J. I) n c: H \ ^ > ) ^^J ,1 L.i lURCH OF CKRI^ i \ J J V . J c j_ ;; MAIIY BAKER EDDY ,;« Manual of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ Scientist In Boston^ Massachusetts By Mary Baker Eddy Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and Author OP TUB Christian Science Text Book "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures" Eighty-ninth Edition BOSTON, U.S.A. Published by The Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker G. Eddy 1928 Authorized Literature of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts Copyright, i8g5 By Christian Science Board of Directors Copyright renewed, ig2j Copyright, i8qs, i8g6, iSgy, i8gS, i8gg, igoi By James A. Neax and Thomas W. Hatten Copyright renewed, igsj Copyright renewed, ig24 Copyright renewed, ig2^ Copyright renewed, igzd Copyright renewed, igzy Copyright, igo4, igo6, igo8 By Mary Baker G. Eddy FRLNTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SRLF YRl ^s<,iay\od EXTRACT FROM A LETTER IN "MISCEL- LANEOUS WRITINGS" By Mar, 'Baker Edd, HE Rules and By-Laws in the Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, originated not in solemn con- clave as in ancient Sanhedrim. . .TheY were n ot arbitrar y opinions nor d ir*^'^'^"'''a1 ripmanrig such as one person might impose on another. They were impelled by a power not one's own, were written at different dates, and as the occasion re- quired. They sprang from necessity, the logic of events, — from the immediate demand for them as a help that must be supplied to maintain the dignity and defense of our Cause ; hence their simple, scientific basis, and detail so requisite to demon- strate genuine Christian Science, and which will do for the race what absolute doctrines destined for future generations might not accomplish. Cable of Contents TENETS 15 HISTORICAL SKETCH 17 LIST OF CHURCH OFFICERS 21 Church By-Lawa CHURCH OFFICERS Names, Election, and Duties. Art. I. Names 25 President 25 Clerk and Treasurer 25 Readers 26 Directors 26 Church Business 27 Publishing Buildings 27 Trusteeships and Syndicates 27 Duties of Church Officers 28 Readers of The Mother Church. Art. II. Election 29 Eligibility 30 Removal 30 First Reader's Residence 30 CHURCH MANUAL Duties of Readers of The Mother Church AND of its Branch Churches. Art. III. Moral Obligations 31 First Readers' Duties 31 Saitable Selections 31 Order of Reading 32 Naming Book and Author 32 Readers in Branch Churches 32 Enforcement of By-Laws 32 A Reader not a Leader 33 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP Qualifications for Membership. Art. IV, Believe in Christian Science 34 Free from Other Denominations 34 Children when Twelve Years Old 35 Applications for Membership. Art. V. Students of the College 35 Other Students 35 Students' Pupils 36 Exceptional Cases 36 Addressed to Clerk 36 Endorsing Applications 37 Notice of Rejection 37 Recommendation and Election. Art. VI. Pupils of Normal Students 37 Members of The Mother Church 37 Election 38 Probationary Membership. Art. VII. Members who once Withdrew 3S Members once Dismissed 39 Ineligible for Probation 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS DISCIPLINE Guidance of Members. Art. VIII. A Rule for Motives and Acts 40 To be Read in Church 40 Christ Jesus the Ensample 41 Daily Prayer 41 Prayer in Church 42 Alertness to Duty . 42 One Christ 42 No Malpractice 42 Formulas Forbidden 43 No Adulterating Christian Science 43 No Incorrect Literature 43 Obnoxious Books 44 Per Capita Tax 44 Church Periodicals 44 Church Organizations Ample 44 Joining Another Society 45 Forbidden Membership 45 Officious Members 45 Legal Titles 45 Illegal Adoption 46 Use of Initials "C. S." 46 Practitioners and Patients 46 Dttty to Patients 47 Testimonials 47 Charity to All 47 Uncharitable Publications 48 The Golden Rule 48 Numbering the People 48 Our Church Edifices 48 CHURCH MANUAL No Monopoly 49 Christian Science Nurse 49 Marriage and Decease. Art. IX. A Legal Ceremony 49 Sudden Decease 49 Debating in Public. Art. X. No Unauthorized Debating 50 Complaints. Art. XL Departure from Tenets 50 Violation of By-Laws 50 Violation of Christian Fellowship 51 Preliminary Requirement 51 Authority 51 Members in Mother Church Only 52 Working Against the Cause 52 No Unchristian Conduct 53 Not to Learn Hypnotism 53 Pubhcations Unjust 53 The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, Tenets . 