THE "•■ ' " ; : . . ■ ■-.•;; : . ■'' •' ■■ •' ' Sss DIPLOMATIST'S FOR THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES M #8 no THE DIPLOMATISTS HANDBOOK FOR AFRICA BY COUNT CHARLES KINSKY. Semper aliquid novi ex Africa. WITH A POLITICAL MAP. LONDON KRGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNKR & Co. Lim. PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD. 1897. All rights reserved. I. and K. court-typography Charles Prochaska, Teschen. 3\ l?91 Preface. Africa, with its wild, virginal hunting fields and its heart of mystery, that has still to yield up its secrets to the explorer, has at all times excited a lively interest in me. Many of my friends and acquaintances have made it the scene of their travels or the field for their exertions, more than one to find there, alas an untimely grave. The various reports having served to strengthen my con- viction in the ultimate and supreme mission of the dark continent as the source from which exhausted Europe would draw that vitality necessary for its future nourishment, the range of my enquiry naturally became increased, and I missed no opportunity to collect and note down thoroughly reliable information. Soon afterwards it became my duty to make myself acquainted with African affairs, and I also seized this occasion to enrich my knowledge and complete my notes. And here I cannot refrain from putting on record my in- debtedness, first and foremost, to my valued friend, Professor Dr. Paulitschke, Private Lecturer at the Vienna University. It is to his clear and comprehensive lectures, based upon concise and intimate knowledge, as well as to the study of the litera- ture recommended by him, that I owe an accurate and reliable insight into the social and political relations prevailing in Africa. In my opinion, a general survey of the African question forms the only true basis for any further detailed knowledge. 1927143 IV 1 therefore cherish the hope thai this short compilation of the chief points of interesl concerning the separate territories of Africa, as 1 have endeavored to reproduce them in this work, will be of some practical use at least to those who wish to obtain in- formation speedily. This work is intended as a vade mecv/m, which should partly serve to give a general idea of, 1. Where the different civilised powers " of Europe have taken a firm footing on African soil; 2. The historical part played by them in the course of time concerning the different territories from which actual or presumed rights may possibly be deduced; 3. How and by what treaties and agreements the Powers concerned have decided upon their mutual frontiers and spheres of power. On the other hand, the method followed should serve to render the work convenient for reference. The work may have its deficiencies ; but the reader, desiring to collect further details based upon more circumstantial accounts, will at least have been set upon the right path. In the time in which we live events develop themselves with astonishing rapidity. Nowhere is this more the case than in the far Orient, as well as in Africa; so much so that the condition of things prevailing in these remote countries, which not long ago played a comparatively unimportant role in Euro- pean politics, is seen to be exerting an ever - increasing and powerful influence upon the mutual relations of the European powers. That the African continent is portioned out amongst Euro- pean nations is perfectly true, but the precise definition of these territories, the process of acquisition and securing, the establishment of title deed, not to mention a world of minor question are matters by no means finally disposed of and are destined to continue of eventful and paramount importance to Africa as well as to Europe for some time to come. Setting aside everything else, the proper significance of the terms « Possessed*, « Occupied territory », «Protectorate», « Sphere of interest », etc., may be said to be still undetermined in some parts of Africa. We have therefore yet to look forward to much technical and diplomatic work connected with boundary com- missions, missions and the conclusion of treaties. In my opinion there are still 12 distinct points which will shortly have to be considered, viz.: 1. Egypt (Turkey, England, France, Italy, Abyssinia). 2. The Southern Frontier of Tripolis (France, Turkey or Egypt). 3. Morocco, East and South (France, Spain). 4. Rio d'Oro (Morocco, France and Spain). 5. The Gold Coast Hinterland (France and Germany). 6. The Togo Hinterland (England, France and Germany). 7. The North- West of the British River Niger possessions. (England, France and Germany). 8. North Ubangi (England, France and Turkey as well as Egypt). 9. Barotseland (England and Portugal). 10. Manica Plain (England and Portugal). 11. North of British East-Africa (France, England und Turkey as well as Egypt). 12. The Southern and Western Frontiers of French Somali- land (France, Italy and Abyssinia). In revising my notes before committing them to print, I have had recourse to the best sources only, keeping the circum- stance consistently in view that the lion's share of African possessions falls necessarily to Great Britain, whose historical data I have accepted to a large extent as authoritative and final. These I have not failed to mention where they appeared VI to be of interest and importance. In making my compilation, I have largely used such publications as «The Population of the Earth* by Supan-Wagner; -Handbook to Andree's Handatlas, 2nd Edition^; «The Statesman's Year-Book» by Scott Keltie; «The Gotha Diplomatic and Statistical Annual* ; the White, Yellow, Blue and Green Books; Annual Reports; The Diplomatic and Consular Reports; Colonial Reports; Foreign-Oflice and Statistical Gazette; Official Handbooks for South Africa; the various «Annuaires»; Rapports Generaux; Colonial Reviews and Statistical Works in all Languages; the numerous works of explorers; and especially Petermann's Communications from Justus Perthes' Geographical Institute in Gotha; the publications of the Geo- graphical and Colonial Societies in London, Paris, Berlin and Rome, the African daily papers, and others. To my knowledge, there exists no short and summarized work concerning the African question. Having felt the want of it mvself, I sought for it in vain. I wish to give my private notes to the public for what they are worth, hoping that they will prove as useful to others as to myself. I have again to express my thanks to Professor Dr. Paulitschke for his careful revision of the work and for his supplementary notes, as well as for his valuable assistance in designing the General Political Map of Africa, which I trust will prove useful in completing the information contained in the second Edition of my book of reference. Dresden, May, 1897. Ch. K. INDEX. Preface Ill to VI Egypt 1 Madhi's Dominion 5 Tripolis 8 Tunis 10 Algiers 12 Morocco 15 Spanish Presidios, Rio d'Oro ; Canary Islands 18 Madeira, Azores, Cape Yerde Islands 19 Seneganibia 21 French Soudan 24 French Guinea, Ivory Coast 26 Portugese Guinea 28 British West African Possessions 29 British Gambia 30 Sierra Leone 30 Gold Coast 31 Lagos 33 Liberia 34 Togoland 35 Dahomey 36 Niger Coast Protectorate 38 Niger Territories 38 The Independent States of Central Soudan 41 Cameroon 43 Spanish possessions in Gulf of Guinea and on the Gaboon 45 Portugese possession in the Gulf of Guinea 46 French Congo 4 ^ The Congo State & Portugese possession in Lower Guinea 54 Ascension, Tristan da Cunha, Walfish Bay 56 St. Helena 57 German South West Africa °7 VIII Pago I ilony 59 wanaland 63 British Zambesia 65 sh Central Africa 67 sh Central Africa protectorate, Nyassaland 09 Basntoland 70 N .I 70 Znlnland, rongaland 71 Republic 72 i African Republic 73 Port 5l Africa 70 Madagascar ami dependencies 78 Mauritius and dependencies 80 ■ion and dependencies 81 The Comores Islands 81 Zanzibar 82 German Easi Africa 84 British East Africa 86 British Possession in Somaliland and Sokotra . 89 —ion in the (iulf of Aden 91 Italian possession in North East Africa 93 Abyssinia 97 graphical Register 101 Key. atrodaction to tho chapters is by geographical marginal notes: Official territorial titles of the respective countries. Frontiers and circumference of same. Surface in square metres or square miles. Population (actual and relative). I »i\ i~i.»n- together with districts). Classification of same. Possession whether actual possession, protectorate or sphere of influence and nt of same). • . 7 History in chronological order. - treaties and special diplomatic events (Ambassadorial journeys). Proposed regulation of frontiers and results obtained. No. i" Government, Administration, Varia. thai the Byllable is long and accented. — long unaccented ' a short and accented syllable. Egypt, Kemi, Misr, Aegypten, ftgypte, Egitto. Official title. The Western Frontier is formed by the Bay of Solum on the Frontiers. Mediterranean Sea, the South-East Frontier by Cape (Ras) Kasar, on the Red Sea, 18° 2' North Latitude. The South Frontier is formed by the points Merawi and Debbeh (18 n 30' North Latitude), to which the Anglo-Egyptian Army has so far confined its line of ad- vance since the conquest of Dongola in the summer of 1896. The South-West Frontier, starting from the Bay of Solum, is regarded as dividing the Libyan Desert in such a manner as to bring the centre of the Snussija (Jarabiib Oasis) and also the Oases of Farafrah and Dakhel under Egyptian rule. Owing to the present unsettled state of affairs in the Soudan, the frontier towards the South-East, in the Nubian Desert, is undefined. The Egyptian Soudan embraced formerly the provinces of Nubia, Sennaar, Taka, Kordofan, Dar Fur and the territories on the right and left banks of the Nile, as far as the Equatorial Lakes, but without definitely fixed boundaries (see page 5 "The Mahdi's Dominion" and page 86 "Imperial British East Africa"). Superficial Area: 935,300 sq. km., to 1,300,000 sq. km. (1881, Area. 2,986,900 sq. km.); usually estimated at 994,300 sq. km. Cultivated Land: 29,120 sq. km. English official statements give the superficial area of Egypt to-day in round numbers as 400,000 square miles (1 square mile = 25898945 sq. km. ; 1 sq. km. = 0-3861161 square mile) of which 12,976 miles were already cultivated in the year 1896. Count Kinaky: "The Diplomat] t'l Handbook for Africa". From :ui official return made at the beginning of May, 1894, Egypt (Suakim and the Soudan excluded) contained 7,739,000 inhabitants (110,400 foreigners, including 8,000 British soldiers). The last census, taken May 3rd, 1882, returned 6,400,000 inhabitants, of whom 90,886 were foreigners, an average of about 7 persons to the sq km. Including the inhabitants of the Soudan, the total population was returned at not less than 16 millions. Egypt is divided into 2 parts: (a) Misr-el-bahri, which is Lower Egypt or the Delta; (/>) El Said, or Upper Egypt. These two parts em- brace five governmental sub-divisions (Mohafzas): 1. Suez Canal (Suez, Port Said, Ismailia), 2. Cairo, 3. Alexandria, 4. Rosetta and 5. Da- mietta, and sixteen Provinces or Mudirieh. These are again subdivided into districts (Markaz, Kism), which are formed out of Nahiehs or Com- munities. The coast of the Red Sea, with Suakin, Kosseir, El Arish, and the Sinai Peninsula, is included in the jurisdiction of the Suez Canal. The whole country is a tributary state of Turkey. For the "Sphere of Interest" of Turkey, see page 8. From 3892-525 B. C. an independent nation. „ 525-333 B. C. subject to Persia. „ 333-323 P>. C. subject to Greece (Alexander the Great). „ 323-30 B. C. period of the Ptolemseans. „ 30 B. C— 638 A. D. subject to Rome. „ 638 A. I). — 1517 A. 1). .Mohammedan Dynasties. 1517 A. D. Egypt was conquered by the Turkish Sultan, Selim I, and turned into a Turkish Pashalic. The last Egyptian monarch, Mutawakkil, conferred upon Selim I. the dignity of a Chalifa. 1798, July 1st, Napoleon Buonaparte entered and took posses- sion of the country. May 1799, Upper Egypt, was conquered by the French, who held Egypt till September 1801, when they evacuated it, and the Turks again took possession. From 1801 to 1811, Egypt was under the actual rule of about 500 Mamaluke princes. 1805, August 3rd, Mohammed Ali in Egypt. 1806, Mohammed Ali established as Governor, and in 1811 as absolute ruler. 1819 and following years, Mohammed Ali conquers Nubia and Sennaar (1820—1825) and Kordofan (1821). By the Hattisherif of February 13th, 1841, Mohammed Ali ac- quires hereditary succession. 1848, Investiture of Ibrahim Pasha, Mohammed Airs stepson. 1849, August 2nd, Death of Mohammed Ali, who had become insane. 1849-1853, Abbas Pasha, Khedive. 1854—1863, Said Pasha, Khedive. 1863, January 2nd, Ismail Pasha ascends the Throne. 1866, By the Firman of May 27th, Ismail Pasha receives the rank and title of Khidewi-Misr, i. e. "Viceroy of Egypt", and the right of "direct descent from the father to the eldest son", in consideration of a yearly tribute of 575,000 /. (Egyptian). 1869, November 16th: Opening of the Suez Canal. 1873, The Firman of June 8th, confers upon the Khedive the right of coinage and of the issue of loans, the right to inde- pendent administration of Justice, to conclude treaties with Foreign Powers, and to form an army of 30,000 men. The tribute to be raised to 669,175 /. (Egyptian). 1874, Conquest of Dar Fur by Siber Pasha. 1 th. Fallof Khartoum and death of General Gordon. 1885, May 26th, Evacuation of Harar. — December 24th, Ghasi Mukhtar Pasha sent to Egypt, 1888, December 5th, Emm Pasha leaves the Equatorial Province with II. M. Stanley. 1892, January 7th, Death of the Khedive Taufyk, who is succeeded by his son Abbas 11 Hilini. 1894, April, Appointment of Nubar Pasha's Ministry, 1896, May, The expedition against the Mahdi begins with an advance on and the conquest of Dongola, which is subsequently divided into two Mudirieh. Capital: Cairo, 576,400 inhabitants (1896). Varia. The Mahdi's Dominion. Known in Europe as the Egyptian Soudan, and in Egypt as Official title. Beled-es-Sudan or Mahdijja. The territory occupied by the followers of the Mahdi and his Frontier. successors (Dervishes) embraces the former "Egyptian Soudan". It stretches from Merawi on the Nile (18° 30' North Latitude) to about 10° North Latitude, where the British Sphere of Interest begins (see under heading, "Imperial British East Africa"), and towards the West almost to 23° East Longitude of Greenwich as far as the East Side of the independent Sultanate of Wadai. In the East it extends to the foot of the Abyssinian mountains, without any clearly defined boundary marks. The superficial area of the Mahdi's Dominion cannot be exactly Area, defined ; it may be equal to that of the Egypt of to day, but cer- tainly does not surpass it. The one million square miles given by the British authorities as its extent should probably be reduced to one half, as their figures would include the territories of the Upper Nile, which now belong to the British Sphere of Interest. The number of inhabitants in the Egyptian Soudan has Population. Been formerly estimated — for instance in 1877 — at about 1.1,800,000 inhabitants. These figures have been confirmed by I M\ i-ihii- British authorities, but it is now generally acknowledged that three fifths of the population have since perished under the rule of Ghalifa Abdullahi. The Mahdi's Dominion therefore contains probably little more than 8 l / 4 millions, viz: 1 million in Nubia, 4 millions in Dar Fur, and 300,000 in Konloian. the rest being distributed over the remaining territories. Lower Nubia, Upper Nubia, with Senaar (Dschesirah) and Taka, Kordofan, Takale and Dar Fur. Only a very small part of the Bahr el-Ghasal, Dar Fertit and Dar Banda districts obey theChalifa, viz: on the Bahr el-Arab, and on the right bank of the Nile towards Laclo. The whole of this territory may be considered as actual posses- sion ; although the district of Bahr el-Ghasal is virtually territory invaded by the Dervishes. The Sultan of Turkey still lawfully claims the territory as an integral part of his dominion. 1881, First appearance of the Nubian, Muhammed Ahmed, from Dongola as the Mahdi (the prophet promised by Mussulman Tradition and prophesied by Mohammed to reform and restore the Mussulman Faith to power after a lapse of 1300 years). 1882, In Sennaar the insurrection was subdued by Abd-el- Kader, but Dshesirah soon afterwards fell into the hands of the Mahdi. 1883, (January), The Mahdi's followers storm El Obeid, the ( 'apital of Kordofan. 1883, November 3rd, Hicks Pasha defeated by the Mahdi near Kashgil and his army annihilated. 1884, February, General Graham defeats Osman Digna at Teb and Tamaneb. — 3rd of June. Treaty by which the Bogo territories are ceded to Abyssinia. L884, June, Death of the Mahdi and accession of the Chalifa Abdullahi. who was to be succeeded by two other Chalifas nominated by the Mahdi, after which the descendants of Abdullahi were to have the right to the throne. 1885, January 26th, The Chalifa Abdullah! takes Khartoum, the Capital of the Egyptian Soudan. The attempted relief of the town by the British (Battles of Abu Klea and Gubat) fails, the expedition arriving too late to save Gordon Pasha, who had been killed in the street fight. 1885, December, Victory of the English and Egyptians at Kobe. — June 30th, The Sultan of Turkey declares the Soudan to be Turkish possession. 1888, December, General Greenfell's victory over Osman Digna near Handub. 1891, February 18th, England reconquers Tokar. 1893, December 21st, General Baratieri's victory at Agordat. 1894, May, Anglo-Egyptian campaign against the Mahdi's Dominion. Battle of El Teb. Conquest of Dongola. 1894, July 17th, The Italians take Kassala. The Capital and Residence of the Chalifa is Omdurman on the White Nile which contains about 40,000 inhabitants. Khartoum is abandoned. The present ruler over the Mahdi's Dominion, Abdullahi Chalifet es-Sadik, reigns as Chalifa or Lieutenant Governor of the Mahdi, and therefore bears the title of Chalifa el-Mahdi. Tripoli, TarabtMs. (Ottoman title of the Vilajet) ; Tripoli. Official title. The Western Frontier begins near Has Tadjer on the coast, 32 km frontiers. East of the fort and of Cape El Bib an, and extends in a curve open to the East, through the Erg towards Ghadames, and thence through the district of the Tuareg Asgar or Asdscher towards Ederi, and South-West to Ghat. The Oases Ghadames and Glc'it thus belong to Tripoli and maintain Ottoman garrisons. The South Frontier extends (including the Oasis Fezzan), from Ghat across the Oasis Tegeri, excluding the Kufra Oases, when' no Turkish troops arc yel garrisoned. The East Frontier extends West of the Kufra group of Oases from the South Northwards to Jarabub, which belongs to Egypt, and reaches the Mediterranean Sea at the Gulf of Solum near Has el-kunais. \i.a. Tin' superficial area of the country known as Tripoli is between 1. on:}. 000 sq. km. and! L,213,400 sq. km. (398,738 square miles according to British estimates), of which the greater part is unculti- vated, and belongs properly speaking to the Sahara and Lybian Deserts. Population: 1,300.000 (according to estimates); giving one person to the sq. km Of these «S00,000 live in Tripoli itself, (100,000 in Fezzan, :i00,000 in Barka), and 500,000 in Benghasi. The number of foreigners (Europeans) lias only been estimated in the town of Tripoli; in 1896 they numbered 600 Italians, 20 Frenchmen, 20 Englishmen, 2 Germans, 1 Swiss, and numerous Maltese. The country is divided into two administrative districts, the Vilajet Tripolis with the Tripolitan states (the western portion), the Oases Ghadames, Ghat and Fezzan, together with Sella and Sokna and the Mutissaferat Benghasi, to which the regions of Barka or Cyrenaika and the Audshila and Dshalo Oases belong. The whole state forms the actual and undisputed possession of Turkey. The Western part of the Lybian Desert and the Eastern part of the Sahara, with the Taiserbo, Buseima and Kebabo (Kufra) ( >ases. the districts Tibesti or Tu, Wanjanga, Borkn, Bodele, Ennedi, the Kawar Oasis, the district Kanem and the Sultanate Wadai, to which the larger part of the former Baghirmi country is now tributary, are considered as a sort of international Sphere of Interest of the Ottoman Empire. The southern part of Baghirmi however is claimed by France as belonging to its Sphere of Interest in North Ubangi. This Ottoman Sphere of Interest is bounded on the West by the caravan route from Kuka (Bornu) to Murzuq (Fezzan), on the South by Tsad-Lake, and about the 12° North Latitude, on the East by the States belonging to the Mahdfs Empire, Dar Fur, Kordofan, and West Nubia, as well as by Egypt. The whole of the trade of this immense territory is chiefly directed towards Tripoli and Benghasi, and only a very small part to Egypt and the dominion of the Chalif of Omderman. Phoenician and Carthaginian Government; a flourishing Greek History. Government in Cyrenaika also. From 146 B. C. Roman govern- ment, later that of Byzantium. In the 7th and 8th Centuries A. 1). conquered by the Arabs. For a short time a dependency of Sicily and Malta, then of Spain under Charles V. 1551, The Turks conquer the Land. 1714, Ahmed Caramanli Pasha makes Tripoli entirely indepen- dent of the Porte, establishes the Dynasty of Caramanli, and con- quers the Fezzan Oasis with the town Murzuq. From 1720, however, a tribute is paid to Turkey. 1S25, The Sardinian ships "Oominercio", "Tritone", "Maria Cristina", and "Nereide" bombard the town Tripoli under Captain Sivori, as Jussuf Pasha, the last Caramanli, had demanded tribute from Sardinia. 1835, Tripoli once more becomes an exclusivly Turkish possession, the Turks abolishing native government. The country is governed direct from (ni/^/an/ii/o/ih 1 . France has repeatedly demanded that the towns Ghadames and Ghat, where there are again Ottoman garrisons, should be yielded up to her. The Porte lias not troubled to take any steps in the matter. — Italian achievement: — Italian schools have existed in Tripoli since 1884. They were reformed and enlarged in 1888 by Crispi. (1896: Coun( Kinsky: "The Diplomat! t'a Handbook f"r Africa". * 10 Children's Institute: 120 children; Girl's school: 200 children; Scuola tecnico commerciaJe : 35 pupils.) There arc about ten important Italian commercial houses in the country. Capital: Tripoli, 30 to 35,000 inhabitants. Tunis. Tunisie (French), Tunisis, AfriMjja (Turkish). The Western Frontier, beginning at Roux (Cape Roux) situated on the sea-coast East of La Calle, runs in a Southerly direction towards Tebessa, and crosses the Shott Ghars. From this point the boundary- line in the Sahara is taken as running to the South of the Shott el-dsherid in a South-Easterly direction, till it meets in the Sahara the boundary-line which proceeds from Ghadames towards the North. The East frontier reaches the sea-coast 32 km. East of El Biban (Ras Tadjer). — Tunis thus embraces all the land inside this curve as far as Cape Bon. The superficial area comprises between 99,600 sq. km. and 118,000 sq. km at the outside. By British authorities 45,000 square miles, by Italian 116,000 sq. km. and by French 129,318 sq. km. are accepted as the Area. Population. Number of inhabitants: 1,500,000, i. e. about 15 persons to the (446,400 Nomads; 45,000 Jews; 1896: 15,977 French. Altogether 110,000 Europeans, of which 11,300 men form the army of occupation). There are 22 Qaidate, or governmental subdivisions. The South is called Beled el-dsherid, viz: "Date-Land." 11 History. Treaties. French Protectorate since the 22nd April, 1882, under the Possession rule of a Resident- Minister. Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Byzantine, Vandal and Arabian Governments. Conquered by Charles V. National Dynasties. 1575 A. D. The Turks conquer the land. 1691 A. D. The present Dynasty of the Ben Ali Turki succeeds to the government, which originates from Crete. The Bey's appoint- ment as Regent is confirmed by the Sultan, whose vassal he continues to the present day. 1875, Convention between England and Tunis. 1881, May. The French enter the country and conclude with the Bey Sidi Muhammed es-Sadok the Treaty of Qasr es-Said on May, 12th 1881, which sanctions their remaining in the land. 1882, April 22nd. Tunis placed under French Protectorate. 1883, June 8th. Treaty with France concerning the position of Tunis with regard to international law. 1896, September 28th. Conclusion of three conventions with Italy. 1897, January 13th. Recognition by Spain of the present relation of Tunis to France. The French "Resident-Minister" governs exclusively, assisted by two secretaries. The Royal Prerogative belongs to the Bey, who, according to the Firman of the 25th October 1871, is a vassal of the Porte, but free from tribute. A "Bureau des affaires Tuni- siennes" is established in the French Foreign Office. Since 1884 French judges have presided at the Consular Court. The head of the Christian Religion is the Archbishop of Algiers under the title of "Primate of Carthaginia". Capital: Tunis, 153,000 inhabitants. Varia. 2* 12 Al osiers. (Mil. ial nil. /.' Algirie Front Population. Divisions. ssion. The frontier runs in the West from the mouth of the Muluja- EUver across the Table-land of the Shotts into the Mediterranean, cuts through the Shott el-Gharbi, and extends almost to the Tuat Oasis. The South frontier is not exactly fixed, but runs parallel with the 30° Latitude, as far as the vicinity of Ghadames, where it joins the Tripolitan and later the Tunisian Frontiers. The total superficial area is 477,913 sq. km., of which, however, only 318,334 sq. km. come under the administration of France, 189,187 sq. km. belonging to the Sahara area. The nomads roving about this vast tract number 50,000. The area of the French Sahara is calculated as covering 2,600,000 sq. km., taking into consideration the French Sphere of Interest towards the Soudan. 4.429,421 Inhabitants (1896), 8 persons to the sq. km. (Algiers: 1,400,000, Oram 900,000, Constantine: 1,700,000). There are 259,729 Frenchmen in the whole country, including the military power, 44,000 Italians and 8,700,000 Mohammedans. Algiers consists of 3 provinces: Algiers, Oran, and Constantine, and of the Oases, Wargla and El-Golea. The country is looked upon as an integral part of France and in no sense as a colony. The method of government, therefore, is totally different to that prevailing in the Colonies. — The country, as far as 30° Latitude, is in the immediate and actual possession of France. Above this point the military authorities, under the com- mander of the 19th Army Corps, rule a narrow stretch of the Sahara which has a roving population. The recognised Sphere of Interest of France (Franco-British Treaty of the 5th August 1890) South of Algiers and Tunis embraces 13 the whole Western Sahara between Morocco and Tripoli, together with the Oases Gurara, Tuat (Insalah) and Tidikelt, as well as the district between the caravan route of Fezzan on the Tsad Lake, and about the 12° Longitude West of Greenwich on the one side, and the land stretching from the Eastern frontier of the Spanish Protecto- rate of Rio d'Oro to the Niger River, and along the course of the same, as far as the Town Say, on the other. According to the treaty in question between France and England of the 5th August, 1890, this territory is further bordered towards the East by a line which runs from the Town Say on the Niger in a northerly curve in the Sahara to the Town Sinder, 15° North Latitude, and thence directly East over Guro to the West shore of the Tshad Lake near to the 14° North Latitude, so that the whole country of the Tuareg, Tuat, Tidikelt, also the Damerghu Territory and the North -West border of the Tshad Lake belong to the French Sphere of Interest. (1 million square miles superficial area.) Carthaginian, Numidian, Roman, Byzantine, and Vandal govern- History, ment. Conquered by the Arabs in the 8th century. Arabian and Moorish Sovereigns. Since 1492 A. D. Moorish pirate state; from the second half of the 16th century under the nominal suzerainty of Turkey, but in reality independent. The pirates were held in check by Louis IX of France, Charles V, and Louis XIV. 1708, Spain finally withdrew the garrison which had been maintained in Oran since 1492 A. D. At the head of the military republic stood the Deys, proclaimed by the Janissary, the last of whom, Hussein, surrendered to the French arms on the 5th July. 1830, and was held prisoner by the French at Alessandria in Italy till his death. L831 1842, February. War with Ah.l el-Kader. 