C E SEb 15T cs 437 N6 A25 1878 MAIN I'll u ! f ^ f V r rr^^^ J \l A; CJe 2^te(tatuin j^orttjumtierlanli IN 1615. EDITED BY GEORGE W. MARSHALL, LL.D., FELLOW OP THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, ETC. LONDON : PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR BY MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 24 WAEDOUE STEEET, W. 1878. LOAN STACK ^refate. In the year 1615, the Counties of Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland, and Westmoreland, were visited by Richard St. George, Norroy. The Visitation of Cumberland was printed by the Harleian Society in 1873; that of Durham at Sunder- land in 1820; and Westmoreland at London in 1853. A few pedigrees from the Northumberland Visitation were privately printed by the late Sir Thomas Phillipps, but have never been circulated. No apology need, therefore, be offered for printing in its entirety the Visitation of Northumberland, the following copy of which is taken from Harleian MS. 1448. No copy of any other Northumberland Visitation exists outside the College of Arms. Though some MSS. in the Harleian collection profess to be such, they will on examination prove to be mere collections of Northumbrian pedigrees, not copies of Visitations properly so called. February, 1878. 7^^^ 156 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBEELAND MADE AND TAKEN BY RICHARD ST. GEOROE, Esq., ALIAS NORROY KING OF ARMS OF THE EAST, WEST, AND NORTH PARTS OF ENGLAND FROM THE RIVER TRENT NORTHWARD AND IN HIS COMPANY HENRY ST. GEORGE BLEWMANTLE PURSUIVANT OF ARMS IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1615. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Abms. — Gules, three castles triple towered Argent. Crest. — Out of a castle Argent a lion rampant gardant Or holding a banner Argent charged with a cross Gules, the staff Gold, headed Sable. Supporters. — Two sea horses Argent, finned Or. The Towne and Countie of Newcastle vpon Tyne was an antiente Corporacon in the tyme of Kynge John by the name of Maior and Burgesses, since w*^^ tyme yt hath bene endowed w**' divers previledges and Imunities by the severall Kinges and Queenes of this land as may appeare by the severall charters re- mayneinge in there Treasurye, as in the 22 of Hen. the 3 they had libertie to chuse Coroners. In the 7 of Edw. the 1 yt was granted by parliamente that the Maior for the tyme beinge should be Escheator. Ri. the 2 in the xiiij*** yeare of his raigne granted that the Maior and his successors for the tyme beinge shold alwayes have a sword borne before them. In the 1 of Hen. the 4* yt was seperated from the Countie of Northumberland and made a Countie of yt selfe, and at the same tyme they had libertie to choose a Sherriffe in steed of the Bayliffe. Phillipp and Mary likewise in the 3 and 4'^*' yeare of her raigne added vnto them 4 Aldermen more haueinge formerlie but 6 besydes the Maior. And lastelie Queene Elizabeth in the 42*'' yeare of her raigne did not onlie confirme all those priviledges formerlie granted by the Kinges and Queenes of this land her most noble progenitors, but of her more aboundante grace and princelie disposicon towardes the said Towne and Countie of Newcastle, endowed the Maior and whole Corporacon w*'' divers and sondry enlargmentes as by granteinge a Corporacon to the fellowshipp of Hostmen whoe haue the sole lodgeinge of Cooles wthin the River of Tyne. And that the Maior wth the Clarke of the statutes haue power to take acknowledgmente of statute Marchante w"' a scale apper- taineinge to the said Office. And further that the Maior recorder and Aldermen or anie v or more of them whereof the Maior to be one may hold a Goale delivery w^^'in there said Towne and Countie, wth a grante of all fellones goods and Chattells, And that the Maior Recorder and Aldermen are alwayes Justices of the peace wthin the said place grantinge vnto them likewise a free Gramer schoole. All w*^** previledges haue bene confirmed by our moste gratious soveraigne Lord king James in the firste yeare of his raoste happie Raigne over this land. And were pervsed by me Richard St. George Norroy kinge of Armes in my visitacon made Anno dni THE VISITATION OF NOETHUMBERLAND. 3 1615. At w'='' tyme was WilPm Warmouth Maior^ S"" John Jack- son Recorder, and these followeinge Alderman viz' S"^ George Selby, S"" Henry Anderson Knights, Henry Chapman, Lionell Maddison, Tho. Liddell, WilFm Jenison, Francis Anderson, Thomas Riddell, James Clavereinge, and Francis Burrell. John Cooke Sheriffe, WilFm Jackson Towneclarke, George Lyddell and Ralfe Carr Coroners. WilPm Warmouth, maior. . Hen. Anderson. "WilFm Jenison. Hen. Chapman. James Claveringe. Lyonell Maddison. Fran. Burrell. The towne and Burroughe of Berwicke vppon Tweede hath bene an antiente Corporacon as appeareth by an antiente Charter of Edw. the 1 whoe in the 30th yeare of his raigne granteth that yt shold be forever a free Burroughe and have free Burgesses and that they may have Gildam mercatoriu^ cu' hausa, excepteinge all others to vse merchandize in the same towne without the consente of the Marchants of the said Guyld and further that they shold chuse amongeste themselues yerely a Maior and that when as he is chosen he shalbe presented to his Chauncellor Treasurer or Barons of his Chequer of Scotland there to take his oath and the Maior and Comons amongeste themselues or out of themselues may yerely chuse foure Bayliffes that shalbe sworne before the said Maior and that they only shall take retorne of all writts wthin the said Burrough and that they may chuse amongeste themselves a Coroner and haue a prison in the said Burroughe and that the Maior and Bayliffes may make a goale deliv'ie and that they shalbe toole free throughout all the kingdome of all there owne merchandize and that yf there be anie fellone of the Towne where soever they be taken all there goods shalbe to themselues and that yf anie bondman shall remayne in the said Burrough and hold land there beinge admitted vnto the said Guyle and hause by themselues paieinge lott and Scott wth them for one whole yeare and a day and not being challenged in that space shall for ever be free with many other previledges. Edward the 3 in the tenth yeare of his raigne doth not onlie confirme all those previledges formerlie granted by Edward the 1 but all other ymunities and liberties afterwardes granted by Boberte de Bruce and Alexander kinge of Scotts. And lastelie king James in the yeare of his moste happie raigne over this kingedome of England doth not onlie confirme all those priviledges formerlie granted by Kinges and Queenes of this land his noble progenitors, but of his more abound ante grace 4 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. and princelie disposicon towardes the Maior and Burgesses of the said Burrough granted vnto them divers and sondrie enlargments as firste to have a Comon scale and that they shall haue poore to make lawes and statuts amongeste themselues for the better governmente of there Burroughe wth poore to punishe either by ffyne or ymprisonmente as such as shall refuse to be obediente vnto those orders^ and that they shall haue libertie to chuse a Recorder, and that they may everie fortenighte hold a Corte of Pleas wthin there Guyld hall or Towle boothe, and that the Maior for the tyme beinge shalbe Excheator, and that haue poore to chuse Coroners, and foure serieaunts, and that noe Merchants strangers shall sell anie thinge amongest them but in grosse, and that the Maior, Bayliffes, and Burgesses shalbe exempted from all assisses, Juries and attaints, and the said Maior, Bayliffes and Burgesses shalbe discharged from all paiements as subsidies, taxes, ymposicons, tents, fifteenes, and exaccons whatsoever granted to us and our successores, and poore to transporte Hides, Woole, and Woolefell, Corne, and Cooles, when and wheresoever, and the Maior to be Clarke of the market, And that the Maior, Recorder, and such Burgesses as haue bene Maior and shall remayne in the Burroughe shalbe Justices of the peace wthin there liberties dureinge the tyme they are Burgesses and that anie three or more of them whereof the Maior and Recorder to be two may make a goale deliverie. And further that the Maior, Bayliffes, and Bur- gesses of the said Burroughe may levye and receiue to there owne propper vses all manner of Fynes and ransomes for whatsoever trespasses are comitted wthin the said Burroughe wth divers other priviledges and ymunities more at large in there Charter expressed and by acte of Parliamente confirmed. All wch haue bene pervsed by me Richard St. George Norroy kinge of Armes in my visitacon made Anno dni 1615. At wch tyme was Thomas Perkinson Maior, serieante Hutton Recorder, and these followeinge Aldermen George Murton, John Orde, Marke Saltingstall, Hughe Gregsone, Nicholas Sanderson, Roberte Jackson, James Burrell, and Leonard Fareley, Aldermen and Justices, WilFm Akroyd Alderman for the yeare, S"" John Selby, S-- Will'm Boyer Knightes, Tho : Bradforth Junior and Will'm Orde, gent. Bayliffes for the yeare, Leonarde Farley Coroner, Lyonell Strother Towne-Clarke. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND, DELAVALE. Arms. — Quarterly 1 and 4. Ermine, two bars Vert. 2. Gules, three eagles disijlayed Argent. 3. Gules, a lion rarrvpant Ermine, armed and crowned Or* Crest. — A ram's head erased Argent, attired Or. S"" Henry Delavale Knighte Lo. of Seaton Delavale at the tyme of the Conquest.np S' Henry Delavale Knighte.=f=Anne da. of the Lo. Longvile. S' Lewis Delavale Knighte.=f=. ... da. of S'' John Gobion. S'' Roberte Delavale.=pJane da. of S"" Roberte Darcy Knighte. S'' Guy Delavale Knighte.=pBeatrix da. of S' Anthony Bnlmere. S"" Will'm Delavale.=f=Bridget da. of S' Ralphe Gray of Mary Delavale I Warke in Northumberland. a Nun, 5'- John S"" John Delavale.=i=Mary da. of S"" Will'm Gascoyne. S'' Gilbert Delavale.=pMargaret da. of Claveringe. S"" Eustace Delavale.=j=Elizabeth da. and heire of Eslington. S' Rotjerte Delavale, S"" Henry Delavale Knighte=i=Jane da. and co- B. p. heire to his brother. heire of Gray stocke. * There is another coat tricked with, Gules three horses' heads Argent, bridled Or, in the second quarter ; .3 as 2 ; and 4 as 3. Crest. — A goat's head Ermiuc, attired and out of a coronet Or. Motto. — Dieu Nmts Ckmdnicte. 6 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. ^J S' Eustace=j=Margaret da. qf S"" Henry=f=The ladie Hellen S'' Hughe Delavale. the Lord Rabye. Delavale Kt. Moulton. Delavale, s. p. S'' Roberte Mary wife to Andrewe S' Hughe=pElizabeth da. of S' Delavale, s.p. Smeighton, s. p. Delavale. Leonard Dacres. S' Eoberte Delavale Kt.=rMargaret da. of the Catherine wife to S"" Lo, Conyers. Tho. Middleton. I I I S' Will'm=Grace da. of &" Roberte=Jane da. S"" Will'm=Anne da. Delavale 1 Bonne. S^ Tho. Lil- borne. Delavale 3 Sonne. ofS' Henry Percy. Delavale 2 Sonne. of S-- John Lisle. S' Henry Grace sister and heire S"" John==Margaret da. of John Delavale, to S'' Hen, wife to S' Delavale. 8. p. John Whitchester Lo. Benwell.=f= John Mitford. Will'm. s.p. Will'm = Whit- chester, B. p. da. of John Delavale==Mary da. James Dela-=Elinor da Mal- verer. esquire. ofS-- John Heron. vale 2 Sonne. of S-- Wil- liam Hil- ton. S-- Will'm Whitchester, 8. p. Elizabeth sister Elizabeth da. and heire wife and heire to John Bur- wife to John Chester Kt. s, p. Horsley. S^ Will'm= da. of Delavale. John Mit- ford, esquire. James, s. p. S"" John Delavale of=f=. ... da. of S"" Seaton Delavale Knighte. John Wid- drington. .... wife to James Horsley of Vlches- ter whoe died b. p. 3nn John Delavale of Seaton==Anne da. of Tho. Grey of Chillingham Delavale, esq. in com. Northumbr. George Delavale, S"" John Delavale,=Mary da. Margery wife to S"" g. p. Knighte. of Gary. Will'm Ogle Knighte. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Mary wife to George Moreton. Edward Delavale.=Phelize da. of John Ogle of Ogle Castle. Beatrix wife to Edw. Errington of Butferley. Anne wife toRoberte Raynes of Stertflatt. Elinor wife to Will'm Fenwickeof Beichfeild. S"" John Delavale= of Seaton, Knighte. :Anne da. of Ralfe Lo. Ogle. Ill 1 Henry. Jane wife S"" Roberte= — to Oswald Delavale Thomas. Mitford of Seaton of Ryall. Delavale Knighte. =Dorothie Dorothie wife Anne wife da. of of Gilberte of Ralfe Elrington of Thomas Gray of Wissington. Cram- Chilling- lington. ham. 4. Edward. 6. Francis. John Delavale 2 sonne.= — — 2 wife Elizabeth da. of 5. Claudius. 7. Arthure. S' John Selby. =Anne da. of S'" S"- Geo. Bowet and widowe of Hilton. Margaret. Robe rte. S' Ralfe Delavale==Jane da. of Robert=== Alice da. of Will'm of Seaton Knighte nowe liueing 1615. Thomas Hilton of Hilton,esq. Dela- vale, 3 Sonne. RiddeU of New- castle. Jane vn- married 1615. Barbara. I I 4. John. 1. Mary. 5. Catherine. Roberte sonne 2. Ralfe. and heire — setatis 15 3. Thomas. 5. Edward. 2. Dorothie. 6. Isabell. annor' 1615. — — 3. Anne. 7. Margaret. 4. Jane. 8. Elizabeth. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. GEEY. Arms. — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, a lion rampant within a iordure engrailed Argent, a martlet for difference. 2 and 3. Barry of six Argent and Azure, on a Bend Gules an annulet Or. [Gray OF HORTON.] Crest. — A ram's head Argent, attired Or. S'' Ealfe Gray of Chillingham=f=Isabell da. and coheire of S^ Thomas ill com. Northumbr. Knighte. Gray of Horton in Northumbr. Kniglit. S"" Thomas Grey, 1 Sonne, B. p. Jane da. of = Will'mArd- ington of Ardington esquire. 1 wife. =8'- Kalfe Grey of Chil-= lingham Knighte 2 Sonne & heire to his brother liveinge 1615. =Dorothie da. of Thomas Mallett of Enmore in com. Somerset, esquire. 4. Robert. 5. Edward. Martha. Will'm Sonne 2. and heire SBtat' 22 3. Annor' 1615. Ralfe. John. Catherine wife to Mathewe Foster of Etherstone. Jane wife to Fardinando Huddlestone of Millam Castle in Cumberland. I Margaret wife to Edward Rodham of Litle Hougton. I I I Mary. Dorothie. Elizabeth. Isabell wife to Anthony Cathericke of Cathericke. Edward Gre; 3 Sonne. Catherine da. of Roger Strange. Roger Arthure Grey=pMargaret da. of Anthony Bulmer, Esq. 5 Sonne. 6 sonne. 1. Phillipp. 3. Thomas. 1. Catherine. 2. Edward. 2. Elizabeth. Isabell da. and heire aetat' 12 Annor' 1615. Henry Grey= 4 Sonne. =Maryda. of S''John Widdrington of Widdrington Knighte. 1. Dorothie wife to S'' Robert Delavale. 2. Isabell wife to Francis Radcliffe of Dilston esquire. 1. Thomas. 2. Edward. 3. Roberte. Isabell wife to Roberte Pemberton. 3. Anne wife to Thomas Collingwood of Eslington. Mary wife to Tobye Ewbancke. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. COLLINGWOOD.* CoUingwood of Bewett.=f= Alexander CoUingwood of Little Raile.=j=. . . da. of . . . Forster. Dorothy da. of Roberte=pThomas CoUingwood of=prortune da. of Hen. Claveringe of Callalye. 1 wife. Little Eaile nowe live- inge, 1615. CoUingwood of Grreate Raile. Alexander sonnc and heire 2. Thomas. 4. John, aetat. 22 Annor. 1615. — — 8. Cuthberte. 