54 Special Offense 54 Members of Branch Churches 54 Teachers. Art. XII. Probation 55 Misteaching 55 MEETINGS Regular and Specla.l Meetings. Art. XIII. Annual Meetings 5^ Meetings of Board of Directors 56 Called only by the Clerk 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHURCH SERVICES The Christian Science Pastor. Art. XIV. Ordination 58 Tiie Lesson-Sermon 58 Reading in Public. Art. XV. Announcing Author's Name 58 Welcoming Strangers. Art. XVI. The Leader's Welcome 59 The Local Members' Welcome 59 Services Uninterrupted. Art. XVII. Continued Throughout the Year 60 Easter Observances 60 Laying a Comer Stone 60 Overflow Meetings 61 Communion. Art. XVIII. No More Communion 61 Communion of Branch Churches 61 Music in the Church. Art. XIX. Soloist and Organist 61 Sunday School. Art. XX. The Sunday School 62 Teaching the Children 62 Subject for Lessons 62 READING ROOMS. Art. XXL Establishment 63 Librarian 63 Literature in Reading Rooms 64 CHURCH MANUAL RELATION AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS TO PASTOR EMERITUS. Art. XXII. The Title of Mother Changed 64 A Member not a Leader 65 Obedience Required 65 Understanding Communications 65 Interpreting Communications 66 Reading and Attesting Letters 66 Unauthorized Reports 66 Private Communications 67 Unauthorized Legal Action 67 Duty to God 67 Opportunity for Serving the Leader 67 Location 68 Agreement Required 68 Incomplete Term of Service 69 Help 69 Students with Mrs. Eddy 69 Mrs. Eddy's Room 69 Pastor Emeritus to be Consulted 70 THE MOTHER CHURCH AND BRANCH CHURCHES. Art. XXIIL Local Self-government 70 Titles 70 Mother Church Unique 71 Tenets Copyrighted 71 Manual 72 Organizing Churches 72 Requirements for Organizing Branch Churches . 72 Privilege of Members ']'>, No Close Communion T^ TABLE OF CONTENTS No Interference 73 Teachers' and Practitioners' Offices 74 Recognition 74 GUARDIANSHIP OF CHURCH FUNDS. Art. XXIV. Church Edifice a Testimonial 75 Financial Situation 75 Report of Directors 76 Finance Committee 76 God's Requirement 77 Provision for the Future 77 Debt and Duty 78 Emergencies 78 Committee on Business 79 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY. Art. XXV. Board of Trustees 79 Disposal of Funds 80 Vacancies in Trusteeship 80 Editors and Manager 80 Suitable Employees. 81 Periodicals 81 Rule of Conduct 81 Books to be Published 81 Removal of Cards 82 TEACHING CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Teachers. Art. XXVI. Motive in Teaching 83 Care of Pupils 83 Defense against Malpractice 84 CHURCH MANUAL Number of Pupils 84 Pupil's Tuition 84 Associations 84 A Single Field of Labor 84 Caring for Pupils of Strayed Members 85 Teachers must have Certificates 85 Pupils. Art. XXVII. Authorized to Teach 86 Without Teachers 86 Basis for Teaching 86 Church Membership 87 Class Teaching 87 BOARD OF EDUCATION Organization. Art. XXVIII. Officers 88 Election 88 President not to be Consulted 88 Presidency of College 89 Applicants and Graduates. Art. XXIX. Normal Teachers 89 Qualifications 89 Certificates 90 Action of the Board. Art. XXX. Sessions 90 Special Instruction 90 Signatures 91 Remuneration and Free Scholarship 91 Surplus Funds 91 Primary Students 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS I 3 Healing Better than Teaching 92 Not Members of The Mother Church 92 BOARD OF LECTURESHIP Organization and Duties. Art. XXXI. Election 93 Duty of Lecturers 93 No Disruption of Branch Churches 93 Receptions 94 Circuit Lecturer 94 Calls for Lectures. Art. XXXII. From the Directors 95 From Branch Churches 95 From Societies 95 Annual Lectures 95 No Lectures by Readers 95 No Wednesday Evening Lectures 96 Lecture Fee 96 Expenses 96 Exceptional Cases 96 COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION. Art. XXXIIL In The Mother Church 97 Duties 97 In Branch Churches 98 Appointment 99 Removal from Office 100 Case of Necessity 100 CHURCH-BUILDING. Art. XXXIV. Building Committee 102 Designation of Deeds 102 The Mother Church Building 103 14 CHURCH MANUAL CHURCH MANUAL. Art. XXXV. For The Mother Church Only 104 Seventy-third Edition the Authority 104 Amendment of By-Laws 105 Hppcndix Special Instructions Regarding Applications for Church Membership 109 Present Order of Services in The Mother Church AND Branch Churches 120 Present Order of Communion Services in Branch Churches 125 Order of Exercises for the Sunday School of The Mother Church and Branch Churches . 127 Deed of Trust 128 Deed Conveying Land for Church Purposes. . . 