SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 47 service under such conditions Avonld be justified only for the better lands. Therefore, in evolving a plan for furnishing a water supply to that region, the area of service has been taken to include only irrigable lands in classes 1 and 2 and a small irrigable area of Class 3 land suitable for citrus development which could be served by diversion from Tule River. The remaining areas of classes 3 and 4 lands classed as irrigable have not been included in the area for service under the State Water Plan for the ultimate development of the upper San Joaquin Valley. This reduces the net irrigable area to be served in the upper San Joaquin Valley from 3,648,000 to 3,135,000 acres on the valley floor and eliminates 41,000 acres of foothill land. In the lower San Joaquin Valley, a region wherein water supplies are ade- quate if conserved, all classes of irrigable land have been included in estimating the required irrigation supply. This procedure was followed also in estimating the irrigation requirements for lands in the Sacramento River Basin. The net irrigable areas to be served and the water requirements thereof under the ultimate State Water Plan are set forth in the following tabulation. The unit water requirements applied to the irrigable areas to obtain total requirements are based upon data as to present use in the various sections of the basin under the prevailing irrigation methods and conveyance losses. The water requirements for the San Joaquin River Basin (excluding the delta) which would amount to 13,326,000 acre-feet gross allowance if pro- vision were made for the irrigable areas of classes 3 and 4 lands in the upper valley floor and foothills, are reduced to 12,177,000 acre- feet under the adopted plan of ser^nce. . SEASONAL WATER REQUIREMENTS OF IRRIGABLE LANDS TO BE SERVED UNDER ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Net irrigable area to be served, in acres Gross allowance, in acre-feet Net allowance, in acre-feet Net use, in acre-feet Section Aver- age per acre Total Aver- age per acre Total Aver- age per acre \ Total Upper San Joaquin Valley floor Lower San Joaquin Valley floor, exclud- ing San Joaquin Delta 3,135,000 1,676,000 339,000 2.0 3.0 2.8 6,270,000 4,968,000 939,000 2.0 2.2 2.0 6,270,000 3,651,000 674,000 2.0 1.8 1.7 f 6,270,000 3,019 000 Foothill areas _ 563,000 Totals, excluding San Joaquin Delta San Joaquin Delta- Irrigation and other uses -_ 5,150,000 257,000 (') 12,177,000 824,000 1,590,000 (') 10,595,000 824,000 1,590,000 (•) 9,852,000 ■»► >- ^»'-— -1 F 824,000 l,5i)0 000 Salinity control Totals, San Joaquin River Basin. 5,407,000 14,591,000 13,009,000 12,266,000 ' Value for net use per unit of area is not given since ultimate total requirements and use are divided among irrigation use, evaporation from delta channels, transpiration from tules and other natural vegetation and evaporation from levees and uncultivated land surfaces. Major Units of Ultimate State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin. The fundamental objective of the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin is to provide and operate works for the conservation, regulation, utilization and distribution of the avail- able water resources so that all areas within the basin, practicable of 48 DIVISION OF WATER HIJSOUKCES development, niiglit liave adequate water supplies for all purposes and flood protection. A comparison of the available water supplies with the ultimate water requirements of the irrio:able areas to be served in the San Joaquin River Basin shows that there is insufficient water to meet the ultimate needs. There would be a large deficiency particu- larly in the upper San Joaquin Valley where the average seasonal water supply for the 40-3a'ar period 1889-1929, exclusive of the San Joatiuin River, is but 50 per cent of the ultimate seasonal water recjuire- mciit. In the lower San Joaquin Valley, excluding the delta, the water supply would be sufficient for ultimate needs. However, in the Sacramento River Basin, studies reveal that there is a surplus of water over its ultimate needs. The logical source of supplemental water supply for the San Joaquin River Basin is the surplus water of the Sacramento River Basin. Therefore, the plans for development in the two basins are interdependent and interrelated and together con- stitute a unified plan for the entire Great Central Valley. The plan evolved is designed to make the greatest practicable use of the avail- able water supplies in both basins to meet the full requirements for ultimate development in the entire Great Central Valley. The basic features included in the State Water Plan for the Great Central Valley are storage reservoirs, both surface and under- ground, and natural and artificial conveyance channels. Surface reservoirs would be constructed on the major streams and oi)erated to equate the erratic run-off in the interest of all uses. Hydroelectric power plants would be installed at those dams where such develop- ment would be justified in order to assist in defraying the cost of the capital expenditures. Conveyance channels, both natural and artificial, would transport water supplies from areas having a surplus to areas of deficiency. Because of the large expense involved in exporting water sujjplies from the Sacramento River Basin to the San Joaquin Valley, the plan for the San Joaquin River Basin is designed to provide for the fullest practicable utlilization of all local water supplies. In addi- tion to surface storage regulation, this necessitates the maximum practicable utilization of underground reservoirs for the storage and subsequent extraction of water supplies. Provision is made for the conveyance and distribution of surplus Sacramento River Basin water, made available by storage and regulation with the major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, to provide for that portion of the water re(}uirements of the San Joaquin Valley which can not be met by the fullest practicable utilization of local supplies. Surface Si wage Beservoirs — The surface storage reservoir units in the San Joaquin River Basin are thirteen in number, namely, Nash- ville on Cosumnes River ; lone on Dry Creek, a tributary of Mokelumne River; Pardee on ]\Iokelumne River; Valley Springs on Calaveras Rivei-; INIelones on Stanislaus River; Don Pedro on Tuolumne River; Exchequer on Merced River; Buchanan on Chowchilla River; Windy Gap on Fresno River; Friant on San Joaquin River; Pine Flat on Kings River ; Pleasant Valley on Tule River ; and Isabella on Kern River. Power plants are proposed at Melones, Don Pedro, Friant and Pine Flat reservoirs. The Exchequer and Pardee reservoirs with SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 49 power plants are included in the plan as already constructed and are assumed to be operated for the purposes for which they were designed. The Valley Springs reservoir would be enlarged from 76,000 acre- feet to 325,000 acre-feet capacity, reserving 165,000 acre-feet of space in the reservoir for flood control pur]:)oses. At the Melones and Don Pedro reservoirs it is proposed to construct new dams downstream from existing ones, creating reservoirs of larger capacity, and to recon- struct and enlarge the power plants. Flood control features are included in the Nashville, lone, Valley Springs, Melones, Don Pedro, Exchequer. Friant, Pine Flat and Isabella reservoirs. The aggregate capacity of the surface storage reservoirs proposed for ultimate devel- opment is 5,130,000 acre-feet. Under ground Reservoirs — An essential feature of the State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin is the utilization of underground reservoirs for the storage and subsequent extraction of water supplies by pumping. The underground capacity affords the only means of providing the large amount of cyclic storage required to equate the extremely variable run-off and bring the available supply in con- sonance with the demand and make the fullest practicable utilization of local supplies. Operated in conjunction with surface regulation and distribution, the utilization of the underground reservoirs is shown to result in the cheapest, most flexible and dependable plan of any that has been suggested or investigated. Underground reservoir utilization is particularly important in the upper San Joaquin Valley where experience has already demonstrated its practicability and value and where wells and pumping plants with an aggregate capacity of over 20,000 second-feet already are in operation. The usable underground capacity in the upper San Joaquin Valley aggregates over 20,000,000 acre-feet and in the lower San Joaquin Valley about 3,000,000 acre-feet. The plan proposes to make full utilization of this underground capacity, particularly in the upper San Joaquin Valley, with operation thereof coordinated with surface storage regulation. The chief cost involved in the utilization of the underground reservoirs would be for the pumping of water supplies. Costs of two cents per foot acre-foot for fixed charges and three cents per foot acre-foot for power charges or a total of five cents per foot acre-foot are representative of the general average for pumping in the San Joaquin Valley. Conveyance Units — The proposed conveyance units of the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin are designed primarih^ to bring necessary water supplies from the Sacramento River Basin to the San Joaquin Valley to supplement the available local water supplies. The adopted plan of conveyance includes a pumping system on the San Joacjuin River to transport water from Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Mendota. It provides for the exchange of a portion of the pumped w^ater for San Joaquin River water which would be diverted at the Friant Reservoir, 61 miles farther upstream and 308 feet higher in elevation than the point of delivery of imported water at Mendota. It provides conduits leading north and south from Friant Reservoir to convey San Joaquin 4—80997 50 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES River water to the lands on the eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. An extension of the pumping system southerly from Mendota is provided to serve the lands on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. The advantajies of the plan are many. Both capital and annual costs would be much less than for conveyance by any other method. By means of the proposed exchange at Mendota, a pumping lift of about 300 feet would be saved over a direct pumping plan. Diversion in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta would be effected below all the riparian lands in the Sacramento River Basin. The source of the water supply in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the temporary catch-basin of the run-off and return water from 42,900 square miles of drainage area, which comprises 74 per cent of the entire area of the Sacramento and San Joaquin River basins and contributes 91 per cent of the run-off of the two basins. Water devel- oped in any part of the two basins north of the upper San Joaquin River would naturally find its way to this catch-basin. The flexibility of the plan would be of great advantage. It would lend itself more readily to progressive development with minimum expenditures and it would interfere least with present rights and interests. By this ].)lan, full recharge of ground water storage would be made bj^ gravity diversion from Friant, whereas any other plan not providing for exchange of water at Mendota would require a greatly increased pumping lift for such purpose. These great advantages would not be attained by any scheme that does not utilize the delta as a source of supply, and only in part, if not combined with exchange with San Joaquin River water. The conveyance channels, natural and constructed, which would be required for the exportation and delivery of water from the Sacra- mento River Basin to the lands of the San Joaquin River Basin, would extend from the Sacramento River at the head of Snodgrass Slough to the southern extremity of the San Joaquin Valley. Beginning at the northerly end of the conveyance S3'stem a new connecting channel, in conjunction with a suitable diversion struc- ture in the Sacramento River, is proposed to carry from the Sacra- mento River to the San Joaquin Delta the water required for exportation to the San eToaquin Valley. It also would convey water for use in the San Joaquin Delta and adjacent uplands and the upper San Francisco Bay region. It would consist of an artificial channel dredged from the Sacramento River at a point just below Hood to the head of Snodgrass Slough, from which point this natural channel would be utilized, with improvements, to Dead Horse Island. The North and South forks of the Mokelumne River would be utilized from there to the San Joaquin River at Central Landing. The length of this cross connection, designated as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel, by the shortest route would be 24 miles. From Central Landing to the first unit of the pumping system below Mossdale bridge, it is proposed to utilize three main channels, each about 30 miles in length. The most easterly of these channels would be the Stockton Deep Water Channel and the San Joaquin River. The other two main channels would be Old River and Salmon Slough, and Middle River with artificial connections already con- SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 51 structed, such as tlie Victoria-North Canal and the Grant Line Canal. "With some enlargement in portions of these channels, the conveyance capacity would be adequate to meet the requirements of irrigation in the delta and adjacent areas and tliat of exportation to the San Joaquin River Basin. The first unit of the San Joaquin River Pumping System would be located just above the point of bifurcation of the San Joaquin River and Old River. From this point to the mouth of the Merced River the channel of the San Joaquin River would be utilized for a distance of 72 miles. By means of a series of five successive dams and pumping plants water would be conveyed from the delta and raised to an elevation of 62 feet U. S. Geological Survey datum. The dams used for this portion of the conveyance system would be of the collapsible type so that the river channel could be opened to permit free discharge in case of large flows. The maximum capacity of the pumping system would be 8000 second-feet. From the pond above Plant No. 5 it is proposed to depart from the river with a constructed canal extending southerly along the most favorable topography. By means of three pumping lifts in a distance of seven miles the water would be raised to an elevation of 137 feet at the discharge of Plant No. 8 and would continue a distance of sixteen miles to Plants No. 9 and No. 10, about five miles west of Los Banos. An exchange would be made with existing systems serving lands lying below Plant No. 9. From the discharge of Plant No. 10, at an elevation of 180 feet, the canal would extend southerly about 38 miles to the Mendota weir, delivering water to an elevation of 159 feet. The total distance from Pumping Plant No. 1 to Mendota weir would be 135 miles. The pond above the Mendota weir would be the source of supply for lands now served by diversion at and near this point. A small part of the Columbia area would be served by pumping. The deliver}'- of imported waters to Mendota to meet the demand of existing rights would make possible the diversion at the Friant Reservoir of the flow of the San Joaquin River for use on the eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. To effect such diversion it is proposed to construct, in addition to the Friant Reservoir, two main canals, one on each side of the San Joaquin River. The Madera Canal, with a diversion capacity of 1500 second-feet, on the north side of the river would extend for eighteen miles to the channel of the Fresno River. The San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal on the south side of the stream would extend southward along the eastern rim of the valley a distance of 165 miles. With a diversion capacity of 3000 second-feet at the Friant Reservoir, it would cross in turn the channels of the Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern rivers, terminating at the Kern Island Canal, with a capacity of 500 second-feet. In order to utilize Kern River waters released by the importation of new supplies, it would be necessary to construct the Kern River Canal with a diversion point near the month of the canyon on the south side of the stream and extending under the Kern Mesa and thence around the south end of the valley to Buena Vista Valley. The maximum diversion capacity of this canal would be 1500 second-feet and the total length 75 miles. 52 DIVISION OK WATKR RKSOURCES To make wiitor rivailahlc lor tlic jjood land lyinp: oil the M^estern slope of the upper 8aii fIoa(|uin Valley, the Meudota-West Side Pimi])- iiifiT System is provided exteiidin^' from ^lendota Pool to Elk Hills. Water for this area would be imported 1hrouy-h the San Joaquin Kiver Pumping Sy.stem. An essential element of such a system would be a conveyance channel which, for full development, would be 100 miles l()n<>' and have a capacity varyinji' from AM){) to 500 seeond-feet. It would terminate at an elevation of 2.10 feet. CdpifaJ (171(1 Annual Costs — Estimates of both the capital and annual costs Avere made for each surface stora|?e and conveyance unit, based on the costs of labor and materials as of 1929 and 1930 and on the a.ssiimiition that each unit would be completely constructed in one step. The followinof tabulation sets "forth the cajiital and net annual costs of all ma.ior surface storage and conveyance units in the San Joa((uin River Basin. Pour of the reservoirs include power plants. The capital cost of each of these reservoirs includes power features. The net annual cost consists of the annual cost of the reservoir and the gross annual cost of the power plant less the estimated average annual revenue from the sale of electric energy. Two of the con- veyance units include pumping systems. The annual cost of each of these units includes the estimated average annual cost of electric energy required for pumping. COSTS OF MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Unit Location Capital cost Net annual cost Storage Units— Nashville Reservoir Cosumnes River - $7,400,000 8,600.000 Constructed 7,600,000 " 26,200,000 32,500,000 Constructed 2,600,000 3,300,000 14,500,000 11,600,000 2,900,000 5,700,000 $441 000 Drv Creek 517,000 Mokelumne River Valley Springs Reservoir Calaveras River - 452 000 Stanislaus River 937,000 979,000 Don Pedro Reservoir' Tuolumne River Exchequer R^ser voi r Merced River __ Constructed Buchanan Reservoir Chowchilla River. 155,000 Windy Gap Reservoir Fresno River. 200,000 Friant Reservoir- San Joaquin River. . .. 805 000 Pine Flat Reservoir' Kings River 541,000 171 000 Pleasant Valley Reservoir , Tule River Isabella Reservoir _. Kern River . 340,000 Subtotals . $122,900,000 $4,000,000 28,500,000 16,000.000 2,500,000 28,000,000 9,000,000 $5 538 000 Conveyance Units— .Saeranicnto-San Joaquin Delta Cross Chantiel Sacraniento-San .Joaquin Delta Lower San .Icaquin Valley West side Upper San Joaquin Valley... East side I'pper San Joaquin Valley, north of iSan Joaquin River. . $300 000 San Joaquin River Pumping System.. Mendcta-Wcst Side Pumping System. . Madera Canal ^6,779,000 '3,088,000 213,000 San Joaquin River- Kern County Canal- East side tapper San Joaquin Valley, 2,281,000 Kern River Canal . East side and south end of Upper San Joaquin Valley, south of Kern River. 721.000 Subtotals $88,000,000 $13,382,000 Totals, all units $210,900,000 $18,920,000 ' Includes power plant. ' Includes pcwer plant for ultimate development, only. ' Includes energy cost of $4,240,000. ' Includes energy cost of $1,692,000. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 53 Operation am] Accomplishments — Because of the dependence of the San Joaquin River Basin npon the Sacramento River Basin for a portion of the snpply required to meet its ultimate recjuirements, con- sideration of the operation and accomplishments of the plan in the San Joaquin River Basin must be combined Avith those in the Sacra- mento River Basin. The proposed major units for ultimate develop- ment in the two basins constitute a unified project for the entire Great Central Valley, and these major units would be operated coordinately to provide the ultimate water requirements and to accomplish the objectives sought for the fullest practicable conservation, regulation, distribution and utilization of the water resources. The proposed major units in the Sacramento River Basin Avould be operated not only to take care of the requirements for all purposes within that basin itself but also to provide the supplemental supply required in the San Joaquin River Basin, including- the San Joaquin Delta and the adjacent delta uplands. Provision would also be made to supplj^ the water requirements of the upper San Francisco Bay region with water furnished chiefly from the Sacramento River Basin. Details as to the operation of the major units in the Sacramento River Basin are set forth in another report.* In the lower San Joaquin Valley the proposed surface storage reservoirs on the Cosumnes, Calaveras and IMokelumne rivers and Dry Creek, a tributary of the Mokelumne River, w^ould be operated coordi- nately with storage units on the American River in the Sacramento River Basin so that the combined amount of water obtained from these local sources and from the supplies imported from the American River would meet the ultimate water requirements of the irrigable area to be served by these streams. The surface reservoirs on the Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced rivers would be operated to provide an adequate surface irrigation supply for all irrigable lands to be served in their respective service areas. IIoAvever, a portion of the service area under the Merced River would be supplied in part through ground water storage and pumping and in part from water conveyed through the San Joaquin River Pumping System. For the bulk of the area on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley from the Chowchilla River to the southern end, the surface storage reservoirs would be operated in com- bination with ground water storage and pumping to provide a full supply in all years to the irrigable area to be served under ultimate development. To accomplish the desired results would require the operation of the underground reservoirs in a specific manner similar to that of surface reservoirs. Water would be stored in the under- ground reservoirs when the available supplies are in excess of the net requirements. The supplies stored underground would be drawn upon for the most part through the medium of privately owned pumping plants. However, in order to maintain a balance in supply and draft over long periods throughout the areas to be supplied in part by ground water, works for the distribution of surplus waters, and pump- ing equipment in strategic locations, necessarily would be controlled and operated by recognized local public agencies. Friant Reservoir would be operated as a key unit for the entire area on the east side • Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Ba.sin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 54 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of the upper San Joaqnin Valley to provide the necessary supplies to supplement the amounts made available from local sources tli rough surface and underground storage regulation. The supplies from this reservoir would be distributed through the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals. The areas to be served on the westerly slope of both the upper and lower San Joaquin Valley would be supplied bj^ water conveyed through the San Joaquin River and Mendota West-Side Pumping sj'^stems. The source of water supply would be chiefly surplus Sacramento River Basin water conveyed from the delta channels through these pumping systems to the southerly terminus near Elk Hills. An additional source of supply would be the return flows from irrigated lands in the lower San Joaquin Valley and unregulated surplus water of the San Joaquin River and its east side tributaries, which would be intercepted in that portion of the San Joaquin River Pumping System utilizing the river channel below the mouth of the Merced River. The -inter- ception and utilization of these return and surplus waters would reduce the capital and annual costs of the pumping system. However, the amounts intercepted would necessarily be replaced in the delta by Sacramento River Basin water in order to provide for delta require- ments and hence the amount of supplemental water supply re(|uired from the Sacramento River Basin for the San Joaquin Valley Avould not be reduced by the interception and utilization of these return and surplus waters. Based upon a detailed monthly analysis of the proposed plan of operation with the available M'ater supplies during the 40-year period 1889-1929, the water supplies which would be made available to meet the water requirements under the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin may be summarized as follows : 1. A supply of 5,342,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent in an excep- tionally dry year, for the irrigation of a net area of ,1,810,000 acres of irrigable land in the lower San Joaquin Valley, includ- ing 134,000 acres of foothills on the eastern side of the valley, after deducting from the full natural run-off of the lower San Joaquin River tributaries, 565,000 acre-feet per season for an adequate and dependable irrigation supply for 205,000 acres of land embracing all of the net irrigable mountain valley and foothill lands situated in the lower San Joaquin Basin at eleva- tions too high to be irrigated by gi-avity from the major reser- voir units. 2. A supply of 4,700,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of a net area of 2,350,000 acres of classes 1 and 2 lands on the eastern and southern slopes of the upjier San Joaquin Valley. 3. A supply of 1,570,000 acre-feet per season, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent in an exceptionally dry year, for llie irrigati(m of all of the net irrigable area of 772,000 acres of classes 1 and 2 lands lying on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley and 13,000 acres of classes 1 and 2 lands in the Columbia Canal area. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 55 In addition to the water supplies furnished from the local streams in the San Joaquin Kiver Basin, there would have been required from the Sacramento Kiver Basin an average seasonal supply of about 2,000,000 acre-feet, exclusive of about 1,000,000 acre-feet of return flow and surplus water from the lower San Joaquin Valley intercepted and utilized in the San Joaquin River Pumping System, which would be replaced in the delta by Sacramento River Basin water. The required supplemental supply for the San Joaquin Valley would have been pro- vided by the proposed major units in the Sacramento River Basin, including the Trinity River diversion, in addition to providing the full ultimate requirements in the Sacramento River Basin itself, the full requirements in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta including con- trol of salinity and maintenance of fresh water in the delta channels, and the provision of supplemental supplies for the upper San Francisco Bay region. In addition to the water supplies furnished, an average annual energy output of 728,500,000 kilowatt hours would be generated at the major reservoirs in the San Joaquin River Basin incidental to their primar}^ operation for irrigation ; additional flood protection would be effected on several of the major streams; and navigation would be improved on the San Joaquin River above Stockton. Initial Development of State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin. The initial development of the State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin is proposed as the first progressive step in the consum- mation of the plan for ultimate development. It is designed primarily to meet the immediate pressing needs of existing developments. Certain areas in the basin, particularly in the upper San Joaquin Valley and in the San Joaquin Delta region, have serious problems of water short- age as previously described in this chapter. The adequate solution of these problems to maintain the productive resources and investments of present developments would require the construction and operation of initial units of the State Water Plan. In addition to providing supplies to meet present deficiencies, additional flood protection and improvement of navigation on the San Joaquin River above Stockton are desirable. In the developed areas on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley, studies of water supply and water requirements during the period 1921-1929 reveal that the average seasonal deficiency in water supply during this period amounted to 387,000 acre-feet. The area involved aggregates about 400,000 acres of fully developed and irrigated lands. Water supplies are obtained largely by pumping from under- ground and the depletion of the underground reservoirs has resulted in a general lowering of ground water levels causing excessive pumping lifts in some localities. Supplemental water supplies are required to meet not only the deficiencies between supply and demand but also to replenish the underground reservoirs and reduce pumping lifts. It is estimated that an average seasonal importation of supplemental water of from 500.000 to 600.000 acre-feet should be provided as a minimum requirement. 56 DIVISION OF WATER KE80URCES 111 the San Joaquin Delta a developed irrij^ated area of 219,000 acres has experienced a deficiency in water supply to meet the net water requirements for irrigation and to keep the water in the delta channels fresh as against invasion of saline water from the bay. Supplemental water supplies are required to meet the deficiency in this area and in the Sacramento River j)ortioii of the delta as well, which is estimated to have averaged 451,000 acre-feet annually during the period 1920- 1929. In addition there is an immediate need of supplemental water supplies for present industrial and agricultural developments in the upper San Francisco Bay region adjoining the delta. The plan for initial development to provide supplemental sui)plies to the upper San Joaquin Valley has been considered in two steps, first, an immediate initial development to provide an average seasonal sup])lemental sujiply of 500,000 to 600,000 acre-feet during a similar ])eriod of run-off such as 1921-1929, and, .second, a complete initial development to furnish a larger supplemental water supply and provide Avith greater certainty for the complete relief of present developed areas, more substantial ground water replenishment, and for .some expansion of irrigated areas on lands adjacent to present develo])ments. The provision of supplemental supplies for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and adjacent areas also would be required under both the immedi- ate and comiJete initial plans of development. The plan for initial develoi)ment in the San Joaquin River Basin involves initial units in the Sacramento River Basin which would be required to provide for the immediate requirements of the delta and adjacent areas and for supplemental water supiilies required in the upper San Joaquin Valley for complete initial development. The units for initial develojunent in the two basins constitute a unified project for the entire Great Central Valley. For the relief of the areas of deficient water supply in the upper San Joaquin Valley, it is pro])osed in the plan for immediate initial development to acquire, by purchase of existing rights, waters of the San Joaquin River now devoted to inferior use on " lands" for pasture, served by diversions from this river above the mouth of the Merced River. The water so acquired together with surplus water of the San Joaquin River would be regulated in Friant Reservoir and conveyed to the areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley through the i\Iadera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals. Based on the period of run-off from .1921 to 1929, sufificient water to meet the present deficiencies could be obtained from this .source for the upper San Joaquin Valley at a cost less than that from any other source. The lu-oi^osed physical Avorks in the San Joacpiin River Basin for ininiediate initial development comprise the following: 1. Friant Reservoir with a gross capacity of 400,000 acre-feet and a usable capacity of 270,000 acre-feet above elevation 467 feet, diversion elevation of San Joaquin River-Kern County canal. 2. San Joa(|uin River-Kern County canal to Kern River with a maximum diversion capacity of 8000 second-feet. n. Madera canal Avitli a maximum capacity of 1500 second-feet. 4. Magunden-Edison i)um])ing .system with a capacity of 20 second- feet. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 57 After providino- an adequate water supply from the San Joaquin River to meet the demands of crop lands now served from this stream above the mouth of the Merced River in accord with present rights, the average seasonal amounts of water that could have been obtained from regulation of surplus and "grass land" waters in Friant Reservoir and delivered through the conduits diverting therefrom would have been of the following amounts for different periods from 1889-1929. Supply for areas served by San Joaquin Supply River-Kern County for Madera Canal, average area, average Total average seasonal amount, seasonal amount, seasonal amount. Period in acre-ftet in acre-feet in acre-feet 1889-1929 851,000 181,000 1,032,000 1909-1929 688,000 151,000 839,000 1917-1929 495,000 107,000 602,000 1919-1929 485,000 108,000 593,000 1921-1929 493,000 108,000 601,000 1924-1929 410,000 90,000 500,000 The allocation of the sup])lemental water supplies furnished from Friant Reservoir to the areas requiring immediate relief on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley would be based not only upon the average deficiencies in supply but also upon the needs for ground water replenishment in the absorptive areas where ground water supi^lies are utilized. If it should prove desirable and necessary to furnish a direct surface supply from imported Avater from the San Joaquin River to lands lying to the east of Tulare Lake in Kings County, now used chiefl.y for the growing of annual crops and having a variable water supply, water would be available for this purpose, however, with a reduction of supply to the other counties. It is estimated that 90,000 acre-feet seasonally would be adequate for the irrigation of the lands noAv cropped. Studies of the operation of Friant Reservoir under the plan of immediate initial development, with the water supplies obtained there- from combined with local supplies in the upper San Joaquin Valley and with regulation of local and imported supplies from the San Joacpiin River effected by underground storage and pumping, show that during the period 1921-1929 the present water requirements would have been fully met and there would have been 1,361,000 acre- feet more water available in the underground reservoirs at the end of tlie period than at the beginning. When water supplies in addition to the amounts made available from the proposed plan of immediate initial development are required in the upper San Joaquin Valley, either for the purpose of more adequately meeting the needs of present developed areas for actual water requirements and ground water replenishment or for expansion of irrigated areas or for both purposes. im]iortation of Sacramento River Basin water will be re(|uired. The additional units required for tliis purpose Avould compi'ise the Sacramento-San Joa<|uin Delta Cross Channel anfl the San Joa(|uin River Pumping System with an initial maximum capacity of oOOO second-feet. It is considered that this Avould be a second step in the initial development and it is believed 58 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES that the construction of the conveyance units required for importa- tion of Sacramento River Basin water to the San Joaquin Valley could be deferred. However, in view of the possibility of the occurrence of seasons or periods of run-off even more subnormal than during the period 1921-1929 and the resulting possible need of supplemental water supplies from the Sacramento River Basin to adequately meet the present needs of developed areas, provision should be made in the plan of financing for the initial development to meet the cost of these additional units. Under the plan of complete initial development water supplies made available from the surplus in the Sacramento River Basin would be conveyed from the delta to Mendota sufficient in amount to pro- vide a full supply for the crop lands now served from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of Merced River. Practically the entire flow of the San Joaquin River at Friant would be regulated in Friant Reservoir for utilization on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. Based on the run-off during the 12-year period 1917-1929, the average seasonal supply from Friant Reservoir would have been 1,366,000 acre-feet. This supply combined with the utilizable supplies from the unregulated local streams in the upper San Joaquin Valley, would amount to 3,574,000 acre-feet average per season and w^ould liave been sufficient to irrigate about one and one-half times the present irrigated area now supplied from local streams on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. Economic cmd Financial Aspects — Consideration of the economic and financial aspects of the initial plan of development in the San Joaquin River Basin must be combined with the initial plan in the Sacramento River Basin because of the dependence of the San Joaquin River Basin upon the Sacramento River Basin for a portion of the water supply required. The units in the two basins comprise a unified project for the entire Great Central Valley. Analyses of cost, antici- jiated revenues and plans of financing have, therefore, been made for the initial State Water Plan in the entire Great Central Valley. In addition to the units in the San Joaquin River Basin, the initial plan of development in the Great Central Valley would include Kennett Reservoir (capacity 2,940,000 acre-feet) and power plants on the Sacramento River and a conduit to convey water from the delta to the upper San Francisco Bay area. Tlie capital and gross annual costs of the proposed units of the initial State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley are shown in the following tabulation. Capital costs include interest at 4^ per cent during construction, and annual costs include interest at 4i per cent, amortization on 4 per cent sinking fund basis in 40 years, depreciation, and operation and maintenance expense. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 59 CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF INITIAL STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY Immediate initial development Complete initial development Item Capital cost Gross annual cost Capital cost Gross annual cost Kennett reservoir and power plant-. $84,000,000 $5,297,000 $84,000,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 15,000,000 14,500,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 100,000 8,000,000 $5,297,000 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta cross channel . 300,000 Contra Costa County conduit . 2,500.000 300,000 300,000 San Joaquin River pumping system 2,500.000 Friant reservoir and power plant _ - 15,500,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 100,000 7,000,000 1,062,000 213,000 2,225,000 18,000 389,000 885,000 213,000 San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal . 2,225,000 Magunden-Kdison pumping svstem _ __ _ 18,000 Water rights and general expense 444,000 Total costs - $138,900,000 $9,504,000 $157,900,000 $12,182,000 Direct revenues would be derived from sale of electric energy and water under the operation of the initial State Water Plan. The anticipated revenues from sale of electric energy and water, based upon the estimated amounts of electric energy and water which would be sold, are set forth in the following tabulation : AVERAGE ANNUAL REVENUES OF INITIAL STATE WATER PLAN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY IN Immediate initial development Complete initial development Source of revenue Annual output, in kilowatt hours Revenue Annual output, in kilowatt hours Revenue Electric energy sales— Kennett, including Keswick 1,591,800,000 105,000,000 $4,218,000 367,000 1,581,100,000 $3,826,000 Friant, river plant- - Friant, Madera Canal plant - . 23,000,000 80,000 Subtotals 1,696,800,000 $4,585,000 1,604,100,000 $3,906,000 Water sales- Annual delivery, in acre-feet Revenue Annual delivery, in acre-feet Revenue Upper San Joaquin Valley--. -- . - - 600,000 43,500 420,000 $1,800,000 300,000 420,000 1,720,000 43,500 420,000 $5,160,000 300,000 Contra Costa Countv-. - - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Sacramento River 420,000 Subtotals 1,063,500 $2,520,000 2,183,500 $5,880,000 Total electric energy and water sales - $7,105,000 $9,786,000 With interest at 4| per cent and amortization of the capital invest- ment in 40 years; the annual cost of the initial State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley exceeds the anticipated revenues from the sale of water and power by over $2,000,000. However, in addition to tbe direct anticipated revenues, it is believed that the large benefits which would accrue to tlie many interests, not only local but also national and state-wide, might reasonably justify the anticipa- tion of direct contributions by the Federal and State governments to defray a portion of the cost of the project. It also is possible that the GO DIVISION OK WATER RESOURCES project could be financed at a lower average rate of interest and witli re])ayinent extended over a longer period than that assumed in the esti- mated gross annual costs as previously presented. Such modifications might reduce the gross annual cost, including interest and amortization on capital expenditures to be directly borne by the project, to such an extent that the revenues would be sufficient to meet the annual carrying charges. The anal.yses of several tentative plans of financing based upon various assumed interest and sinking fund rates, amortiza- tion periods and Federal and State contributions are summarized in the following tabulation : SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 61 o o o sD 00 rx a" E a o 5h u < > .J H z u o ^5 u u ttiZ 0< zS b b O OT M < Q u CO < t2 5^ u.> O 5- izi H ^^ < z < z a: u H H a £ o U o o o e a _o > 4) Q .3 ■o u E E >> nc u C T3 C O z <; z C8 E o CO 3 C C < S o + B O o o o o" — oo -^ »o ^ -^ -- I I + 1 I + + + ^ lO C2 — — o Q. a o O O S o i I = « — ' fc. .2 ■5 a a c 93 "S O o" I I o o + o 00 o_ o o -^ + o o o o o o o o o o" CO ^^ .2 QQ ^ S to 'to -T3 CO •a -a J C 3 ^ T3 C 3. =! ^ •o bC -t3 CO B S .= !^ fi C c: ^ c C "03 C ^ c CO -^ -*d ■*3 e c V 0) s g !-■ B rf 1 D. 5 ■«T ■V CO c< c3 rS rt ■^ c3 CO 03 3 C C B 'Eia aj ■« a. -P.P O 4* O c Bg ^ 2 S M O V ■s. »- B CJ O >> s.s t- B 2 o III B c ^ 2 B Z -i; •«- 2 - « g ^^2 2 ^JJ BiJ Br^-B O. Oo^'5 a "-t. a « S S « 3 Pi*- rt C OJ tj fo g^JJ -^ B « c3 CQ 3-a t: 'O.— . no OS gS -u B 3 f) a o s * " s $ C 62 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Flood Control. Under natural conditions, al)Out one and three-quarters million acres of land in the San Joaquin River Basin is subject to inundation by floods. About half of this flooded area has been protected in vary- ing degree by flood control works, chiefly comprising levees. These works have been constructed almost entirely by local interests. No general plan of flood control has been adopted in the San Joaquin Valley such as that in the Sacramento Valley. More adequate flood protection is needed in many of the areas now partially protected from floods, and flood control works for lands now unprotected will be necessary and desirable. One of the important objectives of the State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin is tlie provision of additional flood protec- tion to reduce flood hazards on the areas subject to flooding. It is ])roposed to reduce flows by surface reservoir regulation, thereby increasing the degree of protection on lands now leveed and reducing the cost of additional levee protection. The reservation of space and its operation for flood control is provided for in most of the major reservoirs. The following tabulation sets forth the streams on which flood control by reservoirs is proposed, the maximum reservoir space required to regulate floods to certain controlled flows, the amounts of these controlled flows and the frequency with M^hich the controlled flows would be exceeded. The operation of these reservoirs for flood control would not materially impair their value for conservation pur- poses, nor materially decrease the amount or value of electric energy generated by water released from them. RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED FOR CONTROLLING FLOODS TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED FLOWS Reservoir Stream Point of control Maximum reservoir space employed, in acre-feet Controlled flow, in second-feet* Nashville Cosumnes River Michigan Bar 56,000 ■121,000 '0 165,000 204,000 214,000 59,000 75,000 80,000 67,000 15,000 Dry Creek Gait 5,000 Pardee M okelumne "River Clements 10,000 Calaveras River Jenny Lind 25,000 Stanislaus River Tuolumne River Knights Ferry 15,001) Don Pedro La Grange 15,000 Merced River Exchequer 25,000 Friant San Joaquin River Friant 15,000 Pine Flat Kings River Piedra 15,000 Isabella Kern River. Bakersfield 7,500 ' Floods which would cause flows in excess of 10,000 second-feet in the Mokelurane River at Clements would l)e diverted from the I'ardee Reservoir to Dry Creek by the Jackson Creek spillway and the water stored in lone Reservoir. » Controlled flow would be exceeded once in 100 years on the average. The operation of the foregoing reservoirs for flood control, employ- ing the reservoir space reserved in each reservoir for the specific ])urpose of controlling floods to the specified flows, would result in a substantial reduction of flood flows at points of concentration along the areas subject to inundation. The following table sets forth, for various points on the San Joaquin River, the crest flood flow exceeded once in 100 years, with and without reservoir control. The flows without reservoir control are those that would obtain with levees constructed along tlie San Joaquin River from Herndon to the delta SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 63 to form a channel of sufficient width to care for these flows and reclaim the remaining land now sii]).iect to overflow. The flows with reservoir control are those that would obtain with the same channel, but with the flood flows from the larger streams controlled by means of regulation to those shown in the foregoing tabulation. If reclama- tion of the valley lands by means of levees were not effected until after the reservoirs with flood control features were completed, a narrower flood channel along the river could be constructed because of the smaller regulated flows. Under this condition, however, the flows might be slightly larger than those shown in the last column of the following tabulation, since the reduction of quantities by storage in the narrower channels might be less and the rate of concentration somewhat greater. FLOOD FLOWS IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WITH AND WITHOUT RESERVOIR CONTROL Point of concentration Crest flood flow in second- feet, exceeded once in 100 years on the average Without reservoir control With reservoir control San Tnaniiin Rivpr hplnw fonfliif>ncp with Merced River 70,000 103,000 133,000 780,000 51,000 San .Tnaniiin Rivpr belnw confluence with Tuolunine River -- _ - 64,000 82,000 Combined concentrations Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers — opposite CoUinsville 595,000 It is estimated that the reduction in flood flows by reservoir control as proposed under the State Water Plan would effect a probable minimum saving of about $18,000,000 in cost of flood protection works in the San Joaquin Valley. Navigation. In the formulation of the State Water Plan for the coordinate development and utilization of the water resources of the Great Central Valley, consideration has been given to the need for water transporta- tion and the feasibility of further improvement of navigation. Within the San Joaquin River Basin, the navigable waterways comprise the main San Joaquin River, the tributary Mokelumne River and many miles of interconnecting natural and artificial channels in the San Joaquin Delta. The Federal Government has recognized these streams as navigable waterways since the seventies and has exercised jurisdic- tion over them, through the Corps of Engineers of the United States War Department, in the interest of improvement and maintenance of navigation. In accord with investigations made by the United States War Department, the portion of the San Joaquin River which is worthy of consideration with a view to further improvement in the interest of navigation lies between Stockton and Mendota. This river offers a potential inland waterway through the heart of the San Joaquin Valley which, if adequately improved, would provide a means of cheap water transportation for the large and increasing volume of tonnage moving to and from the San Joaquin Valley. The lower section of the river below Stockton has been improved to provide dependable navigation for commercial craft and is functioning as one of the most important 04 DIVISIOX OI' WATKH 15KS0UKCES and successful internal waterways in the nation. About one million tons of freight valued at nearlj^ 43 million dollars are moved annually on tliis waterway-. A deep water channel to Stockton, which will accommodate ocean goin^"'.. •-^:t -.' 'id h^^Z Mil,' ;T ■t^y-i^ft^' FORESTED AREA AND STREAM GAGING STATIONS CALIFORNIA SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 69 major streams, however, have drainage areas which do not reach to the crest of the Sierra Nevada. These streams are the Cosumnes, Calaveras, Chowehilla and Fresno rivers. The drainage areas of the 22 minor streams and stream groups are situated in general at lower elevations than those of the major streams. Although the drainage basins of Tejon, Caliente, Poso and Deer creeks reach comparatively high elevations, the greater part of each area is located in the foothills adjacent to the valley floor. The minor streams in the lower San Joaquin Valley,* with the exception of Dry Creek in the Sutter Creek group, are not considered as contributing waters utilizable under the general plan of conservation, as their run-off is comi^aratively small and subject to wide seasonal variations. The esti- mated run-offs from some of the minor streams on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley were considered in computing the inflow to ground water units. The mountain and foothill areas of the basin total 19,000 square miles. Large portions of these areas are covered with a timber growth. These timbered areas are shown on Plate I, "Forested Areas and Stream Gaging Stations in California." The main San Joaquin River rises on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada at elevations in excess of 10,000 feet, flows southwesterly until it debouches from the foothills onto the valley floor, thence westerly to a point midway on the valley floor, where it turns north- westerly and traverses the main valley to its confluence with Sacra- mento River at the head of Suisun Bay. The watershed, above the valley floor, which drains a large area on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in Fresno and ]\Iadera counties, is bounded on the north by that of the Merced and Fresno rivers and on the south by that of the Kings River. It extends eastward to the crest of the Sierra at elevations greater than 13,000 feet at Mt. Lyell and ]\It. Goddard and reaches the valley floor about fifteen miles northerly from Fresno at an elevation of 300 feet. The watershed is extremely rugged in character and the formation of the higher portion is largely granitic. The upper reaches of the river have several large branches, the two principal ones being the Middle and South forks, each of which has its source in the glacial lakes near the summit of the range. Below their confluence they form the main channel of the San Joaquin, a narrow and deep canyon with steep sides until it begins to emerge from the foothills. The North Fork rises on the southern slope of Iron Mountain and flows in a nearly due south direction to its junction with the main stream. Several smaller tributaries join the main river between the South and North forks, Stevenson, Big Rock, Chiquito and Kaiser creeks being the more important. Much of the basin below the timber line is forest covered. As the elevation of the head waters of the river is over 10,000 feet, it is snow-fed throughout a large part of the summer. The Cosumnes River, the most northerly of the San Joaquin Ri\'er tributaries, drains a secondary watershed on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada just south of the American River. The headwaters * In this report, the terms "upper" and "lower" San Joaquin Valley are used to designate southerly and northerly divisions of the valley lying respectively south and north of the Chowehilla River on the east side and a line extending from Mendota to Oro Loma on the west side. 70 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES originate at an altitude of 7700 feet near Alder Hill, a minor peak about fifteen miles west of the main divide, and the stream follows a southwesterly course to its junction with the Mokelumne River in the San Joaquin River delta region about six miles west of Gait. The total length of the watershed is about 70 miles, the lower half of which stretches across the valley plain and contributes very little to the run-oflF of the stream. The length of the basin within the main mountain drainage area is about 35 miles with an extreme width of about eighteen miles. The Mokelumne River drains an area on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in Amador, Alpine and Calaveras counties. The head- Avaters rise in the numerous glacial lakes near the crest of the main divide at an elevation of about 10,000 feet. Round Top, the highest peak on the eastern boundary, reaches an elevation of 10,430 feet. The drainage basin is long and narrow extending from the crest of the Sierra in a southwesterly direction for a distance of 140 miles to its junction with the San Joaquin River about twenty miles northwest of Stockton. The mountain area is well forested except in the east end of the basin, which is above the timber line and characterized by bare granite peaks. Over much of the basin the precipitation in winter is entirely in the form of snow, but elevations even in the highest part of the catchment area are not .sufficient to support per- petual snow fields. The stream flow is well maintained in the early summer, but rapidly falls off during July and August after the snow has gone. The main stream is formed by the junction of its three principal branches — North, Middle and South forks — which unite some five miles above Electra at an elevation of about 1500 feet. The North Fork is the principal tributary. Below this point, the drainage basin is only four or five miles wide and the main stream follows its canyon for about 35 miles until it emerges from the foothills to the valley floor near the town of Clements at an elevation of 100 feet. It then runs westerly across the valley for 30 miles, passing the towns of Lockeford, Lodi and Woodbridge and joining the San Joaquin River near Central Landing. The Cosumnes River and Dry Creek join the Mokelumne River in the San Joaquin delta region before it discharges into the San Joaquin River. The Calaveras River drains a secondary watershed on the lower western slope of the Sierra Nevada situated between the basin of the Mokelumne River on the north and tliat of the Stanislaus River on the south. It rises at an elevation of 5100 feet at the extreme eastern boundary of the watershed about 35 miles west of the main divide of the Sierra Nevada. The two main forks. North and South, join about two miles west of the town of San Andreas to form the main river which flows in a southwesterly direction and joins the San Joaquin River a few miles w^est of Stockton. The original channel ])asses to the north of Bellota, 15 miles nortlieast of Stockton, and extends northwesterly for about nine miles, then turns and runs in a southwesterly direction passing to the north of Stockton before entering the San Joaquin River. Mormon Slough, which l)ranches from the Calaveras River just cast of Bellota, is now considered the main channel of the river. The slough stream bed at this point is several feet lower than the old SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 71 river and only flood waters now enter the original channel. Mormon Slough flows in a southwesterly directionpassing through Stockton and joins the San Joaquin River about one and one-half miles south of the mouth of the original channel. In 1908-10, the Stockton diverting canal was constructed by the United States Government, connecting Mormon Slough with the original channel. This canal, four and one- half miles long, was built for the purpose of diverting a portion of the flood waters of Mormon Slough to the east of Stockton back into the Calaveras River. The extreme length of the Calaveras watershed from the mouth of the river to its eastern boundary is 67 miles, while the greatest width is 20 miles. The lower foothills are covered with a rather sparse growth of oak and brush. At the higher altitudes there is a heavy growth of timber. Most of the precipitation on the watershed occurs in the form of rainfall. The snowfall is generally light and lies on the ground only for short periods. The watershed above Jenny Lind is favorable for high concentration of discharge as demonstrated by the flood of January 31, 1911, which yielded an average run-off for that day of 177 second- feet per square mile. The flow of the Calaveras River is extremely flashy in nature, with floods of short duration, immediately following heaw rainstorms and lasting from one to three days only. The Stanislaus River drains a narrow basin on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada between the watersheds of the Calaveras and Mokelumne rivers on the north and that of the Tuolumne River on the south. The watershed area has a length of approximately 100 miles and an average width of ten miles in the lower half. It spreads out above the junction of its forks to a width of 24 miles at its eastern border along the Sierra crest. The main stream is formed by the junc- tion of North, Middle and South forks at an elevation of about 950 feet, seven miles north of Sonera, from which point it meanders in a south- westerly direction a distance of 35 miles through the foothills and thence 25 miles across the valley floor to its junction with the San Joaquin River about three miles northeast of Vernalis. The watershed slopes from an elevation of over 10,000 feet at the crest of the Sierra Nevada to an ele- vation of about 20 feet at the San Joaquin River. The upper reaches of the basin are characterized by bare granite peaks and precipitous canyons. At lower elevations the ridges and valleys are well covered with timber which gradually gives way to scattering oak and brush as the foothill region is reached. The watershed of the Tuolumne River drains an area on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada lying between the basin of the Stanislaus River on the north and that of the Merced River on the south. The stream has its source in the glacial lakes on the northern slope of Mount Lyell and flows in a southwesterly direction for a distance of about 150 miles to its junction with the San Joaquin River 10 miles west of Modesto. The upper portion of the drainage basin is characterized by plateaus and meadows, but the stream soon drops into a deep canyon cut in the granite formation by glacial action, and follows this gorge for a distance of 80 miles, finally emerging from the foothills onto tl-.o Sail Joaquin Valley floor near the town of La Grange. Elevations of the Avatershed range from 300 feet at the mouth of the canyon near La Grange to over 13,000 feet 72 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUKCES alonj? the crest of the Sierra divide Avhich separates the Tuolumne Basin from the ]\Iono Lake and Walker River watersheds to the east. These hiijher elevations are for the most part granite peaks, but at lower elevations the mountains and valleys are well timbered with several varieties of pine. The foothills are fairly well covered with scrub oak and brush. The principal tributaries of the Tuolumne River enter from the north, and in an upstream order are : Woods Creek, North Fork of Tuolumne River, Clavey River, Cherry, Falls, Rancheria and Return creeks. The Soutli Fork of Tuolumne River with its tributary, the Middle Fork, enters the main stream from the south at about elevation 1800 feet. The Merced River rises at an elevation of about 11,000 feet in the Cathedral and Ritter ranfres west of the head waters of the Tuolumne and San Joaquin rivers in the Sierra Nevada. Elevations in the watershed vary from about 400 feet at the Exchequer Dam to 13,090 feet at the summit of Mt. Lyell. The main river flows for a distance of 135 miles almost in a due westerly direction from its source to its junction with the San Joaquin River, four miles northeast of Newman. After it passes through Yosemite Valley at an elevation of about 4000 feet, it is joined by the South Fork which rises in the vicinity of Merced Peak. The drainao^e basin, lyinj? wholly Avithin Mariposa and Merced counties, is very rugged at the head waters, but is more regular below Yosemite Valley. It has a length of about 65 miles from the crest of the ridge to the valley floor and an average width of 20 to 25 miles. The Chowchilla River drains a secondary watershed on the lower western slope of the Sierra Nevada, lying between the basin of the Merced River on the north and that of the Fresno River on the east and south. It rises at an elevation of about 6000 feet, 50 miles westerly from the crest of the Sierra Nevada, and flows in a south- westerly direction to the valley floor. The channel divides after reaching the plains and water enters the San Joaquin River only at high flow stages. The drainage basin is situated in Mariposa and Madera counties. The upper part of the basin is fairly well forested, and the lower part is covered with scattering trees and The stream rises at a point too far from the of the Sierra and at too low an elevation to be snow fed in the summer months, resulting in a run-off varying from little or no flow to flashy floods. The Fresno River, like the Chowchilla, drains a secondary water- shed of the lower western slope of the Sierra Nevada lying between the ]\Ierced River Avatershed on the north and the San Joaquin River watershed on the south. The watershed has the same general char- acteristics as that of the Chowcliilla River. The Fresno River rises at an elevation of about 7000 feet, 40 miles westerly from the crest of the Sierra Nevada, and flows in a southwesterly direction to the valley floor, thence Avesterly to its junction witli the San Joaquin River northeasterly from Dos Palos. The u])per iK)rtion of the water- shed consists of several branches Avhich come together to form a single chann(?l at Windy Ga]). From this point the stream remains in a well defined r()ck-l)ouii(l channel for scvei-al miles with no tributaries of importance until its junction Avitii Coarse Gold Creek. On the lower reaches the strcambed of Fresno River broadens to a wide sandy SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 73 channel. The stream rises at a point in the Sierra Nevada at an elevation too low to be snow fed in the snmmer months and the natural run-off varies from little or no floAv in late summer to flashj^ floods during the rainy season. The Kings Kiver drains a large area on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in Fresno and Tulare counties. The watershed is situated between the San Joaquin River Basin on the north and that of the Kaweah and Kern River basins on the south. The main stream is formed well up in the mountains by the confluence of the North, Middle and South forks. These branches head in the numerous glacial lakes spread along the crest of the Sierra Nevada, between Mount Goddard, elevation 13,555 feet, on the north and nearly to Mount Whitney on the south, which rises to an elevation of 14.501 feet above sea level, the highest peak in the United States. Above elevation 10,000 feet the drainage basin is very rugged, consisting mainly of granite left bare by glacial action, but below this elevation the moun- tains are well timbered. The main canyon of the river extends southwesterly to a point in the foothills about ten miles northeast of Sanger. Here the river emerges from the foothills to the valley floor, where it has built up a large delta. Most of the discharge reaching the lower part of the delta passes northwesterly through Fresno Slough to the San Joaquin River about two miles north of Mendota. In times of high flood, however, a portion of the discharge flows southerly to Tulare Lake. The watershed has characteristics very similar to that of the San Joaquin River. As nearly 400 square miles of the basin are above elevation 10,000 feet, it is snow fed during a large part of the year. The basin, above the valley floor, has a length of about 50 miles and an average width of about 30 miles. The Kaweah River drains a watershed on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in Tulare County, adjoining that of the Kings River on the north and the Tule River on the south and extending on the east to a secondary ridge, parallel to the main backbone of the Sierra Nevada, called the Great Western Divide, which separates its basin from that of the upper Kern River. The headwaters rise in glacial lakes along the divide near Triple Divide Peak, elevation 12,651 feet. The main stream is formed about ten miles above the head of its delta, by the confluence of the North, Middle and South forks. Below the foothills it divides into several distributaries, which cross the delta fan and enter Tulare Lake near Corcoran. The basin above the lower edge of the foothills is about 26 miles long with an average width of about 20 miles. The Tule River drains a small and somewhat rectangular area on the lower western slope of the Sierra Nevada lying south of the Kaweah River Basin, west of the Kern River Basin and north of the Deer Creek Basin. The headwaters rise at an elevation of about 9500 feet near Sheep Mountain. The main stream is formed by the junction of the North and ]\Iiddle forks about ten miles northeast of its point of emergence from the foothills at Porterville. The South Fork joins the main stream six miles east of this point. Flood waters flow westward through old delta channels to Tulare Lake. The north and south length of the basin is about 25 miles and its average width about fifteen miles. 74 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The Kern River is the most southerly of the large streams rising in the Sierra Nevada and diseliarging into the San Joaquin Valley. Its watershed is situated in Kern and Tulare counties. The basin extends almost due north and south for 90 nliles, with a maximum width of about 30 miles. The northern part of the watershed is divided into two drainage basins by a high rugged central ridge that runs nearh^ due south from the main divide at Cottonwood Pass and terminates north of South Fork Valley just east of Kernville. The western basin is drained by the North Fork and its main tributary, Little Kern, and the eastern basin by the South Fork. The eastern boundary of the basin runs south fi-om Mt. Whitnej^ and is formed by the main backbone of the Sierra Nevada. The western boundary is formed by the Great Western Divide and by its extension, the Green- liorn Mountains. The northern boundary lies on the Kings-Kern Divide and the southern along the terminal ridges of the Sierra Nevada, where they join the Tehachapi Mountains. The main or North Fork of the Kern River heads in the extreme north end of the basin in the Mt. Whitney region and flows southerly for about 80 miles to its junction with the South Fork. The South Fork, which drains the eastern part of the Kern River Basin, flows southward parallel to the eastern boundary and then turns nearly due west to join the main stream. The two parts of the drainage basin differ greatly in topog- raphy. The basin of the North Fork is extremely rugged, while that of the South Fork is rather flat and abounds in meadows situated among irregular chains of hills. The two forks join at Isabella to form the main Kern River, which flows in a southwesterly direction through a deep and rugged canyon for about 31 miles, and then emerges abruptly onto the valley floor about twelve miles east of Bakersfield. From this point its course is westerly to Buena Vista Lake. The rocks of most of the region are granitic, but the granite formation is most noticeable in the barren and arid ridges of the southern part of the basin, and in the glaciated higher peaks. The southern and eastern parts of the basin are sparsely covered with juniper and chaparral, but above Kernville the growth improves gen- erally and at some points the forest cover is excellent. About 47 per cent of the North Fork drainage area lies above elevation 8000 feet whereas 76 per cent of the South Fork lies below that elevation. The effect of this difference in elevation is reflected in the run-off record, for although it drains approximately one-half the total area, the North Fork yields about 75 per cent of the mean seasonal run-off. Altitudes in the Kern River Basin range from a few hundred feet at the mouth of the river's lower canyon to more than 14,000 feet on the headwaters. More than 50 peaks in tlie basin exceed 13,000 feet in elevation and many of the lakes which feed the upper stream are at an altitude of 11,000 feet or more. The watershed areas above the lower edge of the foothills for each of the major streams of the San Joaquin River Basin, between various elevations, are set forth in Table 1. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 75 TABLE 1 DISTRIBUTION OF DRAINAGE AREAS OF THE MAJOR STREAMS OF THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN ABOVE THE LOWER EDGE OF THE FOOTHILLS BY ZONES OF ELEVATION River Cosumnes, above Michigan Bar. Mokelumne, above Clements Calaveras, above Jenny Lind Stanislaus, above Knights Ferry Tuolumne, above La Grange Merced, above Merced Falls Chowchilla, above Buchanan Fresno, above edge of foothills. . San Joaquin, above Friant Kings, above Piedra Kaweah, above Three Rivers... Tule, above Porterville Ke rn, above Bakersfield Below 2,500 feet 238 121 301 223 248 191 161 167 182 283 61 142 102 Area, in square miles Between 2,500 and 5,000 feet 212 194 90 205 375 317 72 89 227 201 141 117 572 Between 5,000 and 10,000 feet 84 317 3 541 805 494 5 14 925 824 275 131 1,470 Above 10,000 feet 14 115 52 297 386 37 266 Totals 534 632 394 983 1,543 1,054 238 270 1.631 1,694 514 390 2,410 The San Joaquin Valley floor is a comparatively level area except for an isolated group of hills along its southwestern edge called the Kettleman Hills. The valley is about 270 miles long from the mouth of the San Joaquin Eiver to the edge of the foothills south of Bakers- field and averages 50 miles wide. Elevations range from a few feet below sea level in the San Joaquin River Delta to 1500 feet at the edge of the foothills in the southern end of the valley. The area of the valley floor is about l^i}DD_square miles including the San Joaquin Valley portion of the delta formed at the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. The main valley floor contains a gross area of agricultural lands of about 11,300 square miles, and the San Joaquin Valley portion of the delta about 436 square miles. The valley floor, by reason of physiographic characteristics, falls naturally into three divisions, the area south of the upper San Joaquin River, the area between the upper San Joaquin River and the delta and the delta region. The delta division comprises the delta proper or the low marsh and peat lands, which in their natural condition were subject to tidal overflow, and the bordering alluvial rim-lands subject to occa- sional inundation from flood waters. The area between the delta and upper San Joaquin River is divided on the east side of the main river by the major tributary channels. The west side is fairly smooth, except for occasional minor stream channels or draws. Upstream from the mouth of the Merced River, bordering the main San Joaquin River on the west for a width of several miles, is a strip of territory traversed bj^ the winding courses of scores of slough channels, some of which are as large as the main San Joaquin River channel itself, and in time of floods carry the major portion of the stream flow. Immediately south of the San Joaquin River is a natural ridge or barrier formed by the Kings River Delta on the east side of the valley trough, and to a minor extent by deposit from Panoche Creek on the west. In the depression south of fhis ridge is Tulare Lake which receives the surplus flow of all streams south of Kings River. Part of the surplus Kings River run-olf flows north through Fresno Slough to the San Joaquin River and part south to Tulare Lake. In its natural 7G DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES condition Tulare Lake covered an area varyinp: from a few square niiies in dry cycles to about 760 square miles in wet ones. Reclamation by levees now restricts the submerged area to smaller tracts under normal run-off conditions. South of Kern River Delta a similar shallow but smaller lake stores surplus flood waters of Kern River. The area of this lake also has been restricted by levees, which cause excess water to drain north to Tulare Lake through an artificially deepened and leveed channel. A delta also has been built up by the Kaweah River immediately south of the Kings River Delta. It does not extend westward a sufficient distance, however, to form a barrier in the valley trough. Precipitation. Data on the precipitation in the 8an Joaquin River Basin have been collected, compiled and published by the United States Weather Bureau and its predecessor, the Army Signal Corps, for about 150 stations for varying periods. Some of the earlier stations established have been discontinued. The longest record available is at Stockton, which has been kept continuously since 1867. A number of these rainfall records date back to the early 70s and are of great value in estimating the probable water yield of the San Joaquin River Basin during the period prior to the commencement of stream flow measurements by the United States Geological Survey. During a previous investigation * a careful study and analysis were made of precipitation records of the entire State. Inquiry was made into the geographical distribution, magnitude and variation of occurrence, both seasonal and periodic, of precipitation in all sections of the State. An important part of the study was the relation of precipitation in any one season to normal or mean precipitation. From the results of the study the State was divided into 26 precipitation groups or divisions, having similar precipitation characteristics. These are shown by the blue lines on Plate II, "Geographical Distribution of Precipitation in California," and have been identified by letters of the alphabet. Eight of the divisions (K, L, P. Q. R, S, T and V) lie entirely or partly in the San Joaquin River Basin. A list of the precipitation stations in the San Joaquin River Basin, compiled and published by the United States Weather Bureau, and the period of 7-ecord at each station are set forth in Table 2. In general, the periods of record are continuous between the dates shown. However, there is an occasional month, in which it is believed there was some precipi- tation, for which records are missing for certain stations. In calcu- lating the num1)or and fractions of years of available records, no deduc- tions were made for these montlis. Tlie locations of these stations are also shown on Plate II. The solid red dots indicate stations at which records are now being obtained, and open red circles those which have been discontinued. * Bulletin No. 5, '•Plow in California Streams," Division of Engineering and Irri- gation, State Department of Public \Vorks, 1923. 7G DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES condition Tulare Lake covered an area varying from a few square miles in dr}' cycles to about 760 square miles in wet ones. Reclamation by levees now restricts tbe submerged area to smaller tracts under normal run-oif conditions. South of Kern River Delta a similar sliallow but smaller lake stores surplus flood waters of Kern River. The area of this lake also has been restricted by levees, which cause excess water to drain north to Tulare Lake through an artificially deepened and leveed channel. A delta also has been built up by the Kaweah River immediately soutli of the Kings River Delta. It does not extend westward a sufficient distance, however, to form a barrier in the valley trough. Precipitation. Data on the precipitation in the San Joaquin River Basin have been collected, compiled and published by the United States Weather Bureau and its predecessor, the Army Signal Corps, for about 150 stations for varying periods. Some of the earlier stations established have been discontinued. The longest record available is at Stockton, which has been kept continuously since 1867. A number of these rainfall records date back to the early 70s and are of great value in estimating the probable water yield of the San Joaquin River Basin during the period prior to the commencement of stream flow measurements by the United States Geological Survey. During a previous investigation * a careful study and analysis Avere made of precipitation records of the entire State. Inquiry was made into the geographical distribution, magnitude and variation of occurrence, both seasonal and periodic, of precipitation in all sections of the State. An important part of the study was the relation of precipitation in any one season to normal or mean precipitation. From the results of the study the State was divided into 26 precipitation groups or divisions, having similar precipitation characteristics. These are shown by the blue lines on Plate II, "Geographical Distribution of Precipitation in California," and have been identified by letters of the alphabet. Eight of the divisions (K, L, P, Q. R, S, T and V) lie entirely or partly in the San Joaquin River Basin. A list of the precipitation stations in the San Joaquin River Basin, compiled and published by the United States Weather Bureau, and the period of iTCord at each station are sot forth in Table 2. In general, the periods of record are continuous between the dates shown. However, there is an occasional month, in w^hich it is believed there was some precipi- tation, for wliicli records are missing for certain stations. In calcu- lating the number and fractions of years of available records, no deduc- tions were made for months. Tiie locations of these stations are also shown on Plate II. The solid red dots indicate stations at which records are now being obtained, and open red circles those which have been discontinued. • Bulletin No. 5, '"Flow in California Streams," Division of Engineering and Irri- gation, State Department of Public Works, 1923. #;r LEGEND precipitation Stations Mean annual precipitation ^ Active I 1 Less than 10 'nches ITTTn 50 to 60 inches O Discontinued PTTjl !0 to 20 inches p^ 60 to 70 inches ^3 20 to 30 inches ^3 70 to 80 inches [23 30 to 40 inches ^g 80 to 90 inches CD Precipitation Divisions ^5 40to50.nches ^ 90 tolOOinches ■■ More than 100 inches A ..d3--./f<, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION IN CALIFORNIA SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 77 TABLE 2 PRECIPITATION STATIONS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Records published by U. S. Weather Bureau Station Precipitation Division K- Oleta* Drytown* _- lone* Sutter Creek* Jackson* Jackson (near)* _. Kennedy Mine _. Tamarck* Bear River* Mitchell Mill* West Point Mill Creek No. 1 Electra Mokelumne Hill* Lancha Plana Wallace Valley Springs* Jenny Lind Milton* .-_-_ Calaveras Ranger Station*. Angels Camp* Melones* American Camp* Penstock Camp* Long Camp* Phoenix Dam* Sonora Jamestown* Jacksonville* Groveland* La Grange Merced Falls Dudleys Kinsley* Crockers* Lake Eleanor Hetch-Hetchy Yosemite Glacier Point* Summerdale* Mariposa Gait*. Elliot Clements Bellota Farmington* Oakdale* Oakdale (near) Denair (Elmwood) (Ehndale). Precipitation Division L— Antioch Brentwood*. Byron* Tracy* Lathrop. Stockton No. 1 . -Stockton No. 2_ Lodi Rio Vista Bensons Ferry.. Precipitation Division P— Modesto Stream Basin Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Mokelumne River. Bear Creek Calaveras River... Calaveras River... Rock Creek Stanislaus River... Stanislaus River. _. Stanislaus River... Stanislaus River... Stanislaus River... Tuolumne River.. . Tuolumne River... Tuolunane River... Tuolumne River... Tuolumne River. .- Tuolumne River... Westley* Tuolurone River Merced River Merced River Merced River Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Merced River Merced River Merced River Mariposa Creek San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor- San Joaquin Valley Floor- San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin San Joaquin Valley Floor. Valley Floor . San Joaquin Valley Floor.. San Joaquin Valley Floor.. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin Valley Floor. Valley Floor. Valley Floor. Valley Floor. Valley Floor. Period of Record San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. July, Dec, Jan., July, Sept., Nov., Jan., Mar., Jan., July, Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., July, July, Jan., Jan., July, Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Mar., Jan ., Nov., Sept., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., I Oct., Jan., Jan., Jan., July, Nov., Oct., Jan., Jan., Jan., July, Jan., July, July, Jan., Jan., Oct., Mar., Jan., Jan., July, June, Feb., June, Jan., (July, i June, [July, Jan., July, Jan., July, Jan., Jan., jJan., 'July, Jan., 1891-June, 1891-Sept., 1878-Dec., 1887-Jan., 1877-June, 1891-Oct., 1892 -June, 1900-Aug., 1906-June, 1907-June, 1915-Sept., 1894-June, 1907-June, 1904-June, 1882-June, 1926-June, 1926-Jiine, 1888-Dec., 1907-June, 1888-Oct., iei6-Dec., 1908-Nov., 1907-June, 1915-Jan., 1907-Aug., 1909-April, 1908-Dec., 1887-June, 1903- July, 1907-Dec., 1904-April, 1868-June, 1908-June, 1907 -June, 1909-June, 1915-Nov., 1896-April, 19C9-June, 19 10 -June, 1904-June, 1920-Oct., 1896-Sept., 1908-June, 1878-Dec., lS26-June, 1926-June, 1911-June, 1877-Dec., 1880-May, 1918-June, 1899-June, 1902 1906 1915 1899 1886 1903 1929 19031 19271 1914 1916 1929 1929 1929 1927 1929 1929 1915 1929 1928 1920 1915 1927 1917 1910 1911 1916 1929 1915 1917 1916 19001 1929! 1929 1929 1916 1910 1929 1929 1929 1923 1912 1929 1915 1929 1929 1929 1915 1918 1929 1929 1879-June, 1890-Dec., 1897-Dec., 1890-Dec., 1897-Dec., 1879-Dec., 1877-Dec., 1897-Nov., 1909-June, 1867-June, 1926-June, 1888-Sept., 1926-June, 1893- June, 1918-June, 1929 1894 1899 1894 1905 1915 18941 1899 1929) 1929 1929 1912! 1929 1929 1929 1871-Dec., 1915 1927-June, 1929 1889-Dec., 1915 Record available to June 30, 1929, in years 11 14M 38 11^^ 8?4 12 37H 25 7 1% 351^ 22>^ 25^ 45^ 3 3 28 22^ 40H 5 8 20J^ 2 24 SH 41M 11 12V^ 22H 2Wi 2 13'^ 19-' 3 18M 25}^ 3Ji 16Ji 21 38 3 3 18}^ 3£ 372.^ 11' 3 30,Vi 1 37 40 62>^ 3 21% 36H IIH 47 27 * Discontinued in U. S. Weather Bureau publications. 78 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 2 — Continued PRECIPITATION .STATIONS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Records published by U. 5. Weather Bureau Station Precipitation Division P — Continued Newman Turlock Livingston*..- Merced Le Grand LosBanos Orestimba* __ Precipitation Division Q— Raymond* -.. , Poilasky* Friant.... North Fork Crane Valley Huntington Lake. _ _ Big Creek (Cascada) Stevenson Creek* Auberry Balch Camp Dinkey Meadow Helm Creek (Hobbler's Camp) Cliff Camp.... Dunlap* Hume* Piedra Athlone* Minturn* Firebaugh Mendota* Berenda* Madera (Storey) Borden* v.. Clovis (near) Helm McMullin* Fresno Sanger* Kings River Reedley* Selma* Kingsburg (near) Dinuba Huron* Lemoore* Goshen* Traver* Westhaven.. Hanford Visaiia Precipitation Division R— Lemonco ve Lime Kiln* Three Rivers Ash Mountain Giant Forest Milo* Springville (near) Hot Springs GlenviUe (near) Weldon* Kernville Stream Basin San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor. Fresno River San Joaquin River. San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River Kings River Kings River Kings River Kings River Kings River Kings River Kings River San Joaquin Valley Flooi San Joaquin Valley Flooi San Joaquin Valley Flooi San Joaquin Valley Flooi San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin Sau Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi V'alley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi Valley Flooi V'alley Floor Kaweah River. Kaweah River. Kaweah River. Kaweah River. Kaweah River. Tule River Tule River Deer Creek Poso Creek Kern River Kern River Period of Record Jan., Jan., ' Aug., /Nov., [Jan., Jan., June, Jan., \Jan., Feb., J889-June, 1929 1879-Dec., 18991 1920-June, 1929; 1885-Sept., 18981 1921-Nov., 1922 1 1872-June, 1929 1899-June, 1929 1873-Dec., 19151 1926-June, 1«29/ 1899-May, 1899 Mar., (June, \Jan., /Jan., \Jan., Mar., July, July, July. April, July, July, Nov., Jan., Nov., Jan., Jan., Jan., Dec, Jan., /Jan., {Jan., Jan., Mar., \June, June, May, Jan., Dec., Jan., July, Jan., Jan., Aug., Jan., fJuly IJan., /June, (Jan., Oct., July, July. /Dec, !Aug., Jan., June, [July, IJan., Jan., June, July, Julv, July, April, Oct., Jan., July, Jan., Jan., 1899-Oct., 1897-Dec., 1907-Dec., 1897-Dec., 1906-June, 1904 -June, 1903-June, 1915-June, 1915-June, 1916-Dec., 1915-June, 1926-June, 1921- June, 1922-June, 1921-June, 1912-Dec., 1914-Dec.. 1917-June, 1885-May, 1899-Dec., 1873-June, 1907-June, 1894-Nov., 1889 -Dec, 1897-Dec., 1899-June, 1875-Dec., 1917-June, 1927-June, 1895-Fcb., 1881-June, 1889-Dec., 1929-June, 1899-June, 1886-Dec., 1879-Dec., 1928-June, 1897-Dec., 1909-June, 1891-Oct., 1879 -Dec, 1887-Oct., 1885-Dec., 1897-Dec., 192ti-June, 1899-Juue, 1877-June, 1888-June, 1899-June, 1898-Oct., 1909-June, 1826-June, 1921-June, 1898-May, 1907-June, 1907-June, 1909-June, 1904-Dec., 1894-June, 1900 19031 1911j 1903 \ 1929 [ 1929 1929 1929 1929 1917 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1915 1915 1929 1898 1899 1886 1929/ 1908 1894 1 1899 i 1929 1895 1929 1929 1898 1929 1915 1929 1923 1915 1900 \ 1929; 18991 1929/ 1905 1901 1902 1894 \ 1899] 1929 1929 18861 1929/ 1929 1898 1929 1929 1929 1922 1929 1929 1929 1906 1929 Record available to June 30. 1929,in years * Discontinued in U. S Weather Bureau publications. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 79 TABLE 2— Continued PRECIPITATION STATIONS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Records published by U. S. Weather Bureau Station Precipitation Division R— Continued Isabella* Mt. Breckenridge* Caliente* Delano* Precipitation Division S — Exeter* Lindsay Porterville Tulare* Tulare (near)* Angiola Wasco -. Famosa* Bakersfield Calloway Canal* Edison (near) Bear Valley No. 1* Precipitation Division T — Coalinga Alcalde* Antelope Valley Idria Dudley Middlewater Maricopa Pattiwav Fort Tejon* Precipitation Division V— Keene* Girard* Tehachapi Tejon Ranch Stream Basin Kern River _. Kern River Caliente Creek. _ . San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor, San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor. San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor Sycamore Canyon San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor Panoche Creek San Joaquin Valley Floor, San Joaquin Valley Floor San Joaquin Valley Floor Bitter Creek Grape Vine Creek Caliente Creek Caliente Creek Caliente Creek Tejon Creek Period of Record Feb., 1896-June, 1910 Jan., 1897-Aiig., 1897 Jan., 1876-Dec., 1915 Jan., l'87t)-Dec., 1908 Mar., July, Jan., Mar., Jan., July, July, Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Aug., July, Jan., Jan., July, July, Dec, Feb., /July, \Jan., /Jan., Jan., Dec, July, Jan., July, April, 1892-Dec., 1899 1914-June, 1929 1889- June, 1929 1874-Dec., 1914 1893-Oct., 1909 1899-June, 1929 1899 -June, 1929 1897-Aug., 1897 1889-June, 1929 1895-Feb., 1899 1904-June, 1929 1897-Jan., 1916 1912-June, 1929 1888-July, 1893 1911-June, 1929 1918-June, 1929 1912-June, 1929 1911-June, 1929 1911-June, 1929 1915-June, 1929 1895-Dec., 1901 Record available to June 30, 1929,inyears lil4 H 40 33 7M 15 40H 408/i 163^ 30 30 19 173^ 5 18 11^ 173^ 18 18 13J^ 7 1879-June, 1806-Dec., 1889-Dec, 1897-Dec., 1876-Dec., 1926-June, 1894-May, 1898-Dec. 1909-June, 1902 \ 1912/ 1894\ 1899/ 1915\ 1929] 1896 1906 1929 30 9 42 31« •Discontinued in U. S. Weather Bureau publications. \i 80 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Jn the previous investigration tlie precipitation in a particular sea- son at a station Avas expressed by a number representing the precipita- tion in per cent of normal and defined as the "index of seasonal wetness." The indices for each division were calculated from precipi- tation records at stations within the division. For stations with missing records, indices were estimated from records at other stations within the same or adjacent divisions. The index for each season in a particular division wa's taken as the arithmetical mean of the indices of seasonal wetness of the several stations in that division. Indices were calculated for the 26 precipitation divisions for the period 1871 to 1921. Precipitation division "K" embraces the western slope of the Sierra Nevada and the ea.stern portion of the San Joaquin Valley floor adjacent thereto, from the drainage basin of Cosumnes River on the north to that of the Chowchilla River on the south and that portion of the eastern slope of the Sierra draining into Mono Lake. Precipitation division "L" includes that part of the San Francisco Bay drainage basin in Alameda, San Mateo and Contra Costa counties, the drainage basins of the small streams on the west side of the San Joaquin River Basin and the western part of the valley floor in Contra Costa, Alameda, San Joaquin and the northern portion of Stanislaus counties. Precipitation division "P" includes the drainage basins of the small streams on the west side of the valley and the western portion of the valley floor in the southern part of Stanislaus and the northern part of Merced counties. Precipitation division "Q" covers the drainage basins of the streams draining the western slope of the Sierra Nevada from the Daulton Creek Group on the north to the Kings River on the south, the eastern part of the valley floor adjacent thereto and the northern portion of the Owens River drainage basin on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada. Precipitation division "R" includes the western slope of the Sierra Nevada from the drainage basin of the Kaweah River on the north to that of Kern River on the south and the southern portion of the Owens River drainage ba.sin on the ea.stern slope of the Sierra Nevada. Precipitation division "S" contains the southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley floor lying in Kings, Tulare and Kern counties. Precipitation division "T" includes the drainage basins of the minor streams on the western side of the San Joaquin Valley from Panoche Creek on the north to Muddy Creek on the south. Precipitation division "V" covers the nortliern slope of the Tehachapi Mountains and contains the drainage basins of the minor streams from Caliente Creek on the east to San Emigdio Creek on the west. In the present investigation, the indices of seasonal wetness for the precipitation divisions of the San Joacpiin River l?a,sin were calculated for the seasons 1921-1929, by the same method used in the previous investigation. The normal for the period, 1871-1921, was used for^ each station in making the extensions. In precipitation division "V' the rainfall records at all stations used in Bulletin No. 5 were dis- continued. This made the substitution of additional stations necessary! and indices were recomputed for the 50-year period. In division! "T" the addition of several new stations within the San Joaquin Riverj Basin made the recomputation of the indices advisable. The indices of seasonal wetness for precipitation divisions in the San Joaquinl River Basin for the period 1871-1929 are shown in Table 3. These] SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 81 indices are useful not only in showing the variation of precipitation by seasons durinj; the 58-year period, but also in estimating the run-off from ujimeasured streams and measured streams with missing records. A review of the data on indices of seasonal wetness in Table 3 shows that there is a Avide variation in precipitation from season to season at any particular station and also that there are wet and dry periods Avhich have occurred throughout the basin. The period from 1916 to 1929 was one of low precipitation. The precipitation in a majority of the seasons in that period was less than normal. The variation in mean seasonal precipitation throughout the State is deline- ated on Plate II. On this plate, each type of shading represents areas having a mean seasonal precipitation within the limits set forth in the legend. 6—80997 82 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 3 INDICES OF SEASONAL WETNESS FOR SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Season Index of wetness in division K 1871-72. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1874-75. 1875-76. 1876-77. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-82 _ 1882-83. 1883-84. 1884-85 . 1885-86. 1886-87. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1895-96. 1896-97 1897-98. 1898-99. 1899-00. 1900-01. 1901-02. 1902-03. 1903-04. 1904-05. 1905-06. 1906-07. 1907-08- 1908-09. 1909-10 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1913-14. 1914-15. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22. 1922-23. 1923-24. 1924-26. 1925-26. 1926-27. 1927-28. 1928-29. 122 130 119 86 79 91 87 86 87 61 69 83 154 131 123 34 43 30 112 129 108 78 79 59 105 99 98 87 107 94 85 69 65 88 87 92 135 125 158 67 66 71 129 115 133 68 70 50 64 78 59 74 98 74 174 192 178 86 86 80 90 91 93 132 139 130 122 111 81 148 147 137 104 106 100 124 112 111 62 57 48 89 91 73 103 1C4 106 129 121 134 97 91 86 108 99 100 108 105 73 108 124 135 139 120 144 148 144 160 64 72 74 119 124 114 98 93 99 133 121 125 62 64 65 58 52 48 117 128 152 114 126 145 94 120 136 82 78 83 77 53 94 89 105 100 76 66 82 110 98 120 106 103 129 106 102 109 47 47 49 115 117 110 76 87 92 105 104 100 90 87 83 76 67 85 119 74 100 64 124 60 109 41 134 122 69 85 178 78 169 67 92 153 79 102 101 83 119 82 107 56 82 102 137 75 81 81 132 148 131 81 113 95 132 73 66 123 124 123 88 91 81 91 95 124 101 48 108 78 80 R 120 75 101 64 126 53 140 25 137 96 83 88 181 71 123 86 60 78 119 87 107 94 88 139 91 125 54 73 82 119 97 97 71 118 169 123 90 165 102 103 76 67 135 111 153 98 62 88 99 92 102 98 48 119 76 111 77 87 119 74 100 64 124 43 100 36 90 118 56 72 138 66 110 72 74 89 130 83 96 95 58 122 81 114 62 81 104 127 96 78 78 147 189 131 109 142 104 117 85 79 131 174 121 107 80 109 106 119 144 97 63 112 82 129 98 91 79 56 84 82 138 28 137 65 123 80 80 81 189 66 146 75 100 119 192 91 70 143 44 103 84 101 35 66 71 130 81 86 73 132 118 153 100 146 97 163 90 61 149 161 107 87 110 86 76 79 126 74 58 66 93 112 69 69 * Indices for di\'isions T and V are computed for and apply particularly to those portions of these divisions lying in the San Joaquin River Basin. ' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 83 From Plate II it may be seen that there is considerable difference in the values of the mean seasonal precipitation in various portions of the San Joaquin River Basin. The mean seasonal precipitation varies from 50 inches in the mountains at the northern end of the basin to less than 10 inches at the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley floor. In general, the precipitation decreases from north to south and increases with the elevation in the Sierra Nevada up to a maximum at an elevation of about 6000 feet and decreases slightly above this elevation to the crest of the mountains. The precipitation on the eastern slope of the Coast Range Mountains draining toward the San Joaquin River Basin is less than at the same elevation of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. Precipitation in the San Joaquin River Basin has large monthly variations. With the exception of occasional summer showers in the mountain areas, practically all of the precipitation occurs during the months of September to May, inclusive. About ninety per cent occurs during the montlis of November to April, inclusive. There is little or no rainfall on the valley floor between May and September, the period of greatest irrigation demand. The entire seasonal precipitation on the valley floor contributes only a fraction of the water supply required for the consumptive use of the average crops produced in the San Joaquin Valley. Precipitation on the higher mountain areas occurs in the form of snow during the winter months. This snow packs down, does not melt until late spring or early summer months, and produces the same effect in run-off' as though the precipitation had been extended beyond the usual rainy season. Run -off. The most reliable knowledge of the run-off of the San Joaquin River Basin is derived from stream flow measurements. The first stream flow records were obtained during the period 1878-1884, under the direction of William Ham. Hall, State Engineer. Measurements and estimates were made of the run-off for the following streams in the San Joaquin River Basin : San Joaquin River at Hamptonville, Kern River at Rio Bravo Ranch, Caliente Creek at base of foothills, Poso Creek at base of foothills, White River at base of foothills. Deer Creek at base of foothills, Tule River at Porterville, Kaweah River at Wutchumna Hill, Kings River at Slate Point, Fresno River at base of foothills, Chowchilla River at base of foothills, Mariposa Creek at base of foothills, Bear Creek at base of foothills, Merced River at Merced Falls, Tuolumne River at Modesto, Stanislaus River at Oakdale, Calaveras River at Bellota, Mokelumne River at Lone Star Mill, Dry Creek at base of foothills and Cosumnes River at Live Oak Suspension Bridge. These activities were discontinued after 1884. Beginning in the nineties, gaging stations were established on the more important streams in the San Joaquin River Basin by the United States Geological Survey. Since 1903 these stations have been main- tained by the Geological Survey in cooperation with the State. The oldest station in the basin for which a continuous record of run-off is available to date is that on the Kern River near Bakersfield, established September 29, 1893 and still maintained by the Kern County Land and Water Company. This gives a continuous 36-year record of run-off 84 DIVISION OF WATER RKSOUKCES from October, 1S93, to October, li)2i). Otlier .stations Avere progres- sively establislied and at the jiresent time are maintained on all the major streams and many of their tribntaries. In 1929, stream flow records were available from 89 of the United States Geoloj^ical Survey stations. During the 1929-3980 seasons five stations were established or reestablished in the San Joaquin liiver Basin by that agency. In addition to the records from stations maintained by, or others made available through United States Geological Survey, there are a number from stations maintained by power companies and irrigation districts on streams, canals or reservoirs which are of value, particularly in estimating diversions and use from the various streams. The stations of greatest value in estimating the available water supply of the San Joaquin Eiver Basin are those maintained on the major streams at or near the line where the foothills meet the valley floor. These stations at the foothill line furnish data on the run-off of the mountain and foothill areas which may be made available for use in the valley. The United States Geological Surve.y gaging stations in the San Joa- ([uin River Basin established prior to September 80, 1929, are shown in Table 4. In the table are given for each station, the name of the stream, location of the gaging station, the tributary drainage area, where known, and the period of stream flow record. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 85 TABLE 4 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Established prior to September 30, 1929 Stream Kern River Kern River and Kern No. 3 Canal Kern River Kern River Kern River and Borel Canal Kern River Kern River No. 3 Canal Salmon Creek Kern River Power Co.'s Canal Borel Canal South Fork of Kern River South Fork of Kern River Erskine Creek Thomas Ditch Lowell Ditch Basin Creek Tejon House Creek San Emigdio Creek Poso Creek WTiite River -.. Deer Creek Tyler Creek North Fork of Middle Fork of tule River Tule River S. Fork of Middle Fork of Tule River. Bear Creek South Fork of Tule River Kaweah River Kaweah River North Fork of Kaweah River South Fork of Kaweah River Kings River Kings River Kings River Kings River - North Fork of Kings River _ _ North Fork of Kings River North Fork of Kings River North Fork of Kings River Helm Creek Rancheria Creek Dinkey Creek Dinkey Creek Dinkey Creek Deer Creek Big Creek Tulare Lake South Fork of San Joaquin River Scuth Fork of San Joaquin River San Joaquin River __- San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River San Joaquin River Florence Lake Tunnel Bear Creek Mono Creek Middle Fork of San Joaquin River North Fork of San Joaquin River Iron Creek West Fork of Granite Creek -_- Granite Creek Middle Fork of Granite Creek East Fork of Granite Creek Jackass Creek Station name Near Kernville Near Kernville At Kernville At Isabella.. . . 1,22C At Isabella Near Bakersfield. 2,410 Near Kernville. _ . Near Kernville . - .At Kernville .. .. At Tillev Creek Near Onyx At Isabella Near Isabella . Near Onvx . .. . Near Onvx Near Havilah At Tejon ranch house At San Emigdio ranch house.. Near Bakersfield Near Hot Springs At Hot Springs Near Hot Springs Near Springville. Near Porterville Near Springville Near Springville Near Porterville Near Three Rivers .At McKay Pt. near Lemoncove. At Kaweah Near Three Rivers Near Hume Above North Fork At Piedra (near Sanger) At Kingsburg Below Meadowbrook Near Cliff Camp Below Rancheria Creek Above Dinkey Ci eek At Sand Meadow Near Smith Meadow Near Ockenden At Dinkey Meadows At mouth Below East Fork Near Tollhouse In Kings County. Near Florence Lake Near Hoffman Meadow Above Big Creek Near North Fork Near Friant At Herndon . Near Newman Near Vernalis At Lathrop- At intake . Near Vermillion Valley.. Near Vermillion Valley. . At Miller Bridge Below Iron Creek At mouth - Near Timber Knob Near Cattle Mountain.. Near Cattle Mountain. . Near Cattle Mountain.. Near Jackass Meadow.. Area of drainage ba.sin, in square miles 845 845 36 17 54 247 33 11 264 74 514 835 952 1,694 1,742 35 174 225 246 34 22 51 136 21 171 428 1,060 1,631 1,637 53 93 251 37 54 14 Period of stream flow record Jan. Oct. Jan. /Oct. \Oct. Cot. Sept. Mar. Feb. Jan. 'Jan. lOct. /Sept. \Jan. Jan. Feb. April April Feb. Jan. Sept. Mar. Jan. Oct. Jan. 1, 1912- 1, 1620- l, 1905- 5, 1910- 1, 1925- 1, 1925- 29, 1893- 7, 1921- 19, 1922- 1, 1910- 1, 1910 1, 1925 12, 1911- 23, 1919- 1, 1929- 7, 1911 11, 1929 11, 1929- 8, 1911- 1, 1895 1, 1894- 21, 1920- 18, 1911- 7, 1910- 16,1911- Jan. 1, 1909 April 8, 19C1 Jan. 1, 1909 Jan. 23, 1911 Oct. 10, 1910 April 29, 1903 Oct. 1, 1918 Oct. 12, 1910 Sept. 18, 1911 Aug. 28, 1921 Mar. 16, 1927 Sept. 3, 1895 May 1, 1896 Oct. 1, 1921 Aug. 25, 1921 Mar. 8, 1927 Dec. 26, 1919 Oct. 22, 1922 Oct. 1, 1924 Sept. 17, 1910 Oct. 27, 1921 Jan. 7, 1920 Oct. 1, 1923- Mar. 21, 1911 June 6, 1906 Dec. 29, 1921 Nov. 17, 1921- -Aug. 11, 1912- Mar. 25, 1922 April 1, 1910 Oct. 18, 1907- Jan. 1, 1895 .\pril29, 1912- July 29, 1922- Oct. 1, 1920- April 13. 1925- Nov. 29, 1921- Nov. 25, 1921- Oct. 12, 1921- 1, 1920 1, 1922 1, 1922- 2, 1921- 17, 1922 1, 1922- 1. 1921- Oct. Oct. Jan. Dec. Feb. Jan. Dec. -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Aug. 31 -Sept. 30, -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Nov. 30 -Dec. 31 -May 26, -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30, -Sept. 30 -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30 -Dec. 31 -Oct. 25 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -July 7 -Sept. 30 -Sept .30 -Sept. 30 -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30 -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sent. 30 -Sept. 30 -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -July 15 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 ■Sept. 30 -July 18 -July 15 ■Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -July 6 -Sept. 30, -Sept. 30 -July 6 1929 1929 1912 1912 lt29 1929 1929 1929 K23 1914 1914 1929 1914 1929 1929 1912 1929 1929 1912 1896 1895 1920 1913 1929 1913 1912 1929 1912 1916 1929 1929 1921 1929 1924 1929 1928 1929 1897 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1912 1929 1929 1929 1913 1920 1929 1928 1915 1929 1914 1929 1901 1929 1929 1922 1929 1929 1929 1928 1928 1923 1925 1928 1923 1925 1928 4 I 86 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 4 — Continued UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Established prior to September 30, 1929 Stream Jackass Creek West Fork of Jackass Creek Chiqu'to Creek- - Chiquito Creek - Big Creek Big Creek at mouth Pitman Creek Pitman Creek Stevenson Creek— - Fresno Flume and Lumber Co.'s Upper Flume Fresno Flume and Lumber Co.'s Lower Flume Southern California Edison Co.'s Flume North Fork of San Joaquin River South Fork Creek South Fork Ditch.... Crane Valley Reservoir ,_. Whiskey Creek Cascad el Creek _. Panoche Creek Silver Creek Fresno River Chowchilla River Merced River Merced River M erced River Merced River Merced River Merced River Merced River Merced River lllilouetto Creek... Tenay a Creek Yosemite Creek South Fork of Merced River. Lake McClure Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Hetch Hetchy Reservoir.. Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Don Pedro Reservoir Tuolumne River Tuolumne River and canals , Tuolumne River Falls Creek Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Eleanor Creek Eleanor Creek , Lake Eleanor South Fork of Tuolumne River South Fork of Tuolumne River South Fork of Tuolumne River South Fork of Tuolumne River Golden Rock Ditch Middle Fork of Tuolumne River Station name Near Fullers Meadow Near Fullers Meadow Near Mugler Meadows... Near Arnold Meadow Below Huntington Lake.. Near Big Creek At Big Creek.. Below Tamarack Creek. . At Shaver At Shaver At Shaver At Shaver. Nea' North Fork Near North Fork 38 Near North Fork Near North Fork 55 Near North Fork 13 Near North Fork Near Panoche Near Panoche. Kear Knowles Near Buchanan reservoir site. Above Illilouette Creek At Happy Isles Bridge near Yosemite At Yosemite At Pohono Bridge nr. Yosemite. At Horseshoe Bend At Exchequer Near Merced Falls Near Livingston. Near Yosemite.. Near Yosemite.. At Yosemite Near Wawona At Exchequer At Hetch Hetchy cabin At Hetch Hetchy Dam Site .. Near Hetch Hetchy At Hetch Hetchy Near Buck Meadows Near Jacksonville Near La Grange Above La Grange Dam Near La Orange At Modesto Near Hetch Hetchy At Eleanor Trail Crossing Nejir Hetch Hetchy At Eleanor Trail Crossing Near Hetch Hetchy i Near Hetch Hetchy At Italian Flat nr. Sequoia At Harden ranch nr. Sequoia.. Nr. Oakland Recreation Camp. Near Buck Meadows Near Sequoia Near Mather Area of drainage basin, in square miles 60 79 131 27 30 134 238 118 181 236 322 1,020 1.054 62 47 43 459 459 1,536 1.543 45 130 114 81 79 79 Period of stream flow record Mar. 1, 1924- Mar. 1, 1924- Mar. 1,1924- Sept. 12, 1921- Jan. 1. 1910- IJune 18, 1925- May 10, 1923- 'Jan. 1, 1910- IJan. 26, 1922- Dec. 1, 1927- Oct. 1, 1916- April 9, 1922- Sept. 30, Sept. 30 Sept. 30 July 7. Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Nov. 13, 1915-July 7 April April April April Jan. 6, 1916- Feb. 16, 1922- April 1, 1910- ■" 1, 1910- 3, 1910- 1, 1910- 1, 1910- April 1, 1910- Nov. 15, 1922- Nov. 21. 1922- ;Sept. 16, 1911- \Nov. 13, 1915- Oct. 1. 1921- Aug. 21, 1915- Aug. 23, 1915- fJuly II, 1904- IJan. 4, 1912- Nov. 2, 1916 Nov. 17, 1922- Nov. 28. 1915- f April 6. 1901- April 1, 1923- April 29, 1912- Mar. 18. 1921- Mar. 10. 1922- Aug. 21, 1915- IJuly 11, 1904- IJan. 5, 1912- fJuly 11, 1904- IJan. 4, 1912- Dec. 15,1910- April 20. 1926- Oct. 10, 1910- /May 30,1901- \Dec. 1, 1910- Dec. 20, 1914- May 7, 1923- /Sept. 2, 1907- Sept. 3. 1910- July 31, 1923- Oct. 1, 1924- Mar. 19, 1915- Aug. 29, 1895- Jan. 1,1895- Nov.22, 1915- May 26, 1901- April 1, 1910 June 1, 1901- Nov. 20, 1909- Oct. 1, 1919- Oot. 1,1924- Jan. 11, 1914- Mar. 19, 1923- Oct. 1, 1916- Jan. 1, 1914- Oct. , 1, 1924- ■June 28 ■Sept. 6, -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30, ■Dec. 31 ■Sept. 30, -Sept. 30, -April 30, -May 22 -May 23, ■Dec. 31 ■Sept. 30, -Sept. 30, -Dec. 31, •Sept. 30, ■June 27 -Sept. 30, -Sept. 30, -Sept. 30, ■Sept. 30 ■Nov. 30 -April 20, Sept. 30, ■Aug. 31 ■Sept. 30, Dec. 31 ■June 24 Sept. 30 -June 27, Sept. 11 ■June 1 Sept. 30, ■Sept. 30 ■Sept. 30 -Aug. 31, ■Sept. 30, -Sept. 30, -Mar. 31 Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 -Sept. 30 ■Sept. 30 -Sept. 30, -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30, Sept. 30, ■Sept. 30 ■Oct. 15 ■Sept. 30, ■Sept. 30, ■Sept. 30 ■Feb. 23 ■Sept. 30, Sept. 30 June, 30 Sept. 30, SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 87 TABLE 4— Continued UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Established prior to September 30, 1929 Stream Middle Fork of Tuolumne River Woods Creek. --- Sierra San Francisco Power Co. 's Canal - Modesto Canal -. - Turlock Canal Middle Fork of Stanislaus River Stanislaus River Stanislaus Rjver _ Stanislaus River Relief Creek. _. Relief Reservoir North Fork of Stanislaus River Utica Gold Mining Co.'s Canal South Fork of Stanislaus River Oakdale Canal.. South San Joaquin Canal Stanislaus and San Joaquin Water Co.'s Canal Calaveras River Calaveras River South Channel of Littlejohns Creek... Bear Creek Bear Creek North Fork of Mokelumne River North Fork of Mokelumne River Mokelumne River Mokelumne River . Mokelumne River Pardee Reservoir Mokelumne River Mokelumne River Mokelumne River Mokelumne River Bear River Cold Creek Middle Fork of Mokelumne River South Fork of Mokelumne River Licking Fork of Mokelumne River Woodbridge Canal Dry Creek Dry Creek Sutter Creek Sutter Creek Goose Creek North Fork of Cosumnes River North Fork of Cosumnes River. Cosumnes River... Camp Creek Camp Creek Sly Park Creek Station name Near Buck Meadows. Near Jacksonville Near La Grange Near La Grange Near La Grange At Sand Bar Flat, nr. Avery. Near Knights Ferrj'_ At Knights Ferry At Oakdale Near Baker Station Near Baker Station Near Avery Near Avery At Strawberry Near Knights Ferry. Near Knights Ferry. At Knight's Ferry... At Jenny Lind Near Stockton At Farmington Near Clements Near Lockeford Above Moore Creek. Near West Point At Electra Near Mokelumne HilL. Near Lancha Plana Near Valley Springs Near Clements Near Victor. At Woodbridge Near Thornton - At Pardoe Camp Near Mokelumne Peak. At West Point Near Raib-oad Flat Near Railroad Flat At Woodbrilge Near lone Near Gait Near Volcano.. At Sutter Creek. Near Elliot Near Pleasant Valley. Near El Dorado At Michigan Bar Near Sly Park Near Pleasant Valley. At Park .Area of drainage basin, in square miles 103 329 673 983 1,051 28 197 54 394 193 43 52 160 270 537 539 584 575 632 648 690 33 23 69 41 273 346 54 158 197 534 Period of stream flow record Nov. 23 Oct. 1 Jan. 1 April 26 July 1 Sept. 1 Dec. 18 May 19 June 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 IJuly 14 INov. 10, May 19 Oct. 21 May May (Jan \june 11 Jan. Oct. Oct. Ocf. Oct. Sept. 23 April 28 Feb. 1 Jan. 1 May 11 Nov. 11 June 23 Mar. 9 Jan. 1 July 21 May 27 July 6 July 3 July 23 Oct. 9 Oct. 23 /Oct. 23 \Mar. 24, April 28 /Oct. 7 [Dec. 20 Dec. Feb. Feb. Jan. 10, /Feb. 27, IFeb. 1 Aug. 13 Oct. 20, Nov. Feb. Mar. 2, 1916-Sept.30, 1929 1925-Sept. 30, 1929 1908-Jan. 1903-Sept. 189S-Sept. 1905 -Sept. 19 15 -Sept. 1903 -April 1895 -Feb. 1910- Sept. 1910- Sept. 1914-Sept. 1928 -Sept. 1915-Sept. 1911-Jan. 1914-Sept. 1914-Sept. 1899-Dec. 1904-Sept. 1907-Sept. 1925-Sept. 1925-Sept. 1926- Sept. 1926-Sept. 1926 -Sept. iei7-Sept. 1924-Sept. 1901-Dec. 1903 -Dec. 1927 -Sept. 1926-Sept. 1929-Sept. 1905-Sept. 1927-Sept. 1924-Sept. 1926-Sept. 1927-Sept. 1927-Sept. 1911-Sept. 1911-Sept. 1911-Sept. 1915-Dec. 1926-Sept. 1911- June 1925-Sept. 1926-Sept. 1924-Sept. 1922-Sept. 1927-Sept. 1906-Sept. 1924- May 1911-Sept. 1907 -Sept. 1923 -Nov. 1924 -Mav 1906 -June 25, 1926 30, 1929 30, 1929 30, 1929 30, 1929 30, 1916 16. 1901 30, 1918 30, 1918 30, 1922 30, 1929 30. 1921 31, 1917 30, 1929 30, 1929 31. 1899 30. 1912 30. 1929 30, 1926 30, 1926 30, 1927 30, 1929 30, 1929 30. 1918 30, 1929 31. 1901 31. 1904 30, 1929 30, 1929 30, 1929 30. 1929 30, 1929 30, 1929 30, 1929 30, 1929 30. 1929 30. 1929 30. 1929 30. 1912 17. 1917 30, 1929 30. 1912 30, 1929 3C. 1929 30. 1927 30. 1929 30. 1929 1. 1906 31, 1924 30, 1929 30, 1929 1. 1924 31, 1924 30. 1906 88 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The locations of these stream frajrintr stations are shown on Plate I, "Forested Area and Stream Gaging Stations in California." On this Plate the solid red dots indicate stations at which records were being taken on September 30, 1929, and the open red circles those stations which had been discontinued. Data from the United States Geological Survey stations and from stations maintained by other agencies Avere used in water supply studies for this report. Fidl Natural Run-off. The full natural or unimpaired run-off of a stream above any station is the run-off as it would have been if unaltered bj' diversions, storage developjnent or importation of water from other Avatersheds. It is the run-off that would liave occurred under natural conditions. In these studies the determination of the full natural run-off of each stream was made before attempting any e.stimates of impaired run-off. The full natural run-off was calculated for each month from the measured run-off by adding upstream diversions and quantities stored in reservoirs and subtracting importations and reservoir releases. The corrections for storage Avere made as far as possible from records of actual reservoir operation. Where records Avere not available and water Avas known to have been stored, the amounts stored or released Avere estimated either from records of actual operation in otlier seasons or from records of operation of other reservoirs on the same Avatershed, taking into account the difference betAA'een the run-off in the season having record and the season being estimated. The foregoing method of computing the full natural run-off applies only to streams and to periods for Avhich records of measured run-off AA'ere available. For streams and jieriods for Avhieh no run-off records Avere available, one of tAvo methods of estimating the full natural run-off Avas used. The first involved utilization of the index of Avetness (seasonal or monthly), and the develo])ment of a relation of run-off to index of Avetness for the ])artieular streain. The second consisted in establishing a run-off relation betAA'^een adjacent streams of parallel record. During periods, for which there AA'ere no run-off' records on the stream under consideration, the full natural run-off of an adjacent stream Avas used in estimating the discharge, providing the relation during the period of parallel record slioAA-ed that more accurate results could be obtained by this method than by the use of the index of wetness. In using the second method, the full natural monthly run-off of the stream in question Avas plotted against the corresponding full natural monthly run-off of the adjacent stream having parallel record, and curves Avere draAvn through the mean of the plotted points for each month. By entering these curves Avith the full natural monthly run-oft' of the adjacent stream, during periods of missing record on the stream being considered, the required estimate of monthly run-off was obtained. When it Avas necessary to use the first, or iiulex of Avetness method, in estimating the full natural run-off, either the seasonal full natural run-oft' computed from available records was plotted against the index of sc.isoiud wetness oi- the monthly index of Avetness was plotted against the monthly full natural run-oft* computed from the available records Stream or stream group Upper San Joaquin Basin — Panoche Creek Cantua Creek Group (") Los Gatos Creek Tejon Creek Group (h) Caliente Creek ""-Kern River Poso Creek Group (') Deer Creek -Tule River Yokohl Creek Group (<') ■~ Kaweah River Lime Kiln Creek Group ('■)__ - Kings River Dry Creek ^.^an Joaquin River Cottonwood Creek —Fresno River. . Daulton Creek Group ( ') -^•Ghowchilla River Totals, Upper San Joaq\i' Lower Sari Joaquin T Orestimba Creek ' Dutchman Creek! Mariposa Creek,' Owens Creek Grfl Bear Creek J Burns Creek Gro — Merced River.. Tuolumne River Wildcat Creek G Stanislaus River Totals, Lo^ Delta Tributaries Littlejohns Crc • Martells Cree) Calaveras Riv Mokelumne F Sutter Creek' Cosumnes Ri Totals, ] Or? (a) Cant! Canoas Creel Creek, Santi River, Poso \ Creek, Greaa Romero Crefe Creek, Bushj Creek Group Martells Cre^ 80997-i 88 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The locations of these stream gajyinf; stations are shown on Plate I, "Forested Area and Stream Gaginnf Stations in California." On this Plate the solid red dots indicate stations at which records were being taken on September 80, 1929, and the open red circles those stations which had been discontinued. Data from the United States Geological Survey stations and from stations maintained by other agencies were used in water supply studies for this report. Full Natural Run-off. The full natural or unimpaired run-off of a stream above any station is the run-off as it would have been if unaltered by diversions, storage development or importation of water from other watersheds. It is the run-off that would have occurred under natural conditions. In these studies the determination of the full natural run-off of each stream was made before attempting any estimates of impaired run-off. The full natural run-off was calculated for each month from the mea.sured run-off by adding upstream diversions and quantities stored in reservoirs and subtracting importations and reservoir releases. The corrections for storage were made as far as possible from records of actual reservoir operation. Where records were not available and water Avas known to have been stored, the amounts stored or released were estimated either from records of actual operation in other seasons or from records of operation of other reservoirs on the same watershed, taking into account the difference between the run-off in the season having record and the season being estimated. The foregoing method of computing the full natural run-off applies only to streams and to periods for which records of measured run-off were available. For streams and periods for which no run-off records were available, one of two methods of estimating the full natural run-off was used. The first involved utilization of the index of wetness (seasonal or monthly), and the develo])ment of a relation of run-off to index of wetness for tlie ])articular stream. The second consisted in establishing a run-off relation between adjacent streams of parallel record. During periods, for which there were no run-off records on the stream under consideration, the full natural run-off of an adjacent stream Avas used in estimating the discharge, providing the relation during the period of parallel record showed that more accurate results could be obtained by this method than by the use of the index of wetness. In using the second method, the full natural monthly run-off of the stream in question Avas i)lotted against the corresponding full natural monthly run-off of the adjacent stream haA^ng parallel record, and curves Avere draAvn through the mean of the plotted points for each month. By entering these curves Avith the full natural monthly run-oft' of the adjacent stream, during periods of missing record on the stream being considered, tlio required estimate of monthly run-off was obtained. When it Avas necessary to use the first, or index of Avetness method, in estimating the full natural run-off, either the seasonal full natural run-oft' computed from available records Avas plotted against the index of seasonal Avetness or the monthly index of Avetness Avas plotted against the montld}^ fidl natural run-oft' computed from the available records TABLE 5 SEASONAL FULL NATURAL RUN-OFFS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN STREAMS Drainage area, in square miles Run-oif, in a.;re-fect Stream or stream group 1889-90 1890-91 l!^l-92 •5^1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1807-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1906-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 Upper San Joaquin Basin— 285 208 119 1,341 471 2,410 576 110 390 98 514 201 1,694 48 1,631 28 270 66 238 105,500 54.400 41.300 306.100 60.300 925.000 66.000 27.000 163.000 20.400 1,100,000 83,500 4,250,000 _ 12, 700 4,620iOOO - .7.000 168,.500 -IS.'JOO 195.100 17,300 7,800 5,700 82,000 55.300 540,0110 24,600 12,900 97,000 7.800 509,000 38.500 2,222,000 1,500 2,3?'i.OOO 31,800 1,400 44,700 '1 ^ ii.300 2,200 1.900 V'S.IOO ir.ij.aoo ■Horn >,100 fcl,200 130,000 814,600 ,it48,000 i 65,300 L%40,000 1 3,800 2,p3,000 - yv2,ooo 63.600 4,200 49.700 56.700 27.700 20.300 164,600 45,200 617.000 30,700 15,300 109.500 9.900 607,000 48,200 2.503,000 . 3.800 2,768,000 1.800 62.000 4.200 111.800 35,700 40,200 579,800 26.100 13.500 127,700 7.800 399,000 40,700 1.770.000 2.000 1.864.000 900 36,600 1.800 94.400 26,200 12,200 8,900 118,800 70,400 1,030,200 99,800 38,200 221,600 31,300 733,000 116,700 3,042,000 6,400 2,789,900 3,300 95,40[ 7,400 142,900 12,600 5,500 4,400 59,400 40,200 637,900 29,200 14.700 119.800 8.900 401.600 43,900 1,853.700 1.800 1.985.700 800 35,000 1,800 68,300 23,600 11,100 8,300 102,300 57,800 896,000 75,300 30,600 177,200 23,500 471,200 93,200 2,086.200 4,600 2,219,700 2,300 71,500 5,100 99,400 5,500 12.600 299,500 4.100 51.700 224.400 8.600 880.600 - 500 922,300 - 200 11,100 — 400 19,900 4,700 2,200 1,900 8.800 2.500 342.600 12.300 8,800 40,800 3,700 291,500 24.600 1.223,700 1.800 1,269,500 800 35,000 1,800 48.500 6,300 2,200 2..600 26,900 20,100 330.900 20.000 11.200 44.700 6.300 311.500 r4,300 1,285,300 3,800 1,343,600 2,000 63,600 4.200 67,100 45,600 23.300 16.500 123.400 27.600 883,800 66.000 27,000 161.100 20.400 731.700 83.500 3,142,500 9.400 3,004,500 6,000 131,900 11.700 106.900 11,000 4,400 3,800 46,700 30.200 580.500 35.300 16.500 149.700 11,500 355,100 52,600 1,563,000 1.300 1,033,000 500 27,000 1.100 58.400 14,200 5,500 4,400 56,600 37.700 £69,500 35.300 16,600 146.800 11.500 403,900 52,500 1,687.800 1.800 1,768,800 800 33,400 1,400 74,600 7.900 3.300 2,600 28.900 20,100 481,000 10,7C0 8,200 92,100 3,700 345,700 22,500 1,743,300 1,800 1,821,900 800 33,400 1,400 74.600 47,200 23,300 17,100 163,500 65.300 659,700 64.600 27.000 97.200 20.400 337.7J0 83.500 1.427.800 8,400 1,512,600 4.600 120.800 10.300 74,600 37.800 17.700 13.300 178.200 105.500 1.848.800 158,200 58,200 481.500 49.600 1.088.400 173.600 3.856.700 11.700 4,039,700 6.400 155.800 14.900 124,300 60.100 33.300 24.100 218.500 72.900 1.065,200 72.200 30,000 210,000 22.500 593.500 91.000 2.752.500 8,400 2,900,600 4.400 117.600 10.300 142.900 23,600 11,100 8,300 76.000 35.200 479.500 27,600 14,100 107,400 8.400 252.600 42.800 1,033.900 1,800 1,161,200 800 33,400 1.400 22,400 58,200 30,000 21,600 183,300 66,300 1,771,500 149,000 56,200 397,800 47,000 799,900 166,000 2,809,400 5,600 2,904,300 2,700 84,200 6.400 90.700 22,000 8,900 7,600 57,800 20,100 751,200 41,500 18.800 157.500 13,100 409.200 58.900 1.779.000 3.000 2,041.500 1.500 52,400 3.200 59.600 75,500 38,800 26,700 192,800 25,100 1,013,700 43,000 Deer Creek — -- 18.200 149.705 Yokohl Creek Group C*^) 13.600 546.000 61.000 ^ Kings River 2,826,700 8,400 3,587,600 4,600 120,800 Daulton Creek Group (f) . . 10,300 Chowehilla River — 114,300 Totals, Upper San Joaquin Basin, _ Lower San Joaquin Basin — 10,708 1,340 72 103 66 71 171 1,054 1,543 59 983 12,221.700 450,200 31,500 46.200 27.900 28.700 80.200 2,745,0(0 5,O9».00O 32.900 3,230,000 6,055,100 42,900 4,200 7,100 2,800 3,400 13,700 870,000 1,543,000 4,700 1,10^,000 7,618,30(>v 71,500 5,000 7,700 3,500 4,600 16,400 963,000 1,650,000 5,300 1.227,000 7,296,700 207.200 15.700 23.0Q0 12.400 14.100 43,800 1.625,000 3,036,000 16,300 2,075,000 5,040,200 64,300 12.300 18,600 9.500 11.000 36.500 1,535,000 2,624.000 13,100 1,967,000 8,593,500 235.800 21,500 31,800 17,700 19.800 57,400 2,378,000 3,795,000 22,200 2,682,400 5,325,100 100,000 7.700 12.100 6,000 6,900 24,600 804.500 1,588,200 8,500 1,391,200 6,458,900 128,600 13.400 19,700 10.200 11.800 38.300 1.300.200 2,437,100 14,100 1,419,800 2,441,400 800 2.200 700 1.100 2.700 491,600 960,408- 900 406.300 3,334,400 35,700 4,600 7,700 3,500 4.200 15,500 688,200 1.334,600 6,300 828,000 3,586,500 107.200 7.700 12.100 5.600 6,500 23,700 815,400 1,628,300 8,100 944,200 8.621,800 200.100 14.800 21,600 11,700 13.300 41,900 1.554,000 2.717.800 15,700 1,686,400 4,571,500 57.200 6.500 9,900 4.600 5.300 20,100 826,200 1,606,000 6,900 959,800 4,023,000 92,900 8.800 1.3,700 6.400 8.000 27,300 979,700 1,973,000 9,400 1,123,700 4,701.800 42,900 8,800 13,700 6,400 8,000 27,300 1,093,400 2,661,300 9.400 2.046.900 4,665,500 207,200 8,800 13,700 6,400 8,000 27,300 897,700 1,720,000 9,400 075,700 12,420,200 236,800 18.000 26.800 14..500 16,400 50,100 2,036,100 3,525,400 19,100 2.414,500 8,436,300 314.500 21.500 31.800 17.700 19.800 57.400 2.125.800 3.;55.700 22.200 2.834.400 3,341,500 28,600 1.200 2.200 l.IOO 1,100 3,600 517,900 1,073.600 1,300 620,000 0,638,100 142.900 1 1,600 18.100 8,800 10,700 34.600 1.475.400 2.646,900 12,500 1,925.900 5,506,800 85,800 6,900 9,900 4,600 5,700 21.000 1.065.900 2,078.100 7.200 1.405.800 8,876,800 171,500 16,100 23,600 13.100 Bear Creek . _ 14,500 45,600 2,114,600 3.413,400 16,900 -Stanislaus River 2.356,900 Totals, Lower San Joaquin Basin.. Delta Tributaries—. 5,482 41 122 394 632 285 534 11,774,600 28.700 44,900 44i,400 2.062,900 277,000 1,150,900 3,598,800 4,800 8,500 110,000 520,300 57,800 201,500 3,954,000 5,400 9,800 93,800 740.000 65.500 312,600 7,068,500 14,000 25,400 301,200 1,276,800 161.300 659.500 6,291,300 11,400 21,600 254,200 942,600 137,000 453,200 9,261,600 19,000 32,500 470,300 1,446,400 204,101 820,500 3,949,700 7,800 14,300 194.300 628.300 94,400 248,100 5,.393,200 12,100 22,100 339,100 1,038,000 141.600 639.500 1,866,700 2.200 2.600 44,100 388,100 19.80^ ra,3oo 2.927,300 5,200 9,800 218,500 547,800 63,900 217,100 3,558,800 7.600 14,300 91,600 678,800 92,800 281.700 6.277,400 13,200 24.100 234.100 1,120,000 155.300 593.800 3,502,600 6,500 11,700 134.800 657,300 79.100 255,500 4,242,900 8,600 15,600 236,100 824,100 103,600 372,700 5,918,100 8,li00 15,600 377.800 1,337,500 103,500 524,100 3,874,200 8,600 15,600 135.700 660.200 103,500 279,000 8,355,700 16,200 28,600 427.800 1,370.100 175.300 580.600 9.200.800 19.000 32.500 707.800 1.692.000 204,000 816,000 2,250,600 2,200 2.600 72,700 485,700 22,800 150,500 0,287,300 11,000 20.200 391,900 1,167.500 129,400 639,000 4.690.900 6.700 12,400 194,800 920,900 82.200 462,900 8,186.200 14.600 26,000 674,700 1,530,700 164,400 876,400 Totals, Delta tributaries 2.008 4,012,800 902,900 1,227,100 2,438,200 1,819,900 2,992,700 1,187.200 2.192.400 630,100 1,062,300 1,166,800 2,140,500 1,144,900 1,559,600 2,367,100 1.202.600 2,598,600 3,471,300 736.500 2,359,000 1.679,900 3,286,700 Grand totals 18.178 28,009,100 10,556.800 12,799.400 16,803,400 13,151,400 20,847,800 10,462,OCO I4,044,.500 4,938,200 7,324,000 8.312,100 17,039,700 9,218,900 10,725,500 12,987.000 9.742.300 23,374,500 21.108,400 6,328,600 18,284,400 11,877,600 20,349,700 (») Cantua Creek Group — Doraengine Creek, Martinez Creek. Salt Creek. Cantua Creek, Arroyo Honda. Arroyo Cierva; ('■) Tejon Creek Group — Waltham Creek, Jacalitos Creek, Zapato Creek, Canoas Creek, Garza Creek, Avenal Creek, Franciscan Creek, Packwood Creek. Bitterwater Creek, Devilwater Creek, Media Agua, Santos Creek, Chico Martinez, iSalt Creek, Buena Vista Creek. Bitter Creek, Santiago Creek, Muddy Creek, San Amigdio Creek. Pieito Creek, Tecuya Creek, Grape\ine Creek, Pastoria Creek, Tunis Creek, El Paso Creek, Tejon Creek; { •^) Pose Creek Group — White River, Poso Creek, Rag Gulch: C^) Yokohl Creek Group — Horse Creek, Lewis Creek, Yokohl Creek: (') Limekiln Creok Group— Limekiln Creek, Rattlesnake Creek. Stokes Creok, Sand Creek, Watoke Creek, Greasy Creek; ( Daulton Creek Group — Daulton Creek, Dry Creek; (") Orestimba Creek Group — Little Fanoche Creek, Laguna Seca, Ortigalita Creek, Los Banos Creek, San Luis Creek, Romero Creek, Quinto Creek, Mustang Creek, Garzos Creek, Crow Creek, Orestimba Creek, Little Salada Creek, Puerto Creek. Ingram Creek, Hospital Creek, Buenos Aires Creek, Mountain House Creek, Busby Creek, Kellogg Creek, Marsh Creek, Lone Tree Creek, Sand Creek, Dry Creek. Deer Creek, Salada Creek; { '-) Dutchman Creek Group— Dutchman Creek, Deadman Creek; (') Owens CreekGroup— Owens Creek. Miles Creek; (J) Burns Creek Group— Burns Creek, Black Rascal Creek, Fahrens Creek: ''') Wildcat Creek Group— Wildcat Creek. Dry Creek: ( 'j Martelis Creek Group— Martells Creek, Bear Creek. Rock Creek, Big Spring Creek, Peachys Creek; ('■') Sutter Creek Group— Dry Creek, Wi \vi Creek, Sutter Creek. 80997-A — Bet. pp. 88 and 89 TABLE 5 Continued SEASOI^4AL FULL NATURAL RUN-OFFS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN STREAMS DnhufT .r. .. in IUm». i> xn-lM Strain or itrmin Kr(htp mill] 1911 U 1,100 IDII-U (1.000 I»I4-U 74.000 I«lt-ll I9I4-I7 1 I9I7-I« 191(19 1919 10 9,400 1910-11 11,000 191M1 43.Mn int-n 'i.ii.i l«»-I4 4,700 I9UM laM-ff IW7-M 19111 19 1.100 18«9-I9!9 1909^1029 1919 1929 14,000 1924-1920 Upp«r ftin Jotqtiin Buin iUt I7,M0 2M00 IIJOO 14.100 utoo 11.100 «J00 1S.40O 14.M0 13.300 2M •,700 two Sl.tOO 17.700 UJOO «.ioo 1 JO.onn 1 14.400 ».Ma 3.100 4,400 .'1 1 ' . 2.100 7.K10 14.400 1.100 1,100 - 12,00(7 11,3011 8,100 6,500 lU 1,700 IJOO njoo U.400 10.100 ia.sao 4.400 3.200 I.WO 1 . 1,900 4.100 10.800 1,900 800 9,400 8.4no 4,800 4,300 iVju I. 'HI MXKI m.ioo 2!M.mO w.iao •0.«00 <:,'jio tV.W •-1.100 31,000 1.1 .. . 1 ir.,1i» tn.wo W.MW ;i.4on ir.ium IW,I\IK1 74,700 43,000 41,000 Cklli-liU' ( rn-k ( I :.. I'r-I MJOO 23.100 J5.I'. Ml 17,M0 4.',T0'i : 1 Ki jr . ... ... 1 . 1... ..... 1. III. 28.9(10 21,900 22,100 Krrn Ilivrr , 11 I 1 .■ " S7tX0 2.i:4.vw KP 1M.900 UUOJ &13.700 201. 1 1 * ! 1 . IIUI.OIHI 5^,000 488,001) I'mnCrivk (ifou|> i ■ » Drrr Crmk r. I ■ . . .■. '. ..•' tl.100 I2«.000 Ji. ' 1 10,700 4I,V» M.'JOJ t 4 . .. . :I8,8II0 32.300 36,300 H . . .in. JJ.JUO 14.700 47.«00 ''•"" L :>/r} 1 1. ■.'«►' i...*.iu 17.030 \».<»a 14.4QO 4.'t-. I..'. HI . 1 Kl l-t/m.! H.'XIII 1.1,111.1 — IW,.*||MI 18..Min 13.4(10 12,8110 'fulp Hivrr . ...-I IW.M3 142.700 M«.4I)0 1)1.400 1 S2.aao ?«.«» 111.1)0 VIJOO 141.VK] lOWJO 2i.«3D 91.200 51.100 1U.110 50,400 .^;.loo 115,(KI0 III.IHIII 87.2110 77.ll( Yoki)lil (Vrk (lroui> r>) t '- ■ _. -. W.TOO l«.700 u ;«i II MM i iwn 7»n Ijaan 11.1100 n.iiM 11 Vm 23.400 4.70U 18.700 4,700 T.itllO 14,Jli0 12.(H'fl 10,0(10 1(1.1100 K&wi*nh Itiv«r 1 ... IK" rf¥} ir.i '.fVl '■'*"' , ■.•-.. 1 1 "■ "" '- ■ """ ,. . ..... 101.700 32J.J0O 218. 800 481.200 203.000 .'.':'.w)ti 44.1.imi 3S5,(lim 311,1100 201,01111 l.iinr Kiln ('r«dc (Iroup i KiiiCi Hivrr . I •1.500 28.800 71.700 27.800 .K.llOU (lO.WK) i2,Mm 48,000 40,7011 ] . [ 1 . . 1- I . zn.oso 1.290.200 1.O17.201I l.gM.200 970.900 K41I..I0.I l.W'.TWl 1.58(1,000 1,321,0(10 l,22«,(ira Dry C'ri^k H«n Jnviiiiii Hivrr CntltitiWfKiil (Vrrk t ..l.u ..HW - ■ 1 I. hi 3.1MI0 1.500 4.100 1.500 1,800- 4,IU0 3.800 3,000 2.800 1 . 1.IM».7IW I.IM.IIOU l.viitUI i i.t;.'... l.444.'>00' 2.009.100 1.107,500 Hn.ioo 1,995,000 1, 899.000 1,4(U,0(jO 1,333,0110 J.700 1,700 1.7O0 1 . 1.810 too 2.40D 800 too. 2.100 1,8(1(1 1,400 1,200 Fmiiu Kivpr .— . «W. filMI 7y :iKi l.'l •"! :»i»i».i 47 1 . . .. . *. ' > 42. WO 29.MJ u< riMi III 'J:mi 17 7011 IlI IIHI 58.300 48,300 38,000 DnulUm ('rr>rk Ormili ( ') lillW l,40J i.iM }.:ju u 1,900 1,400 . , . 3.«I0 3,!00 3,700 (•(io«rliill> HiVCT iu,;oii l»,VA(i>ii(i Bitln <)t< - ... \M0 7,109 IM.tOO lU.Koq 207.200 M.0O0 sa.0M 103.030 u.:oi 142,903 179.700 I2I.SO0 IU,800 71,500 100,000 50,000 15,700 120,000 102.000 •7,300 78,000 7a •00 •00 11.100 10,400 s.aoo 1,100 2.700 4, MO 15.900 4.400 12.800 7,100 6,500 13,200 »,4on 9,000 0,100 (I»..t, r,,..l. i.f..i|. 1 IMt 700 WO «,800 ■.too 4.200 3»0 I.i. ' 8.100 1.800 n.ooii 1.900 3,100 8,700 4.500 4,300 4,400 lliiirCnrk ;i 1.103 aoo •.goo «.iao 5,000 1.000 2. 9, MO ■}.M3 n.WK) 4.800 2.70(1 7,80fl 5,3(10 5,100 5,200 Itiirti- f'r'Tt' 'Irnlp ' '* in t.T'M J.Tnn m.jnn 11 mm IH'Mn II 900 u : n 11 oni u |nn nMot 17100 III 11(10 ■W.40(l 18,7(KI 18,3(111 18,800 M.I ■ ■■ T . '■■"■- 1 ('■ .. -. * ' ' - '. ..'". 1" > ,., ,...,, «44,ailll \,^Tl.nn) 814,0110 1,577,(810 785,000 1,520,0(10 W. 11.500 8,:(ll() 0,500 SI..... ..... 1..... 1,059,400 4.2S9.70O 4.725,900 8.400 1.1118,0.10 3.978,400 U4U.0CO 3,475,000 032,000 3,345,500 Otlln ! 1 .< 41 trao 1.700 10.400 S.'UKJ 5.«]0 4.100 ; 3.700 S.300 l.SOO 9.100 . 900 9.900 3.500 8.000 5.800 3,900 8,2(10 8.000 8,200 M . 1 1 (M i:; J.. .10 Ml XI |..'.w 1.;..., 11 llVl :,:on .'. ..•:.,... Ml. ,000 280.00(1 282,000 ToUU, llrlU Ull>jla>. - •n^ nw.'fln «i«,»no !,1^5.'iOO I.IM.flmi 1,103,800 Grand l«l>l< :.,IKH (^01.. Crr.l Kiv. . Cn... Ito;. . Cr,... Man 80S19T-H— Bet. pp. 88 nnil 89 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 89 and curves were drawn through the means of the plotted points. By entering these curves with the proper value of the index of wetness for seasons or months of missing record of run-off, the required esti- mate of run-off was obtained. The indices of wetness used were those for the precipitation division in which the drainage basin of the stream in question was situated. When the period, during which it was necessary to estimate the full natural run-off from the index of wetness, was of sufficient duration to warrant the refinement, monthly indices of wetness were computed; otherwise seasonal indices of wetness M'ere used. For minor streams or stream groups where no run-off records were available, estimates of the full natural seasonal run-off were obtained by entering "Probable Run-off' Curves" with the proper index of seasonal wetness for the precipitation division in which the stream or stream group is located. These curves, published in another bulletin,* show the relation between index of seasonal wetness and run-off and are based upon records of flow on streams adjacent to the minor streams or stream groups having similar characteristics of flow. The estimated full natural seasonal run-offs of all streams tributary to the San Joaquin River Basin for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, are shown in Table 5. These estimates show that only about five per cent of the entire run-off from the mountainous area of the San Joaquin River Basin originates in the minor streams or stream groups for which it was necessary to derive run-off estimates entirely by indirect methods. The combined seasonal run-off's of the major streams and minor stream groups tributary to the upper San Joaquin River Basin, lower San Joaquin River Basin and to the delta are shown on Plate III, "Combined Seasonal Run-off of Major Streams and Minor Stream Groups Tributary to San Joaquin River Basin." Ultimate Net Rtm-off. The full natural monthly run-off of each major stream at reservoir sites proposed at the edge of the foothills, under the ultimate State water plan, has been adjusted to the run-off anticipated under conditions of ultimate development of the watershed above these points. The ultimate net run-off as used in this report is the natural run-off as modified by diversions and storage development for ultimate irrigation and municipal uses and by present power devel- opments upstream from the main foothill and reservoir sites. Power development and hydraulic mining, while altering the regimen of the stream, do not consume any appreciable amount of water. Therefore, only diversions out of the basin and irrigation use within the basin would materially reduce the full-natural run-off, above the reservoir sites, under conditions of ultimate development. The watersheds of some of the major streams of the San Joaquin River Basin are so mountainous and rugged, however, that no future upstream use for irrigation is considered feasible. In computing the ultimate net run-off, estimates were made of the total net area to be irrigated by diversion above each of the reservoir sites under conditions of complete develoiiment and the amount of water required therefor. Where the natural stream flow was insufficient to furnish adequate irrigation supplies for these areas, it was assumed * Bulletin No. 5, "Plow in California Streams," Division of Engineering' and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works, 1923. 90 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE III UPPER SAN JOAQUIN BASIN 15 10 bl I U nil LOWER SAN JOAQUIN BASIN 15 10 (A c o o I c 3 m c o V) <0 A) (/) n iiii III III im DELTA TRIBUTARIES liililil.iiliililLm»liliiiiiii.hii, 2 ENTIRE SAN JOAQUIN BASIN 30 25 20 15 10 i M COMBINED SEASONAL RUN-OFF OF MAJOR STREAMS AND MINOR STREAM GROUPS TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN ULTIN ^^^^ RIVER BASIN Stream Kern River Tule River' Kaweah River Kings River San Joaquin River Fresno River Chowchilla River. Merced River Tuolumne River... Stanislaus River.. _ Calaveras River... Mokelumne River. Cosumnes River.. . Totals Stream Stream 1889 91 15 1,10 4,25 4,43 15 19 2,59 4,03 3,10 38 2,01 94 24,26 Kern River Tule River' Kaweah River Kings River San Joaquin River Fresno River Chowchilla River. - Merced River Tuolumne River.. Stanislaus River. . Calaveras River... Mokelumne River. Cosumnes River.. Totals 1904 Kern River Tule River' Kaweah River Kings River San Joaquin River Fresno River Chowchilla River.. Merced River Tuolumne River.. Stanislaus River... Calaveras River... Mokelumne River . Cosumnes River... Totals 1 Includes South Fork of Tule River, 8099i -Bet. pp. 90 and 91 1900-01 872,100 155,700 731,700 3,142,500 2,872,000 115,800 106,900 1,408,400 1,899,600 1,566,100 175,500 1,049,500 403,800 14,499,600 1901-02 568,800 145 8J0 355,100 1,553,000 1,691,900 17,400 58,400 699,900 1,352,800 855,400 95,300 647,500 151,200 8,192,500 1902-03 557,800 143,400 403,900 1,687,800 1,763,400 26,700 74,630 834,300 1,443,600 1,016,500 192,600 777,900 238,600 9,161,100 1915-16 2,462,800 336,400 762,200 3,041,800 2,759,600 109,100 53,4C0 1,324,400 1,863,400 1,551,900 304,000 1,004,000 461,800 16,034,800 1916-17 871,800 176,500 471,500 1,892,600 1,959,300 71,400 39,8C0 991,100 1,739,000 1,266,000 300,300 843,700 278.400 10.901,400 1917-18 514,300 51,300 229,700 1,363,700 1,545,900 40,300 33,600 707.500 1,157,200 719,300 184,100 520,400 134,300 7,201,600 1900-04 469,300 90,400 345,700 1,743,300 1,789,100 29,700 74,600 943,700 1,737,200 1,929,200 334,200 1,288,200 393,600 11,168,200 1918-19 532,400 76,300 289,200 1,203,300 1,353,100 35,300 48,500 582,100 1,132,600 668,900 69,500 568,900 155,600 6,715,700 Mean run-off for period, in acre-feet 1889-1929 714,000 130,000 443,000 1,889,000 1,993,000 55,200 70,900 989,000 1,634,000 1,239,000 189,000 820,000 290,000 10,456,100 1909-1929 679,000 109,000 355,000 1,580,000 1,702,000 48,200 56,200 825,000 1,393,000 997,000 156,000 696,000 235,000 8,831,400 1919-1929 493,000 84,100 311,000 1,321,000 1,398,000 39,800 56,900 705,000 1,240,000 839,000 96.400 597,000 182,000 7,363,200 1924-1929 454,000 74,500 291,C00 1,226,000 1,300,000 34,000 55,100 659,000 1,230,000 820,000 80,100 581,000 169,000 6,973,700 90 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES PLATE III UPPER SAN JOAQUIN BASIN 15 to LOWER SAN JOAQUIN BASIN 15 10 0) u ID o V) c o 5 it o I c 3 O (0 c o VI to lilMlyyuiii. a (M DELTA TRIBUTARIES LililiLJlrilill-lil. ■iiiiiiiiii-i.ii. ENTIRE SAN JOAQUIN BASIN 30 25 20 15 10 I II i COMBINED SEASONAL RUN-OFF OF MAJOR STREAMS AND MINOR STREAM GROUPS TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 6 ULTIMATE NET SEASONAL RUN-OFF OF MAJOR STREAMS AT RESERVOIR SITES OF STATE PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Run-off, in acre-feet 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-05 1895-96 1896-07 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1900-04 913,300 157.800 1,100.000 4,250.000 4.430.600 161,700 195,100 2,593,300 4,033,600 3,104,400 380.700 2,011.600 944,200 528,300 94,000 509,000 2,222.000 2,398.200 24,400 44,700 740,600 1,284,900 999,900 82,000 522,900 120,900 746,300 125,900 648,000 2,740,000 2,918,300 69,800 49,700 831.600 1.189,900 1,114,600 68,200 691,100 183,600 605,300 106,100 007,000 2,593,000 2,771,900 53,800 111,800 1,478,900 2,300,f00 1,960,000 241.300 1,223,400 505.000 568,100 125.100 399.000 1.770,000 1,888,400 28,900 94,400 1,390,300 2,141,600 1,864.600 211.300 909.900 332.300 1,018,500 212,900 733,000 3,042.000 2.749,700 82.600 142,900 2.236.100 3,312.600 2,559.400 424.400 1,408,300 693,800 626,200 115.900 401.600 1,853,700 2,013,100 27,300 68,300 672,400 1,283.900 1.292.000 160,100 595,400 167.400 884,100 170,900 471.200 2,086.200 2,238,290 61.100 99,400 1.183,400 1,813,600 1.302,100 294,300 1,016,000 507,000 287,800 50,600 224,400 880,600 1.021.300 10,400 19,900 397.200 931.900 308,100 39,400 423,000 112,200 330,700 48,500 291,500 1,223,700 1,265,000 33,300 48.500 576.700 1,065,100 710,400 160,500 461.700 121.800 319.200 42.800 311,500 1,286,300 1,343,400 63,000 67,100 709,900 1.461.700 834.400 67,100 647,600 169.100 872,100 155,700 731,700 3.142,600 2,872.000 115.800 106.900 1.408,400 1.899,600 1.666,100 175,500 1.049,600 403,800 568,800 145 830 355,100 1,553,000 1.691,900 17,400 58.400 699.900 1,362,800 855,400 96.300 647,500 151.200 557.800 143,400 403.900 1.687.800 1.763.400 26,700 74,630 834,300 1,443,600 1,016.500 192.600 777.900 238.600 469,300 345,700 1.743.300 ."^an Joaquin River 1,789,100 29,700 74,600 Merced River Tuolumne River 943,700 1,737.200 334,200 1,288,200 24.266.300 9,571,800 11,366,900 14,564,400 11,713.900 18,616,200 9.267.200 12,127,400 4,706,700 0,337.400 7.302,100 14,499,600 8.192.500 9,161,100 11,168,200 .Stream Run-off, in acre-feet Kern River Tule River' Kaweah River Kings River . San Joaquin River Fresno River Chowchitla River. . -Merced River Tuolumne River. . Stanislaus River.. ' alaveras River... -Mokelumne River- C'osumnes River.. Totals 648,000 92,300 337,700 1,427,800 1,605,100 109.300 74.600 774,900 1,438,700 868,600 93,100 652.100 169,600 1,837,100 464,400 1,088,400 3,866,700 3,893,200 142,900 124.300 1,890,600 2,769,000 2,286.200 383,400 1,298,900 434,300 1,053,600 200,700 593,500 2,752,500 2,924,700 104,000 142,900 1,979,500 3,273,300 2,724,600 662,200 1,635,200 692,700 467,800 104,000 252.600 1,033,900 1,264,200 30,500 22,400 390,800 1,039,500 628,800 57,900 521,700 97,800 1,759,800 383,300 799,900 2,809,400 2,821,400 82,100 90.700 1,340.200 1,715,000 1,808,100 334,300 1,094,500 464,000 739,500 161,700 409,200 1,779,000 2,087,900 38,500 59.600 942,200 1,670,000 1,289,900 154,500 914,300 352,300 1,002,000 145,600 546,000 2,826,700 3,536,800 108,600 114,300 1,967,500 2,856,100 2,234,100 626,000 1,468,500 714,100 420,£00 65,000 207,400 968,100 1,163,900 31,700 19,600 390,500 883,700 507.100 61.400 439.300 93.900 357,800 38.200 220.700 941,800 888,100 19,200 16,500 298,000 1,040,100 481.800 26.600 354.000 69.500 1,094,300 163,100 486,000 2,548.400 2,770,000 48,600 87,0C0 1,281.800 1.695,400 1,642,600 212,500 1,027,500 358,900 663,600 136,700 389,500 1,817,100 2,006,800 63,400 82,000 972,600 l,426.4tO 1.193,400 218,800 804,600 267.000 2,462,600 336,400 762,200 3,041,800 2,769,600 109,100 63,400 1.324,400 1.863,400 1,551,900 304,000 1,004,000 461,800 871.800 176.500 471,500 1,892,600 1,969.300 71.400 30.800 991.100 1.739.000 1.266,000 300,300 843,700 278.400 514,300 51,300 229,700 1,363,700 1.645,900 40,300 33,600 707,500 1.157,200 719,300 184,100 620,400 134,300 532,400 76.300 289.200 1.203,300 1,363,100 36,300 48.500 582.100 1.132.600 668,900 69.500 568,900 165,600 8,191,800 20,469,400 18,739,400 6,811,900 15,602,700 10,589,200 18,146,300 6,242,800 4.762,000 13,416,600 10,020,900 16,034,800 10.901,400 ",201,600 6.715,700 Run-off, in acre-feet Mean run-off for period, in acre-feet 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-26 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1889-1929 1909-1929 1919-1929 1924-1929 Kern River 589,300 111,800 372,100 1,404,700 1,310.600 37,800 32,300 573,300 1,140,400 622,700 58,600 422,600 100,900 517,200 90,500 360,800 1,532,300 1,669,900 43,000 77,000 891,400 1,561,600 1,143,700 167,000 830,400 220,400 841,600 139,700 461,100 2,197,600 2,279,500 68,600 107,600 1,29.5,100 1,491.200 1,314,600 172,800 876,900 285,000 522,000 102,000 363,500 1,668,900 1,683,500 63,700 68,400 812,800 1,530,700 1,016,400 136,400 676,600 332.000 189,900 24,700 101.700 392,000 646,000 14,400 7,600 180,300 523,500 190,800 28,200 260,100 36,600 465,600 89,800 325,600 1,290,200 1,281.300 34,700 86,000 786,200 1,441.300 1.102.600 99.500 716.800 204.800 340,700 48,900 218,800 1,037,200 1,236,200 25,100 31,700 513,800 961,400 512.300 51,300 385,700 96,700 790,000 131.000 483,200 1,984,200 1,886,700 58,800 69,800 968,100 1,536,900 1,234,900 124,000 807.000 268,500 337,600 48,200 203,000 970,900 1,219,700 34,600 52,000 638,700 1,256,400 847.200 89,600 645.800 208,600 328,800 64,800 222,800 849.300 878.700 17,0(10 36,800 388,900 953,900 401,000 36,300 350,100 68,400 714.000 130.000 443,000 1,889,000 1,993,000 55,200 70,900 989,000 1,634,000 1,239,000 189,000 820,000 290,000 679,000 109,000 355,000 1.580,000 1,702,000 48,200 66,200 825,000 1,393,000 997,000 156.000 696.000 235,000 493,000 84,100 311,000 1.321.000 1.398,000 39,800 56,900 705,000 1.240.000 839.000 96.400 507.000 182.000 464.000 74.500 291,000 1,226,000 1,300.000 34,000 55,100 659.000 1. 230.000 820.000 80,100 581,000 169,000 Kings River San Joaquin River ChowchiUa River Tuolumne River Mokelumne River. Totab 6,777,100 8,995,200 11,631,300 8.863,800 2,594,800 7,922,300 5,467,600 10,348,100 6,552.200 4,686.800 10,466.100 8,831,400 7,363,200 8,973,700 ' Includes South Fork of Tule River, which enters the main Tule below the reservoir site of the State Plan. 80997 -Eet. pp. 90 and 91 L SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 91 that, where available, sufficient upstream storage would be constructed to effect this service. In determining the irrigation requirements, the net use of water and its seasonal distribution were taken from a previous bulletin.* Net uses of 60 and 65 per cent of the gross diver- sions were assumed for foothill areas north and south of Stanislaus River, with 40 and 35 as the percentages of return flow to the same stream either above or below the reservoir site or to some other stream. Allowances were made for diversions out of the watershed for irri- gation purposes on the Cosumnes, Mokelumne, Stanislaus, and Merced rivers. Monthly adjustments for the impounding in and release of stored water from assumed upstream irrigation and present constructed power reservoirs were made as though such reservoirs had been in existence throughout the 40-year period, 1889-1929. It was assumed that the city of San Francisco would ultimately desire to divert 400,000,000 gallons per day from the Tuolumne River watershed for municipal purposes. The water available for this diver- sion is limited by the provisions of the Raker Act and was assumed to be regulated by the city's ultimate storage development. It was also assumed that the East Bay Municipal Utility District would ulti- mately divert 200,000,000 gallons per day from the Mokelumne River for municipal purposes. As this diversion is from the Pardee Reservoir, the foothill reservoir used on the Mokelumne River under the ultimate State Plan, it was not deducted from the total ultimate water supply obtainable from that reservoir. The estimated ultimate net seasonal run-off for each of the major San Joaquin River Basin streams is shown in Table 6. Net Run-off Under Existing Conditions of Development. The monthly full natural run-off of each of the lower east side tributaries of the San Joaquin River Basin, at the foothill gaging stations, was corrected for the 12-year period, 1917-1929, to that which might be expected under conditions of irrigation development as of the present and municipal diversions estimated as of 1940, both above and below the gaging stations and for storage in and release from present constructed reservoirs at the foothill sites and in the mountains. The foothill reservoirs were assumed to be operated for irrigation purposes with the exception of Pardee Reservoir on the Mokelumne River, which was assumed to be operated for municipal purposes with some incidental power. The present constructed mountain reservoirs were assumed to be operated mainly for power purposes. The diversions for munici- pal purposes as of 1940 were estimated as 35,000,000 gallons per day or 54 cubic feet per second from the Tuolumne River watershed by the city of San Francisco and 75,000,000 gallons per day or 116 cubic feet per second from the Mokelumne River by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. The net run-off of each of the lower east side tribu- taries under the existing and assumed conditions of development determines the inflow into the San Joaquin River Delta. The estimated values for the 12-year period 1917-1929, are set forth by seasons in Table 7. Variation of Run-off. Due to large fluctuations in precipitation in California, there are very wide variations in seasonal, monthly and * Bulletin No. 6, "Irrigation Requirements of California Lands," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works, 1923. 92 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CO < oooooooooooo ^ oooooooooooo — GO — ^ o -^ o t^ -^^ c^^ -^ ■»r o o c -off in Joaqu Its, in re-feet ^' QO o i:© x' od CO »n to 3s -m' qo CI ^CX)'M^>0^»OCT:0»Ct^»0 t-- oo c-1 tra o '.o o ?^ >o ■^ CO ^ 1^ 1* roccc-4iot^»o — r«(M»Or*5^- CO Jl°" ping sions ?aging ns, in ■feet OOOOCOOCCTOOO o oooooooooooo c^cococccr'rocccr'c--'c^cocc CO cri rn ^r sT — cT cC crT oT c^ ^ oi" o OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO 00 Pum diver below 1 static acre- *- oooooooooooo o m S^ oooooooooooo iiZm t'-rOiC'MC'JtO'T^^'^OO*—"^ o 5 "oj c O 00 00 Tj* CO »c c^i »o '-C d CO CO oT CI lO -^ O M CO "^ »0 -f -^ ^- — • -J^ C^l-M^Tf-^J*-^ (M^-^CO^ OJ S5!^ -^S OOOOOOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOOOOOO o oj^^^OcoOcor^c^— ^^c^ 00 ^ U. CJ ;D i-T -rr o^ iC »o CO CO M id" crT c^r -^ ■^OCOOOOCO 00 CO Oi yi: (M cc >, C HH L. Q OCSOOOOOOOOOO o S S Si OOOOOOOOOOOO o i^l 0-^-^CO<:C;QqoOt^Oi'^':0»C o o; tj^ -rr «? 00 o ^ • r> -^ '^ o' ^' o* cooooO'^ccooir^— 'Oi^o ^Tfcocor^toco^'^o"^"* lo Jii QJ O o > o ^^^iSss -t^ o 4S oooooooooooo o T3 OOOOOOOOOOO^-J o l^ 'eras r at cs CO M ci_ to ^ r-. --^ CO o -^ O o^ irf t>^ CO ^ o -^ CO OS Iff — ^ o — "" UD -HOiOOC^MOCMtOy^OOCO-V CO c S § >:• (M C') IM — ^ r-. 1-H o g£| c !^ aus at nee Ian River OOOOOOO'OOOOO o oooooooooooo o --^c^,--^.— ^r^OC■^_co^--_o o ■»r r-T to o oo -^'' t-T ^ of ^' CO oo »o Stanisl River conflue with? oaquin ^fCJiCOCO-^-^-^OOCOCO-*--^ ;o CD'^-^Os^OO'— 0C-^Ot--CS cC "-s t. oooooooooooo ^ Tuolumne River at confluence with San oaquin Rive OOOOOOOOOOOO ^oo'j:;iCOPt^oqcaoicoTr o (M ocn-^'''^'— 'coo-i o^x r--.oo iC 0'^--«rri0'^'^<^c^i'-*^»o ■^ OoooDcocRO-i' e Oi ^ 4J s Cfl 1 a OOC50^'>ICO'^»0?Ot>^o6CT> — ^C^IC^C^C^C^OlC^C^fMCI J^ l--0000*-'C'ICO'^»CiX)I^OO — ^ — C^ < CQ Oi u > 1— 1 o: z l-H D a < >-) 0^ •— • 1 oo m w u ■§ 111 I- w r^ 00 2 ^ oa < H t 3 9$ CO •-> 3 4-* CO C oi .? b b f^ 7, b in m z o H <: 9 B ° r ^% a! &> IS I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I CO C*3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 0> Oi Oi O) O^ 0< 9> O^ OS ^ O) 0> Oi o.** 2? o 9 coooooooooooo oocoooooooooo ■^ O t * O O O "^ — _^ O w o_ -^ o O O' Co' — * --C CM* -^ I - •— ' o c^ o .— ' C^ iC C^ ^ CO ^H w OOl^OOOOOOOO^geO ooQ005ooooooooooooooooasa> 2*a £is CCMC^IOlCOtDOiOC^^COOt^-— ' OU'^^^CO'V'<*'^*"^COC^^'*0'^ CNC^COCSC^CMC^C-»CSCMC4COCO OOOOOOOOOOOwO ooooo^ooooooo o o o o^ o o o o o o_ o o_ o ^coodocs^oodicooocs'-^ »CiOOC001-^'-C0iC^u0O00l'- >-"" cs' CO* lO cf "^ Tf i-T cm" ^ i ? i i» « C fc ooooooooooooo §000000000000 ooooo-^^c^ooooo^ 1^ ^ i~^ o' o tc CO o *o c; re »c 'C O iO ) — ^- — ,— .^ Oiootp^^r^ O io j3 C O o rt "2 ■Sua 0) 5» 3 rt ea^ rt ca c« > >■ :« SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 95 TABLE 9 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SEASONAL RUN-OFF OF MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Based on m2an full natural run-offs for 40-year period, 1889-1929 Month October... November. December - January. -- Februa^y.- March April May June July August September. Totals Kern River near Bakersfield In acre- feet 18,200 18,900 21,700 35,500 39,200 t)4,200 102,000 153,000 145,000 77,500 32,600 17,200 725,000 In per cent of seasonal total 2.5 2.6 3.0 4.9 5.4 8.8 14.1 21.1 20 10.7 4 5 2.4 100 Tule River near Porterville In acre- feet 1,700 3,100 e,80C 15,000 15,000 23.800 26,200 24,400 13,100 3,600 1,300 1,000 135,000 In per cent of seasonal total 1.3 2.3 5.0 11.1 11.1 17.6 19.4 18.1 9.7 2.7 1.0 0.7 100.0 Kaweah River near Three Rivers In acre- feet 6,200 8,400 11,500 26,500 26,400 45,300 69,500 110,000 93,000 33,200 8,400 4,600 443,000 In per cent of seasonal total 1.4 19 2.6 6.0 6,0 10.2 15.7 24.8 21.0 7.5 1.9 1.0 100.0 Kings River at Piedra In acre- feet 27,800 29,400 35.400 78,700 76,500 133,000 240,000 490,000 483,000 208,000 61,500 25,700 1,889,000 In per cent of seasonal total 1. 1. 1 4 4 7 12 25 9 25 6 11.0 3.2 1.4 100.0 Month October... November. December. January... February _- March April May June July August September. Totals San Joaquin River near Friant In acre- feet 27,700 31,600 44,000 92,100 94,600 163,000 267,000 494.000 479,000 210,000 64,300 27,700 1.995,000 In per cent of seasonal total 1.4 1.6 2.2 4.6 4.7 8.2 13.4 24.8 24.0 10 5 3,2 1.4 100.0 Fresno River near Knowles In acre- feet 500 2,000 3,700 6,900 13,300 14,700 11,4C0 6,000 3,500 1,200 200 63,400 In per cent of seasonal total 0.8 3.1 5.8 10.9 21.0 23.2 18.0 9 5 5 5 1.9 0.3 Merced River at E.xchequer 100.0 In acre- feet 13,300 18,000 26,600 68,300 81,900 130,000 171,000 280,000 226,000 75,300 17,000 7,600 1,115,000 In per cent of seasonal total 1.2 1.6 2.4 6.1 7.4 11.6 15 3 25.1 20.3 6.8 1.5 0.7 100.0 Tuolumne River near La Grange In acre- feet 22,200 37,000 60,700 118,000 149,000 221,000 310,000 498,000 446,000 167,000 30,600 10,500 2,070,000 In per cent of seasonal total 1.1 1.8 2.9 5.7 7.2 10.7 15 24 21 5 8.1 1.5 5 100.0 Month October _ ^ . November. December. January. -- February.- March April May June - July August September. Totals Stanislaus River near Knights Ferry In acre- feet 12,100 21,200 35,600 84,100 109,000 176,000 246,000 335,000 232,000 73,900 16,700 8,400 1,350,000 In per cent of seasonal total 0.9 1.6 8 1 13.1 18.2 24.8 17.2 5.5 1.2 0.6 100.0 Calaveras River at Jenny Lind In acre- feet 1,400 4,400 18,500 50,800 53,300 65,700 21,600 7.600 3,000 500 100 100 227,000 In per cent of seasonal total 22 23! 29.0 9 5 3.4 1.3 0.2 100.0 Mokelumne River near Clements In acre- feet 6,700 17,500 28,000 48,800 66,400 104,000 148,000 216,000 163,000 46,900 5.100 2,600 853,000 In per cent of seasonal total 0.8 2.0 3 7 8 2 .4 3 ,1 5 0.6 0.3 3 5 7 12 17 25 19 5 100.0 Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar In acre- feet 2,000 5,800 26,100 57.600 74.200 90,500 75,400 51,200 20,200 3,000 500 500 407,000 In per cent of seasonal total 0.5 1.4 6 4 14.2 18.2 22.2 18.5 12.6 5 0.8 0.1 0.1 100.0 96 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE IV SAN JOAQUIN RIVER SEASON NEAREST TO NORMAL MINIMUM SEASON MAXIMUM SEASON 1000 500 1926-27 - - II 1 J 1 : ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■J 1923-24 , ■ ^^ ^ ^ B 1 1 ^ _ 1910-11 ^ I 1 J m — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I H •- 5 " U O u o z o 2 zjOo: U O Ul OZO^u.2 o U O bl O Z O z ai 5 < LJ 5 -, u. 2 V "^ >- O 2 ID o o iij 5 S dt ^ Q. ; 3 3 3 111 5 < 2 T ^ < OT 1923-24 _ _ _ ^j ^ H U — _ MAXIMUM SEASON 1915-16 IMi ^ : ^^^L 1 ^a OOuiiui'*o.< oza?u.2; d t z ai 5 a: > z =; => < «1 I- > O 2 (D O O Ul 5 " o z o ^ 5 DC 5 z i d t 5 o- 5 3 3 3 IJ Z < 2 ^ ^ < (0 For period of stream flow record 1893-1929 DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF SAN JOAQUIN, KINGS AND KERN RIVERS FOR TYPICAL SEASONS SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 97 TABLE 10 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM MEAN DAILY STREAM FLOWS IN MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN (iaginpc .station Maximum flow Minimum flow Stream In second feet Date In second feet Date Cosumnes River Mokelumne River Calaveras River--. At Michigan Bar Near Clements At Jenny Lind . 22,400 23,400 69,600 57,2)0 52,500 37,200 3,770 38,800 46,300 10,100 5,430 16,100 Jan. 31, 1911 Mar. 19, 1907- Jan. 31, 1911 Mar. 19, 1907 Jan. 30, 1911 Jan. 30, 1911 Feb. 21, 1917 Jan. 31, 1911 Jap. 7, 1901 Jan. 17, 1916 Dec, 8, 1909 Jan. 18, 1916 1 54 67 10 82 July 9, 1924= (3) Stanislaus River Tuolumne River .Merced River Near Knights Ferry Near La Grange Near Merced Falls and at Exchequer Dec. 3-5, 1912 Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 1922' Nov. 21, 1901 Fresno River Sin Joaquin River - Near Knowlcs Near Friant Monday, Sept. 15, 1924' Oct. 2, 3, 1924 Kings River At Piedra Near Three Rivers Near Porterville Near Bakersfield Kaweah River Tule River Kern River. Aug. :iy-Sept. 1, 1924 Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 1920 Sept. 10, 1924 ' Part of 1908, 1918, 1919, 1924, 1926. • .\lso .August 15 and 20-23, 1924. ■' Part of 1913. 1914, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921. 1922, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929. ' Flow shut off ly closure of gates at Don Pedro Dam. ■ Aug., Sept., 1919; July-Oct, 1924; .\ug., Sept., 1920; Aug.-Oct., 1928, and Aug., Sept., 1929. '■ Due to retention of inflow in power storage over weeic end. Average for week Septembsr 14-21, 182 .second-feet. Return Water. lu the San Joaquin River Basin a substantial potential water supply is that from water which, once used for irrigation, domestic or other purposes, would return to the streams either as direct drainage or as an inflow from the various underground basins. The return irrigation waters would have their sources in the losses from canals or other conduits during conveyance of water from the points of diversion on the streams to points of use, in the surface drainage from the land after irrigation and in seepage to the underground basins. A large portion of the return waters from the mountain and foothill region would be available for storage in the major unit reservoirs of the State Water Plan in which they could be regulated to a supply conforming to the irrigation demand on the valley floor. In the upper San Joaquin Valley most of the waters diverted to the valley floor in excess of consumptive use would be utilized by pumping from under- ground reservoirs. The efficient utilization of these underground reservoirs would allow only a small portion of this water to reach the valley trough channels. In the lower San Joaquin Valley the waters diverted to the valley floor in excess of consumptive use would enter the streams or artificial drains and finally reach the San Joaquin River or would replenish the underground basins. The return waters reach- ing the San Joaquin River could be made available for reuse on adjacent lands or exportation to other areas through the major con- veyance units of the State Water Plan and would be intermingled with water imported from the Sacramento River Basin. The suitability of these return waters for reuse is of importance because it would constitute a considerable part of the total available water supply for the San Joaquin River Basin. During 1906 and 1908 at regular intervals throughout each of the respective years, and in 7 — 80997 98 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES 1930 during tlie low water season, tlu' Water Resources Branch of the United States Geological Survey chemically analyzed water samples taken from many of the principal streams of the State. Among these were analyses of water fi-om the San Joaciuin River when nearly the entire flow was return water from irrigation. The locations and the dates of taking these water samples and the results of the analyses are set forth in Appendix E, "The Chemical Character of Some Surface Waters of California, 1930-1932." These analyses, as well as analyses presented in another report,* show that the return water, under present eonditions, is entirely satisfactory, chemically, for municipal, irrigation and industrial uses and can be classified as "good." The amounts and distribution of return waters throughout the season also are important elements in determining the feasibility of utilizing return waters. In order to determine these values as accu- rately as possible, measurements of diversions and return waters have been made each season since 1924 by the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor. Results of these measurements are given in a bulle- tin of the Division of Water Resources.** From 1924 to 1927, inclu- sive, three series of measurements were taken, each season, along each major stream of the lower San Joaquin Valley, beginning near tlie footliills and ending at the mouth. Estimates were made en route, of all diversions between each point of measurement. In 1928, per- manent gaging stations were established at the upper and lower point on each stream. For each season since 1927, during the June to October periods, continuous flow records and estimates of diversion have been obtained. The points of stream flow measurement are located at the Yosemite Valley Railroad crossing near Snelling and the bridge of Hills Ferry Road on Merced River; Roberts Ferry Bridge and Tuolumne City on Tuolumne River; Orange Blossom Bridge and Elliott Ranch on Stanislaus River; and at San Luis Ranch, below the mouth of the Merced River near Newman, near Grayson and near Vernalis on San Joaquin River. These stream flow measurements were analyzed in conjunction with records and estimates of diversions to determine the amounts of water which returned to the respective river channels during the period of measurement. As measurements were taken from June to October only, the natural run-ofl:' from valley floor lands was eliminated from consideration. The measurements covered seasons of both large and small total stream flow and the character of the season probably affected the percentage of return water. Greater amounts of water are diverted in seasons of large stream flow than in seasons of smaller yield, and since only a definite amount is consumed by plant growth, the return flows in seasons of large water yield represent a somewhat larger percentage of the total diversions. Analyses of measurements of surface diversion into, and measure- ments of outflow from a large fully developed district in the lower San Joaquin Valley, for the 1929 irrigation season, showed a total seasonal return flow of 36 per cent of the gross diversion. From gross diversion * Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of W^ater Resources, State Department of Public Works, 1931. ♦• Bulletin No. 23, "Report of Sacramento -San Joaquin "Water Supervisor, Division of Water Resources, State Department of Public Works, 1930. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 99 and net use analyses presented in Chapter VII, it is estimated that, under conditions of ultimate development, the average proportion of return flow would be about 40 per cent of all of the water diverted from both local and imported supplies for irrigation in the lower San Joaquin Valley, and would be available, in the stream channels, for reuse on adjacent lands or exportation to other areas. During the principal months of the irrigation season practically all of such return flows would be utilized for these purposes. There is no definite information on the amounts of irrigation water which return slowly to the stream channels during the winter months. An accurate determination of these amounts would be difficult as they are combined with run-offs from rainfall on the valley floor. Estimates, however, have been made of the amounts of return water for the winter season. Studies indicate that during the period, 1924-1929, the return water in the months from July to September, inclusive, in different seasons, varied from 19 to 38 per cent of the diversion for these months. It is estimated that the return flow from general crop irrigation during the principal irrigation months, April to October, inclusive, is about 65 per cent of the total seasonal, and it has been assumed that the remaining 35 per cent returns at about a uniform rate over the other five months. Table 11 sets forth the estimated monthly distribution of return waters in the lower San Joaquin Valley. TABLE 11 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RETURN WATERS IN LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Month Return water in per cent of total seasonal return Month Return water in per cent of total seasonal return October 8 7 7 7 7 7 April- _ November. ... Mav. 8 December .. . June. 11 January _ July .. . .. 12 February March August September 10 9 100 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER III AGRICULTURAL LANDS The San Joaquin River Basin, embracing an area of about 32,000 square miles or 20.6 per cent of the State's total, contains within its exterior boundaries, valley, foothill and mountain lands. The uses of water in this area and on these lands include domestic, municipal, irrigation, salinity control, industrial, navigation, power and recreation. Of all the foregoing uses, that for the irrigation of the farm lands in the basin does and probably will continue to predominate. It is believed that the water requirements estimated on the basis of irrigation would be adequate for the future complete development of the basin. Therefore, it was important and necessary in these investigations to determine as nearly as practicable the extent of the agricultural lands in the basin which have been brought under irrigation and of those lands not now irrigated but susceptible of irrigation at some future time. This involved a survey of the basin for the purpose of classifying the lands. Geology and Soils. The character of the soils in the San Joaquin Valley is related to its geological history. The following general description of the geology of the valley is quoted from Water Supply Paper 398 of the U. S. Geological Survey : "The valley as a whole is a great structural trough and appears to have been such a basin since well back in Tertiary time. Since it assumed its general troughlike form, gradual subsidence, perhaps interrupted by periods of uplift, has continued and has been accompanied by deposition alternating at least along what is now its western border with intervals of erosion. This interrupted but on the whole continuous deposition seems to have been marine during the early and middle Tertiary ; but during the later Tertiary and Pleistocene, when presumably the valley had been at least roughly outlined by the growth of the Coast Ranges, fresh water and terrestrial conditions became more and more predominant, until the relations of land and sea, of rivers and lakes, of coast line and interior, of mountain and valley, as they now, were gradually evolved. As these conditions developed, the ancestors of the present rivers probably brought to the salt and fresh water bodies that occupied the present site of the valley and its borders, or, in the latest phases of the development, to the land surface itself, the clays, sands, gravels, and alluvium that subsequently consolidated into the shales, sandstones, and con- glomerates of the late Tertiary and Pleistocene series, just as the present rivers are supplying the alluvium that is even now accumulating over the valley floor. "The very latest of accumulations are the sand and silt and gravel beds penetrated bv the driller in his explorations for water throughout the valley. They are like the earlv folded sandstones, shales and conglomerates exposed along the nanks of tlie valley, except that they are generally finer, and are not yet consolidated or disturbed. The greater part, perhaps all of them, accumulated as stream wash on the valley surface or in interior lakes like the present Tulare I^ake, but a proportion of the older sediment that is greater as we delve farther back into the geologic past accumulated in the sea or in salt bays having tree connection with the sea. It is these very latest geologic deposits, saturated below the ground water level by the fresh water supplied chiefly by the Sierran streams, that constitute the reservoirs drawn upon by the wells, whether flowing or pumped, throughout the valley." All of the five general groups of soils, residual, old valley-filling, recent alluvial, lake-laid and wind-laid, are found Avithin the San Joaquin River Basin. The residual soils occur in the foothill and mountain areas. The portions of these areas in which disintegration SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 101 has proceeded without erosion form much of the ajrricultural lands within the foothills and along the edges of some portions of the valley. The old valley-filling soils occur as terraces along streams, remnants of alluvial fans or higher valley areas. The hardpan soils are mainly of this type. The recent alluvial soils represent the recent stream deposits in the valley and along stream channels. The lake-laid soils, mainly of fine texture, have been deposited in lakes of fluctuating volume in flat poorly drained basins in the valley trough and merge gradually with the recent alluvial soils. Wind-laid soils have been deposited as the result of wind action on adjacent light-textured alluvial soils and, in places, closely resemble sand dunes. The old valley-filling and recent alluvial soils represent much the larger part of the agricultural lands. Land Classification. Considerable data on land classification in the San Joaquin Vallej'' were available from other sources prior to the undertaking of the investigations on which this report is based. The reports and maps of the U. S. Bureau of Soils were available for the entire valley area. These reports show soil texture and alkali. The maps of the U. S. Geological Survey were available for all but the south end of the valley, on a scale of two inches to the mile with five-foot contour intervals which indicated the roughness of the land. Many local areas had been classified in prior investigations for procedure before the State Engi- neer relative to irrigation, water storage and water conservation dis- tricts. Classifications in such areas were reviewed and utilized as far as practicable. Standards of classification w^ere established prior to starting a field examination and were maintained throughout the survey. Boundaries between the classes were located on field maps on a scale of two inches per mile. The quadrangle sheets of the U. S. Geological Survey were used where available. Full use also was made of the Reconnaissance Soil Survey maps of the U. S. Bureau of Soils. Field notes were placed directly on the maps. Areas of each classification on each map were measured in the office by means of the planimeter, their totals checked against the total area and then segregated by hydrographic divisions and counties. Land classification is necessarily, to a large extent, a matter of judgment. It was not considered possible to exactly locate the boundaries of areas in each classification and because of limited time and funds refinements were not attempted. However, the areas determined for each classification, as a whole, are believed to be substantially correct. The total area included within flip San Joaquin River Basin con- sists of valley, foothill and mountain areas. While exact lines of demarcation are difficult to locate, especially between foothill and mountain lands, the total area was divided into three segregations in this investigation, as set forth in Table 12. All of the valley areas were carefully classified in order to determine the portions which would justify development under irrigation. The poi-tions of the foothill areas containing agricultural lands also were classified. The field work on land classification in connection with this report was not extended into the remaining foothills and mountains above the irrigable areas. 102 DIVISION OV WATER RESOURCES TABLE 12 SEGREGATION OF LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Segregation Area In square miles Ii 1 per cent of toUl Vai lev lands. - 13.000 1,500 17,500 40 6 Classified foothill areas 4.7 Unclassified foothills and mountains - _ - _____ _ ___ _ 54.7 Totals.. . 32,000 100 Much of the gross area in these three divisions is nonagricnltural in character. All of the mountain and nnclassified foothill areas are considered to be nonafrricultural. In the valley and classified foothill areas, exclusive of 279,000 acres in the San Joaquin Valley portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, about 12,840 square miles have been classified as asrricultural. wliich represents 92 per cent of the gross area of these two divisions and is equal to 8,219,400 acres. Valley Floor Lands. The methods and standards employed in classifying the valley floor lands are set forth in a rather complete discussion in Appendix A. For that reason only a brief description of the standards of classification used for these lands is given in this chapter. Class 1 represents those lands where the soil texture, alkali or topography, do not limit the crop yield or the feasibility of irrigation. These are good lands capable of producing high yields at reasonable costs of preparation. Class 2 represents lands of medium ability to carry costs for water. These are second-grade lands where the difference from Class 1 may be due to hardpan, roughness, alkali or other factors. Class 3 represents lands which by present standards do not justify irrigation with regulated water supplies, but which may eventually come into Class 2 with improvements in methods of alkali removal or reduction in costs of leveling. Those are areas which are not now suitable for irrigation, but Avhere tlie conditions may not justify a present conclusion of permanent nonsuitability. Class 4 represents lands suitable only for flooding for pasture and of too poor quality to be suited to the production of usual crops. Class 5 represents lands Avhich can be considered as permanently nonirrigable by any reasonable or jirobable future standards. The poor quality of the'land may be due to alkali, shallow depths of soil, hardpan, roughness or steepness or a combination of these factors. These lauds have been classified as nonagricultural. Following the com]iletion of th'- classification of the valley areas, maps showing the results were submitted to the San Joaquin Valley Water Committee and by it referred to the subcommittees for each of the eiirlit counties involved. The classification was reviewed and, with minor exccniions, accented by the county committees. On Plate V, "Classification of Agricultural Lands in the San Joaquin Valley," are delineated the areas classified under the foregoing standards. This plate shows in general the location of the areas falling within the r '\ /^' r U'l K 1 IK \ \ saw*- 102 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 12 SEGREGATION OF LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Segregation Area In square miles In per cent of toul V'iillev lands 13,000 1,500 17,500 32,000 40 6 Classified foothill areas 4.7 Unclassified foothills and mountains 54.7 Totals 100.0 Much of tlie p:ross area in tliese three divisions is nonagricultural in character. All of the mountain and nncla.ssified foothill areas are considered to be nonafrricultural. In the valley and classified foothill areas, exclusive of 279,000 acres in the San Joaquin Valley portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, about 12,840 square miles have been classified as aj^ricultural, which represents 92 per cent of the gross area of these two divisions and is equal to 8,219,400 acres. Valley Floor Lands. The methods and standards employed in classifying the valley floor lands are set forth in a rather complete discussion in Appendix A. For that reason only a brief description of the standards of classification iLsed for these lands is given in this chapter. Class 1 represents those lands Avhere the soil texture, alkali or topography, do not limit the crop yield or the feasibility of irrigation. These are good lands capable of producing high yields at reasonable costs of preparation. Class 2 represents lands of medium ability to carry costs for water. These are second-grade lands where the difference from Class 1 may be due to hardpan, roughness, alkali or other factors. Class 3 represents lands which by present standards do not justify irrigation with regulated water supplies, but which may eventually come into Class 2 with improvements in methods of alkali removal or reduction in costs of leveling. These are areas Avhich are not now suitable for irrigation, but where the conditions may not .justify a present conclusion of permanent nonsuitability. Class 4 represents lands suitable only for flooding for pasture and of too poor quality to be suited to the production of usual crops. Class 5 represents lands which can be considered as permanently nonirrigable by any reasonable or probable future standards. The poor quality of the'land may be due 1o alkali, shallow depths of soil, hardpan, roughness or steepness or a combination of these factors. Tliese lands have been classified as nonagricultural. Following the completion of th<- classification of the valley areas, majis showing the results were submitted to the San Joaquin Valley Water Committee and by it referred to tlie subcommittees for each of the eiirlit counties involved. The classification was reviewed and, with minor e.\cei)lioiis. accented by the county committees. On Plate V, "Classification of Agricultural Lands in the San Joaquin Valley, are delineated the areas classified under the foregoing standards. This plate shows in general the location of the areas falling within the .-f tv'li / ;pT.:/' ^^^^ Tr/^^/^^ "^.""/Wn^-^'^J iVondiv^ifri- /'.tor If I' '■% J : S'^''Wir\^, :adera(( ;;>*' ( • / ) J J-'l G _/ W:€ J 7 ■•~'.^/\ /' J / ' A jN T a LEGEND I I Craw 1 land r " 1 Class 2 land f ' 1 Class 3 land H9HH Class4 land I 1 Foothill agricultural land _.y / CLASSIFICATION / S >\ J'l LUIS / y 3 1 S P AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY '•'^rmmtmmi^^ ■ ' -N A?. / /( ; X \ •V savnTH/M* :^ reeo8 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 103 various classifications. It should be noted particularly that the bound- aries of such areas are not exact as to location and that the basic data for these areas were not obtained with a sufficient decree of accuracy to make this plate usable for the determination of soil characteristics or appraisals of individual tracts or other relatively small areas. Class 5 land is not considered agricultural and is not shown on the plate. The boundary of the valley floor, south of the San Joaquin River, encompasses a large area of agricultural land out of proportion to the water crop from the adjacent tributaries available for use in its development. With an irrigation development already of such extent that in dry periods the yield of these tributary streams is entirely utilized, the shortage in supply in portions of the area is reflected in continuously receding ground water tables. The northern limit of the areas now under irrigation development where such conditions of dis- parity between supply and demand obtain is at the Chowchilla River. Northward from this line the available run-off from tributary streams is adequate to support all existing development. Nearly the entire now utilized run-off of the San Joaquin RiA-er proper serves an area northward from Mendota. Because of these differences in tributary water supply the San Joaquin Valley has been divided into two parts in this investigation. The portion .southward from Mendota and the Chowchilla River has been designated as the upper San Joaquin Valley and that downstream or northerly from the above line of separation, as the lower San Joaquin Valley. The upper San Joaquin Valley extends southward to the southern limit of the Great Central Valley, and the lower San Joaquin Valley northward to Antioch on the west side of the valley and to the Cosumnes River on the east. Table 13 sets forth the areas of each of the five classes of land on the San Joaquin Valley floor. In this table, the area of each class of land in upper San Joaquin Valley; lower San Joaquin Vallej^ excluding San Joaquin Delta ; and San Joaquin Delta is shown separately. TABLE 13 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS ON SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR Upper San Joaquin Valley floor Lower San Joaquin Valley floor, excluding San Joaquin Delta San Joaquin Delta Total San Joaquin Valley floor Class Gross area Gross area Gross area Gross area In acres In per cent of total In acres In per cent of total In acres In per cent of total In acres In per cent of total 1 2 . 2,886,900 1,051,500 772,700 170,700 647,400 52.2 19.0 14 3.1 11.7 1,063,500 674,500 402,700 219,900 43,500 44 3 28.1 16.7 9.1 1.8 261,000 17,000 1,000 93 5 6 1 4 4,211,400 1,743,000 1,176,400 390,600 690,900 51.3 21.2 14 t 3 4.._ 5 4.8 8.4 Totals 5,529,200 100.0 2,404,100 100 279.000 100.0 8,212,300 100.0 In Tulare County, a land classification survey also was made by the Tulare County Water Committee. The classifications in that county for the two surveys are compared in Table 14. 104 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 14 COMPARISON OF LAND CLASSIFICATIONS IN TULARE COUNTY Class Gross area, in acres State Tulare County water committee 1 578,900 234,500 90,100 79.200 633,486 2 190,834 3 113,726 4 (1 5. 201,050 Town sites, etc. , 11,701 Sloughs and channels 7,913 ' Totals 982.700 1,158,710 The county clas.sifieation included about 165,000 acres of Class 5 land above the area covered by the State. The division between the valley and the adjacent Class 5 hill-land was in general agreement in the two classifications. The sum of the Class 1 and 2 areas is closely in agreement in the tAvo classifications, although the county classification rates a somewhat larger area as Class 1. A comparison of the results by local areas indicates that the principal differences are due to a more severe rating by the State of tiie alkali areas extending along the western side of the county. These lands are largely used for pasture Avith only limited areas of cultivated crops. Foothill Lands. The foothill areas were classified on somewhat different standards than those used for the valley lands. The base maps available for the foothill areas are on a smaller scale and in much less detail than those available for the A'alley areas. The better lands occur as separate scattered areas Avithin larger areas containing poorer lands. A detail mapping by individual areas was not practicable within the limits of these investigations. Five grades or classifications were used. Each represented areas in which the net arable area Avas estimated to comprise the folloAving percentages of the gross area : 1 — 80 per cent Class 2 — 80 per cent Class 3 — 50 per cent and ()0 jx'r cent Class 4 — 20 per cent and 40 per cent Class For Classes 3 and 4, tlic percentage of arable land, for each of the^ individual areas, was estimated at one of the tAVO values given. Onlj a small amount of Class 1 land Avas shcnvn separately as many of th( actual areas of Class 1 quality are included in the arable portions ol the other classes. It Avan determined before classifying any of the lands as agricultural that i1 would be physically possible to deA'clo] a Avater supply for tluMti. wiliiout regard, however, to the economic feasibility. The principal factoi-s affecting the irrigability of foothill lands are roughness and depth of soil. Roughness may consist of general] steepness or of general irrcirnlarity of topography. In many areas the de])th of the soil is insufficient for adequate root development. Ii SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 105 general, the depth of soil increases toward the higher elevations where rainfall and frost action are greater. The field work was extended to an elevation of about 4000 feet. The arable lands above this elevation are limited principally to meadow areas along streams which are now largely developed. The stream flow is measured below such higher areas and their use of water is already reflected in the stream flow records. The total area of such lands is not of sufficient magnitude to require separate consideration. The results of the classification of foothill lands are shown in Table 15. The numbers used to designate the different classes of foothill land do not represent the same basis of classification as for valley lands and the results shown in Table 15 for the foothill lands should not be compared with the results for the same numbered classes of valley lands in Table 13. The Class 5 foothill lands are those areas which do not contain irrigable lands and were not separately measured. Class 5 represents all lands not included in Classes 1 to 4 and is a part of the total area of 17,500 square miles of unclassified foothills and mountains. TABLE 15 CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN FOOTHILLS ADJACENT TO SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR Class Gross area In acres In per cent of total 1 3,400 12,000 348,100 613,500 0.3 2 1.2 3 35.7 4 62.8 Totals 977,000 100,0 Classification hij Counties. Although the same numbers are used for the classes of land in the foothills as for valley floor lands, it should be kept in mind in combining areas of lands under these classi- fications that they are on a somewhat different basis. Such a com- bination was made for Table 16 in which the total area of land in each of the first four is sho^^^l for that portion of each county in the upper and lower San Joaquin Valley and in the San Joaquin Delta. Since no attempt was made to measure the Class 5 lands in the foothills, this classification Avas omitted from the table and the total area shown for each county, therefore, is not the gross area of that county. 106 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 16 CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS, BY COUNTIES ' Lands in Cosumnes River Basin only. » Excluding lands in Sacramento Delta and north of Cosumnes River. Gross area in acres County Class Totals 1 2 3 4 Upper San Joaquin Valley- Kern 737,000 394,600 578,900 1,036,300 140,100 330,600 211,200 234,500 169,000 106,200 332,500 106,300 90,100 146.700 116,100 5,500 14,800 238,000 1,405,600 Kings 712,100 Tulare 903,500 Fresno 1,366,800 Madera -- 600,400 Totals 2,886,900 74,800 235,000 287,900 1.400 25,700 418,500 700 2,900 300 19,700 1,051,500 29,600 . 271,300 1,400 142,600 1,200 1,200 8,300 127,600 3,500 5,600 1,500 92,700 791,700 7,900 4,700 226,000 24,300 216,200 20,700 1,400 1,900 83,100 49,700 16.100 34,500 45,300 258,300 8,600 8.500 240.000 122.000 15,800 92,500 100 10,000 101,500 81,100 61,600 4,100 4,988,400 Lower San Joaquin Valley, excluding San Joaquin Delta— 120,900 Madera _ 13,200 Merced - 972,300 Mariposa 147,700 Stanislaus -. 662,500 114,400 .\lanieda 4,000 Contra Costa -_ 36,000 639,200 Calaveras - -- - 155,400 Amador .- 105,700 El Dorado' 97,900 Sacramento' 161,800 Totals 1,066,900 35,000 186,500 39,500 686,500 7,100 9,500 400 731,800 200 800 745,800 3.231.000 San Joaquin Delta- 42,300 196,800 39,900 Totals - 261,000 17,000 1,000 279,000 Grand totals 4,214,800 1,755,000 1,524,500 1,004,100 8,498,400 Gross Agricultural Areas. Table 17 set forth a summary of the gross areas of agricultural lands in the entire San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills, by sections. Class 5 lands are not included in the areas shown in the table since this class is considered as having no portion which will ever be suitable for agriculture. TABLE 17 GROSS AGRICULTURAL AREAS IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS, INCLUDING SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Section Upper San Joaquin Valley floor Lower San Joaquin Valley floor Foothill area.s San Joaquin Delta Totals- dross agricultural area In acres 4,881,800 2,360,600 977,000 279.000 8,498,400 In percent of total 57.4 27.8 11.5 3.3 100.0 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 107 Hydrographic Divisions. For convenience in carrying on the studies of the utilization of local water supplies tributary to the basin, smaller subdivisions of the areas heretofore described have been made. In general, the boundaries of these subdivisions have been so located as to include lands with a common source of surface supply and for that reason they have been called hydrographic divisions. In areas where no such natural bound- aries are indicated, arbitrary lines of division, based upon topography or possible sources of future water supply, have been used. These hydrographic divisions have been numbered from south to north as shown on Plate VI, "Hydrographic Divisions and Zones of Water Service in San Joaquin River Basin." In the upper San Joaquin River Basin south of the San Joaquin River, the valley floor areas extend practically to the limits of agri- cultural land. In the loAver San Joaquin River Basin, the mountain topography does not descend so abruptly to the valley floor and there are considerable areas of agricultural land which may not soon develop but for which a liberal alloAvance of local water supply must be made. Many of these lands lie above the stream bed elevations of developed or proposed storage sites. These lands together with rim lands situated below the elevations of the major reservoir sites are designated as foothill lands and have been included in hydrographic divisions having the same number, but with a capital letter appended, as that of the valley division having the same source of local water supply. Division 1 contains all of the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley floor located in Kern County with the exception of the northerly three miles. The sources of local water supply tributary to this division are the Kern River, that part of the Tejon Creek Group from Fran- ciscan Creek to Tejon Creek, Caliente Creek and the Poso Creek Group excluding White River. Division 2 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located in the northerly three miles of Kern County and in those portions of Tulare and Kings counties south of the Kaweah and Kings River areas of service. The sources of local water supply tributary to this division are the Tule River, Deer Creek and White River of the Poso Creek Group on the eastern side of the valley, and AA'enal Creek of the Tejon Creek Group on the western. Division 3 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located in those portions of northern Tulare and eastern Kings County within the Kaweah River area of service. The sources of local water supply tributary to this division are the Kaweah River and the Yokohl and Limekiln Creek groups. Division 4 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located in those portions of Fresno, Kings and Tulare counties within the Kings River area of service. The sources of local water suppW tributary to this division are Kings River and Dry Creek. Divisions 5 and 5B consist of those parts of the San Joaquin Valley floor located west of the Kings River area of service, these divisions being the areas beloAv and above the .S.lO-foot contour, respectively. The sources of local water supply tributary to these divisions are those streams of the Tejon Creek Group lying north of Avenal Creek, Los if 108 DIVISION OF WATER REt AHOl/IO^^ X ■v> j-l /^ i-i, • VIO ). V>^H\? nBcn " ( 1 1^ 1 ? / . V. Ik \k s -o 108 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Gatos Creek, the Cautua Creek Group, Panoche Creek and Little Panoche Creek in the Orestimba Creek Group. Division 6 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located north and east of the San Joaquin River aiid south of the Chowchilla River. Division 6A is the adjacent eastern foothill area. The sources of local water supply tributary to these divisions are the San Joaquin, Fresno and Chowchilla rivers, Cottonwood Creek and the Daulton Creek Group. Division 7 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located west of the San Joaquin River, from the vicinity of Mendota on the south nearly to Tracy on the north. The sources of local water supply tributary to this division are the San Joaquin River carrying water contributed by lower east side streams and the Orestimba Creek Group from Laguna Seca Creek on the south to Buenos Aires Creek on the north. Division 8 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located east of the San Joaquin River, north of the Chowchilla River and south of the J\Iereed River. Division 8 A is the adjacent eastern foothill area and includes all of the irrigable foothill lands between the Chowchilla River and the northern boundary of the Merced River watershed. The sources of local water supply tributary to these divisions are the San Joaquin and JMerced rivers, Dutchman Creek Group, Mariposa Creek, the Owen Creek Group, Bear Creek and the Burns Creek Group. Division 9 is that part of the San eloaquin Valley floor bounded on the west by the San Joaquin River, on the south by the ]\Ierced River and on the north by the Stanislaus River, the southern boundary of the Oakdale Irrigation District and by Dry Creek. DiA'ision 9A is the adjacent eastern foothill area Avithin the Tuolumne River water- shed, exclusive of lands now receiving a Avater suppW from the Stanis- laus River. The sources of local water supply tributary to these divisions are the Tuolumne River and Dry Creek in the Wildcat Creek Group. Division 10 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located south and west of the San Joaquin River Delta and north of Division 7. The sources of local water supply tributary to this division are minor streams in the Orestiml)a Creek Group north of Buenos Aires Creek. The main water supply for this division is obtained from the delta channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Division 11 is that part of the San Joa(|uin Valley floor bounded on the south by the Stanislaus River, the southern boundary of the Oakdale Irrigation District and Dry Creek in the Wildcat Creek Group, on the west by the San Joaquin River and the western boundary of the South San Joaquin Irrigation District, and on the north by Mormon Slongli and southern boundary of tlie Calaveras River water- shed. Division 11 A is the adjacent eastern foothill area located between the southern boundary of the Calaveras River watershed on the north and Division 9A on the south. Tlie sources of local water supply tributary to tliese divisions arc tlie Stanislaus River. "Wildcat Creek in the Wildcat Creek Group. Littlejohns Creek and Rock, Big Spring and Peaehys creeks in the Martells Creek Group. PLATE VI •MARTINEZ HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND ZONES OF WATER SERVICE IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN •-^k ( • SaV5!TflAM» I Te«08 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 109 Division 12 is that part of the San Joaciuin Valley floor bounded on the west by the San Joaquin River Delta north of Stockton and by the main San Joaquin River south of Stockton, on the south by westerly boundary of the South San Joaquin Il'rigation District, Mormon Slough and the southern boundary of the Calaveras River watershed, and on the north by Dry Creek of the Sutter Creek Group. Division 12A is the adjacent eastern foothill area located in the watersheds of the Mokelumne and Calaveras rivers and Dry Creek. The sources of local water supply tributary to these divisions are the Calaveras and Mokelumne rivers. Bear and Martells creeks of the Martells Creek Group and Dry and Sutter creeks of the Sutter Creek group. Division 13 consists of that part of the San Joaquin Valley floor located east of the San Joaquin River Delta, north of Dry Creek and south of the Cosumnes River. Division 13 A is the adjacent eastern foothill area within the watershed of the Cosumnes River. The sources of local water supply tributary to these divisions are the Cosumnes River and Willow Creek of the Sutter Creek Group. Hydrographic divisions 1, 2 and 7 are further divided into zones of water service which are delineated on Plate VI. Hydrographic divisions 1 to 6, inclusive, comprise the upper San Joaquin Valley; and 7 to 13, inclusive, the lower, exclusive of the San Joaquin Delta. The segregation of the classification of valley floor lands, by hydro- graphic divisions, are set forth in Table 18. The classification of agricultural lands in eastern foothills adjacent to San Joaquin Valley floor is given by hydrographic divisions in Table 19. TABLE 18 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS ON SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS For boundaries of hydrographic divisions see Plate VI Gross area, in acres Hydrograi)hic division Class Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Upper San Joaquin Valley — 1 2 4 5 5B 6 706,100 470,000 233,700 793,500 304,300 239,200 140,100 316,200 231,300 102,000 237,200 21,000 37,600 106,200 310,900 111,800 46,000 167,500 23,000 8,600 104,900 5,600 9,0C0 156,100 240,100 138,0(10 14,500 164,200 53,000 25,600 11,400 1,578,900 951,100 396,200 1,371,400 401,900 311,000 518,700 Totals - 2,886,900 305,700 114,490 184,100 71,600 160,600 201,400 25,700 1,051,500 124,100 154,100 184,700 10,100 106,600 50,100 94,800 772,700 63,300 83,800 95,700 6,200 76,800 28,400 48,500 170,700 128,900 85,200 100 200 5,500 647,400 1,200 3,400 16,900 5,300 7,400 9,300 5.529,100 Lower San Joaquin Valley excluding San Joaquin Delta — 7 623,200 8 9 10- 11 12 440,900 431,400 93,300 351,400 289,400 13 ___. 174,500 Totals— Totals, San Joaquin Valley floor exclud- ing Delta San Joaquin Delta 1,063,500 3,950,400 261,000 674,500 1,726,000 17,000 402,700 1,175,400 1,000 219,900 390,600 43,500 690,900 2,404,100 7,933,300 279,000 110 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 19 CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN FOOTHILLS ADJACENT TO SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR. BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS For boundaries of hydrographic divisions see Plate VI Gross area, in acres Hydrographic division Class 1' 2' 3 4 Totab 6A - -. •0 19,000 '58,600 29,100 '51,200 105.200 •10,800 35,000 '55,500 33,600 '30,700 126,800 77,100 106,600 8A 1,100 •7,300 62,500 '22,600 65,000 '24,800 49,600 62,700 227.300 9A 133.400 IIA 2,400 165,900 12A 2,700 6,100 228.000 13A 700 3,400 34,600 115,800 Totals. 3,400 12,000 348,100 613.500 977,000 ' For classes 1 and 2, 80 per cent or gross area is considered irrigable. ' Areas for which 50 per cent of gross area Is considered irrigable; remainder of Class 3 considered as 60 per cent irrigable. > Areas for which 40 per cent of gross area is considered irrigable; remainder of Class 4 considered as 20 per cent irrigable. Present Agricultural Development of San Joaquin Valley and Adjacent Foothills. During the investigations, a survey was made of the present agri- cultural development of the San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills to ascertain the use made of the land and the area under irrigation. Cropped Areas. A crop survey was made for the purpose of determining the location in which crops of different kinds were grown, the approximate number of acres planted to each of these crops in 1929, and the adaptability of certain areas to the growing of crops of different types. In making this survey, the crops were divided into groups, each of which was designated bj" a number. The numbers used and the crops represented by them are shown in the following tabulation : Number Crop or use of land represented Jjy number 1. Citrus orchards. 2. Deciduous orchards, including figs and nuts, and olives. 3. Grape vineyards. 4. Grain. 5. Alfalfa. 6. Field crops — under this classification there were included such crops as] sorghum, feterita, sudan grass, field corn, maize, etc. 7. Cotton. 8. Irrigated pasture land. 9. Truck crops — including truck gardening, root and bush vegetables and] fruits, such as beans, potatoes, sugar beets, melons, strawberries, etc. 10. Rice. 11. Unclassified irrigated areas — probably annuals on the valley floor andj small orchards in the foothills. The crop survey covered substantially the area of land classification, j including the area classified from data obtained from previous surveys. No effort was made to grade the crops but their quality was observed] as an aid in classifying the land. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 111 Practically every crop grown in California can be found in some part of the San Joaquin Valley and its adjacent foothills. Citrus fruits are grown chiefly in Tuhire County in the region adjacent to the eastern foothills between Orange Cove on the north and Terra Bella on the south, in Fresno County in coves adjacent to the foothills between Orange Cove on the south and Fancher Creek on the north and in Kern County in the vicinity of Edison about seven miles east of Bakersfield. Deciduous orchards, including those of fig and nut trees, are quite generally distributed throughout the eastern side of the valley from the Cosumnes River on the north to Deer Creek on the south, and on the west side from Orestimba Creek north to Antioch. There are smaller scattered areas on the east side of the valley south of Deer Creek in Tulare Countj'- and in Kern County. Grapes of nearly all varieties are grown on scattering areas through- out most of the valley but the largest single area planted to vines is in Fresno and Tulare counties on the Kings River Delta where there is a vineyard area equal to more than half that of the entire valley. Large vineyard areas also are found in San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Kings and Kern counties. In the early days of agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley, grain was the principal crop. As the valley developed and more land was brought under irrigation, portions of the area devoted to grain farming became more valuable for other crops and the areas of grain plantings were considerably reduced. The area still planted to grain, however, is nearly one-third of the entire cropped area of the San Joaquin Valley and approximates twice that of any other single crop. The largest areas are in San Joaquin, Madera, Fresno, Stanislaus, Merced, Kings and Kern counties, but grain is grown extensively in every San Joaquin Valley county. About one-third of all the area planted to grain receives some irrigation. Alfalfa is found in general throughout the same areas as deciduous orchards and vineyards, the largest areas being located in Stanislaus and Merced counties in the ]\Iodesto, Turlock and Merced Irrigation districts. San Joaquin, Fresno, Tulare, Kern, Kings, Madera and Contra Costa counties follow in the order named in the relative size of areas planted to alfalfa. Field crops which include sorghum, feterita, sudan grass, field corn, maize, etc., are grown in every San Joaquin Valley county. The largest area is found in Kern County, with San Joaquin County second and Fresno County third. Cotton is grown extensively in all San Joaquin Valley counties south of Merced River. Tulare, Kern and Fresno counties have the largest areas planted to this crop. The largest single area devoted to the growing of truck crops is located in San Joaquin and Contra Costa counties in and adjacent to the San Joaquin Delta. Areas planted to truck crops also are found in Stanislaus and Merced counties. A few tracts have been planted to rice during recent years in the lower San Joaquin Valley, principally on the west side of the San Joaquin River between Mendota and Newman, but rice has not become an important crop in the San Joaquin Valley. 112 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 20 sots fortli the arcns of ci-ops un'der eaeli of tlie classifica- tions sliown in the fore<;()in<^' list, for that portion of each county in the San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills covered by the land classi- fication and crop survej^ with the exception of areas in El Dorado and Sacramento counties, which are included in another report.