1834, July 22nd. Royal ordinance, according to which the conquered district is to he called "Possessions franchises dans le nord de I'Afrique". 14 18 II. French war against Morocco, whither Abd el- Kader fled. 1847, December 24th Capture of Abd el-Kader. 1852 — 1858, Taking ofLaghuat. The Bent M'zab come under French protection. L853— 1854, The Oases of Tuggurl and Wadi Suf, as well as Wargla captured. L858- L860, Algiers placed under a Ministry "lor Algiers and the Colonies." 1862, Treat \ of Ghadames with Tuareg. L881, Revolt of Bu Amena. 1882, November 17th, Incorporation of the Beni M'zab district. 1896, December olst, Reorganisation of the administration. The French Chamber has the sole right of legislature in Algiers. — France protects the Moroccan Sherif of Wesan. Capital : Algiers, 82,585 inhabitants. Morocco. Maghrib el aqsd (i. e. "Extreme West"), el Gharh (i. e. "the West"). The Moroccan district begins on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea by the mouth of the Muluja-River*), and extends to the South as far as of Cape Juby (28° North Latitude). A commercial settlement was founded on this important point as early as 1764, reestablished in 1876 by the British North -West Africa Company, and having been repeatedly destroyed, was purchased by Morocco in 1895. The Spanish Protectorate of Rio d'Oro begins South of Cape Juby. — ■ The East and South Frontiers are not yet defined ; their *) Except the Spanish Presidios (see p. 17j and Ifni, near Cape Nun. 15 course in the Sahara, East of Cape Juby, is such that the Nomads on the banks of the River Watlis, which discharges itself into the sea between this Cape and Cape Nun, are subject to the Sultan. The line then follows the upper course of the Wadi Draa towards the North East, and in the East in the direction of the Tafilet Oasis, which belongs to Morocco. Tuat with Ain Salah (Tnsalah) belongs al- ready to the French Sphere of Interest. To the East of the Figig Oasis the boundary-line inclines towards the mouth of the River Muluja. The accounts of authorities concerning the area of the Sultan's Kingdom are, to say the least, conflicting. Whereas formerly 800,000 sq. km. were the recognised figures — which would still be correct if Tuat were included (a view apparently untenable) — one may very well put down the area, Tuat and the parts of the desert excluded, at 450,000 sq. km. (according to English estimates 219,000 square miles). Of these 439,240 sq. km. belong to the old territory and about 10,000 sq. km. to the new possession in the ~ vicinity of Cape Juby (El Gada). The estimated number of inhabitants in Morocco has varied Population. since the land was first explored by Europeans between 2,500,000 and 9,400,000. The population is generally estimated at from 5 to 8 millions. 8 millions appear to be the most correct figures (about 18 persons to the sq. km.). Gerhard Rohlfs, however, gave in 1883 only 2,700,000 inhabitants. Taking the highest figures as correct, according to English estimate, the population is divided as follows : Fez 3,200,000, Morocco 3,900,000, Tafilet 800,000, Sus and Draa territories 1,400,000. — There are about 1500 foreigners in the country. The Dominion embraces the Sultanates' of Fez ( Fas) and Morocco Division. (Merakesh), formerly independent of each other, the Oases Tafilet, Figig, Kenatsa, Tazzerult, Sidshilmessa, Rif, the Wadi Sus, Wadi Draa and Cape Juby. The Empire is divided into 44 districts or L6 .-it tlif head of which are Pashas or Qadis. The Bedouins have their own chief, who is appointed 1>\ the Sultan. The whole district is considered the actual possession of the Sultan, luit his wonl is seldom respected l»\ the Bedouins. There is no Moroccan Sphere of Interest. Histi Moorish-Carthaginian, Roman, Gothic, Vandal and Byzantine government. Arabs conquered the Land in the 8th century A. 1). Piratical state. Occasionally attacked by Spain and Portugal. Under the descendant of Abbassides, Idris'ibn'Abdallah, Morocco was raised to the importance of a large independent State (Dynasties: Edrisiden, Fatimiden, Omajaden of Spain. Almoraviden, Almohaden, Beni Mcrini of Figig, Assaniten of the Wadi Draa, and finally since 1699 A. D. Fileliten [Aliden] of Tafilet). The Empire always remained inde- pendent of the Porte. 1672 till 1727 A. D. War with Spain. — Foundation of the Presidios (see page 17). Till 1822, A. J). Great civil war and internal crises. 1844—1847. War with France and bombardment of Tangiers, and Mogador (Battle of Dsholi). Morocco surrendered in 1847 the North-East district to Abd el-Kader. 1845, French-Moroccan treaty concerning the East frontier of the Empire. 1851, November 25th, Bombardment of Sal eh by French ships. L856, French campaign under de Colomb and Count Wimpffen against Morocco. 1859 — 1860, April, Renewed war with Spain and defeat of the Moroccans at Tetuan. 1894. June 6th. Sultan Mulej Hassan dies; Mulej Abd el-Aziz succeeds him. 1895, Morocco purchases the fort on Cape Juby. 17 The most important of the European ambassadorial journeys Diplomatic to Morocco, from which the greatest number of commercial treaties resulted, are : 1825, French Embassy under Caraman and Delaporte. 1829, British Embassy under Washington. 1830, Austrian Embassy under Pflttgl and Baron Augustin. 1830, French Embassy under de Chasteau and Roche. 1856, British Embassy under Drummond Hay. 1863, Spanish Embassy under Don Merry and Colom. 1875, Italian Embassy under Edmondo de Amicis. 1877, German Embassy under Weber and Zembsch. 1882, Italian Embassy under Cremas. 1896, British Embassy under Sir Arthur Nicolson. The Sultan rules as Emir el-mumenin (i. e. : "Master of the varia. Faithful"), but in the North-East of the Country the authority of the Sherif is also recognised. The latter is under French protection and resident in Wesan, but only exercises a religious jurisdiction. The postal service is managed by Spain and France. Capital of Morocco (Merakesh) is Fas (Fez), 140,000 inhabitants. The foreign representatives and consuls reside in Tangiers; 30,000 inhabitants. Spanish Presidios, Rio d'Oro, Canaries, (a) P r e s i d i o s. Since the Moroccan wars and particularly those of the 16th century, Spain has had the right to maintain garrisons (Presidios) on the North Coast of Morocco. The necessity of maintaining them id to the acquisition of small territories around the points of Ceuta, Count Kinsky: "The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa". . - 3 IS 1/ \Ula } Vdu ojador, as far as Cape Juby, and in the South as far as Cape Blanco (Bahia del Oeste). The Bank of Arguin, however, was not included in this territory. The attempt of a German company in 1886 to erect a factory on the Rio d'Oro called forth a protest from Spain and an assertion of her rights, followed, on the 6th April, 1887, by a 19 decree of the Spanish government, in which the district between Cape Blanco and Cape Bojador was declared to be Spanish territory. It was placed under the General-Captaincy of the Canary Islands as a "subgobernorado". (Governor, a "Subgobernador Politico-Militar".) The Uled Embarek were placed under French protection on the 14th May, 1887. In April, 1895, the Moorish tribes of Ulad Dim, Gerger and Arassin stormed the Spanish fort. Captain M. E. Boretti had already explored the neighboring district, in consequence of a proclamation of Alfonso XII of December 26th 1884, placing this part of Africa under permanent Spanish rule. The "Sociedad Espanola de Africanistas y Colonistas" was thus able to obtain 540 km. of sea-coast. In 1886 it regulated the Southern frontier with France, A military garrison was established and the settle- ment, organised upon the plan prevailing in the Spanish colonies, was placed under the colonial ministry. In 1895, the tribes of the neighbouring Oasis territory and the Sahara of Adrar surrendered to the Spanisli government. They solicited Spanish protection, and promised to respect the safety of Europeans. The disputed district of Adrar, or at least its Northern part, can therefore be rightly considered as under Spanish protection. No diplomatic settlement of the Adrar question has as yet taken place. Since Panet's journey in 1850, the French have also laid claim to Adrar. Area (700,000 sq. km.) 243,000 square miles ; 100,000 inhabi- tants (according to other sources 500,000). Chief Station, Rio d'Oro. (c) The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias). From an administrative point of view, the Canary Islands are considered as a part of I he mother country, Spain. 7,378 sq. km. 291,625 inhabitants, 40 to 1 th sq. km. In 1478 they were taken possession of by Spain, whose rights have never been disputed. Capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 20,000 inhabitants. 3* .1 titli- 20 Madeira, the Azores and Cape Verde Islands. The Islands of Madeira, the "richly wooded", and the Azores (Unas At.mvs or "the Hawk Islands") are treated politically and ad- ministratively as an integral part of the mother country, Portugal. Tfo Islands of Madeira comprise 815 sq. km. (134,000 inhabitants, 162 to 1 the sq. km.), and the Azores 2.388 sq. km., (269.401 inhabi- tants. 1 13 to 1 the sq. km.). The Portuguese took possession of Madeir in 1410. but did not colonise the islands until 1421. In the group are included Madeira, the JDesertas, and Porto Santo. Capital: Funchal, 20.000 inhabitants. The capital of the Azores, which were discovered and inhabited about the middle of the 15th century, is Ponta Belgada on the island Sao Miguel, with 18,000 inhabitants. The Tlhas do Cdbo Verde, discovered, 1455 — 1462, by the Portuguese Antonio da Noli, 3581 sq. km. with 110,930 inhabitants (20 to tin- sq. km.), are divided into an Easterly and Westerly group. Unhealthy climate. Undisputed possession of Portugal since the earliest times. The largest island is Sao Thiago with 1239 sq. km. and 53,000 inhabitants, on which is the capital, Cidade de Praya, where the governor resides. Seneoambia. /. Senegal et dependances, Senegamltie. France claims the whole of North West Africa to the South of the Spanish Protectorate of Rio d'Oro and the Great Desert, also of the Senegal and Niger rivers, with the exception of the 21 British possessions of Gambia, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, Portu- guese Guinea and the Liberian Republic, 4,000,000 sq. km. By the Treaty of the 5th August, 1890, England recognises the following frontiers of the territories under French influence in the North, South, East, and South East, viz., Algiers, Tunis (N), a line from Say on the Niger to Baruwa on the Tsad Lake (see Algiers) on the one side, and on the other a line as far South as the Upper Volta in the North of Ashanti, whence it passes to the mouth of the Assinie. The colony on the Senegal embraces only the North West part of this vast territory as the direct Possession of the French Republic. It lies to the South, i. e., on the left bank of the river. The official frontier between the Senegal Colony and the French Soudan forms a line from Kayes to Bumtu on the Faleme, passing along the bed of this stream as far as the frontier of Futa Dshallon, and then along the Diankolo River, which is looked upon as a continuation of the Faleme. On the coast, the territory extends from the mouth of the Senegal to that of the Salum, 13° and 21° 40' North Latitude, a distance of 1200 km. ; and from the right bank of the Senegal to Arguin Bank near Cape Blanco. In the East the Colony extends from the valley of the Senegal to the Niger, i. e., as far as Segii Sikoro and Sansandig. It is scarcely possible to trace out an exact line of frontier for the Senegal Colony, owing to the circumstance that immediately adjoining the Senegal Colonial territory of the French Soudan (Soudan francais p. 23) and the possessions on the Ivory Coast (Rivieres aid to comprise L4,700 square miles and 174,000 to 200,000 inha- bitants, of which L35,000 belong to Senegal alone. French West Africa lias in all a total superficial area of 1,400,000 sq. km. Reckoning also the numerous small West-African States, wliicli stretch from the Senegal River over Fnta Dshallon (Guine'e Fran- chise down to the Ivory Coast, and either form an integral part of the French Protectorate or are considered as such, the figures would be 54,000 square miles superficial area and 1,700.000 inhabitants (1897) for the whole territory. It should be here stated that some authorities return the number of inhabitants of the Senegal Colony and the French Soudan in round numbers as 5 Millions. The River Senegal and the districts at its mouth are supposed to have been discovered by the French Normans, after they had been already visited by the Carthaginians. The Portuguese appeared there in 1556, the first European settlement being formed in 1664. 1664 — 1758, Establishment of French commercial houses on the Senegal. 1758 — 1793, England annexes and occupies the Senegal Coast. 1763. The Senegal territory temporarily ceded, to England at the Peace of Paris : formally restored 20 years later. L793 and following years, state of anarchy. Disputes about possession. Wars with the natives. L817, France again definitely obtains the Senegal territory and remains henceforth in undisputed possession. 1854. Faidherbe's appearance on the Senegal. War with the Trarzas and Hadsch Omar. The first French advance to Futa Dschallon. 1860—1863, War with Cayor. Battle of Ngolgol, 30th Dec. 1863. 1*72 and following years. Galleni's, Archinard's, Combes', and Monteil's campaigns against the Dominions of Samory. 23 1882, June 28th, Frontier treaty with England. 14th Sept. Protectorate over Bafing. 1882 — 1891, Fifteen Treaties for the cession of territories con- cluded with native princes. 1895, June 16th, Creation of the "Gouvernement general de FAfrique occidentale". Residence of the Governor-General, St. Louis, 20,000 inhabitants. varia. French Soudan. Le Soudan Frangais. Official title Officially, this title comprises all the territories of the interior Frontiers. of West Africa which lie on the Upper Senegal and on the Upper and Middle Niger. Towards the North, the territory crosses into the great French Sphere of Interest of the West Sahara; in the West it borders on the Senegal Colony and the Guinee Franchise, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Colony of the Rivieres du Sud. The East frontier is not exactly determined, but joins the boundary line of the French Sphere of Interest (from Say on the Niger to the Upper Volta and the mouth of the Assinie). From 4 n West Latitude of Greenwich, as far as the Western frontier of Sokoto, England, France, and Germany are each striving to augment their influence among the negroes, and protectorate or commercial treaties are being frequently concluded with native princes. Since the occupation of Timbuctoo by the French, the course of the Niger is no longer the North frontier of the French Soudan, which extends beyond the river into the Turag districts of the South Sahara. In this immense sphere of power a distinction is made officially between: 1. occwpied; 2. annexed; and 3. protected territories. For the official frontier between the French Soudan and the Senegal Colony, see page 21. ( Iwing to the constant changes in area of the occupied territories, Area. Population. it is difficult to give any reliable figures. The annexed territories, Di vision8 . 24 aioi mostly situated on the Upper Senegal (Kaarta, Bachunu, the Country of the Died Embarek, Bambuk, Fuladugu, Beledugu, Bambara, Bondu, FutaToro, FutaDshallon, Timbuctoo) are held to contain 54,000 square miles ami 360,000 inhabitants; the protected territories (Massina, Segti, Samory's and Tieba's Country, Jatenga, Aribinda, Kong) 230,000 square miles and 3 million inhabitants (5 millions, including the Senegal Colony). Continual fighting takes place between the French troops and the natives, particularly with the Turaeg negroes in the North and the Madinka negroes in the South, whenever France attempts fresh occupation. The territories in dispute between France, Germany and England are in particular Gurma and Mossi (Muschi). It is not yet determined how far the power of the Sultan Sokoto extends in the West. The petty princes declare it does not reach so far as this district; consequently the conditions of the Anglo-French treaty of the 5th August 1890 are not applicable to this part of Africa. To determine the sphere of power of Sokoto is a problem which will require some time before it is practically and satisfactorily solved. 1796, July 20th, Mungo Park arrives on the Niger. L827— 1828, Rene Caillie's journey through the West Soudan and to Timbuctoo. 1865, First French military campaign to the Soudan. 1878 and following years, Gallieni's and Archinard's military expeditions to the Soudan. 1880, Gallieni's protectorate treaty with Ahmadu, which was not carried into effect. 1881, July 14th, Futa Dshallon under French rule. L883 — 1885, Campaigns against Samory. L887, March 23rd, Samory under French protection. — April 22nd Segii, Nioro, Kaarta ditto. L889, Captain Binger's advance on Kong. 1 890, Incorporation of the territory between Bassam and Liberia. 25 1894, Taking of Timbuctoo by the French. 1895, June, 16th, Creation of the "Gouvernement general de l'Afrique occidentale". 1896, Hourst navigates the Niger. — The French occupy Wagadugu, the Capital of Mossi. The French Soudan is ruled by a military governor, who has his residence at Kaijes, but who is subordinate to the governor- general of the Senegal Colony. French Guinea and the Ivory Coast. Gulnee Francaise; Rivieres du Sud, Cote d'ivoire. Official title. French Guinea, which was separated from the Senegal Colony Divisions. on the 1st January 1890, includes the districts on the Casamanza (Casamence 11" — 9° North Latitude) together with the neighbouring Archipelago, with the exception of Los Islands, which are English ; further, the coast territory from the mouth of the River Nunez to the mouth of the Scarries, together with the Interior, Futa Dshallon, bordering on the French Soudan, the frontiers of which are not yet determined. (Treaty with En gland 28th June 1882). For administrative purposes, the French Possessions on the Ivory Coast were included in this territory down to 1896, as also those on the Gold Coast, beginning on the coast at Cape Palmas at the mouth of the St. Pietro Paver, and extending as far as the mouth of the Assinie River (Grand Bassam, Grand Lahou, Jackville), including the Interior with undefined frontiers. (Treaty with England 10th August 1894.) This territory is called Rivieres du Sud (formerly Bas de Cote). The district on the Casamanza contains 15,000 sq. km. ; (Guiii.c Population. Francaise, 150,000 sq. km.), with 103,000 inhabitants (Guinee Francaise, 500,000 [200 Europeans]). The Rivieres du Sud include about 25,000 square miles with a fluctuating population of about Count Kinsley: "The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa". * 26 --lull Histor) ntier. Regulations. 200,000. Of course, only the inhabited stretch of coast is here taken into account, as the area and population of the Interior bordering od the French Soudan (Kong and Beledugu) do not appear to be determined. The whole country on the Casamanza is the immediate possession of France. The governor of French Guinea also exorcises authority over luta Dshallon. Outside the coast territories of the Rivieres dii Sud. i. e., in the Interior the protectorate of France is con- stantly extending. Since the middle of the 15th century, the Portuguese have traded towards the Casamanza, where the British have several times tried to obtain a firm footing, but without success. 1828, France occupies the Island Djogue at the mouth of the ( asamanza. 1836—1837, The French occupy the islands Carahane and Guimbering at the mouths of the Casamanza and Cacheo, and found the station Sedhiu on the main-land. 1868, February 4th, Treaty with Beriby and Basha (ratified 20th December 1883). 1883, December 16th, A French resident appears at Assinie, although the French troops had been withdrawn from the garrison in 1870, since which time the coast was guarded by the employes of the firm Verdier et de la Rochelle. The French, however, always retained protectorate rights. 1884, Bouet Willaumez's treaty with the chiefs of the Ivory coast of Assinie, Grand Bassam, and Dabii. 1885, December 24th, Convention between France, Portugal and Germany, by which the territories of Kaba and Kabitai, which Germany had occupied between Compony and Mellacoree, were restored to France. 1886, May 12th, Convention between Portugal and France (ratified 31st August 1887} which fixed the present frontiers of the 27 territories on the Casamanza, and by which France ceded the terri- tories of the Rio Cassini and Ziquincior to Portugal. 1889, August 10th, Frontier Regulation with England. Sepa- ration of the colony from the Senegal. 1891, France occupies the last unoccupied stretch of coast South of the Liberian frontier. 1893, March 10th, Organisation of the colonies : (1) La Guinee franchise; (2) Cote d'ivoire; (3) Dahomey. 1895, January 21st, Convention between France and England relating the frontier line. — 15th June. Constitution of the "Gouvernement general de l'Afrique oeeidentale". 1896, March 16th. Organisation of a judicial autonomy for French Guinea. The governor of ''Guinee franchise" has his residence at Conakry on Tombo Island ; the governor of the Ivory Coast at Grand Bassam. Portuguese Guinea or Portuguese Senecmmbia. Varia. Official title. Guinea Vortuguesa, Senegambia Portugueza. This embraces the territory between the basin of the Casamanza ^ and that of the Cassini. The North frontier forms the watershed between the Casamanza and the Cacheo, the South frontier a line from the Channel between Catak Island, at the mouth of the ( . sini, and the mainland, and from Tristao, at the mouth of the Compony, running thence to the middle of the course of the Cassini, and finally crossing this river as well as the Rio Grande, to the west of the junction of the Combia. The two frontier lines meet at the Geba Springs (Treaty with France 12th May 1880). 4* 28 Population. --lull. Ill- mtier. lation: The district also embraces the Bissagos Archipelago, 30 islands, the largest of w liit-li is Orango. The superficial area is from 37,000, to 42,000 sq. km.; but only about 72 sq. km. arc occupied. Scattered settlements cover a surface of 10,000 sq. km. The population is estimated on the undetermined colonised area. The figures therefore differ, varying as they do between 150,000 and 800,000 (the latter from English sources, 1885). In theory, direct possession; in reality not to be distinguished from a protectorate. Portugal settled here in the middle of the 15th century. L692. Andre Brue landed 275 British colonists here; the greater number succumbed to the climate, whereupon England withdrew all claim to possession. 1870. Decision of the President of the U. S. A., as arbiter, in favour of Portugal. 1885. May 15th. Regulation of the present Northern frontier on the basis of a Treaty with France, which however was not ratified until August 1887. .Residence of the governor, Boldma (Bulam). British Possessions in West -Africa. Wesi-Afriraii Colonies (formerly West- African Settlements). The British possession in West-Africa consists of 4 crown colonies: Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, and Lagos. 29 (a) G a m b i a. The Gambia Colony embraces the territory at the mouth of the Gambia River., viz., the island Santa Maria, 13° 28' North Latitude, with Combo and Punta Barra on the right bank of the river, and the Bank d'Albreda, San Giacamo, Elephant and Mac Carthy Islands with the corresponding river banks. The present frontiers were agreed upon between the French and British Governments by the Treaty of the 10th August (2nd and 19th Nov.) 1889. Accor- dingly, Georgetown on the Gambia forms the most easterly point of the British territory. The superficial area amounts to about 7000 sq. km. (2700 square miles), the inhabitants to 50,000. The so-called "settle- ment proper" contains only 69 square miles with 14,978 inhabitants (1894); the remainder is a Sphere of Interest. Since 1821 the British have been in undisputed possession of the colony. Previously however, the Portuguese, French, Dutch and Spanish were in posses- sion. Gambia was separated from Sierra Leone for administrative purposes on the 1st December 1888. Capital: St. Mary of Bathurst, 6000 inhabitants. (b) Sierra Leone. This colony extends 180 English miles along the coast from the Scaries River in the North to the Liberian frontier in the South, em- braces the island Sherbro and Cape Mount, has about 39,000 or 15,000 square miles and 180,000 inhabitants, including about 300 whites. The North frontier was defined in detail by a Treaty l>rt ween France and England of the 28th June, 1882 (adopted by the French Chamber 1894) and the Southern frontier on the basis of one between England and Liberia of the 11th January, 1887. By a Treaty of 21st January, 1805, only the Northern frontier alone was revised by an Anglo-French Frontier Regulation Commission; but the details of it have not yet been recognised by the powers. The cause of 30 this revision was a still valid treaty with France, giving the latter the right to annex territories on the Upper Niger. The territory was first visited by the Carthaginians. They were followed by French mariners from Dieppe in the 15th century, who settled here, after which the Portuguese took possession. In 1787 it was ceded to England hy native chiefs. In 1800 to 1808, a British trading company occupied the territory, and eight years later trans- toned their rights to the British Government. 1861, the Island Sherbro was sold to England by the native chiefs; 1883, consi- derably extended. Sierra Leone contains 4000 square miles and (1891) 74,835 inhabitants, including 224 whites. Separated from Gambia for administrative purposes on 1st December 1888. Capital: Freetown. 30,033 inhabitants. (e) Gold Coast. The British Colonies on the Gold Coast, Appolonia, Vassao, Krikor, Denkera, Sefui, Akim, Croboe, Crepi, Akwama, Cape Coast Castle. Elmina, Axim, Accra, Adda, Winnebac, Quitta, Dixcove, Secomdi, Anamaboe, embrace 350 miles of coast on the Gulf of Guinea between 5° West and 2° East Longitude from Greenwich together with the Interior, the limits of which have not yet been determined. An agreement was come to with France concerning the course of the Western frontier as far as 10° North Latitude in July 1893, and with Germany and England on the 1st July 1890 with reference to the Eastern frontier, which from the 7° North Latitude and beyond is not yet determined. The Northern frontier in no way defines the limits of the Soudanese districts of Mossi and Gurma, as the upper course of the Volta is not yet exactly known, while Great Britain is engaged in extending her sphere of interest by the conclusion of protectorate and commercial treaties. In 1896 the King of Ashanti placed himself under British protection. 31 The area of the territory claimed by Great Britain is given as 120,000 sq. km., the population (1891) 1,473,882 (150 whites). 15,000 square miles form direct possession, the frontiers of this terri- tory being constantly extended. 46,600 square miles (1895) belong to the protectorate. It is alleged that mariners from Dieppe landed on the Gold Coast as early as 1365. 