THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES EDVMNSTANTONFICKES - HIS BOOK -S A HISTORY OF NOVA-SCOTIA, OR ACADI E. BY BEAMISH MURDOCH, ESQ., Q. C. VOL. I. HALIFAX, N. S. : JAMES BARNES, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER. 1865. PROVINCE OF NOVA-SCOTIA : BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this Thirteenth day of March, 1865, BEAMISH MURDOCH, of the City of Halifax, Esquire, has deposited in this Office, the title of a Book, the Copyright of which he claims in the words following : " A HISTORY OF NOVA-SCOTIA OR ACADIE, BY BEAMISH MURDOCH, ESQ.,- Q. C." JAS. H. THORNE, Defuty Secretary. v, I IN offering to public attention the first volume of this work, I have to crave indulgence for many imperfections that I am sensible cannot fail to occur in such an attempt. The great amount of materials for history which the provincial assembly have collected and preserved by means of the Record Com- mission, were powerfully tempting to me, and my preposses- sions as a Novascotian making strong impressions on my mind of the value of my country and the interest of its early history, I commenced, in 1860, the collection and arrangement of this narrative. In its progress I have received the most friendly aid and encouragement in every direction ; and having given rny whole heart to the work ever since, I have every confi- dence that it will prove useful as a record of the varying events that have at length made Nova Scotia a happy, free and intelligent province, progressive and prosperous, which may she ever be. I am bound to express my thanks for sub- stantial aid to the provincial government and assembly, and individually to those who have furnished information, facilita- ted my researches, and otherwise assisted my enterprise, among whom I must name Thomas B. Akins, esquire, the Commissioner of Records, The Hon. Joseph Howe, The Hon. Dr. Charles Tupper, The Hon. W. A. Henry, The Hon. J. McCully ; Henry C. D. Twining, esquire, clerk of Assembly ; Hon. messrs. Ritchie, Shannon and McDonald ; Mr. Speaker Wade ; Hiram Blanchard, esq. ; Rev. Mr. Rand, missionary iv Preface. to the Micmacs ; Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Greenhill ; W. A, Hendry, esq., of the Crown Land office ; W. J. Almon, M. D. r and W. S. More, esq., Halifax ; C. Mand6 Melan^on, esq., Clare ; C. B. Owen, esq., Yarmouth ; E. Rameau, Paris ; Rev, Mr. Ballard, Brunswick, Maine ; Mr. W. Stevens and Messrs. Compton, of Halifax ; Messrs. A. & W. McKinlay, Mr. Muir, and Messrs. Hall & Beamish, Book-sellers, Halifax ; A. M, Gidney, esq., of Bridgetown. From many others I have also received friendly aid in this labor. The late Mr. Edward Wallace, and the late Dr. Abraham Gesner, obliged me much in my search for information, I must apprize the reader that in the spelling of the names- of places I have always followed the orthography of the book or document from which I was at the moment preparing my statements. There is, consequently, a frequent variation in spelling the old Indian names of places, which is not to be charged to negligence. The modes of spelling them have varied at different periods. One of the most remarkable instances of this is Canso, which has been spelt Campseau r Canceaux, Cango, Canseau, &c. &c. Mines has been spelt Menis and Minas, ana even Manis. Pisiguid, Pigiguit, Pizi- quid, &c. Chignitou, Chignicto, Shickanectua. In extracts- and quotations, I have generally adopted, as nearly as pos- sible, the language, spelling, &c., of the time, not attempting to correct or alter it, on the contrary desiring to preserve the characteristic phrases and language of each period. In the review of the people who inhabited Nova Scotia at successive dates, the Micmacs, the French, and the English, I have seen many shining and noble qualities displayed in each successive age, both by leaders and followers. Some faults they had some crimes were committed ; but we, who Preface. v succeed them, may be happy if we can shew the courage, the endurance and generosity that are the attributes of the early adventurers and settlers of Acadie. Some periods of our history afford but little matter for connected narrative. At other times interesting transactions occur which do not form part of the regular sequence of events. In such cases I have preferred to place them in appendices to the chapters, instead of omitting them entirely, as I am anxious to preserve every- thing of genuine interest that I have found in my enquiries. The leading idea with me has been to preserve from oblivion the past occurrences in this province. The frequent change of masters the misfortunes that have often retarded its progress to civilization, and the varying effects that the contests of two great and noble nations have had on its des- tiny, will hereafter give scope for philosophical minds to review, and for eloquent writers to expatiate on. The task of collecting and reducing into annals facts of interest, must naturally precede the more ambitious course of history, just as the labor of the pioneers of this continent, in clearing the forest, making roads and bridging streams, is an essential requisite to lead eventually to cities, villas, and high cultivation. If this work prove to be a useful preparation, as a scaffolding for the erection of more diversified and elegant structures, the labor I bestow on it will not have been useless. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. P. I 12. New France Acadie, its extent, climate and productions. Voyages of Dis- covery. Visit of de la Roche to Sable island. DeMonts' patent. CHAPTER II. P. 1324. DeMonts voyage to Acadie in 1604. His survey of the coast towards New England, Ste. Croix. Appendix DeMonts' commission from Henry 4. CHAPTER III. P. 25 30. Port Royal founded in 1605. De Monts visits it in 1606. CHAPTER IV. P. 3142. Poutrincourt his encounter with hostile Indians near cape Mallebarre. L'Es- carbot his poetical turn. Champlain's order ' de bon temps' 1606. Member- tou's war on the Armouchiquois. 1607. Poutrincourt returns to France. Appen- dix Indian manners. Verses on the Indian names of places in Acadie. CHAPTER V. P. 43 47. Souriquois or Micmacs, Etchemins. Champlain begins his settlement at Q*t- bec in 1608. Baptism of Indians in 1610. Biencourt visits France to seek aid for the colony. Madame de 'Guercheville promotes a mission of Jesuits. The English settle Newfoundland in 1610. CHAPTER VI. P. 4852. Voyage of the Jesuits. Discord as to burial place of Membertou. DeMonts transfers his claims on Acadie to madame de Guercheville, 1611, 1612. CHAPTER VII. P. 5363. 1613. Jesuits mission settle near Monts Deserts. They are attacked and cap- tured by Argal, an English commander from Virginia. Argal erases and destroys all monuments at Port Royal. Poutrincourt is killed in battle in France in 1615. His epitaph. CHAPTER VIII. P. 5472. Companies formed for fishery and trade. Sir William Alexander obtains a grant of Nova Scotia from king James ist. His attempts at settlement. The Scotch fort near Goat island. Baronets of Nova Scotia. Company of New France formed in 1628. Kirk takes Port Royal in 1628, and Quebec in 1629. CHAPTER IX. P. 7383. Claude de la Tour, and Charles Amador, his son. Claude captured by Kirk. Charles de la Tour commands at cape Sable. Claude marries a second wife. Endeavors to lead his son to surrender his fort to the English. 1631. Charles de la Tour made lieutenant general of Acadie. viii Table of Contents. CHAPTER X. P. 74 gr. Acadie restored to France in 1632. De Razilli sent there to take possession. The Recollets return there in 1633. Grant to Latour. Jesuits' missions. Ap- pendix 3d article of treaty of St. Germain, &c. CHAPTER XI. P. 9297. Discord between LaTour and D'aulnay after Razilli's death. 1638. Royal letter to D'aulnay. Charles de la Tour visits Quebec in 1640. 1641. Royal let- ter to arrest Latour. Latour seeks aid from Boston, 1642. CHAPTER XII. P. 98108. D'aulnay attacks Latour's fort at St. John in 1643. Charles Latour and his wife escape to Boston. Debates there in consequence. Latour obtains aid, and drives D'aulnay off from St. John. D'aulnay goes to France. Madame Latour goes to Europe in 1644. Brings out three mercnant ships, with cargoes. Her lawsuit in Boston, 1645. She defends St. John with success. Appendix Treaty made by D'aulnay's agent with Massachusetts. CHAPTER XIII. P. 109116. 1646. D'aulnay's commissioners negociate at Boston. The sedan chair. D'aulnay again besieges St. John. Madame la Tour capitulates. D'aulnay hangs the garrison. Madame Latour dies. Latour's misfortunes. 1648. He visits Quebec. 1650. D'aulnay dies. Appendix Abstract of D'aulnay's com- mission. CHAPTER XIV. P. 117123. 1651. Latour restored to his authority as governor of Acadie, and receives possession of the fort at St. John. 1652. Madame D'aulnay's compact with the duke of Vendome. 1653. Marriage of Latour to D'aulnay's widow. Grant to M. Denys of the gulf coast, from Canso to cap des Rosiers. Appendix Latour's new commission abstracted. Contract of the duke of Vendome with madame D'aulnay. Marriage contract between Latour and madame D'aulnay. CHAPTER XV. P. 124132. 1654. Le Borgne's shipments and assumption of power as creditor of D'aul- nay's estate. Adventures of Denis de Fronsac. He is made prisoner by le Borgne. The English summon Latour, who surrendered. They besiege Port Royal. Le Borgne capitulates. Laheve captured. Denys forced to give up Chedabouctou to La Giraudiere. Returns to France, and is reinstated. A fire ruins his commercial prospects. Appendix Articles of capitulation of Port Royal in 1654. CHAPTER XVI. P. 133139. 1655. Treaty of Westminster between England and France. Acadie granted by Cromwell, to Latour, Temple and Crowne. 1657. Sir Thomas Temple made governor of Nova Scotia by Oliver Cromwell. Le Borgne commissioned by the French king. 1658. Le Borgne made prisoner at La Heve by the English. 1663. Grant of the islands of Madelaine, &c., to Doublet. Earthquakes over the continent. Sagadahock granted to the duke of York. 1664. Louis XIV established the Compagnie des hides Occidentales. Appendix Abstract of patents from Cromwell, &c. Table of Contents. ix , CHAPTER XVII. P. 140148. 1667. Treaty of Breda. Acadie restored to France. Temple ordered to sur- render it. He objects to the boundaries claimed by the French. 1669. Peremp- tory orders to give it up. 1670. He delivers possession. Appendix Descrip- tion of the forts at Pentagoet and Gemisick given up. CHAPTER XVIII. P. 149157. 1671. Grand-fontaine governor of Acadie. Proposes to re-establish the old fort at St. John. Census of 1671. Settlement at Miramichi in 1672 or 1673. 1674. Death of Sir Thomas Temple. De Chambly succeeds Grand-fontaine. Pentagoet taken by a pirate vessel. Indian wars in 1676 on borders of New Eng- land. 1678. De Marson commands in Acadie, and is succeeded by M. de la Valliere. Appendix Grants of Nachouac and Gemisick to Marson, and of Chignictou to la Valliere, &c. A concession from Bellisle, as seigneur, on the Annapolis river, to Martin and his son in 1679, given in full. CHAPTER XIX. P. 158163. State of the province in 1680. The English take possession for the fifth time. Grant to Bergier & Co.. for shore fishery. 1682. La Valliere still in command. Bergier settles at Chedabouctou. Pirates seize the fishing craft of the people of Port Royal. Misconduct of la Valliere. Appendix Grants of seigneuries on the St. John river in 1684. CHAPTER XX. P. 164172. 1684. Violence and oppression of La Valliere. He is superseded. M. Perrot made governor. He proposes to fortify Laheve. 1686. De Meulles visits the different settlements of Acadie, and prepares a very full census. Treaty of Lon- don. Neutrality in America stipulated. Appendix Extracts from de Meulles' census, &c. CHAPTER XXI. P. 173182. 1687. De Menneval appointed governor. Instructions given to him. Garri- son increased from 30 to 60 men. Governor to reside at Port Royal. Castin to be checked. 1688. De Goutins appointed judge, $cc. His instructions. Marie de Menou gives Port Royal to her half brothers and sisters the Latours. Castin pillaged by governor Andros, of New England. Pirates on the Acadie coast rob a Portuguese vessel. 1689. Capture of English fort at Pemaquid by the Indians, Illicit trade between Port Royal and Boston. French vessels of war seize English vessels for fishing and trading on the coast. 1690. Discords be- tween governor de Menneval and the judge des Goutins. Appendix Certificate respecting D'aulnay's improvements, buildings, &c., and his death. Grants of Seignories in 1688 and 1699. Notice of de la Mothe Cadillac. CHAPTFR XXII. P. 183193. 1690. Attack on English colonies from Canada. Phipps invades Acadie with a squadron and 700 men from Boston. Menneval surrenders on terms. Phipps violates the agreement, and, having pillaged Port Royal, abandons it. Neglect of the French government to protect their settlements. Appendix Notice of Sir Wm. Phipps. Canadian families of Bekancourt and Longueil. Phipps attacks Quebec, and fails. x Table of Contents. t * CHAPTER XXIII. P. 194207. 1690. Villebon arrives at Port Royal. Decides to occupy Jemsek, on the St. John. Pirates pillage Placentia, Port Royal and Chedabouctou, and burn Port Royal. They also capture the Union, the vessel which brought Villebon from France. Villebon goes to Quebec, and thence to France. 1791. Returns as Governor. Nelson and Tyng made prisoners. Appendix Acadie granted by William and Mary to Massachusetts, in the charter of 1691.- Grants of Seigneuries in Acadie in 1691-2-3. Marie de Menou's will. Notices of John Nelson. His imprisonment in the Bastile, &c. Lahontan's remarks on Acadie. Perrot's proposals. CHAPTER XXIV. P. 208214. 1692. Expedition to capture Villebon's fort on the St. John fails to do any- thing. Erection of English fort at Pemaquid. French vessels go there, but withdraw. 1693. Villebon in command at Nachouac. 1694. Villieu leads 500 Indians against the frontier of New England, where they kill, pillage and burn. Capt March violates a flag of truce. CHAPTER XXV. P. 215225. 1695. Baptiste, in his privateer,makes prizes, resorting to the St. John river. Villebon entertains Indian chiefs. 1696. Indians who came to Pemaquid to treat of exchange of prisoners, killed by captain Chubb. Pemaquid is besieged by French and Indians under d'Iberville and Bonaventure, assisted by Castin, &c. Chubb surrenders. The fort is demolished. Cruel wars in Newfoundland. CHAPTER XXVI. P. 226232. Church's expedition to Chignecto. He burns, pillages, kills cattle, &c. New England forces besiege Villebon in Nachouac, but, after hard fighting, withdraw. CHAPTER XXVII. P. 233238. 1697. Villebon strengthens his fort Affairs of Indian frontier wars. An English prisoner burnt alive, &c. &c. Appendix Treaty of Ryswick, (1697.) Article of mutual restoration of territories between England and France. CHAPTER XXVIII. P. 239 245. 1698. Chapel built at Narantsouac, (Norridgewock), on the Kennebec, where the priest Ralle was stationed. Fishermen placed at Chibouctou, (now Halifax harbor), by the company. A pirate appeared off St. John. Famine. 1699. Bas- set claimed as a British subject. Is sent to France. His offences are stated. Account of the fishing station at Chibouctou. Appendix Fort at St. John. Extracts from despatches in 1698 and 1699, from Villebon, Thury, &c. Pirates visit cape Sable and fort Razoir, (now Shelburne.) Homespun made here. Price of provisions, &c. CHAPTER XXIX. P. 246254. 1700. Resolution to transfer garrison and government from the river St. John to Port Royal. Villebon's death. Villieu acts as commander. 1701. Brouillan appointed governor. Arrives at Chibouctou, and then goes to Port Royal. He demolishes the fort at St John. Praises the site of the fort at Port Royal. Wishes to be lieutenant general of Acadie. Proposes many improvements and makes many requests. Appendix Notices of M. Brouillan from Lahontan, &c. Table of Contents. xi CHAPTER XXX. P. 255260. 1702. Death of Wm. 3, and accession of Queen Anne. War declared against France and Spain. Bostonians threaten to hang captain Baptiste, but Brouillan, by threats of reprisal, saves him. Rumors of an attack by the English on Port Royal in the ensuing spring. Brouillan's offer to take Boston. Complaints and quarrels in the garrison at Port Royal. Brouillan's purchase of Hog island. His building there. Accusations of immoral conduct against Brouillan and Bonaven- ture. CHAPTER XXXI. P. 261271. Royal decree of 20 March, 1 703, settling disputes about the principal seigneu- ries in Acadie, particularly the claims of the Latour family, and the division of their grants ; also Pedigree of the Latours of Acadie. Marquis de Vaudreuil made governor at Quebec, and Joseph Dudley in New England. Siege of Casco by Indians under French leaders. Petty wars on frontiers and in Newfoundland between English and French. Brouillan encourages privateers to resort to Port Royal. Different charges against Brouillan. Affair of madame Freneuse and Bonaventure. Appendix Singular letters of Cyprian Southack. CHAPTER XXXII. P. 272277. 1704. Church again attacks Acadie. Destroys the dikes at Mines. His squadron and army go to Port Royal. Skirmishes and retreats. He burns, des- troys and pillages Chignecto again. Colonel Hilton destroys chapel and wig- wams at Norridgewock. Brouillan goes to France. His defence against charges. CHAPTER XXXIII. P. 278282. 1705. Marriage of Duvivier. Madame Freneuse. BoflRventure in charge ot the government. Brouillan returning from France, dies on board the Profond, near Chibouctou. Interment of his heart near Port Royal. CHAPTER XXXIV. P. 283 298. 1706. Exchange of prisoners between Boston and Port Royal. Penalties on Rowse and others for trading with French enemy, inflicted by Assembly of Mas- sachusetts, annulled by the Queen. Subercase governor of Acadie. Des Gou- tins and Bonaventure acquitted of charges. 1707. Expedition from Boston to besiege Port Royal. Besiegers, defeated by Subercase, retire. CHAPTER XXXV. P. 299 308. Subercase gives unfavorable opinion of the Indians. 1708. His correspon- dence with Dudley. Affair of madame de Freneuse. Wars in Newfoundland. Subercase employs privateers, who take many prisoners from the English. CHAPTER XXXVI. P. 309 319. 1710. Francis Nicholson commands land and sea forces that sail from Boston to besiege Port Royal. Summons Subercase. English invest the place. Suber- case surrenders. Agents sent to Canada to give notice of the capture. Nicholson leaves a garrison there under colonel Vetch. Appendix Articles of capitula- tion, &c. xii Table of Contents. CHAPTER XXXVII. P. 320 329. 1711. Complaints of inhabitants of Port Royal to the marquis de Vaudreuil. Garrison of Annapolis reduced by sickness, &c. Massacre of English troops by Indians at Bloody creek. The fort invested by French inhabitants and Indians. Gaulin sends to Placentia for aid to subdue the place. Fort reinforced by 200 men of the New York levies. Canadian troops disbanded, and siege abandoned. Expedition against Quebec from England under General Hill and admiral Walker. Meet with shipwreck, and return. CHAPTER XXXVIII. P. 330 339. 1712. Controversy between Ralle and Boston missionary. Treaty of armistice England and France. 1713. Treaty of Utrecht. Queen Anne's letter in favor of the French inhabitants. Newfoundland given up by the French, and Louis- bourg, in cape Breton, founded. Arguments as to the advantage of St. Anne. CHAPTER XXXIX. P. 340 346. 1714. Costabelle having surrendered Placentia to colonel Moody, becomes governor of Cape Breton. Nicholson offers the Acadians the option to take the oath, and become British subjects. They prove refractory. Death of queen Anne. Appendix Census of persons who were transferred from Placentia to Louisbourg. Census of Port Royal. CHAPTER XL. P. 347 356. 1715. Nicholson's letter concerning Nova Scotia. Louis XIV dies. 1716. Capt. Armstrong's report on the fort at Annapolis, &c. Conference at Arow- sick. Indian claim to territory asserted by the missionary Ralle. Death of colonel Church. Colonel Richard Philipps appointed Governor of Nova Scotia. 1718. Project of Coram to build a town at Chibouctou, &c. CHAPTER XLI. P. 357361. 1719. Commission of colonel Philipps. He goes to Boston, and attempts to get to Nova Scotia in vain. Spends the winter at Boston. Appendix Notices of governor Philipps. CHAPTER XLII. P. 362372. 1720. Governor Philipps arrived at Annapolis. The French unwilling to take the oath of allegiance. Swears in ten councillors, and two subsequently. He issues proclamations to the people, offering them the privileges of British sub- jects, and directing them to choose deputies or representatives. Six deputies chosen from Annapolis river. With Philipps' consent, the inhabitants send dele- gates to M. St. Ovide de Brouillan, governor at Louisbourg. Reply of the people of Mines to the governor's proclamation. Philipps' interview with the Indian chief of the river Annapolis. His letters to Vaudreuil and to the Secretary of State, &c. CHAPTER XLIII. P. 373 385. Visit of Indian chiefs from St. John at Annapolis. Indians attack and pillage the English at Canso, (August, 1720.) Philipps writes to St. Ovide respecting oath of allegiance. Indians rob Alden, a trader, of his goods at Mines. Troops sent to Canso. Appendix Grant of the island of St. John. Letter of St. Ovide and Demery to governor Philipps. Table of Contents. xiii CHAPTER XLIV. P. 386397. 1721. Philipps claims the Kennebec as boundary of Nova Scotia. Number of deputies increased for Cobequid and Mines. General court to sit four times a year established. Lieut. Washington complained of by governor Philipps. Bad state of the Fort. Conference intended at Arowsick island between Indian chiefs and the governor of New England. Indians attended 200 armed ; Castin and the Jesuit LaChasse with them. The governor of New England did not appear. They left him a letter, stating outrageous terms. Philipps visits Canso. Appendix Description of Annapolis, &c., by Mascarene. CHAPTER XLV. P. 398 406. 1722. Indian war. Mr. Newton, and Mr. Adams, junior, captured, and after- wards ransomed. The Indians capture many English vessels on the coast. Phi- lipps sends out two vessels, who recapture most of the vessels and their crews. Indians kill several persons at Canso. Death of the Regent Duke of Orleans in 1723- CHAPTER XLVI. P. 407 421. 1724. Indian war continues on borders of New England. A party of Malecite and Micmac Indians attack Annapolis. They kill two of the garrison. An Indian hostage killed in retaliation. Father Charlemagne banished. Indians attack and take a vessel at Mocodome, (Country harbor.) Indians assemble at Mines, designing mischief. Over 200 men, under Harman and other officers, in New England, march on Norridgewock, which they destroy, killing the priest Ralle and many of the Indians. Appendix Examination of father Charlemagne and others, of father Isidore, &c. &c. CHAPTER XLVII. P. 422433. 1725. Cessation of arms agreed on between commissioners of Massachusetts and Eastern Indian chiefs. Armstrong, lieut. governor, arrives at Canso from England. Mascarene appointed Commissioner for Nova Scotia at intended treaty. Newton and Bradstreet sent to Louisbourg to confer with St. Ovide on grievances. Wreck of le Chameau near Louisbourg. Armstrong proposes to make Canso the seat of Government. Dummer's treaty concluded with the Indians. Death of Vaudreuil. Beauharnois succeeds him. Appendix Treaty with the Indians made at Boston 15 Dec'r., 1725. Narrative of three French gentlemen who came by land from Quebec. &c. &c. CHAPTER XLVIII. P. 434 441. 1726. State of the garrison. Treaty ratified by Indian chiefs at Annapolis. Armstrong yields to the desire of the French inhabitants, who accordingly take a conditional oath of allegiance not to be obliged to bear arms, ever since which they called themselves ' Neutral French.' Gaulin apologizes, and is pardoned. Lieut, governor Doucett dies. Appendix Mangeant, who fled from Canada, receives protection. Nicholes' sentence. List of Indians from New England to St. John's river, &c. xiv Table of Contents. CHAPTER XLIX. P. 442 449. 1727. Armstrong commissions some French inhabitants as public officers. Complains of Gamble, &c. Trade forbidden with Mines, Chignecto, &c., as the people refused to take the oath of allegiance. Death of George ist. Indians murder Englishmen at Liscomb's harbor and Jedore. Ensign Wroth blamed for his concessions at Mines and Chignecto, where he had been sent to proclaim Geo. 2, and administer oaths of allegiance. Refusal of the inhabitants of Anna- polis river to take the oaths. CHAPTER L. P. 450456. 1728. Indians from Medoctec came to Annapolis to ratify Dummer's treaty. David Dunbar made surveyor general of H. M. lands in Nova Scotia. Arm- strong's misfortunes and suspicious temper. New commission of governor Phi- lipps. 1 729. Armstrong complains of Breslay and Cosby. Philipps arrives at Canso and at Annapolis, CHAPTER LI. P. 457 469. 1730. Inhabitants of the Annapolis river all take the unconditional oath of allegiance. Dunbar's settlement at fort Frederick at Pemaquid. His subsequent career. Objections made by the lords of Trade to the form of oath of allegiance administered by Philipps. The people of the bay of Fundy also swear allegiance. The seigneurs' claims opposed by Philipps. Dunbar opposed by the Bostonians. Appendix Notice of Robert Temple, &c. &c. CHAPTER LII. P. 470 476. 1731. Philipps recalled to settle accounts of his regiment. Armstrong in command as lieut. governor. Question of Cosby being made president of Coun- cil. Armstrong suggests a house of Assembly. Appendix Boundaries of Nova Scotia questioned by the French governor of Canada. Examination of O'Neale, an Irish surgeon, who came hither from Louisbourg, &c. CHAPTER LIII. P. 477 488. 1732. Litigation among the French inhabitants. Armstrong projects a bar- rack at Mines, disguising his plan under the pretence of a granary. He again proposes a house of assembly. Godalie ordered to leave the province. Claim of the French to Canso. Revenue of Nova Scotia about .30 sterling. CHAPTER LIV. P. 489 494. Quit rents, &c., to be paid to a Receiver. Scale of fees for Secretary establish- ed. Goat island granted to Mr. Vane. Inhabitants oppose survey. M. de Belle- isle takes the oath of allegiance. (1733.) Whale fishery. Road stopped. Parties punished. CHAPTER LV. P. 495 504. 1734. Seigneural rents collected for the Crown. Survey on bay of Fundy shores ordered. Bowling Green established. Singular trials and judgments. Watch ordered to fire on those who did not answer them. Mrs. Campbell's bar- gain with the Crown for the seigneuries. Table of Contents. xv CHAPTER LVI. P. 505 511. 1636. Inhabitants, to distress garrison, put an exorbitant price on firewood. Prevalence of litigation among the people. Armstrong visits Mines and Piziquid. Is entertained at the latter place by M. Maufils, the cure. Patent for the isle Haute opposed. St. John Indians send delegates to Annapolis. Duvivier's memoire (of 1735) on the state of Acadie, and the prospect of recovering it for France. CHAPTER LVII. P. 512520. 1736. The case of the brigantine Baltimore, derelict at Chebogue, and the story of Mrs. Buckler. Dispute between the government and messrs. St. Poncy and Cheveraux. St. John's Indians hostility. Inhabitants of St. John. Mr. E. Howe made a member of the Council. Evil of the missionaries in Nova Scotia being pensioned by France. Grant of 50,000 acres at Chiconecto, and of 50,000 at Mines. Population of New France in 1 736. CHAPTER LVIII. P. 521526. Jones' vessel robbed by Indians in Piziguit river. (1737.) Case of arson at Annapolis Royal. 1738. Four terms settled for trial of causes before Governor and Council. Lemercier's petition for grant of isle of Sable. CHAPTER LIX. P. 527532. O'Neale's complaint. People of Mines refractory. Slater sent there with sol- diers. Reprisals ordered by English gov't. against the Spaniards. Grant of a township at Canso to E. How and others. Mr. Shirreff objects that the Council had not approved it. State of the military and fort, &c. 1739. Suicide of lieut. governor Armstrong. His character. Grants at Annapolis to Mr. Shirreff and Otho Hamilton. Iron vane at Annapolis Royal, 1738. Ruins of old building. Local antiquities. List of authorities consulted, p. 533. Micmac names of places, p. 534. ADDENDA. Extracts from Denys, p. 535 to 538. ' " Diereville, p. 539 to 542. " '" Customs, &c., of Micmakis and Maricheets, p. 542. Corrections, p. 543. NOVA-SCOTIA. CHAPTER L THE provinces in North America, now held by Great Britain, were originally occupied and settled by the French ; while English colonies were established on the Atlantic coast of what is now called the United States, extending from New England to South Carolina, and afterwards to Georgia, embra- cing under the authority of England the then provinces of New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, the Carolinas, &c. The northern territory held by the Kings of France com- prised the countries now known as Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the islands Prince Edward and Cape Breton, with part of Newfoundland. This whole extent received the name of New France, the western portion of it, situate near the river St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes being called Canada, and having a royal governor and an intendant resident at Quebec ; while the eastern part, embracing the present provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and a consider- able part of the present State of Maine, was called Acadie by the French ; but by the English, who made claims to it by discovery, it was named Nova Scotia. Acadie was then bounded on the North by the gulf of Saint Lawrence, on the East by the Atlantic, on the south by the. 2 History of Nova-Scotia. river Kennebec, and on the West by the province of Canada, it's north westernmost boundary being in Gasp6 bay. Such was the Acadie (or Nova Scotia) of the seventeenth century. It extended from about 44 to 48 North Latitude, and be- tween 60 and 70 West Longitude. It measured from East to West about 700 miles, and from North to South about 275. Acadie is much warmer in summer, and much colder in winter than the countries in Europe lying under the same parallels of latitude. The spring season is colder and the autumn more agreeable, than those on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Its climate is favorable to agriculture, its soil generally fertile. The land is well watered by rivers, brooks and lakes. The supply of timber for use and for exportation may be considered as inexhaustible. The fisheries on the coasts are abundant. The harbors are numerous and excellent. Wild animals abound, among which are remarkable, the moose, caribou and red deer. Wild fowl also are plenty. Extensive tracts of alluvial land of great value are found on the Bay of Fundy. These lands have a natural richness that dispenses with all manuring ; all that is wanted to keep them in order is spade work. As to cereals wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, maize, all prosper. The potato, the hop, flax and hemp are everywhere prolific. The vegetables of the kitchen garden are success- fully raised. Of fruit, there are many wild kinds, and the apple, pear, plum and cherry, seem almost indigenous. The vine thrives ; good grapes are often raised in the open air. It was said by a French writer that Acadie produced readily every thing that grew in old France, except the olive. In the peninsula or Acadie proper, there is an abundance of mineral wealth. Coal is found in Cumberland and Pictou. Iron ore in Colchester and Annapolis counties. Gypsum in Hants. Marble and limestone in different localities. Free- stone, for building, at Remsheg and Pictou. Granite near Halifax, Shelburne, &c. Brick clay in the counties of Halifax and Annapolis. The amethyst of Parrsborough and its vici- nity have been long celebrated, and pearls have been found lately in the Annapolis river. The discovery of gold along the whole Atlantic shore of the peninsula of Nova Scotia, has taken History of Nova-Scotia. 3 place chiefly since I began this work in 1 860, and it now gives steady remunerative employment to about 800 or 1000 labor- ers, with every expectation of its expansion. The wilderness trees of Acadie, most characteristic of its forest scenery, are the pine, hemlock, spruce and hacmatac. The oak, beech, birch and maple, are also abundant. The cedar is also to be found. Of wild flowers, the most peculiar is the Mayflower (Epigaea repens,) a little hardy plant that flowers early, even before the snow banks have been all melted. It has been long adopted as the emblem of Nova Scotia, as it is hardly to be found elsewhere, and our native people have chosen it as their chief ornament, with the motto, " We bloom amidst the snows." The " Linnaea Borealis," and the " Sarracenia," or Indian Cupv are also remarkable flowers, probably peculiar to this region-.. Many learned disquisitions have latterly appeared, intended' to prove that this part of the world was visited by the vikings, of Norway, long before the discovery of America by Columbus. The voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492 was followed by that of Sebastian Cabot in 1497 to its Northern shores. John Cabot is said to have sailed from Bristol, and to have actually seen Newfoundland, to which he gave the name of " Prima Vista" first seen. The Bre'tons and Normans are said to have first discovered the Grand Banks and the island of Newfoundland in 1504. Voyages du Sieur de Champlain, Vol. I., p. n. Paris, 1830. Thomas Aubert, of Dieppe, sailed thither in 1508, and John Denys, of Honfleur, in 1510. (See Relations des Jesuites. The first voyage to North America, with a view to settle- ment, was that of the Baron de Lery et de Saint Just, in 1518. It seems that the Baron left a number of live cattle on the Isle of Sable. ( English and French Commissaries, p. 104.^ In 1534 Verazzani ranged the coast of this continent from Florida to Newfoundland, and Jacques Cartier is said to have visited the coast in the same year. The 2Oth April, 1534,. Jacques Cartier, after having been sworn before Charles de Moiiy, Sieur de la Meilleraye, vice admiral of France, sailed from Saint Malo, and arrived at Newfoundland and in the 4 History of Nova-Scotia. gulph of Saint Lawrence, to take possession of the soil in the name of the king of France, provided with a commission of captain general of vessels. (Capitaine general des vais- seaux.) He returned in i535> to continue his discoveries. Leaving Saint Malo on the I9th of May, he arrived at the mouth of the Saguenay on the ist of September. On the 1 3th he reached the river Ste Croix, now the Saint Charles, with his three vessels, and on the 2nd October he visited the Indian village of Hochelaga, near Mont Royal, now Montreal. On the 3rd May, 1536, Cartier erected at Quebec, (Stadacona,) with great pomp, a cross 35 feet high. On this was an escutcheon bearing the arms of France, with these words in Roman characters : Franciscus primus, dei gratia, Francorum rex regnat. (Francis the first, by the grace of God, king of the French, reigns.) [See l Champlain, p. 12. Memoires et documents de la, Socittt historique de Montreal, 1859. livraison, pp. 98, &ca.] Cartier having spent the winters of 1535, 1536, among the Indians of the river Saint Lawrence, returned to France, arriving at Saint Malo on the 6th July, 1536, having, in the course of the two voyages, visi- ted Newfoundland, Gasp6, and Labrador. Great part of his people having died in Canada of scurvy, he (erroneously) blamed the air of that region, and enterprize in that direction ceased for some time. I Champ lain, 13, 14. The next expedition to New France, of which we find men- tion, is that of Roberval. Jean Frangois de la Rocque, (or de la Roche,) Sieur de Roberval, a native of Picardie, pos- sessed such an influence in that province, that Francis the First called him the king of Vimeux. Roberval received an order to continue the discoveries begun in New France, and by letters patent of the date I5th January, 1540, he was declared to be Lord of Norembegue, viceroy and lieutenant general in Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, Terre Neuve, (New- foundland,) Belleisle, Carpent, Labrador, the Great Bay, and Baccalaos. (The name of Norembegue was given to the lands on the Pentagoet or Penobscot, and near its mouth ;) and the king gave 45,000 livres tournois for the expenses of the expe- dition. [ Canada par Ferland 1 86 1 . Quebec, partie I ere, p. 3 8.] History of Nova-Scotia. 5 Five vessels formed his squadron, under Cartier as pilot, which sailed from France on the 23rd May, 1540. Cartier wintered again in Canada. Roberval did not sail until April, 1541, He put into St. John's, Newfoundland, and thence proceeded to the Saint Lawrence, where he also spent a winter. No permanent settlement ensued at this time in Canada. It is stated, however, by French writers, that a settlement was made in Cape Breton in 1541. For about thirty years after this, the passion for discovery in America took other directions. [A commission from Francis the First, dated i/th October, 1540, in favor of Jacques Cartier, for the settlement of Canada, is mentioned in the reports of the English, and French Commissaries, p. 702. They refer to Lescarbot, p. 397.] In 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert, brother by the mother's side to Sir Walter Raleigh, obtained a grant from Queen Elizabeth " of all remote, heathen and barbarous lands he should discover and settle." On his first voyage, he lost a vessel, and put back. His second voyage began nth June, 1583, from Cawsand bay, with five vessels, one of 200 tons, one of 1 20, two of 40 each, and one of 10 tons. In these, 260 men were embarked. They visited Newfoundland in July, and in August went to the Isle of Sable. One vessel was lost there; and on the 3ist August they began their return to England. On the 9th September the little craft of 10 tons disappeared, supposed to have foundered, with Sir H. Gilbert on board. The rest arrived in England. After the loss of Gilbert, Sir Walter Raleigh obtained a similar patent from the queen, and with the assistance of Sir Richard Greenville, and others, he fitted out two ships, commanded respectively by captains Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow. They sailed from the Thames April 24, 1584, and made the American coast, in what is now North Carolina, on the second day of July. Here they traded with the natives, two of whom they brought with them to England, but they made no settlement Several subsequent voyages were made by the English, but no settlement was effected until 1606, when captain Smith went to Virginia. London Magazine 1755, p.p. 307, 308. In 1585, 1586 and 1587, colonies are said to have been sent 6 History of Nova-Scotia. from England to Virginia, under the guidance of Sir W. Raleigh and Sir R. Greenville. In 1590, George White, who was sent there, found none of the third colony living, and re- turned to England. In 1593, Henry May, an Englishman, returning from the East Indies in a French ship, was wrecked on the island of Bermudas. He found swine there, proving that some vessel had been there before. The crew built a boat of cedar, caulked it, and payed the seams with turtle's fat, and sailed in it to Newfoundland, whence they got a passage to England. At this period, the fishery on the banks of Newfoundland was prosecuted by the French of Bretagne, the Basques and the Portuguese. We now come to the expedition of the marquis de la Roche, the date of which is disputed. Troilus du Mesgouez, marquis de la Roche, descended from an ancient family in Bretagne, had been attached to the French court from his youth, as a page of queen Catherine de Medicis. Protected by the queen, he received numerous favors from the kings Henry the second, Francis the second, and Charles the ninth ; but whether these riches and honors were insufficient to satisfy his ambition, or whether he cherished in his mind, as a more elevated object, the aggrandizement of French power, he solicited a commission, which he obtained in 1578, 3 Jan'y., which authorized him to equip vessels, dis- cover and take possession of new countries not belonging to friendly powers. By this commission he was made governor, lieutenant general and viceroy " in the said new lands, and " countries occupied by barbarous people, which he shall take and conquer." \Ferland, cours d'histoire du Canada, Quebec, 1861. Part I., p.p. 58, 59.] De la Roche set sail in a single vessel, accompanied by an able pilot, named Chedotel, a Nor- man. Besides his crew, he had on board about fifty convicts, obtained from prisons in France. Making the Isle of Sable* he landed the prisoners there, and went to reconnoitre the shores of the main land. After some time spent in exploring, he sailed for France, expecting to touch at the Isle of Sable and take the prisoners on board again ; but a storm drove him History of Nova-Scotia. 7 to the East, so fiercely, that in twelve days he made the French coast. The convicts who were left on the island are said to have remained there seven years. Their subsistence is stated to have been procured from the milk of cows they found there, from the beef of these cows, from pork and fish. Some wri- ters conjectured that they were bred from cattle left there by de Lery in 1518. But Charlevoix says that these unfortunate men met with the wrecks of Spanish ships that had been sent to make settlements in Cape Breton, and while they used the wrecks to build huts for themselves, they found sheep and horned cattle on the .island, which had escaped from the wrecks and multiplied on the isle ; but they were at last redu- ced to such fish as they could catch as their sole dependance for food. When their clothes wore out they replaced them with seal skins. At the end of 5 or 7 years, (the term being differently stated by different authors,) king Henry the Fourth having heard of their adventures, compelled Chedotel, the pilot, to go in quest of them. He found but twelve survivors out of the forty-eight, the rest having perished from want and suffer- ing. The king having expressed a wish to see them in their singular dress, and having looked at them in their emaciated condition, gave to each one a present of fifty crowns, and a free pardon for past offences. Chedotel, having appropriated some furs collected by them, they sued him and recovered the value. E. and F. Commissaries, p. 106. I Charlevoix, 169. Lescar- bot, c. 3,/. 1 8. i Belknap American Biography, 40. Lescarbot, 406, 407, 408. I Cliamplain, p. 42, who says the parliament of Rouen adjudged Chedotel to bring them back. In 1588 Jacques Noel and the sieur Chaton, nephews of Jacques Cartier, obtained from Henry the 3rd. an exclusive grant of the commerce of the gulph and river St. Lawrence ; and a M. Ravaillon succeeded them in this monopoly in 1591. In 1599 the sieur Chauvin, of Normandy, captaine pour le roi en la marine, who was of the reformed religion, (i Champ- lain, 44,) obtained a commission from his majesty, Henry the 4th. He came to Tadoussac to trade with the natives, for furs ; but he did not succeed in founding a settlement. He 8 History of Nova-Scotia. had the same title and powers as the marquis de la Roche ; but the enterprize was at his own cost and charges, while the expedition of la Roche had taken place at the expence of the State. Le Sieur du Pont grave", of Saint Malo, an experienced seaman, was his lieutenant, (i Champlain, 44.) Chauvin thought of nothing but commercial gain, and died without having done anything for colonization, and without having ful- filled his engagements. Chauvin made two voyages. In the first he built a small dwelling, and left sixteen men at Tadous- sac, who suffered much. The Sieur de Monts went with Chauvin on this voyage, for his pleasure, (i Champlain, 46, 47.) After the death of Chauvin, the commander de Chattes, (called de Chaste by Champlain), governor of Dieppe, an old man and faithful servant of the king, obtained a commission. Pontgrave was in charge of the expedition as navigator, and M. de Champlain, the founder and historian of Canada, made his first voyage with him in 1603. The commission of de Chattes appointed him lieutenant general of the king, and governor in America, from the 4Oth to the 52nd degree of North Latitude. De Chattes died before the voyage thus commenced under his auspices was concluded. After Cartier's visits to Canada, the French continued to trade there for furs, as well as to fish on the banks of New- foundland, Acadie and Cape Brecon, and they had become well acquainted with many parts of the coasts, among others with Canseau, already celebrated for the fishery. One Savalet (or Savalette), an old mariner, who frequented that port, had made no less than forty-two voyages to those parts previously to 1605. i Belknap, American Biography, p. 320. Lescarbot's New France, chapter 18. He lived at a port four leagues from Canso, which Lescarbot named after him port Savalet. Pierre de Guast, sieur de Monts, a native of Saintonge, was gentleman in ordinary of the chamber, and governor of Pons, in Saintonge. He was a Calvinist, and during all the troubles of the league, had rendered important services to the king Henry the Fourth, who reposed entire confidence in him. [i Ferland, Canada, 62, 64. i Belknap Am. Biography, 320. i Ckarlevoix> 173. i Champlain t 54.] History of Nova-Scotia. 