136 tlenets of Che IMotbcr Church Che first Church of Christ, Scientist. To be signed by those unHing nuUh The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. 1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired ^ord of the Eiljle as our su fficient gui de to eternal . Life. 2. We acknowledge and adore one_siipreine and infinite Go d. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter ; and man in God's image and likeness. 3. We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of si n and the spiritual und £r'^*^^"^''"g that casts out evil as unre al. But the b^liff in f\x\ is punished so long a s jhe helipf lasts . 4. We acknowledge Jes n§ ^_ato nement as the, evi? dence of divine, effi caciou s Lovej _jinfolding m pn's uaitj^_withGod t hrough Christ Jesu st he Waysho wgj ; IS l6 TENETS OF THE MOTHER CHURCH and we acknowledge that man is saved through Chr ist, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death. 5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to under- stand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter. 6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus ; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us ; and to be merciful, just, and pure. Mary Baker Eddy. Ibfetorfcal Sketch. IN the spring of 1879, a little band of earneai seekers after Truth went into deliberations over formin g a rhiirch without cx fipxls, to be called the "Church of Christ, Scientist." They were mem- bers of evangelical churches, and students of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy in Christian Science, and were known as "Christian Scientists." At a meeting of the Christian Scientist Association, April 19, 1879, on motion of Mrs. Eddy, it was voted, — To organize a church designed to conv^ memorate the word and wor ks of our Master, which jh ould reinstate primitive Christia nity and JtgJbsL elem ent of heali ng. Mrs. Eddy was appointed on the committee to draft the Tenets of The Mother Church — the chie f corner-stone whereof is, that Christian Science^ as taught and demonstrated by our Master, casts out er ror, heals the sick, and restores the lost Isra gL 2 17 l8 HISTORICAL SKETCH for "the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner." The charter for the Church was obtained June, 1879, and the same month the members, twenty-six in number, extended a call to Mary Baker Eddy to become their pastor. She accepted the call, and was ordained a. d. 1881. Although walking through deep waters, the little Church went steadily on, increasing in numbers, and at every epoch saying, " Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." On the twenty-third day of September, 1892, at the request of Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, twelve of her students and Church members met and re- organized, under her jurisdiction, the Christian Science Church and named it. The First Church OF Christ, Scientist. At this meeting twenty others of Mrs. Eddy's students and members of her former Church were elected members of this Church, — those with others that have since been elected were known as "First Members." The Church Tenets, Rules, and By- Laws, as prepared by Mrs. Eddy, were adopted. A By-Law adopted March 17, 1903, changed the title of "First Members" to "Executive Members." (On July 8, 1908, the By-Laws pertaining to "Ex- ecutive Members" were repealed.) HISTORICAL SKETCH I9 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, m Bos- ton, Mass., is designed to be built on the Rock, Christ ; even the understanding and demonstration of divine Truth, Life, and Love, healing and saving the world from sin and death j thus to reflect in some degree the Church Universal and Triumphant. Church Officers. Rev. MARY BAKER EDDY Pastor Emeritus Christian Science Board of Directors JAMES A. NEAL WILLIAM R. RATHVON EDWARD A. MERRITT MRS. ^NNIE M. KNOTT GEORGE WENDELL ADAMS MRS. ELLA W. HOAG President JUDGE SAMUEL W. GREENE First Reader Conducts services and reads from the Christian Science textbook, "SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES" By Mary Baker Eddy MISS M. ETHEL WHITCOMB Second Reader Reads from the SCRIPTURES EZRA W. PALMER Clerk, 206 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. EDWARD L. RIPLEY Treasurer, 306 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. Church By-Laws Cburcb Bi2==1Law6* CHURCH OFFICERS. Article I. NAMES, ELECTION, AND DUTIES. Names. Section i. The Church officers shall consist of the Pastor Emeritus, a Board of Direc- tors, a President, a Clerk, a Treasurer, and two Readers. President. Sect. 2. The President shall be elected, subject to the approval of the Pasto r Emeritus, by the Board of Directors ^ on Mon- day preceding the annual meeting of the Church. The President shall hold office for pne ypaj i and the same person is eligible for elec- tion but once in three years. Clerk and Treasurer. Sect. 3. The term of office for the Clerk and the Treasurer of this 1 See under " Deed of Trust " for incorporation of the " Christian Science Board of Directors." 