1610, the Portuguese took possession and inhabited the territory. 1616, the Dutch ceded to England, by the treaty of Breda, the land which had been gradually gained, and two private trading companies undertook the opening up of this rich district, in order to surrender it in 1821 to the British government, which for administrative purposes incorporated it to Sierra Leone. 1824, commencement of the war with the barbarian state of the Ashantis, in which the Fantis were England's allies. 1837, Dutch Embassy sent to the Court of Ashanti. 1850, England buys the fortresses of Accra and Quitta from Denmark for 250,000 francs. 1867 and 1871, Holland sells the remainder of its possessions on the Gold Coast (tracts on the Sweet River) to England. 1873, England's war with Ashanti ; battles of Essaman, Iskobio, Amaoful, Becquah, Ordashu and Coomassi. 1874, February 4th, Taking and burning of Coomassi. 1895 — 1896, Third military expedition against Ashanti and submission of king Prempeh, who places himself under English protection. Since 15th of Jan., 1886, independent government. Capital : Accra, 16,267 inhabitants. (d) L a g o s. The island and town of Lagos on the Slave Coast from Badagry to Lekke are the actual possession of England. The British Protecto- rate extends between the 2° and 6° East Longitude of Greenwich (Treaty with France, 20th Aug. 1889) "for some distance inland", a definition which distinctly shows the undetermined nature of the frontiers. In consequence of the war against Yoruba (with Abeokutta, 32 Jbadan and Ogbomotsho) in 1893—1894, and the Jebu, the British protectorate was also extended over this thickly-populated dominion. The British also claim Borgu for the protectorate. According to surveys, the island and the protectorate contain L071 square miles or 2770 sq. km.; with 100,000 inhabitants. VToruba included, the British territory embraces 20,070 square miles or 51,800 sq. km. and ,'> million inhabitants (150 whites). Lagos was an ancient slave market. 1852, England concluded a treaty with King Dotschemo, resulting in the abolition of the slave trade, and the establishment of the British Protectorate. 1862, March 3rd, Annexation of Lagos, and connection of the colonies for administrative purposes with Sierra Leone. KS74, July 24th, Lagos placed under the Governor of the Gold Coast. 1883, Extension of the Colony. 1886, January 15th, Independent government. 1802 — 1895, Campaigns against the Egba and Jebu. Capital: Lagos (the African Liverpool) 60,000 inhabitants. Liberia. Official title. United States of Liberia. The territory of the Republic extends along the Atlantic coast from Cape Mount, near Robert's-Port, to the mouth of the St. Pietro (630 km.). The frontier towards Sierra Leone was separately defined in a Treaty with England 24th Dec. 1885 and 11th Nov. 1887; and that bordering on French territory in a Treaty with France, 8 Dec 1892 and August 1894. It stretches into the Mandinka 33 Divisions. Possession. History. Countries almost as far as Musardu, and is therefore, on the average more than 300 km. distant from the sea. The superficial area amounts to 85,350 sq. km. or 14,360 square Area, miles. Population, 1,068,000; (according to earlier estimates, 760,000 Population to 2 millions), of which 18,000 are Americo-Liberians. The territory comprises four states viz : Mesurado, Grand Bassa, Sinu and Maryland. A Sphere of Interest or Protectorate does not exist. 1815, Arrival in Sierra Leone of the first emancipated negroes from Massachussetts. 1820, Founding of the American Colonisation Society for the settlement of emancipated negroes from America, which formed the first colony in Liberia. 1822, The whole colony declares itself an independent and free republic. Government formed in 1847. 1857, Union of the Maryland territory with the Republic. This territory was founded by Tlie Maryland Colonisation Society in 1834. Lately, the American negroes have flocked back to Africa in large numbers, for the purpose of the repatriation of the negro race, a move- ment which is being zealously advocated in the U. S. A. Capital, Monrovia (5000 Inhabitants in 1891): the seat of the, Varia. Government, which is based on that of the U. S. A. Togoland. .Protectorate of the German Empire (Schutzgebiete des Deutschen Official title. Reiches) : Toyota nil. This part of the Slave Coast is bounded on the West (1° 14' Frontiers. Longitude East of Greenwich) by the British Gold Coast Colony, on the East (1° 41/ Longitude East of Greenwich) by French Dahomey. In the North and North West, the frontiers are not yet defined, but the North-West frontier is held to extend from Lome Count Kinsky, "The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa". J 34 to the Todshte and Volta, the course of which it follows. Germany's intention is to advance as far as the Niger. Length of coast, 52 km. About 76,000 sq. km., 19,660 square miles, according to English estimates. As far as the 9° North Latitude, only 60,000 sq. km. About 2 Million^. ( )nl\ 800, 000, according to English figures. 89 Europeans, of which 81 (1897) are Germans. Togo proper, North of the Avon Lagoon, forms the heart of the land inhabited b.\ the Ewe tribes; to this must be added Little Pop", ceded 1>\ France to Germany with the Interior (Adeli districts), in December 1885. The most important stations in the [nterior are Bismarckburg and Misahohe. Actual possession on the coast: Protectorate in the Interior. Discovered in the 16th century. — 1682, the Great Elector established colonies at Aneho (Gross Friedrichsburg), which however were broken up in 1718, having proved a commercial failure. 1720. The Dutch took the fortress Gross Friedrichsburg. 1884, July 15th, The country on the coast placed under German protection by the German Consul-General, Dr. Gustav Nachtigal, by desire of certain commercial houses in Bremen and Hamburg. Protectorate treaty with the King of Togo. 1885, Dec. 24th. France cedes Little Popo to Germany in accor- dance with Treaty. 1888, Treaty of neutrality relating Salaga. Germany's priority recognised. 1894, Fergusson tries to acquire Salaga for England. 1894—1895. Expeditions, Gruner, Doring, Carnap. Treaties with (.norma, Mangol, Dagomba, Tshantyoan, Gando. 1896, September 1st, The French occupy Wagadugu. ls ( .)7. May 24th — July 26th, Conference between France and Germany relating to the hinterland of Togo. The East (Treaty of 1888, unpublished) and the North frontiers were regulated by the Anglo-German Treaty of Oct. 20th (1st Nov.) 1*86, and the West frontier by the Franco-German treaty of the 35 1st July, 1890. (Lome, Todshie River — Volta River). The territory is under the control of an Imperial Governor- General. Seat of government, Sebbe; siuce 1897 Lome (2084 inhabitants, 31 Europeans). Dahomey, Dahomey — Pays de protectorat de Dahomey et dependances. Official title. According to the Anglo-French treaty of the 10th August 1889, Frontiers. German Togoland (l°4l y Longitude East of Greenwich) forms the West frontier, and Jorubaland (course of the Addo) the East frontier. The North frontier is by no means defined. It lies probably between 6° 14' 15" and 6° 23' 51" N. Lat. Area. The superfieial area cannot be given in exact figures. According to English estimates there are about 4000 square miles. The French calculation gives (1897): 40,000 sq. km. without new territorial acquirements. The population, according to English authorities, is 730,000, viz., Population. Dahomey 150,000, Grand Popo 100,000, Mains and Ajada 150,000, Porto Novo 150,000, Abeokutta 120,000, Ogbomotsho 60,000. About 1 Million, however, would be nearer the mark. According to the French: "300,000 habitants pacifies aujourd'hui (1897)." The French colonies on the Gold Coast, called Benin, consisted Divisions Possession. of Grand Popo, Ague, and Porto Novo (Agiuda, also Ajuda or (.Irhuc), also called after the capital, Whydah or Weyda (Uida). Since the 15th Jan. 1894, two French vassal kingdoms took the place of the old barbarian dominion of Dahomey, viz., Abome in the North and Alhuhi in the South. Each had its own king, who was virtually a vassal of France. Their successors must receive the 5* 36 sanction of the French, who have abolished the former human sacrifices, A French resident minister lives in Abome. France lias introduced free trade, and lias the right to build railways and telegraphs in both kingdoms and to establish schools. ii,.,. ( } ra nd Popo mid Ague were from the earliest times the coast asylum I ilioii- for the refugees from Dahomey. 1871, Expulsion of the Europeans. 1883, French Protectorate over Grand and Little Popo; April, L885, <»vcr Ague*. L885, Little Popo ceded to Germany. Porto Novo became a state in the 18th century at the time of the founding of the town. Hombonu (Agiashe or Little Adra) under King Allada or Adra. 1861, Bombardment of Porto Novo by the English, whereupon the king seeks French protection. France occupies the capital, hut evacuates it soon afterwards. 1882, France reclaims the old Protectorate rights and again occupies Porto Novo and Kotonu. Dahomey became a state in the first half of the 17th century i ( apital, Savi or Xavier in Agiuda), destroyed the rival and neigh- bouring state, Allada, in 1724. Portugal has a resident-consul in Why da. 1876, English campaign against Dahomey. 1883, July 19th, French Protectorate over Porto Seguro, Ague, Grand Popo. July 25th, Protection treaty with Porto Novo. L885, June 10th, Watshi (North of Ague) under French protection. — December 24th, Treaty re the West frontier. — August 5th, Protectorate treaty with Dahomey, which, however, is not recognised by Portugal. 1887, Dec. 22th, Portugal renounces the Protectorate taken over on the oth of August 1885, and merely retains certain commercial right-. 37 1889, August 10th, Decision concerning regulation of the Eas- tern frontier (Lagos); October 3rd, Treaty relative to Porto Novo and Kotonu, the latter being occupied by France. 1890, French campaign against Dahomey. 1894, French campaign and conquest of Dahomey. January 25th, Subjection of King Behanzin. 1895, Organisation of the colony: Divided into two States, dependent upon France. 1896. September 1st, France occupies Wagadugu. 1897. July 26th, Arrangement between France and Germany relating to Goorma and Sausane-Mangu. Seat of the French resident, Abome and Porto Novo (Cotonou) residence of one of the kings, Kelmina (Kana). Niger Coast Protectorate. Niger Coast Protectorate. Official title. This territory is not to be confounded with the British Niger territories. (See p. 38.) It includes the whole coast line between Lagos and Cameroon, with the exception of the tract between For- cados and the Brass Rivers, which belongs to the Niger territories, besides the possessions of the African Association founded in 1889 in the Oil River district. The frontier begins (1896) on the seacoast, 10 miles North Fronti West of the Benin River, extends along this river as far as Lagos Creek, and then follows and includes the general frontier of the Benin territories, following the Forcados River to Gana, excending 10 miles towards the North East, and 50 towards the North. The Eastern frontier begins between Nun and Brass at the mouth of the Niger begins towards the East, and extends towards Idu to the Oratsghi or Aegenni River. According to the statement of the Im- perial Commissioner and Consul General, ''these boundaries are 38 subject to modification according to local requirements." The frontier- line towards Cameroon extends from the commencement of the Rio del Re} estuary to the rapids of the River Cross (9° 1' North latitude), and thence "to a point East of Yola on the BenuG River." Its details arc therefore uncertain. At present nothing definite can be said concerning the area Population. , , ,• and population. The coast of the territory was discovered by the Portuguese at the end of the loth century, but for three centuries it was only sparsely colonised. 1854. Baikie's expedition up the Niger. The origin of the first British settlement on the Niger River. 1884, July, Declaration of the British Protectorate by Consul Hewett, after he had concluded treaties with the chiefs in consequence of Germany's acquisition of the Cameroon district. 1886, July, Issue of the Niger Company's charter. 1891, Transference of government to the Imperial Commissioner and Consul-General, with administrative and judicial power. Six vice- consuls, under the Consul-General, are stationed along the rivers. The Consul-General has no fixed residence. Niger Territories. Niger Territories. I MM: Not to be confounded with the Niger Coast Protectorate (see p. 36). The English territory of the so-called Royal Niger Company — founded in 1879 as the United African Company, re- named the National African Company, 1882 -- lies to the North of 39 the Niger Coast Protectorate. By the terms of the Anglo-French Agreement of the 5th of August 1890, the frontier between the English and French Spheres of Interest in the Niger Territory is a straight line from the town Say on the Niger to Barua (Baruwa) on the Tsad Lake, "drawn in such a manner as to comprise within the" "sphere of the Niger Company all that which fairly belongs to the" "kingdom of Sokoto, the line to be determined by commissioners to" "be appointed." By the terms of the Anglo- German Agreement of the 2nd Aug list 1886, the East frontier of the territory extends from a point on the River Cross about 9° 8' East Latitude of Green- wich, and appears to be marked on the British Admiralty Chart as "Rapids," to the point on the Bennue "three miles below the centre of the main mouth of the River Faro," about 30 miles East of Yola, and from this point to the shore of the Tsad Lake, 0°35' East of the Meridian of Kuka, the capital of Bornu. (Anglo- German treaty, Nov. loth 1893.) The whole territory of the British Protectorate is estimated at Area. 500,000 square miles. The population amounts to 20 — 35 millions. Population. The greater part embraces the dominion of the Fuldn or Divisions. Fellabah of Sokoto, whose vassal is the Sultan of Gando, the greatest of the Fellatah chiefs. How far the territory of the "Emperor of Sokoto", as he is called by the English, extends, and which of the chiefs towards the West recognise his authority, is very uncertain. The Sokoto territories are usually said to contain 219,500 square miles and 15 millions inhabitants. The reigning Sultan of Sokoto transferred the rights of civil, criminal, and fiscal juris- diction over foreigners to the Royal Niger Company. Among the chiefs of the provinces belonging to Sokoto, there is a sort of Lieutenant- Governor of the Sultan of Sokoto. These officials attend to the payment of the tribute, and are in regular communication with the 40 "Emperor". The officials of the Royal Niger Company have concluded a series of special treaties ("alternative treaties'') with the chiefs or "vassal kings" of the various provinces. To the Niger territories in the West on the right bank of the Niger belongs, besides Sokoto, Borgu or Bussang, which borders upon Dahomey in the North and Adamua in the South East. The Capital of Sokoto is at present Wumo (15,000 inhabitants). The earliest relations of England with the tract embracing the nresent Niger territories date from 1822 and the following years, r milt iri. 1 ~ Reflation Lieutenant Clapperton reaching Sokoto in 1825 and remaining there till 1827. 1884—1885. J. Thomson's treaties with the Sultans of Sokoto and Gando. 1885, May 7th. The South East frontier regulation with Germany. 1886, July 10th. Granting of the Royal Charter to the National Africa Company Limited, founded in 1882, and which henceforth called the Royal Niger Company Chartered and Limited, capital 1 million /. 18th October 1887. Extension of these rights. From 1883—1886, the Company concluded about 300 treaties with the potentates of the Niger territories in Sokoto and Gando, from which they derive their present rights of possession. 1880. A French commercial company tried to compete with the British on the Niger, but received so little support from France that they were compelled to abandon their project, the British company having already in 1884 a Niger flotilla of 25 steamers and a considerable capital. Since then Great Britain has endeavoured tn firmly establish herself on the middle Niger and in the Bennue districts, despite the simultaneous attempts of France and Germany in this direction on the ground that the territory "Sokoto" is in- determinable. In accordance with the terms of the Berlin Treaty of the 26th \ the treaties with the chiefs. October 1884. Indeed, at one time. Spain was believed to lay claim to 150,000 sq. km. in this part of Africa. The point remains unsolved. — The territory is administratively connected with Fernando Po. Portuguese Possession in the Gulf of Guinea. Since the glorious times of Portuguese discovery in the 15th century, Portugal has possessed St. Thomas Island in the Gulf of Guinea (Eha de Sao Thome, 929 sq. km., 18,000 inhabitants [1895, presumably 20.000], or 20 to the sq. km.) and the Princes Island {Bha do Principe, 151 sq. km., 3000 inhabitants, 19 to the sq. km.). A (cording to British estimates a total surface of only 454 square miles and 21,040 inhabitants. This estimate however, dating from the years 1878—1879, is too low. French Congo. Congo Frangais (France Equatoriale, first part), and Haut Ubangui (second part). The French possession on the coast of Lower Guinea, bordering in Divisi* the south on the German protectorate (Convention 24th December 1885) embraces the districts on the Gaboon, Ogowe, Kuilu or Niari, and 47 extends along the coast (Loango Coast) to the Massabi (5° South Latitude) on the frontier of Portuguese Cabinda. The frontiers are defined in detail by the Convention between France and Portugal on the 12th May 1886 and 25th May 1891. The frontier, according to the Convention between France and the Association Internationale Africaine (Berlin Conference 26th February 1885) runs from the Easterly point of the Cabinda territory on the Upper Tshiloango, 10° 20' East of Paris, and follows this river until opposite Manyanga on the Congo. It then follows the right bank of the Congo as far as the junction of the Ubaugui (Convention between France and the Independent Congo States 29th April, 1887), continuing its course to the mouth of the Mbomu, and along the right bank into the Niam Niam countries, between the seats of Semio and Ndoruma. The eastern frontier passes through the territory of the Bongo and Dar Fertit (Agreement between E, inland and Germany, November, 189S), as far as Dar Fur. The northern frontier of the French possession is, with the exception of the tract on the Tshad Lake (see page 40), not determined upon. The neighbouring state is Wadai with its vassal lands of Baghirmi. As regards the Western frontier towards Cameroon, see page 42. The Kuilu, Alina, Likuala and Sanga Valleys join the basins of the Gaboon and Ogowe rivers, which with the aforesaid countries along the coast form the territory of the first colony (Congo Frances). The territory of the second colony (Haut Ubangui) includes the countries extending along the right banks of the Ubangui and its tributaries upon the right bank and chiefly the basin of the Shari (1 Logone) and the Niam Niam countries on the right bank of the Mbomu. The area measures 650,000 sq. km. (1891, officially 570,000 Area. sq. km.); according to British calculation 300,000 square miles, of which about half belongs to each colony. The number of inhabitants is 5,900,000 (officially 1891, about population. 5 millions; 1897, 10 millions). There are only about 800 Europeans beside the garrison. 48 In such an extensive province, only the stations on or near the coast ran be considered as actual possesion; the remainder comes under the titles Protectorate and Sphere of Interest. The Loan-o and Gahoon coasts were discovered by the Portuguese in the 15th century who exported the natives as slaves. 1521, the first mission established there. 1839, February 9th, Bouet Villaumez obtained the Gaboon territory by treaty with the chiefs. 1841, Appearance of English and French ships to suppress the slave trade. 1849. founding of the commercial station Libreville, the capital of the territory. 1850—1865, Paul Belloni du Chaillu's expedition. L862, France acquired the Ogowe territory. 1873, German Loango expedition under Dr. Paul Gussfeldt. 1877, Stanley's navigation of the Congo. 1880, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza commences operations on the Ogowe. Treaties with chiefs September 10th, October 30th 1880 — ratified November 30th 1882 — March 12th 1883, June 21st 1883, December 15th 1883, August 25th 1884. 1885. February 26th, Berlin Conference. December- 24th, Agreement with Germany relative to the Northern frontiers. 1886, April 27th and June 22nd, decree, by means of which the colonies Gaboon and Congo became organised. 1891, April 30th, official title, "Congo Francois". 1894, The French Congo divided into two separate colonies by a decree of the President of the French Republic dated July 13th. In the general records of the Berlin Conference, 26th February 1885, Article I, 1 — 8 "General" and "Free Trade District in the ( ongo"; Article III, 10 and 12, "The Neutrality"; Article IV, 13—25, relate to the navigation of the Congo. 49 1884, April .23rd. French Convention with King Leopold II, according to which France received the right of preemption — le droit de preemption — over the territories of the Congo States. 1885, December 24th, Convention between Germany and France re the Northern and North- Western frontiers. 1886, May 12th, Convention between Frame ami Portugal re frontier regulation North of the Congo and South of the Senegal (Articles 3 and 4 re the Congo). 1887, April 29th, Treaty with the Congo State about Ubangui. 1894, March 15th, Convention with Germany re North-East frontier. Both colonies are governed by a „commissaire du gouvernement Government. de la Repnblique Franchise", who in the Congo has his residence in Libreville (200 Europeans); in Haut Ubangui at various places. By means of the Tsad Lake, the French possession, Sphere of Interest and Protectorate on the banks of the Congo and Ubangui are connected with the similar possessions in the West Soudan, on the Senegal, in the West Sahara, Algiers, and Tunis. Thus the "reunion" (page 41) which French politicians and patriots have so earnestly strived for has become "un fait accompli". The Congo State. L'fifaf Tndependant du Congo. official title. The Western frontier is formed by the Atlantic where the Congo Frontiers. discharges itself into the ocean. The North .frontier leaves the ocean South of Povo grande near the Juba Factory, and runs according to the convention between Portugal and the Congo State of February and Count Kin sky, "The Diplomatiet'a Handbook for Africa". ? 50 Mairli (25th May) L891 in the direction of Tshiloango, touches the Congo follows the course of this river and of the Ubangui, and, thirdly the left bank of the Mbomu as far as the point where the latter intersects the 5° North Latitude, in accordance with an agreement with France, dated August, 14th, 1894. It passes thence South to the 30 East of Greenwich, finally reaching the Latitude of the Nile Station Lado, after which it bends eastwards towards Lado itself, and pursues it- course along the White Nile to the Albert Nyanza. The Congo State thus encloses the left of Emin Pasha's former province, which by the agreement with England and France 12th May and 14th August, 1894, is practically leased to Leopold II during his lifetime i"tvdcean below the 5° North Latitude. This frontierline begins in the South at Ambriz in the Portuguese Colony Angola, follows the course of the Loge, touches the source of the Kassai and Congo, bends a little South of the Bangweolo Lake, touches the lower course of the Zambesi and follows this stream to its mouth in the Indian Ocean. — 5th December. Agreement with France relative to the Licona Question. 1889, August 2nd. King Leopold's will, in which he bequeaths all his rights of sovereignty after his death to Belgium. 1890, Brussels Conference, which allows the Congo State to levy some taxes and duties in the free trade territory. 1890, July 21st. Territories of the Congo State declared inalienable, Belgium having already on the 3rd (25th and 30th) July, 1890, retained the right to annex the same after the expiration of 10 years. 53 1895. Right of preemption of France regulated, by which it stands second only to that of Belgium till 1900. Conventions for the purpose of frontier regulations have been agreed upon between the Congo State and neighbouring states as follows: (a) 1883, July 2nd, with Portugal, ratified 24th March 1884. (b) 1884, November 8th, with Germany. (c) 1884, December 16th, with Great Britain. (d) 1884, December 27th, with the Netherlands relative to the possession of the numerous Dutch factories on the Congo. (e) 1885, February 5th (22nd November), with France re the North and East Frontiers. (/) 1885, February 14th, with Portugal. (g) 1887, April 29th, with France. (h) 1890, June 10th, with Portugal (Lunda). (/) 1891, May 25th, with Portugal (1st August, neutral treaty), 22nd November with France. (./) 1893, June 23rd, (1894, March 24th) with Portugal. (k) 1894, May 12th, with England relative to the leasing of the Bahr el Ghazal territory and the Western part of the former province of Emin Pasha. (/) 1894, August 14th, renewed convention with France, which however has become unfeasible, although the Northern frontier was regulated by its means. The central government has its seat at Brussels, and consists Government. of the King of the Belgians and a state secretary for foreign, gt ^™" financial, and home affairs, under whom are a "Tresorier General'' and three general secretaries for the departments, foreign and juridical, financial and home. A High Court of Appeal also exists, and can be convened when required. The local government is formed by the Governor General, his representative, the state inspector, general secretary, administrator 54 of justice, financial director and the commander of the garrison. Seal of the local government Boma. Portuguese Possession in Lower-Guinea, Angola is the official title of these Portuguese Colonies, but it is also used officially and independently for the integral parts of the same, viz., Catdnda, Congo, Ambriz, Loanda, Angola, Benguella and Mossdmmedes. The possession is divided into two separate territories. The Front smaller. Cabinda, North of the mouth of the Congo, stretches from the Juba Factory on the coast to Massabi at the mouth of the Loango River, 100 km. Concerning the frontiers in the Interior see page 46. The part extending South of the lower course of the Congo, the Northern frontier of which is described on page 49, passes along the coast from the left bauk of the Congo to the mouth of the Cunene River, a stretch of littoral of 1400 km. (Treaties with the t 'ongo State, 1 1th February, 1885, and with France, 12th May, 1886.) The Sot tthern frontier follows the lower course of the Cunene to the Huuibe Cataracts, takes then an easterly direction to Mpaschi on the Cubango, and follows its course to 20° East Longitude of Greenwich (Ndara). (Agreement between Portugal and Germany December, 30th, 1886.) According to the Anylo-L'oilaf/aese (Jowidinu '■ Atigttst 20th 1800, the "mod/is rirci/di" Xormtbrr J ilh 1890, anil the Convention dime. 11th. 1891, the East frontier, which follows the 20" meridian East of Greenwich to that point where it meets the Kassai River, is of a provisional character. The line then follows the Kassai current towards the North, as described on page 50. By the Anglo-Portuguese 55 Convention. August 20th 1896, the Barotse Laud was added to Portugal. The area amounts to 1,315,450 sq. km. (English estimates, 457,500 square miles). The number of inhabitants is about 2,400,000 (according to Population. English estimates only 2 millions; other authorities as low as 1,315,460). The Portuguese give the figures as about half a million. The territory embraces the former Congo Kingdom, whose Divisions. ruler, Don Pedro V, was declared vassal to Portugal, the Lunda Country (Country of Muata Jamwo, Portugal's protectorate since 1886), Loanda, Angola, Benguella, Mossamedes, the Gangella terri- tory, Amboella, Barotse, etc. The provinces on the coast and those extending to 15° Lon- Possession. gitude East of Greenwich are actually considered as direct possession of the Portuguese; further East there is a Protectorate and Sphere of Interest. Privileged companies lease parts of the territory in the Interior, which apparently are very favourable for opening up. The same is the case in Mossamedes and elsewhere. The Angola Coast was discovered in 1486 by the Portuguese, History. Diego Coao, and soon afterwards colonised by the Portuguese. 