^'5'/*; '^i/}\ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES fii^its; M^MMM"""- Original Papers Relating to the EXPEDITION T O T H E Ifland of CUB A. MiM^^MiiMir*--*-*** (Price Two Shillings.) 39A^ J loia ci? 03 ^ruiiihyi 5^-GiTia'as[xa a n T c 1 lo fonfill ' r^ilM' Original Papers Relating tp the EXPEDITION T O T H E Ifland of CUBA Magna eji Veritas y et pravalebit. LONDON: Printed for M. C o o p e r, at the Globe iq Pater-nojier-row. M dcc xliv. 85 3? A^ u^i.Pf IGi ' O VLOiria ^'i:r j a t; X a Aj lo b/rrOI - '^'<:MMa* [ 5 ] "-" n. By EDWARD V E R N O N, E^; VICE AD MIR A L of the Blue, AND Commander in Chief of his Majejifs Ships and ^elfeh in the W e s T-I n d i e s. c T T ^ ^ Majefty*s Ships defigned for the pre- fent Expedition being now in a Readinefs T'^ 9/r C H A L o N E R O G L E, Rear-Admiral of the Blue Squadron of his Majejifs Fleet. S I R, H JL Jl to proceed to Sea, agreeable to my ge- neral Orders for their being ready as this Day ; r And as the Difficulties of the Channel for our Q getting to Sea, make it highly imprudent to at- 1 tempt doing it together ; You are hereby required and direded, to detach , two Ships of your Divifion to Sea, with the iirft 3 Detachment of Tranfports that General tVentworib g Ihall fend you Advice are ready to proceed to Sea ; 2 and to detach two more Ships of your Divifion, ui with fuch as fhall be ready to proceed on the fe- ]\ cond Day ; and to go out with the Remainder of < your Divifion on the third Day ; ordering thofc Detachments that have prcceeded you to be work- ing to windward under an eafy fail, to colledl them- felves together under Tellows, or Morant Bay, till you come up with them, for proceeding with them, with an eafy fail, to our firft Place of ge- B neral [6] neral Rendezvous in Donna Maria Bay : Which Rendezvous the Colonel of the Train, and the Agent of the Tranfports, have both of them my Orders to deliver to the refpedive Storefhips and Tranfports under their Orders ; and it is to be de- li ver'd fealed up, for being open'd only in cafe of Separation. And you will give the faid Ren- dezvous to the commanding Officer of the feparate Detachments of your Divifion : And you know the next Rendezvous that is to be given, in purfuance of our laft general Council of War. As I fhall be following you myfelf the next Day, and leaving Orders with fome of my Divifion to bring up the remaining Ships after us, I fhall foon join you ; or you will have a fhort Retreat to me, in cale of meeting any fuperior Squadron of the Enemy. All Spanijh Ships or VefTels that you fliall meet with, you are to ufe your utmoft Endeavours to take, fmk, burn, or deftroy. And as to the daring and unauthorized Attempts of the Subjects of any Nation to cover and protect the Ships, Peifons, or EfFe6ls of his Majefty*s Enemies the Spaniards i you are to take care to prevent the lame, and to feize the faid Spaniards Ships, Perfons, or Effeds, wherever you fhall find the fame on the Seas *, as you will the Ships and VefTels of any Nation whatfoevcr, that you fhall meet with attempting to fupply his Majefty's Ene- mies the Spaniards with contraband Stores, for their being further proceeded againfl according to Law : Taking care to give particular Diredions, for fe- curing the Papers and Effeds of all Ships or Vef- fels fo taken or feizcd, from all manner of Plunder and Embezzlement. But on meeting any of the Guarda Cojlas of his mofl Chrifiian Majefty, you are to prefcrve with them [7-] them that good Correfpondence that ought to^ fubfift between the Subjefts of Princes in Amity with each other. For, &c. Given on board the Boyne in Port Royal HzrhovoTy Jamaica^ this 2 5thof7f, 1741. E. Vernon. ^0 Captain R e n t o N e of the Rippon. By, ^c, YO U are hereby required and direded, with his Majefty's Ship the Rippon under your Com- mand, to put to Sea with all poflible Expedition, and make the beft of your Way to windward ; and to get up into a proper Station for cruizing to windward of St. Jago, for intercepting the Trade of the Enemy going to or coming from that Port, and obferving fuch other Diredions as you have my verbal Orders for. And the Seahorfe being un- der my Orders to cruize off there to the loth. of July, you are to look out for her in the faid Station, as you may expeft to meet Intelligence from her, for your better Government in the Execu- tion of my Orders. And on meeting with her, you are to deliver Capr. Allen my Orders for putting himfelf under your Command, and to continue him cruizing under your Orders, as beft fhall an- fwer the due Execution of the Service you are or- dered upon ; either by keeping him off St. Jago and yourfelf further to windward of Walthenam B^y, or porting him other wife, as you fhall judge moll expedient from the Intelligence you may receive. All Spanijh Ships and Veflels that you fhall meet with, you are to ufc your utmoft Endeavours to take, fink, burn, or deftroy. 6 2 And [ 8] And as to the daring and unauthorized Attempts of the Subje<5ls of any Nation, to rover and protect the Ships, Perfons, or Effects of his Majefty*s Enemies the Spaniards \ you are not to permit the fame, but to feize the faid Ships, Perfons, or Ef- fects of his Majefty's Enemies the Spaniards^ where- ever you fhall find the fame on the Seas ; as you will the Ships and VefTels of any Nation, that you fhall meet with going to fupply his Majefty's Ene- mies the Spaniards with Contraband Stores, for their being further proceeded againft here accord- ing to Law. , But on meeting with any of the Guarda Cojias of his moft Chriftian Majefty, you are carefully to preferve with them that good Correfpondence that ought to fubfift between Officers in the ServicQ of Princes in Amity with each other. And you are to continue cruizing a little to windward of Walthenam Bay, to the 30th Day of July next, or your looner receiving further Or- ders from me by fome of my Cruizers in the faid Station. For which this Ihall be your Warrant. Given under my Hand, on board his Majefty's Ship the B(ryne^ in Fort Royal Harbour, Jamaica^ this 2 5th of JunCy 1741. e:v. To the Hon, General Y/eut wort h. SIR, HIS Majefty's Ships defigned for the prefent Expedition being now in a Readinefs for the Sea, agreeable to my Orders to them to be ready as this Day, I could not omit the firft Opportunity of . acquainting you with it. And as the Difficulties of the Channel for our going out, make it nectary to proceed to Sea by Detach- [9] Detachments, Sir Chaloner O^le has my Orders for detaching two of his Divifion to Sea, as Convoy to the firft of our Tranfports, or Storefhips, that you Ihall fignify to him your having in a Readinefs to proceed with them. And he will detach two more the fecond Day, and go out himfelf with thofe that are ready the third -, as I propofe to do myfelf the fourth Day with my Divifion, leaving only behind us one Ship, as Convoy to whomever you may not have ready to proceed with us then. And I believe you will agree with me, in think- ing we cannot too foon proceed, to avail ourlelvcs of the Alarm that may be given his Majefty's Ene- mies, by the Appearance of the large Fleet under" Convoy of Mr. Le0ock*s Squadron towards the Hffvanna : And the fooner we are going, the longer Time we (hall have to ad: in before the Rains come in upon us. And Capt. Rentone has my Orders for proceed- ing to Sea before us to-morrow, for making all neceflary Obfervations, as I nryentioned to you that I intended. With my bed Wifhes for Succcfs to our joint- Endeavours for his Majefty*s Service, I am, SIR, Boyne, June 25, 1741. XoUT Mqfi OkiHefU, Humble Servant^ E. V. To the Hdn. General Wentworth. SIR, AFTER congratulating you on our Forces having hitherto got io fafely into the Sea, without any ill Accident ; I fend this Letter by Capt. Tr^(7r, to let you know I dcfign, as I -formerly acquainted you, to fail my fetf to-morrow, with the [ lo] the Remainder of my Divifion that are in prefent Condition for proceeding. And as it is lb necef- fary for us to be at the Head of our Forces as foon as poffible, and to keep together, I am perfwaded you are very ready and defirous of faiUng at the fame Time : And if there fhould be any of your Tranfports or Storefhips that may require any longer Delay, if you will pleafe to advife me of it, as I have fome Ships that will follow me foon, I will leave all the neceffary Orders with them, for taking them under their Convoy and bringing them after us. When I refleft on the prodigious Sum this Ex- pedition has coft our Royal Mafter, and how high the Nation has carried their Expectations from it, I cannot but be animated with a Zeal to exert the utmoft of my Abilities, to anfwer the Expediation of our Royal Mafter and the Nation -, and am per- fwaded you are animated with the fame Zeal, and will look with a juft Refentment on all who fhall ihew any Want of it. I am, SIR, J^oynf, June 30, 1741. Your mofi Obedient, Humble Servant, E. V. To General Wentworth. SIR, AFTER congratulating you on our being got fafe out into the Sea without any Accident, with our great Ships, and through that hazardous Channel (which I chink a good Providence, and a happy Omen of our future Succefs -,) I fend this to deiire you would return me, by the Bearer, the Papers I left with you for your Perufal, as I have a View of making a further Ufe of them, as a Key to [ " ] ^ to my future Enquiries, to avail ourfelves ^11 we can of the happy Providence of having in our Hands fo many proper Perfons to enquire of. I am giving Orders now to Capt. Cleland, to- take under his Care, Prote<5bion and Convoy, the Leewardmoft of our Tranfports and Storefliips, that we way advance a little fafter, to get up with the main Body of thofe fcnt to Sea before us. I am, SIR, Boy fie at Sea, July 2, Tour mo ft Obedient, *74^' Humble Servant, E. V. To Captain Cleland, of the Worcefler. By, ^c. YO U are hereby required and direded, to come with an eafy Sail after us, for keeping under your Care, Prote<5lion and Convoy, the Leeward- moft of our Tranfports and Storefhips, and con- ducing them fafely to the firft Place of our general Rendezvous, (which you have had delivered you open, and they have received like wife) off Cape Donna Maria. And after getting them there, if you don't find me there, or other Orders from me by fome of my Cruizers, you are then to proceed with them to my fecond Place of general Rendez- vous (which you have received feaPd, to be open*d there j) and to give them there Orders conformable to it, for knowing where to come, if by any Acci- dent they fhould lofe Company with you. And this you are ftridlly in joined to take all poffible Care in, as you muft expecft to anfwer, at your Peril, for any Difappointment that may arile to the Expedition through any Careleflliefs or Remifl- nefs in you, or your Officers; whom you will give [ 12 ] give the ftridbeft Orders to, for being careful in their relpe6tive Watches ; and you will carry a Top Light, for their keeping Company with you, and making all the proper Signals to them by Day and by Night *, and repeat my Signals while we are in View, that they may obferve your being appointed to take Care of them. For, ^c. Given on board the Boyne^ at Sea, this 2d of July, 1 741. To General Wentworth. SIR, AS I am going to fend Capt. Broderick, in the Sborebam, to Jamaica, who is juft returned from his Cruize off Carthagena, I have fent an Officer to wait on you for any Letters you may have to fend to Jamaica by him. He found every Thing lying in the Condition we left it in, having had the Opportunity to obferve it, by his fending his Lieutenant in at Boca Grande, and fo by Cajiillo Grande, to the Town, with fome Prifoners I had promifed the Vice Roy the RemifHon of to him : But they ftopp*d the Boat before it reached the Town, and defired the Officer to go back to Caf- alio Grande, and wait there for the Anfwer to my Letter. Whilft he was there, he had the Opportu- nity to obferve they were loading Stones from the Ruins of that Caftle, to carry to Carfhagena -, and he learnt by a Negroe that fpoke Englifh, that they were employed in new Works, which they were raifing at Hemini, expelling another Vifit from us. He looked in at Boca Chica likewifc, And found Things juft as we left them, only a Guard placed at the Ruins of Boca Chica Caftle, After congratulating you on our happily being got fo far in our Way that we may foon hope to t '3 ] be aifembled, for proceeding to Walthenaffi \ I fend you, inclored, the Examination, taken in.Wnring, oijohn Drake, who is fo well acquainted with the Road from thence to St. Jago. And as that is an open Town, and the Accefs to it fo plain and clear from thence, I cannot but flatter rnyielf we have a very eafy and fure Game to play. I am fully perfwaded that ther^ is no way to begin it with Succefs but from thence ; and I think it is fo fure of Succefs, that I mention it lb, that you may think of giving neceffary Orders for preparing your recovered Men to be ready for embarking, to come to us on the firft Orders. I am, SIR, Boyncy off the Navajfa^ ToUT moji Ohe^eUt, >/ri2, 1741. Humble Servant, E. V. To cS/> C H A L O N E R O G L E. S P'R, AFTER congratulating you on our having got our Flock up in fo fair a Way, I am glad to acquaint you, I have likewife had the Pleafure to have my Cruizers join me, both from Carthagena and Leogane : And as they bring nothing very ma- terial, mall defer acquainting you with Particulars till, I have the Pleafure of feeing you next. But having drawn up the Information from the Perfbn I have had fo long on board, in Writing, to fend it to the General to-day, and to let him fee how very prafticable it is to come to St. Jago from JVahhenam *, I fend you now inclofed a Copy of it. And having got fome further Informations by means of a Prifoner from thfcnce, I think we have all the Lights we want, and fhall be glad to chat over Particulars with you. C I intend L [ '4] I intend now only to gather together what we have of our Flock, and to proceed direftly with them to Walthenam : But want to fee Wallace, to know if he has yet dehvered qut our fecond Ren- dezvous for Walthenam Bay, which, if not done, will be neceflary to be done firfl -, and then I will leave Capt. T^ent to cruize for a fhort Time off Cape Donna Maria, for picking up all Stragglers, and bringing them after us. I am, SIR, Boyne, ofF the Navafa, Tour moji Obedient, July I z, 1 741 . Humble Servant, E. V. P. S. Capt. Allen brought me fixty-four Pri- foners from St. Jago the Evening you failed. Pray order your People to be careful in repeating my^ Signals. Declaration of Jo liti Drake, Mariner. HE was taken, going from the Bay of Honduras to New England, by a. Spanijh Schooner, about thirteen Years ago, and carried into Trinidado ; where he ftaid about a Week, and then went to Puerto del Ppncipe, in order to get a Paflage to Jamaica : But finding he could get a very com- fortable Living there by fifhing, he remained and followed that Employment about ten Years, fome- times at Puerto del Principe, fometimes at Bayamo, Atid fometimes at St.Ja^o : From whence he went to Punto d* Enemigo, a Place about feven Leagues to windward of Guantinam, v/here he lived about two Years by hunting, paying one Don Jofipb Muftilier (a Prieft) theXhird of whatever he killed. He is very well acquainted with all tlie Coaft, and as far as about five Leagues within Land, from from St.Jago to the faid Punio d* Enemigo. Guan- tinam is a fine large Harbour, about two or three Leagues broad, and has a Frefti- Water River run- ning into it on the Leewardmoft Side 5 up which River for about a League there is four or five Fa- thom Water, and on the Larboard Side the King's Salina. Further up, the Water fhoals, but in fuch a Manner that this Ship's Longboat can very well pafs about three or four Leagues ; farther than which even a Doree cannot pafs, being only Ankle deep. About two Leagues from the King's Salinay upwards on the Starboard Side, are two other Sa- linas^ from which Salinas to a Village called Santa Catalina^ containing about an hundred Houfes and one Church, it is eight Leagues. The Inhabitants arc Indians and Mulaitoes, who live by hunting and raifing of Stock. This Village of Sania Catalina lies in the direft Road from St. Jago to Baraccoat it being from St. Jago to Santa Catalina thirteen Leagues, and from Santa Catalina to Baraccoa thirty Leagues ; and he has himfelf walked from Santa Catalina to St. Jago in twelve Hours. The Road from the Barkadier to Santa Catalina is about two Leagues along the River Side; from thence a good open Road for about two Leagues more, when there is a fine large Savanna for about two Leagues more ; and the remaining two Leagues, the Road is likewifc good and open, you every now and then meeting with a Crawle or Cattle-Pen. From Santa Catalina to St. Jago., the Road is for the moft part woody. Hills and Dales ; but, in the narroweft Part, fo broad that ten Men may very well go a-breaft; and every here and there you will fee a Crawle or Cattle-Pen, and find three or four Rivulets in the Pafllxge. In the dry Seafon of the Year, which is from Obloher to JunL\ all C 2 thefe [ i6] thefe Roads are very good, and, even in the rainy Seafon, paflable without much Difficulty. 'The foregoing Account I affirm to he true^ to the beji of my Knowledge. Dated on board his Majcfty^s Ship the Boyne, July lo, 1741-. ^yitf>efs, John Drake. Thomas Watfon, William Rogers. Declaration ''"'-- -View View of his Majefty's Inftrudions, that of pofTef^ fing ourfejves of the Ifland of Cuba j What fell from you yefterday on board the Cumberland, exprefTing your Diffidence of being able to proceed further, could not but greatly fur- prize us, and give us great Concern ; to hear from you, how much Unwillingnefs was exprefled by fome of your Officers, for proceeding on this Expedition. And we cannot, on this Occafion, both in re- gard to our Duty to the Crown and Friendfliip to you, but feafonably lay before you the fatal Confe- quences, that may refult to all Officers that fhall fhew a Reludance to comply with his . Majefty's Inftrudions, and Ihall by their Behaviour and Ex-; ample encourage others to do fo ; as we thihk,' m the military Term, this approaches too near to Mutiny. And tho' this may take its firft Rife in the pri- vate Paffions of fome Officers, who had rather return to Britain than continue longer in Service in a Climate not agreeable to them j^ yet we fear, the not giving an early Check to "this Temper among fome of your Officers, may draw a Refent- ment on you, whofe Duty, it may be judged, was to have early fupprcfled it. We cannot but mention to you, that Reports were fpread before the Fleet's failing irom Jamaica, that Refolutions were taken againft the Army's landing on this Ifland ; which the Difcourfes of fome of your Officers fince, have given but too much Grounds to fufpedt there might be fome Foundation for-, and what fell from you yefterday gives us the greater Reafon to apprehend it. And as Combinations to defeat the main View of his Majefty's Inftrudlions, are of the moft cri- minal Nature, we cannot but hope there are none fuch [ 25 ] fuch, tho' fuch Grounds are given to fufpeft it. But as fuch might afFed the Lives, as well as the Commiffions, of all who fhould fall into them, we cannot but give it you as our Advice, early to iexert yourfelf, in giving all poflible Difcouragemcnl;. po what may prove fo fatal to them. ./We think the Execution of all propofed an^ agreed to in our laft Refolutions, may be very cafily effected, if it be but heartily fet upon, with the fame Chearfulnefs and Good-will as was ex preffed in the unanimous Refodution of our faid laft General Council of War. ' And as we cannot, in regard to the Honour of our Royal Mafter and the Intercft of our Country, but think it our Duty to advife your early to fup^' prefs this evil Spirit in fome of your Officers :. So we hope you will accept this Advice, as our una- nimous Sentiments of Friendfhip to you, as well as Regard to our Duty to his Majefly ; as we feaf the Effc6ts of this Condu6t would principally revert on you ; which as we fhould be heartily conceroed for, fo we thought this feafonable Advice to you,* to be on your Guard againft it, the befl Inftance we could give of our friendly Concern for your Honour and Interefl. And hoping you will accept it as fuch, we are, Cumherlandy in Cumberland Your mod Obedient^ Harbour (formerly call'd ^^^^/^ Ser Given on board the Boyne in Cumberland Har- bour (formerly called Walthenam) on the South Side of C^^, this 24th of 7/y, 1741. : rjiT.:. ? . E..V. Ij"!'" ' ' i m ^.i - i ' ".. I 'I ! !-" ! * i" f^"ii f*>Wfrt ^^f^ 1 R, -.- r, .. t-f- -..H,-'! ,.', ! fK; '-i t 1 Heartily congratulate you on the Succefs of your firft advanced Party, by the Enemy's flying be- fore them without fo much as exchanging a Shoe with them -, which was what I always expefted. And I am fure you will find, that Delay will be the moft dangerous Enemy you have to deal with as that will ;giv'e the Enemy Time to be pfeparing againfl you , ^herdas their being attacked where 'they did not' expedt it, leaves them entirely open 'and Cumberland Harbour, from one of his Royal \ F t^ighncfs I ,. ^38.3 Highnefs the ibiike^s Titles, who has given us the pleafing Hopes of ferving at Sea under the Com- mand of a Prince of the Blood Royal. As I was poflefs'd of a good Pilot for the Har- bour, I loft no Time in making the beft Ufe of him, having detach'd before me Captain Forrejl ifi the Bomb-Ketch, one of my Firefhips, my Bri-^ gantine and Sloop Tenders, and the Bomb Tender, putting this Flotilla under Captain Forreji's Orders, who enter'd the Lagoon going up to the Salinas, with Part of them, that Evening. And by Day- break the next Morning, I difpatch*d all the Barges, mann'd and arm*d, under the Command of Capt. Wat [on (my Captaiin) and order'd all the Yawls to follow, to help to tow the Flotilla as high up as it was navigable for them ; and he return'd the 19th at Night, after having pofted the Sloop as high up as the upper Salinas, and the Bomb-Ketch an from the ad- vanced Party, with an Account of their uninter- rupted Progrefs till their Arrival in fuch fertile Plains ; and I fend your Grace inclofed a -Copy of my Lette*- from Lieutenant ^/wr/<7. ..! -^v: I think myfelf pofted here, not only in a happy Security againft ail Apprehenfiohs of Hurricanes^ b\it in the befl Situation that could be chofcn for S^ufity of the Trade of his Majefty's Subjedls, and the annoying that of his Majcfty's Enemies : Which I (hall endeavour to poft my Cruziers to the beft Advantage for, and for having early Intel- ligence of any Motions of the Enemy ; who, by our Situation here, will be cut off from any Com- munication with their Neighbours the French^ from whence they receive their InteHigence and Supplies. And thinking it now high Time our Royal Mailer fhould have the earliell Information of our prefent Situation, I have got my Sloop careen'd and [44] nd dean*d in the River Augujia, arid Capt. Forrefi will fbon difpatch her down to me, for fend- ing my Difpatches to your Grace by her (that I think will bring them fooneft to your Hands) by a Nephew of my Wife's, whom I fend to ride Ex- prefs with them. This Sloop was a fmall Privateer commanded by one Hall^ that I hired into the Crown's Service fo long ago as December laft, ha- ving a View in it to get into my Hands the ma- rooning Part of his Crew, that I knew were well acquainted with thefe Parts ; and this John Drake, the Guide, was one of them. For this Affair has been long in my Thoughts, though it has but fo lately broke out into Execution, and, I thank God, a fuccefsful one ; and I think this Spot the belt chofen one for a Briii/h Settlement of any in this Ifland, and am glad to find the Americans begin to look on it as the Land of Promife already. I fend your Grace likewife inclofed a Copy of my Letter to the General of the 26th, to advife him to have his Letters ready to go by her, and that the Seahorfe fhould foon be got ready for carry-^ ing his Letters to the Governors of the Northern Colpnies. The Boats Sails, mention'd to be retaken by our advanced Party in thofe inland Houfes, were the Sails of two of our Longboats, who, on the firft of our advancing up the River, had, without any Officer with them, or Orders, feil'd Ibme Miles above my advanced Guards, till they were fired upon thro' the Bufhes fi-om a high Bank, where they had one Man kili'd and one wounded ; upon which, they put alhore upon the oppofite Side of the River, and ran down to my Sloop to in- form them of it, and Captain Dennis march' d up with a Party of Men as foon as he had Advice of it ; feut being ibme Miles above him*^ they had burnt 145] fcurnt the j^oats, and carried off the Sails, long be- fore he could get up thither , but all that Plunder of theirs is now retaken, even to the Longboat's Enfign, mention'd in the Governor of St. Jago*i Letters. I can bring a twenty-gun Ship for careening, with Eafe, clofe to the Banks of the River -, and I think I have found a convenient Part of the Harbour, that, with a little Wharfing, I fhall be able to bring a fixty or a feventy-gun Ship to careen at it > and we have large Timber for Piles growing clofe to the Water Side, at the River I water my Ships at, lying two or three Leagues a|>ove where I lie in Line of Battle with our fix Capital Ships, on the Weather Side of the Harbour ; where we cannot be furpriz*d, being the two eighty-gun Ships that Sir Chaloner and I have our Flags on board of, and the four feventy-gun Ships, our fcconds , tor all the reft will be kept out a crui- zing, or. preparing to relieve thofe that are fo, and on any Enemy's coming, may place themfelves in the Van and Rear of our Line , and I am raifing a little Redoubt to keep a Guard at, to cover our Men in the Watering at the River I water the Fleet at, which is four or five Leagues diftant from the Mouth of that the Army is landed in, tho* both running into the fame Harbour. ' As to the Sloop Tender my Nephew comes in, the Owners of her living in Rhode IJland, and the Hiring and Account of what has been advanced being kept by the Storekeeper at Jamaica^ make it neceffary fhc (hould be order*d back thither 9 and her Crew are all borne as part of the Comple- ment of this Ship, as I judg*d that the moft frugal Management for his Majefty's Service. I live in hopes it cannot be long now before I fliall have the honour of hearing from you, my G laft [ 46 1 lafl from your Grace being of the 28th of Fehrudry, now above five Months ago. I Ihall always carefully ftudy to govern myfclf, to the beft of my Judgement^ for our Royal Mafter*s Service : But it cannot but be an anxious thing to a Commanding Officer, to be long with- out knowing whetlier he has judg'd rightly of the Tenour of his Inftrudtions, which is mygreateft Ambition, and Ihall be my fludious Care. I am. My Lord Duke^ Bcyne, in Cumberland Xour Grace* S moft on ihe s'omb'sTdc Okdient, Humble Servant, of Qiha, July 29, E. V. 1741. To General Wentworth. SIR, I Received yours laft Night by Mr. Littleton, with the agreeable News of your advanced Party ha- ving got the Village without meeting any Re- fiftance, finding it entirely abandoned by its In- habitants. And I heartily congratulate you on the uninterrupted Flow of Succefs in their Proceedings, by all flying before them, and not daring fo much as to make the leaft Refiftance, tho', you obferve, tlic Narrownefs of the Path gave them the beft Opportunity for it. But here is neither a Hannibal to Command, nor Troops of any Service or Experience to obey ; and you fee by Experience, they fly like a Flock of Sheep before you. And, I take it, you are now got pafl the moft dangerous Part for their hav- ing any Opportunities of Arabulhing you ; aDanger, in my Apprehenfion, eafily avoided, by fmall ad- vanced Parties of your Blacks, ufed to brulhing the Woods, advancing before you to the Right and t 47 i and Left. And, I remember, my Prifoner, the Spanijh Boy, Izquerda^ whofe Intelligence Colonel Cochran puts his Faith in, told me, before I fent him to you, that from the Village to the Town of St. JcLgo^ it was all Camino Real; which it ftands to Reafon it Ihould, as that was the Road from thence to Barracao, as well as to this Place. ^i .