ii^b H1' . i. :#iis« imnn Useful Reference Series, No. 18 Translations of Foreign Novels Translations of Foreign Novels A Selected List By Minerva E. Grimm Boston The Boston Book Co. 1917 ]7_ t» ~^ 3r- ^ PREFACE ^. This bibliography was prepared for the use of ^ the library student, the library assistant, and all *-^ users of the public library who may be interested in the subject of translations of foreign fiction. It does not pretend to be a complete list. The r- aim of the compiler has been to bring together, ^ in more convenient form, the translated material from the various languages, so as to make it more ^ accessible to the seeker for this information. =i Each book in the list was examined at the time of compilation. It was available either in the reference department, the circulation depart- ment, or in the Library School of the New York Public Library. Some of the earlier publications are probably out of print, but entries were made for every book in fair condition, with a reasonable length of life before it, in the hope that it would prove of value to the person making a study of the style of fiction of the different periods in the various countries. V The general arrangement is by language, French and German first, these being the largest divisions; the other languages are arranged alphabetically. Under each language there is an alphabetical arrangement according to author. The title index is arranged alphabetically ac- s^.'^nr^n cording to title, with cross references from other titles for the same book. Grateful acknowledgment is due to Miss Catharine Tracey for her helpful criticism, to Mrs. J. S. Millener and Miss E. J. Grimm for help in proofreading. M. E. G. TRANSLATIONS OF FOREIGN NOVELS A Selected List, compiled by MINERVA E. GRIMM French German Belgian Chinese Danish Dutch N. Y. R. N. Y. C. N. Y. Ls. Arrangement Egyptian Flemish Greek Hungarian Italian Norwegian Polish Roumanian Russian Spanish Swedish Yiddish Abbreviations used New York Public Library' Ref. Dept. New York Public Librarj- Circulation Dept. Library school of the New York Public Library. FRENCH About, Edmond Frangois Valentin. King of the mountains. New York, Collier [1902]. 317 p. port. N. Y. Ls. Man with the broken ear; tr. by Henry Holt. New York, Holt, 1867. 254p. N. Y. C. " The notary's nose; tr. by Henry Holt. New York, Holt, 1874. 240p. N. Y. C. Angers, P. (Conan, Laure, pseud.). The master motiye; a tale of the days of Champlain; tr. by Theresa Gethin. St. Louis, Herder, 1909. 254p. N.Y.C. Aucassin and Nicolette. Translated by Andrew Lang. New York, Crowell, n. d. 57p. illus. N. Y. C. Audoux, Marguerite. Marie-Claire; tr. by John N. Raphael. New York, Hodder [cl911]. 210p. N. Y. C. Balzac, Honore de. Adieu; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 85-142.) N. Y. R. Albert Sayarus; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Memoirs of two young married women. Centenary ed. Boston. Little, 1907. 179p.) N. Y. R. Balzac — continued The alkahest; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Seraphita. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1907. 307p.) N. Y. Ls. Translated also with title: Quest of the absolute. Another study of woman; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1905. p. 515-76.) N. Y. R. At the sign of the Cat and the Racket; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Macmillan, 1904. 277p. N. Y. C. Atheist's mass; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 193-219.) N. Y. R. A bachelor's establishment: tr. by Clara Bell, with an introduction by George Saintsbury. Boston, Estes, [cl901]. 3S0p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The two brothers. Beatrix; A commission in lunacy; tr. by Katharine Pres- cott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. V. p. illus. N. Y. R. The brotherhood of consolation; Z. Marcas; tr. by Kathar- ine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. 376p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Seamy side of history. Bureaucracy; The secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan; Unconscious comedians; Pierre Grasson; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. 562p. illus. N. Y. R. Catherine de Medici; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. 421p. illus. N. Y. R. Cesar Birotteau; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Boston, Roberts. 1888. 401p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Rise and fall of C6sar Birotteau. The Chouans; A passion in the desert; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 406p. illus. N. Y. R. Christ in Flanders; tr. by Ellen Marriage. (In his: Magic skin. New York. Crowell, cl900. p. 273-92.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Jesus Christ in Flanders. Colonel Chabert; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston. Little. 1907. p. 93-192.) N. Y. R. Comedies played gratis; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. (In his: Last incarnation of Vautrin. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1905. p. 283-300.) N. Y. R. The commission in lunacy; tr. by Ellen Marriage. (In his: Jealousies of a country town. Boston. Estes, 1901. p. 303-80.) N. Y. C. The country doctor; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1909. 304p. illus. N. Y. R. Country parson. See The village rector. Cousin Bette; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston. Little. 1911. 557p. illus. N. Y. R. 8 Balzac — contin tied Cousin Pons; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Cen- tenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. 426p. illus. N. Y. R. A daughter of Eve; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Modeste Mignon. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 1-1.37.) N. Y. R. The deputy of Arcis; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. 482p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Member for Arcis. The deserted woman; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 512-70.) N. Y. R. A distinguished provincial at Paris, and other stories; tr. by Ellen Marriage. Philadelphia, Gebbie, 1899. 2v. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: a great man of the provinces in Paris. A double life; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 341-437.) N. Y. R. The Duchesse de Langeais; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Lucien de Rubempre. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 371-556.) N. Y. R. A drama on the seashore; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- lev. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 145-71.) N. Y. R. An episode under the Terror; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: An historical mystery. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1905. p. 341-64.) N. Y. R. El verdugo; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his Juana. Centenarv ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 250-69.) N. Y. R. The elixir of life; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 271-300.) N. Y. R. Eugenie Grandet; tr. by Ellen Marriage. New York, Button, 1907. 229p. (Everyman's library.) N. Y. C. Eugenie Grandet; Pierrette; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1910. v. p. illus. N. Y. R. The e.xiles; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Louis Lambert. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 359-403.) N. Y. R. Facino Cane; tr. by Katherine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Louis Lambert. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 153-72.) N. Y. R. Fame and sorrow; Colonel Chabert; The atheist's mass; La Grande Breteche; The purse; La grenadiere; A double life; The rural ball; The deserted woman; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 570p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with titles: Scenes from a courtesan's life; Har- lot's progress. Father Goriot. 5ee Old Goriot: Pere Goriot. Ferragus, chief of the Devorants; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Last incarnation of Vautrin. Cen- tenary ed. Boston. Little. 1905. p. 1-182.) N. Y. R. 9 Balzac — continued The gallery of antiquities; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. (In his: The lily of the valley. Centenary ed. Boston. Little, 1912. i84p.) N. Y. R. Gambara; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormcley. (In his: Louis Lambert. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 175-258.) N. Y. R. The girl with the golden eyes; tr. by George Burnham Ives. (In his: Muse of the department. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. p. 317-414.) N. Y. R. Gobseck; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Last incarnation of Vautrin. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1905. p. 187-280.) N. Y. R. The Gondreville mystery, and the Muse of the department; tr. by Ellen Marriage and James Waring. Boston, Estes, [cl901]. 405p. illus. N. Y. C. The Gondreville mystery is translated also with title: An historical mystery. La Grande Breteche; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 221-53). N. Y. R. A great man of the provinces in Paris; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 426p. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: A distinguished provincial at Paris. La grenadiere; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 303-38.) N. Y. R. Harlot's progress. See Fame and sorrow; Scenes from a courtesan's life. The hated son; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 303-431.) N. Y. R. The hidden masterpiece; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. (In his: Magic skin. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1912. p. 327-63.) N. Y. R. An historical mystery; An episode under the Terror; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Bos- ton, Little. 1905. 364p. illus. N. Y. R. An historical mystery is translated also with the title: Gondreville mystery. Honorine; tr. by George Burnham Ives. (In his: A woman of thirty. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. p. 345-445.) N. Y. R. The illustrious Guadissart; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Lost illusions. Centenary ed. Boston. Little. 1907. p. 419-73.) N. Y. R. Jealousies of a country town; The commission in lunacy; tr. bv Ellen Marriage. Boston, Estes. 1901. 3S0p. illus. N. Y. C. Translation of Les Rivalit6s. Jesus Christ in Flanders; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- lev. (In his: Louis Lambert. Centenary ed. Boston, Li'ttle, 1906. p. 331-55.) N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Christ in Flanders. 10 Balzac — continued Juana; Adieu; A drama on the seashore; The red inn; The recruit; El verdugo; The elixir of Hfe; The hated son; Maitre Cornelius; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 516p. illus. N. Y. R. The last incarnation of Vautrin; Ferragus, chief of the De- vorants; Gobseck; Comedies played gratis; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1905. v. p. illus. N. Y. R. The lesser bourgeoisie; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. 562p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Middle classes. The lily of the valley; The gallery of antiquities; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. V. p. illus. N. Y. R. Lost illusions; The illustrious Guadissart; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 473p. illus. N. Y. R. Louis Lambert; Facino Cane; Gambara; Melmoth ab- solved; Jesus Christ in Flanders; The exiles; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1911. V. p. illus. N. Y. R. Love in a mask; or. Imprudence and happiness; tr. by Alice M. Ivimy. Chicago, Rand [cl911]. 136p. N.Y.C. Lucien de Rubempre; The Duchesse de Langeais; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. 55Sp. illus. N. Y. R. Madame Firmiani; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: A start in life. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. p. 511-43.) N. Y. R. Magic skin; Christ in Flanders; Melmoth reconciled; tr. by Ellen Marriage. New York, Crowell [cl900]. 344p. illus. N. Y. C. Translation of Peau de chagrin. Magic skin is translated also with title: Wild ass's skin. The magic skin; The hidden masterpiece; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. .363p. illus". N. Y. R. Magic skin is translated also with title: Wild ass's skin. Maitre Cornelius; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 435-516.) N. Y. R. A man of business; tr. by George Burnham Ives. (In his: Muse of the department. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. p. 287-312.) N. Y. R. The marriage contract; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. (In his: Pere Goriot. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. 179p.) N. Y. R. Translated also with title: The marriage settlement. A marriage settlement, and other stories; tr. by Clara Bell. Boston, Estes [cl901]. 3S2p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The marriage contract. Massimilla Doni: tr. by George Burnham Ives. (In his: A woman of thirty. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. p. 237-342.) N. Y. R. 11 Balzac — continued Mclmoth absolved; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (.In his: Louis Lambert. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 261-327.) N. Y. R. Translated also with title; Melmolh reconciled. Melmoth reconciled; tr. bv FCllcn Marriage. (In his: Magic skin. New York, Crowell, clOOO. p. 293-344.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Melmoth absolved. Member for Arcis, and other stories: tr. by Clara Bell and others. N. Y. Crowell [cl900]. v. p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Deputy of Arcis. Memoirs of two young married women; Albert Savarus; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. v. p. illus. N. Y. R. The message; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: A start in life. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. p. 401-21.) N. Y. R. Middle classes; tr. by Clara Bell. Boston, Estes. [cl901]. 506 p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The lesser bourgeoisie. Modeste Mignon; A daughter of Eve; The peace of a home; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1905. v. p. illus. N. Y. R. The Muse of the department; tr. by Ellen Marriage and James Waring. (In his: Gondreville mystery. Boston, Estes, C1901. p. 223-405.) N. Y. C. The muse of the department; A prince of Bohemia; A man of business; The girl with golden eyes; Sarrasine; tr. by George Burnham Ives. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. 464p. illus. N. Y. R. Nucingen and Co., Bankers; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1905. p. 407-5n.) N. Y. R. Old Goriot; tr. by Ellen Marriage. New York, Dutton, 1907. 229p. (Everyman's library). N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: Father Goriot; Pdre Goriot. An old maid; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: The two brothers. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 379-561.) N. Y. R. A passion in the desert; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. (In his: The Chouans, Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 387-406.) N. Y. R. Paz; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: A start in life. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. p. 425- 507.) N. Y. R. The peace of a home; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Modeste Mignon. Centenary ed. Boston. Little, 1906. p. 155-203.) N. Y. R. The peasantrv; tr. by Ellen Marriage. Boston, Estes [cl901]. 351p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title : Sons of the soil. Pere Goriot; The marriage contract; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. v. p. illus. N. Y. R. P6re Goriot is translated also with titles: Father Goriot; Old Goriot. 12 Balzac — continued Philosopher's stone. New York, Winchester, 1844. 77p. N. Y. R. Pierre Grasson; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Bureaucracy. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. p. 526-62.) N. Y. R. Pierrette; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Boston, Roberts, 1892. 337p. N. Y. C. Pierrette; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Eugenie Grandet. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1910. 225p.) N. Y. R. A prince of Bohemia; tr. by George Burnham Ives. (In his: Muse of the department. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. p. 238-84.) N. Y. R. The purse; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 255-302.) N. Y. R. Quest of the absolute. See The alkahest. The recruit; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 225- 45.) N. Y. R. The red inn; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Juana. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 175- 222.) N. Y. R. Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau; Nucingen and Co., Bank- ers; Another study of woman; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1905. 576p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Cesar Birotteau. The rural ball; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Fame and sorrow. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 441-510.) N. Y. R. Sarrasine; tr. by George Burnham Ives. (In his: Muse of the department. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1909. p. 417-68.) N. Y. R. Scenes from a courtesan's Hfe; tr. by James Waring. Boston, Estes [cl901]. 2v. N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: Fame and sorrow; Harlot's progress. Seamy side of life, and other stories tr. by Clara Bell. Boston, Estes [cl901]. 389p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The brotherhood of consolation. The secrets of the Princess de Cadignan; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Bureaucracy. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. p. 337-426.) N. Y. R. Seraphita; The alkahest; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. v. p. N. Y. Ls. Sons of the soil; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 419p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: The peasantry. A start in life; Vendetta; Study of a woman; The message; Paz; Madame Firmiani; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. 542p. illus. N. Y. R. Study of a woman; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: A start in life. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912. p. 383-98.) N. Y. R. 13 Balzac — continued The two brothers. See A bachelor's establishment. The two brothers; An old maid; tr. by Katharine Prescott VVormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 561 p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: A bachelor's establishment. Unconscious comedians; tr. by Katharine Prescott Worme- ley. (In his: Bureaucracj'. Centenary ed. Boston, Little. 1912. p. 429-524.) N. Y. R. Ursula; The v^icar of Tours; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormelev. