PELL RECORDS. ISSUE ROLL OF THOMAS DE BRANTINGHAM, 3Bis;l)op of €vfttr, LORD HIGH TREASURER OF ENGLAND; CONTAINING PAYMENTS MADE OUT OF HIS MAJESTY'S REVENUE 44tii year of king EDWARD III. A. D. 1370. THANSI.ATEU FUOM THE ORIOINAI. KOLI- NOW KEMAINiNO IN THE ANCIKNT PEM, OFFICE, IN THE CISTOUY OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOHN NEWPORT, Bart.^ COMPTROl.I.EU GENERAL OF HIS MAJESTy's KXCHEQUEK. By FREDERICK DEVON, . HOUSF, RECORD OFFICE, WFSTMi; LONDON : JOHN RODWELL, 46, NEW BOND STREET. 1835. \^v LONDON : PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, Stamford Street. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOHN NEWPORT, Bart. COMPTROLLEU GENERAI, OF HIS MAJEST\-S EXCHEQUER. Sir, A.S the Records from which this translation is taken are in your custody, and as the work has been performed under your immediate direction, I trust that I may be permitted thus briefly to e.vpress my obligations for the uniform kindness and confidence with which you have been pleased to favour me throughout the whole of the undertaking. The disinterested and patriotic proposal to publish this work at your own expense (had the Government not been disposed to lend its assistance) ought to be generally known and duly appreciated ; for such an example of public zeal is a decisive characteristic of an honourable 258531 f mind; it would, however, ill become me to say anything that might be thought presumption on the one hand, and, although true, might bear the complexion of flat- tery on the other. Thus, Sir, it is only left for me to subscribe myself, with a full sense of every feeling of gratitude and respect, Your most obedient and obliged Servant, FREDERICK DEVON. INTRODUCTION. The Lord Treasurer's Exitus, or Issue Roll, of the 44tli year of the reign of King Edward III., has been selected for publication from a series of those Rolls, preserved in the ancient Pell Office or Tally Court of the Exchequer, not only on account of the interesting period of our history to which it relates, but because, from the perfect state of its preservation, it is well calculated to exhibit a specimen of tlie valuable information contained in these documents; a very limited knowledge of which is to be obtained from the early writers on records of this descrip- tion. The utility and importance of the records preserved in the above repository must be evident from the abundant historical materials to be found in them, even upon a superficial glance ; it may therefore be desirable in the first place to endeavour to trace their history and formation, and to explain the reason why they have not hitherto been made known and rendered available to the public, as a legal, literary, and historical treasure. Madox, in his learned and laborious History of the Exchequer,* published in 1769, it is true, refers to the clerkship of the pells as being ancient, and to a pell or * Miidox, Hist. Exch. p. 7.i9. VUl IN'JUODrCTlOX. counter pell roll of the Oth of Henry III. as then in the custody of the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exche- quer, from which he makes some short extracts,* stating it to be the most ancient roll of that description ; and adds, that in the 35th year of Henry HI. he found a Pell roll called the Great Roll of the Receipt, and in the 5th and 9th years of Kins; Edward H., two rolls called Pells of the Memorandums of the Receipt of the Exche- quer ; but this is the only reference he gives to these records. The scanty knowledge possessed by Mr. Madox of these muniments, and the impossibility of his availing himself of their utility, are fully explained in his Report made to the " Lords' Committees, appointed bythe House of Lords to view and consider the Public Records, in 1718," where, speaking of the records in the Exchequer, he says, " In some of these said offices there are important valuable records, that lie in a sort buried ; and in all of them there are many records that remain in confusion, for want of means to defray the charges of digesting them. In the brick tower there are two rooms or garrets, one a large room, the floor of it covered with books and loose parchments : there are also two ground rooms ; the one is a large square room, having many parchments and books lying in dust on the floor, and otherwise ; the other is a much smaller room, wherein parchments and tallies have lain in disorder for many years past ; no officer (that I can find) claims these two rooms, or either of them ; they are seldom opened, never for the purpose of searching." The foregoing account of the state of these records, * Mcidiix, Ilisl. Hxch. p. ri-J. INTHOni'CTION. IX 1)V Mr. Madox in 1718, is confirmed l)y two subse- (juont Reports in 1731, made by tlie auditor and deputy auditor of the Exchequer to the honourable committee appointed to view the Cottonian Library and public records of tlie kingdom, who state " that Thomas Madox, Esq., and William Soley, Gent., were appointed to digest and arrange the said records, and make exact schedules or repertories thereof. But the Lord High Treasurer (then Earl of Oxford) being soon after removed from his office, and the said Mr. Madox being in an ill state of health, and since dead, nothing was done therein, and the records in the large dark square room up one pair of stairs over the Court of Exchequer, and also in one small room up two pair of stairs adjoining the Court of Exchequer, commonly called the brick tower, fronting New Palace Yard, were reported to lye in great disorder." In this condition they have continued until lately, when tlie present Comptroller General, Sir John Newport, wishing to rescue this valuable collection of records from decay and destruction, was pleased to call the attention of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to their im- portance, and the Editor had the honour of receiving their Lordships' commands, under the direction of the said Comptroller General of the Exchequer, to arrange and digest them into order, and make their contents known in a way wliich would render them accessible and useful to the public. On pursuing the inquiry into the history of these records, there is strong reason to suspect that the period when tliey were first permitted to lie neglected was that of the Commonwealth, as, from a partial schedule of them, to be found among the Lansdown MSS., No. 254, which is placed at the beginning of this volume, they appear X JNTHODUCTION. to have been regularly arranged to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and must, at that period at least, have been sufficiently known to be rendered useful for the routine of the official business of the day. This conjecture is strengthened by a reference made to the importance and utility of these records, by Vernon, in his rare and useful book entitled " Considerations for regulating the Exchequer," published in 1G42, and so often quoted as an authority by Chief Baron Gilbert, and by modern writers on the Court of Exchequer : and as it is the only treatise extant on the antiquity of this branch of the Exchequer, it may not be deemed irrelevant to cite the author in his own quaint though explicit lan- guage :— " Howbeit* thus much I may say, that there are so many excellent records in the offices of the two remem- brancers, clerk of the pipe, and in the several Treasuries, both in the upper and loweh Exchequer, as they maj' indeed be called Treasuries ivhcre those records arc kept, they being the greatest treasure of the kingdom ; insomuch as I have heard a great lawyer say that he never under- stood what law was, till he came up those staires. And, to say the truth, there must needs bee more than ordi- nary matters, and great variety of them found in that Court, whither all the other Courts of the Kingdom, as rivers to the sea, in some kind or othrr have their resort." Then speaking of the officers who had the custody of these records, he says : " The officers in the inferior or lower Exchec|uer, com- monly called the Receipt, are these which follow, vi/. " The four tellei-s of the receipt. ' \ cinou's Exchequer, p. 41, -1-. INTRODUCTION. XI " The clerk of the pell (whose office is in the Lord Treasurer's gift) kecpeth the Pells in parchment, called Pcllcs Rtcepla, wherein every teller's bill, with his name on it, is to be entred ; and under every such bill when it is entred, rccordatur to be written in open court, for a controlment to charge the teller with so much money as in the said bill is set downe. " He also anciently kept another pell, called Pellis ExiTus, wherein every dayes issuing of any the mo- neyes paid into the receipt, was to be entred, and by whom and by what warrant, privy scale, or bill, it was paid. The auditor of receipt (whose office is in the Lord Treasurer's gift) taketh up every teller's parchment bill after it is marked rccordatur by the clerk of the pell, and entered by the controllers of the pell (who were anciently also to make entry thereof in a counter pell,) and fileth it upon a file ; and then his clerk, that is called scriptor Talliar. and Contratalliar. writeth double upon every tally. And the said auditor doth also enter all the said parchment bills in a booke, which is to him as pelles receptse, and makcth certificate thereof to the Lord Treasurer, &c. " And as there is no officer in the superior Exchequer solely trusted, so it is most evident that in the inferior court there is to be a concurrence of many officers in the trust : for the teller's bill is not delivered to the party which pays the money, nor trusted with any one officer to charge the said teller therewith, but is entered with the clerk of the pell and with the controllers of the pell, and again entered with the auditor of the receipt who files the same. All which caution (without doubt) hath been by the great wisedom and experience of our an- Xll INTllOUL CTIOV. cestors found necessary ; so as I may conclude this point with Gervasius Tiiburiensis, that no oflicer is solely trusted with the King's revenues, no not the Trea- surer himself ; and the reason which he gives for it is, that besides the controlment of the great roll (being the Treasurer's roll) by the Chancellor's roll, there was a third roll to be ordained, quia (saith he) triplex funis difficile solvitur." I have quoted thus much to show the mode in which the rolls in the Exchequer were made up in former times ; but as the modern practice does not come within the present object of inquiry, I beg leave to refer for information on this head to the very able Report drawn up by Mr. Roberts, the deputy clerk of the pells, in 1800, and laid before His Majesty's Commissioners on the Public Records. I cannot, however, avoid noticing that part of Mr. Roberts's Report, as connected with the present inquiry, where he states, " That the want of space in the office wherein the principal duties of the clerk of the pells are performed, has necessarily com- pelled our predecessors and ourselves, when incumbered by increase of books, &c. to remove the mont ancient and useless into the two upper rooms of the tower occupied by the clerk of the pells; they are deposited therein, for the most part, without order or method, and covered, by lapse of time, with dust and dirt. The collection of more than a centwy, perhaps of two, are in general confu- sion." Havino- premised thus much respecting the antiquity and condition of the records in the Pell office, it be- comes a dutv to give some account of their nature and contents. Tiu' ivlitor exceedingly regrets that lie has not INTKODUCTION. Xlll liiul sutticii'iit time to make liimsoU Inlly master oi' the subject ; the extreme anxiety of the present Comptroller General to furnish the public with, at least, some information on this head, must therefore be pleaded as an excuse for any imperfections in the execution of the task. NOllMAN I'IPE ROLL. Nearly the first roll that was discovered from this rude and indigested mass was a Norman Pipe Roll, of the reign of Richard I., the only one, it is believed, known in that King's time. The importance of this roll appears, when considered in an historical point of view, as furnishing informa- tion to illustrate, in an eminent degree, the domestic policy and close connexion that existed between Eng- land and Normandy, and also the foreign relations and intercourse with the continent of Europe in general at this early period. This ancient record would have been of great advantage to Mr. Madox in tracing the intimate connexion between the Exchequers of Nor- mandy and England, in his History of the Exchequer ; but he had no other data at that time whereon to ground his arguments, and draw conclusions, than merely a small fragment of an early Norman roll, discovered by Mr. Holmes, in the Tower, and since published by that able antiquary, Mr. Petre, keeper of the records in that repository ; which, together with another frag- ment of a Norman roll in the reign of Henry H., dis- covered in the Chapter House some years ago by my brother, are the only specimens of such early rolls yet known. XIV INTUODUCTIOX. KOLLS OF RECEIPT. These are the rolls made out by the clerk of the Lord High Treasurer, or clerk of the pells, of everything received on account of the public service within the receipt of the Exchequer, and is called Intro/His, or record of monies received. These records are written in Latin, formed and abbreviated according to the in- structions given to the clerk of the pell in tlie Dialogus de Scaccario, written by Gervasius Tilburiensis, in the time of Henry II., and printed by Hearne in his Liber Niger. Mr. Roberts, in his Report to the Commissioners on Records in 1800, speaking of these rolls of receipts, says, " I apprehend the Pell of receipt, now called the Introitus, is coeval with the original establishment of a clerk of the pells, (which traditionally is said to have commenced in Alfred's time.) Certainly records of the receipts of the Exchequer were conmienced in very early ages, and have been continued to the present day. / am of opinion they will be found in the Tower of the Pells in a complete series during the lust century, and possibly of time more remote." INIany of these rolls for the reigns of Henry III., Ed- ward I., II., and III. have been discovered, and they ap- pear to be in almost a regular series to the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, and for the last century are nearly com- plete ; but, from the variety and miscellaneous nature of their contents, it is inqiossible to attempt any detailed account of them in the confined limits of a preface. Rolls of this description found in the Pell Otiice : Henry HI. annis 4, 25, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47. Edward I. annis 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 20, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35. INTUOUUCTION. ISSUE ROLLS. The Exitus, or Issue Rolls (as contradistinguished from the Introitus), are payments made out of the reve- nues of the Crown by the Lord High Treasurer and Cham- l)erlains of the Exchequer, commencing in the reign of Henry HI., and apparently continued in a regular series to the end of the reign of Edward IV. Subsequently to the reign of Queen Elizabeth the payments appear to have been entered in books called Issue Books ; but the rolls and books at present being unarranged, and the total want of indexes to the latter, render it difficult to ascertain the nature of their contents : of the former some idea may be formed from the one now selected for publication, and from the few extracts taken from both in the preface to this work. ROLLS OF THE KIXg's HOUSEHOLD. A wardrobe account of the 28 Edward I., which in its nature is somewhat similar to the household rolls, was published in Latin in 1787, by the Society of Antiqua- ries, and edited by Mr. Topham, with an abstract and historical account of its contents, illustrated by expla- natory notes, with the addition of a glossary. Much of his labour would have been spared, and the roll ren- dered intelligible to all, had the editor favoured the public with a translation ; in its present state it can be under- stood but by few. It is to be regretted that Mr. Topham had not a knowledge of the collection now under consideration, and of the discoveries since made, as he would not then XVI IXTUODUCTIOX. have fallen into the error of asserting " that similar accounts of a later date are also extant in MS., but that no7ie prior are known to be remaining-."" Earlier rolls have since been found ; and we may hope, from the lauda- ble exertions now making by the Record Commission, under the judicious directions of their secretary, Mr. Cooper, to rescue, and make known to the public, re- cords which have lain concealed for ages, that a regular series of these valuable historical records may yet be found, to connect them with those already published by those who have made this species of record their peculiar study, and furnished the public with so much useful and entertaining knowledge from them. The earliest household roll that has been discovered in the Pell Office is that of the 44 Henry III. during the period of the King's absence in France to complete his treaty with Lewis IX., the French King, while Richard Earl of Gloucester and others were carrying on their dissensions at home. This roll forms a diary of the King's expenses whilst in France and England, which are added up every day and week; it also gives authentically his route and stay at each place, the time of his embarkation, &c., commencing on Tuesday the 28th October, at Westminster ; whence the King proceeded to Feversham, Whitsand, and Dover, where he embarked on the 13th November ; which exactly agrees with Holinshed's ac- count of this monarch's progress. We are then enabled to trace the King's route from Boulogne to Paris, where he remained five weeks ; thence to St. Omers, where he continued two months ; and then on his route home, where i\ I lioint HON. XVII he arrived at the end ol'thcinontli of April. An account of the expenses of each department in tlie household is given, amounting- in the whole to £7,500 for one year; which, according to Bishop Fleetwood's calcula- tion of the value of money in those days, being 15 times more than at present, would at the time of the Bishop's calculation have amounted to the enormous sum of £112,500. Other liousehold rolls of a subsequent date have also been discovered, a detailed account of which cannot be here given ; one, however, of a peculiarly interesting nature, must be mentioned, which contains entries that are to be found in no other roll of the kind, viz. The HouseJiu/d Roll of Prince Edward, anno 21 Ed- ward I., which, after giving the daily expenditure, and stating where the Prince sojourned each day, states what persons he had to dine with him, how long they stayed, their departure, &c. And there is also another household roll even more detailed in minutiae than this, specifying the price of the provisions supplied, such as 5*. 9Jf/. for a lamprey, &c. (See extracts from these rolls at p. xxxiv.) LIBER.VTE ROLLS. The next series of rolls are the Liberate Rolls, which commence in the fourth year of Henry III. These rolls contain precepts directing the payment of sums of money to the keeper of the wardrobe, the officers of the Exche- quer, and for all disbursements of the Crown generally, and also orders to the sheriffs to deliver possession of lands or goods which had been extended. b XVm INTUODUCTION'. The Rolls already found commence as early as the 4th year of King Henry III., and for the 38, 42, and 43 years, and are continued almost regularly through the reign of Edward I. TRANSCRIPTS OF WHITS FOll PAYMENTS AND DIS- CHARGES, &C. If the sheriff, or other accountant, was to have any sum allowed or discounted upon his account, * such allowance was usually made by virtue of the King's writ, or by writ or award of the chief justiciar, treasurer, or other officer ; and these were called writs of allocate and computate. The Liberate Rolls are full of these writs, and sometimes dormant writs of allocate were issued for allowing portions of accounts from time to time. The entries on the regal, or King's writs, of this class,, furnish the most minute directions for the repairs of the royal palaces, chapels, &c., and are also important^ as they show from the teste me ipso,']' or witnessing clause, (which is also in the Liberate Rolls,) where the King sojourned at the time of executing the writs; for example, in one of these rolls in the Pell Office of the 23rd of Edward I., we find that the King was at Bangor on the 8th January, at Aberconway on the 8th April, at Bangor again on the 9th April, at Lammarys on the 28th April, and at Westminster on the '28th July. * Madox, Hist. Exchcq. p. 073. t See Mr. Hardy's valuable remarks on the importance of this clnuso, in his preface to the " Rolls," p. xviii. Also the " Itinerarium Regis Johannis, " published in the first volume of "Patent Rolls" by that f;eu- tleman. I vTRonrcTiov. xix KOLI.S OF THE JEWS, viz. ARKENTATIOV OK TALI-AGES, RECEIPTS OK TALLAGES ON THEIR GOODS, PLEAS, PERQUISITES, AND AMERCIAMENTS OF THE JEWS, See. The Jews were grievously persecuted in England j)re- viously to 1290, when they were expelled the realm by King Edward I. ; and the revenue of Judaism, and their Exchequer, were then abolished. Many rolls of accounts, as monuments of their wealth and persecutions, still remain in the Exchequer and Pell Office. Amongst other taxes imposed upon them, was a dism to fight for Christianity, in recovery of the Holy Land. They were frequently plundered and fined by King John and Henry III. ; and in the 44th year of Henry HI. the wardrobe of Judaism, near the Exchequer of the Jews, was broken open, and several books and rolls were stolen away.* There was also a public chest provided to contain their charters, chirographs, or stars of compact. It is hoped that some of those rolls and charters may now be re- covered. Rolls already found in the Pell Office of the 17, 44, and 56 years of Henry HI., Edward I., annis 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14. 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23. ROLLS OF AIDS TO MARRY THE KING's FAMILY, &C. Aids were rendered to the King by those who held of him in capite, and were usually granted for the purpose of marrying the King's sons, daughters, or sisters; making his son a knight, or to promote some great public advantage, as to ransom the King, or proceed to the Holy Land, Sec. viz. * VidcMadox. Hist. Exohc(i. p. I5S. 1) 2 INTRODUCTION'. Henry II. had an aid, to many his daughter, Maud, to the Duke of Saxony, of one mark per fee, in the fourteenth year of his reign. Kichard I. levied an aid for the ransom of his person, when he was taken prisoner on his return from the Holy Land. Henry III. had an aid, to marry his sister, Isabell, to the Emperor Frederick II., of two marks out of every knight's fee. Also another, to marry his eldest daughter, Mary, of 20*. per fee. Also another, to make his eldest son a knight, of 40*-. a fee. Edward I., anno 18. Madox mentions but one aid in this King's reign, to marry his eldest daughter;* he could not have been aware of the subsequent rolls in the Pell Office of the 31, 3-2, 33, 34 Edward I. ROLLS OF SUBSIDIES, TENTHS, FIFTEEXTILS, TM'EN- TIETHS, THIRTIETHS, &c. These were taxes usually levied on every subject, both lay and ecclesiastical, granted by Parliament to the King ; the rates levied on the lands or goods were gene- rally regulated by the urgent necessity of the occasions for which they were required. The rolls of this class are numerous, the first com- mencing I Edward I. An interesting one of this description is dated the 22nd Edward I., containing an account of tlie monies raised for the Holy Land, being a transcript of letters patent for raising such sums. * Viile M;ulox. Hist, Exchcq. I N IliODUCTION. ISSUES IJY WKIT Form part of tlie Liberate liolls; and tlioui^li the en- tries are in general short, many of" them are of an inter- esting nature. The earliest that has yet been discovered is of the fourth year of Kino; Henry III., which gives a list of the regalia received by the Treasurer and Cham- berlains from the Bishop of Winchester, at Westmin- ster; beginning with a gold Crown ornamented with divers precious stones, &c. (See further extracts from this Roll, at p. xxvi.) ROLL OF PAYMENTS FOR BUILDINGS AND REPAIRS AT THE king's palace AND CHAPEL AT WESTMINSTER. A Roll of this description has been discovered of the 43rd year of Henry HI., which gives a most minute account of the expenses incurred for rebuilding, repairing and enlarging part of the King's palace at Westminster, and for decorating and ornamenting the same, together with the sums paid to each artist and workman, specify- ing from whence the timber, stone, and other materials, were obtained. (For the building the King's Mews at Charing Cross, and St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, see the Libe- rate and Issue Rolls of 4 Edward I.) ELEEMOSYNARY ROLLS. Some portion* of the fixed or settled revenue was ge- nerally consecrated to pious uses, and these alms were called deemosynw comlitutw, or settled alms. Very fre- • Madox.Hist. Exchfcv p. 248. XXll INTRODUCTION. quent allowances of this description are made on the Pipe Rolls to the Kings almoner for pensions granted to the King's ministers, officers, and servants, and for vari- ous acts of charity and royal bounty in the King's house- hold, disbursed from the King's wardrobe. The earliest eleemosynary roll found in the Pell Office is of the 13th Edward I. ; which, in addition to the alms and charity bestowed by the monarch, gives an account of the costs and charges for erecting the abbey of Vale Royal, and the abbey of Maynair ; it also states the daily expenditure of the King's alms at Bereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Corvven, Beauchief, Hanepol, Stowe, Temple Bruer, Dunington, Chester, and many other places, specifying the monasteries, religious houses, and churches, in which such alms were distributed and for what purpose bestowed ; many of which, as applied to superstitious uses, are remarkablj^ curious. ROLLS 01" TALLIES RENEWED. Ryley,* in his Pleadings in Parliament, cites a writ from the Close Rolls, 14 Edward I., directed to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, commanding them, upon the loss, or damage, of any tally, to renew or make another, taking care distinctly and openly to enter all such counter-tallies so made into two rolls, one for the treasurer, and another for the chamberlains. The earliest of these rolls found is in the 1st Edward I., and that of the 20th to the IJoth Edward I. contains the writ above recited. These rolls are important, as they sup- ply the omissions in the tallage rolls which contain the • Rylcy's IMcailiii'^s. in Pixriuimont, p. 450. INTliOnLC'l IOi\. XXIII tallages* raised on the King's demesnes, manors, ser- jeanties, escheats, and wardships, and upon boroughs and towns usually called donum ct assisa, which also includes aids, scutage, and carrucage. ENROLMENT OF LETTERS PATENT, BOOKS, OF I'llIVY SEALS, WARRANTS, AND WRITS OF THE GREAT AND PRIVY SEAL. These books and rolls conmiencc in the first year of King James I., and are continued in a regular series to 1834, including those of the period of the Commonwealth ; they contain enrolments of all letters patent, granting offices, or payments directed to be made by Privy Seal, or warrants at the Exchequer. It is to be regretted that this valuable collection has no other index than merely that of persons, from which it is impossible to furnish any information respecting their contents; but from a casual inspection of the payments, they appear of an interesting nature, as the names of Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir An- thony Vandyke, the Duke of Buckingham, and Seignior Johan Baptista Gabelione, ambassador from the Duke of Savoy, are among some of the first that presented themselves to view. (See extracts at p. Ivii.) MISCELLANEOUS ROLLS AND BOOKS. A Marshall's'!" Roll, or Roll of the King's Stud of Horses and Expenses of the Stable, anno 21 Edward I., * For the different modes of raising tallage, sec Madox, Hist. E.\cheq. chap, xvii, p. 480, 507. + The Marshall was a general name for several officers that were eraplo} ed about horses, game, &c. (Vide Madox, Hist. E.xcheq. p. 30.) XXIV INTRODUCTION. containing the daily expenditure lor the King's horses, stables, and stud, kept for liimselt'and his court, attend- ants, &c., specifying the arrival and departure of the nobility, and other persons attending on the King, and where he sojourned at the time. A Roll of the 22nd Edward I. is in the Pell Office, viz. the account of John de Sandal of the monies received and expended in the Welsh war; the army, at this period, being at Montgomerj^, under the command of the Earl of Warwick. The names of Lord William de Mortimer, Lord Robert Scales, De Astley, and the other com- manders and captains, appear on this roll, with the number of soldiers they respectively had under their command, whether foot, horse, slingers, or archers ; giving also the daily expenditure of each commander, and also of those wounded in battle, &c. A Roll for working the King's mines in Devonshire, dated the 20th to 25th Edward L, particularizing the quantity of lead and fine silver obtained in his mines at Burland and Comb Martin ; and also the expenses and mode of working the same, &c. •31 Henry VIIL — A Book containing the treasurer's and under-treasurer's accounts of all monies received at the Exchequer for the Crown in the 31st year of King Henry VIIL, and of all pavments made by the tellers of the Exchequer out of such receipts, viz. to all patent officers held under the Crown, with the dates of their patents ; to the King's heralds and pur- suivants, serjeant-at-arms, ecclesiastical persons, pages of the King's Crown, to all officers in the Ordnance de- partment and Exchequer, to several other persons as messengers, Ike., assignments to divers persons by tallies IN ritonrcTiON. xxv for vvas:es, annuities, rewards to sheriffs, rollectors, comptrollers, keepers of the \vardro!)e, and all other officers and ministers of tiie Crown, whose names are given, with short extracts from their patents. [This book is a beautiful specimen of the hand-writins^ of the time.] AKoLL containing an estabiishnicnt for Ireland in 1008, consisting of the different officers and forces, with their allowances by the day, month, and year, viz. To the Lord Deputy, Treasurer at War, Marsliall, Master of the Ordnance, &c.. Physician, Surgeon, Officers j)rovincial for Lynster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster, &c. There are also some hundred books of issues, orders, warrants, assignments, loans, subscriptions for raising two millions, in 1698, Exchequer bills, pensions, &c. connected with money transactions of the Exchequer, too numerous, and in too great confusion^ for any account of them to be inserted. Having now endeavoured to trace the historj', and show tlie circumstances under which this collection of Records was formed, and also explained the reasons why they have not before been made known to the public, it may be considered necessary to give some account of their contents ; but as this cannot be fully and satisfactorily accomplished for the reasons before stated, (the want of time and arrangement,) it has been deemed advisable to submit only the few following extracts, hastily gleaned from the rolls already discovered, as the best means of communicating some knowledge of the information to be derived from them, and of partially exhibiting the general nature and importance of their contents. INTRODUCTION. Extracts. — Henry III. 5 Henry HI. — These are the regalia * which Eustace dc Fau- cunburgh, treasurer, and the chamberlains, received from the Bishop of Winchester, at Westminster, on Thursday next after the Feast of Saint Dunstan. — A crown of gold entirely set round with divers precious stones ; a rod of silver, gilt ; a golden sceptre ; a tunic with the upper vestment of red silk, with a collar and pre- cious stones, in orfraies [or fringe of gold] ; a girdle, with a buckle of gold set with precious stones ; a mantle of red silk, adorned with precious stones ; a gold ring, with a ruby ; two gold brooches for the mantle and the upper vestment, (or Dalmatian,) in one of which is a sapphire, and in the other a pearl ; a pair of new sandals and socks of red silk, with orfraies ; two bundles of orfraies where- with to fringe the King's sandals ; also a pair of old sandals of red silk, with gold fringe, with a pair of old socks, embroidered with gold, which had belonged to King John ; a tunic of white diaper, with a Dalmatian of red silk, and an old mantle of red silk; three swords, which were remaining at Corfe-castle, with leathern cases; two swords, with sheaths of red silk, fringed with gold; two pair of gloves. Henry, by the grace of God, &c. Deliver from our Treasury to the Prior of Westminster, our gold spurs, which were made for our use at our first coronation at Westminster, which we have given for the new works of the chapel of the Blessed Mary, • Craven Ord, in his Inventory of Crown Jewels of 3 Edward III., published in 1790, states that one of the firsts lists of our crown jewels is contained in the letter of Margaret, Queen of France, to her brother Henry III. of Eng- land, dated 12G1, when they were lodged in the chui'ch of the Knights Templars at Paris, which the said King afterwards gave his Queen Eleanor power to dispose of. Vide Ryraer's Ftcdera, Vol. i. pp. 410, 435. The date of this list now published is 41 years previous to that contained in Ryraer, which on comparison does not appear to relate to the same jewels. t An earlier list lias been founil liy Mr. llarily. and printed in lii.s first volume of '•Patent Kolls,"' recently published. INTRODUCTION. XXVll Westminster. Witness Hubert de Burgh, our justice at West- minster, the 19th day of November, in the 5tli year of our reign. 10 Henry III. — Two hundred marks paid for the purchase of robes, at the fairs of Saint Ives and Saint Botolpli, for the use of tile King and his brother Richard. Payment of 1000/. yearly to Hubert de Burgh, as custos of Dover Castle. Many payments for the works at Dover and other castles, viz., Bristol, Hertford, Hastings, Corf, Montgomery, Windsor, &c., appear on this Roll. Several payments on account of Richard, Earl of' Poitmi, the King's brother, in Gascony, and for 500 Welshmen sent thither to assist him. Among the payments on this UoU to the officers and for the necessary expenses of the Exchequer, appears l'2d. for hay and rushes for the Barons' chamber, '2s. rushes for the receipt of the Exchequer, S^d. for a chest to put the charters of the barons in for their pledges to Hugh de Lacy, &c. 41 Henry HI. — Payment of 10 marks to the Clerk of the Queen of Cijpru.s, for his expenses on returning home. To a Messenger 5 marks of the King's gift, for bringing the first news of the safe delivery of the wife of WiUiatu de Chavenny. Gifts from the King of 500 marks to ylle.rander. King of Scot- land ; 200 marks to Henry of Castile, brother of the King of Castile; 671. 10s. 8d. to Reginald, Earl of Cornwall;* to Simon de Mont ford, Earl of Leicester ; John de Plessetis, Earl of Warwick; Henry de Veer, Earl of Oxford; [with very many payments and gifts from the King to various noble and illustrious persons.] To the Monks of Westminster 100.y., for a chaplain to perform divine service for the soul of Isabella,^ formerly Queen of Eng- land. * Son of King John, the King's brother. t Wife nf King .John, and daughter oC Aimar, Earl of Angoulemc. XXVIIl ^ INTKOUUCTION. To the Valet of Mf/rg-rtT-p/,* Queen of Srotlfuiil. 300/., which the King of Scotland gave him for the arrears of money owing for his marriage. To two Messengers from the Countexs of Angoulenne, d^nd Isa- bella, the King's sister, 6 marks of the King's gift. To Master Thomax, the King's surgeon, 50i-. To Drago de Barentino 10/. for palfreys, sumpter horses, and harness, for the use of his two nephews, whom the King in Gas- cony decorated with the belt of a knight. To Robert Russell, the Queen's servant, 20 marks, for the expenses of Catherine, the King's daughter. To the Monks of Westminster 100 marks, for a chaplain toper- form divine service lor the soul of Raymond, ibrmerly Earl of Province. To Edward of Westminster 30j., for a chaplain to perform divine service for Margaret, the King's daughter. Also for sti- pends to 4 chaplains in Saint Stephen's chapel, Westminster > 2 chaplains in the Tower of London ; 2 chaplains in the chapel St. John the Evangelist ; also to find lights ; and for 3 chaplains to the brethren of the Knights Templars. For 30 cloths of gold, purchased for the Queen's use, at 80 marks. To Master Henry, the versifier, who receives 7d. per day, 4/, Vos. Gd. 41 Henry III. — To Henri/, brother of the illustrious King of Castile, 8//., for the support of himself and family for 87 days. For 700 pounds of wax to seal the King's writs. Annuity of .""jOO marks to Margaret, Countess rf Flanders. Ale pm-chased for the King's use 17 marks. To John, the chaplain, the King's almoner, 51/. 12s. 4d., to celebrate the exequies of Catherine, the King's daughter. To S/7n6n de Wycomb, clerk to the Queen, 60/., for the ex- })enses of the King's children. * Daughter of Htnn III. INTRODUCTION. XXIX To Henry de Brarton*'2^)/.a.t J'lastcr term, in the 41st year, I'nr his annuity of 50/. Twenty-five shillings for 100 sturgeon, taken for the King's use. To Master Henry de Ahrinces,\ the versifier, who receives Gd. per day, 41. 7s. Od. To the Sacrist of Westminster 20^, for 4 wax torches hurnt round the tomb of the Blessed Edward. To the Brethren of the Guild at Westminster, appointed to ring the great bells at Westminster, 100s. To Brother John de Kent, a messenger from the Pope, 1,000 marks, for the use of the Pope, which were owing for his annual titX. Many payments are contained in this roll, to furnish the King with ])rovisions whilst in Gascony. 42 Hknry III. — Pay from our Treasury to our well-beloved and faithful Simon de Monlfort, Earl of Leicester, 400/., which he receives yearly at our Exchequer for the dower of Eleanor,^ his uife, our sister, in Ireland, for the payment of which the * Author of the treatise " De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglia." + This is the tirst entry that has been found of the name of the Versifier or Poet, from whom probably the title of " poet laureate" of the present day takes its origin. A few particulars relating to this office may not be here misplaced. Degrees in grammar, which included rhetoric and versification, were anciently taken in our universities, particularly at Oxford, on which occasion a wreath of laurel was presented to the new graduate, who was after- wards usually styled " Poeta Laureatus."" The scholastic laureations seem to have given rise to the name in question, and probably the inglorious title of Versifier gradually gave way to an appellation of more elegance and dignity. The French never had a poet laureate, although from the most early times the kings of England have always had a dependant called the King's Poet, or the King's Vcrsificator. John Kay, who dedicated his History of Rhodes to Edward IV., terms himself his humble Poet Laureate; and this individual is supposed by Warlon to have been the first who took that title. % This Eleanor was King Johns second daughter, and was first married to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, but had no issue : and afterwards, in 1238, she married Simon Montfort, Earl of Leicester. When this noble- XXX INTKODIU.TIOX. heirs of Walter Marshall, formerly £«/7 of Pembroke, are bound. 42 Henry III. — To the Abbot ofTyrronc, 40 marks for mes- sengers from the King of Germany. Paid for 8 scarlet Lincoln cloths for the King, on his return from Gascony, 67/. 4*. 9f/. Twenty-five marks paid to make 15 glass windows in the chapel of Saint Martin the Great, London, of the King's gift. To the Hermit in the King's chapel at Brehidl, and to the Hermit of Colemanhegg, 50s. The Mayor of Wilton, William de Isembard, having been hanged, part of his chattels were given to William de Sancta Ermina. Payment to Finito, the King's proctor in the court of Rome. Two cloths of gold purchased for Edward of Westmin- ster.^ To William de Gloucester, goldsmith, 20 marks for working a precious cloth for the altar of the Blessed Edward. Also 60j. to repair a " tiirribnlum." To Richard, the Hermit of Colemanhegg, 50.?. yearly, to find a chaplain to perform divine service for the soul of Catherine, the King's daughter.^ 43 Henry HL — Pay from our Treasury to Alberic de Fis- campsxiA Peter de Winchester, 500 marks for a cloth with pearls, man, soon after, went with his wife to the churching of the Queen, the King told him he was an excommunicated person, and forbade both him and his wife to be present at that solemnity ; adding, that he had first corrupted his sister, and to avoid scandal had married her, and then went to Rome to pro- cure the Pope's confirmation of this unlawful marriage. When the Earl heard this he was much abashed, and that evening, with a few attendants, left the kingdom. * Afterwards King Edward I. t This Roll contains many curious entries of wine, silk, cloth, gold, wax, nutmegs, figs, rairiins, cinnamon, and other necessary household articles purchased for the King's use. INTROnUCTION. XXXI for a reading-desk to be placed at tl\e front of the altar and tomb of Catherine, our daughter; and for certain tables which we have caused to be placed at the altar of the Blessed Mary at Westminster. A Roll of the expenses for repairing and rebuilding part of the King's Court at Westminster, to wit, for pulling down and rebuilding his chamber, strengthening with iron the tunnel of the chimney, and repairing the baths there; and forming a drain from the King's great kitchen to the Thames ; and newly con- structing another chamber over the Thames, and one for his steward, with many other repairs, buildings, and ornamental work ; amongst which is the following entry : To the painters. To Master William, the painter, with his men uho painted Jesse on the mantel-piece of the chimney, and also cleaned and restored the painted walls of the same King's chamber, 43*. \0d.; and for divers colours purchased for the same, 7s. 6f/. Also to Master William, and his three servants, painting the chimney-place and the walls on each side the chimnev, in the King's bed-room, for three weeks, 1/. 16s. 6f/. There is also another curious roll (but without date) of the works and repairs done to the King's palace or chamber at Westminster; among which are the expenses for making a water-course under-ground to the batlis, and making a drain from the kitchen to the Thames, to carry away the fetid water which had passed through the King's palace, to the nuisance of those conversing there. Extracts. — Edward I. 1 Edward I. — To two Chaplains, to perform divine service in Saint Stephen's chapel, Westminster, for the soul of the King's father. To one Chaplain in Saint Mary's church, West- minster, for the same ])urpose. To two Chaplains, for the same, in the hermitage at Charing, 10/. 2*. 6(/. To Thomas de Mymmes, 35 xiiarks, going as the King's nies- XXXll lNTRODU( TION. senger to divers places in England, and from thence to Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, to publish the sentence pronounced by the Pope against Giiido de Mont fort. To John de Roui'll, clerk, imprisoned in Newgate lor trespass, 54 marks. To Thomas de Pampeworth, clerk, for the expenses of the King's children residing in Windsor Castle, '20/. To Master Robert de Beverley, the King's mason, 34/. 13s. 4(/. for erecting certain stages against the feast of the King's corona- tion, to be held at Westminster. 100/. paid to Johi> de Balio/, for Eleanor, the queen mother of the King. To Eleanor, the King's mother, 10 marks, which King Henry gave for the expenses of her household, out of the tallage of Adam Foleplace, a burgess at Oxford. To the same Queen, 365/., who received 10 marks daily for her expenses, provided by the King's council, from the day of Saint Edmund the King and Martyr, on ivhich day the body of King Henry* [HI.] was buried. To Master Robert, 1/. 6.?. &d., for a stipend to divers work- men for working at the tomb of John de JJ'indsor, the King's son. Payment to Messengers from the King to expedite his att'airs at the court of the King of France, and with letters to the King and Queen of Scotland. To Stephen, the King's painter, for whitewashing and deco- rating the King's great hall at Westminster. To Richard Wolivnrd, keeper of the King's houses at West- minster, 1 mark, to repair the King's vineyard there. [Also many entries for wofks at the King's Mews at Charing, in Roll 4, Edward I.] To Jnlia de Estri, formerly laundress to Eleanor, the Qi/een of England, the King's mother, 4 marks, in advance, for her sup- port until the King's return to England. To Master Conurd. maker of cross-bows. 1/. O.v. H\iL. for * Her liusl);U\(l- IMlU)nuCTI()N. XXXlll repairing 6 cross-bows with horn, to he kept in the Kind's castle at Windsor. Hamon Haiikyn and Robert Ludeham, the Kinfj's justices, appointed for the custody of the Jews, payments to them. The Islands of Gurnsey and Jersey leased for a certain term to Hugh de Turberville, for 3G0/. 2 Edward I.— To William de Saint Omer, Walter de Helyn, and John dc Vallelz, their expenses for going to the King's council at Lyons.* 3 Edward I. — Pay from our Treasury, to Master Robert de Bererlei/. keeper of our works at Westminster and the Tower, 1,100/. for the works in our church and palace at Westminster, made there against our coronation, viz., 24/. 13*. S^d. for grey freestone, 108,?. G^d. for timber, boards, &c.; with stipends to the carpenters, painters, plasterers, stonemasons, &c. Pay from our Treasury 4/. 6s. Od. for 14 pearls put in the crown of our most dear consort, Eleanor, Queen of England, at the feast of our coronation. 10 Edward I. — Payment of 60.?. to Walter de Tothill, chap- lain, to perform divine service in Saint Margaret's church, West- minstefj for Margaret,^ Queen of Scotland, and sister of the King. 12 Edward I. — Roll of expenses of Messengers sent to divers parts, as well on this side as beyond the seas, with letters of the most ilhistrious Lord Edward, King of England, during the time that William de Luda was keeper of the wardrobe. 15 Edward 1. — To Mary, the King's daughter, who lately * The 1 4th General Council was held at Lyons in 1274, whi'-h consisted of 500 bishops, 70 abbots, and 1,000 other prelates. Pope Gregory X. presided. + Daughter of Henry III., and married to Alexander III. XXxiv INTRODUCTION. took the veil in the monastery of Amebresbury, 50/., for the maintenance of her chamber in the house aforesaid.* 17 Edward I. — To Hugh Kendale, llG.f. A\d. for erecting a certain in the burial-place of the Abbot of Westminster, in which the statues of King Henry and Queen Eleanor were being made. 18 Edward I. — Payment of 18/. 7*. \d. to the Master, Breth- ren, and Sisters of Saint Katherine's Hospital, adjoining the Tower of London, in recompense of the injury they sustained by the enlargement of the ditch round the Tower. 21 Edward 1. — Prince Edward's Household Roi.i,. On this day there dined ivith the Lord the Prince the Lord Bishop of Ely. On this day there came to dinner the Lady Countess of Glou- cester, with her knights, ladies, and clerks, and certain esquires, they receiving nothing, except from the marshal, and went away on the Saturday following after dinner. On this day (Saturday) came Castellan de Berghes, with him four knights, and two sons of Lord R. de Ti/pefot, and on the day following after breakfast departed. On this day (Thursday) there were at dinner with us Lord John de Bar, Roger le Mahanc, Roger do Leyburn, Castellan de Berghes, with him three knights, the wife of Lord Walter do Bello Campo, with one knight, and five maids of honour, and many foreign esquires. 21 Edward 1. — To Master William de Wymundham, for the works of the mines in Devonshire, and for fuu' sihor ohtiiincil * In a roll of the 23(1 year her allowance was 200/. a year. This Mary was the sixth ilau<;hter of King Edward I. by his wife Eleanor, who at ten years of age was made a nun in this monastery of Ambersburj at the instance of Queen Eleanor, her grandmother, who lived, died, and was buried there. INTHODUfTION. XXXV from tho lead mines in Hurhiml and Conil) Martin in Di-vonsliire, •20 to •_>-) Kdward I. ■Jl lMi\\Ai!n I. — Deliver from o\ir Treasury to the Most Noble Henry. Earl of Bar, 10,000 marks, wiiieh ho have orranted in marriage with Eleanor, our most dear eldest daughter. 22 Edward I. — Randolph, the King's tnmipcter, who was also trumpeter to King Henry III., receives 2(1 per day for his wages. 23 Edw.\rd I.- — To Adam Berenger, iialf a mark for taking a sturgeon in the Thames for the King. 24 Edward I. — Two palfreys bought for Brother Taw, the King's confessor, for 101 half a mcirk. 4 Edward II. — lugvlardus de fVarlee, keeper of the King's wardrobe, pays 20 marks to Sir Robert de Haustede, Junior, Knight, for the expenses incurred in burying the body of Eleanor, the King's sister, at Beaulieu, [with several other entries relating to the burial of this lady.] To Isabella, Queen of England, 871. in part payment of l,000i. due to the same Lady the Queen, for so much money paid by her for the Lord the King to Lady Blanch of Britanny, from the issues of her lands in Pontieu, as a present from the King in aid of marrying her da\ighter. This Roll also contains many payments for the ])reparations made for the King's proceeding to Scotland. 10 Edward 11. — To Isabella, Queen of England, the King's consort, to whom the King, with the assent of his Council, granted 11,000 marks yearly for the expenses of her household, &c. [The several payments of the above sum are then specified, with the dates of the writs, &c.] To, the wife of John de Bureford. a citizen and merchant of London, 100 marks for a cap ornamented with coral lately purchased from her by the Que^n, consort of the King, to make c 2 XXXVl INTIiOni'CTION. a present to the Lord High Pontift', and sent with llic King's mes- sengers going to the court of the said High Pontiff. 15 Edward H.— To William de Hnustede, keeper of the Exchange, London, for ancient money chiefly found in the Trea- sury at the Tower, and delivered to him from the custody of the office of treasurer and chamberlains, to be melted and coined, together with a broken silver seal, and eight small pieces of silver, and also a piece of melted silver arising from false money perforated at the receipt, a memorandum whereof is fully noted in the memoranda of the greater Exchequer, among the records of this term. 17/. l-Js. 6(/. 6 Edward HL — ^To Simon de Bury, master of the King's scholars at Cambridge, 10/., of the King's gift, as a recompence for the books of the laws and canons, which Lord Edward, King of England, father of the present King, gave him, and which were afterwards taken away from the said Simon, by command of Isabella, Queen of England. '23 Edward HI. — Fifty shillings paid to 50 poor persons, for carrying torches from Brentford to London, with the body ol' William, the King's Son. [This was William de Hatfield, tlic King's second son, who died young.] Payment of 4,900/. to Sir Thomas Daggeirorlh.* for taking Charles de Bloys prisoner. Payment of 10/. per annum to Joan of O.r/'ord. late nurse to the Prince of Wales. Payment of 200/. to Edward Baliol, King of Scotland. [A long delivery of jewels at the end of this roll.] 27 Edward HI. — To Alice de Latimer, a recluse anchorite, 20s. of the King's alms, in aid of her support. * Sir Thnmas ro-established the Montfort party in Bretasne by defeating Charles de Bluys, and makini; him and his two sons prisoners. — Andrews, p. 368. IN TKODUCI ION. XXXVll To Edward Baliol, Kimj of Srollund, 40.v. daily, for the ex- penses of his household, until he should be otherwise provided for, 86/. [A similar payment of 140/.] To divers Messengers and Couriers sent to several parts of Eng- land, with writs under the seal of Saint George, directed to all knights of the order of Saint George, to repair to Windsor, 1/. 0,v. Sf/. To Thoinai Prioiir. valet of J'/iilij/pa, Queen of England, 40 marks yearly, for bringing the pleasing intelligence to the King of the birth of Edward, Prince of Wales. To John, a canon of St. Catherine's, the King's picture painter, 13i. 6s. %d,, for painting certain figures by the King's command, for the chapel in Windsor Castle. [This picture was afterwards purchased by the King for 50/. Vide Roll, 39 Edward III.] To Sir John Arenel, a knight, 100/., which the King gave to the said Sir John for having rendered into the hands of the King Roland Denys, whom he took prisoner in the war in Hritanny. 31 Edward III. — To Sir Thomas de Sn-i/nnerlon. Knight, lately taken in the Scotch war, 100/., paid to him of the King's gift, for his ransom. Payment of 16Z. 3s. -id. to John Cok, of Cherbourg, for bring- ing the first intelligence of the capt\irc of King John and others, at Poitiers. To Philip of Navarre, a knight, 666/. 13s. 4d. paid to him of tile King's gift, for his homage done to the same Lord the King. To Master John de Bolton, late chamberlain of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, for the price of 5 lasts (9,000) red herrings, price 50 marks; 2 lasts of white herrings, price 12/., with 5 marks for the carriage and freightage thereof; and for the price of 2 barrels of sturgeon, price 6/. ; 1,200 stockfish, price 21/. 5s. ; 89 congers, price 13/. 10s. ; 320 niulwels, price 20 marks, fur- nished for the King's household, 102/. 14s. 0^/. To Thomas at Ferijie, serjeant-at-arms of the Lord the King, dwelling at Odyliam castle, to keep David de Briiys. King of Scotland, a prisoner there, S/. 10s. [Other payments lor '.he like XXXVlll INTHOni'CTION. purpose to Williain Tni-s-sv/f. constable of the said castle, in the 33d year.] Four hundred pounds paid to Richard des Armex and other mer- chants of Constaunce, for 123 pair of plates, 123 pair of basnets and helmets of iron, 89 pair of gauntlets, 89 pair of front armlets and as many back armlets, 155 targets, and as many lances, pur- chased from them by the Lord the King. 32 Edward III. — The King presents the Dean and College of Saint Stephen's chapel, Westminster, with 2 silver candle- sticks, gilt, weighing 91b. 9oz. ; a cross of silver, gilt, weighing 81b. 2oz. lOdwt. ; a silver vessel to sprinkle the holy water, weigh- ing 191b. 3oz. 4dwt., with other silver ornaments. To Robert de Clynton 1,000/. for his share of the ransom of the Archbishop of Saunz, a prisoner of war, taken at the battle of Poitiers. 33 Edw./vrd III. — To John Galeys 10/., which the King ordered to be paid him as a recompence for the loss he sustained by the relinquishment of his house at " the Milehend," during the time that Isabella, late Queen of England, mother of the King, with her family, remained there. To John, Duke of Britany. 26/. 15.s 5(/. of the King's gift, for the expenses of himself and his family, and others in his re- tinue, for the eight davs the Duke remained in London, during the time of the tournament at Smithfield. Payment of 80/. to William de Rodom, of the Kipg's gift, as a reward for his good service to the said King for taking IMllium de Tonrs a prisoner in the Scotch war, in the marches of Scotlanil. Payment of 216/. 13.?. 4d. to Simon Bochel, which the King commanded to be paid him for 2,000 pearls, purchased from him for the marriage o( Margaret, the King's daughter, with the son of Lionel, Earl of Ulxter. Payments of 123/. 6s. 8(/. to Roger de Bella Canipo, and other Knights, for the safe custody of John, the French King, at the Savoy. [Other payments for the same purpose.] Payment of .526/. 6,v. 8f/. for jewels, with other payments for the like puipose. INTHODUCTION. XXXIX Piiymonts of 20/. to Gilbert dc BniuviU, Pelegrin de Cans, and /irrnani de Troyx, valets of Gascony, as a reward. 35 EuwAKD III. — To Thomas de Brijncltesleij \00s. yearly, granted to him by the King, for the pleasing intelligence which he brought to the King, of the capture of Charles de Blot/s, and also the defeat of the Scotch at the battle of Durham. 36 P!dwai{D III. — To Master John de Norton, a Doctor of Laws, iti money paid him in discharge of 50*., which the Lord the King commanded to be paid of his gift, in recompence of a robe lately given him on his entrance, when he was elected a scholar of King's Hall, Cambridge. To Edmund de Lang/ey, the King's son, for disbursements to the King's heralds, and others, minstrels attending the last tour- nament at Smithficld, 100 marks; also a payment of 40/. in the 33d year to Jf'il/ium Volnunt, the King's herald,* and his com- panions the minstrels attending the tournament at Smithficld. To the clerk of Master Thomas de Nevill, a canon of York, 100s., paid to him by the hands of William, of IVickham, hy com- mand of the King, for bringing to the Lord the King a certain vest which belonged to the Blessed Peter the Apostle. Various payments to Sir Walter de Manny, Richard, Earl of Arundel, and William de Farler. constable of Bordeaux, &c.. 38 Edw.\rd 1 11.^ — Payment to the Lord the King in his chamber, the King being personally present with the Bishop of Ely, Chancellor of England, William of Wickham, keeper of the Privy Seal, and others, of divers sums of gold paid for the ransom of the King of France, amounting to 9,r)78/., part paid in gold nobles, and placed in the Treasury within the Tower of London. • The antiquity of the heralds is mentioned in holy \vrit, Daniel iii. 4, 5. " Then an herald cried aloud, that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden imai;o that Nebuchadnezzar the kinj; hath set up."' There is also frequent mention of heralds in Homer's Iliad. xl INTRODUCTION. 39 Edward III. — Payment of 100/. yearly to John Paladyn, the King's Physician ; also 20/. yearly to John de Glaston, the King's Physician. To Peleyrin de Caux, from Gascony, prosecuting the claim of Bernard de Troys, at the King's council, to have the reward which the said Bernard claimed for taking John, King of France, a prisoner at the battle of Poitiers. The King com- mands 40 marks to be paid him of his gift, in part satisfaction of this his reward ; and for his expenses in prosecuting the said claim.* .39 Edward III. — In money paid to Thomas Hessey, a gold- smith, of London, for several cups and other silver plate pur- chased for the King's use, and delivered by Helmyng Leget, at Dover, to divers knights and others coming in the retinue of the Earl of Flanders — to wit : To Lewis de Nemers, a stand with a cup and an ewer, and a salt-cellar, of silver gilt and enamelled, weighing by the g6ld- smith's weight 38 marks .5*. 2|d., price '200 marks. To the constable of Flanders, an ewer gih and enamelled, weighing by the same weight 43s., price 6/. lis. 'Jrf., together with a certain cup delivered to the same constable from the plate in the charge of William Sleford. To Lord de Pouke and Simon Topel, chaplain, cups of silver- gilt, with fretwork, enamelled in the bottom with two wodewosez, and an ewer of silver-gilt, delivered to the said Lord de Pouke ; and a silver dish gilt, delivered to the aforesaid Simon, weighing together by the same weight 14 marks 8s. Gd., and worth 25/. Cs. Uhd. * Baker, in his Chronicles, states that great strife arose between many who should be the man that took King John prisoner ; but the Prince oom- mandeil them to forbear their claims till they came to England, where the matter being heard, it was adjudged by King .lohns own testimony, that one Sir Dennis Moreberque of St. Omer's had taken him prisoner, for which service the King rewarded him with a thousand marks ; for further particu- eulars on this interesting] subject see the Archseologia, and note 5 to the Chronicles of London. iNTKonircTioN. xli To Lnrtl Roger Botclnjn* a silver cup, wilt, onibossed with azure, woighiii" by the same weight 5 marks 8.v. \\d., and worth 9/. 16s. 'Md. To Lord John Boner, a silver cup, gilt, and eiiamelicd with roses, weighing 4 marks IPs. Sd., worth 8/. 6*. Ad. To Lord Peter de Montagu, a cup in form of a chalice, gilt and enamelled on the top with a white eagle, weighing 5 marks 3s. Ad., worth 9?. 2*. To Lord John Doyle, a silver cup, gilt, and oniinu'lled in the bottom with a griffin, weighing 5 marks 3.i-. Ad., worth '.)/. 2.v. To Lord John Haii/ey, a silver cup gilt, standing upon tliree lions, worth 8/. ; and also to the same Lord John a silver cup, gilt and enamelled on the top with a star, worth G/. 7.f. lOd. To Lord Tederic de Hasbrok a silver cup, gilt, and enamelled with a rose, worth 9/. 7s. Ojf/. To Lord Robert Hauteyn a silver cup, gilt, and enamelled with three rows of rubies on the top, worth 6/. Ax. Ad. To John Kaiamil a silver cup, gilt, with a white eagle, stand- ing upon three angels, worth 9/. Hi-, llr/. half a farthing. To William dc Hatfield a silver cup, gilt. To Jf'illinm dela Camere the same. To iitephen de Lamport a silver cup, gilt and enamelled. To Clays Bovyn a silver cup, gilt and enamelled. To Stathyn de Vanes a silver cup, gilt and enamelled. To John Van Mecute the value of a silver c\\\>, viz., 3Z. 'Is. 2d. To Lamkin Vaghenare, to Master John le Marcsehall, to Giles Babbe, to Tydmun Bergh, to Frank the Messenger from F'lan- ders, to Lord Godfrey de Delph, to each a silver cup, gilt, witii the weight and value added. To Thomas Spygiirnell a cup, standing upon three lions, and the value of a silver cup. To Lord Gerard de Nassenham a cup in form of a chalice, standing upon three lions. * The word in the original is " Dominus," which does not here denote a title of nobility[but onljjof courtesy, as applied to the clergy it is equiva- lent to Magister or Master ; and to laymen, Knight, Esquire, Lord of Manors, &r. xlii INTRODUCTION. To Lord John de Boner the like cup. To Lord Peter de Dylf the like cup, in all worth 361/. 18*. 6d. To Lord Busigald a silver cup, gilt, with a white jjelican on the top. To Lord W(rrner de Woskyn a cup in shape of a chalice, standing upon three angels. To the King's Messenger from Denmark a silver dish, gilt. To Thomas Atte Hyll, a messenger from the King of Scotland, a silver cup, gilt, standing upon three lions, with a green top. [And many other cups of different descriptions, such as godels, ciphos, &c.] 41 Edward 111. — To the Queen 1,273/. 6*. 8f/. for jewels bought from her for the marriage of Isabella, Countess of Bed- ford. Also another like payment. To brother Ancelin de Valoignes 24Z. out of the goods of Wil- liam de Cornwall, a serjeant-at-arms of the Lord the King, hanged for stealing from the said Ancelin. For making an alabaster table for the altar of Saint George's chapel, Windsor, 13/. ds. Sd. To John Matheit lOZ. for bringing divers falcons from the Prince to the King. Paid lOOZ. for the two tombs of Mary and Margaret, daugh- ters of the Queen, buried at Abindon Abbej'. Four thousand pounds paid to the King in gold nobles, at the palace, Westminster, in the white chamber, on behalf of Scot- land, for the ransom of Robert de Brvys, in the presence of the King, the Bishop of Ely, and Lord William de Wykeham. 41 Edw\kd III., Michaelmas, 19th October. — For the ex- penses and fitting out of John, who called himself the son of the King of India, &c. '22d October. — To Henry Bow/I. one of tlie King's scliolarsal Cambridge, for divers necessary things purchased lor his edu- cation. To Simon Roijrr, .Merchant. 200/. by the hands of Sir Frank INTHOniK Tl()\. Xllll tie Hale, knight, in part ptiymcnt of 1,100 marks for the piir- chaso of a certain crown fortlio Lord the King. To divers clerks in the retinue of the Bishop of Lieges, at West- minster, with the King, divers cups delivered to them of the King's gift — to wit, a silver cup, gilt, weighing 61b. 5oz., and of the price of Vll. lOv. Or/, delivered to the Reeve of llarvre. A silver cup, gilt, to John de Bnereii, clerk, &c. 3d December. — To ^jV Barihohmvw de Bunjherxsh, knight, '201. in part payment of 8,000 florins de saito, the value of each 3*. 4(/., due for the Count of Venladour, his prisoner, taken by him at the battle of Poitierx, and ransomed for the King's use by letters patent, with the said sum indorsed thereon. To Florence Coucesylt 20 marks for presenting 4 falcon.s to the King from the Earl of March 1st February. — To Perinus, a valet of the Duke de Berry, bringing to the Lord the King, and PhiUppa, the Queen of Eng- laiul, the pleasing intelligence of the birth of the son of the of Berry, 25 marks given by the King, and 10/. by the Queen. 1st February. — John de Thorp, clerk, sent to Berwick to re- ceive the ransom of the King of Scotland. 14th February. — 56/. paid for 8 casks of honey for Windsor castle. To Queen Philippa, by the hands of Richard de Ravenescre, in discharge of 50/., which the Lord the King paid him for making of two tombs for the Dnchea.s of Britanni/ and Coinifexs of Pembroke, whose bodies are buried in the abbey of .\bindon. To Stephen de Cusyngton, in part payment of 38/. I'Js. 8rf., for his expenses in a certain voyage to Gascony and Spain, for the safe conduct of Joan, the King's daughter, remaining for a cer- tain time in the King's retinue. To Sir Nicholas de Ihrnworth, knight, by the hands of Simon Bochell of London, for his expenses at Paris as the King's mes- senger going to Milan, upon urgent business of the Lord the King. To the cousin of the King of Hungary, called Stephen Va:i xliv INTRODUCTION. Durphet, coming to the Lord the King, a cup and ewer, silver gih, worth 17/. 3,v. -Id. 45 Edward III. — Letters directed to Alexander Cokeburn, of Scotland, and Alan de Strother, to certify to the Lord Chancellor and Treasurer the names of those persons who were to pay 4,000 marks for the ransom of the King of Scotland, and to make out letters of acquittance and safe conduct for them. [This sum was afterwards received by William Beauftj, one of the tellers of the Exchequer.] To Peter Maceon, of Nottingham, 300 marks, which the King owed him for a table of alabaster made by him, and placed upon the high altar in St. George's Free Chapel of Windsor. 46 Edward IIL — To Alice de Perers* in money paid to her by her own hands, in discharge of 3971., which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to her for jewels and divers other things purchased from the same Alice ; and 200/. for divers other jewels purchased from the same Alice for the use of the said Lord the King. [Many other payments appear upon the KoU for the said Alice.'\ 46 Edward IIL — Messengers sent with writs of Great Seal, to all Archbishops and Bishops of England ; also to all Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, and other Lords ; and to all Sheriffs, to come to the King's Parliament at Westminster in 15 days of Saint Michael. Paid to Henry de Wakefield 801. for a bed purchased, by command of the King, for Master de Priiys ; also ibr another bed of worsted for the King's use. 51 Edward III. — John Fastolf, Esquire, sent as the King's messenger to Britany, to make reparation for the injuries done in those parts contrary to the truce entered into between the Lord the King and his I'Vonch onemios, 100/. * This Alice Perers was the fjreal favourite of the Kinp. INTlU)l>tICTION. xlv To Ifeiiri/ (If Snayth.* Chancellor of the Exclicqupr, receiving yearly 40 marks for his fee in the otlice aforesaid, 13/. 6s. 8rf. To Geoffrey Chaucer, to «hoiii the Lord the King granted 20 marks yearly for life, for the good services rendered by him to the same Lord the King, or until otherwise he should provide for his estate, 41. 13*. 4d.; also to Pliilippa Chaucer,] one of the maids of honour of the chamber o( Fhilippa, late Queen of Eng- land, to whom the Lord the King granted 10 marks yearly, or until otherwise he should j)rovide for her estate, 5 marks thereof paid by the hands of Geoffrey Chaucer. To Joan, Princess of Wales, by the hands of William Ful- bome, in discharge of 200/., which the King commanded to be paid for the support and expenses of Richard, Prince of Wales, 200/. Money paid by John de Neubo/t, clerk at Chester and Liver- pool, to divers masters, constables, and sailors, for the passage of the armed men and archers of the retinue of James, Karl of Ormoml, the King's justice in Ireland, &c., viz., to each armed man 12r/. per day; to each archer (jd. per day, &c. 2 Richard IL, Easter. — To Geoffrey Chaucer, to whom the present King, in the first year of his reign, by his letters patent, granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good services performed, and hereafter to be performed, by him to the same Lord the King, in recompence \ of a pitcher of wine charged by the Lord King Edward, grandfather of the present * The Chancellor of the Exchequer appears hy this entry to have received only Id. a-day more than the common soldier, and 8d. more than the royal lion in the Tower. See pages 99, 29S. t Sister to the wife of John of Gaunt. 'J; Rymer states he received the same every day from the cellars of Ed- ward III. ; and subsequently Richard II. granted him a hogshead of wine yearly. May not this have been the origin of the butt of sack formerly granted to the Poets Laureate by the Kings of England, under the conviction of the truths contained in the lines of Horace ? Nulla placere diu, nee vivere c.irmin» possiint Qu^ scrihuntur aqiin* potoribus. xlvi INTRODLCriON. King, upon the port of the city of London, directed by tlie said King's letters patent to be received daily during the life of the said Geoffrey, by the hands of the King's butler. Payments made by William Wallivorth* and John Phillpott, receivers of the monies for the King's war at this period. [Here follow numerous payments for the army, and persons sent abroad to treat with other princes, &c.] 9 Richard II. — To divers Servants of the Abbey Church of the Blessed Peter, Westminster, 13*. 4d., for ringing the bells, to commemorate the anniversaries of the burial of the Lord King Edward HI., and Philippa his wife, late Queen of England. To the Boy Bishop in the King's Free Chapel within the Palace at Westminster, of the King's alms, 20s. To a certain Esquire from France, lately arrived in the retinue of Ctirchard Maizei, a Knight of France, sent through England, as a messenger to the King of Scotland, with the King's licence, 1/. I3s. Ad., for the price of a piece of worsted radiated with black and white, purchased of John Organ, citizen and merchant of London. [There are other similar gifts from the King on this Roll] A quarter of corn at this period cost 5s. Gf/. ; and a quarter of malt 5i-. [Other entries as to the price of corn, &c.] 2 Henry IV., Michaelmas. — A payment of Gf/. per day to Matthew Fh/iit, a tooth-drawer. To John Wodeshury, 3(/. per day for keeping an ostrich, so long as he should have the custody thereof To the Sacrist of Westminster, for burning wax torches around the body of Lord Edirard, of renowned memory, son of King Henry, formerly King of Englaiul, our progenitor, buried in the said church, 2/. lOs. To John Brampton, a spy sent by command of the Council to watch the state and coiicHtion of tlie King's Freiicli IIknrv V. — To Robert Rodyngton, Esquire, 50/. for money advanced by Richard de Coventry, to build a tower at Portsmouth, at the King's cost, for protection of the King's ships, and defence of the town and country adjacent. 5 Henrv V. — Payments to Robert Leversegge, of 231/. 3y. 4(/. * Sir .John Oldcastle was the chief of the Lollards or disciples of Wicliff, and a j^ieat favourite of the Kin^, who tried every gentle method to bring him back to the chin-ch ; but he was inllexible, and was burnt in St. Giles's in the Fields in February, 1418. Sir John Oldcastle was exposed as a buflbon character by some Roman Catholic poet in an old play entitled "The famous Victories of Henry V., containing the honourable Battaile of Agincourt," in which ftie scene opens with Prince Henry's robberies, and Sir John Oldcastle is mentioned as one of the gang. As Shakspeare ap- pears to have borrowed some hints from this play, it gave occasion to the mistake that Sir John Oldcastle was originally the droll of his historical play of Henry \\ ., and that he changed liis name to Falstaff.— Vide Grangers Biographical History, Vol. I., p. 38. d 1 INTRODUCTION. to purchase (among otluT things) cloth for the King's army in Normandy, and garters for the Knights of the Garter, at the Feast of Saint George, to be held in Normandy. 5 Henry V. — The first three payments on this Roll are to Thomas, Duke of Clarence; John, Duke of Bedford; and Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester, brothers of the King. Two hundred and thirty-one pounds of gunpowder, purchased for the King's use in his present voyage, for 4/. 16.y. Ad. To two Knights from" Ducheland," residing with the Emperor at Constance, 90/. paid to them upon the King's verbal command, by the hands of Sir John Tiptot, Knight. 5 Henry V., Michaelmas. — To divers Messengers sent with commissions directed to certain knights and esquires, to muster the men-at-arms and archers to make war with Scotland, and suppress the insurrection there, 21. 13s. Ad. To Sir Thomas Burton, Knight, 13/. 6i-. %d., as an advance for the support and expenses of Arthur de Bretayne, Count de Eire, and John Mcugre, Knight Marshal of France, other- wise called Sir Burcegaut de France, i\\e King's prisoners, in the cvistody of the said Sir Thomas. [The above were taken pri- soners at the battle of Aginconrt . There is also another payment of 113/. for the same purpose whilst they were confined in Fotheringay Castle.] To the Bishop of St. David's, the King's confessor, to pay for the passage of himself and family by sea to Normandy, with the King. Payment of 6(i. per day to Henry Bourbon, keeper of the clock and clock-house within the palace of Westminster, after the death of John Pachington. 2 Henry VI., Michaelmas. — Seven lumdred pounds paid to Edmund, Earl of March, Lord Deputy in Ireland. Payments to Queen Joan, and to Queen Catherine, mother of King. To Sir Thomas Comberuorth, for safely conducting the Duke IMUUULCTION. li of Orleans to London, and iVom I.oikIoii to liolinijijroke Castle, in Lincolnshire. Paid to the Clerk of the Steward of the liousehoid for the ex- penses of a dinner at the Kino;'s cost, to the iJukc of Gloucester, and other teni])oral and spiritual lords, justices, barons, &c. ia attendance at Weslniinster to elect siierirt's and escheafors in each county. Payment to M'illiam the Goldsmith for jewels (naming them). To Margaret, who weis the wife of Thomas, late Duke of Clarence, and Margaret, the wife of Sir John Darcy. [These entries contain evidence of pedigree.] Payments to Sir Robert Lord Ponyngs, Sir ll'illiain Boner ill. Sir JJ illiam de Clynton, Sir John Skydmore, and many others in the retinue of the Duke of Gloucester, assisting in the recovery of the town and castle of Crotov. To Sir John Pelhom, Knight, lor the custody and expenses of the Bastard of Bourbon ; also for Sir John Mortymer — I/. 6s. 8d. per week allowed for the former, and 1/. 7*. 8f/. for Sir John. To Simon Fronton for a hearse to bury the Duke of York, in St Paul's, London, 40/. Payments to Garter, King-at-Arms, and to Sir John Melton, containing a portion of his pedigree. To John, Lord Talbot, and De Furnevall, in part payment of 244/. 3.V. 4d., which the Lord the King, by the ath ice of his council, directed to be paid for so nmch money due from the late King lienry, the King's grandfather, for the wages of the said Lord and his retinue during the time he had the custody by com- mission of the Castle and Lordship of Montgomery, then in the hands of the said King, his grandfather, during the minority of Edmund, Earl of March, the custody of whom belonged to the said King, during the time of the Rebellion in Wales, as appears by the accounts of the said I^ord Talbot, in tlie Exchequer, in the 9th year of the said King. To the Bishop of D\irliam and others, for a tabernacle of d'2 In INTRODUCTION. gold bolonging to tlio Diiko of Lancaster, in pledge for repay- ment of 993/. 6s. 8fZ., lentto King Henry V. This Roll also contains payments to Richard, Duke of York ; Robert, Lord de Willoughhy ; Richard, Earl of Warwick ; John, Earl of Worcester, Treasurer of England ; Sir William Lucy; Sir Thomas Brown; William Lord Fauconburgh and Ralph Grey, keeper of Ricliborough Castle; Sir Henry Percy; John, Lord Dudley ; Richard A'erill, Earl of f far wick, and to most of the nobility and gentry at this and an earlier period about the King's person, but the entries are too long to be extracted. 3 Henry VI. — To Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, warden of the town of Berwick and the east marches of Scotland, 1,290/. 6.f. lOf/. paid to him by assignment for the release of the King of Scotland, who had been a prisoner for many years, in England. [This was King James 1st. of Scotland, liberated after having been kept 18 years in England.] 1 1 Henry VI. — To Humphrei/, Duke nf Gloucester, the King's uncle, with whom it was agreed, on the l"2th of February, in the 1st year of the King's reign, that he should be Protector and Defender of the realm of England, and head of the King's Council, for which purpose he had 8,000 marks assigned him by the King's letters patent, payable from the last day of August, in the 10th year of King Henry V., on which day the said King died, unto the day of the present King's coronation on the 6th November, viz., for 7 whole years and 66 days, deducting therefrom — to wit, from the feast of Michaelmas in the 3d year to the I "ith of .\))ril following, during which time the said Duke was in Holland; and also de- ducting from 20th December, anno 4, to 19th May, anno 5, during which time the Duke of Bedford w-as Protector of England. [Various sums are then deducted on account of their having been before received by the said Duke, in all 657/. 10s. lid] To the same Duke of Gloucester, the King's uncle, to whom the said Lord the King, by the advice and assent of his Comicil, didy considering the high birth, lineage, antl blood royal from INTKODlUTloN. liii uliirli tlip jiaiil to liini of his gift ;l,000 marks by way of ipward, because the same Duke had diliike of Bedford was Protector; the King also considering that each person attending his Council re- ceived according to his estate and grade, granted him the said 3,000 marks. Payment to Sir Philip Dymmok, for the expenses of the cus- tody of Charles, Earl of Ewe, prisoner, and for his services and losses in France ; to Giles, the son of the Duke of Britany ; to John Lbxve, the King's confessor, naming several of his pre- decessors; to James, Lord Audleij ; 40/. for a hearse to bury the Duchess of Bedford in St. Paul's Church; to William, Earl of Suffolk, Humphrey, Earl of Stafford, Sir John Colryle. [And to many others.] Payment to John Leek, executor of .loiin (Jreon of Grantham, for money borrowed on security of the royal jewels, with a long list of the jewels so pledged ; also to the Archbishop of Can- terbury 2,000/., which he had lent the King. To Sir John Colvyle, Thomas, Bishop of U inchester, and others, going as ambassadors to the (ieneral Council held at Bayle or Basyle. To Humphrey , Duke of Gloucester, late protector and de- fender of the kingdom, 4,837/. 13s. 5d., to be paid out of the monies remaining in his hands during the time he was farmer of the lands and tenements of Edmund, late Earl of March. To Garter King-at-Arms, attendant on the embassy to the Duke of Britany, the King's uncle. To Margaret, Duchess of Clarence, by the hands of Earl Mor- timer, her son, to the use of Thomas, late Earl of Perche, son of the said Countess, for her dower. To John Lord le Scroop, Treasurer of England, 100/. To Sir John de Pey, for his expenses in going to the King, with nuxny others, to negotiate a treaty of peace. JlV INTHODUCTION. To John, Earl of IluntiiKjdon, cou:;iii to the King, appointed keeper of the Tower of London, his fees and perquisites, to be re- gulated by those of former keepers, whose names are mentioned in the Roll. To Sir John Cornwall, to whom the custody of the Duke of Orleans was granted, for his expenses, until the custody of the said Duke was granted to the Earl of Suffolk. Various expenses for communications from the Duke of Bedford's Council in France, to his nephew, the King of England. To Joan Warren, King Henry V.'s nurse, 10/. yearly. To Sir John Radclyff, Knight, steward of the Duchy of Ac- quitaine, and keeper of the castle of Frounsak. To Paulo, Count of Valache, from Greece, descended front noble blood, irho was nearly annihilated and destroyed by the Turks and Saracens, enemies of God, in the Holy JVars, 131. 6s. 8d. To Master Lawrence Calot, the King's secretary and notary, as well in England as France, for his good services, 33/. 6s. 8d. To John Vampatje, the King's attorney, attending to the King's affairs in Parliament, viz., upon petitions and other busi- ness for the King's advantage. To Katherine, Queen of England, the King's mother, (SI. bs. Sd. Payments to all the King's Justices and certain Knights for their attendance at the King's council. [This Roll contains fre- quent payments to members of the council for their attendance ; as to John, Duke of Norfolk, 200/. ; William, Earl of Suffolk, 200 marks ; Humphry, Earl of Stafford, and many others.] To Joan, Queen of England, for her dower, and on what charged. To Giles, son of the Duke of Britany, cousin of tiie King, and attendant on his person. To the Warden and Convent of the Brethren Minors at Oxford, to maintain the doctrine of the Catholic faith. [Also to the prior and convent of the preaching brethren at Cambridge, for the Ukc purpose.] INTRODIUTION. Iv To \\h^ Bishop of M'orcexfrr, -dh^cnt for \2 moiillis a*; atiibas- sador to tlie General Council, 500 marks. To Loaders, a pursuivant, taking letters, &c. from the King to tlio Duke of Bedford, to his town of Paris. Dower assigned to Mart^nret, late wife of tlie Duke of Clarenee. and upon what charged. To TlioiiHis Buhin^tmi, a Doctor of Laws, sent as the King's ambassador to France to enter into a treaty of peace. To Sir Tliomas Comberworlh, Knight, his expenses for the custody of the Duke of Bourbon. To John Frank, the Master of the Rolls, and to the Chaplain in the chapel there. .Stipends to the Dean and Chapter of the King's Free Chapel of St. Stephen's, Westminster, charged on certain houses in Westminster. To liohcrt Scotf, deputy constable of the Tower, for the ex- penses of the Scotch prisoners and hostages. To Henri/ Somer, Chancellor of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 40 marks and 40^. increase for his fee of office. To Gloucester Herald-at-arms 25 marks, for his services in going as the King's herald to the King of France; also in con- sideration that the xaid herald was robbed in France in dis- charge of his duty in the King's service. To '.). \'>'<. Keeper of INTRomil-TION. Kill tlio Privy Seal, ]>. 217. 2'JO. Esi-heator, p. 294. Keeper of I lie Wiirilrobe, for bowmen, archers, and war expenses, p. 2(), r/ passim Foresters of Windsor, Sec, p. 11,77, 89. Ser- jeants-at-arms, p. 14,25, (V2d. daily.) p. 120, 121, 12.3, 127, 149, et passim, with a statement of the nature of tlie duties they liail to perform. To Domestic Servants, vis.. Bakehouse, Valets of, ]). 3."), 108. Buttery, Valets of, p. 18, 31, 34, 106. Blacksmith, p. .39. The King's barber, p. 79. The King's bargeman, p. 386. Clerks of the houseliold, p. 111. Valets of the King's cham- ber, {Vld. and (\d. daily.) p. 29, 30, 33. 48, 52, 110, 111, 323, 370. Carmen, p. 22, 38, 41, 102. Messenger of the Cham- ber, p. 8. Chaunilry boy, p. 4G. King's cook, p. 58, 311, 31G. Embroiderer, p. G. Ewery, boy in, p. 57. Fal- coners, p. 23, 49, 293, (12c/. daily.) p. 65, 106. Gardener, (12rf. daily.) p. 115, 195. Granary, Valet of, 44, 339. Household, Valets of, p. 150, 217. and servants of, p. 9, 14. Huntsman, (6d. daily,) p. 289, 384. Hall, Valet of, p 52, 105. Kitchen, Valets of, p. 9, 12, 18, 41, 73, 102. 108. Laundress, p. 40. 290. Larder, Valet of, p. 43, 45. Nappery, boy in. p. 52. Poultry% Valet of, p. 91. Pantry, Valet of, p. 73. Under Porter, p. 13. Porter, p. .36. The King and Queen's Physician, (40/. yearly,) p. 347. Spicery, Valet of, p. 36. Scrdlery, Valet of, p. 37, 107. Salsary, Valets of, p. 18. Sumpter man, (2c?. daily,) p. 23,43. Sur- geon, (20/. yearly,) p. 37, 103. King's Watchers, p. 10, 54, 72. Waferer, p. 23, .34. Other attendants, viz., archers, and body archers, (6c/. daily,) p. 25, 76, 89. 428. Bowmen, p. G6. Esquires, p. C6. 104. Valets and attendants on the King. amongst others, Geoffrey and Philippa Chaucer, «ith many others. Provisions supplied for the King's Household, viz., Salmon. p. 62. Fish, p. 121, 421. Money received to provide corn, p. 156. Freightage and carriage of corn, p. 153. To divers Masters of Ships, for conveying casks of wine for the King's use, p. 245, 246, Supply of honey to Windsor Castle, at 8/. 10*. per cask. p. 6. IXIV INTRODUCTION. 'J'o Sybil Lybcmr], a IVIaidof Honour, of Scotland, p. 454 ; and payments to several other Maids of Honour. Under this head of Huusehohl Paj/ments may aho he classed many to and on behalf of Phi/ippa Queen of England, Consort of the King, viz. : — For Services rendered to the Queen as Attendants upon lier in their official and other capacities, with the Rewards and Wages paid to each for services performed, viz. To John de Windsor, p. 10.— — William Brompton.p. 13. Philippa Picard, p. 17. William Merk, p. 24. Andrew de Tyndale, p. 32. Henry Dalmaigne and Agnes his wife, p. 34, 364. John de Olney, Usher of the Queen's Chamber, and Stephanetta his wife, p. 40. Thomas Prest, p. 40. Thomas de Hertfordynsbury, p. 42. Roger Belet and Agnes his wife, p. 367. To the Valet of the Queen's Chamber, p. 47. To Margaret the wife of John de Ravenesholm, p. 385, 424.. To Matilda Fisher, a Maid of Honour, p. 43. Elizabeth Chandos, a Maid of Honour, p. 68. Agatha Lyngeyn, a Maid of Honour, p. 104. John Atte Halle, p. 50.- John Belenale and Catherine his wife, p. 96. .Isabella Petit, p. 1 1'J. Margeret Dyneley, p. 345. Ralph de Boxton, p. o'J'J. To John Bidwyk, the Queen's Chaplain, p. 125. To Elizabeth de Hulande, bastard sister of the Queen, (20/. yearly,) p. 134, 352. Acquittances granted to Richard Earl of Arundel, and other Creditors of the Queen, with their names and sums expressed, p. 425; for payment of other debts, p. 1, 463. Payments for making the Queen's hearse in the Bishop of London's house, and money given by the King to the workmen for drink, p. 282, 383, 389. Messengers sent to all parts of England and \\'ales to summon the Nobility and others to attend the Queen's Funeral, p. 408 ; expences at, p. 449; commemoration of, p. 465, IMHOnUlTION. Ixv 'l"o tlip Abbot of Saint Peter's, West ininst(M-, for tlic Queen's hearse, and burning a liglit about the body on th(> day of lier burial, p. 492. M'AKDltOlJK I'AYMENTS. The Wardrobe Payments being- closely connected with those tor the Household, some few are here inserted. Payment to the Clerk of the Wardrobe, for cloth purcliascd for the Khig's use, p. 53, 123, 221. For the disbursements of the Keeper of the Wardrobe, for war expenses, horses, arms, archers, bowmen, armed men, and other charges, p. 75, 81, 88, 1 11, 285, et passim. "^I'o tlie Keeper of the Wardrobe for the expenses of the King's liousehold, p. 77, 154, 171, 188, 332. et passim. To the Clerk of the Great Wardrobe, p. 389. To the Clerk of the Wardrobe in the Tower of London, p. 350. To the Keeper of the Wardrobe in Windsor Castle, p. 90, 217 ; and to a boy there, p. 91; for money due to Windsor Herald, p. 203. To the Keeper of tlie Private Wardrobe at Westminster, (8(/. daily,) p. 117. To the Usher of the King's Wardrobe, p. 98. To the Valet of the King's Wardrobe, p. 339. For various sums of money received by the Keeper of the Wardrobe, from Collectors and other Officers and Ministers of the Crown, passim. ALMS. The nature of the Eleemosynary Payments have been before explained at page xxi. Among; the entries there referred to are the following. To Brother Thomas Walssh, ,5/. yearly, p. 63. To the Dominicans of Cambridge, p. 78. To the Minor Friars of Oxford, p. 78. To the Prior and Convent of the Blessed Mary of .Southwark, Ixvi TN IROUUC TION. Filty iiKiiks for works of charity, and tu pray for the soul of Phi- lippa, bite Queen of England, p. 98. To William Havering, 3d. per day for his wounds received in the King's service, p. 329. To 20 Dominican Friars at the Kings Manor of Langley, viz. 100s. yearly, each, and II. 13.y. 4d. for their clothing, p. 347. To the Abbot and Monks of the Blessed Mary of Grace, near the Tower, 70 marks, there to perform divine service daily to the Most High, p. 386. To the Prior and Brethren of the C'harter-iiouse, 50 marks of the King's Alms, p. 387. To the Prioress and Sisters of North Gate, Canterbury, p. 437. For the Repairs and Amendment of the Bridge at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 15/. of the King's Alms, p. 392. To three Hermits and eight Anchorites, recluse persons in the citv of London, p. 395. To thirteen Vicars, four Clerks, and six Choristers, in the free chapel of Saint Stephen's, in the King's Palace, Westminster, 33/. of the King's Alms, on account of the dearness of provir sions, p. 466. To the Minister and Brethren of llounslow, 10 marks, to pray for the Soul of Philippa, late Queen of England, p. 428. To the Keeper of King's Hall, Cambridge, for the support of the Scholars there, p. 61, 418. ROYAL PALACES, MANORS, RESIDENCES, CHAPELS. Payments to the Clerk of the King's works at Childerlangley, p. 2, 372. To the Keeper of the King's private Palace, at Westminster, (6(/. daily,) p. 53 ; to the Clerk of the Works there, p. 222, 99. For a Chaplain to perform service daily in tlie King's Chapel, at his Manor of Eltham, p. 100, 328. To the Door-keeper of Saint George's Chapel, Windsor, with regulations for processions on Foast-days, p. 100, 101. To William Nirolv, Keeper of the King's great clock, in the Palace, at Westminster, 6t/. daily, p. 102. INTUODUCTION. Ixvii 'I'o the Custos ol" llie King's Manor of Rotlicrhithe, (Gd. daily,) p. ll.'J ; and an allowance to the Kector for loss of tithes from the King's enclosures, p. 110. ■ To the Custos of the Manor of Tiderle, lately V)olonging to the Queen, p. 280. To the Clerk of tlie Works at Shene, Eltham, and Rotlierhithe. p. '2S2, 32S. To the Keeper of the Kings Park at Gravesend, p. 372. MONEY LENT TO THE KING. Divers sums of money were advanced to the King at the Exchequer, by way of loan, from nearly every reli- gious house, from the Bishops and Clergy, also from cities, towns, and boroughs corporate, and from many of the noblemen and private persons, to be repaid upon con- ditions expressed in certain indentures made between the parties. These Rolls contain numerous entries of such sums borrowed and repaid, viz. : — The Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London advanced 5,000/.. p. izi. From the Citizens of London, p. 144, 18.5; and amongst others, from William Walworth, p. 146. From the Men of the Town of Norwich 1,000 marks, p. 21 ; the Town of Lynn, 200Z., p. 169 ; the Town of Barton-upon- Humber, p. 169; Bristol, 500 marks, p. 169; and very many other Towns, Cities, and Boroughs appear throughout the Roll. From the Archbishop of York 100/., p. 65. Bishop of Coventry 100/., p. 21. Bishop of Ely 200 marks, p. 24. Dean and Chapter of Litchfield 100?., p. 32. The Bishop of Exeter, p. 29. The Chapter and Canons of the Blessed Mary, Southwell, 100 marks, p. 29 ; and from many other Bishops, religious houses, and ecclesiastical persons and bodies. Loan from Sir fValter Heuft of 1 ,000/., p. 139; from Humphrey Earl of Bohiin and Hereford 400 tnarks, p. 195 ; from Lord dr la Sparre, a Knight of Gascony, p. 83 ; — 10,000 marks from the Earl of .Arundel, p. 228; and from divers others, nobility, knights, and Ixvui INTRODUCTION. private persons, p. 149, 152, 153, 155, 159, 163, 108, 169, 17-2, 174, 176, 179, 182, 188, 193, 220, 221, et passim, and also entries for rep;vynient of the same. Persons sent to various parts to borrow money, with mention of their names and places of residence, p. 111. Messengers and Couriers sent with Instructions and Commis- sions to all parts of England to borrow 25,000 marks for the coming and expenses of the King of Navarre, p. 207, 218, 219, 22.3, 224. Further instructions for borrowing money for the said King, p. 251. Payments to protect money borrowed, p. 170. Money paid to the King in his Chamber, for 10,000 marks borrowed, p. 113, 205. Payment by the King to the Count Dauphin Dauvergne, 1,000 marks, p. 142, 237- Porterage and Boatage paid for conveying money from West- minster to the Tower, p. 171, 178, 204, 340. 