* The yields and values of agricultural and live stock products from the San Joaquin River Basin and an inventory value of farms, equip- ment and live stock in the basin are shown in Table 21, by counties. These data were taken mainly from the Fifteenth Census of the United States and no means are available for determining what portion of the products and their values from counties lying only partially within the basin should be credited to other sections. For this reason, no data are included for Sacramento, El Dorado and Alameda counties, the larger part of whose agricultural lands lie outside of the San Joaquin River Basin. To offset the losses on products and values from the portions of these counties lying in the basin, the products and values from portions of Contra Costa and Kern counties which lie outside of the basin are included with those for lands in these counties lying within the basin. It is believed, therefore, that the totals shown for the thirteen counties in Table 21 closely approximate those which would be obtained for the San Joaquin River Basin area only. For comparison of the agricultural industry in the San Joaquin River Basin with that of the entire State, totals are given in the last column of Table 21 for the yields and values of agricultural and live stock products and the inventory values from farms, equipment and live stock, for the State. Future Agricultural Development of San Joaquin River Basin. A study was made to estimate the ultimate water requirements in the San Joaquin River Basin, as explained in Chapter V. In order to estimate these ultimate w^ater requirements, it was necessary to make an estimate of the amounts of land that would be irrigated under the conditions of ultimate development. It was necessary, also, to take into account the marked diff'erence between the upper and lower San Joaquin valleys in the adequacy of local streams to meet the ultimate irrigation demand. The lower San Joaquin Valley is an area in which the local supplies, afforded by the San Joaquin River and its east side tributaries, may be considered plentiful in amount and dependable in occurrence if properly conserved and regulated. It was assumed, therefore, that all of the arable land in this area will be brought ultimately into use and tliat all lands which are of sufficiently good quality and for which it is phj'sieally possible to furnish a water supply will be irrigated. This procedure, also, was followed in esti- mating the irrigation requirements for lands in the Sacramento River Basin. The upper San Joaquin Valley, on the other hand, is an area in which the tributary run-off is inadequate to meet present require- ments and in which ultimate development will be possible only with the importation of waters from distant sources, at relatively high costs. Service under such conditions is only justified for the better lands. In estimating net irrigable areas in each classification the following percentages of gross agricultural areas were used for valley floor lands : • Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resourcess, State Department of Public Works, 1931. S BY COUNTIES, 1929 Area of i inirrigatcd crops, in acres 2 3 4 5 6 9 Total cropped Deciduous and dive orchards Grape vineyards Grain Alfalfa Field crops Truck crops Total unirrigated crops area in acres oooooooo 100 5,900 37,900 96,100 205,000 47,000 22,2C0 165,300 1,200 3,900 1,200 100 2,300 5,500 400 700 37,900 96,100 205,000 47,000 26,900 178,500 1,200 3,900 239.500 138,000 316,900 597,900 288.300 283,300 2,900 291,700 3,200 ' 1,000 588,800 2,5C0 71,4C0 1,700 6,000 578,600 1,300 7,800 1,100 596,500 2,824,400 158,0C0 36,3C0 194,3C0 1 1 «?■ 112 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 20 sets fortli the arcns of ci-ops under each of the classifica- tions shown in the fore*roin included in county totals— 41,800 231,600 1,500 465,700 261,600 53,000 13,100 401.900 15,600 500 188,500 25,500 8,500 278,900 135,200 6,300 4,500 156,500 56,100 9,700 16,600 49,600 2,227,900 158,000 36,300 1,700 6,000 578,600 1,300 7,800 1,100 506,500 2,824,400 158,0CO Contra Costa -- 36,300 Tolab 1,500 66,100 16,100 34,000 10.800 65,800 104,300 194,3C0 ■ The S&n Joaquin Delta also includes 24,500 acres of crops irrigated in 1929 in Sacramento County. 80997— Bet. pp. 112 and 113 TABLE 21 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN BY COUNTIES Item Unit Kern Kings Tulare Fresno Madera Merced Mariposa Tuolumne Stanislaus Calaveras Amador San Joaquin Contra Costa Total for 13 counties Total for Slate Yield of agricultural products in 1929— Boxes 88.700 215 7.230 30 70.600 370.000 92.500 17.000 110.300 410 5.770 60,300 28.670 99.800 339,600 31.500 17.500 5,300 100 57,800 27,700 6.161.000 033.000 67,000 912,000 101,000 J2,779,000 540,000 25.000 1.695.000 6.284.000 763.000 1,293,000 171.000 403.000 101.000 7.000 2.027,000 854,000 294.000 250 26,700 20 49,600 2,322,000 82,000 11,600 152,600 270 1.700 22,830 11,270 47,100 380 1.000 4.600 200 100 14.308,000 364,000 73,000 638.000 44.000 $2,482,000 2,345,000 10,000 1,442,000 2,384,000 46,000 3.007,000 98,000 271,000 44,000 7,000 1.024.000 370.000 238.000 5.608,000 7,519 63,730 485 269,000 991,000 212,600 45.300 147.600 380 1,200 61,260 30,510 246,500 48,800 90,700 35,600 3,600 17,300 28,507.000 202.000 98,000 3,405,000 233,000 S31.316,000 1,171.000 9.000 3.740.000 6.364,000 386,000 6,064,000 55,000 1,021,000 233,000 7,000 2.494,000 285,000 653,000 73,000 1,934 85,740 168 093,000 1,328.000 195.900 32,100 41,400 130 10,700 43,730 21,460 391,700 12,750 68,200 31.200 71,600 4,000 6,700 141,200 18,348.000 878,000 197.000 2.071.000 169,000 $22,686,000 1,326,000 43,000 3,416,000 4,555,000 402,000 3,701,000 237,000 978,000 169,000 15,000 1,782,000 1,253.000 442.000 300 224 9.940 27 51.100 1,0)8.000 55,800 10.200 24.800 300 20.630 10.030 18.500 5,950 3.200 8.400 400 800 2.700 6,137.000 157,000 42.000 509,000 36,000 $1,770,000 916,000 1,000 985,000 2,089,000 78,000 1,383,000 42,000 153,000 36,000 3.000 980,000 290,000 189,000 1,500 186 32,370 514 04,800 1,460,000 210,900 27,6» 85.600 2.580 109.500 16,200 8.020 431,400 6,100 106,700 173,200 9,500 3,500 14,500 389,100 31,275.000 397,000 144,000 2,259,000 159,000 $4,229,000 1,552,000 438,000 3,523,000 1,700.000 873.000 7,337.000 107.000 678.000 150,000 11.000 1,960.000 484.000 316,000 600 60 I 10 8,000 100 3,400 200 8,600 1,320 100 172,000 35,000 72,000 4.000 $8,030 6,000 47,000 12,000 20,000 10,000 24.000 4,000 325.000 34.000 123,000 1,200 4 170 13,000 500 4,100 500 50,300 2,750 100 1,300 600 557,000 38,000 8,100 183.000 13.000 897.000 13.0C0 64,000 32,000 98,000 11.000 60.000 13.000 1.000 303,000 40,000 60,000 7.000 160 68,880 753 65,000 1,892,000 278,700 40,600 62,200 3,940 462,900 1,690 840 240.400 28,230 648.400 39.400 4.900 43.000 7.500 143.200 33.080.000 431,000 231,000 4.632.000 317.000 SO.194.000 l,656.0r,0 2.089.000 4.684,000 182,000 1.399,000 7,683,000 116,000 1,390,000 317,000 17,000 2,049,000 456,000 245,000 30O 35 370 30 400 19,000 1,000 8,200 1,200 60 8,500 4,930 200 1,500 100 300 490.000 180.000 1.300 67,000 12,000 $54,000 17,000 124,000 42,000 77,000 50,000 41,000 12,000 530.000 199.000 49.000 300 3 740 9 1.100 58.000 2.300 4.800 4.100 70 920 3.000 3.780 200 900 200 759,000 124,000 3,900 93.000 9.000 S81.000 54.0(0 4.000 116.000 18.000 144.000 35.000 51.000 9,000 414,000 103,000 76,000 300 267 11,940 967 152,000 4,012,000 187,600 66,800 950,000 63,820 503,500 520 260 304,000 94,820 3,817,000 41,000 202,800 1,195,200 444,800 438,600 23.428.000 327.000 218.000 3,215.000 220.000 $6,579,000 4.102,000 2,427,000 3.694,0t0 754,000 7,810,000 5,381,000 88,000 964,000 220,000 16.000 1. 359.000 740.000 346.000 100 5 12.120 1.110 9.540 780.000 24.500 46.100 216.800 27.400 10.450 16.000 30.420 286.300 11.500 543.000 281.600 1.200 22.400 24.500 5,360.0CO 300.0CO 39,000 1,063.000 82.000 $1,532,000 864,OC0 149.000 1,054,000 213.000 1,504.000 1,159,000 84,000 428,000 86,000 4,000 682,060 313,000 211.000 5.780.100 10.798 321.020 4,108 1,426,410 14,341,000 1,344,400 317.800 1.797.300 ',9.00) 1,107.000 227.420 111.060 1.866.300 125.240 4,557,950 992,700 1,059,500 1,572,300 497,500 568,700 725,700 168,582,000 4.066,000 1.122.300 19.119.000 1.399.000 $79,807,000 14,662,000 5,196.000 24,584,0(0 24,525,0(0 13,365,000 37,527,000 1,104,000 6,462,0(0 1,403,000 88,000 15,929.000 5.421.0(0 3,248.0(0 53,803,000 Olives Orchard fruits' Nuts--.- Grapes (freah basts). Grain- -- 20,800 Tons Tons - --- 42.500 1.091.000 42.367.000 Tons 2.793.800 Hay and forage crops' — . Btulieb 3.171.400 Biuhela 226,000 Buahek . . . 5,589.200 Bales 253,900 Tons - ?S^:::::;::::::_ 124,000 21.736.000 452.800 Bushck Value in doUare Value in dollars Value in dohra Value in do lais Value in dollars..-. Bushels 6.489,000 9.364.000 Asparagus.-- --- ---- Celery--- .. - - --. gS— ::::::::: ::: ::;::: Yield of live stock products in 1929- Milkproduced .- 5.481.000 7.786.000 5.753.000 1.831,000 4,968.000 18.747.000 5.476.000 159,422.000 13.861.000 Value of crops and live stotk products in 1929— FrLi:^undniitS---.._ ---. IndoUars In dollars .. $296,242,030 43.040.000 28,779.000 66,863.000 30.629.000 n dollars 71.926.000 ndollirs ndollars In dollars 14.699.000 In dollars 523.000 14,475,000 S17,236,000 S74.497.000 3.101.000 7.007.000 113,858.000 S38.951.000 2.248.000 4.251,000 SS3,798,O0O $151,033,000 7,484.000 9,727,000 $41,095,000 $142,982,000 7,275,000 8.974.000 $8,915,000 $27,932,000 1,518,000 3,569,000 $23,367,000 $68,013,000 3,492,000 7,967.000 $613,000 $3,265,000 155,000 1,018,000 $798,000 $3,531,000 211,000 974,000 $28,477,000 $97,700,000 5.007,000 8,613,000 $1,195,000 S6.316.000 265.000 1.817.000 $1,105,000 $6,259,000 214,000 1,411,000 $34,480,000 $138,489,000 6.281.000 6.346.000 $8,283,000 $49,590,000 2.392.000 3.042.000 $233,220,000 $808,558,0(0 39,643,000 64.716,000 Inventory value of farms. Implemenls and machinery, and live slock In 193^- Land and biiilclings. .. Implementa and machinery - $3,419,471,000 135.741.C00 2O0.288.C00 S84.605.000 S45,450,000 $168,244,000 $168,231,000 $33,019,000 $79,472,000 $4,438,000 $4,716,000 $111,320,000 S8,398.000 $7,884,000 $151,116,000 855.024,000 $912,917,000 I, except value of cattle, sheep and hogs S' id quinces XOTB Data compiled from Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1 I Grapefruit, lemons, oranges and limei. ' ApplM, apricots, cherries, figs, nectarines, peaches, peara. plums and prunes, ' Wheat, oats, barley, rye and mifcd grains not separated in barveating. * Corn silage, timothy, clovers, tame and wild grasses, small grams for hay, legumes for bay and sorghum fodder. ' Corn and sorghums harvested for grain. ■Grass seeds, clover, alfalfa, sunflower, vetch, Qower and vegetable seeds. 'BlAokberries, loganberries, blueberries, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants and other fruits. The value of live stock sold waa computed from the live stock inventory and estimate of value of live stock production by California Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, 80997 — Bet. pp. 112 and 113 I I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 113 Class 1 80 per cent Class 2 80 per cent Class 3 60 per cent Class 4 20 per cent The percentages used for foothill areas have been set forth in Table 19. A higher percentage was used for lands in the delta. The ultimate net irrigable areas for all classes of land are pre- sented in Table 22 by the same sections as were used in showing the gross agricultural areas in the San Joaquin River Basin, in Table 17. A more detailed tabulation of ultimate net irrigable areas for various classes of land by hydrographic divisions and also an estimate of the net irrigable areas to be served under ultimate development are given in Chapter V. TABLE 22 ULTIMATE NET IRRIGABLE AREAS IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS, INCLUDING SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Section Net irrifrable area In acres In per cent of total Upper San Joaquin Valley floor. . . 3,648,000 1,676,000 380,000 257,000 61 2 Lower San Joaquin Valley floor ... 28 1 Foothill areas . . .. . 6 4 San Joaquin Delta - - - - - ----- - 4.3 Totals 5,961,000 100 j ' 8—80997 114 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER IV IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT AND WATER SUPPLY UTILIZATION Favorable soil and climatic conditions, v^^ith the one exception of adequacy of rainfall, have made the San Joaquin Valley a pioneer sec- tion in irrigation in California. The development has been rapid and extensive. More than one-third of the total irrigated land of the State lies in the San Joaquin Valley. The irrigated area in the San Joaquin River Basin was over two and one-quarter million acres in 1929. This is about two-fifths of the entire net acreage susceptible of irrigation in that basin. History of Irrigation Development. Irrigation development in the San Joaquin Valley began in the decade following 1850 when diversions were made to lands lying adjacent to the streams, although areas of naturally overfloAved land had been used for pasturage prior to that time. The lands adjacent to streams had, in many instances, passed into private title as Spanish or Mexican land grants. In later years, additional areas were acquired under various swamp and overflow land acts. The early irrigation developments were largely individual enterprises, some of which have continued in this form to the present time. Construction of the railroad through the valley during the period 1869 to 1875 resulted in an increase in population and a demand for suitable land for more intensive cultivation. Areas under some of the earlier canals were then subdivided and sold. Additional systems were also built to serve dry sections and bring more land under irrigation. Various forms of organization were used for these enterprises. In some cases, water was sold without participation by the land owner in the ownership of the canal system. This method usually resulted in the canal company becoming a public utility, later subject to regulation in its rates and service. Many of the canals, particularly those of small to medium size, were built through the joint effort of the land owners to be served, under mutual water company forms of organization. While many of these earlier private and mutual water companies still remain in operation, organized developments in recent years have taken the form of irrigation, reclamation and water storage districts. Such districts have, in several instances, absorbed the former public utility systems. The first California irrigation district law was passed in 1872. It was entitled "An Act to Promote Irrigation" and provided for the formation of irrigation districts by owners of lands susceptible of one mode of irrigation or drainage. All of such owners were required to sign the petition to the county supervisors which initiated the organi- zation, rather than a majority, as provided in later acts. The irrigation district, in the form generally used in the United States, had its origin, SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 115 however, in the Wright Irrigation District Act, passed by the Legis- lature of California in 1887. The earl}^ enterprises made use of the natural stream flow only. Due to the rapid reduction in stream flow following the melting of snow on the higher drainage areas, usually in June or early July, the lands which could be given full service without storage were limited. Many areas received only a partial service and either adjusted the crops to those of early maturity, or by excessive use of flood waters, while avail- able, raised the ground water to provide at least partial subirrigation ; during the remainder of the season. AVater logging was often caused by such excessive applications, and continued high ground water resulted in soil injury through alkali accumulations in many areas. Drainage was undertaken in some sections to afford relief. iln the southern or upper valley the first irrigation developments were made by direct surface diversion to lands, principally on the delta fans. For areas distant from streams, where surface supplies were not obtainable, ground water was found to be available and pump- ing began to be practiced in the early part of the present century. In many localities, where artesian wells first were secured, increased draft has resulted in a lowering of the water table and pumping is now required. Early pumping plants of the steam and gas engine type have been replaced hy electrically driven equipment or by modern gas engines. Pumping from wells has been developed to a very large extent in this section of the valley, where stream flow is small in relation to the demand. On the Kings and Kaweah river deltas, pumping from wells, within the irrigated areas, is extensively used to supplement direct surface diversion. For areas further south, practice includes all vari- ations from entire dependence on stream diversion to full pumping or combinations of these two practices. In the northern or lower valley, direct surface diversions were used until the developments had become sufficiently extensive to enable storage to be financed. These storage developments were made, to a large extent, economically feasible by the development and sale of hydroelectric energy in conjunction with the storage and release of irrigation water. Such storage is now in use on the Merced, Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers. Pumping from wells is limited to drainage. However, drainage water, in most instances, is re-used for irrigation. On the San Joaquin River, some storage for power is now available as a partial aid to irrigation. Supplies from the lower portions of the jSan Joaquin River have been obtained by pumping rather than by gravity diversion. This method is used for all west side areas, under irrigation, north of Patterson. Agencies Furnishing Irrigation Service. Various forms of organization are used to furnish irrigation service to California lands. They comprise irrigation districts, public utilites, mutual water companes, contract companies, individuals, partnerships, associations, private companies. United States Bureau of Reclamation, United States Indian Service, county water districts, municipal improvement districts, water conservation districts, water storage dis- |tricts and reclamation districts. Those furnishing service in the San Joaquin River Basin include irrigation districts, public utilities, mutual I 116 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES water eoinpanios, Avater stora^je districts, a roclamatioii district, water conservation districts, a county Avater district, private companies and individuals. Irrigation Districts — The irrigation district is probably the most important form of organization furnishing irrigation service in Cali- fornia. Districts are formed under the "California Irrigation District Act." The districts have power to issue bonds to pay for their works and to levy and collect taxes, assessments and water tolls to amortize TABLE 23 IRRIGATION DISTRICTS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Active Districts District Source of supply County Year organ- ized Area within district boundary, in acres .\rea irrigated in 1929, in acres Alpaugh Groundwater Tulare 1915 1888 1921 1919 1921 1919 1926 1929 1920 1920 1921 1920 1920 1923 1920 1929 1915 1925 1920 1919 1887 1920 1909 1920 1909 1921 1915 1922 1918 1889 1887 1923 1913 1915 1920 1924 8,175 129,300 14,379 17.200 149,047 51,606 20,200 9,450 50,687 241,300 4,620 26,266 34,858 23,283 53,100 13,700 15,250 33,407 182,000 189,682 81,183 2,871 74,240 15,830 71,112 11,750 12,285 1,084 10,750 34,000 181,498 1,276 14,110 11,828 21,400 13,851 5,620 Alta Kings River Tulare, Fresno, Kings. San Joaquin . . _ . 68,450 San Joaquin River -- Old River 12,677 Byron-Bethany Consolidated . - . . _ Contra Costn, San Joaquin, Alameda Fresno, Tulare, Kings.. Kings -- Kings River 10,000 129,000 Kings and Kaweah rivers Old River . 31,820 East Contra Costa Contra Costa 14,939 El Nido . Merced River Merced. 4,000 Foothill Groundwater Fresno, Tulare Fresno 11,000 Fresno Kings River 192,800 Island No. 3 Kings River Kings 3,720 James Kings River Fresno 11,640 Laguna - _ _ - Kings River Fresno, Kings 22,500 Lakeland Kings and Kaweah rivers Kings River. . . Kings.. . 4,480 Kings 14,574 Calaveras River San Joaquin 6,000 Lindsay-Strathmore . . - Tulare 7,800 Kings River Kings.. 19,556 Madera San Joaquin River Merced River Madera . 81,000 Merced 134,379 Modesto Tuolumne River - Old River Stanislaus 66,370 Naglee-Burk San Joaquin . 2.057 Oakdale Stanislaus River Stanislaus, San Joaquin Fresno 23,321 Hiverdale Kings River 8,640 South San Joaquin Stanislaus River San Joaquin 54,340 Fresno . 5,984 Terra Bella Deer Creek Tulare... 3,933 Tracy Clover Old River San Joaquin 900 Tranquillity Kings River Fresno 6,700 Tulare Kaweah River Tulare 22,350 Turlock Tuolumne River Stanislaus, Merced Tulare 133,750 Vandalia Tule River- Tuolumne River 1,100 Waterford Stanislaus 5,079 West Side Old River San Joaquin River Mokelumne River San Joaquin 11,322 West Stanislaus Woodbridge ... .- Stanislaus, Merced San Joaquin 5,855 6,184 Totals 1,826,578 1,143,840 Inactive Districts District County Year organized El Solyo Stanislaus 1921 Kasson. . . , . . ,. San Joaquin 1921 Medano Madera 1921 Mendota . .. Fresno 1921 Plainsburg . Merced 1919 Str.itford Kings 1916 Webster Madera 1916 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 117 the cost of, and to operate and maintain their Avater systems. California irrigation districts are political subdivisions of the State and are organ- ized under the jurisdiction of the county or counties in which they are located. Although it is possible to organize an irrigation district and issue bonds without the approval of the State Engineer, or of the board of supervisors of the county in which the district is located, the bonds are not legal security for public funds and savings banks unless they are certified by the California Districts Securities Commission. The affairs of the district are managed by an elective board of directors, assessor, tax collector and treasurer. A secretary is appointed by the board of directors. The plans for the district must be prepared by a competent irrigation engineer. There are now 36 active irrigation districts in the San Joaquin River Basin and seven inactive ones. Their histories and statistics are given in detail in other publications.* Of the active districts, only four, the Alta, Modesto. Turlock and Tulare, were in existence prior to 1890. No additional districts were organized until 1900. The period of greatest activity in the formation of these districts was from 1915 to 1925. In 1920, fourteen districts were organized in the State nine of which are in the San Joaquin River Basin. Information on the active districts is given in Table 23. PiiUic Utilities — A public utility water company is usually a pri- vate corporation operating a water system and subject to the pro- visions of the public utilities act of California and the jurisdiction, control and regulation of the State Railroad Commission. The term also applies to any person, firm or private corporation, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed b.y any court, owning, con- trolling, operating or managing any water system within the State which sells, leases, rents, or delivers water for compensation to any person, firm, private corporation, municipality, or any other political subdivision of the State. An exception is made in the case of a private corporation or association organized for the purpose, solely, I of delivering water to its stockholders or members at cost. Such (organization is not a public utility and is not subject to the juris- diction, control and regulation of the State Railroad Commission. However, a contract water company that sells water to non-contract holders and mutual water companies, delivering water for compen- sation to others than members or stockholders, becomes a public utility |and subject to the jurisdiction of the State Railroad Commission. The Railroad Commission has power not only to fix rates but also to regulate substantially the entire activities of all public utilities. A public utility water company has no power to levy taxes or assess- ments against the area it serves, must stand ready to give service if called upon, and may not make any charge unless water service is ordered. A list of the principal public utility water companies for which data are available in the San Joaquin River Basin, their sources of water supply, the county or counties in which they furnish service and tlie approximate areas irrigated are given in Table 24. * Bulletin.s No. 21, 21-A, and 21-B, "Irrigation Districts in California," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, and Divisii>n of T\'ater Resources, State Department of Public Works. 118 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 24 PUBLIC UTILITY WATER COMPANIES IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, 1929 Name of company Source of supply County in which water is served Approximate area irrigated, in acres Kern River Kern 3,968 Kern River Kern 632 East Side Canal Company Kern River. Kern . 6,053 East Side Canal and Irrigation Company Farmers Canal Comnanv San Joaquin River Kern River Merced . - ... 6,500 Kern 2,890 Foothill Ditch Company - - Kaweah River Tulare 1,800 Kern Island Canal Company Kern River Kern 40.610 Kern River. . Kern 2,276 Tiile River Tulare, Kings 1,203 Lone Oak Canal Company - Last Chance Ditch (Kings River) Kings 2,000 Madera Canal and Irrigation Company . J^resno River Madera 6,322 Stanislaus River Tuolumne 1,050 Kern River Kern 1,908 San Joaquin and Kings River Canal and Irrigation Company, Incorporated -- San Joaquin River Kern River Fresno, Merced, Stanislaus 99,419 Kern 6,521 Utica Mining Company Stanislaus River Calaveras 466 Mutual Water Companies — A mutual water company, sometimes called "cooperative water company," is any private corporation or association organized for the purpose, solely, of delivering: water to its stockholders or members at cost. The stock usually represents physical works and water rights entirely OAvned by those to be served. Mutual water companies are incorporated under the California statutes regulating the organization of private companies. Many of the mutual companies have been organized as land settlement enterprises. Usually the promoters of the enterprises build the irrigation systems, either wholly or in j)art, in advance of settlement, organize the mutual com- panies and issue shares of stock to settlers when the land is sold. In most cases, the settlers obtain control of the mutual company after 50 per cent of the stock has been issued. Some mutual companies have been organized by the landowners direetlj^ working together for the development of a water supply and the construction of an irrigation system. Funds are raised by subscriptions to capital, by direct assess- ments of capital stock, by bonds and by .small loans. In some com- panies, the .stock is appurtenant to the land and may not be separated tlierefrom. In others, it may be transferred from one owner to another, independent of land ownership. Under this arrangement an irrigator may invest in as many shares as he needs, depending on the crops grown. The affairs of mutual companies are controlled by a board of directors elected annuall.y by the stockholders. Tlie president is elected by the directors from one of their own number. As a rule the secretary keeps the books and records and computes and collects water charges. A superintendent usually is placed in charge of water delivery, oper- ation and maintenance. A list of the principal organizations for whicli dat.'i are available, considered to be mutual water companies in the San Joaquin River Basin, their sources of supply, the approxi- mate areas irrigated and the county or counties wherein the service! areas lie are set forth in Table 2"). These data have been obtained! from public files, reports, and other available .sources and are believed] to be fairlv reliable. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 119 TABLE 25 MUTUAL WATER COMPANIES IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, 1929 Name of company Campliell and Moreland Ditch Company. Columbia Canal Company Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company Crescent Canal Company Elk Bayou Ditch Company Emigrant Ditch Company Empire Water Company Evans Ditch Company Farmers Ditch Company Firebaugh Canal Company First Edison Well Company Fleming Ditch Company Frecmont Irrigation Association Ooshen Ditch Company Hubbs and Mirer Ditch Company Jacob Rancho Water Company Som-ce of supply Jenni-^gs Ditch Company Lakeside Ditch Company Last Chance Water Ditch Company Lemon Cove Ditch Company Jjemoore Canal and Irrigation Company- Liberty Canal Company Liberty Mill Race Company Lower Tule Water Users Association Mathews Ditch Company.. Meiga Canal Company Merryman Ditch Company Modoc Ditch Company Oakes Ditch Company Packwood Canal Company Patterson Water Company Peoples Ditch Company Persian Ditch Company Pioneer Water Company Poplar Irrigation Company Porter Slough Ditch Company Poso Canal Company Reed Ditch Company. Rhodes and Fine Ditch Company San Luis Canal Company Settlers Ditch Company Second Edison Well Company Stinson Canal and Irrigation Company Tulare Irrigation Company Uphill Ditch Company Watson Ditch Company, .i Woods Central Irrigating Ditch Company. Wutchumna Water Company Tule River San Joaquin River Kaweah River Kings River Kaweah River Kings River Kings River Kaweah River Kaweah River San Joaquin River Groundwater Kaweah River San Joaquin River..... Kaweah River Tule River Lemoore Canal (Kings River) Kaweah River Kaweah River Kings River Kaweah River Kings River Kings River Kings River Tule River Kaweah River Kings River Kaweah River Kaweah River Kaweah River Kaweah River San Joaquin River Kings River Kaweah River ^ Tule River Tule River Tule River San Joaquin River Kings River Tule River San Joaquin River Peoples Ditch (Kings River) ... Groundwater Kings River Kaweah River Kaweah River Kaweah River Tule River Kaweah County in which water is served Tulare Madera Tulare Fresno and Kings. Tulare Fresno Kings Tulare Tulare Fresno Kern Tulare San Joaquin Tulare Tulare Approximate area irrigated, in acres Kings Tulare Kings - Kings Tulare Kings Fresno Fresno Tulare Tulare Kings Tulare Tulare Tulare Tulare Stanislaus King? Tulare Tulare Tulare Tulare Fresno and Merced. Fresno Tulare Merced Kings.. Kern... Fresno. Tulare. Tulare - Tulare. Tulare. Tulare. 675 16,000 15,500 2,894 5,637 4.500 16,000 2,500 8,000 24,000 412 1,014 649 1,867 1,059 11,013 800 19,750 19,556 1,100 14,574 1,000 3,870 4,259 1,150 7,993 1.680 4,000 1,000 3,000 14,000 23,400 3,500 3,012 3,192 1,405 20,114 3,000 437 40,500 5,300 300 5,984 3,284 1,900 2,900 1,307 •7,446 * Exclusive of area in Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District. Water Storage Districts — In general, the purposes of these dis- tricts are to store water for irrijration and to distribute water among the OAvners of lands within their boundaries, in accordance with such priorities in right to water, between the different consumers, as may legally exist. Water storage districts are formed by petition to the State Engineer, rather than to county supervisors, as is the case with irrigation districts. For purposes of carrying out the water .storage district act, the Governor is authorized to name two executive directors to assist the State Engineer. A petition for formation must be signed by a majority in number of the holders of title or evidence of title to lands already irrigated, or susceptible of irrigation from a common source and by the same system of storage and irrigation works, and representing a majority in value of said lauds; or the petiticm may be signed bv not than 500 holders of title or e\ndence of title to lands ii 120 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES therein, representinp; not less than 10 per cent in value of all the lands within the proposed district. The State Engineer determines the practicability, feasibility and utility of the proposed project set forth in such petition. xVfter a hearing by the State Engineer, the matter of organization is submitted by him to an election for majority approval, at whicli only the holders of title or evidence of title to lands within the district are entitled to vote. The construction of works by a water storage district and the management of the district are under the direction of a board of directors, who have the powers necessary to carr}^ out the purposes of the water storage district act, and may submit propositions relating to the project to the qualified electors at any general or special election. During the construction of works, reports must be filed with the State Engineer. P'our water storage districts have been formed in California, all in tlie San Joaquin River Basin : San Joaquin River Water Storage District, Kern River "Water Storage District, Buena Vista Water Storage District and Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District. In rlie case of the San Joaquin and Kern River districts, the objective in organizing was to equitably adjust water rights on San Joaquin and Kern rivers, and to bring about more economic utilization of run-off through the construction and operation of storage reservoirs. The i)lans of these districts were not consummated. Both were dissolved by due legal process in 1929. Tulare Lake Basin AVater Storage District includes a gross area of 192,730 acres of which 11,520 acres are set aside for reservoir pur- poses, leaving a net assessable area of 181,210 acres. About 162,000 acres are classed as irrigable, although portions of this area are subject to overflow during years of excessive run-off. The water supply is received from surplus flows of Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern rivers. Tlie district includes about twenty reclamation districts and also the Lakeland Irrigation District. With the exception of a small area whicli projects into Tulare County, north of Alpaugh, the entire dis- trict is located in Kings County. Buena Vi.sta AVater Storage District embraces land receiving water from Kern River at the, so-called, "Second Point of Measurement." Avhich is below diversions of the various canals that supply the main portion of Kern River Delta, in the vicinity of Bakersfield. The dis- trict boundaries Buena Vista Lake, containing 25.459 acres. This lake, partly used as a storage reservoir and partly farmed, is owned by Buena Vista Reservoir Association, in which INIiller and Lux, Inc., hold an 84 per cent interest. The irrigable area in the district, over which assessments have been spread, is 50,405 acres. Rrrlawafioii /)f.9/rj>/.s— Although reclamation districts in Cali- fornia have been formed jirimarily for the ])urpose of constructing works to reclaim swamp and overflow lands, some of these districts also have constructed irrigation works. The reclamation district law jiuthorizes the trustees to include in their plans of development such works as may be necessary foi- irrigation, and gives them the power to adopt rules and regulations for the distribution of water and the estab- lishment and collection of water tolls. In most cases, irrigation Avithin reclamation districts is carried on by individual land owners. How- ever, in some instances the areas are served by mutual water companies. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 121 In other instances, lands in the reclamation district receive irrigation service from irrigation districts. These lands may or may not lie within the irrigation district boundaries. There are many small reclamation districts within the Tulare Lake Water Storage District and on the lower Kings River in Fresno and Kings counties, which are served by that district and organized irrigation districts with flood waters from the Kings, Kaweali and Tule rivers. In the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, many of the reclamation districts operate irrigation works. District 2075 (Mc^Mullen), organized in 1927 and containing a gross area of 5930 acres, is the only reclamation district in the San Joaquin Valley, above the San Joaquin Delta, operating irrigation works as a district. Water is diverted from the Stanislaus and San Joaquin rivers by means of two main pumping plants, one on each stream. Wafer Conservation Disfricfa — There are two laws or statutes in California relating to the organization of water conservation districts. The first of these, known as the ''California Water Conservation Dis- jtrict Act," was approved in 1923 and amended in 1925 and 1927. This I act was drafted primarily to organize the various groups which obtain water from Kings River, for the purpose of storing water on Kings River at the Pine Flat reservoir site, and incidentally for accomplish- ing an adjustment of the complicated water right situation on that stream. The second act, known as the "Water Conservation Act of 1927," was drafted in the interest of various irrigation companies and irrigators obtaining water from Santa Clara RiA^er, in Ventura County, and relates largely to the conservation of water by spreading. A petition proposing the formation of the Kings River Water Con- sei-vation District was filed with the State Engineer June 12, 1924, and an order establishing the suf^ciency of that petition was issued July 16, 1924. The principal activity of this district, to date, has been in [connection Avith the establishment of the Kings River water right |agreement and monthly diversion schedule. This schedule covers 'direct-flow rights to Kings River water and its distribution. A second schedule, covering storage rights, is part of the proposed program. The linterested irrigation districts and other organized agencies, acting largely through the Kings River Water Association, have made studies pertaining to storage development at Pine Flat. The Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District was formed for the purpose of conservation and preservation of the underground Avaters of the KaAveah Delta, too-ether Avith their sources of supply. The district lAvas organized in 1927 and embraces an area of 259,360 acres in Tulare County and 83.000 acres in Kings County. It is made up of scA^eral [smaller protectiA'e associations, tAvo of Avhich, the St. Johns RiA'er Asso- ciation and the KaAveah River Association, include the Tulare Irrigation |District. Conniy ^Yater Disfricfs — These districts are formed under an act approved June 30, 1913, to AA'hich amendments have been made by suc- ceedina: legislatures. A large number of such districts have' been formed in the State, but mainly for securing domestic Avater supi)lies. They are not subject to State superA-ision and are formed by petition |to the county supervisors. P>onds may be issued. Avhen autliorized Iia- 122 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES more than a two-thirds vote of the resident electors, as qualified under the general election laws of the State. The Stevinson County Water District, located in Merced County at the confluence of the Merced and San Joaquin rivers, was organized in 1930, for the purpose of distributing irrigation water from the San Joaquin River and Deadman, Duck, Owens and Bear creeks and Merced River water to be diverted tlirough the M^orks of the ]\Ierced Irrigation District. It includes a small portion of the land now served by the East Side Canal and Irrigation Com])any, a public utility, and adjacent areas bordering on the San Joaquin and Merced rivers. The total area included in the district is about 7500 acres. Negotiations are now pending for the acquisition of the East Side Canal by the district, together with all right, title and interest of the East Side Canal and Irrigation Company to divert w'aters of the San Joa(|uin River and its tributaries, and the waters of several creeks and s])illways discharg- ing water from the Merced Irrigation District into the East Side Canal. Inclividuol and Private Companies — In many cases, individuals, or companies who farm land outside of an organized area, or Avho have an adequate water supply independent of organized agencies, divert irrigation water from streams by gravity or by pumping, or pump ground water for the irrigation of their own lands. General Location and Extent of Irrigation Development. On Plate VII, "Agricultural Lands and Areas ITnder Irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley and Adjacent Foothills," the total area of agricultural land is shown in yellow and the portion under irrigation development in green. In addition to the areas shown as being under irrigation development, certain lands are used for dry farming. In the San Joaquin Valley, with a small normal rainfall, such farming is confined chiefly to grain. An inspection of Table 20, in Chapter III, discloses that, of the total area of 2,824,400 acres cropped in 1929, 596,500 acres or 21 per cent were dry farmed. Of the total 2,227,900 acres of irrigated crop lands shown in the table, 1,026.100 acres lie in the lower San Joacpiin Valley and adjacent foothills, including delta lands in Contra Co.sta and San Joa(piin counties, but excluding areas in El Dorado and Sacramento counties. Tlie water tributary to this portion of the basin is adequate to support the existing development. The main streams are regulated by storage reservoirs and the lands are adequately served. With these conditions of plentiful water su|)ply, the tendency in the lower San Joaquin Valley is for the irrigated crop areas to increase .slightly, year by year. Therefore, it is believed that the figure given for the irrigated lands in the lower San Joaquin is prob- ably the maximum that has been ii-i'igated at any time. In the upper San Joacpiin Valley, the irrigated area, in 1929, Avas 1,201,800 acres. This total is made up of lands served by surface diversion only, those served by jnmiping ]ilants only and lands served by both classes of su]iply. Due to the low run-off of the 1928-29 .season, the in-igated areas for the upper San Joa(|nin V^alley are somewhat below the average. None of the streams, tributary to tliis portion of the basin, are regulated by surface irrigation storage and ilie limit of utilization of their surface run-off, under existing diversion 11 a^4\^'\<^ A 1, \ % m t ./\^r iV Pi /- J \ \ 122 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES more than a two-thirds vote of the resident electors, as qualified under the jreneral election laws of the State. The Stevinson County Water District, located in Merced County at the confluence of the Merced and San Joaquin rivers, was organized in 1930, for the purpose of distributing irrigation water from the San Joaquin River and Deadman, Duck, Owens and Bear creeks and Merced River water to be diverted through the works of the Merced Irrigation District. It includes a small portion of the land now served by the East Side Canal and Irrigation Com])any, a public utility, and adjacent areas bordering on the San Joaquin and Merced rivers. The total area included in the district is about 7500 acres. Negotiations are now pending for the acquisition of the East Side Canal by the district, together with all right, title and interest of the East Side Canal and Irrigation Company to divert waters of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries, and the waters of several creeks and spillways discharg- ing water from the Merced Irrigation District into the East Side Canal. Individual a/nd Privaie Companies — In many cases, individuals, or companies who farm land outside of an organized area, or who have an adequate water supply independent of organized agencies, divert irrigation water from streams by gravity or by pumping, or pump ground water for the irrigation of their own lands. General Location and Extent of Irrigation Development. On Plate VII, "Agricultural Lands and Areas ITnder Irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley and Adjacent Foothills," the total area of agricultural land is shown in yellow and the portion under irrigation development in green. In addition to the areas shown as being under irrigation development, certain lands are used for dry farming. In the San Joaquin Valley, with a small normal rainfall, such farming is confined chiefly to grain. An inspection of Table 20, in Chapter III, discloses that, of the total area of 2,824,400 acres cropped in 1929, 596,500 acres or 21 per cent Avere dry farmed. Of the total 2,227,900 acres of irrigated crop lands shown in the table, 1,026,100 acres lie in the lower San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills, including delta lands in Contra Costa and San Joaf|uin counties, but excluding areas in El Dorado and Sacramento counties. The water tributary to this portion of the basin is adequate to support the existing development. The main streams are regulated by storage reservoirs and the lands are adequately served. With these conditions of plentiful water supply, the tendency in the lower San Joaquin Valley is for the irrigated crop areas to increase sliglitly, year by year. Therefore, it is believed that the figure given for the irrigated lands in the lower San Joaquin is prob- ably the maximum that has been ii-i-igated at any time. In the upper San .loacpiin Valley, the irrigated area, in 1929, was 1,201,800 acres. This total is made up of lands served bj' surface diversion only, those served by pumping plants only and lands served by both these classes of supply. Due to the low run-off of the 1928-29 season, tlio irrigated areas for the upper San Joa(|uin A^alley are somewliiil below tlie average. None of the streams, tributary to this portion of the basin, are regulated by surface irrigation storage and the limit of utilization of their surface run-off, under existing diversion . i -isssxasuaaa 11 r-i '■ *%^m -> \ 1 f ; 11 B ■ ,^^^ ■ ' /^-.rvVKi&'i 53'/IITHAM» »> reeos I» SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 123 rigrhts, has lonji- since been reached. The cropped land, irrigated solely from surface diversion, varies through wet and dry periods. This is particularly true where lands are in large holdings, as has been the ease in Division 1 of tliis area. On the other hand, the extent of irrigated areas, entirely dependent upon a supply pumped from ground water, has been increasing rapidly even though the water levels under- lying these areas have been steadily receding. It is estimated that the acreage so served in 1029 is the maximum of record. Tlie difference in conditions of i)resent irrigation develojnnent, in the upper and lower parts of the San Joaquin Valley, makes a separate discussion of each section essential. In the remainder of this chapter the discussion and maps have been separated into two parts. The first of tliese deals with the upper San Joa(|uin Valley, using the same area as that used in Chapter III in discussing agricultural lands. Tliis extends from Chowchilla River on the east side and Mendota on tlie west side soutli to tlie upper limit of the valley. Tlie area from this division northward to the delta and Sacramento Valley areas is discussed under the heading of the lower San Joaquin Valley. UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Location of Present Irrigation Development. Practically all present irrigation development is on the east side of the valley and within the valley floor. AVater supplies from west side tributaries are inadequate to serve any large area, and ground water is limited in amount and uncertain in quality. Some water from east side tributaries is diverted across the valley trough to lower west side areas along Kern and Kings rivers. The southern portions of the Sierra Nevada do not contain the same character and extent of foothill lands as occur in the portions adjacent to the lower San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. The topog- raphy is more rough and the soils generally of less depth. There are few mountain valleys of sufficient extent to require considerati{m in studies of water supplies. The South Fork Valley on Kern River is an exception to this general statement. There are areas of older geologic valley formation, extending from Kern River northward to the vicinity of Porterville, between the valley floor and main moun- tainous areas, which contain some agricultural lands. These areas, however, have practically no locally tributary water supplies and extend to elevations too great to be considered for service from canals in the valley area. Other cultivated areas, within the foothills, are limited to generally narrow bottom lands along the streams. Broad ridges of tillable land, such as are found in tlie foothill fruit producing areas further north, do not occur in this general area. Present Storage. There are no existing surface reservoirs foi- irrigation on the streams of the up]5er San Joaquin Valley, except the relatively unimpor- ant storage in the valley trough on Kern and Kings rivers. Buena Vista Lake stores surplus flood waters of Kern River, for use on lower lands served from that stream. This reser\-oii' is below the main irri- gated area on Kern River. Tulare Lake is the depression south of the ridge built across the valley by Kings River, upon which its flow divides, .124 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES part running north through Fresno Slough to the San Joaquin River and part south to Tulare Lake. Partial reclamation by levees in Tulare Lake restricts the area of overflow, under normal inflow, to smaller areas than those naturally subject to inundation. Water stored in Tulare Lake is used only on adjacent lands below the main areas served from Kings River. Aside from a relatively small amount on Kaweah River, the exist- ing power storage in the upper San Joaquin Valley is entirely on the San Joaquin River. Much of the water released from this power storage is available for irrigation in the lower San Joaquin Valley. This storage system consists of the reservoirs of the Southern California Edison Company on Big Creek and South Fork, and those of the San Joaquin Light and Power Corpoi'ation on the North Fork, comprising a total present constructed capacity of 334,000 acre-feet. Growth of Irrigated Area. The growth of irrigation in this area, as a whole, is indicated by the census returns which have been reported by counties, although the county lines do not correspond exactly with the area of the upper valley. The returns for Kern, Tulare, Kings, Fresno and Madera counties represent approximately the area of the upper valley, except that the figures for Fresno and Madera counties include relatively small acreages in the lower San Joaquin Valley. The available data are shown in Table 26. Due to the low seasonal run-oft' in 1928-29, the figures for irrigated areas tabulated for 1929 are somewhat below the average, as extensive areas normally flooded for pasturage and annuals received no water. The tabular figures indicate the general progress of development. For individual years the acreage is influenced by the volume of run-olf, which controls largely the extent of area flooded for pasturage, grain and other annuals. For the special census of 1902 and the regular censuses of 1919 and 1929, data on irrigated areas have been segregated by stream sources and are shown in Table 27. TABLE 26 GROWTH OF IRRIGATED AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY BY COUNTIES Area irrigated, in acres County From U. S. census of State crop survey 1899 1909 1919 1929 1929 Kern 112,533 86,854 92,794 283,737 23,152 190,034 265,404 190,949 402,318 38,705 223,593 398,662 187,868 547,587 100,220 180,106 410,683 269,994 533,992 140,637 201,600 Tulare -- 316,900 Kings 138,000 Fresno - - . 501,800 Madera 83,300 Totals 599,070 1,087,410 1,457,930 1,535.412 1.241,600 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 125 TABLE 27 GROWTH OF IRRIGATED AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY BY STREAM BASINS Data from U. S. Census reports Stream Area irrigated in acres 1902 1919 1929 Kern River _ - _ _ 116,189 (0 (■) (■) 596,091 10,729 200,641 70,134 61,223 149,932 552,601 12,414 163,241 39,804 Tule River ._ 74,069 Kaweah River _ _ - 222,363 Kings River . - . - - 742,282 Fresno River- -- - 17,640 Totals -- 723,009 1,046,945 1,259,399 • Not reported separately; included with Kings River. Information on tlie use of underground water in the upper San Joaquin Valley is also available from the census returns. Data are available for the years 1919 and 1929 on the capacities of flowing and pumped wells and are set forth in Table 28. These data clearly indi- cate the rapid growth of pumping in that region and the decrease in capacities of artesian wells through expansion in the use of under- ground water. TABLE 28 CAPACITY OF WELLS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, FOR 1919 AND 1929, BY STREAM BASINS Data from U. 5. Census reports Stream Flowing wells, capacity in gallons per minute Pumped wells, capacity in gallons per minute 1919 1929 1919 1929 Kern River... 13,850 8,253 251 17 10,000 200 1,475 950 219,674 434,565 493,272 842,085 1,183,710 79,255 893,789 Tulare Lake . . 48,735 Tule River 565 316 Kaweah River . 1,884,312 Kings River. 5 698.807 Fresno River . . 162,675 Totals.. 32,571 2,425 3,252,561 9,253,634 The aggregate capacity of the flowing and pumped wells in 1919, for the whole area, was about 7300 second-feet or 440,000 acre-feet per month, if operated continuously. The corresponding values for 1929 were 20,600 second-feet and 1,240,000 acre-feet, respectively. The capacity figure, of 440,000 acre-feet per month for 1919, is about equal to the average total stream flow in June for the major streams south of San Joaquin River for the 10-year period, 1919-1929, and the capacity figure 1,240,000 acre-feet per month for 1929 is about three times that stream flow. The capacity figure for 1919 is about four times and that for 1929 about twelve times the average stream flow for July and August for the same period. Tliese figures indicate the dependence of the upper San Joaquin Valley on ground water for its present development. 126 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Present Irrigated Crops. A c()nipr('heiisi\'e survey of the oxtont and character of crops irrigated iu this area was made in 11)29 as a part of the investigations on which this report is based. The results for Ideal areas are presented with the description of the details of each local area. For the entire area of the npper San Joaquin Valley, the results of this survey of irrigated crops are summarized in Table 29. Due to the low run-off of the season 1928-29, the irrigated acreages given in the tabulation are somewhat below the average. TABLE 29 IRRIGATED CROPS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, 1929 Crop Area irrigated in 1929, in acres Citrus - --- 41,600 Deciduous and olives 122,600 Grapes _ __ 349,700 Grain 04,300 Alfalfa : 174,200 Field - 123,000 Cotton 212,500 Irrigated pasture 62,900 Truck 0,500 Rice 1.000 Unclassified--- 43,500 Totals 1,201,800 The data in the foregoing table illustrate the wide variety of crops which are produced in the upper San Joaquin Valley. Agricultural practice varies from the highest types of citrus culture to the crude overflow pasture area. Practice has been adjusted to the varying climatic, soil and water supply conditions of the different parts of the area. Citrus fruits are grown along the eastern edge of the valley on areas high enougli to be relatively free from frost. Such areas extend southerly from the Kings River area, but the develoj)ment is not con- tinuous. The necessary favorable conditions of soil, temperature and water supply are not present in all parts of the area. The largest citrus developments occur adjacent to the eastern foothills, from the Kings River south to Deer Creek. Grape vineyards are prevalent throughout the area. They are devoted to the culture of raisin, wine, and table varieties. A large percentage of the raisins produced in the United States is grown in this area. Deciduous fruits comprise nearly all of the commercial varieties, including peaches, apricots, prunes and figs. Alfalfa is grown both for local use, largely in daii-ying, and for ship- ment. The long growing season results in large yields, where an ade- quate water supply is available. A wide variety of annual crops is produced. In 1929, cotton was the irrigated annual crop of largest acreage. The area in cotton varies with price conditions and has declined since 1929. Truck crops are grown more extensively in the southern portion of the area which is nearer to the Los Angeles market. Grain is irrigated in areas of uncertain water supply, when water is available, as it is better adapted to .such conditions of irregular service than other crops. It is extensively grown in Tulare Lake Basin. In addition to the area of irrigated grain .shown in Table 30, there were SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 127 319,000 acres of dry farmed grain in the upper San Joaquin Valley in 1929. Ground Water Conditions. While little surface storage for irrigation has been constructed in this area, extensive use has been made of ground water storage. For the conditions existing in many parts of the area this has been an economical type of development. Prior to the settlement of the valley, all of the tributary water sup- ply either ran off through existing channels or overflowed on adjacent lands. Drainage to the lower valley was retarded by the barrier built by Kings River, and run-off from streams south of the Kings could reach the San Joaquin River only after filling Tulare Lake. Run-off was dissipated by evaporation from Tulare Lake or other water areas, by transpiration of the tule and grass growths on overflowed lands and, in years of extremely large run-off, by overflow to the north into the San Joaquin River. Kern River built a smaller ridge at the southern end of the valley with two depressions on its south side, Kern and Buena Vista lakes, which functioned for Kern River similarly to Tulare Lake for Kings River. The only ground w^ater records for this period are general in character. Lands near streams and overflow areas had generally high ground water. Areas back from streams generally had depths to ground water greater than the limits of plant use. Illustra- tions of this are the depths of 50 to 60 feet to ground water near Fresno and similar depths at Rosedale and other areas north of Kern River. Absorption from higher overflow areas or stream channels reached lower areas under confining strata and resulted in artesian pressures in the valley trough. Such artesian areas extended into the lower portions of the stream deltas. Following the construction of canal systems into areas away from stream channels, artificial sources of ground water were made available. Seepage from canals and percolation from lands resulted in raising the ground water until, in many areas, it came within reach of the crop roots and close enough to the ground surface to result in water logging and alkali concentrations. Such injured lands generally reverted to pasture use. When surface diversions had utilized the available stream flow, ground water developments were begun. Among the earlier develop- ments were attempts to use artesian flow near Semitropic, in Kern County, and pumping for citrus orchards near Lindsay. The loss of artesian pressure and difficulties with soils resulted in a general decline of primping near Semitropic. The limited local replenishment, in the area near Lindsay, resulted in lowering and change in quality of the ground water, so that it became necessary to seek an outside water supply. The demand for land, in the period from 1900 to 1910, resulted in the undertaking of pumping from wells in many parts of the area. Such developments waited until land values had increased to a point where pumping costs could be supported. Electric power became avail- able for pumping and the growth of ground water use has been con- tinuous to date. Pumping plants have been installed in areas having no surface supply and in canal-served areas for supplemental use. 128 DIVISION OF "WATER RESOURCES The extension of ])inn])iii*i' in recent yejii's luis altered p^AKf J \ < >c^ -p — t: — TT 77~\~^ ^o. y ^ '* ^Sov''5£i2 '^SE*' K* ^ sJiiiS T'-^' ^nP .yS^ -/^ /^iiCi, ^/y &0^ ^■'' ^■\ ;^:\ ^^ '■px^/y A "vz ■/ in V Lines of Equal Elevation or Ground Water Table In Upper San Joaquin Valley Fall of 1929 ( ( 4 C . SCALE OF MlLliS 2 4 6 ^ A < r A V SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 129 to resist ground water movement into the area from the east. The depth to ground water in a few scattered wells measured in 1929 was about 100 feet, as compared with that of 30 feet in the area just east of Corcoran on the outer Tule Delta. Among the areas in Avhich the result of excessive ground water draft is shown on Plate YlII are the Edison and Arvin areas, the marked cone of depression near Delano, the smaller cone at Earlimart, the extensive cone surrounding Lindsay and small local depressions in the Madera area. Other areas, in which the draft has resulted in ground water lowering, without having as yet resulted in a closed cone of depression, are in the vicinity of Shafter, Wasco and McFar- land in Kern County, west of Tulare and Goshen, within the city of Fresno and in parts of the Madera Unit. The effect of stream flow in building up the adjacent ground water is illustrated by the ground water contours near Kern River and in the upper portions of Tule and Kaweali deltas. Ground water slopes toward Kings River where it is in a depressed channel through Centerville Bottoms. Below Kingsburg the river is on a slight ground water ridge. The San Joaquin River where it enters the valley flows in a relatively deep channel. On the south side of the river, irrigation in the Fresno Irrigation District with surface supplies from the Kings River has resulted in a ground water table sloping toward the river. On the north side, pumping without canal service in the Madera area has resulted in a slope away from the river. Plate IX, "Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water Table in Upper San Joaquin Valley, Fall of 1929," shows the difference in elevation between the ground water contours delineated on Plate VIII and the ground surface. These lines are shown in red. The depth to ground water as shown on the plate plus the drawdown while pumping would represent the total pumping lift to ground surface at a particular location. The drawdown during pumping depends on the tightness of the water bearing materials and the rate of pumping draft. For the usual rates of pumping, drawdowns in the more open materials vary generally from ten to 25 feet and for the finer materials draw- downs of from 25 to 50 feet may occur. Plate IX also brings out the effect of excessive 2>umping on the depth to ground water. Like Plate VIII it is based on measurements of about 1700 wells. While the depth increases from the valley trough toward the eastern side of the valley, local increases in depth are shown in areas of heavy pumping draft away from direct sources of water supply. The rapid increase in depth to ground water in the Arvin area is due to the rise in ground elevation over a relatively flat ground water slope. The same conditions occur in the higher valley areas north of Kern River and in southern Tulare County. The effect of canal service in main- taining a relatively high ground water table is shown in the main canal served areas on Kern and Kings rivers where depths of from five to ten feet occur over large areas, with additional areas having depths of from ten to 20 feet. These relatively shallow depths, shown on Plate IX for 1929, obtain immediately following a series of years of less than normal run-off. Similar lines for 1921 would show much larger areas having ground water within ten feet of the ground sur- 9 — 80997 fi (^ « \ 130 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES face. The effect of lioavy pumpinj? draft in increasinp: the pumping lift is shown clcarlj' for areas in the vicinities of Delano, Lindsay, Tulare, Goshen and south of Madera and west of Chowchilla. The depth to ground Avater in these areas is greater than that in similar adjacent areas of smaller pumping draft. Plate X, "Lines of Equal Total Lowering of Ground Water Table in Upper San Joaquin Valley, 1921-1929," shoAvs the total lowering of ground water that has occurred in the eight-year period for those parts of the area for which records are available. These lines of equal total lowering, shown in red and based on measurements on wells varying in number from about 900 in 1921 to about 1700 in 1929, were interpolated from differences in elevation of ground water estimated for each section corner from the 1921 and 1929 ground water elevations. This plate brings out, even more forcibly than Plates VIII and IX, the large variation in lowering in different areas. The amount of lowering is generallj^ proportional to the distance from direct sources of ground water supply and the extent of pumping draft. ]\Iaximum lowering of 85 feet is shown for the Lindsay area which is distant from sources of supply and with large areas irrigated by pumping. Lowering of 70 feet is shown at Delano. The lowering for other areas of heavy pumping draft varies generally from 25 to 50 feet where no direct sources of water supplj^ are available. In other areas of extensive pumping which have direct sources of water supply, such as the areas under the upper Kings River canals, parts of the Kaweah Delta and the main canal served areas on Kern River, lowering of from five to ten feet has occurred. Although the stream flow for the period, 1921-1929, has been below normal, there are some areas in which no lowering has occurred. These are relatively small in extent, however, and occur along stream channels. On Plate XI, ' ' Zones of Variation in Depth to Ground Water, San Joaquin Valley, Fall of 1929," are shown by zones, the depth to ground water, between given limits, in both the upper and lower San Joaquin valleys. Areas having depths of less than ten feet are generally adja- cent to streams or in canal served areas where little pumping for irri- gation is practiced. Depths to ground water are generally less in the lower San Joaquin Valley than in the upper. Much of the canal served area in the upper San Joaquin Valley has depths of from ten to 25 feet. Outside of the canal served areas, depths are generally from 50 to over 200 feet. Ground water profiles and hydrographs of the records of fluctua- tion of typical wells have been prepared. The locations of these pro- files and wells are shown on Plate XII, "Key Map Showing Boundaries of Ground Water Units and Locations of Profiles and Typical Record Wells, Upper San Joaquin Valley." Plate XIII, "Profiles of Water Levels in Ground Water Ihiits of Upper San Joaquin Valley Along Line X-X, 1921 and 1929," shows the general ground surface and ground water levels through all ground water units from Chowchilla River to the vicinity of Arvin. This plate also illustrates the varying effect of factors of draft and supply. In general, the ground water is close to the ground surface near the main stream channels and has shown little lowering in their vicinity during the eight-year period. This is well illustrated in the Madera \ r y\ <\ ss^. \ ~<^^-:>-^^^- V- .. % YVi .^" ,V" /// J %) ^1lh'}3^ '\/ 7 \ l'i/0 'V, V ■^ St ,^N Ov-: £-/- :>Jo?- 0^ 9/^ 1*A" _.^:^ #) >*$/ Lines or Equal Depth Til Ground Water Table In Upper San Joaquin Valley Fall of 1929 , SCALE OF MILES h^^E^ 8 10 .-if srX?^ S'/'O' .W'^ ^*>^' :z:^ yx -«*' 4f .c-*' Lines of Equal Total Lowering OF Ground Water Table In Upper San Joaquin Valley 1921- 1929 ^ SCALE OF MILES 2 -J 6 B H) I I I I ^ * ^.' V '^'\^>n^(i.^'ik«fcOv«t«.v«fr<»r.j^^»<^. \»-.^^v.^^K ;, .(i^,«ti*^*r «ik,» Jv.jM.'tV \.a»^^ iraiAi >«^l^ \ x X SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASI?T 131 Unit, where greater depth and lowering are phown in the areas away from stream channels. The relativel}^ deep channel of the San Joaquin River is shown clearly. Tliis causes the slope of the ground water in the northern portion of the Fresno Irrigation District to be toward j the San Joaquin River. Shallow depth, with relatively small lowering, ! | is shown generally in the main Kings River area, crossed by the profile. The profile crosses the Kaweah Delta in its outer portion where the stream is divided among several channels. Cross Creek is j , the only one of these channels under which the conditions in adjacent < areas have supported a relatively high ground water table. Cross | Creek is approximately the dividing line between the deltas of Kings ' and Kaweah rivers. Flows in the portions of Mill, Packwood and Cameron creeks crossed by the profile are not sufficient in amount or in regularity of occurrence to maintain high ground water under present conditions of draft. Tule River and Deer Creek do not show any effect on the adjacent ground water. Profile X-X crosses both ^ of these channels below the point to which regular flow extends. There are no streams of importance, tributary to the area crossed by the profile, from Tule River to Kern River. There are, however, relatively large areas dependent on ground water pumping. The , result is clearly shown by the differences in elevation between the I ground water profiles for 1921 and 1929. In the Rosedale area near Kern River the depth to ground water is less and, due to the stream flow and canal use, little lowering has occurred. South of Bakersfield Profile X-X crosses the higher ground on the point of the Kern River Bluffs. This causes increased elevation of the ground surface profile. Such increase in ground surface elevation is not reflected, however, in the ground water profiles. These show a relatively flat slope in 1921 with a steepening in 1929, due to the ground water lowering that has occurred in the northern portion of the Edison- Arvin Unit. In addition to the general plates just described, plates for each ■ local ground water unit showing typical profiles of the ground water for 1921 and 1929, and continuous records of the fluctuations of repre- sentative wells for the period, 1921 to 1929, have been prepared. These are described with the discussion of each local unit. Analyses of Ground Water Records. Similar methods of presenting and analyzing the material relating to the use of ground water and the resulting effect on the ground water table have been used for nearly all local areas. To avoid repetition I in the description of each unit, a general explanation applicable to all areas is here presented. The ground water records used in the analy- ses begin as early as 1917, for some of the areas, and are fairly com- plete for most of the upper San Joaquin Valley from 1921 to date. Many of these records liave been secured by local organizations. A number of investigations also have been made by the state engineer in cooperation with local interests. The results of some of these studies have been published in other bulletins.* Additional investiga- .. . * Bulletin No. 9, "Water Resources of Kern River and Adjacent Streams and tneir Utilization," State Department of Engineering, 1920. Bulletin No. 3, "W^ater Resources of Tulare County and their Utilization," State JJepanment of Public "Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1922. Bulletin No. 11, "Ground Water Resources of the Southern San Joaquin Valley," State Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1927. \ 132 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES t lions have been made m connection with procedure relating to the various irrigation, water, storage and water conservation districts. All of these data have been. utilized in the preparation of this chapter. Terms and Methods Used — In the analyses of canal and ground water records, presented in this chapter, certain terms and methods are used which it is advisable to define. "Consumptive Use" designates the amount of water actually consumed through evaporation and transpiration by plant groAvth. "Net Use" designates the sum of consumptive use from arti- ficial supplies and irrecoverable losses. For any particular ground water unit or basin, the portion of the net use termed irrecoverable losses comprises ground water outflow from the unit if any occurs, water consumed by natural vegetation in uncultivated or noncropped areas, and all other water lost or consumed other than that consumed directly in connection with the application of water for crop irrigation. An absorptive area receiving an average Avater suppy equal to its net use would maintain its ground water without progressive rise or fall. In a particular ground water unit, the rate of gross pumping may, and often does, exceed the rate of net use per unit area of irrigated crops. Such amounts of gross draft in excess of the net use percolate back to the ground water and become: available for reuse by subsequent pumping. Net use, as the term has been defined, is limited to moisture received from sources other than direct rainfall on the area. The rainfall in the upper San Joaquin Valley, while helpful in meeting the moisture requirements of crops] during the Avinter months, is insufficient to be a material ground water factor, b}^ direct penetration of moisture to the Avater table or in meet- ing crop needs during the summer months, by retention in the surface soil. The precipitation in these areas serves to reduce the irrigation] need during the winter months. The A'olume of Avater represented by ground Avater fluctuations] depends on the total extent of the fluctuations and the proportion of the soil volume filled or drained by the rise or lowering. While from! 25 to 30 per cent of the total soil volume may represent the Avateri drained from saturated coarse materials, the aA'erage per cent for the-: mixed materials, usually encountered in the alluvial fills of the San' Joaquin Valley, is considerably less than 25 per cent. All moisture Avill not drain from any soil due to its capillary capacity. "Drainage Factor" designates the per cent of the total soil A'olume' represented by the Avater obtained by drainage. The percentage] obtained by drainage for any material will be numerically the same as ; that required for its resaturation Avhen a ground Avater rise occurs. While over 25 per cent may be drained from coarser materials, the materials Avithin the zone of ground Avater fluctuation usually include some impervious materials so that the average drainage factor is gen- erally less than that for the coarser materials alone. The records of areas irrigated, used in this chapter in studies of^ net use, were secured from the irrigation organizations where available, ^ and by field canvass AA'here not otherAvise obtainable. In most sections,, these data represent essentially the net service areas, and in fullj PL.ATE XI ZONES OF VARIATION IN DEPTH TO GROUND WATER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FALL OF 1929 ^H % '> H PLATr MI KIT MAP SHOW ING BOUNDARIES OF t.ROlIND WATER IINITS LOCATIONS or PROFILES AND TYPICAL RECORD WELLS I 1 I PR SAN JlrtUl IN V\LLn ^J^LR iir MILES ^■^ i MADERA GROUND WZ-TER UNIT FRESNO-CONSOLIDATED GROUND WATER UNIT ALTA GROUND WATER UNIT KAWEAH GROUND WATER UNIT O 2 PLATE XI n EDISON--ARVIN GROUND WATER UNIT TULE-DEER CREEK GROUND WATER UNIT EARLIMART--DELANO GROUND WATER UNIT McFARLAND-SCHAFTER GROUND WATER UNIT ROSEDALE GROUND WATER UNIT PROFILES OF WATER LEVELS JN GROUND WATER UNITS OF UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ALONG LINE X-X 1921 AND 1929 J \ L 1 90 32 94 ince in miles 9S 100 102 lOa 106 tOB MO 122 I2d 126 126 130 132 134 13E 136 MO 142 146 MS ISO 152 154 156 158 160 162 166 168 I70 172 174 r is.e ooe N aHUOF: a Ml S^h oet. est ■ :^'' are oet es£ tl ^ S 3 5 -i "\ -.'• ooe I ^ St" OT"= uos J Teeos SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 133 developed sections would average about 80 per cent of the gross area of irrigable lands. Lands which are nonirrigable, due to roughness or other factors, have been excluded from the irrigable areas in the land classification. Determination of the Water Supply Required to Meet Net Use Requirements — In areas where losses by seepage and percolation from canals and irrigated lands are recovered by pumping and re-used, it is necessary to bring to such areas sufficient Avater only to meet the net use. Several areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley are now developed on the basis of re-use of the percolation to the ground water. Conse- quently in plans for meeting the water requirements of such areas it is necessary to estimate the amount of net use. The best basis for such an estimate is the actual experience in the areas now under this type of development. If more water is delivered to any area than is con- sumed by transpiration, evaporation and irrecoverable losses, the excess will percolate to the ground water and cause it to rise. If less is deliv- ered than the net use and the shortage in supply made up by pumping, a lowering of the water table will occur. The records of supply, areas irrigated and ground water fluctuations in many areas enable estimates to be made of the rate of supply required for the mean net use without progressive rise or fall of the water table. A graphical method of mak- ing such estimates was used for several areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley, in analyses presented in Bulletin No. 11, previously referred to. A similar method has been used in this report, generally applied, how- ever, to larger units of area. The method consists in plotting the water supply for each season, in terms of acre-feet of measurable net inflow per acre irrigated, against the change in ground water elevation, expressed in feet for the same season. Such plotting for different years indicates the relationship between supply and changes in ground water level. A mean line expressing such relationship is drawn. The inter- section of this line with the zero line of the scale of fluctuation indicates. Ion the scale for inflow, the acre-feet per irrigated acre needed to meet the net use, including the difference between unmeasurable inflow and outflow, without progressive ground water change. The supply used in such comparisons is the sum of all measurable sources of inflow less all similar measurable items of outflow. The product of the unit net use so determined and the average area irrigated during the period of ^record, shows the mean seasonal net supply which would have been necessary to meet the crop requirements and irrecoverable losses with- lout progressive rise or fall of the ground water. The difference between the seasonal inflow, thus derived, and the mean actual inflow for the •period indicates the average shortage of supply for areas where lower- ing has occurred. This method of analysis assumes that the require- ments for net use are met in all j'ears without shortage. This condi- tion is generally met for lands served from wells, but is not always met in years of deficient canal supply for crops dependent on such canal service alone. The method includes, in the determination of net use, jthe net difference between the ground water inflow and outflow. Neither of these items are directly measurable. The net use determined by this method also includes water used by natural vegetation and jancultivated areas. These inclusions result in variations in net use (per unit of area of irrigated crops in different ground water units. 134 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The data available indicate that, in most parts of the upper San Joa- (juin Vallej', general ground water movements from one area to another involving much distance are relatively slow and the quantities involved are generally small and have relatively little effect upon the net use Avitliin the areas. The method also is based on the assumption that, on the average, an equal amount of water is released per foot of lowering or that the average drainage factor is constant throughout the full depth of fluctuation. Within usual ranges of fluctuation this assumption is probably closely correct. Ground water depletion estimates for the units, in which the ground water fluctuations vary consistently with the seasonal inflow, have been based upon the assumption that the average annual depletion is equal to the average annual shortage of net use requirements. An assumed drainage factor is not used in this method of analysis. The actual value of this factor is indicated by the ratio of the average annual depletion, in acre-feet, to the average annual volume of soil drained, expressed in acre-feet. For example, in Table 44, the gross area of the Fresno-Consolidated Ground Water Unit is given as 700 square miles or 448,000 acres. The average area irrigated for the 8-year I)eriod 1921-1929 is 319,900 acres and the average seasonal water supply diverted into the unit is 537,000 acre-feet. The average sea- sonal fall of ground water level is 0.81 foot. On Plate XX it is demon- strated graphically that a supply of 1.90 acre-feet per acre of cropped area would meet crop needs and maintain a constant ground water level. The average seasonal water requirement for this area equals 319,900 acres times 1.9 acre-feet per acre or 607,800 acre-feet. The average annual depletion equals 607,800 acre-feet minus 537,000 acre- feet or 70,800 acre-feet. The depletion per foot of lowering equals 70,800 acre-feet di\dded by 0.81 foot or 87,400 acre-feet. The soil volume drained per foot of lowering equals 448,000 acre-feet. There- fore, the drainage factor equals 87,400 acre-feet divided by 448,000 acre-feet or 19.5 per cent. While no method of ground water analysis can be exact, due to the man}' variable factors involved, the generally consistent variations of the annual fluctuations with the water supply, for the several areas, and number of years for which records are now available, indicate that the method is generally applicable to the condi- tions existing in these areas. The analvses of net use in the various ground water units have been made for the 8-year period 1921-1929, for which records of inflow, irrigated areas and ground water fluctua- tions are available. Kern River Areas. The Kern River areas as the term is liere used cover the same area as Hj'drographic Division No. 1 on Plate VI. It includes those portions of the upper San Joafjuin Valley for which Kern River is the main ^ source of water supply, although many parts of the area are not reached by tlie present systems diverting from Kern River. It includes all of the portions of Kern County in the San Joaquin Valley except the northern three miles. V The water of Kern River i.s divided between two groups of canal > interests in accordance with the jMiller-IIaggin agreement. The flow! of the river is measured at "First Point of Measurement" which is] SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 135 above all diversions in the valley. From March 1 to September 1, one-third of the flow at First Point in excess of 300 second-feet is delivered at "Second Point of Measurement," located on Kern River about five miles above its point of discharp;e into Buena Vista Slongh, I for use on lower lands. The remainder of the flow is diverted by the different canals between First Point and Second Point, to the extent of their capacities. These canals have varying priorities which result in differences in the character of service received by different parts of the canal served areas. At present there is no storage on Kern River above Second Point. Buena Vista Lake acts as a reservoir for part of the "Second Point" water. Investigations relative to the utilization of the water supply of Kern River were made, during 1920, b}' the State Engineer in coopera- tion with Kern County and local interests. In 1923 the Kern River Water Storage District, comprising about 250,000 acres, was formed. Its area corresponded generally with that recommended in the report of the 1920 investigations for service above "Second Point." Exten- sive investigations were conducted by the storage district and a plan prepared which included the utilization of ground water storage and pumping for areas on the south side of the river in order that water now diverted from the river for use in this area, in excess of net use, might be used for higher lands on the north side of the river. Although such a plan would have resulted in a much more complete and eco- nomical use of the available water supply, the varioTis local interests involved were unable to agree regarding its accomplishment and the district was dissolved in 1929. Most of the important canals using "First Point" water operate as public utilities. These utilities recognize certain lands as having rights to service under the different canals. A number of questions regarding the definition of service, areas and rates have been involved in proceedings before the California Railroad Commission. The areas irrigated in each year vary Avitli the run-off. An area of about 165,000 acres is served usually, under all ditches, with additional areas in years of above normal supply. The records of the canal companies show an average annual diversion of 413.000 acre-feet for the period 1893 to 1925, inclusive. The adequacy and distribution of the supply through the season vary with the different canals, those of early prior- ity having a generally well distributed service. For purposes of discussion, the area as a whole has been divided into smaller local areas and ground water units having similar condi- tions. These divisions, in the order presented, consist of the Edi.son- .Arvin Unit, canal served areas south of Kern River, Rosedale Unit, Pioneer Canal area, Buttonwillow and Semitropic Ridges, Buena Vista Water Storage District and McFarland Shafter Unit. In mak- ing the crop survey of 1929 for all units in Kern County, from which the area irrigated in each unit has been determined, all highway's, rail- roads, county and private roads, incorporated and unincorporated towns, main canals, main laterals, sublaterals, and building and uncropped areas of more than one acre were excluded. Private ditches and building areas and yards of less than one acre, situated within the cropped areas, were included. '^' ^ 136 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Edison-Arvin Unit — This unit includes the pump irrigated areas lyinf? above the East Side Canal on the south side of Kern River. Its northern limit is that of the developed area between Bakcrsfield and Edison, from which it extends southward, a distance of fourteen miles, to the south line of Township 31 South. The eastern limit is that of the intensive development around Arvin and on tlie cone of Caliente Creek. A small intensive citrus development is located near Edison and an area devoted to both citrus and deciduous fruits extends from Edison westward past Magunden toward Bakersfield on both sides of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Although the principal source of replen- ishment for the ground water of this unit is the run-off of Caliente Creek, the cone of depression, that has developed during the past five years under this area of heavy pumping draft, has lowered the water table to elevations below that under the East Side Canal three miles to the west. The total irrigation development under pumping service for the portion of this area on the Caliente Creek fan is 17,400 acres. The gross area of the unit is 51 square miles and the area irrigated in 1929 was 31 square miles, or 20,000 acres. Profile J- J on Plate XIV, "Edison-Arvin Ground Water Unit," extends in a northeasterly direction from a point on the Rim Ditch, ten miles east of Buena Vista Lake, to a point about five miles south- east of Edison. It shows the slope condition in the canal served area south of Kern River as well as that in the Edison-Arvin Unit. Profile K-K, shown on same plate, extends about ten miles, in an easterly direction parallel to the Southern Pacific Railroad, from a point about eight miles south of Bakersfield. Both of these profiles, for the 1929 ground water elevations, show- ground water depressions tlu'ough the East Side Canal and the higher part of the Caliente cone. This lias been caused by the excess of draft over supply for the period, 1921 to 1929, as the ground water slope was formerly continuous from the east toward the west. For Well 31-29-16, about eight miles south of Edison near the East Side Canal, the pumping draft and winter recovery are large for each season and amount to more than 30 feet in some years. There has, however, been a general lowering from 1924 to 1929. The characteristics of Well 31-29-23, about ten miles south of Edison and two miles east of the East Side Canal, are somewhat similar to those for Well 31-29-16. Well 29-28-36a, located about three miles westerly from Edison and near the East Side Canal, shows smaller lowering than the other two wells referred to, but is somewhat similar in its general characteristics with regard to winter recovery and general lowering. The available records of water supply, area irrigated and ground water fluctuation are shown in Table 30. The ground water fluctuations shown in Table 30 do not vary consistently with the estimated run-off for the different years. Caliente Creek does not have a surface run-oflE in its stream channel that is accessible for measurement, as the flow is largely absor])ed and moves slowly to the lower areas. The incon- sistencies between the estimated annual run-oflfs and the resulting ground water fluctuations are due probably to some increasing influ- ence of East Side Canal seepages and the time lag between surface run-off and delivery to the ground water in the area, and prevent the determination of a definite relationship between inflow and changes in 1 ll'l L. ' " r-' 1 .... 'V^'" . M» oB .WoK • -I. ■ S'« .'■ >*. / _ / — ertk / - IS \ i^.a - 3 c ^* T a CO — asb b - W - c - 1 ;»^« '' ose 3 c if I b eaej 2. 1 I • - 3 , , ;r ■ 1 1 7 \ - - — V ' 0Sar)ne4ra»9i' ,.20 ^•»^^^^i**»"*W«ifWll*"!»"i?^iflS?T w 136 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Edison-Arvin Unit — This unit includes the pump irrigated areas lyinp- above the East Side Canal on the south side of Kern River. Its northern limit is that of the developed area between Bakersfield and Edison, from which it extends southward, a distance of fourteen miles, to the south line of Township 31 South. The eastern limit is that of the intensive development around Arvin and on tlie cone of Caliente Creek. A small intensive citrus development is located near Edison and an area devoted to both citrus and deciduous fruits extends from Edison westward past Magunden toward Bakersfield on both sides of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Although the principal source of replen- ishment for the ground Avater of this unit is the run-off of Caliente Creek, the cone of depression, that has developed during the past five years under this area of heavy pumping draft, has lowered the water table to elevations below that under the East Side Canal three miles to the west. The total irrigation development under pumping service for the portion of this area on the Caliente Creek fan is 17,400 acres. The gross area of the unit is 51 square miles and the area irrigated in 1929 was 31 square miles, or 20,000 acres. Profile J-J on Plate XIV, "Edison-Arvin Ground Water Unit," extends in a northeasterly direction from a point on the Rim Ditch, ten miles east of Buena Vista Lake, to a point about five miles south- east of Edison. It shows the slope condition in the canal served area south of Kern River as well as that in the Edison-Arvin Unit. Profile K-K, shown on same plate, extends about ten miles, in an easterly direction parallel to the Southern Pacific Railroad, from a point about eight miles south of Bakersfield. Both of these profiles, for the 1929 ground water elevations, show ground water depressions through the East Side Canal and the higher part of the Caliente cone. This has been caused by the excess of draft over supply for the period, 1921 to 1929, as the ground water slope was formerly continuous from the east toward the west. For Well 31-29-16, about eight miles south of Edison near the East Side Canal, the pumping draft and winter recovery are large for each season and amount to more than 30 feet in some years. There has, however, been a general lowering from 1924 to 1929. The characteristics of Well 31-29-23, about ten miles south of Edison and two miles east of the East Side Canal, are somewhat similar to those for Well 31-29-16. Well 29-28-36a. located about three miles westerly from Edison and near the East Side Canal, shows smaller lowering than the other two wells referred to, but is somewhat similar in its general characteristics with regard to winter recovery and general lowering. The available records of water supply, area irrigated and ground water fluctuation are shown in Table 30. The ground water fluctuations shown in Table 30 do not vary consistently with the estimated run-off for the different years. Caliente Creek does not have a surface run-off in its stream channel that is accessible for measurement, as the flow is largely absorbed and moves slowly to the lower areas. The incon- sistencies between the estimated annual run-offs and the resulting ground water fluctuations are due probably to some increasing influ- ence of East Side Canal seepages and the time lag between surface run-off and delivery to the ground Avater in the area, and prevent the determination of a definite relation.ship between inflow and changes in PROFILES ALONG LINE J-J 1920 AND 1929 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 29-28-36a WATER LEVELS IN WELL 31-29-16 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 31-29-23 A ? , - : •■ ii l' V ~^'M \^ ~ ,i,,i,,i. Ml In ulnli.hi ..Inlul.i ,l,,l,,l. ,l,,l ,1, mImImIi,'.iL; t9Z0 <92t PROFILES ALONG LINE K-K 1920 AND 1929 A L 192d 1925 I92G 1927 <92B T929 / flTl !\ '■_ \\ ' \ - M U 1 ^ \ i 1 ~ \ \\ I 1 1 : II 1 ^ nliiliiluiil.ili. Iiiln ii, ,,i.,i.j,. ,.i..i..i,, ..i,.i,.iri 1924 l9Za 1926 192S 1929 '■■l''i'-l..l.'^..i..i..i-.l..i..i.. '924 1925 EDISON-ARVIN GROUND WATER UNIT Distance in miles Distance m miles L 3H1J 9H0JA clJJiiUri-l eser q^ia osei ,iti «•* •■)«• ««« •*> ooa 8^.' o«e - ese \ -^ IU2 t;.1UOlB '*t O 3 35 Oct" >• ci oo^ 5 «\; oee ese 00£ 5TS -L 8 Ol S> »t 2allm ni aonelziQ ai 81 OS ss oes SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 137 TABLE 30 EDISON-ARVIN UNIT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area 51 square miles Season or period 1921-24. 1924-25. 1925-26- 1926-27. 1927-28- 1928-29. Averages, 1921-29. Water supply. Run-off of Caliente Creek, in acre-feet 77,800 35,200 12,600 32,700 15,100 15,100 23,600 Area irrigated, in acres (') 17,437 (■) (') (■) 20,000 18,600 Change of ground water level, in fcet> »— 9.57 —0.89 —2.34 —3.44 —1.28 —3.99 —2.69 ' Data not available. 'Interpolated for period 1921-1924, from 1920 and 1924 records. ' ( — ) indicates lowering of ground water level. ground water level. The estimated run-off of Caliente Creek is also subject to considerable error as it is based on comparison with adjacent streams due to the lack of stream flow measurements. An average annual depletion of about 13,000 acre-feet has been estimated by sub- tracting the mean annual run-off of Caliente Creek from an estimated aet use of two acre-feet per acre. This would indicate an average irainage factor of 15 per cent for this unit. Canf the East Side Canal area. This area is one of the few remaining ireas in the San Joaquin Valley having injuriously high ground water inhere no steps to remedy the condition liaA-e been taken. For much of his land, drainage is a greater need than additional water. There is omparatively little ground water development in this area although he recent dry years have caused the development of a number of wells or supplemental use. The adequacy of the canal supply has resulted in imited local interest in pumping. Wells of good yield are obtainable Q the portions of the area near Kem River where coarser materials are ncountered. Toward the south, from Kern Lake to Buena Vista Lake, rtesian wells are obtainable. The water-bearing sands are fine, and ells of the gravel envelope type are most effective in securing large ields. The largest present draft on the ground water is that for lunicipal supply for the city of Bakersfield. The total present ground ater draft is a very small proportion of the canal diversions into le area. A large portion of the area shows no lowering of ground ater, and the maximum in any part is about five feet. The area under the Ea-st Side Canal is separated from the main |outh Side Canal area by an intervening strip of alkali land in the 138 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES topographic trouf;h of the former course of Kern River. About 6000 acres of the gros.s area of 15,000 acres under the East Side Canal receive canal service. The average total annual diversions into the canal are about 25,000 acre-feet. About 60 per cent of the canal served area also secures a supplemental supply by pumping and an additional area of about 6000 acres is irrigated entirelj^ from wells. Deeper wells within this area are seldom perforated in the upper strata, and are not immediately influenced by the flow of water in the canal or its use on overlying lands. Such .supply as may be available in the deeper wells is considered to be received from the general ground water movement from higher areas tributary to Caliente Creek. These waters may now be intercepted, at least partly, by pumping in the areas nearer to (Caliente Creek. From 1921 to 1929, the ground water in this area has lowered generally from ten to twenty feet at the north end to five to fifteen feet at the .south end. Present depths to water vary from twenty-five to sixty feet. Rosedale Unit — The Rosedale unit lies immediately south of the Seventh Standard Parallel and extends southward for a distance of five and one-half miles. Its eastern limit is along the Kern River near Bakersfield, and the western boundarj^ is near Rio Bravo. It is served by the Calloway, Beardslej^ ]\IcCaffrey and Emery canals. The areas irrigated from these canals vary with the run-off of the different years. Table 31 sets forth the available data on water supply, areas irrigated and ground water changes in this unit. TABLE 31 ROSEDALE UNIT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area 79 square miles Water supply to unit, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change Season By canal service By pump- ing Total of ground water level, in feet' 1919-1920 77,850 56,500 98,750 68,800 35,850 28,400 104,500 25,000 12,100 15,250 11,600 15,550 12,650 7,800 6,100 13,450 6,000 2.900 2.600 3,200 2,600 3,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 17,850 14,800 18,150 15,650 6,000 11,800 10,100 17,450 10,000 6,900 4.36 3.82 5.44 4 40 3.04 2.81 5.99 2.50 1.75 1920-1921 —0.98 1921-1922 -1-1.08 1922-1923 —1.04 1923-1924.. —3 45 1924-1925 —2.01 1925-1926 —1 35 1926-1927 -M.37 1927-1928 - —1.23 1928-1929 - —3.64 Averages, 1921-1929 46,700 8,050 3.950 12,000 3.89 —1.28 ' (-|-) indicates a rise and ( — ) a fall in ground water level. The relationship between the supply per acre of irrigated area and the resulting ground water fluctuation is fairly consistent. However, the indicated rate of gross delivery required to maintain the ground water is about 4.6 acre-feet per acre. This figure is far in excess of con.sumptive and is probably the result of the ground water out- flow through the coarse materials in this area, due to its proximity to the channel of Kern River. Some of this outflow is used in other areas. Based upon tlie difference between the actual inflow and an average SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 139 requirement of 4.6 acre-ifeet per acre, the indicated mean annual deple- tion of ground water for the period 1921-1929 is approximately 9000 acre-feet, and indicates a drainage factor of about 14 per cent. Prior to canal irrigation, the ground water was about 50 feet lower than at present. The additions to the ground water 'from irrigation have changed the ground water slopes so that outward movement now occurs. In the earlier years sho^^ii in Table 31 the ground water was sufficiently high to result in loss by soil moisture evaporation from larger areas than the cropped areas given. If a rate of net use, similar to that indicated for other areas, is applied to this area for each year, the resulting imaccounted for water varies widely in different years. During the period 1921-1929 the average seasonal supply exceeded the probable use within the area by about 20,000 acre-feet. In years of larger supply the unaccounted for water is a larger amount. The out- flow from this area appears to be responsive to the extent of the supply in each year. The total lowering, from 1921 to 1929, amounting to 10.27 feet, appears to have reduced but not to have eliminated ground water outflow losses in this area. Pioneer Canal Area — This area covers the lower area north of Kern River, served mainly by the Pioneer Canal. The area irrigated varies with the extent of stream flow in different years and may exceed 12,000 acres in years of large run-off. The canal divei*sions average about 27,000 acre-feet per year. There is only a limited amount of present use of ground w^ater in this area, although the ground water supply and conditions for pumping are generally favorable. The records of ground water fluctuations are not complete. Those available indicate that some outflow of ground water occurs and that there is probably some ground water inflow from the Rosedale area. Only limited lowering has occurred since 1920. Buttonwillow and Semitropic Ridges — This area covers the lands along Goose Lake Slough and the adjacent Buttonwillow and Semi- tropic ridges. There is some irrigation along Goose Lake Slough from wells, largely artesian. As discussed in Chapter III, these lands are generally of poor quality and there is little irrigation development. Toward the northern end a number of w^ells supply water for duck club use. The records of ground water fluctuations in this area are incomplete. Some wells w^hich formerly flowed now require pumping. Wells pumped during the summer may recover their pressure head and resume flow during the winter season of smaller draft. While there are no surface sources of inflow into this area, ground water movement may occur from adjacent areas at the east and south. Buena Vista Water Storage District — The "Second Point" water on Kern River is now handled by the Buena Vista Water Storage District. This district contains 78,825 acres including the area of Buena Vista Lake and the valley trough lands extending north to Wasco Road. When organized, about 90 per cent of the land was owned by Miller and Lux, Inc. A portion of the district has since been colonized. Formerly the area irrigated varied with the available run-off, Buena Vista Lake being iised for storage. This lake is one of the natural depressions in w^hich excess stream flow collected. The area of submergence is now limited by levees. The depth of flooding is 140 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES shallow and evaporation losses represent a large part of the water stored. Ground water is fairly close to the surface in much of the area irrigated. The water-bearing materials consist of fine .sand which require wells adapted to such conditions, if good yields are to be secured. There has been considerable recent pumping development in the southern part of the main area of the di.strict which has made available a more complete and dependable water supply. McFarland-Shafter Unit — This unit extends southward from a line three miles south of the Tulare County line, a distance of 21 miles, to the Seventh Standard Parallel. The eastern boundary is about two miles east of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the State highway, and the western limit is the west line of Range 24 East. Part of the eastern portion receives canal service from the Lerdo and Calloway canals. As these canals have flood water rights only, the water supply available varies widely in different years. Poso Creek also supplies some stream flow to the northern part of the area. The gross area is 310 square miles. Table 32 summarizes the available data on water supply, irrigated area and ground water fluctuation for the period 1919-1929, inclusive. The average lowering for the full area has been three feet per year. The lowering has varied in the different parts of the area as shown on Plate X. A total lowering of as much as 40 to 45 feet has occurred in some of the more heavily pumped areas. In the southwest part of the area near Goose Lake Slough, where the ground water draft is slight, little lowering has occurred. The lowering is generally less in the ])oorer lands along the west side and beyond the areas now developed. The average ground water fluctuation is plotted against the aver- age water supply per acre for each of the nine years of record on Plate XV, "McFarland-Shafter Ground Water Unit." The points for the different years are scattered somewhat but indicate generally that an inflow of two acre-feet per acre will meet the crop requirements and maintain the ground water at its present level witli such unmeasurable ground water outflow or inflow as may now occur. Part of the varia- tions in individual years are due probably to the difference in use on canal-served areas which may receive onlj'' partial service. Some ground water outflow to the west also may occur. Such outflow prob- ably would be somewhat larger under the higher ground water condi- tions of 1922 than at present. Prior to irrigation in this area, the ground water was about 50 feet lower than in 1920. About one-half of the subsequent rise had been lost by 1929. The ground water level, prior to irrigation, was that maintained by the balance of natural inflow and outflow. The natural inflow is represented by the absorp- tion from Poso Creek. The actual pump draft in this area was found by canvass of all plants in 1920 to exceed two acre-feet per acre. Pumped water in excess of net use will return to the ground water as deep percolation and is only a temporary draft on the supply. With full recovery of ground water, a delivered supply into this area of two acre-feet per acre of cropped area should meet the crop requirements and such outflow as may occur, with present ground water elevations, and prevent further ground water lowering. The 1921-1929 average annual ground water depletion is assumed to equal the difference ■ eser qua iser WATER LEVELS IN WELL 27-24-10 PROFILES ALONG LINE H-H 192t AND 1229 PROFILES ALONG LINE l-l 192) AND 1929 A- - \ ^7 / " ''j ■ 4Z5 — ^ A «00 ! 1/ V" m a \ /l......... Ui 350 3 __ 3 / S ' / ..^-— ' / 1 ;/ / _^ 30O i/ r -::i:I..,..„.. 275 / / / / y / / / 3SO _ / / / / 22S - - 1 1 \ WATER LEVELS IN WELL 26-24-11 -\ E — VJ \ ^ » 265 r X v— .< 1 UO - \^ -\ 1 u ') 2 255 ** v^ 250 mIhIhIm nLLIn 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 (926 1927 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 28-25-21 1921 1922 9ZG 192' Distance in miles WELL 27-24-10 RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER WATER LEVELS IN WELL 27-25-1 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 28-26-26a y - - 'yy - '1926 V y •^ 1921 - 192 J 1 GHOSS ARE* aiO SQUARE MILES AVEHiCE ARE* IRRIGATED SO.IM ACRES ~ 1 3 Ii Inflow In leel per acre Imsdtea WATER LEVELS IN WELL 27-25-26 I9Z0 1927 1929 1929 WELL 28-25-21 1927 1929 329 -^i/ f i s - ^ ■ i i i \ -o 1 . \ \ V : 6 3.S — \ • = W, ? -« V\i 1 1 *■ £ \ 1 ^ ~ \^ 30O - \ \ : 299 nUnln nlnlnL, nlJuln nlnlnl,, mImImIh .llluilllil JmLJh nlnl.i, „U^ 345 - A - 340 aA \ - 335, 1 ." \ r 1 "^^ \ 1 ^ \ xn O 325 - \ « V-* . s \ : 1 "° \ - = V - £ N. ■ 65 3IS ■: \ - 70 310 - \ X. - s 75 g 305 i_ ""■^^ \ \ s S ■III ninlnin 1 1 1 1 1 1 ninlnin V ninlnl,; )92t 1922 IS23 1924 1925 1927 I92S ■IXr- N k - \ . 1 \ ■ i \, ^ - ~ ^\ ^^ "■\ \ '"^ ninlnin ninlnin ,.1J.,L, ninlnin ,,l,.L,l., ninlnin j,,i,,l: I92t 1922 1923 1924 1925 192Q 1927 McFARLAND-SHAFTER GROUND WATER UNIT 1927 1920 IS29 ;>^i 1 H-H JUIJ oHUJA 83JR0RS ■>;er 01 - ■^jA^iua bfiuoiQ )iii9n90 m nctoi4»»t» ««raw bnuw-t I J- a a or ZBlim ni •9n6)2tQ St TC.-. oat es» OOtk ■ tr CO 6 c \ \ w ooe ers oes ess fei at oos Teeo8 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 141 n U < So O i»rtoocc^oo»-^ o "eo^CMiO'* »-.00:o 00 t^ :j=: -* O r>. "cS . S fO '^lOiMOO-xJ'fMM^CS'-' t^ 1-1 1-1 M i-H O rH a s-r b£ o lu c4 a §« 5 ^tf a = a « ■- m- .s °'-- oooooooooo o oooooooooo c:> CST^-^piCOTfOlC^CDOO TrooTrc5:oo:iCT. o ■« '«»«COiO'*-^'»J«U3*C-^-^ »o -*^ o H Oi V oooooooooo o W3 OOOO O O O O TT OS c •^ '-^COC^OO ^"^"^^^ o d c ■^•^t^oT -^knc^^ «o ■a ^ V V -*a 03 .3 a o I-. La »;^ PC, c9 <: OOOOOOOOOO o c c OOOOOOOOOO CXS'^tMr-OOOrfOOO— ^ C5 1 '^'S O'<*. o mi oooooooooo o O^OOtO 0<0i000 o -^o^-rr '^•o^o^WQO c^ 5J ,^ CO t^ cc c^ c>'f coci"'-r'^ CO a & OiOoooo oo o •i? (M^iC00_O_ OO^OO^O **-• . a> t-rci»ooo iCCOtOCOC^ ■^ (U > C •-«05r*oo t— c^coc^o w Q. o oocci^^ co^oco^r^ h-T Q. ■v^ oco I-* :o (M 3 >i CO 93 l>4 .s O c3 :=3 ^ c4 o oooooooooo o lOOOO OOiOOiO 00 a O^:oa5 ^'^•^^'^ ■* o 00-^oiM -^jJ^-^M ■^aJ"^ tc a o o ■a a; ►J Ca M Ol J^ c cOO^^C30)OA TTTTTTTTTT C30 — c^M-^icor^oo ■< ^f^»(^»<^^^^JC^l'^^CiCT> a> 03 ■ it: Milt o c >- h OS «^ n Tt< 0$ OJ2 * OS™, =- -^ -"— ta O O O -5-3.S a> c C I- o « 1 g| c as oi 3 4> 55 -►-■*.» 03 08 O *5 HH "^^ 242 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES between the required seasonal net use of approximately 100,000 acre- feet for the area under irrifratiou. and tlie estimated mean seasonal inflow of al)out ;5i),()0() acre-feet, or (31,000 acre-feet. This Avould indi- cate an averajre drainaffe factor of about 10 per cent for this unit. Profile II-II on Plate XV extends generally parallel to Poso Creek from Famoso to beyond Elmo. The areas under the Lerdo and Callo- way canals receive irregular canal service. Pumping is practiced near the lower end of the area crossed by the profile. There has been very little canal service in this area in recent years and larger lowering has occurred in the canal areas than in the pumping areas. Profile I-I extends east and west near Shafter. Little lowering has occurred at the upper end above the canals. A lowering of about .'30 feet is shown in the pumping area near Shafter. At the west, where there is little development, only limited lowering occurred. Well No. 26-24-11, Plate XV, is located west of Elmo in the edge of the pumping area. Lowering occurs during the summer pumping season with a winter recovery. The winter peaks show an average annual lowering of about two feet each below the peak of the previous year until 1929, except for the winters following the larger supplies of 1922 and .1927, which caused relatively greater winter recoveries. Winter recovery was very small in the winter of 1928-29 and larger lowering occurred in the summer of 1929. Well No. 27-24-10 is west of the pumping area near Wasco. It shows a continuous lowering of about three feet per year with a small winter recovery from the summer draft. Well No. 27-25-26 is east of Shafter under the Lerdo Canal. It maintained its level with some gain to 1923 and has dropped steadily since, with the exception of holding even in 1927. Lowering has aver- ap:ed between four and five feet per year since 1923. The years of low- ering are ones of small flow in the Lerdo Canal. Well No. 27-25-1 is at the side of Poso Creek near Famoso. It shows a marked response of about ten feet to adjacent irrigations in 1922, dropping back quickly after the irrigation. Since 1923 it has lowered steadily at an average rate of about five feet per year. The larger supply in 1927 only reduced the rate of lowering in that year to three feet. Well No. 28-26-26a is near the Calloway Canal at the southern side of this area. It shoAvs response to adjacent canal use, holding its level in 1922 and 1923, lowering through 1926, gaining enough in 1927 to balance the lowering in 1928, and lowering seven feet in 1929. Wells in the eastern part of this area do not show a wiiiter recov- ery. The winter recovery at the west is probably, or at least partly, a l)ressure recovery similar to the pressure recoverj^ that causes some wells farther west to resume flow during the winter. The winter recovery indicates that some movement occurs, the lowering in the upper areas being reflected by the rise in the lower areas. Earlimart-Delano Unit. This unit includes the pump developed areas around those two towns. It is bounded on the north by the division between the areas affected by White River and Deer Creek, and extends southward for eleven miles to an east and west line three miles south of the north SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 143 line of Kern County. The eastern limit is along the Southern Pacific branch line between Kichgrove and Ducor and the western limit is the west line of Range 25 East. This area has only very limited tributary run-oif . White River is the only stream draining higher foothill areas. There are additional minor lower drainage areas such as Rag Gulch. All irrigated areas are served entirely by pumping from wells. The generally high quality of the lands in this area has resulted in a rela- tively large area of pumping. The available records on water supply, areas irrigated and ground water fluctuation are assembled in Table 33. The areas irrigated are based on direct canvass in 1921, ,1924, 1925 and 1929 with interpolations for intervening years. A continual increase is shown with a total increase of about 160 per cent in nine years. In making the crop survey of 1929 for all units in Tulare County, from which the areas irrigated in each unit has been determined, all highwaj^s, railroads, incorporated and unincorporated towns, main canals, main laterals, sublaterals and building and uncropped areas of more than one acre were excluded. County and private roads, private ditches and building areas and yards of less than one acre situated within the cropped area were included. Table 33 shows the average ground water fluctuation in the Earli- mart-Delano Unit for each year. Plate X shows the total lowering for the eight-year period, from 1921 to 1929. The lowering has been largest eastward from Delano in the area of heaviest development. A maximum lowering of 70 feet with lowering in excess of 50 feet over a relatively large area is shown. The ground water contours on Plate VIII .show that the loAvering has resulted in a ground water depression in the area of heaviest pumping, with the ground water sloping into this area from all sides. TABLE 33 EARLIMART-DELANO UNIT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 1 50 square miles Season Water supply. Estimated run-off of White River, in acre-feet Area irri- gated, in acres' Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet* 1920-1921 2.200 3,700 4,800 3,600 1,400 4,700 2,300 1,900 11,600 13,000 14,500 15,950 20,000 22,500 25,000 28,000 30,550 0.19 29 0.33 0.0 0.18 0.06 0.19 0.08 0.06 1921-1922... — i 93 1922-1923.. —3 24 1923-1924 —3 77 1924-1925... —4 42 1925-1926 . ... —4 97 1926-1927... — 4 88 1927-1928. .. .. —2 36 1928-1929-.., —7 78 Averages, 1921-1929 2,800 21,200 0.13 —4 17 ' Records for 1921, 1924, 1925 and 1929; other years interpolated. ' ( — ) indicate* lowering ot ground water level. The total water supply tributary to this area is too small in rela- tion to the draft to enable the fluctuations and supply to be plotted in a form that would indicate the inflow value required for zero fluctua- tion. Table 33 shows a continual lowering which tends to increase with the increase in irrigated area. For the last four years shown. 144 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES with an average irrifjatcd area of about one-fourth of the gross area, an average lowering of about five feet per year has occurred. A larger lowering oecurrod in 1027 than in the very dry year of 1924, indicating that the area irrigated is the main factor causing loAvering and that (litTcrences in the very limited tributary supply in individual years do not materially affect the results. An average annual depletion of about 50.000 acre-feet for the period, 1921-1929, has been estimated for tiie Eiiflimart-Delano Unit u])()n the basis of an assumed drainage factor of 12^ per cent applied to the total drained soil volume. The sum of the annual depletion and the average estimated annual run-off of White River indicates a use of 2.5 acre-feet per irrigated acre average for the eight-year period, and 1.7 acre-feet per acre irrigated in 1929. On Plate XVI, ''Earlimart-Delano Ground AVater Unit," is shown a profile extending east and west through Delano. This crosses the area | of heavy pumping east of Delano. The relatively flat slope of the ground water in 1921, in comparison with the land slopes, illustrates the rapid increase of pumping lift to the east as well as the light slope of the ground water needed to discharge the naturally tributary sup- ply. The profile for 1929 show's, clearl.v, the effect of pumping in this area. The lowering has produced a ground water depression which has reversed the ground w^ater slope underlying the western portion of the unit. The plate also shows the hydrographs of two wells whose fluctuations are typical for this area. Well No. 24-26-29 and 24-26- 30a, jointly, show the progress of lowering in the almost solidly developed area near Delano. The readings on these Avells were not continuous, but sufficient were obtained to show that the steady decline is unaffected by the variations in stream flow in different years. These wells are remote from any stream channels. Well 24-26-9 is on the lower course of White River. A more rapid lowering occurred in the later years shown than at the beginning of the period. This is prob- ably due to the larger area irrigated in later years. The record of water levels in this well does not show^ the effect which might be expected due to its proximity to the channel of White River. It lowered about as much in 1927 as in 1028 or 1929. The draft in this area is so large in relation to the supply that variations in the annual supply cause little if any change in the rate of lowering. Tule-Deer Creek Unit. This unit is bounded on the north by the Ivaweah and Lindsay units, along the line of the Fifth Standard Parallel. It extends south- ward about sixteen miles to a line two miles north of Earlimart. The eastern limit is near Porterville and the Avestern limit is four miles east of Angiola. Tule River and Deer Creek arc the principal local tributary streams. The total area is 239,000 acres. The available data on Avater supply, areas irrigated and ground water fluctuations are shown in Table 34. A total lowering in eight years of 22.6 feet has occurred. The conditions of Avater supply and irrigation vary in the different parts of this area. Canals diverting from Tule River serve lands near Porterville. The main portion of the run-off, partieulai'ly in years of less than normal run-off, is used in the upper portion of the Tule River Delta. Surplus water is PLATE XVI ELL 24-26-9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1926 1927 1928 1929 80 90 lOO "C 110 5 o o s c o so u H u vV io c J oec 9se ooe evs oes ess oos a o w at < a LI i.)»>a ^r^ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 145 largely diverted to lower lands on tlie delta and larger flows result in some waste to Tnlare Lake. There lias been no surface outflow from Tule River from 1921 to 1929. Deer Creek has a small run-off. Pump- ing is carried on along its course by individual land owners and from a group of Avells used to serve the Terra Bella Irrigation District, which also exercises a surface diversion right through the Deer Creek Ditch. For the remainder of this general area, there is no direct stream flow or canal use and any ground water replenishment is dependent on the slow outward movement of ground water from adjacent areas. The areas irrigated in 1921 and 1929 were determined from crop surveys, but for other years a uniform rate of increase in the irrigated area has been assumed. An estimated average annual depletion of 56,000 acre-feet for the Tule-Deer Creek Unit is based upon the difference between the run-off and an indicated net use requirement for zero fluctuation of 2.2 acre-feet per acre for an average irrigated area of 67,400 acres. This gives an indicated average drainage factor of about eight per cent for the entire unit. TABLE 34 TULE-DEER CREEK UNIT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 373 square miles Water supply, in acre-feet Area irri- gated, in acres' Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average Season Tule River Deer Creek Total change of ground water level, in feet* 1920-1921 90,500 139,700 102,000 24,700 89,800 48,900 131,000 48,200 54,800 12,500 16,900 14,400 4,950 17,600 7,550 15,600 8,900 13,350 103,000 156,600 116,400 29,650 107,400 56,450 146,600 57,100 68,150 63,700 64,500 65,300 66,100 67,000 67,800 68,600 69,400 70,200 1.62 2.43 1.78 0.45 1.60 0.83 2.14 0.82 0.97 S 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 —0.89 —1.27 —5.20 —1.87 —3 47 1926-1927... —1 60 1927-1928 —3 64 1928-1929 Averages, 1921-1929 —4.70 79,900 12,400 92,300 67,400 1.37 —2.83 ' Data are available for 1921 and 1929 only. Values for other years interpolated. • ( — ) indicates lowering of ground water. In order to compare annual ground water fluctuations with water supply, the portions of this unit more directly dependent on Tule River and on Deer Creek have been separated. The relationship is not as direct as in other areas for which similar comparisons are made. The water supply is not distributed over much of the area which is dependent on these streams for such ground water replenishment as it may receive. The results are presented in Tables 35 and 36. Table 35 gives the records for the area below Porterville which is nioi-e directly dependent on Tule River. The records of run-off of Tule River are reduced by the amount of the estimated use between the gaging stations and Porterville. I 10 — S0997 146 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 35 TULE RIVER AREA— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 155 square miles Season Water supply, run-off of Tule River at Porterville, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres' Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet' 1921-1922 129,100 91,400 10,700 79,800 40,700 120,400 40,000 46,000 36,000 37,000 38,000 39,000 40,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 3.59 2.47 0.44 2.05 1.02 2.94 0.98 1.14 —0.02 1922-1923 —1.24 1923-1924 —4.57 1924-1925 —1.27 1925-1926 —4.69 1920-1927 —1.30 1927-1928. —5.19 1928-1929 —4.77 Averages, 1921-1929 70,000 39,100 1.80 —2.88 'Area irrigated based upon crop surveys for 1921 and 1929 and estimates contained in Bulletin No. 11, "Ground Water Resources of the Southern San Joaquin Valley," for 1924 and 1925. ' (— j indicates lowering of ground water. Tlio frroniifl ^vator fliict tuitions do not indicate the same relation- .sliip between supply and use as that found for other areas. The appar- ent rates of supply needed to maintain the ground water are larger than those found elsewhere. However, there are several elements involved whieli are considered to account for this difference. The crop area represents regularly erop])ed and cultivated lands. Larger Avinter flows may pai-tially serve additional lands not included in the crop survey. Similar conditions occur in years of larger run-off in March and April, during Avliicli periods, stream flow is delivered to lower canals under the terms of a court decree governing such use. The crop area does not include the channel areas supporting natural vegetation which also consumes moisture. On the outer portions of the area, there may he a sufficient time lag betAveen the occurrence of run-off and the resulling effect on the ground water so that the fluctuations of a given season may be partially the result of run-off of the preceding season. Therefore, it is believed that the indicated larger net use in this area is to be expected from consideration of these factors affecting its amount. Table ;}6 gives the records of Avater su])ply, area irrigated and ground water changes for the Deer Creek area, below Terra Bella. show a general relationship betAveen supply and fluctuation. In no year has the supply been sufficient to maintain the ground Avater. Tile relation of inflow to change in level of ground Avater for Deer Creek area, as sliown on Plate XVTl, "Tule-Deer Creek Ground Water Unit," indicates that a supj)ly of about tAvo acre-feet per acre Avould meet the net Plate X shows the total lowering that has occurred in the Tule- Deer Creek TTnit from 1021 to 1929. Along Tule River the lowering varies from zero in a small area near Porterville to tAventy-five feet in the Avestern part of the irrigated area decreasing to ten feet in the lower river whei-e there is only limited development. Along Deer Creek. Avest of T.-rra Bella, in the vicinity of the valley wells of the Terr;i P.rlla Irrigation Di.strict. the largest lowering, of about forty ! I PLATE XVII ATION OF INFLOW TO LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR CREEK GROUND WATER UNIT 26 1923 1925 1922 1927 Part of supply in 1922 and 1927 consumed by additional lands not included in interpolated areas from 1921 and 1929 crop surveys 1929 GROSS AREA 373 SQUARE MILES AVERAGE AREA IRRIGATED 67,400 ACRES 1 2 nnual inflow in feet per acre irrigated RELATION OF INFLOW TO &E IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR TULE RIVER AREA " 1922 Part of supply In 1922 and 1927 consumed by additional Isnda not Included in Interpolated areas from 1921 and 1929 crop aurveys — O o I 1923 1927 GROSS AREA 155 SQUARE MILES AVERAGE AREA IRRIGATED 39,500 ACRES 1 2 3 Annual Inflow in feet per acre irrigated TULE-DEER CREEK GROUND WATER UNIT 146 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 35 TULE RIVER AREA— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 155 square miles , Season Water supply, run-off of Tule River at Porterville, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres' Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet« 1921-1922 129,100 91,400 16,700 79,800 40,700 120,400 40,000 46,600 36,000 37,000 38,000 39,000 40,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 3.59 2.47 0.44 2.05 1.02 2.94 0.98 1.14 —0.02 1922-1923 —1.24 1923-1924 —4.57 1924-1925 —1.27 1925-1926 —4.69 1926-1927 —1.30 1927-1928 . —5.19 1928-1929 —4.77 Averages, 1921-1929 70,600 39,100 1.80 -2.88 'Area irrigated based upon crop surveys for 1921 and 1929 and estimates contained in Bulletin No. 11, Water Resources of the Southern San Joaquin Valley," for 1924 and 1925. • ( — ) indicates lowering of ground water. 'Ground The ground water fluctuations do not indicate the same relation- ship between supply and use as tliat found for other areas. The appar- ent rates of supply needed to maintain the ground water are larger than those found elsewhere. However, there are several elements involved wliicli are considered to account for this difference. The crop area represents regularly cropped and cultivated lands. Larger winter flows may partially serve additional lands not included in the crop survey. Simihir conditions occur in years of larger run-off in March and April, during whicli periods, stream flow is delivered to lower canals under the terms of a court decree governing such use. The crop area does not include the channel areas supporting natural vegetation which also consumes moisture. On the outer portions of the area, there may be a sufficient time lag betAveen the occurrence of run-off and th( resulting effect on the ground water so that the fluctuations of a giver season may be ]iartially th(> result of run-off of tlie preceding season Therefore, it is believed that the indicated larger net use in this arei is to be expected from consideration of these factors affecting itj amount. Table 36 gives the records of water su])ply, area irrigated an ground water changes for the Deer Creek area, below Terra Belh Tliese show a general relationshij) between supply and fluctuation. I no year has the supply been sufficient to maintain the ground wate The relation of inflow to change in level of ground water for Deer Cret area, as shown on Plate XVII, "Tule-Deer Creek Ground Water Unit, indicates that a supply of about two acre-feet per acre would meet tl net use. Plate X sliows the total lowering that has occurred in the Tul Deer Creek T^nit from 1021 to 1929. Along Tule River the lowerii varies from zero in a small area near Porterville to twenty-five feet the western part of the irrigated area decreasing to ten feet in t lower river where there is only limited development. Along Df Creek, west of Terra P>ella, in the vicinity of the valley wells of tl Terra Bella Irrigation District, the largest lowering, of about foi| ' « WATER LEVELS IN WELL 21-26-9a PROFILES ALONG LINE F-F 1921 AND 1929 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 21-25-34b r~>,^^^ : - "'■-^ . -i ~ \. ""\ - : ^ x^ i«^«i " - ^ - - ^ — V. - ;,[jj,. ',1,1., ,i,,i ,i.. J,,LI., J,,l.,l., ,1 ,i,,i,. ,,i,,ij.. ,,i„i,,i,. ,,l..l.,l.- WATER LEVELS IN WELL 22-24-5 - 'r "\-^ "^^^^ '"\- ~ '^" ^'VJ -^ - ■,!.,L,I, .,i.,l,.|,i ,il„l„l„ ..InliiL ,ll,lllll.. ,.l,1l1,l,1 ,l„l,,l,. 7>> ■,:^4.tT^ h A 1 \ ^--^ 1 II ri It 1 - r Ni\ j; 1 — — \ si' \ / \ ~ '. V Mil nlnlnln 1 1 1 1 1 1, Jul. .In 1 ,.i,.i,,i,, \ RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR TULE-DEER CREEK GROUND WATER UNIT RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR DEER CREEK AREA 1 i 1 - - ..!.. , /-.::"' - -..../ AVER "cE IAEA tRVlCATED 10.000 ICRES ° 1929 1 - -y ' lazz *IM7 - t«e " / ' - - 1 A i«9 *''="*°^ *""•""""«<»■'■«» *<=(ies 1 1 Annul! (ntlow In feet o RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR TULE RIVER AREA 1 1 ' ^ y i«3 1927 "S:.-.i'i-;=ss:.-:;-.= -/ - /'i9i9 onoss AREA AVCnUE AREA 1 RIGHTED 3«.$00 ACRES n (eel Der ten trriaileil TULE-DEER CREEK GROUND WATER UNIT SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 147 TABLE 36 DEER CREEK AREA -WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 66 square miles Season Water supply, rur-orf of Deer Creek at Terra BeUa, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres' Seasonal inflow in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet« 1921-1922 16,500 14,200 4,600 17,200 7,100 15,100 8,400 11,300 9,800 10,100 10,400 10,700 11,000 11,000 10,900 10,800 1.68 1.40 0.44 1.61 0.65 1.37 0.77 1.05 -0.38 1922-1923 —2.03 1923-1924 -. __ —5.80 1924-1925 —2.23 1925-1926 - . .- —2.55 1926-1927 1927-1928 —2.87 —3.51 1928-1929. ... . —5.10 Averages, 1921-1929 11,800 10,600 1.11 —3.06 > Includes irrigated area to the east of the ?round water unit assumed, tor which ground water changes are available. Acreage based upon crop surveys for 1921 and 1029, and upon Terra Bella Irrigation District reports. ' (— ) Indicates loweering of ground water level. feet, has occurred. In the ^qeneral area, between Tule River and Deer Creek, the lowering- has varied from five to twenty-five feet near the side to twenty to thirty-five feet for the remainder of the area east of Tipton and Pixley, with smaller amounts to the west. A profile extending across Tule River area from Porterville to Tipton and thence southwest is shown on Plate XVII, ''Tule-Deer Creek Ground Water Unit." Lowering from 1921 to 1929 has occurred throughout the length shoAA^i. The land on the eastern portion receives canal service but supplemental pumping is also generally practiced. Less lowering has occurred than in the lower portion near Tipton where there is no canal service and irrigation depends entirely on pumping. Pumping just Avest of Tipton has caused sufficient lowering to have reached the point of reversing the direction of ground water slope. There is less development at the western end of the profile. On Plate XVII are included the hydrographs of three typical wells extending the Tule River Delta. Well 2]-26-9a is adjacent to Tule River in an area of mixed canal and pumping service. A sharp response to flow in Tule River is shown with a marked lowering after adjacent stream flow ceases. Rises occurred in 1922 and 1927, the only two years, in the period shown, in which the run-off was normal. While a total lowering of about 20 feet is shoAAni for the eight years, it is probable that, in a series of years of nomial run-off, ground water at this Avell would maintain itself. Well 21-25-.34b is about three miles east of Tipton in an area of pumping development. It is about three miles south of the nearest channel of Tule River. It shows no response to stream flow but has followed a fairly .steady rate of lower- ing of over three feet per year. Lowering in 1924 was similar to that in 1927. Under existing conditions, only continual lowering can be expected in this area. Well 22-24-5 is located 'four miles west of Tipton at the outer edge of pumping development and of the Tule River Delta. A steady lowering, unaffected by annual variations in run-off, is shown. An average annual rate of lowering of about two feet has occurred. 148 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Kaweah Unit. This unit includes that portion of the Kaweah River Delta served by surface waters from that stream. Its northern limit is at Cotton- wood Creek and the southern limit two miles south of the Fifth Standard Parallel near Waukena. The eastern limit is about two miles east of Exeter and the western limit one mile east of the east line of Range 22 East at Wauliena. The gross area is 468 square miles and the average area irrigated is 209 square miles, or 133,700 acres. While there are a few diversions between Three Rivers and McKay Point, the main use of Kaweah River occurs below McKay Point. Here the river divides into the St. Johns and Kaweah channels. The diversions by the individual canals are governed by their relative rights and priorities have been established through litigation. The larger and more dependable part of the stream flow is used mainly by the higher canals. As the low water flow of Kaweah River is much less than the demands of the total area irrigated, supplemental pumping is usual. Formerly much land secured its supplemental supply by subirrigation from liigh ground water. Lowering in recent years has necessitated pumping. The individual canals on Kaweah River serve generally small areas which are somewhat intermingled. Nearly all systems are organized as mutual water companies, an exception being the Tulare Irrigation District. The small size and overlapping of the dilferent systems make it impractical to segregate the use and ground water fluctuations, by individual areas. Plate X shows the changes in ground -water from 1921 to 1929. Lowering has occurred throughout the KaAveah Delta except for a spot on the river near the hills and a spot on the north edge where there is practically no use of water. In the main canal served areas the general lowering has varied from five to fifteen feet. Away from canal service, lowering has varied with the extent of pumping draft. General lower- ing of about twenty feet around Ivanhoe, twenty to fifty feet near Exeter, thirty feet near Goshen, and twenty-five to thirty-five feet near Tulare illustrate results in areas of extensive pumping. Lowering of ten to twenty-five feet has occurred around the edges of the area. The data on water supply, areas irrigated and ground water changes for the entire area of tlie Kaweah Unit are given in Table 37. These show an average lowering over the whole area for the eight year period of 2.24 feet per year with an average supply of 1.88 acre-feet per acre irrigated. This area includes some lands adjacent to the Kaweah River but not supplied by it. Some additional areas toward which tlie ground water slopes from the Kaweah Delta are included in other areas. Accompan.ying graph.s, a typical profile and hydrographs from records of typical wells are shown on Plate XVIII, "Kaweah Ground Water Unit." An apparent average net use requirement of 2.56 acre-feet per acre for the average irrigated area of 133,700 acres in the Ka-w'eah Unit is indicated, and the estimated average annual depletion of 92,000 acre- feet is based upon the difference between the indicated net use require- ment and the mean net inflow of 250,800 acre-feet for the 1921-1929 period. Tliis results in an indicated average drainage factor of about 14 per cent for this unit. This large apparent net use is due to several factors, some of which are: (1) the use of water (not deducted from the inflow) by lands to the east of the ground water unit which are 1 PLATE XVIII :VELS IN WELL 19-23-21b • Water level I I i-l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n I 1 1 1 1 1 \r< M I ' I M I M I 20 25 V C 30 o 35 40 45 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 CHANGE ^A/ATER 1922 ated KAWEAH GROUND WATER UNIT 148 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Kaweah Unit. Tliis unit includes that portion of the Kaweah River Delta served by surface waters from that stream. Its northern limit is at Cotton- wood Creek and the southern limit two miles south of the Fifth Standard Parallel near Waukena. The eastern limit is about two miles east of Exeter and the western limit one mile east of the east line of Range 22 East at Waulcena. The gross ai'ea is 468 square miles and the average area irrigated is 209 square miles, or 133,700 acres. While there are a few diversions between Three Rivers and McKay Point, the main use of Kaweah River occurs below McKay Point. Here the river divides into the St. Johns and Kaweah channels. The diversions by the individual canals are governed by their relative rights and priorities have been established through litigation. The larger and more dependable part of the stream flow is used mainly by the higher canals. As the low water flow of Kaweah River is much less than the demands of the total area irrigated, supplemental pumping is usual. Formerly much land secured its supplemental supply by subirrigation from high ground water. Lowering in recent years has necessitated pumping. The individual canals on Kaweah River serve generally small areas which are somewhat intermingled. Nearly all systems are organized as mutual water companies, an exception being the Tulare Irrigation District. The small size and overlapjiing of the different systems make it impractical to segregate the use and ground water fluctuations, by individual areas. Plate X shows the changes in ground Avater from 1921 to 1929. Lowering has occurred throughout the KaAveah Delta except for a spot on the river near the hills and a spot on the north edge where there is practically no use of w^ater. In the main canal served areas the general lowering has varied froni five to fifteen feet. Away from canal service, lowering has varied with the extent of pumping draft. General lower- ing of about twenty feet around Ivanhoe, twenty to fifty feet near Exeter, thirty feet near Goshen, and twenty-five to thirty-five feet near Tulare illustrate results in areas of extensive pumping. Lowering of ten to twentj'-five feet has occurred around the edges of the area. The data on water supply, areas irrigated and ground water changes for the entire area of the Kaweah Unit are given in Table 37. These show an average lowering over the whole area for the eight year period of 2.24 feet per year with an average supply of 1.88 acre-feet per acre irrigated. This area includes some lands adjacent to the Kaweah River but not supplied by it. Some additional areas toward which the ground water slopes from the Kaweah Delta are included in other areas. Accompanying graphs, a typical profile and hydrographs from records of typical wells are shown on Plate XVIII, "Kaweah Ground Water Unit." An apparent average net use requirement of 2.56 acre-feet per acre for the average irrigated area of 133,700 acres in the KaWeah Unit is indicated, and the estimated average annual depletion of 92,000 acre- feet is based upon the difference between the indicated net use require- ment and the mean net inflow of 250,800 acre-feet for the 1921-1929 period. This results in an indicated average drainage factor of about 14 per cent for this unit. This large apparent net use is due to several factors, some of wliich are: (1) the use of water (not deducted from the inflow) by lauds to the east of the ground water unit which are PLATE XVnl WATER LEVELS IN WELL 18-25-4a WATER LEVELS IN WELL 19-23-21b PROFILES ALONG LINE D-D 1921 AND 1929 \ 1" 4?S - -.r.r. -trr; ■■■rs 1 1 ( ■ = 1=3 - a/ -' s "/^ -V 11 1 1 >V 375 ^ ■ /'' ? j/ , / ■ 1 350 — S : °' '■""•"•'•y^ // — s 2 'if ; 5 i« * y^ ' y^ - o (0 329 — a ,1 I j^ / y tuy ■ y — 1 % £ i? f . * / ■ I ^°° — •* 1 . ^ *> — > * ,/ / / . w 5 » / ^ / . 275 S y / " / / / y y 2M s i ^' X • / 12b 1/ / / / / y ZOO )73 ■f- _ ^ - / / 1 ! 1 1 20 le Distance in miles 2 O :A A rs — / V / V. yv" /^ - V- — 's /\ / \ : V /L / I / /\ /^\ V ' v / 1 ~ V. s -.|.,l.,l.l hImImIi. Ipl" ,,i.,i,,i, ,J,,I,,L, ,J,,I,,I, llllilii'ii jiIiiIiJm ,,l ,;, ;,■ 1922 1923 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 18-23-11 1928 1929 __ '— ^ Vo — y —-- ^X^ ^ - i^ ~^ -^ 11 .l,,l. ..luL.I., ,,l,,l,,l,, .A. A. A., ,l,,l,,l, ^,^^,,^^, „,.,:,..,I..^'"~~A^ $ 215 o-.. ■ — ~~--.e-l . - "^ ■ - ^-_ -. - \ - s.^ - - V - ^-N - \ M..|m1,, ,,l, ,!,,!,. ,,l,,l,,l,, ,,l,,l.,i , ,.l,,l,,l., ,,l,,l,.l,, ,,i,.i.,i,, i,V :Th,iHi77 1922 1923 tS24 1925 I92G IS27 ISZB 1929 RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND V^ATER 1921 1922 1923 1924 1929 192G 1927 I92Q 1929 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 18-25-34a r ^ A" A A - - \ y ^ A. / \ - y \ , l,,l,,l,, ,,I,J,,I,, ,,L,I,,I,, .,;,,i,,i,, ,.i.,i.,i,, ,i,,i.,i,, iiii,ii,ii rlrlrln ,l,,l,.l,, i 1 i AVERAGE AREA JBRICATEO 1J3.70O ACRES ',922 > - 1925 A ■ - ^<^91B - - -y ' 1 Annual inflow in feel per acre irngji 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 I92e 1929 KAWEAH GROUND WATER UNIT I ^1aRs i i . i 3 230 X c c -I OCb es*. oou eve ost I 0) b 1 o«s V. OS ss kS 4^ ss' oe -J reeo29. For 1922 and 1927 the additional lands flooded would reduce the supply per acre if the amount of such land were known and added to the cropped area and bring the points for these years, shown on the graph, into closer agreement with the results for other years. In 1!I24: the .stream flow was insufficient to supply the full needs of the cropped areas not equipped for pumping and the smaller indicated net use is due to this shortage. For years in which cropped lands receive a normal supply, an inflow of 2.17 acre-feet per acre of cropped area apjioars to be needed to meet net use requirements and maintain the ground water. This includes actual moisture use on cropped lands and on the normal areas of channel lands not included in the cropped areas, and takes account of any lack of balance between unmeasured inflow and outflow. The result is somewhat larger than that obtained for areas in the Fresno Consolidated and Alta districts on Kings River. This difference is consistent with the conditions, as district areas do not include extensive channel lands and the proportion of the areas planted to alfalfa is smaller than that on the Kaweah River Delta. If channel lands are held to their present area and additional lands are not partially supplied in years of larger run-off, the analyses indicate that an acre of irrigated crop can be supplied for each 2.17 acrc-fcet retained on this area. If the excess, in years of normal or larger run-off, is used on additional areas the number of acres of peniuinent crops which can be supported will be reduced in proportion to such additional use. I'rofile D-D, on Plate XVIII, extends southwesterly across the Kaweah Delta. The upper portion follows the river in an area of heavy ]nimping, the effect of which shows on the profile. Below this area, the profile crosses the main canal served lands. While develop- ment liere is extensive, the more direct canal supply has maintained the ground water with only limited lowering, even during the period of less than normal run-off. In the lower portion of the profile, there is little canal service although there are extensive areas depending on pumping. The greater distance from sources of direct supply and lieavy draft has resulted in a lowering of over 30 feet during the eight- year period. Profile E-E on Plate XTX extends east and west through the area between the deltas of Kaweah and Tule rivers, near Lindsay, and across the outer Kaweali Delta into the lower part of the South Kings area. The reversed ground water sIojk^s caused by the heavy draft in the inter-delta an^a at the east are clearly illustrated by this profile. Near Elk Bayou the more direct canal supply has maintained tlie ground water with limited lowering even in recent dry years. The western PLATE XIX m S 20-26-17 a-b-c 1 - ^ i - 25 W' ' t O c V t O c — 30 ■J u u m 1 8 CM c a E 3 a. 8 a c d E 3 a. — O UI ground surface in m \/ ^ -^ 5 o 0) f \/ } ^ \ UI b o yi Distance 1 -a - — 1 - - tAl- 1 1 -b---*!- 1 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 ] 1 1 1 ! 1 ) 1 ,,|. ImI . 1 ! J , 1 ; 1 r 1926 1927 1928 1929 ( i KAWEAH AND LINDSAY 8 GROUND WATER UNITS 150 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The irrifjated areas in Table 38 represent only the cropped areas. Ill addition, there are areas along the channels supporting trees and l)astiiro which also consume water, and in j'ears of larger run-oft' additional lands receive partial service for pasturage. Definite data regarding the extent of these areas are not available. They are suf- ficieut to be a factor in such years as 1022 and 1927. The average net water supply is plotted against the ground water changes on Plate XIX, "Kaweah and Lindsay Ground Water Units." The normal relation- ship between supply and change is considered to be represented by the line shown. This line is based on the years 1921, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1928 and 1929. For 1922 and 1927 the additional lands flooded would reduce the supply per acre if the amount of such land were known and added to tlie cropped area and bring the points for these years, shown on the graph, into closer agreement with the results for other years. In 1924 the stream flow was insufficient to supply the full needs of the cropped areas not equipped for pumping and the smaller indicated net use is due to this shortage. For years in which cropped lands receive a normal supply, an inflow of 2.17 acre-feet per acre of cropped area appears to be needed to meet net use requirements and maintain the ground water. This includes actual moisture use on cropped lands and on tlie normal areas of channel lands not included in the cropped areas, and takes account of any lack of balance between unmeasured inflow and outflow. The result is somewhat larger than that obtained for areas in the Fresno Consolidated and Alta districts on Kings River. This difference is consistent w'ith the conditions, as these district areas do not include extensive channel lands and the proportion of the areas planted to alfalfa is smaller than that on the Kaweah River Delta. If channel lands are held to their jiresent area and additional lands are not partially supplied in years of larger run-off, the analyses indicate that an acre of irrigated crop can be supplied for each 2.17 acre-feet retained on this area. If the excess, in years of normal or larger run-off, is used on additional areas the number of acres of permanent crops which can be supported will be reduced in proportion to such additional use. Profile D-D, on Plate XVIII, extends southwesterly across the Kaweah Delta. The upper portion follows the river in an area of heavy pumi)ing, the effect of which shows on the profile. Below this area, the profile crosses the main canal served lands. While develop- ment liere is extensive, the more direct canal supply has maintained the ground water with only limited lowering, even during the period of less than normal run-off. In the lower portion of the profile, there is little canal sorvice although there are extensive areas depending on pumping. The greater ilistance from sources of direct supply and heavy draft has resulted in a lowering of over 30 feet during theeight- year period. Profile E-E on Plate XTX extends east and west through the area between the deltas of Kaweah and Tule rivers, near Lindsay, and across the outer Kaweah Delta into the lower part of the South Kings area. The reversed ground water slopes caused by the heavy draft in the inter-ddta nrea at the east are clearly illustrated by this profile. Near Elk Payou the inore direct canal supply has maintained the ground water with limited lowering even in recent dry years. The western PROFILES ALONG LINE E-E 1921 AND 1929 S - ■ ■ ' / ■ "'•' -.'."'."".«; 'i' "zWiT^ 1 1 '-l ■ " £ . S /= ' ■ ; l/i ; / ui - / ^ - ■ LINDSAY UNIT ^ < - ■'■ - J ;i " / ;'J . KAWEAH UNIT / .'( - / ;■ 1- " / /C - s y^ ;' 1- ■ |- y^ Ni«ner»i ground iurtaco ; 1 : 2 S i / 1 - \ I I S I il j 1 1 1 V^ = b: >^ y ■« / Ground walcr elcvalton 1921 \ / 1 ■ ;' 1 ; 1 - ■ 1 ■ 1 1 " 1 - 1 ^y-CfounO wBlef ele«*tta 11929 / ' — * a \ \ 1 - 13 c J, ^( / \ Z ? ? " / \ 1 X 5 / \ / IE o - I 2 1 1 1 t" f J I- s ^ / / ■ : U . ''' "~^^-^ / ■; ■ 1 1 1 1 1 '■ 1 1 1 — 1- — 4- -1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j ■ 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 IB 16 14 12 10 8 6 Distance in miles 2 O WATER LEVELS IN WELLS 20-26-17 a-b-c b- ----:- Annual inflow in feet per acre irrigated RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE KAWEAH AND LINDSAY IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER GROUND WATER UNITS i es» e^e OSE 3 c « cr 6 w u a a o ) CHjr S'TS w < — f i S OSt ess oos tf ae o» Sb C^' — ^ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 151 and lower part of the Kaweah Delta shows similar heavy lowering to that shown on Profile D-D on Plate XVIII. On this plate are shown the hydrographs of four wells whose fluctuations illustrate the effect of supply and draft on the ground water. Well No. 18-25-4a is located in the northern part of the Kaweah Delta in an area of scattered canal and pumping service. A quite regular cycle of fluctuation is shown with a rise during the early summer and a decline during the period of low stream flow in the late summer. A total lowering of about seven feet for the eight-year period is shown. Well No. 18-25-34a is near Visalia within the area of canal service. In 1921 water rose in this well to within six feet of the ground surface. It did not fail to remain at more than 10 feet below the ground surface until the latter part of 1928. In 1929 lowering to more than 20 feet below the ground surface occurred. Well No. 18-23-11 is in the outer part of the Kaweah Delta, near Goshen, in an area receiving mainly flood water service and having little pumping development. A continuous and steady lowering, with little response to periods of larger river or canal flow, is shown. The rate of lowering shows little change either in greater than normal years like 1922 and 1927 or in dry years like 1924 or 1929. The lowering is probably the slowly accumulative effect of the general lack of balance between inflow and draft. Well No. 19-23-21b is also in the outer Kaweah Delta in an area of little pump or canal service. The record is incomplete, but indicates a total low- ering of about 25 feet in the eight years. Lindsay Unit. This includes the area at the eastern rim of the San Joaquin Valley between the deltas of Kaweah and Tule rivers. It includes a large portion of the Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District and all of Township 20 South, Range 26 East. The gross area is 64 square miles and the irrigated area 22,000 acres. It is devoted largely to citrus culture. Pumping in this area was among the earliest uses of ground water for irriga^tion in the San Joaquin Valley. Such pumping resulted in rapid ground water lowering. The increase in salt content with lowering of the ground water, in some areas, rendered the wells unsuited to use. These conditions resulted in the organization of the Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District for the purpose of securing outside water of suitable quantity and quality. This district has a gross area of 15,250 acres of which 7800 acres, largely in citrus, were irrigated in 1929. The area here described, of which the Lindsay- Strathmore Irrigation District is a part, has a gross area of 41,216 '. acres and, extends to the west of the Lindsay-Strathmore District. Approximately 22,000 acres of this combined area were irrigated in 1929. This area occupies the higher valley lands against the adjacent foothill slopes in a locality where there are no locally tribu- , tary streams of more than nominal run-off. It is relatively distant from the Kaweah and Tule rivers and out of the direction of the . main ground water movement of their respective units. This lack of j active sources of ground water replenishment is shown by the rapid rate of lowering that has occurred. The available data on water supply and ground water fluctuations are shown in Table 39. 152 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 39 LINDSAY UNIT— WATER SUPPLY AND GROUND WATER CHANGES (22,000 acres irrigated in 1929) Gross area, 64 square miles Season Water supply, inflow from Kaweah unit, in acre -feet ' Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet' 1921-1922 13,400 14,100 13,700 12,700 14,100 13,300 14,300 15,500 — 1.62 1922-1923 — 4.33 1923-1924 —10.01 1924-1925 — 2.50 1925-1926 — 9.01 1926-1927-.. — 3.17 1927-1928^. — 5.17 1928-1929 —18.97 Averages, 1921-1929.. 13,900 — 6.85 ' ( — ) indicates lowering of ground water. The ground water fluctuations do not vary directly with the supply from Kaweah River. The locally tributary run-off, principally from Lewis Creek, is small and widely variable in different years. Supple- mental pumping is used and the ground water fluctuations probably reflect the amount of such pumping more directly than variations in local run-off. The inadequacy of local ground water supplies for local areas was demonstrated prior to the construction of systems based on the use of outside sources. The total supply is too small in relation to the draft and the depth to ground water too great to permit the application of the general graphical method of determining the value of net use per acre. An estimated average annual depletion of 19,000 acre-feet for the 1921-1929 period is based upon an assumed drainage factor of about 7 per cent. Wells 20-26-17a, b and c, Plate XIX, are located at the Avest side of the Lindsay area about three miles from Elk Bayou. Adjacent irriga- tion is dependent entirely on pumping as there is no canal service in the vicinity of this well. A continuous general lowering is shown. A rise occurs during the winter, which was as large in 1924 as in 1925 or 1926. Such rise represents general recovery during the period of minimum pumping draft. The ground water movement into this area, under the slope produced by the local lowering, does not appear to have increased so as to be sufficient to maintain present draft. Ground water profile E-E through this area is shown on Plate XIX. The marked ground water depression illustrates the result of pumping in areas remote from sources of direct replenishment. The total lowering from 1921 to 1929 as shown on Plate XI varies generally from 25 to 75 feet and averages 45 feet. The greatest lowering has occurred in the areas of heaviest development. Kings River Areas. Kings River is the source of water supply for a large area served by several different canal systems. The relative priority of diversion right of the different canals varies, so that there are wide differences in the cliaracter and amount of supply received. Use varies from a fairly complete service, both in amount and distribution during the SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 153 season, to flood water practice utilizing water at the occasional times at which it may be available. No storage has as yet been constructed on the Kings River. A site is available at Pine Flat and preliminary steps toward organization for its construction have been taken. Some storage occurs at times in Tulare Lake. Kings River flow divides on the crest of its delta, part flowing north through Fresno Slough to the San Joaquin River and part to the south into Tulare Lake. Tulare Lake is formed by the ridge which Kings River has built across the valley. Az the low water flow of Kings River is insufficient to meet the demands during the late summer months, of the lands now devel- oped, extensive pumping from the ground water is practiced in several of the areas served. Such pumping is more general in the upper areas. Diversions from Kings River since 1918 have been measured by a water master representing the State or the Kings River Water Associa- tion. During the later portion of the period such diversions have been under the general control of the water master operating under a sched- ule of diversions agreed upon by the larger part of the water right interests. This schedule specifies the amount of diversion to which each canal is entitled at river stages extending to river flows of 9450 cubic feet per second in the months of maximum demand. Rights are claimed at higher stages but are not scheduled. The work of the water master makes available an unusually complete record of prac- tically all diversions from Kings River since 1918. The diversion schedule varies in the different months. In June, the month of maximum schedule rights, the entitlements total 9000 second-feet. The schedule shows the diversion which each canal may make for variations in mean daily stream flow of 100 second-feet. The amounts of these diversions for a few stages of the river in June are shown in Table 40. The difference between the river stage and the total schedule TABLE 40 SUMMARY OF KINGS RIVER SCHEDULE FOR JUNE Schedule of 1928 Schedule for each diversion Diversion River stage, mean daily flow, in second-feet 1000 2000 5000 7000 9000 Laguna.. ... 15 650 91 183 46 15 1.300 155 310 155 50 300 1,450 275 450 225 1,100 1,000 200 400 1,450 375 500 325 1,400 1,100 325 100 175 175 75 150 125 70 425 Fresno _. 1,475 450 Lemoore ..... .. Peoples ... - 525 Last Chance . . . . 325 Consolidated 1,500 1,200 375 Alta Murphy Slough 15 15 Liberty 100 Crescent 175 Stinson 200 Burrel.. 150 James.. 150 Beta Main 125 Heinlen . _ 170 Lakelands 450 Total schedule diversions 1,000 2,000 5,000 6,745 7,795 154 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES CO «*-< in Oi o • »-H ^tj 05 o ca C5 03 o rH ^ 0) ^ ria t» H^H T3 ^ r— ; CM cS cC o M o ?? CO a rt o CO a ^ ^ c o o > 53^ ■73 9 w _. o / o -*-' 2-- ,— t +^ o:> > 5 fcD C i ^^ <*- o r- k' Z O •1— < f-l CO 03 a E •73 Cfl 4-t S ^'- z CO O 1^ ..5 (M 2 ri «5 Oi (/3 u. O) ^^ '-I Ce; 4-1 > ^" ~ll c2 CO »— ' C Stag le. u S ^ O O gher chedu r* 03 R a: J3 ^ r/j ^ Oi .-1 ^ a; U. ^'^ o •-; CO CM t^ -^ o o ^ 1—1 M T3 S^ •':; "^ rH o .>^ 5t! 'IS a c I:i gated in 1929. in acres oo 'OocD'<»*oo o ooo-»r-* o oo irso iOO»ot>-c^o QO ■QO o -^ o ^o 'oq-^iOkO t>- o t>;^ ?or«.u30oos o ccr^ OOOS" I M CO C3S ■^ CO -^ CD OO CO ci C> oo ° — -■^^corV'^osooos»o CCOO -^ Tf lO OS i-t (M Tf ^ ^ CO CI (M CC 50 — OOO O 05 — OCMM 00 00 OS oo-^ocor^-cocooi^r^^M^occocooooooo rf OS CO (M iri ■*!" O 1^ CI CO t^ CO 1- OO ■^"^ CO lO -^r ti^-iir (M^^O »0 lOOOOS loio -^o CD oTc^-cs-Qocoo coco OOCI OlOCOiO '- ^ ^ coo o CO t^ '<»< o r^ r^ OS lo e^j ^^lO c^i_^^— ^'^r osco^o co^-^r t-- '-^lo O^os o »o co oo »0 O CO oTtCt-^oT :D-^C^oi"od ■«»^»-^CO -^00 o'loooo »OCO lO— ^OSi-H ^M CO t^C1 »— < >- CO (M -^ CJ 00 ^ osa» 0:00 --00-H 10 o(^ CO ioco^'M^C'ir-'-*»ocooo-r to C4 si OS -^t^O>— '-^c^Tfo^OTru^ l^t^'- 00 O OS r>^ CO CD ci ud ■«* to CD CO »0 to t>r ^ O' CO M irf CD -^ CD'O cDb*iO"^ •— «(M Cl^CO-^^^-— 'COCOC4'-''— < ^HC^ CO»-« 1-" * g 513.037 196.711 16.951 ci" — a « O -Mta Consolidated' Emigrant' - Fresno and Gould' Peoples' - --. Last Chance Lemoore ._ Island No. 3 (from Fresno)' ..- Liberty - Big and Little Mill Race .- Reed.. Turner-Riverdale Cuthbert-Burrel A, Grant, Island, and Summit Lake . Crescent and Calamity Stinson Empire .\o. 1 and No. 2 Blakcley (Empire No. 3) Lakeland" . Tulare Lake (Empire No. 4") James and 14 of Beta Main J^ of Beta Main 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 o 1 02 Flow at Burrel, less diversions of Beta Main and James canals Flow toward Tulare Lake, below Empire Weir No. 2.. Consumptive use on 10.000 to 15,000 acres, absorption, inflow". . . 1 1 1 1 1 s ■s K a 1 .2 Q Alta Consolidated Fresno Peoples Lucerne Lemoore Island No. 3 Liberty Murphy Slough area' Burrell Laguna Crescent Stinson Stratford Tulare Lake vicinity Corcoran (Lakeland) Lakeland James Tranquillity. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 155 o O o a , IS a o o CO d c C3 •T3 a bo 3 O a a 13 O o o 3 o ^ -o a e3 M a 13 o •a C3 o 3 •a 13 o o o a bn a •5 •a C3 d O O) .si M > o C -^ ■ ■SOo§ «^ &.9 O o Vs __ C cu t^ is caen °ta 3 o) H-<3 "3 »- r^ ^1 i 2 B s .. OJ ™ j3 &-^ — ° :« O* •O " g rt (D » ^ (3 ^ — d ■S.2 a.s ti.23 •o a °1 ^ rt •§ fc O OS o o US o .2 "I -« o 3§ .2 .c^-« '^'^ ^ « a . .r-S J3 O ■♦a &* ^^ irr Q, aj C o ^ O^ C « OJ _ 2 g >,o Seis ^ •; « . -g 3 C3 3 »-0 c m"— fS I ^ I's so H5 3 sJa-^c-'-o- amES\=>!5S«,.t:T3S> g if^lfcgllilillli^l P .52 M i K 02 .2-a 156 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES For purposes of discussion, the Kin^s River area as a whole has been divided into smaller local areas and j^round water units having similar conditions. These divisions, in the order presented, consist of the Fresno-Consolidated Unit, areas northeast of P^resno Irrigation District, Laguna and Riverdale irrigation districts, areas along north side channels of Kings River, Alta Unit, Foothill Irrigation District and areas served by Kings County canals. Fresno-Consolidated Unit. This unit includes the total combined area of the two irrigation districts from which its name is derived and a small additional area under pumping development just west of these districts. It extends from the San Joaquin River to the Kings River and has a gross area of 700 square miles, of which 503 square miles, or 321,800 acres, were irrigated in 1929. The crop survej^s in the unit, from which the areas irrigated in each district have been determined, are based on water service areas from which highways, railroads, incorporated and unincorporated towns and main canals have been excluded. The sum of the irrigated areas so determined equals about 80 per cent of the gross irrigable area of this unit. The Fresno Irrigation District has a gross area of 241.300 acres, of which 192,800 acres were irrigated in 1929. The district has exten- sive rights of relatively early priority on Kings River and receives a more dependable water supply both in amount and in distribution I through the season than other large areas on Kings River. It is gen- erally highly developed, trees and vines constituting the principal plantings. The city of Fresno secures its water supply from ground water within the city area. As a result of irrigation in this area, the ground water has risen from 30 to 60 feet above its elevation prior to the construction of canals.^ This rise resulted in waterlogging with resulting injury from alkali on much of the lower land in the district. With the increased use of pumping for irrigation in recent years suffi- cient ground water lowering has occurred so that drainage has been accomplished. In addition to over 30,000 acres which use pumped water exclusively, the larger part of the canal served area also is furnished supplemental service by pumping. Table 42 shows the records on water supply, irrigation and ground ■ water changes. These show a direct relationship between the water supply per acre and the resulting ground water fluctuation. For the eight-year period, three years show a rise, one year no change and four years a lowering. Plate X shows the lowering from 1921 to 1929 to have varied from zero to ten feet in difTerent parts of the district. Over much of the area the water table has lowered from five to ten feet, with an average of about 5.75 feet. Profile B-B on Plate XX, "Fresno-Consolidated Ground Water Unit," extends southwesterly through Fresno and the wells of the James Irrigation District on McMullin Grade Road to Fresno Slough. Lowering has not been great, except near Fresno. The pumping draft for municipal use in Fresno has resulted in a flattening of the ground water slope immediately beneath tlie city Avith a consequent steepening to the eastward. The larger value of diversion per acre irrigated, available to the Fresno lU. S. G. S. Water Supply Paper No. 18, "Irrigation near Fresno, California," 1898. PLATE XX + 4 + 2 -2 -4 -6 1925 1922 1927 1923 1926 1928 1929 1924 GROSS AREA 243 SQUARE MILES AVERAGE IRRIGATED AREA 124,200 ACRES Annual inflow in feet per acre irrigated RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT FRESNO-CONSOLIDATED GROUND WATER UNIT 809! 156 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES For purposes of discussion, the Kings River area as a whole has been divided into smaller local areas and ground water units having similar conditions. These divisions, in the order presented, consist of the Fresno-Consolidated Unit, areas northeast of Fresno Irrigation District, Laguna and Riverdale irrigation districts, areas along north side channels of Kings River, Alta Unit, Foothill Irrigation District and areas served by Kings County canals. Fresno-Consolidated Unit. This unit includes the total combined area of the two irrigation districts from which its name is derived and a small additional area under pumping development just west of these districts. It extends from the San Joaquin River to the Kings River and has a gross area of 700 square miles, of which 503 square miles, or 321,800 acres, were irrigated in 1929. The crop surveys in the unit, from which the areas irrigated in each district have been determined, are based on water service areas from which highways, railroads, incorporated and unincorporated toAvns and main canals have been excluded. The sum of the irrigated areas so determined ecpials about 80 per cent of the gross irrigable area of this unit. The Fresno Irrigation District has a gross area of 241.300 acres, of which 192,800 acres were irrigated in 1929. The district has exten- sive rights of relatively early priority on Kings River and receives a more dependable water supply both in amount and in distribution through the season than other large areas on Kings River. It is gen- erally highly developed, trees and vines constituting the principal plantings. The city of Fresno secures its water supply from ground water within the city area. As a result of irrigation in this area, the ground water has risen from 30 to 60 feet above its elevation prior to the construction of canals.^ This rise resulted in waterlogging with resulting injury from alkali on much of the lower land in the district. With the increased use of pumping for irrigation in recent years sulBfi- cient ground water lowering has occurred so that drainage has been accomplished. In addition to over 30,000 acres which use pumped water exclusively, the larger part of the canal served area also is furnished supplemental service by pumping. Table 42 shows the records on water supply, irrigation and ground water changes. These show a direct relationship between the water supply per acre and the resulting ground water fluctuation. For the eight-year period, three years show a rise, one year no change and four years a lowering. Plate X shows the lowering from 1921 to 1929 to have varied from zero to ten feet in different parts of the district. Over much of the area the water table has lowered from five to ten feet, with an average of about 5.75 feet. Profile B-B on Plate XX, "Fresno-Consolidated Ground Water Unit," extends southwesterly through Fresno and the wells of the James Irrigation District on McMullin Grade Road to Fresno Slough. Lowering has not been great, except near Fresno. The pumping draft for municipal use in Fresno has resulted in a flattening of the ground water slope immediately beneath the city with a consequent steepening to the eastward. The larger value of diversion per acre irrigated, available to the Fresno >U. S. G. S. Water Supply Paper No. 18, "Irrigation near Fresno, California," 1898. WATER LEVELS IN WELL 14-18-28 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 14-22-33 PROFILES ALONG LINE B-B 1921 AND 1929 J I L /\ /^ / \ / \ A / \ J V A. W /Ifl/I M 1^ \ A A, / Ul' A _ ,1 ,l,,l. .l,,l.,1,. ,t,,i,.i. ::::::: ,,[,,i,.i., V ,.i.,i..i,. \J ^/ J WATER LEVELS IN WELL 14-20-10b rv A A \i r\ -; 1 4 IT \ \-. , , 1 , , 1 , , 1 , . 1,1, i,,i,, ■"IT" — A WATER LEVELS IN WELL 14-21-2a -!% if" /w Ti ft i - 1 mN.ImI,, l.hllMllI H 1 1™ hImIii .iIhImIii I.J,. ..1..l,.l., .1..1..I- i - ^ i I ..r."""i"fr"'rT'r"°.™'i..i.,i,,l..i,. ^A, WATER LEVELS IN WELL 15-20-32 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 16-22-21 -/\. AV ^ «. .-., - A \^ ■^ A /^ ^ _1 ^V. V ■a: ■ .» ri In Iiiln s 1 1 I f - ^"A 1 ,.„ J/^" > ? ly^ s jH^ ' *' 1 -<.. ora..,- J ...... 1 KS.„ - RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR 'I FRESNO-CONSOLIDATED GROUND WATER UNIT CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT ^ y -v ^ ; \ ^ V V V b V i '.ii.ii hImIiiIii lilMliirinlnliilNLiU l.llil ,1. .!..!.. ,i,.iyi,: RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER FOR FRESNO IRRIGATION DISTRICT FRESNO-CONSOLIDATED GROUND WATER UNIT I 1 :-^JR0H9 i nA^ 1 e 3 o ess 7^ — ^^i»--r- L.^ ss »s as 3«; I II 1 ^ OS oos SXt se t>G oei de SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 157 Irrigation District, is reflected in the smaller relative lowering than that in areas of large development with less adequate canal supplies. TABLE 42 FRESNO IRRIGATION DISTRICT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Season Water supply. Diversions into area by canals, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet' 1921-1922 . . 368,000 378,000 176,000 428,000 317,000 406,000 324,000 325,000 197,000 197,000 197,000 197,000 196,700 195,000 193,500 192,800 1.87 1.92 .89 2.17 1.61 2.39 1.67 1.69 4-1.06 1922-1923 0.00 1923-1924 —5.12 1924-1925 -. -1-1.40 1925-1926 —2.04 1926-1927 - -f2.14 1927-1928... —2.54 1928-1929 —0.63 Averages, 1921-1929 347,800 195,700 1.78 —0.72 ' (+) indicates a rise and ( — ) a fall in ground water level. On Plate XX the average fluctuations of the ground water are plotted against the canal supplies in acre-feet per acre. A consistent relationship is shown. The line drawn to show the general relation- ship indicates that a supply of 1.95 acre-feet per acre of cropped area will meet crop needs, supply any excess of ground water outflow over inflow and maintain a stable ground water level. There is some unmeasured but generally small locally tributary run-off from low hill areas above the area, and also i^robably some ground water out- flow to the surrounding lower areas. The cropped area in this district is largely in trees and vines for which the consumptive use is less than that indicated for areas of forage crops. Well No. 14-18-28 is in the western part of the district southeast of Kerman. The ground water responds to the main irrigation period in the early summer and lowers in the late summer. The total lowering over the whole period has been about five feet. Well No. l'4r-20-10b is within the City of Fresno. A winter recovery due to lessened munici- pal draft is shown, the cycle of this well being reversed in time of peak and low point from that in areas having surface irrigation. Lowering since 1925 is shown. Well No. 14— 21-2a is east of Fresno near one of the main canals. Quick response to canal flow or pumping is shown with no marked lowering during the period of record. , The Consolidated Irrigation District has a gross area of 149,017 acres of which 129,000 acres were reported as irrigated in 1929. The water rights of the Consolidated District furnish only a limited supply at the medium to low stages of the river but yield a large flow during tlie short period of high water. Consequently the canal service, while it may be adequate in total amount in years of normal run-off, is not distributed through the season in accordance with crop demands. As a result, practically all canal served lands use supplemental pumping, j High ground water has not been as extensive a problem in this district as in some others. There are scattered low areas or pot holes in which water has stood but these represent only a very small percentage of the gross area. With the larger draft on the ground water, during 158 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the recent years of subnormal surface supply, practically all of sucli pot liole areas have become dry. Althoug:h the ^n-ound water may rise in years of above noniuil supply, no niatci-ial jiroblems of (lrainaply, irrigation and ground water fluctuation. A direct relationship between the water supply per acre and the resulting ground water fluctuation is shown. For the eight-year period, a low- ering is shown in six years and a rise in two years. TABLE 43 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Season Water supply. Diversions into area by canals, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level in feet' 1921-1922 269,000 235,500 28,000 218,000 169,000 330,000 138,500 125,500 122,700 121,500 120,600 122,000 123,700 126,000 127,600 129,000 2.19 1.94 23 1.79 1.37 2.62 1.08 0.97 +1.0 1922-1923 . - —0.2 1923-1924 _ —4.3 1924-1925 ■ —0.3 1925-192G —1.2 1926-1927 -H.9 1927-1928 -. —2.2 1928-1929 —2.5 Averages. 1921-1929 - .-- 189,200 124,200 1.52 —1.0 ' (-|-) indicates a rise and (— ) a fall in ground water level. On Plate XX the average fluctuation of the ground water is plotted against the canal supply' in acre-feet per acre. The results for the diiferent years fall consistently on a line which indicates that a supply of 1.90 acre-feet per acre of cropped area will meet crop needs, and maintain the ground water without progressive change under existing conditions of ground water inflow and outflow. The cropped area is planted mainly to trees and vines. Well No. 15-20-32 on Plate XX is located in the west part of the district, north of Caruthers. Lowering occurs during the pumping sea.son with recovery during the winter. This recovery is probably due partly at least to slow movement from higher ground water areas to the east. A general lowering of about ten feet in eight years is shown. Well No. 16-22-21 is located west of Kingsburg. Less marked seasonal fluctuations are shown than for Well No. 15-20-32. A rise occurred in 1927. Some loM^ering has occurred in other years since 1923. Well No. 14^22-33 is in the upper portion of the district near Saugei-. A slow lowering has occurred in the years of smaller canal su])ply. The available records on water supply, areas irrigated and ground water fluctuations for the combined area of the Fresno and Consoli- dated Irrigation l^istricts are shown in Table 44. The estimated aver- age annual ground water dejiletion of 71,000 acre-feet for the Fresno- Consolidated LTnit for the period 1921-1929 is based upon the difference between the mean net diversions into the area and the product of the average irrigated acreage of 319,900 and a net use of 1.9 acre-feet per I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 159 acre. The estimated depletion corresponds to a drainage factor of about 20 per cent. TABLE 44 FRESNO-CONSOLIDATED UNIT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 700 square miles Water supply. Diversions by canals into area, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet' Season Fresno Irrigation District Consolidated Irrigation District Total 1920-1921 377,000 368,000 378,000 176,000 428,000 317,000 466,000 324,000 325,000 258,500 269,000 235,500 28,000 218,000 169,000 330,000 138,500 125,500 635,500 637,000 613,500 204,000 646,000 486,000 796,000 462,500 450,500 319,100 319,700 318,500 317,600 319,000 320,400 321,000 321,100 321,800 1.99 1.99 1.92 0.64 2.02 1.52 2.48 1.44 1.40 1921-1922 . -1-0.52 1922-1923 1923-1924 -hO.55 —5.05 1924-1925 —0.26 1925-1926 -f-0.03 1926-1927. -fl.39 1927-1928 —1.94 1928-1929 —1.73 Averages, 1921-1929--. 347,800 189,200 537,000 319,900 1.68 —0.81 ' (+) indicates a rise and ( — ) a fall in ground water level. Areas Northeast of Fresno Irrigation District — Northeast of the Fresno Irrigation District are small pump irrigated areas. They are irregularly situated within a strip of territory from one to two miles in width, parallel and adjacent to the Enterprise Canal for a distance of about 20 miles. There are 3300 acres in this area which have no water rights in the Enterprise Canal. These irrigated areas consist of 180 acres of trees of the citrus variety, 40 acres of alfalfa, 1250 acres of vines, 1750 acres of figs and 80 acres of assorted trees of the deciduous variety. The average depth to ground water at the end of 1931 w^as 38 feet, with extremes of from 12 to 20 feet near the main creek chan- nels and 70 to 80 feet in certain isolated small zones of heavy draft. The water supply for these areas is received from creeks draining the lower foothills of the Sierra Nevada between the Kings and San Joa- quin rivers. The principal streams are Diy, Dog and Fancher creeks and Sales Creek, a tributary of Dog Creek. The source of replenish- ment of ground water sup])ly for the 180-acre citrus development near Round Mountain is Fancher Creek, having a drainage area of 21 square miles, the estimated mean seasonal run-off of which is 1300 acre-feet for the 12-year period, 1917-1929. The sources of replenishment of ground water supplies for the areas of vines, figs, alfalfa and decidu- ous fruits, totaling 3120 acres, are Dry, Dog and Sales creeks, having a drainage area of ,104 square miles, the estimated mean seasonal run-otf of which is 6300 acre-feet for the 12-year period. Laguna and Riverdale Irrigation Districts — These two districts cover lands on the north side of Kings River between the river and Mur- phy Slough. The total area in the Laguna District is 34,858 acres of which 22,500 acres were irrigated in 1929. In the Riverdale District the gross area is 15,830 acres with 8640 acres irrigated in 1929. Pumping from wells in these districts has been increased in recent years. Such 160 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES pumping -was not practiced extensively as early in their development as in the adjacent lai-ger districts. The rijihts of these districts include some low water flow with the ]ar<>er part oi" the supply secured at liiglier stages. Ground water has been relatively high under much of the area but api)ears to be under control with the present amount of pumping. Areas Along Not^th Side Channels of Kings liiver — There are several separate irrigation systems located along the channels of Kings River leading to the north toward the San Joaquin River. Tliey are listed in Table 45, together with tlieir gross areas and areas irrigated in 1929. TABLE 45 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ALONG NORTH SIDE OF LOWER KINGS RIVER Name of system Gross area, in acres Area irrigated in 1929, in acres Cuthbert Burrel 11,518 11,750 13,150 26,266 10,750 10,700 3.740 Stiiison Irrigation District 5,984 Crescent Irrigation District- 2,894 James Irrigation District 11.640 Tranquillity Irrigation District . 6,700 Residual Murphy Slough Group 6,780 Totals 84,134 37,738 Kings River when water is These systems divert directly from available. The rights to Kings River flow are mainly applicable at the higher stages and yield a variable supply. Supplemental pump- ing is used at times when river water is not available. Some wells operated by individual landowners are used, but generally such supple- mental pumping is by means of batteries of plants pumping from wells into the canal systems. The James and Tranquillity Districts have some rights to pump San Joaquin River water from Fresno Slough. The James District operates both deeper wells within the district and shallow wells in the general area of undeveloped land between Fresno Slough and the Fi-esno Irrigation District. The esti- mated pumping draft from these shallow wells is 24,000 acre-feet for 1929 and an average annual of 17.000 acre-feet during the period 1921-29. There is an area of about 180,000 acres of generall}^ poor land between the Fresno and Consolidated Irrigation Districts on the east, and the better lower lands along the lower channels. There is little local development in this area. Ground water was formerly close to the surface and now although lowered about eight feet in the past eight years is still at less de])tli than in many developed areas. Alia Unit. This unit Irrigation District on the consists princii)ally of lands in the Alta south side of Kinjjs River and contains 122,000 acres, of which 68,450 acres were irrigated in 1929. It covers the upper canal served area on the south side of Kings River. Its rights in Kings River furnish tlie larger part of the water supply within a rather short period during high water. While only a small area depends entirely on pumping, nearly all the irrigated land secures supplemental irrigation from wells. High ground water has damaged some of the lower portions of the district. Such lands are SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 161 used mainly for pasture. Tlie general ground water lowering during recent years of less than average water sii]iply lias removed any prob- lems of drainage in the cropped areas. Ground water lowering from 1921 to 1929 is shown on Plate X. This has varied in the different parts of the district depending on relative supply and draft. Lowering of 25 to 35 feet has occuvied along the upper portion of the district away from Kings Kiver. In the southern part of the district, used mainly for pasturage with little canal service or pumping, the lowering has varied from nothing to five feet. Lowering in the central portion has varied from five to fifteen feet. Table 46 shows the records of water supply, area irrigated and ground water fluctuations for the area in the Alta Unit. The area irrigated represents the cropped area, exclusive of the pasture lands in the southern part of the district, to which some water for stock pur- poses and some flooding is delivered. In making the crop survey of 1929 from which the irrigated area for this unit has been determined, all highways, railroads, incorporated and unincorporated towns, main canals, main laterals and sublaterals and building and uncropped areas of more than one acre were excluded. County and private roads, private ditches and building areas and yards of less than one acre situated within the cropped areas were included. TABLE 46 ALTA UNIT— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 191 square miles Season Water supply. Canal diversions, in acre-feet Area irrigated, in acres Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet' 1921-1922 167,000 145,000 33,000 156,000 122,000 244,000 119,000 85,500 80,200 81,600 83,300 81,600 80,000 81,600 75,000 68,450 2.08 1.78 0.40 1.91 1.53 2.99 1.59 1.25 -1-0.48 1922-1923... -1-1.28 1923-1924 —8.44 1924-1925... -1-1.44 1925-1926 . —2.95 1926-1927 +6.14 1927-1928 —4.29 1928-1929 -^.88 Averages, 1921-1929 133,900 79,000 1.69 —1.40 ' (-f-) indicates a rise and ( — ) a fall in ground water level. Table 46 shows that, for four years of the period of record, the k supply has exceeded the use and the ground water has risen. In the other four years the supply was less than the net use and ground water storage was drawn upon with a consequent lowering. In 1924 with practically no canal supply, an average lowering of over eight feet occurred. In 1927 with a supply of about three acre-feet per acre irrigated there was an average rise of six feet. The aA'Crage annual ground water fluctuations and inflow per acre are plotted for each of the eight years of record on Plate XXI, "Alta Ground Water Unit." A fairly consistent relationship is shown. The line drawn to represent the relationship of supply and fluctuations 11—80997 162 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES iiulit'.ilcs that a supply of almut l.!M) acre-foot por acre will meet crop use and maiiitain ])re.soiit {jround water elevations. This rate of supply would also meet any excess of ground water outflow over inflow and includes a supply for use that may occur on pasture areas not included in the crop areas. This rate of use is smaller than that indicated for some other areas. This ditl'erence is considoi'od to be due to the fact that crops in the Alta area are very largely deciduous fruits and grapes having a smaller consumptive use than forage crops. The esti- mated average annual depletion of 20,000 acre-foot for the Alta Unit, for the period 1921-1929, is approximately the difference between the mean canal diversions and the indicated net supply required for the average area of 79,000 acres. The indicated average drainage factor for this unit is about 12 per cent. Profile CC on Plate XXI shows the slope of the water table and the lowering that has occurred. This profile extends southwesterly from the Alta Canal across the central portion of the Alta District to the southwestern corner of the district. It further extends to the southwest across the central portion of the South Kings area. The profile illustrates the more rapid lowering that has occurred in the upper part of the Alta District where the pumping draft is heavy. There is less cropped area in the lower part of the district so that the lowering has been small due to the lighter pumping draft. In the South Kings area, records are available since 1925 only. The ground water is fairly close to the ground surface and has shown little change. Hydrographs of four typical wells in the Alta District also are shown on Plate XXI. Well No. 15-23-13C is in the upper portion of the district about three miles from Kings River. This well shows a rapid rise, in response to the flow of water in the Alta canal system, in the early summer Avith a similar rapid lowering after canal service ends. While the lowering for the very dry year of 1924 was largely recovered in 1927, the total lowering over the eight years shown has exceeded 25 feet. Well No. 17-23-15 is located in the lower portion of the dis- trict where the land is used mainly for pasture. The canal service and pumping in this area are limited. In years of larger canal supply, delivery into this area is also larger. These conditions are reflected in the fluctuations of this well. Little total lowering has occurred in the oiglit year })eriod. In 1924 the ground Avater dropped to about ten feet below the ground surface to tlie probable limit of use by vegetation through subirrigation, but did not continue to lower materially in 1925 or 1926. The larger supply in 1927 caused a rise to within four feet of the ground surface. In 1929 it dropped back again to the capillary limit of subirrigation. Wells No. 16-24-30a, b, and c are located two miles southwest of Diiuiba in the lower portion of the cropped area of the district and about five miles from Kings River. They show a less marked response to canal supply than wells in the upper part of the district. Their fluctuations are intermediate between those of wells 17-23-15 and 15-23-13c. Well No. 16-25-30a is in the cropped area southeast of Dinuba. Water rose to within about five feet of the ground surface in 1922, but remained over ten feet below since 1924. The recovery in 1927 was lost in 1928 and 1929 and the ground Avater shows a total lowering of about 20 feet for the full period. i#! PLATE XXl PN OF INFLOW TO CHANGE VEL OF GROUND WATER 1 2 innual inflow in feet per acre irrigated GROSS AREA 191 SQUARE MILES AVERAGE IRRIGATED AREA 79.000 ACRES ALTA GROUND WATER UNIT 162 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES indicates that a supply of about l.DO acre-fVot per acre will meet crop use and maintain present ground water elevations. This rate of supply would also meet any excess of ground water outflow over inflow and ^ includes a supply for use that may occur on pasture areas not included in the crop areas. This rate of use is .smaller than that indicated for some other areas. This ditt'erence is considered to be due to the fact that crops in the Alta area are very largely deciduous fruits and grapes having a smaller consumptive use than forage crops. The esti- mated average annual depletion of 20,000 acre-feet for the Alta Unit, for the period 1921-1929, is api)roximately the difference between the mean canal diversions and the indicated net supply required for the average area of 79,000 acres. The indicated average drainage factor for this unit is about 12 per cent. Profile CC on Plate XXI shows the slope of the water table and the lowering that has occurred. This profile extends southwesterly from the Alta Canal across the central portion of the Alta District to the southwestern corner of the district. It further extends to the southwest across the central portion of the South Kings area. The profile illustrates the more rapid lowering that has occurred in the upper ])art of the Alta District where the pumping draft is heavy. There is less cropped area in the lower part of the district so that the lowering has been small due to the lighter pumping draft. In the South Kings area, records are available since 192;3 only. The ground water is fairly close to the ground surface and has shown little change. Hydrographs of four typical wells in the Alta District also are shown on Plate XXI. Well No. 15-23-13C is in the upper portion of the district about three miles from Kings River. This well shows a rapid rise, in response to the flow of w'ater in the Alta canal system, in the early summer with a similar rapid lowering after canal service ends. While the lowering for the very dry year of 1924 was largely recovered in 1927, the total lowering over the eight years shown has exceeded 25 feet. Well No. 17-23-15 is located in the lower portion of the dis- trict where the land is used mainly for pasture. The canal service and pumping in this area are limited. In years of larger canal supply, delivery into this area is also larger. These conditions are reflected in the fluctuations of this well. Little total lowering has occurred in the eight year ])eriod. In 1924 the ground water dropped to about ten feet below the ground surface to the probable limit of use by vegetation through subirrigation, but did not continue to lower materially in 1925 or 1926. The larger supply in 1927 caused a rise to within four feet of the ground surface. In 1929 it drop])ed back again to the capillary limit of subirrigation. Wells No. 16-24-30a, b, and c are located two miles southwest of Dinuba in the lower portion of the cropped area of the district and about five miles from Kings River. They show a less marked response to canal supply than wells in the upper part of the district. Their fluctuations are intermediate between those of wells 17-23-15 and 15-^3-13c. Well No. 16-25-30a is in the cropped area southeast of Dinuba. Water rose to within about five feet of the ground surface in 1922, but remained over ten feet below since 1924. The recovery in 1927 was lost in 1928 and 1929 and the ground water shows a total lowering of about 20 feet for the full period. WATER LEVELS IN WELL 17-23-15 PROFILES ALONG LINE C-C 19ZI AND 1929 ^ - ---^-^.-.— ---n / 3: / ^ - * f""'^^ / / — 3 "/ -■ / m lis " . >^ -c««-.«. — — "• i c ^ \--''' I MO J i ! ^^^^. ' " " !"■ i 1 1 1. ---^ ^'^ .„ i in J^ /:Tr^^ „, ;co ■■ ' i i : 1 ill 1 1 1 1 1 WATER LEVELS IN WELLS 16-24-30 a-b -c r-- ..... ---• i !■■ --b — -J j. -C— ^ o 1 X "k A \ .., /I A - - 1 . i ''lllf ',llll.,l,l .lll.lnl V lll.l -^l- 13 ^ RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER WATER LEVELS IN WELL 15-23-130 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 16-25-30a -V A ^ \ r" (^ ^ -_ - V r-' ^t J I \ . I,,l, 1,. ,,i,,i,,i. ,.I,.I,,1,. I- ALTA GROUND WATER UNIT -+-— 1 esfr oo^ J' oat 5TS oes evt dk SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 163 Foothill Irrigation District. This district extends along the foot- hills south from Kings River and above the Alta Irrigation District. It has no present canal system or supply. The gross area is 50,687 acres of which a net area of 11,000 acres was irrigated by pumping in 1929. The area is adapted to citrus culture and present crops are largely of this character. The ground water records are very meager for this area. Material lowering has occurred. It is generally recog- nized that this area is one of practically zero ground water replenish- ment. The depth to the underlying granite is less than in the valley areas and the available ground water accumulation is correspondingly small. The Foothill District was organized as a means of endeavoring to secure additional water supplies but to date has not succeeded. Areas Served hy Kings County Canals — The area considered herein embraces lands served by the systems of the Peoples, Last Chance and Lemoore canals which serve adjacent areas on the south side of Kings River in Kings County. The development is a relatively old one. The water supply obtained from Kings River has been suffi- cient to cause high ground water under much of the area. Such lands are used largely for pasture. In recent years some supplemental pumping has been installed but the extent of the use of the ground water is much less than in the upper Kings River area. Drainage would be beneficial to much of tliis land under the ground water con- ditions of years of normal run-off. The gross area, area of Classes 1 and 2 lands and the net area irrigated in 1929 for each of these systems is set forth in Table 47. TABLE 47 CANAL SYSTEMS IN KINGS COUNTY Name of system Gross area, in acres Area of classes 1 and 2 land . in acres Irrigated area in 1929, in acres Peoples Last Chance 72,152 33,407 53,100 51,198 31,279 47,071 23,400 19,556 Lemoore - 14,574 Totals 158,659 129,548 57,530 The Lakeside Ditch supplied from the Kaweah River serves lands in the eastern part of this area and has generally similar conditions. Tulare Lake Area. This area, as the term is here used, covers the general area of the Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District and the adjacent Corcoran and Lakeland irrigation districts. These districts have water rights on Kings River, mainly at higher stages of flow. Tulare Lake formerly occupied much of this area in years of excessive run-off. Greater use of water for irrigation coupled with a series of years of sub-normal run-off have resulted in only limited inflow reaching the lake in recent years. The larger part of the bed of Tulare Lake has been reclaimed by levees limiting the overflow area. Due to the uncertainty of water suppl.y and menace of overflow, the crops grown in the lake bed are limited largely to grain. However, there is more diversity of crops on the higher lands. Ground water conditions vary 164 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES in this area. Artesian wells formerly were obtainable. Water is obtained mainly from deeper strata and many wells are 1500 to 2000 feet deep. The Avater bearing materials are generally fine. The formation is considered relatively nonabsorptive and a definite natural barrier along the eastern rim seems to resist ground water movement into the area from the east. The de]ith to ground water in wells in June of 1929 was about 100 feet as com])ared with that of 30 feet in the area just east of Corcoran on the outer Tule Delta. Data on a few scattered wells indicate an average lowei'ing of ground water levels of about 40 feet between 1926 and 1929. In some areas irriga- tion has resulted in building up an artificial, shallow ground water supply which is used to some extent with the deeper water. Hydrographic Divisions 5 and 5B. These divisions cover the west side lands from Mendota south. There are no canal systems as there are no available local surface water supplies. The lower, canal served lands along the Kings River channels, are included in the Kings River areas. Some pumping from local ground water has been developed. Deep wells are required. The upper ground water is generally of unsatisfactory quality and wells are perforated only in the lower strata. The total area irri- gated in 1929 was about 50,000 acres, practically all of which was within the lower portion of Division 5. Madera Unit. This unit has been included in the upper San Joaquin Valley because it is an area in which present use of ground water supplies exceeds the replenishment from local sources, and the natural and most practicable source of supplemental supply required to meet the defi- ciency between average use and availability of ground water supplies is the San Joaquin River which is also the proposed source of supple- mental supply for the remaining easterly portion of the upper San Joaquin Valley. Bounded on the north by the Chowchilla River, on the south by the San Joaquin River and on the east by the line of the Santa Fe Railroad, it extends westward an average distance of fifteen miles to the area served b}- the present east side canals diverting from San Joaquin River. The Madera area has had a lengthy history in its efforts to secure canal irrigation. The present Madera Irrigation District was organized with an area of 352,000 acres in 1920. Efforts to work out an adjust- ment of rights on San Joaquin River resulted in the organization of the San Joaquin River Water Storage District in 1923. That district had a total area of about 550,000 acres including about 184,000 acres in the JMadera District as well as the other crop lands served from the San Joafjuin River. As efforts to reach a l)asis on which the storage district could proceed were not successful, it was dissolved in 1929 and the JMadera District resumed its efforts to secure a separate supply. The area in the district was reduced by the exclusion of poorer lands to a present area of about 182,000 acres. The district plans include storage on the San Joaquin River at Friant and canals extending as far north as Chowchilla River. Although the area has not as yet suc- ceeded in securing a supply from the San Joaquin River, irrigation SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 165 has proceeded through the use of Fresno River water and wells. Both Fresno and Chowchilla rivers cross this area and contribute to its ground water. The Madera Canal and Irrigation Company serves a variable area averaging about 10,000 acres near Madera by diversion of direct flow from Fresno River. Both of these streams drain lower portions of the Sierra Nevada and have less regular and dependable run-off s than streams draining higher areas. Ground water is extensive^ used, a total of 81,000 acres being wholly or partially irrigated, in 1929, from this source. The principal areas now developed are located from IMadera south to the San Joaquin River and in the vicinity of Chowchilla. Ground water contours are shown on Plate VIII. These indicate the effect of replenishment from Fresno and Chowchilla rivers and of the concentration of pumping south of Madera and southwest of Chowchilla. Plate X shows the lowering that has occurred from 1921 to 1929. This has been generally five to ten feet near Fresno River and fifteen to twenty feet south of Madera. Lowering up to 25 feet has occurred in the main pumping areas near Chowchilla. General lowering of ten to twenty feet has occurred in the area between Madera and Chowchilla. Present depths to water as shown on Plate IX vary from fifty to seventy feet in the southeastern part of the area to five to tAventy feet in the lower west side areas. Near Chowchilla general deptlis are thirty to fifty feet. Plates VIII and X do not indicate any material effect on the ground water of this area due to such percolation as may occur from San Joaquin River. The river has a net gain in the section bordering the Madera Unit. Any percolation from the channel affects only a narrow strip adjacent thereto. Table 48 shows the available data on water supply, areas irrigated and ground water fluctuations for the period, 1921 to 1929. Wells in Season TABLE 48 MADERA AREA— WATER SUPPLY, AREA IRRIGATED AND GROUND WATER CHANGES Gross area, 343 square miles 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 Averages, 1921-1929 Water supply Run-off of Fresno River near Knowles, in acre-feet 93,000 82,300 13,200 45,600 31,000 69,800 44,200 21,200 50,040 Fresno Lumber Company flume contribu- tion, in acre-feet 4,100 4,100 3,200 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 3,950 Run-off of Chowchilla River at Buchanan, in acre-feet' 108,000 68,400 7,600 85,000 31,700 69,800 52,000 36,800 57,410 Total inflow, in acre-feet 205,100 154,800 24,000 134,600 66,700 143,600 100,300 62,100 111,400 .\rea irrigated, in acres- 60,000 62,100 64,300 66,400 68,500 72,700 77,000 81,000 69,000 Seasonal inflow, in acre-feet per acre irrigated 3.42 2.49 0.37 2.03 0.97 1.98 1.30 0.77 1.61 Seasonal average change of ground water level, in feet' +0.55 —0.17 —2.74 —1.83 —1.82 —0.55 —1.34 —3.37 —1.41 1 Stream flow records for seasons 1921-1922 and 1922-1923, other seasons estimated from indices of seasonal wetness Division K. ' 2 Area for 1929 from crop survey; other years estimated. ' (-1-) indicates a rise and ( — ) a fall in ground water. 166 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES this area have been read only in the spring and fall. The figure for the area irrigated in 1929 is based on an actual survey. Those for l)receding years are estimated from the be-st data available as there are no actual records 'for earlier years. In making the 1929 crop survey, highways, railroads, incorporated and unincorporated towns and build- ing and minor uneropped areas of more than five acres were excluded. County and ])rivate roads, canals, ditches and buildings and uneropped areas of less than five acres, situated within the cropped areas, were included. The records for this area do not permit of a direct comparison of sui)ply and, as part of the tributary run-off passes across the area Avithout diversion or absorption. The results shown in the table indi- cate that an inflow of about 2.5 acre-feet per acre irrigated is needed to furnish a sutficient supply to this area for crop use and outflow. The proportion of the run-off retained within the area varies with the character of its occurrence as well as with its amount. The estimated average annual depletion of 61,000 acre-feet is based upon the difference between an indicated average net use requirement of 2.5 acre-feet per acre for 69,000 acres and the mean seasonal inflow of 111,400 acre-feet. The indicated average drainage factor for this unit is about 20 per cent. Profile A-A on Plate XXII, "Madera Ground Water Unit," extends west from a point near the crossing of the Santa Fe Railroad and the Fresno River to a point two miles north and eight miles west of Madera and thence in a direction somewhat north of west to Chow- chilla River. A lowering of about twenty feet is shown on this line in the westerly part of the unit. Ilydrographs of three wells are shown on Plate XXII. Well 12-18-16 shows fairlv uniform lowering from October, 1921, to Octo- ber, 1929, with a total of about eighteen feet. Well ll-17-33b shows lowering from March, 1922, with some recovery in 1927 and about the same total lowering. Well 10-16-4 shows lowering from October, 1920, to October, 1929, with some recovery in 1922, 1923 and 1927 and a total lowering of about twelve feet. Net Use in Ground Water Units of Upper San Joaquin Valley. The foregoing analyses of net use in the several ground water units of the upper San Joaquin Valley indicate that where the use of water is predominately that for irrigation of crops and there is little outflow, the annual net use closely approximates 2.0 acre-feet per acre of irrigated crops. The greater net use indicated in certain of the areas such as the Kaweah, Tule-Deer Creek and Madera units is undoubtedly due to use of Avater in large areas of natural vegetation (trees, grass lands, etc.), a material amount of unmeasurable outflow or other irrecovei'able losses, the combined amount of which is substantially greater in these units in relation to cropped area and crop use than in the units more intensely developed to crop production. LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Irrigation development in the lower San Joaquin Valley divides itself naturally into three parts on the basis of sources of water supply. These sources of supply are the main San Joaquin River, the east side tributaries of the San Joaquin River and the channels of the San OGS A^A 3HIJ-0M0JA eseroMA tsf \ Ot St -T*— M »Alim ni A.infi;siQ .«.f \ 166 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES this area have been read only in the spring and fall. The figure for the area irrigated in 1929 is based on an actual survey. Those for preceding years are e.stimated from the best data available as there are no actual records for earlier years. In making the 1929 crop survey, highways, railroads, incorporated and unincorporated towns and build- ing and minor uneropped areas of more than five acres were excluded. County and ]irivate roads, canals, ditches and buildings and uneropped areas of less than five acres, situated within the cropped areas, were included. The records for this area do not permit of a direct comparison of sujiply and use, as part of the tributary run-off passes across the area without diversion or absorption. The results shown in the table indi- cate that an inflow of about 2.5 acre-feet per acre irrigated is needed to furnish a sufficient supply to this area for crop use and outfloAV. The proportion of the run-off retained within the area varies with the character of its occurrence as Avell as with its amount. The estimated average annual depletion of 61,000 acre-feet is based upon the difference between an indicated average net use requirement of 2.5 acre-feet per acre for 69,000 acres and the mean seasonal inflow of 111,400 acre-feet. The indicated average drainage factor for tliis unit is about 20 per cent. Profile A-A on Plate XXIT, "Madera Ground Water Unit," extends west from a point near the crossing of the Santa Fe Railroad and the Fresno River to a point two miles north and eight miles west of IMadera and thence in a direction somewhat north of west to Chow- chilla River. A lowering of about twenty feet is shown on this line in the westerly part of the unit. Hydrographs of three wells are shown on Plate XXII. Well 12-18-16 shows fairlv uniform loAvering from October. 1921, to Octo- ber, 1929. with a total of about eighteen feet. Well ll-17-33b shows lowering from ]\Iareh. 1922, with some recovery in 1927 and about the same total lowering. AVell 10-16-4 shows lowering from October, 1920. to October, 1929, with some recovery in 1922, 1923 and 1927 and a total lowering of about twelve feet. Net Use in Ground Water Units of Upper San Joaquin Valley, The foregoing analyses of net use in the several ground water units of the upper San Joaquin Valley indicate that where the use of water is predominately that for irrigation of crops and there is little outflow, the annual net use closely approximates 2.0 acre-feet per acre of irrigated crops. The greater net use indicated in certain of the areas such as the Kaweaii, Tule-Deer Creek and i\Iadera units is undoubtedly due to use of water in large areas of natural vegetation (trees, grass lands, etc.), a material amount of unmeasurable outflow or other irrecoverable losses, the combined amount of wliich is substantially greater in these units in relation to cropped area and crop use than in the units more intensely developed to crop production. LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Irrigation development in the lower San Joaquin Valley divides itself naturally into three parts on the basis of sources of water supply. These sources of supply are the main San Joaquin River, the east side tributaries of the San Joaquin River and the channels of the San PLATE XXII PROFILES ALONG LINE A-A 1921 AND 1929 WATER LEVELS IN WELL 12-18-16 =1 ^1^5 ' — 2 E I"' -«.. .-™ .« « *«« n« .J 1 / 280 — Y /- / -'"^ ' 10 tii 3 J 5 " y^ '' / — % J f*"^ :' / — S f 1 y -' / 5 y ■■ / 2 K i y"^'''^ ■:' f 1 200 — " . / / / w m ty ,-' / 5 ! ^■^'~' -j"-^ / ~3 i " / x~ . 160 ■ s ^y/ ^y- ^ - ■^ -■ GrB„„B M„„l„.,l - '•' .^^'"^X / / ■ ^ " /- o,......„ ..InrmonlMB - ■ ^ - lao 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 26 24 22 ZO IS 12 lO e 6 |mImIi,ImI,iI,.i,,i.,ImImI \/,,l,,l,,lMlMlMlnl,ll WATER L EVELS IN WELL 10-16-4 ,'-■ ! '--- . '*'"^«^. J — ~^^ r~\ - 'iiliiiiil'i mIkIuIii Ml'l!iil;l lilr-ill, [ \ .-- t ^hA — 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 19ZB 1929 WATER LEVELS IN WELL ll-17-33b ,^, - 225 - y ' \.. -— *- "% .^"•" »•<> : 220 ^v^' \ ^ 21S \ .,0 - \ ..In iii.iiiiiii mImIuIm M lull ill 1 llllliltlll iiIiiImIn 1 hi ,l,,l,,l: 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 t920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1928 1929 1920 1921 1922 1923 1925 1926 - " 1 ■-™,K,- 1 1922 1927 • ^^--^.323 ' 1926 „ 192a = 19ZS 1924 ^^ -^ " ...