9 Demonts had made a voyage, for his pleasure, with the sieur Chauvin in 1599, but the climate at Tadoussac appeared to him so severe, that he formed the design of settling further South, in some country where the air should be milder and more agreeable. In accordance with this project, by an edict of 8 November, 1603, Demonts was named lieutenant general of the country of Cadie, from the 4Oth to the 46th degree of North Latitude, " to people, cultivate, and cause to be inhabi- " ted, the said lands the most speedily, to search for mines of " gold, silver, &c., to build forts and towns, grant lands, &c." The king, by letters patent dated 13 December, 1603, gran- ted to DeMonts and his associates, who were merchants of Rouen, Rochelle, and other places, the exclusive trade in furs and other merchandize, from Cape deRaze to the 4 roned with laurel crowns of native growth, with the king's posy or motto, Duo protegit unus, and under, the arms of M. de Monts, with this inscription, Dabit deus his quoque finem ; and those of M. Poutrincourt, with this other inscription, Invia virtuti nulla est via; both of these also environed with bays. The public rejoicing being finished, M. de Poutrincourt had a care to see his corn, the greatest part of which he had sowed two leagues from the fort, up the river 1'Equille ; the rest 3 34 History of Nova-Scotia. 1606. near the fort. He found that which was first sown very for- ward, but not the last, which had been sown the 6th and loth November, but it continued to grow under the snow. Lescar- bot notices the continuance of charcoal burning for the use of the forge, and the use made of the compass as a guide in the woods ; also the making of wood roads. He also describes an arrangement, originated by Champlain, and established at the table of M. Poutrincourt, called Vordre de bon temps, (the order of happy times.) There were fifteen guests, each of whom, in his turn, became steward and caterer of the day. At the din- ner, the steward, with napkin on shoulder, staff of office in hand, and the collar of the order round his neck, led the van. The other guests in procession followed, each bearing a dish. After grace in the evening, he resigned the insignia to his suc- cessor, and they drank to each other in a cup of wine. It was the steward's duty to look to supplies, and he would go hunt or fish a day or two before his turn came, to add some dainty to the ordinary fare. During this winter they had fowl and game in abundance, supplied by the Indians and by their own exertions. Those feasts were often attended by Indians of all ages and both sexes, sometimes twenty or thirty being present. The sagamore, or chief, Membertou, the greatest sagamore of the land, and other chiefs, when there, were treated as guests and equals. Ferland, Canada, part \.,p. 71, says, "A good" " and joyous company of gentlemen was united about Pou- " " trincourt, among whom were to be remarked his son, " " the young Biencourt, Champlain, Lescarbot, Louis Hebert, " " and probably Claude de la Tour, as well as his young son " " Charles Amador de la Tour. Champlain established the " " society de bon temps, whose members served as maftres " " d'hdtel, each one his turn, and whose duty it was while they " " filled this office, to watch over the wants and the amuse- " " ments of the company. The fishing and hunting, which " " were extremely abundant, furnished inexhaustible resources " " to this public functionary." Although the settlers were thus cheered up, and the winter was a fine one, yet four deaths from disease occurred among them in February and March, 1607. 1607. History of Nova-Scotia. 35 1607. The colonists were at work, early in the spring, sow- ing their little garden plots. In order to avoid the severe fatigue the men had experienced with the hand mills, M. Pou- trincourt built a water mill. The millers employed their leisure time in catching herrings and pilchards, which were of great service for food ; and two hogsheads of herrings and one of pilchards were salted and sent to France. He also built two barques, and having no pitch, he collected the gum of the fir trees, caused bricks to be made, contrived a furnace, also an alembic made up of several kettles, and distilled this gum into pitch. Through the period which had elapsed since de Monts first landed in Acadie, whatever joys or sorrows the colonists had felt, it would seem that they were destitute of the society of woman, except of such Indian females as they might occa- sionally see, as no mention is made of any white woman in the accounts left us of their adventures. The progress of the colony was at this time abruptly inter- rupted. One morning after prayer had been said, and break- fast distributed as usual there, the Indian chief, Membertou, came to tell them that a vessel was getting up the basin towards the fort. Poutrincourt, in his small barque, with Champdore and Daniel Hay, went to meet her, and saluted her with four discharges of cannon and twelve of his fauconets,. which salute was returned. She proved to be a small barque* under the charge of a young man of St. Malo, named Cheva- lier. On his arrival at the fort, Chevalier delivered letters to M. Poutrincourt, which were publicly read. They were to the effect, " that for to help to save the charges of the voyage, " " the ship, being yet the Jonas, should stay at Campseau port, '" " there to fish for cods, by reason that the merchants associ- '" " ate with mons. de Monts, knew not that there was any fish- '" " ing further than that place ; notwithstanding, if it were '" " necessary, he should cause the ship to come to Port Royal. '" " Moreover that the society was broken,, because that, con- '" " trary to the king's edict, the Hollanders,, conducted by a "" " treacherous Frenchman called La Jeunesse, had, the year '" " before, taken up the beavers and other furs, of the great '" " river of Canada, a thing which did turn to the. great damage '" 36 History of Nova-Scotia. 1607. " of the society, which for that cause could no longer furnish " " the charges of the inhabiting in these parts, and therefore " " did send nobody to remain after us." It was the cause of grief to many of the colonists to leave a place now so promis- ing, with gardens and comforts gathering round them. About this time, Membertou, who was a very old chief, went, in the beginning of June, at the head of four hundred of his people, to make war on the Armouchiquois tribe at Chouakoet, which was about eight leagues distant from Port Royal, (called by the Indians Shawmakotook, now called Saco. 2 Belknap Am. B., 149.) Membertou remembered Cartier's visit in 1534, being a married man with a family so far back, that is over 70 years previously, and yet he looked like a man not over fifty. He was friendly to the French, and afterwards died a sincere convert to the Christian faith. He had been an Autmoin, that is, a juggler, prophet or medicine man. He had the talent of telling stories, and amused and interested the French. The chiefs of the Souriquois (Micmacs) are said by Denys to have been great at telling of tales, and laughing. When the pipe went round in company, the practised story teller began. The bowl of the pipe was a lobster's claw, or else was made of a red or green stone. The tube was worked with care, and was decorated with porcupine quills. The tobacco was of a small sized plant, which they raised themselves. Membertou was tall in stature, and had a beard, which the Indians in general have not. Poutrincourt wished to delay his departure from Acadie until his corn at Port Royal was ripe, accordingly he sent Chevalier across the bay to Ouigoudi, (now St. John's river), where he might buy beaver, and to Sainte Croix. Lescarbot went with him, and describes an encampment or town of Indians on the river. Many of them belonged to Gaspe, whence there was, as they stated, a journey of only six days in their canoes, using lakes and rivers, and carrying their canoes over the portages or intervening necks of land. These Indians had assembled on the St. John, to join Membertou in his war against the Armouchiquois. Lescarbot speaks of steel dis- covered there among the rocks, by Champdore and himself, 1607. History of Nova-Scotia. 37 and molten by Poutrincourt, of which a knife was made, that cut like a razor. After paying a visit to the isle of St. Croix, where the former settlement had been made, they returned to Port Royal. Poutrincourt had himself been to Mines, and had got back. In consequence of the unfavorable despatches they had received from the company in France, most of the settlers embarked at Port Royal for Canseau, in two of their small barques on the 30 July. That in which Lescarbot sailed put into Laheve. There he found a mine of " marcasite of copper." They next entered a small but good port, four leagues short of Canseau, where they were received kindly by captain Savalet, of St. Jean de Luz. Lescarbot says, " This good, " " honest man told us that the same voyage was the forty- " " second voyage that he had made into these parts, and " " nevertheless, the Newfoundland men do make but one in a " " year. He was marvellously pleased with his fishing, and " " told us moreover, that he took every day fifty crowns worth " " of fish, and that his voyage would be worth a thousand " " pounds. He paid wages to sixteen men, and his vessel was " " of eighty tons, which could carry 100,000 dry fishes." After four days delay, they reached Canseau. Poutrincourt, finding his grain ripe, pulled up specimens of it by the root, to carry to the mother country, to shew the goodness of the soil and climate. Membertou and m's men returned victorious, but were grieved at the departure of their French friends, who promised to send successors, and left them ten hogsheads of meal. August 1 1, 1607, Poutrincourt, with eight men, left Port Royal (uninhabited now) in a shallop for Canseau, and after visiting captain Savalet's vessel, and being kindly entertained, arrived at Canseau about the 26th August. On the 3rd Sep- tember the colonists sailed from Canseau in the Jonas, for France ; on the 26th they sighted the Land's end in Cornwall, and on the 28th they entered Roscoif, in Lower Bretagne. Poutrincourt, having arrived at Paris, exhibited his specimens of corn to the king ; he also presented him with five wild geese, which he had bred from the eggs, and they were sent to Fon- tainebleau. [During this year 1607, the English are said to 38 History of Nova-Scotia. 1608 have made a settlement at Sagadahock. I Williamson's His- tory of Maine, p. 198.] 1608. De Monts, in March, 1608, sent out several families, but whether they went to Port Royal, or to Canada, Lescarbot does not say : pere Charlevoix says they went to the Saint Lawrence, v. I., p. 88, but he adds that Champdore and others had gone to Port Royal, and found the grain growing there finely, and that they had been received with friendship by Membertou. Lescarbot closes this part of his work by stating M. Poutrincourt's determination to settle Port Royal, and to take his family there. Lescarbot dates his work in 1609. M. de Champlain began his settlement at Quebec in this year, 1608. M. de Monts had now turned his attention and devoted his exertions to Canada. Champlain arrived at Quebec on the 3rd July, 1608, and began at once to erect buildings and clear land. Champlain says he was himself three years and a half in Acadie, part of the time at Ste. Croix, and part at Port Royal, -vol. \.,p. 61. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER IV. It is not to be supposed that the Indians who frequented the settlement at Port Royal were the ignorant, naked savages some persons may have imagined. The climate of the northern parts of America would never have permitted men to dis- pense with clothing. There can be little doubt, that when these lands were first visited by Europeans, the generality of the aborigines had supplies of clothing, which the skins of animals taken in the chase, and those of the seal would furnish in plenty. They had acquired the art of dressing these skins, and making them pliable and soft. Independent ol the necessities of covering, the natural love of ornament must have tended to care in the beauty of their dress. They have ever displayed skill in making their wigwams or tents of bark in their canoes of the same material, (the bark of the birch tree), so light for carriage, so beautiful, framed with delicate pieces of elastic wood inside and securely fastened and made water-tight in their bows and arrows their fish spear for salmon and for lob- sters, and in the peculiar portable cradle for their infants, carried by the mother on her back in their journeys. All these articles were peculiarly and skilfully adapted to the necessities of frequent removal from place to place, as game or fish became scarce. The shoe they wore (moccasin) displays great judgment and inge- History of Nova-Scotia. 39 y, and when decorated, as is often the case, shows great taste. The snow shoe or raquette is an instance of masterly adaptation to use, and has proved not only valuable but indispensable to winter travelling in these regions. It is not so certain that the basket work and ornamental porcupine quill work were acquired by them before their intercourse with white men ; but it is most probable that they had made such articles for use and show for centuries before, and that the art of dying in many colors was known and practised among them long before the French first settled in Acadie. Although they possessed no written alphabet or letters, yet the structure of their language is so complex, and it is so musical and refined, as to lead to the inference that they had long been a civilized and thinking race of people. Around our larger towns and villages the remnants of Indian tribes, often half casts, may be found in an indolent, miserable and beggarly condition, many of whom are addicted to intemperate drinking habits, and our people are apt to judge of the Micmac race by such unfortunate specimens, and in this way a very low estimate of the Micmac is adopted. A fair and liberal review of the position and conduct of this little nation would lead to more kindly aud favorable conclusions. Bad men have in some instances been found among them, but as far as our records can serve, it appears that they have usually been honest, frank, brave and humane, and they exhibited these qualities as well before as since their conversion to the Christian faith. Their mode of warfare differed from ours, and in some cases their war resulted in cruel and indiscriminate slaughter, without distinction of sex or age ; but on actual investigation of the facts, it will not be found that this sanguinary theory of severity was usually or generally carried into effect. If their hostilities were in some cases cruel, the retaliation by the Europeans was often as bad, if not worse. Very much of the mischief occasioned by Indian wars since the settlement of these countries by the French and English, has been owing to the influence of the Europeans being exerted to stimulate the Indian to destroy their rivals in trade and settlement. (Mr. Catlin's work on the Indians of North America is deserving of praise, and it shows how little the term " savage", which the French applied, is a correct designation.) Drake's Book of the Indians, book 2, p. 12, quoting from Mourt's relation, in i Massachusetts Historical Collections, VIII, 218, 219., reads thus: " As good as his word, Samoset came the next Sunday, and brought with him " " five others, tall, proper men. They had every man a deer's skin on him, and " " the principal of them had a wild cat's skin, or such like, on one arm. They " 41 had, most of them, long hosen up to their groins, close made ; and above their " " groins to their waist, another leather ; they were altogether like the Irish " " trowsers. They are of complexion like our English gipsies ; no hair or very " " little on their faces ; on their heads long hair to their shoulders, only cut be- " " fore, some trussed up before with a feather broadwise, like a fan ; another a " " fox tail hanging out." This was in 1620, at the landing of the pilgrims near cape Cod. In the " History of the British Empire in America," p. 79, 80, in the description of the Indians of Hudson's bay, is the following : " How far decency " " might cause these Indians to cloath themselves does not appear, but it might " " be that and the nature of the climate ; for though the boys are permitted to go " " almost naked until they are ten years old, or more, the girls wear a frock, " " such as will be mentioned hereafter, quite from their infancy. To make their " " cloaths of skins, was not only a thing plain and obvious in itself, as well as " 4O History of Nova-Scotia. " suitable ; but, they are under a necessity of so doing, as those parts supplied'* " nothing else which would answer the purpose ; and their industry taught them " " to make the skins soft and pliable, and to be clear of that stiffness which would " " make them in a manner unserviceable. This kind of clothing was in use " " amongst all the nations in the earliest times, and they agreed with the Indians " " not only in use, but also in the forms they made up the skins in. The Indians " " have a large square outer coat, much like a blanket in shape and size, made T " either of deer skins, or a parcel of beaver skins sewed together. It hangs >r " loose from the shoulders, trailing along the ground, and is tied across the n " breast with two strings. The part that is behind the neck and on the shoul- '* " ders lay in rolls ; sometimes they set it up hollow like a cope ; at other times " " it lies flat like a cope hanging part down each arm. It is painted on the '" " leather side of the skin with strokes of red and black, like a border, near " " to the edge or outer part of the coat, round the bottom, and some way up " " the sides. This outer coat is all chipped or hanging in thongs, those at " " the bottom about an inch wide, and three inches long, but those up the " " sides and nearer the head, less ; some of which they also paint red. The " " best dressed people among the Greeks and Romans, in the earliest times, " " were those who wore the skins of beasts which they had taken amongst their " " herds, or that they had killed in the chase. They were, a long time, the " " Royal mantle of Princes, and the ornament of heroes. The Indians make a " " frock of these skins, which they wear under their outer coat. This frock is of " " deer or mouse (moose ?) skin, reaching to the knees, with a slit only at the " " neck, for the easier getting it on, and a slit a little way up each thigh ; mostly " " with sleeves that reach to the wrist, 'and are joined to the coat by a seam three '* " inches down the arm. The lower part they paint with two red strokes, and " " also clip the bottom to make it hang in small thongs like fringe, some of which '* " they also paint red ; and at the part where the arms are sewed on or joined, " " they usually ornament with fringes made of beads and brass tags, or with work '* " which is of porcupine quills, after the manner of an embroidery, and is what " " they call Nimmy Hogging " the woman's dress is like the man's, with only '* " this difference, that the frock hath slits made under the arms, and generally " " longer than the frock which the men wear ; under the frock, both sexes have '" " skins which pass between their legs, and are fastened to a strip of deer's skin, " " tied above the hips ; a man when in the tent will strip himself of all his clothes " " but this ; the woman never undresses herself farther than her frock. The " " stockings are of the same materials as the frocks, shaped according to the leg, " " or as a spatterdash, leaving a border where they are sewed up on the side, of" " about four fingers in breadth, which they scallop at the edges ; these stockings " " reach quite to the thighs, and are made fast to the strip of deer skin round " " their waist, gathered below the knee with garters made of porcupine quills " " colored and deers' sinews, very neat. These stockings, as well as shoes, they " " seldom wear in summer. Their shoes are of deer skin or mouse" (moose ?) " skin, stripped of the hair, the sole and upper part the same, without heels, " " and gathered round the instep as a purse. The shoes are often worked up the " " front with porcupine quills, variously colored," &c. Such was the Indian dress, but they have in general found it necessary to wear cloth clothing, since the Europeans have settled on their lands. The Micmac usually wears an English hat, a frock coat and leggings made up by the squaws. The color is dark blue, History of Nova-Scotia. 41 with some red trimmings as borderings. His finer dress is similar, with bead trimmings. He retains his moccasins, and frequently he wears a belt outside his frock, and a pouch of skin to hold his money and tobacco. His gun, his squaw, his little dog and his bark canoe, are his chief worldly properties. If he be a chief or great captain, he will, on ceremonial occasions, when he goes to worship, or to wait upon a provincial governor, take pains to be elegantly attired in scarlet or blue clothes, made up in an antique pattern of a semi-military cut, derived proba- bly from the French style of dress of the i6th and I7th centuries. He is also fond of wearing silver medals, the gifts of governors and bishops to himself or his parents. While on this subject, I feel compelled to insert some verses anonymously pub- lished not long since, on the Indian names of places in Acadie. They appear to me as remarkable for good taste as for metrical sweetness and graceful versifica- tion : THE INDIAN NAMES OF ACADIA. The memory of the Red Man, How can it pass away, While their names of music linger On each mount, and stream, and bay ? While MUSQUODOBOIT'S waters Roll sparkling to the main ; While falls the laughing sunbeam On CHEGOGIN'S fields of grain. While floats our country's banner O'er CHEBUCTO'S glorious wave ; And the frowning clifls of SCATARIE The trembling surges brave ; While breezy ASPOTOGON Lifts high its summit blue, And sparkles on its winding way The gentle SISSIBOU. While ESCASONI'S fountains Pour down their crystal tide ; While INGANISH'S mountains Lift high their forms of pride ; Or while on MABOU'S river The boatman plies his oar, Or the billows burst in thunder On CHICKABEN'S rock-girt shore. The memory of the Red Man, It lingers like a spell On many a storm-swept headland, On many a leafy dell ; 42 History of Nova-Scotia. Where TUSKET'S thousand islets Like emeralds stud the deep ; Where BLOMIDON, a sentry grim, His endless watch doth keep. It dwells round CATALONE'S blue lake, Mid leafy forests hid Round fair DISCOUSE, and the rushing tides Of the turbid PISIQUID. And it lends, CHEBOGUE, a touching grace, To thy softly flowing river, As we sadly think of the gentle race That has passed away forever. G 1608. History of Nova-Scotia. 43 CHAPTER V. HITHERTO our chief original authority for the events attending on the settlement of Acadie, whether great or small, has been the interesting and not unamusing work of Lescarbot, called Nova Francia, as contained in an English translation, in the 2nd volume of Churchill's Collection, London, 1/45, in folio. Lescarbot gives a full account of the productions, climate, aborigines, &c., and will always have an attraction for those who care to know anything of this land. Though evidently written by a cheerful, sanguine person ; yet making allowance for this, and for the passages in which he reports from the observation of others, there is a spirit of truth and a sincerity pervading his work. The same praise for simplicity and truth is due to the Relation of the Jesuits. I have to rely chiefly on the first volume of this work published at Quebec, in 1858, for occurrences in Acadie from 1608 to 1613. The descriptions it offers of the climate and country of persons and events, are marked by high intelligence, good sense, and obvious integrity. It appears that, at this time, the aborigines of the peninsula of Acadie were known to the French as the Souriquois, (in the 1 8th and iQth centuries called Micmacs,) and their total popu- lation about the year 1610 was estimated at from 3000 to 3500 souls. The Indians of New Brunswick, (as it is now called), were named the Etemenquois, or Etchemins ; and their num- ber, reckoning as far as Pentagoet, (Penobscot), is set down at 2500, including probably the same people that we call the Malachites, or Mele^ites. From Pentagoet to Kinnibequi, 44 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 609. (Kennebec), and further south to Chouacouet, (Saco), there was an Indian population of 3000, and there was yet another tribe called the Montagnets, comprising 1000 souls. In all there were about 10,000 or 12,000 Indians scattered among those innumerable rivers, lakes, bays, woods and shores, and it seems probable that all those of Gasp6, the bay of Chaleur, cape Breton, and St. John's island, were included to make up the amount of Indian population. At the close of 1607, as we have seen, all the followers of messieurs de Monts and Poutrincourt had returned to France, and all New France, (Canada and Acadie), was for the time without a French or other European inhabitant. In 1608 M. Champlain, appointed by de Monts as his lieutenant, was sent on further discoveries in the St. Lawrence, and at that time began the settlement of Quebec, a place since so impor- tant and celebrated. He built dwellings there and cleared land in 1608. \Champlain, v. i.,p. 151.] Poutrincourt (Jean de Poutrincourt) having requested of de Monts, while they were both in Acadie, to have a grant of Port Royal, obtained his consent, upon condition that he should bring out and settle several families there. Poutrincourt returning to France in 1607, petitioned king Henry the fourth to ratify this donation, with which request his majesty complied. The king decided that he would procure the services of the Jesuits in the conver- sion of the Indians in Acadie, and accordingly applied, through pere Coton, to the General of the order. The king offered to allow 2000 livres (per annum ?) from that time for the expences of the missionaries, [i Champlain, p, 130] Pere Pierre Biard, a native of Grenoble, was first selected from a number who offered to go, and he was sent to Bourdeaux from Lyon, where he had been teaching theology. When he got to Bourdeaux, about the end of the year, he found that the people were sur- prised at his coming, as no news had arrived of the expedition sent in the summer to Canada, but rumors of disaster pre- vailed, and there was no idea then of sending out vessels. 1609. An inscription of the date 1609 is said to have been found on a stone at the Scotch fort opposite to Goat island, in Annapolis basin. We may conclude that M. Poutrincourt had i6io. History of Nova-Scotia. 45 been unable, as yet, to follow out his intention of re-settling Port Royal, as we find that he came to Paris in the latter part of the year 1609. Tbe king was surprised and vexed to find he had not gone out to Port Royal the year before, having been under the impression that he would do so immediately on the ratification of his grant. Poutrincourt satisfied the king, pro- mising to proceed as soon as possible with his settlement, and father Coton offered Poutrincourt the assistance of any of the members of his order. Poutrincourt said that this had better be postponed, until he should go out to Acadie and make arrangements at Port Royal ; and that he would send his son back to France, who should carry out any missionaries the king approved of. [i Champlain, 131.] After this, Poutrin- court spent all the winter in making preparations for his voy- age. Claude de la Tour is supposed to have come to Acadie about 1606 or 1609, and his descendants averred that he held a commission of governor and obtained large grants of land from Louis 13, but the grants have not been produced. 1610. About the end of February, 1610, M. Poutrincourt set sail, and did not reach Port Royal until the beginning of June, perhaps touching at other places on his way, to trade or for information. On the 24 June, 1610, St. John's day, about 24 or 25 of the Indians were baptized at Port Royal, by a priest called messire Josse Flesche, surnamed the patriarch, (called Josue Fleche by Champlain, v. I., p. 131,) all the Indians of the neighbor- hood being there assembled. [The chief Membertou, of 100 years old, is said to have been then baptized. Laet,p, 59.] M. Poutrincourt sent his son, M. Biencourt, who was about nineteen years old, back to France, to carry the news of the baptism of the Indians, and to bring out succors for the colony, which was insufficiently provided to face the ensuing winter, The means adopted by Biencourt on his arrival in France was a partnership he formed with Thomas Robin, called de Coloignes, a youth, whose father was in business. It was agreed between them that de Coloignes should supply the settlement at Port Royal for five years with all necessaries, and should provide funds for the barter trade with the Indians, and should have 46 History of Nova-Scotia. 1610. certain specified profits and advantages in return. Coloignes and Biencourt came to Paris in August, and the baptism of the new Indian converts was made known at court. [Henry the 4th was assassinated by Ravaillac 14 May, 1610.] Madame la marquise de Guercheville, the wife of the sieur de Liencourt, first esquire of his majesty, and governor of Paris, actuated by religious zeal for the conversion of the Indians, interested herself in forwarding the projected mission of Jesuits to Port Royal. Father Pierre Biard, already mentioned, and father Enemond Masse, (called Raimond Masse, i Champlain. 131), (who died at Sylleri in Canada in 1646, i Charlevoix, 416), were appointed to go out, and having had a meeting personally with messrs. Robin and Biencourt, an arrangement was made for their being at Dieppe to embark for Acadie on the 24th of October of the same year, 1610: for at that time they were told every thing would be ready, wind and tide serving. In consequence of this the queen, Marie de Medicis, directed five hundred crowns to be paid to the Jesuit missionaries, (Cham- plain says the 500 crowns were given by king Louis, having been promised by his father), the marchioness de Vermeuil presented them with suitable dresses and utensils for perform- ing mass, madame de Sourdis furnished them with linen, and madame de Guercheville with whatever else they required for the voyage, [i Charlevoix, p. 190. Relations des Jesuites, v. i., p. 27.] On the missionaries proceeding to the rendezvous at Dieppe, at the time appointed, they found not only that the vessel was not ready for sea, but that two traders, named du Chesne and du Jardin, huguenots, who had made advances tor her outfit and cargo, on behalf of Robin, insisted that no Jesuits should embark in her, professing at the same time their willingness that any other priests might go ; and Robin and Biencourt were compelled to act in conformity with their views, being dependant on them for part of their funds. The queen, on hearing of this obstacle, ordered M. de Cigoigne, the governor of Dieppe, to remove it, but in vain. So madame de Guercheville, having ascertained that the advances of the Dieppe traders did not exceed 4000 livres, set herself to work to raise the amount by subscription among the chief princes i6io. History of Nova-Scotia. 47 and lords of the court, and speedily obtained the requisite amount. Thus armed with the means, with the approval and consent of Robin and Biencourt, she discharged the demands of du Chesne and du Jardin, and thus the vessel was enabled to sail. At the same time she bargained for an interest in the profits of the goods and trade, such share in the profits to belong to the Jesuits' mission, in proportion to the sum thus advanced on behalf of the undertaking. [In 1610 the English began a settlement in Newfoundland, at Conception bay, and the same year Samuel Argal visited Seal rock, near the mouth of Penobscot bay, in Lat. 43 44' North. Sir George Somers also landed at Sagadahock in September, 1610, and captain Edmund Harlow visited Mon- hegan, and carried off two natives. I Williamsons History of Maine, p. 207. The French king is said to have appointed the count de Bourbon, governor of Canada, in this year, 1610.] 48 History of Nova-Scotia. 1611. CHAPTER VI. 1611. The pecuniary difficulty having been removed, court sailed with the two Jesuits on board, on the 26 January, 1611. On this voyage, which was of four months' duration, they met M. Champlain, who was on his way to Quebec, among the ice, about the end of April. It was fresh water ice, which had been over a hundred leagues to sea from the St. Lawrence. In some instances they saw icebergs floating, of the height of thirty or forty fathoms, say from 180 to 240 feet high, " as big as several castles joined together, or as the " " church of Notre Dame of Paris, with part of the isle, houses " " and palaces." At length they made the land at Canseau, and after following the coast, and stopping at several places, they arrived at Port Royal on Whitsunday, the 22 June, 1611. The missionaries, by their devout and humble conduct on the voyage, obtained the favor and esteem of the captain of the vessel, Jean d'Aune, and of the pilot, David de Bruges, both of the reformed religion, [i Champlain, 133.] The vessel was small, not over 60 tons, and the crew and passengers amounted to 36 in number. (Lae't gives a more unfavorable account of the conduct of the Jesuits, p. 59.) Poutrincourt had with him at Port Royal twenty-three persons, without sufficient means to subsist them, and he had been forced to depend on aid from the Indians to support them for some weeks. His joy was therefore greater at the arrival of succor, on account of its being so long delayed. He had now, however, fifty-nine mouths at his daily table, besides the chief, Membertou, and the chiefs daughter and train. This little vessel was not over- i6n. History of Nova-Scotia. 49 stocked with provisions, being fitted out more in the manner ojf a fishing vessel than any other. He therefore deemed it necessary to go in this, his own vessel, to the opposite coast for further supplies, and father Biard went with him. They went to a harbor called La pierre blanche, (the white stone), lying twenty-two leagues due West from Port Royal. There they found four French vessels, i. one belonging to M. de Monts. 2. a vessel of Rochelle. 3. a St. Malo vessel, belonging to du Pontgrave, commanded by a relative of his, captain Lasalle. 4. a barque also from St. Malo. Poutrincourt called them one by one before him, and made them recognize his son, Bien- court, as vice admiral ; and he then requested them each to aid him with supplies, promising to repay them in France, to which they consented. On this occasion Biard reconciled some differences that existed between M. de Poutrincourt and the young Pontgrave, who was in refuge in that place among the Indians, Poutrincourt left Port Royal for France to obtain further aid, in July, 1611, about the middle of the month, and got home about the middle of August, leaving his son Biencourt in command. Twenty-two persons in all, counting the two Jesuits, remained at Port Royal at his departure. The mis- sionaries were very anxious to learn the Indian language, and set about it earnestly. In August, Biencourt heard that a vessel from Honfleur was at Port aux Coquilles, twenty- one leagues West from Port Royal, and taking father Biard and a small party with him, he went thither, and also to Ste. Croix, six leagues further. While they were away, Membertou, who had been the first Indian convert baptized in Acadie, and who had on that occasion received the name of Henry, in honor probably of Henry the fourth, became ill of a dysentery, and was brought in that condition from St. Mary's bay to Port Royal, to seek advice and care. Father Masse nursed him tenderly, but after Biard's return his case appeared fatal, and the Indian expressed his wish to be buried with his forefathers, Biard and Biencourt had a dispute on this subject ; the former thinking that if the body of the chief were not interred in the Christian burial ground, his tribe might be led to doubt the 4 5O History of Nova-Scotia. 1611. ' reality of his conversion, and that this idea would prove an obstacle to their own : while Biencourt, who had promised the old man previously to fulfil his desire, said that the Indian burial place could be consecrated. Finally, the affair was set- tled by Membertou's agreeing that father Biard should bury him with the Christians. In October and November Bien- court made a trip to the river St. John, and then to Kennebec and the isle of Ste. Croix. During the last no one was left at Port Royal, except father Enemond Masse, and a young man from Paris, named Valentine Pageau. The snow began this season on the 26th November, and with the snow came short allowance to the colonists. The weekly food for each individual consisted of about ten ounces of bread, half a pound of lard, three dishfuls of peas or beans, and one dishful of prunes. During this time of scarcity, their Indian friends, (with the exception of the family of Membertou), did not bur- then the fort with their attendance. Sometimes, but rarely, the Membertou's called with a present of game, and thus made a real festival for the French. On the third Sunday after Christmas, father Biard having preached a sermon from the text, " Vinum non habent," out of the gospel for the day, and made a practical application of it to their distresses, after ser- vice, suggested to M. Biencourt to give his people the little wine he had left, saying that he had an inward feeling that relief was nigh. Biencourt complied with this proposal, and in reality a vessel arrived eight days after. M. Poutrincourt having returned to France in August, 161 \, applied to madame de Guercheville, who advanced a thousand crowns for the purchase of a cargo, securing to herself a fur- ther interest along with Robin and the Biencourts in the returns to be made from the colony. Poutrincourt having strictly reserved Port Royal to himself in the articles of agree- ment, assuming to have property in the rest of the province ; madame de Guercheville made enquiry and found that all the province, except Port Royal, belonged to M. de Monts. She then procured from de Monts a release of his rights, and from Louis 13, a grant of the province to herself, excepting Port Royal, which belonged to Poutrincourt. M. de Poutrincourt 1 6 1 1 . History of Nova-Scotia. 5 1 put the control of the vessel and cargo in the hands of Simon Imbert. Imbert was a servant of M. Poutrincourt, and had previously been the keeper of a tavern at Paris, and he now wished to place the sea between himself and certain creditors. The master of the vessel was called Nicholas L'Abbe, of Dieppe, a man of good sense and character. This vessel left Dieppe on the 3ist December, 1611, and arrived safe at Port Royal on the 23d January, 1612. Her coming was of course grateful to the hungry settlers. Soon after, dissensions arose between Biencourt and the Jesuits. Gilbert du Thet, a member of that order, came out passenger in L' Abbess vessel, and in presence of Biencourt and Biard expressed his surprise that Imbert, having charge of the embarkation, had brought no charter party or manifest, nor any statement of the disbursement of the money advanced by the marchioness, and alleged the sale of corn by Imbert at Dieppe. Imbert, being told of this, accused the Jesuits of contrivance with the marchioness to expel the Biencourts from their seigneurie and possessions, but was obliged subsequently to retract his assertions, and the disputes were finally pacified, About this time, father Masse went to St. John's river, to take up his abode with Louis Membertou and his family in the Indian way of life, in order to extend his knowledge of the Micmac language. Masse being at one time sick and in a separate cabin, (or wigwam as we call it), Membertou found him one day suffering great pain, and said, " Hear me, father : " " you are going to die. I foresee it. Write then to Biencourt " " and your brother, that you died of sickness, and that we " " have not killed you." " I shall take good care not to do so, " said father Enemond, " for it may be that after I have writ- " " ten the letter you would kill me and carry back the letter " " of innocence that you did not kill me." The Indian acknow- ledged the propriety of his reply, and laughed, saying. " Well " " then, pray to Jesus that you may not die, to the end that I " " may not be accused of putting you to death." " So I shall " " do," said Enemond ; " have no fear, I shall not die." In the latter part of August, in this year, 1612, M. de Bien- court went to Mines and Chinictou, (now called Horton and 52 History of Nova-Scotia. 1612. Cumberland), in a small shallop, having in her only eight days' provisions. Father Biard accompanied him. At Chinictou he saw very fine meadows reaching as far as he could see, (natural salt march.) He states the Indians there to be altogether sixty or eighty souls, and that they are less of wanderers than other savages ; as he conjectures, from their retired situation and the abundance of game there ; and he considered the land would be very fertile, if cultivated. On their return they were twice in great danger from tempests, and afterwards for want of food. The winter of 1612- 1613 was passed by the little col- ony with scanty store of provision. The Jesuits themselves built a shallop, by aid of which, Biard, one Jean Baptiste Char- pentier, and a servant of the priests, sailed up the river in quest of roots and acorns, and afterwards used her to fish for her- rings and a smaller fish caught there. Biencourt's vessels, being three good shallops, which he had in the beginning of the year, had been all ruined before this. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER VI. We find that at this time piracy was at a great height on the Atlantic. Tho famous Peter Easton in 1612 commanded ten pirate ships, and in June of that year took one hundred men from the fishing vessels about Newfoundland. [i Williamson. History of Maine, p. 210, note.] Captain Richard Whitburn, of Exmouth, in Devonshire, in 1579, was employed by Mr. John Cotton, in a ship of 300 tons burden, to fish on the Great bank lying to the eastward of Newfoundland. In 1583 he again went to Newfoundland, in command of a vessel of 220 tons, fitted out by Mr. Crook, and was present on the 5 August, 1583, when Sir Hum- phrey Gilbert took formal possession of the country. (See ante 1583.) Whitburn was also in Newfoundland in 1614 and 1615. In 1611 captain Whitburn went to Newfoundland, and there met with " the famous pyrate Peter Easton, who then " "' commanded ten sail of stout ships." He applied to captain Whitburn, to " *' endeavor the procurement of a pardon for him in England, for his many pyra- " ** cies. In expectation of this, he hovered for some time on the coast of Bar- " " bary ; but his patience being at last tired out, by slow James and his peaceable " " court, sailed through the straits of Gibraltar, and was taken into the service of" " the duk of Savoy." History of the British empire in Amerva+f. 136. 