^ And though the Guide has not carried them jn- the diredb Path from your Camp, it is very plain he had a very good general Notion of it, by carry- ing them firft to the Houfes where the Longboats Sails were lodged, which was, to be fure, the direct Road they retired : By the Spanifh Boy Izquerda I underftood, the fecond Houfe was that of the Governor of St. Jago*s Don ^ixoie. Captain Pedra Guerra : And by my Officer's Letter I find, they are gone in a ftreight Line from us, as he has feen our Flag on the fame Point of the Compais that both your Camp and the Village are from us j which makes it manifeft they are in the right Way. And the three Letters you fent me, from the Go- vernor of St. y ago to Capt. Pedro Guerra (one dated the 19th of July, our Stile, another the 2otli, and the third the 2 2d) make it clearly manifefb, that his Meffengers were much lefs than twenty-four Hours in bringing his Letters from St, J^go to your Camp-, for we came in but the i8th in the Evening, and the 19th he anfwers the Letter he had from Capt, Pedro Guerra, giving him an Ac- count of our Arrival i and the next Day anfwers his fecond Letter : Which arc inconteftible Proofs that John Drake has not reprefented the Diftance nearer than it is. And if a Perfon was even to walk in Woods near his own Houfe, that he had not frequented for fome time, he would be liable to ramble out of his Way, and that once done in a Wood^ it is not eafy to recover. But that Dan- G 2 ger [ 48 ] ger is over now, fmce even Izquerda agrees it is Camino Heal from that Village. The flying of their Women and Children to St. Jago, can bring nothing there butTerror and Conr fufion, and increafe their Straitnefs of Provifions ; and to follow this Terror, once begun, clofe at the Heels, gives, in my Apprehenfion, the beft Prof- ped of Succefs : And I think the greateft Danger you have to run the Rifque of, is what may arife from Delay, and giving them Time to recover from their firft Fright, and even for preparing (what you find hitherto there have been only vifi, onary Apprehenfions of) Ambufcades. I remember the Guide's Account was, that the Way from the Village to St. J ago was through a Notch of the Hill we fee here, which lies diredly in a Line over the Village, according to the Ac- count I have of the Bearing of the Village from us ; and, I apprehend, cannot be far from the Village. And I imagine that from that Hill, as it is high, they cannot fail of feeing St.Jago : And as there are higher Grounds on each Side the Road, over that Notch of the Hill, I apprehend Parties of Blacks, fent firll to the higher Grounds on each Side of that Road, would be an Ambufcade upon any that ihould be attempting to lie in Ambufcade againft you there, as they could fall down upon the Back of them. And as I think Delay the moft fatal Thing that can happen to you, I cannot but think it my Duty, both in regard to the Crown and yourfelf, to caution you againft it. ,1 was pleafed to hear by Mr. Littleton^ they had got about a hundred Horfes in a Pen ; and would not ftop him for my Letter, from carrying you Hal- ters for them as foon as he could .: But as you have Jorty-eight Ships under your Orders in the River, they can much fooncr fupply you with any Thing of [49] ef that kind you may want. I fcnt you my Ad- vice, by Mr. Littleton, to order every one of them to be preparing two large Canvafs fpreading Pokes, fuch as the Pedlars travel with, with their Goods in Boxes, which hang on each Side the Horfe, the Canvafs being fingle over the Horfe*s Back. And that they may carry the more, I think the Blacks ftiould be ordered to lead them on foot, and no one be permitted to ride them ; and each Ship might fyrnifh a Tarpawling, for a Sumpter-Cloth over them, to cover them from the Rain, for fe- curing the dry Provifions. And for the Meat, the empty Cafks might be carried by the Negroes after them, for putting the Meat up again into them ; with a Cooper from fome of the Tranfports, to head them, whenever you come where you would have them lodged for Stores. And when you are advanced fo far, as to be fure pf the Time when you can appear, to attempt the furprizing of the Batteries above the Morro Caflle, the EJirella, and St. Qatalina, (mentioned to be eafiiy.praflicable in the Information you have of Henry Cavcliery Carpenter ;) I will take Care to be, either myfelf or Sir Chaloner Ogle, off the Mouth pf the Harbour, to do all that (hall be found to be pra(5blcable to be attempted. And I- believe you will agree with me, that a few chofen Men are better to make the Attempt with, than very large Bodies, that require fuch large Supplies of Provifions going with them. As to fecuring your Camp you are now in, a fmall Number may be fufHcicnt for that, and you may with eafe land all your Field Pieces there for its Security , which Captain Fotreji, I will anfwer for him, will foon render eafily pra(5^cablc for you, if you defire it. " "**'', ^^ ' '' ' And [ 5 ] And I find the Village, for a Pofl of Commu- nication, is likewife very eafily fecured, as Mr. Sturton writes me that the River runs in an El- bow half round it, and likewife agrees with Drake's Information, tha,t the Village lies near the fame River, though not navigable to it : But this is a fine Supply of Frefh Water for thofe pofted there. I have reconnoitred all the Coafls of this Har- bour, from the Mouth of the River you are up, to that my Ships arc watering at, which is five Leagues ; and can plainly perceive, no one can come to attack your Camp that Way ; and believe there are no Inhabitants to do it Eaftward of this Harbour. And I am raifing a Redoubt, to fccure our watering at that River, and Hiall afterwards be trying to find fome Communication with your Camp from thence, which will ferve to put it in the greater Security from all Surprize. You cannot but he fenfible, that the Security of your Army and all your Tranfports, depends on our being in a Condition to defend this Harbour from any Enemy coming by Surprize on us : And you know the Force they have under Don Rodrigo de Torres, which may eafily come here, by going through the Gulph, and coming to the French Ifland of Hifpaniola. And if Mr. Gray^s Advices, "which I fent you, fhould be true, and a Squadron Ihould come to join them from France, the Fate of this Expedition mufl be tried by a Sea Combat, and our Defeat would be your certain Ruin. And befides, as I propofe being off the Harbour to fecond your Attempt all I can, the remaining Americans on board of us would, in my Apprehen- . fion, be moft in the Way on board of our Ships, even for throwing them afhore on the Batteries to windward of the Morro, if pra6ticable, on your -ap- pearing off there. So that, in all Lights, I cannot but [ 5> ] but think them^ for the prefcnt, beft pofted here ; both for the Security of your Army, and feconding all Attempts on the Metro Caftle : And I am per- fwaded, on Refle(5lion, you will think fo too, and approve of their remaining here. For fotne of our Ships are near a hundred Men fhort of Comple- ment already, and we have but^ 6ur fix Capital Ships to be depended on for being in Harbour, as the reft muft be kept in conftant Employment in Cruizing, fome to Block up the Harbour, and the others for watching the Motions of the Ene my's Squadrons from all Parts, which I have them at prefent conveniently pofted for. "^ Your Letters were difpatch*d for Jarmica yef- terday by Captain Barnard^ and juft before he fail*d (tho* after my Letters were feal'd up) I had a Line from Capt. Forreft, of the advanced Party being arriv*d at the Village ; fo I had the Pleafurc of fending by Capt. Barnard a. verbal Account of it to Governor Irelawney. I have difpatch*d the Tork^ Captain Cotes^ away ioxLtoganey with the Vice Roy o^ Mexico* s Retinue (being twenty-feven) and fixteen mort Spani/h Pri- soners, that defir*d to be fet at Liberty there ; and eight more I fent by Captain Broderick to Car- tbagena, and the Spanijh Lawyer by Captain Allen to Leogane\ in all, fifty-two. And confidering that of thefe many were Officers and Gentlemen,; I think, according to the Ufage of War, thefe are more than an Exchange for the fixty-four rc- leas'd from St. J ago : So that I ftiall think of re- leafmg no more at prefent -, and fhall be glad of your Opinion, if you do not think it a full Eii*-- change, according to the Rules of War. I believe you will now think it proper, to try if you cannot engage any of your Prifoners to dif- perfe t 52 ] perfe your Manifeflos, to try what Effects they may have. I am glad I can acquaint you, that Captain Allen is come into the Harbour, who fhall be ready to proceed with your Letters; tor the Governors of the Northern Colonies, whenever you defire it, i I have fent Capt. Chambers up with Capt. Watfon^ who is come in from his Cruize off St. Jago^ in cafe you might have any Qaeftions to afk him. And with my beft Wifhes for the Profperity of his Majefty's Arms under your Condud, I am, SIR, Boyne, Cumberland Har- Tour moji Obedient, hour, Aug. 2, 1 741. Humble Servant, E. V. P. S. Be pleafed to forward my Letter to Lieut* Slurton, when you write yourfelf. 21? General W e n t w o r T h. : S I R, J .wi:!-;-' I Have fenC you by Lieut. Littleton a Sample of the Canvafs Pockets, that I think may be fer- viceable to you for conveying the Provisions for your Troops ; and on your approving it, I have order*d him to leave it with Mr. Wallace, for his having as many more immediately made as you judge you may want. You will perceive by what happen*d yefterday, in their attempting an Ambufh where my fmall Guard of Sailors were, that it is all a meer Jeft, and that they had more kill'd than they kill*d of our Men ; tho* they catch*d one of your Men eafing himfelf, whom they treated with fuch Barbarity, that, if the Rules of War ad- mit of it, I think fuch lurking Parties fhould have no Quarter. I did not expe<5t my Lieutenant nor my Guide in j but my Lieutenant fays it was Col. Cockran'i [ 53 ] Cockfan*s Order : But I fhall fend him back to his Duty to-day under his former Orders, to attend the Forces you order to advance to St. JagOy with the Guide, and to fhew them the Way, whenever you defire j and I am glad to hear they have fo good a Road before them. The Prize brought in yefterday came from Port PaJJage the Middle of June, is a prime-failing Ship, bought from the Privateers, to be fenc to the Vice Roy of Mexico and Don Rodrigo de Torres with Difpatches, which, he fays, he has thrown into the Sea. She has 'twenty-four Guns, and two hundred and twenty Men ; and God*s good Providence deliver*d her into our Hands, our Ship having a Gale of Wind to run up witji her when fhe was becalm'd. I fend you by Mr. Littleton the Tranflation of a Letter, that gives fome Account of European News, and I fend you the French News-Papers from Leo- gane ; and cannot forbear, on all Occafions, repeat- ing, that Delay, in niy Apprehenfion, is the only Enemy we have to fear. With my beft Wtfhes for Profperity to his Ma-. jelly's Arms under your Conduft, I am, SIR, Boyne, in Cumberland Hzx- Your mofi Obedient, bour, Aug. 5, 1 741 . j^^i^i^ Servant, E. V. 7i? General Wentworth. SIR, THIS will be brought you by Lieut. Sturton, who returns to his Command under my for- mer Orders, of attending With ten Men, and the Guide, John Drake, to fhew your advanced Parties the Road from the Village to St. Jago^ and the H Batteries [ 54 ] Batteries above Morro Caftle, whenever they have your Orders to proceed, and you let him know your defire he fhould. He has Jikewife, on board my Brig Tender, Lieutenant Lowther under his Orders, who fpeaks Spanijh very well, and may be otherwife of Service ; and I cannot omit mentioning one of his Remarks for difcovering Parties in the Woods, which is, where-ever Carrion Crows, or other Birds, may be feen hovering. So that if you choofe Lieut. Lowther to com- mand the Party inltcad of Lieut. Sturton, he has my Orders to fend him, and to ftay to command the Brigantine himfelf. And this Detachment going with the Guide may be of further Service to you, if you think of having the two Pettereroes carried with the ad- vanced Party -, and our Men probably may be beft pradticed in making a proper Ufe of them. With my beft Wifhes of Succefs to his Majefty's Arms under your Condudl, 'Tarn, SIR, Boyne, in Cumberland Har- Tour moft Obedient, hour, ifland of Cuba, jj^^j^i^ Servant, Aug. 5, 1 741. g y Tb General Went worth. SIR, WE have taken into mature Confideration, to- gether, your Letter to Mr. Vernon of the 5th of this Month, which put us under an equal Sur- prize with what fell from you on the 2 2d of July, when we thought our Duty to his Majefty requir'd our laying our Thoughts before you on that Sub- jed, by our joint Letter of the 23d oi July. ' And [ 5S] ' And as in your Letter now, you mention your fpecdily calling a Council of War, in which you ihall come to a final Refolution , Mr. Vernon^ who had communicated to me be- fore all his Letters to you, thought it advifeable to confult with me, what anfwer was proper to be fent you to it 5 that tho' we have not a deliberative Voice in your Councils of War, we might defire you to communicate to them our Sentiments, be- fore they come to forming any final Rcfolutions. And having maturely confidcr'd the Letter you mention to have recfeiv'd from Mr. Vernon, of the 2d of Augufi, and the fubfequent Letters he fent you of the 5th of Augufi, I cannot but join with him in Opinion, that they contain very fea- fonable and friendly Advices to you, and fuch as, in our joint Apprehenfions, ought to be laid be* fore your Council of War, together with our for- mer Letters to you of the 23d of July, for theu* Confideration, before they come to a final Refo- lution (as you fay is intended,) for preventing pre- cipitate Refolutions being form'd. In this Letter you fay, it is not pofTible for any Number of Men to fubfift many Days in the Part of which they are at prefent poflefs'd \ which we cannot conceive your meaning by, when you cxn. fupply them with whatever Provifions they want ; and the further you advance, you know, you com- mand open Savannas full of Cattle for further Sup- plies j as we are inform'd by Lieut. Sturton, who advanced with the Guide and your Parties as tar aa they had Orders from you for going. Thefe Defiles you mention, have been march*d thro', and none of thofe Difficulties met with that you are fo full of Apprehenfions from ; and for-* ward on from the Village, there is lels Reafon to apprehend them, it being allowM to be CaminoReaL Hi Ana [S6] And as to your Apprehenfions from the Militia of this Ifland, we cannot better lay before you how groundlefs they gre, than by fending you the in- clofed Informatiwi from Mr. Toller^ one of the late releas^d Prifoners, whom your Council of War may have to exapiine, if they defire it *, by which you will fee, if you do but proceed vigoroufly, as de- termined to fucceed, there is the moft promifing Hopes of their revolting, and becoming willing Subjeds to our Royal Mafter. And as in Mr. Vernon's Letter he has already aflur'd you, that he will either himfelf be off the Port to meet you, or fend me with fuch a Detach- ment of Ships as fhall be necelTary, for doing every Thing that can be practicable by Sea, at the Time you give him Notice you Ihall be ready to make the Attack by Land upon the Batteries of the Eflrilla and Santa Catalina (which are reprefented to be fo eafily furpriz'd, in the Information you have of Henry Cavelier^ Carpenter, who has been lately employed at work in them ;) and as we fhall carry with us the Americans remaining on board, to land them at the Batteries to windward (if pradlicable) to join you there, we cannot conceive how it is poflible they can be better employ'd for your Ser- vice, and the Succels of this Expedition. We cannot likewife but be furpriz'd at your faying, that your being landed in the Harbour of St. Jago, or at the Batteries to windward of it, were the principal Motives for your confenting to this Undertaking ; when you know it was always our declared Opinions, from the befl Advices we had received, that fuch an Attempt was imprac- ticable. But if we find it otherwise, you may rely on our doing our Duty to the Crown. Every thing appears to us moft providentially to favour the Succefs of this Expedition, as, by Lieu- tenant [ 57] tenant Sturton^s Report it appears, with very little Trouble even our Cannon may be advanced to the Polls that your advanced Guards are now at. And we apprehend, that, with proper Care about it, you may be poffefled of what Horles you pleafe, to carry your Provifions with you : But we think the principal Attack, to be tried on thofe upper Bat- teries, fhould be attempted fpeedily with a chofen Number of Men, not to give the Enemy Time to be preparing againft you. We thought it our Duty to lay our Thoughts thus feafonably before you, for your Council of War*s knowing our Sentiments in time, before their forming their final Refolutions, as you fay is fpeedily intended. With our beft Wilhes for the Profperity of his Majefly*s Arms under your Condud, we are, SIR, Cumberland, in Cumberland Xour mofi Obedient^ Harbour. South Side of ^^^^^^ Servants, Cuba, Au7. 6, 1741. ^ ' ^ ' '^ E. Vernon, C. Ogle. ^0 Captain R 1 n t o n e, of the Rippon. By, ^c. WHereas I think it of Importance to his MaT jefty's Service in the prefent Conjun6lure, to have a Communication immediately open'd be- tween the Bluff to the Weftward of the River where our Ships are watering, and the Incamp-' ment on the Side of the River Augufia \ ^ You are hereby requir'd and direfted, to take with you a Detachment of thirty Men of Capt. Pepper'*^ Company, now on board of you, with the faid Cap- tain (who has my Orders to obey your Command on the faid Service;) and a further Detachment of twcnry [ 58] twenty American Forces, under one of their Offi- cers, from the Montagu and Ludbis) Cajile (whofe Captains you will (hew my Orders to, for their making the faid Detachments of twenty Men each accordingly) to be landed, for marching under your Orders, by Day-break to-morrow Morning, at the Bluff to the Weftward of the River : From whence, together with 20 Seamen, (with Hand- Bills, for clearing the Underwood where neceflary, and armed with Sword and Piftols only, as you will have a fufficient Number of Mufqueteers from the Detachments of AmericanYvoo^s) you are to march very leifurely, for opening your Communication with the faid Encampment on the River Augufia. And you will order it, if you can, to march in three open Files, for better difcovering any At- tempts to Ambufcade you, having a Lieutenant to command the Party that advances before your Sea-^ men for cutting the Underwood, and he having a Serjeant with a Detachment of his Men before him. And as the Way is not judged to be above four or five Miles difVance, and they need only clear the Underwood for making an open Way to be (ttn through, I apprehend it can eafily be done in a Morning , and Orders fhall be fent for the De-r ^achment being vidualled on board my Brigantine, and, if the Way is found tirefome, to reft there for returning next Day. And as Troops in a Wood cannot be formed in a regular Order, you will difpofe your Officers in the beft Manner, for commanding the refpedtive Detachments ; and let them not m^rch with their Mufquets fhouldered, but refted on their Arms, to prevent Surprizes, and be the readier to receive an Enemy. And give this general Order to all com- manding the feveral Detachments, to fland their Ground, and face their Enemy wherever they ap- pear. [ S9l |)car, and to defend themfelves as becomes bold Bri- tons, and giveTime to your other Parties to come up to fupport them \ inculcating this general Maxim to them, that facing one's Enemy is the beft Security, and turning one's Back to them is abandoning one's felf to fure Deftrudion -, an Order I judge not im- proper for new-raifed Troops. And for all other Orders found neceflary, I rely on your approv'd Judgment and Refolution. For, ^c. Given on board the Boyne, in Cumberland Har- bour, (^c, this 6th oi Aiigufi, 174I' To Captain Forrest, of the Alderney Bomb. By, IBc. "11 / Hereas I have ordered Captain Rentone^^ ^ith a Detachment of Marines and Seamen, to open a Way of Communication to-morrow Morn- ing, between the Bluff to the Weftward of the River our Ships Water at, and the general En- campment ; For his better Guidance in fo doing, you are hereby required and direded, to take with you a Detachment of thirty Men, from the Bomb-Ketch under your Command, and my Brig Tender, and to take Poft with therii early to-morrow Morning upon the Hill juft above the Camp, where Lieu- tenant Taylor made his Bonfire yeflcrday Evening : Which you are accordingly to renew to-morrow Morning, to fcrve for a Guidance to Capt. Rentone in his moving towards you. And you will from thence keep a good Look-out towards the faid Bluff (where a Fire is likewife ordered to be kept^ they being reckon'd to bear neareft E. N. E. and W.S.W. of each other*, ) to obferve that no Parties of the Enemy be moving that Way to annoy them ; in which Cafe, you are to move to fuftain them, taking t6o] taking Care to fend the General immediate Notici^, ^d defire he would detach out Forces to fuftain you; and you will acquaint the General, if ftirring, or the Commanding Officer, with the Orders you have. And defire of them from me, that they would fend out Orders to their advanced Guards and Cen- tries, to acquaint them of it, and give out the fame Words to the Centries (for preventing Mrf- takes) as I have ordered for our Party. Which are, for thofe challenged to anfwer to the Centries, or Party challenging, in thefe Words, Great Marlborough's Glory ; and the Cen- try, or Party challenging, to anfwer. Victory. For, ^c. Given on board the Boyne in Cumberland Har- bour (forinerly called JVaUhenam) on the South Side oi Cuba, x.