■-''''''''^ GROSS AREA 343 SQUARE MILES 1929 AVERAGE AREA IRRIGATED 69,000 ACRES i Annual inflo.. m f. RELATION OF INFLOW TO CHANGE IN LEVEL OF GROUND WATER MADERA GROUND WATER UNIT 33JnOH9 A. A M«tl ««iTc<4 lo »<1* OS.' ooe OSS l.rv -p. 0£ ss ks as « SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 167 Joaquin Delta. As the run-oflP of west side tributaries is practically- negligible in amount, the main San Joaquin River supplies all w&st side areas now developed from surface waters as well as some lower east side areas above the mouth of ]\Ierced River. The remaining east side areas are served from the east side tributaries. The adequate water supply of the lower San Joaquin Valley has resulted in a different type of development from that used in the upper valley. Pumping from wells for irrigation is practiced to only a limited extent by individuals. Irrigation is accomplished by means of canal systems. Sufficient storage has been constructed on the three principal east side streams to yield practically a full seasonal surface supply for the areas now dependent thereon. Adequate supplies also are secured by the lower w^est side systems pumping from the San Joaquin River due to the availability of return flows from higher irrigated areas. The larger part of the development is now under the irrigation district form of organizatioji. In order to show the location and extent of present irrigation development in the lower San Joaquin Valley, two plates have been prepared. Plate XXIII, ''Lands With Irrigation Service from San Joaquin River Above Mouth of Merced River," shows canal systems, "Crop Lands," "Gi'ass Lands" and lands considered riparian for the area specified. Plate XXIV, "Lands With Irrigation Service in San Joaquin Valley North of Merced, ' ' shows the boundaries of organized districts and canal systems for the area specified. Lands with Irrigation Service from San Joaquin River Above Mouth of Merced River. The areas described under this general heading cover the lands served by diversions from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River. They include some land below the Pierced River on the west side which is served from higher diversions. The larger part of existing development is served by canals controlled by Miller & Lux, Incorporated. These include canals serving the lands of that company as well as canals serving lands of mixed ownership. Conditions regarding diversion and use on the San Joaquin River are quite complex. Uses under riparian and appropriative rights are intermingled ; two cla.sses of agricultural practice, crop and grass land, occur. There are differences in claims regarding title to use. ]Many efforts to work out agreements regarding present rights and efforts to increase the use of this stream have been made, and much has been accomplished. Extensive storage for power has been built on the upper drainage area. The Southern California Edison Company in connection with the Big Creek development has storage capacities of 64.400 acre-feet above the Florence Tunnel, 88,800 acre-feet at Huntington Lake and 135, .300 acre-feet at Shaver Lake. The San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation has storage of 45,000 acre-feet capacity at Crane Valley on the North Fork. Storage sites are available below present power plants for use for irrigation. The conditions of operation of the power storage are covered by contracts between the power companies and lower riparian owners. Pumping plants used for generally small areas along the river serve a total of about 5000 acres from Friant to the Gravelly Ford diversion. The highest existing canal is the Gravelly Ford! This 168 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES canal, t()j>etlier with the Aliso and the Brown and Lone Willow slonghs, from which the Columbia and Chowchilla canals are supplied, serve the lands on the north side of the river having diversions above Mendota. These diversions serve both crop and grass lands. The San Joaquin River turns northward at Mendota, where Fresno Slough enters the San Joaquin River from the south. In all but dry years Kings River water reaches the lower portion of Fresno Slough. In high flows the San Joaquin River overflows through Lone Tree Slough and other channels across the Herminghaus lands to Fresno Slough. At lower stages San Joaquin River water is backed np Fresno Slough by the Mendota AVeir. Pumping diversions by the James and Tranquillity irrigation districts, which comprise part of the area in the James Ranch, are permitted when the flow of the San Joaquin River at Friant exceeds 1360 second-feet. Several large canal diversions head at the Mendota Weir. The largest of these is the San Joaquin and Kings River Canal, including the Main and Outside canals, serving lands on the west side of the San Joaquin River. This system operates as a public utility and serves both crop and grass lands in an area extending northward to the area served by the pumping system of the Patterson Water Company, TABLE 49 DIVERSION CAPACITIES OF CANALS AND AREAS OF IRRIGATION SERVICE FROM SAN JOAQUIN RIVER, ABOVE MOUTH OF MERCED RIVER Capacity, Irrigated areas, in acres Diversion in second-feet Crop land Maximum Operating Now irrigated Probable additional irrigation Total Grass land Private pumping plants 138 900 700 300 500 138 600 500 200 400 250 120 140 300 500 1,000 600 35 450 500 Varies 200 250 4,500 500 5,000 Gravelly Ford. 14.000 Aliso 22,000 Browns Slough* Lone Willow Slough 23,000 Colunnbia' 16,000 3,000 10,000 24,000 32,500 81.000 40,500 1,500 16,000 10,000 14,000 24,000 32,500 81,000 40.500 1,500 Chowchilla^ 7,000 4,000 (') Fresno Slough Diversion 140 300 600 1,300 700 35 San Joaquin and Kings River (outside) (\ "*).. San Joaquin and Kings River (main) (', ') 37.500 San Luis Canal Company Helm Canal (', «) 58.500 Helm Ditch' BIythe 14.000 Temple SiouKh* 47,500 47,500 1,000 San Luis Island* 500 10,000 10,000 20.000 16.000 Unregulated diversion and over- flow 47,000 State Game Farm 14 14 3,000 3,000 Totals - 273,500 21,500 295.000 232,000 ' Diverts into Lone Willow Slough — areas shown under Lone Willow Slough. ' Diverts from Lone Willow Slough. 'San Joaquin and Kings River Canal Company. • Area.s included with San Luis Canal Company and Temple Slodgh diversions. • Carries some water for San Luis Canal Company. • Carries some water for San Joaquin and Kings River Canal Co. ' 6000 acres of grass lands recently irrigated from Chowchilla Canal. n* ^^-^ ^ u X- balJiJP" Ml HAIflASIR a3F13ai8VlOO 8GHAJ flOl MOITAMRO^I .H .iriol.,bol:uns .•: M .H .-iriolybsl:< . -, d SI < uj bnc isllVM >o szfto sd: yJnuoO on jT .1, .A aoti J, saso 5 nl r • r^t ,>hntJ r -moO ' - ■ , • -i^sO .ylnuoO Jo ■ ■ lartO b«tfi»n9 lyJnuoO bsan? ,-„„, .kvoi-i .^nsqmoO nos>b3 n..rt!i-o„ .£v i•'.a>^r^.. PLATE XXJV I s. f -c.i r >w " ->' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 169 below the mouth of the Merced River. The Helm Canal is part of the San Luis Canal system and diverts for lands lying between the river and the areas served by the San Joaquin and Kings River Canal. The Firebaugh Canal System consists of a series of pump lifts serving lands northward from the Mendota diversion and above the Outside Canal. Below the Mendota Weir are several canals and sloughs which divert to adjacent lands. Blythe Canal and the East Side Canal serve lands on the east side; Temple and Pick Anderson sloughs serve lands on the west side. In addition to the definite diversions some areas secure water through other sloughs or by general overflow. Such areas include the Herminghaus lands above IMendota and several holdings along the river below Mendota. Table 49 gives general data on diversion capacities and areas served by these canals. Recently, 6000 acres of grass lands, not shown in the table, have been irrigated from the Chowchilla Canal. The intake of the Gravelly Ford Canal, which has no headgate, is located near the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of Section 8, Township 13 South, Range 17 East, M. D. B. and M. The zero of a staff gage, established September 3, 1929, is set at elevation 192.00 feet, U. S. Geological Survey datum. The water surface elevation at maxi- mum diversion is 201 feet. The Aliso Canal diverts from the San Joaquin River at the east side of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 13 South, Range 16 East. The headgate is located about 1000 feet down the canal from its intake and a staff gage about 1000 feet below the headgate in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21. The zero of the gage is set at elevation 180.00 feet. The water surface elevation at maximum diversion is 186 feet. Water is diverted through Brown and Lone Willow sloughs to the Columbia and Chowchilla canals. Brown Slough diverts from the San Joaquin RiA'er in the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 16 East. A headgate and a staff gage are located about 1000 feet down the canal from the intake. The zero of the gage is set at elevation 172.00 feet. The water surface elevation at maximum diversion is 176 feet. Lone Willow Slough diverts from the San Joaquin River in the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 13 South, Range 15 East, at Whitehouse. The headgate is located at the point of diversion. A staff gage, established August 3, 1929, is located about 1500 feet down the canal from its intake in the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 25. The zero of the gage is set at elevation 164.00 feet and the water surface elevation at maximum diversion is eleva- tion 171 feet. Brown Slough discharges into Lone Willow Slough at the headgate of the Columbia Canal in the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 13 South, Range 15 East. The zero of a gage at the headgate is set at elevation 164.00 feet, and the Avater surface elevation at maximum diversion is elevation 168 feet. The Chowchilla Canal intake and headgate are located about one-half mile northerly, along Lone Willow Slough, from the Columbia Canal intake, near Whitehouse Ranch headquarters in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 14. The gaging station at this point Avas discontinued August 2, 1929, and the staff gage removed. 170 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The Firebaufrh and Outside canals' intakes and headgates are located on Fresno Sloupfh about four-fifths of a mile south of Mendota Weir, in tlie nnrtlioast (|uarter of the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 1.'] South, Rangfc 15 East. The zero of a gajre on the Fire- baugfh Canal near its head, established February 12, 1930, is set at ele- vation 156.00 feet and the maximum recorded water surface elevation is 162 feet. There is a ;ation in tlio lower San Joaquin Valley is indi- cated by tlie census returns, wliieh have been reported by counties. No means are available for determining what portion of the irrigated areas of counties lying (mly partially Avithin the basin. should be credited to other sections. For this reason, no data are included for Sacramento, El Dorado and Alameda counties, the larger part of whose agricultural lands lie outside of the San Joaquin River Basin. It is believed, how- ever, that returns for Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin and Contra Costa counties indicate the general progress of irrigation development in the lower San Joaquin Valley. The available data are shown in Table 52. TABLE 52 GROWTH OF IRRIGATED AREAS IN LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, BY COUNTIES Area irrigated, in acres County From U. S. Census of State crop survey, 1929 1899 1909 1919 1929 Merced 111,330 17,505 18,466 151,998 84,015 59,811 26,856 212,851 197,249 183,923 33,079 318,244 241,712 281,629 53,159 236,300 StHnislaus - 264,800 410,300 Contra Costa - - - •67,500 Totals - 147,301 322,680 627,102 894,744 978,900 *In San Joaquin River Basin, only. For the special census of 1902 and the regular censuses of 1919 and 1929, the data have been segregated by stream sources and are shown in Table 53. TABLE 53 GROWTH OF IRRIGATED AREAS IN LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, BY STREAM BASINS Data from U. S. Census Reports Stream Area irrigated, in acres 1902 1919 192 San Joaquin River 129,647 19,636 (') 13,840 (0 5,558 (0 41,241 642,261 65,151 165,533 75,359 13,323 36,848 3,259 55,015 471.789 Merced River.. . . . . . 140,131 Tuolumne River 207,347 Stanislaus River 81,981 Calaveras River 8,327 Mokclumnc River . 85,172 Cosuranes River 7,885 Other tributaries of San Joaquin River 143,349 Totals 209,922 1,056,749 1,145,981 ' Not reported separately in 1902. In the ea:?tern foothills, adjacent to the lower San Joaquin Valley, there has been very little change in the area irrigated during the past 30 years. Available data are shown in Table 54. The area decreased SAN JOAQUIN KIVER BASIN 177 in the last decade to about the amount irrigated in 1899 and 1909, showing practically no permanent increase. GROWTH TABLE 54 OF IRRIGATED AREAS IN EASTERN FOOTHILLS OF LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, BY COUNTIES County Irrigated area in acres, from United States Census of 1899 1909 1919 1929 Mariposa - _ 574 1,381 1,476 1,167 376 2,035 1,275 826 66 2,892 2,859 326 26 Tiinlumnp 1,596 Calaveras _ 1,996 Amador 678 Totals. 4,598 4,512 6,143 4,296 Present Irrigated Crops. The detailed results of the crop classification for 1929 have been presented, by counties, in Table 20, Chapter III. The irrigated areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley, exclusive of portions in Sacramento and El Dorado counties and 194,300 acres in the San Joaquin Delta portions of San Joaquin and Contra Costa counties, are summarized by crops in Table 55. TABLE 55 mRIGATED CROPS IN LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, 1929 Crops Area, in acres Citrus.. 200 Deciduous Grapes 107,500 116,000 Grain _ . 131,200 Alfalfa Field 211,600 31,500 Cotton Irrigated Pasture _ . .. .. 66,400 61,500 Truck ... . - 84,200 Rice 15,600 Unclassified 6,100 Total 831,800 The table illustrates the wide diversity in crop production within the lower San Joaquin Valle}'. Practice varies from the culture of deciduous fruits of nearly all of the commercial varieties to the wild flooding of grass lands for pasturage purposes. Grape vineyards are prevalent throughout the area. They are devoted to the culture of grapes of the raisin, wine, and table varieties. Among the deciduous fruits, peaches, prunes, figs, walnuts and almonds are the most important. Alfalfa is grown both for local use in connection with dairying and for exportation. The long growing season and adequate water supply results in exceptionally large yields. A wide variety of annuals is grown, including grain, cotton, rice, truck and field crops. In addition to the 131,200 acres of irrigated grain shown in Table 55, there were 259,600 acres of dry farmed grain in the lower San Joaquin Valley in 1929. 12 — 80997 178 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Ground Water Conditions. Plate XXV, "Lines of E(iual Elevation of Ground Water Table in Lower San Joa(|uin Valley, Fall of 1929," shows ground Avater levels for the east side of the valley. Data for showing similar lines on the west side areas are not available. On the east side of the valley practically all of the area covered by Plate XXV receives full canal service. The three principal tributary streams, Merced, Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers, cross the area in deep channels cut below the level of the ground water in the adjacent irrigated lands. These stream channels act as drains. This is shown clearly by the extension of the ground water contours up each of these streams. In other parts of the area, the ground water contours generally parallel the ground surface contours. Plate XI shows the zones of depth to ground water for the east side areas. Ground water is within ten feet of the surface over a large part of the area. The depth generally in these areas is from five to ten feet. Depths of less tlian five feet have been largely reduced by drainage pumping. There has been no ground water lowering due to overdraft. In recent years such lowering as has occurred has been beneficial as drainage. On the west side of the valley, ground water is generally close to the ground surface in much of the canal served area south of Patterson. On the higher lands, above the canals, ground water is deeper and of uncertain quantity. North of Patterson it is sufficiently deep to give full drainage, except for a few areas along the river. There are few wells on the higher land and practically all irrigation water is secured by pumping from the San Joaquin River. PLATE XXV 8 B Hi h WirF8 i ■>A V ipf^ i \ 5 1 3 > PLATE XXV Lines of Equal Elevation or Ground Water Table In Lower San Joaquin Valley Fall of 1929 SCALE OF MILES 2 4 6 10 1 I I I I [ I I \ I t •^B" :J^ ^y^^y^, .\\<: .<^ ^s> f y li .:>: ^s / SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 179 CHAPTER V WATER REQUIREMENTS The uses of water in the San Joaquin River Basin are many. They include domestic, municipal, irrigation, salinity control, indus- trial, navigation, power development and recreational uses. Of all these uses, however, that for irrigation predominates at the present time and probably will continue to do so. Recreational and navigation uses result in no actual consumption of water and in most instances do not alter the regimen of the stream. The use for development of hydroelectric energy, while altering in some instances the regimen of the stream, does not consume any water. For domestic service alone, the unit use within small cities is practically the same as for irrigation. For industrial and commercial areas in or near municipalities, the amount of water used may be somewhat larger than for the irrigation i-equirements for an equivalent area. In this basin, the water require- ments for present and future ultimate developments have been based on irrigation use. It is believed that on this basis ample water would be provided for all uses, except that for salinity control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. In the State Water Plan, provision for that requirement is made primarily from the Sacramento River Basin.* There is considerable variation both as to rate and period of use of water for various purposes. For irrigation, the period of use varies in different parts of the State. In the San Joaquin Valley, the greater part of the irrigation demand occurs during the months of March to October. However, irrigation is practiced in certain sections whenever water is available, even during the winter months. Water requirements, for any particular area, vary not only in amount with the use to which the water is put, and in monthly demand, but also with the point at which the water is measured. The geographic position of the source of supply in relation to point of use, methods of conveyance, the extent of the area and the opportunity afforded for reuse of water controlled by the topographic, geographic, and geologic conditions are factors that have an important bearing on water require- ments. For these reasons, variations in treatment of the problems for the different areas necessitated the employment of different terms of use in this report, as follows: "Irrigation requirement" is the amount of water in addition to rainfall that is required to bring a crop to maturity. This amount varies with the crop to be supplied and the point at which the water is measured. As related to the point of measurement, it is the "gross allowance," "net allowance," or "net use." These • Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, Department of Public Works, 1931. 180 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES terms togetlicr "with llie torm "consumptive use," are defined as follows : "Gross allowance" dosij?iiates the amount of water diverted at the source of supply. "Net allowance" designates the amount of water actually delivered to the area served. "Consumptive use" designates the amount of water actually consumed through evaporation and transpiration by plant growth. "Net use" designates the sum of the consumptive use from artificial supplies and irrecoverable losses. Unit Irrigation Requirements. Irrigation requirements of California lands have been a subject of study by Federal and State agencies for many years. Much valuable data on the use of water for various crops under varying climatic and soil conditions have been collected and compiled. These data have been published in most instances. The Division of Engineering and Irrigation, Department of Public Works, made an investigation of irri- gation requirements of the lands of the State in 1921.* These studies have been continued by the Division of Water Resources, since the ])ublication of that report. Information on areas in the Sacramento Valley and portions of the San Joaquin Valley is published in tlie annual reports of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor. In arriving at unit values for irrigation requirements of lands in the San Joaquin River Basin full use was made and consideration given to all those published and unpublished data. In addition to such data, however, detailed analyses and studies were made during this investigation of the use of irrigation water under actual operating con- ditions on more than one million acres of land in localities extending from the San Joaquin Delta to Kern River area in the southern end of the valley. The area on which the uses of water were determined represents one-half of the present irrigated area in the valley. These analyses have been discussed and the results thereof set forth in con- siderable detail for the upper San Joaquin Valley, in Chapter IV. Information on the other sections is presented later in this chapter. It should be pointed out that the areas studied are intensively devel- oped, contain diversified crops, utilize various methods of obtaining supplies and are representative of practicable irrigation operations. In estimating the irrigation requirements of the San Joaquin River Basin, it was divided into four sections; namely, upper San Joaquin Valley floor, lower San Joaquin Valley floor, foothill areas and San Joaquin Delta. The requirements for the basin will be dis- cussed under these headings. Upper San Joaquin Valley Floor — The upper San Joaquin Valley is the southern portioji of the valley extending on the east side as far north as the Chowchilla River and on the west side to a line extending from Mendota to Oro Loma. In these studies, it embraces hydro- graphic divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5B and 6. It is an area in which the tributary run-off is inadequate to meet present water requirements and in which full development will be possible only with importation of * Bulletin No. 6, "Irripration Requirements of California Lands," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1921. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 181 water from distant sources at relatively high costs. Along the eastern side of the valley, the topographic and geologic characteristics of the basin are such that extensive underground storage capacitj^ is avail- able. The development of ground vrater supplies, drawn from such storage, adds to the extent to which the locally tributary run-off may be efficiently utilized within the area under consideration. Where adequate ground water storage is available, the required surface inflow is equal to the net use. On the western slope of the valley, a large area of land overlies subsoil of such chemical constituents that the use of shallow ground water would be injurious to irrigated crops. There- fore, the application of water to these lands would be made on the basis of actual plant needs and the net allowance would exceed consumptive use only by the amount of percolation losses within the area. The inability to recover percolation losses makes it necessary to estimate on net use without recovery of percolation. This area has extremely limited local water resources and, if developed extensively, would require the importation of practically its entire supply. On the eastern slope of the valley, records, continuous in most areas since 1921, of the extent of irrigation development effected through the utilization of surface and ground water supplies, together with those of the conditions of underground storage, afford the basis for estimating the average net use. A study of this subject has been presented in Chapter. IV, based on data collected for all the developed areas along the eastern side of the valley and covering the period, 1921-1929. These data consist of the annual records of surface inflow, the areas irrigated and the depths to ground water in some 4000 wells scattered throughout the region. The following values of net use are summarized from Chapter IV and are based on present irrigation practice and use in representative areas intensively developed to diver- sified crops in the upper San Joaquin Valley : Seasonal net use Area in acre-feet pei' acre Fresno Irrigation District 1.95 Consolidated Irrigation District 1.90 Alta Irrigation District 1.90 Kaweah River Area 2.17 Deer Creek Area 2.0 McFarland-Shafter Area 2.0 The foregoing figures are supported by a value of about 2 acre- feet per acre obtained in the Turlock Irrigation District in the lower San Joaquin Valley, where measurements of surface diversion into the district, the measured outflow and records of the net area of irrigated land, made possible the calculation of the seasonal net use per acre. In making the crop survey for determining the net area of irrigated land in that district, highways, railroads, county roads, incorporated and unincorporated towns, main canals, laterals, sublaterals, and build- ing and minor uncropped areas of more than two acres were excluded. Private roads and ditches and building and minor uncropped areas of less than two acres situated within irrigated areas were included. The net area so estimated equals about 75 per cent of the gross irrigable area of the district. It is concluded, therefore, that while the net use value varies for different crops, a reasonable estimate of the seasonal net use for the types of crops now grown in the upper San Joaquin 182 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Valley is two acre-feet per acre. In estimating the water requirements of the upper San Joaquin Valley, this figure has been applied to the net area of irrigable land in obtaining the average seasonal allowances. Tliis basis of estimating the water requirement for the area does not mean that the actual delivery of water upon irrigated land would be at a uniform rate, or restricted to two acre-feet per acre per season. On the contrary, it is recognized that, dependent upon the kind of crop served and the type of soil and subdrainage conditions, seasonal applications of water vary from a minimum of less than two acre-feet per acre to a maximum of perliaps as much as 100 per cent in excess of that figure. In any case, the only water actually used is that which supplies the needs of plant transpiration and surface evaporation. On nonabsorptive soils, applications in excess of these needs result in surface run-off to adjacent lands or drainage systems. On absorptive soils such excess applications are, to a large extent, accounted for by percolation losses which constitute one of the principal sources of replenishment to the underlying ground water. In areas where it is feasible to recover these percolation losses by ]iumping, the application of the water so recovered constitutes a reuse of the original supply and makes for a high degree of utilization, the limit of which is reached when the net use of water equals the consumptive use. The essential element of such a plan of utilization is the availability of adequate underground storage capacity so located that water, drawn therefrom can be utilized upon overlying or adjacent lands. Loiver San Joaquin Vallej/ Floor — The lower San Joaquin Valley is that portion of the valley extending northerly from the upper San Joa- quin Valley to the southern limits of the Sacramento Valley. It com- prises hydrographic divisions 7 to 13, inclusive. In Chapter IV, it has been pointed out that the water supplies for the present extensive irriga- tion development are generally adequate and dependable. Tliese supplies are obtained from the San Joaquin River and its east side tributaries, for the most part, by surface diversions. Pumping from underground basins is not practiced extensively. Surface supplies are the primary sources. Pum])ing from wells is supplemental and of secondary importance in the greater part of tlie area, although the use of ground water for irrigation in connection with drainage operations is becoming more important each year. The water requirements, therefore, have been estimated on the basis of furnishing a full surface irrigation supjily to the entire irrigable area in the valley. The unit values of irrigation requirements within the valley vary with the geographic location and also with the topographic location in relation to sources of su])ply. These variations will be pointed out as the ref|uirements for each hydrographic division are presented. In hydrographic divisions 8, 9 and 11, the unit values for gross allowance, net allowance and net use have been taken as 3.3, 2.4, and 1.9 acre-feet per acre per season, respectively. These values are based largely on the results of a detailed analysis of irrigation use in the Turlock Irrigation District (181,500 acres) under actual operating conditions for the irrigation season of 1929. In that analysis, full and complete data were available on diversions, irrigated areas, and return waters. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 183 In Hydrographic Division 7, the foregoing values for gross and net allowances were used for the present irrigated areas on the west side of the San Joaquin River lying southerly from the mouth of the Merced River. However, a higher value of 2.1 acre-feet per acre per year for net use was obtained by using a return flow factor of 35 per cent applied to the figures for gross allowance. For the remain- ing lands in Hydrographic Division 7, lying on the western side of the San Joaquin River, unit values of 2.0, 1.8 and 1.6 acre-feet per acre per season were used for gross allowance, net allowance and net use, respectively. These values were used also for Hydrographic Division 10, consisting of the uplands lying to the west of the San Joaquin Delta. The foregoing unit values were deduced from measured diver- sions and net applications on intensively developed lands now served by pumping systems of West Stanislaus, Byron-Bethany, and East Contra Costa irrigation districts. In hydrographic divisions 12 and 13, the unit values for irrigation requirements are based on data and information obtained on irrigation operations in the Mokelumne River area in the investigation made by the U. S. Geological Survey during the period 1926 to 1929 and pub- lished in Water Supply Paper 619. In that paper, average weighted unit values of seasonal quantities of water pumped from wells on 82 different farms are set forth. These values are 1.34 acre-feet per acre for vineyards and orchards and 3.06 for alfalfa and miscellaneous crops. These unit values were applied to respective areas of irrigated crops listed in the 1929 crop survey for hydrographic divisions 12 and 13. The resulting weighted average value was 1.5 acre-feet per acre irrigated per season. This figure was used as the net use value in esti- mating the ultimate water requirements. The lands in these divisions are now irrigated largely by pum])ing from ground water. By assum- ing surface supply diversions that would result in an annual return flow factor of about 40 per cent, a gross allowance requirement of 2.7 acre-feet per acre per season was obtained. The seasonal net allow- ance was estimated at 1.8 acre-feet per acre. Foothill Areas — In the irrigation of foothill lands, conveyance and application losses are in general relatively large because of the type of conduits generally used and of the uneven and sloping character of the irrigated lands. It is estimated that of the total amount of water diverted from the streams for irrigation use in the foothill areas, about 40 per cent is returned ultimately to the natural stream channels and is available for reuse. These conditions have been given full considera- tion in estimating the irrigation requirements of the foothill areas. The unit values for irrigation requirements for the foothill areas are based entirely on data given in Bulletin No. 6, * ' Irrigation Require- ments of California Lands," Division of Engineering and Irrigation. In that bulletin, an average annual net duty of 1.75 acre-feet per acre is given for the Sierra foothills and rolling plains east and south of the San Joaquin Valley floor. The area included in hydrographic divisions 6A, 8A, 9A and that portion of llA in the Tuolumne River watershed of this report, corresponds in general to the foothill area set forth in Bulletin No. 6. Therefore, the value of seasonal net use for these areas has been assumed and taken as approximately the net 184 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES duty or 1.8 acre-feet per acre. Assuming that the figure for seasonal net use is 60 per cent of the seasonal diversion which is allowing for 40 per cent conveyance and application losses, a figure for seasonal gross allowance of 3.0 acre-feet per acre is obtained. The seasonal net allowance for these hydrographic divisions is estimated at 2.4 acre- feet per acre. In Bulletin No. 6, the average annual net duty for the Sierra foot- hills and rolling plains east and west of the Sacramento Valley floor is given as 1.50 acre-feet per acre. The climatic and soil conditions of the area included in hydrographic divisions 12A, 13A and that portion of 11 A in the Stanislaus River watershed are more nearly com- parable with these areas rather than those foothill areas south of the Tuolumne River. Therefore, in selecting a seasonal value of net use, the figure of 1.50, the annual net duty for the foothill area east of the Sacramento Valley floor, was adopted for these hydrographic divisions. Using a return flow factor of 40 per cent, as for the pre- viously discussed foothill areas, a seasonal gross allowance of 2.5 acre-feet per acre is obtained. For these particular areas, the net allow- ance for the purposes of this report is considered to have the same value as the net use. San Joaquin Delta — Because of the method employed in irrigating the lands of the San Joaquin Delta it is impracticable to differentiate between gross and net allowances and net use. Furthermore, in addi- tion to use for irrigation, the water requirements for the delta include also, amounts to meet evaporation losses in the many delta channels, transpiration from tule and other natural vegetation and evaporation from levees and uncultivated land surfaces. It is estimated that dur- ing the irrigation season, the ultimate total net use of water for all demands on the entire area will average about 2.6 acre-feet per acre, and the total net use for irrigation only about 2.3 acre-feet per acre. A full discussion of this matter is given in another report,* to which reference is made. Net Irrigable Areas. Irrigation practice in California has demonstrated that the entire irrigable area of agricultural land in any particular project is not irrigated, even in intensively developed areas. In determining the water requirements for ultimate development of the various sections of the San Joaquin Valley, this experience has been recognized and it is not considered necessary to provide a water supply for the gross area of irrigable land set forth in Chapter III. In addition to minor areas which are not arable, such as stream channels and natural drains, an appreciable area is occupied by towns, highways, railroads, county roads, canals, ditches and incidental farm improvements such as dry yards, corrals and buildings. Furthermore, the percentage of the ))Oorer agricultural land irrigated in any one year will be less than for the better lands. Based upon the experience of fully developed organ- ized districts in the San Joaquin Valley, it has been determined that, in areas of good land, not over 80 per cent of the gi-oss area will • Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of Water Resources, 1931. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 185 require water. In areas of poorer land the percentages will be smaller. The following factors have been used for the different classes of valley land in estimating the respective net irrigable areas: Lands in Class 1 80 per cent Lands in Class 2 80 per cent Lands in Class 3 60 per cent Lands in Class 4 20 per cent Lands in Class 5 The foregoing percentages are considered to represent the maximum areas that will require a water supply under conditions of ultimate development. Some exceptions from these standards have been made in certain areas of foothill land, as set forth in Table 19, Chapter III. The application of the respective percentages to the gToss areas of irrigable land, presented by hydrographic divisions in Tables 18 and 19, gives the net irrigable areas set forth in Table 56. TABLE 56 NET IRRIGABLE AREAS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS For boundaries of hydrographic divisions see Plate VI Net area, in acres Hydrographic division Class of land Totals 1 2 3 4 Upper San Joaquin Valley Floor— 1 564,700 375,900 186,900 634,700 243,400 191,400 112,000 253,000 185,100 81,700 190,000 16,900 30,400 84,900 186,300 67,000 27,400 100,500 13,700 5,200 62,900 1,000 1,800 31,200 1,005,000 2 628,000 3 296,000 4 927,000 5 274,000 5B 227,000 6 291,000 Totals 2,309,000 244,700 91,500 147,200 57,300 128,500 161,100 20,700 842,000 99,400 123,300 107,700 8,100 85,400 40,000 76,100 463,000 38.000 50,200 57.100 3,600 46,100 16,900 29,100 34,000 25,900 17,000 1,100 3,648,000 Lower San Joaquin Valley Floor, excluding San Joaquin Delta— 408,000 8 .. 282,000 9 312,000 10 69,000 11 260,000 12 218,000 13 127,000 Totals 851,000 540,000 241,000 44,000 1,676,000 Totals, San Joaquin Valley Floor, excluding San Joaquin Delta Foothill areas— 6A 3,160,000 2,200 600 1,382,000 900 1,900 4,100 2,700 704,000 11,600 41,300 50,600 42,200 37,300 20,500 78,000 29,400 41,800 11,400 28,900 37,400 15,200 5,324,000 41,000 8A 84,000 9A 62,000 11 A 73,000 12A._ 81,000 13 A 39,000 Totals -. 2,800 9,600 203,500 164,100 380,000 Totals, San Joaquin River Basin, excluding San Joa- quin Delta 3,162,800 242,000 1,391,600 14,100 907,500 900 242,100 5,704,000 San Joaquin Delta 257,000 Totals, San Joaquin River Basin.. 3,404,800 1,405,700 908,400 242,100 5,961,000 186 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES For purposes of making water utilization studies, net irrigable areas in the lower San Joaquin foothill divisions have been divided further into areas located above and below the major foothill reservoir sites, as set forth in Table 57. TABLE 57 NET IRRIGABLE AREAS IN FOOTHILL DIVISIONS ABOVE AND BELOW MAJOR RESERVOIR SITES Net area, in acres Hydrographic division Above reser- voir sites Below reser- voir sites Totals 8 A-.- 56,000 15,000 43,000 52,000 39,000 28,000 47,000 30,000 29,000 84,000 9A 62,000 11 A 73,000 12 A 81,000 13 A 39,0 CO Ultimate Water Requirements. The ultimate water requirements of the San Joaquin River Basin have been estimated and are set forth by sections in Table 58 ; namely, upper San Joaquin Valley floor, lower San Joaquin Valley floor, foot- hill areas and San Joaquin Delta. The irrigation requirements for the irrigable areas of classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 lands in the foothills and valleys were calculated by applying the per acre values for gross and net allowances and net use to the corresponding net irrigable acreages given in Table 56. The water requirements in the San Joaquin Delta were obtained from another report.* The ultimate seasonal net use for the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is estimated in Bulletin No. 26 as 1,200,000 acre-feet for the irrigation season extending from April to October, inclusive. For the San Joaquin Valley i)ortion of tlie delta alone, it is estimated that the seasonal net use Avould be 824,000 acre-feet. Tn that portion of the delta there is a gross area of 328,000 acres, including channels and levees, a gross area of agri- cultural land of 279,000 acres and a net irrigable area of 257,000 acres. Tn addition to net use requirements in tlie Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, fresh water also will be required to prevent the invasion of saline water into the delta channels. It is concluded in a second report, § that the control of saline invasion in the upper bay and delta region could be provided more feasibly and economically by fresh water releases from mountain storage to supplement the available stream flow than by any other means. Studies published in a third reportt show that, in order to effect a positive control of salinity at Antioch to limit the increase of salinity at that point to a mean degree of not more than 100 parts of chlorine ])er 100,000 ])arts of water with decreasing salinity ui)stream, a flow of 3300 second-feet throughout the year, in the combined channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers past Antioch into Suisun Bay, would be required. This would amount to ♦ Hiilletiii No. 2fi, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, State Depaitinent of Pul)lic Works. § Bulletin No. 28, "lOconomic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San .Toaquin Rivers," Division of Water Resources, 1931. t Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of Water Resources, 1922. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 187 an average annual flow of about 2,390,000 acre-feet. The salinity con- trol requirement for the San Joaquin Valley portion of the delta is estimated at about two-thirds of the total amount or 1,590,000 acre-feet. TABLE 58 ULTIMATE WATER REQUIREMENTS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Hydrographic division Net irrigable Area, in acres Gross allowance, in acre-feet Net allowance, in acre-feet Net use, in acre-feet Total Average per acre Total Average per acre Total Average per acre Upper San Joaquin Valley Floor— 1 2 3 ... ... 1,005,000 628,000 296,000 927,000 274,000 227,000 291,000 2,010,000 1,256,000 592,000 1,854,000 548,000 454,000 582,000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,010,000 1,256,000 592,000 1,854,000 548,000 454,000 582,000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,010,000 1,256,000 592,000 1,854,000 548,000 454,000 582,000 2.0 2.0 2 4 2 5 2 5B 6 _- Totals Lower San Joaquin Valley Floor, excluding San Joaquin Delta— 7 (South of Merced River) 7 (Lower west side pumping projects) 7 (West side rim lands) 10 8 9 11 12 2.0 2.0 3,648,000 203,000 62.000 143,000 69,000 282,000 312,000 260,000 218,000 127,000 7,296,000 670,000 124,000 286,000 138,000 930,000 1,030,000 858,000 589,000 343,000 2.0 3.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 3.3 2.7 2.7 7,296,000 487,000 112,000 257,000 124,000 677,000 749,000 624,000 392,000 229,000 2.0 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.8 1.8 7,296,000 426,000 99,000 229,000 110,000 536,000 593,000 494,000 336,000 196,000 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.9 1 5 13 Totals Foothill areas— 6 A-- 1.5 1,676,000 41,000 84,000 62,000 36,000 37,000 81,000 39,000 4,968,000 123,000 252,000 186,000 108,000 93,000 202,000 98,000 3.0. 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3,651,000 99,000 202,000 149,000 86,000 56,000 122,000 59,000 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 3,019,000 74,000 151,000 112,000 65,000 55,000 122,000 58,000 1.8 1 8 8 A 1 8 9A 1 1 A (In Tuolumne watershed) . . 11 A (In Stanislaus watershed) - . 12A .___ 13 A... Totals Totals, San Joaquin River Basin, excluding San Joa- quin Delta San Joaquin Delta — Irrigation and other uses Salinity control 1.8 18 1.5 1.5 1.5 380,000 1,062,000 2.8 773,000 2.0 637,000 1.7 5,704,000 257,000 13,326,000 824,000 1,590,000 11,720,000 824,000 1,590,000 10,952,000 824,000 1,590,000 Totals 257,000 2,414,000 2,414,000 2,414,000 Totals, San Joaquin River Basin 5,961,000 15,740,000 14,134,000 13,366,000 The wide variety of crops produced in the San Joaquin River Basin is due to varying soil and climatic conditions and geographic location with respect to available markets. This results in considerable variation both as to rate and period of use of irrigation water. The greater part of the irrigation demand occurs during the months of March to October. The estimated monthly distribution of the uses of irrigation water in per cent of seasonal total, for each hydrographic division, based chiefly on use in present irrigated areas, is set forth in Table 59. 188 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES £ ooooooooe^oiooo oooooooot^ooo — -" OCOOOOOO oooooo o oooo CO ocoo oo o oooo oooo— , ^go UD CC »0 CO lO o o oooo C4 IAC4U3 ss o o o o o o O O *-H O-H o o O »-' o o o o o ■^CO-^COCOCCCOeC'-'CCCOOO c^cocqo(NC^c^ oooooo o *-< M i-« CQ — C-J »-« oooo O M O W oo o o o oo ooo ^ oo O^OOOOO -^ (N-^C^ieOC^ C^CQOOI^hOO Oi-hOOOOO OOOOOO OOCJOOO OOO^ oe»oo> ii oooooooooor^oo C0^^CC^^C CC-tCO'-^C^— '•-^•-•O^^OOO O OaO O oo O ooooooo OOOOOO o oooo '-'O'-'O^O 1-" T-iO-^O ^ OOOOOOOO^rO'-'OO Oi-tOOOOO ^it* CO '■J' ^^ ^i* ^* ^* oooooo CO ^t CO ^ :d ^j. oooo .S3 •3 c ca o s o » o im C3 Ul c« c 4) c &» -n -a -o -a 3 3 o S u K « B^S Is 5 :-2. as§ J? c a IOCS j; c cc a; ••SS.'S _a g CO I to cd v 2 « ,!. ;•* ; i .* : 3 1 ' o ' K ' ' c i^s 0? o o a» a> V oT in only-, voir sites iver Basi voir sites voir site, voir site. eo'S ts to w (A m CO CO ?'5 O c o 3 O o'o ^ >• > > > > S fe« fe te fe ^ ^ S i S u. £ Saa S 3 S g — — — — — -N — fc, — l_fc- — fc- O^ 0.0 g o g_o g g g ^_o g^ mO a;.c 0).^ Q>^ a>>^ ''^-— ^^ a> <:oa<:o3<:Ba<:pa-j; <: pq-cpQ tu -d z O < o z < b O w H Z u u C w u H o oo Q oo § o oo Q O o_o_ o_ oo oj dj CO Oir-T C^ ■^o CO C3S ^CO lO c^ o> CO "t o CO = £ t>^ CO O ^ co" *» h <1> 3 .5 o oo ^ oo ^ 8 §8 oo .-*A oo ^ V ^ S S to ^n o •*o TT 4) 0*V at mt^ c^ C^ OS CO 2 C^ CO t^ r* 00 lO •«r k. A (1> «.s Xi a bC u. o oo o o o o o oo oo Qi -t? o oo o oo V 0^ O V CO oooi" CD V"C5 o a t2 c^- O od (l> O CO CO - « n ^ iO «ra (U c z- o oo oo ^ o oo oo *» o oo oo > ft> •• • (U V O O3C0 M ■>j CO =1 i (M OiO 00 O0U5 O**!* r^ loi^ C5 cj a> o 5 a> c3 oj (M COCO CO m o 1— t oo>n o co" "rt.s a 3 1 o oo o oo o o oo o oo a> «-«>3 o oo o oo CO a o „ o SS O" <»05 t^ ■wo O fZ o**r 1^ coco t^ C^ Oi o> 3 a 6 CO -"J^ M 00 lO ■«-» ^-» i P.S ■S o oo C5 o '• o o oo o ■ o oo o • 2S »0 COC3S o t^ I t^ CO t^co o «» o 5§ »- coco c^ M« CO -^ lO U5 a> a Z- Is ; i >"1 II ! c ! ! .en 1 • i 1 a 1 ! *« . C 1 1 Q a iiii >i^ i i '3 CQ J ►-3 c i > "5 = flS . 1 s .H UN » S'3 5 as ao a o o c 1 fe i S o_' 3 •-3 c K 1 O bC c eg e2 3-1 U. M SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 191 CHAPTER VI MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN In the formulation of a plan for the development of the irrigation possibilities of the San Joaquin River Basin, full cognizance has been taken of all physical factors relating thereto. These comprise water resources, irrigable lands, water requirements, storage facilities and conveyance systems. Some of these factors have been discussed in previous chapters. In Chapter II, there is presented a complete sum- mary of the available water resources of the basin for the 40-year period 1889-1929, including the locations, amounts and characteristics of occurrence of these waters. The classification of the lands as to their suitability for irrigation is presented in Chapter III. In Chapter V, an estimate of the water requirements for the full development of the entire irrigable area of the basin, including salinity control require- ments in the San Joaquin Delta, is presented. Relation Between Water Supply and Ultimate Water Requirements. In order to show a general relation between the available water supply of the basin and water requirements for full development, the following data pertaining thereto have been assembled from previous chapters : SEASONAL FULL NATURAL RUN-OFF In acre-feet Available to Available to Upper Lower Total San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin Valley VaMey* River Basin Mean for 40-year period 1889-1929 3,651,200 8,328,800 11,980,000 Mean for 20-year period 1909-1929 3,128,300 7,031,300 10,159,600 Mean for 10-year period 1919-1929 2,527,400 6,019,500 8,546,900 Mean for 5-year period 1924-1929 2,355,700 5,781,300 8,137,000 • Includes run-off of San Joaquin River and delta tributaries. NET IRRIGABLE AREA OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS In acres Upper San Joaquin Valley floor 3,648,000 Lower San Joaquin Valley floor 1,676,000 Foothill areas 380,000 Total, excluding San Joaquin Delta 5,704,000 San Joaquin Delta 257.000 Total San Joaquin River Basin 5,961,000 ULTIMATE WATER REQUIREMENTS In acre-feet Gross Net allowance allowance Net use Upper San Joaquin Valley floor 7,296,000 7,296,000 7,296,000 Lower San Joaquin Valley floor 4,968,000 3,651,000 3,019,000 Foothill areas 1,062,000 773,000 637,000 Totals, excluding San Joaquin Delta 13,326,000 11,720,000 10,952,000 San Joaquin Delta — Irrigation and other uses 824,000 824,000 824.000 Salinity control 1,590,000 1,590,000 1,590,000 Totals, San Joaquin Delta 2,414,000 2,414,000 2,414,000 Totals, San Joaquin River Basin 15,740,000 14,134,000 13,366,000 192 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 62 shows the relation between the available water supplies and requirements of the various sections in the San Joaquin River Basin. For the upper San Joaquin Valley, the average annual water supply for the 40-year period 1889-1929, exclusive of the San Joaquin River supply which is used chiefly in the lower San Joaquin Valley, is but 50 per cent of the ultimate average annual water requirement; for the 20-year period 1909-1929, 43 per cent; for the 10-year period 1919-1929, 35 per cent; and for the 5-year period 1924-1929, 32 per cent. For the lower San Joaquin Valley and footliill areas, exclusive of San Joaquin Delta, the water supply is sufficient to meet the require- ments. However, when San Joaquin Delta requirements are added, the average annual water supply, for the 40-year period only, comes close to meeting the gross allowance requirement, and the average for the 5-year period is less than the net use requirement. For the entire basin, the average annual water supplies for the 40-year, 20-year, 10- year and 5-year periods are 76, 65, 54 and 52 per cent, respectively, of the gross allowance requirement. The corresponding values in per cent of the net use requirement are 90, 76, 64 and 61. TABLE 62 AVAILABLE WATER SUPPLY AND ULTIMATE WATER REQUIREMENTS SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Seasonal full natural run-off, in acre-feet Seasonal water requirements, in acre-feet Section 40-year mean, 1889-1929 20-year mean, 1909-1929 10-year mean, 1919-1929 5-year mean, 1924-1929 Gross allowance Net use Upper San Joaquin Valley Lower San Joaquin Valley* and foothill areas 3,651,200 *8,328,800 3,128,300 *7,031,300 2,527,400 *6,019,500 2.355,700 •5,781.300 7,296,000 6,030,000 2,414,000 7,296.000 3.656,000 San Joaauin Delta 2,414,000 Totals 11,980,000 10,159,600 8.546,900 8,137,000 15,740,000 13,366.000 * Includes run-off of San Joaquin River and delta tributaries. Under present conditions of development, it has been definitely pointed out that there are many areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley which are overdrawing the water supplies locally available to them. The water supplies now utilized in the upper San Joaquin Valley com- prise the run-off of the streams from the Chowchilla River south, excluding the San Joaquin River. With the present utilization of sup- plies from these sources, the amount of water available even in a series of wet years in some instances would be of no avail in relieving the water .shortage situation. Some of the areas require water supplies far beyond those which are naturally available to them. In the lower San Joaquin Valley, it has been shown that the local water supplies fur- nished by the San Joaquin River and its east-side tributaries are gener- ally adequate in amount and dependable in occurrence for the areas now under irrigation. However, in the San Joaquin Delta, the water supply now available thereto from the San Joaquin River and its tribu- taries comprises only such portions of the run-off of these streams in excess of the present net use in the entire lower San Joaquin Valley SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 193 floor and adjacent foothills. This supply, togetlier with supplies from the Sacramento River, in several recent years have been insufficient to meet the water requirements in the delta and the water in the delta channels has been rendered unfit for irrigation purposes in the summer and fall months by invasion of saline water from upper San Francisco Bay. The full utilization of all of these available water supplies is not possible of accomplishment. The degree of utilization is limited by many factors, among which are : the availability of surface storage reservoir sites, the utilization of which involves evaporation losses ; the availability of utilizable groundwater reservoirs; the distance between sources of supply and areas of use, and consequent conveyance losses; and the geologic and topographic conditions which are controlling factors in the extent to which water applied in excess of net use can be recovered for reuse. As will be demonstrated in Chapter VII, it is physically feasible to utilize about 85 per cent of the run-off of the San Joaquin River Basin streams under conditions of ultimate development. This high degree of utilization requires proper coordination of all neces- saiy physical works ; namely, surface reservoirs, underground reser- voirs, conveyance channels and other works for the diversion of return flows in stream channels for reuse. Therefore, it is obvious that the water supply of the San Joaquin River Basin falls far short of ultimate irrigation requirements and any plan for the ultimate irrigation devel- opment of the basin must be predicated on the importation of large volumes of water from an outside source of supply. Source of Supplemental Supply. It has been demonstrated in analyses presented in another report* that, by the utilization of the proposed ultimate physical Avorks of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin including the Trinity River diversion, regulated supplies, without deficiency in amount and dependable in time, could have been made available in the principal streams during the dry period 1918-1929, to irrigate all of the net irri- gable area in the Sacramento Valley, after allowing gross diversions for the irrigation of all of the irrigable foothill and mountain valley lands in the Sacramento River Basin. The analyses also show that there would have been a large surplus of water in every year, over and above all needs in the basin above the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Table 63 shows, for the Sacramento River Basin, the amounts of water contributed from the reservoirs and from unregulated run -off, the gross requirements for valley lands above the delta, the return flow from valley and from foothills not tributary to the reservoirs, and the remaining surpluses available in the delta in the maximum and mini- mum years and an average for all years during the 11-year period 1918-1929. The total ultimate average annual requirement for the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, including salinity control, would amount to about 3,590,000 acre-feet. A portion of this would be contributed by water from the San Joaquin Valley streams. However, if the entire amount had been obtained from Sacramento Valley waters during the 11-year * Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources 1931. 13—80997 194 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES period 1918-1929, there still would have been surpluses in the maximum and minimum years of 11,399,000 and 2,164,000 acre-feet, respectively, and an average annual surplus for the period of 6,702,000 acre-feet. The Sacramento River Basin is the only available practicable source of supply for exportation to the San Joaquin River Basin. TABLE 63 SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Exclusive of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Requirements Item Releases and spill from major reservoir units and unregulated run-off. - Gross requirements for lands on Sacramento Valley floor. Surplus from releases and spill and unregulated run-off Return water — from valley floor Return water — from foothills not tributary to reservoirs Total surplus available in delta Amount of water, in acre-feet Maximum year, 1927 19,837,000 9,033,000 10,804,000 3,843,000 341,000 14,988,000 Minimum year, 1924 10,608,000 9,033,000 1,575,000 3,843,000 341,000 5,759,000 Average annual, for period 1918-1929 15,141,000 9,033,000 6,108,000 3.843,000 341,000 10,292,000 Ultimate Water Service Areas and Water Requirements Under State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basin. The ultimate development of the San Joaquin River Basin will require the importation of available surplus water supplies from the Sacramento River Basin. For the upper San Joaquin Valley, where supplies from outside sources will be required, the cost of such importa- tion would be relatively high and in general would exceed that of devel- ing local sources of supply. Therefore, it has been assumed that, under conditions of ultimate development, the maximum practicable utiliza- tion of all local sources of supply will be made and service will be ju.stified only for the better lands. In evolving that portion of the State Water Plan pertaining to the furnishing of a water supply to the upper San Joaquin Valley, the area of service was taken to include only lands in Classes 1 and 2, and a small area of Class 3 land suitable for citrus development which could be irrigated by diversion from Tule River. Hydrographic divisions and zones of water service are delineated on Plate VI. There are 7000 acres of Class 2 land in Zone Ic and 22,000 acres of Class 1 land in Zone le which were not included in the areas of service. These lands are unfavorably situated topographically vdth respect to available water supply. The lands in Zone Ic are more than 200 feet higher in elevation than the canals which serve areas north of Kern River under the State "Water Plan. The lands in Zone le lie at elevations higher than could be served by a lift of 350 feet above the proposed Kern River diversion canal around the southern end of the valley. In the lower San Joaquin Valley, all classes of irrigable land have been included in estimating the required irrigation supply. This pro- cedure was followed also in estimating the irrigation requirements for lands in the Sacramento River Basin. The service area and ultimate water requirements of the San Joaquin Delta have been discussed in Chapter V. The requirements of the Delta are to be met by storage development in the Sacramento River Basin. Plans for making this SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 195 required supply available are discussed in other reports.* Table 64 sets forth, by hydrographic divisions, net service areas and seasonal water requirements of all lands to be supplied by the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin, excluding the San Joaquin Delta. Although irrigation requirements have been the primary con- sideration in the study of the utilization of available supplies and the design of a system of physical works to effect such utilization, the requirements for domestic, municipal and industrial water supply, flood control, power development and navigation also have been considered in the formulation of that portion of the State Water Plan pertaining to the San Joaquin River Basin. Flood control and navigation features of the plan are discussed and presented in Chapters IX and X, respec- tively. The pro\'isions for domestic, municipal and industrial water supply and power development features are presented with the discus- sions of the various units to which they are incidental. TABLE 64 ULTIMATE WATER SERVICE AREAS AND WATER REQUIREMENTS UNDER STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, EXCLUDING SAN JOAQUIN DELTA BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS For boundaries of liydrographic divisions, see Plate VI Net service area, in acres Seasonal water requirements, in acre-feet Hydrographic division Gross allowance Net allowance Net use Total Average per acre Total Average per acre Total Average per acre Upper San Joaquin Valley Floor 1 ... 791,000 566,000 270,000 830,000 260,000 221,000 197,000 1,582,000 1,132,000 540,000 1,660,000 520,000 442,000 394,000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1,582,000 1,132,000 540,000 1,660,000 520,000 442,000 394,000 2,0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 1,582,000 1,132,000 540,000 1,660,000 520,000 442,000 394,000 2 2 .. 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 5B 2 6 2 Totals 3,135,000 203,000 62,000 143,000 282,000 312,000 69.000 260,000 218,000 127,000 6,270,000 670,000 124,000 286,000 930,000 1,030,000 138,000 858,000 589,000 343,000 2.0 3.3 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 2.0 3.3 2.7 2.7 6,270,000 487,000 112,000 257,000 677,000 749,000 124,000 624,000 392,000 229,000 2.0 2.4 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.4 1.8 2.4 1.8 1.8 6.270,000 426,000 99,000 229,000 536,000 593,000 110,000 494,000 336,000 196,000 2 Lower San Joaquin Valley Floor 7 South of Merced River 7 Lower west side pumping areas 2.1 1 6 7 West side rim lands 1 6 8 1 9 9 1 9 10 1 6 11 1 9 12 . 1 54 13 1 54 Totab 1,676,000 84,000 62,000 36,000 37,000 81,000 39,000 4,968,000 252,000 186,000 108,000 93,000 202,000 98,000 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3,651,000 202,000 149,000 86,000 56,000 122,000 59.000 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 3,019,000 151,000 112,000 65,000 55,000 122,000 58,000 1 8 Foothills Areas 8A 1 8 9A 1 8 HA (In Tuolumne watershed).. IIA (In Stanislaus watershed).- 12A 1.8 1.5 1 5 13A 1 5 Totals 339,000 5,150,000 939,000 12,177,000 2.8 674,000 10,595,000 2.0 563,000 9,852,000 1 7 Totals, San Joaquin River Basin, excluding San Joaquin Delta ... • Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan," Division of Water Resources, 1930. Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 196 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Fundamental Elements of State Water Plan. The basic objective of the State Water Plan is to provide and operate works for the conservation, development, control, utilization and distribution of the waters of the State so that all areas within the State, when completely developed, might have adequate water supplies for all uses and flood protection. Provision would be made for domestic, municipal, industrial, irrigation, mining and recreational water requirements, improvement of navigation on navigable streams, flood control, control of salinity and power development. In the formulation of the plan, the following economic principles are recognized as fundamental : 1. It should be formulated with a long time viewpoint. 2. It should be a progressive development with the various units constructed only as necessity demands. 3. It should be in consonance with present rights and interests as far as practicable so as to result in the least possible interference with existing agencies and their operations. 4. The water requirements of all interests must be given considera- tion. 5. Accruing benefits must far outweigh the damages which might result from the execution of the plan. 6. The fullest practicable utilization of both local and imported waters should be made, particularly in areas of deficient water supply. 7. The initial units constructed for the rehabilitation of agriculture should now be extended only to developed areas of deficient local water supply. 8. Units of initial development should be so planned that they can be enlarged and extended at the minimum expense to allow for expansion as economics dictate and that they are in accord with an ultimate plan of development. 9. The plan should be so formulated and carried out that the greatest benefit will be obtained at the least cost. The basic features included in the plan for the Great Central Valley are storage reservoirs, both surface and underground, and natural and artificial conveyance channels. Surface reservoirs would be constructed on the major streams and operated to equalize the erratic run-off in the interest of all desired purposes and uses. Hydroelectric power plants would be installed at those dams where such development would be justified in order to assist in defraying the cost of all features of the plan. Underground reservoirs, where available, would be utilized to the fullest practicable extent. Conveyance channels, both natural and artificial, would transport water supplies from areas having a sur- plus to areas of deficiency. The proposed plan provides only the major unit« for storage, con- veyance and utilization. In addition to these major units of the State Water Plan, many storage reservoirs, distribution canals and laterals, pumping plants and other works, both already constructed and to be constructed, would be required and utilized to provide for the full practicable conservation, regulation, distribution and utilization of the water resources. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 197 Major Units for Ultimate Development in San Joaquin River Basin. The physical works of that portion of the State Water Plan for the ultimate development of the San Joaquin River Basin are designed to provide for: 1. The fullest practicable utilization, through the combined means of surface and ground water storage, of all water supplies tribu- tary to the San Joaquin River Basin. 2. The storage and regulation of main San Joaquin River water and its diversion to and utilization in the area on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. 3. The conveyance and distribution of surplus Sacramento River Basin water, made available by storage and regulation with the major units of the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin, to provide for that portion of the water requirements of the San Joaquin Valley which can not be met by the fullest practicable utilization of local water supplies. •i. The substitution, for the main San Joaquin River water now used on lands north of Mendota which the plan proposes to divert to the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley, of imported Sacramento River Basin water and return flow waters of the lower San Joaquin River tributaries. 5. The conveyance and distribution of imported Sacramento River Basin water and return flow waters of the lower San Joaquin River tributaries to undeveloped lands along the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, north and south of Mendota. In the remainder of this chapter, the major units of the plan for the San Joaquin River Basin, designed in accord with the foregoing provisions, are discussed under the following headings : 1. Surface storage reservoirs. 2. Underground reservoirs. 3. Conveyance units. The location of these units are shown on Plate XXVI "Major Units of State Plan for Development of Water Resources of California." The major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin which, by storage and regulation, would provide surplus waters in excess of the full requirements of the Sacramento River Basin for [importation to the San Joaquin Valley, are described in detail in other reports.* They comprise ten surface storage reservoirs on the Sacra- [mento River and its tributaries and one on the Trinity River with a diversion conduit into the Sacramento River Basin, with an aggregate storagre capacity for the eleven reservoirs of 12,687,000 acre-feet. Detailed data on the operation and accomplishments of these reservoirs, 1 particularly as to the amounts of surplus water made available for [importation to the San Joaquin Valley, are presented in the reports cited and are summarized in Chapter VIT. Since the ultimate develop- ment of the San Joaquin River Basin is materially dependent upon the furnishing of substantial amounts of Avater from the Sacramento River * Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan," Division of Water Resources, 1930. Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 198 DI^^SION■ of water resources Basin, the major units of the State "Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin, as described in detail in the reports cited, are considered to be an essential part of the plan for the San Joaquin River Basin. The units in the two basins are interrelated and interdependent in their operations and accomplishments and taken together constitute a unified plan of development for the entire Great Central Valley Basin. In addition to tlie major units of the State Water Plan for the Great Central Valley proper and combined therewith as a part of the Great Central Valley Project, provision is made for furnishing the immediately adjacent San Francisco Bay Basin with required supple- mental water supplies from Great Central Valley sources by conveyance units extending from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta channels into the San Francisco Bay region. Conveyance units for this purpose are described in another report,* and other conduits either could be or have been provided. The city of San Francisco has nearly completed a con- duit from the Hetch Hetchy watershed on the Tuolumne River to pro- vide a municipal and domestic supply for San Francisco and adjacent territories, which will have an ultimate capacity of 400,000,000 gallons daily. The East Bay Municipal Utility District has already completed and is operating a conduit bringing in water from the Mokelumne River to the cities in the East Bay territory for municipal and domestic supply. The proposed ultimate capacity of this conduit is 200,000,000 gallons per day. Allowance has been made in the studies of water supply and utilization in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River basins for the ultimate exportation of these amounts of water to these San Francisco Bay metropolitan areas. SURFACE STORAGE RESERVOIRS The major surface storage units of the ultimate State Water Plan for the San Joaquin River Basin are thirteen in number, located gen- erally immediately above the rim of the valley in the lower foothills. Salient physical data on these reservoir units, having an aggregate storage capacity of 5,130,000 acre-feet, are presented in Table 65. The methods of operation of those reservoirs, the water yields obtained and the accomplishments effected are presented with the discussion of each reservoir in this chapter and further elucidated in Chapter VII. In selecting the locations and sizes of the surface storage units, careful consideration and study wore given to the accomplish- ments sought or desired and the physical and economic limits of devel- opment. The objective was to oljtain the maximum resulting benefits at minimum costs. Analyses Avero made of reservoirs at various sites on each major stream to determine the most feasible location and economic capacity for the to be served. This procedure involved the preparation of cost estimates, both capital and annual, and analy.sos of water yield foi- each site and capacity investigated. For those reservoirs where hydroelectric power jiroduction appeared advantageous the economic installations of the power plants also were carefully considered. Tho ostimatos of cai)ital cost were prepared in considerable detail, based on pi-ieos of materials and labor as of 1929 and 1930. Unit prices ♦ Bulletin No. 28, "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 198 DmSION OF WATER RESOURCES Basin, the major units of the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin, as described in detail in the reports cited, are considered to be an essential part of the plan for the San Joaquin River Basin. The units in the two basins are interrelated and interdependent in their operations and accomplishments and taken together constitute a unified plan of development for the entire Great Central Valley Basin. In addition to tlie major units of the State Water Plan for the Great Central Valley proper and combined therewith as a part of the Great Central Valley Project, provision is made for furnishing the immediately adjacent San Francisco Bay Basin with required supple- mental water supplies from Great Central Valley sources by conveyance units extending from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta channels into the San Francisco Bay region. Conveyance units for this purpose are described in another report,* and other conduits either could be or have been provided. The city of San Francisco has nearly completed a con- duit from the Hetch Hetehy watershed on the Tuolumne River to pro- vide a municipal and domestic supply for San Francisco and adjacent territories, which will have an ultimate capacity of 400,000,000 gallons daily. The East Bay Municipal Utility District has already completed and is operating a conduit bringing in Avater from the Mokelumne River to the cities in the East Bay territory for municipal and domestic supply. The proposed ultimate capacity of this conduit is 200,000,000 gallons per day. Allowance has been made in the studies of water supply and utilization in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River basins for the ultimate exportation of these amounts of water to these San Francisco Bay metropolitan areas. SURFACE STORAGE RESERVOIRS The major surface storage units of the ultimate State Water Plan for the San Joaquin River Basin are thirteen in number, located gen- erally immediately above the rim of the valley in the lower foothills. Salient physical data on these reservoir units, having an aggregate storage capacity of 5,130,000 acre-feet, are presented in Table 65. The methods of operation of these reservoirs, the water yields obtained and the accomplishments effected are presented with the discussion of each reservoir in this chapter and further elucidated in Chapter VII. In selecting the locations and sizes of the surface storage units, careful consideration and study were given to the accomplish- ments sought or desired and the physical and economic limits of devel- opment. The objective was to obtain the maximum resulting benefits at minimum costs. Analyses were made of reservoirs at various sites on each major stream to determine the most feasible location and economic capacity for the purposes to be served. This procedure involved the preparation of cost estimates, both capital and annual, and analyses of water yield for each site and capacity investigated. For those reservoirs where hydroelectric power production appeared advantageous the economic installations of the power plants also were carefully considered. The estimates of ca])ital cost were prepared in considerable detail, based on prices of materials and labor as of 1929 and 1930. Unit prices * Bulletin No. 28, "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers," Division of Water Resources, 1931. I'LATE X.WI /: ^m Units for initial tJevelopment ^" Units for ultimate development /^ •"/N /^ 'M:^maMm'mm. 'j-y X \ x^ # \ •«? V ' > ^»* IP/ir "r-^ \ * A^ ''" ' > MENDOTA-WEST SIDE # " ./ A * ' .^^'^ ?i5»!& ' : 'Mr / / y MAJOR UNITS OF STATE PLAN ' FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA «^ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 199 TABLE 65 ULTIMATE MAJOR SURFACE STORAGE UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Reservoir Stream Tributary drainage area, in square miles Average seasonal ultimate net run-off for 40-year period 1889-1929, in acre feet Height of main dam, in feet Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet Nashville Cosumnes River 435 ■270 575 363 900 1,536 1,034 238 102 1,631 1,544 '264 2,080 290 000 =348,700 820,000 189,000 1,239,000 1,634,000 989,000 70,900 55,200 1,993,000 1,889,000 99,700 714,000 270 120 343 200 460 455 307 147 206 252 274 125 190 281,000 lone Dry Creek .. . . 610,000 Pardee (constructed) Mokelumne River 222,000 Vallev Springs Calaveras River 325,000 Melones . . Stanislaus River 1,090,000 Don Pedro Tiinliimnp Riypr 1,000,000 Exchequer (constructed) Merced River 279,000 Buchanan . Chowchilla River. . . . 84,000 Windy Gap Fresno River 62,000 Friant San Joaquin River •400,000 Pine Flat-- Kings R.iver 400,000 Pleasant Valley Tule River 39,000 Isabella . Kern River 338,000 Total reservoir capacity 5,130,000 1 Area in Dry Creek Basin, only. » Includes 280,000 acre-feet of Mokelumne River water spilled from Pardee Reservoir. » Effective capacity 270,000 acre-feet. * Area above Pleasant Valley site, only. for each reservoir were selected after a study of physical conditions at each dam site and available information on similar projects with com- parable conditions. In fixing excavation prices for each dam, a field examination and studies of geological reports and information devel- oped by subsurface explorations were made. Field examinations also were made in the vicinities of the dam sites to determine the nearest and best sources of materials for concrete aggregates and earth fill embankments. This information was used in fixing unit prices for the dams. Transportation facilities available to each dam site were investigated. Analyses were made of the cost of delivering construc- tion materials to the sites, both by railroad and motor truck. The unit prices used for the principal items of base cost for reservoirs are set forth in Table 66. Costs given are for materials in place. They do not include any amounts for administration, engineering and con- tingencies, or for construction roads and railroads, camps and other miscellaneous items which have been estimated separately for each reservoir in cost estimates thereof hereafter presented. There have been added to the base cost in each estimate, 10 per cent for adminis- tration and engineering, 15 per cent for contingencies, and interest for the estimated period of construction, based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum. The total amount of interest was computed on a basis- of financing each six months work at the beginning thereof and com- pounding the interest to the end of the construction period. The unit price used in estimating the costs of power plants at dam sites, including penstocks, outlets, control works, by-passes and all other appurtenances is $50 per kilovolt ampere for all plants except Melones. The length of tunnel at the latter reservoir necessitated an increase in unit cost to $60 per kilovolt ampere. These prices include overhead and interest during construction. 200 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES OQ <: H g O > u b; o CO u H H C/5 H (Z) O O cfl c« u u a: z O »f5 oooooooopoo — r~ — co-*a»e com a> 00 CM r^oo !Oi^ coo e« -g" •>» — con — e^ — — 'C^ t~ 1 ^ S ^« . 00 1 1 !io 1 1 looooo • ' 'oio IcM 1 1 1 1 -^ *- 00 1 1 It^ 1 1 .00000 1 1 ' — iC^I 1 I 1 • c >^ o MM 1 1 1 ■ liiomoommiii \ 1111 es V > *!»J. , , ,^js,„__ , , , III i i i^ ^ i i i i M i i p^ rt 1 1 10 to III 1 lilt «* ■ 1 . ,-1 ^^ III 1 1 1 1 1 -*A ^ 000 ' 00000 ! ! loooocDO Ieoooo« ^■3 lOO"5 1 00000 1 ; |OOw5.-iO-H j^cM^cv* f^ £: CO Ift CO 1 000000 \ ' 'MO 1 M G) 4) «» «-" CO C^ f-H C^ ■ ' ■ l-* 1 B S (Cos 1^ 000 1 00000 1 1 • eoo c^ CO 000 10 ll oom 1 00000 ' ] jOOO^O^CM-HC^^M ^H CO W5 « 1 t-00000 1 1 leoo e^ .2 •» — CO c^ c^ ' t ' r* fSS PS i-.t t(0 ' 00000 ! I '000000 !cooo-^»o ^> irSOC^J ■ 00000 1 [ iOOiC^O-^ .^CM^C^ ,^ CO 1000 * 00 ^ OS ^ 1 1 icoO « (M •T3 » *• -H CO -^ 1 1 'COO 1 c» ja 0) ** ; ^coM w • ' ' r- i w 2? 3 « tart i- 000 '■ 00000 1 1 'OOOOOO 'COOOOiO -S'g oo« 1 00000 I « iOO*0-hO»-< i»-HM-hC^ ^te COiO t>- ' oo»o^u3-H 1 t leoo i c» V* i-i- ''eJ 1111 1 000 '< 00000 \ \ too 0000 c^coooo»o 1- oco 1 00000 « ' 'O »0'-i ^ M «-t C^ ^H c^ CJ (- r* ,^ coioto ■ OOO^Tj*-- . , tcOO CJ «» »-'COC^»-«c^ ' ' 1 r^ Vail Spri: Reser ... 11; 00 III »o i 'u5 I !ooooo ! ! -oio In ■ 'O • Ut t^ 1 1 t~ • '00»00*« • » i-hO ' C« « '^H 1 *S . 1 • 'irsoocDw^o 111 1 It 1 V > •» Cfl . ' -H 1 10 ; liii ; ; : : : : : »— ( g CO 1 iNOO III 1 II 1 (« II^NkOkC III 1 II 1 «• i ; " : : : i : i : i; oom ' 000 lO t 1 lO !00 coiot~ 1 QOO^H 1*^ 1 1 teoo » >,>.>,>, >*>>>»>»>*>.>* >»^ >.^ T! u U C^ V u H S.H.2 H H H « «.Si n'c'c'a'c'a'c'c « ■ ^^ ■ ^* • •■* ■ ^^ ■ ^* ■ ^* ' ^* ■ ^* jii ■ ^^ m\ *^ ** ^^ ^* •^ *^ *^ (^ * 3 33133 ^J2^^-Q JJ2.a 2^ S3333333S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.5 3.5 O O O O O O 0.5 3 3 3 3 3 0000 ooo(JOOOOiJOj&.aiCua,(i.(imix«CJai2:aiO » SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 201 The estimated annual cost for each reservoir unit comprises interest and amortization on capital investment, and depreciation, operation and maintenance of physical ^vorks. The bases used in estimating the annual costs are as follows : Interest on capital investment, in per cent 4.5 Amortization of capital investment (40-year bonds on 4 per cent sinking fund basis) in per cent of capital cost 1.05 Depreciation — Dam and reservoir, in per cent of capital cost 0.3 Power plant (40-year sinking fund basis at 4 ijer cent) in per cent of capital cost 1.05 Operating expense and maintenance — Dam and reservoir, in per cent of capital cost 0.15 Power plant $10,000 plus $0.65 per kilovolt ampere of installed capacity. Nashville Reservoir on Cosumnes River. The dam site for the Nashville reservoir on the Cosumnes Kiver is located just below the confluence of the main river and Big Indian Creek in the northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 8 North, Range 10 East. M.D.B. and M., about five miles northerly from the town of Plymouth, in Amador and El Dorado counties. The reservoir would be of trifurcated shape, extending up the main river, North Fork and Big Indian Creek. Two lower reservoir sites — one at Wisconsin Bar and the other at Michigan Bar, were investigated, but it was found that their potential capacities were inadequate to give proper regulation. The Nashville site was found to be the most favorable although it has a somewhat smaller watershed. The bulk of the run-off (about 93 per cent), how- ever, originates above the Nashville site. The drainage areas on the Cosumnes River watershed, above Nash- ville dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows: Area above elevation 5000 feet 84 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 212 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 139 square miles Total area above Nashville dam site 435 square miles Present Developmejif on Cosumnes River — Development both above and below the Nashville site is relatively small. No power plants have been constructed. Several ditches originally constructed for min- ing purposes divert water above the Nashville site for irrigation and domestic purposes. The total quantity of water diverted is small in comparison with the run-off of the watershed. The Enterprise Ditch, which heads on the Middle Fork, diverts water also from the South Fork and from a number of minor streams which it crosses on its way toward the town of Pl.vmouth. The Crawford Ditch diverts water from Camp Creek below its junction with Sly Park Creek and serves certain scattered irrigated areas on the ridge between Webber Creek and the Cosumnes River, in the vicinity of El Dorado. The North Fork Exten- sion Ditch diverts water from the North Fork just below its junction with Steeley Fork and supplements the supply of Crawford Ditch. On the lower reaches of the river, certain riparian owners have irrigated farm lands for many years. Diversions are usually made by means of low dams. Also, lands adjacent to the river are flooded during high river stages. The Cosumnes Irrigation Association, a private company, has constructed diversion works about 1.5 miles below Michigan Bar and also a ditch running some six miles west, for 202 DI\^SION OF WATER RESOURCES the irrigation of certain riparian lands, about 1000 acres of which have been irrigated np to the present time. Small pumping plants are used at many points during the summer months. The total diver- sion capacity of riparian owners is estimated as 300 second-feet. No information is available as to quantities actually diverted. Water Siipply — The water supply considered as available for regulation would comprise the run-off of the Cosumnes River above the Nashville dam site after subtracting the gross diversions for certain lands in the American River Basin and all those to be ultimately irrigated above the reservoir, and adding the estimated return flow from the diversions within the Cosumnes River watershed above the reservoir. The net reservoir evaporation loss is estimated at 3.5 feet depth per season on the reservoir surface. For the 40-year period 1889-1929, it is estimated that the average seasonal ultimate net run-off would have been 290,000 acre-feet. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 2000 feet, was prepared b}^ Stephen E. Kieffer from a survey made by him in 1925. A plane table survey of the dam site, scale one inch equals 200 feet, was made by the State in the same year. Table 67 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. TABLE 67 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF NASHVILLE RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet Water surface elevation Area of water surface. Capacity of reservoir, (5-foot freeboard) of reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 25 775 20 200 50 800 60 1.200 75 825 190 4,400 100 850 390 11,500 125 875 640 24,000 150 900 950 44,000 175 925 1,320 72,600 200 950 1,740 110,000 225 975 2,210 159,000 250 1,000 2,730 222,000 270 1,020 3,180 281,000 275 1,025 3,300 297,000 300 1,050 3,890 387,000 325 1,075 4,510 492,000 350 1,100 5,220 613,000 Based upon the ultimate net run-off of the Cosumnes River for the period 1918-1929, the studies show that the selected reservoir capacity of 281,000 acre-feet would have regulated the flow without waste. The reservoir would have a flow line elevation of 1020 feet and a submerged area of 3180 acres. It would back water up the North, Middle and Soutli forks, and Big Indian Creek, and would be some 10 miles in lenglli and one-half mile in average width. The reservoir area consists mostly of mountain land covered with brush and scattering timber of no commercial value. It is used principally for grazing pur])oses. Nashville, the remains of an old mining town, would be flooded. The value of the buildings is small. Several old gold mines and mining claims are within the proposed reservoir area. None are active with the possible exception of the Montezuma Mine. The Mother SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 203 Lode Highway from El Dorado to Plj^mouth traverses the reservoir site and the road is paralleled by a power line (single circuit, 60,000- volt, wood pole). Relocation of ten miles of highway and nine miles of power line would be necessary. The water supply which could be made available from Nashville Reservoir is not sufficient for the requirements of the lands to be served in the service area (Hydrographic Division 13) of the Cosumnes River. It is proposed to obtain required supplemental supplies from the American River. Accordingly, under the ultimate State Water Plan, Nashville Reservoir would be operated coordinately with the supply imported from the American River. With such coordinate operation, the mean annual irrigation yield of Nashville Reservoir, for the 11-year period 1918-1929, would have been 163,000 acre-feet. Details of reservoir yields and utilization are given in Chapter VII. Dam Site — The dam site is a narrow "V" shaped gorge. A geo- logical examination (see Appendix C) shows it to be suitable for a high concrete structure. Solid bed rock (diabase) is exposed in the stream bed. The same formation follows a cliff profile to 125 feet above stream bed. On the higher slopes there is a considerable over- burden of earth and jointing which has weakened the massive rock near the surface so that large blocks have been loosened from the mass. No borings or test pits have been made at the site, but from field exam- ination, it is estimated that the removal of surface and underlying loose blocks would necessitate an average depth of stripping of 20 feet on the right abutment and 25 feet on the left. In the stream bed, which consists of fresh bedrock with tight joints, an average stripping depth of ten feet would be necessary to produce an even surface and prop- erly key the structure. PLATE XXVII NASHVILLE DAM SITE ON COSUMNES RIVER 204 DIVISION or WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXVIII 400 600 Length In feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET ZOO 40O T, 7 N. Votcann O NASHVILLE RESERVOIR COSUMNES RIVER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 205 Dam and Appurtenances — The topography of the dam site and general layout of the dam and appurtenances required are shown on Plate XXVIII, ' ' Nashville Reservoir on Cosumnes River. ' ' The height of the proposed dam is 270 feet above stream bed, including a five-foot freeboard. It is of the gravity-concrete type slightly curved to fit the topography, and has an overflow type of spillway in its center of 60,000 cubic feet per second capacity, controlled by six steel drum gates 50 feet long by 15 feet high. Reserve storage space of 56,000 acre-feet "would be used for flood control. This would require a maxi- mum drawdown of 20 feet, and would result in a regulated flow, exceeded once in one hundred years on the average, of 15,000 seconcl- feet. For the purpose of flood regulation, the plans provide for five ten-foot by ten-foot openings through the dam, located at elevation 975 feet and controlled by gates of the caterpillar type at the upstream face of the dam. Two 48-inch diameter pipes with a discharging capacity of 1200 second feet, when operating under a minimum head of 50 feet, are provided for release of irrigation supplies. The inlet ends of these irrigation outlets are located at elevation 780 feet, and are controlled by two 48-inch needle valves and two four-foot emergency slide gates. No hydroelectric power installation is contemplated at this site. Cost of Nashville Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Nashville Reservoir, estimated in accord wdth bases previously pre- sented in this chapter, are shown in Table 68. TABLE 68 COST O^ NASHVILLE RESERVOIR Height of dam, 270 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 281,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 60,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 1,200 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 15,000 second-feet. Exploration . $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 20,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing 700,000 Excavation for dam, 97,000 cubic yards at $3.00 to $5.00 $314,000 Mass concrete, 465,000 cubic yards at $7.85 3,650,000 Reinforced concrete, 2,000 cubic yards at $18.00 to $30.00 45,000 Spillwfey gates . 120,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 54,000 Flood control outlets 40,000 Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals. _ 50,000 ■ 4,273,000 Miscellaneous 472,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir $5,535,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent 553,000 Contingencies at 15 percent 830,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per annum 482,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $7,400,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir $44 1,000 lone Reservoir on Dry Creek, a Tributary of Mokelumne River. The main dam site for the lone or Arroyo Seco Reservoir on Dry Creek, a tributary of the Mokelumne River, is located in tlie Arroyo Seco Ranch near what would be the west line of sections 7 and 18, Township 5 North, Range 9 East, M.D.B. and M., if the rancho were seetionized, and in Sacramento and San Joaquin counties about one mile west of the Amador County line. Two auxiliary dam sites are located in saddles northerly from the main site. 206 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The Di-y Creek basin, situated between the Cosumnes watershed on the north and the lower Mokelurane on the south, drains the lower slopes and foothills of the Sierra Nevada. It comprises an area of about 270 square miles above the dam site and rises to a maximum elevation of about 4300 feet. The total length of the watershed above the dam site is about 33 miles and the maximum width is about thirteen miles. The reservoir site is so situated that, in addition to the run-off naturally tributary from the Dry Creek basin, excess waters of the Mokelumne River after Pardee Reservoir has filled could be diverted into lone Reservoir through the constructed Jackson Creek spillway located on the ridge between the two watersheds. As such water spilled from the Pardee Reservoir would occur in wet years only, cyclic storage would be necessary for its utilization. Water Sup'ply — The water supply considered available for regula- tion at this site would comprise the run-off of Dry Creek above the lone Dam site less the net diversions for lands to be irrigated ultimately above the reservoir, and the excess Mokelumne River water spilled from Pardee Reservoir. The net reservoir evaporation loss is estimated as four feet in depth per season on the reservoir surface. The average seasonal ultimate net run-off, which would have been available for regulation at this site for the 40-year period 1889-1929, is 68,700 acre- feet, excluding spill from Pardee Reservoir. In addition, water spilled from Pardee Reservoir would have been available for regulation, amounting to 280,000 acre-feet, average seasonal for the 40-year period. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 2000 feet, and one of the main dam site, scale one inch equals 200 feet, were prepared from surveys made in 1925 by Stephen E. Kieffer. The State made surveys and prepared maps of the auxiliary dam sites in the same year. Table 69 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. TABLE 69 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF lONE RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (10-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 40 60 80 100 120 140 190 210 230 250 270 290 1,400 3,700 6,800 10,700 14,800 18,700 20,000 75,000 181,000 360,000 610,000 930,000 The capacity selected for amount of storage that would waste the ultimate net run-off spilled from Pardee Reservoir reservoir, with a flow line elev Jackson and Dry creeks about width of about four miles and the reservoir, 610,000 acre-feet, is the have been required to regulate without of Dry Creek and the additional water for the 11-year period, 1918-1929. This at ion of 270 feet, would back water up eight miles. It would have an average a surface area of 14,800 acres. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 207 The lands which would be included in the reservoir are mostly agricultural and range in quality from poor pasture land to that which is suitable for orchards. Several roads cross the reservoir site and would require relocation. The main road from Clements to lone has an oiled or asphalt surface. The construction of 10 miles of new roads, 18 miles of reconstructed road and one highway bridge about 100 feet in length would be required if the dam were constructed. The lone Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad would be flooded for a portion of its length and the construction of 4.5 miles of new roadbed, together with three bridges having an aggregate length of 300 feet, would be required for its relocation. Under the ultimate State Water Plan, lone Reservoir would be operated coordinately with Pardee and Valley Springs reservoirs, on the Mokelumne and Calaveras rivers, respectively, together with imported supplies from the American River to furnish the water requirements of the lands to be served in hydrographic divisions 12 and 12A. With such coordinate operation, the mean annual irrigation yield from lone Reservoir for the 11-year period, 1918-1929, would have been 150,000 acre-feet, including Mokelumne River water obtained by regulation of spill averaging 92,500 acre-feet annualh^, from Pardee Reservoir. This spill would have been the supply contributed from Mokelumne River after operating the Pardee Reservoir to yield a municipal supply of 200,000,000 gallons per day and an average annual irrigation supply of 294,000 acre-feet. Details of reservoir yields and utilization are given in Chapter VII. Dam Site — The dam site is a relatively wide "U" shaped gap cut by the stream through a long rounded ridge. A geological examination of the site (See Appendix C) shows the formation to be sedimentary, consisting of nearly horizontally stratified fine to coarse grained tuifaceous sandstone beds, interbedded with siliceous shale members and conglomerate. The stream bed has an alluvial covering with an average thickness of 35 feet. The formation is considered inadequate to support a masonry dam but entirely satisfactory for an earth fill dam. The auxiliary dam sites are in saddles just northerly from the main site and the formations are of the same rock series as the upper 50 feet of the main site. Stripping might be limited to the removal of the top soil and vegetation only. A cut-off for the dam would be keyed into the rock which, though porous to a certain degree, is believed from available information to be sufficiently fine textured in the sand- stone and conglomerate matrix to be practically impervious. Dams and Appurtenances — The topography of the dam site and general layout of the proposed dam, auxiliary dams and appurtenances are shown on Plate XXX, "lone Reservoir on Dry Creek." The main dam is an earth fill section with a length along the crest of 3750 feet and a maximum height of 120 feet. There are two auxiliary dams, designated on the plans as Dam " A " and Dam " B. " Dam " A " has a crest length of 2580 feet and a maximum height of 40 feet. Dam "B" is 300 feet long with a maximum height of 15 feet. All three dams have a theoretical cross section with a crest width of 20 feet and upstream and downstream slopes of 3 to 1 and 2^ to 1 respectively. The spillway is located on the left abutment of auxiliary Dam "A". 208 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES This is a concrete structure consisting partly of a section controlled by five steel drum gates 15 feet high by 45 feet long and partly of an uncontrolled overpour -weir section. The capacity of the spillway is 42,000 second-feet with a reservoir level at elevation 270 feet or 10 feet below the crest level of the dams. A reinforced concrete conduit is provided under the right abut- ment of the main dam for the release of irrigation supplies. The capacity of this conduit is 750 second-feet under a minimum head of eight feet. The conduit, 10 feet in diameter and 700 feet in length, is controlled by two, 5 feet by 5 feet, caterpillar type gates on the outer PLATE XXIX lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK, A TRIBUTARY OF MOKELUMNE RIVER side of a reinforced concrete gate tower, and one, 7 feet by 7 feet, emergency gate of the same type on the inside of the tower. Reserve storage space of 121,000 acre-feet requiring a maximum drawdown of 9 feet would be used for the control of floods, including flood diver- sions through the Jackson Creek Spillway from the Pardee Reservoir. This would result in a regulated flow of 5000 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years on the average. Flood control regulation is secured through the operation of the drum gates in the spillway section, which have a capacity of twice the regulated flow of 5000 second-feet with the reservoir level at elevation 261 feet. No hydroelectric power devel- opment is proposed at this site. Cost of lone Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of lone Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are shown in Table 70. PLATE XXX Valley Springs T. 4 N 2.S0 lONE RESERVOIR ON DRY CREEK A TRIBUTARY OF MOKELUMNE RIVER 208 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES This is a concrete structure consisting partly of a section controlled by five steel drum gates 15 feet liigli by 45 feet long and partly of an uncontrolled overpour woir section. The capacity of the spillway is 42,000 second-feet with a reservoir level at elevation 270 feet or 10 feet below the crest level of the dams. A reinforced concrete conduit is provided under the right abut- ment of the main dam for the release of irrigation supplies. The capacity of this conduit is 750 second-feet under a minimum head of eight feet. The conduit, 10 feet in diameter and 700 feet in length, is controlled by two, 5 feet by 5 feet, caterpillar type gates on the outer PLATE XXIX lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK, A TRIBUTARY OF MOKELUMNE RIVER side of a reinforced concrete gate tower, and one, 7 feet by 7 feet, emergency gate of the same type on the inside of the tower. Reserve storage space of 121,000 acre-feet requiring a maximum drawdown of 9 feet would be used for the control of floods, including flood diver- sions through the Jackson Creek Spillway from the Pardee Reservoir. This would result in a regulated flow of 5000 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years on the average. Flood control regulation is secured through the operation of the drum gates in the spillway section, which have a capacity of twice the regulated flow of 5000 second-feet with the reservoir level at elevation 261 feet. No hydroelectric power devel- opment is proposed at this site. Cost of lone Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of lone Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are shown in Table 70. PLATE XXX : ""'" ■ 11 MM lev i«o ft "2_- ^-rwaf /"" •«'■ " - — ~ - - T 1 SOO I200 I600 Length m feet PROFILE OF AUXILIARY DAM'A" lOokinc upstream AUXILIARY DAM'A" lONE RESERVOIR DRY CREEK V TRIBUTARY OF MOKELUMNE RIVER j SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 209 TABLE 70 COST OF lONE RESERVOIR Height of dam, 120 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 610,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 42,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlet, 750 second-feet. Exploration $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 60,000 I—ids and improvements flooded and clearing 2,528,000 '^'-'■■ivation for dams, 152,000 cubic yards at $0.35 to $2.00 $103,000 harth fill in dams, 3,167,000 cubic yards at $0.75 2,375,000 L.iiiforced concrete face, 21,000 cubic yards at $15.00 315,000 ■^''-cellaneous reinforced concrete cut-off walls, 6,000 cubic yards at $15.00 to $28.00 95,000 uway gates 93,000 Iway channel _ 543,000 ii.igation outlet tower, conduit and gates 70,000 — 3,594,000 Miscellaneous 168,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir $6,360,000 ' ' linistration and engineering at 10 per cent 636,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent. 954,000 I...;jrest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 650,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $8,600,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir $517,000 Pardee Reservoir on Mokelumne River. The Pardee Reservoir is located on the Mokelumne River in Amador and Calaveras counties in Township 5 North, Ranges 10 and j^l East, M.D.B. and M., about five miles northerlj^^ from the town of "^^alley Springs. It is already developed by the East Bay Municipal Utility District to a capacity of 222,000 acre-feet which it is estimated by the district will furnish a supply of two hundred million gallons daily. The Jackson Creek Spillway, located and designed to discharge irplus waters of the Mokelumne River into the Dry Creek watershed, «lso is constructed. The drainage areas on the ]\Iokelumne River watershed, above the ardee Dam are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 5000 feet 317 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 194 square miles -■^rea below elevation 2500 feet 64 square miles Total area above Pardee Dam 575 square miles A contour map of the reservoir site, scale one inch equals 2000 feet, was prepared by Stephen E. Kieffer from surveys made in 1925. ""he East Bay Municipal Utility District prepared a contour map of the dam site, scale one inch equals 50 feet, in 1926. Table 71 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. These data were -•btained from the East Bay Municipal Utility District. The reservoir when filled to its present constructed capacity at low line elevation 567.5 feet will be capable of diverting water through he Jackson Creek spillway. A larger storage capacity at this site is •mnecessary as all spill therefrom probably can be conserved more 'economically in the lone Reservoir. The area included in the reservoir was undeveloped and without improvements. It consisted mostly of characteristic mountain land, steep, rocky and, in its natural state, partially covered with brush and -^.mall timber. All land below the flow line has been cleared. A full reservoir submerges an area of 2134 acres. The location of the exist- ing dam and reservoir is shown on the location map on Plate XXX. 14 — S0997 210 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 71 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF PARDEE RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet .\rea of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 55 280 38 500 75 300 75 1,620 95 320 115 3,470 115 340 173 6,300 135 360 250 10,500 155 380 350 16,400 175 400 464 24,500 195 420 611 35,200 215 440 758 48,800 235 460 920 65,500 255 480 1,097 85,600 275 500 1.294 109,500 295 520 1,490 137,200 315 540 1,722 169,300 335 560 2,005 206,500 342.5 567.5 2,134 222.000 The dam is located in Section 26, Township 5 South, Range 10 East. It is of the arched gravity type, 343 feet in height from stream bed to crest and curved in plan to a radius of 1200 feet measured from the upstream or back line of the dam. The crest length is 1337 feet and the maximum thickness at stream bed 241 feet. A spillway with a capacity of 100,000 cubic feet per second is provided in a natural gap about 1000 feet south of the dam and has a total length of over- flow of 800 feet. It discharges upon a broad apron of reinforced concrete and is graduallj^ contracted by training walls into a canyon which leads back into the Mokelumne River about 1000 feet below the dam. The sluiceways consist of two 42-inch and two 72-inch diameter cast iron pipes. At the downstream end of each a Larner-Johnson discharge regulator and a butterfly valve of the same size as the sluice- way pipe are installed. A two-mile tunnel leads from an outlet tower in the reservoir to the main East Bay Municipal Utility District pipe line. A power plant with an installed capacity of 18,750 kilovolt amperes located at the downstream toe of the dam is included in the project. It has two generators with a normal output capacity of 7500 kilowatts each. The maximum head on the power plant is 327.5 feet. The annual output was estimated by the district at from 70,000,000 to 125,000,000 kilowatt hours. From July 1, 1931, to June 30, 1932, the output was 58,966,300 kilowatt liours. The penstocks consist of two cast-iron pipes, 72 inches in diameter. A 72-inch butterfly valve is provided between each penstock and the water wheels of the power plant. The Jackson Creek spillway is located at the head of Jackson Creek in a topographic saddle on the divide between the Mokelumne River and Dry Creek watersheds. It is a concrete structure of 16,000 second-feet capacity, consisting of a battery of sixteen siphons, each having throat dimensions of four by twelve feet. The siphons are provided with gates which are sealed at present. The structure was built with the idea of discharging surplus waters into the proposed storage reservoir on Dry Creek and will not be permitted to function until such time as the lone Reservoir is constructed. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 211 The following summary of costs of the Pardee development has been furnished by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Construction item Contract cost Non-contract cost Pardee Reservoir $337 35 $1,005,860 33 Pardee Dam 5,850,724 86 147,884 95 Pardee Power House 568,100 90 83,970 50 South Spillway 545,939 77 22,994 40 Jackson Creek Spillway 235,496 20 6,77 9 82 Reservoir roads 50,703 57 6,090 00 Reservoir fencing 14,364 20 Railroad right of ways 5,230 01 Pardee Outlet Tower ■ 192,412 49 7,297 44 Pardee Tunnel 878,953 94 23,228 40 Camp Pardee 74,994 85 51,295 24 Patrolmen's houses 12,250 17 Other items 47,500 79 $1,434,746 25 9,832,410 18 785,987 61 409,979 80 7,512 38 Direct costs $8,397,663 93 Total direct cost Overhead (engineering, administration, etc.) Interest during construction Operating charges Total Pardee development $11,035,889 97 Water Supply and Yield — The average seasonal ultimate net run- off above Pardee Dam for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is estimated at 820,000 acre-feet per season. Details of ultimate net run-off have been presented in Chapter II. In the State Plan, the present constructed reservoir would be operated in conjunction with the proposed Valley Springs Reservoir on Calaveras River, the lone Reservoir on Dry Creek and the importation of water from the American River to furnish a surface supply with a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent, in an excep- tionally dry year, to the irrigable areas in hydrographic divisions 12 and 12A. The combined yields and deficiencies are set forth in Chapter VII. With such coordinate operation, the estimated average annual irrigation yield for the 11-year period 1918-1929 from Pardee Reser- voir alone would have been 294,000 acre-feet in addition to furnishing the East Bay Municipal Utility District a full supply of 200,000,000 gallons per day and an average annual spill into lone Reservoir of about 92,500 acre-feet. In making these yield studies it was estimated that the net depth of evaporation loss from the reservoir surface would be 3.5 feet per season. Other Developments on Mokelumne River — Above the Pardee reservoir, the North Fork of the Mokelumne River has been developed for hydroelectric power by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The system includes six storage reservoirs, three forebay reservoirs, one afterbay, three canals and three power houses. The principal physical features of the larger reservoirs are as follows : Drainage Water Height of area, surface dam above Capacity, in elevation, streambed. in Reservoir square miles i7i feet in feet acre-feet Salt Springs 160.0 3,947 300 130,000 Twin Lakes 0.8 8,172 22 1 309 Upper Blue Lake 2.7 8,131 31 7,106 Lower Blue Lake 4.8 8,040 48 4,190 Meadow Lake 5.5 7,773 73 6,021 Bear River Reservoir 28.5 5,875 80 6,712 Tabeaud Forebay 2.0 1,960 120 1,200 Tiger Creek Afterbay 360.0 2,331 105 3,800 Total 160,338 212 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The power plants have a total installed generating capacity of 91,000 kilovolt-amperes, segregated as follows : Installation Power plant in kilovolt amperes Salt Springs ^ 11,000 Tiger Creek 60,000 Electra 20,000 Total 91,000 PLATE XXXI PARDEE DAM ON MOKELUMNE RIVER Further storage development is projected on Bear River and addi- tional power installations are contemplated at Salt Springs, Electra and West Point. These developments would result in additional installed capacities of 30,000 kilovolt amperes at Salt Springs, 15,000 kilovolt amperes at West Point and 40,000 kilovolt amperes at Electra. Small diversions are made through power company ditches for domestic use in the town of Jackson. Many diversions have been made through ditches on the headwaters of the stream for mining use. Records as to amounts diverted are not available. Most of these ditches have been abandoned and the amounts taken by those still operating are believed to be relatively small. Diversion from the Mokelumne River below the Pardee Dam is made by the Woodbridge Irrigation District, containing a gross area of 13,851 acres, of which 6184 acres were irrigated in 1929. Approxi- mately 4000 acres of riparian lands are irrigated by pumping plants located along the river between Pardee Dam and the mouth of Dry Creek. i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 213 Valley Springs Reservoir on Calaveras River. The dam site for the Valley Springs Reservoir is located in a narrow canyon just below the confluence of Bear Creek and the main river in the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 4 North, Range 11 East, M.D.B. and M., about three miles southerly from the town of Valley Springs, in Calaveras County. Immediately above the dam site the canyon widens out into a broad basin. The reservoir site extends to the forks of the Calaveras River about two miles west of San Andreas. The Hogan Dam recently has been completed by the City of Stockton at the Valley Springs dam site for the purpose of controlling floods on the Calaveras River to afford flood protection to Stockton and adjacent areas. The completed structure is a concrete variable radius arch dam with concrete gravity type abutments. The spillway, with an overall length of 616.25 feet, extends for the entire length of the arch. The spillway crest is at two elevations, the central portion, 375 feet long, having its crest at elevation 637.5 and adjoining portions on either side having a crest elevation of 649 feet. The maximum height of the arch dam in the center of the spillw^ay is 107.5 feet above stream- bed. The capacity of the reserv^oir at elevation 637.5 feet is 76,000 acre- feet. The crests of the gravity abutments are at elevation 655.5 feet. An earth embankment 227 feet in length is constructed at the extreme end of the right abutment. Nine flood control outlets, 5^ feet in diameter, are provided through the dam. Four of these outlets are at elevation 557 feet, three at elevation 584 feet and one each at elevation 600 feet and 614 feet. These flood openings have no gate controls. The discharge capacity of these flood openings, with a reservoir level at elevation 655.5, is approximately 12,800 second-feet. The capacity of the spillw^ay with this same reservoir level is approximately 96,000 second-feet, making the combined capacity of the spillway and flood outlets approximately 108,800 second-feet. The cost of the structure is reported as $1,189,157. Tentative plans are proposed for raising the dam sometime in the future to increase the reserA'oir capacity to 165,000 acre-feet for the purpose of obtaining a greater degree of flood protec- tion tlian that afforded by the present structure. Preliminary investigations were made of several other sites. The principal ones are the North Branch site on the main river, the Ken- tucky House site on the South Fork and the McCarthy site on the North Fork. These investigations showed the Valley Springs site to be the most suitable for the purpose desired. The drainage areas on the Calaveras River watershed, above the Valley Springs dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 5000 feet 3 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 90 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 270 square miles Total area above Valley Springs dam site 363 square miles Present Developments on Calaveras River — There are no important diversions above the Valley Springs dam site. Below the site, from Jenny Lind to Stockton, a number of pumping plants divert water from the river for agricultural purposes. No information is at hand to indicate the extent and amount of these diversions. The recently 214 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES organized Linden Irrigation District of 13,700 acres proposes to secure water from the Calaveras River. About 6000 acres in this district were irrigated from wells in 1929. Water Supply — The water supply which would be regulated in the Valley Springs reservoir is the ultimate net run-off of the Calaveras River, averaging 189,000 acre-feet per season for the 40-year period 1889-1929. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 500 feet, was prepared by Galloway and Markwart from a survey made in 1910. The city of Stockton prepared a contour map of the dam site, scale one inch equals 50 feet, in 1925. Table 72 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam based on those surveys. TABLE 72 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF VALLEY SPRINGS RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 16 540 23 100 36 560 184 1,900 65 580 482 8,500 76 600 872 22,000 96 620 1,354 44,200 115 640 1,837 76,200 135 660 2,342 117,900 156 680 2,904 170,300 175 700 3,489 234,200 196 720 4,167 310,600 200 725 4,300 325,000 205 730 4,545 354,100 The capacity of the reservoir proposed for ultimate development is 325,000 acre-feet. It would have a flow line elevation of 725 feet. Water would be backed up to the junction of the North and South forks, a distance of about eight miles, submerging an area of 4300 acres. A reservoir capacity of 160,000 acre-feet is required, in addition to the projected capacity of 165,000 acre-feet for flood control, for the purpose of equalizing the flow to meet irrigation demands. This additional capacity would have regulated the entire available stream flow of the Calaveras River for the 11-year period, 1918-1929. This would have been accomplishod without infringing on the flood regulation capacity of 365,000 acre-feet desired and partially developed by the city of Stockton to control flood flows to a maximum of 25,000 second-feet which would be exceeded once in 100 years on the average. This amount of flood control capacity was added to give the total selected reservoir capacity. The Calaveras Reservoir would be operated coordi- nately with the Pardee and lone reservoirs and imported water supplies from the American River to provide the water requirements in hydro- graphic divisions 12 nnd 12A. With such coordinate operation, the capacity proposed for irrigation alone would have furnished an average seasonal yield for the H-year period 1918-1929 of 98,000 acre-feet. In making the yield studies at this site, it was estimated that the net .seasonal evaporation loss would be 3.5 feet in depth on the reservoir SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 215 surface. Details of reservoir yield and utilization are given in Chap- ter VII. There is some agricultural land within the proposed reservoir, but most of the area to be flooded, above the present city of Stockton reservoir, is grazing land. There are few county roads traversing the reservoir site which are not flooded by the existing development. , The flow line of the proposed reservoir may come sufficiently close to the roadbed and bridge floors of the Lodi-San Andreas highway to neces- sitate construction of new bridges over the North Fork and North Branch Creek, and relocation of about one and one-quarter miles of highway. The flow line also may be sufficiently high on the grade of the Southern Pacific-Calaveras Cement Company Railway to require relocation of about three miles of that line, together with the construc- tion of a bridge over the North Fork. For this reason both the highway and railroad relocations have been included in the reservoir cost estimate. Dam Site — Previous to the construction of the present dam by the city of Stockton, the site was tested by diamond drill borings, and much additional information was secured during construction as to the adequacy of the foundations and probable depth of stripping required for the proposed structure. Sound rock is found at shallow depths at and near the stream bed, at depths ranging from 15 to 50 feet on the right abutment and from 10 to 40 feet on the left. The character of the bedrock is entirely satisfactory for supporting the proposed structure. Dam and Appurtenances — Topography of the dam site and general layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances required to effect the desired irrigation storage and flood control are shown on Plate PLATE XXXII HOGAN DAM ON CALAVERAS RIVER 216 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES XXXIII, "Valley Springs Reservoir on Calaveras River." The dam is a concrete gravity type structure, having a maximum height of 200 feet above streambed, and slightly cui^ved in plan to follow a ridge on either side of the canyon. The overflow spillway, located at the left abutment of the dam and controlled by nine steel drum gates 20 feet high by 50 feet long, would discharge into a natural draw that joins the river about a quarter of a mile below the dam site. The spillway capacity with 5 feet of freeboard on the dam is estimated at 140,000 second-feet or about two and one-half times the once-in-25-year flood. The reserve space of 165,000 acre-feet proposed for flood control, would require a maximum drawdown of 48 feet. Regulation would be obtained by ten 9-foot by 9-foot openings through the dam with a center line elevation of 652 feet, controlled by sluice gates of the caterpillar type. Floods could be controlled to a maximum value of 25,000 second- feet, exceeded once in one hundred years on the average. Irrigation water would be released through two 42-inch diameter pipes ha\ang a combined discharging capacity of 800 second-feet, under a minimum head of 50 feet. The elevation of outlets is 540 feet. The releases Avould be controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. No hydroelectric power development is proposed at this site. Cost of Valley Springs Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Valley Springs Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are shown in Table 73. Since the proposed dam would provide equivalent flood protection to that proposed by the city of Stockton, the cost estimate does not include any amount for the value of the present dam. TABLE 73 COST OF VALLEY SPRINGS RESERVOIR Height of dam, 200 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 325,000 acre-fcct. Capacity of spillway, 140,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 800 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 25,000 second-feet. Kxploration - $10,000 Diversion of river during construction -- 20,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing -- 830,000 Excavation for dam, 339,000 cubic yards at $1.00 to $5.00 $860,000 Mass concrete, 490,000 cubic yards at $6.30 - 3,087,000 Reinforced concrete, 5,700 cubic yards at $18 to $30 120,000 Spillway gates 270,000 Spillway channel 220,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways - - 50,000 Flood control outlets . 76,000 Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals -. 100,000 4,783,000 Miscellaneous 41,000 Subtotal $5,684,000 Administration and engineering at 10 per cent 568,000 Contingencies at 15 percent. 853,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 495,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $7,600,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir - $452,000 In calculating the annual cost, it was assumed that the city of Stockton would pay the cost of the bonded indebtedness on the present development since it would receive at least equivalent service under the State Plan. Therefore, the figure for annual cost does not include any amount for the annual of the jjvcscnt dam and reservoir but does PLATE XXXIII LOCATION MAP SCALE OF MILES o A e J CoppTOpOll> ^ i^ VALLEY SPRINGS RESERVOIR CALAVERAS RIVER 80997 216 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES XXXIII, "Valley Springs Reservoir on Calaveras River." The dam is a concrete gravity type structure, having a maximum height of 200 feet above streambed, and slightly curved in plan to follow a ridge on either side of the canyon. The overflow spillway, located at the left abutment of the dam and controlled by nine steel drum gates 20 feet high by 50 feet long, would discharge into a natural draw that joins the river about a quarter of a mile below the dam site. The spillway capacity with 5 feet of freeboard on the dam is estimated at 140,000 second-feet or about two and one-half times the once-in-25-year flood. The reserve space of 165,000 acre-feet proposed for flood control, would require a maximum drawdown of 48 feet. Regulation would be obtained by ten 9-foot by 9-foot openings through the dam with a center line elevation of 652 feet, controlled by sluice gates of the caterpillar type. Floods could be controlled to a maximum A^alue of 25,000 second- feet, exceeded once in one hundred years on the average. Irrigation water would be released through two 42-inch diameter pipes having a combined discharging capacity of 800 second-feet, under a minimum head of 50 feet. The elevation of outlets is 540 feet. The releases Avould be controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. No hydroelectric power development is proposed at this site. Cost of Valley Si^ri^W^ Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Valley Springs Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are shown in Table 73. Since the proposed dam would provide equivalent flood protection to that proposed by the city of Stockton, the cost estimate does not include any amount for the value of the present dam. TABLE 73 COST OF VALLEY SPRINGS RESERVOIR Height of dam, 200 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 325,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 140,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 800 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 25,000 second-feet. Kxploration $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 20,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing 830,000 Excavation for dam, .339,000 cubic yards at $1.00 to $5.00 $860,000 Mass concrete, 490,000 cubic yards at $6.30 3,087,000 Reinforced concrete, 5,700 cubic yards at $18 to $30 120.000 Spillwav gates 270,000 .Spillway channel 220,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways — 50,000 Flood control outlets 76,000 Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals 100,000 4,783.000 Miscellaneous 41,000 Subtotal $5,684,000 Administration and engineering at 10 percent 568.000 Contingencies at 15 per cent. _.- 853,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 percent per annum 495,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $7,600,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir - $452,000 In calculating the annual cost, it was assumed that the city of Stockton would pay the cost of the bonded indebtedness on the present development since it would receive at least equivalent service under the State Plan. Therefore, the figure for annual cost does not include any amount for tlie annual of tlio ])n'scnt dam and reservoir but does PLATE XXXIII FLOOD CONT SECTION BO 1 SPIL .», V SECTION ^cneST ELEV 7 30 PEET ELEV 703 FEET. S 2 s,^^^. ..>..- -.w r..i., -^ \ . ^ C —r-T'-'T^ — ' — , ~ — ~ -] "^TT^F^Trrr- OH4VITT CONCnEIE DAM ^^4^ ■"["' .... '"!"" - T-T- ' 1 ^- Natural srou" Olu ^^^^^^^^rrTzrr^ ^^^^<<^ ■^ 1 ; : ; SU400 1 1 i ! ^ 3 ^ ■ , 1 1 1 1 i 1 c 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 52 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAM VALLEY SPRINGS RESERVOIR CALAVERAS RIVER T33' Oe^ V3J3 008 3 '^ ood r C tu — ' oos JAfl3l^30 Te«08 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 217 include the cost of furnishing the service now rendered by the present development by means of the proposed works. Melones Reservoir on Stanislaus River. The dam site for the Melones reservoir on the Stanislaus River is located about 1000 feet upstream from the existing Melones Power Plant and about 3600 feet downstream from the constructed Melones dam of the South San Joaquin and Oakdale irrigation districts. It is situated in what is known locally as Iron Canyon in the southeast quarter of Section 10 and the southwest quarter of Section 11, Town- ship 1 North, Range 13 East, IM.D.B. and ]\I., about six miles westerly from the town of Jamestown, in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties. Two other reservoir sites, one with a dam at the Black Creek dam site about eight miles below the Melones site and the other with a dam at the Robinson's Ferry dam site about 11.5 miles above the Melones site, were investigated, but it was found that their potential capacities were inadequate to give the desired regulation of the run-off of the Stanislaus River. The Melones site is the only one capable of being developed to the required capacity. The drainage areas on the Stanislaus River watershed, above the Melones dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 5000 feet 555 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 205 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 140 square miles Total area above Melones dam site 900 square miles Present Developments on Stanislaus River — Above the Melones site, the conduit of the Utica Mining Company, with a capacity of 8S second-feet, diverts water from the North Fork about seven miles above its junction with Middle Fork. The water is carried a distance of 23 miles to the vicinity of Murphy where it is dropped 527 feet to a power plant on Angels Creek. Part of the water is then used for irrigation, mining and domestic purposes near the towns of Murphy, Vallecito and Angels. A total of 1400 acres is irrigated by the system. About three miles below the power plant, water is rediverted from Angels Creek to the forebay of Angels Power Plant. Here it is dropped 450 feet and, after passing through the plant, flows down the creek to the Stanislaus River above the Melones site. The electrical installation at Murphy is 1500 kilovolt amperes and at Angels 650 kilovolt amperes. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company has an extensive power develop- ment on the Middle and South Forks. The Spring Gap Plant, with an installed capacity of 7500 kilovolt amperes, and the Stanislaus Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 34,000 kilovolt amperes, are located on the Middle Fork. "Water also is diverted from the South Fork to the latter plant. The Phoenix Plant, with an installed capacity of 1875 kilovolt amperes, is located on Sullivan Creek in the Tuolumne River watershed, but receives its water through the old Main Tuolumne Ditch which heads at an altitude of 4000 feet at Lyons Dam Reservoir on the South Fork of Stanislaus River. The Melones Mining Company Power Plant (now owned by the South San Joaquin and Oakdale irrigation districts and leased to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company), with an installed capacity of 1000 kilovolt amperes, is located about seven miles 218 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES upstream from the existing Melones Dam and diverts water from the main Stanislaus River. In connection with the foregoing power developments, many reser- voirs have been constructed. The larger of these have a combined storage capacity of 55,900 acre-feet, distributed as follows : Relief Reservoir on Relief Creek 15,100 acre-feet Utica Reservoir on North Fork 2,400 acre-feet Union Reservoir on North Pork 2,000 acre-feet Silver Valley Reservoir on North Fork 4,600 acre-feet Upper Strawberry Reservoir on South Fork 1,200 acre-feet Lower Strawberry Reservoir on South Fork 17,900 acre-feet Lyons Dam Reservoir on South Fork 5,500 acre-feet Spicer Meadows Reservoir on Highland Creek 7,200 acre-feet The South San Joaquin and Oakdale irrigation districts jointly have constructed a reservoir at the Melones site, with a storage capacity of 112,500 acre-feet. The dam is located about 3600 feet upstream from the dam site proposed for ultimate development. It is arched in plan, has a height of 183 feet above stream bed and a crest length of 590 feet. The center section, 450 feet in length, has a constant radius of 238 feet on the upstream face. The wings are of the gravity type, with a com- bined length of 140 feet. The spillway extends across the top of the dam, and is divided by piers into nine sections, each containing a steel drum gate. An outlet tunnel equipped with large needle valves enters the reservoir beneath the south abutment. This tunnel extends down- stream below the irrigation outlet valves to supply a power plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company having an installed capacity of 27,000 kilovolt amperes. The project was constructed under an agreement, dated January 2, 1925, between the two districts and the Pacific Gas and Electric Com- pany. Under the terms of this agreement, the maximum capacity of Melones Reservoir is fixed at 112,500 acre-feet, with 103,500 acre-feet available for withdrawal each year, to be shared equally between the two districts. The cost of Melones Dam and Reservoir, amounting to $2,351,000, is divided equally between the two districts. The power company constructed and bore the cost of the power plant below the dam. From March 1 to October 31 of each year the control of the stored water is in the hands of the districts, Avith the maximum with- drawal from stored water to be at the rate of 1500 second-feet. All inflows less than 1000 second-feet must be released through the power plant. The releases for irrigation pass through the power plant when needed. From November 1 to March 1 operation of the reservoir is placed under the direction of the power company, which must release sufficient water to fill a lower reservoir as well as any additional water needed by the districts for irrigation or domestic use. For the use of water passing through Melones Reservoir, the power company pays to the two districts, jointly, the sum of $5,175,000 in semiannual install- ments of $64,687.50, these payments to be used by the districts to cover interest and principal of the bonds issued for the construction of Melones Dam. When the bonds have been fully paid, this income is to be available to the districts for other purposes. Other provisions of the contract cover storage rights of the power company above Melones lieservoir, release of the water so stored to the districts, maintenance and upkeep of the reservoir and other related matters. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 219 The Oakdale Irrigation District has a gross area of 74,240 acres of which 23,321 acres were irrigated in 1929, and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District a gross area of 71,112 acres of which 54,340 acres were irrigated in the same year. Water Supply — The water supply available for regulation at the Melones site would be the ultimate net run-off of the Stanislaus River for which the mean seasonal value for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is estimated at 1,239,000 acre-feet. Details of ultimate net run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the pro- posed dam site, scale one inch equals 100 feet, was made by the State in 1930. The areas and capacities of reservoirs for various heights of dam, as set forth in Table 74, have been obtained up to elevation 740 feet from the contour map for the existing reservoir, scale one inch equals 200 feet, prepared by the South San Joaquin and Oakdale irrigation districts in 1921. For areas and capacities above that elevation, the U. S. G. S. topographic maps were used. TABLE 74 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF MELONES RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 115 620 220 4,500 135 640 420 10,700 155 660 680 21,500 175 680 930 37,600 195 700 1,220 59,000 215 720 1,560 87,000 235 740 1,940 122,000 255 760 2,300 165,000 275 780 2,650 215.000 295 800 3,070 272,000 315 820 3,550 336,000 335 840 4,050 409,000 355 860 4,550 492,000 376 880 5,000 590,000 395 900 5,540 702,000 415 920 6,200 808,000 435 940 6,850 927,000 455 960 7,500 1,059,000 460 965 7,700 1,090.000 475 980 8,150 1,203,000 495 1,000 8,770 1,368,000 The capacity selected for the proposed Melones Reservoir is 1,090,000 acre-feet. This size of reservoir is required to furnish a^ dependable surface irrigation supply to the lands which are and would \ be dependent naturally on the Stanislaus River for such supply. This supply could have been made available by this reservoir during the \ 40-year period, 1889-1929, without resort to ground water storage with ) an average deficiency of less than two per cent per year. It would have' a flow line elevation of 965 feet. At this elevation the reservoir basin would have a length of ten miles and a maximum width of one and one-' quarter miles. The area flooded would be 7700 acres. The flooded area, exclusive of that now included in the present Melones Reservoir, consists of 5880 acres of rough mountainous land. 220 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXXIV ■ Present Melones Dam Completed in 1926 Site of Proposed Dam Below Existing Structure Present Melones Powerhouse Below Site of Proposed Dam MELONES DAM SITE ON STANISLAUS RIVER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 221 The Mother Lode, embracing valuable mines and mining claims, crosses the site. The most important of these mines is Carson Hill Mine of Carson Hill group. The workings, mill, cyanide plant and other struc- tures of the mine would be flooded. The small power plant of 1000 kilovolt amperes installation, owned by the South San Joaquin and Oakdale irrigation districts and leased to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, also is below the proposed flow line. The Mother Lode High- way, between Sonora and Angels, the Robinson's Ferry County Road and the Angels branch of the Sierra Railway also would be flooded and would require relocation. The safe surface irrigation yield of the proposed reservoir for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, based upon an allowable deficiency not exceeding 2 per cent per season on the average and 35 per cent as a possible maximum in an exceptionally dry year, would have been 905,000 acre-feet. The mean seasonal irrigation yield for the 40-year period would have been 887,000 acre-feet. A net seasonal evaporation loss of 3.5 feet depth on the reservoir surface was used in making yield studies at this site. Details of reservoir yields and utilization are given in Chapter VII. Dam Site — A geological examination shows the site to be suitable for a high concrete structure. The topographic and geologic features of this site are similar to those of the Nashville site on the Cosumnes River. The stream has developed a deep "V" shaped gorge with cliff profile at the dam site through a dike-like rock mass, consisting of a fine grained dark green diabase. No exploration has been made at this site, but from field examination it is estimated that stripping to average depths of fifteen feet normal to the slope on the right abutment and 20 feet normal to the slope on the left abutment will remove all loose mate- rial and reveal rock which, although jointed, could be rendered sound by pressure grouting. The width of the stream bed varies from 30 to 50 feet and it is believed that a good foundation can be secured therein b}^ excavating to depths of from 15 to 20 feet. Dam and Appurtenances — Topography of the dam site and general layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on Plate XXXV, "Melones Reservoir on Stanislaus River." The height of dam above stream bed is 460 feet, including five feet of freeboard. It is a concrete gravity type dam with a centrally located overflow spillway section controlled by ten steel drum gates 15 feet high by 50 feet long. The estimated discharging capacity of the spillway is 120,000 second- feet or two and four-tenths times the estimated once-in-2o-year-flood. Reserve storage space of 204,000 acre-feet, Avith a maximum draw- down of 34 feet, is proposed for flood control. The utilization of this space would result in a controlled flow of 15,000 second-feet, exceeded once in one hundred years on the average. The required outlet capacity for flood regulation is provided by the irrigation and power plant out- lets, with reservoir surface at elevation 930 feet, assuming that turbine by-passes are provided in the power plant. Irrigation outlets are pro- vided for a discharging capacity of 2700 second-feet by means of two 78-inch diameter pipes through the dam, controlled by needle valves and also emergency slide gates. 222 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXXV lOOO ■ SPILLWAY SECTION ■ 400 CREST ELCV. %70 FEET y^ l/ELEV, tSOFEET •I Hpttrsam !•• 400 60O Length in 'eet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 120O MELONES RESERVOIR STANISLAUS RIVER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 223 Power Plant — The economic power plant installation has been determined as 68,000 kilovolt amperes, based on a value of power of $0,003 per kilowatt hour. The power plant is located about one-quarter mile downstream from the dam on the left bank of the stream. It would be supplied through an outlet pressure tunnel, located under the dam on the left bank. The intake of the tunnel consists of a cylindrical reinforced concrete tower having a balanced cylinder valve to be used for unwatering the tunnel and for emergency closures. Adits lead from the main tunnel to the face of the hill where they would discharge into steel pipes leading to each turbine. These pipes are equipped with needle valves at each turbine inlet. A surge tank and shaft carried to a point slightly above the flow line elevation of the reservoir is located at the downstream end of the main tunnel. The power plant consists of four 17,000 kilovolt ampere units, equipped with turbine by-passes. It would replace the present Melones Power Plant which has an installed capacity of 27,000 kilovolt amperes. The cost of the power development is estimated at approximately $60 per kilovolt ampere. Cost of Melones Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Melones reservoir and power plant, estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are shown in Table 75. Estimates also are shown of revenue from sale of electric energy and the net annual cost after deducting power revenue. The tabulated costs do not include any amounts for the destruction of the present Melones Dam of the South San Joaquin and Oakdale irrigation districts or for any possible interference with the existing power development in con- nection therewith. It is contemplated that interests and lands now receiving service, both irrigation and power, from the present develop- ment would continue to receive the same service with no additional cost under the larger development as proposed herein for the State Water Plan. Therefore, in accord with such assumption, the commitments and obligations of the parties now interested in the present development would be maintained without modification. The figure for annual cost includes no amount for present development, but does include amounts for equivalent service which would be rendered with the larger State proposal. It is not possible to foretell the conditions under which, or when or by whom, the proposed development would be constructed. Neither is it possible to state whether or not the present development would be entirely amortized and depreciated at the time the proposed development is undertaken. Therefore, the entire anticipated power revenue has been credited to the proposed unit and deducted from the gross annual cost to obtain the net annual cost. 224 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 75 COST OF MELONES RESERVOIR Height of dam, 460 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 1,090,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 120,000 seeoiid-fcet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 2,700 sccond-fect. Flood control outlet capacity of 15,000 second-feet available through combined irrigation outlets and power plant by-passes. Exploration --- -- $10,000 Diversion of river during construction. - - 20,000 Lauds and improvements flooded and clearing 4,600,000 Excavation for dam, 185,000 cubic yards at $3.00 to $5.00 $761,000 Mass concrete, 1,318,000 cubic yards at $7.90 10,412,000 Reinforced concrete, 3,500 cubic yards at $ 18.00 to $30.00 72,000 Spillway gates -- - 200,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 185,000 (Power plant outlets and tunnels included in cost of power plant). Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals 88,000 11,718,000 Miscellaneous 196,000 Subtotal $16,604,000 Administration and engineering at 10 per cent 1,660,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent _ 2,491,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 1,445,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $22,200,000 Cost of Power Plant for Melor\es Reservoir Installed capacity, 68,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor=0.80. Load factor=1.00. Total cost of power plant, including all appurtenances $4,000,000 Annual Cost of Melones Reservoir and Power Plant Gross annual cost of dam and reservoir $1,334,000 Gross annual cost of power plant .• 323,000 Total gross annual cost. 1,657,000 Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy, 240,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.003 720,000 Average net annual cost, not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy 937,000 Don Pedro Reservoir on Tuolumne River. Two reservoir sites on the lower reaches of the Tiiohuune River were investigated as possibilities for units in the State Water Plan, namely : Don Pedro and Jacksonville sites. The dam site for the Don Pedro Keservoir is on the main river about one-half mile downstream from the existing dam of the Modesto and Turlock irrigation districts in the southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 2 South, Range 14 East, M.D.B. and M., and about four miles northeasterly from the town of La Grange. Upstream from the Don Pedro site is the Jacksonville dam site in Section 24, Township 1 South, Range 14 East, M.D.B. and M. It is on the main river below the mouth of Woods Creek at a stream bed elevation of about 536 feet. These two sites are the only ones located on the lower reaches of Tuolumne River capable of ade- quately regulating the run-oft' of the stream. The drainage area above the Don Pedro site is 1536 square miles and above the Jacksonville site, 1451 square miles. The Don Pedro site is capable of being devel- oped to larger capacity than the Jacksonville site. Both reservoirs are limited, in the practicable height to which a dam can be constructed, by the Moccasin Creek Power Plant, the tail race of which is 920 feet. The capacity of the Don Pedro Reservoir constructed to that elevation would be 2,580,000 acre-feet and for the Jacksonville Reservoir 493,000 acre-feet. The height of dams would be 604 feet and 394 feet respect- ively. From geological examinations it has been determined that the Don Pedro site is satisfactory for a masonry dam or any other tj'pe SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN ' 225 of dam. The Jacksonville site is uncertain, even for a rockfill dam, because of unsuitable foundation conditions. A fault passes through this latter site. Cost estimates reveal that the cost per acre-foot of storage at the Jacksonville site would be several times that at the Don Pedro site. Because of its greater available potential storage capacity, more favorable dam foundation, greater tributary drainage and lower unit cost of storage, the Don Pedro site was chosen over the Jackson- ville site. The drainage areas on the Tuolumne River watershed, above the Don Pedro dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows: Area above elevation 5000 feet 920 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 375 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 241 square miles Total area above Don Pedro dam site 1536 square miles Present Developments 07i Tuolumne River — The water develop- ments above the Don Pedro dam site of the State Water Plan comprise those for the municipal water supply of the city of San Francisco and the irrigation supply of the Turlock and Modesto irrigation dis- tricts. The Hetch Hetchy and Lake Eleanor reservoirs of the city of San Francisco are in the upper part of the watershed. The 'Shaughnessy Dam of the Hetch Hetch}'- Reservoir is located in Sec- tion 16, To^niship 1 North, R^nge 20 East, M.D.B. and M., on. the main stream at stream bed elevation 3500 feet. The initial reservoir impounds 206,000 acre-feet. With the dam raised 85 feet to its pro- posed ultimate height, the capacity would be 348,500 acre-feet. The drainage area above the dam is 459 square miles. The dam of Lake Eleanor Reservoir is located in Section 3, Township 1 North, Range .19 East, M.D.B. and M., on Eleanor Creek at stream bed elevation of 4600 feet. It has been constructed to a capacity of 27,800 acre-feet and the plans of the city of San Francisco call for the construction of a dam at this site to an ultimate height of 225 feet, which would impound 218,000 acre-feet. The drainage area above the dam is 79 square miles, which would be increased to 193 square miles if the drainage area above a proposed diversion from the Cherry Creek watershed be included. The ultimate plans of the city of San Fran- cisco include storage development at five other reservoir sites, namely : Poopenant Valley, Cherry Valley, Lake Vernon, Huckleberry Lake and Emigrant Lake with a total storage capacity of about 205,000 acre- feet. If these plans are fully executed a total storage capacity of about 770,000 acre-feet, including Hetch Hetchj- and Lake Eleanor reservoirs, will be developed for the regulation of the run-oft* from a total tributary drainage area of 666 square miles on the upper Tuolumne River watershed. In addition to the run-off from that area there would still remain the run-off from 877 square miles of watershed above the valley floor to be regulated. The total drainage area above the valley floor is 1543 square miles. In connection with the foregoing development the city of San Francisco has constructed the Moccasin Creek and Cherry Creek power plants with capacities of 80,000 and 3000 kilovolt amperes, respectively. Plans for ultimate municipal water supply development include extensive additional power instal- lations. 15—80997 226 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The present Don Pedro Reservoir and Power Plant, constructed jointly bj'^ the Modesto and Turlock irrigation districts at a cost of more than $5,000,000, has a storage capacity of 290,000 acre-feet. The dam has a height of 270 feet, a crest length of 1020 feet and a maxi- mum base thickness of 177 feet. It is a concrete gravity-type dam, curved in plan vpith a constant radius. An overflow wing-type spillway and spillway channel located on the right abutment of the dam was designed for an estimated discharging capacity of 125,000 second-feet. The discharge is controlled by ten steel drum-type gates, nine feet high by 57 feet long, installed on the spillway crest. Three 60-inch sluicewaj^s extend through the dam, 254 feet below its crest, controlled by slide gates at the upstream face of the dam. Two batteries of irri- gation outlets are placed 98 and 188 feet, respectively, below the crest of the dam. Each battery consists of six 52-inch diameter outlets. The power plant is located at the downstream toe of the dam on the left bank of the stream. It is equipped with five turbine and generator units having an aggregate installed capacity of 33,740 kilovolt amperes. Water is supplied to the turbines through 72-inch penstocks. Each penstock is located in the base of the dam for part of its length, but the downstream portions are excavated in solid rock. Slide gates are installed near the upstream end of each penstock for emergency con- trol. The turbines discharge vertically downward into a tunnel outlet. The diversion of the irrigation supply from the river is accomplished at the La Grange Dam, four miles below Don Pedro Dam. The La Grange Dam, at the time of its construction in 1893, was one of the highest overpour structures in existence. It is built of masonry, has a height of 131 feet above stream bed and cost a little more than $500,000. Below the La Grange Dam, the Turlock Irrigation District has constructed the La Grange Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 4750 kilovolt amperes, which is used chiefly for stand-by purposes. The Modesto Irrigation District paid 31.54 per cent and the Tur- lock Irrigation District 68.46 per cent of the cost of the Don Pedro Project. The storage and power releases are owned in the same pro- portion. The Modesto District owns and operates its own power distribution system and retails all of its power for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses. The Turlock District, on June 21, 1922, voted to distribute its share of the Don Pedro power output and, on October 23, 1923, approved a bond issue for power distribution. On March 11, 1924, it entered into a contract with the San Joaquin Light and Power Company under which the district agreed not to sell power outside of certain boundaries, and the company agreed to take the entire surplus power of the district, provided that the rate of delivery should be not less than 6500 kilowatts from June 1 to December 31, nor more than 2500 kilowatts from January 1 to May 31 of each year. The power company also agreed to take all future surplus output that might be developed by the district. In years in which the run-off of Tuolumne River is less than 1,900,000 acre-feet from January 1 to July 31, the district is not obligated to deliver to the company more than 65 per cent of its share of Don Pedro power. The price paid by the company to the district is 4.5 mills per kilowatt hour for energy delivered at the Livingston substation, at not less than 80 per cent load factor. The SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 227 contract was to remain in force for fifteen years, but may be renewed at the option of the district for an additional fifteen years. The Turlock Irrigation District includes an area of 181,498 acres between the Tuolumne and Merced rivers, of which 133,750 acres were irrigated in 1929. The Modesto Irrigation District contains a gross area of 81,183 acres on the north side of Tuolumne River, of which 66,372 acres were irrigated in 1929. The Waterford Irrigation District includes an area of 14,110 acres on the same side of the river and above the Modesto District, of which 5272 acres were irrigated in 1929. This district diverts through the Modesto Canal from LaGrange Dam but does not share in Don Pedro storage rights. Water Supply — The water supply available for regulation is that allotted to the existing irrigation rights on the stream under the terms of the Raker Act (U. S. Congress 1913). Under these rights, the mean seasonal ultimate net run-off available for regulation at the Don Pedro site for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, would have been 1,634,000 acre-feet. Details of ultimate net run-off have been pre- sented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the pro- posed dam site, scale one inch equals 400 feet, was made by the State in 1925. The areas and capacities of reservoirs for various heights of dam, as set forth in Table 76, have been obtained up to elevation 650 feet from the contour map for the existing reservoir, scale one inch equals 500 feet, prepared by the Modesto and Turlock irrigation districts in 1913. For areas and capacities above that elevation, the U. S. G. S. topographic maps were used. TABLE 76 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF DON PEDRO RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 110 425 270 5,700 135 450 470 15,200 160 475 740 30,000 185 500 1,120 52,000 210 525 1,610 86,000 235 550 2,340 137,000 260 575 2,730 200,000 285 600 3,120 271,000 310 625 3,360 348,000 335 650 3,610 431,000 360 675 3,860 522,000 385 700 4,100 623,000 410 725 6,170 738,000 435 750 6,250 875,000 455 770 7.100 1,000,000 460 775 7,320 1,044,000 485 800 8,390 1,247,000 510 825 9,800 1,496,000 535 850 11,200 1,768,000 660 875 12,600 2,060,000 585 900 14,000 2,370,000 The capacity selected for the proposed Don Pedro Reservoir of 1,000,000 acre-feet is required to furnish a dependable irrigation supply to the lands which are or would be naturally dependent upon 228 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES the Tuolumne River i'or sucli supply. Tlie required supply could have been made available by a reservoir of this capacity duriup: the 40-year period, 1889-11)29, without resort to ground water storage, with an average seasonal deficiency of less than 2 per cent. "With a flow line elevation of 770 feet, the reservoir basin would have a length of sixteen miles, an average Avidth of nearly three-quarters of a mile and a sub- merged area of 7100 acres. Of the total submerged area, 3182 acres lie within the flow line of the existing reservoir at elevation 605.5 feet. The present Don Pedro Reservoir floods the only lands that were of any appreciable extent and value for farming purposes below eleva- tion 900 feet. A small area of bottom land along Woods Creek would be flooded by the proposed reservoir. The remaining area is prac- tically all characteristic mountain land covered with scattering timber and brush, and used mostly for grazing. The Big Oak Flat road extending from Oakdale to the Yosemite Valley would be flooded from Woods Creek to where it crosses Moccasin Creek. The town of Jack- sonville, consisting of about 20 frame houses, would be submerged. The Hetch Hetchy Railroad, built by the city of San Francisco from Hetch Hetchy Junction on the Sierra Railroad to the 'Shaughnessy Dam on the Tuolumne River, traverses the proposed reservoir site from about one-half mile below the mouth of Woods Creek to Moccasin Creek. The Mother Lode crosses areas that would be submerged and several gold mines and mining claims would be flooded. The Eagle- Shawmut, Tarantula, Clio-Vindicator and Hari-iman are the most important properties. In irrigation yield studies of this reservoir, a net seasonal reser- voir evaporation loss of 3.5 feet in depth on the reservoir surface has been used. The safe surface irrigation yield of the proposed reservoir for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, based upon an allowable deficiency not exceeding 2 per cent per annum on the average and 35 per cent as a possible maximum in an exceptionally dry year such as 1924, would have been 1,330,000 acre-feet. The average seasonal irrigation yield for the 40-year period would have been 1,303,000 acre-feet. In obtaining this yield, ultimate diversions by the city of San Francisco for municipal purposes were deducted from the run-off of the Tuolumne River. These diversions were considered as being limited by the provisions of the "Raker Act" and the operation of the physical works propo.sed by the city for ultimate development, for an attempted draft of four hundred million gallons per day. Further details as to yield and utilization of water supplies developed by this reservoir are pre- sented in Chapter VII. Dam Site — A geological examination of the site of the present dam (See Appendix C) showed that the topographic conditions and geologic structure were not favorable for the construction of a higher dam at that site. However, at a point about one-half mile downstream from the present dam, there is a site which is favorable, both topographically and geologically, for a high dam. Here, a series of thick-bedded or banded rock formations resembling diabase strike across the stream. In order to best conform to the topography and the rock structure at this site, the center line of the dam has been located across the strike of the rock bands where these bands are relativelv thick. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 229 PLATE XXXVI Present Don Pedro Dam Completed in 1922 Site of Proposed Dam Below Existing Structure DON PEDRO DAM SITE ON TUOLUMNE RIVER 230 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The stream bed and right abutment to the top of the cliff profile, 150 feet above stream bed, probably would require stripping to an average depth of 10 feet. From that point to the crest, an average depth of 20 feet probably would be required in order to remove loose joint blocks and reach reasonably sound rock in which the joints could be pressure grouted. The left abutment carries a heavier soil cover and is somewhat Avooded. Stripping allowance should be 15 feet to an elevation of 150 feet above stream bed and 25 feet from this eleva- tion to the crest of the ridge. Bam and Appurtenances — The topography of the dam site and layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on Plate XXXVII, "Don Pedro Reservoir on Tuolumne River." The dam is a gravity type concrete structure, straight in plan and located at an an angle of about 20 degrees from normal to the axis of the stream bed. Its height above stream bed is 455 feet, including five feet of freeboard. A spillway of the wing type, located at the left abutment of the dam, is controlled by 11 drum gates, 15 feet high by 50 feet long. The spilhvay channel is carried about 350 feet beyond the crest of the dam and past a bend in the canyon, so that the discharge would drop into the main stream channel about 1000 feet downstream from the dam. Reserve space of 214,000 acre-feet, involving a maximum draw- down of 32 feet, would be provided for regulation of the stream to a maximum flood flow of 15,000 second-feet, exceeded once in 100 years on the average. The required capacity for flood regulation is provided by the outlets for irrigation and power releases, assuming the power plant to be equipped with turbine by-passes. The irrigation outlets consist of three 78-inch pipes through the dam, with a combined discharging capacity of 4000 second-feet under a minimum head of 50 feet. These outlets are controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. The inlets are at elevation 340 feet. Power Plant — The economic size of installation for the proposed power plant has been determined as 120,000 kilovolt amperes, based on a value for power of $0,003 per kilowatt hour. The power plant is located on the right bank of the stream at the downstream toe of the dam. It would be supplied by steel penstocks through the dam, equipped with needle valves at the inlet of each turbine and emergency slide gates near the upstream face of the dam. The installation includes six 20,000 kilovolt ampere units equipped with turbine by-passes. It would replace the present Don Pedro Power Plant, Avhich has an installed capacity of 33,740 kilovolt amperes. Cost of Don Pedro Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Don Pedro Reservoir and Power Plant, estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are sho-\vn in Table 77. Esti- mates are also shown of revenue from sale of electric energy and the net annual cost after deducting power revenue. The tabulated costs do not include any amounts for the destruction of the present Don Pedro Reservoir and Power Plant of the Modesto and Turlock irrigation districts. It is contemplated that interests and lands now receiving service, both iri-igation and power, from the present devel- opment would continue to receive the same service with no additional SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 231 PLATE XXXVII CREST ELEV. 775 FEET- EXiSTINC DON PEDRO DAM I' I 40O BOO 1 200 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET O 400 DON PEDRO RESERVOIR TUOLUMNE RIVER / 232 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES cost under the larger development as proposed herein for the State Water Plan. Therefore, in accord with such assumption, the com- mitments and obligations of the parties now interested in the present' development would be maintained without modification. The figure for annual cost includes no amount for present development but does include amounts for equivalent service which would be ren- dered with the larger State proposal. It is not possible to foretell tlie conditions under which, or when or by whom, the proposed develop- ment Avould be constructed. Neither is it possible to .state whether or not the present development would be entirely amortized and depreciated at the time the proposed development is undertaken. Therefore, the entire anticipated power revenue has been credited to tlie i)roposed unit and deducted from the gross annual cost to obtain the net annual cost. TABLE 77 COST OF DON PEDRO RESERVOIR Height of dam, 455 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 1,000,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 120,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 4,000 second-feet. Flood control outlet capacity of 15,000 second-feet available through combined irrigation outlets and power plant by-passes. ICxploration --- - $10,000 Diversion of river during construction - 65,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing — 2,050,000 Excavation for dam, 272,000 cubic yards at $3.00 to $5.00. ._ $856,000 Mass concrete, 2,030,000 cubic yards at $7.20 14,616,000 Reinforced concrete, 1,400 cubic yards at $18.00 to $45.00 40,000 Spillway gates - 220,000 Spillway channel - - - 1,430,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways - - -- -. ' 282,000 (Power outlets and controls included in cost of power plant) Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals - 108,000 17,552,000 Miscellaneous --- - 144,000 Subtotal.... - - 19,821,000 Admini.stration and engineering at 10 per cent 1,082,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent. -. 2,973,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 percent per anntun 1,724,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir 26,500,000 Cost of Power Plant For Don Pedro Reservoir Installed capacity, 120,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor=0.80. Load factor=1.00. Total cost of power plant, including all appurtenances $6,000,000 Annual Cost of Don Pedro Reservoir and Power Plant Ciross annual cost of dam and reservoir $1,590,000 Gross annual cost of power plant 484,000 Total gross annual cost 2,074,000 .\veragc annual revenue from sale of electric energy, 365,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.003.. 1,095,000 .\verage net annual cost not covered from sale of electric energy.. 979,000 Exchequer Reservoir on Merced River. The Exchequer Reservoir is located in Townships 3 and 4 Soutli, Kaiiges lo and 16 East, M.D.B. and M., in Mariposa County about 20 miles northeast from the city of Merced. It is already developed by the Merced Irrigation District to a capacity of 279,000 acre-feet. It supplies water for lands in the district with a gross area of 189,682 acres, of which 134,379 acres were irrigated in 1929. The recently organized El Nido Irrigation District with a gross area of 9450 acres also obtains water from the Merced Irrigation District. f SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 233 The drainage areas on the Merced River watershed, above the Exchequer Dam, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows: Area above elevation 10,000 feet 52 square miles Area between elevations 5000 and 10,000 feet 494 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 317 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 171 square miles Total area above Exchequer Dam 1034 square miles A contour map of the dam site, for elevations above the existing dam, scale one inch equals 100 feet, was made by the State in 1925. The areas and capacities of reservoirs for various heights of dam, as set forth in Table 78, have been obtained up to elevation 750 feet from the contour map for this site, scale one inch equals 400 feet, prepared by J. D. Galloway in 1920. For areas and capacities above that elevation the U. S. G. S. topographic maps were used. TABLE178 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF EXCHEQUER RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 102 500 240 6,500 127 525 440 15,500 152 550 690 30,500 177 575 950 51,000 202 600 1,190 79,000 227 625 1,460 112,000 252 650 1,750 153,000 277 675 2,090 202,000 302 700 2,470 262,000 *307 707 2,600 279,000 327 725 2,910 329,000 352 750 3,410 412,000 377 775 3,730 500,000 402 800 4,050 599,000 427 825 4,720 709,000 452 850 5,400 833,000 477 875 6,080 977,000 502 900 6,750 1,140,000 'Existing dam has only a 3-foot freeboard. The present Exchequer Reservoir and Power Plant were con- structed in 1925 by the Merced Irrigation District at a cost of $10,725,000. The dam is located below the mouth of Cotton Creek in the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 15 East, about seven miles upstream from the town of INIerced Falls. It is a concrete gravity type dam, arched in plan with a constant radius of 674 feet on the upstream face. Its height is 307 feet above stream bed and it has a crest length of 960 feet. The reservoir, when filled to the flow line elevation of 707 feet, submerges an area of 2600 acres with a length of 13 miles and an average width of one-third of a mile. Two overflow spillways are provided — one at each end of the dam. The crest of each spillway, at elevation 693 feet, is 168 feet long and allows a depth of water of 14 feet to flow over the crests to concrete-lined channels excavated in solid rock and leading from the abutments. These spillways were designed for an estimated discharging capacity of 70,000 second-feet. The water level in the reservoir can be maintained at elevation 707 feet by means of 14 plate steel butterfly gates on the spillway crests. The power plant at the base of the dam has two / 234 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 15,625 kilovolt ampere vertical turbo-generator units designed to operate under heads of from 140 to 300 feet. The units are supplied by steel penstocks, through the dam, 96 inches in diameter. The flow through each penstock is controlled by a needle valve at the turbine inlet. The penstocks also are equipped with emergency slide gates. Two sluice pipes, 60 inches in diameter, extend through the dam and past the poAver house walls. Each is provided with a regulating needle valve at the downstream end and an emergency slide valve above the needle valve. The Merced Irrigation District wholesales the power output to the San Joaquin Light and Power Company under a contract dated February 21, 1924, which runs for a period of 20 years with option to the district to continue for a second 20-year period. Power is deliv- ered to the company at the Exchequer plant. Deliveries of water to the power plant are goverened chiefly by irrigation requirements, but the district agrees to deliver energy on a daily load factor ranging from unity to eight-tenths, as demanded by the company. The con- tract also provides for some delivery at less than eight-tenths daily load factor. The price paid by the power company is 4.5 mills per kilowatt-hour at the power plant switchboard. There is no other reservoir site of adequate capacity on the stream and the dam site now occupied is the only one suitable for use in developing additional storage, which could be secured by increasing the height of the existing dam. A geological examination of the site (See Appendix C) reveals that so far as the foundation conditions are concerned such an increase in height Avould be possible. A study was made to determine the costs and additional yields obtainable by enlarging the present reservoir to various capacities up to 882,000 acre-feet. The relocation of the Yosemite Valley Railroad rendered the present development relatively expensive. The cost of this item alone was $5,566,000, or more than half the total cost of reservoir and power plant. With an additional increase in water surface elevation, the problem of relocation of this railroad would be even more difficult and costly. The geologic structure above the present dam on the right abutment would require excessive stripping from the crest of the present dam to the top of the ridge. These factors, together with the relatively small increase in yield which could be secured through additional storage, indicate that no increase in storage development can be economically justified. Water Supply and Yield — The water su]:)ply available for regula- tion at this site under conditions of ultimate development would be the run-off of the Merced River impaired by such diversions above the reservoir as would be required for the ultimate development of all irrigable mountain and foothill lands dependent on the Merced River for their water supply. The mean seasonal ultimate net run-off for the 40-year period 1889-1929 would have been 989,000 acre-feet. Details of ultimate net run-off have been presented in Chapter II. In making yield studies, a net seasonal reservoir evaporation loss of 3.5 feet in depth on the reservoir surface has been used. The safe surface irrigation yield of the existing reservoir for the 40-year period 1889-1929, based upon an allowable deficiency not exceeding 2 per cent per season on the average and 35 per cent as a SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 235 possible maximum in an exceedingly dry year such as 1924, would have been 440,000 acre-feet. The average seasonal surface irrigation yield for the 40-year period would have been 434,000 acre-feet. In addition, an average seasonal supply of 294,000 acre-feet of reservoir spill would have been utilizable through ground water storage and pumping in absorptive areas. Further details pertaining to yield and utilization of water supply are presented in Chapter VII, PLATE XXXVIII EXCHEQUER DAM ON MERCED RIVER Other Developments on Merced River — The only diversion of any importance from Merced River above the Exchequer Reservoir is that from Big Creek, a tributary of the South Fork of Merced River, to the Fresno River watershed for irrigation and lumbering purposes. The diversion ditch has a capacity of 35 second-feet, and the average seasonal exportation is estimated to be about 4600 acre-feet. Imme- diately below Yosemite Valley, the National Park Service has installed a power plant with a capacity of 2500 kilovolt amperes. The San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation has a small power plant, called the Mountain King, about two miles above the mouth of North Fork. It has an installed capacity of 350 kilovolt amperes. Below Merced Falls the same company has recently constructed a power plant with an installed capacity of 4000 kilovolt amperes. Buchanan Reservoir on Chowchilla River. The dam site for the Buchanan Reservoir on Chowchilla River is located in the southeast quarter of Section 22, Township 8 South, Range 18 East, M. D. B. and M., in Madera County, about 20 miles northerly from the city of Madera. There are no other reservoir sites of any importance on Chowchilla River. 236 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The drainage areas on the Chowchilla River watershed, above the Buchanan dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 5000 feet 5 square miles Area between elevations 2000 feet and 5000 feet 104 square miles Area below elevation 2000 feet 129 square miles Total area above Buchanan dam site 238 square miles Water Supply — There is no existing or projected development of any consequence on the upper reaches of the stream. The water supply available for regulation at the Buchanan site would be the full natural run-off. The mean seasonal full natural run-off for the 40-year period, 1889 to 1929, is estimated as 70,900 acre-feet. Details of run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 400 feet, was prepared by C. M. Carter from a surve}^ made in 1919. The State made a survey and prepared a contour map of the dam site, scale one inch equals 200 feet, in 1922. Table 79 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. TABLE 79 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF BUCHANAN RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 35 440 140 1,500 55 460 330 6,500 75 480 550 15,500 95 500 780 29,000 115 520 970 47,000 135 540 1,140 69,000 147 552 1,250 84,000 155 560 1,310 94,000 The reservoir basin is situated among rolling foothills, sparsely timbered and used chiefly for cattle range. Trial yield studies on this reservoir determined the season of maximum deficiency for the 40-vear period 1889-1929 to be that of 1919-1920. The selected capacity of 84,000 acre-feet was found to be necessary to regulate the run-off with- out waste and to obtain the yield required to serve the tributary service area. At i\ow line elevation 552 feet, the flooded area would be 1250 acres, with a length of 3.5 miles and a maximum width of 1.2 miles. In making yield studies a net seasonal reservoir evaporation loss of 4.0 feet depth on the reservoir surface was used. The safe surface irrigation yield of the proposed reservoir for the 40-year period 1889-1929, based upon an allowable deficiency not exceeding 2 per cent per annum on the average and 35 per cent as a possible maximum in an exceptionally dry year, would have been 54,000 acre-feet. The mean seasonal irrigation yield for the 40-year period would have been 53,000 acre-feet. Details of reservoir jnelds and util- ization are given in Chapter VII. Dam Site — The Buchanan dam site is situated at a point where the Chowchilla River has cut its way through a rock ridge of mica schist in a direction the planes of schistosity. A geological examination SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 237 (see Appendix C) shows that the scliistose texture is fully developed and makes up a hard crystalline rock mass, containing lines of weakness or parting planes which strike across the channel and dip north 35 degrees east, 75 to 80 degrees from the horizontal upstream. The site was partially excavated over 30 years ago, revealing the same bands of rock carrying from one abutment across the stream bed and up the opposing abutment. At fresh exposures in the stream bed, the schistos- ity planes and joints are closed features. The condition of these lines of weakness below ground surface is revealed by diamond drill borings made for the Madera Irrigation District. The planes and joints appear from the logs of the drill holes to be closed features, except in a limited zone from 45 to 60 feet below the stream bed where water was lost. The rock type is such as to contain no joint openings that could not be closed by pressure grouting. It is estimated that an average of ten feet of additional stripping would be required to secure a sound foundation. Dam and Appurtenances — The topography at the site and the gen- eral layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on Plate XL, "Buchanan Reservoir on Chowchilla River." The dam is a con- crete gravity type structure, straight in plan, 147 feet in maximum height above stream bed. An overflow type of spillway, located at the right abutment, is controlled by two drum gates 13 feet high by 50 feet long. The spillway has an estimated discharging capacity of 16,000 second-feet. Two 30-inch diameter pipes, with inlets at elevation 425 feet, are provided for release of irrigation supplies. These have a combined discharging capacity of 200 second-feet under a minimum head of 12 feet and are controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. No hydroelectric power development is proposed at this site. PLATE XXXIX -;. t>,_jjf BUCHANAN DAM SITE ON CHOWCHILLA RIVER 238 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XL *' E c -o c W o "J liJ zi 600 r 500 400 300 ELEV 539 FEET 200 CBEST ELEV 55; FEET GRAVITY CONCRETE DAM H \ V^ d »ur1ace At uO»tream toe'' Astwotad foundation Hnm 2 GO 400 600 Length in feel PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM K Ul > a 800 lOOO 1200 < -I i o 5 o z u GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET 20O 40O BUCHANAN RESERVOIR CHOWCHILLA RIVER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 239 Cost of Buchanan Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Buchanan Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previously pre- sented in this chapter, are shown in Table 80, TABLE 80 COST OF BUCHANAN RESERVOIR Height of dam, 147 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 84,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 16,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 200 second-feet. Exploration - $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 5,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing 125,000 Excavation for dam, 29,000 cubic yards at $4.50 - -- $131,000 Mass concrete, 178,000 cubic yards at $8.25 - 1,468,000 Reinforced concrete, 1,000 cubic yards at $18.00 to $30.00 - 20,000 Spillway gates .- - 34,000 Spillway channel — - 34,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways - - -- 10,000 Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seak - 30,000 Miscellaneous 77,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir - - - 1,944,000 Administration and engineering at 10 per cent - - - 195,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent ^^^'nnn Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum — 169,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir -- 2,600,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir - $155,000 Windy Gap Reservoir on Fresno River. The dam site for the Windy Gap Reservoir on Fresno River is located in the southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 7 South, Range 20 East, M.D.B. and M., in Madera County, about 32 miles north- easterly from the city of Madera. A lower site, called Hidden Reser- voir, located near the valley floor, also was investigated, but its potential capacity was found to be inadequate for desired purposes. The drainage areas on the Fresno River watershed, above the Windy Gap dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 5000 feet 14 square miles Area between elevations 2000 and 5000 feet S8 square miles Area below elevation 2000 feet Total area above Windy Gap dam site 102 square miles Water Supply — There is no existing or projected development of any consequence on the upper reaches of the stream. The water supply available for regulation at this site is the run-off of Fresno River, augmented by the importation of some water by ditches of the Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Company and Madera Canal and Irriga- tion Company from the adjacent drainage areas of the Merced and San Joaquin rivers. The mean seasonal run-off for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is estimated as 55,200 acre-feet. Details of run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 1000 feet, and one of the dam site, scale one inch equals 200 feet, were prepared from surveys made by the State in August 1922. The areas and capacities set forth in Table 81 were obtained from a more detailed survey made by Madera Irrigation District in November 1922. The critical period on the Fresno River covers the seasons from 1925 to 1929. The selected reservoir capacity of 62,000 acre-feet is the amount of storage that would have been required to regulate the water 240 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 81 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF WINDY GAP RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, ; in acre-feet 85 1,960 110 2,500 105 1,980 180 5,000 125 2,000 290 10,000 145 2,02U 430 17,000 165 . 2,040 600 27,500 185 2,060 830 42,000 205 2.080 1,100 60,500 206 2,081 1,110 62,000 225 2,100 1,440 86,000 supply without waste for this period. With a flow line elevation of 2081 feet, the reservoir would flood an area of 1110 acres, with a length of four miles and a maximum wddth of 0.8 miles. The only improve- ments to be flooded are six miles of the Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Company's timber flume and four miles of county road, both of which would require relocation. In making yield studies at this site, a net seasonal reservoir evapora- tion loss of 4.0 feet in depth in the reservoir was used. The safe surface irrigation yield of the proposed reservoir for the 40-year period, 1889- 1929, based upon an allowable deficiency not exceeding 2 per cent per season on the average and 35 per cent as a possible maximum in an exceedingly dry year, would have been 46,000 acre-feet. The mean seasonal yield for the 40-year period would have been 45,000 acre-feet. Details of reservoir yields and utilization are given in Chapter VII. PLATE XLI WINDY GAP DAM SITE ON FKESNO RIVER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 241 PLATE XLII 2 zoo S = 2100 *" IT) c -o g W 2000 n £ "' 1900 UJ D 1800 SPILLWAY SECTION , ELEV 2066 FEET CREST ELEV 2086 FEET- ^Natii'»l ground »urf»ce at wpttream loa 200 400 600 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 800 1000 GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET O 200 400 R. 21 E I |R. 22 E WINDY GAP RESERVOIR - / I er OOakhurtt ^^^T. 7 S LOCATION MAP SCALE OF MILES 4 6 Crane V«lle; Reservoi WINDY GAP RESERVOIR FRESNO RIVER 16—80997 242 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Dam Site — The Windy Gap dam site is located at the point where the Fresno River leaves Fresno Flats through a gorge cut across the topographically prominent Crook Mountain-Potter Ridge. The rock formation at this site comprises black micaceous slate, converted in part into a mica schist. The bands of rock strike across the stream bed con- tinuously from the crest of one abutment to the other and dip nearly vertically. The joint planes are closed-tight features over fresh stream bed exposures and probably would refuse grout at relatively short distances below ground surface. It is estimated that an average depth of stripping of fifteen feet on the abutments would suffice to reach sound rock and that an average depth of ten feet of stripping would provide a sound rock foundation in the stream bed. Dam and Appurtenances — The topography at the dam site and the general layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on Plate XLII, "Windy Gap Reservoir on Fresno River." The dam is a concrete gravity type structure, straight in plan, with a maximum height of 206 feet above stream bed. An overflow type of spillway, located at the right abutment, is controlled by two drum gates, 15 feet high and 50 feet long, and discharges through a lined channel about 200 feet long into a small draw that drains into the river about 150 feet below the toe of the dam. The discharging capacity of the spillway is estimated as 20,000 second-feet, or 4.3 times the once-in-25-year flood. Two 30-inch diameter pipes, with inlets at elevation 1940 feet, are pro- vided for release of irrigation supplies. These have a combined dis- charging capacity of 200 second-feet under a minimum head of 12 feet, and are controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. No hydroelectric power development is proposed at this site. Cost of Windy Gap Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Windy Gap Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previously pre- sented in this chapter, are shown in Table 82. TABLE 82 COST OF WINDY GAP RESERVOIR Height of dam, 206 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 62,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 20,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 200 second-feet. Exploration $10,000 Diversion of river during construction.- -.- 5,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing 265,000 Excavation for dam, 40,000 cubic yards at $L00 to $5.00 - $128,000 Mass concrete, 225,000 cubic yards at $8.25. 1,856,000 Reinforced concrete, 800 cubic yards at $18.00 to $30.00 17,000 Spillway gates 43,000 Spillway channel 42,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 10,000 Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals 28,000 2,124,000 Miscellaneous - 64,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir - 2,468,000 Administration and engineering at 10 per cent 247,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent 370,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 215,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir - 3,300,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir $200,000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 243 Friant Reservoir on San Joaquin River. The dam site for the Friant Reservoir is located about one mile upstream from the town of Friant in the southwest quarter of Section 5, Township 11 South, Range 21 East, M. D. B. and M., at a stream bed elevation of 308 feet. It is situated in Fresno and Madera counties, about 20 miles east of the city of Madera and about 20 miles north- erly from the city of Fresno. In accord with the plan formulated, Friant Reservoir would pro- vide primarily for the conservation and regulation of the tributary run-off of the San Joaquin River and the diversion of San Joaquin River water to the upper San Joaquin Valley to meet the needs therein of imported water supplies. San Joaquin River water now in use on lands in the lower San Joaquin Valley north of Mendota would be replaced by imported water supplies from the Sacramento River basin, conveyed to ]\Iendota by the San Joaquin River pumping system. By means of this exchange, the imported water supplies required in the upper San Joaquin Valley would be furnished by gravity from San Joaquin River water instead of by pumping from the Sacramento River, thus saving about 300 feet in pumping head. The drainage areas on the San Joaquin River watershed, above the Friant dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows: Area above elevation 10,000 feet 297 square miles Area between elevations 5000 and 10,000 feet 925 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 227 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 182 square miles Total area above Friant dam site 1631 square miles Present Developments on San Joaquin River — Present develop- ments on the San Joaquin River above Friant dam site are chiefly for hydroelectric power. The San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation and the Southern California Edison Company have developed four major storage reservoirs, with a combined capacity of about 334,000 acre-feet, for power regulation. The San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation has Crane Valley Reservoir on the North Fork with a capacity of 45,000 acre-feet. The regulated supply from this reservoir passes through a series of power plants, the last and largest of which is the Kerckhoff Plant on the main stream 17 miles above Friant. The Southern California Edison Company has Huntington Lake Res- ervoir on Big Creek, Florence Lake Reservoir on the South Fork and Shaver Lake Reservoir on Stevenson Creek, with storage capacities of 88,800, 64,400 and 135,300 acre-feet, respectively. Water from Florence Lake is diverted through a tunnel into Huntington Lake. Portions of the flows of Mono and Bear creeks also are delivered into this tunnel through a siphon across the South Fork. From Hunting- ton Lake, the regulated flow may be utilized by the power plant known as Big Creek No. 1 and other plants below it, or it may be diverted to Shaver Lake through another tunnel. The regulated flow from Shaver Lake is utilized successively by the Big Creek Power Plants No. 2A, No. 8 and No. 3, and finally by the Kerckhoff Plant. Data on power storage developments and hydroelectric power plants on San Joaquin River are set forth in Tables 83 and 84, respectively. 244 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 83 STORAGE RESERVOIRS FOR HYDROELECTRIC POWER DEVELOPMENT ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Name of reservoir Owner Location Height of dam, in feet Capacity, in acre- feet Crane Valley - - San Joaquin Light and Power Co Southern California Edison Co Southern California Edison Co Southern California Edison Co.. San Joaquin Light and Power Co North Fork 145 160 162 171 106 45,000 Huntington Lake Big Creek 88,800 Florence Lake . South Fork. 64,400 Shaver Lake Stevenson Creek Main river 135.300 Kerckhoff* 4.200 Total 337,700 *For diversion purposes only. TABLE 84 HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Name of plant Owner Location Installed capacity in kilovolt- amperes Crane Valley San Joaquin Light and Power Co San Joaquin Light and Power Co San Joaquin Light and Power Co San Joaquin Light and Power Co San Joaquin Light and Power Co San Joaquin Light and Power Co Southern California Edison Co Southern California Edison Co... Southern California Edison Co North Fork 1.000 San Joaquin No. 3 . North Fork 3.750 San Joaquin No. 2 North Fork 3.tX>0 San Joaquin No. lA. .. Canal above main river.. Main river 425 San Joaquin No. 1 .. 16,000 Kerckhoff 42,600 Big Creek No. 1 Big Creek... 