1613. History of Nova-Scotia. 53 CHAPTER VII. 1613. The poverty of the colony at Port Royal, exposing it to the possible contempt of the uninformed Indians, the want of concord between young Biencourt, (the acting governor), and the Jesuit missionaries, and possibly her title to Acadie recently acquired by the cession of de Monts and the grant of Louis 13, apparently contributed to induce the marchioness de Guercheville to form the project of a new settlement and mission. Gilbert du Thet, the Jesuit, had returned to France, and probably concurred in this plan. Poutrincourt, who had remained in France in 1612, had got into a misunderstanding with the marchioness, [i Charlevoix, 205], and although Cham- plain urged her to unite her interests with de Monts in the new colony of Quebec, and proposed that she should advance 3600 livres in that quarter ; her distrust of de Monts, groun- ded solely on his being a huguenot, caused her to refuse, although Champlain himself guaranteed the uprightness and sincerity of his friend. The marchioness obtained the sanction and aid of the queen mother, Marie de Medicis, for her enterprize, and fitted out a vessel of 100 tons at Honfleur. [i Champlain, 137.] She gave the command of this expedition to M. de Saussaye, who was to govern in Acadie in her name. The master of the ship was Charles Flory de Hableville, a brave and judicious man. La Saussaye took with him about thirty persons, who were to winter in the country. Two Jesuits, Gilbert du Thet and pere Quantin (or Quentin), were on board, intended to replace the other two, Biard and Masse, if they should have perished, 54 History of Nova-Scotia. 1613. or otherwise to return to France. The whole party, crew and passengers, amounted to forty-eight persons. The queen sup- plied four tents and some ammunition. The vessel was very fully provided with one year's allowance for the settlers, and besides this live horses and goats were sent in her. Thus liberally furnished, she set sail from Honfleur on the 12 March, 1613, and made land at cape La heve in Acadie on the 16 May, 1613. At La heve they said mass, and planted a cross, with the arms of the marchioness affixed to it, as a mark of their taking possession, and thence they sailed to Port Royal. There they found but five persons, viz., Biard and Masse, their servant, the apothecary Hebert, and one more ; Biencourt and his people being scattered in different directions. To Hebert, as representing the absent governor, they presented the queen's letter, authorizing the departure of Biard and Masse, [i. Champlain, 137], and taking these two Jesuits with them, they departed after five days' detention, caused by a contrary wind. Sailing with a north-west breeze, they made for Pentagoet, intending to go to a place in that vicinity called Kadesquit, where the new settlement was proposed ; but when they came south east of the isle of Menano, (Grand Manan), the weather became so thick that they had to lie to for two days and nights, and they drove up and down until clear wea- ther showed them the island of Monts deserts, called Pemetiq by the Indians, and they made a harbor on the east side of the island, which they named port Saint Sauveur. Having found a very good site for settlement in Pentagoet, or Penobscot bay, in the neighborhood of Mount-desert island, with a secure and convenient harbor, where vessels may lie as safe as in a pond, and the largest ship may approach the shore within a cables' length, they gave up the first design of going to Kadesquit, and began their labors here, erecting buildings and tilling the ground. It appears, however, that there was a want of concord among them. This settlement was in about 44 30' N. L., and at or near the mouth of the river Penobscot : (Douglas calls it Sagadahock.) All the people of the colony, being about 25 or 30 in number, and the crew of the ship, 35 in number, who had engaged to remain three months with 1613. History of Nova-Scotia. 55 them, set to work at buildings and clearing ground. There was a gentleman, lieutenant of de la Saussaye, named Lamotte le Vilin. The English had been about seven years engaged in set- tling in Virginia, and they were in the habit at this period of coming annually to catch fish, as far north as Pemquit, which Is about twenty-five leagues south of Penobscot. A squadron of ten or eleven of these Virginian fishing craft, convoyed by an armed vessel under the command of captain Samuel Argal, came north in 1613. Some of the Indians of the coast, un- aware of any hostility existing between the English and French, informed Argal that the Normans, (for the Indians called the French so then), were near Monts deserts, with a vessel. Acting on this information, Argal attacked with mus- quetry the French vessel which Lamotte Vilin commanded. Champlain says the English had sixty soldiers and fourteen pieces of artillery. During the battle, Gilbert du Thet took the place of the absent gunner, and was himself mortally wounded by the second discharge of the English muskets. Captain Flory was wounded in the foot, and three others also wounded. After this the French vessel surrendered. Besides the wounded, two Frenchmen were drowned, one a youth of Dieppe, called le Moine, and another of Beauvois, called Neveu ; whose bodies were found nine days after and properly Interred. Larnetz and four others escaped, [i Champlain, 139.] After the capture of the French vessel, the English came ashore, and captain Argal requested to see de la Saus- saye, stating that the territory they were in belonged to Vir- ginia, and that they, the English, had attacked them in con- sequence of their unauthorized intrusion there. He desired to see the commissions of the French, saying that if they were regular he would be favorably disposed towards them, on account of the friendship of the two crowns. Argal, it is sta- ted, privately opened de la Saussaye's chest, and abstracted thence his commission and royal letters. Next day La Saus- saye came back, and when required by Argal to show his commission, looked for it in his chest, where it was no longer to be found. Argal then accused him of being a freebooter 56 History of Nova-Scotia. 1613. and pirate, and then gave up the French ship and settlement to pillage by his men. The pilot of the vessel (called by Char- levoix, Lamets, and in the narrative of the Jesuits named Le Bailleur of Rouen) took refuge in the woods. The English surgeon, himself a Catholic, took every care of the wounded French, who, at the request of Biard, were carried on shore, where du Thet died. Biard and Masse waited on captain Argal, on board his ship, and, after long argument and per- suasion, induced him to adopt a friendly line of conduct to his prisoners. The Jesuits' history describes Argal as " wise " " and crafty, but yet a gentleman of noble courage," and he is there stated also to have had a " noble heart." The Indians generously offered to maintain the French, if they remained, through the whole winter. Captain Argal, however, and his lieutenant, William Turnel, entered into a discussion with de la Saussaye as to the return of the French. It was decided at length that part of the French should take a shallop they had there, and that the rest, especially the mechanics, should go with Argal to Jamestown, Virginia remain there one year with free exercise of religion, and, if they would go back to France, then be sent home. Fifteen of the settlers remained with Argal to go in his ship to Jamestown, and fifteen went off in the shallop with the seamen of the French vessel. Among the party who went in Argal's ship were de la Motte, captain Flory and father Biard, also the two Jesuits who had recently come from France. (Q. Du Thet having been killed.) De la Saussaye and father Masse went with the party in the shallop. Their number was increased by the accession of the pilot, who had hid in the woods, and now disguised as an Indian was for- tunate enough to find the shallop going off. Thence they went to Grand Manan, Long island, cap Fourchu, (Yarmouth), and when off port au Mouton they were apprized of two French ships of St. Malo, (Malouins), being on the coast ; one at Sezambre, (Sambro), the other at Passepec, (Prospect.) One of them was of fifty tons, belonging to Pontgrav^, and already mentioned ; the other of one hundred tons, commanded by captain Vible Bullot. Each of those vessels took half of the shallop's party on board to carry them home. During this 1613. History of Nova-Scotia. 57 coasting they fished successfully, found a store of salt left by Biencourt on Long island, and received food and even bread as presents from the Indians they met with. Those who went in the small vessel (Pontgrave's) were exposed to much suffer- ing by hunger and bad weather. Masse was in the larger craft, called the Sauveur, and the pilot Alain Yeon and the seamen showed them kindness, and they fared the best. Both vessels arrived at St. Malo, at the same time ; where the bishop, governor, magistrates, merchants and people generally, gave them a kind and generous reception. The other party of fifteen French, when they got to Virginia, were treated harshly as pirates by the local authorities. Argal in vain urged the promises he had given them, until he felt bound in honor to produce de la Saussaye's commission and papers, and to state how he had got them ; after which they were promised that faith should be kept with them. The Virginia government decided to send Argal back with his three vessels, (his own and the two small prizes,) to destroy all the French settlements and forts in Acadie, all which to 46 degrees north latitude they claimed ; and that he was to find means to send back to France the settlers he had brought with him into Virginia, and any other in Acadie who should surren- der without resistance. Captain Argal therefore sailed north- ward with the three vessels, but for some reason he did not take with him all the French he had brought to Virginia. In his own ship were captain Flory and four others. In that commanded by lieutenant Turnel were Biard, the two other Jesuits and a boy. He first visited St. Sauveur, where he burned the buildings of the French, and pulled down a cross which they had erected as a mark of possession of the country, putting up one in its place, claiming the land as English. One of the English was hanged at St. Sauveur, for mutiny. Argal next visited the isle of St. Croix, where he found a quantity of salt and removed it. At this place he also burned the build- ings, and erased all marks of French dominion, in compliance with the orders he had received. Compelling an Indian to act as pilot, he then went to Port Royal, which he found deserted, no person being in the fort and shoes and different goods 58 History of Nova-Scotia. 1613. being scattered about it, the French of the colony being at this time dispersed in the woods. Biard, who himself wrote the narrative, says, that a Frenchman at Port Royal represented him, Biard, to captain Argal as a Spaniard, and a dangerous person who had committed many offences, and procured five or six other French to sign a paper to that effect ; and Argal was pressed to put him on shore, where he probably would have perished ; but he was too generous to follow such coun- sels, and those false charges proved unavailing, although they made an unfavorable impression on the mind of Turnel. M. Biencourt returning to Port Royal from a distance, had a conference with captain Argal in a meadow, a few of their followers being present. [2 Belknap, Am. Biography, 53. 54.] After an ineffectual assertion of rights equally claimed by both, Biencourt proposed division of trade ; but it does not appear that any arrangement was concluded. A native Indian came up while they were engaged in this discussion, and expressed his wonder that men who seemed of one race or nation should make war on each other. Argal destroyed the fort and all monuments and marks of French power at Port Royal. He even caused the names of De Monts, and other captains, and the fleurs de lys, to be effaced with pick and chisel from a massive stone on which they had been engraved ; but he is said to have spared the mill and the barns up the river. Charlevoix states that before this time a sum of upwards of one hundred thousand crowns had been expended at Port Royal. A storm befel them on their return. Argal got back to Virginia in safety, but one of his vessels with six English on board was lost, and the prize commanded by Turnel, in which the Jesuits were, was com- pelled to seek shelter in the Azores, whence the priests got to England and thence across the channel to their homes in France. [Ste I, Champlain 145-146.] Argal was a kinsman of Sir Thomas Smith, one of the founders of the Virginia company, and he had the favor and protection of the earl of Warwick, one of the chief rulers in king James's court. In 1617, Argal was made deputy gover- nor of Virginia under Lord Delaware, but was removed from 1613. History of Nova-Scotia. 59 this office in 1619. In 1620 he commanded a ship of war in an expedition against the Algerines, and in 1623 was knighted by king James. It was under the government of Sir Thomas Dale in Virginia, that Argal was sent to Acadie ; although Sir William Keith in his history of Virginia, pp. 132-4, makes the date of the affair 1618, five years later. After this destruction of his settlement, M. de Poutrincourt gave up all thoughts of American interests, and re-entered the royal service, in which he distinguished himself, and died on what is termed the bed of honor, having been killed at St. Me'ry sur Seme, which he took for the king. Poutrincourt fell in the moment of victory. He is stated to have been a sincere Catholic, [i Charlevoix, p. 214, citing Jean de Laet] The New York Historical Magazine for February, 1859, PP- 49 5> says, " Poutrincourt, the founder of Port Royal, now Anna- " " polis in Nova Scotia, on his return to France was ordered " " by king Henry the Fourth" (Henry IV was assassinated in 1610) "to reduce the cities of Mery sur Seine and chateau " " Thierry. He was killed at the former place, and the fol- " " lowing epitaph is inscribed on his tomb at St. Just in " " Champagne, as the marquis of Biencourt informs us :" Aeternae memorise herois magni Potrincurtii, qui pacatis olim Gallias bellis, in quibus prascipuam militias laudem conse- quutus est, factioneque magna Enrici magni virtute repressa, opus Christianum instaurandae Francise Novae aggressus, dum illic monstra varia debellare conatus, occasione novi tumultus Gallici a proposito avocatus, et Mericum oppidum in Tricassi agro ad deditionem cogere a principe jussus ; voti compos, militari glorias asmulatione multis vulneribus confossus, cata- pulta pectori admota nefarie" a Pisandro interficitur, mense Decembr, MDCXV. aetatis anno LVIII. Ejusdem herois magni epitaphium in Novae Franciae oris vulgatum et marmoribus atque arboribus incisum : Chara deo soboles, neophyti mei Novas Franciae incolse, Christicolae quos ego, 60 History of Nova-Scotia. 1613. Ille ego sum magnus Sagamo vaster Potrincurtius Super aethera natus In quo olim spes vestrae Vos si fefellit invidia lugete, Virtus mea me perdidit, vobis gloriam meam alteri dare nequivi. Iterum lugete. H. D. C. To the eternal memory of the great hero Poutrincourt, who, after the former wars of France were terminated by peace, in which he had obtained high military repute, and a great fac- tion being put down by the courage of Henry the great, under- took the Christian work of establishing New France. While he was endeavoring there to overcome different monsters, being recalled from his undertaking on occasion of a new insurrection in France, and being ordered by his prince to compel the sur- render of the town of St. Mery, in the Tricassian district, while successful in his attempt, was, through his emulation of mili- tary renown, covered with wounds, and slain by Pisander, who wickedly moved a catapult and struck him on the breast, in the month of December, 1615, in the 58th year of his age. Epitaph of the same great hero, published on the coasts of New France, and cut into the marble and the trees there : Ye progeny dear to God, inhabitants of New France, worshippers of Christ, whom I, I am he your great Sachem, Poutrincourt, Born above the sky, In whom was once your hope. If envy deceived you, bemoan me. History of Nova-Scotia. 61 My courage destroyed me. My glory is with yon. I could not give it to another. Again bewail me. H. D. C. In 1613, 1614 and 1615 attempts at settlement in Newfound- land were made by the English. In 1613, 54 men, 6 women, and 3 children, wintered there. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER VII. (i.) From " Johannes de Laet> nevus orbis. Lugdun, Batav. aptid Ehevirios, 1633, " ' c. 14. Cadia, sive Acadia." Extract translated from the Latin of the original. Cadia, a part of the continent, is of triangular form. The base, which is the longest, looks to the South, and between the harbor of Campseau and cape Four- chu, (promontorium Furcatum), stretches from East to West. The other two sides, after different windings and turnings, gradually approach each other until they nearly meet between the upper end of the French bay, (bay of Fundy), on the West, and the streights of St. Lunarius, (near bay Verte), on the East : vrhich two bays, divided by a small space of land, make this province a peninsula, The eastern side we have already mentioned : at the angle of the base (of the triangle) lies Camseau, a celebrated harbor, enclosed in a manner by two islands, somewhat difficult of access owing to rocks and shoals which the sea breaks over (in rough weather.) It is distant from the island of St. Lawrence (cape Briton ) l about eight miles ; from the Equator, 45 20. From this harbor westwardly to the harbor of Savalette is reckoned six miles ; from Savalette to the islands which are numerous along this shore divided by narrow channels, four miles ; thence to Green island six or seven. Here is a small river which takes its name from Green island. From that to the bay of all islands six miles. In all this space the shore is beset with rocks, which extend a mile to sea, and the water is agitated, (supra modumfervet.) Fourteen mile* from this bay is the harbor of St. Helena, in Latitude 44 40. A small island is adjacent, with a narrow channel, that can be passed over at low tide. From this to Sesambre island is eight miles, a most extensive bay lying between, which, on account of the salubrity of the air, is called by the French Baye Saine, (now Che- bucto bay.) From Sesambre (Sambro) to the river of St. Margaret, (St. Marga* raff bay), which is distant from the equator 44 25, and discharges itself into the sea opposite the martyr's islands, is seven miles. Eight miles from this, cape de la Heve makes into the sea, near which lies the port of the same name 44 05 62 History of Nova-Scotia. N. Lat., with safe anchorage. A small island is near, long but narrow, clothed with trees, to the East of which the bay runs into the continent, embracing some smaller woody islands in its bosom. Next lies the harbor of Rossignol (Liverpool) almost shut in by an island. A small river flows into it from the N. W., which measures about 25 miles from its source. Hence to port Mouton (portus Ovium) in 44 N. Lat. it is reckoned seven miles. It is of a circular form, having a small island at the mouth, forming two channels, the northern one of two fathoms, the southern three or four. The harbor itself seven or eight deep. Six small islands are scattered in it. It receives two small streams. Hence to port Negro, so called from cape Negro, is ten miles. Opposite the cape are rocks which have a resemblance, when seen at a distance, to a negro's head. The shores so far are low, full of dwarf woods and bushes, and the countless islands and rocks along the coast are full of all kinds of wild beasts. Not far from this lies a sandy bay, a very convenient harbor, and two miles West a promontory of sand, which is to be carefully avoided on account of the shoals and rocks which extend beyond a mile into the sea, (cape Sable.) Hence to the isle of Cormorants, (corvorum marinomm, sea crows), so called from their abundance, is one league distance, and a bay of two or three miles extent, called " La Baye Courante :" from which to the last promontory of this shore, called "forked" (cap Fourchu), is two miles. Here are many islands extending into the sea, four or five miles distant from the main land, and many rocks with break- ing seas. Some of these islands, on account of the multitude of birds, are called " Isles aux Tangueux ;" others are called " Seal islands," from the animal so cal- led, in 40 30 North Latitude. Chapter 15. Description of the shore of Acadie, which runs northward, and con- cerning Port Royal. Near cape Fourchu there is a harbor, which takes its name ftom the cape, ( Yarmouth harbor), in its entrance deep enough for passage of vessels, and a good station for shipping, but in its interior dry at low water, except in the chan- nel of a small river, which, coming down through excellent meadows, terminates here. From this place the shores incline gently towards the north for nine or ten miles. In this distance there are no harbors for large vessels, 'but some coves and shores with islets, rocks and shoals, as far as Long island, stretching out from the Southwest to the North, to the French bay's mouth. Long island is six miles long, by near one mile wide. It is covered with wood, and is difficult of approach owing to rocks and shoals. The seais much disturbed here, (cestus his admodum fervet), especially in the channel dividing Long island from the main land, (petit passage,) which is called le passage courant, by the French. Between this island and the main land is a bay very safe for shipping, three miles wide at the entrance, now called St. Mary's bay. In entering it, on the right hand is the harbor of St. Margaret in 44 30 n. latitude, in its entrance only 18 feet deep, within three fathoms, surrounded by a smooth and fertile plain looking to the East, (possibly Weymouth, otherwise Sissibott is here meant,) on the left side there is a small bay, .\ (perhaps Sandy Cove,) near which some affirm that veins of silver were found. A little further up is the river Brulay, and there is another stream at the head of St. Mary's bay, between which and Port Royal there is but a small space of land. Both these rivers are celebrated for iron mines, and their banks are rich in pas- tures. The soil is there of a red color, almost of the color of blood. From Long island the shore recedes in a northerly direction as far as Port Royal, situate in 45 History of Nova-Scotia. degrees north latitude, a harbor inferior to no other, whether its amplitude or excellence be considered. Its entrance measures 80 paces. The harbor itself is two miles long and one mile wide. It will hold a thousand vessels, and is exceed- ingly safe against all winds. Three rivers flow into it ; one of which, of some amplitude is called the 1'Equille, from the plenty of a small kind of fish caught there, coming down from the East through a long extent of ground. From the mouth itself of the bay, which is a quarter of a mile wide, and which is divided into two mouths by an island covered with trees and very agreeable, small vessels can go up sixteen miles, where the channel is yet 60 paces wide and 18 feet deep, with beech and ash trees on both banks. Another (river) called St. Anthony, on the right hand in going up, is smaller and closed by an island. The shores of it are covered with thick woods, which hinder intercourse between this and St. Mary's bay. ( This is probably Sear river, called also Imbert.) The third (river) on the same side, which is inaccessible to vessels, owing to shoals and rocks is called ruisseau de la Roche, (or Rock brook, perhaps Moose river.) The French settled here in 1605, as we shall state by and by. From Port Royal the coast trends more northerly to Cape Poutrincourt n. lat. 45 40, where the sea forms a bay of 20 miles extent, much longer than it is wide, which receives a small river and some brooks. From cape Poutrincourt to the left of the bay last mentioned, a port called port aux mines, (ab aeris metallis dictum,) called so on account of copper mines, which are twice a day covered with the tides. And here the mainland by a long and narrow path extends between two bays and a cape called the cape of the two bays. The further bay called baye de Gennes, (Chignecto bay ?) receives the sea through a mouth five miles wide, and has a large extent within. Two rivers flow into it, one from the East and another from the North, and reaches near the strait of St. Lunarius, the isthmus part of the peninsula. 64 History of Nova-Scotia. CHAPTER VIII. THE materials hitherto accessible for the history of Acadie for the period of several years after Argal's expedition in 1613 are very scanty indeed, leaving almost a perfect blank in the narrative of about ten years. We have just seen that Poutrin- court died in battle in 1615. His son Biencourt seems to have remained in Acadie, and it is said that he was resident at Port Royal in 1617, and that a small French colony still sub- sisted there, [i Williamson, Maine, 211.} We are told in Ferlands Canada, part i.,p. 204, that two associations of mer- chants were organized 1619 to bring into use the resources of Acadie. One company obtained permission to carry on there the shore fishery, (la peche sedentaire), and the other the pri- vilege of buying furs and trading with the savages. In order to supply the religious wants of the persons in their employ- ment, the associates sent to their establishments three Recol- lets, who also undertook the care of some old inhabitants of Port Royal, who had remained in the country with M. de Biencourt. In 1623 one of these fathers, returning from the mission at Miscou (on the gulph of St. Lawrence) to their chief residence situated on the river St. John, died of hunger and fatigue in the midst of the woods, a martyr to his charity and zeal. These Recollets belonged to the province of Aquitaine. That the English conceived they had some claim probably from prior discovery, to the lands of Acadie, is testi- fied by the proceedings of Argal under the orders of the government of Virginia. The harsh course he pursued, and the making war on the French, while the two crowns were in 1620. History of Nova-Scotia. 65 amity, without previous notice, were acts unfortunately too common in that age. The nations of Europe assumed a title to all lands in the new world, of which they could obtain for- cible possession. It was thought a sufficient pretext, that the native races, whom they termed savages, were not Christians, to justify any course of dispossession. The terms in which the commissions are granted to adventurers shew, that the doc- trine was held that heathens and infidels could be lawfully and justly subdued, and their lands occupied without asking their consent, and it was not until William Penn professed a different sentiment that any doubt seems to have been entertained upon this subject. It is also remarkable that all the French of the seventeenth century, and great part of the eighteenth, seem invariably to apply the term sauvages (savages) to the Indians of North America, as well to the converted tribes as to the others. The English have generally used the term " Indians" in preference. In accordance with this English claim, a charter was gran- ted to the New England company, dated 3 November, 1620, which included all the territory from the 4Oth to the 48th degree of north latitude. Sir George Calvert, lord Baltimore* procured a grant of that part of Newfoundland that lies be- tween the bay of Bulls in the East and cape St. Mary's in the South, which was called the province of Avalon, and made a settlement at Ferryland. Lord Baltimore made his residence there, but afterwards left this for his new possessions in Mary- land. [Hist. British Empire in North America, pp. 138, 139.] Sir William Alexander was born in 1580^ in Clackmannan- shire. He was made gentleman usher to. prince Charles, in 1613, viscount Stirling in 1630, and earl of Stirling in> 1633. He died in 1640, and his grandson succeeded him 1 ,, Who in his turn was succeeded by an uncle named Henry.. On the 10-20 September, 1641, king James the first of Eng- land (James the 6th of Scotland), granted all Nova Scotia (including what is now New Brunswick) to Sir William Alex- ander. This grant gives the name of Nova Scotia; to the ter- ritory, and a copy of it in the original Latin is in the memori- als of the English and French commissaries. It was probably- 5 66 History of Nova-Scotia. 1623. issued under the great seal of Scotland. This grant was con- firmed by another patent from Charles the first of England, dated 12 July, 1625. In 1635 a grant was made to lord Stirling of a district between Pemaquid and St. Croix, and also of Long island, opposite to Connecticut (1621.) This last grant was made by the Plymouth council. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and captain John Mason, who were both active and interested in the English colonization, and were anxious to secure Acadie from the French, obtained a conveyance from the council of the New England company to Sir William Alexan- der of the territory included afterwards in his crown patent, [i Williamsons, Maine. 562. 223.] (1622.) Sir William Alexander sent out a ship with some settlers. Laet 62. They wintered at St. John's Newfoundland, and putting to sea again in 1623, they coasted along the shores of the peninsula of Acadie ; and, according to the French author- ities, they returned to England without having succeeded in forming any settlement ; but the English commissaries alleged in the boundary discussion at Paris in 175 1, that in consequence of the grants he received in 1621 and 1625, Sir William Alex- ander took possession of the country, made a settlement at Port Royal, and built a fort there. They also state that he gave leave to Claude de la Tour and his eldest son Charles, to improve lands and build within the territory for their own advantage ; in consequence whereof they made a settlement and built a strong fort upon the river St. John, called fort de la Tour. -Charle- voix, says that Sir William Alexander, in the year after his first grant, (1622) sent out an officer to Acadie, to select a place for settlement ; but that this envoy having left Europe too late in the season, was obliged to spend the winter in the port of St. John, in Newfoundland. (1623.) From that place he went to Acadie, entered port au mouton, which he re-named St. Luke's bay, and went to another harbor two leagues off, which he called le JoH port, or the black port, port noir, now known as port Joli ; and remaining no longer there, he returned to Newfoundland and thence to England. That after that the earl of Stirling took no steps to turn his domains in Acadie to any account The French commissaries 1624. History of Nova-Scotia. 67 allege that Sir William Alexander's people did not go beyond cape Negro on their coasting voyage. Champlain states in 1631, that the English had ten or twelve years before taken possession of the most noted places, and had even seized on Port Royal, where they occupied the place at the time. The English commissaries draw the inference that this occu- pation occurred in 1621, the date of Sir William Alexander's grant, and they add, " It is also remarkable that there remain" "at this very day (1753) the ruins of a fort built at that time," " at the entrance into the bason, which preserve the name" " of the Scotch fort." The whole water from the entrance at St. George's channel (Digby gut) up to the fort and town of Port Royal, (Annapolis Royal), which is about eighteen miles long, is usually called the Bason ; but this name has been sometimes given to that portion of it which lies between Goat island and the fort, which the French wri- ters call 2 leagues (five miles) in length. Haliburton, vol. i., /. 45, says that the Scotch settlement was on the West side of the Bason, opposite Goat island, on the Granville shore that the remains of it were still visible, (1827), and bore the tradi- tionary name of the Scotch fort. On the other side it has been urged that the French, and the Indians who were attached to them, having possession of the country, the colonists sent out by Sir William Alexander returned without having made an attempt at settlement. [Douglas, v. i., /, 305. I Haliburton, 41, 42. i Ferland, Canada, 245.] Champlain, v. 2., p. 92, speaks of Biencourt as still living in August, 1624, and that during eighteen years he had resided in Acadie with the Indians. After the death of his father, the young Biencourt took the name of Poutrincourt, which became his as the head of the family. He continued, however, to be called sometimes Biencourt and sometimes Poutrincourt. Ferland says it is very probable that Biencourt died in 1623, for a letter written from the port of Lomeron, in Acadie, and bearing the date of 25 July, 1627, informs us that he died four years before. This letter was addressed to the king by Charles Amador de la Tour, then commandant in Acadie. [Monhegan is said to have been settled by the English in 1622, and Saco in 1623. 68 History of Nova-Scotia. 1625-26. i Williamson, Maine, 226.] (1625.) Besides grants of Acadie, Sir William Alexander obtained patents for parts of Canada, fbr Anticosti, Martha's Vineyard, California, Nantucket, &c. About this time (1625) the fort or settlement at Quebec, foun- ded in 1608 by Champlain, having received accessions of inha- bitants, began to assume the name and character of a town or city; and in the same year (1625) Boston, in New England, was founded. [Douglas.] (1626.) The order of baronets of Nova Scotia was established on the principle that they should assist the plantation of the province at their own charges. This I infer was founded as an institution connected with the kingdom of Scotland. King Charles the first, by his letter of 19 July, 1625, to the privy council of Scotland, conferred on each knight baronet of Nova Scotia, a space of land three miles wide and six miles long, in New Scotland. Some of the knights had their manors assigned them, I believe, in the genial and fertile soil of Anticosti. How far it was consistent to make such grants after the whole country had been patent- ed to Sir William Alexander, may be questioned ; but it is possible that he had surrendered part of his grant of 1621 on receiving the grant of confirmation in 1625. The complete number of the knights was to be 150. The insignia of the order to be the arms of Nova Scotia, Argent, " the ancient " " arms of our said ancient kingdom of Scotland," on a blue cross, commonly called a saltier azure, to be supported by the unicorn on the right side, and a savage man on the left ; and for the crest, a laurel branch and a thistle proceeding out of an armed hand, and a naked (sword ?) conjoined, with this motto : Munit hcec et altera vincit. 25 July, 1626. Charles R. " Lieutenants and Barronets and every one of them and their "heires male to weare and carrie about their neckes in all " time coming ane orange tannie silk ribban, whereon shall " being pendant in a scutcheon argent a saltaire azure thereon, " ane inescutcheon of the armes of Scotland, with ane Impe- " riall crowne above the scutcheon, and encircled with this " motto : " Fax mentis honestae gloria." Many of these par- ticulars respecting the order are taken from a modern work respecting the claims of the pretended earl of Stirling. This 1627-28. History of Nova-Scotia. 69 order is attached to certain ancient Scottish families, the eldest son taking the rank, but it does not entitle him to the designation * sir.' These baronets have held no connection with the province. Some years since an application on their behalf to the crown for lands in this country was made, with- out success, grounded on the ancient gifts of land in their patents of creation. King James the first died 27 March, 1625, and his son and successor, Charles the first, married the princess Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry the fourth, and sister of Louis the thirteenth. It was said to have been stipulated in the treaty of this marriage, that England should cede Acadie to France. [i Williamson, Maine, 231. Douglas.] (1627.) In 162 7 Charles the first made war against France. The duke of Bucking- ham attempted, with one hundred ships, and seven thousand soldiers, to conquer the isle of Rhe, on the coast of France, but was defeated. (1628.) In 1628 he sent a fleet to relieve Rochelle, in which the protestants were at that time besieged, but the blockade was complete both by land and sea, and the fleet was unable to accomplish anything for the benefit of the town. A second expedition failed the same season, and the town surrendered to the French king. (1629.) In April, 1629, king Charles made peace with France. This treaty was nego- ciated by the intervention of the republic of Venice, and the articles were concluded at Suza, in Piedmont. No restitution of prizes was to be made on either side, except what might be taken two months after signature. By this exception, Charles was obliged to restore the provinces of Canada and Acadie, in North America, which a party of his subjects had reduced several months after the conclusion of the peace ; but some disputes arising, these restitutions were not completed until a new treaty had been concluded in 1632. [6 Cootes history of England, 151. (1627.) Under the auspices of cardinal Richelieu a new and powerful association was formed, called the company of New France. It consisted of one hundred associates, of whom Roquemont, Houel, Lataignant, Dablon, Duchesne and Castillon, are named in the act, dated Paris, 29 April, 1627, 7 *' and half covered with shingles, which do" {does) ** not serve for any use but " " to house cattle." " More, about 50 paces from the said outhouse, there is a " *' square garden, inclosed with rails, (pieux), in which .garden there are 50 or 60 " ** trees, bearing fruit." It is stated at the end that particulars are given, in order that the value may be made good to Sir Thomas Temple, his heirs or assigns, &c. The next is tfee precis verbal of the surrender of fort Gemiskk, on the St. John river, 27 August, 1670. The parties who signed this were Pierre de Joibert, ecuyer, seigneur de Soulanges et Marson, lieutenant of M. le chevalier de Grand-fontaine, commandant for the king in the county of Acadie, deputy gover- nor captain Richard Walker, and Isaac Garner, gentleman. The fort of Gemisick is stated to be 25 leagues up the river St. John, to be forty paces long by 30 wide. enclosed all round by new stakes (perches) of 1 8 feet high, connected by two cross pieces fastened with two nails (deux clous de fiche) to each stake. The gate is new, of three thicknesses of plank. Pickets of nine feet high are leant inside against the stakes. Three platforms and three angles of the fort are made of new plank. There are four iron guns mounted, weighing respectively 427, 427, 625, 300, Ibs., and a 5th iron gun, not yet mounted, of 350 Ibs. weight. A house 20 paces by 10, two chimnies and two sheds, a forge, a ton of coals, a table with drawers, and two wooden chairs. There is also a store house, in which is a large closet for goods. *" Trouve dans la cour un corps de garde," (French copy), found in the court a guard house. 148 History of Nova-Scotia. (3-) The surrender of Port Royal was made on the 2nd September, 1670, by Walker and Garner, to M. de Soulanges, by an announcement to that effect made pub- licly and aloud, in presence of all the inhabitants assembled for that purpose. This is certified by de Soulanges, under the same date. He also states that Walker had sent an order to the sieur de Rinedon, commandant of fort Latour, (on the river St John, in St. John's harbour or port Latour ?) to deliver it up also, This document gives no particulars of the state of either fort. Williamson, in his history of Maine, vol. i., pp. 363, 428, speaks of a pnrchas* made by Temple of Latoor's title, and a regular conveyance made. He says Temple was humane, generous and disinterested He also mentions a promise made him by the crown, of 16,200, as an indemnification for the loss of his grant and property, and for money he had expended in fortifications and otherwise in Acadie. We will find some particulars of his death in 1674. It would seem that Grand-fontaine, on assuming the command of Acadie, took up his residence at Pentagoet. 1671. History of Nova-Scotia. 149 CHAPTER XVIII. 1671. The chevalier de Grand-fontaine, governor of Acadie, in writing to the minister at Paris, in 1671, states That the vessel called 1'Oranger had arrived, having on board sixty passengers, among whom were four girls and one woman. He transmits a list of the things he is in need of to M. Terron ; also of the articles in store. He says he is going to send his ensign to the river St John, to establish the old fort that is at the mouth, to guard it until the cannon be brought there from the fort 25 leagues inland, (Jemseg.) On the margin of his despatch is written, " This ensign will also attempt the road " " to Quebec, will pass over to Port Royal, and tell those who " " are there what they ought to do to live in peace, until " " messrs. de Courcelles and Talon have sent them some one '* " to command them," (Courcelles was governor of Canada, and Talon intendant at the time,) "he, Grand-fontaine, having" " forbidden the inhabitants to acknowledge the person called '* 41 Ic Borgne, unless as a simple inhabitant, considering the " " complaints against him, also against a cordelier, performing " " the functions of cure, having caused a negro to he hung " " without any formalities, killed an Indian, and banished " " three inhabitants." He says he has bought a ketch from colonel Temple, to carry the inhabitants and provisions to Port Royal, and to put a stop to the fur trade which the English are carrying on there. He says that he must send to seek a carpenter in New England, to construct some little vessel ; it being necessary to send one there ; also that little funds are wanted to meet this kind of expenses. He complains of the 150 History of Nova-Scotia. 1671. conduct of sieur de Marson, his lieutenant, whom he had sent to Boston on the subject of a vessel arrested, and of the trade, with the letters of M. Talon. Marson returned, and did not report to Grand-fontaine, who put him imder arrest in conse- quence. That he had sent to M. Talon to facilitate the com- munication with Acadie ; and while awaiting his reply, would have new colonists sent to the great rapid of Kediscuit, by which the intended road should pass. (There is a place called Keduskig, on the map published by the E. & F. Commissaries with their reports, about fifty miles up the Penobscot.) For wani of a person fit to command at fort Latour, he has not been able to begin the shore fishery, (peche sedentaire), or that of seals. He asks for some half-pay officers, (officiers reformes), or persons capable of taking command, and that the colonists to be sent should be seafaring men. He requests some little salary for the storekeeper, with whom he is pleased. He proposes that those sent out should leave in March, to give them time to make clearings for their dwellings during the summer. Sends a list of all the inhabitants of Acadie, which will be much greater next year, all his soldiers wishing to settle there ; and he remarks that the air is very good. He sends a. description of the river and fort of Pentagoet, and con- ceives it to be necessary to occupy the river St. George, which bounds the English settlements. He recommends that the king should get the duke of York to restore Quenebeguy and Pamcouet, (Kennebec and Pemaquid), the inhabitants of which do not wish to recognize Boston, and would only demand the liberty of religion, and that his majesty would profit by the fishery and coasting trade, which would prove of great utility. [Paris mss.] M. Rameau, the author of a work entitled " La France aux Colonies, Paris, 1859," visited Nova Scotia in 1860 to seek information personally on the spot respecting the ancient French settlements. I had the pleasure of conversing with him at Halifax at that time, and subsequently, of peru- sing his excellent book. At pages 124 to 127 he gives the particulars of a census of the inhabitants of Port Royal, &c., in 1671, drawn up by Laurent Molin, religieux cordelier. 