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. 469p. illus. n1 Y. R. Vendetta; tr. by Katharine Prescott VVormeley. (In his: A start in life. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1912, p. 265-379.) N. Y. R. The vicar of Tours; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Ursula. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1907. p. 361-469.) N. Y. R. The village rector; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. 346p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Country parson. Wild ass's skin; tr. by Ellen Marriage; with an introduc- tion by George Saintsburv. New York, Macmillan, 1903. 288p. illus. N. Y.'c. Translated also with title: Magic skin. A woman of thirty; Massimilla Doni; Honorine; tr. by George Burnham Ives. Centenarj' ed. Boston, Little, 1909. 445p. illus. N. Y. R. Z. Marcas; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. (In his: Brotherhood of consolation. Centenary ed. Boston, Little, 1906. p. 338-76.) N. Y. R. Bazin, Rene. Autumn glory; or. The toilers of the field; tr. by Ellen Waugh. 2d ed. London, Jarrold, 1912. 291p. port. N. Y. Ls. Translation of: La terrc qui meurt. The barrier; tr. by Mary D. Frost. New York, Scribner, 1910. 218p. N. Y. C. By faith alone. London, Nash, 1908. 359p. N. Y. C. Children of Alsace. New York, Lane, 1911. 262p. N.Y.C. Translation of: Les Oberle. The coming harvest; tr. by Edna K. Hoyt. New York, Scribner, 1908. 347p. N. Y. C. Translation of: Le ble cjui leve. Davidee Birot; tr. by Mary D. Frost. New York, Scribner, 1912. 324p. N. Y. C. Marriage of Mademoiselle Gimel and other stories; tr. by Edna K. Hoyt. New York, Scribner, 1913. 270p, N. Y. C. The nun. 7th ed. New York, Scribner, 1912. 343p. N. Y. C. The penitent; tr. by Harriet M. Capes. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1912. 288p. N. Y. C. Redemption; tr. by Dr. A. S. Rappoport. New York, Scribner, 1908. 300p. N. Y. C. 14 Balzac — continued •'This, my son"; tr. by Dr. A. S. Rappoport. New York, Scribner, 1909 [cl908]. 307p. N. Y. Ls. Translation of: Les Noelletts. Bender, Julian. The yoke of pity; tr. by Gilbert Cannan. New York, Holt, 1913. 178p.' N. Y. C. Beyle, Marie Henri. St'c Stendhal, dc., pseud. Bordeaux, Henry. The awakening; tr. by Ruth Helen Davis. New York, Dutton, 1914. 43Sp. N. Y. C. The fear of living; tr. by Ruth Helen Davis. New York, Dutton [cl913]. 3S4p. N. Y. C. Footprints beneath the snow; tr. by Mary Seymour Hough- ton. New York, Duffield, 1913. 294p. N. Y. C. The house; tr. by Louise Seymour Houghton. New York, Duffield, 1914. 409p. N. Y. C. The parting of the ways; tr. by Louise Seymour Houghton. New York, Duffield, 1911. 266p. N. Y. C. The woolen dress; tr. by Ruth Helen Davis. New York, Duffield, 1912. 221p. N. Y. C. Bourget, Paul. Antigone and other portraits of women; tr. by William Marchant. New York, Scribner, 1898. 297p. N. Y. R. Cosmopolis. Authorized ed. New York, Tait [cl893]. 343p. illus. N. Y. Ls. The disciple. New York, Scribner, 1901. 341p. N. Y. Ls. A divorce. New York, Scribner, 1909. 363p. N. Y. C. Domestic dramas; tr. by William Marchant. New York, Scribner, 1900. 363p. N. Y. C. A love crime. New York, Societe des Beaux-arts, 1910. 193p. N. Y. R. Monica, and other stories; tr. by William Marchant. New York, Scribner, 1902. 289p. N. Y. C. The night cometh; tr. by Frederic-Lees. New York, Put- nam. 1916. 312p. N. Y. C. Pastels of men; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Boston, Little, 1899. 2v. N. Y. C. A saint; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Boston, Roberts, 1895. 82p. illus. N. Y. Ls. The weight of the name; tr. by George Burnham Ives. Boston, Little, 1908. 349p. N. Y. Ls. Translation of: L'emigre. Champol, F. Back to the world; tr. by L. M. Leggatt. New York, Benziger, 1912. 378p. N. Y. C. For mv name's sake; tr. by L. M. Leggatt. St. Louis, Herder, 1908. 229p. illus. N. Y. C. Chateaubriand, Frangois Auguste Rene, Comte de. Atala; tr. bv M. J. Smead and H. P. Lefebvre. New York, Langley, 1844. 77p. N. Y. R. Chateaubriant, Alphonse de. The keynote (Monsieur de Lourdines) ; tr. by Theodora Keppel Davidson. New York, Hodder, 1912. 233p. N.Y.C. 15 Cherbuliez, Victor. Count Kostia; tr. by O. D. Ashlv. New York, Holt. 1873. 307p. N. V. C. Jean Teterol's idea. New York, Burt, n. d. 319p. N.Y.Ls Joseph Noirel's revenge; tr. by William F. West. New York, Holt, 1872. 317p. N. Y. R. Meta Holdenis. New York. Burt, n. d. 217p. N. Y. Ls. Miss Rovel; tr. by Frances .A. Shaw. Boston, Estes [1875]. 97p. N. Y. R. Saints and sinners; tr. by Mary Neal Sherwood. New York, Appleton, 1,S,S2. lllp. N. Y. R. Samuel Brohl & Co.; tr. by .\uber Forester [pseud, of A. A. W. Moore]. New York, Appleton. 18SS. 271p. N.Y.C. With fortune made. New York, Appleton. 1896. 346p. N. Y. C. Claretie, Jules. Which is my husband?; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York. -Appleton, 1911. 349p. illus. N. Y. C. Coppee, Frangois. Guilty man; tr. by Ruth Helen Davis. New York. Dilling- ham, 1911. 3l"0p. illus. N. Y. C. The rivals. New York, Harper, 1893. 99p. illus. N.Y.C. Tales for Christmas; tr. by Myrta Leonora Jones. Boston, Little, 1900. 178p. N. Y. C. Ten tales; tr. bv Walter Learned. New York, Harper. 1891. 219p. port, illus. N. Y. C. True riches. New York. Appleton, 1893. 16Sp. N. Y. R. Cottin, Marie Risteau. Elizabeth; or, The exiles of Siberia; a tale founded on facts. New York, Blakcman, 1864. 189p. N. Y. C. Coulevain, Favre de, Mile. See Coulevain, Pierre dc. pseud. Coulevain, Pierre de, pseud. (Mile. Favre de Coulevain). American nobilitv; tr. bv Alvs Hallard. New York, D'utton. 1913. 472p. N. Y. C. Eve triumphant; tr. by Alys Hallard. New York. Putnam. 1912. 4.59p. N. Y. C. Heart of life; tr. by Alys Hallard. New York Dutton [cl912]. 401p. N. Y. C. On the branch; tr. by Alys Hallard. New York, Dutton, 1909. 36Sp. N. Y. C. L'nknown isle; tr. by Alys Hallard. London, Cassell, 1911. 434p. N. Y. C. Wonderful romance; tr. bv Alvs Hallard. New York, Dodd, 1914. 403p. N. Y. c' Craven, Pauline Marie Armande Aglae (Ferron de La Ferronaysi. Elaine; tr. by Georgiana Fullcrton. Philadelphia, Kilner [clS82]. 340p. N. Y. C. Fleurange; tr. by M. M. R. Philadelphia, Kilner [cl873]. :M7i). N- V. C. Daudet, Alphonse. Artists' wives. (In his: Tartarin of Tarascon. Handy Hbraryed. Boston, Little [c 1900]. p. 353-461.) N.Y.C. 16 Daudet — continued Behind a mask; or, Numa Roumestan; tr. by Virginia Champlin. Chicago, Rand [cl890]. 312p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Numa Roumestan. La Belle-Niv-ernaise, and other stories. New York, Crowell [clS9o]. 221p. illus. N. Y. C. La Belle-Nivernaise. (In his: Support of the family. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl900]. p. 423-92.) N. Y. Ls. Fromont and Risler; Robert Helmont. Handy library ed. Boston, Little fcl89S]. 489p. illus. N. Y. R. Translation of: Fromont jeune et Risler aine. Translated also with title: Sidonie. Head of the family; tr. by Levin Carnac. New York, Putnam, 1898. 325p. N. Y. C. Translated also under title: Support of the family. The immortal; The struggle for life. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl899]. 453p. illus. N. Y. Ls. Jack. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl900]. 2v. illus. N. Y. Ls. Kings in exile; a novel of Parisian life; tr. by Virginia Champlin. Boston, Lee [cl898]. 412p. N. Y. C. Letters from my mill. (In his: Monday tales. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [clS99]. 189p.) N. Y. Ls. Letters to an absent one. (In his: Monday tales. Handy hbraryed. Boston, Little [cl899]. p. 193-248.) N.Y.Ls. Little good-for-nothing. See Little What's-his-name. Little parish church; The evangelist. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl899]. 310p. illus. N. Y. Ls. Little What's-his-name; Scenes and fancies. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl899]. 525p. illus. N. Y. Ls. Translation of: Le petit chose. Translated also with title: Little good-for-nothing. Monday tales; Letters from my mill; Letters to an absent one. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl899]. 248p. illus. N. Y. Ls. The nabob. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [cl898]. 2v. illus. N. Y. Ls. Numa Roumestan; Rose and Ninette; tr. by C. De Kay. Boston, Little, 1900. 396p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Behind a mask; or, Numa Roumestan. Port Tarascon; tr. by Henry James. London, Low, 1891. 359p. illus. N. Y. C. Port Tarascon, and other stories. Boston, Little [cl900]. 437p. illus. N. Y. C. Robert Helmont. (In his: Fromont and Risler. Handy Hbraryed. Boston, Little [cl898]. p. 405-89). N.Y.R. Rose and Ninette; tr. by C. De Kay. (In his: Numa Roumestan. Boston, Little, 1900. p. 399-536.) N.Y.Ls. Sappho; tr. by George Burnham Ives. Boston, Little [cl899]. 256p. N. Y. Ls. Sidonie; tr. by Marv Neal Sherwood. Boston, Estes, 1877. 262p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Fromont and Risler. Support of the family; La Belle-Nivernaise. Handy Hbraryed. Boston, Little [cl900]. 492p. illus. N.Y.C. Translated also with title: Head of the family. 17 Daudet — continued Tartarin of Tarascon; Tartarin on the Alps; Artists' wives. Handy library ed. Boston, Little [clOOO]. 461p. illiis. N. Y. C. Tartarin on the Alps. (In his: Tartarin of Tarascon. Handv library ed. Boston. Little [clOOO]. p. 136-350.) X. V. r. Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore, baroness. See Sand. George, pseud. Dumas, Alexandre. Agenor tie Mauleon. Boston, Little, 1898. 2v. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with titles; Bastard of Maulfion; Half-brothers; Iron hand; Knight of Mauleon. Andree de Taverney. See Comtesse de Charney and Mesmerist's victim. Ange Pitou. Boston, Little, 1890. 2v. port. (Marie Antoinette romances; or. Memoirs of a physician series.) N. Y. C. Translated also with titles; Taking the Bastile; Six years later. Sequel to Queen's necklace. Ascanio. Boston, Little [cl895j. 329p. (Romance of the reign of Francis I.) N. Y. C. Ball of snow. (In his: Tales of the Caucasus. Boston, Little [cl895j. lo3p.) N. Y. C. Balsamo, the magician; or. Memoirs of a physician; tr. by Henry L. Williams. New York, Davis, 1892. 206p. (Marie Antoinette romances; or, Merrtoirs of a physician series.) N. Y. R. Translation of the first part of Memoirs of a physician. Translated also with title; Joseph Balsamo. Bastard of Mauleon. See Ageor de Mauleon. Beau Tancrede. See Sylvandire. Black; the story of a dog. New York, Croscup, 1895. 400p. illus. N. Y. R. Black tulip. London, Routledge, n.d. 309p. illus. (Every- man's library). N. Y. C. Blanche de Beaulieu. (In his: Monsieur de Chauvelin's will. New York, Athenaeum Society, 1897. p. 361-421.) N. Y. C. The brigand; a story of the time of Charles the Fifth; and The horoscope; a story of the reign of Francis the Second. Boston, Little, 1897. v. p. port. N. Y. C. Celebrated crimes. Boston, Page, 1902. 3y. N. Y. C. Chauvelin's will. See Monsieur de Chauvelin's will. Chevalier. See Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, Reign of terror. The chevalier d'Harmental. See Conspirators. Love and conspiracy. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge, a sequel to Countess de Charny. Boston, Little, 1894. 512p. (Marie Antoin- ette romances; or. Memoirs of a physician series.) N.Y.C Translated also with titles: Chevalier; Reign of terror. Chicot the jester. London, Scott, 190-. 810p. illus. (Valois romances.) N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: Dame de Monsoreau; Diana of M6ri- dor; A lady of Monsoreau. Continued by Forty-five guardsmen. Companions of Jehu. New York, Burt, n.d. 517p. (Na- poleon romances.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Company of Jehu. Sequel to First Republic. 18 Dumas — continued Company of Jehu. See Companions of Jehu. Comtesse de Charny. Boston, Little [cl894]. 3v. port. (Marie Antoinette romances; or, Memoirs of a physician series.) N. Y. C. Sequel to Ange Pitou (Taking the Bastile). Conspirators; or, The chevalier d'Harmental. London, Routledge, 191-? 374p. (Recengy romances.) Translated also with title: Love and conspiracy. Continued by Regent's daughter. The Corsican brothers. (In his: She-wolves of Machecoul. Boston, Little, 1900. p. 455-580.) (Napoleon romances.) N. Y. C. The count of Monte-Cristo. New ed. rev. and enl. in ac- cordance with the standard French text. New York, Crowell, 190L 2v. port. N. Y. C. The crimes of Ali Pacha, and others; with an introduction bv R. S. Garnett. New York, Macmillan, 1908. 427p. N. Y. C. Crimes of the Marquise de Brinvilliers. New York, Mac- millan, 1908. 425p. il. N. Y. C. Crop-eared Jacquet, and other stories; tr. by Alfred Allin- son. London, Methuen, 1905. 115p. il. N. Y. C. La dame de Monsoreau; or, Chicot the jester. Boston, Little, 1894. 2v. (Valois romances.) N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Diana of Meridor; or. The lady of Monsoreau. Sequel to Marguerite de Valois. Continued by Forty- five guardsmen. D'Artagnan romances; or. Three guardsmen series. (1626- 1671). Three musketeers; or Three guardsmen. Twenty-years after; or Milady's son. Vicomte de Bragelonne: or. Ten years later. Louise de La Valliere. Man in the iron mask. Son of Porthos; or. Death of Aramis. Daughter of the regent. See The Regent's daughter. Death of Aramis. See Son of Porthos. Diana of Meridor; or, The lady of Monsoreau. See La dame de Monsoreau; or, Chicot the jester. Diana of Poitiers. See Two Dianas. Emanuel Philibert. See Page of the Duke of Sa\-oy. The first republic; or. The whites and the blues. Boston, Estes [cl894]. 2v. port, illus. (Napoleon romances.) N. Y. C. Continued by Companions of Jehu. Forty-five. See Forty-fiv-e guardsmen. Forty-five guardsmen. New York, Crowell, 1901. 697p. illus. (Valois romances.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Forty-five. Sequel to La dame de Monsoreau; or, Chicot the jester. Half-brothers. See Agenor de Mauleon. The horoscope. Boston, Little, 1898. 318p. illus. N.Y.C. The horoscope; a story of the reign of Francis the Second. (In his: The brigand. Boston, Little, 1897. 318p.) N. Y. C. Iron hand. See Agenor de Mauleon. Joseph Balsamo. See Balsamo, the magician. Memoirs of a physician. 19 Dumas — continued Knight of Mauleon. See Agenor de Mauleon. Lady of Monsoreau. See La dame de Monsoreau; or, Chicot the jester. The last vendee. See She-wolves of Machecoul. Louise de La Vallidre. London, Scott, n. d. 649p. (D'Ar- tagnan romances; or. Three guardsmen series.) K. V. C. Pt. 2 of the V^icomte de Bragelonne. Continued by Man in the iron mask. Love and conspiracy'. See Conspirators; or. The chevalier d'Harmental. Madame de Mailly; or, The love affairs of King Louis XV, being a conclusion of Olympe de Cleves. N'ew York, Munro, LS9(). 315p. (Romances of the reign of Louis XV.) N. Y. R. Man in the iron mask. London, Scott, n. d. 479p. il. (D'Artagnan romances; or, Three guardsmen series.) N. Y. C. Pt. 3 of the Vicomte de Bragelonne. Sequel to Louise de La Valliire. Margaret of Navarre. See Marguerite de \'alois and Queen Margot. Marguerite de Valois. Boston, Little, LS94. 2 v. port. (Valois romances.) N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: Margaret of Navarre; Queen Margot. Continued by La dame de Monsoreau. Marie Antoinette romances; or, Memoirs of a physician series. (1770-93). Memoirs of a physician. Queen's necklace. Ange Pitou; or. Taking the Bastile. Comtesse de Charny; or, Andrea de Taverney. Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Mary Stuart, queen of the Scots; tr. by J. M. Howell. New York, Merriam, 1896. 334p. illus. N. Y. R. Memoirs of a physician. Boston, Little [cl 890]. 3v. illus. (Marie Antoinette romances; or. Memoirs of a physician series.) Translated also with titles: Balsamo. the magician; Joseph Balsamo. Continued by The queen's necklace. The mesmerist's victim; or, Andrea de Taverney; tr. by Henrv L. Williams. New York, Davis. 1«92. 252p. N. y'. R. Milady's son. See Twenty years after. Monsieur de Chauvelin's will; The woman with the velvet necklace; Blanche de Beaulieu. New York, Athenaeum Society, 1897. 421p. port. (Romance of the last days of Louis XV.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title Chauvelin's will. Nanon. See War of women. Napoleon romances. (1793-1843).. The first republic; or. The whites and the blues. Companions of Jehu; or, Company of Jehu. She-wolves of Machecoul; or. The last V'endee. Olympe de Cleves. Boston, Estes, 1904. 2v. illus. (Romances of the reign of Louis XV.) N. Y. C. Continued by Madame de Mailly. 20 Dumas — continued Page of the Duke of Savoy. Boston, Little, 1S99. 2 v. illus. (Romances of the reign of Henry II.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Emanuel Philibert. Continuation of The two Dianas. Queen Margot. See Marguerite de Valois. Margaret of Navarre. Queen's necklace. Boston, Little, 1890. 2v. illus. (Marie Antoinette romances; or. Memoirs of a physician series.) N. Y. C. Sequel to Memoirs of a physician. Regency romances. (1718-19). Conspirators; or, The chevalier d'Harmental; (Love and con- spiracy.) Regent's daughter. (Daughter of the Regent.) The regent's daughter. Boston, Little, 1893. 386p. illus. (Regency romances.) Translated also with title: Daughter of the regent. Sequel to the Conspirators. Reign of terror. See Chevalier de Maison-Rouge and Chevalier. Romances of the reign of Henry II. (1521-74.) Two Dianas; or, Diana of Poitiers. Page of the Duke of Savoy; or, Emanuel Philibert. Romances of the reign of Louis XV. (1715-74.) Olympe de Cloves. Madame de Mailly. The she-wolves of Machecoul, and The Corsican brothers. Boston, Little, 1900. 2v. illus. (Napoleon romances.) N. Y. C. The she-wolves of Machecoul is translated also with title: Last vendee. Sequal to Companions of Jehu. Six year later. See Ange Pitou and Taking the Bastile. The son of Porthos; or. The death of Aramis; tr. by Henry L. Williams. New York, Ivers, 1892. 284p. (D'Artag- nan romances; or. Three guardsmen series.) N. Y. C. Sequel to the Man in the iron mask. Sultanetta. (In his: Tales of the Caucasus. Boston, Little [cl89o]. p. 154-355.) N. Y. C. Sylvandire. Boston, Little [cl897]. 427p. illus. (His- torical romances.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Beau Tancrede. Taking the Bastile (Ange Pitou) ; or. Six years later. New York, Burt. 1906. 662p. (Marie Antoinette romances; or. Memoirs of a physician series.) N. Y. R. Sequel to Queen's necklace. Tales of the Caucasus. Boston, Little [cl895]. 355p. illus. (Historical romances.) N. Y. C. Contents: Ball of snow; Sultanetta. Ten years later. See The vicomte de Bragelonne. Three guardsmen. See Three musketeers. The three musketeers. Boston, Little, 1893. 2v. port. illus. (D'Artagnan romances; or. Three guardsmen series.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The three guardsmen. Continued by Twenty years after. 21 Dumas — continued Twenty years after; sequel to Three musketeers. Boston, Little, 1893. 