80,500 Big Creek No. 2A Big Creek 90.000 Big Creek No. 2 . . Big Creek 70,000 Big Creek No. 8 Big Creek 60,000 Big Creek No. 3 Southern California Edison Co Main river 84,000 Total 451,275 The Sequel Ditch belonging to the Madera Canal and Irrigation Company diverts water from the North Fork and releases it into Nelder Creek, a tributary of Fresno River. This ditch has a right to 50 second-feet when that amount is flowing in the stream. The aver- age seasonal exportation is estimated to be about 5400 acre-feet. A discussion of present irrigation development and the status of existing water rights below Friant have been presented in Chapter IV. Water Supply — Tlie water supply available for regulation at the Friant site consists of the natural run-otf of the San Joaquin River impaired by the operation of the developments previously discussed. The average seasonal ultimate net run-off for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, would have been 1,993,000 acre-feet. Details of ultimate net run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Economic Considerations Governing the Selection of the Friant Site — In order to secure maximum economic regulation of the San Joaquin River and minimum interference with power uses on the upper reaches of the stream, a reservoir located near the valley floor is desirable. However, consideration of the rather unfavorable char- acteristics of the Friant dam site, which render storage development relatively expensive, namely, the shallow "U" shaped profile of the site, the great length of dam for the required height, and the necessity SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 245 of having a dead storage volume of 130,000 acre-feet below the gravity- diversion level required for serving the areas south of San Joaquin River, resulted in a careful investigation of the entire San Joaquin River to determine the possibility of securing a more economical stor- age and diversion development. This investigation included the Temperance Flat dam site, six miles upstream from Friant, and topographic surveys and studies of other possible storage sites on the main San Joaquin River from its junction with Big Creek to several miles above the junction of the ^riddle and South forks. These surveys were mapped on a scale of one inch equals 400 feet. Consideration of these data and various geological reports eliminated from more detailed study all sites except Temperance Flat and Friant. A contour map of the Friant Reservoir site, scale one inch equals 200 feet, was i)repared from surveys made by Madera Irrigation Dis- trict in 1921. A map of the dam site, scale one inch equals 100 feet, was prepared from these surveys and supplemental surveys made by the State in 1925. A contour map of the Temperance Flat Reservoir site, scale one inch equals 1000 feet, and one of the dam site, scale one inch equals 100 feet, were prepared from surveys made by the State in 1925 and 1930, respectively. Table 85 sets forth areas and gross capacities for reservoirs with various heights of dam at the Friant site and Table 86 sets forth corresponding data for the Temperance Flat site. TABLE 85 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF FRIANT RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet Water surface elevation Area of water surface, Gross capacity of reservoir, (5-foot freeboard) of reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 37 340 200 2,000 57 360 420 8,000 77 380 660 19,000 97 400 880 34,000 117 420 1,140 55,000 137 440 1,440 80,000 157 460 1,880 114,000 177 480 2,340 156,000 197 500 2,820 208,000 217 520 3,320 269,000 237 540 3,820 340,000 252 555 4,200 400,000 257 560 4,320 422.000 277 580 4,840 513,000 297 600 5,380 615,000 317 620 5,920 728,000 337 640 6,480 853,000 246 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 86 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF TEMPERANCE FLAT RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 65 450 67 2.000 90 475 114 4,300 116 500 191 8,100 140 525 275 13.900 165 550 376 22,000 190 575 498 32.900 215 600 632 47,100 240 625 822 64,600 265 650 1,042 88,500 290 675 1,270 117,000 315 700 1,520 152,000 340 725 1,790 194,000 365 750 2,048 242,000 390 • 775 2,334 296,000 415 800 2,642 359.000 440 825 2,981 429,000 466 850 3,338 508,000 490 875 3.728 596,000 515 900 4,070 694,000 540 925 4,469 801,000 565 950 4,856 917,000 590 975 5,251 1,043,000 615 1,000 5,630 1.180.000 After making detailed cost estimates of various heights of dam at each site, comparisons were made of all economic factors of each reser- voir for equal net capacities. The results are shown in Table 87 and graphically on Plate XLIII, "Economic Comparison of Friant and Temperance Flat Reservoirs on San Joaquin River." Both sites are situated at low elevations in the watershed area and are in a position to give maximum regulation of the stream flow. The water surface of the Temperance Flat Reservoir with a capacity of 100,000 acre-feet or over would interfere with the operation of the existing Kerckhoff Power Plant of the San Joaquin Light and Power Company. Curve No. 1 on Plate XLIII shows the cost of rebuilding the Kerckhoff Power Plant plus the capitalized value of the loss in power output that would result from the operation of reservoirs of various capacities at the Temperance Flat site, based on a power value of $0,004 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent. Curve No. 2 gives tlie total cost of Temperance Flat Dam and Reservoir for various capacities, including all lands and improvements flooded with the exception of Kerckhoff Power Plant. Curve No. 3 is the summation of corresponding values in curves No. 1 and No. 2, plus the cost of a 4500 second-foot capacity conveyance channel between Temperance Flat and Friant sites and a 1500 second-foot siphon across the San Joaquin River to connect with the Madera Canal. It shows the total cost of Temperance Flat Reservoir on a basis comparable with Friant, with the exception of credit for power which could be generated at the former site. Curve No. 4 was developed by adding, to corresponding values in Curve 3, the costs of developing sufficient dead storage to give equal capacities in the upper half (water depth) of Temperance Flat Reservoir, tlie costs of power plants installed for maximum effective heads and 3000 second-feet capacity, and the cost of reinforcing the outlet tunnel for power head, less the value of the power yield at $0,003 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent. Curve No. 5 shows the cost Net storage capacity, in acre-feet 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 Estimated cost of interference of Temperance Flat Reservoir with Kerckhoff Power Plant' (1) $8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 7,900,000 7,600,000 7,000,000 6,200,000 5,000,000 3,600,000 1,600,000 Estimated cost of Temperance Flat Reservoir (2) 138,200,000 34,100,000 30,100,000 26,300,000 22,600,000 19,000,000 15,500,000 12,100,000 9,000,000 6,100,000 P an fr( r Frl ' Includes cost of moving power plant plu; ' Conduit comprises 4,500 linear feet of ti ' This assimies dead storage in the lower 120,000 acre-feet respectively for utilizable ne ' Outlet elevation 480 feet ' Capacity 3,000 second-feet: maximum e ' Based on an overall plant efficiency of 7 80997 — Bet. pp. 246 and 247 < lead 350 feet. t of $5,000,000. J 'velopment. Dead storage would amount to 20,000 and Net capital power credit (Value of power, (Col. 12) less total cost of power plant (Col. 10)) (13) $6,147,000 5,802,000 5,480,000 5,045,000 4,620,000 4,136,000 3,577,000 2,953,000 2,308,000 1,499,000 Net capital cost of Temperance Flat Reservoir and power plant (Values in Col. 4 less values in Col. 13) (14) $50,453,000 46,398,000 42.220,000 38,055,000 33,880,000 29,764,000 25,623,000 21,347,000 16,892,000 12,101,000 Capital cost of Friant Reservoir (15) $35,000,000 29,500,000 24,400,000 19,600,000 15,200,000 11,300,000 7,800,000 Net capital cost of Temperance Flat project in excess of Friant project (16) $3,055,000 4.380,000 5,364,000 6,023,000 6,147,000 5,592,000 4,301,000 246 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 86 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF TEMPERANCE FLAT RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 65 450 67 2,000 90 475 114 4,300 lis 500 191 8,100 140 525 276 13,900 166 550 376 22,000 190 575 498 32,900 215 600 632 47,100 240 625 822 64,600 265 650 1,042 88,500 290 675 1,270 117,000 315 700 1,520 152,000 340 725 1.790 194,000 365 750 2.048 242,000 390 • 775 2,334 296,000 415 800 2,642 359,000 440 825 2.981 429,000 465 850 3.338 508,000 490 875 3,728 596,000 515 900 4,070 694,000 540 925 4,469 801,000 565 950 4,856 917,000 590 975 5,251 1,043,000 615 1,000 5,630 1,180.000 After making detailed cost estimates of various heights of dam at each site, comparisons were made of all economic factors of each reser- voir for equal net capacities. The results are shown in Table 87 and graphically on Plate XLIII, "Economic Comparison of Friant and Temperance Flat Reservoirs on San Joaquin River." Both sites are situated at low elevations in the watershed area and are in a position to give maximum regulation of the stream flow. The water surface of the Temperance Flat Reservoir with a capacity of 100,000 acre-feet or over would interfere with the operation of the existing Kerekhoff Power Plant of the San Joaquin Light and Power Company. Curve No. 1 on Plate XLIII shows the cost of rebuilding the Kerekhoff Power Plant plus the capitalized value of the loss in power output that would result from the operation of reservoirs of various capacities at the Temperance Flat site, based on a power value of $0,004 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent. Curve No. 2 gives the total cost of Temperance Flat Dam and Reservoir for various capacities, including all lands and improvements flooded with the exception of Kerekhoff Power Plant. Curve No. 3 is the summation of corresponding values in curves No. 1 and No. 2, plus the cost of a 4500 second-foot capacity conveyance channel between Temperance Flat and Friant sites and a 1500 second-foot siphon across the San Joaquin River to connect with the Madera Canal. It shows the total cost of Temperance Flat Reservoir on a basis comparable with Friant, with the exception of credit for power which could be generated at the former site. Curve No. 4 was developed by adding, to corresponding values in Curve 3, the costs of developing sufficient dead storage to give equal capacities in the upper half (water depth) of Temperance Flat Reservoir, the costs of power plants installed for maximum effective heads and 3000 second-feet capacity, and the cost of reinforcing the outlet tunnel for power head, less the value of the power yield at $0,003 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent. Curve No. 5 shows the cost TABLE 87 ECONOMIC COMPARISON OF TEMPERANCE FLAT AND FRIANT RESERVOIRS Estimated cost of interference of Temperance Fiat Reservoir with Kercldioff Power Plant' Estimated cost of Temperance Flat Reservoir Combined cost of Temperance Fiat Reser- voir.interfer- ence with Kercklioff power plant and a conduit from Temper- ance Flat reservoir to Friantdamsite' Cost for same items as column (3) but with utilizable storage in upper half- depth of reservoir^ Flow line elevations with utilizable storage in halMeptb of reser- voir, in feet Temperance Flat Reservoir Power Plant Net capital cost of Temperance Flat Reservoir and power plant (Values in Col. 4 less values in Col. 13) Capital cost of Friant Reservoir Net storage capacity, in acre-feet Maxi- mum power head, in feet* Approxi- mate average operating head, in feet Cost of power plant. at 150 per kilovolt ampere' Cost of putting outlet tunnel under pressure Total cost of power plant and pressure outlet tunnel Average seasonal water supply passingthrougb power plant, in acre-feet Value of power at $0,003 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent' Net capital power credit (Value of power. (Col. 12) less total cost of power plant (Col. 10)) Net capital cost of Temperance Flat project in excess of Friant project l.CIOO.OOO (1) J8.000.000 8.000.000 8.000.000 7.900.000 7,600.000 7.000.000 6.200.000 5.000.000 3.600.000 1.600.000 (2) »38,200,000 34.100.000 30,100,000 26,300.000 22,600,000 19,000,000 15,500,000 12,100,000 9,000,000 6,100,000 (3) $51,200,000 47,100,000 43,100,000 39,200,000 35,200,000 31,000,000 26,700.000 22.100.000 17.600.000 12.700.000 (4) 856.600.000 52.200.000 47,700.000 43.100,000 38.500.000 33.900.000 29.200.000 24,300.000 19.200.000 13,600.000 (5j 991 972 950 924 898 868 836 798 749 679 (6) 511 492 470 444 418 388 356 318 269 199 (7) 384 369 353 333 313 291 267 238 202 149 (8) $6,898,000 6.642.000 6,345.000 5.994,000 5.643.000 5,238.000 4.806.000 4.293.000 3,631.000 2,886,000 (9) $675,000 655,000 625,000 590,000 560,000 520.000 480.000 435.000 370.000 280.000 (10) $7,573,000 7,297,000 6,970,000 6,584,000 6,203,000 5,758.000 5,286,000 4,728,000 4,001,000 2,966,000 (11) 1,550,000 1,540,000 1,530,000 1.515.000 1,500.000 1,475.000 1.440,000 1,400.000 1,355,000 1.300.000 (12) $13,720,000 13,099,000 12,450,000 11,629,000 10,823,000 9,894,000 8,863,000 7,681,000 6,309,000 4,465.000 (13) $6,147,000 5.802,000 5,480,000 5,045,000 4.620.000 4.136,000 3,577,000 2,953,000 2,308.000 1,499.000 (14) $50,453,000 46,398,000 42,220,000 38,055,000 33,880,000 29.764.000 25,623,000 21,347.000 16.892.000 12.101.000 (15) (16) 700.000 600.000 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 $35,000,000 29,500,000 24,400,000 19,600,000 15,200,000 11,300.000 7.800.000 $3,055,000 4,380,000 5,364,000 6,023,000 6,147,000 5.592,000 4.301.000 ' Includes cost of moving power plant plus value of lossin power at 80.004 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent. Low water level at present discharge, elevation 635 feet. Present totalhead 350 feet. ! Conduit comprises 4.500 linear feet of tunnel and 30.000 linear feet of open channel of 4.500 second feet capacity and siphon at Friant site of 1.500 second-feet capacity, with estimated cost of $5,000,000. >Tbisas.sumesdeadstoragein the lower half-depth of the reservoir with flow line elevations for full reservoir as in Col. (5), for the purpose of obtaining a greater net return from power diveiopment. Dead storage would amount to 20,000 a 120.000 acre-feet respectively for utilizable net storage capacities of 100,000 and 1,000,000 acre-feet. * Outlet elevation 480 feet ' Capacity 3,000 second-feet; maximum efficiency 85 per cent; power factor 0.80. ' Based on an overall plant efficiency of 75 per cent. 80997— Bet. pp. 246 and 247 c e c s a I t f e I h P i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 247 PLATE XLIII ° 30 o O 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Net storage capacity in thousands of acre-feet ECONOMIC COMPARISON OF FRIANT AND TEMPERANCE FLAT RESERVOIRS ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER 248 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES X > H-l Pi < o to O < a H 2 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 249 of Friant Reservoir with equivalent net storage capacities above the required diversion elevation. A comparison of curves No. 4 and No. 5 shows that, for any capacity below 700,000 acre-feet, the Friant Reservoir Project would be the more economical. PLATE XL,V TEMPERANCE FLAT DAM SITE ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Economic Capacities of Friant Reservoir and San Joaquin River- Kern County Canal for Ultimate Development — The function of Friant Reservoir in the ultimate development of the State Water Plan for the San Joaquin River basin is to furnish that portion of the water requirements within the areas on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley (included within hydrographic divisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) which can not be met by the development of all local sources of supply. It is proposed to provide for the fullest practicable regula- tion of the available ultimate net run-off of the San Joaquin River in the Friant Reservoir and distribute the regulated supplies therefrom through conduits leading north and south from the reservoir. The storage capacity of Friant Reservoir, therefore, should be made suffi- cient to regulate the available run-off and furnish the water supplies at the rates and in the total amounts required. The water supply required from Friant Reservoir for the ultimate development within Hj'drographic Division No. 6 (Madera Unit) is fixed in accord with the assumed right of the proposed development of the Madera Irrigation District to acquire and divert a total seasonal water supply of 350,000 acre-feet. This water requirement also fixes the capacity of the proposed Madera Canal at 1500 second-feet. The water supply required from Friant Reservoir for the ultimate develop- ment of the remaining portion of the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley to be served from this reservoir depends upon a determination of the amount of water that can be obtained from the fullest practicable development and utilization of the water supplies locally tributary thereto. This has involved a long and complicated analysis with a multiplicity of trial studies including analyses of surface and underground storage regulation and utilization. The results of these studies are presented hereafter in this chapter and in 250 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Chapter VII. In order to arrive at the amount of water required from the San Joaquin River and the most desirable and economical degree of regulation at Friant Reservoir, it was necessary to consider the regulation and utilization of the local water supplies in combination with the supply to be obtained from Friant Reservoir. The studies show that a total average seasonal water supply of about 1,335,000 acre-feet from Friant Reservoir during the 40-year period, 1889-1929, would adequately satisfy the requirements for supplemental supply in the areas of deficiency. The determination of the economic capacity of Friant Reservoir to furnish this water requirement for ultimate development of the upper San Joaquin Valley involves a consideration of cost of storage, cost of conveyance canals leading from the reservoir and cost of water supply utilization, to ascertain the minimum amount of these com- bined elements of cost of the water supply to be furnished. The capacity of the Madera Canal is fixed, as previously stated, by the delivery requirements for the Madera unit. However, the capacity the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, which is provided in the plan to convey water southerly from Friant Reservoir to the area on the east side of the San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River, is interrelated to and dependent upon the capacity of the reser- voir. Equal yields could be obtained with varying amounts of reservoir and canal capacity operating in combination. It is necessary, therefore, to determine, for the jdeld required, the size of the reservoir and conduit which would result in the least combined cost. In addi- tion, the cost of utilization by pumping from underground of supplies furnished from Friant Reservoir must be compared with the cost of providing storage to furnish surface irrigation supplies in the irriga- tion season, in lieu of pumping, to finally determine the minimum combined cost of storage, conversance and utilization. Studies pertaining to the determination of the minimum combined cost of Friant Reservoir storage and the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal are presented in Table 88 and on Plate XLVI, ' ' Curves of Equal Total Annual Cost and of Equal Mean Seasonal Yields for the Operation of Friant Reservoir and San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal for Various Capacities, 1889-1929." Table 88 shows the esti- mated annual cost for the canal with various capacities, the average seasonal yield in acre-feet for different combinations of reservoir and canal capacity and the estimated combined annual cost of canal and reservoir for different combinations of canal and reservoir capacity, based on the available run-off for the 40-year period, 1889-1929. The estimated reservoir yields are based upon the assumption that surface storage would be provided only as required to permit of maximum utilization of the water supplies furnished to the areas served through the combined means of surface irrigation and ground water storage and pumping. The storage capacities shown in Table 88 are those required to furnish the Avater supply for the Madera unit as well as the area south of the San Joaquin River. However, the yields .shown in the table for various storage capacities are those for the area south of the San Joaquin River only. Plate XLVI has been compiled from the data presented in Table 88. The combinations of reservoir and canal capacities for various yields which would result in obtaining the SAN JOAQtJIN EIVER BASIN 251 00 00 U < ^ U t/3 ^ ■go" 9— >. oooooooooo V o a a 9 cs g b oooooooooo ■oio o o_o_o o_o_o_o o o aco §og ■ «(M^O^>o — ' *» il lOOOOO I 1 1 1 oS-2 'OOOOO t 1 t t e« b • OOOOO 1 1 1 1 an CO l»oioo»oo I 1 1 1 — 9 1 oic^ eooo *-t I ; a a a.9 fc2 (C^coecco-^ 1 1 1 1 >• O ;*o rt o ca a> m 6 'OOOOOOOOO c3 ^^ '000000<000 CIS b. 1 o_o_o_o_o_o o o o o ^ Sg , loo oo lo lourso »o a.s ca . S2 i'^r^0coict~*05'— D <:■>; . ■« Ii 3— k. a ca-s §gt oooooooooo ooooooooo ^-'==i.R® o o o o o o |3 'O. S 1-^ CO cd" lO oT TfT (M* ^ ^^ ^ § O £ w 6 • OOOOOOOOO P. W 'OOOOOOOOO CQ^^ 03 t^ J o o^o^o_o^o o o o i§ to ea 1 ":!" o o o »o o o o o it^OCO'lOOO'— ifvjiOCO (4 C3 c3 a c3 - fe2 I ^C^<^i'^<^^^fO CO CO CO 6^ > . _ ca XS ill « ca C OOOOOOOOOO Mo OOCOCDC^OC-OO ^■s o o^o_o_o_o O O O O •og •a " S o tn in '^ oo'co -H o'o'o aJS Cl ^ fc4 cOTj*cococoioi^ocoh- o - O *-^^C^CO -^ lO COOO OiO 3"St3 M (^^* N (tJ N M M* m" ci CO m gsg «♦ 11 >* o —H .4J ce ID 'SS2^^®<='00 a. « '000C>00000 Sg "^o o o^o^oo oo I »o ic o lo »c lo o'o o S3 .r^^^eoooocjco-*** M a a ,0 i-*^-H »M ,-H C^c^C^ C^ >■ » -fl-R b 3 - g •-. ooooooooc>o oooooo>c;o>oo O^O^O^O^O OOOOO oioio-^odco'—^o^oo rt s ocot^t^b-os'-^'*j«r-i-< 3 S cocoTt*ir5.osOi-tco §" •* iP-T^w « »! ^ ° t -g C-jOOOOOOOOiO •§ M ||.s| •^OOOOOOOOO .2 2 -^ c OOOOOOOOO o o o'o o o o"o"o" 03 S^ PS lOOkOOiOOiOOiO S" --»-lne A-A incJtcates. for various seasonal yields, the cofntimation of teservoir and canal capacities, resulting in lowest annual cost of water delivered I'orti the San Joaquin Rivef-Kcfn County Canal. Line B-B indicates, for various seasonal yields, the combination of reservoir and canal capacities, resulting in the lowest annual cost of water delivereo to the land, in accord with irrigation demand. Values of annual cost of each acre-foot increase m storage. Op- posite points on line B-B, are equal to the annual savings in ground water pumping cost which could be secured by stor- age capacities between lines A-A and B-S, reserved for pn- mary yield. Values of annual costs and yields for the Madera Canal are not included. These values are constant for all combmalions. as the canal capacity and yields are in accordance with a desirable irrigation demar^d. 2.30 - 2.20 (0 LEGEND — ■ Equal mean seasonal yields Equal total annual costs CURVES OF EQUAL TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS AND OF EQUAL MEAN SEASONAL YIELDS FOR THE OPERATION OF FRIANT RESERVOIR AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVER--KERN COUNTY CANAL 1889--1929 254 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES U CQ < g y w s > ssss oooo C*3 ^ CO ^^ Oioo c^eo Mt W3 t^ <0 oooo OOOO kO <0 O CO oooo oooo MOO w-^ lO ^O UJ OOOO OOOO o o o o o oooo oooo 00 O CO CO oooo OOOO U500 o oooo oooo C^ OS coo oooo oooo oooo oooo 0*0^00 5S8g 1 ft) o o o o" g SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 255 The period, 1917-1929, shows the largest amounts of additional "in-season" water as related to the additional storage. In a season of minimum run-off such as 1928-1924, the studies show that the increased amount of "in-season" water obtainable would be practically equal to the additional storage capacity provided up to 100,000 acre- feet or more. It should be noted that the provision of additional storage capacity for the purpose of obtaining an increased amount of "in-season" water would not appreciably increase the total seasonal reservoir yield. The data on the permissible economic increase in storage capacity (above the economic storage capacity shown by Curve "A-A" on Plate XLVI), for providing additional ^'in-season" water to furnish a surface irrigation supply in place of " out-of -season " supplies requiring ground water storage and pumping are presented in Table 90. Starting with the economic reservoir and canal capacities as shown by curve "A-A" on Plate XLVI, trial studies were made using different amounts of additional" reservoir capacity for obtaining increased amounts of "in-season" water and comparative estimates made of cost of additional storage and savings that would be effected in pump- ing costs. The economic additional storage capacities shown in Table 90 are those for which a balance was reached between cost of additional storage and the saving in pumping cost effected by the substitution for a pumped supply of the "in-season" surface irrigation supply obtained from the additional storage. TABLE 90 ECONOMIC INCREASE OF STORAGE CAPACITY IN FRIANT RESERVOIR FOR PROVIDING ADDITIONAL "IN-SEASON" SURFACE IRRIGATION SUPPLIES IN PLACE OF "OUT- OF-SEASON" SUPPLIES REQUIRING GROUND WATER STORAGE AND PUMPING San Joaquin River- Kern County Canal capacity, in second-feet Economic net reservoir capacity exclusive of additional storage, in acre-feet Economic additional storage capacity, in acre-feet Total net storage capacity, in acre-feet Average seasonal increase of in-season water for 40-year period 1889-1929, in per cent of additional storage capacity 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 80,000 170,000 210,000 230,000 120,000 75,000 60,000 60,000 200,000 245,000 270,000 290,000 47 55 60 64 To illustrate the method of determining the economic additional storage capacities shown in Table 90, the following example is pre- sented : With a canal capacity of 3000 second-feet and an economic net reservoir capacity of 210,000 acre-feet as shown by Curve "A-A" on Plate XLVI, an additional storage capacity of 60,000 acre-feet reserved for providing additional "in-season" water would have resulted in an average increase of 36,000 acre-feet of "in-season" water during the 40-year period, 1889-1929. The additional average yield of "in- season" water is 60 per cent of the additional storage capacity pro- vided for this purpose. In a season of minimum run-off such as 1923-1924, the additional amount of "in-season" water obtained would have been 60,000 acre-feet or 100 per cent of the additional storage 256 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES provided. As shown on Plate XLVI, tlie average annual cost per acre-foot of the additional 60,000 acre-feet of storage capactiy is $2.31. The saving which would be effected in pumping cost is estimated as follows : Interest and fixed charges would be based upon the maxi- mum required pumping installation to furnish a water supply equiva- lent in amount to that provided by the additional storage capacity in a season of minimum run-off such as 1923-1924. On this basis the cost per acre-foot for interest and fixed charges on pumping, with an estimated maximum lift of 75 feet and a volume of pumping equal to 100 per cent of the additional storage capacity provided, would be $1.50 ($0.02X75X100%). Operation and energy charges would be based upon an average estimated pumping lift of 45 feet and an average volume of water pumped during the 40-year period of 60 per cent of the additional storage capacity provided. On this basis opera- tion and energy charges would amount to $0.81 ($0.03X45X60%). The total annual cost per acre-foot which would be saved in pumping costs would, therefore, be $2.31, or an amount equal to the cost per acre-foot of additional storage capacity to provide the substitute "in-season" surface irrigation supply. A further additional storage of 30,000 acre-feet would increase the average amount of "in-season" w^ater by 50 per cent of such additional storage. The average annual cost of an additional 30,000 acre-feet of storage, as shown by Plate XLVI, would be about $2.44 per acre-foot. The saving in pumpin cost by the substitution of the surface irrigation supply obtained] thereby would be but $2.18 per acre-foot. Hence, any further addi tional storage capacity in excess of 60,000 acre-feet to provid additional ' ' in-season ' ' water would result in a greater annual cost f o: storage than the saving in pumping cost that could be effected. Tb additional economic storage capacities for other combinations of can and reservoir capacity have been estimated similarly. Based upon the data presented in Table 90, the dotted curve designated as "B-B," has been plotted on Plate XLVI. The poin on this curve show the approximate economic capacity of Friant Res ervoir for different capacities of the San Joaquin River-Kern Count; Canal, based upon obtaining the most economical combination of elements of cost, including storage, conveyance and water suppl; utilization. Since the total seasonal yield is not materially increase by the additional storage provided tor increasing the amount o: "in-season" water, the seasonal yields, for the combination of reserve: and canal capacities indicated by curve "B-B," are shown for par- ticular canal capacities by the points of intersection of curve "A-A' with the yield curves. Based on the required yield of Friant Reserve to furnish the ultimate requirements for an imported water supply the area on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley south of ti San Joaquin River, it is finalty concluded that the most desirable ani economic capacities for Friant Reservoir and the San Joaquin River Kern County Canal would be 270,000 acre-feet and 3000 second-feetj respectively. This required reservoir capacity would be above th< required diversion level of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal] below which there would be a dead storage of 130,000 acre-feet. Th»| required gross storage capacity of Friant Reservoir would, therefore be 400,000 acre-feet, with a net utilizable storage of 270,000 acre-feetj SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 257 Based upon the adopted canal capacities of 3000 second-feet for the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal and 1500 second-feet for tlie ^ladera Canal, the cost of storage and seasonal yield for various reservoir capacities is shown on Plate XLVII, "Cost of Reservoir Capacity and Unit Yield of Water for Irrigation from Friant Res- ervoir." Reservoir Site and Yield — The Friant Reservoir site is situated in tlie low mountain or foothill area just above the point where the San Joaquin River has cut its channel into the eastern rim of the valley floor. The bottom of the reservoir basin around the site of the former town of Millerton is open. The side slopes further upstream are {•overed with brush and a few pine trees. The area is used for cattle range. At the flow line elevation of 555 feet for a gross storage rapacity of 400.000 acre-feet, the reservoir would flood an area of 4200 acres having a length of six miles and a maximum width of about two miles. In making yield studies at this site, a net seasonal reservoir evapo- 1 ation loss of 4.0 feet in depth on the reservoir surface was used. For ilie 40-year period, 1889-1929, the operation of this reservoir in con- ,i unction with ground w^ater storage in the upper San Joaquin Valley would have resulted in an average irrigation yield of 1,726,000 acre- feet. Details of reservoir yields and utilization are presented in Chapter VII. Dam Site — The dam site, located about one mile upstream from the town of Friant, has a rather shallow "U" shaped profile so that with the height of dam proposed, 252 feet above the stream bed, the total crest length would be 3800 feet. A geological examination was made of river channel and slopes from Friant upstream to Temperance Flat dam site and the general geology together with the results of detailed examinations of Friant, Fort Millerton and Temperance Flat ^ites are presented in Appendix C. The Friant site occupies an area )f complex metamo^hic rocks which have been given the general name, laica schist. Sound rock is found at the surface in the streambed and it moderate depths below the side slope surface. The JMadera Irriga- ion District has explored the site with test pits and diamond drill loles and examination of test pits and analyses of cores reveal the •haracter of the bed rock to be entirely satisfactory- as a foundation or a concrete structure as proposed. It is estimated that the sound oek should be found at a depth of about 25 feet measured at right ingles to the slope on the left abutment. An average depth of strip- ping of 40 feet may be required on the right abutment, as a portion f it contains an old stream terrace. The estimated stripping require- f^^jk ents in the stream bed vary from eight to fifteen feet in depth. The itimated depths of stripping are shown graphically in Appendix C this report. ,1k Bam and Appurtenances — The topography of the site and the ineral layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on ,te XLVIII, "Friant Reservoir on San Joaquin River." The dam a concrete gravity type structure, straight in plan across the stream 17—80997 258 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XLVII Cost in millions of dollars Cost per acre-foot in dollars < 1) 1 0.8 1.6 , 2.4 1 40 80 120 1 Ort_ Ann ual cc )St 1 1 1 // f / / / / / ' /, ' 1 . / / 1' « Capital costv 1 ' 4) / c 7 c / F / E Cost of each ht above the stream bed of 252 feet and a crest length of 3800 feet. An overflow spillway is provided at the left abutment. The spillway controls consist of nine drum gates, 15 feet high by 50 feet long, having an estimated combined discharging capacity of" 92,000 second-feet, or 2.8 times the once-in-25-year flood. A concrete lined spillway channel 900 feet long and an unlined cut 300 feet long would convey the discharge to the river about 400 feet below the downstream toe of the dam. Two sets of irrigation outlets are located on either side of the river. The outlets for the Madera Canal are on the north side at elevation 418 feet and have a discharg- ing capacity of 1500 second-feet, with a maximum water surface eleva- tion of 415 feet in the canal. The San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal outlets are located in a saddle on the south side at elevation 455 feet and have a discharging capacity of 3000 second-feet, wdth a maxi- mum water surface elevation of 467 feet in the canal. Outlets also are provided near the stream bed to be utilized for the release of lower San Joaquin River ' * Crop Land ' ' waters under conditions of immediate initial development. For flood regulation, a reserve storage space of 75,000 acre-feet and a maximum draw-down of 20 feet would be required. The required regulatory flood control outlet capacity of 15,000 second-feet is pro- vided by the utilization of power plant by-passes and irrigation water outlets, with a reservoir water surface at elevation 535 feet. Power Plants — A power plant of 30,000 kilovolt amperes capacity is located at the lower toe of the dam for utilizing the lower San Joaquin River "Crop Land" waters (see Chapter VIII) which would be released under the immediate initial development for the lower San Joaquin Valley. This plant is to be abandoned upon completion of the San Joaquin River Pumping System, or at such time when all the San Joaquin River water would be diverted at high elevations for exportation to the upper San Joaquin Valley. Based on a 10-year amortization period, the economic capacity of this plant has been determined as 30,000 kilovolt amperes. A second power plant of 10,000 kilovolt amperes capacity is proposed under conditions of ultimate development for utilization of water released at elevation 415 feet for the Madera Canal. Cost of Friant Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Friant Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases prcA'iously presented in this chapter, are shown in Table 91. The estimated revenue from sale of electric energy and the net annual cost not covered by poAver revenue also are given in the table for both the immediate initial and ultimate developments. 260 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 91 COST OF FRIANT RESERVOIR Height of dam, 252 feet, dross capacity of reservoir, 400,000 acre-feet. Net efTective capacity of reservoir, 270,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 92,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 7,500 second-feat. Flood control outlet capacity, 15,000 second-feet available through combined irrigation outlets and power plant by-passes. Exploration $10,000 Diversion of river during construction , 50,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing.. 250,000 Excavation for dam, 350,000 cubic yards at $1.00 to $5.00 $1,000,000 Mass concrete, 1,293,000 cubic yards at $0.30 8,146,000 Reinforced concrete, 3,G00 cubic yards at $17.00 to $30.00 68,000 Spillway gates 170,000 Spillway channel 360,000 Irrigation outlet and sluiceways 104,000 (Power outlets and controls included in of power plant) Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals. 126,000 — — 10,034.000 Miscellaneous 128,000 Subtotal.. ...- $10,472,000 Administration and engineering at 10 percent.. 1,047,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent 1,571,1100 Interest during con.struction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum ,,.. 910,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $14,000,000 Cost of Power Plants and Appurtenances for Friant Reservoir Immediate Initial Development. — Power plant located at lower toe of dam for utilizing lower San Joaquin "crop land" waters, to be abandoned at such time as all San Joaquin River water shall be diverted for exportation at higher eleva- tions. Selection of economic capacity based on a 10-year amortization period. Capacity, 30,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor=0.80. Load factor=1.00. Total capital cost of power plant including outlets, penstocks and controls $1,500,000 Ultimate Development. — Power plant located at elevation 415 for utilizing water diverted through Madera Canal. Capacity, 10,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor=0.80. Load factor=1.00. Total capital cost of power plant $500,00 Annual Cost of Friant Reservoir and Power Plants Immediate Initial Development- Gross annual cost of dam and reservoir $840,000 Gross annual cost of power plant 222,000 Total gross annual cost $1,062,000 Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy, 105,000,000 kilcwktt-houre at $0.0035. $367,000 Average net annual cost not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy $695,00(1 Ultimate Development — annual of dam and reservoir.. ._ $840,00(1 Gross annual cost of power plant - 45,00(1 Total gross annual cost $885,000 .Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy, 23,000,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0035 . . - $80,000 Average net annual cost not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy.. $805,(>()(t Pine Flat Reservoir on Kings River. In ordor to provide for the fullest i)racticable development and utilization of the run-oft' of Kin«>s River for ultimate development, surface storage is desirable. It would increase the amount of water available for utilization, would improve the characteristics of supply and would ]irovidp a more flexible plan of develojiment and operation than one without .surface storage regulation. Accordingly, a surface storage unit is proposed on Kings River for ultimate development. The dam site for the Pine Flat Reservoir on the Kings River is located in Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 24 East, M. D. B. and M., in Fresno County, about 26 miles easterly from the city of Fresno. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 261 The Pine Flat site is the only one on Kings River strategically located and of adequate potential capacity to properly regulate the waters of the stream to meet the ultimate needs of the Kings River service area. There are several other sites on the South and Middle forks above Pine Plat which have been investigated by public and private agencies in connection with water supply and hydroelectric power projects. Some of these if developed would be useful in supplementing Pine Flat storage. The drainage areas on the Kings River watershed, above the Pine Flat dam site, are segregated bj'^ zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 10,000 feet 386 square miles Area between elevations 5000 and 10,000 feet 824 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feec 201 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 133 square miles Total area above Pine iFlat dam site 1544 square miles Present Developments on Kings River — The only existing develop- ment above the Pine Flat site is the Balch Power Plant of the San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation with an installed capacity of 83,000 kilovolt amperes. The present plant operates entirely on natural stream flow. Additional installation, dependent on storage development, is contemplated. Below Piedra are the diversions of an elaborate system of canals for the distribution of water to a gross area of some 900,000 acres of land on or below the Kings River Delta. A discussion of these diversions and water rights has been presented in Chapter IV. The total area irrigated in 1929 was approximately G00,000 acres. Water Supply — The water supply available for regulation is the flow of Kings River, for which the estimated mean seasonal run-off for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is 1,889,000 acre feet. Details of run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 1200 feet, was prepared from surveys made by the Kings River Water Conservation District in 1922. A map of the dam site, scale one inch equals 100 feet, was prepared from these surveys and supplemental surveys made by the State in 1925. Table 92 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. The difference in total annual cost of water delivered on the land in the Kings River area, whether regulation of Kings River run-off be effected entirely by the utilization of ground water storage and pump- ing, or whether it be obtained by a combination of surface storage regulation and ground water storage and pumping, was shown by analysis to be very slight. However, after making trial studies of yield and cost for various capacity reservoirs, and after consideration of the limitations and possible accomplishments of a proposed plan of development and operation, including the value of existing rights and the operations thereunder, the methods of irrigation practiced in various parts of the Kings River area, the value of incidental power development, the value of storage space for flood control, and the desirability and necessity of surface storage regulation for ground water recharge and for furnishing an adequate surface supply for the nonabsorptive areas in Tulare Lake vicinity, it was concluded that 262 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 92 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF PINE FLAT RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 48 600 125 2,000 68 620 325 6,000 88 640 550 15,000 108 660 850 28,000 128 680 1,225 49,000 148 700 1,525 77,000 168 720 1,875 110,000 188 740 2,200 152,000 208 760 2,475 198,000 228 780 2,850 251,000 248 800 3,225 312,000 268 820 3,575 380,000 274 826 3,680 400,000 288 840 3,925 455,000 308 860 4,375 537,000 328 880 4.745 630,000 348 900 5,450 732,000 Pine Flat Reservoir sliould be included as a nnit for ultimate develop- ment of the State Water Plan for the San Joaquin River Basin and that its economic and practicable capacitv for this purpose would be 400,000 acre-feet. The reservoir site is situated in the lower mountain area, about six miles above the edge of the valley floor, below all intereference with present or future power development and at a point where practically the entire Kings River run-off can be regulated. With the capacity selected, the reservoir would have a flow line elevation of 826 feet, a length of 14 miles, a maximum width of one and one-half miles and a surface area of 3680 acres. Most of the flooded area is steep, rocky, mountain land, covered with brush and small timber. In Pine Flat about 80 acres are planted to orchard and vineyard. Other imjirove- ments consist of a few scattered ranch houses. The main Kings River Canyon road would be submerged and would require about twelve miles of relocation together with a telephone line of light construction. In making yield studies, a net seasonal reservoir evaporation loss of four feet depth on tlie reservoir surface was used. Tlie mean sea- sonal irrigation yield from this reservoir, operated in conjunction with ground water storage in the Kings River Delta, for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, would have been 1,764,000 acre feet. Details "of reservoir yields and utilization are given in Chapter VII. Dam Site — Several dam sites have been investigated by different interests in the section of the canyon between Pine Flat and Piedra. Surveys, exploration and examination of the adopted site were made by the Kings River Water Conservation District. After making a geological examination (see Appendix C) and additional to]iographic surveys, this same site was chosen. The geological examination shows that the character of the rock and the topographic development at this site are well suited to the construction of a concrete dam. The rock mass is a "greenstone," the cliief rock making member of which is liorneblende. Several systems of joints break the rock mass into relatively small blocks, but without displacement of the joint blocks or parting of the joint walls. Although being a universal structural SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 263 defect of the rock mass, this system of joints is not to be considered as greatly reducing the strength of the whole rock mass or the safety of a structure founded upon it. Examination of the cores shows the joints to be closed and tight at a shallow depth below the rock line in the stream bed to the extent that they would probably refuse grout. On the abutments, the rock is covered with a sliallow overburden of clay soil and is partially disintegrated to depths of from thi-ee to fifteen feet. Spotted over the site are some joints below these depths where w^ater has circulated. It is estimated that, on the average, stripping of 20 to 30 feet in the stream bed and 10 to 12 feet on the abutments would remove all loose material and reveal sound rock. Some portions would require but five to eight feet of stripping, while limited areas would require as much as 30 feet. The general geology and the location of diamond drill holes at this site are shown on plates in Appendix C of this report. PLATE XLIX r PINE FLAT DAM SITE ON KINGS RIVER Dam and Appurtenances — The topography of the dam site and general layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on Plate L, "Pine Flat Reservoir on Kings River." The height of dam above stream bed, including five feet of freeboard, is 274 feet and the crest length, 1080 feet. The dam is a concrete gravity-type structure, straight in plan, with an overflow spillway occupying all of the crest except 70 feet in the center and 30 feet at each abutment. The spill- way is controlled by 16 drum gates 12 feet high by 50 feet long and has an estimated discharging capacity of 120,000 second-feet or 3.5 times the onee-in-25-year flood. A bucket section and concrete lined spillway channels along the downstream toe of the dam are provided to convey the discharge to a concrete apron in the river channel. 264 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE 1 proi feet, 1000 r- 40O 60O Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM ler li iiiae [ipowe; ' lilov( C \ til me] GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET 20O 40O R. 23 E- ) n. 24 e. \tA ■TTST" ■ ■■r-jSt— ■ Mump .... Jl <^T*.is. f - ■■■ \^ Trlm»r«^ y^i ^JS— .-^Vij.^s. T M^^Hh— PINE FLAT ^^«- ,^H^f^ RESERVOIR I l' .ff?:t:VN,''"'E FLAT DAM C a//* LOCATION MAP ^/ /» 4 6 C" {; T.WS. ■mio Srpl PINE FLAT RESERVOIR KINGS RIVER *«l! ^ S SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 265 Reserve space of 80,000 acre-feet with a maximum drawdown of 25 feet would be required for the regulation of winter floods to a maximum flow of 15,000 second-feet, exceeded once in 100 years on the average. The required outlet capacity of 15,000 second-feet is provided through the irrigation outlets and power plant by-passes. Three 78-inch diameter pipes through the dam, at elevation 590 feet, are provided for the release of irrigation Avater. These have a combined discharging capacity of 3000 second-feet under a minimum head of 30 feet and are controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. Additional irrigation water would be released through the power plant turbines and by-passes. Power Plant — Considering the average value of power at $0,002 per kilowatt hour with no power reserve storage and assuming releases in accordance with irrigation use only, the economic capacity of the liower installation for Pine Flat Reservoir is estimated to be 40,000 kilovolt amperes. The power plant would be located on the right side of the river about 1000 feet below the downstream toe of the dam, the turbines being supplied through steel penstocks. The cost of the com- plete power development is estimated at $50 per kilovolt ampere. Cost of Pine Flat Reservoir — The capital and annual costs of Pine Flat Reservoir estimated in accord with bases previously presented in this chapter, are set forth in Table 93. The estimated revenue from the sale of electric energy and the net annual cost not covered by power revenue also are given in the table. TABLE 93 COST OF PINE FLAT RESERVOIR Height of dam, 274 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 400,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 120,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlets, 3,000 second-feet. Flood control outlet capacity of 1.5,000 .second-feet available through combined irrigation outlets and power plant by-passes. Exploration $10,000 Diversion of river diu'ing construction 75,000 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing , 500,000 Excavation for dam, 168,000 cubic yards at $3.50 to $5.00 $702,000 Mass concrete, 727,000 cubic yards at $6.50 4,726,000 Reinforced concrete, 5,500 cubic yards at $18.00 to $30.00 106,000 Spillway gates 234,000 Spillway channel 400,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 167,000 (Power plant outlets and controls included in cost of power plant) Drilling, grouting, drains and contraction seals 64,000 • 6,399,000 Miscellaneous 196,000 Subtotal $7,180,000 Administration and engineering at 10 percent 718,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent 1,077,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 625,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $9,600,000 Cost of Power Plant for Pine Flat Reservoir Capacity, 40,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor=0.80. Load factor=1.00. Total capital cost of power plant, including outlets, penstocks and controls _ $2,000,000 Annual Cost of Pine Flat Reservoir and Power Plant Gross annual cost of dam and reservoir _ $574,000 Gross annual cost of power plant 168,000 Total gross annual cost $742,000 •Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy, 100,500,000 kilowatt hours at $0.002 $201,000 .\verage net annual cost not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy $541,000 266 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Ward Reservoir Site on Kaweah River. The dam site for the Ward Reservoir site on the Kaweali River is located in Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. and M., in Tuhire County about 20 miles east of the city of Visalia. This is the only reservoii- site on tiie main stream offering possibilities of full regulation of the Kaweah River. No sites of sufficient size to be important have been found on the main branches of the stream. The drainage areas on the Kaweah River watershed, above the Ward dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 10,000 feet 37 square miles Area between elevations 5000 and 10,000 feet 275 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 141 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 61 square miles Total area above Ward dam site 514 square miles Present Developments on Kaweah River — The only existing devel- opments above the Ward site consist of three power plants of the Southern California Edison Company, Kaweah No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, having installed capacities of 2500, 3500 and 3500 kilovolt amperes, respectively. The supply for Kaweah No. 1 is diverted from East Pork. KaAveah No. 3 diverts near the junction of the Marble Fork and Middle Fork. Diversion for Kaweah No. 2 is made from the ^Middle Fork immediately below Kaweah No. 3 tailrace. The diversion systems, water rights and irrigated areas on the Kaweah Delta have been dis- cussed in Chapter IV. Water Supply — The water supply available at this site is the full natural run-off of the Kaweah River of which the seasonal mean for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is estimated as 443,000 acre-feet. The mean seasonal yield for this period, utilizable Avithout surface storage, is estimated as 435,000 acre-feet. Details of run-off and utilization bv ground water storage have been presented in Chapters II and IV. respectively. Reservoir Site and Capacity — A contour map of the reservoir] site, scale one inch ecpials 400 feet, was prepared by George B. Sturgeon from a survey made in 1917. The State made a survey and prei)ared| a contour map of the dam site, scale one inch etpials 100 feet, in 1930. Table 94 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. TABLE 94 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF WARD RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 45 660 101 1,800 & 65 680 173 4,500 M 85 700 253 8.800 a 105 720 384 15,200 ■ 125 740 518 24.000 ■ 145 760 691 36,300 ■ 165 780 901 51,900 m 185 800 1,111 72,000 n 205 820 1,291 96,000 n 225 840 1.527 124,000 m 245 860 1,778 156,800 'II 265 880 2,031 195.500 JH 285 900 2.296 238.600 m 305 920 2.582 287.4(K) jy 325 940 2,725 341,800 ^ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 267 Economics of Surface Storage on Kaweah River — The construction »f the Ward Reservoir is not included in the State Plan. The wide *U" shaped channel at this dam site makes the unit cost of surface torag'e relatively expensive. The present high degree of conservation f stream flow in the Kaweah Delta area is secured by the utilization f ground water storage and pumping in a large absorptive area. The let irrigable area of about 35,000 acres, some of which is nonabsorptive, ituated above the proposed location of the San Joaquin River-Kern bounty Canal in the Kaweah Basin, could be furnished an ample urface supply every season by direct diversion from the Kaweah iiiver without surface storage development. Cost estimates and yield tudies were made of a reservoir at the Ward site for various storage PLATE LI WARD DAM SITE ON KAWEAH RIVER ■apacities. Analyses of the economics of stream flow utilization with eservoirs of various capacities at this site, operated in conjunction 'ith ground water storage and pumping, shoAved that no increase in tilizable yield could be obtained thereby and that the unit cost of 'ater delivered to the land would considerably exceed that obtainable rom a supply developed without surface storage. Dam Site — The dam site is located about three miles below the )wn of Three Rivers and lies wholly within an area composed of ranitic rock. The stream has cut a Avide ''U" shaped channel through lis formation. A geological examination (see Appendix C) shows lat the granite mass has developed a complex series of irregular joint lanes. The effect of weathering along joint planes makes it uncertain ithout subsurface exploration as to the extent of stripping and ressure grouting necessary. For the purposes of preliminary estimat- iig it was considered that the stripping would be uneven, and an ^erage allowance was made for 25 feet of excavation perpendicular ) the slope, over the entire site. ii 2G8 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Pleasant Valley Reservoir on Tule River. The {lam site for the Pleasant Valley Reservoir on the Tule River is located in Sections 17 and IS, Township 21 South, Ranpre 29 East, •M. I). U. and M., in Tulare County, about nine miles east of the city of Porterville. The South Fork joins the main river about three miles below the Pleasant Valley dam site. A reservoir site was investigated on that fork, just below the Tule River Indian Reservation, but sufficient capacity coukl not be obtained to control the run-off. On the ^Middle Fork there is a small reservoir site below the mouth of Bear Creek. The Pleasant Valley .site on the main stream is the only one capable of beinff developed to the cajiacity required for a hijrh degree of utiliza- tion of the run-off of most of the watershed. The drainage areas on the Tule River Avatershed, above the Pleasant Valley dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows: 11 Area above elevation 5000 feet 98 .square mile.s „ Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 73 square miles OW Area below elevation 2500 feet 93 square miles jjjj^ Total area above Pleasant Valley dam site 264 square miles rf(]lli The South Fork has a drainage area of 74 square miles above the gaging station on the Tule River Indian Reservation. Sontt compi irri»a Present Developments on Tule River — The only existing develop- ments above the Pleasant Valley site are two power plants on Middle surfai Fork. The upper plant, owned by the San Joaquin Light and Power Id Corporation, has an installed cai)acity of 6000 kilovolt amperes. It is located at the junction of the north and south forks of INIiddle Fork jge, and diverts its water supply from the former. The lower plant, owned indue by Southern California Edison Company, has an in.stalled capacity of 2500 kilovolt amperes. It is located on ^Middle Fork above its junction with North Fork and diverts its supply immediately below the tailrace of the upper plant. Existing conditions of irrigation development on the Tule River Delta liave been discus.sed in Chapter IV. ^yaier Supphj — The estimated mean seasonal run-off above th(> Pleasant Valley dam site for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is 99.700 acre-feet. The South Fork, with a mean seasonal run-off for the 40-year period of 80,300 acre-feet, could not be regulated b}' storage, but the run-off therefrom would be pooled with reservoir on the main river, so regulated as to result in a high degree of utilization of the entire Tule River run-off. Details in regard to run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacit]i and Yield — A contour niaj) of the reser- voir and dam site, .scale one inch ecpials 500 feet, was prei)ared from a survey made by the State in 1921. Table 95 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. A study of the economics of utilization of the run-off of Tule River, including South Fork, with surface storage regulation on the Ifajj, main Tule River operated in conjunction with ground water storage, iifg^ .shows that a surface reservoir capacity of 39,000 acre-feet would be reaj recpiircd jind justified. At this capacity the flow line elevation of lf( Pleasjini Valley IJcsorvoir would be 775 feet and the submerged area i) SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 95 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF PLEASANT VALLEY RESERVOIR 269 Height of dam, in feet (10-foot freeboard) Water surface elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 50 700 96 1,500 60 710 168 2,800 70 720 239 4,900 80 730 319 7,700 90 740 415 11,300 100 750 612 16,500 110 760 845 23,700 120 770 1,093 33,400 125 775 1,270 39,000 130 780 1,451 46,200 140 790 1,849 62,700 150 800 2,198 82,900 1270 acres. This reservoir area is chiefly uncultivated g-razing' land. Several citrus groves fringe the valley but are situated above the flow line. About three miles of the Porterville-Springville High-\vay would require relocation and about 3.5 miles of the Springville branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad would be submerged, involving relocation or compensation for abandonment. In making the irrigation yield studies on the Tule River, a net seasonal reservoir evaporation loss of four feet in depth on the reservoir surface w'as used. With the regulated flow^ allocated to high rim lands in the form of a gravity supply and unregulated flow^s used for the irrigation of lower lands and the replenishment of ground water stor- age, the mean seasonal utilizable yield for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, including that from the South Fork, would have been 128,000 acre-feet. Details of reservoir yields and utilization are given in Chapter VII. PL.ATE LII PLEASANT VALLEY DAM SITE ON TULE RIVER Dam Site — A geological examination (see Appendix C) of the Pleasant Valley dam site shows the bedrock to be of granitic formation varying in texture and mineral constituents within comparatively small areas. Weathering has attacked the rock, producing gentle slopes at the dam site abutments. The rock outcrops are principally dislodged 270 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES joint blocks with but little rock found in place. The topographic anl greological characteristics of the site dictate the adoption of an earth- till dam as most suitable and designs and estimates have been based on this type of dam. No subsurface exploration has been made. As the deep weathering of the bedrock has produced gentle slopes and no outcrops show near the stream bed, it is estimated that excavation to a depth of 50 feet would be required for the cutoff wall at the upstream toe of the main dam, and from 50 to 60 feet for the auxiliar) dam required in a saddle northwest of the main dam site. Dam and Appurtenances — The topography of the dam site and tlu general layout of the proposed dam and apjjurtenances are shown # Plate LIII, "Pleasant Valley Reservoir on Tule River." The maxi mum height of the main dam is 125 feet, and that of the auxiliary dam 45 feet, including 10 feet of freeboard. The main dam has a cres length of 1660 feet, an upstream slope of 3 to 1 and a downstre slope of 2| to 1. The auxiliary dam has the same slopes as the mi dam and a crest length of 1150 feet. The spillway, of the overfloAv wing type, is located at the L abutment of the auxiliary dam. It discharges into a lined cha extending about 500 feet downstream from the crest of the dam. has an estimated capacity of 20,000 second-feet or 3.2 times the on in-25-year flood. The irrigation outlet consists of a reinforced concrete gate to-wf equipped with three, five feet by five feet inlet gates of the caterpillj type, connecting Avith a 70-inch diameter reinforced concrete condu 670 feet long extending under the dam. The discharging capacil with a minimum head of eight feet is estimated at 260 second-fee No hydroelectric power development is proposed at this site. Cost of Pleasant Valley Beservoir — The capital and annual cos of Pleasant Valley Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases pre^ ously presented in this chapter, are set forth in Table 96. TABLE 96 COST OF PLEASANT VALLEY RESERVOIR Height of dam, 125 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 39,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 20,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlet, 260 second-feet. Exploration -.. - - - $12 Diversion of river during construction 80 Lands and improvements flooded and clearing — 385 Excavation for dam, 75,000 cubic yards at $0.75 to J3.00 $90,000 Earth fill in dam, 1,290,000 cubic yards at $0.75.... 968,000 , Reinforced concrete face, 9,200 cubic yards at $15.00 138,000 , Miscellaneous reinforced concrete and cut-off walls, 12,000 cubic yards at $15.00 to $18.00. 195,000 Spillway overflow weir 90,000 Spillway channel. ■ 160,000 Irrigation outlet tower, conduit and gates 55,000 1,68* M iscellaneous •', Subtotal, dam and reservoir ^^tt Administration and engineering at 10 per cent «J Contingencies at 15 per cent — - «l Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 181 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir , - '^^N Total annual cost of dam and reservoir IMN fl PLATE LUI f PLEASANT VALLEY ^ RESERVOIR^! spnogviii.; PLEASANT VALLEY RESERVOIR TULE RIVER 270 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES joint blocks with but little rock found in place. The topographic and geological characteristics of the site dictate the adoption of an earth- fill dam as most suitable and designs and estimates have been based on this type of dam. No subsurface exploration has been made. As the dec]) Avcathering of the bedrock has produced gentle slopes and no outcrops show near the stream bed, it is estimated that excavation to a depth of 50 feet would be required for the cutoff wall at the upstream toe of the main dam, and from 50 to 60 feet for the auxiliary dam required in a saddle northwest of the main dam site. Dam and Appurtenances — The topography of the dam site and the general layout of the proposed dam and appurtenances are shown on Plate LI II, "Pleasant Valley Reservoir on Tule River." The maxi- mum height of the main dam is 125 feet, and that of the auxiliary dam, 45 feet, including 10 feet of freeboard. The main dam has a crest length of 1660 feet, an upstream slojie of 3 to 1 and a downstream slope of 2i to 1. The auxiliary dam has the same slopes as the main dam and a crest length of 1150 feet. The spillway, of the overflow wing type, is located at the left abutment of the auxiliary dam. It discharges into a lined channel extending about 500 feet downstream from the crest of the dam. It has an estimated capacity of 20,000 second-feet or 3.2 times the onee- in-25-year flood. The irrigation outlet consists of a reinforced concrete gate tower, equii)ped with three, five feet by five feet inlet gates of the caterpillar type, connecting with a 70-inch diameter reinforced concrete conduit 670 feet long extending under the dam. The discharging capacity with a miniminn head of eight feet is estimated at 260 second-feet. No hydroelectric power development is proposed at this site. Cost of Pleasant Valleij Reservov- — The capital and annual costs of Pleasant Valley Reservoir, estimated in accord with bases previ- ously presented in this chapter, are set forth in Table 96. TABLE 96 COST OF PLEASANT VALLEY RESERVOIR Height of dam, 125 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 39,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 20,000 second-feet. Capacity of irrigation outlet, 260 second-feet. Exploration $1 Diversion of river during construction r,' i i Lands and improvements flooded and clearing 325,00(i Excavation for dam, 75,000 cubic yards at $0.75 to $3.00 $90,000 Earth fill in dam, 1,290,000 cubic yards at $0.75... 968,000 Heinforccd concrete face, 9,200 cubic yards at $15.00 138,000 .Miscellaneous reinforced concrete and cut-ofiF walls, 12,000 cubic yards at $15.00 to $18.00. 195,000 Spill w.iy overflow weir 90,000 Spillway channel ^. 160,000 Irrigation outlet tower, conduit and gates 55,000 1,696,00(1 Mi»oellaneou« 76,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir... $2,169,000 Adniiniiitration and engineering at 10 per cent 217,000 Contingencies at 15 per cent 325,000 Interest during construction, basted on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 189,000 Total capital cost of dam and reservoir $2,900,000 Total annual cost of dam and reservoir $171,000 I PLATE Lin u 3 800 5 t^ 600 c RESTELEV 785 FEET-, CREST ELE V. 795 FEET -> " 1 1 1 : ; [— T f^ 'T~rf' I ^ 1 ■ 1 1 1 — _ 1 .^^ EARTHFILL DAM ' 1 EARTHFIL LOAM U nn» ■ [— 1 ' ' - I ! 1 i 1 1 ! i _ L_ 400 800 AUXILIARY 0AM 1200 1600 2000 2400 Length in feet 3200 3600 MAIN DAM PROFILE OF DAMS LOOKING UPSTREAM AUXILIARY DAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAMS O dOO 800 9 e l~^ R 30 E PLEASANT VALLEY RESERVOIR ON TULE RIVER ooa -^ o oot> >^AIJIXUA SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 271 Isabella Reservoir on Kern River. The main dam site for the Isabella Reservoir on the Kern River is located about three miles below the eonfiiience of North and South forks in Section 36, Township 26 South, Range 32 East, M. D. B. and M., in Kern County, about 35 miles northeasterly from the city of Bakersfield. An auxiliary dam also would be required at the crest of Hot Springs Valley 1.5 miles south of the town of Isabella in Sec- tions 29 and 30, Township 26 South, Range 33 East. There are two favorable reservoir sites located on the South Fork — one at Monache Meadows and the other at Rock House Meadows. Due to the relatively smaller run-off of the South Fork, the utilization of these sites would regulate only a small part of Kern River run-off. The North Fork offers no opportunity for adequate storage above the junction with the South Fork. Two other sites have been investigated below Isabella on the main Kern River. These comprise Bakersfield and Borel sites. The dam site for the Borel Reservoir is located in Section 32, Township 27 South, Range 31 East, and Section 5, Township 28 South, Range 31 East, M. D. B. and M., above the intake of the existing Kern No. 1 Power Plant. The reservoir would extend 13 miles upstream to the tailrace of the existing Borel Power Plant. Although unoccu- pied at the present time, the Southern California Edison Company has considered the development of this section of the river for power. A reservoir constructed to the maximum capacity that would not interfere with the operation of the Borel Power Plant would require a dam 415 feet high, flood an area of 1830 acres and impound 238,000 acre feet of water. This capacity is considered inadequate for proper irrigation regulation of Kern River run-off. The dam site for the Bakersfield Reservoir is located in Section 35, Township 28 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. and M., about six miles northeast of Bakersfield. A dam 226 feet in height, the highest one investigated at this site, would back water up to the tailrace of the Kern Canyon Power Plant of the San Joaquin Light and Power Corpo- ration, the elevation of which is 685 feet. A reservoir constructed to this elevation would flood an area of 5560 acres and impound 569,000 acre-feet of water. A geological examination in the region of this site (see Appendix C) showed that suitable foundations for a concrete dam could not be obtained. However, it is thought that an earth-fill dam of proper dimensions could be built that would be stable and safe. As the elevation of this reservoir is below the diversion elevation of the Kern River Canal required in the Ultimate State Water Plan for the delivery of Kern River water to the rim lands south of Kern River, it is not suitable for inclusion in the proposed plan of development. The Isabella site is the only one having a potential capacity ade- quate for proper regulation of Kern River run-off and located at a sufficiently high elevation to permit the regulated supply to be diverted by gravity to the valley floor rim lands south of Kern River. The drainage areas on the Kern River watershed, above the Isabella dam site, are segregated by zones of elevation as follows : Area above elevation 10,000 feet 266 square miles Area between elevations 5000 and 10,000 feet 13!>2 square miles Area between elevations 2500 and 5000 feet 421 square miles Area below elevation 2500 feet 1 square mile Total area above Isabella dam site '. 2080 square miles 272 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE I>IV Site of Main Isabella Dam Site of Auxiliary Dam Across Hot Spring Valley ISABELLA DAM SITE ON KERN RIVER ' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 273 PLATE L.V BOREL DAM SITE ON KERN RIVER Present Developments on Kern River — The present developments of importance on Kern River above the valley floor are the power plants of the Southern California Edison Company and the San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation. The former company has three plants which develop most of the head from elevation 3600 feet down to elevation 950 feet. Kern No. 3, with an installed capacity of 35,000 kilovolt amperes, located above Kernville, is the newest and largest of the sj^stem. The Borel Plant with an installed capacity of 10,000 kilovolt amperes, located at the upper end of the canyon below Kernville, is the oldest and smallest of the system. Kern No. 1 with an installed capacity of 20,000 kilovolt amperes utilizes most of the steep drop at the lower end of the canyon. Immediately below Kern No. 1 is the Kern Canyon Plant of the San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation which utilizes the remaining head above the mouth of the canyon. It has an installed capacity of 10,600 kilovolt amperes. All of the foregoing plants, except Kern No. 1, utilize up to about 600 second-feet of flow. The conveyance capacity of Kern No. 1 develop- ment is limited to about 390 second-feet. Irrigation development and diversions on the valley floor have been discussed in Chapter IV. Water Su2)ply — The water supply available for regulation in Isabella Reservoir is the impaired run-off of Kern River as measured at the gaging station (First Point of Measurement) about five miles northeast of Bakersfield. The run-off originating between that station and the Isabella dam site is relatively small. The mean seasonal 18—80997 274 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ultimate lift ruii-otl" lor llie 40-ycar period, 1889-1929, is estimated as 714,000 acre-feet. Details of ultimate net run-off have been presented in Chapter II. Reservoir Site, Capacity and Yield — A contour map of the reser- voir site, scale one inch equals 2000 feet, was made under the super- vision of Ralph Bennett in 1916 to the 2700-foot contour. In 1920 a topographic survey of the reservoir site below elevation 2600 feet, .scale one inch equals 400 feet, was made by the State. The Kern River Water Storage District made a survey and prepared a contour map of the dam .site, scale one inch equals 50 feet, in 1925. Table 97 sets forth areas and capacities for various heights of dam. TABLE 97 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF ISABELLA RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet Water surface elevation Area of water surface, Capacity of reservoir, (5-foot freeboard) of reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 70 2.460 80 2,000 90 2,480 225 5,000 110 2,500 700 13,000 130 2,520 1,800 37,000 150 2,540 3,750 93,000 170 2,560 6,250 188,000 190 2,580 8,575 338.000 210 2,600 11,050 533.000 230 2,620 14,340 792.000 250 2,640 16,300 1,098.000 A stud}' of the utilization of the Kern River run-off under condi- tions of ultimate development, through the combined means of surface and undergound storage, shows that a storage capacity of 338,000 acre-feet in Isabella Reservoir woiild provide most economically for the required surface storage regulation. For this capacity with a flow line at elevation 2580 feet, the reservoir woiild flood an area of 8575 acres, extending four miles up the North Fork and six miles up the South Fork from the dam site. The reservoir site is clear of timber and brush with the exception of willows and cottonwood trees along the stream channels, and the wooded growth in the three miles of river canyon between the dam site and the junction of the two forks. The lands in the Noi-th P'ork Valley are not farmed as they were purchased years ago by the Kern River Development Company for the acquisition of diversion rights on that stream. Some 3750 acres of land in South Fork Valley, under the proposed flow line, are irrigated and cropped to corn and alfalfa or used for winter pasture. The improvements which would be submerged include the small settlements of Isabella and Kernville. The relocation and reconstruction of about ten miles of the K(M-n (^myoii-Walker Pass State Highway along the south side of South Fork Valley and about ten miles of county road from Erskine Creek to a ])oint one mile above Kernville with a river crossing at each end would be required. About ten miles of power transmission line and ten miles of telephone line also would require relocation. Chief of the improvements to be submerged are the intake works and upper four miles of the Borel Canal. This canal, with a diversion 11 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 275 right of 600 seeond-feet from tlie North Fork only, serves the Borel Power Plant of the Southern California Edison Company. It diverts at Kernville into an unlined channel leading to a settling basin formerly about one-half mile in length but now considerably restricted due to silt accumulation. The water surface elevation in this basin at the inlet to the canal proper is 2556 feet, U. S. Gr. S. datum. Four miles below this point the canal crosses the saddle of Hot Springs Valley with a flow line at elevation 2549. At this point an earth dam 55 feet in height would be required as an auxiliary to the concrete dam on Kern River, to develop the proposed storage. The treatment proposed for the interference with this established right on the stream is to provide an outlet to the Borel Canal at the site of the earth dam and, at all times when the reservoir surface would be above elevation 2549, to deliver the full capacity of 600 second-feet to that conduit. At times when the reservoir surface would be below elevation 2549, the Borel Plant would be out of service. The average seasonal loss in power output due to this method of operation has been calculated and its value at $0,004 per kilowatt hour capitalized at 10 per cent to estimate the cost of this interference. No additional hydroelectric power installation is proposed in the development of the Isabella site. The net seasonal reservoir evaporation loss used in making yield studies at the Isabella site was three feet in depth on the reservoir surface. The mean seasonal yield for the 40-year period, 1889-1929, which could have been obtained for irrigation utilization from the operation of this reservoir in conjunction with ground water storage, is 670,000 acre-feet or 94 per cent of the mean seasonal impaired run-off for that period. Dam Sites — A geological examination of the main dam site (see Appendix C) shows the bedrock to be a close textured granodiorite, with some large joint blocks displaced from the mass, but with joint walls of clean, unweathered sound rock. It is probable that few, if any, joints that might cause leakage or uplift under the dam would be found open upon uncovering streambed rock. Displaced joint blocks on the abutments would necessarily be removed in stripping the site. Some joints may be found open without appreciable displacement of the joint blocks, but the mass could be rendered sound by grouting. The upper abutments carry some disintegrated joint blocks and a light soil cover. On the average 20 feet of stripping should provide sound rock foundation. The site is well suited to a concrete structure. The storage requirement necessitates an auxiliary dam in Hot Springs Valley. The log of a water well drilled on property a few hundred feet from the proposed auxiliary dam site at the saddle crest of this valley shows water-bearing sand to 110 feet and blue clay to 255 feet. The geologic history of the valley filling would lead to' the conclusion that bedrock would not be found within reach of a cut-off wall, except possibly near the town of Isabella which lies at the east- erly mouth of this valley at an elevation 25 feet below the valley crest. At Isabella, the rock would lie within the shear zone of a rift passing through Hot Springs Valley from Kernville to Bodfish and would probably contain open fractures which would pass water more freely than alluvium. Considering that the maximum height of an earth 276 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES dam at the valley crest would bo only 55 feet and that some leakage loss would be allowable, the proposed auxiliary dam site was concluded to be more desirable than the site considered near Isabella. Dams and Appurtenances — The topography of the sites and the general layouts of the proposed dams and appurtenances are shown on Plate LVI, "Isabella Reservoir on Kern River." The main dam has a crest length of 780 feet and a maximum height of 190 feet above stream bed, including five feet of freeboard. It is a concrete gravity type structure, somewhat curved in plan to fit the topography. It has an overflow spillway at the right abutment, having an estimated discharging cai)acity of 57,000 second-feet or 3.4 times the once-in-25- year flood. The spillway discharge would be controlled by four drum gates 20 feet high by 45 feet long. A lined spillway channel is pro- vided to convey the water to the river channel below the dam. Reserve space of 67,000 acre-feet, involving a maximum drawdown of nine feet, W'Ould be provided for regulation of winter floods to a maximum flow of 7500 second-feet, exceeded once in 100 years on the average. The required capacity for flood regulation is provided by the irrigation outlets. These outlets consist of two 98-inch pipes through the dam, with a combined discharging capacity of 3500 second- feet under a minimum head of 25 feet and 8500 second-feet under a head of 170 feet. The outlets are controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. The inlets are at elevation 2400 feet. The auxiliary dam in Hot Springs Valley is an earth embankment witii a six-inch reinforced concrete apron on the upstream slope con- necting witli a cut-off wall at the toe. It has an upstream slope of 3 to 1 and a downstream slope of 4 to 1. The maximum height is 55 feet and the crest length 2100 feet. An outlet is located in the left abutment with a discharging capacity of 600 second-feet for release of water lo the Borel Power Plant Canal. It consists of two reinforced concrete conduits 10 feet in diameter, extending through the dam and controlled by 10 feet by 10 feet caterpillar type gates located in a gate tower at the upstream end. > PLATE LVI '9B' ISABELLA RESERVOIR KERN RIVER 276 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES dam at tlie valley crest would be only 55 feet and that some leakage loss would be allowable, the proposed auxiliary dam site was concluded to be more desirable than the site considered near Isabella. Dams and Appurtenances — The topography of the sites and the general layouts of the proposed dams and appurtenances are shown on Plate LVI, "Isabella Reservoir on Kern River." The main dam has a crest length of 780 feet and a maximum height of 190 feet above stream bed, including five feet of freeboard. It is a concrete gravity type structure, somewhat curved in plan to fit the topography. It has an overflow spillway at the right abutment, having an estimated (liscliarging capacity of 57,000 second-feet or 3.4 times the once-in-25- year flood. The spillway discharge would be controlled by four drum gates 20 feet high by 45 feet long. A lined spillway channel is pro- vided to convey tlie water to the river channel below the dam. Reserve space of 67,000 acre-feet, involving a maximum drawdown of nine feet, Avould be provided for regulation of winter floods to a maximum flow of 7500 second-feet, exceeded once in 100 years on the average. The required capacity for flood regulation is provided by the irrigation outlets. These outlets consist of two 98-inch pipes through the dam, witli a combined discharging capacity of 3500 second- feet under a minimum head of 25 feet and 8500 second-feet under a head of 170 feet. The outlets are controlled by needle valves and emergency slide gates. The inlets are at elevation 2400 feet. The auxiliarj- dam in Hot Springs Vallej^ is an earth embankment with a six-inch reinforced concrete apron on the upstream slope con- necting with a cut-off wall at the toe. It has an upstream slope of 3 to 1 and a downstream slope of 4 to 1. The maximum height is 55 feet and the crest length 2100 feet. An outlet is located in the left abutment w'ith a discharging capacity of 600 second-feet for release of water lo the Borel Power Plant Canal. It consists of two reinforced concrete conduits 10 feet in diameter, extending through the dam and controlled by 10 feet by 10 feet caterpillar type gates located in a gate tower at the upstream end. PLATE LVI iPILLWAY I JECTION ~1 £1 LEV. aSeS FEET CHEST ELEV- aaea feet luriiflniynaiuHac* / y^ ^ Aiiumad rei ZOO 400 Length m feet PROFILE OF MAIN DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 600 800 s,*if\li„u 9° § V 3 2SOO % W 2400 «"2300 2200 cesT ELEV Ji9o fee '—- ■■ ^*" r^a^ 0»M -^ ■lcanlcr>i account taken of the availability of potential underground storage lity iive, voir )iies tlie tie eitv liiin liii? loils. ivere 'tlie we ated sof esti- :liof TER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Total cost Average annual electric energy output, in kilowatt hours (reservoir operated primarily for irrigation) Value of electric energy per kilowatt hour, in mills Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy Average net annual cost, not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy Capital Annual Average seasonal irrigation yield, in acre-feet $7,400,000 8,600,000 1441,000 517,000 $441,000 517,000 (>) 163,000 (>), (2)150,000 ('), (3)294,000 7,600,000 26,200,000 32,500,000 452,000 1,657,000 2,074,000 452,000 937,000 979,000 (098,000 240,000,000 365,000,000 3.00 3.00 $720,000 1,095,000 (■■•)887,000 (5)1,303,000 (5), («) 728,000 2,600,000 3,300,000 14,500,000 (») 15,500,000 11,600,000 2,900,000 5,700,000 155,000 200,000 885,000 (8)1,062,000 742,000 171,000 340,000 155,000 200,000 805,000 (9)695,000 541,000 171,000 340,000 (^)53,000 (045,000 23,000,000 (») 105,000,000 100,500,000 3.50 3.50 2.00 80,000 0367,000 201,000 (M, (01,726,000 (9), (0602,000 (0, (01,764,000 (0, (0435,000 (0,(0. ('0128,000 (0, (0670,000 !ond, some t, oil, iDteil'' iidfd lis of only 278 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES per month, it' operated continuously. Where suitable underground storage is available and a proper control of draft and replacement is exercised, it is a most flexible, efficient and economical means of con- serving and utilizing water over a period of years. Locations and Capacities of Underground Reservoirs in San Joaquin Valley. Due to the importance of underground storage, a geologic study was made of the San Joaquin Valley to locate underground storage areas, to estimate their capacity and to determine the practicability of their utilization for the storage and regulation of water supplies in irrigation development. This study reveals that the absorptive areas and available underground storage capacities are large and extensive, particnlnrly in the upper San Joaquin Valley, but limited in their effective utilization due to the lack of readily available surplus Avater for their charge and recharge. These underground storage reservoir areas are confined to the eastern slope, principally to the alluvial cones and flood plains of the major streams. The surface soil and the geologic formation on the western slope and within the trough of the valley are of such character that no utilizable underground capacity exists. The surface areas of the ground water storage reservoirs and the depths of pervious formations were estimated through field exami- nation of the physical characteristics of surface soils and the application of geologic reasoning, checked and aided as to subsurface characteristics by the penetration records of several hundred wells. The maximum usable .storage capacity was limited by economic pumping lift and the availability of ground w^ater storage to the irrigable areas. The loca- tions of the ground water storage reservoirs are shown in Appendix B, "Geology and Underground Water Storage Capacity of San Joaquin Valley." Results of experimental w^ork furnish a measure for estimating the free water content of various types of alluvial material and soils. The materials logged in the well penetration records available were evaluated and estimates made of the average effective capacity of the soil column per foot of water table lowering. These results were checked with indicated drainage factors obtained by analyses presented in Chapter IV for present developed areas, in which quantities of depletion and w'ater table lowering could be determined. The esti- mated total usable capacities of the ground water reservoirs in each of the various hydrographic divisions of the valley are shown in Table 100. The usable capacities are shown, first, between a depth of 10 feet below ground surface and the underground water level of 1929, and second, between depths of ]0 and 50 feet below ground surface. Within some of these areas a greater depth of water table lowering than 50 feet, on the average, would be desirable and probably economically warranted at the end of a long dry period. For this reason, there also is included in the table the estimated underground capacity between the depths of 10 feet below ground surface and the assumed economic limit of pump- ing lift. In proportioning the physical works for the ultimate development of the State Water Plan for the lower San Joaquin Valley, the only account taken of the availability of potential underground storage TABLE 99 SUMMARY OF COSTS AND PRINCIPAL PHYSICAL FEATURES OF SURFACE STORAGE UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Stream Height of dam, in feet Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet Power plant Cost of reservoir Cost of power plant Total cost Average annual electric energy output, in kilowatt hours (reservoir operated primarily for irrigation) Value of electric energy per kilowatt hour, in mills Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy Average net annual cost, not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy Xame of reser\'oir or site Installed capacity, in kilovolt amperes Power factor Load factor Capital Annual Capital Annual Capital Annual .\verage seasonal irrigation yield, in acre-feet Nashville 270 120 343 200 460 455 307 147 206 252 274 Norese 125 190 281.000 610,000 222,000 (•)325,00O 1,090,000 1,000,000 279,000 84,000 62,000 0400,000 400,000 rvoir at this site 39,000 338,000 18,750 68,0C0 120,000 31,250 10,000 (•130,000 40,000 included in Sta $7,400,000 8,600,000 8441,000 517,000 $7,400,000 8,600,000 $441,000 517,000 $441,000 517,000 ('U63,000 lone Dry Creek ('). (') 150,000 Pardee (constructed) - 0.80 1.00 ('), (»)294.000 7,600,000 22,200,000 26,500,000 452,000 1,334,000 1,590,000 7V6bo,666 26,200,000 32,500,000 452,000 1,657,000 2,074,000 452,6o6 937,000 979,000 098,000 6.80 .80 .80 i.66 1.00 1,00 $4,000,000 6,000.000 $323,000 484,000 240,000,000 365,000,000 3.00 3.00 $720,000 1,095,000 0887,000 01,303,000 (*), (*)728,000 Escbequer (constructed) Buclianan Chowchilla River 2,600,000 3,300,000 \ 14,000,000 9,600,000 2,900,000 5,700,000 155,000 200,000 840,000 574,000 171,000 340,000 2,600,000 3,300,000 14,500,000 (•) 15,500.000 11,600,000 2,900,000 5,700,000 155,000 200,000 885,000 (•)1,062,000 742,000 171,000 340,000 155,000 200,000 805,000 (•)695,000 541,000 171,000 340,000 053,000 Windy Gap Fresno River (045,000 Frianl.... .80 .80 .80 te plan. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 500,000 01,500,000 2,000,000 45,000 0222,000 168,000 23,000,000 (•1105,000,000 100,500,000 3,50 3.50 2.00 80,000 0367,000 201,000 {'). 01,726,000 Pine Flat (•), 0602,000 O, 01,764,000 0, 0435,000 ('),(•). (^•)128,000 Ward Pleasant Valley Tule River Isabella .. (') Average for 11-year period, I9I8-1929. (') Includes spill from Pardee Reservoir on Mokelumne River. (') Exclud*es 200.000.000 gallons per day for East Bay Municipal Utility District. (•) Includes 165,000 acre-feet of storage space, reserved solely for flood control. (0 Average for 40-year period. 1889-1929. (') Includes yield available for and utilizable by ground-water storage. (') Net utilizable capacity. 270.000 acre-feet. (•) Immediate initial development. Life of power plant and period of amortization assumed as 10 years. (») Average for 12-year period, 1917-1929. {'") Includes run-off from South Fork, 80997— Bet. pp. 278 and 279 I Hyi fill ''It SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 100 279 UTILIZABLE UNDERGROUND STORAGE CAPACITY IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS Hydrographic division 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gross absorptive area, in acres 525,000 322,000 308,000 996,000 281,000 146,000 215,000 83,000 104,000 10,000 Usable underground capacity, in acre-feet Between a depth of 10 feet below ground surface and ground water levels of 1929 3,707,000 2,224,000 1,212,000 1,097,000 760,000 160,000 Not utilizable Between depths of 10 and 50 feet below ground surface 3,000,000 1,900,000 1,800,000 6,000,000 2,000,000 850,000 1.260,000 470,000 420,000 Between a depth of 10 feet below ground surface and assumed economic limit of pumping lift 3,750,000 3,650,000 2,300,000 8,000,000 2,300,000 850,000 1,260,000 470,000 520,000 capacity was in the absorptive area to be ultimately served in Hydro- graphic Division 8 with Merced River water.* However, if under- ground reservoirs in other areas were operated in conjunction with surface storage, a greater use could be made of the run-off of the tributary streams. In the upper San Joaquin Valley, except in Hydro- graphic Division 6 (Madera Unit), full account was taken of the available underground capacity in the design of the works to serve this region. Both local and imported supplies must be husbanded if the fullest practicable utilization for beneficial purposes and maximum economy are to be attained. To accomplish the desired results would require the operation of the underground reservoirs in a specific man- ner similar to that of surface reservoirs. A large portion of the gross draft upon the ground water would be through the medium of privately owned pumping plants, and, in order to maintain a balance in supply and draft over long periods throughout the area, it would be necessary that works for the distribution of surplus waters and pumping equip- ment in strategic locations be under the control of recognized local public agencies. It is demonstrated in Chapter VII that the utilization of this underground capacity affords the cyclic storage necessary in the plan for the full practical ultimate development of the eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. Furthermore, when operated in conjunc- tion with surface regulation and distribution, it is shown to result in the cheapest, most flexible and dependable plan of any that has been suggested or investigated to furnish the required water supply for this region. * Since the preparation of the studies in this report based upon the run-off up to 1929, the dry season of 1930-31 has occurred. Studies of water supply and yield have been extended to include the period 1929-1931 and are presented in Appendix D. In order to provide the required water supplies with the available run-off from 1929 to 1931, including the dry season 1930—31, the studies presented in Appendix D show that it would be necessary to utilize the available underground storage in several additional areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley and also in Hydrographic Division No. 6 of tbe upper San Joaquin Valley. I 280 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Cost of Utilization of Underground Reservoirs. Contributions to ground water reservoirs are made by absorption of surface run-off in natural stream channels and spreading areas, from artificial conveyance channels and through irrigation applications in excess of net use, which may or may not involve expenditure of funds. Tlie extraction of ground water by means of wells and pump- ing plants constitutes the principal item of expense in the utilization of ground water. The determination of pumping costs for a particular area is the ])rincipal element in a study of the economics of ground water utilization and is, in many cases, one of the important factors governing the economic capacity of surface storage regulation on streams supplying that area. The costs of ground water pumping, in tlie San Joaquin Valley, have been estimated by analyses of the costs and performance of modern pumping plants under actual opera.ting conditions. Cost of Pumping from Wells. Capital Cost — The installation cost of pumping plants and wells varies with the capacity and lift. The capacity varies with the extent of the area to be served. A well established criterion is that the plant should have suflficient capacity to deliver at least six inches in depth per month to the area served. This criterion establishes about the minimum cost of installation for a given area. This capacity requires five months of continuous operation to obtain a gross delivery of 2.5 acre-feet per acre. Table 101 sets forth in column (6) an estimate of the capital costs of pumping plants varying in capacity from 225 to 1125 gallons per minute and for total lifts varying from 25 to 250 feet. The costs of wells have been based on the use of 12-gage hard red steel casing for 10 and 12-inch diameter wells and on 10-gage casing for larger sizes. The depth of each well Avas assumed to be 100 feet more than the total lift. This assumption is applicable in delta areas. In areas away from streams, much greater depths are required. Estimates of the costs of pumping equipment are based on the direct-connected, electrically-driven well turbine type pump installations. The usual diameter of the well casing and the installed horsepower of the motor are set forth in columns (3) and (4), respectively, of the tabulation for each of the various capacities and heights of lift considered. Items of Anniuil Cost — The annual cost of ground water pumping varies with the period of operation, efficiency of the pumping plant, capacity and lift. The items making up the annual cost are plant depreciation, interest on the investment, taxes and insurance, operation, maintenance and power. In this analysis all charges except power are considered as fixed although depreciation and operation and main- tenance vary from year to year depending on the period of operation. Plant Depreciation— The normal useful life of a well and pump- house is estimated at from 25 to 30 years. The life of a motor is estimated as 20 years and the useful life of a pump as 15 years. Many motors have been in nearly continuous service for 25 years. Pumps used under conditions where corrosive chemicals or sand are carried in the water may have a life of only five years. On the other hand, where clean pure water is pumped, a life of from 25 to 30 years is not eas, Total 1 1 height year | 8 months per year j 9 months per year of lilt, in feet Fixed Power Fixed Power Total charges charges Total charges charges Total (1) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) 25 7 5.8 1.9 3.7 5.6 1.7 3.6 5.3 B 5.3 1.3 3.7 5.0 1.1 3.7 4.8 3 4,5 1.0 3.3 4.3 0.9 3.3 4.2 4 4.3 0.8 3.4 4.2 0.7 3.3 4.0 1 4.0 0.7 3.1 3.8 0.7 3.0 3.7 50 8 5.4 1.4 3.7 5.1 1.2 3.7 4.9 4 4.5 0.9 3.4 4.3 • 0.8 3.3 4.1 1 3.9 0.7 3.0 3.7 0.6 3.0 3.6 7 3.3 0.6 2.6 3.2 0.5 2.6 3.1 6 3.2 0.5 2.6 3.1 0.5 2.6 3.1 75 3 4.7 1.2 3.3 4.5 1.1 3.3 4.4 1 4.0 0.8 3.0 3.8 0.7 3.0 3.7 6 3.2 0.6 2.5 3.1 0.5 2.5 3.0 4 2.9 0.5 2.4 2.9 0.4 2.4 2.8 4 2.9 0.4 2.4 2.8 0.4 2.4 2.8 100 4 4.7 1.1 3.4 4.5 1.0 3.3 4.3 7 3.5 0.7 2.6 3.3 0.6 2.6 3.2 4 3.0 0.5 2.4 2.9 0.5 2.4 2.9 4 2.9 0.4 2.4 2.8 0.4 2.4 2.8 2 2.6 0.4 2.2 2.6 0.3 2.1 2.4 150 1 4.2 1.0 3.0 4.0 0.9 3.0 3.9 4 3.1 0.6 2.4 3.0 0.5 2.4 2.9 3 2.8 0.4 2.2 2.6 0.4 2.2 2.6 2 2.6 0.4 2.1 2.5 0.3 2.1 2.4 1 2.5 0.3 2.1 2.4 0.3 2.1 2.4 200 7 3.8 0.9 2.6 3.5 0.8 2.6 3.4 4 3.0 0.5 2.4 2.9 0.5 2.4 2.9 2 2.7 0.4 2.1 2.5 0.4 2.1 2.5 1 2.5 0.3 2.1 2.4 0.3 2.0 2.3 9 2.2 0.3 1.9 2.2 0.3 1.8 2.1 250 6 3.6 0.9 2.6 3.5 0.8 2.6 3.4 2 2.8 0.5 2.2 2.7 0.5 2.1 2.6 1 2.5 0.4 2.1 2.5 0.3 2.1 2.4 9 2.3 0.3 1.9 2.2 0.3 1.8 2.1 8 2.1 0.3 1.8 2.1 0.2 1.8 2.0 liar 'pth eof 3 to feet, iteel rger ited, pin? oiver oris ilanf amps rrifii 80997- 280 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Cost of Utilization of Underground Reservoirs. Contributions to ground water reservoirs are made by absorption of surface run-otf in natural stream channels and spreading areas, fi-oni artificial conveyance channels and through irrigation applications in excess of net use, which may or may not involve expenditure of funds. The extraction of ground Avater by means of wells and pump- ing plants constitutes the principal item of expense in the utilization of ground water. The determination of pumping costs for a particular area is the ])rincipal element in a study of the economics of ground water utilization and is, in many cases, one of the important factors governing the economic capacity of surface storage regulation on streams supplying that area. The costs of ground water pumping, in the San Joaquin Valley, have been estimated by analyses of the costs and performance of modern pumping plants under actual operating conditions. Cost of Pumping from Wells. Capital Cost — The installation cost of pumping plants and wells varies with the capacity and lift. The capacity varies with the extent of the area to be served. A well established criterion is that the plant should have sufficient capacity to deliver at least six inches in depth per month to the area served. This criterion establishes about the minimum cost of installation for a given area. This capacity requires five months of continuous operation to obtain a gross delivery of 2.5 acre-feet per acre. Table 101 sets forth in column (6) an estimate of the capital costs of pumping plants varying in capacity from 225 to 1125 gallons per minute and for total lifts varying from 25 to 250 feet. The costs of wells have been based on the use of 12-gage hard red steel casing for 10 and 12-inch diameter wells and on 10-gage casing for larger sizes. The depth of each well was assumed to be 100 feet more than the total lift. This assumption is applicable in delta areas. In areas away from streams, much greater depths are required. Estimates of the costs of pumping equipment are based on the direct-connected, electrically-driven well turbine type pump installations. The usual diameter of the well casing and the installed horsepower of the motor are set forth in columns (3) and (4), respectively, of the tabulation for each of the various capacities and heights of lift considered. Items of Annual Cost — The annual cost of ground water pumping varies with the period of operation, efficiency of the pumping plant, capacity and lift. The items making up the annual cost are plant depreciation, interest on the investment, taxes and insurance, operation, maintenance and power. In this analysis all charges except power are considered as fixed although depreciation and operation and main- tenance vary from year to year depending on the period of operation. Plant Deprecmtion—The normal useful life of a well and pump- house is estimated at from 25 to 30 years. The life of a motor is estimated as 20 years and the useful life of a pump as 15 years. Many motors have been in nearly continuous service for 25 years. Pumps used under conditions where corrosive chemicals or sand are carried in the water may have a life of only five years. On the other hand, where clean pure water is pumped, a life of from 25 to 30 years is not TABLE 101 COST OF GROUND WATER PUMPING —^ ^= ^==^ =^= Aanualcoe --- ^= CopMity ofpluit. it.g>|loiu per minute diuarter or oil taaat. site of molar. ID ifiitiency, ID per oeot Capital c«tot iniUlU- tian. \V'cll, »t«. Average per teal of npitalcoEt Acre-Icet ptr monlb of thirty 24-bour Oayj Am-f«t twt Kilowktl. perS^lh Annull Energ)- charge tnontb &-P-2 Scbcduie 1 moDtb ptr yea ' amoDlbaperycar SmoDthAperyear 4 moDlha per year 5 months per year 6 months per year 7moatbaperye3r 8 maothi per year 9 moDthj per yew o( llll. Filed charges Power cfantges Total Fiiod charges Power Total Fata charges Power cbugei Total Filed oharges Power chargei Total Filed cbarge. Power charges ToWl Fixed charge* Power ebarges Total Filed charges Power obMgea ToUl Filed chaiga Power chuge* Total Fiwd charge. Power charges Total ll) (2) (31 (41 (S» (« (7) (8> (B) (10) (11) (IJl (13) (H) (IS) (16) (17) (18) {») m (31) (32) (23) (24) (25) (20) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) 2S 225 m G75 BOO I.ISS 10 12 12-14 14 le 30 tsoo 1113 30 TSO 1,020 115 00 125 23 14 9 SO. 3 T.5 4,4 11 9 6.0 40 9.0 37 3.9 7.6 3.0 3.8 68 2.6 2 1 3.T 5.8 1.9 3 7 5 6 3 3 63 43 1,100 151 eo 1,500 3.S70 37 50 51 25 103 16.2 5.1 4.7 08 3.4 4 2 7 8 36 4.0 6.6 2-1 3.9 1.7 1.6 3.H 5 3 1.3 3 7 5 44 1,300 1B2 so 1250 8JM0 50 00 68 16 8 I 13 3 4.0 4.1 2 7 3 7 64 2.0 3 5.6 1.6 3 5 1-3 1 2 3.3 4 5 1.0 4 3 4S 1.400 ise 120 8.W0 6.830 67 50 92 97 05 11.9 3.3 4.2 3 2 3.0 6,1 1.6 3 7 6.3 1.3 35 9 34 4 3 0.6 4.2 7 3 3 4 15 40 1,600 2Z4 IGO 3,750 S,3S0 67 50 106 65 60 10.0 3.0 3.7 2.0 3.4 6.4 1.5 3.3 4.8 1.2 32 1.0 U 3,1 4 0.7 38 7 3 3 7 M 225 *so 675 soo 1.1Z3 10 IS 12-14 1! ,;'* 43 1.200 108 30 1.500 3,670 37 60 51 25 11 2 17.1 5.S 4 7 10 3 3-7 4.3 7.0 2 8 4 6.8 2.2 3 B 1 9 1 6 3.S 5.4 1.4 S 1 I 2 3 7 4.0 4 1 45 i.eoo 224 60 3.C-I0 6,830 67 SO 92 97 7 5 12. B 3.7 4 2 3.5 3.B D.4 l.U 3,7 E.S 1,5 3 5 1 2 3.4 4 5 OB 4.3 8 ;( 3 20 49 1.600 2S3 90 4,600 9.410 85 00 126 69 5 6 10.3 3.B 3.8 1.9 3.4 S.3 1 4 3.3 4.7 1.1 3.2 9 OS 3.1 3,9 0.7 3 7 0.6 3 3 6 SO i,wa 266 120 6,000 12.200 102 50 145 82 4 4 6.5 2.3 3 3 1 6 3.0 4.6 2-9 4.0 0.9 2.B 7 6 2.7 3.3 0.6 3 2 5 3 1 30 51 2.200 308 150 7.600 15,070 120 00 177 56- 4 1 8.1 2.0 3.2 14 3.B 4.3 10 2.8 3.8 0.8 2.7 0,7 3.1) 3.3 0.5 3.1 O.S 30 3.1 7S 225 lU 10 44 1,000 224 30 a,s50 5.240 50 OO 08 10 10 15.2 6.0 4.1 3 3 8.T 7.0 2.5 3-G 6.1 3.0 3d 1 7 1 4 3.3 4.7 1.3 4 6 11 3.3 4.4 «0 20 49 2,000 2S0 60 4,500 9.410 85 00 126 69 B 2 10.9 3 1 3 S 2.1 3.4 6.6 16 3-3 4.9 1.2 3.3 I 3.1 4.0 0.8 3.8 7 3.0 3 I 25 50 2,200 308 90 B.:50 13.S30 102 50 158 14 4 8.5 2,3 3.1 IS 3.8 4.3 1.2 2.7 3.0 O.S 3.6 O.B 0.6 3.6 3 2 0.6 3.1 O.S 2 5 i.o 000 I.I25 30 51 2,400 330 120 9.m 18.080 120 00 201 64 7 3 1.9 2 9 12 2.7 3,e 0.9 2.0 3.6 0.7 3 5 0-8 05 2.4 3.B 0.5 2 04 2 4 3.8 le 40 52 2.700 378 160 n,ao 22.160 155 00 253 28 34 7.0 1.7 2 9 1 1 3 7 3.8 OS 2.6 3.4 0.7 2.5 06 5 3.4 3.9 0.4 2.8 0,4 34 3.8 100 BS 10 15 45 1.900 266 30 8.000 6.830 67 SO 92 97 8 9 14,3 4.4 4.2 3.0 3.9 6.9 2.2 3.7 5.9 1.8 3 6 1.5 1 3 3.4 4 7 11 4.5 1.0 3 3 4.3 450 12 25 SO 2.400 336 60 WW 12.2W) 102 SO 145 82 5 6 "Z 2,8 3.3 19 3,0 4.B 14 39 4.8 l.I 28 O.B S 3.7 3.S 7 3.3 0.6 2 8 3.3 675 12-14 30 51 2,700 378 90 8,000 18,080 120 00 201 64 4 2 7.8 2,1 8.S 1 4 2.7 4.1 10 2 6 3.6 0.8 2.6 0.7 6 3.4 3.0 0,5 3.B 0-5 2-4 3.B 40 52 2.S00 392 120 13,000 23,M0 165 00 265 12 3 3 3 5 6.B l.S 3.9 2,6 3.7 8 2.6 3.3 0.7 35 06 OS 3.4 2.B 0.4 3.8 4 2 4 l.B 1,125 Ifl SO 54 3,100 434 150 isluoo 28,460 190 uo 299 70 2.0 3 3 D.2 1.4 3.6 \t) 3.4 3 4 7 33 3.0 0.6 2 3 0.5 4 3.2 3.6 0.4 2.6 0.3 2.1 3.4 IMI 225 10 20 4a 2,500 350 30 i.m S.410 85 00 126 69 78 126 3.0 3.8 2 6 3 4 60 19 3,3 52 16 3 2 1,3 1 1 3.1 4.2 1.0 40 0-0 3.0 3.9 450 12 30 51 3,100 434 60 9,000 18.080 120 00 201 54 4.8 S.4 2-4 2 9 1 2.7 4 3 1.2 2 6 3 8 10 2.5 O.B 7 2.4 3.1 0.6 3 0.6 1.4 3.B O'S 12-14 SO 54 3,400 476 00 13500 25.610 IBOOO 278 33 3 5 3 5 7.0 l.B as 13 2 5 3 7 2 4 3 3 7 2.3 OB 05 2.S 3.S 0.4 2.0 0.4 2 2 3.6 900 14 00 55 3.600 50* 120 18.1100 33,530 225 00 354 07 2.8 3 2 6.0 1.4 2.6 9 2-4 33 07 3.3 3.0 0.6 2.2 O.S 04 3.3 3.B 04 3.5 0,3 3.1 3.4 1.125 19 75 se 4,000 560 ISO 22,.W0 41,160 277 50 438 08 2 5 3 2 5.7 1.3 2.6 0.8 3.4 33 OS 2.3 3.B 0.5 2 2 0,4 4 3.1 2.6 0.3 3.4 0.3 2.1 3.4 ^.■UO 325 10 25 50 3,200 448 30 e.m 12.290 102 50 14S82 7 5 4 1 ii.e 8.7 3 3 3.6 3.0 6.6 1-9 2.9 4.8 1.6 38 1.3 1 1 3.7 3.8 0.9 3,6 0.8 3.6 a.4 450 12 40 52 3.7O0 518 60 I2,U» 23,640 155 00 205 12 4 3 35 7.B 2,3 2.9 14 3.6 4.0 1.1 2.5 3.S O.S 2 6 0.7 6 2.4 3.0 0.5 3.B 0.6 3.4 3.9 075 12-14 60 55 4.100 574 »0 lS,uuo 33,530 225 00 354 97 3 2 3 2 S.l 1.6 26 1 1 3.4 3.6 0.8 2.3 3.1 o.e 32 O.S 5 3,1 3.7 0.4 3.S 0,4 3.1 3.5 000 14 75 50 4,500 630 120 24,C«» 43,010 277 50 458 70 26 3 1 6.7 1.3 25 09 33 3.3 7 32 2.0 0.6 3.1 0.4 04 3.1 3S 0,3 3.4 0.3 2-0 3.3 1,125 10 100 58 5.O0O 700 ISO 30,("JO 53.000 365 00 516 00 23 2 6.2 1.3 2.3 8 3.1 2.11 fl 2.0 3.6 0.6 3.0 0.4 03 33 0.3 3.2 03 IS 3.1 JX 225 10 30 SI 3,800 532 30 7,SU0 15.070 120 00 177 68 7 1 4 11.1 3.6 32 24 3.6 6.3 18 2.8 4.6 1.4 3-7 1.3 1 3,6 3.6 0.9 3.S O.S 3-8 3.4 450 12 50 54 4,400 616 60 15,000 28,460 190 00 299 70 4 1 3 3 7 4 2 1 26 1 4 3.4 3.8 10 3.3 3.3 O.B 23 7 6 2.1 a. 8 0.6 2.7 0.6 2.1 3.6 075 12-14 76 56 4.900 086 90 22,500 41.100 277 50 433 08 3,0 3 2 0.2 1.5 2.6 1,0 2.4 3.4 0.8 23 3.1 0.6 32 05 04 3.1 3.5 0.4 3.6 03 3 1 3.4 goo 14 100 5S 5.400 756 120 30,000 63,000 365 00 616 00 2 6 2 9 5 4 2 3 8 3.1 3.B 0.6 3.0 3.6 0.5 3.0 0-4 I) 4 I.fl 1.3 03 2.3 0.3 1-8 3.1 I.I25 IB 125 eo 6,000 840 150 37.500 M.030 452 50 029 46 2 2 2 9 5 1 11 2 3 7 3.1 2.8 00 2.0 3.6 0-4 1 e 2 3 0-4 33 3 1.8 3,1 0.3 3.1 0.3 1.8 3.0 8099T— Bet. pp. 2G0 and 381 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 281 unusual. The average life of the entire plant is estimated herein at 18 years. With this estimated average life, the annual depreciation on a 4 per cent sinking fund basis amounts to 3.9 per cent of the capital cost. Interest — With depreciation allowed for on a sinking fund basis, interest on the full amount of the initial investment is a proper fixed annual charge. In making an estimate of annual costs on the basis of private financing, an interest rate of 6 per cent has been used. Taxes and Insurance — It is not possible to arrive at an exact value for taxes because of lack of information on the methods used by various county assessors in determining assessed valuations of wells and pump- ing plants. An annual amount equal to 1.1 per cent of the capital cost, however, is believed to be a fair average allowance for taxes and insurance. Operation and Maintenance — This item includes repairs, lubrica- tion and attendance. The average annual repair charges on electrically- driven pumping plants maj' vary from $0.50 to $5.00 per motor horse- power, depending on the period of operation and speed of the unit and to some degree on the size of the motor. The cost of lubricants varies from $0,005 to $0.01 per hour of operation. Attendance con- sumes a very small fraction of the irrigator's time. The total annual cost of operation and maintenance varies from 1 to 3 per cent of the capital cost of the plant. The latter value has been used herein, in order to insure an ample allowance for repairs and replacements. Total Annual Fixed Charges — These include all of the foregoing items which are summarized in per cent of capital cost as follows : Depreciation 3.9 per cent Interest 6.0 per cent Taxes and insurance 1.1 per cent Operation and maintenance 3.0 per cent Total 14.0 per cent Based on 14 per cent of capital cost, the fixed annual charges for all of the various plants considered have been set forth in column (7) of Table 101. Plant Efficiencies — Efficiencies vary with both the capacity of the plant and the total lift. Better efficiencies are obtained with large plants and high lifts. The repair charges used in the estimated costs for operation and maintenance include a sufficient amount to replace or rebuild worn pump runners and bearings. Minor ground water fluctuations sometimes result in the pump operating at speeds w^hich do not give maximum efficiencies. Large fluctuations covering long periods can be compensated for by changes in the number or size of runners and in the size of motor. Column (5) of Table 101 sets forth an estimate of the long time overall average operating efficiency for a plant with each of the various capacities and heights of lift considered. Power Costs — For each of the various installations shown in Table 101, there are set forth in columns (8), (9) and (10), respectively, the acre-feet pumped per month, the acre-feet feet per month and the kilowatt hours consumed per month based on the plant efficiencies given in column (5). 282 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES In a docision of the Railroad Commission of California, No. 24809, May 24, 1932, power schedule S-P-2, applicable to irrigation pumping by individual users in the territory served by San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation, was adopted. This schedule was used in estimat- ing power costs herein. It provides for intermittent or seasonal use of energy. The total power charge consists of an annual demand charge of $5.00 per hor.sepower per year up to 10 horsepower of con- nected load and $3.50 per horsepower of connected load for all over 10 liorsepowcr, and a graduated energy charge varying in price per kilowatt-hour with the connected load and period of operation. The schedule for energy charges is as follows : Rate per k.w.h. for monthly covsn7ni}tion of First r,0 Nrxt no Next 150 All over zr,0 H.p. of k.w.h. k.w.h. k.w.h. k.w.h. connected load per h.p. per h.p. per h.p. per h.p. 2-4 4.0 cents 2.2 cents 1.2 cent.s 0.9 cents .•j-g 3.9 2.1 1.2 0.9 10-24 3.4 2.0 1.1 0.9 25-49 2.9 1.9 1.0 0.8 ."iO-gg 2.5 1.7 1.0 0.75 100-249 2.2 1.5 0.9 0.7 250-499 2.0 1.3 0.8 0.65 500-999 1.9 1.2 0.8 0.6 1000-2499 1.8 1.1 0.8 0.6 2500 and over 1.7 1.0 0.8 0.6 Columns (11) and (12) in Table 101 set forth, for each installa- tion, the annual demand charge and the energy charge for one month's continuous operation. Actual operation may or may not be continuous. If not continuous, the average cost ])er kilowatt-hour for the month would be greater. Total Annual Costs Per Foot Acre-foot — Based on all of the fore- going values, the total annual costs per foot acre-foot, including both fixed and power charges for each installation considered for periods of operation varying from one to nine months per year, have been computed and set forth in columns (13) to (39), inclusive, of Table 101. A study of the table reveals how variable the costs per foot acre- foot may be and demonstrates the relative effect of the different factors. Rased ujinn the furnishing of a full supply of 2.5 acre-feet per acre per sea.son and a total pumping lift of 50 feet, a pumping plant with a required capacity of 450 gallons per minute to serve an area of 120 acres would require five months' pumping. The pumping cost per foot acre-foot would be 1.5 cents for fixed charges and 3.5 cents for power charges or a total of 5.0 cents. If the lift were 75 feet, fixed charges would be 1.2 cents, power charges 3.2 cents and the total cost 4.4 cents; if 100 feet, 1.1 cents, 2.8 cents and 3.9 cents, respectively, per foot acrc-fof)t. If only a 60 per cent supply were pumped from ground water, the charges for a 50-foot lift would be 2.5 cents, 3.9 cents and 6.4 cents, respectively; for 75 feet, 2.1 cents, 3.4 cents and 5.5 cents; and, for 100 feet, 1.9 cents, 3.0 cents and 4.9 cents. Plants of twice this capacity for twice the area, have charges about 25 per cent lower. Plants of twice tlie lift have charges about 25 per cent lower and so on. For estimating pumping costs in the upper San Joaquin Valley, general average values of 2.0 cents per foot acre-foot for fixed charges and 3.0 cents per foot acre-foot for power charges or a total of 5.0 cents per foot acre-foot have been used. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 283 CONVEYANCE UNITS The proposed conveyance units of the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin are designed primarily to bring neces- sary water supplies from the Sacramento River Basin to the San Joaquin Valley to supplement the available local water supplies in and furnish the ultimate water requirements of the San Joaquin River Basin. In the formulation of a plan for conveyance of Sacramento River water to the San Joaquin Valley, many alternate plans were investigated. These alternate plans were based upon an imported supply of 3000 second-feet to supply lands on the eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley in accord with the plan for complete initial development. The ultimate plan provides for the importation of 8000 second-feet which, together with the development of local sources of supply, Avould make available a water supply for practically all of the net irrigable area in the San Joaquin Valley. However, the results of the economic studies for the initial capacity are conclusive also with respect to ultimate capacity. Among the plans investigated was one with a gravity canal extend- ing from the Feather River to Kern River. A second plan investi- gated, which would involve the exchange of water supplies on the upper San Joaquin River, was a conduit extending from the Folsom Reservoir on the American River to Mendota on the San Joaquin River where canals, which now serve large irrigated areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley, head. A third plan considered involved an exchange of supplies from one stream to another, on the eastern side of the valley from the Feather River to Kern River. All of these plans would divert water above riparian owners and appropriative diversions in the Sacramento Valley. A fourth plan studied was a direct pump- ing system from the delta channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers to the upper San Joaquin Valley, without exchange of supplies. A fifth plan studied and adopted for this report provides for the diversion of the supplemental water supply by pumping from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and an exchange of supplies on the San Joaquin River. A summarized comparison of these plans, together with estimates of capital and annual costs for a conveyance capacity of 3000 second-feet, are presented in Chapter VIII in the discussion of the plan for complete initial development. The adopted plan of conveyance includes a pumping system on the San Joaquin River to transport water from Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Mendota. It provides for the exchange of a portion of the pumped Avater for San Joaquin River water which would be diverted at the Friant Reservoir, 61 miles farther upstream and 308 feet higher in elevation than the point of delivery of imported water at Mendota. It provides conduits leading north and south from Friant Reservoir to convey- San Joaquin River water to the lands on the eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. An extension of the pumping system southerly from Mendota is provided to serve the lands on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. The advantages of the plan are many. Both capital and annual costs would be much less than for conveyance by any other method. By means of the proposed exchange at Mendota, a pumping lift of about 300 feet 284 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Avoiild be saved over a direct pumpinf? plan. Diversion in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta wonld be effected below all the riparian lands in the Sacramento River Ba.sin. Tlie source of the water supply in the Sacramonto-San Joaquin Delta is the temporary catch-basin of the run-off and return water from 42,900 square miles of drainage area, wh}rovide additional channel eaj^acity from the Sacramento River to the San Joaquin Delta, of such magnitude that complete flexibility in ♦Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Dflta and Upper San Francisco Hay, Division of Water Resources, 1931." SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 287 the distribution of the inflow would be available to allow the water to flow automatically to the portions of the basin where needed to satisfy the consumptive demands and demands of salinity control in the delta and transfer surplus water from the Sacramento River through the San Joaquin Delta channels to the loAver end of the San Joaquin River pumping sj'^stem. Under present conditions, most of the flow of the Sacramento River into the San Joaquin Delta goes through Georgiana Slough. This slough diverts from the Sacramento River just below Walnut Grove and connects with the Mokelumne River about 3^ miles above its junction Avith the San Joaquin River. It is a tidal channel and the flow is nonuniform and fluctuates with the rise and fall of the tide. However, except for conditions of relatively low flow in the Sacramento River when there is an occasional reversal of flow of short duration from the San Joaquin River into the Sacramento River, the flow although varying in rate is predominantly from the Sacramento River to the San Joaquin River. Based upon the measurements in 1929, the flow through Georgiana Slough in per cent of the flow in the Sacra- mento River passing Sacramento is as follows: Flow in Sacramento River passing Flow through Georgiana Slough in Sacramento in second-feet per cent of flow passing Sacramento 3,000 43J 5,000 36 10,000 24 20,000 • 17J 40,000 to 60,000 15 Continuous records of tidal stage at each end of Georgiana Slough show that the mean tidal elevation at the Walnut Grove end is higher than the mean tidal elevation at the loAver ]Mokelumne River end. The flow through Three Mile Slough, as shown by detailed meas- urements in 1929, is extremely variable. There is a complete reversal of flow through the channel between the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers with each successive flood and ebb tide, regardless of the flow in the Sacramento River up to flows of 100,000 second-feet passing Sacramento. Over a considerable period of time, the measurements show that there is a net transfer of water from the Sacramento to the San Joaquin River. However, it is small in amount and hence Three Mile Slough is of small importance as a means of transferring water from the Sacramento River to the San Joaquin Delta. With the regulated flows which would be required in the Sacra- mento River for ultimate development, the flow through Georgiana Slough into the San Joaquin Delta would provide only a part of the water required to meet the fourfold demand previously stated. The flow through Georgiana Slough would be only 2000 to 3000 second-feet whereas the flow required into the San Joaquin Delta to meet the four- fold demand previously stated would amount in the maximum month of demand to about 12,000 second-feet for ultimate development. The additional channel capacity required for ultimate development would, therefore, amount to about 9000 to 10,000 second-feet. Studies have been made to determine the most practicable plan of obtaining the required additional connecting channel capacity. A consideration of possible locations for a new connecting channel showed that tlie most practicable route would be through Snodgrass Slough and the Mokel- umne River Channels. Snodgrass Slough heads below Hood near the ' 288 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES east, bank of the Sacramento River about ten miles above Walnut Grove and joins the Mokelumne River at Dead Horse Island near New Hope Landing. At New Hope Landinj;, the Mokelumne River divides into two channels, the North and South forks, which subsequently join near tlie junction of the .Alokelumne River and Georgiana Slough, about two miles upstream from the junction of the Mokelumne and San Joaquin rivers at Central Landing. Other sloughs, the principal of which are Potato and Little Connection, connect the South Pork of the Mokelumne liivcr directly Avith tlie San Joaquin River. Plajis for Development Investigated — Two plans of development were considered. The first plan provides for the utilization of Georgiana Slough with an additional channel cut from the head of this slough to Snodgrass Slough at the westerly end of Dead Horse Lsland ; and, in addition, a new connecting channel cut througli from the Sacramento River to the head of Snodgrass Slough which would be enlarged to its junction vnih. the Mokelumne River. No diversion dam would he provided in the Sacramento River and the channels would be designed to obtain the required eapacit}' under conditions of tidal fluctuation. The second plan of development considered pro- vides for a similar new connecting channel along the route of Snod- grass Slough with the diversions into and through this new cliannel con- trolled by a dam across the Sacramento River and gates at the head of the new cut leading into Snodgrass Slough. I'nder the first plan considered, a channel with a bottom width of about 32;i feet from the upper end of Snodgrass Slough to Dead Horse Island would be refiuired. In addition extensive enlargement would be necessary in the upper end of the South Fork of the Mokelumne River. A headgate at the intake of Snodgrass Slough having practically the same area of opening as the cross-sectional area of the Sacramento River opposite its head would be required. Draw or bascule highway bridges would be required at New Hope Landing on the South Fork and near the junction with Snodgrass Slough on the North Fork of the Mokelumne River. A new draw or bascule bridge also would be required for the Southern Pacific railroad crossing over Snodgrass Slough. The new channel cut from the head of Georgiana Slough to Snodgrass Slough would require a gate structure at its head, and, in addition, an embankment about 2000 feet in length and a bridge cro.ssing for the Southern Pacific Railroad. The second plan, although requiring a dam across the Sacramento River which would be equipi^ed with locks to accommodate navigation, would ref|uii-e a cliannel along Snodgrass Slough of only about 125 feet in bottom width. Channel excavation and enlargement would be but a small percentage of that required in the first plan. No new bascule or draw bridges for either highway or railroad crossings would be required. The headgate structure at the head of the new channel would require a much smaller opening and involve a smaller cost than under the first plan. This plan would not include a new channel cut from the head of Georgiana Slough to Snodgrass Slough as provided in the first plan. The second plan woidd appear to have advantages over the first plan. In the first place, the estimated cost of the second plan is less than that for the first. Secondly, the second plan would be more SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 289 positive in operation and accomplishment. Thirdly, although the neces- sity for lockage would be of some disadvantage by delays to navigation, it would have the advantage of affording slack water navigation above the dam to Sacramento. Therefore, it is believed that the second plan involving a controlled channel would be the more advantageous plan of development for adoption. Cost of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel — In the light of the investigations and studies which have been made thus far, the plan of controlled channel development for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel has been adopted tentatively as a basis for estimating the cost of this unit. Table 103 sets forth the estimate of cost, including the capital costs of the channel and all appurtenant works, right of ways and spoil areas, and the total annual cost. The cost of the control works on the Sacramento River is based on the cost of a dam and lock as estimated by the U. S. Army Engineers and set forth on pages 74 and 75 in House of Representatives Document No. 123, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session, TABLE 103 COST OF SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA CROSS CHANNEL Control works on Sacramento River $2,300,000 Headgate structure at head of Snodgrass Slough for channel 125 feet wide 150,000 2secondary road bridges over Snodgrass Slough 126,000 Minor structures and protective works 100,000 Excavation, enlarging Snodgrass Slough and upper end of North and South Forks of Mokelumne River, 2,000,000 cubic yards at $0.10 200,000 Right of way and spoil areas - 150,000 Subtotal $3,026,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent --- 303,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent 454,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4H per cent per annum 217,000 Total capital cost -- $4,000,000 Total annual cost -.. $300,000 San Joaquin River Pumping System. From Central Landing at the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel to the first unit of the San Joaquin River Pumping System below Mossdale Bridge, the conveyance system would comprise chiefly three existing channels, each about 30 miles in length. The most easterly of these channels would be the Stockton Deep Water Channel and the San Joaquin River. The other two channels would be Old River and Salmon Slough, and Middle River with artificial connections already constructed such as the Victoria-North Canal and the Grant Line Canal. With some enlargement in portions of these channels, the conveyance capacity is adequate to meet the requirements for exportation to the San Joaquin River Basin and also for delta irrigation use. Many different plans were considered for a pumping system to convey water from the delta to Mendota. These varied in range from that of a plan to attain the total elevation required by a series of pumping lifts located on the shortest line possible from a point near Paradise Dam westerly toward the foothills and thence continuing southerly through a constructed gravity canal along the west slope of the valley to Mendota, to a plan with a series of dams and pumping 19 — 80997 290 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES lifts utilizing the clumncl of the San Joaquin River throughout its entire length from the delta to Mendota. Several of the more feasible of the alternate plans investigated are presented in Chapter VIII for a 3000 second-feet capacity plan for complete initial development. The plan adopted for this unit of the proposed conveyance system for ultimate development is the one which, in the light of the studies and investigations made thus far, seems to present the greatest advantages from all viewpoints. The first unit of the proposed San Joaquin River Pumping System is located just above the point of bifurcation of the San Joaquin River and Old River. From this point to the mouth of the Merced River, the channel of the San Joaquin River would be utilized for a distance of 72 miles. By means of a series of five successive dams and pumping plants, water would be conveyed from the delta and raised to an eleva- tion of 62 feet, U. S. Geological Survey datum. The dams used for this portion of the pumping system are of the collapsible type provid- ing an unobstructed channel to permit free discharge in case of large flows. The maximum capacity of the pumping system would be 8000 second-feet. Prom the pond above Plant No. 5, it is proposed to depart westerly from the river with a constructed canal extending southerly along the most favorable topography. By means of three pumping lifts in a distance of seven miles, the water would be raised to an elevation of 137 feet at the discharge of Plant No. 8 and would continue a distance of sixteen miles to Plants No. 9 and No. 10, about five miles west of Los Banos. A portion of the pumped water would be diverted into existing canal systems serving lands lying below Plant No. 9. From the discharge of Plant No. 10, at an elevation of 180 feet, the canal would extend southerly about 38 miles to the Mendota Weir, delivering water at an elevation of 159 feet. The pond above the Mendota Weir would be the source of supply for lands now served by diversions at and near this point. Local pumping projects would be required for serving west side rim lands above present developed areas. The total distance from Pumping Plant No. 1 to INIendota Weir would be 135 miles. The location and profile of the San Joaquin River Pumping System are shown respectively on Plate XXVI and on Plate LVII, "Profile of Major Conveyance Units of State Plan for Ultimate Development in San Joaquin Valley, Sacramehto-San Joaquin Delta to Kern County." Plans of typical pumping plants and a collapsible steel leaf dam are shown on Plate LVIII, "Typical Designs, Dam and Pumping Plants for San Joaquin River Pumping Sj^stem." The height of each pumping lift and the capacity of each pumping plant are set forth in Table 104. The average seasonal amount of water that would have been pumped through each lift and the estimated average seasonal energy consumption for the 12-year period 1917-1929 also are given in tlie tabulation. In arriving at these values, credit was allowed for return flows from the Merced, Tuolumne and Stanislaus rivers for conditions of ultimate irrigation and municipal development. The probable return flows above each dam Avere estimated very con- servatively to insure an energy consumption estimate that would pro- vide for repumping possible seepage losses between lifts. y PLATE LVII -►{•Ganal capacity 600 sec.-ft Canal capacity | Canal capacity ' 300 sec.-ft. T 200sec.-ft. " IT 50 60 70 80 I ipiii? jater [0 PROFILE OF \NCE UNITS OF STATE PLAN TIMATE DEVELOPMENT ^N JOAQUIN VALLEY t-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA TO KERN COUNTY 700 650 .aj 600 (5(/5 (iJ 550 FRIANT RESERVOIR Height of dam Cross storage capacity Stooge capacity atwvc e' Spillway capacltjr. . Elev.oriopofdam Maiimum ws eiev. SO 300 e B ■s DO (/I ZSO i ^ 1 — „ £i«E!«, n - - - - - - - o ''b^J*.^iT^ 1 r - p p p = ^-LOcjy*, X ^1 LIil4- _ _ - so *^ a» ~ W£?,».^ ^JTTTTTT- n f=: p F p P rr ^^ p rr p p p - - - - - *S »sii,..»«jrri rn Uplantn;! g ISO T ^7^ .'^'y.y n so lOO e ) no ■ GO Distance m miles PLATE LVIl Distance in miles MENDOTA-WEST SIDE PUMPING SYSTEM MaalmuiTi capadlji, 4,500 wcond-f»«t. Canal capacity 2.500 sec-ft. ^ 1 PtAWTNOfi -il£*-^0 ■" .y .500 »«.-n- Capactj SOO w -ft. . Vr?yT'. J -- T R n =5 f=i n -^ 7-| , ,- *-^ ' "> •-'■' ■= ■ -- j - - - I-, - ~1 ^ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ ~ - ^ -' - - ^ - '^ -- ^ - - " ^ r - " = >- - - - r - ^ r - r - — - - - - 1 ' 1 L L Ll L L L Ll _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ ! PROFILE OF MAJOR CONVEYANCE UNITS OF STATE PLAN FOR ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT IN SAN JOAOUIN VALLEY SACHAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA TO K£BN COUNTY PL.ATE rA'lII "SF gmro ro DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION OF DAM SECTION THROUGH LOCK, PUMP HOUSE AND DISCHARGE CHANNEL SECTION B-B TYPICAL DESIGNS DAM AND PUMPING PLANTS FOR SAN JOAOUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM .,. ... ^. -,„^,,_ / ..%: Mill A-A MOITOat T a X MOIT032 jAOisrr lOYAJ TMAJS OURMUS 1' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 291 TABLE 104 PUMPING LIFTS AND CAPACITIES, SEASONAL QUANTITY OF WATER PUMPED AND SEASONAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM Location and number of pumping plant Height of lift, in feet Capacity of plant, in second-feet Seasonal quantity of water pumped, in acre-feet' Seasonal energy consumption, in kilowatt hours' At Dams on San Joaquin River— 1 .-_-.. -.. . . 18.0 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,500 6,500 1,828,000 1,845.000 2,158,000 2,158,000 2,124,000 2,438,000 2,438,000 2,438,000 2,225,000 2,225,000 56,184,000 2 40,639,000 3 47,534,000 4 47,534,000 5 46,785,000 First Group of Canal Lifts near Newman— 6 _- _. 110,316,000 7 8 110,316,000 110,316,000 Second Group of Canal Lifts near Los Banos 9 100,679,000 10 100,679,000 Totals 202.1 185.0 770,982,000 » Average for 12-year period 1917-1929. V I PLATE LIX MENDOTA WEIR ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER il 292 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Cost of San Joaquin River Pumping System — An estimate of cost based on unit prices set forth in Table 105 is presented in Table 106. The estimate sets forth the capital cost of the complete pumping system including conveyance channels, pumping plants, steel leaf dams, minor structures, right of ways and spoil areas. The total annual cost, including the average annual charge for electric energy, also is given in the tabulation. TABLE 105 UNIT PRICES USED IN COST ESTIMATE OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM Excavation and embankment — Kivcr channel excavation - $0.10 per cu. yd. Levee embankment - - - 15 perca. yd. Canal excavation in earth: First 13 feet in depth - - -- --- 18 per cu. yd. 13 to 18 feet in depth - 22 per cu. yd. 18 to 23 feet in depth --- - 25 per cu. yd. 23 to 28 feet in depth - -- .28 per cu. yd. 28 to 33 feet in depth .32 per cu. yd. Canal excavation in hardpan - - .60 per cu. yd. Canal embankment in earth (10 per cent shrinkage allowance): First 8 feet of fill --- --- .18percu. yd. 8 to 13 feet of fill - 20 per cu. yd. Concrete- Reinforced concrete canal lining, 3}4 inches thick, based on concrete at $10.00 per cubic yard and steel at $0.06 per pound in place -. $0.15 per sq. ft. Concrete in dams and pumping plants, exclusive of reinforcing 17.00 per cu. yd. Reinforeing steel - --- - 06 per lb. Concrete in bridges and minor structures, exclusive of reinforcing 15.00 per cu. yd. Reinforcing steel --- .06 per lb. Steel leaf dams- Excavation— 20 cu. yds. at $0.30 and 7 cu. yds. at $6.00 $48.00 per lin. ft. of dam Stcelsheetpiling— 3,1001bs. at$0.06 186.00 per lin. ft. of dam Concrete, exclusive of reinforcing — 7cu.vds. at $17.00... 119.00 per lin. ft. of dam Reinforcing steel— 500 lbs. at $0.06 - 30.00 per Un. ft. of dam Gate steel— leaf and struts— 1,250 lbs. at $0.10 125.00 per lin. ft. of dam Superstructure steel — bridge and bracing — 650 lbs. at $0.10. 65.00 per lin. ft. of dam Traveling crane, total cost $10,000. Average 40.00 per lin. ft. of dam Total $613.00perlin. ft. ofdam Pumping Plants — Kor a lift of 13 feet: Excavation .__ $4,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Concrete sump, building, pump shell, discharge and spillway 31,500 per 500 sec. ft. unit Pump and metal liner in pump shell 5,100 per 500 sec. ft. unit .Synchronous motor 6,200 per 500 sec. ft. unit Transformer 4,750 per 500 sec. ft. unit Exciters, switches and other electrical equipment 1,600 per 500 sec. ft. unit Total $53,150per500sec. ft. unit For a lift of 18 feet: Excavation $4,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Concrete sump, building, pump shell, discharge and spillway 34,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Pump and metal liner in pump shell 6,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Synchronous motor 7,250 per 500 sec. ft. unit Transformer ._ 5,600 per 500 sec. ft. unit Exciters, switches and other electrical equipment 1,900 per 500 sec. ft. unit ToUl $58,750 per 500 sec. ft. unit For a lift of 20.5 feet: Excavation $4,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Concrete sump, building, pump shell, discharge and spillway 38,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Pump and metal liner in pump shell 7,500 per 500 sec. ft. unit Synchronous motor . . 9,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Transformer. 7,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit Exciters, switches and other electrical equipment 2,500 per 500 sec. ft. unit Total $68,000 per 500 sec. ft. unit SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 293 n Ten TEM [lit TABLE 106 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM Central Landing to Hills Ferry- Length, 102 miles. Capacity, varies from 7,000 to 7,500 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Enlargement of delta channels below Dam No. 1, 8,000,000 cubic yards at $0.10. $800,000 Channel changes and enlargement between dams, 4,000,000 cubic yards at $0.10. 400,000 Levee embankments above dams, 600,000 cubic yards at $0.15 90,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 1, capacity 7,000 second-feet 823,000 Lift No. 2, capacity 7,000 second-feet 744,000 Lift No. 3, capacity 7,500 second-feet. 796,000 Lift No. 4, capacity 7,500 second-feet 797,000 Lift No. 5, capacity 7,500 second-feet.. 796,000 Steel leaf dams: Dam No. 1 172,000 Dam No. 2 172,000 Dam No. 3 123,000 Dam No. 4 208,000 Dam No. 5 147,000 Minor structures: Drainage culverts through levees 20,000 Control works at Paradise Dam 25,000 Maintaining existing bridges during construction 50,000 Right of ways: Delta channel enlargement and spoil areas 150,000 River levees and spoil areas 120,000 ■ $6,433,000 Hills Ferry to Mendota— Length, 63 miles. Capacity, varies from 8,000 to 6,500 second-feet. Excavation: Canals in deep cut and fill sections near pumping plants, 3,200,000 cubic yards at $0.20 to $0.23 $713,000 Canals with regular concrete lined section: Earth, 7,388,000 cubic yards at $0.18 1,330,000 Hardpan, 213,000 cubic yards at $0.60 128,000 Spillway channel near Los Banos: Earth, 278,000 cubic yards at $0.18. 50,000 Reinforced concrete canal lining: 37,895,000 square feet at $0.15 5,684,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 6, capacity 8,000 second-feet 1,088,000 Lift No. 7, capacity 8,000 second-feet 1,088,000 Lift No. 8, capacity 8,000 second-feet. 1,088,000 Lift No. 9, capacity 6,500 second-feet 884,000 Lift No. 10, capacity 6,500 second-feet 884,000 Minor structures on portion of canal having a capacity of 8,000 second-feet: Intake gates in cut near Hills Ferry 60,000 Siphons, 3 at $30,000 90,000 Railroad crossing.. 50,000 Road bridges, 20 at $12,000 240,000 Spillway channel control 30,000 Bridges on spillway channel, 3 at $8,000 24,000 Outlets, 2 at $5,000 10,000 Underdrains, 3 at $4,000 ' 12,000 Minor structures on portion of canal having a capacity of 6,500 second-feet: Road bridges, 18 at $10,000 180,000 Siphon 25,000 Railroad crossing 40,000 Outlets, 2 at $5,000 10,000 Underdrains, 5 at $3,000 15,000 Right of ways and fencing 444,000 14,167,000 Subtotal $20,600,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent 2,060,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent 3,090,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 2,750,000 Total capital cost $28,500,000 Annual cost, exclusive of energy $2,539,000 .Average annual energy charge, 770,982,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0055 4,240,000 Total annual cost $6,779,000 San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. The San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal i.s proposed for the conveyance of San Joaquin River water for use on tlie eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley south of San Joaquin River. It extends from Friant Reservoir southward along the eastern rim of the valley a distance of 165 miles to a point about five miles south of 294 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Bakcrsfield. The location of this canal is shown on Plate XXVI and its profile on Plate LVII. From the outlet at Priant Dam, at elevation 467 feet, the canal extends in a p-cneral southeasterly tlirection over the rough foothill toi)ograi)hy lying between the San Joaquin and Kings River, a distance of 32 miles. Along this .section the channels of Little Dry Creek and Dry Creek would be crossed by means of inverted siphons. An inverted siphon is provided for the crossing of Kings River, with a water surface elevation of 446 feet at the intake. Leaving the outlet of the Kings River siphon crossing with a water surface elevation of 445 feet, the canal extends in a direction somewhat more southerly and follows the toe of the mountain slopes for 55 miles to the town of Lindsay. Along this stretch the St. Johns and Kaweah rivers are crossed in reinforced concrete inverted siphons. At Lindsay, the canal turns due south and gradually swings with the trend of the topography of the valley floor to a direction somewhat west of south, continuing this general course for a distance of 50 miles to a point about four miles north of Shafter in Kern County. Between Lindsay and Shafter, the canal crosses the channels of Tule River, Deer Creek, White River and Poso Creek Avitli inverted siphons. North of Shafter the alignment swings in a direction generally southeast and the canal extends an additional 19 miles to the siphon crossing of Kern River at elevation 369 feet, just upstream from the existing Pioneer Weir in Section 6, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. B. and I\I. Leaving the Kern River crossing, the canal continues an additional nine miles in a south- easterly direction gradually swinging to due east,- intersecting the Buena Vista, Stine and Farmers canals en route and terminating at the Kern Island Canal, witli a water surface elevation of 358 feet, in the northwest quarter of Section 30, T. 30 S,, R. 28 E., five miles south of Bakcrsfield. The lengths, water surface elevations, grades, velocities and capacities of various sections of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal are .set forth in Table 107. All portions of the canal in open conduit are concrete lined. TABLE 107 PHYSICAL FEATURES AND HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER- KERN COUNTY CANAL Point on canal location Mile Water .surface elevation, in feet Length of section, in miles Orade in feet, per foot of length Velocity ot flow at full capacity, in feet per second Capacity, in second-feet Friant Dam Kings River Tule River 32.6 08.2 105.3 132.0 155 8 158.7 164.5 467 445 403 399 383 369 367 358 32.6 65.6 7.1 26.7 23.8 2.9 5.8 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0001 00015 0.00025 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.9 4.0 3.000 3.000 Deer Creek Poso Creek Kern River Buena Vista Canal.. Kern Island Canal . . 2,500 2.000 1,500 1.000 500 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 295 PLATE LX FLOW TUNNEL CAPACITY 3000 SECOND-FEET T»I2" CANAL SECTION FOR LEVEL TOPOGRAPHY CAPACITY 3000 SECOND-FEET Natural ground surface for balanced cut and fill CANAL SECTION FOR SIDE-HILL TOPOGRAPHY CAPACITY 3000 SECOND-FEET € 1;I lf» #«rthi HM In rock i_ — — ^.^^ — — ^' Natural ground surface '"ngf. "^an- flock surface TYPICAL CONDUIT SECTIONS OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS 296 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Plate LX, ** Typical Conduit Sections of San Joaquin Valley Conveyance Systems," shows hydraulic properties and detail cross sections of the main types of conveyance channels used for a capacity of :W00 sofoiid-feot. Designs of typical structures for a canal of 3000 sec'ond-fei't capacity are presented on Plate LXI, "River Syphon and Appurtenant Canal Structures"; Plate LXII, "Railroad Syphon"; Plate LXIII. "Highway Skew Bridge"; Plate LXIV, "Box Culvert Underdrain"; and Plate LXV, "County Road Bridge." Cofit of San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal — An estimate of cost, based on unit prices set forth in Table 108, is presented in Table 109. The estimate sets forth the capital cost of the entire conduit and appurtenant structures, including canals, tunnels, siphons, bridges, other minor structures and right of ways. The total annual cost also is given. TABLE 108 UNIT PRICES USED IN COST ESTIMATES OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CONVEYANCE UNITS Excavation — Canals: Rock, exclusive of trimming .- - $1.00 per cu. yd. Trimming rock for concrete lining -- .10 per sq. ft. Hardpan - - .60percu. yd. Earth and cobble conglomerate _ - .60 per cu. yd. Earth overlying rock excavation .2.5 per cu. yd. Earth, t>T)ical valley floor classiBcation .18 per cu. yd. Tunnels: Section sufficiently large for mucking machines. Based on assumptions of ten per cent over- break and a timbering requirement for 50 per cent of length $9.00 per cu. yd. Concrete — Reinforced canal lining, Zli inches thick: For canals with 1H:1 side slopes - $0.15 per sq. ft. For canals with 13^:1 side slopes -- .- .16 per sq. ft. Tunnel lining 19.00percu. yd. Siphons, bridges and minor structures, exclusive of reinforcing 15.00 per cu. yd. Reinforcing steel _ - 00 per lb. TABLE 109 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER-KERN COUNTY CANAL Friant Dam to South Side of Kings River- Mile to mile 32.6. Length, 32.6 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation: Rock, 1,820,000 cubic yards at 11.00 $1,820,000 Earth overlying rock, 1,015,000 cubic yards at $0.25 - 254,000 Earth and cobbles, 279,000 cubic yards at $0.60 167,000 Earth, 286,000 cubic yards at $0.18 52,000 Rock trimming, 7,187.000 square feet at $0.10 719,000 (Concrete lining, 13,205,000 square feet at $0.16 2,113,000 Tunnel, 1,400 linear feet at $220 308,000 Structures: Little Dry Creeksiphon 176,000 Dry Creeksiphon 19,000 Kings River siphon 507,000 Minor siphon 7,000 Bridges 90,000 Culverts 59,000 Main check and wasteway 18,000 Operation of existing P.nterprisc Canal during construction 15,000 Right of ways and fencing 50,000 $6,374,000 PLATE LXl ^ TYPICAL DESIGN RIVER SIPHON AND TENANT CANAL STRUCTURES FOR 3000 SECOND-FOOT CANAL 296 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Plate LX, "Typical Conduit Sections of San Joaquin Valley Conveyance Systems," shows hydraulic properties and detail cross sections of the main types of conveyance channels used for a capacity of 3000 second-feet. Designs of typical structures for a canal of 3000 second-feet capacity are presented on Plate LXI, "River Syphon and Appurtenant Canal Structures"; Plate LXII, "Railroad Syphon"; Plate LXIIl. "Highway Skew Bridge"; Plate LXIV, "Box Culvert Underdrain"; and Plate LXV, "County Road Bridge." Cost of San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal — An estimate of cost, based on unit prices set forth in Table 108, is presented in Table 109. The estimate sets forth the capital cost of the entire conduit and appurtenant structures, including canals, tunnels, siphons, bridges, other minor also is given. structures and right of ways. The total annual cost TABLE 108 UNIT PRICES USED IN COST ESTIMATES OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CONVEYANCE UNITS Excavation — Canals: Rock, exclusive of trimming - SI. 00 per cu. yd. Trimming rock for concrete lining .- 10 per sq. ft. Hardpan — - .60 per cu. yd. Pjarth and cobble conglomerate-.- 60 per cu. yd. Earth overlying rock excavation-- _ .25 per cu. yd. Earth, typical valley floor classification 18 per cu. yd. Tunnels: Section sufficiently large for mucking machines. Based on assumptions of ten per cent over- break and a timbering requirement for 50 per cent of length $9.00 per cu. yd. Concrete — lieinforced canal lining, 3J^ inches thick: For canals with 1^:1 side slopes.— - $0. 15 per sq. ft. For canals with il4'-l side slopes _ - -- - _. .16 per sq. ft. Tunnel lining 19.00 per cu. yd. Siphons, bridges and minor structures, exclusive of reinforcing- 15.00 per cu. yd. Reinforcing steel - -_ - 06 per lb. TABLE 109 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER-KERN COUNTY CANAL Friant Dam to South Side of Kings River- Mile to mile 32.6. Length, 32.6 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation: Rock, 1,820,000 cubic yards at $1.00 - $1,820,000 Earth overlying rock, 1,015,000 cubic yards at $0.25 -.. 254,000 Earth and cobbles, 279,000 cubic vards at $0.60 167,000 Earth, 286,000 cubic yards at $0.18 52,000 Rock trimming, 7,187,000 square feet at $0.10 719,000 Concrete lining, 13,205,000 square feet at $0.16 2,113,000 Tunnel, 1,400 linear feet at $220. 308.000 .Structures: Little Dry Creek siphon - 176,000 Dry Creek siphon --- 19.000 Kings River siphon - 507,000 Minor siphon 7,000 Bridges - 90.000 Culverts _ - _ -- ,')9,000 Main check and wasteway... 18,000 Operation of existing Enterprise Canal during construction 15,000 Right of ways and fencing - - 50,000 $6,374,000 PLATE J.XI TYPICAL DESIGN RIVER SIPHON APPURTENANT CANAL STRUCTURES 3000 SECOND-FOOT CANAL PL.ATE LXII C 1 J C ' 'iar. ftc< doff) Mys - If^ f Longitudinal bars ff'c-c I I I ] i'' Transverse bars tZ'e-c Sheaf piling • Construcffonjoint ■ Jemportrj sfxyirtf-—.^ ,.' \ g-gyj g/iy I temporary) j 9* ( temporary ) \ j.---"!--; \^ lO'xm'prteast shims < 3.000 concrete) CoiKreiecap This plan offanenork suagesfedas providing for construction unaer traffic DETAILS OF FALSEWORK 1 z^o.*** f \ , . tr:t:>r^> SECTION A-A ^''Long:tudi!ia/ bars I8't f^irvitiatvi^i jJranntrretiarsS'cc ' DETAILS OF "fRACK FRAMING F££T f'bar% ftcrc tich nay ■■ r-as-gfl/'^gr— '^'^ SECTION B-B FEET i'Ui-lKalbarsS'c-c j •Horiiomalla^iSc < botti faces ' ■■\-• Q-> ri I V «>•. HAjq y .1 -^ -.-cmE) A A HO(T032 UAH 8 a ^JAH :''t:0. 1 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 297 TABLE 109— Continued COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER-KERN COUNTY CANAL Kings River to Cottonwood Creek — Mile 32.6 to mile 68.7. Length, 36.1 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation: Rock, 293,000 cubic yards at Sl.OO $293,000 Earth overlying roclc, 140,000 cubic yards at $0.25- 35,000 Hardpan, 15,000 cubic yards at $0.60 _._ 9,000 Earth, 2,476,000 cubic yards at $0.18 446,000 Rock trimming, 2,239,000 square feet at $0.10 224,000 Concrete lining, 16,271,000 square feet at $0.15 2,441,000 Tunnel, 300 linear feet at $280 84,000 Structures: Cottonwood Creek siphon -- 85,000 Minor siphons 143,000 Bridges 249,000 Culverts... 129,000 Main checks and wasteways 22,000 Right of ways and fencing 370,000 Cottonwood Creek to Tula River- Mile 68.7 to mile 98.2. Length, 29.5 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation: Rock, 5,000 cubic yards at $1.00 $5,000 Hardpan, 69,000 cubic yards at $0.60 41,000 Earth, 2,197,000 cubic yards at $0.18 396,000 Rock trimming, 72,000 square feet at $0.10 7,000 Concrete lining, 13,226,000 square feet at $0.15 1,984,000 Structures: St. Johns River siphon _ 150,000 Kaweah River siphon 53,000 Tule River siphon 74,000 Minor siphons 144,000 Bridges - 250,000 Culverts 113,000 Main checks and wasteways 46,000 Right of ways and fencing 702,000 Tule River to Deer Creek — Mile 98.2 to mile 105.3. Length, 7.1 miles. Capacity, 2,500 second-feet. Earth excavation, 505,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $91,000 Concrete lining, 2,983,000 square feet at $0.15 _, 448,000 Structures: • Deer Creek siphon 70,000 Minor siphon 11,000 Bridges . 43,000 Culverts... 8,000 Main check and wasteway 12,000 Right of ways and fencing 33,000 4i Deer Creek to Poso Creek — Mile 105.3 to mile 132.0. Length, 26.7 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Earth excavation, 1,450,000 cubic yards at $0.18 - $261,000 Concrete lining, 10,874,000 square feet at $0.15 1,631,000 Structures: White River siphon 25,000 Rag Gulch siphon 25,000 Poso Creek siphon -_. 25,000 Minor siphons 4 1,000 Bridges _ 169,000 Culverts 108,000 Main check and wasteway.. _ 11,000 Right of ways and fencing 147,000 Poso Creek to North Side of Kern River- Mile 132.0 to mile 155.8. Length, 23.8 miles. Capacity, 1,500 second-feet. Earth excavation, 1,061,000 cubic yards at $0.18. $191,000 Concretelining, 8,358,000 square feet at $0.15 1,254,000 Structures: Minor siphons 25,000 Bridges.... _ 68,000 Culverts. 59,000 Main check and wasteway. 8,000 Right of ways and fencing 99,000 $4,530,000 3,965,000 716,000 2,443,000 Ah. 1,704,000 298 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 109— Continued COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER-KERN COUNTY CANAL Kern River to Buena Vista Canal - Mile 155.8 to mile 158.7. Length, 2.9 miles. Capacity, 1,000 second-feet. Earthexcavation, 80,000 cubic yards at JO. 18 $14,000 Concrete lining, 783,000 square feet at J0.15 117,000 Structures: Kern River siphon - j 59,000 Bridges 15,000 Culverts - - 12,000 Main check and outlet 9,000 Right of ways and fencing 8,000 $234,000 Buena Vista Canal to Kern Island Canal- Mile 158.7 to mile 164.5. Length, 5.8 miles. Capacity, 500 second-feet. j;arth excavation, 136,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $25,000 Concrete lining, 1,173,000 square feet at $0.15 -.. 176,000 Structures: Minor siphons --. 13,000 Bridges 16,000 Culverts 10,000 Outlet 5,000 Right of ways and fencing .- - 27,000 272,000 Subtotal - - $20,238,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent - - 2,024,000 ■> Contingencies, at 15 per cent 3,036,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 2,702,000 Total capital cost - $28,000,000) Total annual cost... $2,281,0001 Madera Canal. The Madera Canal is proposed for the conveyance of San Joaquin River water for use on the eastern slope of that part of the upper San Joaquin Valley north of San Joaquin River. With a capacity of 1500 second-feet and a total length of 18 miles, it extends along the eastern rim of the valley between Friant Dam and Fresno River. ^ The location of this canal is shown on Plate XXVI and its profile on Plate LVII. From the outlet at Friant Dam, at elevation 415 feet, the canal extends in a general southwesterly direction over rough rocky foothill topography for a distance of four miles. The location then turns westerly for a distance of three miles passing through a gap in the main ridge on the south side of Little Table Mountain. It then traverses rolling foothill topography, above and east of the irrigable areas, in a general northeasterly direction for a distance of 11 miles to its terminous at a natural reservoir located in Section 16, Township 10 South, Range 19 East, M. D. B. and M., at elevation 391 feet on the south side of Fresno River. From this point, water would be released for local distribution. The proposed canal is concrete lined for its entire length. It has a water depth of 11.0 feet, a bottom width of 14.0 feet and side slopes of 1^ :1. The grade is .0002 feet per foot! of length and the velocity would be 5.0 feet per second when convey- ing the full capacity of 1500 second-feet. Cost of Madera Canal — An estimate of cost, based on unit prices set fortli in Table 108, is presented in Table 110. The estimate sets, fortli thi- capital cost of the entire conduit and appurtenant structures, iiicliKlmg canal.s, syphons, bridges, other minor structures and right of ways. Tlic tot;il annual cost also is given. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 299 TABLE 110 COST OF MADERA CANAL Friant Dam to Fresno River Length, 18 miles. Capacity, 1,500 second-feet. Excavation: Rock, 458,000 cubic yards at $1.00 --- $458,000 Earth overlying rock, 560,000 cubic yards at $0.25 140,000 Rock trimming, 2,540,000 square feet at $0.10 254,000 Concrete lining, 5,300,000 square feet at $0.16 - --- 848,000 structures: Siphons 70,000 Bridges and culverts 96,000 Tlight of ways and fencing 25,000 Subtotal $1,891,000 Admini.stration and engineering, at 10 per cent ^^^'nnn Contingencies, at 15 per cent --- ^^^'nnn Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum _ -_ 136,000 Total capital cost $2,500,000 Total annual cost $213,000 Note:— If the Madera Canal were extended a distance of 17 miles from the Fresno to the Chowchilla River, with a capacity of 1000 second-feet to Dalton Creek and a capacity of 500 second-feet from Dalton Creek to Chowchilla River the capital and annual costs would be increased by $800,000 and $65,000 respectively. Kern River Canal. A portion of the San Joaquin Kiver water conveyed to the Kern River bj^ the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal would be utilized on lands now irrigated from Kern River, thus making available Kern River water for use on higher lands which are at present unirrigated and without a water supply. By means of this exchange of supplies the higlier lands could be served Ijy gravity diversion from Kern River with a considerable saving in cost as compared to service with imported supplies requiring a high pumping lift. The Kern River Canal is designed to serve these higher lands and would divert a large part of the waters of Kern River to the rim lands around the extreme southern limit of the San Joaquin Valley. The point of diversion for this canal is at elevation 680 feet, about four feet lower than the minimum tail water of the Kern Canyon plant of the San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation. Thus this canal would divert at an elevation of about 311 feet higher than the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal where it crosses the Kern River. The site of the diversion dam is about 1800 feet downstream from the power house in Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 30, M. D. B. and M. From the diversion site, the canal location extends southwest along the south side of the stream, crosses Cottonwood Creek and, at a point three miles below its head, enters a tunnel 16,000 feet long under the mesa about eight miles east of Bakersfield. The outlet of the tunnel is about two miles north of Edison Station on the Southern Pacific Railway. From this point, the canal extends in a southeasterly direc- tion, crosses the Southern Pacific Railroad about two miles east of Edison and reaches the mile wide channel of Caliente Creek, 15 miles from the point of diversion, at about elevation 660 feet. The conduit is designed to carry 1500 second-feet for the first 17 miles so that waters in excess of the irrigation draft could be carried during ])eri{)(ls of large run-off and used for replenishing the under- S'round reservoir on Caliente Creek Cone. Based upon the possibilities indicated by preliminary surveys, it is proposed to extend the canal an additional distance of 58 miles, 300 DIVISEON OF WATER RESOURCES encircling the south end of the valley at the base of the mountain slopes to a point just west of Buena Vista Lake at about elevation 591 feet. Such a location would afford gravity service to lands below an avera^ge elevation of 630 feet and with pumping could serve an area of rim lands above the canal. The lengths, water surface elevations, grades, velocities and capacities of various sections of the Kern River Canal are set forth in Table 111. The location of the canal is shown on Plate XXVI and its profile on Plate LVII. Cost of Kern River Canal — An estimate of cost, based on unit prices set forth in Table 108, is presented in Table 112. The estimate sets forth the capital cost of the entire conduit and appurtenant structures including canals, tunnels, siphons, minor structures and right of ways. The total annual cost also is given. TABLE 111 PHYSICAL FEATURES AND HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS OF KERN RIVER CANAL Section Type of conduit Water surface elevation, in feet Length of section, in miles Grade, in feet per foot of length Velocity of flow at full capacity, in second- feet Capacity, in second- feet i: Mile 0.-.. MiIeO.4... Concrete lined canal in earth, rock and boul- ders. ^ Concrete siphon, 1 7 feet diameter. . 680.0 679.4 678.6 677.6 677.1 676.0 666.0 660.0 649.2 648.0 645.0 631.0 618.0 607.5 591.5 0.4 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.3 3.0 11.4 13.0 0.2 3.7 13.3 12.3 6.6 7.6 .00015 .0006 .00015 .0006 .00015 .0006 .0001 .00015 .001 .00015 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0004 4.3 6.6 4.3 6.6 4.3 7.2 3.7 4.1 7.8 4 1 4.2 3.9 3.8 3.5 1.500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1.500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1)00 a Mile 0.6... Mile 1.8... Concrete lined canal in earth, rock and boul- ders. Concrete siphon, 17 feet diameter fc Mile2.0... Milc3.3... Mile 6.3... Concrete lined canal in earth, rock and boul- ders. Concrete lined tunnel, 16 feet diameter Concrete lined canal, in earth Mile 17.7.. Mile 30.7.. Concrete lined canal, on side hill, in earth and rock. Concrete siphon, 14 feet diameter fit \ i Mile 30.9.. Mile 34.6.. Concrete lined canal, on side hill, in earth and rock. Concrete lined canal, in earth Mile 47.9.. Mile 60.2.. Concrete lined canal, in earth Concrete lined canal, in earth . IL Mile 66.8-. Concrete lined canal, in earth 20o| r Mile 74.4.. i Plat! \$ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 301 :, TABLE 112 * COST OF KERN RIVER CANAL Diversion dam $150,000 Mile to mile 17.7. Length, 17.7 miles. Capacity, 1,500 second-feet. Canal excavation: Rock, 35,000 cubic yards at $1.00 ..- $35,000 Earth overlying rock, 1 14,000 cubic yards at $0.25 28,009 Earth, 566,000 cubic yards at $0.18 102,000 Rock trimming, 397.000 square feet at $0.10 40,000 Concrete lining, reinforced: 855.000 square feet at $0.16 137,000 4,020,000 square feet at $0.15 603,000 Tunnel, concrete lined, 16,000 linear feet at $170.00 2,720,000 Structures: 2 major siphons, total length, 2,000 feet 160,000 1 railroad and highway crossing _ 20,000 2 underdrains at Caliente Creek 8,000 4 secondary road crossings 16,000 Right of ways and fencing 12,000 Mile 17.7 to mile 34.6. Length, 16.9 miles. Capacity, 1,200 second-feet. Canal excavation: Rock, 231,000 cubic yards at $1.00 $231,000 Earth overlying rock, 510,000 cubic yards at $0.25 128,000 Rock trimming, 2,288,000 square feet at $0.10 229,000 Concrete lining, reinforced, 4,576,000 square feet at $0.16 732,000 Structures: 1 major siphon, total length 1,000 feet 60,000 4 secondary road crossings 12,000 5 underdrains 8,000 Right of ways and fencing 12,000 Mile 34.6 to mile 47.9. Length, 13.3 miles. Capacity, 900 second-feet. Canal excavation, earth, 408,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $73,000 Concretelining, reinforced, 3,360,000 square feet at $0.15 504,000 Structures: 4 secondary road crossings 10,000 4 underdrains 6,000 Right of ways and fencing 9,000 I $3,881,000 $1,412,000 $602,000 Mile 47.9 to mile 60.2. Length, 12.3 miles. Capacity, 600 second-feet. Canal excavation, earth, 307,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $55,000 Concrete lining, reinforced, 2,665,000 square feet at $0.15 400,000 Structures: 2 secondary road crossings 4,000 2 underdrains 2,000 Right of ways and fencing. 8,000 $469,000 "' Mile 60.2 to mile 66.8. Length, 6.6 miles. Capacity, 300 second-feet. li' Canal excavation, earth, 97,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $17,000 .Concrete lining, reinforced, 1,050,000 square feet at $0.15 158,000 Structures: 2 secondary road crossings 3,000 2 underdrains 2,000 Right of ways and fencing 4,000 " Mile 66.8 to mile 74.4. Length. 7.6 miles. Capacity, 200 second-feet. Canal excavation, earth, 56,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $10,000 Concrete lining, reinforced 1,000,000 square feet at $0.15 150,000 Structures: jl ! 2 secondary road crossings 3,000 I 1 single track railroad crossing 3,000 . _ 2underdrains 1,000 — -* Sight of ways and fencing _.. 5,000 $184,000 $172,000 Subtotal $6,870,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent 687,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent 1,031,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 412,000 Total capital cost $9,000,000 Total annual cost $721,000 302 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Mendota-West Side Pumping System. To make water available for the good land lying on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley would require a pumping system extending from Mendota Pool to Elk Hills. Water for this area would be conveyed to IMendota through the San Joaquin River Pumping 'System. The conveyance channel required for full develop- ment would be 100 miles long and would have a capacity varying from 4500 to 500 second-feet. The proposed Mendota-West Side Pumping System departs from the Mendota Pool at elevation 159 feet, with a constructed canal extending southerly along the most favorable topography. By means of two pumping lifts in a distance of three miles the water is rai.sed to an elevation of 207.0 feet at the discharge of Plant No. 2. The capacity is reduced at this point to 3500 second-feet and the canal continues to Plant No. 3 located at Mile 20. By means of Plants No. 3 and No. 4 the water is raised to an elevation of 248.0 feet at Mile 21 and the canal continues to Mile 32 where the capacity is reduced to 2500 second-feet. Plants No. 5 and No. 6 raise the water to an eleva- tion of 272 feet at Mile 68, where the canal capacity is reduced to 1500 second-feet. This capacity continues to Mile 90 where it is reduced to 500 second-feet and the canal continues at this latter capacity to its terminus at Mile 100 at elevation 250.0 feet. At each point of reduc- tion in capacity local distribution systems, consisting of pumping plants and conveyance channels, would be required. At Mile 19, Mile 32, ]\Iile 66, Mile 90 and Mile 100, spillway channels extending to the valley trough are provided, with capacities of 3500, 1000, 2500, 1000, and 500 second-feet respectively, and with lengths varying from three to eight miles. Minor structures comprise one set of intake gates at Mendota Pool, two railroad siphons, five highway bridges, 61 county road bridges, three canal control structures and five spillway structures. Pumping plants are of the same type as shown for the San Joaquin River Pumping System on Plate LVIII. The height of each lift and the capacity of each pumping plant are set forth in Table 113. The seasonal amount of water to be pumped through each lift and the estimated seasonal energy consumption also are given in the tabulation TABLE 113 PUMPING LIFTS AND CAPACITIES, SEASONAL QUANTITY OF WATER PUMPED AND SEASONAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR MENDOTA-WEST SIDE PUMPING SYSTEM 2e Pumping plant number Location of plant Height of lift, in feet Capacity of p ant, in second-feet Seasonal quantity of water pumped, in acre-feet Seasonal energy con- sumption, in kilowatt hours 1 Mile2 25 25 25 25 25 25 4,500 4,500 3,500 3,500 2,500 2.500 1,544,000 1,544,000 1,201.000 1,201,000 858,000 858.000 65,910,00( G5,910.00( 5I,26?,00< 51,268.00< 36,626,00' 36,626,0tt 2 Mile 3 3 Mile 20 4 Mile 21 5 Mile 67 6 Mile 68 Totals 150 117 307.608,00i Average weighted lift !% -i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 303 PI !ifl! fi'iif Cost of Mendota-West Side Pumpiruj System — An estimate of cost, based on unit prices set forth in Table 105 for San Joaquin River Pumping System, is presented in Table 114. The estimate sets forth the capital cost of the complete pumping system including canals, pumping plants, spillway channels, minor structures and right of ways. The total annual cost, including the average annual charge for electric energy, also is given in the tabulation. aisfi \rl ?(lt 31 edt toil Jli ,otl 101 roJ m Tl ED TABLE 114 COST OF MENDOTA-WEST SIDE PUMPING SYSTEM Length, 100 miles. Capacity varies from 4,500 to 500 second-feet. Excavation: Canals in deep cut and fill sections near pumping plants, 1,890,000 cubic yards at $0.20 to $0.23 $400,000 Canals with regular concrete lined section, 6,514,000 cubic yards at $0.18 1,172,000 Spillway channels, 2,644,000 cubic yards at $0.18 476,000 $2,048,000 Reinforced concrete canal lining: 39,309,000 square feet at $0.15 5,897,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 1, capacity 4,500 second-feet 612,000 Lift No. 2, capacity 4,500 second-feet 612,000 Lift No. 3, capacity 3,500 second-feet 476,000 Lift No. 4, capacity 3,500 second-feet 47.6,000 Lift No. 5, capacity 2,500 second-feet 340,000 Lift No. 6, capacity 2,500 second-feet 340,000 2,856,000 Structures: On portion of canal having a capacity of 4,500 second-feet: Control works in cut from Mendota Pool 40,000 Highway and railroad crossing 55,000 County road bridge 10,000 On portion of canal having a capacity of 3,500 second-feet: Control structure 15,000 Highway bridges, 2 at $11,000 22,000 County road bridges, 13 at $8,000 104,000 Spillway structure, capacity 3,500 second-feet 12,000 Spillway structure, capacity 1,000 second-feet 5,000 On portion of canal having a capacity of 2,500 second-feet: Control structure 10,000 Highway bridges, 2 at $9,000 18,000 County road bridges, 15 at $6,000 90,000 Railroad crossing 20,000 Spillway structure 8,000 On portion of canal having a capacity of 1,500 second-feet: County road bridges, 10 at $5,000 50,000 Spillway structure 4,000 On portion of canal having a capacity of 500 second-feet: County road bridges, 4 at $3,000 ' 12,000 Control structure 3,000 Spillway structure 3,000 On spillway channels: County road bridges on spillway channel having a capacity of 3,500 second-feet, 4 at $4,000 16,000 County road bridges on spillway channel having a capacity of 2,500 second-feet, 3 at $3,000 9,000 County road bridges on spillway channels having a capacity of 1,000 second-feet, 7 at $2,000 14,000 County road bridges on spillway channel having a capacity of 500 second-feet, 4 at $1,500 6,000 — 526,000 Right of ways and fencing.-- --. 240,000 Subtotal .- $11,567,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent 1,156,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent 1,735,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 1,542,000 Total capital cost $16,000,000 Annual cost exclusive of energy _ ..- $1,396,000 Average annual energy charge, 307, 608,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055 1,692,000 Total annual cost— $3,088,000 ;]04 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Summary of Conveyance Units. A summary of the cost estimates and principal physical features of all the major conveyance units of the Ultimate State Plan in the San Joaquin Kiver Basin has been compiled from the foregoing esti- mates and data and is set forth in Table 115. The length, capacity, number of i)umping plants, elevations of diversion and terminus, maximum and average weighted pumping lifts, capital costs of various features and annual costs, exclusive and inclusive of energy charges, are set forth in the tabulation for each unit. SUMMARY OF MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN In the foregoing pages of this chapter there has been presented a discussion, description and estimates of capital and annual costs of each major storage and conveyance unit of tJie Ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin. Table 99 sets forth a somewhat detailed summary of the main physical features and principal items of capital and annual costs of surface storage reservoirs and power plants. Corresponding data for conveyance units have been sum- marized in Table 115. In Table 100, the total usable capacities of the ground water reser- voirs in each of the various hydrographic divisions of the San Joaquin Valley are set forth, first, between a depth of 10 feet below ground surface and the underground water level of 1929, second, between depths of 10 and 50 feet below ground surface and third, between depths of 10 feet below ground surface and the a.ssumed economic limit of pumping. The available and utilizable underground storage capacity in tlie upper San Joaquin Valley would be operated to obtain the fullest practicable beneficial use of the local and imported supplies. The results of analyses of the cost of ground water pumping for various sizes of installation, heights of lift and periods of operation have been set forth in Table 101. The general average values, for estimating the cost of ground water pumping in the upper San Joaquin Valley, have been determined as two cents per foot acre-foot for fixed charges and three cents per foot acre-foot for power charges or a total of five cents per foot acre-foot. Table 116 sets forth the capital and net annual costs of all major surface storage and conveyance units in the San Joaquin River Basin. Plans for four of the reservoirs include power plants. The net annual cost is obtained by deducting from the gross annual cost of the reser- voir and power plant the anticipated average annual revenue from the sale of electric energy. Two of the conveyance units include pumping systems. The net annual cost of each of these units includes the estimated average annual cost of electric energy required for pumping. I f. m >«'• veen mi iimie lilies. , ior iqiiin feed ^TER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Annual cost linistra- 1, engi- ■ing and ingencies Interest during construction Total Exclusive of electric energy for pumping Electric energy for pumping Total Sacramen Hood tJ757,000 San Joaqi 150,000 San Joaq.060,000 Madera (473,000 Kern Ri«718,000 Mendota,891,000 $217,000 2,750,000 2,702,000 136,000 412,000 1,542,000 14,000,000 28,500,000 28,000,000 2,500,000 9,000,000 16,000,000 $300,000 2,539,000 2,281,000 213,000 721,000 1,396,000 $4,240,000 1,692,000 S300.0;)0 6,770,000 2,281^00 213,000 721,000 3,088,000 Tota 049,000 17,759,000 $88,000,000 $7,450,000 $5,932,000 $13,382,000 najori ]&■ iiEiial' reser-! citte 01 80997- :}04 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Summary of Conveyance Units. A summary of the cost estimates and principal physical features of all the major conveyance units of the Ultimate State Plan in the San Joaquin Kiver Basin lias been compiled from the foregoing esti- mates and data and is set forth in Table 115. The length, capacity, number of i)umping plants, elevations of diversion and terminus, maximum and average weighted pumping lifts, capital costs of various features and annual costs, exclusive and inclusive of energy charges, are set forth in the tabulation for each unit. SUMMARY OF MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN In the foregoing pages of this chapter there has been presented a discussion, description and estimates of capital and annual costs of each major storage and conveyance unit of the Ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin. Table 99 sets forth a somewhat detailed summary of the main physical features and principal items of capital and annual costs of surface storage reservoirs and power plants. Corresponding data for convej'-ance units have been sum- marized in Table 115. In Table 100, the total usable capacities of the ground water reser- voirs in each of the various hydrographic divisions of the San Joaquin Valley are set forth, first, between a depth of 10 feet below ground surface and the underground water level of 1929, second, betw^een depths of 10 and 50 feet below ground surface and third, between depths of 10 feet below ground surface and the assumed economic limit of pumping. The available and utilizable underground storage capacity in tlie upper San Joaquin Valley would be operated to obtain the fullest practicable beneficial use of the local and imported supplies. The results of analyses of the cost of ground water pumping for various sizes of installation, heights of lift and periods of operation liave been set forth in Table 101. The general average values, for estimating the cost of ground water pumping in the upper San Joaquin Valley, have been determined as two cents per foot acre-foot for fixed charges and three cents per foot acre-foot for power charges or a total of five cents per foot acre-foot. Table 116 sets forth the capital and net annual costs of all major surface storage and conveyance units in the San Joaquin River Basin. Plans for four of the reservoirs include power plants. The net annual cost is obtained by deducting from the gross annual cost of the reser- voir and power plant the anticipated average annual revenue from the sale of electric energy. Two of the conveyance units include pumping systems. The net annual cost of each of these units includes the estimated average annual cost of electric energy required for pumping. TABLE 115 SUMMARY OF MAIN PHYSICAL FEATURES AND PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF COST OF MAJOR CONVEYANCE UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Length, ininitee Maximum capacity. second-feet Elevation in feet, U.S.G.S.datum Pumping plants Capital cost Annua! cost Unit Point of diversion Terminus Number Maximum lift, in reet Average weighted lift. in feet Pumping plants Diversion, control and other strueturcfi Main conveyance channels Right of ways Administra- tion, engi- neering and contingencies Interest during construction Total Exclusive of electric energy for pumping Electric energy for pumping Total Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel, 24 105 165 18 75 100 10.000 8.000 3.000 1.500 1.500 4.500 J2.676.000 1,703,000 3.196.000 166.000 4118.000 526.000 J200.000 9.195.000 15,606.000 1.700,000 0,352.000 7.945.000 1150.000 714,000 1,436.000 25.000 50,000 240,000 $757,000 5,150.000 5,060.000 473.000 1.718.000 2,891.000 $217,000 2,750.000 2.702.000 136.000 412,000 1.542.000 $4,000,000 28,500,000 28.000.000 2.500.000 9.000.000 16.000.000 S300.000 2.539.000 2,281.000 213.000 721.000 1.396,000 $4,240,000 1,602,000 $300 000 407 416 6S0 IfiB 159 35S 391 591 260 10 202 185 $8,988,000 fl,779,OU0 2.281j000 213,000 San Joaquin River-Kem County Canal Meodots-WcHt Side Pumping Syatem 6 160 117 2.859.000 3.088,000 547 16 (n,844,0U0 $8,735,0110 140,998,000 $2,615,000 $lti.049,0O0 $7,750,000 $88,000,000 $7,450,000 $5,932,000 $13,382,000 80997— Bet. pp. 304 and 305 « to iF' k k i! m II SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 116 305 SUMMARY OF COSTS OF MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Unit Surface Storage Units Nashville Reservoir [one Reservoir ftirdee Reservoir Falley Springs Reservoir Melones Reservoir' Don Pedro Reservoir' Exchequer Reservoir Buchanan Reservoir SVindy Gap Reservoir Priant Reservoir* Pine Flat Reservoir' Pleasant Valley Reservoir [sabella Reservoir Subtotals - Conveyance Units 3acramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel- fen Joaquin River Pumping System Mendota-West Side Pumping System Vladera Canal 3an Joaquin River-Kern County CanaL Kern River Canal Subtotals Totals, all units - Location Cosumnes River Dry Creek Mokelumne River. Calaveras River... Stanislaus River... Tuolumne River... Merced River Chowchilla River.. Fresno River San Joaquin River. Kings River Tule River Kern River Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta West side lower San Joaquin Valley . West side upper San Joaquin Valley - East side upper San Joaquin Valley, north of San Joaquin River East side upper San Joaquin Valley, south of San Joaquin River East side and south end of upper San Joaquin Valley, south of Kern River Capital cost $7,400,000 8,600,000 Constructed 7,600,000 26,200,000 32,500,000 Constructed 2,600,000 3,300,000 14,500,000 11,600,000 2,900,000 5,700,000 $122,900,000 $4,000,000 28,500,000 16,000,000 2,500,000 28,000,000 9,000,000 $88,000,000 $210,900,000 Net annual cost $441,000 517,000 Constructed 452,000 937,000 979,000 Constructed 155,000 200,000 805,000 541,000 171,000 340,000 $5,538,000 $300,000 '6,779,000 '3,088,000 213,000 2,281,000 721,000 $13,382,000 $18,920,000 ' Includes power plant. ' Includes power plant for ultimate development, only. ' Includes energy cost of $4,240,000. ' Includes energy cost of $1,692,000. « 20—80997 306 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER VII OPERATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN The operation and accomplishments of the ultimate State "Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin are closely related to and inter dependent with those in the plan for the Sacramento River Basin because of the dependence of the San Joaquin River Basin upon the Sacramento River Basin for a portion of the supply required to meet its ultimate water requirements. The ultimate water requirements of the San Joaquin River Basin are materially in excess of the watei supplies which could be made available from local tributary sources by full practicable development and utilization. The logical source oJ supplemental water supply is the Sacramento River Basin where i surplus over and above the full ultimate water requirements in thai basin, including the Sacramento-San Joacpiin Delta, would be made available by the major units proposed for ultimate development therein The ultimate State Water Plan proposes to import surplus wat-er fron the Sacramento River Basin to meet the deficiency between availabl local supply and ultimate demand in the San Joaquin River Basin Accordingly, consideration of the operation and accomplislinients o the plan in the San Joaquin River Basin must be combined with thosi in the Sacramento River Basin. The proposed major units for ulti mate development in the two basins constitute a unified project for th entire Great Central Valley. It is proposed to operate these majo units coordinately to provide the ultimate water requirements and t accomplish the objectives sought for the fullest practicable develop ment, regulation, distribution and utilization of the water resources Objectives of Ultimate State Water Plan in Great Central Valley. The primary objective of the ultimate State Water Plan in th Great Central Valley is to provide a water supply sufficient in amoun and with suitable rates of delivery to meet the ultimate water requir( ments for all purposes, including domestic and municipal supply industrial supply, irrigation, salinity control, navigation, hydroelectri power development and other desirable and necessary uses. In additio to supplying water for these purposes in the Great Central Valley, is proposed to furnish the supplemental wat-er supply required in tb \ adjacent San Francisco Bay Ba.sin from supplies developed withi the Groat Central Valley Basin. It is also proposed to provide add tional flood protection required for the lands in the Sacramento an San Joaquin valleys. Navigation would be improved on both tl Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Hydroelectric power develoj ment would be made in connection with major surface storage rese: voirs where economically feasible and giving promise of yieldir revenues from sale of electric energj^ which would assist in defrayir the cost of the project. The plan for ultimate development provid"' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 307 for the conservation, regulation, distribution and utilization of the available water resources to accomplish these desirable and necessary objectives. Major Units of Ultimate State Water Plan in Great Central Valley. The ultimate State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley pro- vides for surface and underground storage to regulate the run-off of the major streams to supply the water requirements for irrigation and other necessary purposes. In addition to the surface storage units on the major streams in the Great Central Vallej^ Basin, a storage reser- voir on the Trinity River with works for diversion of the regulated supplies therefrom into the Sacramento River Basin are provided to augment the available water supply in the Great Central Valley. Con- duits are provided to convey surplus water from the Sacramento River Basin to the areas of deficient supply in the San Joaquin Valley. Other conveyance conduits from the San Joaquin and Kern rivers are provided in the plan for the purpose of effecting an exchange between imported and local supplies in accord with the most economical plan of development. The major units of the ultimate State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley are summarized in Table 117 and are shown on Plate XXVI. Those in the Sacramento River Basin are described in another report.* The major storage and conveyance units in the San Joaquin River Basin have been descried in detail in Chapter VI. TABLE 117 MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY Storage Units Reservoir Stream on which reservoir is located Height of main dam, in feet Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet Installed capacity of power plants, in kilovolt amperes Sacramento River Basin Kennett Oroville Narrows Camp Far West Auburn Coloma Folsom Fairview (Trinity River diversion) . Millsite Capay Monticello Sacramento River. Feather River Yuba River Bear River American River American River American River Trinity River Stony Creek Cache Creek Putah Creek San Joaquin River Basin Nashville lone Pardee Valley Springs Melones Don Pedro Exchequer Buchanan Windy Gap Friant Pine Flat Pleasant Valley Isabella Cosumnes River Dry Creek Mokelumne River. Calaveras River Stanislaus River... Tuolumne River Merced River Chowohilla River- Fresno River San Joaquin River. Kings River Tule River Kern River Totals. 520 580 580 180 440 345 190 365 135 170 150 270 120 343 200 460 455 307 147 206 252 274 125 190 5,967,000 1,705,000 853,000 151,000 831,000 766,000 355,000 1,436,000 115,000 378,000 130,000 281,000 610,000 222,000 325,000 1,090,000 1,000,000 279,000 84,000 62,000 •400,000 400,000 39,000 338,000 17,817,000 450,000 314,000 160,000 110,000 60,000 125,000 193,000 18,750 '68,000 2120,000 31,250 '10,000 40,000 1,700,000 * Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 308 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 117— Continued Conveyance Units Unit Maximum capacity, in second-feet Length, in miles San Joaquin River Basin Sacrarncnto-Saii Joaquin Delta cross channel. San Joaquin River pumping system Madera canal - San Joaquin River-Kern County canal Kern River canal - Mendota-West Side pumping system 8,000 1.500 3,000 1,500 4,500 24 167 18 165 75 100 Total. 549 ' Present installed capacity 27,000 kilovolt amperes. ' Present installed capacity 33,740 kilovolt amperes. ' Effective capacity 270,000 acre-feet. ' A 30,000 kilovolt ampere power plant would be constructed on the river and the cost thereof amortized in ten years. A. 10,000 kilovolt ampere plant would then be constructed on the Madera canal to utilize the power drop at the dam into that canal after water is no longer available for the larger river plant. In addition to the major surface storage and convej^anee units in the San Joaquin River Basin, the underground storage reservoirs, par- ticularly in the upper San Joaquin Valley, are an e.ssential feature of the proposed plan of development. The utilization of these under- ground reservoirs for storage and subsequent extraction of water supplies by pumping is of fundamental importance. The area, location and utilizable eapacit.y of underground reservoirs have been presented in detail in Chapter VI, together with data on the cost of utilization by pumping. Operation and Accomplishments of Ultimate State Water Plan in Great Central Valley. In order to accomplish the objectives sought and desired under the ultimate State Water Plan for the Great Central Valley, the major units for storage, both surface and underground, and for conveyance would be operated coordinately under a unified plan of development. The proposed major units in the Sacramento River Basin would be operated not only to take care of the requirements for all purposes within that basin itself, including the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, but also Avould be operated coordinately with the major units in the San Joaquin River Basin to provide the supplemental supplies required therein. The ultimate water requirements are governed chiefly by the requirements for irrigation which now use more than 90 per cent of tlie water developed and utilized in this area and which probably will continue to predominate in like proportion. The required ultimate water supply, with the exception of that for special uses such as navi- gation improvement and salinity control, is based upon the require- ments for irrigation. The supply provided on this basis would be ample for domestic, municipal and industrial uses in areas in which water is required for these purposes. Within the Sacramento River Basin where ample water supplies are available, it is proposed to furnish, under the ultimate plan of development, a full surface irrigation supply without deficiency for the ultimate needs of the entire basin, including valley floor, foothill and mountain valley agricultural lands. In addition, it is proposed SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 309 to furnish from surplus waters of the Sacramento River Basin and from such waters as reach the delta from the San Joaquin River Basin a full supply without deficiency for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to meet the consumptive demands therein and to keep the water in the delta channels fresh by preventing saline invasion from the bay into the delta channels; a supplemental supply for the San Francisco Bay Basin, with some deficiency in an exceptionally dry year in the portion of the supply provided for irrigation ; and finally a supplemental supply for the areas deficient in local supply in the San Joaquin Valley. It is proposed to improve navigation on the Sacramento River by providing adequate and dependable navigation depths from Sacramento to Red Bluff. This improvement would be effected by the provision of a regulated flow in the river sufficient in amount, if coupled with open channel improvements, to maintain required depths for cormnercial navigation. It is also proposed to provide additional flood protection which is desirable and necessary for the lands in the Sacramento Vallej", by the reservation and utilization of storage space in the major reservoirs for flood regulation during the flood season. "Within the San Joaquin River Basin, the ultimate plan of develop- ment proposes to furnish irrigation supplies to meet the ultimate requirements in varying degree in different portions of the basin. In general, for the irrigable areas to be served under the ultimate State Water Plan as set forth in Chapter VI, it is proposed to furnish a surface irrigation supply with a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in an exceptionally dry year for the lands in the lower San Joaquin Valley and on the west side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. On the eastern side of the upper San Joaquin Valley, through the combined means of surface storage and underground storage and pumping, it is proposed to furnish practically a full supply without deficiency for the irrigable lands to be served under the ultimate State Water Plan. The ultimate water requirements for the areas to be served under the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin have been presented in Chapter V and will be referred to subsequently in this chapter in the detailed presentation of the operation and accomplish- ments of the plan. Additional flood protection which is desirable and necessary for the lands in the San Joaquin Valley is proposed to be effected through the reservation and utilization of storage space in several major surface reservoirs for the regulation of floods during the flood season. In addition, it is proposed to improve navigation on the San Joacjuin River above Stockton by means of canalization by dams equipped with locks. The San Joaquin River Pumping System, as designed most economically for irrigation service primarily, includes a series of dams which would canalize the river to Hills Ferry and provide adequate navigation depths. The dams would be equipped with locks for this purpose. The San Joaquin River Pumping System could be extended from Hills Ferry to ]\Iendota with dams and pumping lifts in the river channel as in the section below Hills Ferry and thus canalize the river and provide for navigation to Mendota if the dams were equipped witli locks. Although this would entail greater expense than the canal plan provided in the proposed San Joaquin River Pumping System between Hills Ferry and Mendota, it might prove * 310 DIVISION OK WATER RESOURCES desirable and iVasiblo if tlic additional cost fonld bn provided for in tlip interest of navi^'ation. A moi'e detailed consideration of navigation improvement on tlie upper San Joaquin River is presented in Chapter X. Three methods of opei-ation of the major units of the ultimate l)lan have been considered and are presented in detail in other reports/' TnchM- the method designated "11" in the reports cited, which may be considered to be best adapted to the accomplishments sought, the pro- posed jilan of operation and the accomplishments are summarized i)rietly as follows: 1. The amount of water utilized for storage and regulation in the major reservoir units and underground storage basins was obtained by deducting from the full natural run-off of the streams entering the Great Central Valley, the net use of 2,283,000 acre-feet per season for an adequate and dependable irrigation supply for 1,439,000 acres of land, being the net irrigable mountain valley and foothill lands lying at elevations too high to be irrigated by gravity frcmi the major reservoir units, thus providing for the ultimate needs of these areas ; and also deducting 448,000 acre-feet iier year from the Tuolumne River for tlie water supply of the city of San Francisco. An addi- tional amount of 224,000 acre-feet per year also was deducted for the San Fi-ancisco Bay Basin from water regulated in Pardee Reservoir on the Mokelumne River. 2. Reserve storage space would have been held in the reservoirs listed in Table 118 for controlling floods. The amount of this space and the regulated flow to which floods on each stream would have been controlled also are shown in the same table. 3. Stored water would have been drawn from the major surface i-eservoir units, and underground basins in the upper San .loacpiin Valley, in such amounts and at such times as to supple- ment unregulated flows and return water?, to make water avail- able for: a. A supply of 9.033,000 aere-feet per season, gross allowance, without deficiency, available in the principal streams, for the irrigation of all of the net area of 2.640,000 acres of irrigable lands of all classes on the Sacramento Vall-ey floor. b. A supply of 1,200,000 aere-feet per season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of all the net area of 392,000 acres of irrigable lands, and for unavoidable losses, in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. c. Improvement of navigation on Sacramento River to Red Blufl". d. A fresh water flow of not less than 3300 second-feet past Antioch into Suisun Bay, which would have controlled salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. • Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan," Division of Water Resources, 1930, and Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. sof IJJl- SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN • 311 e. A supply of 5,342,000 acre-fefet per season, gross allowance, with a maxinium seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent, for the irrigation of all the net area of 1,810,000 acres of irrigable land of all classes in the lower San Joaquin Valley, including 134,000 acres of foothills on the eastern side of the valley below the major reservoirs. f . A supply of 4,700,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of a net area of 2,350,000 acres of class 1 and 2 lands on the eastern and southern slopes of the upper San Joaquin Valley. This would have been accomplished by the utilization of underground storage capacity in conjunc- tion with the major reservoir and conveyance units proposed. g. A supply of 1,570,000 acre-feet per season, with a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent, for the irrigation of all the net irrigable area of 785,000 acres of class 1 and 2 lands lying chiefly on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. h. A water supply and channel depth in the San Joaquin River sufficient to provide a navigable depth of six feet as far upstream as Salt Slough, nine miles above the Merced River. i. A supply of 403,000 acre-feet per season in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, for use in the San Francisco Bay Basin. There would have been a deficiency of 35 per cent in 1924 in the 323,000 acre-foot portion of this supply allotted to use for irrigation. This amount of 403,000 acre-feet per season, together with full practicable development of local resources and annual importations of 224,000 acre-feet from the Mokelumne River and 448,000 acre-feet from the Tuolumne River, and an importation from the Eel River, would have given an adequate and dependable supply for the ultimate development of this basin. j. The generation of more than five billion kilowatt hours of electric energy, on the average, annually. Table 118 sets forth the streams on which flood control by reser- voirs is proposed, the maximum reservoir space required to regulate winter floods to certain controlled flows, the amount of the controlled flows, and the frequency with which the controlled flows would be exceeded. The operation of all these reservoirs specifically for flood ontrol, employing the reservoir space assigned to each reservoir for the purpose of controlling floods to the specified flows, w^ould result in a substantial reduction in flood flows and in an increased degree of protection to the areas subject to overflow in the Sacramento and San •Joaquin valleys, and therefore would decrease the potential annual flood damages in those areas. 312 DIVISION OF WATER RESOXTRCES TABLE 118 RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED FOR CONTROLLING WINTER FLOODS TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED FLOWS Reservoir Stream Point of control Maximum reservoir space employed, in acre-feet Controlled flow, in second-feet Number of times controlled flow would be exceeded on the average Sacramento River Feather River Red Bluff Oroville Smartsville Wheatland Fairoaks. Michigan Bar... Gait 512,000 521,000 272.000 50,000 300,000 56,000 ■121,000 ■0 165,000 204,000 214,000 59,000 75,000 80,000 67,000 '125,000 100,000 70,000 20,000 '80,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 •15,000 •15,000 •25,000 •15,000 . •15,000 •7,500 Once in 14 years Oroville Once in 100 years Yuba River Once in 100 years Camp Far West Folsom, Auburn and Coloma Bear River Once in 100 years American River One day in 250 yrs. Cosumnes River Once Id 100 years lone ......--..-. Dry Creek Mokelumne River Calaveras River Once in 100 years I*arde€ ._ Clements.- Jenny Lind Knights Ferry... La Grange Exchequer Friant Once in 100 years Valley Springs M clones Once in 100 years Stanislaus River Once in 100 years Don Pedro Tuolumne River Once in 100 years Exchequer Friant Merced River. Once in 100 years San Joaquin River Kings River Once in 100 years Pine Flat Piedra .. Once in 100 years Kern River Bakersfield Once in 100 years > Floods which would cause flows in excess of 10,000 second-feet in the Mokelumne River at Clements would be diverted from the Pardee Reservoir to Dry Creek by the Jackson Creek Spillway and the water stored in lone Reservoir. ' Mean daily flow on day of flood crest. Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years, except when this amount is exceeded by uncontrolled run-off between Kennett Reservoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. • Folsom reservoir alone would control the flow at Fairoaks to a maximum of 100,000 second-feet exceeded one day in 100 years on an average, by employing 175,000 acre-feet of space in the reservoir for flood control. • Amounts shown are controlled flows during winter floods. During summer floods, the flows would be controlled to amounts not exceeding those shown by combining some reserv'oir regulation with diversions from the streams for irriga- tion and underground storage. The control points would not be at those shown with winter floods but would be at poind down stream where control is desired to protect lands subject to inundation. Table 119 sets forth, for various points on the main stream chan- nels, the winter flood flows exceeded once in 100 years on the average, except as noted, without and with reservoir control. The flows in the Sacramento Valley are those that would obtain with the completed Sacramento Flood Control Project, including the protection of Butte Basin. In the San Joaquin Valley, the flows without reservoir control are those that would obtain with levees constructed along the San Joaquin River from a point below- Herndon to the delta to form a channel of sufficient width to care for these flow^s and protect the remaining land now subject to overflow. The flows with reservoir control are tliose that would obtain with the same channel, but with the flood flows from the larger streams controlled by means of regula- tion in the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in this basin to those at the foothill gaging stations shown in Table 118. If protec- tion of the valley lands by means of levees were not effected until after the reservoirs witli flood control features were completed, a narrower flood channel along tiie river could be constructed because of the smaller regulated flows. Under this condition, however, the flows might be slightly larger than those shown in the third column of Table 119, since the reduction of quantities by storage in the narrower channel might ])e less and the rate of concentration somewhat greater. Flows during summer floods in the San Joaquin River Basin would not exceed those shown in Tabh' 119. Additional details as to flood control in the San Joa(iuin River liasin arc presented in Chapter IX. Most of tile water to be imported from the Sacramento River Basin to the San Joaquin River Basin would be obtained from surplus SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 313 TABLE 119 WINTER FLOOD FLOWS IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY WITHOUT AND WITH RESERVOIR CONTROL Maximum mean daily flow, in second-feet Number of times flow would be Stream Without reservoir control With reservoir control exceeded, on the average SfiRrfimpntfi Rivfir at, TfpH Rliiff 303,000 218,000 370,000 254,000 670.000 400,000 430,000 185,000 70,000 103,000 133,000 780,000 ■187,000 ■125,000 250,000 170,000 535,000 201,000 226,000 80.000 50,000 64,000 82,000 596,000 Once in 100 years Sacramento River at Red Bluff, Once in 14 years Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa Once in 100 years Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte Bv-pass opposite Colusa Once in 14 years Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Lisbon Feather River below confluence with Yuba River Once in 100 years Once in 100 years Feather River below confluence with Bear River Once in 100 years American River at Fairoaks.. . Once in 250 years San Joaquin River below confluence with Merced River Once in 100 vears San Joaquin River below confluence with Tuolumne River Once in 100 years S?n Joaquin River below confluence with Stanislaus River- Once in 100 years Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers at confluence .. Once in 100 years ■ Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years, except when this amount is exceeded by uncontrolled run-off between Kennett Reservoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second- feet would continue for only a short time. supplies made available in the Saeramento-San Joaquin Delta channels and would be conveyed to the San Joaquin Valley through the San Joaquin River Pumping System. However, a portion of the imported water supply from the Sacramento River Basin would be furnished by diversion from Folsom Reservoir on the American River to provide a supplemental supply for the area in the San Joaquin River Basin lying east of the delta from the Cosumnes to the Calaveras River (hydro- graphic divisions Nos. 12 and 13). As a part of the coordinated opera- tion of the American and Cosumnes rivers, it is proposed to furnish by diversion from the Cosumnes River above the Nashville Reservoir a portion of the water requirements for foothill lands in the American River area of the Sacramento River Basin, which can be more economi- callj' and practically served in this manner. Sacramento River water from the delta channels, together with return flow and unregulated surplus water from the lower San Joaquin Valley, conveyed through the San Joaquin River Pumping System, would be utilized in part to furnish the water requirements of lands now served by San Joaquin River water and other irrigable lands at present undeveloped in the lower San Joaquin Valley; and in part for the irrigation of the undeveloped irrigable lands to be served on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley with water conveyed thereto through the Mendota-West Side Pumping System. With the irrigable areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley which would be naturally served by the San Joaquin River furnished a supply by imported Sacramento River Avater, practically the entire run-off of the San Joaquin River would be regulated at Priant Reservoir and conveyed through the Madera Canal northerly and through the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal southerly to provide the supple- mental supply required for the lands lying on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. The water supplies developed by the ma.jor units on the streams tributary to the area on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley would be regulated in coordination Avith supplies ;;14 DIVISION of water resources from Friant Reservoir, with re^ilation obtained throu*?!! the combined use of surface and underground storage. A portion of the water con- veyed from the San Joaquin River through the San Joaquin River- Kern County Canal would supply areas now served w-ith Kern River water and make possible the diversion of Kern River w'ater through the Kern River Canal to serve higher lying rim lands along the south- ern edge of the upper San Joaquin Valley. The lands on the east side of the lower San Joaquin Valley from the Stanislaus to the Merced rivers, with the exception of a small acreage in the jMerced area lying immediately adjacent to the San Joaquin River, would be served by regulated supplies from the main east side tributaries of the San Joaquin River. Surplus Water in Great Central Valley — Under the proposed plan of operation of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley as just described, • there would have been substantial amounts of water, over and above the requirements for the purposes provided for, which would have Avasted each year during the eleven-year period 1918-1929 into San Francisco Bay. Most of this waste would have occurred in years of large run-ol¥ and in the winter months of other years. Part of the waste w-ater w^ould have spilled from the reservoirs. During the summer months there would have been just sufficient water released from the reservoirs to care for all needs. Part of the waste waters could have been conserved by reservoirs other than the major units of the State Water Plan or by larger major units. Studies showed, however, that these additional regulated waters w^ould not have been necessary during the eleven-year period 1918-1929, for the accomplishments set forth in the foregoing paragraphs. Although the imported water fi'om the Trinity River would add somewhat to the surplus in years of large run-off in the Sacramento River Basin, more than half of it would be required for the irrigation of lands which could be served by gravity from no other source and a considerable portion of the remainder would be required in the winter months of the drier years for salinity control and navigation. This unit and all of the other selected major units of the State Water Plan woukl have been required to furnish regulated supplies distributed in accordance with the demand, especially in years of low run-otf. Ta])le 120 shows the net flows into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the amounts required from this water for all uses in the delta and adja<>ent uplands, the amounts required for supplemental supplies for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley and for irrigation and other uses in the San Francisco Bay Basin, the amounts of water which would have flowed Antioch into Suisun Bay for salinity control, the surplus water which would have reached the delta in addition to that for all requirements, and tlie total amounts of water which would have flowed into Suisun Bay after all requirements had been satisfied. The amounts shown for net flow into the delta from the San Joaquin Valley include such portions of the unregulated surplus and return waters intercepted by the San Joaquin River Pumping System before reaching the ccn used in supplying "crop land" rights or new lands in this valley south of the Pierced River, obviating the pumping of that portion of this supply from the delta; but do not \ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 315 o CQ < o 03 < ,00' sags CO-- ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o_o o ■^ -- CO o CO cc" r^ C5 -* 00 ro C^ »^eC -(J^OO iTO CC (M e«5 CO 00 COOT5roOiOco"iO»O^^Oi g ^ o <- « ooooooooooc- oo_oooo_ooooo iC c»i" CO -- -^ -f" '^ 3* cT »^ oT CO co-^c^odcocr a' ; >, C " m „ p-o; offl « a ^_ c "H. -5 o J* -** oooooc;ooooo OOOOOC300C300 oooo ooo^o ooo TO CO CO « CO CO O CO CO CO CO OOOOOOcrsOOOO lllib V ►-' M ci o rt ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o o^ o o o o_ o_ o o o o o o o o o'o o o o o o 40 »0 »0 lO lOWS O •rt U5 lO lO — Co s>- -9 » o^ OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO O O o o o o_ o^ — _ o__ o o '^ tD CO" CO O tC Co" --if -jf" O to C5OCSCs0i0i00CiCTS0iC7> OOQOCOOOOOOOtOCOOOGOOO a; o o o ooooooooooo 0000=0000000 00 00 0000000 CiCTTu^'OCiOiCOOOio" OOOOOGOOOOOC^-OCOOOOOi CC CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO^ CO CO coo>ooc> 00000000 o_o o -«^ ^ CO o co' CO "-^ o -r 00 t:: oitMooo-r-^TfOcot~-o CO Ci '-^ 00 M t^ 00 O l>^ M CO O O Oi -^ *rr 05 CO 05 05 O "^ cg-= >;.£ ^5 OOOOOOOOOOO ooooo>oooooo ooooooooooo 00 QOoot-ri.oc«i"oooi"t^r-roo CDCOm^OCi^-OcO-^t^-^CO csosciOs»ftOi--c5r-C333 >> C S ^ g C3 fdel rt C/J OOCDOOOOOOCDO OOOOOOOOOOO o_^o o o_o o^o^o o_ o^o CO CO o 10"^- CO — *'r-' t^ -— Ci C^iC'T'i— 'ifOOOOC^iCOcO r-oa*-. cseocoot--ococo ososoococoodcocoooioco oooiO'-HC«eo'*'»ocor^oo CSOiOiC»OC3CSOS05030i > m> a. :& =3 ="5 ^"5 S3 .i3 en O c S cs .2 2" o a'^ c s .♦^ jq-2 o Is.s •— ^ CO ■— • *a 3 O. D. Con rt e: o C M.5 « = * a ^^ O C ci **- "^ i5 & g o pa rt =3 *^ ^1- ■2 o c CQ a o a o o o o c c a o a 03 t^ 3 a w o >-> >> 23 T3 -t3 o K u: « J^.2 » 2 O « *J ■ — £ =* «- '-« E S — > o ^ o ® >i: = 3 I. o o ^-? "■?'/. & "S I- jK a o cM- T3-= oo K ci is V 2 & M 3 MT3 n ■" _ -33 £.2 g,.S o-g-S-- 1.£.S=|o1|i - tr.3 S- " i->- a 1^3 2 ;J1G DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES include the portion of snch waters intercepted and used in the west side area north of I\r€rced River in Ilydroprraphie Division 7 and in the west side rim lands in Hydrographic Division 7(a). Table 136 shows the amounts of such return flow and surplus waters which would be intercepted by the San Joaquin River Pumping System and the areas in which such supplies would be utilized. It also shows the residual flow into the delta after being reduced by the amounts inter- cepted. However, the return flo^v and surplus water would have reached the delta under natural conditions and the amounts of such waters intercepted would have to be replaced in the delta by Sacra- mento River water for irrigation and salinity control uses. Therefore, the -water supply to be made available in the delta for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley would be based upon the full amount of the roquiromcnts to be met in the areas to be served by the San Joaquin River and ]\Iendota-West Side pumping systems. The amounts shown in the seventh and eighth columns of Table 120 for the San Joaquin Valley are for the full requirements, except those for the west side area north of Merced River in Hydrographic Division 7 and on the west side rim lands in Hydrographic Division 7(a), which Avere pre- viously deducted from the inflow. "Crop lands" are those lands suit-i able for growing crops which are now or probably will be served in the near future by diversions, under existing rights, from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River. Table 121 shows the amounts of surplus water in the delta and the total flows into Suisun Bay, by months, for the years of maximum and minimum run-off, and the average for the period 1918-1929. It may be noted that under this method of operation there would have been no surplus in July, August and September of any year. The flow into Suisun Bay shown for these months is that required for salinity control. iti TABLE 121 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY UNDER OPERATION OF MAJOR UNITS OF ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY, 1918-1929 Month January . . . February.. .March April May June July August September. October . . . Novemlier. December. ToUls Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Surplus water above all requirements in acre-feet 1,054,000 4,043,000 1,719.000 1,029,000 357,000 32,000 588.000 647,000 9,469,000 Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet 1,257,000 4,227,000 1,922,000 1,225,000 560,000 196,000 203.000 203,000 196,000 235,000 784,000 850,000 11,858,000 Year of minimum run-off, 1924 Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet 204,000 249.000 55,000 248,000 246,000 1,002,000 Flow into Suisun Bay. in acre-feet 407.000 439.000 203.000 196.000 203.000 196,000 203,000 203,000 196,000 258,000 444.000 449.000 3,397,000 Average for period 1918-1929 Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet 722,000 1.320.000 1.486.000 167,000 219,000 113,000 33,000 328,000 474.000 4.862.000 Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet R! KB 925,0 1.505,0 !•« I-.. 363,001 422,001 309,0' 203,0 203,001 196,001 236,0' 524,00l| 677J"^ *f^ 7,263 msti SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 317 if«# The data compiled in the foregoing Tables 120 and 121, covering JUili the generally subnormal period of run-off 1918-1929, show that the tiki:] amounts of water which the plan proposes to export from the Sacra- i^onl mento River Basin to the San Joaquin Valley could have been furnished ^itk in each year of this period with an allowable maximum deficiency in supply in the driest year of record of 1924 ; and that, after providing the amounts proposed for exportation, there still would have been ^tia' surplus water in each year during the period over and above all the MSI requirements provided for in the proposed ultimate plan of operation Saer and accomplishments of the State Water Plan in the Great Central aefon Valley. ition! The following portion of Chapter VII is devoted to a presentation f'f ill of detailed data and information on the operation and accomplishments loaijiii of the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin, with «slio« the major units therein operating coordinately with those in the Sacra- loaip mento River Basin. There are presented: first, the utilizable water -^t ii supply made available from the major streams as regulated by proposed oai: surface storage reservoirs, underground reservoirs and combinations i:repr thereof; second, the utilization of underground reservoirs for storage isDi and pumping of water derived from local tributary run-off and dinll imported supplies brought in by the conveyance units, particularly in Joaqiii the upper San Joaquin Valley; third, the operation and accomplish- ments of the conversance units ; and, lastly the water supply furnished andt! to meet the water requirements in each hydrographic division of the iiunaii San Joaquin River Basin, demonstrating the sufficiencj^ of the pro- )Osed ultimate plan of development and operation. r*en! OwiBllUtilizable Water Supply from Major Streams in San Joaquin River Basin. The utilizable water supply from the major streams, under the ultimate plan of development in the San Joaquin River Basin, varies for different streams and groups of streams and depends upon the MSitev requirements of the area to be served from a particular stream or group of streams, the practicability and economic feasibility of sur- face storage regulation, the availability of and practicability of utiliz- "ng underground storage reservoirs, the necessity in some areas for 30ordination of local supplies with required importations of supple- mental water, and the possible or proposed combinations of under- ground storage and pumping with surface storage regulation. Certain surface storage reservoirs on major streams would be of sufficient capacity to regulate the available run-off and provide a sur- face irrigation supply fully sufficient for the area to be served there- from. Others would provide only a portion of the regulated supply "required and it would be necessary to obtain the remainder of the supply required by underground storage and pumping. On certain >treams, full practicable utilization of the run-off could be effected imore economically by direct diversions and underground storage regu- 'iation and pumping than by surface storage. On some streams, the ., jatilizable supply made available from the fullest practicable regula- ^^ ition by either surface or underground storage or by a combination of ^ iboth would not be sufficient to meet the water requirements and imported supplies would be required. In such cases, both surface and .underground regulation of local supplies would be coordinated with L-NIIS S-lW 318 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the supplies made available by itnportation and the regulatory opera- tions and yields of local streams would be governed to some extent by sucli imported supplies. In the lower San Joaquin Valley, the proposed storage reservoirs on the Cosumnes, Calaveras and Mokelumne rivers and Dry Creek would be operated coordinately with storage units on the American River in the Sacramento River Basin so that the combined amount of water obtained from these local sources and from the supplies imported from the American River would meet the ultimate water requirements of the irrigable area to be served in hydrographic divisions 12 and 13, The proposed major surface reservoirs on the Stanislaus and Tuolumne rivers would be operated to provide an adequate surface irrigation supply for all irrigable lands to be served in their respective service areas. The requirements of the irrigable lands to be served in the ]\Ierced River area are in excess of the surface irrigation supply obtain- able from the storage reservoir on Merced River and it is proposed to utilize surplus and waste waters of Merced River through ground water storage and pumping to serve a portion of the area. In addition, the western portion of the IMerced area ad.jacent to the San Joaquin River would be served from the surplus and return flow waters of the lowet San Joaquin River and imported Sacramento River water by means of the San Joaquin River Pumping System. For the area on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley from the Chowchilla River to the southern end of the valley, the pro- posed major reservoirs would be operated in combination ^vith ground water storage and pumping to provide a full supply in all years to the irrigable area to be served under the ultimate plan of development. The utilization of the underground storage in this area is essential to the obtaining of a sufficient water supply to fully meet the ultimate needs. The local sources of w^ater supply utilizable through the pro- posed major surface storage units and underground storage would be inadequate to meet the demands. The cost of importing water from distant sources would be large. The studies show that, in order to effect the most practicable and economical plan of development, full utiliza- tion must be made of the available underground reservoir capacity by means of controlled operations of replenishments and extractions by ]iumping. Within this entire section on the east side of the upper San J<)a(|iiin X'alley, the water supplies from the San Joaquin River obtained i)y regulation through Friant Reservoir would be distributed and used to supplement the available local supplies. Each major reservoir on other streams in this area, in combination with ground water storage and pumping, Avouid be operated coordinately with the imported water supplies from Friant Resen'oir to furnish its individual service area a full supply for ultimate needs. The utilizable yields obtainable from the major streams in the San Joacpiin River Basin by surface or underground storage regulation or combinations thereof, with regulator}^ operations coordinated with imported sui)plies for areas served by certain streams, are shown in Table 122. The table shows, for each stream, the surface irrigation supply, the additional supply utilizable by ground water storage (for certain streams particularly in the upper San Joaquin Valley), and, r SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 319 finally, the total utilizable supply, ^\ liicli would have been made avail- able each season during the 40-year period 1889-1929. The utilizable yields for the Cosumnes, Mokelumne and Calaveras rivers and Dry Creek are shown each year for the 11-year period 1918-1929 only. The table also shows the name of the surface storage reservoir and its capacity for each of the streams where surface storage is proposed and sets forth the area in which the supply would be utilized. The seasonal amounts of utilizable water supply shown are those resulting from a month by month study throughout the periods con- sidered. For any one season, they represent the net contribution from the run-off of that season to the utilizable water supply, but do not include supplemental pumping drafts from utilizable supplies previ- ously stored in underground reservoirs. TABLE 122 UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET KERN RIVER Regulated at Isabella Reservoir, Capacity 338,000 acre-feet. Supply utilized in Hydrographic Division 1 Season Surface irrigation supply Supply utilizable by ground water storage and pumping Total utilizable supply 1889-90 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 493,400 330,700 319,200 585,500 606,000 606,000 576,000 543,500 582,100 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 006,000 606,000 420,500 584,600 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 606,000 531,300 583,700 606,000 323,600 463,600 340,100 584,100 521,400 328,500 37,800 38,500 1,000 285,300 14,000 276,400 27,300 669,800 486,000 773,500 232,700 287,100 211,600 84,400 1,029,600 282,600 643,800 1890-91 606.000 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95- 1895-96 1896-97 644,500 607,000 606,000 891,300 620,000 882,400 1897-98 493,400 1898-99. 