1,000 marks paid by certain Scotchmen at Berwick-upon- Tweed, p. 463. 4,000 marks paid for the ransom of the King of Scotland, p. 466. TO MESSENGERS, COURIERS, &C. The Charges and Expenses under this head must of necessity be of a very miscellaneous and mixed nature, having reference to the particular business or concern upon which such IMcssengers were employed. Among these may be found many connected with the Embassies and Communications sent to the Court of Rome, and other Courts on solemn occasions ; the wages of the King's Servants who were not upon tlie Marshall's Roll ; the Expenses of those who were despatched into diftercnt parts of the Kingdom, to raise men for the King's Ar- mies and Navy, and to purchase provisions for the same ; the carrying Letters Patent, Writs, and Privy Seals to raise money for tlie necessities of tlie State, and deliver- INTUOllUCllON. Ixix ing Summonses to the Clergy and Nobility to attend the King, his Council and Parliament, upon State Aflairs, &c. Messengers and Couriers sent to all parts of England to bor- row money, and for Sheriffs, Escheafors, and other Officers to pay the same at the Exchequer, p. 126, 234, 235. Messengers and Couriers sent to all parts of I'jigland to the Sheriff's, Escheators, and other Officers, to make proclamation for tlie army of Robert de KnoUes to repair to Soutiuunpton to cni- l)ark, p. 12G. Letters of Privy Seal sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, tile Bisiiops of Lincoln, Durham, and Ely, the Earl of Angus, and Lords de Neville, Chfford, and others, p. 128. To the Bishop of Ely, concerning the principality of Gascony, p. 408. Expenses of Sir John de Thorj), Knight, going with the King's message to the Counts d'Aubert and Gerle, and upon secret business to John Duke of Lancaster in France, p. 443. Messengers and Couriers sent to all parts of England with letters to the Bishops, Abbots, and Priors, to offer up prayers for the peace and estate of the Kingdom, p. 207, and to make jjroces- sioiis and prayers on the like occasion, p. 225. Sir John Attc IVode sent on the King's secret business to Brabant, p. 130. Messengers sent to divers Abbots, Priors, and other men to borrow money for the King's use, p. 134, IGG. The King's Serjeant-at-Arms sent to Plymoutli to retain ship- ping for the passage of Walter de lluet to Gascony, p. 141. Serjeant-at-Arms sent to the Duke of Lancaster at Calais, upon the King's affairs, and also with a letter to Lord Latymer there, p. 385 ; with a letter from Lord* William de Grandison to the King, p. 33 ; from Lord de Leek and Lord de Botresham to the King from Germany, p. 35. Letters sent from the Earl of Bedford to the King, p. 407. • See note to the word " Dominus" at pajrc xli ; it probubly means here nothinsj more than Sir. IxX INTRODUCTION. To Sir Richard de Stiiry, Knight, proceeding to Gerle, Bra bant, and Hainault, upon the King's secret aftairs, p. 89. To Sir Jiilui de Chustelhon, Knight, sent with letters from the King, to the King of Navarre, at Cherbourg in Normandy, p. 115. Other Messengers sent to the King of Navarre, p. 196, 422. For the Expenses of a ship and two barges for Ralph do Barry and his retinue, going on the King's message to the King of Navarre, at Cherbourg, p. 406. To Sir Thomas Florah, Knight, going to the island of Con- stantyne, vi'ith letters from the King to the King of Navarre, p. 374 ; also with letters from the King of Navarre, p. 382. John de Paulesholt, sent from Cherburgh Castle to Saint Sa- voir to confer witli the great council upon divers secret affairs, p. 430. To make proclamation for regulating the staple at Calais p. 225, 226. Robert de Wonbourne sent to Chin Castle in Wales, by the Council, upon the King's secret business, attended by archers and others in his retinue, p. 428. Letters sent to the Lord Treasurer at Clarendon upon the King's business, p. 225. Sir Henry le Scrap sent by command of the King's Council, to hold a day for the Marches of Scotland, p. 227. Messenger sent to the Court of Rome on the King's aftairs, his expenses, p. 242. To IjOrd de Leek as a messenger from the Duke d'Albrigiit, 286 ; another messenger, p. 435. To an Esquire, as a messenger from the King of Navarre, p. 442. To Geoffry Styi^ecle going five journeys with tiie King's mes- sages to the Duke of Lancaster at Calais, p. 409. To a Chaplain with letters from the King to tlie King of Scot- land, p. 371. Messengers and Couriers sent to divers Earls, Barons, Knights, and others, to join the King at Orwell, and proceed with him beyond the sea to fight his French enemies, p. 458. INTHODlK'llON. Ixxi IIIE AKMV. Tlie militarv operations noticed in this record form a considerable part of the annual expenditure ; they are chieHy confined to the wars in Gascony, Normandy, and France. These records throw great light on the constitu- tion of the army at this period, and show the gradual de- cline of the feudal custom of furnishing troops by knight's service, tenures in capita. Sec, in consequence of the introduction of the practice of employing mercenary sol- diers hired by contract and indentures, made between the King, his captains, and leaders, to provide the same. The array was composed of the Duke, or leader, who received £1 6s. 8d. per day, p. 99. Bannerets, 8.v. per day, p. 99. Knights, 4.S-. per day, p. 99, sometimes 3*. per day, p. 1 19. Men at arms, 2*. per day, p. 99. Archers, I2d. per day, p. 99. Hobelars, 5(1. per day, p. 272. Engineer of the war slings, 6c?. per day, p. 3-39. Armourer, £o. yearly, p. 48. The common foot soldiers were brought from dif- ferent counties of England and Wales, and trained where the property of the several leaders was situate. Others were brought from the King's foreign dominions in Gascony, Normandy, &c. Besides those under the immediate banners and guidance of particular bannerets, there were many who offered themselves and received pay from foreign parts; see page 480. The various modes of raising troops in the different reigns will be found in Grose's History of the English Army, wherein he states that Edward III. imposed Ixxii iNTKonucTioN. levies of men on tlie city of London, and the several counties, towns, and boroughs which could compound for money. This practice seems to have obtained in the preceding and subseqent reigns, and the troops so furnished were conducted to the army by one or more constables, of which there are many instances on this Roll. The balista, or war-sling, bows, cross-bows made with horn, and other warlike engines and instruments, are mentioned at page 33 ; they were under the direction of a chief engineer, or " artillator," p. 339. Of horses, either for war, riding, draught, or burden, many are mentioned, and some denoted by their colour. The greater number were hired at a certain valuation, and paid for in proportion to their use, or the injury done ,to them. Payments to several renowned i\ aniors,fur their Services in the War, S^c. To Sir Walter de Manney,* Knight, p. 317. Earl of Atholl, p. 317. Thomas de Bello Campo, Earl of Warwick, p. 373. Earl of Oxford, p. 475. Sir Warine de Lisle, p. 478. Regi- nald Grey, p. 487. William de Morley, p. 48 1 . Sir Nicholas * Among these are many that were the constant attendants on the Kinf; ami Edward the Bhick Prince, in Gascony and France, and who were present with him at the battles of Cressy and Poictiers ; for anecdotes of bravery, and their acts of personal courage, see CoUinss Lifeof Edward the Black Prince; who, when speaking of the King's privately defending the castle of Calais against a treacherous attempt of the French to obtain it, states that the King placed himself and the Prince of Wales under the banner of the above- named Sir Walter de Manny, sallied forth in order of battle, crying, A Manny, a Manny ! when the King obtained a glorious victory, after having fought hand to hand with Eustacy de Ribemont, whom lie rewarded with a circlet of gold beset with precious pearls.- Colhns's Life of Edward llie Black Prince, p. 31. INTUoni'CTION. Ixxiii do Tamworth, p. 4H1. ImIiiuiikI dc Mortimer, Earl of March, p. 4S('). William ilc JMonti-cuU', Earl of Salisbury, p. 48G. With very many others, most of whose names are connected with remarkable events in history, and whose renowned actions arc cele- brated by various writers, to whom the Editor must refer, as space will not admit their being noticed here. [Sec also the Index.] Expenses for archers and armed men, going with the King beyond the sea, j). 7. Commissions to divers Sherift's, &e., to procure archers and men-at-arms for the war, p. 203; also to provide quivers and arrows for tiie King's use, p. 388. To bowmen and archers, &c., in the fortress at Calais, p. 16, 54. To John Duke of Lancaster, 5,4()()/. 13s. 4(/. for the expenses of 300 men-at-arms and 500 archers, going with him in the King's service to Gascony, p. 99, 444. To Edward the Black Prince, for 200 men-at-arms and 300 archers, going witli him to Gascony, p. 119. — 4,458/. paid for tlieir expenses, p. 445, 446. Payments to certain spies in the Duke of Lancaster's army, to watch the French enemy's movements, p. 493. To Sir Walter Hiiet, going to Gascony with "200 men-at-arms and 300 archers, 1000/., p. 142. The Earls of Suffolk and Warwick, and others, sent to Cher- bourg for the protection of the King of Navarre on his coming to England, p. 201, 202. Certain German Knights offer their services to the King, to fight against his French enemies, p. 480 ; aho Sir John Groiigliou, a Prussian Knight, p. 151. NAVY. At a period anterior to Edward III. the King appears to have had no regular navy of his own, but to have been supplied with shipping from the Cinque Ports and other maritime towns, as occasion required. It is, how- ever, presumed that something like a fleet of the King's IxxiV INTRODUCTION. ships must liave been in existence at tliis period, from the frequent mention of payments made to the Admirals of his North and West fleets, to tlie Surveyors and Masters of the King's ships and gallies, and to the commanders, captains, constables, and sailors navigating and fighting in the same. Some of the regulations for the navy, and the rate of wages paid to the seamen, may be collected from the following entries : — • Divers payments of seamen's wages in the King's ships, and divers other ships in attendance on the King beyond the sea, p. 2, et passim. Payment of the seamen's wages for the passage of JValter de Htiet, viz., to each master 6d. per day, each constable 6d. per day, each mariner 3(/. per day ; also Gd. per week extra on ac- count of the dearness of provisions, p. 273. Payment of seamen's wages for the passage of the Duke of Lancaster ; same rate as above, p. 275. Payment of seamen's wages for the passage of Robert de . Kiwlles to Normandy, p. 168, 175, 135, 191, 196, 211. The King's Serjeant-at-arms and other persons sent to divers ports to retain shipping for the passage of Robert de Kiid/rs and his army to Normandy, p. 136, 160, 164, 196. To divers messengers, couriers, and valets, sent with Letters of Privy Seal to all parts of England, to hasten the troops to join Robert de Knolles, to proceed to Normandy, and proclamation to be made for that purpose, p. 192. Commissions under the Great Seal sent to divers Admirals and Officers, to retain ships for the passage of Robert de Knolles, p. 181. Lord de Latymer appointed to superintend the passage of Robert de Knolles, p. 205. Lord de Nerile, Admiral of the Fleet, sent in his retinue, p. 206. For navigating ships to Holland and Zealand, for tlie pas- sage of Robert de A'ho//m. p. 149, 210. Regulations for payment of the seamen's wages in divers ports, p. 218, 240,262,264,265. INTUOntlCTION. Ix.w Sliipping to be impressed for the passage of Giiiilo dr Brinin and liis armed men and archers, p. 437. Others sent for the pro- tection of this fleet, p. "271. Payments for ships, mariners, armed men, and archers to protect the King's ambassadors sent to the King of Navarre in Normand)', and on their return home, p. 183. To Sir Robert de Ass/ietoii, Knight, sent in the King's ship to Cherbourgh, to protect the King of Navarre to England, p. 187. Many otlier payments on this occasion, p. 253, 277. Goods of certain Flemings taken at sea, p. 179. Payments made to seamen in the King's ships, armed men and archers at Portsmouth and Southampton, stationed there to resist the French, p. 255, 367, 376. To the Captain of the Town of Portsmouth and others, for the defence of the same, p. 256. Wages paid to seamen for the passage of Guido de Briciiii beyond seas, viz., to each master or constable 6(/. per day, each other mariner 4d , eacli hobler od, each archer 5(/., p. 272, 2.58, 260. Payments made for shipping brought from Holland and Zealand with seamen, for the passage of Robert de Knolles ; also to ('/rantu,s- de Pliir/ies, Knight, p. 439. INTKODl'CTION. Ixxxi MISCELLANKOUS PAYMENTS. To John de Stokes, a Baron of the Exchequer, sent to York and Northumberland to survey the Ahen Priories, p. 256. To liobrrt Imneu-orth, and Halter de Leicester, the King's Serjeant-at-arms, remaining in attendance at the hist Parliament at Westminster by command of the Coimcil, "iO.*-. each, p. "290. To Sir Fntric liomxei/, an Esquire of the King of Scotland, and three Scotchmen his valets, coming from Scotland to London, p. 367. Appointment of U illiam de Windsor to be Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with his allowances, &c., in that office, p. 395. Proclamation that not any corn or other provisions be taken out of England without the King's mandate, p. 396. Writs toescheators to seize the goods of outlaws, p. 400 ; and to take into the King's hand certain lands held in capite, p. 409. Letters of Privy Seal sent to all Mayors and Bailiffs, &c., to ap- pear before the King's Council upon urgent business, p. 379, 408. Goods taken in a ship of Genoa, removed from the great hall for the King's use, p. 409, 417. Writs sent to Wales to all Lords having manors there, p. 415. An annuity of 100/. to Joan, a lady of Britany, p. 416. Privy Seals to divers men in Flssex to appear before the King's Council, and elect a sheriff, p. 416. Sheriff of Wiltshire to appear before the King's Council in his Chancery, p. 416. To the Windsor Herald for bringing good news to the King from Edward Prince of Wales, p. 419. To persons (from Scotland) remaining on the faith of the King, p. 373, 374. For writs sent to escheators to appear before the Kmg s Council, to take their oaths, p. 383. For writing certain in:lentures and accounts conceniiiig the lands, &c., of the Countess of Huntingdon, p. 431. To iheTreasurer of Pontieu,and other Commissioners, to treat with those of France, p. 146. f IXXXU INTKODUCTION. To Sir Canon Robesard, in recompense of money received from the town of Vermys, of the Abbot ofTouelx, p. 450. To the Rector of Asshe, in lieu of tithes, mortuaries, oblations, and obventions, p. 45G. To Sir Patric Mdcohigh, a Knight from Scotland, 100 marks yearly, until he should regain his inheritance, p. 457. [Several other payments to divers persons until their inheritance be reco- vered appear on the Roll.] For cloths of gold, napkins, and other merchandise, delivered to the clerk of the wardrobe for the King's use, taken in a ship from Jene, p. 495. The Editor feels that some explanation (though he trusts not apology) is due to the public for having been the first to deviate from the usual plan of publishing Records in the abbreviated and barbarous Latin of the time when they were written, in which form they are intelligible but to those few persons only who have made this branch of literature their peculiar study. The arguments in favour of placing the contents of the Record within the knowledge and understanding of all persons are so obvious, that it is deemed unnecessary to urge them here ; those which have been adduced by others to show the advantages derived from translations in general, are presumed to be equally applicable in the present instance. Some difficulty presented itself in rendering the ancient names of persons and places into modern spell- ing. By so doing the original derivation and meaning of many would have been entirely lost sight of, as in the names of Do Mortuo Mari for Mortimer; I)e Bello Campo, for Beauchamp ; De Sancto Botolpho, for Boston; Cornubia, for Cornwall; Cantebrugg, for Cambridge; Novum Castruni for >fewrastle ; Gardoroba for M'nrd- IXTHOOUCTION. IxXXlU robe, ilxc. To obviate this difficulty, the original ortho- graphy ol" the Record has been, in most instances, ad- liered to, and the names modernized only in the Index, which plan, producing both readings, will, it is hoped, be satisfactory. A literal translation throughout the work has also been preserved, as it was conceived that the original sense of an uncial Record would be liable to be lost by any attempt at elegance of language or too free a trans- lation ; and reference can be easily had to the original Record should any doubt or ambiguity remain. The Editor has not the presumption to suppose that this, his first attempt, is free from errors or imperfections, and he will feel grateful to any person who will point out such, or suggest a more complete and unexceptionable form; of such hints he shall be proud to avail himself in a subsequent volume of Selections he intends to make from the Rolls before referred to, which will contain those passages that may be considered of a more interesting nature as connected with history, some of which, though frequently mentioned by historians, have never been cor- roborated by the official Records and documents now under examination. The PIditor cannot close this Introduction without ac- knowledging the attention and kindness he has received from Ashburnham Bulley, Esq., of the E.xchequer, during the progress of this work : also to his brother, Charles Devon, Esq., of the Chapter House Record Office, West- minster, he offers his best thanks for the assistance he has received from him. FREDERICK DEVON. Chapln- House Record Office, ]Vc)itmimter, Nov. 1835. f 2 A KALEXDERof ihe Pelles of Recept.aiul Bumtels ol' Privie Scales upon llie same, (ioin the dirst Year of Edward the flirst until this present. [Extracted from tlie Lansdown MSS. preserved in the British Museum.] Etlwardus Primus regnavit xxxiiii. annoS; viii. menses, ix. dies. Aniii Edw. 1. Pelles Recept. Pelles Exitua, Bundels of Privie Scales. 1 Michaelis Michaelis 2 Pasch.T, Michaelis Pascli;r, Michaelis ;i Pasch. Jlich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 4 Pasch. Mich. P,isch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. fi Pasch. Pasch, c, 7 8 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch Mich. Pasch. Mich.' 9 Pasch. Mich, Pasch. Mich. Pasch, 10 Pasch, Midi. Pasch, Mich. Pasch. 11 Mich. 12 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. Pasch. Mich, 13 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 14 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1.5 Pasch. Pasch. 16 Pasch. Mich. Pascli. Mich, 17 Mich. 18 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. 19 Pasch. Mich, Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 20 Pasch. Mich, Pasch. Mich. 21 Mich. Mich. 22 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich, Pasch, Mich. 23 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 24 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich, 25 Pasch. Pasch. 26 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 27 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. 28 Mich. Mich. 29 Pasch. Pasch, 30 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich, 31 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 32 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 33 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. Anni Edw. II. Edwardus Secundus regnavit xix. annos, vii. menses, et xiii. dies. 1 Pasch, Mich. Pasch. Mich. Mich, 2 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. 4 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich, 5 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 6 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 7 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 8 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 9 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Ixxxvi Aniii lidw. II Pelles Kecfpt. Pelles Kxitus. BundelsufPrivieSeales. 10 Pasch. Pasch, 11 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Mich. 12 Pasch. Pasch. 13 Pasch. Pasch, 14 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. Pasch. Mich. 15 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 16 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 17 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 18 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 19 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. Anni EdwIII Edwardus Tertiu s regnavit 1, annos.v. menses, et unu diem. 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich, Pasch. Mich. 4 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 5 Pasch. Mich. Pasch, Mich. e Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Midi. 7 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 8 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 9 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 10 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 11 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. lii Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 13 Pasch. Micli. Pasch. Mich. 14 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. 15 Pasch. Midi. Pasch. Mich. 16 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 17 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 18 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Mich. 19 Pasch. Mich. Mich. 20 Pasch. Mich. Mich. 21 Pasch. Mich. Mich. 22 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 23 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 24 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch, 25 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 26 Pasch. Mich. Pascli. Midi. 27 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 28 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Midi. 29 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 30 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 31 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 32 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 33 Pasch. Midi. Pasch. Mich. 34 Pasch. Midi. Pascli. Mich. 35 Pasch. Mich. Mich. 36 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 37 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 38 Pasch. Midi. Pasch. Midi. 39 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 4« Pasdi. Mich. Pasch. Midi. 41 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 4 J Pasch. Mich. Pascli. Mich. Ixxxvii An til Gdw.lll Pfllcs Ricciit. Pulles E.xilus. liunilels of Privie Scales. 43 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 44 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pa^ch. Mich. 45 P:isch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 46 Pttsch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 47 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. 48 Pu'ich. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. 49 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 50 Pasch. Mich. Pa.-ich. Mich. 51 Panch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Anni Kic. II Ricus SeJus. re gnavit xxii. annos, iii. menses, et xv. dies. 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. 3 Pasch. Pasch. Mich. 4 Pa^ch. Pasch. Mich. 5 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. 6 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 7 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 8 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mull. !) Pasch. .Mich. Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 10 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 11 Pasch. Jlich. Pasch. Mich. 1-.' Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 13 Pasch. Mich. Pa.sch. Mich. 14 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1.) Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 10 Pasch. Mich. P.isch. Mich. Pasch. .Mich. 17 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 18 Pasch. .Mich. Pasch. Mich. 19 Pasch. Mich. Mich. Mich. 20 Pasch. Mich. None. Pasch, 21 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 22 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. Anni Hen.IV. Henricus Quartus rcgnavit xiii. annos, vi. m cnses, et xiii. dies. 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. ■2 Pasch. Mich. ■J Pasch. Mich. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. .! P.isch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. *2 Pasch. Mich. 1 Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. :> Pasch. Mich. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. fi Pasch. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 7 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch Mich. s Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 11 Pasch. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 1« Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 11 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Jlich. 1-' Pasch. Mich. Mich. 2 Pascal. Mich. 13 Mich. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich 11 Mich. Mich. 2 Pasch. .Mich. Ixxxviii Henricus Quintus regnavit ix. annos, v. menses, et xxiii. dies. Anai Hen.V. Pelles Recept. Pelles Exitus. Bundels of Privie Scales. 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 3 P«.sch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pusch. Mich. 4 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. 5 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. fi Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pdsch. Mich. 7 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1 Mich. 8 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 9 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 10 Pasch. Pasch. 1 Pasch. Anni Hen.V I Henricus Sextns regnavit xxxviii. annos, vi. menses, et xvi. dies. 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. •_' Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 3 Mich. Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. 4 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 8 Pasch. Mich. 5 P..sch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. fi Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Muh. 2 Pasch. Mich. 7 Pasch. Midi. Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. Mich. 8 Pas.h. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. 9 P..sch. None. Pasch. 2 Pasch. Mich. 10 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 11 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich, 1 Pasch. Mich. 1.' Pasch. Mi.h. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Alich. i;; Pasch Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. u Pa-ch. Mi.h. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mi h. ij Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. ifi Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. Mich. 17 P.isch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. l.s Pasch .Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. l!l Pasch. Mich. Pasch. 2 Pascli. Mich. ■20 Pasch. Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. •Jl Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. ■-'■J Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 23 P.isch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 24 Pasch. Mich. P.isch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 25 Pascli. IMich. Pasch. 1 I'asch l[ich. 26 Pa-ch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 27 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 28 Pasch. Mich. None. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. •J!) Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. .Mich. :;ii Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasdi. Mich. :!1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. Mich. M'J Pusch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. .•):( I'.isch. Mich. Pasch. 2 Pasch. Mich. 3 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. 3:) Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 3 Pasch. Mich. 3fi Pasch. Mich. Pasch. None. 1 Pasch. 37 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. 3S Pasch. Midi. Pasch. None. 1 Mich. 311 Nun.'. Mich. None IMicli. 1 .Midi. l\x\i\ Kdwardus Qiiartus regnavit xxii. anuos, i. mutibi'in, ut ix. dius. Anni Kdw.lV. Pelles Recept. Pelles Exitus. Bundels of Pri vie Scales, 1 Pasch. Pasch. 1 PaSL-h. 2 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1 Mich. 3 Pasch. Pasch. 1 1 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. ■• Pasch. Mich. .') Mich. ... ■-' Pasch. Mich. (i Mich. Pasch. 1 Pasch. 7 Pasch. Mich. ■1 Pasch. Mich. 8 Pasch. Mich.' Pasch. Mu-h. 2 Pasch. Mich. 9 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. •J Pasch. Mich. 10 Pasch. 1 Pasch. Mich. 11 Pasch. Mich. Pksch. ' 1 Pasch. 12 Pasch. Mich. ■> Pasch. Mich. 13 Pasch. Mich. ■1 Pasch. Mich. 14 Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. 15 Pasch. Mich. , •_' Pasch. Mich. 16 Pasch. Mich. 1 Mich. 17 Pasch. Jlich. | Pasch. ■> Pasch. Mich. 18 Pasch. Mich. Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. 19 Pasch. Pasch. 1 Pasch. 20 Pasch. Mich. 1 Pasch. 21 Pasch. Mich. 1 Mich. 22 Pasch. Mich. •1 Pasch. Mich. Anni Edw. V. Edwardus Quintus regnavit ii. menses et xviii. dies. 1 None. None. 1 Pasch. Anni Ric.IlI. Ricardus Tertius regnavit ii. annos, ii. m nses, et vi. dies. 1 None. None. 2 Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. None. 2 Pasch. Mich. Anni HinVII Ileiiricus Septimus regnavit xxiii. annos, viii. menses, et xviii. dies. 1 Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. :! Mich.' •1 Pasch. Mich. 2 Pasch. Mich. „ _ \>yitr,^l,u■^•^n^■^y v^itfiS _ *f^«t«r§p t2^-;;M^^Hftt^ ^ttj^<5cr'"^i*> c ^1 ^-^li,-ff>^i^""®*p^:7;;;^rt«skMM5' _ sa> Stof. v. 5" fiR* Havering, carpenters, sent to dif- Joha Ham ill parts with letters of Privy Seal directed to messenger, i '^ ■' ' divers persons to come to London, and as- semble themselves with the Lord the King, to be of his re- tinue. In money paid to him for his expenses .... 0134 }To Roger de Boijrne, a courier, sent with divers letters of Privy Seal into Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and Wanvickshire, upon the same business. In money paid to him for his expenses . 8 4 .To John de Stafford, a courier sent into Statrord I ^^"^ ^"'^ Sussex with like letters upon the same business. In money paid to him for his expenses 068 6 ISSUE ROLL, ^ To Henry DE Sneyth, clerk of the great ward- £. s. d. Henry de i ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^le King, by the liands of Ibneyth. I ? , , . ^ Thomas de Carleton, embroiderer, for Ins office, by his writ of Lz'iem^c, as above 10 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Exchequer, in the roll of the wardrobe accounts. To Thomas de Swaby, clerk, to whom the jj , \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 6 13 4 r I jv- ^ ) To John Xarret, to whom the Lord the Jotin JS arret. > .. J King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOZ. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, by his own hands, in dis- charge of the 100*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 5 To Adam de Hertyngdon, clerk of the y, , I (■ works of the Lord the King at Windsor Hertyngdon. I " Castle, by the hands of Roger Slak, William Dauhurst, and Ralph Martin, for the purchase of 7 casks of honey, price, each cask, 8Z. 10s., for the supply of the aforesaid castle, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of Easter Term, in the 39th year 60 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers tlicrefore in 14 EDWARD III. 7 his account al the Exchequer, roll 45 in the roll of £. *. d. account. •, To Henry dk Wakefield, keeper of the wli"-! fd 1 wardrobe of tlie Lord the King, by tlie hands of Ralph Lord de Basset, in money delivered to the same Ralph, by the hands of Richard de Bromley, clerk, for his reward, and for forty men at arms going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea, by a general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . . . 133 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer. Afterwards the same Ralph restored the imder-written %\\m, as appears in the Pell, on the 13th day of March, in the 46th year. To the same keeper, by the hands of John Rhiet, in dis- charge of the 80/. 14*. 3d., due to the same John in the wardrobe aforesaid, for his expenses in the war and for his archers, as appears by a bill of the same keeper cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term last past; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 80 14 3 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account as above. i> ; / T- ; 1 To Ralph Tyel, the King's valet, to whom Ralph lye/, t . J the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of the .'lO.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 Walter Waijie.X To Walter Wayte, servant of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOs. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good 8 ISSUE ROLL, services rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In £. s. d. money delivered to him, by his own hand, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2100 T , . ,, 1 To John Stygan, messenger of the King's John Stygan. K ^. J chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, at the feasts of Easter and St. Michael, by equal portions, so long as he should well and faithfully conduct himself in the aforesaid office. In money delivered to liim, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 T 1 r 1 I To John Frende, to whom the Lord the JoiiH rrcnae. f ,. ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him by his own hands, in dis- charge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 Richard BuUardX '^^ R'^HARD Ballard, to whom the J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services performed by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of the 50.9. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 , To Richard Atte Noke, to whom the Jiichard Allr It , . ,r. , ,. , ,, Noke I King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received 44 EDWARD III. 9 at llie Kxchoquor (hiring his lii'e, for the good services rcn- £. s. d- (lereil hy him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to liini, in discharge of 50s. payable to liim for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 2 10 r , rk ; 1 To JoHN DuKE, to whom the Lord the King, John Duke. \ *^ ) by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of the .50.v. payable to him lor this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Libenite. amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 , , < I ,1 ) To John Asphull, to whom the Lord the John Axplndt. > ^, 1 King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.y. yearly, to be received at the E.\chequer during his life, for the good service performed by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, by his own hand, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 }To Adam de Grantham, servant of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted GOs. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by liis writ of Li6e;'a 1 To Hugh Frees, the King's controller, Hi'gn Irees. v > o • ' to whom the Lord the King lately granted lOOi'. annually, to be received at the Exchequer durinof his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — viz., at Easter 'i'erm last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2100 12 ISSUE ROLL, J To William Debenham, valet, to whom £. s. d. r\ 1 I ) the Lord the King, bv his letters patent, Uebentiam. \ o' j r > lately granted 100s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 2 10 .To William Fitz John, valet, to whom the Fit-^John I ^"'"'^ ^^^^ ^'"^' ^y *"* ^*^"^""* patent, lately granted 100s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King, In money paid to him, by the hands of William de Nottingham, in discharge of the .50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2100 , To Richard Pygeon, valet of the King's ^' " \ kitchen, to whom the Lord the King, bv his I'ygeon. j o» j letters patent, lately granted 60s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him. by the hands of William Nottingham, in discharge of the 30s. due to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 1 ^° Richard Brampton, valet of the King's Bramptm. \ '^'♦^hen, to whom the Lord the King lately granted 60s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\-ices rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him, by the hands of William Nottingham, in discharge of the 30j. payable to liim for tiiis his allowance at Easter Term last 44 EDWARD III I.} past, l)y his writ =" ) under porters, to whom the Lord the King, by iiis letters patent, lately granted GOs. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of tiie 30s. due to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 110 J , ,- , , , 1 To John Kembald, to whom tlie Lord Jo/in Kembald. \ ) the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the 14 ISSUE ROLL. said Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of £. s. d. the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2100 To William de Nottingham, servant of William de \ ^^^ ^.,^ household, to whom the Lord the jSottinehamA ^^ , , . , , , j c- King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money paid to him, by his own hands, in dis- charge of the 33s. Ad. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 13 4 ™, c^. 7 1 To Thomas Staple, the King's serieant- Thomas Staple. \ , , t . , xr J at-arms, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 12d. per day, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the 1 1th of December last past, unto the 24th day of April next following, for 133 days, both days inclusive, by his writ current of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 34th year fi IS 4 To the same Thomas, surveyor of the works of the Lord the King at Queenborough Castle. In money to him delivered by his own hand, for the same works, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past . . 33 6 8 Whereof ... He will answer. Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. To John de Hakehukn, boy of the King's houseiiold, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60s. an- nually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for Jo/ill dr 1 Hakeburn. J H KDW.MU) 111 15 the good service rendered by liim to the said Lord the £ King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Lihrratr, amongst the man- dates of this Term Sum .... £73 4s. 2d. d. I 10 Thursday, the 25th Day of April. . To Sir Nicholas de Tamwortii, Knight, Nichola.^ d,'\ j^ ^^,j^j^^ j,^^ Lord the King, by his letters lamwortn. I . " • patent, lately granted oQl. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 251. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 25 Henry de Wakefield. ^ To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the / King's wardrobe, by the hands of Sir Robert Salle, Knight, in discharge of the 29/. 13s. l^rf. due to the same Robert, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for his wages in the war, and for his men at arms and bowmen, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 29 13 1^ To the same keeper, by the hands of the same Sir Robert Salle, in discharge of the 36Z. 13s. Ad. due to the same Sir Robert, in the wardrobe aforesaid, providing for one horse and his men, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of L/6wrt/r, of the said keeper, as above .30 13 4 16 ISSUE ROLL, Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in £. s- d. his account, as above. To William dk Gunthorp, treasurer of the miliam de\ ^^^^,^^ ^^ (.^j^j^^ ^ ^^^ j^^^j^ ^f gj^ Nicholas (jtmtnorp. I de Tamworth, Knight, captain of the same town of Calais. In money delivered to the same Nicholas, by his own hand, for his expenses in the war, and of 40 men at arms, and 60 bowmen, residing in the fortress of the town aforesaid, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above 333 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. , , „ 1 To John Fraunceys, boy of the King's John braunceys. V . , , , t , i rr- f J kitchen, to w horn the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deh- vered to him, in discharge of the 30.9. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L«6e/'«/f, amongst the mandates of this Term . 1 10 To John de Walsingham, boy in the John de I gj^^gp^ ^f ^^^ King's household, to whom n alsingham. J •' », , the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 30s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 }To Thomas de Miton, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer II i:i)\V\K'l) III, 17 (luriiirr his life, for tlio good service rendered by him to the £• •«. ''. j' King, on the 20lh day of January last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. j-early, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good services rendered by her as well to tiie same Lord the King, as to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money delivered to her, in discharge of the 29s. 5(/. payable to her — to wit, ratably from the aforesaid 20th day of January unto the feast of Easter next following, by writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 19 5 }To Nicholas Bernard, a sailor, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during liis life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33s. 4c?. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Z./feera- il To William RiCAL, valet of the salserv, £• ^- ''■ n ilham Riral.i ^ ■' ' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of the 33*. Ad. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Zi6erara/e, amongst the mandates of this Term G 13 4 Ai r> I 1 To Alan Palmer, to whom the Lord the Alan falnier. [ ,. ' Kinor, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John Godcryk, in discharge of the jO,?. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by liis writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 }To Thomas de Comberton, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \QQs. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, by the hands of John Doune, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of X/fterafe, amongst the mandates of this Term. 2 10 r> jr ^, 1 To Geoffry Chaucer, the King's (jreoffry Chancer. > " ' valet, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Walter Walssh, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Z/i6era j r ' j v 100s. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Richard Ballard, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of ZJierft/e, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 ijir-ii ■ J oi ^ J 1 To William de Sleford, clerk of yytUiam de iS/ejord.y ' the King's works within the palace of Westminster and Tower of London, bj' the hands of John Halmark, for his office 3 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Exchequer, in the 44th roll of accounts. Sum .... £474 14s. %d. Friday, the 26t/i Day of April. Henry de Wakefield. ] '^'^ "^^''^ ^^ Wakefield, keeper ' of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Sir John Paveley, Knight, in discharge of 23/. 6*. lOit/. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper 44 EDWARD III 21 of this Term, by writ of Privy Se;il, amongst the mandates of £. s. d. this Toriii ; also by "fit of Z/itera/eofthi' said keeper, as above 23 6 10^ To the same keeper, by tlie hands of Robert de Louth, Esq., in discharge of 4/. 18.v. 7d., due to the same Robert, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for his war expenses and archers, ;is appears by a bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 4 18 7 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account as above. To the Venerable Father Robert The Bishop of CoventriA -^ c r^ it and Litchfield. ^''"°'' «^ Coventry and Litch- ^ field. In money paid to him, in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the Exchequer, on the 26tb day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that same day 100 To the good Men of the Town of NoR- Thesood Menofthe\ , ,. ^ „. • , ,, ■ , rr J.' \' ■ I \ wiCH, by divers tallies raised this day, loini oj I\oncic/i. | "^ ' containing 1000 marks, delivered to the same men, by their own hands, in discharge of the 1000 marks which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of Excheq\ier, on the 2;3d day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 666 13 4 fh R/ 't \ To John Bluet, the King's serjeant-at-arms, ' lately sent to Plymouth with letters of Privy Seal, directed to Guido de Bryenn. In money received by him, by the hands of William Mulslio, for his expenses . 4 (To John de Harmesthorp, clerk. In money received by him, by his own hand, of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Ex- chequer, as a loan to be repaid 40 Whereof. . .He will answer. Afterwards he restored the '2i ISSUE ROLL, within written sum, as appears in the Pell of 11th day of £. s. d. December, in the 51st year. , To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the jr- 7 ■> , 1 } King's wardrobe, bv the hands of Richard n akejicid. J ^ •' Merkham, waferer, in part payment of 5/. due to the same Richard, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for his war expenses and his archers, as appears by a bill of the said keeper, indorsed with the under-written sum, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above . . 3 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. Philip FanconerX '^*' ^»^"'' Fauconer, the King's valet. ' In money delivered to him, by his own hand, in discharge of the 41. due to the same Philip, in the wardrobe of the Lord the King, for his wages and robes, as appears by the bill of William de Retford, late keeper of the wardrobe aforesaid, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term, in the 34th year. As regards the making of this payment, the same keeper thereof is not charged . . 4 r 1 /- J / 1 To Master John Goderyk, the King's Jolin Lioaen/k.> ^ ^ > Serjeant, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 201. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge'of the lOl. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of i^iitTrt/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 10 !To John de Walth.\m, carman of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be 44 EDWARD III. 23 received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service £. J. d. rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered fo him, by the hands of John Edcryk, in discharge of the 50«. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liherate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 To Edmond Chf.sthunte, falconer, to whom r/> '"7j" / I ^'^^ Lord the King, by his letters patent, J lately granted lOl. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 100s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter IVrm last past, by his writ of Li6e/-a/e, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 500 John Qiiaict. [ To .John Quarkt, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 1 To Richard de Acastre, the King's sump- ^ , } ter-man, to whom the Lord the King, bv his Acastre. I ? letters patent, lately granted 2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the .30s. 5d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 5 r, T^ 1 To Roger Ferrour, to whom the Lord rloger rerrour.y > the King, by his letters patent, lately 24 ISSUE ROLL. granted IOO5. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer £. *. , ) 'lo l^F.YNOLD Barhek, the King's valet, Keynold Barber.) , " ) to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60j. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, and in recompense of certain houses which he lately had in the town of West- minster, by grant of the King, and which the same Reynold hath now rendered into the hands of the said King. In money delivered to him, in discliarge of the 30j. payable for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/6e/Y//<', amongst the mandates of this Term . 1 10 ,, . , , r. 1 To RirnARD Bernes, to whom the litchard hcnic.v. ) ) Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, as well here as beyond the seas, having Brother John de Woderove, of the Dominican order, the King's confessor, living with him under his protection. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the oO.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 r , r, 1 To John Bergeveny, the King's valet, John liergei-cni/. } , ^ , , xr. , , ■ ) to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his lile, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his 28 ISSUE ROLL, allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past past, by his writ £. s. d. of L/6emZe, amongst tlip mandates of this Term ... 2 10 r, , „ 7 1 To Robert Beverach, to whom the Hobert Beverac/i. \ I Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted IOOj'. yearlj^ to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money dehvered to him, in dis- charge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 „ , , ^ . 1 To Robert DE CERTESEY,boY of the Robert de Lertesey.\ ■' J saucery of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ o^ Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 }To William de Evesham, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 2 10 ,T. , r- I To Nicolas Fauconer, to whom the Jyicolas bauconer. } ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the I'lKchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- •11 JiinvAin) ill. '_>'j fharwc of tlic lOO.v. payable to liini lor l\i\< his allowance — JL". v. il. to wit, at Kastcr Term last past, by liU «rii u{' Li/jcrulr. amongst the mandates oi' this Term 5 To the CiiAPTi'.R ami C.\No^s The Chapter and Canons 1 p d,,. Blesskd i\lARV of of the Blessed Maru > „ . , ,. of Southwell. ■ J Southwell. In money del.- \ (-red to them, in discharge of the 100 marks which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . GO 13 4 To the Venerable Father, The Venerable Father, Thoma.s\ Thomas Bishop of Exk- Bishop of Exeter, Ireaxurer > „ ,, „ of England. J ^eR, Treasurer of Eng- land, 100 marks annu- ally, to be received for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Eyrniyn, in discharge of the 50 marks payable to him for this his fee — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . .3.3 6 8 To the same Treasurer. In money delivered to him by the hands of the same William, in discharge of the 75/. payable to him at Easter Term last past, for those .300/. yearly, which the Lord the King granted to the same Trea- surer, to be received at the Exchequer at the four annual Terms, in aid of the great charges and expenses which the same Treasurer, by reason of his office, it was daily necessary to maintain, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past . 75 r I t r> 1 To John de Romesey, valet of the Jo tin de liomescy. > . , J King's chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In 30 ISSUE ROLL, money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to £■ s. him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 10 To John de Paddebury, to whom the •^^" ^f \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately Paddebury. " •' , • , , granted 10/. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, by his own hands, in advance upon this his allowance . Whereof . . . He will answer. 1 iTo John Wyght, Senior, the King's valet, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tiie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the oO.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/iera/e, amongst the mandates of this Term. 2 10 To Hawesia le Mattewife. In money Hau-esiale I ^^.j ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^j. j^j^^^ ^^^^ f^^. brooms and mats purchased from her, as well for the great Exchequer, as for the receipt of the Exchequer 100 ^ To Reynold de Xeuport, valet of the Reynold de I y^.,^ chamber, to whom the Lord the King Jyeuport. J " i -i ,. i • directed to be paid 6rf. daily, for his wages, until otherwise he should have provided for his estate. In money delivered to him, by his own hand, in discharge of his said wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past, unto the 14th day of April next following, for 196 days, both days included, by his writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 4180 ■II i:i)\V.\Kl) III 31 T , rT^ 1 To John Typkt, valet of the Kings chamber. £ s. d. John type t.\ , ^ , , ,r- i- , J to wliom the Lord the King directed to be paid 6 of Thomas de Brandeston, being within age, lirnnde.Kton. j p o ' " and in the custody of the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50 marks payable to him at Easter Term last past, for those 100 marks yearly which the Lord the King granted to the same Thomas, to be received every year at the feasts of Easter and Michaelmas, by equal portions, so long as he should 41 KDWAHI) III. 33 remain in the custody of tiie same Lord the King, by his £. x. d. writ current of Privy Seal, amongst tlic mandates of this Term 33 6 8 John Barbdefi'\j. \ ■ ^ ! Willi To John Barbdefey, valet of Lord am de Grandissono, coming on behalf of the said Lord William, with letters directed to the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks which the Lord the King commanded to Ije paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 8 ... ,. ... , ,1 To W.M.TEK Walssh, valet of the King's /> niter \\ nlssli. \ ^_° I chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his lettei-s patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/6era I I To William Bykek, engineer of the war William Byker. f . . , . , _ ' sUngs within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his Ufe, for liis wages in the office aforesaid^ in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his said wages — to wit, from the "ilst day of October last past, imto the '29th day of March next following, for 160 days, each day in- cluded, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 400 T 1 u- J i I To John Wodehen, valet, to whom the John H oaehen.f ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted -Sr/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same o 34 ISSUE ROLL, Lord the King ; and because the same John was prevented £. -f. d. by such infirmity in both his legs, tliat for a long time he had not been able to labour in the King's service. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 45*. 7\d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 2 5/4 ^•4- , To Richard de Markh.\m, the King's Aj , , ( waferer, to whom the Lord the King, by his Markham. J o' J letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .3 6 8 rr T\ , ■ \ To Henry Dalemaigne and Agnes Henry Ualemaigne. > . . ' his wife, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during the lives of the said Henry and Agnes, for the good services rendered by them as well to the same Lord the King, as to Philippa, the late Queen of England. In money delivered to them, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to them for this their allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate. amongst the mandates of this Term 6 13 4 , , . -, , 1 To John Atte Nassh, valet of the JohnAtteJ\assh.> ' King's buttery, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50,9. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Li6e;a ° ' porters, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33*. Ad. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of tliis Term . 113 4 ,-..,,. „11 1 To William Stodeleye, clerk, to i\ illiam intodeieye.) ) whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during liis life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 3 6 8 » . Txr I 1 To John Wade, to whom the Lord the John Wade. i .,.,,., , , ,„, > Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 2a. 14 KDVVARD III. 37 daily, to be received at the Kxchc(jiier during his life, for £. s. d. the gdod service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of llic 30a'. 5(/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1105 , , ,, , 1 To John Herevyle, to whom the Lord John Herevijle. ) , • , ) the Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 3(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 45.f. 7\d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 5 7^ , To Master Adam, the King's Surgeon, Master Adam, the\ ^^ ^^^^^ ^,,^ Lord the King lately •Surgeon. ] i • granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him as well to the same Lord the King, as to Philippa, the late Queen of England. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Stodeley, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 10 , To Thom.\s de Knyohtle, valet of the King's i^ 1^1 I scullery, to whom the Lord the King, bv his Knyghtle. J -^ c J letters patent, lately granted 100.s\ yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50j. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 38 ISSUE ROLL. To Stephen DE Haddele, valet, to whom the £. s. d. ^Hadde/c( ^^^'^ *'"' '^'"S' ''>' '"* ^*""^'"* P****^"'' ^^^^^^ granted 100,v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — ^to wit, at Easter Term last past, by liis writ of L^'6e/■a/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 2 10 „. , , ,, \ To Richard Ferrour de Burstle- Ixicnard berrourA ' SHAM, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Le6e?-aie, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 2 10 ^ , ^ ) To Adam Gamen, one of the King's car- ) men, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 45*. 7if/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of /y/6e;-rt ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Le'fiera^e, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 2 10 44 EDVVAHD III. 39 }To John df. North rcgok, to whom the £■ *. d. Lord tlie Kiui;, 1)V liis letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for tlie good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Hugh Lingeyn, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 8 J To William Cudworth, a boy of the King's ^ J "".I } household, to whom the Lord the King, by his Cudtrortn.) " ■' letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 T I I rt [ To John le Pee, valet, to whom the Jo/tii le I ee. t ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 30*. 5(/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term I 10 5 }To RooKR DE BovYNGDON, One of the King's blacksmiths, to whom the Lord the King-, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the .5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter 40 ISSUE ROLL, Term last past, by liis writ of Liberate, amongst the man- £. s. d. dates of tliis Term 368 John de Olneye. \ '^"^ "^""^ °^ Olneye, usher of the ' chamber of Philippa, the late Queen of England, and Stephanetta his wife, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 25 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during the lives of the said John and Stephanetta, for the good services rendered as well by him to the same Lord the King, as by her to Philippa, the late Queen of England. In money delivered to them, in discharge of the 8/. 6.v. 9,d. payable to them for this their allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 86 , To Richard Penycombe, valet, to whom „' '^' J 1" the Lord the King, by his letters patent, Jrenycombe. J k j r > lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50a\ payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Li6er«/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 2 10 O , , ., , ,' I To Matilda Kynmowe, the King's Matilda Kynniowe. \ ° I laundress, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, in aid of her support. In money delivered to her, in discharge of the 50*. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by her writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 „, r. , I To Thomas Prest, valet, to whom the 1 nomas IrestA I Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the E.xchequer II KDWAIiD III. II durincr his Hfc, for tlio gooil services rendered as well to the £. s. d. same Lord the King, as to l'hilij)])a, late Queen of England. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 3 6 8 ,, I ti I J I To Hugh IIkri.and. one of the King's Hiig/i Ilcrldiid. \ " I carters, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term. 3 6 8 ^ 1 If 2 I To Gerard Hauberger, dwelling iierara Jlaubcrger. > » ' within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.?. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 William , To William Maunchestre, valet of the ,, , , (• King's kitchen, to whom the Lord the Maunchestre. J ^. ^ King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.f. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 60.s-. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 300 42 ISSUE ROLL, To Thomas de Hf.rtfordyngbury. £. •?• d. Thomas de 1 ^.^j^ ^^ ^.j^^^ ^,,^ j^„,.j „,3 Kin ' the King's household, to whom the Lord tlie King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Beverech, in part payment of the 33*. 4(/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/i<';v//f, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 1 10 T i T3 \ To John Puseye, valet, to whom the Lord John fuseye. \ ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.J. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 50,y. payable to him for tliis his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this term 2 10 TT'i;- J 1 Q! ) To William del Sauserye, to tv III mm del oauserye. \ _ J whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for tlie good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.s-. payable to him for tliis his 44 KDWARl) 111 43 allowance — to wit, at Eastpr Term hist past, by his writ of £• *• , ^ ^ ,, ' honour to Phihppa, late Queen of Eng- land, to whom the Lord the King, on the 20th day of January last past, by his letters patent, granted 10 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to Philippa, the late Queen. In money delivered to her, in discharge of the 31*. 5\d. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, ratably from the aforesaid 20th day of January unto the Feast of Easter next following, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 1115^ %■■ II n/ 1 To NlCH Aicnolas hlowerA > King's s To Nicholas Blower, a driver of the umpter horses, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted -iOs. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 10 John llarwe. \ '^" ''""'' "'^«"'^' * ^V of the King's ' larder, to whom the Lord the King, by his 44 ISSUE ROLL, letters patent, lately granted 60*. annually, to be received £. s. d. at the Exchequer during liis hfe, for the good ser\-ice ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, in discharge of this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 1 10 , To William Radescroft, valet, to whom r, 1 r.l the Lord the King, by his letters patent, nadescrojt.) o j r lately granted lOOs. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 T , 1 A- ,;-•/; 1 To John de Northfolk, a valet of John de JSorthfolk. > .. ' the King's granary, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the E.Kchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his- allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 r , I c. . I • 1 To John de Salesbire, clerk, to John de ISalesbirc. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 8 44 EDWARD III. 15 r, , r, 1 To Sir Hkknard Buocas, Knijiht. to £. v. d. Bernard Broca.f.} , ,-■ , < ' whom till' Lord the King lately grantod 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, in recompense of the manor of Benliam, whicli the same Lord the King hath of the gift of the same Bernard. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 100*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 500 To the same Bernard, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. annually, to be received during his life, for the gooil services frequently rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, by the hands of William Tyrwhit, in part pay- ment of 20/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 7100 ,T /-« ; 1 To IIknry Grundy, to whom the Lord Henry Urundy. v ) the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Ihd. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered liy him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 22s. 9d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term To the same Henry. In money delivered to him, advance upon this his allowance — to wit, for Michaelmas Term last past 10 Whereof. . .He will answer. Afterwards it was deducted from this his allowance, as appears in the Pell of the 21st day of October next following. , To Robert de Magfield, the King's lar- M crfi II \ '^^^^^' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. annually, 1 2 9 46 ISSUE ROLL. to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good £. s. d. service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of tlie IOOj'. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term o W-,,. T\ \ To William Depyng, the hostler pro- illiam Depyng. f . . ' viding for the King's war-horses and coursers, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.?. annually, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 n , J o I 1 I To Robert Sadeler, valet, to whom the KooerttHadeler. } ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted I00,»\ annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 50*. for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 ii-it n /• I I To William Bevford, a bov in the // iliinin beyford. > ,. , ' cliandry of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60«. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 30.9. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his \\ rit of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term. 1 10 To the same William. In money delivered to liim, in 44 EDWAIU) III. 47 advance upon tliis his uL'i'oimt — to « il, fur Micliaclnias Tinii £. -i. d. next coming 3 l Whereof. .. lie will auswor. — Paiil in tlu- I'^^xclicnucr Account. To Walter dk Edyngton, valet, to whom I] alter de I ^j^^ j^^^.^ ^^^ Km", by his letters patent, hdyngtoii. I , , • , ' lately granted 100.v. yearly, to be received at the I'lxcliequor during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50,v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . '2 10 T I J r> t 1 To John de Buryton, valet of the John de Buryton. \ ) chamber of Philippa, late Queen of England, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. annually, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him, as well to the said Lord the King as to the same Philippa. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 Richard Frere. \ ToRiCHARDFRERE,aboy inthe chandry I of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his hfe, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of tlie 30.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 1 10 John Ttiynrr \ ^** JoHN TuYNG, valet, to whom the Lord ' the King, by his letters patent, lately 48 ISSUE ROLL, granted lOO^f. annually, to be received at the Exchequer £. s. d. during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 Sum .... £58.5. 10*. lO^d. Tuesday, the 30th Day of April. E>iLxJD7i I To Robert de Berkeshaw, the Robert de Berkeshaw. t ' King's armourer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .2 10 m J D ;;■ I I To Thom.vs DE Balliol, valet, to 1 homas de Datliol. t ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . .10 rr,, T I 1 To Thomas LovEDEN, valet of the King's 1 homas Loveden.f ^ » ' chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 8 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In 14 KDWAin) 111. I'.l L'. .V. '/. nionpy dolivorpcl to iiiin, in disciiargo of the 53.v. 4(/. paya- ble to iiiiii for tills his allowaiice — to wit, at Fvistcr TtTiii last past, hy his writ of Lihiidlc iuiioiijjsl the iiiaiiilatcs of this Term "J 1.'3 4 ,, ,, , ) To IIknky" IIoLYNS, the King's fak'oiuT, I linn/ J lo/i/)ix. > " ' to whom the Lord the King, by his K'ttors patent, lately granted I2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in ilischarge of the 9/. "2.v. Cnl. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term '.) 2 G , , I ij, , , 1 To .John de Blockele, clerk, to whom John de li/ockele.} ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him, as well to the same Lord the King as to Philippa, the late Queen of England. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of i/icra/f, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 6 13 4 , , r. 1 To John Broun, valet, to whom the Lord Jo/ni Broun. ■ the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\'ice rendered by him to the same Ix)rd the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Li/jeralc, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 I I u, II' II I To John Atte Welle, valet, to whom ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent. 50 ISSITK ROLL. lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- £. s. J. quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of John Hakeburn, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 368 T h /ttf f7 // I ' " John Atte Halle, valet, to whom ) the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good services rendered by him, as well to the same Lord the King as to Philippa, the late Queen of England. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 8 E) i i r» 1 To Robert Dys, the King's valet, to whom Kooert Uys. > , . ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, in his wars beyond sea, where he was wounded. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 8 Clement Atte Merk\ '^"^ C'-^ent Atte Merk, valet of the ' King's chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted A\d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 68.v. f)d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit. at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 3 8 5 11 KDWAKl) 111. 51 ,r,, ,,. I To Thomas Chese, valet, lo whom tin- £. s. d. I nomas Lnese. . Lord the Ki"g. liy his letters patent. lately granted (id. daily, to he rei-eived at tiie Excheqiior during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same allowance — to wit, from the "i-lth day of December last past, unto the 13th day of April next follow- ing, for 110 days, both days included, by his writ of Lj'iera/f, of this Term 2 15 TIT 11 \ To John Longevill, the King's valet, Jo/in LonsevtII. .• ,. . ' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Lj6era<<', amongst the mandates of this Term .... 2 10 r I ^,. 71- I \ To John Atte Wyche, valet, to John Atte ll i/che. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33.s-. 4(/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 113 4 T , , n 1 ^ 1 To John de Porchestre, the King's Jolin de t orchextre. > s» ' valet, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Lj6pra/c, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 2 10 r/i ISSUE ROLL, To Adam de Scaldynghous, valet of tlio £'. y. d Adam dr 1 ^. .^ j^^j^^ ,^ ^^.j^^^^^ ,1^^ Lord the King, ricaldynirltotix. " , , i /•/^ 'by his letters patent, lately granted Ws. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for tlie good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30.y. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 1 10 ^ , , ... 1 To Ralph Alianore, valet of the King's Ralph Ahanore. > , ,-■ '■ chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 100*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of X^'fitJ-afe, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 500 To Reynold de la Chambre, valet of the yno f e I j^j,^ 'g i;hamber, lately sent on secret busi- la Lihamore. ° •' -' ness of the Lord the King to Flanders. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his wages and expenses, above those 10 marks delivered to him on the 8th day of March last past 16 8 Whereof . . . He will answer. To Richard de Toucestre, a boy in the rr \ \ office of the King's napery, to whom the Lord 1 oucestre. I & r j ' the King, by his lettei-s patent, lately granted 60.9. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 1 10 44 EDWARD III. 5a ,, , ,, , I To Henry de Sneytii, clerk of ilie £. s. d. Hiiin/ (Ir Snryln. t ' great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Waher Chipenliam, for cloth purchased from him for the King's use, V)y writ of Libmitc of the said clerk, as abo\e I7G8 Whereof. .. lie will answer — and he aiiswei-s therefore in his account, as above. „. , , , o ^. 1 To KicHARD DK Sutton, keeper of liirlKird de Sutton.} . '^ > the King's private palace at West- minster, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6(/. daily, to be received at the Excliequcr during his life, for his wages in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 'l'-.)\\\ day of September last past unto the 13th day of April next following, for 197 days, counting each day, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 4178 To the same Richard, to whom the Lord the King, on the 15th day of November last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, or until other provision should be made for his estate. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the (JSi'. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, rata- bly from the aforesaid 15th day of November unto the Feast of Easter next following, by his writ of Liberate of this Term 3 8 To the same Richard. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50#. payable to him at Easter Term last past, for those 100s. which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Richard, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his support, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 10 ,,. „. ,/-<., \ To William de Gunthorp, trea- /) tlliam de (junlhorj). > ' surer of the town of Calais, by the 54 ISSUE ROLL, hands of Sir Nicholas de Taniworth, Knight, captain of the £. s. d. same town, by one tally raised on this day, in the name of the said Nicholas, containing 60/. delivered to the same Nicholas, by his own hand, for tlie wages of himself, 40 men of arms, and 60 archers in the war, dwelling in the garrison of the town aforesaid, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above. 60 Whereof . . . He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. m. 6. ^ , 1 , r, ) To Arnald le Pyper, the King's min- Arnald le Fi/per. > ° > strcl, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7^d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, both days included, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 5129 „,.,,. rr I- 1 To William Harding, one of the n illinrri Harding.} ^ ' ' King's watchmen, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7^d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, counting each day, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 5 12 9 To Lambekin Taborer, the King's minstrel, „, , ' ' ' / to whom the Lord the Kin"-, by his letters laborer. J ,. . patent, lately granted Ihd. daily, to be re- ceived at the Excheq\ier during his life, for tiie good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to liim, in discharge of his same wages — to wit. 44 EDWARD 111. 55 from tlio 1st day of October last past unto the last day of £. ». d. March next following, for 182 days, counting each day, by his writ of L^6?rn/«', amongst the mandates of this Term . 5 12 9 r , , ,T 1 To John dk Hampton, the King's John (te llfdiipton. > i i i i i'- ' minstrel, to whom the Lord the Knig, by his letters patent, lately granted 7^d. daily, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, each day included, by Iiis writ cur- rent of Pri\-j' Seal, of Easter Term, in the 3Gth year . . 5 12 9 Harekin Filz ) ^-^^^^^^^ ,o ,,),„„, ,i,p j^^^d the King, by his letters patent, lately granted oO.f. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for tlie good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 1100 „ , , r> ,, 1 To Richard Baath, the King's min- ' strel, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, counting each day, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past, witli the names of many others ... 5 12 9 I , p 1^0 John Prat, the King's minstrel, to whom ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, 5(> ISSUE ROLL, lately granted 7)id. daily, to l)e received at the Exrhequer £. s. d. during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of liis same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of Octo- ber last past unto the last day of March next ibllowing, for 182 days, counting each day, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past, with the names oi' many others J 1- J r, ,, , I To John Absolon, the King's minstrel, to John Abmoii. ) ° > wliom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Thd. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 18'2 days, counting each day, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past, with the names of many others . . . . 5 12 9 r , , 1,/r- I 1 ij I To John de Middelton, the King's Jo/in lie Midde/toii.V " ' minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, counting each day, by his writ current 5 12 9 1 To John de Bukyngham, the King's „'' "/ ' ' , i minstrel, to whom the Lord tlie King, bv Jiiikyngham. J ^ •' his letters patent, lately granted 7if/. daily, to be received at tlie Exchcqtier during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to 14 KUWAUI) 111. 57 wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day £• s. tl. of -March next following-, for 1S2 days, counting each day, by his writ current 5 I'i 9 • . , , ,, ) To Xiciioi.As Hanneye, the King's Air/ifj/dx Jhnniii/i.} _ " I minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters ])ateiit, lately granted 7i'/. daily, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life for his wages, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, counting each day, but deducting "JO.v. paid to him as a loan, on the '20th day of February last past, by his writ current of Privy Seal of Easter Term, in the I56th year 4 12 9 ,, ,, ,,, ,, I To Walter Tyrell, the King's valet, / 1 (liter J i/rr//. > , . ' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the lOO.v. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 500 Sum . . . £215 12.V. 5/i ^ J I f •, I 1 To Gilbert del Spitel, a boy in (jilbert del Spite/. \ ... I the ewery of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted (iO.f. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge 58 ISSUE ROLL, of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at £. s. d. Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 Til/-' 7 "jTo John DE CoNYNGSBY.valetjto whom Jo/m de Lonyng.soij. \ ) the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Temi .... 368 , To Master John GosDEN.the King's cook, ^ > Mo whom the Lord the Kingr by his letters Lrosden. J o' j patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the lOO.s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/ftr^-rt/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . 5 The ,,, I To Thomas Stanes, the King's valet. letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delive/ed to him, in discharge of the 100,9. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 500 , , I- ; I To John VArHE, falconer, to whom the Lord John I (ir/ie. [■ ) the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Gd. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 44 KDW AKD HI. 59 4/. II*. 3rf. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at £. s. d. Easter Term last past, by his wTit of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 4 1 1 .'J }To FuAPiN Fauco.ner, to whom the Lord the King, bv his letters patent, lately granted 6(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 41. 1 1*. 3d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 4 113 r-n.T- \ To Gii.nKRT FAUco^ER, to whom the Irilbert taucoiier. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6(7. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 4/. 1 1*. 3f/. payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his w rit of Libe- rate, amongst the mandates of this Term 4 113 To He^ry de Wakefield, keeper of the enry f ( wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands M akejield. J . . of John de Barnoldby, in discharge of the 16/. 12*. 3rf. due to the same John, in the wardrobe afore- said, for the wages of himself and his archers in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by his writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the keeper, as above 16123 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account as above. , To Brother John Woderove, the King's • jT , > confessor, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 79/. lO.v. 6rf. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his support. 60 ISSUE ROLL, and of one of his companions, and their servants attendant £■ s. d. on them in the King's household, and for 4 horses and 1 hack ; also for the wages of 4 grooms for attending the said horses ; and also for certain small necessary expenses. In money delivered to him, in part payment of 34/. 1 5*. 3f/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 25 15 3 To the same Brother John, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 368 T h d Th I "^" John de Thorp, clerk, to whom the ) Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, or until he should be provided for by the same Lord the King with an ecclesiastical benefice or cure of the value of 20/. yearly. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 10 To Philip Shagssh and Richard de Philip Shags-'-,,./. , 1 To John de Guldeford. to wl John de Guldeford. ^ > the Lord the King, by his let thom letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\ace rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this 44 EDW \K1) in. r/.i his allowance — to wit, at Easti-r 'I'eriii last past, by liis writ £. .v. J. of L;6 servant, to whom the Lord the Kin?, bv his letters patent, lately granted 100s. annu- ally, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50j. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his wr'ii of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 u , r > V To Thomas Hauteyn, the King's alct, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10^. annually, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the lOOi-. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Z-/6e/-«^e, amongst the mandates of this Term . 5 T 1 Ti- ; 1 To John Ward, valet, to whom the Lord John }\ aid. > ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.y. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term '2 10 T L J A' ^ 17 1 To John de Norfolk, one of the Joh7i de J\ orfolk. \ ' King's bow-benders, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money payable to him, in discharge of the 50.y. delivered for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas Term last past, by his writ of L/ftp/a^e, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 2 10 , To the Prior and Convent of The Dominican BrelhroA ,, -n» r\ ^ r, ,. , , ( the Dominican Order of 13re- o/ London. J TiiREN, within the City of Lon- don. In money delivered to them, in discharge of the 20/. payable to them at Michaelmas Term last past, for the 20/. which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Brethren, 4^ EDWAKI) l[l G5 to be received at the Exchequer as his ahiis, so long as it £■ s. d. should please the same Lord the Kincr, by his writ ol' Liberate, amongst the mandates ol' this Term . . . . 20 „ , ,, I To Poi'ARD Myneks, the Kind's fal- l ojmrd Mi/nrrs. > '^ ' concr, to whom the Lord the King, hy his letters patent, lately granted I2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 9/. '2s. Gd. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/6era BjsHOp of YoRK. In money paid to him- in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of re- ceipts of the same day 1 00 To the Abbot de la Battail. In money Abbot dela 1 jpH^-gred to him, in discharge of 40/. which Battait. I ,. " ' he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the "iGth day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . 40 ,. „. ,,, \ Tothe AiiBOTofWALTHAAt. In monev Abbot of U altham.\ .,,..,., ... ' paid to hmi, m (hscliargc of the 100 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the "iGth day of March last past, as ap- pears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . 66 13 4 !To Thomas de Aubrey, and Wil- liam DE Spaigne, CoUectors of the King's Customs and Subsidies in the port of St. Botolph. In money 66 ISSUE ROLL. paid to them for their expenses and carriage £. s. il. of the King's money arising from the same Customs and Subsidies — to wit, from the Port aforesaid unto London, by order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exche- quer 6134 }To the good Men of the Town of Grantham. In money p:ud to them, in discharge of the 401. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 40 „ , r^ .7 • 1 To George DE FELBRiGGE,Esnuire George de relorigge. \ ^. > to the King, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 20 . , r, , , , 1 To Adam of the King's Adam Fe^ik hurst. \ f J bowmen. In money delivered to him in part payment of 8/. 13*., which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him for his wages, from the 1st day of May, in the 43rd year, unto the feast of Easter last past, for 348 days, both days included, by his writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 568 Sum .... £478 \2s. 6d. Friday, the od Day of May. ^, ... .. T , 1 To the Abbot and Convent of The Abbot of Leicester. ^ ' Leicester. In money delivered -M KDW \Rl) III. 07 to them, in dischargt' of lOD marks which the same Abbot £. j. U. lent to the Lord the Kin confessor, to whom the Lord the King, by H oderove j . ' his letters patent, lately granted 79/. 1 0»-. Grf. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of his support, and of one of his companions, and their servants attending on them in the King's household, and for 4 horses and 1 hack ; also for the wages of 4 grooms keeping the said horses ; and also for certain small necessary expenses. In money de- li\ered to him, in part payment of 34/. 1 S.v. 3r/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, II KinVAKD Hi. r,9 by his writ of Great Seal, amongst the niaiulates of this £. ». d. Term '.) T 1 J TT , . ) To John de IIkklaston, Esquire, to I whom the Lord the King, by his letters ])atent, lately granted 10 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer iluring his life, I'or the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of "20 marks payable to him lor this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 8 6 8 }To Thomas dk Gloucester, of London, glover, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered Ijy him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discliarge of the 50.v. jiayable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 ., , 7- , , 1 To Alan de Kvrketon, master of Alan de Kyrketon. > ' the King's galleys, receiving per day G(/. for his wa;^es in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past, unto the 9th day of March next following, for 160 days, each day included, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 400 }To Thomas de HARPECoTE,to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33s. 1(/. payable to him for this his allow- 70 ISSUE ROLL, anee — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of £. ». d. Liiera^e, amongst the mandates of this Tenii .... 1 13 4 r , 1 A ,, \ To John de Ai'lton, the King's servant, JonndeAullon.f ^ " ' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33s. Ad. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Laierrt/e, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 1 13 4 1 T Peter de Bromleye. \ ' la To Peter de Bromleye, the King's late blacksmith, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the .50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Terra last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 ^, , D I i; I To Sir x\lan de Buxhull, Knight, Alan de BitxkuU. > ' 6 ' ' constable of the Tower of London, receiving yearly 100^. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Robert Rythyn, in discharge of the 50/. payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 50 .. To Sir Gilbert le Despenser, Knight, r, ' > to whom the Lord the King, by his letters Desfenscr. I ■& j patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him. in discharge of the '20 marks payable to him I'oi- this hj^ allowance — to wit, at Easter 44 EDWARD III. "I Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- £". t- d. dates of this Term 13 6 8 Sum .... £378 Os. Or/. Saturday, tlir 4th Day of May. „r.,,. „ ,. 1 To William Prentice, valet, to whom »-» Uham I'rentice. > ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ oi Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 1 10 To GuiLLlMOTE DE BuLOIGNE, tO whom , r> I ■ > the Lord the Kinff, bv his letters patent, de nuloigne. ( o j i ^ lately granted lOOi-. to be received at the Exchequer during her life, in aid of her support. In money delivered to her, in discharge of the 50*. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by her writ of L/6fra/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . 2 10 T I iir 1 I To John Wedon, valet of the King's John H ecion. t ^. " ' kitchen, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 30,9. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/6rra/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . 1 10 „ , , ,r ,. 1 To Robert de Melton, clerk, to Eobert dc Melton. \ ' whom the Lord the King, by his 72 ISSUE ROLL, letters patent, lately granted 100.». yearly, to be received at £. s. d. the lixchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50«. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Temi .... 2100 r , I j^ 1/; ijI To John de Maghfield, to whom m. 8. John de Maghfield. \ > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Lz6era . ' valet, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. pay- able to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of tiiisTcrm 2 10 „, „ , , 1 To William Lamport, one of the /( illiam Laiiiporl. > ' King's watchmen, to whom the Lord 44 EDWARD III. 73 the King, by his U-tters patent, lately granted \\(l. daily, to £. *. ^. . ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted l^d. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 22s. 9d. payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 1 2 9 rri J I To Thomas Leveson, valet, to whom 1 nomas Lercson.) ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted GO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 110 , To Gilbert de Brideshale, the King's r> J 1 I f servant, to whom the Lord the King, by his Brideshale. J c j letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him ibr this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst tlie mandates of this Term 2 10 • ,-, in, I 'I'o Miles DE Buxton, valet, to whom Mtle.i dc hii.i/oii. !• . the Lord the King, by his letters It KDWAKI) III. r.") patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the £. s. d. Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 100s. payable to him for this liis allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by two writs of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 500 , To Henry de W.\kefield, keeper of the I'Vnk fi >l I I "''i'"'l'"°''^ of the Lord the King, by the hands of Sir Roger de Cherlton, Knight, in dis- charge of the 1 OO.y. due to the same Roger, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for providing a horse, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 500 To the same keeper, by the hands of William Purcell, in discharge of 79s. 8if/. due to the same \\'illiam, in the ward- robe aforesaid, for the wages of himself and his archers in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, can- celled in the Hanaper of this Term by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past ; also by writ of L/6era/? of the said keeper, as above . . . 