\i\s 6t\i oi Augufty 1741. To Mr. Wallace. SIR, I Have this Evening receivM your Letter j and was glad to hear Provifions were fent on board the Borfetjhire for the one hundred and forty-one Spanijh Prisoners you defire for the Tranfports, which I fhall make the Difpofition for fending on board of her on Tuefday Morning. I was glad to hear you were clearing Tranfports to fend for Provifions for the Army ; and as you fupply Provifions to the Army, pray order it to clear fome for the Fleet too, as I muft defire the General to fpare me fome of them "(I believe j to fetch Supplies for us. Pray contrive that thofe defign'd for both Services may be good Sailors, that they may the more fpeedily ply up to windward to us > and I have defigned a Ship for Convoy, r 61 ] Convoy, that l)iall be. ready to fail whenever flie is defired. I am fure thole Bags will do for carrying Provi- iions, and the Weight be nothing to a Horle, pro- vided no one be fufFer'd to ride them *, and a little long Grafs laid upon the Horfes Backs under them, will make them lie eafier and cooler to them than a Pack-Saddle. I am, Boyne, in Cumberland /v ' / 1 1 n Harbour, Qiba, Tour humble Ssrvant, ^"g- 9' i74- E. V. ^0 Capt. Forrest, of the Alderncy Bomb. SIR, Lieutenant Porter brought me laft Night a large Packet from the General, which I have not yet had time to read over this Morning ; but having caft my Eye on the Refolution, I fee plainly it is againft advaiKtng any further. And if that be the Cafe, I apprehend there can be no occafion for Lieut. Lowther and his Party, with my Guide, cotntinuing any longer abfent on board the Brig Tender. -" I would, therefore, defire you immediately to wait qn the GeneraJ, to know whether he is de- firous he flxould qpntinue with his advanced Party any longer : And if he does not, as it was only for his Service and at his Defire that he was fent, pray do you lend him Orders to return, with the next Orders the General fends that way , and fend a Meflenger of your own with your Orders to him, by the next Party that goes that way. And pray tranfad thefe Orders yourfelf, as I rely on your Prudence for the carc;ful Execution of them. I * * '"'^" ^- I was [ 62 ] i was pleasM to hear you found fo fliort and good a Road back to the Camp. I am, SIR, Cutnberland Harbour, Tour very btimhk Servant, Jug. lo, 1741. E. V, P. S. Deliver the inclofed to Lieut. S fur ton in your Way. To General Wentworth. S T R, IT being laft Night that your Letter of the 9th was brought, with the inclofed Refolutions of your Council of War, and the Reports of feveral of your principal Officers, and the Examination of a Spaniffo Prifoner, there was no Opportunity for their being fooner taken into Confideration than to-day. We have read them over together attentively, and having obfervM in your Letter, that you had communicated to your Cuncil of War all the fe- veral Advices given by us to you, as (in our Opinions) mod for his Majefly's Honour and Service, and your own , and having confider'd that, notwith- flanding, your Council of, War have, in their faid Refolutions, declar'd, "That they cannot march anyBodyof theirTroops " further into the Country, without expofing them ^' to certain Ruin ; and that they are firmly of "Opinion, that their advancing with their Army " to St. JagOy in their prefent Circumflances, is " impradficable.'* As the Operations of the Army are, by his Ma- jefty's Inflru6l:ions, left under the particular Di- reflions o(-a Council of War of your own Officers \ after their liaving in luch a manner deliver'd their Opinions, it would ill become us to be giving our Opinions [63] Opinions in fuch Matters, that his Majefty's In- ftrudions had left to the particular Deliberations of your Council of War. But we may obferve to you. Sir, that a good Part of thefe Objections are founded on the Dif- ficulty of an Army*s marching from hence to St. Jago with Cannon , which is what we never conceiv'd to be neceflary. .^r .,, l:--'^ But had it been found pra6licable," on your firft landing, for a chofen Detachment of a thoufand Men,, with a thoufand Negroes to have gone with them for carrying a Week*s Provifions, to have tried if thofe upper Batteries, of the Eftrella and Santa Catalina, could not have been furpriz*d and taken with Facility, as was reprefented in Henry Cavelier*s Information ; (which would have been but the Experiment of a Day ;) we apprehend the Fate of St. Jago might have been tried and determin'd before now : And if the Forces had not found that Facility in furprizing them as was reprefented, they would have had fufEcient Provifions tor their Retreat to the Camp. And as, on their fucceeding, we fliould have been one of us at hand to have endeavour*d to have pufh-d into the Harbour, the Town of St. Jago, and all the reft, would have fallen of Courfei the Town being an open Town, that would have been under the Command of our Guns. And if this Method had been thought proper to have been purfued, we apprehend they would not have had Time for amending their former Overfights, by taking fome Care to fecure the back Door ; whereas, from all former Informations, they had only been providing to fecure the fore Door, the Entrance 4nto the Harbour. We flatter ourfelves, that in our former Advices, we have a(5led with a finccre Regard for his Majefty** ][ionour and Service, and a friendly Gopd^will tp I 2 yours. [64] yours. And we are determined, with our beft Care, to cultivate a good Underftahdiiig \vith you, and liich as are in Chief Command, agteeably to his Majefty's Inftruftions , which we defire you will afllire the other General Officers of-, as tnfcy have done us, in the general Refolution you fent the Copy of inclbfed. With our beft Wiflies for the Profperity bf his Majefty's Arms under your 'Condud, we are, SIR, $oyne, m CamlTerland Harbour ^our mofi Ohedienty (formerly c^\VAWahhenam) ' . ;^^^^/^ Servants^ on the bouth bide of Qiba, -i- *r Jug. lo.^y^x. KVerno^I. C. Ogle. j^ 7i> (7^^r^/ W 1 1* T w o u T ft. S I R, YOURS of the 1 1 th, mentioning your having communicated to the Members of your Council of War ours of the loth, was brought by Lieut. Pearfe this Morning, and we foon after rhtt to take it into Confideration. And it was with Pleafure we obferv'd your men- tioning the Members of your Council of War join- ing with you, in afluring us that nothing, on your Parts, will be wanting to cultivate the good Cor- refporidence fo ftrongly recommended by his Ma- jefty ; and which we gave you, as was our Duty, the like Aflurance of on ours. And we flatter ourfelves, all our Advices to you will appear to all impartial Men, to have had no other Motive than his Majefty's Honour and Ser- vice (to the beft of our Judgements) and a friendljf Concern for yours. And as you are defir'd by the Gentlemen of your Council of War, to haVe a General Council of War [ 65 ] War held, to conlider of what is mofl proper w be done in the prefent Circumftanccs, we very , readily confent to what you defire ; and that yom and the principal Officers of your Army may not be cali'd far from your Camp, we have agreed to be on board the Vefuvius Firefhip, Capt. Tomfbn, to-morrow Morning before eight o'Clock, and to bring our two Senior Captains with us ; and the Signal fhall be made for the faid General Council of War, on board the fald Firelhip, by eight o'clock at fartheft. We are, SIR, . . Qanheriand, in Cumher- ToUT Itt&ft Obeditftt-ij^^ ^ Und Harbour, G^, f/?^w^/^ Servants^ '-"-I ' COgle."^ ' ' .,nw > 31? General Wentworth. SIR, CAptain Hopkins brought me your Letter of the 1 2th yefterday in the Evening, on board the Vejuvius Firefhip, in the River Augufta ; and I defir'd he would be on board the Seahorfe this Morning, and Capt. Allen fhould have his Orders to fail with him this Afternoon. Capt. Allen has had his Orders, as you defir'd, with the AfTurances of PrOteftion for all Ships or VelTels coming with Recruits or Provifions for the Army , but we have heard nothing further of Captain Hopkins, which I thought proper to advife you o And an Information in relation to Col. C u coming to my Hands, that will, I am perfwaded, furprize you as much as it did me, I thought it for his Majefty's Service, early to tranfmit a Copy of it to you, as thinking it, in our prefent Cir- 1 Jrijhmnn : And as he is difabled from getting his Bread, I have made him Cook of this Ship for it. I think any thing of a general national Refiedion (hould be ftiidioufly avoided, which you will be fo good as to excufe me in a friendly mention of. I am, SIR, Btyyne, in Ctmhr/an J Hzrboar, Tour mojl Obedient^ Cuba, Jug. \(), 17 ^u Humble Servant^ E.V. ^0 General Wentworth. SIR, I Have reccivM yours of the 19th; and Unce you fay the Storehoufe will be ready to receive Pro- vifions the latter End of this Week, as that will make fo fmall a Difference, I willingly acquiefce in what Mr. Wallace gives his Reafons for, for the Service of the Crown : But hope he will contrive to have them all in a readinefs for failing before the Middle of next Week, and fliould be glad to know the certain Day they can be ready. The beft Intelligence I have fent me being con-, tained in two Letters, one from Csipt, Bofcawen and the other from Mr. Gray, I fend them to you to penife, by Captain Hore, who is to convoy the Tranfports to Jamaica ; and I fend you likewife in-r clofed the Letter I had from Governor Trelawney,, by Mr. Hodgfon ; and fhould have fent you by him my Letter, but that I imagined he had writ to you to the fame purport. Thefe Letters you will pleafe to return me when you have perufed them. And I have direded Mr. Hodgfon to affure you, tliat if you approved of lending a Detachment of i. hundred Men with him, as the Governor defired, I would [73 ] I would readily /end a Man of War to convoy them, and protect them there for fome time. You will fee by Mr. 1relawmy*% Letter, he pro- pofes making Mr. Hodgjon Governor of Raiati Ifland, and giving Land, as an Encouragement, tq fuch as will go there. And I doubt not but, with your Leave, there would be Voluntier Officers and Men ready to go with Mr. Hodgfon^ with a View of fettling there, that Ifland being reputed very fertile ; and it is cer- tainly well fituated for proteding our Logwood Trade -, and the fecu ring it, would not only be fer- viceable in that refpeA, but keep it from being a fu- ture Receptacle for Pirates, as it was twenty Years ago : So that I can't but give it as my Opinion, that fuch a Settlement would be of National Service. And if you approve of detaching a hundred Ame- ricans thither, I will fend a twenty-gun Ship to convoy them, and to cruize off there for fomeTime for their Proteftion, before (he returns to bring us fome certain Accounts of their Succefs, and how thofe fettled on the Mo[quUo Shore, and the Log- wood-Cutters in the Bay, approve of it, and are inclin*d to come in and fupport it. I am, S 1 R, Boyne, in Cumberland Harbour, ToW moji Obedient^ Cuba, Jug. 2^,1-^1. Hj^ji,ig Servant, E. V. 7b General Win t worth. SIR, I Have jufl now received yours \ and ^^as forry to find the Stores of your IVain fo fliorr, that we can expeft no Affiftance from it i fo mult turn our Thoughts to do as well as we can witliout. I was [74] I was glad to hear you found the Enemy's Party fuch as I always reprefented them to you, that they would not ftand the Teft with thofe that pulh'd them heartily. As to what you mention of a Robbery on board the Tranfports , as they are under your Jurifdidion, I look on them as moft properly under your Cog- nizance, I never having had any particular Orders in regard to them. And were I to hold a Court Martial on it, it muft be from the Party robb*d lodging his Complaint, and fwearing to it before tlie Judge Advocate, and appearing perfonally as an Evidence on the Trial. And confidering they have not been direded by Authority to be under my Jurifdiftion, I am in fome Doubt as to pro- ceeding criminally againft them , and as they are under your Orders in all other Refpeds, I think this fliould not be turn*d over to me. The Augufia being a clean Ship, faiPd yeftcrday to cruize on the Spamjh Privateers cruizing on our Trade from the Northern Colonies, and is out of the Reach of any Orders from me. I am, SIR, Boyne in Oimherland -yj,^^ ^^a Qhedient^ 5^'": ":: liurnbU Servant, in the Evening. E. V. To General Wentworth. SIR, IReceiv'd yours of the 2 2d late in the Evening, when I was with Sir Chaloner Ogle on board his Ship, aad communicated to him then Governor Trelawney^s Letter (which you had returned me) and the foul Draught of my Letter to you ; and found him entirely in the Opinion of Governor- I'relawney and me, that what hi^ Excellency pro- posed [ 75 ] pos*d was much for his Majefty's Honour and Service, for fecuring fo valuable a Trade to his Subjedls as that of the Logwood Trade -, befides the Profpedt of opening frefh Branches of Trade into the Province of Guatimalay that may prove very beneficial to the Nation. Governor Trelawney, we think, has fufficiently ^ven his Opinion, by being the Propofer of the Undertaking ; and as we both agree in thinking it right, you have the Opinion of the major Part of the Council, that (as you mention) his Majefly has nam*d in his Inftruftions. Finding there are like to be further Delays in getting the Tranfports ready, I hope you will be pleafed to order it fo, that they may be ready to fail by Monday the laft of this Month , and I will delay the Convoy till that Time : "When we ihall have the Satisfaction of feeing the Augufi Moon over, which has at different Times been fatal to J amaicay three Hurricanes having happen*d on the 28th of this Month, I fent you early on Sunday Morning the May Magazine, as you defir*d j but had not Time for anfwering your Letter fooner. I fear, as you do, that our Affairs are not in the befl Situation at home ; and by what I can perceive from the publick Papers fent us, it appears to me, that their Expectations at home are, that vigorous Proceedings on our Parts fliould put them in a better, by diftrelTuig the Spaniards all we can here, to make them cry out for a Peace at home. Our not having any Publick Letters fincc the 28th o^ February, can't but give me fome Uncafi- nefs, as well as you -, and I am taking all the Care I can to fifh out for the earlieft Intelligence from the French, as we are much better polled here to watch all their Motions than afc Jamaica. Ana / [ 76 ] And as I defign fending another Exprefs, for having his Majelty inform'd of the Situation of Affairs here, about the fame Time (Tuefday the ift of September) whether we hear from home or not ; I give, you this early Intelligence of it, defiring you will have your Letters ready againft that Time. I am, Boyne.'wi Cumberland /, ' n r\T i' Harbour, Cuba, ^^ur moji Ohedietit, Jug. 2 3, 1741. Humble Servant, in the Evening. E, V . To Gemral W e n t wo r t h. SIR, I Have received yours of the 28th; and am glad to hear that tjfie Tranfports will foon be ready for failing, as the Convoy has long been. And having fent previous Orders to Captain Davers to be preparing every thing for their difpatch back on our Parts, I can venture to anfwer for it, no Delay will arife on our Side -, and if Mr. Campbell does but give a like difpatch to your Orders, I doubt not but we fhall foon have them here again. My Sloop has been to reconnoitre the Coafl be-, tween this and the Aquadores, within thefe few Days, clofe under the Shore, and much nearer than any Ship can be ventured ; and found it all an Iron Shore, and no Anchor Ground in it in any part ; fo your Informers in regard to any Bay between this Place and that, have entirely mifmformed you. I have waited for the Difpatch of this Convoy, for executing perfonally my Intention of viewing the Mouth of the Harbour : Not that I have the the lead Doubt of the concurrent Teftimonies of fo many experienced Officers, whofe Reports you have ikewife had; but that I maybe the better enabled to t 77 ] to give our Royal Mafter Satisfa6:ion, in cafe his Majefty fhould think it proper t6 alk me any Qaeftions about it. But I intend going as a Paf- fenger, without any Flag flying ; and Ihould be very glad if you would fend any Officer of your Army to accompany me, except. Colonel C- n, whofe Reprefentations made to you already, are not held by me en Odeur de Saintete. I am, SIR, ' ' Soyfif, in Cttmherland Hzrhovir, ToUT niofi Obedient, Cuba, Aug. 29, 1 741 . ' ' ; Humble Servant, P. S. I defire you will be pleafed to fend your Letters for England by Tuefday Morning next, the Time appointed, for difpatching an Exprefs with' ihem, in my Letter of the 23d Inftant. To General Wiif TWO SLTH. SIR, ^ ''- CAptain Forreji having brought me the annexed Account, I judge it for his Majefty*s Service immediately to communicate the fame to you by him, not doubting but you will take fuiih Meafures in it, as you think will- be moft conducive to his Majefly's Service. ' And the Convoy being juft now come in frcm^ England, I have likewife tranfmitted you by him fuch Letters as are already come to my Hands for you, and will do the fame by any movt that ima/ be brought me for you, lam, . .: , ^ ^ v. v. S I R, ' X''^'^-^' 'l Boyne, in Cumberland Harbour, Tour mojl Obedient ^ ''^ , Qtka, Jiug. 3P, J74I. Humbk Servant. '^ .;//.;.'] :::-: - : .;. V. .;."->. ; . jvi\'.j>l cm .. ;^i L To ^0 General Wentworth. SIR, ' I '' H E Ships from England coming in late laft. A Night, gave only time for fearching for what Letters there might be for you : And finding only two, that feemed from private Hands only, I fent you, by Captain Forreji, by Letter from his Grace the Duke of Newcajile^ as he mention'd in it his not having Time to write to you, and defired I would make you his Compliments ; with which Captain Forreft was difpatch'd to you, together with a Letter accompanying the Copy of a Re- port he brought me, of material Difcoveries made by his Men, that I judged of Importance to be as early as polTible communicated to you. After his being gone I opened my other Letters, and find thofc of moft Importance to be two, (one of the 23d oi May, and the other of the 21ft of June) from the Right Ifon. Sir Charles JVager. And though they are writ to me in a friendly Style, as he has the Honour of being of the Re- gency, and is judged to be in the Secret of Affairs, I believe you will think his Judgment in thefe Things pf no Imall Confequence. And a^ I have Ipng held his Judgment in high Efteem, an4 think no one has taken more Pains to be informed of the Sipyatipp of Affairs in this Country ; I could not l^ut thipik it of Confeqviepce to communicate them XQ ^\x ^Moner Pgky and take his Opinion, both upon them and the Reports fent you by Captain Forreji, and alfo upon my pwn Obferyations on perfonally reconnoitring moft Parts of this exten- five Harbour and the Country round it, and the Reports .tji^t have been made by judicious Officers, erpplpyed for opening Communications between the two Rivers, and frequently paffmg and repaf- fing them. .1 By [ 79 ] By thefe it appears plainly manifeft, that a few Miles, by the Bordei's of Open Salinas^ there is an even open Road for marching Troops, without the leaft Apprehenfions from Defiles, or Ambufcades i and by the Report fent you, it is but three Miles, by a very good Path through Woods pretty clear of Underwood, where you can fee every Way about you, to come into the open Savanna, where they faw fuch Numbefs of Horfes grazing ; and which, from the beft Judgment we can form, 19 the Eaftern Part of the Savannas where Colonel Cdckran advanced to, called Guantanamo and Santa Catalina, lying between the two Rivers, theWeftern Part being where he Was, near the River you are encamped by. And as it manifeftly appears to us, that it is the EXpedation of our Royal Mafter, the Legiflature, and the Body of the Nation, that the utmoft Ef- forts Ihould be exerted in thefe Parts, to diftrefs the Spaniards wherever we can ; and as fo judi- cious a Perfon as Sir Charles Wager, has lo plainly pointed out thefe Parts as very proper for it in his Apprehenfion , We think it our Duty, in regard to the Honour and Intereft of our Royal Mafter, to reprefent to you on this Occafion (though out of our Province) that it appears eafily pradicable to us, to have a Bdy of your beft Troops to undertake the En- trance into the Savanna at the Weftern End of it, as above defcribed ; and to march quite through the faid Savanna (the Grafs of which is no where faid to be above five or fix Inches high) up to the former Poft, at the Houfes by the River Side, in which you would have an open Field, in our Ap- prehenfion, for furprifing and cutting off any Par- ties of the Enemy that may be lurking there, and may make yourfelves again Mafters of fuch rich L 2 Savannas [ 8oJ Savannas full of Cattle -, and taking Pofl again at thofe Houfes, foon open yourfeJf a fecure Commu- nication with your prefent Camp : Which would be a good Advance towards diftrefling the Enemy, and ' be a feafonable Relief to your own Army, bcfides the Honour done to hisMajefty'sArrhs, that would principally redound to your Credit. As all this appears clearly to us in the Light we have reprefented it to you, we flatter ourfelves, you will receive this our friendly Advice ft) you, as the Refult of our Zeal for oui: Royal Mafter's Honour and Service, and a good will to yours. We are, SIR, Boyne, in Cumb'erland Tour mofi Obedient, Harbour, Cuba, -i,^.i-.- Uumbk Servants, ^"S-^'>'^^'' ^ ^ , E. Vernon, n ./- C. Ogle. - .. .'j ,. ' ! . ' >1 .. To his Gface the Duke of 1<1 ***** *. My Lord Duke, MY laft to your Grace was of the 29th o^July, from this Harbour. On the 30th the Tork join*d me, with the Vice Roy of Mexicans Retinue from Jamaica, whom I had ordcr*d up hither, to exchange againft the Prifoners releas'd from St, Ja^o ', but finding they chofe rather to be landed at Leogane and to hire a Sloop and take a PafTage from thence to La Vera Cruz, I immediately clos*d with their Requell, and fent them, and fuch others as defir'd it, up thither in the Tork, judging the releafing them there mod for his Majefty's Service ; and the more efpecially, as it gave me fo fair a Pretence for continuing a watchful Eye on their Motions. She fail*d with them {ox Leogane the ift of Augufi ; and the fame Day I fent my Orders for Jamaica by the Firebrand Firefhip. [8,] ,, The 24 oiAuguJi the Seaborfe came in here from Jjcogane -, and I lend your Graqe inclofed a Copy of the Letter he brought me from the Marquis .^.Larnage. .t"-iill , pn the 4th o^ 4ugufi the JVorceJier, one of ftiy Cruizers, came in here with a Spanifh Man of War, of twenty-four Guns and two hundred and twenty Men, that failed the 29th of June froni Port Paf- fage^ with Difpatches for the Vice Roy of Mexico as he fays, which, according to his Orders, he thi:ew overrboard before he was taj^en j and he be- lieves he was to have return'd with Money. And as, probably, he had likewife Orders for tjie Spaniff} 'Admiral Don Rodxigo de Torres at the Havanndf, .,l:his intercepting him, I hope, may prove of great Advantage to his Majefty's Service > not only 'in difappointing the Uetum of the Money by hiitj, ,but likewife depriving them of Orders how to con- dud then^felves. All the private Letters mention her as a prirne Sailor, and advife all their Friends to come Paflengers in her, for their greater Secu- rity, fome mentioning that fhe has failed five Leagues in an Hour. And I find by others, Ihe was the Privateer that took our two 'Turkg Ships i|i the Channel, and that the Crown of Spain bought her for this Service, on her being reported fo good a Sailor. Bat God's good Providence made us a Prefent of her, our Ship having a Gale of Wind to run up with her, when flie lay becalmed under Cape Nicoloa. On the 5th I difpatch'd the IVur- cejler to Sea to her former Station. On the 9th arrived here the Deptford z.nd JEma Firefhip, with a Vidualler, v/ith Wine and Oil for the Fleer, from Gibraltar , but the Wine is very in- different, and I fliall order the imnx-diate ifTuinc: of It, to prevent more of it from decaying, fomc being quite decayed already. By [ S2 ] By the Deptford I had a Letter from Captain yohn ^revor^ of the Defiance, of his having taken, off Rio la Hacha, a Ship under French Colours, of three hundred and fifty Tons, twelve Guns, and fifty Men, called the Providence, laden with Beef, Pork, Flour, Brandy, Wine, Bar Iron, and fome dry Goods, bound for Carthagena ; which he fuppofes to be one. of their Regifter Ships from CadiT;. 'i '^''"^ ' On the i2th the iJ^>w eame in' that had the Blacks on board, which were caft^away in the Ver.e Pink. ^ ^'^i'^-' -'" ' i ^^'^* ^^ Eiv/-5n c.