25 26 CHURCH BY-LAWS Art. I Church (also for the editors and the manager of The Christian Science Publishing Society, and the manager of the general Committee on Publication in Boston) is one year each, dating from the time of election to office. Incumbents who have served one year or more, may be re- elected, or new officers elected, at the annual meeting held for this purpose, by a unanimous vote of the Christian Science Board of Direc- tors and the consent of the Pastor Emeritus given in her own handwriting. Readers. Sect. 4. Every third year Read- ers shall be elected in The Mother Church by the Board of Directors, which shall inform the Pastor Emeritus of the names of its candidates before they are elected; and i f she objects, said ca ndidates shall not be chosen . The Directors shall fix the salaries of the Readers. Directors. Sect. 5. The Christian Science Board of Directors shall consist of five members. They shall fill a vacancy occurring on that Board afte n the candida tg^ is appro 3^£d..Jby the_,gastor £mexitus. A jnajority vote or t he request _ i?f MrS;_Eddy__shall dismiss_a_mei2iber. Member s "^shall neither^port the discussions_ pf this Board , _nor those with Mrs. Eddy. CHURCH OFFICERS VJ Church Business. Sect. 6. The business of The Mother Church shall be transacted by its Christian Science Board of Directors. The manager of the general Committee on Publi- cation in the United States shall order no spe- cial action to be taken by said Committee that is not named in the Manual of this Church without consulting with the full Board of Di- rectors of The Mother Church and receiving the written consent of said Board. Publishing Buildings. Sect. 7. It shall be the duty of the Christian Science Board of Di- rectors to provide a suitable building for the publication of The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, Der Herold der Christian Science, and all other Christian Sci- ence literature published by The Christian Science Publishing Society. It shall also be the duty of the Christian Science Board of Directors to provide suitable rooms, conveniently and pleas- antly located in the same building, for the pub - l icatioiL -and^ sale of the books of which Mar y Baker Eddy is, orma^_bej_the_aulhor^_^iid-^ other liter atur e_ connec ted \hereMfhhr- Trusteeships and Syndicates. Sect. 8. Boards of Trustees and Syndicates may be 28 CHURCH BY-LAWS formed by The Mother Church, subject to the approval of the Pastor Emeritus. Duties of Church Officers. Sect. 9. Law constitutes government, and disobedience to the laws of The Mother Church must ultimate in annulling its Tenets and By-Laws. Without a proper system of government and form of ac- tion, nations, individuals, and religion are un- protected; hence the necessity of this By-Law and the warning of Holy Writ : " That servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes." It is the duty of the Christian Science Board of Directors to watch and make sure that the offi- cers of this Church perform the functions of their several offices promptly and well. If an officer fails to fulfil all the obligations of his office, the Board of Directors shall immediately call a meeting and notify this officer either to resign his place or to perform his office faith- fully; then failing to do either, said officer shall be dismissed from this Church, and his dismis- sal shall be written on the Church records. It is the duty of any member of this Church, and especially of one who has been or who is CHURCH OFFICERS 29 the First Reader of a church, to inform the Board of Directors of the failure of the Com- mittee on Publication or of any other officer in this Giurch to perform his official duties. A Director shall not make known the name of the complainant. If the Christian Science Board of Directors fails to fulfil the requirements of this By-Law, and a member of this Church or the Pastor Emeritus shall complain thereof to the Clerk and the com- plaint be found valid, the Directors shall resign their office or perform their functions faithfully. Failing to do thus, the Pastor Emeritus shall ap- point five suitable members of this Church to fill the vacancy. The salary of the members of the Board of Directors shall be at present two thou- sand five hundred dollars each annually. Article II. READERS OF THE MOTHER CHURCH. Election. Section i. Thp Reader s for Th e Mother Church shall be a man .a "d a -amm^n one to read the Btrtf, ^nH nn^ f n read SpTTTM rp. [ eALTH WITj L T<"f.v to tttt?. !sn?i jPTURE^. 