5. Henry. BEDENELL. John Bedenell of Lemington= in Northumberland. =Jane da. and coheire of Hastinges. Edward Bedenell-=f=Eliz. da. of Eoberte CoUingwood of EsUngton. I I III Roberte BedeneU= Alice da. of Xpofer 2. Raphe. 3. Rich. 4. Henry. Sonne and heire. Baxter of Newcastle. George Bedenell of Lemington=Margaret da. of John Ogle John son and heire liveinge 1615. 2 brother to Ogle of Cawsey 2 sonne. Parke. Roberte sonne and heire 2. Thomas. 3. George. Margaret, setat. 11 Annor. 1615. * The following coats belonging to the name of CoUingwood are inserted in Harl. MS. 1448 :— Argent, 3 bucks' heads caboshed Gules, attired Or, Three chevrons each charged with 5 roundles. Argent, a chevron betw. 3 stags' heads erased Sable. Crest. — A stag's head erased Sable attired Or. Gules three stags' heads Argent attired Or. Crest.— A stag's head Argent. 10 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. RODHAM. John Rodham of Rodham= in Northumberland. -Lucy da. of S'' Humfrey Lisle of Felton Knight. 1. John Rod-= ham. Phelize Roberte Rodham= of Rodham 5 Sonne {sic). =Barbara da. of Thomas For- ster of Ether- stone. 2. Thomas. 3. Martha 4 s. p. Edmond Rodham=j=Margaret da. of of Rodham & litle Haughton liueinge 1615. S' Raphe Grey of Chillingham Kniffht. Thomas 2 Sonne. Barbara wife to S"" Raphe Selby. Raphe sonne and heire astat. 3 Annor. 1615. Elinor wife to Cuthbert CoUingwood. Margaret un- married. 2. John. CLENHILL. Percivall ClenhiU of ClenhiU= in Northumbr. =Isabell da. of Xpofer Selby of Biddlesden. John 2 Sonne. Will'm Hall of Heppell. Isabell da. of=i=Roberte Clenhell= of Clenhell Hue- inge 1615. =Anne da. of 3. MichaeU. Tho. Selby of - Biddlesden. 4. Andrewe. 1 wife. Isabell wife to Anne. George sonne=Anne da. of Isabell wife to John Erring- & heire setat. Marke Pott Percivall Gallon, ton of Bing- 20 Annor. of Morton. — field. 1615. Jane 2 daughter. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 11 HEBBORNE. Eobertus Hebborne primus d'ns maner' de Newton.=f= Johannes Hebborne fil. et her.=p Nicholaus Hebborne.=F Gwychar d'n8=f=Isabella. Adamus Hebborne. Willi'mus Hebborne. Hebborne. Matildis vxor= Alicia vxor. Yerdhill.== . . . Hebborne. Dayrrays. "Willi'mus Darrays.==Isabella. Elena vx. Jacobi . . . Hebborne. ^1 . . . s. p. Christiana Awkland. Johannes Hebborne. Thomas Hebborne of Hebborne=f=. ... da. of S"" Roger Gray in Northumberland. of Horton. Michaell Hebborne of Hebborne.=pMargaret da. of Grayster I (Crayster)* of Grays ter. Artnure Hebborne of Hebborne=Mary da. of John Salkeld nowe liveinge 1615. of Hull Parke. Margaret 1 da. Dorothie Raphe Hebborne* of = Alice da. of Rob. retatis 4 Annor. 2 da. Hebborne now living De la vale of Gou- 1615. a° 1649, about 31 pon in com. North- years old. umb. a° 1653. Fi-ances 3 da. Catherine 4 da. 2. Edward. 3. John. * The words in italics are in a later hand than the rest of the pedigree. 12 THE VISITATION OF NOHTHUMBERLAND. PROCTER. Will'm Procter of Borley in Com. Ebor.=pl8abell da. and coheire of I John Lilborne of Alnwicke. CuthlDerte Procter of Shawden in Northumberland.=F Roger Procter of Shawden.===Barbara da. and coheire of S*" Tho. Grey I of Norton K*. Thomas Procter of Shawden= liveinge 1615. =Jane da. of Robert Eden of Weste Awkland in Ep'atu. Roger Procter sonne=f=Isabell da. of Will'm 2. Geffrey. Ellyn. and heire. Walleis of Acome. 3. Ephram. Dorothy. Margaret. Non p'bauit arma. COLLINGWOOD. Arms. — Argent, a chevron Azure hetween three goats' heads erased Sable in their mouths a leaf vert, a martlet for difference. . . . Collingwood of Eslington in Northumberland.= John Collingwood 1 sonne.=== Thomas Collingwood second sonne.=f I ^1 Roberte Collingwood=7=. ... da. of Hen. Collingwood=Isabell da. of [of] Eslington had 4 wiues. Heron of of greate Raile. Ford, 8 wife. Reeveley of Chatham. John ColHngwood==Vrsula da. and Tho. Collingwood=Fortune da. of of Eslington. ' ' ~ " heire of Will'm of greate Raile. Buckton of Buckton. B Hen. Colling- wood of Ethell. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 13 S"^ Cutliberte=Dorothy da. & co- Hen. Collino-wood= Collingwood of Eslington Knighte. heire of S'' George Bowes of Stret- 1am, K*. of great e Raile liveinge 1615. =Dorothy da. and coheire of John Horsley of Screnwood. Thomas Oolling- wood of Eshng- ton esquire. Thomas sonne=j=Elinor da. of Dorothy. and heire. John Ord of Langridge. Henry sonne and heire, aetat. 3 Annor. 1615. 2. Koberte. 3. John. Fortune wif to Thomas Colling- wood of little Raile. SWYNBORNE. Arms. — Quarterly. 1 and i. Three cinqnefoils, two on a chief and one in the field. 2 and 3. 2^wo bars, in chief three escallops, a cres- cent for difference. Also, Quarterly. 1. Azure, three hoars' heads between nine cross- crosslets Argent. 2. Per f ess Gules and Argent, three cinquefoils counter changed, a hordure compony Azure and Argent. 3. Vert, a lion rampant Argent. 4. Azure an orle Or. Crest. — Out of a coronet a demi boar. Sciant presentes et futuri quo ego Willi'mus Swynborne miles dedi, etc. et hec presenti Charta mea Confirmavi Joh'i Swynborne omniu' terr' et redditu' etc. que habeo in villa de Willamston infra libertatis de Tyndall A" 16° H. 6^°. George Swynborne of Edlingham and NaflFerton.=p Sir Roger Swinborne.=f=Isabell da. and heire of Thomas Errington. Thomas Swyn-=j=Margaret da. borne. of John Carr of Heton. Anne married to Shaftoe of Bavington. Another da., wife of Will'm Billingson of Crookehall, firste mar. to Hall of Greencrofte. John Swynburne of= NafFerton & Edling- ham 1615. =Anne eldeste da. of S-^ Cuthberte Collingwood. Jane wife to George Will'm Collingwood of Es- Swin- linffton. borne. 14 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. _aJ I I I Thomas Swinborne=Margaret da. Ellin wife of Margaret maried to Sonne and heire of of Will'mLee Will'mWalleis Wni'm Swinborne theageof26yeares. of Brandon. ofKnaresden. of Capheton. OGLE. Arms. — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, a fess between three crescents Gules, a mullet charged with a crescent for difference. 2 and 3, * Or, an orle Azure. Cbebt. — A goaPs head Argent, maned and horned Or. S"" Roberte Ogle Knighte.=p . I Roberte 1 Lord Ogle. Will'm Ogle 3 sonne.=f= John Ogle I 2 Sonne. Gawen Ogle sonne and lieire.= Cuthberte Ogle of= John Ogle of=y=. ... da. and heire of Will'm Chappington 1 sonne. Ogle Castle. Bernaby of Gunerby in Com. Lane. Lancelote Ogle of Ogle Castle.=. ... da. of S"" Tho. Grey 1 of Horton Kt. Oliver Ogle of Burro wdon liveinge 1615.=f=Mawde da. of John Mitford of Seighill. Lancelote Ogle sonne Barbara wife to Fortune wife to Oliver and heire, setat. 30 Mathewe Xewton Killingworth of Kil- Annor. 1615. of Stockesfeild. lingworth. CARR. Arms. — Quarterly. 1 and 4. On a chevron three estoils. 2 and 3. Argent, two bars and in chief three escallops Azure. . . . Carr of Heton in Northumberland.=f= John Carr of Wodhall, 2 sonne.=== 1 sonne. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 15 A| John Carr of Woodhall=f=Margaret da. of Erington of Wallick & heire Sonne & heir. to her brother Will'm Errington. John Carr of Wodhall,=f=Catherine da. & coheire of Sonne & heir. S"" Tho. Grey of Horton, Kt. Barbara wife to George Ann wife to Lancelott Mary wife to Roger Midleham of Howick. Mannors of framling- Stoke of Broken- ton, hugh. 2. John. 4. Lancelett. William Carr of Wod-=Eliza da. of Will'm 3. Roger. hall, lining 1615. Carr of Forde. Ann. William sonne & heire 2. Thomas. 4. Ralfe. setat. 13 annor. 1615, — — — 3. John. 5. Lancelet. Margarett. RADCLIFFE. Arms. — Quarterly. 1. Argent, on a bend engrailed Sable a cinquefoil. 2. Argent, two bars Gules, on a canton of the last a cinquefoil of the field. 3. Gules, a fess betw. three Catherine wheels Or. 4. Gules, a fess betw. three hedgehogs Argent. Vniuersis ad quos, etc. salt'm Joh'is Darewentwater senior noveritis me dedisse, etc. Joh'i de Darwentwater Juniori. redditu' tricentaru' libraru' pred'co Joh'i et hered' de corpore suo I'time procreate de manerio meo de Castlerig singulis annis. Ed. 2 nono. Seal. — Two bars, on a canton a cinquefoil. Johannis Derewentwater concessi etc. Dominus Richardo Graistocke vicarii de Crosthwayte et alijs maner' men' de Castlerigg etc. exceptis terris et tenementis que dedi Thome filio et heredi meo et Ermegarde vxori eius testibus din's Roberto de Vespont Roberto de Mulcaster militibus Richardo le Brume d'no de Broubogh Adam de Bastenthwayte Radulpho Deincourte Thoma de Redmayne. A" 12 Ed. 3"J. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptu' indentatu' per- uenerit Edwardus Radcliife de Cartington miles Anna vxor eius et Joh'es nuper vxor Joh'is Cartington vidua salutem in d'no sempiterna'. Noveritis me dedisse et hac charta indentata confirmasse Joh'i Horsley et Rad'o Dychand Capellano medietatem manerii de Bellasses in coni. Northumb. etc. A° 7° H. 8. 16 THE VISITATION OP NORTHUMBERLAND. S"" Nicholas Radcliffe Knight=j=Margaret da. and heire of S'' John temp'e H. 5. Darwentwater Knighte. Thomas Radcliffe=f=Margaret da. of S'' Will'm Marmaduke, 2 sonne. Sonne and heire. Parr of Kendall Knt. John EadclifiFe. 2. S"" Richard Radcliffe Knighte. S"" John EadclifiFe, s.p. Richard Radcliffe wthout yssue masle. S'' Edward Radcliffe=pAnne da. & heire to John Nicholas Xpofer. K*^^ 3 sonne. Cartington of Cartington. 4 sonne. Rowland, religious. Sir Cuthbert Radcliffe K*.=pMargaret da. of Henry John Radcliffe I Lo. Clifford. s. p. Thomas Rad- S' George=Catherine da. Anthon cliffe, s. p. Radcliffe to S"" John Radcliffe. Kt. Mallery Kt. Cuthberte. Edward Radcliffe. I III Francis Radcliffe of Derwent-=j=Isabell da. of S"" John. Anthony. water in Cumberland and Dil ston in Northumb. esq. live inge 1615. Raphe Grey of Chillingham Knighte. WiU'm. Thomas Edward Radcliffe=Elizabeth da. of Francis Catherine, 1 sonne, sonne and heire Tho. Barton of Radcliffe, s. p. s. p. liveing 1615. Whenby, esq. s. p. John. Francis. Mary wife to Roger Margaret. Dorothy. Anne. — Wodderington of — — Cuthbert. Cartington. Elizabeth. Jane. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 17 WHITTINGHAM. Arms. — Quarterly 1 and 4. Argent, a /ess Azure, a lion rampant Gules. 2 and 3. Or, on a bend Gules between two pellets three bends Gold. Crest. — A cubit arm vested Argent cuffed Azure, in the hand an open book ppr. Will'm Whittingham=p Catherine Jaqueman da. of Lewis and heire to her Deane of Duresme. mother beinge the heire of Genteron in Orleance. S' Tymothy Whittingham of Hohnesyde=pElizabeth da. of Bryan in E'patu liveinge 1615. Ascough of Osgodby. Will'm. Ascough. Henry. Tymothie Whittingham==Anne da. of — — Sonne and heire obijt in Parvis. John. Henry. vita p'ris. s. p. Tymothy sonne and heire Will'm aetat. 4 Annor. 1615. 2 sonne. Thomas Catherine wife to John Eliz. wife to Michaell Mitford of 2 sonne. Caluerley of Littlebome Seighill in Northumbr. esq. =f= Roberte. WARMOUTH. Arms. — Argent, on a bend between two lions rampant Azure three mullets of six {sic) points Or, pierced. Crest. — A demi-lion rampant Erminois holding a mullet of six points Azure pierced Or. Richard Warmouth.=F Roberte Warmouth of Newcastle,=f=IsabeU da. of Nich. marchante. Baxter of Newcastle. Will'm Warmouth of Newcastle=i=Judith da. of Will'm Whittingham maior at this tyme, 1615. I deane of Duresme. Henry sonne and heire John Isabell Catherine Elizabetli. Jane aetat. 21 annor. 1615. 2 sonne. 1 da. 2 da. 3 da. 4 da. 18 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. CARNABY. Arms. — Quart&rly 1 and 4. Argent, two tars Azure, in chief three hurts. 2 and 3. Fer pale Gules and Azure a lion rampant guardant Or. Crest. — A man's head & shoulders ppr, hair sable, wreathed about the temples Gules, in the ear a ring {?) Argent. William Carnaby of Halton=. ... da. and sole heire of in com. Cumberland. John Halton of Hal ton. S"" William Carnaby, K^=pIsabeU da. to Henry Fenwicke of Fenwicke, I esq. William Carnaby esquire.==Anne da. of S' Gerard Wooderington I Knighte. S' John Carnaby of Halton K*.=f=Lucy da. of Bartram Harbottle. Thomas Carnaby esqmre.=Thomzine da. of Nicholas Ridley of Willomonswike esquire. Will'm Carnaby of Halton esq.=^Mabill da. to Reginald Warcop of Smerdell esquire. S' Reginald Carnaby of=i=Dorothy da. of Thomas Forster Halton Knight. I of Etherstone. Catherine da. & coheire Vrsula da. and co- Mabill da. and coheire wife to the Lord Ogle. wife to Edward wife to George Law- Waddrington. son. Thomas Carnaby=Anne da. of Cuth- Cuthberte=f=Margery da. & heire of Langley, 2 Sonne. berte Shaftoe of Carnaby Bavington. of Adan, 3 Sonne. of Roger Horsley of Fernham. John Carnaby of Langley=f=Jane da. of S' John Will'm Reginald, esq. nowe liveinge 1615. Woderington of 1 sonne. Woderington. WiU'm Carnaby sonne and=Mabill da. of Cuthberte heire liveinge 1615. Carnaby of Adan. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 19 A| "William sonne and heire Francis Dorothy wife to John Salkeild setat. 22 Annor. 1615. 2 sonne. of Hallparke. OGLE. Aems and Crest, as before, p. 306. Another Crest. — A lulVs head Or, gorged with a coronet Gules, armed Azure. Raphe the 3 Lord Ogle.=pMargaret da. of S"" "William Gascoyne Knight. Roberte Lord Ogle. S"" "William Ogle Knight,=pMargery da. of John 3 sonne. Delavale esquire. Thomas Ogle. James Ogle of Caw8by=7=Elizabeth da. of . . 3. Parke esq. Claveringe of Callalye. Catherine da. of E,oberte=pJohn Ogle of=f= Alice da. of Palmer "Woodeington. 1 wife. Cawsey Parke, of Yorke. Catherine. Edward sonne and heire, 1 yeare old 1615. Elinor wife Elizab. wife to Martyne John Ogle of=f=Phelize da. of to Selby of Fen wick of East Heddon, Beesyde. Biddlesden. 2 sonne. John Ogle of Oglecastle. Thomas Ogle of^Dorothie da. of George Lancelot=f=Dorothy da. of Beesyde liveinge Whitfeild of Newcastle. 2 sonne. 1615. "Watson of El- linham. Thomas sonne and heire astat. 3 annor' 1615. Edwardus dux Ebore Comes Cantabrigise et d'ns manerij et libertatis de "Warke in Tindale o'ibus ad quos presentes I're pervenerit Salutem licentia dedimus quantu' in nobis est dilecto nobis "Will'mo de Heslerig 20 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. licete possit feofare possit Johem de Wooderington filiu' et heredem Rogeri de Wooderington de Castro et Manerio de Halghton de villa de Homshagh quadam placea terrae in Thornton in Tindall vocat Stain- crosse et de o'ibus alijs terr' etc. que Agnes que fuit vxor Eogeri tenet in dotem habend' et tenend' pred'co Johanni et heredibus masculis de corpore suo I'time procreat' etc. vna cu' reversione predict' remaneant Thome filio Willmi Heslerigg et heredibus masculis de corpore suo I'time exeuntibus portantibus Arma et cognomen pred'ci Eogeri de Wooderington tenend' etc. et si predict' Thomas obierit sine herede masculo de corpore suo procreat' quod pred' Castr' maner' terr' etc. remaneant Rogero filio Walteri Hero militis et heredibus masculis de corpore suo I'time procreat' portantibus arma et cognomen pred'ci Rogeri de Wooderington tenend' etc. et si Rogerus filius pred' Walteri obierit sine herede masculo de corpore suo procreat' I'time tunc Castr' et maner' etc. remaneant heredibus de corpore pred'ci Joh'is de Woode- rington pro defectu talis exitus remaneant Christiano Montebouches et Alienore Buske filiabus pred' Rogeri de Wooderington. Teste Johanne de Mitford Custode sigilli n'ri apud Wark in Tyndall 20 die Octobris A« 10 Ri, 2. WIDDRINGTON. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4. Quarterly Argent and Gules a bend Sable. 2 and 3. Gules a/ess betiveen three boars Argent. Crest. — A bull's head Sable, seme of plates, armed Argent. Motto. — Joy sans fin, S' John Widdrington of Widdrington.=p Agnes da. of James Medcalfe. Henry Widdring- Edward Widdring-=pVrsula da. and Dorothy wife ton Knight dyed ton of Swynburne without yssue. magna. heire of S"" Re- of S"" Roger ginald Carnaby Fenwicke. of Halghton. Katherine wife of Roberte S*" Henry Wid-===Mary da. of S"" Hen. Mallory 2 Sonne of S'' John drington 1615. Curwen of Workin- Mallory of Stodley. ton. William of the age of 4 yeres. Katherine. Mary. Elizabeth. Roger Widdring-=;=Mary da. of Fran. Rad ton of Carting- ~ ton 1615. Raphe Dorothy wife of clifiFe of Derwentwater & Wid- John Errington of Dilston in Northumb. drington. of Errington. Edward Widdrington of the age of one yeare. Mary, Margaret. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 21 HESLERIGG. Arms. — Argent a chevron between three hazel leaves Vert. Ex cartis Eoberti Heslerigg de Swarland in com. Northumbr. 1615. Agnes filia Thome filij Willi'mi quond' d'ni del Woodhall Salutem. Noveritis me dedisse et hac present! charta etc., Confirmasse Thome filio Thome de Karlioll Burgensi de novo Castro super Tinam totam villam de Swarland cu' parva cu' oibus alijs pertinen' et libertatibus sicut dominus Hogerus Bertram d'cam villam cu' pertinentijs aliquo tempore melius liberus vel quantu' tenuit vel tenere potuit cu' libera sibi et heredibus de corpore suo procreat' inperpetuu'. Hijs testibus dn's Nicholaio tunc priore de Brickborne Guichardo de Charron tunc vicecomite Northumbr. Joh'i de Plesseto Joh'i de Heweltona Thoma de Fenwicke Gerardo de Woddrington militibus Johanni de Woddrington Rogero frater eius. Seal. — A swan, a shield pendant from his neck, cheque. Henricus tertius anno regni sui quinquagesimo quinto. Confirmed the grante of this deed above specified with the witnesses. This land of Swarland from Karlioll descended to Draper and from him to Hesle- rigg whoe nowe 1615 employeth the same land. Will'm Heslerigg of Swarland.=j= John Heslerigg of Swarland; Tho. Heslerigg of Swarland. r The. Heslerigge of Swarland. Lancelote Heslerigg. Robert Heslerigge of Swarland.= Henry Heslerigge of Swarland.= Lancelote Heslerigge.= A 22 THE VISITATION OF NORTHtJMBEIlLANI). M 1 Lancelote Heslerigge.=T= Lancelote Heslerigge. Roberte Heslerigg of=Debora da. of Tristram Swarland 1615. Fenwicke of Brinckborne. Will'm of the age George. John. Isabell. Jane. Dorothy, of 14 yeares. — _ _ _ Heniy. Agnes. Katherine. Elizabeth. BRADFOETHE. Arms. — On a hend three martlets. Thomas Bradford {sic) of Bradforth in Northumberland, esq. Isabell da. of . . . .=Tho. Bradforthe=pJane da. of Claveringe of Grey of Horton. of Bradforthe. Callaly. 1 wife. Thomas Bradforthe of Bradforthe esq.=Phellidelpha da. of liveinge 1615. Roberte Gam. Thomas sonne and heire Roberte 2. Henry Elinor 1. Margaret 3. ffitat. 24 Annor. 1615. — 4. — — Edward 3. Jane 2. Elizabeth 4. SELBY. Arms. — Barry Or and Salle. Crest. — A man's head proper wreathed about the temples Or and Salle. Percivall Selby of Bitelsden.=j=Cecily da. of . . . Colling- wood of Eslington. A THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. A| Christopher Selby=f=Elinor da. of S^ Will'm of Bitelsden. Ogle of Cawsey Parke. Thomas 2. Arthure 3. Isabell wife of Persivall Clenhell of Clenhell. Margery wife of Raphe Grey of Heton. Isabell da. of Claveringe. =Thoma8 Selby= of Betelsden. =Augnes da. of Gerrard Heron of Meldon, 1 wife. Roberte. Anne wife Mary wife — to Roberte to John Thomas. Clenhell. Eden. Ralfe. Alexander Selby=Joane da. of S"" of Betelsden Ephraim Wid- 1615. drington of Trewhit. Roberte of the age of three yeres. Will'm 2 Sonne mar. Hellena da. of S"- Tho. Hagcrsbn Kt. & Baronet. Mary vx. .... Col- lingwood of Thorn- ton in Com. Nmihumh. Agnes, 3 da. Vrsula vx. . . . Pott of Trewhit. Ephraim. Thomas, A lexander. Gem'ge. John. Thomas mt. an. 1650. 17 Will'm. Charles. Robert. Alice. Mary. Joane. [The words in italics have been added in a later hand.] Edwardus dei gra. Rex Seotoru' omnibus fidelibus ad quos presens Carta pervenerit salt'm. Sciatis nos dedisse concessisse, etc. dilecto et fideli n'ro Waltero de Selby militi pro bono et laudabili servitio suo quod nobis impendit et impendet in futuru' o'ia terra et ten'ta etc. que fuerunt WiUi'mi Vissard filij quoda' Johis Vissard militis inimici et rebellis n'ri infra regnu' n'rum in manu n'ra existent per forisfacturam predicti Will'mi solius tamen nobis heredibus n'ris o'ibus terr' et tene- mentis redditibus et libertatibus ac saluo iure alieno tu' inde loqui voluerint habend' et tenend' o'ia, etc. cum omnibus libertatibus, Tol them infangthefe vtfangthefe etc. prefato Waltero heredibus et assig- natis suis in feodo et hereditate imperpetuu'. In cuius rei testimouiu' sigillu' n'rm huic charta apponi fecimus. Testibus Henrico de Bello 24 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. monte Comite de Boghan, David Comite Athell, Gilb'to de Umfreuill Comite de Anegus, Eichardo Talbot, Alexandre de Mowbray, Fuslacio de Maxwell, Henrico de Ferrares militibus. Teste meipso apud Rokes- burgh anno regni n'ri anno primo. Jacobus de Selby filius et heres quondam Walteri de Selby d'ni de prenderlath salt'm. Noveritis me impignorasse et in vadiu' posuisse Johanni de Selby fr'i meo heredibus suis et suis assignatis totam terram meam de prenderlath cu' o'ibus pertinentiis. 1362. Seal. — Four bars. Sciant presentes et faturi quod ego Johannes de Selby de Betilsden dedi, etc., Eoberto Clenhell de Clenhell omnia terra et ten'taque habeo in villa et territorio de Betilsden in Com. Northumbria Anno xi» H. 6. Seal. — Barry of eight. ANDERSON. Aems. — Vert three bucks lodged Argent attired Or. Crest. — A buck lodged Argent in a pool of water, attired and vulned through the neck with an arrow Or, flighted Argent. Roberte Anderson of Alnewicke.=F RoDerte Anderson of Newcastle.=f=. ... da. of Lambe of Newcastle. Robert Anderson of Newcastle.=^Anne da. of Anderson of Newcastle. Roberte Anderson of Newcastle = Jane da. of Thomas Liddell now liveinge 1615. of Newcastle, Alderman. FENWICKE. Aems. — Quarterly 1 and 4:. Argent three martlets Gules, on a chief of the last as many martlets of the first. 2 and 3. Azure six annulets 3, 2 and 1 Or, a mullet for difference. The whole coat is charged with a mullet upon a mullet for difference. Mary da. of William=pJohn Fenwicke= Elizabeth sister of S"" Stother. 1 wife. esquire. Roger Widderington. John. William Fenwicke of=pJohane da. and heire of Wallington esquire. Thomas Musgrave. A THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 25 Roger Fenwicke of Bitchfield=j=Vrsula da. of John Heron 2 Sonne. I of Chipchase. William Fenwicke of Bitchfield 1 sonne. .... Fenwicke 2 sonne,=F Odonell Fenwicke of Camma.=;=Barbara da. of Baynbrigge. John Fenwicke of Butterlawe===Barbara da. of Christopher liveinge 161. 5. Blonte of Newcastle. Martyne Fenwick sonne and heire=Elizabeth da. and coheire of John 2 setat. 18 Annor' 1615. Rob'te Fenwicke of Kenton, sonne. I I I * Lancelot=Dorcas da. of Rob. 2. Nicholas. 1. Cathe- 'i. Elizabeth Fenwick Sonne & heire vide fol. 59. Shaftoe of New- — rin. vx. Thomas castU M^chant & 3. John. Fenwick of Alderman. — Brinkleij. A. Martin. Martyn Fenwick. Robert. * The words in italics are in a later hand, and also the following pedigree at fol. 59 of the MS. John of Kinton Lo. of Kinton.=p ^1 Mawde d. & heire ux. W™ Hedwen.^ I I Allison d. & sole h. of W" Hedwen, vx. Tho. Bennet of Newcastle. Wiil'm Bennet .=p i ~' =^Tho. Bennet.=p I I Sonn & heire.=i= Elianor. Wiil'm Bennet.=p 26 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. READE. Arms. — Or, on a cTievron between three garbs Chiles as many ears of corn Argent, Thomas Read of the close.=j=Joane da. of & heire of Nicholas Turpin. George Read sonne & heire.=f=. ... da. of Horsley. Gerrard Reade sonne & heire.===. ... da. of Fenwicke of little Herle. Clemente Reade.=pMargaret da. of Nicholas Turpin, Richard Reade.=f=Anne da. of John Ord of Orde. Clemente Reade of the close~=Anne da. of Gilberte Errington liueinge 1615 of Wassington. A| I I I I I Anthony=Agnes d. of Agnes mar. a Jane a niin Isabell vx. Marg*yongestda. ob. s. p. Tho. Car- Scotchman at St. Bar- John Wo- vx. John Fen wick naby of against her tholomews derington of Chebborne. Halton. frinds will. in New- of Haixle castle. T Isabell da. of W" Horsley=T=Robert Fenwick.=pBarbary da. of Lancelot of Scrimwood Esq. Erington of Denton. II I I Marg' vx. Barbary vx. Rob. Magdalen da. & Elizabeth da. & cob. vx. Martyn Hector Erington of coh. vx. Tristram Fenwick sonn of John Fenwick Ogle. Ponteland. Fenwick. of Butterley 1653. Robert Fen VFick.=p Jane da. of Rob. Fenwick of Blinkley. ! I I I II III 1. Tristram. 2. Robert. 3. John. Elizabeth. Magdalen. Jane. Grace. Hanna. I MINI Lancelot Fenwick.=^Dorcas da. of Rob. Shafto of New- Nicholas. Catherine, castle M'chant & Alderman. — — John. Elizabeth, Martin. Robert. Martin. Barbery. T THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 27 Gerard sonne and==Anne da. of Henry 2. Richard 4. Elizabeth heire astat. 28 Thomas Me- — — wife to Annor. 1615. thamofGre- Francis 3. Clements. Arthure nake in Ebor. Leighe. Elizabeth infans. Anne wife to Mabell wife to Margaret. Mary. Isabell. Anne. Nathaniell Richard Brantiugham. Carrock. LISLE. S'' William Lisle of Felton in N'orthumberland.== ^1 S"" Humfrey Lisle Knight. == S"" John Lisle of felton===. ... da. of ... . .... Lisle,= sonn & heire. I Harvy. 2 sonne. Robert Lisle Thomas Lisle==Marffaret da. of Thomas 1 Sonne. of Elehaugh. Heron of Bokenfeild. Thomas Lisle=j=Margaret da. of Robt. Horsley of Hasan. of Akelington parke. Robert Lisle John 2 Lancelot Lisle of Newton==Elizabeth da. of Tho. of Hasan, sonne. in the more, lining 1615. 1615. Carr of old felton. Ralf Lisle sonne=j=Ann da. of David George. John. Margaret. & heire Crowe of Barwick. Robert sonne & heire getat. 3 Annor' 1615. Margaret. STROTHER. Ex evidentijs Johannis Strother de Ifewton in Com. Northmnb. 1615. His scale is a man on horsbacke armed. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris Nicholaus Corbet salt'm. Noveritis vniuersitas v'ra me concessisse et hac presenti charta mea 28 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. confirmasse Symoni de Holthall et vxori suas toto tempore vitse suae omnes Condicones que in Carta quam d'ns Willi'mus filius Comitis pater meus d'c'o Symoni et vxori suse scilic' de hospitali in fenton in Glendall cu' dimidia carucata terrge diet' hospitali pertinen' rioiatu' concessit et Confirmavit tenend' etc. In cuius rei testimonio huic scripto patenti sigillu' meu' feci apponi. Hijs testibus Domino Phillippo le Brun, d'no Roberto de Nesbit, Patricio Corbet persona de KinhuU. sine data valde antiqua. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris salt'm. Noverint vniversit' vra me Nicholau' Corbet militem dedisse d'no Waltero Corbet fr'i meo et heredibus suis totu' dominu' meu' de Langton in Glendall. Testibus d"no Waltero de Huntergo, Will'mo Heyrun, d'no Roberto de Insula, d'no Waltero de Cambehon, d'no Michaeli de Kilbun, d'no David de Coupland militibus sine data. Omnibus has I'ras visuris vel audituris tarn presentibus quara faturis Willi'mus filius Patricij Comitis de Dunbarr salt'm. Noveritis vniver- sitas v'ra consessu et assensu Nicholai Corbeth (sic) filij mei et heredis dedisse etc., Waltero filio meo pro homagio et servitio suo totam terram meam de ColweU etc. Testibus d'no P. Com. de Dunbarr nepoti meo, d'no Rogero Mubray, d'no David de Grayham, d'no Halano de ]\Iarcharris, d'no Roberto de Nesbith, d'no Patricio filio Walteri, Johanni de Blackden et alijs, sine data. Omnibus Christi fidelibus presens scriptu' visuris vel audituris Walterus Corbet salt'm in d'no, Noveritis me remisisse, etc., Will'mo de Strother et Johannae vxori eius heredibus vel assignatis suis totu' ius quod habeo in o'ibus terr' et ten'tis redditibus et que ijdem Willi'mo et Johanna, habent ex dimissione mea ad vitam ipsoru' Willi'mi Johannaa in villis de Langton et Newton in com. Northumbr. xi. E. 2. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris Alanus Whithead et ahj dederunt et Concesserunt Henrico de la Strother d'no de Langton in Clendale A*' 44 Ed. 3^. Johannes de Bugthrop Capellanus et Johannis Burell dederunt et concesserunt Thome Strother militi et Matildae vxore suge filiae Johannis de Hicchome militis medietatem villas de Westernewton in Glendall anno xi. Ri. 2. Will'm Strother of Newton.== da, of Edm. Horsley of Milborne, esq"". Will'm Strother of Newton, esq.=Jane da. of John Selby of Twysell, esq. Lancelot Strother of Langton==Elinor da. of John Coigniers and Newton, esquire. j of Sockburne, esquire. \ n \ m TTi 2. Will'm. John Strother of Langton 1. Anne. 4. Elinor. — and Newton, esquire, live- — — 3. Lancelote. inge 1615. 2. Ehzabeth. 5. Catherine. 3. Jane. 6. Mary. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 29 WHITWANGE. Arms. — Argent, a chevron Azure hetween three lions gamhs erased Gules, on a chief Sable as many shields Or. Crest. — A hedge hog Or quilled Sable. Henry Whitwange of Dunstan=j=Anne da. of John Claueringe in Northumberland. of Callalye, esquire. Henry Whitwange.=j=Lucy da. of John Rodham of litle Haughton. Roberte Whitwange.^^plsabell da. of John Heron of Bokenfeild. Rich. Whitwange of Dun-=pMary da. of Martyne Henry Whitwange fitan nowe liveinge 1615. Fenwicke of Castle- 2 sonne. dwyn. Wiil'm Sonne and heire Roberte 1. Mary. 2. Margaret, aetat. 22 Annor' 1615. 2 sonne. FORSTER. Arms. — Quarterly, l and 4, Argent, a chevron Vert between three hunting horns Sable. 2 and 3. Argent, on a bend cotised Sable three martlets Or. ' Thomas Forster.=f=. . . . da, of the Baron Hilton. Thomas Forster.^pDorothie da. of Roberte Lo. Ogle. Thomas Forstei'=FFlorence sister of Sir John=Jane da. of Cuth- of Etherston, esq. 1575. Tho. Lo. Wharton. Forster, berte Radcliff'e of kt. 2 Northumberland. sonne. Thomas Forster=f=Isabell da. of Cuthbert=FElizabeth da. of Thomas of Etherstone, esq. 1 sonne. John Brewster Forster, of Lucker. 2 sonne. Bradforth of Bradforth. 30 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. A| 2. Thomas. S.John. 4. Will' m. Mathewe Forster^Catherine da. of of Etherstone esq. 16I5,filiusnothus. S'' Raphe Gray of Chillingham. Thomas sonne and Mathewe. 1. Jane. 2. Mary. 3. Dorothy. heire setat. 1 1 annor. 2 sonne. 1615. Margaret da. of Rich.=f^Thomas Forster of Brun-=pJane da. of Will'm Forster of Tugwell Hall, ton sonne and heire. Carr of Ford. Elizabeth. Ephraim 1 sonne. 