1671. History of Nvva-Scotm. 151 There appeared to be at that time at Port Royal, 361 souls. At Poboncom, near the Tousquet isles, ) (now called Pubnico), J ' At cape Negro, 7 At riviere aux Rochelois, 3 Total, 378 (At page 129 he calls the total 394. He also mentions a pre- vious undated census of Port Royal, returning 92 souls.) The largest family is that of Francis Gauterot, numbering 13. Among the people at Port Royal were a surgeon, a weaver, four coopers, a farrier, two armourers, a mason, and a maker of edge tools. The number of families there was 66. The surnames were Aucoin, Babin, Belon, Bellineau (Belliveau ?), Baiols, Blanchard, Boure, Boudrot, Bertrand, Bourgeois, Brot, Brun, Commeaux, Connie", Corperon, D'aigre, Doucet, Dupeux, DeForet, Gaudet, Gauterot, Grang6, Guillebaut, Girouard, Gougeon, Hebert, Knessy, Labathe, Landry, LeBland, Lanoue, Martin, Melanson, Morin, Pelerin, Petitpas, Poirie, Pitre, Richard, Rimbaut, Robichaut, Scavoye, Sire, Terriau, Thibau- deau, Trahan, Vincent At Poboncom there was Phillippe Mius, ecuyer, sieur de Landremont, or de Dantremont, aged 62 ; his wife, Madeleine Elie ; sons Abraham, 13, Philip ir, another 17, and two daughters. At cape Negro lived Armand Lalloue, ecuyer, sieur de , aged 58 ; his wife, Elizabeth Nicolas ; children, Jacques 24 ; Armand 14 ; Arnault 12, and two girls. At riviere aux Rochelois lived Guillaume Poulet, wife, and one child. The number of horned cattle in Port Royal settlement, 580 sheep, 406 " arpents, (acres), cultivated land, do., 364 1-2 At Pobomcoup the sieur Dantremont had 20 horned cattle, 25 sheep, and 6 arpents of cultivated land. At cape Negro, M. Lalloue had one arpent of land under cultivation. At riviere aux Rochelois were two arpents of cultivated land. The oldest person mentioned is Jean Gaudet, 96 years. Mat- 152 History of Nova-Scotia. 1672-73. thew Martin, the same person, I suppose, who afterwards obtained a grant of Cobequid from the governor and intendant of New France, (Denonville and Champigny), date 28 March, 1689. See post. It is said that he was the first white person born in the colony, and that this circumstance was recited in his grant. See under dates 1686, 1689 and 1731, post. In the census of 1671 he is mentioned as being 35 years old, unmarried, and a weaver, owner of four horned cattle and three sheep. In the census of 1686 he is called 47 years old, owner of one gun and eight arpents of land. Disputes about his will arose in 1731. M. Rameau proves that this small population was of an old date in the country, by the intermarriages which had taken place among them before 1671, specifying that Michael Bou- drot and Fran9ois Girouard had each married a daughter of the Aucoins, twenty-five or thirty years previously. There appears no mention in this census of LeBorgne, or his family, or of any of the Latours, or of any governor, nobleman or priest, except the cordelier friar, as resident in the settlement of Port Royal, at this time. 1672-3. Some time in 1672 or 1673, six years after the treaty of Breda, a number of French families emigrated from St. Malo, in Old France, to the river Miramichi, and commen- ced a settlement at baie des Vents. [Cooney, N. B., 30-33. Gesner, N. B., 43-44.] At this time, the French, who had taken possession of the country, appear to have kept up but two forts, viz., that of Pentagoet, where the chevalier Grand- fontaine, the governor or commandant, resided, and that of the river St. John, where his lieutenant M. de Marson held command. It is also stated that M. Talon, intendant of Canada, who had requested leave to return to France, was directed by a letter of M. Colbert, dated 4 June, 1672, to take Acadie in his way, as he had proposed. He had orders to negociate with Sir Thomas Temple, who had desired leave to retire into French territory, and to assure him that the French king would give him letters of naturalization, and other favors. From some cause, which is not explained, this proposal led to no result. [2 Ckarlevoix, p. 255.] 1 6 74. History of Nova-Scotia. 153 On the 5 May, 1673, an order, signed by king Louis 14, and by his minister Colbert, issued, dated at Peronne, [Paris ntss.,] which recites that Grand-fontaine wished to return to France, to have leisure for his private business, and directs the ap- pointment of the sieur de Chambly to command in Acadie in his stead. 1674. The compagnie des Indes Occidentals ; established by edict of May, 1664, w ^h exclusive privileges of trade for forty years, was revoked by edict of December, 1674, which remit- ted the territories, &c., to the Crown, and gave free trade to all his majesty's subjects. Canada, Acadie, Newfoundland, Virginia, Florida, and the African coasts, were included. [Edits, &c., Quebec, i8o3,/. 63, &s.] In this year, 1674, Sir Thomas Temple died. In a letter from Mr. J. Collins to governor Leverett, of Massachusetts, dated London, April 10, 1674, is the following passage. [Htitch. Mass. Collections, p. 445.] " Since my last, it has pleased " " God to remove by death Mr. Lodor, Mr. Yenning, and " " some other ministers of the presbiterian perswasion, holy " " men, and much lamented ; as alsoe lately Sir Thomas Tern- " " pie, whom melancholy and griefe hath killed by his hard " " usage from Mr. Elliott, but especially the occasion given of" " scandall, by his lodging at his old Mrs., her house, Mrs. " " Martin, which having heard the echo of again from New " " England, from the letters that some too uncharitably wrote " " did sit deep upon his spirit, and hastened his end. He " " sent for me, and I was with him severall houres, before he " " dyed a week, and he layed open his soul ; it was a mere " "accident : yea, great necessity, I judge afterward, that cast" " him at that wretches house." Sir Thomas Temple is said to have appointed Mr. John Nelson his heir to this province, [Hist, of B. Empire in America, p. 174], and it there stated that the government promised him , 16,200 sterling, as an indemnity for his losses in respect of Nova Scotia, which was never paid. The chevalier Grand-fontaine was succeeded in his command at Pentagoet, which seems to have been at this time the French headquarters in Acadie, by M. de Chambly, probably 154 History of Nova-Scotia. 1676. in 1673. In the following year, 1674, an Englishman gained access to the fort in disguise, and remained there for four days. Having thus obtained the information he wished, he withdrew, and in a short time came back with the crew of a Flemish corsair to attack the place. This adventurer, whose name is not given, had one hundred and ten men under his orders, while M. de Chambly had but thirty. As the two crowns of England and France were in peace with each other, no idea of an attack from any quarter had been entertained, and the garrison was wholly unprepared for a defence, and taken by surprise. Chambly nevertheless defended himself with much valor, but after an hour's fighting he received a musket shot in the body, which forced him to retire. On this event, his ensign and soldiers, who were badly armed, and, it is said, worse disposed, surrendered at discretion. The enemy at once sent off a detachment to fort Gemesic, (Jemseg), on the St. John river, where M. de Marson was in command, to carry him off, and this they accomplished without resistance, The author of this hostile proceeding had no commission, and was disavowed by the English, though it is stated that he had obtained an English pilot from Boston, and the English there were suspected of having encouraged the affair from jealousy of the neighborhood of the French at Pentagoet. Williamson, the historian of Maine, dates this occurrence in 1676, but it is stated to have happened in 1674 both by Charlevoix and by the recitals in a grant of land made in 1676 by count Fronte- nac to M. de Marson. Williamson also attributes the attack to the Dutch, and adds that these corsairs were driven out of their conquest by two or three vessels sent from Boston. The grant of 1676 also calls the assailants Hollanders. The baron Castine after this took possession of the now vacant fort of Pentagoet, which he repaired and occupied. 1676. The Indians who lived eastward of New England made war on the English settlers, killed many, and drove others by terror from the Kennebec, and did much mischief at Casco and other places in that vicinity. Their head chief in this war was Mugg, and they conducted it in more con- 1 6 7 7 7 8- History of Nova-Scotia. 155 formity with civilized usages than was customary with the Indians. On the 13 November, 1676, the Tarrateens or Eastern Indians made a treaty at Boston with the English, which was entered into by Mugg, in behalf of Madockawando (the father- in-law of Castine), and Cheberrina, sachems of Penobscot. [i Hutch., Mass., 346, 347.] A commission, dated 20 May, 1676, appointed M. de Chambly to the command of Acadie, subject to the governor of Canada. He is directed to defend the fort and the country, and to protect trade. [Paris mss.] It does not clearly appear how he was to carry out these injunctions, having such small means of defence supplied him. 1677. The Eastern Indians committed further aggressions on the frontiers of New England. Major Andros, who held a commission from the duke of York, placed forces at Pemaquid, and forced them to make peace again. \Hiitch : ubi supra.] The coal mines of cape Breton began at this time to attract attention. Duchesneau, the intendant of New France, issued an ordonnance, dated 21 August, 1677, which recognizes and establishes the right of M. Denis to exact a duty from all per- sons who took coal from cape Breton, or plaister from the straits of Canceaux, as grantee of the land by patent in 1654, governor, &c. This document fixes the duty at 30 sous for each ton of plaister (gypsum), and 20 sous for each ton of coal. Persons also who trade in furs within the limits of Denis' grants and government, which embraced the islands of St. John and cape Breton, and the whole gulph shore from Canso to cape Rosiers, are declared liable to confiscation of their goods employed, and to a fine of 200 livres, unless they have license from Denis. 1678. M. de Marson had taken command in Acadie by order of M. de la Barre, Chambly being absent ; and on 16 July, 1678, count Frontenac appointed the sieur de la Valliere to this command. 156 History of Nova-Scotia. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XVIII. (i.) An edict of the king of France, dated from the camp of Luting, near Namur, directs all grants of land in New France, which had been left uncleared, to be reduced to one-half. The retrenched half to be granted to actual settlers. [Edits, Quebec, 1803, v. I,/. 71. (2.) In a letter of 28 January 1686, Grand Fontaine states that he left the treaty he made with Temple, and his own instructions from M. Perron, with Chambly, who relieved him in the government ; but as Chambly was afterwards captured and robbed by a corsair, he thinks the papers were lost. He says his own papers were left with his host at Rochelle, when he went out to Tobago, but on his return they were missing. [Paris mss.} (3-) An edict of Louis 14, dated from the camp at Heurtebise, near Valenciennes, 20 May 1676, authorizes count Frontenac, governor, and Duchesneau, intendant, to grant lands in New France, on condition of clearing them within six years. Such grants to be presented to the king for confirmation within the year they bear date, &c. In 1667 and 1668, edicts forbade the settlers going to hunt among the savages more than one league from the settlement. [Edits, &c., Quebec, 1803, -vol. I-/- 93-1 Grants made in Acadia by count Frontenac, governor, and Duchesneau, inten- dant : I. 12 Oct. 1676, to the Sieur Pierre de Joibert, ecuyer, Sieur de Soulangcs et de Afarson, major of Pentagoet and commandant of the forts of Gemisick and the river St. John, a seignory, called Nachouac, to be hereafter called Soulanges, 1 5 leagues from Gemisick, 2 leagues front on each side of the St John river and 2 leagues deep inland, &c. 2. 16 Oct., 1676, a similar grant to de Mar son of the fort or house of Gemisick, with a league on each side of the fort, making two leagues front on the river. 3. 24 Oct., 1676, a similar grant to Michel le Neuf, ecuyer, sieur de la Valliere, " of ten leagues of land in front, which are on the South side " " between Cape Breton and the isle Percee, beginning from the river Kigiskoua- " ' bouguet, comprizing the same, to another river called Kimontgouiche, also " " comprized, with ten leagues in depth inland, whereof the bay of Chinigtou " " and cape Tormentin are part." These grants are in perpetuity, as Seigneuries, held by homage, &c., at the chateau of St. Louis at Quebec. (4-) Translation of a document, or conveyance in 1679 : Before Jacques Courand, procurator fiscal and notary, settled at Port Royal, for the lord of said place, was present in person the nobleman Alex. LeBorgne, Sieur deBellisle, in stead and place of Monsieur Emanuel leBorgne, his father, Sieur History of Nova-Scotia. 157 duCoudray, knight of the order of St. Michael, lord and part owner of Acadie. Which said Sieur de Bellisle in the said name has voluntarily acknowledged to have granted, surrendered and transferred, as in fact he grants, surrenders and transfers by these presents from henceforth forever to Pierre Martin and Mathieu Martin his son, (the said Mathieu at this time stipulating and accepting for them their heirs and assigns.) To wit. It is a piece of land and meadow by them in part improved, and on which they reside, bounding on the east side on the great tneadow, on the west side on the brook Domanchin, on the south side on the river Dauphin ( now Annapolis river), and on the north side on the mountain, for the said Martins, father and son, their heirs and assigns to enjoy and dispose of the said land as belonging to their own property. For and in consideration whereof they bind themselves and shall be held to deliver and pay to the said lord or others for him, one denier Tournois of quit rent, one capon, and one bushel of wheat, annual, perpetual and irredeemable ground rent to the said lord on account of his fief and seigneurial manor of Port Royal aforesaid. Payable the said denier of quit rent, the said capon and bushel of wheat of rent, every year the first day of January in his manor house at Port Royal aforesaid. Bearing the said quit tent, lots et ventes, seizin and amends, if the case should occur for every sale made and not notified in twenty days from the date of the contract. All which above stated have the said parties so willed and agreed, promising in every place to keep and observe the same, under the obligation and hypothecation of all and singular their present and future property. Renouncing all things contrary to these presents, which they desire to be observed and kept according to their form and tenor. Done at Port Royal at the domicile of the said lord, the ninth day of August one thousand six hundred and seventy-nine. Present, Jacques de la Tour, Pierre Mellanson. (Thus signed in the minute.) BELLISLE, MATTHEW MARTIN, JACQUES DELATOUR, PIERRE MELLANSON, et COURAND. COURAND, pr. fiscal et notaire. February 14, 1737. Reg'd pr. me, W. SHIREFF, Secy. (N. B. The French copy is in the Register Book of Deeds, kept at Annapolia during the time it was the residence of the British governor.) 158 History of Nova-Scotia. 1680-82. CHAPTER XIX. 1680. Charlevoix informs us (v. 2, p. 273) that Acadie, fort Latour on the St. John, and Pentagoet had been restored by the English to the French for the fourth time in or previously to the year 1680. That M. de Chambly had been named gov- ernor, neither he nor Grand Fontaine having before held any higher title than commandant. That by this time, a little village had been formed at Port Royal, which then became the capital of their government. That the government included, besides the peninsula, all the southern coasts of New France, always however subordinate to the governor at Quebec, That meanwhile the English had built a good fort at Pemkuit (Pem- aquid,) between Pentagoet and the Kinibeki, and by an alliance with the Illinois (Mohawks,) had compelled the Abenaquis to make peace. That M. de Chambly had left Acadie to go to Grenada, where he was appointed governor, and no one was named in his stead. That the English consequently took possession of Pentagoet, and fort Latour, without resistance ; and that the inhabitants of Port Royal, seeing the storm ready to fall upon them, made terms with the English ; M. de la Valliere, who held only a simple commission from M. de Fron- tenac, having no power to hinder them ; and that thus the English for the fifth time became masters of the country. 1682. It would seem that this occupation of the English was of short duration, as in 1682, we find the count de Fron- tenac, writing to M. de la Valliere as in command of Acadie. He wrote at the same time to the English governor at Boston, pointing out that the English (under the administration of the 1683-84. History of Nova-Scotia. 159 former governors of Canada,) had not liberty to fish or trade in Acadie, unless by express permission and agreement as to what each vessel should pay for the privilege. The last day of February 1680, the king of France granted to the sieur Bergier, of Rochelle, Gautier, Boucher and de Mantes, bour- geois of Paris, " the lands which they shall find suitable along " " the coast of Acadie, and of the river St. John, to make there " " the establishment of a shore fishery, (une peche sedentaire,) " " in the extent of six leagues, to the environs of the habita- " " tation they shall make," &c., for the fishery and all other trade. M. Lefevre de la Barre was appointed governor of Canada in 1682. 1683. The Sieur de la Barre wrote to Valliere, that he should not suffer the English to continue to trade and to fish, on the coast of Acadie, as they had done under count Fron- tenac, until the king's intentions should be ascertained, and that they should not take any coals without his receiving the accustomed dues. In this year the population of Acadie amounted to 600, according to a Canadian list. Rameau, p. 19. 1684. M. de la Barre, the governor of Canada, granted a commission to M. de la Valliere to command in Acadie, in consequence of the previous appointment made by Frontenac, also of an instruction from the king, dated in May 1682, directing him to report on the merit and capacity of la Valliere, with the design of sending him a commission. On the first May 1684, M. de la Barre writes to M. de laValliere, that by a royal despatch of 5 August, his Majesty had chosen him as governor, with a salary of 1 800 livres, and that the patent, not yet signed, would be sent by the first opportunity. Letters are also mentioned both from Frontenac and de la Barre, to la Valliere, testifying their satisfaction with him, and their con- fidence in his services. Bergier and his associates who had obtained a grant in 1682, complained that LaValliere had granted licenses to the Eng- lish to fish on the coast and use the harbors of Acadie. On his second visit to the coast Bergier arrived at Chedabouctou, on the 2 March 168-, There he sowed wheat, rye and barley 160 History of Nova-Scotia. 1684. upon land that his people had previously cleared. This was done on the 22nd May. On the 2ist September he reaped the harvest and brought the produce to France for exhibition. He also brought out vines and all sorts of fruit trees from France, which he planted, and they appear to take root and prosper. Flax, hemp, peas, beans and all sorts of vegetables, were asserted to grow there as well as they did in the neigh- borhood of Paris. It only wanted good laborers to make the land prosper, it being incomparably superior to Quebec. The land was said to be more fertile, and the climate as good as that of Rochelle. The inhabitants of Port Royal, having been encouraged by Bergier, fitted out six small craft for the fishery. One Carter, of Salem, who had been licensed by M. de la Valliere, for 50 livres, the year before, induced some English buccaneers to capture the six fishing vessels of Port Royal, which deprived the people of that settlement of any opportunity of carrying on the fishery, unless they went to Canso for the purpose. Car- ter, playing the part of a fisherman, came to Canso along with the buccaneers ; and having been entertained at dinner at Chedabouctou by M. Bergier, he requested his permission to fish on the coast of Acadie. This request Bergier refused to grant. Carter then asked leave to pay a visit to the captains of four French vessels in the port, whom he had known the year before ; which Bergier agreed to, not distrusting any- thing. The buccaneers found the French fort and vessels on the alert, and they withdrew under cover of night. Bergier sent a vessel to Boston to complain to the governor there of Carter, as the author of the capture of the six fishing vessels of Port Royal, and of the capture of the dwelling of the sieur de la Castine at Pentagoet. Meanwhile Bergier discovered an Englishman named Gemer Tailer, (Jemmy Tailer ?) of Boston, an accomplice of the buccaneers, who had been with them at the capture of the six fishing vessels of Port Royal, acting for them as their pilot, as was authenticated by the attestations of the owners of the fishing vessels. This man, Tailer, had been kept in irons by Bergier in his fort since the 27 July last, until he could send him to Quebec, to be tried by de la Barre, the 1684. History of Nova-Scotia. 161 governor general, and DeMeules, the intendant. The buccan- eers threatened to return and give no quarter, if anything were done to the English. Bergier had left his two boys in charge of the fort, and had gone back to France to request the assistance of some small man-of-war. If the king will give them a small frigate of ten or twelve guns to cruise on the coast, Bergier and his associates offer to furnish all sailors, provisions and expenses, for four years, without calling on government for anything. As this will be expensive, Bergier, on behalf of his company, asks for authority to capture and confiscate all English vessels trading, fishing or taking coal on the coasts of Acadie, or the alternative of imposing a tax or duty on them, as Valliere has done. The day before he left, there were six English vessels in Canso, four going to fish, and two about to go to the Magdalen islands, to build and settle there, whom he forbade, and sent on people to hin- der them. He says La Valliere, for whom the commission of governor of Acadie has been requested, is a poor man who has a settlement of eight or ten persons, and who gave up the country to the English for wherewithal to subsist on, and has not power to carry out the king's orders, while the company is powerful, &c. This representation is among the Paris manuscripts. In another memorial of this period it is said that la Valliere has but a small settlement of eight or ten men near the river St. John, that he encouraged the English to fish on the coasts, that he was hated by the Indians, whom he con- stantly robbed, and who are disposed to assassinate him, and would have done so last summer, but for Bergier, that la Valliere has no power to enforce the king's authority, and; he has shown great jealousy of the company's operations. The Indians, and the merchants and shipmasters of Rochelle,. have petitioned against him. The advantages of Chedabouc- tou, as a centre of trade and fishery, are pointed out. The Eng- lish are said to injure the fishery by throwing the heads and entrails of fish overboard, which the French carefully avoid doing. Good timber and masts can be obtained in the coun- try. Elsewhere Valliere is said to receive five piastres per ii 1 62 History of Nova-Scotia. 1684. yacht from the English for a license to fish. He is said also to threaten the Indians that he will hang them, and that he imposes on them. Bergier's company ask for the frigate la Friponne, of 1 30 tons, to guard the coast, and offer to pay her expenses. They also offer to carry on trade with the West Indies. Quebec traders could call there. It is 200 leagues nearer to France than Quebec is. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XIX. (i.) The effect of the representations of Bergier is seen in a Royal order 10 April, 1684, forbidding LaValliere to act as commandant in Acadie, or to grant fishing licenses to foreigners, under 3000 livres fine and damages to Bergier's association. Bergier is commissioned as lieutenant da Roi, in Acadie, under sfeur Perrot the governor, 14 April, 1684. This is registered at Rochelle, and also at Port Royal. Bergier writes an order, dated Laheve, 15 July, 1684, directed to Michel Boudrot, lieutenant civil et criminel (judge) at Port Royal, and to Mius, sieur d'Entremont, proc'ureur du roi, (attorney general), there to register it. Claude Petitpas, greffier, {secretary), certifies, 20 July, 1684. [Paris mss.] (2.) 29 Nov., 1684, a commission as counsellor and lieutenant general, pour la siege ordinaire de T Acadie, in favor of M. Desgoutin, is registered, (judge's commission,) ' Edits, &-V., Quebec, 1803, v. 2. /. 31, table. (3-) A grant was made by de laBarre, governor, and de Meoles, intendant of Can- ada, to Jean Martel, of the place called Mageas (Machias) 23 leagues from Port Royal, 2 leagues in front and three leagues in depth, with the isles, &c. (4-) April 1684, the king grants by patent, at Versailles, to Bergier, Gautier, &c., all the lands and islands on the coasts of Acadie from Cape Canceau to the bay of All Islands. (5-) From Ferland's Canada, v. i, p. 280. " Several families came a little while " M after M. de Montmagny, among them were those of the Sieurs de Repentigny " " and de la Potherie, both numerous and to be of influence in the future." 1684. History of Nova-Scotia. 163 Relation of 1636. " These two noble families of Normandy included 45 persons. " " Pierre 1 Gardeur de Repentigny brought with him his wife, his mother, his " ' brother Charles le Gardeur de Tilly, his sisters, and several children. They " "' were of Thury sur Orne. The sieur le Neuf de la Potherie had also with him " " his mother, and his brother the Sieur Michel le Neuf du Herisson. The " " family of le Neuf was of Caen. Some of the descendants of the Sieur de la " " Potkerie served in Acadie, under the names of la Valliere and Beaubassin." (6.) I. Graitt date 20 Sept., 1684, by de la Barre and de Meules, to Louis d' Amours, sieur des Chauffeurs, of the river Richibouctou, one league of land on the s. w. side and as far as three leagues beyond the rivers Chibouctouche, on the other side, with the isles adjacent, &c., in fief and seigneurie, to be called de Chauffeurs. 2. Grant of same date to Rene d' Amours, Sieur de Clignancourt, on the river St. John, from Medoctec to the longue saull, two leagues in depth on each side, fief et Seigneurie of de Clignancourt. 3. -Grant 28 June, 1684, to Jean Sarreau de St. Aubin, of five leagues in front, on the sea shore, and 5 leagues in depth in land at a place called PaGcomady, .(Passamaquoddi ?) and its environs, with the asles and islets in front of that extent, also an islet of rocks about 6 leagues off for seal fishery, also the island called Archimagan, and the islets for two leagues round -it. 4. Grant to Mathieu d' Amours, esquire, in 1684, of the land along the river St. John, between Gemisick and Nachouac, two leagues deep on each .side of the river, &c. 164 History of Nova-Scotia. 1685 CHAPTER XX. IN 1685, the fort and dwelling of St. Louis, at Chedabouctou, consisted of two buildings, sixty feet in front by twenty feet in depth. There were thirty-three persons resident, having pro- visions for a year. They had four cannon, besides fusils, pis- tols and halberts ; 80 minots, equal to 240 bushels, of salt ; a bark of 30 tons ; fifteen shallops, and every thing requisite for the fishery. The Bergier company ask now for a frigate for two years, and a grant of the islands of cape Breton, St. John, and the Magdalens. [Pans mss.] The government of La Valliere now draws to a close. Ber- gier des Hormeaux sent a written complaint against him. Bergier shews that he having gone to the island of cape Breton with three men, to receive there from several savages different furs which they owed to the company, and having received part of them, Beaubassin, La Valliere' s son, entered his cabin at 3 o'clock in the morning, accompanied by six men, armed with fusils, with drawn swords and pistols cocked, crying, " kill, kill," and after having seized him and his people, who were lying down, he told them they were prisoners. That having asked for his authority, he replied that he acted upon an order of M. de la Barre, which his father, La Valliere, held. That having also asked for the reading of the order, he refu- sed it, threatening with frightful oaths to tie him and maltreat him, if he insisted further. Bergier, on this, sent off Beaure- gard, one of his three men who accompanied him, to go to M. de la Valliere, and tell him that he should complain of such treatment ; but seeing that this man did not come back, and 1685. History of Nova-Scotia. 165 that they carried off everything he had in his cabin, without inventory or any form of process, he made his escape out of the hands of Beaubassin, with one of his men, and embarked in an Indian canoe, which he found near his cabin, in which he came to Chedabouctou, and concludes by stating what Beaubassin took from him. There is another statement made by an Indian captain named Negascouet, dated 22 May, 1685. He says that coming from Neguedchecouniedoche, his usual residence, to bring to Chedabouctou what he owes to the company of sedentary fishery of Acadie, he was met by the sieur de la Valliere, who took from him, by violence, seventy moose skins, (peaux cTorignaux), sixty martins, four beaver, and two otter, without giving him any payment, or making any acknowledgment, and that this is not the first time the said La Valliere has acted so by him, and by several other Indians. [Pans mss.~\ M. Perrot, who had been governor of Montreal since 1670, was, in 1684, transferred to Acadie, to be governor there. He had been originally nominated to the government of Montreal by the seminary of St. Sulpice there, he, Perrot, having mar- ried a niece of M. Talon, intendant of Canada. This office was confirmed to him by the king, but having got into discord with the seminary, he was removed to Acadie, where we find him in office in 1685. 2 Charlevoix, 190, 321. Writing to the minister in France, Perrot asks for himself the grant of Laheve, as a seigneurie, with a frontage of twelve leagues on the sea coast, beginning at port Rossignol, (Liverpool), on the west, and ten leagues in depth inland, with high, middle and low justice, all rights of fishing, trading and hunting, under the quit rent of a gold crown on each change of property. He also asks for fifty soldiers, (including fifteen seamen), with the thirty who were then in garrison, maintained at the king's expense ; a corvette of ten guns, (eight and twelve pounders), a coast pilot and a missionary to be also supported. The cannon to be supplied for the fort, with the requisite ammuni- tion and utensils of war ; tools, to rebuild the fort ; twelve barrels of tar, and 300 blocks, or pulleys, of all sizes. He requests permission to collect vagrants, and compel them to 1 66 History of Nova-Scotia. 1685-86. settle in the country ; and that the soldiers be allowed to marry, giving them, as in Canada, fifty livres, or an equivalent. On these conditions, he offers to put the fort of Laheve in a state of defence, to build there a dwelling house, storehouses, cazernes and a guard house ; to erect a mill, settle a village, and collect inhabitants for the shore fishing by the advances he will make them. He will also take care that the inhabi- tants shall build a church. This place, he says, is most con- venient for his purpose. It is within three days' communica- tion with Port Royal and Mines, the most populous places in the country. He will buy the corn they raise, in order to excite them to the culture of the land. The fishery will pro- duce great advantages to them. As the English of Boston cannot yet be dispensed with, he says it will not do to exclude them at once. They should be allowed to dry their fish on the French shores free of duty. It will only be necessary to oblige them to sell their fish on the spot for French goods, fixing the price of merchantable fish at six livres a quintal, and the refuse at three livres, or three livres ten sous. {Paris mss.] About this time Bergier's company reiterate their re- quests for a grant of the Magdalens, St. John and cape Brecon islands, for 20 years, to carry on the seal fishery. 1686. In May, 1686, the French king granted all these islands by patent to Gabriel Gautier, who seems to have been one of the partners. M. de Meulles Jacques de Meulles, knt, seigneur de la Source, the intendant of New France, visited Acadie in 1685 and 1686. He found all the French settlements there in a neglected and desolate state. On his return to Quebec, he wrote to the minister that the most useful establishment his majesty could make in America, was that of Acadie. While on this tour, he visited each of the settlements in person, and he caused a census to be prepared in the beginning of 1686, (a copy of which is among the Paris mss.) In this census the name, age and residence of every settler is to be found the sex and number of his children the quantity of cleared land he held the number of his cattle, and the guns in each fami- ly's possession. The total population was 915, including 30 1 686. History of Nova-Scotia. 167 who were soldiers ; fusils, 222 ; horned cattle, 986 ; sheep, 759 >* swine, 608 ; cleared land, 896 arpens. In this year, 1686, the daughters of M. d'Aulnay, who, by the death of their brother, killed in the king's service, were the heiresses of the father, petitioned the king for compensa- tion. They stated that their father had spent seventeen years in Acadie built there five fortresses, churches, two semina- ries, established a mission, cleared land, sustained war against foreign sectaries, and expended 800,000 livres. At this time there was at Ste. Croix a settlement of twenty persons. The baron St. Castine lived at Pentagoet, and tra- ded with the Indians and with the English. The fort at Laheve had been long abandoned, and so had that of Penta- goet. It was urged on the government to build a tower and redoubt at the entrance of Port Royal basin, the cost estima- ted at 2000 crowns ; and to put up a redoubt, with palissades, at Port Royal itself; to enclose the governor's lodgings, part of the barracks, storehouses, &c. Port Royal seems to have been now the only place in Acadie having the shadow of defence, the governor and thirty soldiers being resident there. A treaty of peace between France and England was conclu- ded at London 16 November, 1686, for North and South America. It contained 19 articles, among which 'was one that, though the two crowns should break their friendship in Europe, their respective colonies and subjects in America should remain in peace and neutrality. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XX. Bergier in July and August 1684, being on the Acadie coast in his vessel the St Liouis, arrested eight English barks, called, the Mary, the Adventure, the Swallow, the Rose, the Industry, the Lark, the Friendship, and the Industry, for fishing and trading within the limits of his patent. He took out the fish and furs, and carried the masters to Rochelle, where they were interrogated by the officers of the Admiralty. Two were acquitted, having held licenses to fish from LaValliere, 1 68 History of Nova-Scotia. 1686. and Bergier was adjudged to take them back and indemnify them : the other six were confiscated. \E. and F, Commissaries, pp. 614-615.] (2.) 13 August, 1685. Richard Denis, as lieutenant for his father, Nicolas Denis, governor, &c., grants to the ecclesiastics of the Episcopal Seminary of foreign missions at Quebec, 3 leagues of land in front at Ristigouche, three leagues on the river Ste Croix, and three other leagues in the island of Cape Breton, each to be also three leagues in depth, reserving right of building a store house and trading with the savages. The seminary is bound to have a mission, a church or chapel and a resident priest at each place, maintained at their expense. The exact location to be determined within ten years, to suit the convenience of the savages. (3-) In a petition of the " Compagnie de la peche sedentaire de 1'Acadie," without date, they ask for. I. A grant of the Magdalen Islands, and the islands of St. John and Cape Bre- ton, for 20 years, to carry on the seal fishery. All vessels interfering to be con- fiscated and to pay 3000 livres penalty, half to the chapel of the Fort at Cheda- bouctou and half to the company. 2. An order to governor Perrot and lieutenant du roi Boulaye, to compel la Valliere, his son Beaubassin, his brother-in-law Richard Denis, and their consorts, to make restitution of goods and furs robbed by them from Bergier's son and the Indian captain Negascoet ; and if they disobey to send them prisoners to France, to answer for their conduct. 3. An order of reprisals on the L'Hirondelle, and her cargo of fish (or the proceeds) in the hands of Mr. Stukey, merchant at Rochelle, being English property owned by Boston merchants, for the barque Marie and cargo, belonging to the company, taken by the English at Cape Breton. 4. The restitution of duty on beaver improperly exacted. [Parts mss.] In May 1686, letters patent were granted at Versailles by which the king gave to Gabriel Gautier, the island of Cape Breton, the island of St. John, and the Magdalen islands. [So it is recited in the arrft du conseti d'etat du Roy, of 20 May 1703.] (4-) Extracts from the census of M. de Meulles in 1686 : At Port Royal, 95 families adults 197, boys 218, girls 177, total, 592 Thirty soldiers maintained there by the king, 30 622 Guns 75 ; horned cattle, 643 ; sheep, 627 ; swine, 351 ; cultivated lands 377 arpens, (arpent is nearly an acre.) At Cape Sable, 15 souls ; 7 acres tilled ; 17 horned cattle ; 16 guns. At Laheve and Mirliguaiche, 19 souls ; 3 acres tilled ; I pig ; 9 fusils. At Bay of Mines, 57 souls ; 83 acres tilled ; 90 horned cattle ; 21 sheep ; 67 swine; 20 guns. River St. John, Pesmonquady, Megays and Pentagoet, 16 souls ; domestics not included. 1 686. History of Nova-Scotia. 169 Chignitou, called Beaubassin, 127 souls; 102 fusils; 426 acres tilled; 236 horned cattle ; in sheep ; 189 swine. Miramichy, Chedabouctou, Nepisiguit and Isle Percee, 52 souls. General summary of census of Acadie in 1686, settlers, 885 ; soldiers, 30 ; total souls, 915 ; fusils, 222; horned cattle, 986 ; sheep, 759; swine, 608; cleared land, 896 arpens. At Port Royal, among others, are these families : I. Le sieur Alexandre le Borgne, seigneur du lieu, (lord of the place) age de 43 ans, (aged 43 years,) Born in 1643. D'lle. Marie de St. Etienne, his wife, aged 32, " 1654. Children, Emmanuel, " n, " 1675. " Marie, ' 9, " 1677. " Alexandre, " 7, " 1679. " Jeanne, " 5, " 1681. Domestic, Etienne Aucher, " 73, " 1613. (The ages of each are given in the census. I have added the years in which each person was born. This gentleman, Alexander le Borgne, was called M. de Belle- isle. He was son of Emmanuel le Borgne, and his wife was the eldest daughter of Latour by madame D'aulnay. Belleisle was left as governor at Port Royal in 1668, by M. Grand-fontaine.) 2. Michel Boudrot, lieutenant-general of the jurisdiction of Port Royal, (which was a judicial, not a military office,) aged 85, Born in 1601. Michel Aucoin, his wife, " 65, " 1621. Children, Michel, " 26, " 1660. " Francois, " 20, " 1666. 3. Philippe Mius, the sieur D'antremont, procureur dui Roi, (attorney-general,) aged 77 years, native of Normandy, died about 1700, the same gentleman who was major and deputy for Latour in 1653 Born in 1609. His children, Philip, aged 24, " 1662. " Madelaine, " 16, " 1670. 4. Claude Petitpas, sieur de laFleur, greffier (sec'y,) aged 60, " 1626. Catherine Bugaret, his wife, aged 46, " 1640. Children, Claude, " 23, " 1663. " Jacques, " 19, " 1667. " Marie, " 18, " 1668. " Henriette, " 12, " 1674. Paul, " 11, " 1675. " Charles, " 10, " 1676. " Martin, " 9, " 1677. Pierre, " 5, " 1681. " Anne, " 2, " 1684. Mathieu Martin, 47 years. The same named in the census of 1671, as 35 years old, also in the deed of M. Belleisle in 1679, probably the same person who obtained in 1689 the grant of Cobequid, said to have been the first white person born in the colony. Born therefore in 1636 or in 1639. The following are the surnames of the inhabitants of Port Royal, at this time : Arsenault, Babin, Barillost, Bastarache, Bertran, Benoit, Brossard, Brun, Boure, Blanchard, Leblanc, le Borgne, Bourgeois, Boudrot, Bellivault, Brien, Commeaux, 170 History of Nova-Scotia. 1686. Colson, Como, Corberon, Dupeux, Douaron, Dugas, Doucet, DeForest, Fardel, Gaudet, Garault, Guilbault, Guillaume, Goho, Girouard, Godet, Godin, Granger, Hebert, Henry, Lavoye, Landry, Lort, Leuron, Martin, Margery, Melansou, Muis, Pitre, Peltiet, Prijean, Pellerin, LePrince, LaPerriere, Petitpas, Rembault, Rich- ard, Robichaud, (Marie Sale, 86 years years) Savoye, Terio, Toan, Tourangeau, Thibaudeau, Vincent. We find by this census, at cape Sable : Jacques la Tour, sieur de Etienne, aged 25, Born in 1661 Marie Melan9on, his wife, " 18, " 1668 Charles de la Tour, " 22, " 1664 Jacques* Mius, sieur de Poubomcou, " 27, " 1659 Anne de St. Etienne, his wife, " 22, " 1664 Children three boys. Abraham Muis, dit Plemarch, " 24. " 1662 (called also Pleinmarais), Marguerite de St. Etienne, his wife, " 21, " 1655 Children Marguerite. " 5, " 1681 Charles, " 3, " 1683 Abraham Dugas, " 23, " 1663 Jeanne Guilbaude, his wife, " 18, " 1668 La Liberte, le neigre. Sum. 15 souls, 1 6 fusils, 7 acres tilled, 17 horned cattle. [Marie Muis, apparently daughter of either Poubomcou, or Pleinmarais, was the wife of M. Duvivier, married in 1705. See Bonaventure's letter in that year ; also deed from Francois du Vivier, enseigne du vaisseau, et capitaine d'une franche compagnie, &c., in 1707, in the register book of grants, deeds and wills, kept at Annapolis from 1731 to 1749. . See also memorial of M. Duvivier in 1735 at that date.] At LaPfeve and Mirliguaiche. Surnames : Provost, Labal, at Petite riviere, Vesin, Martin le Jeune, and his wife Jeanne, an Indian woman, and two children. Michel, Gourdeaux, La Ver- dure, Petitpas. Sum. : 19 souls, 9 fusils, 3 acres tilled, and I pig. Bay of Mines. Pierre Melangon.t called La Verdure, aged 54, Born in 1632 Marie Muis d'Antremon, his wife, " 36, " 1650 (probably married in 1685). And nine children, from 20 years to one day old. Surnames : Aucoin, de la Boue, la Roche, Pinet, Terio, Rivet, Boudrot, Hebert, Landry. Sum. : 57 souls, 20 guns, 83 acres tilled, horned cattle 90, sheep 21, swine 67. * He had in 1707 four sons and five daughters. See de Goutin's letter. He was son of major Philippe D'Antremont. t Mentioned in December, 1705, as very poor, owing to the English invasion, &c. See the name of La Verdure in the marriage settlement of 1653, and surren- der of 1654. Also in M. de Brouillan's letters, 1702 & 1703. In 1723 a deed from Fran9ois le Claire dit La Verdure, of Annapolis, registered there. 1 6 86. History of Nova-Scotia. 