3 19 8^ To the same keeper, by the hands of Sir William Bernak, Knight, in discharge of 28/. ll.v. \\d. due to the same William, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above "28 1 1 \\ To the same keeper, by the hands of Ralph de Baggele, in discharge of 12/. \7s.\\\d. due to the same Ralph, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, 76 ISSUE ROLL, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; £. s. d. also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above . . 12 17 1 H To the same keeper, by the hands of the executors of John Fletcher, in discharge of 109^. \7s.0\d. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hauaper of this Term by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 109 17 0^ Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. r I I A' ,. II 1 To John de Norfolk, one of the John de Jyorjolk. > ' King's bow-benders, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. pay- able to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 . , r> , , , 1 To Adam Penkhurst, one of the Adam Fenkhurst. f ,. , ' King's archers. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 8/. 13*. which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to liim for his wages- — to wit, from the first day of May, in the 43rd year, unto the Feast of Easter last past, for 348 days, each day included, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 3 7 4 To William de Gunthorp, treasurer of la ley ^^^ town of Calais, by two tallies raised this (junthorp. ■' _ day in his own name, containing 70 marks, delivered to the same William by his own hand, for his office, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates . . 46 13 4 II KOWAin) III. 77 Whf.REOF. . . He will answiT — uiul lie ;ms\vrrs therefore in £. x. d. his account, as ahove. , I r. , 1 To Lko dk, Pkuton, the King's servant, Lvo de I'ertoii.f _ ° ' to whom the Lord the King lately granted IOOj. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, and as a recompense for the office of escheator, in the county of Worcester, which same office the same Lord the King lately granted to the said Leo, to hold so long as he should well and faithfully conduct himself in the otlicc aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.f. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 lU , , , . ,, 1 To John de Appelby, valet, to whom John de Appelby. f ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted "20 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer by him during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money dehvered to him, in part payment of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 3 6 8 )To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper of the wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money received by him from the collector of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of London, for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, as above 200 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. r L J r> J? » 1 1 To John de Enefield, one of the John de h,nejield. {■ 78 ISSUE ROLL, to whom the Lord tlie Kincr, by his letters patent, lately £. s: FIELD, lately nurse to lliomas de node- stock, the King's son, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her, as well to the same Lord the King as to the aforesaid Thomas de Wodestock. In money delivered to her, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by her writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term .3 8 To the Prior and Brethren Dominican Brethren I r^ cm i ,. ^ , . , > DoMiMC.\NS of Cambridge. In of Cambridge. I . ... money delivered to them, m dis- charge of 25 marks payable to them at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, for those 25 marks yearly which the Lord the King of his alms lately granted to the same Prior and Brethren, so long as it should please the same Lord the King, by his writ of Great Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 16134 To the Warden and Convent of the Brethren Minors] g^j^^HREN Minors of Oxford. In of Oxford. I . ,. , money delivered to them, in discliarge of 50 marks payable to them at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, for those 50 marks yearly which the Lord the King lately granted of his alms to the same Warden 44 EDW'AHl) 111 79 and Convent, to be received during llio King's pleasure, £. i. d. by two writs of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Tenn 33 () 8 To the good Mkn of tiie Town of Meti of the Toirn] ,,r » i i- i » .i ^YMj' ,1 > Wklles. In money delivered to them, of rVelles. ( •' ' in discharge of 100 marks which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day GG 1 3 4 D J J c ■ 1 To Roger del IJwerik, the King's Koger del hwerie. > " ' barber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.y. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, but deducting 40*. paid to him in advance, on the 7th day of April last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 10 ifji- rr I I To William Tylney, carpenter, to H il/tam lijliiet/.f ^ ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, also because the said William was wounded in the King's service, and for a long time was not able to work. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 100.y. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 500 Sum .... £585 14*. 2>d. Sum of the week . £2863 19,9. 'l^d. 80 ISSUE ROLL, £. .y. ,1. Monday, t/icGt/i Day of May. To William DE GuNTHORP, treasurer of the (' fl . \ town of Calais. In money delivered to him — ' to wit, by his own hands, 2000 marks, and by the hands of \\'ilham Everley, his clerk, 2000 marks, for his office, by his writ of Liberate, as above 2666 13 4 Whekeof. .. He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. ■v To the Abbot of Robert Bridge. In The Abbot of X ,,. j^.- -j-l i- Ji h t Ji rl I "io"^y delivered to him, in discharge of 10/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 1000 .,,,„„ ; 1 To the Abbot of Begham. In Abbot of Begliain. > > money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of 10/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 10 ni •;■ J ii'7 v.. 1 To Philip de Whitton, valet, to Pht/ipde y] hit ton. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance, — to wit, at Michaelma.s and Easter Terms last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 6 13 4 Henry de Wake/eld. \ '^" "^^'^*''' °''- ^akefeld. keeper ' ol the wardrobe ol the Lord the 44 EDWAlx'l) III 81 Kinor. In money ili'iivored to liini by tlie liands of William £. s. d. ilo Denton, liis clork, for the pxponsos of the Kiiifj's lio\isc- holil, by his writ of Liberate, as above 33:3 (\ 8 Whereof. . . He will answer. — Delivered in the Exclicquer account. To the same keeper, by the hands of Thomas Glaseley, in discharge of 10/. 13.9. 5^'/. due to the same Thomas, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself and his archers in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Ilanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate, of the said keeper, as above 10 135^ To the same keeper, by the hands of Sir Alan do BuxhuU, Knight, in discharge of 129/. Zs. \d. due to the same Alan, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Vnyy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 32 9 9 To the same keeper, by the hands of John de Beverley, Esquire, in discharge of 107/. 15*. bd. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 27 !■") 5 To the same keeper, by the hands of Sir Edward Serue, Knight, in discharge of 35/. \7s. \\d. due to the same Edward, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of him- self, his men at arms, and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 35 1 7 1 -i 82 ISSUE ROLL, Whekeof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in £. his account, as above. Ralph Spigemel/. > ' w ToSir Ralph Spigernell, Knight,to honi the Lord the King granted the custody of Dover Castle and the Cinque Ports during his life, in the same manner as Robert de Herle, whilst he lived, had the same, receiving yearly 300/. for the support of himself; also for the chaplains, servants, watchers, and a carpenter, dwelling in the same castle, and for their robes— to wit, 146A to be received from the wards belonging to the said castle, 100 marks from the issues of the customs in the port of Sandwich, and the remaining 87/. 6*. 8c/. at the Exchequer, at the feasts of Easter and St. Michael, by equal portions. In money delivered to him, 43/. 13*. 4d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 43 13 4 }To Sir Thomas de Hoggeshagh, Knight, to whom the Lord the King, bv his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term C 13 4 To the same Thomas, in money delivered to him by his own hands, in advance upon a certain annual allowance which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same Thomas, to be received from the Customs in the Port of London, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 10 Wheiu;of. . .He will answer. — Paiil in the account at the Exchequer. 4-1 KDWAKI) III. 83 ,,,, III, 1 lo Thomas dk Lodf.lowe, chief £. x. d. I iKjiiins lit' IjOdvlowc. \ ' Baron of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 40 marl marks amuiallv, to be ■II i',i)\VAi;i) 111. 87 received at the Exchequer during his life in aid of his sup- £. x. d. port. In money delivered to him, in discharge of this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by his two writs of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term G 13 4 , To the Executors of the Will of The Executors of the I , , -..r t , , ■ , II- II 1' II I U' 1 ( IIi'GH Wake. In monev dclivereil n til of Hiig/i n akc.] •' to them, in discharge of the '20/. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same Executors for executing the will of the aforesaid Hugh — -to wit, at Easter Term last past, for those 40/. annually, which the same Lord the King lately granted to the same Hugh, to be received during his life at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered and to have been rendered to the same Lord the King, notwithstanding that the same Hugh died before the feast of Easter, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 20 T I , TT I 1 To John dk Uppyngham, one of John de vppyngham. \ ] the auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 50s. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the third quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- chequer 2100 „, . . „ 1 To Claisiu Ctaisiiis i< error. > ' King, to wl I us Fekrok, servant of the ilioni the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the IOOa'. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 5 88 ISSUE ROLL, Ralph le WayteX To Ralph le Wayte, valet, to whom £. s. d. the Lord the Khig, by his letters patent, lately granted \2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 9Z. 2s. Gd. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 9 2 6 r 1 I TT , . \ To John de Harleston, Esquire to John de Harlestm.t ^ ' the King, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20 marks pay- able to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 13 G 8 rr 1 T^r 1 jy , A To Henry DE Wakefield, keeper Henry de nakejield.f , ^ ' of the Kmg s wardrobe, by the hands of Richard Wirle, in discharge of 71- 12*. 6^d. due to the same Richard, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself in the war, and for his archers, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 7 12 64 To the same keeper, by the hands of Bernard Brokas, in discharge of 60/. O.s-. lO^d. due to the same Bernard, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 60 lOt 41 EDWARD III. 89 To the same keeper, by the hands of Sir Hugh Segrave, £. s. d. Knight, in discharge ol' 45/. lO.v. '2(/. due to the same llugli^ in the wardrobe aforesaid, for tlie wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, as appears by a bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 45 10 2 To the same keeper, by the hands of John Harleston, Esq., in discharge of 9/. 13.s'. Ad. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for provision of his horses, as appears by a bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 9 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. }To the good Men of the Town of Saint Ijotolph. In money deli- vered to them, in discharge of 410/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 2Gth day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 410 If I, If- J, 7 I To Walter Wymbyssh, one of the 1} alter }} ymbyssli.y ' archers, and a forester in the King's Forest of Windsor. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 6f/. daily which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him for his wages — to wit, from the feast of St. Michael last past inito the last day of April next fol- lowing, for 222 days, both days included, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 5 G I. ■ / I I u. \ To Sir Richard de Stury, Knight, ' to whom the Lord the King, by his 90 ISSUE ROLL, letters patent, lately granted .'jO/. yearly, to be received at £. x. d. the Exchequer during his lU'o, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Strete, in part payment of the 50/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms leist past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 28 IG 8 To the same Richard. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 16/. 6*. Sd. due to him upon the account made with him at the Exchequer in the account of receipts, and for his wages going in the retinue of William de Burton to Guelre, Brabant, and Henault, upon the King's secret atfairs, in the 43rd year, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of Michaelmas Term last past 16 6 8 tr J D 1 To Henry de Bergynes, a Knight Henry de hergynes. > ^ ' of Germany, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 50 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered, and hereafter to be rendered by him, to the same Lord the King; and also for the liege homage done by him to the same Lord the King. In money deU- vered to him by his own hands, in discharge of 8/. 6*. \Q)d. for this his allowance — to wit, rateably from the 7th day of December last unto the feast of Easter next following, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 8 6 10 J h K h llX"^^ John Kembold, keeper of the King's ' wardrobe, within the King's Castle of Windsor. In money delivered to him, in discharge of (Sd. daily which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him for his wages so long as he should remain in the office aforesaid, viz. from the 29th day of January last past unto the last day of April next following, for 92 days, both days included, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 M EDWARD 111 <)l f i^ I \ To LAUKiiNCK Dauhron, a bov ic- £. *. ^ ° > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good services rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by iiis writ of Libcrdle, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 8 92 ISSUE ROLL, , , , /^ , 1 To John de Gosbourn, one of the John de Ltosuourn.s ' auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50i'. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the third quarter of this year, by direction of the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- chequer To the same John, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer so long as he should remain one of the auditors of the King's Exchequer aforesaid. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the IOOj. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 5 John deBlokkelee. 2 10 To John de Blokkelee, one of the auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the bOs. payable to him for this his fee— to wit, for the third quarter of this year, by the order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer . . 2 10 rj,, r\ i 1 To Thomas Durant, one of the tellers 1 nomas Durant. > > of the Exchequer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King In money delivered to him, in discharge of the bOs. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last p;ist, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 T I ixr L, T 1 To John Wyght, Junior, to whom the I Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the E.\che- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him 44 EDWARD III. 93 to tlie same Lord the King. In nioiiey delivered to him, £. s. d. in discharge of the 33.y. Ad. payable to iiim for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/Aera/t", amongst the mandates of this Term . 1 13 4 Sum .... £681 14.V. Id. Wednesday, the Sth Day of May. }To the good Mkn of the Town of X- I 111. JNeuwerk. in money delivered to them, in discharge of the 40/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Ex- chequer, on the 29th day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 40 U r> J D ) To Roger de Bury of Neuwerk. In Koger de Bury. > ' money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. w^hich he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the "iOth day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . 10 r ; /-- ; 1 To JoAN, who was the wife of Robert de Joan de Lorby. > ' Corby, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, at Easter and Michaelmas Terms, by equal portions. In money delivered to her, in discharge of the lOOi'. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas Term last past, by writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 5 T 1 , A ,, ) To John de Appelby, valet, to whom John de Appelby. > ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in 94 ISSUE ROLL, discharge of the 10 marks ))ayable to him for this his allow- £. s. d. ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Xd. payable to him I'or this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 4 113 Wchard Raundes. I ^o Richard Raundes, the King s ) valet, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of iy/6«-a/p, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . ,2 10 Ti' 7; J IT i 1 To William de Moreton, to \\ ilUam de Moreton. \ ' ) whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deliveretl to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/6em J ( the Lord the Kmg, by his letters patent, rSemard. I o j 1 > lately granted 100*. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money 14 KDWARD III. 95 il»'li\orotl to liim, in discharge ol' the 50.v. payable to him i,'. v. for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst tiio mandates of this TciTii . '2 10 Tt 1 I u (i'l To RociiAKD RoLK. to whom the Lord t lie liochnrd Rolf.; Kinff, by his letters patent, lately fjranted 100.»-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the SO.s-. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 2 11) r I . r> , 1 To John dp:. Dr.wton, the King's John de Drayton. > ^ ' valet, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \QQs. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 2 10 ^, /-. I I To Thomas Conham, valet, to whom ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60a-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his hfe, for the good scr\nce rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 r r. / .. I 1 To James Dyciieford, valet, to James IJyclirford. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money 9G ISSUE ROLL, delivered to liim, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him £. s. d. for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of L/6(v«/f, amongst tlie uiaiulates of this Term . 3 G 8 }To Richard de Wyngham, the King's servant, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, latelj' granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 J I jy I I I To John Belenale and Catherine, ' his wife, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during the life of the same Cathe- rine, for the good services rendered by them, as well to the same Lord the King as to Philippa, the late Queen of England. In money delivered to them, in discharge of the 10 marks payable to them for this their allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 6 13 4 7 2. J n .^ J I To John de Denford, valet, to whom Jotin de Denjord. > ' > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33*. \d. payable to him for this his allo^v- ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of i/^6era ' ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer (hiring her life, for the good service rendered by her, as well to the same Lord the King as to Edmund de 98 ISSUE ROLL, Langeley, the King's son. In money delivered to her, in £. s. d. discharge of the 15/. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Easter Term in the 43rd year, Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by her writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 15 To the Prior and Convent of the The Prior and Convent \ „ ,, ^ o -Pii r>> 1 )i,f I Blessed Mary, ot Southwark. of the Blessed Mary, > of Southivark. J I" money delivered to them, in discharge of the 50 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to them, for works of charity to the use of the aforesaid Prior and his Convent, and for the soul of Philippa, late Queen of England ; and also in recompense of the damage which they sustained in their house and walls during the time when the solemniza- tion was made for the soul of the aforesaid Queen, in the Priory aforesaid, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 33 6 8 T I r'l ■ 1 To John Chippes, usher of the Kind's John Lhippes. > ° ' wardrobe, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*'. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 2 10 r> c< I 1 To Roger Smale, the King's servant, to Koger tSina/e. ( ,. ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 33.?. 4d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of Liierafe, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 1 13 4 41 KDWAKI) III 99 fi- ;; c-t ^ i\ To William Slekohd, clork of tlic £. s. d. n t/iiam Nrford.t ' King's works within the I'alace of VVpst- minstor and the Tower of London. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for the same works, by liis writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 36th year 20 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. — Delivered in the Exchequer ac- count. T I r t J 1 To John Edward, clerk of the works of John bjdward. t > the Lord the King, at the Castle of Ledes. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for the same works, by writ of Privy Soal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term, in the 43d year 20 Whereof. . . He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. < To Henry de Maunnesfield, clerk of the 1* ^ » I f works of the Lord the King, at Childer- Maunnesjield. J . . langeleye. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for the same works, by his writ of Liberate, as above 26 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. . To John Duke of Lancaster, going to John Duke of I --, ^, • • • »i, r.-- < T ^ ( (jasconv, there remaming m the Kuior s Lancaster. J service, with 300 men at arms and 500 archers, whereof to the same Duke 26^'. 8(i. per day, 3 ban- nerets each at 8.f. per day, 80 knights each at 4*. per daj% 216 men at arms each at 2.s'. per day, and .500 archers each at 12f/. per day. In money delivered to him by tlie hands of William de Bukkebrugge, his Treasurer, for his expenses and a reward, and for his men at arms and archers in the war aforesaid, for half a year, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 1333 6 8 H 2 100 ISSUE ROLL, Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in £• »• d. his account at tlie Exchequer in the account, roll 45, roll of accounts. Sum .... £1475 16.S-. 8d. Friday, the lOth Day of May. m r\i 1 \ ToThom.\sOdyh.\m, a chaplain, for per- InomanUdyham.t . ■ i i r ' forming Divine service in the chapel of the King's manor of Eltham daily, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3G8 T , r, \ To John Stanpyt, clerk of the King's John ibtaiijjyt. j- . . " ' engineers. In money received by him by his own hands of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, for his office Whereof ... He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer 368 account. TT7- . rr'7 , ^ To Walter Whythors, valet of the Walter IMiythors. V ,. , , , ,, , Z t i ' Kmgs household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1368 To the same Walter, doorkeeper of the free eliapel of Saint Georije, at Windsor, to whom the Lord the King, bv 44 EDWARD 111 101 his letters patent, lately granted I2d. daily, to be received L'- v. il. at the Exchequer during his life, because that the same Lord the King charged the same Walter to carry a wand in the presence of the said Lord the King, before the college of the chapel aforesaid, in processions on the feast-days, when the said Lord the King personally should be there; and that the same Walter miglit be able more easily to sup- port that charge. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past unto the last day of March next following, for 182 days, both days inclusive, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term •.) 2 }To the Priorkss of Chf.sthiint. In money dehvered to her by the hands oi John Querneby, in discharge of 10/. which the Lord the King commaiuled to be paid to her, of his gift in aid of her support and of her convent, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 10 o '"• ^'- <, J „ J ;;l To Sir Alan deBuxhull, Knight, to Alan de liuxhuU. t ^ . '^ ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50/. payable to him for tliis his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 50 rj 7 ni I I \ To Hugh Ellekbek, valet, to whom Hugh Lllerbck. \ ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted (hi. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same allowance— to wit, from the •24th day of October last past unto the 1 5th day of April next following, 102 ISSUE ROLL, for 173 days, each day included, by his writ oi Liberate, £. *. d. amongst the mandates of this Term 4 6 6 f / A" / I '^° John Nicole, keeper of the great clock ■' of the Lord the King, within the Palace at Westminster, taking per day Gd. for his wages for the cus- tody of the clock aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 24th day of October last past unto the 11th day of January next follow- ing, for 80 days, each day included, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 oj I TT' ^^- J 1 To Stephen Watford, valet of the (Stephen n afford. \ ^. ' King's kitchen, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 4 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 26*. 8rf. pay- able to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 168 T> L i TT' I ) To Robert Wade, one of the King's Robert nade.Y . ° ' carters, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In monry delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 To Simon de Bukenham, valet, to whom the Simon de 1 -^^^^ j,^^ j^j^^ r j^j^ ^^^^^^^ patent, lately bukenham. | , , ■ , ' granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by 44 EDWARD III. 103 him to the same Lord the King. In money dehvcrcd to £. s. d. him, iu discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Zi6era/t', amongst the mandates of this Term .... 2 10 To the Dean and Chapter of The Dean and ChapA ^ , t „ . .i i J. r ■ I ^ > Lincoln. In money to them de- fer of Lincoln. I •' _ ■* livered, in discharge of "200/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of tiic Exche- quer, on the '26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 200 Sum . . . £301 Vos. 2c/. Saturday, the II /A Day of May. Tt h f d K Ih I ^° Robert de Kelby, one of the ' auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, for the third quarter of a year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- chequer 2 10 T r> > 1 To James Palmere, clerk of the great roll James ralmere.t ^ ^ ' of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the third quarter of a year, by the order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 2 10 r>- 7 JIT, I I To Richard de Irlond, the King's liichard de irlond. > " ' surgeon, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service 10-1 ISSUE ROLL. rendered bj' him to the same Lord the King. In money £. •»■• honour to Philippa, late Queen of England, to whom the Lord the King, on the 20th day of January last past, by Ids letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to the same Philippa. In money delivered to her, in discharge of 18*. lie?, payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, ratably from the aforesaid 20th day of January unto the Feast of Easter next following, by wi'it of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 18 11 To Thomas Spygurnel, the King's Esquire, V o / 1 ^"'^ Catherine, his wife, to whom the Lord ■' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during the lives of the aforesaid Thomas and Catherine, for the good services by them rendered to tlie Lord the King. In money delivered to them, in discharge of the 20 marks payable to them for this their allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the man- dates of this Term 1365) AdamdeKmyngtmi] '^° ^°^" °^ Kenyngton, valet, to ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters })atcnt, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 100*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term ... ") 44 EDWARD 111 105 , , r 1 1 To John Lambourn, the King's scr- £• *■ d. John Lambourn. \ ■ t i i t^- ' vant. to whom the Lord the Kinof, by his letters patent, lately granted GO.v. yearly, to be received at the l-lxchequer during his life, tor the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the 30.y. payable to him for tliis his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 110 T 7 ■ TT ) To John de Piry, valet, to whom the John de i trij. \ ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 368 T , , - „ , \ To John Knottyngleye, valet of the John Knottyngleye. \ ' King's hall, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Byde, in discharge of GO*, payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, for Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of th's Term 3 r, r, ,, \ To Henry Cornewaill, valet, to Henry Lornewaiii. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Gd. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good serx'ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the ()th day of October last past unto the second day of February 106 ISSUE ROLL, next following, for 120 days, each day included, by his £. writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 3 Tristram de Lukes. \ i lal To Tristram de Lukes, the King's ilconer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in part payment of the 100*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Terni 2 10 r I c< * \ To John Smart, valet, to whom the Lord the John binart.> ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6rf. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, in part payment of the 4/. \\s. Sd. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by liis writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 16 8 r> J Tr- ?i 1 To Roger de Wyght, valet of the Jtioger de U ygnt. \ ^, ' King's butlery, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 10 HmrijAtte Water. \ > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered bj' him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in part payment of the 50,9. payable to him for this his 44 EDWARD 111 107 allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of £. s. d. Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term .... 200 JohnMocktfng. \ To John Mockyng, the King's falconer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6(/. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 40*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past, unto the 19th day of December next following, for 80 days, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 John Griffith. \ ) archers, in money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 6(/. daily, which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him for his wages, from the feast of Michael- mas last past, unto the 12th day of April next following, for 195 days, each day included, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 417 T , ^, , 1 To Joan, who was the wife of Robert de Joan de Corby. > ' CoKBY, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, at the feasts of Easter and Michaelmas, by equal portions. In money delivered to her, in part payment of the IOOj. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Easter Terra last past, by her writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 John Wodcstok. \ 'T." :'°»^ VVoDESTOK, valet of the ' King's scullery, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 "marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the lOK ISSUE ROLL, King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the £. s. d. 33*. 4d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 1134 Sum .... £66 16*. 5d. Sum of the Week £9,209 5*. Id. Monday, the \?>th Day of May. To Nicholas de Sandwych, boy of the „' 7 "' ^'^\ King-'s bakehouse, to whom the Lord tlie wlas de\ -.t- dirych. J ,. King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term . 1 10 Robert Erithe. \ ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in part payment of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 6 Adam Grome. f To Adam Grome, late valet of the King's kitchen, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\'ice rendered by him (o the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 18/. 5*. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by his writ of Z/j6(;r«/e, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 18 5 , To Nicholas Daubrichecoukt, the King's ... . > valet, to whom the Lord the Kincr, bv his bnchecotirt. J o j letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 G 8 John de Nevill. > . 1 France, prisoner of the Lord the King, within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2*. daily, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his s\ipport, so long as he shall 110 ISSUE ROLL. remain in the prison aforesaid. In money delivered to him, £■ s. d. in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the 12th J day of April last past, unto the '2nd day of May next fol- I lowing, for 21 days, each day included, by his writ current ] of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term, in ' the 43rd year 220 o, . c » ^ 1 To Stephen Scarlet, keeper of the •Stephen iScarlet. \ ^. > r > King's manor of Ruthcrhuyth. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the laundress of the King's napery, within the manor aforesaid — to wit, for the year last past 13 4 To the Rector of the Church The Rector of the Clan ch\ „-r, ^1,^.1 ^D u 1 ,1 i of RUTHERHUYTH, to whom tllB 0/ Hut tier fill yth. j •" Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted ds. 8d. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, by him and his successors, in recompense of the tithes and other profits subtracted from him for certain lands and tenements in his parish, inclosed and an- nexed to the Manor of Rutherhuyth, estimated at the value of two marks, whereof the same King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same rector, and his successors, a certain messuage, with the appurtenances, in the parish of St. Martin's in the Vineyard, to the value of 20*. yearly. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Robert de Marton, in discharge of the 6.$. 8f/. payable to him foi- this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ current of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of Michael- mas Term, in the 33rd year 068 T 1 r> ^ ) To John Portour, valet of the King's Jotin 1 ortotir. > ^ " ' chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord ihe King. In money delivered I 44 EDWARD III. Ill to him, in discharge of the 30*'. payable to him for this his £. s. d. allowance — to wit, from the 2sth day of September last past, unto the '2Gth day of March next following, for 180 days, each day included, by his w rit of this Term ... 1100 Sum .... £34 7s. Od. Tuesday, the hUli Day of May. Edmund Everard ■} J w To Sir Edmund Ever.vrd, Knight, to letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rerldered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in part payment of the 20 marks, for this his allowance — to wit, for Easter Term last past, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 10 '— ,,. , .,-, .,, 1 To W.\LTER Whithors, valet of the }\ alter}} ltithors.\ > King's chamber, sent to York to borrow money from divers abbots, priors, and others, for the King's use. In money paid to him 10 T 7 A, 1 To John Aleyn, clerk of the king's house- John Aleyn. > " ' hold, sent to Kent for the same business. In money paid to him 500 , To Robert de Walton, clerk, and Robert de Walton, I t„„ , tt„, ., .„ i * r u f • , r 1 TT I I John Herlyng, valet of the Kings and Jo/in Herlyng. J ^ " household, sent to Norfolk and Suf- folk, for the like business. In money paid to them . 10 William deMnlshoX '^» ^^'""''" °^- ^^^'^^"°' °"^ "^ ^''^ ' Chamberlains of the receipt of the Exchequer, sent into Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Southampton, 112 ISSUE ROLL, and Wilts, for the same business. In money paid to him, by £. s. it. his own hands, for his wages and expenses 10 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 15th day of September next following. , TT- » T° Robert de Wykford, clerk, Robert de It ykford I , tt ti ,- and Hugh de Bridham.] ^"'^ ".^«" ""^ Bridh.^m, a canon of the King's free chapel of Windsor, sent into Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, for the like busi- ness. In money paid to them 10 To William de Humberston, William de Humber-] ^^^^^^^ ^,,^, W.^lter Tyrell, sent ston, iSenior, and} . ,^r . , , . t ^ ■ Walter Tyrell. '"'•° Warwickshire, Leycestershire, Nottinghamshire, and Derbyshire, for the same business. In money delivered to them . . 10 To Almaick de Shirlond, one of Ahnaick deShirloiuiy ,4^^ g^,.^^g ^f ^j^^ Exchequer, and and n illiam de > , ^ , Rvssebv. ) William de Kysseby, valet of the King's household, sent into Lincoln- shire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire, and Northamptonshire, for the same business. In money de- livered to them 14 To Adam de Hertyngdon, one of the Adam de 1 chamberlains of the receipt, sent into Glou- HertyngdonA ' cestershire, Worcestershire, and Hereford- shire, for the same business. In money paid to him, for his wages 10 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 15th day of September next following. To the Lord the King, in his The Lord the KingJ,,] Chamber, by the hands of Helmyng hix (.chamber. j ■' , • ^ ' Legel. in discharge of "2500 marks. 44 EDWARD IF I. 11.5 delivered to the same Lord the King in the Chamber afore- £■ ^' , ' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Literate, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 2 10 To the same Stephen, keeper of the King's manor of Ruther- huyth, receiving 6rf. daily for his wages in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from tiie 26th day of October last past, unto the last day of April next following, for 187 days, both days included, by his writ current of Privy Seal of Michaelmas Term, in the 36th year 4 13 6 t 114 ISSUE ROLL, To tilt- I'khjk of Norwich. In money £■ ■'•■■ ''• ^ marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 23d day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 66 1 3 4 Sum .... £1500 3s. Gd. Wednesday, the \bth Day of May. ,r 1 iir , /: ,,I To Henry DE Wakefield, keeper Henry de t\ akejield.) '■ j of the wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Philip la Vache, in part payment of 16/. 6*. 8rf. due to the same Philip in the wardrobe afore- said, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, as appears by a bill of the said keeper, indorsed with the under-written sum, by writ of Pri^y Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above . 1168 To the same keeper, by the hands of Thomas de Faryntlon, in discharge of 6/. 3j. 6c/. due to the same Thomas in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself and his archers in the war, as appears by a bill of tlie said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by his writ of Privy Seal, amoi.gst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of the same keeper, as above 636 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To the same keeper. In money delivered to him, bv the hands of William de Denton his clerk, for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, as above . . 333 (j y Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. -II KDWAIJI) III II-'' To Casimis Fa I' con kr, valet, to wliom £. t'dxiniix Fdiicoiier. [ , , , , ... , , . , ' the Lord the King, by ins letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Lynot, in part payment of lOO.c deli- vered to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 To Master Korert le Vynour, head gar- Master Itobern ^j^^^^^ ^,. ^j^^ j^^^^^ ,i^^ ^. ^^ ^^.^^^^^ ^,^^ le r ijnour. ( " ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted I2d. daily, to be received at the E.xchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his said allowance — to wit, from the 1st day of February last past, unto the 1st day of April next following, for 60 days, both days included, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the nwndates of Michaelmas Term, in the 38th year .3 Henry de Wakefehl.} To Henkv de Wakefield, keeper of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Robert de Whitbcrgh, almoner of the Lord the King. In money received by the same Robert of John de Thorp, keeper of the King's Exchange, in the Tower of London, for his office, by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 50 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. John dc Chaslelnan. \ '^^ ^''' "^«"^ °^ Chastelnan, Knight, ' sent as a messenger from the Lord the King to Cherburgh, in Normandy, with letters directed to the King of Navarre. In money delivered to him for I 2 116 ISSUE ROLL, his expenses, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst tlie mandatos £. s. d. of this Term ." 20 Whereof. . . lie will answer. — Dehvered in the account at the Exchequer. TT 1 c, 1 1 To Sir Hugh Stoke, Knight, in lil^e Hugh tStoke. \ ... ' manner sent as a messenger m the retmue of the said John to the same King of Navan-e. In money delivered to him for his expenses, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 13 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. D . . r> 1 To Ralph Barre, valet, sent in the retinue Kalpli Barre. \ I of the same John and Hugh, for the like business. In money delivered to him for his expenses, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . 10 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer, the 1 8th day of April, in the 45th year. To Master John de Shepey, clerk, sent to , c,, > Flanders upon secret business for the Lord de bhepey. I ^ ■' the King. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his expenses, by writ of Prix-y Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 33 6 8 Whereof . . . He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Exchequer, roll 44 in the roll of accounts. Aj J -n 1 To Adam de Bury, citizen of London, Adam de liury. \ ) sent in the retinue of the said John upon the same business. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his expenses, by w'rit of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 33 G 8 Whereof... He will answer — and lie answers thereibre in his account at the Exchequer, roll ir> in the roll of accounts. 44 EDWARD III 117 , , , ™, I To John dk Tmornfton, keeper of £'■ s. d. John de Ihonxeton. > ' the private wardrobe of the Lord the King within the palace of Westminster, to whom the Lord the Kiufj, by his letters patent, lately granted 8(/. daily, as well for his wages in the office aforesaid, as for the wages of a boy attendant upon him in the aforesaid office. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the 1st day of October last past, unto the 8th day of January next following, for 120 days, counting each day, by his writ current of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 37th year . . 4 To the same John, to whom the Lord the King, by his let- ters patent, lately granted lOO.f. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.y. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Z«i6efa/p, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . . 2 10 T T> ii\ To James Russell, of Pontieu, to whom James Russell. > ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted V2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the 30th day of January last past, unto the 19th day of April next following, for 80 days, each day included, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 400 To William de Gunthorp, treasurer of the r^ ., \ Town of Calais, by the hands of John de (jrunthorp. j _ •' ' Neuwerk. In money delivered to the same John, by his own hands, for making a certain bastion at Graylyngwatre, by w rit of Liberate, of the said William, as above G6 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. 118 ISSUE ROLL. To Stephen Atte Meussu, cliief smith £. *. d. Stephen Atte 1 ^,. ^,^^ ^01(1 the King, within the Tower of Merss/i. I " ' Loiiclon, taking daily 8f/. for his wages in the oflBce aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st day of Octo- ber last past, unto the 28th day of January next following, for 120 days, counting each day, by his writ current of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 36th year 400 T , r ) To John Jace, Lord of Gomenv, to whom John Jace. > ■' > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 200 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King; and also for the liege homage done by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 200 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 13368 A J I 13 jj? i\ To Andrew DE Retford, a messenger Andrew de lietford. > . > o ' sent with a letter of Pri\"v Seal, directed to the Karl of Salisbury. In money delivered to him for his expenses 13 4 Robert BurgeyA To RoBERT BuRGEYS, a courier sent to ' Oxford with letters of Privy Seal directed to various persons to borrow money for the King's use. In money delivered to him lor his expenses 8 4 TIT.,,. , , To \VlLLI.\M DE \OTYNGHAM, the King's n ill mm (le\ , , , x , , t^. , ; NotiinghnmA "'^"''"^' *° '''•*""" *•'<" '^"'"'^ ^^^ ^'"g- ^y Ins letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to l)e received at the Exchequer during his life, tor the good servile rcndcMcil by liini to llic same l,oid llic Kiiirr. In 44 EDWAlil) III 119 money ili'livcri'd to liini, in ilisc-liai- Kniffht, and John Haukyn, the and John Haukyn. ( , •' King's serjeant-at-arms. In money received by them from the same Collectors in the Port of Saint Botolph, for payment of the seamen's wages in the Port afore- said, as appears by the duplicate part of a certain indenture made between the same Nicholas, John, and the said Collectors, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ, as above '21 Whereof. . . He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. . To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Wakefield, j ^'"^'^ wardrobe, by the hands of Adam Assh. In money received by tlie same Adam from the Collectors of the KiiigV Customs and Subsidies in 41 EDWARD III. I -2 1 the Port of Saint Botolph, to provide fish for the use of £. s. d. tlic King's household, as appears by the duplicate part of a certain indenture made between the same Adam and the said Collectors, remaining in the Hanapcr of this Term, by writ of Liiera/e, of the said keeper, as above . . . 150 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. T , w I To John Lego, valet, to whom the Lord the John Legg. > . ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. j'carly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King, or until otherwise he should be provided for in his estate. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term, in the 43d year, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term '2 10 To the same John. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the feast of Michaelmas last past, unto the 8th day of February next following, on which day the same Lord the King granted to the same John 12f^ daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 1 12 6 To the same John, the King's serjeant-at-arms, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, granted on the 8th day of February last past I2d, daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the aforesaid 8th day of February, unto the last day of March next following, for 51 days, both days included, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 2 110 Gerard deRadestock] ^^"^ _^" Gerard de Radestock, J Knight, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 30/. yearly, to be 122 ISSUE ROLL, received at tlie Excliequer during his life, for the good ser- £. s. d. vice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money dehvered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of the 75/. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term, in the 4'2nd year, and Michaelmas and Ea=ter Terms, in the 43d and 44th years, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 75 Adam de Hertyngdon. \ To Adam de Hertyngdon, clerk of the works of the Lord the King, at Wyndesore Castle. In money received by him from the Abbot of Tewkesbury for the same works, by his writ of Liberate, as above 40 Whereof. . .He will answer— and he answers therefore in his account, as above. „7i- J T , 1 To Philip de Langeton, a seaman, Phiiij) de Langeton. \ ' i to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli\crcd to him, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the 10th day of December last past, unto the 18th day of May next following, for 160 days, each day included, by his writ of L«6era/e, amongst the mandates of this Term ... '200 TT ; /-, „1 To Henry de Cornewayll, valet, Henry deLornewoyll.S ^' ) to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Or/, daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of liis same allovv'ance — to wit, from the 3d day of February last past, unto the 11th day of May next following, for 98 days, each day included. l)y his writ of L/finrt/c. amongst the mandates of this Term ... 290 n KDWAIil) III l-2.'3 -. , „ . I To IIknuv UK Sneytii, clftk of tlu- £. a. d. Jli'iin/de biitylh.] ' crrcat wanlrono ot the LiOnl the King, by the hands of Richard de Cliesthunt, for cloth purchased from the same Richard for the King's use, by his writ of Liberate, of the said clerk, as al)ove .O 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer — and lie answers therefore in his account, as above. , , , 1 To .John Li-gc, the King's serjeant-at-arms, John Legs. \ , f rr., i ' sent from the mouth ol the I hames unto the Port of Lyme, to retain ships for the passage of the Duke of Lancaster and Walter Iluet to Gascony. In money de- livered to him for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of M ichaelmas Term last past . . 5 WiiEKEOK. . .He will answer. , , „ 1 To JoH.v B.\SYNGESj the King's serieant- Jonn liaxyiigrs. > o .• ' at-arms, sent from the mouth of the Thames to the Port of Kyngeston-upon-HuU, to retain ships for the same passage. In money dehvered to him for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above .... 500 Whekeok. . .He will answer. , T I To James Lyouns, the King's serjeant-at- Jitmes Lyouns.) '' '' I arms, sent to the Port of Kyngeston-upon- HuU, and from thence by the sea coast to Newcastle-upon- Tyne for the same business. In money delivered to him for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . . 6 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. r I c, \ To John Sampson, valet, sent from the John Sampson. \ > Ports of the Towns of Bristoll, Ipswich, and by the river Severn, for the like business. In money delivered to him for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 500 Whereof. . .He will answx-r. — Delivered in the account at tlic Kxchequcr. 124 ISSUE ROLL, To John Ptle and Robert DF. York, sent £. -f- d. John Pyleand] ,^ ^,^^^ p^^^^ ^^ j,^^ .p^^.,^ ^^■ Bristdl and lioOert 1 ork. | •' Ipswich aforesaid, and to the river Severn, for the same business. In money delivered to them for tlieir expenses, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . 6 13 4 Whereof. . .They will answer. — Delivered in the account at tlie Exchequer. To Hugh Cheyne, Thom.\s Beau- , P /-, " .' I peny, Eust.\ch FoLEViLL, and John his Lomjmmons. j •' CoLYNGBURN, sent from the Port of Weymouth along the sea coast unto Moiishole in Cornwall, for the same business. In money delivered to them for tlieir expenses, by general writ, as above 6 13 4 Whereof. . .They will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. To Walter de Wodeburgh, the King's ,,,-,, , [ serjeant-at-arms, sent from the Port of Hodeourgh.t ■' ' Ipswich throughout Wales, for the same business. la money delivered to him for his wages, by general writ, as above 500 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the E.xchequer. To the same Walter. In money delivered to him for pay- ment of the seamen's wages, in Wales, going in the King's service to Plymoutli, by general writ, as above . . . 20 Whereof. . . He will answer. „. , ] „f 1 To Richard Morwey, servant, of the Kicliard Morwey. \ ) Townof Bristol!, sent throughout North and West Wales to retain ships for the said voyage. In money delivered to liim, by the hands of Richard Heinham, for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . 3 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the l^lxchoqucr. 44 F:DWARD 111. 12') Andreic Piers. \ . ,. t^ . r, . i- , i » commission of rnvy oi-iil directed to tlie Lord do Morley. lii money delivered to liiiu for his wages . 10 To Andkkw de Retford, a messenger, sent Andrew de ) ^^ Norfolk with a commission, and a letter lietford. I , , . ,.,,,,, ' of Privy Seal dn-ected to the Lord de Mor- ley, and another commission and letter directed to John Haukyn, the King's serjeant-at-arms. In money delivered to him for his expenses 10 r , r, , , 1 To John Bulwyk, late one of the chaii- Jo/tn Btihnjk. \ ) lains of Philijipa, the late Queen of Eng- land. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in advance for his salary 200 Whereof. . .He will answer. To TnoM.vs DE Wapplyngton, one of the ,,'. ',''', > Collectors of the King's Customs and Suh- }\ upplyngton.i ... ^ •* sidies in the Port of Kyngeston-upon-HuU. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the expenses by him incurred about the carriage and safe conduct of 3000 marks of the King's money, arising from the same Customs and Subsidies, between the feast of the Nativity of our Lord, and the feast of Easter, in the 44th year — to wit, from the said town of Kingston-upon-HuU unto London, by the order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the E.xchequer 6 13 4 ITo John de la Chaumbre, and Thomas de Wapplyngton, late Col- lectors of the Kings Customs and Subsidies in the Port of Newcastle- upon-Tyne. In money delivered to them of the King's gift as a reward for the assiduous labour and fidelity be- stowed by them in collecting the King's money arising 1-2G ISSUE ROLL. from the same Customs and Subsidies — to wit, between the £. s. feast of Michaehnas, in tlie 43d year, and the feast of Easter then next following, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 3 6 To divers Clerks of the Chancery, C/«7t-.v of Ihc \ j^.^^j ^^ ^^j^^ letters, to be sent to all (chancery. ( ' parts of England, as well to borrow money for the King, as to all Sheriffs, Escheators, and others, the King's Bailiff's, and Ministers, not to allow any tally or letters patent to be assigned to them, but all moneys arising from the issues of their ofBces wholly to be paid at the receipt of the Exchequer for all urgent affairs, especially concerning the same Lord the King and the realm of Eng- land. In money delivered to them of the King's gift as a reward for their labour 10 To divers Messengers and Couriers, r, ^. ' \ sent to all parts of England with writs Louriers. j ^ " . ^ ' of Great Seal and letters of Privy Seal directed to the Sheriffs, Escheators, Mayors, Bailiffs, Con- stables, and divers others the King's officers, to make pro- clamation that all men at arms and archers who wish to be conveyed beyond seas in the retinue of Robert de Knolles and other faithful persons of the Lord the King, in the King's service, shall equip themselves, and hasten to South- ampton, at the Kincr's charge. In money delivered to them for their wages, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 2 8 Sum .... £2251 10.*-. 6(/. Thiir.s-ihn/. //ir \(il/i Day of May Gerard de la Hayth To Sir Gkkard de la Hayth, Knight, Lord of Boutrissem, to 44 EDWARD Hi. J 27 whom till- Lord ttic Kiiij;. by lii'* letters j)alent, lati-ly £. ,v. d. granted 100 marks yearly, to be received at the Kxehequer duriiior his life, for the liege homage done by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Sir Jolin de Hamme, Knight, in discharge of the 50 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates ofthisTerm 3.3 6 8 , , , ,, 1 To Sir John de Hammk, Kniirlit, Lord Jo/in de Hah \ To Sii ■^ of lie lockenzele, to whom the Lord the King, on the '.)th day of July last past, by his letters patent, lately granted /30 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, or until otherwise he shall be provided for in his estate. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 71. Zs. Ad. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, ratably, from the aforesaid 9th day of July, unto the feast of Michaelmas next following, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . 7 3 4 To the same John. In money deli\ered to him, in discharge of the 2.5 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of Privy Seal, stated in the foregoing particular IG 13 4 , ,11- ,, ) To Arnold Kessei.t, the Kingr's ser- Aniotd Krwi'/I. f & ' jeant at arms, to whom the Lord the King, on the 10th day of October last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 12f/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, or until otherwise he shall be pro- vided for in his estate. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the aforesaid loth day of October last past imto the ISth day of May next following, for 220 days, each day included, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . .110 128 ISSUE ROLL, r, T , ^r 1 \ To Sir John Lord DE Lecke, Knight, £. .y. d. John Lord of Lecke. f , . * ' to whom the Lord the King, on the 8th clay of October last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 200 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered and hereafter to be rendered by him to the same Lord the King, and for the Uege homage done by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Arnald Kesselt, in discharge of the 72/. I7s.2d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, ratably from the aforesaid 8th day of October unto the feast of Easter next following, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Terra . . ■ 72 17 2 r , c< \ To John Stygan, a messenger of the Kinff's John iitygati. > ,, , . ' chamber, sent on the 16th day of May with 5 letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Lincoln, the Earl of Danegos, the Bishop of Durham, the Lord de Nevill, and Lord de Clifford. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his expenses 2 , , ,, , 1 To John March, valet, sent the same day John March. \ ^-r.. ^ . ,■ , , ' with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Earl of Salisbury. In money delivered to him, for his expenses „. Tr ,F I I To Simon Holbbok, valet, sent on the Simon Holbrok. ^ 13 4 ITo ' 17t th day of May with a letter of l'ri\"y Seal directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury. In money delivered to him for his expenses 2 T> I 1 o f,\ To Ralph SwYFT, courier, sent on the 17th ' of May with two letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Ely and the Earl of Suffolk. In money delivered to him for his expenses 8 , , ■ r, , 1 To John de Freston. of the parish of John de brcston. \ ' ' St. Clement, of London, sent with 11 i;i)\\ \i;i) III. ij'.t loiters of Pi-ivy Seal, directed to Thomas do Musorrave, £. v. (/. Lord of Nevill, and Alan dc lleton. In money delivered to him lor his expenses HI S y,, , n , \ To Ai.AN ni; Barlk, a messenger, sent with yj/an lie Bnrlc. > " ' letters directed to Lord dc Cherleton, Lord Lestraiiiige, and the Bishop of Worcester. In money delivered to him for his expenses U lb S /^•)7 , If J \ To Gilbert Wade, valet, sent nith a ' letter of Privy Seal, directed to Luke de Ponynges. In money delivered to him for his expenses . G S ii-if f^ JT 1 To William Griffon, sent «itli letters, \] III mm lirijjoti. \ , , ) directed to Guido de Hryenn and John Montague. In money delivered to him for his expenses . .T 4 I To Simon IIolukok, valet, sent with a ' letter of Privy Seal, directed to the II of Oxford. In money delivered to him for his expenses Simoit Holhrok. ' letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Earl , , ,r , 1 To John Helgey de Norwich, sent John Helgey. j- ' with 4 letters of Privy Seal, directed to the bailiffs of the town of Norwich, the bailiffs of the town of Lenn, the bailiffs of the town of Ipswich, and the bailiffs of the town of Yarmouth. In money paid to him for his expenses 100 r> V ti \ To Roger Knolles, valet, sent with a Roger KnoUes. \ i letter of Privy Seal, directed to the men of the town of Salisbury. In money delivered to him for his expenses 068 f h r // I '^*' John Crull, of the parish of St. Cle- ' ment, London, sent with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the sheriff of Lincoln, the mayors and 130 ISSUE ROLL, bailiffs of the towns of Saint Botulph, of Barton-upon-Hum- £. -i. d. bcr, of Beverley, of Lincoln, of Kingston-iipon-IIull, of York, and of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In money delivered to him for his expenses 1 fi ■'^ To Edward Pkince of Wales and r, . rut \ Aquitain, bv the hands of Walter Irincc Of II (ilrs.i ^ ' 1 1 net, banneret, going to Gascony, there remaining in the King's service, with 200 men at arms and 300 archers, whereof to the same Walter 8*. per day, 30 knights each at 3*. per day, 170 men at arms each at 2*, per day, and 300 archers each at \2d. per day. In money delivered to the same Walter, by the hands of William Fulbourne, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers aforesaid, in the war, and a rewai'd for half the year, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term 479 Whereof . . . He will answer. }To Sir Reginald de Bret Knight, and Lord de Penopyn, aniljassador on behalf of the To Sir Reginald de Bretherthorp, coming as Duke de Gelrye and the Duke de Aubert, for the price of one basin, silver gilt and enamelled, weighing bj' the goldsmiths' weight 7As. 2d. with one ewer to match the same, weighing by the same weight 78,v., delivered to the same Reginald out of the Treasury with 25 marks in gold nobles, which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to him of his gift, by his writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 16 13 1 7 ( ^1, iir . 1 To Sir John Atte Wode, Knijjht, John Atte M ode.> ' » ' ' sent on secret business of the Lord the King, to Brabant. In money delivered to him for his wages, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 20 WiiEREOi'. . .He «ill answer — and he answers therefore in 44 RDWAIH) ill 131 liis acpoiinl at tin- l'>x('lipquor, roll i:^> in I lie roll ol' £. v. (/. arcoiiiits. M, To Master Roiskkt de W'YKi-OKD.clcrk, Mfi\ltr Rohcrl] . • .1 .• po r u /■ //' /•/■ / I ^*^' '" retinue ot the same John, upon the same business. In money delivered to liini for iiis wages, by «rit of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 20 ^^ HKKEOF. . .lie will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Exchequer, roll 13 in the roll of accounts. 1 ^° Gkrard de Vessyngham, a Knight T- I > of Flanders. In money delivered to f essyjignam. j •' him by his own hands, in advance on a certain yearly allowance which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same Gerard, to be received at the Exchequer during his life 10 Wheueof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the E.vchequer. To Gerard de Raddestoke, a Knight Gerard de ] ^ r^ i i i- i . i • Raddestoke. \ Germany. In money delivered to him •' by his own hands, in discharge of '25 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him, of hi.s gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term IG 13 4 , To Bernard de Saint John. In money Bernard (/c I , ,• i • i • i i • i i • i- ' c • i r ; I delivered to him by Ins own hands, in dis- oaint John. J •' charge of 40/. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him, of his gift in recompense of a ship which the same Bernard lost in the service of the same King, in the retinue of Ralph Barry, in going to Normandy, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . 10 . To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper of tlie ij- K f'-,/ 1 \ wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for the 13-2 ISSUE ROLL, expenses of the King's houscholcl, by liis writ of Liberate, £■ s. tl. as above " 200 Whereof. . .Ho will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To Richard the parchment- liichard the parchment -\ i r- x- t , ,.\, , > maker of Newerk. In money maker Of i\cu-erk. "^ delivered to him by the hands of John Capon, for 50 dozen of parchment, price the dozen 2.i. lOcL, purchased from him for the King's use, as well for the expenses of the Privy Seal as for the receipt and office of Remembrancer of the Exchequer 7 1 S Sum .... £949 2*. 6cl. Friday, the 17 th Day of May. Adam de 1 igdoH. I "^ Hertyn To Adam de Hertyngdon, clerk of the vorks of the Lord the King, at Windsor Castle. In money delivered to him for the same works 8 3 1 H Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To William de Gunthorp, treasurer of the ^ ', I town of Calais, by the hand of John de Xe'i- (jruntnorp. ( ^ ' werk. In money delivered to the same John tor making a certain bastion at Graylyngwatre, by w rit of Liberate of the said William, as above 60 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To John OK II VYTKiKLD. clerk. In money ,, , ,. , I I received by iiini of John Dane, clerk of John Jlaytjietd. i I de liernes, one of tlie C'lillectors of the Kind's 44 EDWARD III. 133 C'lisloHis ;iiiil Siihsidics in tlu' Port of London, for payment £■ ■"■ J. of the scainiMis wages in tlio King's ships, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 100 Whkkkof. . .lie will answer — and he answers therefoic in his account, as above. T 1 tr I 1 To John Mahciik, valet, sent wltli a letter Joint iMdrc/ic. )■ I ,, , ' of Privy Seal directed to Hugh JMsloll'. In nionev delivered to him for his expenses G 8 To John dp: Hkkvnoham, valet, of the i.'j" ' J i Parish of St. Bartholomew, London, sent hekyiifihamA -, , , > with letters of Privy Seal directed to the Bishop of Rochester, to the Bishop and Bailiffs of the Town of Chichester, and the SheritVof Kent. In money delivered to him for his expenses 10 ,r n^ I To Henrv Tkover, a Knight of Ger- Jli'ttn/ I rover. > . ^ _ ' many. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of 100 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal of this Term GG l.'i 4 To Esperon de FofNTEioNEs, valet to ^, ' . \ the Countess of Bcdeford. In money de- •' livered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of 10 marks which the Lord the King com- manded to be paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term G 1;{ 4 „ , /> w 1 lo Henry de R.\ther, a Knight of llciin/ de luillicr. ■ ^ ' Germany. In money delivered to him, by his own iiands, in discharge of 40/. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 40 134 ISSUE ROLL, ToWn.i.iAM, the RF.cTouof the £. x. d. D'llliiim, Rector of (he 1 ,-, „ r, „ . . ^ ,,, , ^ n, , •' > Church of Blachyngton, sent ( linrchof hlacliyngton. ( •' to the northern parts with letters of Privy Seal directed to divers abbots, priors, and otlier men, to borrow money for the King's use. In money deli- vered to him, by his own hands, for his expenses ... 100 To Thomas Pay, a courier, sent with a L'tter of Privy Seal directed to the abbot of Bury. In money delivered to him for his expenses . . 3 4 Thomas Pay. \ ■' \ let Ti' 7j rr ^ 1 To Sir Walter Huet, Knight, to whom If alter Huet. > ^_ . ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 500 marks annually, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, at the Terms of the Nativity of our Lord, and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, by equal portions ; and afterwards on the 27th day of July, in the 40th year, by other his letters patent, the same Lord tlie King granted that the 13/. which the same Walter was bound to render to the same Lord the King for the custody of the Islands of Jersey, Gurnsey, Serk, and Alderney, and other Islands adjoining the same, should be allowed to tlie aforesaid Walter, in part payment of the 500 marks yearly, so granted to him by the same King during his life; and that the residue of the 200 marks annually should be paid at the Exchequer to the same Walter at the Terms aforesaid, as in the King's letters patent thereof made more fully is contained. In money paid to the same Walter — to wit, in discharge of the same 200 marks yearly, to wit, for the Term of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, in the 43d year, and the Term of the Nativity of our Lord, in the 44th year, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of INIichaelmas Term last past . . 133 G 8 To Elizabeth de IIolande, bastard Elizabeth tie 1 ^j^,^,|. ^,. pi,iii ,1,,, i-it^. Q„^.e„ of Eng- J land, to whom the Lord the Kuig, by his 44 EDWARD 111. 135 litters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at £. ?■ King's chamber, sent to the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and from thence by the sea-coast unto the mouth of the Thames to retain shipping for the passage of Robert de Knolles to Normandy, and to hasten and bring them to Southampton. In money paid to him for his ex- penses, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . . . 10 (^ Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. To Bernard de Saint John, Bernard de Saint Joint, \ , ,„,, ^„^, y , , r , ,, , } and John Cok. In money de- un(l John Lok. ' livered to them, by their own hands, for payment of the seamen's wages in the Islands of Gurnsey and Jersey, proceeding to Normandy for the passage of Robert de Knolles, by general writ of Pri\ v Seal, as above ;3S 1'5 I Whereof. . .They will answer. — Afterwards they restored the above-written s\mi, as appears in the Pell of the I5th day of September next following. ,, ,, , ,^ ,; { To Wll.1,1 AM Dl, (il'NTllOltP, Irca- H i/liani deunnt/iorji.} ' surer of liie town of Calais, b\ ihe II i:i)\v.\ui) III. 13" hands of Sir W'illiiim (If I loo. Kiiijilit. In money il<"livcrcil £. .v. il. the siinio \\'illi;iiii. l)y liis own hands, for his wages whilst he remained in the King's service at Calais, by writ of Li/jc- ;•«/<', of the said VViliiani, as above lO () VViiKREOF. . .He will answer- — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To the same William, by the hands of Sir Godfrey de Roos, Knight. In money paid to the same Godfrey for his wages whilst he remained in the King's service in the parts afore- said, by writ of L/iwft/f, of the said William, as above . 20 Whkrkok. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. r 1 jT 1 I 'I'o John II.\rKVN, the King's serjeant-at- Jokii Hauki/n. /■ . ' arms, sent from the mouth of the Thames along the sea-coast to Yarmouth and Lenn, there to retain shipping, to hasten and bring them to Soutliampion for the passage of liobert de Knolles to Normandy. In money delivered to liim for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 6 I .'3 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. Sum £275 6.y. 8f/. Sum of the Week . . £5,442 17.v. Z^rf. Monday, the •20fk Day of May. . , I n ,i- I ] To Andrew de Retkord, a messen- Aiidreu- de lietjord. ) ger sent with writs of Great Seal and letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishops of St. Asaph, Landattj Bangor, Saint David's, Coventry and Litchfield, Worcester and Hereford, to certify the names of the Collectors in their dioceses of the triennial tenth granted from the clergy to the King, in the 44th year ; and that the tenth in their dioceses aforesaid wholly shall be ])ai(l at the receipt of the E.xchequer without allowance. Viy tallies to be made for the 138 ISSUE ROLL, assignment of the same tontli ; and also «ilh letters of Privy £. .y. Seal, directed to the Mayors and Bailiffs of the towns of Leicester, Coventry, Northampton, and Shrewsbury, to borrow and contract for money, for the King's use. In money paid to him, by his ow n liands, for his expenses . 1 6 rir-n- T i 1 To WiLLiAM Tench, of the parish of ntlliam lencn. >• . *. . ) Saint Clement, London, sent with writs of the Great Seal and letters of Privy Seal directed to the Bishop of Salisbury, and Bishop of Bath and Wells, or their deputies, to certify the names of the Collectors of the tenth, and that the tenth in their dioceses wholly shall be paid at the receipt of the Exchequer without allowance, by tallies to be made assignable for the same tenth ; and also with letters of Privy Seal directed to the Mayors and Bailiffs of the town of Winchester, and Bailiffs of the town of Bristol, to borrow and contract for money for the King's use. In money paid to him for his expenses IG Sum .... £2 3*. 4(/. Tuesday, the 21x1 Day of May. ,,r . TT ., 1 To Sir W.VLTEK HuwKTT, Knicrht. for n alter lluuett. > . . , » ' divers tallies levied on this day con- taining 637/. delivered to the same Walter, by his own hands, for the wages in the war of 20 men at arms and 30 archers remaining for the protection of the castles of Cornet Curry and tower of Beauregard, in the islands of Gurnsey and Jersey, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 037 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. To divers Messengeks and Couriers Divers Mesxengers \ . m ■, c ,\ r-^ o i , r> ■ \ ^*'""' "'•'' "'"''^ of (he Great Seal and and Couriers. i I letters of Privy Seal directed to the 11 KDWAlJll 111. 130 Arclihisliop ol' ^'l)l•k. nishojis of Carlisle. Diiiliani, and i'. v. d. ])islu>j) of Linoolii, to certify within their dioceses the names of the Collectors of tiic triennial tenth granted from the clergy to the King, in the 44th year ; and thai tlie tenth in their dioceses aforesaid wholly shall be paid at the receipt of the Exchequer without allowance, by tallies to be made assiojnable for the same tenth ; also with ^vrits from the great Exchequer directed to the Collectors of the King's Customs and Subsidies in divers Ports of England, to deliver the Cocket at the Exchequer until otherwise it shall be ordered for the conveying of wools ; also with writs of Privy Seal directed to all SlicritVs and Escheators of England. In money delivered to them, by the hands of John Bray, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term '2 13 8 Sum .... £G39 I3,s-. S(/. Wednesday, the 2'2d Day of Mai/. Walti r I hi int. \ To Sir Walter Huwet, Knight. In money delivered to him, by the hands of \N'illiani de Bukkebrigge, clerk, in discharge of 1000^. wliicli he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, by restitution of divers tallies — to wit, on the I Sill day of February last past, by the restitution of 2 tallies, 30(V. ; on the '20th day of February then next following, by restitution of 3 tallies, 300/.; and on the 21st day of May last past, by restitution of 2 tallies, 400/., as appears in the roll of the receipt of the same days 1000 }To the PuioK of Worcester. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 100 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exche (jrasconv, there Lianca.ner. | ... To John, Duke of Lancaster, going to remaining in the King's service with 300 men at arms and 500 archers, whereof to the same Duke 26*. Sd. per day, 3 bannerets, each at 8*. per day, SO knights, each at 4*. per day, 216 men at arms, each at 2*. per day, and 500 archers, each at 12f/. per day, by one tally raised this day in the name of John Foucher, farmer, of the castle and honour of High Peak, containing 120/. delivered to the same Duke, by the hands of William Bukkebrugge and Godfrey de Foljambe, for the wages of himself, and his men at arms and archers aforesaid in the war, and as a reward for half a year, by writ of Privy Seal of this Term 1 20 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in liis account, as above. Sum .... £1,226 13* 4(/. Fn'dai/. till' 'lAth Day of May. To the Abbot of Saint James", '/'//(■ .Uihot of Saint l »- , , ,- , . A- ;, , >. .NORTHAMPTON. In money deli- Jamcx , Aoil/iaiiijjtoii. [ ■ J \erod to him. in disdiarge of the 20/. whicli he lent to tlie Lord tlie King at the receipt of the Excliequci-, on the 2Gth day of .March last past, as appears in llic roll of ivccipts of the -iiine day 20 n Kl)\\ AKl) 111 141 ,,. , , ,, , I To Wm.ti'.k i>k Ili-M.i V, tlio Kiiiii's £. v. (/. // (iller ill' Ilcii/n/. / , m ' serjeant-at-arms, sent to Plymouth as well with letters of Privy Seal directed to Ciuido de |}ryenn concerning the passage of Walter de Iluet to Gascony as to retain ships for the passage of the said Walter to the same parts. In money delivered to him, by his own hand, for his wages and expenses going to the parts aforesaid, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 3G8 Sum .... £'23 6s: 8il. Saturday, tin' 2r)th Day of May. J To Edward Princk ok Wales and Edu-nrd I ^^^„^^,5,^ by the hands of Walter I'nnrc of }} ales.] •' . Huwct, banneret, going to Gascony, there remaining in tlie King's service, with 200 men at arms anil 300 archers, whereof to the same Walter 8s. per day, 30 knights each at 3i-. per day, 170 men at arms each at 2s. per day, and 300 archers each at I2d. per day. In money received by the same Walter of Gaviteron de Barde, of the money of the Earl Dauphin Dauvergne, for the wages of himself and his men at arms and archers afore- said, in the war, and as a reward for half a year, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . . 666 13 4 Whereof. . .lie will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. 1(5. 1 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Tir^"/K.^f, \ wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money n akejield. J • , delivered to him by the hands of William de Denton, his clerk, on the 7th day of June, lor the expenses of the King's household, as above 333 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. 142 ISSUE ROLL, „. „ TT . \ To SiK Walter Hoet, Knight, I*, v. ,/. I) after Jliicl. \ /-. , > ordered to go to Gascony, there to remain in the King's service, with 200 men at arms and 300 archers, for half a year, at the King's expense. In money deUvered to him, in discharge of £1000, which the King commanded to be paid to him, of his gift above his wages aforesaid, in recompense of the cost for himself, his men at arms, and archers of his retinue, remaining in London from the 7th day of April last past unto the 1st day of June next following, awaiting the payment of their wages and the plea- sure of the said Lord the King and his council, during the same time, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 1000 Sum £-2000. Sum of the week . . . £3801. 17*-. Monday, the 27 tk Day of May. ■J To the Lord the King, in his cham- The Lord the Ki)irr,\ , ^ -i, i? i ^r^ n . ,. , , '^ I ber. In money paid to Kobert Crull, in ht.s chamber. J /. , . . clerk of the King's ships, in part payment of 1000 marks which the same Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, lent from the money of his chamber, by the hands of the attorneys of tlic Earl Dauphin Dauvergne, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 300 Robert deSekyndon] '^^ Robert DE Sekyndon, opposer ' oi the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the ofTice aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the bOs. payable to him for this iiis fee — to wit, for the tliird quarter of this year, by the order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Excliequer .... 2 10 41 KDWARD 111. 113 n i/lKim tie n cl/om.> ^ ' ot'tlio ostrciits in tlic same Exchequer, receivinor yearly 10/. for his Ice in tlie office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.v. payable to liini for this his fee — to wit, for the third quarter of this year, by the order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 2 10 T 1 J A I, 1 To John de Appelton, one of the John de Ap2)elton. } ' auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50.y. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the third quarter of this year, by the order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer . "2 10 T I K u * \ '^° Joii.N NoTTE, of the city of London. ' In money delivered to him, in discharge of -10/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, as appeai-s in the roll of the receipts of the same day . . 10 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. To the Abbot of Loutiipark. In money J .1 t \ delivered to liini, in discharge of 20 marks Loutiipark. | ° ' which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 13 6 8 To Laurence de Allerthorp, one of the .,, ., \ auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly ' 10/. for liis fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50j. payable to him fortius his fee — to wit, for the third quarter of this year, by the order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 2 10 O * This marginal line denotes that the entr)' is cancelled on the original roll. 144 ISSUE ROLL, To Edmond Olyvf.u, Geoffrky i^- ■*• ''• E ■> ' the city of London. In money to them delivered, in discharge of 10 marks which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 6134 T , CI 1 To John Seley. In monev delivered to Jo/iii iieley. t > him, in discharge of 100*. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25tli day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 500 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. , To John Aubrey and John W.\rde, John Aubrey and\. ^ ., •» r t i t j T , Tf I I ot tlie citv of London. In money de- Jo/in n ardc. \ •' . . livcrod to them, in discharge of GO/. which they lenl to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said .lohn Aubrey 10/., and the aforesaid ■H KDWAIU) 111. 145 Ji>hn Warclc 20/., as app<>ars in iho roll of receij>ts of tlio £ -v. il. saiuoday '"'<' " Sum .... £IGC i:3.v. 1,/. Tuesday, the '28th Dai/ of May. }To John Piiilippot and William STODEY.ofthe city of London. In money delivered to them, in dis- charge of 40/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the "ioth day of May last past — to wit, the said John 30/. and the aforesaid William 10/., as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . 40 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. To a certain Valet of the King of A certuiv Valet of\ s^o.rLAKD, sent to the Lord the King, •* on behalf of the said King of Scot- land, hrinuing a certain black courser as a gift from the said King of Scotland. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Ilclmyng Leget, in discharge of 40.v. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him, as of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of thi.s Term 2 To a certain Herald of the said A certain Herald oA ^^^^ ^^ Scotland. In money the King of Scotland.] •' ■^ delivered to him, by the hands ot Helmyng Leget, in discharge of 5 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . .3 8 146 ISSUE ROLL, ITo a ciTtain Harpek of the same £■ King of Scotland. In money ,11- delivercd to him, by the hands ot the same Ilelniyng, in disicliargc of 40*. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst tlie mandates of this Term 2 T , 1 rr 1 \ To John de Terlyng. In money Jolin de 1 eiiyng. >• •' ' dchvercd to him for his labour in mea- s\iring and repairing divers cloths restored at the receipt of the Exchequer, by the Executors of the will of John de Delves, in part payment of a certain sum due by the same John to the Lord the King, together with 2(/. paid to William Beaufey for a boat sent from Westminster to London on the King's affairs 1 Sum .... £47 Is: 10 , 1° ^^^^ Prior of Huntyngdon. In ihe Fnor of \ , ,. , ,..,., Huntiinn-dm f '"°"*'y delivered to him, m discharge of ' '201. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . 20 Simon deMor Jen. ^^ Wallewokth, citizens of the and H illiam dc. > IVa/leirorlfi. ' "^''y °f London. In money to them delivered, in discharge of 300/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Ex- chequer, on the 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said Simon 200/. and the aforesaid William 100/., as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 300 44 EDWAliU 111. 117 ,, , , r. , , , I To Ri(-iiAiin Hai.rtede, of tin- £. v. (/. ' city of London. In monoy delivered to him, in discharge of 10 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on tin- ■25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day G134 These two particulars were cancelled, because the tallies by which the assii;nmcnts were made were restored and cancelled with the foil. r ,' , r. , ) To John de Edb-nesore, one of the 1 Remembrancers of the Exchequer, re- ceiving yearly 40 marks for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20 marks payable to him for this his fee — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 868 To J.\MKs Theverbiex, clerk, and JamcsTrcvcrbicnu>id\ r /-i t i T I J r'l r^ > John de Clyfton. In money de- Jchn de Clyfton. | _ • •' •' livercd to them, for payment of the seamen's wages payable at Dartmouth and Plymouth, going for the passage of Walter Huet and his men to Gascony, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 266 13 4 Whereof. . -They will answer. Afterwards they restored the underwritten sum, as appears in the Pell of the 22nd day of September next following. Sum . . . . £601 13j. U. T/nir.uIaij, the 30th Day of Mai/. To RoBEKT Pakys, John Reyner, arys o in\ j^^jj^ Taillour, and William Dy.s, txeyiicr, and thetrf Coinvunmuf. i good men of the city of London. In money delivered to them, in dis- l2 148 ISSUE ROLL charge of 41/. l;5v. 4(^ which they lent to the Lord the £'. s. King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th daj' of March last past — to wit, tlie said Robert 20 marks, the aforesaid John Reyner 10 marks, the said John Taillour 100^. and the aforesaid William Dys 10 marks, as appears in ihe roll of receipts of the same day SI 13 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. To Adam Staple and John Fifede, d ] John Fifede. Adam Staple ami ) ^j. ^j^^^ ^. ^j. London. In money ■' delivered to them, in discharge of 23/. 6.J. 8c/. which they lent to the Lord the King, on the 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said Adam 10/. and the aforesaid John 20 marks, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 23 6 8 „. , T' ,■ „ \ To Walter Kardinall, a messenger, Walter Kardumll. \ ., , ^ _, . ^, ,",. ' sent with a letter ot i'ru'y beal di- rected to Ralph Spiguraoll, Constable of Dover Castle. In money delivered to him fur his wages 3 4 r ,,„ 1 To John Lyghtfote, of London. In John lAishtfote. \ . ,. , , ' money delivered to him, in discharge ot 10/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 10 Sum .... £05 3.S. 4 received by him of the Treasurer and Chamberlains, for the hire of ships from Holand and Zeland, for the passage of Robert KnoUes and his retinue to Normandy, by general writ, as above GO 13 4 WiiiiRF.OF. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at tlie Exchequer. „. , , IT , \ To Walter de Henley-, the King's n alter de Hcnliy. \ o i ' Sergeant-at-arms, sent to Southamp- ton, Devon, and Cornwall, to retain ships for the passage of Robert KnoUes beyond the sea. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his wages, by general writ, as above. 5 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Exclioquor roll of accounts, 49th roll. ,.. , , , ,, 1 To Nicholas DE Praga, valet of the JSichoias dc I'raga.) ) King's household, to whom the Lord 150 ISSUE ROLL, 44 EDWARD III. the King, on tlie Ifti clay of March, in the 43d year, by his £. *. d. letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, as well in discharge of 8s. ll^d. payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, ratably for the said 10 marks yearly, from the aforesaid 4th day of March unto the feast of Easter next following, as in discharge of 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, for Michaelmas and Easter Terms last past, but deducting 10 marks delivered to him in advance — to wit, on the 16th day of May, in the 43d year, 5 marks, and on the 20th day of November last past, 5 marks, by writ of Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 0811^ m. 17. ,7 -1 In money paid for porterage and boatatre I\ecesiaries. > • ^ i o b ' of 6000/. from Westminster to the Tower, there delivered to John de Thorp to make divers payments by order of the Chamberlains 1 Ti/)i- f ; 1 To William Solace, valet, to whom yViUiam Solace. > ' ' ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord thc; King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 50,v. payable to liim for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 10 Sum £228 6*. 7\d. Sum of the Week . . £1,100 4^. 5i(/. AFTKK rilE FEAST OF TlIK HOLY TRIM'IV Monday, I he \Olh Day of June. £. .V. ,L ^,, . .- T> 1 To the AiinoTof Hamksey. Inmoncy Abbot of l\(imrsey. f ■' ' delivered to hiiii, in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Kxchefnicr, on the "iGth day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 100 To a certain Esquire of the Ton certain Enquire 1 ^^^^ ^j. Scotland, for present- of the King of Scotland. | t i . ■' ing to the Lord the King a cer- tain black courser, of the gift of the same King of Scotland. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Helmyiig Leget, in discharge of 10/. which the Lord the King commanded to Ije paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 10 , , J r^ 17 1 To John Guouhghou, Knight, John de Urotihg/iou. \ . ) coming from Prussia to London to treat with the Lord the King for his retention. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of 12 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift in aid of his expenses to return to his own country, by writ of Pri\y Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 800 Joh M h ^ ^° John Marche, valet, sent with letters ' of Privy Seal, directed to the Abbot of St. 152 ISSUE ROLL, Alban's and the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England. £. i. d. In money delivered to liini for his expenses .... 5 U T , T \ To John Lvons. clerk of the Privy Seal of John Lyons. > •' . ' the King of Scotland. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Ilelniyng Leget, in discharge of 10 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, by " rit of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 6 13 4 TT^-i;- n I To William Fox, courier, sent with a Vr lUinm tor. > ' letter of Privy Seal directed to the Prior of Mcrton. In money delivered to him for his wages . . 10 Sum . . . . £1-24 19s. 4d. Tuesday, the Wth Day of June. Abbot of Petcrboroiish. \ "" ) In To the Abbot of Petei wardrobe of the Lord tlie the hands }\ akcjield. I .. ^ • •' of W illiain Boryn, master of the ship called the Godyer, of Hoke. In money delivered to the same Wil- liam for freightage and carriage of corn from Southampton to London, by writ of Liberate of the same keeper, as above 7 To the same keeper, by the hands of John Saltennan, master of the ship called the Catherine, of Iloke. In money delivered to the same John for freightage and carriage of corn from Southampton to London, by writ of Liberate of the same keeper, as above 7 WiiEUEOF. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his iiccount, as above. , , „ , 1 To John Beauchamp, valet of the John Beauchamp. f ,. , ' King's chamber, sent with letters of Privy Seal directed to the Abbot of Gloucester to borrow money for tlie King's use. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John Lucy, for his expenses 2 T I I £•* .a- ; 1 To John de Stafford, a courier, sent John de iitnfford. > ' I with two letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Earl of-Suffolk and Ralph Swyft, on the •27th day of June. In money delivered to him for his wages ... 034 Sum .... £103 IGi-. 8c/. Wednesday, the Vlth Day of June. jS To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the If, /..fill \ King's wardrobe. In money delivered to ' him. by the hands of William de Denton, his 154 ISSUE ROLL, clerk, oil the'Hlh day of June last past, for the expenses of £. s. the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, as above .100 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To the same keeper, by the hands of John Stacy, in dis- charge of 100*. due to the same John in the wardrobe afore- said for providing his horses, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term ; also by writ of Liberate of said keeper, as above .... 50 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his accoiuit, as above. r 1 TIT I ] ToJoHNMARCHE,sent with a letter directed John Murclic. \ I to Robert de Wouburn to come to London concerning certain business of the Lord the King. In money paid to him, by his own hanils, for his expenses . t) (3 ,,,,,, 1 To Robert Burgeys, a courier sent to ixobcrt hurgeys. \ ) Berks with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Abbot of Reading and Abbot of Abingdon. In money delivered to him for his expenses 4 r^ri,- IT I ) To William Hardyng, a messenger William Hardyng.\ _ _ " ' sent into Kent with letters of Privy Seal tlirccted to Sir Stephen Valoynce and Sir John de Cobhani, Knights. In money delivered to him for his expenses 4 Ralph Barn/. I ) fri To Ralph Barry, sent as a messenger om the Lord the King to Chirburgb, in Normandy, with letters directed to the King of Navarre. 1 ii money paid to him for his expenses, by writ of Pri\y Seal. amongst the mandates of this Term 10 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in iho account at the Exchc(iuer the 18th day of .April, in the l.'ith year. ■M EDWARD III. i; ,„, ,, 1 'J'o Thomas Pay, ;i coiii-icr sent to South- £. I nomas i(t>j- f • i-. • . i i- ' iunpton wilh ii k-ttcT ot I'rivy Seal dirocti'd to John Wjtegod. In monoy paid to hhu for his wages IV ill i am Fox. \ ] i-:ss (•) 8 Tt) William Vox, a messenger sent to I'^ssex witli letters of Privy Seal directed to the Abbot of Tylteneye, the Priors of Lose, and of ilayt- (ield. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his wages 068 r> ■ ^ T^i I To the PuiOK of Ely. In money deli- I'rwr of Liy. \ -.-.r. , I vered to him, in discharge of "200 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exehe(pier on the 'i'nh day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 13o > money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the payment of the seamen's wages in the King's ships, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above .... 400 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. J 1 M 7 I "^" John Marche, valet of Westminster, ) sent with letters of Privy Seal and letters of the Lord Chancellor, directed to Lord de Nevill. In money paid to him for his wages 16 8 „ , , p , I To Robert Bekkyng, valet, sent witli tiooerf herkyng. \ ' letters of Privy Seal and letters of the Lord Chancellor, directed to Sir Ralph Poly. Knight, and U EDWAKD III. l:,7 Iliiijhi Fasfolt'. Iti money lU'liviTcd to him fur liis £. x. d. waged 10 Sum .... £873. 0.9. Od. Saturday, the Ibth Day of June. To the good Men of the City of The Men of the City \ ,Tr t „ i r i „,,.', •' \ W ORCESTER. In money dehvered of It orcester. ( . ,. , » ^ to them, in discharge of 100 marks which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the '24th day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipt of that day GG 1.3 •! To John Duke of L.vncaster, for goiny; John Duke ofi ^^ Gascony, there remaining in the King'.s Lancaster, t • , r>n J service with 300 men at arms and 500 archers, whereof to the same Duke '26s. 8d. per day, 3 bannerets, each at Ss. per day, 80 knights, each at 4s. per day, 216 men at arms, each at 2*. per day, and 500 archers, each at I2d. per day, by divers tallies raised on this day, containing 2,'2G0/. 9*. 4cZ., delivered to the same Duke, by the hands of William Bukkcbniggc, for his wages in the war, and as a reward, and for his men at arms and archers aforesaid, for half a year, by writ of Privy Seal of this Term 2260 9 4 Whereof. . . He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. u-17- 7 II- I \ To WiLLI.XM DEWvNDSORE.deputV f) iiiiamaeH yndsore.f _. '^ ■' ' of the Lord the King in Ireland, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 1000 marks yearly, to be received at the English Exchequer, at the feasts of Easter and Saint Michael, by equal portions, for the good service rendered and hereafter to be rendered by iiim to the same Lord the King, that he might the better and more fitly be maintained in the 158 ISSUE ROLL, service of tlic sumo Kinjj — to wit, .'JOO marks yc;u-ly. lor £. i\ d- three years, after the same William shall have arrived in Ireland, according to the form of a certain indenture thereon made between the same Lord the King and the aforesaid William, more fully doth appear ; and after the determina- tion of the said three years, the said 1000 marks yearly to be received at the said Exchequer, until the said Lord the King, or his heirs, shall have provided the aforesaid William with the 1000 marks in lands and rents in Ireland, to hold to him and the heirs of his body issuing. In money delivered to the same William, by the hands of Henry de Coventry, in discharge of 250 marks payable to him for this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past, by writ of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term loG 1.3 4 Afterwards it was deducted from this his allowance — to wit, the 17th day of December, in the 4Sth year. To the Venerable Father, Tho- The Venerable Father, 1 r. r- -n m rri n- I -./-•< I MAS Bishop of Exeter, Irea- 1 nomas liixlwp oj Lixeter. f J surer of England. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Eyrmyn, in dis- charge of 75/. payable to him at the Term of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist last past, for those 300/. yearly which the Lord the King granted to the same Treasurer, to be received at the Exchequer at the four annual Terms in aid of the great charge and expense which the same Treasurer had undergone by reason of his office aforesaid, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past /500 Sum £2,.568 \^s. Od. Sum of the Week . . £3,920 G*. Sd. •H EDWARD III. 1J9 Alonday, the \7th Day of June. To the Prior of Dunmowe. In money £• *• d. The Prior of \ jj ^^ i,i„ ;„ jHschargc of 20/. which ho iJunmowc. | ' ... ' lent, to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer the 15th diiy of June last past, as appears iu the roll of receipts of tliat day 20 To the Abbot of Glastonbury. In money ^, "f ', ■ \ delivered to him, in discharge of 500 marks Liiastoiiour)j. | . •' which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on tlie I5th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day .... 333 G 8 To the Venerable Father, William The Archbishop 1 . „ ^ , ,.r,,, ^ \ Archbishop of Cantkkbury. In money oj Lanlcrbury. I . . . ' delivered to him, in discharge of 200/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 12lh day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipt of that day 200 To John de Saint Albon and John de Saint Albon and] ,,. ,,, ^ ^, ifii- T 1 1 \ \\ ILLIAM lUDENHAM, of tile H d/iam ludenham. j -' city of London. In money delivered to them, in discharge of the 20/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said John 10/. and the aforesaid William 10/., as appears in the roll of receipt of the same day 20 To John de Cantebrugg and John de CantebniP" and) n^ • t Thomas Atte Laje. ^"""^' ^^"' ^eye, stock- ' fishmongers of the city of Lon- don. In money delivered to them, in discharge of 40/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the 160 ISSUE ROLL. Exchequer on the 25th day of May last pa?t — to wit, the £. s. d. said John 20/., and the aforesaid Tliomas 20/., as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 40 These two particulars were cancelled, because the tallies by which the assignments are made were restored and cancelled with the foil. J, r> ,, , \ To John Botheby, clerk, and the King's ' Chancellor in Ireland. In money paid to him, by his own hands, in discharge of 200 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift in aid of his equipment to go to the parts aforesaid, there remaining in the King's service in the office aforesaid, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . 133 6 8 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the W kfi III K'"o's wardrobe. In money delivered to him, •' by his own hands — to wit, on the 19tli day of June 100/., and the 22d day of June 200 marks, for the expenses of the King's household, by writ of Liberate, as above 233 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer — and lie answers therefore in his account, as above. r>- ; IT ., 1 To Richard Imworth, the King's Kichard Imworth. f , . " > Serjeant-at-arms, sent from the entrance of the Thames to the River Medweye to retain ships for 'he passage of Robert KnoUes to Normandy. In money deli- vered to him for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 200 Whereof. . .lie will answer. Sum .... £982. m. 19. 4-J KDWAKD I If. 101 Tuesday, the ISl/i of June. To John Slory of Si.eford. In monoy "^f'L^l^l \ delivered to him, in discharge of 50 marks J which he lent to the Lord the Kmg, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 17th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 33 6 8 To Thomas de Thymei-by. In money de- Thomasde \ jj^.^^^^j ^^ j,;^ ;^ discharge of 50 marks J lii/me/oy. ( , , , ^.. , I which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 17th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 33 6 8 To the Abbot of St. John, of Col- The Abbot of St.\ , , ,- , . i- T I cr^ , I . y. CHESTER, in monev delivered to him, John, of C o/c/iester. i •' I in discharge of 40/. wliich he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the f^xchequcr, on the 17tli day of June last past, as appears in tlie roll of receipts of the same day 40 „.,,,,, , ] To SiBYLL Lyb.\nde, maid of honour oioyll Lybande. > ' from Scotland. In money delivered to her by her own hands, in advance for that which is in arrear to her, of those OO.y. yearly which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same Sibyll . 3 4 Whereof. . .She will answer. ,, , , r, , , 1 To Robert de Sekyndon, op- Hohert de Sekt/ndoii. > / ' poser of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer , . ... 2 10 162 ISSUE ROLL, iir-,,- 1 Tr^ II 1 To Wii.LiAM DE Wellom, clerk, for £• •*■• d. J transcribing the estreats in the same Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. lu money delivered to him, in discharge of tlie 50j. payable to him for tliis his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 2 10 71 , ^ , ,- „ 1 To Robert de Kelist, one of the au- Kobert de Kelbij. > ) ditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer '_ Hi U T , , „ ,, I To John de Appelton, one of the John de Appelton. f ' auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- cliequer '2 10 To William DE GuNTHORP, treasurer of the ^, ,. I town of Calais, bv the hands of John Coshran, Lrunthorp. | . } Esquire, of Scotland. In money delivered to the same John, for the wages of himself, a valet, ?;is archer, in the war, going to Calais, there remaining in the King's service, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above G 1)^ 4 To the same William, by the hands of John de Colne- heth. In money delivered to the same John, for tlie wages of himself, his companion, a man at arms, and 2 archers in the war, going to the parts aforesaid, there remaining in the King's service, by writ of Lilm-atc of the said William, as above 6 13 4 41 i:i)\V\lil) III. 1«3 \Viii:nF.Oi'. . .He will answer — ami lie answer.s tluTelore in £. s- ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Gfi. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of his same allowance — to wit, from the 20th day of December last past unto the 9th day of March next following, for 80 days, each day included, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of this Term ... 200 Sum .... £228. 13^. Ad. Thiirsdmj, titc -lOl/i Day of June. _ To the Abbot of Abvndon. In money The Abbot of 1 , ,. , , , • • r I >• lAn /11 fj \ dehvereu to Inui. in discharge ol 200 ' marks which he lent to the Lord the 41 EDWAIJO III, JG5 King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 18th day of £. s. d. June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same clay lo.i G 8 To John de Soutuam anil IInoii ue John (If Soiitliam] n . .. - . r .i, •. c i i i III I I [ (-^AUsTON, ot the city of London. In atul lltig/i . •' Caustoii. ! money delivered to them, in discharge of 16/. 13.i-. 4(/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25tli day of May last past — to wit, the said John 10/., and the aforesaid Hugh 10 marks, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day IG 13 4 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. To Richard de Nokthwode, n>cl>ar,lde\orth,vode) Gregory Milly, John de Had- and Ins Loinpcinionsf of St. Bololph. ) DELEY, and Alan Cornseller, and others, good men of tlie town of St. Botolph. In money delivered to them, in discharge of 79/. which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Excheqtier, on the 19th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . 79 To John Duke of Lancaster, going fo r \ -^ \ Gascony, there remaining in the King's Lancaster, j . r, •' service, with 300 men at arms and 500 archers, whereof the same Duke at 26j. 8d. per day, 3 bannerets each at 8.s-. per day, 80 knights each at 4.?. per day, 216 men at arms each at 2s. per day, and 500 archers each at 12f/. per day." In money received by him of Gau- terone de Barde, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers aforesaid, in the war, and for a reward for half a year, by writ of Privy .Seal of this year . . . 4673 16 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. 166 ISSUE ROLL. Adam de Chestrefield. I ) sent to Essex with letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers Abbots and Priors, to borrow money for the King's use. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his expenses, and for the hire of his horses going and returning for the same business to the parts aforesaid, by order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exclicqiicr ;5 Sum .... £4905 IG>v. Fridai/, the '2\st Day of June. To the Prior of Bridel' Ti I 7 .• \ money delivered to him, in discharjie of hridelyngton. i . ! 100 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 19tli day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of tlie same day 66 13 4 r„, ,,, ,. ,,r I To the Abbot of !Meau.x. In money The Abbot of Meau:r.\ ... . ' delivered to him, in discharge of 36/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 19th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . 36 T 7 i> 1 To Sir J.\MES DE Rues, Knight, ambas- Jamex de lives: / _ " ' siidor of the King of Navarre, coming on an embassy on behalf of the same King of Navarre, for the value of a cup silver gilt and enamelled, of the price of 12/. 19*., purchased of John Walssh, goldsmith of Lon- don, delivered to the same James with 501. in gold nobles of the King's gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the man- dates of this Term 62 19 -M i:i)\\ AKI) 111 107 To Master Pktku dk Tkutki;. clcik. £. v Miistrr Piter \ . ,■ , i i ii' i- i , ,,, ^ I coining ni tlie •mbassv on beliall ol ilic J same King of Navarre, in the retinue of llie said James, for the value of a cup silver gilt and enamelled, of the price of 12/. lO.v., purciiased of the same •Fohii, delivered to the same Master Peter with ."JO/. in gold nobles of the King's gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Terni G"2 19 To Master John Carryk, Clerk, Maxicr John Camik \ c- t-> t-. c- m I , r- ■ I oir Robert Erskyn, Sir Ihomas and /lis Lonipantoiu: I J Erskyn, Knights, and John Dun- BARRK, valet. In money received by them, by the hands of John Lyonns, from the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, as an advance to be restored at the feast of Michaelmas next following, as appears by his letters obligatory remaining in the Ilanapcr of this Term, by two writs of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . 660 13 -1 Whereof... He will answer. — Afterwards they restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 7th day of November ne.xt following. To Randolph, valet of Lord Randolnh. vulet of Lorch „ ,, . , „ , t- • , BakLn de Beaulr. M^^ldwin de Beaule, Knight, J coming from the King of Na- varre, in the retinue of James de Rues and Master Peter Tertre, ambassadors of the same King of Navarre. In money delivered to them, by the hands of Hclmyng Leo-ct, in discharge of 10 marks which the Lord the King com- manded to be paid to them of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 6 13 4 Sum .... £901 18*. 168 ISSUE ROLL. £. *. d. ISaturduy, tke 22d Day of' June. TIT 1 To John Legg, the King's serjeant-at-arms, John Legg. > . . ) sent to pay the seamen's wages in the Cinque Ports for the passage of Robert Knolles to Normandy. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for making of this payment, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . 100 Whereof. . .He will answer. To William de Guntiiorp, treasurer of G,, \ the town of Calais. In money delivered to untliorp. I •' ^ > him, by the hands of John Norwich, for making of a certain bastion at Graylingwatre, by writ, as above "... 30 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. rri r> riT .. 1 To the Prior of W.\tton. In Ihe Frior of Walton.^ > money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 36/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 19th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . 36 Ti ^1 1 . fii- II I To the Abbot of W.\lden. In Ihe Abbot of It aldcn.y ' money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 20/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 19th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 20 To Thomas de Walmesford, parson of ri- , ' ,. , ; Kymbolton. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 20/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the recei])t of the E.xcliequer on the 21st day of .)\ine last past, as apjiears in the roll of reciMjits of the same day 20 -14 EDWAIU) 111 169 'I'o the jjood Men of iho Town ot" Linn. £. i. of -JOO/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 19th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day -200 To IIi'Gii Fkryby, Robert Whyn, Htigk Ferybjf and \ ^^^ ojjipr good !\Ii;n of the Town of other Men of the I ,, ,, , T !• T> , 1 Barton-ui'on-Uumber. In money lou-n oj Barton. I -^ > delivered to them, in discharge of 20/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 21st day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 20 To the good Men of the Town of Bris- ToJl^of Bristlll\ ■^"^'- ^" "'°"''y delivered to them, in ' discharge of 500 marks which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 21st day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the siiine day 333 6 8 To the good Men of the Town of Nor- „, ^" ' J\y . , I wicH. In money delivered to them, in lottnof ISonricli.! ■' I discharge of 200 marks which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 15th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of tlie same day 133 6 8 Sum £892 13*. 4d. Sum of the week . . £8,041 4.9. Od. Mondni/, the 24th Day of June. To the Abbot of Faversham. In money r. L delivered to him, in discharge of 24/. which taversliam. , "^ ' he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt 170 ISSUE ROLL, of the Exclu'■- (/■ appears in the roll of receipts of the same day. . . . "24 , , , J, 1 To John dk Bernks, citizen of London. John de hemes. > > \i\ money delivered to him, in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 25th day of May last past, as ap- pears in the roll of receipts of the same day .... 100 To the good Men of the Town of The Men of the Toun\ r. ' ■, , ,. ^ c. , ; I Scarborough. In money deli- ojiScarooroiign. ( _ - J vered to them, in discharge of 100 marks which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the '22d day of June last past, as ap- pears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . G6 1.'5 4 „. , , „ . ) To Richard Forester, of Staunton, Richard torester. \ ) sent with 6 archers to Shropshire, to carry and safely conduct a certain sum of money from i thence to London. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Robert de Wouburne, for the expenses of the said Richard and the said archers, and for the hire of the horses of the same archers going, remaining, and returning for the same business, by order of the Treasurer and Cham- berlains of the Exchequer 1000 To Robert de Wouboukne, one of the ,\r , ^ \ tellers of the receipt of the Exchequer, sent // 01(001) inc. i '^. . . J to the parts aforesaid in the retinue of the said Richard for the like business. In money delivered to him for his expenses and hire of horses to carry the same sum — to wit, from the same parts of Shro})shire to London 6 13 4 WuKHEOF. . .He will answer. — After» ard< ho restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in ihe Pell ol'tlic lih day ol' De- oember nexl follo^insr. •20. II i;i)\v.\i{i) 111. 171 -. ) 111 moiu'v liaid t)\ tlio liaiitls of William £• *■ Accesxdrii'x.} • I Heauley lor portorage ami boatagc ot r2,0()0 marks of the King's moiiey IVom VVcstmiiister to the 'J'owcr of London, by the order of the Chamberlains .... 01 Slim .... £-207 Ss. Od. Tuesday, the 2blli Day of .Time. ,,.,,. , ^„ . ,1 To VViLLi.\M DE Sleford, clerk of // illKitii (Ic .S/,'/or(l.\ ' the King's works within the palace at Westminster and Tower of London, by the hands of Robert de Tuwe for the same works, by writ of Lihenite of the said William, as above 2 I'J -t Whf.RKOF. . .He will answer — aiul he answers tlierefore in his aecount, as above. , To Henry de W.\kekei.d, keeper of the Henry de I ^^.jj,.j^Qjjp ^c jj^g Lq,.,| ,ijp King. In money W ukejicld. I , . r , 1 delivered to him, by his own hands, on the 26tli day of June, for the e.\penses of the King's liouschold, by his writ of Liberate, as above GG 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers tlierefore in his account, as above. To the CH.\NCELLORof the King of Cliaiicellorof the Kins\ o /• .i • r -i ,. . , •/, , " I ScOTL.\ND, lor the price ot one Sliver •' gilt cup, weighing by the goldsmiths' pound G marks, ll.v. 8f/., and of the price of 9/. 3i-. 4c/., delivered to the same Chancellor out of the Exchequer of the King's gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term To the ^L\yor, Aldermen, The Mayor, Aldermen, and\ ^^^j ^^x^^^. g^oj m^.^ of other sood Men of the > , ^ . , , ru ?/• r„ /^ tie City of Lomion. In ( ity oj London. } money delivered lo tiicin, in 172 ISSUE ROLL, discharge of the 5,000/. which they lent to the Lord the £. *. d. King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the '22d day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 5000 This particular is cancelled, because the tallies by which the assignments were made are restored and can- celled with the foils. rr nit To Henry Frowyk, of the City of Henry rrowyk. > -^ . ' London. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 10 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 6 13 4 To the Prior of the Blessed The Prior of the Blessed] ■•, c n» t %f ^ J' 7 7 \ M.VRY of Walsyngham. In Mary of H' alsyngham. ( ' money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 40/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 26th day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . 40 ,T ,, \ In money paid to John Nouseley, l\ec€ssary hrjieiises. > ■' ' ' and John Aleyn, boy of the re- ceipt, for boatage, sent at different times by the council on the King's business to London, by order of the Chamber- lains 1 To Thomas Wetewange, clerk, Thomas JVeharinoe „„f/| ^^^^ Ri^hard DE Imworth, the tiichard dc Imuorth. i ' King's serjeant-at-arms. In money received by them from the Collector of the King's Customs and Subsidies in the Port of Great Yarmouth for payment of the seamen's wages — to wit, from the port atbresaid along the sea coast unto the Port of the Town of Ipswich, as appears by a duplicate of a certain indenture thereof made between the same Thomas and Richard and the aforesaid Collector, 41 KDWAKU III. 173 remaining in the Iliuiajier of this Term, by general writ of £. s: d. Privy Seal, as above lUO Whereof. . .They will answer. — Afterwards tlie aforesaid sum was restored, as appears in the Pell on the 1.5th day of September next following. r , , c. Fi 1 To John de Stalham, one of the Col- Jonn de >^tai/tam. > > lectors of the King's Customs in the Port of Great Yarmouth, sent to Norfolk with letters of Privy Seal directed to Hugh Fastolf, the bailiff" of the Towns of Yarmouth and Ipswich, to borrow money for the King's use. In money delivered to him for his expenses . 10 To William de Gunthorp, treasurer of Jf i/ham de] j,^^ r^^^^,^ ^f Calais. In money delivered to (jiintnorp. I , ,. 1 • him, by his own hands, for makuig a certain bastion at Graylyngwatre, by his writ of Liberate, as above 100 Whereof. . .He will answer — and ho answers therefore in his account, as above. Sum .... £5,.3I7 1*. ed. Wednesday, the '2Gt/i Day of June. To Adam Chaltngeor and John Peer, Adam ChaungeoA r- .u /-r. r t i t i , T , n > 01 the Cifv ot London. In money de- aiid John leer, j •' •' ' livered to them, in discharge of 20/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer — to wit, the said Adam 10/. and the aforesaid John 10/., on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 20 ., #,, /^ , ) To Simon Atte Gate, of the City of >iunon AUe Lialc.t . ' London. In money delivered to him, in discharr\v;irtls iv-itoivd, as appears in the Pell of ilie '2'2d £■ •*•• sent the "id day of July into Essex with two letters of Privy Seal directed to the Bishop of London and the Earl of Hereford. In money delivered to him for his wages 034 , r 1 To J.\MES Lyonns, the Kind's serjeant-at- Jaiiicx Li/oiiii.\-.> " •> ' arms, sent to the Ports of Saint Botolph and Kingston-upon-HuU to retain, hasten, and bring ships from .Southampton, for the passage of Robert Knolles going beyond seas, by general writ of Pri\T Seal, as above 3G8 Sum .... £883 lO.v. 0(/. Thursdai/, tlic'lTlh De Abbot of Tii.tey. Li £. •>■ rhe Abbot of J i/teij. } ■ i- I money delivered to nun, in dis- charge of 10/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, the 24th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of the receipt of that day . . . . 10 . , T-. 1 To Adam Fraunceys, citizen of Adam rraunceyx. \ , ,. , ■ • I London. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipt of that day . . . 100 To William Wodehous, Ri- WilUam Wodehous cnid\ chard Clavering, and Robert his Companions, of tlie\ •, r t i t City of London. ' ) ^^s, of the city of London. In money delivered to them, in discharge of 2'?>l. Q>s. 8d. which they lent, on the 25th day of March last past, to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer — to wit, the said William 10/., the said Richard 10 marks, and the aforesaid Robert 10 marks, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 23 G , , CI 1 \ To John Stodeye, citizen of London. In JohniStodeye.> ,..,., ' money delivered to him, in discharge of 40/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 40 These three particulars are cancelled, because the tallies by which the assignments were made were restored and cancelled with the foils. To Edmund de Stapelgate, of Canterbiu' •y. Edmund de\ , . ,■ i ^ i,- • i- i c , , !. In moupv delivered to him, in discliarn-e of Stapeltratr. ( •' ,-,,,, ' 400 marks which he lent to tlie Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer — to wit, on the 26th day of March last past 100 marks, and the 25th day of 41 ED\V.\l{n III. 177 .Fiiiir tlu'ii lu'xt following '200/., as appoars in the roll of £. .v. d. ivtvipts of those ilay.s '2GG 1-5 1 r , ,/-,,., 1 To John dk Gkai-to.n. iiabcrdaslier, of Jo/iii lie Lirfi/loii.f ' London. In money paid to him for parchment purchased of him for tlie King's use — to wit, for 10 dozen and a half, price the dozen 4.v., for the books of receipt of the Exchequer, and for 25 dozen, price the dozen 3.y., purchased from the same John, as well for the great Exchequer as for the office of Privy Seal, as appears by the particulars remain ing in the llanaper of this Term . . 5 17 - To KoBKKT Die S.\XLYNG1I.\M, lOsquire of c- ^ ,' ,' ' I 'Sir John de llaukewood. Knight. In ISnxiyngham. ( ... •' money paid to him by his own hands, in discharge of 10 marks which the Lord tlie King directed to be paid to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst tile mandates of thi.s Term fi 1.3 4 Sum .... £519 3.V. 10(/. Friday, the 2^th Day of June. To Master Robert de Beverley. In , r. / I money delivered to him, in discharge of 40 de hcrer/ci/. i ,. ' marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 22nd day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipt of that day . . 26 1.3 4 Abbot of Evesham. > To the Abbot of Evesh.vm. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 50 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day . . . 3.3 G 8 178 ISSUE ROLL, „ . „ „, , I To the PiuoK of Worcester. In £. s. money paid to liiin, in tlischargo of 50 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, the 26th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipt of the same day 33 G 8 To the good Men of the Town of Bar- Men of the Town] tt t -j * ,-Vj \ TON-upoN-HuMBER. In money paid to ' them, in discharge of 50 marks which they lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 24th day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 33 6 8 The Abbot of SelbyX "^" '^'' ^'''"'^ ''''.*^^''"'- ''^ "^""''^ > paid to him, in discharge of the 50^. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 26th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 50 ri 1 In money paid bv the hands of Wil- I\ ecessary hxpenses. > •' \ •' ' liam Beaufey and Thomas Durant, Tellers of the receipt, for boatage and porterage of the King's money, from Westminster to the Tower of London, at different times ; together with Sd. paid for the porterage of a certain chest, with the plate of the King's chamber, to the Treasury within Westminster Abbey, by order of the Cliamberlains 2 8 Sum . . . . £176 Uxv. Saturday, the 29th Day of June. „ . ., r I \ I'o the Pkiok of Leghs. In money de- }\ior of Leghs. ... ' livered to him, in discharge of ten marks which lie lent to the Lord tlie King, at the receipt of the II KDWAKI) III. 17'.» I''x('ln>(nipr, on the 'JSili (lay of . I mif last past, as appears ill £. x. 13 4 Ilcnnj le Sciojk > money delivered to him, in discluirge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 11th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 100 To John Hellksdon, Ralph Blake- Jo/iii IlfUcxdo)! amh , , t-> r ^i -^ <• , ■ r- I NEY, and John Uony, of the city of lux Lompatitoiis. t ■' I London. In money paid to them, in discharge of "2;)/. G.v. Sum £373 lO.v. 10,/. Slim of the Week . . £7,477 10.s-. 8(/. Monday, the \st Day of July. To divers Messengers and Coi'riers Direr.s- Me.s-.senBer.i \ , , , e r ^ \ ■.\ J r-' ■ \ ^^^"' '^' Viiniiiis parts ol England with una Vonriers. i . . J letters and commissions \inder the 41 i:i>\\ Al!l) 111. 181 Great Seal, directed to (livers Admirals ;iiul officers to n-tain £. s. d. certain ships, and hasten and take them to Winchelsea and Hye Cor the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue jjoinor to France. In money to him paid, hy the hands of John Bray, for his wages, as appears by the particulars re- maining in the Ilanaper of this Term 14 To the Lord the King, in his Cham- The Lord the Kiits,\ i i i i • i ^ i • i , . ,,, , " \ ber. In money delivered to hmi, bv in Ills Lliamber. I _ •' ■' ' his own hands, in part payuicnt of 1,000 marks which the same Lord the King lent, at the receipt of the l^xchequer, from the money of his chamber, by the hands of the attorney of the Count Dauphin Dau- vcrgne, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears by the roll of receipts of the same day 100 n 1 , , 1, , I 1 To Sir Robert DE HoLAND, Knight. liobert de lloiiitnl. • ' f^ ' In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 100/. whicli he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 28th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 100 To the Abbot of Westminster. In money I,- . • > delivered to him, in discharge of 200 marks M cstmui.ster. j ^' ' which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 2Gth day of March last past, as appears in the receipt roll of the same day . -13308 / ■///?//•/ I '^'° Lord de Botetort, Baron de > Weleye. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 22d day of June lust past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . 100 7 ....^ n / 1 To James Pal.mer, clerk of the Great ' Roll of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 182 ISSUE ROLL. 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered £. i. d. to him, in discharge of tlie 50.f. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by order of tlic Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 2 10 To Cathkrine, who was the wife of Catherine, vho wa.n g,^ William de la Pole, senior, the wife of Wil- > ,^ . , , t • i . i Ham de la Pole, j Kn>g'it. In money paid to her, in discharge of 200/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, the 2Sth day of .June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of that day 200 To the Abbot of Fourneys. In money ri • > delivered to him, in discharge of 50/. which tourneys. | _. " ' he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 29th day of June last past, as ap- pears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . 50 „. , , n I I To Richard Bernard, clerk of the nichnrd hei-nard. > ' King's works at the castle of Odyham, by a tally raised on this day in the name of Walter Walssh, constable of the same castle, containing 40/., delivered to the same Richard for the same works, by his writ of Libe- rate, amongst the mandates of this Term 40 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. To William Gys. of Hoke, and ll'illiamGy.s.of Iloke,\ ,.-/-> . i I II--). • A I > uili.iamO.sber.nk. Inmonevtle- and rl miam Uxoenie. . . ' . ' livercd to them, in discharge of 40/. payable to them for two ships, by them hired for the protection of the Ambassadors to the King of Navarre from the town of Southampton to Cherburgh. in Normandy ; and also for the protection of Ral]ili Barry returning from Cher- bui-gh lo Eiigl.tnd uilii ccrlain new-; from the same King of ■11 l-.DWAKD 111. 183 Navarre to the Lord the King, by writ of Privy Seal, £. -t. d. amongst the Hiandates of this Term 40 , , „. . , 1 In money paid at divers times, by the John n ulcgod. > I hands of John Wytegod, of Southamp- ton, for divers ships, mariners, armed men, and archers, for protection of the King's Ambassadors going to Normandy to the King of Navarre, and for the Ambassadors of the same King of Navarre coming into England, and returning there- from — to nit, for a ship with armed men and archers for the protection of Ralph Barry, on the 12th day of April, 10 marks; for a ship called the Nicholas, of Lemyngton, with 20 armed men, and 16 archers, and 38 mariners, 30/. 6s. ; and for a ship called La Mighel, of Southampton, with 20 armed men, and 16 archers, and 32 mariners, 29/. 3*., for the protection of the Lord of Neuchastell, Sir Hugh de Slake, Knight, and lialph Barry, going to the King of Navarre, on the 2d day of May last past, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 06 12 4 Sum .... £833 13*. Tuesday, (he 2nd Day of July. To the Prior of Durham. In money de- rj ; • \ livercd to him, in discharge of 200 marks Durham. | ' ^ ' which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 29th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 133 8 To JoH.N DE Uppyngham, one of the Vppyngham. \ ^^^'^^^^'^^ «fthe Exchequer, receiving yearly ■' 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money paid to him, in discharge of the 50.?. payable to him for this his fee — to w it, for the last quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer . . 2 10 184 ISSUE ROLL. To Lawrence de Alleuthorp, one of the £• i". d. Laivrence dc \ . ,. r-.i t- i • ■ i ,„ ,, \ Aiiclitofs of the Lxchequcr,recciving yearly ■' 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money dehvercd to liim, in discharge of the 50a-. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- chequer 2 10 Richard Odi/hain. I J Lon To Richard Odyham, of the city of don. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the lOOv. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 500 To William de GuNTHORP, Treasurer of the y-, ,, > town of Calais, by the hands of Culrick (jvntnorp. ■' ' de Rydeburgh, a Knight of Germany. In money to the same Culrick, delivered for the expenses of himself and his men at arras going to Calais, there remain- ing, in the King's service, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above 33 6 S To the same William, by the hands of LUrick .Shooft. a Knight of Germany. In money to the same L'irick, de- livered for the expenses of himself and his men at arms going to the parts aforesaid, there remaining in the Kino-'s service aforesaid, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above IG 13 4 Whereoe. . .He will answer — and he answers tlicrel'ore in his account, as abo\ e. To the same William, by the hands of Joliii de la Founteyn, Thomas de Loo, and I'^ustach Bardehng, for his office, bv his writ of Liberate. a.s a.ho\c 6 13 I \Vherkoe. . .He will answer — and he answers tlnMcfore in liis account, as above. II KDWAin) ill. 1S5 To John iMoKYCK, ii courier, sent to Kent £• •»'• <'• , , -, 1 lo John AIoKYCK, ii courier, sent to tvcnt John Monicf. \ „ x, • r> i i- i ) with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Stephen lie Valoyiis. In money delivered to him, lor h 2 .Sum .... £-200 2*. Wednrsdmj, the "id Day of July. To the Pkior of Bi'tteleye. In money The Prior de \ , ,,.. ..^j ,^ j^j^^^^ j^ discharge of the 20/. Hie Prior de \ , v i ti ,, I I th'hvered JDiitteleyc. I ' which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 23rd day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 20 'J'o tilt- Mayor and Citizkns of the I'he Mutior and \ ^, .-a- i i r t ^,., . •' .■ \- ,\ City ot ioRK. In money delivered Litizenn of 1 ork. ( ■' _ ' to them, in discharge of 300^. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Ex- chequer, on the 29th day of June last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 300 To the Rector of the Church of The Rector of the \ -^^ ■, i r i ^ ft I X- r' 1 . EDY^GT0N. In monev dehvercd to Lhinchof hdyiigtoii.i ■' ' him, in discharge of G6/. 13*. 4d. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 1st day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day C6 13 4 To R:cH.\RD DE Norton, Robert R/rhard de Xorlo)i.\ i- i t o i 11/, ■ King, and .loHN soMERSHAM, 2ood (intl liixLoiiijxinioitsA " men of the city of London. In money to them delivered, in discharge of 16/. 13.v. Ad. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Tlnirxdai/, the it/i Dfit/ of Jiihj. I To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper 1 1 run/ of th(\ »- , . i- i T t.' >• ■■ ; \ Norwich. In money delivered to lawn of .\orwicn. j •' ' thorn, in discharge of 100 marks which they lent to the l^ord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 3d day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 66 13 4 To the Abbot of Abyndon. In money The Abbot of \ , ,. i . .■ • ,• , ^ ,,,„ J, I • > delivered to lum, in discharge of 100 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 1st day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . 66 13 4 To Robert de Wilford, of Exeter. Robert deWil ford, \ , i i- i . i- • ,■ of F -te ( '"«"''y delivered to him, in dis- ' charge of 195/. 13.v. \d. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25tli day of June last jiast, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 195 13 4 ■'Sum .... £795 136'. 4(/. 188 ISSUE ROLL, Satiirdai/. l/if&l/i Day of J iilij. \ To William Gregory, of Basing- £. s. d. William Grffron/. } . •, t , i- i ^ i • = ■' J stoke. In money delivered to Inin ill discharge of 20/. ^vhic•l^ he lent to tlie Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 3rd day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . 20 \ To KiCH.\RD DE Stonore, of Sussex. Richard de Stonore.) t i i- i . i- • i- I In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 5 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 3rd day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . 3 G 8 • To Richard de Chestrefeld, clerk. In Ch / f 111 \ ii^O"^y delivered to him, in discharge of 100 •' marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 5th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . ^^> 13 4 }To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper of the ^vardrohe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, hy the hands of William de Denton, his clerk, on the 7th day of July, for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, as above . CG 13 4 Whereof . . . He w ill answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. Sum £1.56 13.V. 4ci. Sum of the Week . . . £2,397 II*. 8rf. llilliai,, ,lr (illlllll')IJI. Monday. Ilie S//i Day of Jidi/. To William dk (juntiiohi', Trca-uit'rof the town of Calais, by the liands of John de Iler- laslon, Captain of the Casllc of Guyiies. In II KIAV\KI) III. I«'J money iK-livcrcil to the same John, by his own hands, lor i,'. v. ' , •' I delivered to him, in discharge of 20/. which liepyngdoii. | " . ' he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on tiie •2Gth day of March last past, as appears in the roll (if receipts of the same day . . . . 20 To Philip \erv and John Donet, / / rl , ' > of Lumbardv- In money to them de- John JJonet. I • •' . ' livercd, in discharge of 30/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said Philip 20/. and the aforesaid John 10/., as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 30 o I . , TT ^ ) ) To ROHF.RT DK H.WFORD DE Sev- Kobert dc Hayjord. > ' TON. In money to him delivered, in discharge of lOO.v. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 27th day of April last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 5 190 ISSUE ROLL, Richard de ] Ravenxer. j To Richard de Ravicnser, Arcluleacon of £. v. MEW, 01 Smithiield. In money deli- Uartnolomew. ( ... ' vered to him, in discharge of 20 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 2Gth day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 13 6 8 To Henry de Ware, Richard Henrt/ deJVare ayid] „ ,c, „r ,.•' ■ I l3RUNNE,andSlME0NVVYNCHEC0MBE, his companions, j •' good men of the city of London. In money delivered to them, in discharge of 21/. 13*. Ad. which they lent to the same Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said Henry 10/., the said Richard lOOi-., and the said Simeon 10 marks, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 21 13 4 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and can- celled with the foil. 7 , ,,-, , ) To John Wytegod, of Southampton. John H ytegod. . _ ^ \ In money delivered to him, in discharge of 100/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt 44 EDWARD III. I'.U of the Exchoqiior on tho Gtli day of July last past, as appears £. t. d. in the roll of receipts of the same day 100 r, c \ To RoGEU Streyt, of London. Inmoncv xioger rftreyt. \ ' delivered to him, in discharge of the 100*. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exf^iequer on the "iSth day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 5 „,, T^ ,1 To Thomas DuRANT, one of the Tellers 1 nomas Ditrant. f ' of the receipt. In money delivered to him — to wit, by his own hands, at the Tower of London, 100 marks, and by the hands of John Hanky n 50 marks, and by the hands of John Haseby 49*., for payment of the seamen's wages in the Tliames and Medeweye, and in the ports of Sandwych and Kye, for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, by general writ, as above 102 9 Whekeof. . .He will answer. — Thereof he hath restored 26/., as appears in the Pell of the 18th day of July last past; also 76/. 9.v. on the 15th day of September ne.xt fol- lowing, in discharge. To divers Messengers and Couriers, Dirers Me ana I /-, . " \ and other V alets oi the city ot Lon- ■t(l Loiincrx. | •' ' don, hired and sent on the 29th day of June — to wit, John Typet, a messenger, Hugh Escote, Richard de Imworth, and Thomas Durant, and to the Mayor and Bailifts of Sandwich, 26.v. Hd. ; to John Whjtelok, Guido de Briene, the Mayor and Bailiffs of Southampton, Walter de Henley, Gilbert Giffard, to the men of Jersey, John Clerk, and John Wytegod, 20*. ; to Wil- liam Wyghtman, Lord Ralph Poly, Vice-admiral to the western parts, to Hugh Fastolf, the Mayor and Bailiffs of Orewell,the Mayor and Bailiffs of Ipswich and Harwich, 40.s-. Also to divers other messengers and couriers, sent with 192 ISSUE ROLI-, letters of Privy Seal, directed to all parts of England, to £. J. '/• make proclamation that all men at arms and archers, of the retinue of Robert Knolles, and of his troop, should hasten themselves to the towns of Rye and Winchelsea, that they may be there to go with the same Robert abroad, at a certain day appointed in the same letters ; and also with commissions and letters to divers Shcritls and others of the countiefe of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Oxford, and Berks, for 200 men at arms and armed men, in aid of the safe conduct of the ships being in attendance upon Robert KnoUes, returning to Eng- land ; and with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Knights, Esquires, and other persons of the King's retinue, that they prepare themselves and hasten to Southampton, to go in the King's ships to Cherburgh, for safe conduct of the King of Navarre to England. In money delivered to him, by the bands of John Bray, for their wages, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term Sum .... £253 10*. 11 1 Wednesday, the \Ot/i Day of July. To the Abbot of tlie Blessed Maky, of The Abbot of the-) York. In money delivered to him, in lilessed Mary,( ^/^ ' , • , , i of York I discharge of 200/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Ex- chequer, on the 6th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 200 To Thom.\s Gesors and R.\lph Thomas Gesors aiid] t-> i c »i -i. r Ti I I n hi \ Double, good men of the city ot ' London. In money delivered to them, in discliarge of 13A 6.?. 8f/. which they lent to tlie Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on tile 25th day of May last past — to wit, the said Tliomas 10 marks, and the 41 KDWARO 111. 1'.« aforesaid Ralph ID iiiaiks, as appears in tin- roll of receipts £■ *"• ''• of the same ilay 13 ,S 10 Ki:VN uoM-; ai lUc/Kird ( roi/doii. I ' (leli\ere(l to tlieiii, in To Rkvnoi.u Lom; and Rk iiaud In money discharge of .')() marks wliicli tlu y lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Excheqner, on the 2Gth day of May last past — to wit, the said Reynold 20 marks, and the aforesaid Richard "20/., as ajipears in the roll of receipts of the same day 33 G 8 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. , , , ^. , , ) To John DE CoTYNGHAM, clerk. In John dc Cotyiighaiii.> ' money delivered to him, in discharge of ]()/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 4th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . . IG To ROHKRT WouiiORNK and WlL- Robert JJ'ouboriie and] t, . ii „<■ tv,„ „„ ,,..,,. r, ., \ LiAM Beaukky, tellers ot the re- f» tUiani beuiijey. f ' ccipt. In money delivered to them — to wit, by their own hands 30/. I2.v. 8(/., and by the hands of William Bridde and William Skauteloii 28*., for payment of the seamen's wages on the Thames, for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 32 8 Whereof. . .They will answer. — Afterwards they restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 15th day of September last past. Sum .... £294 14.v. 194 ISSUE ROLL. Thursday, the 11 /A Day of July. To the Ahbot of the blessed Peter, The Ahbot of the) ^f Gloucester. In niom'j delivered to blessed Peter, of) ,. . ... r inn i i- i Gloucester I '"'"' "^ discharge of 100 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 9th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . fiG 13 4 To William de Furkivall. In money de- I liver J whic William de \ jj^,^^^^ ^^ j^j^^ j,^ ^^.^ payment of 37/. 2s. 2d. Fumivall. \ , , t , , t^- i J which he lent to the Lord the King, at tlie receipt of the Exchequer, on the 21st day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day ... 4 4 10^ To the Prior of Bernewell. In money The Prior ofy ^jgU^p^ed to him, in discharge of 40/. which lieniewell. r , t , , t^- i J he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, the 24th day of April last past, as appears in the roll of the receipts of the same day 40 John Pyel. | ^ To John Pyel, citizen of London. In noney delivered to him, in discharge of 20/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of the receipt of the same day _0 To Havinl's Van Pannys, a knight of Havimis Jan ] r~, c ^u ■ c •' Ti I (jrermanv, tor trie price oi a cup, siiver Pannys. •" ^ '^ . ' gilt and enamelled, purchased of Cliiches- ter, the goldsmitli, of London, price 71. IGs., with 50 marks in gold nobles which the Lord the King commanded to be given to the same llaviuus, of his gift, by his writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 33 G 8 To the same Havinu.s and Henry Van Rathre, coming to England to treat with the Lord the King and his Council, 11 KiW ARl) ill. 105 for his retention by tlio King-. In money delivered to liim, £. s. 1 1 To Humphry de Bohun, Earl of Humphry de Boliun.\ ' Hereford. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 400 marks which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 3rd day of July last past, Surmnu(l. \ ... ' money delivered to him, in discharge of 10/. whicli tlic Lord the King commanded to be paid to him, of his gift, in aid of his expenses, remaining at London, and awaiting the pleasure of the said Lord the King and o2 196 ISSUE ROLL. his Council, and remaining with the said Lord the King, by £. s. d. writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . 10 P 1 h P ■• I '^*' Ralph Barry, sent on an embassy by ' the Lord the King, to Chirburgh, in Nor- mandy, with letters directed to the King of Navarre. In money delivered to liim for his expenses, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 6 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer, on the 18th day of April, in the 45th year. TT 1 r' ^ ir) To Hugh Fastolf. In money received bv Hugh taxtolf.y . ,." , ' him of the collector of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of Great Yarmouth, for pay- ment of the seamen's wages from the mouth of the Thames unto the port of Lynn, for the passage of Robert KnoUes and his retinue to France, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 140 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum underwritten, as appears in the Pell, on the '22nd day of September next following. To Nicholas de Tamworth and Nicholas de Tamivorth} t tt t ■ i J T J. TT r } John Haukyn. In money received and John Uaukyn. j •* by them from the collector of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of Great Yarmouth, for the payment of the wages of divers seamen, and for the hire of ships for carrying of armed men and the King's provisions to Orewell, for the King's passage beyond the sea, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 21 Whereof. . .They will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. w ;; 1 r> 1 . 1 To WiLLlAM DE BaLSHAM, clerk ' of the King's customs and subsi- dies in the port of Saint Bololph, coming from the parts aforesaid with 2000 marks of the Kings money arising 41 KDWAIil) III 197 from thp same customs and subsidies — to wit, from the £■ «• ^^ feast of Easter last past unto the feast of Saint Joiiii the Baptist next followinc;. In money delivered to him of the King's gift, as well in aid of his expenses as in recompense for his horse lost in the same voyage, by the order of the Council -2 10 Sum £119 IG.v. 8d. Sum of the Week . . .£1,916 8s. lOUL Monday, the \bth Day of July. To the Master of the Hospital The Ma,ttcr of Ihr no.\'-\ „ „ t i- i i . ■, I f Q ■ , I I > O' oAiNT John of Jerusalem, j)ital, of lianil John. ( ' ' in England. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 200 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 13th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 133 6 8 r I /-^ I. 1 To John Gosbourn, one of the Auditors John Kjosbovm. > _ ' of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 50j. payable to him for this his fee — to wit, for the last quarter of this year, by tlie order of the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer 2 10 n 1 . I jf I 1 To Robert de Wouborne, one of Ixobert dc ft oiworiir. > ' the Tellers of the Receipt, sent to Southampton for payment of the seamen's wages for the passage of John de Lisle, Thomas Fitz Symond, and their retinue going to France. In money received by him of John VVytegod, of Southampton, for payment of their wages aforesaid, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . . 100 \N iiEREOK. . . He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the 198 ISSUE ROLL, sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell, on the 4th day of £. s. d. September next following. To the same Robert. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, at London, for his expenses going to the parts aforesaid, by general writ, as above 2 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell, on the 4th day of September next following. „^.,,. r. /T 1 To William Beaufey, one of the n ill I am lieaufcy. \ ■ ■ ) Tellers of the Receipt, sent irom the Port of Loudon to hasten and bring ships for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to Winchelsea and Rye. In money delivered to him, by his own hands for his wages and expenses 200 „, „ ,1 To Thomas DuRANT, one of the Tellers 1 nomas Uurant.t ' of the Receipt. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for pajmient of the seamen's w-ages being in the Thames on the 5th and 6th days of July to go on the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 23 7 6 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell, on the 1 5th day of September next following. T , TT I 1 To John Haukyn, the King's serieant-at- John Haukyn. > o j ' arms, sent to Lynne, and from thence by the sea-coast to the mouth of the Thames, to hasten and bring ships for the passage of Robert Knolles and his re- tinue to Rye and Winchelsea. In money delivered to him for his expenses and wages, by general writ, as above . 3 Whereof. . .He will answer. To Adam de Hertingdon, one of Adam de IIcrtin • » , „,, ,^ '^ , ( llie Chamberlains ot the Hcceipt, (Hid I nomas IJiiianl.t ^ ^^ ' ' and Thomas Di'k\nt, a Teller of 44 KDWAHD I IF. I'.CJ the same Receipt. In money delivered to tliem for pay- £. s. whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Walter Chippenham, as an advance upon this his allowance — to wit, for Michaelmas and Easter Terms next following, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 100 Whiireof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell, on the 7th day of February next following. ^ , , rr 7 , ) To John de Harleston, captain John de Harleston. \ '^ > of the castle of Guynes. In money delivered to him, in part payment of 100 marks wliich the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift in aid of his equipment and expenses incurred by him in going to the castle aforesaid, there remaining in the King's service for the safe custody of the castle aforesaid, by writ of Privy Seal of this Term 33 6 8 , ,,, , , , , > To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper Henrii de n akrjfld. \ ) of the wardrobe ot the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Wil- liam de Denton, his clerk, on the I"2tli day of July last ])ast. for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, s& s\)o\Q ()G 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer — and ho answers tluTi'lon' in his account, as abo\e. To the same keeper, by the hands of William lluiuberstone, II KDWAUn III. 201 junior clerk of the King's spiccry, (or his oifico, by writ of £• s. d. Liberate of the said keeper, as above Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore ir his account, as above. 10 r, , c. .1 1 To Henry de S.neyth, clerk of the Henrydeiincyth.) „ , t i i i^- ' great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of William Humberstone, Junior, for wax purchased for the Chancellor's fee, by writ of Liberate of the said clerk, as above 12 5 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. Sum .... £-297 \\s. 8c/. Jt'ednexdny, the \7tli Day of July. «7-7.- I c I ^- I \ ToWlLLIAMDESANDEFORD.clerk. W tlliam de iSandrford . > ,,..,. ' In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 20/. which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 13th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . 20 rr>, !■• , .-c ^ 1, ) To William de Ukford, Earl of I he harlot >^itffolk. \ > Suffolk, sent by the King's command to Chirburgh in Normandy for the protection of the King of Navarre from thence to England and returning, for his ex- penses, by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above . GG 1 3 4 Whereof . . . He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Exchequer, in the 44th roll of accounts. To Tho.mas de Beauchamp, Earl of War- The Earl of \ ^,^^.^ gp,^^ ;„ jjjg retinue of the same Wil- /» arwick. I ,,. . •' liam for protection, of the same King of Navarre. In money delivered to him for his expenses, by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above . . . . 66 13 1 202 ISSUE ROLL, Whereof . . . He will answer — and he answers therefore in £ . s. d. his account at the Exchequer, in tlie 44th roll of accounts. jr ; TT' ; ^ 7 J 1 To Henhy de Wakefeld, bv the Henry de \\ akefeld. \ ■' ) hands of William de Monte Acuto, Earl of Salisbury, sent in the retinue of the aforesaid William for the safe conduct of aforesaid King of Navarre to England. In money delivered to him for his expenses, by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above . . . 66 13 4 To the same keeper, by the hands of William, Lord la Zouche, sent in the retinue of the aforesaid Earl, for the same business. In money delivered to him for his expenses, by writ of Liberate, of the said keeper, as above . . . 20 To the same keeper, by the hands of Sir Almarick de Sancte Amande, Knight, sent in the retinue of the said Earls for the like business. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Thomas de Baa, for his expenses, by writ of Libe- rate of the said keeper, as above 40 I ' Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To divers Messengers and Couriers, Direrx Messengers) » . ii * r i7 i i .i , ^, . ° I sent to all parts ot tin^lanu on the and Lovrter.s ' I sent to all parts of England on J 12th day of July last past, witli com- missions and letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishops, Earls, Sheriffs, and others, that all sums collected, and to be collected, of those 25,000 marks, in divers counties of England, to be borrowed for the coming of the King of Navarre — to wit, from all counties of England, shall be paid to the treasurer or others who shall be appointed in this behalf as their attorneys, as well at Claryndon as at West- minster, with all speed ; and also with letters directed to divers collectors of the tenth granted by the clergy to the King, that all money being in arrear for the same tenth with all diligence may be collected, and wholly shall be paid, at the receipt of the Exchequer, to the aforesaid Trea- 44 EDVVAlin 111 203 surer and Chamberlains without any allowance being made C. s. d. to any one. In money delivered to them for their waojes, as appears by the ])articidars remaining in the Ilanaper of thisTenn 534 I To IIf.nky pk Wakkfeld, keeper •' •' ' ) of the wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of the Windsor Herald, in discharge of 8/. 14.y. Sd. due to the same Windsor, in the wardrobe afore- said, for the wages of himself and his men in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanajier of this Tenn, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term, also by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 8 14 8 Whkreof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. ) To Sir Ai,.\n de Buxhull, Knight. Alan de Biixhull. >, ,,. j^i- ■ i- J In money delivered to hmi, m dis- charge of 100/. W'liich the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, for his reward, going in the King's service in the retinue of Robert KnoUes to Normandy, by writ of Pri\-y Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term .100 ^1 To William Fox, a courier, sent with a ■ ■ ) commission of Great Seal, and a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Sir Roger de Cottesford, Knight, Thomas do la Mar, Sheriff of Oxford and Berks, and Richard Forestar, to treat for and collect 100 men of arms and 100 archers, in the counties aforesaid, and to hasten and bring them to Southampton, to go in the retinue of the Earls of Wanvick and Suffolk to parts beyond the seas in the King's service. In money delivered to him for his wages 050 1 To William Chapman, a courier, sent William Chapman.} ■,, i i ., r . i ' ) with a commission and letter uirectecl 204 ISSUE ROLL, £. s. d. to Thomas Tyrcll, and Hugh ile Badewe, and the Sheriff of Essex, for the like business. In money delivered to him, for his wages 3 4 1 To William Hardyng, a messenger, IVilliam Hardyug.] ^^,^^ ^^.j^,, ^ commission and a letter directed to Walter Haywode, Sheriff of Wiltes, Thomas Hungerford, and Thomas Forcer, for the same business. In money delivered to liim for his wages 8 4 ,. „ 1 In money paid bv the hands of JSecessary hxpenses. \ . . . > William Beaufey, for porterage and boatage of 5000 marks and divers other sums at various times, from Westminster to the Tower of London, for the wages of Robert de Knolles and his retinue, by order of the chamberlain 1 10 ^ To Thomas Pay, a courier, sent with a Thomas Pay. | j^^^.^^ ^^ p^.^^^^ g^^j directed to the Parson of Westburgh, to borrow money for the King's use, and two letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Prior of St. Katherine of Lincoln, to the collectors of the triennial tenths granted from the Clergy to the King in the 44th year, in the Arch- deaconry of Lincoln, Stowe, and Leicester ; and to the Prior of Bernewell, collector of the same tenth in the Diocese of Ely, that the money being in arrear for the same tenth, shall be paid with all dispatch at the receipt of the Ex- chequer. In money delivered to him for his wages Sum .... £395 Os. GJ. 4 The Lord th Thursday, the ISth Day of July. To the Lord the King, in his Cham- ' ^«'•'^ \ i,er, by the hands of Helmvng Leget n his Chamber. ( •' . , " i •' In money received by the same 44 EDWARD 111. 205 Helmyng from the venerable father, William Bishop of £. s. il. \N'iiiclioster, in iliscluirgc of 2,500 marks delivered to the same Lord the Kinj^ in the chamber aforesaid, at the Term of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last past, for those 10,000 marks delivered to tlic same Lord tlie King in the chamber aforesaid, at the four yearly Terms, for which tiie said Lord the King wishes no one to be charged for him, by two writs of Privy Seal, one — to wit, amongst the man- dates of Michaelmas Term in the 29th year ; and the other amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term in the 30th year IGGG 13 4 To the same Lord the King, by the hands of the same Helmyng. In money received by the same Helmyng, of the same venerable father, Bishop of Winchester, in part payment of 2,500 marks, to be paid to the same Lord the King in the chamber aforesaid, at Michaelmas Term next coming, for those 10,000 marks yearly to be paid to the same Lord the King in his chamber aforesaid, at the four annual Terms, by two writs of Privy Seal, in the preceding particular alleged 333 G 8 \ To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper '.'/ ' ' " V f • I q( j]^g wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of Helming Leget, for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, as above 1 00 Whereof. . .He will answer— and he answers therefore in his accoiuit, as above. ....,,. ^ , ^ '^*' William Lord de L.\tymer, vVilliam Lord de\ , i r .. .r • • i ■ i . Latumer I ^*^*^"'^™ °' ™^ Kings household, sent ' by the King's command to Winchelsea and La Rye, to superintend the passage of Robert de KnoUes and his retinue, and for the reviewing and sending of his men at arms and archers to France. In money delivered to him for his expenses 25 206 ISSUE ROLL, Whereof. . .lie will answer — Delivered in the account at £. s. d. the Exchequer. John Lord de Nevillr. I To John Lord de Neville, admiral of the fleet sent to the northern parts, in the retinue of the same William, on the same business. In money delivered to him for his expenses . . 50 Whereof. . .He will answer — Delivered in the account at tile Exchequer. 1 To Henry Lescrop, Banneret, sent to " ^" ) the same parts for the business aforesaid. In money delivered to him for his expenses . . . . 25 Whereof . . . He will answer — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. ^ To Ralph de Ferrers, sent to the Ralph de Ferrers. \ ^ „ ■ i r xi i-i i • ■' J parts atoresaid tor the like busmess, and safe conduct of the ships returning from foreign parts to England. In money delivered to him for his expenses . .'JO Whereof. . .He will answer — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. T , 1 rri 1 To John John de Ihorji. \ i Winchelse To John de Thorp, clerk, sent to sea and La Rye, for the pajniient of the seamen's wages for the passage of Robert de KnoUes and his retinue to France, and for payment of the wages of the men at arms, armed men and archers chosen from divers counties for the safe conduct of the ships returning from foreign parts to England. In money delivered to him, to make this payment by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 4000 Whereof... He will answer. — Thereof he restored 1000 marks, as appears in the Pell of the 4th day of September next following; also on the 20th day of September next following, 5,000 marks in discharge. Adam lie 44 EDWARD III. 207 To Adam dm 1Ii;htyngdon, one of the £. s. d. ,','"'', i Clianiberliiins ol'thc Rpcc'ii)t of the Exelic- Hcrlyngdon. i . . . I quer, sent to the jjurts aforesaid for the like business. In money delivered to liini for his expenses, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 20 WiiKREOK. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as a])])ears in the Pell on the 1 Jlli day of September next following. Ti'i7- n /< 1 To William Beacfey, one of the yi dliam Beatihy. \ > Tellers of the Receipt of the Exche- quer, sent to the same parts for the same business. In money delivered to him for his expenses, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 10 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell on the 15th day of September next following. To divers Messengers and Couriers, Divers Messengers \ . . ,, . c ^' i i ui J /-. . " > sent to all parts of tngland with and Couriers. j /^ " _ ' letters of Privy Seal, on the 17th day of July last past, directed to the Bishops, Abbots, and Priors, to pray for the peace and estate of the kingdom of England ; and also with letters of Privy Seal and letters from the Treasurer, directed to the Bishops, Earls, and divers others. Lords and Sheriffs, to contract for certain sums of money in divers counties, for the King of Navarre. In money delivered to them for their wages, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term . G 18 4 Deliveries — of the Chamberlains and other Minis- ters OF the Receipt of the Exchequer — to wit, FROM THE 23rd DaY OF FEBRUARY LAST PAST UNTO the 21st Day of April next following, for 58 days, E.VCH DAY included — TO WIT, To the two Chamberlains, viz. William de Mulsho 208 ISSUR ROLL, and Adam de Hektyngdon, each of them taking daily 8il. £. s: , 1 To William Redbnessk, receiver of ' the King's ])rovisions at the town of Calais. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John 44 EDWAHD 111. 211 Ilamclfon, for his otHco, by his writ of Lihrratc, as £'. v. '/■ above 20 Whereof. . .He will answer — ami he answers tlicrefore in his aecount, as above. rr-i 7) ) To Thomas Pay, sent the l',)tli day of 1 /loinnx I (11/. ,■ ... ' July last past with a writ directed to llie Sherirt's of Surrey and Sussex, to send a hundred armed men and a hundred experienced archers to Southampton. In money delivered to him for his wages 2 t. ■ n , ) To Simon Bate. In nionev delivered to t>iiiio)i hale. > •' ' him, in discharge of the 10*. which the King commanded to be paid him of his gift in recompence of the charge incurred by him for the allowance of the horses lately sent by the council upon the King's affairs from the city of London to Arundell, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 10 rr- I, f , 1 To Walter Frost, of Kingston-uiion- y} alter rrost. > ^ i ' Hull. In money received by him from the Collector of the King's Customs and Subsidies in the port of Kingston-upon-Hull for payment of the seamen's wages — to wit, from the port aforesaid along the sea-coast to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for the passage of Robert Knolles to France, as appears by duplicate parts of two indentures made between the said Walter and the said Collector, re- maining in the Hanaper of this Term 90 WiiERKOK. . . He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in llie Pell of the 'I'lA day of September next following. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Jr"l-^'f ■/ / > '^'"b'® wardrobe, by the hands of Ralph de J Knyveton. In money received by the same Ralph from tiie Collectors of the King's Customs and Snb- p2 ■212 ISSUE ROLL, sidles in the port of Kingston-upon-HuU, for providing corn £. *. d. in the northern parts for the expenses of the King's house- hold, as appears by dupUcate parts of two indentures made between the same Collectors and the said Ralph, remaining in the Hanapcr of this Term, by writ of Liberate of the said keeper, as above 80 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To James Treverbren, clerk, and James Treverbren and\ j^^^ ^^ Clyfton. In money John de Clyftou. , i • "r ■' delivered to them, by the hands of the same John, for payment of the seamen's wages at Dart- mouth and Plymouth, about to go for the passage of John Duke of Lancaster and his men to Gascony, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 600 Whereof. . .They will answer. — Afterwards they restored the under-written sum, as appears in the Pell of the '20th day of September next following. T D ;; 1 To James Russell, of Pontieu, to wlioni .lames liussell. ■ ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 12 \ To John de la Rye, sent to Winchelsea ' with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Lord de Latynior. In money delivered to him for Ills wages , , J,, 1 To .loHN Elys, a valet sent with a writ Jolm I'Jys. > _ ' directed to the King's escheater in the county fi 41 KDWAPvO III. 213 of Norfolk, " de diem clauxit exlremtini," concerning the £'. x. d. liiiids of tlio Earl of Oxford, in the county aforesaid. In money delivered to liiiu for his wages 10 /,. , lit.,, 1 To HicHAKD DE Stokk, a courier ' sent witli a letter to Clarendon, di- rected to the Lord Treasurer. In money delivered to him for his wages 050 Sum .... £1,032 13*. 8f/. Jf'cdnesdaij, tlic'lAlh Day of July. rfM r-- \ To Thomas FRAu^■cEYs, parson of 1 nomas vrauTtceys.f ^ _ '^ > Wyche, in the county of Derby. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. which he lent to the Lord the King, at the receipt of the E.Kchcquer, on the 22d day of July last past, as appears in the roll of the receipt of the same day 20 T 1 t (.'. a- i\ To John df, Stafford, a courier sent Jolin de iSla^ord. t ' with three letters of the Lord Treasurer, directed to the Sheriffs of the counties of Warwick and Leicester, Stafford and Derby- In money delivered to him for his wages 068 1 To Alan de Barley, sent to Win- J' I chelsea with letters, directed to Lord de Latymer, John de Thorp, and Adam de Hertyngdon. In money delivered to him for his wages 6 8 ^ To Hknkv de S-neyth, clerk of the Henry de Sneyth. \ ^^^^ wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Thomas Carleton, embroiderer, for his office, by writ of Li6e;a/e of the said clerk, as above . . 3 6 8 2 214 ISSUE ROLL, Whereof. . .He will answer — And he answers therefore i- in his account, as above. To John de Nevill, a Knight of JohndeNeiul/,of] ^ .^^^^ ^j. ^j^^ Lord the trance. I ' King in the Tower, to whom the Lord the King granted 2*. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer in aid of his support so long as he should remain in the prison aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his said allowance — to wit, from the 3rd day of May last past, unto the 22nd day of the same month, for 20 days, each day included, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term in the 43rd year To the good ]\Ien of the Town of " The Men of the \ ^ u t rr o I'- , KiNGSTON-UPON-HuLL. In monev lown of K/iiis otVu'e. b\- his writ of Libt rale. ;is abuvx' 2000 Gun thorp, j 41 KDWARI) III. 215 WiiEREOK. . .He will aiiswor — And he answers thcri'lbre £'• v. \ W YLTON. In money dehvered to them, in discharge of 35/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Excheqvier, on the ISth day of July last past, as appears in the roll of the receipts of the same day 35 To William de Garderobe, keeper of the t~^ 7 I > King's lions and leopards within the Tower Uaraerobe. ( . ^ of London, taking per day — to wit, for his wages in the office aforesaid 6f/., and for food for 6 beasts — to wit, for each beast 6f/. per day. Li money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages and food — namely, from the 15th day of April last past, unto the last day of July next following, for 108 days, each day included, by his two w'rits current of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past 19 8 6 \ To John de Sleford, clerk of the i)ri- Johii de Sleford.} . , , ^ . , , , ,.. •' I vate wardrobe ot the Lord tlie Knig, wilhin tile Tower of London, by the hands of William Bykyr, for his office, by writ of Lihernte of the said keeper, as above . . 10 13 4 Whereof. . . lie will answer — .\iid he answers therefore in his account at the Excherpicr, in the roll of wardrobe accounts. 11 EDWARD 111. 217 ,,..„. „ 1 To Wii.i.iAM Fox, a courier sent to Clarvn- £. v. d. ft 1 1/ Kim ro.v. \ ,■ 1 , " I (Ion, with U'tters (lirected to the Lord 'rri'iisuri'r. In money iU-li\iT«l to liini lor his wages . . (' t) o , , , ,, , ) To Adam dk. IIkutyngdon, clerk Adam ilr lhrli/iigiloii.\ ■ ' 'of the King's works at \\ indsor Castle. In luonev delivered to him by the hands of VVilliaiu de Lokynton, his clerk, for his office, by his writ of L/brralr, as above 10 Whekeof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. „ , , r 1 To Peter de Lacy, clerk to the keeper 1 eter dc Lao/. V ' ' ' of the Privy Seal of the Lord the King. In money' delivered to him by the hands of William de Fulburn, in advance for his wages to be received in the same office 10 Whereof. .. lie will answer. — Afterwards there was de- ducted for this his wages, as appears in the Pell, on the l*Jth day of October ne.\t following. t> /-•!■ \ To Roger Chippes, valet of the King's Roger Lhippes. > » ' household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted '2d. daily, to be received at the E.\chequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of Thomas Orgrave, in advance lor this his allowance — to wit, at Micliaclnias Term last past 10 Whereof... He will answer. — Afterwards there was de- ducted for this his allowance, as appears in the Pell, on the I'Jth day of February next following. J I. ;/> ' > ger sent to the northern parts with divers letters of Privy Seal, cUrected to the Archbishop 218 ISSUE ROLL, of York, Sir Adam tie Hoghton, Knight, and Richard £. s. de Radclyf, and their deputies ; one letter to the Bishop of Carlisle, Lord de Clifford, and Adam Pervyng; one letter to the Bishop of Durham, Lord de Percy, William Heron, Richard de Chesterfeld, and their deputies ; one letter to the Archbishop of York, William de Aton, Sheriff of York, and their deputies ; one letter to the same Arch- bishop, Sir Roger de Belers, Knight, and Robert de Mor- ton ; one letter to the Bishop of Lincoln, the Earl of Angos, and Thomas de Fulvetby ; one letter to contract for a certain sum of money in the counties aforesaid, ordered for the King's use for the King of Navarre, and with all haste to bring the same to London. In money delivered to him lor his wages 10 Ti' 7. T^ 7- 77 1 To WalteuKardin.vll, a messenger f J alter KardinaU. \ ^ > to be sent on the 5th day of Aug^ist next following with divers letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Lincoln, and Thomas de Preston, Sheriff of Northampton ; one letter to the same Bishop, and to John Rous ; and another letter to the same Bishop and John de Aylesbury, for the same business. In money de- livered to him for his wages 8 ,, . , , c., 7 \ To Richard Stoke, valet, .sent on tlie ' aforesaid 5th day of August with divers letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Ely and Nichol de Styvecle, Sheriff of Cambridge and Hunting- don ; one letter to the Prior of Norwich, and to Edmund dc Thorp, Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk ; and with a letter directed to the Bishop of Ely, and to Nicolas de Stivecle, for the same business. In money delivered to him for his wages G , , ,- , 1 To Jou.N Nkubury. valet, sent on the ./onii AciiOiin/. > ' LSth day of July last past to Derbyshire, 41 EDWARD III. '21 '.I with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Nicholas de Knyve- 1'. v. J. ton, to borrow money from the same Nicholas, for tlic King's use. In money delivered to him by the hands of William de Lokyngton, junior, for his wages .... 3 1 ,,..,,. , ,, ,, 1 To William DK MuLSHo, one of the H i///inii(lrMi(/x/io.] > Chamberlains of the Receipt, sent to Oxford, Herks, Southampton, Wilts, Northampton, and Rutland, to bring money awarded in the counties afore- said, for the King of Navarre, to Salisbury- In money delivered to him by the hands of Thomas W'etewang, his clerk, for his expenses 1000 Wherkof. . .He will answer. — Aftenvards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 1 5th day of September next following. To Adam de Chesterfield, clerk, sent ^•1 ' , i 7 1 Mo Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Derby- Lkexterjield.] . . •' sliire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, with cer- tain commissions and letters of Privy Seal directed to the Bishop of Chester, and certain men assigned with him to contract for and collect a certain sum of money ordered for the King of Navarre in the counties aforesaid. In money delivered to him by his own hand for his expenses and hire of horses going and returning upon the same bu- siness to the parts aforesaid, by the order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchctpier 10 T . , T>i 7 1 I To John de Blockelev, clerk, sent John de Blockeley. t ' to Herefordshire, Shropshire, and Gloucestershire, with a Commission and letter of Privy Seal directed to the Bishop of Hereford, or his commissarj-, to Lord Lestrange, and Richard dc la Bere, Sherifl", assigned to contract for and collect in the same counties a certain sum of money ordered for the King of Navarre. In money delivered to iiim by his own hands for his expenses 220 ISSUE ROLL, and hire of horses in going and returning upon the same £. s. d. business, by the order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer jOO T , A- > ) To John Nouseley, one of the servants Jolm iSctuxcley. f ' of the Receipt, sent with letters of the Lord the King, and letters of the Treasurer, to La Rye and Winchelsea, directed to Lord de Latymer, and other Lords, there to superintend the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France. In money delivered to him for his expenses in going and remaining there, and expecting an answer to the letters aforesaid 16 8 Divers Clerks of\ j^.^.^j ^^ ^,^.^^ g^ j^^^^^^ ^^ ^. g^^j ^^ the Lnancery. I •' divers parts of England to contract I'or money in those counties for the King of Navarre, to be sent with all haste to London. In money delivered to them in aid of their labor, by order of the Chamberlain ... 07 Sum . . . £149 lb. Of/. Sat/irday, the '27th Day of Juhf. Ti. 411 t .<-Ti-; ;; I To the Abbot of Whalley. In IheAbbotof it h(illry.> > money delivered to him in discharge of 40 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 18th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . . . '2G 13 ,, 111,, I I To Ili'tni Hoi.iiKCH, citizen of Loi Hugh llolhcch. > ' In money delivered to him in disci idon. L'harge of '20/. wliich he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of tiie same day .... 20 II KDWAIil) III 221 }To tlio AniiOT of Bukton-upon-Trent. In £. s. d. money delivered to him in discharge of 10 marks which he lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 2Gth day of March last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 2G 13 4 < To the good Men of the Town of TheMenof lheTown\ ^ t i r i ^ £,, •' , I Shrewsbury. In money delivered to them in discharge of 88/. 6.y. 8d. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer— to wit, on the 4th day of May last past, 40/. j and on the 18th day of July then next following, 48/. 6s. 8c/., as appears in the roll of receipts of the same days . . 88 6 8 , , .... , , ■) To John Nikhrotheu. In money JrJin I\tkhrotliir. j. . •' ) delivered to him in discharge of 10/. \\hich lie lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer on the 18th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 10 T 1 . A' -,1 1 To John de Nevill, a Knight of John delSeviU.y . * ^. ' France, prisoner of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King granted 2.v. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of his support so long as he shall remain in the prison afore- said. In money delivered to him in discharge of this his allowance — to wit, from the 23d day of May last past, unto the 11th day of June next following, for 20 days, each day- included, by his writ current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term in the 43d year 2 ,. , „ ,; I To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the Henry de *■ "■ ' Sneyth. \ King, by the hands of Robert Somerset, draper of London. for his oBice, by writ of Liberate of the said clerk, as above 46 16 •222 ISSUE KOLL, Whereof. . .He will answer — And he answers therefore £. in his account, as above. II' n- 1 oi r j1 To Wjlliam de Sleford, clerk of // ill mm de iSicford. \ de Sleford. I witliin the palace at Westminster and Tower of London, by one tally raised that day in the names of the collectors of the small customs in the port of London, containing 20/., delivered to the same clerk by the hands of William, his clerk, for the same works, by his writ of Liberate, as above 20 Whereof . . . He will answer — And he answers therefore in his account, as above. )To Thomas de Orgrave, clerk of the Trea- sury, sent to Clarvndon with certam mouev to be delivered to the Treasurer of the King's household there. And also with several cups of silver enamelled for divers presents to be given to the King of Navarre and his retinue, and with divers other memoranda concerning the office of Treasurer, shown to the Lord the King. In money by him paid for his expenses and others going with him, for the safe custody of the cups and moneys aforesaid, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 2 .3 }To William de Lokyngton. clerk of WiUiam de Mulsho, goingr in the retinae of the said Thomas to the parts aforesaid for the protection of the aforesaid moneys and vessels. In money delivered to him for his expenses and hire of horses going and returning, by order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains 10 , To Robert de Roderiiam, an archer going ,, ,' , > in the retinue of the said Thomas and hoderlKiiii.j William for the protection of the moneys and 11 KDWAl!!) III. -l-i:) vessels aforesaid. In iiioiiey clrlivcrcd to him for his ex- £■ •*• '•■ penscs, by order of tlie Treasurer and Chamberlains . i:i 4 ,. r. 1 In moncv paid for 4 pounds of A ecessary tixpenscs. \ • ' ) cord purchased to bind a certain basket with cups anil vessels to be sent to Claryndon . . 10 , , , r., u \ To John DK CuALTON, of I/ondon. In ' money delivered to him for a cart with G horses hired from him for carrying the same basket, with beds and divers other vessels of the King's house- hold, to Claryndon and Salisbury, by the order of the Trea- surer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer 2 To WiLi.iAM DE Si.EFORD, clcrk of the King's William de \ , -.i ■ ,i i .,,-,•, ■ iinstcr ana SV f I \ ""''^^ witiiin the palace at Westmin ' Tower of London, by the hands of John de Massyngham, for the same works, by writ of Liberate, as above 408 Whereof. . .He will answer — and lie answers therefore in his account, as above. William Ch ,, 1 To William Chapman, courier, sent napman.t ' on the i;3th day of August to the northern parts with divers letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Durham and his companions assigned with him in the county of Northumberland ; to the Bishop of Carlisle and his companions assigned in the counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland; to the Archbishop of York and his companions assigned in the counties of York, Not- tingham, and Derby, and a letter to the same Archbishop to levy the tenth in the same diocese, and to collect and raise certain sums of money for the King of Navarre with all despatch, and bring the same to London, and there j)ay it to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the E.xchequer. In money delivered to him for his wages 10 224 ISSUE ROLL. „-.,,. r-. 1 To William Fox, a courier, sent on the £. s. d. ty illiam ro.r. \ , , i-, J aforesaid L3th day of August with the hke letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Ely and to Nicholas de Styvecle, Sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, assigned for the same counties, a commission and letter to the Prior of Norwich, and to Edmond de Thorp, Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, assigned in those counties for the like business. In money delivered to him for his wages . . 8 T 7 nT 1 ) To John March, valet, sent on the afore- Jolm March. \ ) said 13th day of August with a letter ot Privy Seal, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and to John de Cobb am, of Kent, for the same business. In money delivered to him for his wages 6 8 ^,r ,, /-, ,• „1 To Walter Cakdinall, a messenger, n alter Cardinal/. I " ) sent on the aforesaid 13th day of August with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Chester, and certain men assigned with him, for the same business. In money delivered to him for his wages 8 rr,, rr i) To Thomas Hamond, a courier, of York, 1 nomas Hamond.y > coming from the north with letters to the Archbishop of York and John Stoke, directed to the Lord the Treasurer, and sent back with letters from the same Treasurer, directed to the same Archbishop, to the parts atbresaid. In money delivered to him for his wag'^s. 6 8 T , rr 1 L \ To .John Harleston, Captain of the Jolin Harleston. V ' _ ' castle of Guynes. In money delivered to him, in part payment of 100 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift iu :iiil ol' his equipment and expenses incurred in going to the castle aforesaid, there remaining in the King's service for the safe custody of the castle aforesaid, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandat&s of this Term 20 44 EDWARD III. 22') To (livers Mkssengf.ks and Coi'RiKKs, £. .v. (/. /)/rm- AW« Privy Seal, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the like business. In money delivered to him, for his wages 8 4 j5 ■ , , < , ) To Reginald Scryvyn, of Shron- lieginald ticryvyv. > ' ' shire. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John de Thorp, valet, for so much money as was paid by him to divers messengers sent to Wales with letters of Privy Seal, directed to different Bishops in the parts aforesaid, for the like business 10 Tj 2 . r> 1 To Robert Burgeys, a courier, sent liooert hiirgeys.y ' with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Coventry and Lychfield, and also with writs of Great Seal, directed to the Sheriffs of Stafford, Rutland, Warwick, Leicester, Worcester, Nottingham, Derby, and Northampton, for the same business. In money delivered to him, for his wages G 8 ,,•.,;■ J/ I \ To William Hardyng, a messen '^ ' sent with letters of Privy Seal, di- rected to the liishop of Norwich, the Abbots of St. Benedict de Hulmo, de Raniesey, and of St. Edmund, of Walthain Holy Cross ; and also with writs directed to the Sheriffs of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, and Hunt- ingdon, for the like business. In money delivered to him, lor his wages l.j •! 41 I'.im \K'i) III. ... , 1 ... , 1 To Richard Stdkk, a courier, sent wit ii .€• i- il- > letters of Privy Seiil, directed to the Bishop of Chichester and Rochester; and also with writs directed to the Sheritfs of Kent, Surrey, and .Sussex, for the same business. In money delivered to him, for his wages 6 8 ,,..,,. ,, 1 To W ii.iJAM Vo\, il eouriiT, sent willi ii /) ill Kim ro.r. • ' letter to Buckingham, directed to William de Ilaidev. the King's Remembrancer of the Exchequer, to come to London on certain business concerninor his office. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his wages 10 Ilnin/ Lesnop. > To .Sm Henry Lescrop, Knight, sent to the North by precept, of the Lord the King and his Council, to hold the day of the Marches between the said King and those of Scotland. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his wages, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst tile mandates of this Term . . , 66 13 4 WiiKUEOK. . .He will answer. I I 1 IS , , 1 To John de Herlaston, captain of John de Hcrla.s-lon. ^ ' the castle of Guynes. In money delivered to him, in part payment of 100 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him, of his gift, in aid of his equipment, and expenses incurred by him in going to the castle aforesaid, there remaining in the King's service, for the safe custody of the castle aforesaid, by writ of Privy Seal, as above 368 Will I an, Beaiilh,. \ '^" ^^""■■'^M Beaufey, one of the ' tellers of the receipt, sent to Essex with a certain stmi of money, borrowed from divers persons of the said county of Essex, for the King of Navarre, to repay the same. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his wages and expenses, by the order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains 10 q2 228 ISSUE ROLL. To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper of the £. s. d. y/'I'V ' '' \ wardrobe of tlio Lord the Kinfr- In money ' dehvered to him by the hands of »\ iUiam de Denton, liis clerk, on the i/th day of August, for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Liberate, as above 100 Whereof... He will answer — and he answers in his account, as above. Sum .... £275 \Hs. Ad. Wednesday, the Ath Day of September. r, , . , Ti- 1 1 To Robert de WounoRNE, one of Jiobert de n otioonie. > I tlie tellers of the receipt of the Ex- chequer, sent to Shropshire for a certain sum of 10,000 marks, there to be received for the King's use, from the attorney of the Earl of Arundel, and from thence to be brought to London. In money delivered to him, for his wages in the same business, for 20 days, taking each day 6s. ; and for the wages of archers going in the retinue of the said Robert for the piotection of the said money, and for allowance for horses from Shrewsbury to London, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 8 3 3i In money paid by Robert de Robert dr Wonborne 1 ^ouborne and John Wytegod, and Jo/in Wytegod. \ ' at the town of So\ithampton, to divers constables, masters, and seamen, there ordered by the Lord the King and his Council, for the passage of John del Isle, Thomas de Murrcaux, and Thomas Fitz-Symond, and their retinue, to Normandy, as appears by the particu- lars of the same payments remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal for making this pay- ment, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past 97 II 3 41 KDWAKI) III. 2-_'9 In monoy allowed to tlie saiii(> Hohf.kt, lor his wages, sent £*. v. tl. to the parts aforesaid, for payment of tlie seamen's wages for the passage aforesaid, there remaining, and from thence returning, for 1 1 days, taking per day 5.v., by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 2 1 o 11 , ^/- ,1 o • \ I» money delivered to the 1 ayment of the i^camc/i .v \ ■> H'agex,'aml other iierex- I same Robert, for divers mes- san/ Kxpeim-.s; made by | sengers allowed by him, and Robert de ifoubourne. ] ^^„^ ^^ ^,,^ j^j^ ^^ ^y-^^^^ ^,,j for allowance of divers horses from London to Southampton, and for the wages of John March, going in the retinue of the same Robert, for the safe custody of the King's trea- sures, and also for a boat and other small pajiiients by him there made for the passage aforesaid, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Ilanaper of this Term . . 1 3 G In money paid by the said Robert de Wouborne, at Southampton, for the wages of divers men at arms and archers, chosen and trained from the counties of Somerset, Dorset, Southampton, and Wilts, for the protection of the sea-coast and Isle of Wight, as appears by two indentures thereupon made between the same Robert and the said men and archers, remaining in the Ilanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 77 9 4 To Robert de Woborne, lately sent to Clarendon with a certain sum of 2400 marks to be delivered to the Lord the Treasurer there, and from thence sent to Southampton and the Isle of Wight to pay the wages of the men at arms and archers, for protecting the Island aforesaid, and the parts adjacent. In money allowed for his wages, in going, re- maining, and returning in the business aforesaid^ for 24 days, taking each day 5*., together with 6.9. 8d. paid by him for a horse, hired for the carriage of the sum aforesaid from London to Clarendon, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 6 6 8 230 ISSUE ROLL, 1 To a certain Valf.T, sent to Netting- £. s. d. A certain Courier, f , • i i ^ ,t> • c i r * i ) ham with letters ot rnvy heal, directed to the Sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. In money paid to him by the hands of Thomas Durant for his wages . . 6 8 T I s- I \ John NousELEV, a valet, sent to Clarvndon John J\ouseley.\ ' ■' I on the 30th day of August with letters directed to the Lord Chancellor and Treasurer. In money paid to him for his wages 068 1 To John de Haytfield. clerk. In ' y J '^ money received by him, of Thomas de Brantyngham, Treasurer of England at Claryndon, for payment of the seamen's wages, being in the King's ships, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 600 U tl Whereof, . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. \ To John Bluet, the King's serjeant at arms. John Bluet.} , ■ i u i ■ ^ ^^i i i- ) In money received by him at Llaryndon from the same Treasurer, for the wages of 100 archers going from thfe Counties of Somerset and Dorset, to the Isle of Wight, for the protection of the Isle of Wight and those parts, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . . . 33 G 8 Whereof. . . He will answer. To the same John. In money delivered to him by the hands of the same Treasurer at Claryndon, tor the wages of 50 men at arms, chosen by him in the parts aforesaid for the protection of the Island aforesaid and those parts, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 10 13 1 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the account at the Exchequer. ^ To John de Ci.yfton, by the hands of John (Ir Cliit'ton.} r,^. i i i> r •" I 1 nomas de la liyver. in money re- ceived liv iiiiu IVoni the same 'iVcasuiiT at C'lar\ndon, lor ■II Kn\V\[!l) III. 2M the wages of 100 archers goinn; there tVoin the counties of £. *■. (/. Oxford and Berks for the protection of the parts afore- said, hy general writ of Privy Seal, as ahove .... '■'•'^ ^ -^ WliKUKOK. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the ^uiii iiiulervvritten, as appears in the Pell on llie "Jiul day uf January next following. 1 To William Astiiohi'. lii money JfiUiam Asthorp. J j^ii^^^ed to him by the hands of the same Treasurer for the wages of 100 archers, going from the Counties of Somerset and Dorset for the protection of tlie Island aforesaid, and those parts, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 10 Whereof. . .He will answer. — .Aftenvards he restoretl the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell on the 23rd day of November next following. 'J'o Thomas English and Willi. \m Thomas Rnslisli and 1 „ , i i- i . ,,^.,,. ,T , > n.MtBOUK. In money delivered to M illiam Harbour, j •' ■' t hem for the expenses of themselves 3 G and their men in the war, for the protection of the Island aforesaid, by general writ of PriN^y Seal, as above Whereoe. . .They will answer. — Delivered in the Exche- quer account. To James Treverbikn, clerk, and James Treverbienn ad\ ■, n ^ t r I I r^i-e, \ JoHN DE Clifton. Ill moiiev re- Jokn ae CUflon. I _ •' ■' ceived by them of Guido dc Bryenn, for payment of the seamen's wages at Plymouth, for the pas- sage of John, Duke of Lancaster and his men to Gascony, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above ^^^ ' Whereof. . .They will answer. — Afterwards they restored the sum underwritten, as appears in the Poll, on the 22iid day of September next following. I To John de Clyfton. In money re- Jo/u, dr Clyfton. \ ^.^j^.^^, ^^ ,^j^, ^,,. ^,,^. treasurer at 232 ISSUE ROLL, ClarjTidon for payment of the archers' wages, being in the £. *. d. Isle of Wight for the protection of the Island aforesaid, and those parts, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . 279 10 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum underwritten, as appears in the Pell of the 2nd day of January next following. To Adam de Hertyngdon, one of the rr , J > chamberlains of the receipt of the Ex- Hertyngdon. ( . ' . ^ chequer. In money received by him of the said Treasurer at Claryndon, for divers payments there to be made by the said Adam 3SG 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 26th day of October next following. I To Robert Crull, clerk of the King's Robert Crull. f , • j • i u i,- pi ) ships. In money received by him of the same Treasurer, for the wages of Robert de Assheton, Almaricus de Sco. Amando, and their men, sent in the retinue of the King of Navarre beyond seas, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 213 G 8 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Aftenvards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell on the 15th day of September next following. JohnNouseley.\ ^^^j^^^^^ ^j. -^^-^^^.^ de Wouborne to Claryn- don, for the protection of a certain sum of 2,400 marks, there to be delivered to the Lord the Treasurer. In money delivered to him by the hands of the said Robert, for his wages 10 ^ To David ni; Wai.i.. lu inon(>y de- Dandde Wall, j ii,,.,.,,,i to him by the hiinds of Alexander Merle, in disclKu;:e of 20.v., which the Lonl the King com- 44 EDWARD III. 233 mandod to l)(> paid to him of liis gift, by "rit of Privy Scnl, £. .<•. c/. of tills term 10 To divers Messkngeus and CouRiKKS I ,< ■ '^ > sent by the Lord Treasurer from the aita ( oiirwrx. I . town of Salisbury to various parts of Knglaiid. with letters of Privy Seal directed to divers Bisliops and other persons. In money delivered to them by the hands of the said Lord the Treasurer for their wages, as appears by the particuhirs remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 300 Sum £1,874 IS*-. Shi. Tliiirsddij, the Wlh Day of September. To VViLLi.\M DE GoNTHORP, treasurer of the y^ !, ' \ town of Calais. In money delivered to him J by the hands of John de Neuwcrk, for his office, by his writ of Liberate, as above 933 G 8 Wherp;of. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To the same William, by the hands of Nicholas de Tam- worth, captain of the same town of Calais. In money delivered to the same Nicholas, by the hands of Adam de Kotsey, for the expenses of himself, 80 men at arms, and 80 archers, in the war, remaining in the fort of the town afore- said, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above . 66 13 4 To the same Wn,i.i.\M. by the hands of Conrad de Ry- bourgh, Knight of (jiermany. In money delivered to the same Conrad, by his own hands, for the expenses of himself and 23 men at arms, being with him in the fort of the same town of Calais, counting from the 18th day of October ne.\t following, as appears by the bill of the said William, can- 234 ISSUE ROLL. celled in the Ilanaper of this Term, by writ of Liberate of £. s. d. the said William, as above 119 8 11 To the same William, by the hands of Ulric Shooft, and Zachery Von Ilyn, Knights of Germany. In money de- livered to the said Ulric and Zachery, by their own hands, for their expenses, as a reward, and for 9 men at arms Avith thcin, in the King's service in the war in the fort of the town aforesaid, counting from the 25th day of Sep- tember next following, as appears by the bill of the said W^illiam, cancelled in the Ilanaper of this Term, by writ of Liberate of the said William, as above 66 7 1 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. TT I TT- ; ^ 1 ; \ To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper Henry de H akefeld. i ^ ' •' of the wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Denton, his clerk, on the 6th day of September last past, for the expense of the King's household, by his writ of Libe- rate, as above 100 Whereof . . . He will answer — and he answ ers therefore in his account, as above. A, 1 T> 7 1 To Al.\n de Barley, a messenger, sent Alan de Jiariey. [■ ' o ' > on the 27th day of August to Glouces- tershire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, War- wickshire, and Leycestershire, with letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and certain other persons assigned with them, to contract for a certain slated sum lately ordered for the King in the counties aforesaid, to repay and restore to the same men from whom the sum aforesaid was borrowed ; and also with two commissions and two writs, directed to the Collector of the Customs in the port of Bristoll, with a Cockett of his office. In money de- livered to him. by liis ou n iiands. for his wajres 41 EDVVAHl) 111. 235 ..-■.I- /-.. I 1 To William Ci.EKK, ;i messenger sent £• •>'• f^- ;> lUiam (Icrk. } , . I on tht> aforesaid "ijth day of August to Oxfordshire. Barksliire, Soutliauiptoii, \Viltsliire, Soniersot- shire, Dorsetshire, Devonsliire, and Cornwall, with like let- ters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop, the Earl of Devon, and divers other clerks assigned in the counties aforesaid for the same business ; and also with two commis- sions and two writs, directed to the Collector of Customs in the port of Kxeter, with the Cockett of his office. In money delivered to liini tor his wages 16 8 ,,. ,. ,. ,. „1 To Walter Kardinall, a messenger /) a/tcr Karduinll. > „ . , ' sent on the aforesaid 27th day of Au- gust to Sussex and Kent with the like letters, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Chichester, and the Prior of Rochester, and certain other persons as- signed with them in the counties aforesaid, for the same business; and also with two commissions and two writs, directed to the Collector of the Customs in the port of Queenborough, with the Cockett of his office. In money delivered to him for his wages 8 4 , , , c ji- I ) To John de Stafford, a courier, sent John de Stafford.\ _ ^ ' ) on the aforesaid '27th day of August with the like letters, directed to the Bishops of Ely and London and Thomas de Lodelowe and certain persons as- signed with him in the counties of Middlesex, Essex, Hert- fordshire, Cambridge, and Huntingdon, for the same busi- ness. In money delivered to him for his wages ... •'? 4 ». . \ In inonov. by the hands of Thomas de J\ ecex.mru's. '. ' Santon, lor a boat sent at divers times from London to Westminster, and returning on the King's busi- 11 , , w , 1 To .loHN March, valet, sent on the ^nd ' day of September to Lincoln and \'ork 236 ISSUE ROLL, with letters of the Lord Treasurer, directed to the Prior of £. s. d. Saint Katherine of Lineohi, the Abbot of the Blessed Mary of York, and the collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the ports of Saint Botolph and Kingston-upon- Hull, to send with all haste to London the money in the King's ships, that he could make divers necessary pay- ments therewith. In money delivered to him for his wages. 10 T 7 A- 7 1 To John Nouseley, valet, sent on the John JSouselcij.} ' aforesaid 2d day of September to Norfolk with like letters of the Lord the Treasurer, directed to the Prior of Norwich and the collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of Great Yarmouth, for the same business. In money delivered to him for his wages . . 118 ,,..,,. IT I 1 To William Hardykg, a messenger H illtam Hardyng.\ " ) sent on the aforesaid 2d day of Sep- tember with like letters of the Lord Treasurer, directed to the Abbot of Saint Albanes, the Priors of Newenham and of Okeborne, on the business aforesaid. In money delivered to him for his w.nges 068 TT I 1 nT-., 1 To Hugh de Mitton, sent on the said Hugh de Milton. \ ' 2d day of September with the like letters of the Lord the Treasurer, directed to the Prior of Saint Gregory, of Canterbury, on the same business. In money delivered to him for his wages G 8 , , ,, , 1 To John Nouseley, sent on the lltli day John i\'ley.t , . . ' of September to Norfolk with like letters of the Lord the Treasurer, directed to the searchers, in the port of the town of Linn, on the business aforesaid. In money delivered to him, by bis own hands, for his wages . 10 , , ... \ lo Andrew Piers Andrew I'iris. \ ' letter (hrecled to .1 To Andrew Piers, a courier, sent with a John to Lin- II KDWAIU) III. 237 coin, for the King's business. In money delivered to him £. •?. 'I- for his Wiiores 8 To the Lord the KlNc:, in his The IjOiiI Ihe Kiiis,i"\ r.i i i i r i »» 1 ■ ^, 1 " I Chamber. In money dehvcrcd to his Chamber. I , ' r~. j ' him, by the hands of Gaviterone de Barde, in discharge of 1000 marks which the same Lord the King lent, at the receipt of the Exchequer, out of the money of his chamber, by the hands of the attorney of the Earl Dalphyn Dauvergne, on the 25th day of May last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . 206 13 4 To the same Lord the King, in his Chamber. In money delivered to him, by the hands of the same Gauterone de Barde, in discharge of 2.50 marks which the same Lord the King lent, at the receipt of the Exchequer, out of the money of his chamber, by the hands of the attorney of the Earl Dalphyn Dauvergne, on the 18th day of July last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day . 100 13 4 To the same Lord the King, in his Chamber. In money paid to John Saleman, by the hands of the said Gauterone, in part payment of 700 marks which the same Lord the King lent, at tlie receipt of the Exchequer, out of the money of his chamber, on the 4th day of September last past, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day .... IGG 13 4 Ti, 7-1 . 1 To TiioM.\s D.\UTKK, the Kind's ser- J jeant-at-arms, sent with two letters of the Signet of the Lord the King, directed to the Lord Prince of Wales and Aquitain and Duke of Lancaster, to Dart- mouth, and from thence to be sent to Gascony. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his wages and expenses 100 William Hardyng. \ ^^ ^'^^uam H.^kdvng, a messenger J sent with a letter, directed to the Lord Treasurer, at Faryngdon. In money delivered to him for his wages 084 238 ISSUE KOLL, To Sir John de Nevill, a Knight of £. i-. JohndeNei-i/U p^^^^^^ prisoner of the Lord the King of trance. ( ' „ t , i . J within the Tower oi London, to whom the Lord the King granted 2a'. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer in aid of his support so long as he should remain in the prison aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same allowance — to wit, from the Tith day of June last past, unto the 1st day of July next following, for 20 days, each day included, by his w'rit current of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term, in the 43d year. 2 Sum .... £1,884 8*. 7d. Saturdaij, the 13//« Day of September. TT ) T?- I z- ; 1 1 To Henry de AVakefeld, keeper Henry de ft akefeld. > ' ) of the wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Denton, his clerk — to wit, on the 12th day of September 100/., and on the 21st day of September 200 marks, for the expenses of the King's household, by his writ of Libe- rate, as above 233 6 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. rji, 17 .i 1 To Thomas Ferthynge, valet, sent 1 nomas tertnynge.y ' to the north with letters directed to the collector of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of Kingston-upon-IIull. In money delivered to him for his wages 3 r , TV- , ) To John Nouseley, valet, sent on the ) 20tli day of September to Faryndon with a letter to the Lord Treas\irer. In money delivered to him for his wiiges 8 M KD\V.\1{I) III. '>.',0 .,..,,. ,. 1 To Wii.i.iAM Fox, a courier, sent on tlic -^- ^- "■ H ill Kim ro.r. \ , , X- I I 1 I 'iOtli (lav of September to f ho >ortli to Jolm dc Bolton, Chamberlain of the town of Berw yk-upon-Tweeil, with two bonds, by which the King of Scotland was bound to the Lord the King in 1000 marks, and there to receive those 1000 marks from the same King of Scotland to the King's use ; and also with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Lords de Percy and de Nevill, and Henry Lescroop, to come to London to the Council of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him for his wages 15 ,,..,,. rr I 1 To William Hardyng, a messenger // illuim Hardi/tig.> " ' sent on the '21st day of September with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Earl of Sahsbury, Guido de Brienn, and Roger Beauchamp, to come to Lon- don to the Council of the Lord the King. In money deli- vered to liiiu for his wages 0150 ,, ,, I ] To John Makchk, valet, sent on the afore- J oil It Miirrlic. ^ > said "J 1st day of September with like letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishops of Ely and London, and the Earls of Hereford and Sutlblk, for the same Council. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his wages. 13 4 „. , I o^ , 1 To Richard Stokes, valet, sent on the Richard btokes. > > said 21st day of .September with the like letters, directed to the Bishop of Worcester and the Earl of Warwick, for the same Council. In money delivered to him for his wages 084 WW CI k \ '^° WiLLiA.M Clekk, a messenger, sent ' on the aforesaid 21st of September with the like letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Earl of Arundell, for the same Council. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his wages 084 240 ISSUE ROLL. }To William de Gunthorp, treasurer of the £ . .v. S>iayt/i. > > King's great wardrobe. In money delivered to him — to wit, by the hands of John Elme, "20 marks, by the hands of John Bakewell, their clerk, GO*, for his office, by his writ of Liberate, as above 16 6 8 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. 242 ISSUE ROLL, T 1 r> j) To John IJoYNARD, for the porterage of a £. .y. d. John BoynardA ' " ' bag ^vith books from the office of the Trea- surer and Chamberlains at Westminster to the Treasurer's house, and from thence frequently to Westminster. In money delivered to him in aid of his expenses for alms from the King, as a reward to him for the whole year last past, by order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains 13 4 x,T.„. „ ., 1 To William Beaufet, one of the y\ illiam Beaiifcy. \ ' ' J tellers of the receipt of the Ex- chequer, sent to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and from thence by the sea coast to the port of Kingston-upon-HuU, to pay the seamen's wages for the King's passage by sea. In money received by him from the collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to make this payment, as appears by the duplicate part of a certain indenture made between the same collectors and the said William, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 46 7 6 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 15th day of September, next following. To Master Robert de Wvkford, clerk. "^"^w f^°^T^1 In moxey 'eceived by him from Thomas de Wykford. , ' Chaumbernoun, the King's escheator in Devonshire, in discharge of 55/. 13*'. Ad. due to the same Master Robert for wages, receipts, and expenses, incurred by him going as the King's messenger to the Court of Rome, for divers affairs of the King, from the 5tli day of December in the 42nd year, to the 9th day of July next following, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past 55 13 4 In money paid by .lolm Ivleryk. door keeper L- >•( ly I ^j- ^]jp receipt of the Exchequ(M-, tor the Expenses. ( ^ ,,,,,.. expe 44 EDWARD III. 243 same Rpccipt at Westminster for one week, for arranging £. s. d. anil repairing the rolls of the Common Bench and King's Bench of the times of King Henry, the grandfather, fatlier, and tiic present King ; and also for repairing and arranging the fines, rolls of assize, writs of the Ilanaper, and divers other memoranda of the time of the aforesaid Kings ; and for the labour of labourers assisting in the arrangement aforesaid, for the same time, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 2 117^ r.,, I , ir ) To Tiio.MAs DEL More, constable of I Porchester Castle. In money re- ceived by iiim of John Butiller, Sheriff of Southampton, for the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others, there remaining for protection of the castle aforesaid, by his writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term . . 20 Whereof. . .lie will answer. — Delivered in the account at the l-lxchequer. ,, If ■ 1 To John MoRicE, a messenger sent on the Jo/iii lUoncc > . ' 2Sth day of September with a letter from the Lord Treasurer, directed to the Prior of Rochester. In money delivered to him lor his wages 10 Sum £654 Os. 9id. Sum of the preceding four days . £4,689 6*. 5d. Monday, the l-^tli Day of September. HI. 30 I'l money paid, by the hands of Seamen's Wages for the\ Thomas Durant, one of the tel- pa-Mage of Robert ) . „ . • ^ c ,v. t? \ Knolles to France. 1 ''^'"^ "'^ *^^« '"'^'^^'P^ «^ ^^e Exche- quer, as well in the port of Lon- don as from thence throughout the Thames and by the rivers Medway and the Swale, and by the sea-coast to the port of r2 74 10 4 244 ISSUE ROLL, Romney, to divers masters and mariners, for the passage of Lord Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, as appears by the particulars of the same payments, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 44th year In money allowed to the same Thomas for his wages and exjienses incurred upon paying the wages aforesaid — to wit, from the ■22d day of June last past, unto the 3d dayof J>dy next following, for 12 days, counting each day, taking per day 5*., together with 10.y. paid for the hire of two horses from the town of Rochester by the sea coast to the town of Apuldre, and from thence to the city of London, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 44th year 3100 ™, „ 1 To Thomas Durant, one of the mes- 1 homos Dtirant. \ ) sengers of the receipt of the Exchequer, lately sent to Rye, by command of the Council, in the re- tinue of Adam de Hertyngdon and John de Thorp, to pay and reckon the wages of the seamen there for the passage of Robert de Knolles and his retinue to France. In money delivered to him for his wages in going, tarrjnng, and re- turning upon the same business — to wit, from the 11th day of July last past, unto the 3d day of August next following, for 24 days, both days included, taking per day 5*., together with \'ld. paid for the hire of two horses for the same Thomas, by general writ, as above 12 To the same Thomas. In monej' delivered to him for an advance to be paid at the will of the King 10 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum under-written, as appears in the Pell of the 24th day of July, in the 49th year. ,,■„. , , 1 To William Jankyn, one of the mas- /( illKiiii Jaiiki/nA 1 ters of the King's ships sent in the 11 KUWAKl) III. 245 ri'liniic of the said Tlioinas and Kiduird do Imwortli, by £. .v. es Thomas Durant and Richard de Im- worth, to report to them concerning the small ships in the rivers Thames, Meddeway, and La Swale. In money deli- vered to the same Thomas Chamberlayn for his expenses for 12 days, taking per day 12f/., together with bs. paid for a certain horse hired for the same Thomas Chamberlayn, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 17 In money paid for a certain boat hired for the same Thomas and Richard from the port of London to Essex, to inquire and search for divers ships in the parts aforesaid for the passage aforesaid 034 rr, n ., I To Thomas Wauterson, master I nomas U autrrson. <■ , . ' of the ship called the Godyer, of Wayntlcte, for the conveyance of 20 casks. In money re- ceived by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of him- self and 8 seamen 3100 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. T 1 c<, 1 To John Stacy, master of a certain ship at Jolin Stacy. \ '■ ) Graveseude, for the conveyance of 20 casks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of himself and 5 seamen 116 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. seamen Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. 1 T Nicholas Gladwi/iic. > To Nicholas Gladewyne, master the ship called the Pelegrine, of Quenesburgh, for the conveyance of 16 casks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of himself and 4 seamen Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ^,,.,,. ,r , \ To Wii.i.iAM Hendmane, master yy ilUam llrndmaiiv. \ . ,. ,. rN-., ' of a ecrtani shqj of Gdlvngham, for 1 1 246 ISSUE ROLL, Tir-ii- A- ;, 1 To William Nocolt, master of the Wtlliam JSocolt. \ ,^ , ,.,-,, i ' ship called the \\ elyfare, of Grenhuyhe, for the conveyance of 16 casks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of himself and 4 seamen Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. „ ^ 1 To Henry Cogger, master of the ship enry ogger. | ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Northflete, for the conveyance of 16 casks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of himself emd 4 seamen . 110 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. J, , , „ , , 1 1 To Robert, called Goderoberd, Hooert Lroderooerd. V J master of a certain ship at Gravesende, for the conveyance of 20 casks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of himself and 5 1 1 6 L^M Hendmane, master , for the convoyance of 16 casks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant. for the wages uf liiins<'lf :uu! I seamen 1 44 EDWARD III. 247 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer £• * <'• account. , , ,r I ) To John Hardy, master of the ship called Jolm Hdrdij. • „ , , . tt ^ i ' tiic Cog-Jolian, ol Hoc, for the conveyance of 14 ciisks. In money received by him, from Thomas Durant, for the wages of himself and 4 seamen .... 110 Whereof. . .He will answer. — ^ Delivered in the Exchequer account. In money paid by the hands of The Wages- of Seamen\ Adam de Hertyngdon, one of the in the Port of I^ndotiA , , i . r ^u t7 l ,. ., !)■' ,.> chamberlains ot the riXchequer, Jor the I'axsage on ^ •-'» liobert Knol/es. ' j »'«1 Thomas Durant, one of the tellers of the receipt of the same E.Kcheqiier, to divers masters and seamen in the port of London, going from thence with their ships to La Rye, for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, as aj)pears by the j)articulars of the same payments, re- maining in the Ilanapcr of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past 139 In money paid by the hands of The Wages of Seamen} William Beaufev, one of the in the Aorth for (he\ t^^n^rs of the receipt, lately sent Paxxage of the samel , »- i ■ Robert. I ^^ ^'^ Aorth to divers masters and seamen in the ports of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Kingston-upon-HuU, and Grimesby, going from thence to Orewcll and La Rye, as well for the passage of the Lord the King and his army beyond the sea, as for the passage of Robert de Knolles and his retinue to France, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past. . 178 10 248 ISSUE ROLL, •. In money allowed to the same £. x. d. William BecHfaj.^ William lor his wages and expenses, for making the payment of the wages aforesaid, from the 30th day of March last past, unto the 7th day of May next following, for 39 days, each day inclusive, taking per day 5a., together with 6i'. 8f/. by him paid for the hire of a ship called a Cogship, for his passage from the Town of Hull to Grimesby, and for the passage and repassage of himself and his horses from Barton to Hull, and for 6s. Sd. paid for the hire of 3 horses from the town of Grimesby unto the said town of Barton, and for the expenses of the said horses and of a groom returning with the same horses to the aforesaid town of Grimesby, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 10 8 4 To the same William, lately sent to La Rye. by command of the Council, in the retinue of Adam de Hertyngdon and John de Thorp, to reckon and pay the seamen's wages being there, for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France. In money delivered to him for his wages, in going, remaining, and returning, for the same business — to wit, from the 1 Ith day of July last past, unto the 3rd day of August next following, for 24 days, each day included, taking per day .5.s-.. together with 12*. paid for 2 horses hired for the same William, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 6 12 To the same William. In money delivered to him as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 13 6 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the I4th day of November next following. John de Haytfeld] ^^o John de IIavtfeld, clck. by the ' hands of John Goldyng, master of the ship called the Saint Mary boat of Hull, for the convey- ance of 100 casks. In money delivered to the sauu> John Golding by the hands of William Beaiifey, for the expenses 11 I'.DWAiil) III. 219 of himself and of one constable, each at G(/. por day, and £. *-. money received by him from the Venerable Father, William Bishop of Winchester, as well for the wages of the seamen in the King's ships, for the passage of the. King of Navarre to Normandy and returning, as for the wages of his men at arms and archers, chosen from divers counties, being in the .ships aforesaid, for the protection of the same, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above .31G Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. To Henry de W.\kefield, keeper of the U^ h ii 11 \ wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands J of Hugh Fastolf In money received by the same Hugh from John de Haytfield, for the wages of him- self, his armed men, and archers, being with him in the King's ships, for the protection of the same in the said voyage, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . . » 13 6 ^ To the same Keeper, by the hands of Thomas Englissh and William Barbour. In money by them received from the aforesaid John, for the wages of liimself, his armed men and archers, being with him in the King's ships aforesaid, for the protection of the said ships, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 400 Whereof. . .He will answer — and lie answers tliorefore in his account, as above. John de Hm,ffr/J. ] '^° -^"'"^' °^' H^VTi.Ei.n. clerk. In ' money delivered to him. for the pay- 44 EDWARD 111. 255 nient of the seamen's wages in the King's ships, by general £. -v. (/. writ of Privy Seal, as above \G\i l'^ WiiF.RKOF. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. In money paid by John do New- The Wages of the Mri)\ cnham, one of the chamberlains at Arms and Archer.A, .• ^i i.^ i * d ^ ^\, , r) . .; if ot tile tixchequer, at rortesmuth at 1 ortesmuth (iintx '■ Suthampton. ' "'"^ ♦'"? town of Suthampton, for the wages of the men at arms, armed men, and archers, being lately there to resist the malice of our French enemies, and remaining there for the protection of those parts, as appears by the particulars of the same paj-ments. remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past 769 8 4 T , , -K' I 1 In money allowed to the same John, John de l\eirenham.\ ■' I for his wages and expenses m the same business, taking per day 10*. — to wit, from the 28th day of August, in the 43rd year, unto the 21st day of Sep- tember next following, for 24 days, each day included, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 12 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Henry de l wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands Wakefield, r ., , _. . , t J of Almaricus de Sancto Amando. In money received by the same Almaricus from John de Newenham, one of the chamberlains of the Exchequer, at Southampton, for his wages, he lately remaining at the said town of South- ampton, for the protection of the town aforesaid, as appears by a letter under the seal of the Chancellor and Treasurer, thereupon directed to the same Jolin, to make this payment to the same Almaricus, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . , - 50 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Roger de Elmrugg, 250 ISSUE ROLL, Knight. In money received by him from the same John, £. s. of the Exchequer, lately sent to 1 ork and Northumberland, as well to survey divers alien ])riories as to borrow money from divers wealthy persons in those parts ; and also sent to La Rye to take an account of the goods and chattels taken in a certain ship in the port of La Rye, and make known the same to the King's Council. In 4t K1)\V.\I{1) III 257 monpy deliverpil to him for lii-t \va>io-; ami cxjion^ps lor 42 £■ t. (I. days, each day iiichidcd, taking by the day lO.v. by order of the Treasurer and Barons, and by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst tlie mandates of Michaelmas Term last ))ast . 21 ,,- ,, ,. ,1 Ti> \\ AI.TKU FOKF.STER, cilize'u (if Loii- don. In money delivered to him, in discharge of "jOO/. which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to him I'or all the lands and tenements which belonged to the same Walter in the towns of Kotherhythe. Bermondesey, and Grcnewich, in the counties of Surrey and Kent, purchased from him to the use of the same Lord the King, by writ of Privv Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Timih. in tin- 1 1th year 50 To the same Waller. In mon(>y delivcrcil to him, in dis- charge of 40 marks wliiih the Lord the King commanded to be delivereil to him for 10 tymbers of Knnine, purchased from him for the King's use, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates ol' Michaelmas Term, ill the 45th year . 20 13 4 n , /-. ) To Peter Conynger, bailiff of the ' King's manor of Rutherhuyth, for the price of divers goods and chattels received by him from Walter Forster to the King's use for the stock of the manor aforesaid, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 33 13 4 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account at the Excheqvier, roll 44 in the roll of accounts. rri c. \ To Thomas! Stevenson, master of 1 nomas iitnenxon. > ■' ' the ship called La Marie de Salflete. In money received by him from the Collector of the King's Customs in the port of Southampton, as an advance for the wages of the seamen with him in the ship aforesaid . 10 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Afterwards there was de- 33 258 ISSUE ROLL, ducted in the account of Jolni de Thorp lately charged for £. payment of the seamen's wages at La Rye J h iJ CI ft I '^° John de Clyfton, lately appointed ' to pay the wages of the armed men, archers, and seamen, for the passage of Guydo de Bryenn beyond the sea, by the hands of Walter de Derby, John de Wotton, and John de Portelond, for his wages, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above To the same John, by the hands of Ralph Gayte, master of the barge called .the Michel of Weymuth, for the expense of himself and the seamen with him in the barge aforesaid, by general w'rit of Privy Seal, as above 25 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of the 'HwA day of September next following. "^- '^-^ In money paid by order of the Ciian- Divers Officers of the\ cellor and Treasurer to divers clerks Exchequer, and of \ , , „ ,, „ , the Receipt of the ^"'^ °*'^^'' ^*'^'''"^' ^^ ''-^^^ «^ '^e Exchequer. I great Exchequer as of the receipt of the Exchequer, remaining there during the vacation to expedite the business of the Lord the King, of the gift of the said Lord the King, as a reward in aid of their expenses, because the same clerks and officers with their wages and fees from ancient time allowed to them were not able to maintain their estate — to wit, to William de Mulsho and Adam de Hertyngton, Chamberlains, to each of them 20/. ; to Thomas de Orgrave, clerk of the Treasury, 20 marks ; to Thomas Wetwange and James Treverbien, clerks of the chamber, to each of them 100.v. ; to Robert de Wouborne, Thomas Durant, and William Beaufey, tellers of the same receipt, to each of them 5 marks ; to John Bray, usher of the same receipt, lOO.v. ; to Jolm Innocent, clerk, 5 marks; to three under clerks — to wit, William de Lokyngton, senior, and William de Lokyngton, 41 KDWAKI) III. •_>.-)<.( junior, and Thoums de Santon, to t-ach of them 40.v. ; to £. x. d. John I'liU'ryk, iislicr ot'tlic receipt, 40.s-. ; and to James Pal- mer, clerk of the great roll of the Exciieqiier, 10/. ; to Wil- liam de Ilaulv, Kinjir's remembrancer of the same Exchequer, 20 marks; to John de Edensore, remembrancer in the office of the treasury of the said Exchequer, 10/.; to Henry de Briddeshale and John Dautre, clerks in the Chamberlain's office of the same Exchequer, to each of them 50a'. ; to Ro- bert de Sekyndon, opposer of the said Exchequer, 60.v. ; to William de Wellom, clerk, for writiiic; the estreats in the same Exchequer, 40.v. ; to John de Denton, clerk of the pleas in the same Exchequer, 40*., by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Easter Term, in the 39th year 13") In money paid by the hand of Ber- IVagex of the ScnmeiA ^.^^D de Saint John, of Gerne- Vaid bii Bernard dr\ , , r , /-, , ,. •V. • , -'r, I sev, and by John Cok, to divers i^amt John. ) masters and seamen in the island of Gernesey, going in the service of the Lord the King to La Rye, and from thence for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, as appears by the particulars of the same payments remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 44th year .50 IG 8 In money allowed to the aforesaid Bernard de Saint John for his wages and expenses in going to Gernesey, and returning at divers times about the payment of the seamen's wages aforesaid, and retaining the ships aforesaid, for 67 days, taking per day 2.f., by general writ of Privy Seal, as above M (I T I /^ ; i> r I 1 To John Cok, of London, deputy John Cok. of London. '. _ > f J I of Walter Huwet in the island of Gernesey. In money delivered to him as an advance to be repaid 12 10 s2 ^ 260 ISSUE ROLL, Whereof. . .Ho will answer. — Delivored in the Exchequer £■ ■»'. d. account. Th 1 rift \ To John DE Clifton, lately appointed to 1 pay the wages of the armed men, archers, and seamen, for the passage of Guido de Bryenn beyond the sea, by the hands of John Swete, master of the ship called La Jouette, fot the expenses of himself and the seamen with him in the ship aforesaid, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 7 2 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum underwritten, as appears in the Pell of the 22d day of September next following. In money paid by the hands of Seamen s Wages paid by\ rr, „,.„ „^ \\r^,r.^„r. - i i ™, ,jP , i •'y Ihomas de Wetewang, clerk 1 nomas n etewaiig. f J of the receipt of the Exchequer, to divers masters and seamen in the ports of Saint Botoliih, Linn, Yarmouth, and Ipswich, going with their ships to La Rye, and from thence for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, as appears by the particulars of the same payments remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 44th year 147 13 4 In money allowed to the same Thomas for his wages and expenses on payment of the seamen's wages aforesaid, for 14 days, taking per day 5s., by general writ, as above 3 10 ,,. , , , r ,, 1 To Richard de Imworth, the nichanl de Jiiiirort/i. \ I King's serjeant-at-arms, sent to the north in the retinue of Thomas de Wetewang, clerk, for payment of the seamen's wages aforesaid. In money re- ceived by him from the aforesaid Thomas for his wages . 1 U Whereof. . . He will answer. — Delivored in the Exchequer account. II i;i)\\ AUi) 111. 'jni , , „ ) To John Hroi John J>roiiii.iirci/ii. \ •' I ship called tl lo John Hrounswf.yN, master oftiie p called the Gerland of Boston. In money received by him from Thomas de VVetewanff, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King . . . 4 1 1 U WiiKREOF. . .lie will answer. — Delivered in the Ex- chequer account. /I ir / 1 To John Morle, master of (he ship called John Morlc. \ . . ' La Christoplior, of Linn. In money re- ceived bv iiim from Thomas de Wetewan^, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 3 17 Whereof. . . He will answer.- — Delivered in the Exchequer account. , , ,, . 1 To John Fairem.\n, master of the John baireman. \ 1 ship called the Trinite of Yarmouth. In money received by him from Thomas de Wetewang, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King . . . . 14 14 Whereof. . . He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. To Thomas de Wetewang, clerk. In money I received by him from the Treasurer and ■' Chamberlains of Thomas de Weteuans- . _. af the Exchequer, as an ad- vance, to be restored 180 Whereof. . . He will answer.— Delivered in the Exchequer account. W It • r t \ '^'^ Walter Frost, of Kingston-upon- ' Hull. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for the payment of the seamen's wages in the ports of Kingston-upon-Hull and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, going to Winchelsea and La Rye, for the passage of Ro- bert Knolles and his retinue to France, by general writ, as above S 16 9 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the 262 ISSUE ROLL. aforesaid, as appears in the Pell of till- 'iOth day of SeptiTii- £• *•- ''■ ber, next following. To Thomas de Brantyngham, late keeper Thomas de 1 ^^ ^^^ ^^ardrobe of the Lord the King. J In money received by him from the Ex- ecutors of the will of Ralph de Brantynghani, for his office, by his writ of Liberate, as above _/ o 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account on the 3rd day of February in the 47th year. Sum .... £3053. As. Id. Saturday, the 20th Day of September. I In money paid by the hand of Walter Frost, of Kinsston-upon-Hull, to divers masters and seamen for their wages — to wit, going from the port of Kingston- upon-HuU, by the sea-coast, unto the port of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, with their ships, as well to the ports of Orewell and Sandwych for the passage lately ordered by the Lord the King and his army, beyond the sea, to La Rye and Winchelsea, for the passage of Robert KnoUes and his retinue to France, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term last past . . 140 17 *• ,,, ,, ,, ^1 In money allowed to the same Walter tor H alter Prost.> ■' ' his wages and expenses, as well for retain- ing the ships aforesaid, by the Commission of the Lord the King, and for payment of the seamen's wages aforesaid, as for the safe conduct of the same ships unto the jiort of Orewell for 3"2 days, and for taking the same ships froni 44 KDWAKI) 111. '2G3 thence, by coinniaiul of the Lord the King, to the port of £. s. d. Siiiulwieh for ^iC) days, takiiiiiper day "w., by general writ of Privy Seal, as al)ove 17 " '• In money allowed to tiie same Waller for his wages and expenses, as well for retaining the like ships by similar Commission of the Lord the King as for the safe conduct of the said ships to Southampton, and payment of the sea- men's wages aforesaid — to wit, from the 14th day of May in the 44th year, unto the '25th day of June next following, for 33 days, and from thenee for bringing the same ships unto the ports of Winchelsea and La Rye by the King's command — to wit, from the 26th day of June in the same year, to the last day of July next following, for 36 days, each day included, taking per day 5,?., by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 17 5 To Thomas de Waltham and Thomas ,,. ,,, 'I Fkrthyng, valets, sent from the town of Saint H alt nam. ' Hotolph to Kiiigston-upon-HuU, for the protection of the King's money. In money delivered to them by the hands of Walter Frost, for their wages and expenses, and for the hire of horses for the same business . 12 7> I . r-, / A To Robert Etelaf, master of the ship Robert hlelaf.> , , ' ' called the Peter of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In money received from him of Walter Frost, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King .... 1 J 1 (i Whehf.OF. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. rrf, a, 1 To Tiio.MAS Stevenson, master of I nomas iitevenson. 1 ' the ship called the Maryolf of Salte- flethaven. In money received by him from the same Walter, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King . 4 7 6 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. 264 ISSUE ROLL, I , TT 1 To John LLicon, master of the ship called £. j-. d. John llacoiiA ' I the Cogge John of Yarmouth. In money received hy him of the same Walter, as an advance to he paid at the will of the King 6 9 (> Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the E.xchcquer account. To William Richardessone, master r> • , > I of the shii) called the Maudelayne, of J Hornesehek. In money received hy him from the same W'alter as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 7 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ji , 1 I jf 1 To Richard de Mysen, master of liichard de Ml/sen A > the ship called the Petre, of Salteflete- haven. In money received by him from the same Walter, as an advance, to he paid at the will of the King ... 2 10 Whereof. . . He will answer. — Delivered in the E.xchequer account. n';7- n JT' I J 1 To Willi A.M DuFFELD, master of the H illiam Dujjetd. \ I ship called La Malyn, of Grymesby. In money received by him from the same Walter, to be paid at the will of the King 3 l> Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ,, ,, . ,, 1 To William Coupere, master of the I ship called the Margrete, of Grymes- by. In iiioiK'v received by hini fjoni tlie same Walter, to be paid at the will of the King. 17 ',( Whereof. . .He wiil answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ,, ,,. ;/-./, 1 To William dk Carleton, master /) illi'tiii dr ( iiiii loti. ' of ilic silip called the Godeyere, -of 11 KDWAIJI) III. 265 (iiyincsby. In money received Ijy liiin from the same £. s. (/. Waller in advance, to be paid at (lie will of the Kincr . . 3 8 3 Whkheof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the E.xchequer aeeoimt. In money paid by the hands of Jfages oftheSenmeuA jj^,^.„ p.^tolf, of the town of Yar- paid by Hugh > , ,. , Fastoiy I iiioutli, to divers masters and seamen in the ports of England, for their wages — to wit, from the port of Lynne by the sea-coast unto tile entrance of the Thames, going to Sandwich and Ore- well, for tlie passage lately ordered by the Lord the King and his army, to go beyond the sea, as appears by the particulars of the same payments, remaining in the Ha- naper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Mieliaei mas Term last past .... 296 19 11 J, , r. . .,•! In money allowed to the same Hugh, for Hugh iHistolf.} _ ■' ' his expenses, as well for the equipment and protection of the ships aforesaid — to wit, from Lynne to Yarmouth, and from thence by the sea-coast to the entrance of the Thames, as for the payment of the seamen's wages aforesaid, for 20 days, taking per day lO.v., by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 10 To the same Hugh. In money delivered to him by his own hands, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 7 15 9 Whf.keof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ,, ,, 1 To Henry Mey, master of the ship called Heiinj Met/. "/ *^ ' the Clement, of Lynne. In money received by him from Hugh de Fastolf as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 18 WiiEKEOF. . .He will answer. — Deli\ered in tlie Exchequer account. 2(56 ISSUE ROLL, ni. 33- ^.I J .1 To Thomas Longeston, master of £. j. d. 1 /lomai' Longeston. > ' the ship called the Saint Marycreyere. In money received by him from Hugh Fastolf as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 4 4 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. T , r' . (To John Faireman, master of the ship John I'aiiemmi. f "^ ' called the Creyer. In monej' received by him from the same Hugh as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 4 76 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. To Richard de Bradewell, master of the imlletLn \ ^^'P ^^^"^^^ ^^^ ^^^'"y °^ Yarmouth. In J money received by him from the same Hugh as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King ... 330 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ,-, , , ^ 1 To Thomas Rondoluf, masterof the Ihonuts Hondohif. \ „ , , x-- i i ) ship called the Nicholas, of Yarmouth. In money received by him of the same Hugh as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 3 6 6 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ,. , „ ) To Robert Rust, master of the ship Robert Rv.1t. \ „ , , ^ . , ' . . ,r . . • / ' called the Saint Anne ship, ot Ipswicn. In money received by him from the same Hugh as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King 2 2 Whereof . . . He will answer. — Delivered in the Exchequer account. ,, I 'J'o 'J'liOMAs Ai.KWYN. clei'k. In luonev Ihoniux A/rvipi. \ , • , , • , , ' delivfied to hiiii by his own liaiids as an advance, lo be restored ;"> 44 EDWAIJI) III. -jr,/ Wjikreof. . .IIo will answer. — Dclivcroil in tlio Iv.;('liequer £■ account on the Kitli day of June, in tiic 15tii year. ,, , c< ] To IIknky i.k Scrop, son and heir of Henri/ Ic -Scroj). > ' Geoffry le Scrop, to whom the Lord the King on the '20th day of November in his 37th year, by his letters patent lately granted 200 marks, yearly to be re- ceived at the Excheqner during his life of him and of his heirs, at the feasts of Easter and Michaelmas, by equal portions, for the very many good services rendered by the said Henry to the same Lord the King, in divers parts, as well in England as in France and Scotland, or until the same Henry or his heirs shall be provided by the same Lord the King with 200 marks of land and yearly rent, to him and his heirs aforesaid, within the kingdom of England, in a convenient place or places. In money paid to him in discharge of 47/. 14.v. 7d. payable to him for this his allow- ance — to wit, rateably from the aforesaid 20th day of November unto the feast of Easter then next following, by writ of Great Seal this Term 47 14 7 In money paid by John de Expenses of the Men at] ji,„ ^i^^k of the King's Ex- Arm.i and others, pa>d\ , . , _ ^t i for the passage of Ro-[ ^^^'^Sf" '" the Tower of London, bert Knolles. I to divers masters, constables, and mariners, of ships, in all the ports of England and the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey, being in their ships at La Rye, and going from thence in the King's service for the passage of Robert Knolles and his retinue to France — Whereof, each master or constable at 6f/. per day, and each other mariner at 3(/. per day, as appears by a particular of the same payments remaining in tlie Ilanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term in the 4.^th year next following 22 1 "J 11 5 In money paid by (he same John to divers masters and ^68 ISSUE ROLL, mariners of the ships at Rye, brouglit from Zealand and £. s. d. Holland as well by John Salenian in Flanders for a month, as by the Lord de Latymer, steward of the King's household, and others of the King's council, for half another month, upon certain conditions made with the same masters and seamen, to go from La Rye in the King's service for the passage of the same Robert and his retinue aforesaid, as appears by the same particulars and by writ of Privy Seal specified in the next preceding arliclc above .... 965 8 In money paid by the same John to Sir Ralph de Ferrers, Sir Stephen de Valoyn, Knights, and to Sir Ralph de Poly, Knight, Vice-admiral of the North Fleet, and to other Knights and Esquires, their men at arms, armed men, and archers, chosen and trained from divers counties in England for the protection of the North Fleet from Orewell to La Rye, and from thence proceeding, as well for the protection of the passage of the said Robert Knolles and his retinue to France, as for the safe conduct of the said ships returning to England, whereof, each man at arms at 12d. per day, each armed man at 8(/. per day, and each archer at C)d. per day, as appears by the said particulars, and by writ of Privy Seal above alleged 311 7 H' T 1 J Tt, 1 In money allowed to the same John for Jo/in de IhorjJ.y •' ' his costs and expenses, sent by command of the council from the City of London to La Rye, there to await the passage of the said Robert Knolles and otlier faithful persons of the Lord the King going in his retinue to France, as well for payment of the same Robert and his retinue before their passage, as for the wages of the seamen shipping the said Robert and his retinue — to wit, from the 11th day of J>dy in the 44th j-ear. unto the 3rd dav of August next following, for 24 days, both days included, re- ceiving per day lO.y. ; also in discharge of 100*. which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to him of his gift, for the costs inctirred by him on making out his account of 44 EDWAPvI) in. -Jt'.O these payments made by liini. as well for tlie wages in the war as for a reward to the same Robert and his retinue at the Tower, as for the seamen's wages at Rye, embarking the same Robert and liis retinue aforesaid. And also for several payments made by the same Robert for divers neces- sary things purchased for gifts, and for seamen's wages, by precept and order of Lord dc Latymer, Steward of the King's household, the Lord de Neville, Henry le Scrop, and other faithful persons of the King at Rye to superintend the pas- sage of the aibresaid Robert Knolles and his retinue — to wit, to Ralph de Poly, Vice- Admiral of the northern fleet, for divers necessary expenses — to wit, planks, nails, iron, and other things purchased by the same Ralph, and provided for the shipping of S4()4 horses, taking for each horse 'Id, by agreement made with the same Ralph, according to the order of tlie Council, 70/. 10.?. 8d. ; to Thomas de la Rye and John his companion, for 1 1 schoutes hired from them to take the horses from the land to the ships, for shipping the same, by a certain agreement made' with them, 40.v. ; to Thomas Taillor of La Rye and his companions, for timber bought of them for planks, nails, and iron, to make bridges thereof, to ship the horses, for the e.xpcnses of the carpen- ters, carriage of the same bridges, and for other necessary expenses made by him in his account, in the presence of the King's council, 6/. 8s. 4d. ; for the hire of three horses from London to Rye, to carry 5000 marks, 4 yards and a half of russet cloth to cover the said money packag3s, expenses of the horses, and three grooms, leading the same horses there, and from thence back to London, 20.*. '2^(1.; and for the ex- penses of one horse, carrying 900 marks from Rye to London, together with the expenses of a groom leading the same horse and returning to Rye, bs. ; tor boatage of the said Lord de Latymer and other Lords from La Rye unto Cambernesse and Winchelsea, to inspect the men of Sir John de Min- streworth. Knight, and other Knights, of the retinue of the same Robert Knolles, and to prepare and equip various ships 270 ISSUE ROLL, against the French at divers times; and also to Popinus.mastrr £'. s. il. of a certain Flanders shij), laden with horses, and wrecked in entering the port of Kye by s\idden tempest, of the King's gift, by command of the Lord Steward and others the Lords aforesaid, 40*. To Peter Lucas and his 9 companions, masters and mariners of the islands from Jersey and Gurnsey, being there with their ships in the voyage afore- said, of the King's gift, by command of the said Steward and the Lords aforesaid, by reason of their gratuitous ser- vices there whenever necessary, 11/. \'2s. rxl.; and to John Knouseley, a messenger sent with the letters of the Lord Steward and others of the King's council, directed to the Lord the King at Claryndon, to certify the same con- cerning the state and ordinances there, for his expenses in going, remaining, and returning, 6.?. 8f/. ; to the same John Knouseley, sent at another time with like letters in great speed to the said Lord the King to certify the arrival of the French, and to obtain the King's advice and pleasure upon this affair, 10*. ; to Alan de Barle, a messenger sent with the like letters from La Rye to London, and from thence to Claryngdon to the Lord Treasurer to certify the state and preparation for the said voyage, for his expenses, 10*.; and to Sir Hugh Escote, Knight, sent from La Rye to Southampton to bring ships from thence to La Rye for the aforesaid voyage, for the expenses of himself and retinue with him, in going, remaining, and returning, 40*., as appears by the particulars aforesaid, and by writ of Privy Seal above alleged; also by writ of Privy Seal, as to the wages of the same John de Thorp, 100*. paid as of the King's gift, as appears above amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term, in the 45th year next following 114 i;5 3i T , , „,, \ To John de Thorp, clerk. In money de- Jofin de 1 liorj). > ' livcred to him, by his own hands, as an advance, to be paid at the will of the King ;5 1.5 9i 44 EDWARD III. '271 Whkkkof. . .lie will answer. — Deliveivil in the Exchequer £. s: (I- aeeount. T , 1 To James Lyons, the King's serjeant-at- Janies Lijon.t. > , t ti c^ i ' arms, sent from La Rye unto Southamp- ton, to be there for the passage of Sir Thomas Murreaux, Kiiijjht, and others for France. In money received by him from John de Tliorp, clerk, at La Rye, for his wages . . 3 6 8 WiiKKKOF. . . lie will answer. ,, ,, I ir ; 1 To df. Haule, the King's If alter de Haule. > . . ' serjeant-at arms, being at sea in the retinue of Ralph de Ferrers for the protection of the English fleet. In money received by him from the afore- said John de Thorp at La Rye, for his wages .... 200 Whereof. . .He will answer — and he answers therefore in his account, as above. TIT \ To John Leoo. the King's serjeant-at-arms, John Legg. > . ' being at sea in the retinue of Ralph de Ferrers for the protection of the English fleet. In money received by him from the aforesaid John de Thorp at La Rye, for his wages 200 Whereof. . .He will answer. ni 34 T ; ) >-; X', 1 To John de Clyfton, clerk, assigned III. oi. Jq/^„ j/p Llijjton. \ ' ' o I to pay the wages of the armed men, archers, and seamen, for the passage of Guido de Bryenn and others in his retinue in the King's service beyond the sea. In money delivered to him, by the hands of divers persons, for money borrowed by him from them at Plymouth, as appears in the receipts of that day, for making these payments, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above . . .119 3 1 Whereof. . .He will answer. — Afterwards he restored the sum under-written, as appears in the Pell of the 22d day of September next following. Sum .... £4,379 7s. Id. ISSUE ROLL, Monday, the 22d Day of Septetitber. In money paid by the hands of £. s. d. Wages paid to the SeameiA ^^^^^ ^^ Clyfto.n and James for the passage of Gin/dor ^, i- ^ i i »i •', r> ^ I ; Ikeverbien, directed by the ae lirycnn beyond seas. ) •' Lord the King and his Coun- cil to pay the wages of the masters, constables, and mariners in the ships, the hoblers and archers in the retinue of Guido de Bryenn, admiral of the fleet of the Lord the King at sea, in the 44th year — to wit, for the wages of the masters, consta- bles, hoblers, and archers aforesaid, whereof to each master or constable 6f/. per day, each other mariner at 4d. per day, each hobler at 5d. per day, and each archer at 5f/. per day, by direction of the same Guido, by reason of the dear- ness of provisions that year, as appears by the particulars of the same payments remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Terra, in the 44th year 2108 8 8 }In money allowed to the same John and James ior their wages, and divers small necessary expenses in- curred by them during the said period — to wit, for the ex- penses of 2 archers, each taking per day 6c/., to go in the retinue of the said James and John for the protection of 5000 marks from London to Exeter, together with 16.f. paid for the hire of two horses for the sEiid archei-s in the said journey in going, remaining, and returning, for IG days, 32.y. ; and for the hire of three other horses to carry the said 5000 marks from London to Exeter — to wit, for each horse 8s. — 24.v. ; and for the hire of three horses from Exeter to Dartmouth, and from thence to Plymouth and Fowey, for carriage of the said Kings treasure, I5s.4d.; and for the passage of divers water-carriers between Exeter, Dartmouth, Plymouth, and Fowey, by turns, and repassing 44 EDWARD III. '273 thereof, within the time of this account, 3s. 8d. ; and for £. s. d. wages of tlie same James Trevcrbicn, taking each day os-., from the 11th day of February, on which day tlie same James and John again proceeded in the said journey, imto the Gth day of May, on which day the same James returned, both days included, for 8"2 days, '20/. 10*. ; and for the wages of tile said John de Clyfton, taking per day 5*., from the said 14th day of February, on which day he again proceeded, unto the '27th day of April, on wliich day he returned, reckoning both days, for 73 days, 18/. .'j.v. ; and for the hire of horses for the said John and his clerk to ride with all the haste he could to Lord Guido de Brienn at Plymouth with letters from the King, directed to the same Guido, and to the sea- men in his retinue, and for the safe return and carriage of 500 marks from the said King's treasury — to wit, from Plymouth to London, 16.?. ; and for the hire of horses for the safe car- riage of 7 73/. from the King's treasury at Plymouth to Bristol by the sea-coast, and from thence to London, by the same James, 1 8A'.,as appears by theparticulars of the said payments remaining in the llanapcr of this Term, by general writ, as above 44 4 in money paiu uy me same J ames Paj/went of the Seamms^ ^nd John for the wages of divers // a d. per day, and 6(Z. a week besides, as a reward on account of the dearness of provisions in the year aforesaid, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal of iMichaelmas Term, in the 44th year 1403 15 1 In money allowed to the aforesaid John ,leChjflonaml\ _, ^^,,,^ .^_;, _,^„^ for their wages, and James 1 rercr/ucii. ] . ,, divers other small expenses incurred by 41 F.nWAKn III. -275 tlii'M, and for the hire of horses for the same time — to wit, for the expenses of 2 arcfteiN, each taking per day G(/., going in the retinue of the said John from London to Plymouth, for the safe carriage and protection of 400/. sent from the King's Treasury to Plymouth for the seamen's wages, and others, for tlic passage of the Duke of Lancaster to Gas- cony, being in the Ports of I'lynioiith, Fowey, and elsewhere, to pay the said archers in the said journey for 14 days, in going, remaining, and returning, together with t26v. S(/. paid for the hire of 2 horses for the said archers during the same time, 40*. 8d. And for the hire of 2 horses for the said John and his clerk from London to Plymouth for the same time, because the 2 horses of the said John were lost in the King's service in the parts aforesaid, 26*. 8d. And for the wages of James Treverliien, being in the retinue at Ply- mouth, Kowey, and Falmouth, for payment of the seamen's wages aforesaid, and assembling the ships for the said passage, the said James taking per day "m., as above, from the 5th day of July unto the LSth day of August, each day included, for 45 days, 11/. 5*. And for the passage and re-passage of divers water-carriers between Plymouth and Falmouth, paid by the same James, and for payment of the seamen's wages in the ports aforesaid, at divers times within the time afore- said, 8.V. Old. And for the expenses of 2 archers, at another time, from London to Plymouth, riding in the retinue of the said .John, for the safe carriage and conduct of other 400/. from the King's Treasury, for the said passage of the Duke of Lancaster, together with 26*. 8d. paid for the hire of 2 horses for the said archers for 14 days, going, remain- ing, and returning, 40.v. And for the wages of the said John de Clyfton, at 5.?. per day, as above, from the 30th day of June unto the 18th day of August, including each day, being for 50 days' continuance, to make the said pay- ments, and assembling the ships aforesaid, 12/. 10*. And for the hire of 2 horses for the said John and his clerk, the last time, from London to Plymouth, tor the said pas- t2 276 ISSUE ROLL. sage of the Lord the Duke, because the horses of the. said £'■ •»• '/■ John were lost in the King's service in going to the parts aforesaid, as above, 26*. 8(/. And for restoring the 2 horses of the said John — to wit, one a bay and the otiier a gray horse, for the King's service, for the journey aforesaid, (ji)s. And for restoring one black horse of the same James, likewise lost in the said King's service within the aforesaid time, 60.y., as appears by the particulars remaining as above. by writ as above 37 2 6 In money paid by John de Payment of the Seamen s\ tj . c u j t i j r>i-a j,^ /• .; I Havterield and John de Clifton yl ages for the passage f ■^ _ to Oreuell. ) ^^ divers masters, constables, and mariners, being in the River Thames, from thence going with the ships to Orewell, there awaiting for the King's voyage beyond sea, whereof to each master 6c/. per day, each constable at &d. per day, and each other mariner at 3rf. per day, as appears by the parti- culars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above — to wit, at Michaelmas Term, as above 87 4 3 rp, n , 1 To Thomas Dautre. the King's ser- I nomas Daut re. \ " ' jeant-at-arms. In money received by him from John de Clyfton, at Plymouth, for an advance, payable at the will of the King 2 Whereof. . .He will answer. In money paid by Hugh Fas- Payme,itoftheSmme7is\ ^^jj. «f the Town of Yarmouth, It ages for the pas-\ sageof Robert Knolles] '» 'I'^ers masters, constables, and mariners of the ships, for their wages, being in divers Ports of England, in Norfolk and Suffolk, with their ships, from tlience to proceed with the same ships to La Rye, lor tlic passage of Robert KnoUiS and his retinue in the King'> service to France, as •14 KDWAIUJ 111. Ill appears Ijy the particulars of llie saiiu; payments reniaiiiiiiuf £. s. J. in the IIaiia|)i.T of this Terni, by (jonc-ral «rit of Privy Seal amongst the uKUKlates of Michaelmas Term next following. 48 19 , , ,- 1 To Jons Kepe, master of tlie barge called John Kipr. \ ° ' the Anne. In money received by him from Hugh Fastolf for his wages, at Gf/. per day, and for li) mariners, each at 3(/. per day, and for a reward to the same to each of them G(/. per week, ordered as a reward of the King's gift, to go in the King's service by command of the Council to Cherburgh, in Normandy, in the convoy of the King's ships, and from thence returning for the protection of the King of Navarre from Cherbiirgh, on his coming to England to the Lord the King — to wit, from the 16th day of .lune last past, to the "ilst day of July next following, for'i.') d. per day, and a reward to each of them of 6rf. per week of the King's gift, to go in the King's service for the protection of the King of Navarre from Cherburgh, in Norm.andy, to the Lord the King in England, for the re-passage of the same King returning to his own country — to w'it, from the IGth day of June last past, unto the 29th day of September next following, for 105 days, including each day, by general writ of Privy Seal as above 418 9 ^ To HiTGH Fastolf, of the town of Var- Hn the King's works at Rochester Castle. In Hochester. | ^ ' money delivered to him by his own hands for the same works, by his writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates 133 6 8 Sum .... 282 ISSUE liOLL, Adan Thursday, I lie 4th Day of October. To Adam dk Hertvngdon, clerk of the £. IT ^ I \ King's works at Windsor Castle, bv divers JHertyngdoii. j . . . . J tallies raised this day, containing 133/. IS.s-.-lf/. Delivered to the same clerk by his own hands for the same works, by his writ of Liberate as above 1 33 1 3 4 I To Henry de VVakefeld, keeper Henry de Wakefeld. \ c ^-i -w- ^ it i *u •' •' ) 01 the King s wardrobe, by the hands of Robert de Walsyngham and Roger Elys, for making a certain hearse for Philippa, late Queen of England, by writ of Liberate of the said clerk as above . . . 80 1 To John Stygein, to whom the Lord the y§ "■ j King by his letters patent lately granled 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of this his half-year's allowance 2 10 Robert de Sybthorp. > To Robert de Sybthorp. clerk of thcrlniyth. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for the same works 2 10 S um luiday, the -^th Day of October. To Henry de Wakefeld. keei)er ot lii.- ur h f 1 1 \ King's wardrobe, by the hands of Henry ' Lord de Percy, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 860/.. and in gold nobles 100/., delivered to the same Lord, for the wages of himself. fiO men at arms, 100 archers, and 10 Scots, going with him in the King's service to France 'JOO \\ KDWAlil) 111. 283 ,,. , , , .- , t To Rich. \uu, the parchmont-makiT. £. v. ° ' jeant-at-arms, to whom the Lord the King, on the 16th day of February last past, by his letters patent, granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, or until otherwise he shall be provided for in his estate. In money delivered to him ratably — to wit, from the aforesaid IGth day of February unto the feast of Easter next following 1111 To the same Peter. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of 10 marks, for this his allowance . (> 1.3 4 To the same Peter. In money delivered to him by liis own hands, as an advance upon this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past 3 14 jkT. , , J t>7 J 1 ToNicholasdeSlyndon, oneof the AtcholasdeMynaon.y > King's huntsmen, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2f/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to liini by his own hands, in discharge of his same wages 114 To H.wvisi.v LE Mattewvk. In money ^ M // /■' \ delivered to her by the hands of John Bray, J for mats and brooms bought of her for the King's use, as well for the Great Exchequer as for the Receipt of the Exchequer 10 Sum .... 284 ISSUE ROLL, Saturday, the (Jtli Day of October. To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper of the £. v. If iL',1 > King's wardrobe, bv the hands of WiUiani n akefeld. ( ° . •* Butreaiix. In money delivered to the same William, Ijy the hands of William Pouton, for the expenses of himself, 10 men at arms, and 12 archers, going with him in the service of the Lord the King to France . . . . 0" 2 8 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Godfrey de Roos. In money delivered to the same Godfrey, for the expenses of himself, his men, and archers, going with him in the war in the King's service to the parts aforesaid ... 500 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Joan Atte Ware. In money delivered to the same Joan, for a purse purchased of her at Windsor for Philippa, Queen of England . . . G 1 3 4 }To the Lord the King, in his Chamber, by the hands of Helmyng Leget, in discharge of 2500 marks, delivered to the same Lord the King, in his chamber, at the term of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, last past, for those 10,000 marks yearly to be delivered to the same Lord the King, in his chamber, at the 4 J'early terms for which the same Lord the King wished no one to be charged for him G6G 13 4 To the same Lord the King — to wit, by the hands of the same Helmyng 2300 marks, by the hands of William ilo Merston 100 marks, and by the hands of John de Haytofeld 100 marks, in discharge of the 2500 marks, to be deli- vered to the same Lord the King, in his chamber aforesaid. 1GG6 13 4 Joh» de Jlaiitfield. \ •^' ' (o San llIN DE H.VYTFIEI.D, clork, sont iandwich to bring a shij) from Gene, laden with certain merchandise, to London. In money delivered to him for his expenses .'> •II KDWAKl) III. 285 , , , I- . ,, 1 To JoiiN DE KicTEi.nY, parchment- £■ *. d. John (If Kt'trlhijA ' i maker, of Lincoln. In money dolivcrcd ti) liiiii, l)y the hands of John, liis boy, for 105 dozen of parch- ments, purchased from him for the King's use, price of each dozen 2.v.9(/., as well for the expenses of the Privy Seal of the Lord the King, as for the expenses of the Remem- brancer of the Exchequer, and tlie Receipt of the same Exchequer 118 /-. 1 J I IT ^i 1 To Gerard del Huyth, Lord of Gerard del Huyth. > ' Botresham. In money delivered to him by the hands of Lord Henry del Mere, as an advance upon a certain yearly fee, which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Gerard to be received at the Exchequer, for the good services rendered, and in future to be rendered, by him to the same Lord the King 33 6 S , I I T I \ To Lord de Leek, a Knicrlit, coniincr as Lord de Leek. \ . . ' ;i messenger on behalf of the Duke of Albright, with letters directed to the Lord the King of England, for the price of one cup, with an ewer, silver gilt, enamelled, of the price of 24/. 2.v. 8d., purchased of John Walsh, goldsmith, of London, and delivered to the same Lord as of the King's gift 24 2 8 r, , 1 rr . 1 To Peter de Tertre, clerk, coming in I'cter de lertre. \ . " I the embassy on thebehalf of the Kmg of Navarre, with letters directed to the Lord the King of England, for the price of one cup, silver gilt, of the value of 17/. 6j. 8rf., purchased of the aforesaid John Walsh, gold- smith, of London, with 25 marks in gold nobles, delivered to the same Peter, as of the King's gift 34 To the Bam-iff of Costantyn, coming in "' 'jJ V . the same embassy on behalf of the said Lostaiiti/n. ) ^ ^ f Kin" of Navarre, in the retinue of the afore- 286 ISSUE ROLL, said Peter, for the price of one cup, silver gilt and enamelled, £. .v. of the value of 13/. lO.v. id., bought of the aforesaid John, with 25 marks in gold nobles, delivered to the same Peter, as of the Kings gift 30 3 Sum .... Sum of the week . Monday, the Htk Dai/ of October. „, , ^ .,, 1 To Peter DECoRNEWAiLL,valetofthe I etcr de Lonicitai/I. > I King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him for this his half-year's allowance . . 20 rr, T ] To Thomas Leveson, to whom the llionias hereson. - ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60i-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid him for this his half- year's allowance 110 Thomas Tanner. \ To Thomas Tanner, to whom the Lord ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Excliequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid him for this his half-year's allowance 2 10 To John de Sancta Makia. In money John de Sancta\ , ,- i , i • i i • i i i- ,,, \ delivercil to lum, by Ins own hands, ol Maria. j ' • tlie King's alms, in aid of his sujjporl 44 KDWARD III. 287 ,, I n I I To Alkxandtk Baker, to whom the £. v. il. Ale.ranaer liakcr. ■ ' Lord tho King, by his lettors patiMit, lately granted '2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer at the feasts of Easter and Michaelnia,s, by equal portions, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, by his own liands, in discharge of the 30.«. 5 > with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to the keeper of the manor of Tiderle, which lately belonged to the Queen. In money delivered to him for his expenses 2 ,,. ,, I ; T> 1 \ To Walter de la Roke, to whom /') alter de la Hoke. / > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by liim to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him for this iiis half-year's allowance 10 II i:i)\v\i;i) ill. 2.s'j ,^ ,. f,, \ To Gkoffry Chaucer, to whom tlie £. i-. d. itcoffii/ ( hftuccr. f ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, hitely grantpil 20 niiirks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to iiim, in discharge of 10 marks payable to him for this his iialf-ycar's allowance I :i 4 ,,,, ^,, ) To Thomas Chksk, one of the King's J nomas- Chi'xe.y ' _ " ' huntsmen, to whom the Lord the King, by liis letters patent, lately granted Cul. daily, to be received at the Exchequer diu'ing his lile, for tlie good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to liim, in discharge of his same allowance ... 2 H Sum .... Tiie-s-ilai/, the 9th Day of October. To Henry de VVakefeld, keeper of the i\- ]'. f 1 1 \ King's wardrobe, by the hands of Adam de J Assh. In money received by the same Adam from the Collector of the King's Customs and Subsidies in the port of Great Yarmouth to provide fish for the King's household, as appears by a certain indenture made between the said Adam and the said Collector, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 200 DoMisELLE DE Bretam. In money deli- wise ( L 1 ^-j,^^,j jq j,^,,.^ \^y {|,g hands of .lohn de Her- liretam. \ . -. J mesthorp, in discharge of 50/. delivered to her at Easter Term last past, for those 100/. yearly which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Domiselle, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of her support . . . 50 To John de Mapeldrewell, to whom ., , J „1 the Lord the Kiiiir, bv his letters patent, Mapeldrewell. \ o .' r J lately granted 2c/. daily, to be received at 290 ISSUE ROLL. the Exchequer during hi» life, for the good service rendered £". s. d. by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 30.?. 5d. payable to him for this his allowance 1 10 5 Ti , , r 1 To Peter DE Lacy, keeijer of tlie Privy 1 eter de Lacy. \ ' •' ■ ) Seal of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of William de Fulbornc, as an advance for his wages in the same office . . . . 100 n , , , ,, 1 To Robert de Imneworth and Robert delmnewortli.) ) Walter de Leicester, the King's Serjeant-at-arms, remaining, by command of the King's Council, in attendance at the last Parliament, held at Westminster for two weeks. In money delivered to them — to wit, to each of them 20.^. of the King's gift, in aid of their expenses, by order of tiie Chancellor and Treasurer 2 „., „ , T 1 , 1 To SiBYLL DE LvBAND, a maid of ^tbij/l de Lyoaiid. > ' honour from Scotland, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted &0s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, in aid of her support. In money delivered to her, in part payment of this her allowance 13 4 To Master Robert le Vynor, head gar- Master Robert) ^^^^^^ ^^^,^^ Lord the King, to whom the le yynor. I ,. ^ i Lord the King, by liis letters patent, lately granted \2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance 4 1 S ,, ., , ,- I To Matilda Kynmowe, the Kind's Matdda hipimoirr. \ , , , , r ■, , I laundress, to wliom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted IOOjt. yearly, to 4{ EDWARD III. 291 l)c received at the FAcheqiier (lining; her life, for the good £, .v. (/. service rendered by lier to the same Lord the Kinnj. In money delivered to her, for half a year's payment of this her allowance 2 10 r , , r, ,, ] To JoFiN DR Bat^ton, of Westminster. Jo/Ill de Bait on. ■ ' In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for a chest bought from him for the King's use, to put in divers memoranda and other things touching the same Lord the King, to bo placed in the accountants' chamber at the Receipt, and there to be safely and securely kept, by command of the Treasurer and Chamberlains . . 2 8 Sum .... £ Wednesday, the \Oth Day of October. ,,-.,,. f^i \ To William Cheynk, to whom the n uliam Vtieyne. ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted '20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 13 G 8 r, I rr- I ^ I J 1 To Henry DE Wakefeld, keeper Henry de yv akefeld. \ . '^ ' of the King's wardrobe. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Thomas de Swaby, for secret expenses of the said Lord the King, by writ of Libe- rate o^ the said keeper, as above 6G 13 4 r, , , r> 1 To Sir Peter de Brewes, Kni, I To Richard DE Blore, clerk of the Kichard de hlore. t ' works of the Lord the King at Quenesburgh Castle. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the same works 125 ,,,.„. ^, 1 To William Chapman, a courier, H dliam CnapinanA i sent with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury. In money delivered to him, for his expenses 10 Popard Miners. > To PorARD Miners, falconer of the Lord the King, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted V2d. per day, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of his same allowance G 13 m I ,\ I I 1 To Thomas de Odyham. chaijlain, 1 nomas de Udyliaiii.\ ' ' to whom the Lord the Kinnr, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money paid to him, for his half-year's allowance 3 6 „,, o ■ i\ ToTho.mas Spigurnel, and Kathe- J/wmas Sji/giinic/. • ' RiNE, his wife, to whom the Lord the 41 KDWAHD III. '293 King, by his letters pati-nt, lately crriuiteil 10 marks yearly, £. x. d. to be received at the i'^xclieqiicr during the lives of the same Thomas and Kathcrinc, for tlie good service rendered by the saiil Thomas to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to them, for a half-year's payment of this their allowance 13 8 I I , n I To John de Romesey, to whom the Jo/ni tie Komesey.f ^_ ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good .service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for a half-year s payment of this his allowance 10 r r> I1 1 To J.wiEs RussKLL, of Pountieu, to whom James liusseU. > > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 12d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same allowance 2 r , ,. , 1 To John Neei-, clerk, to whom the Lord the Jo/in A eel. \ ^. > King, on the 12th day of May last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, at Michaelmas and Easter Terms, by equal portions, until the said John should be provided for bv the Lord the King with an ecclesiastical benefice. In money delivered to him for part payment of this his allowance 3 17 2i , , ,, , , 1 To John Mokkvng, falconer, to whom John Moktojiig. \ ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted G(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of 4/. ll.y. 3c/. payable to him for this his allowance 4 113 .Sum ....£' 294 ISSUE ROLL. TJiursdiiy, llic Wth Dmj of October. £. r 7 » . ) To Leo dk Perton, to wliorn the Lord Leo de 1 crton.y ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOi-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King; and in recompense of his ofBce of Escheator in the county of Worcester, which same oflBce the Lord the King granted to the aforesaid Leo, and which afterwards the same Lord the King committed to another person. In money delivered to him ratably . 1 17 7 z, 1 r, 1 1 To John de Derby, clerk, to whom the John de Uerby. \ _ ) Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, or until the same John should be pro- vided by the Lord the King with an ecclesiastical benefice. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John Bray, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 rri r> \ To Thom.\s Paye, a courier sent upon the Ihoraus Imje. f ,. , . ' ' King's business with letters and writs directed to the Chamberlain of the town of Berwick- upon-Tweed. In money delivered to him ibr his ex- penses 7 4 William Harding.] To am Harding, a messenger ' sent on the King's business with let- ters directed to the steward of Philippa, late Queen of Eng- land, in the county of Norfolk. In money delivered to him for his expenses 5 ,,.,,,,, 1 To Kkcinai.d BAifiioK. to uhom ihe ' Lord the King, by his letters jiatent, •14 KDWAIU) 111. -iO") lately ffrantcd dOs. yearly, to be rocoivecl at tlic Exchcqiier £. s. during his lite, for the good service rendered by him to tlic same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half- year's payment of this his allowance 1 10 'I'o the Prior of Rochester, surveyor of the /) / , • > King's works at Rochester Castle. In money lioclu'fiter. I ° ' delivered to him, by his own hands, for the same works, by his writ of Liberate, as above . . . . ."30 To Alan de Bukkeshull, Constable of the r> ;/ I ij I Tower of London, receivingr yearly 100/. I'or J his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allow- ance .WOO To Gi'iLiMOTE DE BoLOMA, to whom the "p ' , \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately i granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, in aid of her support. In money delivered to her, by the hands of Lord William Crosele, for half a year's payment of this her allowance .... 2 10 r , jT 1 To John Hare, to whom the Lord the King, John Ilarc. > '^ ' by liis letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's pay- ment of this Ills allowance 1 13 4 To Richard de Sutton, valet of the King's ' . , , , I chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by J his letters patent, lately granted 100.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivcrwl to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 206 ISSUE ROLL, John Sleford. \ private wardrobe witliin tlie Tower of London, by the hands of Robert Pykebnsk, for liis office, by his writ, as above 12 18 To Thomas de Bkantyngham, Treasurer ,> ' , l of England, receiving vearlv 100 marks Jirantyngkam. | . . . . •* for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money th'livered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of '25 marks payable to him for this his fee ratably — to wit, from the feast of Saint John the Baptist last past, unto the feast of Michaelmas next following IG 1.3 4 To the same Treasurer. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of 75/. payable to him at Michael- mas Term last past, for those 300/. yearly which the Lord the King granted to the same Treasurer at the Exchequer, to be received at the 4 yearty Terms, in aid of the great charges and expenses which the same Treasurer, by reason of his office, was bound to incur, by liis writ current of Privy Seal, this Term 75 Sum .... £ .s. d. Friday, the \'2th Day of October. A 1 1 1 V) ) To Arnald le Piper, the King's niin- Arnala le 1 rper. \ " ' strel, to whom the Lord the King, bv his letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be received at the Excheqiier during his life, lor the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of his wages 5 13 li Tr-.,,. IT I- \ To William Hardinge, one of the U il/iam llariliiige.} ' King's watchmen, to wliom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7hd. daily, to be received at the Exchequer for liis wages during his 41 EDWARD III. 297 life, for tlio good service rendered l)y liim to tlie siime Lord £'. s. d. tlie King. In money delivered to liim, in disehargc of his same wages 5 14 4 y , , • I I I'o liAMiiKKi.N Tabokkk, min.-itrel, to Lambektn laborer. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his let- ters patent, lately granted 7\(l. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance .J 14 4i , , , ,, , I To John dk IIamfton, the King's ' minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be re- ceived at the l''xchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages . . . 4 14 4J •... , , ,T i To Nicholas IIanneye, the King's l\icnolax Hanncye.S _° > minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted J^d. daily, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer diu'ing his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his said wages . . . 4 14 4^ , To IIavkkin Fitz-Libbekyn, the King's r,.. I'l,', \ minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, bv I'il:-Libbekyn.] * ■' his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of this liis allowance 10 r,- , , , T, ,1 > To RiciiAKD DE Bath, tlio King's liirhard de Bath. I ,. I minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, by hi- letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be re- 298 ISSUE ROLL. ceived at the Exchequer (luring his hfe, for the good £. s. d. service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. Li money delivered to him in discharge of liis same allowance . 4 12 G Jo/in 1 rat. t ' whom loHN PfiAT, the King's minstrel, lo the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages 4 12 John Ahsolon. \ > to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7W- daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to hiui in discharore of his same wages ... 4 12 G Willi am de \ Gardcroha. j To William de Garderoba, keeper of the King's lions and leopards within the Tower of London, taking per day — to wit, for his wages, 6(/. in the office aforesaid, and for the food of 4 beasts — to wit, for each beast (Sd. per day. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages and food . 12 17 6 To the same William. In money delivered to him for the food of 2 young lions, taking per day 8(i. — to wit, from the 14th day of June last past, unto the 14th day of September next following, for 26 days, each day included .... 320 To the same William. In money delivered to him for the food of the said 2 young lions — to wit, from the 15th day of September last past, unto the 10th day of October next following, for 2G days, each day included, taking per day for each beast G(/ 1 G To the same William. In money delivered to him for food of a lion lately sent by the Lord the Prince IVdui Gascony to England to tiie Lord the King — lo nit, from the 11 KDWAKl) 111. 2'.)'.) 4th day of Auejust last past, unto llic I Oth day of October £. v. il. lU'Xt foUowincr, takiui; Cvl. per day 1 1 1 U )'J'o John Wytegod and William I kyntk?:ll, collectors of the King s customs and subsidies in the Port of SoMllianiplon. In money delivered to them of the King's gift, for the assiduous labour and diligence exercised by them in their otBces during the last year, for tlic King's benefit, in collecting the monies arising fron\ the same customs and subsidies — to wit, to each of the collectors aforesaid U) marks, by writ of Privy Seal of this Term . 13 G 8 7 ; Tf- , , 1 To John Wyght, senior, to whom the .lo/m H ygiit. \ > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\ ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 Tj. , , c- (7 ) To Richard Scargill, to whom liicliard Ibcargill. > ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 Ti wi 1 rtf . 1 To William de Morton, to whom l\ lUiamde Morton. { ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*, yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him lor a half-year's payment of this his allowance . . 2 10 T, jf ; 1 To Thomas Marlyn, to whom the i nomas Alur/ijn. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent. 300 ISSUE ROLL, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer £. s. d. during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him lor half a year's ])ayment of this his allowance 2 10 Sum .... £83 5s. &hd. Salurdiii/, the Vith Day of October. , Ti I 4 ^° Geoffeky de Fordeley and Geoffery de Fordelei/i ■, „ n ^ . and John deStalhanU •^°"^;°'^ Stalham, collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the Port of Great Yarmouth. In money delivered to them of the King's gift for the assiduous labour and diligence exercised by them in their offices during the last year for the King's benefit, in collecting the King's money arising from the same customs and subsidies — to wit, to each of the collectors aforesaid 10 marks, and to the comptroller of the customs in the same Port 40^'., by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term 15 6 8 To William de la Saucery, to whom „ > the Lord the King, bv his letters patent, i)aucery. ( v j i > ' lately granted 100^-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allow- ance 2 10 lui/ii/i 1 lie. > ' King,] Ialph Tile, to whom the Lord the by his letters patent, lately granted lOD.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of John de Qucrneby. for a half-year's jjaynient of this his allowaucc 2 10 II i;i)\v AHi) m. 301 , To Gkoffky dk Styvkcle, valet of the £'. *. d. t'. / ' I King's household, to whom the Lord the iityvecle. J _ " King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-years pay- ment of this his allowance 10 }To CoLi.AUD Dabuicuecourt, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 3 G 8 , To IIenky de Maunsefield, clerk of the "".'/_' ' works of the Lord the King at Childer- Maunsejield. ] . " . langele. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for tlie same works, by writ 10 r , , ,r. , , ,, I To John de Middelton, the King's Jo/in de Mnhl(/loii.\ _." ' minstrel, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 7 Id. daily, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages . 4 14 4^ „. , , „. 1 To Richard Pigeon, to whom the liicliard rtgeon. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 1 10 r , ,, 1 To John Fraunceys, to whom the ,l(jiiii rrainiceus. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the 302 ISSUE ROLL. same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a £. s. d. half-year's payment of this his allowance 1 10 To William de Stodeley, to whom the Qf J ] \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him for a half-year's payment of this hi.s allowance 3 G 8 To Master Adam de la Puletuie, to Master Adam de \ , it i »i t-- i u- i ^^ rhom the Lord the King, by his letters la Puletrie. ) ' ca patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allow'ance o Thomas Durant.} To Thomas Durant, one of the Tellers f the Receipt of the Exchequer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 To Thomas de Gloucester, glover, to ^, ^ I whom the Lord the King, bv his letters uloucester. j o j ' patent, lately gi-anted \00s. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 To William de Notyngham, to whom ,r ^ , \ the Lord the King, bv his letters patent, J\oUjngliam. [ o j j ' lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance 1 13 4 ■14 EDW.\|{n III. 303 }To Wai.tkk Walsh, to whom the Lord £. x. d. tiic King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to he received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good scmce rendered by him to the same Lord tile King. In money delivered to him for a half- year's ])aynient of lliis his allonancc 10 \ To .loiiN DE Drayton, to whom the •^ J Lord tile King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for a half-year's payment of this his allowance . . 2 10 To John de Olneye, and Ste- ,„ , ,, /. ... I PHANETTA, his Wife, to whom the •!il(']j/i(tm'ti(i,/ui>uif('.f I Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2.J marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during their lives, for the good services rendered, as well by him, to the same Lord the King, as by her to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money delivered to them by the hands of the same John, in discharge of 8/. 6s. 8d. payable to them for this their allowance . . 8 6 8 Sum .... £ 87 4.?. 4yl. Sum of the week . £1115 13*. lOW. Monday, ike 1 i)th Day of October. s To riENnv \w. Sneyth, clerk of the Henri/ dc Snci/th. ', i^- , ,. i i i r •^ •' ( Kings great wardrobe, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 2.50 marks. Delivered to the same clerk, for his office, by his writ of Liberate as above 106 13 4 304 ISSUE ROLL. To William de Hauley, one of the Re- £. s. d. William de\ , c ,\ i? u IT J > mcniorancers ol the h/xcnequer, receiving -" j'early '20/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money dehvereil to hitii by his own hands, in discharge of 10/. payable to him for this his fee 10 rrr-,,- r' 1 To Wi LLi AM FowER, falconcr, to wiiom W tlliam rover, !• ! the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 41. 1 1.9. 3(/. payable to him for this his allow- ance 4113 \ To Hugh de Steventon, to whom HnghdeStci-enton.^ the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6d. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 4/. lis. 3d. payable to him for this his allowance 4 113 Gilbert Faucmwr. \ To Gilbert Fauconer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him. in discharge of 41. lis. 3d. payable to him for this his allow- ance 4 113 ,, , I , 17 , 1 To Richard de Faxton, to whom iiic/und dp taxlon. \ ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Cm/, daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to 41 i:inv\i;i) in. :m> him, in discliargo of 4/. 1 1 v. '^il. iiayiihio to liiin for tliis his £. v. ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good senice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance. . . 2 10 „ , 1 To John P^rend, to whom the Lord the John Frend.i .,,.,,., , , , j Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord 30(3 ISSUE ROLL, tho King. In monoy delivered to him for half ii year's £. s. d. pajTnent of this his allowance 2 10 To William de Enesham, to whom the pi \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately ■* granted lOOf. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . '2 10 I To John de la Ryvere, to whom ■^ ■ j the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60^'. yearly, to be received at the Ex- ' chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . 110 m XT ^ 1 To Thomas Hauteyx, to whom the Itiomas Hauteyn. > J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 5 To Stephen de Haddeley, to whom the rr^ ■ , , \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately ■' granted 100*. yearly, to be received at t'ae Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . "2 10 ,T. , , T> , 1 To Nicholas Bernard, to whom the rsicholas lirrnnra. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, ibr the good service rendered by II KinVAI.M) 111 :507 him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to £■ v. J. him for halfa y«*ar'.s payment of this liis allowance . . . J l^i 1 To William dk IlADiiCKOFT, to whom the ., , .f'\ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately ■I granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . 2 10 TIT n ] To John LoNGEviLL, to whom the Lord Jo/in JjOiigcni/. V ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted IOOj'. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for halfa year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 Sum .... Tiiesdcnj. the \ij//i Day of October. To Richard de Bukelond, to whom the p r . J I Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately I granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Gildeford, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 3 8 ,,-.„. . . , ) To William Solace, to whom the Lord M til I am •>oiace. > ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOv. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a years payment of this his allowance 2 10 X 2 :308 ISSUE ROLL, To Richard de Toucester, to whom the £. s. d. ^TltZtter 1 ^°"' ''"■ ^'"«' ''^' *"'* ^''"'''■^ P^*^"^' ^"'^'''^ J granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . I 10 .,..,,. r. 1 To William Depyng, to whom the y\ illiam JJepyiis;- \ ■ ' ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.f. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a years payment of this his allowance _ 10 U T 7 ^.. JT 1, \ To John Atte Hall, to whom the John Atte Hall. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to liim for half a year's payment of tliis his allowance .... 368 T , J. 1 ,A To John Kvmbald, to whom the Lord Jolni Kymbald.> ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 To John dk Kirkeby, to whom the Lord tlic A"''/- '^h I ^^'"*^' ^'•'*' ''■'^ ^''"''''® P'**'""*' ^^^^^y granted 60*. J yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance I 10 .»1 I II i:i)\v\i!i) III. :5()9 To Adam de Gkantiiam, to whom the Lord £. j. d. '. .' . \ the King, by his letters patent, lately granted (jO*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's p.iynient of this his allowance 1 10 To Waltkr de la Chaumbre, to whom Ch ' V ' ( ''"^" Lord the King, by his letters patent, ' lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allow- ance ." . . " 2 10 To Richard Penycombe, to whom the Lord Ihchard 1 ^j^^ j^j^^^ ^^, j^j^ jeftgrg patent, lately granted ' 1 OO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his lilV, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 J , , T\ 1 To John de Dovorr, to whom the John de Uororr. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 Ti 1 T 1 To Hi'GH Jove, to whom the Lord the Kin . ' ° ' by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good sen'ice renderefl by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payinent of this his allowance 2 10 3 in ISSUE ROLL, To Gilbert de Briddksale, to whom the £'. .v. d. Ti-'dfi ■ I \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately > granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . . 2 10 r , , T ,, I To John de Lecjhton, to whom the John de Legliton. t ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his hfe, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for lialf a year's payment of this his allowance 'J 10 John de Hakeborne, to whom the Lord ,T I 1 '■ the Kinor, by his letters patent, lately granted Hakcboriic. ^ ■' . ' ■' ^ - 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 110 J , .^^ j,r , ] To John Atte Wych, to whom the John Aft e H i/ch./ ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 1 13 4 Sum .... £ |l Jf ednpidd I/, I he \1 (li Dtnj of Octolicr. Johi All- //■'//■ 1 JoJonN Atte Welle. to whomthe Lord > the King, by iiis letters patent, lately Sriuilcd 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer -II i;i)\VAi;i) 111. .111 during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the £. x. il. same Lord the King. In money deUvered to him, by the hands of John Hakeborne, for half a year's payment of this his allowance .10 8 , , ,, \ To John Puseye, to whom the Lord the ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's pay- ment of this his allowance 2 10 n ; , n I To KoHEKT Beveregge, to whom the liobert hcveregge. > _ ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received by him at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to liiiu for half a year's j)aymcnt of this his allowance . . 2 10 To William Fitz Joh.\n, to whom the Lord f"f- I h > *liP ^^"'o' ^y '''* letters patent, lately granted •' 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Nottingham, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2100 To Master John Goseden, the Kings cook. Master jQlm\ ^^ ^j^^ Lord the King, by his letters Goseden. i . ,^ , , , ■> patent, lately granted 10 marks yearlj', to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser- vice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Nottingham, for half a year's payment of this his allow- ance (i « 31-2 ISSUE ROLL, William de ] Brumpton. To William de Brumpton, to whom the £. s. d. Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately- granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William de Nottingham, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 n- , J Aj I '^° Richard Aleyn, to whom the Lord > the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 'J 10 To Robert de Berkynshawe, to whom Tj , 1 \ the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lierkynshawe. j f^ j r > ' lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance. 2 10 IT i » 1 To Hugh Frees, to whom I he Lord the Hugh 1 rees. f ,. ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearlj-, to be received at the E.xchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 To Edmund Che.stehunte, to whom the Che'ltehunte\ ^°''^ ^^^ ^'"S' ^"^ ^'^ ^^''^'' I"^»™^' '^^^l-V •' granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In moitey delivered to him. by the hands of Giles Portor. for half a year's payment of this his allowance f) 44 EDWAKl) III. 313 To John de Kyngkston, to whom the £'• v- ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at tlie Excliequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the Kino'. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Richard Sampson, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 ,.'■,.■ rr. , 1 To William Tylneye, to whom the }i ilham lylneye.) ^ , , ,,. , ,. , ) Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer durino- his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 5 ,,..,,. ,, ] To William, to whom the I. ord l\ ill Klin I icsl. ^ , , • 1 ' the King, by his letters patent, lately cranted lOOv. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to rhe same Lord the King. In nioncv d'.'li\crcd to him, by the 314 ISSUE roll; hands of Richard Sampson, for half a year's payment of this £. s. d. his allowance 2 10 7) ; I r> , I To Rai.i>h Port, to whom the Lord the lia/p/i rorl.} > King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's pay- ment of tliis his allowance 1100 Sum .... £ Thursday, the \Stk Day of October. To Master John Goderyk, the King's Master John \ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ . j^j^ Uoderyk. \ , ^^, , ' letters patent, lately granted 20j. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to liim, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 10 , I T-v- / /^- I 1 To Jamks de Dicheford, to whom James de Dicnejord.> > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment of this his allowance . 3 6 8 ,, „ „, ) To Geoffry WARYN,falconer, to whom Lreoyry n aryn. e ' the Lord the King, by his letters jmtent, lately granted 6rf. daily, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 1/. ll.v. 3(/. payable to him for this his allowance 1113 44 KDWAKI) III 315 Gilbert del SpytcllX ,. , ' the Lord the King, by his letters ]);iti-nt, hitc'ly «jraiitod 60*. yearly, to be received at the Ex- clieqiier during liis life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him lor half a vear's payment of this his allowance .... 1 10 To Wii.i.iAM DE Brantyngham, to whom ]\ illiani d,- 1 jj^^, Lordtiie King, by his letters patent, Braiili/iig/uim.i , . , J lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King, hi money de- livered to him, by the hands of Richard Sampson, for half a year's j)aymen1 of this his allowance 2 10 ,,. , , ,, 1 To KiciiARD Sampson, to whom the Jiic/iard 'tampion. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during iiis life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him. for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 , , ,, , \ To .IdiiN PoKCiiESTRE, to whom the Jonn I orclicxlif. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of .lohn Kyver, for half a year's payment of this his allowance . '. 2 10 ,, ,, 1 To Adam GuoM, to whom the Lord the Ado III Uroiii. > > King, by his letters patent, lately granted marks yearly, to be received at the E.xchequer during his lil'c, for the good service rendered by him to the same liOrd the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment of this his allowance I 13 4 .'^iini .....£' 316 ISSUE ROLL, Friday, the \Wi Day of October. £■ s.d. To Brother John Woderove, the King's Brother John i ^^^^^ j^ ^hom the Lord the Kin?, by tVoderove. \ '^ ■' i his letters patent, lately granted 79/. 10.? G(/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, in aid of the support of himself and one of his companions, and his men .serving in the King's household, and for four horses and one hack ; also for the wages of four grooms, to keep the said horses, and also for certain small necessary expenses. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 34 15 3 To the same Brother John, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser- vice rendered by him to the same Lord the King — to wit, 201. out of the farm of the town of Nottingham, and the residue of the 10 marks to be received at the same Exche- quer. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 6 13 4 To Master Nicholas de Roos, keeper Master Aic/,o/a.^ of the King's Hall Cambridge, by one de lioox. { ,, . ; , • , . • ■ oc/ ) tally, raised this day, containing Ibl. 13*. Ad. Delivered to the same Master Nicholas, by his own hands, as an advance, for the support of the scholars dwelling in the same hall '20 13 4 To Edward Prince of Aquitain and Edirard I'rincA yvales. by one tally raised this day in of' Aqnitatiif r ,i t.'- > n » r .i and ii'ah's I tl'P "ames of the King s collectors of the customs and subsidies in the port of I,oiulon, containiiiij 100 nr.uks. Dehverod to the same Edward, by the hands of Peter de Lacy, as an advance, for a certain yearly fee which the Lord tlic King lately granted •11 I'.DWAl^l) 111 317 to the same Kilwaid, to lio rccfivcd out of the ciisloiiw in L". v. d. the port of London Wj 13 4 ,„ ,. , ,, I To Sir Di: Manney, Knight, yy alter lie Mainiei/.} , ,. I to whom tlic Lord the King, by lus letters patent, lately granted 100/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . 50 To the I'.AiM. of Atiiki.i,. In money received '^j,l"ji ■ ) by him from Thomas de Brantyngham, late ' keeper of the wardrobe of the Lord the King, as a loan to be restored 6G 1.3 4 To .Sir John de Delves, Kniijlit. In money received by him from the same Thomas, as a loan to be restoreil 178 14 John ill- Dc/rcx. [• I money received by him from the same ,, , , r , ,., 1 To Edward Lovetoet. In money rc- I'jiliranl JJjrcto/t.\ . , rr^ ' ' ceived by him from the same Thomas, as a loan to be restored 1000 J,- „ , ,. , 1 To Walter de Couton. In money n alter lit' Louton. > ' received by him fromlhesame Thomas, as a loan to be restored 10 T 1 1 T\ u 1 To Sir John de Dalton, Knigrht. In John lie Dalton. > . ' money received by him from the same Thomas, as a loan to be restored 66 13 4 n illiam Prentys. > ' Lord To William Prentys, to whom the the King, by his letters patent. lately granted BO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 1 10 318 ISSUE ROLL, r,,, 7 I ) To Thomas Lovedene, to whom tlic i-'- *• ''• 1 nomas Lovpuciic. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 8 marks yearly, to be received at. the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . . . -- lo 4 Simi .... £ Safurdai/, the 20lh Day of October. To John de Blokkeleye, clerk, to whom R/ bb 1 \ ^''^ Lord the King, by his letters patent, ■' lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good serv'ice ren- dered by him to the same Lord tKe King. In money deli- vered to him in pai-t payment of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance 3 G S u 1 Ti^ I J- 1 1 \ To Henry DE Wakefield, keeper Henri/ de H nkejie/d. > ^. , ' of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of the Earl of Oxford, by divers tallies raised this day containing 800 marks, delivered to the same Earl for his wages in the war, and as a reward for 40 men at arms and 80 archers going with him in the service of the Lord the King to France, by general writ of Privv Seal, as above 533 G 8 To Thomas de Comberton, to whom tlie Comberton. 1 ^°'''^ *'*'" ^"^'"S' ^^ '"^ ^*'"®'"* patent, lately I granted lOOi. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for tlie good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance ... "2 10 44 EDWARD III. 319 To John di; Wai.sinoiiam, to whom file £'. .*•. d. .,r , . , I Lord till- Kinji. by liis letters patent, lately Uaisnighaiii. | ^ • . ' granted CMx. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered lo him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . . 1 1(1 To John df, Salksbiiky, to whom the Lord oil I the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lialexbunj.) a> j i > j » J 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of William Beyford, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 3G8 m 1 ^r , \ To Thomas DK Myton, to whom the 1 nomas de Myton. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Beyford, for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 ¥T7i7- D .^ J 1 To W^iLLiAM Beyford, to whom the ntlliam Beyford. \ > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance I 10 , ^I'o Thomas de Hertfordyngbury, Thomas de ^^ ^^.^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ j^j^^ y^ 1^;^ Hertjordyiigbiiry. J " •' letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord 320 ISSUP: ROLL, the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of £■ «• J- Benedlcta, his wife, for half a year's payment .... 3 G 8 T I J C7 ^' J 1 To John de Sleford, clerk of the John de Sleford. > ^. , ) King's private wardrobe within the Tower of London. In money delivered to him by his own hands for his office, by his writ of Liberate, as above . . 20 Sum .... £ Sum of the week . £ Monday, the 22d Day of October. r,- , I I r> 1 To Richard de Bernes, to whom m. 7. iiichard de tiernes.\ i the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \00s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 ., , , oi .; 1 To Alan del Strother, keeper of Alan del Strother. > ' ' Rokesborgh Castle, by one tally raised this day, containing 75/., delivered to the same Alan, by the hands of Nicholas de Musegrave for the same custody 75 , To Thomas Aubrey and Wili.tam Thomas Aubrey and ^^ Sp.^vgne, collectors of the King's Spay one. J ,,.,.., , customs and subsidies in the port ot 'Saint Botolph. In money delivered to them of the King's gift, for the assiduous labour and diligence exercised by them in tiicir offices during the last year, for the King's benefit, in collecting the King's money arising from the same customs and subsidies — to wit. to tlio aforesaid The- 4» EDWAHD lir. 321 mas 20/., fo tho aforosaid William 20 marks, and to the £. v. Kinsr's clianibor, to whom the Lord the I\i'weport. j .. " King eomnianded to be delivered 6f/. daily lor his wages, until otherwise he should be provided for in his estate. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of his same wages 4 7 <> r> t" ; 1 To RoGKR Smalr, to whom tlie Lord the liogcr iima/c. > . . I King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the E.xchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment I 1.3 4 To Wii.LiA.M Di: Debeniiam, to whom the p\ ,1 , I ) Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately ' granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance . . 2 10 Ti n \ To John PvuiE, to whom the Lord the Kintr, Jolin 1 yrie. y ° > by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 3 8 „ ■ , ,1-' ) To Richard Feror, to whom the Lord i\irliin(l rcror. \ ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granteil IOOj. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered bv him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him tor half a year's payment 2100 Sum .... £ 322 ISSUE ROLL, £. s. d. Tuesday, the 'I'M Day of October. ., . , c<. ,7 1 To Alan del Strother, keeper of Alan del Si rot her. \ ' . ) Kokcsburghe Castle, by two tallies, raised this clay, containing 75/. delivered to the same Alan by the hands of Nicholas de Musegavc, for the same custody 75 ., , jr- , , 1 To Alan de Kirketon, master of Alan de Kirketon. \ i the King's galleys, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted GcZ. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. I n money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance. G 14 G n I , ri^ I 1 To Robert Wade, to whom the Lord the Robert n ade.\ J King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.V. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord theKing. Inmonej'delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 „ 77 1 To R Roger fieror. v ' Kins:^ To Roger Feror, to whom the Lord the by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 T 1 J IT' 7,1 1 To John de Waltham, to whom the John de H altham. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 ,, c.) ; \ To Roger Slak, to whom the Lord the Roger SI a li.} > King, by his letters patent, lately granted •14 EDWARD III. 3-23 5 marks jvarly, to be rowivcd at the Exchequer, during his £. s. d. life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money deliverwl to him for half a year's payment 1 13 4 1 'It iliji Jut II con cr. \ To Philip Fauconer, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted G(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 4/. lis. oil. payable to him for this his allowance 4 113 T h V ) \ ^^ John V.\che, to whom the Lord the J King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6rf. dailj% to be received at the E.xchequer, during his life, for the good serxnce rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 4/. lis. 3(/. payable to him for this his allowance 4 113 c,, , ,, , . 1 To Stephen Scaklet, valet of the iitcplien 'Scarlet, f ,. ' King's chamber, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 2 10 To the same Stephen, keeper of the King's manor at Rutherhith, taking Gd. per day for his wages in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of his same wages 4 4 T I r' 1- 1 To John Gardiner, to whom the Lord John Ltardincr. \ ., > the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearlj% to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 113 4 V 1 324 ISSUE ROLL. 71' ;;• HT 1 \ To William Merk, to whom the Lord £. s. > the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 Sum .... £ Wednesday, the 2Ath Day of October. To John de Bernes and Robert de John de Bemes atid] ■., ,, , ,. ., r^- . „ , ^ , , ,, > LA More, collectors ot the Kingrs liobert de la More. ( ... ' customs and subsidies in the port of London. In money dolivcred to them of the King's gift, for the assiduous labour and diligence exercised by them in their offices during the last year, for the King's benefit, in collecting the King's money arising from the same customs and subsidies — to wit, to each collector aforesaid 101., and to the comptroller of the customs in the same port 10 marks, by writ of this term 46 13 4 T, , A- ,, \ To John de Northrugge, to whom John de Isorthriigge.f ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 3 6 8 r> 7 , p , ,, 1 To Robert Erhuyth, to whom the liobert li.rnnylli > 1 Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at ihe Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him for half a year's payment 6 13 4 11 EDWARD III. 325 liohnt de MaghficldX ^^" '^"'"•"" ""^ Maoi.fiei.d, to £. .v. d. > whom tlic Lord the King, by his li'ftiTS patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at tile Exchequer, during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 5 ^ ■ J T J ; 1 To Andrew de Tyndale, to whom Anurew de lyndale.\ 3 the Lord tiie King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him for half a year's payment .3 6 8 ,/,,£• , \ To Hugh de Somekton, to whom Hugh de >>omertou.\ ( the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 Nicholas Sandwych] "^*^ Nicholas Sandwych, to whoni ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.y. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 1100 T h M L- X^'^ John Monk, a chaplain, to perform ) divine senice daily in the chapel of the King's manor of Eltham, to whom the Lord the King granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, until otherwise in his estate he should be provided for. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 36 326 ISSUE ROLL, To Sir Richard de Stafford, Knight. £. *. I 1 '^'o John Bkomeley, to whom the Lord John liromeley. > ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the E.xchequer during his life for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 368 ,,- ,, , I,-, •,, 1 To Walter de Whithors, valet // aller de U hithors. > . ,. , J of the King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Excheqiier during his life, for the good senice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 13 S To the same Walter, doorkeeper of the free chapel of St. George at Windsor, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Vld. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, &c. [7'/)<' remainder of this entry is the same as at page lOl.] 9 3 328 ISSUE ROLL, To Stephen atte Marsshe, chief smith £. s. King, hy his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to he received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 368 To Master Adam de la Puletrie, Master Adam de la\ , , ., -, , ,, ,-• . i- r, , ^ ■ (to whom the Lord the Knior, by his ftiletrie. i o j 1 letters patent, lately granted 201. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year''s payment 10 rr I TT 7 I 1 To Hugh Herla^d, to whom the Lord Hugh Herlanil. \ ) the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received by him at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment ... 36S „ , , , CI,; 1 To RoilERT DE SlBTHORP, clerk of Robert de St 1)1 horp.y ' the works of the Lord the King at Shene, Eltham, and Rutherhuyth. In money deli\ered to liim by his own hands for tiie same works '25 1 1 44 EDWARD HI. 329 To Hm.i'ii I-Iaki. of Stafford, for divers £. i; il. "i.. ,.■' 1 -^ > tallies raised this day contaiiiinor 500 Shtjjord. I ■' r. i1 1 ■' marks, delivered to the same Earl by the hands of William de Rothewell his clerk, as an advance for a certain yearly fee which the same Lord the Kintj, by his letters patent, lately granted, to be received out of the customs in the ports of London and St. Botolph . 333 6 8 ,,..„. ,, 1 To WlI.l.lA.M II.VVEKYNG, tO wllom W tlham Haveryng. f , r^ , i • , ' the Lord the King, by his letters ])atent, lately granted 3(/. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, in aid of his support, and because he was wounded in the King's service. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of his same allowance . . 3 13 4 To IIfnky df. Wakefei.d, keeper of the II' J /• I J I wardrobe of the Lord the King, bv the hands /> akefeld. ( " •' ! of William de Morton 10/. ; by the hands of John Puseye 40/. ; by the hands of John Ederik 100/. ; by his own hands 400/. ; and by the hands of Thomas Grace 116/. \3.i. 4d. Delivered to the same keeper for the ex- penses of the King's household 66G 13 4 T I ( /--ii: 1 To John dk Clifton, clerk, sent to Jonn de Llijtoit. > ' Southampton and Portsmouth, to pay the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others, re- maining there for the protection of the towns aforesaid. In money delivered to him for payment of the wages aforesaid 300 rpj .1,1 M ■ .\ '^^ Thomas de la More, constable ' of Porchester Castle. In money de- livered to him by his own hand, for payment of the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others remaining in the garrison of the castle aforesaid 20 Sum .... £ 330 ISSUE ROLL, Saturday, the '27 th Day of October. To the Dean and College of £. s. d. The Dean and CoUecre\ ^jj^ King's Free Chapel, of the Kings Chapel, ( ,,. -, . Westminster. i ^^ kstminster. In money de- livered to them, in part pajTnent of 92/. 7s. o{d., payable to them at Michaelmas Term last past, for those 184/. 14*. 7d. which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to them, to be received at the Exchequer from his money, until they should be pro- vided by the same Lord the King with certain and perpetual rents, to the amount of 184/. 14.y. 7d 90 T , , n , 1 To John de Burgh, one of the King's John de Burgh. \ , l t j ' generals in France, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance 9 9 7 , ,,. , 1 To John Warde, to whom the Lord the Jolin li arde. \ ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOi'. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 r , , r- ^ , , 1 To John de Enefeld, to whom the Joliti de Enejild. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 500 ,., ,. , ,, ^.,,1 To Christian de Enefeld, to ( hnslinii de hnejeld.} ' wliom the Lord the King, by his \l EDWAliO III 331 Icttors patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be re- £. a. d. efived at the Exchequer, during her life, for tlie good service rendered by her to Philippa, the late Queen. In money delivered to her for half a year's payment ... 368 ,., , ,, Tif , \ To Cl.KMENT ATTK MekK, tO wllOm i/rment atte Merk. > > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Aid. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 3/. 8s. 5c/. payable to him for this his allowance 385 , • , , r, 1 To Nicholas Fauconer, to whom i\tcnolas tauconer.\ ^ ' ) the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to iiiiu for half a year's jiaynuMit ...'.... 500 To Edmund, a Monk, of Bury, to whom Ediinind.a Monk,] ,, t i ^i i-- i u- i ^i ,. T, > the Lord the Knig, by his letters ft/ Bury. I o' J ' patent, lately granted 30/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good ser- vice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 15 , n , 1 To James Palmer, clerk of the Great James ralmer. ' 1 10 Jam f Roll, re{ L'ceiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 50.V. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 I To iJouERT Plumer, to vvhoHi the Lord the ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted Vlil. daily, to be received at the Kxchequer, during his life, for the eood service rendered bv him to the same Lord the 332 ISSUE ROLL, King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the £• •s'- d. 9Z. 2s. 6d. payable to him for this his allowance ... 926 T, rr- , 1 To John TiPF.T, valet of the King's cham- Jo/in I /net. > " i ber, to whom the Lord the King commanded to be paid 6d. daily for his wages, until otherwise he shall have provided for his estate. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of his same wages . . . 4 113 Sum .... £ Sum of the week . £ Monday, the 2Wi Day of October. John iStiiert. \ J Kinff, To John Smert, to whom the Lord the by his letters patent, lately granted 6c/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during liis life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lerd the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 91. 2s. G(/. payable to him for this his allowance . . .926 ™, r, . r , 1 To Thomas Pontefreyt, to whom 1 homas I ontejreyt.K ) the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 41. lis. 3f/. payable to him tor this his allowance 4113 ^ , I TT ,, 1 To Adam de Hi'li., to whom the Lord Adam de Jlii/l. { ) the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same liOrd the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment ;> G 8 44 EDWARD III. 333 To HiciiAKDnE Naylinoim'rst, to whom £. ». (/. Jiirjuml de \ ^j^^. j^orJ the King, by his letters i)alent, JSttylinghurst. i irlz-v i I lately granted 100s. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the said Lord the King. In iiioiK-y delivered to him lor half a year's payment ... 2 10 ,,. ,. , c.. 7 1 1 To VVai.tkh DE Stodkley, to whom }\ alter de Stodeley.) > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granteil 100.s-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 T , o I, ) To John Spendlove, to whom the John iSpeiidlove. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 3 8 , To the PjARL of IIulstevn, to whom the ^H f r"^H I ^°"^ ^'^'' '^'"°' ^^' ^""^ ^''"'^''^ patent, lately granted ."^OO marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered, and hereafter to be rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of Tyde- mann atte Brok, and Henry Grevelok, for half a year's payment 16G 13 To Master Richard de Irelond, Master Richard \ , , 41 t i »u xr- surgeon, to whom the Lord the Kmg, r Richard \ de Irelond. j by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 13 6 334 ISSUE ROLL, ^ , I 7 r> I 1 To Anduevv del Broke, to whom £. s. __ ' ' the Lord tlie King, by his letters patent, lately granted Vld. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance 14 1 H o-h I Fll h'k \ '^*' Hugh de Ellerbek, keeper of ' the King's manor of Eltham, and the King's private wardrobe within the manor aforesaid, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted G(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance 460 T 1 N' 1 I I '^° John Nichole, keeper of the great > clock of the Lord the King, within the palace of Westminster, taking per day (Sd. for his wages for keeping the clock, aforesaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages — to wit, from the 1st, day of August last past unto the 23rd day of October next following, for 84 days, each day included 2 2 T J J T\ ^' 1 1 To John de Denford, to whom the John de Uenjord. > ' Lord the King, on the 16th day of April last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 1/. \0s. 8d., payable to him for this his allowance . . . 1 1(1 8 m. 9. Tj 7 • r> \ To Havekin Bene, falconer, to whom Havekin Bene, r _ ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6f/. daily, to be received at the Exchetpier, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to llie 41 EDWAljn III. 33r) same Lord tho King. In moiu-y ili-livered to liim by the £. .v. f/. luiiuls of .loliii nuti-man, in discharge of liis same wages . 2 "> p f /^ I 'I'o I'ktkk Gay, one of the King's generals ' in France, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted I2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King, as well in France as in England. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages 10 ir ; c w 1 To Henry de Sneytii, clerk of the Henry dc iSncyth. > ' great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by one tally raised this day, containing 40/. Delivered to the same clerk, for his said office 40 Sum ... £ Tuesday, the oOth Day of October. r 1 tr •;/ 1 To JoHN Herevill, to whom the Lord John Herevit/. > I the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 45*. 7^d. payable to him for this his allowance ... 2 .5 7i ^1 J rji , , 1 To Andrew de Tyndale, to whom Andrew de lyudale.> > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment 3 6 8 R' h d P f hi l^° Richard Potenhale, to whom ' the Lord the King, by his letters 336 ISSUE ROLL. patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the £'. s. i/. Exchequer during lii.s life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for payment of the arrears of tiiis his allowance . . 15 71' 7x 7 rt J ^ 1 To Walter de Edyngton, to f) alter de hidijvgto». > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOi'. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by liim to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 To Thomas de Shardelowe, the King's t.7 1 , I attorney, to prosecute and defend his business iSliardeiowe. | . . •' in the Bench, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of 100.f. payable to him for this his fee ... 500 J J p If 1 ^'1 money paid to John de Balton, for > an account-book bought of him for the King's use, for the office of the clerks of the Treasurer and Chamberlains, to be used at the Treasurer's house ... G 8 r> 7 . A,. /-^ . \ To Robert Atte Gate, to whom the Robert Atte Gate. \ ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli\ered to him by the hand of John de Frcton, in discharge of the 30i\ 5(/. pay- able to him for this his allowance 1 10 5 jT 7 II- 7 ,- ; 7 1 To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper Henry de (I (ikrfc/d.> ■ ' of the wardrobe of the Lord tlie King, by llie hands of Sir John de Cobehani, Knight. In money delivered to the same John, by the liands of Uichaixl Idelegh, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and 44 EDWAIU1 III. :V.]7 of liors, in the war, goiiifi wit li liiin in tlio service ol" tin- Lord £ .v. > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30*. 5(/. payable to him ibr this his allowance 1 10 .^ jr I If I J- 1 1] To HEMiv DE Wakefeld, keeper Henry de }} ak('tcld.\ ' ) of the wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of John Somervill, valet, of Scotland. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, going with him in the King's service to France . . .5 338 ISSUE ROLL, T I n . 1 To John Portor, to whom the Lord the £. John yortor. \ > King, by his letters patent, lately granted 'M. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allow- ance 1 JO T , r I \ To John Lamborne, to whom the Lord John Lamborne. \ > the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60,?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment 1 10 , , , „ . 1 To John de Convngrby, to whom JohndeLoiiyvgsbjj.v > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, for half a year's payment 3 6 8 T , r> 1 To John Bury, to whom the Lord the King, John Bury. \ " 3 by his letters patent, lately granted 2>d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of his wife, in dis- charge of his same allowance 10 T , , TT- t 1 To John de Wvndesore, to whom John de y\ yndcsorr. V ) the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted GO*, yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer diu'ing his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money d(>liverod to him for half a year's payment ........ 1 10 T 7 II- I 1 'I'o John Wadk, to whom the Lord the John H adc.f ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2d. 44 EDWARD III. 339 daily, to \)0 rorcivoil at llio KxchequiT during his lili-, for £. n. r , r> ) To John Buom, to whom the Lord the Kinsr, Jo/Ill Jirom. > » ' by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Alex- ander, the valet of William de Mulsho, for half a year's payment 2 10 To Henry Cornewaill, valet of the King's /-.""■'' ;i I wardrobe, to whom the Lord the Kins, bv Conicu-ati/. i " •' ' his letters patent, lately granted 6rf. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good sen'ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance. -1 r» ••/;• r> 7 1 To William Byker, the King's en- /» ill I am Byker, > ^ J gineer of war-slings, within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6d. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for his wages in the office aforesaid, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same wages 2 10 Sum .... £ M cdiH'sday, flic 31.s7 Dat/ of' Oclobcr. 11 J A- i' ;; I lo JoilNDENoRFOLKjValetof theKinij's John de I\or/'olK. > ' '- ' granary, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted IOOj-, yearly, to be re- z2 340 ISSUE ROLL, ceivod at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service £. s. d. rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deUvered to him, by the hands of WilHam Clee, for lialf a year's payment 2 10 To William Blakemor, to whom the T>i ,,, [ Lord the King, on the 19th September, in J the 35th year, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, until he should be provided for in his estate ; and afterwards, on the 12th day of June last past, by reason of the good service of the said William, and because the said William restored into the Chancery the said letters patent for the aforesaid IOOj. yearly, to be can- celled, the same Lord the King granted to the same Wil- liam 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer aforesaid during his life. In money delivered to him, in part dis- charge of the aforesaid sum 4 1 4 i In money paid for a boat, by the hands of Thomas de Or- grave, lately sent by the Council from Westminster to Lon- don, to carry 2000/. from the house of Stephen Cavendish to Westminster dd., with 4.d. paid to divers labourers for carrying and re-carrying divers rolls and other memoranda of the receipt to the treasury, and restored by order of the Chamberlains 10 r y TT 1 To John Hoppere, to whom the Lord the Jo/m Hoppere.f ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Excheq\ier during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's ]);\ynient 2 10 , „ , 1 To John de Stoke, one of the barons of J/j/in de iStoh('.\ , ,. , . . i ^/^ , ' the Exchequer, receiving yearly 40 marks 10. U 1:D\VARI) 111. 341 lor liis iVi' ill tlio oHifc iitbrpsaid. In money deliverotl to £. s. d. Iiiin, ill ilisfliargt" of tlic '20 marks jiayablr to liim ibr this his allowance 13 G 8 ^ To Willi. \M DK Dai, Bv, to whom t lie Lord ,j .. I tlie King, by his letters patent, lately granted oil. daily, to be received at the Exciiequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 45*. 7^(1. payable to him for this his allow- ance 2 5 7i c. ; D , 1 To STEriiEN Porter, of Haddale, to iitepnen forter. \ ... ! whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3 To Nicholas de Tudenham, to whom the rr 1 1 } Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 3 6 8 Th W ht \ ^° John Wight, junior, to whom the ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 1134 r 1 1 iir I \ To John de Wedon, to whom the Lord John de H'edon. > > the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him I'or half a year's payment 1 10 7 , ,. , 1 To John Quaret, to whom the Lord the i King, by liis letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his lile, ibr tlic good service rendered by liini to the same Lord II KDWAKl) III. 343 flic King. In nioiioy di'livori-cl to him for lialf a year's .£.'. -v. ''• payment 2 10 To High, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment '2 10 lO ANDUKW DE Oll.DEFOKD, tlie J Andrew de ] ■ , . i <■ . r'lrlfrl \ jeant-at-arms, and surveyor oi t ■' ships, taking daily \'2d. for his wa To Andukw de Gii.DEFOKD, the King's ser- the King's ips, taking daily \'2d. for his wages in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages 8 To the same Andrew, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Vld. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 9/. 2.f. 6(/. payable to him for this his allowance 9 2 6 r , , ,, , ) To John de Edenesore, remem- John dc hdciit.sorr. ^ ) brancer on the treasury side of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 40 marks for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him for half a year's allowance 13 6 8 To Henry de Wakefeld, keeper of the U^ L- ,f'l I \ "'•n'drobe of the Lord the King. In money ' delivered to him, by his own hands 400/., and by the hands of Thomas Grace 100/., for the expenses of the King's household 500 , , ,, ) To Sir Ad.\m Parnyng. Knight, sheriff ylddiii I aitiijni^. > ^ ' of Cumberland. In money delivered to 344 ISSUE ROLL, him, by his own hands, in discharge of 50/. which the Lord €. f. (/. the King commanded to be paid to hitn of his gift, in re- compense of the charges and expenses incurred by him for the King's benefit, as well in his office aforesaid during the last year, as about the repairs and amendment of the tur- rets, walls, houses, and other buildings of the castle of Carlisle, beyond the King's money paid by the same Adam, from the issues of his bailiwick, for the same repairs and amendments, by writ of Privy Seal, this Term . . . . 50 To John de Haytfield, clerk, and John de Haytfield ) t ^ t i i- I T L I riL-. > John deCjliftox. In money deli- aiul John de Lhfton. f •' ■' vered to them, by their own hands, for paj'ment of the seamen's wages, as well in the King's ships and barges as in other ships going from divers ports in England beyond the sea in the King's service, for defence of the kingdom of England ggg 13 4 To John Peek, John Child, John Peek, John Child, I „ ^ ,-, , ., \ KiCHARD Chaundell, Kichard and otherx. ( ' Brown, William Gowerd, Ri- chard Frere, and three others, boys in their retinue, taken in the war abroad by the French enemies, and detained in jjrison at the town of Saint Omers in France. In money delivered to them, by the hands of the aforesaid John Peek, in discharge of the 20/. which the Lord the King com- manded to be delivered to them of his gift in aid of their ransom 20 To Richard Hardeshull, late one of the liichdid I , ,. ^, • , . 1 , T , . Hardeshull) "^'"'''* "' "^^' '"fceipt, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, in aid of his siipjjort, or until otherwise in iiis estate he siiould be provided for. In money delivered to him, by II KDWAHI) 111, 315 till' luiiuls of John Styg;iyii, in {lisciiarge of his sanio ;iilow- .{,'. v. Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately ' granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered l)y iier to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money deli- vered to her for half a year's payment 5 *0 346 ISSUE ROLL, r , T,, , 1 To John Moubray, one of the justices to £. v. (/. John Mouhrny.K . ... J hold the assizes in divers counties in the kingdom of England, and for gaol deUveries there, receiving yearly 20/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him for this his fee 10 rj^, , r 77 1 To Thomas de Ingelby, one of the 1 nomas de Ingeluy. > _ ' justices to hold pleas for the said King, receiving yearly 40 marks for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in part payment of •20 marks payable to him for this his fee 1- 10 10 r. 7 71«^ 1 To Roger DE Meres, one of ihe justices Roger de Meres. \ _ .... J for holding the assizes in divers counties in the kingdom of England, and for gaol deliveries there, receiving yearly 20/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allowance 10 „ , , rpi \ To Robert DE Thorp, chief-justiceof the ' King's Bench, receiving yearly 40/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. payable to him for this his fee . 20 To the same Robert, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, and that he might more fitly maintain the military order which he had re- ceived from the King. In money delivered to him for a half yearly payment 20 To Almaric DE Shirlond, one of the Aliixiric di; 1 , c »1 i.-i i • • i «/i . ,, . , , > barons ol the Exchequer, receiving vearlv 40 ' marks for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him. in discharge of the 20 marks pay- able to him for this his fee 1368 41 KDVVARD III. 347 'I'o llio same Almaiic, lo wlioin the I^onl llu» King, l)y liis £. s. il. li'tti'rs pati'iit, lately n;rantocl 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, iluriiig his life, for the good service rendered, and hereafter to be rendered, by him to the same Lord the King, until otherwise he shall have provided for his estate. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 20 marks payable to him for this his allowance . . • 13 G 8 To the Dominican Brethren — Dominican Brethren \ ^ -^ .-in i ^u i i n- iinican Brethren] . .. on i .u i i ^ , , } to wit, JO brothers only d 0/ Langley. j , •' ' within the King's manor of jf Lang- ley, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted "200 marks so long as it should please the said Lord the King, to be received at the Exchequer, of his alms — to wit, to each of the .same brethren 100«. in aid of their support, and 33s. Ad. for their clothing. In money delivered to them in discharge of the 100 marks payable to tliem for this their allowance GG 13 4 ,,-.,,. ,, „1 To \ViLLi.\M Rycall, to whom the y\ illuini nijrall.\ J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 33*. Ad. payable to him for this his allowance . . . . 113 4 u P w I To Henry Sneyth, clerk of the King's Henry oneytn.\ _ ° > great wardrobe, by one tally raised this day containing GOl. delivered to the same clerk for his said ofKcc GO jj , J r; ■ ) To Master Peter de Flokencia, J cter dc tlorenciu.\ 1 physician, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him, as well to the same Lord the 348 ISSUE ROLL, King, as to Phllippa, late Queen of England. In money £. s. d. tlelivered to him for half a year's payment 20 7 1 /-. 7 , 1 To John Gobet, to whom the Lord the Jo/Ill (jo/hI. I j King, by his letters patent, lately granted '2(1. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 30i^. 5(/. payablcMo him for this his allowance .... 1 10 5 ,,..,,. ^ 1 To William Cosyn, to whom the Lord // illiam Coii/n. I , . i the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2100 T , r> 1 To John Bergeveneye, to whom Jo/in hergeveneye. > > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 J, I Tf ^ J 1 To John DE Westelev, towhom the Joliii dc n esteicy. \ > Lord the King, by his letters piitent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer, during his life, for the good sei-vice rendered by him to the same Lortl the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 1134 Sum .... £ Sum of the week . £ 44 EDWAUn III 349 £. v. ,/. Mondny, the blh Day of November. To IsABKLLA DE GlLDKSBUUOII, tO wllom CI I-} • h I *'^'' Lord tlic King, by his letters patent, lately granted 'id. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of her support. In money delivered to her in discharge of the 21. Tm-. 7\d. payable to her for this her allowance 2 5 "A To Wii.i.iAM DK Wakebrug, One of the li illiam de ] ■ ,- .• i i i- ^i • • i- If kel 7 1 ToAncEBALSEXER.towhom the Lord the Alice Balxe.rer.t ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by her to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to her for half a year's payment . . . 9 lo r> -n ) To Roger Fauconer, to whom the Roger l > Lordthe King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6f/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allow- ance 2 .5 Henri/ de Hohjns-K To Henry de Holyns, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent. 350 ISSUE ROLL. lately orrantcd I2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, £. v. durinrj his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge oi'9l. 2i-. 6(/. for this his allowance 9 2 „r-j,- n \ To William Baron, to whom the Lord M iliinm Baron, r > the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60j. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 1 10 „ , ^ ^ ^ 1 To Robert Certeseye, to whom Robert Lerteseye. > > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.?. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 110 T 7 07 z' I 1 To John Sleford, clerk of the King's John Sleford. \ . . " 1 private wardrobe within the Tower of London. In money delivered to him for his office . . 3 1 To Adam de Scaldynghouse, to whom Adam de 1 ^j^^ ^^^^ ^^^ .^ , ^^^ j^^^^.^ ^^^^^ iicaldynghouse. | , , . , ' lately granted 60*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 110 To the same Adam. In money delivered to him as an advance upon this his allowance — to wit, at Easter Term last past . „„ rr , 1 To Thomas Harpecote. to whom J nomas tlarpecotc.\ ' the Lord the King on the 16tii day of 44 EDWARD HI. 351 April last past, by his letters patent, lately o^ranted 5 marks £. .v. d. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer (luring his lii'e, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to Inm in discharge of 31*. for this his allowance 1 1 1 i • u- !)■ /^ .1 I To William Grantham, to whom ft illiamUranlham.)- > the Lord the King, on the Kith day of April last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for this his al- lowance 1110 r , 1 A I. 1 To John de Aulton, to whom the John de Aultov. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 1 13 4 To Richard de Wyngham, to whom the „. , V Lord the King, bv his letters patent, lately " ynghd'ti- 'o J I J ' granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 M.-ij- r- I 1 I ) To William Erchebaud, to whom rrtUiam t/rchebaud. \ ' the Lord the King, on the 11th day of April last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of this his allowance 321 352 ISSUE ROLL, ,. , , T, , ., 1 To Ralph Bataile, to whom the Lord £. s. d. lialph BnUii/e. \ J the King, on the 27th day of August last past, by liis letters patent, lately granted 60a-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to liim, by the hands of John Blakemore, in part payment of this his allowance 4 1 A To Elizabeth de Holand, bastard sister 7t / / wo Philippa, late Queen of England^ to ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during her life, or until otherwise she shall be pro- vided for in her estate. In money delivered to her, by the hands of John de Harmesthoi-p, in discharge of the 20/. payable to her for this her allowance — to wit, at Easter and Michaelmas Terms last past, by writ of Liberate, amongst the mandates of tliis Term 20 Sum £ Tuesday, the Gt/i Day of ^ or ember. To Laurence de Allerthorp, one of the ... , , I auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly •' 10/. for his fee in the office afores;iid. In money delivered to him for a quarter of a year's payment, l)y order of the Treasurer and Barons 2 10 To Master William de Askeby, chan- ^^"£yiv" if """} ^^^^"""^ °*^^^'^ Exchequer, rcceinng yearly ■* 40 marks for his fee in the office afore- said. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment. 13 8 rr,i I I n ] To ThOMA.S DE IngELBY, 0110 of the 1 /lODld.s- (Ic Jll>iClOl/A ' ' justices to hold pleas before the said 41 i:i')\v\iji) III. 35:5 Lord the King, rcreivincj yearly 10 marks lor liis fee in the £• v. , ^ , , ,.. , , . , ' the Lord the Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 5 „, , c. , 1 To Thomas de St.\ple, the King's 1 nomas de Staple, c 1 i_ t j ' Serjeant-at-arms, to whom the Lord 2a 4 354 ISSUE ROLL, the Kinof, by his letters patent, lately granted 12f/. daily, £. s. marks for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment . . . 13 G 8 To the same William, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly for increase, to be received at the Exchequer, above the fee appointed for the same office, so long as he should remain in the office afore- said. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment . 20 To the same William, one of the Justices to hold the assizes in divers counties in the realm of England, and to deliver the gaols there, receiving yearly 20/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 10 T> 1 it/T 1 To Roger de Meres, the King's ser- Koger de meres. \ » ) jeant. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him at Mi- chaelmas Term last past for the 20/. yearly which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Roger, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his expenses for prosecuting and defending certain business 10 T T I u ;, 1 To John de Raghton, to whom the ) Lord the King, by his letters ])afcnt, II KDWAKD III. ;55.j lately granted 10/. ycai'lv, to be reeeived at the Exrheqiicr £. n. d. during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands ot'Thoma.s de Burgh, for half a year's payment . . 5 JohndeWytfordX '^° "'""^ ""l Wytford, to whom the ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100.9. yearly, to be reeeived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 Rob tM k \^^ Robert Makenev, to whom the i Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 1 00.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2100 u J 11- 1 /• 1 1) To Henry DE Wakefield, keeper Henry de H akejteld.\ * J of the wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, and by the hands of Thomas Grace, his clerk, for the expenses of the King's household 333 g g ,, , , c 1 } ) To Robert Sadelek, to whom the liobert badcler. > > Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's pajTnent 2 10 To Griffin dk la Chambre, to whom f,, J, > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, •' lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the E.xchequer during his life, for the good service ren- 2a2 356 ISSUE ROLL, dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- £• *• vered to him by the hands of Roger Griffith, his valet, for half a year's payment 50 Robert Baton. \ To Robert Boton, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of this his allowance 500 rtM ri . 1 To Thomas Prest, to whom the Lord the I nomas frest. \ ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money dehvered to him for half a year's payment 368 m. 12. To Thomas de Knyghtele, to whom the KnlZde \ ^°'"'* ^'^"^ ^'"°' ^^ ^'^ ^^"^*"^ ^^*^"*' '^^"^^ '^ * granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2100 „ , , r> I 1 To Edmund Bernard, to whom the liidmund Bernard, i J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tiie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for lialf a year's payment 2 10 Sum .... £ 44 EDWARD III. 357 Wednesday, the 7th Day of November. J, , tf t . t J To John DE WoDF.sTOK, towhom the £. >. d. John de n odestok.t .. j. . > Lord the King, hy his letters patent, lately granted 5 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, lor the good service rendered by liim to tiic same Lord tiie King, In money delivered to him I'ur half a year's payment 113 1 TIT- \ To John Tuyng, to whom the Lord the John 1 uyng.i ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to tiie same Lord ^he King. In money delivered to him for halt' a year's payment 2 10 T, , , , n ,1 To Robert de Bovenden, a black- Kobert de Bovenden.\ u. J smith, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by iiim to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 3 6 8 r,. , , , . ) To KicuAHD DES Armes, to whom liichard des Amies. > I the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of VV'illiam Jernekombe, for half a year's payment 368 „ , , o • ii\ To Sir Ralph Spigurnell, Knight, to Kalph!yptgumeU.\ ' whom the Lord the King granted the custody of Dover-ca,stle, and the Cinque Ports, with the appurtenances, during his life, in the same manner as Robert 358 ISSUE ROLL, de Herle, wliilst he lived, had the same custody, receiving £. .f. , 1 To Simon Brokas, keeper of the King's I ])ark of Gildeford, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 4(/. daily, to be received at the Exciiequer during his life, beyond the 2d. 44 EDVVA15D III. 359 wliicli clsowlicrc lie receives of the Kiiifj's gift, for the good ^' '*'• "• service reiideri'd by liim to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him ill discharge of this his allowance . 3 (I 10 /v I .1 r't 1 \ To Ei.iZAHETii CiiAUNDOS, to whom i the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 201. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money dch- vered to her for half a year's payment 10 To ^L\K1A OF St. Hilary, to whom the ^. I,.. J \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately •' granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of lior support. In money delivered to her by the hands of John de Hermeslhorp, for half a year's payment 10 „1 I/-.; 1 To PiiiLiiTA CuAUCKK, to wliom the 1 hilippa Lhauccr. > 1 Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during her life, (for the good service) rendered by her to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to her by the hands of John de Hermesthorp, in discharge of the 10 marks for this her allowance 6 13 4 T J T ^1 1 To Joan de Louthe, to whom the Lord Joan aeLouthe. \ I the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to her by the hands of John de Hermesthorp, in discharge of this her allow- 'I'lce 10 r ;. ;/ rj , . 1 To IsABKLL Petvt, to whom the Lord the l.sdbcl/ relyl. > ' ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 360 ISSUE ROLL, 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good £. s- d. service rendered by her as well to the same Lord the King as to Philippa, Queen of England. In money delivered to lier by the hands of John de Hermcsthorp, in discharge of this her allowance .5 Richard de Stanes. I i tl To Richard de Stanes, to whom le Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by hira to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of John de Hermesthorp, for half a years i)ay- ment 500 Sum .... £ Thiiisdai/, the S/A Day of Norember. ri /-i 111 To John Cavendissh, one of the Justices John > I to hold the assizes in divers counties in the realm of England, and to deliver the gaols there, re- ceiving yearly 201. for his fee in tlie office aforesaid. In money delivered to him tor half a years payment . . 10 r. , 7 f., , ) To Edmund Chelreye, one of tlie 1 Justices to hold the assizes in divers counties in the realm of England, and to deliver the gaols there, receiving yearly 20/. for liis fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to liini for half a year's payment . . 10 O To tlie same Edmund, the King's Serjeant. In money deli- vered to him in discharge of the 10/. payable to him at Michaelmas Term last past for the 20/. yearly which the Lord the King granted to the same Edmund, to be receivwl at the Exchequer, in aid of ills expenses in piosecutiug and defeiidinjithe King's business 10 (1 4-1 EDWARD 111. .%1 „ , „ , , I To Roger dk Fultiiorp, one of the £. J. '/• Roffer (le liilthorp.) . , ,, , ... ) Justices to hold t lie assizes in divers counties in the realm of England, and to deliver the gaols tiierc, receiving yearly '20?. for his fee in the ofiBce afore- said. In money delivered to liiin for half a year's pay- ment • 10 , ,, ( To IIknry le Sckop, son and heir of llcnry le Scrap. \ . i t i 1 Geotlery le Scrop, to vvliom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted "200 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, to him and his heirs, for the many good services rendered by him to the same Lord the King in divers places, as well in England as in France and Scotland, or until the same Henry, or his heirs, shall be provided by the same Lord the King, or his heirs, wifii 200 marks of land or rents within the kingdom of P^ngland, or some fit place. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 100 marks paviiblc to him for this Ills allowance GG 13 4 , , , , , , To John dk London, to whom the John de London. I J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by the hands of John Eilcryk for lialf a year's payment ... 1 10 , , , n , ,,1 To John de Bakwell, to whom the John dc lUikiiell. \ \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 6f/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service remlercd by him to the s;ime Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of this his allowance ... 4 11 o ^,, . ,, I ToCi.aisiusFerour, to whom the Lord (JaiMu.i- l'croiir.( ' the King, by his letters patent, lately 362 ISSUE ROLL, granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during £. s. d. his life, for the good service rendered by him to tlic same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 500 Ti J TIT 7j? i;) To John ije M.\ghfield, to whom John de Maglifield. \ > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOi'. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of tliis his allowance 5 ri m- "1 To John Chippes, to whom the Lord the Jo tin Lhippes. \ i King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOs. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 T I r, 1 To John Donne, to whom the Lord the John Donne. > ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's pay- ment 1 10 /•^ I ]\ To Geoffrey Pykard, to wiiom the Ueojfrey I'ykara.y ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of tills his allowance 2 5 7-J- .)• , , r- I To Richard Freue, to whom tlio Lord Richard trerc.7 _ ' ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 60a-. yearly, to be received at the E.xchcquer during 44 liDWAIJD 111 363 his lifo. for tlic good sprvicp rendered by liim to the same £. .v. money paul to Inm by ins own liands in de fslieppye. ( . ' discharge of the 14/. which the Lord the King delivered to him of his gift, by writ of Privy Seal this Term 1 1 364 ISSUE ROLL, To William dk Sleford, clerk of the £. i-. d. !■;'?•" ^ "^ \ Kino's works within the palace at Westmin- SUJord. j " ' ' ster and Tower of London. In money de- livered to him by his own hands for his office . . . . GG 13 4 1 "] Michael Skyllhig. ^ > c To AIicHAEL Skylling, the King's attorney, to prosecute and defend his business in the Bench, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of the 100*. payable to him for this his fee . . . 5 „ , , , TIT ;, 1 To Robert de Melton, clerk, to Jxobfrt de Melton. > ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered, and to be rendered, by him to the same Lord the King, until the said Robert should be provided by the same Lord the King with a fit benefice, with or without a cure. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment . . 2 10 To Sir John de Edmondeston, Knight, of . I) CI I t;^.Qf]g„jj j,^ money delivered to him by hidmondeston. j •' . ' his own hands, in discharge of the 50 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift 33 6 8 r , , I, , 1 To John de Burton, to whom the John de hurton. > ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately gr.anted lOO.f. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's jiaymcnt 2 10 To Henry Dalemaigne, and Agnes, Henry DatrmiiianeA ,. -c ^ \ .i t i »1 , ;' , . .r,. > Ins wile, to whom tlie Lord the Ins wite, to whom the Lord the Cathertne,lnsi} ife.\ ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during their lives, for the good service rendered by them as well to the same Lord the King as to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money delivered to them by the hands of William Laurance, for half a year's payment . 6 13 4 m 1 c: ] To Thomas de Stanes, to whom tlie J nomas de olane.i. ( ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good sen'ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of William Brant, for hcdf a year's payment . . 5 Sum .... £ Saturday, ihe lOt/i Day of Km- ember. T , , rr , 1 To John de Hamelton, to whom the John de Hamelton. V ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2 10 366 ISSUE ROLL, r , I T> , 1 To Sir John de Burleye, Knight, £. x. d. John de hurley e. s .. J to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in part payment of the 20/. due to him . . . 10 (> To Brother Thomas Walssh, to whom Tj- , , V the Lord the King, by hi« letters patent, lately granted lOOs. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment . . 2 10 Peter de Bromlei/. j- \ To Peter de Bromley, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOi'. j'carly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 2100 To William de Fyncheden, one of the F ncheden I "^"^^ices of the Bench, receiving yearly 40 ' marks for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money dehvered to him for half a year's payment . . . 13 G S To the same Williimi, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be i-eceived at tile Exchequer, above his fee appointed for the same office, so long as he should remain in his office aforesaid, and that he might be able more fitly to maintain and support the expenses which in that office he was bound to incur. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. payable to him for this his allowance 20 To the same William, one of the Justices to hold tlio assizes in divers counties of the realm of England, and to deliver the gaols there, receiving yearly 20/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money dehvered to him for half a year's payment 10 44 EDWARD III M)? r , ,/->,./.. 1 To John di: Ci.ifton, clerk, sent to £'. .v. il. John (If I /If foil. \ I Southampton and Portsmouth, to pay the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others, there re- maining for the protection of the towns aforesaid. In money receivetl by him from the Treasurer de Wolsey, for payment of the wages aforesaid 100 I) r. . ^, 1 To Eustace Chaungeor. In money Eustace C/iamigcorA ... I delivered to him, in discharge of 56a-. 8(/. due to him, on an account made with him at the E.xchequcr, for wages and expenses by him incurred in going to the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to pay the ransom of the King of Scotland, there to be received, in the -I'ind year, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 2 IG 8 To Roger Belet, and Agnes, his wife, Roser Belet, aiid\ . , .i t i ti i.-- i u- J t ■ Tf/> > to whom tlic Lord the King, by his Agnes, Ins U tfe.\ ^ ' letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, *o be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by them as well to the same Lord the King as to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money delivered to them, for half a year's payment .... .'300 To the same Roger. In money delivered to him, as an advance upon a certain annual allowance of 7\d. daily, which the King lately granted to the same Roger, to be received at the Exchequer 068 ,,..,,. rr 1 To William Topy, to whom the Lord /» ill tain lopy. > ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \\d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance 12 9 To Patrick de Romesete, Esquire of the n \ King of Scotland. In money delivered to ' him, in discharge of the 30/. which the Lord 368 ISSUE ROLL, the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift for the £. «. • ) To John Brice, of Great Yarmouth. In John Brice. > ' money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the wages of the men at arms, armed men, and archers, lately in his ship beyond the sea, in the King's service, for defence of the realm of England 40 Sum £ Sum of the week . . £ Monday, the Vlth Day of November. r, n f . 1 To Roger Belet, to whom the Lord Rorrer Belet. \ , , ) the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Tld. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance 5 ^, ,»-•,, 1 To John de NEviLL.a Knight, of France, John de J\ei-i/l. > , t , , i- • i • ' ])risoner of the Lord the King, withm the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2s. daily, to be received at tiie n i:n\v mjo hi. :?r>9 Excliequpr, in aid of his supjwrt, so lont; as he sliall ivmaiii £. v. ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to he received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money delivered to her, by the hands of John de Harmesthorp, in discharge of 71. \0s. payable to her for this her allowance . . . . 7 10 Til- 1 To John Kempe, of the Common Bench, John Kempe. \ _ J sent with a commission under the seal of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishop of London. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John Bray, for his expenses 068 To John deUppyngham, one of the auditors rr ' ,' \ of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 101. for i'ppyng/utm.t _ ^ o j j ' his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him in part payment of this his fee . . . . 2 10 „,.„,, 1 To Robert Belknapp, one of the Jus- Robert Belknapp.) I tices to hold the assizes ui divers counties in the kingdom of England, and to dehver the gaols there, receiving yearly 20/. for his fee in the 370 ISSUE ROLL, office aforesaid. In money delivered to him for half a £. s. d. year's payment 10 To the same Rohert, one of the Kings Serjeants. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him at Michaelmas Term last past, for the 20Z. yearly which the -Lord the King lately granted to the same Robert, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer in aid of his expenses in prosecuting and defending his business 1000 X , T,/r , 1 To John Moubray, one of the Justices John MoiiOrtii/. ■ ' of the Bench, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer above the fee appointed for the same office so long as he should remain in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 13 G 8 ^, , jy 1 7 , „ 1 To Sir Alan de Bukkeshull, Alan de Biikkeshn/l. > > Knight, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment 50 T I TT t 1 To John Herlyng, valet of the King's John Herlyng.\ '^ ) chamber. In money delivered to him. in discharge of 4/. \As. 1 \d. payable to him from the 10th day of October, in the 43rd year, unto the same day last j)ast, for one whole year, for the \'2d. daily which the Lord the King lately granted to the same John, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, which same 12(/. daily amounts unto 17/. .")v. yearly, of which the same John takes allowance in the great Exchequer for 13/. lO.v. \d. from the i'arm of the hundred of Depwade 4 II KDU AKl) III. :VI To .loHN DK Git.VFTON. liaboiiliislifr, of i,". 1 16 7 Join) lie Grii/toiiA r, ■ . n y T • 1 . 1 • ,, , , , \ Saint Tauls. In nioncv paid to hmi, Haberdasher. I •' ' J as well for parchment, hanapers, and skipetts, to put in divers indentures, processes, and other memoranda concerning the same Lord the King, and in the custody of the Treasury, as for red wax, paper for accounts, ink, and divers things purchased from him for the King's use before the feast of Ivistcr last p;ist, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanapcr of this Term To Elizabeth dk Lowedkks, a lady of r I ' I Scotland, remaining on the faith and peace Lowed res. ( ^f 'I ) of the Lord the King, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 13*. 4d. weekly, to be received in aid of her support, until the lands and tenements which arc of her inheritance in Scotland should be restored to her. In money delivered to her, in discharge of her said allowance 110 8 Richard de Imu-orth. [ ^. , J King's Serjeant-at-arms, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance 12 8 To a certain Chaplain coming with letters A Messenger 1 jirpcted to the Lord the King on behalf of jrom iScofiaiid. " •' the King of Scotland. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Ilelmyng Leget, of the King's gift . 13 G 8 „ , , r> ) To Ralph Barry, sent as a messenger Ralph liarn/. ( . I from the Lord the King with letters directed to the King of Navarre, at Chirburgli. In money delivered to him for his expenses J (J ■2 n 2 37-2 ISSUE ROLL, ,, , ,1 , , „ 1 To John Di; Paulesuolt, sent in the £. r. '^• John de raHiexholt. } ■ i n . i i ) retinue of ihe aforesaid Kalph on the like business. In money delivered to him for his expenses . 10 Sum .... £ Tuesday, llic 13/// Day of Nwember. Hvgh Wake. \ '^° ^^ ) Kins' To Hugh Wake, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. payable to him for this his allowance 20 To Michael de Sparkford, keeper of the , , ; ,. I I King's park at Graveshende, to whom the Kijjarkford. t . J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted Sd. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allowance 2 3 6 To Thoma.s de la More, constable of de la I Mor Thomas- de la \ „ , , ^ \ I'orchestre-castle. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for payment of the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others remainmg there for the defence of the castle aforesaid 20 ,,. , , ,,, 1 To RtCHAiiD Bloue, clerk of the King's ' works at Queonborough-castle. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, tor the same works . 200 To I lEMiY nEMAi'NESL u.i.n.clerkof till' Kiiiir's works at (.'hiiilerlanglev. 11 i:i)\V.\|{|) III. .'{73 III money ilclivorcd to him, liy his own hands, lor the same L'. v. J to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer so long as he should remain in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in part payment of 50 marks payable to him for this his allowance . . • 20 To Joan, who was the wife of Guido Joan, who was the 1 j^ p ^j. g^^tland, remaining on H tfe of (xuido ae > , " Ferre. I ^^^ faith and peace of the Lord the King, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 50/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, in aid of her support, until the lands and tenements which are of her inheritance in Scot- land should be restored to her. In money delivered to her in discharge of the 25Z. payable to her for this her allowance 1113 1 rr, r., , 1 To Sir Thomas Florak, Knight. In 1 nomas r/oiak. i . ^ j money delivered to him by the hands of WiUiam dc Fidbourne, in discharge of the 15/. due to him upon the account made with him at the Exchequer, for his wages, in going upon the King's business to the King of Navarre, to the island of Constantyn, in the 43rd year, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term . 15 (i To William Clerk, a messenger, sent with letters of the Lord Treasurer, directed to divers farmers of manors, wliich be- longed to the Countess of Huntingdon, in the county of Kent. In moiK-\ delivered to him for his expenses . . o C s 41 EmVAlUD III. 375 „ r» I To HoGi'.K Dork, by a tally raised tliis £. s. d. liogcr Dorc.f •' ■' ' (lay ill tho name of I'ldiniiiul Clu-ym-, Shorift" of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire, containing 100 marks, which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same Roger of his gift, on account of the waste made by Sir John de Dynham, Knight, upon t)ic buildings of the manor of Corflton, which is of the inheritance of Joan, daughter and heir of John Inge, now wife of the said Roger, which same John Inge held in cajjite o( the same Lord the King, and against which said John Dynham the same Lord the King, at the prosecution of the same Roger, re- covered for the waste aforesaid, and for the issues of the manor aforesaid, during the time the same John de Dyn- ham occupied the manor aforesaid, with the appurtenances, during the minority of the said John, to the amount of 1000 marks and more, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term G6 13 4 To Henry dk Wakefield, keeper of the IV L- fi 1 1 i ^'"o * ^vardrobe, by the hands of Robert do ' Assheton. In money delivered to the same Robert, by his own hands, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, archers, and others, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King to France . . • 66 13 4 Sum . . . . £180 6*. 8(/. Friday, the \(>th Day of November. Simon de Clopton. \ > Lon To SiiMON DE Clopton, to whom the I the King, by his letters patent lately granted 100*. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser\ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of the 50*. payable to him for this his allowance . 2 10 376 ISSUE ROLL, 15. Tf h f I A h f \ To Robert DE AssnETON, Admiral of £. s. ,,. ,. t' 7 > SwYNHOWE, collectors oi the Kmg s H alter tiwynliowe. ( " J customs and subsidies in the port of Berewyc-upon-Tweed. In money delivered to them of the King's gift, lor the assiduous labour and diligence exercised by them in their office, during the last year, in collectinor the King's money arising from the same customs and subsidies 800 rpr , jT , 1 To Thomas la Vache, to whom the 1 nomas la I acne. ^ ^ ' ) Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer (luring his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 20 marks payable to him for tliis his allowance 136s To Henry de Wakefield, by the hands of IV I -fi 1 1\ ^^"''^'■''^ '1^ Sancto Aniando, Captain of the J town of Southampton. In money delivered to him for the wages of his men at arms, archers, and others, in the war, remaining there for the protection of the town aforesaid 5 (I Tip, . \ To John Person, to whom (he Lord the J King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOv. yciuly, to be received at the Exche((uer iluring Ills life, lor the good service rendered liv iiim to the same Lord 4i EDWARD III. 377 the Kinj^. In money (K-liven-il to him in ili^chiirwo of tlic £. s. d. 50j-. payable to liini for this his allowance 2 10 Sum . . . . £193 Os. Od. Saturday, the \7t/i I^ni/ of Nuvcmhcr. „ , , , ,- ,, 1 To RoHERT DE Kelby, One of the Jxoticrt ac Kcloi/.y I auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly lOA for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 50*. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 ,, ry I \ To Alan Palmer, to whom the Lord A/ an I aimer. > , ' the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 50s. payable to him lor this his allowance . •' 10 Jo/m da HaytJiM. \ '^'" •^°""' °^^ M-^vTEtELD, appointed to I keep divers armed men in the Kino-'s ships. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his office 10 r, , in;; i \ To RlCIL\RD BuKELOND, tO whom Richard Biikcloiid. > _ ' ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of 5 marks, by the hands of John de Gilde- ford, in part payment of this his allowance , . . . . 3 To Richard de Markeiiam. to whom the liicliard dc 1 i 1 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Ti - 7. /?• , ,\ wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Sir Godfrey de Roos, Knight, of Scotland. In money delivered to the same Godfrey, by the hands of ] his wife, for the wages of his men at arms, archers, and others, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King to France 500 Sum .... ^"-26 13.y. 4d. Sum of the week . £1178 7s. 5d. Monday, the 19//* Day of Nor ember. ,. , ,,, 1 To Mary whomthe Mary de Alberton. \ ^ , ,. , J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer, during her life, for the good service rendered by her to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money deli- vered to her in discharge of the 10 marks payable to her for this her allowance 6134 Richard Raimdes. \ , ,-, , \ To John Cook, of \ork, to wlioni the Lord 7» ( ook. \ , , . , J the King, by his letters patent, hitelv granted To Richard Raundes, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO.v. yearly,to be received at the Exchequer, durincr his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of the 50.s\ payable to him for this his allowance . o 10 {) 44 EDWARD III 379 lOO.v. yearly, to be received at the I'lxcliequer during his £'. v. d. life, for the good service rendered by liiin to tlie same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in disciiarge of tiie 50.V. payable to him for this his allowance 2 10 Divers Messenger,] '^« ^^'^^''"^ Messengers^ and Cou- (iiid Coiiiirrx srnf I RiEUS, sent on the 27th day of oil the 27th Din/ j October last past, to all parts of of October. England and Wales, with letters of Privy Seal, directed to all Archbishops and Bishops in England and ^Vales, to collect the King's tenth granted from the clergy at the last Parliament for the use of the said Lord the King, and to make a collection of the tenths aforesaid in divers archdeaconries ; also with writs of Great Seal directed to the mayors and bailiflFs, as well in divers ports as elsewhere in several boroughs in England, that they might appear belbre the Cotmcil of the Lord the King in the octaves of St. Martin, touching certain urgent business of his said kingdom. In money delivered to them by the hands of John 15ray, for their wages, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Ilanaper of this Term . 4 16 10 rri ■ , I r 7 \ To Tristram de Lukes, falconer, to 1 ristram de Lukes. > > whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \0l. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during liis life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 100*. payable to him for this his allowance 5 Sum .... £21 10«. 2 Lord the King, by his letters patent. 380 ISSUE ROLL, lately granted 10/. yoarlj', to be received at the Exchequer £. s. the Kiugf, bv his letters patent, lately granted lOOi-. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance . 2 10 »x. , , „ 1 To Nicholas Praga, one of the King's JSicholas l^raga. > . 3 minstrels. In money dehvered to him as an advance upon that which is in arrear to him, as well for the 7\d. daily, as for the 10 marks yearly which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Nicholas, to be received at the Exchequer 3 G 8 , To Stephen de Watteford, to whom the Lord /f // f ■ 1 \ ^^'^ ^'"o' % '^'® letters patent, lately granted 4 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good sen'ice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 2 marks payable to him for tliis his allowance 1G8 tr c< .; ) To Henry Snevth, clerk of the orreat Henry biieyf/i. I "^ ) wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Tliomas de Gloucester, glover, of London Bridge, for his olfice 13 4 Sum .... £18 IGs. 8(/. 41 EDWAUl) I[[. 381 Jf'cdnrsddi/. l/ir'Ilxt Ddij of November. John HerfmisX ^ "^ ) li To John IIkri-vno, valet of the King's £. s. d. lioiisi'holcl. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him at Easter and Michaelmas Tenns last past, for those 10 marks yearly which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Jolm. to be received at the Exchequer, in recompense of the office of comptroller in the port of Saint Botolph, which same office the said Lord the King lately granted to tlic same John, to hold dnrinij his life 6 13 4 To the LoRDTFiK King, in his Cham- The Lord the Kino \ . i .i ■ i .-ti i t • 1 • /-.1 1 > ber, by the hands ol Helmvnjj Leget, in fits (chamber. [ ■' . . ^ by 3 tallies raised this day, containing 340/., delivered to the same Lord the King, in his Chamber aforesaid, in part payment of 2000 marks which the same Lord the King borrowed by the hands of the same Ilelmyng, at the receipt of the Exchequer, on the 4th day of August last past, as appears in the roll of the receipt of the Ex- chequer of the same day 3^q q q To M.\UG.\RET DE Ravenesholm, to whom „ '^ , , > the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lidcenrxholm. I o j r > ■* lately granted lOOZ. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, to her and the heirs male of the body of John de Ravenesholm, her late husband, and of the same Margaret, begotten, for the good service by the said John lately rendered to the said Lord the King. In money delivered to her in part payment of the 50/. payable to her for this her allowance 10 m r. \ To Thomas Dacre, valet of John dc New- 1 nomas Dacre.t ' erk, sent to Calais with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Duke of Lancaster, the Earl of Warwick, 382 ISSUE ROLL, the Earl of Hereford, and the Earl of Salisbury, Governor £. s. d. of Guynes, and Treasurer of the town of Calais. In money delivered to him i'or his expenses 13 4 r , , T, 7 ; 7, ) To John de Paulesholt, of the John cte laulcx/iolt.( > county of Wiltes, lately coming from Chirburgh, in tlie island of Constantyn, to England, with letters from the King of Navarre, directed to the Lord the King. In money delivered to him of the King's gift, as well in aid of his expenses as for divers costs and expenses incurred by him for divers seamen of the same King of Navarre, coming in the retinue of the same John to the town of Southampton 10 Sum .... £367 Gs. Sd. Thursdcnj, the 22d Day of November. I John de Upton. } 'T" J°"^ ^'^ Upton DE B,3.Hn.L. In ' money delivered to him by the hands of William de Brantyngham, in discharge of 46/. 13a'. 4'/., which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same John for the amount of his share for the manor of Heule, in the parish of Eltham, purchased of him for the King's use 46 13 4 r> ; 7 ^,^ ri' , ^ To Ralph Atte Watke, One of the Ralph Alt e (I at re. \ J foresters of the King's forest of Wynde- sore, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, for his wages. In money delivered to him in discharge of liis same wages for one whole year 3 10 T^. T,f 1 To nivKKs Messengers and Cou- Dtvers Messengers. > > riers sent the day of October last 44 EDWAIil) III 383 ))ast witli letters of Privy Seal, directed to tlie escliealors £. .v. in all the counties in lingland, that tiiey hasten to London to take their oaths before the Council of the Lord the King. Also with letters directed to the Venerable Fathers in Christ the Bishops of London and Ely, that they be pre- sent with other parties at the Council of the same Lord the King at Westminster, on tlie octave of Saint Martin last past. In money delivered to them by the hands of John Bray, for their expenses, as appears by the particulars in the Hanaper of this Term 19 John de Grafton. > moneydelivered to him by his own hands, for parchment, hanapers, red wax, ink, and other small necessary articles bought from him for the King's use, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 1 19 10 n ] t H f I I '^® Robert Hertele, to whom the ' Lord the King, on the 18th day of Febniarv last past, by his letters patent, granted \0l. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 6/. l*. Ad. payable to him ratably for this his allowance . r \ a r^. iir , \ To divers Workmen and Carpenters V Iters H or km en. t '^ ' employed upon and making a certain hearse for Philippa, late Queen of England, in the dwelling of the Bishop of London. In money delivered to them, of the King's gift, for drink amongst the said workmen . . n c a Sum .... £59 I.y. 8d. 384 ISSUE ROLL, Friday, the 23(/ Day of November. ... , ,,, ,, ,, 1 To Stephen Atte MuLtE, by a £• StcjiheiiAtte Mulle.\ _ . /_ J tally raised this day, containing 4/. 9.f. 8(/., delivered to the same Stephen, by the hands of , in discharge of 4/. 9*. 8rf. due to him in the Kings wardrobe, in two particulars, for divers things bought from him for the King''s use, as appears by the account of William de Feriby, late keeper of the ward- robe aforesaid, remaining in the Great Exchequer . 