^---: ' And 1 ani cohcb^ned, that I arh how obliged, from the different SenViments of the Officers in his Majefty's Sea and Land Service, to tranfinit your '6race Copies of all that has pafTed fince my lafV, rthat the whole may clearly appear, for his Majefly tb form his Judgment on ; as I think this is the fairefl way of laying thefe different Sentiments be- fore your Grace, for our Rc^l Mafl:er*s Infor- mation. ^}^ :' I iliall only mention Here^-'that I mufl begin with a Copy of what I willingly omitted fending in my lafl, but which is now become nectffary, be- ing a Copy of a joint Letter from me and Sir Chti- loner Ogle to General Wentworih, of the 23d of July, 1 74 1. A Letter from General Wentw$rtb to me of the 24th oijuly, 1 74 1. Another, o^ July /^i, 1741. Another, of Augu^ i, 1741. A long Letter from me to General Wentvmrth^ o^ Auguft 2, 1741. Two other Letters from me, of Augufi 5, 1741. A Letter from General Wentworth to me, of Auguji 5, 1 741. A joint [ 83 ] A joint Letter from me and Sir Chaloner Ogle to General Wentwortb, (with a Copy of a Letter from Mr. Toler to me) of Augufi 6. 1741. A Letter from General Wentworth to me, (inclo- fjng a Copy of the Refolution of their Council of War of the 8th) oi Auguft 9, 1741. . A joint Letter from me and Sir Chaloner Oglt to GtntnH fFeniivorfb, of Augufi 10, 1741. A Letter from General Wentworth to me, of Auguji II, 1 741. A joint Letter from me and Sir Chaloner Ogle to the General, of Augufi 12, 1741. On the i3tb of Auguji I fummoned a General Council of War onboard the F^^;/j Firefliip, in the River Augujia, as the General had denred ; where I had firft read by the Secretary, as Intelli- gence received fince our laft General Council of War, A Declaration ot Miguel Perez, Captain of a Sloop from St. JagOy and a Refident there, of Auguji II, 1741. A Declaration of Manuel de la CruZy a free Ne- groe, and Refident of St.Jago, oi Auguji 12, 1741. Captain Allen*s Account of what pafled at Mar* quefs de Larnage's Table at Leogane, of Auguji 12, 1741. Captain Chamher*s Report and Qbfervations oa his Cruize off St. 7^^^, of Auguji 11^ 1741. Mr. T^y/^r's Letter to me, of Auguji 7, 1741. Mr. Macneiil*s Remarks on the Roads betweeiv the General's Camp and Guanianamp, of Auguji 1 3, 1741. Lieutenant Sturm's Account of his March from the Camp, between the 25th of July and the 4th of Au^uh-t 1 74 1. Lieutenant il^;/Z>^r*s' Journal between the 6th ;jnd I2th of .^//g/?, 1741. Copies Goples of all which, but Captain C/&^;^^j*s Re- port and Lieutenant howther*s, Journal, I delivered the General. After which, I obferved to the Council of War, that Capt. Perezes, and Manuel de la Cruz*s Accounts, were a full Proof of what Drake^ the Guide, had afferted, of the Conveniencies to be found in the Road from the Village to St. Jago ; and that the Governor of St. y^^c's Letters were likewife a full Proof he had not erred in his Account of the Dif-- tance ; and Experience fhewed, he had been right in his Accounts to the Village : And that, though tjie Refolutions charged him with an Error in the Road between the Village and St. Jago, it had ap-; jieared that Colonel C n (on whole Report they^ were faid to be principally founded) had never advanced himfelf even fb far as the Village , fo that his could only be Reports at fecond hand, from Spani/h Prifoners. And I obferved, that their faid Refolutions went no farther than declaring, " they thought it imprafticable to advance further " into the Country :" Which, I thought, left the latter part of our unanimous general Refolution ftill in its firft Force, 1)1%. " to get up to the Vil- ' ** lage of Santa Catalina with the utmoft Expedi-, '^ tion, and at all Events to fecure that, and -a^ *' Communication with this Harbour, as a probable " Foundation for fecuring a Footing in this Ifland, " for waiting for further Succours to enable them " to compleat the Redudion of it ;" which, as they had yet refolved nothing againfl it, we could not but hope they would flill purfue. And I added, that, for my part, though I found their Council of War had been in another Sentiment, I Ihould die^ in the Opinion, that a thoufand chofen Men, with, a thoufand Blacks to have . carried Provifions for thenn, might in three Days hav^ i^(}v^nged, to try [ 85 ] if Itirprlfing the EJirellaznd Santa CatalinaB^ttcrlci^ Were pra>;>i4u3 i^jnic^d :i:i-VA And Lieatenant Hodgpm^iWm^ beeA difpatchM hjthef* in the Augufta^ with Letters for the Ge- neral iirid ^'ijne, from his Excellency Governor Trt- /^Z;^_y ; I thought it neceffary to fend your Grace inclofed (as I have done) a Copy of Governor *l!relawnefi\JtXXtr to- me, of the 27th oijulyy together with a Copy of my Letter to General Wentwotth (on fending him inclofed my Letter from Governor l^relu'voney -y) General Wentworth*s. Anfwer to that Letter, of the 2 2d of Augujl ; and my Reply to him of the 23^d oi Auguft^ after ha- ying advis*d with Sir Chahner Ogle upon it.' I have thrown up a little Fort, with a wet Ditch about it, and fix*d fome of our Patereroes in it, for covering our Boats in their watering, at the River r water my Ships from ; and have open'd Views thro* all the Woods about it. And I am now going to cut Timber for Platforms for a Fafcine Battery, that I have projeded for defend- ing the Entrance of the Harbour, finding we can have no Supply of Stores from the Army Ordnance Stores ; and by the Help of Lieut. Innes^ one 0^ our Sea Engineers, all is projefted for it. But I Ihall delay Execution (further than preparing Ma- terials ;) as judging, if Advices fhould arrive of a French War, I fhould be of Opinion for moving that Way without a Moment*s Lofs of Time * which we are admirably well polled for. M 2 By [ 88 ] By a Tempeft of Thunder and Lightning, finde our being here, the Prince of Orange (one of my feventy-gun Ships) had her Fore-top-maft cut in two, and her Fore-maft fo Ihiver'd as to be unfer- viceable : But we have patch'd her up, for the prefent, with Jury Mafts, and, I thank God, have met with no other Accident here ; and this Augufi Moon being ended, I think we are paft the mdil dangerous Part of the Scafon for Hurricanes. I make no Doubt but even our remaining here puts the Enemy to great Expences, as probably they are drawing Troops from the Havanna to St. Jago^ which we are not much above the Tythe of the Diflance from that they are ; and it may even prove an Obftrudtion to Don Rodrigo de Torres* s leaving the Ha myfcif. t9i] myfelf, in the Orford^ Capt. Mayne ; buf Hiall Icare my Flag flying here, and the Squadron under Sir Chaloner Ogle's Command, in my Abfence. I am. Soy.,, in Cumberland -^ ^^^^ ^^^> Harbour (formerly Tour Grace's moft call'd Walthenam) "Devoted, and moji on the South Side of Obedient, Humble Servant, Cuba,Sept.z,i-j^\. ^ ^ P. S. Lieut. Rich is gone home in the Primefs Amelia, at his own Requeft. 1^0 General Wentworth. SIR, Y OURS of the I ft Inftant (owning the Re- * ceipt of mine of the 30th of Augufi, and of a joint Letter from Sir Chaloner Ogle and me, of the 31ft of Augufi) was brought to my Hands laft Night ; and having communicated it to Sir Chaloner this Morning, and advis'd with him upon it ; We heartily congratulate you on the Succefs bf Capt. Burward, with his Party fent to Guantanamo, And as you fee, tiio' fo long after that Poft being deferted, he met neither Ambufcades nor Enemies, to take Advantage from any Defiles, we hope you will not think them well founded Objeftions ; and that you will think that Poft ought to be regain'd and maintain'd, and the Village too, with fuch due Care and Precaution as your Experience leads you to judge necelTary ; for this very good Reafon, in our Apprehenfion, that your maintaining yourfelves at theVillage, is cutting off all the Communication, at once, between St. J ago and Baraccoa, and, in our Apprehenfions, fccuring us the PolTeflion of the whole Eaft End of the Ifland. And this feems to us to be the more neceflary, as you fay their Let- ters [grl ters mention the Reinforcement they are fending frem the Havanna, being intended to be feot firft by PerioFoes to Barraccoa. We arc, SIR, Qtmberland Harbour, XouT moft Ohedietity Seft.i,\T\i. Humble Servants, E. Vernon, C. OCLE. 2*74'- 1^- ^' . [98] To General "Wentworth. SIR, AS there is now^ Month paft fince our fending our laft Letters for England^ 2in6. as I am per- -^ fwaded of the Impatience they will be under of hearing frequently froni us in our prefent Situation ; ^"1 am preparing, at all Events, for fending one df my unlheath'd Fifeihips home, with our Let- ters to them, the Beginning of next Week i and defire you will be pleafed to get your Letters in a readinefs to go by her. I likewife fend you inclofed a Copy of the Re- folution of our lafl Council of War, held on board the Vefuvius Firefhip : And arri, ^oyne, in Cumberland Harbour, o 1 K^ (formerly called Walthenam) Tour mofi Obedient^ on the South 8ide of Cuba, Humble Servant, OSiober 1, 1741. E V. P. S. Two of the Six-pounder Carriages, with the long Shafts belonging to them, that had drove quite out of your River, arid afterwards on Shore on the Weftef n Side of the Hdrbour, having been difcover'd by an Officer of the Tilbury, Boats were fent for them, and ^hey are now on board the Til- bury, ready to be delivered to whom you fhall be pleafed to dired. E. K To General WentWorth. SIR, I Have receivM yours of yefVerday ; and in regard to the Iri^ defcrting from the American Regi- ment, I believe. Sir, you may remember, I long fmce alTured you, all that you fufpefted fhould be received on board of his Majefly*s Ships whenever you fent them to mc -, which may ferve to re-place the Men on board the Jugujia^ that you mention'd I 99]- to me after flie was failed; and which I intend fending to you on her Return from her Cruize^ which will be out the iQth Inftant* . -^ And I muft mention to you one Circumftance ; that one of the Men fent on board Captain Rentone on fufpicion of defigning to^ desert,; l^jd it was that he might not appear as an Evidence againft an Of- ficer for defrauding his Men of their Money \ for if any fuch Difcontents are given* l^hat may ocpifion Pefertioh too. . -. . . ii .u-H : i: .ij i'.' ir;!;r> I will fen4 to Captain ^^fr/^'t'/; Judging your Grace would be impatient to hear from us frequently, fo as to be able to judge what was to be expefted, I thought it for his Majefly*s Service to fend one of my unfheath'd Firefhips, commanded by Capt. Barnard, to carry your Grace the certaineft State of Affairs I could fend you. And having given Mr. Wentworth previous Notice of my Intentions the Beginning of lafl Week, your Grace will have his Letters by the fame Occafion. I am, %,, in Cumberland ^ ^'^^ ^^^'r , Harbour (formerly Tour Grace's mojt call'd Walthenam) Devoted, and moft on the vSouth Side of Obedient y Humble Servant, Cuba,OJl.^, 1741. j7^ y^ P. .V. Capt. Davers difpatching up one of my Firefhips, which came in yellerday in the After- noon, I fend your Grace inclofed a Copy of the In-r telligence fent me by Capt. Knowles, extraded out of , Letters in the Spanijh Sloop be took } and I am forry my Cruizers under his Orders had the Misfortune to mifs the Rcgifter Ships> mention'd P ? to to be arrlv'd at La Vera Cniz ; but apprehend from this Account, they got there before the for- mer got to their Stations. By Letters to Capt. Davers from the Captain of the Augufia, I find, he has been very bufy in ferretting about the Spanijh Privateers from Port Francois ; but as they have that Refuge fo near, they have efcap'd in there, and probably are moft of them French on board : And I will, in my next to the Marquis de Larnage^ complain of this PartiaHty in their Favour. And I have the Pleafure to hear, the Sheernefs^ which I was in Pain for, got fafe to Port Royal Harbour, tho' much fhatter'd, and with Jury- Mails; and to hear we might foon expeft the Return of our Convoy here from Jamaica. I have fent likewife two Catalan Soldiers, that defcrted at Carthagena, one of which Mr. IVent- worth made Ufe of as a Guide at his Attack on St. Lazarus. I have order*d them Tickets for their Service while on board here, for fubfifling them when releas'd , but Captain Barnard has my Orders, not to fet them on Shore till he knows your Grace's Pleafure, whether you would have them fent up firfl, to have their Examinations. Oiiober 6, 1 741. E. K^ to General Wentworth. S I R, I Have fent you by Cdjpt. Broderick the Letter you fent me, from Serjeant Elder to Captain i/-^/, with Captain CottereWs Anfwer to it, annex*d ; by which you will fee, the Man himfelf owns all he hi^s faid to be a Lye, by the Atteftation of his own Officer, as well as of Capt. Cotter ell and his Officers ; ^ad you will fee they think, as I do, that the Man's '^ ' principal ["3] principal Inducement was, to have an Opportunity to defert. And I am perfwaded. Sir, when you have read it, you will think Capt. H / deferves fome Mark of your DIfpleafurc, for prefuming to put into your Hands fuch a Complaint before he had taken Care to inform himfelf of the Truth of it ; and that you will take the Notice you think proper, of their Complaint againft him for want of Payment and NecefTaries. Capt. Wafhington^ who was here from Col. Cope^ to have an Account of the particular Difpofal of the Americans on board our Ships, had from me a particular Account of them, as he defir'd; and you know. Sir, their making a Confufion, by fending them on board by Detachments from each Company, was their own handy- work. I fend this Letter by Captain Broderick^ as he comes lateft from Jamaica ; from whence I cannot learn, that there^are any Letters from England later than June laft , but there arc Reports even of fix or eight thoufand Men being to be fent here. The Dutch Ship, with Wine from Malaga^ fays, that three of Mr. Haddock's Cruizers had, in the Streights Mouth, in the Night, the like Ren- punter with three French Men of War as Sir Chaloner Ogle's Cruizers had here ; in which the French had one of their Captains kill'd, a young Marquis ; and that he faw them put afhore feventy wounded Men at Malaga. He heard likewife, that Sir John Norris had d^- tach*d five Men of War to Port St. Jndero, that i\ad burnt there five Spanijh Privateers and five Merchant Ships. And it is faid, ten thoufand of our Forces were tranfported, and had join'd his Majelly, who was at at the Head of thirty thoufand Men, of his own Forces knd Auxiliaries. And I fend you a Letter I have receiv'd from the Marquis de Larnage (that you will pleafe to re- turn me by Capt. Broderick) which will, I am per- fwaded, convince you, as it does me, that this was not the principal Motive of \ the Meflenger's coming here. But I have invitee! him to dine with me again to-day, when I fhall put into his Hands my Anfwer to his Excellency's Letter, that waiting for that may not be a Pretence for his longer Conti- nuance here. I -am, SIR, Jtoyne, Oa. 9, 1741. Tourmofi Obedient, Humble Servant, y E. V. ^0 Captain Long, of the Chefter. WHereas his Excellency theMarquefs de Larnage, Governor and Lieutenant General of the French Leeward Iflands, has fent me, by one ohi$ Guarda Cojia Sloops (the Tempete) a civil Letter, with the Return of two Englijh Seamen and a Boy, Deferters from the Tork -, which he mentions to have been the only Intent of fending her. But, as you will find by the annex'd Information of the fiid two Englijh Seamen, there is juft Ground, at leaft, to fufped, that Capt. Olivier, the Captain of In- fantry that commands her, has other Views ; from the Contraband Cargo of Iron and Arms mention*d in the faid Information to be brought on board t^ Spaniards, and in a Spanip Boat , and further, from the Conduit of the faid Capt. Oli'^ier, whofe En- quiries privately amongft lome of our Men, and avoiding avoiding our Officers, have had too much the Air of tranfading the Part of a Spy upon us here. ' This, in regard to doing all in our Power td preferve an exact Neutrality with them, has beeii thought proper to be overlooked, if they proceed no further toward the Execution of what mayjuftly be fufped:ed to be the faid Captain*s Intent, viz^ to throw the faid Succour of Iron and Arms into St. Jago : ' ^ ^ i And I have myfelf told the faid Captain, that as we looked upon St. Jago to be invefted by us, I hoped he had no Thoughts of moving that way ; which he aflured me he had not, but fhould ftretch over direftly to Cape Dona Maria. On taking the whole maturely into Confidera- tion with Sir Chaloner Ogle^ it was judged advifeable by us, that I (hould fend you the particular Orders following, for your Government in it. And you are accordingly hereby required and diredled, in cafe you meet the faid Guarda Cojia Sloop, called the Tempete, going into St. JagQ (which appears by the Marquefs de Larnage*s Let-* ter, and his own Confeffion, to be contrary xo his Order;) you are, in fuch Cafe, to flop the faid Guarda Sloop from going in, and to take out of her the. faid Contraband Stores put on board her at Lepgane by Spaniards ; and acquainting the faid Capt, Olivier, that by the Rules ot War he can't be per- mitted to go into the faid Port, you are to leav^ ^him at free Liberty to go where he pleafes elfe. For, &c. Given on board the Boyne, in Cumberland Har- bour (formerly call*d PFaltbenam) on the South SideofC^tf, this loth of O^okr, 1741. E. V, P. S. I would have you continue your Cruize to the 30th Inftant, if you are not relieved fooner. E.V. f "6 j To General WENTwoRtH. SIR, I Have receiv'd your two Letters, of the 9th and loth of 06lober ; the former by the Officer that brought the Detachment of Men you fufpefted of * ' intending to defert, which are on board the Lyotty as you defired. But having fuch full Proof, from the Return made by Captain Cotterell and all the Commiffion Officers on board the Ship (which I lent to you) of the lying Reprefentation made by Serjeant Elder, I could not have conceived that you would have judged it proper, to give the leaft Countenance to fuch who had the Infolence to at- tempt fo grofsly impofing on you ; or to thofe who prefumed to hand it to you without the leaft Enquiry into it. And as Part of thefe Men, by the laid Report, are reprefented under the fame Circumftances as thofe you fent down, of defigning to defert ; I could not judge it for his Majefty*$ Service they fhould be fent. But I have given Captain Cotterell Orders, to diftinguifh, in the Lifl of thofe Men, thofe he fufpeds may defign to deferti and thofe he does not % and the three Ma- rines, and fuch as are not fufpeded to defign to defert, and the Officer, fhall be fent with them : And if you think it of Confequence, the Number fhall be compleated out of others that may not have given Occafion to fufpedt their Defign of de- ferting. As to the Care of our fick Men, I believe I may venture to afTure you, as we have erected Hutts for them, where they cannot defert, that your Care of them at Camp cannot poffibly exceed ours here. I was concerned to hear, fo fmall a Party as twenty Negroes had been fent out, with an Officer t>f their own only, without any other to dired: thofe who cannot be expe6tcd to underfbmd much Difcipline [117] iDiicipline of themfelves ; but was glad to hear the Officer's Folly, in being a Pigeon-Shooting inftcad of minding his Orders, had no worfc Confequcnces than falUng on himfclt only. And as you fcem fixed in your Refolutions, of advancing no further till you receive Succours from England', I hope you will not take it amifs that I fhould fuggeft my Thoughts in fuch Cafe, that it would be beft, not to harrafs your Troops by any long Excurfions of Parties, but to confine your Views to ftrengthening your Camp, and opening a Communication a-long-fide of the River, from the' Camp to the Bomb-Ketch (as you was pleafed to fay was Mr. Blakeney's Advice to you before I had fuggefted my Thoughts to you about it;) for co- vering the Embarkation of your Cannon and Bag- gage, if a French War Ihould make your fudden Re-embarkation neceffary. For, to be fure, the only fure way of re-embarking the Troops, will be by their marching afterwards in a Body down to where the Bomb-Ketch and Tranfports lie, where it can be done with great Eafe and Safety. I am glad I can acquaint you, the French Officers, that I think, as you do, were principally fent as Spies upon us, are decamp'd, and put to Sea yef- terday in the Afternoon. The Evening before, they entered the River in the Dufk of the Evening : But the firft of my Officers they came to pafs by. Hopping them, to know whether they had any Leave from me for their fo doing, at firft they faid they had *, but on his defiring them to produce it, they giving him an infolent Anfwer (faying it was in their Codpiece, or Words to that cSc6t) he did not permit their advancing : And finding I would receive no Prefents from them, and, I believe, fuf- pefting I had better Intelligence of their Defigns and Proceedings than they wilhed f^r > they dined d, with [ "8] with Sir Chaloner Ogle yefterday, and came after- wards to take their Leave of me, under fome vifiblc Marks of Confufion. I was very glad to fee them going, and had fent Orders before them, to watch their Motions when they were out. I only wait for the Convoy coming in, to receive my Letters, for preparing all neceffary Orders to be fent to Jamaica ; and defire you will, therefore, get your Letters for Jamaica ready as foon as you can. And if you will pleafe to fend them to me, or on board the Vulcan Firefhip, I will give all ne- ceffaiy Orders for their fafe and fpeedy delivery, as you defire. Hoping the Pacquet from Jamaica^ that I fent you Yefterday, came fafe to your Hands > I am, & J K Bcyne, in Cumherjand jUrhont ^^^^ ^^^ OM'enf, on the South Side of Cuba, Bumbk Servant^ 04t. II, 1741. E. V. 7e that -of a French War ; It was thought neceflary to take into mature Deliberation v/ith Sir Chaloner Ogle, wh^t was pro- per to be done on fuch an Event. And we are clear in our Opinions, that w^ ought not to lofe any Time in putting to Sea with the fix Capital Ships, to take all the Advan- tage we could for deftroying the Enemy's Ships jjj.****e wanted near five hundred ; and that will be a good Reafon for leffening the Number of Tranf- ports. We are, *- SIR, Cuba, Ocioberi^, ly^u Humbk Servant s, E. Vernoi*, ^ /^l**, y. T^^n the firft: Advice you gave me of the it)rders you had fent to General Guifey I fent Orders ^tp Captain DaverSy by the Defiance, to write to Ge- neral Gui/e, to defire he would let him know at what Time he fhould have his Tranfports and Forces [ 123 3 Forces ready to come, and that he would take Care a Convoy fhould be ready for him againfl the Time he Ihould defire it. i -'n. ^/ a Council of War held in the Camp in the Ijle of C\ihAythe2iJiofOd:ohtt^ 1741. WE the under- written Members of the Council of War, having taken into Confideration the Reprefentation of Vice- Admiral Vernon and Sir Cha- loner Ogle^ that five hundred Men may be wanting to be put on board the Fleet 5 do declare, that ia Cafes of Neccflity, fuch as the Approach of the Enemy's Fleet, or the Complement of his Majefty's Ships of War being fo much weaken*d, as not to be able to proceed to Sea without the AfTiftance of the Land Forces, We are of Opinion that the faid five hundred Men, or more, fhould be lent to fupply his Majefly's Ships. At the lame Time, we mufl recommend it to Mr. Vernon's Confide- ration, that any confiderable Draught from our prefent Force will reduce them fo low, that they will be difablcd from undertaking any Thing of Moment againft the Enemy , and do think it ne- cefTary to fignify to him, that they are to be re- turn*d whenever our Commander in Chief fhall require it. And we conceive, that the detaining any Part of the Land Forces on board the Fleet, without his Confent, is contrary to the King's In- ftrudions, and may be of great Prejudice to his Majefly's Service. We have further taken into Confideration our prclcnt Circumflances, and fhould, we think, be wanting in our Duty to his Majefly, if we did not reprefcnt to Vice -Admiral Vernon, that we are every t J24 ] vrtry Day more and more convinced of the Im pradlicablenefs (even were we to receive a ftrong: Reinforcement) of advancing from our Camp by Land to St. Jago ; and that, the rainy Seafon be- ing over, our Contimiance^ in our prefent Situation, cannot (as far as we judge) anfwer the End pro- pos'd by his Majeiily in fending this Body of Troops to the tVeJi^ Indies. We are therefore of Opinion, that if the Forces were to be landed in fome inhabited Part of this Jfland, or elfewhere in the King of Spain's Do* minions (fuch as may be agreed upon in the Prin- cipal Council of War-,) the King*s Service would in all Refpedts be more efFedually carried on, than by our Continuance here in a State of Inaftivity, which we think neither to be confiflent with the Englijh Name, nor with his Majcfty's Service. Tho. WentwortHi B Will. Blakeney, c; a. lowther, ^ James Cockran, - ' ' John Cottrell^ Robert Fraser. ^-x. To General Wentworth. HAving this Morning receiv*d your Letter of the 2 ift Inftant, with the inclofed Refolutioni of your Council of War of the fame Date, I im- ' mediately communicated them to a Council \ and I fend you inclofed the unanimous Opinion of our Council of War of this Day, upon having taken the fame maturely into Confideration. I am, SIR, Boyne, in OmbtrlanJ Ihxhonr ^^^^ ^j^ Obedient^ * on the South Side of Cvha, Humble Serv^t, OB. 22, 17^1. E. V. ^jf/ a Council of War, held on board bis Majefifs Ship - \ ihe BoynQ, the 2id of OtiobcTy 1741. WE the under- written Men;ibers of the Couhcil of War, having had Jaid before us the Re- folutions of a Council of War held in the Camp in the Ifland of Cuba the 21ft Inftant (and fent to Vice- Admiral f^ernon, in a Letter from General fVentworth of the lame Date, likewile communi- cated to us ;) As alio the two Letters jointly fign'd by him and Sir Chalomr Ogle, as their Opinion what might be moft for his Majefty's Service, in cafe of any fudden Advice of a War breaking out between us and France i We entirely agree in the Opinion given by the Admirals, as moft conducive, in our Opinion, to his Majefly*s Service in fuch an Event. '?. And upon taking the faid Refolutions, and Ge- neral iyentKvorth*s Letter, into mature Deliberation^ as likewife his Majefty's Inftruftions, and the unar nimous Relblution of our General Council of War of the 20th of 7/y, 1741. (which Refolution being (tr^ from hence by Exprefs on the 30th of July^ now twelve Weeks paft, we may reafonably ex- pe<5t every Day to know his Majefty's RoyafP^-? fure upon it :) ^^^^ /T/i'i We are unanimoufly of Opinion ndw,^"as' we were then, that had this Attempt on St. J ago been fet upon in the firft Week after our Arrival here, by a thoufand chofen Men, and a thoufand Blacks having advanced with a Week's ProvifionS (as was then propos'd by Admiral Vernon) they would have fuccecdcd in the Attempt ; nothing having occurr'd to us fince to incline us to alter our Opi- nions, which we think fupported by the Intelli- R gcnce ( .26 1 gcnce procur'd from aJl the intercepted .V/5y5b Papers. - We have all of us ferved the CrOwn often in 'thefe Jimerican Seals, and his Majefty having judg'd ; vs of Experience to ferve in this Expedition, we :have always been forward to give our Advice in : every Inftance wher6 we judg'd it for his Majcfty's Service : Tho* by his Majefty's Inftruiflions it ap- pears, the Admirals Orders were to be aiding and allifting to my Lord Cat hearty in what Ihould be jiidg'd proper to be undertaken; fo that the point- ing that but was more properly to have arifen from the General of the Ariny. But as our Experience ..in thele Seas might be deemed to have given us .fome more particular Knowledge, we are very wiilig, on this and ail other Occafibns, to give ur Opinion of the Prafticability, of what 3pan\lh Places lie moft open to be attack*d. Torto Belld we know to be an open Harbour, .and as yet a dcfencelefs Town ; and the Troops can be linded there for marching to Pamina, if the Generals approve of that, after our having re- ceived Advices that there is not an immediate Probability of a French War : For till fuch Advices arrive, it is our unanimous Opinion, we cannot be better pofted for his Majefty's Service than we arc at prcient. And we know the Troops can be landed at Leo- gane^ as we think they can at Petit Guavey (o its to enter upon immediate Service without marching fhro'aWood. But wc very well know, that to get to Panama, they have much longer Marches^ and thro* much lefs prafticable Paths, than to get to St. JagOy an open Town, that they might (in eur Appreheniion) with great Eafe have been Maftets of j which, we conceive, would have been mod conducive to his'Mijeffy^s SfefvicCi and tkc Honour of the EngUjh Name. ".'