171 River St. John, Pesmonquady, Megays and Pentagoet. Martin d'Aprenclistigue, aged 70, Born in 1616. Jeanne de laTour, his wife " 60, " 1626. (said to be a daughter of Charles de laTour.) Le sieur Louis d' Amours de Chauffours, aged 32, " 1654. Marguerite Guyon, his wife. Le sieur Mathieu d' Amours de Freneuse, " 28, " 1658. Louise Guyon, his wife. Rene d'Amours de Cllignancourt. Bernard d'Amours de Plenne received a grant of the river Kanibecachiche 20 June, 1695. He was married to Jeanne le Borgne ; and his son, Alexander Francis was born 28 Oct. 1702 ; baptized by F. Felix Pain, Recollet, at Port Royal. (The d'Amours were originally from Bretagne. \Rameau, p. 145.] Louis d'Amours, from Paris, is among the immigrants to Canada, between 1641 and 1666. [l Ferland, Canada, p. 511.] Megays (Machias) Martel, Dubreuil. and some domestics. Pentagoet, la sieur de St. C as tin, and several valets. Sum. : along all this coast, without counting the domestics of each of those seigneurs, there are 16 souls. (There was a fort and dwelling at Pentagoet, first erected by M. d'Aulnay de Charnisay. Grand-fontaine and Chambly were afterwards there, and all was abandoned after the invasion of 1665.] Chignitou, called Beaubassin. Michel le Neuf, sieur de la Valliere, seigneur of Beaubassin, aged 45, Born in 1641 His children : Age. Born. His domestics : Age. Born. Alexander, 20 1666 Fran9ois Leger, 55 1631 Jacques, 17 1669 Gabriel, 20 1666 Marie Joseph, 15 1671 Michel 1'Arche, 22 1664 Jean Baptiste, 12 1674 Marie Lagasse, 16 1670 Judith, 10 1676 M, Pertuis, armourer. Michel, 8 1678 Fusils 70, tilled acres 60. Marguerite, 6 1680 Horned Cattle, 19. Barbe, 4 1682 Sheep 22, swine 12. Surnames at Chignitou : Mirande, LaBarre, Girouer, Morin, Mignault, Bourgeois, Cochin, Poirier, Cottard, Mercier, Quessy, Lavalle, Lagasse, Blon, Cormier. Sum of Beaubassin : 127 souls, 102 fusils, 426 acres tilled, 236 horned cattle, ill sheep, 189 swine. Miramichy : The sieur Richard Denis de Fronsac, seigneur of Miramichy, and four or five valets. Chedabouctou : The sieur de la Boulais, lieutenant du Roi, and in a fort which is at the inner extremity (fond) of the bay, with fifteen or twenty domestics. In this place there are three or four inhabitants who have cleared land. 172 History of Nova-Scotia. 1686. Nepisiguy : Enaud, aged 35 ; his wife, who is a squaw, and three or four valets. He has turned the land to account, and raised cattle. [Cooney, History of New Brunswick, pp. 30, 168, calls him Jean Jacques Enaud, a native of les Basques, near the Pyrenees, but thinks he came here in 1638 or 1644. He says he had a seigneurie in (what is now) Gloucester county, New Brunswick ; that he married a Mohawk woman of distinction, and was murdered by one of her brothers. That he was opulent, and lived in Absnaboo, or Coal Point, at the mouth of the Nipisiguit river.] Isle Percee : Boissel, wife and 8 children. Lamotte, do. and 4 do. Lepine, do. and 4 do. Le Garfon and wife. Sum. : 52 souls. The English acre contains 160 square poles, at 16 1-2 feet each pole's length, or 43,560 square feet. The Norman acre 77,440 square feet, or 160 square perches of 22 feet long. The small arpent, formerly in use about Paris, contained 100 square perches, each perch being 18 feet long, or 32,400 royal feet square measure. The middling arpent contained 100 square perches, of 20 feet long, or 40,000 square feet. The great arpent, 100 perches of 22 feet long, or 48,400 square feet. (5-) A shipmaster from Piscataqua had carried a cargo of wine to Penobscot, and landed it there, conceiving it to be French territory. Palmer and West, being at the fort of Pemaquid, forcibly seized the wines, as if the country were under their jurisdiction. This act offended not only the French, but also the people of New England ; and the Boston government issued a circular to the fishermen and people of Maine and New Hampshire, warning them not to venture on the East- ern coasts in consequence. Barillon, the French ambassador, requested that one Phillippe Syuret, master of a vessel called the Jeanne, having sailed from Malaga for New France, with a cargo of merchandize on account of messrs. Nelson, Watkins and associates, and having delivered them according to the bills of lading to the sieur Vincent de Castine, merchant, settled at Pentagoet, situate in the province of Acadie ; the judge of Peniguide (Pemaquid), sent a vessel and seized the cargo of wine as contraband. On this claim of the ambassador, the wines were released. [See Paris mss., and I Hutckinson, Mass., 370.] 1687. History of Nova-Scotia. 173 CHAPTER XXI. 1687. In 1687, the French fishing company had a fort and settlement at Chedabouctou, consisting of 150 residents, of whom 80 were fishermen. M. Denonville was appointed governor of Canada in 1687. M. de Menneval was appointed governor in place of M. Perrot. The king's instructions to Menneval are dated 5th April, 1687, and are to the following effect. The king blames previous governors for the slow progress of Acadie, and ap- points Menneval in place of Perrot. His government is to extend from cape Gasp6 to the river Kennebec. The chris- tianising of the Indians is the king's chief object. He refers him to M. de St. Vallier, bishop of Quebec. The governor is to support relig'ion and morals among the settlers. Litigation exists. A blank commission is given, which Menneval is to fill up with an honest judge. He is also empowered to ap- point a procureur dtt roi, and a greffier, (attorney general and clerk of court.) The people are not to be allowed to go into the woods trading. The Indians are to be dealt with in trade, kindly and honestly. Special licenses, however, may be given for such trading expeditions. The disorderly conduct of par- ties claiming large grants is referred to. Menneval is to repress this, and may send the offenders to France. Idleness and debauchery are to be discountenanced. The fishery com- pany at Chedabouctou are to be looked after, that they may deal fairly with the fishermen. Foreigners are to be prevented from fishing and trading with the French or Indians. Refers to treaty of Breda of 31 July, 1667, and the treaty of neutrality 1 74 lfi\tory of Nova-Scotia. 1687-68. of London of 16 November, i6B6, article 9, and forbidding such trade. The liberty of fishing, granted to the English by former governor*, ha* been injurious. Mcnncval is not to uffcr it, nor the *alc of fur* to the English, He is to prevent the English from encroaching beyond the Kcnncbec. The king has ordered the frigate ' la Friponne/ Jlfauregard com- mander, to enforce this and the treaty of Breda. All foreign vessels coming on the coast to fish, after proclamation, to be confiscated. Thirty soldiers to be sent out in addition to iitirty previously sent, to be commanded by the sieur Durs de Houlaye, lieutenant du roi, under governor Mcnncval He is td ' ' '.i hack to France. Menneval is to reside at Port Royal. The fort at Port Royal is to be rebuilt ; four thousand livres i sent by M, Gorgas, ecrivain principal, for that purpose. Tools, &c., are sent in the Friponne. The f-.ii i. i, MI to be revetted with masonry, but to be an earth (-.if, with fascines and turf. Soldiers and inhabitants to be employed on the fort. Menneval may change the site of the fort, if necessary. He is to take great care of the arms, pow- der, ammunition and tools. Castine is to be coerced from his vagabond life and trade with the Indians, &c., and his illicit trade wit I. ,;.#sh, which he alone follows, and to be urged to pursue a line of conduct more becoming a noble- man. I, Sieur de Gotitins, appointed by the king, judge, and ccrivam du roi in Acadie, had hi* instructions dated 10 April, 1688. He was to prevent law suits as far as possible to act in concert with governor Menneval to settle all differences amicably, not to pass sentence* unle** where it was necessary to the safety and peace of families, and to discourage appeals to Quebec, as ruinoa* to suitors. He, de Goutins, i* to relieve M. de Garga* as ecrivain principal. Gargas is to hand him his account of money received for pay of troops and for fortifi- cations. This account is to be examined in presence of Men- neval before Gargas leaves. De Goutins, as ecrivain, is to sec that economy is used, and that the contracts for works arc duly fulfilled. He is to inquire and report on the nature of the lands, fishery, &c. He is annually to send exact accounts l688. l/i-.fory <>/ Nn'ixi '.intia. /'/', of the pay of ili: i/ooj/, in. 'I 1 1,'-, coif of foitifioation*. He ii alo to prepare and transmit ;innu;.lly a cenu of which a model if giv< /; him. 30 Ap;il, l6S8, tli<: ' >. M;//i<: de Menou, d;n;; and heire** of M. d'AuJn;iy de ' barni*ay, and CftflOflti Pouiay, made a donation of 1'o/t J'oy.-.i to ),<< bof:. and fitter*, before Tardiv .-./, notary, which gift wan J")y, / complaining of hi* ponifion. I/j Mar<,h or April, Sir Edmond Andro#, the governor of NV// .L at Pema/jiii'l, in fh: fii^ate Ro, caj.' .;..-. r /- pffi , ,'in along the coaat, arrived at Pentagon, (\'<-M<>\> -.< / , AH *oon a* the frigate wa co -Uy anchorc'l in th/-. harbor, near the old fort and the dwelling of Canting tJjc \i<:ni<:n:n>i wa# ent ahore by captain George, an 'I bvi a convc/viiion with the baron. Caatine, : of tjje governor** ^omin^, re- tired with all hi* people, and left hi* hou*e *hut up, po*ibly for hi* peraonal liberty, \ffutck. Collections, $62,] The ; crnor landed with other gent party, '1 bey went in, to Ca#tine' houe, and found a *mall altar in i room ; which altar and ome picture*, and ordinary ornament*, they left uninjured, but they took away all hi* arm*, powder, hot, iron kettle* and *ome trucking cloath, and hi* chair* ; which were put on board the frigate, and laid up, in order to a condemnation for trading, in the fort at Pemaquid. Notice was verbally given to an /ndian achem, that if Ca*tine would a*k for hi* good* at J'e/n^uid, and come under obedience to the king of //ould be re*tored. Andro* had with him carpenter*, and board*, nail*, and all nece**ary *tore* to repair the old fort, an/J fit it to receive a garrUon ; but find- ing that it had originally been built for the mo#t part of fc 1 and turf, and wa* quite a ruin, h< :ed to do nothing to to it, and abandoned it, Ca*tine naturally re*ented the pillage of his place ; and a* he had great influence among the Indian*, 176 History of Nova-Scotia. 1688-89. it was supposed to be owing to him, that the eastern Indians killed some of the inhabitants, as asserted, and destroyed their cattle. In retaliation, Andros raised seven or eight hundred men by impressment, and pursued the Indians in the first part of the winter, but without avail. Having built two small forts on the boundaries at Pejypscot falls, and Sheepscote, he re- turned to Boston, [i Hutch., Mass., 371.] There were two brothers, both missionaries, named Bigot ; their family were barons Bigot. Vincent Bigot was the elder and James Bigot the younger. Vincent, the elder brother, resided in a wigwam at the village of St. Frangois, in Canada, and often went among the Abenakis. In 1688 Vincent was at Penobscot, for the purpose of gathering the savages into a new village on the lands of the king of France, and to guard them against the efforts of the governor Andros to draw them to the English. M. Denonville, in a memoir addressed to the minister of marine, says that he owed to the missionaries, par- ticularly to the two fathers Bigot, the good intelligence he had preserved with the Abenakis, and the success they had met with in their expedition against the English. [ I Maine His- torical Society's Collections, pp. 328, 329.] During this year, 1688, a Portuguese vessel was taken by pirates. They robbed her of above 3700 Spanish hides, threw the men and ^2000 worth of goods overboard, and went into port a Bear, (between Liverpool and Shelburne), on the coast of Nova Scotia. One Glanville, in a ketch, carried thence the hides to Boston. [See Randolph's letters, May, 1689.] 1689. The revolution in England deprived James the 2d of the throne of the British islands, and placed his daughter Mary, and her husband William the third, the Prince of Orange, in his stead as king and queen. This led to a new war between the crowns of France and England. The war was declared in England 7 May, 1689, and at Boston 7 Decem- ber, 1689. [* Williamson, Maine, 595.] The Bostonians arrested Sir Edmund Andros the governor, and several of his chief councillors and officers, [i Hutch., Mass., 372.] At this time the whole population of New France amounted to 1 1,249 1689. History of Nova-Scotia. 177 souls, Acadie is stated in a census of this year at 803. The Indians were not counted in these early enumerations. It is a subject of grave reflection, that after 84 years had elap- sed from the founding of Port Royal in 1605, and notwithstan- ding the expense of money and all the exertions of DeMonts, Poutrincourt, Latour, Denis, and others, men highly qualified for the task of colonization, the results should be so trifling. Many of the settlements were now desolate and abandoned, and none of them prosperous. Nearly forty years before, d'Aul- nay had besieged St. John with a flotilla and 500 men, and the defenders had been probably numerous. The contests and discords of ambitious leaders contributed doubtless to this unfavorable state of things, but the incessant interferences and invasions which the English at Boston carried on, must be considered as the chief causes of retarding the progress of French settlement in Acadie. In August, 1689, the English fort at Pemaquid, then garri- soned by fifteen men only, under captain Weems, was taken by the Indians, who spared the lives of the captain and six men. There was a large rock near this fort, from which the Indians galled the garrison so much as to compel them to- capitulate. The Indians have been charged with breaking faith in killing and making prisoners of the men after the sur- render. Thury, a Jesuit missionary, is said to have excited the Indians to this attack, by a harangue he made them at his chapel. Matakawando was engaged in this affair. The work was afterwards extended, so as to take in this rock and remedy the defect, [i Hutch., Mass., 396. I Williamson, Maine, 612. I Maine Hist. Soc. Collections, 330. Paris mss.] M. des Goutins, who acted in the two capacities of a judge and of ^crivain du rot, which latter office gave him charge of military stores and monies, &c., wrote a letter to the minister, dated 2 Sept., 1689. In this he refers to his former letters of 23 September, 1688, by the frigate la Fripanne. He com- plains of the governor, Menneval ; accuses, him of diverting litigant parties from his tribunal, and sending them for justice to Canada. Says that five or six families have been thus ruined by the expenses. Champigny, the. intendant, wrote to 12 178 History of Nova-Scotia. 1689. disapprove of this, but Menneval persisted, and told the inha- bitants not to recognize des Goutins as judge. He, Men- neval, threatened the people had them beaten, and impris- oned in a cellar half full of water, on slight pretences. He charges Menneval and the priests with encouraging the Eng- lish to come trading to Port Royal. That he got letters written to the English on his behalf, by du Breuil, whom he had made procureur du Roi, who was here in the service of messrs. Perrot and Villebon, and who is now his man of busi- ness. The English now trade here openly. They come ashore with goods at night, and the sentinels are forbidden to cry " Qui va la," (who goes there ?) The goods are carried to the dwellings of the priests. After a while, Menneval got the people to sign a request to him to admit the English to trade, on the ground of the necessities of the country. Mena- ces, tricks and cajolery were used to procure signatures. On des Goutin's remonstrating, Menneval gave him bad language too bad to be written to my lord. Five English vessels had arrived on 14 Nov., 1688, 18 Feb'y., 9 April, 10 May, and 13 June, 1689, respectively, and if duly proceeded against for illicit trading, 40,000 livres would have been realized by their confiscation. The priests have great correspondence with Boston. Menneval and they profit by this. The Bostonians will take nothing in payment but French money, except bea- ver and other furs. He complains of Trouv6, a priest, having caused the banishment of a family of nineteen persons, and of Menneval having ordered him to pay two cadets, u sons of the sieur de la Valliere, one of whom had a quarrel " " with a drummer of the garrison, and in a duel with him, " " Fronsac, one of these cadets received a sword wound in " " the body." At this time the sieur de la Mothe Cadillac prays for a confirmation of his grant in Acadie, proposing to make a considerable settlement. From a letter of M. de Menneval to the marquis de Seignelay, (minister of the marine and colonies), dated /th September, 1689. The king's ships 1' Ambuscade and le Fourgon arrived at Port Royal 5th October, 1688, with the company's ship laden with goods and provisions. These 1689. History of Nova-Scotia. 179 vessels captured six ketches and an English brigantine be- tween Canseau and Port Royal, which were fishing and tra- ding. Two of these were carried away by M. de la Cafftniere, commander of the ships, to serve in his expedition ; another was given to the crews of all the ketches, (40 sailors), to take them back to Boston ; the rest to remain in port, to abide orders. The count de Frontenac sent an order to M. de Villebon, captain of one of the companies, to embark witfr de la Caffiniere. His lieutenant, Portneuf, (his brother), has not yet come from Quebec, and the other (lieutenant) being at Chedabouctou, Menneval is without any officer, and is himself incommoded with the gout. In another letter he says that the English had been some time in the bay of Fundy with four vessels, but the fogs prevented their landing. He expres- ses his fear of being taken. The fort is all open, and there are no cannon. Asks for more soldiers. He has only seventy at Port Royal, and twenty elsewhere in Acadie. He complains sf des Goutins, the judge, for bad conduct. (The ministerial note on this passage suggests the recal of des Goutins, and names Dubreuil, procureur du roi, to be judge in his place.) Menneval says his pay as governor is only 1000 livres, (^50 currency), and his pay as captain of one of the companies has never been sent him. His provisions have been captured ; one year by pirates, (forbans), and the next by privateers, (corsaires.) He asks leave to go to France for the winter, and to leave Villebon in charge. In the abstract, mention is made of de la Mothe Cadillac as a poor gentleman, who had been in the king's service, and had settled in Acadie, where he has a wife and children. Having especial knowledge of the coasts of North America, he had been taken in the squadron, and had come to France. He seeks some compensation for these ser- vices, and the means of returning to Acadie. 27 November, 1689, Lyman Bradstreet, governor at Boston, writes to Jacob Leisler, New York, that some New England people had been captured on the coast of Acadie by two French men-of-war, who reported that a squadron of twelve others intended to take Boston by surprise. 1690. De Menneval, in a mtmoire of 1690, says he has to 180 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. oppose des Goutins in improper, self-interested proceedings, and that this led the latter to cabal against him, cross him in every thing, and act seditiously. That la Mothe Cadillac had helped to set him on. That des Goutins had been recommen- ded by M. de Chevry, having been secretary to that noble- man's father, and that de Chevry is now sorry for it. That des Goutins married a paysanne, (countrywoman), in Acadie, and connected himself with la course et le commerce dans les bois, (the hunting and trading in the woods), with his father- in-law and two brothers-in-law, and in fomenting litigation. Dubreuil, the procureur du Roi, is 45 years old, is of Paris, and an advocate. His mother has promised him 10,000 /cus, if he makes a respectable marriage in Acadie. Menneval recommends him as judge. La Mothe Cadillac is called an adventurer, but his talents and capacity are praised. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXI. (i.) The commission of Menneval, as governor of Acadie, is dated I March. 1687, It is to be found in the 2d vol. Edits, &c., Quebec, 1803, p. 347. (2.) (Translated from the French original.) We, Michael Boadrot, lieutenant general in Acadie, with the ancient inhabi- tants of the country, do certify, that the late M. d'Aulnay Charnisay, formerly governor for the king in the coast of Acadie, caused to be built three forts on said coast, the first at Pentagoet, the second at the river St. John, and the third at Port Royal, which forts were well furnished with all the necessary cannon and ammunition, with three hundred men ordinarily to defend the aforesaid forts. We also certify that the said late sieur d'Aulnay Charnisay caused to be built two mills, one a watermill and the other a windmill ; and the said late sieur caused to be constructed at Port Royal, five pinnaces and several shallops, and two small ressels of about 70 tons each, with two farms or manors, and the necessary build- ings, as well dwelling houses as grange and cow houses ; and also the late said sieur brought out from France, at his expense, several families, the most part ot whom yet remain, whom he settled and forwarded at his own charge. We also likewise certify that the said late sieur undertook several other settlements, as 1690. History of Nova-Scotia. 181 Laheve, Miscou, St. Anne, which enterprizes were begun and sustained for seve- ral years by the said late sieur d'Aulnay de Charnisay, at great expense and ex- cessive charges, as appears yet at this day, although subsequently the English ruined the forts, took away the cannon, pillaged several of the inhabitants, having reduced the children of the said sieur de Charnisay and their mother to beggary, obliging them to retire to France without any succor, the late sieur de Gharnisay having been drowned four years before in the river of Port Royal. All which is above we certify to be true, we having seen it. In faith of which we have signed at Port Royal, the fifth of October, one thousand six hundred and eighty-seven, in presence of M. de Menneval, governor for the king of all Acadie, and of M. Petit, grand vicar of his lordship (the Bishop) of Quebec, and Cure (rector) of the said place of Port Royal. Thus signed : M. BOUDROT, lieutenant-general. FRANCOIS GAUNIZOT. BOURGEOIS. PIERRE MARTIN. MATHIEU MARTIN. CLAUDE TERIOT. D'ENTREMONT, procureur du Roi. With the marks of ANTOINE LE BOURG, PIERRE BOUET, DENIS LE BLANC, and ABRAHAM DUGAST. And lower down is written : I certify that the inhabitants who have signed above, are inhabitants of Port Royal, the day and year as above. Signed at the end, DE MENNEVAL. And lower down, PETIT, missionary priest, Performing the functions of Cure at Port Royal. Collated with the original document just now exhibited, by the undersigned counsellors of the king, notaries at the Chatelet of Paris, this day, the 27 Decem- ber, 1688. Signed, HUCHE' & TARDIVEAU. (3-) A grant, dated 23 July, 1688, was issued by Denonville de Brizay, governor, and de Champigny, intendant of New France, to the sieur de la Mothe Cadillac, of the place called Donaquek, near Megeis, (Machias), of two leagues in front on the sea, and two leagues deep inland, the island of Monts Deserts, and other isles, &c., in front. The river which equally divides the depth of the tract, is not included. Copy of brevet of confirmation, dated 24 May, 1689. Extract from the New York Historical Magazine, November, 1860, page 341. Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, lord of Bouaquat, (Donaquek), and Mount Desert, in Maine, was a native of Gascony. He held a commission of captain of marines, and had served in France before coming to Canada. Having resided 1 82 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. some time in Acadia, he returned to France in 1689, and obtained in 1691,* from Louis XIV., a grant of territory, from which he subsequently took his titles. On coming to Canada a second time, he succeeded M. de Louvigny in 1694 as com- mandant of Michilimackinac, which post he filled till 1697. In 1701 he was sent to lay the foundation of fort Pontchartrain, In the present city of Detroit, where he remained with his lady until 1 706, when he left for Quebec. He returned to Detroit in the fall of the same year, and in 1 707 marched against the Miamis, and reduced them to terms. In 1712 he was appointed governor of Louisiana, and arrived there in the month of June of the following year. He administered the government of Louisiana until the gth March, 1717, when he returned to France. In 1691* he obtained a grant from Louis XIV. of Mount Desert Island, and of a large tract of land at Frenchman's bay, in the present State of Maine. In 1 785 Madame Gregoire, his grand daughter, claimed the island, and she and her hus- band got a grant of it, (100 acres, settled, excepted), being about 80,000 acres, but seem to have profited little by it. (4-) On the 7 January, 1689, a grant was made by the sieur Marquis Denonville (de .Brizay), governor, and Champigny, intendant, of New France, to Pierre Chesnet, ecuyer, sieur du Breuil, of two leagues in front on the river St. John, in the place called Kanibecachiche, and little Nakchouac, which is the middle of the grant, with the isles and islets in front, and three leagues in depth. Signed, J. R. DE BRISAY DE DENONVILLE. J. BOCHART CHAMPIGNY. DE FREDIN. Du BREUIL, procureur du roi, (mentioned in Meneval's letter of 7 Sept., 1689, and memoir of 1690, recommending him for Judge.) Collated by the notary, Hoppinot, 1699. Q. Loppinot ? This grant is in full, in French, in the K & F. Commissaries, pp. 769, 770. (S-) Grant confirmed by king Louis XIV., in Council, at Versailles, 14 July, 1690. See the decree confirming several grants, published in papers of Legislative Council of Canada, vol. XL, for 1852-3. On the 28 March, 1689, Denonville and Champigny grant to sieur Mathieu Martin the place called Cocobeguy, (Cobequid ?) which comprises all the head of the basin of Mines, two leagues deep on each side inland, to begin opposite the mouth of the river Chicabenacadi, (Shubenacadie ?) on the south side of the river crossing to the west-north-west. Confirmed by royal brevet, 16 March, 1691. (The count de Frontenac returned to Canada as governor this year, 1689.) * This must be an error, as the grant was in 1688, confirmed in 1689. 1690. History of Nova-Scotia. 183 CHAPTER XXII. 1690. Sir William Phips, who had been in England in 1688, returned to England in 1689, and was selected to command the expedition prepared at Boston to attack Port Royal. This squadron, which left Boston harbor on the 28 April, 1690, o. s., 9 May, n. s., consisted of a frigate of 40 guns, two sloops, one of 16 guns, the other of 8, and four ketches. The forces embarked consisted of 700 men and some boys. Before describing the capture of Port Royal by this arma- ment, we will go back to mention three parties sent out by count Frontenac in this year 1690 to make inroads upon the English settlements. For the account of these we are chiefly indebted to Charlevoix, vol. 3, pp. 63-79. l - The first was collected at Montreal, and consisted of one hundred and ten men, French and Indians, under the command of messieurs d'Aillebout de Mantet, and Le Moyne de Sainte Helene, both lieutenants ; under whom messrs. de Repentigny, d'Iberville, de Bonrepos, de la Brosse, and de Montigni, served as volunteers. This party, after many days' march in severe winter weather, sur- prized a village in the province of New York, called Corlar or Schenectady. The attack took place on the 81 h of February, 1690, at night, and much slaughter and destruction occurred. 2. The second party was formed at Trois Rivieres, and con- sisted of fifty-two men, of whom twenty-five were Indians. Monsieur Hertel commanded, and he had with him three of his sons and two nephews, viz., le sieur Crevier, seigneur of St. Francis, and the sieur Gatineau. They left on 28 January, and found their way, 18 March, to Salmon falls, called Newich- awannock, or Berwick, a settlement on the river which divides 184 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. New Hampshire from Maine. The Indians were under Hoop- hood, a noted warrior. The attack was made at daybreak. Thirty of the villagers were killed, and fifty-two made prison- ers. The place was burnt and the cattle destroyed. 3. The third party came from Quebec, under the command of M. Portneuf, a lieutenant, third son of the baron de Bekancourt. (Menneval, the governor of Acadie, was captain.) This com- pany, which had been in Acadie, was placed under Portneuf, together with some Canadians, and sixty Abenaquis of the sault de la Chaudiere. Tilli de Courtemanche served as lieu- tenant to Portneuf. This party left Quebec the same day that Hertel's party left Trois Rivieres, viz., 28 January. The scar- city of provisions at Quebec prevented this party from carry- ing much food, so they had to subsist on the produce of the chace in their route ; and this caused much delay, so that they did not arrive near the English settlements until late in May. Castine and Mockawando commanded the Indians, and Hertel and his party joined Portneuf. The united force attacked the fort and settlement of the English, called Falmouth, at Casco bay. Besides Loyal fort, which had eight guns, there were three smaller forts or redoubts, and the garrison sent out fifty men to combat the besiegers, but without success. Trenches were dug, tar barrels prepared to set fire to the wooden build- ings and palissades, and the Indians scaled the fort. At length, after a severe struggle on both sides, on the 28th May, the garrison surrendered as prisoners, of war, to the number of seventy men, besides the women and children. Four ves- sels, coming to relieve the place, arrived too late. The guns were carried off, and the houses burned for two leagues around. The cruelties and horrors which attended this warfare are conspicuous in the histories of Charlevoix and Williamson, and some striking instances of savage torture are given in Belknap's New Hampshire, v. i., p. 259. In these wars be- tween the French and English, the Indians played an impor- tant part as allies or principals. The mischiefs of war were thus increased, and the national hatred and prejudice were con- stantly kept alive from 1660 to 1760. It is to be observed that much fighting occurred in North America while the two 1690. History of Nova-Scotia. 185 crowns were at peace, perhaps as much as when they were in open war. In such cases the Indians in the French interest ostensibly acted against the English, but they were excited and assisted by the French in their attacks, and French offi- cers from Canada used to put on the Indian dress and fight with them. Independently, therefore, of the capture of the seven English vessels by la Caffiniere in 1689, which Menne- val apprehended might bring on attack upon Port Royal, the three expeditions which had been fitted out with such exer- tions in Canada, followed by devastations on the New England frontiers, and accompanied by the terrors of Indian border wars, were more than sufficient to call into activity the best powers of the English settlers, against neighbors who had so palpably violated the treaty of neutrality. The heroism of the young Canadian officers and gentlemen unfortunately led them to take part, in surprizes and night attacks of isolated settle- ments and dwellings, or of the small forts and blockhouses, erected chiefly to protect the outlying settlers against the Indian enemy ; and however gallant their marches in winter over the desolate wildernesses, with deficient supplies of pro- visions, and their other achievements in border warfare may have been thought, their tendency was to impress on the minds of the English in America, a permanent and fixed dis- like and a deeply seated resentment, which, in the course of time, brought to pass the final destruction of the French power on this continent. At the time that the squadron commanded by Sir William Phips was sent to Port Royal, that is in April and May, 1690, M. de Menneval, the governor of Acadie, was resident there, having with him a garrison of eighty-six men. There were also eighteen cannon, but they were not placed in battery. The fortifications were insignificant and unfinished, and the place was wanting in almost every thing requisite to its de- fence. M. Perrot, the late governor, was yet in the country, attending to his private affairs. A soldier and two inhabitants who were on guard at the entrance of the basin of Port Royal, perceived the English vessels under full sail, making in. They immediately fired off a small mortar, 1 86 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. (boete), which was the appointed signal to apprize the gover- nor, and they then embarked quickly in a canoe. They arri- ved at the fort about eleven o'clock at night, and upon hearing their report, M. de Menneval at once ordered a cannon to be discharged to notify th e inhabitants that they were to come in to his aid. On the 2Oth May, the English squadron anchored within half a league of Port Royal ; and Phips sent one of his sloops to the fort, with a trumpeter, to summon the governor to surrender the place to him, with all that was in it, without any capitulation. Menneval retained the trumpeter ; and, for want of an officer, sent M. Petit (a priest of the seminary of Quebec, who acted as his almoner, and whose name is signed in 1687 as acting cur6 of Port Royal) to the English comman- der, to endeavor to obtain at least tolerable conditions ; for he at once understood how useless it would be to attempt a defence with so small a garrison, without a single officer, and not being able to depend upon the inhabitants, three of whom only had come in upon his signal. Besides he had absolutely no one to mount his guns or to work them. He had himself been for two months past severely afflicted with gout, and he was assured that the enemy had eight hundred men they could land. Sir William Phips at first insisted that the governor, garri- son and inhabitants should yield at his discretion, and Petit replied that de Menneval would die first, rather than so act the coward. Phips then inquired what terms were sought for. Petit proposed : i. That the governor and soldiers should go out with their arms and baggage, and be sent to Quebec by water. 2. That the inhabitants should remain in peaceable possession of their property, and that the honor of the females should be protected. 3. That they should have the free ex- ercise of the Roman Catholic religion, and that the church should not be injured. Sir William Phips readily agreed to these conditions ; but the priest having requested that they should be committed to writing, he refused to do so, saying that his word passed as general was worth more than all the writings in the world. Petit urged his request, but in vain, and had to return with these offers. Menneval, in conse- 1690. History of Nova-Scotia. 187 quence, wrote to Sir William Phips, saying that he acquiesced in what had been agreed on, and that if Sir William would send his sloop next day, he would give him a convincing proof of the frankness of his dealings, by going on board the English ship himself. Menneval went on board accordingly, and the terms of capitulation were confirmed orally, in the presence of the sieur des Goutins, farivain du Roy, holding the office of commissaire ordinateur at Port Royal. The English comman- der added that he left it to the choice of M. de Menneval to be taken with all his garrison to France or to Quebec. The gov- ernor stated that he would prefer going to France, and Phips promised to have him sent there. All being thus settled, Menneval and Phips landed, and the former delivered to the latter the keys of the fort. At sight of the state of the place, Phips appeared much surprized, and he was sorry he had granted terms so honorable to people who were so little able to make a defence ; but he concealed his discontent, until he could find a pretext for violating a capitulation, which he con- ceived had been unfairly obtained. Accordingly, having learned, that while the governor was on board his vessel, some soldiers and inhabitants, who were intoxicated, had taken some articles out of a storehouse be- longing to M. Perrot, the late governor, he declared that the property removed, being now that of the king, his master, he conceived the capitulation was broken, and he was no longer bound by its engagements. He began by disarming the French soldiers, and he shut them up in the church. He even demanded their swords from messrs. de Menneval and des Goutins, which, however, he returned to them immediately, giving them notice, however, that they were prisoners. He gave de Menneval his own lodgings for his prison, and placed a sentry over him. He even took from him his money and effects. Next he allowed the pillage of -the settlement, as he said the inhabitants had hid their best articles. Even the priest's dwelling and the church were not spared. [3 Charle- voix, 96 to 100.] Sir William Phips remained at Port Royal about ten or twelve days after. the surrender. Before he left, he assembled 1 88 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. such of the inhabitants as he could get together, and made them take an oath of fidelity to William and Mary, then the sovereigns of England. He appointed his first serjeant, whose name was Chevalier, to be commandant of Port Royal, and he named six of the principal inhabitants councillors, to execute justice. Phips carried off as prisoners, M. de Menneval, the governor, one serjeant and thirty-eight soldiers ; also messrs. Petit and Trouve, ecclesiastics. He also brought back with him to Boston a quantity of plunder. Encouraged by this success, the New Englanders sent Sir William Phips to Que- bec, with thirty vessels and two thousand men, where he arri- ved in autumn, but wholly failed in his attempts at conquest there. At the time of Phips' visit to Port Royal, M. Perrot, who had been governor before Menneval, and had remained in the province in a private capacity, was absent from the place, being, with M. Duclos, his clerk, on a trading voyage along the coast in a small vessel or ketch. On the 27 May, as they were on their way coming back to Port Royal, and not aware of the English having taken it, they were detained at the entrance of the bay by an adverse wind. Perrot missing the sentinel usually posted there, felt doubts if all were right, and he got into a canoe with M. d' Amours, a gentleman from Canada, having an Indian along with them, in order to learn what had occurred. After going three leagues up, he got sight of an English ship anchored in the river on which the town is built, and heard the firing of cannon and musketry. Perrot thought there must be fighting going on, so he concealed the canoe in the wood, and went by land to the nearest house and found it abandoned. Withdrawing promptly, he got into the canoe again, to reach his ketch, which he met in the basin. Two Englishmen had been sent to watch for this vessel, as her return from the coast had been expected, and they caught sight of her, and went in chase of her in a shallop ; but as it was ebb tide, the shallop, being too close in shore, grounded, and Perrot, though pursued again by another canoe, succeeded in reaching his ketch in safety, and, setting her sails, got out of the basin. The English ship which he had seen at 1 690. History of Nova-Scotia. 1 89 anchor in the river got under weigh to pursue him, but per- ceiving it would be useless, she returned to her former posi- tion. In the meantime M. Perrot got safe into Mines. It seems at first, on being made acquainted with the small pains that were taken, and the very trifling expenditure allow- ed, for the protection of the French colonies in North Ame- rica, that there was some strange and unaccountable want of information or culpable negligence attributable to the govern- ment of the grand monarque, Louis XIV., in thus leaving his transatlantic possessions to be overrun so often by a mere handful of New England colonists. It was the opinion of well informed persons that if Phips had proceeded without delay to attack Quebec on his arrival there with 2000 men, it must have fallen into his hands, and with it, of course, all Canada. The repeated captures of Port Royal, and other posts, by the expeditions from Boston, and the want of men and materials of defence against these raids, both before and after 1690, are very distinctly recorded in our old documents. All this was not owing to ignorance on the part of the minis- try at Paris, as we find constant information on the geography, products and trade of the country regularly transmitted from these countries, by governors, officers and adventurers. The resources of the French c.rown were enormous at that period, as is evident from the grandeur and magnitude of the wars in Flanders, Germany and Italy, conducted at the expense of France, and from the magnificence and sumptuousness of the palaces and public edifices, as well as fortresses, that sprang up by a regal magic to illustrate and commemorate the reign of Louis le grand, and from the costly aid his government gave to art, science and literature. Why, then, we may well enquire, were the French colonists in America left so destitute of protection, when a few regiments and some few thousand crowns would have ensured them a life of peace and tranquil- lity, and enabled them to develope the great resources of the land and water that nature has bestowed on these regions. Observation and reflection will inform us that neglect of colonial interests was not peculiar in that age to the Freuch nation. Colonies were regarded as valuable only in pro- 190 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690 portion to the immediate commercial profits that attended them. England gave little direct encouragement to her set- tlements in New England. They had no armies in those days but those composed of settlers, who left their farm work temporarily. In Canada the population was much smaller, and the efforts at cultivation less than in New England, but the dominant idea of all the white population of that country was to engross the fur trade, and keep the English from par- ticipating in it. With this view, the friendship of the Indian tribes was sought by every means, and the French Canadian gentlemen hunted with them, and joined them in their forays upon the frontier settlements of the English. The govern- ments in Europe the merchants, whether of London or of Rochelle the functionaries, civil and military, sent out to the colonies, were not disposed to expend money or exertions for so distant an object as the eventual cultivation and growth of American lands and population. Their joint efforts were directed with the distinct aim of increasing the returns to Europe in the shape of furs and fish. We now know that the nation which shall found colonies, and see them safe and pros- perous, and filled with an intelligent and free population, will be richly rewarded in the great increase of her exports and manufactures, for which a permanent demand is thus created. But in the i/th century no such opinions or views as yet existed ; and what little was done for defence by the respect- tive mother countries, where it is not to be accounted for by the wish to protect commerce, will be found to have been owing to national jealousies and angry passions, rather than to a just and lasting propensity to provide for and protect their fellow citizens in a distant portion of the globe. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXII. (i.) Sir William Phips was born 2 Feb'y., 1650, at Woolwich, upon the Sheepscote river, (in the present state of Maine.) His father was James Phips, of Bristol, gunsmith. His mother had 26 children, of whom 21 were sons. He was one of 1690. History of Nova-Scotia. 