4 9 8 John de Sleford. I ) priv To John de Sleford, clerk of the private wardrobe of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, by the hands of Stephen Atte Mersshe, for his office, by his writ of Liberate of the Great Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term, in the 39th year. 43 T 7 HIT ; 1 To John March, sent with a letter of Privy John March, t _ _ _ ^ ' Seal, directed to William de Skipwyth. In money delivered to him for his expenses 10 ,, I?- 7 X- 7 7 1 To Henry Wakefield, keeper of the Henry (i akejietd. > _. , ' ' King's wardrobe. In money deli- vered to him for the expenses of the King's household, liy his writ of Liberate, as above 200 T h M ; I '^*' John March, the King's huntsman, to ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 5d. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 45.y. 7^'/. payable to him for this his allowance 2 5 7A Nicholas- dr Slyudmi. [■ To Nicholas de Slyndon, one of the King's huntsmen, to whom the II i;i)\\ \i;i) III. •.]H-, Lonl tlio King, by his li'ttcrs patput, lately granted '2il. £. .v. o o J whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 'Id. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in part discharge of his same allowance .... 1 13 T 7 1 -n 1 \ To John de Foxle, constable of Quenes- Jolrn de toxie.> . . . i ■ ' burgh-castle, receiving yearly 20/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allow- ance To the Executors of the Will of The Executors of the 1 j^^^^^^ j^^^^^,^^ j,^ ^ j^^. rVill of Roger notour. ( •' ' vered to them, by the hands of John Wroth, in discharge of the \00s. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to them for the charges and expenses incurred by the same Roger, whilst living, about the erection of certain houses built by him within the town of Calais upon a tenement and other waste places occu- pied by the said Roger, by the King's grant, within the town aforesaid, which same houses and tenements so 10 II KDWAHO III. 387 built, after tlic diMtli oltlio siiiil Roger, came to tlio Kiii'r's £. v. '" '^^"^ g'''''^' J wardrobe of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Margerie de Styrop, for his office .") G 8 'J'o the Prior and Brethren de The Prior anil Brr-\ ^, , i i- i ., 1 r^i , > LiiARTUSA. In moncv delivered to tliren de Charlina. j . . ' them, in discharge of the 25 marks payable to them at Michaelmas Term last past, for those 50 marks yearly which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Prior and Brethren, of his alms, to be received at the Exchequer IG 13 4 T L 1 73 1 \ '^o John de Beauchamp, valet of the Johndeheaucliamp.y > King's household, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30 marks payable to him for the arrears of this his allowance . 20 (1 T 1. \f 1 1 To John Massyngham, to whom the John Massyngham. \ 3 Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 5 marks payable to him for this his allowance 3 G 8 2c2 388 ISSUE ROLL, To William de Garderoba, keeper of the £. .v. d. ^ ' ! , ' \ King's lions and leopards within the Tower (j'jracroba. ( •' of London, taking per day — to wit, for his wages 6(/. in the office aforesaid ; and for food of 7 beasts — to wit, for each beast 6(/. per day. In money delivered to him in discharge of his said wages and food .... 980 ,, . 1 In money paid to William Baron, by the J\ ecefniancx.y - ^ ' hands of John Bray, for the amendment and reparation of the Ked Book of the Exchequer, called the Book of fees of the P^xchequer f) To divers Messengers and Couriers }sent on the 9th day of November last past to all parts of England with To divers Messengers and Couriers Divers Messengcm (ind Couriers. past to all pari writs directed to the sheriffs to provide quivers of arrows for the King's use; also sent on the 10th day of November with commissions directed to divers persons to be with the sheriffs in divers counties in England; and also with writs of the Chancellor, directed to the Bishops and other Lords to take the oaths of the said sheriffs. In money delivered to them, by the hands of John Bray, for their wages, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term "2 10 ]i> r. , , r, ^ 1 To Ralph Swyft, a courier sent with a Jia/ph oin/ft. > ^ 1 • > writ of the Great Seal, directed to tlio escheator in the county of Worcester, " de diem clausit e.r- tremuni" concerning John Hastange. In money delivered to him for his expenses 3 -1 r , , i„ /. , 1 To John de Sleford, clerk of the John de Sleford. \ ,. ' King's private wardrobe within the Tower of London, by the hands of Hicliard des Arnies, for his office . . ■ -Jl 13 4 II I:D\V.\KI) 111. 389 ,, , ., ,, 1 To IIknry nE Sneyth, clerk of the £. .v. (/. ) great wardrobp of the Lord the King. In money delivered to liiiii, hy the hands of Thomas de 'I'liornlou, for his offii-o, hy his writ of Z,(6prn/e, as above . I!5 Ci 8 Sinn .... £92 13*. 10(/. TiH'sdiii/. till' '17 til Dai/ of Sorembcr. , , , o» .£■ I I To .John de Sleford, clerk of the John de Sleford. > ^ ' King's private wardrobe within the Tower of London, by the hands of Alan de Kirketon, for his office '25 rr,, . o, , 1 To Thomas de .Staple, surveyor of 1 nomas- de Staple. \ ' the King's works at Quenesburgh- rastle, by one tally raised this day, containing 20/., deli- vered to the same 'I'lioinas for the same works . . . . 20 m. 17. . , ,r . 1 To John Morice, a courier sent witli a Joliii Monce. \ I letter of the signet, directed to the Arch- bisliop of Canterbury. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his expenses 034 ,, , 1,- 1 r- ,j\ To Henry de Wakefield, keeper Jleiini de \t nkefield.) , ' of the warilrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Roger Elys, for making a certain hearse for Philippa, late Queen of England, by his writ of Liberate, as above 26 13 4 To the same Henry, by the hands of Robert de Walsyng- luini. In money delivered to the same Robert, by the hands of Roger Elys, for making the hearse aforesaid . . 20 13 1 To the same keeper, by the hands of John Vo\w. In money delivered to the same John, by his own hands, for making the hearse aforesaid 13 8 .i'jO ISSUE ROLL, „,,,,- , ) To Ralph dk Kneveton, to wliom £. v. „ /^„ ,. u 4.u« r V> I .1 /-. 7-1 Robert de Corby, to whom the of Kobert de. Corot/. J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during her life, in aid of her support. In money delivered to her in part payment of the IOOj. payable to her for this her allowance 2 10 }To Sir Robert Salle, Knight, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, at the feast of Saint Michael, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In moncj' delivered to him, in dis- charge of tlie 10 marks payable to him for this his allow- ance 13 1 J To Joan, who was the wife of Joan,irhoirns the Wife\ -r, x^ » i ^ ,, r> 1 J ; n ( ROBERT DE I" ERRERS, tO whom th'? Of Ixooert de rcrrers. j Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of her support. In money delivered to her, by the hands of Clement Dolveryn, in part payment of the 50 marks payable to her for this her allowance . . 20 To Godfrey de Roos.a Knight,of Scot- land, to whom the Lord the King, by Godfrey de Roos. \ his letters patent, lately granted 1(^0 marks yearly, to be re 44 EDVV.\I{I) III. 391 ccivcd at tlic Exchoquer ilurincr liis lii'c, for the good service £ reiulcretl by liim to tlii- samn Lord tlie King. In money delivered to him, by the hands ol' Anabcl, his wife, in part payment of the 50 marks payable to him for this his allow- ance 10 „.,,,,. ,1 To Reginald de Neuport, valet Heginald de JS ciijjort. \ 1 of the King's chamber, sent with letters directed to the Earl of Arundell. In money deli- vered to him for his expenses 10 Sum .... £155 6*. 8d. Wednesday, the 28//* Day of November. Til- , \ To John Knyvet, the King's Chief-justice ' to hold the pleas before the same Lord the King, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, and that he might more fitly maintain his estate. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50 marks payable to him for this his allowance . . . . 13 6 8 John de Ajipelton. \ To John de Appelton, one of the auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the olHce aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 ,,..,,. , ... ,, 1 To William de Wkllom, clerk, tor H illiam de U ellom.\ ■ i /^ ) transcribing the estreats m the Great Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in discharge of t lie 50*. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 392 ISSUE ROLL, ;./,,. I. ; , ) To Robert DE Sekyndon. opposer £. v. (/. > of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his f(H' in the office aforesaid. In money dehvered to him, in discharge of the bQs. payahlc to him for this his fee ' 2 10 (I Tel S7 f -I \ '^^ -'oiiN' Sleford, clerk of the King's ' private wardrobe within- tlie Tower of London, hy the hands of Robert Pykebusk, for his office ' 18 12 Hmryde Wakefield] '^'^ ^^f ^^*'' ^^ WAKEFiELD.keeperof J the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Robert de Whitebergh, the King's almoner. In money paid by the hands of William de Acton, of alms of the said Lord the King, for the amendment and reparation of the bridge of Newcastle-\ipon Tyne 1") Sum .... £54 8i-. 8(/. T/iiirxddi/. l/ic '29th Dai/ of November. n- I I rrt ,, , ] To Richard Talbot, banneret, bv two Rirhard lalbot. [■ ... ' tallies raised this day in his own name, for divers advances paid to the same Richard, by the hands of John Wardon, clerk, in allowance of the 3r2/. ll.v. 1(/. due to the same Richard, by account made with him at the Exchequer, on account of receipts, for the wages and expenses incurred by him during the time he was keeper of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the town of South- ampton, but of which 312/. ll.v. \d. the same Richard released to the Lord the King 45/. 17.*. 9(/. for allowances by loans to him made for the same 312/. \\s. \d. ui)on his account so due, by two writs of the Great Seal — one, to wit, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term in tlie 14lh year, and the other amongst ihc nuuuhilcs of Miihaeliuas Terni in the 24lh year ;)12 11 I II V.DW \n\) III. 393 ,, J If ; /• // I To IlK.MtY DK Wakf.i-iei.d, keeper £. x. the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good sernce rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in part discharge of the "20/. payable to him for this his allowance . 10 ,, , , „ , I To Robert de Beveklk, to whom Robert de Beverle. \ ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted GO.y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 30.v. payable to him for this his allowance 1 10 Sum .... £33-2 6.V. 8A(/. 394 ISSUE ROLL, Friday, the 30th Day of November. ij'n- 1 c; ^ ) 1 To William de Sleford, clerk of £• s. H illiamde Slcford.y J tile King's works within the palace of Westminster and Tower of London, by one tally raised this day, containing '201., delivered to the same clerk for the same works 20 T> 1 r'l 1 1 To Roger de Clebury, to whom the Moger de Llebury. ? ' Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 5 J , , T>i 7 7 ? ) To John de Blokkeley, one of the John de Bloklcelei/. > > auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in dischai-ge of the 50j. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 T , , „ , 1 To John de Gosebourn, one of the Jo/in de ixosebourn. > ' auditors of the Exchequer, receiving j-early 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him in part payment of this his fee .... 2100 To Sir Roger de Bello Campo, Knight, '^, I by two tallies raised this day, containinor Campo. I •' JO ' 97/. 2j. 2|rf., delivered to the same Rogei-, by his own hniids, for the support of the sons of Charles de Bloys, remaining in his retinue 97 ,,. ,, I , 1, t \ To Walter de la Roke, sent to // alter dc la Roke. \ ' Warwickshire, Leycestershire, Not- 11 KDWAiJI) m. 395 linghanishire, Derbyshire, and Litchfield, to treat wiili the £. s. , . > the King — to wit, to three hermits and eight anchorites, recluse persons within the city of London and in the suburbs thereof — to wit, to each of them 13s. 4(/. in aid of their support 7G8 Willicim lie 1 // i/nilc.iorc. j To William de Wyndesore, deputy of the Lord the King in Ireland, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 1000 marks yearly, to be received at the English ivxchequer, at the feasts of Easter and Saint Michael, by equal portions, for the good services rendered and hereafter to be rendered by him to the same Lord the King, and that he might the better and more fitly be able to continue in the service of the same King — to wit, 500 marks yearly, for three years after the same William should have arrived in Ireland, as according to the form of a certain indenture made between the same Lord the King and the aforesaid William thereof more fully doth appear ; and, after the expiration of the said three years, the said 500 marks yearly to be re- ceived at the said Exchequer until the said Lord the King, or his heirs, shall have provided for the aforesaid William 1000 marks in lands and rents in Ireland, to hold to him and the heirs of bis bo Knijilit, to wlioiii llic Lord the Kiiii;, Hogge.ixhaghA "_ '^ ' by his letters patent, lately granted '20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance . ... G 13 4 To tlie same Thomas. In money delivered to him by his own hands, as an advance for that yearly allowance which the Lord the King, bj' his letters ])atent, lately granted to the same Thomas, to be received out of the customs in the port of Lonilon "20 C) S ,,,.,., I , ) To PiiiLir DE Langeton, a seaman, I'/iil/j) (te LangetoiiA I to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 3(/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord tlie King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance 2 10 T 7> ;/ ) To Jamks Russell, of Pontieu, to James livsseli. \ ) whom the Lord the King, by his letters l)atcnl, lately granted \'2d. daily, to be received at the Ex- chequer, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same allowance 2 I , , rri , 1 To John dk Thornton, keeper of John dc Inoriiton. > _ ' ' the King's private wardrobe within the palace of Westminster, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 8f/., as well for his wages in the office aforesaid, as for the wages of a boy, a servant to him in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him by the hands of John Bray, in discharge of this his same allowance 3 12 To the same John, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOOs. yearly, to be received at 398 ISSUE ROLL, the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered £. s. by liim to the same Lord tlie King. In money dehvcred to liim in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his allowance 2 10 To John de Sleford, clerk of the John de Sleford. \ ■' ) Kin-'s Tower of London. In money delivered to him by his own hands, for his office 2 Mary de Albert on. i To Mary de Alberton, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money deli- vered to her, by her own hands, as an advance for this her allowance 4 T 1 1 /-< / J? 1 1 1 To John de Cokfield, to whom the John de Vokjield. > J Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in part payment of the lOOi'.payable to him for this his allowance. 2 10 T I 1 rj * .c ; J 1 To John de ILwtefield, clerk, ap- John de Haytejieid. \ . . ' ) pointed to keep divers armed men in j the King's ships. In money delivered to him for his office 10 To Henry de M.\unesfield, clerk of the M >f '/ / ( ^'"o"® works at Childerlanglej'. In money ' delivered to him for the same works . . G 13 4 13 ; , J f-;,; I To Robert de Sibthorp, clerk of Kobcrl do Stl)tlwr]).t ' the King's works at Eltham, Siicne, 41 KDWARI) 111 309 and Rutlierhytli. In money di'livi'ieii to liini liy liis own £. .v. I , • I Kinss works ;it Koclicster - custlo. In Jioc/u'ster. j . ' money delivered to him by his own hands for the same works 20 ., t- ,1 1 To Henry Sneyth, clerk of th(> King's tlt'iiri/ r>iici/t/i.,- _ " ' great wardrobe, l)y the hands of Thomas de Carleton, embroiderer, for his oftice 100 Sum .... £ Sum of the week . £ Monday, the Srd Day of December. n I , 1 n , 1 To Ralph pk Boxton, and Cathe- lialph (le Boxton. f . . ' rine, his wife, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the E.xchequer during their lives, as well for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, as by her to Philippa, late Queen of England. In money delivered to them in discharge of the 20 marks for tliis their allowance 1 .3 G To Henky de W.vkefield, keeper of the W l-'T 11 \ I^'^o's wardrobe. In money delivered to > him, by his own hand.s, 433/. G.s-. Srf., and by the hands of Thomas Grace 233/. (Ss. 8d., for the expenses of the King's household GGG 13 To the same keeper, by the hands of Thomas Glasele, for his expenses in the w^ar, going in the King's service to France 2 To the same keeper, by the hands of Ralph Bagle, for hi^ wages in the war, going in the King's service to the parts aforesaid 2 400 ISSUE ]^OI.L, To the same keeper, by the hands of John Joee. In money £'. -v. delivered to the same John, for his wages in the war, in the King's service, to the parts aforesaid 5 To William de Gunthorp, Treasurer of the William dc\ ^ c n \ • t i i • i » i • ^ ,1 { town of Calais. In money delivered to hini, Uunthorp. t _ ■' 1 by his own hands, for the wages of the armed men, archers, and others, in the war, remaining as well in the fort of the town of Calais, as in the fort of the town of Arde, and castles of Guynes, Merk, and Oye, and other castles and fortifications in the dominion of Merk and Caleys To the same William, by the hands of Patrick de la Chambre, William Carnes, and William Egelyn, of Scot- land — to wit, to each of them 40.i'., and their six valets, to wit, to each of them 20s., for their wages . . . . 1*2 1333 n S To Walter de Leycester, the King's Ser- T . > jeant-at-arms, to whom the Lord the Kinsr. by Leycester. ( ■ '. . ' his letters patent, lately granted \'2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allow- ance 9 To divers Messengers and Cou- ,„ . " \ RIERS sent to all parts of England, witli and Loiinerx. I ,. , . •' writs of the King's Bench, directed to divers escheators in various parts, to take the goods and chattels of persons outlawed into the King's hands; and also with commission under the Great Seal, directed to divers sheriffs in England, together with 2s. Sd. paid to divers labourers working in the Treasury, for removing the Rolls and other memoranda in the same Treasury, as ajipears by the particulars remaining in the llanaper of tliis Term . 19 II KDW \ni) 111. Idl /) I lie,, 1 '" RiciiAKD DE Sutton, keeper of £. s. d. Jiirhdiil ilf Siitlou.} .. , . ' till' King's private palace at West- niiiistcr, to «liom the Lord tiie King, by his letters patent, lately granted Cx/. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, as well for his wages in the office aforesaiil. as for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of his same allowance 5 To the same Richard. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of the "JOs. payable to him for his robe, in the 4.3rd year 100 To Master Robkut i,e Vynour, the Master Robert le\ yr. , , , , » u ., ,' • Kings head gardener, to whom the / i/iionr. j " " Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted \'2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of his same allowance 3 111. 10. , c ,/ \ To Robert S.\lle, haberdasher, of Lon- Jioberl Sdllc. > ' don. In money delivered to him by the hands of Guido de Rouclyf, in discharge of the 58*. due to him for red wax, and other small necessaries, bought of him for the office of Privy Seal 2180 «- . ) In money paid for the expenses of the two rtecessaries.\ • ' ' 3 chamberlains, the clerks, tellers, and others, officers of the receipt of the Exchequer, remaining at West- minster for two days to arrange the Treasury, and to remove the rolls and other memoranda from the one Treasury to the other, on account of the great rain and damp, as ap- pears by the particulars of the I lanapcr of this TiTni . . 17 OA r I I /-'/y, \ To .loiiN DE Clifton, clerk, by the Jo/indpLltJto)i.> •' > hands of John Teky, master of the ship •2 D 402 ISSUE ROLL, called the Saint Mary Cog, of Lynn. In money delivered £. s. d. to the same John by his own hands, for the wages of him- self and one constable, each at 6(/. per day ; 24 seamen, each at 2x1. per day ; and 2 pages, each at \d. per day — to wit, from the 7th day of October last past, imto the 21st day of the same month, for 14 days, each day included, by general writ of Privy Seal, as above 4 1 1 (> To the Executors of the Will of ^'f,..^^'^"''";* ,"/, *''f\ Michael DE Curbitz. In money II ill of Michael de\ , ,. , , . ,. , „ Curbitz delivered to them in discharge of the 25 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to them of his gift, to fulfil divers religious ceremonies for the salvation of the soul of the said Michael, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term 16134 Sum £2,078 Ss. (JM. Tuesday, the 4th Daij of December. To the Executors of the Will The Executors of the\ of Master John de Carleton. yyillof Master John} _ i i- , i , de Carleton. J ^" »^°»<'y ''elivered to them by the hands of John de Bernolby, in discharge of the 30/. which they lent to the Lord the King at the receipt of the Exchequer, by restitution of a certain tally in the 41 st year, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day. But of which 30/. the same John de Bernolby released to the same Lord the King 15/., to have payment of the remaining 15/. 30 10 yVDAM Adam de 1 i-. , i TT ,■ I > r^'iff s won Uertingdon. ( " ' a tally rai Vo Adam de Uertingdon, clerk of the orks at Windsor Castle — to wit, by lly raised this day, containing 136/. 4 1 KinvAiii) III. 10:5 2.1. 6d., and in gold 1 14/. O.v. lO^d. D.liv.-rcd to the s;.nu' £. v. ,1. flcrk of the works --'jO '.):![, ,,,, „,. ,,] To Thomas Tiuf.ll, to whom the Lord I homax 1 iri'l/.l I tho King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly — to wit, 10?. from the issues of tlie counties of P^ssex and Hertford, and the remaining ^0/. to be received at the Exchequer during liis life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to iiim, in disdiarge of 1")/. jiayablo to him for this his allowunc(> 1500 ,,. , , i^ 1 To Sir Nicholas Lov.wNE, Knight, JSicliolitx Lovaynr. > ... ' to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 50?. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 25i. payable to him for this his allowance 25 Henry Sneytli. > > wardrc robe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Thomas de Thornton, for his oflice, by his writ of Liberate, as above 2100 T, I 7> 1 To Sir Bernard Brocas, Knight, to Bernard Urocas. > _ '' > whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 50/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of tiie 25/. payable to him for this his allowance . 25 Q To Thomas Chamberleyn, to whom tlie /-.,,, \ Lord the Kino;, bv his letters patent, lately Lnamoerieyn. | p' j 1 ' .> ' granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the 2 D 2 404 ISSUE ROLL, Exchequer during his Ufe, lor the good service rendered by £■ •*"- him to the same Lord the King. In money dchvered to him, in discharge of the 100*. jiayable to him for this his allowance 5 7- , J r' ^ 1 1 To John de Eynesford, to whom Jo/m de hjijne.tjord.} ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 40/. yearly, to be received at tiie Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. for this his allowance . . . 20 TT'w,- 1 o, /. 1 1 To William de Sleford, clerk of H illtamde Neford.t .... ' the King's works withm the palace of Westminster and Tower of London, by a tally raised this day, containing f)0 marks, and in gold 50 marks. De- livered to the same clerk, by his own hands, for the same works GO 13 IT , ,1, n , ,\ To Henry df Wakefeld, keeper Henry de H akefi'ulA ^ ^ . I of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of William Strete, the King's butler, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 600/., delivered to the same William for his office 400 To the same keeper, by the hands of Hugh Fastolf, by two tallies raised this day containing 200 marks, delivered to the same Hugh for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers, and others in the war, going with him in the King's service to France 1 33 S T^. f^^ \ To divers officers of the great Exchequer, Divers UJ/iccrx. > o i > > .sent to all the counties in England to affi^er amercements. In money delivered to them for their expenses — to wit, to Laurcnc{\dc AUerthorp, in the counties of Cum- berland, Westmorland, and Lancaster, GO.y. ; to John de 41 KDWAKI) III. 1(15 Denton, in the counties of Loiulon, Miildlosex, Kent, and in £. s. d. Dovor, GO.v. ; to John Obedoii, in tlie counties of Worcester, and Ilorelbrd, 40.y. ; to Thomas Hunt, in the counties of Nottingham and Derby, 20.v. ; to Thomas Syreston, in the counties of Southampton and Wihes, 30.y. ; to John dc Staverton, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, 20*. ; to Walter Malet, in the county of 30*. ; to John Burnet, in the counties of Shropshire and StuHbrd, 30.v. ; to John de Santon, in the coimties of Oxford and Berks, 30.v. ; to William Wellum, in the counties of Essex and Hertford 40*. ; to Walter Knolles, in tiie counties of Surrey and Sussex, 30.f. ; to John Londy, in the counties of Northamp- ton and Rotcland, 30s. ; to William Hamelyn, in the counties of Somerset and Dorset, 30*. ; to John Wardon, in the counties of Devon and Cornwall, 30*. ; to Adam Horseley, in the county of Gloucester, 20*. ; to Robert Brune, in the counties of Bedford and Bucks, 20*. ; to Richard de Sekyndon, in the counties of Warwick and Leicester, 30*. ; to Richard Howes, in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, By order of the Trea- surer and Barons of the Exchequer 30 r , , r, , 1 To John de Beverle, the King's John de Beverle. \ t , i r^- f ' valet, to whom the Lord the Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 25/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the 12/. 10*. payable to him for this his allowance 12 10 To the same John, to whom the Lord the King, on the 26th day of February last past, by his letters patent, lately granted 15/. 8*. 9(/. yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in disciiarge of the 27*. 6f/. payable to him for 1 7 G this his allowance. In money delivered to him in dis- 406 ISSUE ROLL, charge of the 7/. 14.V. 4if/, payalilo to him for this Ills allow- £. .v. d. aiice 7 14 4i To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Tf ; J- 7 1 I King's wardrobe, by the hands of Sir A; ukcjicld. ( . " ^ > Richard de Pombrugore, Knight, in dis- charge of 116/. 19*. Id. due to the same Richard in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, as appears by a bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term . .116 1'.) 7 , , ,,. , , 1 To John Wytegod, of Southampton, John v\ ytegod. \ .... ' by a tally raised this day in his own name, containing 20/., delivered to the same John for all money paid by him, by command of the Council, for the allowance of 1 ship and "2 barges, to take Ralph Barry and John de Paulesholt, and others of their retinue, going on the King's message to Chirburgh in \ormandy, with letters directed to the King of Navarre, and returning to England 20 T , , rj , 1 To John de Hastynges, Earl of John da Hastynges. > ' Pembroke. In money delivered to him by the hands of Thomas Crykelade, his valet, for his expenses, and a reward for himself, GO men at arms, and 80 archers, in the war, remaining in the King's service in Gascony for half a year — whereof the same Earl took 16*. per day ; 20 Knights, each at 4*. per day ; 39 Knights, each at 2*. per day; and 80 archers, each at \'ld. per day, as appears by the acquittance of the said Thomas for the receipt of the underwritten money, witnessed by the name of the same Earl, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 2500 ,> , |^ lA To HocAKDCs Role, to whom the Lord the Bocnrdiis i\o//.> ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 11 i:i)\VAl!I) III. I(i7 100s. yearly, to be rea'ived at till' l']xciic(|ucr during his lilV, £. v. il. lor the for carrying letters of the said Earl to the Lord tile King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 10 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift, in aid of his expenses in going and returning G 1.'5 4 To Dagenet, a messenger of the Dagenet, Messenger i Loud the Prince, sent on the ofl/ieLordtnel-^riiice.f _ . J King's business to Gascony, with letters directed to the Lord the Prince and his Council. In money paid to him of the King's gift, in aid of his ex- penses G 1:3 4 r , , /-„,., 1 To John de Clifton, clerk, by the John de UiJtonA •' I handsof John de Haytefield. In money delivered to the same John for the seamen's wages, bringing 408 ISSUE ROLL, John Duke of Lancaster, the Earl of Hereford, and other £ ,, Lords, from the town of Calais at different times to England -^6 11 W "lUidm 1 To William Chambf.kleyn, valet of the Treasurer's household, sent with letters ('hamberleijn. j _ ' and instruments concerning the princi. pality of Gascony to the Bishop of \i\\, at Haytefield. In money delivered to him for his wages and expenses, in going and returning, for 2 days 3 4 T I T> \ To John Basynges, the King's Serieant- Joltn Basynges. ■ ' o J ' at-arms, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 12c?. daily, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to iiim, in discharge of his same allowance . . 7 16 8 m. 20. jj . c, ,1 \ To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the Henry de fiiieytli. t ' great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Thomas de Carleton, embroiderer, for his office 40 To divers Messengers and Couriers, Diver. Mes,engers\ ^^^ ^^^ y^^^^^ ^j. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ and Couriers. ' Westminster, hired and sent to all jiarts of England with letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Archbishops, Earls, Barons, and other Lords and Ladies of the realm of England and Wales, that they be ordered to be present at London on the day of the exequies of Philippa, late Queen of England ; and with letters of Privy Seal, directed to all mayors and bailiffs in all ports, and other boroughs and towns of England, that they appear before the King's Council in 8 days of St. Hilary, con- cerning m-gent business of the said King, and for the beiiclit of the kingdom of England ; and also with letters of II KinVAl!!) 111. 409 the Lord Treasurer, and divers writs and commissions of Grt-at Seal, directed to the escheators in divers counties, to seize into the King's hands the lands of divers Lords, who held of the King in ciipite. In money delivered to them by the hands of John Bray for their wages and expenses, as ap- jiears by the particulars remaining in the llanapcr of this Term Geoffenj deStyvecle. \ To Geoff ERY de Styvecle, valet of the King's household. In money de- livoreil to iiim by his own hands, in discharge of the 10 marks whicii the Lord the King commanded to be pa\tl to him of his gift, as a reward for the 5 voyages made by him in going on the King's messages, with letters directed to the Duke of Lancaster, at Calais, above the wages of the same (K'offery, for this cause paid to him 6 13 4 X- r> \ In money pi'id by the hands of John Aecci-.iari/hi.rpaisex.} •' \ ' de Ilayteticld, for the expenses of the Treasurer, Alan de BukeshuU, John de Ipres, Robert de Assheton, Nicholas Thamwoith, and other clerks and valets, remaining at the Tower of London for one day, to arrange and remove from the great hall to the King's chamber divers goods and merchandises for the King's use, taken in a certain ship, De Jene, as appears by the par- ticidars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term ... I 13 4 „ ^ (To Roger Crane, parchment-maker. In Roger Crane. > _ ' ^ ' money delivered to him by his own hands, for parchment, hanapers, red wax, account books, and other small necessaries bought of him for the King's use, by the hands of the chamberlains and ushers of the receipt, as ajipears by the parliculars remaining in the llana])er of 'I'i* ''"'•'•n> , 086 410 ISSUE ROLL, £. s. d. To Bartholomew Busshon, the King's "L ' , ' ' I Serjeant-at-arms, to whom the Lord the Busxhon. I J King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in part payment of the 100s. payable to him for this his allowance - 10 U To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the 's great wardrobe, by the hands IT J c »7 1 To He Henry de Sueytli. \ ' King's of Thomas de Gloucester, glover, for his office . . . . G 13 4 j,r ,, ^T 1 To Walter Norman, of Lambehvth. Halter Aoriiian.y . . ' > In money received by him, by his own hands, from the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Ex- chequer, as an advance, to be restored at the feast of Easter next coming, as appears by the bonds of the said Walter remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 5 ^ , rr 7 1 To George de Howedon, chaplain. Lreorge de Howedon. > . ' ' In money received by him from the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer by his own hands as an advance, to be restored at the feast of Easter next following . '2 r , I 7j ; 7 ;, 1 To John de Paulesholt, lately sent John de Fnulcshoil. \ •' _ ) as a messenger of the Lord the King to Chirburgh, with letters directed to the King of Navarre. In money delivered to him for his expenses 2 „■ T^ ■ ] To divers Esquires and others, valets JJirers JSjiyiiirrs.':- ... , ) of Scotland, lately in the King's service in France — to wit, to William de Weston, William Strachy, John Young, Robert Johanson, John Lemyngston, John Hogus, and Thomas Firtlcgh, Thomas Galsagath, Piton llogus, in which service the same Esquires and valets lost 4-4 EDWARD III 411 (lie greater p;irt of their horses, on which account they £'. -i. j t > j > Chancellor and Treasurer, to divers officers of the Great Exchequer, there remaining during the vacation, for expediting the King's business, of the King's gift as- a reward in aid of their expenses, because that the wages and fees anciently appointed were not sufficient to maintain tljeir estate — to wit, to James Palmer, clerk of the Great Roll, 20 marks ; to William de Hauley, the King's remembrancer, 20 marks ; to John de Edensore, remem- brancer in the Treasurer's office, 20 marks; and to John Bouland, comptroller in the same Exchequer, 10 marks . 4G 13 4 J, , ,. ,, ) To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the Henri/ de •^iieijl/i. ^ I great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Thomas de Carleton, embroiderer, for his office 40 DlXlVKRIES OF THK Cha MKEKI.AINS AND OTHKK OFFICERS OF THE RKCEirX OF THE EXCHEQUER — TO WIT, FROM THE 15th Day of July unto the last Day of Sep- tember NEXT following, FOR 78 DaYS, EACH DaV INCLUDED. 'i'o tlietwo Chamberlains — to wit, to William de Mi'Lsho 412 ISSUE ROLL, and John DK Newenham, each of them, taking daily 8(/. £. *. d. for their wages during the time aforesaid 5 4 To Thomas Orgrave, clerk of the Treasury, taking per day S(/. for his wages during the time aforesaid ... 2 12 To tiie tliree Tellers — to wit, to Robert de Woubi'rn, Thomas Durant, and Edmund Sauvage, each of them taking 3d. for their wages during the time aforesaid . . 2 IS 6 To John Bray, Usher of the Great Exchequer, taking per day 5d. for his wages during the time aforesaid . . 112 6 To two lashers of the receipt of the Exchequer, each of fheni taking per day 2(1. for their wages during the time aforesaid 160 Deliveries of the Chamberlains and other Officers, AS WELL of the GrEAT EXCHEQUER AS OF THE RECEIPT OF THE Exchequer — to wit, from the 1st Day of October last past unto the 4th Day of December NEXT following, FOR 65 DaYS, EACH DaY INCLUDED. To William de Mulsho, Chamberlain, taking per day S(/. for his wages during the time aforesaid 2 3 To Adam de Hertyngdon, Chamberlain, taking per day 8(/. for his wages, for 12 days, during the time albresaid. iS To three Scribes — to wit, Thomas Orgrave, James Palmer, and John Bouland, each of them taking daily 5d. for their wages d\iring the time aforesaid .... 41 To three Tellers — to wit, to Robert de Woubourne, Thomas Durant, and William Beaufeye, each of them taking per day 'i King's wardrobe, by the hands of William // like ft eld. ( ^ ,. , ' Strete, the King's butler, by one tally raised this day, containing 200/., delivered to the same William, by his own hands, for his office 200 Sum .... £4,265 12^. l^d. MIDDLE TIME. Monday, the Day of December. ni 91 TT ; c< ^; "1 To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the *-• •''■ 111. -ii. Henry de Sneyth.} , , , ^ ' King's great wardrobe, by the hands of John Elme, his clerk, for his office 200 To (he same clerk, by the hands of Thomas de Carlcton, embroiderer, for his office 10 To the same clerk, by the hands of the same Thomas, for his office -10 TT J TT^ 7 .c J I 1 To Henry DE Wakefield, keeper Henry de yi'akejield. > _ _ ^ ' ' of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Thomas Grace — to wit, before the feast of the Nativity of our Lord, for the expenses of the King's house- hold ISO To the same keeper. In money delivered to him — to wit, by his own hands, in his house at London, on the 10th day of January 200/., and at the receipt — to wit, by the hands of John Ederik and Adam Wellom, on the 11th day of January, 1000 marks, for the expenses of the King's household ggQ J3 To the same keeper, by the hands of William Humberston, junior, clerk of the King's spicery, for his office . . . 40 To the same keeper, by the hands of Sir Nicholas de Lovaygne, Knight. In money delivered to the same Nicholas for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers, going with him in the King's service to France . . . 13 G 44 EDWAIM) IK. J , I CI I.- I \ To John dl: Si.KKortn, clerk of ilic £, s. d. John tic Sic ford. > .. , . ' King'sprivatewardrobe within till' Tower of Loiulon. In money (leiivere J 1 To William Redenesse, receiver of n'iUiamtiedenesse.\ ) the King's provisions at the town of Calais. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his office 20 T> I 1. Ai- I To Ralph Alianc Kalph AUarwre. \ ' Lord the King, by SORE, to whom the by his letters patent, lately granted 10^. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 10/. for this his allowance 10 416 ISSUE ROLL, J J I \ ^'^ Joan, a lady of Brittany. In mom>y £. v. f delivered to her, by the hands of John de llcrmesthorp, in part payment of the 50/. payable to her at Michaelmas Term last past for those 100 pounds which the Lord the King lately granted to the same lady, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer as well in aid of her support as for the necessaries of her chamber 33 G T h T- 11 \ '^'^ John Trolle, a courier sent with three ) letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers men in the county of Essex to appear before the King's Council, to elect from themselves one sufficient man to be sherifl' of the same county. In money delivered to him for his wages 3 4 T-.1 7j \ To Thomas Paye, a courier sent with a 1 nomas FnyeA ' letter of Privy Seal directed to the sheriff of Southampton for certain business touching Richard Talbot, valet of the King's household. In money delivered to him for his wages 4 Ti';7- js ]■ 1 To William Harding, sent before // illiam Harding. '> I the feast of the Nativity of our Lord with two letters of Privy Seal, directed to the sheriff of Wilteshire and Michael Skillyng, to appear before the King's Coinicil in his Chancery. In money delivered to him for his expenses 0G8 John Marche. \ "^"^ "^""^ Marche, valet, of Westminster, ' sent with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Hugh Courteney. In money delivered to him for his expenses 13 4 Robert UplonX "^^ ^°^'=''^ ^""^' ^*^"^ ^"^'^ "" l^'*^»- ^i" ' rected to William de Gunthorp, Treasm-cr of the town of Calais, at Dover. In money delivered to him for his wages G 8 44 EDWAIJI) III 417 „, .,. , 1 To Thomas Stapi.i;, overscor of tlic £. r. the Lord the rrmce of Aquitam. of the Lord the rrince. | /^ ' In money delivered to him above those 10 marks to him before delivered of the King's gift, for bis expenses remaining in London and waiting tbe plea- sure of tbe said Lord the King and bis Council ... 100 John Innocent.\ To John Innocent, William dk Lo- KYNGTON senior, William Parent, and William de Lokyngton junior, clerks of the receipt, remaining in London, for labour in WTiting divers me- moranda concerning the said Lord the King and benefit of bis kingdom, and also as a recompense to them for their labour in arranging books, rolls, and other memo- randa, as well in tbe Treasury as in the Receipt. In money delivered to them — to wit, to each of I hem "iO.f., of tbe King's gift 4 X' 1 In money paid for the expenses of the Trea- I\ecessaries.> . I surer. Chamberlains, and others of the Council of the Lord the King, remaining at the Tower for two days, to superintend the sale and arrangement of goods taken in a certain ship of Jene beyond the sea, from the enemy, and forfeited to the King; together with 8c/. paid for boatage 2e 418 ISSUE ROLL, and jiortorage of divers rolls from Westminster to the Trca- £'. s. surcr's housCj at different times, for certain business con- cerning- the ransom of the Kings of France, Scotland, and Burgundy, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term 2 11 T,- I. 1 TT /. , 1 To Walter de Hereford, clerk of nailer de Hereford. > ' King's Hall, Cambridge. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of his gift . 13 G Sum .... £ 22. AFTER THE FEAST OF SAINT HILARY. Monday, the \4th Day of January. T n 1,1 To James Russell, of Pontieu, to whom James Hussell. \ ) the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 12fZ. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of his same allowance 2 d „ -, I r> 1 To Geoffrey de Rocs, a Knight of ueojfrey de Koos. \ '^ ) Scotland, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 100 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good ser- vice rendered by him to the same Lord the King, until the lands and tenements which were of his inheritance, in Scot- land, should be restored to him. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Amabil, his wife, in part payment of the 50 marks payable to him for this his allowance . . 5 ■11 KIWAllD ill. 11'.» John ,lr K,tin„i. \ ''"" •'"'"■ "■= Kktilby, piirclnn.-nt- 1". v. d. i maker, of Lincoln. In nionpy delivered to liini lor 100 dozen of purchinenls, price the dozen 2v. Hd. ; and to Richard, the parchment-maker, of Newerk. In money delivered to him for 60 dozen of parchments, price the dozen 3*. ; together with 20(/., delivered to the same Richard, of the King's gift, in :iiil of his expenses, by order of the Chamberlains; bought from _the same John and Richard, for the King's use, as well for the Privy Seal as for the receipt and office of Remembrancer of the Ex- chequer 22 >« 4 Sum .... £ Tuesday, the loth Day of January. Divers C!erhs. [• To divers Clkuks of the Chancery, for writing divers letters, concerning as well the said Lord the King, and the estate of the realm of England, as Gascony. In money paid to them by the hands of Master John de Branktre, of the King's gift, as a reward for their labour 13 6 -. . 1 To the King's Windsor Herald, to whom i\ecessaries.> " ' the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during his life, as well for the good service rendered bj' him to the same Lord the King, as because that the said Windsor brought agreeable news from Edward Prince of Wales to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20 marks payable to him for this his allowance 13 6 r, I I TT , 1 To Sir I-'rank dk IIai.k, Knight. In l-ranlc dc Hale. ' c ' money paid to him by the hands ot Reynold de la Chaumbre, as an advance upon a certain 420 ISSUE ROLI,. yearly allowance which the Lord the King lately granted £• s. d. to the same Frank, to be received out of the customs in the port of London GG 13 4 Sum .... £ Wednesdmj, the \6lh Daij of .Tamianj. „, „ , 1 To Thomas Romedek, to whom the J/iomas Komedcn. > , , t-- , , • ■ ' Lord the Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 40s. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer durincr his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 20i'. for this his allowance 10 -r , , r„ /. I 1 To John de Sleford, clerk of the John de Sleford. > ' King's private wardrobe within the Tower of London. In money delivered to liim by liis own hands, for his office 50 To Joan, a lady of Brittany. In ^, a n y J \ nioney paid to her by the hands of John Bntlany. \ ' de Harmesthorp, in discharge of the .OO/. payable to her at Michaelmas Term last past, for the 100 pounds yearly which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Lady, to be received at the Exchequer, as well in aid of her support as for the necessaries of her chamber . IG 13 4 To Elizabeth, Countess of Athol. of Athol ■ " '"oiiey pii'd to her by the hands ' of William Purcell, in part payment of the 50/. payable to her at Michaelmas Term last past, for the 100 pounds yearly which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same Countess, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of her support . . . 10 IJ KDWAIJI) III. I_>l ,r I II' I i- , i\ I'o Henry DE Wakefield, kpcppF £. *. d. llenrt/dc W akeficld.\ _ _ ' ' of the King's wardrobe, by the liiimls of Adam Assh. In inonoy received by the same Adam of the collectors of the customs in the port of Great Yarmouth, for fish bought by him for the King's use, as appears by a duplicate part of a certain indenture thereof, made between the said collectors and the said Adam, remaining in the Hanaj)er of tliis 'I'lMin GO Sum .... £ Thiirxday, the \7lli Day of Jamtary. ,r I ij- I r 1 1\ To IIenky de Wakefield, keeper lloin/ dell okrju'/d.f .. , ' of the King's wardrobe. In money delivered to him — to wit, by the hands of John, his valet, and John Ederik, on this day, 233/. 6*. 8f/. ; and by the hands of John Ederik, on the 18th day of Januarj', 400/.; for the expenses of the King's household G33 6 8 ,, , , r> I To Ralph Bakky. sent on secret business Ixdijin harry. > ' of the Lord the King to Normandy, with letters directed to the King of \avarre. In money de- livered to him for his expenses 13 6 8 T h I E (rh \ '^^ John de Burgh. In money de- ' livcred to him, as an advance for a cer- tain yearly allowance which the Lord the King lately granted to the same John, to be received at the Exchequer 10 Sum .... £ Friday, the ]Rth Day of Janii/iry. John Atle Wodi'\ '''° ^"' '^""^' '^""^ ^^'™''- '^"'-''*' '° ' whom the Lord the King, bv his letters 422 ISSUE ROLL, patent, lately granted 40 marks yearlj-, to be received at £. s. d. the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him by his own hand, in discharge of the 20 marks pay- able to him for this his allowance 13 6 8 To Thomas de Hampton, to whom the Hamptm \ ^^"^^ ^^^ King, by his letters patent, lately > granted 50 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 25 marks for a half-year of this his allowance 16 13 4 To Thomas de Brantyngham, Treasurer Bran7yl'gham\ *''" England. In money delivered to him I by the hands of William Ermyn, in dis- charge of the 75/. payable to him at the Term of the Nativity of our Lord last past, for the 300 pounds yearly which the Lord the King granted to the same Thomas, to be received at tlie Exchequer at the 4 annual Terms, in aid of the great charges and expenses which the same Treasurer, by reason of his office, was obliged to incur to v Sum .... £ Sum of the Week . £ Monduij, the 2\st Day of Janunnj. Seuchio (Ic Loj)i/s. I To Seuchio de Lopys, a messenger of the King of Navarre. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the 50 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him of liis gift . . . 33 6 8 r, , /-. 7 /■ , I \ To John de Cokfield, to whon) the Joltn dc Loujivhl.) ' Lord the King, by his Ictlers patent. 44 EDWARD III. 12:5 lately granted 10/. yearly, to be received at the l-Achequer £. v. il. during his life, for tlie good service rendered hy iiini to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in part payment of this his allowance 2 1(3 Hiig^h Cheune \ ^° Hugh Cheyne, to whom the Lord the ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Kxchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him for half a year's payment of this his allowance 3 G 8 John de Sleford. \ ' Kinsr To John de Sleford, clerk of the s private wardrobe within theTower of London, by the hands of Robert Pykebusk, for his oflice IG To the same clerk, by the hands of Robert Berkyngshawe, for his oflice 300 To John de Bukyngham, the King's Johnde \ ,„instrcl, to whom the Lord the King, by Bukyngham. ( , ™ , , ■, -' his letters patent, lately granted 7\d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during iiis life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the Kinor. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same wages 5]4'1^ -r , , ,. ^ , , 1 To John de Haytkfield, clerk, ap- Johnde llaytejuid.] \ • pointed to keep divers armed men in the King's ships. In money delivered to liim by his own hands for his office 1000 T, . ^' •„ 1 To John DE Nevill, a Knight of France, Johnde Aevili. > „ , t i i t-- • l- ' prisoner of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 2a-. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of his support, so long as he should remain 424 ISSUE ROLL, in the prison aforesaid. In money tlelivercil to liiiii, in £'• s. d. discharge of his same allowance 3 2 Sum .... £ Tuesday, the 22nd Daij ofJ/uiiinry. ni. 23. To Margaret, who was the wife of Margaret, who uns\ j^^^ ^^ Ravenesholm, to whom the H ife of J(jhii\ , ^ i , t^- , ,- , de liuveneshohn. J *'"^ Lord the Kmg, by his letters patent, lately granted 100/. yearly, to be rereived at the Exchequer during her life, to her and the heirs male of the bodies of the said John and Margaret begotten, as well for the good service rendered by the same John, whilst living, to the same Lord the King, as by her to Philippa, late Queen of England, or until the said Margaret and her heirs aforesaid shall be provided for by the said Lord the King with 100/. of land or yearly rent. In money delivered to her, in part payment of the 50/. for this her allowance 25 r r> > ) To James Palmere, clerk of the Great James 1 aim ere. } ' Roll of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 50j. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 rr traunceys, John C hkhestre, and Arimdle. ( ' others, to whom the Lady the Queen of 44 EDWARD I IF. 425 England was bovind in divers sums of money and di-ljis £. s. d, at iier deatli, from divers causes, and for wliich same sums and debts, the Lord the King, of his especial grace, for tlie rehef of tlie soul of the said Philippa, granted acquit- tances. Ill money delivered to them — to wit, to the afore- said Richard, Earl of Arundcll, 100/., to Peter de Preston 111/. 3.V. .Of/., to the Prioress of Saint Elen 7.v., to Alice Walpole 11/. 14s. 2(1., to Richard de Retford AOs., to William Whctcle, cordwaincr, 6/. 5^^. 1(/., to Agnes Pekerell 117/. 4s. lOcZ., to John Drayton 30*. 2id., to John Mon- geham 20 marks, to Matilda Beverle 20/., to John Dachet 24/. 4s. 6d., to John Caulee 33s. 4c/., to John Olney 20s., to Bilion Quaret 70*., to William Radescroft 2Gs. 8c/., to Elizabeth Perchore 30*., to the Brethren Minors 40/., to Walter Lodeiiay 71. 6s., to John de Grafton 33.v. 8(/., to John llaulee Chapelletter 7/., to Thomas Stanes 40/., to Lord Richard Beverle 31/. 13.v. 4(1., to Mary Saint Clere 20 marks, to Richard llunte 8/. 18*. 8t/., to the Abbess of Berkyng 20 marks, to Simon Bochell 288/. 19*. 8d., to John de Hattefield 16/., to the Abbot of Barlynges 20 marks, to Adam Franceys 50 marks, to John Currant 6/. 10s., to Aventue Pardy 200/., to John Orgon, mercer, 21/. 15s. 4(1., to John dc Coupelandc 100 marks, to John Lakenham 21/. 6*. 8(/., to Simon Wynchecomhe 10/., to Walter Forest 23/. 6*. 8f/., to William Glendale 15/., to Simon Worstede 20/. 10s.. to Thomas Boniolby 43.y. 7d., to John de Ilermesthorp 27/., to Robert Mortimer Sporier 6*. 8c/., to the Master of the children lately in the custody of the said Queen 50*., and Andrew de Tyndale, for divers tilings lately purchased by him for the use of the said Queen, 6/. 18s. 4hl., by writ of Privy Seal amongst the man- dates of this Term 1377 14 6 Sum .... £ 426 ISSUE KOLL, Wednesday, the 2'ird Day of January. John de Asshewell. \ To John de Asshewell. In money £. s. > delivered to him of the King's gift in aid of his expenses for prosecuting, in the name of the said Lord the King, as well for the recovery of divers tenements forfeited to tlie said Lord the King within the city of London, contrary to the statute thereupon made for not putting tenements into mortmain, as for divers other things especially concerning the said Lord the King, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term . 10 To the Prior and Convent of Brustles- The Prior and \ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ delivered to them in (convent of K , ' , Brustlesham \ discharge of the 4QI. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to them of his gift, in recompense of the injury which the same Prior and Convent had sustained by reason of divers stones taken from their quarry at Brustlesham for the King's works at Windsor, by writ of Privy Seal amongst the mandates of this Term 40 To Elizabeth, Countess of Athol. Elizabeth, Countess] ■, , ,■ i * i i .i . . , , J- in money delivered to her by the ' hands of WiUiam Purcell, in part pay- ment of the 501. payable to her at Michaelmas Term last past for those 100 pounds yearly which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same Countess, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of her support . . 10 Sum .... £ Thursdaij, the 24th Day of January. Willidiii (Ic ] ToWii.i-iAM DE GuNTHORP, Treasurer of the Ginilhorji. J town of Calais, by two lallies raised this day 4-1 EDWAKI) III. 427 in his own name, containing 4G/. 13.v. If/., di'livcrt'd to tlic £'. s. d. satiu- William for his office '1<> \'.\ -1 'I'o L.wvHENCK nv. Ali.euthoup, ohc of the Laurence di\ ... c .i i/ i • • i Allerthorp] '''"'''''"''^ "' ""^ l^xclu-qucr, receiving yearly 10/. for his lee in the otiice afoi-esaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of 50s. payable to him for this his lee 2 10 John de Slcford. \ '^.'^ -^""^' ^^ Slefokp, clerk of the ' King's private Wardrohe within the Tower of London, by the hands of Robert de Berkyngshawe, for his office .'} 9 Sum .... £ Sdtiirdaij, the '2C)t/i Day of Jmnidni. }To Henry de Wakkfiei.d, keeper of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Gerard Van Lavendale and Dricus Van Ilastien, Knights of Germany. In money delivered to the same Gerard and Dricus, by their own hands, in discharge of their wages, and for their wages in tlie war, and a reward unto the day of February, as appears by an account, made with the same Gerard and Dricus, remaining at Calais, against the said keeper, whereof '20/. 21(/. was deducted from the same Gerard for the wages of his men for the last voyage to Calais 211 13 1^ To Thomas de Brantyngfiam, late r> , ,' [ keeper of the King's wardrobe, for the I)iaiili/ii<^/im)i.( '^ ^ > price of divers plate lately delivered from the Treasury to Thomas de Hessey, I he King's goldsmitii. 428 ISSUE ROLL, by indenture, whieli same plate the said Thomas de Hessey £. s. d. delivered to the same keeper for his office 39 10 4J T I yoT •, ; 1 To John Child, one of the Kin tellers of the Receipt of the E.\cheque ' lately sent to Clone Castle, in Wales, up( To Robert de Woubourne, one of the jer, ipon certain secret business, with which the same Robert was charged by the King and his council. In money delivered to him, as well for his expenses, taking per day 5s. in going and returning, for 13 days, as for the wages of Zeno, Lumbard, and others, archers in the retinue of the said Robert, during the time aforesaid; and also for the hire of horses and other things concerning the same business 13 9 S J J I n .J 1 ^° Jon^ DE Derby, clerk. In money ' delivered to him in discharge of the 5 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to him for his expenses going to divers parts upon certain secret business with which the Lord the King especially charged the same John 368 To the Minister and Bhkthren of Tlif Minister ami 1 n i i i i i- i , ,, ,, ,. llundeslowe. In money delivered to Ilundcs/oitc. ( 'li'"'" i'l discharge of the 10 marks wiiichllu' Lord tile Kiiitr coiumandod 11 EDWAKD ill, 429 Id lie paid to tiicm of his alms, for tlio salv.ition of the soul £. .v. il. of Philippa, late Queen of JCiiglaiul, his consort . . . G 13 1 Sum ....£' Sum of the Week . L' Monday, the '2Slh Day of January. }To William del Gardehobe, keeper of the Kind's lions and leopards within the Tower of London, taking per day — to wit, for his wages in the office aforesaid, and for food of seven beasts — to wit, for each beast G(/. per day. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his said wages and food . . . . 13 4 ,r I c< .1 { To Hknry de Sneytii, clerk of the Henry de >Sneyt/i. e ' great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by a tally raised this day in the name of the collectors of tile King's customs and subsidies in the port of Quenes- burgh, containing 200 marks, delivered to the same clerk by the hands of John Saleman, for his office . . . 133 6 8 J,- ,, , , r, , \ To Walter de la Rok, clerk, lately M alter tit- la Rok. > , . . •' ' sent to Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Litchfield, and Coventry, to treat with divers hostages of France for their delivery. In money delivered to him in discharge of &l. 8*. for his expenses, and the hire of his horses, in going and returning in the same journey 10 Sum .... £ Tuesday, the 29l/t Day of January. r , ] rri 1 To John de Tiiokp, clerk, to whom the Jo/in de lliorp. \ ' Lord the King, by his letters patent. 430 ISSUE ROLL, lately granted 20/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer £'. s. d. durinor his lite, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in dis- charge of the 10/. tor this his allowance 10 „, oi Ti n; i\ To John Bluet, the King's serjeant-at-arms, ni. /4. John hluet.y . . > to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 10 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer diu'ing his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 25 marks payable to him for this his allowance 16134 n , I nr . 1 To Ralph Wayte, to whom the Lord the Ralph Wayte.} ' King, by his letters patent, lately granted I2d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 9/. 2s. 6f/. payable to him for this his allowance ... 926 r , , r, ; ; 7. 1 To JoHN DE Paulesholt. lately sent John de FauLesholt.\ _ .. , . > twice upon the King's business to Cherburgh in Normandy, with letters directed to the King of Navarre. In money delivered to him, as well for his ex- penses upon the same voyage for 14 weeks and 1 day, taking per day 40rf. for his wages — whereof the sum amounts to 16/. 6s. %d., as for other payments made by him, allowed for divers men to conduct the same John fron\ the castle of Cherburgh unto St. Savoir, to speak with the great coimcil upon divers secret affairs with which the same John was charged, but deducting 10/. paid to him for his wages, on the 12th day of November last past, and 40s. paid to him on the 4th day of December last past, as appears by the particulars of his expenses aforesaid, rc- luaining in the Hanaper of this Term, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of this Term 3 44 EDWAKI) III 431 r I I /^1 1 1 To John dk Goskiu'rn, one of the £. x. ' auditors of the Exchequer, for writing (IImts indentures and other evidences concerning the lands and manors which belonged to Jidiana, late Countess of Huntingdon, in the county of Kent, before the feast of the Nativity of the Lord last past; and, after the same feast, sent into Kent to the said manors, to take and arrange the accounts of the bailitVs, farmers, and other officers there. In money delivered to him, as well for his expenses in the same business, as for his labour, and for writing the inden- tures and other evidences aforesaid, by order of the Trea- surer, Barons, and Chamberlains of the Exchequer . . , 3 Sum .... £ Friday, the \st Dni/ of February. To John, the Son of Giles de John, the Son of Giles] ,-, /-, » i, »i t i I T. I. /^1 • > Bkli.o Campo, to whom the Lord de Jiello Lanipo. ( •' the King lately granted '20/. yearly, during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in dis- charge of the 10/. payable to him for this his allowance .10 m I o. ^ J 1 To Thomas DE Staffoud, the King's Thomas de Stafford. > " ' serjeant-at-arms, sent from the port of Lynn to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by the sea-coast, Ito re- tain ships for the passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money dehvered to him ibr his wages .... 800 T , rr ; 1 To JoHN Haukyn, the King's serjeant- John Haukyn. > • , r ' at-arms, sent from the aforesaid port of Lynn, by the sea-coast, to the mouth of the Thames, upon the like business. In money delivered to him for his wages 500 432 ISSUE ROLL, JVa/ter de Hauhy] T° Salter de Hauley, the King's £. .. ,/. ' serjeant-at-arms, sent to Southampton. Devon, and Cornwall upon tlie same business. In money delivered to him for his wages 10 Sum .... £ Sum of the Week . £ Monday, the 4th Day of February. John Clifton \ '^'^ "^""^ Clifton, clerk, by the hands of i William de Mulsho, for the wages of the same William, lately going to the town of Sandewych, for his wages 834 1 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper Henry de Wakefield.) ^ .i t.^- , i , , , •^ •' J ot the King s wardrobe, by the hands of Walter de Manney, a Banneret, in discharge of 253Z. 14*. Ck/., due to the same Walter, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men-at-arms, and archers in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper cancelled in the Hanaper 253 14 6 To the same keeper, by the hands of Hugh Fastolf. for the expenses of himself, his men-at-arms, and archers in the war, lately in the King's service in France 93 6 8 To the same keeper. In money delivered to him by tlie hands of Thomas Grace, his clerk, for the expenses of the King's houscliold CGG 13 4 Sum .... £ Tuesday, the 5th Day of February. \ To Henry de Sneytii, clerk of tlie •' •' ' ) King's great wardrobe, by a tally raised this day, in the name of the Abbot of Circncestre, II KDWAltl) 111. 4.W containing 20/., dolivored to the sanic clerk l)y tlio hands of £. v. ' auditors of the Exchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the 50s. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 To John de Uppyngham, one of the auditors rr , > of the Exchequer, receiving vearlv 10/. for L'jrpyngnamA ' o j j ' his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of the 50.?. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 To IIavekin, a messenger of Lord de Leek. ,, ' I In money delivered to him, in discharge of Messenger. \ , ' the 40j. which the Lord the King com- manded to he delivered to liim, of his gift 2 Frank de Hale. I J money delivered to him, by the hands of Gerard de Pervoys. for an advance upon a certain yearly allowance which the Lord the King lately granted to the 2f 434 ISSUE ROLL, same Frank, to he received out of the customs in tlie port £. v. d. of Loudon 83 6 8 Sum .... £ Wednesday, the Gth Day of February. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the W h a 1 1 I ^'"o'^ wardrobe, by the hands of Sir John ■* de Thorp, Knight, in discharge of 14/. 9*. 3d. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the ex- penses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper 14 9 3 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Robert de Beverle, in discharge of the 9/. 17s. due to the same Robert, in the King's wardrobe, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war, as appears by the bill of the said keeper, cancelled in the Hanaper 9 17 To Thomas de Balliol, to whom the Lord p ... . J. the King lately granted 20/. yearly during ^ his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the lOZ. payable to him for this his allowance 10 ,,,.,,-„, ] To RouERT DE Kelleby, one of the Jiobrrt de Kelleby. > ' auditors of the Pjxchequer, receiving yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money de- livered to him, in discharge of SO.v. for one quarter of tills liis allowance 2100 m r\ , \ 'I'o Thomas Dautre, the King's Ser- lliomas Dautre. > . ^ ' jeant-at-arms, sent from the mouth of the 'J'hames by tile sea-coast to Moushole, in Cornwall, to II KinVAKI) ill. 435 retain ships for the passage of llio Lonl the King beyond £. v. ' the King's provisions at the town of Calais. In money received by him, by his own hands, from the collectors of London, for his office 400 Sum .... £ 436 ISSUE ROLL, Friday, the 8th Day of February. /^ • J J D ■ ) To Sir GuiDO de Brienn, Knight, to £. .f. d. (jriiido de hncnn.y " ' whom the Lord the King, hy his letters patent, lately granted 80/. yearly — to wit, 60^ out of the farm of the castle of Saint Brianell, and of the forest of Dene, and the remaining 20/., to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered and to be ren- dered by him to the same Lord the King. In money deli- vered to him, in discharge of the 20/. for this his allowance 20 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the IV h fi / / f K^i"o'^ wardrobe, by the hands of Thomas de -' Cherleton, in discharge of 9/. 13s. 6f/. due to the same Thomas, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war . . 9 13 G t; j Ar •„ "I To John DE Nevill, a Knight, of France, Jolinde l\eviU.> ,. . . ' prisoner of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King granted 2*. daily, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his support, so long as he should remain a prisoner of the Lord the King aforesaid. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Robert Riffin, in discharge of his same allowance . . 3 12 7 r> j; 1 To James Russell, of Pontieu, to whom James Jiussell. > ' the Lord the King lately granted Vld. daily, to be received at the Exchequer in aid of his support. In money delivered to him, in discharge of his same allow- ance 10 r , , ,, , 1 To John de Binuiii, one of the King's John de hiir \ > for the expenses of liimself, and a reward for 99 men at arms and 200 archers, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea. n ^ r' 1 To Peter Conyng, the King's bailiff" at l\ter Conyng. > " ' Rutherhuyth. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for purchasing of divers .stores for a certain place, bought from Walter Forster for the King's use To the Prioress and Sister.s The Prio'ess and SU-ters] ^ ^r #-. <• ^u x z!i- .1 /- . I of jNorth G.\te of the town of- ISorth Ltate. ) J of Canterbury. In money deli- vered to them, of the King's alms, in aid of their support in going to Canterbury, by order of the Treasurer and Barons 1 To W.vlter de Wodeburgh, sent to Bristol, n' J 1 i I Gloucester, and elsewhere, to retain ships Hodeburgh. \ ^ ^ ^ ' for the King's passage beyond the sea. In money delivered to him for his wages 3 0*^ 8 438 ISSUE ROLL, , , , ^ n 1 To John de Grafton. In money de- £. s. d. John de (jrajton. \ , , . ^ , , , J livered to him ior parchments bought from him for the King's use — to wit, for 2 rolls for the Privy Seal, price 33*. Ad., and one great roll for the books of the receipts, price 22*. &d. ; and for account books, red wax, paper, and other small necessaries bought of him, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Term . 3 14 Sum .... £ Sum of the week . £ Monday, the Wth Day of February. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the ji- 1 £ 1 1 \ King's wardrobe, bv the hands of Roger /» akejield. f " ^ . " ' Lord de Clifford, for the expenses of himseltj his men at arms, archers, and others, in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . 80 To Stephen Rumelowe, constable tv ;. P / 1 To S' Stephen liumelouc. } ^ f of N delivered to him by his own liands for repairing and amend- ing the mills and the wear under the castle aforesaid . . 20 To Thomas de Wapplyngton, one of the ,,- , , > collectors of the King's customs and sub- H applyngton.i » ' sidies in the port of Kingston-upon-IIuU. In money delivered to him for his expenses, and for the carriage of 2,000 marks of the King's money from the jiort aforesaid unto London, by order of the Treasurer and Barons 2 To William de GuNTHORP, Treasurer of the f< ,, ', town of Calais. In money delivered to him, ' by his own liands, for wages, and a reward for his men at arms, archers, and others, remaining as well 44 EDWAUD III. 13'J in the fort ol' flu- town of Calais as in tlio fort of the towns £. v. , Guynes, Merk, and oiIkt castlos and fortifications adjoining to the same town ]('>&'> :i 4 To Ingelkamus dk Pluciiks, Knight, to I ,'' PI • \ whom the Lord the King, by his letters ' patent, lately granted 300 Horins yearly, to be received at the Exchequer for his fee, for the good service and liege homage done by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, as an advance for this his fee 50 Sum .... £ Tuesday, the \2th Day of February. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the II- I J- 1 1 \ King's wardrobe, by the hands of John de // akejield. j ° •' Beauchaump, in discharge of 31/. 11*. 4.d. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 31 II 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Roger Harleston, in discharge of 19/. 16i-. 2d. due to the same Roger, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 19 6 2 To the same Keeper, by the hands of William de Morle, a Banneret, in discharge of 1841. 3s. 8^d. due to the same William, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of him- self, his men at arms and archers, in the war . . . • 184 3 8i To WiLLCAM DE GuNTUORP, Treasurer of the miliam de] ^^^^ ^^ (.^j^j . ^j^^ ,j^,^jg ^^ Lord Uhic Uunthorp. ( , •' ' Shooft, a Knight of Germany. In money de- livered to the same Ulric, by the hands of John Sharkas, 440 ISSUE ROLL. Esquire, for his wages and a rewaril for 10 men at arms £. s. d. with him in the King's service at Calais 74 1 1 S To the same William, by the hands of Sir Ingclranms dc Pluehes, Knight, lAL, and by the hands of Thomas Calke- weld. Esquire, 10 marks, for wages, and a reward for his men at arms, and others, retained by him in the King's service in the parts aforesaid 30 13 1 Sum .... £ Wednesday, the 13M Day of Febrnary. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the fr'akffieM ] ^^'"''* "^''^Irobe, by the hands of Philip •' la Vache, in discharge of the 19/. 17s. 2d. due to the same Philip, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 19 17 2 To the same Keeper, by the hands of John de Cobeiiam, a Banneret, in discharge of 109/. lis. lOd. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 109 11 10 To the same Keeper, by the hands of George de Felbrugge, in discharge of 31/. 11*. lOd. due to the same George, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 31 11 10 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Roger Lord de Clif- ford, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 346/. 14*. 4d., delivered to the same Roger, by his own hands, for the ex- penses of himself, his men at arms, archers, and others in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea "JO To Adam dk Hkrtyngdon, clerk of the j^!!:'TjiL \ King's works at W^indsor Castle, by one in the name of Willian» Adam de ^ ^.,^ ^^,^^^^ ^^ ^y. Hertyngdon. \ „".,,., J tally raised tins day, n II i:i)\v.\in) 111. 441 do Wykeiiani, lafc Archdeacon of Lincoln, containing 10 £. v. if. marks, cK'liverwl to tlie same clerk for llic said works . . 6 l-'5 1 ij I r^ijf i\ To Roger DE ClifI'Okd, by 3 tallies lioger de Clifford. > . _ •' ' raised from the tenths in the dioceses of York and Durham, containing 323/. Gs: Sd., for the exjienses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the «ar 323 () S To Thomas de Calkkwkll, to whom the Thomas de 1 ^ j ^j^^ ^- ^^^^^ granted 100 florins Calkewell. ( , • , , t^ , yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for his fee, for the good service and liege homage paid by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him as an advance for tliis his fee 16 13 1 ,„,,.,) To Pktkr dk Rocheford. In Pftrr dc liochfford. > , . , , • ' money delivered to luni by his own hands, in discharge of the 10 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him, of his gift . . . G 13 John dc Basyngex. > To John de BASYNGES,tlic King's Ser- jeant-at-arms, sent to Bristol, and from thence by the sea-coast unto Plymouth, to retain ships for the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money dcHvered to him for his wages 3 G 8 Sum .... £ Thursday, the 11//* Day of February. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the \{'l"''y ,. 'i'\ \ King's wardrobe, by the hands of Sir John de M akejield. I " , ,. i ,• ,.-,i o t i i Eynesford, Knight, in discharge ot 43/. 3*. / JNeuport, valots ol the Kings cham- lieynold de IS euport . | ^ ' ber, coming to ami remaining at tlie now present council, held at Westminster, by command of the. council. In money delivered to them of the King's gift — to wit, to each of them 2 marks in aid of their ex- penses 2 13 4 To Ger.vud le Hai'bergek, dwelling within ,, , I the Tower of London, taking per day 6(/. Haiioerger. f . . . ... J for his wages in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages . ,3 1 G }To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Kings wardrobe, by the hands of Henry le Scrop, a Banneret, in discharge of 635/. 7s. 9^d. due to the same Henry, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 635 7 9A To Sir John de Thorp, Knight, and John de Thorp and 1 r, r> i 1} .1 I D .. > BARTHOLOMEW PiGOT. In money liarthotomew rigot. ( •' I delivered to them by the hands of the same John de Thorp, in discharge of the 76*. 8t/. due to the same John and Bartholomew, by an account made with them at the Exchequer, in the account of receipts for the costs and expenses incurred by them in going with the King's message to the Counts of Aubert and Gcrle, to expedite the King's business there, in the 43rd year . . 3 IG 8 To the same John, lately sent in the retinue of John Atte- Mode, on the King's secret business, into foreign parts, to the Duke of Lancaster the King's son, and other Lords, in the re- tinue of the same Duke in the last voyage to the war in France. 4,44 ISSUE ROLL, III money (li'livei'od to him in tlischarge of tlie 17 marks £. s. d, which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him for his expenses in his passage and repassage, and for ail other costs whatsoever by him incurred in going and re- turning on the same message for 17 days, taking per day, in all, 13s. 4(/ 11 G 8 To John, Duke of Lancaster. In t' .f . ) money delivered to him by divers tallies raised this day, containing 5,466/. 13s. 4c?., delivered to the same Duke by the hands of William de Bokebrigge, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, and others, in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . .5466 13 To Henry de Wakefield, by the hands of Ti- 1 £ 1 1 i Reynold Peret, in discharge of 6/. 8*. 4id. /-> akejield. f • *' •* I due to the same Reynold, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 6 8 41 Sum ... £ Saturday, the IGt/i Day of February. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the ij- , "/. . , > King's wardrobe, by the hands of Lawrence de Breule, in discharge of 991. 18s. 42(/. due to tile same Lawrence, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war. 99 18 H To the same Keeper, by the hands of Lawrence Hawbcrk, in discharge of 20/. 3*. 2d. due to the same Lawrence, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 20 3 "2 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir .lohn Burle, 41 EDW.MJI) II! 445 Knight, in (liscliargool"2G/. llv. Id. due (o tlu' same Jolin, £. ,v. il. in thf wanlrobe albrcsaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and arehers, in the war 'JC) 11 I To William DE Boltf.sham, to whom the \l '!!'"!" '''' \ Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately ' granteil 100s. yearly, to be received at the Excheqner during his life, for the good service rendered bv him to the same Lord the Kiiig. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 100s. payable to him for this his allowance 500 n , J , 1 To Petek DE Lacv, clerk to the keeper Jreter de Lacy. > ... ' of the King's Privy Seal, to whom the Lord the King commanded to be paid 13*. Ad. per day for the expenses of himself and the clerks serving under him in the office aforesaid, until there shall be ordered a constant residence to be made for the same keeper in the King's household. In money delivered to him, paid both ratably and in advance ' . 40 13 4 To Silt Nicholas de Loveygne, Knight. , ' > bv divers tallies raised this day out of Lonygne. \ ■' . ^ •' •' divers customs and the King's tenths granted from the clergy this 44th year, containing 5,000 marks, de- livered to the same Nicholas by his own hands, in part payment of 10,000 marks, which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same Nicholas for Hugh de Chastillon, a Knight of France, a prisoner of the same Nicholas, which same Hugh the Lord the King had ob- tained from the same Nicholas to his own use .... 3333 6 r, , ,,, r> ■ 1 To Edward, Prince of Wales, by Edward the J inirr. \ •' I the hands of Peter de Lacy, for the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others, in the war, going in the service of the Lord the King to Gascony . . 1000 44G ISSUE ROLL, x, „ 1 In money paid for the expenses of £■ *■ ISecessary hxpeftises. > . , ' the chamberlains, tellers, clerks, and other officers remaining at the Tower of London for four days to sell and arrange the goods taken from the enemy in a certain ship of Jene, beyond the sea, and forfeited to the King 3 5 5i" In money ])aid for the expenses of the Chancellor, Trea- surer, and other Lords of the King's council, remaining at Westminster on the Gth and 15th days of January for the secret business concerning the said Lord the King, and the realm of England 2 113 Sum ... £ Sum of the week £ Monday, the I8th Day of February. }To Edward, Prince of Wales, by divers tallies raised this day out ol divers customs and tenths granted from the clergy to the King this 44th year, containing 3,458/., delivered to the same Edward by the hands of Peter de Lacy, for the wages of the men at arms, archers, and others in the war, going in the service of the Lord the King to Gascony 3458 1 27 j\'- 7 I I r .7 1 To Nicholas de Louth, late trea- i\icnolas de Louth. > ' surer in the dominion of Pontieu. In money delivered to him by his own hands in discharge of the lOOZ. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to him — to wit, 50Z. for the costs and expenses incurred by him in the service of the said Lord the King during the time he a Commissioner with Henry Lescrop, and others, to treat with the Commissioners of France, the Lords of Pontieu, Merk, Calais, and Guynes ; and 50/. for his ex- 41 KDWAKM) 111 447 penscs remainini; in liOiiiluii ilivovs tinips to settle liis £'. ». il. account from tlietinie wlien tlie sami' Nicholas left the same office ol'trcasiiror in the (loiuiiiion of PontiiMi .... 100 (I »•• , , ■ „ 1 To Nicholas de Phage, one of the iSicholas de irage.> ' King's minstrels, to whom the Lord the King lately granted 7\d. daily, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for his wages, for the good ser- vice rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of his same wages . 7 19 T h rt K t th \ '^^ John de Ketylby, parchment ' maker, of Lincoln. In money delivered to him by the hands of John de Ketylby, his servant, for 100 dozen of parchments, price the dozen 2*. Sd., bought of him for the King's use, as well for the Privy Seal as for the receipt and office of the Remembrancer of the Ex- ihequer 13 6 8 To IIenky de Wakefield, keeper of the IV Ir ft n \ wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Sir Nicholas de Tliomvvorth, Knight, in discharge of -333^. 19s. ^\d. due to the same Nicholas, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 333 19 G.J To the same Keeper, by the hands of Helmyng Leget, in discharge of •249i. Is. 5d. due to the same Helmyng, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 249 2 5 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Hugh Fastolf, in part payment of 220^ due to the same Hugh, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, liis men at arms and archers in the war 1/ It u To the same Keeper, by the hands of Andrew Cavendissh, in discharge of 51*. 5d. due to the same Andrew, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 2 115 448 ISSUE ROLL, To the same Keeper, by the hands of Thomafs cle Bradeston, £. s. d. in discharge of S4l. 2s. l^d. due to the same Thomas, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arras and archers, in the war 34 2 1 i To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Frank do Hale, Knight, in part payment of 829/. 2s. O^sf/. due to the same Frank, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war . . . 500 To the same Keeper, by the hands of William Ix)rd de Latymer, by two tallies raised this day in his own name, containing 197/. 3s. 4id. due to the same William for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea, by writ of Privy Seal as above . . . 101 2 G To William Loud de Latymer, by one WiHuan Lord] ^^j, ^.^j^^j ^j^j^ ^ -^^ j^j^ ^^^^ ^ de Latymer. ( •' i t^. , -' from the issues of the King's forest beyond Trent, containing 90/. 10^(/., delivered to the same for his wages in the war 96 1 On Frank de Hale. I money delivered to hini by his own hands, in dischai-ge of 1,000/., for which the Lord the King was bound to the same Frank, by his letters patent, to be paid at certain terms, according to covenants entered into between the said King and the aforesaid Frank, as appears by the King's letters patent, which the same Frank had in his own possession, cancelled in the Hanaper of this Term . 500 JohndeEUcrtmiX'^^^'''''' ""^ Ellerton, the King's ' Serjeant-at-arms, and Geoffery de Styvecle, valet of the King's household, sent upon the secret business of the King, with which he was charged by the said King and his council, to Nottingham. In money jiaid to them for their wages and expenses 10 Sum .... £ II i;iJ\V\i;i) III. .149 £. f. d. Ttifxddy, the Villi Dui/ of FcfiriKtn/. II 1 II- I r 1 1 ) To IIknky Di; Wakkfield, kccppi- Ileiirij lie n ukrjicia. V -. , ' of the King's wardrobe, by tlie hands of Robert Whitbergh, the King's ahiioner. In money delivered to the same Robert, by tlie hands of WiUiani Beanfey, one of the tellers of the Receipt, -10/., by his own hands, at Soutlnverk, on the 1st day of the exequies of Piiili])pa, late Queen of England, 45/., and by the hands of Richard Chaungcour, at Westminster, on the 3rd day of the exequies of the same Queen, 73/., for his office, to be distributed amongst the poor, for the soul of the same Queen I'xS To the same Keeper. In money received by liini this day, by the hands of Thomas Grace, from the collector of Lon- don, for the expenses of the King's household .... n60 13 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Hugh Fastolf, in part payment of 220/. due to the same Hugh, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 38 To the same Keeper, by the hands of John Leg, in discharge of 84/. 8.v. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 84 8 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Hugh C'heyne, in discharge of 9/. 19*. 9t/, due to the same Hugh, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, archers, and others, in the war I'J 9 To the same Keeper, by the hands of William, Lord de Latymer, for wages and a reward for 50 men at arms and 50 archers in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 333 6 8 This particular is cancelled, because Uic tally by whicli the assignment was made was restored, and cancelled with the toil. 2 G 450 ISSUE ROLL, To the same Keeper, by divers tallies raised this day, eon- £. v. d. tainino- 221/. lOi., delivered to William Strete, for his ofSee 221 10 To the same Keeper, by divers tallies raised this day, eon- taining 6,002/. IG.y. 8(/., delivered to the same William for his office 6002 IG s Tliis particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored and cancelled with the foil. To Sir Nicholas de Lovaygne, Knighf, NicJiolas de\ , ^ j^j, j.^;ggj ^jjjg day, containing 1,000/., Juovaygtie. i •' •' • => delivered to the same Nicholas by the hands of William in part payment of 10,000 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to the same Nicholas, for Hugh Chastillon, Knight, prisoner of the said Nicholas. [See also page 445.] 1000 (i To Sir Thomas de Bradewell, Knight, to n / • // f "''i°™ t'"^ Lord the King lately granted '20/. yearly during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 20/. for this liis allowance 20 , To Perot, the wife of Thomas de Perot, the Wife of \ -r, . > it. t i r,,, 1 V ■ I ■ n I Bradewell, to whom the Lord I /lomas de rSrr/deirel/.^ the King lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during her life, for the good service rendered by her to Philippa, Queen of England. In money delivered to her by the hands of the aforesaid Thomas, her husband, in discharge of the 20 marks payable to her for this her allowance .... 1,S i\ s Canon llobesard. ' money delivered to him by his own iiaiuls, in discharge of 100 marks which the Lord tiie King commanded to be paid to him, of his gift, in recomjjense of II EDWARD 111. 151 £. v. ea, in the retinue of the said Robert, their first day's wages to begin on the aforesaid 2nd day of March. 75 To the same Keeper. In money paid to Robert de Asshe- ton, for the wages of 60 men at arms and GO archers, going in the service of the Lord the King, in six barges, in the retinue of the same Robert, beyond the sea 120 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Nicholas de Thani- worth. Admiral of the King's fleet in the North. In money delivered to the same Nicholas, by the hands of Robert de Assheton, for the wages of 40 men at arms and GO archers, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord tiie King beyond the sea IfjO (I ' Join, del bnitrftcld.X ^" I UK To John oii Hayti'.fikld and .John Clifton, clerks. In money de- livered to them, for payment of the seamen's wages, as well 2 G 2 452 ISSUE ROLL. in till- Kings sliips as in divers other ships in the Cinque £. s. d. Ports, going in the retiinie of Robert tic Asshcton and Ni- cholas dc Thamworth in the King's service beyond the sea 280 6 8 T, -■,,. J , 1 To William Latymer, by a tally /) lUiiiui Liatymer. )• j j ' raised this day upon the customs and subsidies in the port of Kingston-upon-IIull, containing 200/. for his wages in the war, going to Dovor 200 To John Trewerbyn and John John Trcuerbyn and \ ni ^ ^ m ^i i T t J r I , I f I.I I To Robert de Sybtiiorp, clerk of Robert de Sihtliorp. > ' the King's works at Etham, Shene, and Rutherhuyth. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for the same works "20 r , rr / 1 To John IIaukyn, the King's Serieant- Jolin Haukyii.y " ■' ' at-arms, sent to Lynn, and from thence by the sea-coast to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to retain ships for the passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money paid to him. by his own hands, for his wages . . .5 »•• I I rr \ 'I'o NichoIjAs Trompour, JSicliotas 1 loiiijioiir.t ' King's minstrels, to whom one of the the Lord 454 ISSUE ROLL, till' King lately granted 7hil. daily, to be received at the £. Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, as an advance for this his allow- ance 1 Sybil Lybaud. \ To Sibil Lvhaud, a maid of honour of Scotland, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted GO.v. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during her life, in aid of her sup- port. In money delivered to her as an advance for this her allowance G S r 1 n- ^ (To John Distern, to whom the Lord the John Uistern. > > King lately granted lOZ. yearly, to be re- ceived at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, by the hands of Thomas de Stayndrop, for an advance on this his allowance 2 0(1 T 1 7 c<; /■ I 1 To John de Sleford, clerk of the John de kb/rjord. f ^. , . ' King's private wardrobe within the Tower of London, by the hands of Robert Pykebusk, for his office IG To the same Clerk. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for making a provision for the King's engineers 40 /^ j> 2 J 1 To Sir Canon Rohesard, Knight, to i.anon nobesard.y _ . ' whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 50 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of this his allowance IG 13 1 ii';i- I ui r I \ To \Vi 1,1.1AM DE Slki'oh», clerk ol lii/lium de Mc/oid. > ' the King's works within tlu' palace 44 EDWAIJl) Ml Ij-) of Westminster and Tower of Loiuloii. In money ilelivcroil £'. v. tt. lo liim for the same works 30 U U Sum .... £ Thursday, the '21.v/ Datj of I'chniari/. fi- /, T" J/ 1 To VValtkh TiREi.L, to wliom the Lord ' the King lately granted 10/. yearly during his life, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the lOO.v. payable to him for this his allowance 5 To Hknry de Wakefield, keeper of the ii'i.'L'i I \ King's wardrobe, by the hands of Lord de •* Cherleton, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 758/. 4s. 4(1., delivered to the same Lord for the expenses of liimself and those going with him in the war in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . 75s 1 1 This particular is cancelled, because the tally by which the assignment was made was restored, and cancelled with the foil. To the same Keeper, by the hands of John de Cobeham, by two tallies raised this day, containing '200/., delivered to the same John for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, archers, and others in the war, going with him in the re- tinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 200 , To John Lokd dk Ciiekleton, by a ri -It ' '^ I tally raised this day, containing 200 marks, delivered to the same Lord for the expenses of himself and his men in the war, going in the service of the Lord the King to France 133 6 n 4r36 ISSUE ROLL, , To NiGEi.L DE Haukyntok, a messenger of £. s. d. rr^ , , ) the Lord Cardinal of Canterbury. In money Haukynton.j . . delivered to him, by liis own hands, in dis- charge of 10/. which the Lord the King commanded to he paid to him of his gift 10 T I r/ ^/ f rl I '^° •John de Sleford, clerk of the ' King's private wardrobe within the Tower of London. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, to make provision for the King's engineers 13 6 8 To Reynold de Neuport, a valet of the y ' M King's chamber, sent with a letter of the ' signet, directed to the Earl of Arundell. In money delivered to him for his wages and expenses . . 10 T • o I i\ To Lewis RoBESARD, to whom the Lord Lewis liobesard. r ,. the King lately granted 50 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 25 marks payable to him for this his allowance IG 13 4 u J n- 7 J? ;j I To Henry de Wakefield, keeper Henry de Hakefield.y . ^ > r ' of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Sir Canon Robesard, Knight, in discharge of 59/. 1 l.y. 2d. due to the same Canon, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war. 59 1 1 2 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Robert de Assheton, Admiral of the King's fleet in the West. In money deli- vered to the same Robert, by his own hands, for the wages of 40 men at arms and 60 archers in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord tiie King beyond the sea . C6 13 1 Walter llcrnn: ' church of Asshe, to wliom tlie Lord the King, tiy his irilers patent, lately granted lOOv. yearly, to 14 F.DWARO III. \:>7 ho rccoivctl at tho Exclicquer, in rccompcnso of tho til lies, £■ s. d. mortAUirics, oblations, aiiil obvcntions, which the same rector used to receive from the himls and tenements in his parish adjoining the King's park of Henly, and now by the said Lord the King newly enclosed in the same park, until the union and annexation of a certain prebend of the annual value of "20 marks should be made to the same church by the same King, or finally completed by his heirs. In money delivered to him, by the hands of John de Gildeford, in discharge of .50.v. paid to him for this his allowance 2 10 n , ■ , T,, , , 1 To .'