.Y^ The Fleet, ii;i cafe there be rid /^iir^ Waf, can likewife from hence carry the Forced % u ^l /. o^j ' All Spanijh Ships or VelTels you fhaH meet with, you are to ufe your utrnoft Endeavour to talce, fink, burn, and dcftroy. ; ;i, ::, ^ And as to the daring and unauthoriz'd Attempts of the Subjefts of any Nation, to cover and proted the Ships, Perfons, or Effefts of his Majefty's Enemies the Spaniards -, you are in no Sort to permit the fame, but to feize the faid Spaniards Ships, Perfons, or Effeds, wherever you fhall find the fame on the Seas *, and to C-ize all Ships and . -^efTels you fliall meet with going to fupply his -Majefly's Enemies the Spaniards with Contraband Stores. - But on meeting with any of the Guarda Cofias of his moft Chriftian Majefty; you are carefully to preferve with them that good Correfpondence that ought to fubfift between Officers in the Sefvice of Princes in Amity with each other. And as you will be cruizing in the Way of the /r^wf^ Trade, you are to ufe all friendly Offices toward them, and direft your Officers not to har- rafs or rummage any fuch French Ship's or VelTels, as give you no juft Caufc of Sufpicion of their being going with contraband Stores to any of the Spanijb Ports. ;':rbr. You are to continue Cruizing on the faid Station, and on the Service afore-mention'd, till the 15th Day of this prcfent Month, or your fooner being relieved, or leaving it on theOccafion injoined you ; at the Expiration of which Term, you are to make ^' . the [ 137 ] the beft of your Way for joining me here, and re-i ceiving my further Orders. For, ^ff. i Given on board the Boyne, in Cumberland Har* bour, (formerly called JValthenam) on the. South Sideof C^, thi3.5jft,pf 0^^fr,;:WU ^ To the Hon. the Commanding Officet of his Majejiy's Land Forces cominz to the West I n d i je s. SIR '' t'^ii'i'J \>i-V/ IL'CY iv :^ - '. AS I fend you inclbfed a Copy of the^Reloru- tions of our laft Council of War, held on the Information fent us by his Grace the Duke of Neiv- caftle, of the fpeedy Reinforcements intended to be fent out to us ; It is needlefs for me to add any other Induce- ment to you. Sir, to engage you to confent to the Commanding Officer of the Convoy's proceeding diredly to bring the Convoy to join us here j as going fo far to Leeward as Jamaica, would be the moft fatal Incident that could happen to his Ma- jefly's Service. No one being named to us for the Command on this Occafion, obliges me to^make Ufe of a general Dircdion. I am, SIR, Boynt, in Cumberland Tour moji Obedienty Harbour, Cuba, f^^^^^i^ Servant, ^ov. I, 1741. E. Y. To the Commanding Officer of the Convoy coming out with the Reinforcement. By, (^c. CEnding you inclofed a Copy of the Refolutions ^ of our laft General Council of War, you will fee how much it is for his Majefly's Service, that you Ihould not lofe a "Moment's Time in coming to join [ n^ ] join me here with all your Convoy. And yon are, therefore, on receiving thefe Orders, immediately to acquaint the Commanding Officer of the Land Forces with it, and defire his Confent for your pro- ceeding accordingly ; which cannot be doubted of, as I have fent him likewife a Copy of the faid Ge- neral Refolutions of the Council of War. And you are accordingly hereby required and di- refted, upon the Receipt of my Orders, to make the beft of your Way hither, with all the Tranf- ports and Storelhips under your Convoy. And if any be feparated from you, you will leave a Ship to cruize for them, and bring them after you and Captain I^a has my Orders for coming with you, to pilot you hither, taking particular Care not to jail in with the Land to Leeward of the Harbour, for fear of a Lee Current. And as his Majefty's Service requires it, you will ufe all poffible Dili- gence in the due Execution of your Orclers. For,(=f<:. Given on board the Boyn^, in CuinberJand Har- l)0ur, Cub^i this lii oi November^ I74i' E.Y. Orders of the fame Tenour with thofe given to Captain Lea of the Bomb Sloop, of the 31ft of O^obery were this Day given and iffued to Captain jillen of the Seaborfe, to cruize till the 15th of De- cember, together with the foregoing Letter to the Commanding Officer of his Majefly's Land Forces, faid to be coming hither, and the Order to the Commanding Officer of the Convoy coming out ,Yi'ith them, this 6th of Novemkry 1741. E. V. l^v^ io!;.:;^ .. . ,-,^ [.^ -To his Grace the Duke e^ N ***** *. My Lord DukCy MY lafl to your Grace was of the 6th of OSfoier^ by the Pireband Firefhip^ Captain Barnard \ z, Dojtlicatte [ 139 ] Duplicate of which accompanies my prefent Letter to your Grace. Which I chufc to begin in Time, for going by the next Opportunity, which 1 apprc" hend muft be by the Frince Frederick, Captain Bof- iiawen^ when he arrives here, from the bad Accounts they have fent me of her upon her late careening : But' flie is not arrived this 21ft of OMer, when I am beginning my Letter, which gives me Ibme Uneafuiefs, as, by the iateft Accounts I have had, I expeded her here much fooner. On the 7th of OMer arriv'd hefe Captain Sro- derick in the Shorebam, who has been cruizing off Caribagem, and brought me a certain Account of Don Blafs de Lezoh Death, and a Letter to me from his Excellency the Vice Roy of Santa Fe^ which I fend your Grace incbfed a Copy of; as likewife of my Anfwer to it, which fully informs your Grace of the Particulars of the Champana Prize, taken by C^tain Brodick, being Part Bale-Goods of the Cargo of the Galleons going for Monpos, and Part Money j which together are computed at near four- fcore thoufand Pieces of Eight Value. And I haver to fend me, inclofed in a Letter of the 21ft, the Re- folutions of his Council of War of the fame Date, on his communicating to them a Part of the faid Letters , I laid their Refolutions before a Council of my Officers (as he had done a Part of our Letter befor? hisj) and fent him our Refolutions inclofed, ' of [ HS ] of the 2 2d : In anfwer to which, he fent me in- clofed a Paper fign*d by them, of the 25th of Or- toher^ cali*d their Sentiments on our Opinion : Co- pies of all which come inclofed, for your fuller In- formation. My Engineer, Lieutenant Innes of the Grafton, with her Seamen, has near compleated a very good Fafcine Battery, being four Sides of a Decagon^ with three Guns on each Side, defigned to be fupplied from the lower-deck Guns of two of our largeft Ships, which will be foifr thirty-two Pounders, and eight twenty-four Pounders. And the Timber and Plank is all cut here for the Platforms, and a great Part of it got to hand, all ready to be laid down : Which I delay a little for the firft Advices from your Grace i in order to judge, whether a French^ 2X might make it necefHiry to take other Meafures, or our having certain Advices of Succours being fent here, fhould make it proper to compleat it, for the Defence of this Harbour, For having the Stuff at hand, we can foon lay the Platform and mount the Cannon ; and fhould it be neceflliry to move, thefe Materials can be converted to the Ufe of the Wharf that we are making for the careening our Ships at Port Royal-, where fuch good Timber as we have cut here, is very fcarce to be got. So that there can neither be lofs of Time, or unne- cefTary Expence, whether they be converted to the one Ufe or the other. On the 25th of OSlober in the Evening came in here the Bonetta Sloop, with the long-wifli'd-for Difpatches from your Grace, of the 28 th o^ Auguft, And I cannot but be extremely fenfiblc of the great Honour done me by my Lords of die Regency, by their Approbation and good Opinion of my ^eal for his Majefly's Service j which, to the bell gf my Ability, I ihall always, with Pjei\furc, con- tinue [ 146 ] tinue diligently to txert^ k>v the Honour of our Royal Mafter and Prolperity of our Country 5 both in regard to my Duty to his Majefty, and preferving that, good Opinion which my Lords of the Regency have fo highly honour'd me with. I order'd Capt. Lea to wait on General ^entworth very early the next Mcwning, with the Letters he had for him from your Grace and others j and I fent a Letter to him, in which I exprefs*d myfelf perfwaded, that when he had read over his Letters, he would be of Opinion with me, that a General Council of War lliould be held , which fhould be at any Time he fliould defire : And the Copy of my faid Letter comes inclofed. He fent me for Anfwcr, that Mr. Blakeney and he would be with me on Wedmjday Morning, the 28th ; when we met at a General Council of War accordingly, and we had read to us your Grace's Letters to Mr, pyeniw&rih and me of the 28th of Augvji, and a Letter from Mr. Couraud of the fame Date. And to give the Councl of War the beft Light I could, I took the Liberty of communicating to them likewife, two Letters I was honoured with from Sir Charles Wager ^ of the i8th and 2 2d cA Auguft \ and two Propofals that had been fent to hjm, the one from Captain Lea of the Bonetta, and the other from Mr. Daniel Campbell. And Captain Lea was called in, and examined before us i as was Capt. Rentone -, and Captain Allen^ who was lately return'd from New-Tvrk, where he had been to carry the General's Letters to the Governors of the Northern- Colo- nies ; and the Officers he had fent them by. We had then read his Majefly's lafl Inftru(5tions, of the joth of 7/y, 1740 : And as, by them, I was, with the Fleet, to be aiding and affifting to the Com- mander in Chief of the Land- Forces, in any En- terpnze this Council iljiould judge propereft to be undertaken \ [ '47 1 undertaken -, I defired Mr. Wtnlwvrth would be pleafed to name which of the Places meiition*d ia the faid Inftructions he thought moft proper to bt attemptd, for our maturely deliberating upon it. To which he faid, he Was not prepar'd for that then, but defired We might adjourn to another Day, before we came to any final Determinations* And I defiring he would name the earliell Day he thought proper, he pitched upon SalMrday the 31ft of O^ober, and we adjourn*d the Council of War to that Day accordingly ; and after their favouring me with their Company at Dinner, we parted as we met, very civilly. On the 31ft of OSlohet the Council of War re* affetnbled, according to their Adjournment ; and Lieutenant Lowtirer w^ tailed in, and examined before us, Mr. Wentworth having defired liis At- tendance for that purpofe i as was likewife, after- wards. Captain Rentone^ an *xperienc*d Officer m thefe Seas. And having firft calmly delibefated -on feveral Propofak that Mr. Wenlworth d<;fired might -be Gonfidered, for landing on the Leeward Parts of this Ifland, Bayamo and 'Trinidado ; on their being lo, he declared himfelf fully iatisficd they were ill- grounded ami inipradicable. The Counc'l of War then proceeded regularly to take into Deliberation the "Several Places pro- pos*d to us, in his Majefty*s Inftru6lians of the roth of y^, 1740, in the Order therein diredbcd : And after maturely deliberating on tliem, the Council of War came to the uHanimousRefokitions that I have fent your Grace inclofed a Copy of, which, i hope, will aippear to be drawn cp -agree- able to the Direftions in your Grace's \ti\ Letter f the iM\ of iAiiguft laft. And [ h8 ] And after their favouring me with their Corffi pany at Dinner, we parted very civilly as we met. It was a great Pleafure to me, that at the fame Time that I received your Grace's Letter of the 28th of Auguji, I receiv'd one from Commodore Ledock, of the ift of September^ with the good News of his fafe Arrival, with the Squadron I had detach'd home under his Command. And I hear by the Return of Captain Allen from New~Torky that the leaky Bomb- Ketch got fafe to Bojion, where they can foon give her a new Bottom. As I know it to be proper for the unfheath'd Ships to be difpatch*d home,l immediately gave the necefTary Orders in it. And the Orford and Prince of Orange are failed from hence, for the necefTary refitting at Jamaica, and under Orders to proceed home with all poflfible Expedition, under the Com- mand of Capt. Davers in the Suffolk ; who is like- wife to take with him the Prince Frederick, Captain Bofcawen : The Dunkirk, Captain Cooper, who is in befl Condition for the Sea, is under Orders to go home Convoy to the Trade, or difcharged Tranf- ports, that fhall be ready to fail with him : And the Superbe, Captain Hervey, goes home Exprefs with our Letters to your Grace. So there are four ieventy-gun Ships, and two fixty-gun Ships, under immediate Orders for proceeding to England with all poffible Expedition. By my former Order to Jamaica, the tVeymouth and Jerfey were to be en- deavouring to careen by each other, and the Dept^ ford was obliged to be careened at the Wharf; (but *till my next Return from thence I cannot tell what they have been doing in purfuance of thefe Orders \) The Augujia is on a Cruize off Rio La Hacha ; and the Brijiol I am daily expedting up here with a Convoy homjamaica. And your Grace may. be afTured thefe five Sail fhall be ordered home as [ H9 ] as they can be got in Condition for it, and, forcer- tain, to be at home in time to be refitted for next Summer's Service. I muft now proceed to ftate to your Grace what will be our remaining Force in thefe Seas i and what that under the Command of Don Rodrigo de Torres. Wz failed from Carthagena with twelve Sail of the Line of Battle, and found in the Ha- tjanna three Sail of Men of War of the Line, be- fides the Vizara of 60 Guns, that was at ha Vera Cruz : Which are, together, fixteen Sail of Men of War of the Line j and I take them to be full as^ good Ships, as the fix^en Sail that, it is faid^ will be left under my Command. Of this Number, he has certainly had one, the Invincible, blown up at the Havanna ; and he is faid to have had the Europa loft, between La Vera Cruz and the Havanna\ the Vizara damag*d, by running a-fhore at La Vera Cruz -, and the Sta Anna, in going into the Ha* vanna, which they were endeavouring to repair by careening. So that there are fourteen remaining, and of them two are damag'd, which they are en- deavouring to refit. And I have the Princefs Louifa, that, I am fure, can only be refitted for going home in the Summer ; and the Strafford, that they begin to think now, by her careening, may be made fit for Service again. So the certain Ships for Service, are twelve and twelve : And, as I apprehend, from the Numbers of fpare Seamen they had out of the Men of War and Galleons deftroy'd at Carthagena, they mult be infinitely better mann*d than my Ships. And when it comes to be confider'd, what different Ser- vices we have to employ them upon ; then, I fear, it will be found, the Superiority of Force will be very greatly on the Side of the Spaniflj Admiral, Don Rodrigo de Torres. U For t '5 i For my Orders being to cruize on their Trade, and cut off all Communication, as far as I can, between Old Spain and their American Dominions ; I have, for the prefent, Cruizers in fix fevera! Stations, fome of which are above two hundred Leagues afunder ; viz. One to windward of Rio La Hacha, for intercepting all coming from Old Spain for Carthagena or Forto Bello ; one between Cape Corientes and the Grand Camainos, for all coming for I^ Vera Cruz or the Havanna^ from Carihagena, or Porto Bello, or the Coaft of Car- raccas't one for intercepting all going down to the Havanna thro* the Old Bahama Channel on the North Side of Cuba ; one cruizing on the Enemy*s Privateers, and for tlie Protedtion of our Trade from the Northern Colonics, to windward of Port Franfois, where they have found Shelter and Pro- te(5lion -, one to the South Eafl of Poinf a Bacor, on the South Side of Hifpaniola, for protecting our Trade from England, and lying in the Way to meet the expcdled Succours, and to condu(5l them here > ^^ one to cruize off the Harbour's Mouth of St. Jago. And as fome mull be cleaning and refitting at Jamaica, your Grace will eafily per- ceive, that the Force remaining with my Brother Admiral and me muft be very fmall. If at Times we can have Seconds for us both, that will be the moll ; and we mull, I believe, be often but with five Sail of the Line between us. Whereas the Spanijh Admiral, never keeping his Ships a crui- zing, has his whole Force ready for proceeding together upon whatever he may have Orders to undertake : So that, till the promis*d Succours arrive, I think we may be faid to be much the .weak^. I am fure my Brother Admiral and I are heartily difpos*d to ferve his Majeity to the utmoft of our Power, with fucli Force as is put under [ 151 ] under our Command : But as the F'leet, thus re- duced, will not require but one Admiral, I hope, if I weather the Winter out with it, I may reafon- ably expeft to receive your Grace's Orders to be coming home in the Spring of the Year ; cfpecially as his Majefty has fo cxperienc'd an Officer in thefe Seas as Sir Chalorter Ogky to take this Cofn- mand upon him. I have three twenty-gun Ships (if they can all be made fit for the Sea) and the Bonetta Sloop : Of which, the Experiment (clean'd here) and the Bonetta, are both defign'd to go on the Expedition for attempting the Settlement on Ratan Ifland ; and for Capt. Lea to fee what he can make of his Advices about the River DulcCy and Province of Guatimala : Which do not appear to us to be well founded, particularly as to any Infurredion having been amongft the Indians, and very far from any News of their continuing fo. But I will give him all the Opportunity he can defire, for colledbing any certain Evidence about it j and I think, that beginning with a Settlement at Ratan Uland, to collefl fome of the Mufquito Indians there, and fome of our Logwood- Cutters, would be the pro- pereft Foundation for undertaking any Enterprize that Way, whenever there fhould appear any En- couragement 'to it. And in my Opinion, nothing can be more neceflary for fecuring to us' the Log- wood Trade j of which, I can^ already perceive, the Dutch are going on apace to draw the principal Advantage to themfelves. For tho* they are the Subjects of his Majefty that tut it, they fell it to any that go to fetch it -, and the Dutch are greatly encreafing in their Traffick witli them, having here a large Dutch Ship that brought us Wine, that is going down to the Biy of Honduras, to buy a Loading of Logwood of our Logwood- U 2 Cutter?-, ] [ '52 ] Cutters, who account themfelves their own Mailer? at prefcnt, and fubjed: to no Government. But a Settlement at Ratan, prudently manag'd, I think, promifes fair for the only Means of fecuring us the Logwood Trade, and excluding other Nations from reaping the Fruit of the Labour of his Ma- jefty*s natural-born Subjedts. Colonel Goochj your Grace will have learn'd from your Letters by Commodore Lefiock, was returned to his Government, with the difcharg'd American Tranfports, that fail'd under his Convoy. And I believe your Grace will have heard from him, and on all Hands, that the American Forces have had nothing to complain of from the Sea, and have never exprefs'd themfelves dilTatisfied at being employed on board his Majefty's Ships. I think my Inclinations have been entirely coiix formable, to what, I believe, was the principal Motive of all the American Officers engaging in the Service, the Hopes of being fettled in the JVeft- JndieSy and in Cul^a preferably to all other Places, But I have heard fome of them rnentioning many Complaints they had to make of their Treatment in the Army , and of the Difcontent exprefs'd by fome of tht Europeans (as the Americans call'd them) that they were to expofe their Lives for procuring Settlements for the Americans. A jufl: Occafion of Offence, I fhall, as your Grace defires, be very cautious of ever giving them , and I hope that will never be elleem*d a juft Occafion of Offence, which they themfelves don't think fo. .