191 the youngest. His father died while he was yet a child. He remained with his mother until he was 18 years old, keeping sheep, it is said. He was thence an apprentice to a ship carpenter for four years. After this he set up trade on his own account, and built a ship at Sheepscote. He had very small instruction in learning. He is said to have been taught to read and write at Boston. He was esteemed honest, but his temper was hasty. The Indian parties are said to have driven him away from the Sheepscote, and he then adopted a seafaring life. In some of his voyages he heard that a Spanish ship, laden with silver, had been wrecked and sunk half a century before, not far from the Bahama islands. Hav- ing communicated this information to the duke of Albermarle, who was governor of Jamaica in 1687, they entered into an agreement for the purpose of recovering the lost treasure. (Phips is said to have been sent in 1683 in the English king's frigate, the ' Algier Rose,' fitted out for the discovery of another Spanish wreck near Port de la Plata, in Hispaniola, but to have returned to England unsuccess- ful.) In this voyage of 1687, Phips, after indefatigable efforts, found the Bahama wreck between 40 and 50 feet under water, and took from it the immense trea- sure of 34 tons of silver, besides gold, pearls and jewels. The value is stated at .300,000, and Phips' share of it at ^16,000. Besides this, a golden cup, worth .1000, was presented to Phips' wife by the duke, his partner and patron. He was knighted on the occasion by king James 2. He was also named to be high sheriff of New England, but as he did not concur in political sentiments with Andros, then governor, he declined to act. Sir William Phips married a daughter of Roger Spencer, of Saco, a young widow. Her first husband was John Hull, merchant of Boston. Phips had no child. Spencer Phips was his nephew, and adopted son and heir, taking his name, afterwards lieutenant governor of Massachusetts. Sir William Phips was baptised in Boston in March, 1690, at the age of 40. He went to England after his return from Quebec in the latter part of the year 1690. He was made governor of Massa- chusetts in 1692, and returned to Boston with the new charter. He was impru- dent enough to use personal violence to the collector of the customs at Boston, named Brenton, and captain Short, of the Nonsuch, frigate, and was recalled to England to answer for his conduct. He embarked for London 17 Nov., 1694, and died there 18 Feb'y., 1695, and was buried in St. Mary, Woolnoth church, London. It is said that his namesake, Sir Constantine Phips, was employed as his counsel in England to defend his conduct as governor. [Cotton Mather's Mag- nalia, London, 1702, pp. 36-73. I Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, 396, 397, note. I Williamson 's History of Maine, 596, 597- Douglas 1 Summary, 475.] (2.) Menneval, Portneuf, Villebon, Neuvillette des Isles, (Tinville ?) appear to have belonged to the same family, being sons of the baron de Bekancourt, and to have been Canadians by birth. Many of them occupied a distinguished position in the military events of Acadie. M. de Longueil, M. de Maricourt, d'Iberville, Serigny, Chateaugue, St. Helene and Bienville, appear also to have been brothers and Canadians, sons of M. le Moyne. [3 Charlevoix, izmo., pp. 75, 100, 216, 268, 278, 301, 378, years 1690 & 1694.] There is much difficulty in tracing such connections, as in noble families each son seems to have taken a different sur- name after some estate of the family. History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. (3-) Captain Sylvanus Davis, (the commander of the fort at Falmouth taken by the Canadians and Indians, 29 May, 1690), the two daughters of his lieutenant who was killed in the siege, and several officers, were conducted to Quebec. They left the fort on the last of May, and reached Quebec by land 23 June. The other prisoners were left in the hands of the Indians. The French are stated to have had none killed on their side, and only two wounded, [3 Charlevoix, 63-79. I Williamson, Maine, 618, 623. I Belknafs New Hampshire, 257, &>s.] (40 Sir William Phips sailed for Quebec from Boston 9 August, 1690, o. s., 19 Aug., n. s., and reached Quebec 5 Oct., o. s., 15 Oct., n, s. He had 32 ships and ten- ders. The chief or admiral ship was called the Six Friends, of 44 guns and 200 men, Gregor Sugars, commander. Above 2000 men were on board this fleet. They were unpiloted, and having adverse winds, were three weeks after entering the river before they reached the island of Orleans. General Winthrop, who commanded the troops sent inland to co-operate with Phips, got no further than Wood Creek, near the southerly end of lake Champlain, when, being disappoin- ted in supplies and means of transport, and also in the small number of his Indian allies, Iroquois, who joined him, he decided to return. When Phips arrived at Quebec, the general of the French was at -Montreal, and according to Lahontan, who was in Canada at the time, " if the English admiral," (as he calls Phips), " had made his descent before our arrival at Quebec, or even two days after, he " " had carried the place without striking a blow, for at that time there was not " " 200 French in the city, which lay open and exposed on all hands ; but instead " " of doing that, he cast anchor towards the point of the island of Orleans, and " " lost three days in consulting with the captains of the ships, before they came " " to a resolution. He took the sieur Joliet, with his lady and his mother-in- " " law, in a barque in the river of Saint Lawrence. Three merchantmen from " " France, and one laden with beaver skins from Hudson's bay, entered the " " river ot Saguenay, by the way of Tadoussac, where they skulked, and, after " " hauling their gans on shore, raised very good batteries. To be short, the offi- " " cers of the enemy's fleet came to a resolution, after the loss of three or four " " days useless consultations, during which time we were joyn'd on all hands " " by great numbers of inhabitants and soldiers." Phips summoned the place in due form, but Frontenac having now made it safe, rejected the demand with scorn, treating Phips and his troops as rebels to king James 2. The English landed 1400 men, under General Walley, 8 Oct., o. s., bnt they were attacked by Canadians and Indians, who lay ambushed in copses. The English lost 150 of their number, while of their opponents only 16 were killed. (By this time the small pox had got into the fleet.) Subsequently the English landed four field pieces and fought bravely, but unsuccessfully, and lost many of their soldiers. On the 18 and 19 October Phips tried to cannonade the town with four of his ships, but without much effect The marshy and broken nature of the ground on which the fighting took place, and the cover of trees and bushes, gave the French and Indians very great advantages, of which Frontenac skilfully availed himself. A third action, in which the French were successful, decided Phips to give up his History of N-ova-Scotia. 193 undertaking. It rained heavily on the night between the 21 and 22 October, and the English left Beauport and went back to theirships. On the 23d and 24th the English fleet began to drop down the river, and an exchange of prisoners took place. Among others, M. Trouve. M. Grandville, and mesdames Joliet and de la Lande, recovered their freedom. The English fleet met with great disasters in Its return, and Sir Williana Phips did not himself reach Boston until the 19-29 November, 1690, whence he soon after sailed for England. l Hutchinson. 3 Charlevoix. Magnalia.] (5.) From a letter of M. de Lagny : Paris, 21 February, 1690. In waiting my lord's pleasure to regulate the affairs of Acadie, it seems neces- sary that the company should send, without delay, a vessel which it is preparing for Port Royal, with a part of the merchandizes, flour and bacon (desfarines et afu lard), for the subsistence of the soldiers, &c. My lord will also be good enough to give an order to the sieur de Villebon, captain of one of the two companies of infantry of Acadie, to take passage in this vessel, to go to the Canibats, (Indians of the Kennebec), and put himself at their head, if necessary, to oblige them to continue the war against the English of New England, as they did last year by the capture of Pemkuit, aud by this means to make a diversion which may pre- vent the invasion of Port Royal, which is defenceless. My lord has had the good- ness to cause a present to be made last year to the chiefs of these Canibats, which has cost 441 livres, and which has had a very good effect. It was thought necessary to send them yet the value of 500 to 6co livres. As they have need of powder and lead, which they can only procure from the French at present, being at war with the English, the company might be obliged to send about 1 500 livres, making them furnish the king's stores, paying thereby for their trading with the Canibats. My lord ordered last year the sending of 50 fusils to Acadie, which has has not been executed. Most of the soldiers are without arms. I could find guns if my lord wishes to send them. There are ten soldiers, dead or married, to replace. They might be delivered and sent in this vessel, (the recruits), in wait- ing until my lord takes the resolution to send the succors that h can give this country, which appears to need them. DE LAGNY. 194 History of Nova-Scotia. 1690. CHAPTER XXIII. 1690. On the 14 June, 1690, the chevalier de Villebon arrived at Port Royal from France. He found there M. Perrot and M. de Goutins, and by them was made acquainted with the occurrences of the previous month of May. Villebon was placed in an anxious situation. He had brought with him the sieur Saccardie, an engineer officer. He now held council with Perrot, des Goutins and Saccardie, as to what had best be done to save the remains of a colony of which he was in charge, and to secure the property of the crown, which he had brought with him from France. The most difficult point was that the English, at that time, were no further off than at Laheve, and in three days they might hear of his arrival, and he had not means to resist them if they should come back. They decided, unanimously, that they would withdraw to the river St. John, where the chevalier Grand-fontaine had occu- pied a fort at a place called Jemsek. That they would carry there all effects of the crown, and those of the company, and collect all the soldiers they could ; some of those having esca- ped from the English, and others had not been made prisoners. That they would send to M. de Montorgueil, lieutenant of Villebon's company, who was at Chedabouctou with a detach- ment of fourteen soldiers, to come and join his captain at Jemsek. Next they would build a fort of stone at Jemsek, and thence send to the Indians for aid, and encourage them to keep alive the war against the English. The order was sent to Montorgueil to evacuate Chedabouctou, and bury all his canoes that he could not bring away with him ; but Phips had 1690. History of Nova-Scotia. 195 previously besieged the little detachment, and they had capit- ulated on honorable terms, and been sent to the French fort at Placentia, (which had been robbed by English freebooters in February previous.) The loss of the French company, by the pillage and destruction at Port Royal and Chedabouctou, was stated at 50,000 e'cus. [3 Charlevoix, 101-108.] Two pirate vessels, with ninety men on board, pillaged the island of Mariegalante, in the West Indies, and brought off nine of the inhabitants. After this they came to Port Royal, where they landed their prisoners. They then burned all the houses near the fort killed some of the cattle hung two of the inhabi- tants, and burned a woman and her children in her own house. After Villebon had landed at St. John and gone up the river to Jemsek, the same pirates captured the vessel called the Union, in which he had come out. M. Perrot was then made prisoner, but he was afterwards retaken by a French vessel, and we may infer that he got safe home to old France, as Charlevoix says he found sufficient in the wreck of his for- tunes to establish his family advantageously, an$ that he left two daughters, the countess de la Roche Allard, and the pre"si- dente de Luber. M. Saccardie, the engineer, was also captur- ed. In a m6moire of 5 February, 1691, it is stated that the English had burned twenty-eight houses in Port Royal, and the church, sparing the mills and farm houses up the river. It seems most likely that this mischief was the work of the pirates. Charlevoix does not say that Phips destroyed any buildings in Port Royal ; but he calls the pirate ships English. Villebon, after vain efforts to recover what had been thus, lost, and to destroy the pirates, returned to Jemsek. There he gathered the Indians together, and explained to them the loss of the presents the French monarch had sent them, and which had fallen into the hands of the robbers, by the capture of the Union. He further begged them to make prisoners of the English, to be exchanged for the French now in their hands. He said he should go to Quebec, and thence to France, and would bring out fresh presents for them, and prayed them to be, without fail, down the river in the coming spring. They promised him they would send out one hun- 1 96 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 69 1 dred and fifty warriors to carry out his object. After this conference he set out for Quebec, to which place he carried the first news of the invasion of Acadie, and the imprisonment of M. de Menneval, the governor. 1691. Villebon accordingly went to Quebec, and from that place went to France, where he urged on the minister the importance of preventing the English from establishing them- selves in Acadie, and undertook to hinder them with the help of the Abenaquis alone, if he was authorized to put himself at their head. His representations were favorably received, and M. de Pont-chartrain obtained for him a commission from the king to command in Acadie, and ordered him to embark, in the month of June, 1691, for Quebec, where he would receive the orders of count Frontenac. He was also authorized to assure the Indians that the ammunition, &c., promised them should be sent and delivered to them in their abodes, instead of their having to go to Quebec to receive them ; and that Villebon, his brother Portneuf, who was lieutenant of his com- pany, and some other officers, Canadians, to be selected by the governor general, should command them. Villebon went to Quebec, in the Soleil d'Afrique, the best sailor of the age, said to make 7 leagues (17 1-2 miles) an hour, and arrived there in the beginning of July ; but from an apprehension of another attack on Quebec, by the English, Frontenac detained the vessel until the 6th September, when she set sail for Port Royal, Bonaventure, commander, and on her way she captured an English (New England) vessel, in which were John Nelson and Mr. Tyng. Nelson was on a trading voyage to Nova Scotia, and Tyng had been named governor of Nova Scotia by the authorities of Boston, who considered Acadie as their own conquest and property. (Tyng was a colonel and a coun- cillor in Maine.) [i Williamson, 695.] Villebon did not arrive at Port Royal until the 26th Novem- ber, from which we may conjecture that he had visited some of the ports on the eastern coast, or in cape Breton, in his way, or else had spent his time at the St. John river. As soon as the vessel was anchored at Port Royal, he armed a sloop and went in it, with fifty soldiers, and two swivels, 1691. History of Nova-Scotia. 197 (pierriers.) He went as far as the dwellings of the inhabi- tants, and there saw the English flag flying, but found no Englishmen left to guard it. On the day following, he assem- bled the inhabitants, and, in their presence, he took formal possession of Port Royal and of all Acadie, in the name of the French king. The sieur des Goutins, who had come with Villebon to exercise again the office of commissaire ordonna- teur, informed the chevalier that he had buried a sum of 1300 livres which remained in his charge when Phips made himself master of the place ; and this money was found in the same state in which he had left it. This money, of which des Gou- tins alone knew, he employed in part to pay arrears of an officer's salary, and placed the balance in the king's chest. (His honest conduct in this instance proved of use to him in years afterwards, when he was charged with malversation, being accepted as settling the case in his favor with govern- ment.) [3 C/iarlevoix, 158, 162.] APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXIII. (i.) The government of Massachusetts, after Phips' capture of Port Royal in 1690, considered Acadie as a dependency of that province, by right of conquest. In the charter of William and Mary tp Massachusetts, dated 7 October, 1691, and brought out to Boston by Sir William Phips, n May. 1692, "the territory" " called Accada, or Nova Scotia," is united to and incorporated in the province of " The Massachusetts Bay in New England," and the patent grants " unto our " " good subjects the inhabitants of our said province or territory of the Massa- " " chusetts Bay, and their successors." the territories of Massachusetts, New Ply- mouth, Main, which are severally described, " and also the lands and heredita- " ' ments lying and being in the country or territory commonly called Accada or " " Nova Scotia, and all those lands and hereditaments lying and extending be- " " tween the said country or territory of Nova Scotia and the said river of Saga- " " dehook, or any part thereof; and all lands, grounds, places, soils, woods and " " wood grounds, havens, ports, rivers, waters, and other hereditaments and " " premises whatsoever, lying within the said bounds or limits aforesaid, and " " every part and parcel thereof ; and also all islands and islets lying within ten " " leagues directly opposite the main land within the said bounds ; and all " 198 History of Nova-Scotia. " mines and minerals, as well royal mines of gold and silver, as other mines " ' and minerals whatsoever in the said lands and premises, or any part thereof." The habendum is to the inhabitants of the province of Massachusetts bay and their successors, for their own "only proper use and behoof for evermore." " to be holden of us, our heirs and successors, as of our mannor of East Green- " " wich, in the county of Kent, by fealty only, in free and common sockage." (In 1696, the province of Massachusetts prayed the crown to garrison Port Royal and St. John, thus, as some thought, virtually abandoning their grant of the territory.) (2.) 1. A royal brevet, dated Versailles, 16 March, 1691, confirms a grant made in 1690, by Frontenac, governor, and Champigny, intendant, '' to the sieur Nicolas " " Denis de Fronsac, in Acadie, at the place called Miramichi, regulated and " " limited by arret of the council of the loth April, 1687, to fifteen leagues of" " front by fifteen leagues in depth, reckoning from the Trout river, including the " " same, running one league to the South East, and the other fourteen leagues " " to the North West, with the points, islands and islets for fifteen leagues dis- " " tance in front, to be enjoyed by him, his heirs and assigns," (ayans cause), as their own property, &c. &c., on the conditions contained in the regulations of 1 8 April, 1690. 2. Similar brevet of a grant same date and in same terms, confirms a grant from Frontenac and de Champigny, to sieur Gobin, merchant at Quebec, of a space of land of twelve leagues in front by two in depth, in the bay of Chaleurs, in Acadie, comprising the rivers that may be found in said extent, measuring the said twelve leagues from the boundary of the grant of sieur de Fronsac, regu- lated by the ordonnance of the 18 April last, on the north west course, (tirant an nord attest), with the points, islands and islets, and flats (battures), which are in front thereof, to said sieur Gobin, his heirs and assigns for ever, &e., as a fief and seigneurie, as granted 26 May, 1690. 3. Similar grant confirmed to sieur Lemoine d'Hyberville, of a space of land of twelve leagues front by ten leagues in depth, in the bay of Chaleurs, in Acadie, comprising the rivers to be found within that extent, measuring said twelve leagues from the boundary of Sr. Gobin's grant on the north west course in part, and the other part on the east south east, the river of Ristigouche included, with the points, islands, islets and flats in the front, to be enjoyed by the said sieur LeMoine d'hyberville, his heirs and assigns, for ever, as their own property, with title of fief and seigneurie, high, middle and low justice, &c. (The above three warrants or brevets were found among the papers of the gov- ernment at Halifax, being official copies from the registry at Quebec, made in 1764, certified by H. T. Cramahe, judge advocate, The description in these grants locates the rivers Miramichi, Ristigouche, &c., in Acadie expressly, and would have been strong testimony in 1751 in favor of the English claim to extend the bounds of Acadie.) 4. 2 March. 1691. The king confirmed a grant made in 1691 by count Fron- tenac and the sieur de Champigny, to the sieur Frangois Genaple de Bellefond, notary royal at Quebec, of a lot of land situate on the river St. John, in Acadie, History of Nova-Scotia. 1 99 between Medoktek and Nacchouak, which joins the land of Jemsec, to wit, the place called the Longues Veiies, commencing at the river called Skoutespskek, as far as the place and river called Neckouygack, (Nercaioioutquek), by two leagues in depth running inland, on each side of the said river St. John, together with the isles, islets, &c. [Legislative Council of Canada. Session papers, vol. u., 1852, I853-] 5. A grant, dated 23 March, 1691, was made by count Frontenac and the sieur Bochard de Champigny, intendant of New France, to dame Marie Frangoise Chartier, widow of the sieur de Marson, of an extent of land at the river St. John, of four leagues front on said river and two leagues depth, on the other side and opposite to the grant of M. de Chauffeurs, (called Jemsek), the centre of which four leagues will be opposite the house of Jemsek. Brevet, i March, 1692, regis- tered Quebec, 26 Oct., 1693. 6. A brevet du roi, of 18 January, 1692, confirms to the sieur des Goutins a grant from Frontenac and Champigny, of the 4 August, 1690,* of a tract of land of two leagues front, at a place called Mascondabouet, (Musquodoboit), viz., one league above said river and one league below it, by two leagues in depth in going up the river, and along it, (et le long cTicelle), with the islands and islets that are before the two leagues of front. Registered in the Sovereign Council of Que- bec, 10 September, 1692. (3-) Marie de Menou, canoness of Poussay, a child of d'Aulnay by his last marriage, and the last survivor of his sons and daughters, was educated in France, and in 1691 made her will, giving all her property to her half brothers and sisters, the children of her mother, d'Aulnay's widow, by her subsequent marriage with Latour. [Paris mss., and I Ferland, 495.] This will was deposited 22 Feb'y., 1693, with Dupuis, notary, at Paris. (4-) Messrs. Nelsont and Tyng, who had been captured by M. Bonaventure, were * 1691 in Leg. Council papers of Canada, vol. II., 1852-3. t John Nelson was nephew of Sir Thomas Temple, and also was by his will made heir to whatever rights Sir Thomas had in Acadie, for the property and outlay he had made there. The earliest mention I find of him is in April, 1689, on the occasion of the people of Boston taking the government from Sir Edmund Andros, the governor commissioned by James the second. Hutchinson says, (vol. I., p. 376. note), " Mr. John Nelson, a young gentleman of Boston, at the " " head of the soldiers, demanded the fort the second time, and then the gover- " " nor came down and surrendered himself and the fort." (P. 378) we find Nelson signing the address to Andros, dated 18 April, 1689, which was headed by the former governor Bradstreet, then 87 years old. Hutchinson says that notwith- standing Nelson's zeal and services, he was not allowed any share in the adminis- tration after it was settled, in Boston, and gives as reasons for his exclusion that Nelson was an " Episcopalian," aud of " a gay, free temper." Perhaps he was not ambitious of office, and besides he may have not been connected much with the Puritan families. 2OO History of Nova-Scotia. some time after sent to Quebec, where M. de Frontenac received them kindly. This general paid attention to Nelson, (whom Charlevoix calls the chevalier Nel- son), not only from gratitude for good treatment Nelson had exercised towards Frenchmen on several occasions, but also on account of Nelson possessing much influence in Boston. Lahontan (vol. I., p. 176) says, " a gentleman of New " " England called Nelson, was brought prisoner to Quebec, who was taken in the " " river Kenebeki, upon the coast of Acadie, together with three ships belonging " " to him ; and because he was a very gallant man, M. Frontenac gave him a " " lodging at his own house, and treated him with all manner of civility ;" and in page 275, speaking of a young French captain in the army, he says, " However, " " he was obliged to be present at a treat that Mr. Nelson, the English gentle- " " man I spoke of in my 23d letter, gave to the two lovers, as well as the gover- " " nor, the intendant, the bishop, and some other persons of note : and this " " generous English gentleman, having a kindness for the young lady's father " " and her brethren, upon the score of their trading with one another, made an " " offer of a thousand crowns, to be paid on the wedding day, which, added to a " " thousand that the Bishop offered, and a thousand more that she had of her own, ' r " besides seven or eight thousand that M. de Frontenac offered in licenses, not " " to mention the certain prospect of preferment, all these items, I say, made ' r " the marriage very advantageous to the captain." It appears, however, that the officer thought differently, as he declined the proposals. However kindly and courteously Mr. Nelson was treated at Quebec, he found that his release would not be granted, as he was too intimately acquainted with the affairs of America, and was considered a dangerous adversary on that account, although so much the friend of Frenchmen, yet a resolute and able supporter of British rights and interests. Finding his case to be thus exceptional, he appears to have thought that the indulgence by which his captivity was, in some measure, lightened, lay him under no special obligations to his French friends, who, by refusing to suffer his being exchanged or ransomed, kept him at a distance from his family and his business. He therefore held himself at liberty to gather such intelligence as might be of use to his country, and to communicate such in- formation to the authorities at Boston. Thus actuated, he wrote the following letter, given in i Hutchinson's Mass., 378 : " August 26, 1692." " About 14 days ago arrived two men-of-war and six merchant ships, from France, which came furnished with recruits of provision, ammunition, 30 more great guns, 24 pateraroes, one mortar and 20 shells. A little before the arrival of these ships, Madockawando, the Penobscot sachem, came here, who made and received divers compliments, presented the governor with five English captives, and received from him presents, encouraging him and the rest to continue the war, but all gave but little satisfaction to the Indians, who expected greater recompense. They would often discourse their discontent to some of us who understand their language. I was in hopes to make some improvement of their discontent, by proposing the settlement of a trading house up Penobscot river, at Negas. They were glad of the proposal, and it is the only means of recovering our interest with these Eastern Indians. I promised to send my thoughts thereon to yourselves, of which I would have you to consider, &c. Madockawando gave dil7 advice of all their results. He is certainly well affected towards us. Two History of Nova-Scotia. 201 days ago he was dispatched from hence, with orders to get together all the Indians he can. They make account of two or three hundred. They are to remain at Penobscot until the two men-of-war join them, who are preparing themselves as well as they can, adding to their number 200 Canadians, so that, in all, they will have above 400, who, with the Indians, are to assault Wells, Isle of Shoals, and Piscataqua. The design is dangerous if you should be unprovided. I have therefore improved my utmost endeavors to give you this intelligence. By money and a promise of good reward from yourselves, I have corrupted two Frenchmen, viz., Arnaud Du Vignon and Francis Albert, to be bearers of this letter, and also to be guides to two Dutchmen and to two Englishmen, who promise to be with you tn 22 days. I pray that they may be contented. I have furnished them with 13 French crowns, which it is just should be allowed to my wife. My charge is otherwise great here, there being so many of my poor countrymen to relieve, &c. The two men-of-war, which come from hence, are the one a great Dutch square stern ship of about 500 tons, takes in six guns from hence, so that she will have in all 38 guns, &c. ; the other is a French frigate of 34 guns, who is the admiral. They take at Port Royal and along the coast all the small vessels, shal- lops, boats, &c., to land their men. You will do well to prepare for their recep- tion a good fire ship, and other means necessary, according as your prudence shall direct. I recommend myself unto your prayers, and remain, gentlemen, your humble servant, J. NELSON. August 27th. The ships of war go from hence in 12 or 15 days. Their voyage probably to St. John's and Penobscot will cost them a month's time more, so that you may expect them in about six or seven weeks hence. After their attempt upon your coast they are to cruise for about a month, &c., so that all concerned in shipping must take care to their affairs. Let no public talk be made of this letter, for by the escape of some prisoners the report will come hither greatly to my damage Excuse my broken manner of writing. I am forced to do it as I can get opportunity, and that is in my bed, because of the often coming in and out of the man that attends me, who once surprized me and took from me my ink- horn, but in all things else I am well treated. So are all the rest, according as the country affords, &c." " The letters came to Springfield the 23d of Septem- ber, and a day or two after to Boston. The Frenchmen, not long after, by some means or other, were retaken and carried to Canada, where they were punished as deserters. Before their execution, they confessed the whole. Mr. Nelson was carried with them, in expectation of the same fate. They were shot before his eyes. He was sent back to prison, and soon after to France,* but on his passage prevailed with a fellow passenger to convey intelligence of a second design of 12 men-of-war and 2000 troops, which were every day expected at Canada to make a descent upon the English colonies from Piscataqua to Carolina. He was con- fined in France in a small hole for two years, without opportunity of seeing any person but a servant who brought his victuals to a grate. A gentleman, who had taken notice of the person who had carried the victuals from day to day, had the curiosity to enquire what prisoner was there, and to speak to him at the * In 1693. See 4 New York State Documents, in the editor, doctor O'Callag- han's note. 2O2 History of Nova-Scotia. grate, and to ask if he could do him any service. Mr. Nelson desired no other favor than to have a letter sent to England to inform Sir Purbeck Temple of his condition, which was done, and soon after a demand was made for his release or exchange. He was then looked upon as a person of some importance. He was sent to the Bastile, and just before the peace of Ryswick was allowed to go to England, upon his parole, and security given by a French gentleman for his return. The peace being concluded, and he intending to return, was forbad to do it by king William ; but to prevent any trouble to his friend, he -went con- trary to order, and surrendered himself. Being discharged, upon his return to England he was brought into trouble there for going back to France contrary to the king's order, but at length returned to his family after ten or eleven years absence." [*l Hutch., Mass., 389. note.]. (In 1706, M. Bonaventure, in a letter to the minister, defends himself from a charge of illicit trade with the English, by stating that Mr. Nelson, merchant of Boston, was indebted to him in 5000 livres, which he had lent him at the time of his imprisonment in France, and wishing to pay it, had sent him by the packet 1300 livres, in goods, viz., stuffs, scythes and pots.) When he was removed from Angoulesme to the Bastile, the marquis de Chevry, and monsieur de Lagny, intendant general of the commerce and foreign affairs of France, were sent to him, and held discourse on peace being possible, and to be made by the governors in America. Afterwards the Canada company petitioned for his detention, as a person dangerous to their .authority. He was afterwards told that the idea of a neutrality in America must be abandoned. The inhuman wars of the Indians was the topic in which Nelson and the French ministry agreed, but the influence of Canada trade overbore it From the English and French Commissaries, p, 617. The petition of John Nelson to the Lords Justices, 1697 : " To their Excellencies the Lords Justices of England." Humbly sheweth : " That the said Sir Thomas Temple long since did purchase from one monsieur " Charles de la Tour the inheritance of Nova Scotia, and part of the countries " called Acadia, and all the forts, plantations and trade thereof, to him and his " heirs, &c., which said countries were first discovered and planted by Sir William " Alexander, afterwards earl of Stirling, and others of the Scottish nation, in the " time of king James the first, and by the authority of that crown, the government " and propriety thereof was granted unto the said earl and his heirs, &c., and by " him afterwards conveyed unto the aforesaid mons. Charles de la Tour, to hold " under crown of Scotland, and by him quietly enjoyed, until the then common- " wealth of England did, in the year 1654, possess themselves of it, being in the " hands of a Frenchman, who thereupon coming into England, and making out " his title from under the said earl of Stirling and the crown of Scotland, his right " was allowed and he restored, and thereon conveyed his said right unto Sir T. " Temple, as aforesaid, who enjoyed the same until the treaty of Breda, did build " divers forts for the defence thereof, and made other improvements, which cost " over ,16000, notwithstanding which, upon some false suggestions of the French * The copy of d'Aulnay's commission as governor of Acadie, dated February, 1647, inserted in the E. & F. Commissaries, pp. 571, 576, has a memo, signed by Francis Nicholson, as a copy from the original, received from M. Nelson, esquire, nephew and executor to Sir Thos. Temple, bart., of N. S. History of Nova-Scotia. 203 " ministers, that it did formerly belong unto the crown of France, his late majesty " king Charles the second did, without any examination or notice given unto the " parties concerned, at the aforesaid treaty, restore the same unto France, and by .' several orders of council required the delivery thereof unto monsieur de Grand- " fontaine, a person sent by the French king, which was accordingly complied with. " That the said Sir Thos. Temple dying, did, by his last will, devise all his right " and title of the premises unto your petitioner, who, during this present war with " France, hath hazarded both his person and estate in the recovery thereof, where, " thro' misfortune falling into their hands, has been kept a prisoner in France for " these five years last past, and does yet so continue under caution, (bail ;) and in " the meantime the said countries being for the most part regained by the English, " the same hath been by surprise included in the patent of the government of the " Massachusetts' Bay in New England, &c. This being the true state of the case, " and your petitioner being informed of a treaty now on foot between England and " France, and fearing that his majesty, for want of information, should be surprized " in this affair, by neglecting or acquitting so considerable a part of his dominions " and trade, as well as the propriety of the petitioner, &c. Your petitioner hum- " bly prays that your Excellencies will be pleased to make a timely representation " of this affair unto his majesty, that such due care and consideration may be had " thereof, as to his majesty in his great wisdom shall seem just and expedient," In a paper addressed to the Board of Trade by Mr. Nelson, in 1696, 24 Sept., (at which time we suppose he was in England, on bail), he says : " For space " of 26 years I have been continually conversant with the French in the coun- " tries of Nova Scotia, Accadie and Canada, for which reason I was, in the year " 1691, made choice of by the governor and council in New England to settle and " establish one Coll. Edward Tyng in the command of Port Royal, a place that " had been newly subjected to the crown of England, in which enterprize I had the " misfortune to be taken by the French, who, notwithstanding the acquaintance " and interest I had with them, did, (to prevent the information they thought me " capable of giving unto the court of England about their countries and affaires in " those parts), see cause to make an exception unto my release, whereby I have " actually suffered above four years and a half s imprisonment. In which space " of time I have continually endeavour'd to discover what I thought might be of " use to our interests, and accordingly have sometimes opportunity, both in " Canada and in France, to give such information as if due notice had been " taken, would have been of good effect, as by some instances I could well note, " were it not to avoid too much prolixity, &c. The improvement I would make " hereon serves only to pray an enquiry whom I am, that soe you may be the " better confirmed in the truth of my informations, in which, as I seek not any ' particular advantage or interest, so I trust the readier beliefe and credit may " be given unto what I shall here expose, &c." He thinks that, unless prevented, the French may destroy the English colonies. The English colonies depend on improving the lands, &c. The French of Canada, on their trade of furs and peltry with the Indians, consequently their whole study and contrivance is to maintain their interest and reputation with the Indians, " Which has been " " much augmented by that late foolish and unhappy expedition from New Eng- " " land by Sr. William Phips, as also for want of due care of settlement in the " ' countrie of Nova Scotia, after the taking of Port Royal." 2O4 History of Nova-Scotia. (50 There are some remarks and statements of baron de Lahontan which appear to belong to this period, and to be worthy of attention. He is a gay, witty and intelligent writer, although not devoid of prejudices. His writings are lively and graphic. The charges he makes against the French governors are harsh, and if not entirely untrue, appear much exaggerated. His serious quarrel with M. Brouillan, when the latter was governor of Placenlia, rendered him unfit to judge with impartiality in such cases. He had, according to Charlevoix,* been a half- pay captain, and was sent about this time from Quebec to Placentia. His me- moirs, that author says, were dictated by a spirit of irreligion, and by spite for having been sent out of the service. I fear there is some truth in both charges, yet there are several passages in his work that cannot well be omitted if we wish to obtain information of the history of these countries about the close of the seventeenth century. In vol. I., p. 220, &c., he says, "The coast of Acadia ex- tends from Kenebeki, on the frontiers of New England, to Isle Percee, near the mouth of the river St. Lawrence." " It has a great many little rivers, the mouths of which are deep and clean enough for the greatest ships." After dilat- ing upon the plenty of salmon and cod that frequent these shores, he says. "Two " gentlemen, of the name of Amour, of Quebec, have a settlement for beaver- " hunting, upon the river of St. John, which is a very pleasant river, and adorned with fields that are very fertile in grain. 'Tis navigable for 12 leagues up from its mouth." He says the channel between Acadie and Cape Breton is deep enough to carry the greatest ship in France. " Most of the countries of Acadia " abound with corn, pease, fruit and pulse, and have a plain distinction of " the four seasons of the year, notwithstanding that 'tis extream cold for " three months in winter. Several places of Acadia afford masts as strong as " those we have from Norway ; and if there were occasion, all sorts of ships " might be built there. For if you'll believe the carpenters, the oak of that ' country is better than ours in Europe. In a word, it is a very fine country " the air is pure and wholsome the waters clear and light, and there's good accommodation for hunting, shooting and fishing." The French neglect nothing to secure the Indians, giving some notable ones pay as a lieutenant or ensign, and giving them rewards for mischief to the English or to the Indians in the English interest, paying them for scalps, sending the Canadian youth with them and giving them commissions taking Indians to Europe to shew them the glories of the French court and armies. There are now at Versailles 6 sagamores or chiefs from Canada, Hudson's Bay and Nova Scotia, all soliciting aid against the English. Great destruction done in Maine and New Hampshire. Timber and fisheries ruined there. The French, zealous in sending missionaries among the Indians, the English neglect to give them religious instruction. He mentions the great achievements of Skyler, (Schuyler), of Albany, in 1691, who came near taking Montreal. Evils from division of the English into so many little, divided, and disunited governments. If united, the English would be ten to one of the French. Speaks of the great value of the fur trade. " The knowledge I have of that country makes me foresee that " * 3 Charlevoix, 172. History of Nova-Scotia. 205 " the English will be masters of it some time or other.