2. John, 3. Reginald. Nicholas Forster of Newham in Northumberland deseended=f= out of the house of Forster of Etherstone. Florry Forster of Newham.=j= Nicholas* Forster of=pMargaret da. of Mathewef Forster=j=Anne da Newham, 1 sonne and heire. . Gallon. of Fletham 2 sonne. of Ogle. Richard Foreter=FElizabeth da. of John=Phe]ize da. of Thomas of Tughill Hall 2 sonne. Tho. Colhngwood Forster Forster of Ether- of Great Raile. 1 Sonne, stone. 2. Nicholas. 4. Mat- John Forster of Tug-=f=Grace da. of Cuth- — thewe, hill Hall and New- 3. Raphe. ham liveinge 1615. berte Forster of Etherstone. Richard sonne 2. Thomas. 3. John. 5. George. 1. Philla- and heire eetat. — — delpha. 17 Annor' 1615. * 4. Nicholas. 6. Samuell. 2. Mary. Richard Forster of Fie tham.=f= Jane da. of Hebborne of Hebborne. A I * Arms as above, differenced with a mullet charged with a crescent, t Same arms, the mullet charged with a mullet. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 31 A| Mathewe Fors-=j=Elizabeth da, of 2. Roger. 3. Nicholas. 4. Richard. ter of Fletham, liveinge, 1615. Nich. Forster of Newham. 3. John. 5. Alexander. 1. Margaret. Richard Raphe^Isabell — — — Sonne 2 da. of 4. Nicholas. 6. Thomas. 2. Mary. and heire sonne. Lyonell — — getat. 24. Brad- 7. Matthewe. 3. Phelize. Annor' forth. 1615. CRASTRE. Sciat presentes et futuri quod ego Edmundus Crastre ar. dedi concessi et hac present! Carta mea confirmaui Jaspero Crastre filio meo o'ia terr' et tent' reddit' et servic' mea cum pertinen' in villa territor' et Campis de Newton by the Sea, etc. In cuius rei testimoniu' huic present' Charta mea sigillu' meu' apposui' Dat. 12 die Septembris Anno primo Hen. VIII. Seal. — Quarterly, in the first quarter a bird. Edmond Castre of Castre in=f=. ... da. of Widdrington Com. Northumb. Ar. of Widdrington. George Crastre of Crastre=pElizabeth da. of S"" Thomas Jasper Crastre Sonne and heire. Forster of Etherstone, K*. 2 sonne. Edmond Crastre of Crastre- sonne and heire. = Alice da. of Mit- ford of Seighill. Elinor wife to Michsell Hebborne of Hebborne. 2. Edmond. John Crastre- — of Crastre 3. Thomas, esq. now live- inge 1615. =Margaret Margaret Isabell Jane da. of wife to Avife to wife to Will'm Henry Luke Bertram Carr of Colling- Ogle of Ander- Ford es- wood of Eggling- son. quire. Etall. ham. Edmond sonne and heire 2. John, aetat. 15 Annor' 1615. — 3. Will'm. 4. George. 1. Margaret. 2. Jane. 32 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. FENWICKE. Abm^.— Argent, three martlets Gules, on a chief of the last as many martlets of the field; a crescent for difference. Mary da. of WiU'm^p Johannes Fen-=Eliza. sister of S-- Roger Strother. I wicke esquire. Widderington, 2 wife. William Fenwicke of Wallington.^Johan d. & h. of Tho. Musgrave. Roger Fenwicke. John Fenwicke.=pAnne da. of James Metcalfe. Roger Fenwicke.=i=Dorothie d. of S' John Widdrington. Grace da. of S"" John=pSir Will'm Fenwicke=pMargaret da. of William Forster, 1 wife, Knighte Selby of Newcastle. Gra^e* da of . . . Lorrayne=^W John Fenwicke=T=Catherine da. of S' of Kirk-harle in Nor thumb. of Wallington Knighte 1615. Henry Slingesby of Scriven K*. WilVm =r=Jane d. Allan. Grace ux. Tho. John Fenwick 2 Sonne & heire 1654. of Hen. Stapleton ofWighill in Com. Ebor. Catherine. Venables son dt sonne and — h.of Peter Ven- heire set. Elizabeth. ahlesB.ofKin- 3 An nor. dertou. 1615.s.^. John cet. 10, an. 1654. Grace. Mary. 2. William Fen- wicke of Mel- Edw. Rat- den nowe live- cliff of Dils- inge, 1615,a//^- ' ton in co. knighted by ! Northumb. King James. \ K*& Baronet. A Eliz. d. to S"- 3. Ro- Elizabeth Dorothy ger. wife to S'' wife to Claudius Cuthbert Foster Heron of Knight. Chipchase esquire. Anne. Margar. Mary. * The words in italics are in a later hand. THE VISITATION OF NOHTHTJMBERLAND. 33 |A 1. Mary ux. S"" 2. Catherin 2 da. & coh. 1 3. Dorothy 3 da. and Andreiv Young mar. Henry Laivson of Brough coh. yet unmar. 1652. of Bourne in in Go. El)r.2 to Fran. Ratcliff nou^ married to Edivard Com. Ebor. 10 sonne & h. to xS'*" Edivard Moore of Moore Hall A" 1652. Radcliff K'' & Bar. in co. Lane. esq. 1656. SALKEILD. ' Arms. — Argent, fretty Gules, on a chief of the last a martlet for difference Or. Thomas Salkeild of Bassington in Northumberland a=p. . . da. of Ogle yonger brother of the house "of Salkeild in Cumberland, of Ogle Castle. John Salkeild of Bassington sonne and=f=Catherine da. of Nich. Forster heire now liveinge 1615. of Newham. .John Salkeild sonne=pDorothie da. of 2. Thomas. Mary wife to and heire, setat. 22 Annor. 1615. Will'm Carnaby — Arthure Heb- of Farnham. 3. Will'm. borne of Heb- — borne. Mary. 4. Ealfe. ERRINGTON. Arms. — Argent, two bars and iti chief three escallops Azure. Gilberte Errington, Anno 20 H. 7.=p Nicholas Errington. Gilberte Errington of Errington,=i=. . . . d. of S' Nicholas Anno 1 H. 8. Eidley, K* Gilbert Errington of Erring-=p ton, A° 20 H. 8. John Errington=7= Thomas. 2 sonne. Hughe. 34 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Nicholas Errington=Anne da. of Reginald Barbara sister and of Errington A° 2 & Carnaby of Halton heire wife to Nicholas 3 of P. & Mary. knighte. Carnaby s. p. Gilberte Errington. 2 wife=f=Dorothie da. of Nicholas. Hughe. Grace da. to Gawin Rother feUd David Carnaby, — 1 wife. John. Thomas. Michaell, Raphe, John Errington=pDorothie da. of 2. Thomas. Richard, Gawyn, of Errington Lancelot. Will'm. liveinge 1615. Edw. Widder- ington of Wid- 3. Nicholas. derinsrton. Henry sonne and heire Will'm Jane. Dorothie. Vrsula. aetat. 15 Annor. 1615. 2 sonne. Jane wife to John Hall Mabill wife of Will'm of Otterborne. Stockill of Thornton. MUSCHAMPE. Henry the viij^'' by the grace of god kinge of England and of France defender of the faith Lord of Ireland and on earth ymediatly under god supreame Lord of the Church of England. To our trustie and welbeloved servante Edward Mustions greeteinge. For as much as for certaine respetes and Consideracons vs moveinge, Wee haue at this tyme named and appointed our righte trustie and righte welbeloved servante and Counsellor S"" Will'm Evers knighte our deputie Warden of our Eastmarches from Scotland vnderstandinge that the principall habitacon is within the limites of the same, and that ye haue ever bene w*^ your body substance and all your strength ready to serve vs truly and faithfully, etc. wee haue given and granted and by theise presentes wee give and grante vnto you an annuitie of twentie Markes by the yeare to be paied to you yerely, etc. given vnder our signit at our Mannor of Green w'^'^ the 23 yeare of our Raigne. Omnibus has I'ras visuris vel audituris Robertus filius Hutredi. Noveritis me dedisse Matildas filiae Roberti pro homagio et servitio suo quatuor acras terrae in campo de Lowicke. Hiis testibus d'no Roberto de Museliaus, d'no Will'mo de Ford, d'no Roberto de Manerio, d'no Roberto de Ylcester, d'no Jacobo de Hebborne, d'no Will'mo de Belles- den, Will'mo de Musleliaus, Willielmo de Newenton, etc. Sine data. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 35 Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Will'mus de Fulbrigg et Isabella vxor mea concessimus dedimus et reddidimus d'no Stephano de Mus- cocarapo d'no n'ro totam medietatem dimidiae carucatae terrge, etc. quam de pred'co Stephano d'no n'ro tenuimus in territorio de Bermore, Hijs testibus d'nis Will'mo de Herun, Roberto de Manerio, Phillippo do Letewell, Henrico de Dicheut militib's, Roberto de Vlecester, Johanna de Luker, Jacobo de Houborne et alijs. Sine data. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris, Robertus filius Hutredi de Barmore eternam in d'no sempeternam me dedisse Lucise le Britun sex acras terrae in territorio de Lewicke. Testibus d'no Will'mo de Museocampo, d'no Roberto de Manerio et alijs. Sine data. Adam filius Emmas de Gaterswicke et Enfenia vxor mea dedimus et d'nae Agnet* sponsse quondam d'ni Stephani de Museocampo decern acras terrae cu' vno messuagio in territorio de Gaterswicke. Hijs testibus d'no Roberto de Manerio, Gilberto Heron d'no de Ford, Jacobo d'no de Houborne, Will'mo de Aula de Bellesden et alijs. Sine data. Beatrix relicta Richardi de Knapton concessit Ricardo de Emeldon Burgensi villae Novi Castri super Tynam o'ia terra et ten'ta in parva Tuideley. Testibus d'no Johanne de Fenwicke tunc Vicecomite North- umbr', Roberto de Clifford, Roberto de Lucre, militibus, Johanne de Rodam, Rogero de Ederstone, Henrico de Swynogh et alijs, anno 15 Ed. 2. Henricus del Strother nuper vicecomis Northumbr' recepi de Thomas de Museocampo per manus Will'mi de Prestwicke deputati mei, &c. A" 36 Ed. 3"J. Otnnibus Christi fidelibus hoc scriptu' visur' vet auditur' etc. Will'mus filius Isabellae de Byremore salt'm in d'no. Noveritis me dedisse etc. Stephano de Museocampo et heredibus suis totam Com- unem in terra de Crakden. Sine dat. Testibus dn'o Waltero de Huntercombe, d'no Will'mo Heyrun, Roberto de Manerio. Stephanus de Museocampo sine data. John de Coupland standeth bound by obligacon to Thomas Mus- champe to pay him two hundred poundes at Bardmore dat. 1331. In French. Seal. — A shield charged with a cross. An acquittance from Peirce de Kellen and Elizabeth his wife wherein they acknowledge to have received of Mounsier Will'm de Muschampe 25 markes in parte of paiem't of fortie m'kes the w'='* the said Mounsier Will'm was bound for the marriage of Richard sonne and heire of John de Coniers to Margery the daughter of the said Mounsier Will'm Mus- champe in the raigne of Edward the sonne of Ed. the second. John Conyers.=y= Mounsier Wiirm=f= de Muschampe .1 i Richard Conyers= Margaret Muschampe 2 E. 2. 2 Ed. 2. 36 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Omnibus ad quos preseutes I'rse perveneriut Johannis Spornell de Bollesden salt'm. Noveritis me dedisse et concessisse Will'mo de Muscocampo militi omnia bona mea mobilia et imobilia in territorio de Bellesden Anno regni Regis Edwardi filio Regis Edi. secundo. Will'mus de Muscocampo miles Anno 2 Ed. 2. Will'mus de Lodewike Capellanus concessit quod tertia pars manerij de Baremore que Johanna que fuit vxor Will'mi de Muscocampo militis tenet de hereditatae ipsius Thome ex dono Thome de Muscocampo sibi concessa et qui post decessu' ipsius Joha ad predict' Thomam de Lod- wicke et heredes suos reverti deberet post mortem eiusdem Johannse intigre remaneat Thome de Muscocampo pro termino vitse eiusdem Thome post eius mortem remaneat Will'mo filio Thome de Muscocampo et Constantige filige Joh'is de Loker et heredibus masculis de corpora pred'c'ae Constantife pro defectu talis exitus remaneat tertiu pars predci Manerij Roberto fri predicti Will'mi. dat. 1341. Will'mus de Muscocampo miles.=pJohanna. Thomas de Muscocampo.=p Stephanus de Muscocampo. Willielmus de=Constancia filia Robertus Musehampe. Muscocampo. Joh'is Loker. Hec Indentura testatur quod dn's Will'mus de Muscocampo executor testament! d'ni Walteri de Borudon nuper defuncti reddit Compotu' suu' sociis suis scilicet d'nis Waltero de Borudon Gilberto de Borudon militibus et Will'mo perpetuo vicario de Edesham executoribus d'ci testament! in Eccl'ia de Elderton die Jovis post festu' Sctas Trinitatis Anno d'ni 1312. in p'ntia d'nor' Phillippi de la ley, Thome Grey et Robert! de Heslington militu' de 25" 12* 8*^ ob. de quibus solent Richardo de Elindon Burgens! Nov! Castr! super Tynam 12" 15^ 10'' etc. Item d'no Waltero de Borndon filio et heredi diet! defuncti 69* 6^ etc. et sic quietus est d'cus dn's Will'mus. Ex Evidentijs Georgij Musehampe de Baremore in Com. Northumbr' armigeri. Edwardus dei gra' Rex Angliae dominus Hibernise dux Equitanise Omnibus ad quos etc. salt'm. Sciatis quod cu' nuper per I'ras n'ras patentes concessimus dilecto valecto n'ro Michaeli de Pressen' maner' de Midleton iuxta Belford in Com. Northumbr' quod fuit David le Marischall Scoti et quod per forisfacturu' pred'ci David ad manus n'ras deuenit habend' eijdem Michaeli pro termino vitge reddendo nobis per annu' ad decem marcas etc. Nos ad requisiconem Phillippae Reginae Angliae concessimus pred'co Michaeli pro bono servitio suo maneriu' pred' habend' vna cu' servitijs liberoru' tenentiu' eidem Michaeli et heredibus suis etc. Teste meipso apud Edinburgh tertio decimo die Septembris anno regni n'ri nono. Edwardus dei gra' Rex Anglise et fiFranciae et dn's Hiberniae Omnibus Ballivis et fidelibus suis ad quos presentes I'rse pervenerint salt'm. Sciatis quod de gra' n'ra speciali etc. licentia dedimus pro nobis et THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 37 heredibus n'ris dilecto nobis Thome de Muscocampo quod ipsi mans' suu' de Baremore in Com. Northumb' muro de petra et calce firmare et kelluallare et mans' illud sic firmatu' et kenellat tenevi possit sibi et heredibus suis possit tenere imperpetuu' etc. Teste meipso apud Westm' 17 die Maij Anno regni n'li Angiie 15 regni vero n'ri Francie 2. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris Will'mus de Muscocampo miles salt'm in D'no etc. Noveritis vniversitas v'ra me Concessissi Will'mo de Muscocampo filio meo et heredibus suis de corpore suo ['time procreat' terr' et ten'ta que habuit de dono patricij filij Roberti de Bollesden. Sine data. Testibus Rogero de Heron et Roberto de manerio militibus. Will'mus de Muscocampo salut'. Noverit' me et heredes meos teneri Hugoni de Muscocampo fiUo meo primogenito et Christianas vxori et heredibus de corporibus suis exeuntibus quondam annu' redditu' decem marcar' exeunt' de manerio de Baremore dat. 1313. Will'mus filius Rogeri de Muscocampo sal't'm inspexi quoddam scriptu' fact' Thome de Muscocampo d'no de Baremore per Michaelem Pressen et me prefatu' Will'mu' de quoddam anno redditu' 30^ pro termino vit«e predicti Thome exeunte de manerio de Middleton iuxta Belford et post mortem dicti Thome remaneat Roberto filio predict' Thome et heredibus masculis de corpore suo procreat' et pro defectu talis exitus remaneat Will'mo filio pred'c'i Thome et hered' mascuhs de corpore suo I'time procreat' pro defectu talis exitus rectis heredibus ipsius Thome remaneat imperpetuu' dat. 1341. A petic'on in French by Thomas Muschampe to Kinge Edwarde the third. That whereas Mounsier John Lilburne was taken prisoner in the warres by his enemies in Northumberland and by them carried away into Scotland and there detained and for his deliverance he wrote unto me as his allye that I should remayne ostage for him for three weekes which beinge done accordinglie he tooke a corporall oathe vpon the Evangeliste to his Maisters Roberte Mantalent and John Mantalente and Will'm le Clerkes that he would render his body within that tyme or els to paie sixe hundreth markes the w'^'^ Covenauntes and oathe by him was altogeather neglected and broken Contrarie to the order of Chivellrie the w"^^ all knightes and gent, oughte to have kepte inviolable, by reason whereof there is risen a scandall and infamie to the Englishe nac'on by the Scotts, and therefore moste humblie entreateth that his Ma"® would be pleased to deliver him by his speciall griice. MUSCHAMPE. Arms. — Azure three hutterflies Argent. John Muschampe of Baremore=f=Isabell da. of Manners of in Northumberland esquire. Itell in Northumberland. George Muschampe esq.