-, ' As the Affairs of the Army are not my PrOMl vince, I have thought it my Duty to avoid men- tioning any Thing of them, but where Ncceffity and his Majefty's Service appear'd to me to r&^f guirc it. * ;^. [ '53 ] Captain Mayne, who now goes home Captain of the Orford^ being the only one of our Captains that ever was at St. JagOy your Grace from him may be beft inform'd as to the Entrance into the Harbour : And by this Occafion, 1 fend Sir Charles Wager (as a Sea Officer, mod capable of judging of what I have laid of it in my former Letters) %. Sketch of it, as drawn by Capt. TiurelL And if you think proper, your Grace may afk Captain Mayne^ with whom B r L r came a PafTenger in his Ship hither, whether he did not, at leveral Times in our Way up here, liear the faid Officer fay, the Army vjould not land in Cuba. And if he did not hear him fay, after the Ge- neral Council of War that v/as held on the 20th of July, which he was a Member of, that the Army would not move from their Encampment on the River Side. And if at other Times he had not faid, that the Spanijh Forces were better Soldiers than hjs Majejiy's Forces. Reports of fuch Difcourfes were, to me. Grounds of Sufpicion of fome form*d Cabal, that might even compel Mr. Wentworth to adt under their Direftion , though I do not pretend to point out who it was composM of. But I think, a principal Officer, throwing out Surmifes that have been verir. fied, muft know fomething of the Matter : And as it may be judg'd neceffary to be enquir*d into, I thought it my Duty to mention this to youi" Grace, as what may probably ferve as a Key to fuch an Enquiry. As to your Grace's compaffionate Concern for our fickMen, I mofl- heartily fympathize with you j and have already purfued your charitable Directions in the Affair, by having had Perfons confbantly employed in clearing our Ways up the ieveral Branches of thp River [ '54 ] River that tny Ships water at -, which we find to have three Mouths, and in the Iflands formed by thofe Branches, have found Supplies for them, from the great Number of Cabbage-Trees they produce, and the feveral Grovfes of wild Oranges, which prove a moft feafonabie Relief in our prefent reigning Dif- temper of the Scurvy. And we get them likewife a Supply of frefh Fifh ; to which I have added a new Regulation, of fupplying Rice, in lieu of all Species of Salt Provifions, to thofe who have the Scurvy ; to endeavour at attaining to an Alteration in the Juices, by a total Difufe of Salt Provifions, while they are fo affedted. And We have, befides, erefted Huts, for conveniently lodging them a- Ihore, and their having the Smell of the Earth, and Opportunity of walking, by which they have man^ of them reaped great Benefit. I am perfwadcd, a Negleft of the Sick, or not giving them all the Relief in my Power, will never be laid to my Charge. I am. My Lord Buke, ioyne, in Cumherldnd ^'oUr Grace*S mojl Harbour,^.. Nov. Bevoted, and mdfi ^' *"'^''' Obedient. Humble SefvmL E. V. A Letter from Mr. fVentworth coming to my Hands as I am clofing my Packets, I cannot omit adding a P.iragraph of it, aS a Poftfcript to my X-etter to your Grace. r " If the Sicknefs increafes two 6r three Days *' more, fo much as it has for a few Days paft, wfc *' mull neceffarily come on board the Tranfports, as " we fhall not have People to defend Our Cannon. " I will write to you more particularly on that head *' to-morrow." General Went'-jDorthh Difpatches come now under Cover with mine. To [ 155 ] To General Wsntworth. SIR, I Have this Morning recciv*d your Letter of t^e, ^di with the inclofed which I now return you ; and am heartily concern'd for the Account you. give me, of the encreafmg Sirknefs amongfl: your Troops. But as you mention it to be chiefly Agues, I imagine that may proceed from the ilidr. den Change of Air, on the Norths coming mi s^nd believe that will not prove a fatal Diflemper to them, though it may diiable them from Service for the prefent. The late Hears we have had, probably have put them into a Way of lying as cool as they could at Night, which muft now be carefully avoided, and Care taken for their lying warm in the Night, as a Guard againft the cool Air of the Norths. The Dire(5lions you have given for fupplying Mr. Z^w/J with Blacks, are fully fufficient, m my Apprehenfion, for anfwering all Services he men- tions in his Letter ; as none are properer to aflifl: in rowing of Boats, and they are as handy as any for over-hauling his Ordnance Stores. As to your Weaknefs in the Camp ; for Peribns to do Duty there, I will readily fpare you, froi^i our Capital Ships, all the Americans or Marines that we have fit for Duty, if you defire it. But choie Ships that are for Service in cruizing on the Sea, or preparing for Relief, are fo weak, they cannot be fpared from them : Nor could we venture at it from our Capital $hips, but that we. are near enough to you, to have a Supply upon any Emergency. Our Capita] Ships (which I am going to poll anew for the Defence of this Har- bour) arc but four; the two we have our Flag*, flying in, and the two feventy-gun Ships. And you know, the Security of the whole depends on our being in Condition to defend the Harbour : For 1 156] j^or which Purpofe I have erefled a good feattery for twelve Pieces of Cannon on the Point, and propbfe letting about erefting another upon Capt. Mayne's Ifland, and to lay my four Ships in a Line a little to windward of thofe two Batteries i which will be a pretty good Line of Fire. And as you know, befides thefe Works, I have the Protection of the River I water my Ships at, and cutting Timbef there for Platforms, on my Hands ; and very weakly-mann*d Ships befides, and my Men fickly too as your Troops are , there are no Seamen can be fpared from our Ships, which are upon the advanced Guard for the Security of the whole. ^ For by a Schooner brought in Yefterday, that fliiled from the Havama five and twenty Days pad, it appears, that Don Rodrigo de Torres was then at the Havanna, with his powerful Squadron, all fi.tted and ready for the Sea. And you know. Sir, the Situation of both French and Spaniards in Europe ; and that they had powerful Squadrons ready for the Sea, that they may detach this Way. And whenever they come, though met by my Cruizers, I can have but very Ihort Notice ' of them before they arrive ; fo that it is neceflary for the Security of your Army, as well as of his Majefty*s Ships, that I Ihouldbe kept in Condition, on my advanced Guard, to proted the whole. ' And when I have faid this, I am perfwaded you will be thoroughly convinced, I have offered all in my Power for your maintaining yourfelf in your Camp ; which I look upon to be of the utmoft Importance to his Majefty*s Service-, and it might dtfeat the Succels of the cxpeded Succours, if it Ihould be abandon'd. I am, SIR, Soyne, in Cumberland Har- 2'our inofl Obedient^ "boor, ^c. AW. 4. 1741, Humble Servant, ^ E. V. [ 'J7 ] To General Wentworth. SIR, IHave the Favour of yours of the 5th ; which it gave me much Pleafure to receive, on finding you determined in your Opinion, for not quitting your prefent Poll while you have Men to maintain it , and that you had hopes, as the Diftempers your Men were feized with were principally Agues* that many of them will recover ; which Bedding, and otherwife contriving to have them lye warm in the Nights, will) I believe, greatly contribute to. And as, on Advice of aWar with France, it might be nceelTary to re-embark fpecdily, for making them a Vifit as foon as poffible i I fubmit it to you, whether it might not be proper for Mr. L s to be re-imbarking fome of his heavy Cannon, as that probably cannot be wanted for the Defence of the Camp , and indeed I never could well con- ceive why he landed it at all. Captain Rentone tells me, he has been to wait on you, as you defired, for Ihewing you the Road for coming to the Bay where he rides, from the Camp J which, he fays, migh*: eafily be made a very good Road, with a few Negroes. You may remember, Sir, I mention*d to you one Incident that might make it neceflary for the ipeedy embarking a Part of the Troops from thence, to aflift on board the Ships in the Defence of this Harbour j which was, the Enemy's fud- denly pufhing into this Harbour. For they would then lye, in Adtion with us, between the River your Tranfports ride in, and us, and ronfequently, cut off all Communication that Way j which would make it neceffary to fhip the Men off (for affifting us) from that Bay j from whence they would come fafely to us. X The [ 'S8] The Cbefter I Ihallfend for Jamaica on Monday^ fo you will be pleafed to fend your Letters in time to go by her : And Captain Long will have Orders to take under his Convoy all the difchargcd Tranf- ports that fhall be then ready to fail with him } And what cannot get ready to fail with him, Ihall be put under the Care of the next Ship I have oc- cafion to fend that Way. I fend you inclofed a Copy of the Intelligence Lieutenant Low/z&^r has picked up from theMafter of the Schooner, lately taken coming from the Havanna -, by which you will fee there is good Rea- fon for me to keep myfelf as ftrong as I can here, with regard to other Services injoined me. I took the Liberty, Sir, at our late Council of War, to fuggeft to you my Opinion, that in your prefent Condition, you are not to think of fending away either Officers or Men yet, for the Service of Recruiting j and I cannot but repeat to you. Sir, my Advice, for your fufpending it, at leafl, till tha Arrival of the Succours, or the next Advices from England , which I think mofl for his Majefty*s Service. And I will anfwer for it, they will get to England near as foon, if not fooner, than by your fending them away in the Tranfports now ; as I fhall keep one of the befl unfheath'd Ships, for going diredly with them. As to the Memorial to you from the Wine-Sut- kr, I do not look upon him to be within my Pro- mife of Proteftion to thofe that come with Supplies 6f Provifions ; as that is fuch, that the Men's Healths would be better prefcrved without it : Particularly, his four Cargo, which has occafioned his lying here fo long, is not fit to be drunk. And I hope you will believe me. Sir, that if tliere had been any Reafon on his Side, I fhould have hearkened to it. I was f '59 ] I was concern'd to hear of Mr. Blakeney's being out of order ; and heartily wifh for his fpeedy Re- covery, and for your Continuance in good Health, which it has pieafed God fo wonderfully to blels us both with. I am, SIR, Boyne, in Cumherlmd ToWT fHoft Obedient^ Harbour, ^c Hwnble Servant, ^ov. 6, 1 741. E V Txi General Wentworth. SIR, UPON the Receipt of your Letter, with the inclofed Refolutions of your Council of War, and Opinion of your Surgeons, and the Letters from Mr. Wallace relative thereto, fent me by Mr. Wallace by your order ; I could not but think it of Confequence to his Majefty*s Service, immediately to advife with Sir Chaloner Ogle upen them. And we cannot but exprels ourfelves under a hearty Concern, for your finding yourfelves under a Neceflity of leaving the advantageous Poll you are incamp'd in ; as we fear, on Refolutions coming to be taken for returning to it again, it may coft fome Men's JJves to regain it. You, Sir, I find, think, that according to the Advices I fent you, it may not be improbable, that Don Rodrigo de 'Torres may think of moving this Way j and that we ought to be putting ourfelves in a Condition to receive him ; which is what we always had in View, and we are now new-pofting our Ships for that purpofe. For which Services, and the many others we have (upon thefe Advices from you) to be making Provifion in, it is im- poflible for us to be fparing any of oirr few Long- X 2 boats [ .60 ] boats to be upon Service in the Re-imbarking ycur Cannon and Baggage : And we are clearly of Opi-. nion, you can have no Occafion for them, as the Longboats, and other Boats from your Tranfports, are more than fufficient for that Pqrpofe. And that you may not want their Service, we cannot but ahfolutely advife, that no Tranfports fhould come out of the River 'till your Cannon and Baggage is all re-embark'd ; which may be done, (under the Direction of a prudent Officer, and with the Affiftance of the Blacks to Man the Boats of thofe that are weakly-handed) in a very fhort Time. And for the Diftribution of your well Men on board our Ships, to aflift in the Defence of them, we cannot but heartily agree with you in the Ne- ceffity there may be for it ; but think that Difpo- fition can be more properly made at a Leifure Time for it, when the Tranfports have brought them all out into the Bay. So muft beg Leave to repeat our former Opinion given you, that after the Re-embarkation of your Cannon and Baggage, it would be proper for all your well Men to be referv'd for your Rear-Guard, and to march together in a Body dired:ly on board fuch Tranfports as are referv^d for them ; which will be but the Work of a few Hours. And we believe you will agree with us, the well Men mufl necefTarily be referv'd for fuch Service, for the Security of the whole. If you think the Affiftance of one of our Officers may be neceffary to you, for tlie prudent Direflion of the whole, we fhall be ready to fend you one, on your defiring it. But in fuch Cafe, we hope he will have a full Authority from you over all the Officers of the Train, and others neceffary to be [ '6. ] be employ'd in it ; or elfe, their Cavils may dift appoint the whole. We thank you for the Direftions you have given to the Tranfports, for receiving our Lumber, to clear our Ships for Service. As the Chefier muft fail to-morrow, for carrying the neceflary Orders to be fent to Jamaica for ftrengthening ourfelves all we can, we hope what Letters you may have for Jamaica will be down by to-morrow Noon. We are, SIR, Boyne, Cumberland Xour mofi Obedient, Harbour, lc. Humbk Servants, Nov. 8, 1741. T? 17- '^ L. VERNON, C. Ogle. 'To General Wentworth. SIR, THIS Morning having brought in here Capt. Perez, in a large Canoe, with nSpaniJkFhgof Truce, from St.Jago ; fwhich Captain Perez was, fomeTime fmce, fent from hence by Capt. Mofiyn, with your Approbation, and at the Governor of St. Jago*s Rcqueft, in Part of the Exchange for the fixty-four Englijh Prifoners he had releas*d :) We thought it proper, immediately to difpatch Capt. Rentone to you, who was the Tranflator of the faid Letter, with a Copy of his Tranflation of it. And as one feeming Part of the faid Letter, is for procuring Wine for his own Table, we hav^ judg'd, that (with your Approbation) the beft Way of anfwering to that would be, to fend him a Pipe of Wine for a Prefent, for the Ufe of his own Table ; and to defire him, that he would permit their Hunters to bring us in fome Beeves, for the Ufe [ l62 ] Ufe of our Tables ; which we fhall honourably pay them for to their Satisfaftion ; and fhall be proud to pleafure him with another Pipe of Wine, when- ever he will favour us with letting us know it would be agreeable to him r And to avoid faying any Thing to that Part of his Letter, where he defir'd a PafTport for the French Colonies. But in regard to Exchange of Prifoners, to let him know, we have an equal Regard to all who are our Royal Mailer's Subjeds -, and fhall willingly accept thofe taken by his Excellency Don Rodrigo de Torres in his PalTage here, in the Exchange s and that when they will lend us their Numbers, and name a Place for the Exchange, we fhall be ready to facilitate it all in our Power. We are glad to hear you find your Officers fuf- ficiently experienc*d for direfting the fhipping off your Cannon ; and the Orders are given, as you defir'd, for preventing any of the Tranfports coming out of the River, till alF your Cannon and Baggage are re-embark*d ; and the very flopping the Tranfports, mention*d in Mr. lVaUace*s Letter to have been difcharg'd, is, of itfelf, a larger Supply of Boats, than we have for all the various Ufes we have to apply them upon. We are, SIR, Cumherland, m Qtmhsrland Har- jr^^^ ^a QJ^edient, hour (formeny call d Walthe' u ij c. 4. nam) on thJ South Side of ^^^^ Servams, Cuba, Nov. lO, 1741. E. VERNON, C Oglx. P. S. We fliatl be glad to know your Sentiments by the Return of Captain Rentone, to [ i63 ] To General Wentworth," SIR, IReceiv'd yours of the loth laft Night by Lieiit. JVilliams ; and but juft before had an Account from our Agent, Mr. Maynard, of fifty fick Men being fcnt on board the St. Elizabeth^ one of the Tranfports you had allotted us for bringing our Provifions fromjamaica, which we have not yet been able to clear. So that thefe Men are come to a Ship without any Provifions on board, and lying the fartheft diftant from the Camp , tho* I had requefted the Favour of you (for giving the Dif^ patch you defire) that you would be pleas'd to put all your Men, for the prefent, on board the many empty Tranfpoits you have in the River, to be brought out into this Harbour in them : Where they can be afterwards, at Leifure, fhifted into the Dorfetjhire, Margaret, and St. Elizabeth^ that arc riding here ; two with the Provifions for our Ships, and the Dorfetjhire with all the Spanijh Prifoners, which I have collefted there, on the Petition of all the Matters of the Tranfports and Storefhips, to enable them to fail their Ships when you have embark*d your Forces : And they are there at their joint Requett and Mr. ff^allace*B. And therefore, for God*s Sake, let me defire you to prevent your Officers from committing fuch Irregularities, artd a6ting fo inconfiderately, as to throw all Things into Confufion, and to occafion unnecefTary Delays, by fending Men fuch a Diflanceoff to Ships not yet ready to receive them, when they have fuch a Num- ber of Ships at hand, that would greatly facilitate Difpatch. I have put two of our Longboats (tho* we can ill fpare them, and, I am farisfied, under prudent Ma* nagement you could not want them) under the Orders of Capt. Renione, that he may give the ne- ccflary [ i64 ] ceiTary Direcbions with them for getting off your Cannon , and he will readily give you his Advice in any Thing you defire, being a prudent and ex- perience Officer. I fear Part of this Confufion and Delay is owing to your M yL s : For by my Obfervations, and my Accounts of his Proceedings, I am fatisfied, that if his Majefty had lock'd him up in the Tower, the Service had been better carried on, and there had been much lefs Wafte and Lofs of Stores. . I have ftrengtheh*d the Flotilla by a Detachment of Soldiers, and fhall take care to get our Provi- fions out of your two Tranfports as fall as I can. I am, , SIR, Boyne, Cumberland Xour mofi Obedient^ Harbour, ^c. Uumhk Servant, Nov. II, I74I. y To Capt. Forrest, of the Alderncy Bomb. FOR the better fecuring the Re-embarkation of the Forces from the Camp j You are hereby required and direded, to receive on board his Majefty's Bomb-Veffel the Alderney (under your Command) from the A^^/, a Lieutenant, two Serjeants, two Corporals, a Drummer, and twenty-four private Men, belonging to Colonel Cooch's Regiment, and bear them for Viduals only while they continue on board! For, (^c. Given on board the Boyne, in Cumberland Har- bour (formerly call'd JValthenam) on the South Side of Cuka^ this loth of November, 1741. E, K To [ '6s ] rA'j ^^' '':' i' JC3L<.-r'5 -di hr.rj. :r- \7'OU are hereby required and directed, to take ^ the Command of the Flotilla upon yoii, fof, covering the Tranfports, and preventing all Sur-/r prizes in the River. And 1 have likewife order^cj, the Boyne*s Longboat, and the Qmkr land's, witly> an eight-oar*d.Boat, and a Lieutenant to each, to' be attendant on your Orders^' for the fafe ancl^ Ipecdy Re-enibarkation of the Cannon, fince the- General is determin*d to leave his Camp. You ^re likewife to give General PFentworib your beft Ad-*" vice and Afliftance,- in every Thing where he ihallj defire it of you..;^",;.:cy ,.; ,^ ^rj ^,,1;^^ Thefe Boats are to be c3X^\cfor under your Diredion only, I having fumcieritly experiehq'd How improper M- r L j is to give OrderS: in "any Thing regularly : And, by your Judgement, ^d Experiences you will fupply all you find fur-* ther necelfary for his Majefty's Service. For, C^^fh For as no Encfchy can well crofs theRivcriri tfte Night without Boats, and as they have none tff their own, you muft be (Careful we do nbt aflift thtirh with any ; and mjr Mafter, who comtrtands on board the Sloop at the River's Mouth, has my Orders to be aflifting to you with his Men, in cut- ting the Way to the Harboiir on the Back of the Fort. And all who have occafioil for cutting Wood for their Firing, muft be appointed to cut it only on the Fort Side of the River. And you will permit no Perfons to go on the other Side of the River, that they may hot be in the Way of being fut-|)riied. And when the Tranfports Boats may coirift to Water there, ill Boats are to be ordered to bring fome Arms with them, for their Defence; and no one to be permitted to ramble from thehf; that all poflible Difpatch may bfc gi^^en to what they come about (watering their Ship.) And yob will, frwn your own Experience and Obfervation^ add fuch further Orders and Provifions as you lliall judge ncceflary for the main End, of protedling Y 2 and ^aid fccuring our fafe watering our-Ships from tho Hiver Boyne. For, ^c. ' i^ Given on board the Boyne ^ in Cumberland Har- h^viv^ Cuba, this 13th of November, 1741. - .^,r- ^: ' . - T r To Captain RiUT 0^2, of iheRippon. By,(^c. HAving put the Flotilla under your Command, I defire, when any of the Tranfports have taken on board their Troops, and what elfe they are to receive, and the General has no further Oc- cafion to detain them for the Ufe of their Boats ^ that you will fend the necefTary Orders to Captain Pellat, to let them pafs into the Bay. And I would have you acquaint the General with thefe Orders :?that I have fent you. For, t^c. , - Given on board the Boyne, in Cumberland Har* hour, i^c. this 13th oi November, 1741. .1 :.;:/..,- E. V. Memorandum;' :Be pleafed to let the General know, that the Henrietta and St. Elizabeth Tranf^ ports are quite cleared four Provifiohs. - To. Mr. D E L A M o T T E, Majier of his Majefiyh 4.'. Ship the Boyne, now Commanding Officer on board the Sloop Tender at the IVateriug P. lace. By, (^c. -.-oT ,.] : . ; .. . ."V7" O U are hereby required and direfted, to obey. - all fuch Orders as you fhall receive from Capt. .Chambers of the Montague, to whofe Care I have .committed the fecuring our fafe watering our Ships on the RivtrjB(?j^. And [169] i. And befides the Cofiimunication you have cut, for landing Men to fuccour the Redoubt from the Bay, in cafe of any Enemies appearing to moleft 'US J you will cut another Communication from the Redoubt, to fome convenient Place a little within -the Entrance of the River, for the fpeedier fuccour- ing it from the Tender Sloop you are pofted in. *?! ' And in fending your Dory up the River, for cut- ting Cabbage or procuring Oranges for our fick Men, order them not to frequent that Side of the River next the Salinas but to procure them in the Iflands lying above rfie Ifland the Redoubt is on, if they can. And you will moor your Sloop as near as you ,can to the Mouth of the River, for the greater Security of maintaining our Watering. For, i^c. Given on board the Boyne, in Cumberland Harr bout, Cuba^ this i^th of November, 1741. :'' ;nr;oi;r :hvj\f ';"V '^r. . . . .( . Vff I . To GefteralW E KT wo SiTn,:"y^' SIR, . . .; .' -{> I Have this Afternoon received your*s of this Day's Date, with a hearty Concern for the encreafing :Sicknefs you complain of amongft your Forces. .And. for the fending all fuch as you judge may inquire being fent, to your Hofpital at Porl Royal, for their Recovery, I will take Care a Convoy fhall be ready to proceed with the Ti:anfports, with the fick Men, on any Day you fhall defire ; and I think, the fooner the bettcc, as they cannot want much Water to carry them to yfZ7/7tf/V for going to Jamaica\ who cannot want working Hands for carrying them thither, from the Soldiers "* on board, and the Blacks you have aflifted them with ; befides near two hundred Spanijh Prifoners, that I have fupplied them with, even when their Afllftance was much wanted for his Majefty*s Ships gping home. , , ii But if you don't think you can fpare us any Soldiers, I hope, at leaft, you will affift us with [ 173 ] the three hundred Blacks that yoii have not wanted to diftribute to theTranfports and Storefhips, who may be materially neceflary to ad: witJi the Army expeded : And I arh the more inclin*d to defire^ it, as I have received an Intimation, that it will not be eafy to procure the Return of any Blacks to the publick -Service, after their once getting back to Jamaka, Tho* his Grace the Dxjk.t oi Newcajile fays, in his Letter^ the Reinforcement is ordered for Ja^ maica 5 yet I am pcrfwaded you will agree with me, that in cafe of a French War, or even Orders for the attacking Carthagena^ it would be moll for his Majefty*s Service that we Ihould meet the faid Reinforcement on the South Side of Hifpaniola, for entering upon immediate Adion with them. I am heartily concern*d for our different Sen- timents : But I fhould think myfelf ill to deferve that Confidence his Majefly has placed in me, -if I did not give my Opinion clearly, on this Oc- cafionj of what I judge mbft for his Majefty's Service. lam,,. . . : ^ . Boj>ne,i^c. Uov.'zJ^, \j\\. Tourmoft Ohedieni^ <,i .: -ij . . . . Hitmble Servant^ "* . .;. .V':>.--Ji5 . :.