* I could give very " " plausible reasons for the prophecy." " They have already begun to ruine the " commerce that the French had with the savages, and in a short time they'll " compass its intire destruction. The French they will prize their goods too " high, though they are not so good as those of the English^ and yet the English " sell their commodities cheaper." " The French governors, they act with " the same view as many of those who are imploy'd in posts beyond the sea. " They look upon their place as a gold-mine given 'em, in order to enrich them- " selves ; so that the public good must always march behind private interest. " M. de Menneval suffer 'd the English to possess themselves of Port Royal, be- " cause that place was covered with nothing but single palissado's. But why " was it not better fortified ? I can tell you the reason ; he thought he had time " enough to fill his pockets before the English would attack it. This governor " succeeded to M. Perrot, who was broke with disgrace for having made it his " chief business to inrich himself; and after returning to France, went back again " with several ships laden with goods, in order to set up for a private merchant " in the country. While M. Perrot was governor, he suffered the English to " possess themselves of several advantageous posts, without offering to stir. His " chief business was to go in barques from river to river, in order to traffic with " the savages ; and after he was disgraced, he was not contented with a commerce " upon the coasts of Acadia, but would needs extend it to the English planta- " tation ; but it cost him dear, for some py rates fell in with him, and, after seizing " his barques, ducked himself, upon which he died immediately." (sed quaere.) " The three principal savage nations that live upon the coasts of Acadia, are " the Abenakis, the Mikemak, and the Canibas." " The baron of St. Casteins, " " a gentleman of Oleron, in Beam, having lived among the Abenakis, after the " " savage way, for above twenty years, is so much respected by the savages " " that they look upon him as their tutelar god. He was formerly an officer in " " the Carignan regiment in Canada, and upon the breaking of that regiment " " threw himself among the savages, whose language he had learned. He mar- " ried among 'em after their fashion, and prefer'd the forrests of Acadia to " " the Pyrenean mountains that encompass the place of his nativity ; for the " ' first years of his abode with the savages he behav'd himself so, as to draw an " " inexpressible esteem from them. They made him their great chief or leader, " " who is in a manner the sovereign of the nation ; and by degrees he has work'd " " himself into such a fortune, which any man but he would have made such use " " of as to draw out of that country above two or three hundred thousand crowns, " " which he has now in his pocket in good dry gold. But all the use he makes " " of it is f.o buy up goods for presents to his fellow savages, who, upon their " " return from hunting, present him with beaver skins to a treble value." " The " governors general of Canada keep in with him, and the governors of New " England are afraid of him. He has several daughters, who are all of 'em mar- " ried very handsomely to Frenchmen, and had good dowries. He has never " changed his wife, by which means he mean'd to give the savages to understand " that God does not love inconstant folks," &c. " Port Royal, the capital, or the only city of Acadia, is in effect no more than a * La Hontan was in North America from 1683 to 1694, and his book is printed in 1703. 206 History of Nova-Scotia. " little paltry town, that is somewhat enlarged since the war broke out in 1689 " by the accession of the inhabitants that lived near Boston, the metropolitan of " New England.* A great many of these people retired to Port Royal upon the " apprehension that the English would pillage them and carry 'em into their " country. There's excellent anchorage all over the Basin,t and at the bottom of " it there's a cape or point of land that parts two rivers, at which the tide rises ten " or twelve feet. These rivers are bounded by pleasant meads, which in spring " and autumn are covered with all sorts of water-fowl. In fine, Port Royal is " only a handful of houses, two story high, and has but few inhabitants of any " note. It subsists upon the traffic of the skins which the savages bring thither " to truck for European goods. In former times the Farmers' company had " magazines in this place, which were under the care of the governor." (6.) A census undated, but probably of this period, gives 854 inhabitants to Acadie. There is a memorial dated 5 February, 1691, apparently addressed to the French government, and from internal evidence it seems to proceed from M. Perrot, the same who had been governor before Menneval. It begins by noticing that the English had burnt 28 houses, and the church at Port Royal, but that the mills and many houses escaped, and that they had not meddled with Mines or Beaubassin. It estimates the population of the three settlements named at 1000 or noo French. Says the English left none of their nation in command, but a French sergeant, with a council of inhabitants. Proposes : I. To collect 60 French soldiers who are scattered in the pro- vince, and suggests M. , a former governor, as most capable and interested in the couutry. to be in command. 2. To give the commandant a lieutenant, and send out arms, &c., and provisions and clothing for the 60 soldiers. 3. Pick- axes and tools, for fortifying Port Royal. 4. Ten guns 4 of 12 pounders, 4 of 8 and 4 of 4 Ibs., with ammunition, ball, &c., and a gunner. 5. A surgeon, with a medicine chest. 6. To dismiss M. Petit, the cure, blaming him and Trouve for the misfortune of the last capitulation. 7. To transfer the site of the fort and garrison to la pre ronde,\ two leagues up the river, at the head of all the settle- ment, as a safer place. 8. To build a fort there of timber (pieux), capable of lodg- ing 100 men, in which the captain, lieutenant, and the 60 men are to reside. Planks, nails and iron to be supplied ; or in lieu, a small sum of money, as plank and shingles can be found in the country. 9. To give them two batteaux, in pieces, with the rigging and utensils requisite. 10. To send a captain, lieuten- ant, and 3 or 4 half-pay officers, to command the Canibas and Abenaquis near the river St. John, who are to be under command of the governor at Port Royal. The latter is to let them have some of his soldiers when he can spare them, to unite with the Indians against the English. One batteau can carry over 20 sol- diers, being only 12 leagues distance. * I suppose he means French settlers on the shores of that part of Acadie which was nearest to New England, t Of Port Royal. t Round hill, formerly Lovet's farm, is probably meant, up the river. History of Nova-Scotia. 207 A frigate of 28 or 30 guns is to take out all that is required. Economy is poin- ted out, that instead of ninety soldiers, as formerly, sixty will do. That instead of a governor with 3000 livres, as before, M. P will be content as comman- dant with 2000 livres salary. In lieu of five priests costing the king 1500 livres, and four friars penitents at 800 livres, the last four will be sufficient, as they are men who attend to spiritual things and do not meddle with temporal. And that the lieutenant general of Port Royal may be reduced to 300 livres. Recommends that the frigate call at Chedabouctou for relief of sixty inhabitants there, and that she should pick up any craft she finds along the coast, for the benefit of Port Royal, and finally visit the Indians on the river St. John. 208 History of Nova-Scotia. 1692. CHAPTER XXIV. 1692. In this year, 1692, governor Sir William Phips sent a ship of 48 guns and two brigantines, with eighty soldiers on board, to capture Villebon in his fort up the St. John river, (Nachouac ?) where he was awaiting for help from France, which he looked for to establish himself at Port Royal. Ville- bon sent a small detachment of French and Indians down the river to watch the enemy's movements in landing. The sight of the French alarmed and disconcerted the invaders, who had probably calculated that they would surprize the French gov- ernor, and they gave up the project. [3 Charlevoix, 176.] During this summer, Phips, under special instructions from the English government, began the erection of fort William Henry, at Pemaquid, north of the Kennebec. [2 Hutch., Mass., 68.] The place selected was twenty rods from high water mark, on the east side of the river, the tide rising there from fourteen to sixteen feet. The walls were of stone, cemented in lime mortar, the height on the south side facing the sea 22 feet, on the west 18, on the north 10, and on the east 12 feet. The round tower at the S. W. corner was 29 feet high. Eight feet from the ground, where the walls were 6 feet in thickness, there was a tier of 28 port holes. The place was completed in a few months. Two thousand cart loads of stone are said to have been used in this building. The fort was a quadrangle in compass 747 feet, and the interior 108 feet across. The cost is stated at ;2O,ooo. Late in the autumn from 14 to 18 cannon were mounted in the fort, six of which were eighteen pounders, and it was manned by sixty men. Phips at this 1692. History of Nova-Scotia. 209 time sent colonel Church, who had been celebrated in king Philip's war, to Penobscot and Kennebec. M. d'Iberville had left France with the design to attack port Nelson, in Hudson's bay, and had express orders from the court to that effect He had embarked on board of the Envieux^ a king's ship, commanded by M. de Bonaventure, and he was to find the Poli at Quebec, of which he was to take command himself; besides which the compagnie du nord had engaged to furnish two other vessels for the expedition. It was the king's intention that after taking Port Nelson, d'Iberville was to remain in charge of it, and send the Poli back to France, under her lieutenant. But the Envieux left Rochelle so late in the season, and experienced such contrary winds on her voyage out, that she did not cast anchor before Quebec until the 18 October. This was much too late to attempt any enterprise in Hudson's bay ; and as it was thought a pity the vessels should lie idle, it was proposed to messieurs d'Iberville and de Bonaventure to undertake the siege of Pem- aquid. This project they accepted joyfully, and made sail without delay for Acadie. There they met the chevalier Vil- lebon, and it was resolved that the two king's ships should besiege the place by water, while the chevalier, at the head of the Indians, should attack it by land. This arrangement hav- ing been made, the Poli and the Envieux set sail for Pema- quid ; but the two commanders having found an English vessel at anchor under the guns of the fort, and being desti- tute of any pilot acquainted with the coast, thought it unsafe to pursue their project any further. Whether they had neg- lected to seek such a pilot, or had been unable to find one, is left in doubt. The Indians had collected in great numbers, and were much discontented at the result, as they had reck- oned on ridding themselves of so powerful and inconvenient a neighbor as the fort was considered by them. It was after- wards ascertained that the commander of the fort had been put on his guard respecting this visit, by the information Mr.. Nelson had sent from Quebec by the two deserters. D'Iber- ville was spoken against by envious persons, for not pressing the siege ; but it seems his chief hope of success lay in find- 14 2io History of Nova-Scotia. 1693-94. ing the garrison unprepared, and that he acted judiciously in retiring. [3 Ckarlevoix, 177, 179.] In the same year Sir Francis Wheeler came with an English fleet of 24 sail to Pla- centia, but effected very little, and withdrew. [Hist. British Empire in America, 140, 144.] 1693. Fifteen English men-of-war arrived at Boston, from an attack on Martinique. The ships were in bad condition, and the men sick and in quarantine. Villebon understood from two Frenchmen who had escaped from prison in Boston, that Sir William Phips proposed to attack him with some of those forces, 800 men being mentioned as the intended party. Villebon was in no condition to resist them, but no such movement took place. Villieu, a French officer, had distinguished himself at the siege of Quebec in 1690. Being then on half pay, he headed a body of volunteers. [3 Ckarlevoix, 125.] Being now ap- pointed to a command at Pentagoet, he left Quebec in Octo- ber, 1693, and spent the winter at the fort of Nachouac, on the St. John, where Villebon commanded. He was nominally in command of the company of the detachment of the marines employed in Acadie. Major Convers marched with 400 or 500 English on Tacon- nick, on the Kennebec, this year, against the Indians, some of whom he surprized near Wells. In his return he built a stone fort, (pentagon), on the Saco river. M. Thury, the missionary at Pentagoet, endeavored to oppose this, but the Indians sub- mitted, and made a treaty with the English, (August nth, at Pemaquid), and gave hostages to secure it. [2 Hutch., Mass., 73. Magnalia, 65, 85, 86.] 1694. April the 8. The king's ship, la Brttonne, with a corvette, sailed for Acadie. The company embarked 20,000 livres of goods. She arrived at St. John river, and left it the 2 July cruised on the coast of Acadie visited Placentia, and convoyed the fishing vessels thence home The sieur Baptiste, privateer, took five English ketches on the coast of Acadie, and three other prizes. M. Bonaventure commanded the king's vessels on this coast for four years, ending in 1694. (There 1 694. History of Nova-Scotia. 211 is reason to think that Bonaventure was of the family of Nicolas Denis Sr. de Fronsac.) May i, M. Villieu left Nachouac for Pentagoet, to endeavor to put a stop to the negociations for peace, which the Indians were carrying on in their talks with the English. May 3, he got to Medoctec, where he conferred with the chiefs of that place. 9 May he had an interview with Taxous, a chief of the Aben- aquis. He met Bigot, a Jesuit priest, and held festivals with the Indians in several places. May 22, Villieu came back to Nachouac, with some Indians, to ask for soldiers. Villebon would only give him two men. They started again 25 May, and on the 2/th reached Medoctec. There the two French soldiers left him, and went back to the fort So he had no one but Indians with him, and had no provisions, Villebon having refused to give any. 3 June they arrived at Pentagoet. Matakondo brought news that the Boston governor would give up their prisoners on the 5 July. Thury helped Villieu, who had great difficulty to bring the Indians round, as their children were hostages at Boston, or in England. Taxous and Bigot were for war. Villieu stopped some days at Castine's house, and then went up stream in a canoe upset, and hit his head against a rock. Villebon and father Simon stopped many Indians from joining him. On the 2/th June he had un festin de chien, (dog feast), when all the Indians sang, except thirty of Matakando's party, but they and Matakando himself were all gained over by presents. On the 30 June, Villebon, Thury, a French interpreter, and 500 Indians, went down the river Kennebec, to get the Cani- bats to join them. He reconnoitred Pemquit fort in disguise. 10 July. Forty Canibats joined him ; on the i ith, thirty more, and on the i6th, forty more. 27 July. They fell on the Eng- lish settlements by surprize. They were almost starved to death themselves before this. They captured two ungarrisoned forts killed 104 persons made 27 prisoners pillaged and burned 60 houses, and by the end of July the party got back to their homes. Villieu, after this affair, went to Canada. In his letter, date 7 September, 1694, de Ville Marie, (Montreal), he says, " The Indians, (les sauvages), at whose head you " 212 History of Nova-Scotia. 1694. " ordered me to place myself to go against the English, have " " concluded a treaty of peace with Intane Philps," (sic) (gov'r. Sir W. Phips), " at the fort of Pemakuit last year, and left " " hostages. The Englishman was to give up, on the 15 July, " " the Indian prisoners he held, and at the same time to con- " " firm this peace with all the nations, who were to assemble " " for that purpose. Such was the state of affairs, my lord, " " which I found on my arrival at Pentagoet, in May last, " " when I went there alone to go against the enemy. But as " " this peace had been concluded by only two chiefs, accom- " " panied by some of their nations, who had even proposed to " " sell their lands to the English, and receive the price, I ac- " " quainted other chiefs and their nations who had not taken " " part in the treaty, that I was surprized at this conduct, and " " that I did not think that they would be willing to submit " " to have a thing of such consequence transacted without " " their participation ; and having at the same lime excited " " their jealousy of the two other chiefs, and their distrust of" " the English, for their having directed their assembling " " together, with the design, perhaps, of getting rid of them " " all in one day, I urged on them their duty to the king, and " " the presents they got from him last year, and the benefit of *' " his protection, and told them of the orders I had to go with " " them to war. This induced them to decide to march with " " me, and those who had concluded the peace did the same " " thing one day after. So that all these designs were over- " '* turned, and our enterprize has succeeded. Two small forts " " and 50 or 60 houses have been captured and burnt, and " " 130 English killed or made prisoners. A more particular" " statement, of all which I take the liberty to send you. I " " have come to Montreal to report to M. de Frontenac. I " " hope, my lord, you will be satisfied, as I have nothing so " " much at heart as to please you, and to merit, by my servi- " " ces, the continuance of your protection. I am going back " " to my post at the fort of Natchouac, in Acadie, to winter " " there, and receive your orders next year. I beg you will " " have the goodness to take into consideration the loss I sus- " " tained in the shipwreck of a vessel " (charroi) " which " 1694- History of Nova-Scotia. 213 " brought me last autumn, with all my family, to Acadie, " " and which exceeds 1000 crowns. I hope you will do me " " the favor of granting four tons of freight in the vessel " " which will be sent to Acadie next year, to bring me from " '* France my provisions and necessaries, not being able to " " get things from Quebec without extraordinary expenses, " " and not often having an opportunity to do that. I am, " " &c. &c., VILLIEU." Villieu and his Indian followers des- troyed Dover, in New Hampshire went to Piscataqua, and at Spruce creek, York and Kittery killed several persons, and scalped a girl. Micmacs, Malecites and Abenaquis were concerned in this slaughter. Villieu took the Indian chiefs with him to Canada, to present the English scalps to count Frontenac. [i Williamson, Maine, 640. 2 Hutch., Mass., 82, 83.] In this year, 1694, the sieur Robineau corsaire de Nantes, (privateer), had made considerable prizes was forced to burn his vessel in the harbor of St. John, where he was attacked by an English ship, and to defend himself on shore. 17 Septem- ber, Montigny, an officer of Villebon's garrison, went from Nachouac to Medoctec, to join a party of 39 Indians. They went on to Pentagoet, but were sent back on account of a contagion that had killed many of them. In November, 1694, Bomazeen, an Indian chief, with ten or twelve Indians, went to Pemaquid, with a flag of truce, which captain March, the commander of the fort, violated, on the pretext that they who had become friends by treaty could not come as enemies with a white flag, and he made Bomazeen and his party prisoners, and sent them to Boston, where they were confined in a very bad prison. [2 Hutch,, 83, 87, 88.] APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXIV. (i.) The English began first in the attack on Placentia with five men-of-war, the St. Albans, a third rate of 66 guns, being commodore. They entered the harbor of Placentia the I5th September, 1691, and came to an anchor in the road the 214 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 6th. At this time the French governor was in great perplexity, having but 50 soldiers in the fort, and but a small stock of ammunition. Besides the fort was commanded by a mountain, from whece he was afraid the English would gall him. Not being able to spare any men from the fort, they marched 50 fishermen to prevent their landing, which made them alter their course, and land else- where. The English commodore sent out a small sloop, with a white flag, towards the fort, which was met by another on the same errand. The commo- dore desired the governor to send an officer on board him, who immediately complied, and sent the baron La Hontan and M. Castabella, (Costabelle ?) who were received with great civility, and well entertained. [Paris mss.] (2.) 9 November. 1692, Jacques Petitpas, and Charles de Loreau, sienr de St. Aubin, inhabitants of Archiroayan, in Acadie, were taken by the English, and, with their families, sent to Boston. The governor of New England sent them with two French deserters to capture M. St Castin, keeping their families as hostages. They revealed the design for which they were sent, and gave up the two deserters. Villebon, the commandant of Acadie, d'Iberville and Bonaven- ture, gave them out of public funds, 554 livres, to assist them in getting back to their families, &c. (3-) A grant made 17 August, 1693, by Frontenac, (governor), and Champigny, (intendant), to the sieur Philipes Esnault, an inhabitant of Nipisiguit, in Acadie, of the river de Pocmouche, and four leagues of land in front on each side of the same, with as many in depth, including one league of land in front, heretofore conceded to one deGrais, who has withdrawn among the English, to hold to the said sieur Esnault, his heirs and assigns, for ever, as their own property, as a fief, &c. &c. Confirmed by Royal brevet, at Versailles, 15 April, 1694. ^Leg- Council papers, v. ii.] (4-) From Villebon's letter to M. de Lagny of 2 September, 1694 : " There are three Indian nations in Acadie, the Canibas, the Malicites, and " the Micmacs, each having a different language. The Micmacs occupy from " Isle Percee, and even higher up the river on the way to Quebec, and extend- " ing through the bay des Chaleurs, Ristigouche, Richibouctou, Bay Verte, Cape " Breton, Campseaux, and all along the coast to cape Sable, Port Royal, Mines " and Beaubassin. They look on all these places as their settlements at all " times. The Malicites begin at the river St. John, and inland as far as la " Riviere du Loup, and along the sea shore, occupying Pesmonquadis, Majais, " les Monts Deserts and Pentagoet, and all the rivers along the coast. At Pen- " tagoe't, among the Malicites, are many of the Kennebec Indians. Taxous* " was the principal chief of the river Kinibeguy, but having married a woman " of Pentagoet, he settled there with her relations. As to Matakando, he is a " Malicite. The Canibas are those settled on the river Kinibeguy. "t * Taxous was the adopted brother of M. de Villebon, as stated in another letter. t Whence they derive their name. There is a mission of this tribe two leagues from Quebec, conducted by Jesuit fathers. 1695* History of Nova-Scotia. 215 CHAPTER XXV. 1695. It was proposed in 1695 to fortify St. John, at the mouth of the river. The old fort of four bastions so far exist- ed, that the excavations were almost entire. It wanted deep- ening the ditches, raising the parapets, and putting in new palissades. It was supposed that 150 men would serve to protect both this and the fort at Nachouat, (called Nachouac, Naxoat, and now Nashwaak.) The fort of St. John would protect French privateers and French commerce. We find by Villebon's journal, kept by him at Nachouac, where he commanded, January 17, 1695, Baptiste (who was captain of a French privateer) had taken an English West Indiaman. On the 24th he brings part of his crew up the river, having secu- red his corvette. April 27, Baptiste went off on a cruise. May 3, Villebon sent a canoe to Boston, with the letters Mon- tigny brought back, (probably from Frontenac, at Quebec, respecting exchange of prisoners.) May 15, Baptiste arrived with another prize. May 31, news that Baptiste was taken by an English vessel of 36 guns, and an armed sloop. In 24 hours after, the English frigate ran ashore, and had to give up her prizes to a Canadian privateer. In June, Villebon enter- tained a body of Indians and chiefs from Kennebec, Pentagoet, Medoctec and Madawaska. Long conferences are related in his journal. A tariff of goods was settled, and afterwards the chiefs were entertained at supper. In the same month an English frigate and sloop arrive at Menagoniche, (now called Manawagoniche), on business of ransom. Messages are ex- changed with Nachouac. Eight prisoners are given up. The 216 History of Nova-Scotia. English captain expressed a wish to meet governor Villebon, and drink with him, or to see captain Baptiste, whom he called a brave man ; but these overtures were declined. In Bap- tiste's last engagement, the English had three men killed and thirteen wounded ; and the rigging of the frigate was much injured. The corvette La Bonne sunk 48 hours after. They also lost their chief pilot and eight sailors, besides a brigantine and sloop, prizes, which were also sunk. August 1 2, Villebon heard that the Micmacs at cape Sable attacked an English fisherman, but did not take her ; they killed one Englishman and wounded one. 10 September. This evening. Francis Guyon, privateer, arrived at the fort. He tells me (Villebon) that he has taken nine fishermen prizes, viz., seven open shal- lops and two decked vessels. He ransomed five for 1500 livres gave one up, and has brought three in. I Octr., 1695, in a letter to the minister, Villebon states that his brother des Isles is away with the Indians on an expedition against the English. That Bonaventure has had a battle with an English frigate of 40 guns, and that 10 English were killed. He says, " I have been surprized, my lord, at what you say, " " that I had refused soldiers to M. de Villieu. How can that " be likely, when I, myself, proposed the expedition, and" " gave him every thing necessary ?" He accuses Villieu of imposing on his lordship, and says, " I do not think an offi- " "cer so difficult and unaccommodating can be found." He complains of the brothers d' Amours. " They are four in " " number, living on the St. John river. There are given up " " to licentiousness and independance for ten or twelve years " " they have been here. They are disobedient and seditious, " " and require to be watched." (In another m/moire it is sta- ted of the d' Amours, that though they have vast grants in the finest parts of the country, they have hardly a place to lodge in. They carry on no tillage, keep no cattle, but live in trad- ing with the Indians, and debauch among them, making large profits thereby, but injuring the public good. In another statement they are called " soi disants gentil homines?} Vil- lebon says preparations are making for the intended attack in the spring on Pemaquid fort, and for securing Nachouac. 1695-9^- History of Nova-Scotia. 217 2000 palissades, 2000 /raises, and 600 madriers are getting made. (Platforms for guns to run on were made of planks, called madriers^) One of the Indian hostages kept at Boston since the treaty of 1693, was sent as a mediator to his people. In consequence of this visit, fifty canoes of Indians came to Pemaquid on the 20 May, 1695, bringing in eight captives. A truce of thirty days was made, and soon after the English commissioners met the Indian delegates at Pemaquid. The English refused to enter into any treaty until all the English in the hands of the Indians should be first given up, on which the conference broke up, and Bomazeen and other Indians remained prisoners in Boston. [2 Hutch., 88.] 1696. In February, Egeremet, a chief from Machias, Toxus, a chief from Norridgewock, (Narantsouac), Abenquid, a saga- more of the same tribe, and several other Indians, came to Pemaquid fort, to treat of exchange of prisoners. Chubb, who commanded there, and some of his garrison, fell on them unawares, murdered Egeremet, Abenquid, and two others. Toxus escaped. One Indian was taken, and was found in irons in the fort when the French entered it. [2 Hutch., 94.] At this time the French government resolved on an attack to capture Fort William Henry, at Pemaquid, (or Pemkuit), chiefly with the view of confirming the French influence over the Abenaquis, and other Indian nations in that quarter. The conduct of this enterprize was given to messietirs. d'Iberville and Bonaventure. They arrived at the bate des Espagnols, in cape Breton, (Spanish bay, now Sydney), on the 26 June, 1696. [3 Charlevoix, 261. Mss. journal of Sr. Bau- douin, missionary. Paris mss.] There they found thirty Indians waiting for them, with their families. They all con- fessed to the priest Baudouin, who baptized some of them and married others. Their comrades had already gone to war. These poor people had to pay so dear for everything, that, although they were free from drunkenness, they were but scantily clothed, after having killed five hundred moose this winter. They also found Frenchmen there, who brought them letters from M. de Villebon, informing them that three English ships, the Sorlings, captain Eames, the Newport, 2 1 8 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 696. captain Paxen, and the province Tender, were waiting for them at the mouth of the river St. John. On the 4 July they set sail, the Indians embarking with them. The French ships were the Profond and the Envieux, and had two companies of soldiers on board. They met fogs on the voyage, and when near cape Sable they heard the report of cannon, which they supposed were fired by the enemy's ships as signals to prevent separation. On the 14 July the French ships cast anchor in the fog, at the distance of five leagues from the river St. John. The weather clearing up at 2, p. M., they perceived the three English vessels to windward, bearing directly for the river St. John. When they were one league off, they observed the French vessels, and bore down on them. The Profond mask- ed her warlike character, keeping her ports closed until within musket shot Two of the English vessels came pretty near, and the small one fired at the Profond, and the other at the Envieux. The enemy seeing the Profond open her ports, kept to windward, (tiennent le vent), and not being able to resist the musquetry, endeavored to escape. The Profond tried to gain the wind on them, and the Envieux followed, contending with stormy weather. M. d'Iberville, in the Envieux, dismasted the smaller English vessel, which proved to be the Newport, of 24 guns. The prize falling astern, came almost aboard the bows of the Envieux, and lowered her flag. M. d'Iberville left her to be manned by M. de Bonaventure, who gave her to Baptiste to take her to the river St John, at which place he was near losing her among the rocks where she run aground. The Envieux continued to chase the other ship, which was the largest, mounting 34 guns. The shot of the French ship passed beyond the chase, but night and fog closed their com- bat, which had lasted three hours, and the English ship esca- ped. According to Baudouin, who gives these details, there was no one in the French ships injured even by a wound, and he says that the Indians on board behaved well. The next day, 1 5 July, the French vessels arrived at the river St. John, where they found M. de Villebon and father Simon, with fifty Indians. They landed the effects which belonged to the king, being stores for the use of the fort at Nachouac, which had 1696. History of Nova-Scotia. 219 been substituted for that of Jemsek. The fifty Indians who accompanied Villebon, and who were of the same nation with those who came from cape Brecon with d'Iberville, that is Micmacs, embarked on board the Profond, commanded by M. de Bonaventure, with father Simon, before the ship sailed. It having been stated that one Alden, a Boston trader, was then at Port Royal, engaged in traffic, M. Dugue", a lieutenant of d'Iberville, was sent to that place in a vessel, with thirty men. Father Baudouin went with them, delighted, as he says, with the opportunity of meeting M. de Mandoux, (the cure"), who was resident there since the departure of M. Petit. Alden, however, had left Port Royal before they got there. Baudouin pitied the inhabitants of Port Royal, as they were forbidden to deal with the English, while the French did not supply one quarter of the articles they stood in need of. On the 2nd August the French ships left St. John, and on the 7th they arrived at Pentagoet, where they found M. de Thury and M. de St. Castin, with 130 Indians, waiting for them. M. d'Iberville gave an entertainment to about 300 Indians, the rest having already gone off to make war. He distributed the king's presents among them, to the value of 4000 livres, and told them he was going to attack Pemquit. They replied they would join his party with pleasure. On the 1 3th August, St. Castin and the Indians, M. Thury and father Simon, with messieurs, de Villieu and de Montigny, and 25 soldiers of Villieu's company, embarqued in canoes to besiege Pemaquid. On the I4th they arrived and invested fort Wil- liam Henry. The Profond and the Envieux arrived the same day, and two mortars, two cannons, with bombs and shot, were landed half a league from the fort. These having been got on shore, a summons was sent at 5, P. M., to the fort to surrender. [3 Charlevoix, 262.] Captain Chubb commanded the fort. He had 15 guns mounted, 95 soldiers, and plenty of ammuni- tion and provisions. His reply to this summons was that " though the sea were covered with French vessels, and the " " land with Indians, he should not surrender unless forced to " " do so." On this reply, the Indians commenced firing. The fort also made a pretty good discharge of musquetry and some 22O History of Nova-Scotia. 1696. cannon shot. The French and Indians slept around the fort that night. On the I5th August, Assumption day, M. d'lber- ville landed two hours before day, (about 2, A. M.,) and after mass was said, the guns and mortars were placed in battery within half cannon shot of the fort, before mid-day. " M. de " " Thury et le pere Simon la parerent belle, chacun travaillant " a qui mieux mieux" Thury and father Simon assisting in fit- ting up with alacrity. After dinner the fort was again sum- moned. While the French were preparing their battery, they were fired on from the fort ; but about 3, p. M., all being ready, the French battery discharged five bombs against the defend- ers, at which the latter were visibly alarmed. St. Castin, who noticed this, went again to summon the English, and advised them to surrender, without which they could not be safe in case the place was taken by assault ; as the Indians would give them no quarter, in revenge for their brethren having been killed and made prisoners, (as they asserted), in a peace- ful conference held with the English ; and that for this reason the Indians had been opposed even to summoning the fort. It seems that in the previous February, seven Abenaquis had gone with a flag of truce to Pemaquid, to apply to captain Chubb for an exchange of prisoners. Of these seven, four were slain by the English, and three taken to Boston as pri- soners. [3 Charlevoix, 233.] This story, whether well found- ed or not, was evidently believed by the French and the Indians, and must have naturally exasperated the latter, espe- cially those of the same tribe with the sufferers. The menaces implied in the advice of baron St. Castin took effect, and the soldiers of the garrison insisted that Chubb should capitulate. The terms he demanded were that no person should be des- poiled ; that the captain and his garrison should be sent to Boston, and exchanged for the French and Indian prisoners detained there ; and that they should be guaranteed against the fury of the Indians. All which being assented to, the fort surrendered at 5, P. M., and Chubb, with his garrison, marched out unarmed. Villieu entered the fort with sixty Frenchmen, and took possession. The garrison were carried in shallops to an islaad near which the French man-of-war lay, in order 1696. History of Nova-Scotia. 221 that they should be protected from the revenge of the Indians. Father Baudouin went into the fort with the victors. Within was found a Canibat Indian in irons, half dead. It took the good father nearly two hours to file off the fetters of this poor captive, who was then carried to the French camp. Among the papers of the governor, a recent order was found, received from Boston, directing him to hang this Indian. The fort was situated at the mouth of a river, on the shore of the sea. At high tide it was almost surrounded by water. Its form was that of a quadrangle, with four very fine towers. It had a gunpowder magazine, hollowed out of the natural rock, and a very fine place cCarmes (parade ground) in the middle of the fortress. This fortress was very well built of good stone. The wall was 12 feet high, with a gallery above 12 1-2 feet thick. It had 16 cannon, from 12 to 8 pounders. (See description ante, 1692.) Hutchinson says (2 vol., p. 93) that there were no casemates or shelter for the men. The fort was not as strong as it appearance indicated. It was thought to have been capable of a longer defence. The maga- zine was protected by a rock, and only a small part of it was vulnerable by bombs. The lodgings for the garrison were excellent. It was well manned, provisioned and supplied with military stores. It is said to have been built and supported from 1692 at the cost of the province of Massachusetts. [3 Charlevoix, 263. I Williamson, Maine, 642.] Agreeably to the capitulation, d'Iberville sent the prisoners to Boston, in a vessel of M. des Chaufours, that he had brought from the St. John river, and demanded of the council at Bos- ton that they should send back to him Guyon and his people, and the Indians who had been captured by treachery, if they wished him to return the prisoners he had made in the taking of the Newport. The i/th and i8th August were employed in ruining the fort. On the 2Oth, the French sailed for Monts deserts, leaving Montigny, with three men, at Pemkuit, to await the return of their people from Boston. Montigny was directed to bring them on to Monts-d6serts. The fort of Pemkuit having been demolished, its destruction was comple- ted by fire. On the voyage to Monts-de"serts, a young garde- 222 History of Nova-Scotia. 1696. marine, called Dutast, an officer of the French, died of a pleu- risy contracted in dragging up their mortars and guns at the siege, and his body was buried at sea. On the 22d August they reached Monts-de"serts. Here d'Iberville, tired of the delay, and finding provisions running short, sent one hundred prisoners in a barque to Boston, reserving some of the more important captives, whom he landed under charge of M. de Villieu and twenty soldiers. On the 3 September the French sailed from Monts-de"serts, but had hardly got out when they became aware of seven English vessels standing along the coasts. Night intervening, the French escaped, and d'Iber- ville went to cape Bre'ton, where he landed the Indians, and thence went to Placentia ; but Villebon, who was going back to the river St. John with some of the Indians, was captured by the English squadron. On the I2th September, 1696, d'Iberville arrived at Placentia, and during the period between that and May, 1697, parties of 120 Canadians, under d'Iber- ville, who had royal orders to go there and carry on war, and a detachment from Placentia, under Brouillan, the governor of that place, captured all the English settlements, killed about 200 English and made 700 prisoners, burned St. John's, &c. Baudouin says also that many of the English were born in Newfoundland. He describes them as irreligious and immo- ral, and asserts that there was not one minister of any kind in all the English settlements in Newfoundland. He gives de- tails of population, &c., in each settlement. The sum of all is : Captured English settlements men, 1971 ; houses, 291 ; shallops, 442 ; codfish, 228,800. He also describes discord between Brouillan and d'Iberville, and charges the former with avarice and injustice. On the 26 July, before the French vessels, the Profond and the Envieux, had left the river St. John, M. de Villebon wrote to the minister, dating du has la riviere S. Jean, (lower part of the river St. John.) He says : " My lord. M. d'Iberville having delivered me your gran- " deur's letter, in which you do me the honor to write, princi- " pally on the subject of rebuilding the fort at the lower part of " the river, to go on steadily with that work with the forty 1696. History of Nova-Scotia. 223 " soldiers and the sixty men of augmentation which his majesty " has pleased to send. It was my belief that I could not " undertake, with this small number of soldiers, a work which, " though easy to repair, could not be effected as quickly as the " enemy could get ready to oppose it. Messrs d'Iberville and " de Bonaventure having orders, my lord, as you inform me, to " go to Placentia at once after the expedition to Pemquit, I " could not even reckon on the greater part of the soldiers " who have come here under the command of M. de Falaise. " There are among them good men, and many young people, " from whom one cannot obtain much work ; besides which, " by your lordship's orders, I am giving the twenty best sol- " diers of the two companies to M. de Villieu, who are to em- " bark with him in M. d'Iberville's vessel." The king's ships should have arrived early to protect the work. The English frigates are expected out as convoy to the English ships loading with masts at Peskataoue*. " I had last fall " commissioned le Sr. Dubreuil, a settler at Port Royal, to " have 6000 feet of thick plank (madriers) made at a saw mill, 11 and this as if on his own account. The two English frigates, " which came there in the end of June, wished to know for " what purpose the inhabitants required so much of this plank, " and having some suspicions about it, they caused it to be " burned. This has not prevented me going on with this " work, as I have caused more to be made this winter near my " fort." He recommends the granting of fishing licenses for the coast of Acadie to the English, at 100 livres per vessel. He thinks it will produce 10,000 livres. Although he has taken great pains with them, not above eight or ten of his sol- diers have learned to manage a canoe. Thinks it better to send them a la course, (privateering ?) and thus make them sailors. He says he offered d'Iberville to go as a volunteer to Pemaquid with his Indians. Found it did not please d'Iber- ville, and gave it up reluctantly. Is pleased with the return of M. Baudouin, the missionary, and is contented with the other missionaries. " I have no more reason, my lord, to be satisfied with the " sieurs d' Amour than I previously had. The one who has 224 History of Nova-Scotia* 1696. " come from France has not pleased me more than the other " two. Their minds are wholly spoiled by long licentiousness " and the manners they have acquired among the Indians ; " and they must be watched closely, as I had the honor to " state to you last year." He says also that famine prevails at Boston, and he has been assured that many families there have not eaten bread for more than four months past. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXV. I. A grant made by Frontenac, governor, and Champigny intendant to the sieur Michel Chartier, an inhabitant residing in Acadie, of half a league of land in front on each side of the river Descoudet, in the said country, by half a league in depth, with the adjacent islands, commencing on the south-west side of the land of the sieur de Sainct Aubin, descending the said river, and on the north-east side at the unconceded lands opposite to the concession of the sieur Dubourche- min, to hold to the said sieur Michel Chartier, his heirs and assigns for ever, as a fief and seigniory, with superior, mean and inferior jurisdiction, and the right of hunting, fishing and trading with Indians, &c. Confirmed by royal brevet, at Versailles 19 May 1696. 2. A grant the same year to sieur Jacques Fran9ois du Bourchemin, ecuyer, sieur de 1'Hermittiere, lieutenant of a company of th marine forces, of lands on the river Oumaska. 3. Grant dated 20 June 1695, from Frontenac and Champigny to Bernard 1' Amours de Plenne, of the river called Kanibecachiche (now written Kennebecasis) flowing into the St. John, with a league and a half on each side of said river, by two leagues in depth and the islands and islets adjacent. 4. Grant 20 June 1695, from Frontenac and de Cham- pigny to the sieur Pierre Tibauteau, of the river of Kouakagouche, between the Monts-deserts, and Mejais (Machias) and of one league on each side of said river, by two leagues in depth, reckoning from its mouth, with the islands and islets adjacent, confirmed by brevit du rot, 9 May 1696. (2.) M. de Frontenac to M. de Lagny 12 Nov. 1695, informs him that' Bonaventure in the Envieux, left the presents for the Indians at Pentagoet, and going to St. John, met an English frigate, had a battle ; all his rigging was shot away, and none to repair with. He left supplies at the river for Nachouac. He tried to accommodate the disputes between Villebon and his officers, Villieu and Montigni. He blames them all, but Villebon the least. He hopes he has brought them to a good understanding. " M. de Chevry has done an act of justice in assuming the " History of Nova-Scotia. 