=p .... da. of Strangwaies. Sonne and heire. 38 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND, Edw. Muschampe esq. sanne=i=. ... da. of S"" Roger Grey of and heire. Horton Knighte. Creorge Muschanipe=p. ... da. of Colling- Roger Muschampe sonne ^1 wood of Etall. and heire, s.p. George Muschampe esq. of=pElizabeth da. of John Selby Baremore liveinge 1615. of Twysell Knight. William Mu8champe=j=Eliza. da. of S' Nich. Gilborne of 2. Raphe. Sonne and heire. Charinge in Kent, K*. I I I George sonne and heire 2. Will'm 1 yere old. Margaret. aetat. 2 Annor' 1615. II II II I I 3. George. 5. John. 7. Thomas. Margaret wife to Isabell — — — Hen. Colling- 2 daughter. 4. Henry. 6. Roberte. 8. Daniell. wood of Etall. HERON. Arms. — Azure, three herons Argent. Crest. — A heron (untinctured.) John Heron of Bokenfeild in=r .... da. of Lisle of Northumbr. esq. Felton. Humfrey Heron of Bokenfeild=rYrsula da. and coheire of S"" Thomas in Northumbr. esquire. I Grey of Horton, K*. John Heron of Bokenfeild esquire.=pJane da. of Richard Norton. 2. Arthnre. Margaret da. of= Richard Heron of^pJane da. of Eliza Rob'te Hesle- Bokenfeild Anthony beth. rigg, 1 wife, esquire liveinge Felton, 2 s. p. 1615. wife. I ! I John sonne and heire tetat. 6 Thomas Barbara Annor. 1615. 2 sonne. 1 daughter. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 39 LAWSON. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, a chevron between three martlets Sable. 2 and 3, Barry of six Argent and Azure, in chief three annulets of the last. Cramlington. Crest. — Two arms vested Argent (or Ermine) holding a gem ring Or, the stone Argent, in the centre of the ring the sun in splendour. Motto. — Rise and shine. Thomas Lawson sen. de Cramlington tenuit Cramlington et alias terras pro termino vitae ex dono quorundara feofatore. A° 20 Ed, III. Law8on.=F . . . , William Lawson. John Lawson. Richard Lawson. Will'mus filius Will'mi cui George. Eoger. Thomas, terr' predca' taliabantur — — — post mortem Tho. Law- Thomas. WilHam. Roberte. son seniori et heredibus masculis de corpore suo. Thomas Lawson sepultus apud=p .... da. and heire of Cramlington Cramlington. of Cramlington. "Will'm Lawson of Cramlington in=p Northumberland. da. of Horsley. Thomas Lawson of Cramlington.=f=Elizabeth da. of Lionell Fenwicke. Thomas Lawson of Cramlington=i=Adinell da. of George Brabante of nowe livinge 1615. the Easte parke of Branspath. Catherine, 1 yeare old, 1615. 40 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. MITFORD. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent a /ess Miveen three moles Sable, 2, Argent thres Imis' heads erased Sable. 3, Azure six annulets. 3, 2, and 1 Or, a mullet for difference. Musgrave. Eobert Mitford=f= .... da. and coheire of Musgrave of Seiffhall. [of] Rjall in Northumberland. John Mitford of Seighall in^ .... sister of S"" John Widdi'ington of Northumberland. TViddrington. John Mitford of Seighall in=f^Barbara da. of Tho. Lawson of Cram- Northumberland. lington. Roberte Mitford of=F Allison da. of Bartram Anderson of Newcastle Seighall esq. Alderman. 2. Bertram. Jane da. of=FMichael Mit-=FElizabeth 2. Jane. Isabell — S'- Roberte 3. Robert. Delaval of — Seaton 4. Henry. Delavall, 5. Oswald. 2 wife. ford of Seighall liue- inge 1G15. Ob. A" 1637.* da. of S' — wife to Tymothie 3. Anne. John Whitting- — Hull of ham of 4. Bar- Owster- Holmesyde bara. leigh. in Ep'atu. Raphe Mitford 2 Th). Mitford 3 Roberte sonne and heire agtat. 2 Sonne A" 1652. sonne A" 1652. annor. 1615. Ob. s. p. A" 1640. FENWICK. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, three martlets Gules, on a chief of the last as many martlets of the first, a fleur-de-lis for difference. 2 and 3, Argent, three cinquefoils pierced Sable. Mary da. of Will'm^^pS'" John =f=Elizabeth sister of S' Roger Strother. 1 wife. I Fenwieke. Widdrington. 2 wife. * The words in italics are in a later hand. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 41 A I 1. John 2. Wil- 3. Roberte. Gerard =f Fenwicke. liam. Fenwicke 6 Sonne. . da. and 4. Koger. coheire of S*" — Walter Brough- 5. Raphe, ton of North- umberland. I I I Michaell George Fen-=]= .... da. of Tristram Fen-=pMargaret 2 Sonne, wicke of s. p. Brinckborne. Lorraine of wicke 3 sonne. Kirkherle. of Ogle of Bothell. Martyne Fenwicke of East Haddon=pAnne da. of S"" Will'm Ogle of and Burroughton. Cockleparke. George Fenwicke of East Haddon=f=Elizabeth da. of John Hed- liveinge 1615. worth of Harrowton. Will'm Sonne and heire aetat. 30 2. Richard. 4. John. Annor. 1615. — — 3. Martyne. 5. George. Isabell. George Fenwicke of=j=Dorothie da. of 2. Gregory. Margaret wife Brinckburne liveing John Forster of — to Rob'te Ogle. 1615. Newham. 3. Will'm. ^ill'm. 4. Henry. 1. Margaret. George sonne and heire 2. Wil setat. 12 Annor. 1615. — 3. Gregory. 5. Claudius. 2. Mary. MITFORD. Arms. — Argent, a /ess between three moles Sable, a bordure gobony, Bartram Mitford of Mitford.=p .... da. of Lisle of Felton. Gawen Mitford.=f= .... sister of S'' Thomas Forster of Etherstone. A 42 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. [A Cuthberte Mitford of Mitford.=pAnne da. of ... . Walleis. Jane wife Roberte Mitford of^=Anne da. Isabell wife Margaret wife to Tho- Mitford liveinge masHuds- 1615. This peth. Roberte was borne out of wedlocke. of John to Cuth- to Thomas Mitford berte Ogle Pye. of Seig- of Chap- hall, ington. Cuthberte Mitford died in the life=p .... da. of Christopher Wharton of his Father. of Vfferton. Roberte sonne and heire setat. 3 Annor. 1615. John 2 Sonne. Barbara wife to Elinor wife to Mar- Isabel — George Fenwicke Daniell Colling- garet. Will'm 3 Sonne, of Langshawe. woodof Branton. ANSLEY. Aems. — Oules, on a iend Argent three mulMs Azure, in chief a cinguefoil Or. Roberte Ansley of Shaftoe in=T= .... da. of Fenwicke of Northumberland. Litle Herle. Will'm Ansley of Shaftoe.=f=Dorothie da. of G-uy Delavale of Hortou. Guy Ansley of Shaftoe sonne and=f Grace da. of Will'm Shaftoe heire. of Bavington. Will'm Ansley .=pMarian da. of Swinborne of Captheton. Will'm Ansley Marian sister and heire to Will'm whoe hath com- s. p. pounded with Gawen for her righte of Inheritance. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 43 A| Gawen Ansley sonne nowe liueinge 1615, whoe= is nowe heire male of the house and hath com- pounded with Marian the da. and heire of Will'm for her right of Inheritance. -Mabill daughter of Gawyn Rotherfeild of Rutchester. I I William Ansley sonne and=f=Elinor da. of Thomas Fenwicke Gawen heire of Coatyeard 2 sonne. Dorothie. BELL. Christopher Bell of Bellases in= Northumberland. ... da. of Lawson. John Bell of Bellases.=j=Elizabeth da. of Cuthberte Horsley of Horsley. John Bell of Bellasis nowe=pAnne da. of Martyne Fen- Roberte Bell livinge 1615. wicke of Heddon. 1 sonne, s. p. John Bell sonne=rElizabeth da. of Hum- Will'm 2 sonne Catherine. and heire getat. 24 Anno. 1615. frey Greene of Staning- an apprentize ton in Northumberland, in London. Catherine. BLENKINSOP. Omnibus banc Cartam visuris vel audituris salut'm, Noveritis me Joh'em Blenkmsop armigeru' filiu' et heredem Thome Blenkinsop dedisse, etc. Thome Blenkinsop filio Gerardi Blenkinsop et Agneti vxori su£e filiae Richardi Denton omnia terra et ten'ta que habeo in Denton-how et moleudinu' aquaticu' etc. habend' et tenend' o'ia et singula et predco' Thome et Agnete et heredibus de corporibus ipsoru' Thome et Agnete et pro defectu talis exitus remaneant terrse predict' Gerardo filio meo et heredibus de corpore suo. dat' Anno 4 H. 7. Johannes Salvayne ar. dedit et concessit Gerardo Blenkinsop maneriu' de Bellester et Bellesters parke in Com. Comb'r. 15 Ed. 4. Arms. — Argent, a/ess between three garbs Sable. 44 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Thomas Blenkiiisop.=j= Johannes Blenkinsop, ar. 4 H. 7.=p Roberte Blenkinsop.=^ Gerrard Blen-=T= John sonne of Roberte betwene whome and Gerard kinsop. Blenkinsop the award was made, 7 H. 7. Thomas Blenkinsop=Agne8 da. of Richard Nicholas Blenkinsope= died wthout yssue. Denton. heire to his brother. George Blenkinsop.=f=Jane da. of Awbeny Fetherstone. John Blenkinsope=pBarbara da. of John Dalstone of of Bellaster. Dalston in Cumberland. George Blenkinsop of^pJane da. of Will'm Crombocke Bellaster, 1615. of Lancasheire, Will'm Blenkinsop of the George. John. Barbara, age of 12 yeares 1615. An award made the 7th of Henry the 7th at the instance of Raphe Lo. Nevill and S"" John Cheney Knighte of the Garter betweene Gerard Blenkinsop and John sonne of Roberte Blenkinsop for the Castle and manner of Blenkinsop and other landes in Cumberland as by the sayd award no we in the Custody of George Blenkinsope of Bellester 1615, now liveinge. Omnibus banc cartam Indentatam visuris vel audituris Henricus Percy Comes Northumbr, salt'm in d'no sempiternam. Noveritis me prefatu' Comitem dedisse concessisse et hac p'nti Carta mea confirmasse Joh'i Blenkinsop et Gerardo fiUo suo maneriu' men' suu' Castru' et villam de Blenkinsope infra Com. Northumbr. vna cu' o'ibus terris redditibus et reversionibus eisdem manerio et Castro pertinentibus salvo mihi heredibus et assignatis meis officio Constabulam Castri predicti quo quidem Castru' et maneriu' habui ex dono et Concessione ipsius Johannis et Gerardi filii sui provt in quadam charta per ipsos Joh'em et Gerardu' inde mihi facta plenius liquet A" 3 H. 7. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 45 FENWICK. Aems. — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, three martlets, Gules, en a chief of the last as many martlets of the first, a mullet for difference. 2. Argent, a fess between three moles Sable (Mitford). 3. Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed Argent (Grey). Mary d. to Wiirm=i=John Fenwick=f=Elizabeth sister of S"" Eoger Strother. 1 wife, of . . . Widdrington. 2 wife. 1. John 2. Will'm Fenwicke. Sir Roger Fen-: Fen- — wicke, Kt. 4 wicke. 3. Roberte Fenwicke. sonne. =Anne da. 5. Raphe, of . . . — Harbotle. 6. Gerrard. S*" Raphe Fenwicke of=j=Mary d. & sole heire of Stanton, Kt. Mitford of Stanton. Roger Fenwicke of Leighton. John Fenwicke=pMary da. and coheire Anthony Fen- =Isabell da. of Stanton, esq. Roger Thorn- ton of Whitton. of S'' Raphe Grey of wicke of Lanches ofPercivall Chillingham Kt. 2 sonne. Selby. Raphe Fenwicke=pDorothie d. of John of Stanton esq. Ogle of Ogle Castle. Dorothie da. and coheire of=i=Richard Fenwicke of=pMargaret da. of Roger Thornton. 1 wife. Stanton 1615. esq. living Will'm Mills. 2 wife. Catherine wife to Lancelott Lisle of Felton. Jane wife to Thomas Hall of Warkworth. Will'm Fen-= wicke sonne and heire. ^Elizabeth da. of S'- Cotton Gar- graue of Nostell Kt. Thomas=FDorothie da. Fen- wicke. 2 sonne. of James Raines of Shortflatt. Margaret wife to Abraham Eden of New- castle. Edward sonne and Margaret, heire setat. 9 annor. — 1615. Cicelley. Will'm sonne and heire setat. 4 Annor. 1615. Richard 2 sonne. 46 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. RIDLEY. Arms. — Argent, on a mount Vert a hull statant Gules, a mulUt for difference Or. Also this coat and crest — Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, a chevron between three hawks close Argent, belled Or. 2 and 3. Ridley, as befoi'e. Crest. — A greyhound courant Argent collared Or. Sir Hughe Ridley of Willmondswicke in Northumberland.=T= Nicholas Ridley of Willmondswicke esquire.=p. . . da. of Rich. Dakers. Nicholas Ridley of Will- Margt. wife to Ralfe Thomasine wife to mondswike. s. p. Whitfeld, esq. Tho. Carnaby Esq. Thomas RidleY=FElizabeth da. & sole heire John Rid-=. . . da. of of Walltowne. 3 Sonne. im of John Ridley of Wal- ley 2 sonne. Errington. towne. John Ridley of Walltowne sonne=f=Anne da. of Charleton and heire liueinge 1615. of Hesleside. Thomazine wife to John Ridley sonne=pElizabeth da, of Thomas Danyell Staighton. and heire liueinge Charleton of Charleton 1615. Hall in Cmnbr. Thomas Sonne 2. Hugh. 3. Cuthbert. I.Anne. 3. Mary. and heire setat. — — — 15 Annor. 1615. 4. John. 2. Thomasine. 4. Frances. Margaret wife to Elizabeth wife to Will'm Ridley an apprentiz to a Raphe Thurlway. William of the dyer in Thames street in London. Morreloe. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 4? KILLINGWORTH. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Will'mus Killingworth senior dedi etc. et hoc p'nti Carta mea Confirmavi Johanni Blakwell vicario ecclise de Benton, Thome Benet, Johanni Heron, Richardo Killingworth, etc. omnia terra et ten'ta etc. que habeo in villis et territoriis de Killingworth, Burrowden, Fenham. Anno 3 Ed'i 4. "Wiil'mus Killingworth armiger dedi etc. Will'mo Killingworth filio meo o'ia terra et ten'ta que habeo in villa et territorio de Killingworth, Burrowden, Fenham et Gesmond et alibi in Com. Northumbr. et terr' in Wulston in Ep'atu Dunelm' prefato Will'mo et heredibus masculis de corpore suo I'time pr'creat' pro defectu talis exitus Henrico f ri suo et heredibus masculis de corpore suo I'time procreat' pro defectu tatis exitus Georgio filio suo et heredibus masculis de corpore suo I'time procreat' anno 3 Ed. 4. Seal. — Two hars, in chief three cinque/oils. Arms. — Argent, three cinquefoils Sable, pierced Or. Will'm Killingworth of Killingworth in Northumberland=p in the tyme of Edward the 4*^ by the name of armiger. William Killingworth=. . . da. of Ogle George Kilhng-=p Henry. Bonne and heire, s. p. of Bothell. worth. Richard Killingworth of Killingworth.=|= I John Killingworth=pMargaret da. John Collingwood of Ethall. John Killingworth.=f=. . . da. of Will'm Heron of Crawleigh. Oliver Killingworth of=f=Fortune da. of 2. Francis. 3. Christopher. Killingworth nowe live- inge, 1615. Oliver Ogle of 4. Roberte. John Sonne and heire Agnes. Julia. Magdaline. aetat. 4 Annor. 1615. — — — Margaret. Jane. Katherine. 48 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. RIDLEY. Arms. — Argent, on a mount Vert a hull Qules, a crescent for difference. Will'm Ridley of Tecket=p. . . da. of Heron in Northumberland. of Meldon. I Will'm Ridley of Westwood.n=Dorothie da. of Will'm Ridley of Tecket. Anne da. of Mathewe Bee of=T= Will'm Ridley of=Anne da. of Marke Neubancke. 1 wife. Westwood now Errington of Pont liveinge 1615. Eland. Mary. MIDDLETON. Arms. — Quarterly Gules and Or, in the first quarter a cross flmy Argent. Thomas Middleton of Bellshawe.=F Roberte Middleton=pMatOda da. of John Ogle of Belshawe. of Ogle Castle. Thomas Middleton Raphe Middleton of Edding-=pl8abell d. of Am of Bellshawe. ton 2 sonne nowe liveinge brose Fenwicke of 1615. Matfen. Will'm Bonne and heire, 1. Dorothy. 2. Catherine. 4. Elizabeth, aetat. 3 Annor. 1615. — 3. Anne. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 49 REVELEY. Raphe Reveley of Angrofte=p. . . da. of Selby in Northumbr, of Brankston. William Reveley=f=. . . sister of S'' Edward Archibald Reveley sonne 2 Sonne. Grey of Chillingham. and heire obijt s.p, George Reveley sonne=f=. . . da. and coheire and heire. of Henry Swynnowe. ^11 I Thomas Reve- Edward Reveley=p. . . da. of Redman Raphe Reve- ley, 8. p. Sonne and heire. of Irebye. ley, 2 sonne. Will'm Reveley=pMargaret da. of George sonne and heire. Ord of Newbiggin. George Reveley of Angcrofte in=f=Frances da. of Anthony BuUmer of Northumbr. liveinge 1615. Teirsdall and sister of S' Bertram. Bertram sonne and heire Margaret Dionisia aetat. 15 Annor. 1615. 1 da. 2 daughter. THORNTON. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris Thomas Griffith dn's de Wichnore salt'm etc. Noveritis me remisisse relaxisse etc. Rogero de Thornton, Johanni de Fenwicke Cappellano, etc. heredibus et assignatis suis totu' ius etc. in manerio de Witton super aquam ac in o'ibus servitiis in Windgattes Witton, Stanton, Horsle, Gerradlee, Stanington, Benton, Killingworth, Bellasse, Shotton, Plassiss, et Trenwell et alibi in Com. Northumbr. Anno 6 H. 4. Irrotulatur a" 7 H. 4. Indentura facta inter Rogeru' Thornton armigeru' ex vna parte et Egidiu' Thornton, Rogeru' Thornton, et Joh'em et Thoraam filios predicti Rogeri ex altera, scilicet quod Rogerus pater dedit prefatis, Egideo, Rogero filio et Joh'i maneriu' de Thornton cu' pertinentijs in Com. Ebor. maneriu' et villam de Bradbury maneru' de lie, dat. anno 10 Ed. 4. (1 pars patenc' a*' 36 H. 6, in dorso 60 sagittar'). Henricus Comes Northumbr., prior de Tynmouth, Rad'us Percy miles, Rad'us Grey miles, Robertus Ogle miles, Will'mus Bertram, Rogerus Thornton, 50 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Johannes Hanboth senior, Robertus Mitford, Joh'is Cartiugton, Robertus Rodes, Comissionar' ad levandos Sagittarios in Com. North- umbr. Arms. — Salle, a chevron Argent and a chief indented of the last. Crest. — A tower Or* Rogems Thornton cui maneriu' de Witton concessu' fuit per Thoma' GriflBth de Wichnore a° 6° II. 4, irrotulatur a° 7 H. 4. Rogerus de Thornton vicecomes Northumbr. aP 36 H. 6. Hodgkin Thornton .=p Elizabeth da. of the=j=Roger Thornton.=f=. . . dau. of Lavve, Baron of Greystocke. 2 wife. ... da. wife to Ogle s. p. 2 da. wife to Lumley. Thomas Lumley. I II. John Thoruton.=p ... da. of S"" Roger Giles Thornton Mitford. Thornton. Nicholas Thornton.=f=. . . da. and coheire of Grey. Roger Thorn ton .=i=Margaret da. Laurence Thorn- 1 Sonne. and widowe of ton 2 sonne. Lawson {sic). =Elizabeth da. of CoUingwood. I I I . I .. Dorothie wife to Richard Phelize wife Barbara wife Mary wife Fenwicke of Stanton. to Bradford, to John to John Thornton. Heron. Roger Thornton contracted to Nicholas Thornton, 2 sonne married S*" Reginald Carnabyes eldeste to the same da. of Carnaby.=i= da. and heire, but he died j before marriage. | Cuthberte, s. p. * Hodgson (' Hist. North*,' vol. i., part 2, p. 316), and Burke (Gen Armory), describe this crest as "a tower encircled by a wall." The trick in Sari. MS. 1448, gives it more like a tower with a turret at one side. THE VISITATION OF KORTHUMBERLAND. 51 James - Thornton 2 Sonne. =Anne da. of . . . Fenwicke. Roberte. Vrsula. George =da. of Henry Thorn-=y=Barbara Thornton Pier- ton 4 sonne. 3 Sonne. son. da. of Fenwicke. Nicholas. Will'm. ohn John. Barbara. John Thornton sonne=p]Barbara da. of Roger Will'm. Margaret. and heire of Lawrence. Thornton. Dorothie da. =i=Nichola8 Thornton sonne=FJane da. of Cuth- Dorothie ofS^Cuthbert CoUingwood. and heire liveing 1615, of Witton. Margaret. berte Ratcliffe of wife to Blanchland. Edward Charle- ton. 3. Cuthbert. Ellyn wife to Tho. Metcalfe Roger. Henry. Mar- of Otterington. garet. Ann da. of S^ Hen. Witherington^^\cho\9,% sonne and heire 2. John. of Witherington KK* setat. 4 Annor. 1615. John sonne [and heir']. William, 2 sonne. 1. Mary. 2. Frances. FENWICKE. Arms. — Argent, three martlets Gules, on a chief of the last as many martlets of the field, a martlet /or difference. S"" Raphe Fenwick of=pMarj da. and sole heire of Mitford Stanton Kt. of Stanton, esq^ John Fenwicke of Stan- Anthony Fenwicke of=T=Isabell da. of Persi- ton, sonne and heire. Langshes 2 sonne. vail Selby of ... . . a| * The words in italics are in a later hand. 52 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. ^1 Stephen Fenwicke of Lang-=j=Elizabeth da. of Tho. Haggarston of shawe. Haggarston. George Fenwicke=pBarbara da. of Dorothy wife to Isabell wife to of Langshawes, Rob'te Mitford Samuel Ogle. George Hunter. liveingeI615. of Mitford. Will'm Sonne and heire £etat. 2. Roberte. 4. Cuthberte. Anne 1 12 Annor. 1615. — — daughter. 3. Anthony. 5. Stephen. CEAMLINGTON. Arms. — Barry of six Argent and Azure, in chief three annulets of the last. Craralington of Cramlington.=p .... ' S' Will'm Cram-=p. . . . George Cramlington of Newsham in=f= .... lington. the tyme of H. 6. .... fiha et CO- John Cramlington Thomas Cramlington^ .... haeresvx.Thomae sonne and heire died heire to his brother in Lawson. without yssue. the tyme of E. 4. George Cramlington in the tyme=j= Elinor da. of Gawen Ogle of Chap- of H. 7. pington. Thomas Cramlington lived in the=i=Anne sister to William Lawson of tyme of H. 8. 1 Rascall in Yorkshire. George Cramlington =p=Phelize da. of John Lancelot=Mary da. Sonne and heire. Ogle of Ogle Castle. Cramling- : of John ton vnckle Ogle of ^^^ heire | Cawsey Thomas Cramlington died without yssue, to Tho. j Parke, maried da. of S'' John Delavale. i A THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 53 Mabill wife to Christopher Prior of Monkeseton. Mary wif to Xpofer Dobson. Thomas Cram-=rGrace da. of James, lington of Newsham, 1615. Roberte Law- son of Cram- lington. Stephen. Raphe. Roberte of the age of 14 yeares 1615. Thomas. Barbara. John. Robertus Delavale ar. Noveritis me prefatu' Joh'em remisisse re laxisse etc. Joh'i filio et heredi Georgii Cramlington heredibus et assignatis suis totu'ius etc. quo habuit in teriitorio de Newsam in Com. Northumbr. quod quidem ius prefatus Georgius habuit ex dono et feoflfiamento meo a" 32 H. 6. A certificate to testifie that George Cramlington died seised of the manner of Newsam and that after his death yt descended to John Cramlington his sonne whoe like manner died seised thereof after whose death the said manner descended to Thomas his brother as his heire whoe thereof died seised and that James Delavale was never seised of that manner w'^h is testified under the handes and scales of Roger Heron, John Lilborne the elder, John Lilborne the younger then Sherrife of the Countie of Northumberland and others. This Indenture made the 4*^** yeare of the raigne of Henry the 7^^* betwene Gawen Ogle of Chapington in the Countie of Northumberland esquire and Thomas Cramlington of Newsam in the said Countie esquire on the other partie Witnesseth that yt is covenanted betweene the said parties that George Cramlington his sonne and heire shall take to wife Elinor da. of the said Gawen Ogle. GREY. Arms. — Gules, a lion rampant within a hordure engrailed Argent, a martlet for difference. Grey of Kilay.=p . Henry Grey de Kilay.=f= . . Ralfe Gray. Thomas Grey of Kilay.=f=the da. of Tho. How- Mathewe. Richard, borne. — Roberte. Raphe Grey=f=the dau. and heire of Tho. Bradfeild of Kilay. of Elwicke 5 Ed. 6. A 54 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. A Henry Gray= of Kiley and Elwicke. ^Fortune da. of Thomas Manners of Cheswicke. Anne mar. to Thomas Elinor wife Manners of Cheswicke. of Nicholas Bradford. Henry Gray; 2 Sonne. = Elizabeth da. of Jenison of Wallworth. Thomas Gray= of Kilayieio. ^Margaret da. of Cuthbert Armorer. Ealfe Gray. Roger Gray. Ralfe Gray of the 2. Will'm. 4. Roger. ]\Iargaret. age of 18 yeares — — — 1615. 3. Edward. 5. Henry. Agnes. Sciant onmes homines quod ego Joh'is yerdell concessi etc. Roberti de Grey de Waperden totu' ius et clamiu' que habuit in Lowlin et que pred'cus Robertus habuit ex dimissione mea etc. et ego Johannes et heredibus mei omnia pred'ca terra prefato Roberto et heredibus suis contra omnes homines warrantizabimus imperpetuu'. Testibus Roberto de Manners, Thoma Gray seniori, Thoma Gray juniori, Roberto Gray militibus, Roberto de Haggarstone, Roberto Gray de Cornall, Roberto de Cliflford, Joh'i de Chilton, Adam de Beyll et alijs dat. apud Lowlin 3 die Junij 1339. Robertus Gray miles salut'm. Noveritis me dedisse Thome Gray filio meo Burgensi villae Berwici super Twedam totam terram iacentem infra dictam villam in vico de Hidgate. Dat. apud Berwicu' 1 336. Joh'is del Strother miles concessit Johanni Gray de Howlyn annu' redditu' decem libraru' exeunt' ex villis de Fulton et Franilinge de Langton in Glendall et de o'ibus alijs terris meis in Com. Northumbr. tam infra libertatem de Tindall quam extra prefato Joh'i Gray heredibus et assignatis suis anno regni regis Ed. 3 Anglise quinquagessimo. Testibus do'nis Alano de Heton, Thoma de Ilderton, Roberto de Claveringe militibus, Roberto de Haggarston et aliis. Robertus Swynhowe et Alica uxor mea filia quondam Thome de Wytill Salt'm, Noveritis me dedisse Johanni Grey de Lowlyn Burgensi villae Berwici omnia terra et ten'ta cu' duobus Croftis que habemus in villa de Holyeland vt de iure praedictae Aliciae vxoris mese ; Hijs testi- bus d'no Joh'i Heron Constabulario Castri de Norh'm Roberto Gray de Newbigginge, Roberto Gray de Cornell, Roberto de Haggarstone et alijs dat' apud Hollyeland, 1373. Robertus Grey de Waperden et David Gray de Nesbit Concessimus Johanni Basset filio Hugonis Basset, Johanni Grey de Waperden seniori et Thome Grey de Waperden o'ia terra et ten'ta in Lowly que habuimus de dono et feoffamento Thome Grey filij Roberti Grey habend' predict' Johanni Basset Johanni Grey de Waperden Thome Grey heredibus et assignatis suis inper'tum, Testibus Thoma Grey, Waltero de Creyke militibus, Roberto de Clifford, Rogero Barret et alijs dat. 1348. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 55 Joh'es Grey Burgensis Villae Barwici A° 10 R. 2. Joh'es Grey de Kilay generosus concessit Roberto Mathewson de Holyeland terras in Holyeland A° 6 Ed. 4". David Grey de Kilay armiger. Roberfce Gray granted vnto Roberte his sonne landes in Lowlyn, AnnoD'ni 1328. Sir Roberte Gray of Lowlyn and Margery his wife had yssue Roberte Gray of Waperden, w'^'^ Margery released all her righte of Lowlyn vnto Roberte her sonne, dated at Kelay Anno 1344. Roberte Grey of Waperden granteth vnto Thomas Grey his sonne all his landes in Lowlyn. Anno 1347. David de Lisle Burgess of the town of Newcastle maketh an attorney to deliver vnto John Grey Burgess of Barwicke landes in Kelay. A" 10 R. 2. ERRINGTON. Rogerus Bertram concessit Richardo de Eland pro homagio et ser- vitio suo in villa de Eland de d'no meo vnu' toftu' etc. reddendo annu- atim mihi et heredibus meis vna calcaria denurata vel sex denarios, etc. Seal. — An cyrle. Omnibus hoc scriptu' visuris vel audituris Willi'mus de Eland armiger Consanguineus et heres Johannse nuper vxoris Johanne Hodle Consanguinise et heredis Nicholaij Eland salut'm in d'no cu' Johis de Mitford de Ponte Eland et Johanna vxor eius habeant et teneant et omnia ilia terra et ten'ta in villis et territorijs de Ponteland Litleland et Heghcallerton et Comunia pasturae in Elandhall in Com. Northumbr. que fuerunt Nicholaij de Eland, etc. Sciatis me prefatu' Will'um de Eland totu' statu' seisinam et possessionem imperpetuum ratificasse et confirmasse, A° 4 H. 6. Seal. — Three demi-lions passant gardant. Crest. — A demi-lion affronte winged. Arms. — Qicarferly, 1 and 4. Argent, two bars and in chief three escallops Azure, a orescent charged with a mullet for difference. 2. Gules, three demi-lions passant guardant Or (Eland). 3. Argent, three moles sable (Mitford). Crest. — A unicorn's head erased, quarterly Argent and Gules. Hugo de Mitford.=F Richardus de Eland.=p I I I I II Adam de Mitford.=p Petrus de=F Gilberte. Roberte.=T= T Eland. Rogerus de Mitford.=f A I Richard. =f 56 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. I I Gilbertus de Mitford.=T= Nicholas de- I Eland. Johannes Mitford,=p chr. Will'mus de Mitford.=T= Will'm de Eland 8. p. Robertus=f=Christiana Elena obijt s. p. Heslerigg. j fil.ethaeres — Nicholaij Petms de Eland de Eland. obijt s. p. Johannes de Mitford.- Alexander de Mitford=r A° 1366, 41 E. 3. Bertram Mitford. Gawanus Mitford.=F Cuthberte Mitford.=F Robertas Mitford nothus natus. Johannes Mitford=FJoan da. of Robt. de Ponte Eland 1464 6 H. 4. Heslerigg & heire to her mother. Alexander Mitford=r 9 H. 6, 1450. Edward Errington of Denton.=f= John Mitford obijt. 12 H. 7. Christopher=f=. ... da. of S'' John Oswaldus=i=Anna filia et haeres Errington I Horsley of Ylchester Mitford. of Denton. Kt. . . . Errington de Newbiggin. Roger Errington.=f=Catherine da. of Anthonius=f=Anna filia Cheney Roberte Creswell Mitford. of Creswell. fr'is d'ni Cheyney. I I Anthony Gilbert Errington=pDorothie da. Jasper 1 Sonne, of Woolington. B. p. 8 Sonne. 2. George. of S"- John Mit- Delavale of ford. Seton Dela- vale Knighte. ^Margaret da. of Ralfe Hedworth of Herverton, Kt. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 57 Roberte=i=Barbara da, and Marke Erringtoii=pMargaret da. and sole 2 Sonne, coheire of Roberte of Pont Eland heire of Jasper Mit- ford of Pont Eland. coheire of Roberte of Pont Eland Fenwicke of Ken- esq., liveinge ton. 1615. Cuthberte sonne and heire. Gilberts Errington=pMargaret da. of S"" 2, George. Marke s. p. Bonne and heire Nicholas Tempest of Stelley knighte. 3. William s.p. Henry. Marke sonne and heire aetat. unius Anni 1615. 4. Nicholas. 5. Roger. Ralfe. John s. p. Margaret wife Anne wife Dorothie wife EKzabeth, s. p. Catherine, to John Law- to Will'm to Tho. Bates — — son of Call- Ridley of of Halliwell. Isabell, s. p. Barbara. coates. Walltowne. ARMORER. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, a chevron between three arms in armour Argent. 2. Argent, three water bougets Sable. 3. Argent, three boars Sable. Crest. — A gauntlet Argent, garnished Or, holding a broken tilling spear of the first. Thomas Armorer of=FEliz. da. and coheire of John Belford A" 18 H. 8. Lilborne of Shawden in the County of Northumberland. Thomas Armorer. Francis Armorer of Belford. =Constance da. of Leonard Armorer.=T= Carr of Hutton. j I John. 58 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. |A 3. Cuthberte=f= Armorer. 4. Marke maryed the da. of . . . Gray of Horton. 5. John Arnn)rer. David. Will'm. John. Roger Armorer=pConstance da, of Thomas of Belford. '. Bradford, Alderman of 1 Sonne. i Barwicke. 2. Henry=T= .... da. of Armorer. I Claveringe. Roberte. George. Thomas Armorer of=pMargaret da. Belford in Northum- : of Roberte Clemente Armorer 2 Sonne. berland, liveinge 1615. Claueringe of Callaley. ^Barbara da. of Hume. Alexander. Roger. . ^ • . . I'll Thomas Armorer= Catherine Ephraim=pAnne da. and 4. Nicholas. Sonne and heire aetat. 30 annor' 1615. da. of Nicholas Foster of Whithouse. Armorer 2 Sonne. heire of Geo. Middleham 5. Will'm. of Elemouth.* — 1. Constance. ^1 2. Mary. Ephraim sonne and heire Margaret. 8Btat. unius anni 1615. * Richard Middleham had issue Thomas, and he George Middleham of Elemouth whose sole dau'r and heir Anne married Ephraim Armorer. THE VISITATION OP NORTHUMBERLAND. 