> r:/:u. / E. V. p. S. I fend you inclofed a Copy of a Letter from the Governor of St. Jago^ which I received this Morning^ by Captain Perez. . ' / E, V, To his Grace the Duke c/ N ***** *. '; My Lord Dukey ' ' .? MY laft Letter to your Grace was of the 3d of November^ irom Cumberlad Harbour, by the 5^^r^^, Captain Hervey {d, Duplicate of which ac- Z companies t m- ] ciompanles^thisj) which I concluded with A Para- graph of" a Letter I that Day receivM from General fVentworth^ which might fcrve as a Pre- lude to what has fincc happen'd. Of which being fomewhat apprchenfive, I wrote hipi the Letter ci the 4th (which yoUr Grace has, inclofcd, a Copy of;) and upon receiving from him the Refolutions of his Council of War of the 7th, I immediately took them into rtiature Confideration, with Sir Chaloner Ogle ; and we wrote him a joint Letter of the 8th (both which your Grace has, inclofed. Copies of) that nothing might be wanting on our Parts, to prevent an Incident fo contrary to the Rcfolurions of our late General Council of War. On the loth Captain Perez (mention'd in my former Letters) arriv'd here in a Canoe, with a Flag of Truce, and with a Letter to me from the I Governor of St. Jago (which I fend your Grace in- dofed a Copy of, as likewife of the joint Letter to General Wentworth^ from Sir Chaloner Ogle and me^ of the fame Day, indofing the faid Letter to him, and defiring his Opinion on it.) And oh the nth r I difpatch'd Captain Perez back, with my Anfwer to the Governor of St. Jago (that I fend your Grace inclofed a Copy of j ) chufing rather to . make him a Prefent, than open a Correfpondence Jbr him with our Neighbours, which, I apprehend, was in gi^at Part his View. And I fend your Grace likewife, inclofed, a C^y of lueh Intelhgcnce as Mr. }iogers procur'd from the Spaniards that came with the Flag of Truce, Mr. Rogers (whom I have made a Purfer) having formerly refided at St. Jago. Finding Mr. Wentworth determine to rtioVse, I ^ent the next Morning early as high up the Rivdr Boyne, as my People as yet had been able to clear theh- Way, ivhich R^ht be about three Leagues ; and then r '75 ] then afcending the Hills by the Stone Quarries, I took a Tour round by Land, for forming the beft Difpofition I cpuld for fecuring our watering our Ships at theRiverjBijyz^^nQtwithftandingthe Army'^ having judg'd it neceffary to abandon their Camp on the River Augufta : And I fend your Grace in- elofed a Plan of my Difpofition, in a Copy of the Orders given to Captain CbamberSy whom I took to accompany me in that View. I had before fent a Reinforcement to ftrengthen the Flotilla, for fecuring their Retreat ; and fent Captain Rentonc up to command the Flotilla, for their more re- gular and orderly Proceeding. All the Cannon, Baggage, Provifions, and fick Men, being embark'd, on Monday the i6th in the Morning we difcern'd the Hutts of the Camp to be on Fire, Mr. Wentworth having that Morning march'd down with his remaining well Men, and embark'd himfelf that Night on board his Ma- jefty's Ship the Graf ion ; Cape. Renione remaining with the Flotilla under his Command, for taking Care of the orderly getting out of the Traniports from the River into the Harbour; which, by the Afliftance of the Captains of n^y Flotilla, and Mr. Wallace the Agent for the Tranfports (an aftive diligent Officer) was effeded gradually by Friday the 20th ; all being then got out but my Flotilla under Captain Rentone^ which remain'd to clofe the Rear, neither Army nor Tranfports ha- ving had a fmgle Shot fired at them by any on : And on Saturday the 21ft the Flotilla came out into the Harbour without any Interruption. I am in daily Expectation of hearing again from your Grace. But the governing Maxims of the Council of General Officers, againft Forces march- ing into a woody Country ('which fome ha-ve ex- tended even fo far, a J to fay, th^-t JVoods Jhotild he Z 2 ckar\i [ '76 ] "ilear^d for. the March of an Army^ ' even ley on^Mufkn Shoi of them) cuts o?i all Hopes of Hicceeding in .an Expedition in thefe Counrries , which cannot but give me great Uneafmefs. For unlefs other Maxims are ellablifli*d, there is no Profpe6l of Succefs in any Land Expeditions in the Spanifh Territories, which, under fuch Maxims, muft be deemed only burthenfome and unneceflary. I Had the great 7//j C^Ar ever harbour*d fuch Maxims for his Government, I am perfwaded he had never conquer'd Britain. Or had the great Duke of Marlborcugh, the renown'd General of lour Age, entertain*d any fuch Maxims, he never could have march*d the Confederate Army into Germany, and preferv*d the Empire, or have fought the glorious Battle of Malpiaquet. Which makes me hope, if thefe Forces do come, it will JJbe under the Condud of Officers that will govern themfelves by Maxims fuited to a Country in tht .State of Nature ; or that the Refolution for fend- ,ing them will have been alterM : For under thefe Maxims, they are not only unferviceable them- Jklvts, but a Clog to the Proceedings of a Fleet. I;,. The Tilbury^ in her Cruize, having taken -a- Spanifn Schooner that came from the Havanna about the 12 th o^OUoher, the Mailer of her re- ports, that Don Rodrigo de Torres was then there - with thirteen Sail of Men of War, eleven of them of the Line of Battle i and that they had in each Ship between fix and feven hundred Men, all feady for the Sea, expefting Orders every Day. . The nextThings in Courfe to inform your Grace of, are two Letters from General Wentworth to .mc, on the 23d and 24th o^ November, with my Anfwers to them of the fam^ Dates ; which con- taining the Reafons of our different Sentiments, ., f^ii^Il be humbly fubmitted tq the Judgement of our [ ^77 ] our Royal Mafter , and come here inclofed to your Grace, together with a Copy of Mr. ^f^enj^ worth*% Letter defiring a Council of Witf.' "^^^^ ; -On the 24th I receiv*d by Capt. 'Perez^ with aFIk^ of Truce, a Letter of the 2d of December^ N. S. from the Governor of St. Jago (which comes like wife inclofed j) and with it he fent me twelve horn*d Cattle and fix Hogs j the former of which I have diftributed for the Relief of our fick Men. -And I ihall return him a Horn-maker, a Spanijh Friar, that the Tilbury took in a large Canoe, -coming from Leogane for Baraccoa, with fome Trifles in her; and I fhall remind him of his Promife, of releafing Captain JVyllis as foon as he can be at Liberty to do it. ; On the 25th in the Morning we met at a Coiindl of War. But as we entirely (as Sea and Land Officers) differed in our Sentiments of what is moft for his Majelly*s Service ; and they would not admit of a cafting Vote in the Opinion of the Senior General Officer, no Refolutions could be form'd. So I can only fend your Grace a Copy of the Minutes of our Proceedings, attefled by my Secretary ; and acquaint you, that they determin'd to return to Jamaica, and we to proceed to meet the Reinforcement, after feeing the Traniports difpatch'd under proper Convoys. And as both the General's Reafons and mine are fumm*d up in our inclofed Letters of the 23d and 24th, I can only add my hearty Concern for their being fo widely different. But at parting, I told him, if I met the Succours, in cafe of a French War, I fhould exhort the Commanding Officer to join with us, in embracing the molt favourable Op- portunity for doing Honour' to the Crown, and Service to our Country : And if my Advice had ^ny Weight with him, we \\ould not flip the mpfl: favourable [ '7n fat^ourable Opportunity that could be hoped for*, as I fhould not fear our Royal Mailer's Cenfurci for a Meafurc that appeared to me fo much for his Honour and Service, though not within the Letter of our Inftruclions. .1 ^ As I am forced to write in a hurry, for my i^etters going by fome of the unflieath*d Ships from Port Royal^ I have only to add, that nine of them are under my Orders for proceeding with all pofllble Expedition to England j and that the Augufia and Brijlol (the only remaining two, that are now out a cruizing) fhall, at the Expira- tion of their refpedlive Cruizes, meet my Orders at Jamaica for refitting, to go home with all pcflible Expedition. So that I doubt not but the lateft will get home within the Time ordered, for being ready to be fitted for Service in the Spring of the Year ; and I pray God fend them aU .fafc home, nd within the Time defired. '^'' *'' With my moft ardent Wiflies for a fpeedy hear- ing from your Grace at this critical Jundurc, and tin our crazy Condition (we having a general Sick- >^efs to lament, as well as the General ;) I am, -Boy^ne, in Cumberland MyJUrdBuh, :.. Harbour (formerly ToUT Gracfs mojt ?.. callM Wahbtnam) Devoted^ and on the South Side of Obedient^ Humbk Servant^ To General W e n t w o r Tik, ^* '-^ .-'' j-^ .; SIR, " ' I Send in by Captain Broderick, as you defire, an Order to Captain Trevor , to fupply you with the firft Ship or Veffel of his Majefty's that is in readinefs for the Sea, to bring you up to join us ; Your Perfon, as a principal Counfellor to dired the .^.r';: Operations [ -^1^ \ Operations of his Majefty's Forc when they ar-" rive, being what I apprehend to be the principal Point wanted : And the recovered Forces may be lent for, wherever it may be determin'd to go. There being Blacks belonging to the Fleet as Seamen, if you would have me enquire after the fevcn Blacks you mention as wanting, you will be pleafed to fend me a Lift of their Names. I am,^ Btpri, h "Cvt/iberiufid Har- T9r Pioji OhBieiti, ' ^^ bour,^^. AW. 27. i 74. . Hunii>le Servant, E.y. I'd Captain "L on c^ of the Ch<:X\:er, '*-) WHereas it is of the utmoft Importance to his Majcfty*s Service, to keep a watchful Eye on all the Motions of his Majc%*s Enemies at rhk critical Jundurc.: ^-'-'^ > : / ^' t'v And whereas Captain Allen, in the Seahorfe^ h now under Orders of Cruizing between five and eight Leagues to the S. E. ot JPoint a Bacse, (for being in the Way of meeting the Reinforcements ttwt are mention'd to liave been coming here, as well as for interccpcing any of the Enemy's Trade coming that Way, or for getting the earlicft Ad- vices of the Motions of any of their Squadrons ; and likewife with Letters from me, to be delivered to ther Osmmanding Officers both of the Squa- dron and Land Forces , which it is of the utmoft Confequence to his Majefty*^ Service fhould. not pafe by s :) Which Service he is under Orders of .continuing upon till the i^th Day oi Dicember next: . : That you may ibc at hand before that Tinfty i ^ibcceediiTinin O^oizing upon the ^^rememion*4 .,^ ..^>. X Service, t.8o] Service, and likewile for meeting any Orders tlf^ itiay be coming by Exprefs to me, for their fpeediefl coming to my Hands : *^ You are hereby required and dire<5led, to make the bed of your Way for Tikroon Bay, where you may compleat your Watering with grcateft Expedi- tion, to be at hand for proceeding to cruize in thc:- aforefaid Station, for the Service afore- men tion*dj"* before the Expiration of his Term. And on your*^ meeting with the Seahcrje^ you will give her Captairi Orders for proceeding to Tiberoon Bay^ to recruit his Watering, and then to Cruize olf there, for joining me and giving me all the Intelligence he may have met with. J And the Face of Affairs being changed fince vnf^ writing the Letters to the Commanding Officers both of the Squadron and Land Forces, you will now acquaint them, it is both my Defire and Or- ders to them, that they fhould not proceed to Lee^ii^ ward of Cape tiberoon, but give me Time to coma^^ and join them there ; being fully perfwaded, that^ our jundion there is of the utmofl Importance ta^ his Majefty*s Service. And you will give them a Copy of this Claufe from your Orders, figned by you, together with the return*d Letters, that I hzw* wrote to meet them by Captain Lea ; and prefs thtr Commanding OfHcer of the Land Forces by nOL. means to proceed further, but to give me the Opf portunity of joining him there. All Spanijh Ships and Veflels you fhallmeet with^ you are to ufe your utmolt Endeavours to takefl fink, burn or dellroy. 'r And as to the daring and unauthoriz'd Attempts of the Subjefts of any Nation, to cover and prote(9:H the Ships, Perfons, or Efl?eds, of his Majefty's-I Enemies the Spaniards, you are in no Sort to per- ' mit the fame, but to feize the faid Spaniards Ships^ J Perfons, Perfbhs, or Effects, wherever you (hail find the" fame on the Seas ; as you will all Ships and Veffels you fhall meet with^ going to fupply his Majefty's Enemies with contraband Stores. But on meeting with any of the GuardaCoJias of* his moft Ghriftian Majefty, you are carefully to, prefervewith them that good Correfpondence that, ought to fubfift between the Officers in the Service of Princes in Amity with each other. vii jt,.j,:H And as you will be cruizing in the Way of the? French Trade, you will ufe all friendly Offices to- wards them, and direft your Officers not to harrafs or rummage any fuch French Ships or Veffels, as give no juft Caufe of Sufpicion, of their being going with Contraband Stores to any of the Spanijh Ports. . . And you are to continue on this Service 'till the 31ft Day of December next, or your fooner being join*d by me, or receiving other Orders by fome o| my Cruizers : At the Expiration of which Term, you are to return to Port Royaly for my further Orders, if you fhall not receive them, fooner. For, 6f i^x\\ oi November y 1741. o; lo< ^' E. f^u itit iit ii.'iiSii'ii - fii. lij' 1^' jy I irtii I'rf'ifilill-*!--''' .. ; ['r. {.- . ' . ! ' f .; v.- :'>ifon| To his Grace she Duke of "N * * * * f,;iLno!j[ My Lord Duke, /\ MY laft Letter to your Grace was of the 26tk\ of Novemhery from this Place. , :j .,4ai\ The next Day General fVentworth went away himfclf, with the fecond Detachment of Trans- ports, leaving thofe that were moft helplefs for me to detach after him \ and I difpatch'd aw^y a third Detachjncnt, under Convoy of the Bomjb- .. A a Ketqh [ l82 ] Ketch and one of- my Firelhips, oa the. 28th :* But there were two, the moft diftrefs'd, that were oblig'd to be referv'd to go with the 'Tilbury^ which I fliall detach to Sea with them to-morrow, as 1 could not get her ready fooner,. Hie returning pretty much fhatter'd in her Rigging, from s>i Cruize. There go with her two Firefhips, toOf fidkiy-to -^keep the Sea with me, and an emptyt> Vidlualler, loaded with all the Timber and Plank that I had cut here, to have lerv*d for the Plat- forms of the Battery I had ere(5ted for the Defence of this Harbour : And likewife the St. Jean Bapiiji^ that has the Remainder of the Quickfilver from Iterrol, fhe being fent in here by one of my Crui- Zrs on the 27th, agreeable to what t had. men tion'd to your Grace, that I was in Hopes forae of my Cruizers would- meet with her. , f have fince difcover'd all her conccaPd Spanijh Papers, they being let down, ia two tarr'd Canvals*' Bags, between the Timbers in the Midfhips of th Ship. But as I am in a continual Hurry at prefent, and think thefe Papers will come more authen- tically before the Court of Admiralty for not- being- open*d here, I fend them as they are", di- recting the Commanding Officer to. be prefcht at the opening them, to take Care of all State Papers (if there fiiould be any of them, befides thole rer,. lating to the clandeftine Proceedings, of conveying the King of ^tf/;2*s Quickfdver for him under the Cover of falfe Colours j) and if they are material fr his Majefty's Service, I' have order'd them, toj be immediately forwarded to me. - ' / ^^ This happy Succefs will pi^v^ no fmalli Di(^- pointment to his Catholick Majefty. For if (to-^ gather with our having' taken the i^r^2p<5W and the' St.janBaptifi) La Reine de^ Anges ihould have- bcen Hiipwreck'd^ a"4s- probable fFom- what ti * - "t * A men tion'd mention'd in my fbf rn^r ; then they have loft the whole three thoufand nine hundred Quintals of Quickfilver : Which is a Lofs to his Cathohck Majefty of the fame Weight of Virgin Silver ; . as they oblige their Subjedts in the Indies to take it from his Majefty at that Price. This makes it one of the bell Branches of the King of Spain's Revenue ; and it is Death for any one but himfelf to deal in it, to lay them under the Neceflity of paying him the Price he fets upon it. And I hear the great Expences they have been put to, to fubfift the Number of People drawn together at St.Jago^ has forced them upon the wretched Expedient (put in Pradice by l^mgjames in Ireland) of coining a Copper Money, which they have ifTued for Dollars and Ryals, and oblig'd a Currency of them, under Promife that the Vice Roy of Mexico is to make them good to thofc who have taken them. " I fhall dilpatch in one of my Hofpitai Ships with the worll of our own fick Men and the two remaining Victuallers, on the 4th ; and with them I fhall be oblig'd to fend in a clean twenty-gurt Ship (the Experiment) that is likewife too ficidy to keep the Sea with me. And then, after fetting Fire to my Fafcine Bat- tery, I will endeavour to put to Sea on the 5th, with my Brother Admiral's eight Ships of the Line, one Firefhip, and one Hoipiral Ship, in the beft Condition we can put them into; and fhall proceed to cruize to the Southward of Hifpaniola (for meeting the Reinforcement, or the next Or- ders from our Royal Mafter, or Letters Iroin your Grace) with the fincercfl Inclinations for doing all in our Power, for the Honour of the Crown, and Service of our Country. A a 2 I hope I "hope this witl arrive in Time to accompany my Letters by Captain Knowles, with the fixty-gun Ships i for, according to Capt. Davrs*s Letters, he fhould be now at Sea with the three feventy-gun Ships. I am, Boyne, in Cumber/and My Lord Duke, Harbour (formerly X'our Grace* s moft ^J^he^fufrsfde J^evoted, and - : - . And t '88] And Captain Douglafs in the Princefs Roydl Fiof* pital Ship, on his Return from the prefent Service, IS to compleat his Water, and to put himfelf undei* the Orders of Captain Cotes. And you are to give to Captain Cotes (or fend, if you are not anchored in the fame Bay with him) a Copy of thefe my Orders, figned by you as a true Copy ; which he is hereby required to govern himfelf by, till my Return to my faid Rendezvous.. And when you are watered, you are to put tQ~ Sea, and cruize in the faid Rendezvous for my Re-' turn, and the Information of all coming to it. Buti on Captain Cotes's meeting any Intelligence that he> judges proper to be immediately communicated to- me, you will follow his Orders, and make the beft' of your Way for finding me out. For, (^c. Given on board the Boyne^ at Sea, off Poiitt S Bacoe^ the 15 th of December^ 1741. ^ To Captain Long, of the Cheftcr. By, ^c. WHereas it may be of great Importance to his Majefly*s Service, that neither the Reinforce-* ' ments faid to be coming from England, nor any Orders coming for me, fhould pafs by me unob- ferved j You are hereby required and direded, to make the beft of your Way as high up as Cape Alia Vela^ as the Current feems favourable for it ; and to cruize to the Southward of that, under the former Orders you have from me> to the loth Day of 'January next. At the Expiration of which Time^^ you will look out for me, or Orders by fome of' ray Cruizers, at the general Rendezvous appointed; you ; and not meeting with any, make the beft of [ 18^,] bf your Way for Port Royal Harbour, Jamaica^ for receiving my further Orders. For, ^c. .;,^ Given on board the Boyne^ at Sea, off the Ifle oP A/by the i^th of December ^ J 741. i '. ;.' T./ST ,-Mv>;. .^:i-S . >-...., , -*^ v^ ,^..~ I ' I l i I 111 II m mmal^mtm^mmaHmamtaifm^m^ ^0 General We n t w o r t h* -. a' vnn"* SIR, ,?.:::: IHave receiv'd yours of the 25th of December^ with one inclofed without Date, fign'd by you, Mr. Guife, and Mr. Trelawney, with your Opinions for holding a General Council of War as loon as we could, upon the Receipt of his. Grace the Duke of Newcaftle^s Letters. Capt. fVard deliver*d me thefe Letters on Sunday Morning the 3d Inftant, as Sir Chaloner Ogle and I were in our Way to Jamaica for holding the laid General Council of War -, after having firll made a flrong Detachment for going to cruize off Cape Aha f^ela, for the Security of the Tranlports, that I found were coming out with fo weak a Convoy as two fifty-gun Ships and a forty-gun Ship with four Bomb-Ketches. I know the French have no- thing as yet in thefe Parts to annoy them i but God knows what may be at Martiniq^ue. As we are all agreed in the Expediency of hold- ing a General Council of War as foon as may be. Sir Chaloner Ogle and I will be in Spanifh Town on the 7th Inftant in the Evening, for meeting you and JVIr. Guife at Mr. Trelawney's on the 8 th Inftant, by nine o*Clock in the Morning. And we Ihlll take up our Quarters at Friends Houfes, that Mr, Trelawney may have Accommodations fpr you and Mr. Guife, I will take care to have Captain La and Lieut. Lowtber to attend the Council of W*r (pr. being B b examined [ 19^ ] cxamin'd j and defire you will give Orders for Mr. David Campbell's Attendance on the Council, and any one eWe you think proper, for giving In- formation on the leverai Projeds that have been tranfmitted to you ; and I have wrote to Mr. Tre- lawney^ to have Mr. Hodgfon to attend us. And as I conceive the drawing up our Realbns, for or againft any Thing propos*d, muft neceflarily draw our Proceedings into a great Length, I fliall decline any longer acting as Secretary ; but think it abfolutely neceflary we ihould have a Secretary to attend us, to take Minutes, and draw up our Proceedings andRefolutions in Form : And as they ihould be kept a Secret, I cannot think of any one fo proper for it as Mr. Attorney General, who is a fworn Officer to keep fecret the Councils of the Crown , and I have defir'd Mr. Trelawney to re- queft that Favour of him. I was exceedingly furpriz*d, upon reading Capt. iTrevcr'i Letter, that you had prevailed on him to give Orders, for the fick Soldiers of the American Regiment being receiv*d into the Hofpital for our Seamen at Pori Royal : An Order, I conceive, that neither he nor I can juftify, it bringing fuch a Charge OH the Navy, and which he may be liable to have charg'd upon his Wages. Whereas, Sir, you well know, you have an eftablilh'd Hofpital for your Army, and much more numerous Officers and Surgeons appointed for the Care of it than we have, tho* we have a greater Number Of Men to be taken Care of; and you have likewife the ftrideft Orders, for the American Regiment to be regarded in every Re- fpedt as the other Forces your Army is compos*d of, and have the large Town of Kingjlon to pro- vide Quarters for them all in : Whereas we are fo ftraiten'd in Port Royal, as not to be able to pro- cure cure fufficient Lodgment for our fick Seamen. And as this is fo inconfiftent with what his Grace has recommended to us (an amicable Union in all Things) I muft beg the Favour, Sir, you will give immediate Orders for the fick American Sol- diers, lent us to man our Ships, being receiv'd into the Army Hoipital (agreeable to his Majefty's Orders) whenever they have Occafion for it ; and that you will, by Captain Trevor, let me know where fuch as have immediate Occafion for it, may be now fent accordingly, from. Q^r Ships come in with us, and coming in. or1ih^<^- '^^ I will do all in my Power, punfhially to comply with his Majefty's Inftruftions ; and hope you will give immediate Orders for removing this Stum- bling Block, that I may leave the neceflary Orders behind me in that Particular, before my going for Spani/h Town. I congratulate you on your late Recovery from your Fever ; and, with my beft Wilhes for your Health, I am, SIR, ,^ Soytie, in Port Royal JToUT tHoft Ohedienty ,1^ nzxhQrxr,jamaica, Himbk Servant, :> Jan. 5, 1741. jg^y^ t ' '^/i ^'a ''n Bb2 APPEN. il l* ^ Ajr f r-i ^ x ^ s * i. Ml .zu An- iHg^ RT . '^ f a wf n6V! i;ift m [ 193 3 APPENDIX, An Account of our March from the Camp at the Upper Barkadier on Augufta River^ to the Village pf Etteguava, and hack to the Camp. Saturday, July 25, 1741. THIS Morning about half an Hour pall Nine, we fet out from the Camp, on the Right Hand Side of the ^wtr Augufta^ in Cumberland Harbour ( formerly call'd Walthenam \) and about four Miles up, we crofs'd over to thie Left Hand of the River (it being then near Noon) and march'd about two Miles farther, and came to a Hutt, where we ftopp'd to refreJh the Men, and look about us. "We found the Spaniards had not been long gone, for in the Fire we found Plantains not half rpaftedj we likewife catch'd eleven Horfes, one live Hog, and fopie jerk*d Pork ; and found in the Wood near the Hutt about two hundred ftnall Shot for Fuzees, and about ten Pound of Gunpowder, and the Sails of one of our Longboats that the Spaniards had deftroy'd. About Four in the Afternoon we fet out again, and foon crofs'd the River again to the Right Hand, at a Place they call Hog Hole. In crofling the River, there was a high Bank over-againft us. On the Top of the Bank we faw a Hutt, and march'd direftly up to it ; but before we could get up, a Spaniard fired a Mufket and ran away. Here there were feveral Paths, and we had the ill Luck to take the wrong, which carried us, too far to the Northward. Night coming on, we got up- on on a Tniali Hill, and (laid there, 'till the next Morning. S u N D A Y, 7a/y 26, 1 741. This Morning at Day Light wc fet out again in order to find the River and right Path, and about Nine o'Clock we came to the Riyer, and.crols'd over to the Left Hand Side of it, and came to ano- ther Hutt, where we found the other Longboat's Sails, and the right Road. We ftaid here about an Hour, and then fet out again j the Pilot was afk*d if he knew where he was ; he anfwer'd, he did, and told them, before we reach*d the Savanna we fliould come to a Ruinat, (which we did.) The Path here is very good, leading by the River Side till you come to a Rivulet about two Steps over, and then you go into the Woods again, and then you have a plain fmooth Road 'till you come to the Savanna. The Pilot told us, that juft entering into the Savanna^ was a likely Place for an Ambufli (which we found coming back.) We march*d about four Miles over the Savanna,, and came to the Houfe, and took Pof-* feflion of it about Half an Hour paft Three in the Afternoon; this Houfe and Savanna belong to Don Pedro Guarro, and are called Guantanamo. The Pilot fhew*d another Houfe about two Miles and a half from Guanianamo, over a fine Savanna, which is call'd Cano Faco, belonging to Marcos Paries, the River running between the Houfes; here Major jyunjlon ordered fifty Soldiers, we with the reft of the Forces ftaying at the firft Houfe. Here is plenty of Cattle, Horfes, fome Shi^ep^aifdFjDwiv and Water very near the Houfe, . .Lu^H l^^iS 3iid Monday, July 27, .ly^t.'