30 CHURCH BY-LAWS Eligibility. Sect. 2. The Directors shall select intelligible Readers who are exemplary Christians and good English scholars. They must be members of The Mother Church. Removal. Sect. 3. If a Reader in The Mother Church be found at any time inadequate or unworthy, he or she shall be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board of Di- rectors and the consent of the Pastor Emeritus, and the vacancy supplied. First Reader's Residence. Sect. 4. Unless Mrs. Eddy requests otherwise, the First Reader of The Mother Church shall occupy, during his term of Readership, the house of the Pastor Emeritus, No. 385 Commonwealth Avenue, Bos- ton. The Board of Directors shall pay from the Church funds the taxes and rent on this property; the Board shall attend to the insur- ance before it expires, suitably furnish the house, and keep the property in good repair, so long as Mrs. Eddy does not occupy the house herself and the occupants are satisfactory to her. CHURCH OFFICERS 3I Article III. DUTIES OF READERS OF THE MOTHER CHURCH AND OF ITS BRANCH CHURCHES. Moral Obligations. Section i. The Readers of The Mother Church and of all its branch churches must devote a suitable portion of thei r j-irpp tr» prp p-^ r a ti^n for the rPRdirg r*^ tVia . S " < ^ 4 ?y -lest ^on, — a lesson on which the B LO'^rP^^'^y of Ch ristia n Sc ience largely depen ds. They must keep themselves unspotted from the world, — uncontaminated with evil, — that the mental at- mosphere they exhale shall promote health and holiness, even that spiritual animus so universally needed. First Readers' Duties. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the First Readers to conduct the principal part of the Sunday services, and the Wednesday evening- meetings. Suitable Selections. Sect. 3. TheJirst Headers ^^11 rp^f^, af^_ a part of the Wedne sday evening sen^ices^_s£kdions_from_tlie Scri pture s. and from ScTFNrR ajmd Hfat t h wi th Key jtq^ TH E Scriptur es. 32 CHURCH BY-LAWS .^ .„ *' Art. Ill Order of Reading. Sect. 4. The Fi^''^<" "B^a^- the c orrelative tex ts_irL_ SciENCE ^AND__H F , AT.TH WITH Key jrajrHE_ScRiPTURES ; aodLlhc Sernwd Rea ders shall read the Bible texts . The readings from the Scriptures shall precede the readings from Science and Health. The Readers shall not read from copies or manuscripts, but from the books. Naming Book and Author. Sect. 5. JThe Readers nf Science AND Health wj ttt ]^fv-iq_ t he Scriptures, before commencing to r^a d fr om this book, shall distinctly announce the . full title^ii f. the book and give the author's name . Such announcement shall be made but once during the lesson. Readers in Branch Churches. Sect. 6. These Readers shall be members of The Mother Church. They shall read understandingly and be well educated. They_sh all make no re marks explanatory of the L ^sson-Se rmon at anv ti me, but they shall read _all notices and remarks t hat may be print edliTthe C hris tian S cien£J Quap- jTEgi^. This By-La wapplies to Readers in all the branch churches. Enforcement of By-Laws. Sect. 7. It shall CHURCH OFFICERS 33 be the duty of every member of The Mother Church, who is a First Reader in a Church of Christ, Scientist, to enforce the discipline and by-laws of the church in which he is Reader. A Reader not a Leader. Sect. 8. The Church Reader shall not be a Leader, but he shall main- tain the Tenets, Rules, and discipline of the Church. A Reader shall not be a President of a church. 34 CHURCH BY-LAWS CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. Article IV. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Believe in Christian Science. Section i. To become a member of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos- ton, Mass., the apphcant must be a believer in the doctrines of Christian Science, according to the platform and teaching contained in the Chris- tian Science textbook, Sci ence and Healt h WITH KjRy_To^THR ScRiPTURES, by Rcv. Mary Baker Eddy. The Bible, together with Sci.ence Aim_liEALTH and other works by Mrs. Eddy, shall be his only textb ooks for self-instruction in Christian Science, and for teaching and prac- tising metaphysical healing. Free from Other Denominations. Sect. 2. This Church will receive a member of another Church of Christ, Scientist, but not a church- jmember f rom a diff erent denomin.ation_iiiitil_that membership is dissolved. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP 35 Children when Twelve Years Old. Sect. 3. Children who have arrived at the a ge of twelve years, who are approved, anawhose'applications are countersigned by one of H||||||B|||i|P^ loyal stu- dents, by a Director, or by a student of the Board of Education, may be admitted to membership with The Mother Church. Article V. APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Students of the College. Section i. Appli- cations for membership with The Mother Church from students of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College who studied with Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, shall be signed by the Christian Science Board of Directors as evidence of the loyalty of the applicants. Other Students. Sect. 2. Applicants for membership who have not studied Christian Sci- ence with Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, can unite with this Church only by approval from students of Mrs. Eddy, loyal to the teachings of the text- book, Science and Health with Key to the 36 CHURCH BY-LAWS Scriptures, or from members of The Mother Church, as provided in Article VI, Sect. 2, of these By-Laws. Students' Pupils. Sect. 3. Applications for membership with The Mother Church, coming from pupils of loyal students who have taken the Primary or Normal Course at the Massa- chusetts Metaphysical College or in the Board of Education, or from pupils of those who have passed an examination by the Board of Educa- tion, shall have the approval and signature of their teachers, except in such cases as are pro- vided for in Sect. 4 of this Article. Exceptional Cases. Sect. 4. Loyal Chris- tian Scientists whose teachers are deceased, ab- sent, or disloyal, — or those whose teachers, for insufficient cause, refuse to endorse their appli- cations for membership with The Mother Church, — can apply to the Clerk of this Church, and present to him a recommendation signed by three members thereof in good standing, after which, the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors may admit said applicant to membership. Addressed to Clerk. Sect. 5. All applica- tions for membership must be addressed to the Clerk of the Church. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP 37 Endorsing Applications. Sect. 6. A mem- ber of The Mother Church shall not endorse nor countersign an application for membership there- with until after the blank has been properly filled out by an applicant. A member who violates this By-Law shall be disciplined. Notice of Rejection. Sect. 7. If an applica- tion for membership with The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is rejected, the Clerk of the Church shall send to the applicant a notice of such rejection; but n either the Clerk nor the Church shall be obliged to report the. cause for rejection. Article VI. RECOMMENDATION AND ELECTION. Pupils of Normal Students. Section i. One Normal student cannot recommend the pupil of another Normal student, so long as both are loyal to their Leader and to the Christian Science textbook, except as provided for in Article V, Sect. 4. Members of The Mother Church. Sect. 2. Only members of The Mother Church are quali- 38 CHURCH BY-LAWS fied to approve for membership individuals who are known to them to be Christians, and faith- ful, loyal students of the textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, If the approver is not a loyal student of Mrs. Eddy, a Director of this Church, or a student of the Board of Education who holds a degree, the application must be countersigned by one of these. Election. Sect. 3. Applicants for member- ship in this Church, whose applications are correctly prepared, may be elected by majority vote of the Christian Science Board of Direc- tors at the semi-annual meetings held for this purpose. Article VII. probationary membership. Members who once Withdrew. Section i. Individuals who have