>ir P.\TKicK Macolagh, Knight, Patrick Macolagh. > ' e, > I of Scotland, to whom the Lord the King lately granted 100 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King, until the lands and tenements which are of his inheritance in Scotland should be restored to him. In money delivered to him in jiart payment of the 50 marks j)iiyablo to liim for tliis his allowance 6 13 4 - , „ , 1 To John Gosf.bourn, one of the John (josebonin. > ' auditors of the Exchequer, receivmg yearly 10/. for his fee in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in thscliarge of the 50s. payable to him for this his fee 2 10 ,,, , „ , ) To Walter Forester, a skinner of M alter torcster. > ' London. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, in part payment of 500/. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same Walter for all the lands and tenements which belonged to the same Walter in the towns of Rctherhitli, Bamiondesey, and Grenewych, in the counties of Surry and Kent, purchased of him for the useof the said Lord tho King 200 .,,.,,, , I To MaFFIOLUS d'AYTEMAKE, a MnlJiolus(juaytcmai the Kinw s Justice m Ireland. In money ' delivered to him by the bands of Richard Tikhill, his clerk, for his expenses and equii)ment in going to the parts aforesaid, and there remaining in the King's service in the office aforesaid 26 13 4 To divers Messengers and Cou- , „ ■ ° > RIERS sent to divers parts of England and Couriers. ( . ' with letters of Privy Seal directed to divers Earls, Barons, Knights, and others, valets of the re- tinue of the Lord the King, to be at Orewell, in the county of Suffolk, on the first day of May, to go in the service of the Lord the King against the enemies of France with the said Lord the King beyond the sea — to wit, to Alan de Barley 16s. 8d. ; to William Clerc 10s. ; to Andrew, a mes- senger, 10s. ; and to William Chapman lOs. ; as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanapcr of this Term . 2 IG S Sum .... £ Friday, the 22Hd Day of February. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the itr , -L ,\ \ King'swardrobejbythe hands of Humphrey // akvficld. I . . de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 2,200L, delivered to the same Earl by the liands of William de Wyndesore, his clerk, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and others, in the war, going with him in tlie retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 2200 (• This partieuhir is cancelled, because the tally by which the assifiiiment was made was restored, and can- celled with till' luil. 41 HDWAKD III. 1")'.) , To Edward, Pkinck of Aquitain, by C. v. Kdirtiril, Priiirr I ,, , i c r> . it i ... ( U\v hiinus ot reter uc Lacv. In nioni'v o/ A(]utl _ ' vate wardrobe of the Lord the King, within the Tower of London. In money dehvered to him for his office 20 To Walter de Wodeburgh, the King's M' II 7 , Serieant-at-arms, sent to Gloucestershire H odeourgh. \ ^ . . . ' ' Somersetshire, and Dorsetshire, to retain ships for the passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him for his wages 6 13 4 rr 1 c< x7 1 To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the Henry de lineytli.K \ great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of the wife of Thomas de At helby, for his olfic? . G 13 4 To the same Clerk, by the hands of Thomas de Carleton the King's armourer, for his office 30 n , /-• ) To Peter Conyng, the Kind's bailitf at Jieter Lonyng.\ » ) Rutherhuith. In money delivered to him fur purchasing divers stores for a certain place, bought of William Forester for the King's use 3 O 8 Sum .... £ II i;i)\VAi;i) III. ic.i Saliird)!!/. the 23r(/ Day of Fehnian/. To IIknky Die W.VKKi'ir.LD, kcpppr of the £• •<■. '/• If- I'z? II i King's \vardrobp,bv tlic hands of SirWilliani If akcjield. ( ^ ,,.,.., •' Botrcux, Knight, in discharge of 28/. bs. due to the same William, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of liimsclf, his men at arms and archers, in the war 28 5 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Robert dc Corliy, Esquire, in discharge of 71. 18.y. Wi^d. due to the same Robert, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of him- self and his archers in the war 7 1 S ! 1 i To the same Keeper, by the hands of Collard Dabrichecort, Esquire, in discharge of ijGs. Ad. due to the same Collard, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself and his archers in the war 2 IG 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Richard Forester, Esquire, in discharge of 91/. 2s. 7^d. due to the same Richard, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of him- self, his men at arms and archers, in the war . . . . 91 2 7i To the same Keeper, by the hands of Frank de Hale, a Banneret, in discharge of 829/. 2.v. 9^d., due to the same Frank, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of him- self, his men at arms and archers, in tlie war .... 329 2 9J- To the same Keeper, by the hands of Hugh Fastolf, in part payment of 220/. due to the same Hugh, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war 712G /-< , , n ■ \ To Gui DO DE Brienn, a Banneret. In (juido de linenn. \ . , J money delivered to the same Guide, by the hands of John Aubrey, for the wages of himself, and a reward for 99 men at arms and 200 archers in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea 200 462 ISSUE ROLL, 10 IVillinm de \ -,-, ^ > the To William DE GuNTHORP, by the hatids of £. s. d. lerman de Boys. In money dolivered to he same Herman, by his own hands, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in tlie war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea 100 TT II- 7 ^ 7 1 1 To Henry Wakefeld, bv the hands tieuiy 1 1 akc/cki. > •' i of William de Monte Acuto, Earl of Salisbury, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 900/., delivered to the same Earl, by the hands of William de Chaddesley, clerk, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... 'JOO This particular is cancelled, Ijecause the tally was re- stored, and cancelled with the foil. To the same Keeper, by the hands of Almaric de Sancto Amando, Knight, by divers tallies raised this day, contain- ing 294/. 15.y. 10(/., delivered to the same Almaric for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea 294 15 10 This particular is cancelled, because the tally was re- stored, and cancelled with the foil. To the same Keeper, by the hands of Robert de Whitebergh, the King's almoner. In money received by the said keeper and Robert, from William Beaufey, one of the tellers of the Receipt — to wit, by the hantls of John de Misterton, his clerk, 42/. 10s., and by the hands of Roger Chippcs and John Belle, from money arising from a mass of money found in a certain ship of lene, forfeited to the King, ibr his office 101 19 V) ,, „ 1 To Sir Henky Esco/, Knight, bv one Ilciin/ hscoz.> . _ a J ' tally raised this day, in the names of the II EDWARD III. 401 collpclors of the Kiiif^'s customs and subsidies in till' j)oit of i". v. i.> ' King's household. In money delivered to him in discharge of 122 pounds, in which Philippa, late Queen of England, was bound to the same Peter for certain causes, and for which certain sum the Lord the King granted an acquittance to the same Peter 7 16 7 „ , , ,r , 1 To Petkr dk M.\uley, keeper of the 1 etcr lie Mauley. \ ' I town of Berwick-upon-Tweed. In money received by him of his own hands, for a certain siuu of 1,000 marks, in which Robert Erskyn, James Douglas, Thomas Erskyn, John de Edmondeston, and Ma.sfer John Carryk, of Scotland, were bound for the loan, by their letters obligatory, to the Lord the King, for the said eus- »o'ly 133 6 8 I To Edmond Rose, a valet of the King's I'jdniond Roue.? , i i i t . ,• ■ , • • ) nousenold. in money dehvered to hini in discharge of the -10/. I'ix. Id. due to the same Edmond, on an account made with him at the Exchequer, for the receipt of the charges and expenses incurred by him for purchasing and receiving divers horses in Flanders, for the King's use, in the 43rd year 40 1.5 1 rke-mme Edmoml.l '^°.^'"' same Edmond. In money > delivered to him, in discharge of the 19/. 10.?. 7d. due to the same Edmond, by an account made witii iiim at th(> Exchequer, for the receipt of the charges and expenses incurred by him in going a voyage, by precept of the King, on a message of the said King to Lumbardy. 464 ISSUK ROLL, to bring the gallies of the Lord de Melun witli him from £. s. d. the port of Calais, 13 palfreys, 1 surapter horse, and 7 grey- hounds, to the town of Pavye, in Lumbardy, to the same Lord, of the King's gift, in the 42nd year 19 10 7 }To Elizabeth de Lowedres, a lady of honour, or Scotland, remanung on ttie faith and peace of the Lord the King, to whom the Lord the King lately granted I3s. 4d. weekly, in aid of her support, imtil the lands and tenements which are of her inheritance in Scotland should be restored to her. In money delivered to her, in discharge of her same allow- ance G 13 4 t,- TT ,1 1 ) To Simon HoLBROK, sent whh letters of J the treasurer, directed to the collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of South- ampton, for business concerning the Lord the Prince. In money delivered liim for his expenses 13 4 ^- T , XT , I To John Newent, a valet, sent with like 29. John JSewent. > ' letters, directed to the collectors of the King's customs in the port of Chichester. In money de- livered to him for his expenses 0134 rri, n ) To Thomas Paye, a courier, sent with I nomas l^aye.> I like letters, directed to the collectors of the King's customs in the ports of Kingston-upon-IIuU and Saint Botolph. In money delivered to him for his ex- penses 0100 rr 7 I nf, 1 To Hugh de Miton, a valet, sent with Hugh de Ml ton. \ I like letters, directed to the collectors of the customs and subsidies in the port of Great Yarmouth. In money delivered to him for his expenses . . . . 13 4 r> 1 J7 ;, I To llooiK ' Nici'iiv, c 44 i;n\\ AiU) 111. 405 To llooKK Di. Hilton and John di: L'omiiig (Voni Norniaiidy to England, to inform the Lord the King and liis council of cer- tain secret business, especially concerning the said Lord the King, with which the same Roger and John were charged. In money delivered to them by their own hands, in dis- charge of the 100/. which the Lord the King commanded to be j)aid to them of his gilt, as well for the good service rendered, and to be rendered, by the said Roger and John to the same Lord the King, as for the expenses of their passage and repassage 100 To divers Messengers and Couriers, Divers Mesxensers\ ^ ,, ^o i i r i-> i , /^ . " > sent, on the zJnd day ol I'ebruarv and Coiinerx. | ' ,'.."' ^ to all parts of England, with writs of the Great Seal, directing a muster of men at arms, armed men, hoblers, and archers, in divers counties in England ; and also with letters of Privy Seal, directed to William Mugge, John Bluet, Thomas de Langford, and Simon Symeon ; also with writs of the Exchequer, delivered on the 24th day of February, to the collectors of the customs in all the ports of England, that they be at Westminster in 15 days of Easter next coming, to inform the Treasurer and Barons of the State of their offices, also with divers writs directed to the escheators in divers parts, to extend the lands and possessions of the ahen Priories. In money delivered to them by the hands of John Bray, for their wages, as appears by the particidars remaining in the Hanapcr of this Term . 3 6 7 IT 1 ir- 7 y 7j 1 To Henry dk Wakekield, keeper Henry de n akejield. \ ' ' of the King's wardrobe. In money delivered to the same keeper, in gross money, at West- minster, on the day of the commemoration of Philippa, the late Queen of England, for his office 1.^ ,,-.,,. „ .. ) To William Bdai'i-ev, one of the ' tellers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, •2h 466 ISSUE ROLL, lately sent to Berwyk-upon-Twoed for 4,000 marks, for the £■ *• tl- redemption of the King of Scotland, there to be received. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in discharge of his wages and expenses, in going and returning on the same journey, for 38 days, taking per day 5s., by order of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer . . J 10 To the same William. I n money delivered to him for the wages of 2 archers, hired to go in the retinue of the said WiUiara from London unto the said town of Berwyk, and from thence to London, for the safe custody of the said money, each of them taking per day 12fZ. for his wages during the time aforesaid . 3 16 S •. To Sir Nicholas de Loveigne, Kniglit. Nicholas de\ x i r i . i • i i • i i r ■ r In money delivered to hma by his own hands, Loveigne. J . in part payment of 10,000 marks, which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same Nicholas for Hugh de Chastillon, Knight of France, prisoner. [See this entry at page 445.] 100 To the same Nicholas. In money paid to him, for tlie expenses of Hugh de Chastillon, a prisoner of the Lord the King, lately sent to Nottingham Castle, there to remain within the Castle aforesaid 10 To the same Nicholas. In money paid to Lord Raboto de la Roche de Lemosyne, in Guyene, as an advance, in part payment of 10,000 marks, which the Lord the King commanded fo be paid to the same Nicholas for Hugh de Cha.stillon, Knight of France, prisoner of the said Nicholas . C' 13 4 To Henky de Wakefield, keeper of the T»^ jfn .1 j. King's wardrobe. In money received by the ' said keeper, in his house in London, from John Dane, clerk of John de Bernes, one of the collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of London, for the expenses of the King's household 6GG 13 4 m ■ , !-■ 1 I'o thirteen Vicars, four Clerks, and six 1 hirleen \ icars.\ i Choristers, in the free chapel of Saint 11 i;i)\VM!i) 111. 4r,7 Stephen, in the palace of Westminster. In money dc- £. s. d. livered to thi'ni, in discharge of 34/. which the Lord the King commanded to he paid to the same vicars and clerks, of his gift, in relief of their charges, by reason of the dcar- ness of provisions this year — to wit, to each vicar aforesaid 40j., to eaci» clerk 20.y., and to eacli chorister 13*. 4(/. . . 31 „, . ,, , 1 To "ktkii UE Maulkv, keeper of liic Jrter de Mini I n/. \ ^ ' ) town of Berwyk-upon-Twede. In money delivered to him by his own hands, as an advance I'or the same custody, to be restored at the feast of Pente- cost next coming, as appears by letters obhgatory of tiie said Peter, remaining in the Hanaper of this Term . . 33 6 8 ^ . ■ rii / ■ 1 To a certain Chaiilain of John de A certain Lit apt a iit.> '■ > Stoke, sent to the North with letters of Privy Scalj directed to divers persons, to borrow money for the King. In money deliverc:! to him for his expenses I T I A±L TV- / 1 To John Atte Nasrhe, sent to John Atte I\asshe.> 3 Cornwall and Devon with letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers persons, to borrow money for the King's use. In money delivered to him for his expenses 10 Deliveries of the Chamberlains and other Officers OF THE Receipt of the Exchequer — To wit, from the 5th Day of December last past unto the 13th Day of January next following, for 40 Days, each Day included — to wit : — „, ^, 111 To the two Chamberlains — to wit, to I wo C/tamfirnaDis. \ 1 William de jMulsiio and Adam de Hertyngdon, each of them taking per day Sd. for their wages during the time aforesaid "2 13 '2h'2 468 ISSUE ROLL, To Thomas de Orgrave, clerk of the Trea- £. .s'. d. Thomas de | ^^^^^^^ ^^^-^^ ^^^. j^^ g^ f^^ his wages ^ during the time aforesaid i o o rrn rr „ 1 To thc three Tellers— to wit, to Robert 1 hree 1 filers. \ ' DE WouBOURNE, Thomas Uurante, and William Beaufey, each of them taking per day 3c/. for their wages during the time aforesaid 1 10 To John Bray, Usher of the Great Ex- cliequer, taking per day 5t/. for his wages during the time aforesaid IG 8 John Bray. \ rp jj , \ To the two Lashers of tlie Receipt of the J Exchequer, taking per day It/, for their wages during the time aforesaid Deliveries to the Chamberlains and other Officers AS WELL OF the GrEAT EXCHEQUER AS OF THE RE- CEIPT OF THE Exchequer — to wit, from the i4th Day OF January last past unto the 22nd Day of Fe- bruary next following, for 40 Days, each Day included — to wit : ~ ^, , , ■ 1 To thc two Chamberlains — to wit, liro Lliamberlams.y > William de ISIulsho and Adam de Hertyngdon, each of them taking per day 8c/. for their wages during the time aforesaid 2 13 4 m TT' •, I To three Writers — to wit, Thomas de Ihree H rtfers. > > Orgrave, James Palmer, and John Boulande, each of them taking per day 5(/. for their wages during the time aforesaid 2 10 11 KDWAiiD III. tC'J ,,., rr> „ 1 To the throe Tellers — to wit, RonERT de £. i. Exchequer, taking per To the two Ushers of the Receipt of the day \\d. for their wages during the time aforesaid 5 rri 7' I. I To the same Ushers, for seven dozen Ine same vxhers.t ' foruls, found by them, as well for the Great Exchequer, as for the Receipt of the Exchequer, during the time aforesaid 14 The same V-shers. \ ' livercd to them for small necessaries provided by them for the Receipt of the Exchequer during the time aforesaid 5 3 rr, j~ J 1 To the same Ushers. In money de- llie same Ls/iers. > _ •' ' livered to them for tallies provided by them for the receij)t of the Exchequer for one year ... 050 T , „ 1 To John Bray, Usher of the Great Ex- Jolui lira I/. > ) chequer. In money delivered to hira, in discharge of 30,9. 2(1., for carrying 59 summonses to divers counties in England, from the morrow of Saint Hilary, in the 43rd year, unto the "21st day of February next follow- ing; and 34*. 9rf., for conveying 36 writs from the same Exchequer to divers places in England; and 50*., for wa.\ to seal the said summonses and writs, for daily allowance, and for 1,205 other writs . 5 II II 470 ISSUE ROLL, The Sacristc Westminster To the Sacriste of Westminster. In °' i money dellvcrodto him for ink, provided ■' by him, as well for the Great Receipt, as for the Receipt of the Exchequer and the office of Privy Seal, for one year 3 4 30. MIDDLE TIME. Hen It Monday, the 4th Day of March. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the ■"/'•^^ '/'/ 1 King's wardrobe, by the hands of William ' Lord La Souche de Haryngwortii, a lian- nerett, by divers tallies raised this day, delivered to the same William, for the expenses of himself, 20 men at arms, and 24 archers, in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... 330 G S This and the two following partieulars were cancelled, because the tallies by which the assignments were made were restored, and cancelled with the fod. To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir John de Clynton, Knight, by divers tallies raised this day, delivered to the same John, for the expenses of himself, 9 men at arms, and GO archers, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond die sea 248 13 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir William de Molyns, Knight, by divers tallies raised this day, delivered to the same William, for the exjienses of himself, his men at arms, and archers, going willi him in the retinue of tlie Lord the King beyond the sea OAQ 10 1 11 KinVAKI) 111, 171 To thf same Kcoiht, by llic liandsof iIr- saini" Sir William £. n. d. de Molyiis, Kiiiglit, in discliaigo «f I 11/. -J-if/. iluu lo llic same William, in tlu- wardrobe aforesaid, lor tlie expenses of himseir, his men at arms, and artliers. in the war . .111 | K) , To William la Souche dk IIa- II illiam Id Soitrhf I , ^ n • i .i • , ,, ,, ) KYNGWORTII, by a tally raised this flc Jiaryngirorl/i. J . •' •' day, containing 2^)/., delivered to the same William at Orewell, For the expenses of himself and his men at arms in the war "i") }To Sir John dk IIkklaston, Knight, to whom the Lord the King lately granted 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- cheqner dnring his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord tiie King. In money delivered to him in part payment of 20 marks payable to him for this his allowance 500 „ , , ,f , 1 To Pktek de Mauley, keeper of the I'cterde Mauley. \ '■ ) town of 13er\vyk-upon-Tvveed, by one tally raised this day in the name of the collectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of Kyngston- upon-HuU, containing 200 marks, delivered to the same Peter for the same custody 133 6 8 ,r J t' ..; ) '^o Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the Henry de tmeytli. [■ I great wardrobe of the Lord the King, by the hands of Thomas de Carleton, the King's armourer, by divers tallies raised this day, containing 370/. IGs. 2>\d. delivered to the same Thomas for his office aforesaid . . 370 IG 3i ti-ii- JT J 1 To William Hakdyng, a messenger ii illiam Harayng.? " ' sent to Kent, to John Aleyn and Simon de Burgh, with letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers persons, to borrow money for the King. In money delivered to iiim for his expenses 8 472 ISSUE ROLL, "^' "^ Tim . ) To John Bh'kt, tlie King's Serieaiit-at- £. a. d. John Blt(et.\ _ ^ ■' . ) arms, sent to Plymouth with letters directed to Giiido de Brienn. In money dehvered to him for his expenses 300 , , J o; z" I 1 To John de Sleford, clerk of the pri- Jolin de Sleford. \ . ' vate wardrobe of the Lord the King within the Tower of London. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, and by the hands of John Stringer, of Oxford, for his office 20 13 4 T, , , t' i-f \ To Ralp liaipli Swift. > ' North wi' ^LPH Swift, a courier, sent to the vith three letters directed to Lord de Percy, Lord de Clifford, and Lord de Tibbetot. In money delivered to him for his expenses . . . . , 10 ,,- ,, Ti . 1 To Walter FoRSTER, a skinner, of Lon- H alter torster. \ I don. In money delivered to him by his own hands, in part payment of 500/. which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to the same Walter for all the lands and tenements which belonged to the same Walter in the towns of Retherhuyth, Bemiondeseje, and Grene- wych, in the counties of Surry and Kent, bought of him for the King's use 50 Sum .... £ Wedncsdai/, the Gt/i Dai/ of March. 'I'o Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the //■ k'ti'll \ ''^'"g* wardrobe, by the hands of Sir Gilbert i le Despcnser, Knight, in discharge of the 1 5/. Os. Ihd. due to the same Gilbert, in the wardrobe afore- said, for llic wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers, '" Ihe war 1.") 7i II EDWARD 111. 47:5 To tlie same Keeper, by the hands ol' Sir Robert de Aston, £. 4'. d. Knight, in discliargc of 729/. O.v. li(/. due to the same Robert, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of him- self, his men at arms, and archers, in the war .... 7"2'.) 1 jj To tlie same Keeper, by the hands of Robert Bardolf, in discharge of the '251. 7s. 3d. due to the same Robert, in tile wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war 25 7 3 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Roger Mareschall, in discharge of 19/. 12(/. due to the same Roger, in the ward- robe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war 5 14 4 To the same Keeper, by tlie hands of Edmond de Mortuo Mari, Earl of March, by divers tallies raised this day delivered to the same Earl for the expenses of himself, 59 men at arms and IGO archers, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... 1800 Cancelled for the reason stated in former cancellations. To Sir Gilbert le Despensek, Knight, / ri I to whom the Lord the King lately granted le Dexpeiu-er. f . , I 40 marks yearly, to be received at the Ex- chequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him in discharge of the 20 marks for this his allowance . 13 G 8 To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the King's great ward- robe, by the hands of Nicholas de Sardiicli, by two tallies raised this day, in the name of the collectors of the customs in the port of Saint Botolph, containing 440/., delivered to the same Nicholas for his office 440 Cancelled for the reason aforesaid. To the same Clerk, by the hands of Thomas de Thornton, by one tally raised this day, containing 20/.. delivered to the same Thomas lor his office 20 ,, .„. , £„ ,. , ) To WiLLi.\M DE Si.EFORD, clerk of i\ illiumde iilt'Jonl. \ ' the King's works wiliiin the palace 474 ISSUE ROLL, of Westminster and Tower of London, by one tally raised £. s. d. this day, in the names of the collectors of the small customs in the port of London, containing 40/., delivered to the same William for the same works 40 J J I A- /I 1 To John de Nevill, a Knight of Joiin de J\eiHll. > . ' France, a prisoner of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King granted 2s. daily, to be received at the Exchequer, in aid of his support, so long as he should remain in the prison aforesaid. \n money delivered to him by the hands of Robert Riffyn, in discharge of his same allowance , . 3 To John de Hattefield and John John de Hattefield \ ^ n , , , t ■ i . 1 T L J nir^ \ DE Clifton. In money paid to and John de Llijton. j •' '^ ■" them, by the hands of the same John de Hattefield, to divers masters and seamen in the King's ships, as an advance for their wages, and for provisions for the same seamen, going in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea ^g(5 j ;j .j TT7;i- All 1 \ To William Archebaud, sent to vyiUiam Archebaud. > ' O.xfordshire, Berkshire, and Wilte- shire, to choose and train archers for the passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him for his expenses 300 r, , , ^, 1 To Richard Granemore, one of the IxicnaraLiranctnorf \ To tre. > i Kh king's body archers. In money de- livered to him by his own hands in discharge of the 100*. which the Lord the King commanded to be paid of his gift To Henrv de Wakefield, keeper of the IV If ti >l I \ ''^'"g'* wardrobe, by the iiands of Sir Richard ' la Souche, Knight, in discharge of "JG/. 7*. 3(/. M EDWARD in. 47'» iliu' to till" saiiu" Hichiinl, in the wardiolH' atbivsiiid, for £. s. it. till' cxin'iisos of liiin-it'lf, liis iiu'ii at anus, and archors, in llie war 13 7 ,, , . , 1 To Pktkr Dii Lacy, clerk of tlio Privy / V/( r dc Lacy.y > Seal of the Lord the Kinor. In money delivered to him for his expenses in his said olVice . . . ■{() r I 1 rr .../?;> I Po JOHN DE HaTTEFIULD, clerk. In John itr Ilattcfitid.} ' money delivered to him for payment of the wages of the mariners going in divers ships beyond the sea 20 rri T, 1 To Thomas Paye, a messenger sent, at 1 ItoiiKis i'aijc. (• . ' the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, with a letter of Privy Seal directed to the Abbot and Convent of Langele, and with 3 letters directed to the Shcrirt' of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, the Sheriff of Essex and Hertford, and the Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. In money delivered to him for his wages . G 8 }To the Lord the King, in his diam- bcr, bv the hands ot llelniyng Leget, in part payment of 2,500 marks, to be delivered to the same Lord the King in his chamber [See same entry at page 2S4.] ;33;3 6 8 Sum .... £ Friday, the Sth Day of March. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the .., i.,j;-/i I King's wardrobe, by the hands of the Earl ' of Oxford, by divers tallies raised this day, delivered to the Earl of Oxford for the expenses of himself. 476 ISSUE ROLL, 29 men at arms, and 40 archers, in the war, going with him £'. v. (/. in the retinue of the King beyond the sea Cancelled for the reason aforesaid. To the same Keeper, by the hands of William Lord de Latymer, by divers tallies raised this day, delivered to the same William, for the expenses of himself, 49 men at arms, and 50 archers, in the war, going with him in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... 358 2 / h Cancelled for the reason aforesaid. To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Alan de BuxhuU, Knight, in part payment of 129/. 3s. Id. due to the same Alan, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers, in the war IG 13 4 jjr„- TT 1 I To William Hardyng, a messenger H lUiam Hardyng. f . . ° > sent with 6 letters of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Carlisle, the Earl of Anegose, Adam Parvyng, in the county of Northumberland, Nicholas de Louth, John de Botheby, in the county of York, and Thomas de Fulnetheby, sheriff of Lincoln. In money deli- vered to him for his wages 10 .j-„- r'l \ To William Chapman, a courier sent William Llurpman.y ' > to Oxford and Berks with letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers men of the retinue of the Lord the King. In money delivered to him for his wages . . 3 4 HmnjdeSneyth.} ^° "'^^'^^ ""^ S'^'^^^"' '^'''^ «f" ^^^" > King's great wardrobe, by the hands of Thomas de Carleton, embroiderer, for his ofSce . . . 30 To Reginald de la Ciiambre, a valet of Resinald de) .it.--.ii . . , • / p/ I I '^he Kings cliamber, sent on secret business ; dc\ 'jic.) of the Lord the King to Flanders. In money delivered to him for liis wages and expenses .... 6131 2 4-1 EDWAIll) 111. 177 To IIanky.n, ;i inosscngor of (Ic Loi'k. £. JLinkun, a \ 1 , i- i . i ■ • i- i ., ^ } 111 money dclivcTi'd to liim, in discliartro ot JMfiXfiigcr. I •' ° the 40.V. which the Lord the King eoni- nianded to be paid to liim of liis gift '"■^-- J!ic/,arddeI,nr,rort/,.\ '^^] ^]'^''^''^ DF- iMr.wouTH, .he ' King's Serjeant-at-arms, sent to the port of Saint Botolph, and from thence by the sea-coast unto the port of Great Yarmouth, to retain ships for tlic passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea ... . ."500 John de Sleford. \ '^° -^""^" ^"^" •'^'-EFORD. dork of the ' private wardrobe of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, by the hands of Robert Pyk- busk, for his oiEce ■22 Sinwn Ilolbrok. \ '^^ ^'""''' HoLBROK, a valet sent with a ) letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Bishop of Salisbury. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his expenses 0100 Sura .... £ Saturday, the IG/A Dm/ of Mttich. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the If kfll I ^'"g's wardrobe. In money received by ■* the same keeper, in his house at London, from John Dane, clerk of John de Bernes, one of the col- lectors of the King's customs and subsidies in the port of London, for the expenses of the King's household . . . GG6 13 To the same Keej)er, by the hands of Ralph Basset, a Banneret, in disciiargc of 389/. 2s. 9rf. due to the same Rali)h, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of liim- self, his men at arms and archers, in the war .... 389 2 478 ISSUE ROLL, To the same Keeper, by the hands of Gilbert Talbot, in dis- £. x. il charge of 16/. I8s, 4d. due to the same Gilbert, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war IG 8 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Warin de Lisle, Knight. In money delivered to the same Warin for the expenses of himself, '29 men at arms and 40 archers, in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 100 To Sir Roger de Elmrugge, Knight, by F/ o-o- \ divers tallies raised this day, containing 40/., ' delivered to the same Roger, by his own hands, for the reparation and amendment of the King's mills below the castle of Wodestock 40 Henry deSneyll,] '^° ^enry de Sneyth, clerk of the ' King's great wardrobe, by the hands of the wife of Tliomas de Athelby, for his office . . . . 24 6 8 Warin de Lisle. \ '^° ^'' ^^'"^'^™ °^ ^isle. Knight, by J one tally raised this day, containing 500/., delivered to the same, for the expenses of himself and his men in the war, going with him in the retinue of the King beyond the sea 500 Cancelled for the reason before stated. To Richard DE Sutton, keeper of the Kinor's Richard de\ ■ . ■, , i,r x ■ i , Suttm \ P'"'^'**^'^ palace at Westmmster, to whom the J Lord the King, on the 24th day of August, in the 42nd year, of his especial grace granted 10/. yearly, of increase, beyond M., which he receives for his wages in the office aforesaid. In money delivered to him, in disehar^c of the 12/. 5,s-. 6(/. wiiich the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to the same Richard 12 5 (> II EDWARD III. 179 G, ^I'o William Di; GuNTiinup, Treasurer of till- £. j. il. ,, } town of Calais, by the hands of Sir Nicliolas II II thorp. J ■'^ (Ic Thamworth, Knight, Captain of the sain(> town of Calais. In money delivered to the same Nicholas, for the expenses of himself, GO men at arms and <)() archers, in liie war, remaining in the fort of tlie town aforesaid 333 G 8 .. To divers Clerks of the Chancery, for Divers C/erks of' \ .i • i i • ■»■ i .4 ,, ^,, •' i their labour m writmff many letters, t/ie Lniincery. J » j sealed with the Privy Seal, directed to divers persons, to borrow money for tlie King's use. In money delivered to them for their said labour . , . . 3 13 4 Robert de Neymers. \ To Robert de Neymeus, a Knight of Germany. In money delivered to him, in discharge of 100/. which the Lord the King com- manded to be delivered to him of his gift, together with a cup of gold garnished with rubies and pearls, delivered to the same Robert by the hands of Hclmyng Leget, from the King-s chamber .' 100 To the same Robert. In money delivered to him by the hands of Sir Daniel de Selch, Knight, as an advance upon a certain yearly fee which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Robert, to be received out of the customs of the port of London, as appears by letters of acquittance from the said Robert 100 Gerard UoUiibuk. I •' J Braba To Ger.\rd Rollybuk, a Knight of ant. In money delivered to him. in discharge of the 100 marks which the Lord the King com- manded to be delivered to him, together with a cup in an ewer of silver gilt, and enamelled, weighing by the gold- smith's pound 71. 19s. 8t/., and of the price of 15/. 19.9. 4(/., delivered to tlic same Gerard out of the Treasury of the King's gift G6 13 4 480 ISSUE ROLL, , To tHO Messengers of the Duke of £. s: d. n 7 I- T \ Jene, coming in behalf of the said Duke Duke of Jcnc. J ' ° with letters directed to the Lord the King and his Council. In money delivered to them — to wit, to one of them 20/., ^vith a goblet gilt and enamelled, weighing by the goldsmith's pound 2 marks, \Qs. 10c/., and of the price of 755., delivered out of the Treasury; and to the said other messenger 10 marks, of the King's gift . 2G 13 4 Matthew Clayson. \ '^'^ ^I^tthew Clay son, a seaman of ' Flanders, one cup gilt, and weighing by the goldsmith's pound 7os., and of the price of 71. 10*., which same cup the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to the same Matthew out of the Treasury, of his gift - 7^ . 7^ j?/^ ) To John Van Rode and Foton Knights of (jrcrmany. > ' VAN GusTYN, Knights of German J', coming to England to treat with the Lord the King and his Council concerning tiic retaining of them in his own retinue, and the retinue of others, for the service of the Lord the King, against his French enemies ; and because it appears to the same Lord the King and his Council aforesaid that there is sufficient of his own retinue, and of the retinue of other Lords, as well English as German, at the present time, the same Lord the King granted to the same John and Foton 10 marks, in aid of their expense to return home . . . G 13 4 }To William Lord Fitz-Waulter. In money delivered to hun as a reward lor himself and 20 men at arms, going in llic service of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . . GG 13 4 }To IIenhy de Wakefield, by the hands of William Lord la Souche, as a reward for him and 20 men at arms, going in the ser- vice of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . . GG 13 4 II KDW \i;i) 111. isi ']"() till- saino K('i']n"r. l)y tin- hiiiids of Aliiiai ic dc Raiict» C. v. il. Amando, as a ivwanl for liiiiisclf and '20 nu-ii at arms, going in the rctinui' of the Lord the King hi-yond tlic sea . (\C, ]:] 1 To the sanu- Keeper, by the hands of Reginald de Grey, as a reward for liiniself and '20 men at arms, going with liim in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . TiG |:i 1 To the same Keeper, by the hands of William de Morley, as a reward for himself ami 20 men at arms, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . C>Ct l'.] 1 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Joiin Kyryell, as a reward for him and 15 men at arms, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... :>() To the same Keeper, by the hands of .John de Cleynton, as a reward for him and men at arms, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . . 33 S To Andrkw PiKKS, a courier sent from the • r, '^ ■ i Lord Chancellor with a certain letter to and Louricrs. i ' the King of Navarre. In money delivered to him for his expenses 1 G To William Chapman, a courier sent to Northampton- shire, with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Richard do Wydevyll. In money delivered to him for his expenses . 3 1 To Thomas Ferthyno, sent to Yorkshire with a letter of the Lord Treasurer, directed to the collectors of the King's oistonis and subsidies in the port of Kingston-upon-llull. In money delivered to him for his expenses .... 034 To Simon IIolkrok, a valet sent to Norfolk with a lelier of Privy Seal, directed to Lord de .Morley. In money de- livered to him for his expenses 10 To Andkkw, a messenger sent to Dover with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Ralph de Ferrers. In money dt-- livered to him for his wages 8 482 ISSUE ROLL, To Ralph Barry, lately sent to Normandy with letters £. s. d. directed to the King of Navarro. In money delivered to him, as an advance for his wages 5 T7„.,. n < \ To Thomas Dautre, the Kind's Ser- 1 nomas iJdulre. > " ' jeant-at-arms, sent to the port of Lyme, and from thence by tlic sea-coast to the port of Moushole, in the county of Cornwall, to retain ships for the passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money dehvered to him for his wages and expenses j }To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of Robert CruU, Andrew de Gyldeford, and Hugh Fas- tolf. In money delivered to them by the hands of the said Robert for his expenses, and a reward for 20 men at arms and 40 archers in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 100 }To Edward, Prince of Acquitain, by the hands of Peter de Lacv. In money received by the said Peter, from the hands of Sir Walter Howct, Knight, for the expenses of himself, 200 men at arms, and 300 archers in the war, going in the service of the Lord the King to Gascony 333 G S m. 33. To Thomas Hamond, sent to the North with letters of Privy Seal from John de Stoke, directed to divers persons, to borrow money for the King. In money delivered to him for his expenses ( ) H S To Thomas Pavk, a valet, sent to Chester witli a letter of Privy Seal, directed to the Abbot of Combermerc. In money delivered to him for bis wages 10 To John March, a valet, sent with 2 letters of Privy Seal, M KDWAin) III. -is:} »liro('l(Ml to (luido do IJricim ;iii(l the siMiiion at Plymoiilli. L". v. d. In inoiioy (1i'1!mto(1 In liliii liy lii-. own liaiiiN. lor liis Hajji's I'5 I Sum ....<■ If'fdiirxdfiy, the •10th Day of March. lO HENUY DK \N AKI Tf- 1 f 1 1 > Kinor's wardrobe, by II akejwld. I ,. ^ , ^ ' Fitz-Waiitcr, a Ban: To Henuy dk Wakefield, koppor of the ; the hands of Walter inneret, in dischar<;o of 46/. 6.y. 3if/. due to the same Walter, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war 4G G 31 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Hugh de Biirnel, Knight, in discharge of \7l. 9«. 7d. due to the same Hugh, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war 1 7 '.) 7 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Richard de Imworth and Walter de Lcycestre, the King's Serjeants-at-arms, in discharge of 16/. lOx.Ad. due to the said Walter and Richard, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for their expenses and their archers in the war 16 10 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of John de Beverley, in part payment of 107/. 15*. bd. due to the same John, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war SO To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Alan de BuxhuU, Knight, in part payment of 129/. 3.v. Ir/. due to the same Alan, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war 40 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Lawrence de Brenle, Knight, in discharge of 21/. 13*. 4(/. due to the same Lawrence, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for restoring his horses 21 13 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of the ivul of Oxford, for the expenses of himself, and a reward for 29 men at 2 1 2 481 ISSUE ROLL, arms and 40 arcliers, in tlie war, going with him in the £. s. d. retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... 30'J 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Walter Frost, by two tallies raised this day in the names of the collectors of the customs in the port of Hull, containing '200^., delivered to the same Walter, by the hands of Nicholas de Thamworth, for the expenses of himself, 20 men at arms, and 20 archers, in the war, going with him in the retinue of tlic Lord the King beyond the sea 200 }To Sir Nicholas de Thamwouth, Knight. In money delivered to him, for restoration of his horses lost in the King's service in the last voyage to France 100 To the same Nicholas, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted 50/. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to the same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in discharge of the 251. payable to him for this his allowance 25 JohndeAppelby] ^" '^«"^ ^"^ Appelby, to whom the ' Lord tlie King lately granted 20 marks yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life, for the good service rendered by him to (he same Lord the King. In money delivered to him, in part payment of the 10 marks payable to him for this his allowance . . . 5 14 5^ To Margaret, who was the wife of Margaret, who vas\ j^,,^, ^^ Ravenesuolm, 1o whom the JiarriJohn. ) Lord the Kmg lat(-ly granted 100/. yearly, to be received at the Exche- quer during her lite. In part payment of this her allow- ance. [Under certain conditions before staled at j)age 385.] 05 Q „ , , , I,. , 1 To Robert de Wouborne, sent lioOert etc h oubornc.i ' to the port of Lynne, and from li i:i)\v.\Kn III. isf} tluMicp liy tlio soa-coast to Scford. to pay tlic seamen's £ .v. d. wages for the passage oC the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him, to make this payment . --0 To the same Robert. In money delivered to him, for his own wages and expenses, in going to tlie parts aforesaid to make this jiayment .') , , „ \ To John B.\syngi;s, the Kind's Ser- Jo/iii lifixyiigcs. !■ ' r ' jeant-at-arms, sent imto the port of Lynn, and from thence by the sea-coast to the port of Seford, in the retinue of the said Robert, to retain ships for the passage of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him for his wages 4 il'ii- r> /• \ To WlLLl.\M Be.\ufey, OHe of the // illiatn Ucaiifinj. > ' tellers of the Receipt of the Exche- quer, sent to the port of Hull, and from thence by the sea- coast to the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to pay the seamen's wages, going in the service of our Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, for his wages and expenses in going to the parts aforesaid 5 . To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the jr^"/. '//,/' I I King's wardrobe, by the hands of Gerard Rolibuk, a Knight of Germany. In money delivered to the same Gerard, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . (j6 13 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of John dc Baa, a Knight of Germany. In money delivered to the same John, for the expenses of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 33 (", ^ To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Thomas de Hoggeshagh, Knight, for the expense of iiimself, and a re- 4S6 ISSUE ROLL, ward for his men at arms, and archers in the war, going with £. s. d- him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . '20 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Thomas Enghssh and WilUam Barbour. In money dehvered to him, by his own hands, for the expenses of himself and armed men, in the ■war, going in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 2G 13 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Edmund de jMortuo JVIari, Earl of March, as a reward for himself and GO men at arms, going in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea IGG 13 4 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir William Boter- eaux. Knight, as a reward for 10 men at arms, going in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . . 33 G 8 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir Luke de Ponynges, Knight, as a reward for liimself and 10 men at arms, going in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . 33 6 8 To the same Keeper, by the hands of William de Monte Acuto, Earl of Salisbury, as a reward for him and 80 men at arms, going in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea '26G 13 I 7,-„- /-,; 1 To William Chapman, a courier sent H tlliam lyliapman. > ' to Norlblk with a letter of Privy Seal, directed to Richard Duket. In money delivered to him for his wages G Sum .... £ Friday, lliv '29th Day of March. }To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the King's wardrobe, by the hands of de Ufford, Earl of Sutlblk, by divers tallies raised this day, delivered to tlie saujc Earl, ibr tlie expenses 41 KDWAIJI) III. 487 of himself, 40 men at arms, ami GO archers in the war, going £. .v. il. with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea 770 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Lord Reginald de Grey, for the expenses of himself, 20 men at arms, and 24 archers in the war, going with him in the retimie of the Lord the King beyond the sea • . . . . GG 13 4 'I'o the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir I'ldward do Serne, Knight, for the expenses of himself, and a reward for his men at arms and archers in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord the King beyond the sea . . . . 10 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Robert dc Ferrers, for the expenses of liimself, 10 men at arms, and 20 archers in the war, going with him in the retinue of the Lord tlic King beyond the sea 3'3 G S To the same Keeper, by the hands of Sir William de Molyns, Knight, as a reward for liimself and 10 men at arms, going in the retin\ie of the Lord the King bevond the sea . 33 6 8 To Thomas Wetevvange, a clerk, sent to the iir . I mouth of the Thames, and from thence bv n'eteuange. i •' ' the sea-coast to the port of Saint Botolph, to pay the seamen's wages going in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him for his expenses in going to the parts aforesaid .... 368 J , J pjf, \ To John de Cufton, sent to the port i of Bristol, and from thence by the sea- coast to the port of Plymouth, to pay the seamen's wages going in the service of the Lord the King beyond the sea. In money delivered to him for his expenses in going to the parts aforesaid 200 To Thomas de Stafford, the King's Ser- Qf ff 1 \ jeant-at-arms, sent to the port of Kingston- ■' upon-Hidl, and from thence by the sea-coast to the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to retain ships for the 488 ISSUE ROLL, passage of the Lord the King beyoml the sea. In money £. v. d. delivered to him for his wages 5 John de Sleford. \ '^" "^""^ °^ Sleford, clerk of the pri- ' vate wardrobe of the Lord the King within the Tower of London. In money delivered to him for his oilice G(j 1.'5 4 To the same Clerk, by the liands of John de Derby, for iiis office 20 m. 34. u„„,„.,;„ e ti.\ To Henry de Sneyth, clerk of the great wardrobe of the Lord the King. Henry de Sneyth. \ In money delivered to him, by the hands of John de Elme, his clerk, for his office 100 To the same Clerk, by the hands of Thomas de Carleton, embroiderer, for his office 30 To the same Clerk, by the hands of John de Thornton, for his office '20 To William de Sleford, clerk of the works de \ Slefon , \ of the Lord the King within the palace of Westminster and Tower of London . In money delivered to him for the same works 40 n 1, , 1 c«'i,? 1 To Robert de Sibthoup, clerk of Koberl de Isibthorp. > ' the works of the Lord the King at Eltham, Shcne, and Rutherhuyth. In money delivered to him for the same works 29 T 7 J A^ /J 1 To John dk Nevill, a Knight of France, John de i\ evil/. > " ,_ ' a prisoner of the Lord the King within the Tower of London, to whom the Lord the King granted 2*. daily so long as he should remain his prisoner. In money paid for this his allowance. [See this entry at page 474.] 4 II KI^WAin") in. ISO }'!'() JdiiN Di; II AVTii'iKi.n, dork. In money C. v. paiil 1)V Iiini to divors masters and seamen in the King's ships, as an advance for tlieir wages, andfor ])rovisions for the same seamen, going in tlie service of the Lord the King beyond the sea .... -'"' l'> John lie March, l ) North Fleet ■J"o .loiiN DE March, a v;det sent to the by Peter do Lacy, keeper of the Privy Seal of the Lord the King, with divers letters sealed with the same seal. In money delivered to him for iiis expenses ().'}'! IT , , r> 7 1 To Hai'lo de Bohem, a minstrel. In ' money delivered to him as an advance for tlie G(^ daily which the Lord the King lately granted to the same Ilaulo, to be received at the Exchequer . . 2 ^ ... , „ \ To Sir Godfrey de Iloos, Knif^ht, of ' Scotland, to wiiom the Lord the King lately granted 100 marks, iiiuler certain conditions. [See page 460.] In money delivereil to him for part payment of this his allowance ."5 8 ,,. 7. r^ , 1 To Walter Forester, skinner, of Lon- }i alter roresterA ' don. In money delivered to him in part jiayment of the 500/. which the Lord the King commanded to be delivered to the same Walter. [See same entry at page 457.] 200 T I IT 1 \ To John II ERLYNG, a valet of the King's John Herlyvg.\ ° J household. In money delivered to him, by his own hands, as an advance for a certain yearly allow- ance whicli the Lord (he King granted to the same John, to be received at the Fxchequer O 13 4 ,,- „ I , i> ; 1 To Walter DE i-A KoKE, a clerk. In /» altir dc la Rokc.\ ' money delivered to iiim as an advance 490 ISSUE ROLL, for those 20/. yearly which the Lord tlie King lately granted £. .v. d. to the same Walter, to be received at the Exchequer . . 2 To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Mr V^-- 7 1 > King's wardrobe, bv the hands of William Wakefield. \ ° . ' de Humberstone, junior, clerk of the King's spicery. In money delivered to the same William, for his office GG 13 4 , To Adam de Hertyngdon, clerk of the jr'. J \ worksoftheLord the King at Windsor-castle. Hertyngdon J _ ^ In money delivered to him, by the hands of Thomas Harpecote, for the same works -6 lo Sum .... £ Moiidai/, the lit Day of April. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the ■^f /"y/f , I King's wardrobe, by the hands of Sir Wil- Wakefield. ( " , ^ > liam Baude, Knight, in discharge of the 25/. 16.y. If/, due to the same William, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war 25 16 1 To the same Keeper, by the hands of Tliomas SpigurneU, in discharge of 18/. G.v. \\\d. due to the same Thomas, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms, and archers in the war 1 8 G 1 H To the same Keeper, by the hands of Nicholas de Loveigne, Knight, in discharge of 83/. 14* 11(/. due to the same Nicholas, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of him- self, his men at arras, and archers in the war . . . . 83 1 1 1 1 To the same Keeper, by tlie hands of Lord de Tibetot, for his wages in the war, and as reward for 5 men at arms and 6 11 EDWAKl) III. I'.il archers, going with him in tlio rctiniu' of the Lord tiic King £. x. it. boyoml the sou 1:?S (l To the s.imo Keeper, hy the hands of Sir John del I-le, Knight, tor his «ages in tlie war, and a reward for \'l men at arms and "20 archers, going with him in tiie retinue of the Lord the King beyond tlie sea '21'.) C) To the same Keeper. In money received by him, in his house at Lontlon, lor the expenses of the King's hoiisehokl. 3;33 (> 8 Johu estmmster. In money deii- H estminster. ' vered to him, in discharge of 100 marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same Abbot, of his gift, in recomjiense of a certain liearse and light burning about the body of Philippa, late Queen of England, in the conventual church of Westmin- ster abovesaid, on the day of the burial of the aforesaid Queen ; and also for the expenses incurred by him on the day of the month of the burial of the said Queen . . . 6G 13 4 To William de Gontuorp, Treasurer of the p fi , \ town of Calais, by the hands of John de ' Ncwei-k, by one tally raised this day, con- taining 50 marks, delivered to the same John for the purchase of timber to make a certain bastion at Grayling- water 33 (■) ^ -II KOWAin) 111. 193 To Master Hi< iivun nii Akmis. In £. .v. (/. Must IT llichard 1 • i i i • r .1 'i- , , > money ri'coivcil liv limi from the Irca- ■" surer ami Chamberlains of the Exche- quer, as a loan to be restored f) 13 1 To Hknry dk Wakkfield, keeper of the u- I I- 1 1 > King's wardrobe, bv the hands of Simon Atte n akcjicld. I " ^ ' Burgh, in discharge of 16/. 3.v. 2\d. due to the same Simon, in the wardrobe aforesaid, for the wages of himself, his men at arms and archers, in the war . . 10 3 "2^ T J. T-- » \ To John Tipet, a valet of the King's John Iqiet. > " ' chamber, lately sent to Hampshire, ^Vilt- shire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire, to collect and train archers, and bring them to Southampton, there to remain for the protection of the town aforesaid, and to resist the malice of tile French enemy. In money delivered to him in aid of his expenses, and for hire of horses for the time that he was occupied about the business aforesaid ; and also for his expenses going to and returning from Dover, to bring Havekin Barbour valet of the Earl of Betlford, by direc- tion of the King, and by order of the Chancellor, Treasurer, and Council 2 m. 34. ,,. , r> / 1 To Simon Atte Burgh. In money bimon Atte liurgli. > . . , ' received by him from Edmund de Sfaplegate, as a loan to be restored 17 3 a J F k 1 ' II I 1 To Sir Frank dk Hale, Knight, lately ' ' in the service of the Lord the King, in the retinue of John Duke of Lancaster, in France. In money delivered to him. of the King's gift, in recompense of certain suras paid by him to divers messengers and valets sent to divers parts to watch the desires and actions of the French enemies during the time tlie same Duke re- mained in the service of the Kinjr there 73 G 8 494 ISSUE ROLL, } To John, DuKK of Lancaster. In nionoy £• *■ d. doliverod to him, l)y the hands of William Bokebrugge, clerk, for the wages and a reward for 300 men at arras and 500 archers, going in the service of the Lord the King, in the retinue of the same Duke, to Gascony 666 13 4 To divers ^Messengers and Couriers Divers Messengers ] .^11 * i- t? 1 j n , y-, . '^ > sent to all parts ot England, as well and Couriers. I ^ ° •' with letters directed to divers Knights and Esquires to come to London, and to assemble themselves to be with the retinue of the Lord the King, and to go with the same in his army, beyond the sea, as also with letters of Privy Seal, directed to divers men of the counties of Surry, Sussex, Kent, Cambridge, and Northampton, to borrow money for the King's use, together with \(jd. paid for carrying the King's money from London to Rutherhuyth, as appears by the particulars remaining in the Hanaper of this Temi . G 16 Sum .... £ Monday, the 8th Day of April. Roger del Ewerye. \ To Roger del Ewerye, to whom the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted lOO^y. yearly, to be received at the Exchequer during his life. In money delivered to him as an advance for this his allowance 2 To William Lord DE MoRLE, sent to the 1 M 1 \ P"'^'' ^^ Saint Botolph, from thence to the I port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to retain ships, and hasten and bring them to the port of Orewell. In money delivered to him for his expenses 10 II HnWAItl) ill. 495 To IIknky de VVakf.kiei.d, keeper of tlio £. s. d. i|,- ,•' f. '., \ King's wardrobe. In money delivered to ■' him, in his house at London, for the expenses of the King's household 333 C, H To the same Kee])er. In money sent to him, hy Williiiiii Strete, at Childerlangleye, in the vigils of Easier, lor the expenses of the King's household lOt) To the Loud the Kinu, in his cham- . , . /-,1 , "'> ber, bv the hands of Helmyng Leget- III /iix Chamber. ( . . j 9 o ■' In money paid into the same cham- ber, by the hands of Reynold Love, merchant, in part pay- ment of 547/. 9.f. '2d., which the Lord the King lent, at the Receipt of the Exchequer, on the "iOth day of February last past, out of the money of his chamber aforesaid, by the hands of his attorney, to the Earl of Bedford, as appears in the roll of receipts of the same day 500 jr , c. w I To IIenhy de Sneyth, clerk of the llriin/ ac rill n/ III. > ' great wardrobe of the Lord the King, for the price of divers cloths, cloth of gold, and napkins, and divers other things, delivered to the same clerk from divers goods found in a certain ship of Jene, taken from the enemies at sea, in the month of August last past, and forfeited to the King, for his office, as appears by a du- plicate part of a certain indenture thereuj)ou made between the Treasurer and Chamberlains and the aforesaid Henry .717 11 1 I N D E X. A. Abingdon, Abbot of, 154, 164, IS' Absolon, John, 56, 298 Acastre, Richard Robert du, 4, 73, 177, 3<)3, 434 Mayor and Bailiff» of, 130 Bevfrach, Robert, 28 Beverech, AVilliam, 42 Bivorct,'^, Robert, 311 Bt-yford, AViUiam. 4fi. 3 I'J Blachington, William. Ructor of, 134 BUkt'inore. John. 352 William de, 62, 340 Blakeney, Ralph. 179 Blockfley, John de, 49, 92, 219, 318 Blore, Richard de, 292, 372 Blower, Nicholas, 43 Bloys, Charles de, 31 Bloy. Sons of Charles de, 394 Bliut. John. 7, 21, 230, 430, 465, 472 Blylh, John de, 2 Hothell, Simon, 425 Bohem, Haulo de, 4S9 Bohun, Humphrey dc. Earl of Hereford, 195, 458 Bokebrij^ge, William de, 444 Bokenham, John de, 287 Simon dc, 380 Bnlclany, David de, 85 Boloina, Guilimote de, 296 Bolt, Robert, 250 Boltesham, William de, 445 Bolton, John de, 239 Barjni, William, 153 Bosevill, Robert. 25G Boston (see Sanit Kotnlph), 261 Botereaux, Sir William, Knight, 461, 486 Botetort, Lord de. Baron de Wcley, 181 Bolheby, John, 160,476 Botolph, Saint, 175 (and see Saint Botulph) Mayor and Bailiffs of, 130 Men of, 89 Boton, Robert, 356 Botover, Henry, 187 Botresham, Lord de, 35 Gerald del Huyth. Lord of, 126, 285 Buuland, John, 208 Boiilund, John. 411.412, 1118 Bourne, Rofjer de, 5 Bovenden, Robert de, 357 Bovyn);don, Rofjer dc, 39 Boutrissem, Sir Gerard de la Flayth, Lord of, 126, 285 Boynnrd, John, 242 Boys. Hermann de,' 86, 462 Boxtou, Ralph dc, and C:atherine, his Wife, 399 Brabant, 90, 130 Bradestun, Thomas dc, 448 Bradewell, Richard dc. 266 Sir Thomas de. Knight, 450 Perot, his Wife, 450 Brampton, Richard, 12 Brandcston, Thomas de, 32 Brankctre, John dc, 419 Brant, William, 365 Brantyngham, Thomas de, Bishop of Exe- ter, 1, 29, 158, 230, 253, 262, 296, 317, 422, 427 Ralph de, 262 William de, 20, 315, 382 Bray, John, 30, Isl, 186, 192, 199, 208, 209, 225, 258, 283, 295, 369. 379, 383, 388, 393, 397, 412, 413, 465, 468, 469 Brauder, Thomas, 240 Brctam, Domiselle de, 289 Brethren Minors, 425 Bretherlhorp. Sir Reginald de. Knight, 130 Breulc, Lawrence de, 444 Brewes, Sir Peter de. Knight, 292 Brexle, Sir Laurence de. Knight, 483 Brianel, Saint, Castle, 436 Brice, John, 368 Briddc, William. 193 Briddeshale. Henry de, 259 Brideshale, Gilbert dc. 71,310 Bridham, Hugh dc, 112 Bridlington. I'rior of, 166 Brienii, Guido de, 21, 129, 141, 191,231, 239, 258, 260, 271, 272, 273, 452, 472, 483 Banneret, 461 Knight, 436, 437 Brime. Robert, 405 Bristol, 124, 273.437,441 Bailiffs of, 138 Men of. 169 Port of, 123, 124, 234, 487 50U Brittany. Joan, a Lady of, 41C, 420 Hrocas, Sir Bernard, Knight, 45, 403 Brokas, Bernard, 88 Simon, 358 Broke, Andrew del, 334 Brom, John, 339 Bromeley, John, 327 Peter dc, 70, 366 Richard de, 7 Bvomjiton, William, 13 Brampton, William de, 312 Brookeley, John de, 394 Broun, John, 49 Brounsweyn, John, 261 BruH'n, Richard, 344 Brunne, Richard, 190 Brnstlesham, Prior and Convent of, 426 Quarry of, 426 Brynneaund, Thomas, 199 Buckingham, John de, 56, 423 Buckinghamshire, 227, 251,405, 491 Bukelond, Richard de, 307, 377 Bukenham, Simon de, 102 Bukkebrugge, William de, 99, 139, 140, 157 Bnloignej Guilliraote de, 71 Bulwyk, John, 125 Burgeys, Robert, 118, 154, 226 Burgh. John de, 330,421 one of the King's Generals in France, 436 Simon Atte. 493 — de, 471 Burgundy, 418 Burley, Sir John de, Knight, 366, 393, 444 Burnel, Sir Hugh de, Kuight, 483 Burnet, John, 405 Burton, Johnde, 364 William de, 90 Burton-upon-Trent, Abbot of, 221 Bury, Abbot of, 134 Adam.le, 116, 459 Edmond, a Monk of, 68, 331 John, 338 Roger de, of Newark, 93 Buryton, John de, 47 Busshon, Bartholomew, 410 Butreaux, William, 284 Butteley, Prior of, 185 Butiller, John, 243 Buxton, Miles de, 74 Buxbull, vel Buckkeshnll, Sir Alan de, Knight. 70, 81, 101, 200, 203, 295, 370. 409, 476 483, 492 Byde, William, 105 Bykcr, William, 33, 216, 339 C. Calais, 1. 2, 16, 53,61, 76,80,83, 84,85,86, 117, 137, 162, 168, 173,184, 188, 210, 214, 215, 226, 233, 240, 329, 368, 376, 381, 382, 385, 336, 400, 408, 409, 415, 416, 426, 427, 435, 439, 446, 479, 492 Graylingwater at, 1, and vide Gray- lingwater Cambernesse, 269 Cambridge, 61, 218, 224, 494 King's Hall, 61, 318 Dominican Brethren of, 78 ■ Sheriff of, 226 Cambridgeshire, 112, 235, 405, 475, 491 Calkewehl, Thomas, 440 Calkewell, Thomas de, 441 Canford, Asseraud de, 85 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 128, 224, 226, 235, 239, 292. 369, .389 William, Archbishop of, 159 Abbot of St. Augustin, 1 74 Lord Cardinal de, 456 Prior of .Saint Gregory, 236 Prioress and Sisters of the North Gate of. 437 ('antebrugge. John de. 159 Canteraiene, 451 Capon, John. 132 Carby. Robert de, 461 Cardinall, Walter, 224 Carleton, John de, 402 Thomas de, 6, 21.3, 399, 408, 411, 414.460,471,476, 488 William de, 264 Cirlisle, Bishop of, 139, 218, 223, 225, 476 Castle of, 344 Carnes, William, 400 Carryk, John, 107,463 Caulee, John, 425 Caiipere. William, 264 Canston, Hugh de. 165 Cavendish, Andrew. 447 John, 360 Stephen. 340 Certesey, Robert, 28, 350 Chadesley, William de, 462 Chalton, John de, 223 Chamber, Gnflin of ihe, 355 John of the, 125 .■)()l Clumber, Palrick ul" llie, Kill Rejjioalil of the, 5.!, 41 'J Richarcl of the, -irCi Walter of the, .WJ Chamberlain, Thomas, 24.1, 40.5 William, 40M Chambeniouii, Thomas, -4*.i Chancery, Clerks of the, 1-26, tlU, 41'J, 479 Chandos, Elizabeth, 08, 359 Chapelleletter, John Haulce, 425 Chapman, William, -0)3, iiS, 292, 4o8, 47fi, 481, 480 Charlion, Duvi.l, 415 Chartusa, Pri..r and Brethren of, ;iK7 Chastillon.Sir Huj;h de, a Knight of France, 5, 445, 450, 460 Chastelnan, Sir John de, Knight, 115 Chaucer, GeoHrey, 19, 289 Philippa, 359 Chaundell, Richard, 344 Chaungeor, Atlam, 173 Eustace, 367 Richard, 449 Chauntrell, Thomas, 278 Chelreyc, Edmond, 360 Cherbourg, 115, 182, 187, 192, 277, 430 Castle of, 430 Cherleton, Lord de, 129, 455 Sir Roger de. Knight, 75 — Thomas de, 430 235 Goldsmith, of London, 194 John, 424 . Port of, 373, 464 Child, John, 25, 344, 428 ChilderlangKy, 2, 99. 303. 372. 398, 453, 495 Chippes, John, 98, .362 Roger. 217.462 Chippenham. Walter. 53, 200 CherU'sey, Robert de, 28, 350 Chese, Thomas, 51, 289, 442 Chester, 482 Bishop of, 219, 224 Chesterfield, Adam de, 166, 219 Richard de, ISO, 188, 218. 415 Chesthunt, Edmond, 23, 312 Prioress of, 101 Richard de, 123 Cheyne, Edmond, 375 -Hugh. 0.3, 120, 124, 42,3, 449 Rogir, 373 William, 291 Chichester, Bailiff of, 1.33 - Bishop of, 227 Chirbourg, 154, 196,201,371,382,400,410. et videCherbouig Ciniiue Port», 82, 108, 357, 452 Cirencester, Abbot, 432 Clarendon, 202, 213. 215, 217, 222, 225, 229, 230, 232, 252, 253, 270 Clark, William, 458 Clavering, Richard, 176 ( layson. Mathew, 480 Clebury, Roger de, 394 Clee,William,340 Clere, Mary, Suint, 425 Clerk, William, 191, 2.35, 2.39, 374 Cleynton, John de, 481 Clittbrd, Lord de, 1-28, 218, 472 Roger de, 441 Lord de, 438, 440 Clifton, Johnde, 147, 174, 212, 2.30, 231, 258, 200, 271, 272, 27.3, 274, 270, 278, 332, 337, 344, 367, 368, 396, 401,407,4.32,452,474,487 Clinton, John de, 470 Sir John de. Knight, 453 Clone Castle, in Wales, 428 Clopton, Simon de, 375 Cobham. John de, 224, 4.55 a banneret. 440 Sir John de, Knight. 154 Cogger, Henry, 246 Coghran, John. 162 Cok. John, 1.36,259 Cokes. John. 67 Cokfield, John de, 398,422 Colchester, the Abbot of Saint John of. 101 Colneheth. John de. 102 Colyngburn. John, 124 Coiiilierton, Thomas de. 19, 318 Combermere. Abbot of. 482 Ojnham, Thomas. 95 Constantiue. Island of. 374, 382 Conyng. Peter. 437. 400 Conynger, Peter. 257 Conyngsby. John de, 58, 3.38 Cook. John. 37S Cook. Rnbert, 200 Coorne. Robert. 144 Corby. John. Wife of Robert de. 93, 107. 390 Corfton. Manor of. 375 Comet Cnstle. 138 Cornseller. Alan. 165 Cornwall. 112. 149,235.405. 432, 434.407. 482 Henry, 105, 122, 339 502 Cornwall, Peter de, ii86 Cosyn, William, 72, 348 Costantine, BailiHof, 285 Cottesford, Sir Roger de. Knight, 203 Cotjngham, John de, 193 Coupeland, John de, 425 Courteuey, Hugh de, 416 Couton, Walter de, 317 Coventry, 187,429 Prior of, 67 Henry de, 158, 395 Mayor and B,nl;fls of, 138 and Litchfield, Robert, Bishop of, 21,137,226 Crane, Roger, 409 Croydon, Richard, 193 Crull, Robert, 129, 142, 200, 231, 253, 482 Crikelade, Thomas, 406 Crosele, William de. 296 Cudworth, Wdliam, 39 Cumberland, 223, 404 Sheriff of, 225 Curbit, Michael de, 402 Currant, John, 425 Curry Castle, 1,38 D. Dabrichecort, CoUard, 301, 461 Dachet, John, 425 Dacre, Thomas, 381 Dagenell, a Messenger of the Lord the Prince, 407, 417 I)alby,Williamde, 341 Dalketh, John de, 83 Dalmaigne, Henry, and Agnes, his wife, 34, 364 Dalton, Sir John de, Knight, 317 Danegos, Earl of, 128, et vide Angos Dane, John, 132 Dauhurst, William, G Dartmouth, 147, 174, 212. 237, 272, 274 Daubrichecourt, Nicholas, 109 Daubron, Laurence, 91 Dautre, John, 259 Thomas, 237, 276, 434, 482 Dauvergne,Eiirl Dauphin,131, 141, 142,237 Dave, John, 466, 477 David's, Saint, Bishop of, 137 Debenham, William de, 1 1, 321 Delves. Sir John de, Knight, 317 Johnde, 146 Deue Forest ,436 Denford. Jthnde. 9 .334 Denton. John de, 259. 404 Denton. Thomas de, 114 William de, 81, 141, 153, 188, 200, 228,234,2.38,241 Depwade, Hundred of, 370 Depyng. William, 46, 318 Derby, 213, 223,415 John de, 294, 428, 488 SheriflF of, 213, 226, 230 Walter de, 258 Derbyshire, 112,218, 219, 394,405, 429 Despenser, Sir Gilbert le. Knight, 70, 472. 473 Devon, Earl of. 235 Devonshire, 112, 149, 235, 242, 405, 432, 467 Dicheford, James de, 314 Distern, John, 113, 251,454 Dolveiyn, Clement, 390 Donet,John, 189 Dony, John, 179 Dore, Roger, and Joan, his Wife, 375 Dorsetshire, 229, 230, 231, 235, 375, 405, 460 Double, Ralph, 192 Douglas, James, 463 Doun.John. 18, 19,362 Dover, 179, 199, 200, 405, 416, 481, 493 Castle, 82, 148, 357 John, 63, 309 Mayor and Bailiffs of, 288 Drax, Prior of, 179 Drayton. John. 95,303,425 Duffield. William, 264 Duke, John, 9, 287 Duket. Richard, 486 Duubarr, John, 167 Dunkan, John. 376 Dunmow, Prior of, 159 Dunstaple, Prior of, 152 Durant, Thomas, 92, 178, 180. 191, 198. 208, 230, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 258.302,412,468,469 Durham, Bishop of, 128, 139,218,223,225 Diocese, 44 1 Prior of, 183 Dychelord, James, 95 Dygele. John. 241 Dykeman, William, 163 Dyneley, Margaret de. 345 Dynhani. Sir .John de. Knight, 375 Dys, Robert. 50, 328 William. 147. 148 50;] E. Kasthampstcdo, 'iii Kdensuri-, vcl Edunesort", John do, IM, 1-17, •Jo'J,3-J:!,-lll EJi^rick, John, S.i, i-li, 259, 332, 414, 421 Ellington. Rector ul' the Church uf, 185 Kdmondestonu, Sir John de, Kni(,'ht, 364 John df, 4fi4 Edward III , Kin;; of England, passim Prince of Wales, his Son, 119, 130, 141, 237, .300, 316, 407, 417, 445, 440, 459, 482 Joh>, Unite of Lancaster, his Son, 99, 123, 140,157,105,212,231, 237, 274, 275, 278, .308. 376, .381, .385, 408, 409. 443, 444, 49.i, 494 Em, 12. 311 Lybkyn, Havekio, 55, 298 Simond, Thomas, 197,228 Walter, Walter, a Banueret, 483 Waulter, William, Lord, 480 Flanders, 52, 116, 268, 328, 463, 47G Fleming, Robert, 327 Fletcher, John, 76 Fleramings, the, 179 Florak, Sir Thomas, Knight, 374 Florence, Peter of. Physician, 347 Folevill, Eustace, 124 Foljambe, Godfrey de, 140 Forcer, Thomas, 204 Fordeley, Geotfery, 300 Forest, Walter, 425 Forester, Richard, 170,203, 461 Walter, 257, 457, 460, 489 Forster, Richard, 345 Walter, 257, 437, 472 Foucher, John, 140 Founteignes, Esperon de, 133 Founteyn, John de la, 184 Fourneys, Abbot of, 182 Power, William, 304 Fowey, 272, 275 Fox, William, 152, 155, 180, 203, 217, 224, 227, 239 Foxle, Sir John de. Knight, 97 John de, 386 France, 181, 191, 193, 196,197,198,199, 205, 206, 211, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 259, 260, 262, 267, 268, 271, 276, 282, 284, 320, 333, 337,361, 375, 378, .39,3,399, 404, 414, 443, 446, 451, 458, 493 France, King of, 396, 418 hostages of. 395, 429 Frannceys, Adam, 176, 424, 425 John, 16, .301 Thomas, 213 Frend, John, 8, 305 Frere, Richard, 47, 344, 362 Freston, John de, 123 Frost, Walter, 211. 251, 262, 263, 396, 484 Frowyk, Henry, 172 Fulliourn, William. 120, 130, 217, 290, 374 Fulthorp, Roger de, 361 Fulnetheby, Thomas de, 218, 476 Furnivall, William de, 194 Fyncheden, William, 366 G. Galsagath, Thomas, 410 Gamberon, William, 337 Gamen, Adam, 38, 326 Gamboun, William, 72 Garderobe, William de.25,216.29S, 388,429 Gardiner, John, 36, 323 Gascony, 99, 119, 123, 140,141,142,147, 165, 174, 212, 231, 237, 273, 274, 275, 278, 300, 400, 407, 408, 419, 445, 446, 459, 482, 494 Gate, Ralph, 258 Robert Atte, 11, 336 Simon Atte, 173 Gay, Peter, 335 Geaseale, Thomas, 399 Gene, 285 Gelrey, Duke of, 90, 130, 443 Gesors, Thomas, 192 Giflfard, Gilbert, 191 Gildeford Park, 358 Andrew de, 25, 343, 482 John de, 62, 377, 385, 457 Gildesburgh, Isabel de, 349 Gillingham, 246 Gladroyne, Nicholas, 246 Glaseley, Thomas, 81 Glastonbury, Abbot of, 159 Gleudale. William, 425 Gloucester, 437 Abbot of. 153 ^ — the blessed Peter of, 194 Thomas de, 69. 292,302,380,410 Gloucestershire. 5, 112, 219, 2,34, 252, 405. 460 Gnayemake. Maffiolus, 457 50.1 Oobct, John. 348 Gudrrubinl. Robert. '2AC, Ooldiii(,', John, '-MS Gosbourn, vel Oonsbourn, John , John, Lord of (ioiiieny, 1 IK Jakemyii, Jamus, of Lumburdy, 'J°2J Jankyii, William, 'J 1 1 June, -109, 4 17, -11«, -462, 49:) Duko of, -ISO Jernckumbe, Willium, S.'i? JiTsuy, 134, 13«, 13^, '207, 270 Men of, 191 Jeriisiileni, in England, Prior of Saint John of. 152 Jcye, Walter de, 290 Imworlh, Richard de, 120, ICO, 172, 191, 245, 2(;0, 371,477,483 Rolwrtde, 290 Inge, John, 375 Johanna, his Daughter, 375 Ingelby, Thomas de, 34«, 352, 353 Innocent, John, 25S, 417 Joan, a Lady of Brittany, 416, 420 Jocc, Alan, 407 John, 2«, 400 Juhan, Patrick, senior, 85 John. Bernard de Saint, 131, 13«, 2VJ Johan, William Fitz, 10, 12, 311 Johanson, Robert. 410 Joye, Hugh, 10, 309 Ipres, John de, 409 Ipswich. 172, 173, 2B6, 277 BailifTs of, 129 Men of, 163 Port of. 123, 124, 2fi0 Mayor and Bailiffs of. 191 Ireland, 157, 158, 160, 395, 396, 458 William de Windesor, Deputy of. 157,395,396 IrlondiRichardde.theKing's Surgeon, 103, 333 Thomas de, 163 Isabella, late Queen of England, 42 Isle, John del, 228 Sir John del, 491 Warin del, 256 Kardinall, Wiilter, 148, 175,218,235 Karleton, Thomas, 280 Kelby, Robert de, 103. 162, 377, 434 Kembold. John, 13, 90 Kempe. John. 369 Keiidale. Roger de, 2, 180 Kenniugton, Adam de, 104 Kent, 5, 11. 154, 185. 192,224.235,257,374, 105, 431, 457,471,472,491, 494 Kent, Sheriff of, 133,227 Johnde, 11,313 Kepc.277 Ke»»elt, Arnold, 127, 12s Ketelby, John de, 285, 4 19, 447 Kiniboltuu, Thomas de Walmesford, Par- son of, 168 King, Robert, 185 Kin;;esloii, John de, 42, 313 Kingston upon Hull, 123, 125, 155, 156, 175, 211, 212, 236, 238, 242, 247, 261,262,263,415, 438, 464, 471, 481,487 Men of, 214 Mayor and Bailiflsof,13U Kirkeby, John de, 9, 308 Kirketon, Alan de, 69, 322, 389 Kneveton, Ralph de, 390 Knightely, Margaret, 358 Thomas de, 37, 356 KnoUes, Robert dc, 126, 129, 135, 136, 137, 149, 160, 164, 168, 175, 180, 181, 191, 192, 193, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204,205, 206, 210, 211, 220, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 259, 260,261, 262, 267, 268,269, 276 Lord Robert, 244, 252 —Walter, 405 Knottingley. John. 105 Knotiseley, John, 270 Knyveton, Nicholas de, 216, 219 Ralph de, 156, 211 Knyvet, John, Chief Justice, 349, 374, 391 Kowune, Sir Thomas, Knight. 435 Kymbald. John, 308 Kvnmow. Matilda. 40, 291 Kyryell, John, 481 L. Lacy, Peter de, 217, 240, 290, 318. 445. 446. 459. 475, 482, 489 Lakcnham. John. 425 Lamboro.John. 105.3.38 Lamport. William. 72.337 Lancaster, John. Duke of. 99, 123, 140, 157, 165, 212, 231, 237. 274, and sec Edward III. County, 404 Sheriff of, 225 Landaif, Bishop of, 137 Langeton, Philip de, 122,397 Langford. Tliomas de, 465 Langley, .^bbot and Convent of, 475 Langley Manor. 3 17 508 Langley, Mendicant Brethren, 347 Edmund de, tlie King's Son, 98 Latyraer, William, Lord de, liUS, •212, 213, 2-20, 268, 269, 385, 448, 449, 476 Launde, Prior de la, 67 Laurance, William, 365 Lavendale, Gerard Van, a Knight of Ger- many, 427 Leaminton, 183 Lecke, John, Lord de. Knight, 128 Leeds Castle, 99, 329 Leek, Lord de, 35,285, 433, 477 — Havekin, a messenger of, 433 Leget, Helming, 112, 145, 146, 151, 152, 167, 204, 205, 284, 353, 371, 381, 447, 453, 475, 479, 495 Legg. John, 121, 123, 168,271,449 Leghton, John de, 310 Leigh, Prior of, 178 Leicester, Abbot and Convent of, 66 Archdeaconry of, 204 Mayor and BailifTs of, 138 Sherifif of, 213, 226 W alter de, 400, 483 Leicestershire, 112, 219, 394, 405, 429 Lemosin, 466 Lcmyngston, John, 410 Lenn, 137 Bailiffs of, 129 Lepys, Seuchio de, 422 Lescrup, Henrj', 239, 269 Henry le, Banneret, 206 . Sir Henry, Knight, 227 Lese, Prior of, 155 Lestrange, Lord, 129, 219 Leveson, Thomas, 74, 286 Levyngeston, John de, 84, 240 William de, 83 Leye, Thomas Atte, 159 Libbekin, Havekin Fitz, 55, 297 Lincoln, 2, 112, ISO, 214, 235, 236, 476 Archdeaconry of, 204 Bishop of, 128, 139, 218, 225 Dean and Clhapter of, 103 Mayor and Bailiffs of, 13(1 Prior of Saint Catherine, 204. 236 Robert de, 5 , Sheriff' of, 129,225 Lingeyu, Hugh, 38, 39 Lisle, John de, 197 SirWarin del. Knight, 47H Litchfield. 394 Litchfield. Bishop of. 1:17 Litchfield Cathedral, 32 Dean and Chapter of. 32 Liverpool, Port of, 135 Lodelow, Thomas de, 83, 235, 280 Lodenay, Walter, 425 Lokyngton, William, 217, 222 senior, 258, 417 junior, 219, 258,417 Lombardy, 189, 463 London, passim Bridge, 380 Chichester, Goldsmith of, 194. Abbot and Monks of the Blessed Mary of Grace, near the Tower, 386 Bishop of, 175, 235, 239, 369, 383 House of the Bishop of, 383 ' Simon, Bishop. 149 Carriers and others of, 191 Hermits and Anchorites of, 395 John de, 361 Prior and Convent of the Order of Dominican Brethren, 64 Mayor, Aldermen, and others of,171 Parish of Saint Bartholomew, 133 Sheriff of, 281 Tower, 33, 41,99, 109. 118, 171, 172, 178, 204,267,281, 288, 292, 295, 296, 299, 300, and passim Londy, John, 405 Lone,Reynold, 193, 495 Longeston, Thomas, 266 Longevill, John, 5 1,307 Loo, Thomas de. 184 Lovaigne, Sir Nicholas de. Knight, 5, 403, 414.445,450, 466,490 Louth, John de, 359 Nicholas, 446, 476 . Robert de, 21 Park, Abbot of, 143 Lovedene,, 48. 318 Luveloft. Edward. 317 Li.wedres. Elizabeth de, 371, 464 Lucas. Peter, 270 Lucy, John, 153 Lumbard, Zenobus, 428 Lukes, Tristram de, 106, 379 Lybaud, Sibylhuf Scotland, 149, 161, 290,454 Lyghlfote.John. 148 Lyme.Portof, 123. 249 Lyngeyn, Agatha. 104 Lynn, 168, 198, 261, 265, 277,402,453 Port of. 196. 236, 249. 260,265,431. 482. 484, 485 .■)()'.( Lynut, VVitlian), IIS Lyons, James, \'i'i, l"r>,'2~l John, 15J, ir.7 Kichard, a4:>, -159 Lythuni, Robe rt ili', 187,370 M. MacoIttRh, Sir Patiick, Kuisht, ..f Scullaiid. Maghfield, John de. 72 RoWrt de, 45, 325 Makcney. Robert, !tl, 355 Malet. Waller, J0:> Malyns, William, -159 Mangehani. John, 425 Mannesfield, Henry de,39S Manny. Sir Walter de, Knight, 317, 432 Manytree, 277 Map.ldrewell, John de, 11, 290 Mar, Thomas de la, 2U3 Mareh, A^'nes de la, 97 EdmonddeMoituoMari, (Mortimer.) Earl of, 473, 4S6 John de, 43, 128, 133, 151, 154, 156, 224, 229, 235, 239, 384, 416, 492, 489 Mare, Robert de la, 326 Mareschall. Roger, 4:)y, 473 Markbam. Richard de, 22, 34, 377 Marlyn. Thomas. 301 Martin. Ralph, 6 Marlon. Robert del 10 Mary, of Saint Hilary. 3')9 Massingham, John, 4, 223, 387, 491 Matlewife. Hawesia, 30, 283 Mauley, vel Miinley, Peter de, 463, 467, 471 Mauncbeslre, William, 41 Mannesfield, Henry de, 2, 99, 301, 372,453 Meaux, Abbot of. 166 Medway. River, 160, 191, 243, 245 Meigbfield. John de, 362 Melane. Lord de, 457, 464 Melcombe, town of, 249 Melton, Robert de, 71,364 Mere. Lord Henry del, 285 Meres, Ro-er, 346, 354 Merk, 400, 439, 446 Castle of, 400 Clement Atle, 50, 331 William, 24, 3J4 Meile. Alexander. 109.232 Merlin, Thomas, 10 Merss'i. Stephen Atte. 3, 118, 328, 384 Alerston, William de, 284 Merlon, Prior of, 152. 163 Mey, Henry, 265 Michel, Nicholas, 187 Michelney, Abbot of, 67 MiddUBex,235, 405 Middleton, John de, 56, 301 Milly, Grefjory, 165 Miners, Popard, 65, 292, 358 Minors Brethren, 425 Minsheworth, Sir John de. Knight, 269 Misterlon, John, 462 Miton. Hugh de, 16, 226, 236, 464 Thomas de, 319 Mockyng, John, 107, 164, 293 Thomas, 199 Molyns, .Sir William de. Knight, 470, 47 1 , 487 Monk, Edward, of Bury, 334 John, 325 Robert, 26, 492 Montague, John de, 129 Mongeham, John, 425 Monte Acuto, William de. Earl of Salisbury, 202, 402, 486 Morden, Simon de, 146 More, Thomas de la, 5, 243, 329, 372, 424 More, Robert de la, 324 Morice, John, 185, 243, 389 Morley, John, 261 Lordde, 125, 481 W illiam de, 481 de, a Banneret, 439 Lord de, 494 Mortimer, Edmond de, Earl of March, 473, 4h6 Morton, Robert de, 218, 435 William de, 94, 299, 332 Morwey, Richard, 124 Moubray, John, 341, 346, 370 Mounceaux. John, 417 Mousehole, in Cornwall, 124, 434, 482 iMugge. William, 465 Muile. Stephen Atte, 383 Mtilbho, Williiim de, 21, 111, 207, 208, 219, 222, 251, 258, 339, 411, 412, 432, 467, 468 Alexander, his Valet, 339 Murreaux, Thomas de, 2'28 Sir Thomas, Knight, 271 Musgrave, Nicholas de, 322, 324, 442 Thomas de, 129 Mysen. Richard, 264 510 N. Narret.Jolm, C, 363 Nash, John Atte, 18, 34, 467 Navarre, King of, 115, Ufi, 154, 166,167, 182, 183, 187, 192, 196, 201, 202, 207,218, 219, 220, 222, 223,227, 232, 251, 253, 254, 277, 285, 286, 371,374,382, 406, 410, 421,422, 430, 442, 481, 482 NayliDghurst, Richard ll Outhorp, John ile, 211 Oyct.'aatlcof, 400 P. Paddebury, John de, 30 Palmer, Alan, 19,377 James, 103, 181,'203, 20n.2.VJ, .331, •lll,-ll-', -l-.M, 4li8 Punnyii, Huviniis Van, a Knight of Gir- many, l'J4 Pardy, Anent, 42o Parent, William, 417 Parnyng, Sir Adam, Sheriff of Cumberland, 343 Adam, 218, 476 Parys, Robert. 147 Paulesholt, John de, 372, 382, 406, 410, 430, 437 Paveley, Sir John, 20 Pavye, 4G4 Pay.vel Paye, Thomas, 134. l.').'), 204,211, 2U:), 416, 453, 464, 47:), 482 Payn, M'illiam, 241 Pee.John, 39, 342 Peek, John, 344 Peer, John, 173 Peintrell, William, 300 Pekerel, Agnes, 42') Pembroke, Karl of, 406 Richard de, 411 Pembruijge, Sir Richard de. Knight, 406 Penkhurst, Adam, 66, 76 Penopyn, Lord de, 130 Penycombe, Richard, 40, 309 Percell, William, 420, 426 Perchore, Ehzabeth. 425 Percy, Lord de, 218, 239, 282, 472 Perot, Reynold, 26,444 Person, John, 376 Perton, Leo de, 77, 294 Pervoys, Gerard de, 433 Petelyng, Henry. 67 Peterborough, Abbot of, 152 Petit. Isabel. 119,359 Philipini, late Qiiecn of England, 1, 10, 13, 17, 24, 32, 34, 37, and vide Edward III. Philipot, John. 145 Piers, .-Vndrcw, 125, 236, 4s*l Pigeon, Richard, 301 Pigot, Bartholomew, 443 Pikehiirst. John, 2sl PiluT, Aroald le, 297 Piry. John de. 91,1(1-1 Phiches, iDgelram de. Knight. 139. 440 Plnmer, Robert, 331 Plymouth, 21, 124, 141, 147, 174,212,231, 271,272, 273, 275,276, 437,441, 452, 472, 483, 487 Poitu, William, 284 Pole, Sir William de la. Knight, and Cathe- rine his Wife, 182 Poly, Sir Ralph de. Knight, Vice Admiral of the North Fleet, 156, 268, 269 Lord Ralph, 191 Pontelract, Thomas, 332 Pontieu, 212. 446.447 Ponynges. Luke de, 129 Sir Luke de, Knight, 486 Pope, John, 389 Popinus, master of a certain Flanders Ship, 270 Porchester Castle, 5. 243, 332, 372, 424 John. 51, 315 Port, Ralph, 314 Porter, Stephen. 341 Porlelond, John de, 258 Portor, Giles, 312 John, 110,338 Portsmouth, 255, 256, 332, 367 Potenhale, Richard, 335 Praga, Nicholas, 4, 149, 380, 447 Prat, John, 55,299 Frees, Hugh, 11.312 Prentice, William de, 71, 317 Prest, Alan, 386 Thomas, 40, 356 William, 18,313 Preston, Peter de, 425, 46.3 Thomas de, 2 1 8 Proudfoot, William, 13, ,305 Prussia, 151 Pultrie, Adam de la, 302, 331 Pulle, GeotTrey, 278 Puppe, GeotTrey, of London, 144 Purcell, William, 75 Puseye, John, 42, 311, 332 Pycard, GeotTrey, 17,362 Philip, 13, 17 Pyel, John, 194 Pygeon, Richard, 12 Pykebusk, Robert, 296,365,392,415, 423, 454, 477 Pyle. John. 124 Pylly. Richard de. 60 Pyper, Arnald le, 54 Pyrlc. John. 321 512 Quavet, Bilioii, iii Quaret, John, 'S3, 3-i'l Qucenborough, 240 Castle, 14, ^Sl, :372, 386, 389, 417 Port of, 235, 429, 463 Queineby, John de, 101, 302 R. Railclyf, Richard de, 213 Raddestoke, Sir Gerard de, a Knight of Germany, 131 Radestock, Sir Gerard de, Knighf, 121 Radescroft, William, 44, 309, 425 Raghton, Juhn, 354 Ramesey, Abbot of, 151,226 - — Henry de, 85 John de, 85 Patrick de, 84, 85, 215 Rather, Henryde, a Knight of Germany, 133 Rathre, Henry Van, 194 Raundes, Richard, 94, 378 Ravensere, Richard de. Archdeacon of Lincoln, 190 Ravenesholm, John de, 381, 332 Margaret his Wife, 381, 385, 407, 424, 4S4 Reading, Abbot of, 154 Rednesse, William, 61, 210, 240, 415, 435 Redyng, John, 148,254 Repi'ngdon, Prior of, 189 Retfurd, Andrew, 1 18, 125, 137, 217 Richard de, 425 William de, 22 Revesby, Abbot of, 155 Reyner.John, 147, 148 Rical, William, 18 Richardson, William, 264 Ritfin, Robert, 369, 393, 436, 474 Rivere, John de la, 308 Robert Bridge, Abbot of, 80 Robesard, Sir Canon, Knight, 450, 454,456 Lewis, 456 Roche, Lord Rabato de la, 466 Rocheford, Peter de, 441 Rochester, 244 Bishop of, 133,227 Prior of, 235, 243, 2S1, 295, 399 Castle, 231, 295, .399 Rode, John Van, a Knight of Germany, 480 Koderham, Robert de, 222 Koke. W,ilter de la, 288, 394,429, 489 Rokesboroiigh Castle, 322, 324, 442 Rokebrugge, William, 494 Roll, Richard, 95, 406 Rolibick, Gerard, a Knight of Germany, 479, 485 Rome, 242 Romesey, John de, 29, 293 Patrick de. Esquire of the King of Scotland, 367 Romney, Port of, 244 Rondoluf, Thomas, 266 RonTie, Sir Thomas de. Knight, 189 Roos, Godfrey, 284 Sir Godfrey de, Kuight, 137, 489 and Amabill his Wife, 378, 390,418.460 Nicholas de, 61,316 Rose, Edmond. 463 Rotheihithe, 257, 282,331, 399,437, 453, 460,472,488,494 Manor of, 1 10, 113, 257, 326 Rector of, 110 Rotherwell, AViliiam de, 332 Rotou, Roger, Executors of the Will of, 386 Rotsey, Adam de, 233 Rouclyf, Guido de, 401 Rous, John, 218 Rues, Sir James de. Knight, 166, 167 James de, 167 Rumelow, Stephen, 438 Rus, Robert, 176 Russell, James, of Pontieu, 117, 152,212, 293,397,418,436 Rutlandshire, 219, 226, 405 Rust, Robert, 266 Rycall, William, 347 Rybourgh, Conrad de, a Knight of Ger- many, 233 Rydeburgh, Culrick, a Knight of Germany, 184 Gerard de, 86 Rye, 181,191, 192, 198, 205, 206, 210, 220, 244, 247, 248, 250, 252, 256, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 276 John de la, 212 Thomas de la, 269 Ryn, Zachery Von, a Knight of Germany, 234 Ryver, Thomas de la, 230 Ryvere. John de la, 36 Rysseby, William de, U2, 135 Rythyn, Robert, 70 513 s. Sailler, Robert, 40, 355 SiiiiitAlliairs, Abbot of, 151,1J'J, 1C3, 1i:>, Amnnd, Almarick de, Kni);ht, '20'2, •j:i2, 2:)3, ijs.arc, -102. 481 Asaph, Bishop of, 137 Au(;iisiiii's, CuntiTbury, Abbot of, 17-4 iiartholomew Parish, Lonilon, 133 of Smithfi.l.l, Prior. 1110 Benedict de Htilmo, Abbot of. 'l'H\ Botulph, G:>, b'J, 1-20, 130, ic:>, 17'>, lOfi, '236, 2r.O, 263, 320, 373, 381, 4i:>, 464, 473,477. 487, 4'J4 Britmel Castle, 436 f.iiherinf, Lincoln, Prior of. 204. 236 Clement Pariah, London, 123, 129. 138 Clere. Mary, 425 Uaviil. Bishop of, 137 Edmond of Waltham Cross, Abbot of. 226 Kllen, Prioress of. 425 (ieor(;e"s Cl.apel, Windsor. 10» Grejjory, Canterbury, Prior of, 236 Hilary. Mary of, 359 James. Northampton, Abbot of, 140 John, Bernard de, 131, 136, 259 of Jerusalem in England. Prior of, 152 Master of the Hos- pital of, 197 John of Colchester, Abbot of, 161 Martin's in the Vineyaril, Parish of, 110 Mary, John de, 236 Oim'r"s,344 Oswald, Prior of, 175 I'eter's, Westminster. Abbot of, 492 — Saviour, Castie in Normandv. 430 Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, 466 Saleman, John, 149, 175, 210, 237, 268, 429 Salle, Robe-t. 401 SirR.bcrt, Knight, 15, 390 Salisbury, 129,219,223,232 Bishop of, 138 Johnde, 44, 319 Earl of. lis. 12-*. 239. 382 William de Monte Acuto, Earl of, 202, 462, 486 Salterman, John, 153 S.iimecthHven, 257, 263. 264 Sampson, Richard, 20, 313, 315. 317 John, 123 Sancbe, ^Villiam la, 253 Sandlord. William de, 201,341 Sandwich, 82, ISO, 191, 262, 263, 265, 285, 329.432 — Mayor and BailifTn of, 191, 288 Nicholas de, 108, 325 Santon, John de, 405 Thomas ile, 259 Sapson, Richard, 315 Sarditch, Nicholas de, 473 Sarducb, Nichulas, 452 ^ Saucery, William de la, 42, 300 Savage, Edmunil,412 Saxlyngham, Robert de, 177 Scablinghouse, Adam, 52, 350 Scantelon, William, 250 Scarborough, Men of, 170 Scargill, Richard, 96, 299 Scarlet, .Stephen. 110, 113, .32.3. .326 Scotland, 84, 85. 267, 361, 374, .368, 371. 396, 418, 457, 460, 46.3, 464 King of, 145, 152, 239, 367, 418, 46« Marshes of, 227 Messenger from the King of, 371 Chance lor of the King of, 171 Herald of the King of. 145 a Harper uf the King of. 146 an Esipiire of the King of. 151 John Somervill. valet of, 337 Valet of the King of, 145 divers Esquires of, 410 Scroji, Geoffrey le, 267, 361 Sir Henry le. Knight, 179, 443, 446 Henry le, 267, .361 .•"cryvyn, Reginald. 226 Seaford. 249. 485 Port of. 249 Segravp. Sir Hugh, Knight. 89 Sekyndon, Richard de. 405 Robert de, 142, 161, 259, 392, 433 Selby, Abbot of, 178 Selch. Sir Daniel de. Knight, 479 Seler, John, 62 Atle,345 Seley. John. 144 Serk. 134 Serne, Sir Edward de, 81, 487 Severn, 123 Shagssh. Philip. 00 Shardelow. Thomas de. 336 514 Sbaikas, John, 439 Shene, 282, 328, 398, 453, 488 Shepev, Isle of, 97 ' John, 116,363 Shirlond, Almatick de, 112 Almarick de. Baron of the Exche- quer, 346, 347 Shouft, Sir Ulrick, a Knight of Germany, 2, 85, 184, 234, 439 Shoreham,Town of, 249 Shrewsbury, 221, 228 Mayor and Bailiffs of, 138 Shropshire, 170, 219, 228, 234, 2j2, 40r) Sibthorp, Robert de, 282, 328, 398, 453. 488 Simond, Thomas Fitz, 228 Skantelon, William, 193 Skidniore, John, 492 Skinner, Nicholas. 433 Skillyng, Michael. 364, 416 Skipwyth, Sir William, Kuight, Justice in Ireland, 458 William de, 384 Slak, Roger, 6, 322 Slake, Sir Hugh de. Knight, 183 Sleford, John de, 216, 281, 296, 320, 350, 365, 384, 388, 389, 392, 398, 415, 420, 423, 427, 435, 454, 456, 460, 472, 477, 488 William de, 20, 99, 171, 222, 223. 364, 394, 404, 4.")4, 473, 488 Slory. John, of Seford. 161 Slyndon, Nicholas de. 283, 384 Smale, Roger, 98,321 Smert, John, 332 Smithficld, Prior of Saint Bartholomew of. 190 ■Smart, John, 106 Sneyth, Henry de, 6, 53, 123, 201, 213, 221, 240, '241, 280, 281, 303, 333, 347, 380, 387,389,399,403, 408, 410, 411,414,429, 432, 452, 460,471, 473, 476, 478, 488, 495 Solace, William, 150, 307 Somerset, Robert, 221 Somersetshire, 112, 229, 230, 231, 235, 375, 405, 460 Somersham, John, 185 Soniertim, Hugh de, 325 Sumervill, John, Valet of Scotland, 337 Simche, Sir Richard Ic, Knight. 474 Lord de la Haringworth. a Ban- neivt, 470, 471 ' .Southam. John de, 165 Southwell, the Chapter and Canons of the Blessed Mary of, 29 Southwark, 449 the Prior and Convent of the Blessed Mary of, 98 Southampton, 111, 126, 136, 137, 149, 153, 155, 164, 175, 182, 1S3, 197, 200, 203, 211, 219, 228, 229, 235, 243, 251, 255, 263, 270, 271, 300, 329, 367,405,416,432,493 Town of, 192, 337, 376, 382, 392 • Port of, 60, 257, 464 • Sherifl'of, 226 Mayor and Bailiffs of, 191 Sparkford, Michael de, 37 Sparre, Florimund, Lord de la, a Knight of Gascony, 83 Spaigne, William de, 05,320 Spendluve, John, 333 Spigurnell, Ralph, 148 Sir Ralph, Knight, 82,357 Thomas, 490 aud Catherine his Wile, 104, 292 Sponer, Robert, 425 Spytell. Gilbert del, 57,315 Stacy, John, 154, 245 Stalham.Joha de, 173, 300 Stafford, John de, 5, 153,213,235,288 Ralph, Earl of, 329 Sir Richard de. Knight, 326 Sheriff of, 213, 226 Thomas de, 431, 487 Staffordshire, 219,405 Staudrop, Thomas de, 454 Stanes, Richard de, 360 Thomas de. 58, 235, 365, 425 StanloH e. Joanna de, 369 Stanpyt.John, 100 Stanton, Thomas de, 235 Staple, Adam, 148 Thomas, 14. 353,389,417 Stapelgate. Edmund de, 176, 493 Staunton, 170 Staverton, John de, 405 Slert,John, 86 Stevenson, Thomas, 257. 263 Steventon, Hugh de, 304 Stodey, Juhn, 176 William. 145 Stodcley, Walter, 73, 333 iir> Stodeley, William de, 3fi, 37, 3U'.> Stoke, Sir Hugh, Knight, 116 • John i7 WfitiiiiiistiT. Treasury witliiii the Aliliry. 17«, 'iO'.» Rolls of thf Kind's Bench ami Comiiion Pleas in the Receipt at, 'J43 1,1 Vicars, 4 Clerks, and 6 'Choristers in Suiut Stephen's Cha- pil, ill the Palace of, 466 Dean an J College of the King's Chapel,. ■)30 Sacrist of, 209, 4"0 Westburgh, Parson of, ^04 WesteUy, John de, 348 Westmorland, '2-23, 404 Sheriff of, '225 Weslon, William de, 83, 4 10 Wetewang, Thomas, 120, 172. 219. '258. 260,261,487 Wethcrsftld, Nicholas, of London. 144 Weymouth, 1 '24, 258 Whalley, Abbot of, 220 Whetele, William, 425 Whitebergh. Robert de, 115, 392. 449, 462 Whitclock. John, 191 Whithors, Walter de, 100, 111, 327 Whitton, Philip de, 73,80 Whyn, Robert, 169 Wight, Isle of, 229, 230, 231, 232 John, junior, 92, 342 senior, 92, 299 Wightman, William, 191 Wilberd Daniel, 442 Wilford, Robert de, of Exeter, 187 Wiltshire, 111, 219, 229, 235, 251,405, 474, 493 Sheriff of, 226, 416 Winchelsca, 180, 181, 192, 198, 205, 206, 213,2-20, '261,262,263,269 Winchester, Mayor and BaiUtis of, 138 William, Bishop of, 205, 254 Windsor, 426 Castle. 6, 90. 91. 122, 132, 280, 2S2, 402, 440, 490 Forest, 11, 77,89, 382 Herald, '203, 419 John de, 10, 338 King's Chapel of, 112 Saint George's Chapel, 100. 327 William de, 458 Deputy in Ireland, 157. 395, 396 Wingham. Richard de,351 Wirle, Richard. 88 Woburn.Richaril. 241 Wode. Sir John Atte, 97, 130, 421, 443 Woilebiirgh, Waller de, 1'24, 437, 400 Wodehen, John de, .3.1,373 Wodehousc, William, 176 Woderove, John de, the King's Confessor, 27,59,00,68, 316 Wodeslock Castle, 478 John. 107,357 Tboinas de. Son of Edward tho Third, 78 Wollore. William, 215 WoUow, David de. 186 Wolsev, Treasurer of, 367 Worcester, Bishop of, 129, 137,239 William, Bishop of, 67 Prior of, 139, 178 Men of. 157 Sheriff of. 226 Worcestershire, 77, 1 12, 234, 252, 294, 388, 405 Worstede, Simon, 425 Wotton, John de, 258 Woubourn or Woliorn. Robert de, 154.170, 193, 197, '208. -i'iO, '22^, '229, •23'2, •241, '249, 250, '253, '258,412, 428, 468,469,484 Wroth. John, 386 Wych, John Atte, 51, 310 Wyche, 213 Wyckingham. William de, 354 Wydevill, Richard de, 481 Wyght, Roger de. 106 Wy^mere, John, 278 Wykeham, William de, late Archdeacon of Lincoln. 441 Wykford, Robert dc, 11'2, 131, 242 Wylton, Men of, 216 Wymbyssh. Walter, 89 Wynchecombe, Simon, 190, 425 Wyngham, Richard de, 96 Wynneford, William dc, 3 W'ytcgod, John, 373 Wysoneston, Parson of, 292 Wystowe, Nicholas, 25 Wynnegod, John, 1.53, 183, 190, 191, 197, 228, 2sS, 299, 406 Wytford, John de, 355 Wvth. John. 278 ' Y. Yarmouth. 61, 137. 172, 173. 196. 236, 260, •261, '264, '265, 266, '277, '278. •iSO. 301,368,421,464,477 518 Yarmouth, Bailiff of, 129 Men of, 174 Yeveley, Henry de, 3 York, 111,223,235,256 Abbot of the Blessed Mary of, 192, 225, 236 Archbishop of, 139, 218, 223, 224, 225 ^— — John, Archbishop of, 65 Diocese, 441 Mayor and Bailiffs of, 130 York, Citizens of, 185 Robert. 124 Sheriff of, 225 Yorkshire, 476,481 Younj;, John, 84, 410 Z. Zealand, 149, 210, 268 Zouche, Richard la, Knight, Souch. 459 Lord William la, 202. London; Trintcd by W. Clowes antl Sons, St.nmrDiil sUcct, lor hi» Majesty's S^talioncry Office. '\ 1 «JOT RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO---V 909 Mnin Library IP ,^ LOAN PERIOD 1 )2 HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BEWCAUED AFT„ 7 DAY|_ ^^. . , n.on.h loons may be ^enewedj^vjo^^^g ^^ ^^^^^ ,^ Cuculo.,on Dest 6-nnon Renev :h loons may be renewed by coiling. 4.-0^..^ ^^_^^,^_^^, "university OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY PORMNO.DD6,60.,n.78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U C BFRKFIFYIIRRARIF^ CDMbOTq53T