2v. illus. (D'Artagnan romances; or, Three guardsmen series.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Milady's son. Two Dianas. Boston, Little, 1S92. 2 v. port. (Ro- mances of the reign of Henry II.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Diana of Poitiers. Continued by Page of the Duke of Savoy. \'alois romances; or. Forty-five guardsmen series. (1572-85.) MarRUcrite de \^alois. (Margaret of Navarre. Queen Margot.) La dame de Monsoreau; or, Chicot the jester. (Diana of M^ridor; or, Lady of Monsoreau.) Forty-five guardsmen. (Forty-five.) The Vicomte de Bragelonne. Boston, Little, 190.3. 4v. illus. (D'Artagnan romances; or. Three guardsmen series.) N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Ten years later. Sequel to Twenty years after. War of women. Boston, Little [cl895] 315p. illus. N.Y.C. Translated also with title: Nanon. The whites and the blues. See The first republic. The wild duck shooter; tr. by Alfred Allinson. London, Methuen, n. d. 82p. N. Y. R. The woman with the velvet necklace. (In his: Monsieur de Chauvelin's will. New York, Athenaeum Society, 1897. p. 148-3G0.) N. Y. C. The lady with the camillias. Connoisseur ed. New York, Societe des Beaux-arts, 1910. 255p. illus. port. N.Y.C. Durand, Mme. Alice Marie C§leste Fleury. Sec Cirt'-ville, Hcnr\-, pseud. Dusserre, Antonin. Jean and Louise; a story of Auvergne; tr. by John N. Raphael.^ New York, Doran [1914]. 322p. N. Y. C. Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. The blockade of Phalsburg; an episode of the Empire. New York, Scribner, 1907. 300p. illus. N. Y. C. The conscript; a story of the French war of 1813; tr. from the 20th Paris ed. New York, Scribner, 1906. 330p. illus. N. Y. C. Continued by "Waterloo." The country in danger; or. Episodes of the great French revolution. London, Ward, n. d. 253p. N. Y. C. Friend F"ritz; a tale of the banks of the Lauter. New York, Scribner, 1911. 289p. N. Y. C. The mvasion of France in 1814. New York, Scribner, 1903. 356p. illus. N. Y. C. Madame Therdse; or. The volunteers of '92. New York, Scribner, 1910. 264p. illus. N. Y. C. The outbreak of the great French Revolution related bj^ a peasant of Lorraine; tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. London, Bently, 1871. 3v. N. Y. R. The plebiscite; or, A miller's story of the war. New York, Scribner, 1899. 358p. N. Y. C. Storv of a peasant; tr. by C. H. Hogarth. New York Dutton, 19—? 2v. N. Y. C. Waterloo; a sequel to The conscript of 1813. New York, Scribner, 190G. 368p. illus. N. Y. C. 22 Fabre, Ferdinand. The Abbe Tigrane; tr. by Leonard Woolsey Bacon. New York. Ford, 187.5. 272p. N. Y. C. Favre de Coulevain, Mile. Sec Coulevain. Pierre de, pseud. Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de La Mothe. Adventures of Telemachus; tr. by Dr. Hawkesworth. Boston, Houghton, 1887. 5o9p. N. Y. C. Feuillet, Octave. Ailette; tr. by J. Henry Hager. New York, Appleton, 1886. 520p. N. Y. C. Translation of La Morte. The diary of a woman. New York, Appleton, 1879. 212p. N. Y. R. The marchioness. New York, Brady, n. d. 113p. N. Y.C. Romance of a poor voung man; tr. by J. Henry Hager. New York, Hinds '[1913]. 319p. N. Y. C. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary; tr. by Eleanor Marx Aveling. Boston, Page [cl906]. 398p. port, illus. N. Y. C. Temptation of St. Anthony; tr. by Lafcadio Hearn. New York, Harriman, 1910. 262p. N. Y. R. France, Anatole, pseud. (Jacques Anatole Thibault.) The aspirations of Jean Servien; tr. by Alfred Allinson. London, Lane, 1912. 234p. N. Y. C. At the sign of the Reine Pedauque; tr. by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson. New York, Lane, 1914. 272p. N. Y. R. Balthasar; tr. bv Mrs. John Lane. London, Lane, 1909. 22op. N. Y. C. Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet, and other profitable tales; tr. by Winifred Stephens. New York, Lane, 1915. 238p. N. Y. C. Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard; tr. by Lafcadio Hearn. New York, Harper, 1890. 281p. N. Y. C. The cure's mignonette; tr. bv R. W. Arnot. New York, Mansfield, 1898. 12p. N. Y. R. The famished cat; tr. by Agnes Farley. (In his: Jocasta. London, Lane, 1912. p. 13.3-248.) N. Y. C. The gods are athirst; tr. by Alfred Allinson. London, Lane, 1913. 285p. N. Y. C. Jocasta; and The famished cat; tr. by Agnes Farley. London, Lane, 1912. 248p. N. Y. C. My friend's book; tr. by J. Lewis May. London, Lane, 1913. 296p. N. Y. C. Putois; tr. by Winifred Stephens. (In his: Crainquebille. New York, Lane, 1915. p. 51-76.) N. Y. C. Red lily; tr. by Winifred Stephens. London, Lane, 1908. 318p. N. Y. R. Revolt of the angels; tr. by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson. New York, Lane, 1914. 348p. N. Y. C. Riquet; tr. by Winifred Stephens. (In his: Crainquebille. New York, Lane, 1915. p. 79-86.) N. Y. C. Thais; tr. bv Robert B. Douglas. London, Lane, 1909. 234p. N. Y. R. White stone; tr. by Charles E. Roche. London, Lane, 1910. 239p. N. Y. Ls. 23 Gaboriau, Emile. Baron Trigault's vengeance; a sequel to The Count's millions. New York, Scribner, 1913. 40op. illus. K. Y. C. Caught in the net. New York, Scribner, 1913. 365p. N. Y. C. Continuation of "Champdoce mystery." Champdoce mystery; a sequel to "Caught in the net". New York. Scribner, 1913. 3G0p. illus. N. Y. C. The clique of gold. New York, Scribner, 1913. 620p. illus. N. Y. C. Count's millions. New York, Scribner, 1913. 391p. illus. N. Y. C. Continued by: Baron Trigault's vengeance. The detective's triumph. See The honor of the name. The downward path. Boston, Estes [cl8S3]. 366p. N. Y. R. File No. 113; tr. by George Burnham Ives. Boston, Little, 1905. 5.51 p. N. Y. C. The honor of the name. New York, Scribner, 1900. 585p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The detective's triumph. In peril of his life. New York, Crowell, n. d. 3SSp. N.Y.C. The Lerouge case. London, \'izetelly, 1SS7. 21Sp. N.Y.R. Translated also with title: Widow Lerouge. Monsieur Lecoq. New York, Scribner, 1910. 366p. illus. N. Y. C. The mystery of Orcival. New York, Scribner, 1900. 376p. illus. N." Y. C. Other people's money. New York, Scribner, 1910. 533p. illus. N. Y. C. Widow Lerouge. New York, Scribner, 1908. 436p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The Lerouge case. Within an inch of his life. New York, Scribner, 1913. (iOSp. illus. N. Y. C. Gaspe, Phillippe Aubert de. Cameron of Lochiel. See Canadians of old. The Canadians of old; tr. by G. D. Roberts. New York, Appleton, KS90. 2!S7p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Cameron of Lochiel. Gautier, ThSophile. Captain Fracasse: tr. by Ellen Murray Beam. Boston, Page [cl897]. 523p. illus. N. Y. C. One of Cleopatra's nights, and other fantastic romances; tr. by Lafcadio Hearn. New York, Brentano, 1906. 388p. N. Y. C. Romance of a mummy; tr. by Augusta McC. Wright. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1902. 245p. N. Y. C. Tales; tr. by Lafcadio Hearn and M. Verelst. New York, Brentano, 1909. 14fip. N. Y. R. Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de. The confidantes of a king; tr. by Ernst Dowson. London, Foulis. 1907. 2y. illus. N. Y. R. Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de and Gon- court, Jules de. Sister Philomene; tr. by Laura Ensor. New York, Rout- ledge, n. d. 292p. N. Y. Ls. 24 Gras, Felix. The Reds of the Midi; an episode of the French revolution; tr. from the Provencial by Catherine A. Janvier. New York, Appleton, 1905. 366p. port. N. Y. C. The terror; a romance of the French revolution; tr. by Catherine A. Janvier. New York, Appleton, 1889. ol2p. N. Y. C. The white terror; a romance of the French revolution and after; tr. by Catherine A. Janvier. New York, Appleton, 1899. 4.37p. N. Y. C. Greville, Henry, pseud. (Mme. Alice Marie Cgleste Fleury Durand). Cleopatra. Boston, Tichnor, 1886. 229p. port. N. Y. C. Dosia; a Russian story; tr. by May Neal Sherwood. Philadelphia, Peterson [cl8781. 260p. N. Y. C. Forbidden. See Nikanor. Nikanor; tr. by Mrs. Eliza E. Chase. New York, Rand, 1889. 340p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Forbidden. Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantin. New York, Crowell, n. d. 184p. illus. N. Y. C. Autumn manoeuvres; tr. by Mary K. Ford. New York, Richmond, 1898. 239p. N. Y. C. Parisian points of view; tr. by Edith V. B. Matthews. New York, Harper, 1894. 195p. port. N. Y. C. Hugo, Victor Marie. Bug-Jargal; Claude Gueu.x; The last of the condemned. New York, Athaeneum Society [cl894]. 468p. N. Y. R. Claude Gueux. (In his: Bug-Jargal. New York, Athaeneum Society, 1894. p. 258-95.) N. Y. R. Hans of Iceland; tr. by Huntington Smith. New York, Crowell [cl896]. 436p. illus. N. Y. C. History of a crime; tr. by Huntington Smith. New York, Crowell, 1888. 2v. illus. ports. N. Y. C. Last days of a condemned. (In his: Bug-Jargal. New York, Bug-jargal. New York, Athaeneum Society, 1894. p. 297-468.) N. Y. R. Les miserables; tr. by Isabel Hapgood. London, Scott, n. d. V. p. illus. N. Y. C. Man who laughs; or. By order of the king; tr. by Isabel Hapgood. New York, Crowell, 1888. 2v. illus. N. Y. C. Ninety-three; tr. by Helen B. Dole. N. Y. Crowell, 1888. 2v. illus. plates. N. Y. C. Notre-Dame de Paris. Library ed. Boston, Little, 1888. 2 v. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: "Hunchback of Notre-Dame." Toilers of the sea; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Crowell, 1888. 2v. illus. N. Y. C. Huysmans, Joris Karl. En route; tr. bv Kegan Paul. London, Triibner, 1908. 313p. N. Y. C. Laboulaye-Lefebvre, Edouard Rene. Abdallah; or. The four-leaved shamrock; tr. by Mary L. Booth. Chicago, McClurg, 1889. 232p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Quest of the four-leaved clover. 25 Laboulaye-Lefebvre — continued Oucst ol the tour-leaved clover. See Abdallah: or, The four- lea\e(l shamrock. LaBrete, Jean de la, pseud. (Mme. A. Cherbonnel). My uncle and my cure; tr. bv Ernest Redwood. New York, Dodd, 1X93. 2.53p. illus. Translated also with title: .Story of Reine. Story of Rehie. See My uncle and my cure. La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne, comtesse de. The Princess of Cleves; tr. b\- Thomas Sergeant Pcrrv. Boston, Little, 1911. 380p. 'illus. N. Y. C. Lafon, Andre. Jean Gilles, schoolboy; tr. by Ladj' Theodora Davidson. New York, Putnam, 1914. 224p. N. Y. C. Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Graziella; tr. by James B. Runnion. Chicago, McClurg, 1911. 2,3op. N. Y. C. Raphael; or. Pages of the book of life at twenty. Chicago, McClurg, 1S99. 248p. N. Y. C. The stone mason of Saint Point. New York, Harper, 1S51. 144p. N. Y. R. Leblanc, Maurice. Arsene Lupin versus Holmlock Shears; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London, Richards, 1909. 271p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: The blonde lady. The blonde lady; being a record of the duel of wits between Arsene Lupin and the English detective; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, Doubleday, 1910. 345p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Arsdne Lupin versus Holmlock Shears. The confessions of Ar.sene Lupin; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, Doubleday, 1913. 327p. illus. N. Y. C. Crystal stopper; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, Doubleday, 1913. 2S7p. illus. N. Y. C. 813; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, Doubleday, 1911. 443p. illus. N. Y. C. Exploits of Arsene Lupin; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, Doubleday, New York, Harper, 1909 314p. N. Y. C. The frontier; tr. by Alexanrler Teixeira de Mattos. London, Mills [cl912]. .301p. N. Y. C. The hollow needle, further adventures of Arsene Lupin; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, Grosset, 1910. 325p. illus. N. Y. C. Teeth of the tiger; tr. bv Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New York. Doubleday,' 1914. 490p. N. Y. C. Leroux, Gaston. Balaco; tr. by Alexander Teixeira dc Mattos. London, Hurst, 1913. 375p. N. Y. C. 26 Le Sage, Alain Rene. Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane; tr. by Tobias George Smollett, new and carefully revised ed. London, Bell, 1908. 600p. illus. N. Y.'C. Loti, Pierre, pseud. (Louis Marie Julien Viaud). Book of pitv and of death; tr. b\- T. P. O'Connor. London, Cassell, 1892. 259p. N. Y. Ls. Child's romance; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Gotsberger, 1891. 284p. N. Y. Ls. Disenchanted; tr. bv Clara Bell. New York, Macmillan, 1910. ,381p. N. Y. C. An Iceland fisherman; tr. by Anna Farwell de Koven. Chicago, McClurg, 1909. 252p. N. Y. C. Jean Berny, sailor; tr. by E. P. Robins. New York, Cassell, (clS9.3). 312p. N. Y. C. ■ Madame Chrysantheme; tr. by Laura Ensor. London, Laurie, 19—? 335p. illus. N. Y. C. Romance of a Spahi; tr. by G. F. Monks and E. Tristan. London, Greening, 1912.' 279p. N. Y. C. Story of a child; tr. by Caroline F. Smith. Boston, Buchard, 1901. 304p. N. Y. C. Marfichal, Marie. Nannette's marriage; tr. by Aimee Mazergue. New York, Kenedy, n. d. 170p. N. Y. C. Margueritte, Paul and Margueritte Victor. The disaster; tr. bv Frederic Lees. London, Chatto, 1898. 415p. N. Y. C' Margueritte, 'Victor. The frontiers of the heart; tr. by Frederic Lees. New York, Stokes [cl913]. .345p. N. Y. C. Strasbourg; an episode of the Franco-German war; tr. by S. G. Tallentyre. New York, Button (cl915]. 248p. N. Y. C. Maupassant, Guy de. Bel-ami. Chicago, Pub. Co., 1900. 264p. illus. N. Y.R. The diary of a madman. New York, Dunne [cl903]. 153p. N. Y. R. A fishing excursion. New York, Dunne [cl903]. 164p. N. Y. R. The horla; tr. by Jonathan Sturges. (In Maupassant, Gu\ de and others. Modern ghosts. New York, Harper [cl890]. p. 1-55.) N. Y. C. The necklace, and other stories. New York, Putnam, 1903. 159p. port. N. Y. C. Odd number, and other tales; tr. by Jonathan Sturges. New York, Harper, 1899. 226p. N. Y. C. On the river; tr. by Jonathan Sturges. (In Maupassant, Guy de and others. Modern ghosts. New York, Harper [cl890]. p. 113-25.) N. Y. C. Pierre and Jean; tr. by Clara Bell. London, Heinemann, 1906. 333p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Two brothers. Two brothers. See Pierre and Jean. Yvette, and other stories; tr. by Mrs. John Galsworthy. New York, Knopf, 1915. 284p. N. Y. C. 27 M6riinee, Prosper. Carmen; tr. by George Burnham Ives. New York, Putnam [1903]. 109p. N. V. Ls. Colomba; tr. by Rose Sherman. New York, Crowell [cl897] 22.3p. N. Y. Ls. Mille, Pierre. Jotire chaps and some others; tr. by Berengere Drillien. London, Lane, 191.5. 215p. N. y! R. Under the tricolour; tr. by Berengere DrilUen. London, Lane, 1915. 245p. N. Y. R. Translation of: Barnavaux et quelques femmes. Murger, Henri. Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. See The Latin Quarter. The Latin Quarter; tr. by Ellen Marriage and John Selwyn. London, Greening, 1908. 402p. port. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. Musset, Alfred de. The confessions of a child of the century; tr. by Kendall Warren. Chicago, Sergei [cl892]. 254p. N. Y. C. Ohnet, Georges. .Antoinette; or. The Marl-pit mystery. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1889. 372p. illus. N. Y. R. Dr. Rameau; tr. by J. C. Curtin. New York, Rand, 1889. 220p. illus. N. Y. C. Eagle's talons; tr. by Helen Meyer. New York, Putnam, 1913. 372p. N. Y. C. Ironmaster; or. Love and pride. New York, Rand, Mc- Nally [1913]. 370p. N. Y. C. Translation of; Maitre de forges. Pierre's soul. See What Pierre did with his soul. Soul of Pierre. Red flag. New York, Dillingham [clOlO]. 317p. N. Y. C. Soul of Pierre. See What Pierre did with his soul and Pierre's soul. What Pierre did with his soul; tr. by E. P. Robins. New York. Lovell [cl890]. 241p. illus. N. Y. R. Translated also with titles: Soul of Pierre; Pierre's soul. Our lady's tumbler; a tale of mediaeval France; tr. by Isabel Butler. Boston, Small, 1907. 4Up. illus. N. Y. C. Rabelais, Frangois. The lives, heroick deeds, and sayings of Gargantua and his Sonne Pantagruel, together with the Oracle of the divine Babbuc, and Response of the bottle; tr. by Sir Thomas Urquhart. New York, Putnam [cl905]. 394p. port. N. V. C. Rod, Edouard. White rocks. New York, Crowell [cl 896]. 279p. N- Y. Ls. Rolland, Romain. Jean-Christophe; tr. by Gilbert Cannan. New York, 1911-13. 3v. port. N. Y. C. V. 1. Jean-Christophe; Dawn, Morning, Youth, Revolt, v. 2. Jean-Christophe in Paris; The market place, Antoin- ette, The house. V. 3. Jean-Christophe; Journey's end; Love and friendship. The burning bush. The new dawn. 28 Romains, Jules. The death of a nobody; tr. by Desmond MacCarthy and Sydney Waterloo. New York, Huebsch, 1914. 159p. N. Y. C. Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de. Paul and Virginia. New York, Crowell, n. d. 197p. illus. N. Y. C. Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface. Picciola; or. The prison flower. New York, Burt, n. d. 319p. N. Y. C. Sand, George, pseud. (Mme. Dudevant). Cesarine Dietrich; tr. by Edward Stanwood. Boston, Osgood, 1871. 138p. N. Y. R. Consuelo; a romance of Venice. New York, Burt, n. d. 799p. N. Y. C. The countess of Rudolstadt, sequel to Consuelo. New York, Burt, n. d. 42Sp. port. N. Y. C. Devil's pool and Frangois the waif. New York, Dutton, n. d. 281p. (Everyman's library.) N. Y. C. Fadette; tr. bv Jane Minot Sedgwick. Boston, Little [cl893]. 295p. N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: Petite Fadette; Fanchon the cricket. Fanchon the cricket; or, Fadette; tr. by Jane Minot Sedg- wick. Mary Pickford edition. New York, Dufifield, 1915. 295p. illus. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Petite Fadette. Fanchon the cricket. New York, Bradburn, 1864. 230p. N. Y. R. Translated also with titles: Fadette; Petite Fadette. Frangois the waif. (In her: Devil's pool. New York, Dutton, n. d. p. 129-281.) N. Y. C. Handsome Lawrence; tr. by Carroll Owen. Boston, Os- good, 1871. 122p. N. Y. R. Jacques; tr. by Anna Blackwell. New York, Redfield, 1847. 2v. in 1. N. Y. R. The last Aldini. Philadelphia, Peterson, n. d. 95p. N.Y.C. Marianne. Boston, Schoenhof, 189—? 80p. N. Y. R. Marquis de Villemer; tr. by R. Keeler. Boston, Osgood, 1871. 130p. N. Y. R. Master mosaic workers; tr. by Charlotte C. Johnston. Boston, Little, 1905. 232p. N. Y. C. Mauprat. Boston, Little, 1898. 324p. N. Y. C. The miller of Angibault. London, Weldon, n. d. 320p. N. Y. R. Monsieur Sylvestre; tr. by Francis George Shaw. Boston, Roberts, 'l8S3. 327p. 'n. Y. R. Petite Fadette. See Fadette and Fanchon the cricket. A rolling stone; tr. bv Carroll Owen. Boston, Osgood, 1871. 113p. N. Y. R. Simon. Philadelphia, Peterson, n. d. 89p. N. Y. R. The snow man. Boston, Little, 1898. 555p. N. Y. C. The tower of Percemont. New York, Lowell, n. d. 254p. N. Y. R. The Uscoque; or. The Corsair; tr. by Juliette Bauer. New York Bunce, n. d. 123p. N. Y. R. 29 Sandeau, Jules. ^Ia(k■leine. London, Slater, n. d. 1.36p. N. Y. R. Souvestre, Emile. An attic philosopher. New York, Burt, 1880. 