330,700 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 319,200 585,500 633,300 606,000 576,000 543,500 1905-06 1906-07 1,251,900 1,092,000 1907-08. 606,000 1908-09 1,379,500 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17. . 838,700 893,100 606,000 420,500 796,200 690,400 1,635,600 888,600 1917-18 1918-19.... 1919-20 606,000 606,000 606,000 1920-21 531,300 1921-22 . 583,700 1922-23 606,000 1923-24.. . . 323,600 1924-25 463,600 1925-26 340,100 1926-27 584,100 1927-28 . 521,400 1928-29.. - 328,500 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 551,000 119,000 670.000 320 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET TULE RIVER Run-off from main stream regulated at Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Capacity 39,000 acre-feet, yield from run-off of South Fork, without surface storage regulation. Supply utilized in Hydrographic Division 2 Includes Season 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98. 1898-99-. 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05.... 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10... 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22... 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 Surface irrigation supply 103,700 93,900 101,300 97,400 93,800 104,400 100,800 99,400 50,000 47,200 41,600 100,600 100,500 100,800 90,800 88,100 105,100 112,000 97,200 105,100 99,100 100,200 67,100 37,500 97,800 100,900 105,900 108,900 54,500 74,300 94,200 88,600 100,600 94,500 25,000 87.300 47,700 92,500 47,200 53,400 86,000 Supply utilizable by ground water storage and pumping 46,200 20,000 6,000 30,100 102.200 12,800 69,200 46,300 43,000 39,700 333,200 99,100 12,300 257,500 66,600 38.000 60.200 30,000 220,700 68,900 13,900 34,100 5,800 35.400 42.000 Total utilizable supply 149,900 93,900 121.300 103.400 123,900 206,600 113,600 168.600 50,000 47,200 41.600 146,900 143,500 140,500 90,800 88,100 438.300 211.100 109,500 362,600 165,700 138.200 67,100 37.500 158,000 130,900 326,600 177,800 54,500 74,300 108,100 88,600 134,700 100,300 25,000 87,300 47.700 127,900 47,200 53.400 4 128.000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 321 TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET KAWEAH RIVER No surface storage regulation. Supply utilized in Hydrographic Division 3 Season 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98._ 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 _ _ 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26.. 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29... Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 Surface irrigation supply 318,800 275,800 292,900 287,900 261,600 302,300 255,300 246,500 182,600 228,100 231,600 297,000 239,300 249,300 232,200 251,700 321,300 297,600 220,100 292,500 216,200 281,300 183,200 208,600 265,600 245,600 290,700 273,800 203,800 208,000 232,900 247,800 255,400 247,800 101,700 243,300 172,500 251,200 182,800 192,100 245,000 Supply utilizable by ground water storage and pumping 659,800 233,200 355,100 319,100 137,400 430,700 146,200 224,700 41,800 03,400 79,900 434,700 115,800 154,600 113,500 86,000 623,100 295,900 32,500 468,500 193,000 264,700 24,200 12,100 220,400 123,900 471,500 197,700 25,900 81,200 139,200 113,000 205,700 115,700 82,200 46,300 232,000 20,200 30,700 190,000 Total utilizable supply 978,600 509,000 648,000 607,000 399,000 733,000 401,500 471,200 224,400 291,500 311.500 731,700 355,100 403,900 345,700 337,700 944,400 593,500 252,600 761,000 409,200 546,000 207,400 220,700 486,000 369,500 762,200 471,500 229,700 289,200 372,100 360,800 461,100 363,500 101,700 325,500 218,800 483,200 203,000 222,800 435,000 21 — 80997 322 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET KINGS RIVER Regulated at Pine Flat Reservoir, Capacity 400,000 acre-feet. Supply utilized in Hydrographic Division 4 ' Season Surface irrigation supply Supply utilizable by ground water storage and pumping Total 1 utilizable ■ supply 1 1 1889-90.- 1,639,500 1,660,000 1,660,000 1,660,000 1,660,000 1,627,700 1,660,000 1,565,400 879,900 1,219,800 1,279,700 1,596,000 1,548,100 1,491,400 1,502,200 1,421,600 1,581,000 1,660,000 1,181,200 1,601,900 1.499,200 1,597,500 1,099,200 940,900 1,591.400 1,660,000 1,616,800 1,660,000 1,361,900 1,199,700 1,398,100 1,507,900 1,586,500 1,599,800 392,000 1,285,900 1,032,900 1,574,900 969,500 847,600 1,120,300 664,500 766,400 749,600 209,700 862,100 283,200 438,800 986,200 164,400 188,000 232,500 998,700 1,109,400 771,900 383,900 916,500 776,800 264,200 973,700 346,100 15,900 423,500 398,600 2,759,800 2,324,500 2,426,400 2,409,600 1,869,700 2,489,800 1,943,200 2,004,200 879,900 1,219,800 1,279,700 2,582,200 1,712,500 1,679.400 1,734,700 1,421,600 2,579,700 2,769.400 1,181.200 2,373,800 1,883,100 2,514,000 1.099.200 940,900 2,368,200 1,924,200 2,590,500 2,005,100 1,361,900 1,199,700 V' 1,398,100 ii 1,523,800 L 2,010,000 7 1,599,800 \ 392,000 ti 1,285,900 ' 1,032,900 1,973,500 969,500 . 1 847,600 1 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 . . 1894-95 1895-96... 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99... 1899-00. 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 . .. 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07. 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 _ 1910-11 _ 1911-12 1912-13. 1913-14... 1914-15 . . 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 . .. 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23... 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 . . ... 1927-28 1928-29 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 1,413,000 351,000 1.764,000 1 i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 323 TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Regulated at Friant Reservoir; Utilizable Capacity, 270,000 acre-feet. Supply utilized in Hydrographic Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 6 Season 1889-90... 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10.. 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24.. 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27... 1927-28 1928-29 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 Surface irrigation supply 1,590,900 1,590,900 1,590,900 1,590,900 1,514,900 1,590,900 1,509,000 1,590,900 794,100 1,137,000 1,116,000 1,578,400 1,427,500 1,516,600 1,560,400 1,276,600 1,580,000 1,590,900 978,400 1,576,600 1,516,500 1,590,900 990,600 817,100 1,565,100 1,590,900 1,590,900 1,582,600 1,377,200 1,120,600 1,253,800 1,328,300 1,561,800 1,403,700 515,600 1,212,400 1,088,700 1,560,300 996,900 811,700 1,355,000 Supply utilizable by ground water storage and pumping 721,800 665,400 679,500 676,800 413,300 618,200 502,600 424,400 218,600 119,400 218,800 593,600 334,900 217,900 162,600 319,600 549,000 772,000 354,100 532,300 603,800 660.900 236,900 62,400 550,200 445,900 642,400 408,700 158,900 223,400 47,100 222,300 301,000 304,100 120,800 59,900 137,500 313,000 214,200 58,400 371,000 Total utilizable supply 2,312,700 2,256,300 2,270,400 2,267,700 1,928,200 2,209,100 2,011,600 2,015,300 1,012,700 1,256,400 1,334,800 2,172,000 1,762,400 1,734,500 1,723,000 1,596,200 2,129,000 2,362,900 1,332,500 2,108,900 2,120,300 2,251,800 1,227,500 879,500 2,115,300 2,036,800 2,233,300 1,991,300 1,536,100 1,344,000 1,300,900 1,550,600 1,862,800 1,707,800 636,400 1,272,300 1,226,200 1,873,300 1,211,100 870,100 1,726,000 i 324 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PL/ IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET Season 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01.. 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11.... 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14.... 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17.... 1917-18 1918-19.... 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26.. 1926-27 1927-28. 1928-29 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 FRESNO RIVER Regulated at Windy Gap Reservoir. Capacity, 62,000 acre-feet. Sur- face irrigation supply utilized in Hydro- graphic Division 6. 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 45,700 32,800 43,900 45,700 31,700 45,000 CHOWCHILLA RIVER Regulated at Buchanan Reservoir. Capacity, 84,000 acre-feet. Sur- face irrigation supply utilized in Hydro- graphic Division 6 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54.000 54,000 54,000 54.000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54.000 54.000 54.000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 39,700 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54.000 35,300 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 50,800 53,000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 325 TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET MERCED RIVER Regulated at Exchequer Reservoir, Capacity 279,000 acre-feet. Supply utilized in Hydrographic Division 8 Season 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92. 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01.. 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 - 1904-05 1905-06. 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21.- 1921-22. 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25. 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 - 1928-29 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 Surface irrigation supply 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 384,300 422,400 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 303,900 422,400 440,000 440,000 440,000 432,600 434,000 Supply utilizable by ground water storage and pumping 539,200 320,900 352,300 428,200 421,500 491,000 219,600 332,500 48,200 65,800 262,400 457,900 306,900 319,500 333,200 336,000 531,600 533,400 73,500 401,600 281,200 507,400 437,100 385,100 384,200 390,000 296,300 159,700 79,600 373,000 379,800 327,100 232,400 147,500 350,200 257,100 294,000 Total utilizable supply 979,200 760,900 792,300 868,200 861,500 931,000 659,600 772,500 488,200 505,800 702,400 897,900 746,900 759,500 773,200 776,000 971,600 973,400 513,500 841,600 721,200 947,400 440,000 384,300 859,500 825,100 824,200 830,000 736,300 599,700 519,600 813,000 819,800 767,100 303,900 654,800 587,500 790,200 697,100 432,600 728,000 326 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PL/ IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET Season 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95- 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98— 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07—. 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10—. 1901-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16.. 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19.... 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22.. 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25.. 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 Averages for 40-year period 1889-1929 TUOLUMNE RIVER Regulated at Don Pedro Reservoir. Capacity 1,000,000 acre-feet. Surface irrigation supplyutilizedinHydro- graphic Division 9. 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330.000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,193,100 1,307,900 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,294,200 1,279,300 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,317,600 1,317,000 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,071,500 1,291,800 1,091,200 1,279,900 1,330,000 1,102,500 1,303,000 STANISLAUS RIVER Regulated at Melones Reservoir. Capacity 1,090,000 acre-feet. Surface irrigation supply utilizedinHydro- graphic Division 11. 905.000 905.000 905.000 905.000 905.000 905.000 905.000 905.000 905.000 760,500 825.600 900.800 905.000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905.000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 905,000 889,700 905,000 905,000 905,000 873,500 721,200 872,500 905.000 667,200 887.000 I I ! SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 327 TABLE 122— Continued UTILIZABLE YIELD FROM MAJOR STREAMS FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN, IN ACRE-FEET Year CALAVERAS RIVER Regulated at Valley Springs Reservoir. Capacity 325,000 acre- feet. Surface irriga- tion supply utilized in Hydrographic Di\-isions 12 and 12A. MOKELUMNE RIVER Regulated at Pardee Reservoir. Capacity 222,000 acre-feet. Sur- face irrigation supply utilized in Hydrographic Divisions 12 and 12A'. 1918 122,900 103,500 55,800 117,500 122,900 126,400 83,100 95,700 48,500 114,100 89,100 338,800 1919 338,800 1920 . 216,100 1921 338,800 1 1922 338,800 i 1923 338,800 & 1924 75,600 IB^ in?fr 338,800 IB 1 1921 151,800 1922 199,200 1923 230,500 1924 151,800 1925 151,800 1926 151,700 ^jj 1927 151,800 ™ 1928 169,300 Averages for 11-year period 1918-1929 150,000 163,000 * ' Exclusive of allowance for a draft of 200 million gallons per day by the East Bay Municipal Utility District and spill regulated in lone Reservoir. ' Includes yield from regulation of spill from Pardee Reservoir. ' These yields are exclusive of an average annual exportation of 64,000 acre-feet diverted from the Cosumnes River above Nashville Reservoir to the American River Basin. 328 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Operation and Accomplishments of Friant Reservoir — Inasmuch as Friant Reservoir is a key unit for the entire east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley in the ultimate plan of development, it is of importance to present detailed data with respect to its operation and accomplishments. It would be operated primarily to furnish necessary supplies of water to supplement the amounts made available from local sources of supply throujjh the combined utilization of surface and underground storage reservoirs. Tho basis of operation and the amounts of water proA'ided from this reservoir are set forth in the following discussion. The impaired run-off of the San Joaquhi River would be regulated by Friant Reservoir with the proposed utilizable net storage capacity of 270.000 acre-feet. The entire regulated supply obtained therefrom would be conveyed through the IMadera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals to the areas of deficient local supply on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. The total utilizable water supply delivered from the reservoir would be pooled with local water supplies made available from the operation of surface and underground storage units to meet the requirements in the areas served therefrom, both as to total seasonal amounts and rates of deliA^ery. The amount of water which would be provided for the Madera area is based upon the assumed right of the Madera Irrigation District to acquire San Joaquin RiA'er water. It is proposed to furnish season- all}' a safe surface irrigation supply of 320,200 acre-feet and additional supplies for ground water storage, with a maximum rate of delivery of 1500 second-feet. Water for ground water storage released for the Madera area would be furnished up to the maximum capacity of the canal from any surplus or waste water from the Friant Reservoir. The desirable monthly distribution of the surface irrigation supply for the Madera area under conditions of ultimate development, in per cent of the total seasonal supply, is as follows: TABLE 123 DESIRABLE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURFACE IRRIGATION SUPPLY FOR SERVICE AREA OF MADERA CANAL UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT In per cent of total seasonal supply Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. 1.4 1.1 7.0 17.0 23.5 21.6 13.4 7.8 7.2 For the area to be served by the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal south of the San Joaquin River, it is not proposed to furnish the full amount of required supplemental water as a surface irrigation supply. As presented in Chapter VI, the most desirable and economical development must be based upon the fullest practicable utilization of ground water storage in the areas of deficient water supply. "With the available run-off regulated by the proposed Friant Reservoir, the supply obtainable would not be sufficient to meet the demands of a surface irrigation supply in certain months and seasons of the period of run- off considered. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 329 fro* im leoi ippl] iplia len ma eijo 3r of '. T! 'or The desirable monthly distribution of a surface irrigation supply for the serv'ice area of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal under conditions of ultimate development would be as follows : TABLE 124 DESIRABLE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURFACE IRRIGATION SUPPLY FOR SERVICE AREA OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER-KERN COUNTY CANAL UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT In per cent of total seasonal supply Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. 5.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 7.0 11.0 14.0 16.0 16.0 14.0 10.0 \m\ Comq ml If the entire supplemental water supply adequate in amount to meet the requirements in the areas served from the San Joaquin River- Kern County Canal were to be furnished during the irrigation season as a surface irrigation supply, the capacity of the canal, as designed most economically, would not be sufficient to deliver the monthly requirements in accord with the above percentages in the months of May, June, July and August. Therefore, under the proposed plan of operation, water would be delivered through the San Joaquin River- Kern County Canal up to its maximum capacity of 3,000 second feet during the months of heavy irrigation demand, March to October, inclusive, whenever that rate of flow w^ould be obtainable. During the remaining four months, November to February, inclusive, the maximum rate of release to the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal would be 2300 second-feet, which is estimated to be the maximum rate at which water could be absorbed for underground storage in addition to taking care of net use requirements during these months. Under this proposed plan of operation for Friant Reservoir, the sea- sonal utilization of the impaired run-off of San Joaquin River under conditions of ultimate development which would have been effected during the 40-year period, 1889-1929, is shown in Table 125. This is a seasonal summary of studies made on a month by month basis. There are shown in this table, for each season during this period, the diver- isions to the upper San Joaquin Valley through both the Madera and •San Joaquin River-Kern County canals for surface irrigation supplies and ground water recharge. There also are shown the evaporation losses in the reservoir and waste past the reservoir and the net accre- tions or depletions in reservoir storage at the end of each season. Table 126 shows the diversions to the upper San Joaquin Valley through Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals by months it'or each season during the 40-year period, 1889-1929. The diversions luhrough the latter canal are graphically shown on Plate LXVI, "Yield from Friant Reservoir for San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal Jnder Plan of Ultimate Development." The monthly diversions shown )n this plate are graphically compared to the desirable monthly surface mgation demands, predicated upon a supplemental water supply |)eing furnished during the irrigation season. 330 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES < o s X *- -t> 3 C Ml (U^ S C3 U ^;-c Sou V > 6 M S 2 rt 3 3 »- »- ,^ I o Q E5 a> > a 5 o SSSSS ggggS SSSgS 88SS8 tf&MccCi^-^ t-^«-^Meoo •^OO'V^ ^c5r^c5^ O op 00*^^00" oTcood^io e<)c^.-^cooa irTco^^— ^ COOS'— 1 ^ O)" 8Sg8i OS 00 Oi •— O r>-' »c CO 00 o 00 CO O 00 h* O iC ^- OC h- 00000 00000 05 10 »0 lO "^ g'oo -JeoO 00000 000 O CD CO CD 00 00 CD CO C4 + 1 I 00000 o o 00 00 *Sg88 888' »C CO c^ ^< + + 1+ 1+1 + 0000 t-* CO r- «-«^ •-f"eO ^CO O 00 C») Oi O r-tCD-'J' 8gg' 1-^ CD 00 ^gg^g 00 i^ l^ 00000 00000 CO «-^t^CD CD oot: O "3 ^ CD CD ^' C^* CO QO 00 00 »0 O - CO ^t~-;^C^ c4"cD o rCoo »— t ic r- CO c• s 00000 00000 r>^ 05 o t-^ o tC^o ^ oi" ,-( O CO CD OS 00 O^OO 00 iO 00000 00000 00 ■^c^'co r>^ 05 CD lO 00 W t^ CD CD CD OS 00000 00000 CD i--C^OiO 1/3 00 CO t^iO O OS CO 00 I* O I - ^ CO CO O Cvi^iC CO *0 r^ m" c^ CO 00 CD iO (O O O) c^ :o OS O CD CD OSOOO«^ l-« CD OS)/3 00 r>- 1^ 00 tc (0 o rt fe 00000 00000 O M cooco CD CO 00 O CO »0 -^ 0>0 '-' lO CD lO CO Tt« 00000 00000 OCOC* co-^j^^ tC V'-«"oo cs" COOD OS ^ — ' lO ■* CO c^ »-• 00000 00000 00 OS OS CD CO 0000 -^oi"^ '— ^' CO OS ^^ C4 *C CO 1-H »-H 00000 00000 CD^'^00 ^^ Os"^0 -^^ >— O 01 W5 10 CO -^ CO CO -^ o o OS GO OS "*»"-< 00 t-^co'ca^D 00 OcOtO^ i 5? re o. 00000 00000 r— r-. r- r-.t'- cD CD CD CD 00 C^ C-l M c* »-* 00000 00000 I— CO t~ OS 00 00000 00000 00 c^co -^c^ CD Os"od t-^'-' 00 ^^ OS 00 CO t^M O — ' OS 0& ^ OS CM CM Ca CM CM CO CO CO CO CO OOOOgi ooooc CM CM CMC^W OSO ^^ CM CO 00 OS OS OS OS 00 00 00 00 00 to CD r^ QO OS OS Od 0> OS OS ■^uft cDh.00 OS C^ Od OS OS 00 00 00 00 00 f«-< CM CO ^f lO CO t^ 00 OS 0000 o O ^H CM CO Tt" . _ . __ osoooo 00000 00 OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS o— ooooo OOCDCOOSi-H CDOSlOiOO CCCflt^t^t^ O^OiC-^iO — <»f3l--O0"rt* OOCOCO'— 't^ O t^ C5 ira CO CO ic CQ (£> CO c^ (>a GO csj 00 iM C^ 1^ -H .-t OOOOO OOO t-O-* OOOOO oo ooooo T+T + .::; ooooo ooooo §oooo ooooo ooooo oooo ooooo ooooo t--(M'-'00«— < t^eOTf'- oo-^coco W iO iM Ol Oi Oi OS CO OOO OaOXM oooo OOOOO OOOOO 00 CO CO ^o CD CO --HO ■^*" eo CO Ci CO -^ O C^ OSiC CO OOOOO O (O o o o OS o oo oo -^ o o c-i't^co" O »0 "^ O CO CO O 00 !>■ iX) OOOOO OOOOO COMCO'-H 1-H C"f OCO '-H o t--c^ b- <-< t^ cq c- -* O CO c^ ^1-H '^j^'odco 03 03 ■-*< COCO oo O OOi OOOOO T-H_0 "-^CTi (^ CO t^'r|r,-H O 05QO lO oo lO 52S ©OOOO OOOOO 00 00 CO *H N O lO cq OOOOO OOOOO i-Hco O^ oo OOOOO OOOOO Ci lO O - C^ CO -^ s ggooo * oooo o OS t^ C<1 C^l (M »OCO oi"oro5 »0 '^f c^ c^ c^ CO -«< CO CO CO ooooo ooooo C^ (M !M (M ^ :::SJi2£2i3 CMCMCMCMCM j52SS 0S0S0S0S03 ososososos W3 cot^oooa CMCMCMCMCM CM CM CM CM CM 0> OS OS OS OS o s o. oo a bC a to S > w ■< •4 332 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Under the proposed plan of operation, the Madera area would have received a full surface irrigation supply of 329,200 acre-feet in all seasons during the 40-year period, except 1923-1924, when the supply would have been 280,200 acre-feet. In addition there Avould have been supplied through the Madera Canal a seasonal average of 33,500 acre- feet during the 40-year period for ground water storage and subsequent utilization by pumping. The ultimate seasonal water requirements of the Madera area (Hydrographie Division No. 6 excluding the Columbia Canal area) aggregate 368,000 acre-feet for a net irrigable area to be served of 184,000 acres. The total requirements for this area are based on a net use of two acre-feet per acre on the assumption that the water would be obtained partly from surface supplies and partly by pumping from the underground reservoir. I^'he primary sources of water supply for this area comprise the San Joaquin, Fresno and Chowchilla rivers. The total safe surface irrigation supply made available from these combined sources aggregates 429,000 acre-feet per season or an amount materially exceeding the estimated water requirements. Therefore, it would appear that the amount of water proposed to be furnished to this area from the San Joaquin River through Friant Reservoir, based upon the assumed right of the Madera Irrigation District to acquire San Joaquin River water, is considerably greater than would be required from this source in addition to the amounts which would be made available from the Fresno and Chowchilla rivers. Moreover, it would appear that the safe surface irrigation supply furnished from the three sources combined woidd be sufficient to meet the water requirements as estimated without underground storage and pumping. However, extensive pumping from underground is now practiced in this area and it would be necessary to continue utilizing underground storage and pumping under ultimate development in order to fully meet the water demands mth a resulting seasonal net use of two acre- feet per acre with the contemplated methods of irrigation distribution and application. In addition, water from underground would be neces- sary to meet the requirements of a full supply in dry years such as 1924. The total seasonal water supply which would be furnished from the three sources combined, based upon the 40-year period of run-off 1889-1929, would be greater than that required to meet the net use requirements under ultimate development if a practicable and economi- cal utilization were made of the underground reservoir for storage an^ pumping.* * Since the preparation of the studies in this report based upon the run-off up to 1929, the dry season of 1930-1931 has occurred. Studies of water supply and yield have been extended to include the period 1929—1931 and are presented in Appendix D. In order to meet the water requirements of the areas on the east side of the upper I San Joaquin Valley, during the period of run-off to and including the dry season, I 1930-1931, it was found necessary to allocate more of the water supply made avail- i able from Friant Reservoir to the areas south of the San Joaquin River and less to the Madera area than that proposed in the plan of operation based on the study of | the 40-year period 1889-1929. Under the revised plan of operation presented In I Appendix D, the Madera area would be furnished from Friant Reservoir only sufficient water to supplement the amounts available from the Fresno and Chowchilla rivers for meeting the full ultimate net use rquirements under the combined utilization of surface irrigation supplies and underground storage and pumping. This revised plan would require a full practicable utilization of the underground storage reservoir In the Madera area with cyclic underground storage and pumping operations extending, throughout the dry period of 1917 to 1931. i PLATE LXVI 1902-03 1903-04 1889-! 1918-19 190i TO c n 10 3 O £ C 300 200 lOO LEGEND '~~~— Monthly yield I 1 'deal monthly distribution for annual yield of 1,325,000 acre-feet -D FROM FRIANT RESERVOIR FOR J jr)UIN RIVER--KERN COUNTY CANAL UNDER 19 PLAN OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT PLATE LXVI * 2O0 1B89-90 1890-91 1891-92 190d-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 19M-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 LEGEND ■ Monthly yield 2 Ideal monthly distribution for annual yield of 1,325,000 acre-feet YIELD FROM FRIANT RESERVOIR FOR SAN JOAQUIN RIVER--KERN COUNTY CANAL UNDER PLAN OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT TABLE 126 MONTHLY DIVERSIONS FROM SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AT FRIANT RESERVOIR TO UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT— 1889-1929 Qua, titi:s In acr e-teet October November December January February March April May June July August September The esson ScA-On Madefa Canal SmJoaciniii River-Kern CouDty Canal Madera Canal SanJoajuin Rlvcr-Kern County Canal Madera Canal San Jo:t.iui n River-Kern County Cana Madera Canal San Jonniiin River-Kern County Cana Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Cana Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Cana Madera Canal SanJoaguin River-Kern County Canal Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal Madera Canal San Joaqnin River-Kern County Canal Madera Canal SanJoaquin River-Kern County Caual Madera Canal SanJoaquin River-Kern County Canal Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal Total yield 18SM8M....- 1SIH>-I891 1S91-1882 4.600 4.800 4.600 4.600 4,600 70 700 184.400 125.200 135.700 125.100 80.700 85.300 89.800 87.900 78.100 114.100 02.800 98.200 95.900 83.300 141.400 141.400 141.400 141 400 114.200 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 127.700 127,700 132,300 127.700 117.800 74.400 23.100 23.100 23.100 23,100 184.400 184.400 184.400 184.400 141.600 80.200 56.900 66.900 66.900 55 900 178,500 178,300 178,300 178.300 150,700 92,200 77,300 92,200 92,200 77.300 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184.400 89.200 89.200 89.200 80.200 70.000 178,500 178,.50O 178.500 178.500 178.600 92,200 48,100 02.200 87,800 44,200 184.400 184 400 184.400 184.400 184.400 26.800 25.800 25.800 26.800 26.800 184.400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 23.800 23.800 23.800 23.800 23.800 178,500 178,500 178,500 178,500 66,500 495.000 351.400 410.400 406.000 329.200 1.817.700 1.904.900 1.860.000 1.861.700 1.599.0OO 2,312,700 2.236,300 2,270,400 1S93-18M 1,928,200 1894-1895 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.000 78,000 142.300 94,700 68,900 55,800 66.700 73.800 83.900 90.700 50.700 111,800 70.800 81.900 9.1.000 39.400 141,400 141,400 71,700 64,700 33,600 3,600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 127.700 104.600 127.700 60.200 37.700 23,100 23,100 23,100 23,100 23.100 184.400 157.100 149.000 48.100 140.600 56.900 56.900 66.900 65.900 66.000 178,500 77,300 178,500 85,000 146,600 92.200 77.300 93.200 77.300 77.300 184,400 170,800 184,400 60,800 104.600 89.200 89.200 89,200 70,900 70,000 178.500 178.500 178.500 31.200 178.600 92,200 44,200 44,200 44,200 44,200 184.400 184.400 184.400 24.800 85,300 23.800 23.800 23.800 25.800 25.800 184,400 184,400 184,400 29-700 34,200 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 23.800 178,500 178.600 133.800 26.400 20.200 410.400 347.500 362.400 329.200 329,200 1.798.700 1.664.100 1.652.900 683.600 927.200 2 209,100 1895-1811^. 1896-189; 1897-1898 2,011,600 2,015,300 1,012,700 1898-1899 1,256,400 4.CO0 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 44 700 63,700 163,900 66.500 64.900 (1 62.000 118,800 84,900 73,400 02,800 71.000 83.400 90.800 67.500 46.200 138,700 141,400 77,200 82,000 34,700 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3,600 33.600 127.700 64.900 68.500 47.200 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 88.400 184.400 101.000 86.600 138.600 55.900 67.400 56.000 66,900 65.900 50,000 178.600 149.700 106.200 116.600 77.300 92.200 77.300 77,300 77,300 182,800 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 70,900 89.200 70,900 89.200 89.200 178.500 178.500 178,500 178.500 178.500 44,200 44,200 44,200 44,200 44,200 86.200 184,400 184,400 184.400 184.400 25.800 25.800 23.800 25.800 25.800 46,900 184.400 107.300 184.400 184,400 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 21.800 178.500 46.200 104.100 132.800 329,200 373,900 329,200 347,500 347,500 1.006,600 1,798.100 1.433.200 1.387.000 1.375.500 1993-190* - 1,723,000 1904-1903 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4,600 127,800 55.300 184.400 163.400 51.900 82,300 41,600 136.800 74.200 30.600 70.100 33.300 99.200 82.000 33.800 72,200 141,400 131,300 92,100 141,400 .3,600 3.600 3,600 3,600 3,600 85.500 107.500 127.700 79.600 127.700 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 133.400 184.400 184.400 114.600 184.400 35,000 35,900 56,900 55.900 66.900 91.700 178.500 178.500 104.200 178.600 77,300 92,200 92,200 77,300 92,200 184,400 184,400 184.400 76.900 134.400 70.900 80.200 S9.200 70.900 89.200 178.500 178.500 178.600 50,600 178,300 44.200 92,200 92.200 44 200 92.200 137,800 184,400 184,400 80,500 184,400 26.800 92.200 26.800 26.800 25 800 60.000 184.400 184.400 60.200 184.400 23.800 23.800 23.800 23.800 23,800 43,300 178,500 178,500 36,100 178,500 329,200 476,800 410.400 329.200 410.400 1.267.000 1,652.200 1.952.500 1.003.300 1.698.50O 1,596,200 1906-1907 2,362,900 190S-1909 2,108,900 1909-1910 4,600 4.600 4.6DO 4 600 4.600 123.700 75.500 148.800 44.800 40.400 80.300 72.500 70.600 50.000 46.900 141.400 79.300 69.000 3S.80O 62.500 141,400 141,400 62,800 31,500 141,400 3 600 3 600 3,600 3,600 3.600 127,700 127.700 44,600 31,500 127.700 23.100 61.700 23.100 23.100 23,100 184.400 184.400 33.200 24.600 184.400 55.900 89.200 55.000 33.900 78.800 178.500 178.500 12.500 36.100 178,600 92,200 92,200 77,300 77.300 92.200 184.400 184.400 110.000 101.300 184.400 70.000 89.200 70.900 70.900 89.200 178,500 178.500 178.500 59.400 178,500 44.200 92,200 44.200 44,200 92,200 184,400 184,400 84,700 59,100 184,400 26.800 25.800 25.800 25.800 25.800 177.700 184.400 37.500 44.300 184.400 23,800 23 800 23,800 23,800 23,800 64.800 178.500 24.100 34.000 178.300 344.100 482.300 329.200 320.200 433.300 1.776.200 1.769.500 898.300 550.300 1.682.000 2,120,300 1910-1911 1911-1912 2,251,800 1,227,500 1912 1913 879,500 1914-1915 1915-1916 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.6O0 100.300 104.200 130.000 66,900 117,200 68.600 03.000 75.200 63.200 66.000 60.700 7.5.000 81.600 60.200 69.400 75,400 141,400 78,300 34.600 00.000 3.000 3 600 3.600 3.600 3.600 107.700 132.300 127.700 47.200 69,700 23.100 23 100 23.100 23,100 23,100 121,300 184,400 121.400 138.500 77.400 56.900 89.200 65,900 65,900 33,900 167,700 178,300 137,300 101,100 120,000 77,300 92,200 77,300 77,300 77,300 184.400 184.400 184,400 172,100 184,400 70.900 89.200 70.900 70.900 70.900 178,500 178,500 178,500 178,500 164,100 70,900 92,200 44.200 44.200 44.200 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 45.200 25.800 25.800 26.800 25.800 25.800 184.400 184.400 184.400 100.200 22.000 23,800 23,800 23.800 23.800 23.800 178.300 178.500 172.600 60.000 19.800 355.900 443.700 329.200 329.200 329.200 1.680.900 1.789.600 1.662.100 1.206.900 1.014.800 2,036,800 2,233,300 1916-1917 1917-1918 1,991,300 1,636,100 4.600 4,600 4.600 4.600 4 600 43,200 51,800 64,900 99,100 76,800 28.000 64.900 53.100 73,000 65,600 39.500 48.600 68.200 121.000 65.500 32.500 68.600 71.200 93.300 32.000 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 30,500 79,700 96,200 76.500 24,200 23,100 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 82.300 146.100 87.900 93.900 10.200 35,900 55,900 65,900 55,900 55,000 90,900 110,100 122,900 123,300 21,400 77,300 77,300 82,300 77,300 77,300 184.400 184.400 184.400 184.400 40.600 70,900 70,900 89,200 70,900 27,600 178,500 178,500 178,500 178,500 44.200 44,200 79,000 44,200 44,200 102.100 181,000 184,400 184,400 600 25.800 25.800 25.800 25.800 25.800 58.800 61.700 184.400 98.600 19.400 23.800 23.800 23,800 23,800 18,200 41.000 46.100 178.300 53.500 329.200 329.200 388.200 329.200 280.200 971.700 1,221.400 1.474.600 1.378.000 356.200 1,802 800 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 15,900 70.400 35.600 70.700 45.200 26,000 51.900 64.800 98.000 39.800 28.100 50.600 65.100 80.600 41.100 24.600 28.200 39.200 39.600 30.306 3.600 3 600 3.600 3.600 3.600 72,000 56,600 127,700 56,000 24,700 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 23.100 61.500 74.800 150.100 101.000 34.400 65,900 65,900 65,900 65,900 66,900 118,900 178,500 178,600 93,900 40,000 77,300 77,300 77.300 77,300 77,300 184.400 184.400 184.400 168.000 112.200 70.900 70.900 70.900 70.900 70.900 178,500 79,600 178,600 80,000 55,900 44,200 44.200 44.200 44.200 44.200 117,000 48,200 184,400 15.700 49.500 23.800 23,800 23,800 26,800 26.800 69.200 48,100 184,400 31.100 50.000 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 23.800 46.400 19.800 141.400 27.300 17.700 329.200 329.200 329.200 329.200 329.200 943.100 897.000 1.544.100 881.900 340,900 1925-1928 1927-1928 Average, 1889-1929-., 4.600 91.200 70.400 72.900 89.800 3.600 88,800 25.300 1 26.900 69,200 131,000 82,300 166.200 77.600 155,600 57.700 144.700 27.600 125.500 23,700 101.000 361.500 1,364,600 1,726.100 -Bet. pp. 332 and 333 I car \ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 333 The areas served under the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal would have received a surface irrigation supply in accord with the demand averaging 1,026,500 acre-feet per season, but varying in amount considerably for different seasons of the 40-year period. In addition, an average seasonal supply of 338,100 acre-feet for ground water storage and subsequent utilization by pumping w^ould have been made available during the 40-year period. The total suppl}^ furnished during the 40-year period would have averaged 361,500 acre-feet for the areas served by the Madera Canal and 1,364,600 acre-feet for the areas served by the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, or a total average seasonal supply of 1,726,100 acre-feet. The allocation of the total supply delivered through the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal to the individual areas served therefrom is dependent upon the deficiencies between water require- ments and local supplies and is further related to the capacity and practicable degree of utilization of the underground reservoirs in each area. The actual allocation was based upon a detailed study of the combined operation of local surface storage and underground storage reservoirs in the individual local areas. After making preliminary trial studies leading up to the final study of the operation of the under- ground reservoirs as presented hereafter, the allocation of the supple- mental water supply furnished from Friant Reservoir, in per cent of the total monthly and seasonal deliveries, to the several hydrographic divisions was made as follows: Division 1 31 per cent Division 2__ 64 per cent Division 3 : 5 per cent Division 4 per cent With this allocation of supplemental water from the San Joaquin River added to the supplies made available from local sources in the indi- vidual hydrographic units, the detailed studies presented hereafter show that the water requirements for the areas to be served under the ultimate plan would have been fully met ; and that, in addition, water in excess of the net use requirements would have accumulated in under- ground storage reservoirs over the forty-year period 1889-1929. Utilization of Underground Reservoirs in San Joaquin River Basin. The utilization of underground reservoirs for the storage of water and subsequent extraction by pumping is a basic feature of the pro- posed ultimate plan of development in the San Joaquin River Basin. Such utilization is essential, particular!}'- in the upper San Joaquin Valley, where the ultimate water requirements are materially in excess of the local supplies which can be developed, and for which supple- mental water supplies must be imported from areas of surplus supply. Therefore, under the ultimate State Water Plan, it is proposed to utilize the available underground storage capacity in those sections of the basin where practicable, necessary and desirable. The locations, extent and capacities of underground storage reser- voirs in the San Joaquin Valley have been discussed in Chapter VI. The results of a geologic study made to locate these storage reservoirs, to estimate their capacities and determine the practicability of their 334 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES utilization for the storage and regulation of water supplies in irriga- tion development are presented in Appendix B of this report, "Geology and Underground Water Storage Capacity of San Joaquin Valley." It has been demonstrated in Chapter IV that, under existing conditions of development in the upper San Joaquin Valley, gross absorptive areas totaling more than 1,600,000 acres are now utilized for the storage and regulation of water supplies serving an aggi'egate net area of more than 800,000 acres. In the upper San Joaquin Valley the gross absorptive areas total 2,432,000 acres and have aggregate estimated utilizable storage capacities of some 20,000,000 acre-feet. The gross absorptive areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley total 558,000 acres with estimated utilizable aggregate storage capacities of more than- 3,000,000 acre-feet. All of these absorptive areas are confined to the eastern slope of the valley, principally to the alluvial cones and flood plains of the major streams. The surface soil and geologic formation on the western slope and in the trough of the valley are of such char-' acter that no utilizable underground capacity exists. The total usable capacities of the ground water reservoirs have been set forth for each] hydrographic division in Table 100, Chapter "\r[. Operation of Underground Reservoirs in Upper San Joaquin Valley. Within Hydrographic Division 6, considerable underground stor- age space is now utilized. The capacity available between a depth of 10 feet and the ground water levels of 1929 is estimated as 760,000] acre-feet, and between depths of 10 and 55 feet, as 2,300,000 acre-feet. The underground storage capacity would be utilized to some extent under ultimate development. However, with the water supplies fur-; nished from the San Joaquin, Fresno and Chowchilla rivers providing a safe surface irrigation supply of 429,000 acre-feet per season to the Madera area and with a safe surface irrigation supply of 26,000 acre feet per season furnished from the San Joaquin River Pumping Systemi for the Columl)ia Canal area, based upon the regulation of available run-off up to 1929, adequate service to this area would be provided: with a very moderate degree of utilization of the underground storagie capacity.* For the remaining portion of the east side of the upper Saul Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River, the underground reservoirs would be utilized to the fullest practicable extent. The practicable degree of utilization and the results of a practical plan of operation, with the local and imported water supplies which would have been available and with the water requirements fully met each season, • Since the preparation of the studies in this report based upon the run-off up tc 1929, the dry season of 1930—1931 has occurred. Studies of water supply and yield have been extended to include the period 1929—1931 and are presented in Appendix D In order to meet the water requirements of the areas on the east side of the uppei San Joaquin Valley during the period of run-off to and including the dry season 1930—1931, it was found necessary to allocate more of the water supply made avail- able from Frlant Reservoir to the areas south of the San Joaquin River and less tc the Madera area than that proposed in the plan of operation based on the study of th€ 40-year period 1889—1929. Under the revised plan of operation presented in Appendi> D, the Madera area would be furnished from Friant Reservoir only suflicient watei to supplement the amounts available from the Fresno and Chowchilla rivers foi meeting the full ultimate net use requirements under the combined utilization o: surface irrigation supplies and underground storage and pumping. This revised plai would require a full practicable utilization of the underground storage reservoir ii the Madera area with cyclic underground storage and pumping operations extendinj throughout the dry period of 1917 to 1931. I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 335 stor- have been determined by a detailed study for the forty-year period 1889-1929. The study resolved itself into"^ two parts: 1. The determination of monthly "net use" requirements and the maximum capacity of water supplj^ utilization. 2. The determination of amounts of accumulative ground water storage resulting from the utilization of local and imported supplies through the combined means of surface application, ground water draft and replenishment. Net Use and Maximum Capacity of Water Supply Utilization — The "capacity of water supply utilization" in a particular area is defined as that amount of the total supply made available thereto from local and imported sources which would be utilized in the area for net use requirements and ground water storage. For any particular period, it is the sum of total net use and net contributions to ground water through seepage from artificial conveyance channels, absorption in natural stream channels and spreading areas, and through irrigation applications in excess of net use. As used in this report, the "maxi- mum capacity of water supply utilization" in any specified period for a particular area is the sum of the total net use and the maximum amount of water that could be absorbed for storage in the underground reservoir based upon rates of absorption well within those established by measurements on streams and conveyance channels and upon appli- cation losses resulting from usual irrigation practice in fully devel- oped irrigated areas. Based upon the data presented in Chapters IV and V, the average seasonal net use has been established as 2.0 acre-feet per net irrigable acre for all of the upper San Joaquin Valley. The ideal monthly net use was varied for each division in proportion to its present irrigation demand as influenced by local conditions of climate and existing devel- opment. These values expressed in acre-feet per acre are shown in Table 127. Qt. Ipli 16 «' j TABLE 127 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SEASONAL NEl" USE In acre- feet per acre Month Hydrographic Division 1 2 3 4 October. 10 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.22 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.22 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.10 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.16 0.22 0.26 0.30 0.30 0.26 0.20 0.10 November 0.02 , December . 02 January 0.04 February 06 March .. 0.14 April— 0.22 May .- 0.28 June.. 0.32 July 0.32 August 0.28 September 0.20 Totals 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 00 336 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The total amount of water that would be absorbed for storage in underground reservoirs in the several hydrographie divisions of the upper San Joaquin Valley would be made up of, first, the water absorbed by deep percolation from application of irrigation supplies in excess; of net use; second, the water absorbed through seepage losses from;, artificial conveyance channels; and third, the water absorbed fromi^ losses in natural stream channels and spreading areas. The average maximum net application on irrigated lands ii absorptive areas in months when excess water would be available liasE' been estimated as exceeding the net use by about 50 per cent fromf October to March, inclusive, and about 100 per cent from April tc September, inclusive, with slight modifications for dififering local con-j ditions. These values expressed in acre-feet per acre are shown Table 128. The amounts of water actually applied in excess of net uac TABLE 128 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF MAXIMUM NET IRRIGATION APPLICATIONS ON ABSORPTIVE AREAS In acre- feet per acre Month October -., November December. January... February. March April May June July August September Hydrographie Division 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.47 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.46 0.37 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.47 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.46 0.37 0.15 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.24 0.47 0.52 0.54 0.54 0.50 0.39 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.21 0.34 0.69 0.69 0.64 0.42 0.30 HI it] I % .\( To W| .\'e .\ei Xel Tot k k .\et Xet, Ml would percolate downward and be stored in the underground resei voirs. In addition to these amounts of water applied for irrigation i excess of net use which are based upon usual irrigation practice, dee percolation losses caused by poor land leveling and wasteful applicf tion methods have been estimated at an average of 0.25 acre-foot pe net acre per season. In estimating the amounts of water absorbed through seepa^, losses from unlined canals, it has been assumed that the main cana'j and branch canals would be lined ; that the branch canals would delivd water to each section of land; and that distribution in each sectio! would be made to each forty-acre tract by means of unlined lateral Seepage losses have been calculated at the rate of 1.3 cubic feet p( square foot of wetted perimeter in 24 hours, as determined by actu; measurements on canals and ditches on the Kaweah Delta. Maximui monthly and total seasonal seepage losses from the unlined lateral computed on the bases assumed, would amount respectively to 0.06 acr foot and 0.50 acre-foot per net acre of irrigable land in absorptive are.i These estimated maximnm monthly and total seasonal seepage losses i* unlined laterals only, as related to irrigable area, are but 25 per ce]| of corresponding quantities for an entirely unlined canal system, whi(j ki ] SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 337 would amount to 0.24 acre-foot per net acre in a maximum month, and 2.0 acre-feet per season, based on the same seepage loss rate of 1.3 ^M : cubic feet per square foot in 24 hours. Kffi| The foregoing- estimated total seasonal maximum capacities of water supply utilization involved in the conveyance and application of irrigation supplies, comprising normal maximum irrigation applica- tions, excess irrigation applications due to rough land and seepage losses from lateral ditches, aggregate 4.40 acre-feet per acre of net le liji irrigable area in each hydrographic division, of wliieh 2 acre-feet per irol acre would be for net use requirements. The maximum amount of )ril 11 water delivered in any season would be much less than 4.40 acre-feet per acre, because no season of record would yield sufficient water for more than a few months to satisf)^ the maximum capacities of water let ii§ supply utilization involved in this total. The areas of irrigation application in each, hydrographic division were divided into absorptive and nonabsorptive lands above and below the location of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, deductions being made for areas supplied by yields of minor streams. The non- absorptive areas are considered capable of utilizing a net use delivery only, and the absorptive areas a maximum net application delivery. In addition, the percolation losses from unlined laterals and excess application losses due to rough land and wasteful application methods are considered to apply only to absorptive areas. The net areas of these subdivisions follow : Division Acres Hydrographic Division 1, exclusive of west side rim lands. Net absorptive area, above location of San Joaquin River-Kern County- Canal and south of Kern River 247,000 Net absorptive area, below location of canal 128,000 Net nonabsorptive area, below location of canal 154,000 Total net area to be served by water from San Joaquin and Kern rivers 529,000 Hydrographic Division 2, exclusive of west side rim lands. Net nonabsorptive area, above location of San Joaquin River-Kern County- Canal, to be supplied jointly by Tule River and pumping from canal- 111,000 Net nonabsorptive area, below location of canal 196,000 Net absorptive area, below location of canal 178,000 Total net area to be served by water from San Joaquin and Tule rivers 485,000 )NS Hydrographic Division 3 Net absorptive area 207,000 Net nonabsorptive area 42,000 Total net area to be served by water from San Joaquin and Kaweah rivers 249,000 Hydrographic Division 4 ,1— • Net absorptive area 622,000 ddBHI Net nonabsorptive area adjacent to foothills 104,000 Net nonabsorptive area in Tulare I.,ake vicinity 104,000 Total net area to be served by Kings River 830,000 In addition to maximum net applications and losses from unlined canals, estimates have been made of the maximum absorptive capacities- of the natural stream channels and other existing channels that could fbe used for absorption of water into the underground reservoirs in illWisach hydrographic division. These maximum absorptive capacities for irtS'ilnatural stream cliannels, sloughs and existing artificial canals were ietermined by a study of available stream and channel seepage ^^m. 22-80997 338 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES j measurements aided by field examinations on certain streams and sloughs and by direct field seepage measurements on others. t In Ilydrographic Division 1, tjie Kern River has an estimated absorptive capacity of 170 seeond-feet above and 150 second-feet below the location of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal; and con- tributing chieflj' to the area below the canal location, the Calloway and Lerdo canals, 250 second-feet, and the East Side Canal, Rim Ditch and upper reach of Kern Island Canal, 100 second-feet. The total absorptive capacity of these channels amounts to about 40,000 acre- feet per month. In Hydrographic Division 2, the Tule River has an estimated absorptive capacity of 200 second-feet above and 300 second-feet below the location of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. Deer Creek, Old Deer Creek and White River have an estimated total absorptive capacity of 100 second-feet above the canal location. Below the canal location small channels near Strathmore, Old Slough, Dead Horse Slough, Porter Slough, Poplar Ditch, Old Deer Creek, Deer Creek and White River have an estimated total absorptive capacity of 350 second-feet. The total absorptive capacity of these channels amounts to about 57,000 acre-feet per month. In Hydrographic Division 3, the Kaweah River has an estimated absorptive capacity of 300 second-feet, and the many spreading chan- nels, now in use, have a capacity of 530 second-feet. The total absorp- tive capacity of these channels amounts to about 50,000 acre-feet per; month. I In Hydrographic Division 4, the Kings River channels have an, estimated absorptive capacity of 500 second-feet which amounts td about 30,000 acre-feet per month. • j Based upon the foregoing estimated maximum capacities of utiliza-l tion involved in conveyance and application of irrigation supplies and] in absorption from stream channels, the maximum monthly capacities' of water supply utilization and all factors appertaining thereto are) shown for each of the hydrographic divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Tables) 129, 130, 131 and 132, respectively. In Tables 129 and 130, "upper, area" and "lower area" designate the areas respectively above and below the location of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. i SAN JOAQUIN RR^ER BASIN 339 e « Ui -a o ■a HH 2 ac bl S s! < ^ oi o oi Q >H E o Ill 2 fl c8 d a o t_ O (D O .td^ 3S £ ts.C 2 "S-5 00 ^ C8 (M D.^'T Ct3 CO a ^-2 " fe £ CO p. o, t2 0) U3 •-Jcso t^. 03 -.(J* a ra [-< QJ Q.S'V ^ m S g >;o- ° 6--2 a 03 03 cm , MT3 o rt a) « H Q^Jr; ■^■a c 03 2 |sg CJ K C3 ^ M n o. "* C OS c O s *:ot^oooooor^oc^ooooeoo5 C^IOiOlOOt^OOOOOOOCO oooooooooooo oooooooooooo ■^Mcccceo<£3_05_0'-*_'-^Ooq ic oT oi^ M ci ■^' CO r^ CO cc t-^ o r-t 1-H .-I (N CO CO TT '<»' CO CO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOiOOOOOOOOO C0':Ot^C^C u Q u H < S HH fc ^ O J Z l-H occ »—( H « sa ZC/3 Rh U K u z > o H 3 ^ < J "7 w N U J^ ^ J^ « < >-s J §:2 D > t/3 iz" Q oi r. w o 'I'f^ o^ ^ o >^ a: fc:S ^£ U H Z o X < 2 oa — — o ■^ ^S 3? o ■g B -g S I S g ggggSg§g§ggg »c o t^ cc cc rp_ -^ ->s a j; C *3 t? rt « Q, C ^.>gl!^ ■«o "= S " CO""* o o. a 3 a ^ MT3 o 3 £? S S -^ "> a g^ '^ * s rt a? t> c Q^^ ^■» = CJ K ^ rn w S 2 m ^ d eS o H « o 3 c- K 8 — rt C o. *5 C M o, o COOOOOI^I^CO — O05C2C -^t^r^OiOsi^-^sD — -^5©oi oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo ■3 § T-5- SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 341 CQ U] H hH H nJ D (b O 0) Z l-l H »H z o u rt'^ W Z QO Z^ OQ hH H U N 5 « a, J <; SB >^05 stJ n IS wz a;" W H tlJ^ <; a ^^ Si ^i oo < 0. < u ss ^ S " a " a) o "^ oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOQOOO ':0C0C0C0'^00(NC^OOOt— !2: 2 " I iS_ en s ^^ fe - £ S a.— o -^ "5 O OOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo Z-o oooooooooooo oooooooooooo ^^^c^Tc^oo^ocJc^Tood T3 c -a -o 3 a ^ tea o ag=3^|g c3 a> o c Q^Jri S X 15 a^ c c S s-sg ^ fc4 O. oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo 342 DIVISION OF WATER KESOURCES u .J OQ <; H H < H J O [I. o CO Z o Q Z o o oi u Q O Q H z o H D >^ .J b D (/) Oi H lb O H U o o Q fcSg rt.S a i^ o a> 3-^ 2 b o a> o kt 09 kM o oo o d a o fOOOOOOOOPQ© SSSSSSSSSs •-• — * C^ eC iO 1/5 ITS -^ po ^ C3 =^ V a ^.s-v ^ to !g? >o o oooot >o = o o = o : >o = o oooc ^^ ^H ^ C4 (O iO -^ CO CNI Zt5 £ = o. ■a ^ a >>M-o 1 rt a? o C o^ aS.2 W ■«i3-5.3 c c a a ca ts O a-s§ e O ooo< ooot oooc >oooooc JOOOOpC >oooooc oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo H z o 'a o -S S § « ?i <5zQ^fcS-?S.?^^cg SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 343 Besults of Underground Reservoir Operation — Based upon the amounts of utilizable water supply of the major streams and the maxi- mum capacities of water supply utilization as previously presented, a detailed study month by month during the forty-year period 1889-1929 was made of the operation of the underground reservoirs in each hydro- graphic division of the upper San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin E-iver. The monthly utilizable water supplies for each hydro- graphic division comprise the combined amounts made available from local major streams and the supplemental water supplies furnished from the San Joaquin River. The amounts of available run-off in any month which were in excess of the maximum capacity of water supply utilization were considered as Avaste water and not a part of the utilizable water supply of particular hydrographic divisions. The monthly amounts of utilizable water supply were compared with the net use requirements in each hydrographic division. The amount required for net use was deducted from the utilizable supply delivered and the water in excess of net use, if any, was considered as a contri- bution to ground "water storage. If the water supply delivered in any month was less than net use, the deficiency between supply and net use was considered to be the required draft from ground water storage. In this manner, the net accretions to and extractions from the under- ground reservoirs in each hydrographic division were determined month by month for the forty-year period 1889-1929. The areas assumed to be furnished by water supplies from minor streams in cer- tain of the hj^drographic divisions were excluded from this analysis, both as to water supply and water requirements. The results of this detailed month by month study of the operation of underground reservoirs are set forth in Table 133, and graphically depicted on Plate LXVII, "Operation of Underground Reservoirs in Upper San Joaquin Valley, Under Plan of Ultimate Development, South of San Joaquin River." Table 133 shows the net seasonal accumulative amounts of water remaining in storage in underground reservoirs at the conclusion of each season 's operations of ground water recharge and extraction, in each hydrographic division during the forty-year period 1889-1929. The difference between the amounts shown for any two successive seasons represents the net contribution to or draft from the underground reservoir. The table also shows the amounts of water for each season which would have been available ifrom the run-off in excess of the maximum capacities of water supply utilization and considered as waste water not utilizable in particular ;hydrographic divisions. It may be noted that the total amount of non- utilizable excess water supplies in all four divisions of the upper San Joaquin Valley included in this study is somewhat greater than the net iiecumulative amount of water remaining in storage in the underground eservoirs at the end of the fort}' -year period considered. Plate LXVII ;.s based upon the data tabulated in Table 133. The study of accumulated ground water storage shows that the itilizable water supplies made available for hydrographic divisions i to 4, inclusive, in the upper San Joaquin Valley would have been mfficient to fully meet the water requirements of the areas to be served inder the ultimate development and in addition to provide considerable 344 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 133 WATER SUPPLY REMAINING IN STORAGE AT END OF EACH SEASON IN UNDERGROUND RESERVOIRS OF UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SOUTH OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT— 1889-1929 In acre- feet Season 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916.17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 Hydrographic Division 149,300 287,800 448,100 574,200 617,900 988,300 1,066,100 1,365,300 1,011,600 571,600 144,500 229,400 248,900 226,900 171,300 49,500 643,100 1,282,400 1,141,400 1,856,100 2,187,400 2,571.100 2,212,100 1,909,300 2,168,900 2,322,400 3,188,800 3,534,700 3,456,800 3,319,400 3,168.600 3,020,500 3,003,300 2,978,600 2.354,600 2,052 600 1,612,800 1,617,600 1,354,400 792,600 343,100 686,000 1,027,700 1,352,600 1,529,900 1,917,600 2,126,200 2,382,600 1,900,000 1,570,600 1,285,800 1,613,400 1,704,100 1,762,300 1,763,300 1,692,300 2,140,100 2,630,700 2,412,300 2,819,700 3,127,500 3,428,100 3,100,100 2,519,800 2,784,200 3,020,800 3,439,400 3,710,900 3,567,800 3,321,600 3,081,600 2,981,900 3,089,300 3,102,900 2,385,900 2,106,800 1,758,600 1,904,700 1,546,300 975,900 540,900 647,100 890,100 1,092,100 1,073,000 1,393,400 1,380,100 1,435,900 1,196,500 1,036,300 900,100 1,223,700 1,152,500 1,127,700 1,044,200 947,300 1,480,200 1,673,300 1,478,100 1,832,000 1,832,000 1,968,500 1,722,800 1,473,000 1,545,100 1,500,600 1,854,300 1,910,900 1,702,900 1,544,800 1,467,500 1,391,400 1,428,200 1,362,600 984,100 858,700 ■ 624,300 686,700 435,800 187,700 1,100.900 1,766,500 2,534,000 3,284,700 3,495,500 4,326,400 4,610,700 4,956,000 4,177,000 3,737,900 3,358,700 4,282,000 4,335,600 4,356,100 4,431,900 4,194,600 5,115,400 6,225,900 5,748,200 6,463,100 6,687,300 7,542,400 6,982,700 6,264,700 6,974,000 7,239,300 8,170,900 8,517,100 8,220,100 7,760,900 7,500,100 7.365,000 7,716,100 7,657,000 6,390,100 6.017,100 5,391,100 5,705,700 5,016,300 4,205,000 Total 2,134,200 3,387,400 4,899,900 6,303,600 6,716,300 8,625,700 9,183.100 10,139.800 8,285,100 6,916.400 5,689,100 7,348.500 7.441.100 7,473.000 7.410.700 6,883,700 9,378,800 11,812,300 10,780,000: 12,970.900 13,834,200 15,510,100 14,017,700 12,166,800 13,472.200 14,083,100 16,653,400 17,673,600 16,947.600 15,946,7001 15,217, 14,758, 15,236, 15.101,1001 12,114,700 11,035.2001 9,386 9,914,71 8,352.1 6,161.; J ( Water in Excess of the Maximum Monthly Utilizable Yields. Not Considered as Part of tlM Available Supply for Net Use or Ground Water Storage Season 1889-90 1890-91 - 1891-92- 1892-93 1894-95 1896-97- 1900-01. 1905-06 1906-07- 1908-09- 1909-10 1910-11. 1913-14 1915-16 1021-22. Totals. Hydrographic Division 20,500 37,600 345.900 292,006 1,007,300 1,703,300 77,800 72,200 24,600 83.200 257,800 152.000 4,500 140.100 '32.966 329,500 1,284.500 1,400 252,600 176,900 408,200 110,000 377,800 965,800 115,900 298,000 10,600 166,200 18,000 341.800 124,200 4,651,900 Total 1,436,601 1,401 252,60) 176,80( 433,201 147,60 377,801 1.529,60 115.90 695,10 35.20 166,20 18,00 1,432.30 124,20 6,942,50 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 345 PLATE LXVII i(',jt;i m SCALE or MiLES L@€/^T[1@[M MAP o 0) 00 0) oo 0) 0) CO o 0) 0) o 01 0) 0) N 01 0) OPERATION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIRS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY UNDER PLAN OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT SOUTH OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER 1889-1929 r 346 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES amounts of water to build up the underground storage. In each hydro- 5 graphic division, substantial amounts of water would have remained in jjj storage in the undergi-ound reservoirs at the end of tlie forty-year period considered, the net accumulation in all four divisions combined amounting to over 6,000,000 acre-feet after meeting the full water requirements of the area. Assuming an empty underground reservoir at the beginning of the season of 1889-1890, the storage on hand under conditions of ultimate development would have mounted from zero to 10,000,000 acre-feet by 1897. From 1897 to 1900 it would have been drawn down to 6,000,000 acre-feet, to mount almost continuously to 15,000,000 in 1911. From 1911 to 1913 it would have decreased to 12,000,000, to increase again to nearly 18,000,000 in 1917. From 1917 to the end of the period in the fall of 1929, the decrease of storage on hand would have been almost continuous to 6,000,000 acre-feet. The distribution of the portion of the water supply made available through ground water utilization in each hydrographic division might be somewhat nonuniform with respect to the degree of its accessibility to meet the requirements over the entire area of a particular division. However, it is considered that local pumping and conveyance facilities would be provided to control and distribute the supply so that all lands to be served in each division would receive ample water. No plans have been prepared for such local pumping and distribution facilities as a part of the ultimate State Water Plan. Tlie plan as formulated pro- vides the required water supply for each hydrographic division as a whole, leaving the detailed plans of local distribution to later consider- ation when necessary. However, sufficient investigations have been made in each area to demonstrate that the water supplies furnished under the plan of operation proposed could be distributed by practicable and feasible methods to meet the requirements of all lands to be served in each hydrographic division. The available underground capacity in each of the hydrographic divisions and in the entire area, as heretofore presented in Table 100 in Chapter VI, would have been sufficient to provide for the maximum storage regulation required, amounting to about 18,000,000 acre-feet in the entire area. The maximum underground storage capacity that would have been required at any time during the forty-year period is equal to the maximum amount of accumulated ground water storage shown in Table 133. If it were assumed that the utilizable water supply furnished on the average during the forty-year period had only been sufficient to meet the full water requirements and there had been no net accumulation of stored water in the underground reservoirs at the end of the forty-year period, the capacity of underground storage required would have been considerably less than the capacity required for complete regulation and conservation of the entire utilizable M-ater supply provided under the plan. The required underground storage capacities and the corresponding maximum ground water fluctuations, for underground storage regulation of the utilizable water supplies provided under the plan and for regulation of an average water supply equal to water requirements only, are shown in Table 134. The required underground storage capacities shown in Table 134 for conservation and regulation of the entire utilizable water supply are of about the same magnitude as the utilizable undergound storage nc k re, k I* SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 347 TABLE 134 REQUIRED STORAGE CAPACITY AND MAXIMUM GROUND WATER FLUCTUATION FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE REGULATION OF UTILIZABLE WATER SUPPLIES IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SOUTH OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT 1! It! y Required underground storage in acre-feet Gross absorptive area, in acres Assumed drainage factor, in per cent Maximum ground water fluctuation below a depth of 10 feet below ground surface. in feet Hydrographic ™ division For conserva- tion and regulation of entire utilizable water supply With average 40-year water supply equal to water requirements For conserva- tion and regulation or entire utilizable water supply With average 40-year water supply equal to water requirements 1». 3,535,000 3 711,000 1,911,000 8 517,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,850,000 5,500,000 525,000 322,000 308,000 996,000 ■15 15 15 15 47 77 42 57 40 ». 62 3 40 4 37 Totals - . 17,674,000 13.350,000 2,151,000 15 '55 342 sta ' Except for area north of the seventh parallel in Hydrographic Division 1 where a drainage factor of 12)^ per cent liras used. » Exclusive of West Side Rim Lands. ' Average for entire absorptive area considered. capacities shown in Table 100 between a depth of 10 feet below ground surface and the assumed economic limit of pumping lift. The capaci- s required for conservation and regulation of a water supply suf- ficient only on the average to meet the water requirements are con- siderably less than these utilizable underground storage capacities. It should be noted, however, that the drainage factors used are conserva- ,j^^ live, inasmuch as a considerably larger drainage factor was found in aaany of the principal absorptive areas as shown by the studies pre- sented in Chapter IV. In other words, the required underground itorage capacity could probably be obtained wdthin a considerably mailer range of ground water fluctuation than that shown in the !;able based upon the assumed drainage factor. It is safe to conclude iiat the required underground storage regulation could have been provided with the water supplies made available, well within the limits ,)f economic pumping lift in all areas. The large amount of cyclic storage required for the regulation and easonal distribution of local and imported waters in the upper San [foaquin Valley under conditions of ultimate development can be i'btained only by utilization of ground water reservoirs. Possible sur- ace reservoirs would provide only a fraction of the required capacity. 'jvaporation losses from surface reservoirs utilized for cyclic storage re very great while in underground reservoirs these losses are a imum. The only feasible method of adequate conservation of water •ipply produced in wet cycles for use in dry cycles, in this area, con- I'Sts of the utilization of the large available underground storage space. 'his utilization would require the installation of ample pumping japacity and the lowering of the water planes in dry cycles. The results of the detailed study of the operation of underground iservoirs within the area on the east side of the upper San Joaquin nsii rnislii ijrap! iblel asffli e-fe; ity ■ stor? •req' [1 348 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Valley south of the San Joaquin River demonstrate that the proposed plan of service for the ultimate development of this area is adequate. By means of the combined regulation afforded by the proposed surface storage reservoirs and by underground storage and pumping, the study shows that a water supply would have been provided during the forty- year period 1889-1929 more than sufficient to meet the ultimate water requirements of the areas to be served ; and that, in addition, water in excess of the net use requirements would have been available for storage in the underground reservoirs, with a substantial net amount of storage accumulated at the end of the forty-year period. The pro- posed plan of development and operation is the only one which is practicable and economical of accomplishment to meet the demands of this section of the basin. Its dependability is demonstrated by the detailed studies presented. Operation of Underground Reservoirs in Lower San Joaquin Valley. Along the eastern slope of the lower San Joaquin Valley, there is available for utilization about 3,000,000 acre-feet of ujiderground capacity with a gross absorptive area of 558,000 acres. However, t utilizable water supplies which would have been available with the proposed major surface storage units for ultimate development during the forty-year period 1889-1929 would have provided an adequate sur face irrigation supply for the area to be served, without the use of underground storage and pumping, except ill Hydrographic Division 8, where underground storage was utilized to a limited extent.* Under present conditions of development Avitli generally plentiful water sup plies, liberal irrigation applications on the lands result in relatively high ground water levels. As a result, the chief problem with respect to ground water is now one of drainage. Ground water levels are being controlled in some areas by use of wells and pumping plants. By utilizing pumped water to meet the peak demands of the irrigation season in these areas, effective use could be made of the underground storage capacity and a more uniform draft upon surface reservoirs could be made. This method of operation Avould have advantages on a sj^stem where hydroelectric power is generated. | In Hydrographic Division 8, it is proposed to utilize the under- ground reservoir for storage and pumping to supply a portion of water requirements for the area to be served therein. The present con- structed Exchequer Reservoir of 2,79,000 acre-feet capacity on thefierj Merced River would regulate the supply for the major portion of the area to be served with Merced River water but it would not ]n'ovide s full surface irrigation supply. By means of undergi'ound storage anc l^umping, an average seasonal supply of 294,000 acre-feet from reser voir spill would have been made available for utilization during th( forty-year period 1889-1929, in addition to the safe surface irrigatioij|isi yield of 440,000 acre-feet per season from the reservoir. The tota ii( h rt ♦Since the preparation of the studies in this report based upon the run-off up t 1929, the dry season of 1930-1931 has occurred. Studies of water supply and ylel; have been extended to include the period 1929—1931 and are presented in Appendix L In order to provide the required water supplies with the available run-off from 192 to 1931, including the dry season, 1930-1931, the studies presented in Appendix 1 show that it would be necessary to utilize the available underground storage in severa additional areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley. Its Hi fts Jtfa kfh SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 349 M| utilizable water supply from combined regulation by surface and under- ground storage is adequate to meet the water requirements for the portion of the area to be served by Merced River water in this hydro- graphic division. 'A Operation and Accomplishments of Conveyance Units in San Joaquin River Basin. :er, The chief function of the proposed conveyance units of the ulti- mate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin is the con- veyance and distribution of surplus Sacramento River Basin water to the areas of deficient local water supply in the San Joaquin Valley. These units, described in detail in Chapter VI and shown on Plate ly llif XXVI, provide in effect a continuous conveyance system for carrying water from the Sacramento River to the southerly end of the San Joaquin Valley. However, in accord with the proposed plan of devel- opment found to be most practicable and economical, no physical con- nection is provided between the San Joaquin River Pumping System and the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals but the equivalent to a physical connection is effected by the substitution of ith (BSacramento River water at Mendota for San Joaquin River water diiriiijwhich would be diverted at Friant Reservoir through the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals. By means of this exchange iisefMof supplies, a saving of about 300 feet in pumping lift is effected as Divisiflfeompared to a plan wherein Sacramento River water would be directly conveyed and lifted to the levels of the Madera and San Joaquin River- tersmPKern County canals for serving the easterly slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. A similar exchange of water for the purpose of saving 1 resi^pumping lift would be made on the Kern River where supplies brovight through the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal would be sub- nt? l^tituted for Kern River water which in turn would be diverted through he Kern River Canal to higher lying rim lands along the southerly ixtremity of the San Joaquin Valley. mi ntm lit «-• Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County Canals — The opera- [don and accomplishments of the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern pounty canals have been set forth in detail previously in this chapter Ln connection with the presentation of the operation and accomplisli- Inents of Friant Reservoir and of the utilization and operation of the iderground reservoirs in the upper San Joaquin Valle.y. These Ijanals would be operated to deliver water from Friant Reservoir on iJie San Joaquin River to supplement the supplies made available from local sources on the easterly slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. |rhe total water supply delivered through these canals during the forty- 'ear period would have averaged 361,500 acre-feet per season for the l^rea served hj the Madera Canal and 1,364,600 acre-feet for the areas jerved by the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, or a total average leasonal supply of 1,726,100 acre-feet. With the supplemental sup- fi'Iies delivered by these canals from San Joaquin River added to the 'applies made available from local sources, the water requirements for jde areas to be served under the ultimate plan of development on the asterly slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley would have been fully I 350 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES met ; and, in addition, water in excess of the net use requirements would have accumulated in the underground storage reservoirs over the forty- year period 1889-1929. San Joaquin River and Mendofa-West Side Pumping Systems — The San Joaquin River and Mendota-West Side pumping systems would be operated primarily to furnish the required water supply for the areas to be served on the westerly slope of both the upper and lower San Joaquin Valley. The source of water supply would be chiefly surplus Sacramento River Basin water conveyed through these systems by successive pumping lifts from the delta to the southerly terminus of the Meudota-West Side Pumping System near Elk Hills. An additional source of supply would be the return flows from irri- gated lands in the lower San Joaquin Valley and unregulated surplus water of the San Joaquin River and its east side tributaries. In the portion of the pumping sj'stem utilizing the San Joaquin River chan-| nel are located five dams, from Dam No. 1 below the mouth of the Stanislaus River to Dam No. 5 below the mouth of the Merced River These dams, at varying elevations, would intercept the return flowel from irrigated lands and unregulated surplus waters tributary to the channel above them. The dam at Mendota would also intercept returrl flow from the tributary irrigated areas above and surplus flows of th San Joaquin River passing Friant Dam. Those portions of the returi#fi flows and surplus waters available during the period of pumping wouldj ^ be intercepted and combined with Sacramento River water pumpe- from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta channels to supply the Ian to be served by the San Joaquin River and ]\Iendota-West Side pump ing systems. The result would be lower capital and annual costs tha: could be obtained by pumping the entire supply from the SacramentoBevi San Joaquin Delta channels with a lift from approximately sea levefl^ws However, although a portion of the supply for these lands would b furnished from the intercepted surplus and return waters of the lowe San Joaquin Valley, any water so intercepted would have reached th delta under natural conditions and must therefore be replaced, wit! Sacramento River water to provide for irrigation and salinity contrc uses in the delta and the water requirements of adjacent delta uplands sqiii Therefore, considering necessary replacement of intercepted retur: Djr flow and surplus waters from the lower San Joaquin Valley by Sacra irer mento River water, the water provided in the delta from the Sacri erai mento River for use in the San Joaquin Valley necessai'ily would b aii(ji sufficient in amount to furnish the water requirements for all lands t tiim be served therein by the San Joaquin River and Mendota-West Sid fto pumping systems. The areas and water requirements to be served under the ultima! State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin by water conveyej through the San Joaquin River and Mendota-West Side pumping sy.* tems are shown in Table 135, by hydrographie divisions. The water requirements shown in Table 135 would be furnishe partly from return and surplus waters from the San Joaquin Rivfj Basin but for the most part from Sacramento River water. The returj flow and surplus water intercepted by the San Joaquin River Pumpin System would be utilized on certain lands in the area to be served t h hi Sac *a: SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 135 351 orte s iiij rati tlia Hi litri In til I'ell AREAS AND WATER REQUIREMENTS OF LANDS TO BE SERVED BY SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND MENDOTA-WEST SIDE PUMPING SYSTEMS UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT Area served Hydrographic division Net irrigable area, in acres Seasonal water requirements (gross allowance), in acre-feet West side area north of Merced River 7 7a f 7 \ 8 6 5 5B 2e If 62,000 143,000 203,000 69,000 13,000 260,000 221,000 74,000 217,000 124,000 West side rim lands north of Mendota .- -- 286,000 Areas south of Merced River, now served from San Joaquin River Columbia Canal area _ 670,000 226,000 26,000 Mendota to Kettleman Hills 520,000 Mendota to Kettleman Hills ._ 442.000 West side rim lands upper San Joaquin Valley . . . 148,000 West side rim lands, upper San Joaquin Valley. 434,000 Totals 1.262,000 2,876,000 of tin , Fiiva ,j jo, , the pumping system, so allocated as to save as much pumping of Sacra- Ij tl mento River water as possible. The west side area at present receiving ■ ratlin a pumped supply derived from the east side tributaries of the San J ,){ (I i Joaquin River would be allotted a full supply from this souree under ajjjuj ,the State Plan for ultimate development. The west side rim lands (,^Dj)|ih Hydrographic Division 7a would also be served from the return ' ^™ flow and surplus water of the lower San Joaquin Valley. Lands south jj^y I of Merced River now served from the San Joaquin River in hydro- [jP graphic divisions 7 and 8 would receive a partial supply from this i.jjjll,j source supplemented by Sacramento River water. In certain months ™jjlj in every season, there would be more than sufficient water from return ]jy Iflows and surplus waters to meet the demands of this area and in other _ ]j[j imonths a considerable jDortion of the required supply w'ould be > Ijfl limported from the Sacramento River Basin. An adequate supply with yj| a maximum deficiency of less than 35 per cent in an exceptionally dry 3^ iseason would be received. The amounts of surplus and return waters .(ijjii in any month in excess of the demands of these lands in the lower San ■ jjjj [Joaquin Valley would be available for areas on the west side of upper \ |San Joaquin Valley south of Mendota. However, the major portion of ! gjjj [the required supply for this latter area would be imported from the til' SaailSacramento River Basin, resulting in an adequate supply with a maxi- '' 'mum deficiency of less than 35 per cent in an exceptionally dry season. Return and surplus waters not utilizable for irrigation demands, includ- ng those occurring in the winter months especially, would flow into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The utilizable water supply provided from return and surplus ^57aters in the San Joaquin River Basin and from importations from ".he Sacramento River Basin for delivery through the San Joaquin 'River and Mendota- West Side pumping sj^stems, to satisfy the water I'equirements as set forth in Table 135, is shown for each season of the ;welve-year period 1917-1929 in Table 136. The amounts from each " m^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ hydrographic division and in total for the entire area Tiif'^ljerved are set forth. There also are shown the estimated amounts and iources of return and surplus flows in the San Joaquin River Basin, er -,m 352 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES and, lastly, the residual flow into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta after deduction of the amounts of return and surplus water intercepted and utilized. Based upon the data presented in Table 136 showing the areas served and the amounts and sources of the water supply conveyed through the San Joaquin River Pumping System, the seasonal amounts of water which would have been pumped through each pumping plant of the system are shown for the twelve-year period 1917-1929 in Table 137. The data set forth in this table form the basis for the estimated cost of electric energ}^ for pumping presented in the estimates of annual cost of this pumping system in Chapter VI. TABLE 137 WATER PUMPED THROUGH SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT Seasonal quantities, in acre-feet Season Plant 1 Plant 2 Plants 3 and 4 Plant 5 Plants 6, 7 and 8 Plants 9 and 10 1917-18 1,895,900 1,895,900 1,901,800 1,897,400 1,515,100 1,814.000 1,257,900 1,907,600 1,999,900 1 933,200 1,895,900 2,027,700 1,913,700 1,913,700 1918,800 1 915.700 1,532,100 1,831,800 1,274,200 1,929,200 2,007,200 1,951,300 1,913,700 2,033,900 2,247,100 2,247,100 2,247,100 2,247,100 1,821,200 2,165,200 1,548,600 2,247,100 2,287,000 2,267,400 2,247,100 2,321,900 2,212,300 2,212,300 2,212,300 2,212,300 1,793,300 2,130,400 1,513,800 2,212,300 2,252,200 2,232,600 2,212,300 2,287,100 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526.000 2,187.500 2,526,000 1,835,600 2,495,900 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526.000 2,526,000 2,303,800 1918-19 . 2,303,800 1919-20 2,303.800 1920-21 - 2.303,801 1921-22 . 2,004.700 1922-23 - -- 2,303.800 1923-24 i,68i,ga 1924-25 2,274,60t 1925-26 2,303.80( 1926-27 2,303,80( 1927-28 2,303,80t 1928-29 2,303,80( Averaee, 1917-29 . 1,828,000 7,000 1,845,000 7,000 2,158,000 7,500 2,124,000 7,500 2,438,000 8.000 2,225.00(1 Installed capacity, in second-feet. mJ The area to be served by the Mendota-West Side Pumping System comprises hydrographic divisions 5, 5B, 2e, and If, embracing 772,00C acres of good lands on the westerly slope of tlie upper San Joaquir Valley extending from Mendota to Elk Hills. The seasonal watei requirements for these lands aggregate 1,544,000 acre-feet. The loca streams tributary to this area have an erratic or flashy flow and ar< not considered as furnishing an appreciable supply. The underlying formations are so heavily impregnated with the chemical constituent; of the adjacent west side mountain range that shallow ground waters even if made availa])le through the generous application of .surfacj irrigation, would be rendered unfit for irrigation use. Therefore, sucl underground reservoir capacity as may exist within these hydrographi divisions is not considered as available for utilization. The tota water requirements for the entire area would therefore be furnished a a surface irrigation supply. The required supply, delivered throng the IMendota-West Side Pumping System, would be obtained froi return flow and surplus water of the lower San Joaquin Valley an from Sacramento River water, delivered to ]\Iendota by means of th San Joaquin River Pumping System. A safe surface irrigation suppl of the amount required would be furnished from these sources with! maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in exceptionally dry seasons. T\\ I I UMPING SYSTEMS Seasonal return flow and unregulated surplus from east side tribu- taries of San Joaquin River, in acre-feet Seasonal return flow, Total from Sacramento River Basin Total from San Joaquin River Basin in acre-feet Je rim lands, Divisions If and 2e From west side area north of Merced River, Division 7 From San Joaquin River areas south of Merced River Divisions 7 and 8 Residual flow into Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, in acre-feet From Sacramento River Basin Total 1! 507,400 507,400 507,900 508,100 414,300 507,400 315,600 508,300 508,000 521,100 507,400 508,000 582,000 582,000 582,000 582,000 582,000 582,000 402,600 571,800 582,000 582,000 582,000 582,000 1,723,600 1,723,600 1,731,700 1,725,700 1,369,100 1,641,700 1,090,300 1,726,100 1,860,200 1,760.500 1,723.600 1,891,200 1,152,100 1,152,100 1,144,000 1.150,000 1,506,600 1,234,000 1,025,500 1,118,700 1,015,500 1,115,200 1.152,100 984,500 1,042,300 1,042,300 1,034,200 1,036,100 1,291,200 1,124,200 970,900 988,200 905,700 936,000 1,042,300 874,700 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 18,600 313,500 313,500 313,500 313,500 *682,400 313,500 258,300 272,100 313,500 313,500 313,500 313,500 *' 222,300 222,300 222,300 218,200 485,600 222,300 222,300 160,200 222,300 152,900 222,300 222,300 485,100 566,200 1,663,900 1,145,900 1,024,000 18,600 *336,200 232,900 *^\ 352 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES and, lastly, the residual flow into the Sacraniento-San Joaquin Delta after deduction of the amounts of return and surplus water intercepted and utilized. Based upon the data presented in Table 136 showing the areas served and the amounts and sources of the water supply conveyed through the San Joaquin River Pumping System, the seasonal amounts of water which would have been pumped through each pumping plant of the sj^stem are shown for the twelve-year period 1917-1929 in Table 137. The data set forth in this table form the basis for the estimated cost of electric energy for pumping presented in the estimates of annual cost of this pumping system in Chapter VI. TABLE 137 WATER PUMPED THROUGH SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT Season 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20. - 1920-21 - 1921-22.. 1922-23 1923-24 ---- 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 - Average, 1917-29 Installed capacity, in second-feet Seasonal quantities, in acre-feet Plant 1 1,895,900 1,895,900 1,901,800 1.897,400 1,515,100 1,814.000 1,257,900 1,907,600 1,999,900 1 933,200 1,895,900 2,027,700 1,828,000 7,000 Plant 2 1,913,700 1,913,700 1918,800 1 915.700 1,532,100 1,831,800 1,274,200 1,929,200 2,007,200 1,951,300 1,913,700 2,033,900 1,845,000 7,000 Plants 3 and 4 2,247,100 2,247,100 2,247,100 2,247,100 1,821,200 2,165,200 1,548,600 2,247,100 2,287,000 2,267,400 2,247,100 2,321,900 2,158,000 7,500 Plant 5 2,212,300 2,212,300 2,212,300 2,212,300 1,793,300 2,130,400 1,513,800 2.212,300 2,252,200 2,232,600 2,212,300 2.287,100 2,124,000 7,500 Plants 6, 7 and 8 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526.000 2,187,500 2,526,000 1,835,600 2,495,900 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,526,000 2,438,000 8,000 PlanU 9 and 10 2,303,8 2,303,8 2.303,f 2,303,8 2,004.7 2,303,8 1,681,9 2,274.8 2,303.8 2,303.8 2.303.r 2,303.8 2,225,0 The area to be served by the Mendota-West Side Pumping Sj'^sten comprises hydrographic divisions 5, 5B, 2e, and If, embracing 772, acres of good lands on the westerly slope of the upper San Joaquii Valley extending from INIendota to Elk Hills. The seasonal watei requirements for these lands aggregate 1,544,000 acre-feet. The loca streams tributary to this area have an erratic or flashy flow and an not considered as furnishing an appreciable supply. The underlyinj formations are so heavily impregnated with the chemical constituent of the adjacent west side mountain range that shallow ground waters even if made available through the generous application of surfao irrigation, would be rendered unfit for irrigation use. Therefore, sue underground reservoir capacity as may exist within these hydrographi divisions is not considered as available for utilization. The tota water requirements for the entire area would therefore be furnished a a surface irrigation supply. The required supply, delivered thron;,'* the INlendota-West Side Pumping System, would be obtained froi return flow and surplus water of the lower San Joaquin Valley an from Sacramento River water, delivered to ]\Iendota by means of tli San Joaquin River Pumping System. A safe surface irrigation suppl of the amount required would be furnished from these sources with maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in exceptionally dry seasons. Tli t UTILIZABLE WATER SUPPLY FOR LANDS SERVED BY SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND MENDOTA-WEST SIDE PUMPING SYSTEMS UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT— 1917-1929 Seasonal supply in acre-feet (gross allowance) Seasonal return flow and unregulated surplus from east side tribu- taries of San Joaquin River, in acre-feet Seasonal return flow. Lands nortb of Mendota Lands south of Mendota Total from Sacramento River Basin Total from San Joaquin River Basin in acre-feet Season West side area north of Merced River. Division 7 West side rim lands. Dinsion 7a San Joaouin River areas south of Merced River, Dinsions 7 and 6 Columbia Canal area. Dixifiion 6 Mendota to Kettleman HiUs below deration 350, Di^ision 5 Mendota to Kettleman Hills above elevation 3S0, Division 5B West side rim lands. Divisions lfand2e From west side area north of Merced River, Division 7 From San .Joaquin River areas south of Merced River Divisions 7 and 8 Residual flow into Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, in acre-feet From San Joa._-_ I&25-2(. 1926-a- 1927-28 1928-29 223.300 160.200 222.300 152,900 222.300 222.300 Mean. 1917-1929 124,000 286.000 517.000 355.400 872.400 3,600 21.700 25,300 72.500 433,400 605.900 61.700 368,300 430,000 SI. 100 485,100 566,200 1.663.900 1.1-15.000 1,034,000 18,600 •336,200 232,900 • Includes waste from Friant Resen'oir, S0997 — Bet. pp. 352 and 363 TABLE 138 SUMMARY OF WATER REQUIREMENTS AND WATER SUPPLY FOR ULTIMATE STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS Description of area served Net irrigable area served. in acres Seasonal water requirements, in acre-feet Sources of water supply Seasonal utiiiKable water supply, in acr -feet Hjdro- Di vision From San Joaquin River Basin From Sacramento River Basin' Gross allowance Net allowance Net Local Return flow and unregulated surplus Imported San Joaquin River at Friant Local streams Return flow and unregulated surplus Totals Totals 1* Xorlh of Peso Creek, to be served by pumping lilts above tic San Joa- quin River -Kern County Canal -- - Between Kern River and Poso Creek, within pumping lifta of 200 feet nb ive Beardslev and Lerdo canals. South of Kern River within pumpinelifte of 350 feet above Kern River 17.000 36.000 68.000 217.000 403.000 34,000 72.000 116.000 434,000 926.000 34,000 72,000 116.000 434.000 926.000 34.000 72,000 116.000 434.000 926,000 San JoaquinRiver... (036,000 36.000 74.000 72.000 954,000 3OOO0 •»> O74.000 OI19.000 Id 119,000 If- West side rim lands abnve elevation 250 feet, to be served by Mendota- West Side Pumping S>-3tem- . . - VaUe>- lands, including municipal areas, and escluding areas in la, lb, Id and If - Lower San Joaquin Valley.. O 072.000 (0362,000 434.000 » Kern River and minor streams _. SanJoaquin River... 0387.000 O5C7,000 954,000 701.000 78,000 31.000 lO.OOO 13.000 74,000 360.000 1,582.000 156.000 02.000 20.000 26.000 148.000 720.000 1,582.000 150,000 62,000 20.000 26.000 148.000 720.000 1.582,000 156.000 62,000 20,000 26.000 148.000 720,000 423 000 0159,000 023,000 760,000 72,000 1,355,000 159.000 62,000 20,000 27,000 25.000 74S.O0U 362,000 1,617.000 2a East side rim lands within pumping lifts of 250 feet above San Joaquio San Joaquin River... San Joaquin River... 159,000 2b quin River-Kern County Canal and gra\'ity diversions from Tulc f>)30,000 (020,000 O27.000 Lands served by pumping lifts from Tule River diversion eonduits We^t side rim lands ab.->ve elevation 250 feet, to be served by Mendota- WwtSidePumpingSystem... . - . -. 2e Lower San Joaquin Valley.. O 025,000 (0123,000 148,000 San JoaquinRiver... 0692.000 050.000 566.000 270.000 830.000 260.000 221,000 1,132.000 540.000 1,660.000 520.000 442.000 1.132.000 540.000 1.660,000 520.000 442,000 1.132,000 540,000 1,660.000 520.000 442.000 874,000 068,000 142,000 0477.000 01.704,000 25.000 1,041,000 545.000 1,764,000 87.000 74.000 123.000 3 Valley lands, ineluding municipal areas - Valley lands, including municipal areas Kettleman Hills to Mendota. below elevation 350 feet SanJoaquin River... 545 000 4 1,764.000 5 - Lower San Joaquin Valley.. Lower San Joaquin Valley- (0 (087,000 (0(074,000 (O433.00O (0368.000 520.000 5B Kettleman Hills to Mendota. above elevation 350 feel - - Totals.hydrograpbicdivisioiisoandoB.... _ .._ Valley lands, etclusivc of Columbia Canal area 481.000 184.000 13.000 962.000 368.000 26.000 962.000 368.000 26.000 962.000 368.000 26,000 161,000 161,000 461.000 4.000 801,000 962,000 6 Chowchilla, Fresno and San Joaquin rivers. 0361,000 0100,000 4) 119,000 0567,000 760,000 (1^39,000 (1)20,000 (1)27,000 (1)56,000 142,000 (1)477,000 (1)1,764,000 0100,000 100,000 Return flow and unregulated surplus O (*)72,000 72,000 (2) 025,000 25,000 (2) 087,000 (2) 074,000 161,000 (2) 04,000 4,000 Totals 36,000 74,000 119,000 72,000 954,000 1,255,000 159,000 62,000 20,000 27,000 25,000 748,000 1,041,000 545,000 1,764,000 87,000 74,000 161,000 461,000 4,000 465,000 From Sacramento River Basin' (2)362.000 362,000 (=)123,000 123,000 (2)433,000 (2)368,000 801,000 (2)22,666 Totals 36,000 74,000 119,000 434,000 954,000 1,617,000 159,000 02,000 20,000 27,000 148,000 748,000 1,164,000 545,000 1,764.000 520.000 442,000 962,000 461,000 26,000 22,000 487,000 I .«• i 4 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 355 : 1 ; return flow and surplus waters orij^inatino; in the lower San Joaquin (Valley and intercepted for reuse behind the dams of the San Joaquin I River Pumping System. All of the M'ater furnished in this area 1. 1 would be a surface irrigation supply, with none of the supply obtained 5 i through utilization of underground storage. j I The data presented in Table 138 demonstrate that, under the pro- f; posed ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin, the j ; water requirements of the areas to be served under ultimate develop- [iment would be adequatelj^ met in each hydrographic division, based iupon the forty-year period of run-oif considered from 1889 to 1929. tin addition, the supplies made available for the areas on the east side 'of the upper San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River would have resulted in a net accumulation of 6,000,000 acre-feet of water stored in the underground reservoirs at the end of the forty-year 'period considered. The average seasonal amount of water that would have been required to be imported from the Sacramento River Basin would have been about 2,000,000 acre-feet, exclusive of an average seasonal amount of about 1,000,000 acre-feet of return flow and surplus Avater from the lower San Joaquin Valley intercepted by the San Joaquin River Pumping System and utilized in the areas served by the San Joaquin River and Mendota-West Side pumping systems, which would be replaced in the delta by Sacramento River water. Summarizing the accomplishments with respect to water supply and water requirements, the operation of the ultimate State Water JMan would furnish for the San Joaquin River Basin: 1. A supply of 5,342,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent in an exceptionally dry year, for the irrigation of a net area of 1,810,000 acres of irrigable land in the lower San Joaquin Valley, including 134,000 acres of foot- hills on the eastern side of the valley, after deducting from the full natural run-off of the lower San Joaquin River tributaries, 565,000 acre-feet per season for an adequate and dependable irrigation supply for 205,000 acres of land embracing all of the net irrigable mountain valley and foothill lands situated in the lower San Joaquin Basin at elevations too high to be irrigated by gravity from the major reservoir jiinits. 2. A supply of 4,700,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, IPor the irrigation of a net area of 2,350,000 acres of Classes 1 and 2 llands on the eastern and southern slopes of the upper San Joaquin llV^alley. I. 3. A supply of 1,570,000 acre-feet per season, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent in an exceptionally dry year, for the "irrigation of all of the net irrigable area of 772,000 acres of Classes 1 |>nd 2 lands lying on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley md 13,000 acres of Classes 1 and 2 lands in the Columbia Canal area. In addition to the water supplies furnished, an average annual dectric energy output of 728,500,000 kilowatt hours would be gen- erated at the major reservoirs in the San Joaquin River Basin inci- !lental to their primary operation for irrigation ; additional flood pro- ection would be effected on several of the major streams (see Chap- er IX) ; and navigation would be improved on the San Joaquin River ibove Stockton (see Chapter X). i 356 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER VIII INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN The initial development of the State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin is proposed as the first progressive step in thip consummation of the plan for ultimate development set forth in Chap- ters VI and VII. It is designed primarily to meet the immediate pressing needs of existing developments. Certain areas in the basin, especially in the upper San Joaquin Valley and in the San Joaquin Delta region, in recent years have been and are now experiencing serious problems of water shortage, the adequate solution of which would require tlie construction and operation of initial units of the State Water Plan if the productive resources and investment in presentf developments are to be maintained. The basic objective of the initial development is to furnish additional water to meet the present defi- ciencies between supply and demand in these developed areas. Addetl to this is the desirability of providing additional flood protection andji improving navigation on the San Joaquin River above Stockton. j As in the plan for ultimate development, the initial development in the San Joaquin River Basin is closely related to and interdependen' with that in the Sacramento River Basin because the San Joaquii Valley is dependent upon the Sacramento River Basin for supple mental water supplies required to fully meet the present demands The initial units in the two basins constitute a unified project for th' immediate development of the State Water Plan in the entire Grea Central Valley and would be operated coordinately to adequately an( completely meet the present needs for the development, regulation distribution and utilization of the water resources. : j In evolving a plan for initial development in the San Joaqui River Basin, the following criteria have been adopted : 1. The plan must be so designed as to furnish an adequate silj plemental supply to those developed areas with a permanen deficiency, not remediable by the development of their loc£ water supplies. 2. The physical works of the plan must be so designed as to perm; of economical enlargement and extension to a capacity all' degree required under the provisions of the plan of ultimal development. The procedure in the evolution of the plan for initial developmer was as follows : 1. The location and extent of the present developed areas of pe manent deficiency of water supply were determined. 2. The amounts of deficiency in the areas of inadequate supp and the amounts of supplemental water required were estimate 3. The economic and logical sources of supplemental supply we:' determined and the amounts of water obtainable from tho sources estimated. i ' t I Si Adi sop ei for ■eGi SAN JOAQUIN RR^ER BASIN 357 4. The physical works necessary for furnishing this supplemental supply to the areas of deficiency were determined with careful consideration of tlie future additional water requirements of the areas. 5. Capital and annual costs of the physical works and revenues anticipated from sale of water and power were estimated. Immediate Water Problems in San Joaquin River Basin. A study of present irrigation development in the San Joaquin River Basin reveals that the lower San Joaquin Valley, with the exception of the San Joaquin Delta Region, has an adequate and dependable water supply for pre-sent requirements. In the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the available inflow from the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems during recent years of generally subnormal run-off has been insufficient during certain of months in several years to meet the consumptive demands in the delta presi and to keep the water fresh as against the invasion of saline water inil from the bay. Invasion of saline Avater has rendered the water in the ntj delta channels unfit for irrigation and other uses, not onlj^ for the delta lands but also for the adjacent uplands and in the area adjacent to Suisim Bay. The immediate water problems in the delta and adjacent areas and the methods for their solution are presented in Ip detail in other reports.* A few relatively small areas in hydrographic divisions 12 and 13 are in need of some additional water to meet present Avater requirements, but it appears that the amount of water required can be obtained from local sources through the development facilities by local interests. In the upper San Joaquin Valley, a study of existing conditions of irrigation development reveals an area in Avhicli many of the local supplies are inadequate to support existing development. On all the ^treams tributary thereto, there long since has been effected a very high degree of utilization of run-off without surface storage regulation. For many years, therefore, while the irrigated areas devoted to annuals liave varied Avitii surface Avater supplies, the expansion of the irrigated areas devoted to permanent crops has occurred chiefly through the :levelopment of ground water supplies. With limited or no surface ■supplies, the replenishment of ground Avater storage, commonly result- ;ing from the use of ample surface applications, is lacking in many of hese areas. In some localities, expansion of the irrigated areas has |?ontinued to such an extent that the net draft on ground water storage 'exceeds the average seasonal replenishment from whatever local sources ultajf re a\'ailable. The result has been a depletion of ground AAater .storage, which is indicated by a continuously receding Avater table. ,city elof IsPl ^Determination of Developed Areas with Deficient Water Supply and Amounts of Water Shortage. In order that the location and extent of the dcA-eloped areas of deficient water supply in the upper San Joaquin Valley could be jletermined, a detailed study of existing development Avas made involv- ing the elements of the available local A\^ater supplies, the irrigated * Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Jelta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of Water Resources, 1931. Bulletin No. 28, "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier below Confluence Sacramento and San Joaquin River," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 358 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES areas and the conditions of ground water storage. The results have been presented in Chapter IV. This study covered the area in the five southern counties of the valley, namely, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kern and Kings. For convenience of study, areas within the first four counties were divided into ten smaller units, designated as the Madera, Fresno-Consolidated, Alta, Kaweah, Lindsay, Tule-Deer Creek, Earlimart-Delano, McFarland-Shafter, Rosedale and Edison-Arviu ground water units. The term ''ground watqr unit" was applied to these areas as the study dealt primarily with an analysis of the ground water conditions underlying each. The location of these units, described in detail in Chapter IV, is shown on Plate LXVIII, ' * Grounc Water Units and Developed Areas with Deficient Water Supply ii Upper San Joaquin Valley." Lands under irrigation, developed ares with deficient water supply and initial units of the State Water Ph for immediate initial development in upper San Joaquin Valley alj are shown on this plate. Kings County and other areas not include in the above named ground water units also were studied but on different basis. An analysis was made for each ground water unit to determine closely as possible the deficiency of supply, if any, that has beei experienced for the lands already under irrigation. This analysi covered the eight year period 1921-1929 for which the complementai data were available on surface water supply to the unit, irrigated arej and ground water levels. The length of the period was fixed by tbj length of continuous records of ground Avater conditions. In the Kei County units, the records covered the 9-year period 1920-1929 but, order to make the studies in all units comparable, the 8-year peri( was used throughout. Data on some 4000 wells, distributed over thij entire area, were available for the study. The boundaries of ground water units were selected in each case include irrigated lands with a common source of water supply, wheth( from surface or underground development. Based upon a year by yes study for the period 1921-1929 of the collected data on surface inflow irrigated area and change in ground water level for each ground wat( nnit, it has been possible to estimate the average seasonal infloi required to support the existing irrigation development and prevei a continuous recession of the ground water. The seasonal infld into any particular area is defined as that part of the tributarj run-off actually entering the area, less known exportations and sur- face outflow from the area. Since ground water is a form of cyclic storage, fluctuations in level are permissible from year to year so long as the minimum levels do not increase pumping lifts beyond the economic limit. The fact that, during a period of subnormal inflow, a lowering in the ground water has occurred in an area of pumping develoi)ment does not necessarily mean that it is an area with a supply inadequate to meet existing irrigation demands. If, however, the long-- time available mean seasonal inflow to the ground water unit is less than the estimated mean seasonal water requirements, it is concluded the area is one of deficient local supply as now utilized. On this basis, the conditions in each ground water unit liave been studied and the period of depletion and the total and mean seasonal amounts of depletion of around Avater storage estimated. Estimates of depletion in each unit are for the entire area of the unit, regardless of the percentage actualb ally i PLATE LXVIII SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 359 irrigated. In some units, portions of the area, due to their favorable position on the schedule of utilization of local surface supplies, are Mdthout deficiency, even in periods of subnormal run-off. In such units, the g:round water contour maps for each year of record show clearly, by , cones of depression in the water table, where the overdraft upon the ground water is greatest. It is not feasible, however, to define exactly the boundary of the area of deficiency or to say what part of the over- draft is due to pumping in adjacent areas. For these reasons no attempt has been made to lay down the exact boundaries of the areas of deficiency within each ground water unit, but only to indicate their general 'location and to estimate the amount of deficiency between supply and present draft. Utilizing all the available data, there lias been presented in Chap- i ter IV a year by year analysis of ground water conditions in each unit for the period 1921-1929. The results of this analysis are summarized I in Table 139. In this table are set forth for each unit its total area, the average area irrigated for the period studied, and the total and . average seasonal depletion of ground water. TABLE 139 CHANGE IN VOLUME OF GROUND WATER IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY. SUMMARY BY GROUND WATER UNITS, 1921-1929 I Unit Area of unit, in square miles Average area irrigated, in acres Depletion of ground water, in acre-feet Total Average per season Madera Fresno-Consolidated Alta Kaweah Lindsav 343 700 191 468 64 373 150 310 79 51 69,000 319,900 76,000 133,700 22,000 67,400 21,200 50,100 12,000 18,600 487,000 566,000 161,000 732,000 148,000 447,000 400,000 491,000 69,000 103,000 61,000 71,000 20,000 92,000 19 000 Tule-Deer Creek 56 000 Earlimart-Delano 50,000 McFarland-Shaf ter Rosedale Edison-Arvin 61,000 9,000 13,000 The depletion of ground water for the period 1921-1929 in the I several ground water units, as set forth in Table 139, reflects the relation ' between the inflow and the net draft during the period of ground water , record. It so happens that the entire range of continuous observations I of ground water conditions falls within a period of subnormal run-off. The occurrence of a season of normal run-off during this dry period is >liarply reflected in the ground water conditions in some of the units. I It is not sufficient to use the data of a series of dry years, alone, in determining which of the ground water units have inadequate local supplies. Examination also must be made of the relation between average seasonal inflow during the recent period of depletion and the seasonal inflow for various other periods. In this investigation, the ! seasonal inflow for each ground water unit was taken as that part of the estimated tributary run-off practicable of utilization through the ^ull use of existing physical works and underground storage, less ''xportation and surface outflow from the area, as under present condi- tions of development. The records of exportation and surface outflow i 360 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES considered were obtained from outflow data for seasons of corresponding run-off durinpr the period of measurement. Estimates of inflow were made for tlie 40-year period 1889-1929, the 20-year period 1909-1929, the 8-year period 1921-1929 for which f2rround water depletion was determined and the G-year period 1924-1929. A com]iarison of the seasonal inflow for the period of depletion and other periods, with the averajre seasonal depletion in ground water for each unit is set forth in Table 140. The average seasonal inflows shown in the table for the Tule-Deer Creek unit for the various periods include a supply for about 5000 acres of develo])ed lands lying east of the unit and for which no records of ground water or diversion are available. Similarly for the Kaweah unit, the figures of average seasonal inflow include a supply for 3600 acres lying east of tJie unit. It w^as imprac- ticable to segregate the use on these two particular areas from the total inflow which should be done to obtain exact figures for the inflow into these respective units. However, this aj^proximation does n^ afi:'ect the conclusions as to the deficiencies in supply in these units. ' TABLE 140 COMPARISON OF DEPLETION OF GROUND WATER STORAGE WITH AVAILABLE LOCAL,! SUPPLIES IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY. SUMMARY BY GROUND WATER UNIT Ground water unit Madera Fresno-Consolidated Alta... .- Kaweah -. Lindsay Tule-Deer Creek.... Earliraart-Delano McFarland-Shafter.. Rosedale P]dison-Arvin Average seasonal depletion in ground water during period 1921-1929, in acre-feet 61,000 71,000 20,000 92,000 19,000 56,000 50,000 61,000 9,000 13,000 Average sea.sonal inflow to ground water unit, in acre-feet 40-year period, 1889-1929 144,200 770,000 225,(100 370,000 155,000 4,000 86,000 87,000 37,000 20-year period, 1909-1929 121,000 680,000 182,000 297,000 (=) 130,000 3,500 79,000 81,000 29,000 8-year period, 1921-1929 111,400 537,000 133,900 250,800 13,900 92.300 2,800 38,900 46,700 23,600 5-year period, 1924-1929 101,400 568.200 145,300 248,200 14,000 87.100 2.800 27,100 41.200 22.100 Required average seasonal inflow to prevent depletion, in acre-fcef 1 172,. 55jfl« 36,601 — m ' Sum of average seasonal depletion and average seasonal inflow for eight-year period, 1921-1929, excepting LinOT! unit. In this unit the sum of these items does not represent an adequate supply and therefore a net use of two acre4ee I)cr acre is assumed. = Inflow to I/indsay imit is an importation from the Kaweah Kivcr of about 14,000 acre-feet annually, beginnin in 1918. This was taken into consideration in estimating the net inflow to the Kaweah unit. It is obvious that the depletion of the underground storage repre sents an overdraft upon the available supply and, therefore, the sum oj the average seasonal depletion and the average seasonal inflow durini the period of dejiletion .should represent the amount of average seasonal inflow whicli would hav(' been ade((unte to maintain stable ground watcj coiidilions during that period. The summations of average seasona inflow and depletion for the 8-year period of record are shown in th last column of Table 140 for the ] of determining whether eac unit is one of permanent deficiency in local suppl}^ as related to th available inflow for i)eriods other than the period of depletion. B comparing the quantities in the last column with the average seasonf inflow for each of the five, eight, twenty and forty-year ]ieriods endinj in ]929, the condition as to permanent deficiency is indicated. in H ini( SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 361 The results of the detailed studies as to deficiency or adequacy of [water supply for the present irrigation development in each ground [water unit and other areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley are [presented in the following paragraphs : The Madera Unit — Ttie Madera unit is one in which the present [average draft upon the ground water evidently exceeds the replenish- (ment that would be eifected even with the average utilizable water [supply over a 40-year period including both wet and dry periods. [During the 8-year period, the irrigated area in this unit increased from |€0,000 acres in 1921 to 81,000 acres in 1929, segregated as follows: [Deciduous fruits 8200 acres, vines 25,300 acres, alfalfa 16,200 acres, [field crops 2000 acres, cotton 27,400 acres, pasture 1300 acres and [truck 600 acres. The sources of Avater supply now utilized in this area [are the Cliowchilla and Fresno rivers, augmented by an importation )f about 10,000 acre-feet each year from the Merced and San Joaquin [Eiver drainage areas. The average seasonal inflow available during [this period was 111,400 acre-feet. With this inflow, the average [seasonal depletion of ground water was 61,000 acre-feet and that dur- [ing the season 1928-1929 was 146,000 acre-feet. The 40-year average [seasonal inflow available is estimated as 144,200 acre-feet, or 32,800 [acre-feet in excess of that during the period of ground water record. [Comparing this excess with the 61.000 acre-feet of average seasonal [depletion, it is obvious present development could not have been sup- jported without an overdraft on the ground water storage. The Fresno-Consolidaied Unit — The data on the Fresno- jConsolidated unit indicate no permanent depletion of its ground water fstorage. The Fresno and Consolidated irrigation districts, which are [included Avithin this unit, haA'e been under practically full irrigation (development for many years. The area irrigated in 1929 consisted of 1100 acres of citrus and 40,700 acres of deciduous fruits, 168,700 acres {of vines, 35,300 acres of alfalfa, 31,700 acres of field crops. 9600 acres Sof cotton, 34,500 acres of pasture and 200 acres of truck, totalling 1321,800 acres. The Fresno District has extensive diA^ersion rights of frelatively early priority on Kings River and receives a more dependable water supply, both in amount and in distribution through the season, than other large areas served from Kings RiA^er. From the inception of irrigation in this area to the beginning of the period of this study, [the ground Avater had risen from 30 to 60 feet above its position prior {to irrigation. This resulted in the Avater-logging of a considerable portion of the area noAv in the district and it is only Avith the develop- [ment of pumping and the recent series of dry years that conditions faA^orable to the proper production of crops in the portions of the ['district formerly Avater-logged have been reached. The depth to 'uround AA'ater over the greater part of the Fresno District A-aries from ^10 to 25 feet. At the extreme nortliern edge of the district the depth ^jto ground Avater ranges from 50 to 70 feet. The average total loAvering lin different parts of the district for the 8-year period of record Avas 6.5 [(feet. The Avater rights of the Consolidated District furnish only a l| limited supply at medium to low stages of Kings RiA'er, but yield a 1, large Aoav during the short period of liigh Avater. This condition ! results in an unfaA^orable distribution of the season's total supply and 362 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES for this reason practically all canal-irrigated lands are equipped for supplemental pumping. The average depth to ground water varies from 10 to 25 feet, and is about 50 feet in an area of two or three square miles along the bank of Kings River, just east of Parlier. The average total lowering during the 8-year period varied from 5 to 10 feet, with a small area near Kings River having a lowering of 15 feet. The quantities in Table 140 show that, while the seasonal inflow has been somewhat inadequate during the recent j-ears of subnormal run-off, the average seasonal inflow of utilizable water supply for either the 20 -or 40-year periods preceding 1929 would have supported the present development of the unit. For the 5 and 8-year periods, the average deficiency in seasonal inflow into this unit was about one-tentl^ of the full requirement. * Lying northeast of and irregularly situated within a strip of terri-' tory from one to two miles in width and 20 miles in length adjacent to and paralleling tlie Enterprise Canal of the Fresno Irrigation District, are small pump-irrigated areas totaling 3300 acres and having no water rights in said canal. The irrigated areas contain 180 acres of citrus and 80 acres of assorted deciduous fruits, 1750 acres of figs, 40 acres of alfalfa and 1250 acres of vines. The source of supply for ground water replenishment in these areas consists of drainage from the lower foothills of the Sierra between the Kings and San Joaquin rivers through Dry, Dog and Fancher creeks and Sales Creek, a tributary of Dog Creek. The average seasonal run-off of these streams for the 8-year period, 1921-1929, is estimated at 7900 acre-feet, which amount is sufficient to support existing development without permanent over- draft on ground water. ; The Alia Unit — The Alta unit, which consists principally of the Alta Irrigation District, is similar to the Fresno-Consolidated as toN the sufficiency of its M'ater supply, in that, for the long-time average, the inflow of utilizable water supply is adequate to support the present irrigation development, with the possible exception of an area of 5000 acres along its eastern rim in which a total lowering of ground water of from 25 to 35 feet occurred during the period of observation. The total area irrigated in 1929 was 68,450 acres, consisting of 800 acres of citrus and 8800 acres of deciduous fruits, 47,300 acres of vines, 1900 acres of grain, 6000 acres of alfalfa, 450 acres of field crops, 1800 acres of cotton, 1100 acres of pasture and 300 acres of truck. In the central portion of the district, the total lowering has been from 5 to 15 feet and 25 feet in a very limited area. The present depth to ground water varies from 15 to 35 feet. The data for this unit show that, with proper distribution of local supplies, the average seasonal inflow for either the 20- or 40-3''ear periods would have been adequate to meet the present needs of the unit. Ljung east of and immediately adjacent to the Alta district is the Foothill Irrigation District, some 50.000 acres in extent and with a present developed area of 11,000 acres which in 1929 consisted of 3600 acres of citrus and 3000 acres of deciduous fruits and 4400 acres of vines. This district was organized under a plan calling for the exchange of a supply ]uiinped from ground water along ]\[urphy Slough for a gravity diversion right on Kings River. The plan has never been consummated and, with practically no run-off tributary to the i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 363 area, the district is entirely without a water supply. No continuous record of ground water observations ,has been maintained in the Foot- hill District, but a few recent observations indicate that such ground water supply as originally underlay the area is practically exhausted. The present developed area of 11,000 acres, combined with the 5000 .icres of the higher rim lands of the Alta unit, is considered to be one i of practically zero water supply and has been so treated in estimating I i the requirements for importation of supplemental water supplies under Ij initial development. The Kaweak Unit — The Kaweah unit, including all of the area naturally dependent upon the Kaweah River for its water supply, is apparently one in which, over the 40-year period, the local sources of supply are adequate. However, the higher eastern portion of the unit around Exeter is so situated that it receives no portion of the available surface flow so that its principal source of ground water replenishment must be from the west through relatively impervious materials. A deep trough of depression in the ground water is revealed by a study of ground water levels in this area near Exeter. The total lowering during the period of record has been from 20 to 50 feet. The present depth to ground Avater is from 50 to 110 feet. This portion of the unit has relatively nonabsorptive soils and it is concluded additional Avater must be provided, chiefl}^ in the form of a surface irrigation supply. At the extreme north edge of the unit, but slight lowering of the water table has occurred during the period of record. In the areas served by canals the lowering has been from 5 to 15 feet. Farther from canal I service and near the town of Tulare, extensive pumping development lias resulted in a lowering of from 25 to 35 feet. While the tabular • luantities show that the 40-year average seasonal inflow is adequate to I support existing development, it is judged that its unequal distribution throughout the area in accordance with existing diversion rights prob- ably would result in some permanent depletion. The irrigated area, Avhich in 1929 totaled 128,500 acres, consisted ! of 12,000 acres of citrus and 2-1,500 acres of deciduous fruits, 22,000 1 acres of vines, 2000 acres of grain, 38,000 acres of alfalfa, 6000 acres ■ of field crops, 14,500 acres of cotton, 9500 acres of pasture and 1000 acres of truck. The Lindsay ZJnif — The Lindsay unit lies betAveen the deltas of the ^ KaAveah and Tule riA'ers in a locality of small tributary infloAV. It is I devoted largely to citrus culture and is one of the oldest pumping areas in the San Joaquin Valley. The irrigated area in 1929 consisted of 13,000 acres of citrus and 4000 acres of deciduous fruits, 2800 acres of \ines, 500 acres of alfalfa, 400 acres of field crops, 1200 acres of cotton and 100 acres of truck, totaling 22,000 acres. This unit is relatively distant from the Tule and KaAveah rivers and out of the line of ground water movement from the deltas of these streams. The lack of any actiA'e source of ground Avater replenishment is shown bj^ the rapid , rate of lowering AA'hich has occurred. Practically the only source of ; infloAv to this area during the period of record has been the seasonal j importation of about 14,000 acre-feet pumped from a Avell field at the ' head of the KaAveah Delta by the Lindsay-Strathmore Ii-rigation Dis- trict . The total ground Avater loAvering during the period 1921-1929 364 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES averajred 55 feet, Avith a ranjje of 25 to 75 feet. The present depth to I' trroiind water varies from 25 to 175 feet. The data show that an I' imported supplemental water supply is required to meet the present V needs of this area. , II'' The Tule-Deer Creek Unit — The Tule-Deer Creek unit includes lands dependent upon the Tule River and Deer Creek for their ^ound water replenishment. The irrigrated area in 1929 consisted of 3700 acres of citrus and 5800 acres of deciduous fruits, 8000 acres of vines, 1100 acres of grain, 9500 acres of alfalfa, 2400 acres of field crops, 34,000 acres of cotton, 5200 acres of pasture and 500 acres of truck, totaling 70,200 acres. The total average lowering of ground water during the 8-year period of record has been 23 feet. Along the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad the depth to ground water varies from 50 to 70 feet. At the westerly edge of the unit the depth is about 30 feet and at the eastern rim of the unit southeast of Terra Bella the depth to ground water is 200 feet. Although the forty-year average seasonal inflow shows a slight excess above the average requirement for this area, the average seasonal infloAvs for the 20, 8 and 5-year periods show marked deficiencies. It is concluded that this area is one requiring an imported supplemental water supply. Over the south- eastern portion of this unit the soil types are considered nonabsorptive and an imported water supply, delivered chiefly in accordance with a surface irrigation demand, will be required. Area East of Tide-Deer Creek Ground Water Unit — East of and adjacent to the Tule-Deer Creek Unit are small nonabsorptive irrigated areas totaling 6000 acres, about 1000 acres of which have an adequate surface supply. The irrigated areas in 3929 consisted of 5000 acres of citrus and 600 acres of deciduous fruits and 400 acres of vines. The Earlimart -Delano Unit — The Earlimart-Delano unit includes the east side valley lands from Earlimart and Ducor on the north to the southern limit of the Delano development in northern Kern County. This is an area of extremely limited tributary run-off. White River IB the only stream draining higher foothill areas. Rag Gulch drains addi- tional low foothill areas. All irrigation development is by pumping. ; The irrigated area increased from 11,600 acres in 1921 to 30,500 acres j in 1929, segregated as follows: Citrus fruits, 500 acres; deciduous' fruits, 1000 acres ; vines, 13,000 acres ; alfalfa, 1000 acres ; field crops, j 1000 acres and cotton, 14,000 acres. The figures in Table 140 show the I great contrast between available inflow and the overdraft to date. East ! of Delano a maximum lowering of the water table of 70 feet has occurred in the 8-year jieriod, Avith a loAvering of 50 feet sIioaati for a large area. At the north end of the unit, depths to ground Avater range from 50 feet at Earlimart to 200 feet just east of Ducor, Avitli a midAvay depth of 100 feet. At the south limit of the unit, the range is from 25, feet at the Avest to 200 feet near Jasmin on the east, with a midway depth of 125 feet just east of Delano. An examination of the seasonal infloAvs and tiie (lei)letion of ground Avater in this unit shoAvs that it requires an additional supply almost equal to its total irrigation needs for present development. The McFarland-Shaffcr Unit — The ]\rcParland-Shafter unit, bor- dering the Earlimart-Delano unit on the south, extends southward 21 m ttKi m m i1 I >& SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 365 miles and includes within its boundaries the highly developed areas around the to-^ois of McFarland, Wasco and Shafter. The areas irri- j gated in the vicinity of these toMiis totaled 49,800 acres in 1929 and i consisted of 8400 acres of deciduous fruit, 11,700 acres of vines, 10,000 I acres of alfalfa, 7500 acres of field crops and 12,200 acres of cotton. \ These irrigated areas are dependent entirely upon a supply pumped I from the underlying ground Avater. Included within this unit also are f some 60,000 acres of Class 1 land lying for the most part above the ! pumping developments, which are properly located to receive surface I irrigation from existing canals of large capacity but with diversion I rights of late priority on the Kern River. The irrigated area devoted chiefly to annuals varies from year to year with the water supply. * With the exception of Poso Creek, which is estimated to contribute a I long'-time mean seasonal replenishment of 17,000 acre-feet to the ground ( water of this unit, the only source of replenishment for the ground j waters underlying the pump-developed areas are the losses of convey- I ance and distribution from the supplies delivered through canals to the I large area dependent upon surface irrigation. These canal-irrigated I lands are largely in one ownership and, in past periods of high run-off, j have been liberally supplied with water, the effect of which during the I period from 1880 to 1920 was to raise the natural water table from 50 ! to 60 feet. Pumping development began about 1910 and has continued ■ steadily ever since. At approximately the same time the pumping ' draft reached an amount about equal to the average seasonal replenish- 1 ment, a period of subnormal run-off began. The effect of these two j conditions of steadily increasing draft and diminishing inflow is sharply > reflected in the data for this unit. The maximum total lowering of the ' water table during the period of ground water record has been 40 feet at McFarland, about the same near Wasco, and about 30 feet at Shafter. ' The depths to ground water at these points as of October 1929, were from 50 to 100 feet at McFarland and from 50 to 75 feet in the vicinity of Wasco and Shafter. If auxiliary pumping were prac- , ticed in the adjoining canal-served area, from which replenishment 1 is now largely received, these declines in water level would be further j increased. ; The data for this unit indicate that even the 40-5^ear average j seasonal inflow under present conditions of water supply development and utilization would have been entirely inadequate to meet the water requirements of this area. The propriety of including these pumping areas in an immediate initial project for importing supplemental water supplies to this unit may be questioned inasmuch as earlier studies of the Kern River area for a local project indicate that, if properly utilized through the combined medium of surface and ground water storage, tlie run-off of Kern River is adequate to serve all the area lying within the outlines of existing canal systems and dependent more or less directly thereon for • a water supply. However, the existing status of the recognized diversion rights on this stream is such that, without construction of a complete system of regulatory works and some adjustment of present rights, no additional water could be furnished to remedy the conditions of receding ground water under- lying the pumping areas of McFarland, Wasco and Shafter, which lie outside the Kern River alluvial fan and within that of Poso Creek. 366 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ^ Moreover, as will be shown subsequently, no additional utilizable water supply could have been obtained by the additional provision of storage regulation on Kern River during the period 1917-1929; and the cost of water imported from the San Joaquin River would be less than the cost of new water which would be developed on Kern River from the run-off that would have been available during the 40-year period 3889-1929 by combining the fullest practicable amount of surface storage regulation with underground storage and pumping. It is con- cluded, therefore, tliat this area is one requiring an imported supple- mental water supply. The Rosedale Unit — The Rosedale unit, lying between the McFarland-Shafter unit and Kern River, is one served by supple- mental gravity and pumped supplies. Being adjacent to Kern River and traversed by an extensive canal system, it is subject to heavy recharge and large outflow to the west. While some lowering of the water table has occurred during the recent dry years, the long-time average available inflow is far in excess of that required to support existing development. In earlier years of plentiful water supply, a| considerable portion of this unit was subject to water-logging. Afte; a lowering of about 10 feet during the 8-year period of record, thi depth to ground water in the main portion of the area is about 20 feet The data show that there is no permanent shortage of supply in thiaj unit. Canal-Irrigated Area South of Kern River — South of the Kernj River lies an agricultural area of some 100,000 acres which for forty] years has been in the same general state of irrigation development This area is served from Kern River under diversion rights of varyi priorities with a water supply which, if uniformly distributed am intensively utilized, would be adequate to support existing develop ment. The ground water problem in this area is one of drainage With the recent series of dry years the ground water is at a dept] 10 feet from the ground surface. At the eastern edge of the foregoing canal-irrigated area, bii1j separated from the main body of that area by the alkali-impregna topographic trough of the old South Fork channel, lies the East Sidtj Canal area of 16,000 acres. Of this area, some 6200 acres of service righ' lands in the past 30 years have received by diversion from Kern Rivei an average gross water supply of four acre-feet per acre. A similai area is served solely from ground water sources and supplementa pumping is practiced on much of the service right area. While lower ing of from 5 to 10 feet in the water table has occurred during th< period of record, due to subnormal inflow, the average supply is con sidered adequate to maintain existing irrigation development unde: both canal and pumping service. Therefore, it is not considered an area requiring a supplemental supply. The Edison-Arvin Unit — Contiguous on the east to the area serve* by the East Side Canal lies the Edison-Arvin unit. This unit include in its southern portion the entire area developed under pump irriga tion on the cone of Caliente Creek and around the town of Arvin. L its northern portion it includes the citrus development around Edii rflLid the area devoted to both citrus and deciduous fruits extending SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 367 ])oth sides of the SoutJiern Pacific Railroad from Edison westward past ]\ragunden toward Bakersfield. The area irrigated in 1929 totaled 1*0,000 acres, consisting of 1000 acres of citrus and 4000 acres of decid- uous fruits, 7500 acres of vines, 4000 acres of alfalfa, 3000 acres of cotton and 500 acres of truck. The principal source of replenishment for the ground water of this unit is the run-off of Caliente Creek. The existence of a cone of depression under this area, caused by heavy pump- ing draft during the past 5 years, has lowered the water table to an elevation below that under the East Side Canal 3 miles away. This condition can not long continue without appreciable movement of iii'ound water probably occurring from the canal area to the Arvin area. The total irrigation dcA^elopment under pumping on the Caliente ( "reek fan is 17,400 acres and the long-time mean yield of the tributary drainage area is 37,000 acre-feet. During the period of ground water i-ecord, 1920-1929, the average seasonal inflow from Caliente Creek is estimated as 22,900 acre-feet and under these conditions there has occurred a lowering, of from 10 feet to 30 feet with resulting depths, as of October 1929, varying from 70 feet near the East Side Canal to 200 feet at the eastern limit of the development. The data indicate lliat, while the 40-year average inflow shows a slight excess over the mean requirement, the 20-year average inflow is inadequate for a full supply. The northern portion of this unit, the area of permanent ileficiency, can not avail itself of any of the local supply from Caliente < Jreek because of its relative elevation and impervious subsoil. The lack of ground water movement from the developed area around Arvin 1o that around Magunden and Edison is indicated on Plate VIII, A\'hich shows a slight raise in the water table underlying the unirri- L;ated area which separates the cones of depression underlying each of I he developed areas. A study of the geologic, run-off and ground water conditions of the Magunden-Edison area indicate that the principal source of replenishment is from the apex of the delta cone of the Kern River as that stream passes beyond the impervious toe of Kern Bluffs at Bakers- lield, and from the East Side Canal. From Bakersfield to the bottom of the ground water depression underlying this development, the water table descends 50 feet in 7 miles. From the East Side Canal the fall is about 6 feet in 2 miles. These slopes indicate some movement of ground water, but they have been created by a total lowering of -0 feet for the period of record, 1920-1929. This movement, however, is inadequate to support the existing development. It is estimated iliat a net area, consisting of 1000 acres of citrus fruits and 1600 acres of olives and deciduous fruits in the Magunden-Edison area, is in need of a supplemental supplv of 2 acre-feet per acre, or a seasonal total of 5200 acre-feet. Other Areas Studied — In selecting areas in need of immediate relief, those used for annual crops under canal irrigation var.ying in I adequacy from year to year and those of high ground water, where '^ood opportunities are afforded for pumping development, have not been included. Within these excluded classes fall Kern County areas in the Buena Vista Water Storage District, Pioneer Canal area, But- tonwillow and Semitropic ridges and the canal-irrigated areas above discussed in the McFarland-Shafter unit. If* 1 to 11 i« tei la 368 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The Kings County Canal area also falls in these classes. It lies immediatel.y south of the Kings River channel and contiguous to the Kaweah unit on the west. The gross area is 159,000 acres served by gravity waters from the Kings River under the diversion rights of the Peoples, Last Chance and Lemoore canals. The water supply has been sufficient to cause high ground water under much of the area. Some supplemental pumping of ground water supplies has been practiced in recent years, but has not attained proportions comparable with the upper Kings River areas. During the recent years of subnormal run- off the water table has receded somewhat. In the fall of 1929, depths to ground water varied from 10 to 15 feet. In normal years drainage would be beneficial to this area. The Tulare Lake area, which is here used to include the total area of the Corcoran and Lakelands irrigation districts and Tulare Lake Water Storage District, for the most part also falls in these classes. It is served b.y water diverted from the Kings and Kaweah rivers mainly at high stages. Due to the deficiency of water supply during j the recent series of years of subnormal run-off and the menace of floods in years of large run-off, the bed of Tulare Lake, which has for the most part been reclaimed by levees, is devoted chiefly to grain farming. On the higher lands lying principally in the Corcoran Dis- ; trict, cotton is the predominating crop with smaller areas of alfalfa | and grain. The cropped areas vary considerably from year to year. I The area irrigated in 1929 totaled 71,300 acres, consisting of 12,650 | acres of grain, 2960 acres of alfalfa, 360 acres of field crops and 15,850 ' acres of cotton in the Corcoran District ; 4320 acres of grain and 160 \ acres of alfalfa in the Lakelands District ; and 34,100 acres of grain, | li;r 200 acres of alfalfa and 700 acres of cotton in areas outside of these , pJ districts. Ground water supplies in the Tulare Lake area are obtained i 1 mainly from the deeper strata. In this area artesian wells formerly! yd M'cre obtainable. The formation is considered relatively nonabsorptive and a definite natural barrier along the eastern rim seems to resist ground water movement into the area from the east. The depth to ground water in wells in June of 1929 was about 100 feet, as compared with that of 30 feet in the area just east of Corcoran on the outer Tule • hfs Delta. This area could be adequately served either from the Kings] River, if regulated, by means of pumping and surface supplies or fromj the excess ground water supplies which could be made available on! the lower edge of the KaweaJi and Tule deltas under the plan ofj immediate initial development. - j f " There is a large irrigated area lying north of the lower Kings River and southwesterly of the Fresno and Consolidated irrigation districts which also comes within the classes noted. It is supplied by gravity diversion chiefly from Kings River and by pumping from wells and natural drains. This area is divided into organized dis- tricts and groups namely, Laguna Irrigation District, Riverdale Irri- gation District, Crescent Irrigation District, Cuthbert-Burrel lands. Stinson Irrigation District, Residual Murphy Slough group, James Irrigation District and Tranquillity Irrigation District. The total gross area included within these districts and groups is about 135,000 acres. The area irrigated in 1929 was 69,000 acres. ITi h i '•'( i I I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 369 The Laguna and Rivordale iri-if?atioii districts include the lands between the north bank of Kings River and Murphy Slough. Pump- ing was begun in this area in recent years and the former high water table appears to be under control. The average depth to ground water in the fall of 1929 Avas from 10 to 15 feet. The Crescent Irri- gation District is situated west of the Riverdale area. Cuthbert- Burrel lands, Stinson Irrigation District and Residual Murphy Slough group are to the north of these areas. Farther north, and adjacent to Fresno Slough, are the James and Tranquillity irrigation districts. All of these areas divert water from Kings River at the higher stages of flow. Supplemental pumping from ground water is practiced when river water is not available. The James and Tranquillity irri- gation districts also exercise diversion rights on the San Joaquin River by pumping water backed up Fresno Slough by the Mendota Weir. The James Irrigation District operates both deep Avells within the district and shallow wells in the general area of undeveloped land between Fresno Slough and the Fresno Irrigation District. With an estimated mean seasonal pumping draft of 17,000 acre-feet from a battery of shallow wells during the period 1921-1929, a maxi- mum lowering of ground water of 10 feet and an average depth to water table of 20 feet has resulted. The draft of 1929 has been esti- imated at 24,000 acre-feet. The obvious source of replenishment of .these underground supplies is the ground water outflow from the (Fresno Irrigation District. i Within the foregoing areas lying north of the lower Kings River, notably under some canals of late priority of diversion right on Kings iRiver serving lands adjacent to the valley trough, are developed lands llependent in part upon ground waters of considerable mineral con- itent. During recent years of deficient canal supply (normally iepended on to counteract the toxic effect of the use of mineralized .ground waters) some portions of these areas have been insufficiently mpplied with fresh water. It is considered possible that portions of hese areas may require relief, both for the restoration of soil con- litions and relief of ground water draft. This could be afforded ihrough additions of fresh water to their present available surface sup- plies to overcome the harmful effects of recent increases in the use of r round water. Estimation of Relative Deficiencies in Water Supply — The deple- tion of ground water storage during a certain period of years, the 1 mount of which can be ascertained, for an area under irrigation llevelopment is not an absolute measure of the degree of water supply |hortage, nor is it proof that the area is one of deficient water supply. |5everal other factors influence the determination of the adequacy of ;lie available supply. A comparison must be made of all elements of ■apply and demand for the period during which the estimated deple- |ion took place, with similar elements for other periods of record, ontinuous records during the 8-year period 1921-1929 of ground jater elevations, irrigated areas and water inflow, for the various units if the upper San Joaquin Valley, have made it possible to estimate the I'epletion of ground water storage for each, and the average seasonal (iflow required to maintain the balance between supply and draft. 24—80997 370 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES This period is established by records as one of subnormal run-off in all local streams. As the estimated jjround water depletion occurred under conditions of subnormal supply, it is necessary also to determine how much depletion, if any, would have occurred during periods of more j plentiful supply, and what the average conditions of suppl}^ and draft I would have been during longer periods of stream flow record. In Table 140 there have been set forth for each ground water unit, the average seasonal depletion of ground water which occurred during the 8-year period 1921-1929, the estimated average seasonal inflow ' which would be required to prevent continuous depletion or in other' words the total seasonal water requirements under present conditions, | and, for comparison with that requirement, the estimated average utilizable seasonal inflow to each ground water unit for each of the 40, 20, 8 and 5-year periods. The factors used in estimating the rela-j tive deficiencies in water supply of the various ground water units are I shown in Table 141. For each unit there are set forth for the period i 1921-1929 the average irrigated area, the average seasonal lowering of ground water, the required average seasonal inflow to prevent depletion and the average seasonal ground water depletion, expressed in total acre-feet, acre-feet per acre of irrigated area and in per cent of required average seasonal inflow to prevent depletion. Units now under development having comparatively small lowering of their ground water levels and an average seasonal inflow for the! 20-year period 1909-1929 adequate for complete replenishment thereof,| are considered to have no permanent deficiencies of water supply even TABLE 141 FACTORS USED IN ESTIMATING RELATIVE DEFICIENCIES IN WATER SUPPLY OF IRRIGATED AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, 1921-1929 Fi li fVf W lipf Unit Madera.. Alta-Foothill«. Kaweah Lindsay.. Tule-Deer Creek Earlimart-Delano McFarland-Shaf ter M agunden-Edison Fresno-Consolidated Alta— Including 5,000 acres of rim land Excluding 5,000 acres of rim land Rosedale Edison-Arvin — Including 2,600 acres in Magimden-Edison Excluding 2,600 acres in Magunden-Edison. Average area irrigated, in acres 69,000 16,000 133,700 22,000 67,400 21,200 50,100 2,600 319.900 79,000 74,000 12,000 18,600 16,000 Average seasonal lowering of ground water, in feet 1.4 2.3 6.9 2.8 4.2 3.1 0.8 1.4 'V.i' 2.9 Required average seasonal inflow to prevent depletion, in acre-feet' 172,400 32,000 342.800 44,000 148,300 52,800 99.S0O 5,200 608,000 153.900 143,900 55,700 36,600 31,400 Average seasonal ground water depletion Total acre-feet 61,000 32,000 92,000 19.000 56,000 50,000 61,000 5,000 •71,000 20,000 10.000 9,000 13,000 8,000 Acre-feet per acre of irrigated area 0.88 2.00 0.69 0.86 0.83 2.36 1.22 2.00 0.22 0.25 0.14 0.75 0.70 0.50 Per cent ' of required average seasonal inflow to prevent ' depletion , N 1 3 9 V \i ' Sum of average seasonal depletion and average seasonal inflow. . ■ r i,- ' Includes present known outflow of about 17,000 acre-feet supplying lands in Jaines Irrigation District, for wbn a supplementary supply is provided in plan of proposed immediate initital development. » Comprises area of 11,000 acres in Foothill Irrigation District and 5,000 acres of rim lands in Alta Unit. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 371 though the records of the 1921-1929 period indicate ground water depletion. A study of the data in Tables 140 and 141 shows that the Fresno-Consolidated Unit, Alta Unit (excluding 5000 acres of rim land) and Rosedale Unit fall under this criterion. The Edison-Arvin Unit, excluding 2600 acres in the Magunden-Edison area, also is placed in this classification although the estimated average inflow into the unit for the 20-year period is slightly less than the estimated required average inflow to prevent depletion under present requirements. How- ever, the average inflow, as estimated for a 25-year period, 1904—1929, appears adequate to support existing development. Units underlain with impervious material and having practically no means of replenishment of ground waters are considered as having a deficiency of a total net use of two acre-feet per acre of irrigated land. An area of 11,000 acres in the Foothill Irrigation District, 5000 acres on the eastern rim of the Alta Irrigation District and 2600 acres in the Edison-Arvin ground water unit, designated as the Magunden-Edison unit, are considered in this class. These areas have no local inflow. The Lindsay Unit of 22,000 acres also falls in this classification, but its requirement is partially met by the annual importation of about 14,000 acre-feet of water pumped from the Kaweah Delta. Units for which the records show a lowering of ground water levels and a net use or a required average seasonal inflow to prevent depletion exceeding the 20-year average seasonal inflow are considered as areas of permanent deficiency in local supply. The units in this classification are Madera, Kaweah, Tule-Deer Creek, Earlimart-Delano and McFar- I land-Shafter. Areas and Amounts of Deficient Water Supply and Required Importations of Supplemental Water — Based upon the foregoing con- t siderations, it is concluded that the ground water units in the upper San Joaquin Valley requiring an imported supplemental water supply ; to meet the deficiencies in supply for present developed areas therein I f are those given in Table 142 and delineated on Plate LXVIII. The } table sets forth the amount of average seasonal deficiency during the ! period 1921-1929 for each unit. The figures in the table for irrigated ' areas are for 1929, except those for the Kaw^eah and Tule-Deer Creek units, which are the average areas irrigated during the eight-year period 1921-1929. TABLE 142 ; DEFICIENCIES IN WATER SUPPLY IN GROUND WATER UNITS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY REQUIRING IMPORTED SUPPLIES 1 1 Ground water unit Irrigated area, in acres Average seasonal deficiency, 1921-1929, in acre-feet Madera 81,000 16,000 133,700 22,000 67,400 30,500 49,800 2,600 61,000 Alta-Foothill - 32,000 ' Kaweah 92,000 Lindsay - . .. 30,000 Tule-Deer Creek. . 56,000 Earlimart-Delano 50,000 McFarland-Shafter 61,000 MagiindPTi-Kdison 5,000 Totals 403,000 387,000 372 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Lands under canal service of late priority in the Kings River area lying north of the Kings River along the valley trough and partially dependent upon ground water of considerable mineral content are omitted from the summary, but are included in the area for immediate relief in the allotment of imported water supplies as subsequently presented, not because of a shortage of water particularly, but because of the harmful quality of the ground water supply. These lands need an additional surface supply of fresh water for the restoration of soil conditions and relief of ground water draft. The average total seasonal deficiency in supply for the period 1921-1929, as set forth in the summary, is estimated at 387,000 acre- feet. The maximum deficiency in one season was about 680,000 acre- feet in 1928-1929. The minimum seasonal deficiency was about 100,000 acre-feet in 1921-1922, excluding the figures for the ^ladera and Kaweah units which had a surplus in that season. | The provision of imported supplemental water supplies in amounts equal to the average seasonal deficiencies for each unit would meet the water requirements during a period of run-oft' the same as that of 1921- 1929 and would result in ground water conditions the same at the end of the period as at the beginning thereof. However, if the run-oft' were more subnormal than that of the period 1921-1929, there would be a further lowering of ground water levels unless larger amounts of sup- plemental water supplies were imported. Looking ahead to the consum- mation of a plan of relief, it appears evident that the importation of supplemental water supplies sufficient only to meet the present average deficiencies would not be an adequate remedy for the areas of deficiency because it would not correct the present unfavorable conditions of excessive pumping lift. In addition to meeting present deficiencies, economic considerations point to the necessity of providing for replen- ishment of underground reservoirs and the reduction of present pumping lifts. Although local supplies would increase in amount with more normal run-off than during the period 1921-1929, the possibility II* of the occurrence of wet years can not be anticipated with certainty. 'i It is desirable that plans for relief should provide for importation of supplemental water supplies sufficient in amount not only to meet the average deficiency based upon a subnormal period of run-off such a.*; 1921-1929 but also to furnish additional water sufficient in amount to provide with certainty for substantial ground water replenishment. Furthermore it might be desirable and economical to provide for supple- mental supplies in those areas not classed as ones of permanent \>i deficiency, as for example the Fresno-Consolidated and Alta units. Therefore, to meet the deficiency in supply and to provide for ground water replenishment, it is estimated that average seasonal importations ::i of supplemental water amounting to from 500,000 to 600,000 acre-feet 1 should be provided as a minimum requirement. Progressive Steps in Plan for Initial Developnnent. ^T 1 The plan for initial development in the San Joaquin River Basin ' has been considered in two steps : First — A plan of development which would provide an average seasonal supplemental supply to the upper San Joaquin Valley of 500,000 to 600,000 acre-feet during the period 1921-1929, which is i m lii SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 373 considered to be the minimum amount of supplemental water supply which would adequately meet the needs of present developed areas. This first step in the initial development has been designated as the "immediate initial" development. Second — A plan of development which would furnish a greater cimount of supplemental water supply than the minimum amount con- sidered necessary in the "immediate initial" development, and which would provide with greater certainty for the complete relief of present developed areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley, for more substantial ground water replenishment and for expansion of irrigated areas on lands adjacent to present developments in accord with reasonable nntieipations of growth in the near future. This second step in initial development has been designated as the ' ' complete initial ' ' development. For the first step designated the "immediate initial" development, supplemental water supplies in the amount required as a minimum for present developed areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley could be obtained, as studies subsequently presented will show, either from the San Joaquin River alone by regulation of surplus water and water now put to inferior use on this stream, or from the combined sources of surplus water regulated on the San Joaquin River and water imported from Sacramento River Basin sources. For the "complete initial" development however, imported supple- mental water supplies would be required from the Sacramento River Basin because it is the only dependable source of surplus water adequate in amount during a subnormal period of run-off such as 1917-1929 to jirovide the amount of supplemental water supply required for complete initial development. In the following portion of this chapter, consideration is given first to alternate plans for "immediate initial" development followed by the presentation of plans for a "complete initial" development. Alternate Sources of Supplemental Water Supply and Plans for Immediate Initial Development. In the formulation of a plan to furnish the foregoing estimated average seasonal supplemental supply of 500,000 to 600,000 acre-feet required to meet the deficiencies and to provide for ground water replenishment in the developed areas in need of immediate relief in the upper San Joaquin Valley, many alternative plans have been investi- L'ated and studied. These studies have involved estimates of water yield from various sources, estimates of cost and economic analyses of cost of supplemental water supplies delivered to the land. The follo^^^ng sources of supplemental supply and plans for obtain- ing the same were investigated : 1. Surplus waters of east side tributaries of the loAver San Joaquin River. 2. Development and regulation of local surface supplies on major streams of upper San Joaquin Valley. 3. Supplj^ from San Joaquin River obtained by means of exchange for water imported from Sacramento River Basin. 4. Supply from San Joaquin River obtained from surplus waters and by purchase of "grass land" rights along San Joaquin River. 374 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Inquiry was made as to the possibility and feasibility of obtaining a supply from the surplus waters of the east side tributaries of the lower 8an Joaquin Elver. After a study of the conditions on these streams, it appeared evident that it would not be feasible to export water from those sources because all existing surplus water on these streams is a part of the present supply for salinity control and consumptive use in the San Joaquin Delta. Furthermore, such amounts of surplus water now existing on these streams as could be made available for use in other localities by the substitution of a new water supply in the San Joaquin Delta, would be required ultimately for the irrigation of the undeveloped lands in the lower San Joaquin Valley. Therefore, further consideration was not given to the possibility of obtaining a supply from those sources. Study was given to the possible further development and regula- tion of the local water supplies of major .streams in the upper San Joaquin Valley as contemplated under the plan for ultimate develop- ment. Utilizable water supplies in addition to the amounts now avail- able without surface storage regulation could be obtained on the average over a long period of years from the Kern, Tule, Kaweah and Kings rivers by the construction of surface storage reservoirs on those streams, operated in combination with underground storage and pumping. However, a detailed study of the water supplies for the critical period 1917-1929 shows that the utilizable supply which could have been made available during that period by provision of surface storage regu- lation would be increased only a relatively small amount on Kings River ; and, on the other three streams, would not be increased but, on the contrarj^, would be decreased because of reservoir evaporation. Table 143 shows the average seasonal amounts and the costs per acre- foot of new utilizable yield which could have been made available by surface storage regulation on these streams, both for the 40-year period 1889-1929 and for the shorter period 1917-1929. The totaf new utiliz- able yield from the four local sources practicable of development is 433,000 acre-feet per season, on the average, for the 40-year period 1889-1929 and only 45,000 acre-feet for the 12-year period 1917-1929.J During the shorter period, no new water could have been developed foi utilization on the Kern, Tule and Kaweah rivers and only 50,000 acre- feet per season on the average on Kings River. Based on the average TABLE 143 AMOUNTS AND COSTS OF NEW UTILIZABLE YIELD BY SURFACE STORAGE REGULA- TION ON LOCAL MAJOR STREAMS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Reservoir Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet Seasonal new utilizable yield, in acre-feet Cost per acre-foot of new utilizable yield Stream For period, 1889-1929 For ixriod. Average for period, 188»-192g Average for period, 1917-1929 1917-1929 Capital Annual Capital Annual Isabella.. Pleasant Valley.. _ Ward .- .. Pine Flat 338,000 39,000 100,000 400,000 58,000 26,000 43,000 306,000 —1,000 -3,000 -1,000 50,000 $98 28 111 54 188 37 31 37 $5 86 6 58 11 33 1 88 Tiiip Rivpr Kiiwcah River Kings River S192 00 111 48 Totals 877,000 433,000 45,000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 375 new utilizable jaeld for the 40-year period 1889-1929, the capital cost per acre-foot of new water ranges from $31.37 for the Kings River to $188.37 for the Kaweah River. For the 12-year period 1917-1929, the capital cost for the Kings River is $192.00 per acre-foot. The annual costs per acre-foot range from $1.88 for the Kings River to $11.33 for the Kaweah River, based on the 40-year period. Based on the 12-year period, the annual cost for the Kings River is $11.48. In evolving the plan for the ultimate development of the Great Central Valley, including the upper San Joaquin Valley, the water supply studies were based on the run-off of the streams for the 40-year Iteriod 1889-1929 because the run-off for this period was considered to 1)0 representative of the probable water supply that might be expected over a long period of years and it was concluded that it was proper that such a long period should be considered in analysis for the estima- tion of the yield of the reservoirs, both surface and underground. For the plan of immediate development in the upper San Joaquin A^'alley, on the other hand, it was concluded that the period 1917-1929, a period of subnormal run-off, should be used as the basis of water supply studies necause an emargency exists in that area which demands immediate attention and relief; and therefore, regardless of the run-off character of the seasons of the immediate future, the water supply should be estimated on the basis of a dry period of record. Hence, in comparing available amounts and unit costs of supplemental water supplies from the several alternate sources considered, the run-off of each stream for the 12-year period 1917-1929 has been used instead of that for the -!0-year period 1889-1929 as the basis of water supply. With the fore- izoing criteria as a guide, it may be seen that the amount of new utiliz- able water obtainable by surface storage development on the four major streams of the upper San Joaquin Valley south of the San •loaquin River is less than one-tenth of that required to meet the needs of the irrigated areas in distress in that regiou. Furthermore, the utilizable supply would be entirely from the Kings River. The annual cost of the new utilizable yield from this source would be $11.48 per iicre-foot at the dam, including no costs for conveyance to areas of use. It will be shown in a later discussion that this figure exceeds the cost of water from other sources. Under a great number of diversion rights, Kings River water is used now to irrigate more than a half million acres of highly developed lands Avhich are experiencing a temporary deficiency in surface supplies. It would appear, therefore, to be iiifeasible and probably legally impracticable to divert any water from the Kings River for use on other areas. Due to these conditions it is concluded that surface storage development and regulation of local surface water supplies on the four major streams of the upper San Joaquin Valley would not solve the problem of immediate relief. Two other sources of supplemental supply were investigated. One is Sacramento River and other waters tributary to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the other is the surplus and ''grass land" waters in the San Joaquin River. The use of water from the San Joaquin River ilone or from the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers combined, as a j. source of supplemental water supply for importation into the areas of fleficiency in the upper San Joaquin Valley, involves units for initial ileyelopment of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin H'hich would be required to provide for immediate requirements in the are If! 376 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Sacramento River Basin as well as required supplemental water sup- plies for the San Joaquin River Basin. As previously stated, the use of existing surplus water supplies from the San Joaquin River which are now available to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta would require the replacement in the delta of such supplies by Sacramento River water. Moreover, although the amount of water that will be subse- quently^ shown could be made available from regulation of surplus waters and waters now put to inferior use on the San Joaquin River probably would provide an adequate supply to satisfy the immediate, 1^ needs for supplemental water in the upper San Joaquin Valley, if «« could not be certain in the future that there will not be seasons or periods of run-off even more subnormal than during the period 1917- 1929 on which water supply studies have been based. AVater in addition to the amounts that could be made available from the San Joaquin f'f River from existing surpluses and water now put to inferior use may be required to meet the needs of present developed areas and provide for adequate ground water replenishment. Furthermore, it appears proper that some provision in the plan should be made for expansion of irrigated areas on lands adjacent to present developments which may be reasonably anticipated in the future. Therefore, provision should be made for exportation of supplemental water supplies from the Sacramento River Basin in order to make available a full and depend- able Avater supply which will completely and adequately meet the immediate future needs of the upper San Joaquin Valley. In addi- tion to the supplemental water supplies required from Sacramento River Basin for completely and adequately meeting the needs of the upper San Joaquin Valley, the requirements of the San Joaquin Delta region in the lower end of the San Joaquin River Basin must be sup- | plied under initial development from Sacramento River sources. Whether or not water is exported from Sacramento River Basin sources ; to the San Joaquin Valley, the requirements of the San Joaquin Delta I and adjacent uplands, together Avith the Sacramento Delta, would be | supplied under the plan of initial development fi-om the Sacramento , River Basin. Tinder the proposed initial plan of development, regulated supplies would be released from the initial storage unit, Kennett Reser- voir on the Sacramento River, to supplement the unregulated inflow | into the delta from both the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems to provide a full supply for the consumptive needs of the delta and adjacent upland areas and to maintain fresh water at all times in the delta channels by controlling saline invasion from the bay at the lower; end of the delta. The supply furnished would provide for the replace- ment of any suri)lus water of the San Joaquin River now available to the delta which the initial plan of development would divert for use in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The controlling, elements governing the selection of a plan of innnediate initial development for the upper San Joaquin A^alley arc : 1. The quantity and characteristics of water supply to be secured thereby. 2. The cost of water, delivered to the land. 3. The degree of provision for expansion by enlargement and extension, as may be required, in accordance with the provisions of the complete initial and ultimate plans of development. \m n ( SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 377 Alternate Plans Investigated. Many plans have been studied and analyzed for importing supplemental water supplies from San Joaquin and Sacramento river sources into the areas of deficiency in the upper San Joaquin Valley for an immediate initial development. Of these, six have been chosen for presentation. Two plans, Nos. I and II, would import water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in combination with regulation and utilization of San Joaquin River water. Four plans, Nos. Ill, IV. V and VI, would utilize certain surplus and "grass land" waters of the San Joaquin River. In all of these plans, it is assumed that adequate storage would be provided in the Sacramento River Basin, and operated to provide the water requirements for con- sumptive use and control of saline invasion in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ; and, in the case of Plans Nos. I and II, to provide adequate additional supplies in the delta for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley. In the financial comparison of the six plans, no costs are included for the Sacramento River Basin storage, which would be required to be constructed before exportation from the delta could be effected. Also, it is assumed that such storage necessarily must be constructed and operated for salinity control and consumptive use requirements in the delta before any exportation of surplus and "grass land" water would be permitted from the upper San Joaquin River. A brief description and an enumeration of the units included in the six alternate plans considered for immediate initial development are given in the following paragraphs. The data briefly summarized herewith are based upon detailed month by month studies of water supply and operation of the units, cost estimates of all units of each plan, and cost of delivery and utilization of water. Plan I The units included in Plan I are as follows : 1. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel. 2. San Joaquin River Pumping System — capacity, 3000 second-feet. 3. Friant Reservoir — gross capacity, 400,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 270,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 30,000 kilovolt- amperes. 4. Madera Canal — capacity, 1500 second-feet. 5. San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal — capacity, 3000 second-feet, San Joaquin River to Tule River ; 2500 second- feet, Tule River to Deer Creek; 2000 second-feet. Deer Creek to Poso Creek ; 1500 second-feet, Poso Creek to Kern River. 6. Magunden-Edison Pumping System— capacity, 20 second- feet. \: In this ]ilan, the Friant Reservoir, Madera Canal and San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal to Kern River, would be constructed to ultimate capacities and the San Joaquin River Pumping System to the capacity required for complete initial development. Under this plan, the "grass land" rights on the San Joaquin would not be purchased. With this ]Jan in operation, portions of tbe irrigated areas, l)oth crop and grass lands now served by San Joaquin River water in the lower San Joaquin Valley, would be furnished with an imported water supply 378 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES t by means of the San Joaquin River Pumping System in substitution for water diverted at Friant to the upper San Joaquin Valley, except during periods when there would be excess waters passing Friant dam. The areas of deficiency in the upper San Joaquin Valley would be furnished a full supplemental water supply from Friant Reservoir in accord with the irrigation demand in the amount of 602,000 acre-feet each season, based upon the run-off for the period 1917-1929. The lands now under irrigation along the San Joaquin River above Mendota would be furnished a supply from the Friant Reservoir. The works ]iroposed under this plan would permit the diversion of the entire San Joaquin River at Friant, if the "grass land" rights, on the San Joaquin River above the Merced River, should be purchased, thus making it the same as the plan for "complete initial" development subsequently presented. In estimating the cost of the plan, one-half of the cost of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel and a sum of $1,000,000 for general expense and water rights are included. Plan II The units included in Plan II are as follows : 1. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel. 2. San Joaquin River Pumping System — capacit}^ 1000 second-feet. 3. Friant Reservoir — gross capacity. 400,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 270,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 30,000 kilovolt- amperes. 4. Madera Canal — capacity, 1500 second-feet. 5. San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal — capacity, 3000 second-feet, San Joaquin River to Tule River ; 2500 second- feet, Tule River to Deer Creek; 2000 second-feet, Deer Creek to Poso Creek, 1500 second-feet, Poso Creek to Kern River. 6. Magunden-Edison Pumping System — capacity, 20 second- feet. In this plan, the Friant Reservoir, Madera Canal, San Joaquii River-Kern County Canal and Magunden-Edison Pumping System would have the same respective capacities as under Plan I. The San Joaquin River Pumping System, however, would have a capacity of onlj^ 1000 second-feet to Los Banos and 500 second-feet to Mendota. As ii|^, Plan I, the "grass land" rights on the San Joaquin River Avould not be purchased. The supply for the "grass lands" would be furnished by the San Joaquin River Pumping System, making available for regula- tion at Friant Reservoir the water now used for this purpose. A seasonal irrigation supply of 604,000 acre-feet on the average would be made available based on the run-off for the period 1917-1929. This water, however, would not be in complete accord with the irrigation demand. The characteristics of the supply would be similar to those under Plan VI. A portion of the supply would be delivered outside the irrigation demand for utilization by underground storage and pumping. One-half the cost of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel and a sum of $1,000,000 for general expense and water rights, as under Plan I, are included in the cost estimates. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 379 Plan III The units included in the plan are as follows : 1. Friant Keservoir — gross capacity, 185,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 130,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 30,000 kilovolt- amperes. 2. Madera Canal — Capacity, 500 second-feet. 3. San Joaquin Eiver-Kings River Canal — capacity, 3000 second-feet on low line location, diverting at Friant at ele- vation 420 feet. 4. Pine Flat Reservoir — gross capacity, 200,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 140,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 34,500 kilo- volt-amperes. 5. Kings River-Kt. n County Canal — capacity, 1000 second- feet, Kings River to Tule River; 750 second-feet, Tule River to Deer Creek; 500 second-feet. Deer Creek to Poso Creek. 1 I Under this plan the ' ' grass land ' ' rights on the San Joaquin River jwould be purchased. The supplemental supply for the upper San iJoaquin Valley would be obtained from that source and the existing i^urplus in the San Joaquin River at Friant. The San Joaquin River 'Pumping System is not included as part of this plan. Through the latilization of existing surplus water and water obtained by purchase Sf the "grass land" rights on San Joaquin River, an average yield of ,i85,000 acre-feet per season could have been obtained from those jsources during the period 1917-1929. Of the water supply which could iiave been made available, 370,000 acre-feet or 76 per cent would have been in-season and 115,000 acre-feet or 24 per cent, out of season. Of he in-season water, there would have been 140,000 acre-feet of primary >ield or 38 per cent in accord with the irrigation demand every sea- l ion. The water furnished from Friant Reservoir through the San \ Toaquin River-Kings River Canal would be delivered to the Kings ,S.iver area, replacing Kings River water now used thereon which would i)e diverted or stored in Pine Flat Reservoir for subsequent diver- Idon through the Kings River-Kern County Canal serving the areas nuth of Kings River in the upper San Joaquin Valley. This xchange of supplies would be effected without disturbance of the pres- '11 1 Kings River daily flow schedule of diversion rights. The lower liversion elevation from Fi'iant Reservoir decreases the amount of dead torage and the amount of net storage capacity required but decreases he yield of electric energy from the power plant. This plan of lower liversion elevation from Friant Reservoir makes necessary the xchange of supplies at Kings River. The capacities of the Madera and vings River-Kern County canals in this plan are fixed by the minimum nitial delivery rcquiremonts. This plan differs from Plans I and IT 11 that the importation canal from Kings River to Kern County ter- linates at Poso Creek. Therefore, no provision is made for the lagunden-Edison Pumping System. It is assumed that some arrange- lent would be made locally to supply this area by purchase of water iglits now attached to inferior lands or otherwise. A sum of $5,000,- nO is included in the cost estimate for the purchase of "grass land" ' ater rights and for general expense. I 380 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Plan IV The units included in this plan are as follows: 1. Friant Reservoir — gross capacity, 325,000 acrc-t'eet and not capacity, 270,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 30,000 kilovolt- amperes. 2. Madera Canal — capacity, 1500 second-feet. 3. San Joaquin River-Kings River Canal on low line location diverting at Friant at elevation 420 feet. Capacity, 4000 second-feet. 4. Pine Flat Reservoir — gross capacity, 400,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 340,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 40,000 kilo- volt-amperes. 5. Kings River-Kern County Canal — capacity, 3000 second- feet, Kings River to Tule River; 2500 second-feet, Tule River to Deer Creek ; 2000 second-feet. Deer Creek to Poso Creek; 1500 second-feet, Poso Creek to Kern River. 6. Magunden-Edison Pumping System — capacity, 20 second- feet. 1 1 This plan provides for exchange of water at Kings River as in Plan III. However, greater reservoir capacities arc assumed at both Friant and Pine Flat and also larger canal capacities for the Madera, San Joaquin River-Kings River and Kings River-Kern County canals. This plan would eifect accomplishments equivalent to those under Plan VI. ' ' Grass land ' ' water rights on the San Joaquin River would be purchased and the water therefrom ^vith surplus supplies regulated by Friant Reservoir. The San Joaquin River Pumping System is not included in the plan. By this plan a greater amount of water would have been obtained than with Plan III. Based on the period 1917-1929, an average of 590,000 acre-feet per season could have been obtained from the "grass land" rights and surplus waters in the San Joaquin River, whereas the comparable figure under Plan III is 485,000 acre i'eet. Of this amount, 74 per cent would liave been in-season water andi 26 })er cent out of season. Of the in-season water, there would have.' been 140,000 acre-feet of primary yield or 32 per cent in accord withi the irrigation demand every season. An amount of $5,000,000 is] includ(Hl in the estimates of cost for general expense and purchase of! water rights. Plan V The units included in Plan V are as follows : 1. Friant Reservoir — Gross capacity, 400,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 270,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 30,000 kilo- volt-amperes. 2. ]\Iadera Canal — capacity, 500 second-feet. 3. San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal — capacity, 1000 second-feet, San Joaquin River to Tule River ; 750 second- feet, Tule River to Deer Creek; 500 second-feet, Deer Creek to Poso Creek. Ill tliis ]Jan, the "grass land" water rights on the San Joaquii River would be purchased and water tlierefrom with surplus supplieij regulated by Friant Reservoir which would be constructed to ultimat( SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 381 capacity. The Madera and the San Joaquin River-Kern County canals would he constructed to the minimum capacities sufficient to meet the immediate needs. There would be no provision for enlargement in the design of these units. The San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal would terminate at Poso Creek. This plan would serve all areas in immediate need except the Magunden-Edison unit in Kern County. The Magunden-Edison Pumi)ing System would not be constructed. For the 12-year period 1917-1929, the amount of water that could have been supplied from the surplus and grass land waters of the San Joaquin River under this plan would have been 540,000 acre-feet per season on the average. Of this amount, 75 per cent would have been in-season and 25 per cent out of season water. Of the in-season water, there would have been 138,000 acre-feet of primary yield or 34 per cent in accord -with the irrigation demand every season. A sum of $5,000,000 is included in the cost estimates to cover general expense and purchase of water rights. Plan VI The units included in this plan are as follows: 1. Friant Reservoir — gross capacity, 400,000 acre-feet and net capacity, 270,000 acre-feet. Power plant, 30,000 kilovolt- amperes. 2. Madera Canal — capacity, 1500 second-feet. 3. San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal — capacity, 3000 second-feet, San Joaquin River to Tule River; 2500 second- feet, Tule River to Deer Creek; 2000 second-feet. Deer Creek to Poso Creek ; 1500 second-feet, Poso Creek to Kern River. 4. Magunden-Edison Pumping System — capacity, 20 second- feet. In this plan, the ''grass land" rights on the San Joaquin River would be purchased and the water therefrom with surplus supplies regulated by Friant Reservoir. All of the units M^ould be constructed immediately to ultimate capacity. A foundation investment would be made so that future expansion in the upper San Joaquin Valley could take place when it appeared economically desirable. Based on the 12-year period 1917-1929, 602,000 acre-feet of water per season on the average could have been obtained from the surplus and "grass land" waters of the San Joaquin River with the proposed units of this plan. Of this amount 80 per cent would have been in-season water and 20 per cent out of season water. Of the in-season water, there would have been 138,000 acre-feet of primary yield or 29 per cent in accord with the irrigation demand every season. A sum of $5,000,000 is included in the cost estimates to cover general expense and purchase of water rights. Capacity of Friant Reservoir for Immediate Initial Development — , The capacity of Friant Reservoir for immediate initial development ; is based upon a detailed month by month study of reservoir operation j for the regulation of the water supply that would have been available from surplus waters and grass land rights on the San tJoaquin River (luring the period 1917-1929 to furnish the required supplemental water supplies to the areas of deficiency in the upper San Joaquin Valley 382 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES and provide the full requirements of present developed areas. The supplemental supplies furnished from Priant Reservoir combined with local supplies would be utilized throujrh the combined means of surface diversion and ground water storage and pumping. The detailed studies of reservoir operation and required storage capacity for initial develop- ment were made in a similar manner as those presented for ultimate development in Chapter VI. The reservoir would be operated to deliver as large a surface irrigation supply as possible during the months of peak irrigation demand and in addition provide as much water as possible outside the irrigation season for ground water storage and subsequent pumping. As in the case of ultimate development, the fullest practicable utilization of the underground storage capacity in the upper San Joaquin Valley is essential in order to economically meet the full requirements of present developed areas with the water supplies that would be available. The underground reservoirs afford the only economical and feasible means of providing the cyclic storage required to effect a full utilization of water supplies available for meet- ing the present requirements. Briefly summarized, the studies showed that, in order to regulate the available supply from surplus waters and grass land rights on thei San Joaquin River during the period 1917-1929 to provide an average] seasonal supplemental water supply of from 500,000 to 600,000 acre-feet during this period, a net storage in Friant Reservoir of 110,000 to] 130,000 acre-feet would have been required, depending upon tb capacity of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. With a capacity of 3000 second-feet for this canal, the required net reservoiij capacity would have been 110,000 acre-feet; with a capacity of lOOC acre-feet, 130,000 acre-feet; for approximately equal average seasonal yields of supplemental water. The supplemental supply furnished with these net reservoir capacities would consist largely of out of seasor water, the utilization of which would require ground water storage anc pumping. The amount of in-season water would vary considerablj from season to season and would not be sufficient for present needs particularly in nonabsorptive areas. In order to supply the nonabsorptive areas with the same ade quacy as the absorptive areas under a plan for initial development, i was concluded that a full surface irrigation supply should be providec each season in the amount required for the developed lands therein The nonabsorptive areas would require a surface irrigation supply eaol season of about 107,000 acre-feet to fully meet the present requirement^ In addition it was assumed that the Madera unit, because of rights t acquire San Joaquin River water initiated by the Madera Irrigatio District, should be furnished Avith a surface irrigation supply eac season with not less than 31,000 acre-feet in a season of minimum yieh Combining these two requirements for a surface irrigation supply eac season designated as a primary irrigation supply, the studies showo that an additional net storage capacity of about 140,000 acre-feet woul be required in Friant Reservoir. As stated in the studies presente under ultimate development, the provision of additional storage fc obtaining this required amount of primary water supply would n( materially increase the average seasonal yield from the reservoir. Base upon this requirement for primary surface irrigation supplies, tl SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 383 required net storage capacity of Fi'iant Reservoir under initial develop- ment was determined to be 250,000 and 270,000 acre-feet, respectively, for canal capacities of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal of 3000 and 1000 second-feet. The criteria upon which these required net storage capacities in Friant Reservoir are based are particularly applicable to plans II, V and VI. In order to simplify the analyses and also in view of the fact that the net storage capacity of Friant Reservoir found to be required for both complete initial and ultimate development was 270,000 acre-feet, a net storage capacity of this amount was adopted as a basis for estimating the cost and water supply yield of Friant Reservoir under these three plans. Under Plan I, the same storage capacity was adopted but the water supply considered available for regulation under this plan is larger in amount as it includes some San Joaquin River waters now used on crop lands which would be replaced by waters conveyed through the San Joaquin River Pumping System. Moreover, Plan I differs from plans II, V and VI in that the reservoir was operated to provide a primary surface irrigation supply each year of over 600,000 acre-feet. Under plans III and IV the capacity of Friant Reservoir is gov- erned to some extent by the proposed plan of exchange on Kings River with storage in Pine Flat Reservoir which involves a different plan of operation for Friant Reservoir than in plans II, V and VI. However, a net storage capacity of 270,000 acre-feet in Friant Reservoir was found necessary under Plan IV to effect accomplishments comparable to plans II and VI, Cost of Alternate Plans for Immediate Initial Development — Estimates of cost for the six alternate plans for obtaining a supple- mental water supply for immediate initial development are presented in summary form in Tables 144 to 149, inclusive, and are consolidated in Table 150. The estimates of the respective plans are strictly com- parable both as to type of construction and unit prices used. All estimates are based on the same types of construction as described in Chapter VI for the units of the ultimate State Water Plan. The estimates for the Friant and Pine Flat dams are based on gravity concrete sections, and those of the Madera, San Joaquin River-Kern County canals and canals of the San Joaquin River Pumping System on concrete lined sections. The estimates for the San Joaquin River Pumping System are based on the same type of dams and pumping plants as shown on Plate LVIII. Unit prices for Friant and Pine Flat dams are the same as set forth in Table 66, those of the San Joaquin River Pumping System the same as in Table 105 and those of the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals the same as in Table 108. The unit prices of construction, set forth in the tables above referred to, are for the items in place and are exclusive of amounts for administration, engineering, contingencies and interest during construc- tion. To each cost estimate there has been added 10 per cent for adminis- tration and engineering, 15 per cent for contingencies, and interest for the estimated period of construction at 4.5 per cent, computed on a basis of financing at the beginning of each six months and compounding to the end of the construction period. Annual costs including those for interest and amortization on bonds, depreciation, operation and mainte- nance have been estimated for each unit. Annual electric energy costs 384 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES have been estimated for conveyance units having pumping plants. The bases for estimating annual costs are the same as set forth in Chapter VI for storage and conveyance units o£ the ultimate State Water Plan. The investment in the Friant power plant is assumed to be amor- tized in 10 years because, with further possible expansion of irrigation in the upper San Joaquin Valley, the San Joaquin River Pumping System Avould be installed, and ultimately the entire flow practicable of ])eing utilized would be diverted above the plant. The values of the electric energy at the power plants of the Friant and Pine Flat reservoirs are based on the cost of producing an equiva- lent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam- electric plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of transmission from point of generation to load centers. The electric energj^ charges for pumping in the San Joaquin River and Magunden-Edison pumping sj'stems are in accord with the power schedules of the public utilities distributing power in the region in which the systems are located. The total cost of supplemental water supply at the land under each plan was obtained by adding to the net annual cost at main canal side : 1. The average annual cost of surface di.stribution of in-season water. A figure has been used of $1.00 per acre-foot for all plans except Plan I. For the latter plan it is assumed that the main distributaries would be concrete lined. This would result in an additional annual cost of $0.25 per acre-foot but would reduce the conveyance losses and pumping installation for reuse. The supply under Plan I is in accord with the irriga- tion demand every season. 2. TJie average annual cost of surface distribution of out of season water. This cost is estimated at $0.15 per acre-foot. The cost of operation and maintenance only is included because the same canals would be used for distributing this water as for the in-season water. No charges are included for cost of releasing out of season w'ater into natural channels as it is believed the operation and maintenance charges included in the annual costs of the main canal are adequate to cover any possible costs of such operation. 3. The average annual energy charge for pumping the portion of the supplemental water supply utilized by underground storage and pumping. The unit cost used in the estimates is $0.03 per acre-foot per foot of lift. The total energy charge is calculated on an estimated average lift of 63 feet, including: well drawn down, for the absorptive areas of permanent deficiency and the average annual amount which would have been pumped during the 12-year period 1917-1929. The esti- f mated average lift of 63 feet is a weighted average for all areas ,! of deficiency based upon the records of ground water levels j during the period 1921-1929. The average gross amount of water pumped is estimated at 125 per cent of the water made available from sup])lemental supplies for ground water pump- ing. This factor is based on the as.sumption that the water SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 385. pumped from underground would be applied at a gross rate of 2.5 acre-feet per acre or 25 per cent in excess of the net use requirement. Hence, the energy charges involved in the utili- zation of water made available for ground water pumping would be based upon the pumping of 125 per cent of the ground water supply for a net use requirement of 2.0 acre-feet per acre. The amount of supplemental water made available for ground water pumping would comprise all the out-of-season water and the amounts of in-season water applied in excess of net use. Under Plan I, with main distributaries concrete lined, the gross application of in-season water is assumed to be at the rate of 2.5 acre-feet per acre. Hence, one-fifth of the gross application would be in excess of net use and would be absorbed underground. Under Plans II to VI inclusive with main distributaries unlined, the gross application of in-season water is assumed to be at the rate of 3 acre-feet per acre, one-third of which would be in excess of net use and would be absorbed underground. These amounts of gross application of in-season water in excess of net use would be utilized by ground water pumping in order to obtain the fullest practicable utilization of supplemental water supply furnished with a resulting net use of 2 acre-feet per acre. The annual fixed charges on wells and pumping plants based on the installation required for a season of minimum ground water pumping. The unit cost used is $0.02 per acre-foot per foot of lift or $1.50 per acre-foot based on a maximum lift of 75 feet, including well draw down, representing a weighted average for all areas of deficiency for the season of lowest ground water levels during the period 1921-1929. The amount of water pumped in a season of maximum ground water pump- ing which would occur in a season of minimum yield of supple- mental water supplies is based upon the assumption that the full net use requirements of the area to be served by supple- mental water would be met by pumping from underground all of the supply required that would not be furnished by delivery of in-season water during that season. Under plans II to VI inclusive, the maximum gross amount of water pumped upon which fixed charges are based would be 125 per cent of the difference between the average seasonal supplemental water supply furnished for the entire period and two-thirds of the amount of in-season water actually delivered in the season of minimum yield. Under Plan I, the amount of water pumped would be the same each season. 25—80997 386 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 144 * CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF PLAN I FOR IMPORTING A SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF Imported supplemental supply, 602,000 acre-feet of In-season water each season during period 1917-1929 Item Capital cost Gross annual cost, exclusive of electric energy for pumping Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel (one-half cost) San Joaquin River Pumping System. Capacity 3,000 second-feet Friant Reservoir. Gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 270,000 acre-feet _ Friant Power Plant — 30,000 kilovolt amperes Madera Canal. Capacity 1,500 second-feet _ San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. Maximum capacity 3,000 second- feet. Magundcn-Edison Pumping System. General expense and water rights Capacity 20 second-feet. $2,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,900 1,500,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 100,000 1,000,000 Totals. $63,400,000 Annual costs to main canal side: Gross annual cost, exclusive of electric energy for pumping Electric energy for pumping, 147,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0055 and 760,000 kilowatt hours at $0.012 $4,981,000 818,000 Gross annual cost, including electric energy for pumping .-. Revenues from sale of electric energy, 85.500,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0035. Net annual cost with deduction for power credit Total cost per acre-foot at main canal side $5,799,000 Annual costs main canal side to land: Surface distribution of in-season water. 602.000 acre-feet at $1.25 per acre- foot. Fixed charges on pumping installation for 150,000 acre-feet and a maximum average lift of 75 feet at $0.02 per foot acre-foot Energ>' charges for pumping 150,000 acre-feet for an average lift of 63 feet at $0.03 per foot acre-foot - 752,000 225,000 283,000 Total annual cost main canal side to land Cost per acre-foot main canal side to land $1,260,000 Total annual cost delivered to land. Total cost per acre-foot delivered to land. $150,000 1,266,000 840.000 222,000 213,000 2.225,000 9,000 56,000 $4,981,000 $5,799,000 300.000 $5,499,000 $9,141 1,260,000 "6,759^066 $2.00 $11.28 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 387 TABLE 145 CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF PLAN II FOR IMPORTING A SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF Imported supplemental supply, 484,000 acre- feet of in-season water and 120,000 acre-feet of out-of- season water, average per season during period 1917-1929 Item Capital cost Gross annual cost, exclusive of electric energy for pumping Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel (one-half cost) $2,000,000 8,000,000 14,000,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 100,000 1,000,000 $150,000 701,000 Friant Reservoir. Gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 270,000 acre-feet - - - - _ - 840,000 Friant Power Plant — 30,000 kilovolt amperes .. 222,000 Madera Canal. Capacity 1,500 second-feet - - 213,000 San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. Maximum capacity 3,000 second- feet 2,225,000 Magunden-Edison Pumping System. Capacity 20 second-feet _ _ - 9,000 General expense and water rights __ - , 56,000 Totals - $56,400,000 $4,416,000 Annual costs to main canal side: Gross annual cost, exclusive of electric energy for pumping _ . . - - $4,416,000 638,000 Electric energy for pumping 114,400,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0055 and 760,000 kilowatt hours at $0,012 -. .