1578, The town Sao Paolo de Loanda founded. 1640, Blockade of the coast and siege of Sao Paolo de Loanda by the Dutch fleet under Hautebeen and expulsion of the Portuguese, who however recovered the land from Brazil in 1650 and have re- mained in undisturbed possession ever since. A Portuguese Governor General resides in Sao Polo de Loanda, who receives his orders from Lisbon. A circumstance worthy of particular notice is that Portugal did claim the whole South African territory between the B6 6 and 18 South Latitude on the West side, and the 11" and 28 South Latitude on the East across the Continent. The British destroyed the dream of an "Impero Portuguezo Sudafricano" by gravitating from Cape Colony towards Egypt. It cannot, be denied that Portuguese merchants, the so-called "Pombeiros", had already in ancient times traversed the extensive territory of Angola to Mozambique, although this tract has never been governed or occupied h\ tie- Portuguese. Ascension, Tristan da Cunha, Walfish Bay. Ascension — discovered on Ascension Day, 1502, by Juan deNova, (hence the name) — 7° 57' South Latitude and 15° Longitude West of Greenwich, 750 Miles North-West of St. Helena, with an area of 88 sq. km. (35 square miles), and 140 inhabitants, is in British possession. Chief Town, Georgetown. 1815, occupied by British troops to guard Napoleon; since then British. Tristan da Ouriha, 37° 6' South Latitude and 12° 1' West Longi- tude of Greenwich, described officially as a small group of islands consisting of Tristan da Cunha, which the Portuguese discoverer named after himself, Gough's Island, Inaccessible and Nightingale Islands, rocky islands in British possession with 61 inhabitants, (1894). 1815, received an English garrison. The British possession in Walfish Bay, with the frontiers which were more accurately fixed on the August, 7th, 1884, embraces the small territory at the approach to German South West Africa, almost at the Tropic of Capricorn. It has an area of 1320 sq. km. or 430 square miles, and 768 inhabitants (1891, 31 Europeans) 57 ov 1-79 per square mile. The territory, which has been British since 1879, was added in 1884 to the Cape Colony. Possession Island, South of Walfish Bay, together with 8 to 10 uninhabited islands scattered along the coast, also belongs to the English. For particulars concerning Walfish Bay, see also Cape Colony, p. 59. St. Helena. An island of volcanic origin lying South of 16° South Latitude, L53 sq. km. or 47 square miles, with 4116 inhabitants (1891), 33 to the sq. km. Population in 1895 has fallen to 3900 inhabitants, inclusive the garrison of 179 men. Exile of Napoleon I, 1815 — 1821; dis- covered by the Portuguese in 1502, but not colonised by them and soon afterwards deserted. In 1600 the Dutch took possession of the Island, and occupied it till 1673, when it was taken over by the British East India Company. Since 1815. it has been incorporated into the British Empire. There is much emigration to Cape Colony. Chief town: Jamestown (2300 inhab.). German South West Africa. Protectorate of the German Empire (Schutzgebicte des deutschen official title. Reiches): Sudwest-Jfrika ; German Damaraland, German Namaland. The Western frontier extends along the Atlantic coast, (excepting Frontiers. Walfish Bay which is British), from the mouth of the Cunene River a distance of 1500 km. (930 miles) to the mouth of the Orange River. The right bank of the Orange River to 20" East Longitude of Greenwich forms the South frontier. The East frontier is formed, in the terms of the Memorandum of December 1884, and the Q Hj lomatl r Handl k lor Afrii Area. 58 Anglo-German treaty, 1st July IS90, by the 20th Meridian East of Greenwich as far as the 22° South Latitude. Here the frontier bends towards the East, till it meets the 21° Longitude East of Greenwich, follows this to the IS" South Latitude, where it crosses the Tshobe River, and follows its course to the point where the latter discharges itself into the Zambesi. The North Frontier (Por- tuguese-German treaty 30th December 1886) is formed by the course of the Cunene as far as the Ilumbe cataracts; it then continues in a straight line to Mpashi, on the Cubango, along the right bank of this river to Ndara on the Okavango, and to the Katima Falls on the Zambesi. As the course of the Okavango has been inaccurately surveyed, the demarcation of the tract of land towards the Zambesi is uncertain. It still awaits an exact settlement. The area is estimated at 835,100 sq. km. or 320,000 square miles. The population numbers 200,000 ; 1896, 2050 Europeans (about 700 Germans and 300 Englishmen). The territory includes Gross Nama- (Namaqua) land and Damara- land with the Kaoko and Amboland, Liideritzland, Upingtonia, and several other tracts. Direct possession ; only a small part, however, is actually occupied. The opening up is left to different companies : West Africa Company I am., South-West Africa Company, German Colonial Company for South- West Africa, Kharaskhoma Exploring and Prospecting Syndicate, the Hanseatic Land, Mining and Trading Company for South-West Africa, South African Territories Company and several others. Histon This extensive territory was until 1880 not under European influence. A stretch of littoral 150 km. broad, from the Orange River to the 20" South Latitude, which was acquired by the Bremen merchant, V. A. E. Liideritz, on the 1st of May and 25th of August 1883, and further acquisitions by German subjects on the coast 59 North of 26° to Cape Frio, with the exception of Walfish Bay, were placed under German protection on the 24th April, 1884. On the 12th August, 1884 additions were made, the coast-line being exten- ded from 26° South Latitude to Cape Frio. Recognised by England, 22nd September. 1884, December, Memorandum, concerning the frontier towards Treaties.. Frontier British Bechuanaland. Treaties with the chiefs, August 18th, Regulation. October 11th and October 28th. 1885, Treaties with the chiefs in January and March, July 28th, September 2nd, September 15th, October 21st and November 3rd. 1886, December 30th, Treaty witJi Portugal (published 21st July 1887) re Northern frontier. Upingtonia under German Protection. 1890, July 1st, Treaty with England re Eastern frontier. 1893—1895, War with Hendrik Witbooi. Governed by an Imperial Commissioner who resides at Great- Windhoek. The Imperial Government intends by degrees to declare it a Government. Varia. crown laud, after having fixed the limits of the native reservations and to divide it into farms of about 1000 to 10,000 hectars each. Cape Colony, <;,,„ Colony (Cape of Good Hope). Official title To the Cape Colony belongs the colony proper, i.e., those lands ^ontk which before the time of the reorganisation in 1875 formed a part population, of the same. It has an area of 191,416 square miles and a popu- lation of 956,485 (1891).*) These are *) Statesman's Year Book, 1897, fol. 170 and Dr. A. Petermann's Mittheilungen from Justus Perthes, Geographical Institute, Gotha, 1896, fol. 89 etc. 8* Ill) Surface in square miles Europeans Natives Total Per square mile Colony proper . . . 191,416 336,938 619,547 956,485 500 Griqualand . L5,197 2'. Li 170 53,705 83,375 5-49 Easi Griqualand . 7,594 4,150 l 18,468 L52,618 20-10 Tembuland . . . 1.122 5,179 175,236 L80,415 13-77 Transkei .... 2,552 1,019 L52,544 L53,563 00-16 Walfish Hay .... i:;o 31 737 768 L79 Total : 221,311 376,987 1,150,237 1,527.221 6-90 In 1896 the population of the whole of Cape Colony was estimated at 1/725,739 (376,812 Europeans), and the area at 225.1 so square miles. Transkei, Tembuland and East Griqualand are the Kaffir districts, which between 1876 and 1880 wore made part of Cape Colony. In 1886 and 1887 parts of Pondoland (Xesibeland and Rode Valley) wore added. West Griqualand was annexed by Cape Colony in 1871 in consequence of the discovery of diamonds: in 1873 it was again separated, being annexed for a second time as a province in 1880 after the repeated claims of the Orange Free State had been satisfied by England paying I 90,000. British Bechuanaland (60,770 square miles and 60,376 inhabitants, 1891), since the September 30th, 1885, a crown colony. North of West Griqualand, has been connected with Cape Colony since the 16th November, 1895, including the Western district between the Molopo, Nosob and the Anglo-German frontier, which till 1891 belonged to the Bechuanaland Protectorate. Pondoland forms a sort of Personal Union with Cape Colony and has 200,000 inhabitants. Became a British Protectorate in 1878 (the coast being acquired 5th January 1885) and was annexed on the 25th September, 1894, by Cape Colony. The Governor of Cape Colony has been Governor of Pondoland since the 3rd April 1894. 61 The course of the Orange river serves roughly as the Northern frontier : Together with the Molopo River and the frontier of the Orange Free State. Since 1878, the Governor of Cape Colony superintends, as Her Majesty"s High Commissioner for South Africa, Basutoland, Bechuana- land Protectorate, the territory of the British South Africa Company, and also since February 1896 the territory of Jloutisioa, Chief of Barolong, North of British Bechuanaland, who died in the autumn of 1896, and of Ikanning, Chief of Bamaliti (North of Mafeking) which was separated from the British South African Company's territory in 1895. For both these territories an assistant commis- sioner is appointed. The collective territories form the direct possession of Great Possession. Britain. 1486, Bartholomew Diaz discovered the Cape of Good Hope, History. and the Portuguese vainly endeavoured to found a colony there. 1601, The Dutch East India Co establishes a peasant colony at the Cape, and builds in 1651 a fortress, where Cape Town is at present situated. 1620, The English East India Co attempts to colonise the Cape. 1652, Van PJebeek succeeds in establishing a Dutch colony of the Netherlands East India Co at the Cape. 1688 — 1689, Hugenot immigration to Cape Colony. 1776, August, Whilst attemcing to regain Cape Colony, the Dutch tleet was captured by Elphinstone in the Saldanha Bay. 1781, First war witli the Ama Kossa Kaffirs. 1795. Revolution of the Boers against the Dutch Fast In- dia Co. 1795, September 16th, The English establish themselves in Cape Colony without striking a blow, and conquer the land as tar as the Great Fish River. 62 171)7. Rising of the Boers and beginning of the frictions with the English. L803, Cape Colony, which had become French territory, restored to Holland. L806, The English reconquer Cape Colony, ■which is ceded to them on payment of 3 millions / sterling. L820, Extensive immigration of Scotchmen to the Cape; Port Elisabeth founded. L823, Founding of a British settlement in Natal. 1 S : i 7 . Dutch Boers cross the great mountains, and settle in Natal. Emigration of the Boers northwards and defeat of Umsa- lekaze (Mosilekatze) near Mosilekatze's Neck. 1839, The Boers found the Nalal Free States, which the English Government tries to incorporate with the Cape Colony. 1840, The Boer and Kaffir wars break out. Natal declared a British possession, whereupon the Boers wander northwards in two great bodies. 1 84S, The English occupy the Boer States North of the Orange Free State: the Boers cross the Vaal and found Transvaal. 1858, More than 2000 hardy peasants from Germany are allotted farms in British Kaffraria, including many belonging to the German legion raised by England for service in the Crimea. 1865, Incorporation of British Kaffraria. 1868, Incorporation of Basutoland, and 1871, West Griqualand. 1877, Extension of England's royal prerogative over free Kaffirland and the Transvaal. 1878—1879, Zulu War. 1879, January 22nd, Battle of [sandula, in which the English were defeated by the Zulus and 858 out of 1329 English soldiers killed or wounded. Followed by the decisive battle of Ulundi under Lord Chelmsford followed, when the Zulu power was completely shattered. June 1st, death of Prince Napoleon. August 18th, Cetewayo made prisoner. 63 1886, December 10th, Pondoland incorporated. 1887, Zululand divided (14th May annexation) and the foundation of a new South African State, "Vryheid", which a few months later was connected with the Transvaal. Cape Colony proper is divided into 74 districts, and its depen- i>ivisi«...s. „ . , , » ,, r* -, Government. dencies into 29 divisions. A Governor is at the head ot the Colony V;n . ia with an Executive Council. The Legislative Council consists of 22 members, who are elected every seven years. The Colony is managed by a Governor and five Ministers of State. Each district has its own resident magistrate, who is also Civil Commissioner, and a council of six members. The Seat of Government is Capetown (83,718 inha- bitants in 1891) or, without the suburbs only 51,251. Bechuanaland. The Bechuanaland Protectorate (since 27th February [30th Sep- tember] 1885) embraces the South African territories between the Molopo River, about 26° South Latitude, in the South; and the Zambesi, Tshobe, and Okavango in the North; German South West- Africa in the West; and the South African Republic and Matabeleland in the East, The area is 386,200 square miles and the population about 1()0,000. The greater part of the territory is made up of a water- less desert overgrown by thicket, with here and there a sprinkling of forest. It is only properly fertile in the East. According to the terms of a Resolution of Council, the 4th July. 1890, the territory was placed under the jurisdiction of the Governor of British Bechuanaland, but on the 18th November, 1895, when it was annexed by the Cape as the Crown Colony, British Bechuanaland, i/c/r agreements were made. According to these, the Chartered Company of South Africa was to take over the management; til but the leading chiefs of the country protested, being dissatisfied with the project of building a railway through the country towards the North. The result of their protests was that the districts of the chiefs, Khama of Bamangwato (chief town, Palachwe, 25,000 inhabitants), Sebele of Bakwena, Batoen of the Bangwaketse, Mantsioa, chief of the Barolong tribe of the Boratsile, and Ikanning, chief of the Bamaliti, were, according- to the State Papers, Nos. 40 and 43, of the English Bluebook ('. 7962, London 1896, subjected to a strict demarcation, and Khama, Sebele, and Bathoen were informed that they might rule their land as usual, "under the protection of the Queen. 1 ' The Queen is represented by various officials. The country forming the protectorate outside the provinces of the chiefs mentioned is governed by the South Africa Company, with the exception of Mantsioa's and Ikanning's territories, which were placed under the High Commissioner of Cape Colony on the 3rd February, 1890. after being- subordinated to the South Africa Company on the 18th October, 1895. Seat of the authorities, Shoshong. < 'nly the possessions and claims of the Bakhatla chief, Lenchwe, remain still upsettled. lie will have to come to a decision personally. Owing to the construction of railways, and the mining in the neigh- bouring districts, as well as to the rapid political changes characte- rising this part of Africa, things arc by no means definitely settled. On the 6th August and 25th October, 1882, the Boers established the Republics of Stellaland (15,490 sq. km, 15,500 inhabitants), and (,<>nsr„ (1<).4 66 follows this till its connection with the 31° meridian East of Green- wich, then passing directly South to the point where the Mazoe River touches the 33° Longitude Easl of Greenwich. The frontier then follows this meridian southwards to the 18° 30' South Latitude, cuts the Maniea Plain (1884 occupied by Portugal), along the watershed, winds towards the South -West to the contiux of the Sabi and Lunti, whence it runs to the North-Easterly point of the South- African Republic. The frontier at the watershed on the Maniea Plain is evidently drawn in such a manner that no more any terri- tory West of 32° 30' East Longitude of Greenwich shall belong to Portugal. Again, Great Britain has no more any claim to the land beyond 33" East Longitude of Greenwich. The Tati gold district between the Shaslii and Ramaquaban Rivers is excluded from the Company's territory, and likewise the tract of land between the Shashi and Maklutji Rivers and Khama's district North of the 22° parallel. Northern Zambesi is included politically in British Central Africa (which see), being only administratively connected with the lands of the British South Africa Company. For the Western and Northern frontiers see page 49, "Congo State" and "Portuguese Lower Guinea". Area of operations of the Company, 750,000 square miles. Population uncertain, but may be safely computed at 2,500,000. Since 1888 Mashonaland and Matdbeleland have formed the heart of the Company's possession. Southern Zambesia is the direct possession of the Company. Since February 1891, the Company has also governed the North Zambesia territory, (except Nyassaland) ; the Royal Commissioner of which works together with the Company, whose officials are also placed under him. English Bluebook 1895, C 7637. This was the status quo till the 1st of January 1896. 67 1888, February lltli (5th June). Treaty of peace with the Matabele Prince, Lobengula. — 25th July. Demarcation of the British Sphere of Interest. By the Royal Charter of the 29th October, 1S89, the British History Sphere of Interest South of Zambesi and Tshobe was handed over for management to the Company. 1890, August 20th. Frontier treaty with Portugal. 1891, May 9th. The Sphere of Power of the High Commissioner of Cape Colony was extended to this territory. (Blue Book 1894 C 7383). — 28th May. New Frontier treaty with Portugal. 1894, Matabele War; capture of Bulawayo. 1896, Dr. Jameson's raid into the Transvaal and renewed rising of the Matabele. i s 1897, January 30th. Arbitration re the Manica Plain. The territory is divided into 13 Districts, excepting North Government )esi, which is undivided. Government Offices, Salisbury and Bidawayo, 2000 inhabitants. British Central Africa. Under the title of British Central Africa (usually abbreviated official title. into B. C. A.) is comprised since 22nd February 1893 the territory of the English Sphere of Interest North of the Zambesi River. The frontier line runs from the East Shore of the Nyassa Frontiers. Lake, viz., from the parallel at which the Rovuma River joins the M'Sinje, thence Southwards to 13° 30' South Latitude and the East Bhore of Chiuta Lake, which it follows. II ere the line runs in a straight line to the East shore of the Kilwa Lake along which it continues 68 its course until it reaches the extreme South-Masterly point. The frontier next proceeds to the extreme Easterly affluent of the Ruo linn-, following the course of the former and the Ruo till they discharge themselves into the Shire. From this point, the frontier turns in a North Westerly direction towards Chiwanga, and runs along the watershed between the Zambesi and the Nyassa Lake, till it touches the L4° South Latitude. The frontier from this spot is directed towards that point where the 15° Latitude meets with the Aroanga or Loangva, and follows the river-bed of the latter as far as the Zambesi (Anglo-Portuguese Agreement, 11th June, 1891). The South frontier is formed by the Zambesi River. The Western boundary line begins on the Zambesi at the Katima Falls, and stretches in a northerly direction along the river to the Kabompo, whence it passes to the frontiers of the Congo States. (Anglo-Portuguese Treaty, 31st Mag, 1893; rati, I fill July 1898.) No decision was then reached with regard to the possessory rights of Barotseland. (See Portuguese Lower Guinea). In accordance with the Anglo-Portuguese Convention, 20th August, 1896, Barotseland was definitely added to Portugal. German East Africa forms the North frontier from the South point of the Tanganyika to Naronga on the Nyassa Lake. The remainder of the frontier line runs across the Nyassa Lake as far as the parallel of the Rovuma-M'Sinje junction. Including the British Central Africa Protectorate, the territory measures 500,000 square miles. The number of inhabitants is uncertain, but is most likely 4 millions. Number of Europeans 850 (1895), of which 32 are English. Divisions. The former dominion of Kazembe, North Zambesi. For the territory on the West Shore of the Nyassa Lake see page 69. The whole territory is a Sphere of Interest. For the Protectorate see page 69. 69 Great Britain has occupied the territory since the beginning Possession. of 1891. 1858 — 1873, Livingstone's journeys into the Interior, his first History, courte being across the Continent from East to West. His death occurred at Dsitiambo's village in the Bangweolo Lake district. The following districts are administered by the British South Varia. Africa Company (which see): Tshambesi, Tanganyika, Meru and Luapula. Seat of the authorities, 1895, Fort Bosehery. British Central Africa Protectorate. (Nyassaland.) The land on the South and West shore of the Nyassa Lake has borne this name since the decree of the 14th May, 1891. It was then separated from British Central Africa, aud placed under a Boyal Commissioner and Consul- General, who also superintends Northern Zambesi, as explained on page 66. The West frontier runs from North to South scarcely 100 km. distant from the West Shore of the Nyassa. The area and population have never been properly estimated. 1896, the returns for the population were 844,995, including 259 English. The whole country is divided into twelve districts, in each of which are one or two administrative officers. The chief town and residence of the Commissioner is Blantyre with 6000 inhabitants, including 100 Europeans. Seat of the Administration, Zumba on the Shire. The garrison is formed by 200 Sikhs of the Indian Army. For the purpose of communication with the sea, Portugal has ceded to the British Government in Tshinde, on tin- Indian Ocean, "a small piece of land" as a so-called "British concession", at the only navigable mouth of the Zambesi. 70 Basutoland. This territory is situated on the right bunk of the Upper Orange River, and surrounded by the Orange Free State, Natal, and Cape Colony. It has 26,640 sq. km. or 10,293 square miles, with 250,000 inhabitants (1895) including 600 Europeans. It was annexed in August 1871. and on the 18th March 1884 placed directly under the Crown. Governed by a Resident Commissioner working under the High Commissioner for South Africa. Chief Town. Maseru, 862 inhabitants (inclusive of 99 Europeans). Natal. Official tnlr Frontiei-s. Population. --lull. Colony of Natal. The land borders in the North on the Orange Free State and the South African Republic together with Zululand (frontier river, Tugela), in the East on the Indian Ocean (200 miles), in the South on Cape Colony (East Griqualand), Pondoland, and Basutoland. Estimated at 42,920 sq. km. (20,461 square miles). In 1891, 543,913, made up of 46,788 Europeans, 41,142 natives of British India and 455,983 Kaffirs. In 1895, 544,000. Formerly an integral part of Cape Colony. Natal was converted into an independent Crown Colony on the 15th July 1856, and in 1866 increased by the addition of Alfred County (the most Southerly Coast district). The charter of the Constitution was altered in 1875, 1879, and 1893. 71 The coast was discovered by Vasco da Gama on Christmas Day, 1497, hence the name. 1719, Founding of a Dutch colony, soon afterwards abandoned . 1834, Settlement of English emigrants. 1835, The republic " Victoria" was founded by Captain Gardiner but dissolved in 1838. 1837, Gert Maritsz and Andreas Pretorius founded in Natal the Batavisch Afrikaansche Maatschappij and Pietermaritzburg. 1840, Expulsion of the Boers by the English. The former wandered into the territory of the Yaal and Orange. 1893, July 20th, Natal becomes an independent colony with a responsible government. The governor rules in the Queen's name, assisted by a legis- Government lative council and a legislative assembly together with live Ministers appointed by him. Capital and residence of the Governor, Pietermaritzburg. 17,500 inhabitants (1891). Zululancl and Tong-oland. The British possession Zululand (annexed 14th May 1887) lies to the North-East of Natal, and borders on the North and West on the South African Republic and Tongoland (Tongola River, Maputa and Usutu Rivers, Swasiland), on the East on the Indian ( )cean (Convention of England with Ihr South African />'c/>/i/>/i<\ UOth June 1888). It embraces the former Zulu Reserve, the greater part of the dominion of Cetewayo who died 9th February 1884 and that of Usibebu, and Santa Lucia Bay (12,500 square miles, 22,320 sq. km. with 1(15, 121 (1895) inhabi- tants, including about 124(5 whites). The territory is administered by 72 the Governor of Natal. The Commissioner has his residence at Eshotve, (100 whites i. L888 and 1890, some territories on the other side of tin' former North frontier towards tin* Mkusi River were joined to Zululand. 23rd April, L895, by a proclamation of the Governor concerning the intended railway from the sea to the South African Republic, the territories of the chiefs of Umbegesa, Mdhlaleni Sam- bane and others were joined to Zululand, the union being confirmed 1»\ a Royal Order of the 8th June, 1895. Anglo-Portuguese Treaty 38th May, 1891. English Bluebooks C 7780 and C 7878, London 1895. See also Petermann's geograph. Mittheilungen, 1896 f. 90. Tongoland, Amatongo, situated North of Zululand ; friendly treaty with England since 6th July, 1887; 5000 sq. km. with 31,000 inhabitants. On 30th May, 1895, made a British Protectorate, and placed under the government of Natal. (English Blue Book C 7395, London 1885.) The North frontier was regulated by an agreement with Portugal 28th May, 1891. Further agreements are dated 29th November (3rd December) 1887; 1888 (with Zambila) and August 1890. The British annexations in Zululand and Tongoland Protectorate render it impossible for the South African Republic to build a railroad to the South without passing through British territory. The Boer Free State is therefore entirely cut off from the sea. Orange Republic. Official title. Oranje Vrijstaat (Orange Free Slate). The South Frontier is formed by Cape Colony near the course of the Orange River ; the East frontier by Basutoland and Natal, the North frontier by the South African Republic (Vaal River), and the West frontier by West Griqualand. 73 131,070 sq. km. (48,326 square miles). Area. 1890 — 207,503 (129,787 natives); 1895 - - 220,000. Population. Independent State. Possession. In 1836 the territory was still a wilderness inhabited by Bistoiy. Beclmans and Bushmen. When in 1834 the British proclaimed the abolition of the slave trade in Cape Colony, the Boers wandered with their slaves into the territory of the present Republic, and founded there a free state, which, being taken by the English in 1848, and on the 23th February 1854 declared independent, received on the 10th April of the same year a constitution, which was revised on the 9th February 1866 and 8th May 1879. On the abolition of sla- very by the Boers, the latter received from England in 1854 all the possessions belonging to them in the territory of the free state. Since then the country has been quietly developing. 