308p. N. Y. C. The lake shore; or, The slave, the serf and the apprentice. Boston, Crosby, 18.55. 2.39p. N. Y. R. Leaves from a family journal. New York, Appleton, 1866. 277p. N. Y. R. Pleasures of old age. London. Routlcdge, 1868. 344p. N. Y. R. Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker), bar- onne de. Corinne; or, Italy; tr. by Emily Baldwin and Paulina Diver. London, Bell. 1906. .394p. N. Y. C. Stendhal, de, psetid. (Marie Henri Beyle). The chartreuse of Parma; tr. by E. P. Robins. New York, Richmond, 1895. .3v. port, illus. N. Y. R. Red and black; a story of provincial France; tr. by Charles Tergie. New York, Brentano [cl898]. 439p. N. Y. R. Sue, Eugene. See Sut', Marie Joseph Eugene. Sue, Marie Joseph Eugene. The mysteries of Paris. New York, Burt, n. d. 1310p. N. Y. C. Wandering Jew. New York, Burt, n. d. 657p. illus. N. Y. C. Teramond, Guy de, pseud. The mystery of Lucien Delorme; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York. Appleton, 1915. 314p. N. Y. C. Translation of; L'homme qui voit a travers les murailles. Theuriet, Andre. The .A.bbe Daniel; tr. by Helen B. Dole. New York, Crowell [cl894]. 204p. illus. N. Y. C. Thibault, Jacques Anatole. See France, Anatole, pseud. Verne, Jules. The American gun club; tr. by L. Mercier and Eleanor E. King. New York, Scribner,' 1874. 137p. illus. N.Y.R. Around the world in eighty days. New York, Scribner, 1910. 310p. port, illus. N. Y. C. AI.so published as "Tour of the world in eighty days." Dick Sands, the boy captain. New York, Scribner, 1908. 486p. illus. N. Y. C. Five weeks in a balloon; tr. by W. Lackland. New York, Appleton, 1889. 34op. illu.s. N. Y. C. From the earth to the moon; tr. by L. Mercier and Eleanor E. King. New York, Scribner, 1874. 323p. illus. N. Y. R. The fur country; tr. by N. D'Anvers. Boston, Osgood, 1874. 334p. illus. N. Y. R. The giant raft; tr. by W. J. Gordon. New York, Scribner, 1882. 2v. illus. N. Y. C. Michael Strogoff; the courier of the czar; tr. by W. H. G. Kingston. New York, Burt [190-?]. 361p. illus. N. Y. C. 30 Verne — continued The mysterious island; tr. bv W. H. G. Kingston. New York, Burt [190-?]. 493p. " illus. N. Y. R. Tigers and traitors; tr. by Agnes D. Kingston. New York, Scribner, 1881. 246p. illus. N. Y. R. To the sun? a journev through planetary space. Philadel- phia. McKay, 18-?" 401p. illus. N. Y. C. 20,000 leagues under the sea. New York, Putnam, 1907. 374p. illus. N. Y. C. Viaud, Louis Marie Julien. 5t'<' Loti, Pierre, pseiiJ. Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de. Cinq-Mars; or, A conspiracy under Louis XIII; tr. by W. Hazlitt. Boston, Little, 1901. 2v. N. Y. C. [Violet, Jeanne]. April's lady, bv Guy Chanlepleure, pseud; tr. bv Mary J. Safford. " New York, Dodd, 1911. 330p. N.Y. C. Voltaire, Frangois Marie Arouet de. Candide; or, All for the best; tr. by Samuel Johnson. London, Routledge, 1884. 2S7p. N. Y. C. Zola, Emile. Doctor Pascal; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Cassell, 1893. 471p. N.Y. C. The downfall; tr. by E. P. Robins. New York,Grosset [cl8981. 565p. N. Y. Ls. Labor. New York, Harper [cl900]. 604p. N. Y.Ls. Lourdes; tr. by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. New ed. rev. and cor. New York, Grosset [cl897]. 2v. N. Y. C. Paris; tr. bv Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. New ed. London, Chatto, 1902. 48Sp. N. Y. C. Ls. Rome; tr. by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. New ed. London, Chatto, 1903. 587p. N. Y. Ls. Truth; tr. by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. New York, Lane, 1903. 596p. N. Y. C. GERMAN Auerbach, Berthold. Aloys; tr. by Charles T. Brooks. New York, Holt, 1877. 263p. N. Y. C. Black forest village stories; tr. by Charles Goepp. New York, Holt, 1874. 377p. illus. N. Y. C. Brigitta; tr. by Clara Bell. Leipzig. Tauchnitz, 1880. 286p. N. Y. C. Convicts and their children; tr. by Charles T. Brooks. New York, Holt, 1877. 281p. N. Y. C. Edelweiss; tr. by Ellen Frothingham. Boston, Roberts, 1869. 34.5p. N. Y. C. German tales. Boston, Roberts, 1869. 352p. N. Y. C. Landolin; tr. bv A. B. Irish. New York, Holt, 1878. 26.5p. N. Y. R. The little barefoot boy; tr. by Eliza Buckminister Lee. Boston, Fuller, 1867. 275p. illus. N. Y. C. On the heights; tr. by Simon Adler Stern. New York, Holt, 1899. 2v. N. Y. C. 31 Auerbach — continued Poet and merchant; a picture of life from the time of Moses Mendelsohn; tr. by Charles T. Brooks. New York. Holt. 1S77. 460p. N. Y. C. The professor's lady; tr. by Mary Howitt. New York, Harper, n. d. GOp. N. Y. R. Villa on the Rhine; tr. by James Davis. New York, Holt, 1911. 2v. N. Y. C. Bartsch, Rudolf Hans. Elizabeth Koett; tr. bv Ludwig Lewisohn. New York, FitzGerald, 1910. 265p. N. Y. C. Baudissin, Wolf Ernst Hugo Emil von. Life in a German crack regiment. London, L'nwin, 1914. 319p. N. Y. R. Bauer, Clara. Sre Detlet, Karl, pseud. Baumbach, Rudolph. Tales from Wonderland; tr. by Helen B. Dole. New York, Simmons, 191.3. 122p. N. Y. C. Bayer, Robert von. See Byr, Robert, pseud. Behrens, Bertha. See Heimberg, Wilhelmine. pseud. Bethusy-Huc, Valeska Reisnitz (Moritz von Reichen- bach, pseud.). The Eichhofs; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1909. .322p. N. Y. C. Beyerlein, Franz Adam. Jena or Sedan. London, Heinemann, 1905. 361p. N.Y.R. Biise, Oswald Fritz. A little garrison, a realistic novel of German army life; tr. by VV. von Schierbrand. New York, Stokes, 1904. .30Sp." N. Y. R. Translated also with title: Life in a garrison town. Bischofl, Josef Eduard Konrad. See Bolanden, Conrad von, pseud. Bloetn, Walter. The iron year; tr. by Stella Bloch. London, Lane, 1914. loop. X. V. C. Bolanden, Conrad von, pseud. (Josef Eduard Konrad Bischofif). Bertha; an historical romance of the time of Henry IV, Emperor of Germany; tr. by S. B. A. Harper. New York. Sadlier, ls7(). ' .39fip. N. Y. R. Brachvogel, Alberg Emil. Beaumarchais; an historical novel; tr. by T. J. Radford. New York, Appleton. ISGcS. 295p. illus. N. Y. R. Biirstenbinder, Elizabeth. See Werner, Ernst, pseud. Byr, Robert, pseud. (Robert von Bayer j. The cipher dispatch; tr. by E. L. Lathrop. New York, Worthington. I.s93. 30Sp. N. Y. R. Campe, Joachim Heinrich. New Robinson Crusoe; an instructive and entertaining history. New York, Morgan, 1823. 147p. illus. N. V. R. 32 Carove, Priedrich Wilhelm. The storv withdiit an end; ir. by J. C. Pickard. Chicago, Winchell [ciss")). 33p. N. Y. R. Chamisso, Adelbert von. The shadowless man, Peter Schlemihl; tr. by Sir John Bowring. Kew York, Warne, 1910. 106p. illus. N. Y. C. Charles, Mrs. Andrew. See Charles, Elizabeth (Ruudle). Charles, Elizabeth (Rundle.j (Mrs. Andrew Charles). Against the stream. New York, Dodd [IS— ?] 589p. N.Y.C. Bertram family. New York, Dodd, 1866. 479p. N. Y. R. Conquering and to conquer. New York, Dodd, n. d. ISlp. N. Y. C. Cripple of Antioch, and other scenes from Christian life in early times. New York, Carter, 1866. 428p. N.Y.C. Chronicle of the Schonberg-Cotta family; a tale of the reformation. New York, Burt [190—?]. 430p. N. Y. C The diary of Brother Bartholomew; a tale of the 12th century. New York, Dodd, n. d. Top. N. Y. C. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan; a story of the times of Whitefield and of the Wesleys. New York, Dodd, 1864. 436p. N. Y. C. The Dravtons and the Davenants. New York, Dodd, 1867. .509p. ' N. Y. C. Continued by: On both sides of the sea. The early dawn; or. Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. New York, Dodd, 1864. 429p. N.Y.C. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England. New York, Dodd, n. d. 357p. N. Y. C. Lapsed but not lost. New York, Dodd, n. d. 273p. N. Y. C. On both sides of the sea; a story of the commonwealth and the restoration. Sequel to the Draytons and the Daven- ants. New York, Dodd, n. d. 510p. N. Y. C. Victory of the vanquished; a story of the first century. New York, Dodd, n. d. 517p. N. Y. C. Winifred Bertram. New York, Dodd, n. d. 479p. N. Y. C. Cohn, Clara (Viebig). Absolution; tr. by H. Raahauge. New York, I.ane, 1908. 318p. N. Y. Ls. Our daily bread; tr. by Margaret L. Clarke. New York, Lane, 1909. 356p. N. Y. Ls. The son of his mother; tr. by H. Raahauge. London, Lane, 1913. 314p. N. Y. C. Dahn, Felix. Captive of the Roman Eagle; tr. by Mary J. Safford. Chi- cago, McClurg, 1902. 434p. N. Y. C. Felicitas; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Gottsberger, 1883. 208p. N. Y. C. The scarlet banner; tr. by Mary J. Safford. Chicago, McClurg, 1903. 418p. N. Y. C. Dannenberg, Georg, pseud. See Frederich, Mrs. Bertha (Heyn). Detlef, Karl, pseud. (Clara Bauer). Must it be?; tr. by Mrs. M. B. Harrison. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1873. 134p. illus. N. Y. R. 33 Dewall, Johannes von, pseud. (August Kuehne). A great lady; tr. by Mrs. M. B. Harrison. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1S74. 125p. illus. N. Y. R. Dietrich, Dr.? The German emigrants; or, Frederick Wohlgemuth's voyage to California; tr. by Leopold Wray. Guben, Fechner, is.V). 4 1 p. illus. 'N. V. R. Dingelstedt, Franz, Freiherr von. The Amazon; tr. by J. M. Hart. New York, Putnam, ls(,s. ,Sl,-,p. X. V. R. Ebers, Georg Moritz. Arachne; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Appleton, 1898. 2v. N. Y. C. Barbara Blomberg; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Appleton, 1897. 2v. N. Y. C. Bride of the Nile; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Burt, n, d, 2v. N. Y. C. The Burgomaster's wife; tr. by Annie \V. Ayer and Helen T. Slate. New York, Burt [cl896]. 347p. port. N. Y. C. Cleopatra; tr. bv Mary J. Safford. New York, Appleton, 1894. 2v. N. Y. C. An Egyptian princess; tr. by Eleanor Grove. New York, Appleton. 1901. 2v. N. Y. C. The Emperor; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Gottsberger, 1881. 2v. N. Y. C. Homo sum; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Gottsberger, 1890. 299p. N. Y. C. In the Blue Pike; a romance of German civilization in the sixteenth century; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Appleton, 1896. 230p. N. Y. C. In the desert; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Dodd, 1900. 329p. N. Y. C. In the fire of the forge; a romance of old Nurenberg; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Appleton, 1903. 2v. N. Y. C. Joshua, a Biblical picture. New York, Burt, 1889. 434p. N. Y. C. Margery; a tale of old Nurenberg; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Gottsberger, 1889. 2v. N. Y. R. Question; the idyl of a picture by Alma Tadema; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Appleton, 1893. 125p. N. Y. C. Serapis; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Gottsberger, 1885. 387p. N. Y. C. The sisters; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Appleton, 1895. 2v. N. Y. C. Thorny path; tr. bv Clara Bell. New York, Appleton, 1892. 2v. N. Y.'r. Uarda, a romance of ancient Egypt; tr. by Clara Bell. New York. Appleton, 1901. 2v.' N. Y. C. A word, only a word; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Burt. n. d. 348p. N. Y. C. Eckstein, Ernst. Chaldean magician; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Gottsberger, 1886. 112p. N. Y. C. 34 Eckstein — continued A monk of the Aventine; tr. by Helen Hunt Jackson. Bos- ton, Roberts, 1894. 196p. N. Y. C. Nero; tr. by Clara Bell and Mary J. Safford. New York, Gottsberger, 18S9. 2v. N. Y. C. Prusias; a romance of ancient Rome; tr. bv Clara Bell. New York, Peck, 1905. 2v. N. Y. C. Quintus Claudius, a romance of Imperial Rome; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck, 1905. 2v. N. Y. R. The will; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck [cl885]. 2v N. Y. C. EichendorfE, Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von. The happy-go-lucky; or, leaves from the life of a good-for- nothing; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1906. 115p. illus. N. Y. C. Eschstruth, Nataly von. Polish blood; bv Cora Louise Turner. New York, Alden, 1889. 367p. port. N. Y. C. Pouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de La Motte. See La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de. Prank, Ulrich, pseud. (Prau UUa Hirschfeld Wolff). The patriarch; tr. from the German. (In her: Simon Eichelkatz. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society, 1907. p. 199-426.) N. Y. C. Simon Eichelkatz; The patriarch; tr. from the German. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society, 1907. 431p. N. Y. C. Franzos, Karl Emil. Chief justice. New York, Lovell [cl890]. 272p. N. Y. C. For the right; tr. by Julie Sutter. New York, Harper, 1888. 198p. N. Y. C. The Jews of Barnow; tr. by M. W. MacDowall. New York, Appleton, 1883. 334p. N. Y. R. Frederich, Mrs. Bertha (Heyn). (Golo Raimund, pseud). (Georg Dannenberg, pseud). New race; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1900. 221p. N. Y. C. From hand to hand; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1902. 372p. N. Y. C. Prenssen, Gustav. Holyland; tr. by Mary Agnes Hamilton. Boston, Estes, 1906. 375p. N. Y. C. Translation of: Hilligenlei. Jorn Uhl; tr. by F. S. Delmer. Boston, Estes, 1905. 416p. port. N. Y. C. Klaus Heinrich Baas; the story of a self-made man; ti. by Esther Everett Lape and Elizabeth Fisher Read. New York, Macmillan, 1911. 440p. N. Y. C. Peter Moor's journey to South Africa; a narrative of the German campaign: tr. by Margaret May Ward. Boston, Houghton, 1908. 244p. N. Y. C. The three comrades; tr. by G. L. Winstanley. Boston, Estes [cl907], 362p. N. Y. C. Preytag, Gustav. Debit and credit; tr. by L. C. Cummings. New York, Harper, 1893. 564p. N. Y. C. 35 Freytag — continued- Ingo; tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. New York, Holt, 1873. 327p. N. Y. C. Ingraban; tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. New York, Holt, 1873. 304p. N. Y. C. The lost manuscript. Chicago, Open Court Pub. Co., 1898. 544p. N. Y. Ls. Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy. (Emily von Rhoden, pseud.). The lost despatch; tr. by L. G. Williams. Boston, Osgood, 1871. l()7p. N. Y. R. Gerstacker, Friedrich. Germclshauscn; tr. by Clara M. Lathrop. New York, Crowell, 190(5. 45p. N. Y. C. How a britie was won; or, A chase across the Pampas; tr. bv F. Jordan. New York, Appleton, 1889. 274p. illus. N. Y. R. Gliimer, Claire von. A noble name; or, Donninghausen; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1906. 360p. N. Y. C. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship; tr. bj- Gregory A. Page. London, Heinemann, 1913. 342p. port. N. Y. C. Graufott, F. St'f Seestern, pseud. Gremmelshausen, Hans Jacob ChristofEel von. The adxenturous Simplicissimus, being a description of the life of a strange vagabond named Melchoir Stcrnfels von Fuchshaim; tr. by A. T. S. G. London, Heinemann, 1912. 340p. N. Y. R. Hacklander, Friedrich Wilhelm, Ritter von. Behind the- counter; Ir. by Mary Howitt. London, Low, INOs. 3r)7p. N. Y. C. Hamerling, Robert. Aspasia; a romance of art and love in ancient Hellas; tr. by Mary J. Saftord. New York, Gottsberger, 1885. 2v. N. Y. C. Harder, Ludwig. A lamilv feud; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1903. 238p. N. Y. C. Hartner, Eva, pseud. (Emma Eva Henriette von Tward- owska). Severa; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1902. 3.^4p. N. Y. C. Hauff, Wilhelm. Lichtenstein; tr. by L. L. Weedon. London, Nester, 19-? .S04p. illus. N. Y. C. Hauptmann, Gerhart. Atlantis; tr. b>' i\dele and Thomas Seltzer. New York, Huebsch, 1912. 415p. N. Y. C. The fool in Christ, Emanual Quint; tr. by Thomas Seltzer. New York. Huebsch, 1911. 474p. N. Y. C. Heimburg, Wilhelmine, pseud. (Bertha Behrens). Defiant hearts; tr. b>- Annie W. Ayer ami Helen F. Slate. New York, Fenno [cl897]. 350p. N. Y. C. 36 Heimburg — continued A penniless girl; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wistcr. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1912. 2S0p. N. Y. C. Helm, Clementine. Gretchen"s joys and sorrows; tr. by H. M. D. Slack. Bos- ton, Williams. 1>S77. 112p. N. Y. R. Herzog, Rudolph. Story ol Helga; tr. bv Adele Lewisohn. New York, Dutton, 1914. 310p. N. Y. C. Hesse, Hermann. Gertrude and I; tr. by Adele Lewisohn. New York Inter- national Monthly [cl915]. 207p. N. Y. C. Heyse, Paul. Children of the world. New York, Holt, n. d. 573p. N. Y. C. A divided heart, and other stories; tr. by C. S. Copeland. New York, Brentano [clS94]. 240p. N. Y. R. The fair Abigail; tr. by F. A. \'an Santford. New York, Dodd, 1894. 72p. illus. N. Y. R. The forest laugh; tr. bv F. A. \'an Santford. New York, Dodd, 1894. GOp. i'llus. N. Y. R. Four phases of love; tr. by E. H. Kingsley. London, Rout- ledge, n. d. lS9p. N. Y. R. The house of the unbelieving Thomas; tr. by F. A. Van Santford. New York, Dodd, 1S94. 96p. illus. N. Y. R. In paradise. New York, Appleton, 190.3. 2v. N. Y. C. Little Lisbeth; tr. by F. A. Van Santford. (In his: Mid- day magic. New York, Dodd, 1894. p. 61-84). N. Y. R. Mid-day magic, and Little Lisbeth; tr. by F. A. Van Sant- ford. New York, Dodd, 1894. S4p. illus. N. Y. R. Tales from the German. New York, Appleton, 1879. 281p. N. Y. C. Hillern, Frau Wilhelmine von. Geier-Wallv; a tale of the Tyrol. New York, Appleton, 1879. 237p. N. Y. C. Grave-yard flower; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck, n. d. 160p. N. Y. R. On the cross; a romance of the Passion-play at Oberammer- gau; tr. by Mary J. SafTord. Philadelphia, Biddle, 1902. 442p. N. Y. C. Only a girl; or, A physician for the soul; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1911. .544p. N. Y. C. Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus. The Serapion brethern; tr. by L. Bell. New York, Mac- millan, n. d. 2v. N. Y. R. Horn, Georg. Count Silvius; tr. by Mary J. Safford. New York, Harlan, 1882. 463p. N. Y. R. Keller, Gottfried. A village Romeo and Juliet; tr. by A. C. Bahhnann, with an introduction bv Edith Wharton. New York, Scribnr,e 1914. 1.5r,p. N. Y. C. Kirschner, Lula. (Ossip Schubin, pseud). Countess Erika's apprenticeship; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1902. 425p. N. Y. C. 37 n^^rT>r>r»r^ Kirschner — continued Kilach court; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1889. '367p. N. Y. C. "O thou, my Austria"; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil- adelphia. Lippincott, 1908. 429p. N. V. C. Storv of a genius; tr. by E. H. Lockwood, New York, Fenno, 1898. 212p. N. Y. C. Kraus, Emil. Atlvciuures of Count George Albert of Erbach; tr. by Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg. London, Murray IclsnO]. :V22\K illus. K. Y. C. La Motte-Fouque, Caroline Augusta de. The physician of Marseilles; tr. by James Burns. London, Burnes, 184."). 2.Sp. N. Y. R. La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de. Aslauga and her knight; an allegory. London, Hamilton, 1843. 84p. N. Y. R. Magic ring. Edinburgh, Bond, 1825. 3v. N. Y. R. Sintram and his companions; tr. by A. M. Richard. New York, Stokes [190-?]. 