-- Gross annual cost, including electric energy for pumping $5,054,000 $5,054,000 Revenues from sale of electric energy, 105,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0035 367,000 $4,687,000 Total cost per acre-foot at main canal side $7.76 Annual costs main canal side to land: Surface distribution of in-season water 484,000 acre-feet at $1.00 per aere- foot... $484,000 18,000 732,000 665,000 Surface distribution of out-of-season water 120,000 acre-feet at $0.15 per acre-foot . Fixed charges on pumping installation for 488,000 acre-feet and a maximum average ift of 75 feet at $0.02 per foot acre-foot _ - Energy charges for pumping 352,000 acre-feet for an average lift of 63 feet at $0.03 per foot acre-foot $1,899,000 $1,899,000 Cost per acre-foot - . - $3.14 Total annual cost delivered to land -- 6,586,000 Total cost per acre-foot delivered to land $10.90 388 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES i TABLE 146 CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF PLAN III FOR IMPORTING A SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF Imported supplemental supply 370,000 acre-feet of in-season water and 1 1 5,000 acre-feet of out-of- season water, average per season during period 1917-1929 Item Capital cost Gross anDtial cost Friant Reservoir. Gross capacity 185,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 130,000 acre-feet Friant Power Plant. Capacity 30,000 kilovolt amperes ._ Madera Canal. Capacity 500 second-feet San Joaquin-Kings River Low Line Canal. Capacity 3,000 second-feet P ine Flat Reservoir. Gross capacity 200,000 acre-feet. Net 140,000 acre- feet. Pine Flat Power Plant. Capacity 34,500 kilovolt-amperes Kings River-Kern County Canal. Ma.ximum capacity 1,000 second-feet. General expense and water rights $6,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 5,500,000 6,000,000 1,700,000 10,800,000 5,000,000 Totals. $38,500,000 Annua! costs to main canal side: Gross annual cost Revenues from sale of electric energy, 90,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0035 and 100,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0030 _ Net annual cost with deduction for power credit. Total cost per acre-foot at main canal side. Annual costs main canal side to land: Surface distribution of in-season water 370,000 acre-feet at $1.00 per acre- foot. Surface distribution of out-of-season water 115,000 acre-feet at $0.15 per acre-foot Fixed charges on pumping installation for 490,000 aore-feet and a maximum average lift of 75 feet at $0.02 per foot acre-foot Energy charges for pumping 298,000 acre-feet for an average lift of 63 feet at $0.03 per foot acre-foot-. $370,000 17,000 735,000 563,000 Total annual cost main canal side to land Cost per acre-foot main canal side to land Total annual cost delivered to land Total cost per acre-foot delivered to land. $1,685,000 $390,000 222,000 123,000 448,000 360,000 145,000 880,000 278,000 $2,846,000 $2,846,000 615,000 $2,231,000 $1,685,000 3.916.000 $4.60 $3.47 $8.07 1 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 389 TABLE 147 CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF PLAN IV FOR IMPORTING A SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF Imported supplemental supply 434,000 acre-feet of in-season water and 1 56,000 acre-feet of out-of- season water, average per season during period 1917-1929 Item Friant Reservoir. Gross capacity 325,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 270,000 acre-feet Friant Power Plant. Capacity 30,000 kilovolt amperes Madera Canal. Capacity 1,500 second-feet --. San Joaquin- Kings River Low Line Canal. Capacity 4,000 second-feet Pine Flat Reservoir. Gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 340,000 acre-feet Pine Flat Power Plant. Capacity 40,000 kilovolt amperes Engs River-Kern County Canal. Maximum capacity 3,000 second-feet. _. Magunden-Edison Pumping System. Capacity 20 second-feet General expense and water rights Totals. Annual costs to main canal side: Gross annual cost exclusive of electric energy for pimiping Electric energy for pumping. 760,000 kilowatt hours at $0,012 per kilo- watt hour... Gross annual cost, including electric energy for pumping Revenues from sale of electric energy, 100,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0035 and 107,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0030 per kilowatt hour.. Net annual cost with deduction for power credit. _ Total cost per acre-foot at main canal side - Annual costs main canal side to land: Surface distribution of in-season water 434,000 acre-feet at $1.00 per acre- foot. Surface distribution of out-of-season water 156,000 acre-feet at $0.15 per acre-foot Fixed charges on pimaping installation for 621,000 acre-feet and a maximum average lift of 75 feet at $0.02 per foot acre-foot Energy charges for pumping 376,000 acre-feet for an average lift of 63 feet at $0.03 per foot acre-foot Total annual cost main canal side to land Cost per acre-foot main canal side to land Total cost delivered to land Total cost per acre-foot delivered to land. Capital cost $11,100,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 6,600,000 9,600,000 2,000,000 19,500,000 100,000 5,000,000 $57,900,000 $4,258,000 9,000 $4,267,000 $434,000 23,000 931,000 711,000 $2,099,000 Gross annual cost, exclusive of electric energy for pumping $666,000 222,000 213,000 538,000 574,000 168,000 1,590,000 9,000 278,000 $4,258,000 $4,267,000 671,000 $3,596,000 $6.09 $2,099,000 5,695,000 $3.56 $9.65 ;{*jo DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 148 CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF PLAN V FOR IMPORTING A SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF ? Imported supplemental supply 407,000 acre-feet of in-season water and 133,000 acre-feet of out-of« season water, average per season during period 1917-1929 Item Friaiit Reservoir. Gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 270,000 acrc-£eet — -.- _ Friaiit Power Plant. Capacity 30,000 kilovolt amperes - Miuiera Canal. Capacity 500 second-feet San .loaqiiin River-Kern County Canal. Maximum capacity 1,000 second- feet. Water rights and general expense. Totals Annual costs to main canal side: Oro.'fs annual cost - Revenues from sale of electric energy 105,000,000 kilowatt hours at 10.0035 Net annual cost with deduction for power credit - Total cost per acre-foot at main canal side Annual costs main canal side to land: Surface distribution of in-season water 407,000 acre-feet at 11.00 per acre- foot Siu-face distribution of out-of-scason water 133,000 acre-feet at $0.15 per acre-foot ■ Fixed charges on pumping installation for 558,000 acre-feet and a maximum average lift of 75 feet at $0.02 per foot acre-foot - -- Energy charges for pumping 336,000 acre-feet for an average lift of 63 feet at $0.03 per foot acre-foot - -- Total annual cost main canal side to land Costper acre-foot main canal side to land Total annual cost delivered to land Total cost per acre-foot delivered to land. Capital cost $14,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 14,600,000 5.000,000 $36,600,000 $407,000 20,000 837,000 635,000 $1,899,000 Gross annual cost $840,000 222,000 123,000 1,172,000 278,000 $2,635,000 $2,635,000 367,000 $2,268,000 $1,899,000 4,167,000 $4.20 $3.5S $7.73 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 391 TABLE 149 CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF PLAN VI FOR IMPORTING A SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF Imported supplemental supply 481,000 acre-feet of in-season water and 121,000 acre-feet of out-of- season water, average per season during period 1917-1929 Item Friant Reservoir. Gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet. Net capacity 270,000 acre-feet Friant Power Plant. Cai)acity 30,000 kilovolt amperes Madera Canal. Capacity 1,500 second-feet. San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. Maximum capacity 3,000 second- feet Magunden-Edison Pumping System. Capacity 20 second-feet Water rights and general expense Totals. Annual costs to main canal side: Gross annual cost exclusive of electric energy for pumping Electric energy for pumping 760,000 kilowatt hours at $0.012 Gross annual cost including electric energy for pumping Revenues from sale of electric energy 105,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0035 Net annual cost with deduction for power credit Total cost per acre-foot at main canal side Annual costs main canal side to land — Surface distribution of in-season water 481,000 acre-feet at $1.00 per acre foot Surface distribution of out-of-season water 121,000 acre-feet at $0.15 per acre-foot _-. ---- Fixed charges on pumping installation for 635,000 acre-feet and a maxi- miun average lift of 75 feet at $0.02 per foot acre-foot Energy charges for pumping 352,000 acre-feet for an average lift of 63 feet at $0.03 per foot acre-foot Total annual cost main canal side to land Cost per acre-foot main canal side to land Total annual cost delivered to land Total cost per acre-foot delivered to land. Capital cost $14,000,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 100,000 5,000,000 $50,400,000 $3,787,000 9,000 $3,796,000 $481,000 18.000 952,000 665.000 $2,116,000 Gross annual cost, exclusive of electric energj' for pumping $840,000 222,000 213,000 2,225,000 9,000 278,000 $3,787,000 $3,796,000 367,000 $3,429,000 $2,116,000 $5.70 5.545.000 $3.51 $9.21 TABLE 150 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF SIX ALTERNATE PLANS FOR IMPORT- ING A SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLY TO AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE RELIEF Plan Capital cost Average seasonal supplemental water supply for period 1917-1929, in acre-feet Net annual cost at main canal side Net annual cost at land In-season Out-of- season Total Total Per acre-foot Total Per acre-foot I II III IV V VI $63,400,000 56,400,000 38,500,000 57,900,000 36,600,000 50.400,000 602,000 484.000 370,000 434,000 407,000 481,000 120,000 115,000 156,000 133,000 121,000 602.000 604,000 485,000 590,000 540,000 602,000 $5,499,000 4.687,000 2.231.000 3,596,000 2,268,000 3,429.000 $9 14 7 76 4 60 6 09 4 20 5 70 $6,759,000 6.586,000 3.916,000 5,695,000 4,167,000 5.545,000 $11 23 10 90 8 07 9 65 7 72 9 21 ml 392 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The forcfifoing: comparison of cost of supplemental -water delivered to tlie land under the six alternate plans considered involves assump- tk tions which are somewhat approximate as related to an actual plan of wJ operation but, since the same approximations are made with respect to each alternate plan, the estimated costs per acre-foot of water deliv- aip cred to the land are on a fair basis of comparison if due consideration my be given to the accomplishments and scope of each plan which differ to w some extent. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the fact that certain of the alternate plans do not permit of enlargement readily to meet the demands of ultimate development and, in some cases, even iiic of complete initial development of the upper San Joaquin Valley. sila Plan I is not strictly comparable with any of the other plans con- sidered because it provides a supplemental water supply of over 600,000 acre-feet of in-season water in accord with the irrigation demand each season during the period 1917-1929, an entirely different provision than under any of the other plans considered. The result is a higher cost of water delivered to the land than in any of the other plans. It is presented to show how much greater the cost would be if it were con- sidered necessary to furnish the entire amount of required supplemental water every season for utilization chiefly as a surface irrigation supply and with only a minimum amount of ground water pumping. Plans II, IV and VI are very nearly comparable in accomplish- ments and scope and, of these, the studies show that Plan VI is the cheapest. If Plan VI were modified so as to terminate the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal at Poso Creek, the capital cost would be reduced $2,357,000 and the annual cost $195,000. This would reduce the annual cost of water at main canal side to $5.37 per acre-foot and at the land to $8.89 per acre-foot. Moreover, Plan VI is the only one of these three which makes provision for future expansion of irrigation without additional expenditures for enlargement. The capacities of the units provided under Plan VI are the same as those found to be required for both complete initial and ultimate developments and no additional expenditures on these units would be required for future needs. In Plan II, the San Joaquin River Pumping System would have a maximum capacity of 1000 second-feet as compared to a required capac- ity for complete initial development of 3000 second-feet. If provision were made in the design of this unit to allow for ready future enlarge- ment, the cost under this plan would increase considerably. In Plan IV, the units included are adequate to meet the demands for complete initial development but would not suffice for ultimate development. The plan would require modification. This could be accomplished by three possible methods, namely, first : Enlargement of Pine Flat Reservoir to a capacity of about 600,000 acre-feet; second: Enlargement of Friant Reservoir to a gross capacity of 400,000 acre- feet and relocation of the canal between San Joaquin and Kings riversj to the liigher location selected for Plans V and VI; third: Importa-i tion of additional Avater from the Sacramento River Basin directly tc the upper San Joaquin Valley. j Plans III and V are presented as representing what may be con-i sidered "minimum" projects for immediate relief. Neither of these] plans make provision for future enlargement to meet the needs of ever! DStt m in Mil istt SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 393 complete initial development. In Plan TIT, no provision is made for the enlargement of the Friant and Pine Flat dams nor for the Madera and Tvings Kiver-Tvern Connty Canal, and if such provision were made the cost would be substantially increased. Furthermore, the amount of su])plemental Avater made available under Plan ITT is smaller than in any of the plans considered and is somewhat less than the minimum amount considered necessary to adequately meet requirements of an initial relief project. Plan Y, although appearing to be the cheapest of any of the plans in cost of water delivered to the land, makes no provision for future enlarg-ement. If provision were made under this plan for initial con- struction of structures and other facilities which would permit of ready and economical enlargement of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal to the capacity required for complete initial development, the capital cost would be increased $5,277,000 and the annual cost $415,000, resulting in an annual cost of water delivered at main canal side of $4.97 per acre-foot and at the land of $8.49. Plans III and TV differ from all of the other plans considered in one important particular, namely, the provision for exchange of water on Tvings Eiver. This plan of exchange was presented in a former report * based upon preliminary studies prior to the more com- plete investigations and data on which the present report is based. The foregoing economic analyses show that Plan TIT is greater in cost than the comparable alternate Plan V, and that Plan TV is greater in cost than the comparable alternate Plan VT. However, in addition to the greater cost of Plans TIT and TV than the alternate plans with comparable accomplishments, these plans also would involve important exchanges of water supplies on Kings River which would be difficult to effect and which are believed at this time to present an insurmount- able obstacle in view of the schedule under which the waters of this stream are administered. Selection of Plan for Immediate Initial Development — The selec- tion of the most desirable plan for immediate initial development in the upper San Joaquin Valley is somewhat complicated because it necessarily involves the consideration of several physical and economic factors relating to future conditions or occurrence which are diffijcult to evaluate with certainty. The amount of water that would be avail- able for regulation and utilization in future years is uncertain and must be based on past records. If there should occur a series of more subnormal years of run-off than that of the period used, 1917-1929, as a basis for estimating the water supply furnished under each plan, both local and supplemental supplies would be reduced in amount and I the accomplishments of relief would be less adequate than estimated. The amount of water supply furnished under each plan involves not ! only the provision for meeting present deficiencies in water supply, but also and of equal importance the replenishment of the under- srround reservoirs to decrease pumping lifts and costs which are now excessive. The amount of expansion of irrigated agriculture in the upper San Joaquin Valley and the time at which such expansion may occur are also uncertain. However, studies of past growth and future * Bulletin No. 9, "Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California — to the Legislature of 1925." Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1925. I 394 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES •> needs of irriprated ajxricnlture in California point to a prrowtli in irrl- jrated ajiric'ulture in tiie future. Finally, it is uncertain by what methods and under what terms an immediate initial project would be financed, and especially what the interest rate and period of bond retire- ment would be. The cost analyses on the alternate plans were based upon an a&sumed interest rate of i\ per cent and amortization of bonds in 40 years. The actual plan of financing effected would have consider- able bearing on tlio clioiee to be made as between a minimum project for relief such as Plan V, designed to meet only the present needs, or a more adequate project of relief such as Plan VI wliich Avould provide with greater assurance for the present needs and allow for future expansion without additional expenditure on the units included therein. Based upon the data and economic analj'ses presented with respect to the six alternate plans for immediate initial development and a consideration of present conditions of irrigation development in the upper San Joaquin Valley, the following conclusions are reached with respect to the most desirable plan for adoption. ., 1. Under Plan V, an adequate supplemental water supply, based upon the period of run-off 1917-1929 considered, could be furnished the 400.000 acres of developed land in need of immediate relief in thi upper 8an JoMcjuin Valley, excluding the ]\Iagunden-Edison area or 2600 acres in Kern County, at a smaller cost than with any other plan investigated. 2. Considering the desirability of providing with greater assur- ance for adequate and dependable relief to the present developed areas and the reasonable probability of expansion of irrigated agri- culture requiring additional water supplies in the future in the upper San Joaquin Valley ; and in view of the greater flexibility of operation which would be obtained by the construction of units for immediate] initial development of sufficient capacity to meet the needs under com- plete initial development; it is concluded that Plan VI is the most desirable and meritorious of all plans investigated for immediate initial development. The additional cost of this plan as compared to Plan V is more than balanced b.y its greater dependability and more assured adequacy for immediate relief and by its provision for probable future growth of irrigated agriculture in the upper San Joaquin Valley without additional expenditures on the units included in the plan. .'{. If arrangements could be effected to purchase water rights Oil the Kern River now attached to inferior lands sufficient in amount to adequately serve the 2600 acres of developed land in the ^fagunden Edison unit, the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal could terminated at Poso Creek in Kern County. In this manner, t! cost of complete relief provided under Plan VI might be decreased. However, due to the present uncertainty of effecting such purchase of Avater i-iglits. it is concluded that |)rovision should be made foi constructing tiie San Joafjuin Kiver-Kern County Canal to a terminw on Kern River in accord with Plan VI thereby insuring a water suppljj for the relief of the ]\Iagunden-Edison area, which would be providecj by exchanging water delivered through the canal for Kern Rivei water now used on lower areas served from this stream and thus per mitting diversion of Kern River water to the Magunden-Edison unit; Siri ii m II lift nit m m I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 395 Proposed Plan for Immediate Initial Development. The plan designated as Plan VI has been selected for immediate initial development. It is the plan which, after careful study, appears to offer the greatest advantage and to be the most desirable for adop- tion from all viewpoints. The proposed physical units for immediate initial development comprise Friant Reservoir on the San Joaquin River (gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet), the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals extending northerly and southerly respec- tively from this reservoir with respectiA'c maximum capacities of 1500 and 8000 acre-feet, and the Magunclen-Edison Pumping System (capac- ity 20 second-feet). It is proposed to acquire the "grass land" waters of the San Joaquin River with due consideration for existing rights that may be invaded in the process. Based upon the supplies available during the period 1917-1929, sufficient water would be obtained from this source and the surplus waters of the San Joaquin River, if regulated by surface storage in Priant Reservoir and by underground storage, to provide the supplemental supplies required in addition to available local supplies to meet the immediate needs of the developed areas of deficient water supply in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The San Joaquin River Pumping System is not included in the immediate initial plan. It is proposed to defer construction of this unit until such time as additional water is found to be required to meet the needs in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The addition of this unit to those ju'oposed for immediate development would complete the project designated as the "complete initial" development subsequently presented in this chapter. However, in setting up a plan of financing for initial development, it is believed that funds should be provided for this unit to insure adequate relief to the upper San Joaquin Valley. It is possible that the run-off occurring in future years might result in a succession of seasons more subnormal than experienced during the period 1917-1929 upon which the studies of water supply have been based. In this event, the amounts of utilizable water, from both local and supplemental sources of supply, that would be available under the proposed plan of immediate initial development might be so much less than the amounts estimated based on the period 1917-1929 that additional supplemental water supplies would be required to ade- quately meet the needs of present developed areas.* Such additional supplies would have to be obtained from the Sacramento River Basin and would require the construction of the San Joaquin River Pumping System to convey water from the delta to Mendota to supply crop lands [in the lower San Joaquin Valley now served from the San Joaquin 1 River, and thus make available more San Joaquin River Water for i * Since the preparation of the studies in this report based upon the run-off up to 1 1929, the dry season of 1930-1931 has occurred. Studies of water supply and yield under the immediate initial development have been extended to include the period '1929-1931 and are presented in Appendix D. These show that the average amounts of utilizable water supply from Friant Reservoir and from local sources in the upper I San Joaquin Valley would be substantially less than those estimated for the period 1921-1929. Of particular importance, the studies showed that ground water replenish- ment would be inadequate and that present unfavorable conditions of excessive I pumping lift and cost would not be permanently improved if a similar period of run-off such as 1921-1931 should be experienced immediately following 1931 and the project .Were m operation. These studies presented in Appendix D point to the possible [necessity of including the San Joaquin River Pumping System in an immediate initial project if adequate relief including ground water replenishment is to be provided. 396 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES regulation in and distribution from Friant Reservoir for use in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The general locations of the physical works both for immediate and complete initial development are shown on Plate XXVI. To further delineate the features of the initial plan, there is presented Plate LXIX, "Profile of Major Conveyance Units of State Plan for Initial Development in San Joaquin Valley. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Kern County. ' ' Operation and Accomplishments in Upper San Joaquin Valley — As in the plan for ultimate development, Friant Reservoir is the key unit in the plan of immediate initial development for the upper San Joaquin Valley. It would be operated primarily to furnish the required supplemental water supplies to meet the deficiencies in local supply for the present developed areas on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley, from the Madera unit on the north to the Magunden-Edison unit on the south. The supplemental supplies fur- nished from Friant Reservoir combined with local supplies would be utilized partly by direct surface diversion and application and partly by underground storage and pumping. The basis of operation and tlie amounts of water furnished from this reservoir under the plan of immediate initial development are set forth in the following dis- cussion. A study of the operation of Friant Reservoir under the plan of immediate initial development was made for the 40-year period 1889- 1929. The impaired run-off of the San Joaquin River considered available at Friant Reservoir under the plan of immediate initial devel- opment was estimated on the assumption that the existing power storage reservoirs above Friant, with an aggregate capacity of 334,000 acre- feet, would have been operated primarily for power purposes during the entire 40-year period but without interference with the existing delivery schedule of crop land rights now served from the San Joaquin River in the lower San Joaquin Valley by diversion above the mouth of the Merced River. It was assumed that the first demand upon the' flow of the San Joaquin River would be the supply for these crop land? in accord with the delivery schedule now under operation. The maxi; mum seasonal total of the demand for these crop lands amounts tf 895,700 acre-feet. The maximum monthly demands are shown in Tabh 151. TABLE 151 MAXIMUM MONTHLY DEMAND OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION OF "CROP LANDS" SERVED FROM SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Month Maximum demand in acre-feet Month Maximum demand in acre-feet October 27,900 8,400 6,400 10,000 27,900 51,600 April 114,700 158,700 163,000 142,000 108,300 76,800 November December t"^y-- January July February March September Total.. 895,700 1 h )NV F( PIRATE LXIX MAGUNDEN-EDISON PUMPING SYSTEM Maximum capacity , 20 second-feet I »I 1 1 IS.EI«.3G9S^ ■nr~i 9hon« S rj - \ § W.S.EIev.530 1 r- ■v ^ ::..- t>:a pipt - — 1 Lift 65 1 PUMPING PLANT 1 10 secTft.) ♦ 1 1 I ■ 'r pip- Mill T>^^24' D,a.p.pc- ^ r , /K '-''■♦ "^'^ — 30" Dia. ore^supft nir IT, V '" r^ " rn" >v^^ J •.V .K.VI I 1 I ra c 1 1 c s CO - - -- ■n c in CO u 1 550 500 450 400 350 E 3 "to (/) a> c o 5 10 20 300 PROFILE OF loNVEYANCE UNITS OF STATE PLAN FOR INITIAL DEVELOPMENT IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA TO KERN COUNTY FRIANT RESERVOIR Height of dam 252 Gross storage capacttj^ 400.000 acre- Storage cawcJtjr above elev '*&!' ?70,000 acre- Spillway capacity 92.000 sec ■ Elev, of topof dam 560 Maximum w.S. elev. 555 £1 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM Mitiimum capacity, 3,000 second-feel 5 S £ ^ 1 1 3 5 S ,1 •w.S Dev, IBC .4 p r _ _ SAJV JOAQUIN RIVER - 1 - -J ~ -1 -i - - - - —I = - ^ V rn pi rz^ pj^T-rf ; w.S two- 3- PLArn-^:«9,, | -^ ^ ^ _ - u _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ - ^ _ _] _ - _ ^ P "1 _ - , urr ., ■n r-i p ^ p pn Pjt* -^ - - - ^ - - ^ n - - r - - - - - - ^ - -^ " - ^ — n ^ - y ws,EiCT.iii.e---. i PLANT N2 7\ I unZ6,5Ft>^ 1 ^ g SAN JOAQUIN RIVER CONTROL GATK^" ^V^H - g (To mile 86.5) PLANT N9 S^wstJevpo-^ /PLANT N« 6 * urr ^> rf. 1 .w.S De. 50.0- UrT.2.9F,.iJ E^X^[ S Elev390- LIFT 12 9 nJ .- ..ft/vi. n^ S PLANT N? 2 ,.5 D.. lao' urr 12 ! ft (fS ' / P J PLANT N?l ^. «» *■,-. WS tic -lO-USfci L ,*SIJ..OO- l-IFTCJ h n \V^ fV.fl A cU t iy L. ^ -- 1^ -. ~1 ^ L _'_ _ ^ _ H _ -- - _ - - _ _ __ __ - - „ _ _ I _ _ _ _ ^ _ - _ - _ _ _. - _ _ _.- _ J— _ _ ^ n/1 h ^ V 1 * t H - - - ^ - - -- -^ - n - - - ' - -- - * - r- - ^ -- ^ - ^ -\ - - - - - -^ - -A ~ ~ ~ - - - - - " H - - - " T ■ v# J. r- M- N N rv - - - - r \ - 1 - - - - - ■-!- - ,* __ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ poinl for (unllng canitg rOivitjtori poinl for (unllnj nnbiugh.Ouliidi.Mim ar PLATE LXIX SAN JOAQUIN RIVER-KERN COUNTY CANAL Maximum capacity, 3,000 second-feet ■!sito<»C n , . , 1 , I 1 1 1 ' - p ^ ? 5 1 a X p f r i:^ ^ ^ (i^ 1 ^ - /• S 4.^p«_ If z s '-"«--1/- rvr* ft>- « -PUMPIWr PI KttTI-r ' - — -L _ X7T _ 1 ^ ~ ~ ™ ~ - i: - '- Mq H *" t — — ^- - 400 _ _ ■o 1 ■ 1 - - E 5 % i ■ "'r 1 1 ' 1 1 r- — — :— _ ^ i u ~ ~ ~n 1 1 1 - — — t- j i IT ■ - ^T- . "-* — * PROFILE OF MAJOR CONVEYANCE UNITS OF STATE PLAN FOR INITIAL DEVELOPMENT IN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SACBAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA TO KERN COUNTY I Distance in miles I c O Of 3, s 5 £ 3t MA2 OT) ■or.«oe-v'»*'TllAuls 3 -1 i nM. , 0.0 v^ ew» « t c - .i^., -V-l. ^ - +-t- - 4-4 ' 4 ■ 1 ' ' I ;w SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 397 The remaining water supply after satisfying the crop land require- ments, comprising surplus waters and waters not attached to areas now devoted to crop production but put to inferior use on grass lands, would be regulated in Friant Reservoir to furnish the supplemental supply required in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The amounts of water available for regulation and utilization from these grass land and sur- plus waters of the San Joaquin River are shown for each season of the period 1889-1929 in Table 152. Jil 398 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 00 oo D o < O |-> z < u a, o > Q 5 o H sisss 0>0 l'-*95 (OcdToj^oo uii-^oTiot-^ cooc^rot'^ toeo^<-J''* OQ(— M^OS ^<01C^I--.I- C^'9'i-t'^Tl ^^COt-»00W tOOSOOOOOO I— i^O-^OO C-|CO'^»-iOO «-ioooeo«5 a -*^ p. o CO 80000 C; o o o CJ^Ol t- «s c^i CO -^odi- --^ CO CO 05CNI C^4 CO »^ 3 < ooo o o o oo 00 C^ 00 ooooo eo(^ CO ^ c^ ooooo ooooo I-* ic c| c^ (r| »-i CO o coco '-t 0"*COCO CO 1-H ^ ooooo ooo (M 1^ to ooooo ooooc Soo ■^co O »(^ CM t-co 1^ ooeo — « M ^ ^ OOOOO OOOOO Tf 00 »n «Q CO c*rot-^"^co CO OCO "*CO Oi CO -^ -^ •-« ooooo OOO o O CO CO CO Cft cooo c^ CX) O ■^ OS co-^— < ooooo OOOOO c^ ^< "^"^ *^ co<>Juoo ci OS 05 Ol CO CO Tj< rH CS Oi ooooo ooo o (MO ^H CO .-H oo -^ »o OOOOC OOO < 1^ 00 CO c^c4"co e CO — " O t t^ w c gggg= C^l O 00 00 oo -^co r^ 1— ■ CD <— C^ CO cocoes OOOOO OOOOO o r,- so c^j_ CO CO «:> »o o 00 CO 00 «— ' CO l^- CO CS -^ CO '— ' ooooo ooo o oo lO (>- CO ooooo ooooo -fS*t^ -hO O t>io6 c^t^^ O coco c OOOOO O O O "O o O— 'O^- w •^ 00 -^ j o ooooo ooooo !>■ O ^C^I^OO CO CT C^COCD CO "5 "^ ** o ooooo oo o CO OS CO 05 C-1 OS CO » o o t^ ■* r 1-t CO <: z o w 3 a 2 s ooooo ooooo Oi_CO CO oo «-t o c o o o o OS CO -^ o t->. ooooo ooooo OS <^i^o '^ OS ci"c^odo lO c^ t^ u^ — < ooooo ooooo OS »0 to ^-^O ■^CD f-h"cO o OOUttOOO ^ eo ooooo t^ -^ 00 <0 OS ooooo ooooo ■^ -* »0 CO CD ooooo ooooo CO O '«t* ^oo ooooo OOOOO t-- OS CO CO "^ OOOOO ooooo »— • C3S CD-V -^ oo oc o oo<_ CO n c^oo ooooo ooooo OS ^ O ^^ CO ooooo OOOOO OsO ^ OSO OOOOO ci o o oo C^ O »-' CO o ooooo ooooo »0 oooo ^< CD ■^cd-^cD o I^ CO CO CD CO ooooo ooooo »ot--co t--co gooc oo< oo tM '^■« ooooo ooooo --c^co ooooo o^^^^ Oi OS OS C7S OS OS OS OS OS OS kccDr*o ^H pH * o o o o> O -^ -* so -M ^* ^ Oi O ^ t*. OS t^ CD CO Oi o t^eo Oi UD .-t lO*-* Oi CSM CO OS ooooo ooooo o oo o o o o o CO Oi oo ,l- o ooooo o 40 lO OS r- OS t— flD»-H CJi-^j^ ■*j7 tC ^ !>: ,_r TT 00 (M CM ooooo ooooo ^ oooo oooo ' S^ Oi»0 OS Oi O OS ■* CI C^-^iO O --^CO lO CO CO lO CO CO CD CO C^ CO T- 1 I-H ooooo oooo OOOOO o OOOOO o I « !0 Tf -^ o^c--^-^ "1^ "* . 1 fir-- oi-^ CO CO o; c^f lO CD ' io-Hu:>co CO"* OS t>. ; , po o o o ," oooo OOOOO o o o o o> O o W ^ OS c^ t^ CO CD I>- •* t- O to l-H C) t— CM uti ^ tc »0 t>. iO •r^ CO (M CO r-l t^ ooooo ooooo ^ ; . ooooo ooooo ■ ,- tO^C-i CO o CO C-l CI '^ "rp ■ ; oj 00 -H CO CM "«*< CO o; Oi o ■* 1 -M iC O CO C^ r-l T-» '^Jl -^t* CM a> :f OOOOO ooooo o OOOOO oo>^ o o o ' — CSOO CO »-< t^CMt^ C^ t^ ■* : ■M -^ -^ OS ^gToo'tT ""iT od t-H c^ io-«r t^co o ( OOOOO ooooo c> ■ » OOOOO o C^^COCIOO t^ o o 5* 2 t— ' ) PIC»C i^t^ i-^ -^r r-C O c^J OS -1 lO -^ O lO r-l-* IOCS CO iQ lit ooooo :;' a<=>ooo ooooo o OOOO O) t^- f < [910-20 1920-21. 921-22. 922-23. 923-24- IC CO ^-00 05 C^l C^l CM CM C^ ■«** ID cDr^co C^CM CM CM CM Oi OS OS OS OS •-••-l^f-H r-t ft f-t t-H f-H 400 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES With the available supply from surplus and grass land waters, Friant Reservoir would be operated in general to deliver as large a supply as possible during the months of peak irrigation demand for utilization by direct surface ai)plicati(»n in accord with coincident irri- gation needs and for underground storage if in excess of irrigation needs; and in addition provide as much water as possible outside the irrigation season for ground water storage and subsequent pumping. The characteristics of the supply available for regulation would not permit of furnishing the full amount of 500,000 to 600,000 acre-feet of required supplemental water as a surface irrigation supply for direct application. In order to effect the fullest practicable utilization of the available supplies and provide adequately for meeting the immediate water requirements, the storage of water in underground reservoirs and subsequent utilization by pumping are essential. Therefore, the under- ground storage capacity in the absorptive areas would have to be fully utilized as being the only means of obtaining the large cyclic storage capacity required to regulate the extremely variable amounts of the supplemental water supplies obtained from the San Joaquin River and to regulate the local supplies as well. However, there are certain nonabsorptive areas with a deficieni water supply in the upper San Joaquin Valley for whicli ground watei storage and pumping would not be a practicable means of providing tht required supplies. These are typified by such areas as the Alta-Foot hill, Lindsay and Magunden-Edison units. In order to supplj^ thest nonabsorptive areas with the same adequacy as the absorptive areas, i primary surface irrigation supply in accord with the irrigation demam would have to be provided each season in the full amount required For the nonabsorptive areas south of the San Joaquin River it i estimated that a primary surface irrigation supply of 107,000 acre-fee each season would be required. In addition to the primary wate requirements for the nonabsorptive areas, it was assumed that tli' Madera unit, because of rights to acquire San Joaquin River wate initiated by the Madera Irrigation District, should be furnished with surface irrigation supply each season with a primary supply of no less than 31,000 acre-feet in a season of minimum yield. This requirement for a primary irrigation supplj'' totaling 138,00; acre-feet in each season was given first consideration in the operatic" of Friant Reservoir. In order to insure the furnishing of this amoui of primary water, sufificient water would be held in reserve in the earlj part of the season to provide the primary water supply throughout tl season. The reservoir would be operated in a specific manner so thj the amount of water held in reserve at any particular time during tl season would be sufficient to meet the requirements of primary suppll for the balance of the season. However, in seasons having a run-of above normal, the reservoir would be drawn down below the amount cl storage reserve required for primary water in anticipation of subs<( quent heavy run-off from melting snow which would insure a primai supply for the balance of the season. Such operation would be base! upon estimates made prior to March 1st by snow surveys, precipitjj tion and run-off data of the probable total seasonal run-off and of til balance of run-off to be expected in the remaining portion of the seaso:! SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 401 After providing for the primary supplies, the reservoir would be operated in general to deliver as much water as possible from the sup- plies available up to the maximum capacity of utilization under con- ditions of present development for both direct surface application and ground water storage. In the study of reservoir operation, the needs of the Madera unit were given first consideration after satisfying requirements for primary suppl.y because of the assumed right initiated by the Madera Irrigation District to acquire San Joaquin River water. An attempt was made to furnish a surface irrigation supply of 150,000 acre-feet per season in accord with the irrigation demand shown in Table 123 with a minimum amount of not less than 31,000 acre-feet in a season of minimum yield. This basis of delivery of surface irrigation supplies to the Madera unit was generally adhered to, except during the month of August for a few seasons during the period studied when it was found necessary to deliver more of the water available to the units south of the San Joaquin River. In addition to the surface irrigation supply, water was delivered to the Madera unit, up to the maximum capacity of 1500 second-feet in the IMadera Canal, for ground water storage and subsequent utilization by pumping, during periods when Priant Reservoir was spilling and during the months of March, April and May in seasons of above normal run-off when the reservoir stages were rising. The amount of water furnished the Madera unit on this basis was found to be adequate for present developments and it was assumed that this would be satisfactory to the Madera Irrigation Dis- trict, provided the district would be protected in the matter of its assumed right to acquire about 350,000 acre-feet seasonally under con- ditions of ultimate development. After providing for delivery of water to the Madera unit on the foregoing basis, the remainder of the supply available was delivered to : the areas south of the San Joaquin River up to the maximum capacity Kp of 3000 second-feet of the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal during the months of March to October inclusive, and at a rate of 2300 second- feet in the remaining months. Based upon the foregoing bases of operation of Friant Reservoir, tlie seasonal utilization of the impaired run-off of the San Joaquin River at Friant under conditions of immediate initial development which would have been eft'ected during the 40-year period 1889-1929 is shown for each season in Table 153. There are set forth in this table the seasonal supplies provided for crop land rights, the amounts of M in-season and out of season water diverted to the upper San Joaquin :ji Valley through the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals, *!the evaporation loss from the reservoir, the unregulated waste past the reservoir and the net seasonal accretion or depletion in reservoir >^torage. The table also shows the averages of these items for the 40-, 20-, 12-, 8-, and 5-year periods to and including 1929. The data in this table of the seasonal amounts of water furnished for the crop lands and for delivery to the upper San Joaquin Valley are graphically I j depicted on Plate LXX, ' ' Yield From Grass Land Rights and Surplus Waters of San Joaquin River at Friant Under Plan of Immediate Initial Development." 26—80997 402 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Oi U) z D a; >-i o > OS S Oi H Z < a: ll , 2S s^ hJ n, qo < J o w ^> in •7 W — < U w J '^ 7, fc ^ U £S OQ ■7 '^ 05^ ^1 Q u c to 3 a ^ E2 ; s 5 OS 00 r^ OS -^ 00 ' ?||g ecos'-'i^oD'^^-ccCTiCi ^r»cs«oaooOT^»-t- ^ f ■«»■ 00 ^H CO oooooooooo oooooooooo »c^«ccococ^c^o"o oooooooooo oooooooooo Oi^OOSCCOii/O^CiC^ S8§§§§SS§S o ud cs" o -^ ci cc ^ -^ tf oooooooooo oooooooooo r^oocoeot^-«t- o !:c CO o" (H" o CO o od OT t>r Ci-^Gc»o»ooot~*or-t-. iOCS-^-^OO-^OlOC^CS oooooooooo oooooooooo (O-^OOOt^iOiO-^MC^ Ciod^cdcdodc^udd'-r "M-rfO^DiC — "^r^O^ c^)Oor-oc^or--'^eo cic^'-'OcDr-c^ic^iCC" 0«co*-''*0'oooooooo o i^ 'fr -^ -^ c- o "O CO o Ci -^ cd 'm' o" CI ■^' ■»r c-1 1-^ ■^ oo o c; 'O o »o -^ o r* ooxsr* t— looo^-xi cscs oooooooooo oooooooooo C2iOOCOOt-l--^Ot^iO t C -rfT lid — ' t^' -^' ad o* to »o COO^^OSC"^ — Ot"-CD coi^io*cu^-»rooQOMt^ OS CO t- »— t^ iC '-' w ^ fl ii5*COOOO^t^tSCOt ■^oocs»-ioot^r*co'^eo oooooooooo oooooooooo cMoooqcO'-^'-->--coicco ^ ud c^r r-^ c^r »o o rf rf cd OO^OI^COiCCOOOO Tfi CS CS CS -^ M »-« CS --I oooooooooo oooooooooo o oic^c-i^^'riiO'^fiooo O I--r :C to C^" O iC O C^f O OiOO^^CO'^^'^040 Cq ,-H « -^ 1-1 -^ ^ M OOOC. --, oooooooooc os50eooc^^*o — c^* OOOOOOiOOOO O o o o o o o w t-- -^ c^ t^ ^'"^ «-*CO— ^eo cdoo CO 1— ' iC CO ^H t-H t-^ CO <-" '-^ I-" *-! oooooooooo c oo o CO r-^co ^ ■^ (O Ci »— " oooooooooc o o o o I^ ;0 OS — oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo 0^'^C^-<"oudiid<:oi/d OsOJOSOSOOOiOSQOCOO OOlCOr— OSiOOSOSCOOS 00 00 00 oo 00 00 oo oo t>- oo 00 00 00 OO oo OO 00 OO GO 00 oooooooooo oooooooooo os(-»cscoo*'5r-r-oot-- gggggg2S< CO t— r^ c^t- --C I- tc c_ •-I" ud h* ^o "d o" I'd i^' ^o eOCaiCOOCi OsOsoovC QOOOt^r^OOOOODOO QOC*! dsO^osos ^9 •J- SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 403 oooooooooo o oooooooooo o OO CO CO iO oooooooooo I I I I OOOO-OOOOtOO oooooooooo CiO'— 'OOOOCOOiiO o' o*" (ri" o' o' o" o" ^ o' o" CSl t-H r-i ^ T-i oooooooooo oooooooooo i-HiOcOt^CO'OC-lCO'-HI-, •^i^cocooooooor--^ OOO-OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO ^C^Ji-HCOOlCDcO-^odod ■^;oc75»/^-^aicnoooo eOiCOO'— itMcococo-— I oooooooooo ooooooooo COCOCOOiOt^OOira c^csodoc^Toodo-^ lO o CO o c^ lo "lo r^- '-4CO CV) CS CT. t-« ,— I OOOOCDOiOOOO o- ^oooooooooo -o O&O C^eo i-H oi 1-H CO ,-H O »0 ■ odo CO CO t-^»o »c cd-^cd Oi 00 CO »C iC ■^ I^ CO OS f-H o CO N rp t^ -^ 1— I CM CO lO CO •-< »0 • oooooooooo ■ 000000OC5OO Oi lo -^ji »o t-— ■ ^ O iO cJ" ci -^ o" o o" cs ■ 0»-HTjiCOCOOOiC005CO I 5000000000 O 3000000000 o ftw^HT-Hr-oiio-^ior^ o E'cocic^cfTr o o'o ci" ud ^^ CO CO CO O OS CO OS CO i-t oooooooooo gooooooooo gowoot-^oodosGd pr>-ooocoocot^coo DoooooO'^Gor-oot^t^ 1 1 I I I I 1 i I I cr. o*-icsco-^i/50i>.oo wlOiOlOsOlOSOSOSOsCs ds t^ _( -t- C^l 05 C3> O) l-H r^ V OJ aT ^ =» (90 em So a o > > > > en rt OS « ■■h • W u s w V >> >. >^ >, s cii ob A ■!'7i-(V-ia 3 O 404 DTVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE LXX w r i Mean seasonal yield, l889-1929-t.032.000 acr< 1 1 1 1 1 1 -feet P 1 / J 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 o X I 2 S o ^ in u> 9 9? CO 3 to o o o t; 3 w : f Mea n seas onal y ield.l 189-1! 29-1,032.000 acre-tee 1 1 1 ~ - a / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / Mean seasonal yield. 1909-1929-8 39 ,000 acre-leet ; . L L i \j Mean seasonal yi Md,t9 7-192 9 602.000 acre-teet : ^^ i 1 ^^P ^^- r m ^ ^ ??1 — '<^Wmm^mmmi^x. =^- ^1^" ^ - ^S i a 1 ■ T^ ■ ;^^B i 1 1 a a a n a ^ i 1 1 ■ 0'~r>in^invDr*.aoo>0'~:cNJrn^inu>r*«oo^ — f^JnTrin(£)rNooatp<-c\iro^micr-co or:«---^ — ^ — ^ — — fyc^icjracMfMtMtNifM ^mi^l Grass land and surplus water ^yyyy■y'/^ Divcrsioris to crop lands in accord with schedule based on historical use YIELD FROM GRASS LAND RIGHTS AND SURPLUS WATERS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AT FRIANT UNDER PLAN OF IMMEDIATE INITIAL DEVELOPMENT SeasoD September The Season Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal Madera Canal San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal Totals 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 10,800 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 114,900 15,700 19,500 18,400 12,000 481,200 245,800 292,800 277,600 132,100 1,596,500 1,246,000 1,480,500 1,452,700 856,600 2,077,700 1,491,800 1,773,300 1,730,300 1893-94 988,700 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 32,600 15,100 10,800 10,800 10,800 255,100 136,100 202,300 62,500 103,300 1,483,300 970,900 1,098,200 279,700 277,600 1894-95 1,738,400 1895-96 1896-97 1,107,000 1,300,500 1897-98 342,200 1898-99 380,900 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 10,800 18,500 10,800 10,800 20,600 96,000 287,900 116,200 116,200 132,100 429,600 1,448,400 701,800 763,000 753,700 525,600 1,736,300 818,000 879,200 885,800 1904-05 . . 2,200 10,800 10,800 2,200 2,200 10,800 178,500 91,200 10,800 36,600 116,200 417,500 446,400 62,500 256,800 618,500 1,442,500 1,575,400 402,200 1,411,200 734,700 1905-06 1,860,000 1906-07 2,021,800 1907-08 464,700 1908-09 1,668,000 1909-10. . 2,200 10,800 2,200 2,200 10,800 23,700 86,800 10,800 10,800 94,800 122,900 480,600 90,300 31,000 338,200 1,092,700 1,520,200 310,800 107,000 1,466,200 1,215,600 1910-11 2,000,800 1911-12.... 401,100 1912-13 . 138,000 1913-14 1,804,400 1914-15 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 16,000 13,100 10,800 18,900 10,800 132,100 400,500 132,100 116,200 90,500 972,100 1,420,800 927,900 554,500 533,200 1,104,200 1915-16 1,821,300 1916-17.... 1,060,000 1917-18 . 670,700 1918-19.... 623,700 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 10,800 10,800 10,800 12,400 10,800 104,900 116,200 245,800 132,100 32,700 341,200 562,300 1,091,500 653,600 149,600 1919-20 446,100 1920-21.. 678,500 1921-22 1,337,300 1922-23.- 785,700 1923-24 182,300 1924-25... 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 104,900 90,500 130,400 90,500 32,700 296,600 393,700 864,900 388,600 108,000 401,500 1925-26 484,200 1926-27 995,300 1927-28 479,100 1928-29 140,700 Averages 1889-1929. 3,300 26,700 181,300 851,100 1,032,400 S0997 — Bet. pp. 4C 1 1 404 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE LXX t; 3 w r - Mean seasonal yi 1 9ld. 1889-1929-1.032.000 acre-teel 1 1 1 1 1 _ - / 1* J 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 o J. 2 01 o o o 1 O s 9 in 9 o 00 o s o O s s s o o o 00 o w r Mea / \ seas onal y leld, 1 189-1S 29-1,032.000 acre-tea 1 1 1 ^ 1 / / / ■ ■ - seasc Mean nal yield. 19 1 seasonal yi 09-19 Id, 19 29-8 7-192 39 .OC 9 60 Oacr. !,000 i-leet acre-feet I 1^^ -r ■, Z^ 1 ^ 1 I P ^^ ^ "TTL- ^ ^ ^^^B '^ ^ ^ ^M ^ i ^L 1 ■ '7 — — — '- — <-^'-cgf^CMC\JoJfM(NJfsJ I— I u u Hi ^*Su a !gSg ocoooooot oooooooo< 000000005 «D ^ ^ ^ a ooooooooo o o ooo o o o ro o -^ s QOOt^Ol^t^t^C ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo gg8§ O 4' e3 3 3 o _ - JOO 00 Oi M 00 05 ^ O COC'fc^OO ^H »o »^ Oi CO g oogoogo o oo-^t-r^o o OO lO -^ CO w o o »o ^ OJ -^ ^m C4 oooooooo o o ooo O OO 05 CO Oi ':0 C5 -^ o 55 O OOOOOOO o o ooo CO "^ CO ff^oo <£> a> ^ JOOOO o c ) QOOOC i o OS ""tr ic < g SOOO OOQO o o o o o "^ 5D O — kO C^ tTOOO*^ S g"=gSS s 8°gg§ CO O t^« 00 OO CO tt 1-" 00-^W, 1 Q. w s >- « 2 " "?3 1 Q. ?-2 o fe-H^'-r < p:.u; afelH S S't 5 « § fe < o CM a> CM ^"3 -S it ™ Jt- I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 4n 00 --0 coco 00 ooooooooo ooooooooo •^ooiOccioor^OCJ oiO'«*^":r^oascoo CC CO 05 CO »0 OS t^ CD o o CO lO en OS ooooooooo ooooooooo I^OOsO-— 'OCOOt^ 'M'lfl't-^lOflDodt^cdc^ CO CO CO § o' rt -* O CO CO CO CO CO CO OOOOOOOOO o r 3 c^ s ooooooooo CO C-J 'tT 00 -^ lO ^ -^ o c^iOcO0Ct-^CDci' CO CO CO g o" OOO o gooooooo O C^l^ CO o i>. o CO ic CO I>^l>^iO eg o^ CO c^e « o. ^ o CO oooooooo o o ooo CO O CO OS OS (3 o ^ o" •% >^ dJS-Oh^ -a>^ OS W(,S =* :3 S o e3 o S c "^ ^ o rt ^ s ^ c - p C3 ^• « — ^^ . g-o-g Et-g i-rfe Site 412 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES In makin<; provision for proper utilization of imported water, con- sideration shonld be p:iven to the metliod of distributing; both the "in- season" water fallincr within tlie irripration demand and the excess flows not within the irripration demand both in and out of season for replenishment of prround water storapre. It is proposed that tho "in-season" water fallingr within the irri CcSv3 0050QO0O0OOC OCSOOOOOOQQO — • ^l'. t- — l^kOiC ec o O o ^ c*f ^ cC ■^' "— "*" o' cc 'K m* r-T CO »o 00 c^i f — t- i« ci r- o r- ^^ 00 N iC '^ »c^-^fc •-;.— .^'"O o< c S^ cQ (4 a> C o 0-" c = 2- C- •-■ •— 5 L P l- V ft- ^ 5 > «> c coececc*5cocccccoccr^coe^ c OS m ^ « til gggggggSSggS t'^ CC lO CJ c^i_ m^ '^, '^ '^l 3C •-■ ^ >-.2 _;o C 6 o -Q £ •n a> > o S is gOQOQOOOOOOQ COOOOOOOOOO CT'^'^^OOOcCiOeC^CO'— COOOOO'^^^OMt^ — OI-^O coooooooocoo ococccoo=coo c^ re c^i c." »o — i^ — C-; c ^J* o c^ i^ cW" — ^ cT —' c^ cT lo — ' o — ^ Cl OS 03 ^ ■13 cnosososososososoososo) SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 415 these reservoirs and the inflow from the tributaries of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers under present conditions of development. The utilization of the surplus and grass land waters of the San Joaquin River by regulation in Friant Reservoir under the plan of immediate initial development Avould have the effect of reducing the flow into the .San Joaquin River Delta. Based upon the proposed plan of operation with diversions from Friant Reservoir as previously presented for the plan of immediate initial development, the flow of the San Joaquin River System into the San Joaquin Delta is shown for each season dur- ing the period 1917-1929 in Table 158. The quantities shown in this table, except for the modifications of flow resulting from the proposed operation of Friant Reservoir, are based upon irrigation and storage developments as of 1929 and on municipal diversions as of 1940. By comparing the amounts of seasonal run-oif into the delta shown in Table 7 in Chapter II, the amount of reduction in seasonal inflow resulting from the proposed plan of immediate initial development may be ascer- tained. The average seasonal reduction in delta inflow from the San Joaquin River Basin during that period would have amounted to ;!S5,000 acre-feet. The net inflow into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from both the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems, the immediate water jequirements of the delta and adjacent areas to be served therefrom and the surplus of supply over requirements that would have flowed into Suisun Bay under the plan of immediate initial development are shown for each year of the 10-year period 1919-1929 in Table 159. The water requirements of the developed areas in the delta uplands between Vernalis and Antioch, which are now supplied by pumping from the delta channels, are not set up under the requirements shown in Table 159. The present requirements for these uplands have been taken care of by deducting the net use from the quantities of inflow from the San Joaquin River Basin set forth in Table 158. The net inflows from the San Joaquin Valley in Table 159 differ from those in Table 158 by the amounts deducted for present net use requirements in the delta uplands which amounts total about 93.000 acre-feet annually. The data set forth in Table 159 show not only that ample water would have been available in the delta under the plan of immediate initial development to fully satisfy the requirements in the delta and the adjacent areas but also a substantial surplus over and above all lequirements. The bulk of this surplus would occur during the winter and spring months but there would have been considerable amounts of -urplus water in years of this period during eight or nine months. The amount of surplus water above all requirements and the flow into Suisun Bay are shown by months for the years of maximum and mini- nmm run-off during the period 1919-1929 and the average amounts for : the whole period in Table 160. The excess flows into Suisun Bay com- ' bined with the minimum flows provided for controlling saline invasion ; at the lower end of the delta would result in the continuous maintenance I if fresh water in the delta channels free from saline invasion from the . bay, would improve salinity conditions in Suisun Bay and make them practically equivalent to those which would have obtained under nat- ural conditions before the expansion of irrigation, storage and reclama- tion development in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins. L 416 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES i 1^ ,x a S br ce o b .2 ' H a a en-" o o o o o_o_o_o_o_o oo — irtiMciaoc^ooi-oo t>^ eo lo irT U3 t^ r-^ »o TO oT ^ — ' C^ £> ^ -m' CO -^ -.o ci" cococococococcc»^ccco — J, ^ M O >. "^ S, CO - 3 i-5 S oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo :1'£ -I 03 c E£^<- o:) o 5 o rt « <1J -* 0=5-2 oooooocooo oooooooooo o o__ o_ o_ o o_ o_^ o_ o_ o_ CCOlOOCOOOClOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO o^ o o o o o_^ o_^ o o__ o co' CO CC CO C^j M CO CO CO CO OOC300OOO0000OCOO0CO0 oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo 03t--^'-^M»ooo>oc4"f-I" OCOOOiT^iO— i-^oo^^ .-<0i"«j*t^' 030>0iO0^0^0^0i3} S5 3 cSi SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 160 417 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO- SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY UNDER OPERATION OF IMMEDIATE INITIAL STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY, 1919-1929 Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off. 1924 Average for period 1919-1929 Month Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bav, in acrp-feet January 2,521,000 7,514,000 3,883,000 4,066,000 2,904,000 1,853,000 239,000 118,000 177,000 348,000 1,179,000 1,084,000 2,724,000 7,697,000 4,086,000 4,262,000 3,107,000 2,049,000 442,000 321,000 373,000 551,000 1,375,000 1,287,000 613,000 1,038,000 533,000 462,000 64,000 10,000 63,000 364,000 762,000 979,000 816,000 1,228,000 736,000 658,000 267,000 206,000 203,000 203,000 259,000 567,000 958,000 1,182,000 1,794,000 3,142,000 2,674,000 2,537,000 2,174,000 1,088,000 201,000 87,000 150,000 350,000 888,000 1,209,000 1,997,000 February March April.. - ... 3,328,000 2,877,000 2,733,000 May June July August. 2,377,000 1,284,000 404,000 290,000 September. _ . 346,000 October. _. November 553,000 1,084,000 December 1,412,000 Totals 25,886,000 28,274,000 4,888,000 7,283,000 16,294,000 18,685,000 Economic and Financial Aspects — The capital cost of the plan for immediate initial development for the San Joaquin Valley, based on State financing and including general expense and cost of water rights as set forth in Table 149, is estimated at $50,400,000. This figure does not include any portion of the cost for storage development proposed in the plan for immediate initial development in the Sacramento River Basin. As previously stated, the initial storage unit (Kennett Reser- voir) in the Sacramento River Basin is considered essential to the immediate initial plan of development in the San Joaquin River Basin because it is required to provide supplemental supplies for the Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta and adjacent areas not only to meet present deficiencies therein but also to replace water of the San Joaquin River diverted at Friant. It is believed that no transfer of water from the ;San Joaquin River to the upper San Joaquin Valley would be possible of effectuation without provision of full supplies for the delta and I adjacent uplands and the removal of the salinity menace in the delta. The consideration of the financial aspects of the plan for immediate 1 initial development in the San Joaquin River Basin must be combined I with that in the Sacramento River Basin, as the initial units in both 'basins are interdependent and interrelated and together comprise a J unified project of coordinate development for the immediate initial (State Water Plan in the entire Great Central Valley. J The gross annual cost of the units for immediate initial develop- Iment in the San Joaquin Valley would vary with the amortization ■ period and interest rate on bonds. The costs for three periods of amor- itization and with an assumed interest rate of 4^/2 per cent with State [financing are given below. These figures include interest, amortization 'of capital investment on a 4 per cent sinking fund basis, depreciation of physical works and operation and maintenance expense. 27—80997 418 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Amortization period in years Gross annual cost 40 $3,796,000 50 8,603,000 70 3,417,000 The forefjoinf; fi<2:uro.s include the amortization of the capital invest- ment of $1,500,000 in Friant power plant in ten years. The anticipated direct revenues from the project would be obtained from : 1. Sale of electric energy. 2. Sale of water. Electrical energy would be generated at the Friant Power Plant, a 30,000 kilovolt ampere installation. On the average, 105,000.000 kiloAvatt-hours would be generated annually. It is estimated that the value of this power at the switchboard would be 3.5 mills per kilowatt- hour. The annual revenue on this basis would be $367,000. The unit value of 3.5 mills is based on the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam electric plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of transnii.ssion and transmission losses from the point of generation to the load center. The annual revenue from power is the total amount which would be realized when the energy output is fully utilized, and it is assumed herein that arrangements would be made with producing and marketing agencies to plan their development so that the entire output from Friant poAver plant would be absorbed into the power market a1 the time of its completion. The revenues which could be expected from the sale of water, at main canal side, to the lands in production, adjudged in need of imme- diate relief under the State plan for the upper San Joaquin Valley, have been estimated on the basis of the ability of the producing lands to paj' for irrigation water by consideration of the following controlling'^ factors : I IB?™ 1. Acreage of various crops. 2. Permissible annual charges for water at the land for variot crops. 3. Characteristics of imported water supply. t || 4. Cost of distributing imported water, including cost of pumpinp to areas above main canals. 5. Depths to ground water. 6. Cost of pumping ground water contributed by both local and] imported supplies. Table 161 sets forth, for the several areas considered as having ))ermanent deficiency in water supply, the acreage in various crops iij 1929. The permissible annual charges per acre for water delivered at tib< 1 land for various crops are given in Table 162. These are taken fron Table 1, page 14 of Bulletin No. 34, "Permissible Annual Charges fo Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley," Division of Wate Resources, 1930. The figures set forth are considered permissible for ; full supply of water delivered at the land on which it is to be used am SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 419 u -i < CO Hi a: o >"' .J u H < u z Hi U Q H Z u z < Oi u a, b o IN 1^ C*T -^ o o ooo ooo O »-t lO ooo ooo li^ (N O ooo ooo o ir -^ ooo ooo O W3 »0 oo oo O C-J oo OO o>o o o oo oo c ooooooooo ooooooooo CO-^iOOOOO^**Ot^ o > 3:r: -o o c OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO , ■♦J •*^ ■** t^ ^■==== i> t, a u J) 3 - o 5: -so QO o S S = 9 2.0'- gT3 « CC ■a 420 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES are intended to include all items such as interest and principal pay- ments on capital expenditures for irrigation works and water supply, costs of maintenance and operation of irrigation works, as ordinarily understood, and supplemental pumping. These figures are somewhat lower than the excess of income over all other costs of producing and harvesting the crops, including interest on the capital investment, as estimated in Bulletin No. 34. The difference varies from 10 to 50 per cent. TABLE 162 PERMISSIBLE ANNUAL CHARGES FOR IRRIGATION WATER AT THE LAND IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, FOR VARIOUS CROPS Data from Table 1, Bulletin No. 34. "Permissible annual charges for irrigation water in Upper San Joaquin Valley," Division of Water Resources, 1930 Crop Permissible annual charge, per acre Oranges Deciduous fruits __ _ - $30 00 7 50 Grapes, more common varieties Grapes, more profitable table varieties Grain, Tulare Lakelands, only Cotton Alfalfa. Miscell.aneous crops 5 00 7 50 6 00 7 50 8 00 5 00 The permissible total charges for irrigation water at the land in the areas of permanent deficiency in water supply have been estimated by applying unit charges set forth in Table 162, to each of the various crops set forth in Table 161. They are set forth in Table 163. Under conditions of immediate initial development, a small amount of expan- sion in the present irrigated areas devoted to the more valuable crops is quite probable. Therefore permissible total charges with the citrus area increased by 25 per cent also are given in the tabulation. Since the permissible unit charges are from 10 to 50 per cent less than the excess of income over all other costs of producing and harvesting the crops as estimated in Bulletin No. 34, total permissible charges for irrigation water with an increase of 25 per cent also are set forth. TABLE 163 PERMISSIBLE TOTAL CHARGES FOR IRRIGATION WATER AT THE LAND IN AREAS OF . PERMANENT DEFICIENCY IN WATER SUPPLY IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Total .1 permissible Total charge. Crop Area irrigated in 1929, in Permissible unit charge Total permissible permissible charge, with a 25 per cent based on 1929 irrigated areas, and an acres per acre charge increase in citrus areas increase of 25 per cent in permissible unit charges , ■fc- Citrus fruits 38,600 $30 00 $1,158,000 $1,448,000 $1,448,000 Deciduous fruits and olives 57,800 90,100 75,200 103,300 35,000 7 50 7 50 8 00 7 50 5 00 433,000 676,000 602,000 775,000 175,000 433,000 676,000 602,000 775.000 175.000 541,000 Grapes 845.000 Alfalfa 752,000 Cotton 969,000 Miscellaneous 219,000 Totals 400.000 $3,819,000 $4,109,000 $4,774,000 1 f SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 421 The characteristics of the water supply which could have been made available to the areas of permanent deficiency in water supply for different periods and seasons from 1917 to 1929, segregated as to its time of occurrence within or without the irrigation season, has been set forth in Table 157. Table 164 recapitulates and combines the average annual amounts of in-season and out of season water available from local and imported sources for the 8-year period 1921-1929. The corresponding supplies for the minimum season 1923-1924 also are set forth. TABLE 164 WATER SUPPLIES AVAILABLE FOR AREAS CONDITIONS OF IMMEDIATE OF PERMANENT DEFICIENCY INITIAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER Average seasonal water supply for 8-year period, 1921-1929, in acre-feet Area In-season water Gufc-of-season water Local supply Imported supply Totals Local supply Imported supply Totals Madera 46,400 156,000 13,900 47,400 1,500 37,000 94,000 35,000 73,000 35,000 57,000 74,000 68,000 6,000 140,400 35,000 229,000 48,900 104,400 75,500 105,000 6,000 65,000 94,800 44,900 1,300 1,900 14,000 30,000 23,000 30,000 27,000 79,000 Alta-Foothjll . Kaweah 124,800 Lindsay - Tule-Deer Creek 67,900 R?irlimarf^O(>lann 31,300 McFarland Shatter 28,900 Magunden-Edison .. Totals . 302,200 442,000 744,200 207,900 124,000 331.900 Water supply for minimum season 1923-24, in acre-feet Totals. 149,200 173,800 323,000 6,100 2,300 8,400 The costs of distributing both the imported and local supplies are assumed as $1.00 per acre-foot for in-season water and $0.15 per acre- foot for out of season water. The latter figure is on the basis of operat- ing costs only, assuming that the former figure includes all fixed charges on the distribution system. In addition to areas to be served imported in-season water by gravity distribution from the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, there are areas of permanent deficiency requiring regulated supplies of in-season water, which lie at an elevation above the canal and would be served by local pumping projects. These higher areas are fairly of in-season water, Avhich lie at an elevation above the canal and would be 66 feet and the average seasonal quantity to be delivered about 80,000 acre-feet. The additional cost of distribution above that allowed for gravity distribution is estimated at $2.00 per acre-foot or $0.03 per foot acre-foot. One-third of the in-season water, all of the out of season water and one-fifth of all water pumped from wells are considered as con- tributions to ground water. With an annual net use requirement of two acre-feet per acre, it is assumed that the main canal delivery for areas irrigated entirely by a surface supply would be three acre-feet per acre and, for areas served entirely W wells and pumping plants, 422 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES would be 2.5 acre-feet per acre. The unit costs of ground water pump- ing have been based on analyses presented in Chapter VI, the results of which are set forth in detail in Table ]01. The general average unit values for estimating, the cost of ground water pumping in the upper San Joaquin Valley have been determined as two cents per foot acre-foot for fixed charges and tliree cents' per foot acre-foot for energy charges. The average depths to ground water in absorptive areas of permanent deficiency are set forth in Table 165 for the fall of .1921 and the fall of 1929. The total pumping lifts would exceed these depths by the amount of well drawn down during the period of opera- tion, for Avhich full allowance has been made in estimating pumping costs. TABLE 165 AVERAGE DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER IN AREAS OF PERMANENT DEFICIENCY IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Ground water unit firossarea, in square miles Average depth to ground water, in feet Fall of 1921 Fall of 1929 Madera 343 468 373 150 310 23.9 19.2 39.5 84.2 42.3 35.2 Kaweah Tule-Deer Creek 37.2 62.1 Earlimart-Delano 117 6 McFarland-Shafter 67 1 Total area and weighted aver- age depths - 1,644 35.0 55.4 As shown by Plate LXXII, the accumulated net depletion of ground water during the 8-year period 1921-1929 totaled 2,560,000 acre-feet, resulting in an average weighted lowering in ground water levels of 20 feet in absorptive areas of permanent deficiency in the upper San Joaquin A^ alley. This depletion was at the average rate of 128,000 acre-feet per foot of lowering. For conditions of irrigation development and water supply utiliza- tion as of 1929, the total net use requirement for the areas of perma* nent deficiency, comprising about 400,000 acres of developed lands excluding the lower Kings River area, is estimated at 917,000 acre- feet per season. The average seasonal local and imported supplies available for these areas, for the 8-3'ear period 1921-1929, would have been 744,000 acre-feet of in-season water and 332,000 acre-feet of out of seai?on water or a total of 1,076,000 acre-feet. The average supply Avould have exceeded the 1929 net use requirements by 159,000 acre- feet per season which excess amount would have been available for underground storage. Based upon the relation between depletion and ground water lowering which actually occurred from 1921 to 1929, namely 128,000 acre-feet per foot of lowering, it is estimated that an average seasonal accretion to ground water storage of 159,000 acre feet would result in an average seasonal rise of 1.24 feet varyini from 0.4 feet in the Madera unit to 3.8 feet in the Earlimart-Delam unit, with the average amounts of regulated and loeal water suppliei as of the period 1921-1929 and with net use requirements as of 1929. Witli the average depths to ground water as of 1929, and allowini for 20 feet of well drawn down, the total average lift for ground water SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 423 ])iimping would be 75 feet. With ten years operation of the plan and an average seasonal water supply equal to the average for the eight- year period 1921-1929, the average lift would be reduced to 63 feet; and with 20 yeavH of similar operation and M'ater supply, to .50 feet. Based upon the foregoing data on water suppl}', pumping lifts, and unit costs for distribution and pumping, the annual cost of distri- Inition and application of water from main canal side to the land is estimated as follows: The annual cost of distribution of in-season water at $1.00 per acre-foot would be $744,000 ; of out of season water at $0.15 per acre-foot, $50,000. The additional cost of lifting a surface supply of 80,000 acre-feet tlirough lifts averaging 66 feet above San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal at $2.00 per acre-foot would be $160,000. With the 744,000 acre-feet of in-season water distributed on a basis of three acre-feet per acre to serve 248,000 acres, the remain- ing area of deficiency to be served bj^ ground water pumping would be 152,000 acres. With a pumping requirement of 2.5 acre-feet per acre, tlie average quantity to be pumped would be 380,000 acre-feet per season. At $0.03 per foot acre-foot, the annual energy charge with the water levels as of 1929 w^ould be $855,000. With the decreased pump- ing lift resulting from an average seasonal rise in ground w'ater levels of 1.24 feet from replenishment of the underground reservoirs, the energy charge after 10 years of operation would be $718,000 and after 20 years $570,000. For the minimum season, 323,000 acre-feet of in-season water would have been available. If distributed on a basis of three acre-feet per acre, the remaining area to be served by ground water pumping in that season would have been 292,000 acres. With a pumping requirement of 2.5 acre-feet per acre, the maximum required installed capacity would be 730,000 acre-feet for a lift of 75 feet. There would undoubtedly be some shortage of installed pumping capacity in the peak months of a season of minimum yield, although the total seasonal quantity pumped might closely approach the require- ment. The maximum pumping installation is estimated on a basis of 500.000 acre-feet or 68 per cent of the peak requirement in the season of 1923-1924. Based upon this amount and a lift of 75 feet, the total fixed charge on wells and pumping plants at $0.02 per foot acre-foot would be $750,000. Table 166 summarizes the data previously presented on annual costs for distribution and utilization of water from main canal side to the land and the permissible annual charges for water at the land; and sets forth the resulting estimated limits of permissible annual charges for water at main canal side. These are presented on three different assumptions as to ground water conditions and for three different assumptions as to permissible charges for water at the land. It can be readily observed that as the depth to ground water decreases, the margin between production costs and returns increases rapidly. When considered over longer periods, during w^hich the aver- age seasonal in-flow would be much greater than assumed in the analy- sis, the margin would be considerably larger. Probably the rise for a twenty-year period would be twice that indicated by applying the aver- age seasonal supph^ for the eight-year period. In addition to the reduc- tions shown in energy charges with the rise in ground water, there also 'Would be some reduction in fixed charges after the useful life of the I 424 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 166 LIMIT OF PAYMENT FOR IMPORTED WATER AT MAIN CANAL SIDE FOR AREAS OF PERMANENT DEFICIENCY IN WATER SUPPLY IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Based on the Average Seasonal Water Supply for the 8-year Period, 1921- 1929 1 With ground With ground water water conditions conditions after 10 after 20 years of years of With ground operation. operation, water and an and an Item conditions average average as of 1929 seasonal seasonal water supply water supply equal to equal to that of the that of the 8-year period 8-year period 1921-1929 1921-1929 Distribution of in-season water $744,000 $744,000 $744,000 Additional cost for pumping a portion of the supply to areas above canal.. -.. 160,000 160,000 160,000 Distribution of out-of-season water _ 50,000 50,000 50,000 Fixed charges on wells and pumping plants 750,000 750,000 750,000 Energy charges for pumping ground water 855,000 718,000 570,000 Total annual cost of distribution and utilization $2,559,000 $2,422,000 $2,274,000 Total permissible annual charges for water at land based on area irri- gated in 1929 - $3,819,000 $3,819,000 $3,819,000 Limit of payment for imported water at main canal side 1,260,000 1,397,000 1,545.000 Per acre-foot (566,000 acre-feet) _ 2.23 2.47 2 78 Total permissible annual charges for water at land based on irrigated acreage in 1929 but with a 25 per cent increase in citrus areas $4,109,000 $4,109,000 $4,109,000 Limit of payment for imported water at main canal side 1,550,000 1,687,000 1,835,000 Per acre-foot (566,000 acre-feet) 2.74 2.98 3.24 Total permissible annual charges for water at land increased 25 per cent, based on area irrigated in 1929 $4,774,000 $4,774,000 $4,774,000 Limit of payment for imported water at main canal side 2,215,000 2,352,000 2,500.000 ■ Per acre-foot (566,000 acre-feet) 3.91 4.16 4.4: originally installed pumping equipment expired, as all replacements Avould be installed for lower lifts. Fixed charges used in obtaining the $0.02 per foot acre-foot value have been based on an average lift of 18 years for the entire pumping plant installation. For shorter periods, some exchange of piotors for smaller capacities or the removal of a bowl from the pumps may result in small reductions in fixed charges. From all of the foregoing data it is concluded that $3.00 per acre- foot at main canal side is a reasonable estimate of a permissible average charge for im])ortpd water for the areas in the upper San Joaquin Yal ley receiving such a supply under the initial State "Water Plan. Although the analyses used in arriving at this value have been based on] the ability of the producers of the various crops to pay for imported water, it is not suggested tliat water charges be made to the individual on a crop basis. Differential rates based on anything except character of service would be difficult to apply. Much of the citrus area is above the importation canal on relatively impervious soils so that fully regtl lated service would be required. This in turn requires primary watei storage at Friant Reservoir. Such primary sersnce could be put on £ higher rate and supplied mainly to citrus areas. In-season secondafj water in accord with the irrigation demand that would directly replac< I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 425 ground water pumping, chiefly for general crops, would have a con- siderably lower rate. Out of season water or that in excess of the irri- gation demand to be utilized for raising ground water levels and appli- cable for irrigation use only by pumping would carry a still lower rate commensurable with the cost and value of such service. No final determination has been made in this report of charges for imported water based upon character of service. However, for the purpose of presenting one possible basis for water charges with different rates as related to character of service, a tentative set-up is shown in Table 167. Total charges shown in the table are based upon the average seasonal supplj^ available for importation for the 8-year period 1921-1929 and result in an average rate of $3.15 per acre-foot. TABLE 167 TENTATIVE CHARGES FOR IMPORTED \^ ATER AT MAIN CANAL SIDE FOR AREAS IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, BASED ON CHARACTER OF SERVICE Character of service Average seasonal yield from Friant Reservoir, for the 8-year period 1921-1929, in acre-feet Tentative charges for imported water Rate per acre-foot Total PriiDary water > 138,000 329,000 134,000 S8 00 2 00 1 00 $1,104,000 Secondary, in-season, water Secondary, out-of-season, water 658,000 134,000 Totals - 601,000 $3 15 $1,896,000 In addition to the units of the San Joaquin Valley for which costs and revenues have been presented, the immediate initial development in the entire Great Central Valley provides for the construction of Ken- nett Kesen^oir on the Sacramento River and the Contra Costa County Conduit to deliver water from the delta to the upper San Francisco Bay region. Discussion of these units including plans of development and estimates of costs and revenues have been published in other reports.* Electrical energy would be generated at the power plants of the Ken- nett Reservoir, with an aA^erage annual output of 1,591,800,000 kilo- watt hours. It is estimated that this power would have a value at the switch board of 2.65 mills per kilowatt hour to yield an annual revenue of $4,218,000. About 43,500 acre-feet annually could be diverted from the delta by the Contra Costa County Conduit. It is estimated that a revenue of $300,000 per year could be obtained from the sale of this water. In order to control salinity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and furnish a full supply to the lands under irrigation along the Sacramento River and in the delta, an average annual release of about 420,000 acre-feet of stored water from Kennett Reservoir would be required. The estimated average cost of such stored water, with Ken- nett Reservoir operated entirely for irrigation purposes and with proper allowances for power credit, is $1.00 per acre-foot. Therefore, it is ♦Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. Bulletin No. 2S, "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier," Division of Water Resources. 426 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES estimated that the Sacramento Valley and delta interests mifrht be rea- sonably expected to make an average annual payment of $420,000 for stored water furnished to them from Kennett Reservoir. Xo deduc- tions have been made for this possible revenue, however, in obtaininjr the net annual cost in Table 168, but it is included in the financial analyses set forth in Table 169. The capital and gross annual costs and anticipated revenues under the plan of immediate initial development in the Great Central Vallev are presented in Table 168. The annual costs include operation and maintenance charges, interest at 4^ per cent per annum, amortization on a forty-year sinking fund basis at four per cent, and depreciation on a four per cent sinking fund basis with different lengths of service for the various elements of each unit. The revenues are estimated as the total amounts which would be realized when the supplies provided are fully utilized and sold at the unit prices indicated. TABLE 168 COSTS AND REVENUES FOR IMMEDIATE INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY Capital Gross Item cost annual cost Capital and Annual Costs— Kennett reservoir and power plant $84,000,000 $5,297,000 Contra Costa County conduit , 2,500,000 300,000 Friant reservoir and power plant 15,500,000 1,062,000 Madera canal 2.500,000 213,000 San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal 27,300.000 2,225,000 Magnnden-Edison Pumping system 100,000 18,000 Water rights and general expense 7,000,000 389,000 Total.... $138,900,000 $9,504,000 $9,504,000 Annual Revenues — Electric energy sales: 1,591,800,000 kilowatt-hours at J0.00265 $4,218,000 105,000,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0035 367,000 Total electric energy sales $4,585,000 Water sales: 600,000 acre-feet for upper San Joaquin Valley, based on average for twelve-year period. 1917-1929, at $3.00 per acre-foot $1,800,000 43,500 acre-feet for Contra Costa County conduit at $6 90 per acre-foot 300.000 Total water sales $2,100,000 Total revenues, electric energy and water $6,685,000 $6,685,000 Net Annual Cost In Excess of Revenues.. $2,819,000 It may be seen from the foregoing tabulation that, with State financing at 41 per cent interest and amortization of the capital invest-jjj ment in 40 years, the gross annual cost exceeds the anticipated reve-'" nues from the sale of power and water from the project by $2,819,000. If the possible revenue from the sale of stored water for use in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta be considered, the excess of gross annual cost above anticipated revenues would bo reduced about $420,000. Many interests, other than those who actually would receive water in the upper San Joaquin Valley, also would be greatly benefited. In the Sacramento Valley there would bo many beneficiaries. The reduc- tion of floods on the Sacramento River would furnish an additional degree of protection to the overflow lands in the Sacramento Flood Con- trol Project, resulting in a reduction of potential annual flood damages. V SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 427 The Federal and State governments, the various districts and individual landowners would be interested in this feature. The improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River for 190 miles above the city of Sacramento is a feature in whicli the Federal government would be Pj interested and is a basis upon whieli it miglit be expected to participate financially. The furnishing of a full supply to the lands under irriga- tion along the Sacramento River and in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta would be of great benefit to the lands above the city of Sacra- mento in their being assured of an adequate supply in all years with- out being curtailed in their diversions because of navigation require- ments or the possibility of being enjoined by the water users below the city of Sacramento. Some of the lands above Sacramento also would be benefited in all years, and particularly in dry years, by decreased pumping charges due to higher water levels in the Sacramento River I'liannel. This would be a substantial sum in dry years. The city of Sacramento would be benefited as to the quality of its water supply, wliich it obtains from the Sacramento River. In all years, a flow of not less than 5000 second-feet would be passing the intake of its pump- ing plant. In 1920, the mean flow during one 24-hour period in July was as low as 440 second-feet. On this day there was a reversal of flow upstream amounting to a maximum of 2300 second-feet. The control of salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta would relieve the salt water menace in that area and would furnish the irrigated lands a fresh water supply at all times. The furnisliing of an adequate and suitable water supply to the industrial and agricultural areas along Suisun Bay not only would benefit the immediate area, but also the metropolitan areas of Oakland and San Francisco. The relief afi'orded the upper San Joaquin Valley by the consum- mation of this plan would prevent the retrogression of a large area of agricultural land. The maintenance of these lands in production would prevent a loss of taxable wealth in the southern valley counties, help jto restore agricultural credit, maintain and increase business in com- [munities of the aflPected areas and between those areas and the large 'metropolitan centers, and assist in the protection of public utility and I banking investments in these areas. i It is believed that direct contributions by the State and Federal !gOA^ernments might be reasonably anticipated to meet a portion of the I cost of the development, in amounts justified by national and state-wide l)onefits. It is possible that, in financing the project, funds could be 'borrowed at a lower rate of interest, particularly if arrangements were I made for a loan from the Federal government. It is possible also that ■the State could obtain money at an interest rate of less than 4J per 'I'nt. The amortization period might be extended from 40 years to 150, 60 or 70 years and thereby reduce the annual costs. The present 'legal limitation for State bonds is 75 years. 1 Analyses were made of many plans of financing the immediate [initial project" based on various interest and sinking fund rates, ) amortization periods and Federal and State contributions. For pur- poses of comparison, fourteen of these analyses are summarized in 'Table 169. In these analyses, a revenue of $420,000 annually is assumed from sale of water to the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. 428 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 169 FINANCIAL ANALYSES OF PLAN OF IMMEDIATE INITIAL DEVELOPMENT GREAT CEN- TRAL VALLEY PROJECT WITH VARIOUS ASSUMED INTEREST RATES, AMORTIZATION PERIODS AND STATE AND FEDERAL CONTRIBUTIONS Basis of financing Without Direct Federal or State Contributions- Plan 1. Interest at 4}^ percent and 40-year amor- tization on a 4 per cent sinlcing fund basis... I'lan 2. Interest at 4}^ per cent and 50-year amor- tization on a 4 per cent sinliing fund basis . Plan 3. Interest at 4V^ percent and 70-year amor- tization on a 4 per cent sinking fund basis Plan 4. Interest at 4 per cent and 50-year amor- tization on a 4 per cent sinking fund basis Plan 5. Interestat 3)^ per cent and 50-year am'. r- tization on a 3Vi per cent sinking fund basis Plan (). Interest at 3 per cent and 50-year amor- tization on a 3 per cent sinking fund tiasis . Plan 7. No interest and repayment of principal sum in 40 equal annual installments With Direct Federal and State Contributions- Plan 8. Same as Plan 1, with direct Federal con- tribution of $6,000,000 in the interest of naviga- tion and State contribution of 13,400,000 for the relocation of State highway above Kennett Reservoir Plan 9. Same as Plan 2, with Federal and State contributions as in Plan 8 Plan 10. Same as Plan 3, with Federal and State contributions as in Plan 8 Plan 11. Interest at 4H per cent and refunding bonds, with same Federal and State contribu- tions as in Plan 8 Plan 12. Same as Plan 5 with Federal and State contributions as i n Plan 8 Plan 13. Same as Plan 12 with Federal contribu- tion increased to $20,000,000. Capital cost $138,fl00,000 138,900,000 138,900,000 137,400,000 130,000,000 134,500,000 125,400,000 •$129,500,000 *1 29,500,000 * 129.500,000 •129,500,000 •126,600,000 •112,600,000 Gross annual cost $9,504,000 8,960,000 8,438,000 8,179,000 7,564,000 0,975,000 4,767,000 $8,980,000 8,475,000 7,989.000 7,512,000 7,188,000 6,591,000 Annual direct revenue from water and power sales' $7,105,000 7,105,000 7,105,000 7,105,000 7,105,000 7,105,000 7,105,000 $7,105,000 7.105,000 7.105.000 7.105.000 7.105.000 7.105.000 Net annual cost ( — ), or return (-I-) —$2,399,000 —1.855,000 —1.333,000 —1,074,000 —459,000 + 130,000 +2,338,000 $1,875,000 -1,370,000 —884,000 — 407,001 — 83,00( +514,00r •Direct Federal and State contributions not included. ' Includes a revenue of $420,000 for sale of stored water in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaqu Delta, not shown in Table 168. Complete Initial Development of State Water Plan in San Joaquin River Basir The complete initial development of the State Water Plan in thfl San Joaquin River Basin differs from the immediate initial plan oi development in that a much larger supply of water would be furnishecl to provide with greater certainty for the complete relief of the presenf developed areas in the upper San Joaquin Valley, for more substantial ground water replenishment and for expansion of irrigated areas oil lands adjacent to present developments in accord with reasonabll anticipations of growth in the immediate future. Under the proposeJ plan for immediate initial development as previously presented, it hal been shown that the utilization of the grass land and surplus waters ol the San Joaquin River through regulation in Friant Reservoir woulJ provide supplemental water supplies which, in combination with local supplies, would meet the full requirements of present developed area! and replenish the underground reservoirs in the upper San JoaquiJ Valley, based upon a detailed study of operation during the subnormfj period of run-off 1917-1029. However, it can not be certain in futurj years that there will not be seasons or periods of run-off even moil subnormal than during the period 1921-1929 on which the watcl SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 429 ipply studies were based and it may be found that additional supple- lental water supplies would be required to provide adequate and dependable relief to the present developed areas of deficient water ipply in the upper San Joaquin Valley. Moreover it appears reason- )le to anticipate that economic conditions in the future would justify "n expansion of irrigated agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley, neces- , sitating additional water supplies from outside sources. ' The only dependable and practicable source of such additional supplemental supplies would be the Sacramento River Basin. There- fore, when water supplies in addition to the amounts which could be made available from the proposed plan of immediate initial develop- ' ment are required in the upper San Joaquin Valley, either for the purpose of more adequately meeting the needs of present developed areas for actual net use requirements and ground water replenishment, or for expansion of irrigated areas, or for both purposes, importation of Sacramento River Basin water will be required. It is considered ; that this would be a second step in the initial development and, as previously stated, it is believed that the construction of units to pro- vide for importation of Sacramento River Basin water to the San Joaquin Valley could be deferred. However, in view of the possible need for additional supplemental water supplies from this source to adequately meet the full requirements in a plan of initial development, provision should be made in any plan of financing for the initial development for funds to cover the cost of the physical works required for importation of Sacramento River Basin water to the upper San Joaquin Valley. Alternate Plans Investigated — In the formulation of a plan for the importation of water from the Sacramento River Basin to the upper San Joaquin Valley, several alternate plans were investigated. Of these, four have been selected for presentation in the following dis- cussion, with comparisons of capital and annual costs. Two of the plans would not fit in with the proposed plan of immediate initial development as previously set forth and therefore would not be in the nature of a second step in the initial development but rather inde- pendent plans for initial development in one step. Among the plans investigated for the conveyance of water from the Sacramento River Basin to the upper San Joaquin Valley was one with a concrete lined gravity canal extending from the Middle Fork I of the Feather River to the Kern River. A field reconnaissance and 'ost estimate were made for such a canal with a maximum capacity of oOOO second-feet on this location. The route was located on U. S. Geological Survey topographic maps. Grades of .0001 foot per foot were used for canals, .0008 for tunnels and .001 for high head siphons. Allowances were made for suitable losses of head for minor structures. The diversion elevation at the Middle Fork of the Feather River would be 852 feet ; at South Fork of Feather River, 835 feet ; at Yuba River, 790 feet; at North Fork of American River, 743 feet; and at South Pork of American River, 735 feet. The water surface elevation at the San Joaquin River siphon would be 475 feet. The location from the San Joaquin River to Kern River would be the same as the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal of the adopted State Plan. The 430 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES diversion intakes of this conduit on the Sacramento River tributaries woukl be above the i)roposed locations of most of the major reservoirs of the State AVater Plan and hence the canal could not obtain regulated supplies therefrom. It would also be above watershed areas from which originates a large part of the potential surplus water of the Sacramento River Basin. It would be necessary to develop storage above the canal to provide the supplies required for importation dur- ing several months of most years. The conduit would tortuously fol- low a grade contour on steep mountain hillsides, wind in and out around rocky spurs and into receding ravines, pass under granite peaks and ridges in tunnels and cross innumerable drainage channels in high head siphons. The total length would be about 558 miles. A second ])lan investigated, wliich would involve an exchange oi water supplies on the upper San Joaquin River, was a gravity conduit with a capacity of 3000 second-feet extending from the Folsom Reser- voir on the American River to Mendota on the San Joaquin River, where canals which now serve large irrigated areas in the lower San Joaquin Valley, head. The diversion elevation of 345 feet at the Folsom dam site would require about 150,000 acre-feet of dead storage in Folsom Reservoir. This conduit would include ten miles of tunnels, nine miles of major tributary river crossing pressure siphons and more than 150 miles of canal located in pervious and rocky hillside forma tion, necessitating a concrete lined section. Its total length would Ix 215 miles. The plan would also include all units of the immediate initial development in the upper San Joaquin ValleJ^ It woukl involve tlie construction of Folsom Reservoir and hence some modifica- tion of the initial plan of development in the Sacramento River Basin. A scheme, difiPering from but similar in some respects to the first and second plans considered, was investigated, which would provid* for exchange of supplies by means of canals from one- stream to another on the east side of the valley from the Feather River to th( Kern River. This scheme would involve water right adjustments on each stream and would be more costly than the second plan investigated because of the additional diversion and regulatory storage work,'- required on each stream and the more unfavorable topographic con ditions for locating the various exchange conduits above present irri gation development. The quantity of water which could be imported! by such an exchange system would be limited by the flow of the stream having the smallest yield. Because of its obvious infeasibility, no coslj estimates are presented for this scheme. A third plan studied was a direct pumping system from the de channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers to the upper Srf Joaquin Valley, M'ith only a partial exchange of supplies on San Joaquii River. The San Joaquin River Pumping System, as set forth in detai in the adopted plan subsequently presented, would convey water t' Mendota. From this point a jiumping .sy.stem and conduit would bt extended southward to the vicinity of Bakersfield therel)y utilizinf imported water on the lower valley floor lands and releasing loca supplies now u.sed on such lands for use on higher areas. The Sai Joaquin River grass land and surplus waters would be regulated i) Friant Reservoir to serve the Madera and Kings River areas. All othe demands on the lower vallc}^ floor lands of the upper San Joaquin Vallej I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 431 ^pould be satisfied by imported water. Including the utilization of TPresno Slough for the first twelve miles, the conveyance channel and pumping sj^stem from Mendota would extend southeasterly for 41 miles To a point about three miles north of Riverdale and thence easterly a distance of 19 miles, crossing the Kings River just above its point of bifurcation about 2 miles south of Kingsburg at elevation 293 feet. In this first 60 miles there would be six lifts of 27 feet each. It would then traverse a southeasterly direction for an additional 19 miles, crossing the St. John's branch of the Kaweah River two and one-half miles northeast of Visalia at elevation 362 feet. There would be three lifts of 27 feet each on the latter ten miles of this reach of the canal along the St. John's River. From the St. John's River the canal would extend southeasterly 10 miles to a point about midway between Exeter and Lindsay and thence somewhat west of south for an additional 10 miles to a crossing on the Tule River at elevation 348 feet from which point it would follow the Tule River southeasterly a distance of 4 miles to a point about 5 miles west of Porterville at elevation 402 feet. There would be two lifts of 27 feet each on the 5-mile reach of canal along the Tule River. From Tule River south to the terminus at Kern River the location would be identical with that of the proposed San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. The total lift would be 297 feet and the total length of the canal from Mendota to Kern River 161 miles. It would have a capacitj^ of 2000 second-feet to Poso Creek and 1500 second-feet from Poso Creek to Kern River. Other items included in this plan would be : 1. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel and the San Joaquin River Pumping System, in accord wdtli the plan sub- sequently set forth. 2. A reservoir at Friant with a gross capacity of 200,000 acre-feet and a net capacity of 150,000 acre-feet above elevation 420 feet. 3. The Madera Canal with a capacity of 1500 second-feet as pro- posed in the State Plan. 4. A canal from Friant reservoir to Kings River about 30 miles in length having a diversion elevation of 420 feet, a terminus about 2 miles southeast of Sanger at elevation 325 feet and a capacity of 1000 second-feet. The fourth plan investigated and finally selected for adoption pro- vides for the diversion of the supplemental water supply from the Sac- ramento River Basin by pumping from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The physical units of the plan would comprise the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel as described in detail in Chapter VI, the San Joaquin River Pumping System with a maximum capacity of 3000 second-feet, and all of the units of the proposed immediate initial development. Sacramento River water pumped from the delta, together with return flow and surplus waters of the lower San Joaquin Valley intercepted by the pumping system, Avould be substituted for San Joaquin River water now used on crop lands in the lower San •loaquin Valle}' above the mouth of Merced River. By means of this exchange, practically the entire flow of the San Joaquin River would be regulated in Friant Reservoir and would be made available for diversion to and utilization in the upper San Joaquin Valley. i 432 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Aliertmte Plans for San Joaquin River Pumping System — Many (lifforeiit plans and rontos wore considered for a pnmpinp: system to convey water from the delta to Mendota. These varied in ran«re from that of a plan to attain the total elevation reqnired by a series of pump- ing lifts located on the shortest line possible from a point near Paradise Dam westerly toward the foothills and thence continuing southerly through a constructed gravity canal along the west slope of the valley to ]\Iendota, to a plan with a series of dams and pumping lifts utilizing the channel of the San Joaquin River throughout its entire length from the delta to Mendota. In all of the alternate plans of the San Joaquin River Pumping System studied, the same three main channels would be utilized for the conveyance of water from the terminus of the Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel at Central Landing to the first pumping plant. The most easterly of these channels would be the Stockton Deep Water Channel and the San Joaquin River. The other two main channels would be Old River and Salmon Slough, and Middle River with artificial connections alreadj^ constructed such as the Vic- toria-North Canal and the Grant Line Canal. With some enlargement in portions of these channels, the conveyance capacity would be adequate to meet the requirements for exportation of water to the San Joaquin Valley and also for delta irrigation use. Descriptions of seven of the alternate plans studied follow herewith. Plan No. 1, following a route designated as "West Side High Line," would consist of a dredged cut about two miles long from tin river channel at Paradise Dam to the first pumping plant, then eight successive lifts of 27 feet each, connected by concrete lined canals, with a total length of about seven miles to the foothills on the west side of the valley. From this point the canal location would skirt the foot- hills for about 100 miles, terminating at Mendota at elevation 159. This location traversing the coarser and more pervious soils would necessitate the construction of a concrete lined canal as all water would be lifted 216 feet at the intake of the system and canal losses could not be recovered economically for utilization. Plan No. 2, following a route designated as the "All River Channel" location, would consist of 14 mechanically operated steel leaf dams in the river channel between the delta and Mendota with a pumping plant at each dam, and a branch channel extending into Salt Slough above Dam No. 6 with three lifts delivering a portion of th( pumped supply into the present main canal system near Los Banos. The remaining quantity would be pumped through the other eight river lifts to elevation 159, immediately above the present Mendotfi Weir. The river channel is exceedingly variable, both in grade andj cross-section. Therefore, it would be necessary to space the dams at irregular intervals and design each pumping plant for its particulaij lift. The heights of lift would vary from 11 to 18 feet. From the mouth of the Merced River northerly, the Avater surface above eacK proposed dam would lie maintained as nearly as possible at ground level' to afford a minimum obstruction to the spreading of flood flows' Upstream from the Merced River, levees would be provided of sufficien height and distance apart to confine flood flows as regulated by th« proposed Friant reservoir. The heights of lift in this section would b< such that the water surface elevation above each dam would be abou I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 433 that of the maximum flood plane level. This limits the elevation of the surface of pumped water to about seven feet above the general ground ij elevation immediately above the dams. Provision would be made for widening, straightening and deepening the river channel, where neces- sary, below dams, to give the required conveyance capacity without excessive head losses. Movable knockdown wing dams about 8 feet high would be provided across the overflow channels. These wing dams . would connect the mechanically operated steel leaf dams in the river channel with the flood control levees. Levees would be constructed partly from outside borrow pits which would be utilized to collect and convey irrigation drainage water to the pool below each dam. These levees would traverse both banks of the large tributary drainage channels to the required flood control elevation. The pumping plants would be so designed and located that they would be fully protected from damage even with extreme floods. Plan No. 3, following a route designated as the "West Side Valley Trough" location, would consist of 98 miles of unlined canal through the west side trough of the valley and eight pumping plants with uniform lifts of 26 feet each making delivery to Mendota, and one pumping plant having a lift of 23 feet discharging into the present main west side canal system near Los Banos. The canal would traverse largely an impervious soil of poor quality for agricultural use but underlaid and intercepted by flowing sand "kidneys" of considerable volume and extent. A return flow pick-up channel from the river would intercept the canal below each main pumping lift, so that seepage losses would be largely recoverable below each plant as in the "All Eiver Channel" route. Spillway structures and channels to the river would be provided between lifts at suitable elevations. This plan would have uniform lifts and pumping units throughout, and would leave the river channel unaltered except at a few extreme west- erly bends where topography makes economical its utilization as part of the conveyance channel and the substitution of new flood channels therefor. An examination of the logs of a number of wells throughout [the valley trough between Newman and Mendota showed that flowing I sand was encountered at depths of from six to eight feet from the ' surface along this route. Consideration of the difficulties which would jbe encountered in the construction of this system with lifts of 26 feet, ' requiring heavy cuts in flowing sand which might prevent excavation • to the required depths and make canal maintenance at reasonable cost I impossible, led to the tentative abandonment of this plan. Intensive ! exploration, including the procuring of soil samples to greater depths f at close intervals, might result in discovering a route that would make ; this plan feasible. ; Plan No. 4 would include the first five dams and pumping lifts of jPlan No. 2, utilizing the river channel from the delta to the Merced i River. Leaving the river at this point the system would consist of five 1 26.5 foot lifts connected by unlined canals running some 61 miles 1 through the valley trough on the east side of the river southerly to ; Mendota. These canals would be located west of all "Class 1 and 2 i lands" on the east side of the river and nearly the full capacity would l>p lifted to Mendota for distribution on the west side of the valley. 28—80997 434 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Plan No. 5 would inclnde the first five dams and iniinping: lifts of Plan No. 2, utili/.inp: the river channel to FnMnont Ford, seven miles above IMerced Iviver, from which point an nnlined canal would convey the water from the river to Pumping Plant No. 6, where it would be lifted 26.5 feet. Above Plant No. 6 a system of successive lengths of nnlined canal following the same route as Plan No. 3 and utilizing west side slough channels wherever passible, with uniform pumping lifts of 26.5 feet, would convey part of the water into the present west side canal system near Los Banos and the remaining supply to INIen- dota. This plan was tentatively abandoned for the same reason as Plan No. 3. Plan No. 6 would be a high line location similar to Plan No. 1, with the exception that there would be provided two sets of lifts, the first extending westerly fi-om a point near Paradise dam and the second near Los Banos. A portion of the pumped supply would be delivered into the present canal system near Los Banos before pumping through the second set of lifts. Plan No. 7 would include the first five dams and pumping lifts of Plan No. 2, utilizing the channel of the San Joaquin River from the first pumping plant, located just above the j^oint of bifurcation of the San Joaquin and Old River, to the mouth of Merced River, a dis- tance of 72 miles. By means of a series of five successive dams and pumping plants, water would be conveyed from the delta and raiser to an elevation of 62 feet U. S. Geological Survey datum. The damf used for this portion of the conveyance system would be of the col lapsible type so that the river channel could be opened to permit fre« discharge in case of large flows. From the pond above Plant No. 5 i is proposed to depart from the river with a constructed canal extend ing southerly along the most favorable topography. Bj^ means o three pumping lifts in a distance of seven miles the water would bi raised to an elevation of 137 feet at the discharge of Plant No. 8 an< would continue a distance of sixteen miles to Plants Nos. 9 and 1( about five miles west of Los Banos. An exchange would be mad A\ath existing systems serving lands lying below Plant No. 9. Frot the discharge of Plant No. 10, at an elevation of 180 feet, the cane would extend southerly about 38 miles to the Mendota Weir, delivel ing water at an elevation of 159 feet. The pond above the Mendot" Weir would be the source of supply for lands now served by diversior at and near this point. The design and layout of Plan No. 7, excepi for canal and pumping capacity, are identical with the plan of thj San Joaquin River Pumping System for ultimate development as S(| forth in Chapter VI. Estimates of cost are presented on two basej first, with a concrete lined canal throughout and, secondly, with concrete lined canal, from the river to Los Banos Creek and unline canal for the last 36 miles located in relatively impervious soils fro:j Los Banos Creek to Mendota. Cost of Alternate Plans for Complete Initial Development — BstI mates of capital and annual cost of the four alternate plans investigate for complete initial development, including detailed estimates for eat] of the major conveyance units of each plan and of each of the alternaj plans considered for the San Joaquin River Pumping System, are si forth in Tables 170 to 182, inclusive. The estimates of the respectil SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 43r) units are strictly comparal^le both as to type of construction and unit [prices used. All estimates are based on the same types of construction I as described in Chapter VI for the units of the ultimate State Water *]an. Unit prices for Friant dam are the same as set fortli iu Table J6, those of the pumping systems the same as in Table 105 and those per canals the same as in Table 108. The unit prices of construction, 'set forth in the tables in Cliapter VI above referred to, are for the items in place and are exclusive of amounts for administration, engineering, ■contingencies and interest during construction. To each cost estimate there has been added 10 per cent for administration and engineering, 15 per cent for contingencies, and interest for the estimated period of construction at 4.5 per cent, computed on a basis of financing at the beginning of each six months and compounded to the end of the con- struction period. Estimates of annual costs including those for interest and amortization on bonds, depreciation, operation and maintenance are ])resented for each unit. Annual electric energy costs are estimated for (•()nve3'ance units having pumping plants. The bases for estimating annual costs are the same as set forth in Chapter VI for storage and conveyance units of the ultimate State Plan. TABLE 170 COST OF GRAVITY CANAL FEATHER RIVER TO KERN RIVER Feather River to American River Section length, 118 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Diversion dams $900,000 Tunnels 10,530,000 Siphons 4,941,000 Canal 18,657,000 Minor structures 410,000 Right of ways and fencing 160,000 $35,598,000 American River to San Joaquin River Section length, 284 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Tunnels $18,810,000 Siphons 6,964,000 Canal 43,361.000 Minor structures 1,120,000 Right of ways and fencing 350,000 70,605,000 San Joaquin River to Tule River Section length, 98 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Tunnels $392,000 Siphons 1,064,000 Canal 11,021,000 Minor structures ,__ ._. 1,270,000 Right of wavs and fencing 1,122,000 — ■ 14,869,000 Tule River to Deer Creek Section length, 7 miles. Capacity, 2,500 second-feet. Siphons $70,000 Canal 539,000 Minor structures. 74,000 Right of ways and fencing 33,000 — 716,000 Deer Creek to Poso Creek Section length, 27 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Siphons-. $75,000 Canal 1,892,000 Minor structures 329,000 Right of ways and fencing . 147,000 2,443,000 Poso Creek to Kern River Section length, 24 milei. Capacity, 1,500 second-feet. Canal _ $1,445,000 Minor structures 160,000 Right of ways and fencing 99,000 1,704,000 Subtotal _ $125,935,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent 12,593,000 Contingencies, at 15 percent 18,890,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 percent per annum 25,030,000 Total capital cost $182,448,000 Total annual cost $14,778,000 436 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 171 COST OF GRAVITY CANAL AMERICAN RIVER TO MENDOTA Length, 215 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Tunnels - 111,770.000 Siphons 7,230,000 Canal 20,418,000 Minor structures - - 1,600.000 Right of ways and fencing 522,000 Subtotal $41,540,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent 4,154,000 1 Contingencies, at 15 percent 6.231,000 ' Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum.. 5,546,000 Total capital cost.. $57,471,000 Total annual cost $4,581,000 ADDITIONAL STORAGE CAPACITY REQUIRED AT FOLSOM RESERVOIR Assuming the Folsom reservoir included in the plan of initial development, its height would be increased 20 feet to comi)ensate for the lo3s of effective storage below the diversion elevation of the American River-Mendota Canal. The height of dam would be increased from 190 to 210 feet, the gross storage capacity from 355,000 to 500,000 acre-feet and the high water surface from elevation 390 to 410 feet. Capital cost of additional storage $3,365,000 Annual cost of additional storage $202,000 Total costs — Capital cost _._ $60,836,000 Annual cost : $4,783,000, TABLE 172 COST OF MENDOTA-BAKERSFIELD PUMPING SYSTEM Fresno Slough to Tula River Length, 91.8 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Unlined cut from Fresno Slough to first 1 ift, 1,050,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $ 158,000 For concrPte lined canal in deep cut and till sections near pumping plants, 10,560,000 cubic vards at $0.20 to $0.23 -..- 2,270,000 For regular concrete lined canal, earth, 1,603,000 cubic vards at $0.18 289.000 Concretelining, reinforced, 36,060,000 square feet at $0.15. 5,409,000 Pumping plants, with a capacity of 2,000 second-fi et and a lift of 27 feet each, 11 at $272,000 2,992,000 Minor structures: Intake control 20,000 Kings River siphon 127,000 St. .lohns River siphon 35,000 Cottonwood Creek siphon 46.000 Tule River siphon ._ 46,000 Railroad crossings, 5 at $20,000 100,000 Highway crossings, 12 at $9,500 :. 114,000 County road crossings, 45 at $6,000 270,000 Secondary road crossings, 30 at $3,300.... 99,000 Underdrains, 45 at $1,300 59,000 Checks and outlets, 3 at $10,700 32,000 Spillway .structures, 11 at $10,000 110,000 Right of ways and fencing 450,000 Tule River to Poso Creek Length, 33.8 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Excavation: For regular concrete lined canal: earth, 1.950,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $351,000 Concrete canal lining, reinforced, 13,757,000 square feet at $0. 15 2,064,000 Minor structures: Deer Creek siphon - 57,000 White River siphon... 25,000 Rag r.ulch siphon 25,000 Poso Creek siphon 25,000 Railroad crossing... 20,000 Highway crossings, 2 at $9,500 19,000 County road crossings, 31 at $6,000 186,000 Secondary road crossings, 15 at $3,300 60,000 Underdrains, 38 at $3,000 114,000 Checks and outlets, 2 at $10,700 .- 21,000 Right of ways and fencing 180,000 $12,626,00(1 3,137.00 I \ SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 437 TABLE No. 172— Continued Poso Creek to Kern River Length, 23.8 nules. Capacity, 1,500 second-feet. Excavation: For regular concrete lined canal, earth, 1,061,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $191,000 Concrete canal lining, reinforced, 8,358,000 square feet at $0.15. - 1,254,000 Minor structures: Railroad crossing 17,000 Highway crossing 9,000 County road cro.ssings, 5 at $4,500.-- -_- 23,000 Secondary road crossings, 15 at $3,000 45,000 Underdrains, 68 at $900 61,000 Check and outlets 8,000 Right of ways and fencing 99,000 $1,707,000 Subtotal $17,470,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent -.- 1,747,000 Contingencies, at 15 percent 2,620,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 percent per annum 2,332,000 Total capital cost $24,169,000 Annual cost, exclusive of energy $2,059,000 Average annual energy charge, 308,887,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055 1,699,000 Total annual cost $3,758,000 TABLE 173 COST OF CANAL FROM FRIANT RESERVOIR TO SERVE KINGS RIVER AREA, ONLY Diversion elevation, 420 feet. Capacity, 1,000 second-feet. Length, 30 miles. Firsts Miles in Foothills Excavation: Reck, 80,000 cubic yards at $1.00 $80,000 Earth overlying rock, 100,000 cubic yards at $0.25 25,000 Hardpan 310,000 cubic yards at $0.60 186,000 Earth, 180,000 cubic yards at $0.18 32,000 Rock trimming, 300,000 square feet at $0.10 30,000 Concrete lining: 2,025,000 square feet at $0.16 324,000 Structures: Little Dry Creek siphon 100,000 Minor siphons, 3 at $10,000 30,000 Highway crossing 6,000 Road crossings, 6 at $3,500 21,000 Railroad crossing 12,000 Underdrains, 3 at $2,000 6,000 Right of ways and fencing 20,000 $872,000 From Edge of Foothills to Centerville Bottoms Length 18 Miles Excavation: Earth, 870,000 cubic yards at $0.18 $157,000 Concrete lining: 5,300,000 square feet at $0.15 795,000 Structures: Dry Creek siphon 10,000 Railroad crossings, 3 at $12,000 36.000 Highway crossings, 3 at $6,000 18,000 Road crossings, 30 at $3,500 105,000 Underdrains, 5 at $2,000 10,000 Main canal crossings, 2 at 6,000 12,000 Minor canal crossings, 20 at $3,000 60,000 Control and turnout structures, 8 at $4,000 32,000 Drop into Centerville Bottoms 12,000 Right of ways and fencing 300,000 1,547,000 Enlargement of Natural Channels in Centerville Bottoms Length 3 Miles Excavation: Earth, 150,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $23,000 Right of ways and fencing - 10,000 33,000 Subtotal $2,452,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent -.- 245,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent - 368,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum. 213,000 Total capital cost $3,278,000 ■ Total annual cost $261,000 438 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 174 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 1, WEST SIDE HIGH LINE ROUTE Cential Landing to Paradise Dam Length 36 miles. Excavation and embankment: Enlargement of delta channels 4,800,000 cubic yards at $0.10 J480,000 Hight of way.s: i For channel enlargement and sp')il areas 120,000 TABLE 175 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 2, ALL RIVER CHANNEL ROUTE Central Landing to Merced River Length, 102 miles. Capacity varies from 2,000 to 2,500 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Enlargement of delta channtl.s below Dam No. 1, 4,000,000 cubic yards at $0.10... . $400,000 Channel changes and enlargement between dams, l.R85,000 cubic yards at $0.10 IfiS.OOO l/cvee embankment above (lam.s, 518,000 cubic yards at $0.15 78,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. l,capacity, 2,000 second-feet: height of lift, 18 feet 235,000 Lift No. 2, capsvcitv, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 213,000 Lift No. 3, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet.. 256,000 Lift No. 4, capacity, 2.500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 265,000 Lift No. 5, oapacitv, 2,500 second-feet: height oflift, 13 feet 265,000 Steel leaf dams: Dam No. 1 172,000 Dam No. 2 172,000 Dam No. 3 123.000 Dam No. 4 208,000 Dam No. 5 147.000 $600,000 Paradise Dam to Los Banos Creek Length, 01 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation: Unliiied cut from Taradise dam to first lift, 1,100,000 cubic yard.s at $0.15. . . $165,000 For concrete lined canal in deep cut and fill sections near pumping plants, 1.125,000 cubic yard;; at $0.20 to $0.23 240,000 For regular concrete lined canal; earth, 4,560,000 cubic yards at $0.18 821,000 Hardpan, 460,000 cubic yards at $0.60. 276,000 Concrete lining, reinforced: 29,560,000 square feet at $0.15 4,434,000 I'umping plants: With a capacity of 3,000 second-feet and a lift of 27 feet each, 8 at $408,000 3,264,000 Siphon: Diameter 23 feet, length 5,500 feet 8.50,000 Minor striictures: River intake control 25,000 Railroad crossing 25,000 Underdrains, 27 at $2,000 _ _.. 54,000 Road crossings, 22 at 17,000 154,000 Minorsiphons, 3 at $10,000 30,000 Right of ways and fencing 210,000 10.548.000 Los Banos Creek to Mendota Length, 39 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Excavation: For regular concrete lined canal: Earth. 2,400,000 cubic vards at $0.18 $432,000 Hardpan, 40,000 cubic yards .at $0.60 24,000 Concrete canal lining, reinforced: 14,839,000 square feet at $0.15. 2,226,000 Minor structures: Railroad crossing 20,000 UnderdraiPG, 5 at $1,600 8,000 Road crossings, 18 at $6,000 108,000 Minor siphon 9,000 Right of ways and fencing... _ 90,000 2,917,000 Subtotal.. $14,065,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent 1,406,000 Contingencies, at 15 percent - 2,110.000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 1,878,000 Total capital cost $19,459,000 Annual cost, exclusive of energy.- . - $1,680,000 Average annual energy charge. 332,000,000 kilowatt hours at $0.0055 1,826,000 Total annual cost $3,506,000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 439 TABLE 175— Continued Minor structures: Drainage culverts through levees Control works at Paradise Dam ______ Maintaining existing bridges during construction- Right of ways: Delta channel enlargement and spoil areas River levees and spoil areas Merced River to Mendota Length, 88 miles. Capacity varies from 3,000 to 2,000 second-feet. t Excavation and embankment: Channel changes and enlargement between dams, 6,415,000 cubic yards at $0.10 Changes in existing canal locations, 400,000 cubic yards at ?0.15 Levees along main river, 8,682,000 cubic yards at |0.15 Levees along Mariposa Slough, Bear River, Fresno River, Ash Creek and Berenda Slough, 2,800,000 cubic yards at $0.15 Pumping plants: Lift No. 6, capacity, 3,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet lAft No. 7, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet Lift No. 8, capacity, 2,000 second-feet ; height of lift, 11 feet Lift No. 9, capacity, 2.000 second-feet; height of lift, 11 feet Lift No. 10, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 11 feet Lift No. 11, capfcity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet Lift No. 12, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet Lift No. 13, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet Lift No. 14, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 11 feet Steel leaf dams: Dam No. 6 Dam No. 7 Dam No. 8 ---. Dam No. 9 Dam No. 10 Dam No. 11 Dam No. 12 Dam No. 13 Dam No. 14 Minor structures: Drainage culverts through levees Maintaining existing bridges during construction. Right of ways Cost of main dams $123,000 98,000 98,000 98,000 123,000 123,000 233,000 178,000 233,000 Cost of A- frame dams between main dams and flood control levees $84,000 87,000 87,000 87,000 85,000 85,000 73,000 78,000 73,000 $20,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 90,000 $642,000 60,000 1,302,000 420,000 319,000 213,000 204,000 204,000 204,000 213,000 213,000 213,000 204,000 $207,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 208,000 208,000 306,000 256,000 306,000 80,000 50,000 750,000 $2,997,000 7,337,000 Salt Slough and Salt Slough Extension to Los Banos Length, 21 miles. Capacity, 1,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Channel excavation in Salt Slough, 800,000 cubic yards at $0.10 $80,000 Levees on Salt Slough, 1,500,000 cubic vards at $0.15 225,000 Extension canal, for concreteUned section, 510,000 cuuic yards at $0.20 to $0.23 ._. 110,000 Concrete lining, reinforced; 1,925,000 square feet at $0.15 289,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 6A, capacity, 1,000 second-feet; height of lift, 18 feet 118,000 Lift No. 6B, capacity, 1,000 second-feet; height of lift, 16 feet 114,000 LiftNo.6C, capacity, 1,000 second-feet; height of lift, 16 feet 114,000 Minor structures: Siphon under railroad and highway 25,000 Road crossings, 5 at $7,000 and 5 at $3,000 50,000 Right of ways ---- 55.000 1,180,000 Subtotal $11,514,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent $1,152,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent 1,727,000 Interest during construction, based on aninterest rateof 4.5 per cent per annum 1,537,000 Total capital cost $15,930,000 Annual cost, exclusive of energy $1,445,000 Average annual energy charges, 175,132,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055... 963,000 Total annual cost $2,408,000 440 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 176 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 3, WEST SIDE VALLEY TROUGH ROUTE Central Landing to Paradise Dam Length, 36 miles. Excavation and embankment: , Enlargement of delta channels: 4,800,000 cubic yards at $0.10 $480,000 Right of ways: Channel enlargement and spoil areas 120,000 Paradise Dam to Los Banos Branch Canal Length, 58 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Main canal, unlined, 11,250,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $1,688,000 Spillway and return flow pick up channels and minor stream channel changes, 990,000 cubic yards at $0.15 148,000 Pumping plants: 5 with a lift of 26 feet each, at $408,000 2,040,000 Minor structures: River intake control 25,000 Road crossings, 34 at $8,000 -. 272,000 Patterson canal crossing 10,000 Puerto Creek siphon _-_ 30,000 Orestimba Creek siphon 30,000 Spillway structures, 4 at $15,000 60,000 Return water intake structures, 4 at $25,000 100,000 Underdrains, 11 at $3,000 33,000 Drainage inlets, 5 at $5,000 25,000 Right of ways and fencing 250,000 Los Banos Branch Canal Length, 3.G miles. Capacity, 1,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Canal, unlined, 440,000 cubic yards at 10.15 $66,000 Pumping plant, lift, 23 feet 130,000 Minor structures: Control at branch 5,000 Railroad and highway crossing. 25,000 Road crossings, 3 at S5,000 15,000 Structure at intersection with existing canal 5,000 Right of ways and fencing 15,000 $600,000 4,711,000 261,000 Los Banos to Mendota Length, 36 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Main canal, unlined 6,050,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $908,000 Spillway channels and stream channel changes, 230,000 cubic yards at $0.15 34,000 Pumping plants: 3 with a lift of 26 feet each at $272,000 816,000 Minor structures: Road crossings, IC at $6,500 65,000 Poso Canal siphon 8,000 Spillway structures, 3 at $10,000.. 30,000 Drainage inlets, 6 at $3,000 18,000 Outlets, 2 at $3,000 9,000 River control 50,000 Return water intake 25,000 Right of ways and fencing 215,000 2,178,000 Subtotal $7,750,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent $775,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent - 1,162,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 1,035,000 Total capital cost $10,722,000 Annual cost exclusive of energy _ _ $933,000 Average annual energy charge, 291,500,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055 1,603,000 Total annual cost $2,536,000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN TABLE 177 441 I COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 4, RIVER CHANNEL ROUTE TO MERCED RIVER UNLINED CANAL EAST SIDE OF VALLEY TROUGH, MERCED RIVER TO MENDOTA Central Landing to Merced River Length, 102 miles. Capacity varies from 2,000 to 2,500 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Enlargement of delta channels below Dam No. 1, 4,000,000 cubic yards at SO.IO J400,000 Channel changes and enlargement between dams, 1,685,000 cubic yards at $0.10 168,000 Levee embankments above dams, 518,000 cubic yards at 10.15 78,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 1, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 18 feet.. 235,000 Lift No. 2, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 213,000 Lift No. 3, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 266,000 Lift No. 4, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 265,000 Lift No. 5, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 265,000 Steel leaf dams: Dam No. 1 172,000 Dam No. 2. 172,000 Dam No. 3 123,000 Dam No. 4. 208,000 Dam No. 5 147,000 Minor structures: Drainage culverts through levees , 20,000 Control works at Paradise Dam 25,000 Maintaining existing bridges during construction 50,000 Right of ways: Delta channel enlargement and spoil areas 100,000 River levees and spoil areas 90,000 — $2,997,000 Merced River to Mendota Length, 63 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Dredging on Merced River, 1,050,000 cubic yards at $0.10 $105,000 Main canal, unlined, 12,280,000 cubic yards at $0.15 1,842,000 Spillway channels, 120,000 cubic yards at $0.15 18,000 Pumping plants: 5 with a lift of 26.5 feet each at $408,000 2,040,000 Minor structures: Intake control at Merced River 25,000 Bear Creek siphon 30,000 Mariposa Slough siphon 40,000 Chowchilla River siphon 50,000 Ash Slough siphon 40,000 Berenda Slough siphon 25,000 Fresno Slough siphon 120,000 Road crossings, 26 at $8,000 168,000 Spillway structures, 4 at $15,000 60,000 Canal crossings, 3 at $10,000 30,000 Intake from Fresno River 15,000 Minor drainage inlets, 3 at $5,000 15,000 Underdrains, 5 at $3,000 15,000 Right of ways and fencing 225,000 4,863,000 Subtotal ^ $7,860,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent $786,000 Contingencies, at 15 percent 1,179,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 percent per annum 1,049,000 Total capital cost... $10,874,000 Average annual cost, exclusive of energy 977,000 Average annual energy charge, 238,000,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055 1,309,000 Total annual cost $2,286,000 442 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 178 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 5, RIVER CHANNEL ROUTE TO FREEMONT FORD UNLINED CANAL WEST SIDE OF VALLEY TROUGH, FREEMONT FORD TO MENDOTA Central Landing to Fremont Ford Length, 109 miles. Capacity varies from 2,000 to 2,500 second-feet. Excavation and embanltment: Enlargement of delta channels below Dam No. 1, 4,000,000 cubic yards at $0.10 1400,000 Channel changes and enlargements between Dam No. 1 and Freemont Ford, 2,890,000 cubic yards at $0.10 289,000 Levee embankments above dams, 518,000 cubic yards at $0.15 78,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 1, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 18 feet 235,000 Lift No. 2, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 213,000 Lift No. 3, capacity, 2,.500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 2t)t),000 LiftNo. 4, capacity, 2,,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 2(55,000 Lift No. 5, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 265,000 Steel leaf dams: Dam No. 1 - 172,000 Dam No. 2 172,000 Dam No. 3 123,000 Dam No. 4. 208,000 Dam No. 5 147,000 Minor structures: Drainage culverts through levees 20,000 Control works at Paradise Dam 25,000 Maintaining existing bridges during construction 50,000 Right of ways: Delta channel enlargemen'' and spoil areas 100,000 River levees and spoil areas _. 100,000 Fremont Ford to Los Bancs Branch Canal Length, 18.5 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Maincanal,unlined 3,390,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $509,000 Pumping plants: 2 with a lift of 26.5 feet each at $408,000.. 816,000 Minor structures: Control works at Fremont Ford 25,000 Road crossings, 10 at $8,000 80,000 Return water pick upstructure at Salt Slough 20,000 Drainage inlets, 3 at $5,000 15,000 Right of ways and fencing 70,000 Los Banos Branch Canal Length, 3.6 miles. Capacity, 1,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Canal, unlined, 440,000 cubic yards at $0.15. $66,000 Pumping plant, lift 23 feet 130,000 Minor structures: Control at branch 5,000 Railroad ami highway crossing.. 25,000 Road crossings, 3 at $5,000 15,000 Structure at intersection with existing canal .'. 5,000 Right of ways and fencing 15,000 Los Banos to Mendota Length, 36 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Main canal, unlined, 6,0.50,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $908,000 .Spillway channels and stream channel changes, 230,000 cubic yards at $0.15 34,000 Pumping plants: 3 with a lift of 26 feet each at $272,000 816.000 Minor structures: Road crossing.s, 10 at $6,500.. •... 65,000 Poso Canal siphon - 8,000 Spillwav structures, 3 at $10,000.. 30,000 Drainage inlets, 6 at $3,000 18,000 Outlets, 3 at $3,000 9,000 . Rivercontrol 50,000 Return water intake 25,000 K ight of ways and fencing 215,000 $3,128,000 1,535,000 261,000 2,178.000 Subtotal $7,102,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 per cent 710,000 Contingencies, at 15 per cent - 1,065.000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.6 percent per aonum 948,000 Total capital cost $9,826,000 Annual cost, exclusive of energy $884,000 I Average annual energy charge, 208,750,000 kilowatt-bours at $0.0056 1,148,000 Total annual cost $2,032,000 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 443 TABLE 179 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 6 MODIFIED WEST SIDE HIGH LINE ROUTE Central Landing to Paradise Dam Length, 36 miles. Excavation and embankment: Enlargement of delta channels, 4,800,000 cubic yards at $0.10 $480,000 Right of ways: Delta channel enlargement and spoil areas 120,000 $600,000 Paradise Dam to Los Bancs Length, 60 miles. Capacity, 3,000 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Unlined cut from Paradise Dam to first lift, 100,000 cubic yards at $0.15 $15,000 Concrete lined canal in deep excavation and embankment sections near pumping plants, 1,600,000 cubic yards at $0.20 to $0.23 344,000 Canals with regular concrete lined section: Earth, 4,300,000 cubic yards at $0.18 774,000 Hardpan, 80,000 cubic yards at $0.60 48,000 Concrete canal lining, reinforced: 26,670,000 square feet at $0.15 4,000,000 Pumping plants: 6 with a lift of 26.5 feet each at $408,000 2,448,000 Minor structures: River intake control 25,000 Railroad crossing 25,000 Underdrains,20at$2,000. — 40,000 Road crossings, 47 at $7,000 329,000 Minor siphons, 7 at $10,000 70,000 Right of ways and fencing 237,000 8,355,000 Los Bancs to Mendota Length, 40 miles. Capacity, 2,000 second-feet. Excavation: Concrete lined canal in deep excavation and embankment sections near pumping plants, 250,000 cubic yards at $0.20 to $0.23 $54,000 Canals with regular concrete lined section: Earth, 2,400,000 cubic yards at $0.18.. 432,000 Hardpan, 40,000 cubic yards at $0.60 24,000 Concrete canal lining, reinforced: 15,280,000 square feet at $0.15_ 2,292,000 Pumping plants: 2 with a lift of 26.5 feet each at $272,000 544,000 Minor structures: Railroad crossing 20,000 Underdrains, 5 at $1,600 8,000 Road crossings, 18 at $6,000 108,000 Minor siphon 9,000 Right of ways and fencing.. 114,000 3,605,000 Subtotal $12,560,000 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent $1,256,000 Contingencies, at 15 percent 1,884,000 Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 1,677,000 Total capital cost ^. $17,377,000 Annual cost, exclusive of energy $1,506,000 Average annual energy charge, 299,000,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055... 1,644,000 Total annual cost $3,150,000 I ti 4U DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 180 COST OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM PLAN No. 7 ADOPTED PLAN, WITH ALL CANALS CONCRETE LINED Central Landing to Hills Ferry Length, 102 miles. Capacity varies from 2,000 to 2,500 second-feet. Excavation and embankment: Enlargement of delta channels below Dam No. 1, 4,000,000 cubic yards at $0.10 . . $400,000 Channel changes and enlargement between dams, 1,685,000 cubic yards at $0.10 168,000 Levee embankments above dams, 518,000 cubic yards at $0.15 78,000 Pumping plants: Lift No. 1, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 18 feet 235,000 Lift No. 2, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 213,000 Lift No. 3, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet -.. 266,000 LiftNo. 4, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 265,000 Lift No. 5, capacity, 2,500 second-feet; height of lift, 13 feet 265,000 Steel leaf dams: Dam No. 1 --- - 172,000 Dam No. 2 ..- -- 172,000 Dam No. 3. - - 123,000 Dam No. 4 - - 208,000 Dam No. 5..- - - 147,000 Minor structures: Drainage culverts through levees - — 20,000 Control works at Paradise Dam _. - -.- 25,000 Maintaining existing bridges during construction 50,000 Right of ways: Delta channel enlargement and spoilareas. 100,000 River levees and spoil areas -- - 90,000 Hills Ferry to Mendota Length, 63 miles. Capacity varies from 3,000 to 2,000 second-feet. Excavation: Canals in deep cut and fill sections near pumping plants, 1,895,000 cubic yards at $0.20 to $0.23 - $424,000 Canals with regular concrete lined section: Earth, 4,029,000 cubic yards at 10.18 - 725,000 Hardpan, 111,000 cubic yards at $0.60 67,000 Spillway channel near Los Bancs, 170,000 cubic yards at $0.15 25,000 Concrete canal lining, reinforced: 24,306,000 square feet at $0.15 3,646,000 Pumping plants: LiftNo. 6, capacity, 3,000 second-feet; height of lift, 26.5 feet 408,000 Lift No. 7, capacity, 3,000 second-feet; height of lift, 26.5 feet 408,000 Lift No. 8, capacity, 3,000 second-feet; height of lift, 26.5 feet 408,000 LiftNo. 9, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 26.5 feet 272,000 Lift No. 10, capacity, 2,000 second-feet; height of lift, 26.5 feet. 272,000 Minor structures on portion of canal having a capacity of 3,000 second-feet: Intake gates in cut near Hills Ferry 25,000 Siphons, 3 at $10,000 .--- 30,000 Railroad crossing 25,000 Road bridges, 20 at $7,000 140,000 Spillway channel control 10,000 Bridges on spillway channel, 3 at $4,000 12,000 Outlets, 2 at $5,000 10,000 Underdrains, Sat $2,000.. 6,000 Minorstructures on portion of canal having a capacity of 2,000 second-feet: Road bridges, 18 at $6,000 108,000 Siphon 9,000 Railroad crossing - 20,000 Outlets, 2 at $5,000.. 10,000 Underdrains, 5 at $1,600 8,000 Right of ways and fencing 296,000 Subtotal $10,361,0 Administration and engineering, at 10 percent Contingencies, at 15 percent Interest during construction, based on an interest rate of 4.5 percent per annum Total capital cost •$14,334,00< Annual cost, exclusive of energy Average annual energy charge, 207,000,000 kilowatt-hours at $0.0055 Total annual cost •$2,405,0 • Capital and annual costs of $15,000,000 and $2,500,000, respectively, have been adopted for the estimate of (. San Joaquin River Pumping Sy.stem in order to make provision in the plan of financing for the construction of any of ( alternative plans that more intensive exploration and study may reveal to be the most feasible and advantageous fori purposes, including those of navigation and flood control. See Chapters IX and X. MODIFIED ADOPTED PLAN, WITH UNLINED CANAL BETWEEN LOS BANDS CREEK AND MENDOTA Items of capital cost same as above, except that cost of excavation would be increased by addition of 1,761,000 cubi! yards at $0.18 or $317,000; cost of concrete lining would be decreased by elimination of 13,816.000 square feet at $0.1 or $2,073,000; and overhead costs would be decreased corresponding to the net reduction in cost of these items. Annul cost, exclusive of electric energy charges, would also be reduced correspondingly. I'otal capital cost. Total annual cost. $11,714,00 $2,182,0C' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 445 f Table 181 sets forth a comparative summary of capital and annual costs of the alternate plans investigated for the San Joaquin River Fumping System. TABLE 181 SUMMARY OF COSTS OF ALTERNATE PLANS FOR SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM Plan Capital cost Annual cost No. 1, West Side High Line; all concrete lined canal $19,459,000 15,930,000 10,722,000 10,874,000 9,825,000 17,377,000 14,334,000 11,714,000 13,500,000 No. 2, All River Channel Route - - 2,408,000 No. 3, West Side Valley Trough Route, all unlined canal - - 2,536,000 No. 4, River Channel to Merced River, unlined canal east side of valley trough, Merced River to Mendota.- - 2,286,000 No. 5, River Channel to Fremont Ford, unlined canal west side of valley trough, Fremont Ford to Mendota _ - 2,032,000 No. 6, Modified West Side High Line Route; all concrete lined canal 3,150,000 No. 7, Adopted Plan, River Channel to Merced River and Canal to Mendota: With entire canal concrete lined - 2,405,000 2,182,000 Of the plans considered with various alternate routes for the San Joaquin River Pumping System, Plans 3 and 5 were tentatively elimi- nated because of flowing sand conditions. Plans 1 and 6 are eliminated from consideration because of higher capital and annual costs. Of the remaining Plans 2, 4 and 7, Plan No. 7 with an unlined canal from Los Banos Creek to Mendota would be cheaper in annual cost than either Plans 2 and 4. Plan No. 4 would be somewhat cheaper in annual cost than Plan No. 7 with a concrete lined canal throughout. Although Plan No. 7 with an unlined canal from Los Banos Creek to Mendota appeared after careful study and comparison and in the light of present knowledge to present the greatest advantages from all viewpoints, it was concluded that this plan with provision for a concrete lined canal throughout should be adopted as a basis for estimating the cost of the San Joaquin River Pumping System in order to assure ample funds for the construction of this unit in accord with any final plan that more intensive exploration and study may reveal to be the most feasible and advantageous for all purposes. The capital and annual costs for the San Joaquin River Pumping System used in the subsequent cost analyses have been set up as $15,000,000 and $2,500,000, respectively. Navigation could be restored on the San Joaquin River as far upstream as Salt Slough by the incorporation of locks in the dams of the tentatively adopted plan. If it should be desirable to extend navigation to Mendota it could be accomplished by the adoption of Plan No. 2, and the incorporation of locks in all of the dams. In Table 182 there are presented comparative summaries of the capital and annual costs of the four alternate plans investigated for complete initial development. These estimates do not include any portion of the cost of storage units which would be required in the Sacramento River Basin to provide regulated supplies for importation to the San Joaquin Valley or any other costs involved in the plan for complete initial development in the Sacramento River Basin. In all the plans considered storage would be required and the cost would vary to some extent under the different plans. The net cost of storage on the Feather, Yuba and American rivers would be greater than on the 446 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Sacramento River in Kennett Reservoir, If storage costs were included, tlie differences in net annual costs between the gravity canal plans and the pumping plans would be more than indicated. TABLE 182 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF ALTERNATE PLANS FOR COMPLETE INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN PROVIDING FOR IMPORTATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL WATER SUPPLIES FROM SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN TO UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Plan Gravity Canal, Feather River to Kern River Without Exchange of Supplies on San Joaquin River Canal, capacity 3,000 second-feet ._ Water rights and (jeneral expense Totals. Gravity Canal, American River to Mendota and Exchange of Supplies on San Joaquin River American lliver-Mendota Canal, capacity 3,000 second-feet.. Friant Reservoir, grcss capacity 400,000 acre-feet, net capacity above elevation 467 feet, 270,000 acre-feet .-. Madera Canal, capacity 1 ,500 second-feet.. San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, capacity 3,000 second-feet... Water rights and general expense _ Totals. San Joaquin River and Mendota-Bakersfield Pumping Systems, with Only Partial Exchange of Supplies on San Joaquin River Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel, one-half cost San Joaquin River Pumping System, capacity 3,000 second-feet Mendota-Bakersfield Pumping System, capacity 2,000 second-feet - . . Friant Reservoir, gross capacity 200,000 acre-feet, net capacity above elevation 420 feet, 150,000 acre-feet.. . Madera Canal, capacity 1,500 second-feet. Friant-Kings River Canal, capacity 1,000 second-feet Water rights and general expense Totals. San Joaquin River Pumping System and Exchange of Supplies on San Joaquin River Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Cross Channel, one-half cost San Joaquin River Pumping System, capacity 3,000 second-feet Friant Reservoir, gross capacity 400,000 acre-feet, net capacity above elevation 467 feet, 270,000 acre-feet.. Madera Canal, capacity 1,500 second-feet... San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal, capacity 3,000 second-feet Water rights and general expense Totals. Capital cost $182,448,000 1,000,000 $183,448,000 $60,836,000 14,000,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 5,000,000 $109,636,000 $2,000,000 15,000,000 24,169,000 7,000,000 2,500,000 3,278,000 5,000,000 $58,947,000 $2,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 2,500,000 27,300,000 5,000,000 $65,800,000 Annual cost $14,778,000 56,000 $14,834,000 $4,783,000 840,000 1 213,000 2,225,000 I 278,000 I $8,339,001 $150,001 2,500,00< 3,758,000 420,000 213,000 261,000 278,000 $7,580,000 $150,000 2.500,000 840,000 213,000 2,225.000 278,000 $6,206,000 Selection of Plan for Complete Initial Development — The selection of the most desirable plan for complete initial development must be based not only upon a consideration of capital and annual costs of the various alternative plans of development considered but also upon legal aspects with respect to interference with water rights and the adapta- bility of each plan in a progressive development looking towards the consummation of the ultimate plan of development. The desirability of providing a plan of complete initial development which would fit with the proposed plan of immediate initial development and be in t! nature of a second progressive step must also be considered. The two of the alternative plans considered, with gravity canals from the Sacramento River Basin, w'ould divert water above the owners of riparian w^ater rights and appropriative water rights with large diversions in the Sacramento Valley. The difficulty and confusior SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 447 which would arise in making adjustments for such interference, which would be satisfactory to the present riparian and appropriative water right owners, would be large. In the light of present knowledge of the operation of the riparian doctrine, it would appear infeasible to divert supplemental supplies above these riparian lands. With respect to the second plan providing for diversion from the American River, such diversion would take water which would be required for ultimate devel- opment not only in the Sacramento River Basin but also in hydro- graphic divisions 12 and 13 of the lower San Joaquin Valley. How- ever, in addition to these undesirable features of the first and second plans considered, the capital and annual costs for both of these plans greatly exceed those of the third and fourth plans. The choice as to the most desirable plan for complete initial devel- opment therefore rests between the all pumping plan, with a pumping system from the delta to the vicinity of Bakerstield, and the plan pro- viding a pumping sj'stem from the delta only to Mendota. Both of these plans would divert water from the delta channels below all riparian and appropriative water users and hence would not interfere with these vested rights. The supplemental supplies diverted from the delta would be obtained from surplus waters remaining after all appro- priative and riparian rights on both the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers had been satisfied. The third plan would involve exchanges of water on the San Joaquin, Kings, Kaweah and Tule rivers while the fourth plan would involve exchange of water only on the San Joaquin River. The third plan would not be well adapted to the consummation of a plan of initial development in two progressive steps nor would it fit in as well as the fourth plan with the proposed plan of ultimate develop- ment. The third plan would involve greater costs than the fourth plan for both immediate initial and ultimate developments. As a final con- sideration, the cost analyses show that the annual cost of the third plan involving a pumping system from the delta to Bakersfield would be con- siderably in excess of the annual cost of the fourth plan. Based upon the foregoing considerations, the fourth plan has been selected as the most desirable plan for adoption. Of all plans investi- gated, the selected plan is the one that would entail the least annual cost, would involve the least interference with vested rights, and Avould be best adapted to a progressive development as related to both the immediate initial and the ultimate plans for the San Joaquin River Basin. Even if an annuity were added to the annual cost of the selected plan which with interest at 4 per cent would create at the end of forty years a fund, the interest on which at 4 per cent would pay electric I energ}^ charges for pumping of water for all time, the selected plan would still be smaller in annual cost than any plan involving a gravity canal that has been suggested or investigated. The annual cost with such an annuity added thereto would be increased to a total of $6,505,000. However, considering that both amortizationanddepreciationare included in the annual costs and that funds would be available on this basis to completely amortize the project in 40 years and also to rebuild each unit when its useful life had expired, the comparison including the i-reation of a fund to pay for the cost of electric energy is not justifiable. It is mentioned merely to point out that, by the most severe standards 448 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of measurement, pumping for all time under the selected plan would be more economical llian a plan providing a gravity diversion from the Sacramento River Basin. Proposed Plan for Complete Initial Development The proposed plan for complete initial development would com- prise, in addition to the units for proposed immediate initial develop- ment, the San Joaquin River Pumping System and the Sacramento-Sau Joaquin Delta Cross-Channel. All of these units have been previously described. Their locations are shown on Plate XXVI and other fea- tures of design are further delineated on Plate LXIX. In addition to these units, the initial storage unit (Kennett Reservoir) in the Sacra- mento River Basin is considered to be a part of the plan for the San Joaquin River Basin because it will be required to furnish regulated supplies in the delta, not only to meet the requirements of the San Joaquin Delta and adjacent uplands in the northerly end of the San Joaquin River Basin but also for conveyance through the San Joaquin River Pumping System for use in the San Joaquin Valley. Operation and Accomplishments — Under the proposed plan of com- plete initial development, the requirements of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the adjacent delta uplands, and the industrial and agri- cultural areas south of Suisun Bay in the upper San Francisco Bay region would be fully met by regulated supplies furnished from Ken- nett Reservoir to supplement the inflow into the delta from unregulated streams and those regulated by present developments and under condi- tions of operation for complete initial development from the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin river systems. This would include the provi- sion of regulated floM's required to control salinity at the lower end of the delta to maintain continuous fresh water in the delta channels. The water requirements supplied in the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta region for these purposes would be as previousl}^ set forth in the dis- cussion of the immediate initial development (see Table 159). In addi- tion to meeting these requirements there would have been made avail- able in the delta channels from the surplus shown in Table 159, during the period 1919-1928, an irrigation supply without deficiency sufficient| in amount to meet the full requirements of the "crop lands" in the lower San Joaquin Valley above the mouth of the Merced River now being served by San Joaquin River water. This supply would be con- veyed through the San Joaquin River Pumping System to Mendota and substituted for the San Joaquin River water now used on the crop lands. By means of this exchange and with the grass land rights pur- chased, practically the entire flow of the San Joaquin River would beP available for regulation in and diversion from Friant Reservoir for use! in the upper San Joaquin Valley. With the entire impaired flow ofj the San Joaquin River available for regulation in Friant Reservoir, thej reservoir would be operated in the same manner as under ultimate development with detailed operation and utilization of water supplies asl set forth in Chapter VII. Based upon the run-off during the 40-3^ear| period 1889-1929, the average seasonal supply from Friant Reservoirl for the upper San Joaquin Valley would have been 1,726,000 acre-feet! For the twelve-year period 1917-1929, the combined average seasonal! utilizable yield from the local streams of the upper San Joaquin ValleyJj SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 449 comprising the Chowchilla, Fresno, Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern rivers, through direct surface application and underground storage and pumping would have been about 2,208,000 acre-feet. For the same l)eriod, the combined average seasonal utilizable yield from the San .Joaquin River and local streams would have amounted to 3,574,000 acre-feet, or sufficient supply for the irrigation of 1,787,000 acres, or about one and one-half times the irrigated area now supplied from these local streams on the east side of the upper San Joaquin Valley. In the actual operation of the San Joaquin River Pumping System, return flow and surplus waters from the lower San Joaquin Valley would be intercepted above the several dams of the pumping system in order to reduce pumping charges to a minimum. Such amounts of intercepted surplus and return flow waters which would have reached the delta if not intercepted would have to be replaced in the delta channels by Sacramento River Basin water in order to meet the full requirements of the delta region. Therefore, the supplemental water requirements to be supplied from the Sacramento River Basin under the plan of complete initial development would not be reduced in amount by the interception and utilization of these surplus and return flow waters. The only effect would be a reduction in pumping costs in the San Joaquin River Pumping System. During certain months of the year the surplus and return flow waters from the lower San Joaquin Valley would be sufficient to meet the requirements to be served under the San Joaquin River Pumping System including the areas now served by pumping diversions on the west side of the lower San Joaquin Valley between Newman and Paradise Dam. During lother months of the year, the larger portion or all of the water supply required for the crop lands above the mouth of the Merced River would have to be diverted from the delta channels from supplies fur- nished from the Sacramento River Basin. In order to determine the proper and economic size of pumping 'installation for each lift and to estimate the electrical energy required for pumping, a detailed study for the period 1917-1929 was made of the amounts and time of occurrence of the return water and other flows which could be intercepted and utilized. In making this study, it was assumed that the present conditions of irrigation development and operation would have existed during the period studied and that the Hetch Hetchy Project of the City and County of San Francisco would jhave been in operation and diverting water from the Tuolumne water- ished in accord with the anticipated demands for the year 1940. The monthly contributions of surplus and return flow waters from J the lower San Joaquin Valley for each season during the twelve-year iperiod 1917-1929, are set forth in Table 183. The monthly demands of the "crop lands" also are given. The quantities shown for inflow to the delta are the estimated amounts of surplus and return flow waters as measured immediately above Dam No. 1 of the San Joaquin 'River Pumping System. They comprise the estimated flow of the San iJoaquin River above Merced River, adjusted for the operation of Friant ! Reservoir and diversions through the Madera and San Joaquin River- ' IKern County canals and for greater return flow due to increased j supply to the lower San Joaquin Valley ' ' crop lands ' ' under the plan 29 — 80997 450 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES U) < C6 O H M O) Q Q z Z < -<: u o 0. H q; < u >- a; u a: a: < > w QZ Z B a: < a > ■-1 b; Z < z - < ..] w cu 13 ^ Ol o J H '^ z o 00 S t a> . W »-< w a: 5 H b 2 '^ t« ^ ^ < Z >J u a 111 w > Q Q H J < < J Q. u "7 OS ^ Q Q Z O CI W CO -^ c»od^ 00 — 00 U3 — — OOO CO e< — .«. <:» « -.C- ■^ C^l^ to CO — to — lO 00 ■* o -^ QO ^^ «oi- — o^c^-^ *— CO OCJ r^ CO to CO_CO „ e*-H ^-I"*-^ '" CO c4" wi^ coe-i" cJ — "1 1 s "S. eg g n s°s 0_ OO s°s s=s s°s S°S s°s g=§ 1°' 00 O to CO O 00 CO to t- — to CO CO lO ^ -•" US — to' to" — " o" to' CV t-^ to o T^ t-- O C4 lO OO to O CO bC OO e o — o CO to to — *n CO r3 o «3 ws W5 ■«*^ to to TC to to to to to CM 00 ■V CD < o o goo OOO o o OOO O O s°s 22° ir s°s s*s s= >t o CO t^ O O CO -*r o o. 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CO — o CM — t^ -"I* ■* CO mN " TT CO (M — H CO (M to ■* to ■* ■»CO u o OOO 8S = OOO OOO OOO SS = OOO OOO Sg^ u A o OO OO OO OO o o OO u u «D ooc^_ -.« 05C0 -* 00 Ci CO 00 w CO CO r^ — •^co t^io 00 iC C^l o t^ CO CDl-D to CO — o cr. oc k o a C kO oocc i O = oo OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OO (-• o OO OO OO o o o o OO C O cj Oi 050 o — CDI>. 1^00 wco rt ^' 3 1^ OOO 00 — c» — C5-^ O) — uD r^ OO o CO to '-: r- .r> M ot^ OOO t^to r^ »o ■*> ti- cs Q OOO O C30 OOO OOO OOO ss° OOO OOO 9fi-ni h OO OO OO OO oo OO SKU, »o o a5 o oooo C^IC^ OO CO CO ■<*■ -^ ^HB 3 O COM CO CO C^ C^l O Oi ■* TfJ^ o'o' c^Vff C *-« 00 t^ 0)00 oo t^ iti^ tS'CO CM — OS 00 -vn r-W '■ CQ oi csi c>^ c^ r-Tci" *?^ ^ ■ ' JH 1^ "aS I V "oi I "« I ■« 1 *«> I '© I I *« I I -o . > . "^ ; >^ ■* > > "^ :> . ■« > . "^ > ■^ '.^ •o ; >, 'Cf^i o u o e? O a o o o 2 O 2 o o o a !y c c ^ c ■M c ■*a , c -*^ , c -*a c -*> c *» a •*» a Q Inflow Excess. Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie OO oa O , CI CO ■f to to c .I C-1 M « C4 M (M M o T 1 00 ^ s 1 1 CJ ^ 4. CJ ^ 1 O) s o Ol o> Ol o> OS SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 451 ooo ooo I'^CO CO CO 1^ -^ (M -^ ^H OOO ooo O OJ^ CC 00 ■«*< C^ lO C*) 800 oo z^ O i-^ CO 00 o CO t- -^ o '^r CO 1^ -^ CO -^ lO o CO 113 C^ . >» aj- 2 ^ c S ® '^ O 3 *- a — 3 .— 5. «> c c -a -si 452 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of complete initial development ; and the estimated flow of the Merced, Tuolumne, and Stanislaus rivers at their junctions with the San Joa- quin River under irrigation and storage conditions as of 1929 and municipal diversions as of 1940, with deductions for west side pump- ing diversions from Patterson Colony to Banta-Carbona Irrigation Dis- trict, inclusive. The excesses shown are the residual amounts of return flow and surplus waters which would have reached the delta after deducting the demands of the lower San Joaquin Valley "crop lands." The deficiencies shown are the amounts of water which would have been required in addition to surplus and return flow waters available for utilization and which would have been supplied by importation from the delta channels through the San Joaquin River Pumping System, in order to satisfy completely the demands of the ' ' crop lands. ' ' Based upon similar analyses of amounts of excesses and deficiencies in surplus and return flow waters as related to requirements of "crop lands" and west side pumping diversions above each dam of the pump- ing system, the amounts of water to be pumped through each pumping lift were determined. In Table 184, there are set forth by months for the period 1917-1929 the amounts of water which would have been pumped through each lift under conditions of complete initial development and the required installed capacities of pumps and motors for each lift. The table also gives, by seasons, the electrical energy which would have been consumed at each pumping plant based on an assumed over-all plant efficiency of 60 per cent. At the foot of the table, a summary is given showing for each lift the installed capacities of pumps and motors, the total and average seasonal amounts of water pumped, the total and average seasonal amounts of electrical energy consumed and the average seasonal energy costs for the twelve-year period. » SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 453 Z B o < ^ Q S l-H < 7. c> < -1 rt Q. v a -2 z •3 a. -K S l-H 3 0. w oooooooooooo oo C3 oooooooooooo oo ^i O o*3 CO t-- CO t-^ -* ^ 00 CO t^ a> CT CO -^_ oo ■^:r*^ b irf lO oi" o to CO oi" -^jT c^' (m" Oi ^" io"oo 11 o. »rf «* 2 C0OC<>Tt*OOt^»0(M':.'^<^'^f^ T- CO -*5 ^ as" CO ^ oo ^ CO*" ■<**" 05 -^ CO o OS CO o C^meO.^iO^'^'^-«»' CO o H »-H ^-1 »— t *— « iO f— ' CO i— < C^ CO Li oooooooooooo oooooooooooo o 00 o^ CO oq »o ^^ o^ !>:.■*_ M o^ CO i-T u^r lO ^ CO i>^ o CO ^ c^ to ■4^ (M(MC^C. oqi:^0'*t< cociqioiO"-5 ■Tj^ooooco t^ Oi -^ a> y-* oooooooooooo o oo coco S3 3 OS ,_| (M ^ l-H l-H ^« CD •-» .1^ 1 oooooooooooo <1> o 1h >> ^ 1-H '^ ^ o. oooooooooooo a o o CO '-H :3 b o. O. £2 ££ »-• ■< •«!** CO 0) ■« ^ oooooooooooo J3 o o CO CO s oooooooooooo 3 .2 . oooooooooooo ^ 3 a C9 •-» (-1 a oooooooooooo a> o u Q 1 oooooooooooo CD > O Z to oooooooooooo ^ o o o a o w 03 a> CQ u * k COOiO^HCSICO"«*'»C o > r-tr-HC^(MC^(MC^01MC^C<»- "^ 00 O CD -^ CO lO OOOOOOOOOOOO O O O O O CO -«*< TT OOOOOOOOOOOO o o »o o oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo o > 454 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES rr o Oi o 't* 7 •*A a (1) 2: < n 2g < >. < i3 -I M Q. e o Z -J _ o GL ^ 0. — l« c ■«^ •'^ "^^ ^ CO O ^ CsT CO CO 00 O »0 OS lO S5S •0 03 a 5 o ^ a gggggggggggS >00>'^0>0500t^t^t^»0t-0 iCcDCOC^odfcOCOt^QO^OOtO .-«o«0'-«c^t^eooo^^•-'»oc^ccr•- cO'^ooo--'CT>co■«*'coc OOOOOOOOOOOQ oooo ooooooo I- oo Oi o '— o m lo o (M 00 ooooooooooo oo ooo o »C to C^) CO --H o O QO COOO •«»< IC CO ooo CO ^ O CO oooooooooooo oo o oo -^ o CO CO Tf< oooooooooooo O O C2 O CD O oo lO cs -^ -^ CO CO "^O o"odi^ ■^r lO — ' oo O in O O z rt 0. r^oboio^'Sico-^iO'ir^oo o > 2§ ci 'O CO CO cj 'O CO -^ r- M -o o h*oo>05»^t-coor^^-^-^od^co«o cocoot^;o;ocit~-ooi>-ooo> 'ggggggg oooooooooooo 00 000 00 O -H 1^ 00 o to CO oooooooooooo 00 o 00 r-* CO CO CO t'- 000000000000 000 000 00 ■^r^o— -< ocoio uot* > O O O 00"5 c ) 0000 > i o^^ cS c^' c^ c^f c^ OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO O O- O O Oi o o oooo ooooooo COCCCOfo" CO CO CC" CO CO CO CO O O CD -^ O — tD O cC ^O CO 00'000000i00C>0 OOOOOOOOOOOO t^ t^ t^ t— ^- t^ t-- r- c— i~- t^ i^ p. OOOOOOOOOOOO ooo>ooooooooo !>. 1^ I>. t^ l^ !>. !>. t-^ I>- 1-* !>■ I>- OOOOOOOCDOOOO ooooooc>ooooo i:DtO-,r)OX':C--CCOCC>COoo OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO o o" o o" o' o o' o*" o' o" o" o' o I a > o OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO CD :0 O O O O CO O CO :o' O O OCDOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO 00 00 00 oo oT 00 00 oo oo od 00 00 OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO Qi c^ C3 c^ o cr> C2 c^ c^ o^ o^ o^ CSC 03 O^ O^ O 03 0> 03 03 O O) ^ E--* < ^ Q -J o CI _J < z < >» o Ch rt H u «r ^ r/1 H z < _J a -4-> o El. :;::; W ggggogoooogo ooo_oooo_ooS oo OO OO' 00 00 oi" CC OC 30 OD 00 00 00 o o S S o o o_S S o o o iC iCiC r-T c^ rCiC 1 ^ r-T r^ iC rC r- 00 o o CJ^CO O CO CO §S§§8SS§§gSS rC t^ t^ r-T 00 1-^ r-^ 1^ rCi^ r-^ rC oio>o:330ooicr>aicr, osoicrs 7,056,500 588,000 OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO C)^ C^ C^ C^ CM^ Cl^ Cl^ M CI Cl^ CJ^ c 1 OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO Cl_ Cl^ CI C^ C| Cl^ C^ M Cl^ Cl^ Cl_ CJ^ cf cf ci cf cT cf cf CI cf ci cf c4" I^ t-- t— t^ (^ t^ t^ l^ I- t- 1-^ t- OOOOOOOOOOOO ■^ "^ "^ '^ ^ "^ '^ '"^ '~^ ^ ' "^ "1 * 'r. 00^0300030^03000 o OOOOOOOOOOOO oooo ooooooo t^i>^i-,i>^ t--^ i>. i-^ t- t-^ r- r- OOOOodod CC 00 oo 00 CC CO 00 oooo ooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO ocsooooooooo-o cqoooqoooo^oDoooo^oooqoooo OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO-OOOO -rt« ««I' -^ Tf ■«*' '^'^'^''S^"* ■^'^ Oco'cOOOCO CO COCOCOCOCO 1-* t-^ t- t^ t^ t>. t-- l^ t^ c- t- t^ OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO '^^ '^ "^ '^ '^- '^ ■^^ '^^ "^ '^ "^ 'T. 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Data on expenditures for flood protection works in the uppei San Joaquin Valley are not available. Upper and Lower San Joaquin Valleys — Uerndon to Mouth o Merced River — In the section of the valley lying along the San Joaquii River upstream from the mouth of the Merced River, the flood plaii is several miles in width. The total gross area including river ane slough channels is about 305,000 acres. Across this flood plain run th winding courses of several sloughs, some of which are as large as th main river channel and in their natural condition carried a larg portion of the flood flow. For the most part, such protection as exist in this portion of the valley is afforded by irrigation canal banks con structed along the high ground near the river banks. These work provide protection, of varying degrees, from overflow by the smalle summer and winter floods for about 125,000 acres of land. No costs o flood protection for these lands can be estimated, however, because th primary object of the investment in the canals was for irrigation, an the location of these canals along tlie river banks was due to considers tions of topograph}^ and economy. Lower San Joaquin Valley — Mouth of Merced River to Paradii Dam — The group of overflow lands lying along the San Joaquin Rive from the mouth of the Merced River to the head of the delta at Paradi Dam has a length of about 34 miles and is so narrow that the gross are is only about 83,000 acres. It is generally conceded that complete even a high degree of protection against unregulated winter flooc Through this division of the valley is not economically feasible becaus a flood channel of sufficient width to aeconiplish such protection woul utilize a large percentage of the best agricultural lands and the burde of cost falling upon the protected area would be greater than the vali of the protection. A fair degree of i)rotection from summer and sma winter floods is feasible, however, and al)out 32,000 acres have betj wholly or partially protected from such floods at an estimated cost <, about $1,500,000. ' San Joaquin Delta and Bordering Lands — The San Joaquin Delil comprises low marsh areas consisting of peat and alluvial soils which : SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 463 tlieir natural condition were subject not only to inundation from flood Avaters but also to tidal overfloAV since much of the area is below sea level. Bordering the delta there are alluvial rim lands which were subject to inundation from flood waters only. The total area in this group is about 500,000 acres of which several thousand acres lie in the existing waterways. Protection of the delta lands began early in the history of agri- culture in the valley and has been in progress for over sixty years. During this period, practically^ all of the delta lands have been brought within levees which provide about the maximum degree of protection that can be obtained by this method of flood control. This degree of protection, however, would be far from adequate during a period of major flood occurrence. Levees as a rule follow the winding courses of river channels and connecting sloughs with the result that the delta is made up of a large number of islands. The levees around these islands have been built gradually to the limiting heights that their unstable foundations will support. Although the channels are many, their total flood carrying capacity is far less than the amount they may be called upon to carry in any season of major flood occurrence. Toward the head of the delta the number of channels decreases to two, the natural channel of the main San Joaquin River and an artificial channel called Paradise Cut. Although the levees here are higher than those of the lower delta and might be constructed to even greater heights, the total present safe channel capacity is only about 60,000 second-feet, or less than half the estimated discharge of the 1911 flood through this section of the valley. This capacity is much less than the capacity of the combined lower delta channels. The cost of existing protection works in the San Joaquin Delta is estimated to. be about $17,000,000. The city of Stockton lying on the eastern rim of the delta is endan- gered not only hy San Joaquin River floods but also by the flood waters of the Calaveras River. The Calaveras RiA^er channel for a considerable distance below Bellota has practically no carrying capacity and most of the flood waters flow into Mormon Slough and other channels and originally passed through the city of Stockton. Several j^ears ago, the Federal government in order to assist in maintaining navigation in the lower end of Mormon Slough and in Stockton Channel, by keeping- debris brought down by floods out of these channels, constructed a canal to the east of Stockton to intercept Mormon and other sloughs and divert their flows back into the Calaveras River at a point where it has a larger capacity, and thence directly into the San Joaquin River. This canal by diverting some of the flood waters of the Calaveras River, affords some protection to the city of Stockton from floods from the east. To further protect itself from such floods, the city in 1930 con- structed a reservoir of 76,000 acre-feet capacity' on the Calaveras River near Valley Springs for the purpose of controlling its flood flows. Size and Frequency of Flood Flow. To estimate the probable sizes of floods which may be expected in different sections of the San Joaquin River Basin and the frequency with which they may occur, analyses were made of all available data on flood flows. Studies were made of the flood flows at the gaging station on each of the main streams near the foothill line and also at several selected points of flood concentration on the valley floor. 464 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The data available for these studies are chiefly the records of flood flows obtained by the United States ({eolojjieal Survey at its gaging stations. The period of record at each station and the maximum and minimum mean daily flows of the major streams of the San Joaquin River Bcisin have been presented in Chapter 11. Data have been obtained for only a relatively short period when consideration is given to the sizes of floods that may occur at long intervals of time such as once in 100 and once in 1000 years. Also, it is difficult to obtain the amounts of flow at times of floods, and the peak and mean daily flows at the crest of a flood must often be estimated from extended rating curves or from stream cross sections and observed surface velocities. AVhile the data, therefore, are not exact and a much longer period of record would be desirable, the studies have been based on these data and are believed to give the best results now obtainable. Winter and Summer Floods — Floods in the San Joaquin River Basin are of two general classes — winter floods from rain water and summer floods from melting snow. The winter floods occur during the season from November to May and are caused by run-off from rain storms in the lower mountain and valley watersheds or by rain storms combined with melting snow. They are generally characterized by relatively sharp peak flows and the entire flood is of only a few days duration. Flood flows in the San Joaquin River at points on the valley floor, and in the Sacrnniento-San Joaquin Delta are caused by tlie concentration of the flood flows of the tributary streams at these points. The peak flow at any point, therefore, depends on the combina- tion of flows from the tributary streams and is subject to wide variation. It is always less than the sum of the peak flows from all of the tributary streams because, on account of the rate and direction of storm travel and the variation in distance of the watersheds of the tributary .streams from the point of concentration, the separate peak flows do not all reach the point of concentration at the same time, and also because the peak flows are reduced by channel storage before reaching the point of con- centration. The summer floods occur during the period April to August and are most pronounced on the larger streams whose headwaters are in the high Sierra Nevada. They are caused by the rapid melting of the snow which has accumulated during the winter in the mountains at the higher elevations and are sometimes augmented by spring rains. Sum- mer floods are usually of much greater duration than winter floods and may continue for a period of a month or more. They have no sharp peaks and the maximum flows are not as large as the maximum or peak flows of winter floods. Since the summer floods are of considerable duration, however, the total volume of run-off during such floods may be much greater than in the largest Avinter floods. Also, since the flows extend over a relatively long period, the flows at points of concentration on the valley floor may more nearly approach the sum of the maximum flows in the tributary streams than they do in winter floods. However, there is practically no run-off from the streams from the lower moun- tains and the valley floor in the summer and the maximum summer flood flows at the points of concentration on the valley floor are smaller than the peak flows during winter floods. PLATE L.XXIV Total flow m thousands of second-foot-days lO 100 2 day *loot* 3 day flood . 8 day Hood ' ••- 10 d3y flood -I4-U-4 /EAH RIVER AT lEE RIVERS i-r^ 1 1 1 mill TO «> E z 100 - 1 i T ;- 1 n f- — T' / /'/ m - 1 / - 1 J n mI—^ 1 M , 1 / if / / - i / y 7 ['/! / / / / h 1 / / Ij \ y 1 y ii. / / ^ / / 1 i f - / } ' 1 / / f - / ► — ' f 7 7 L - / - - / y I J r / 1 - _ 1 y / / i /,/. _ / /' I 4 s f"/-": t 1 1 1/ 'h V / /^ / 1 1 1 / /• i y 1 / - LEGEND 1 t ^ [/• [r / /y/ • 2 day flood * / 1 -jU /vyf ft 4 day flood v-^'/ - y^j^azT^ o tj day flood ir y y ^^ V - -♦- 10 day flood 1 1 1 Li 1 - - .f! A / 1 \^h - / (' ^vS' ^■^ f KERN RIVER NEAR - y ' tA^tv ^ X^ - y . L*' jyi/\ u ^ /«x* - V :w _^:lX4y* ^ /« — ..,. — . .w ■•—■-•-> ^ -/ _KL_ ^'V^^m' ''-/l?' i 1 h ! ilihlihi - >ot-<=days too LEGEND * 1 day flood • 2 day flood Y 3 Cay flood ^ 4 day ficod o 6 day flood X 8 day flood ♦ 10 day flood JLE RIVER NEAR RTERVILLE I I l ili lilil. PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT FOOTHILL GAGING STATIONS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 464 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The data available for these studies are cliiefly the records of flood flows obtained by the United States Geological Survey at its gaging stations. The period of record at each station and the maximum and minimum mean daily flows of the major streams of the San Joaquin Iviver Basin have been presented in Chapter II. Data have been obtained for only a relatively short period when consideration is given to the sizes of floods that may occur at long intervals of time such as once in 100 and once in 1000 years. Also, it is difficult to obtain the amounts of floAV at times of floods, and the peak and mean daily flows at the crest of a flood must often be estimated from extended rating curves or from stream cross sections and observed surface velocities. "While the data, therefore, are not exact and a much longer period of record would be desirable, the studies have been based on these data and are believed to give the best results now obtainable. Wintei' and Summer Floods — Floods in the San Joaquin River Basin are of two general classes — Avinter floods from rain water and summer floods from melting snow. The winter floods occur during the season from November to May and are caused by run-off from rain storms in the loAver mountain and valley watersheds or by rain storms combined with melting snow. They are generally characterized by relatively sharp peak flows and the entire flood is of only a few days duration. Flood flows in the San Joaquin River at points on the valley floor, and in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are caused by tlie concentration of the flood flows of the tributaiy streams at these points. The peak flow at any point, therefore, depends on the combina- tion of flows from the tributary streams and is subject to wide variation. It is always less than the sum of the peak flows from all of the tributary streams because, on account of the rate and direction of storm travel and the variation in distance of the watersheds of the tributary streams from the point of concentration, the separate peak flows do not all reach the point of concentration at the same time, and also because the peak flows are reduced by channel storage before reaching the point of con- centration. The summer floods occur during the period April to August and are most pronounced on the larger streams whose headwaters are in the high Sierra Nevada. They are caused by the rapid melting of the snow which has accumulated during the winter in the mountains at the higher elevations and are sometimes augmented by spring rains. Sum- mer floods are usuall.y of much greater duration than winter floods and may continue for a period of a month or more. They have no sharp peaks and the maximum flows are not as large as the maximum or peak | flows of winter floods. Since the summer floods are of considerable duration, however, the total volume of run-off during such floods may I be much greater than in the largest winter floods. Also, since the flows extend over a relatively long period, the flows at points of concentration on the valley floor may more nearly approach the sum of the maximum flows in the tributary streams than they do in winter floods. However,! there is practically no run-off from the streams from the lower moun- tains and the valley floor in the summer and the maximum summer flood I flows at the points of concentration on the valley floor are smaller thanj the peak flows during winter floods. PLATE LXXIV Totol now in thousands of second -root -days a too E. 1 Total low >n WiouMnds of lO second-foot-days - ■,i , , / j 1 / n ^ _: 1 ff~^-- 1 -■ —1 n 17 1 / / /i /lI 1 / / /// ~t / 1 ..dzj::, 111 — -T fi 7 /7 ' L -iti . II av CREEK _ lONE t — 2 ^ — . T Total flow in thousands of second -toot -days Total flow In thousands of sec o. id -footway* Total flow In thousands □( second *crMaye of second-toet-days Total flow in thousands of second-foot-days lO too Total flow in thousands of saconS-fool-dayi Total flow m thousands of second-foot-days too t.OOO I lO w Toti:l flow m Ihousaods of secontt-foDt-days 1 — 1 i ! XLiiv: Wiii ' -- f 1 - F 1 ^ Tmiiu V W'l , --. - - l\ 1 Ih _ : — - Z ul I ll^ ---: X }\ 11 \ - : 7 '-I'+t y lf~\ _ . ■ ■- — ~ -j- j — T— — 1 ■ft'-' >h^ I ■JJM tEOCND <.,ll»l / 4 'tV, fiH^ ' 1 .y.M 1 1 ,...™--.- =; mm \ 1 ^ FRESNO niVER.-: _ Htm %ih [d m 4^^n^ -PT '" " \i 1 i|< 1 1 1 4JJ4J|lffi 1 J iMll ! 1 II- tfRHis _i _ ' 1 m+- f. jiiir I iiiir "" TTi/r — / _ itrir-±'-' - / /!/'/ i fl ' E — "ii T — i Mi f'~i — f i n¥u X /jij't, ^it ''* t /v.AL ' • !*.."^ ) ! '^ // PiT^ ' *u'(^ -_. ..i 111 - ^\-:,f^J J ili «•..-*- _ _ — Ti" --^XhrMtr vrrr : r^ ; ^J^y^^ KAWEAH RIVER.: 100 Total flow in thousands o( sscond-fo-t-Savs to 10 - \ '.\.\ 1 ' l'!f ' I ! 1 ' ! . ' : \ i ' 1 1 1 jj M/ 01 x^ _ j i III f 1 / / /i/ If 1 _) d'..\^LJJj U' ■ ' ; ; i\ ^\jl 1 j /i:i — -: j[_i ll I J i_\ J^^-t. --.: t- ' ' / ^ 1 i 1 1 .„ __.: E — 1 : — -t^Lj- -f / / /■/) : , J k.J.-H 1 ll -7-^ IF 1 M 7 . K.rXwi \ W J\ = :•;•■;=": / 'Jtt ^'1 r,T" 1 [ |- /ll/ TULE HIVEH ^ M-^ , '^=^t^^)^m= < 1 Mlilil r; /.'/ 1 -£ ^ >>i RIVER - -~I9AK£RSF1EL0 -^ ! ■ 1 ■.:.! i,|t-- -. PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS FOOTHILL GAGING STATIONS ON MAJOR STREAMS or SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN j»-bnoj»e «o ebnseuortj m w. < oot -r .'It J.-"' » -# I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 465 Flood Flows at Foothill Gaging Stations — In estimating the prob- able amounts of flood discharge at a gaging station for specified frequen- cies, the total recorded volumes of flood flow during periods of one, two, three, four or more days were tabulated in descending order of nuigni- tude, thus giving the number of times of occurrence, or frequency, of a flood of a certain duration and magnitude during the period of stream flow record. The probable number of times that each volume of flow would have occurred in 100 years was obtained by multiplying the order of the frequency by 100 divided by the number of years in the period of record. These values were plotted on logarithmic paper with the vertical scale representing the frequency with which the volumes of flow^ would be exceeded in 100 years on the average and the horizon- tal scale the volume of the flow. Curves drawn to conform to the trend of these plotted points were extended to give the volumes of flood flow Avliich may be expected to be exceeded once in 250 years on an average. Curves for winter floods drawn in this manner are shown for each of the stations studied on Plate LXXIV, "Probable Frequency of Flood Flows at Foothill Gaging Stations on Major Streams of San Joaquin Kiver Basin." In selecting the data for the development of these curves, a flood was considered to be a winter or rain water flood, even if it occurred in April, if the increase in flow over that in preceding days appeared to have been cau.sed by rainfall or by rainfall and melt- ing snow caused by the rain. Similar curves were drawn for summer floods of 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 days duration but are not shown in this report. In selecting the data for the development of these latter curves, a flood was considered to be a summer or snow water flood, even as early as April, if it appeared to have been caused primarily by melting snow and even if some slight increases of flow in May were due to spring rains. The total run-oifs and mean flows during both summer and winter floods, w^liich it is estimated may occur with certain fre- quencies at the foothill gaging stations on the major streams of the San Joaquin Eiver Basin, were obtained from the frequency curves and are shown in Tables 187 to 199, inclusive. Table 200 gives the probable maximum mean daily flows w'hich may be exceeded with certain fre- quencies at the same foothill gaging stations. "Mean daily flow" is the uniform flow throughout a calendar day which would give a total run-off equal to that which actuallj^ occurred with variable rates of flow. Ji'or the Calaveras Eiver, total run-offs and mean flows are given for periods of 24, 48 and 72 hours. These hour periods are those including Ihe maximum run-off without regard to calendar day limits. 30—80997 466 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES <: z u 1^ b O in '$■ O b Q >) 00 b b U o J CQ u < u H z w o .a o ^ 5— c ooo oo oo o o CO 00 oo cao o ooo 00 ooo 00 Ci a O 6: o rt o o o i 2« o a O qa "V o 9 O O OQO oo OOO OO OO o o c> r^ -^ c^o T-T r-7 in rC ^ o ci »^ -H CO »0 O o o O O O O O' o o o »o o r". -^ ci CO ic eo" c^ CO c J" C4 CC ^1 C^l C-1 ^- o o o o o o oooooo oO'^ooc^r^co Oi C5 00 00 t^ t^ oooooo oooooo -* -^O I- ^»0 ^TT lO O «— I iO O Ol CO f-H ^^ 1-" CO »o EC o o ^ OOOOOOO o o o c>j r* !0 o CO 1— »— I oo t—" >— -^ CO CO •-<" ci" od t"^ CO oooooo oooooo CO Oa_'^ O lO .-«_ odlCldo O CO o 9 i OOOOOOO OOOOOOO Oi O ^O C-4 1^ 0> cT (>f eo 00 ^*' CO eo CO iO ^ t^ Oi ^H c^ » o o q3 B c-o - B .<; S O o o i, »4 5z; OO OOOOOOO O O 1^00 CO CDOO CO -^C^ '^"<** t^ '>\ o 00 r>r CD *c -^ ^ §000000 oooooo •"TCOM •* t» CO OS O CO CO ^^W5 ^ c» CO -^ ic CD r^ 00 OOOOOO oooooo ■^ oo •— ' CO -^ ■^ ■^ "^'* 00 CTCO OS 00 CO lO ^ CO CO C^ O OO o o o OS O »0 lO r lo -^ -^ CO c>i" c^ 3 t3 O oo O oo ooooooo Oi -* o> CC »r3 CO oo o te a) o a> Pi CTS "^ C ^ S — a* o 9 i) ?-c3 ooooooo O O CO ":> »o »o 00 CO 1-H c^ CO OS lO CM CD irT -^ CO c^ (M (M OOOOOOO O O O O O O C5 iC CI (M O ^^ »0 Ca o « o v V ooooooo- to i« O iiO QO »0 CO ■^cs -^ osco o oo wf ''i^ CO c^ c^ cnT i-T Oi o o o o o oooooo tO rji CO I- oo CO od '-*'so o o"t-C d CO cooco oooooo r* 00 !>• OS o -^ CSI !>. CO OS t-* i/5 CO c4"ci*-^i-^.-H" O Oi o o o o O O O O O) c> »0 »0 C^ Tt* f-H ^-H oooooo oo t— • oo OS 00 CD lO C^OO lO CO C, „ a O o a H a « ^ o a (D »^ ^ C a OO 3 a» C3 -o -a H a a rn cfl m & H ■a "A -a -M 1 ■s< H J3 O 3 S5 o 468 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 9< 00 < u CO aa < oa o o ^ g— a CO o 8000000 UDr^ lOOQOO .^ (O ^4 lO 00 00 CI gooooo ec CO 50 lo — - 40 03 u^ 0» CI 00 OO tC tC to eo ic 5- . — V 2 « §0 OQOO o o o o o oo Oi C» "5 00 05 c^ ^^ o c o o £ qa I _ CT3 rt o #»5 to o o o o o o o O "^ O ^ t^ "^ "5 c^ ■»»■ CJ 1^ ^- CO r^ lO ^ Oi rC CD U3 -^ o oooo o o o ooo o oi c^r^ 50 »c ^ CO rC oi »c r^ -^ --^ -^ 00 CO a> ^- ^ C4 -^ c = o c o o O re oc CI oi t^ CJ I^ CO 3: Cl^ oi tC CO CO »c »o ^ o 9 i ? eg a o 13 o >> o B O cB _r C3 o *3 £ 1?^ OO O O OOO O lO CC 00 CO 00 IC t— "^ coo ■» 00 CO CO o OO t^ irj ^ ^ o oo oooo o o o o o o o M lO CO •-" O -^ CO oooo OO O O o o o o CO ^" O 00 05 o -^ O' CO O* ^ lO »-• -^ t-- -V 4C »C *-" V — ■♦J O 9 6 OOOOOOO O O O lO C^ CO -H o c^ -^ C^ O CO o>^ ci" oT t>^ CO *o -^ CO OOOOOO o r^ 00 to o lo "* O t^ -^ o r* OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OO lO o CO r- c^ to OOOOOO OOOOOO t^ 1-^ OS ^- ■^ OO cTo CD coo t^ 1-" CO »0 O 05 CO •-« ^^ c« O OOOOOOO iC lO O UD O CO CO CO -^ O "—*'—' *o c^ OS t-^ CO »rS ■^ CO CO o 9 i OOOOOOO OOOOOOO 1— I CO 1^ Ci OO *0 •-' :z; OO i-« (M CO ■^ CO 00 O OOOOOO OO lO OS ^o ^< f-^oq U5 ^O ^ ^' CO CO CO CO gooooo O O OOO r--. TT 00 W5 t^ c^ 00 -^lO *c cJ-^ « ■^ 00 »« — ^ C4 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 469 |l o < <: > w O Z iC b, O CO O b Q O O >J b (b O u o z CQ U U u o b O u z (I) V) CQ O ►^ ■** * g o o ooooo O O OO o o o .S O O O lO O U5»0 oooooo as 1 CO irj O C^ lO t^c^ c^o CO o^m a> CO = .= ■2 CO od <>» t>^ ^ t^ »c C^O OOCO CO ^ C5 S »0 CO CO c^ c^ -^ ^ CO CO C * s ooo o ooo oooooo C3 o i2 C- U3 O (M r* lO lO o o o o o o> O ta 1 W5 t^O O — (MCO CO ■^ ooo t^ CO o oT u5 -^ t^ -^ oi" i« ■^ Cm''-h'oO t^ ■a 2 TT s o IL u. o -S o o ^ G3 c E ^ « -*a 5 ooooooo •^ O O O CD o o o 1 §S§i5§ cd o •— QJ s «!C>2 CO O oo ^ CO ^o V> C-1'rrt^ZC-^t^ J3 Tol in-o cre- o 00 od'^'«s* ^ic oo ^- -^ Ir^ O CJ '^ iC -^ I>- C: CI CO ^ ^ ,-. (M iita^ TT C^ Oa oo »0 '<»' - iM 03 o o >> S g o c a^ OOOO o oo oooooo O — . OJ OOOOOOO oooooo ^to^ C* ^' ■ CO t^t^ CO 00 -^ CM Tol n-o cre- — CO CO CKilO ooo ooo > lO 1^ o O OO O > I— CO OOCC « o o d> o o o o oo o o o oo oo o c*5 00 lo CO o r^ o »-7 iC ci" CO -^ to ^ o> Tj« 00 o -^ r^ o f-H .-H C4 M C^ CO ^ a> O .f^ qa CT3 Cfl rt n >» ^ (O o 2" ooooooo O lO o o ^- »o o O 00 m lO CO t~* t^ <-J" c^ rC CO oo »o CO '^ CO - CO W5 »0 »0 Oi - t-H ,-1 1-1 c^ c^ cs oooooo oooooo O !M ■^ CO 05_00 o otTirTci CO oo CO CO '— < m r» ^f rH CO »ft oeo c« a o a o 3 a o £ ^ I o Q> V o o J, 2rt ooooooo o »ra o 00 CO ico 03 t^ Oi ^ oo *>» Tj* ooooooo ooooooo M 0 t->. c^ as c^ ^o oooooo oooooo CO t^CO t^'^ W5 iC lO 00 C^ 1— ' W5 ^ M US C>(M oooooo oooooo C) CO O ^ CO CO ooooooo oo oo c>o o ^ 1-H 05 t^ »0 CO C^ ■^ -rr f-T O 00 CO C^" CO O CO "5 t>- O M 1-1 .-" 1-t i-t C^ > :s o a O o 9 i 2 « ooooooo O lO O O cc cr> lO <0 CO O lO CO EO CO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO 00 t* *-* O 00 CO »f3 to t^ 5< o o i-H O* CO -^ CO 00 O oooooo oooooo O -^ oo O O CO o od--"oo oci IC CO CO t— CO CO 1-H O z w u a; b b O CO O u. Q O O b 05 u H Z CO u N to CQ < o ^'' ■*^ ^ J* 0000*0 <§ •? O O O O O CI a> ■^c^ -^»ft 00 re o OT w ift -^ ro 'ri" ci" c^ S ? V u O tm-* aj >> i«^ CO o lO (M .s o V .iix *=* oo o oo o o <§ — o o o o o o o o O O i) His t^ o -J" oo CC Ci «^ tt' O* -f' t-' M t-~ -H* f-H C^ (M C^ CC CO •»i< 3 S fc' ^" -^ ^ 5? ooooooo lO O I>- CI C^ CO (M CC fcC U5 O 'fl'^ O 00 CO g-l o -^ cc ro (m" (N ^ ^ C3 O o CJ *^ o >* ^ » o o c s S->^ ooooooo c: — " 4) ooooooo O o <= i CO 03 C^ O oo t^ ^ (^r l-^ ^ ■«* oo C^" CO ^ 1-t (N (N C^ CO CO 3 a t-, t*-l o o U) ca > C3 fe « ooooooo ^ 1 o o o ir:> M o o O C5 ^^ --0 --_oc -^ C O t/3 1- C-^ lO CO CO c» V S-- ooooooo c3 o — . — CJ ooooooo a C^ lO rj^ O C- J^ -^_ t-- o lo oo ^ lo oo -^-T :§ 1-H ,-.,-. CM C^ M CO J3 2« & T^ g pi. * -«A & 3? oooo ooo >§ ■? O O CO (M 00 C^ lO oeo co(M r--io CO CQ TjT CO (ri" (ri" ^ ^ ^ cd a> o s g i-O C3 S 9*- ooooooo O — ■ o) (M O O O O O O Jaa'^ ^ ^t^t-ca c^oo ^U OT CO 40 l-^ ^ rr CO *->.-. 1-1 C^ c^ C) 3 C3 (^ ^" -** & 4> OOOOOOO ^ 1 o »r> CO c^ oo oi lO lO lO o i>.co ^o OT CO c^ c u S g o fl « s e- ooooo oo o _"^ « 0000^3000 o 9 i os^ ^ — ^ r* ic oo oo too c^ CO CO ooo T-t^^^^C4 3 S 1^ ^1 s-S ^ ^ ^H M CO -**• CO 00 o 3w. ^2; o O 472 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES a ^H PU u b u O oa <: u H u z a •*» fe V O O O O OQ O o o oo o o o OOOOOO Mean flc in second-fe OOOOOO ec ca MCJ^O Tf -^ cc o t--. o oi^ c^ -^ ^ aS ox OD iti odi-^-^io -r CM E iO -^J"* CO CO Cl CM o U5 i a^ o o o o o oo OOOOOO a .■— (U o oo O o o o OOOOOO O Tola n-off, cre-fe '-J'^ iC O iC 00 CO 00 eot^icoiic-^^ o »o to co" o o co" rC-r odo cDo O 1— -t" O 00 »o o coo osr^ cD^ ^H ^ (N CO CO -^ W3 ^H ^ CO CD OS grt ■«j ft o oooo o o o OOOOOO ean flo in cond-fe 0)000 OOOOOO ooo o O r^i^oco i^ ooo OS»OCO '^r i< lO c> >a M o o a .^ a^ O OOOOOO o ooooo a — . *• O O O OO o o o ooooo O rtto^ cooq CO o-«»< oi^ -- 00 lO CM ^eo Tot cre- l>r OS 00 CO tC 'TjJ" CM CO CM »0 ^CO OJ oo '^ O »0 ^H t-. CM CO OS r^ CO oj o ^C^ICMCOCO-^ ^coiooo 2" «*-r o c3 ■-< CD •«d > & S oooo ooo OOOOOO c3 o >2 (Tl 1 oooo o oo OOOOOO l>^O0 CM O t^O CM OOCM_-*^CM^CM_^ £3 Mean 1 in second o CO CM O t^CM O oo »0 -^COCM — ^'O tn CO CO CO CM CM CM T-l ^3 »<• to (0 "2 1 CD o £ ii: t-1 lO c» >i C3 S-" 5 OOOOOOO -^ OOOOOOO a o ^_'— O) B =3ta^ CO OiOi^ CM OO-^ O Tot n-o: cre- to OS Oi -^ OS t-^>— I OSCO COiOCO OS JS t^CM r- ^ -X" ^ o ClOOUiOCOCM u ^H ^ CM CM coco T-H CM40 I-* 13 e« & -t3 O o t^ ^- -** s y O O O O OCD o OOOOOO o £ oo ooooo OOOOOO tS ^ CO OCM kO lOCM O CO ot-^^o -^ CO 00 ic CM* od o ■ s- OOOOOOO OOOOOO o _ a> OOOOOOO OOOOOO «ta^ ^^OO »0 CM OS^O '<*' CM OOOOO CD Tot n-o; cre- O ■^CSOO C> I^OT O -rodeo COCM «D ^ "^ I— CM lO 00 CM r^co CD r- »o •-H 1-1 .-t CM CM CM •-•CM -^ CO S« ._- -*^ * « OOOOOOO OOOOOO ^ -^ OOOOOOO OOOO oo CO ca i^**^ '^ t^'^ 1-1 ■<»« 00 CM CM lO l--"^ ?, o o ^odeo CO -- O — O OS OS 00 w tn 1- CM CM --^ ^ ^ -^ -^ »-• ^H cQ « t> O a V S S-^ OOOOOOO OOOOOO O ^-•"' O OOOOOOO O O O O) o o «ta"^ CM CO ^ Oi^ ^ lO CO O^CDCM t^»0 Tot run-o: acre- CM -^ ^ O O? lO O CM CM CO od CM »r? lo 00 •— • CO u^ oo *- ' CM CD -^ — OS CO ^^-M^CM •-•CM eoio |l ^| =§ t-H CM CO -* CD 00 O ^COCDCM Tj*cD ^CMCO 3>. ^c > o SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 473 9^ u (Zl a 03 < CQ O Oi a. £ a V >> o U5 a i a O Mean flow, in seeond-feet O OO O O oo (M O O »0 O ^CO CO »rs" Cfs -** tC c^ o> CO lO '<*'-* CO CO c^ §g§§gg ci^o oco »o o> CO»« 'Tf'cQ ooo Ci CQ CQ CQ CQ .-I Total run-off, in acre-feet o ooo o oo ooooooo 'Tt-^ CI CD •--_ CO t^ (M wi" 00 ^coo lO'^ (M ^ Oi lO rt- — 00 -^ d *' lO OOOO oo o ooooo CO en 00 O CO 00 b^ urT ^ ci" o 03 Tt< CO CD 00 05 CQ ^^ cj -^ti oo C) 0) g a a> o Mean flow, in second-feet ooooooo OOOOOOO *0 'Tf^^CO ift O oo CO 50 ^-H'^^CO Od""^ CI TP '^H CO CO CJ W CI 1 o 0(00 o o o o o o '-^CQ CO t>. CO O ci"— ToocTiVcD _ CQ CQ CQ ^ ^^ i-H •g o Total run-off, in acre-feet 5 O OOOO OO -^ o OOOO oo C^ C^Cl 00 CQ t^co ci" '^ cf ko CO ci" cf Oi CO CQ CO CO OS -* ^ CQ CI coco -* E E o o oo oo ,? o o o o o o OOOOCOi-H»o CO cDci"Tir»o o •^t* CQ ■rt< '^ CI -rt^ ^H CQ rf* 00 ^ p>^ to bi c4 §i in (M a a> u a O Mean flow, in second-feet ooooooo ooooooo CO CO CO "<1^ 00 O o oT irT --^ oo" CO «-r oT CO CO CO CQ CQ CQ 1-t o o o oo o o ooooo CO lO t^CQ 00 CO o ooo tCiO ^ Total run-off, in acre-feet OOOOOOO OOOOOOO lO 0_ ■^ ^ CO CQ Oi oo O CO "^ CO co" CO t^ ■<*< 00 CQ 00 CO t^ r-1 ,-H (M CQ CO CO oooooo oo o o o> o CO O C^<^ 00 CO o cDcTodcft ^ T}< 1— I CQ O -^ Tj« ^-( C^ Tj* t--0 CO o a r -^jT ,-7 oo CO -^ CO CQ CQ CQ »— 1 ^H r-< OOOOOO OOOOOO OiO CO ooooo tCrCcDTjTco cq" Total run-off, in acre-feet OOOOOOO* ooooooo CO r-^'^ OCQ en CO Cq" oo -^ CO t^ CO lO CO o -I" r^ ^^ »o oo *-« .-H r-l d CQ CI OOOOOO OOOO oo lOCQ -^O lO -^ lO -^-^wf CO CQ CO o oi»o »o ^ ^ r-tCOCO O 1^ o i-Hcqco-^ CO ooo 1-H CO CD CQ -^ CO •-« CQCO 474 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Ui b w H X o z H < 0!! Ui > 1—4 Oi V) z <: H CO b O CO O b Q ifl O 2 o u b ^ * 1 ooooooo oooooo c Ji ooooooo oooooo « "i o oeo C40 (Tt lo -r t^OCO-^ 1^ S 8 03 (O -^ - CI ooar^iooo 08 ao to in -^ n m a C4 d ^^ <-^ *-■ ^ ID w-i 35 > •^ (O O »o ■^ o s- ooo oooo oooooo — . a> ooooooo oooooo Tota in-ofF, cre-fe o Ci -r occoo lO -t-^ o ^ o o> r^ O CO ^ en O --" o ■^"co CO ci"co r^ (^ lO ^ lO ■* o -r -^ d C^ — CO 1-^ •-H CI CC CO -^ 4^ lO ^d'<«— ^ c^ >. ^ w Oi o a •"• u a O o^ OOOOOOO oooooo — 4) OOOOOOO oooooo Tota run-off, acre-fe OOC4 00 -1* Ot^CO O ci" cf oC ^ cf o o CO^OO 01»C CO oCoT-i^oood" '■r Ci to ^ 00 '^ oo coo or^ ITS oa i-H CI C^ CO CO -^ -^ ^ C4 CO COOO ^ o cm a »4 V ■^ > ^ 3^ o o ooooo oooooo ci o £ Oi O O O O O O! oooooo a 53 1 o lo t-^moo o o CO -^ "Tt" ■^t^^O §•-■§ S ® o ^ !< OO CO (^ -+ ^ t^ '^ ui '^ C^ i~^ •T3 CO ^ <£> Tji CO CO C4 d c» CO 1 Si o o s o bL u. > a S-** ^ ooooooo ^ ooooooo C3 o ^- <1> e ^to^ O '^ ^ CX) CI 00 »c J3 o 9 — < ooo iC ^ O CD -I* t^ c^ if5 e^ — C^ 00 CO O CC 00 ^- CO oioo ec ON T-i ^ CJ CJ CO CO -^ ^fOOOO 3 2 =* & I- ■s O E ^' 1 OOOOOOO OOOOOO o •£ OOOOOOO OOOOOO qa 1 O lO CO CI CO '-H |>^ Tt-^COOO t^- -w O CiCi" QOCOO t>^ •o- fl e»^ oo ooooo OOOOOOO OOOOOO O — . ""^ o oooo "lt3'«2 ca t^ Tf- ^ t^ CO •-« »0 03 CD *0 »0 oo Toi run-o acre- CI CO C) Tf t>- oi -^ O C3 t^ «-" »0 CO oo to O ■«• •>!< i-H^Ci 04 00 00 *-«co»c t^ ^' 1 ooooooo oooooo OOOOOO <§ -T OOOOOOO CI^O 0_0 CO o co_^ r-- ^^ ic CD CO 05 a.- a M o c© oT -^ ^ tC »« CO (rf c-i ^o 05 00 2 CO CI d CI r-l ^ .-H »— t »-H t-H ,— , 2 »^ CO o «— • iMC4C4 -H(M^CO f-t CJ CO Tp CO 00 o 1^ CO CD C^ -* CD R T3 ^H rt c^co ^ t^fl <.M ZO o SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 475 < Q z z z < > <; > ►J < o o o >J b Q O O b OJ W H Z I -** fe « o oo o ^ ooo CE3 1 oo« 2 ean : in cond o oo cr> « tr-, Qi >> <5 M o >o CI c 0) § 9->^ ooo _ "" « ooo O Tota n-off, cre-fe (M CO O c^'-^-oT ^ (M lO 3 CJ M 6= S OOO o .S O O" O « ■ T— 1 .5 O) S-*^ ooo ■-^ Ct) OOO O Tota n-off, cre-fe lO oo lO Tt< lO oT 3 ca 1-4 t«-< o ^ S OOO c! o i2 OOO O 5? <=> O lOCO a> ci 03 C> :s g . o X OJ J3 S >. o H C-*^ ooo rt O ■— o s s lO C3 1 9-^ Oi O O o — - S ooo Jtta-S ^-^''l ^CO 1^ ^H t^ Oi 2« .-.- •** ^ s ooo ^ 1 ooo ^ o w rt CIS OiOM en cocccq 05 O) CJ s a o 1-H a v a O ooo 3oo «ic">2 i-< CD Oi o 9 i) Hog oo'cft-**" t-^CO 2« *-• O] ^S 1 q c -^oocq a j3 (M'* w «4-l ;z;'o o 476 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES IT w a O « ■ C3 o o 2 « CO o His 05 >> s J3 •s o 9 dj His ? c3 ooo oooo ooooooo kO o GO ao c^ oo c^ ooooooo ooooooo CC Oi lO C^ I^ 'T C^_ oS -r CO C^ *ii c*i '-^ t>- CO 00 c^ r- •-' ^ -^ »^ C*« Cl CO CO ooooooo ooooooo r* 00 00 f-- CO lO -^ ooooooo ooooooo OO «-H^t-- lO '-^^OO o CO ■^ co^ co^ o ^ »o CO >— ' »0 00 CO "lO 00 oooo oo o oo o o o CO -^t-- OS ■«* 00 t^ in ff n oS CO o»r- CO oi CO ^CO«Ot* o o o o o o oi o oo oo 00 ''J* CO 0> CO CO ''i^coci'^o Oi o o o o c> o o o o o o o •^OSOO CDOO lO o c^oscoco O C4 t^ ^T 00 O CD '-• OS 00 t~^ OOOOOO oooooo ■^-^OC^OO h- (Mc^Tt^od'*'"^ CM CO^ ^^00 -^ »-« CM CO kO O o 5-- c o o a> o oooooo oooooo lOOOOO OS'^J'^IO 00 >-^ lO CD »o" W <-• ic OS r* — CM ■-« CO M< SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 477 00 I u z o Z M U OS U O 2 u. Q O O >-) b o; H z O 5 M f^ z fj" •*^ ^ s 0000000 o ^ 10 r- ift (M »o « 1 U5 O^'^ ^ OS § g ^ 00 t^ w5 -fjT CO V »-rH qj >> A la • o — - s 0000000 i'ta'v 00 en 0^*0 CO o o i •— ' 00 iC M/5 -^ CC 00 Hi 1 c« CO Tt- »o CO i^ r* 3 % I- tJ" ** o *2 0000000 10 r^ u^ r* Oi 'Tf ^ _L 00 iC r-^ ^ t^ 05 'fj^ (f3 a.S^ OS t^ CO eO -^ CO CO ca o cd V o 5, a; o o G U c^ 0000000 ^- aj 00 00000 O «ta>2 ■^ CO 00 t^ CO M i 3 rt cTo 000 CD CO 00 i-H CO -^ tT iO CO u. «M o OP bO n) fc* V kT -^^ > s y 0000000 C9 CO (M (M CD § T3 00 C» -^CM IC 03 ^ c-o S5 GO CD CD 10 -**"*" CO CO a cQ » -g >> S g u o O 0) CL> ^ a> >> CJ S-" CD 03 O — '^ y Oi a J 10^ 10 t^-^ M GR t^ i i< t^ ic CO 0' iO ^ C> S g kTi S-^ 0000000 O — 0000000 ^ta'S i-i »0 QO -co £ ? CD -^ CO CO ci ci" ci" e« 0) t> £ •5 a; o a « a £->- 0000000 O — « 0000000 OS -'P CD -^i OS CO ^* 00 CO 00 (>» CO cT -t ^ w oi CO CO -rr 2=^ 1^ »-i c^ CO •* CO 00 1— « ^t^ ;z; o 478 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PQ 5 < googogo co»c S2 M CO C-1 C^ — — 1 — a O v Q >-H O >. .^. w o 11? Cl a c« googogo C§ •— (U «to>S Tot n-ol ere- -r o ctT ^ cJ" 1^ t-^ t--. c^ to a> CO CO o> ^ ^^MMCM 2« ^* *^ ^ a> o o oo o oo 5 ." o o o o o<=> o tS T W-> fl) >> «5 m o o c a> w S — o o o o o o o a — « o <=> ^ o o o o O «!«-^ Ol lO -f '-C CO^O 00 Tot n-ol ere- »o c^i" -r oo' — t:Ci CO CO f— « -f CD O CO to »-i ^ *-i (M C^ C4 g« M-l o fc « ooooooo c3 o JJ o o o o o o o ca 1 I-- o -*' oo o o t-- o "2 -a Mean 1 in second oT »o ^ od in CO ^ (Tl (M CS »-' 1-1 .-H 1-H o o Of a . C O C-^ ooooooo — a> ooooooo 8 «te>2 OiC^ =^c-|<=fi^^ Tot n-o; cre- oo oT i-^ oT 00 to (m' ^ »c C5 c^ Thr- o CO u ^ *-< ^ c^c^ M 2« ^ 1 fe •*j & c^_ o g--"^ S o »0 1-7 00 u H S — oooo o oo o ■" « OOCD oo O O rtte.a 00 OsinCi_t^iOCO Tot n-ol ere- o -^ o> t^ CO t^ oT to 00 O C^ »C t^ Oi 2« bT « ooooooo o ^ oooo ooo M V CO Oi^oi -^ o t^oo ".s-^ S o o CO -^ cf o od i>^ E C^r^r^^^ cJ O d &; s s o a V c O o^ ooooooo — a* ooooooo «teJi CO o t'^oO' t^ Tot run-ol acre- o" r-^ •^'' 00 cT t>C 1-" ■^ CO oo O •— ' CO »o 1-1 Ol CO -^ CO 00 o 3>. ^2; = ("o SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 479 TABLE 200 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF MAXIMUM MEAN DAILY FLOOD FLOWS AT FOOTHILL GAGING STATIONS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Stream and location of gage Probable maximum mean daily flow', in second-feet, exceeded on average of once in 10 years 25 years 50 years 100 years 250 years Kern River near Bakersfield Tule River near Porterville Kaweah River at Three Rivers... Kings River at Piedra San Joaquin River near Friant Fresno River near Knowles Merced River at Merced Falls Tuolumne River near La Grange. Stanislaus River at Knights Ferry Calaveras River at Jenny Lind... Mokelumne River near Clements. Dry Creek near lone Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar. 10,300 5,150 9,650 25,800 26,600 3,500 26,300 31,400 36,200 =39,400 17,800 6,000 20,300 16,600 6,300 12,000 34,000 32,700 4,600 33,300 39,600 50,000 '57,500 23,800 7,600 25,600 21,900 7,000 13,700 40,500 36,900 5,500 38,700 46,500 61,000 '73,000 28,800 8,800 29,700 27,800 7,050 15,200 46,500 41,000 6,350 44,000 53,500 72,000 '88,000 33,700 9,800 33,200 35,800 8,400 17,100 53,300 46,000 7,400 50,600 63,200 86,000 '107,000 39,500 11,000 37,400 1 All flows are for winter floods. Maximum mean daily flows during summer floods are smaller than those during winter floods in all cases. ' Flows are mean for 24 hour period' of maximum run-off. Winter Flood Flows at Selected Points of Concentration on Lower San Joaquin Valley Floor — Knowledge of the amounts of flood flow at points within the area subject to inundation is essential to the design of works for the protection from floods of the valley lands affected. Studies were made, therefore, to estimate the winter flood flows and the probable frequency of their occurrence at several points of concentration on the San Joaquin Valley floor. Winter floods were chosen for this study since the concentrated flows during maximum floods of this type are larger than the concentrated summer flood flows and works for full protection would therefore be designed for winter flood flows. A study was also made of flows during the 1906 summer flood, which is the largest of record, and the amounts of flow are given later in this chapter in connection with plans for protection against such a flood. Flows in the San Joaquin River at points on the valley floor are made up of the combined flows of the larger tributary streams, the flows of w^hich are measured at points near the edge of the valley floor ; the flows from smaller mountain and foothill streams for which there are no records of flow; run-offs from valley floor areas, which are also unmeasured. The flow of the main San Joaquin River is measured at two points on the valley floor, one just below the mouth of the Merced River near Newman, and the other just below the mouth of the Stanis- laus River near Vernalis. Flows at these stations include those which are measured at the line of the valley floor, and those which are not measured in the tributary streams. Records of flows at the Newman station have been obtained by the United States Geological Survey throughout the year since April, 1912, but no records of the flows at the Vernalis station have been obtained during the winter months and records at this station are therefore of no use in studies of winter flood flows. The valley floor points at which flood flows were estimated, the total area of the mountain drainage basin tributary to each point, and the division of this total area into areas having measured run-off and I 480 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES areas havino: no measured run-off except for the measurements taken ;.t the Newman and Vernalis stations, are shown in Table 201. TABLE 201 CLASSIFICATION OF AREAS OF MOUNTAIN DRAINAGE BASINS TRIBUTARY TO SELECTED POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR Mountain drainage areas Point of concentration Total in square miles' With measured run-off Without measured run-off In square miles In per cent of total In square miles In per cent of total San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joa- quin and Merced rivers San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joa- quin and Tiinlnmnft rivprs 5,108 6,915 8,014 31,793 =2,955 4,498 5,481 25,722 58 65 68 81 2,153 2,417 2,533 6.071 42 35 San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joa- quin and Stanislaus rivers San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers at con- fluence. . _ 32 19 ' Areas south of San Joaquin River not included in total areas. Areas are from Bulletin No. 5, ' Streams," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1923. ' Includes Fresno River. Flow in California Flood flows at each selected point of concentration may be esti- mated by combining measured flows at the gaging stations on the major streams above the point with estimated flows from the tributary areas which have no measured run-oft's, with proper alloAvances for time of travel of the flows and for channel storage. The areas without measured run-off are large, however, as shown by Table 201, and it is difficult to estimate flood discharges from these areas. They can not be estimated by comparison with the measured flows of the major streams because there is little similarity in the drainage basins of adjacent unmeasured and measured streams in position, elevation, and shape of w-atershed. Therefore, no attempt was made in these studies of flood concentration to estimate flood flows from areas having no measured run-off. Flows at the selected points of concentration were estimated instead from meas- ured flows at the foothill gaging stations and at the Newman gaging sta- tion. The method used for each selected point is briefly described in the following paragraphs. The period used in these studies was 1896 tol929 and since stream flow records are not available for all of the major tributary streams for the entire period, it w^as necessary to estimate flows for some years for each stream, except the Tuolumne River, by comparison with the flow records of the Tuolumne, Kings and American I'ivers. The estimated flood concentrations are necessarily^ not exact and must be so considered. The amounts of flood flow in the San Joaquin River below its confluence with the Merced River, for the period since 1912, were obtained from the published records for the Newman gaging station. Amounts prior to that date were estimated from the relation of flows at the Newman gaging station to the combined mean daily flows of the Merced River at Merced Falls or Exchequer and those of the San Joaquin River at F riant or Herndon, with the proper allowances for the time of concentration, channel storage, and the relation of peak to mean daily flow. Use was also made of a detailed analysis made some SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 481 years ago by the State Division of Engineering and Irrigation of con- centrations and tlie relation of peak to mean daily flow dnring the flood of Jannaiy, 1911. The amount of the concentrated flood flow of the San Joaquin River below its confluence with the Tuolumne River was estimated by combining the flood flow of the San Joaquin River below the mouth of the Merced River with the flow of the Tuolumne River at the La Grange gaging station, with corrections for the relative time of flood travel from each of these latter points to the point of concentration below the mouth of the Tuolumne River, and for channel storage. In a similar manner, the concentrated flood flow of the San Joaquin River below its confluence with the Stanislaus River was estimated by combining the flood flow in the San Joaquin River below the mouth of the Tuolumne River wdtli the flow in the Stanislaus River at Knights Ferry, with corrections for time of flood travel and channel storage. Another point at which amounts of concentrated flood flows were estimated is the confluence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers. In estimating the flow at this point, the concentrated flow in the San Joaquin River below the mouth of the Stanislaus River was combined with the flow from the Sacramento Valley as estimated during the prepa- ration of a report* on the flood concentration in the valley, and the flows into the San Joaquin Delta from the Cosumnes, Mokelumne and Cala- veras rivers. Allowance was made in each case for the time of travel from the point at which each of these flows was estimated to the conflu- ence of the main rivers, and for channel storage. Flood flows at the selected points of concentration, estimated as above described, were then analyzed to estimate the probable sizes of floods at the same points which may be expected to be exceeded at various intervals of time on the average. The method used was the same as that used for the same purpose for the foothill gaging stations. The curves so derived are shown on Plate LXXV, "Probable Frequency of Flood Flows at Points of Concentration on San Joaquin Valley Floor," and are in each case the right-hand curve for each station, designated "without reservoir control." Table 202 shows the estimated I maximum flows that would occur with certain frequencies at the points of concentration. TABLE 202 PROBABLE FREQUENCIES OF WINTER FLOOD FLOWS AT SELECTED POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR Without Reservoir Control Stream and point of concentration San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joaquin and Merced rivers San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joaquin and Tuolumne rivers ■ San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joaquin and Stanislaus rivers , San Joaquin and Sacramentorivers at confluence Probable maximum mean daily flow, in second-feet, exceeded on average of once in 10 years 42,000 64,000 86,000 490,000 25 years 53,000 80,000 104,000 592,000 50 years 62,000 92,000 118,000 680,000 100 years 69,500 103,000 133,000 780,000 250 years 79.500 117,000 154,000 925,000 * Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 31—80997 482 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Methods of Flood Control. There are two general methods for coiitrollinti- floods. One method is to conve}' the flood waters of the streams undiminished in volume past the area subject to overflow by means of leveed channels con- structed either along the natural waterways, or, where the natural waterways are inadequate in capacity, through leveed by-passes. The other method is to reduce the flood flows by retention in surface reser- voirs of flows in excess of the capacity of the natural waterways and to later release the water from these resei'voirs at a rate which does not exceed the natural channel capacity. The first method is the more common and is that used on the Mis.sissippi River and in the Sacramento Valley. The only examples of the second method in California are the Los Angeles County flood control project and the city of Stockton project on the Calaveras River. The first method is usually the less costly. The second method, where the reservoirs are used for flood control purposes alone, is justified only where high property values make flood channels costly or undesirable and where close settlement and high values in the territory protected permit greater expenditures for this protection. In most instances, however, even with floods controlled by reservoirs, some leveed chan- nels are required, so that control by this method generally resolves itself into a plan of reservoir control combined with levee systems. Sometimes this method of flood control is combined with the spreading of flood waters over absorptive areas to introduce these waters into the underground basin for storage. Where flood control by reservoirs can be combined successfully with conservation, the cost chargeable to flood control is thereby reduced. Plans for Flood Control with Flows Uncontrolled by Reservoirs. As previously stated, no comprehensive plan for the protection of overflow lands or for the control of floods in the San Joaquin Valley has been adopted. However, following tlie formulation of a general fiood control plan for the Sacramento Vallej', attention was turned to the preparation of a similar plan for the San Joaquin Valley and the California Debris Commission and the Department of Engineering of California, cooperating, made surveys and formulated a tentative flood control plan for the lower San Joaquin Valley and the San Joaquin Delta. Tipper San Joaquin Valley South of San Joaquin River — In the San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joacpiin River, a large part of any inundation by floods would occur in the beds of Buena Vista and Tulare lakes. It is anticipated tliat during large floods Buena Vista Lake will be flooded, and the lands are reserved for this purpose. Water in excess of the amount Avliich will flood the reservoir lands Avill flow northward toward Tulare Lake. Tulare Lake lands will also be flooded b}^ water collecting in the bed of the lake and it is, therefore, the total volume of run-off into the lake that is important as a flood menace, and not the peak or mean daily stream floM'. AVaters from the Kern, Tule, Kaweah and Kings rivers now reach the lake bed. The area flooded is dependent upon the amounts of excess water in any one or series of years since physical conditions are such that the flood waters entering Tulare Lake, the lowest point in which is elevation 179 feet, I PLATE LXXV 10 One-day flow in thousands of second-foot-days 100 1.000 10 100 - t 1 ■' 1 'j 1 1 1 ' 1 T I : - / - - / - - / - k ' - ,' ' ' - / 1 ! 