1S97, May 25th. Commercial treaty with Germany. — June 17th, Union with the South African Republic. The legislature for the 19 districts consists of a Volksraad Government. Various. with 58 members and an executive with a president, who is elected every rive years. Capital: Bloemfontein, 3,457 inhabitants, of which, in 1890, 2077 were Africanders or Europeans. South African Republic (Formerly Transvaal). Zmdafrikaansche Eepubliek, formerly Transvaal -Vrijstaat. Official title. In the West the territory borders on Bechuanaland and British Frontiers. Central Africa, the boundary line being formed 1>.\ the Limpopo or Count Kinsley : "Th Diplomatist's H« ™ I»i\ i-ii>n- 74 Crocodile River (Convention with England 27th February 1884). In the North it borders on the territory of the British South Africa Company; in the East on Portuguese East-Africa, Zulu, and Tongo- land; and in the South on Natal and the Orange Free State. Total Area, 308,560 sq. km., 119,139 square miles. Potion. Apnl 1895, 790,000. Besides the Transvaal proper, the territory of the Republic includes also, since 1887, the New Bepublic, Zululand, which was founded by the Boers on the 16th August, 1884, under the name "Vryheid", and (since 10th December 1894), the Protectorate state of Swaziland, declared independent in 1884 (18,140 sq. km., 41,000 inhabitants. 1000 Europeans), the Republic being unable to incor- porate it. Independent State, whose foreign affairs are so far limited by Paragraph IV of tin' treaty with England 27th February 1884, that England has a right of veto in all state treaties within six wwnths. The state was formed by those Boers who emigrated in 1835 from Cape Colony to Natal, but who left the latter territory when it was annexed by England and declared a crown colony. 1852, February 17th, England's recognition of the independence of the State. 1853. Founding of Pretoria. Proclamation of the Constitution in 33 Articles (from 23rd May, is 19). 1858, February 13th, passing of the Grondwet or Fundamental Law-. 1869, July 29th, Frontier regulation treaty with Portugal. L875, Ignatz Maritsz founded the Small Free State. 1877, April 12th, England annexes the Transvaal. 1880, Commencement of the war with England. 1 880, January and February. Battles by Laing's Neck on the Ingogo and near Majuba. — i « » i » . Hist on 75 1881, March 21st. Volksraad resolution, 26tli October, 1881. Restitution of the Transvaal State in reference to home affairs, the management and control of foreign affairs being made subject to the suzerainty of the Queen of England. 1884, February 27th (August 3rd 1881) Convention with Eng- land (ratified by the Volksraad August 8th 1884) by which Eng- land's suzerainty for the control of foreign affairs oj the State was restricted, and the State for political reasons adopted the name of the "South African Eepublic" . 1887, September 14th. Incorporation of the New Republic. 1888, June 20th. England's recognition of the alterations in the South African Republic. 1889, March 13th, Mashona and Matabeleland fall under the British Sphere of Interest. 1890, June 23rd, Revision of the constitution; 2nd August, front- ier treaty with England and incorporation of the Small Free State; August 4th, Incorporation of a part of Swasiland (Swasiland Con- vention). 1894, December 10th. Swasiland becomes a protectorate state of the South African Republic. Although not incorporated, the Boers have had the right of legislating and administering justice since the 21st February, 1895. 1896, December. Dr. Jameson's invasion and march to Johannes- burg. 1897, March, (June 17th). Union with the Orange Free State. At the head of the State is a president, elected every three years and supported by two chambers the Eersle Raad and the Volksraad, ..nli composed of 24 members. Capital: Pretoria, 8000 inhabitants. 10* 76 .1 title. I r.mlni -. A I • Population. Divisions. --ion. History. Treaties. Portuguese East Africa. Estado ()/// December, 1886 ami 1st July 1890 : re the territory at the mouth of the river [Kionga bay] September 1894) to ll 1 //' South Latitude, whence it runs in a straight line to the East shore of the Nyassa Lake. The frontier next follows the shore of the lake towards the South as far as the 13° 30' South Latitude. From this point it is formed by the hitherto inaccurately defined frontier on the Manica Plain (vide Anglo-Portuguese convention oj the 28th May and 11th June, 1891). From Limpopo onwards the territory is bordered by the S. A. Republic. In the South, the Estado borders on British Tongo- land and Zululand. * The area amounts to 768,740 sq. km., (261,700 square miles.) Population, 1,500,000; other authorities, 768,740 to 2V 2 millions. The territory embraces the districts of Cape Delgado, Ibo, MoC/ambique, Inhambane, Quilimane, Senna, Tcte, Sumbo, Gasaland, Sofala, Laurenco Marquez, Delagoa Bay (the "key" to South Africa) and several small islands. The land is divided into two parts, by the course of the Zambesi Mogambique North of the Zambesi, aud Lau- go Marquez, South of same, with capitals bearing the. same name. Direct possession, which nevertheless, according to Royal Decree of the September 30th, 1891, is leased for 25 years to private com- panies for opening up and general management. Vasco da Gama discovered the coast in 1498, and it w r as soon afterwards colonised by Tristan da Cunha and became the scene of 77 many immigrations. The territory was connected administratively Frontier. • 11 nnrti Regulation, with Goa in the East Indies till 1752. 1869, July 29th, Frontier regulation treaty with Transvaal. 1870, Abolition of slavery. 1878, Arbitation by the French Marshall, Mac Mahon, whereby Portugal obtained definite possession of Delagoa Bay, claimed by England. Disputes arose with England (African Lakes Co, Building of the Stevenson Road, Cardosa, Serpa Pinto), which resulted in England's colonisation work on the Lake Nyassa. England maintained the right of preemption of Delagoa Bay. 1884, Portuguese occupation of Manica. 1885, October 14th, Protection treaty with the Zulus under Gungunhana. 1888, April 27th, Reclamation of Mashonaland. 1890, August 20th, An un-ratified treaty with England re- lative to the Zambesi basins. 1891, May 28th, Renewed frontier treaty with England. 1891, July 30th, Formation of the Inhambane and Mozam- bique Companies. 1891, September 30th, Formation of the Estado d'Africa Oriental. Government. 1895, February. Regulation of the German frontier. 1S96, December 9th. Definitive regulation of the German- Portuguese frontier. 1897, April. — Bern Arbilration re Delagoa Bay railway. A Royal Commissioner General, appointed for three years, rules the state as Governor and has his seat in Laurengo Marques (1700 Europeans; 5000— 6000 black inhabitants, 700 Portuguese, [1897]). The native chiefs in the various districts arc subject to him as Capitaes moroes. An important railroad runs from Laurengo Marquez (1895, 57 miles laid by the Portuguese and 290 miles by the Netherland Company) to the South African Republic (Pretoria). A line is also being built from Beira to Salisbury in Rhodesia. 78 Madagascar and Dependencies. iai title Madagascar. Besides the large island, the St. Marie, Nossi Be, and Glorioso Islands are regarded us dependencies of Madagascar, the former on the N. E. side, and the latter on the N. W. side of the Island. Area, 591,563 sq. km. (228,500 square miles) with the surround- ing islets, 591,964 sq. km. (1650 km. greatest length, 520 km. greatest breadth, 400 km. average width. Population. Population : 3.500,000 (French official indication 1897 : from five to six Millions). Malay Hovas : 1 Million, Sakalavas: 1 Million, Bet- siloes: 600,000, Betsimisarakas: 400,000, Southern races: 200,000. P ion. Since August 1896, direct French possession. Madagascar was mentioned by Marco Polo as early as the 13th Century. 10th August, 1506, discovered by the Portuguese d' Almeida, who called it Sao Lourenco. Under Louis XIV declared French possession; the kingdom of the Malegassies however remained intact. Subsequently the last dominion collapsed. 1814, Reconquest of Foulepointe, Tamatave and St. Marie by the French. 1822, Expulsion of the French by Iiadama I. who was supported b\ England, whereupon Ranavalo I expelled all Europeans from the island. 1845, Franco-British Expedition against Madagascar. 1862, In consequence of having conceded land to the French- man Lambert. Radama II was killed. His wife and successor, Rasoherina, formed an alliance with England and the U. S. A. to her ultimate detriment. 79 1868, August 8th, Renewed treaty with France. 1869, Ranavalo II adopts Christianity through English influence; wars and rebellions follow. 1885, December 17th. At the end of the French war, France obtained the right, by a treaty, to maintain a general resident on the island and to control foreign affairs. (Occupation of Diego Suarez Bay by France.) 1890, England recognises the French protectorate of the island, but the natives oppose any kind of protectorate whatever. 1895, May, French war with Madagascar. The taking of the Capital on the 1st October led to the occupation of the island. 1896, July 11th and August 3rd, Decree of the French Govern- ment concerning the reorganisation of the island. 1896, August 6th, Official proclamation of the annexation of the island by France in January, which is recognised by the U. S. A. The Hovas have been allowed to retain the Royal dignity (the Government. Prime Minister is also the Queen's husband). Ranavalo III has reigned since the 13th July 1883. Capital: Antananarivo, 100,000 inhabitants. Seaport : Tamatave, 10,000 Inhabitants. Slavery still exists in a patriarchal sense, although abolished by a proclamation on the 8th March, 1889. The surrounding islands, which are dependencies of Madagascar, are St. Marie, since 1643 French, with 165 sq. km. (64 square miles) and 7667 Inhabitants, and Nossi Be, 393 sq. km. or 113 square miles and 7700 Inhabitants. These islands were formerly direct French possession, as also was Diego Suarez (4567 inhab.) on the North Coast. The uninhabited islands are Juan de Nova, Bassas de India ;iinl Europa. 80 Mauritius and Dependencies. i >r final title. I lony of Mauritius, formerly Isle de France. Divisions. The Easterly Mascarenhas Island Man fit in*, belongs to the Colony of Mauritius, together with the islands Rodriguez 110 sq. km., Diego Garcia, Amirantes, Seychelles, of which only Mane" and Pras- lin are inhabited, the Tshagos Islands, Trois freres or Eagle Islands, the Cosmoledo Islands (Oil Islands) Assumption, St. Brandon or Cargados (16°50' and 16°20 i South Latitude and 56°16' to 59°14' Longitude East of Greenwich), and lastly the Aldabra Islands 157 sq. km. Mauritius, 705 square miles, Seychelles 204 sq. km., Amirantes 13 sq. km. Total area of the dependencies, 172 square miles. Popniation. Mauritius 370,588 (1891) (1895; 375,000) inhabitants, two thirds of whom are Indians and 3400 Chinese; the Seychelles 16,400 (1891 : Amirantes 100 (1891); Rodriguez 2061 (1891); Diego Garcia 700. Direct possession of Great Britain. The Mascarenhas Islands were discovered in 1505 and 1507 by the Portuguese Pietro Mascarenhas Mauritius (discovered 1507) was occupied in 1591 by the Dutch under Van Neck, who named the island after Ids sovereign. 1712 evacuated by the Dutch, 1721 occupied by Fiance, who ceded Mauritius and the Seychelles in ' IS 14 to England. ( apital of Mauritius and seat of the Governor, Port Louis, _'41 inhabitants (1894). Chief town of the Seychelles Mahe. 81 Reunion and Dependencies. Reunion (Isle de Bourbon). Official title The islands Mayotta (since 26th January 1896), St. Paid, and New Divisions. Amsterdam, which Great Britain ceded to France, in 1892, together with the uninhabited Kerguelen islands, annexed by France in 1893, are dependencies of the westerly Mascarenhas Island. St. Paul is the oldest French settlement in the Indian Ocean. The area of Reunion is 2512 sq. km. or 965 square miles, of Area. Mayotta 366 sq. km. or 140 sq. m. 167,847 (1893) inhabitants, one-fifth whites, 23,161 British In- Population, dians, 412 Chinese (1892). Mayotta contains 8706 inhabitants (1893). Direct possession of France. Possession. 1505, discovered by Pietro Mascarenhas; 1631, the island was History, colonised by the French merchant Gobert from Dieppe. It was used for a long time as a convict station. 1764, conquered by the English. 1784 returned to France, and the island has remained since" then a French possession. Mayotta has belonged since 1843 to France. Capital: St. Denis; sends one Senator and two Deputies to the Van'a. French Chamber of Deputies. The Comoro Islands. Les Comores. Official title. This archipelago, situated North West of Madagascar, consists Divisions, of the islands Great Comoro, Mohilla, and Johanna. The small uninha- bited islands situated North ol Madagascar also belong to this group, i' on nt K i n s k y : "The Diplomatist's Handbook for AJrioa" 11 82 \i/.. Assumption, Astove, Cosmoledo, St. Pierre, Providence, Get/ , when the Sultan of Zanzibar took possession. L885, April 8th. Denhart Brothers received land from the Sultan ofWitu, which they placed under a German Protectorate 27th of May. 1887, May 24th. The stretch of land from Wanga to Kipini handed over to the British East Africa Company. 1888, October 9th. Sultan of Zanzibar ceded the stretch of coast from linba to Ozi to the Imperial British East Africa Company for fifty years. 1889, August 31st. The Sultan yields up all his possessions North of Kipini to the Company. 1890, July 1st. The British Sphere of Interest more definitely fixed by Germany and England. — 5th August, Recognition of the British Protectorate by France. 19th November. British Protectorate over Witu, Kismaju, Patta, Manda. 1891, The company took over all the land from Umba to Juba (400 miles length of coast), from the Sultan for a yearly payment of 80,000 dollars, and at the same time the ports North of Kumayu were by the Anglo-Italian convention of 24th March (16th July) 1893 leased by the Company to Italy. 1892, March 30th. Protectorate treaty with Uganda. 1893, End of .March. The Company, which had occupied the whole territory as far as Uganda, the Albert Edward Lake, and Semliki River, retires from Uganda. 1893, July 31st. The Company gives up the administration of Witn. 1894, June 19th. British Protectorate declared over Uganda. 89 1895, June 15th. The whole of the lands of the I. B. E. A. placed under British protection, and the administration taken over by England on the 30th June, and placed under the control of the British Consul General at Zanzibar. The Uganda province is under a commissioner, who is subordinate Government. to the British Agent and Commissioner at Zanzibar, who is also responsible for order along the coast for a distance of ten miles inland and for the maintenance of the communication between the coast and Uganda. — A railway 657 miles long is being built from Mom- bassa to the Victoria Nyanza. A road, 100 miles long, runs from Mombassa to Kibwezi. The chief town of Uganda is — Mengo (seat of the British authori- ties : Port Alice). Seat of the government, Mombassa, 15,000 inhabitants. British Possession in Somaliland and Sokotra. Somali Coast Protectorate. Official title. The frontier line leaves the sea-coast West of Zejla on the Frontiers. Gulf of Aden at Cape Wahadu, and stretches southward across Lovadu (Lavada), Davali, Abasuen, and Biokaboba to Dshildessa. Here it turns towards the South-East to Milmil, then follows the 8° North Latitude Eastwards to the 48° Longitude East of Greenwich, whence it runs N. E. as far as Wadi Nogal and from this valley directly North along the 49" Longitude East of Greenwich to the coast again, which it reaches at the seaport, Bender Ziada. (Franco- English Agreement of 2nd of February 1888, and Anglo-Italian Convention of 5th of May 1894.) 77,000 sq. km. ; English estimates "about 75,000 square miles" Count Kinsky: "The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa". * ^ Area. 90 Population. Population: 240,000. The possession embraces the provinces of Ejssa (Isa), Gada- burssi, Habr Aual, I lain- GerMdjii, Dolbohanta, Habr Toldshalej, War Singeli Somali. p os8ess i on Protectorate of (neat Britain, which however resembles an actual possession, although some of the Somali chiefs receive subsidies from the British Government. History. As early as 1827, England had established herself on the Frontier. Somali coast from Aden and India, and in 1855 concluded con- tentions from Berbera with the most important Somali chiefs (Ugases, Garades, Sultans). 1875. Occupation of the Somali coast by the Egyptians. 1884. Egyptians evacuate the districts. Since 1887, England has occupied the ports under the title of a protectorate. 1885. March; Ejssa, Gadaburssi and Habr Aual Somali under British Protectorate. 1888, February 2nd. Regulation of the West frontier by a Franco-English ( km vention. 1889, December 13th. Regulation of the Protectorate. (Somali < >nler in Council). 1894, May 5th. The frontiers determined by means of an Anglo-Italian Agreement. The territory is administered by the political agent of the governor of Aden, who is at the same time Consul for the Somali Coast. (Seat of the Vice Consul and British Agent, Berbera). In the winter 30,000 inhabitants, during the summer almost deserted. The Sokotra Archipelago embraces the Islands Sokotra, Abd el Kary and the Brothers Islands with an area of 3579 sq. km. (1382 square miles, including the area of Kuria Muria on the Arabian coast) and 10,000 inhabitants. The greater part of the archipelago was bought from the Sultan of Sokotra in 1875, and in accordance 91 with the rights of preemption, which were obtained by a treaty with the Sultan of Kashin in South Arabia, 1876, occupied by Eng- land 30th September, 1886, and administered from Aden. An agent and a small garrison are stationed at Tamarida on the North coast. French Possession on the Gulf of Aden. Cote Frangaise des Somalis et dependances (formerly Obock.) Official title. The Gulf of Aden starting from Raheita (Ras Dumejra 12° 30' Frontiers. North Latitude) via the Gubet el Kharaib (Virgin's Water) as far as Cape Lovadu or Ras Ali (Wells of Hadu) 25 km. East of Ras Dshibuti (250 km.) forms the East frontier. The frontier then runs along the caravan tract from Dshibuti across Lovadu, Dauali, Abasuen to Bia Kaboba and Dshildessa. A West and South Sphere of Interest is considered as extending across the Somali and Afar (Danakil) countries to the foot of the Abyssinian mountains. The courses of the Raheita River, the Hawash, and its tributary Addifuha, denote the direction of the North West frontier. Anglo-French agreement. 2nd February, 1888. French estimates, 120,000 sq. km. but generally supposed to Area, be only 10,000 sq. km. (3860 square miles); British estimation: 43,320 sq. m. Population 200,000 estimated officially 1890; 50,000 1897. Population. (Somali and Afar or Danakil); probably much larger. The possession embraces Obock with its territories, to which Divisions. belong the island of Dumejra, Dshezira Soba, Les Freres and the Musha Islands in Gubet el Kharaib; further Tadshura, Ambabo, Dullul, Sagallo, Dshibuti together with the Interior belonging to these points. Roads lead to Shoa and Ilarar. 12* 92 Possession. The points on the coast form the actual possession of France, and arc all occupied, whereas the interior of the Afar Country can only be considered a Sphere of [nterest. The territory was organised as a Colony by a decree of the '20th May, 1896. History. 1857. Henri Lambert appointed Consular Agent in Aden, associated himself with Aber Baker of Tadshura, who sold the stretch of land from Ras Ali and Uano to France for 10,000 thalers. Lambert was murdered on the 4th of June, 1859. L861, January. Admiral Fleuriot de Langle installs Abu Baker as governor of Zejla. 1862. March 11th. France purchases Obock from Ras Dumejra to Ras Ali. 1872. Pierre Arnoux's treaty with Menelik of Shoa, by which the rights of the Negus are recognised. 1883, March 17th. Italy attempts to obtain the protectorate over Gubet Kharaib. France occupies Obock officially. 1884, October 18th. Tadshura becomes French by purchase. 1885, May 20th. French Protectorate over Tadshura, Ambabo Sagallo, and Gubet Kharaib, and annexation of these territories the same year. England cedes the Musha Islands to France. 1886, March 3rd. Obock becomes a penal colony for Arab prisoners. 1887, Division of Tadshura Bay between England and France. 1888, January and February. France occupies Ras Dshibuti and regulates the East frontier by convention with England of the 2nd of February. 1889, January 11th. Landing of the Russians in Sagallo under Atschinoff (175 men, 6 priests). 18th February, Bombardment of Sagallo. 1896, May 20th. Organisation of the Colony, and removal of the governmental residence from Obock to Ras Dshibuti. 93 A governor is responsible for the administration. Chief town Government, and port, Puis Dshibuti, 3000 inhabitants. Italian Possession in North East Africa. For the single territories — Possedimenti, protettorati Italiani official title. in Africa — there exist different official names: Eritrea, Assab, Costa dei Benddir, Somalia Italiana. In consequence of the defeat of the Italians on the 1st March Erontiers. 1896, at Adua, their possession in Africa is at present undergoing a political change. Omitting Abyssinia, which would never submit to an Italian protectorate as provided by the treaty of Utshali 2nd May 1889, the boundary lines may be defined as follows. They begin at Has Kasar, 18° 2' North Latitude, and on the Falkat River, according to the Anglo-Italian treaty of May 1887, (Italian Green Book laid before the Italian Chamber 25th April 1888), run in a straight line to the right bank of the Barka, follow it in the direction of Kassala, which the Italians took and occupied in 1894, thence probably following the Lareb Eastward. Before the war of 1895— 1896, the line extended {Anglo-Italian treaties 24th March and 15th April, 1891, ratified on the 25th February 1890) from Chor Gash South-westerly towards the Atbara, followed this and the Semsen and Rahat to 35y 2 ° Longitude East of Greenwich and to the 6th Parallel Northern Latitude. Proceeding along this Parallel to 40° Longitude East of Greenwich, it then followed the undefined course of the Juba to its outlet into the Indian Ocean. The course of the Mareb may in future form the South frontier of the Italian possession adjoining Abyssinia. Towards the South-East of Ras Kasar, 18° 2* North Latitude, the coast of the Red Sea borders the Italian possession as far as 94 Raheita 12° 30' North Latitude. The ocean frontier starts again near Bender Ziada in the Somali country, bends round Cape Guar- dafui, and ends at the mouth of the Juba. As the French possession on the Gulf of Aden has no fixed frontiers in the West and East, and on the other hand Menelik II of Ethiopia declared himself sovereign of the whole of the African East Horn in 1885, only the Anglo-Italian Agreements of the 21th March and 15th April, 1891, the 5th and 25th May, 1894, concerning the demarcation of British Somali Country, the Italian Sphere of Interest as well as the S Miiali Italiana, can be authoritative. The Italian possession embraces Massowah with its territory, the Dahlak Archipelago, the protectorate over Habab, Marea, and Beni Amer, the protectorate over Anssa and the Danakil coast, as well as all the Afar races depending on Anssa, Assab, the Raheita protectorate, and that over East and South Somali country (the races of Midshurtin near Obbia, Merihan, Ogaden, Hawiya Rahanwin) and the Gallaland as far as Dshub (.Juba) thus, principally the Arussi-Galla land. For the present it is impossible to give an exact description of the Italian Dominion on the African East Horn, as the extent of the actual Abyssinian government there is unknown. Abyssinian outposts are stationed near Bia kaboka in the Gadaburssi Somali- land, and in the Marar Prairie (towards Ogaden), and Abyssinian bands raise tribute far into Ogaden, having in 1895 also ransacked Bardera on the Juba river. 145,000 sq. km. (487,000 square miles), according to Italian statements 247,300 sq. km.; with the area of the Somali and Galla- lands 775.000 sq. km., including Abyssinia and Shoa, 1,676,000 square miles. The population was estimated in 1893, according to the state of affairs then prevailing, and was set down as 150,000 for the occupied territories; but when the whole area is taken into con- 95 sideration, it would certainly amount to more than two millions, Abyssinia and dependencies always excepted. Massowah and the Interior, also Assab, direct possession Possession. (possedimento). The protectorate is formed by Habab, Marea, Beni Amer, Aussa, the Danakil coast, and Raheita, also the Somali territories. The Gallalands can only be taken as Sphere of Interest. The coast was visited by the Portuguese in the 15th Century. History. 1520, Diego Lopez landed in Massowah. Treaties. 1557, Turks took Massowah, installing a Habab chief as gover- Frontier. , .,, „ , T ., Regulation, nor with the title of Naib. 1866, Turks formally cede Massowah to Egypt. 1870, The Rubattino Company purchase Assab, and surrender it in 1879 to the Italian Government. Egyptian protest 1st July 1870. 1874, Khedive Ismail Pasha occupies Keren and marches on Tigre. 1882, July 5th. Law concerning the organisation and recognition of Assab as a colony. Occupied on the 9th January 1881. 1884, Taking of Kassala. Raheita under Italian Protectorate. 1885, February 6th. The Italians under San Marzano occupy Massowah. 1885, June. Italian protectorate over the Danakil coasts, 2 December. Civil administration in Massowah. 1887. January 26th. Defeat of the Italians at Dogali. 1887, July 5th, General Saletta's protectorate treaty with Kan- tibai concerning Habab. 1888. Conclusion of the protectorate treaty with Berehan, Sultan of Raheita, and acceptation of the protectorate by the Marea, (January). 1888, December, 2nd. General Baldissera's Protectorate treaty with Deglel concerning the Beni Amer. 1888, December, 6th. Treaty with the Sal I an of Aussa respecting the pro/ed orate (ratified 13th November, 1889). 96 1889, February, 8th, (16th May). The Sultan of Obbia places himself under the Italian protectorate. In April and November the protectorate was extended, by a treaty with the Midshurtiu Sultan, to the territory between 5° 33' and 8° 13' North Latitude. 12th July, Occupation of Asmara. 29th September, Frontier Regulation with Al>\ ssinia. L889, Maj 2nd. (25th Miazza 1881) Treaty of I Hshali, by which tin- Altvssinians hind themselves to accept the intervention of Italy in foreign affairs (ratified 29th September, 1889, Italian Green Book 4th March 1890). This treaty was never recognised by Abyssinia (Paragraph 17, Amharish: "itshallautshal", "pourra" or "devra"). — May 20th, Occupation of Keren. 1890, January 1st. Incorporation of the Assab colony with Eritrea. — 14th January. The Italians enter Adua. 1892, August 26th. The Sultan of Zanzibar cedes the coast of nhbia as far as Juba by lease to the Italians. Italian administration instituted September, 1893. 1893, July 16th. Italian Government hands over the administra- tion of the Benadir ports (Merka, Brava, Maqdishu, Warsheik, Itala) for 3 years to Messrs. S. Filonardi and Co., who pay 160,000 rupees annually to the Sultan. 1896, March lth. Battle of Abba Garima. 1896, June 25th. Formation of the "Societa anonima com- merciale Italiana nei Benadir". (Somalia Italiana.) 