279p. illus. N. Y. C. Undine; tr. by Edmund Gosse. London, Sidgwick, 1912. 2()8p. illus.' N. Y. C. Lewald, Fanny. Hulda; or, The deliverer; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil- adelphia, Lippincott, 1910. 394p. N. Y. Ls. ManteufEel, Ursula Zoge von. \'ioletta; tr. by A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 19(17. N. Y. C. Marlitt, E. pseud. (Eugenie John). At the councillor's; or, A nameless history; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1904. 356p. X. Y. C. Countess Gisela; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1879. 424p. N. Y. C. Gold Elsie; tr. bv Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1896. 344p. N. Y. C. In the Schillingscourt; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadel- phia, Lippincott, 1911. 38f)p. N. Y. C. Lady with the rubies; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadel- phia, Lippincott, 1885. 334p. N. Y. C. Little moorland princess; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil- adelphia, Lippincott, 1907. 408p. N. Y. C. Magdalena; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lip- pincott, 1877. 49p. N. Y. R. Old mam'selle's secret; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil- adelphia, Lippincott, 1911. 312p. N. Y. C. Owl's nest; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott. 1900. 357p. N. Y. C. Second wife; tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, Lip- liincott, 1902. ;^()2p. N. Y. C. Masoch, Leopold von Sacher- .S'c(' Saclier-MasDch, Lcopolil \-()n. Meinhold, Johann Wilhelm. Mary Schwtiee, \V. Sieroszewski. The returning wave, Boleslaw, Prus. Tales by Polish authors; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. Oxford, Blackwell, 1915. 19Sp. N. Y. C. Contents: Bartek the conqueror, H. Sienkiewiz. Twilight, Temp- tation, S. Zeromski. Srul, .-X. Szymanski. In autumn, W. Sieroszew- ski. Krascewski, Josef Ignacy. The Jew; tr. by L. da Kowalewska. New York, Dodd [cl890]. 469p. N. Y. R. 50 Orzesko, Eliza. The Argonauts; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. New York, Scribners, 1901. 291p. N. Y. C. Prus, Boleslaw. The returning wave; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (In Benecke, E. C. M. More tales by Polish authors. New York, Longmans, 1916. p. 185-288). N. Y. C. Reymont, Wladyslaw Stefan. The trial; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (In Benecke, E. C. M. More tales by Polish authors. New York, Longmans, 1916. p. 86-111). N. Y. C. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Bartck the conqueror; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. (In Benecke, E. C. M. Tales by Polish authors. Oxford, Blackwell, 1915. 99p.) N. Y. C. Children of the soil; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1898. 675p. N. Y. C. The deluge, an historical novel of Poland and Russia; a sequel to With fire and sword; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1910. 2v. N. Y. C. Continued by Pan Michael. For dailv bread, and other stories; tr. by Iza Young. Philadelphia, .Altemus [1898]. 209p. port. N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: After bread, and Peasants in exile. Hania; tr. bv' Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1897. 551p. port. N."y. C. In desert and wilderness; tr. by Max A. Drezmal. Boston, Little, 1912. 452p. port. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Through the desert. In vain; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1899. 237p. N. Y. R. Knights of the cross; tr. by Samuel A. Binion. New York Fenno [cl900]. 2v. N.' Y. C. Let us follow him; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1897. 91p. N. Y. C. Life and death, and other legends and stories; tr. by Jere- miah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1904. 65p. illus. N.Y.C. On the bright shore; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1898. 147p. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: On the sunny shore. On the field of glory; an historical novel of the time of King John Sobieski; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1906. 334p. N. Y. C. Pan Michael; a sequel to The deluge; tr. by Samuel A. Binion. New York, Crowell [1906]. 529p. illus. N.Y.C. Quo vadis? a tale of the time of Nero; tr. by Samuel A. Binion and S. Malevsky. New York, Crowell [cl905], 515p. N. Y. C. Sielanka; a forest picture, and other stories; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1898. 591p. N. Y. R. That third woman; tr. by N. M. Babad. New York, Ogilvie, 1898. 158p. N. Y. R. Whirlpools; a novel of modern Poland; tr. by Max A. Drezmal. Boston, Little, 1910. 390p. N. Y. C. 51 Sienkiewicz — continued With fire and sword; an historical novel of Poland and Russia; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. Boston, Little, 1898 799p. port. map. N. Y. C. Continued by: The deluge. Without dogma; a novel of modern Poland; tr. by Iza Vouni;. Boston, Little. 1909. 423p. N. Y. C. Sieroszewski, Waclaw. The chukchee; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (In Benecke, E. C. M. More tales by Polish authors. New York, Longmans, 1916. p. 146-185). N. Y. C. In autumn; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. (In Benecke, E. C. M. Tales bj^ Polish authors. Oxford, Blackwell, 1915. p. 137-161.) N. Y. C. In sacrifice to the gods; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. (In Benecke, E. C. M. Tales by Polish authors. Oxford, Blackwell, 101.->. p. 163-198.) N. Y. C. Szytnanski, Adam. Maciej the Mazur; tr. by E. C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (In Benecke, E. C. M. More tales by Polish authors. New York, Longmans, 1916. 51p. N. Y. C. Srul-from Lubartow; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. (In Benscke, E. C. M. Tales bv Polish authors. Oxford, Blackwell, 1915. p. 119-136.) N. Y. C. Two prayers; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (In Benecke, E. C. M. More tales by Polish authors. New York, Longmans, 1916. p. 52-85.) N. Y. C. Zeromski, Stefan. The stronger sex; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (In Benecke, E. C. M. More tales by Polish authors. New York, Longmans, 1916. p. 112-145). N. Y. C. Temptation; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. (In Benecke, E. C. M. Tales bv Polish authors. Oxford, Blackwell, 1915. p. 113-1 IS.) N. Y. C. Twilight; tr. by Else C. M. Benecke. (In Benecke, E. C. M. Tales by Polish authors. Oxford, Blackwell, 1915. p. 101-111.) N. Y. C. ROUMANIAN Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. (Carmen Sylva, pseud.) Pilgrim sorrow; a cvcle of tales by Carmen Sylva; tr. by Helen Zimmcrn. New York, Holt, 1884. 262p. N.Y.C. RUSSIAN Andreev, Leonid. See Andreyev, Leonid. Andreyev, Leonid. A dilcninia, a story of mental perplexity; tr. by John Cournos. Philadelphia, Brown, 1910. 114p. N. Y. C. The little angel, and other stories. New York, Knopf, 1915. 225p. N. Y. C. The red laugh; fragments of a discovered manuscript; tr. by Alexandra Linden. New York, Duffield, 1915. 192p. N. Y. C. 52 Andreyev — continued The seven who were hanged; tr. by Herman Bernstein. New York, Ogilvie Pub. Co. [cl909]. 190p. port. N. Y. C. Silence; tr. by John Cournos. Philadelphia, Brown, 1910. .32p. N. Y. C. AndrieS, Leonid. 5('<' Andre\'t'\', Leonid. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The bet, and other stories; tr. by S. Koteliansky and J. M. Murry. Boston, Luce, 1915. N. Y. C. The black monk, and other stories; tr. by R. E. C. Long. New York, Stokes, 1915. 302p. N. Y. C. The kiss, and other stories; tr. by Robert Crozier. New York, Scribner, 1912. 371p. N. Y. C. . The pass, and other stories; tr. by Robert E. Crozier Long. New York, Scribner, 1912. .317p. N. Y. C. Russian silhouettes, more Russian stories; tr. by Marian Fell. New York, Scribner, 1915. 31Sp. N. Y. C. The Steppe, and other stories; tr. by Adeline Lister Kaye. New York, Stokes, 1915. 296p. N. Y. C. Stories of Russian life; tr. by Marian Fell. New York, Scribner, 1914. 314p. N. Y. C- Chernyshevski, Nikolai Gavrilovich. See Tchernyshevoski, Nikolai Gavrilovich. Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich. See Dostoyevski, Fedor Mikhailovich. DostoieflEsky, Fedor Mikhailovich. See Dostoyevski, Fedor Mikhailovich. Dostoyevski, Fedor Mikhailovich. The brothers Karamazov; tr. by Constance Garnett. New York, Macmillan, 1912. S3Sp. N. Y. C. Crime and punishment; tr. by Frederick Whishaw. London, Scott, 1911. 456p. N. Y. C. The idiot; tr. by Constance Garnett. New York, Macmillan, 1913. 620p. N. Y. C. The insulted and injured; tr. by Constance Garnett. Lon- don, Heinemann, 1915. 345p. N. Y. C. Letters from the underworld; tr. by C. J. Hogarth. London, Dent, 19-? 308p. N. Y. C. The permanent husband; tr. by Frederick Whishaw. (In his: Uncle's dream. London, Vizetelly, 1888. p. 149- 298.) N. Y. R. Poor folk; tr. by Lena Milman. London, Lane, 1894. 191p. N. Y. C. Prison life in Siberia; tr. by H. S. Edwards. New York, Harper [cl881]. 64p. N. Y. C. A raw youth; tr. by Constance Garnett. London, Heine- mann [1916]. 560p. N. Y. R. Uncle's dream and The permanent husband; tr. by Freder- ick Whishaw. London, Vizetelly, 1888. 298p. N. Y. R. Garshin, Vsevolod Mikhailovich. A red flower. Philadelphia, Brown, 1911. 37p. N. Y. R. The signal and other stories; tr. by Rowland Smith. New York, Knopf, 1915. 356p. N. Y. C. 53 Garshin — continued Wounded in battle. (In Korolenko, V. G. The Saghalien convict. London, n. j). 1S92. p. 191-218.) N. V. R. Glovatski, Alexander. Tlic Pharaoh and the priest; a historical novel of ancient Egypt; tr. by Jeremiah Curt in. Boston, Little, 1902. fi9Gp. illus. "k. V. R. Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievitch. Dead souls; with an introduction by Stephen Graham. London, Fisher, 1915. 372p. N. Y. C. Evenings in little Russia; tr. by Edna Worthley L'nderwood and William Hamilton Cline. Evanston, Lord, 1903. 1.53p. N. Y. C The mantle and other stories; tr. by Claud Field. New York, Stokes, n. d. 249p. N. Y. C. St. John's Eve' and other stories; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Crowell [cl8cS6]. 383p. N. Y. C. Taras Bulba; a story of the Dnieper Cossacks; tr. by B. C. Badkerville. London, Scott, 1907. 295p. illus. N.Y.R. Goncharov, Ivan Alexandrovich. A common story; tr. by Constance Garnett. London, Heinemann, 1894. 283p. N. Y. C. Oblomov; tr. bv C..G. Hogarth. New \'ork, Macmillan, 1915. 317p. " N. Y. C. The iirecipicc. New York, Knopf, 1915. 319p. N. Y. C. Gorki, Maksim, pseud. (Alexei Maximovitch Pyeshkow) . Chelkash and other tales. New York, Knopf, 1915. 244p. N. Y. C. The confession; tr. by Rose Strunsky. New York, Stokes [cl91fi]. 293p. N. Y. C. Forma Godyeeff; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1901. 448p. port. N. Y. C. The man who was afraid; tr. by Herman Bernstein. London Unwin, 1905. 384p. N. Y. R. Mother. New York, Appleton, 1911. 499p. illus. N. Y. C. The song of the falcon; tr. by M. G. Paris, Clarke [1896]. 171p. N. Y. R. The spy; a storj- of a superfluous man; tr. by Thomas Seltzer. New York, Huebsch, 1908. 405p. N. Y. C. Twenty-six men and a girl; tr. by Emily JakowlefT and Dora Montefiore. London, Duckworth, 1902. 19Sp. I)ort. N. Y. C. Karazin, Nikolai Nikolayevich. The two-legged wolf; Lr. by Boris Lanin. Chicago, Rand, 1S94. 322p. N. Y. R. " Korolenko, Vjaldimir. The blinil musician; tr. by Aline Delano. Boston, Little, 1890. 244p. illus. N. Y. C. Makar's dream, and other stories; tr. by Marian Fell. New York Duffield, 191(). 297p. N. Y. C. The Saghalien convict, and other stories. London, L^nwin, 1892. 218p. N. Y. R. The vagrant, and other tales; tr. by Aline Delano. New York, Crowell [clNS7]. 285p. N. Y. C. 54 Kuprin, Alexander. The duel. New York, Macmillan. 1916. 350p. N. Y. R. The river of life, and other stories; tr. by S. Koteliansky and J. M. Murry. Boston, Luce, 1910. 248p. N. Y. C. LaietchnikoS, I. I. The heretic; tr. bv Thomas B. Shaw. New York, Harper, TS44. .l.JOp. N. Y. R. Lermontov, Mikhail Juryevich. The Circassian boy; tr. from the German by S. S. Conant. Boston, Osgood, 1875. 87p. N. Y. R. A hero of our time; tr. by J. H. Wisdom and Marr Murray. New York, Knopf, 1916. 335p. N. Y. C. Mereschkowski, Dmitri Sergeyevich. See Merezlikovski, Dmitri Sergeyevicli. Merezhkovski, Dmitri Sergeyevich. The forerunner; a romance of Leonardo da Vinci. London, Constable. 1910. 463p. N. Y. C. The romance of Leonardo da Vinci, the forerunner; tr. by Herbert Trench. New York, Putnam [cl902]. 463p. N. Y. R. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vaseli Ivanovich. The princes of the stock exchange; tr. bj- Dr. A. S. Rappo- port. London, Holden [1915]. 313p. N. Y. R. The whirlwind; tr. by W. J. Stanton Pyper. (In his: With a diploma. Boston, Luce, 1915. 125-251p.). N. Y. R. With a diploma, and The whirlwind; tr. by W. J. Stanton Pyper. Boston, Luce, 1915. 251p. N. Y. R. Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergevich. Marie; a story of Russian love; tr. by Marie Hdezillinska. Chicago, McClurg, 1877. 209p. N. Y. R. Prose tales; tr. by T. Keane. London, Bell, 1894. 466p. N. Y. C. Pyeshkow, Alexei Maximovitch. See Gorki, Maksim, pseud. Sologub, Fiodor. The old house, and other stories; tr. by John Cournos. New York, Knopf, 1916. 294p. N. Y. C. Taube, Gustav Genrychowitch. Countess Janina; an historical novel. New York, Dilling- ham, 1894. 609p. N. Y. R. Tolstoi, Aleksyei Konstaninovich. Prince Serebrenni; tr. bv Marija Golitsuin. London, Chap- man, 1874. 2v. N. Y. R. Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich. Anna Karenina; tr. by Constance Garnett. New York, McClure, 1911. 919p. N. Y. C. Childhood, boyhood, and youth; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Crowell [cl886]. 381p. port. N. Y. C. The Cossacks; a tale of the Caucasus in 1852. New York, Scribner, 1898. 313p. N. Y. C. Death of Ivan Ilich, and Kreutzer Sonata; tr. by Leo Wiener. Boston, Estes [cl904]. 504p. N. Y. Ls. Esarhaddon, and other tales; tr. by Louise and Aylmer Maude. New York, Funk, 1903. 64p. N. Y. R. 55 Tolstoi — continued Father Sergius, and other stories; tr. by Dr. Hagberg. London, Nelson [1911]. 426p. N. Y. C. The forged coupon; tr. bv Hermann Bernstein. New York, Dodd, 1912. 286p. N. Y. C. Gospel stories; tr. bv Nathan Haskell Dole. New York, Crowell, 1890. 242p. N. Y. C. Hadji Murad; tr. by Aylmer Maude. New York, Dodd, 1912. 290p. N. Y. C. In the days of serfdom, and other stories; tr. by Louise and Aylmer Maude. London, Constable, 1911. 292p. N. Y. C. Kreutzer sonata; tr. by B. R. Tucker. New York, Ogilvie Pub. Co. [clS90]. 143p. N. Y. C. Landed proprietor; Cossacks; Sevastopol; tr. by Leo Wiener. Boston, Estes [cl904]. 52Sp. illus. N. Y. C. Long exile and other stories; tr. by Nathan Haskell Dole. London, Scott, 19-? 363p. N. Y. C. Master and man; tr. by Constancd Garnett. New York, Dutton, 1909. 320p. N. Y. C. More tales from Tolstoi; tr. by R. Nesbit Bain. New York, Brentano, 1903. 316p. port. N. Y. C. Moscow acquaintance and other stories; tr. by Leo Wiener. Boston, Estes [cl904]. 471p. N. Y. C. Resurrection; tr. by A. P. Delano. New York, Crowell [cl911]. 475p. N. Y. C. Russian proprietor, and other stories; tr. by Nathan Haskell Dole. London, Scott, 1887. 349p. N. Y. C. Sevastopol and other military tales; tr. by Louise and Ayl- mer Maude. New York, Funk, 1903. 32op. port. N. Y. C. Twenty-three tales; tr. by Louise and Alymer Maude. New York Funk, 1907. 271p. N. Y. C. War and peace; tr. by Constance Garnett. London, Heinemann, 1904. 3v. N. Y. C. Tschernyshevski, Nikolai Gavrilovich. A vital question; or. What is to be done; tr. by Nathan Haskell Dole. New York, Crowell [cl886]. 462p. N. Y. R. TurgenefiE, Ivan Siegievitch. .^Vt- 'rurj;ene\-, I\an Sergit'evich. Turgenev, Ivan Sergieevich. The brigadier, and other stories; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 277p. N. Y. C. Diary of a superfluous man, and other stories; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 344p. N.Y.C. Fathers and children; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1911. 352p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Fathers and sons. First love, and other stories; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 355p. N. Y. C. A house of gentle folk; tr. by Constance Garnett. London, Macmillan, 1911. 311p. illus. N. Y. Ls. Translated also with title: A nobleman's nest. The Jew, and other stories; tr. by Isabel Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 357p. N. Y. C. 56 Turgenev — continued Liza; or, A noble nest; tr. by W. R. S. Ralston. London, Ward [ISJS-?]. 318d. ilhis. N. Y. R. Translated also with title: A nobleman's nest. Memoirs of sportsman; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1913. 347p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Annals of a sportsman. A nobleman's nest; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 307p. N. Y. C. Translated also with titles: Liza, or,a noble nest; A house of gentle folk. On the eve; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 277p. N. Y. C. A reckless character, and other stories; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 38op. N. Y. C. Smoke; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1912. 310p. N. Y. C. Spring freshets and other stories; tr. by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, Scribner, 1907. 372p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: Spring floods. SPANISH Alargon, Pedro Antonio de. The child of the ball; tr. bv Mary J. Serrano. New York, Cassell [clS92]. 333p. N. Y. C. Moors and Christians; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Cassell [cl891.] 266p. N. Y. C. The strange friend of Tito Gil; tr. by Mrs. Frances J. A. Darr. New York, Lovell, 1890. 1.33p. port. N. Y. R. The tall woman; tr. by Rollo Ogden. (In Maupassant, Guv de. Modern ghosts. New York, Harper [cl890]. p. 79-109.) N. Y. C. Alcala Yafiez y Rivera, Geronimo. Life and adventures of Alonso, the chattering lay brother and servant of many masters. New York, Christy, 1844. 78p. N. Y. R. Aleman, Mateo. Life and adventures of Guzman d'Alfarache; or, The Spanish rogue; tr. by H. Brady. London, Eckler, n. d. 2v. N. Y. R. Bazan, Emilia Pardo. See Pardo-Bazan, Emilia. Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo. Maese Perez, the organist; tr. by Rollo Ogden. (In Mau- passant, Guy de. Modern ghosts. New York, Harper [cl890]. p. 129-53.) N. Y. C. Romantic legends of Spain; tr. by Cornelia Frances Bates and Katherine Lee Bates. New York, Crowell [cl909]. 271p. N. Y. C. Berkow, Karl, pseud. Woe to the conquered; a romance of the Moors in Spain; tr. by H. E. M. Chicago, Rand, 1892. 218p. illus. N. Y. C. Blasco, Ibafiez, Vincente. Blood and sand; tr. by Mrs. W. A. Gillespie. London, Hamilton [cl913]. 343p. N. Y. C. 57 Blasco — continued. Blood and the arena; tr. by Frances Douglas. Chicago, McClurg, 1911. 3S6p. illus. N. Y. Ls. Shadow of the cathedral; tr. by Mrs. W. A. Gillespie. New York, Dutton, 1909. 