59 ANDERSON. Arms. — Quarterly 1 and 4. Gules, three trees Argent. 2 and 3. Or, on a chevron Gules between three hirds' heads m'ased Sable, as many acoi'ns slipped, Argent ; on a canton Sable three martlets Argent. Crest. — A bird's head ei-ased Sable, gutte Or, in the beak an arrow point downwards Argent. Richard Anderson. Thomas Lockwood.=p .... da. and heire of Stephenson. 3hn John Anderson.=j= .... da. and heire of Tho. Lockwood. I I Henry Anderson.=f=Anne da. of Roberte Orde. Isabell wife to X pofer Mitford. Francis Anderson mar. the da. of Lumley. Henry. Bertram=f=Alice — Anderson da. of Peter. Raphe Carr. Clement maryed Barbara da. of Thomlin- Bon. Marian wife to Oswald Chap- man. Alice wife Isabell=j=Henry Ander- to Robert da. of son of New- Mitford. Xpofer castle. Morley. ^Fortune da. of S"- Cutbert CoUing- wood. Isabell Barbara wife to wife to Thomas William Calverley. Rydell. T. I I I I Barbara wife to Alice wife to Elizabeth wife to Isabell wife to William Gas- John Gore. Isacke Anderson. Thomas Liddell. coyne. Sir Henry Anderson=pMary da. of Richard 2. Thomas. Julian wife of Newcastle and Haswell Kt. liveinge 1015. Remington of Lockington. 3. Will'm. 4. Bertram. to Fen wick. Henry sonne and 2. Richard. 4. George, heire aetat. 9 Annor. — 1615. 3. John. Mary. 60 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. CLAVERINGE. Roberte Claueringe of Callelye m=f=Aiine da. of S' Thomas Gray the County of Northumbr esquire, of Horton in Northumbr. Roberte Claveringe= of Callelye esquire. =Mary da. of S-- Cutbberte CoUingwood of Eslington. James Claueringe=i=Grace dan. of of Newcastle Al- derman liveinge 1615. 3 Sonne. Roger Nichol- son of New- castle Alder- man. John Claueringe 2. James. Sonne and heire — aetat. 23Annor' 3. Jacob. 1615. Grace wife to Roger Liddell of Bamecrook in Ep'atu.=p Mary. Grace Liddell. Sir John Claveringe of Callely Kt.=Anne da. of Thomas Riddell nowe liveinge 1615. of Gatesyde esquire. BELGRAVE. Arms. — Quarterly 1 and 6. GuUs, a chevron Ermine hetween three mascles Argent, a crescent for difference. 2. Argent, three pairs of bellows ppr. (Skiptok). 3. Salle, three escallops Argent (Shelton). 4. Ermine, three mascles conjoined in fess Sable (Glenne). 5. Or, on a fess Gules three fleurs-de-lis of the field, and in chief as many of the second (Cotton). Crest, — A ram's head Sable, armed and charged with a crescent for difference Or. Hugh Belgrave tempore Reg. Johis.=p Rogerus Belegrave tempore H. 3.= Lawrentius Belegrave de Belegrave in Com. Leicestr^ A° 1 E. 1 et E. 2. Rogerus Belegrave tempore E. 3. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. A I 61 Nicholaus. Lawrentius. Kogerus Belegrave.=pSusanna filia et haeres Rogeri Skipton. John Bele- Lawrence Eogerus Bele-=f=Margaret da. Peter Belegrave grave. Belegrave. grave de Bele- | and heir of person of grave. j Rich. Bele- Easte Haddon. I grave. I Thomas Belgrave=pElizabeth da. and coheire of Belgrave. of Tho. Shelton. Wili'rn Belegrave of Belegrave.=plsabell da. of Will'm Sandon. William Belegrave esq.=j=Margaret da. to S'' Hugh Willoughby. A" 8 H. 6, 22. John Belgrave of Belegrave=pCatherine da. and coheire of Anno 12 E. 4. Hughe Glenne esquire. Richard Belegrave=FMargaret da. to John Will'm Belegrave of whome of Belegrave whoe borne lame. Cotton of Rid ware is descended the Belgraves Hamstall in Com. of North Killworth in Com. Staff. Northt. Catherine wife to Brigitt a Nunn Dorothy firste wif to Henr. Rich. Andrewes at Syon. Cave of Cold Ashby and of Harleston in after to Will'm Sanders of Com. Northt. ^ Welford. Will'm Belegrave John Belegrave of=pJoane da. and sole heire of litle Glenne 2 Sonne. Belgrave and Blaby esquire. of Tho. Swyke in Com. Leic. Mary da. and=j=George Belgrave of Belgrave=pJoane da. of Roberte coheire of Roberte Chauntrell 2 wife. in Com. Leic. 1 wife Dorothy da. to Law. Sanders of ... . Farneham of Quarn- don 3 wife. Roberte obijt s. p. 62 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. A| Ambrose Belgrave of Belgrave.=f=Jane da. of Stoughton of Watford in Surrey. S' George Belgrave of Belgrave=pLucretia da. of Thomas Wyllsone in Com. Leic. Kt. Secretary to Queene Elizabeth. George sonne 2. Edward. 4. John. 1. Mary. 3. Lucretia. and heire. — — 3. Francis. 2. Jane. Francis Belgrave of=pCatherine da. of Dorothy wife to Margery wife Blaby and nowe of Newcastle vpon Tyne liveinge 1615. Rich. Knowles of Cole Ashby esquire. Rauen and after to Geo. Eyre to Glascocke. of Norman- ton. Beniamyn sonne and heire Mary, getat. 13 Annor. 1615. JENISON. Arms. — Azure, a bend between two swans Argent, beaked Sable, a crescent for differmwe ; impaling. Quarterly Argent and Gules, a bend Sable (Widdrington). Crest. — Out of a coronet Oi- a dragon's head Azure. There is another coat tricked, impaling, Gules, a fees between three hedgehogs Argent (Claxton). Roberfce Jenison of Yorkeflete in Com. Ebor. I I I Thomas Will'm Jenison of=pBarbara 2 da. of Raphe 1 Sonne. Newcastle Alder- man 2 Sonne. Ralfe Carr of Newcastle. 3 Sonne. Anne yongest da: and coheire of "William Claxton of Wyneyard. 1 wife. =Wiliiam Jenison of=j=Mary da. of S' John Wyd- Newcastle Alderman nowe livinge 1615. rington and Wydowe of Henry Gray. Henry Jenison sonne and heire setat. 14 Annor. 1615. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 63 Elizabeth wife of Henry Liddell Jane 2 daughter of Farnacres in Ep'atu. vnmarryed. George Simpson=pIsabell da. of 'Wiirm=f=Rivian Girlington of Girling- of Newcastle. 1 husband. Jenison. ton in Com. Ebor. William Simpson=f=Elizabeth da. of Barbara. Sonne and heire. Will'm Selby of Newcastle. Will'm Henry A daughter. 1 Sonne 2 sonne. 8. p. William Girlington. MADDISON. Arms. — Argent, on a chevron between three martlets Sable, as many mullets Ar. (? Or), a crescent for difference. Rowland Maddison of=T=Jane da. of Wrenn Vnthank in Ep'atu. of Sherburnehouse. Peter Maddison Lionell Maddison of Newcastle=pJane da. of 1 Sonne. Alderman no we liveinge 1615. I . . . Syam. Henry Maddison of Newcastle=f=Elizabeth da, of Roberte Barker Marchante aetatis 42 Annor. 1615. of Newcastle AUderman. Lionell 2. Ralfe. 6. It' ' ' Henry. 1 Jane wife to 2. Elizabeth Sonne and — — Will'm Tem- — heire 3. Roberte. 7. Peter. peste2sonne 3. Barbara. ffitat. 18 — — of S"- Nicho- — Annor. 4. John. 8. Tymothy. las. 4. Ellynor. 1615. — — 5. Will'm. 9. George. 6i THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. COLLINGWOOD. Knu^.— Quarterly, 1. Argent, a clievron Azure between three stags' heads erased Sable, in their mouths a leaf Vert. 2. Argent, a goat salient Sable (Buckton). 3. Ermine, three bows Gules (Bowes). [Argenf] a cross patonce between four martlets [Vert^ (Dalden). 5. Azure, a maumh Argent (Conyers). 6. As 5, the maunch charged with a mullet within an annulet for difference (Conyers). John Collingwood of Eslington in Com. Norfchumbr. Roberte Collingwood of Eslington had=p. ... da. of Heron of Ford, foure wyues. 3 wife. John Colling-=pVrsnla da. and heire of "Will'm Buckton of Buckton in wood. Yorkshire. Sir Cuthberte=f=Dorothye da. and coheire of S"" George Bowes of Stret- Collingwood. lam and Dalden. Thomas Collingwood sonne and=j=. ... da. of S"" Ralphe Gray of heire Chillingham. Robert Collingwood of Eslington = Dorothy da. of Robert With- sonne and heire livinge 1615. wood of ... in Northumb^ George Collingwood of Eppleton=pJane da. of Thomas Swinburne in Ep'atu. 2 sonne. of Edlingham. John sonne and heire, 2. Cuthberte. 1. Mary. 3. Anne. aBtat. 21 Annor. 1615. — — 3. George. 2. Margaret. 3. Cuthberte mar. Yrsula da. of Tho. Forcer=p. . . . Frances. Thomas. 4 Roberte married Briget da. of Will'm^. . . . Henry. Trevinian. Whitgifte. I I I I George. Will'm. Eliz. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 65 DRAPER. Aems. — Azure, a chevron Erminois between three mullets of six points Or, pureed. Crest. — A cubit arm erect vested Erminois, cuffed Argent, holding a mullet as in the arms. Thomas Draper of=f=Anne da. of Thomas Steberinge of London. I Bowes in Com. Midd. Frances da. of Xpofer Con-^Henry Draper sonne and=j=Ellynor da. of ceite of Yorke Alderman and widowe of John Prest- ley, 3 wife. heire of Newcastle gent., ( Thomas Lid- mar, to his firste wife dell of New- Dorothy da. Leyborne and castle, Alder- widowe of Roger Rawe. man, 2 wife. Henry sonne and heire aetat. 2. George. Debora. 7 Annor. 1615. — 2 da. 3. Tymothie. Mary, 1 da. BURRELL. Arms. — Argent, a saltire Gules between four leaves Vert, on a chief Azure a lion's head erased between two battle axes Or. Crest. — A dexter arm ppr. charged with three pellets 2 and 1, in the hand a bunch of burrdock Vert. John Burrell of How tell in=j=Elizabeth da. of Reveley Com. Northumbr. of Angcrc )fte, of Oswald Co John Burrell of Howtell nowe=j=El izabeth da. llingwood liveinge, 1615 of Itell. 2. Thomas. 1 1 William=j=Elizabeth Fortune Catherine 1 Barbara — Burrell da, of wife to wife to wife to 3. Lancelott. of How- George James Gerrard John — tell, Morton of Lawe. Readhead Hove. 4. John. sonne Morton. of Mor- — and peth. 5. Anthony. heire. Wiil'm sonne and heire aetat. 3 annor. 1615. 66 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. WYLLEY. Arms. — Per paU Ermine and Gules, three chevrons counterchanged. Crest. — Out of a coronet Gules, a stag's head Erminois attired Argent. Ralfe Willey of Houghton in the Bishoppricke of Duresme.=f=. . . . John Willey of Houghton in the=pMary da. of S"" Will'm Bishoppricke of Duresme. Sandford. Raphe sonne and heire. John. Mary. Jane. ALDER. Sciant presentes et faturi me Robertu' Alder de Alnewicke dedisse concessisse et hac presenti Carta mea coniirmasse Will'mi Edgar pro terr' in Alnwicke. Hijs testibus Thoma de Ileirton tunc constabular' Castri Alnwicke dat. apud Alnwicke 3 die Aprilis Anno 37 H. 6. Seal. — Four bars, on a canton a lion rampant. The shield is sup- ported hy two lions crowned. Omnibus banc Cartam visuris vel audituris Robertus de Sockpeth salt'm dedisse etc. Thome filio meo et hered' MargaretiB vxor sue in libera' maritagiu' decern mercartus terr' et reddend' in villa de Alnwicke. Hijs testibus Dn's Joh'is Lilbome, Roberto de Eshngton, Joh'is Borowton mintibus et alijs, dat. apud Alnwicke Anno D'ni 1341 Seal. — On a bend three billets. Arms. — Azure, on a bend Argent three billets of the field. Robertus Alder of Alnwicke esq. Ao. 34 H. 6. Robert Alder of Hobberlawe=p. ... da. of Fenwicke in com. Northumb*" gent. A° 19 Edw. 4. of Stanton. Richard Alder of Alnwicke=F. ... da. of Heron esquire A° 21 H. 7. of Bokenfeild. George Allder of Alnwicke=f=Jane da. of S"" Will'm Richard 2 sonne. Anno . . H. 8. Lisle of Felton Kt. =r I I A John. THE VISITATION OF NORTnUMBERLAND. 67 A| George Alder of Alnwicke.=T=Margaret da. of Nich. Forster of Newham. Francis AUder of= Agnes da. of Cuthberte=Eliza. da. of Roberte Alnwicke 1 sonne Will'm Shell. 2 sonne. Nich. Tayler. 3 sonne. liveinge 1615. Richard 4 Bonne.=pMary da. of Gerrard Widdrington. Francis sonne and heire one yeare old, 1615. Mary. JACKSON. Aems. — Gules, afess 'between three shovellers Argent. John Jackson of Newcastle=FJane da. and sole heire of Will'm vpon Tyne. Brigham of Newcastle. Will'm Jackson of Newcastle upon Tyne=f=Isabell da. of Gilberte and Towne dark of the same place nowe Read of Newcastle, liveinge 1615. Henry Jackson of Cotam Mandavile=Dorothy da. of John Jackson in the Bishoppricke of Duresme Mansfeild. of Grayes Inn 1615. 2 sonne. THIRLEWALL. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Bricius de Thirlewell dedi et concessi et hac carta mea Confirmavi deo et Ecclise Sc'ti Andreae Hang- taldensis et Canonicis ib'm deo servientibus in Campis de Thirlewall illam terram que vocatus Wirlkonacalfe sicut includitur feofPatura Canonicor'. Hijs testibus Roberto de Quaranteley d'no de Graham, Johanne Pratt, Odardo de Wilmotwic, Ada de Thorgraston et multis alijs. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos hoc presens scriptu' pervenerit Salutem. Bricius fihus et haeres Will'mi Baron de Thirlewall salt'm in d'no. Noveritis me remisisse pro me et heredibus meis Roberto d'no de Muro et heredibus suis totum ius men' in tribus solidis anni redditus 68 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. pro medietate villse de Thurlewall. Testibus Waltero de Cotheby tunc balliuo de Tindall, Johanne de Swynborne milite, Will'mo de Bellingham et alijs, etc. Sine dat'. Sciant presentes et fiituri quod ego Bricius filius Thome de Thirlwall dedi, etc. Johanni filio meo et Aliciae filise "Walter! de Ormesby et heredibus de corporibus eoru' I'time procreat' duo messuagio et triginti acr' terrae in villa de Thurlwall. Testibus Thoma de Fetherstonehalgh tunc Ballivo de Tindall, Nicholas de Ridley, Johanne de Whitfeild, Adae de Thurgraston, Ada de Muro d'no meo et alijs. Sine dat'. Sciant presentes et faturi quod ego Bricius Baro de Thirlwall dedi, etc. Rogero filio Gilbert! ten*' in Thirlwall. Sine dat'. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Bricius Baro de Thirlwall dedi Hugoni Page terr' in Thirlwall. Testibus Thoma de Fetherstonehalghe senior, Thoma filio suo et alijs. Sine dat'. Johannis fiKus Will'mi de Thirlwall Noveritis me dedisse d'no Ade de Swynborne et heredibus suis serviti' Thome de Aldnischeles pro terris que de me tenet in Thirlwall. Sine dat'. Carta indentata facta inter Richard' filiu' Joh'is filij Roberti de Thirlwall ex vna parte et Joh'em de Thirlewall dom' de Thirlewall ex altera testatur sine dat'. Seal. — A chevron hetwem three boars' heads erased. Noverint universi per p'ntes me Joh'em Thirlewall Juniorem Consti- tuisse et in loco meo posuisse Phillippu' Thirlewall ad liberand' nomine meo Johanni de Thirlewall seniori d'no Castri et manerij de Thirlewall 1369. Seal. — A chevron between three boars' heads erased, with supporters two griffins (?) Crest. — A boar's head upon a chapeau. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4. Sable, a chevron Argent between three boars' heads erased Or. 2 and 3, Argent, two bars Gules, in chief three cinque/oils Sable, a mullet for difference (Errington). Rowland Thirlewall of Thirlewall in Northumberland. Richard Thirlewall=FMaude da. of John Whitefeild Bonne and heire. of Whitfeilde. Lancelote Thirlewall.=rJanet da. and coheire of George Errington of Houghton. Roberte Thirlewall.=T=Elinor da. of Alexander Fetherstone of Fetherstonehalgh. Lancelote Thirlewall.=i=Thomazine da. of S"" George Heron of Chipchase Knighte. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 69 A| Richard Ralfe=i =Margaret Wiirm=pEliza. da. George=j=Margaret Thirlewall 2 da. of 3 Sonne. of Thomas 4 sonne. da. of of Thirle- Sonne. John Ryd- Swinborne Tho. wall esq. ley of of Capthe- Lane . . . 1615. Walltowne. ton. Boste . . . := duns .... Frances da. of Tho. Ill Mi II 1 1 1 Carleton 1. Lancelot. 1. Jolin." 4. Robe'rte. ] L. Francis. of Carleton ___ in Cumbr. 2. Richard. 2. Thomas. 5. Will'm. 2. John. esquire. — — — 3. Roberte. 3. George. 3. Will'm. FETHERSTONEHALGHE. Anthony Fetherstonehalghe of Fetherstonehalghe. ^1 Alexander Fether8tonehalghe.