1897, January 7th. Publication of the terms of peace with Italy. A Governor superintends the administration of Eritrea, assisted \ ai by Royal Commissioners. Seat of Government, Massowah, 16,000 inhabitants (1891). 97 Abyssinia. Itjopja, El Hdbasha, Abessinien, Abyssinia, Abyssinie, Abissinia, Official title. Miopia. Abyssinia borders in the North on Eritrea, in the East on Frontiers, the Italian and French Danakil and Somaliland, the territory of the Italian Sphere of Interest; in the South on the protectorate of the I. B. E. A.; in the West on the countries of the I. B. E. A. and the Mahdi's Empire. An exact topographical limitation is not possible. So much may be said, however that Abyssinia has no sea-port. The country is formed of provinces and the partial Kingdoms of Tigre, Amhara, Godsham, Shoa, Harar, and the Galla territory, on the left bank of the Abaj (upper course of the Blue Nile), Gudru, Djimma etc., then of Kaffa, Wallamo, and the Sidama terri- tories, and extends with the South frontier to the vicinity of the Rudolf and Stefanie Lakes, in the South East as far as the Erer and Webi Shebeli. The provinces governed by "ras" are: Semien, Dembea, Tigre, Sakota, Begemeder, Yetzoo, Aroossi, Goorage, Marocco, Galla to the west of Kaffa, Harar, and Tchertcher. About 500,000 sq. km. (The Abyssiaus give 2,500,000.) Area. Population : 4 l / 2 millions. (The Abyssinians give 15,000,000.) Population. Absolute barbaro-tyrannical country under the rule of Negusa Possession. Neghest ("King of Kings"), or Ati, at present Menelik II of Shoa, whose vassals are the monarchs of Tigre, Godsham, Galla lands, and Harar. Italy claimed in vain, on the strength of the treaty of Utshali 2nd May (1st October) 1889, the right of protection over Abyssinia. The latter never recognised the riglh but on the other hand frequently protested against it to the European Powers. Count Kinsky: "The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa". 13 98 An ancient Semitic oinpire originally consisting of five large in- dependent territories, whose inhabitants are monophisitic Christians, with kings elected from amongst themselves as Negusa Neghest. Once governed in the North by Byzantines. 1520, visited by the Portuguese, when they had already a considerable history. It is pro- bable that the empire extended over the whole African East Horn. Abyssinia's Mohammedan rival in the East, the Adel Empire (later Harar) arose about 1300 A. D. and flourished about 1500. 15 34. Invasion of the Galla into the Ethiopian Empire and settlement there. 1536 to 1543, Wars of Muhamnied Granj, monarch of Adel against Abyssinia; the Portuguese under Christoforo da Gama in Abyssinia. 1538— 1539, Turks support the enemies of Abyssinia with an army. 1680 — 1704, Invasion of the Galla in Central Amhara. 1743 — 1807, Taking of the Galla territory by the Abyssinians. 1766 — 1858, Civil war in the Sidama countries in the South of Shoa. 1805 and following years, Lord Valentia, 1809 Salt, visit Abyssinia with presents from Britain. 1843, June 7th, Conclusion of a trade and friendly treaty by Bochert d'Hericourt in the name of King Louis Philippe, between France and Abyssinia. This treaty is still in force. 1846, Harris' British expedition to Shoa. 1854 — 1855, Extinction of the ruling dynasties of Djimma, Kaha, and Ennerea. 1858, Commencement of the Galla war of Negusa Neghest Theodore 1864 — 1896, Subjection of the Galla by Ras Govanna and Ras Darghie. 1867 — 1868, English campaign, and taking of Magdala. 1874, Egyptian war against Abyssinia. The Egyptians routed at Gura. 99 1880, German mission to Abyssinia under Gerhard Rolilfs. 1884, June 3rd, Treaty of Adua between Abyssinia, England, and Egypt. Negus retains the sovereignty over Bogos. 1885, February 25th, Landing of Italians in Massowah. — 26th May, Harar deserted by the Egyptians. 1886, January, Taking of Harar by the Shoans. Meuelik II declares himself sovereign of the whole African East Horn. 1887, Defeat of the Italians near Dogali. 1889, January 18th. A Russian expedition under Atshinoff attempts to advance upon Abyssinia across Obock. Atshinoff plants the Russian flag at Sagallo, but the French admiral Olry bombards the fortress, and carries off the Russians as prisoners to Obock. 1889, May 2nd, Protectorate treaty at Utshali with Italy (ratified 29th September in Rome), extended in October to mutual protection. 1889, May, Campaign against the Mahdi's followers and 10th March, death of Negusa Neghest John II. — Menelik II of Shoa became Negusa Neghest of Ethiopia. — 29th September, (additional clause, 1st October) Frontier regulation with Italy, by which the Negus recognises Italy's possessory rights. 1889, October 22nd, Coronation of Menelik at Antotto. 1890, British mission to Abyssinia under Sir G. H. Portal. 1890 — 1894, Second Journey of the Russian Cossack officer Mashkoff to Harar and to Menelik II. 1891, February 11th, Protest against the Utshali treaty. 1895 — 1896, War between Abyssinia and Italy. 1895, Russian expedition under Leontjeff to Abyssinia, and despatch of an Abyssinian legation to Moscow and St. Petersburg. 1896, Summer, Deputation of Pope Leo Mil to Menelik II with reference to the liberation of the Italian prisoners. 1896, October 26th, Treaty of Peace with Italy. Abolition of the Utshali treaty and recognition of Abyssinia's independence. After the expiration of a year, frontier regulation to follow. 100 L897, Januan 27th, Conclusioo of Franco-Abyssinian trade convention at Harar. British mission under Rennell Rodd to Menelik II. The Negusa Neghesl governs the extensive Empire through Has or Governors of the provinces, and Sluiin or District Administrators. Imperial residence, Addis ababd in Shoa. 50,000 inhabitants. Although the exact position of the European Powers is not quite clear, the Negusa Neghest is better disposed towards France, which lias obtained a firm footing from Dshibnti in Harar and Shoa. The old ((invention (Alliance et commerce) of the 7th June, 1843, concluded by d'Hericourt with Menelik's grandfather, Sahla Selassie of Shoa, stands France in good stead. Abyssinia is the only part of Africa in which Russia has recently had any direct and considerable political influence — an influence which many have wrongly attributed to the alleged resemblance of the Russian-Oriental to the Ethiopian creed. These religious propagandas reach far back into the past. The Abyssinian statesmen display towards England a reserve almost amounting to timidity. Abyssinia is completely cut off from the sea-coast. Literature. Egypt. Parliamentary Papers 1882, Nr. 18; 1885, Nr. 11; 1886, Nr. 1 — Bhiebook C 5668. — Joloidcz, Bihliotheca Aegyptiaca (Leipzig 1858, Supplement 1861). — Kremer von, A., Aegypten (Leipzig 1863). — Ronchetti, L'Egypte et ses progres sous Ismail Pacha (Marseille 1867). — lane, An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians (London 1871, 5th edition). — Stephan, Das heutige Aegypten (Leipzig 1872). — Wyse, Egypt political, financial, strategical (London 1882). — Amici, L'Egypte ancienne et moderne (Alexandrie 1884). — Prince Ibrahim Hiltny, The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan from the earliest times to the year 1885 (London 1886). — Plauchut, L'Egypte et sa occupation anglaise (Paris 1889). — Revue francaise 1891, pag. 372. — Britain's work in Egypt (Edinburg 1892). — Russel II, The Soudan, cause, effect and remedy (London 1892). — Scott Keltie J., States- man's Yearbook, 1892, page 1054 etc. — Due d' Harcourt , L"Egypte et les Egyptiens (Paris 1893). — Neumann Th., Das moderne Aegypten (Leipzig 1893). — Fircks A.. Freiherr von, Aegypten 1894 (Berlin 1895 und 1896, 2 Bde.). — Revue diplomatique et coloniale (Paris 1894 seqq.). — Hron K., Aegypten und die agyptische Erage (Leipzig 1895). — Alts H., Promenade en Egypte (Paris 1895). — Pensa H., L'Egypte et le Soudan Egyptien (Paris 1895). — Hertslet E., The Map of Africa by Treaty (London 1896, 3 Vols ) I, pp. 259—262; III, 1072—1074. The Mahdi's Dominion. Colborn, With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan (London 1885). — Boyle, The Egyptian campaigns 1882— 1885 (London 1886, 2 Vols.). — Wilson C. T. and Felkin R. W., Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan (London 1887, 2 Vols.). — Buchta, R., Der Sudan (Leipzig 1888). — Emin Pascha, Eine Sammlung von Reisebriefen und Berichten Dr. Emin Pascha's (Leipzig 1888. English: London 1888). — Wingate F. R., Mahdiism and the Egyptian Soudan (London 1891). — GessiR., Sette anni nel Sudan egiziano (Milano 1891). — Russel II, The Soudan, cause, effect and remedy (London 1892). — Chaille-Long Bey, L'Egypte et ses provinces perdues (Paris 1892). — OJirwalder J., Aufstand und Reich des Mahdi im Sudan (Jnnsbruck 1892. English: London 1892). — Vita Hassan, Die Wahrheit fiber Emin Pascha, die agyptische Aequatorialprovinz und den Sudan (Berlin 1893, 2 Bde.). — Statin Pascha R., Feuer und Schwert im Sudan (Leipzig 1896; English: London 1896). — I. R. I'nited Service, I, 41 (1897): G5— 79: The Dongola Expedition of 1896. — Atteridge A. H., Towards Khartoum. The story of the Soudan war of 1896 (London 1897). Tripoli. 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S., A biblio- graphy of Tunisia from the earliest times to the end of 1888 (London 1889). — Lallc- mand C, La Tunisie, pays de protectorat francais (Paris 1891). — P. H. X., La politique francaise en Tunisie (Paris 1891). — Fitzner R., Die Regentschaft Tunis (Berlin 1895). Clarin de la Rive, Histoire gencralc de la Tunisie (Paris 1895). — Planet E., Correspondance des beys de Tunisie et des consuls de France avec la cour 1577 — 1830 (Paris 1893—1895). — Livre Jaune (Traites Tunisiens) 1896. — Kenseignements coloniaux et documents publics par le comit( ; de l'Afrique Francaise Nr. 1. Le reglcment Italo- Tunisiens etc. ;Nr 6. — La Tunisie, I. Histoire et description (Paris 1896, 2 Vols). —L'Afrique Francaise 1896, pp. 46, 83. — Hertslet K, The Map of Africa by Treaty (London 1896). II, pp. 548—563, 906—915. 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Carte de l' Algerie (Service geographique do I'Arme'e) 1 : 50.000 (Paris lssi seqq.). — Perrier, Carte de la Tunisie, 1 : 200.000 (Paris 1884—1886). — Monteil-Biiigrr, Carle des fctabliBsements Francais du Senegal (Paris 1886). — Gaultier, Carte de V Algerie el de 11 1 la Tunisie Pari- 1887). Merensky, Original Map of South Africa, 1 : 2,500.000 (4th Edition, Berlin 188 De Lannoy de Bissy R., Carlo do I'Afrique, 1 : 2,000.000 (Paris I8s«) — Juta, Map of South Africa, l : 2,500.000 (London 1891). - Ravenstein /•:. G., A Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa, l : 1,000.000 (London 1882). — Habenicht H., Spcoial- karte iron Afrika, 1 : 1,000.000 (3. Edition, Gotha 1892). — Kiepert B., Specialkarto von Deutsch-Sudwestafrika, i 3,000.000 (Berlin 1893). Langhans P., Deutscher Kolonial-Atiaa Gotha 1894 Chaurand de /.'. Carta dimostrativa della Etiopia, 1 : 1,000.000 (Roma 1894 — Debt s I '. Nouvelle carte de I'Egypte ft ses dependances, 1 : 3,000.000 (Berlin i"-'.'">). — Binger, Carte du Haul Niger an golfe do Guine'c par lc pays do Kong et lo Mossi, l : 1,000.000 (1'aris 1895). — Langhans P., Sudwestafrikanisches Schutzgcbiet, I : 2,000.000 (Gotha 1896). Wauters A. J., Carte de I'Etat Indopondant du Congo, Supplement Mouvement Gt ! ographique : J : -2.O00.000 (Bruxelles 1896). — Kiepert P., Karte von Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1 : 300.000 (Berlin 1805 ff.). — Langhans Paul, Schutzgebieto Kamerun and Togo in 1 Blattern mit 16 Nebenkarten, 1 : "2,000.000. — Idem, Ostafrikaniscbes Schutzgehiet, 1 : 2,000.000 (Gotha 1897). — Hansen, Congo franeais, publie'e par le service rraphique des colonies 1 : 1,500.000 (Paris 1895). — Wandkarte von Deutscli-Ostafrika. Redigiert von Dr. Richard Kiepert. Blatter. 1 : 1,000.000 (Berlin). — Flotte de Roquevaire P. de, Carte du Maroc ;i recbelle du l,000.000 e avec notice et index biblio- graphique (Paris 1897). — Vuillot, P., Soudan francais et cote occidentale d'Afrique, 1 -1.000. oi H) (Paris 1897). — Bergltaus', Stieler's, Kiepert' s, Vidal de la Blache's, W. and A. K. Johnston's Atlas. Geographical Regi ster. (The Figures refer to the number of the Page.) A. Abaj 97. AbasuSn 89, 91. Abba Garima 96. 'Abel el-Kury 90. Abeoktitta 31, 35. Abyssinia 93. 97. Abome (Abomey) 35, 37. Abu Klea 7. Accra 30 f. Adamawa (Adamaua) 40, 43. Adda 30. Addifuha 91. Addis ababa 100. Addo 35. Adel 98. Adeli 34. Aden 90. Adrar 19. Adua 96. Aegenni 37. 'Afar 91, 92. Afrikijja 10. Agaishe 36. Agordat 7. Ague 35 f. Ain Salah 15. Ajada 35. Ajuda 35, 36. Akim 30. Akvvama 30. Albert-Edward Lake 87. Albert-Nyanza 50, 87. Albreda 29. Aldabra-Islands 82. Alexandria 2. Alfred County 70. Algiers 12, 42. Allmcemas 18. Alina 17, 47. Allada 35, 36. Ama Kossa 61. Amaoful 31. Amatongo 72. Ambabo 91. Ambas Bay 45. Amboella 55. Amboland 50. Ambriz 52, 54. Amhara 97, 98. Amirantes 80. Anamaboe 30. Aneho 34. Angola 52, 54, 55, 65. Ankori 87. Annobon 45. Antananarivo 79. Antotto 99. Appollonia 30. Ardra 36. Arguin 18, 21. Aribinda 24. Aroangva 65, 68. Aroossi 97. Arussi-Galla 94. Asaba 41. Ashanti 31. Ascension 56. Asdscher 7. Asgar 7. Asmara 96. Assab 93, 94, 95. Assinie 21, 26, 27. Assinie' River 25. Assumption 80, 82. Astove 82. Atbara 93. Audsbila 8. Aussa 94, 95. Avon Lagoon 34. Axim 30. Azores 20. B. Bachunu 24. Badagry 31. Bating 23. Baghirmi 8, 41. Bahia del Oeste 18. Bahr el-arab 6. Bahr el-azraq 87. Bahr el-ghasal 6, 53. Bamaliti 61. Bambara 24. Bambuk 24. Bangweolo Lake 50, 69. Bardera 94. Barka 8, 93. Barolong 61. Barotse 54, 55, 68. Barraua (Barrawa) 21, 39. Barua (Baruwa) 21, 39. Bas de cote 25. Bassam 24. Bassas de India 79. Basutoland 61, 62, 70. Batanga 44. Batete 22. Bathurst 29. B. C. A. 67. Bechuanaland Protectorate 60, 61, 63. Becquah 31. Begemeder 97. Beira 77. Beled el-dsherid 10. Bcled es-Sudan 5. Beledugu 26. Benadir 93, 96. Bender Ziada 89, 94. Benehasi 8. 116 Bengaella 5 i. 55. Beni Amir 9 i. 95. Ben! M tab I I. Benin 35, .">T. Benn8 39, i& Berber i. Berber) Betsileos 78. misarakas TS. Biafara 43. Biokab&ba i Bia Kaboba) 89, 91, 94. Bismarckborg 34. Bissagos 28. Blanco, Cape 18. Blantyre 69. Bloemfontein 73. Bodelg 8. - territories 6. Bogos 99. Bojador Cape 18. Bolama 28. Borna 54. Bon, Cape 10. Bondu 24. Boratsile 64. Borgu 32, 40. Borku 8. Bornu 9, 39,41. Brass River 37. Brava 83, 84, 96. British Bechuanaland 59. British Central Africa 65. British Central Africa Pro- tectorate 69. British East Africa 86. British Kaffraria 62. British Somaliland 89. British South Africa Com- pany 65. Brothers Islands 90. Bulam 28 Bulawayo 67. Bumtu 21. Buseima 8. Bussang 40. Cabinda 47, 54. Cacheo 26. 27. Cairo 2, 5. Calabar i.s. i i I ama 52, Cameroon .".7. 13. Campo River 13, 15 Canary Islands 19, 20. I !ape Blanco 18. ( Jape ' oast Castle HO. Cape Colony 59, 70. (ape Corrientes 82. (ape Delgado 76. I !ape Frio 59. I !ape Guardafui 94. Cape Mount 29. Cape Palmas 25, 32. Cape of Good Hope 59. Cape Verde Islands 20. Capetown 61, 63. Carabane 26. < ;ugados 80. Casamanza 25. Cassini 27. Catak 27. Cayor 22 f. Cerf 82. Cette 52. Ceuta 17, 18. Chafarimas Islands l«s. Chagos Islands 80. Chinde 69. Chiuta Lake 67. Chiwanga 68. Chor Gash 93. Cidade de Praya 20. Combia 27. Combo 29. Comores 81. Compony 26, 27. Conakry 27. Congo 47, 51, 54. Congo francais 46. Congo State 49. Constantine 12. Coomassi 31. Corisco 4"). Cosmoledo 80, 82. Cote francaise des Somalis 91 . Crepi 30. Croboe 30. Crocodile River 74. Cross River 38. Cubango 54, ~u. Cunene 54. 57. Cyrenaika 8. D. Dabu 26. Dakhel 1. Dagoinba 34. Dahlak-Archipelago '.)4. Dahomej 27, ;;;•, ::;,. Dakar 21. Damaraland 57, 58, Bamerghu 13. Damietta 2. Danakil 91, 94, 95. Bar Banda 6. DAr es-salam 86. Bar Fertit 6, 47. Bar Fur 1, 3, 9, 42, 47. 87. Bavali 89, 91. Bebbeh 1. Belta 2. Benkera 30. Besertas 20. Biankolo River 21. Biego Garcia 80. Biego Suarez 79. Bilolo-Lake 50. Bixcove 30. Bjimma 97, 98. Bjogue 26. Bogali 95, 99. Bolbohanta 90. Bongola 1, 5. Braa 15. Bshalo 8. Bsharabub 1, 8. Bshezirah 6. Bshezira Soba 91. Bshibuti 91. Bshildessa 89, 91. Dsholi 16. Bshub-(Juba-)River 83, 94. Bsitambo's Village 69. Bullul 91. Bumejra 91. E. Eagle Islands 80. East Africa Protectorate 86. East-Griqualand 60. Ederi 7. Egba 32. Egypt 1. Ejssa-Somali 90. El Arish 2. 117 El Biban 7, 10. El Gada 15. El Gharb 14. El Golea 12. El Habasha 97. El Obeid 4, 6. El Sa'id 2. El Teb 4, 6, 7. Elephant Islands 29. Elmina 30 Eloby 45. Emin Pasha's Province 50. 87. Ennedi 8. Ennerea 98. Erer 97. Erg 7. Eritrea 93. 96. Essaman 31. Eshowe 72. Estado d'Africa Oriental 78. Etembue 43. Etbiope Rapids 43. Ethiopia 97. Europa 79. F. Faleme 21. Falkat River 93. Fanti 31. Farafrah 1. Farquhar 82 Fas (Fes) 15, 17. Fellatah 40. Fernando P6 45, 46 Fezzan 7, 9. Fetishtown 44 Figig 15. Forcados 37. Fort Rosebery 69. Foulepointe 78, Frao River 39, 43. Freetown 30. French Congo 46. French Guinea 25. French Soudan 21, 23. Friedrichsbnrg (Gross-) 34. Fuladugu 24. Fulbe (Fellatah), Dominion of 39. Funchal 20. Futa Dshallon 22, 24. Futa Toro 24. G. Gaboon 45, 47. Gadaburssi 89, 94. Galega 82. Galla 87, 94, 97. Gambia 21,29. Gambia River 29. Gana 37. Gando 34, 39, 40. Gangella 54, 55. Gangomme 22. Garayos 82. Gasaland 76. Geba 27. Georgetown 29, 56. German East Africa 84. German South West Africa 57 Ghadames 7, 10, 12. Ghat 7, 9. Glehue 35. Glorioso-Islands 78. Godsham 97. Gold Coast Colony 30. Gold Coast 21, 25. Goorage 97. Goorma (Gurma) 24, 30, 34 Goosen 64. Goree 21. Gough's Island 56. Grand Bassa 33. Grand Bassam 25. Grand Lahou 25. Grand Popo 35, 36. Great-Comoro 81. Great Fish River 61. Great-Windhoek 59. Griqualand 60. Gross Friedrichsburg 34. Gubat 7. Gubet Kharaib 91. Gudru 97. Guimbering 26. Guinea Portuguese 21. Guinee Francaise 25. Gura 98. Gurara 13. Gurma 24, 30, 34. Guro 13. H. Habab 94, 95. Habr Audi 90. Count Kinsky: "The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa". Habr Gerhadji 90. Habr Toldshalej 90. Hadu 94. Handub 7. Harar 3, 91, 97. Haut Dbangi 42. Ha wash 91. Hawija 94. Hickorytown 44. Hombonu 36. Hovas 78. Humbe 54, 58. Ibadan 32. I. B. E. A. 86. Ibo 76. Ida 37. Ifni 18. Ilhas do Cabo Verde 20. Imperial British East Africa 86. Inaccessible 56. Ingogo 74. Inhambane 76. Insalah (Ain Salah) 13, 15. Iramba 85. Isandula 62. Isa-Somal (Siehe Ejssa.) Iskobio 31, Isle de Bourbon 80. Isle de France 86. Ismailia 2. Isola do principe 46. Itala 96. Itjopja 97. Ivory Coast 21, 25. Jackville 25. Jamestown 57. Jatenga 24. Jebu (Yebu) 32. Johanna (Comores) 81. Johannesburg 75. Jola (Yola) 38, 43. Jorubaland (Yorubai 35. Juan de Nova 7'.). Juba Factory 49, 54, 96. Juba-(Dshub-)River 83. Juby Cape 14, 15, 16. 16 lis kaarta 2-1 kalu 26 Kabitai 26 Kabompo KatVa 97. Kaha Kana 36, 37. Kanem S. 41, Kaokoland Karagwe . s -~' Karonga 84. r Ras 1. 93. Kashgil 4. 6. K isongo 51. Kassai 51, 52, 54. Kassala 7. 93, 95. Katanga 5 I, 51. Katiraa-Falls -">8. 68. Kawar 8. Kawende 85. Kawirondo 84, 87. Kayes 21. 25. Kazembe's Dominion 68. Kebabo 8. Kelmina 37. Kemi 1. Kenatsa 15. Keven 95, 96. Kerguelen 81. Khartoum 4. 7. Khatete 22. Kibwezi 89. Kilima Ndsharo 84. Kihva Lake 67. Kionga Bay 76. 87. Kipini 83. Kismayu 83. Klein-Povo (Popo) 34. Koba 27. Kob.l 7. Koki 87. Konde 85. Kong 24, 26. Kordofan 1, 4, 6, 9, 87. Kosi Bay 76. Kosseir 2. Kotonu 36. ?>~ . Kribi 41. Krikor 30. Kuango 51. Kufra 8. Kuilu 46, i7, .~>l. Kuka kukaua i 9, 39, I 1 ELumassi Cootnassi) 31. Kuria Muria 90. L. la ( alle 10. Lado 6, 50. Laghuat 14. Lagos 31, 32, 37. Laing's Neck 74. Lame 43. Lama 83. Laurenco Marquez 76, 77. Lavadu 89 Lekke 31. Les Freres 91. Liberia 23, 24, 32 f. Libreville 48. Licona 52. Likuala 47. Limpopo 73. Little Adra 36. Little Povo (Popo) 34. Loanda 54, 55. Loango 48, 54. Loangwa 65, 68. Loge 52. Logone 43. Lokodja 41. Lolodorf 44. Lome 33, 35. Los Islands 2o. Lovadu 91. Laapula 50, 69. Liideritzland 58. Lunda 53, 55. Lunti 66. M. Mac Carthy-Island 29. Madagascar 78. Madeira 20. Mafeking 61. Mafia 84, 85. Magdala 98. Maghrib el-aqsa 14. Mabdi, Dominion of 5. Mahdijja 5. Mahe 80. Mahis 35. Majo Keliu 43 Majuba 74. Maklutji 66. Manda 83, 88. Mandinka 24, 32. Manica-Plateau 66, 67, 77. Manjanga 47. Mao il. Maputa River 71. Maqdishu 83, 8i. Marar 94. Maivu 94, 95. Mareb 93. Marocco 97 Maryland 33. Mashonaland 66, 75. Maseru 70. Massabi 47, 54. Massai 87. Massenja 42. Massina 24. Massowah 94, 95. Matabeleland 63, 66, 75. Matam 21. Mauritius 80. Mayo Kebbi 42, 44. Mayotta 81. Mazoe River 65. Mbomu 47. M'buzimi 85. Melilla 18. Melindi 88. Mellacoree 26. Mend if 44. Mengo 89. Merakesh 15. Merawi 1, 5. Merihan 94. Merka 83, 84, 96. Meru Lake 50, 69. Mesurado 33. Mfumbiro 84. Midshurtin 94, 96. Milmil 89. Misahohe 34. Misr 1. Misr-el-bahri 2. Mkusi 72. Mogador 16, 18. Mohilla 81. Molopo 60, 63. Mombasa 82, 87, 89. Monrovia 33. 119 Morocco 14. Mosilekatze 62. Mossamedes 54, So. Mossi (Musbi) 24, 30. Mozambique 56, 76. M'Pall 22. Mpashi 54, 58 Mpororo 87. Mrima 83. M'Sinje 67. Muata Jam wo (Yamwo) 55. Muluja River 14, 15. Muni 45. Murzuq 9. Musardu 33. Musha Islands 91, 92. Mushi (Mossi) 24, 30. N. Namaland 57. Namaqualand 50. Naronga 68. Natal 62, 70 Ndara 54, 58. N'Diandor 22. Ndoruma's Capital 47. New-Amsterdam 81. New Republic (Zululand) 74. Ngala 43. Ngolgol 22. Nguru 83. Niam-Niam 47, 87. Niari 46. Niger Coast Protectorate 37 Niger-River 13, 38. Niger Territories 38 Nightingale Islands 56. Nile 50. Nokki 51. Nosob 60. Nossi-Be 78, 7'.l Nubia 1, 6. Nun Cape 15. Nun, Mouth of 37. Nuilez River 25. Nyassa 67, 68, 76. Nyassaland 66, 69. O. •Obbi;. '.U. 96. Obock 91. 92 Ogaden 91 Ogbomotsho (Obomotsho) 32, 35. Ogowe 46, 47, 48, 52. Oil Islands 80. Oil river 37. Okavango 58, 63. Omdermiin (Omdurman) 7,9. Oran 12. Orango 28. Orange-Republic 60, 70, 72, Orange River 57, 65, 70, 71. Oratsghi 37. Ordashu 31. Ossimi 23. Ozi 83, 88. Palachwe 64. Pangani 88. Pankoy 22. Patta 83, 88. Pemba 82, 86, 88. Penon de Velez 18. Pietermaritzburg 71. Pondoland 60. 63, 70. Ponta Delgada 20. Port Alice 89. Port Louis 80. Port Sa'id 2. Porto Novo 35, 36, 37. Porto Santo 20. Porto Seguro 36. Portuguese East Africa 77. Portuguese Guinea 27. Portuguese Lower Guinea 54.° Possession Island 57. Povo grande 49. Praslin 80. Presidios 17. Pretoria 74, 75. Princes Island 46. Providence 82. Punta Barra 29. Q. Qasr es-Sa'id 11. Quilimane 76. Quitta 30. K. Rahanwin 94. Etahal 93. Raheita 91, 95. Ramaquaban 66. Ras 'Ali 91, 92. Ras Dshibuti 91, 92, 93. Ras Dumejra 91, 92. Ras el-Kunais 8. Ras Kasar 93. Ras Tadjer. Reunion 81. R,hodesia 65, 77. Rif 15. Rio Cassini 27. Rio del Rey 38, 43. Rio d'oro 13, 15, 17. Rio Nunez 26. Rivieres du Sud 21, 23, 25, 86. Robert's-Port 32. Rode Valley 60. Rodriguez 80. Rosebery 69. Rosetta 2. Roux Cape 10. Rovuma River 67, 76, 83. Royal Niger Company 38. Ruanda 85, 87. Rudolf Lake 97. Rufisque 21. Ruo 68. S. Saadani 85. Sabi 66. Sagallo 91, 99. Sahara 10, 12. Sakalavas 78. Sakota 97. Salaga 34. Saldanba Bay 61. Saleh 16. Salisbury 67, 77. Salum 21. Samory's Dominion 22. Sanga River 42, 44, 47. San Giacomo 29. San Juan 45. San Pietro River 26. Sansane-Mangu 37. Sansandig 21. Santa Clara » lape 46. Santa Cruz dc Mar Pequena 18. Santa Cruz de Tenerife 19. 16* 1 20 Santa Lucia Bay 71. Santa Maria 29. Sao 1 on re in; o 78. Sao Miguel 20. Sa t . Paolo de Loanda 56 Sao Thiago 20 SaO Tliollli- 46. Sa\i Xavier 36. - 13,21,39. Scarcies 25. Secomdi 30. Sedhiu 26 Sefui 30. Segu Sikoro 21. Sella 8. Seinien 07. Semio's Capital 47. Semliki River 87, 88. Semsen 93. Senegal 21. Senegambia 21. Senna 76. Sennaar 1, 6. Seychelles 80. Shari 42, 44. Shashi-River 66. Sherbro Island 29 Shire 68. Sboa 91, 92, 94, 97, 98. Shoshong 64. Sbotts 12. Shott el-dsherid 10. Shott el-Gharbi 11. Sidaraa 97, 98. Sidshilmessa 15. Sierra Leone 21, 29. Sinai Peninsula 2. Sinu 33. Slave Coast 31. Snussija 1. Sofala 76. Sukna 8. Snkoto 23, 39. Sokotra 89. Solum 1. Somali 2, 87, 89, 91. Somalia Italiana 93. South African Republic 73, 75. St. Brandon 80, St. Denis 81. St. Helena 57. 71 SI Louis 21, 24 St Marie 78, 79. si. Marj of Bathursi i".'. St Paul si. st Pierre 82. St. Pietro River 25, 32. Stefanie Lake 97. Stellaland 64. Sttakin 2 Soudan (Sudan) 1. 2, 5. Sudan, Central 41. Suez 2. Suez Canal 2. Sumbo 76. Sus 15. Swasiland 71, 74. Sweet River 31. Tadshura 91, 92. Tafilelt 15. Taiserbo 8. Taka 1, 6. Takale 6. Tamaneb 6 Tamarida 91. Tamatave 78, 79. Tana River 83 Tanganyika 50, 68, 69. Tangiers 16 Tarabulus 7. Tati Gold District 66. Tazzerult 15. Tchertcher 97. Tebessa 10. Tegeri 8. Tel el-kebir 4. Tern an eb 7. Tembuland 60. Tete 76. Tetuan 16. Tibati's Dominion 44. Tibesti 8. Tidikelt 13. Tieba's Dominion 24. Tigre 95, 97. Timbuctoo 23. Todshie 34, 35. Togo 34. Togoland 33. Tokar 7. Tombo 27. Tongoland 71. Tongola River 71. Transkei 60. Transvaal 62, 67, 73. Trarza 23. Tripolis (Tripoli) 7. Tristan da Cunha 56. Tristao 27. Trois Freres-Islands 80. Tromelin 82. Tshad Lake Countries 41. Tshagos-Islands 80. Tshambesi 69. Tshantyoan 34. Tshinde 69. Tshiloango 47. Tshobe-River 2, 58, 63. 65. Tu 8. Tuareg 7. Tuat 13, 15. Tugela 70. Tuggurt 14. Tunghi 63. Tunis 10. U. Uano 92. Ubangi 9, 47, 49, 52. Uelle 52. Uganda 86, 87, 88. Uhehe 85. Ukami 83. Ukerewe 85. Ulala 25, 51. Uled Embarek 19, 24. Ulundi 62. Umba River 83, 88. Umsalekaze 62. Uniamwesi 85. Unioro (Dnyoro) 87. Upingtonia 50, 59. Urua 25, 51. Usagara 83, 85. Usambara 85. Useguha 83. Usige 84. Usoga 87. Dsukuma 85. Usutu River 71. Dtshali 93. 121 v. Yaal 62, 71. Vassao 30. Velez de la Gomera 18. Victoria 'Cameroon) 45. Victoria Xyanza 84, 85, 89. Victoria Republic 71. Volta 21, 30, 34. 35. Vryheid 63. 74. W. Wadai 5, 8, 41. Wadi Draa 15. Wadi Nogal 89. Wadi Suf 14. Wadi Sus 15. Wadis River 15. Wad Ras 18. Wagadugu 25, 31, 37. Wahadu 89. Walfish Bay 56, 59. Wallamo 97. Wanga 86. Wanjanga 8. Wargla 12, 14. Warsheik 83, 84, 96. War Singeli 90. Webi Shebeli 97. Wesan 17. West African Colonies 28 West African Settlements 28 West Griqualand 60, 62 Wbydah (Weyda, Uida)35, 36 Windhoek 59. Winnebac 30. Witu 83, 86 Wizard 82. Wurno 40. X Xavier (Savi) 36. Xesibe 60. Yetzoo 91. Tola fJola) 38, 43. Yoruba (Joruba) 31, 35. Z. Zambesi 52, 58. 63, 69. Zambesia 65. Zanzibar 82 Zejla (Zeyla) 89, 92. Ziquincior 27. Zomba 69. Zululand 70, 71, 74. Zumbo 65. & rra t a corn ge: 'g-: Line : Erratum Bead : (VII] ) 14th, 28th, 31st (11th) Portugese Portuguese. 6 27th Bogo Bogos. 31 18th 1873 1872—1874. 32 nth 1862, March 3rd 1861, August 6th. 34 17th 15th 5th. 40 6th Adamua Adamawa 57 2nd since 1879 12th March 1878. 60 Kith 1871 22nd February 1878 74 20th February January. 77 5th 1878 1875, 24th July. 82 9th 24 21. 85 Uth 1st 25th. 88 24th Kumayu Kismayu. 88 last June 19th August 27th 91 3rd September October. 98 28th Theodoro Theodoros. Oriental Catalogue No. X. OF NEW & SECOND-HAND BOOKS ON SALE BY KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO, LIMITED, Publishers and Booksellers to the India Office, British Museum, the Indian Government, etc., PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD, Lo^riDonsr. ->* Contents. #*■ BOOKS ON AFRICAN PHILOLOGY, VIZ. : polyglotts, comparative philology, and general works on African Linguistic . . ... 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Etudes sur lcs langues du Haute -Zambeze, Testes originaux recueiUis et traduits en francais et precedes d'une esquisae grammaticale. Vol.1. Grammaire soubiya et louye. xxxvii. and 133 pp. 8vo. 1896. 6s. JOHNSON (H.) and CHRISTALLER (J.). Vocabularies of the Niger and Gold Coast, West Africa. 34 pp. 12mo. limp cloth. 1886. Is. M. Includes Yoruba, Nupi, Kakanda, Igbira, Igara, Ibo, Ga and Obutu. KOELLE (S. W.). Polyglotta Africana ; or, Comparative Vocabulary of marly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African Languages. Folio, cloth, pp. 24 and 188. 1854. £1 Is. KOLBE (F. W.). A Language Study based on Bantu; or, an inquiry into the laws of root-formation, the original plural, the sexual dual, and the principles of word -comparison. With tables illustrating the primitive pronominal system restored in the African Bantu family of speech. pp. viii. and 97, with 4 tables. Post 8vo. cloth. 1888. 