341 p. N. Y. C. Sonnica; tr. bv Frances Douglas. New York, Duffield, 1912. :«lp. X. Y. C. Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de. The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha; tr. by John Ormsby. New York, Crowell [1913]. 2v. port. illus. N. Y. C. Galdos, Benito Perez. -See Perez (ialdcSs, Benito. Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego. Life of Lazarillo de Tormes, his fortunes and adversities; tr. bv Sir C. R. Markham. New York, Macmillan, 1908. 24p. X. Y. R. Juan Manuel, Infante Don. Tales of the Spanish Bocacio, Count Lucanor; or. The fiftv pleasant stories of Patronio; tr. by J. York. London, Gibbings, 1899. 246p. N. Y. C. Lobeira, Vasco de. Amadis of Gaul; tr. from the version of Garciordoncz De Montalvo by Robert Southey. New York, Scribner, n. d. 3v. X. Y. C. Palacio Valdes, Armando. Fourth estate; tr. bv R. Challice. New York, Collier [cl901] 2v. N. Y. Ls. Froth; tr. by Clara Bell. London, Heinemann, 189L 346p. N. Y. Ls. The grandee; tr. by R. Challice. New York, Peck, 1895. 286p. N. Y. Ls. Jose; tr. by Minna Caroline Smith. New York, Brentano, 1901. 278p. N. Y. C. Joy of Captain Ribot; tr. by Minna Caroline Smith. New York, Brentano, 1900. 276p. N. Y. C. Marquis of Peiialta; a realistic social novel; tr. by Nathan Haskell Dole. New York, Crowell [cl886]. 342p. N. Y. C. Ma.ximina; tr. hv Nathan Haskell Dole. New York, Crowell [cl88G].' 390p. N. Y. Ls. Sister Saint Sulpice; tr. by Nathan Haskell Dole. New York, Crowell [elN90]. 395p. port. N. Y. Ls. Pardo Bazan, Emilia. Angular stone; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Cassell [cl892]. 288p. N. Y. Ls. A Christian woman; tr. by Mary Springer. New York, Cassell [cl891]. 368p. port. N. Y. Ls. Galician girl's romance; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Merschon [cl900]. 33l'p. N. Y. Ls. Midsummer madness; tr. by Amparo Loring. Boston, Clark, 1907. 191p. illus. N. Y. Ls. Mystery of the lost Dauphin (Louis X\T1); tr. by Annabel Hord Seeger. New York, Funk, 19UG. 377p. N. Y. C. A wedding trip; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. X'ew York, Cassell [cl891]. 352p. N. Y. Ls. 58 Perez Escrich, Enrique. The martyr of Golgotha, a picture of Oriental tradition; tr. by A. J. Godoy. New York, Peck, 1887. 2v. K.Y.R. Perez Galdos, Benito. Court of Charles 1\'; a romance of the Escorial; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck, 1888. 295p. N. Y. C. Doiia Perfecta; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Harper [cl896]. 319p. port. N. Y. Ls. Gloria; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck, 1882. 2v. N. Y. Ls. Leon Roch; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck [cl886]. 2v. N. Y. Ls. Marianela; a story of Spanish love; tr. by Helen W. Lester. Chicago, McClurg, 1907. 24.3p. N. Y. Ls. Saragossa; a story of Spanish valor; tr. by Minna Caroline Smith. Boston, Little, 1900. 353p. N. Y. C. Trafalgar; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Peck, 1884. 255p. N. Y. Ls. Rizal, Jose (Spanish-Philippine). The reign of greed; tr. by C. Derbyshire. Manila, Philip- pine Educ. Co. 1912. ' 367p. N. Y. R. The social cancer; tr. by Charles Derbvshire. Manila, Philippine Educ. Co. 1912. o02p. N.'y. R. Trueba y la Quintana, Antonio de. The Cid Campeador; an historical romance; tr. by Henry J. Gill. London, Longman, 1895. 387p. N. Y. R. Valdes, Armando Palacio. See Palacio \'aldes, Armando. Valera, Juan. Commander Mandoza; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Appleton, 1893. 291p. N. Y. Ls. Don Braulio; tr. by Clara Bell. New York, Appleton, 1892. 244p. N. Y. R. Dofia Luz; tr. by Marv J. Serrano. New York, Appleton, 1891. 284p. N. Y.'Ls. Pepita Ximenez; tr. by Mary J. Serrano. New York, Appleton, 1891. 273p. port. N. Y. Ls. SWEDISH Blanche, August. The bandit; tr. by S. Borg. and M. A. Brown. New York, Putnam, 1872. 229p. port. N. Y. R. Bremer, Fredrika. Axel and Anna; tr. by Mary Howitt. (In her: The H — family. London, Longman, 1844. p. 101-178). N. Y. R. Brothers and sisters; tr. by Mary Howitt. New York, Harper [18-?]. 160p. N. Y. R.' The butterfij^'s gospel, and other stories; tr. by Mary Howitt. London, Jackson, 1865. 61p. N. Y. R. Father and daughter; tr. bv Mary Howitt. London, Hall, 1859. 342p. N. Y. R. The H — family; Tralinnan; Axel and Anna and other tales; tr. by Mary Howitt. London, Longman, 1844. 2v. N. Y. R. 59 Bremer — continued Hertha; tr. bv Mary Howitt. London, Hall. 1856. 394p. N. V. R. The home; or. Family cares and family joys; tr. by Mary Howitt. New York, Putnam, 18.50. 449p. N. Y. R. Life in Delecarlia; or, The parsonage of Mora; tr. by Will- iam Howitt. New York, Harper, 1845. 72p. N. Y. R. The midnight sun; tr. by Mary Howitt. New York, Harper, 18—?. 62p. N. Y. R. The neighbors; a stor^^ of everyday life; tr. by Mary Howitt. London, Bell, 1872. 524p. N. Y. C. Nina; tr. by Mary Howitt. (In her; The president's daughters. London, Longman, 1843, v. 2). N. Y. R. The president's daughters, and Nina; tr. by Mary Howitt. London, Longman, 184.''5. .3v. N. Y. R. Treilinnan; tr. by Mary Howitt. (In her: The H — family. London. Longman, 1S44. lOOp.). N. Y. R. Carlen, Emilie Flygare. The brilliant marriage. London, Ward, n. d. 195p. N. Y. R. The home in the vallev; tr. by E. Perce. New York, Scribner, 1854. 207p! N. Y. R. Ivar; or, The skjutes-boy; tr. by A. L. Krause. New York, Harper, 1852. 114p. N. Y. R. The rose of Tistelon; tr. by Mary Howitt. New York, Colyer, 1844. 128p. N. Y. R. The smugglers of the Swedish coast; tr. by G. C. Hebbe and H. C. Deming. New York, Winchester, 1844. 162p. N. Y. R. The temptation of wealth; or. The heir by primogeniture; tr. bv G. C. Hebbe. New York, Muller. 1846. 158p. N. y". R. The whimsical woman; tr. by E. Perce. New York, Scribner, 1854. 251 p. N. Y. R. Janson, Gustav. Pride of the war; tr. from the Swedish original "Lognerna." London, Sidgwick, 1912. 350p. N. Y. C. Jensen, Wilhelm. Karine; a story of Swedish love; tr. by Emma A. Endlich. Chicago, McClurg, 1896. 21 Ip. N. Y. C. Lagerlof , Selma Ottiliana Lovisa. From a Swedish homestead; tr. by J. Brechner. New York, McClure, 1901. 376p. N. Y. C. Further adventures of Nils; tr. by Velma Swanston Howard. New York, Doubleday, 1911. 339p. N. Y. C. The girl from the marsh croft and other stories; tr. by Velma S.Howard. Boston, Little, 1910. 277p. N. Y. C Invisible links; tr. by Pauline Bancroft Flach. Boston, Little, 1910. 286p. illus. N. Y. C. Jerusalem; tr. by Velma Swanston Howard. New York, Doubleday, 1915. 342p. N. Y. C. Liliecrona's home; tr. by Anna Barwell. New York, Dutton, 1914. 269p. N. Y. C. The miracles of Antichrist; tr. by Pauline Bancroft Flach. Boston, Little, 1899. 378p. N. Y. C. 60 Lagerlof — • continued The story of Gosta Berling; tr. by Pauline Bancroft Flach. Boston, Little, 1898. 473p. N. Y. C. The wonderful adventures of Nils; tr. by Velma Swanston Howard. London, Bird, 1909. 430p. illus. N. Y. C. Rydberg-, Viktor. The last Athenian; tr. by William W. Thomas, Jr. Phil- adelphia, Peterson, 1883. 555p. N. Y. R. Singoalla; tr. by A. Josephsson. New York, Grafton Press [cl903]. 210p. illus. N. Y. R. Schwartz, Mrs. Marie Sophie. Guilt and innocence; tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. Boston, Lee, 1871. 294p. N. Y. R. The right one; tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. Boston, Lee, 1871. 313p. N. Y. R. Two family mothers; tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. Boston, Lee. 1872. 217p. N. Y. R. The wife of a vain man; tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. Boston, Lee, 1871. 156p. N. Y. R. Strindberg, August. By the open sea; tr. by EUie Schleussner. New York, Huebsch, 1913. 324p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title : On the seaboard. The confession of a fool; tr. by Ellie Schleussner. Boston, Small, 1913. 319p. N. Y. R. Easter, and other stories; tr. by Velma Swanston Howard. Cincinnati, Stewart, 1912. 269p. port. N Y. C. The growth of a soul; tr. by Claud Field. London, Rider, 1913. 252p. N. Y. R. In midsummer days and other stories; tr. by Ellie Schleuss- ner. London, Latimer, 1913. 176p. N. Y. C. Married, twenty stories of married life; tr. by Ellie Schleuss- ner. Boston, Luce, 1913. 412p. N. Y. R. On the seaboard; a novel of the Baltic Islands; tr. by Elizabeth Clarke Westergren. Cincinnati, Stewart, 1913. 300p. N. Y. C. Translated also with title: By the open sea. The red room; tr. by Ellie Schleussner. New York, Putnam, 1913. 393p. N. Y. C. Topelius, Zakarias. Times of Alchemy. Chicago, McClurg, 1884. 331p. N. Y. R. Times of battle and rest; an historical romance of the times of Charles X and XL Chicago, McClurg, 1883. 393p. N. Y. R. Times of Charles XII. Chicago, McClurg, 1884. 349p. N. Y. R. Times of Frederick I. Chicago, McClurg, 1884. 370p. N. Y. R. Times of Gustaf Adolf; historical romance of the 30 years war. Chicago, McClurg, 1888. 341p. N. Y. R. Times of Linnaeus. Chicago, McClurg, 1884. 394p. N. Y. R. 61 YIDDISH Frank, Helena, tr. Yiddish tales; tr. by Helena Frank. Phil. Jewish Publica- tion Society of America, 1912. 599p. N. Y. C. 62 LIST OF TITLES ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT Language designated after each author Abbe Constantin. Halevy, L. Fr. Abbe Daniel. Theuriet, A. Fr. Abbe Tigrane. Fabre, F. Fr. Abdallah. Laboulaye-Lefebvre, E. R. Fr. Absolution. Cohn, C. (Viebig). Ger. Adieu. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Raspe, R. E. Ger. Adventures of Count George Albert of Erbach. Kraus, E. Ger. Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. LeSage, A. R. Fr. The adventurous Simplicissimus. Gremmelshausen, H. J. C. von. Ger. Adventures of Telemachus. Fenelon, F. de la Mothe. Fr. Afraja. Miigge, T. Ger. After the pardon. Serao, M. Ital. Against the stream. Charles, E. R. (Mrs. A. Charles.) Ger. Agenor de Mauleon. Dumas, A. Fr. Ailette. Feuillet, O. Fr. Albert Savarus. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Alberto. Amicis, E. de. Ital. Alkahest. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Aloys. Auerbach, B. Ger. Alpine fay. Werner, E. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. Amadis of Gaul. Lobeira, V. de. Span. The Amazon. Dingelstedt, F. von. Ger. The Amazon. Vosmar, C. Dutch. The American gun club. Verne, J. Fr. American nobility. Coulevain, P. de. ps. Fr. Andrea. Michaelas, K. Dan. Andreas Hofer. Mulbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Andree de Travernav. See Comtesse de Charny. Dumas, A. Fr. Ange Pitou. Dumas, A. Fr. Angular stone. Pardo-Bazan, E. Span. Anna Karenina. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Annals of a sportsman. See Memoirs of a sportsman. Tur- genev, I. S. Rus. Another study of woman. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Antigone and other portraits of women. Bourget, P. Fr. Antoinette; or. The Marl-pit mystery. Ohnet, G. Fr. April's lady. Violet, J. Fr. 63 Arachne. Ebers, G. M. Ger. (The) Argonauts. Orzesko, E. Pol. Armageddon 190. Seestern, ps. (F. Graufott). Ger. Arne. Bjornson, B. N'or. Around the world in eighty days. \'erne, J. Fr. Arsene Lupin versus Holmlock Shears. Leblanc, M. Fr. Art of choosing a husband. Mantegazza, P. Ital. The artist's married life. Schefer, L. Ger. Artists' wives. Daudet, A. Fr. Ascanio. Dumas, A. Fr. Aslauga and her knight. La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K. de. Ger. Aspasia. Hamerling, R. Ger. Aspirations of Jean Servien. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. At odds. Tautphoeus, J. (M.) von. Ger. At the altar. Werner, E. ps. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. At the councillor's. Marlitt, E. ps. (E. John). Ger. At the sign of the Cat and Racket. Balzac, H. de. Fr. At the sign of the Reine Pedauque. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Atala. Chateaubrand, F. A. R. de. Fr. Atheist's mass. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Atlantis. Hauptmann, G. Ger. (An) attic jihilosopher. Souvestre, E. Fr. Aucassin and Nicolette. Fr. Autumn glory and other stories. Bazin, R. Fr. Autumn manoeuvres. Halevy, L. Fr. The awakening. Bordeaux. H. Fr. Axel and Anna. Bremer, F". Swed. A bachelor's establishment. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Back to the world. Champol, F. Fr. Balaoo. Leroux, G. Fr. Ball of snow. Dumas, A. Fr. Balsamo, the magician. Dumas, A. Fr. Balthasar. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. The bandit. Blanche, A. Swed. Banned and blessed. Werner, E. ps. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. Barbara Blomberg. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Baron Trigault's vengeance. Gaboriau, E. Fr. The baron's sons. Jokai, M. Hun. (The) barrier. Bazin, R. Fr. Bartek the conqueror. Sienkiewicz, H. In Tales of Polish authors, Benecke, E. C. M. tr. Pol. (The) basket of fiowers. Schniid, J. C. von. Ger. Bastard of Mauleon. See Agcnor de Mauleon. Dumas, A. Fr. Beatrice Cenci. Guerrazzi, F. D. Ital. Beatrix and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Beau Trancrede. See Sylvandire. Dumas, A. Fr. Beaumarchais. Brachvogel, A. E. Ger. Behind a mask; or, Numa Roumestan. Daudet, A. Fr. Behind the counter. Hacklander, F. W. von. Ger. Bel-ami. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. La Belle-Nivernaise and other stories. Daudet, A. Fr. 64 Berlin and Sans-Souci. Muhlbach, L. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Bertha. Bolanden, C. von., pseud. Ger. Bertram family. Charles, E. R. (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. The bet and other stories. Chekhov, A. P. Rus. The betrothed. Manzoni, A. Ital. Black, the story of a dog. Dumas, A. Fr. Black diamonds. Jokai, M. Hun. Black forest village stories. Auerbach, B. Ger. (The) black monk and other stories. Chekhov, A. P. Rus. Black tulip. Dumas, A. Fr. Blanche de Beaulieu. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) blind musician. Korolenko, V. Rus. (The) blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann and Chatrian, A. Fr. (The) blonde lady. Leblanc, M. Fr. Blood and sand. Blasco-Ibafiez, V. Span. Blood and the arena. Blasco-Ibafiez, V. Span. Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. See The Latin Quarter. Murger, H. Fr. Book of pity and of death. Loti, P. ps. (L. M. J. Viaud). Fr. (The) bridal march. Bjornson, B. Nor. Bride of the Nile. Ebers, G. M. Ger. (The) brigadier and other stories. Turgenev, L S. Rus. (The) brigand and other stories. Dumas, A. Fr. Brigitta. Auerbach, B. Ger. (The) brilliant marriage. Carlen, E. F. Swed. Broken chains. Werner, E. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. Broken chains. Werner, E. ps. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. (The) brotherhood of consolation. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Brothers and sisters. Bremer, F. Swed. The brothers Karamazov. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. The Buchholz family. Stinde, J. Ger. Bug-jargal. Hugo, V. M. Fr. Bureaucracy. Balzac, H. de. Fr. The burgomaster's family. Muller, C. Dutch. The burgomaster's wife. Ebers, G. M. Ger. The butterfly's gospel. Bremer, F. Swed. By faith alone. Bazin, R. Fr. By the open sea. Strindberg, A. Swed. The cabin book. Sealsiield, C. ps. (K. Postel). Ger. Cameron of Lochiel. See Canadians of old. Gaspe, P. A. de. Fr. The Campaner thai. Richter, J. P. F. Ger. Canadians of old. Gaspe, P. A. de. Fr. Candide. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Fr. Captain Fracasse. Gautier, T. Fr. Captain Mausana. Bjornson, B. Nor. Captive of the Roman Eagle. Dahn, F. Ger. Carleno. Rufifini, G. D. Ital. Carmen. Merimee, P. Fr. Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss, A. F. K. Ger. Catherine de Medici. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Caught in the net. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Celebrated crimes. Dumas, A. Fr. Cesar Birotteau. Balzac, H. de. Fr. 65 Cesaritie Dietrich. Sand, G. Fr. Chakk'an inaKician. Eckstein. E. Ger. Champdoce mystery. Gaboriau, E. Fr. (The) Chartreuse of Parma. Stcndiial, de, ps. (M. H. Beyle). Fr. Chauvelin's will. See Monsieur de C'hauxelin's will. Dumas, A. Fr. Chelkash and other stories. Gorki, M. ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). Rus. Chevalier. See Chevalier de Masion-Rouge. Dumas, A. Fr. Chevalier d'Harmental. See Conspirators. Dumas, A. Fr. Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Dumas, A. Fr. Chicot, the jester. See La dame de Monsoreau. Dumas, A. Fr. Chief justice. Franzos, K. E. Ger. (The) child of the ball. Alcaron. P. A. de. Span. Childhood, boyhood, and youth. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Children of Alsace. Bazin, R. Fr. Children of the soil. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Children of the world. Heyse, P. Ger. Child's romance. Loti, P. ps. (L. M. J. Viaud). (The) choice of life. Maeterlinck, G. (L.). Belgian. (The) Chouans and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Christ in Flanders. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (A) christian woman. Pardo-Bazan, E. Span. Chronicle of the Schonbergcotta family. Charles, E. (R.). (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. (The) chukchee. vSieroszewski, W. In more Polish tales. Bcnecke, E. C. M. Pol. (The) Cid Campeador. Trueba y la Quintana, A. de. Span. Cinq-Mars. Vigny, A. V. de. Fr. (The) Circassian boy. Lermontov, M. J. Rus. Circus rider's daughter. Brackel, F. M. T. de. Hun. Citizen of Prague. Paalzow, H. von. Ger. Claude Guex. Hugo, V. Fr. Cleopatra. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Cleopatra. Greville, H. ps. (Mme. A. M. C. F. Durand). Fr. (The) Clique of gold. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Colomba. Merimee, P. Fr. Colonel Chabert. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Comedies played gratis. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) cipher dispatch. Byr. R. ps. Ger. Comedy of sentiment. Nordau, M. S. Ger. (The) coming conquest of England. Niemann, A. H. A. Ger. (The) coming harvest. Bazin, R. P'r. Commander Mandoza. Valera, J. Span. Commission in lunacy. Balzac, H. de. P"r. (A) common stor3^ Goncharov, I. A. Rus. Companions of Jehu. Dumas, A. Fr. Company of Jehu. See Companions of Jehu. Dumas, A. Fr. Comtesse de Charny. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) confession. Gorki, M. ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). (The) confession of a child of the century. Musset, A. de. Fr. Confession of a fool. Striniibcrg, A. Swed. 66 Confessions of Arsene Lupin. Leblanc, M. Fr. (The) confidantes of a king. Goncourt, E. L. A. H. de and Goncourt, J. de. Fr. Conquering and to conquer. Charles, E. R. (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. (The) conquest of Rome. Serao, M. Ital. (The) conscript. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fr. Conspirators. Dumas, A. Fr. Consuelo. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Conv'icts and their children. Auerbach, B. Ger. Corinne. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. (Necker) de. Fr. Corsican brothers. See She wolves of Machcoul. Dumas, A. Fr. Cosmopolis. Bourget, P. Fr. (The) cossacks. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, V. Fr. (The) Count of Monte-Cristo. Dumas, A. Fr. Count Silvius. Horn, G. Ger. Count's millions. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Countess Erika's apprenticeship. Kirschner, L. (O. Schubin, ps.). Ger. Countess Gisela. Marlitt, E. ps. (E. John). Ger. Countess Janina. Taube, G. G. Rus. Countess Loreley. Menger, R. Ger. Countess of Rudolstadt. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Country doctor. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Country parson. See Village rector. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Country in danger. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fr. Court of Charles IV. Perez-Galdos, B. Span. Cousin Bette. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Cousin Pons. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Crainquebille. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Crime and punishment. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Crimes of Ah Pacha. Dumas, A. Fr. Crimes of the Marquise de Brinvilliers. Dumas, A. Fr. Cripple of Antioch. Charles, E. (R.). (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. Crop-eared Jacquet. Dumas, A. Fr. Crystal stopper. Leblanc, M. Fr. Cuore. Amicis, E. de. Ital. The cure's mignontte. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Dame care. Sudermann, H. Ger. La dame de Monsoreau. Dumas, A. Fr. Daughter of a Regent. See Regent's daughter. Dumas, A. Fr. Daughter of an empress. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Daughter of Eve. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Davidee Birot. Bazin, R. Fr. Day of wrath. Jokai, M. Hun. The dead guest. Zschokke, J. H. D. Ger. Dead souls. Gogol, N. V. Rus. Dear experiences. Ruffini, G. D. Ital. Death of a nobody. Remains, J. Fr. 67 Death of Araniis. See Son of Porthos. Dumas, A. Fr. Death of Iviin Ilich. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Debit and credit. Freytag, G. Ger. Debts of honor. Jokai, M. Hun. (The) Decameron. Boccaccio, G. Ital. (The) deeps of deliverance. Eeden, F. \V. van. Dutch. Defiant hearts. Heimberg, W. ps. (B. Behrens). Ger. (The) deluge. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Deputy of Arcis. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Deserted woman. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) detective's triumph. See The honor of the name. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Devil's pool. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. (The) devil's portrait. Barrili, A. G. Ital. Diana of Meridor. See La dame de Monsoreau. Dumas, A. Fr. Diana of Poitiers. See Two Dianas. Dumas, A. Fr. Diary of a madman. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. Diary of a poor young lady. Nathusius, M. S. Ger. Diary of a superfluous man. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. (The) diary of a woman. Feuillet, O. Fr. Diary of Brother Bartholomew. Charles, E. (R.) (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Charles, E. R. (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. Diary of the H family. Bremer, F. Swed. Dick Sands. Verne, J. Fr. (A) delemma. Andreyev, L. Rus. (The) disaster. Margueritte, P. and Margueritte, V. Fr. (The) disciple. Bourget, P. Fr. Disenchanted. Loti, P. ps. (L. M. J. \'iaud). Fr. (A) distinguished provincial at Paris. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (A) divided heart. Heyse, P. Ger. (A) divorce. Bourget, P. Fr. Doctor Antonio. Ruffini, G. D. Ital. Dr. Dumany's wife. Jokai, M. Hun. Doctor Pascal. Zola, E. Fr. Dr. Rameau. Ohnet, G. F'r. Domestic dramas. Bourget, P. Fr. Dona Luz. \'alera, J. Span. Doiia Perfecta. Perez-Galdos, B. Span. Don Braulio. Valera, J. Span. Dosia. Greville, H. ps. (Mme. A. M. C. F. Durand). Fr. Double life. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) downfall. Zola, E. Fr. (The) downward path. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Drama on the seashore. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) Draytons and the Davenants. Charles, E. (R.) (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. Duchess de Langeais. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) duel. Kuprin, A. Rus. Dust. Bjornson, B. Nor. Eagle's talons. Ohnet, G. Fr. (The) early dawn. Charles. E. (R.). (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. (The) earth and the fullness thereof. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. 68 Easter and other stories. Strindberg. Swed. (The) eccentric. Zschokke, J. H. D. Ger. Edelweiss. Auerbach, B. Ger. (An) Egyptian princess. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Egyptian tales. Petrie, W. M. F. Egypt. (The) Eichhofs. Bethusy-Huc, V. R. Ger. 813. Leblanc, M. Fr. Ekkehard. Scheffel, J. V. von. Ger. El verdugo. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Elaine. Craven, P. M. A. A. (Ferron de La Ferronays). Fr. Elixir of life. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Elizabeth Koett. Bartsch, R. H. Ger. Elizabeth. Cottin, S. R. Fr. Elsie. Kielland, A. L. Nor. Emanuel Philibert. See Page of the Duke of Savoy. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) Emperor. Ebers. G. M. Ger. (The) Empress Josephine. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. En route. Huysmans, J. K. Fr. Episode under the terror. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Erlach Court. Kirschner, L. (O. Schubin). Ger. Esarhaddon. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Espiscopo and company. Annunzio, G.d'. Ital. Eugene Grandet. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Eve triumphant. Coulevain, P. de. ps. Fr. Evenings in little Russia. Gogol, N. V. Rus. Exiles. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Exploits of Arsene Lupin. Leblanc, M. Fr. Eyes like the sea. Jokai, M. Hun. Facino Cane. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Fadette. See Fanchon the cricket. Sand, G. ps. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Fair Abigail. Heyse, P. Ger. Fame and sorrow. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Family feud. Harder, L. Ger. Famished cat. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Fanchon the cricket. Sand, G. ps. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Father and daughter. Bremer, F. Swed. Fathers and sons. 5?e Fathers and children. Turgenev% L S. Rus. Father Goriot. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Father Sergius. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Fathers and children. Turgenev, L S. Rus. (The) fear of living. Bordeaux, H. Fr. Felicitas. Dahn, F. Ger. Ferragus, chief of the Devorants. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Fiftj- years, three months, two days. Wolff, J. Ger. (A) fight for freedom. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. File No. 113. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Fioraccio. Magherini-Graziani, G. Ital. Fire and flame. Scheucking, C. B. L. Ger. Fire and sword. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. First love. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. First republic. Dumas, A. Fr. 69 (The) fisher lassie. Bjornson, B. Nor. (A) fishing excursion. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. Five weeks in a balloon. Verne, J. Fr. Flemish life. Conscience, H. Flemish. Fleurange. Craven, P. M. A. A. (Ferron de La Ferronays). Fr. Florian Mayr. Walzogen, E. von. Ger. Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. Richter, J. P. F. Ger. (The) fool in Christ. Hauptmann, G. Ger. Footprints beneath the snow. Bordeaux, H. Fr. For a woman's sake. Wachenhausen, H. Ger. For daily bread. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Forbidden. See Nikanor, Greville, H. ps. (Mme. A. M. C. F. Durand). Fr. (The) forerunner. Merezhkovski, D. S. Rus. Forest farm. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. (The) forest laugh. Heyse, P. Ger. (The) forest school master. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. (The) forged coupon. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. For my name's sake. Champol, F. Fr. For the right. Franzos, K. E. Ger. Forma Godyeeff. Gorki, M. ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). Rus. Forty-five. See Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas, A. Fr. Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas, A. Fr. Four phases of love. Heyse, P. Ger. Fourth estate. Palacio-Valdes, A. Span. Frangois the waif. Sand, G. ps. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Frederic and the falcon. Boccaccio, G. Ital. Frederick the Great and his court. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt. Ger. Frederick the Great and his family. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Friend Fritz. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fr. From a Swedish homstead. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. From hand to hand. Frederich, Mrs. B. (H.). (G. Raimund, ps.) (G. Dannenberg, ps.) Ger. From the earth to the moon. Verne, J. Fr. Fromont and Risler. Daudet, A. Fr. The frontier. Leblanc, M. Fr. The frontiers of the heart. Margueritte, V. Fr. Froth. Palacio-Valdes, A. Span. The fur country. Verne, J. Fr. Further adventures of Nils. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. Galama. Liefdc, J. Dutch. Galician girl's romance. Pardo-Bazan, E. Span. Gallery of Antiquities. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Gambara. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Geier-Wally. Hillern, Frau W. von. Ger. The German emigrants. Dietrich, Dr. Ger. German tales. Auerbach, B. Ger. Germelshausen, Gerstacker, F. Ger. Gertrude and L Hesse, H. Ger. The giant raft. \'ernc, J. Fr. Girl from the marshcroft. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. Girl with the golden eyes. Balzac, H. de. F"r. 70 Gloria. Perez Galdos, B. Span. Gobseck. Balzac, H. de. Fr. The gods are athirst. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. The God seeker. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. Goethe and Schiller. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Gold Elsie. Marlitt, E. ps. (E. John). Ger. The Gondreville mystery. Balsac, H. de. Fr. Good luck. Werner, E. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. Gospel stories. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Grande Breteche. Balzac, H. de. Fr. The grandee. Palacio-Valdes, A. Span. Grave-yard flower. Hillern, W. von. Ger. Graziella. Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Fr. A great lady. Dewall, J. von. ps. (A. Kuhene). Ger. Great man of the provinces in Paris. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Green book. Jokai, M. Hun. Green gate. Wichert, E. Grenadiere. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Gretchen's joys and sorrows. Helm, C. Ger. Grisley suiter. Wedekind, F. Ger. Growth of a soul. Strindberg, A. Swed. Guilt and innocence. Schwartz. Mrs. M. S. Swed. Guilty man. Coppee, F. Fr. The H family. Bremer, F. Swed. The Habermeister. Schmid, H. T. von. Ger. Hadji Murad. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Half-brothers. See Agenor de Mauleon. Dumas, A. Fr. Handsome Lawrence. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Hania. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Hans of Iceland. Hugo, V. M. Fr. A happy boy. Bjornson, B. Nor. The happy-go-lucky. Eichendorff, J. K. B. von. Ger. Happy humanity. Eeden, F. W. Van. Dutch. Harlot's progress. Sf^ Fame and sorrow. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Hated son. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Head of the family. Daudet, A. Fr. Heart of life. Coulevain, P. de ps. Fr. The heart of the Northern sea. Prydz, A. Nor. Heidi, Spyri, J. Ger. Henry Vn I and his court. Muhlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. The heretic. Laietchnikoff, I. I. Rus. The heritage of the Kurts. Bjornson, B. Nor. A hero of our time. Lermontov. M. J. Rus. A hero of the pen. Werner, E. ps. (E. Burstenbinder.) Ger. Hertha. Bremer, F. Swed. Hidden masterpiece. Balzac, H. de. Fr. An historical mystery and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. History of a crime. Hugo, V. M. Fr. Holyland. Frenssen, G. Ger. The hollow needle. Leblanc, M. Fr. The home in the valley. Carlen, E. F. Swed. The home; or, Familj' cares and family joys. Bremer, F. Swed. 71 Homo sum. Ebers, G. M. Gcr. Tlic honor of the name. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Honorine. Balzac, H. de. Fr. The horla. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. The horoscope. Dumas, A. Fr. Tlie house. Bordeaux, II. Fr. The house by the medlar-tree. Vcrga, G. Ital. A house of gentle folk. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. The house of the unbelieving Thomas. Hcyse, P. Ger. How a bride was won. Gerstacker, F. Ger. Hulda. Lewald, F. Ger. Hungarian nabob. Jokai, M. Hun. The hunter of the Alps. Ballerini, R. Ital. An Iceland fisherman. Loti, P., ps. (L. M. J. \iaud). Fr. The idiot. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. Idylls of a Dutch Village. Ulfers, S. Dutch. Illustrious Guadissart. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Immensee. Storm, T. W. Ger. (The) immortal and other stories. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) improvisatore. Andersen, H. C Dan. In autumn. Sieroszewski, W. In Tales by Polish authors. Benecke, E. C. M., tr. Pol. In desert and wilderness. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. In midsummer days and other stories. Strindberg, A. Swed. In paradise. Heyse, P. Ger. In peril of his life. Gaboriau, E. Fr. In sacrifice to the gods. Sieroszewski, W. Pol. In the Blue Pike. Ebers, G. M. Ger. In the days of serfdom and other stories. Tolstoi, L. X. Rus. In the desert. Ebers, G. M. Ger. In the fire of the forge. Ebers, G. M. Ger. In the Schillingscourt. Marlitt, E., ps. (E. John). Ger. In the year '13. Renter, F. Ger. In vain. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. (The) ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. Sjian. Inge. F"reytag, G. Ger. Ingraban. Freytag, G. Ger. Initials. Tautphocus, J. (M.) von. Ger. I. N. R I. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. (The) insulted and the injured. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. (The) invasion of France in 1814. Erckmann, E. and Chat- rian, A. Fr. In\isible links. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. (The) invisible lodge. Richter, J. P. F. Ger. Iron hand. See Agenor de Mauleon. Dumas, A. Fr. Ironmaster. Ohnet, G. Fr. (The) iron year. Bloem, W. Ger. Isabella Orsini. Guerrazzi, F. D. Ital. Ivar; or. The skjutes-boy. Carlen, E. F. Swed. Jack, Dauilet, A. Fr. Jacques. Sand, G. ps. (Mme. Dudevant.) Fr. Jealousies of a country town and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Jean and Louise. Dusserre, A. Fr. 72 Jean Bernj-, sailor. Loti, P., ps. (L. M. J. Maud). Jean-Christophe. Rolland, R. Fr. Jean Gilles, schoolboy. Lafon, A. Fr. Jean Teterol's idea. Cherburiez, \'. Fr. Jean or Sedan. Beyerlein, F. A. Ger. Jerusalem. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. Jesus Christ in Flanders. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) Jew. Krascewski, J. I. Pol. (The) Jew and other stories. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. Jewish tales. Sacher-Masoch, L. von. Ger. (The) Jews of Barnow. Franzos, K. E. Ger. (The) Jews of Verona. Bresciani, A. Ital. Joachim V. Kamern. Nathusius, M. S. Ger. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and England. Charles, E. (R.) Mrs. A. Charles. Ger. Jocasta. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Joffre chaps and some others. Mille, P. Fr. John Milton and his times. Ring, M. Ger. Jorn Uhl. Frenssen, G. Ger. Jose. Palacio-\'aldes, A. Span. Joseph Balsamo. See Balsamo the magician. Dumas, A. Fr. Joseph Noirel's revenge. Cherbuliez, \'. Fr. Joseph II and his court. Miihlbach, L. Ger. Joshua. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Joy of Captain Ribot. Palacio-\'aldes, A. Span. Juana and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Karine. Jensen, VV. Swed. Katya. Jessen, F. C. \-on. Dan. (The) keynote. Chateaubriant, A. de. Fr. King of the mountains. About, E. F. V. Fr. Kings in exile. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) kiss and other stories. Chekhov, A. P. Rus. Klaus Heinrich Baas. Frenssen, G. Ger. Knight of Mauleon. See Agenor de Mauleon. Dumas, A. Fr. Knights of the cross. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Kreutzer sonata. Tolstoi, L. K. Rus. Labor, Zola, E. Fr. Lady of Monsoreau. See La dame de Monsoreau. Dumas, A. 'Fr. (The) lady with the camillias. Dumas, A. Fr. Lady with the rubies. Marlitt, E., ps. (E.John). Ger. (The) lake shore. Souvestre, E. Fr. (The) land of Cockayne. Serao, M. Ital. Landed proprietor. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Landolin. Auerbach, B. Ger. Lapsed but not lost. Charles, E. R. (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. (The) last Aldini. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. (The) last Athenian. Rydberg, V. Swed. Last days of a condemned. Hugo, V. M. Fr. (The) last incarnation of Vautrin. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Last vendee. See She-wolves of Machecoul. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) later life. Couperus, L. M. A. Dutch. (The) Latin Quarter. Murger, H. Fr. Lavinia. Rufifini, G. S. D. Ital. Lay down your arms. Suttner, B. F. S. K. von. Ger. 73 Leaves from a family journal. Souvestre, E. Fr. Leila. Fogazzaro, A. Ital. Leon Roch. Perez Galdos, B. Span. Lerouge Case. Gaboriau, E. Fr. (The) lesser bourgeoisie. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Let us follow him. Sienkicuicz, H. Pol. Letters from my mill. Daudet, A. Fr. Letters from the underworld. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. Letters to an absent one. Daudet, A. Fr. Lichtenstein. Hauff, W. Ger. Life and adventures of Alonso. Alcala Yaiiez y Rivera, G. Span. Life and adventures of Guzmand' Alfarache. Aleman, M. Span. Life and death and other legends. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Life in a German crack regiment. Baudissin, W. E. H. E. von. Ger. Life in Delecarlia. Bremer, F. Swed. Life in the new world. Sealsfield, C, ps. (K. Postel). Ger. Life of Lazarillo de Tormes. Hurtado de Mendoza, D. Span. (The) light eternal. Rosegger, P. K. Ger. Liliecrona's home. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. (The) lily of the valley. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Lionello. Bresciani, A. Ital. (The) Lion of Flanders. Conscience, H. Flemish. Lion of Janina. Jokai, M. Hun. (The) little angel. Andreyev, L. Little barefoot boy. Auerbach, B. Ger. (A) little garrison. Bilse, O. F. Ger. Little good-for-nothing. See Little What's his name. Dau- det, A. Fr. Little Grey, the Nordjford. Lie, G. Nor. Little Lizbeth. Heyse, P. Ger. Little moorland princess. Marlitt, E. ps. (E. John). Little parish church. Daudet, A. Fr. Little What's-his-name. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) lives, heroick deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his Sonne Pantagruel. Rabelais, F. Fr. Liza: or, a Noble nest. Turgenev, L S. Rus. (A) lonely house. Streckfuss, A. F. K. Ger. Long exile. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Lonkis Laras. Bikelas, M. Greek. Lorenzo; or. The conscript. Bresciani, A. Ital. (The) lost despatch. Friedrich-Friedrich, E. (E. von Rhoden, ps.) Ger. Lost illusions. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) lost manuscript. Freytag, G. Ger. Louise do V'alliere. Dumas, A. Fr. Louis Lambert. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Louisa of Prussia and her times. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Lourdes. Zola, E. Fr. Lov^e and conspiracy. See Conspirators. Dumas, A. Fr. (A) love crime. Bourget, P. Fr. Love in a mask; Balzac, H. de. Fr. 74 Lucien de Rubempre. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Luther in Rome. Scheucking, C. B. L. Ger. Lying love. Farina, S. Ital.^ Maciej the Mazur. Szymanski, A. In more Polish tales. Benecke, E. C. M. tr. Pol. Madame Bovary. Flaubert, G. Fr. Madame Chrysantheme. Loti, P. ps. (L. M. J. Viaud). Fr. Madame de Mailly and other stories. Dumas, A. Fr. Madame Firmiani, Balzac, H. de. Fr. Madame Therese. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fr. Madaleine. Sandeau, J. Fr. Maese Perez, the organist. Becquer, G. A. Span. Magdalena. Marlitt, E. ps. (E.John). Ger. Magic ring. La Motte-Fouque, H. K. de. Ger. Magic skin and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Magnhild. Bjornson, B. Nor. Maidens of the rocks. Annunzio, G. d'. Ital. Maitre Cornelius. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Majesty. Couperus, L. M. A. Dutch. Makar's dream. Korolenko, \'. Rus. Man in the iron mask. Dumas, A. Fr. Man of business. Balzac, H. d. Fr. Man of the world. Fogazzaro, A. Ital. Man with the broken ear. About, E. F. V. Fr. Man who laughs. Hugo, V. M. Fr. (The) man who was afraid. Gorki, M. ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). Rus. (The) mantle and other stories. Gogol, N. V. Rus. (The) Marannos. Philippson, L. Ger. (The) Marchioness. Feuillet, O. Fr. Margaret of Nav-arre. See Marguerite de Valois. Dumas, A. Fr. Margery. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Marguerite de Valois. Dumas, A. Fr. Marianela. Perez Galdos, B. Span. Marianne. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Marie. Pushkin, A. S. Rus. Marie Antoinette and her son. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Marie-Claire. Audoux, M. Fr. Marquis de Villemer. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Marquis of Peiialta. Palacio-Valdes, A. Span. Marriage contract. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Marriage of Mademoiselle Gimel. Bazin, R. Fr. (A) marriage settlement. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Married, twenty stories of married life. Strindberg, A. Swed. (The) martyr of Golgotha. Perez, E. E. Span. Mary. Bjornson, B. Nor. Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. Meinhold, G. W. Ger. Mary Stuart, queen of the Scots. Dumas, A. Fr. Massimilla Doni. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Master and man. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Master mosaic workers. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Master motive. Angers, F. Fr. 75 Matrimonial agent. Winterfekl. A. von. Ger. Maiipret. Sand, G. (Mme. Diidevant). Fr. Max Havelaar. Dekker, E. D. (Multatuli, ps.). Maximina. Palacio-\'aldes, A. Span. Melmoth absolved. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Melmoth reconciled. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Member of Arcis. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Memoirs of a physician. Dumas, A. Fr. Memoirs of a sportsman. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. Memoirs of two young married women. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Memories. Muller, M. Ger. Merchant of Antwerp. Conscience, H. Dutch. Merchant of Berlin. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. (The) Mesmerist's victim. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) message. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Meta Holdenis. Cherbuliez, \'. Fr. Michael Strogoff. \'erne, J. Fr. Mid-day magic. Heyse, P. Ger. Middle classes. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Midnight sun. Bremer, F. Swed. Midst the wild Carpathians. Jokai. M. Hun. Midsummer madness. Pardo Bazan, E. Span. Milady's son. See Twenty years after. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) miller of Angibault. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. (The) miracles of Antichrist. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. Les miserables. Hugo, V. M. Fr. Miss Rovel. Cherbuliez, V. Fr. (A) modern Midas. Jokai, M. Hun. Modeste Mignon. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Alohammed Ali and his house. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Molomba. Fogazzaro, A. Ital. Monday tales and other stories. Daudet, A. Fr. Monica and other stories. Bourget, P. Fr. (A) monk of the Aventine. Eckstein, E. Ger. Monsieur de Chauvelin's will. Dumas, A. F"r. Monsieur Lecoq. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Monsieur Sylvestre. Sand, G. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Moors and Christians. Alarcon, P. A. de. Span. More tales. Tolstoi, N. L. Rus. More tales by Polish authors. Beneke, E. C. M. tr. Pol. Moscow acquaintance. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Mother. Gorki, M. ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). Rus. (The) muse of the department. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Must it be? Detlef, K. ps. (C. Bauer). Ger. My dear friend Malta. Quinius, A. Ger. My friend's book. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. My little boy. Ewald, C. Dan. My uncle and my cure. La Brete, J. de., ps. Fr. Mysteries of Paris. Sue, M. J. E. Fr. Mysterious island. Verne, J. Fr. Mystery of Lucien Delerme. Tcramond, G. de. Fr. Mystery of Orcival. Gaboriau, E. Fr. Mystery of the lost Dauphin. Pardo Bazan, E. Span. 76 (The) nabob. Daudet, A. Fr. Nameless castle. Jokai, M. Hun. Nami-ko. Tokutomi, K. Japanese. Nannette's marriage. Marechal, M. Fr. Nanon. See War of woman. Dumas, A. Napoleon and Blucher. Muhlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. Muhlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. (The) necklace and other stories. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. (The) neighbors. Bremer, F. Svved. Nero. Eckstein. Ger. New race. Frederich, Mrs. B. (H.) (G. Raimund, ps.) (G. Dannenberg, ps.). New Robinson Crusoe. Campe, J. H. Ger. (The) night cometh. Bourget, P. Fr. Nikanor. Greville, H. ps. (Mme. A. M. C. F. Durand). Fr. Nina. Bremer, F. Swed. Ninty three. Hugo, V. M. Fr. Niobe. Lie, J. Nor. Noble blood. Wildenbruch, E. von. Ger. Noble name. Gliimer, C. von. Ger. Nobleman's nest. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. North and South. Sealsf^eld, C. ps. (K. Postel). Ger. (The) notary's nose. About, E. F. V. Fr. Notre-Dame de Paris. Hugo, V. M. Fr. Nucingen and Co., Bankers. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Numa Roumestan. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) nun. Bazin, R. Fr. Oblomov. Goncharov, I. A. Rus. Odd number, and other tales. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. Off on a comet. Verne, J. Fr. Old Fritz and the new era. Muhlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt) Ger. Old Goriot. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Old Heidelberg. Myer-Foster, W. Ger. (The) old house. Sologub, F. Rus. Old maid. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Old mam'selle's secret. Marlitt, E. ps. (E. John). Ger. Old man of the mountain. Tieck, J. L. Ger. (The) old room. Ewald, C. Dan. Old story of my farming days. Reuter, F. Ger. Olympe de Cleves. Dumas, A. Fr. On both sides of the sea. Charles, E. R. (Mrs. A. Charles). Ger. On the branch. Conlevain, P. de., ps. Fr. On the bright shore. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. On the cross. Hillern, Frau VV. von. Ger. On the eve. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. On the field of glory. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. On the heights. Auerbach, B. Ger. On the river. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. On the seaboard. Strindberg, A. Swed. One day. Bjornson, B. Nor. One of Cleopatra's nights. Gautier, T. Fr. 77 Only a fiddler. Andersen, H. C. Dan. Only a girl. Hillern, Frau W. von. Ger. Original story of Romeo and Juliet. Porto, L. da. Ital. Other people's money. Galjoriau E. Fr. O thou, My Austria. Kirschner, L. (O. Schubin, ps.: Ger. Our daily bread. Cohn, C. (V.). Ger. Our lady's tumbler. Butler, I. tr. Fr. Outbreak of the great F~rench Revolution. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Fr. Owl's nest. Marlitt, E. ps. (E. John). Ger. Page of the Duke of Savoy. Dumas, A. Fr. Pan Michael. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Paris. Zola, E. Fr. Parisian points of view. Halevy, L. P. Fr. Parting of the ways. Bordeaux, H. Fr. (The) pass and, other stories. Chekhov, A. P. Rus. Passion in the desert. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Pastels of men. Bourget, P. Fr. Path of life. Streuvels, S. Flemish. Patriarch. Frank, U. ps. (Frau U. H. Wolff). Ger. (The) patriot. Fogazzaro, R. Ital. Paul and \'irginia. Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Fr. Paz. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Peace of a home. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) peasantry. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) peddler. Ruppius, O. Ger. Pelle the conqueror. Andersen-Nexo, M. V'. 1. — Bojdiood. V. 2. — Apprenticeship. V. 3. — The great struggle. (A) penniless girl. Heimberg, W. ps. (B. Behrens). Ger. (The) penitent. Bazin, R. Fr. Pepita Ximenez. \'alera, J. Span. Pere Goriot. Balzac, H. de. Permanent husband. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. Peter Moor's journey to South Africa. Frenssen, G. Ger. Petite Fadette. See Fanchion the cricket. Sand, G., ps. (Mme. Dudevant). F"r. (The) Pharoah and the priest. Glovatski, A. Rus. Philosopher's stone. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) phvsician of Marseilles. La Motte-Fouque, C. A. de. Ger.' Picciola. Saintine, J. X. B. Fr. Picture book without pictures. Andersen, H. C. Dan. Pierre and Jean. Maupassant, G. de. Fr. Pierre Grasson. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Pierre's soul. See What Pierre did with his soul. Ohnet, G. Fr. Pierrette. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Pilgrim's sorrow. Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. (Carmen Sjdva.) Roumania. (The) pilot and his wife. Lie, J. Nor. Pleasures of old age. Souvestre, E. Fr. (The) plebiscite. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fr. Poet and merchant. Auerbach, B. Ger. 78 Polish blood. Eschtruth, N. von. Ger. (The) politician. Fogazzaro, A. Ital. Poor folk. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. (The) poor plutocrats. Jokai, M. Hun. Port Tarascon. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) power of a lie. Bojer, J. Nor. (The) precipice. Goncharov, I. A. Rus. (The) president's daughters. Bremer, F. Swed. Pretty Michael. Jokai, M. Hun. Pride of the war. Janson, G. Swed. Prince Eugene and his times. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. (M.) Mundt. Ger. Prince of Bohemia. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Prince Serebrenni. Tolstoi, A. K. Rus. Princes of the stock exchange. Nemirovich-Danchenko, V. I. Rus. Princess of Brunswick- Wolfenbiittel and other tales. Zschokke, J. H. D. Ger. Princess of Cleves. LaFayette, M. M. Fr. Princess Russalka. Wedekind, F. Ger. Prison life in Siberia. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. Problematic Characters. Spielhagen, F. Ger. (The) professor's lady. Auerbach, B. Ger. Prose tales. Pushkin, A. S. Rus. Prusias. Eckstein, E. Ger. (The) purse. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Putois. France, A., ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Queen Hortense. Muhlbach, L., ps. (K. (M.) Mundt). Ger. Queen Margot. See Marguerite de Valois. Dumas, A. Fr. Queen's necklace. Dumas, A. Fr. (The) quest. Eeden, F. W. Van. Dutch. Quest of the absolute. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Quest of the four-leaved clover. See Abdallah: or, The four- leaved shamrock. Laboulaye-Lefebvre, E. R. Fr. Question. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Quicksands. Streckfuss, A. F. K. Ger. Quintus Claudius. Eckstein, E. Ger. Quits. Tautphoes. J. (M.) von. Ger. Quo V'adis? Sienkievvisz, H. Pol. Raphael. Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Fr. Raw youth. Dostoyevski, F. M. Rus. Rebellion in Cevennes. Tieck, J. L. Ger. Reckless character. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. (The) recruit. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Red and black. Stendhal, de, ps. (M. H. Beyle). Fr. Red flag. Ohnet, G. Fr. Red flower. Garshin, V. M. Rus. Red inn. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Red laugh. Andreyev, L. Rus. Red lily. France, A., ps. (J. A. Thibault). Fr. Red room. Strindberg, A. Swed. Redemption. Bazin, R. Fr. Reds of the Midi. Gras, F. Fr. Refugee in the mountains of Jura. Zschokke, J. H. D. Ger. Regent's daughter. Dumas, A. Fr. 79 Regina. Sudcrmann, H. Gcr. Reign of greed. Rizal, J. Span. -Philippine. Reign of the Great Elector. Miihlbach, L. ps. (K. M. Mundt). Ger. Reign of terror. See Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Dumas, A. Fr. Resurrection. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. (The) returning wave. Prus, B. In more Polish tales. Benecke, E. C. M. tr. Pol. Revolt of the angels. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). ¥r. (The) right one. Schwartz, Mrs. M. S. Swed. (The) rings. Schmid, J. C. von. Ger. Riquet. France, A. ps. (J. A. Thibault). F"r. Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau. Balzac, H. dc. Ft. (The) rivals. Coppee, F. Fr. (The) river of life. Kuprin, A. Rus. Robert Helmont. Daudet, A. Fr. Roland's squires. Musaeus, J. K. A. Ger. (A) rolling stone. Sand, G. ps. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Romance of a mummy. Gautier, T. Fr. Romance of a poor young man. Feiullet, O. Fr. Romance of a Spahi. Loti. P. ps. (L. M.J. N'iaud). Fr. Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. Merezhkovski, D. S. Rus. Romantic legends of Spain. Becquer, G. A. Span. Rome, Zola, E. Fr. Rose and Kinette. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) rose of Dekama. Lennep, J. van. Dutch. (The) rose of Tistelon. Carlen, E. F. Swed. Rudin. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. Rule of the monk. Garibaldi. G. Ital. Rural ball. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Russian proprietor. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. Russian silhouettes. Chekhov, A. P. Rus. Saghalien convict. Korolenko, V. Rus. (A) saint. Bourget, P. Fr. (The) saint. Fogazzaro, A. Ital. St. John's eve. Gogol, N. V. Rus. Saint Michael. Werner, E. ps. (E. Burstenbinder). Ger. Saints and sinners. Cherbuliez, V. Fr. Samuel Brohl and Co. Cherbuliez. V. Fr. Sanpriel. Prydz, A. Nor. Sappho. Daudet, A. Fr. Saragossa. Perez Galdos, B. Span. Sarrasine. Balzac, H. de. Scarlet banner. Dahn, F. Ger. Scenes from a courtesan's life. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Seamy side of life. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Second wife. Marlett, E. ps. (E. John). Ger. Secrets of the princess de Cadignan. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Seed-time and harvest. Reuter, F. Ger. Selections from Boccacio's Decameron. Boccaccio, G. Ital. Seraphita. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) Serapion brethren. Hoffmann, E. T. A. Ger. Serapio. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Sevastopol. Tolstoi, L. N. Rus. 80 (The) seven who were hanged. Andreyev, L. Rus. Severa. Hartner, E. (E. E. H. von Twarsdowska) . Ger. Shadow of the cathedral. Blasco Ibanez, V. Span. (The) shadowless, Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso, A. von. Ger. Shallow soil. Hamsun, K. ps. Nor. She-wolves of Machecoul. Dumas, A. Fr. Sidonia the sorceress. Meinhold, J. W. Ger. Sidonie. Daudet, A. Fr. (The) signal and other stories. Garshin, V. M. Rus. Silence. Andreyev, L. Rus. Sielanka. Sienkiewicz, H. Pol. Simon. Sand, G. ps. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Simon Eichelkatz. Frank, U., ps. (Frau U. H. Wolff). Ger. Singoalla. Rydberg, V. Swed. (The) sinner. Fogazzaro, A. Ital. Sintram and his companions. La Motte-Fouque, H. K. de. Ger. Sister Philomene. Goncourt, E. L. A. H. de., and Goncourt, J. de. Fr. Sister Saint Sulpice. Palacio-V'aldes, A. Span. (The) sisters. Ebers, G. M. Ger. Six years later. Dumas, A. Fr. Slaves of Padishah. Jokai, M. Hun. Small souls. Couperus, L. M. A. Dutch. Smoke. Turgenev', I. S. Rus. Smugglers of the Swedish coast. Carlen, S. F. Swed. (The) snow man. Sand, G., ps. (Mme. Dudevant). Fr. Social cancer. Rizal, J. Span. -Phil. The son of his mother. Cohn, C. (Viebig). Ger. Son of Porthos. Dumas, A. Fr. Song of the falcon. Gorki, M. ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). Rus. Sonnica. Blasco-Ibaiiez, V. Span. Sons of the soil. Balzac, H. de. Fr. Soul of Pierre. See What Pierre did with his soul. Ohnet, G. Fr. (The) spider. Ewald, C. Dan. Spring floods. See Spring freshets and other stories. Tur- genev, I. S. Rus. Spring freshets and other stories. Turgenev, I. S. Rus. (The) spy. Gorki, M., ps. (A. M. Pyeshkow). Rus. Srul from Lubartow. Szymanski, A. In tales by Polish authors. Benecke, E. C. M. tr. Pol. (A) start in life, and other stories. Balzac, H. de. Fr. (The) Steppe and other stories. Chekkov, A. P. Rus. (The) stone mason of Saint Point. Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Fr. Stories of Jewish home life. Mosenthal, S. H. von. Ger. Stories of Russian life. Chekhov, A. P. Rus. Story of a child. Loti, P. ps. (L. M. J. Viaud). Fr. Story of a genius. Kirschner, L. (O. Schubin, ps.). Story of a peasant. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fr. Story of Gosta Berling. Lagerlof, S. O. L. Swed. Story of Helga. Herzog, P. Ger. Story of Reine. See My Uncle and My Cure. La Brete, J. de la ps. Fr. 81 (The) story without an end. Caroxe, F. W. Ger. Strange friend of Tito Gil. Alareon, P. A. de. Span. Strange stories from the Lodge of Leisures. [Poo Lee seen]. Chinese. Strange story of Rab Raby. Jolcai, M. Hun. Strasbourg. Margueritte, P. and Margueritte, V. Fr. (The) stronger sex. Zeromsi