heretofore been members of this Church, or were members of the Church of Christ, Scientist, organized in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy, but who have voluntarily with- drawn, may be received into this Church on one year's probation, provided they are willing and CHURCH MEMBERSHIP 39 anxious to live according to its requirements and make application for membership according to its By-Laws. If, at the expiration of said one year, they are found worthy, they shall be re- ceived into full membership, but if not found worthy their applications shall be void. Members once Dismissed. Sect. 2. A full member or a probationary member, who has been excommunicated once, and who afterward, when sufficient time has elapsed thoroughly to test his sincerity, gives due evidence of having genuinely repented and of being radically re- formed, shall be eligible to probationary mem- bership upon a unanimous vote of the Christian Science Board of Directors. Ineligible for Probation. Sect. 3. If a member has been twice notified of his excom- munication, he shall not again be received into this Church. 40 CHURCH BY-LAWS discipline: Article VIII. GUIDANCE OF MEMBERS. A Rule for Motives and Acts. Section i. Neither animosity nor mere personal attachment should impel the motives or acts of the members of The Mother Church. In Science, d ivine Love alnng^PTvyerns man: and a Christian Scientist reflects the sweet ameni tie s of Love, i n_rebuk- ing sin, in tru p V>r othpr1inp<;s , rharitnhlenpss, and for^veness. Th j members of t his Churc h should d ai l y wat ch __an d pray to Jbe delivered _f rom all evil, from ^grop hesying . judging. jionHemn- ingj^counseli ng, influen dng^^r being, i nfluenc ed erroneously. To be Read in Church. Sect. 2. The above ClmrdiRuje jhall be read in The Mother Chiirch^aiid jiTLilie_branch cfiurcEes~by the First ReadeiL_^!n__the first Sunday^oF each_jiioiith. be read. DISCIPLINE 41 Christ Jesus the Ensample. Sect. 3. He who dated the Christian era is the Ensample in Christian Science. Careless comparison or i rrev- erent reference to Christ Jesus j sabnormal in a Christian Scientist, find is proViil)itpfl. When it is necessary to show the g-r^j^^t g'df hpfwppn TTirig- ti an Sr.ienre and theosophy. hypnotism, or sp irit- ualism, d o it, but without hard words. The wise man saith, " A soft answer turneth away wrath." However despitefully used and misrepresented by the churches or the press, in return employ no violent invective, and do good unto your enemies when the opportunity occurs. A de- parture from this rule disqualifies a member for office in the Church or on the Board of Lec- tureship, and renders this member liable to dis- cipline and, possibly, dismissal from The Mother Church. Daily Prayer. Sect. 4. It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to pray each day : " Thy kingdom come ; "_\qL- the -4^eigar-ef divine ^Truth. Life, and Love _b^^stab1ish?d in me, and rule out of me all s i n : and may_ -Ihy Word _enrich the affectio n'^ nf all mankinfl, ^mj jl'ovem th em! 42 CHURCH BY-LAWS Art. VIU Prayer in Church. Sect. 5. The praygr s in Christian Science churches ^hal^ V>p nffpreH fnr the congregations collecti vely ^r\r\ pyrin <;i'v p1y Alertness to Duty. Sect. 6. It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defen d himself dail y against aggressive mental sug ges- tion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind. By his works he shall be judged, — and justified or condemned. One Christ. Sect. 7. In accordance with the Christian Science textbooks, — the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, — and in accord with all of Mrs. Eddy's teachings, members of this Church _shall neither entertain a belief nor signify a be lief in more than one Christ, even that Christ where of t he Scripture beare th_l£atimony. No Malpractice. Sect. 8. Members will no t int£IttionalIy_OrJs O w -O >. -■— OHO .0,^1 o m3 1^ FORM 1. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is designed to be built on the rock of Christ — Truth and Life — and to reflect the Church Trium- phant. One who is not a member of any church, excepting a branch church of Christ, Scientist, who loves Christian Science, and reads understandingly the Bible, and Sci- ence AND Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, and other works by this author, and who is Christianly qualified and can enter into full fellowship with the Tenets and Rules of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is eligible to membership. To The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Ezra IV. Palmer, Clerk. I hereby make application for membership, and sub- scribe to the Tenets and the By-Laws of the Church. My teacher in Christian Science is James B. Brown, C.S.D. I am not a member of any church, aacopting..