6s. KRAPF (J. L.). Vocabulary of Six East -African Languages (Kienaheli, Kinika, Kikamba, Kipokomo, Kihian, Kigalla). pp. x. and 64. 4 to. cloth. 1850. 5s. LAST (J. T.). Polyglotta Africana Orientalis ; or, a Comparative Collection of 250 Voids and Sentences in 48 Languages and Dialects spoken south of the Equator, and Additional Words in 19 Languages, with Linguistic Map. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 239. 1885. 4s. LEMAIRE (Ch.). Vocabulaire pratique francais-anglais, zanzibarite (swahili), tiote, kibangi-irebou, niongo, bangalas. 48 pp. 8vo. 1894. 2s. 6d, LORD'S PRAYER (The) in three hundred languages, comprising the leading languages and their principal dialects throughout the world, with the places where spoken. With a preface, by the late Dr. R. Rost. Second edition. 100 pp. 4to. cloth. 1891. 10s. 6d. MASQUER AY (E.). Comparison d'un vocabulaire du dialecte des Zenaga du Senegal avec les vocabulaires eorrespondants des dialectes des Chawia et des Beni Mzab. 61 pp. 8vo. 1879. 3s. MULLER (Ft.). Linguistischer Theil der Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte Novara urn die Erde in 1857-59. 357 pp. 4to. cloth. 1867. 12s. U. pp. 1-71 contain the Africanische Sprachen, Hottentotisch, Bantu und Hamitische Sprachen. Die Sprachen Basa, Grebo und Kru im westlichen Afrika. 20 pp. 8vo. 1877. Is. Die aequatoriale Sprachfamilie in Central-Afrika. 2 parts, 22 pp. 8vo. 1889. Is. M. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages— Aduma, A far, Agau, Agni, Akra. 3 OUTLINE of a Vocabulary of a few of the Principal Languages of Western and Central Africa, compiled for the use of the Niger Expedition. Square 8vo. (oblong), cloth, pp. vii. and 213. 1841. Out of print. Scarce. 7s. 6d. This vocabulary comprises the Mandingo, Bambarra, Fanti, and Ashanti and Wolof languages. SCHLEICHER (A. W.). Afrikanische Petrefacten. Ein Versuch die gram- matischen Bildungen und Formwurzeln der Afrikanischen Sprachen durch Sprachvergleichung festzustellen. 93 pp. 8vo. 1891. 3s. SEIDEL (A.). Praktische Grammatiken der Hauptsprachen Deutsch- Siidwestafrikas : Nama, Otyiherero und Oshindonga. In one volume. 180 pp. 12mo. cloth. No date (1892). 2s. Gd. Each grammar contains elementary rules for beginners, reading matter, and a vocabulary. SHAW (A. Downes). A Pocket Vocabulary of the Ki-Swahili, Ki-Nyika, Ki-Taita, and Ki-Kamba Languages. Also a Brief Vocabulary of the Kibwyo Dialect. Collected by Archdeacon Farler. Small 8vo. cloth, pp. v. 204. 1885. 6s. STEERE (E., ll.d.). Short Specimens of the Vocabularies of three Unpub- lished African Languages (Gindo, Zaramo, and Angazidja). Small 8vo. sewed, pp. 21. 1869. Is. TORREND (J.). Comparative Grammar of the South-African Bantu lan- guages, comprising those of Zanzibar, Mozambique, the Zambesi, Kafirland, Benguela, Angola, the Congo, the Ogowe, the Cameroons, the Lake Region, &c. 336 pp. royal 8vo. cloth. 1891. £1 5s. Detailed prospectus sent post-free on demand. WATSON (C. M.). Comparative A r ocabularies of the Languages spoken at Suakin : Arabic, Hadendoa, Beni-Amer. 16 pp. 4to. 1888. 2s. 6d. ADUMA. DAHIN. Vocabulaire adouma - francais et francais-adounia. 72 pp. 8vo. 1895. 6s. AFFAR or ADALI (An Abyssinian Dialect). COLIZZA (Giov.). Lingua Afar. Nel Nord-Est dell' Africa. Grammatica, testi e Vocabolario. pp. xii. and 153, 8vo. 1886. 6s. REINISCH (L.). Die Afar-Sprache mit Gesprachen und WSrterbuch. 3 parts, 112, 124, and 82 pp. 8vo. 1885-87. 5s. Gd. AGAU (Jewish Dialect in Abyssinia). HALEVY (J). Essai sur la langue Agau ; le dialecte des Falachas (Juifs dAbyssinie). 33 pp. 8vo. 1873. 2s. Gd. WALDMEIER (Th.). Wortersammlung aus der Agausprache. 29 pp. 8vo. 1868. 2s. Gd. AGNI. JEAND'HEUR (F.). Vocabulaire francais-agni. 61 pp. 8vo. 1893. AKRA or GA (Gold Coast). CHRISTALLER (J. G.) and SCHOPF (J.). Primer in the Ga or Akra Language. (New edition.) 8vo. viii. and 48 pp. 1892. Is. 6d. Kegan Paul, Trench, Tridmer and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. A. i African Languages -Amharic, Arabic CHRISTALLER [J. G.), LOCHER (Ch. W.), and ZIMMERMANN (T.). A Dictionary of English, Tshi (Asante), Akra, Tshi (Cbwee), comprising, as Dialects, (Asante, Akein. Akuapt'm), and Kantt' ; Akra (Accra), connected with Adangme, &c. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 'lib. 1874. Out of print. 7s. Sd. CHRISTALLER (J; G.) and BOHNER (II ). Ubungen in dor Akra oder G i Spraohe. 108 pp. 8vo. 1890. 2s. •'„/. Contents. — I. Knrze Sprachlehre. II. Satze aus der Umgangssprache des tiiglichen Lebens. ZIMMERMANN (J.). A Grammatical Sketch of tin- Akra or Ga Language, with a Vocabulary and an Appendix on the Adannic Dialect. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, pp xvi. and 203, and vii. and 461. 1858. 10s. 6d. AMHARIC (Abyssinia). D'ABBADIE (A.). Dictionnaire dc la langue Amarinna. xlvii. and 1336 pp. Svo. 1881. £2 2s. GUiDI (Ig.). Grammatica elementare della lingua Amarina. 2nd Edition, 63 pp. Svo. 1892. 5s. Sulle coniugazioni del verbo Aniarico. 18 pp. 8vo. 1893. Is. 6d. ISENBERG (Ch. W.). Grammar of the Amharic Language, pp. 184, royal 8vo. cloth. 1842. 12s. MONDON-VIDAILHET (C). Manuel pratique de langue Abyssine (Am- harique). 201 pp. post Svo. 1891. 8s. PIANO (F.). Raccolta delle frasi pin usuali tradotte dall' Italiano in Amarico. 2nd Edition, revised and corrected. 125 pp. 12mo. 1887. 2s. PRAETOR I US (F.). Die Amharische Sprache. In two parts. 523 pp. 4to. 1S78-79. £1 10s. ARABIC (Algerian Dialect). BELKASSEM (Ben Sedira). Cours pratique de langue arabe. 3rd Edition. 1888. 3s. Gd. Dictionnaire francais-arabe et arabe -f ran cais de la langue parlee en Algerie. 4th Edition.' 12mo. pp. lxiv. and 928, cloth. 1882-86. 5s. each volume. Manuel epistolaire de langue arabe. 8vo. 1894. 5s. Contents. — Lettres et mss. divers avec transcription, notes et vocabulaire. Petit dictionnaire arabe-fran9ais (dialect algerien). xii. and 608 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1882. 5s. Dialogues frangais-arabes, recueil des phrases les plus usuelles de la langue parlee en Algerie. 3rd Edition. 32mo. pp. vii. and 370. 1889. 3s. Cours de literature arabe, recueil de versions litteraires tirees du Mostatref, des Mille et une nuits, des fables de Bidpai, des prairies d'or, &c, munies de voyelles. 2nd Edition. 368, 364, and xiv. pp. 8vo. cloth. 1891. 10s. Added are towards 500 verses and an Arabic-French vocabulary of all words contained in the volume. Kerjan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London : Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Arabic. 5 BRESNIER. Chrestomathic arabe : Lettres, actes et pieces diverses avec la traduction franchise en regard, accompagnee de notes et d' observations suivie d'une notice sur les successions nmsulmanes et d'une concordance incdite des calendriers gregorien et niusuhnan. 2nd Edition. 8vo. 12s. BRESNIER. Anthologie arabe elementaire, choix de maximes et de textes varies, la plupart inedits, accompagncs d'un vocabulaire arabe-francais. Small 8vo. 5s. BUSSY (R. de). Dictionnaire francais-arabe de la langue parlee en Algerie. 3rd Edition. 12mo. 1894. 3s. M. DELAPORTE (J. H.). Guide de la conversation arabe-francaise, avec le mot a mot et la prononciation interlineaire figuree en caracteres francais. 3rd Edition. Oblong Svo. 7s. DELAPORTE. Cours de versions arabes (idiome d' Alger) contenaut les fables de Lokman et les fables choisies d'Esope. 3rd Edition. 8vo. 5s. DUCRET (E.). Arabic Copy-books. A series of 8 progressive parts on ruled writing paper, with models at the top of each page. 4to. 2s. 6d. They show only the Algerian handwriting. DUMONT (M. X.). Guide de la lecture des manuscrits arabes. 107 pp. royal 8vo. 1842. 5s. A collection of autographed Arabic private and business letters, contracts, invoices, prayers, stories, etc., with French translation. EIDENSCHENK. Mots usuels de la langue arabe. 296 pp. 8vo. 1897. 4s. HOUDAS et DELPHIN. Recueil de lettres arabes manuscrites. 4to. 5s. LAUNE. Manuel francais-arabe ou recueil d' actes administratifs, judiciaires et sous seigns prives. Arabic text with French translation. Small 8vo. 7s. M. MACHUEL (L.). Une premiere annee d'arabe. 2nd Edition. 136 pp. 8vo. boards. 1892. 2s. Methode pour l't-tude de l'arabe parle (idiome algerien). 4th Edition. 18mo. pp. xvi. and 456. 1888. 5s. Manuel de l'arabisant ou recueil de pieces arabes. Part I. Lettres administratives, judiciaires, politiques, etc. Small 8vo. boards. 6s. Part II. Actes divers pourvus de toutes les voyelles. Small 8vo. boards. 6s. MOULIERAS (A.). Manuel algerien. Grammaire, chrestomathie et lexique. Svo. cloth, pp. viii. and 288. 1888. 5s. ARABIC (Egyptian Dialect). BERNARD (H.). Vocabulaire francais-egyptien. 3rd Edition. 12mo. 1877. 3s. 6d. In Roman characters only. CAMERON (D. A.). Arabic - English Vocabulary (Egyptian vernacular dialect). 319 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1892. 12s. The pronunciation of the Arabic words is given in Roman characters. GAD (J.). Dictionnaire francais-arabe des termes judiciaires administratives et commerciaux. 1590 pp. 2 vols. 4to. 1894. £2. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Iload, London : Oriental Catalogue No. -\ , 6 African Languages Arabic. GREEN (A. 0.). A Practical Arabic dan, mar. Pari I. 3rd Edition. Contains the whole accidence and a short syntax. Ever; lesson contains reading exercises, with interlinear pronunciation in Roman characters, conversations, English and Arabic exercises, vocabulary, &o. 198 pp. post 8vo. cloth. 1893. 7s. bV. Part II. 3rd Edition, enlarged and revised. Forms a key to Pari I. The English exercises arc rendered into colloquial Egyptian- Arabic, and the Stories into a more literary style, with the word points and diacritical marks ad. led ; a collection of newspaper extracts and telegrams, letters and manuscripts; and an English -Arabic vocabulary of 3000 words and an Arabic -English vocabulary of lf>00 words; anil a comparative table of classical and modern Arabic forms anil expressions for the use of advanced ^ students. 2'.i0 pp. post 8vo. cloth. 1893. 10s. 6d. The first two editions of this second pari were printed by the British Govern- ment and never sold to the public. HABEICHE (J. J.). Dictionnaire francais-arabe, pour le dialecto egyptien. 2nd Edition. 9t>0 pp. 8vo. boards. 1896. £1 Is. The Arabic words arc given in Arabic characters only. HARFOUCHE (J.). Le drogman arabe ou guide pratique de l'arabe parlc en caracteres romains pour la Syrie, l'Egypte et la Palestine. 354 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1894. 5s. L'ouvrage contient un abrege de grammaire, un vocabulaire, des dialogues varies, des arabismes ct des proverbes. HARTMANN (M.). Arabischer Sprachfuhrer fur Reisende. 2nd Edition, revised, 16mo. limp roan. 1895. 5s. Arabic in the Syrian and Egyptian dialects (in English characters). It forms a volume of the "Meyer's Sprachfuehrer " Series. KASSAB and HAM MAM. Arabic-English Dictionary. 803 pp. post 8vo. cloth. 1888. 10s. ^ l Contains words of the Egyptian and Syriac spoken dialects, as well as those of the written classical language. LANSING (T. G.). Arabic Manual. 2nd Edition, xv. and 194 pp. royal Svo. cloth. 1891. 12s. The work is divided in four parts, viz., the Orthography, Etymology, Paradigms, and a Chrestomathy [containing some parts of the Genesis and Ko»an in Arabic, with a transliteration, translation, and a vocabulary]. MANTELL (A. M.). Arabic-English Dictionary of Military Terms. 72 pp. royal Svo. 1886. 3s. The English-Arabic part is out of print. MARCEL (J. J.). Dictionnaire francais-arabe des dialectes vulgaires d'Alger, d'Egypte, de Tunis et du Maroc. 5th Edition, revised and corrected, pp. xv. and 584. 1885. 7s. 6d. NAKHLAH (Yakoub). New Manual of English and Arabic conversation. 217 pp. small 8vo. 1874. 4s. In Arabic and Roman characters. PALMER (The late E. H.). Arabic Manual, comprising a condensed Grammar of both the classical and modern Arabic, reading lessons and exercises with analyses, and an English-Arabic vocabulary of useful words. 3rd Edition. 315 pp. 12mo. bound. 1891. 7s. 6d. PIZZI (T.) Piccolo manuale dell' arabo vulgare d'Egitto con tend da tradurse dall'arabo i Italiano e dall'Italiano i arabo con vocabulario del terni. pp. 192, 16mo. 1886. 2s. M. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Arahv-. 7 PLUNKETT (G. T. ). English-Arabic Vocabulary, compiled for the use of English residents and travellers in Egypt. 108 pp. 12rao. 1886. 2s. 6d. It contains 3650 words, including many technical terms required by military men, engineers, builders, travellers on the Nile, &c. In Roman characters only. PROBST (F.). Aegyptischer Sprachfuhrer im aegyptischen Dialect (Gram- matik, arab-deutsch und deutsch-arab Vocabular, Gesprache). 280 pp. post 8vo. bound. 1894. 5s. SEIDEL (A.). Praktisches Handbuch.der arabischen Umgangssprache aegypt- ischen Dialectes mit zahlreichen Ubungsstiicken und einem ausfuhrlichen * arobo-deutschem Worterbuch. 310 pp. 8vo. 1894. (New issue of 1896.) 10s. 6d. Printed in Roman characters only. SPIRO (S.). Arabic-English Vocabulary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt, containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, &c. , used by the native Egyptians. 661 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1895. 25s. All Arabic words are printed in Arabic and Roman characters. SPITTA-BEY. Grammatik des Vulgaer-Dialectes iEgyptens. xxxi. and 519 pp. royal 8vo. cloth. 1880. £1 6s. STACE (E. V.). English-Arabic Vocabulary for the use of Students for the Colloquial. 218 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1893. 12s. Forms the counterpart to "Cameron's Arabic -English Vocabulary." The Arabic words are printed in Arabic characters. THIMM (C. A.). Egyptian Arabic self-taught, for the practical use of travellers, a.o. 70 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1897. 2s. 6d. TIEN (A.). Manual of Colloquial Arabic, comprising practical rules for learning the language, vocabulary, dialogue, letters, and idioms, &c, in English and Arabic. New and revised edition. 419 pp. 12mo. 1891. 7s. 6d. All Arabic words are printed in Arabic types, with their pronunciation in Roman characters. Egyptian, Syrian, and North African Handbook. 176 pp. 12mo. 1882. 4s. A simple phrasebook in English and Arabic for the use of the British forces, civilians, and residents in Egypt. [In Roman characters only.] VOLLERS (Dr. K.). Lehrbuch der fegypto-arabischen Umgangssprache mit Uebungen und einem Glossar. xi. and 231 pp. post 8vo. 1890. Cloth, 7s. 6d. In wrapper, 6s. 6'/. Grammar of the modern Egyptian Arabic, with exercises, reading lessons, and glossaries. Translated into English by F. C. Burkitt. 276 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1895. 10s. M. WORTABET (J.) and PORTER (H.). English-Arabic and Arabic-English Dictionary, for the use of schools. 368 and 366 pp. 2 vols, bound in one, small 8vo. half-calf. 1894. 17s 6d. WORTABET (AV. T.). Arabic- English Dictionary, compiled with the assist- ance of Rev. Dr. J. Wortabet and Prof. Harvey Porter. 2nd Edition, revised, 803 and 14 pp. 8vo. half-bound. 1893. £1 Is. To the classical words are added many modern words. A supplement contains words used especially in Egypt, and a list of military and technical terms employed by the Government Departments. The past and present future forms of the verb and the noun of action or noun of triliterals in full are given. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London : Oriental Catalogue No. X. 8 African Languages Arabic, Asante. ARABIC (Morocco Dialect). AYUSO 1>. 1'. G.). Gramdtica-arabe, mdtodo tedrico practice. 2nd Edition, corrected and enlarged. 146 pp. 8vo. 1S83. 6s. BALDWIN (C. W.). Dialogas espanoles y arabigos. 12mo. cloth. 1893. 7-. ' English -Arabic Dialogues, for the use of students in Morocco. Revised and edited by W. Mackintosh. 115 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1893. 7s. All Arabic words arc printed in the Arabic character. LERCHUNDI (Fr. Josd). Rudimentos del drabe vulgar que se habla en el imperio de Marruecos. 2nd Edition, enlarged and revised, xvi., 463, and pp. Svo. 1889. 15s. Contents.— I. Nocidnes preliminares, pp. 1-26; II. Del articulo, nomhre y pronombre, pp. 27- 171 : III. Del verbo y del participio, pp. 175-330, &c. Vocabulario espanol-arabigo (Morocco dialect). 863 pp. 8vo. 1892. £1 Is. LERCHUNDI Y SIMONET. Crestomatia arabigo-espaiiola, 6 coleccion de fragmentos, hist6ric6s, geographicos y literarios relatios a, la Espafia arabe seguida de un vocabulario de todos los terminos contenidos en dichos fragmentos. 2 vols. Svo. 1881-82. 18s. U. MEAKIN (J. G. B.). Morocco Arabic Series. Vol. I. Morocco Arabic [Maghribin Arabic] Vocabulary and Grammar Notes. 256 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1891. 6s. Contents. — Introductory note and practical hints, pp. 1-16 ; Grammatical notes, pp. 17-39 ; English-Arabic vocabulary [in Roman characters only] classified according to subjects, and alphabetical English index to it, pp. 40-256. Vol. II. English-Arabic Dialogues. See under " Baldwin. " SOCIN (A.). Zuiu arabischen Dialect von Marokko. 8vo. 1893. 3s. ARABIC (Tunisian Dialect). BEAUSSIER (M.). Dictionnaire pratique arabe-francais, contenant tous les mots dans l'arabe parle en Algerie et en Tunisie, ainsi que dans le style epistolaire, les pieces usuelles et actes judiciaires. 764 and 8 pp. 4to. cloth. 1887. £2. STUM ME (H.). Grammatik des tunisischen Arabisch nebst Glossar. 183 pp. 8vo. 1896. 9s. ARABIC (Zanzibar Dialect). MORITZ (B.). Sammlung arabischer Schriftstuecke mit einem Glossar. 136 pp. Arabic text and 22 Arabic photographed facsimile plates, xxxiv. and 112 pp. in German. 8vo. cloth. 1892. 16s. Forms Vol. IX. of the " Lehrlmecher des Seminars fuer orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin," and refers to the dialects of Zanzibar and of German East Africa. ASANTE or ASHANTI, FANTE, TSHI, OJI or OTSHI (Guinea Coast, West Africa). CHRISTALLER (J. G.). A Grammar of the Asante or Fante Language called Tshi (Chwee, Twi), based on the Akuapem Dialect, with Reference to the other (Akan and Fante) Dialects, pp. xxiv. and 203, 8vo. cloth. 1875. 10s. U. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trilbner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Bambara, Barea, Bari, Bechuana. 9 CHRISTALLER (J. G.). A Dictionary of the Asante or Fante Language called Tshi (Chwee, Twi). With a Grammatical Introduction and Appendices on the Geography of the Gold Coast, pp. xxviii. and 671, 8vo. cloth. 1881. £1. RMS (H. N.). Grammatical Outline of the Oji Language, with espeaial Reference to the Akwapim Dialect, and an Akwapim-English and English- Akwapim Vocabulary, together with a Collection of Proverbs ol the Natives. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 276. 1854. (Pub. 10s.) 6s. Elemente des Akwapim Dialects der Odshi-Sprache, enthaltend "rammatische Gnmdziige und AVortersammlung, nebst einer Sammlung von Spruchwortern der Eingebornen. pp. xviii. and 322, 8vo. cloth. 1853. 8s. BAMBARA (Upper Niger). BINGER (G.). Essai sur la langue baiubara, parlee dans le Kaarta et dans le Beledougou, suivi d'un vocabulaire, avec une carte indiquant les contrees ou separlecette langue. 12mo. pp. 133, cloth. 1886. 4s. BAREA (Negro Dialect on the Nubian and Abyssinian Frontier). REINISCH (L.). Die Barea Sprache. Grammatik, Text, und Worterbuch, nach den handschriftlichen Materialien von W. Munzinger. 186 pp. 8vo. 1874. 6s. BARI (UrPER Nile Basin). MITTERRUTZNER (J. C). Sprache der Bari. Grammatik, Text, und Worterbuch. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxv. and 261. 1867. 5s. Added is a small vocabulary of the Ngyang-Bara language, by Morlang. MULLER (F.). Die Sprache der Bari. Ein Beitrag zur Afrikanischen Linguistik. 8vo. boards, pp. 84, interleaved. 1864. Is. 6d. Contents.— Grammatik, Lesestucke, deutsch-bari und bari-deutsches Glossar. BECHUANA, or SECHUANA, or SOTHO, or SESUTO (A Kaffir Dialect). ARCHBELL (J.). Grammar of the Bechuana Lauguage. 8vo. boards. Very scarce. 1837. 15s. CRISP (W.). Notes towards a Secoana Grammar. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 104. 1886. 2s. U. ENDEMANN (K.). Versuch einer Grammatik des Sotho. 201 pp. 8vo. 1876. 6s. JACOTTET (E.). Elementary sketch of the Se-Suto grammar. 71 pp. 8vo. 1892. 5s. KRUGER (F. II.). Steps to learn the Sesuto language, comprising an elementary grammar, graduate exercises, and a short vocabulary. 2nd Edition. 98 pp. 8vo. limp cloth. 1883. 5s. MABILLE (A.). Se-Suto-English and English-Se-Suto Vocabulary; and E. Jacottet, Elementary Sketch of the Se-Suto Grammar. Two works bound in one volume. 487 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1893. 10s. M. Kenan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charimj Cross Road, London : Oriented Catalogue No. A . 10 African Languages — Bedauye, Beidawi, Benguela, Berber, Bilin. BEDAUYE (North-East Africa). REINISCH (L.). Bedauye Sprache in Nordost-Africa. 3 parts, 74, 80, and •204 pp large 8vo. 1893 94. 6s. Worterbuoh der Bedauye Spraohe. 365 pp. 8vo. 1895. 16s. BEIDAWI (Tuibks OK the Nortii-Kastkun Soudan). HAIG (F. T.). Tentative grammar of the Beidawi language, spoken by the tribes of the North-Eastern Soudan, with short vocabularies and sentences. 7;> pp. post 8vo. 1895. 3s. BENGUELA, or BENGA (West Africa). SALVADO Y COS (Rdo. P. F.). Coleccion de Apuntcs Preliminares sobre la Lengua Benga 6 sea Intvoduccion a una Granuitiea de Este Idioma que se habla en la Isla de Corisco, Pueblos de Su Bahi'a e Islas Adyacentes. pp. 148, 31. Svo. cloth. 1891. 7s. 6d. , SCHUCHARDT (H.). Ueber die Benguela-sprache. Royal 8vo. pp. 14. 1883. Is. 6d. BERBER (North Africa). BASSET (K.). Notes de lexicographie berbere. 4 parts. 62, 111, 88, and 100 pp. 8vo. 1883-88. 15s. Le dialecte de Syouah : Grammaire et glossaire. viii. and 98 pp. 8vo. 1890. 4s. Loqman Berbere : texte berbere et transcription avec glossaire et une etude sur la legende de Loqman. 409 pp. 8vo. 1890. 10s. Etudes sur les dialectes berberes. xiv. and 165 pp. 8vo. 1894. 7s. Etude sur la zenatia du Mzab, de Ouarsla et de l'Oued-Rir. xv. and 274 pp. 8vo. 1892. 10s. 6d. FAIDHERBE (Le General). Le Zenaga des tribus senegalaises. Contribution a lV-tude de la langue berbere. Large 8vo. sewed, pp. 95. 1877. 4s. 6d. GABELENTZ (G. von der). Verwandtschaft des Baskisehen mit den Berber - sprachen Nord-Afrikas herausgegeben nach den hinterlassenen Manuscripten durch A. C. Graf von der Schulenburg. 286 pp. text, with 4 tables. 8vo. 1894. 12s. MERCIER (G.). Le Chaouia de l'Aures (dialecte de l'Ahmar-Khaddou) Etude grammatical^ Texte en dialecte chaouia. 8vo. 1897. 3s. 6d. RINN (L.). Les origines berberes : etudes linguistiques et ethnologiques. 8vo. 1889. 10s. SIERAKOWSKI (A. Graf). Das Schaui. Ein Beitrag zur berberischen Sprachen und Yoelkerkunde. 138 pp. 8vo. 1871. 4s. VENTURE DE PARADIS. Grammaire et dictionnaire abreges de la langue berbere, revus par. P. Am. Jaubert. pp. 235, 4to. 1844. 12s. 6(7. BILIN, or BOGOS (North-East Africa). REINISCH (L.). Die Bilinsprache in Nordost-Africa mit einer Ubersichts- tabelle der Verbformen. 138 pp. 8vo. 1882. 2s. 6d. Die Bilin-Sprache. Vol. I. Texte der Bilin-Sprache. Royal Svo. pp. viii. and 322. 1883. 10s. Vol. II. Wbrterbuch der Bilin-Sprache. Royal 8vo. pp. vi. and 426. 1887. £1. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London : Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Bishari, Bornu, Bubi, Bullom, Bunda. 1 1 BISHARI (Nubia). ALMKVIST (H.). Die Bischari-Sprache Tu-Bedawie in Nordost-Afrika. 2 vols. 4to. sewed, pp. v. and 302 and vi. and 113. 1881-85. £1 10s. Contents : Vol. I. Grammatik. Vol. II. Bischari-deutsch und deutsch-bischari Wbrterbuch. BORNU, or KANURI (Central Africa). KOELLE (S. W.). Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. xix. and 326. 1854. 7s. M. African Native Literature or Proverbs, Tales, Fables, and Historical Fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language, to which are added a Trans- lation of the above and a Kanuri- English Vocabulary. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 434. 1854. 7s. Gd. NORRIS (E.). Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language. With Dialogues, Translations, and Vocabulary. 8vo. pp. 101. (Out of print and scarce.) 1853. 6s. BUBI (Spoken on Island of Fernando Po). JUANOLA (J.). Primer paso a la lengua Bubi 6 sea ensayo a una gramatica de este idioma seguido de tres apendices. 189 pp. 8vo. 1890. 6s. BULLOM (Dialect of Mandigo vernacular, near Sierra Leone, West Africa). NYLANDER (Rev. G. R.). Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bullom Language, pp. 159, small 8vo. cloth. 181 4. 4s. BUNDA, KIMBUNDA, or ANGOLESE (Loanda, West Africa). CANNECATTIM (F. B. M. de). Colleccao de observacoes grammaticaes sobre a lingua Bunda, ou Angolense. 4to. half-bound, pp. xx. and 218. 1805. 10s. U. The same. Second Edition, xviii. and 174 pp. 8vo. 1859. 7s. 6d. Diccionario da lingua Bunda, ou Angolense, explicada na Portugueza, e Latina. pp. ix. 720, 8vo. 1804. Bound up in one volume with F. B. M. de Cannecattim, Colleccao de observac5es grammaticaes sobre a lingua Bunda ou Angolense e diccionario abreviado da lingua Congueza. Second Edition. 174 pp. 8vo. 1859. £2 2s. CASTAGNA (N.). Di alcuni vocaboli e modi del vernacolo angolano col riscontro italiano o toscano. 32 pp. 12mo. 1891. Is. 6d. CHATELAIN (H.). Grammatica elemental- do Kimbundu ou lingua de Angola, xxiv. and 172 pp. 8vo. 1889. Out of print. 7s. 6 Concise Grammar of the Malagasy Language, pp. 66, with an Appendix, crown 8vo. cloth. 1883. 5s. Forms a volume of "Triibner's Collection of Simplified Grammars." RAHIDY (B. ). Cours pratique de langue malgache. In 3 vols, small 8vo. cloth. Vol. I. Grammaire. 103 pp. 1895. 3s. 6d. Vol. II. Dialogues usuels et vocabulaire francais-malgache. 291 pp. 1895. 4s. Vol. III. Exercices et vocabulaire malgache-francais. 142 pp. 1895. 4s. RICHARDSON (J.). Malagasy for Beginners : a series of Graduated Lessons and Exercises in Malagasy, as spoken by the Hovas. 120 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1884. 4s. RICHARDSON (Rev. J.). New Malagasy-English Dictionary. Edited and re-arranged, lix. and 832 pp. half bound, 8vo. 1885. £1. SARDA (P.). Petit dictionnaire malgache-francais, precede des principes de grammaire hova et suivi des phrases et expressions usuelles. 32 and 150 pp. small 8vo. 1896. 2s. 6d. SEWELL (J. S.). English-Malagasy Dictionary. 380 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1875. 12s. 66?. VOCABULAIRE francais-malgache redige par les Missionaires Catholiques a l'usage de leurs eleves qui apprennent le francais. pp. 418, 8vo. cloth. 1880. 10s. New edition of 1894, 8vo. cloth. £1 5s. MANDE (Soudan). RAMBAUD (J. B.). Dictionnaire francais-mande. 131 pp. 8vo. 1896. 5s. Avec une introduction sur la langue mande et les caraeteres distinctifs de cette langue et de ses divers dialectes et avec un abrege de grammaire mande. STEINTHAL (H.). Die Mande-Neger-Sprachen psychologisch und phonetisch betrachtet. pp. xxiv. and 344, royal 8vo. 1867. 6s. MASAI. ERHARDT (Rev. J.). Vocabulary of the Euguduk Iloigob, as spoken by the Masai Tribes in East Africa, pp. 110, 8vo. cloth. 1857. 2s. 6d. MASHONA, or SHUNA (South-East Africa). HARTMANN (Rev. A. M.). Outline of a grammar of the Mashona language. vii. and 69 pp. post 8vo. cloth. 1893. 5s. English-Mashona Dictionary, with appendix of some phrases. 78 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1894. 6s. MATABELE and MAKALAKA (South-East Africa). ELLIOTT (W. A.). Dictionary of the Tebele and Slnina languages, xxxiii. and 441 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1897. 10s. 6d. WEALE (M. E.). Matabele and Makalaka vocabulary, intended for the use of prospectors and farmers in Mashonaland. 32 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1893. 5s. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. 20 African Languages — Mauritius, Musuk, Mivamba, Nagoe. MAURITIUS. BAISSAC (C). Etude sur le patois oreole maurioien. '233 pp. small 8vo. 1880. 