=pAnne da. of S' John Louther. Aubeny Fetherstonehalghe,=i=Frances da. of John 1615. Barrowe of Ailekirke. I I George. Christopher. Aubeny of the Richard. Frances widowe Anne. Elizabeth, age of 12 yeares of Henry — — 1615. ' Crakenthorpe. Catherine. MabeU. ERRINGTON. Arms. — Argent, two bars and in chief three escallops Azure. Crest. — A unicornis head erased, qicarterhj Argent and Gules. Edward Errington of Denton, T Christopher Errington=p. ... da. of S"" John Horsley of Denton. of Vlchester Kt. 70 THE VISITATION OF NORTHrMBERLAND. Al Roger Errington=pCatherine da. of Roberte of Denton. Creswell of Creswell. Anthony Errington of=pEliz. da. of Tho. Dente Denton. 1 sonne. of Newcastle Alderman. George EiTington=i=Barbara da. of 2 Sonne. Shaftoe of Bovington. Gilberte Errington=Dorothie 3 Sonne. da. of S' John Delaval. Roberte Errington=T=Barbara da. of . . . Sonne and heire. I of Newcastle. Blunte Marke Errington of Weste=pCatherine da. of Nich. Tempeste Denton liveinge 1615. of Thorneley. Gilberte sonne and heire 2. George. Margaret Alice aetat. 4 Annor. 1615. 1 da. 2 da. Lancelot =f=Mabill da. Errington ' of Thomas of Denton. ■ Lawson of I Cramling- ton, Esq. Roberte =p 2 sonne. Xpofer 3 sonne. Anthony. Roberte. ^1 r Roger. Will'm 4 sonne. =r ~"l I George. Will'm. Anthony. Anthony Errington=f=Dorothie da. of of Denton liveinge 1615. Gilberte Er- rington of Wossinton. Elizabeth wife to Thomas Dalton. Margaret wife to Henry Ogle. Lancelot sonne and heire £etat. 15 Annor. 1615. Barbara wife to Roberte Fenwicke of Ken- ton. 2. Raphe. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 71 BLENKINSOP. Arms. — Argent, a/ess between three garbs Sable, a crescent for difference. Blenkensop. Thomas Blenkensop=j=Dorothy da. of 3hn 2 Sonne and heire to his brother. Albany Fether- stone of Fether- stonehalgh. John Blenkensop=. ... da. of of Blenkensop in Rydley of Northumberland Willmonds- 8. p. wicke. William Blenkensop=pMargaret da. of . of Blenkensop. Copperthwayt. 2. Roberta. 3. Bryan. Jane da. =FThomas Blen-= of Will'm Herdman 2 wife. Will'm. Margaret. kinsop of Blenkensop. ^Julian da. of Leonard Musgrave. 1 wife. I I 2. Nicholas. 3. Richard. Anne wife to Christopher Ridley of Vnthanke. Thomas Blen- kensop of Blenkensop liveinge 1615. I 2. Francis. Julian wife to Cuthberte Grainger of Bromfield in Cumberland. I I I I 2. MabiU. 3. Dorothy. 4. Margaret. 5. Elizabeth. KILLINGWORTH. Robertus filius et hseres Alani Killingworth de Killingworth A" 31 H. 6. Alanus Whithened et Joh'is de Eland Cappellani salt'm in d'no. Noveritis nos dedisse etc. Joh'is de Killingworth sen' omnia terr' et ten'ta in territoria de Killingworth et Barrowden in Com. Northumbr. que et quas habuimus de dono et Concessione pred'ci Joh'is de Killingworth post dicessu' ipsius Joh'is remaneant Roberto filio ipsius Joh'is et heredibus de corpore suo I'time procreat' et pro defectu talis exitus remaneant Alano filio pred'ci Joh'is et si contingat predict' Alanu' sine herede de corpore suo I'time p'creat dicedere tunc nsmaneat Joh'is fili Joh'is et heredibus etc. 1369. 72 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Joh'es Killingworth sen.=T= l_ Robertas Alanus Killingworth. Johannes Killingworth. Killingworth. Robertas Killingworth de Killingworth in com. Northumbr. filius et heres Alani de Killingworth Concessit Richardo Miles Capellano omnia terra, etc. que habeo in Campis de Killingworth que mihi descendebat iure hereditario post mortem d'ci Alani p'ris mei A° 18 H. 6. Arms. — Argent, two bars . ... in chief three cinqmfoils Sable pierced Or. Robertus Killingworth.=pda. of Bedenell. Eoberte Killingworth.=j=Elinor da. of Eob'te Stanton. George Killingworth, 1615.=rlsabell da. of Tho. Southern. \ Thomas Killing worth=f=Isabell da. 2. Will'm. Anne wife Elinor. aetat. 34 Annor' 1615. of Roberte — to Roberte Dalton. 3. Lancelot. Dowe. Barbara. Bartholomewe astatis 3 Annor. 1615. CARNABY. Ex evidentijs Lanceloti Carnaby de Halton. Ista Indentura testatur quod cum Joh'es de Halton miles et Richardus de Acton assensu utriusq' liberavit Laurentia de Durealine quandu' quitanc' de manerio de magna Whitington et duo scripta de servitijs Thome de Watton Custodiendi vsq' ad festu' paschas proxima post festu' s'ci Thome Apostoli 1319. Seal. — Two bars and in chief as many escallops. Sigillum Johannis de Halton. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Will'mus de Karnaby dedi etc. religiosis viris priori eccli'se de Hextildesham in elimozina o'ia ilia terr' vocat' yakesley et Hughesfield etc. 1387. Seal. — A bend Jleury, impaling, two bars and in chief three roundles. Noverint vniversi per p'ntes me Robertu' de Horsley remisisse re- laxisse omnia de me et executoribus meis quietu' Clamasse Marias que fuit vxor Will'mi Swinborne Chr. oiodas accones etc. A" 4 H. G. THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 73 Seal. — Three cinquefoils on a shield supported by two lions secant gardant. Crest. — A horse's head. Sigillum Eoberti Horsley. Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, two bars and in chief as many escallops Azure, 2 and 3 three cinquefoils .... (Horsley.) Another Coat, — -Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, two Mrs Azure, in chief three hurts. 2 and 3. Per pale Gules and Azure, a lion rampant gardant Or, a mullet /w difference (Halton). Crest. — A blackamoor's head wreathed about the temples Argent and Gules. S' Eichard Horsley Knighte, A" Ed. l.=p mn John Horsley .= Sir Eichard Horsley Knight, A° 18 Ed. 2.=p John Horsley, 2 Ed. 3.=p I S' Eobert Horsley Knight, A" 12 E. 2. Eoberte Horsley, A" 16 H. 6. Eichard Horsley. Eich. Horsley esq. obijt 12 H. 7. Eoger Horsley esq. of Thornham. William Carnaby=j=Mabill da. to Eeginald of Halton esq. Warcup of Smardell. S' Eeginald^ Dorothye Thomas Cuthbert Carnaby=j=Margaret da. & Carnaby Kt. da. of S"" 2 sonne. 3 sonne and heire 1 sonne. I'horaas by adoption. Forster. A heire of Eoger Horsley of Thorneham. 74 THE VISITATION OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Lancelot Camaby=pCatherine da. of S' Catherine wife Anne wife to of Halton now liveinge, 1615. Ealfe Sonne and heire setat. 3 Annor' 1615. Cuthberte Colling- to Eobert wood of Eslington. Lisle of Felton. Cuthbert Heron of Chipchase. 2. Cuthberte. 3. Edward. 1. Margery. 2. Dorothy. 3. Anne. 4. Margaret. I I 5. Mary. 6. Elizabeth. 7. Catherine. Cuthbert Hearne* of Chip- chase, 1629. * The words in italics are in a later hand. EREATA. Page 14. Add to issue of Oliver Ogle, " Herculus (sic) Ogle 2 Bonne." „ 19, line 8. For Cawsby read Camsey ; and leave out rule to Catherine dau. of Eobt, Woodeington. For " p. 306 " read " p. 14." INDEX or NAMES. Names in CAPITALS refer to pedigrees ; those in italics to arms. Acton, 72. Akroyd, 4. ALDER, 66. Alder, 66. Aldnischeles, 68. ANDERSON, 24, 59. Anderson, 24, 59. Anderson, 3, 31, 40. Andrewes, 61. ANSLEY, 42. Ansley, 42. Ardington, 8. ARMORER, 57. Arnwrer, 57. Armorer, 54. Ascough, 17. Awkland, 11. Barker, 63. Barmore, 35. Barret, 54. Barrowe, 69. Barton, 16. Basset, 54. Bastenthwayte, 15. Bates, 57. Baynbrigge, 25. Baxter, 9, 17. BEDENELL, 9. Bedenell, 72. Bee, 48. BELL, 43. Bellesden, 34, 35. BELGRAVE, 60. Belgrave, 60. Bellingham, 68. Bellomonte, 23. Benet, 47. Bennet, 25. Bernaby, 14. Bertram, 21, 49. Beyll, 54. Billingson, 13. Blackden, 28. Blackwell, 47. BLENKINSOP, 43, 71. BlenMnsop, 43, 71. Blonte, 25. Blunt, 70. Borndon, 36. Borowton, 66. Bowes, 64. Bowes, 13, 64. Bowet, 7. Boyer, 4. Brabante, 39. Bradfeild, 53. Bradford, 50, 54, 58. Bradforth, 4. 29, 31. BRADFORTHE, 22. Bradforthe, 22. Brantingham, 27. Brewster, 29. Brigham, 67. Broughton, 41. Brume, 15. Buckton, 64. Buckton, 12, 64. Bugthrop, 28. Bulmer, 8. Bulmere, 5. Bullmer, 49. Burchester, 6. Burell, 28. BURRELL, 65. Burrell, 65. Burrell, 3, 4. Buske, 20. Byremore, 35. Calverley, 17, 59. Cambelion, 28. CARNABY, 18, 72. Carnaby, 18, 73. Carnaby, 20, 26, 33, 34, 46, 50. CARR, 14. Carr, 14. Carr, 3, 13, 27, 30, 31, 57, 59, 62. Carrock, 27. Cartington, 15, 16, 50. Gary, 6. Cathericke, 8. Cave, 61. Chapman, 3, 59. Charleton, 46, 51. Charron, 21. Chauntrell, 61. Cheney, 44. Cheyney, 56. Chilton, 54. CLAVERINGE, 60. Claveringe, 3, 5, 9, 19, 22, 23, 29, 54, 58. Claxton, 62. Claxton, 62. Clenhell, 23, 24. CLENHILL, 10. ClifEord, 16, 35, 54. Coigniers, 28. COLLINGWOOD, 9, 12, 64. Collingmood, 9, 12, 64. Collingwood, 8, 9, 10, 13, 22, 23, 30, 31, 38, 42, 47, 50, 51, 65. Collingwood, 59, 60, 74. Conceite, 65. Conyers, 64. Conyers, 6, 35. Cooke, 3. Copperthwayt, 71. Corbet, 27, 28. Cotheby, 68. Cotton, 60. Cotton, 61. Coupland, 28, 35. Crakenthorpe, 69. CRAMLINGTON, 52. Cramlington, 39, 52. Cramlington, 7, 39. L 78 INDEX OF NAMES. CRASTRE, 31. Crayster, 11. Creswell, 56, 70. Creyke, 54. Crombocke, 44. Crowe, 27. Curwen, 20. Dacres, 6. Dakers, 46. Dalden, 64. Dalstone, 44. Dalton, 70, 72. Darcy, 5. Darrays, 11. Darwentwater, 15, 16. De Insula, 28. Deincourte, 15. DELAY ALE, 5. Delavale, 5. Delavale, 8, 11, 19, 40, 42, 52, 53, 56, 70. Dente, 70. Denton, 43, 44. Dicheut, 35. Dobson, 53. Dowe, 72. DRAPER, 65. Draper, 65. Dunbarr, 28. Durealine, 72. Dychand, 15. Eden, 12, 23, 45. Ederstone, 35. Edgar, 66. Eland, 55. Eland, 55, 56, 71. Elrington, 7. ERRINGTON, 33, 55, 69. Errington, 33, 55. 68, 69. Errington, 7, 10, 13, 15, 20, 26, 46, 48, 68, 70. Eslington, 5, 66. Evers, 34. Ewbancke, 8. Eyre, 62. Farley, 4. Fameham, 61. Felton, 38. FENWICKE, 24, 26, 32, 40, 45, 51. Fenwicke, 24, 32, 40, 45, 51. Fenwicke, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 26, 29, 35, 39, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 59, 66, 70. Ferrars, 24. Fetherstone, 44, 68, 71. FETHERSTONEHALGHE, 69. Fetherstonehalgh, 68. Forcer, 64. Ford, 34. FORSTER, 29. Forster, 29. Forster, 9, 10, 18. 31, 32, 33, 41, 67, 73. Foster, 8, 32, 58. Fulbrigg, 35. Gallon, 10, 30. Gam, 22. Gargrave, 45. Gascoyne, 5, 19, 59. Gilbome, 38. Girlington, 63. Glascocke, 62. Glenne, 60. Glenne, 61. Gobion, 5. Gore, 59. Graham, 67. Grainger, 71. Graistocke, 15. Oray, 8. Gray, 5, 7, 8, 11, 80, 64, 58, 60, 64. Grayham, 28. Grayster, 11. Graystocke, 5. Greene, 43. Gregsone, 4. GREY, 8, 53. Grey, 8, 45, 53. Grey, 6, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 38, 45, 49, 50. Greystocke, 50. Griffith, 49, 50. Hagerston, 23. Haggarston, 52. Haggarstone, 54. Hall, 10, 13, 34, 45. Halton, 73. Halton, 18, 72. Hanboth, 50. Harbotle, 45. Harbottle, 18. Hastinges, 9. Harvy, 27. HEBBORNE, 11. Hebbome, 30, 31, 33, 34. Hedwen, 25. Hedworth, 41, 56. Herdman, 71. Hero, 20. HERON, 38. Heron, 38. Heron. 6, 12, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 35, 37, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 64, 66, 68, 74. HESLERIGG, 21. Heslerigg. 21. Heslerigg, 19, 20, 38, 56. Heslington, 36. Heton, 54. Heweltona, 21. Heyrun, 28, 35. Hilton, 6, 7, 29. Holthall, 28. HORSLEY, 73. Horsley, 6, 13, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 39, 43, 56, 69, 72. Howbome, 53. Hoye, 65. Huddlestone, 8. Hudspeth, 42. Hull, 40. Hume, 58. Hunter, 52. Huntercombe, 35. Huntergo, 28. Hutton, 4. nderton, 54. Ileirton, 66. JACKSON, 67. , Jackson, 67. Jackson, 3, 4. Jaqueman, 17. JENISON, 62. Jenison, 62. Jenison, 3, 54. Karlioll, 21. Kilbun, 28. KILLINGWORTH, 47, 71. Killingivorth, 47, 72. Killingworth, 14. Kinton, 25. Knowles, 62. Lambe, 24. Lawe, 50, 65. LAWSON, 39. Lawson, 39. Lawson, 18, 33, 40, 43, 50, 52, 53, 57, 70. Le Brun, 28. Le Clerkes, 37. Lee, 14. Leighe, 27. Leybome, 65. Liddell, 3, 24, 59, 60, 63, 65. Lilborne, 6, 12, 53, 57, 66. Lilburne, 37. LISLE, 27. Lisle, 6, 10. 38, 45, 55, 66, 74. Lockwood, 59. Lodewike, 36. Loker, 36. Longvile, 5. Lorraine, 41. Lorrayne, 32. INDEX OF NAMES. 79 Leather, 69. Luker, 35. Lumley, 50, 59. Lyddell, 3. MADDISON, 63. Maddison, 63. Maddison, 3. Mallett, 8. Mallery, 16. Mallory, 20. Malverer, 6. Manners, 37, 54. Mannors, 15. Mansfield, 67. Mantalente, 37. Marischall, 36. Maxwell, 24. Medcalfe, 20. Metcalfe, 32, 51. Metham, 27. Middleham, 58. MIDDLETON, 48. Middleton, 48. Middleton, 6. Midleham, 15. Miles, 71. Mills, 45. MITFORD, 40, 41, 55. Mitford, 40, 41, 45, 55. Mitford, 6, 7, 14, 17, 20, 31, 45, 50, 51, 52, 57, 59. Montebouches, 20. Moore, 33. Moreton, 7. Morley, 59. Morreloe, 46. Morton, 65. Moulton, 6. Mowbray, 24. Mulcaster, 15. MUSCHAMPE, 34, 37. 31tischampe, 37. Mnsgrave, 40. Musgrave, 24, 32, 40, 71. Mustions, 34. Murton, 4. Nesbit, 28. Nevill, 44. Nencastle, 2. Newenton, 34. Newton, 14. Nicholson, 60. Norton, 38. OGLE, 14, 19. Ogle, 14, 19. Ogle, 6, 7, 9, 18, 23, 29, 30, 31, .33, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 70. Ord, 13, 26. 49. Orde, 4, 59. Ormesby, 68. Page, 68. Palmer, 19. Parr, 16. Parvis, 17. Pemberton, 8. Percy, 6, 44, 49. Perkinson, 4. Pierson, 51. Plessetis, 21. Pott, 10, 23. Pratt, 67. Prior, 53. PROCTER, 12. Pye, 42. Quaranteley, 67. Rabye, 6. RADCLIFFE, 15. Radcliffe, 15. RadclifEe, 8, 20, 29. Raines, 45. Ratcliff, 32. RatcliflEe, 51. Raven, 62. Rawe, 65. Read, 67. Raynes, 7. READE, 26. Reade, 26. Readhead, 65. Redman, 49. Redmayne, 15. Reeveley, 12. Remington, 59. REVELEY, 49. Reveley, 65. Riddell, 3, 7, 60. RIDLEY, 46. 48. Ridley, 46, 48. Ridley, 18, 33, 57, 68, 71. Rodes, 50. RODHAM, 10. Rodham, 8. 29, 35. Rotherfeild, 34, 43. Rydell, 59. Rydley, 69, 71. SALKEILD, 33. Salkeild, 33. Salkeld, 11, 19. Saltingstall, 4. Salvayne, 43. Sanders, 61. Sanderson, 4. Sandford, 66. Sandon, 61. SELBY, 22. Selby, 22. Selby, 3, 4, 7, 10, 19, 24, 28, 32, 38, 45, 51, 63. Shaftoe, 13, 18, 25, 26, 42, 70. Shell, 67. Shelton, 60. Shelton, 61. Simpson, 63. Skipton, 60. Skipton, 61. Slingesby, 32. Smeighton, 6. Sockpeth, 66. Southern, 72. Spomell, 36. Staighton, 46. Stanton, 72. Stapleton, 32. Steberinge, 65. Stephenson, 59. Stockill, 34. Stoke, 15. Stother, 24. Stoughton, 62. Strange, 8. Strangwaies, 37. STROTHER, 27. Strother, 4, 32, 40, 45. Swinborne, 42, 64, 69, 72. Swyke, 61. SWYNBORNE, 13. Smynborne, 13. Swynbome, 68. Swynhowe, 54. Swyunowe, 49. Swynogh, 35. Syam, 63. Talbot, 24. Tayler, 67. Tempest, 57, 63, 70. THIRLEWALL, 67. Thirlewall, 68. Thomlinson, 59. Thorgraston, 67. THORNTON, 49. Thornton, 50. Thornton, 45. Thurgraston, 68. Thurlway, 46. Turpin, 26. Umfrevill, 24. Venables, 32. Vespont, 15. Vlcester, 34, 35. Vissard, 23. Waddrington, 18. Walleis, 12, 14, 42. Warcop, 18. Warcup, 73. WARMOUTH, 17. Warmouth, 17. Warmouth. 3. Watson, 1!). Watton, 72. 80 INDEX or NAMES. Wharton, 29, 42. Whitchester, 6. Whitfeld, 46. Whitfeild, 19, 68. Whitgifte, 64. Whithead, 28. WHITTINGHAM. 17. Whittingham, 17. Whittingham, 17, 40. WHITWANGE, 29. Whitnange, 29. WIDDRINGTON. 20. Widdrington, 20, 62. Widdrington, 6, 8, 23, 31, 32, 40, 45. Widderington, 24, 32. 34. Willoughby, 61. Wilmotwic, 67. Withenhed, 71. Witherington, 51. "With wood, 64. Woderington, 18, 26. Wodderington, 16, 21. Woodeington, 19. Wooderington, 18, 20. Wrenn, 63. Wydrington, 62. WYLLEY 6 Wylley. 66. Wyllsone, 62. Yerdhill, 11. Young, 33. PKnrTSB BT MlTCHBLt AH» HuOHBS, 24 "W*.BBOUB BTBBBT, LoNDOJr. :mr':^-:^^m§ ;*f7-.^ 13,1^ -,■;-'