1 i / f / / / With res crvo r cont rol / /y Nit ho ut r( servoir contro 1 1 - - i-i - - fl - - ]/ - V - - 1 - 1 kit i i : 1 fo I • t 1 1 « '" - / BELOW CONFLUENCE OF - f SAN inAniiiN ANin Tl - y - - / MERCED RIVERS ~ / - fl' _1.. _1j J- .1, 1 1 i 1 1 1 i .hhl-4 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR WITH AND WITHOUT RESERVOIR CONTROL 482 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Methods of Flood Control. There are two {general methods for coiitrolliii<>' floods. One method is to convey the tlood waters of the streams undiminished in volume past the area subject to overflow by means of leveed channels con- structed either along the natural waterways, or, where the natural waterways are inadequate in capacity, throuji-h leveed bj^-passes. The other method is to reduce the flood flows by retention in surface reser- voirs of flows in excess of the capacity of the natural waterways and to later release the water from these reservoirs at a rate which does not exceed the natural channel capacity. The first method is the more common and is that used on the Mississippi River and in the Sacramento Valley. Tlie only examples of the second method in California are the Los Angeles County flood control project and the city of Stockton project on the Calaveras River. The first method is usually the less costly. The second method, where the reservoirs are used for flood control purposes alone, is justified only where high proijerty values make flood channels costly or undesirable and where close settlement and high values in the territory protected permit greater expenditures for this protection. In most instances, liowever, even with floods controlled by reservoirs, some leveed chan- nels are required, so that control by this method generally resolves itself into a plan of reservoir control combined with levee systems. Sometimes this method of flood control is combined with the spreading of flood waters over absorptive areas to introduce these waters into the underground basin for storage. Where flood control by reservoirs can be combined successfully with conservation, the cost chargeable to flood control is thereby reduced. Plans for Flood Control with Flows Uncontrolled by Reservoirs. As previously stated, no comprehensive plan for the protection of I overflow lands or for the control of floods in the San Joaquin Valley has been adopted. However, following tlie formulation of a general flood control plan for the Sacramento Valley, attention Avas turned to the preparation of a similar plan for the San Joaquin Valley and the California Debris Commission and the Department of Engineering of California, cooperating, made surveys and formulated a tentative flood control plan for the lower San Joaquin Valley and the San Joaquinj Delta. Tipper San Joaquin Valley South of San Joaquin River — In thel San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River, a large part ofl any inundation by floods would occur in the beds of Buena Vista audi Tulare lakes. It is anticipated that during large floods Buena Vistal Lake will be flooded, and the lands are reserved for this purpose.^ Water in excess of the amount which will flood the reservoir lands wi flow northward toward Tulare Lake. Tulare Lake lands will also be flooded by water colk^'ting in the bed of the lake and it is, thereforeJ the total volume of run-ofl; into the lake that is important as a floodij menace, and not the peak or mean daily stream flow. Waters from the Kern, Tide, KaMeah and Kings rivers now reach the lake bed. The area flooded is dependent ui)on the amounts of excess water in any one or series of years since phj'sical conditions are such that the flood waters entering Tulare Lake, the lowest point in which is elevation 179 feet,| ti PLATE LXXV One-day flow in thousands of second-foot-days One-day flow in thousands of second-foot-c lOO I.OOO lO 'OO One-day flow In thousands of second-foot^days 1 1 T -rTT ' 1 '. . ^ TTJ, 1 1 !- , / / / / j / " 1 / 1 with ft lenBtrc ..J Wllhout rciBrTOirconI - ; ■ 1 « ' ' ' ; . / . / ■ ■/ 1 / It ^1 1 t 1 8EL0W CONFLUENCE OF ;" " '■■" T STANISLAUS RIVERS 3 , , . T 1 i ' * T ' 1 [ . / r~t / I - / - ( 1 / /, ' ■ W th. ..rvB ', 1 W h ervo re - I I / / , -/ij h'\ J^ T at s^ „ ' w 1 BELOW CONFLUENCE OF Tl - i M 1 ! - 1 r 1 i ' WWM, r...^ ^ - 1 ~3 ' 1 TIIOIIIMNF RIVFRS iH ^ ' i : . . . . "T^ 1 < 1 1 li 1 1 III.) ! ' ' ' 1 1 , - i / - ( 1 1 1 / „ 1 / / Wllhreiervo m™ WttHoutr»ervo.o Yolo Bf 3» atL .n = , / w 3 1 ' > \ iffr Slai,il II n,ver SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Un' at Orov,Ile ralS>T<*niville r «l V«n Trent IS.ODO »co nd-icet 15.000 secD 25.000 Mto IS.OOO seco IS 000 leco 25,000 sees 10.000 scco S.OOOicco IS.OODieco nd-Ieet BASIN nd feet 100.000 SCO 70.000 jeeo 20,000 seco 100.000 leco noreel PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR WITH AND WITHOUT RESERVOIR CONTROL (>.ioo»-bnoo92 >o zbnseuoriJ ni wolt it^b'SpO 1 : 1 I* u o D. O o mUOAOL MA2 Ifl 3UAJ8IHAT8 AN OOI JO^ ib-*ool-bnoo»e 1o 2bn6euortl ni woU yeb-gnO oc-o f oor a tffeAmufoO X It u a. -7. 7> iryy TTrr J - f- o 3 a a c Jl HA2 Ifl OTMSMAflOAS : -frr-:r r r^ i.:.:,:.:.. loot ree08 ■J i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 483 must raise the lake surface to an elevation of 205 to 210 feet before they can escape northward into Fresno Slough and the San Joaquin River. Some of the levees in the lake bed may withstand such eleva- tions but many arc constructed to an elevation of not over 195 feet and many thousands of acres of land would be flooded by a lake level of 210 feet. Under present plans for the reclamation of Tulare Lake lands, the north half of Township 22 South, Range 20 East, M.D.B. and M., is reserved for the storage of surplus waters, and for major floods, the south half of the township and the land south of the township to eleva- tions of 192 to 195 feet would also be used. This gives storage capaci- ties of 260,000 to 350,000 acre-feet before inundating additional lands. These storage capacities are insufficient to store all of the water which would reach the lake under present conditions of development in the tributary drainage area. To relieve Tulare Lake of waters in excess of the capacity of the storage reservoir in the lake bed, two plans were proposed several years ago by A. D. Schindler, engineer for landowners in the lake bed. Under both plans, the surplus waters of Kings River would be diverted directly to Fresno Slough and the San Joaquin River. Under the first plan, the surplus waters from the Kern River area would be by-passed through a canal around the west side of the lake from a point near Harts Station to Summit Lake, and thence down Fresno Slough. Surplus water from the Kaweah and Tule rivers would be diverted southward through unimproved territory, combined with the Kern River water at Harts Station, and diverted northward around the lake in the by-pass canal. The capacity of the canal from Harts Station to Summit Lake would be 8500 second-feet with an emergency capacity of about 10,000 second-feet. The cost of this canal and one from the Kaweah and Tule rivers to Harts Station, together with diversion works on these rivers, was estimated by A. D. Schindler in 1917 to be about $2,200,000. Under the second plan proposed, all excess waters which would reach Tulare Lake would be discharged into the reservoir in the lake bed and the reservoir would be vented northward by means of a deep cut through Summit Lake Ridge to Fresno Slough. The bottom of this cut or canal would be as low as the bottom of the lake and it would have a capacity of about 3200 second-feet. It was estimated by A. D. Schindler that this canal would have controlled flood waters to such an extent that no flooding would have occurred on lands surrounding the lake reservoir under such extreme conditions as existed in 1906 and 1916. The cost of this canal and appurtenant w^orks was estimated by A. D. Schindler in 1917 to be $1,060,000. This estimate was revised to $1,200,000 by S. T. Harding in a report to the Tulare Lake Water " Storage District in 1924. Tipper and Loiver San Joaquin Valleys — Herndon to Mouth of Merced River — In the section of the valley from Herndon to the mouth of the Merced River, the flood plain is several miles in width and it is p' believed that in this section protection against both winter and summer floods could be provided, since only a small portion of the lands subject I to inundation w^ould be required for overfloAv channels. Several pre- i liminary plans for protecting these lands from uncontrolled flows were 484 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES laid out and preliminary estimates of cost were made some years ago by the State Division of Engineering: and Irrigation. Two of these plans have recently been revised by the Division of AVater Resources and preliminary estimates made of the costs of constructing the works. Under one of these plans, a by-pass would be constructed from the San Joaquin River at a point in Section 30, Township 13 South, Range 16 East, M.D.B. and M., to the mouth of the Merced River. This by-pass would be about 3000 feet wide and have sufficient capacity to carry all flood waters in excess of 7000 second-feet, which would pass down the river channel. East side tributaries would enter the by-pass through leveed channels extending to high ground. Backwater levees would be constructed along both banks of the river and Salt Slough for a sufficient distance upstream from the mouth of the Merced River to prevent overflow. A diversion weir would be constructed across the San Joaquin River just below the head of the by-pass to divert flows in excess of the capacity of the river channel. From the south end of the weir, a single levee would be constructed along the contour of the country to intercept the flow of Fresno Slough and divert it to the head of the by-pass. The by-pass would have capacities increasing from 46,000 second-feet at the inlet to 82,000 second-feet at the Merced River, It is estimated that the cost of these works, including the incidental reconstruction of irrigation canals and roads and the care of drainage, would be about $7,850,000. The area protected would be about 280,000 acres and the cost per acre about $28. Under the other plan proposed, there would be no by-pass and the uncontrolled flood flows would be confined to a flood channel following the course of the San Joaquin River. The east levee of this channel would extend up the right bank of the river to high ground about eleven miles above Mendota Dam, and the west levee would extend up the left bank of Fresno Slough to high ground. East side tributaries would enter this channel through rectified leveed channels with the levees extended to high ground. A system of intercepting canals would conduct the run-off from the small creeks and drains into the heads of these inlet channels. Drainage from the west side would be collected and stored in the many large slough channels back of the levees and admitted to the main channel through culverts after the passage of the flood. The flood channel would vary from one-quarter to one-half mile in width, the average Avidth being nearer the former figure. It would have capacities starting with 53,000 second-feet near the mouth of Fresno Slough and increasing as tributary streams enter through side channels to about 90,000 second-feet at the mouth of the Merced River. The cost of these works, including the incidental reconstruction of irrigation canals, roads and bridges, is estimated to be about $8,250,000. About 2f)7,00U acres of land would be protected, however, and the cost would be a little less than $28 per acre, which is practically the same cost as under the other plan of protection. Lower San Joaquin Valley — Mouth of Merced River to Paradise Dam — A flood control plan to protect lands along the San Joaquin River from the Merced River to Paradise Dam from maximum uncon- trolled winter flood flows was formulated some years ago by the State Division of Engineering and Irrigation. Under this plan, levees would ll SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 485 be constructed on each side of the river at a sufficient distance from its banks to provide a channel having the following capacities : Second-feet Mouth of Merced River to mouth of Tuolumne River__ 105,000 Mouth of Tuolumne River to mouth of Stanislaus River 138,000 Mouth of Stanislaus River to Paradise Dam 160,000 All of these flows may be expected less than once in 250 years on the average. The channel required, for a flood of such magnitude would average 2400 to 3000 feet in width and about 15 per cent of the gross area subject to inundation would be required for levee right of ways and the flowage channel. The cost of such a project has been estimated during this investigation to be about $5,900,000, and as previously stated, the project is not considered economically feasible. Flood damages in this section of the valley have been caused to a large extent by summer floods which have inundated the bottom lands during the early part of the groAving season. Protection against such floods would also provide protection against the smaller winter floods. Therefore, a plan for protection against summer floods has been con- sidered all that is required at the present time and, pending the adop- tion of a comprehensive plan for flood control for the entire valley, it has been the policy of the State Reclamation Board to grant permits for levee construction along this section of the river on the basis of protection against summer floods. A flood control plan to provide for maximum uncontrolled summer flood flows was also formulated some years ago by the State Division of Engineering and Irrigation. Under this plan, levees would be con- structed on each side of the river, but at a less distance apart than for protection against winter floods. The flood flows for which channel capacity would be provided are approximately those of the summer flood of 1906, and are as follows : Second-feet Mouth of Merced River to mouth of Tuolumne River 56,000 Mouth of Tuolumne River to mouth of Stanislaus River 70,000 Mouth of Stanislaus River to Paradise Dam 79,000 These summer flood flows correspond to winter flood flows which may be exceeded once in 33 years, once in 14 years, and once in seven years, on the average, respectively. The degree of protection against uncontrolled winter floods, therefore, would not be the same along the different sections of the stream. With this plan for flood protection, the levees would average 1500 to 1800 feet apart and about 4700 acres less land would be required for levee right of ways and the flowage channel than with adequate I protection against maximum winter floods. The cost of the project from the mouth of the Merced River to Paradise Dam has been esti- mated during this investigation to be about $3,500,000 or $2,400,000 less than the cost of a project for the same area with protection against maximum uncontrolled winter floods. San Joaquin Delta — It has been stated in a foregoing section of this chapter that although practically all of the San Joaquin Delta lands 486 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES are now leveed, they are not protected against major floods. Analyses made by the State Division of Engineerinj^ and Irrijjation and the United States Army Engineers of tlie can-ying capacity of tlie existing channels in the delta under present conditions, shows that from Para- dise Dam to the head of Middle River the channels have a capacity of 60,000 second-feet and from tlie head of Middle River to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, they have a capacity of about 100,000 second-feet. Below the Santa Fe railroad more chaimel capacity exists, especially since the dredging of the Stockton Ship Canal. However, owing to the small capacity of the San Joacpiin River main channel from the head of Middle River to its junction with the Ship Canal, the total flood carrj-ing capacity of the lower cliannels does not become available to floods of the San Joaquin Valley until the vicinity of Venice Island is reached. It may be said, therefore, that the lands lying between Paradise Cut and Tom Paine Slough and between Para- dise Cut and the San Joaquiii and ^Middle rivers, and those lands east of the main San Joaquin River from Paradise Dam to and including the city of Stockton, comprising about 50,000 acres of reclaimed lands, have protection against a flood of only 60,000 second-feet discharge. Allowing for encroachment on the levee freeboard, it is possible that 70,000 second-feet might pass without breaking the levees and inundat- ing the lands. The frequency curves for the San Joaquin River below its confluence with the Stanislaus River on Plate LXXV, show that a flow of 70,000 second-feet nmy occur, under conditions without reservoir control, on an average of 21 times in 100 years. For that portion of the delta lying west of the San Joaquin River and between the head of Middle River and Venice Island, it is estimated that reasonable protec- tion is afforded bj' existing works against a flood of 100,000 second-feet. Reference to the frequencj^ curves on Plate LXXV shows that a flow of this size may be exceeded on an average of about five times in 100 }'ears. Several plans for protecting the delta lands against winter floods uncontrolled by reservoirs were formulated several years ago by the United States Army Engineers, the State Reclamation Board, and the State Division of Engineering and Irrigation, cooperating. One of these plans appears to be as effective as any of the others and con- siderably less expensive. In general, this plan calls for a by-pass and the enlargement of existing channels from Paradise Dam to the vicinity of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. North of the railroad, the overflow channels of Middle and Old River would be kept clear of trees and brush and the existing channels, including the Stockton Ship ("anal, would carry the flood waters to the lower San Joaquin River Ihrough w^hich they would pass to Suisun Bay. Some channel improve- ment and raising of levees along several of the existing channels would be necessary. The by-pass would follow Paradise Cut with a width of about 2500 feet. It would then cross T^nion Island, where its wid^ would be 1050 feet, and follow jNIiddle River, with a width of about 1800 feet, to the Santa Fe railroad. The system was designed for a flood carrying capacity of 175,000 second-feet at Paradise Dam with increased quantities below the mouths of the Calaveras and Mokelumi|e rivers. With such a plan, however, flood plane elevations in the chan nels north of the Santa Fe railroad wonld range from about twelve feet. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 487 TT. S. Army Eng-ineer datum, near the mouth of Dutch Slough, to i if teen to seventeen feet near the Santa Fe railroad. It has been stated* by G. A. Atherton, general manager of the California Delta Farms, Inc., 1hat in his opinion elevation 13.3 feet, United States Engineer datum, would be a reasonable elevation at which the levees in the lower delta could be maintained permanently. It would appear, therefore, that the flood plane elevations of the proposed flood control plan for the delta "\\ould cause the overtopping or breaking of levees in the lower delta. It was roughly estimated by the Army Engineers at the time this plan was formulated that the necessary works, including the lengthening of I'aradise Dam, would cost about $10,000,000. Since the estimated flood flow at Paradise Dam during a summer flood similar to that of 1906 is 79,000 second-feet and the capacity of the San Joaquin River and Paradise Cut below that point is only 60,000 to 70,000 second-feet, some flooding by levee breaks between Paradise Dam and the head of Middle River would probably occur. Protection from such breaks could be provided by improving the channel of Para- dise Cut, or that of the San Joaquin RiA^er above Middle River, to give greater capacity. Below the head of Middle River the present capacity of 100,000 second-feet would be sufflcient. No cost for such improve- ]nent has been estimated, but it Avould not be a large amount. Control of Floods by Reservoirs. The control of floods by reservoirs has been a subject of intensive study. It has been believed by some persons that any reservoir con- structed for power or irrigation purposes will flood flows. Reservoirs utilized for these purposes alone, however, may be allowed to fill as rapidly as water is available and remain full until after the flood season has passed. They, therefore, are apt to have no reserve space, or only a small amount of space, available for controlling floods when tliej^ occur, and dependence can not be placed upon them for this purpose. On the other hand, reservoirs constructed and operated for flood control purposes alone "wall usually make the cost of protection by this means greater than if it were obtained by leveed channels and by-passes. In such reservoirs, the entire space is dedicated to flood control and after the passage of a flood the reservoir is emptied and held empty in anticipation of a succeeding flood. The control of floods by reservoirs was considered in 1910 by the California Debris Commission at the time it was formulating its plan for flood control in the Sacramento Valley. It. however, investigated tlie effect of reservoirs which were relatively small compared with the inajor reservoir units of the State Water Plan. The sites also were located at points well above the valley floor and controlled only a small portion of the drainage area. Since the reservoir cai)acity was small, the flood controlled was only a small portion of that at the valley floor line, and the reservoirs were to be utilized only for flood control pur- ])Oses, it was the conclusion of the Debris Commission that partial control by reservoirs was not economical and this feature was not * Bulletin No. 22, "Report on Salt Water Barrier," Division of Water Resources, 1929, page 46. I 488 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES included in the plan. It did include in its report,* the following state- ment : "While favoring the use of reservoirs as far as possible, and considering that one of the advantages of the project herein proposed is that it lends itself to future storage possibilities, the Commission believes that it is not economical to construct reservoirs for flood control, but that such construction should be deferred until these reservoirs prove desirable for power and irrigation pur- poses." In the studies of the control of floods by reservoirs by this office, particular attention has been given to the coordination of flood control with conservation in the utilization of reservoirs and a report** was rendered on this subject. It is demonstrated in that report that by utilizing varying amounts of space in a reservoir, guided by the times of occurrence of floods and the preceding climatological conditions, a substantial degree of flood control can be obtained on the larger streams of California without impairment of the conservation value of major reservoirs on those streams. Utilization of Reservoirs of State Water Plan for Flood Control. The major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin would be located near the line of the valley floor, and therefore offer favorable opportunities for the reduction of flood flows on the major streams of the basin at the points where they would discharge onto the valley floor. This reduction would increase the degree of protection afforded by the works already constructed or permit lower levees and smaller channels in the portions of the valley not yet protected. To obtain the greatest flood control value, the reservoirs would be operated for this purpose as one of their primary functions. If not operated specifically for flood control, they might absorb many of the medium and small floods but would fail to control floods in years of large run-off since the reservoir would probably be filled or have insufficient reserve space in such years. The volumes of flood discharge during winter floods at the foothill gaging stations, as indicated by the frequency curves shown on Plate LXXIV, and at points of concentration below stream confluences on the valley floor, as indicated by the right-hand curves on Plate LXXV, are those that may be expected to occur under natural conditions with no artificial interference other than the confinement of flood flows to leveed channels across the valley floor areas. To control these flows to smaller amounts, the flood waters could be stored in major reservoir units of the State Water Plan and relea.sed at a predetermined rate. The amounts of reservoir space required in the vicinity of each foothill gaging station to reduce floods at that point to certain controlled flows, and also the frecpiency with which these controlled flows may be exceeded with the space reserved for this control, were estimated from studies made for that purpose. The amounts of reservoir space which would be exceeded at certain frequencies in controlling the winter floods at each of the gaging stations to various controlled flows are shown by the curves on Plate LXXVI, "Reservoir Space Required to Control Floods on Major Streams of San * House Document No. 81, 62d Congress, F'irst Session. *♦ Bulletin No. 14, "The Control of Floods by Reservoirs," Division of Engineer- ing and Irrigation, 1928. PLATE LXXVI r KERN RIVER NFAR V BAKERSFIELD \ \ N k. \ \ s_ Valu es exce Once ir 1 eded on average of 250 vears \, \ \, ^ /a 'Once in 100 years Once in 50 years l\ \ \ N '^ // ' /.Onze in 25 years / y^ ^Once in 10 years iv-- - \ •s^ \ K |V ^ \ k C ""^-- ;^ ^^ ^ y^ -- ! 1 ■~~~^ ' 1 1 1~ 1 50 100 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet 150 iESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED TO CONTROL FLOODS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN i)t« 1\\\ 1 \\ \ 1 1 COSUMNES B VER w^ s \ MICHIGAN B 1 \ N \ s \ \K\ \ s \ \ \ \ \ \ k V*l»....c..i).dsn .On„ln250„ ■v«rtg> «• \r s \ V V ^ / !° \ -N \ \ \ ■\ ■~-v -^ ■--^ V" y^ yy Inc. in IDyUF* ^ \ \ •-vj ■--, <^ S \, ■^ •--J ■--^ ~-<. ■^ --, L-^ ^1 " ^i ^ ■-- ;— — ~-^ ^ — 1 ^^--~^^^^^;;:ird lOO 150 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet 100 200 300 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet too 200 Reservoir space in thousands of a Y T \ \ \ \ s V \ \ CALAVERAS RIVER j 1 \ \ \ s s J ENN r Ll^ 40 \ \, \ s s. \ \ \ s s N \ \ \ \ s \ V*lu (aicMdadanaHrag Dn» In ISOyaar* Oncxn too no On»"t ftOyaara Sf \ \ \ s \ ^ \ N \ N \ \ -/y. y Jncln 2Sya 10 >> an \ \ \ \ s , // ^X s \ \ \ Z ^ — — \ ^ k ^^ ^ CL; .^ ;;^ b ^^^ — -- 1 — 1 1 J 1 1 LJ 1 L_ 1 =±= '^= ~= ■=^ ^^ ^^M I^B 200 300 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet « ..« MOKELUMNE RIVER CLEMENTS ■o I \ ■s "" \ c i\ £ w \ Va.uHOmcB tutu 01. annBi ISOiaan 100, .an 90 yon ■ sr 1 ^^ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ s ■-^ / y »„,„ \ \ ,^ ^ v^ ^^ ^ ^ ~~^ ^ ~-i_ O r=a == ; S & w \ TUOLUMNE RIVER l\ .A GRANGE \^ \ \ ^^ \ s \ Viluaia G*«dgil BO an ■B in 2B0 yotn agaof \ \ \ N y / -^ Oneain 100>»n /,Onc.ln SO,..™ \ \ \ s N, \ y^z/y^ :■>« IOrt>n \ \ \ \ ■-V ^^ E^ ^^ \ ■N •v ^ S^ ^^ ■^ -^ ^ / K, ^ S: ^ ^ — ' ■" -- -^ -^ 1 — ' - I \ w [ - \\\ \ \'\\ \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ v) A \ < 1 aaciMMeiananr* O-u in 2S0 Tvan Oncn SO,«ar* Oncn 25 nan • af \ \ \ \, \, \ \ u^ \ \ \ ^ K ■s V \ K \ \ V. ■--, V ^ ^ ^__ ~~- — ■ — 200 300 ' space in thousands of acre-feet 200 300 r space in thousands of acre-feet Reservoir space in thousands of acn PLATE LXXVI 1 M " M ERCEO RIVE 3 ERC ED F ALL ~^' •n :^ - -J — __ ir^2r= . z: 1 : ^ — 200 300 thousands of acre-feel F 1 RESNO RIVER KN OWLES Mrasaaf - ^ :::; r~ [--- -~ - = — — tun: — ~~~— ^ — i— — ■ 1 1 — . I o S \ \ ^ 1 1 1 11 \ ^ N \, SAN JOAQUIN RIVER \ \ 1 \ HERNDON V \ \ \ \ \ Val On».»!90T«ara One.... lOOrMi 0««ln SO Man Oncain 29t«*n Oncain lO^an am FRIANT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ K^ 1 1 \ \ s K \ s N ^y. t^ \ s s \j \ S -v^ f s \ N X, ^ >v \ ^ \ > '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ --J ^ ::2 ^ ^ "~~ — i HZH; rr::; in: 1 100 ISO Reservoir space m thousands of acre-feet \ \ \ \ \ 1 ! -\ \ \ \ \ \, KINGS RIVER V ^ s /y. Onea ,0"n aaadananraflset n ISO MM SANGER \ \ \ \ \ s n lOOxan n SOxan n i9y.a.. n 10ita«n "5 \ \ V \ \ \ \ ////;i \ s \ \ N ^ Y \ \ \ •y ^ \ \ 'N \ V \. /> ^ .^ \ / \ ^^ ^ -^ ■^ ■--- "^ ^- o ^ ~^ J^ ■^ — !^ ~d ^ — o "^ — — — — ^ — ^=^:==:=3 ^ \ \ \\\ |,c V \\ \, \, KAWEAH RIVER THREE RIVERS v^ \ o \ \ \ \^ \, i " V \, k^ s \ \ o £ \ s s o s -- * .0«..« ISO tear. \ \ \ \ s> \ ^ . \ ^ \ \ ^ S 1 '^'^^r-\ ? \ s \ s ^ "<^ > K^ % I' ^ ^ — ^ S ^ ' — Hz: = ^ — =:z ~ - — 1 ! i Rt^servoir space in thousands of acre-feet I > Ml \ \\ \ \ TULE RIVER PORTERVILLE \ \ \^ s\ \ k^ s\ \ \ \ .\ \ -1 Valuaa a. a.i)aflae> IB lOOrt*™ in SOraan in ISyiar. in tOyaan ^ \ \ \ s S^ s \ s. \ \ V ^ K ^ ^ a/A I N s \ N \ >:^ < s \ ^ .. . ^ 5 5 ^ ^ ~^ ~r;i;:^ ^ ^ : — ^ = ~ — ■ — — 1 ~ \ \ 1 1 „ \ \ S KERN RIVER 1 •"" V \, BAKERSFIELD 1 s \ s \, 1 1 A \ \ 1 1 c 1 \ \ \ \ Valun aicaadatf an ••«•■■ _ >0n»t>I50rtan /^Ont^'i lOOraan • •f i \ \, \ s 1.0 S, \ \ \ \. ^ 1 V \ s \ \ -N, /^?%C^ 1 " \ \ ^'" ~^/ ^^^^ ^^^^-^ ^ >^^,^__H inr n ~ ; ' 1 — — — — — Z:;!^ = = 50 100 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feel RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED TO CONTROL FLOODS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN thousands of acre-feel Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet Resi^rvoir space in thousands of acre-feet I I I I I h h P I !: o oat t@L oor n&^9B OS /I i / i/ Od oa Ofc oe . Que OOS / /' / / i/l i/ OOt TTi: -b U I- I OS c Of o f! SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 480 Joaquin River Basin." The data from which these curves were developed were taken from Tables 187 to 199, inclusive. These tables show the probable winter or rain water flood flows and run-offs, which Avould be exceeded at selected intervals of time, on the average, in the major streams of the San Joaquin River basin, as indicated by the frequency curves on Plate LXXIV. The method by which the reservoir space curves were developed was the same for each stream and for each selected frequency. It is given in the following description of the development of the curve of reservoir space which would be exceeded once in 100 years on the average in controlling the Tuolumne River. This analysis has been based on the data presented in Table 194, columns 8 and 9, in which are listed the total run-offs in acre-feet and the mean flows in second-feet for periods one to ten days in length. In tliis table the probable volume of flow for a one-day period is 106,100 acre-feet and the mean flow for that period is 53,500 second-feet. If the flow were all stored so that there would be none below the dam, the amount of reservoir space in use at the end of the day would be 106,100 acre-feet. If a flow of 53,500 second-feet below the dam were permissible, no reservoir space would be in use at the end of the day. Points representing these two pairs of flow and reservoir space values were plotted on a graph on which the horizontal scale represented reservoir space in acre-feet and the vertical scale controlled flow in second-feet, and a straight line connecting the two points was drawn. This line was the locus of all points representing the reservoir space in use at the end of the one-day period for any selected controlled flow. Similar lines were developed for the 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10-day periods for which data were available. An inspection of Table 194, columns 8 and 9, shows that the one-day period has the largest mean flow in second- feet of any period studied, and the smallest total run-off in acre-feet, while the ten-day period has the smallest mean flow in second-feet and the largest total run-off in acre-feet. When drawn on the graph, there- fore, the lines representing the relation between controlled flow and reservoir space for each time period formed a grid of intersecting lines bounded on the right by a broken line extending from the point repre- senting a controlled flow of 53,500 second-feet and zero reservoir space along the line for a one-day period to its intersection with the two-day period line, along that line to its intersection with the three-day period line, and so on along each period line in turn to the intersection of the ten-day period line with the line of zero controlled flow at a reservoir space of 509,800 acre-feet. Had the increment of time of each period been infinitely small, each segment of this broken line would have been infinitely short and the line would have been a curve. This curve, hoAV- ever, would intersect the line of zero storage at a controlled flow value equal to the crestflow of the flood and would approach a controlled flow value equal to the mean daily flow of the river at infinity. Since the accuracy of the stream flow data available does not justify further refinement, the curve shown on Plate LXXVI for the once in 100 year frequency was drawn tangent to each segment of the broken line and the two ends were located as described in the last preceding sentence. The amounts of reservoir space required to control floods to certain flows exceeded with various frequencies, as obtained from the curves on Plate LXXVI, are given in Table 203. 490 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 203 RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED TO CONTROL WINTER FLOODS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Stream and location of point of control Controlled flow, in second-feet Reservoir space, in acre-feet, required to prevent controlled flow being exceeded on average of more than once in: 10 years 25 years SO years 100 years 250 years Kern River near Bakersficld 7,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 5,900 1,700 23,000 14,000 4.000 43,200 29,100 13,800 5,300 67,000 49,500 28,900 15,500 101,.5()M 79,1111' 51,81! 31,0iii Tule River near PorterviUe* 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,900 2,400 200 13,300 4,900 1,400 16,400 6,700 2.500 19,800 8,500 3,700 23,0110 10,100 4,90U Kaweah River at Three Rivers. . . 2,000 6,000 12,000 20,200 7,300 400 37,100 13,000 2,400 46,600 17,400 4,600 55,000 21,500 6,900 65,700 26.200 10,500 Kincs River at Piedra. 5,000 15,000 25,000 76,500 21,500 7,500 118,500 41,500 19,500 148,500 60,000 31,500 178.000 80.000 42,500 201,500 JLVm^LJ AV(*^rf& l*v ^ av^iaiVW^^— »——"" — ^ — lli:i.nil0 57,500 San Joaquin River near Friant- . . 5,000 15,000 25,000 89.000 26,000 5,500 125,000 45,000 15.500 147,000 60,000 25.000 172,500 75,000 34,500 203,000 92,000 48,000 Fresno River near Knowles 750 3,000 4,500 7,800 1,400 100 12,400 3,200 1,300 16.700 5,000 2,600 21,400 6.900 4.000 26,700 9,200 5,800 Merced River at Merced Falls — 10,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 12,500 6,000 2,500 101,000 32,000 16,500 8,500 162,000 57,000 33,000 18,000 223.000 95,000 59,000 34,000 327,000 146,000 100,000 66,500 Tuolumne River near La Grange - 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 56,000 29,000 5,000 500 108,500 68,000 21,000 3,500 156,000 107,000 46,500 12,500 214,000 149,500 73,500 30,000 284,000 201,000 116,000 61,500 Stanislaus River at Knights Ferry 10,000 15,000 30,000 40,000 90,000 56,000 14,000 5,500 162,000 106,000 41,500 22,000 221,000 153,000 68,000 41,500 279,000 204,000 101,000 68,000 315.000 262,000 136,000 98,000 Calaveras River at Jenny Lind. _ . 7,500 15,000 25,000 45,000 91,.500 50,000 29,000 3,000 153,000 115,000 75,000 25,500 205,000 162,000 122,000 59.500 280,000 211,000 165,000 97.500 3:'- ■'"'' looiou' Mokelumne River near Clements. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 56,000 21,000 1,500 101,000 48,500 8,000 500 147,000 78,000 20,000 3,500 192,000 110,000 36,000 8.000 2i; : .'■'III 1.'):, "11 6i,oun lil.SUU Dry Creek near lone 2,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 11,500 4,100 2,500 1,500 19,800 8,300 5.200 3,200 26,300 12,400 8,400 5,600 33,200 16,300 11,300 7.800 41,500 22,0011 15.901' 11,4011 Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar. 5,000 15,000 25,000 61,200 10,500 1,000 98,000 25,100 4.600 133,000 39,800 9,400 166.000 56.300 17,200 209,000 ^1^ •Figures apply to main fork of Tule River only. For the combined flows of the main river and the Soath Fork (W measured at Success), the reservoir space required to obtain controlled flows, exceeded not more than once on the average in 100 years, of 2.000. 4,000. and 6.000 second-feet would be 33.800. 17,200 and 8,600 acre-feet respectively. In the San Joaqnin River Ba.sin, it will be necessary to control summer floods as well as winter floods if the desired controlled flow is less than the maximum flow durinp* a summer flood less diversions jrrij?ation and absorption into the underground basins. Records now beinp: obtained each year of the water content of snow packs in Sierra Nevada on various dates and of stream flows throughout t SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 491 year. It should be possible, therefore, to establish a fairly definite relation between snow pack and stream flow and from this to predict summer flows. With such predicted flows on any stream, the amount of reservoir space required to control these flows to a fixed amount can be determined and reserved as long as it maj^ be required. After giving due consideration to the type, size and character of floods in the San Joaquin River Basin, the following general rule has been formulated for use in operating the reservoirs of the State "Water Plan in that basin for flood control : Some space shall be held In reserve for flood control from November 1st to May 1st whenever the total precipitation up to any date in that period is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to the same date. The flood control reserve shall be increased at a uniform rate from zero on November 1st to the maximum amount on December 1st. The maximum space shall be held in reserve from December 1st to April 1st, except for the decrease during the control of flood flows, and then decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1st, except as follows: When snow surveys indicate that flows after April 1st will exceed the sum of the controlled flow and releases from the reservoir for irrigation and underground storage, space for flood control shall be reserved during such periods and in such amounts as to obtain the desired controlled flow. This rule would give satisfactory operation of reservoirs on streams rising at high elevations since these reservoirs Avould have snow water run-off after April 1st to fill the space reserved for flood control. However, to obtain satisfactory water supplies for irrigation from reservoirs dependent entirel}^ or largely" upon rain water run-off for a water supply, it is probable that the amount of reserve space should and would be varied with climatological conditions affecting run-off' throughout the year. There are given in Table 204 for each reservoir in the San Joaquin Itiver Basin in which it is proposed to reserve space for flood control, the maximum amount of space to be reserved, the controlled flow just below the reservoir, and the frequency with which the controlled flow would be exceeded with the space reserved. These data are based on studies of winter floods. Other studies, however, show that with the same or a smaller amount of space reserved in each reservoir for con- trolling summer floods, the controlled flow during such floods would not exceed the controlled flow shown in the table plus diversions near TABLE 204 SPACE TO BE RESERVED IN RESERVOIRS OF STATE WATER PLAN FOR CONTROLLING FLOODS TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED AMOUNTS Reservoir Stream Point of control Controlled flow, in second-feet Maximum space reserved, in acre-feet Number of times controlled flow will be exceeded, on the average Isabella . Kern River Near Bakersfield .. Piedra 7.500 15,000 15,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 15,000 67,000 80,000 75,000 59,000 214,000 204,000 165,000 '0 ■121,000 56,000 Once in 100 years Pine Flat Kings River. _. San Joaquin River Merced River Tuolumne River Stanislaus River Calaveras River Mokelumne River Drv Creek Once in 100 years Friant Near Friant Merced Falls Near La Grange... Knights Ferry Jenny Lind. Near Clements Near lone Michigan Bar Once in 100 years Exchequer.. . Once in 100 years Don Pedro . Once in 100 years Melones Once in 100 years Valley Springs Pardee Once in 100 years Once in 100 years lone. __. Once in 100 years Nashville Cosunmes River Once in 100 years ' Floods which would cause flows in excess of the controlled flow of 10,000 second-feet in the Mokelimine River at Clements would he diverted from the Pardee Reresvoir to Dry Creek by the Jackson Creek spillway and the water stored in lone reservoir. 492 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the reservoir for irrigation and underground storage. A channel having sufficient capacity to carry controlled winter flows below these points of diversion, therefore, would also have sufficient capacity to carry con- trolled summer floods. Assuming that the reservoirs listed in Table 204 had been constructed and operated for flood control during the period of stream flow record in the San Joaquin River Basin and that winter floods had been con- trolled to the amounts shown in the table, estimates were made of the winter flood flows at the points of concentration just below the con- fluences of the San Joaquin River with the ]\Ierced, Tuolumne, Stanis- laus and Sacramento rivers. These estimates were made in the same manner as in the previous studies of concentrated flows except that controlled flows were used instead of the uncontrolled ones. For the station at the confluence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, Ihe concentration values are affected by the contributions from the Sacramento River and were computed by adding to the estimated con- centrations of the Sacramento River at Sacramento and the Yolo By-pass at Lisbon, with reservoir control,* tlie estimated controlled flows in the San Joaquin River below its confluence with the Stanislaus River and the controlled flows from the Calaveras River at Jenny Lind, Mokel- umne River near Clements, and Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar. With the values of concentrated flows thus obtained, frequency curves were drawn in the same manner as previously described for the foothill gaging stations. These curves are shown on Plate LXXV and are in each case the left-hand curve for the station, designated "with reservoir control." The amounts of floAV at the four points of concen- tration that would be exceeded with certain frequencies are shown in Table 205. TABLE 205 PROBABLE FREQUENCIES OF WINTER FLOOD FLOWS AT SELECTED POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLOOR With Reservoir Control Stream and point of concentration Probable maximum mean daily flow, in second-feet, exceeded on average of once in: 10 years 25 years 50 years 100 years San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joaquin and Merced rivers. _ . 37,500 52,500 67,000 435,000 44,000 58,500 74,500 505,000 48,000 62,000 78,000 550,000 51,000 San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joaquin and Tuolumne rivers 64,000 San Joaquin River below confluence of San Joaquin and Stanislaus rivers. . 82,000 San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers at confluence 595,000 In Table 206, comparisons are made for four frequencies of occur- rence, of the sizes of floods which would concentrate at the four valley floor points without and with reservoir control. Flood Control Benefits from Reservoirs of State Water Plan. Since the degree of protection afforded by levees in some parts of the San Joaquin Valley is difficult to determine, comparison of degrees of protection Avithout and with flood control by reservoii's in all parts * Bulletin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of "Water Resourcelb 1931, page 129. i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 493 o u < O f I O ►-> z -< CO o I-) z o z o H Z u u z o o b O (Zl H Z O 0. Q u H O u CO H < CO O ^ Q O O .J ui H Z h O Z O CO 1 o u u (H •0 c >■ s o "c a> fc« t^ *o So 0000 0000 0000 -!^ a 3 o o » ocfo 00 00 C5 Ci c3 t-^CD »0 '^ eu J3 > s is .5 "B cr cj o »-TS t^ H "o c3 > - 0000 M t- — i ^ ^ s o CQ to o J2 c3 '5 > !s m S2 0000 o > c- o_o_ s -s S coco -^o CO <— ' 00 a 3 9, a « '3 ^ c C3 O 1-5 is C C4 CQ a M -^ 'o - 0000 ,qj t-. — i CD c; OJ o k,o »o -a 1 OS c -rPC^f OOC-l fci C CO cc*o»o <3 o s ^ 4> o 03 c a ^ 3 f^ "o "o '3 3 > -a E- S 2 ^000 c e3 o^oo^o a> a ^ ^ CO M -^ 3 O oooocc B 3 o o a ^ a _« 3 I-, cj X> ■3 o £:- 0000 Oh So CO L^ 0000 000 5 " ■^QfS'^t^ t-> lO'^'f CO c£ s ^3 u ^ (h '0 t te K*- 3 S -o-^ a. ■-2 2 »-t (M -^r o >,-v I-* O t3 J. «as a >.§ ■^0 « fe e 0. 25 II m o O w 8 "» .0" a=2 3 T3 03 oi O.S C3f- c — a M ^"S o a ■o a ^- Ss.> •— o ■- £ 3j; 2 oV |1§ Z3 C3 so S cS a.-o r, 3-r "0 5 — t- e9 > ■gca o g.S«5 CO C»J -^ S fe =» O O ■- oata " iSs > J3 494 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES has not been attempted. It is possible, however, to estimate some of tlie saving's which may be effected in protectiii"^ the land in some parts of the valley if Hood control by reservoirs is provided, and the increased degree of protection afforded by present Avorks in other parts. Upper San Joaquin Valley South of San Joaquin River — Present conditions in the San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River and plans for protecting the lands from floods uncontrolled by reser- voirs have been described in earlier parts of this chapter. It was shown that the waters of the Kern, Tule and Kaweah rivers which are not used for irrigation or underground storage, and those of the Kings River which are not used for the same or do not flow northward to Fresno Slough, reach the bed of Tulare Lake. It was also shown that if these waters reach the lake in sufficient quantities, some lands in the lake bed will be inundated, although they now have levee pro- tection. The construction of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan and their utilization for conservation purposes under a condition of ulti- mate development would materially benefit the lands in Tulare Lake by reducing the amounts of water reaching the lake. "With the reser- voirs operated for conservation purposes alone, however, more water would reach the lake in a wet year than could be cared for by the reservoir in the bed of the lake and flooding of other lands adjacent to the reservoir would occur. To prevent this, the bj^-pass canal around the west side of the lake or the cut from Tulare Lake reservoir to Fresno Slough, previously described, would jn-obably be required although the capacity of either channel would probably be less than under present conditions without any storage reservoirs. It is proposed in the operation of the State Water Plan, how^ever, to use the Isabella and Pine Flat reservoirs for conservation and flood control and the Pleasant Valley reservoir for conservation only. The utilization of 67,000 acre-feet of storage space in the Isabella Reservoir for flood control would reduce wint(U' floods in the Kern River near Bakersfield to 7500 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years on the average. This flow could be confined to the present natural and leveed channels, and canals below Bakersfield, without damage to adjacent lands. During summer floods it is proposed to control the flows to 9000 second-feet at the reservoir since 1500 second-feet would be diverted into the Kern River canal of the State Water Plan at a point near the mouth of Kern River Canyon. Since summer flows of record have exceeded 9000 second-feet by only small amounts and for relatively short periods, it is probable that only a small portion of the 67,000 acre- feet of reservoir space will ever be required for the control of summer floods. 'i For the control of floods on the Kings River, it is proposed to utilize 80,000 acre-feet of space in the Pine Flat reservoir. With this leserve space, Avinter floods could be controlled to 15,000 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years on the average, through the Kings River Delta. This flow would be carried through existing channels and, if desired, could be diverted northward into the San Joaquin River through Fresno Slough. In any case, 10,000 second-feet of this flow would have to be diverted to Fresno Slough, unless some water is diverted for irrigation or underground storage useS; because the channel I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 495 leading to Tulare Lake has a capacity of only 5000 second-feet. During summer floods, the flow from the reservoir would be controlled to 15,000 second-feet plus the amounts of water which could be diverted through canals taking water out of Kings River. The maximum capacity of these canals is about 10,000 second-feet and all or nearly all of this capacity could be used during the passage of the peak flow of a summer flood. The controlled flow beloAV all diversions would not exceed 15,000 second-feet. Since records of summer floods indicate that flows in excess of 25,000 second-feet will occur infrequently and for only a short time, it is probable that the reserve storage space required to control such floods will be only a small portion of that required for winter floods. In order to determine the effect of the operation of the State "Water Plan on flood conditions in the upper San Joaquin Valley, and especially in Tulare Lake, a study was made carrying the operation through several years. In this study, it was assumed that all works of the plan were constructed and in full operation to supply water for irrigation and absorption into the underground basins as described in Chapter VII, and that the Isabella and Pine Flat reservoirs were operated to control winter and summer floods as described in the fore- going paragraphs. It was further assumed that surplus Kern River water would have been stored in Buena Vista Lake until both the irri- gation reservoir and the reserve space were filled and that water spilled from the lake would have flowed northward to Tulare Lake, which it Avould have reached undiminished in quantity. It is likely, however, that a considerable portion of this water would be used before reaching Tulare Lake and the amount of filling of the lake would not be as great as estimated. Tulare Lake was practically emptj- in 1905 and would undoubtedly have been dry under conditions of ultimate development in the upper San Joaquin Valley. The study was therefore started with this year, and was carried through 1929. This period includes several winter I floods of major importance and the summer flood of 1906 which was the largest summer flood of record. In the study, 5000 second-feet of the controlled flow of the Kings River was diverted to Tulare Lake during winter floods but all of the residual 15,000 second-feet of con- ! trolled flow was diverted to Fresno Slough and the San Joaquin River during summer floods. Under these conditions, the 209,000 acre-feet of capacity in Buena Vista Lake would have been fully utilized in 1906 and 1916 only. In 1906, 8700 acre-feet of water would have been spilled from the lake and 484,000 acre-feet would have spilled in 1916. This spill water was assumed to have reached Tulare Lake undiminished in quantity. After receiving this spill water from Buena Vista Lake, Tulare Lake would have filled to a maximum stage of 175,000 acre-feet in 1906 and to a stage of 532,000 acre-feet in 1916. These are the only two years in which the capacity of 140,000 acre-feet below elevation 192, or a level three feet below the tops of the surrounding levees, in the reservoir in the north half of To\ATiship 22 South, Range 20 East, M.D.B. and M., would have been exceeded. The surplus water in 1906 would not have exceeded the capacity of the auxiliary reservoir in the south half of the same township. The large amount of water reaching the lake in 496 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 1916, however, would have exceeded tlie 350,000 acre-foot capacity of the main and auxiliary reservoirs below elevation 195, the level of the tops of tlie surrounding levees, and at least two adjacent reclaimed areas, with an area of 13,700 acres, would have been required. Even Avith these areas flooded, the w^ater would have stood at elevation 194.5 or almost to the tops of most of the levees in the vicinity. However, since this critical condition in Tulare Lake was caused mainly by Kern River water, considerable improvement would have resulted from spreading part of this water on the area between Buena Vista and Tulare lakes. In controlling the summer floods which occurred during the period studied, the maximum reserve space required in the Isabella reservoir would have been 4500 acre-feet and the maximum space required in tlie Pine Flat reservoir would have been 5000 acre-feet. During most of the winter floods, the reservoirs would not have filled to flood control stage until well after the peak flows had passed and it would never have been necessary to release the full controlled flow during such floods. During some of the larger summer floods, however, the full controlled flow on the Kern River would have reached Buena Vista Lake for a considerable period and the 15,000 second-foot flow from Kings River w^ould have flowed doAvn Fresno Slough to join the San Joaquin River flows for tliree days in June, 1906, and a maximum of about 10,000 second-feet from Kings River would have reached the San Joaquin River in June, 1909. The foregoing study shows that with the exception that the crops on 13,700 acres of land in the bed of Tulare Lake outside of the area reserved for storage would probably have been flooded and lost in one year, the same protection from floods would have been provided to lands in the bed of Tulare Lake by the operation of the units of the State Water Plan for conservation and flood control as would have been provided by the cut through Summit Ivake Ridge proposed by A. D, Schindler and hereinbefore described. The operation of the units of the State Water Plan would therefore result in a saving of at least $1,200,000 in the cost of flood protection works. If the comparison is made using the by-pass canal around the lake instead of the Summit Lake Ridge cut, the saving in cost is about $2,200,000. AVith the by-pass canal, however, the auxiliary lake bed reservoir would probably not be required. Under the initial development of the State Water Plan, no reservoir units are proposed in the San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River. While there would be some benefit from the spreading of water and its absorption into the underground basin under tliis development, the benefit from the storage of flood flows would be lacking and both rates and volumes of flow during some floods would be such as to cause considerable damage. Upper and Lower San Joaquin Valleys — Herndon to Mouth of Merced River — In estimating flood flows in the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River with floods controlled by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan, flows from the upper San Joaquin Valley south of the San Joaquin River, as estimated in the study just described, were combined with controlled flows from the Friant reservoir and inflows from tributary streams between the reservoir and the Merced River. i: SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 497 'The controlled flow from the Friant Reservoir during winter floods was f limited to 15,000 second-feet but it was found that the flow below the dam would never have reached this amount, because the reservoir was always below flood control stage during* the passage of flows in excess of 15,000 second-feet. Summer flows were controlled by the reservoir to 15,000 second-feet downstream from the diversions of the Madera and San Joaquin River-Kern County canals. The Madera Canal was assumed to divert 1500 second-feet throughout all summer floods and the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal was assumed to divert 3000 second-feet at all times throughout the summer when local supplies from the Kern, Tule and Kaweah rivers were not so great that this amount could not be used for consumptive use and absorption in the area served by the canal. Drafts from the reservoir during summer floods, there- fore, were 19,500 second-feet except during parts of Mav and June, 1906. With the foregoing conditions, the maximum combined flow from the upper San Joaquin Valley at Mendota Dam, would have been 30,000 second-feet during the summer flood of 1906. From this amount about 5000 second-feet would have been diverted into canals in the vicinity of Mendota Dam. leaving 25,000 second-feet to be cared for by the San Joaquin River flood channel. Studies of summer flood fre- quencies indicate that the maximum mean daily flow in the San Joaquin River at Friant during the 1906 flood was of a magnitude which may l)e expected to be exceeded about twice in 100 years on the average and ihat the maximum total 36-day run-off during the same flood may be < xpected to be exceeded only about once in 100 years on the average. For the reach of the San Joaquin River from IMendota Dam to the inoutli of the Merced River, the estimated flood concentrations resulting from a winter flood similar to that of 1911, with the releases from the Pine Flat and Friant reservoirs controlled as stated in the foregoing paragraphs, are as follows : Mendota Dam to Fresno River 16,000 second-feet Fresno River to Chowchilla River 26,000 second-feet ; Chowchilla River to Mariposa Creek 33,000 second-feet Mariposa Creek to Bear Creek 36,000 second-feet Bear Creek to Salt Slough 42,000 second-feet Salt Slough to Merced River 50,000 second-feet jit is estimated that the 1911 winter flood in this section of the valley was one which would be exceeded about once in 100 years on the average and the foregoing flows, therefore, may be expected to be exceeded with the same frequency. To care for the flows given in the foregoing table in the San Joaquin River channel, only 16,000 second-feet capacity would be required between ]\Iendota Dam and the mouth of Fresno River. How- ever, since the minor tributaries contribute very little or no flow to the summer floods, the flood channel from Mendota Dam to the mouth of the 'Merced River would safely carry summer floods similar to that of 1906 if it were designed to have a capacity of 25,000 second-feet, instead of 16,000 second-feet, from Mendota Dam to the mouth of Fresno River. This has been done in the following estimate of cost. 32—80997 i 498 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES To provide protection against flows of the foregoing amounts, a flood oliannol following the course of the San Joafiuin River Avould be adequate. The cost of such a channel, together witii all incidental works such as drainage culverts, the construction of levees to high ground along the streams entering the San Joaquin River from the east side, and the extension of existing bridges, is estimated to be about $4,000,000. AVith such Avorks there would be about 2i)7,000 acres of land protected and the cost would be about $1:5.50 per acre. Reference to the foregoing estimate of cost for the protection of the same lands against uncon- trolled flows with a similar plan for a flood channel shows that the operation of the State Water Plan as hereinbefore described would reduce the cost of protection along the San Joaquin River from Hern- don to the Merced River about $4,250,000 and the cost per acre about $14.50. The degree of protection in both cases would be the same. The foregoing benefits are those which would accrue from tin operation of the State Water Plan under conditions of ultimate develop- ment. Under the initial development of the plan, the Friant Reservoii' would be the only reservoir unit constructed in the valley above the Merced River. This reservoir while being operated for conservation purposes would have a material effect in reducing flood floAvs in the San Joaquin River, and its operation for flood control would increase this effect. A study of the reservoir under conditions of initial develop ment shows that during the floods of 1911, the maximum mean daily flow in January of about 36,000 second-feet which would have occurred under present conditions of storage in the mountain watershed above Friant would have been reduced by the operation of the Friant Reser- voir to about 3500 second-feet. Another maximum mean daily floAV in March, 1911, of about 19,000 second-feet would have been reduced to about 10,500 second-feet. The controlled flows during summer floods would be the same as with the operation of the reservoir under condi- tions of ultimate development. Lower San Joaquin Valley — Mouth of Merced River to Paradise Dam — As previously stated, it is judged uneconomical to provide ])ro- tection against uncontrolled Avinter floods in the San Joaquin River from the mouth of the Merced River to Paradise Dam, and protection has been and probably Avill be provided only against uncontrolled sum- mer floods similar to that of 1900, the floAvs during Avhich are estimat to be: Merced River to Tuolumne River 56,000 second-feet Tuolumne River to Stanislaus River __70,000 second-feet Stanislaus River to Paradise Dam 79,000 second-feet m When protection has been proAdded against such floods, the degree of protection in each diA'ision against uncontrolled and controlled wint^ floods, as shoAvn by the curves on Plate LXXV, will be : Number of times in 100 years flows would 6a e.rcrrili'd : Division — Witho^U reservoir control With reservoir contM Merced River to Tuolumne River 3 Less than 1 Tuolumne River to Stanislaus RiA^er 7 Less than 1 Stanislaus River to Paradise Dam__ 14 1.7 i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 499 It is seen, therefore, that with floods controlled by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan, the degree of protection afforded against winter floods by works designed for suninier flood flows, in this section of the valley, would be from more than three to about eight times greater than without reservoir control. With a slight increase in the amount of regulation on the Stanislaus River and some increase in flood channel capacity from the Stanislaus River to Paradise Dam, the same protec- tion would be provided lands in this division as would be afforded in the other two. The degree of protection with reservoir control would be greater than that provided by the existing flood control project of the Sacramento Valley. It has been shown in the section of this chapter on flood control plans for the San Joaquin River from the Merced River to Paradise Dam, with floods uncontrolled by reservoirs, that protection of the lands in this division of the valley against uncontrolled summer flood flows would cost about $3,500,000 and that protection against uncontrolled winter floods would cost about $5,900,000. The uncontrolled winter flood flows used for designing the works on which the cost estimate was based, however, would be exceeded less than once in 250 years on the average, whereas the works designed for summer flows would be endan- gered by controlled winter -flows on an average of somewhat less than one to about 1.7 times in 100 years, as shown in the foregoing tabula- tion. No estimate has been made of the cost of works to protect the lands against uncontrolled winter floods exceeded once to 1.7 times in 100 years, on the average, but this cost probably w^ould be very little less than that of works for floods exceeded about once in 250 years on the average. Therefore, the flood control benefit in this section of the valley from the operation -of the State Water Plan under conditions of ultimate development, and Avith the reservoirs operated for flood control, would be almost $2,400,000. San Joaquin Delta — It has been shown in the section of this chap- ter on flood control plans for the San Joaquin Delta with floods uncon- trolled by reservoirs, that the maximum capacity of the present chan- nels from Paradise Dam to the head of Middle River is about 70,000 second-feet. With floods uncontrolled by reservoirs in the San Joaquin 'Valley above Paradise Dam, this flow may be exceeded 21 times in 100 years on the average. If flood control were provided by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan, it may be seen from Plate LXXV that a flow of 70,000 second-feet below the confluence of the San Joaquin and Stanislaus rivers would be exceeded only seven times in 100 years on the average. This would give an increase in degree of protection for the 50,000 acres of land lying between Paradise Cut and Tom Paine Slough, between Paradise Cut and the San Joaquin and Middle rivers, ; and east of the San Joaquin River from Paradise Dam to and including Stockton, of three times that now provided. I , It was also shown in the same section of this chapter that the delta ' ! channels between the head of Middle River and Venice Island have a ])resent capacity of 100,000 second-feet and that below that point there ! is a larger capacity, especially since the dredging of the Stockton Ship Canal. If the upper 1.75 miles of Paradise Cut were improved to enable the cut to carry 60,000 second-feet and the cut were cleared below the Southern Pacific Railroad, there would be a channel cajDacity II 500 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES throu£:li the entire delta of 100,000 second-feet. Under these conditions and willi floods controlled by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan, the delta lands would have i)r()tection ajrainst a flood that would be exceeded considerably less than once in 250 years on the average. As previously stated, the estimated cost of works required to care for uncontrolled flood flows throuo-h the delta is about $10,000,000. It was also pointed out that with such Avorlcs, flood plane elevations in parts of the delta would be so great that levees could not be constructed to safely provide for them. The cost of improving Paradise Cut to enable it to carry 60,000 second-feet would be relatively small and the saving in the cost of flood control works for the San Joaquin Delta, therefore, with reservoir control, would be almost $10,000,000 and the degree of protection would be much greater than with channels pro- vided for uncontrolled flows. Summary — Summarizing the savings in costs of works to protect the lands in the San Joaquin Valley with floods controlled by the reser- voirs of the State Water Plan, over what they would cost with uncon- trolled flows, the following probable minimum amounts are obtained: Upper San Joaquin Valley south of San Joaquin River $1,200,000 Upper and lower San Joaquin Valleys — Herndon to Merced River 4,250,000 Lower San Joaquin Valley — Merced River to Paradise Dam 2,400,000 San Joaquin Delta 10,000,000 Total $17,850,000 This total does not include any saving in the cost of works along the Calaveras, Mokelumne and Cosumnes rivers and along Dry Creek, for which no estimates have been made. III ? i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 501 CHAPTER X NAVIGATION One of the important objectives of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley is improvement of navigation. Within the San Joaquin River Basin, the navigable waterways comprise the main San Joaquin River, the tributary Mokelumne River and many miles of interconnecting natural and artificial channels in the San Joaquin Delta. The Sacramento River, chief navigable waterway in the Sacra- mento River Basin, joins the San Joaquin River in the delta and the combined streams discharge through a common mouth into Suisun Bay, which forms the easterly arm of the great harbor of San Fran- cisco Bay. The Federal Government has recognized these streams as navigable waterways since the seventies and has exercised jurisdiction over them, through the corps of engineers of the United States AVar Department, in the interest of improvement and maintenance of navi- gation. Commanding a reach of over 250 miles and extending through the heart of the Great Central Valley from Red Bluff on the north to Mendota on the south, the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers are actually or potentially navigable and together afford an inland water- way system of great importance and value, which, if adequately improved, would provide a medium of economical transportation for a major portion of the State, not only for local commerce but also for interstate and foreign commerce. At present commercial navigation is confined for the most part to the lower reaches of both the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers below Stockton and Sacramento respectively. Improvement works will be required to provide dependable navigation depths for the operation of commercial craft on the upper sections of these waterways above these cities. Accordingly, in the formulation of plans for the coordinate development and utilization of the water resources of the Great Central Valley, consideration has been given to the need for water transportation and the possibilities and feasibility of further navigation improvement. Studies with respect to navigation on the Sacramento River are presented in another report.* This chapter is devoted to a presenta- tion of data and studies with respect to water transportation and improvement of navigation in the San Joaquin Valley, particularly on the San Joaquin River. Much of the data set forth are taken from reports of the United States Army engineers, including particularly a recent reportt and other data and studies made available from subse- quent investigations and studies regarding further improvement of navigation on the San Joaquin River. History of Navigation on the San Joaquin River. Commercial navigation on the San Joaquin River may be con- sidered to have had its beginning with the discovery of gold in Cali- fornia in 1848. Although there had been some navigation on the ♦Bulletin 26, "Sacramento River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. tHouse of Representatives Document No. 791, 71st, third session, "Partial Report on the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Kern rivers, California." 502 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES river prior to that time starting with exploring expeditions as early as 1817 and continuing in later years during the Mexican regime, only small craft were operated and there was no important amount of com- niorce. Stockton was founded in 1847 and regular communication witli San Francisco was first provided by whale boats. In September, 1848. the sailing craft "Maria" owned by Captain Weber started regular trips as a mail packet between Stockton and San Francisco. Following the discovery of gold, the San Joaquin River and the Sacramento River, as well, assumed great importance as the main arteries of communication and transportation to and from the earl} settlements of California and the outside world. The depths in these streams were sufficient during most of the year for the type of vessel then used on the high seas. Passengers and freight were carried from foreign ports or from the Atlantic coast around Cape Horn or via the Isthmus of Panama to the main settlements along these rivers. In addition, a large volume of traffic sprang up between San Francisco and the inland settlements. Thousands of gold seekers rushed to the mines and it -svas found that the few sailing craft then in operation were inadequate for the transportation of passengers and supplies from San Francisco to the inland ports. This led to the construction of steamers for use on the San Joaquin River. One of the first steamers to navigate to Stockton is said to have been the "Merrimac" which was assembled in San Francisco after having been shipped in sections around Cape Horn. This boat was followed by numerous others, notably the "John A. Sutter" whose maiden trip was the occasion of a great celebration in Stockton. The rate on freight in 1850 Avas $20 per ton and passenger fares were $18 for cabin and $12 for deck accommodatfons. Competition arose quickly and in 1852 one steamer reduced deck fare to $1.50 and another promptly offered to carry passengers for nothing. In April. 1852, there were seven steamers making daily trips to and from Stock- ton. In 1854, the California Navigation Company secured a monopoly of all navigation by either purchasing or taking into a combination every river steamer operating on the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. This company was absorbed by the Central Pacific Railroad in 1869 which, in that year, completed the transcontinental railroad. Following the inrush of settlers with the discovery of gold in California, the demand for agricultural products rapidly increased and many of the early settlers started farming the rich agricultural lands in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. Transportation of products and supplies from and to the farming lands in the San Joaquin Valley was for many years provided by water carriers operating on the upper San Joaquin River, starting as early as the fifties. In February, 185j?, the steamer "Peytona" started on a trial trip up the San Joaquin River above Stockton but was forced to turn back at a ]ioint about twelve miles above the mouth of the Merced River due to the low sta^e of the river. In April of the same year, after a large increase in tSB stream flow, the steamer "Ilewrietta" proceeded to Fresno City which was then located on Fresno Slough, and maintained a regular schedule for several months. This boat, however, had a draft of only about eighteen inches. In the flood season of 1862, an attempt was made to run a stern-wheel steamer from the San Joaquin River to Tulare Lake / SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 503 from which water was flowing. The steamer grounded, tlie flood sub- sided and the boat was left stranded on the dry plain. Between the years 1860 and 1870, freight to and from the San Joaquin Valley was transported on the San Joaquin River, with river craft navigating to Mendota and occasionally as far upstream as Hern- don about twelve miles northwest of Fresno. About 1870, navigation above Mendota was discontinued. It was about this time also that the railroad from Stockton to Fresno was completed, thereby supplying rail transportation for the east side of the San Joaquin Valley. It was not until 1889 that the railway on the west side of the valley was built. Prior to that time the river was the only transportation outlet for that area. Hills Ferry w^as considered the head of navigation, although boats operated to Firebaugh about eleven miles below Mendota for a few weeks each year. Steamers continued to operate to Hills Ferry, with an occasional trip to Firebaugh until 1896. Insufficient water in the river, however, made navigation more or less seasonal. Since 1896, boats have gone as far upstream as Grayson (54 miles above Stockton) when the discharge past that point was 6000 second-feet or more, and to San Joaquin City (35 miles arbove Stockton) when the discharge past that point was 4000 second-feet or more. From earliest j-ears, navigation on the San Joaquin River above Stockton has always been seasonal in character because of the marked variability in flow of this stream. After the melting of the snows in the high Sierras, which is usually completed by mid-July, the flow in this stream is reduced to a relatively small quantity which has always been insufficient to provide navigation depths in most of the section above Stockton. The period of low stream flow normally extends for several months in the summer and fall until the storms of the succeeding winter increase the discharge to a sufficient amount for navigation. In addition to these unfavorable natural conditions, irrigation diversions on the San Joaquin River and its tributaries have still further reduced the flow during the summer months and have tended to increase the period of insufficient flow for navigation. The effect of tidal action extends to a point a few miles above Lathrop on the San Joaquin River. From this point to Suisun Bay, the river gradient is rather flat. Mean tide level at Stockton is only about one and one-half feet above mean sea level at the lower end of San Francisco Bay. Therefore, the lower San Joaquin River and especially the portion from Stockton downstream is not greatly affected by the reduced stream flow. The river channels below Stockton are naturally rather deep and were not greatly affected by deposition of hydraulic-mining debris such as occurred along the Sacramento River. However, above Stockton and especially in the section of the San Joaquin River above Lathrop, the possibility of navigation is entirely dependent upon the magnitude of streamflow. From the railroad bridge (San Joaquin Bridge) near Lathrop to Hills Ferry, the average river gradient is about 0.8 foot per mile at low water. The average fall of the stream between Hills Ferry and ]\Iendota is about one foot per mile and about two feet per mile from Mendota to Herndon. Because of the naturally unfavorable condition of an insufficient stream flow to provide navigation depths during a large portion of the 504 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES year on the upper San Joaquin River, navigation activities above Stock- ton gradually decreased until, in recent years, there has been virtually no commercial craft plying the stream above Lathrop, or for all practical purposes above Stockton. The service of the water carriers was never dependable in the upper San Joaquin River and the trans- ]iortation requirements of the San Joaquin Valley naturally drifted to other agencies including first the railroads and in more recent years truck transportation as well. Since the beginning of commercial navigation on the San Joaquin River, water transportation has flourished, especially on the section below Stockton, where adequate navigation improvements have been provided by the Federal Government. The records of tonnage and passenger movement on the San Joaquin River since 1880, compiled from the annual reports of the chief of engineers of the United States War Department, are shown in Table 207. The segregation of the TABLE 207 WATER-BORNE TRAFFIC ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER, 1880 TO 1929 Compiled from Annual Reports of Chief of Engineers, United States War Department Year Freight Passengers Year Freight Passengers Tons Value Tons Value 1880 305,093 1905 373,186 440,300 736,472 509,233 773,945 631,681 600,128 632,591 820,399 772,156 831,234 824,222 1,890,856 ■766,236 647,156 •673,241 646,657 678,751 697,773 727.499 849,687 934,809 1,152,743 984,326 941,139 1881 1906--- $18,293,401 25,374,699 21,716,334 31,275,925 32,878,108 35,768,215 38,854,539 35,479,741 36,358,240 42,179,160 50,367,700 65,204,825 65,186,292 54,100,043 42,201,289 37,263,122 34,291,675 38,027,909 38,185,313 47,192,499 56,455,662 51,604,962 43,378,146 42,759,858 1882 1907 1883 432,250 442,950 664,370 470,475 470,860 1908. 1909 -- - 50,000 1884 110,000 1885 1910.-- 125.000 1886 1911. 100,556 1887 1912 107,687 1888 1913 - 207.249 1889 371,200 55,000 57,840 57,840 56,000 90,000 154,500 100,178 61,531 13,671 112,039 64,975 133,832 108,637 84,842 1914 189,667 1890 1915 213,915 1891 527,684- 370,000 395,000 346,094 401,684 431,736 454,955 287,524 270,013 270.887 357,746 322,000 376,883 360,486 1916 -.- 1917 182.486 1892 - 206,131 1893 1918. 23r.,379 1894 1919 221.259 1895 1920.... ---- 1921 1922. - •242,238 1896 206.783 1897 188,807 1898 1923« 163,566 1899 --- . 1924 133,017 1900 . 1925 1926 131, ,520 1901 113,452 1902 1927'.... 1928 1929 99,320 1903 80.828 1904 74,974 77,998 ' There were in addition 1,348,146 tons of water transported. ? = There were in addition 19,005 tons of water transported valued at Sl,922. ■ ' Includes 27,075 passengers carried in ferry traffic. « Subsequent to 1922 Government materials used in improvement of river are not included in tonnage. » Since 1927, traffic in New York Slough which does not pass over other sections of river has been included. amounts between the sections of the river above and below Stockton are not available. The data include all traffic on the San Joaquin River from its mouth to the present head of navigation at Hills Ferry but do not include the traffic on the Mokelumne River. The records set forth in Table 207 show the greatest tonnage and number of passengers carried in the year 1917, which probably reflects war time conditions. However, with this exception, the records indi- cate a continuous and fairly steady growth of waterborne tonnage SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 505 since about 1900 to a present movement of nearly 1,000,000 tons, having: a value of $40,000,000 to $50,000,000. Most of this movement is on the lower river below^ Stockton, where adequate and dependable all-year navigation has been maintained. Over 50 individuals or companies operate freight-carrying vessels below Stockton, comprising stern-wheel steamers, motor-screw tow boats and freighters, and barges. Stern- wheel steamers are gradually being displaced by diesel equipment. The growth of water-borne traffic on this section of the river clearly evi- dences the demand for water transportation in the San Joaquin Valley and indicates that there would be a large amount of tonnage moved by water over the upper San Joaquin River if dependable all-year navigation were provided. Navigation on the Mokelumne River was first accomplished by a steamboat proceeding up that river to Lockeford in April, 1862, a year of high water. Following this, navigation was maintained to Wood- bridge and occasionally to Lockeford. In 1865, the Mokelumne River Improvement Company was organized under an act of the State Legis- lature. They were entitled to collect a tax of ten cents per ton for twenty years for clearing the river from Georgiana Slough to Athearns Bridge, but long before the twenty years had expired conditions had so changed that there was no freight on Avhich the tax could be col- lected. Navigation on the Mokelumne River has been improved and maintained to some extent by the Federal Government since 1882, but only a relatively small amount of about $50,000 has been expended for improvement and maintenance in the lower channels between its mouth and the Gait-New Hope Bridge. Tidal action extends throughout most of this improved section. The records in the annual reports of the chief of engineers of the United States War Department show an annual movement since 1926 of 70,000 to 80,000 tons, having a normal value of from $5,000,000 to $6,000,000. Existing Navigation Project on San Joaquin River. Navigation improvements on the San Joaquin River were initiated by acts of Congress starting in 1876 and continued under modifications of subsequent acts up to the act creating the latest approved project passed on January 27, 1927. The acts of August 14, 1876, March 3, 1881, July 5, 1884, August 11, 1888, July 13, 1892, August 18, 1894, and June 3, 1896, provided for cutting off sharp bends and making cut-offs below the mouth of Stockton Channel, dredging Mormon Slough, constructing wing dams in the river between Stockton and Hills Ferry without adopting any specific channel dimensions; the act of June 25, 1910, provided for a 9-foot channel up to Stockton (H. Doc. No. 1124, 60th Cong., 2d sess.) ; the act of July 25, 1912, provided for the improvement of Fremont Channel and McLeod Lake (H. Doc. No. 581, 62d Cong., 2d sess.) ; and the act approved January 21, 1927, pro- vided for the 26-foot project (H. Doc. No. 554, 68th Cong. 2d sess.). The existing project, as outlined in House Doc. No. 791, previously cited, provides for a channel 26 feet* deep at mean lower low water and 100 feet wide at the bottom (except in New York Slough, where the *The 26-foot depth provided under the existing project for the Stockton Ship Canal has recently (193 3) been increased to a depth of 30 feet iimler a modification in plans approved by the Chief of Engineers of the U. S. "War Department. 506 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES width is to be 300 feet), from the mouth of New York Slough to thdl city of Stockton, a distance of 45 miles, with suitable passing places' and a turning basin at Stockton; for dredging Mormon Slough to a depth of 9 feet for a distance of 1.7 miles above its mouth ; for a depth of 9 feet at mean lower low water in Fremont Channel and McLcod J^ake; for cutting off sharp bends, making cut-offs and closing side channels in the river; and for snagging, removing overhanging trees, and constructing wing dams from Stockton Chanel to Hills Ferry, 86 miles, to facilitate light-draft navigation on this part of the river during higher stages of water. According to information made available by the Division Engineer of the Pacific Division, United States War Department, the total cost of work on the San Joaquin River to June 30, 1930, was $1,272,101.69 of which $579,586.53, including $56,606.85 contributed funds, was for new work and $692,515.16 for maintenance. The estimated cost for new work revised in 1927 is $4,046,400, of which local interests are to contribute $1,307,500. The latest approved estimate of annual cost of maintenance is $181,000 during the first year and $111,000 thereafter. In addition, the entire expense of right of way and terminal facilities for the Stockton Ship Canal is to be borne by the city of Stockton. It is reported that an expenditure of some $3,000,000 will be involved for these purposes. Present Limits of Navigation on San Joaquin River. Under present conditions, navigation on the San Joaquin River is virtually limited to the section below Stockton. This section is now being improved to a depth of 26 feet to accommodate ocean-going vessels, thus adding Stockton as a port to the San Francisco Bay harbor. It is estimated by the United States "War Department that the entire 26-foot project will be completed early in 1933. Above Stockton, navi- gation conditions are fair for most of the year as far as the San Joaquin Bridge near the town of Lathrop or within the limits of tidal action on this stream. Above tidal action, south of the San Joaquin Bridge, navigation is not practicable during low stages of the river. It is stated by the Division Engineer that there is usually a depth of six feet in the river between Stockton and Hills Ferry from April to June. Although the flow in the river has been diminished to some extent by irrigation diversions in recent years, conditions as to navigability are not very much different than in former years before the growth in irrigation development. The lack of dependable navigation depths lias discouraged shipment of freight by water and there has been no com- mercial navigation of importance for many years on the San Joaquin River above Stockton. Economic Value of Further Improvement of Navigation on the San Joaquin River. Tlie San Joaquin River from its mouth to Mendota offers a potential inland waterway through the heart of the San Joaquin Valley which, if adequately improved, would provide a means of cheap water trans- portation for the large and increasing volume of tonnage moving to and from the San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay points and other states and foreign nations as well. The improved portion of the river from Stockton to its mouth is already functioning as one of the most i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 507 important and successful internal waterways in the Nation. The demand for cheap water transportation on the lower improved section of this stream indicates that a large amount of tonnage would be moved by water over the upper San Joaquin River if it were adequately improved to provide dependable all-year navigation. It appears that cheap water transportation would be of great value to the future economic welfare of the San Joaquin Valley. The navigable portion of the upper San Joaquin River is paralleled on both sides by the Southern Pacific Railroad and on the east side by The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Motor trucks operate on a network of improved highways. Hence, water transportation on the upper San Joaquin River would be subject to competition with rail- roads and motor trucks. Based upon data made available by the Division Engineer of the Pacific Division, United States War Department, the present tonnage movement to and from the area which would be tributary to an improved waterway on the upper San Joaquin River from Stockton to Mendota aggregates 927,000 tons annually. This represents the esti- mated tonnage moving by truck and rail, parallel to the waterway, to and from six counties in the San Joaquin Valley, comprising Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare and Kings. Of this total estimated present tonnage movement, the Division Engineer considers that the movement to and from Stanislaus County probably would not go by water because it could be hauled more cheaply directly to and from the port of Stockton. Based upon a study of comparative rail, truck and water rates and tonnage movement, the Division Engineer esti- mates that, of the total present tonnage to and from the remaining five counties, nearly 60 per cent could be moved by water over an improved upper San Joaquin River channel at an average saving of about 55 cents per ton considering all movement to and from the port of Stockton. From studies made of past growth and possibilities of future development in the San Joaquin Valley, the Division Engineer estimates that the tonnage movement to and from the San Joaquin Valley tribu- tary to an improved waterway will triple in 50 years and double in 25 years. On this basis, the Division Engineer estimates that the average annual prospective tonnage during the next 50 years to and from the tributary area of an improved upper San Joaquin River channel, excluding Stanislaus County, would be twice the present tonnage or 1,530,000 tons ; and that of this total 40 per cent would move over an improved waterway at an average saving of 55 cents per ton or a total annual saving of $335,000. Deducting the cost of maintenance and operation, estimated as subsequently shown at $110,000, the net annual saving would be $225,000. Capitalizing this net saving at four per cent, the Division Engineer estimates the economic value of improving the upper San Joaquin River from Stockton to Mendota at $5,625,000. Although no detailed study has been made by this division for this report of the economic value of further improvement of navigation on the San Joaquin River, it is believed that a more comprehensive study of present and future tonnage movement than that made by the Division Engineer of the War Department would show a considerably greater tonnage for actual movement by water than that estimated. \ 508 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Moreover, it is believed that a greater average saving per ton than that estimated by the Division Engineer could be effected by water trans- portation. As a further consideration, it would appear proper that the economic value of savings in transportation costs by water for the entire San Joaquin River from its mouth to Mendota should be com- pared with the cost of improving the entire waterway rather than com- paring the benefit values with the cost of improvement separately for each section of the waterway above and below Stockton. It is believed that such a comparison would show that the benefit values from savings in transportation costs for the entire waterway considered as a single improvement and economic unit would be considerably in excess of the cost of complete improvement from the mouth to the head of naviga- tion at Mendota. In addition to the direct savings in transportation costs for tonnage actually moving by water, there would also be savings in transportation costs on tonnage moving by rail or truck effected through the reduction of rail and truck rates to meet water competition. It is believed that the benefit value of such savings should be credited to the waterway. With such modification in the methods for estimating the economic value of further improvement on the San Joaquin River, it appears probable that the benefit values which could be reasonably anticipated would be more than sufficient to justify the expenditure required for providing dependable navigation from Stockton to Men- dota in accord with the proposed plan of canalization subsequently presented. Proposed Plan for Further Improvement of Navigation on the San Joaquin River. In accord with the investigation made by the United States War Department, the portion of the San Joaquin River which is worthy of consideration with a view to further improvement in the interest of navigation lies between Stockton and Mendota. It is stated that above Mendota the characteristics of the river are so unfavorable to improve- ment that manifestly the cost would be greater than the value of the benefits reasonably to be expected. The following description of the proposed plan and estimates of cost for navigation improvement are taken from data made available by the Division Engineer of the Pacific Division, United States War Department. The plan of improvement recommended provides for the canalization of the river from Stockton to Mendota. This is considered to be the only practicable plan of improvement for this section of the river. It is proposed to provide a minimum navigation depth of six feet. This would require the construction of 13 movable dams equipped with locks with lifts varying from 9 feet to 18 feet and averaging about 1:5 feet. Locks are proposed with dimensions of 45 by 300 feet in the clear. In the stretch from the mouth of Stockton Channel to Hills Ferry Bridge, a distance of 85.9 miles by the existing river channel, 5 locks and dams will be required with an aggregate lift of 63 feet. Fourteen cut-offs vriW be desirable, which in conjunction with the widening of certain sloughs will effect a reduction of 20.6 miles in the present river channel distance for this section. j| I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 509 In the stretch from Hills Ferry Bridge to Mendota Dam, a distance of 88.2 miles by the existing river channel, 8 locks and dams will be required with an aggregate lift of 88.4 feet. In this stretch 21 cut-offs will be desirable, which will effect a reduction of 10.2 miles in the present distance by river for this section. In addition to the locks, dams and cut-offs, levees are proposed at the lower ends of pools and some excavation near the upper ends. The cost of improvement by canalization, as estimated by the Divisiori Engineer, including levees and excavation as required for navigation only, is shown in Table 208. TABLE 208 CAPITAL COST OF DAMS AND LOCKS FOR CANALIZATION OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER FROM STOCKTON TO MENDOTA Estimate by Division Engineer, Pacific Division, U. S. War Department Distance via improved channel, in miles Number of lifts Total lift, in feet Capital cost Section of river Locks Project less locks* Total Stockton Channel to Hills Ferry Bridge Hills Ferry Bridge to Mendota Dam 65.3 78.0 5 8 63.0 88.4 $2,500,000 3,500,000 $2,000,000 4,000,000 $4,500,000 7,500,000 Totals 143.3 13 151.4 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 $12,000,000 * Includes dams, levees, spillways, channel excavation, right of ways, drainage, etc. The Division Engineer's estimate of annual cost of maintenance and operation of the locks and dams, including dredging in the pools but excluding maintenance of levees, is $110,000. It will be noted that the Division Engineer's estimate of the economic value of improvement is slightly less than the estimated cost of the locks alone for the proposed plan of canalization. However, as previously stated, it is believed that the benefits in transportation savings effected by the proposed improvement would show an economic value considerably greater than estimated by the Division Engineer and probably would be sufficient in amount to justify the entire expenditure required of $12,000,000 for dams, locks and appurtenant works. Coordination of Proposed Plan for Navigation Improvement on San Joaquin River With State Water Plan for San Joaquin River Pumping System, In accord with the State Water Plan for the San Joaquin River Basin, the San Joaquin River Pumping System is proposed as one of the major conveyance units to transport water from the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta channels to Mendota. The plan for this conveyance unit is set forth in detail in Chapter VIII. From the delta to the mouth of the Merced River (approximately at Hills Ferry) it provides for a system of dams and pumping plants for conveying the water up the river channel, lifting the water to an elevation of 62 feet (United States Geological Survey datum). From this point the proposed pumping system departs westerly from the river through a constructed canal extending to Mendota. The proposed plan for the pumping system was selected as being the most economical after careful con- 510 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES sideration of numerous alternate plans and routes of which seven are presented in detail in Chapter VITT, including: one plan which would utilize the river channel through its entire length from the delta to Mendota with a system of dams and pumping lifts in the river channel. The plan as proposed would canalize the river from the delta to Salt Slough, nine miles above the mouth of Merced River. If the dams were equi])ped with locks, slack w^ater navigation would be provided to Salt Slough. The location of these dams as proposed in the San Joaquin River Pumping System differs to some extent with the plan as pro- posed by the United States War Department. However, the canaliza- tion effected Avould provide a minimum depth of six feet for navigation from Stockton to Salt Slough and would be equivalent to the plan outlined by the Army Engineers for this section of the river. A plan and profile, showing the canalization of this lower section of the San Joaquin River which would be effected in conjunction -with the San Joaquin River Pumping System, are presented on Plate LXXVII, "Canalization of San Joaquin River in Conjunction with San Joaquin River Pumping System, Stockton Deep Water Channel to Salt Slough." With a concrete lined canal in the upper portion of the selected plan for the San Joaquin River Pumping System, the capital and annual costs are only slightly less than the alternate all-river channel route. The estimates of capital and annual costs for this unit have been based on construction of a concrete lined canal in this upper section. However, it is entirely possible that final designs and studies for this unit would show that a large part of the concrete lining could be omitted and thus materially decrease the capital and annual costs of the adopted plan and route, with resulting costs substantially less than those for the all-river channel route. Therefore, the final consideration of the most desirable plan and route to adopt for the San Joaquin River Pumping System will depend largely upon the need and benefit values of navigation improvement on the San Joaquin River to Mendota and particularly upon the expenditures which would be justified by the Federal Government in the interest of further improvement of naviga- tion. The Division Engineer's estimate of economic value of naviga- tion improvement, as previousl.y set forth, indicates that the Federal Government would be justified in constructing the necessary locks for all dams in a combined pumping and canalization project. As pre- viously stated, it is believed that the benefit values for improvement of navigation would be greater than estimated by the Division Engineer. It appears probable that expenditures by the Federal Government in the interest of navigation w^ould be justified by the benefit values, not only for the construction of the necessary locks in the dams but also for a portion and perhaps all of the cost of the dams required to effect canalization. The most desirable plan would be one which would combine and coordinate the works required for conveyance of water and for improvement of navigation in the entire section of the river from Stockton to Mendota. If sufficient funds are made available in the interest of navigation to pay for the cost of the locks and a portion of the dams for a combined canalization and convej^ance project on the San Joaquin River from Stockton to Mendota, the all-river channel route for the San Joaquin River Pumping System would be the most advantageous plan for adoption. ♦i PLATE LXXVII Note for design of typical dam. lock and pumping plant see Plate XL . 50 GENERAL PLAN AND PROFILE I ' SHOWING I " CANALIZATION OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER IN CONJUNCTION WITH SAN JOAQUIN RIVER PUMPING SYSTEM STOCKTON DEEP WATER CHANNEL TO SALT SLOUGH -25 ( SCALE OF MILES I 2 A 6 I LJLJ 1_ 510 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES sideration of numerous alternate plans and routes of which seven are presented in detail in Chapter VITT, includinj:: one plan which would utilize tlie river channel through its entire length from the delta to Mendota with a system of dams and pumping lifts in the river channel. The plan as proposed would canalize the river from the delta to Salt Slough, nine miles above the mouth of Merced River. If the dams were equipped with locks, slack water navigation would be provided to Salt Slough. The location of these dams as proposed in the San Joaquin River Pumping System differs to some extent with the plan as pro- posed by the United States War Department. However, the canaliza- tion effected would provide a minimum depth of six feet for navigation from Stockton to Salt Slough and would be equivalent to the plan outlined by the Army Engineers for this section of the river. A plan and profile, showing the canalization of this lower section of the San Joaquin River which would be effected in conjunction with the San Joaquin River Pumping System, are presented on Plate LXXVII, "Canalization of San Joaquin River in Conjunction with San Joaquin River Pumping System, Stockton Deep Water Channel to Salt Slough." With a concrete lined canal in the upper portion of the selected plan for the San Joaquin River Pumping System, the capital and annual costs are only slightly less than the alternate all-river channel route. The estimates of capital and annual costs for this unit have been based on construction of a concrete lined canal in this upper section. However, it is entirely possible that final designs and studies for this unit would show that a large part of the concrete lining could be omitted and thus materially decrease the capital and annual costs of the adopted plan and route, with resulting costs substantially less than those for the all-river channel route. Therefore, the final consideration of the most desirable plan and route to adopt for the San Joaquin River Pumping System will depend largely upon the need and benefit values of navigation improvement on the San Joaquin River to IMendota and particularly upon the expenditures which Avould be justified by the Federal Government in the interest of further improvement of naviga- tion. The Division Engineer's estimate of economic value of naviga- tion improvement, as previously set forth, indicates that the Federal Government would be justified in constructing the necessary locks for all dams in a combined pumping and canalization project. As pre- viously stated, it is believed that the benefit values for improvement of navigation would ])e greater than estimated by the Division Engineer. It appears probable that expenditures by the Federal Government in the interest of navigation would be justified by the benefit values, not only for the construction of the necessary locks in the dams but also for a portion and perhaps all of the cost of the dams required to effect canalization. The most desirable plan would be one which would combine and coordinate the works required for conveyance of water and for improvement of navigation in the entire section of the river from Stockton to Mendota. If sufficient funds are made available in the interest of navigation to pay for the cost of the locks and a portion of the dams for a combined canalization and convej^ance project on the San Joaquin River from Stockton to Mendota, the all-river channel route for the San Joaquin River Pumping System would be the most advantageous plan for adoption. -.^ PLATE LXXVII ^^ I r ^< 1 I 1 J" \ ^Z,# >../-< \ U s s > o X -( -< M.70J ■t »» <»w" I APPENDIX A CLASSIFICATION OF VALLEY FLOOR LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN By S. T. Harding Consulting Engineer December, 1930 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION 514 Class 1 lands 514 Class 2 lands 514 Class 3 lands 515 Class 4 lands 515 Class 5 lands 515 FACTORS AFFECTING CLASSIFICATION 516 Soil texture 516 Crop adaptability 517 Alkali 518 Roughness 519 DESCRIPTION OF LANDS BY LOCAL AREAS 519 Hydrographic division 1 519 Hydrographic division 2 521 Hydrographic division 3 522 Hydrographic division 4 522 Hydrographic division 5 523 Hydrographic division 5B 523 Hydrographic division 6 524 Hydrographic division 7 524 Hydrographic division 8 525 Hydrographic division 9 525 Hydrographic division 11 526 SUMMARY 526 (512) CLASSIFICATION OF VALLEY FLOOR LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN The following- discussion of lands in the San Joaquin Valley pertains only to the main area of the valley floor. The field work on the adjacent plains and foothill areas to the east, from the San Joaquin River uortliward was handled under different supervision and standards of classification and is not included. The same colors are used on the map showing the land classification to indicate like numbered classes of lands in the valley and foothill areas. The division between the two areas is discussed in the description of the local areas. In general, the plains and foothills extend into the eastern portions of Hydrographic Divisions 8, 9 and 11 delineated on Plate VI and incorporated in Chapter III of this bulletin. The area described herein extends from the southern end of the valley northward to the southern boundary of Hydrographic Divisions 10 and 12. It includes the principal agricultural areas in the eight main counties of the San Joaquin Valley. The resulting classification is shown on Plate V included in Chapter III of this bulletin. The resulting areas of each class, together with the areas of included foothill lands, also are shown in the tables of laud classification in Chapter III. The classification described herein embodies the results of various investigations by the State Engineer in the San Joaquin Valley during the last ten years. Several of these investigations have related to the areas to be included and the feasibility of proposed irrigation districts in connection with proceedings before the State Engineer in relation to their organization or financing procedure. Areas so included were reviewed and other areas have been examined in making this classifica- tion. The actual field work for this report was done by the writer in the areas south of the San Joaquin River and the area in the six northern irrigation districts on the east side of the valley, and by Harry Barnes for the remainder of the area, including principally lands in Madera County and along the San Joaquin River. 1 The results of the field work were submitted to the San Joaquin Valley Water Committee, representing the eight valley counties, and by them referred to the sub-committee for each county. These committees accepted the resulting classification with minor exceptions. C. H. Holley made a comprehensive and independent classification of the lands in Tulare County and some adjacent areas, partly for the Tulare ' ounty Committee and partly for the State Engineer. The results w ere in general agreement with those presented herein. Any study of irrigation development in this area, either for present construction or for future ultimate plans, requires a considera- 1 ion of the quality of the land. It is recognized by everyone that lands nf all qualities, varying from the very best to the hopelessly poor, occur ill the San Joaquin Valley. It is essential that the extent and location of the different classes be known in preparing plans for the possible service of lands of satisfactory quality, and also, so that lands not able 33—80997 (513) 514 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES to meet costs for irrigation may be excluded. While land classification is necessarily to some extent a matter of judgment, it is essential that a uniform standard be applied to the whole area. The present classifica- tion was planned to meet these requirements. Basis of Classification. A classification of land in relation to irrigation is more than a soil survey. Irrigability involves soil texture, alkali and roughness, as well as the cost of water delivery. The value of land for irrigation is the composite result of all of its physical factors. For practical applica- tion it is necessary to limit the results to a few classes. Each of such classes includes a zone of quality rather than a single grade of land usefulness. Five classes of land were used in the field work on which this report is based. Their basis was established prior to the field w^ork and maintained. Boundaries between the classes were located on field maps on a scale of two inches per mile. The quadrangle sheets of the U. S. Geological Survey were used where available. Full use also was made of the Reconnaissance Soil Survey maps of the U. S. Bureau of Soils. Field notes were placed directly on the field maps. To indicate the basis for the rating, a system of letters was used to show the causes for reduced rating. These consisted of "a" to indicate hardpan, **b" for alkali, "c" for channel cut areas near streams, "d" for general roughness, and "e" for generally poor fertility. As the smaller scale of the land classification map does not permit showing these distinc- tions, the reason for reduced ratings is stated in general terms in the descriptions of the local areas. Class 1 Lands — Class 1 has been used to designate lands of good quality which do not have any defects that materially reduce their value under irrigation. They are good lands capable of good yields at low or moderate costs of preparation for irrigation. Alkali, rough- ness or hardpan may be present, but not to a sufficient extent to limit the feasibility of their irrigation. All soil textures may be included, except where the texture reduces yields or increases costs so as to reduce the value of the land under irrigation. Class 1 includes the best lands in the valley. Tt represents a zone of quality, however, rather than merely the very best land. Some areas of poorer Class 1 land were indicated on the field sheets as Class 1 minus. This land is shown on the smaller scale of the classification map as Class 1, however. Lands rated as Class 1 represent areas where the qualit}' of the land will not be a limiting factor in the feasibility of irrigation. The limit of feasible costs will be the general one set by crop values in relation to costs for lands that can produce normal average yields at low to moderate costs of preparation. Class 2 Lands — As the name implies, these are second grade lands. They are fairly good areas in which some factor either increases the cost of preparation for irrigation so that settlement of new lands would be delayed, or decreases the crop yields so as to reduce the ability to meet irrigation costs to a material extent. Class 2 lands may SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 515 be profitable to irrigate under favorable cost conditions and many of the Class 2 areas are now being irrigated under canals having rights in local streams or by pumping from wells. While no exact standard of division can be used, Class 2 lands represent areas grading down from lands which might meet two-thirds as large a cost for irrigation as adjacent areas of Class 1 lands, to those approaching Class 3. Class 3 Lands — Class 3 was used for lands of poorer quality than Class 2. Some of this land can not now meet the usual charges for water from even local sources, and offers little prospect of being able to meet such costs under any probable forecast of conditions that may arise in the future, but with changes in economic or other factors, their use eventually may be feasible. Class 3 lands, as classified in this work, should all be excluded from any plans for irrigation. It may be that ultimately something can be done with them, but the small prospect of this and the long time before it may occur do not justify present expenditures on their account. While it is ver^^ doubtful if Class 3 lands ever will justify irrigation, except with water at very low cost, they represent areas where the uncertainties regarding the future justify a higher rating than the nonirrigable lands of Class 5. Class 4 Lands— Class 4 was used in this work to cover a local crop practice, as well as soil properties. These are the flooded pastures or so-called grass lands. There are large areas now flooded with surplus waters for such pasturage as may be obtainable where the quality of the land does not justifj'- attempts at cultivated crops. Due to such flood- ing, a rating as nonirrigable is not justified; neither would a rating indicating the land to be suited for irrigation of ordinary crops be applicable. The Class 4 rating has been used also for lands not now flooded for pasture, but of similar quality and suitable for such flooding if water at very low cost were available. The Class 4 lands occur mainly along the San Joaquin River where such flooding is an extensive practice. The value of such use of the grass lands is quite small. The usual condition is that of swamping at times of plentiful water supply rather than periodic applications. As the amount of water used is large in relation to the returns, such lands are suited onlj' to localities having surplus flood waters not needed for higher types of use. These lands are generally alkaline and unproductive in general crops. Except to some extent for rice, Class 4 lands if rated for general crops would be mainly Class 5 with some Class 3. Class 4 lands are necessarily smooth enough for flooding as the value of their use will not justify leveling. Class 5 Lands — Class 5 has been used for lands of such poor quality that the probability of any future use is regarded as too remote to justify consideration. It represents lands permanently nonirrigable as far as may be foreseen at this time. They should not be considered for irrigation service in any plans for irrigation. There may be an occasional spot of somewhat better land included in Class 5 areas, but such spots are too small, few or scattered to justify their segregation for irrigation. Class 5 land is now mainly used, to such extent as it is used at all, for dry pasture. 516 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Factors Affecting Classification. The value of land under irrigation is affected by soil texture, alkaJi, hardpan, roughness and fertility. The variations in these factors for the lands in the San Joaquin Valley, with their effect on the resulting classification, are discussed for the valley as a whole, followed by description of the general conditions in local areas. Soil Texture — In general the San Joaquin Valley is surrounded by rough and stony areas that are nonagricultural. Adjacent to and beloAV these areas disintegration has occurred to a sufficient depth to result in soils of residual type. Below these are old valley filling materials which have been modified in place. AVhile these old valley filling materials have adequate general depth, hardpan is widely dis- tributed in several of the soil series. Below and in some cases across the old valley filling soils are the recent alluvial types which extend along the tributary stream channels to the valley trough. In the valley trough the soils in the lower areas are generally heavier textured alluviums deposited under submergence or semisubmergence. These soils are partly old vallej'- filling material and partly recent alluvial soils. There also are some areas of wind laid materials. The areas covered in this field work are included in the three reconnaissance soil survey reports on the San Joaquin Valley by the U. S. Bureau of Soils and the California Agricultural Experiment Station. These reports and maps were utilized in this classification as the basis of soil texture. The following comments on soil types are based very largely on the U. S. Soil Survey. Residual soils are generally unimportant in the areas covered in the present classification. This is due to their roughness and steepness, as well as to their shallow depth. For the small mean annual rainfall in the San Joaquin Valley, the residual soils have not disintegrated to a sufficient depth to form Class 1 land. Where conditions in local areas were considered to justify it some residual soils on the east side of the valley have been rated as high as Class 2. There are some similar residual soils rated as high as Class 2 on the west side. However, the main intrusions of residual soil into the valley, such as Kettleman Hills, were rated as Class 3 or 5 because of roughness. The old valley filling soils represent the largest area of any general type of irrigable lands in the San Joaquin Valley. These soils are derived from unconsolidated water laid deposits, which have been subject to change since their deposition due to weathering, leaching and translocation of materials. Of the several series of old valley filling soils, shown on the U. S. Soil Map, two — the San Joaquin and Madera series — are underlaid by the red or iron cemented types of hardpan. This hardpan in its typical form does not disintegrate under irrigation and is an important factor in root and moisture penetration. If broken, it does not recement. For dry farming, it may be an aid in retaining moisture, for irrigation it retards percolation and limits root penetration. It may be continuous or irregular and may be underlaid by soil or other rock. It may occur as thin strata easily broken by subsoiling or as thick masses impractical of removal. Blasting for trees has been practiced in many areas. This type of hardpan land covers extensive areas on the east side of the SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 517 valley from Tulare County north. Much of the present orchard and vineyard development is on these lands. For the smoother areas with hardpan not too close to the surface or too thick to prevent good crop results, many areas were rated Class 1. Other areas were rated as Class 2 or 3, depending on the character of the hardpan. A somewhat more liberal rating was used for developed areas where the cost of preparation of the land had been incurred, than for areas where the expense of such work would retard settlement. The Fresno series of old valley filling soils contains a compact silty subsoil equivalent to a hardpan. This is an extensively distributed soil and occurs on many well developed areas. This hardpan being silty and calcareous, blasting and subsoiling are not permanently effective in breaking it. It is generally not as continuous as that of the red type. The Fresno soils frequently contain alkali which reduces their rating. Where free from alkali these soils, except for some of the sandier areas, generally rate as Class 1. There are other series of old valley filling soils, which do not contain hardpan extensively and are usually free from alkali. These are more extensive on the east side of the southern part of the valley. These rate Class 1 unless rough. Some of the soils in the valley trough, which have not been modified by recent deposits of alluvium, are also classed as old valley filling types. These are usually fairly heavy in texture. Their quality varies with the extent of former submergence. The frequently submerged areas are generally of better quality with less alkali. The Soil Survey uses the term "recent alluvial" to describe soils derived from recent stream deposits that have undergone little, if any, change by weathering since they were laid down. They occur on the areas affected by the present or recent channels of the principal streams. The Panoche series covers most of the west side plains area. These are derived from erosion in the Coast Range. The Hanford series are derived mainly from granitic rocks and vary from sands to sandy loams. Where well drained and free from alkali they are among the best soils in the valley. In addition to the types described above, there are some areas of wind laid and lake laid materials. Crop Adaptability — There are some lands of poorer quality for which it is difficult to assign any single defect. These lands may produce a good crop for a short period, but are unable to maintain good yields. A separate suffix was used on the field inaps to indicate this condition where it resulted in lower ratings. Such lands are usually excessively sandy or have inert subsoils. Many of the more sandy soils are rated below Class 1 because of roughness, rather than general texture. General infertility was used to reduce some areas to Class 2. Crop adaptability, as affected by climatic conditions, affects the value of land for irrigation. Such climatic factors as frost hazard are preferably rated separately from the quality of the land. A somewhat more liberal rating for roughness or hardpan was used in some areas suitable for citrus as the cost of leveling would be a less important item in such areas. Somewhat rougher lands were rated as Class 1 in 518 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES areas where furrow crops, such as orchards, are to be anticipated, than in areas where flooded crops would probably be grown. The differences allowed were small, however. Similarly, liability of overflow was not used as a factor in rating the land itself. Prevention of such overflow in such areas represents part of the cost of development to be considered wdth the cost of its w^ater supply for irrigation. Alkali — Alkali is widely distributed in the San Joaquin Valley. It occurs in amounts varying from slight to very heavy concentrations. In many areas the lines of demarcation along the boundaries of alkali areas are definite and easily located in the field. In other areas the quality of the land changes slowly and the divisions are difficult to make. Continuous alkali is less difficult to classify. However, in many areas the alkali is spotted. Fields in which good crops may be grown on much of the area are to be found, with spots on which little or no yield can be obtained, so intermingled that detail classification is not practicable. For such areas average ratings w^ere used. Lands have become alkaline from both natural and artificial causes. Lower lands along streams are frequently alkaline from naturally high ground water or overflow. Other areas have become alkaline due to the rise of ground water resulting from irrigation. Ground water conditions change and this changes alkali conditions. Recent changes have generally been toward a low^ering of the ground water and an improvement in alkali conditions. Methods of neutralizing or removing alkali also are being improved. These conditions make it difficult to rate alkali lands where long periods may elapse before the purposes of the classification are accomplished. The following general basis w'as used in this work : 1. It is not considered probable that additional ai*eas will become alkaline. Extensive pumping is controlling and w-ill continue to control the ground water and additional water logged areas need not be feared. 2. Lands heavily alkaline from natural causes prior to irrigation have not been reclaimed and can not be expected to be reclaimed by any practical means now in prospect. 3. Lands which have become alkaline due to irrigation may be restored by drainage, leaching, cropping or other treatment. Such restoration will be slow^ and expensive where the injury has been extensive. It will be difficult on lands having impervious strata interfering with leaching. Such lands do not justify any higher rating than those naturally alkaline. 4. Lands injured by alkali from irrigation, which are free from hardpan or other impervious subsoils and where the alkali is not large in amount, may be gradually restored by the maintenance of a lowered water table and proper soil treatment. The time required and cost, however, will not justify a high rating on such lands. Improvements in ground water conditions and in methods of alkali treatment will not justify rating alkali lands much higher than their present condition, but have been used to place some Class 2 lands in Class 1 minus and some better SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 519 present Class 3 lands in Class 2. The ratings used on Class 2 alkali lands in this work are considered to be as liberal as can be justified. Such lands are not suitable for inclusion in projects of high irrigation cost. Alkali removal represents a present expense for removal and a continuous loss in crop return over several years while production is being restored to normal. While the present status of alkali reclamation may justify some hopes for sucli ultimate restoration, such reclama- tion will be slow and expensive and lands now alkali can be given onh^ limited recognition for sucli prospects. Roughness — There are several kinds of roughness that affect the quality of land in this area. Along the overflow channels of the larger streams are lands that are channel cut to a sufficient extent to affect the cultivable area. The smoother portions may rate Class 1, but there may be enough lost area to justify an average rating of Class 2. There are also extensive areas of ''hog wallow" land. This term is applied to lands having hummocks and depressions with difference in elevation two to four feet spaced 25 to 50 feet apart. The size, spacing and height vary. Such lands occur mainly on the older vallej'' filling soils underlaid by hardpan. AVhere the general area is smooth the leveling of "hog wallows" alone is not difficult. Much of the hog wallow land is also rolling and with shallow hardpan which interferes with leveling. Hog wallows alone would not materially reduce the rating of the land but in combination with rolling topography and hardpan they result in many areas of Class 2. Such rating was used For undeveloped lands where the costs of preparation for irrigation would retard development. General roughness is found in areas along the sides of the valley. Reduced ratings for roughness were used where the cost of leveling would be excessive or where the general topography would require adapting the distribution of water to the land with resulting irregular areas and higher costs for application. The area covered in this work did not include much land of steep slope, except for included hill areas such as Kettleman Hills. Usually the steeper lands also are rough and shallow so that the reduced rating is due to a combination of factors. Such hill areas generally rate in Class 3 or 5. ti^ Description of Lands by Local Areas. The application of the standards of classification used can best be described by local areas. In the other portions of the water resources investigations the valley areas have been divided into hydrographic divisions. These are shown on Plate VI and have been used as the basis for the following descriptions. The hydrographic divisions are numbered from the south to the north. Hydrographic Division 1 — The area of Hydrographic Division No. 1 agrees with the part of Kern County in the San Joaquin Valley, except that the north three miles of the county is in Division No. 2. Division No. 1 includes a wide variety of soils. On the east side the area of generally tertiary formation results in a zone of rolling, soil- covered hills before the rough and rocky land is reached. Residual soils occupy the higher areas. There are old valley filling soils on the 520 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES higher valley lands with recent alluvial types on the stream deltas. The trough lands extending northward from Buena Vista Slough are older sedimentary soils. In general, there is less hardpan land than in the counties to the north. Alkali is widely distributed. On the east side, north of Kern River and above present canals, the; soils are free from hardpan and alkali. Much of the area would make good orchard land. For such use the rolling topography would not be as disadvantageous as for field crops. Tliere is no definite topographic basis for fixing the upper line of the irrigable area. The area covered in this work probably goes higher than necessary for practical uses. Class 1 was used until roughness reduced the quality to Class 2. The areas under the present canals and under pumping plants near Shafter, Wasco and McFarland consist of a large body of good land fully justi- fying a Class 1 rating. Present development extends westward to tlif^ beginning of alkali soils. Between the Class 1 land on the east and the lands along Buena Vista Slough is a wide area of poor land. This includes Buttonwillow and Semitropic ridges. Numerous efforts at irrigation from wells have been made, and many abandoned farms occur. Nearer the better lands on the east a generally narrow strip was rated as Class 2. The remainder was generally rated as Classes 3 and 5 as shown on the land classification map. This area does not justify consideration for irriga- tion. Along Goose Lake Slough are some better areas, but none justify a Class 1 rating. The trough lands extending northwestward from Buena Vista Lake are rated Class 1 at the south Avith decreasing quality toward the north. The trough lands suited to irrigation are south of Wasco Road, except for a small area of Class 2 land near the north line of the division, which is within the area affected by Tulare Lake. The west side plains consist of Panoche soil series. This is all rated as Class 1, except where roughness requires a lower rating. The recent alluvial soils of Kern Delta have been rated in Classes 1 to 5. The different classes are badly mixed and are difficult to segre- gate. Much of the area regularly irrigated has a generally high ground water level which has resulted in reduced production. Prior to irriga- tion, the upper delta lands would have rated Class 1 and it is thought that with drainage much of this area can be restored to this class. Up to the present time drainage has not been undertaken. For its present condition the areas of Class 1 land are limited and the larger part of the present canal-served lands rate as Class 2. The former bed of Kern Lake was rated as Class 1. Although the ground water level is high, alkali accumulation has not occurred at the surface. There is an area of very heavily alkaline land extending around the .south of Kern Lake and between the canal-served areas south of Bakersfield, which is rated as Class 5. The lower portions of the delta near Buena Vista Lake also contain much alkali and have been rated as Class 3 or 5. Buena Vista Lake rates as Class 1 for the lower portions, as far as soil is concerned, but is subject to submergence in years of large stream flow. In general, the upper soils high enough to have had natural drainage and the depressions subject to regular and deeper submergence are good land, except as some areas may have been injured il SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 521 by overirrigation. Intermediate areas of naturally high ground water level or marginal to the areas of regular submergence are heavily alkaline. The higher slopes around the south end of the valley are generally Class 1. This includes the developed areas near Arvin and the south end around to the oil fields near Taft. The Class 1 rating applies out to the edge of the valley lands where steepness or roughness results in lower grades. There are minor areas of cultivable land on some of the local side streams which were not covered in this work as they are above the San Joaquin Valley area. Hydrographic Division 2 — This division covers the southern portion of Tulare and Kings counties. The eastern portion of the division rates mainly as Class 1. It includes the upper portion of the Tule River Delta and the higher valley lands to the south. The upper delta lands are recent alluvial soils. The remainder of the higher lands are old valley filling soils. These are of the red hardpan types in the northern portion. The areas toward the south consist of soils relatively free from hardpan. At the north, the valley lands extend east to the contact with rough and stony land as classified by the U. S. Soil Survey. This represents the outcrop of the granitic formations of the higher areas. Toward the south end of this division, there is an intermediate area of tertiary formation between the valley and the higher foothills which consists mainly of residual soils. The upper limit of irrigable land is less definite here. The field work was extended as far as justified by practical considerations. The valley lands were generally rated as Class 1. This rating is fully applicable in the developed areas where any costs for leveling or breaking hardpan have already been incurred. Some undeveloped rougher areas were given a lower rating. Much of these higher lands are adapted to citrus culture and justify a more liberal rating on cost factors because of this, although little difference due to crop adaptibility was made in this work. The smaller streams in the southern part of this division have not had sufficient flow to form deltas of any extent. The valley filling soils are less disturbed in this area. The outer areas in which the local run-off has spread contain Class 2 and 3 land, due to alkali in areas where such waters have collected. The western portion of southern Tulare County approaches the general trough of the valley. The Class 1 lands of the upper deltas give way to the poorer lands of the outer deltas. These outer areas were not subject to sufficiently continuous or deep submergence to form the better type of lake bed land. Some areas have practically no agri- cultural value and were rated as Class 5, particularly in the south- western part of the county. Marginal areas of Class 3 and Class 2 were rated as shown on Plate V. These lands of lower rating are all alkaline. The southwestern portion of the division is within the area affected by Tulare Lake. The prevailing winds across Tulare Lake are from the northwest. There is a wide beach area at the southeast of the lake. The higher portions are not generally alkaline, although some alkali areas occur. Some of these lands do not show well sustained crop yields and were rated Class 2 because of such general conditions, 522 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES rather than roughness or alkali. There is only limited irrigation in this area at present, except that of the Alpangh Irrigation District. The better lands in this district were rated as Class 1, although the} are not equal to the better Class 1 lands as this grade was used in this work. The southern part of Tulare Lake is included in this division. The lower lands in the lake rate as Class 1, subject to their liability to over- flow in years of large run-off. There is a marginal area of poorer land at the southwest side of the lake before the Class 1 lands of the west •side plains are reached. The Class 1 area east of Kettleman Hills is relatively narrow. West of the outlying hills are some additional Class 1 valley lands. The hills are rated mainly as Class 5 because of rough- ness, but a few areas of better land occur. Hijdrographic Division 3 — This division covers the Kaweah River Delta and adjacent higher valley lands to the east. The valley extends eastward to the contact with the granitic outcrop. Higher lands, except along the stream courses, are classified as rough and stony areas on the U. S. Soil Maps. These would rate as Class 5 due to roughness and shallow soil. The higher valley lands, except w^here Kaweah River has eroded them, are generally old valley filling soils containing the red hardpan. These have generally been rated as Class 1, except for some rougher portions. There is much high class development on these lands. The upper portions of the Kaweah Delta generally rate as Class 1. Some areas, where high ground water has resulted in alkali accumula- tion, are rated as Class 2. Parts of the delta consist of spotted soil where detail segregation is difficult. The rating shown includes some spots of Class 2 land in the Class 1 areas, in addition to those large enough to be shown separately. Around the outer edges of the Kaweah River Delta, the lands are more largely of the lower grades. The outer areas subject to overflow and evaporation are largely alkaline. This generally grades from the Class 1 areas through Classes 2 and 3 to some very heavily alkaline Class 5 land. Only limited areas in this division were rated below Class 3. These areas of pooi-er land are found between the deltas of Kaweah and Kings rivers and between Kaweah and Tule rivers, as well as around the outer edge of the Kaweah Delta where they extend toward Tulare Lake. Hydrographic Division 4 — This division covers the general Kings River area, from the San Joaquin River on the north to the Kaweah River area on the south, and in the south includes the larger part of the Tulare Lake Basin. The field Mork was extended to the outcrop of the granite on the east, which is shown as rough and stony land on the U, S. Soil Map. This represents the eastern limit of valley land. There are only narrow margins of Class 2 and 3 lands along the eastern boundary, as Class 1 areas extend nearly to the valley's edge. Some Class 2 channel cut land is shown along Kings River in Centerville Bottoms. With these exceptions, nearly all the east side area is Class 1 until the lower alkali lands toward the west are reached. Scattered through this area are small depressions, or pot holes, which formerly contained water, but SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 523 "which now are generally dry. Some of these areas are rated as Class 2 or 3. "Westerly from the canal-served areas of the Fresno and Consoli- dated Irrigation Districts, and extending to the formerly overflowed lands along Fresno Slough, is a large area of generally poor land. Due to high ground water levels, this area is alkaline. The degree of alkali varies, in general increasing toward the lower ground at the northwest. Some alkali extends into the western portions of the Fresno and Con- solidated districts. These lands are rated as Class 2, 3 or 5, depending on the extent of the alkali. Along the various overflow channels of Kings River toward the north, the trough or slough lands are less alkaline and of better quality. The better areas of these lands have been rated as Class 1, although the heavier soil texture and general conditions make such lands less easily handled than the better Class 1 lands of higher elevation. Some areas having alkali or where the cultivable areas are reduced or rough, due to channel cutting, have been rated as Class 2. South of Kings River, the upper lands are similar to those on the north. These are mainly red hardpan lands now largely developed in the Alta Irrigation District and rated generally as Class 1. These extend eastward to the outcrop of the rough and stony land. There are areas of Class 1 recent alluvial soils near Kings River, northwest- ward from Hanford. There is a large area of poorer land around the southern side of the Kings River Delta, extending into the area between the deltas of Kings and Kaweah rivers. This is alkaline and rates as Classes 2, 3 or 5, depending on the degree of alkalinity. Some parts of these areas are understood to have been productive in the past; others have always been alkaline. The marginal areas were rated as Class 2. Some of the Class 3 land is similar to Class 5 in its present condition, but was rated Class 3 in recognition of the possibility that methods of reclamation may eventually be developed to restore areas that formerly were productive. The bed of Tulare Lake is noAv largely reclaimed and cultivated. Due to the menace of flooding, crops are mainly grain. The lower lake lands and those near the stream inflow are generally of good quality. These have been rated Class 1 for the soil although their value for irrigation also requires consideration of the conditions relating to overflow. Class 1 also was used for the general area near Corcoran, except for some lands of generally poorer quality justifying a Class 2 rating. Hydrograpliic Division 5 — This division covers the lower west side plains, from Mendota south to Kettleman Hills. The surface is very smooth, with an even slope, so that little leveling is required. Along the east side, the lower areas include the Class 5 self -rising alkali land, so called locally due to the pulverizing of the surface soil when drJ^ Above the Class 5 land are narrow strips of Class 2 and 3 before the main area of Class 1 is reached. Hydrograpliic Division 5B ■ — This division covers the higher portions of the west side plains, from Mendota south to Kettleman Hills. It is not materially different from the adjacent lower portions of the plains in Division No. 5, except for elevation. The main valley area 524 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES consists of very even and smooth Class 1 lands. The higher portions are of lighter soil texture, which will affect their water requirements, ►Surface ground water is alkaline and recovery of seepage and percola- tion losses would be of doubtful practicability in this area. The plains are recent alluvial soil of the Panoche series. The irrigable areas extend slightly into the higher residual soils. ' These rate Class 2 or lower, due to roughness, steepness and shallowness. The classification was extended into the higher cove valleys around Coalinga as shown on the land classification map. Hydrographic Division 6 — This division covers the lands on the east side of the valley, between San Joaquin and Chowchilla rivers, in Madera County. The area covered in this field work coincides closely on the east side with the boundary of the Division 6. The higher foothill lands are in Division 6A. The higher valley lands are old valley filling soils, except where cut by local streams. These lands are rolling in surface and contain red hardpan, much of which is thick and occurs at shallow depths. A large part of the less favorable land was rated as Class 3. These are generally the higher lands on which the hardpan is thicker and more difficult to handle than in other areas of similar soil. Areas of less rolling surface, or with deeper or thinner hardpan, were rated as Class 2. An area of Class 1 land extends across the county between the poorer hardpan lands to the east, and the lower alkaline lands to the west. This area includes some hardpan soils on which existing develop- ments indicate that good crop results have been obtained. At the northwest, near ChowchiUri, the lands are mixed Classes 1 and 2, so spotted in character that detail classification was impractical. About two-thirds of this area would rate as Class 1. The division between these lands and the Class 4 areas follows the revised boundary of the Madera Irrigation District, which was based on a similar land classifica- tion. To the west of the Class 1 lands, the alkali increases rapidly. Except for a narrow zone of Class 2 or 3 land, the main area west to the lands near the San Joaquin River was rated as Class 4. This area is now largely flooded for pasture and represents typical land to which the description of Class 4 applies. If not rated as Class 4 for pasture, it would rate as Class 5 for crops. Near the San Joaquin River, more regular overflow has resulted in better lands. Some of these were rated as Class 1, other areas of gener- ally good soil, but channel cut, were rated as Class 2. Hydrographic Divisimi 7 — This division covers the west side lands from IMendota to Tracy. The south end is a continuation of the Class 1 west side plains of Divisions 5 and 5B. There are narrow strips of Class 2 land along the San Joaquin River. The west side trough lands extend from near Dos Palos northward to the vicinity of Newman. These lands are of heavy soil containing alkali and rate as Class 4 in the main area. They are known locally as grass lands and are used and useful only for pasture under swamping. Adjacent marginal areas were rated in Classes 2 or 3 where some crop use is or may be developed. Tlie trough lands are located between the j higlier lands to tlio wc^st, and the better lands, also higher, near th$ I r. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 525 San Joaquin River. Along tlic San Joaquin River are considerable areas of Class 1 land, with other areas rated as Class 2, due to being cut by old channels, although much of the included smoother small areas are Class 1 soil. West of the trough lands the Class 1 higher lands are narrower than the similar areas further south. The field work was carried to the rougher Class 2 and 3 areas toward the west. From Newman north to Tracy, the west side area is nearly all Class 1. The lands slope up from near the San Joaquin River with no intervening area of low alkali trough lands. Along the river are some areas of Class 2 land, due to channel erosion or alkali. Near the hills the field work was carried through the Class 2 and into the Class 3 rough lands. The Class 1 lands are evenly sloping and require very little leveling for irrigation. Hydrographic Division 8 — This division covers the A^alley lands on the east side between the Merced and Chowchilla rivers. The field work, on which this report is based, was extended easterly to the Class 5 rolling lands of shallow depth. These upper lands later were reclassi- fied in accordance with the standards used in the foothill areas. The classification herein discussed does not apply to the classification shown on the map for the part of Division 8 lying generally above Amsterdam and Yosemite Lake, and a narrow area along the east edge to the south. Tlie soils in Division No. 8 are more variable than those in the areas to the north or south. In the eastern part of the area covered, the lands are mainly rolling shallow hardpan soils. The field work was carried through the Class 2 and 3 lands to the higher Class 5 areas, as these classes were defined in this work. Development has proceeded much more slowly on the Class 2 hardpan lands, when water has been made available, than on the adjacent Class 1 areas. Below the Class 2 and 3 land is an area of Class 1 land extending across the division from north to south. Below this is a wide area of alkali land at the south and rough sandy land at the north. The better portions of these areas were rated Class 2. These are now largely in crop with poorer average results than on the Class 1 areas. The Class 3 lands are those rated as of very doubtful usefulness under irrigation. Below these lands are extensive areas useful onlj^ for grass land use, which have been rated as Class 4. Near the San Joaquin River are some better areas rated as Class 2. Near Stevinson the land is badly mixed in quality and the rating shown on the map is as definite as it is practicable to make it. Hydrographic Division 9 — This division extends along the east side of the valley from Merced River, north of the Tuolumne River, to include the areas of the Modesto and Waterford Irrigation districts. The field work herein discussed was extended east to the Class 5 rough lands. These later were reclassified with the areas in the foothills by the standards used there. The discussion herein applies only to the part of Division 9 extending eastward to around Dallas Lake, along the Tuolumne River, near Montpelier. and up Dry Creek and Merced River. The higher east side areas are more mixed in quality than those in other parts of the valley and have been shown in more detail on the map. These higher lands consist partly of old valley filling soils of hardpan type and partly of residual soils. There are some bottom lands 526 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES along local streams that are fairly smooth. Some of the heavier soilsj near Paulsell are used for rice. There are some areas too rough or toe shalloAv to be rated higher than Class 5. While some scattered areas of| Class 1 occur, the larger part of the better lands were rated as Class 2J with many areas, too poor for consideration in any present project,] placed in Class 3. The Class 2 rolling hardpan lands have come intc irrigation much more slowly than the adjacent Class 1 areas when cana^ service has been made available. There is a wide area of Class 1 land extending across this divisionj from north to south, between the higher hardpan lands on the east and the poorer areas along the San Joaquin River. This consists largely oi Fresno series of soils. It includes the larger part of the areas in the Modesto and Turlock Irrigation districts. Soils of light texture pre- dominate particularly at the south end of the area near Delhi. Tlie rougher portions of the sandy land were rated in Class 2. Toward the San Joaquin River the soils become alkaline and were rated as Class 2 or 8, depending on the amount of alkali. Along the river some otherwise good lands were rated as Class 2, due to the proportion of the gross area which is channel cut. Hydrographic Division 11 — This division covers lands on the eastftj side of the valley, from Mormon Slough south to the Stanislaus River,"' together with the lands south of the Stanislaus River in the Oakdale Irrigation District. As in other adjacent divisions further south, the basis of classification used in the valley lands was applied until Class 5 land, by these standards, Avas reached. The higher lands have been classified by the standards used in the foothill areas to the east. The eastern portion of Division 11, as showni on the map, is not included in the following discussion. The upper lands covered by this work are shallow hardpan and residual soils rated as Classes 2 or 8. Tlie Class 3 lands were so rated, on hardpan or shallowness and on roughness. The Class 2 areas are usually somewhat rolling as well as having hardpan. Under the irriga- tion systems in tliis area, oven the Class 2 ]iard])an lands have come into use very slowly. Near the San Joaquin River are areas of Class 2, due, in some parts, to alkali and in others to roughness caused by channel cutting. Some Class 2 alkali land extends into the general area of Class 1. Summary. The results of the classification of the valley floor lands covered by the survey described in this report and in accordance with the standards set forth herein are summarized by hydrographic divisions in the following table compiled in the office of the State Division of Water Resources. Class 1 lands are those which are able to meet the maximum costs of irrigation and represent 52 per cent in the upper San Joaquiu Valley and 41 per cent in the Lower San Joaquin Valley of the total gross area covered by the survey in each respective portion of the valley. Class 2 lands have some defect in quality, which reduces their ability to meet the costs for water. The average in this class represents, of the total in each respective portion of the valley, 19 per cent in the upper i SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 527 and 28 per cent in the lower San Joaquin Valley. Classes 3, 4 and 5 are lands of too poor quality to justify permanent use of water, even of local supplies, under present economic standards. In aggregate, they include 29 per cent of the gross area in the upper and 31 per cent in lower San Joaquin Valley portions covered by the survey and report. CLASSIFICATION OF VALLEY FLOOR LANDS IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN BY HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS For land classification areas, see Plate V. For boundaries of Hydrographic Divisions, see Plate VI. Figures in table are for areas covered in survey only. Hydrographic Division Gross area in acres Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Total Upper San Joaquin Valley— 706,141 469,971 233,749 793.482 304,316 239,182 140,061 305,700 114,416 184,062 160,560 316,259 231,305 101,976 237,200 21,034 37,608 106,160 124,149 154,078 134,732 106,630 310,923 111,842 45,961 167,487 22,950 8 628 104,897 63,342 83,753 95,686 76,845 5,565 240,077 138,051 14,525 164,237 53,576 25,592 11,371 1,173 3,382 16,922 7,395 1,578,965 951,169 396,211 1,371,369 401,876 311,010 518,624 623,265 440,830 431,402 351,430 2 3 8^963' 4 5 6B 6 156,135 128,901 85,201 Lower San Joaquin Valley— 7 . 8 9 11 IIP APPENDIX B GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY by Hyde Forbes Engineer-Geologist July, 1930 34 — 80997 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL GEOLOGY : 5t Geologic structure Valley sediments ''^iS Surface topography • -4 Well penetration records •'>•'' GROUND WATER RESERVOIRS OF THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY IT Areas of the valley not adapted to ground water storage Types of ground water reservoirs '••-•» Capacities of ground water reservoirs ''^0 Ground water storage capacity south of San Joaquin River '>iZ Hydrographic division 1 5-J3 Hydrographic division 2 54: Hydrographic division 3 "! Hydrographic division 4 San Joaquin River drainage area — divisions 6 to 12, inclusive '>i6 Hydrographic division 6 1" Hydrographic division 8 ■■-^' Hydrographic division 9 548 Hydrographic division 11 548 Hydrographic division 12 549 Summary of hydrographic divisions 6 to 12, inclusive 54? Table B-I Seepage factors for charging ground water reservoirs in San Joaquin Valley 54; B-2 Storage capacities of ground water reservoirs in hydrographic divisions 1 to 4, inclusive, upper San Joaquin Valley 54r B-3 Storage capacities of ground water reservoirs in hydrographic divisions 6 to 13, inclusive, San Joaquin Valley 54: B-4 Summary of storage capacities of ground water reservoirs, San Joaquin Valley 550 Plate B-1 Absorptive areas on modern alluvium in the San Joaquin Valley — opposite 544 ( 530) GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY The object of this investigation and report is the determination of the locations and capacities of undergronnd water storage reservoirs which may be utilized in the irrigation development of the San Joaquin Valley. The study divides itself logically into two parts; first, that of the general geology of the region through wliich the underground stor- age areas can be broadly delineated and, second, the detailed consid- eration of local areas to establish the location of underground storage reservoirs, to estimate their capacity and to determine the practicability of their utilization for the storage and extraction of water supplies in irrigation development. GENERAL GEOLOGY The trfiplogic history of the San Joaquin Valley is determined in part through the study of the geologic structure and formations of the mountain ranges bordering the valley plain, in part through the study of the present surface topography, in part through the study of the characteristics of the material penetrated in well drilling, but in a large part through the study of the chemical character and temperature of waters brought up from varying depths and horizons through water wells, and the well Avater levels under varying conditions of pumping or nonpumping and seasonal or cyclic changes. Talcing up first the geologic history of the San Joaquin Valley, as revealed bj' geologic evidences read from the formations and their structure, as exposed over the Coast Range, and the geologic develop- ment of the Sierra Nevada briefly.^is found that during late Cretace- ous time the Franciscan rocks protruded above the sea from a point south of Livermore as an elongated island some 15 to 20 miles wide at the north and extending with lesser widths southeasterly to a point west of Tulare Lake. The Sierra Nevada area consisted of granitic intrusions in older crustal rocks whose height separated the Great Basin from the sea. Lying between the Sierra Nevada shore line and the islands was the San Joaquin geosynclinal trough. At the close of ( retaceous time occurred the Coast Range uplift which entirely enclosed The central geosynclinal trough except at the southern end._J The accumulation of a great thickness of sediments, derived through erosion from the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range areas, continued unin- terrupted in this geosynclinal trough under var\'ing crustal conditions until late Tertiary time. These crustal conditions consisted largely of the depression of the continental areas after deposition built up the floor of the geos}Ticlinal trough near the land bodies. The body of water occupying the trough varied in depth and in character from a deep channel to^ a land locked gulf during all this time, never losing, however, its marine character and the sediments laid down were marine deposits. From the late Tertiary through Pleistocene time occurred the mountain-making uplift, which was an earth movement of great magni- tude and which raised the Sierra Nevada to their present height. It was accompanied by volcanic activity and outflow of lava over wide (531 ) Il 532 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES areas, the rejuvenation of the Sierra drainaoe with its development oi the present Sierra topop,rap]iy, and the uplift of the deformation of th^ sediments laid down on the floor of the sea, resulting in the land m? of the Coast Ranges and Coast Valleys and the development of the Tehachapi Mountains enclosing the valley on the south. Geologic Structure. In a broad way, the structure of the Diablo or Coast Range is anticlinal and its eastern tiank is composed of a great monocline of sedimentary strata dipping toward the San Joaquin Valley. Tins monocline is broken in regularity, through being subjected to compreift| sional forces, by a series of anticlinal and synclinal folds, the moSr easterly of those now exposed being the Kettleman Hills-Coalinga anti- cline and which is continued in the Lost Hills structure. The Tertiary uplift of the Sierra raised the western flank, withoi4| distortion or displacement, above sea level and the marine sediments lie exposed against the Sierra north of the San Joaquin River as a series ol unaltered beds of clay, shale, loosely cemented sandstones and gravellf formations. The Fresno, Chowchilla, Merced, Tuolumne, Stanislaus, Calaveras and Mokelumne rivers are all intrenched in these formations at their upper valley portions. This area, that embracing the Coast Range uplands and the San Joaquin Valley trough intervening, laid beneath the sea during the major portion of geologic time from the Jurassic to the end of the IMiocene. Consequently, the marine sediments found exposed and eroded over the uplands should lie, with possibly some variation as to thickness, in the same geologic sequence under the entire San Joariuin Valley region. Through uplift they have been brought relatively close to sea level over portions of the valley trough. The compressive forces accompanying the uplift found relief through possibly additional folding and faulting in the vallej' trough area parallel to the Coast Range structural trend. All of this structure and marine sedimentary bedding now is buried under a thickness of allu- vium and the buried geologic features are largely controlling in the ground w^ater hydrology of the region. The buried features have not all been revealed, but with continued deep well exploration in search of petroleum the knowledge of subsurface conditions is being continually augmented. In the present state of knowledge certain structure features have been established, possibly with some indefiniteness, but sufficiently to be used as a guide in the present study. These may be enumerated as f oUows : (1) A profound fault displacement with the downthrow on the west extending from one of the northwest-southeast faults of the Tehachapi Mountains, possibly the Poso Creek fault, northerly' along a line which passes in the vicinity of Corcoran, IMendota and Trac3^ (2) The block displacement along this line has cau-sed both blocks to rise toward tlie north, the depth to marine sediments of a given age, which has no indication on the surface, becoming increasingly greater southerly. (3) General uplift of the Sierra Nevada, raising their western flank to elevations above sea level. (4) Possibly some additional folding due to compression of the beds west of the fault, raising portions of the buried marine sediments closer to the present ground surface. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 533 (5) A long period of stability during late Tertiary and Pleistocene time during which detrital material was carried do"WTi to the valley, Iniilding up a great valley plain to heights well above sea level, followed I'v a subsidence (still in progress) in the valley area along the valley iault, causing the Sierra streams to achieve new base levels and favor- ing the erosion of their older alluvial cones nearer the mountains and deposition of modern alluvium at lower elevations, which all presented : (6) A rugged or uneven topography now partially buried by the more or less uniform geologically modern sediments of the San Joaquin A'allej^ plain. Valley Sediments. The sediments that lie beneath the floor of the San Joaquin Valley \ary somewhat in their physical characteristics and density through the upper thousand feet, and the mineral content of the waters con- tained therein vary with the conditions under which they were laid (lown and the physical character of the sediments. The material Irought from the Sierra was carried into bodies of water. The heaviest Injulders and gravel were dropped close to the Sierra shores, building up a subaqueous delta, which, as it grew in proportion, finally extended as a land body into the water body. Great thicknesses of finer s(^diments, however, were first distributed over the bottom of the inland branch of the sea and later over the bottom of the large fresh water lakes which occupied the San Joaquin Valley trough. Off-shore currents sorted and distributed these sediments into thicknesses of sands and rlays. Upon consolidation, which varied with the age, the beds changed to loosely cemented sandstone and shale and entrapped the waters, salt or fresh, in which they had been deposited. The San Joa(iuin River and its northerlj^ lying tributaries have l^een sufficiently constant in carrying large quantities of water to main- tain an open drainage channel through the San Joaquin Valley to Suisun Bay. The extensive deltas of the Kings, Kaweah and Tule rivers have continuously built land bodies outward into water bodies t lom the Sierra foothills and recent alluvial deposits have covered over the older formations exposed to the north and south. At Lindsay, wells of a few hundred feet in depth penetrate to or into marine deposits and yield salty water. Between the Tule and Kern rivers there is no important drainage. Tertiary beds of soft sandstone, clay and gravel .bordering the Sierra are there exposed. The Kern River is intrenched lin its upper valley portion in these older formations, but has built up a 'great alluvial delta over the southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley. During the period of sedimentation, while the marine conditions were being displaced by water conditions, the sediments laid down were those embraced within what is now known as the Tulare tV)rmation. The base of the formation is marine in origin and yields (fossil shells and salty water. It differs from the older formations, so ■far referred to, in that the origin is in ])art marine, in part fresh water and in part probably snbaerial. It is marked, at its marginal jiositions along the valley, by the prevalence of prominent beds of boulder gravel, \\liich is more coarse and abniulant than in any of the Tertiary forma- tions. It probably marks the transition from salt to fresh water condi- tions to the establishment of present land conditions. Distortion, tilting i 534 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES I and displaeomciit contimiod for a loiip: period over the Coast Rangel region and the TuUire formation, in its later suhaerial and fresh water* phases as well as marine, is raised and exposed in the Kettleman Hills. This formation is slightly consolidated, but otherwise it does not vary in its physical characteristics from the alluvial material which makes up the present surface of the valley floor. Surface Topography. The more recent geologic history is revealed to some extent by th^ present surface topogra|)hy of the valley. The history of the Sierra streams has changed with the occurrence of crustal movement an( climatic changes. Prior to the late Tertiary uplift, Sierra slopes were gentle; sedimentation took place in part upon land surfaces and grea^ bodies of sand and gravel were deposited by the streams along theil channels. After the disturbance, the streams cut new channels, aban^ doning these old sand and gravel bodies, some of which had beer buried by lava flows. These bodies are known as the Tertiary gravelsl from which gold has been obtained through placer mining develop- ments. The more southerly Sierra streams became rejuvenated and, with increased slope, their powers of erosion were greatly increased. All the Sierra streams, and Coast Range streams as well, have carried far greater quantities of water and enormously greater loads of sediment than they now carry. The climate over the region during early Quaternary time was cold and humid. Great ice sheets protruded far into the United States and glaciers of the Al])ine type covered the high Sierra. The melting of the glaciers, as the climate tended to the semi-arid, established the Sierra drainage and great quantities of sediment were carried into and through the San Joaquin Valley trough from the Sierra. In the past, as now, rainfall decreased soutlierly. The streams south of the San Joaquin Hiver were less constant in flow, subject to wide variation seasonally and within the season as to quantity of water carried. Glaciers were not as heavy nor did they descend to as low an elevation as further north. Hence through drainage, as existed for the northerly streams, was not established by the Kings lliver and those to the south. Furthermore, few noi-thei-ly Sierra streams were opposed by any impor- tant drainage from the west, Avhile great stream deltas, such as those of Kings River and Los Gatos Creek, were built up in the south to oppose each other through deposition of sediments until they protruded above the surface of the sea and divided the valley into great basins. The fresh water of the streams was discharged into these basins, displac- ing the salt water until there Avere formed large fresh water lakes. The San Joafpiin River flows in a southwesterly direction to Men- dota, thence turns noi-thwesterly, probably controlled by the geologic structure, to collect the water of its tributaries. From the San Joaquin River north the surface topogra])hy reveals the past history. While fluctuating lakes existed in this region, they were better drained and were not the continuous and extensive features as were those to the south. South of the San Joaquin River, the Kings, Kavveah and Tule rivers and minor creeks, and the Keni River have built up great allu- vial fans or deltas at the base of the Sierra Nevada, on the east, while Ijos Gatos Creek has done the same thing from the west. The fans or SAN JOAQUIN KIVER BASIN 535 deltas extend into the Tulare Lake Basin and retain the water from these streams, at least temporarily, in the area. The sediments have been largely retained, resnltin<>- in the alluviation of an extensive struc- tural depression. Sedimentation has continued to build up delta barriers and raise the bottom of the fresh water lakes until the whole valley floor has been brought up to its present level and condition. The climate, tending toward the arid, has been characterized by wet and dry cj'cles such as are being experienced at present. The nortli- erly lakes, being better drained, were intermittent in character, depend- ing upon wet cycles for their lake characteristics and in dry cycles being reduced to swamps. Wind blown sand, carried over these swamps, formed the sand beds that, witli the next wet cycle, were covered by lake waters which deposited a clay bed over them. The intermittency of flow and the building up of delta barriers have favored the occurrence of more constant large bodies of fresh water south of the San Joaquin River. The surface of these lakes has fluctuated in elevation and extent with the occurrence and recurrence of wet and dry cycles, but they have been present to some extent during the process of the upbuilding of 'the valley right up to the present time. During dry cycles the stream deposits have been laid down over dry lake beds, and wind-blown sands liave covered dry lake or swamp areas and built up a broad level plain area through which many drainage sloughs passed. Between this plain and the Sierra foothill belt, in which the streams have entrenched themselves, are limited areas of stream built alluvial fans or deltas. AVest of the plain, north of ^lendota, there has been built up a piedmont sJope to the Coast Range which is fairly uniform and lacking in exten- sive alluvial fan or cone development. Throughout a long period of Quaternary time this process w'as proceeding until a great valley plain was built up to well above sea level and occupying the present area of the Sacramento and San Joa- (|uin valleys. Modern geologic time has been marked by a continued, i.iradual subsidence of the central valley area and San Francisco Bay urea, being greater in amount (over 300 feet) at the Golden Gate and decreasing north and south along the coast and along the valley fault. This subsidence has allowed the intrusion of sea water into the San Francisco Baj' and the San Joaquin Delta regions. It caused the Sierra streams to achieve new base levels and favored the erosion of their older alluvial cones at their apexes, leaving those surfaces as lioulder capped hills in the foothills and compact (]Madera and San •loaquin type) soil areas on the upper plains bordering the entrenched modern stream channels, with the lower plains being composed of a cover of open recent alluvial deposits (Hanford soil type) marking the -pologicalh^ modern alluvial fans of the Sierra streams. Well Penetration Records. The fresh water lake condition of the trough of the San Joaquin Valley has disappeared to some extent through climatic changes, but largely because man has diverted the waters which formerly passed directly down stream channels to replenish the lakes, and has spread them widely over the valley to be dissipated through evaporation and plant transpiration and absorbed by the porous sediments. The con- necting swamps have been drained through the excavation of channejs. 536 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Past conditions are readily discernible from the present surface tope ^raphv, and in addition lake bed, or, as they are termed, lacustrine materials, are uniformly broug:ht up from relatively shallow wells over the central portion of the valley. It is usual for the logs of wells in the trough area to show alternate beddinp: of sands and clays that, with depth, are consolidated into slialey or cemented, packed, or hard beds which can be readily identi- fied as indicatinfr lacustrine conditions. The clay beds, being lacustrine in origin, while not constituting a wide spread unbroken blanket at one level, are extensive and continuous in contrast to the higher lying and overlying lenticular bodies of clay found in stream-formed alluvial deposits. Furthermore, being laid down as finely divided mud under- neath water, they contain no living vegetable matter and are quite impervious in contrast to alluvial clays, which contain numerous open- ings due to shrinkage upon drying and the rotting out of rootlets and other vegetable growths. For that reason, throughout the east central portion of the San Joaquin Valley from Buena Vista Lake north, wells which penetrate to depths in excess of 100 to 150 feet enter into a horizon in which the materials were laid down, at least to 600 feet in depth, under more uniform conditions of lake bed distribution alternating with alluvial deposition. The materials making up this horizon, although permea- ble and saturated, resist the upward or downward movement of water so strenuously that for all practical purposes its shingle-like structure separates it from the overlying alluvium. The water originally con- tained in this horizon w^as so confined by the resistance of the materials to direct upward movement that it developed a head which a well, on removing the resistant material, allows to be registered as artesian fiow or water level. Similarly, when water is pumped from the hori- zon and the pressure reduced, provided the well casings are not per- forated at higher levels, the same resistance that developed the head prevents the surface ground water from lowering to the horizon drawn upon. The full thickness of the marine sediments is not known, but wells drilled in the valley have penetrated to them and into them, bringing up fossil evidence and producing water whose chief mineral constitu- ents are marine salts. Due to the fault displacement, the marine sedi- ments are reached at greater depth over the southwesterly ])ortion of the valley and in the Tulare Lake region than on the east side and in the north end of the valley, yet the deeper Avater wells on the west side and in the Tulare Lake region penetrate into beds of Tertiary age and yield salty water and carbonic and hydrocarbon gasses. Three wells drilled by the Associated Oil Company east of the fault on Sections 26 and 14 of Township 15 South, Range 18 East, and Section 35, Township 13 South, Range 16 Bast, which lie south and west of Fresno, to depths around 6000 feet showed that fine grained shales, sandy shale and coarse sand, without organisms, were to be found from the surface to about 4000 feet. This represents the Recent alluvium, Tulare and Etchegoin Pliocene formations, with probably the Recent and Tulare occupying the first 3000 feet. As the Tulare formation varies iu thickness from 2000 to 3000 feet along exposed sections near Coaliuga and cores were not taken above 1800 feet in the >o^ p SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 537 wells drilled, it is impossible to determine the thickness of Recent allu- vium overlying the Tulare from these or other oil drilling records. In fact, well logs are of little aid in this relation, as there is but little physical distinction between the two formations. GROUND WATER RESERVOIRS OF THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY It is apparent, from the geologic history of the region, that the San Joaquin Valley, as outlined bj^ its present-day surface, is not a unit mass of unconsolidated sediments which will readily absorb water passing over the surface and transmit it uniformly throughout and to great depth. Rather, it is made up of a great many aquifers of vary- ing types, which may consist of formations in whole or in part water- bearing. These aquifers all have distinctive properties in relation to the absorption, retention and transmission of water. They may be separated from each other laterally or horizontally, or both, by non- water bearing or relatively impermeable formations or parts of forma- tions; and there exist areas, horizons and zones in which the ground water contained has widely variant physical and chemical properties. For example, the water derived by pumping from the sand beds within the Tulare horizon or more recent lacustrine deposits is free to circu- late within them and has been and may be fed into them laterally from the coarse material of the upper or higher portions of stream deltas over wide areas which have free horizontal connection with those sand beds. Vertical replacement or replenishment, however, can only take place in the sand beds beyond the limit of their confining clay beds. This phenomenon has been proved through the physical effect of pump- ing for drainage from the Turlock Irrigation District south. Areas of the Valley Not Adapted to Ground Water Storage. The areas of the San Joaquin Valley adapted to ground water storage are those which will readily absorb the water passed over their surface to replenish water drawn from storage for irrigation use. Such areas can be defined broadly through the elimination of areas not so adapted. That area lying west of the valley fault, the eastern boundary of which is a line extending southeastward from Newman to Corcoran, with a width of five miles at Newman and 20 miles or more at Corcoran, is not adapted to the desired use. The waters from shallow wells in the recent delta deposits of the Sierra streams are uniformly soft, while waters from shallow wells on Los Gatos Creek fan and those to the north, which are fed by streams from the Coast Range, are high in sulphates and low in HCO:- and CI. The Tulare formation and marine sediments are reached at relatively shallow depths over the area and the deep wells — over 400 to 500 feet deep — contain no sulphates, but are high in HCOo, with the alkali bases exceeding the calcium and mag- nesium content. The deepest wells — from 800 feet up — are bringing up marine water high in chlorine and containing other toxic salts (JBoron). The soils of this area are inclined to be hard and contain somewhat impervious or hardpan layers in which the salts, including possibly those that are toxic in effect, have accumulated. Surface water spread in irrigation over this area must be kept in downward circulation and the area thoroughly drained by pumping 538 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES and "wasting the recovered water into the San Joaquin River, where it can be mixed Avith larpfe quantities of fresh water. Unless such provi- sion is made to keep the salt content down and remove it from the soil there will occur pronounced crop injury. It might be stated that with the use of well water in this area to date, with few exceptions, the salt concentration in the top soil has become sufficient to injure certain crops. The Tulare Lake bed area and its continuation southerly to the Buena Vista Lake bed area is not ada])ted to ground water replenish- ment. The encroachment of the deltas of the Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern rivers over the lacustrine deposits has superimposed recent alluvial sediments of shallow thickness, but as a general rule thickness sufficient to be adapted to ground water charge and recovery lies north- east of a line passing through Corcoran, Alpaugh, Semitropic, along Goose Lake Slough to Connor, thence eastward. Types of Ground Water Reservoirs. It might be well to consider the type and character of the recent alluvial deposits now occupying the uppermost thickness of the San Joaquin Valley in relation to their ability to absorb, contain and deliver water. First, the series of topographic depressions which were filled with water, either marine or through stream flow from the surrounding land. Material in suspension carried into the depressions was deposited and the material in solution concentrated by evaporation so as to be pre- cipitated. In this way the de])ressions in time Avere completely filled. Such deposits contain materials of sucli a cemented and compact nature as to be rendered relatively imi)ervious. Where a stream entered the bodies of water the current was checked, but not immediately stopped, at its mouth. If the stream carried abundant sediments, much of the heavier material Avould be dropped at the first checking of velocity and deposition Avould continue from the stream current as it became more and more checked and diffused through the body of standing Avater. At the same time the building up of tlie delta land tended to check the current in the upper channel and thus alluvial deposits, continuous with the delta, were extended landAvard. In the course of the upbuilding of such deltas in an inland branch of the sea or lake, crustal moA^ements that halt in deposition or changes in climatic conditions haA'e been such that the stream and Avind deposi- tions of sand are overlaid by still Avater deposition of coloidal material, forming a "clay blanket." This clay is composed of extremely finely divided rock flour and flakes, contains no vegetable matter in a living form, is high in mineral salt content, is extremely plastic so no cracks or joints can form and is practically impervious. Thus, there have been deposited a series of porous and permeable sediments lying in horizons and zones betAveen relatively impermeable materials. The east central portion of the valley is underlaid by such a series of alternating sand and clay beds, of botli the Tulare and later periods. In places the sand beds are a relatively small percentage of the vertical section. Further to the east the sand beds become coarser, and in places gravelly, and form a greater i)ercentage of the vertical section. The confined sand beds Avere originally completely charged, and the Avater 1 1 SAN JOAQUIN KIVER BASIN 530 contained therein was under artesian pressure. Draft from wells pene- trating the artesian horizons has lowered the water level to far below ground surface. The raising of the ground water level over areas which undoubtedly are the sources of water and hydrostatic head of these artesian waters has not had the effect of restoring the artesian conditions. The Sierra foothill belt surface is made up of a series of soils which might be termed residual, as distinct from the stream deposited alluvial soils in that their origin is through the weathering and modi- fication of older Tertiary sediments and rocks of many varieties. The top soil is modified by vegetation and cultivation, but the subsoil is heavy textured and compact, containing harpan layers and seams of calcareous material. At lower elevations these soils represent the surface of earlier (Pleistocene) stream deltas below which the modern streams have cut. The soils are the compact Madera and San Joaquin type, having a. red color which distinguishes them from the modern alluvium, but in drilling samples the differentiation is difficult if at all possible, because both produce sands consisting of quartz grains with undecomposed fragments of feldspars and flakes of mica. With increasing age the decomposition or oxidation of the ferromagnesium mineral flakes contained in the older alluvium near its surface provided the iron oxide which gives it the characteristic color and acts with calcium carbonate as a cementing material which has caused the forma- tion of an "iron" hardpan in the upper thicknesses. Beyond the reach of oxidizing agencies the color is not marked, except where ground water circulation through certain gravel and sand channels or members has carried on the oxidizing and cementing processes, thus sealing otherwise good aquifers. As a whole, the formation is largely made up of the products of decomposition, kaolin (clay) from the feldspars which fill the interstices between the stable quartz fragments, and is not one which absorbs water readily, nor does it yield water freely to wells, in large quantities. The surface soils, with their hardpan con- tent, will not freely absorb surface water or pass it underground. Consequently water is shed and drainage patterns develop as stream valleys or streamways eroded in the predeposited alluvial material, and sediment transported by these minor streams is deposited in their beds within the confines of close spaced banks or over adjoining areas as a thin veneer of open textured sands. With changes in amount of stream flow or grade of the channel, these deposits accumulate in the streamway with the subsequent stream flow passing over their surface. In this manner limited absorptive areas of shallow depth are formed but they are not of general economic importance in connection with the present study. It is apparent, that the underground storage capacity, sub.ject to the greatest charge and recharge from surface water sources, and best adapted to the desired uses, will be limited largely to the geologically modern alluvial deposits. Their extent is shown generally on Plate B-I and comprises the modern alluvial fans of the major Sierra Nevada streams of the San Joaquin Valley, the alluvial slopes or plains formed by the mergence of these fans with each other, flood plain terraces bordering these streams in their upper entrenched channels, and the present and recently abandoned streamways. .J40 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Tlie modern alluvial fan deposit can be characterized as a hetero- geneous mass of fragrmental stable rock material which is the product of disintef?ration rather than decomposition, containing: limited lenses of well assorted sand and '5-\'\.*'''i\ .^ !^ i\ /\ \ A J. / V. 544 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES trenches aud form underflow conduits previously described. The well logs of the area show the modern alluvial fan of Tule River and the accumulation of sediments bordering the Tulare Lake bed to have attained sufficient thickness to constitute an important ground water reservoir. Taking into consideration all types of ground water con- tainers, the surface area totals 322,000 acres. The greatest water table lowering during the past twelve years occurred over those portions of the area where the water entrapped in the older sediments, which are not subject to ready replenishment, has been withdrawn. Such areas will have to be served surface water to satisfy the irrigation demand. The surface watershed directly tributary to the area is limited and the run-off therefrom has been negligible during the past twelve j^ears. Tule River the main stream of the area including South Folk had a mean daily flow of but 112 second-feet as against 272 second-feet for the period 1905-06 through 1916-17. The average depth of the water table below ground over the absorptive area considered, based on the 1929 level, is 56 feet, allow- ing 46 feet of storage space between elevations ten feet below ground surface and present water level. Upon this basis 2,224,000 acre-feet of storage space are available. Pumping lifts of 100 feet are not uncom- mon in portions of the present developed area. Hydrographic Division 3. The modern alluvial fan of the Kaweah River merges Avith that of the Tule River on the south and the Kings River on the west and provides a highly absoiiitive body of material having a surface area of 308,000 acres. It is bordered on the east and northeast by an area comprised of older alluvium covered with modern alluvial veneer derived from Cottonwood, Yokohl and Le"\vis creeks and minor streams w^hich is limited in thickness and wddth. The water table level in these border areas has been drawn down, during the past twelve years, to elevations requiring high pumping lifts. Little replacement can be exercised locally, but water supplies can be stored underground in contiguous areas of more favorable character and dra\vn upon to serve the less favorable. Surface irrigation has main- tained a relatively high water table over that portion of the area bordering the major streams and covered by the principal or first right canal systems. Southwest of this area, irrigation draft has effected a considerable lowering since 1917. The mean daily flow of the Kaweah River for the twelve years, 1905-06 through 1916-17, during which ground water accumulation was had, equalled 707 second-feet. For the twelve year period subsequent to 1917 the mean daily flow dropped 40 per cent to 424 second feet. The average water level, as of 1929, was 36 feet below ground surface, representing a storage capacity to elevations ten feet below ground surface of 1,212,000 acre-feet. An additional lowering of 20 to 25 feet, on the average, pro%dded replace- ment provisions are carried on to assure somewhat average conditions throughout the area, could be accomplished if such be necessary to meet the requirements of a 100 per cent supply or complete ground water conservation. The balance within the area could be maintained by the establish- ment of well fields at points particularly favorable as to ground water storage capacity, accessibility to surface sources for replenishment, low land value and proximity to point of use. Four such local areas have ^ PLATE B-I - ^(' fct^* '*V- /i \0X[\ 'Ac- . r>\j x:i/;iTflAM< recoK N' SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 545 been examined on the ground. In addition thereto balance could be maintained by the diversion and spreading of surface water during times of excess flow over areas of heavy irrigation draft, and the pump- ing of irrigation water from ground water sources, over the area served by canals and ditches during the latter part of the irrigation season, could be practiced in order to maintain the water table below ten feet from ground surface as a drainage and conservation measure. The ground water stood at less than six feet below ground surface for the summer months of 1917 over an area of about 130,000 acres. The ground water discharge or wastage through evaporation probably equalled 150,000 acre-feet with accompanying alkali concentration. Hydrographic Division 4. The Kings River delta merges %vith that of the San Joaquin River and is bordered on the east by more indurated materials. The physiographic and ground water conditions of this division are very similar to Division 3 and present the same prob- lems as to maintenance of ground water balance. In 1917 the water table stood less than six feet below ground surface over a large portion of the area. Ground water discharge through evaporation from moist soils allowed wastage of large volumes of water and concentrated alakali salts in the top soil. The lowering of the water table to 1929 levels has rectified this condition somewhat, but lowering to greater depths below ground surface in certain areas would be beneficial and allow for more complete conservation of water through underground storage. The total absorptive area in the division is 996,000 acres. The average water table level (1929) is but seventeen feet below ground surface. The ground water storage available under present conditions is limited to 1,097,000 acre-feet. The Kings and San Joaquin rivers provide large quantities of stream floAv during wet cycles, the mean daily flow of Kings River for the period 1905-06 through 1916-17 being 3000 second-feet. The mean daily flow during the period of water level recession, 1917-18 through 1928-29, was 1800 second-feet about 60 per cent of the preceding period of the same length. In order TABLE B-2 STORAGE CAPACITIES OF GROUND WATER RESERVOIRS IN HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS 1 TO 4, INCLUSIVE, UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Gross absorptive area, in acres Estimated drainage factor, in per cent Depth of storage space, in feet Storage capacity, in acre-feet Hydrographic Division Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and 1929 water levels Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and assumed limits of pumping Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and 1929 water levels Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and assumed limits of pumping 1-.. 525,000 322,000 308,000 996,000 15 and 12J^ 15 15 15 * 46 26 7 50 76 50 53 "3,707,000 2,224,000 1,212,000 1,097,000 3,750,000 3,650,000 3, 2,300,000 4 8,000,000 Totals 2,151,000 8,240,000 17,700,000 •Not determine ••Estimated. d. 35—80997 546 DIVISION OF WATER RESOTIRCES to effect conservation or provide for 100 per cent irrigation supply, {iroiind water draft to the extent necessary to pull down the water table to an average depth of 50 to 60 feet below ground surface may be war- ranted at the end of a long dry period. San Joaquin River Drainage Area — Divisions 6 to 12, inclusive. Divisions 7 and 10 lie west of the San Joaquin River, the region previously eliminated from consideration as ground water storage areas. The divisions l.ying east of the San Joaquin River can be sub- divided physiographically into uplands, modern alluvial fans, valley trough ])lains and swamp and overflow areas. Of these subdivisions the modern alluvial fans and plains comprise areas over which the surface and subsurface soil materials have the requisite characteristics in relation to absorption and transmission of water which make them ground Avater reservoirs of economic importance. The upland areas are the higher Ijdng lands bordering and making up the low foothills of the Sierra. Considerable portions thereof are of alluvial origin, but have become somewhat indurated through age so that much of the rainfall upon its surface is shed, this run-otf in turn developing drainage patterns through erosion and filling or covering depressions on border lands with a thin veneer of relatively fine tex- tured modern sediments reworked from the older alluvium. The latter are limited in depth and width and, while comprising local absorptive areas subject to replenishment, they are not' important in relation to the broad extent of the uplands. The older alluvium making up the ancient stream deltas contains ground water derived from the streams that laid them down and held them as the formation became indurated. Furthermore, irrigation activities during the past 25 years have caused the water table beneath these lands to rise from 15 to 50 feet through slow absorption. Ground water has thus accumulated in storage over the period. However, wells drilled in the uplands generally yield water derived through slow drain- age of communicating permeable members at relatively low rates, and the stored gi-ound water is soon exhausted when heavily drawn upon for irrigation supply. It is not subject to ready lateral replenishment because of the low transmissibility of the media. Hardpan and compact clayey material is prevalent in the surface soil and causes the water applied to or falling upon the surface in quantity, to be shed rather than absorbed so that ready recharge can not be accomplished. The valley trough plain is to a large extent lacustrine in origin. It consists of absorptive top soils, with interbedded sand and clay to great depths. The clay members take up a sufficient portion of the soil column to reduce the drainage factor. They also prevent ready recharge from the surface. There exists, however, lateral replenishment to some extent. The fact that this area was formerly one of artesian flow and that the artesian water levels have lowered, although the water level over higher lying lands has risen or remains the same, indicates lateral replenishment is at rates less than the rate of pumping draft. Artesian conditions will only be restored with lateral replenishment in excess of draft for a relatively long period. The surface topography of the immediate valley trough is that l)roduced by swamp and overflow conditions. The surface soils range SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 547 from adobe to clay loam. Ground water is near the surface, but difficult to extract from the heavy fine material. Along the borders of this area w^ells penetrate few sand strata imbedded in dark clays. On the whole the swamp and overflow areas, which includes the delta island region at the northerly end of the valley, are to be eliminated from considera- tion as ground water storage reservoirs. Hydrographic Division 6. Division 6 lies between the Chowchilla and San Joaquin rivers in the region covered largely by the Madera Irrigation District. The Madera t3^pe soils predominate, but the hardpan characteristics of the type are limited to the top soil and not extensive enough to render it nonabsorptive. Wells of the region, of which there are about 750 producing between 1200 and 1800 gallons of water per minute for irrigation supplies, penetrate sand and clay strata and are landed at about a depth of 200 feet. There were about 81,000 acres of land, in the absorptive area of this division, irrigated in 1929, chiefly by pumping from ground water. This area has a total seasonal water requirement of about 200,000 acre-feet, an amount equal to nearly twice the natural ground water replenishment, for the period of ground water record, with the result that the water level has been ditopping an average of one and four-tenths feet per year since 1920. The water table of the fall of 1929 varied from five to 75 feet below ground sur- face, with an average depth of 35 feet below ground surface over the absorptive area. The surface extent of the absorptive area is 281,000 acres. The ground w^ater storage capacity available between the 1929 water level and an average level 10 feet below ground surface, on the basis of an 18 per cent drainage factor is 760,000 acre-feet. Pumping lifts of 75 feet now prevail over portions of the area. The utilization of the ground water storage capacity presupposses the recharge of that capacity by spreading of surface water in periods of excess run-off. Hydrographic Division 8. Division 8 is bounded by the Chow- chilla, San Joaquin and Merced rivers, its absorptive area, however, being limited to 146,000 acres. The Merced Irrigation District includes an area of 190,000 acres. A large part of the area is nonabsorptive. Over a portion of this, the excess irrigation water applied to the surface has raised the general water table to close to the ground surface and locally hardpan conditions have caused the swamping of lands by hold- ing water perched above the general water table. Pumping for drainage in this area is being practiced with varying results, one well yielding 800 gallons of water per minute and ha\'ing an effective radius of about one-eighth mile. Ground water balance over the nonabsorptive areas can be better maintained through control of surface water allot- ments to that necessary to produce crops without excessive waste. Con- sidering the irrigation district as a whole, the depth to ground water has averaged four and five-tenths feet below ground surface in 1927, five feet in 1923 and five and four-tenths feet in 1929. In 1929 about 80,000 acre-feet of water were pumped from drain wells and it is estimated that 90.000 acre-feet was pumped in 1930. The Merced District has a regulated irrigation supply with surface storage. Utilization of ground water storage is necessary as a protec- tive measure if not for conservation. In 1927 when ground water stood at its peak for the season, about 80,000 acres south of Merced and west 548 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of the Santa Fe Railroad required drainage. Ground water stood from three to five feet below the surface over an area of about 35,000 acres and less than three feet from the surface over about 10,000 acres. The area sufficiently impregnated with alkali to affect crop production is about 5000 acres. This condition has been greatly improved by expansion of the drainage well sy.stem. The surface extent of the absorptive area having an estimated 15 per cent drainage factor totals 129,000 acres and 17,000 acres lie within the estimated 10 per cent drainage factor area. Under present ground water conditions the avail- able ground water storage capacity is charged. With the present irrigation practice a pump extraction sufficient to lower the water table to eight feet below ground surface and maintain present drainage would require a rate of approximately 115,000 acre-feet per year for three years. Hydrographic Division 9. Division 9 comprises the area lying between the Stanislaus, San Joaquin and iMerced rivers which is served by the Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts. These districts also have a regulated irrigation supply. The control of irrigation deliveries is better practiced and less wastage of water is had than over the Merced district. During the summer of 1917 the water table stood at less than six feet (with an average of four) below ground surface over the irrigated area. Natural drainage is had through the Merced, Tuolumne, Stanislaus and San Joaquin river channels. Pumped drain- age also is practiced. The Turlock district, having the greater number of wells, pumped 84,400 acre-feet of water during 1929 and obtained an average water table six and one-half feet below ground surface in the fall of that year. The surface extent of the absorptive area of the division is 198,000 acres having an estimated 15 per cent drainage factor and 17,000 acres with an estimated 10 per cent. Under present water table conditions ground water storage is filled. In the Turlock district during the 1929 season, a gross surface diversion of 443,000 acre-feet of surface water served 134,000 acres of land. Of the quantity diverted, there was an evaporation loss of 9000 acre-feet in the distribution reservoir. The return flow was 159,000 acre-feet. The total net contribution was 275,- 000 acre-feet or 2.06 acre-feet per net acre irrigated. There was an average rise in ground water during this period of 0.7 feet. An average seasonal inflow of 1.9 acre-feet per acre irrigated would maintain a stable ground water level. Conservation could be effected by drawing upon ground water to meet the peak irrigation demand in amounts sufficient to maintain the water table below a level eight to ten feet below grotind surface. Hydrographic Division 11. The absorptive area of division 11 consists of the modern alluvial fan of the Stanislaus River, having a surface extent of 83,000 acres, of which 15,000 acres are estimated to have a lesser (10 per cent) drainage factor. The South San Joaquin Irrigation District has a gross area of 71,000 acres of which 54,000 acres were irrigated in 1929. In addition, 14,000 acres of nonirrigated crops received some subirrigation. The diversions into the district totaled about 225,000 acre-feet. In addition about 50 drainage weUs were operated and the discharge added to the irrigation deliveries. It SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 549 is estimated that the return flow was about 90,000 acre-feet, leaving 135,000 acre-feet of water to serve crop needs, be lost through evapora- tion and effect a net contribution to gi'ound water. The water table has been relatively high over the district since irrigation was inaugu- rated and protection and conservation warrants a heavy draft upon ground water during the irrigation season. Hydroffraphic Division 12. Division 12 includes the flood plains of the Mokelumne and Calaveras rivers, the absorptive area of which covers 104,000 acres. Tests made in the Mokelumne area give, as an average result, a drainage factor of about 10 per cent. The division is similar to No. 6, the Madera area, in that its irrigation supply is derived largely from ground water. Pumping draft has been in excess of replenishment, with a resultant water table lowering on the average of about one and one-half feet per year since 1920. The average water table in the fall of 1929 Avas 25 feet below ground surface. The ground water storage capacity between the 1929 -water level and a level 10 feet below ground surface equals 160,000 acre-feet. Summary of Hydrograpliic Divisions 6 to 1.2, Inclusive. Ground water storage capacity over the greater portion of the area is charged, under existing conditions of irrigation development, and can only be made available with the lowering of the water table through pumping draft. Pumping is now practiced for drainage purposes, but not to the extent necessary to create ground water storage which can be con- sidered of cyclic value. The total use of the surface water available in the ultimate development of the irrigable lands would probably necessi- tate some draft from the ground water storage of these areas. Upon the basis of 40 feet of lowering below the 1929 water table level at the end of a dry cycle, considerable ground w'ater storage can be made available and is so noted in the general summary. TABLE B-3 STORAGE CAPACITIES OF GROUND WATER RESERVOIRS IN HYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS 6 TO 13, INCLUSIVE, SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Gross absorptive area, in acres Estimated drainage factor, in per cent Depth of storage space, in feet Storage capacity, in acre-feet Hydrographic Division Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and 1929 water levels Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and assumed limits of pumping Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and 1929 water levels Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and assumed limits of pumping 6 281,000 129,000 17,000 198,000 17,000 68,000 15,000 104,000 *10,000 18 15 10 15 10 15 10 10 10 15.0 15.4 45.