6s. MUSUK (Spoken South of the Tshad Lake). MULLER , F. ). Die Musukaprache in Central Africa nach den Aufzeichnungen von (;. A. Krause herausgegeben, mitdem Musuk-deutachem Vocabular und einerKarte. 70 pp. 8vo. 1886. 2s. M. MWAMBA (Xorth of Lake Nvassa). BAIN (J. A.). Collections of the Mwamba language spoken at the north end of Lake Nyassa. 82 pp. 12mo. 1891. 2s.' NAGOE (Sub-Dialect of Daiiomy). BOUCHE (P.). Etude sur la langue Nago (Yoruba). 51 pp. 8vo. 1880. 2s. 6d. NAMAQUA, or NAMA (Hottentots of the South-West Coast). CH ARENCEY (H. de). Elements de la grammaire hottentote (dialecte Nama). 20 pp. Svo. 1864. 2s. HAHN (Th.). Die Sprache der Nama. 52 pp. 8vo. 1870. 2s. U. KRCENLEIN (J. G.). Wortschatz der Khoi-Khoin (Namaqua-Hottentotten). Roy. Svo. pp. vi. and 350. 1889. £1 5s. OLPP (J.). Nama-Deutsches Woerterbuch. 118 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1888. 3s. SCHILS (G. H.). Grammaire complete de la langue des Namas. xxi. and 94 pp. large 4to. 1891. 15s. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue des Namas. 106 pp. 4to. 1895. £1 Is. WALLMANN (J. C). Formenlehre der Namaqua-Spraehe. 95 pp. 8vo. 1857. 3s. NGONI (South Bank of the Zambesi). ELMSLIE (W. A.). Introductory grammar of the Ngoni (Zulu) language, as spoken in Mombera's country. 51 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1891. 5s. Table of Concords and Paradigm of Verb of the Ngoni language, as spoken in Mombera's country. Large folio, folded in book form. 1891. 6s. NIAM-NIAM (Identic with Nyanja, for which see). COLOMBAROLI (A.). Premiers Elements de Langue A-Sandeh (vulgaire- ment appelee Niam-Niam. 99 pp. 8vo. 1895. 4s. NIKA, or MA-NIKA, or NYIKA (East Coast of Africa, Two Degrees South of Pokomo Kiver). KRAPF (L.)and REBMANN (J.). A Nika- English Dictionary. Edited by T. H. Sparshott. pp. viii. and 391, 8vo. cloth. 1887. 10s. 6d. Regan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London .- Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Nubian, Nupe, Nyamwezi, Nyanja. 21 NUBIAN (Nile -Valley from the Tropic of Cancer to the Frontier of Abyssinia). LEPSIUS (R.). Nubische Grammatik. Mit Einleitung iiber die Volker und Spraclien Afrika's. 8vo. clotb, pp. cxxvi. and 506. 1880. (Pub. £1 6s.) £1 Is. REINISCH (L.). Die Nuba Sprache. Vol. I. Grammatik und Texte. 308 pp. 8vo. 1879. 7s. 6d. Vol. II. Nubiscb-deutsches und deutscb-nubiscbes Woerterbuch. 240 pp. 8vo. 1879. 7s. M, NUPE (Basin of the Quorra). CROWTHER (S.). Primer of the Nupe Language, pp. 22. small 8vo. limp cloth. 1860. Is. 6d. Elements of a Grammar and Vocabulary of the Nupe Language. 208 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1864. 6s. J[OHNSON]-(H.). Nupe Reading Book for the use of schools. 48 pp. 8vo. 1882. Is 6d. NYAMWEZI. STEER E (Ed.). Collections for a Handbook of the Nyamwezi Language as spoken at Unyanyembe. 99 pp. small 8vo. cloth. (No date.) Is. 6d. NYANJA, CHINYANJA, or MANGANJA (Bantu Language spoken S. and S.-W. of Lake JNyassa). CALDWELL (R). Chi-Nyanja Simplified. Second Edition. 88 and 46 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1897. 2s. 6d. HENRY (G. ). Grammar of the Chinyanja [spoken near the shores of Lake Nyassa]. 232 pp. post 8vo. 1891. 9s. LAWS (R.). Table of Concords and Paradigm of verbs of the Chinyanja language (Lake Nyassa). Large folio, folded in book form. 1885. 5s. English-Nyanja Dictionary, with a table of Concords of the Chinyanja language. 231 pp. post 8vo. cloth. 1894. 7s. M. RIDDEL (A.). A Grammar of the Chinyanja language as spoken at Lake Nyassa, with Chinyanja-English and English-Chinyanja Vocabularies. 150 pp. small 8vo. 1880. Out of print. 6s. SCOTT (Rev. D. C). Cyclopaedic Dictionary of the Mang'anja language (usually called Nyanja), spoken in British Central Africa [Manganja- English and English-Mang'anja]. 737 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1892. 12s. 6(/. [F. A. R.] Vocabulary of English-Chinyanja and Chinyanja-English, as spoken at Likoma, Lake Nyasa. 2nd edition. 88 pp. with table of Concords, small 8vo. limp cloth. 1895. Is. 6d. OSHIKUANJAMA (German South-West Africa). BRINCKER (P. H.). Lehrbuch des Oshikuanjama [Bantu-Sprache in Deutsch Sued west- Afrika]. Vol. I. Grammatik des Oshikuanjama in Verbindung mit Oshindonga und mit Verglcichungdes Otjiherero. 118 pp. Vol. II. Woerterbuch des Oshikuanjama mit Vergleichung des Oshindonga und Otjiherero in zwei Theilen sachlich-geordnet. 136 pp. Two vols, bound in one. 8vo. cloth. 1891. 16s. Forms Vol. VIII. of the " Lehrbuecher des Seminars fuer orientalischc Sprachen zu Berlin." Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Load, London : Oriental Catalogue No. X. i'i' African Languages — Pongwe, Quara, ttonga t Sagdra } Saho. PONGWE, or MPONGWE (French Western Africa, between the Senegal and Gambia). GRAMMAR of the Mpongwe Language, with Vocabularies. By the Missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M. Gaboon Mission, Western Africa, pp. 94, 8vo. Scarce. 1817. 10s. 6d. DELORME (A.). Dictionnaire francais-pongoue par les missionnaires de la Congregation . REINISCH (L.). Saho-Sprache. Vol. I. — Texte der Saho Sprache nut deutscher Uebersetzung. 315 pp. 8vo. 1889. 8s. Vol. II.— Saho-Deutsches Woerterbucb. 492 pp. 8vo. 1890. £1 4s. SHAMBAA, or SHAMBALA (German East Africa). SEIDEL (A.). Handbuch der Shambala Sprache in Usambara. With texts in Shambala, and a German-Shambala and Shanibala-German vocabulary. 140 pp. 8vo. 1895. 5s. WOHLRAB and JOHANSEN. Shambaa Lesefibel. 48 pp. small 8vo. 1892. Is. Sd. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Somali, Susoo, Swahili. 23 SOMALI (From the Straits of Bar el Mandal, Round ry Cape Guardafui, Down to the 4° Southern Latitude). LIGHT (R. H ). English-Somali Sentences and Idioms for the use of sportsmen and visitors in Somaliland. 23 pp. small 8vo. 1896. 2s. Printed in Roman characters only. LARAJASSE (de). Somali -English and English-Somali Dictionary. 301 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1897. 12s. and CYPRIEN DE SAM PONT. Practical Somali Grammar, with a manual of sentences. 265 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1897. 12s. Both works are printed in Roman characters only. SCHLEICHER (A. W.). Die Somali Sprache, I. Text, Lautlehre, For- menlehre und Syntax, xvi. and 159 pp. 8vo. 1892. 6s. Part II. will never be published, as the author died in Africa. SUSOO, or SOSO (Mandingo Dialect of Senegambia). DOUG LIN (Rev. P. H.). A Reading Book in the Soso Language, pp. viii. and 120, small 8vo. cloth. 1887. 2s. 6d. DUPORT (J. H.). Outlines of a Grammar of the Susu Language (West Africa), pp. 28, 8vo. No date (1882). Is. M. ENDEMANN (K.). Versuch einer Grammatik des Sotho. 201 pp. 8vo. 1876. 6s. Printed in Roman characters only. OUTLINES of a Grammar in the Susu Language. 8vo. sewed. Is. 6d. RAIMBAULT. Dictionnaire francais-soso et soso-francais. pp. x. and 165, small 8vo. cloth. 1885. 7 s. 6d. SWAHILI, or KISUAHILI. BUETTNER (C. G.). Suaheli-deutsch und deutsch-suaheli Woerterbuch. ix. and 269 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1890. 13s. 6d. Forms Vol. III. of the " Lehrbiicher des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin." Suaheli-Schriftstiicke, in Arabic and Roman characters, -with German translation and notes, xi. and 206 and 73 pp. and 11 lithographic plates, 8vo. 1892. £1 2s. 6d. Forms Vol. X. of the "Lehrbiicher des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin." Lieder und Geschichten der Suaheli [in German, being the second vol. of the "Suaheli Anthologie," by the same author]. 202 pp. 8vo. 1894. 4s. Anthologie aus der Suaheli-Litteratur (Gedichte und Geschichten). Vol. I. Swahili text in Roman characters. Vol. II. German translation. 188 and 202 pp. in one vol. 8vo. 1894. 18s. DAULL. Grammaire kisouahili. 125 pp. 12mo. bound. 1879. 2s. 6d. DELAUNAY. Grammaire kiswahili. 173 pp. small 8vo. boards. 1885. 6s. KRAPF (L.). Outline for the Elements of the Kisuaheli Language, with special reference to the Kinika dialect. 142 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1850. 7s. 6c?. Dictionary of the Suahili Language. With Introduction containing an outline of a Suahili Grammar, pp. xl. and 433, roy. 8vo. cloth. 1882. (Pub. £1 10s.) 10s. 6d. M ADAN (A. C. ). English-Swahili Vocabulary, compiled from the Works of the late Bishop Steere and from other sources, pp. 56, 8vo. cloth. 1885. 2s. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. ■2\ African Languages- Tail a. MADAN (A. C). English -Swahili Dictionary, compiled for the use of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, vi. and 415 p)>. 8vo. cloth. 1894. U. M. NETTELBLADT (F. v.). Suaheli Dragoman, xii. and 256 pp. 8vo. 1891. 5s. CoNTENTa Gesprache, Worterbuct and praktische Anleitungen zura Verkehr niit den Eingeborenen in Deutsch Ost-Afrika, mit Vorwort von L. von Gfavenrouth. RADDATZ (H.). Die Suahili-Sprache mit eihem Anhange: Sndan-Arabisch and Emftthrung indie Bantusprachen. xiv. and 170 pp. 8vo. 1892. 3.s\ 6'/. SACLEUX (Oh.). Dictionnaire francais-swahili. 989 and 40 pp post 8vo. half calf. 1891. £1 Is. Added is : Catalogue des plantes de Zanzibar, Pemba, Mombassa, Ainou, &c. SAINT PAUL ILLAIRE (W.). Suaheli Handbuch. 202 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1890. 10s. 6d. Forms Vol. II. of the " Lehrblicher des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen." Swahili Sprachfiihrer. 575 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1896. 10s. SEIDEL (A.). Praktische Grammatik der Sualieli-Sprache, mit Uebungs- stuecken, einem Lesebuche und einem deutsch -kisuaheli Woerterbuche. 182 pp. 12mo. cloth. No date (1896). 2s. 6d. Forms Yol. XXXII. of the " Kmist der Polyglottie. " STEERE (E. ). Handbook of the Swahili Language, as spoken at Zanzibar. Fourth edition. Revised and enlarged by A. C. Madan. 8vo. pp. xxii. and 458. 1894. (Pub. at 6s.) 4s. Swahili Exercises, pp viii. and 118. 8vo. boards. 1886. 2s. 6d. Swahili Tales as told by natives of Zanzibar, Swahili text with trans- literation in Roman characters, an English translation, and notes, xvi. and 501 pp. post 8vo. N.D. (1889). 5s. SYLLABAIRE swahili. 64 pp. 12mo. 1893. 2s. TAYLOR (W. E.). African Aphorisms ; or, Saws from Swahililand collected, translated, and annotated. 8vo. cloth. 3s. TAITA (1° South of the Pokomo River, in Eastern Equatorial Africa). WRAY (J. A.). Elementary Introduction to the Taita Language [Eastern Equatorial Africa]. 128 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1894. 2s. TAMASHEK, or TUWARIK (Nomadic Tribes, Western Sahara). FREEMAN (H. S.). Grammatical Sketch of the Temahuq or Towarek Language. 47 pp. 8vo. cloth, out of print. 1862. 5s. HANOTEAU (A.). Essai de grammaire de la langue Tamachek (Touareq) 2ieme edition, renfermant les principes du langage parle par les Imouchar on Touareg, des conversations en Tamashek, des facsimile d'ecriture en caracteres Tifnar et une carte indiquant les parties de l'Algerie on la langue bi rbere est encore en usage. 31, 299 pp. 8vo. 1896. 15s. KAOUI (S. Cid.). Dictionnaire francais-tamaheq (langue des Touaregs). 894 pp. 4to. lithographed. 1894. £2 2s. MASQUE RAY (E. ). Dictionnaire francais-touareg (dialecte des Taitoq) suivi d'observations grammaticales. Parts 1 to 3 (as far as published), pp. 1-362. 8vo. 1893-95. 6s. each part. Regan Paul, Trench, Trilbner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross lioad, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Temne, Teneriffe, Tigre. 25 MASQUER AY (E.). Observations grammaticales sur la grammaire Touareg et textes de la Tamahaq des Taitoq, publies par R. Basset et Gaudefroy- Demombynes. Part I. 96 pp. 8vo. 1896. 5s. TEMNE (Sierra Leone, "West Africa). ELBA (A. A.) and COLE (E. T.). Temne Reading Book. 32 pp. 12mo. limp cloth. 1892. Is. Gel. KNOEDLER (C). A Temne Primer for the use of Temne Schools in West Africa. 20 pp. 12mo. 1865. Is. Gel. SCHLENKER (Rev. C. F.). Grammar of the Temne Language. 8vo. cloth. 1864. 7s. Gel. An English-Temne Dictionary, pp. viii. and 403, 8vo. cloth. 1880. 10s. Gel. A Collection of Temne Traditions, Fables, and Proverbs, with an English Translation, as also some Specimens of the Author's own Temne Compositions and Translations. To which is appended a Temne-English Vocabulary, pp. xxii. and 298, 8vo. cloth. 1861. 6s. TENERIFFE. BUTE (Marquess of). On the Ancient Language of the Natives of Teneriffe. 8vo. 1891. 2s. TIGRE (Semitic Language North of the River Takazze, in Abyssinia). BEURMANN (M. von). Vocabulary of the Tigre Language, with a gram- matical sketch by A. Merx. viii. and 78 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1868. 2s. Gd. CAMPERIO (M.). Manuale tigre-italiano con due diziouarietti italiano-tigre and tigre-italiano e cartina dimostrativa degli idiomi parlati in Eritrea. 177 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1894. 3s. MUNZINGER (W.). Vocabulaire de la langue tigre [Tigre-French]. 8vo. pp. x. and 93. 1865. 3s. The Tigre words are written in Ethiopian characters, with Roman trans- literation. PERINI (R.). Manuale teorico - pratico della lingua tigre. 122 pp. 8vo. 1893. 3s. Gd. PRAETORIUS (F.). Grammatik der Tigrina Sprache in Abessinien, haupt- saechlich in der Gegend von Aksum und Adoa. Two parts. 367 pp. 8vo. 1871-72. (Pub. at 13s. Gd.) 10s. All Tigrina words are printed in Ethiopian characters. SCHREIBER (J.). Manuel de la langue tigrai. Parlee an centre et dans le nord de l'Abyssinie. Vol I. pp. iv. and 93, 8vo. 1887. Gs. Vol. II. Contents. — Tigrai texts with French translation, notes, and a Tigrai- French vocabulary, pp. 94-227, 8vo. 1893. 8s. VITO (L. de). Grammatica elementare della lingua tigrigna. 87 pp. 8vo. 1895. 5s. The Tigrigna words are printed in the Amharic character, with Roman transliteration. — Vocabulario della lingua tigrigna con introduzionc e indice italiano- tigrigna del Conti Rossini Carlo. 166 pp. large 8vo. cloth. 1896. 9s. Esercizi di lettura in lingua tigrigna. 69 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1894. 5s. fiegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. A'. •_\; African Languages— Tumbuka, Vmlnuidu, Vai, Wotof, Xosa. TUMBUKA (Language of the People Living in Subjection to the Ngoni, on the West Side op the Lake Nyassa). ELMSLIE (W. A.). Table of Concords and paradigm of verbs of the Tumbuka Language (as spoken in Mombera's country). Large folio, folded in book form. 1891. 6s. UMBUNDU (Tin: Language of the Inhabitants of Bailundu and Bihe, and other Countries of West Central Africa). SANDERS (W. HA Umbundu-Englisb and EngUsh-Umbundu Vocabulary, containing a list of 3000 words. 76 pp. 12mo. boards. 1885. 7s. Qd. STOVER (W. M.). Observations upon the grammatical structure and use of the Umbundu. 83 pp. 12mo. boards. 1885. 7s. 6d. VAI, or VEI (Spoken on the Banks of the Gallina River, and at Cape Mount, in the llberian republic). KOELLE (S. W.). Outlines of a Grammar of the Vei Language, together with a Vei-English Vocabulary. With Appendix: an Account of the Discovery and Nature of the Vei Mode of Syllabic Writing. 8vo. cloth, pp. 256. Out of print. Scarce. 1854. 10s. Qd. WOLOF (Senegambia, West Africa). BOILAT. Grammaire de la langue woloffe. 430 pp. roy. 8vo. 1858. 15s. DARD (J.). Grammaire wolofe ; ou, methode pour etudier la langue des noirs qui habitent les royaumes de Bourba-Yolof, de Walo, de Darnel, de Bour-Sine, de Saloume, de Baole, en Senegambie ; suivie d'un appendice, ou sont etablies les particularity les plus essentielles des principales langues de l'Afrique Septentrionale. pp. x. xxii. and 214. 8vo. cloth. 1826. 6s. Dictionnaire francais-wolof et francais-bambara, suivi du dictionnaire wolof-francais. xxxii. and 300 pp. 8vo. 1825. 5s. KOBES (A.). Grammaire de la langue volofe. vi. and 360 pp. 8vo. St. Joseph de Ngasobil, 1869. Scarce. £1 Is. ROGER (de). Recherches philosophiques sur la langue ouolofe suivies d'un vocabulaire abrege fran9ais-ouolofF. pp. 173, 8vo. 1829. 2s. Qd. XOSA, or K FIR. BONATZ (T. A.). Anleitung zur Erlernung der Kaffer-Sprache nach T. W. Appleyard's Grammatik. pp. xii. and 292, 8vo. 1862. 6s. CRAWSHAW (J.). First Kafir course. Second Edition. 133 pp. 8vo. boards. 1894. 5s. McLAREN (J.). Introductory Kafir Grammar with progressive exercises. 112 pp. post 8vo. cloth. 1886. 5s. NAGEL (E.). Prakt. Hulfsbuch der Kafern-Sprache. Zur leichteren Ver- staendigung mit den eingeborenen Kaffern Sud-Africas. 8vo. pp. 43. 1887. Is. 6d. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. African Languages — Yao, Yoruba, Zulu-Kafir. 27 YAO (South and East of the Lake Nyassa, as fab as the Coast). HYNDE (R. S.). Second Yao-English primer. 104 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1894. Is. U. MAPLES (Ch. ). Yao-English Vocabulary, compiled from various sources. 114 pp. small 8vo. 1888. 5s. STEERE (E.). Collections for a Handbook of the Yao Language. 105 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1871. 2s. YORUBA (Eastern Half of the Slave Coast). BOWEN (T. J.). Grammar and Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, with an Introductory Description of the Country and People of Yoruba. 4to pp. 228, with a map. 1858. Out of print. £1 5s. CROWTHER (S.). English- Yoruba and Yoruba-English vocabulary, vii. and 48 and 196 pp. 8vo. half calf. 1843. 6s. No titlepage to this edition was ever printed. Grammar of the Yoruba Language. 52 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1852. 2s. Grammar of the Yoruba Language and Yoruba-English vocabulary, together with introductory remarks by 0. E. Vidal. v. 38, vii. 52, and 291 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1852. 7s. 6d. Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language (Yoruba-English only), together with introductory remarks, by the Right Rev. 0. E. Vidal. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 38 and 292. 1852. 6s. RABAN (J.). The Eyo Vocabulary (Dialect of Yoruba). Part II. Contents.— Alphabet, Verbs, Nouns, Phrases. Sentences, and English-Eyo Vocabulary. 36 pp. 12mo. Scarce. 1832. 2s. 6d. WOOD (J. B.). Notes on construction of the Yoruba language. 48 pp. 8vo. 1879. Is. U. ZULU-KAFIR. (See also under "Ngonl") AMBROSIUS. Grammatik der Zulu-Kafhrischen Sprache. 210 pp. 8vo. 1890. 10s. BOYCE (W. B.). Grammar of the Kafir Language. 54 pp. 4to. 1834. Yen- scarce. 15s. The same. Second Edition, augmented and improved by vocabulary and exercises by W. J. Davis. 228 pp. 8vo. 1844. 9s. COLENSO (J. W.). First Steps in Zulu: being an elementary grammar of the Zulu language. Fourth Edition. 161 pp. small 8vo. 1890. 7s. 6d. Zulu-English Dictionary. 552 pp. 8vo. half calf. 1861. 6s. Zulu-English Dictionary. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 673 pp. small 8vo. cloth. 1884. 12s. DOHNE (T. L. ). Zulu -Kafir Dictionary, etymologically explained, with copious illustrations and examples, preceded by an introduction on the Zulu-Kafir language, pp. xlii. and 418, royal 8vo. Out of print. 1857. £1 Is. GIBBS (S.). Easy Zulu Vocabulary and Phrase-book, with grammatical notes. 53 pp. small 8vo. 1890. 3s. 6rf. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London ; Oriental Catalogue No. X, 28 African Languages— 'Zulu-Kafir. GROUT (L.). The Isi.ulu: a grammar of the Zulu language, with a historical introduction. New Edition, revised. 313 pp. large 8vo. cloth. 1893. 16s. The same. First Edition. 432 pp. 8vo. 1859. (Puh. £1 1«.) 6s. Observations on the Prepositions, Conjunctions, and other Particles of the Isi.'.ulu and its cognate languages. 12 pp. 8vo. 1859. Is. 6i(. MATE (Ph.). Kleines deutsoh-kaffirisohes Worterhuch. 173 pp, small 8vo. bound. 1891. 3s. NG'UNEMO, Isigania, i.e., English-Kafir Vocabulary. 219 pp. 8vo. cloth. No dale. 3s. fid. NG'UNEMO, Igrama Lesingisi, i.e., English Grammar for Kafirs. 449 pp. 8vo. cloth. No date. 5s. PERRIN'S English-Zulu Dictionary. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. 334 pp. 12ino. cloth. 1890. 4s. ROBERTS (Oh.). English-Zulu Dictionary, with the principles of pronun- ciation and classification fully explained. Second Edition, with Supplement. 267 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1895. 5s. The Zulu-Kafir Language Simplified for Beginners. Third edition, enlarged. 177 pp. 8vo. cloth 1895. 6s. pp. 123 to end contain an English-Zulu and Zulu-English Vocabulary. The South -African Traveller's Handbook, containing a brief outline of the Zulu-Kafir grammar and a large number of English words, sentences, and dialogues rendered in Zulu-Kafir, Xosa-Kafir, and Dutch. 172 pp. 12mo. cloth. 1879. Out of print. 6s. SCHREUDER (H. P. S.). Grammatik der Zulu-Sproget. Fortale og anmaerk- ninger af C. A. Holmboe. 88 pp. 8vo. 1850. 5s. BOOKS ON AFRICA. AFRICA AND THE AMERICAN NEGRO. Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa, held in Atalanta, U.S.A., in December, 1895. 242 pp. text, with numerous illustrations, 8vo. 1896. 7s. 6d. BIRD (J.). Annals of Natal. 1495 to 1845. 2 vols. 732 and 484 pp. royal 8vo. cloth. 1888. £2. The author had access to the archives of the Cape Government and to the Record Office in London, and has copied numerous official documents with permission of the Secretary of State. BURTON (R. F. ). Abeokuta and the Cameroons Mountains: an Exploration. 2 vols. With folded map. Fine half calf. 1863. Scarce. 25s. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ARCHIVES. Precis, edited by H. C. V. Leibbrandt. 8vo. Viz. : Letters received from 1695 to 1708. 474 pp. 1896. 6s. Letters dispatched from 1695 to 1708. 397 pp. 1896. 6s. Journal from 1699 to 1732. 341 pp. 1896. 6s. Defence of AV. Adriaan van der Stel. 198 pp. 1897. 5s. DAUMAS (E. ). Les chevaux dn Sahara et les mceurs du desert. New Edition, revised and enlarged by Emir Abdel Kader. viii. and 541 pp. large 8 vo. 1862. (Pub. 8s.) 4s. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House Charing Cross Road, London : Oriental Catalogue No. X, Boohs on Africa. 29 DRURY. The Adventures of Robert Drury during Fifteen Years' Captivity on the Island of Madagascar. Containing a description of that island, to which is added a vocabulary of the Madagascar language. Written by himself, and now carefully revised and corrected from the original copy, xii. and 459 pp. large 8vo. 1807. 4s. ELLIS (A. B.). The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa, their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc. vii. and 343 pp. with map, large 8vo. cloth. 1887. (Pub. 10s. 6d.) 5s. The Ewe-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa, their religion, manners, customs, laws, languages, etc. viii. and 331 pp. with a map, large 8vo. cloth. 1890. (Pub. 10s. 6d.) 5s. A History of the Gold Coast of West Africa, xi. and 400 pp. with map, cloth, large 8 vo. 1893. (Pub. 10s. 6d.) 5s. The Yoruba- speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa, their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc., with an appendix con- taining a comparison of the Tshi, Ga, Ewe, and Yoruba languages. 402 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1S94. (Pub. 10s. 6d.) 5s. EMIN PASHA IN CENTRAL AFRICA: being a collection of his letters and journals. Edited and annotated by G. Schweinfurth, F. Ratzel, R. Y\ . Felkin, and G. Hartlaub. Translated by Mrs. R. W. Felkin. With two portraits, a map, and notes, xviii. and 547 pp. large 8vo. cloth. 1888. (Pub. £1 Is.) 10s. M. FELKIN fR. W.). Geographical Distribution of Tropical Diseases in Africa, with an appendix on a new method of illustrating the geographical distri- bution of disease 79 pp. with table and map, 8vo. cloth. 1895. 5s. HUTTON (W.). A Voyage to Africa, including a Narrative of an Embassy to one of the interior Kingdoms, in. the year 1820. Illustrated with maps and plates, x, and 488 pf. large 8vo. half calf. 1821. 5s. KAUFMANN (YV\). The Egyptian State Debt and its relation to Inter- national Law, translated into English, with an historical retrospect since 1841, and numerous statistics by H. Wallach. 308 pp. 8vo. cloth. 1892. 8s. KINSKY (Count K.). The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa. 106 pp. With a Political Map. Roy. 8vo. cloth. 1897. • Contains an historical and statistical abstract of all states m Africa and an enumeration of their treaties with European powers. KOELLE (S. W.). African Native Literature; or Proverbs, Tales, Fables, and Historical Fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language, Kanuri Text, with English Translation and a Kanuri-English Vocabulary. 434 pp. 8vo. 1854. 7s. 6d. KRAPF (Rev. Dr. T. L.). Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours during an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa. With portrait, maps,°and illustrations of scenery and costume, li. and 566 pp. large 8vo. cloth. 1860. (Pub. £1 Is.) 10s. U. MACDONALD (Rev. Duff). Africans ; or, The Heart of Heathen Africa. 2 vols, large 8vo. cloth. 1882. (Pub. £1 Is.) 10s. 6d. Contents.— Vol. I. Native Customs and Beliefs, xvi. and 301 pp. II. Mission Life. ix. and 371 pp. MULLER (Hendrik P. N.). Industrie des Cafres 'lu Sud-Est do l'AMque. Collection recueillie sur lea lieux et notice ethnographique avec description • des objets representee par Job. F. Snelleman. 48 pp. text with 27 plates (some coloured), and music of Zambesi songs. Small folio. 1893. £1 10s. PAULITSCHKE (P.). . Die Africa Litteratur in der Zeit von 1500 bis 1750 n. Chr. Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Quellenkunde. 123 pp. large 8vo. 1882. 4s. (Continued on page 2 of cove r.) Kenan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London: Oriental Catalogue No. X. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. LIMITED, PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON. BOOKSELLING DEPARTMENT. On; extensive Easl enables u to order. A lar is always kept time to time. We have Literature to connection in all important towns of British India and the Far s to supply Oriental Hooks, Periodicals, and Newspapers rapidly uv Stuck of Modern and Old Oriental Books, especially on Philology, w. 11 assorted. Systematically arranged Catalogues are issued from likewise special facilities to supply English and Continental Public Libraries and Residents in the East direct on the most advantageous conditions, and quicker than through other channels. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. We beg to call the special attention of Authors and Learned Societies to this Branch of our Business, as we can command, thanks to our connection with Oriental Scholars, University and other Public Libraries and Institutions, a satisfactory sale of Books on Eastern topics, without having to incur heavy expenses for advertising. |^~ Copyrights of Books bought outright, or Books published on half share with Author, or on their account for a fixed commission, according to previous arrangement. Oriental Catalogue No. VIII. OF NEW & SECOND-HAND BOOKS Comparative, General, and Miscellaneous Works •. Buddhism and Lamaism Confucianism and Taoism Egyptian Religion ON rHE EIENTAL RELIGIONS. CONTENTS. PAQE ) PAGE Hinduism and Brahmanism 20-28 1-7 M.OHAMEDANISM . 28-31 7-16 Parsiism 31-33 16-18 Shintoism . . . 33-34 18-20 Theosophy 34 ADDED IS A COMPLETE LIST OF Trubner's English and Foreign Philosophical Library, AND A SELECTION OF BOOKS ON THE CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH RELIGIONS, Which are published by ourselves. Oriental Catalogue No. IX. CONTAINING BOOKS ON THE Natural History and Medical Scienee of the East, AND ON THE Agriculture and Industries of the Tropics. °v o 't I NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles i his book is i>i i <>m the last dale stamped below. % *w mm !EC'D C.L SEP 2 . '98 Form L9-Series 4939 ummS 11Inmff£1&Wt^" ™ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 7735160 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARDS ^•LIBRARY/ Ls ^/OJIIVDJO^ University Research Library n > r =T 00 m < o r t; H o o ■o tr- in r— '• > c -1 X o X i — > 1 '-••'.' 1 1 "< 1 — 1 "O 1 1 35- 1 __i 1 »•— > 1 {,;■•■» 1 ,V'.> 1 i *T" 1 T- 1