^ • Church of Chria t , Seientiat, a t: „.„ „ INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION II7 APPLICATION. I. — (^Continued.') PROPERLY SIGNED AND ENDORSED, ACCORDING TO ARTICLE V, SECT. 2. FORM 1 , — {Continued.) I was formerly a member of the , denomination, but have definitely severed my connection therewith. Name. Mrs. Jennie W. Field, C.S. Street and Number Forest St., Town or City Chicago, State III. Date J<^n, 2nd, igoi. I cordially approve this applicant. {a) .James B. Brown, C.S.D Countersigned by... DO NOT DETACH. „ . Name Mrs. Jennie W. Field, C.S To THE Applicant: Please fill out the Street and Number Forest St., following for the use „ _ . . _, . of the Treasurer of Town or City Chicago, theChurch; ^.^^^ ^ Ii8 APPENDIX APPLICATION. II. SIGNED, ENDORSED, AND COUNTERSIGNED, ACCORDING TO ARTICLE VI, SECT. 2. 9° TOPICAL INDEX F Fee, Tuition 91 Fellowship 74 Field of Labor 84 Finance Committee 76 Finance Committee, Discipline Board of Directors ... 77 Financial Situation 75 First Reader, Duties of 31 Formulas Forbidden 43 Free Instruction 91 Fimds, Surplus 91 G Gifts 67 H Healing and Teaching 92 Hold-Overs 26 Husband and Wife 92 Hypnotism Forbidden 53 I Incorrect Literature 43 Ineligibles 39 Initials C. S 46 L Leader, But One 65 Lectures 95 Legal Action 67 TOPICAL INDEX Legal Titles 45 Lesson Sermon 58 Librarians 63 Literature 64 Literature, Incorrect 43 Living in Harmony 51 Local Affairs 94 Local Government 70 M Malpractice Prohibited 42 Manual 104 Manual, re Branches 72 Marriage Ceremony 49 Matthew 18:15-17 51 Meetings, Board of Directors 57 Meetings, No Duplicates 61 Member must Believe 34 Membership essential 92 Members' Meeting called by Clerk 57 Men, generally . 99 Misrepresenting Our Leader 54 Monopoly of Field 49 Mother Church Lectures 95 Mother, Title of, Changed 64 Music 61 N Name, Announcing Author's 59 Name, "Without the Life" 50 Naming Author 32 vii TOPICAX INDEX Net Profits 80 No Malpractice 42 No Monopoly 49 No New Laws 105 No one Teacher 73 No Remarks 32 No Revision of Manual 105 Normal Students 37 Notices 32 Numbering the People 48 Number of PupUs 84 Nurses 49 O Objectionable Pictures 81 Obnoxious Books 44 Obstetrics Not Taught 88 Officers 25 Offices in Reading Room 74 Officious ^Members 45 One Christ 42 Organization 44 Organizing Churches 72 Other Organizations 45 Other Vocations 82 Our Leader to be Consulted 70 P Paper on Practice and Malpractice 90 Pastor Emeritus 26, 29, 30 Pastor, Our 58 viii TOPICAL INDEX Per Capita Tax 44 Periodicals 44 Petty Cash, Treasurer 78 Practicing Wrongly 55 Practitioners and Patients 46 Pra}-er in Church 42 President 25 Prices Reduced 46 Primary Class 90 Probationary 38 Public Topics 93 Publication Committee 27, 29, 78, 82 PubHshing Society Trustees 79 PubUshing without Consent 82 Pupils of Strayed Teachers 85 R Readers 26, 29 Readers, Removing 30 Readers, Residence 30 Reading Rooms 63 Rejection of Members 37 Removal by Board of Directors 100 Restoring Members 39 Rule for Motives and Acts 40 S Salary 29 Services 60 Seventy-third Edition 104 Societies, Other 45 ix TOPICAL INDEX Soliciting Pupils 87 Sue, Patients 46 Suitable Employees 81 Sunday-School Teaching 62 Siuplus Funds gi Syndicates 27 T Teacher, Not to Control 83 Teacher, On Probation 55 Teachers, Disloyal, etc 36 Teach from Recapitulation 86 Teaching, Motive for 83 Teaching Roman Catholics 87 Teaching Wrongly 55 Tenets Copyrighted 71 Term of Office 80 Testimonials 47 Three Years with Our Leader 91 Title "The" 70 Titles to be Dropped 45 Treasurer 25 Trustees, Publishing Society 79 Tuition Fee 84 U Unique, The Mother Church 71 Universities and Colleges 73 Unjust Articles 53 Unspotted from World 31 X TOPICAL INDEX V Vacancies So, 89 Violation of By-laws 50 Visitors in Sunday School 62 Visitors Welcomed, The Mother Church 59 W Wednesday Evening Meetings 31 Welcoming Visitors 59 Wide Channels 4S Wisdom, Economy and Brotherly Love 77 Withdrawals 38 Women, PubUcation Committee 100 Working against Cause 52 Wrong Practice 55 Wrong Teaching 55 [277b] The University Press, Cambridge, U. 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