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 50.0 760,000 160.000 2,300,000 8. . 9 850,000 11. . 1,260,000 12 . 470,000 520,000 13 Totals 839,000 920,000 5,400.000 *Along stream channel not utilizable for ground water storage. 550 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE B-4 SUMMARY OF STORAGE CAPACITIES OF GROUND WATER RESERVOIRS. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Gross absorptive area, in acres Storage capacity, in acre-feet Hydrographic Division Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and 1929 water levels Between eleva- tions 10 feet below ground surface and assumed limits of pumping 1 525,000 322,000 308,000 996,000 "3,707,000 2,224,000 1,212,000 1,097,000 3,750,000 2 3,650,000 3 2,300,000 4 8,000,000 5 6 281,000 760,000 2,300,000 7 ... 8 146,000 215,000 850,000 9 1,260,000 10 11 83,000 104,000 160,000 470,000 12 520.000 13 Tol»ls 2,990,000 9,160,000 23,100,000 ' Estimated. ' Along stream channel; not utilizable for ground water storage. The data in the foregoing table reveal that the greater surface extent of absorptive lands and consequently the greater ground water storage capacity lie in the upper San Joaquin Valley or Tulare Lake Drainage Area. However, there is a deficiency of run-off in the upper San Joaquin Valley with which to charge this capacity, and while the lower San Joaquin has an excess surface run-off above that necessary to serve irrigable lands with which to charge ground water storage, .storage capacity does not exist under present ground water conditions in divisions 8, 9 and 11. The ultimate development of all irrigable lands in tlie San Joaquin Valley will require the absorption of excess run-off (above irrigation demand) into ground water storage and draft from ground water during periods of deficient run-off in order to meet the irrigation demand. APPENDIX C GEOLOGICAL REPORTS ON DAM SITES IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN by Hyde Forbes Engineer Geologist December, 1930 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NASHVILLE DAM SITE ON COSUMNES RIVER AND MELONES DAM SITE ON STANISLAUS RIVER 'f'" Geography and topography [>■• ; • Jeiieral geology jJ:' • Geologic structure ^t''.' Nashville dam site 1 -^'J^ Melones dam site ^i.'' lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK v'.'^ General geology '.'.' ' Geologic structure =J.'^ lone dam site z^-7.rj:^--^-:\'^ ■' ' DON PEDRO DAM SITE ON TUOLUMNE RIVER AND EXCHEQUER DAM SITE ON MERCED RIVER •<^;-^ Geography and topography •?';-, General geology ■'*' Don Pedro dam site ?''- Exchequer dam site — "----r--%r:T-7 '''' ' BUCHANAN DAM SITE ON CHOWCHILLA RIVER AND WINDY GAP DAM SITE ON FRESNO RIVER i!''' ; General geology L'':'; Buchanan dam site i.'''' Windv Gap dam site — ■'' ' FRIANT FORT MILLER AND TEMPERANCE FLAT DAM SITES ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER [': ' General geology of region '■ii\ Geologic structure •? '; Detailed geology — Friant dam site oV4 Detailed geology — Fort Miller dam site •in4 Detailed geology — Temperance Flat dam site r)84 PINE FLAT DAM SITE ON KINGS RIVER 580 General geology -^^fi Geologic structure J«fi Detailed geology — Pine Flat dam site 588 WARD DAM SITE ON KAWEAH RIVER AND PLEASANT VALLEY DAM SITE ON TULE RIVER 503 General geology ['93 Geologic structure ^93 Detailed geology — Ward dam site 593 Detailed geology — Pleasant Valley reservoir 59fi ISABELLA, BOREL AND BAKERSFIBLD DAM SITES ON KERN RIVER__ 59S General geology 599 Geologic structure <'00 Detailed geology — Isabella dam site 601 Auxiliary dam site, B-1 fiOl Detailed geology — Borel dam site G03 Consideration of design to meet earthquake possibilities fi03 Detailed geologj' — Bakersfield dam sites 605 Plate C-I General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Nashville dam site on Consumnes River 554 C-II General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Melones dam site on Stanislaus River ':>':>'< C-III General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of lone dam site on Dry Creek 560 C-IV Location of diamond drill borings at lone Dam site on Dry Creek opposite 560 C-V General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Don Pedro and Exchequer dam sites on Tuolumne and Merced Rivers 563 C-VI General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Buchanan dam site on (;!howchilla River "x^T C-VII Location of diamond drill borings at Buchanan dam site on Chovvchilla River opposite 568 C-VIII General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Windy Gap dam site on Fresno River 570 C-IX General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Temperance Flat, Fort Miller and Friant dam sites on San Joaquin River '<'" C-X Ijocation of diamrmd drill borings and test pits at Friant dam site on San Joaciuin River opposite :>.''' C-XI General topographic and geologic features In the vicinity of Pine Flat dam site fin Kings River '•^" C-XIT Location of diamond drill borings at Pine Flat dam site on Kings River opvosite "iIhi C-XIII General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Ward dam site on Kaweah River ' ' ' C-XIV General topographic and treologic features in the vicinity of Pleasant Valley dam site f>n Tule River •">■'" C-XV General toprigraphic and geologic features in the vicinity of Isabella dam site on Kern River '"- C-XVI General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Borel dam site on Kern River C>^^ ( 5o2 ) GEOLOGIC REPORTS ON DAM SITES IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN NASHVILLE DAM SITE ON COSUMNES RIVER AND MELONES DAM SITE ON STANISLAUS RIVER The object of the investigation of the Nashville dam site on the Cosumnes River and the Melones dam site on the Stanislaus River, the general topographic and geologic features of which are shown on Plates C-I and C-II, was to determine the general feasibility of con- structing relatively high dams (270 feet at Nashville and 460 feet at Melones) at these sites or to locate more favorable sites in the vicinity and estimate the stripping necessary for consideration in preliminary estimates of cost. No exploration was had at either site, nor was the geology mapped in detail. Sufficient observation was made to cover the object stated, that is, to determine the kind of rock occurring at the dam sites, how it originated, its present position and strength, its structural weaknesses and the effect of weathering upon it. Geography and Topography. The dam sites examined lie in the Gold Belt of California, the Nashville site upon the Cosumnes River five miles north of Plymouth and the Melones site upon the Stanislaus River eight miles south of Angels Camp. The topographic and geologic features at both sites are similar. Drainage has developed topographic ridges and draws striking northwest-southeast and controlled by the prevalence of bands of rock varjang in hardness and resistance to erosion. The" drainage joins to form the major streams which have cut gorges across the strike of the resistant rock ridges in attaining a westerly course. This gorge development provides dam sites with reasonable crest lengths for proposed heights above stream beds of the dams under con- sideration. General Geology. The Sicrran bedrock complex (so called in the IT. S. Geological Survey folios) attains its greatest complexity in the Gold Belt. It is described by F. L. Ransome, geologist, in Folio 63 as follows : "The bedrock complex consists of both sedimentary and igneous rocks. The sedimentary rocks were originally beds of mud, sand and gravel. They represent the mechanical waste of ancient land surfaces which were long ago deformed and have been carved by erosion into new forms or buried imder later sediments and perhaps partly fused by invading, deep-seated igneous intrusions. The sediments derived from this old land mass remain, but the land mass itself has disappeared during the slow progress of geological change. Carried down by the streams, this material was spread by waves and cvirrents over the sea bottom in nearly horizontal layers. There were periods of volcanic activity during the deposition of these earlv sediments. Igneous material, thrown out either as loose fragments or as volcanic mud, was also spread over the sea bottom, accompanied probably by flows of molten lava. These beds and the associated volcanic rocks have been folded and compressed chiefly in a northeast-southwest direction, and have been irregularly introduced by masses of igneous rocks, such as granite, dinrite and gabbro. The sedimf^nts have been hardened .and changed by the long-continued action of imderground solutions, the pressure and movement of folding, and the heat of igneous intrusions until they often bear no resemblance to their original condition. The bedrock complex is therefore made up of both sedimentary and iffneous rocks. It is an intricate assemblage of many different kinds of rocks, differing considerably in age. It contains orobably more than one sedimentary series, as that term is commonly used in geology. For these reasons it seems best to speak of it as a complex." ( 553 ) m 554 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATR C-T GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF NASHVILLE DAM SITE ON COSUMNES RIVER SCALE OF MILES O 1 2 3 4 LEGEND V//////A Calaveras formation Diabase k\\\\vo3 Mariposa formation SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 555 PLATE C-II GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF MELONES DAM SITE ON STANISLAUS RIVER SCALE OF MILES 1 2 3 4 =1 LEGEND I Diabase I 556 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES In the vicinity of the dam sites the rocks of sedimentary origin consist of a body of grey colored clay slates, with well defined cleavage planes which may or may not conform to the original bedding planes. At the Nashville site the contact between the slates and the rock of igneous origin lying downstream therefrom is fairly well marked. At the Melones dam site the slates gi-ade downstream into thin bedded rock, which probably originated as tuff, and more massive rock Ls found farther down stream through Iron Canyon. The rocks of igneous origin have undergone considerable alteration due to the stresses to which they have been subjected and the passage of gasses and solutions through them. The metamorphism is profound and has resulted in hard crystalline rock masses, which have been desig- nated diabase and porphyrite in previous reports, following the term- inology used in the early reports of the United States Geological Survey. The term diabase includes original beds of loosely consoli- dated tuff and volcanic breccia, which have been altered by the develop- ment of secondary green basic minerals so that the whole has been converted into hard ciystalline rock, as well as the more massive eruptive or intrusive green rock containing small crystals of augite and magnetite in a glassy ground mass. Geologic Structure. In common with other Sierran regions, the original rock masses here have been folded and compressed into bands which strike north- west-southeast. The stresses were so intense that the sedimentary rocks were altered to slates and schists in which were developed cleavage and schistocity planes along which the rocks part readily into thin slabs or plates. The same stresses transformed the volcanic tuff beds into some- what thicker schistose bands and the extrusive or intrusive rocks into more massive bands of rock. Such open joints and faults as developed during the period of folding have been closed and healed by the deposi- tion of secondary quartz so the mass at reasonable depth below ground surface is sound. Subsequent crustal movement developed stresses which caused the mass to joint without parting or movement of the joint walls. No active faults are known. Nashville Dam Site. Big Indian Creek and the North Fork of the Cosumnes River have eroded their gorges along the contact between a grey colored slate and a formation of igneous origin. Erosion has carried the stream beds into the slates to their juncture with the South Fork, where they turn at right angles to traverse the igneous rock. At the contact, the igneous rock is a coarse textured green rock containing large tabular crystals of augite and hornblende, termed porphyrite. This continues down- stream for about 500 feet, becoming finer textured until it merges with. a close textured green rock diabase, consisting of small crystals of augite and magnetite in a glassy ground mass. The diabase is a more resistant hard rock and the stream through it has cut a narrow "V" shaped gorge with cliff profile to 125 feet above stream bed. The site is entirely satisfactory, from both geologic and topographic considerations, for a high concrete structure. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 557 The igneous rocks probably originated as flows over the surface of clay shale. The series of formations later were subjected to folding and distortion accompanied by intense pressures. These dynamic forces caused a hardening of the shale into slates, and recrj^stallization and hardening of the igneous series resulted in the present rock forms. The stresses caused tlie diabase and poi'pliyrite to become banded, with the bands striking north 40 degrees west across the stream and dipping almost vertically so that the same mass exposed on one abutment con- tinues beneath the stream to great depth and up the opposite abutment and probably for long distances across country. The massive rock has developed joint systems, the principal joint- ing striking with the stream south 60 degrees west at right angles to the banding and dipping 65 degrees from the horizontal. An inter- secting joint dipping north 60 degrees east about 80 degrees and a horizontal joint dipping due south about 10 degrees are the other main joints. Minor joints have developed in loose joint blocks, but are not profound features continuous in the mass. This jointing has weakened the mass so that, while rock appears continuously up both abutments, outcrops are joint blocks loosened from the mass. Their removal and the removal of underlying loose blocks probably would necessitate an average depth of stripping of 20 feet on the right abutment and 25 feet on the left. The joints are structural features which persist to great depth, but should be found closed and relatively tight at these distances below ground surface. The joint walls are sound and, should they be found to part, could be closed mth grout. The stream bed consists of fresh water-worn and potholed bed rock, which probably would have to be cut into an average of ten feet to produce an even surface and key in the structure. The joints in the fresh rock in stream bed are closed tight features and probably would refuse grout. There is no suitable construction material available at or in the immediate vicinity of the dam site. The spillway should be provided over the structure, preferably in the center, to discharge to stream bed over the fresh sound rock in the channel. Melones Dam Site. The topographic and geologic features at the Melones dam site are a duplicate of those existing at the Nashville site. The northwest- southeast drainage has developed along the contact between slate and altered rocks of igneous origin. This drainage joins and passes south- west across a more massive diabase in which it has eroded a deep narrow gorge. The site proposed for a high dam lies between an eighth and a quarter of a mile downstream from the present dam. It is the best site geologically and topographically in this section of the stream. At this point lies a dike-like rock mass, consisting of a fine grained, dark green diabase which is banded, the bands striking north 40 degrees west across the stream with the trend of the topographic development. The stream has developed a deep *'"V" shaped gorge with cliff profile (called Iron Canyon) through the mass. The right abutment has rock outcropping to the crest of the ridge with uneven eroded surfaces. The left abutment consists of fairly uniform steps at the lower levels, 558 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES developed along major joints which dip due west 25 degrees from the horizontal, and an uneven rocky slope to the top. An intersecting joint dipping north 70 degrees east 80 degrees also is well developed, but the multitude of minor joints found upstream are absent from the diabase. Stripping allowance of fifteen feet on the average at right angles to the slope on the right abutment and 20 feet on the left abutment should provide for the removal of all loose material and reveal rock which, though jointed, could be rendered sound by pressure grouting. The width of the channel at stream bed varies from 30 to 50 feet. It carries some large joint blocks and probably fifteen feet of gravel over a potholed bed rock. The latter site in Iron Canyon fills all the requirements for a high concrete structure. lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK The lone Reservoir would be created by construction of a dam across Dry Creek in the vicinity of lone. The reservoir area consists of broad valleys and rounded ridges developed by post-Neocene erosion of a gently dipping plane which was the top of an accumulation of sedimentary beds lying along the base of the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The sedimentary formation contains but few resistant members, so the dam site available is limited to a relatively wide and heavily alluviated stream flood plain lying between two long ridges. The site, if occupied by a dam 120 feet high, would necessitate building two auxiliary dams in topographic saddles due north. The reservoir capacity so created would necessitate diversion of Mokelumne River water through a spillway now built as part of the Pardee Dam project in order for it to be utilized to fullest practicable extent. General Geology. The geologic development of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada is generally considered to have closed with the cessation of the great volcanic eruptions accompanying the Sierra uplift of Neocene time. During that period the streams were heavily burdened with detritus, chiefly in the form of ash, cinders and bombs of volcanic origin, and often to such extent as to become mud flows. This detritus reached the Tertiary sea, which occupied the great valley depression, was distributed over its bottom in rapid accumulation and was raised above sea level and became hardened as it dried and aged during Pleistocene time. The result was a gently dipping thick series of marine sedimentary beds of tuffaceous and siliceous shales, fine to . coarse grained tuffaceous sandstones, conglomeratic sandstone and conglomerate. This series of sediments are contemporaneous with the shore gravel found south and east of the reservoir site and the gold bearing Tertiary stream gravels found at higher elevations. South of the reservoir site the shore and stream gravel is buried beneath a capping of lava and tuff. Geologic Structure. Tlie streams, freed of their sediment burden and with steeper gradients, have cut down into the sedimentary formation and devel- oped the existing topograph}'. The topographic expression is the result of differential weathering and erosion upon an almost horizontal SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 559 series of sediments capped by lava and tuff south of the reservoir site and overlying diabase. No faults were found or are known to exist in the region. lone Dam Site. The general topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of this site are shown on Plate C-III. The sedimentary (lone) formation at the dam site consists of nearly horizontally stratified fine to coarse grained tuffaceous sandstone beds interbedded with siliceous shale members and conglomerate. The vertical section exposed along the abutment ridge, through which the stream has cut at the dam site, evidences all these phases as the result of the frequency in change of character of detritus carried to the region and changes due to crustal movements in the marginal areas from deep to shallow water and stream deltas. The uppermost bed is a conglomerate carrying water- worn gravel and boulders derived from the older rock of the upper watershed areas, as well as water-worn fragments of lava and pumice. About 75 feet above stream bed a tuffaceous sandstone, consisting of light colored ash and sand, is found on the left abutment, while a coarser grained and darker colored formation of similar character is found on the right abutment. This bed is underlain by a thick con- glomerate consisting almost entirely of volcanic fragments, some water- worn, in a matrix of tuffaceous material. Underlying is a thin bed (four to six inches) of siliceous shale topping another sandstone bed which varies from fine to coarse textured and conglomeratic laterally and vertically down to stream bed elevation. The cementation varies widely, some portions being difficult to break with a hammer, and upon submersion in water, while absorbing water, does not disintegrate or lose particles with rubbing. Other portions are readily broken, absorb water so rapidly upon submersion that it causes heavy effervescence of interstitial air and can be worked down with the fingers. As a whole, the formation is too "spotted" to make a foundation for a concrete structure, but entirely satisfactory for an earthen dam. Weathering has attacked the formation with varying results. On the steeper side slopes sound rock is exposed or exists under shallow soil cover. On the upper slopes and crests of ridges a red-brovni clay soil containing gravel and cobbles exists, probably at an average depth of ten feet over sound rock. The stream has cut a "U" shaped trench with a fairly wide bottom covered by flood plain material, which prob- ably has an average thickness of 35 feet over sound rock. Exploration of the dam site was made by Stephen E. Keiffer, con- sulting engineer. A descriptive log of the holes is appended to this report. Their locations are shown on Plate C-IV. A. "Werner Lawson, geologist, reported to Mr. Kieffer of the site and analyzed the cores as follows: "For the of determining: the character of the flat lying strata beneath the valley floor several vertical diamond drill holes were bored into It along the line of the proposed structure. These penetrated the bedrock to a depth of 50 feet beneath the alluvial covering. The cores from the bore-holes show the rocks beneath the valley to be of essentially the same character as those exposed in the sides. They are alternating strata, varying from fine to coarse textured, hard to relatively softer, but firm, well compacted sandstones and dense, well compacted sandy clays. Owing to the variations in character of the material forming the rocks at the dam site, both in its horizontal and vertical distribution, no large part of the structure will be of the same kind of material, or on the same stratum." 560 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE C-III GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK SCALE OF MILES O 1 2 LEGEND } Underlying diabase tiedrock complex 1 In lone • sandstone - shale conglomerate - terttary ^//// \ Volcanics - tava and tuff- tertiary H i it m Stream and shore gravels - tertiary PLATE C-IV tu UJ oc ~ o ". >■ 2600 2800 3000 3200 340C 3600 3800 LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK BORINGS MADE IN 1924 560 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE C-III GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK SCALE OF MILES O 1 2 LEGEND ^ Underlying diabase hedrock complex J) lone - sandstone - shale conglomerate - tertiary Y///A Volcanics - lava and tuff- tertiary Stream and shore gravels • tertiary PLuiTE C-IV / . r\ ^~ ""^ -—-^ p. UJ / . UJ , / ^^ --._ ? OFlLt B ^ ^5 i^ ' ^'''7 "-4- - 1 1 200 400 600 800 lOOO I200 1400 1 GOO I BOO 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 300O 3200 3400 3600 3800 Length .n feel PROFILES A AND B LOOKING UPSTREAM LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT lONE DAM SITE ON DRY CREEK BORIMGS MAO£ IN 1924 PLAN OF DRILL HOLES FtET 400 SOD If ooc OSS — oos I 021 n 'J c JWJ ooa ~1 -*r, , 10 HAJeolo<^-ic feasibility of raising these structures. The results of previous geological examinations were made available in reports of A. J. Wiley on Don Pedro Dam and that of Herbert N. Witt, consulting geologist, upon the geology and results of diamond drilling of the Exchequer dam site. No additional exploration was had, nor was the geology mapped in detail at either site. Geography and Topography. The geography and topography is shown on the Sonora Quadrangle sheet of the U. S. Geological Survej^ attached as Plate C-V. The dam sites lie in the stream canyons just above the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, the ridges of the region reaching an altitude of little over 1,000 feet above sea level. At the dam sites the rivers have a southwesterly trend through restricted gorges cut across the northwest-southeasterly Trending ridges. Above the dam sites the drainage, for the most part, follows the topographic trend, and wider valleys, which provide reser- voir areas of considerable capacity for the height of dam proposed, have developed. General Geology. The general geology of the area is published in the Sonora Folio of the U. S. Geological Survey. Briefly, the rocks of the region are of many kinds and occur in complex associations. In origin the}' are, within relatively short distances, in part sedimentary, in part volcanic, being the products of igneous eruption and extrusion, and in part igne- ous intrusions. All have subsequently suffered considerable displace- ment, compression and alteration. The original structure, clastic, frag- mental, or massive igneous, as the case may be, is lost in folding and banding, due to compression, and the primary minerals are changed to alteration products through recrystallization under the to which the rock nuisses were subjected, so that petrographic distinctions are extremely difficult and of little value to the engineer. The prin- cipal questions of interest are the soundness of the rock mass and the extent to which weathering has attacked and weakened the rock surfaces. Don Pedro Dam Site. The stream gorge, at the upper end of which is constructed the present Don Pedro Dam, begins at the contact between slate and a rela- tively thin bedded green rock which is probably a metamorphosed tuflf. Just beloAv the present dam the rock layers have been sharply folded and somewhat faulted along joint planes. The upstream leg of the fold upon which the dam rests dips more gently. The folding, however, weakened the rock mass to the extent that weathering attacked it and left hut a low ridge on the right abutment. Therefore, the topographic development and geologic structure prohibit construction of a higher dam on the site of the present one. J I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 563 PLATE C-V GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF DON PEDRO AND EXCHEQUER DAM SITES ON TUOLUMNE AND MERCED RIVERS SCALE OF MILES 01 2 3 4 5 6 LEGEND l?;'i-£-i"ii:--Jil Shore and rivtr gr«v«U lil lUM i ti J ) Gr«no - dIorlU and granlt* Martpo»a formation \ , j Porphyria Alluvium ^^^:^^^:^^;'^ Amphibellta ^^^^^H Serpantlno 564 DIVISION OF WATEK RESOURCES The westerly lo{? of the sharply folded anticline dips more gently progressively downstream and the cross jointing becomes less pro- nounced. The rock bands become thicker and more resistant to the attack of the weather and erosion, so the canyon walls rise higher. At a point about one-half mile doAvnstream from the present dam a thick bedded or banded series of rocks strike across the stream. The rock bands are somewhat vesicular at their boundaries and the petro- graphic characteristics suggest a series of basic lava flows, resembling rocks described in previous reports and termed diabase. The beds or bands dip south 25 degrees west 60 to 65 degrees downstream, or into the earth about 175 feet vertically in every 100 feet horizontally. The right abutment is somewhat jointed, and probably would require an average stripping depth of ten feet over the stream bed and to the top of the cliff line 150 feet above stream bed and an average of 20 feet from that point to the dam crest in order to remove loose joint blocks and reach reasonably sound rock in which the joints could be pressure grouted. The left abutment carries a heaAder soil cover and is somewhat wooded. Rock in place outcrops up a topographic draw, but on the slopes rock is found only as disintegrated joint blocks. Strip- ping allowance sliould be 15 feet to 150 feet above stream bed and 25 feet to the crest of the ridge. Two systems of joints are prominent, one following the strike and dipping northeast, intersecting the planes of banding, and the other a nearly vertical joint system cutting obliquely across the strike and along some of which there appears to have been some movement, now long dead. Such faults are healed with quartz, but topographic draws have developed along the fault zones. In order to take the best advantage of the topographic develop- ment, yet conform to the rock structure, the center line of the dam should preferably lie across the strike of the rock bands, where the bands are relatively thick. So laid out, the site would be entirely satis- factory for a concrete gravity or arch type dam. A spillway could be provided at the left end of the dam crest with but little excavation to control and carry the overflow to the river channel about 1000 feet downstream from the toe of the dam. There is no suitable Construction material available at the site. Exchequer Dam Site. The economic advantage of incorporating the present Exchequer Dam in a higher dam may counterbalance the excessive stripping that would be necessary up the right abutment to the top of the ridge. The rocks of the dam site have been described as the altered vol- canics of the Mariposa formation and later granular intrusives. Altera- tion, however, in places is such that the origin of the rocks is less obscure than any site examined in the Gold Belt. The rocks of the left abutment consist, upstream to downstream, of tuff beds altered to light colored schist and dark green amphibolite schist, with the planes of sehistocity striking north 40 to 50 degrees west, and along which the Cotton Creek topographic draw has developed ; then a series of ancient andesite breccias and andesite flows in which the alteration varies, but, although hardened and with the original jointing closed and healed through the introduction of secondary quartz, it resembles petrographi- cally the younger and softer Tertiary andesite flows and breccias found in other Sierra regions. I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 565 Diamond drill borings in this material resulted in good core recov- ery and satisfactorj'- pressure tests. Above the crest of the present dam the surface rock is considerably jointed. Stripping allowance of fifteen feet to 700-foot elevati(m and 25 feet to the proposed dam crest, on the average, over the left abutment should be sufficient. The right abutment presents a different rock type. The metamor- phosed andesite and andesitic breccias found on the left abutment occupy the stream bed and up the right abutment to about the 500- foot contour. Above this is found the metamorphosed basic lava and tuffs previously termed diabase. The diabase, a massive green rock, is exposed in the old quarry above the right abutment and outcrops at progressively lower eleva- tions over the surface to the present dam. Outcropping above the diabase is another series of metamorphosed andesitic flows and tuffs, somewhat schistose in places. The diabase is a very hard rock and diamond drilling therein produced better than 95 per cent core recovery. The rock outcropping above, and lying at and above the crest of the right abutment of the present dam, is softer, considerably jointed and weathered more deeply. Furthermore, an old fault, now entirely healed and along which it is unlikely movement will occur in the future, intercepts the right abutment at the crest of the present dam. This fault zone consists of considerably shattered rock in which the joint blocks are displaced. The diamond drill holes crossing the fault at depth in the gorge lost core at these locations and lost water under pressure test, but not to the extent that grouting could not rectify these difficulties. It is difficult to estimate the distance from ground surface at which sound rock will he found in the shear zone. It is limited in width, but may need as much as 100 feet of excavation. Exploration of this feature should be carried on before any final plans for a higher dam are con- sidered. For preliminary estimate purposes it would be well to allow an average depth of twelve feet stripping to the 700-foot elevation and 60 feet above that on the right abutment. BUCHANAN DAM SITE ON CHOWCHILLA RIVER AND WINDY GAP DAM SITE ON FRESNO RIVER The Chowchilla and Fresno rivers drain that portion of the Sierra Nevada watershed tributary to the IMadera area of the San Joaquin Valley. The Madera Irrigation District has, in addition to sites on the San Joaquin River previously reported upon, investigated, surveyed and partiall.y explored dam sites on these rivers. That on the Chow- chilla River near Buchanan is located in the southeast quarter of Sec- tion 20, Township 8 South. Range 18, M. D. B. and M., at stream bed elevation 410. The Windy Gap site on the Fresno River lies just downstream from Fresno Flats in the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 7 South, Range 20 East, M. D. B. and M. Both sites lie within the area mapped on the Mariposa Quadrangle of the U. S. Geological Survey. i366 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The topographic development of the region is the result of post- Tertiary erosion of the middle western slope of the Sierra Nevada. This erosion has developed drainage patterns which lack the regular arrangement of continuous parallel ridges and draws conforming to the rock structure in the more northerly Sierra regions and the prevailing course of the regional drainage is more south than west in conformance with the inclination given the western slope of the Sierra during late Tertiary time. The region is one of moderate rainfall and neither stream reaches far enough toward the crest to be snow fed in summer, so the stream bed is dry or carrying low flow over considerable stretches for long periods during the year. Atmospheric weathering keeps pace with stream erosion, so that the channels are bordered by gently sloping hills rather than stream cut canyons, the two dam sites occupying the only two exceptions noted. General Geology. The topographic development is due largely to the character of the bed rock of the region, which consists principally of pre- Jurassic sedi- ments into which granitic rocks have intruded. The original sediments are so altered that tliey liave been rendered crystalline with an increase in hardness. The altered rocks, where examined, consist principally of a black micaceous slate and mica schist. The granites preserve their original structure, texture and minei-al constituents, which vary con- siderably^ from place to place. The topographic development in the granitic areas has produced rounded hills and the conspicuous ridges are made up of belts of the metamorphic rocks. Buchanan Dam Site. The Buchanan Dam site, shoAvn on Plate C-VI, lies at a point where the Chowchilla River has cut through a rock ridge, consisting of mica schist, across the planes of schistocity. The schistose texture is fully developed, due to the alignment of thin sheet crj'stals of the bronze colored mica-muscovite alternating with sheets of minute quartz crystals.. Some facies of the rock contain the smaller crystals of the black mica-biotite and the schistocity is less marked, while others pre- sent Uirge inclusions of primary (|uartz. The whole makes up a hard ciTstalline rock mass containing lines of weakness or parting planes which strike across the channel and dip north 35 degrees east 75 to 80 degrees from the horizontal upstream. The site was pai'tially excavated over thii-ty years ago. revealing the same bands of rock carrying from one abutment across the stream bed and uj) the opj)osing abutment. The weathered rock surfaces .show parting along the planes of schistocity. In addition, the rock mass has developed three main joints, one dipping north 70 degrees west 80 to 85 degrees from the horizontal, one dipping sontli 40 degrees west about !18 degrees, and the other dipping south 80 degrees east 40 to 50 degrees, which cause the mass to break into rectangular blocks under weathering at the surface. At fresh expo.sures in the stream bed. the schistocity planes and joints are closed features. The condition of these lines of weakness below ground surface is revealed by diamond drill borings made for Madera Irrigation District. The locations of borings are I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 567 PLATE C-VI I GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF BUCHANAN DAM SITE ON CHOWCHILLA RIVER SCALE OF MILES 12 3 4 LEGEND V/////////\ Mica-schist 568 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES shown on Plate C-VII, and logs of the holes are given in the table below. The planes and joints appear from the logs to be closed features, except in a limited zone from 45 to 60 feet below stream bed where water was lost. The cores were not examined, but the rock type is such as to contain no joint openings that could not be closed by pressure grouting. Rock ovitcro])s continuously across the stream bed and an average cut of six feet should be all that would be necessary to even up the rock foundation and key in the structure. The same rock bands extend up both abutments to the crest of the ridge and present the best structure, Avith planes dipping upstream, for dam foundation. Partial stripping has been done and an average of ten feet additional stripping should be ample provision for sound foundation. Construction material is available in gravel bars above and below the site. The following data on foundation material including rock classifi- cations and logs of diamond drill borings were obtained from a report by Hariy Barnes, Chief Engineer, IMadera Irrigation District, who made an inspection of the cores obtained and studied the driller's dail}' records. Reference is made to four classifications. ROCK CLASSIFICATIONS BUCHANAN DAM SITE • No. 1 — A uniform close grained rock, liardness about five, classed as a mica schist. This rock shows the presence of considerable mica, but it is fairly heavy, compact and homogeneous, cores well and carries no evidence of disintegration or weathering. In places this schistose rock shades almost into a gneiss or granite, and occasionally may include a seam of very hard, compact and almost non- crystalline rock. It was the aim to carry each hole down until rock of this character was encountered. No. 2 — Mica schist, hardness about four. Coarser grained than No. 1, streaked with rust and may contain narrow seams or sheets of oxide with a general discolor- ation thereof. On the whole a fairly compact hard rock that cores well, but cores inclined to break where rust streaks occur. No. 3— jSoft, coarse, micaceous sandy rock. Much of this rock seem.s like a rotten sandstone, possesses laminations but no cleavage, and can be easily broken with the fingers. Yellow oxide streaks occur throughout, the rock being relatively light and apparently more or less porous. In some the mica occurs as rather large flakes, in other pieces it is almost microscopic, being practically a micaceous sand. Short cores obtainable, but easily broken or ground up by the bits. No. i — Includes the surface soil and weathered or disintegrated rock. Such rock as is included in this class is of a coarsely micaceous sandy nature, contains considerable yellow oxide and does not core well, the drill yielding small irregular fragments or else buttons. This rock is easily broken with the fingers and shows the results of exposure to water and the elements. Windy Gap Dam Site. At Windy Gap, shown on Plate C-VITT, the Fresno River leaves Fresno Flats through a gorge cut across a prominent topographic ridgo — Crook ]\Iountain-Potter Ridge^ — which locally is comprised of a black micaceous slate converted in part into mica schist, consisting of small crystals of the black mica biotite and quartz and representing the orig- inal sedimentary deposit into which the granite intruded and coni- pres.sed into bands and altered into a hard crystalline rock mass. The bands strike across the stream bed and dip nearly vertical, north 30 degrees east 85 degrees. In some of the bands the schistocity is hardly discernible, but others present well developed planes along which the rock cleaves under weathering. The schistocity and banding strike and dip the same, being caused by till' sMinc dyuainic stresses. Later co!n]>ression stresses, due to , crustal movement, have developed two major joints in the mass, one dip]iing south 20 degrees west 35 degrees and the other dipping south PLATE C-VII £ I -I J v^ • ^^^^ 1100 1200 1300 1400 150O 1600 LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT BUCHANAN DAM SITE ON CHOWCHILLA RIVER BORINGS MADE IN 1923 ooa OS a <->oe -oS^ 3 c ■( I ' -^ -r> at -V 8 ooe oos; oot ozt -I ooe IRQ to HAJ'^l r33T 00 : ^.-^ ^ ^,///* X/-' frr- SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 569 LOGS OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT BUCHANAN DAM SITE ON CHOWCHILLA RIVER, JANUARY, 1923 Depths, in feet Classification Material Description of formations and cores HOLE No. 101— 0-6 _ 1 1 1 1 Mica schist Ahoiit fifteen inchp^ of two and nnp-half inch rnrp 6-40.5 Mica schist was saved; to 2 was probably sand; 2 to 6 top boulders. Solid rock. Core shows an occasional close fitting scam. Quartz vein at 29. Solid rock. Occasional close fitting seams. At 54 feet a flow of water was struck. While the tools were in the hole and no water flowing into the hole from the drilling, underground water would continue to flow out the top. When the tools were removed it did not flow out the top, but while drilling hole Xo. 105, the water was lost at 54 feet and the water from 107 came out of 101. Hole No. 101 is lower than 107. Solid rock. Occasional close fitting seam. Indications of copper were very pronounced near the bottom of hole. Core shows some copper stains. \o core saved 40.5-76 Mica schist 76-98... Mica schist HOLE No. 102— 0-5 Sand and mica schist - Mica schist 5-10 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Close fitting seam about every four inches. Very close fitting seams occur about every eight inches. Core broken at 23 to 24 and more seamy. Hard rock. Few close fitting seams. Hard rock. Core some- what broken by blocking of drill. Core is very much broken up. Some of it coming out much like pebbles. Contains much mica, is of a darker color than the rest of the core in the hole and is seamy. Five feet of core saved . 10-40 40-51 . Mica schist HOLE No. 103— 0-12.... 12-18 Mica schist 18-43 Four feet of core saved. Slightly less broken than from to 12, but about the same amount of mica and the same color. Hard rock with a few close fitting seams. Hard rock with a few close fitting seams. No core saved. Drillers report shows talc and schist. There is no talc here. Of a light brown color, fine grained, with close fitting seams about every three inches. More broken and more seams near the top of section. Report shows seam at 23.5 feet. There is no indication of a seam in the box. Light gray color. Hard with occasional close fit- 43-51.5 Mica schist HOLE No. 104— 0-5 5-34 2 Mica schist 34-56 Mica schist 56-64.5 ting seam. Some broken at 49 to 50. Hard rock with a few close fitting seams. Two and one-half inch core. Three feet of core HOLE No. 105^- 0-8.. Mica schist 12-42 Mica schist saved. Close fitting seams running parallel with hole. V'ery few close fitting seams. Very few close fitting seams. (Note. — Water was lost at 48 and came up out of hole 101 on north side of river. No indications in Box 2 ofany seam at that elevation.) Very few close fitting seams. No seams 42-79 79-115 Mica schist 115-121.5 Mica schist HOLE No. 106— 0-5 Two and one-half inch core. Some close fitting seams. Hard rock with a few close fitting seams. Hard rock with very few close fitting seams. Two feet of core saved. What core is saved is No. 2. 5-37 Mica schist 37-57 Mica schist HOLE No. 107— 0-14 Mica schist 14-20 Mica schist very broken and seamy. Contains much mica, is broken into about two-inch 20-50 Mica schist lengths, and is full of small seams. Dark brown color. Lost water at eighteen feet. Some close fitting seams. Quartz seam at 30 and 42. Some close fitting seam:!. Core is somewhat broken at bottom of hole, caused by lack of water pressure. 50-59.. :uo DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES PLATE C-VIII GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF WINDY GAP DAM SITE ON FRESNO RIVER SCALE OF MILES O 1 2 3 4 LEGEND Mica-schist SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 57.1 70 degrees east 85 degrees at nearly right angles to the banding. These lines of weakness, shown in Plate C-VIIT, allow the mass to break into blocks at the surface under w'eathering. The same bands of rock outcrop continuously from the crest of one abutment, across the stream bed and up the opposing abutment. The joint planes are closed tight features over fresh stream bed exposures, and probably would refuse grout at relatively short distances below ground surface. On the abutments, weathering has loosened joint blocks from the mass and produced a soil cover which probably would require an average excavation of fifteen feet to reach sound rock. Rock reefs are continuous across the stream channel and an average of ten feet excavation below stream bed should be sufficient to provide a key way for a concrete structure or core wall for a rock fill or earthen structure, the site being entirely suited to either type. FRIANT, FORT MILLER, AND TEMPERANCE FLAT DAM SITES ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER The San Joaquin River drains the west flank of the Sierra Nevada and enters the San Joaquin Valley at about its center. Above the valley plain the river has cut a wide stream trench through the foot- hill area for a distance of approximately ten miles to the town of Friant, upstream from which the erosive development of the stream trench has provided narrower canyons with steep side slopes topo- graphically suited for dam site purposes. The lowest of these in point of elevation is the Friant dam site located about one mile above Friant in section 5, township 11 south, range 21 east. Another, the Fort ]\Iiller dam site, is located on about the north line of sections 34 and 35, township 10 south, range 21 east. The narrowest gorge and steepest cliff profile development on the lower river is found at the Temperance Flat dam site, which crosses the river at about the center of the north line of section 25. township 10 south, range 21 east. The toposfraphic development of the region investigated is the result of the Sierra Nevada uplift in mid-Tertiary time, with the river erosive activity or base leveling processes being of geologic recent time. Rocks of the Tertiary age have been cut through, with but small remnants now remaining, and the underlying geologically ancient basement complex formation, with its somewhat younger intrusions, forms the rock mass into which the stream is vigorously cutting and out of which the stream trench has been carved. The topographic development is entirely due to differential erosion on a crystalline rock mass consisting of material which varies in its resistance to erosion and weathering, rather than being controlled by geologic structure. Horizontal corrosion and weatliering has attacked the lesser resistant rock masses in places, widening the stream trench and producinsT gentle side slopes, but at the dam sites selected, stream erosion has proceeded more rapidly than atmospheric erosion of a more or less resistant rock mass and there the topographic develop- ment ranges from narrow canyon to gorges wath cliff profile. General Geology of Region. i The foothill region downstream from Friant consists of horizontal )r gently dipping beds of sandstone and clay-shale, exposed as the 572 DIVISIOX OP WATER KESOURCES capping of Table Mountain, overlying granitic rock. These beds are probably identical Avith the lone formation of Tertiary Age. The underlying rock, as exposed below Friant is a coarse textured grano- diorite consisting of quartz, feldspar and hornblende, with occasional dikes of true granite or granitic rock containing the mica biotite. Overlying this formation at Friant is a heavy deposit of river gravel and alluvium occupying the present stream trench and an old river terrace deposit somewhat higher in elevation than the stream bed. The formations were studied in sufficient detail and over an area wide enough to allow determination of their relationship to each other. This relationship is shown on Plate C-IX which purports to be generall as but little time was given to its preparation in the field. The Tertiary! sediments lie as a capping over the granite north of Friant. Thej terrace gravels are not distinguished from the present stream depo- sition, except by their topographic position. The rocks of the basement complex, or "Bed Rock" series of Pre- Jurassic age, so designated by the publications of the U. S. Geological] Survey, vary in origin and mineral constituents, but most have under- gone change due to dynamic and/or contact metamorphism. Dynamic! nietamorphism, due to the intense distortion and pressure suffered byj the rock formations during the great early (Jurassic) granitic intru- .sions, has, in this region, produced schists. The schistose structure .strikes northwest-southeast across the region and the mineral constitu-1 ents of the schists change in bands or zones from west to The' predominant bands consist of mica schist, wnth quartz schist bands included, and talc schist near the contact. The basin above the schist area is made up largely of coarse textured granitic rocks containing dikes of fine-grained grano-diorite, alaskite, hornblende rock, and a basic rock consisting principally of magnetite. In this basin is a deposit of subaerial tuff consisting of extremely uniform and finely divided volcanic glass known commercially as pumieite. This- deposit lies between 500 and 580 feet elevation and overlies disintegrated granite. There are also river terrace deposits overlying the granite. It is possible that in this region granitic rocks were intruded at two different periods, the earlier intrusion being the coarse textured granite of the foothills and Fort Miller basin and the later intrusion being the fine textured grano-diorite of the Temperance Flat gorge; or the grano-diorite may be contemporaneous with the granite intru- sion, and being closer textured was more resistant to weathering and more recently attacked by the stream through piracy of the upper San Joaquin by the Fine Gold Creek drainage. The latter rock is dis- tinguished by a fresh and sound api^earance in to the dis- integration and aged weathering which characterizes the surface of the basin rock. The dike rocks of radically different character also are absent and the whole presents a formation i-(>sistant to erosion and weathering. Geologic Structure. No faults of conse(]uence were observed nor are any known in the region. The overlying Tertiary strata lie nearly horizontal and indi- cate that the mountain range has been u])lifted without distortion or compression in more recent times. The joint planes and shear zones SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 573 PLATE C-IX ;• FRIANT *i)' DAM SITE GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF TEMPERANCE FLAT FORT MILLER AND FRIANT DAM SITES ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER SCALE OF MILES 1 LEGEND I - ■ I Alluvium and terrace gravets \^y/////.\ Tertiary sediments Volcanics Close textured grano-d)orite [^\\'\'^^^ Coarse textured granitic rocks Metamorphic series-mica schist I 574 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES I originating during the period of granitic intrusion are healed by the deposition of quartz and other infiltration products. Therefore any faults or sheai' zones in tlie rock masses are Pre-Tertiary, long dojid and thoroughly healed fractures. The earth stresses, due to the Tertiary uplift, produced new jointing common to all Sierra Nevada rocks. The formations ;ii'' broken by several systems of joint ])lanes, which are structural features persisting to considerable depth below ground surface without dis- placement along or parting of the joint walls. At the surface, rock blocks of varying sizes have parted from the mass along the joint planes and weathering has attacked certain of the joint walls, causing them to allow M^ater penetration and ett'ect some disintegration of the rock. The effect of this will be taken up in consideration of the detailed geology at each dam site. Detailed Geology — Friant Dam Site. The Friant dam site, occupies an area of complex metamorpliic rocks which has been given the general name of mica schist. This rock contains several facies of granitic rocks in which intense crustal move- ment, vrit\\ its accompanying pressures, have altered the original formations into gneisses and schists, accompanied by an increase in crystallization and hardness with the change in texture. The schistose rocks are those which predominate in mica, the brown muscovite being present in fairly large thin sheet cr\'stals in some faces, with very little or without primary (piartz, and with smaller crystals of the black biotite and quartz in others. The gneissoid rock might be termed a quartz schist, as large crystals of primary quartz predominate over the mica. Interspersed vrith the schist are rock bands in which the schistosity is hardly discernible and the rock is massive and close textured. These variations in rock character "band" the formation through variation in rock texture and mineral constituents, but, as all facies are perfectly crystalline, the mass is a strong fabric of inter- locking crystals without any apparent texture weaknesses. In the main the banding and schistosity strikes northwest-southeast and dips 50 to 60 degrees from the horizontal upstream, but the com- pressive forces which caused its development were such as to produce locall}^ tortuous or contoi-ted planes, which resemble shear zones and vary in strike to east and west and in dip to vertical and downstream. The angle of dip of the planes of schistosity is important in rela- tion to the strength of the rock as they arc lines of cleavage along which the rock parts. The compressive strength of the rock varies from about 12,500 pounds per square inch, with the load applied at right angles to the planes, to about 3500 pounds per square inch when applied at an angle of 45 degrees to the planes. As the planes dip generally upstream and the resultant of the weight of the dam structure and the arch thrust components is inclined and dips downstream the rock mass will present its most etTectual resistance to the combined stresses. The rock is somewhat jointed with the most persistent jointing striking across the planes of schistosity and dipping southwesterly about 40 degrees from the horizontal. Shear zones and spaces caused by the parting of the rock under the original compression are entirely SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 575 healed with secondaiy quartz filling-, and no open fissures should per- sist beyond shallow depth. The net work of joints encountered iu the cores is probably the result of the Tertiary uplift as they pass through quartz veins in the schist. The cores frequently have broken along these joint planes and most of the joints show water stain, but few are so open that water may circulate and, as the rock is stable and insoluble, there are none so enlarged through the action of percolating water to cause serious lealcage from a reservoir. On the whole the rock is one that resists erosion and weatliering to a much greater extent than the granite adjoining it. It lias long been exposed to the same agencies, yet sound rock is found at the surface in the stream bed and at moderate depths below the side slope surface. No extensive topographic draws, which would be evidence of zones of rock weakness have been develojjed on the slopes. The rock at stream level is fresh and water-worn with the develop- ment of small potholes. The jointing exposed is irregular and not continuous and there has been no parting or weathering along the joints in the fresh rock. In some bands of rock along the fresh expo- sures of the stream bottom and in the cores examined, the schistosity is hardly discernible and the whole is shown to be a sound crystalline mass. The character of the bed rock in the stream bed is nuissive, regardless of the texture differences. This massive rock contains some few joints which, in the cores, are stained to depths of 25 feet below stream bed, but, as the stain could very readily have been produced by capillary moisture, it is believed the joints are of no conse([uence in allowing uplift effect on a dam or leakage under it and probabh' would refuse grout. These observations, however, in no way obviate the neces- sity for drilling and testing through water pressure or pressure grout- ing the joint planes in the foundation rock and up the abutments as part of the construction program. The results of the core analyses, with detailed descriptions of phys- ical characteristics of the cored rock, are given on subsequent pages. In connection with this analysis a prediction is made as to the depth of stipping necessary and the depth to which joints, whicli will take grout, persist. The estimated limit of stipping is shown graphically upon Plate C-X, "Location of Diamond Drill Borings and Test Pits at Priant Dam Site." The bed rock forming the abutments on both sides of the river is the same, but the extent of soil and alluvial covering varies. The mantle of soil, consisting of disintegrated rock fragments imbedded in clay soil, which is the product of the decomiiosition of the rock, is rela- tively thin, ranging from one foot to three feet in the test pits examined. Underlying the soil cover, as revealed by the drill cores and pits, is dis- integrated or partially broken down rock, which at depths of eight to twelve feet below ground surface merge with sound rock containing joints the walls of M^hich have become somewhat disintegrated and Avhicli affect the soundness of the mass. The sound rock should be found along the limit of excavation indicated, and would require an average stripping of about 25 feet measured at right angles to the slope on the south abutment. The north abutment contains an old stream terrace which repre- sents the stream trench at a time its surface was 50 to 75 feet higher .s 576 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES than the present stream bed. The carving out of this trench channel should be similar in contour to tlie present trench and as the drill holes were not closely enougli spaced to definitely determine the contour it has been approximated in order to estimate the depth of stripping. Erosion had carried the gravels from the old channel down over the slope to the present stream bed. They are exposed in place to a deptli of seventeen feet in Test Pit 3 and the core record of Hole 17 nearby, ten feet deep in Hole 19, seventeen feet deep in Hole 18, and but ten feet deep in Hole 20. All the pits from 2 to 7 show terrace gravels in place or as a wash soil covering over the slope. The core of Hole 18 shows a depth of 54 feet before sound rock i reached, that of Hole 19 some disintegration of joint walls at 41 feet, and that of Hole 20 some disintegration of joint walls at 54 feet. It may be that stripping to a dei)th of 40 to 50 feet would be necessary over that portion of the north abutment occupied by the old terrace and it would be well to allow for an average depth of 40 feet stripping requirement over the entire north abutment in the estimate of cost. It is probable, however, that upon sliallower stripping and the drilling and testing of joints showing some disintegration, grout would serve to pre- pare and provide a sound rock mass for the abutment. The character of the bed rock is such as to be entirely satisfactory as foundation for a concrete arch or gravity type structure the full height of the proposed dam. The site provides a spillway location at the crest of the south abutment which would discharge the water dovni a topographic draw developed in the schist formation and into the stream about a half mile below the dam site. This schist formation is as resistant, below the soil cover and disintegrated zone, as the rock exposed at stream level. No exploration has been made as to depth to sound rock above Pit 25 at 600 feet elevation. Hole 25 showed sound mica schist at 30 to 40 feet below ground surface at a topographic saddle. The stream bed and terrace gravels are now being worked commer- cially at Friant and would provide a nearby source of construction materials. The following characteristics of rock and formations in open test pits, excavated during August and September, 1924, were compiled from records furnished by Harry Barnes, Chief Engineer, Madera Irri- gation District, and from personal examination in March, 1930. PLATE C-X is 2800 3200 3600 LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AND TEST PITS AT FRIANT DAM SITE ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BORINGS MADE IN 1918 AND 1922 576 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES than the present stream bed. Tlie carving out of this trench channel should be similar in contour to the present trench and as the drill holes were not closely enough spaced to definitely determine the contour it has been approximated in order to estimate the depth of stripping. Erosion had carried the gravels from the old channel down over the slope to the present stream bed. They are exposed in place to a depth of seventeen feet in Test Pit 3 and the core record of Hole 17 nearby, ten feet deep in Hole 19, seventeen feet deep in Hole 18, and but ten feet deep in Hole 20. All the pits from 2 to 7 show terrace gravels in place or as a wash soil covering over the slope. The core of Hole 18 shows a depth of 54 feet before sound rock is reached, that of Hole 19 some disintegration of joint walls at 41 feet, and that of Hole 20 some disintegration of joint walls at 54 feet. It may be that stripping to a dei^th of 40 to 50 feet would be necessary over that portion of the north abutment occupied by the old terrace and it would be well to allow for an average depth of 40 feet stripping requirement over the entire north abutment in the estimate of cost. It is probable, however, that upon shallower stripping and the drilling and testing of joints showing some disintegration, grout would serve to pre- pare and provide a sound rock mass for the abutment. The character of the bed rock is such as to be entirely satisfactory as foundation for a concrete arch or gravitj^ type structure the full height of the proposed dam. The site provides a spillway location at the crest of the south abutment which would discharge the water downi a topographic draw developed in the schist formation and into the stream about a half mile below the dam site. This scliist formation is as resistant, below the soil cover and disintegrated zone, as the rock exposed at stream level. No exploration has been made as to depth to sound rock above Pit 25 at 600 feet elevation. Hole 25 showed sound mica schist at 30 to 40 feet below ground surface at a topographic saddle. The stream bed and terrace gravels are now being worked commer- cially at Friant and would provide a nearby source of construction materials. The following characteristics of rock and formations in open test pits, excavated during August and September, 1924, were compiled from records furnished by Harry Barnes, Chief Engineer, Madera Irri- gation District, and from personal examination in March, 1930. PLATE C-X 3 400 1^ r^ I. i 5 - % z s I' PROFILE B J l\ 1 !i 11 ^j A./- N. ° ^PROFILE A \ ■^ %\ f ■■ ^AMumitf Foundallon Una ^ -"-N. ' ill n i f/ 9 El 1 ^^ Mil % K « 1 '■•.. 6 L.J;>s ^ i i r Hort: Hwtii.a.iiiK ■■■■ i« Ipi !• Tt... tw ■.« Length in feet PROFILES A AND B LOOKINC UPSTREAM PLAN OF DRILL HOLES AND TEST PITS fEET LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AND TEST PITS AT FRIANT DAM SITE ON SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BORINGS MADE IN 1916 AND 1922 'J ' oo;. d ill Lis t >^ ■ »f -^ °S ^4 t ^.x> 1 1 >'-~^ ' jH f . „v- noe '£ ■? t yfl / 3 ^ c Y En cr J b - oo« c (B O ' 13 OOfr u < in.a a -0^ 00£. 7Seu8 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 577 TEST PITS— FRIANT DAM SITE Pit No. 1, located by drill hole No. 13, elevation 505 more or less. Depth three feet, all hand work. One foot sandy loam soil, two feet of mixed gray and brown rock. Brown stain occurs irregularly throughout. No regular seams. Very micaceous, schistose texture, rock decomposition. Pit No. 2, located by drill hole No. IS, elevation 415, on lower dam site. Depth 25 feet more or less, all hand work, through clay and terrace gravels to bottom. Landed in brownish stained coarse-textured disintegrated rock. Pit No. S, located by drill hole No. 17, elevation 400 on lower dam site. Depth 25 feet, more or less, all hand work. Ten feet of soil merging into light colored silty hardpan. Landed on brown and grayish rock of irregular occurrence. Pit No. 4, located at old drill hole No. 4, elevation 418 more or less. Hole shot ; ten feet, more or less, deep. Six feet of sandy clay loam, then gray rock, micaceous, schistose texture. Close irregular seams throughout carrying brown stain. Pit No. 5, located at elevation 397 more or less, north of river. Hole shot ; seven feet more or less deep. Three feet sandy clay loam. Four feet brown and gray mixed schistose. Laminated, micaceous, coarse granular structure, almost decom- posed. Pit No. 6, located at elevation 388 more or less, north of river. Hole shot; eight feet deep. Three feet sandy clay loam, one foot clay hardpan, two feet dry packed silt, two feet gray rock. Coarse schistose texture, somewhat micaceous with laminations. Close irregular seams carrying brown stain. Disintegrated. Pit No. 7j located at elevation 374 more or less, north of river. Hole shot; seven feet more or less deep. One foot sandy loam ; two feet water washed gravel, sizes up to four inches, then six inches of stratified pure clay and three and one-half feet of gray and brownish gray micaceous crystalline rock with irregular seams and with brown stain irregular throughout. Disintegrated. Pit No. 8, located south of river, elevation 362 more or less. Hole shot; eight feet deep. Six inches of sandy loam. Rock grayish, stained with brown irregu- larly to eight feet. Irregular structure, seamy micaceous, schistose texture. Pit No. 9, located south of river, elevation 418 more or less. Hole shot ; eight feet, more or less, deep. Six inches of sandy loam. Rock gray, stained with brown for two feet, micaceous from three feet to eight feet. Brown stain in seams only, fine schistose texture. Pit No. 10, located south of river, elevation 454. Hole shot; eight feet, more or less, deep. Twelve inches of sandy loam. Rock grayish, coarse schistose texture, very micaceous, grades to fine schistose texture. Irregular close tight seams ; brown stain in seams, but occurring irregularly. Pit No. 11, located at elevation 512 more or less. Hole shot; eight feet, more or less, deep. Rock similar to that of Pit No. 10, but coarser and easier to break. Pit No. 12, located by drill hole No. 9, south of river. Hand work, eight feet more or less. One foot sandy clay loam, balance coarse grained decomposed quartz schist stained in irregular seams. Pit No. IS, located south of river, elevation 391 more or less. Thirteen feet deep, hand work. Three feet sandy clay loam, ten feet grayish stained rock, irregu- lar and very similar to Test Pit No. 8. Brown stain about two and one-half feet below this stain on seams. Pit No. li, located south of river, elevation 456 more or less, seven feet deep, hand work. Three feet soil and decomposed rock, three feet rather disintegrated rock with seams of decomposed rock and soil. Brownish stained rock, slab like structure at bottom. Bottom rock of decomposed' fine grained schistose structure. Pit No. 15, located south of river, elevation 504 more or less, by drill hole No. 4. Hand work, eight feet deep. Twelve inch soil ; gray micaceous rock, much better than Test Pit No. 14, interspersed with brown irregular rock, with admixture of quartz, etc. Close seams carrying brown stains. Pit No. 16, located south of river, elevation 544 more or less. Very micaceous, brownish, schistose rock, stained throughout, tight seams on schist structure, lami- nated, but fine texture. 37 — 80997 578 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES LOGS OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT FRIANT DAM SITE, 1918 Location of Drill Holes Shown on Plate C-X Hole Direction Depths in feet Description of formations and cores HOLE 1 Vertical 0- 8 Surface dirt and boulders. 8- 11 Dirt and decomposed rock; landed casing at eleven feet. 11- 20 Soft schist. 20- 30 Schist, getting harder, micaceous. 30- 50 Schist, ess mica, nearly full core. 50-109 Schist, practically full core. HOLE 2 45° under river.. 0- 10 Sand, clay and boulders. 10- 14 Schist, full core. 14- 17 Schist; hole cased 5-10; landed. 17- 92 Schist, full core. 92- 93 Soft and lost water. 93-105 Schist; cemented hole to hold water. . 105-141 Schist with quartz admixture. 141-221 Schist and quartz schist. HOLE 3 Vertical.. 0- 6 Decomposed schist, too soft to core. 6- 17 Schist, too soft to core; landed casing. 17- 38 Soft schist; eight foot core with double core barreL 38- 50 Schist, full core. HOLE 4 Vertical 0- 10 Surface dirt and boulders; casing. 10- 24 Clay and decomposed schist. 24-26 Soft and schist. 26- 63 Schist and full core. HOLE 5_ Vertical. 0- 10 Surface dirt and boulders. 10- 17 Soft schist, micaceous. 17- 18 Schist. HOLE 6 40° under river- 0- 10 Schist. 10-112 Schist, full core. Summary of Holes Drilled Hole Depths Shifts Footage per shift, actual drilling time 1 209 221 50 63 18 112 18 23 5 5 1 11 11.6 2 9.6 3 10.0 4 12.6 5 18.0 6.. - - 10.2 Totals 673 63 10.7 weighted mean The above data compiled from log notes on file in office of secretary of Madera Irrigation District, by Harry Barnes, Chief Engineer. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 579 Laboratory Certificate SMITH-EMERY COMPANY Chemical Engineers and Chemists Los Angeles April 19, 1923. Laboratory No. 47253-6-7-8 Sample— Rock Cores Received— 4/5/1923 Marked (See below) Submitted by— Madera Irrigation District, c/o Quiuton, Code and Hill, Hollingswortb Building, Los Angeles, California COMPRESSION TESTS Dimensions, in inches Area in square inches Maximum load, in pounds Crushing strength, pounds per square inch HOLE No. 3— 4 feet deep ... 1.13 diameterx 1 1/8 1.00 1.08 0.92 2.49 1.550 2,130 3,990 9.100 1,550 HOLE No. 7- 1 . 17 diameter X 13/16. 1,970 HOLE No. 11— 7 feet deep 1.08 diameterx 1 1/8 4.340 HOLE No. 14— 111.2 feet deep 1 . 78 diameter X 1 3/4 3.640 Smith-Emery Co. Seal Respectfully submitted, SMITH-EMERY CO. Inspecting and Testing Engineers 580 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES LOGS OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT FRIANT DAM SITE, 1922 Location of Drill Holes Shown on Plate C-X Depth in feet Material Description of formations and cores HOLE No. 1— 0-5 Mica schist The core was two and one-'half inches and does not appear in the 5-11 Mica schist . . box. From 6 to 9 seamy material, some quartz filling. One seam about 11-21 Mica schist 8 5 shows material much ground up, but portions are hard. Water stained. Hard rock core in four-inch to one-foot six-inch 21-26 M ica schist lengths broken by blocking of drill. Joints some water stained. Hard rock only broken near 26-foot 26-31 Mica schist , . level by blocking of.drill. 31-38. Mica schist Hard rock only broken by the twist in the drill when blocking. 38-70 Mica schist Hard rock, good cores only broken at the blocking points. 70-81. Mica schist . Hard rock and good cores. 81-86 Mica schist At 83 feet the drillers lost the water in the hole. The core shows 86-102 Mica schist evidence of the drill vibration caused by striking diagonally the seams in the rock. A slight difference in hardness of the rock probably causes this vibration. The water came to the top of the hole when the 108 or 110-foot depth was reached. The core at 83 does not show any open joints or disintegration. Hard rock showing some quartz veins. 102-112 Mica schist Hard rock showing some quartz veins and some granitic formation. HOLE No. 2— 13 Mica schist . . - . . . 2H-inch core and was not put in box. Contained some seams, 3-7 Mica schist water stained. Seam at 4 and 5. At 4 feet rock rather broken but broken portions 7-25 ' Mica schist are hard. No disintegration. Continuous core but broken by drill into about three-inch pieces. 25 '-37 Mica schist .. Small seam was found at 17V^. Water was lost at 25V^ where a small seam was found. Continuous core but broken into about 37-68 Mica schist three-inch pieces by drill. Hard fine mica schist with no seams. 58-70 Mica schist Hard fine mica schist with some quartz. No open seams. Joints 70-90 Micaschist clean and tight. Hard fine mica schist with no seams. 90-92 Micaschist Broken by drill. 92-102 Mica schist . . Hard mica schist, schistosity hardly discernible. 102-108' Hard mica schist. HOLE No, 3— 0-4 Top soil Material other than earth too soft to core. 4-9« Disi iitegrated schist Micaschist -- Much broken up with smallseams and does not core well. Maximum gs-ig' . length of portions of core about two inches. Broken core, seamy with clay seams at 11 and 15 and some talc 19 «-32 . Micaschist at 19. Disintegrated. Many small seams. Core comes out in about 32-43* . Mica schist two-inch and three-inch pieces, although some better pieces at 22 and 29. Some few small seams following the cleavage. Water stained. HOLE No. 4— 0-6 « Top soil Some disintegration on seam at 30 feet. Broken sandstone too soft to core. 6«-17< Micaschist Seamy mica schist, one-inch to two-inch pieces, water stained. 17«-32 Micaschist Seamy mica schist, two-inch to three-inch pieces. Hard, but some 32-43 Micaschist . . - close-fitting joints. Water stained, but no disintegration. HOLE No. 5- 0-7 Topsoil . Too soft to core. 7-22 Micaschist Broken seamy soft rock. Some large joint openings, water stained 22-30 Micaschist . and disintegrated. Core comes out in about average of one- inch length. Lost water at 21 feet. Close-fitting jointed rock about two joints per foot. Water stained. 30-43* Micaschist One close-fitting joint at 35 feet, water stained. Core broken by HOLE No. 6 - 0-9» Hardpan drill. Too soft to core. Hardpan argillaced 10-12 feet some clay and 9*-29» . .. - Micaschist sand streaks. Soft seamy formation mostly too soft to core. Disintegrated and 29»-35 Mica schist water stained. Seamy schist. 35-37 Mica schist Compact rock. 37-50 Micaschist Rock is hard, but has joints about every three to four inches. 50-55* Micaschist Hard schist with occasional close-fitting joint, water stained. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 581 LOGS OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT FRIANT DAM SITE, 1922— Continued Legation of Drill Holes Shown on Plate C-X Depth in feet Material Description of formations and cores HOLE No. 7— o-gs Top soil-.- Too soft to core, chiefly washes away with the water. No core 9«-12 Disintegrated rock... saved. Too soft to core. Small portions saved. 12-30---- Mica schist Soft rock containing a great deal of mica and full of seams, one 30-43 Mica schist about every two or three inches. Disintegrated. Seams are close fitting, tight, and no disintegration. 43-46 Mica schist About three joints in mica schist. Water stained. 46-60 Mica schist .. Close-fitting joints about every two inches. Water stained. 60-66» Mi(ia schist Hard rock with very close-fitting joints one about every half foot. HOLE No. 8- 0-10 3 Top soil . - Too soft to core and no core saved. 10>-14» Mica schist . Small seams about every two inches. Disintegrated. 14>-23 Mica schist Small close-fitting joints about one every two or three inches. 23-53' Mica schist - Water stained, but no disintegration. Small close-fitting joints about one every two or three inches. HOLE No. 9— 0-12^ Top soil - Driller's report shows ground too soft to core above 12 ». The 12*-20 Mica schist beginning of the core at 12 » shows rock above that elevation. No other information is available above that elevation. Ground surface shows earth and broken rock. Close-fitting seams about every three inches. Water stained. 20-25 Mica schist Joints about every two inches. No disintegration. 25-26 Quartz Broken by blocking drill. 26-28 Mica schist .- No seams. 28-30 Mica schist Hard rock. 30-34 Micaschist Close fitting joints. 34-40 Mica schist and quartz Micaschist . . Mica schist portion is soft and the quartz is hard. 40-48 ' Hard rock with few close fitting joints. While joints show water HOLE No. 10— 0-8» -. Top soil stain, it is probable they would refuse grout. Report shows no core from to 5 feet and from 5 to 8 ' decom- 8 »-14 s Micaschist . posed ground. No core is shown in box above 8 ». Disintegrated rock. Seams 14 feet. Lost water. Other small, H^-IT . Mica schist close-fitting seams. Small close-fitting joints. 17-36 -- Mica schist No seams, close-fitting joints. 36-38 Talc rock No seams, close-fitting joints. 38-39 3 Mica schist No seams, close-fitting joints. HOLE No. 11— 0-12 Clay and hardpan Too soft to core. 12-18 Mica schist No wide seams. Joints water stained. 19-29 Mica schist Small close-fitting joints. 29-41' Micaschist . Small close-fitting joints about every foot, sound rock. HOLE No. 12— 0-10 Top soil -- -- . - No material saved. 10-19 - -- Disintegrated Disintegrated schist Micaschist - .. Very soft and decomposed schistose formation, but very granular. 19-47 47-50 - Decomposed and broken down. Six-inch clay seam at 40 feet. Some close fitting joints. Water stained. 50-59 59-62 Micaschist Micaschist Hard rock with few close fitting joints. Some water stained. Close-fitting joints. HOLE No. 13— 0-18 Top soil Too soft to core. 18-26 Micaschist Very seamy and broken. Disintegrated. 26-27 Mica schist .-.1 No seams. 27-39 Micaschist Close-fitting joints. Water stained. 39-49> Mica schist Close-fitting joints about one per foot. HOLE No. 14— 0-10* Top soil Micaschist Decomposed sandy rock and clay. lOi-H Decomposed and seamv. 14-18 Mica schist Seams about every one-half foot. Clay scam at 18 feet. Disin- 18-25 Micaschist tegrated rock. Decomposed seamy rock. 25-30 Micaschist Close-fitting joint, one about every foot. Water stained. 30-41 Micaschist Close-fitting joint, one about every foot. HOLE No. 15- 0-10 Top soil Too soft to core and no core saved. 10-16 . . Disintegrated Micaschist Micaschist .-. Micaschist Seams every four inches. lfr-27 Mica schist, very seamy. 27-35 Many close-fitting joints. Water stained. 35-39 Close-fitting joints. Water stained. 39-45 Mica schist Close-fitting joints, some water stained. 45-47-- Mica schist Sound rock. 47-52 Micaschist Sol id rock. 582 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES LOGS OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT FRIANT DAM SITE, 1922— Continued Depth in feet Material Description of formations and cores HOLE No. (M3 16- Topsoil Sand, clay and decomposed schist, too soft to core much. 43-60 Mica schist No seams. Close-fitting joints not water stained. Total of nine HOLE No. 0-17 17- Topsoil feet of core from this hole. Apparently in terrace gravel pocket. Sand, clay and gravel; casing 17 feet. 17-21 Mica schist Seams, partially disintegrated rock. 21-30 Mica schist Close-fitting seams. Lost water at 26 feet. Two additional joints 30-44* Mica schist showing some water, weathering and disintegrating. Close-fitting joints, some water stained. HOLE No. 0-17.. 18- Topsoil...- Decomposed schist, sand and clay and terrace gravel formation. 17-21 21-24 » - 24 '-29- Mica schist Too soft to core. Disintegrated. 29-51 Mica schist-- .. . _ Too soft to core. Lost water 44 feet. 51-53 » Talc and clay- . Report shows talc and clay. No core shown. 53 *-59 • Mica schist Clean joint walls. HOLE No. 0-5... 19— Topsoil - No core saved. 6-9 River wash , No core saved. Gravel, debris, etc. 9-16 Mica schist Close-fitting seams showing some water stain. 16-20 Report shows clav showing some water stain, but no disintegration. 20-35' Mica schist Close-fitting joints showing some water stain, but no disintegra- 35-44 • Mica schist tion. (Note. — Lost water at 35 feet). Seam at 39 and 41. Disintegrated. HOLE No. 0-10 20— Topsoil Too soft to core. 10-35 Mica schist.. Too seamy to core. 34-44 Mica schist Seams about every three inches showing disintegration and water 44-46 Quartz schist stains. 46-55 Mica schist One small seam at 54 feet. Close-fitting joints. HOLE No. 0-7... 21— Mica schist One small seam at about three and seven with three close-fitting 7-13* Mica schist _- seams between. Water stained. No seams. 13»-16« Seam at 14 and 15.5. Water stained. 16 •-33 Mica schist Hard rock with no seams. 33-36 Mica schist-- Two close-fitting oints, water stained. 36-66 ... Mica schist Mica schist streaked with quartz. Very hard, with an occasional 66-81 Micaschist close-fitting joint. Mica schist streaked with some quarti. One small close-fitting 81-98 Mica schist seam at 77. Hard, with only an occasional close-fitting joint. HOLE No. 0-3 . 22- Micaschist Three close-fitting joints. Water stained. 3-22.. Micaschist Close-fitting joints at 3, 7, 8, 9, 17, 19.5, 19.7, 20.8. Somewhat 22-32 larger seam at 21.8. Firm, sound rock. Close-fitting joints at 22.5 and 23.2. Rock is streaked with quart*. 32-38 Mica schist Rock is mixed with quartz and jointed to break up, there being 38-70.. Mica schist only about three feet of core saved. Probably some close-fitting joints between the quart* and mica schist. Schistosity is hardly discernible. Close-fitting scams at 40, 42, 47.5, 48 and 64. 70-100' Micaschist (Note.- The drill report shows that water was lost at 68 feet. From 65 to 70 the core is continuous without a break and shows no seam.) Solid rock of probably more a granite formation than a mica schist. No seams. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 583 Laboratory Certificate ABBOT A. HANKS. INC. Lab. No 19911 to 19924, Inol. Sample — Rock cores Received— 9/23/24 Date Sept, 25, 1924. Marked Diamond Drill Rock Cores Samples A to N, from Dam Site Near Friant Compression Tests Submitted by — San Joaquin River Water Storage District, Los Bancs, California. We wish to report the results of the compression tests of the rock samples, marked "A" to "N," inclusive, which you submitted to our laboratories. The samples were received in the form of diamond drill cores and we were able to prepare one test piece from each sample, each specimen having the height equal to the diameter. As the relation of the direction of the applied load to the plane of bedding, grain or cleavage in a rock has a direct effect on the compression test results, we have recorded this angle wherever it was apparent. RESULTS OF INDIVIDUAL TESTS Laboratory Number Sample Cylinder size Area in square inches Angle "C" in degrees Compression strength Height in inches Diameter in inches Maximum load in pounds Pounds per square inch 19911 19912 19913 19914 19915 19916 19917 19918 19919 19920 19921 19922 19923 19924 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 1.14 1.10 1.10 1.10 1,10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.16 0.98 1.18 1.10 1.16 1.18 1.18 1.14 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.18 1.16 1.15 1.20 1.15 1.16 1.19 1.19 1.093 1.020 1.093 1.093 1.112 1.131 1.093 1.056 1.038 1.131 1.038 1.056 1.112 1.112 40 5 20 15 20 25 30 25 30 45 35 45 45 2,980 3,710 13,340 9,690 6,620 9,620 4,650 3,010 3,910 4,750 3,660 5,790 5,120 3,900 2,725 3,635 12,198 8,861 5,952 8,506 4,252 2,848 3,764 4,200 3,524 5,479 4,603 3,506 Remarks. — The test specimens were in cylinder form, the height and diameter of which is recorded. The slight variation in diameters of the cores is undoubtedly due to variations in character of rock. The angle "C" is the angle between the vertical axis of the cylinder and the apparent plane of cleavage in the specimen. We will be pleased to answer any further questions in connection with these tests and will store the samples for this purpose. (Seal of Abbot A. Hanks, Inc.) Respectfully submitted. R. E. NOBLE AND COMPANY By Theo. P. Dresser, Jr., Chief Engineer I 584 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Detailed Geology — Fort Miller Dam Site. About ono-lialf niilo upstream from tlic Priant dam sito tlio contact between the metamorjohic, or schist formation, and the j^ranitic intrusion passes through the reservoir site. The contact is bordered by a series of weaker rocks in the metamorphic series and a coarse textured granite rock which has weathered down to form the wide basin bordering the stream trench. The coarse textured rock extends through the Fort Miller dam site to about the mouth of Fine Gold Creek. It contains many dike rocks of differing mineral constituents. The whole makes up a crystalline mass in which the crystal fabric has been broken down at the surface through the action of the weather and the penetration of water. This has resulted in a residuum of so-called rotten granite, from which the unstable minerals have been decomposed and removed, overlying a sound crystalline rock. The strength of the sound rock is unquestioned, but the depth to sound rock at the dam site is extremel}'^ uncertain and in the absence of subsurface pit or core drill exploration can only be inferred from certain evidences. The "basin" on which the Fort Miller dam site lies is presumably an older surface than the Temperance Flat dam site and has been sub- jected to a long time weathering. The pumicite deposits, which are probably of Tertiary age, rest upon residuum from granitic rocks at about elevation 500. The slope of the stream is but eight feet per mile from the mouth of Fine Gold Creek to the Friant dam site and the stream bed elevation at Friant dam site is 310 feet. The base level for the drainage that formerly emptied through the basin area long has been achieved. There is no fresh bed rock exposed at the stream bed level and such rock as does outcrop is found to be considerably jointed, having disintegrated along joint planes. Where joints are close (a few inches to two feet) together, the rock has completely disintegrated between the joints and there is but little sound rock exposed in place. Because of these conditions and experience had with similar rock exposed or drilled to depth below ground surface, it is estimated sound rock which could be used as foundation with reasonable grout prepara- tion of weathered joint planes will lie, on the average, about 50 to 60 feet deep at right angles to the ground surface slope. Joints through which water may circulate and which contain the stable products of decomposition — quartz sand — which make pressure grouting difficult may extend another 60 feet below rock line. On the whole the Fort Miller dam site is the least desirable from a geological standpoint of those examined on the San Joaquin River. The upper abutments consist of the same coarse textured granite and have a fairly heavy soil cover, with but few outcrops of rock in place. Just above the dam site, granite outcrops appear near the crest of the ridge and the rock has a lighter soil cover. It is probable the lavas capping the ridge to the south, extended to the abutment ridge and were a protecting factor through which the topography has more recently developed, thus accounting for the freshness of the upper abutment rock. A spillway location is available in this rock at the crest of the north abutment of the dam site. Detailed Geology — Temperance Flat Dam Site. At the mouth of Fine Gold Creek the river emerges from a gorge cut through a close textured granitic rock — granodiorite. The fall of SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 585 the river through the gorge and Temperance Flat averages about 20 feet to the mile, but for the first five miles above the flat the fall is 40 feet per mile. This development of a base level, taken in connection with the topographic development of Auberry Valley, suggests the pirating of the upper San Joaquin River by the Fine Gold drainage, with the geologic recent cutting of the gorge. This active erosion and the fact that the rock is closer textured upstream from the mouth of Fine Gold Creek accounts for the apparent freshness of the exposed rock. The rock is a crs^stalline mass, being fairly uniform in texture and mineral constituents for a distance of 1000 feet upstream from the mouth of Fine Gold Creek. It is sound, stable and has great strength. In the mass it has resisted erosion so that a narrow gorge having a steep sloping cliff has been developed. The formation is considerably jointed, with the main joint system striking across the stream and dipping downstream about 75 degrees from the horizontal and being intercepted by joint planes striking with the stream and dipping about 50 degrees toward the east. Two other minor joint systems intercept these at oblique angles and they, as well as other irregular joints, are accentuated at the surface, but have little importance in the mass. In fact, though the joints are structural defects in the rock mass, they are not to be considered as greatly weak- ening the mass nor detrimental to a structure founded thereon. The crustal movement which produced them did not cause any movement along the joints or parting of the joint walls. Though the movement long has been complete, there is no sign of infiltration products deposited on the wall rocks of joints opened by surface weathering. The joint walls are sound and show no signs of disintegration at the surface. At the stream edge, in the freshly eroded rock, the joints were tightly closed and should be found closed at short distances below ground surface and incapable of transmitting water or water pressure below the stream bed or on the abutments. At the dam site the lower section above stream bed has developed a narrow gorge with a smooth rock cliff profile along the joint plane paralleling the stream and dipping toward it from the left. Along the left abutment, parallel to the surface, a joint block has loosened and partially spalled off. Subsurface exploration is necessary to determine whether or not parting has occurred along parallel joints. The right abutment below the cliff line appears to be sound and neces- sary stripping could be limited to that required to remove loose joint blocks and key in a structure. The upper portion of both abutments consists of rock in place, with dislodged or loose joint blocks and a shallow soil covering spotting the steep slopes. The depth of rock over the stream channel should be but little in excess of the projection of the side slopes, with some limited pothole development. The site is such that the geological and topographical conditions combine to make an excellent site and foundation for a concrete arch type structure. There is no natural spillway location so the spillway would necessarily be part of the structure and the overflow had over the same resistant rock that is exposed in the stream channel and which is not subject to rapid erosion. 586 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PINE FLAT DAM SITE ON KINGS RIVER Kings River emerges from the foothills about ten miles north of Reedley and for a distance of eight miles upstream from that point to Piedra passes down a comparatively wide stream trench. The Pine Flat dam site lies about four miles upstream from Piedra in Section 2 of Township 13 South, Range 24 East. Above, through Pine Flat, and below to Avocado, stream erosion and weathering has widened the stream trench and produced gentle side slopes. At the dam site erosion has been confined to a canyon, slopes are precipitous and sound rock is in place close to the surface. General Geology. The relation of the topographic development to the geology of the region is shown on Plate C-XI. In common with the western flank of the Sierra Nevada, the rock formations here consist of a series of geologically ancient rock, now known as the basement complex metamorphics, in contact with igneous rock bodies whose intrusion into the mass are responsible for the metamorphism or change it has undergone. The original rocks have been recrystallized through the intense pressure accompanying the intrusion and their chemical con- stituents have undergone change through reaction with the gases under the heat from the molten magmas then at a great depth below the surface. Such action upstream from Avocado has produced a series of schists, slate and granitized rocks in which granitic dikes are found. Then follows a band of serpentized rock with true serpentine and its weathered product, magnesite, in limited zones, further altered along the contact with a larger granitic plug or dike from a plug. Upstream from the granitic rocks is found another zone of granitized rocks which becomes hornblendic, going from grano-diorite to diorite in a gradual mergence with a large body of extremely fine grained hornblendic metamorphic rock in which the dam site lies. The schists and serpentine are rocks readily attacked by atmos- pheric weathering and stream erosion. The granite lying above is coarse textured and subject to weathering. The fine textured horn- blendic rock, however, is dense and hard and thereby resistant to weathering and stream erosion, which accounts for the narrow canyon and steep slope development at the dam site. Geologic Structure. The region investigated, in common with the west flank of the Sierra Nevada, is one in which no geologically recent crustal disturb- ance has taken place. The intrusions of the granitic rock bodies, which caused great folding and faulting of the preexisting rock forma- tions, took place in Jurassic time. Through the subsequent ages all fault and shear zones have become thoroughly healed by the deposition of infiltration products and, with the recrystallization of original rock masses due to metamorphism, the whole presents a structural unit unbroken by faults or zones of rock weakness. The stresses that caused the metamorphism were such as to band the formations. The banding generally strikes northwest-southeast and the rock bands change in chemical constituents and texture across the bands. The topography is the result of differential erosion of the mass, horizontal SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 587 PLATE C-XI GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF PINE FLAT DAM SITE ON KINGS RIVER SCALE OF MILES O 1 2 3 4 Alluvium LEGEND ^^ Schists yyyyA Granitic rocks KWWN Serpentized rocks l ! ll lllll Meta-diorite iGranitized rocks 588 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES corrosion attaekinj? the less resistant rock bands to form draws trib- utary to the major stream and widening? its trench, and the more resistant rock bands withstanding this attack with stream erosion developing gorge or canyon profiles. The later Tertiary uplift of the region was accomplished without great distortion, but the compressive stresses which accompanied it produced several systems of joints which break the rock masses into relatively small blocks, though without displacement of the joint blocks or parting of the joint walls. That the jointing is a structural feature is attested to by the fact that the present topography has been develop- ing since Tertiary time, and the present surface is hundreds or thou- sands of feet below the Tertiary surface. As the topography developed, rock blocks of various sizes parted from the mass along joint planes, gravitated to stream bed and were carried away. Weathering attacks the rock surfaces and joint walls, accomplishing decomposition and disintegration of the rock in place and allowing the penetration of water to carry on its work, chemically and mechanically, to effect a breakdown of the surface of the mass. These processes are surfacial in effect and the presence of joints beyond the depth of the reach of weathering, even though carrying some water stain, are not evidence of a weakened rock mass. Detailed Geology — Pine Fiat Dam Site. The rock mass in which Kings River has entrenched itself at the Pine Flat dam site is a " greenstone, ' ' the chief rock-making member of which is hornblende. The latter is the result of metamorphism or altera- tion of the original crustal rock — probably diorite — due to intense pres- | sure, heat and gases accompanying the granitic intrusion. The changes ' brought about through compressive forces have been such that the original rock cannot be readily recognized except that it must have been composed of basic minerals which, through recrystalization, have increased in hardness and compactness so that the result is a massive crystalline rock of great strength. At the dam site it is an extremely fine textured dark green rock consisting principally of minute crystals of hornblende and alkali feldspar. It has developed limited schistocity, due to the parallel arrangement of hornblende crystals, the foliations of which resemble shear zones. The whole mass is banded, as sho-\vn by , the outcrops on the north abutment, with the bands dipping north- easterly about 40 degrees. This banding is an old structural feature and is not due to bedding of the rocks or changes in rock character, other than texture changes. The greater portion of the bands are com- prised of fine grained massive rock which is extremely hard, fresh and ^ strong. Under the hammer a greenish gray powder, which consists of f minute grains of hornblende and feldspar, develops. Along the center line of the dam site, between 850 and 1,000 feet ; elevation in the south abutment, the texture and character of the rock changes in a gradual mergence with rocks which have not suffered the same degree of change or have become granitized from the intrusion. The actual contact between the granitic intrusion and the older crustal rocks lies over the south abutment ridge and is marked by development of a topographic draw. The rock mass is weakened only at the contact, along which is found quartz veins carrying hornblende crystals, and SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 589 between the contact and the massive rock, just described, occur granitic dikes, dikes of diorite and dikes of hornblende rock. The surface rock and the cores show the mergence to be a thoroughly knit crystalline fabric without any weakness due to heat, shrinkage and contact meta- morphism, such as accompanies the line separating an igneous intrusion from the rocks into which it has intruded. Therefore, the whole pre- sents a rock of great strength and hardness upon which to found a dam. Jointing. The jointing, previously referred to as having originated during Tertiary time, while being a universal structural defect of the rock mass, is not to be considered as greatly reducing the strength of the whole or the safety of a structure founded upon it. The principal joints at the dam site consist of one striking at approximately right angles to the banding and dipping about 80 degrees, one approximately parallel with the banding and dipping northeasterly, and another inter- secting these at an oblique angle and dipping about 50 degrees westerly. These joints are accentuated at the weathered surface and, though the course of the stream is not dictated by their presence, their topographic development along the south abutment is influenced by the jointing. Joint blocks have parted from the mass and gravitated out of place, allowing more ready attack of the weather. Hand samples picked from surface float, when struck with a hammer part in thin layers somewhat resembling irregular slaty cleavage along a multitude of irregular joints. In the sound rock these joints are hair lines which part under hammering, leaving smooth, clean surfaces. In the cores examined (the analysis of which is appended to this report and the location of the holes and their inclination shown in Plate C-XII) some joints were noted below the stream bed, but the joint walls, being composed of hard, insoluble rock, were not disintegrated, nor did they show signs of water circulation. At depths greater than five feet below rock line the joints were closed and tight. Such crevices noted in drilling were quartz filled and the whole joint system probably would refuse grout at shallow depth when drilled and tested as part of the construction program. They in no way need be considered as means of effecting uplift on or leakage under a dam. At the surface, the rock has parted along joint planes and has com- pletely broken down to a clay soil carrying rock fragments for depths up to three feet and become partially disintegrated to depths of three to fifteen feet in addition. Below this depth are some joints along Avhich water has circulated and caused some disintegration of the mass. These conditions, as revealed by the subsurface exploration, are spotted over the site. On the average, it should not be necessary to strip below fifteen feet. Some portions will require but five to eight feet, while limited areas, in topographic draws, will require as much as thirty feet. Most of the joints at those depths will be found tight, though carrying some water stain. Pressure grouting could be used effectively in closing all open joints up the abutments. The character of the rock and the topographic development at the site is admirably suited to the construction of a concrete arch dam. The rocks making up the reservoir embankments are all stable, insolu- ble and incapable of passing water. A natural spillway is lacking, so the spill should be part of the dam structure, preferably at the north abutment, where the overflow would pass down the slope at right angles 590 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES 1 to the massive rock bands, which would resist erosion and require only a structure to retain it from working around to the toe of the dam. The stream bed gravels and sand above and below the dam site provide a near-bj^ source of construction material. SUMMARY OF DATA RELATING TO DIAMOND DRILL EXPLORATIONS OF PINE FLAT DAM SITE, WITH CORE ANALYSIS Hole No. 1 — Elevation 554.8 — Total depth 100 feet; core recovery 95 feet; broken to five foot joints clean and tight ; some quartz filling. Material — Massive aniphibolite encountered three feet below surface. Lost two feet of core 46-00; one water stained joint; no dis- integration. Hole No. 2— Elevation 552.8 — Total depth 100 feet; core recovery 93 feet; 0-5 feet cased ; lost core 10-12 feet. Material — Massive amphibolite encountered two feet below surface. Lost core 24-25 feet broken by quartz veins. Lost core 52-54 feet broken and creviced, no signs of water. Hole No. S — Elevation 563.2 — Total depth 120.5 feet; core recovery 116.6 feet; 0-4 feet cased ; lost 2 feet of core. Material — Massive amphibolite encountered two feet below surface. Creviced at 17 feet, 18J feet, 29 feet and 30 feet, but no sign of water ; probably coarser less altered rock ; 24-27 feet lost two feet of core, broken and creviced. Hole No. 4- -Elevation 562.2 — Total depth 120.6 feet; core recovery 116.7 feet; no core to 7i feet, jointed rock; some disintegration. Material — Broken and considerably water stained joints first twelve feet and somwhat jointed to 27 J foot depth, remainder massive amphibolite. This hole required 27 feet of casing. Joints reported at 90, 96, 101 and 102J feet; some slight water stain at 101 feet, but joint walls are stable rock ; no disintegration. Hole No. S — Elevation 569.02 — Total depth 33.8 feet; core recovery 29.9 feet; lost three feet of core 0-16 feet. Material — Massive amphibolite two feet below surface ; joints to 9-15 feet all healed closed features. Hole No. 6 — Elevation 573.4 — Total depth 30.9 feet; two feet of soil at surface. Total core recovery sixteen and nine-tenths feet. Lost three feet of core 17-30 feet. The upper fourteen feet of this hole was thoroughly broken by joints. Lost seven feet of core through which a casing was necessary. The rock below this point was hard amphibolite, but somewhat jointed, resulting in broken cores, but joints were clean, tight and probably would refuse grout. -Elevation 596.1 — Total depth 30.5 feet; core recovery 26 feet; lost first three feet jointed. Material — Massive amphibolite below 5 feet. -Elevation 688.4 — Total depth 29.9 feet; two feet clay and disintegrated rock at surface. Below this two feet of broken and creviced rock requiring, in all, four feet of casing. From 4 to 14 feet, rock somewhat jointed and at depth 5 to 6 feet the water escaped. Below at depth 14 feet to 23 feet, seven feet of core recovered. Broken and jointed between depths 16 to 17 feet. No water stains, no disintegration below 7 feet. Depth 23 feet to 29.9 feet solid rock. Hole No. 9 — Elevation 765.6 — Total depth 38.2 feet; one foot soil and loose rock on surface. Total core recovery 19 feet. From depth 1 to 17 feet the rock was more or less jointed, but the water escaped only at depth 10 to 11 feet. This section required nine feet of casing. Lost nine feet of core; 9 to 17 feet jointed •with water stains. No disintegration. In the section, depth 17 to 32 feet, the rock was jointed, but no water escaped. From 32 to 38.2 feet the rock was solid. Hole No. 10 — Elevation 810.0 — Total depth 30 feet overburden three feet. Lost core to 9 feet. From depth 3 feet to 21 feet jointed rock was encountered and required sixteen feet of casing. The water escaped at depth 9 to 10 feet. The core recovery in this section was six feet. From 21 to 30 feet massive amphibolite was encountered with nine feet of core recovery. Hole No. 7- Hole No. 8- PLATE C-XTI 80'J97 590 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES to the massive rock bands, which would resist erosion and require only a structure to retain it from working? around to the toe of the dam. The stream bed gravels and sand above and below the dam site provide a near-b}'' source of construction material. SUMMARY OF DATA RELATING TO DIAMOND DRILL EXPLORATIONS OF PINE FLAT DAM SITE, WITH CORE ANALYSIS Hole No. 2- Hole No. 1 — Elevation 554.8 — Total depth 100 feet; core recovery 95 feet; broken to five foot joints clean and tight ; some quartz filling. Material — Massive amphibolite encountered three feet below surface. Lost two feet of core 46-60; one water stained joint; no dis- integration. -Elevation 552.8 — Total depth 100 feet; core recovery 93 feet; 0-5 feet cased ; lost core 10-12 feet. Material — Massive amphibolite encountered two feet below surface. Lost core 24-25 feet broken by quartz veins. Lost core 52-54 feet broken and creviced, no signs of water. Hole No. S — Elevation 563.2 — Total depth 120.5 feet; core recovery 116.6 feet; 0-4 feet cased ; lost 2 feet of core. Material — Massive amphibolite encountered two feet below surface. Creviced at 17 feet, ISJ feet, 29 feet and 30 feet, but no sign of water; probably coarser less altered rock; 24-27 feet lost two feet of core, broken and creviced. Hole No. 4 — Elevation 562.2 — Total depth 120.6 feet; core recovery 116.7 feet; no core to 7 J feet, jointed rock; some disintegration. Material — Broken and considerably water stained joints first twelve feet and somwhat jointed to 27 J foot depth, remainder massive amphibolite. This hole required 27 feet of casing. Joints reported at 90, 96, 101 and 102J feet ; some slight water stain at 101 feet, but joint walls are stable rock ; no disintegration. Hole No. S — Elevation 569.02 — Total depth 33.8 feet; core recovery 29.9 feet; lost three feet of core 0-16 feet. Material — Massive amphibolite two feet below surface ; joints to 9—15 feet all healed closed features. Flole No. 6 — Elevation 573.4 — Total depth 30.9 feet; two feet of soil at surface. Total core recovery sixteen and nine-tenths feet. Lost three feet of core 17-30 feet. The upper fourteen feet of this hole was thoroughly broken by joints. Lost seven feet of core through which a casing was necessary. The rock below this point was hard amphibolite, but somewhat jointed, resulting in broken cores, but joints were clean, tight and probably would refuse grout. Hole No. 7 — Elevation 596.1 — Total depth 30.5 feet; core recovery 26 feet; lost first three feet jointed. Material — Massive amphibolite below 5 feet. Hole No. 8- -Elevation 688.4 — Total depth 29.9 feet; two feet clay and disintegrated rock at surface. Below this two feet of broken and creviced rock requiring, in all, four feet of casing. From 4 to 14 feet, rock somewhat jointed and at depth 5 to 6 feet the water escaped. Below at depth 14 feet to 23 feet, seven feet of core recovered. Broken and jointed between depths 16 to 17 feet. No water stains, no disintegration below 7 feet. Depth 23 feet to 29.9 feet solid rock. Hole No. 9 — Elevation 765.6 — Total depth 38.2 feet; one foot soil and loose rock on surface. Total core recovery 19 feet. From depth 1 to 17 feet the rock was more or less jointed, but the water escaped only at depth 10 to 11 feet. This section required nine feet of casing. Lost nine feet of core ; 9 to 17 feet jointed with water stains. No disintegration. In the section, depth 17 to 32 feet, the rock was jointed, but no water escaped. From 32 to 38.2 feet the rock was solid. Hole No. 10 — Elevation 810.0 — Total depth 30 feet overburden three feet. Lost core to 9 feet. From depth 3 feet to 21 feet jointed rock was encountered and required sixteen feet of casing. The water escaped at depth 9 to 10 feet. The core recovery in this section was six feet. From 21 to 30 feet massive amphibolite was encountered with nine feet of core recovery. LOOKING UPSTREAM PLAN OF DRILL HOLES LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS PINE FLAT DAM SITE ON KINGS RIVER eoniNGS MADE IN 1922 ""TTT-nTTT- ^>^ 10 aWA OMOJA 3jnoflq MA3PT2SU OMIXOOJ :5 ^ 0O8 \ f^.^lTIH CORE ANALYSIS \ oor b s \V ■j inn I iinn ir /// ii:>i iiiii: M -J SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 591 Hole No. 11 — Elevation 837.7 — Total depth 30.5 feet. Overburden three feet. Lost core to 12 feet. To a depth of 22 feet the rock was somewhat jointed and the water escaped at 22 feet. From 22 feet to 30.5 feet the formation was massive amphibolite carrying dikes of granodiorlte. The hole required eleven feet of casing and the core recovery was eighteen feet Hole No. 12 — Elevation 882.2 — Total depth 30.6 feet. Overburden three feet. No core to 4.5 feet. Below 7 feet depth massive amphibolite. Core recovered sixteen and seven-tenths feet. Rock shatters along joints in drilling. Lost core 24-28 feet Hole No. IS — Elevation 929.0 — This hole is at the extreme south end of the dam site and was drilled to a depth of 68.3 feet. First 30 feet of depth in creviced and more or less broken granitic rocks. Below 30 feet hard solid grranodiorite and amphibolite. A log of the hole shows: No core to 13 feet; 13 feet to 30 feet, grano- diorlte; some disintegration to 14 feet and water stained joints to 29 feet; 30 feet to 31 feet, greenstone, no veins; 31 feet to 40 feet granite with greenstone veins; 40 feet to 47 feet, greenstone (amphibolite); 47 feet to 48J feet, lost core; 48J feet to 50 feet, granite; 50 feet to 50 J feet, greenstone; 50 J feet to 68.3 feet, gran- ite, one vein of greenstone. The hole required thirteen feet of cas- ing and core recovery was 53.3 feet. Core shows gradual merging of unaltered with altered rock. Hole No. H — Elevation 771.2 — Total depth 80.2 feet. Lost core to 15 feet In this hole the drillers encountered broken and jointed rock to a depth of 58 feet. The water escaped several times and a total of 20 feet of casing was necessary. Joints were water stained and rock parted along joints 15 to 20 feet The core recovery in this 58 foot depth was 22.5 feet From 58 feet to 80.2 feet the forma- tion was solid and the core recovery is seventeen feet. Hole No. 15 — Elevation 736.4 — Total depth 65.8 feet. No core to 30 feet. The first 30 feet was broken, jointed and disintegrated, with only one foot core recovery. The water escaped and 30 feet of casing was required. Between 30 and 54 feet the stone was better, the core recovery being nineteen feet. Granodiorlte veins from 40 fo 50 feet. From 54 to 65.8 feet tlie formation was solid amphibo- lite with eleven feet core recovery. Hole No. 16 — Elevation 697.4 — Total 34.2 feet No core to 6 feet. Overburden four feet required four feet of casing. Balance of hole was massive amphibolite and the core recovery 28 feet. Hole No. 17 — Elevation 667.7 — Total depth 30.5 feet. No core to seven feet. The overburden in this hole was five feet and the rock was somewhat creviced to a depth of 8 feet The water escaped at 8 foot depth, seven feet of casing was required. Below the 8 foot point massive amphibolite was encountered. The core recovery was 23.6 feet. Hole No. 18 — Elevation 626.7 — Total depth 34.2 feet No core to 10 feet. Overburden of soil and boulders six feet. Between 6 and 15 feet depth the core recovery was five feet, the rock was broken and creviced and 15.8 feet of casing was necessary. Below this point the material was solid greenstone with a full core recovery. Hole No. 19 — Elevation 631.0 — Total depth 60 feet Drilled vertically. This hole is on the north side of the canyon just at the north side of the road. Overburden of boulders and soil eight feet. In the first 26 feet drilled the rock was jointed, some heavy water stains with disintegration. Only twelve feet of core was recovered and sixteen feet of casing was necessary. From 26 feet to 34 feet the rock was somewhat jointed, slightly water stained, but fourteen and one-half feet of core was recovered. From 34 feet to 60 feet massive amphibolite with seventeen feet core recovery. Hole No. SO — Elevation 668.2 — Total depth 153.8 feet. No core to 13 feet. Overburden four feet The rock encountered in the first 25 feet of this hole was very broken and jointed, the water escaped at seventeen feet, and 24 feet of casing was necessary. Below this point and to a depth of 40 feet the rock was jointed, but held the water. From 40 feet to 153.8 massive amphibolite was encountered. Eight and five-tenths feet of core was recovered in first 24 feet, 52.5 feet of core was recovered in the next 106 feet, and a full recovery of 23.9 feet In the remainder of the hole. 592 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Hole No. SI — Elevation 711.2 — Total depth 48.6 feet. No core to seven feet. Overburden four feet underlaid with three feet of broken and creviced rock, all requiring seven feet of casing. P'rom 7 feet to 20 feet solid rock was encountered with a full core recovery. From 20 feet to 25 feet the stone was jointed, but no water escaped and joints were not water stained. From 25 to 35 feet the rock was solid, and a full recovery was made. From 35 feet to 37 feet the rock was jointed, but no water escaped. From 37 feet to 48.6 feet the material was solid. A core recovery of 9 feet was made from 35 feet to 48.6 feet Hole No. 22 — Elevation 799.9 — Total depth 41 feet. No core to 9 feet. Overburden and loose rock seven feet. The rock encountered below 7 feet was somewhat disintegrated for two feet, thus nine feet of casing was required. Below the two feet all of the material encountered was solid, with a core recovery of 24 feet in a dis- tance drilled of 32 feet. Hole No. 25 — Elevation 875.1 — Total depth 100.2 feet. No core to 19 feet. This hole was at the extreme north end of the dam site and was drilled to a total depth of 100 feet because of a peculiarity in the formation above the dam site in this barrier. Overburden seven feet. Underneath the overburden a somewhat broken and jointed amphibolite was encountered and nineteen feet of casing was required. At a depth of about 20 feet the solid rock was encountered and was found to be continuous to the bottom of the hole. The total core recovery was 66.5 feet. Twenty-eight to 33 feet was granodiorite jointed and slightly water stained, with full core recovery; 33 feet to 100.2 feet was massive amphibolite. Hole No. 24 — Elevation 751.8 — Total depth 40.2 feet. No core to 8 feet. Overburden five feet. From 5 to 20 feet the rock was somewhat broken and jointed and a total of eight feet of casing was necessary. The core recovery in this section amounted to eight feet. The joints were not water stained. From 20 feet to 40.2 feet the core recov- ery amounted to eighteen feet, and the material encountered was massive amphibolite, throughout. Hole No. S5 — Elevation 665.3 — Total depth 54.9 feet. No core to 12 feet. Overburden six feet. From 6 to IS feet more or less broken and jointed rock was encountered, requiring twelve feet of casing. The total core recovery in this section was two feet. From 18 to 44 feet the rock encountered was reasonably solid and the core recovery was fourteen feet. From 44 to 43.9 feet massive amphibolite was encountered and the core recovery was nine feet. Hole No. 26 — Elevation 678.2 — Total depth 42.4 feet. No core to 4 feet. Overburden three feet From 3 to 40.2 feet solid rock was encoun- tered. The total core recovery of 34 feet made with no parting along joints. Hole No. 27 — Elevation 613.4 — Total depth 33.8 feet No core to 14 feet Overburden seven feet. From 7 to 13 feet a decomposed and jointed rock was encountered which required thirteen feet of casing. From 13 to 33.8 feet massive amphibolite was encountered and a core recovery of thirteen feet made. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 593 WARD DAM SITE ON KAWEAH RIVER AND PLEASANT VALLEY DAM SITE ON TULE RIVER The Kaweah and Tule rivers drain watersheds consisting of rugged mountainous areas whose steep slopes end abruptly, with but small extent of foothill area, in a delta of alluvial materials built up in a topographic depression by the distributaries of these two streams. The accumulation of alluvium has partially or completely buried the foot- hill range and the preexisting gorges between foothill outcrops are known to be filled with as much as 400 feet of stream deposits at five miles distance from the present mouth of the stream canyons. The stream history of these rivers varies from that of the Sacramento and northerly lying San Joaquin tributaries in that they have been and are now aggrading streams from the mouth of their canyons, building up extensive land bodies which, merging together, form an alluvial fan of considerable extent and depth. General Geology. The Ward dam and reservoir sites on the Kaweali Kiver and the Pleasant Valley dam and reservoir sites on the Tule River, lie wholly within an area comprised of granitic rock which was an extensive intrusion into the early (pre-Jurassic time) crustal rocks. This intrusion of the mass more or less changed the original rock crust so that where peridotites existed Ave now find serpentines; sedimentary lim&stones now exist as crystalline limestone; shales became slates; and a variety of rocks became "greenstone." These changed rocks make up the foothills of the region examined. They have been partially buried by stream deposits, having been attacked by the weather to produce the "red-lands" soil which borders the mountains and lies between alluvial soil areas, and are distinguished by their smooth, gently sloping surface in contrast to the rocky slopes developed in the granitic rock. Geologic 'Structure. The topographic development at the dam sites is due to dift'erential weathering upon a massive body of crystalline rock varying widely in texture. In places the mass has developed gneissic and somewhat schistose structure, which probably indicates old crustal adjustments accompanied by shear, now long completed, and the fractures and shear zones are thoroughly healed by quartz deposition. The later jointing, which is a common structural feature of all Sierra Nevada rocks, is evidenced here by a complex series of irregular joint planes. The weathering of the rock along these joint planes has developed the "rocky" slopes characteristic of the granitic areas of the region. There are no active faults to be found in the vicinity of the dam sites, the nearest known fault being a profound structural feature passing through the eastern half of Tulare Lake bed and buried by alluvium. Detailed Geology — Ward Dam Site. The Ward dam site, shown on Plate C-XTII, is located at a point on the Kaweah River eliannol where erosion has carried tlie stream 38 — 80997 59-4 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES trench well into a massive crystalline rock — grauodiorite. The rock at the dnm site consists principally of (luartz, feldspar and hornblende crystals, and the crystalline texture varies from fine-grained grano- diorite to coarse-grained gabbro-diorite or hornblende gabbro. Mica is lacking in some phases, but small localized areas contain abundant mica. It is the massive and strong rock commonly called granite. Granite, however, has not the durability generally conceded it. Upon the cooling of the original molten material, relatively large crystals of quartz, feldspars and ferro-magnesium minerals formed and interlocked with each other until the whole became converted into a "patchwork" of interlocking crystals, firmly knit into a strong crystal- line mass. With the forces of weathering, this crystal fabric is subject to breakdown through the unequal expansion and contraction of the component crystals under temperature changes and the chemical and mechanical work of moisture penetrating into the rock through the crystal partings. The fine textured granite is more resistant to weathering, the surface rock spalling off in layers and leaving rounded outcrops. The coarse textured granite, however, is subject to disinte- gration to a much greater degree and far below ground-surface, leaving a residuum of so-called rotten granite over the unweathered rock. Rotten granite is a physically weak crumbly mass, subject to penetra- tion and percolation of water and readily eroded. The dam site is located wholly within the granite mass, with the topographic differences due to the effect of erosion and the weather upon the rock of fairly uniform hardness rather than dependent upon structural features. The granite mass has developed several systems of joints, the principal one striking north 50 to 70 degrees west and dipping nearly vertical, being intersected bj' one dipping south about 50 degrees, west about 40 clegrees, and a complex system of minor joints. The south abutment consists of large unweathered outcrops repre- senting sound joint blocks, which may or maj^ not be found to be dis- placed, bordered by blocks which have completely disintegrated and broken down to a sandy residuum. It contains several benches of heavy soil cover between outcrops of rock. The higher slope consists of rock in place, which has disintegrated along joint planes. Most of the outcrops are joint blocks. They have been somewhat displaced at the surface and the joint walls have parted, leaving openings along which water enters the mas.s to carry on chemical activity. This activity results in a decomposition of some of the mineral constituents, and mechanical action which removes the weakened or "rotted" joint walls and further enlarges the openings. The effect of weathering along joint planes is plainly discernible in a fresh road-cut at which the firm sound rock was drilled to a depth of ten to twelve feet and shot, revealing a disintegrated zone along a joint plane from which the crumbly mass readily can be picked out. of the joints in the fresh rock at stream bed were found to be closed and healed with quartz. However, it is quite possible disin- tegration may have extended along joint planes to considerable depths below dam foundation. Experience had in drilling exploration of sim- ilar rock leads to the conclusion that water has been in circulation through the rock along the joint planes and this circulation would be I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 595 PLATE C-XIII GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF WARD DAM SITE ON KAWEAH RIVER SCALE OF MILES O f 2 3 4 LEGEND V////////////A Grano-dlorite 596 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES increased upon constniction of a dam, allowing leakage under and around a dam and i)os.sibly ui)litt on it. The walls of some of the joints may be found to be sound, although Avater stained, indicating closed fractures, but on the whole it may be classed as seamy rock with the stable products of disintegration — ^the sand — left in the joint cavities which would make it difficult to seal by grouting. The lower portion of the north abutment it made up of slabs of fairly sound rock, from which the active erosion of the stream has carried much of the residuum and left steep side slopes. These rock slabs vary from four to ten feet in thickness and are formed by the "spalling" of the rock along joint planes parallel to the slope — dip- ping north 60 degrees, east about 20 degrees. The upper portion of the abutment is similar to that of the south side. The uncertainties of the results of the attack of the weather upon and the circulation of water through this type of rock make it impos- sible to predict with any certainty the extent of stripping and pressure grouting which would be necessary. The fresh road-cut shows twelve to fifteen feet of soil cover, three feet of completely disintegrated rock, then sound rock with disintegrated zones along joint planes. For pre- liminary estimate purposes only, it should be considered that the strip- ping will be uneven, and allowance made for at least 25 feet excavation perpendicular to the slope on the average over the entire site. If the economic features thus arrived at warrant further consideration of the site for construction of a dam, the abutments and stream bed should be drilled and tested by water under pressure in accordance with the loca- tion, inclination and extent of joints revealed upon partial stripping and test pitting and tunneling the site. There is no question that if sound granite can be found at reason- able depth that, with reasonable preparation, a concrete arch or gravity type dam could be constructed on the site. There is no natural spill- way available so the spillway should be part of the structure. Con- struction material is available in the stream bed above and below the site. Detailed Geology — Pleasant Valley Reservoir. Pleasant Valley is a fairly exten.sive area of flat land lying between 700 and 800 feet above sea level in Township 21 South. Range 29 East, M. D. B. and M. The surface of the area is made up largely of stream deposited sand and gravel with some coarse boulder areas. Tule River has intrenched itself in this material through the area and, at its west- erly limit, has cut about 50 to 60 feet below the adjoining gravel and boulder bench lands. The area could be enclosed through construction of a main dam across the river channel at the east line of section 18 and two auxiliary dams across low areas in the north half of the same sec- tion, but the topographic development is such that little storage could be obtained for the lower section of the maiu dam. The site and geology of the location are shown on Plate C-XIV. The bed rock of the region, including the dam sites, consists of granitic rock varying in texture and mineral constituents within com- paratively small areas. The north abutment of the main dam site is made up of a coarse textured rock consisting principally of hornblende and feldspars, which might be designated diorite. The same rock, with some granodiorite ])hases, extends nortliwesterly through the site of SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 597 PLATE C-XIV GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF PLEASANT VALLEY DAM SITE ON TULE RIVER SCALE OF MILES O 1 2 3 4 LEGEND Granitic bed rock covered with stream-deposited sand and yravef 598 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the required Auxilian' Dam, A dike of true granite strikes north 30 degrees west through the axis of the proposed auxiliary dam. The south abutment at the main dam site consists principally of close tex- tured grano-diorite outcrops, but as the texture phases change over the region it is probable coarse-textured rock lies below the soil cover. This abutment carries some terrace gravels and remnants of a lava flow. The rock is massive in structure and when sound has great strength. It is considerably jointed and the mass is weakened by dis- integration of joint wall rock. AVeathering has attacked the rock, producing gentle slopes at the main dam site abutments. The rock outcrops are principally dislodged jointed blocks with but little rock found in place. The rock on the north abutment, being coarsely crystalline, has disintegrated to con- siderable depth. An average allowance of 50 feet depth of strip- ping over the whole site would probablj^ not be excessive as there are no outcrops over the stream bed, but a wide flood plain bordered by terrace gravels. The auxiliary dam site would require a 45-foot structure. The coarsely crystalline rock found here has weathered deeply to produce gentle slopes. It is probable an earth fill structure here would require a cut-off reaching to sound rock at 50 to 60 feet below ground surface to prevent leakage through the porous residuum. ISABELLA, BOREL AND BAKERSFIELD DAM SITES ON KERN RIVER Kern River drains the southern end of the Sierra Nevada and is the most southerly master stream entering the San Joaquin Valley. The Kern River region presents geologic and topographic conditions which vary greatly from those obtaining over the regions examined in connection with dam sites located on the northerly lying Sierra streams. It emerges from its foothill region at Bakersfield and floAvs southwest- erly over an alluvial fan built up in a topographic depression formed by fault displacement, terminating in a flat area formerly occupied by large fresh water bodies — Kern Lake and Buena Vista Lake. The foothill belt, extending from Bakersfield to the mouth of Kern Canyon, is comprised of loosely cemented sandstone, conglomerate and shale beds of Tertiary age, overlaid in part by an early alluvial fan of the Kern River. The river has intrenched itself into both these forma- tions, cutting steep rugged walls to its trench, which, in places, rise above broad mesas representing the surface of former flood plains and the Pleistocene fan of the river. Contemporary lateral erosion and weathering has carved the material originally forming the floor of the Tertiary sea into ridges and round topped hills, leaving a portion of tliis surface as a mesa, but slightly eroded, south of the river. The erosive development in the foothill region has been such that it does not provide suitable dam sites with the possible exception of the Ant Hill site in the east half of Section 5, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, and the Bakersfield site about three miles downstream. The lower Kern River Canyon, from Kernville to its mouth, is unique among Sierra stream trenches in that the grade increases down stream. This is due to uplift of the region during time so recent that the stream has not achieved a mature profile and the base leveling pro- cesses in the more resistant rock above the mouth of the canyon have not SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 599 kept pace with the erosion of the sedimentaries of the foothill region. The lateral topographic development of Kern River Canyon is due prin- cipally to the attack of the weatlier, resisted by petrographic differ- ences in a granitic rock mass. Where coarse textured rock prevails the slopes are moderate, with a fairly heavy cover of disintegration prod- ucts, principally coarse sand, carrying loose joint blocks differing widely in size and varying in their stage of disintegration. The finer textured rock bodies are characterized by precipitous rock slopes carrying large blocks detached from the underlying mass along joint planes, but exhi- biting no appreciable rock decay upon their surfaces or along joint walls. Two areas of the latter rock occurring below Isabella were exam- ined in detail, the upper in Section 36, Township 26 South, Range 32 East, in which the Isabella dam site is located, and the lower in Section 32, Township 27 South, Range 31 East, in which the Borel dam site is located. At these two locations the stream crosses what might be termed dykes of close textured rock at right angles to the strike and the topographic development has provided a "V" shaped stream trench well adapted to dam site purposes. General Geology. The greater portion of the rock through which Kern River has cut its canyon below the junction of the South Fork with the North Fork may be designated a coarse-grained, liglit colored granite, showing num- erous large phenocrysts of feldspar (])robably orthoclase). Included in this granite mass are areas of medium to close-grained grano-dioritc having fairly uniform texture and consisting principally of feldspar, quartz, mica, (biotite) and hornblende. Besides these two main facies, the rock throughout its mass varies in color and texture gradations in small irregular bodies, due to local differences in feldspars and inclu- sions of a multitude of small hornblende crystals, and contains dykes or veins of light colored aplites varying in width from less than one to about five feet. The granitic core of the Sierra Xevada is predominate in this region and probably represents huge batholithic intrusions in contrast to the plug or dyke from plug intrusions in the older (pre-Jurassic time) crustal rocks which characterize the occurrence of granitic rock in the northern Sierra. At the southern end of Hot Springs Valley and up South Fork Valley are limited areas of the older crustal or meta- morphic rocks (including limestone) which can be distinguished by the reddish brown color and smooth surface they develop under weathering, in contrast with the light colored rocky slopes of the granite. They do not, however, reach the Kern River channel at any point below Kernville. The batholithic intrusions probably carry as far north as the San Joaquin River, and it appeared there (in contrasting the rock at the Fort Miller dam site with that at the Temperance Flat dam site) as well as on the Kern River that the enormous intrusion was a progressive action giving rise to a series of granitic intrusive bodies of somewhat different age and having different texture characteristics. The close textured grano-diorite bodies have a "fresher" appearance, a more even crvstalline texture, and are more resistant to the attack of the 600 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES weather; therefore, thoy make the more favorable rock for dam foundation. Tlie Tertiary rocks comprisin I D ■B oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOQ •-^OS^'^^iC »-• O^O CO o ooooooooo oooooooooo OOOOOOO'OOOOOOOOOOOO M (^ lO CS '-D O^ CO CO irj_ »0 O^ -* 0__ CD O C-l O 00 -^ cc u^ -^ CO c^r 00 i^ ^ CO 00 <-- o T-r c^ o*^ >-H i^r c'i" ^ «-t ■'f (M -^ C'J •-' I-- I- -^ CO lO CO -^ ooooooooooooooooooo OOO-OOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOO CaCr o r-^ o 00 -^ CD lO CD »— 00 o r^ cc t^ »-^ c^ CO c^ C^.-t I—(M»OCO'-«0»-ooooooo 000000'0000000<000000 T-(C^COCOcD»OOOCOr-ir'-tDOOOOOOOiCOCOt^t^ CO ci"'-Hc^c4"co CO odooco^- CD c^ oT o? 1-H ^H T-l l>. ,-H Tt< -H CS to t— ▼-I CO CO (N 00 00 »OOOOi'-''- 4> ;=c^ > 4) e .2 c; [1 S S i-3-o «.9.2 bg-S a* S oj 3 o c3 . k> « r^ L^ »— >> o o-S S 2 S n a ■3 a j2 -:; = §■§• « o 2 C J,J.M s «; 3 rt *OQS o 3 '"CJ»^ S i- ■= g 3 o go 3 3 5.2 n e '3 s o i-a c C9 CO o H SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 613 o oo oo o o o o o o o o o o o »ooo ino »c o CO CO ■r -^ o c o C^OO CO o CO 1-H oooooo o o oooooo o o OS O Tf iC t^ Oi ■^ -* •-H c^ CO oo 00 *-o o C-1 ^o -^ 00 o c^^ *M en oooooo o o oooooo o « M »0 O CO o '<*' t-^ CO lO CO c^ cc? uf OS ^ CO CO o CO o -(J* l-l l>- ^H (M -^ M i« ■**« oo oo Tf (M OiCOOOCO o l>- i-*eocDC^io c^ 1— • c o ' t> (- «-• 3 o iH > b4 J2 2 So c •S ^-i fe i c3"^ o -*^ 22 SoScoO O o H 614 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES Table D-3 gives a summary of the means of the full natural run-offs of the streams of the San Joaquin River Basin tributary to the upper San Joaquin Valley, the lower San Joaquin Valley and the delta for each of the periods used in Table D-2. For purposes of comparison, the corresponding data are given in the table for various periods dis- cussed in Chapter II, which do not include the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31. TABLE D-3 SUMMARY OF MEAN SEASONAL FULL NATURAL RUN-OFF OF SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN STREAMS FOR VARIOUS PERIODS 1 n Acre- feet Period Upper San Joaquin Basin Lower San Joaquin Basin Delta tributaries Totals 1889-1929 5,046,200 5,470,500 4,725,900 4.589,300 1,607,900 1,555,400 11.980,000 1889-1931 --- 11.615.200 1909-1929 4,827,300 4,567,900 3,976,400 3,781,400 1,355,900 1,279.100 10,159,600 1909-1931 9,628,400 1919-1929 - 3,932,400 3,476,200 3,475,900 3,107,000 1,138,600 1,000,000 8,546,900 1921-1931 - - 7,583,200 1924-1929 3,688,700 3,059,200 3,345,500 2,733,800 1,102,800 880,300 8.137,000 1926-1931- 6,673,300 Ultimate Net Run-offs — The ultimate net run-offs for the seasons 1929-30 and 1930-31 of the major streams at the reservoir sites of the State Water Plan are shown in Table D-4. These ultimate net run-offs are those that could have been expected under conditions of ultimate impairment by diversions for ultimate irrigation developments and ])resent power developments, upstream from each reservoir site. Mean values for various periods also are set forth in the tabulation. TABLE D-4 ULTIMATE NET SEASONAL RUN-OFF OF MAJOR STREAMS AT RESERVOIR SITES OF STATE PLAN IN SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN Stream Run-o£f, in acre-feet Mean run-< )ff for period, n acre-feet 1929-1930 1930-1931 1889-1931 1909-1931 1917-1931 1921-1931 1926-1931 Kern River 346.700 184,100 692.000 642,000 465.000 435.000 399,000 Tulc River' 46,400 17,600 126,000 102,000 73,800 70.300 60.000 Kaweah River, 217.(i()0 114,200 430,000 338,000 283,000 271.000 248,000 Kings River 862.800 465,800 1.830.000 1,497,000 1.222.000 1,161.000 1,027,000 San Joaiuiii River- 868.600 562,800 1,932,000 1,613,000 1.308,000 1.254,000 1,083.000 Fresno River 20.()00 7,100 53,200 45,100 35.800 34,.500 27,600 Chowcliilla Uivcr. . 31.700 3,000 68,300 52,600 48.900 49,400 38,700 Merced Hiver 413.400 186,900 957,000 778,000 638,000 618,000 519.000 Tuolumne River- -. 1,079,800 579,800 1,596.000 1,342,000 1,168,000 1,135,000 1,081,000 ■Stanislaus River. .. 611,700 221,000 1,200,000 944,000 758,000 745,000 663,000 Calaveras River 45,000 13.100 182,000 144,000 91,100 79,600 61,600 Mokelumne River, - 383,400 216,900 795,000 660,000 547,000 532,000 481,000 Cosumnes River . . 84,400 25.400 279,000 219.000 159,000 161,000 131,000 Totals.. .. - 5.012.100 2.597,700 10,140,500 8.376.700 6.797.600 6,545,800 5,819.900 ■.Includes South Fork of Tule River, which enters the main Tule River below the reservoir site of the State Plan. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 615 Adequacy of Initial Units of State Water Plan. In Chapter VIII, the operation and accomplishments of the initial units of the State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin are desc''ibed. The analyses on which the accomplishments for both the immediate and complete initial developments were based covered the 12-year period 1917-1929. In testino- the adequacy of these units, studies were made coverino^ the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31. 'e< Immediate Initial Develojmient — Analyses presented in Chapter VIII, based on water supply studies for the 12-year period 1917-1929 and on water supply and ground water studies for the 8-year period 1921-1929, demonstrated that sufficient water to meet the needs of present developed areas in tlie upper San Joaquin Valley, having a permanent deficiency in water supply, could have been most economically secured by the utilization of surplus water of the San Joaquin River and water available by purchase under rights devoted to inferior use on "grass lands" for pasture, now being served by diversions from this river above the mouth of the ]\Ierced River. The physical works of the immediate initial State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin required for the utilization of these supplies are Friant Reservoir, Madera Canal and San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal. Analyses have been made, by extending tlie water supply and accumulative ground water studies through the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31, to demonstrate to what degree the plan adopted for immediate initial development would have met the needs of present developed areas of permanent deficiency in those seasons. Table D-5 sets forth the measured monthly run-off of the major streams in upper San Joaquin A^alley for the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31. Table D-6 sets forth by m^onths for the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31 the utilization of the total impaired run-off of the San Joaquin River at Friant under conditions of immediate initial develop- ment, with the quantities and characteristics of supply for the ]Madera Canal and the San Joaquin River-Kern County Canal ; and the cor- responding average values for the 14-year period 1917-1931, 10-year period 1921-1931, and 5-year period 1926-1931. The bases of opera- tion of the reservoir and the allocation of supplemental supplies there- from are the same as set forth in Chapter VITI. Table D-7 sets forth, for each season of the 10-year period 1921-1931, the water supply from Friant Reservoir, from local sources and from the combined sources that would have been available for units in the upper San Joaquin Valley receiving imported supplemental water under the plan of immediate initial development; and the net accretion to or depletion of ground water storage in the absorptive areas during this 10-year period which would have resulted from the furnishing of this water supply, after fully satisfying assumed water requirements based upon the net areas irrigated in 1929. An inspection of the tabulation reveals that the nonabsorptive areas consisting of the Alta-Foothill, Lindsay and Magunden-Edison units would have received a full surface sup])Iy in all seasons except 1930-31 wIkmi the Alta- Foothill unit would have had a deficiency of 20 per cent, the Lindsay unit, 10 per cent and the Magunden-Edison unit. 15 per cent. In both seasons 1929-30 and 1930-31, none of the absorptive areas except 616 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCKS CO < o O I o Z o <: u w u I H Oi o < > C o z < a: (/J •< u a: H OS o O tc b O I z .J I H Z o Q 2 o 3 Pi eg r^ -^ CO 00 ^oi>- 1-- eo O t^ c^ oo as ^ ^ rC -^jT »c c ooooooo ooooooo 00 re ic o o^oc ^ C^ -^ O ^- »C »-^ 'TJ oo iC -^ >fJ OOOOOOO o o oo o o CO c^ o r^ -^co TjJ" M od "5 0)0000 ooooooo 00 00 o O O O O O O o 1— ' r* OS o c^ o ■n" ooooooo ooooooo 00 —^ CO »0 OS w o CO CO i>^ t-^ OS .-T ^ ooooooo ooooooo C^ (M Tf« O CO — to ooooooo OOOOOOO CO -^ 00 '^ t^ 00 Oi OOOOOOO ooooooo O h- C— ' O fM oo 00 '-T t-' oT o fe «^ "^ c3 C3 c3 rt 3oa 2 oi g; ■£& ^t: c rt 2 ;?; < Z ;^. -< ce o — •/?;:^z CO tJ 2KS is ;-S: I I b I I > fc- c aj^^ 3.= S o «e * •5 «.£ = s itSnatSt^^I^o S £ " » S"^ ^ r;i c 4) o B cQ ^ g O % 5 a> ^ , •o o 1 s o w j:k f SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 617 H Z H I— I Q O w Z o Q Z o o a D z D H Z OS b H > az J 0* OD < ^R Z < 00 K H b O b b O cS t- o -•^ IS ■ oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooscDcoc^r^OOOuooit^ g o c S V 3 S-" oooooooooooo oooooooooooo ■ T-' C^3 ^ _| !_*- CHICS'-" ' ' + + + I I OOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOC^Oi'-'.-»OJt^COCD«-»'-«.-( ++++' 'mi I I -oooooooooo s s\ IQ CO C^ O 888 00 '-< C-l ' I I ooo o o Q b a: < a, u X H b O z o H < H < z o < b > c3 WJ as oooooooooooo oo oooooo ooo O -^ IC CO -^ ^H oooooooooooo oo oooooo 00 X> OC'S^f'iO'^^H o ooo o ooo 03 > c '3 c C3 o 1-5 B c oooooooooooo oooooooooo 00^-^HC^cDI^000500 oooooooooooo ooooooooo o w- 3 3 cr o go d 02 OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOCDOOOO) ooooooooooo< OOOOOOOOO o oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooo>ooo o oooooooooooo o ooooooooo O "^ '"1 '^ "^ ^ "^ "^ '^ ^ i-H lo i-T i-T ^ CO 1-^ i-^ -^ od OOOOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOO Tt< CO CS) CO fO t^ c^ OOOOOOOOOOOO O O O o o o ■^ CO c •^ ^r C) ooo ooo Oi ^ r-co -^ OOO'*' r^odoor--^--c^'"r-^iccJ'odOT t^ dit-^ 'S f-"C'»'*asoi«icco t^ cD^ci .£ a e fe 5^ . , , 3 bO -*^ ^^ o H 1:1*' «^ S s s 5j= ■ wO B 3^.9 cc e*D eo B C C ooo SS2 618 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES , 1 .> Madera would have received any water from Friant Reservoir. How- ever, the total supply for all absorptive areas, for the 10-year period, would have exceeded net use requirements by 20,000 acre-feet. Although ground water storage would be depleted at the end of the 10-year period in certain units, the total accretions in other* units exceed the total amounts of depletion. With minor changes in allotment, in certain seasons, all ground water reservoirs would have finished the 10-year period with slightly higher water levels at the end than at the begin- ning, after having furnished a full supply every season equal to the requirements for the areas irrigated in 1929. With the water supply available during the 10-year period 1921-31 and Avith water requirements based upon the area irrigated in 1929 assumed to be furnished throughout the period, the weighted average pumping lifts for all absorptive areas would have been nearly as great in 1930-31 as in 1921-22. Assuming that the operation of the plan of immediate initial development were started in 1931 and the water supply for the 10-year period 1931-1941 were equal to that of the 10- year period 1921-1931, practically the same conditions of ground water depletion and excessive pumping lifts would exist at the end of 1941 as under present conditions. However, should the period following the completion of the plan of immediate initial development more closely approach the normal, the available water supply for utilization would replenish the underground reservoirs in addition to fully meeting the requirements of present areas of deficiency. It was pointed out in Chapter VIII that, should t"he run-off occur- ring in future years result in a succession of seasons more subnormal than experienced during the period 1917-1929 upon which the water supply studies for immediate initial development are based, the utiliz- able Avater supply, from both local and supplemental sources, which would be available under the proposed plan of immediate intial develop- ment might be materially less than estimated for the period 1917-1929 ; and that, in this event, additional supplemental supplies might be required to adequately meet the needs of present developed areas. Adequate relief should include not only the furnishing of supplies to offset present deficiencies between supply and actual net use require- ments, but also substantial ground water replenishment to reduce present excessive pumping lifts. The only dependable and practicable source of additional supplemental Avater supply would be the Sacra- mento River Basin, and the San Joaquin River Pumping System would be required to import supplies from this source to be used in the San Joaquin Valley. It was concluded in a previous report* that the construction of this unit might be deferred until experience demon- strated the need of additional water for initial development, but that provision should be made in the plan of financing for funds to construct this unit so that adequate relief would be assured for the present developed areas of deficient water supply. The foregoing studies extending the analyses of water supply under the plan of immediate initial development to include the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31 have further demonstrated the desirability of the inclusion of the San •Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan," Division of Water Resources, 1930. (See pages 45 and 160.) I SEASJIRING AN IMPORTED SUPPLY IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN RRIGATED AREAS AS OF 1929 ( Net area ir-igated in 1929, in acres Estimated seasonal net use requirements Total net accretion (+) to or depletion (— Uf -31 Mean for period, 1921-1931 Acre-feet per acre' Acre-feet ground water storage dur- ing 10-year period, 1921-1931. in acre-feet Madei 2,500 2,200 95,880 90,820 81,000 2.5 202,500 4,700 186,700 28,010 33,830 229,610 82,480 —158,000 Alta-115-fiOO 16,000 1122,900 22,000 '75,200 30,500 49,800 2,600 400,000 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 32,000 307,300 44,000 165,400 61,000 99,600 5,200 917i000 Kawe 0,000 Linds 0,000 4,200 5,600 312,090 14,130 33,830 4-47,900 9,800 2,700 47,960 81,580 64,030 Tule- Earlii 2,700 800 145,610 2,450 83,270 —197,900 UcFi 800 85,720 31,620 76,060 -f247.200 Magi 4,400 107,680 5,800 +80^800 "] 50,200 77,800 455,270 498,130 28,000 953,400 -1-20,000 809£ 618 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Madera would have received any water from Friant Reservoir. How- ever, the total supply for all absorptive areas, for the 10-year period, would have exceeded net use requirements by 20,000 acre-feet. Although ground water storage would be depleted at the end of the 10-year period in certain units, the total accretions in other* units exceed the total amounts of depletion. With minor changes in allotment, in certain seasons, all ground water reservoirs w'ould have finished the 10-year period with slightly higher water levels at the end than at the begin- ning, after having furnished a full supply every season equal to the requirements for the areas irrigated in 1929. With the water supply available during the 10-year period 1921-31 and with water requirements based upon the area irrigated in 1929 assumed to be furnished throughout the period, the weighted average pumping lifts for all absorptive areas would have been nearly as great in 1930-31 as in 1921-22. Assuming that the operation of the plan of immediate initial development were started in 1931 and the w^ater supply for the 10-year period 1931-1941 were equal to that of the 10- year period 1921-1931, practically the same conditions of ground water depletion and excessive pumping lifts would exist at the end of 1941 as under present conditions. However, should the period following the completion of the plan of immediate initial development more closely approach the normal, the available water supply for utilization would replenish the underground reservoirs in addition to fully meeting the requirements of present areas of deficiency. It was pointed out in Chapter VIII that, should tlie run-off occur- ring in future years result in a succession of seasons more subnormal than experienced during the period 1917-1929 upon which the water supply studies for immediate initial development are based, the utiliz- able water supply, from both local and supplemental sources, which would be available under the proposed plan of immediate intial develop- ment might be materially less than estimated for the period 1917-1929 ; and that, in this event, additional supplemental supplies might be required to adequately meet the needs of present developed areas. Adequate relief should include not only the furnishing of supplies to offset present deficiencies between supply and actual net use require- ments, but also substantial ground water replenishment to reduce present excessive pumping lifts. The only dependable and practicable source of additional supplemental Avater supply would be the Sacra- mento River Basin, and the San Joaquin River Pumping System would be required to import supplies from this source to be used in the San Joaquin Valley. It was concluded in a previous report* that the construction of this unit might be deferred until experience demon- strated the need of additional water for initial development, but that provision should be made in the plan of financing for funds to construct this unit so that adequate relief would be assured for the present developed areas of deficient water supply. The foregoing studies extending the analyses of water supply under the plan of immediate initial development to include the seasons of 1929-30 and 1930-31 have further demonstrated the desirabilitv of the inclusion of the San •Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan." Division of Water Resources, 1930. (See pages 45 and 160.) SEASONAL WATER SUPPLY AND NET ACCRETION TO OR DEPLETION OF GROUND WATER STORAGE DURING PERIOD 1921-1931 FOR AREAS REQUIRING AN IMPORTED SUPPLY IN UPPER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY UNDER CONDITIONS OF IMMEDIATE INITIAL DEVELOPMENT, WITH WATER REQUIREMENTS BASED UPON IRRIGATED AREAS AS OF 1929 Source of water supply Seasonal surface water supply in acre-feet Net area ir-igated in 1929. in acres Estimated seasonal net use requirements Total net accretion (-F)toor depletion (-)of Unit or area 1921-22 1922-23 lS23-:4 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1029-30 1930-31 Mean for period, 1921-1931 Acre-feet per acre' .\ore-teet ground water storage dur- ing 10-year period, 1921-1931. in aore-feet Madera Local 205.100 245,800 154,800 132.100 24.000 32,700 134,600 104.900 66,700 90.500 143.600 130.400 100.300 90.500 62.100 .32.V00 55,100 26,400 12.500 22.200 95.880 90.820 81.000 2 5 202,500 Friant Reservoir Totals 450,900 83.200 35,000 377,300 250,800 286.900 48,400 35,000 299,700 142,700 56,700 6,200 35.000 16,200 239.500 18.500 35.000 274.200 54.500 157,200 26,700 35,000 185,000 78,500 274.000 60.200 35.000 405.200 194.900 190.800 26,200 35.000 182,100 77,200 94.800 2.700 35.000 194.800 7.900 81,500 32,700 189,800 34,700 25.600 100.000 186.700 28.010 33,830 229,610 82,480 —158,000 Friant Reservoir -.- Friant Reservoir... Local 16.000 ■122.900 22.000 '75.200 30,500 49,800 2,600 400,000 2.0 2.5 2 2,2 2 2,0 2.0 32,000 307,300 44.000 165.400 61.000 99,600 5.200 917.000 Friaat Reservoir 628.200 13,400 35,000 442,400 14.100 35.000 IOf.,200 13,700 35,000 328.700 12.700 35.000 263,500 14,100 35,000 600.100 13.300 35.000 259,300 14,300 35,000 202.700 15.500 35.000 189,800 16,000 32,700 100.000 14.200 25.600 312,090 14.130 33.830 Lindsay Local' Friant Reservoir Totals... 48,400 156,600 194,800 49,100 116,400 110,800 48,700 20,600 14.100 47,700 107,400 42,300 49,100 56,500 60,900 48.300 146.600 151.300 49,300 57,100 60,000 50.500 68.200 6.100 48,700 54,700 39.800 21.700 47.960 81.580 64,030 Loca' Friant Reservoir Totals 351.400 3,700 253,300 227,200 1,800 144,100 48,700 18.300 149,700 3,600 55,000 117,400 1,400 79,200 297.900 4.700 198.800 117,100 2.300 78.000 74.300 1,900 8,000 54,700 1,300 22.700 80O 145,610 2,450 83,270 197 900 Friant Reservoir Totals . . 257,000 123,100 231,300 148,900 52,500 131,600 18.300 16.800 58,600 23,400 60,300 80,600 13,600 72,400 201.500 82.000 179.700 80.300 11.800 71.200 9.900 4.800 7.300 1,300 6,000 800 85,720 31.620 70.060 +247.200 FriantReservoir Totals 354,400 6,000 184,100 6,000 16.800 6.000 73,700 6,000 86,000 6.000 261.700 6.000 83.000 6.000 12,100 6,000 5,000 5.600 4.400 107.080 5.800 +80^800 FriantReservoir ToUl! 879,200 1,337,300 642,300 785.700 155.300 182.300 555,900 401,600 337.300 484.200 795.400 995.300 367.900 479.100 347,300 140,700 321.900 97.400 150.200 77.800 455.270 498.130 Friant Reservoir Totab... 2,216,500 1.428.000 337.600 957,400 821.500 1,790.700 847,000 488,000 419.300 228,000 953.400 -i-20,000 ' Encludes 5,600 acres oi irrigated pasture. ' Oft basis of per acre values determined in Chapter IV. • Importation from Kawtah River in accord with diversions of Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District, .\inounts diverted to Lindsay Unit deducted from local supply of Kaweab Unit. * Includes a.OOO acres east of ground water unit. 80997— Bet. pp. 618 and 619 i I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 619 Joaquin River Primping System as an initial unit in the financing of the plan. Complete Initial Development — With the units of the plan of complete initial development constructed and in operation, practically the entire flow of the San Joaquin River at Friant would be available for diversion into the upper San Joaquin Valley. The average seasonal yield from the Friant Reservoir for the 14-year period 1917-1931 would have been 1,272,000 acre-feet. The average seasonal utilizable yield from the Chowchilla, Fresno, Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern rivers, for this period, was about 2,058,000 acre-feet. The average combined total yield of 3,330,000 acre-feet would have satisfied the requirements of 1,665,000 acres or about one and one-half times the irrigated area now receiving a supply from these streams. The San Joaquin River Pumping System would make available water supplies from the delta and the lower San Joaquin River tribu- taries, for "crop lands" now being served from the San Joaquin River. These crop lands would have received a full supply in all seasons except 1930-31. In that season there would have been a deficiency of 35 per cent through the months of May to September, inclusive. The deficiencj^ for the entire season would have been 25 per cent. Even with this deficiency, the amount received would have exceeded the amount actually available to these lands during the season 1930-31 by 191,000 acre-feet or 40 per cent more water. The monthly contributions of surplus and return waters from the lower San Joaquin Valley for the seasons 1929-30 and 1930-31 are set forth in Table D-8. The means for the 14-year period 1917-31 are also shown. This table is an extension of Table 183 in Chapter VIII. and the bases of compilation and explanation of the quantities are the same as set forth in that chapter. The deficiencies shown would be supplied by pumping Sacramento River water from the delta and would have been fully met from this source except during the months of May to September, inclusive, in 1931 Avhen there would have been a deficiency of 35 per cent. Adequacy of Major Units of Ultimate State Water Plan. The operation and accomplishments of the major units of the ultimate State Water Plan in the San Joaquin River Basin and in the entire Great Central Valley, based upon the 40-year period of run-off 1889-1929. are presented in Cha])ter VII. In the analyses shown therein of the water supply that would have been made available by the proposed units of the ultimate plan during the 40-year period 1889-1929, it was demonstrated that the irrigable areas to be served under ultimate development in practically all of the lower San Joaquin Valley and along the west side of the upper San Joatjuin Valley would bave received an adequate surface supply of water obtained through surface storage regulation on local streams and from importations from the Sacramento River Basin, with a maximum deficiency of not to exceed 35 per cent in any season during tliat period : and that the (>astern and southern slopes of the upper San Joacjuin Valley would have received a full supi)ly Avithout deficiency through the combined utilization of surface and underground .storage. Xo utilization was 620 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES M f) W W H u b O Z o H <: N H 3 CO 8 Sgg llllggg 1 t* r-.-^Tt* tO'W-* 5 UO «2>osco CO CO 00 oo3 CO— "■♦ o o> — toe-» H 00 o_cc C^l ■^C^'^ 1-4 ^t«C^ ^ s § ;g g ig g ig n 00 . O 1 o O 1 o 1 ' =i O ' CO Ol CC OS 3 (M CO I 00 CO to 00 o^ oo »-3 -^ CO ,o — ,t^ 00 1-i CO c, o lo o 'o ggg O O lO O lO e Oi t -H C^ ' t^ o ccc^ a 3 CO o I c> C3 oo 1 o .o ooo r~ kOOO < U5 ' =0 OiiOCO S 00 OOCT. 1 ,-( I ,-t OiO W3 ■s »o r*T-< , ,o CTKCi-l •^co s i o oo '• O ' o ooo u o oo 1 O ' o ooo c8 *C 1^ 00 ^ t r^ ( o CO M CO A < CI ■<*< c^oJ 1 Oi I lO 00 ^DfM* Oit-* i -H , OS eoo ^ a :s U5 cooo I CO , ^ ^ CO >> o oo i oo 1 Qo : C3 o oo 1 3 05 CO •* > oo Oi 1 ^N c^ . u r-T iO rC ) t^d> ; OCI ,' ^ c^ 05 o ; coco ; l^-»** CJ 1— 1 •— ) , fo >. o oo 1 oo ' O O t o oo 1 oo 1 OO < C3 o OCO , t>^t^ I t-H — » 3 o" c^c4' ! odoo I ^1-H ' O500 : to to ; c^ ^ ; •-9 I o oo i oo ' oo ! is o oo 1 oo 1 OO • ■»J« o to ■ >o— 1 OO-^ ' §JD to ciuf ; tocf 1 r^-H ! ■^co i eOtO 1 Oi OS , , o oo i OO 1 OO ! is o oo 1 OO ■ oo . Tf C400 ) r-4 t^ 1 -H t>- > oo ■« ' M ' ' ■*J I 1 ••» 1 t 4> "3 1 1 "^ I I '« ' * "— < °c= ; ■^ •>. •^ ;>; ■^ :>. eraand Joaqui lands. 3 ;§ 2 ;s s :s Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Inflow Excess Deficie Q C s o ^ -H CO CO d - V '"^k - s s. s? /One year peric d - ^■^ _ 1 i 1 1 1 1 _L_L 1 t 1 I IW 1 JO Run-off in millions of ecre-feot PROBABLE FREQUENCIES OF MEAN SEASONAL RUN-OFFS FROM UPPER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN ABOVE FRIANT The average frequencies with which the low run-offs of several recont seasons, and periods of consecutive seasons are likely to occur, are set forth in Table D-14. It may be noted that a seasonal run-off of less than the 446,000 acre-feet for the season 1923-1924 would be expected to occur once in 147 years and that for the season 1930-193], once in 80 years. Gi-eat Central Valley — Analyses similar to those for the upper San Joaquin River above Friant were made for the entire San Joaquin River Basin, for the Sacramento River Basin and for the combined basins to estimate the probable frequencies of occurrence of seasonal I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 631 run-offs of varying magnitudes. As in the case of the upper San Joaquin River, the values used in the analyses are the full natural run-offs. For these analyses, the run-offs from mountainous areas of the major streams, only, were used. Those for the minor streams and unmeasured areas were not included. They represent less than 10 per cent of the total run-off from the basins. Graphs similar to those for the upper San Joaquin River were prepared and are presented herewith as Plate D-II, ''Probable Frequencies of Mean Seasonal Run-offs from Major Streams of Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins." TABLE D-14 FREQUENCIES OF OCCURRENCE OF SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF PERIOD 1915-1931 FROM UPPER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER ABOVE FRIANT Based on seasonal run-offs for 61 -year period 1871-1932. Mean seasonal run-off, 1,981,000 acre-feet. Mean seasonal run-off for period Average frequency of occurrence (from curves on Plate D-1) Period (Season October 1 through September 30th) In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal run-off for period 1871-1932 One-year periods — 191S-1920 1923-1924 1,320,000 446,000 873,000 489,000 1,053,000 684,000 1,365,000 1,488,000 747,000 1,765,000 1,477,000 1,416,000 1,084,000 67 23 44 25 53 35 69 75 38 89 75 71 55 Once in 3 years 1928-1929 Once in 8 years Once in 80 years 1930-1931 --- Two-year periods— 1922-1924 Once in 13 years 1929-1931 . - - Once in 64 years Three-year periods — 1917-1920 . Once in 11 years 1921-1924 Once in 9 years 1928-1931 Once in 83 years Five-year periods — 1915-1920 Once in 13 years 1919-1924 . Once in 20 years 1921-1926 -- . . Once in 22 years 1926-1931 - -- Once in 53 years Values of frequency of occurrence of mean seasonal run-offs during several recent seasons and jjeriods of two, three and five consecutive seasons have been taken from the developed curves on Plate D-II and are tabulated in Table D-15. These values are presented for the San Joaquin River Basin alone, the Sacramento River Basin alone, and for the combined basins. An inspection of the figures in the table reveals that the run-off may be expected to be less than that of the season 1923-1924, the season of lowest run-off, once in 128 years for the San Joaquin River Basin, once in 130 j^ears for the Sacramento River Basin and once in 147 years for the combined basins. The corresponding figures for the smallest mean seasonal run-off for two consecutive seasons are once in 43 years for the San Joaquin River Basin in 1929-1931, once in 26 years for the Sacramento River Basin in 1922-1924, and once in 33 years for the combined basins in 1929-1931. Similarly, the corresponding figures for the three run-off seasons 1928-1931, the driest three consecutive seasons during the period 1918-1931, are once in 62 years for San Joaquin River Basin, once in 62 years for the Sacramento River Basin, and once in 77 years for the combined basins. 632 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Z o b < u b O U .J J ■< > oi H U CT- H 2 OS o 03 z Q ■» o e o:: u cu b o CO b b O I z a! aJ ■J "to < c /^ trt OCO (/3 I/) "*< c CQ (8 2 fee o I c 3 a B o O 9 « a « — o C9C4 a) CO O 4> Oji— I ' E3 o £ 6i o i-s fc a <« 9 i! J. c o S 3 2S years years years years £ 2 e i2 i2 t« rt ol c« rt V a> 0) a> V years years years years years years years oo r^ CO CO ■w — o> rtC o V V 0) OOOOO Once Once Once O V V V O O W Cd e a a B OOOO n S -*» on ■« i 9 B C3 30 u. ^ O J;^ lO c; O 00 (M r^ -*< OOO-^ »>»>.>» >>>*>>>.>. >. >> X >»>»>*>, lO t^C-1 OS c^ ccr-- ^ co^oo ^4 C<1 '^ *-< (M C^lM CO ^nc^c^ c c a c c c c c c c c c U 0) V a a a a a> V V 0^ a> O) o o a> a> 0} o) o) » u u c? c c3 c: c c a c c d a a a a c c: c OOOO OOOOO OOO OOOO B OS CO 9 " a « 32 I- (3 — .o §=>■ «*4 mt—i &§ga5 ^■s c fe a S 9 £-'. c o S 3 22 OOOO OOOO o o_o_o_ OOOO •^ O) V w years years years en en CO GQ L- b b^ »- c4 cd ?3 o3 V V U W CO OOOO »o CI t^ ODC^ C oj oj « t> u o c c c c OOOO a> o ■^ oso -^ a. (M cfl c^ CO CO OS OS O"- OS OS I I I I S OO Ca I-- OO OS V *- 03<=;:cn wt^ncRcn OCts^. oso: ^ OCO-^ fc. Cv| C^ CO A OS O^ OS >* I I T • 1^ CO 00 OS ^ OS O *-) CO t>- • Q. C^ Ol CICO ^ OS 0> ^ OS S T'^T7 51 CO ^ CI CO A^ ^ CI (M (M OS O- OS OS SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 633 PLATE D-II lO o o 100 o o E 3 Z 100 Run-off in millions of acre-feet 10 100 Run-off in milttons of acre feet lO - Y Y \\ 1 -pp-TTT - \ \ U SACRAMENTO RIVER I - \ 1 BASIN 1 - ) I i\i — - \ V - , \ \ - \ \ i 1 \ \ -- -- \ \ . 1 ° V \ 1 1 ~ \ - - \ - - ^ \o y \ - - ' - i - - \ \ ' \ \ Y > Fi.e yCi 'P tri >d \ > ', \ V"' - Th/ee year period \ Mill Two year period - \ S - \ ; I- - \ j |- - \ — I — One year per.od | — s - -L. J 1. 1 ' ^7 ' X ' 1- - s S 10 100 \ i-l-ij 1- ' ' ' \ \\ SAN JOAQUIN river] \ IT BASIN \ \\ 1 - \ W - _ \ \ - 1 \ \ \ [ i • * \ \ \ \ 1 1 A \ 1 \ ' ' . A, V. ! \ \ ' \ \ - - \ 1 - 1 ) , \ - \ \ _ \ • ^; '^i 1 - - V, \, \j 1 - \ \ •\ Five yea period \ >, I \:. S \ ,^Three year V >^ period \ Y X; ^ .\. •> • >v 1 - \ s 1 - w Two yea r period - \ - %v - One year period *^ 1 ■ i-M 1 : W Run-off in millions of acre feet 10 lOO ~r -r T Tl T -r y T x T T TT - I \ \ \ 1 1- - \ COMBINED ^ SACRAMENTO ANd[= SAN JOAQUIN C - \ - - \ \s\ Rl ^/ER B/ ^s N 3 I «\ i 1 1 1 - \ 1 V \ - \ - \ - \J \ \ \ - \ \ _ A _ \. A L ,\ ^ \ i\ \\ \ Fi. lye »r le lod i \ k \ \ Thre ^ \ 1 e y sar pe nod :\ ^^ , N i \ 1 \ ; ' S. , : 1 - 1 ^ 1 ^ v.* h - 1 K T. oy ear P< riod - \ 1 - ^c - One yeaf period ^ -X 1 - - 1 1 . 1 ,^_ f^'l iilil) PROBABLE FREQUENCIES OF MEAN SEASONAL RUN-OFFS FROM MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASINS 6:54 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Summary. The studies made to test the adequacy of the initial and ultimate major units of the State Water Plan and to estimate the probable frequency of occurrence of single and consecutive seasons of subnormal nm-off such as those used in these tests, show that: (1) The objectives sought to be accomplished by the units for the immediate initial development would have been fully met throughout the 42-year period 1889-1931. (2) The objectives sought to be accomplished by the units for com- plete initial development would have been fully met throughout the 42-year period 1889-1931, except in the season of 1930-31. In that season there would have been bearable deficiencies in the irrigation supply much less than those obtained under existing conditions, for the lower San Joaquin Valley "crop lands." (3) The objectives sought to be accomplished by the major units of the ultimate State Water Plan for the Great Central Valley would have been fully met throughout the 42-year period 1889 to 1931, except in the seasons 1923-24 and 1930-31. In these two seasons, the deficien- cies occurring would be bearable, except for a limited area of foothill lands in the San Joaquin River Basin in the season 1930-31. Minor modifications in the plan of operation would reduce the deficiency to bearable amounts for these lands. (4) Low seasonal run-offs such as those which occurred in the seasons 1923-24 and 1930-31, and in the three consecutive seasons 1928-1931, in the upper San Joaquin River watershed, and which were used in the tests of the adequacy of the Friant Reservoir unit in the initial development, may be expected to occur with average fre- quencies of once in 147 years, once in 80 years and once in 83 years, respectively. (5) Low seasonal run-offs such as those which occurred in the seasons 1923-1924 and 1930-1931, and in the three consecutive seasons 1928-1931, in the Great Central Valley, and which were used in the tests of the adequacy of the ultimate State Water Plan for this valley, may be expected to occur with the following average frequencies: CombincdSacravicnto 8a7i Joaquin River Sacramento River and San Joaqvin Period Basin Basin River Basins 1923-1024 Once in 128 years Once in 130 years Once in 147 years 1930-1931 Once in 75 years Once in 85 years Once in 96 years 1928-1931 Once in 62 years Once in 62 years Once in 77 years APPENDIX E THE CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF SOME SURFACE WATERS OF CALIFORNIA, 1930-1932 by S. K. Love Assistant Chemist Quality of Water Division United States Geological Survey TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 637 RAINFALL AND DISCHARGE IN 1906-8 AND 1930-32 638 IDENTICAL SAMPLING POINTS, 1906-8 AND 1930 639 NEARLY IDENTICAL SAMPLING POINTS IN 1906-8 AND 1930 640 RIVERS SAMPLED AT DIFFERENT POINTS IN 1906-8 AND 1930 640 SAMPLES FROM RIVERS NOT STUDIED IN 1906-8 642 SACRAMENTO RIVER IN 1931-32 642 SUMMARY 645 TaUe E-1 Partial analyses of some California surface waters at different periods 639 E-2 Partial analyses of some surface waters 'of California, 1930 646 E-3 Analyses of water from the Sacramento River at the M Street bridge, Sac- ramento, California, 1931-32 650 Plate E-I Di.ssolvert solids and discharge of Sacramento River at Sacramento, Cali- fornia, 1931-32 043 (G3G ) THE CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF SOME SURFACE WATERS OF CALIFORNIA, 1930-1932 Introduction. A comprehensive study of the clieniical character of surface waters in California was made by Van Winkle and Eaton in 1906-8 and reported in United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 237, published in 1910. The major part of this work consisted of complete mineral analyses of 10-day composites of daily samples collected over a period of a year at 33 points on 30 streams, with a few analyses of single samples. The extensive development of irrigation since 1908, including the building of dams for storage reservoirs, has made a decided change in the character of some of the waters. In some of the drainage basins, however, comparatively little change has taken place. In order to obtain some indication of the present value of the older analyses, a brief preliminary survey was made in 1930 as part of the cooperative work on waters being conducted by the United States Geo- logical Survey and the State Department of Public Works. In this survey 145 samples were collected at 69 points on 56 streams. During the period from Jnlj^ 20, 1931, to January 1, 1932, samples were col- lected about twice a Aveek from the Sacramento River at the M Street Bridge in Sacramento, and from January 1 to July 13, 1932, samples were collected on the average once a week. Altogether 71 samples were taken at this point. All samples Avere sent to Washington for analysis. The samples collected in 1930 were collected by or under the direc- tion of H. D. McGlashan, district engineer of the Geological Survey, at San Francisco, for the northern part of the State, and by F. C. Ebert, of the Los Angeles office of the Geological Survey, for the southern part of the State. The samples from the Sacramento River in 1931-32 were collected under the direction of Edward Hyatt, State engineer of California. Mr. Hyatt and Mr. ]\IcGlashan furnished discharge data, information as to the general conditions at the sampling points, and explanations of some of the results shown by examination of the samples. The examination of the single small samples collected in 1930 was little more than is covered by the so-called "preliminary examination"^ made to determine the approximate composition of samples received in the laboratory. This included regular determinations of carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, nitrate, and hardness by the soap method, turbi- dimetric determinations of calcium and sulphate, and approximate determination of boron. Calcium, magnesium, and sulphate were determined in the regular way in several samples that contained large enough quantities to be determined in the small volume of water avail- able. These partial analyses are almost as valuable as complete analy- ses for single samples of surface waters. Such occasional samples can not show the character of a water throughout the year, but they give 1 Collins, W. D., Notes on practical water analysis : U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 596-H, p. 238, 1927. (G37 ) 638 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES reasonably clear indications of chanj^es or lack of clianges in composi- tion of the water since the earlier work was done. The samples from the Sacramento River at Sacramento were ana- lyzed according to the methods regnlarly used by the Geological Sur- vey for the complete analj^sis of the mineral content of w'aters.^ All the nsnal constituents i)resent in determinable amounts were recorded, and in addition ai)proximate determinations of boron were made. The results are of the same degree of reliability as those reported in Water- Supply Paper 237, with possibly some slightly greater accuracy on account of developments in analytical methods since the earlier work. In the analyses made in 1931-32 potassium was determined and several of the other determinations were made more carefully. Although the results do not cover the composition of the river water completely throughout the year, they do indicate the probable range in composi- tion of the water. Tlie earlier results had the advantage of including a small sample of water for each day in the year. When these small samples were made into com])Osites covering 10 days the analysis gave an average composition of the water for the period covered. The results obtained in 1930 are given in Table E-2. Those obtained for the complete analyses of samples from the Sacramento River in 1931-32 are given in Table E-3. Some comparisons between the earlier and later results at a few points are given in Table E-1. Rainfall and discharge in 1906-8 and 1930-32. Climatic records show that, in general, years of maximum precipi- tation have been accompanied or closely followed by years of high dis- charge. The investigation of 190G-8 was made at a time when the rainfall was for the most part considerably above the normal. The discharge of the Sacramento and Tuolumne Rivers was much above the normal, and records for other rivers in the State show the same trend. The samples taken in 1930 were collected during the period of lov/ rainfall. In the two years prior to 1930 there had been a deficiency of 17 inches of rain, and during 1930 the rainfall was 7 inches below the normal, making a total deficiency of 24 inches for the 3-year dry period. With few exceptions the rivers of the State had discharges decidedly below normal during most of 1930. The average rainfall in 1931 was only 1.15 inches below the normal. A deficiency occurred between January and Juh% but for the remainder of the year it w^as mostly above the normal, particularly in December, when it was two to three times the monthly normal at many weather stations. During the first 7 months in 1932 there was a total deficiency of slightly over 4 inches. The analyses of the Sacramento River in 1931-32 were, therefore, made during a period of nearly normal pre- cipitation. The discharge at Sacramento, however, was considerably below normal during the summer of 193], owing to the heavy draft for irrigation. Because of changing conditions with reference to the importance of different streams and the need for information concerning their dis- charges, there is a consideral)le difference betAveen the sampling points in 1930 and those for which analyses were made in 1906-8. Strict comparisons between the two periods are possible only for the stations 2 Collins, W. D., op. cit. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 639 that are identical. For some of the others reasoiial)ly accurate com- parisons can be made, but for some stations the only value of the new figures lies in their own worth as indicating- roughly what kind of water is now available. Identical sampling points, 1906-8 and 1930. Of the 145 samples collected for analysis in 1980 only 24, taken at 12 places on 10 rivers, came from points identical with the sampling places of the earlier survey. From tlie analyses of tlie samples from identical sampling points the composition of the waters of the Yuba River at Smartsville, the Kern River near F>akersfield, Arroyo Seco near Soledad, and the San Gabriel River at Asusa seemed to be about the same as found by Van "Winkle and Eaton, The Feather River at Oroville, the American River at Fairoaks, the Stanislaus River at Knights Ferry, and the Santa Ana River near Mentone shoAved appreciable changes. They appeared to contain less chloride and sulphate in 1930, even though the discharge at several stations was but one-fourth to one-half that at corresponding periods in 1906-8. The sulphate, chloride, total hardness, and discharge of these rivers for the two periods are shoAvn in Table E-1. The results for 1930 represent single samples on the dates shown. Those for 1906 and 1908 represent 8 to 23 day composites. The difference for the Stanislaus River may be accounted for in part by the passage of the water through the Melones Reservoir, which was constructed in 1926. TABLE E-1 PARTIAL ANALYSES OF SOME CALIFORNIA SURFACE WATERS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS Feather River at Oroville: May 8, 1930... April 18-May 10, 1906 August 27, 1930 September 5-10, 1906.... American River at Fair Oaks: May 8, 1930 May 1-10, 1906 August 26, 1930 August 21-30, 1906 Stanislaus River at Knights Ferry: May 7, 1930. May 2-10, 1906 Santa Ana River near Mentone: June 9, 1930 June 1-10, 1906... June 8-17, 1908 Sulphate (SO4) 4 6.9 3 22 1 8.6 6 15 3 17 7 16 30 Chloride (CI) .3 7.8 2.0 6.1 .4 3.9 4.0 4.9 .4 3:9 3.0 7,6 4.0 Total hardness as CaCOa 33 40 44 38 16 34 27 53 20 30 62 81 108 Discbarge in second-feet 6,520 18,871 1,960 1.978 4.000 16,865 173 648 1,420 9.264 52 129 61.4 Note.— (Analyses in 1930 by S. K. Love; in 1906 and 1908 by Walton Van Winkle and F. M. Eaton. Analytical results in parts per million). A sample from the Tuolumne River at La Grange, collected in May 1930, contained about the same quantity of mineral matter as was found in 1906 ; but a single sample in September was much lower in dissolved solids and particularly in calcium, sulpliate, and chloride. 640 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The clischarpfc in May li);}0 was about one-fifth that of 1906, but in !Sei)tomber 1930 it was nearly 110 times greater, this being one of the few exceptions to the general condition of low flow in 1930. The greater discharge was probably due to releases from the Don Pedro Iveservoir, constructed about 1923. A single sample from the Ventura Kiver near Ventura in May 1930 had much more calcium, nuignesium, sulphate, and chloride and slightly loss bicarl)onate than were found by Van AVinkle and Eaton. The quality of total solids was about 720 parts per million, which is higher than was reported for -any comi)osite sample during 1908. Nearly identical sampling points in 1906-8 and 1930. Fourteen samjjles were collected in 1930 from four rivers at points only short distances from the sampling points in 1906-8, and it seems safe to compare directly the results of the analyses. Five sam- ples Avere taken between June and October from the Sacramento Kiver at Verona, about 20 miles upstream from Sacramento, the sampling point during the earlier survey. The concentration seems to have been slightly less on days in June, September, and October but considerably more in July and August than at corresponding periods in 1906-8. No discharge figures are available for the Sacramento River at Sacra- mento or Verona during 1906-8, but the records obtained at Red Bluff, about 200 miles upstream from Sacramento, show that the discharge at that point w^as approximately twice as great in 1906-8 as at similar periods in 1930. The flow at Verona during the summer is reported to be made up largely of return water from rice irrigation. Six samples were taken over a period of 6 months from the San Joaquin River near Vernalis, a short distance upstream from Lathrop. The difference in concentration was much greater between May and July 1930 than during a similar period in 1906. The analyses made in 1908 showed greater variation than those of 1906, but none made in May of either year showed as much dissolved matter as the sample col- lected May 16, 1930. There are no discharge records available for the San Joaquin River at Lathrop during 1906-8. The amount of irriga- tion, and consequently the amount of return w'ater, above Vernalis was much greater in 1930 than in 1906-8. The Merced River at Exchequer appeared to contain in 1930 less calcium, sulphate, and chloride than at Merced Falls, a short distance downstream, in 1906. The discharge was about one-fifth as great at Exchequer in 1930 as at Merced Falls in 1906. The water collected from the river at Exchequer in 1930 had passed through the Exchequer Reservoir, constructed about 1926. One sample from the Owens River at Zurich in 1930 indicates little or no change. Calcium and magnesium were slightly higher than in 1908, but bicarbonate, sulphate, and chloride were a little lower. The discharge was about the same at both times. Rivers sampled at different points in 1906-8 and 1930. Among the 51 samples collected from 17 stations on 10 rivers at points other than those selected for the survey made by Van Winkle and Eaton, 18 came from 5 stations on the Sacramento River and 12 from 3 stations on the San Joaquin River. Both rivers showed a con- siderable range in amount of dissolved matter, but the range was I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 641 greater for the San Joaquin. The hardness ranged from 50 to 132 parts per million in the Sacramento and from 3 to 169 parts per million in the San Joaquin. The total solids ranged from about 70 to 200 parts per million in the Sacramento and from about 20 to 450 parts per mil- lion in the San Joaquin. No discharge figures are available for any of the stations on the Sacramento River in 1906-8 except at Red Bluff; but records for three tributaries, the Feather, American, and Yuba Rivers, show that the discharge of these streams was about three times as great in 1906-8 as at corresponding periods in 19.30. Records are similarly lacking for the San Joaquin River, but records for the main tributaries show that their discharge was three to five times as great in 1906 and about one-half as great in 1908 as at similar periods in 1930. Two samples collected in 1930 from the Mokelumne River at Mokelumne Hill were less concentrated than those taken in 1906 at Clements, about 25 miles downstream. The discharge was about four times as great at Clements in 1906 as at IMokelumne Hill in 1930. A single sample collected in 1930 from the San Benito River at Hernandez contained about five times as much magnesium as calcium, whereas in 1906 the concentrations of magnesium and calcium at Hollister, about 50 miles do^^mstream, were nearly the same. No analyses of this or other tributaries are available, however, to indicate the character of the water that flows into the San Benito between Hernandez and Hollister. No discharge figures are available for either period. The concentration of the Salinas River near San Miguel was very much greater than at Paso Robles, a few miles above San Lliguel, at a similar period in 1908. The greatest increase was in sodium, sul- phate, and chloride. The change was probably brought about by the Estrella River, which flows into the Salinas between the two sampling points. Analyses of the Estrella River by Van Winkle and Eaton sliow that it was higher in all mineral constituents except bicarbonate than the Salinas at Paso Robles, which might account for the increased con- centration near San Miguel. The San Antonio River at Pleyto contained in 1930 less dissolved matter, particularly calcium, bicarbonate, and sulphate, than near Bradley at a corresponding period in 1908. The discharge and con- centration of the San Antonio River fluctuate so greatly, however, that no attempt should be made to predict the present character of the water from a single sample. Six samples taken in 1930 from the Santa Ana River near Prado and two at Riverside Narrows, near Arlington, indicate that the con- centration at these points was considerably greater than near Corona, a short distance away, in 1908. Because of numerous diversions for irrigation and the subsequent return of the water to the river, com- parisons of analyses are not trustworthy except when made from samples collected at the same point. Analyses of samples from other rivers studied in 1906-8 — ^the Santa Ynez, the San Luis Rey, and the Mojave — are not comparable because of change of sampling points. 41—80997 642 DIVISION OP W/VTER RESOURCES Samples from rivers not studied in 1906-8. The remaining 86 samples were collected at 35 stations on 35 streams none of which were studied by Van AVinkle and Eaton. Some of these streams are worthy of mention because of their size, location, and unusual composition. A single sample from the Calaveras River and two from the Tule River indicate that they are more concentrated than the other tribu- taries of the San Joaquin River. Piru and Sespe Creeks, the chief tributaries of the Santa Clara River, carry large and variable quantities of dissolved matter. Piru Creek was especially high in sulphate, its content ranging from 508 parts per million in May 1930 to 1508 parts per million in September. Sespe Creek, although less concentrated than Piru Creek, doubled in dissolved matter between May 20 and June 18 and again between September 20 and October 27, with a rapid lowering of concentration between June 18 and July 23. Both Piru and Sespe Creeks contain large amounts of boron, which is characteristic of both surface and ground waters in this region.^ Analyses of single samples from several small streams in the southern part of the State indicate that they contain chiefly calcium and bicarbonate, with relatively large amounts of sulphate. Although the discharge is ordinarily small, many of these streams are important because of diversions for irrigation, power, and other uses. They include Mill, Lytic, and Warm Creeks and the San Jacinto River, in the Santa Ana Basin ; Tujunga Creek and Arroyo Seco, in the Los Angeles Basin ; San Dimas Creek, in the San Gabriel Basin ; and the San Diego and Santa Margarita Rivers. Dissolved solids ranged from about 120 parts per million in Mill Creek near Craftonville to 640 parts per mil- lion in the Santa Margarita River at Fall Brook. Single analyses for several streams in the northern part of the State indicate they are higher in dissolved mineral matter than most of the rivers in the Sacramento Basin. These include Conn Creek and the Napa and Coyote Rivers, flowing into San Francisco Bay; the Pit River and Putah Creek, in the Sacramento Basin; and the Trinity River, which flows into the Klamath River, in the north Pacific slope area. The magnesium content of the Trinity River and of Conn and Putah Creeks is greater than the calcium content. This condition is frequently found in rivers along the coast. Total dissolved solids ranged from about 100 parts per million in the Trinity River at Lewis- ton to about 400 parts per million in Putah Creek near Winters. Sacramento River in 1931-32. The Sacramento River at Sacramento in 1931-32 carried appreci- ably more dissolved mineral matter than was found by Van Winkle and Eaton in 1906 or in 1908. The average quantities for the three periods w^ere 153, 124, and 113 parts per million, respectively. The range in concentration of the single samples in 1931-32 was greater than the range for tlie composite samples in either 1906 or 1908. The quantities of dissolved solids in the samples for 1931-32 are plotted on Plate E-I, together with the mean daily discharge of the 3 Scofield, C. S., and Wilcox, L. V., Boron in irrigation waters: U. S. Dept. A&r. Tech. Bull. 264, November 1931. * SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 643 river at Sacramento. Actual discharge measurements are not made at Sacramento because of tidal influence at low stages. The plotted dis- charge figures have been computed* by using the record at Verona, 20 miles upstream, and making allowance for the measured inflow and draft between that station and Sacramento. The plotted results show that in general the concentration was lower at times of high discharge. 700 600 500 z o Zj _l s a: UJ Q. VI l- o: 2 400 300 200 100 PLATE E-I 70.000 60000 50000 4Q000 , o z o 3Q00O .000 ,000 Dissolved solids and discharge of Sacramento River at Sacramento, California, 1931-32. Between September 3 and 8, 1931, the concentration of dissolved solids dropped from 322 to 141 parts per million, with an increase in dis- charge from 1530 to 1840 second-feet. The discharge on September 10 was 2300 second-feet, but the concentration of dissolved solids increased to 284 parts per million. This was presumably caused by irrigation return water. After September 23 the concentration of dissolved solids remained below 200 parts per million until the end of the collec- tion of samples, in July 1932. The minimum concentration found was 42 parts per million, May 18, 1932. * Stafford, H. M., Sacramento-San Joaquin "Water Supervisor's Report, 1931, p. 25, California Dept. Public AVorlcs, Div. "Water Resources. 644 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The chloride content changed in a general way with the total dis- solved solids. After September 23, 1931, it was from 3 to 30 parts per million. The maximum chloride was found in the sample collected August 27, 1931, which had 86 parts per million. None of these results suggested any contamination from encroachment of sea water. This agrees with the figures for chloride content of the Sacramento River at Sacramento as determined by the California Department of Public Works in the salinity investigations^ in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region during 1931. 6 Variation and control of salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay, 1931: California Dept. Public Works, Div. Water Resources, Bull. 27, pp. 365-375, 1932. u Vd SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 645 Summary. The analyses made in 1930 indicate that the concentration of dis- solved matter in certain rivers in the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Santa Ana Basins, particularly the Feather, American, Stanislaus and Santa Ana rivers, was considerably less than found by Van Winkle and Eaton, notwithstanding the fact that the discharge of these rivers was much less than in 1906-8. The Yuba, San Gabriel, and Owens rivers and Arroyo Seco near Soledad appeared to have changed very little in concentration, but the Ventura River contained more dissolved matter than at any time in 1908. The brief study of 1930, though it covered more streams than the earlier survey and included several stations on some of the large rivers, is wholly inadequate for estimating the average mineral content of any of the streams. The results indicate, however, that for some of the streams the older analyses may still be accepted with confidence. They also show the probability of sudden and large changes in the mineral content of some surface waters in the southern part of the State. The complete analyses of 71 samples from the Sacramento River at Sacramento in 1931-32 show higher concentration of dissolved solids than in 1906-8 but do not indicate the salt-water encroachment. 646 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES o Z o u fc n U H — < 2 b w u (A ! w « ;^ c hJ •< < ^^ ^ .J <: ^ ' 3 go 20 IS 0^ C8 '^ ;3 >» (M^^MC^Cfl* • C^ C^ Cfl C^ C^ *— " csi »o CD Oi CO t— 1^ (^ t^ oooo»0'- 'm-L ' a5^ ■t ^, s .22 G^ CCM CO to TT oo CO CO O ^J* '—' l>- C^ C^ CO ^^ »o--- O oo CO 00 « -"tf -H rj* CO •«*< lo CO r^r^uj ,-11-1 ^H ,-1 ,-H 1-. -H M CO-^-H O oo t^ '^ CD CO Oi CD ^H CO to -^ t^ "^ oo 05 C^ -^ C^ "^ CD CO O 00 CD C5 O CD CO tO lO •*** OT TrCft(MCO—'OiO ^^^r-^iOOO-^OOOOOb- C^»OCDOOas OOOi'— 'C^»COCOCDI'-CO T? 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UO CD r^CO'^COOO »r5*-COCDCO'<*''^ti-HCOO(M xOCOCD •OfMt^'^JiOiO ' UOOOCq03»r5QOOOCSIOir-00 iOiOI>-CO'— '■— *tDCOCOiO'»*^t^'— '00'— 'i— i ■ ■ • >oo i ' > < ' • ^-H'-HfM^i-HCOt^'^iOCO'-'CO'^C^^HC^'^J^ eOl^-CDCOCO -^ \ :^ (M(Mi-l T-l t iiiii 111)11 (Mi0OrJ«C^!r>'«*'0000r^C0C<100C0CM-^'rt< t^cDTjiC^lCO lOCDd COCDCOOOOCD 1 0--C->'rf*COOOO'^»0«DCOrO U^UOOOif3»C — ■^'-COCOOOOOCSt^r^t^I^ (MOO^-OOOi:Di— iO^CO'— ' t^OSt>-OC-) !-<" Csf C^ CQ — i" 1-1 ^ CO oooco cir-ooco(Moo ojt^fM ooc<»-^'**<^^'r-i r- . >> >^ 03 rt rt cq l-^ CO O CO (M ta rt c c c g" COCOOOC^'— '--"-''— 'C^CONCO o3i3c3 cscjcccg- g- ^^csg-ngcu ^ ra w. n m. ■a 1 s =« ^ QJ*-H s >>^ •2.2 2 o 03 c« o o o. C3 PL, o CI s >> . o o « -T^ W)r^ a.S2cg05 o .2 C ^ a, C3 .- 02 0200CQ ;pht3 - C3 O I- CO «§« .2 o o , sic c<=0 a><:cn c S g " a) c & , . ■ Lm I C« 1 C8 , 1 . a 1 g ; « 6 H. 1 ffi IMC r2 ' iver at ermo__ near Bi ce, pla •^ 1 ' Mojave R eek at Valy at Zurich, k at tailra 3 ; 3 : «5 bO ^ OT C3 ^^ a; "02 it " n Li «pa > S H 2 l_^ -13 a a s & > !» ei > >-• PS > 3 ja tf rt' C •-5 C eg 648 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES c o u fli BQ < CO u O to b O w u w <: z < < H < « O z ce; o < O c« = a; 5 s ^ <« « ... t o ^ .S go OOQ 5 — ^ ^ ^ J .J3 ^ ^ ^ CS] ^ ^ CCC^ iOOt«»i"ii .11.0 O O^ O^ ^^ OJ ^^ '"'^ *^ ''^ ™** "^ '***' '^ tcco^ooocsoioooo J3 _C Q OOOOOOCDOO»0000 COGS'— ■C^'M'-'rO-^C"lCi»0»0 ooo-h:cc;oo — oooc:o r^ocft^ o CO oc CO — ■* ''f C^ CC CO CO CO coc^icO'^^^'OOCS^O'^coTrookOcococO'— TTt^ r-t>-r-r*oooO'— '00«Dos»oe*jco-^ Q C^J (M (M (M — < — " ^ <^i M (M '-< — . ^ .-KM CS ^ CO ■-• -^ CS CS ^ ^ -^ ,^ ►^<;ccO-a^^ s 3 B a CO 3 cr C3 o >-> a « 03 g i cs -^ ■s a Q OS « c8 o 3 a B CO » 3-S >.2 a _3 oa s = « •^ c c 3 -22 £ E C9 CS OS O coco SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 649 ^H.-i^C^«:^iM(MPOC^C^'-"-«-t-t^'^cooc'icoio«or^03 O O CO d O O o OOOOOOOCO = OOCO en oi ^ CO OS CO e^ OS c^ U7 osi>-ooM:ococicc"C^»oi-oorot>.i>.oot^t^osoo5^i>-i0^^co »OO'*t0Tt"-fJ«OTrC0.i.O'^^Hooi>-t--oooc:i'^ovo-4«**'coc3cO'ocq C5!:Z:(MCr;C:?^1'^I'OC0O;OtC>'^05t^^-t--OO'«J'cOir300Q0t>-I>-»CGCC^rPOtO0iC:i ooooooooooooooo t^ooooioi— 30c^Troc^iO'^-^ooc-s s o o bE>. b J3 S 6 ^ 1^ is 5 « s 3 a 3 a s g.aa.-s rt a3 CJ =3 ■2 2-c.s 3 « O C « a 'S O eS .O U * 650 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES I CO <: I Z o: o <: u d H z cc o < w u O Q CQ H U u CO O "a 7 < 20 CQ-' 2o i^. — - o CO ::fe ^ M C^ M C^JO CS ^H ^ •-« ^N ^ ^^ ^ .-I ^- ^^ f«c^cococ^c^cflc^Nc«c «0 Ci CO CC -^ ^- ^J* m C3 ^' OS O 00 •-* ococDio^Oit'-eoosc^'— 'f-H^^coccoocoosciioicoio-^Of— oocioi^t^^ooo^«a» oooooiOsooooi^'^-oococ^050or^cD«o-*— ..-<.— ..-.»-i,--t J.2 o S •— < CO lO 01 o ai o -^ CD 00 C^ CO CO "* 1 r* « CO 1 ' 1^ 10 « 00 'OOOOOOOO Tf< o t c^ 10 00 o OS r>- CM *o 00 CO 1 ic r— t^ 00 -^ CD -^ -^ • 0000 I 00 CD CD -^ lie »0 CO OS »-< , i-H C*« , CO CC CO CO CO CO CO CO |COCOCD^«* 'ooooc 00000 iOOOOO--DCDcD»CC^CO iCO^CCOiOOO'-^COM^ Aja XI ^ ^^ ^ x:.£; .laja ^^ ^ ja .a ^ &ftfe5P2f&5fs5f S.SP 5P & SP & & S.£P fe S S.E?.5P fcSfc5fSPs5P&?fs5fft5PS _o_o_oJ3Ja_oJa_oJ3_oj3J3_oJa_o_ojaj3_o_o_ojaj3_o_o_oJaJ3_oj3_olj=_cJ=_cj=_o hJ ij H^i n n ^ U ^ K 1-4 9 S hJ S >^ hJ n S hJ hJ I-:: K K >J hJ hJ S tS >-) S ^ S ^ X >j S iJ s s o »o 10 Od aasasESsseEssEsesssESSSBSseaHEEHESS ddacifldi«i4dcJdo,c3dadc4dd.dc9d«ddde3dc.d^c.cid.c« c*jo6'--«oo6*^HQoic^oodci« cci ^H ,-«,-. C^CJ CO ^ ^H MC^ <<< CG O205 COOQOICOCOOOO OOOiS ^H ^ ^ w^C^ Ol ooooooSSvv SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN 651 OS OS -H <0 »-^ 1-* t^ CO t^ CO -^ Tt* u5 0-t^ eoec c^ "M ^H ^ cooo CO COt— ^t**—i ■ '^ •"- '^- ^- e c-S-fi-O-S a a c4 a a a a a a c c c rt a »• « »• s.. — — — ^^^^J3_ - 3 ■-S T-5 "-5 '-5 "-^ 03 o Q. B a aj.2 ■3 •* a fl s ^ s * « .a o ta PUBLICATIONS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ( 653 ) PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA When the Department of Public Works was created in July, 1921, the State Water Commission was succeeded by the Division of Water Rights, and the Department of Engineering was succeeded by the Division of Engineer- ing and Irrigation in all duties except those pertaining to State Architect. Both tlie Division of Water Rights and tlie Division of Engineering and Irrigation functioned until August, 1929, when they were consolidated to form the Division of Water Resources. STATE WATER COMMISSION First report, State Water Commission, March 24 to November 1, 1912. Second Report, State Water Commission, November 1, 1912, to April 1, 1914. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, March 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, December 1, 1916, to September 1, 1918. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, September 1, 1918, to September 1, 1920. •Bulletin No. 1 — •Bulletin No. 2 — •Bulletin No. 3— •Bulletin No. 4— •Bulletin No. 5 — Bulletin No. 6— Bulletin No. 7— i •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, Biennial Report, Biennial Report, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Ilydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River, 1920-1923. Kings River Investigation, Water Master's Reports, 1918-1923. Proceedings First Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, 1924. Proceedings Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, and Water Supervisors' Report, 1924. San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data — 1923-1926. San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1926-1928. San Gabriel Investigation — Analysis and Conclusions, 1929. Division of Water Rights, 1920-1922. Division of Water Rights, 1922-1924. Division of AVater Rights, 1924-1926. Division of Water Rights, 1926-1928. •Bulletin No. 1— •Bulletin No. 2— Bulletin No. 3— •Bulletin No. 4— •Bulletin No. 5 — •Bulletin No. 6 — Bulletin No. 7— •Bulletin No. 8 — Bulletin No. 9 — •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California, 1912-1914. ■Irrigation Districts in California, 1887-1915. ■Investigations of Economic Duty of Water for Alfalfa in Sacra- mento Valley, California, 1915. ■Pi-eliminary Report on Conservation and Control of Flood Waters in Coachella Valley, California, 1917. Report on the Utilization of Mohave River for Irrigation in Victor Valley, California, 1918. California Irrigation District Laws, 1919 (now obsolete). ■Use of water from Kings River, California, 1918. Flood Problems of the Calaveras River, 1919. Water Resources of Kern River and Adjacent Streams and Their Utilization, 1920. Department of Engineering, 1907-1908. Department of Engineering, 1908-1910. Department of Engineering, 1910-1912. Department of Engineering, 1912-1914. Department of Engineering, 1914-1916. Department of Engineering, 1916-1918. Department of Engineering, 1918-1920. * Reports and Bullet ins out of print. Library at Sacramento, California. Tliese may be borrowed by your local library from the California Statt ( 654 ) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 655 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Including Reports of the Former Division of Engineering and Irrigation ♦Bulletin No. •Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. ♦Bulletin No. •Bulletin No. Bulletin No. •Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. 13 Bulletin No. ♦Bulletin No. •Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. 1. — California Irrigation District Laws, 1921 (now obsolete). 2 — iFormation of Irrigation Districts, Issuance of Bonds, etc., 1922. 3 — Water Resources of Tulare County and Their Utilization, 1922. 4 — Water Resources of California, 1923. 5 — Flow in California Streams, 1923. 6 — Irrigation Requirements of California Lands, 1923. 7 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1923 (now obsolete). 8 — Cost of Water to Irrigators in California, 1925. 9 — ^Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California, 1925. 10 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1925 (now obsolete). 11 — Ground Water Resources of Southern San Joaquin Valley, 1927. 12 — Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and Coordinated Plan for Their Development, 1927. The Development of the LTpper Sacramento River, containing U. R. S. Cooperative Report on Iron Canyon Project, 1927. 14 — The Control of Floods by Reservoirs, 1928. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1927 (now obsolete). 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1929, Revision (now obsolete). 18-B — California Irrigation District Laws, 1931, Revision. 19 — Santa Ana Investigation, Flood Control and Conservation (with packet of maps), 1928. 20 — Kennett Reservoir Development, an Anaylsis of Methods and Extent of Financing by Electric Power Revenue, 1929. 21 — Irrigation Districts in California, 1929. 21- A — -Report on Irrigation Districts in California for 21-B — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for Districts in California for Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No; Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. Bulletin No. S. 21-C- the the the year year year 1929. 1930. 1931. -Report on Irrigation ( Mimeographed. ) 21-D — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1932. ( Mimeographed. ) 22 — Report on Salt Water Barrier (two volumes), 1929. 23 — Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor, 1924-1928. 24 — A Proposed Major Development on American River, 1929. 25 — Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan, 1930. 26 — Sacramento River Basin, 1931. 27 — Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay, 1931. 28 — Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, 1931. 28A — Industrial Survey of Upper San Francisco Bay Area, 1930. 29 — San Joaquin River Basin, 1931. 31 — Santa Ana River Basin, 1930. 32. — South Coastal Basin, a Cooperative Symposium. 1930. 33 — Rainfall Penetration and Consumptive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain, 1930. 34 — Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley, 1930. 35 — Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in Cali- fornia, 1930. 36 — of Irrigation Water in California, 1930. 37 — Financial and General Data Pertaining to Irrigation, Reclamation and Other Public Districts in California, 1930. 38 — Report of Kings River Water Master for the Period 1918-1930. 39 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells, 1932. 40 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Quality of Irrigation Waters, 1933. 41 — Pit River Investigation, 1933. 42 — Santa Clara Investigation, 1933. * Reports and Bulletins out of print. Library at Sacramento, California. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State .656 IJST OF PUBLICATIONS Bulletin No. 43- Bulletln No. 44- Biennial Report, Biennial Report, Biennial Report, Biennial Report, for Irrigation -Value and Cost of Water Southern California, 1933. -Water Losses Under Natural Conditions from Southern California, 1933. Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1920-1922 Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1922—1924 Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1924-1926 Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1926-1928 in Coastal Wet Plain of Areas in PAMPHLETS Act Governing Supervision of Dams in California, with Revised Rules and Regula- tions, 1933. Water Commission Act with Amendments Thereto, 1933. Rules, Regulations and Information Pertaining to Appropriation of Water in Cali- fornia, 1933. Rules and Regulations Governing the Determination of Rights to Use of Water in Accordance with the Water Commission Act, 1925. Tables of Discharge for Parshall Measuring Flumes, 1928. General Plans, Specifications and Bills of Material for Six and Nine Inch Parshall Measuring Flumes, 1930. COOPERATIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS 254, Office of Exp. •Report of the Conservation Commission of California, 1912. ♦Irrigation Resources of California and Their Utilization (Bui. U. S. D. A.) 1913. •Report, State Water Problems Conference, November 25, 1916. •Report on Pit River Basin, April, 1915. •Report on Lower Pit River Project, July, 1915. ♦Report on Iron Canyon Project, 1914. •Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, May, 1920. •Sacramento Flood Control Project (Revised Plans), 1925. Report of Commission Appointed to Investigate Causes Leading to the Failure of St. Francis Dam, 1928. Report of the California Joint Federal-State Water Resources Commission, 1930. Conclusions and Recommendations of the Report of the California Irrigation and Reclamation Financing and Refinancing Commission, 1930. •Report of California Water Resources Commission to the Governor of California on State Water Plan, 19 32. •Booklet of Information on California and the State "\A^ater Plan prepared for United States House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Appro- priations, 1931. •Bulletin on Great Central Valley Project of State Water Plan of California Prepared for United States Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclama- tion, 1932. • Reports and Bulletins out of print. Library at Sacramento, California. 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