.!! This Morning about Eleven o*Clock, an Officer with a Guard of eight Men was fent with Letters to the General \ by the fame OfHcer I wrote to the Ad- miral. ['95] miral. The Guard had not been long gone before News was brought from Cam Vaco^ that they had taken two Spaniards^ one very Old, the other a young Man, who was going to his Captain Don Pedro Guarro, who had a Company of fifty Men. He hkewife told us, ' that Captain Marcos Parks had another Company of twenty-five Men, guard- ing this Part of the Country. We continued at the firft Houfe. Tuesday, JulyiZ^ 1741. This Morning we fet out for the Village ofEftg' guava^ leaving fifty Soldiers to take Care of the Houfe, and called at the other Houfe called Cam Vaco, and took fifty Men that were there with us, which made us about a hundred and fifty Shot. We march'd over a pretty fteep Hill and an ugly ftony Road, and about Four o*Clock in the Afrer- noon we enter'd the Village without any Refinance. About two Miles before we came to the Village, we met with a Lime-Kiln, and, a little Way from that, with two Hog Crawls, with fome Hogs in them. The Village Hands on a high Bank, the River running half Way round it ; it confifts of a few Hutts, and a Church about forty- five Poot long and eighteen broad. Here we faw a Spaniard m a Corn Piece ; he was purfued, dropp*d his Mufker, and got away ; the Mufket was one'of our Ship*s Arms. This Place is about N.W. from the Mouth of U\t Harbour, diftant ten Leagues. In the Even- ings and Mornings it is friirWeather, in the Middle of the Day wc never miffed of Rain with l^hunder and Lightning. Here is plenty of every Thing-, but Bread Kind, the Plantains not being ripe. Wednesday, July 2<)^ 1741. This Afternoon we took a Negro Man with three Lances and a Mufker, who had run away from [ i96 ] f^om his Mafter*s Hutt with four more Negroes^ they knowing our People were about. He is aL poor filly Fellow^ like a ftew Negro. We con^ tinued in this Village. *i r Thursday. July %o^ ^74^- This Morning about Ten o*Clock an Officer was fent to Guantanamo with a Guard of four Men, with Letters to be forwarded to the General, and one of mine to the Admiral. About Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, we took another Negro Man, who lives at St. Jago, a free Man. He had two Hog-Spears and a Mafcheet, juft come from Hunt- ing. He came through the Savanna called Sia. Ca- tatina^ and finding no Body there, was going di- redly to St. Jago. He feems to be a fenfible Fel- low, but pretends not to know of any Parties of, Spaniards being about. We fent a Party out this Morning to look about them ; they found, about one Mile and a half, fome moreHutts, Hogs, and Fowls. There are feveral Hutts about this Place. Friday, July ^i, 1741. Weather as before ; we fent our Men out to get Bread Kind ; very little to be found. Saturday, Auguft i, 1741. 5 This Morning about Eleven o'Clock Lieutenant Freeman arrived here from Cam Vaco^ with ten Sol- diers, a Serjeant and Corporal, and twenty-four 5'^ggiige and Shot Negroes ; and gives an Account of Lieutenant Withers and one Negro Man being fhot, and fix Negroes more miffing, they meeting voth an Ambufh at the Corner of a Wood between the two Houfes called Cam Vaco and Guantanamo, He likewife brought a Letter from Colonel Cockrany (then at Guantanamo)' to Major Bunjiony to return to r ^97] to him with all Expedition. About half an Hour pad Two o'clock in the Afternoon we ftt out from the Village [EWeguava) and about Ten at Night we got into Cam Vaco ; (it was fo dark in the Wood that two Negroes were forced to go on their Hands and Knees to find the Road -,) here we laid all Night. ' ^- '" ' * Sunday, Auguft 2, 1 74T. ' This Morning about Eight o*Clock we fet out from Cam Vaco^ and got to Guantanamo about half an Hour pad: Nine, where we found Colond Cochran with two hundred Soldiers (as I was informed. ) I applied myfelf to him, as being the Commanding Officer ; he told me he expefted to hear from the General this Evening or the next Morning, and then he believed he fhould go down, and that I might go with him ; and that he had forwarded a Letter! wrote to the Admiral from the Village. About half an Hour pafl Six in the Afternoon, Lieutenant - Colonel Whitford arrived from the Camp with fifty Soldiers, thirty-two Shot Negroes, and feventy-fix Baggage Negroes, with Provifions (Bread and Brandy) for four hundred Men ; our Men were ordered a Quarter of a Pint of Brandy, and one Pound of Brem each. Here we (hid all Night. Monday, Auguji ^^ 1741. This Day nothing remarkable, but tried to pen Cattle and Horfes. Continued at this Place aft Night. Our Men had fhort Allowance of Bread, and a Quarter of a Pint of Brandy. The Colonel afked me if our Men had got their Provifions for to-morrow, for he fhould go by Day-break ; I told him, I was afraid, if they had their Brandy they would drink it to-night -, he then faid they fhould have it in the Morning. Cc Tuesday [ 198 ] Tuesday, Juguji 4, 1 741. This Morning about Six o'CIock, we fet out from Guantanamo, in order to march to the Camp ; and about nine o*Clock, juft as we were enter*d the Wood froin the Savanna, we were ambufh'd by the Spaniards. They let the Soldiers pafs, and moft of our Men. There was a Soldier eafing himfelf behind us j the Spaniards fired firft at him, and fhot him in the Breaft, and ran to him and cut him thro* the Jaw-Bone, and one Side of his Neck ; another cut thro* the Flefh of his Thigh into the Bone; and another on his Side. Our Men diredtly turn*d to the Spaniards, and kill'd that Man and two more. As foon as they found that, they ran away through the Woods. They wounded one of our Men in both his Arms ; one, after he was brought on board, was cut off clofe ;o his Shoulder ; the Soldier lived about half an Hour. We brought him on a Horfe about three Miles, and buried him at a Hutt where we flaid and dined. After Dinner we fet out again, and about four o'CIock we arriv'd in the Camp. We met the General a little Way out of the Camp, who defir'd me to go to his Tent, and faid that he fhould return foon, and that he had two Letters from the Admiral to me ; I went to his Tent and flaid 'till the General return'd, and receiv'd the two Letters, and then took Boat and waited on the Admiral. T. Sturton. ^ [ 199 ] 'The following are Tranjlations of three Letters from the Governor of St. Jago de Cuba, to Capt. Peter ? 'Guerra, dated the ^oth and ^iji of July, and the 2^/Auguft, 1741, N. S. ' To Captain Peter Guerra. TH E Bearer Balthazar arriv'd here at Eleven, with an Account of feventeen Ships having anchored in the Bay, and of eight being off the Mouth of the Bay, and of two Sloops being got into the River. And as it is natural to think they are come to take Pofleflion thereof, it is abfolutely neceffary you interrupt them, as much as is in your Power, from proceeding higher up j and if they fhould offer to land, you muft difpute their ad- vancing at every Pafs, taking care to have proper Men to obferve their Motions ; of which you are^ to fend me immediate Notice, that I may fend you fuflicient Succours. You are to take Poffeflion of all the Paffes with fmall Numbers of Men, and lie in Ambulh, that in cafe they fliould come up the River, they may return hke Mad Men, and not dare to land. I have order'd all the Men to be affembled to- gether, excepting thofe that are neceffary foj* making Caffave and Curing Beef for them that are in Junicon. \ To attack this Place, they have no other Parj;, but that Bay to come to an Anchor at. Therefore it*s neceffary that you and your People ihould maintain yourfelves in Sight of the B.iy, that it" they ffiould offer to land you may afford them good Diverlion ; which is what I exped from your good Condudl and Knowledge of the Place. If you want any Powder, fend a Party of Horfc^ and a Perfon you can confide in, that they may carry it, and Firelocks, if you fl\ould want any. Cuba,. July 30, 1741. N. ^. C A X I G A L , Cc 2. 'i;q [ 200 ] ^o' Captain Peter Gxterra. I Have receiv*d your two Letters, by which I find there are in that Bay and the Entrance thereot fixty Sail, and obferve by them what ydu have done, and of their having chafed your Boats twice in the River ; and expedl from your Zeal and Love to the Royal Service, that you will not only impede whatever they may defign, but that by your Cafe, with that of your People, Jrou will obferve their Operations by Day and by Night, and endeavour to learn if they have raifed any Fortifications, giving me Notice of every Thing j and don't lofe an Inftant of Time. We have eight Sail in Sight off this Harbour. By Amhrozio Lopex I have fent you twenty good Mufkets, two Arroves [fifty Pound] of Powder, three hundred Balls, and thirty Flints. ^ I expc6l that yoii will not only hinder them from burning your Hato [a Pen of Cattle,] but even from putting a Foot on Shore i and take care to obferve if they fortify themfelves or not. ^^j Cuba, July jx, 1741, N. S. CAXiOAt. i^U-jirQ - ' T'>. The Mark "" of W.R^^S: Man. JofephdTla Cruz. P d Die LA"] [ 206 ] Declaration of Sebaftian de Hkierdo, tahn about five Months ago on the Coaji of Cartaxcna, in a fmall Ship from St. Jago loaded with Sugar and 'Tobacco. HE is a Creol of the faid St. Jago^ and fays he knows the Country and Roads perfedily well from hence thither , that he went out with a Party of Men commanded by Colonel Cockran, to Guan- ianamo^ a Cattle Pen belonging to Pedro Guerra^ which is four Leagues (or four Hours) diftance from the Camp : That when there, Colonel Cockran afked him many Queftions ; as, how far from thence to St. Jago ? what fort of a Road ^ whether there were Plantations or Houfes in the Way, and Plenty of Water and Cattle } to which he an- fwer*d, from Guantanamo to St. Jago was reckon'd fifteen Leagues, the five firft of which were but indifferent in the rainy Seafon, being wet and floppy under Foot and not fo open as the other Ten ; which is a good broad Road the whole Way, and wide enough for fix Men to walk a-breaft : That m the Way there were many Sugar Works, Cattle Pens, and Vegas of Tobacco, with plenty of Water, and wild as well as tame Cattle : That from Guan- tanamo they went about a League farther in order to view the Road, and upon their Return the Co- lonel told him, that he was very well fatisfied with his Intelligence, and believed he had told hini ilie Truth. not) ^miX , He has travelled from Guanlanamo to St. Jago -it- foot in a Couple of Days, walking leifurely along, and lying by the Afternoon and Night on the Road : But fays, upon Occafion, he could reach St.' Tnes (a Sugar Work belonging to Don Miguel de las Cuevas, which is within a League of the Town) in one Day, and that he has rode it, i^ii one Horfe, in ten Hours^ ^ i-a The [ 207 ] The foregoing Declaration being interpreted, and .diftindly read to me by Mr. William Rogers^ I do affirm the fame to be juft and true. ^'*^^^\ ^ ^^ Dated on board his Majefty's Ship "^cr^m^ in Cumberland Harbour f this ift ot Sept ember y 1741. Witntfs, R. Swanton, Sebaflian de Hiciefdo. W.Rogers. , V '' DscLARATioN^/ Mr. Tolcr. May it pleafe your Honour^ HAving but fhort Warning allowed me, when I reprefented to you the Situation of St. Jago^ Byam, &c. with the Inclinations of the People, as they ftand affedlcd at this prefent Jundure 1 give me Leave to offer you this as a farther Account of both. The Towns in general are made up of a few rich Dons, who exercife their arbitrary Power over a Multitude of poor People, who having no Recourfe to any open Laws to relieve them out of their unnatural and inhuman Behaviour towards them, has brought them to an idle and effeminate Courfe of Life, without any Hopes of Relief, ex- cept what may be now expefted from the EnTliJb^ whom they have long hoped for, and now daily cxpeft, not only the poorer Sort, but Numbers of higher Degrees of Life, which I have for a long Time converfed with on that Head. Your Ho- nour, I believe, will not fuppofe that their not coming in to us before we fhew ourfelves refolved to protect them, is any Reafon why they arc not well inclined towards a Change ; their Lives and Fortunes depending upon the bad or good Succefs of the Enterprize. That there is a great Number of People fcattered throughout this large Ifland, is moft certain, the major Part of which D d 3 is [ 208 ] is now at the Havamia -, and I really believe that that Town contains about half the Inhabitants of the whole ; but let any Man live among thefe People as long as I have, and he will readily fee and know, how incapable they are of defending themfelves againft a well-trained and contagious People, as we for many Centuries paft have proved ourlblves to be : I fay, for Men who are Strangers to Arms, and bred up as wild as the Hogs they devour (without any kind of Exercifes to create man-like Difpofitions) can never be fuppofed to Hand the leaft Attack of an Enemy. I fhall offer fome fmall Account of the great Excellencies of this Ifland (as flir as I know and have fecn) which I believe will be enough to invite any Man to at^- tempt the Conqueft. I was fent from St. Jago to Byam with fixty-thr^e Prifoners, to be kept there at the cheapeft rate if/ we lived upon half a Bitt a Day, and haid Beef, Pork, and Bread to fpare. Thro' all the Country that I pad, the Savannas were fwarming with Cattle, and the Woods with Hogs, both tame and wild j the Land is good for Su- gar Canes, which it produces, andTobacco of the bell Kind in great plenty j Wheat and Rice grow well, and all kind of Salleting and Pulfe in the greateft Plenty that ever I faw, with Fruit of all Kinds that thofe Indies afford. The Woods are full -of Ma- hogony, Fuftick, SpaniJh'Elm, and Cedar, and fe-" veral other Kinds that I am not acquainted with ; Cotton grows wild, befidcs what is planted. The Town of Covery has in it the richeft Copper-Mine that is known, and they are daily at work upon it ; it lies within three Leagues of St. J ago. The whole Ifland is full of fine Rivers, and Harbours fit for Tranfportation. This being all that came in my View, can fay nothing of the great Tradt of ' ' Land [ 209 ] Land that leads to the Havama^ which I am told tv exceeds what I have mentioned., ; I return your Honour Thanks for the great Care you have taken in procuring me and my Fellow Prifoners our Deliverance out of the Hands of thofe brutifh People, who by their ^Ithy Beha- viour to each other, as well as their barbarous. Ulage to Strangers, Ihew themfelves ripe for De- ftrudlion. And 1 make no doubt of Succefs, if all concerned ufe the fame willing Means that you do; and what great or good Thing can be had without fome Hazard or Pains ? Had not your Honour fent for me, I Ihould have ofFer'd myfelf to you upon this Occafion, with a hearty Will to ferve either by Land or Water, as you /hall think fit. I am Witnefi* Tour ifioft humhk Servanty X;Y''^V-,^, . ., . .\ W.TOLER. W.Rogers. '''^"; ii -i -rrt: v Oh board the Boyne, Auguft 1 7, 1 74 1 , Captain Allen, of the Seahorfe, his Account of what j>afs*d at M. Larnage'j Table at Hifpaniola. SAturday the 25th of July ^ 1741, .being then in Company with Monfieur Marquis ^^Z<<2rid Har- bour.) After crofling the River, we travelled thro* Groves of Trees, where no Path appear*d ; the Soldiers frequently notching the Trees with theirf Mafcheets, which, they told me, was to know the Way by another Time ; for, if I had not been with them, they faid they could have gone a much- nearer and better Road- Having traveled about two Hours in this manner, we came to a Path between two Hills, where two Men could walk abreaft of each other , which Road, I think, might very eafily be opcn'd, the Trees near the Road be- ing but fmalJ. About eleven of the Clock we came to the Bottom of a Hill, where the Path was" narrower, and only fit for one to pafs at a Time : But I think the Path might he made broader without any great Difficulty. About Noon we got to the Top of that Hill, where was a Fafcine Bat- tery of eight Guns (of fix and four Pounders)- which Battery they told me was ereded while our Army lay encamped ; which was hkewife confirm'd" to me, when I came to St. J ago, by Mr. John Cray, who faid thofe Guns were brought in Cvts from St. J ago. -'" '^^ We traveli'd from the Fafcine Battery tKro* a Cart Ro^ to St. Jago, each Side of the Way being* full of Plantations. About four o' Clock we came to a fmall Town with a large Church in it j from whence we traveli'd thro* a fine Champian Country to St.Jago, where we arriv*d on Monday E^/tmng, at the Governor's Houfe. And I judge our Diftanc* from the Fafcine Battery to the Town of St. Jag/p might be about eighteen EngUJh Miles, and believe the Diftance from the Village to the Fafeine Bat- E e tcry [ 214 T tcry might be about the fame ; and think k cduld not be more, the Soldiers that accompanied me in that Day's March having march'd it all on Foot, as they had the whole Journey from Barracoa. On my being brought to the Governor's Houfey he fent me Prifoner to- what they call the Caftle ;. which is a Square Stone Building, the lower Part divided into Apartments for the Ufe of the Officers and Soldiers, which have arch'd Roofs, and s Platform over the Top of them, where there arc eight Guns mounted, two on each Side of the Square ; the chief Ufe of which, I was inforra'd, was to Alarm the Country oa the Approach of an Enemy. -''' After being fixtecn Days in the Caftle, I had the Liberty ot walking ,about the Town *, when I was informed that the Soldiers, who condjLK3:ed me to St. Jago^ were imprifon'd for bringing me to the Fafcine Battery. The Town of St. Jago^ is entirely open to the Country, without any manner .-of Fortification. ' Having the liberty of walking about the Town -%here I pleas*d, I met with one Moniieur jlfhei^ Captain of a French Sloop, whom I formerly was acquainted with at Jamaica. Happenir^ to talk of the Fortifications of the Harbour, he told mfi that Nature had fortified it as nfiuch as Art } for that whenever a Ship was coming, they had ^ Launch with a Cable in her, ready to carry on board of them as foon as they got to the Msor Caftle ; for then the Eddy wind, that comes down the Gully between the Movr Caftle and the Eftrdla^ takes them aback, and would infallibly put them on the Wcftern Shore, if they were not brought up by that Cable, which is fiift to an Anchor on -6to9 i 4hfi fii^ }^gXNH^ ifae two Cafiles .^fnaib >(Dij.. :,at^ biif;J ly/o-iT.tijfii bu Which [2-5] Which Account I found to be true, for Captain AJheu carried me cwi board of his Sloop when the Carracca Ships came in there, and I then obferv'd chat the fecond Ship did not offer to come in, 'till the firft Ship had dipt the Cable, and lail*d up ihe Haiix)ur. '. ' The above-mention'd Remarks, made by me on the Road, and at St. Jago^ are true to the beft of my Knowledge. Sworn at Mincing-Lane, in ton- W. ScOTT. ^ dotty the 7th Day of March ^ '1742, before me Robert Willimott, Mayor. Paragraph of a Letter from Br. Hume, of Port Royal, Jamaica, dated Jm. 16, 1742. J Will pray your Permiflion to relate an Affair that has happen*d here lince you left us , and tho' Negroes are the Parties concern'd, yet as it makes fo great an Impreffion on moft People's Minds, and as the Story is told fo naturally, with- out Art, and fo like naked Truth, I hope you will excufe me for troubling you with it. - ., About three Weeks ago, fix Negroes made their fefcape from St. J ago de Cuba in a Canoe. They belong*d all to Jamaica^ and had been taken in Turtlers before you went to Cumberland Harbour. They were employ*d on the Works at St. Jago all the while our Army lay on the Ifland of Cuba. Two of them, who are free Negroes, and very fenfible rational Men, are very particular in de- fcribing the Place and Fortifications. They af- firm, that the Governor and principal Inhabitants were conflantly in th& utmoft Dread, left our Army Ihould march over Land and attack them ; e 2 and [ 2l6 ] and (O much were they perfwaded of this, that the Governor and Grandees would not truft themfelves to fleep in the Town or Forts, but went every Night into the Woods. When Dunjion^ who, you know, was Major of the Black Regiment, had march'd into the Woods with a hundred Negroes, the Governor and Town were in the utmoft Con- ilernation, bi^lieving he was fo far in his Way to attack them ; as he was then but fix Hours March, and that no very bad Road, from the Town. The Fellows affirm, and moft People here are now of Opinion, that if Dunfion had had one hundred Soldiers to his Blacks, and had marched on, the Town as well as Forts would have fallen into his Hands. There are many other Particulars, which I forbear troubling you with, as Dodor Fuller told me he would fend you the full Examination of the whole Affair. For my own Part, I give a moft implicit Faith to the whole Relation, as the poor Negroes can have no Party Principles, nor any other Inducement to make them go from the Truth. J. Hume. ExtraEi of a Letter from Port Royal in Jamaica, dated July 29, 1743 A Bout two Months ago Ten wounded Spaniards fell under my Care. As they were all Inha- bitants of St. J ago de Cuba^ I had the Curiofity to afk them many Q^eftions relating to that Place. I had heard many of the Land Officers infill much on the Badnefsand great Length of the Road, be- tween the EnzUJJo Camp and Town of St. J ago ; for that Reafon I was very particular on that head; but [ 217 ] but could hear nothing of the terrible Mountains and Bogs our Army ufed to talk of. I drew toge- ther, in the Form of the inclofed Affidavit, what my Patients had told me in many Converfations ; and after they had perufed it, afked them if they were willing to fwear to it ; to which they very readily confented. They are very fedate, fenfible Men, and are particularly acquainted with the Road, having often traveled it. They tell me their Countrymen are ftill at a Lofs to guefs, what it was that kept the Englijh from marching on after they landed. They ufed to fay merrily to one ano- ther, they believed the Englijh were come to a Hunting Match in their Woods, and not with any hoftile Defign againft the Inhabitants. I doubt not. Sir, but you are fufficiently pro- vided with Credentials of this kind : But as thefe People were under Arms the whole Time of the Expedition to Cuba, and as they are very intelligent Men, they muft be luppofed well acquainted with the State of the Place, and Sentiments of the Ene- my. Their Account of the Road efFeftually de- molifhcs the mighty Mountains and huge Rocks, the Lakes, the Marfhes, and the thick Woods, which were given as Reafons* for the Impoffibility of our Army's March, and were the Raw head and bloody Bones of that Expedition. Co;ly of a Depojition of Two Spaniards, Inhabitants of St. Jago de Cuba. Jamaica, ff. Sebajiian Fiallo, 1 1 Nhabitants of St. Jago^ Miguel Antonio de Flores. f A of the Ifland of C2j, being duly fworn up- on the Holy Evangclifls, fay, they were in the aforefaid Town when the Englijh Army was landed on [ 2l8 ] on the Ifland of Cuka ; and that they were under Arms during the whole Time of the Englijh En- tampment there. The Diftance h^v^tcxi Cumberland Harbour, and the Town of St J ago by Land, thefe Deponents fay, is computed to be about twenty Leagues ; that the Road in dry Weather is very good, and eafy to be travelled by Horfc or Foot ; and that it is neither mountainous nor fwampy. Thefe Deponents further fay, that when the News of the Englijh Army's being landed, reached the Town of St. J ago, the Governor and Inhabi- tants were in the utmoft Confternation, expedting to fee them before ttheir Town every Moment; tfpecially as their Fortifications were in no Repair, nothing having been done to them from the Be- ginning of the War to that Time. And thefe De- ponents further fay, that the Spaniards had but little Ammunition of any Sort ; fo that it was the general Opinion, had the Englijh march*d foon after their landing, the Town would have eafily fallen into their Hands. Thefe Deponents further make Oath, That when ^ Party of the Englijh was advanced as far as the Church of St. CatherinOy the Inhabitants of St. J ago Xpe6led they were then fo far in their Way to at- tack the Town ; and as the Road they had to march was not worfe than that they had already paffed, the Deponents fay, the Spaniards were fur- prized they had not advanced. The Deponents further fay. That they were un- der no Apprehenfions from the Shipping, the En- trance into the Harbour being very narrow, and deep Water clofe to their Fortifications ; befides, they had VelTels ready to fmk in the Mouth of the Harbour, which would have made an Entrance into at altogether impoflible, Thefe [ 219 ] Thefe Deponents flirther fay. That fince the Engit/h Fktt and Army left the IflandofC^^, the Town of St. Jago has been reinforced both with Men and Ammunition -, and that about four hun- dred Workmen have fince been kept conftantly employed in repairing their Fortifications. And further thefe Deponents fay not. ^Zlt{Zl Ta' '''Ja^^tT^ SebafiianRodriguesFiallo, Iff Jamaica, /*;/ 26/>&o/ July, a^- ja^ j -ni ,743. ^' ^* Miguel Antonio de Flores, John Hume. FINIS. E R R A