225 protection of M. deVillebon, and he had need of his support, being attacked " " by more powerful people than these two officers, and those whose credit and " " intrigues are redoubtable." " P. S. I recommended to you, sir, in past years " " the person named Baptiste, upon the good testimonials of M. deVillebon, but " " have learned recently of language used by him, a little before he went to " " France, which showed bad signs." " They tell me he is a man married in w ' many places in France, and in Holland, besides the wife he has now in Port " " Royal. M. deVaudreuil assures me he knows the one he has in France, and " " that she lived near him in Languedoc. I thought I ought to inform you, as well " " as M. de Chevry, that he may not impose on you, as he says he is gone to " " France, to ask for another vessel in place of the one he has lost, that he may " " more easily carry his wife and effects from Port Royal, to Holland or some " " other enemy's country." (3-) The French in September 1696, with 6 ships of war, the Pelican, the Diamond, the Count de Thoulouse, the Vendange, the Philip, and the Harcourt, with five ships and other vessels attacked the several harbours, &c., near cape Spear, met with the Sapphire, an English man-of-war, commanded by captain Cleasby, to whom they gave chase, but he got safely into the bay of Bulls, where he landed and fortified the place in the best manner the short time would allow of. The English who lived in the bay came to his assistance, but on the approach of the French they all ran away. On the nth of Sept. the whole French squadron came down upon the Sapphire and fired with the utmost fury. Capt. Cleasby made a gallant defence for some hours, having placed all his guns on the side of the ship next the enemy. The French at the same time made a descent, and having driven the men that were ashore into the woods, attacked the Sapphire on all sides. The captain finding it was impossible to maintain the ship any longer, retired with his officers and thirty-five men into the woods and set her on fire. Forty Frenchmen boarded her, thinking to extinguish it, but were all blown up, by the fire reaching the powder room. One hundred more of the Sapphire's crew getting ashore, made the best of their way to Ferryland, but were intercepted by the enemy, and all taken prisoners. Captain Cleasby and his company gained the harbor where he did his utmost to defend the place against the enemy, who now came to attack it. The 2ist September they landed 600 men. After some firing the English surrendered. The French destroyed all the English settlements except St. John, Carbonear and Bonavista. [History of the British Empire in America, pp. 141-142.] 226 History of Nova-Scotia 1696, CHAPTER XXVI. BENJAMIN Church had been a partizan commander in the war in 1675, in New England, called king Philip's war, and was after that engaged in a similar manner in the bor- der fighting with the French and their Indian allies. Full details of his proceedings are given in a work written by himself, and which has been printed more than once. In his account of what he terms his fourth expedition East, he gives his commission from lieutenant governor Stough- ton, appointing him as major, to command English and In- dians, sent against the French and Indian enemy, by order of the Assembly of Massachusetts of 27 May, 1696. This commission is dated 3rd August, and the instructions on I2th August, in which last captain John Gorham is referred to as his adviser and assistant. A shallop brought some prisoners to Boston, and the news of the capture of the Newport, and the fall of fort William Henry. Church, being ready at this time, embarked with his men, at Boston, on the i$th August, (25 August, new style), and sailed for Piscataqua, where he was to receive an addition to his numbers. His whole force is stated at four or five hundred men. They appear to have followed the coast in open sloops and whale boats. They visited several places at Piscataqua, Penobscot and Kennebec, without meeting with any enemies but a few stray Indians. It was then resolved to proceed to Chignecto. Charlevoix, v. 3, 265, makes the English squadron of seven vessels from which the French men-of-war got off, to be the same that cap- tured Villebon, and afterwards attacked Chignecto or Beau- 1696. History of Nova-Scotia. 227 bassin, but it seems hardly probable the two frigates would have avoided Church's boats. As to Villebon's capture, it appears he shortly after got to his fort of Nachouac. Charle- voix says he was released on shewing a regular passport. However that may be, Charlevoix informs us that the English who went to Chignecto, or Beaubassin, landed 400 men, of whom fifty were Indians. That one Bourgeois, an inhabitant, went in a shallop to the vessel of the English commander, and shewed him a writing whereby all the inha- bitants of Beaubassin had engaged at the time Acadie was conquered by Sir William Phips to remain faithful to king William, and had been received under his protection. Church appeared to respect this document, and coming on shore, went to Bourgeois' house ; but his men treated the place as if it were an enemy's country. Many of the people hid their effects, and fled to the woods for safety. At the end of nine days most of the houses were destroyed by Church and his men. His Indians were the most merciful. Pillage was gen- eral, and a placard respecting trade, signed by count Fronte- nac, having been found outside the church, it was likewise burnt down. Having made many of them sign a new paper of allegiance to king William, Church reimbarked his men and their booty, and, steering for the St. John river on the 29 September, arrived there the same day. (Church calls it 2Oth September, i. e. 3Oth, n. s.) Church himself admits that he made prisoners of the people of Beaubassin, and that their " cattle, sheep, hogs and dogs" were " lying dead " "' about their houses, chopped and hacked with hatchets," although he says this was done without order from him. Church arrived first at a place a little north of St, John, which he calls Monogenest, (probably Manawagoniche or Mahogany.) After visiting the mouth of the St. John river, and taking a stray French soldier or two prisoners, Church found by infor- mation from one of them that 1 2 cannon were buried in the beach. These he obtained, and leaving St. John he met a squadron (Sept. 28, Oct. 8, n. s..) at Passamaquoddy, consist- ing of the Arundel, captain Higgins, and the Province Galley, captain Southwick, (Southack ?) and a transport. Here he 228 History of Nova-Scotia. 1696 was superseded in the chief command by colonel Hathorne, one of the council. The expedition now went up the river to Nachouac, and besieged Villebon in his fort on the 7 October, (17 Oct., n. s.) Villebon, after his return to his post at Nachouac, had sent an ensign named Chevalier, with three or four men, to keep watch at the mouth of the river. Chevalier was first alarmed by the appearance of a brigantine of about 60 tons, and the next day was attacked by some English, who had landed without his observation. On this he took to the woods, and went to notify Villebon of the enemy's arrival. Two days after, returning to the shore with two men, he fell into an ambuscade laid for him by some Indians of the Eng- lish party, when Chevalier was killed and his two soldiers made prisoners. It was by them that the hiding places of the French were betrayed to Church, whose party was thus aug- mented by a new commander, three vessels and 200 men. On the 1 2th October, n. s., M. de Villebon received the news by his brother M. de Neuvillette, the youngest son of the baron de Bekancourt, whom he had sent down the river for intelligence, of Chevalier. Villebon wrote to father Simon, a Recollet, who governed an Indian mission not far off, to get as many of his neophytes as he could prevail on to join the garrison, and on the 14 October the friar v brought in 36 warriors. Next day Villebon sent his brother Neuvillette again down towards the sea, and on the 1 6th he came back and reported that he had seen the enemy in great force about a league and a half below Jemsek, that is to say about half way from the mouth of the river to Nachouac. M. de Villebon had already put his fort in a good posture of defence. He proceeded, however, the rest of that day to throw up new entrenchments, in which he was fully seconded by his brother, by M. de Gannes, one of his officers, the sieur de la C6te, ecrivain du Roy, and by the sieur Tiberge, agent of the company of Acadie.* On the evening of the 1 7 October he caused the generate to be beat, (drum beat to collect troops), and all his garrison being under arms, he addressed * The garrison of Naxoat at this time had been augmented to IOO men in all, in order to carry on the works of the fort. 169-6. History of Nova-Scotia. 229 * them in moving terms, dwelling on the superiority of French troops, before whom an enemy usually gave way, and ended by pledging his honor that if any of them should be maimed in the combat, his majesty would provide for him during life. This speech was received with loud cries of Vive le roy, and just then the sieurs de Clignancourt and Baptiste arrived at the fort with ten Frenchmen, who had their dwellings below Nachouac, (Naxoat.) Villebon assigned to them the duty of heading the Indians and opposing the landing of the English, and enjoined them to send some one to him every day for orders. Things being thus arranged, every one went to his post ; and as the barking of the dogs gave notice of the ene- my's drawing near, every one passed that night under arms. On the 1 8th October, between eight and nine o'clock in the morning, while the commandant was attending mass, he was informed that a sloop (chaloupe) had made her appearance, and that she was full of armed men. He immediately caused an alarm gun to be fired, and in an instant every one was at his post again. Two other sloops, armed like the first, followed shortly. They were suffered to approach within half the dis- tance of a cannon shot, when they were fired on, and obliged to take shelter behind a point of land, where they put their men on shore. It was not possible to prevent this landing,- though it took place almost within the range of musket shot, because the river was between the opposite parties. The English were heard directly cheering, and the French cheered in return. The English marched at once to a spot opposite to the fort, where the width of the river* did not exceed a pistol shot At this place they encamped, and began without delay to work upon a demi-bastion (e"paulement) to protect them- selves from the fire of the fort. They then erected a battery of two field guns, which were ready to fire at the end of three hours. Then they hoisted the Royal standard, (le pavilion royal d'Angleterre), and in the evening they mounted a third gun, of a larger size than the two others, and nearer to the fort, but not being sheltered it was not muc h used. The two * Naxoat is placed on the eastern side of the river St. John, in the map given in the E. & F. Commissaries' book, and so is Jemsek. 230 History of Nova-Scotia. 1696. first guns were well served, but those of the fort better still. The firing of musketry was heavy on both sides, and the Indians of the two parties, being a little in advance on the river shores, contended with each other bravely. The coming on of night put an end to the engagement, and the Chevalier de Villebon, seeing the enemy preparing to light fires, as the weather was very cold, caused several alarms to be given in order to check them. Finding this did not answer, he had a gun loaded with grape shot, on the first discharge of which the English put out all their fires. Thus they passed a rough night, and at the break of day on the I9th the musketry of the fort began to fire on them. This fire was not returned until 8 or 9, A. M., and then only from the two field guns. La Cote, who had distinguished himself greatly in the evening before by firing rapidly and accurately, soon dismounted one of the field guns, and kept up such a severe fire upon the other that it was also abandoned in a little while. At noon the sieur de Falaise arrived from Quebec, using extreme diligence to take part in the defence of Nachouac, having on his way heard of the siege. A post of duty was accordingly assigned him. During the rest of the day the firing from the fort was well kept up. In the evening, the English lighted fires over a considerable extent of ground, and it was not doubted that they would decamp, and at a later hour they could be seen reembarking. Villebon proposed to the Indians who were under the command of Clignancourt and Baptiste that they should cross the river below the fort, and fall upon the retreat- ing forces, but for some reason, not stated, they declined this service. On the morning of the 2Oth October the camp of the besiegers was found empty. Neuvillette was then detach- ed to follow them ; but after he had gone three leagues, he found them embarked in four vessels of about 60 tons, and going down the river with a favorable wind. He fired at them, to lead them to suppose that they were followed by the Indians, after doing which he returned to the fort. The French loss at this siege is stated to have been one soldier killed, a second having his legs carried off by one of the French cannon, and a third injured by his fusil bursting 1696. History of Nova-Scotia. 231 in his hands. (In this account of the siege taken from 3 Char- levoix, 268, 272, the English loss is not stated ; but Villebon, ms. journal, May, 1697, says he was informed there were 20 or 25 killed and wounded ; and in a letter dated i October, 1697, he says he has ascertained that the English loss in the attack on Nachouac, was 5 officers wounded, 8 soldiers killed and 1 2 wounded ; and in their voyage back, 80 men of the crews died of sickness.) Hutchinson, Mass., v. 2, pp. 98, 99, gives a brief account of this siege. He says four of the small vessels went up the river and landed their men near the fort Octo- ber 7, (17, n. s. ;) he also says, " Nor is any sufficient reason " " given for relinquishing the design so suddenly. It is pro- " " bable that the forces were not provided with tents nor " " clothing sufficient to defend them from cold, which they " " had reason to expect to increase every day, and it is certain " " that old colonel Church was offended at being superseded " " in command." After the departure of the English, Villebon took the greatest pains to secure himself against further attack. He wrote* to M. Thury, and to a Jesuit missionary of Pentagoet and Kenebeki, informing them of the events of the siege, requesting them to animate the Indians, and to induce them to act against the English in the spring. In November, Bourgeoisf and Arsenault, inhabitants of Beau- bassin, left the fort of Nachouac to go home, and Villebon in- structed Bourgeois to notify the Indians of cape Breton to come to Nachouac in the ensuing spring. He also wrote, by M. Baptiste, who was going across the bay of Fundy, to the French at Mines and Port Royal, to send a supply of provi- sions. At the same time he sent over three invalid soldiers, to be fed at Mines, in order to spare his provisions. On the 23d November, Bellefontaine returned from Quebec, whither he had taken dispatches from the French court On the ist December, at midnight, Villebon's house caught fire, but no great damage occurred. On the 4 December they began to cut pickets, to form a new enclosure for the fort, so as to place it in safety from 12 pounders. On the 10 Decem- * Villebon's ms. journal. t He is called Germain Bourgeois in another place. 232 History of Nova-Scotia. 1696 her, Villebon sent off two Indians to Quebec, with a report of the occurrences at the fort, and the capture of Villieu and his detachment, and requesting that their number should be re- placed in the spring, as well as three officers required, expect- ing a new attack. On the 28th, a vessel with provisions arri- ved from Port Royal, with information that M. Baptiste had raised men to go on a cruise. There were two pirogues the English left on the coast, which he intended to employ. This whole month was devoted at Nachouac to cutting and bring- ing in pickets, in which, for some cause, they could not use the oxen they had, and hand-labor came hard on the soldiers. 1 69 7. History of Nova-Scotia. 233 CHAPTER XXVII. 1697. Villebon, the governor of Acadie, having succeeded in the defence of the fort of Nachouac, continued during the ensuing year, 1697, to strengthen his position, with great care and assiduity. In January the work of cutting and drawing pickets (pietix) went on incessantly until the 22nd. On the 23d, the first of them was put in the ground with in- credible trouble, on account of the severe cold of the season and the earth being hard frozen. This work was carried on to the end of the month, on every fine day. On the 2d Feb- ruary, four flibustiers, (privateersmen), who were some of those Baptiste had raised in Mines, arrived at fort Nachouac. Bap- tiste could not come up the river himself, owing to the fatigues he had undergone. He had been 58 days in coming from Mines to the mouth of the St. John, which is only 25 leagues distant. Villebon says " He required a commission from me " " to go on a cruise with the two pirogues (a kind of canoes), " " left by the English, and twenty-one men of his crew. They " " took four men whom I sent him, with an order to give no " " quarter, except to women and children, and to burn every- " " where he went. The rest of this month I made them put " " down pickets. On the 24th, the two Indians I had sent to " " Quebec on the ice arrived with despatches from monsieur " " le comte de Frontenac who expressed his satisfaction at the " " manner in which we had repelled the English, and that he " " would not fail, on the melting of the ice, to send twenty " " good soldiers, to replace those who had been taken with M. " " de Villieu, and two officers from Canada," Villebon's official 234 History of Nova-Scotia. journal, which is our authority at this period, is dated " Au fort de Natchouat, le 2 .October, 1697," and is among the Paris mss. The diligence and capacity of this officer are very appa- rent. He says : " The two Indians had left, fifteen leagues " " from here, two Frenchmen," (of the three I had sent in the autumn to carry the news of the retreat of the English), " scarcely able to walk from hunger. I sent a man to carry " " them provisions, and they arrived here on the 26th, in the " " evening." In March, he went on with picketing his fort. He had generally 15 or 16 sick out of his small garrison, through this winter. Baptiste had captured 6 fishing shal- lops (English) within three leagues from Casco bay. Famine prevailing in New England, he found no provisions, except fish on board them. The Bostonians threatened to capture and remove all the French from Acadie in retaliation for the French proceedings in Newfoundland in the previous autumn. New York, fearing an attack from Canada, had refused aid to Boston in the famine. Forty vessels from Virginia and Caro- lina, with provisions, were expected at Boston. Villebon wrote to the commandant at Boston, (April 21), demanding the release of Villieu and his soldiers, as captured in breach of good faith. April 29. He had finished the exterior defences of his fort of Nachouac. May 26, the sieurs de Becancourt, de Portneuf, and Robineau, three brothers of the chevalier Villebon, with a sergeant and 12 men, arrived (apparently from Canada) as a reinforcement to the garrison of Nachouac, and met their brother the governor on the 29th, when he returned from the mouth of the river, whither he had gone on the 24th. On the 2 1 June, M. de St. Cosme, cure 1 of Mines, had brought fifty Indians of his mission to St. John, and went to the fort at Nachouac, where he received instructions from Villebon for taking them on to Pentagoet, dated 25 June, 1697. These instructions relate to the rations of the men, &c. July 10. Two canoes full of Micmacs arrived, and Villebon gave them pow- der, lead and rations, to go on to Pentagoet. July 1 7. Twenty- one Micmacs came, and were entertained and supplied like the others. July 26. He sent off seventy-two Indians of St. John's river, with the Recollet father, their missionary, to join 1 69 7. History of Nova-Scotia. 235 the others at Pentagoet, and ordered them to capture the people at Passamaquoddy, and other places in their way. He says, " These savages departed in a good disposition, and " " with the intention of giving no quarter in the enemy's " " places where they should pass ; and I gave them 100 Ibs. " " powder and 500 Ibs. lead, for hunting on the sea shore in " "going to Pentagoet. August nth. I sent the sieurs Port-" " neuf and Clignancourt to Pentagoet, and wrote to sieur " " St. Cosme, and father Simon the Recollet, who had gone to " " conduct the bay of Fundi Indians to the number of two '' " hundred, or thereabouts. I sent them the news I had from " " France, in order to tell the Indians and to exhort them not " " to grow tired, (ennuyer.) I sent them some tobacco, to " " make a feast and divert them a little. August 24. M. de " " Thury confirms to me the report I already had received of " " four small parties of our Indians having killed fifteen or " " sixteen English, and burnt one of them alive, on account of" " one of their chiefs being slain." (It seems that the Indians were to have met a French man-of-war at Pentagoet, and in this were disappointed ; so, whatever was intended, the enter- prize failed.) On the 9th September, two Micmacs came to the fort, and reported that seventy of their people had gone home from Pentagoet for lack of provisions, and the Recollet missionary had also returned home. 21 September. " Three " " Micmac savages arrived from Pentagoet, who had been of" " the last party, (where they had burned an Englishman), " " who brought me a scalp, and a letter from M. Thury, dated " " the 14 September, stating that seventy canoes had left, " " including Micmacs, Malecites and Pentagouet Indians, and " " meeting at Kennebec, they counted three hundred men, " " who intended to make at the English villages, and on their " " return would bring me some prisoners." Sept. 25. Becan- court, lieutenant des troupes de la Marine, left his brother's fort of Nachouac for Quebec. Letter of M. des Chambault, priest, dated at Panawanskek, the 24th September, 1697 : Sir. Having accompanied, as I have done, the party which has been made up from here, agreeably to your expressed 236 History of Nova-Scotia. wishes, I have thought it was my duty to render you an ac- count myself of the success that it has had, which I shall always do with brevity, the reverend father Simon going him- self to carry you the news of it at greater length. We left this the 13 September, to the number of one hundred and twenty men, without counting myself as one. The design of our Indians was to go firstly to join those of Kanibekki, in order to form, all together, a large party, which might strike a con- siderable blow at the enemy. But arriving at Pemkuit, we perceived at a distance five English vessels that were coming under sail. It was already sunset, and we did not believe that they could then discover us, being at first hidden behind a large island, outside of which " (au large de la quelle)" they were passing. We sent during the night a canoe on the look out, which returned shortly and reported to us that the ships were anchored quite close to where we were, and were already landing their people. This made us think, that having dis- covered us, they had the intention of coming to attack us early in the morning. Our people on their side being prepa- red, went on first and attacked them, and at the commence- ment put their vanguard to flight ; but coming up to the main body of the enemy, were soon obliged to fly in their turn, and entrench themselves on high ground, where they held firm, until, being nearly surrounded, they withdrew further, and they fought thus at other advantageous positions, until, being forced by the enemy to retreat as far as the spot where they had left their canoes, they were all obliged to embark, though in full numbers, and without being compelled to abandon any of our baggage. In this engagement, which lasted at least three hours, we lost a young man, namely, the son of Renauld and we had six wounded. The true number of the enemy killed cannot be stated ; but from all the marks we noticed of it, and by those that were seen dead, we think the number amounts at least to forty-five or fifty men, English and Indians, among whom were three or four of mark. We reckon the whole number of the enemy, as well on shore as in the vessels, at four hundred. They had brought on shore two horses, on which were mounted two persons of consideration. Those 1697- History of Nova-Scotia. 237 who were fighting had a trumpet, which was played during the combat. When we had re-embarked, the ships came down on us under sail, and fired from their cannon at us ; but they presently gave up the pursuit, and stopped opposite the place where the battle occurred. We are much embarrassed to imagine what object the enemy had in this expedition, for the canoe which we left there to watch their proceedings has re- ported to us, that after having taken on board again all their people, which they did the same day, they almost immediately set sail to return home. M. de Villebon, writing to the minister, 9 October, 1697, says that d'Iberville neglected to come from Placentia to the river St. John, as he should have done, preferring a fishing business there, in which he employed the English prisoners. He says he lost his best soldiers and his best canoe men when Villieu was taken. That he has sent M. de Falaise to command at Port Royal, where an officer was much required. He is of opinion that it would not be judicious to attempt to rebuild the fort at the mouth of the St. John river, unless he had more men and the support of ships of war. The garrison was insufficient. In this year, peace was established between France and England, by the treaty of Ryswick, rati- fied by king William 3, on 25 September, 1697. Acadie was again admitted to be French territory, and the boundaries were to be settled by commissioners. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXVII. (i.) In this year 1697, a French fleet under the marquis of Nesmond was sent out to attack the English in Newfoundland and in New England, but they arrived late in the season from Brest at Placentia, on the ayth July, and abandoned the design. Charlevoix, 2 Hutch. Mass. 102-104. (2.) Governor Bradstreet of Massachusetts died at Salem 27 March, 1697, aged 94 or 95. He was 76 when first made governor. [2 Hutch, m. 105.] 238 History of Nova-Scotia. (3.) A squadron of men-of-war under admiral Neville, with 1500 land forces under command of Sir John Gibson, were sent to Newfoundland in 1697, and the French withdrew from the places on he south coast they had captured. Gibson in 1698, built a fort at St. John harbor, calling it Fort William, and left colonel Handaside there as commandant with one hundred men. Handaside was soon made governor of Jamaica, and captain Wm. Lilburn succeeded him. In 1701 he resigned. Captain Humphrey Haven, captain John Powell, and colonel Michael Richards successively commanded there till 1703, when capt. Thomas Lloyd was appointed. He was succeeded in 1 704, by captain John Moody, who was succeeded by colonel Phillips about 1717. [History of the British Empire in America^ pp. 143-144.] In 1719, colonel Gledhill was made lieut. -governor of Placentia in place of Moody, who had been appointed when Costabelle surrendered the place. (4-) Grant 23rd April 1697, from Frontenac and Champigny to the sieur Genaple de Villeneuve, of the space of land containing a league and a half front by two in depth, to bound from the seigneurie of Naxcouak, to the river of Skoutecpkek, with the islands, islets and flats within that extent. (5-) Treaty of Ryswick, September 20, 1697. Article 7. Restituet dominus rex christianissimus domino regi Magnae Britanniae, omnes regiones, insulas, arces et colonias ubivis locorum sitas, quas possidebant Angli ante hujus praesentis belli declarationem : et vice versa dominus rex Magnae Britanniae restituet domino regi Christianissimo omnes regiones, insulas, arces, et colonias ubivis locorum sitas quas possidebant Galli ante dictam ejusdem belli declarationem. The lord the most Christian king shall restore to the lord the king of Great Britain all the regions, islands, citadels and colonies, wheresoever situated, which the English held possession of before the present war was declared, and vice versA the lord king of Great Britain shall restore to the lord the most Christian king all the regions, islands, citadels and colonies, wheresoever situated, which the French possessed before the present war was declared. N. B. The territory between the Kennebec, and the St. Croix river, was now claimed by France, as part of New France, and by Massachusetts, as included in her charter. This treaty was pro* claimed in Boston Mass. 10 December, 1697. 1698. History of Nova-Scotia. 239 CHAPTER XXVIII. 1698. In February, 1698, Andover, about 25 miles from Boston, was surprized by the Indian enemy. Seven inhabi- tants were killed others captured, and many houses burned. Among the slain was captain Chubb, who had been comman- der of the fort of Pemaquid. [i Hutch., Mass., 106.] 20 July. M. de Bonaventure arrived with despatches to governor Ville- bon, and the treaty of peace. In the summer of 1698, a French frigate, on her passage from France to Port Royal, meeting with an English colonial fishing vessel near cape Sable, gave the master a translation of an order of the French king, directing the seizure of all English vessels found fishing on the coasts of Acadie, and the fisherman was told to notify others. M. de Bonaventure, in the Envieux, also boarded several other fishing vessels, and ordered them away. Sep- tember 5, 1698, Villebon wrote, by order of the king of France, to lieutenant governor Stoughton, of Massachusetts, asserting the right of the French to all the country to the Kennebec, which they claimed as their boundary, the river to be free to both nations, and threatening to sei2e all eflects of the English trading or fishing east of that limit. The French this year built a chapel at Narantsouac, on the river Kenne- bec, (called Norridgewock by the English.) Here the celebra- ted father" Ralle was stationed as missionary to the Canibats and other neighboring Indians. [2 Hutch., Mass., in.] The English at this time designed to rebuild the fort of Pemaquid, and to settle on both banks of the Kennebec ; and Villebon, 240 History of Nova-Scotia. 1699. not able to oppose them by open force, sought to prevent it by the agency of the Indians. At Port Royal, M. de Belleisle, (le Borgne), claiming to be seigneur of the country from Mines (now Horton) to isle Verte, (near St. Mary's bay, on the eastern coast), collected a duty of 50 tens from each English vessel that resorted for trade to Acadie ; and Mandoux, the priest at Port Royal, and other missionaries, encouraged a trade with the English. The inhabitants at Port Royal wrote letters to the governors of New England, and to lord Bellamont, reques- ting the benefits of free trade. Mr. John Nelson arrived 24th Sept. at Nachouac. Alden, an Englishman, was five weeks trading with the Indians at Pentagoet, and they sold him all their furs. Villebon thought the presents to the Indians in time of peace, to be unnecessary. At this time the fort at the mouth of the St. John was rebuilding. Fishermen sent out by the company were placed at Chibouctou, (now Halifax har- bor.) Villebon recommended their being employed in the seal fishery in the winter. The French soldiers under Ville- bon at this period were only 70 in number. A pirate appeared off St. John, and the fort then rebuilding was placed in a pos- ture of defence. The population of Port Royal and Beaubas- ain was 753. \Rameau, p. 129.] In the autumn of 1698, fam- ine existed in Acadie. One-third of the people had to live on shell fish ; and Villebon, receiving no supplies of provisions, had to get Indian corn and meal from Boston. 1699. Villebon, writing from fort St. John, in Acadie, 27th June, 1699, says he had written to lord Bellamont about the boundaries and the trading of the English on the coast, and to demand that some French fishermen who had run away with a vessel and goods to Boston should be sent back. Lord Bellamont replied that the two kings having appointed com- missioners to settle the boundaries, they must await their de- cision. He demanded the liberation of one David Basset, an English subject, kept prisoner in Acadie. Villebon says that the English continue to fish on the coast, but do not dry their fish on the shores, and their passports from the governor at Boston enjoin them not to trade. He visited the harbors on 1699* History of Nova-Scotia. 241 the eastern coast he found several English fishermen. He spoke three of these vessels, and told them to withdraw, and if he found them there on his return he would take them. Having been at Chibouctou, where the company had estab- lished fishermen, he ascertained that great part of them had withdrawn to Boston, because they were of the (Protestant) religion, and recommends that such be as little employed as possible. He says, that during all this year there has not appeared any pirate on the shores of Acadie, .but that New England has suffered by a pirate of 42 guns and 250 men, which has withdrawn to the east of Newfoundland, where it ruined and burned the village of Fromouse, and four fishing vessels, and carried off a frigate of 24 guns. He says, in reference to the commerce and fishery of Acadie, that if rightly managed, this province is a Peru. He sends Basset to France in Courbon's ship. He says he is a dangerous man. In 1689 the sieur Para, governor of Placentia, sent him prisoner (as a sectary) religionnaire, to Bayonne. That on arrival he was ordered to be tried. That the sieur de la Boulaye, being com- missaire, (judge.) Basset having friends, got a pardon, on condition of making abjurations, and settled with all his family at Port Royal ; one Jouglas, a merchant of Bayonne, becoming his security in 1000 livres. Basset was afterwards at Rochelle, and took a cargo for government to Placentia and Port Royal. At Port Royal he obtained from governor Menneval permis- sion to go to Boston, to bring his family thence ; but when there, he staid. That in 1690 he went with the Boston squad- ron which captured Port Royal, and was guilty of great dis- order there and insolence in the church, and robbed the shores in a vessel he commanded. Thence he went to Laheve, where he robbed and cruelly treated a family still living there. He took Chedabouctou, entirely ruined that post, and used every- where more cruelty than the English themselves. In 1691 he was in the river of Canada, where he took a vessel belonging to the sieur de la Chesnay robbed and burned three or four dwelling houses in the bay des Chaleurs, and afterwards he went along with \hQJlibustiers, until 1697, when, coming to cape Sable to trade there, he was taken by captain Baptiste, 16 242 History of Nova-Scotia. 1699. and brought to the fort of Naxoat, (Nachouac.) Villebon, having been ordered to collect experienced pilots, thought he ought to treat Basset gently. Basset promised to do his best, saying that the English had forced him to undertake with them the ruin of the coasts of Acadie ; and in 1698, Villebon permitted him to go to Boston, on condition of coming back with his family and effects. He was notified by Mr. Nelson on the 22 September, 1698, that Basset had deceived him, and that he would not return ; but on the 8 December last, Basset having arrived from Boston with merchandize, he has been arrested. Villebon says also that he had been at Chibouctou, to see the state of the company's affairs after the desertion of Paquinet and Daubre", who left but eight men and a surgeon, who has since been drowned. That M. de la Ronde had pre- viously made an inventory of the effects left by the deserters. That the eight men who remained there, of whom three were Irishmen, had taken but 25 quintals of dry fish, alleging there was none at Chibouctou, and expressing a wish to go to Pla- centia to fish, which he did not approve. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXVIII. (i.) The river St. George, about half way between Pentagoet and the Kennebec began to be spoken of as the boundary about this time. Charlevoix, 348, 349. (2.) Villebon, Bonaventure and L'hermite had agreed (1698), upon apian of the fort at the mouth of the river St. John. 3000 livres had been granted. He, Villebon, was paying workmen 30 sous a day, labourers 20 sous, and the soldiers who work at it 4 sous a day over their pay, and a weekly allowance of i qr, Ib. tobacco. The fort can only hold 200 men, but 100 are sufficient for its defence. There are 24 pounders on the bastions, and 36 pounders could be placed there, three on each bastion. Villebon sends home a mast as a specimen, 82 feet long, 31 inches dia- ameter at one end and 21 at the other. (3-) 4 Oct. 1698, Villebon says the English were trading in the spring in all the set- tlements. They take the beaver at 3 livres and 3!. IDS. for the pound English of History of Nova-Scotia. 243 14 ounces, and 55 sous a pound for winter beaver. Alden traded at Pentagoet, bought furs and sold goods to a son-in-law of St. Castin, and three other French- men. He has prayed M. Deschambault missionary at Pentagoet to drive away the English. LeBorgne and his brother-in-law de Pleine, play seigneurs at Port Royal, and grant licenses to the English at 50 livres the vessel. (Abraham Muis, called Pleinmarais, or Plemarch, who was living at cape Sable in 1686, (see census of that year,) as well as le Borgne had married daughters of Charles de la Tour.) The Bostonians wish to trade in coal, but it would be of little consequence, as Boston would not consume over four cargoes, beyond what they got from England in ballast. (4-) The Envieux arrived at Rochelle gth December, 1698, with dispatches. M. de Thury, priest, missionary in Acadie, proposes to be placed at the fork of two small rivers called the Aquixadi and the Pegitegiak (Called by the Indians, Pegdi- ody, five or six leagues from the basin of Mines, and asks government aid. (This may have been near the Windsor river, now called the Avon, formerly Pisiquid.) The river Aquixadi is said to go down to Chibouctou. For this settlement he asks a grant of land ' between the bottom of the bay of Mines, and the river Aquixadi," " which descends to Chibouctou, by two leagues wide or deep on each side of " " said river." (Perhaps the St. Croix is the Aquixadi.) Villebon reports again favorably of the progress of his fort at St. John ; but he has only 70 men. Ten or twenty are busied with the clay and mortar. The fort is fraised, (picketed) and when the bastions and curtains are retaillles (smoothed over) outside, and the palissades placed which will be done in the spring, it will do honor to whoever will defend it. He has left Nachouac just as it was, leaving only two men to take care that nothing is spoiled by the savages. If a large fort is wished for, he recommends Pentagoet, on the river St. George, as the best place, and where Indian support can be at hand. The old fort at Pentagoet may be restored as easily as that at St. John. Baptiste has come back from Boston, where he was a prisoner. Villebon suggests he should be made captain of a small coast guard' vessel. He would be a good land officer, and VillebOn has made him captain of the Militia at Port Royal. He says Mandoux, curd at Port Royal, is refractory,, and that he and Mathieu Guyon urge on trade with the English and get presents from them. Represents the want of priests. Father Simon is sick at Jemsec. There is one at Chibouctou, and M. Thury towards Mouscoudabouet. These are all. The fort and the three chief settlements are without priests. St. Cosme ap- pearing to be Villebon's friend was removed. Le sieur decostre, says : Neuvillette having found an English ketch at Port Royal, with one Benson, the owner, arrested vessel and owner without resistance, took the sails and put them on board la Gal- liarde, which he commanded, allowed Benson to sleep aboard his vessel, and the next day, while Neuvillete and Benson were drinking together at Labat's lodgings, the English ketch sailed off, and in the evening Benson escaped. Mentions a report that Mandoux and some of his parishioners had gone to Quebec to complain of Villebon. That an English ketch had been at one Petipas? at Mouscadabouet,. and that the English were trading at cape Zambre. Decoste says that Bonaven- ture ordered away an English ketch that was fishing at Chibouctou. Falaise and. DesGoutin send many complaints against Villebon. 244 History of Nova-Scotia. (5.) The count de Frontenac died 28 Nov. 1698. The Indian Sachem Madocka wan- do died in 1698, the father-in-law of baron de St. Castin. [3 Maine Hist, Society's Collections pp. 124-139.] (6.) M. Tiberge writing from St. John, 21 June 1699, charges Bonaventure and the. officers of his ship with trading, selling linens, cottons, needles, pins, ribbons, &c., at all the settlements he touched at, and buying furs in exchange. The officers of the garrison do the same. That beaver was sent from Villebon's chamber by night to Boston to be sold there. Pierre leBlanc, Guillaume Blanchard and Louis Alain at Port Royal did the same, sending beaver to Boston to sell. M. de Chaffour is interested in the same trade. He recommends the company to lower their profit on sales to 50 per cent., and on fishery supplies to 40 per cent., as a way of humoring the people. He also charges Castin with trading with the English. Desgoutins, 23rd June, 1699, says Villebon " keeps the water within the " " fort for the exclusive use of his kitchen and his mare, others being obliged to " " use snow water, often very dirty." M. Tiberge writes, Mandoux had been to Canada to complain of Villebon. Villebon brought Allain, an inhabitant, prisoner from Port Royal, for disrespect to himself, mentions other complaints against Villebon. Villebon writes from fort St. John, 27 October, 1699 : " Beaubassin is in " " need of a priest. There has been no fort chaplain these three years. Thinks " " an Irish priest would do well, as the Irish catholics at Boston might be induced " " thereby to remove here." Refers to Indian presents, 450 livres, recommends " " their discontinuance. L'Avenant, M. de Cabaret Lamotte, commander, came " " too late for a census, he will send one next year." The fishermen from Chi- bouctou are now fishing at port Razoir, (Shelburne.) M. Thury the priest is dead, which stops his project for an Indian settlement. Mandoux takes his mission, but does not know the Indian language. Besides they cannot be induced to give up their lands and settle in one spot. The work they would do on the land would not support them, it would be so little. It is their maxim to feast when they have food, and when without they suffer much. Being short of bread he could not make much progress with the fort. M. Pontchartrain has informed him, this fort is not to be kept up after Port Royal is fortified ; so it is of no use to go on with the demi-lune, &c. Of 3000 livres sent this year for fortifications, M. Fontenu has taken 750 for Placentia, leaving 22507. applicable to Port Royal, as they have enough for what is wanted to be done at St. John, now a temporary work. He sent four men to Mines to a cliff for copper. They were ten or twelve days there. It cost 47 livres. Produced but little of it. Sends home specimens for examination. In the end of August, a pirate appeared on our coasts, and near cape Sable. She captured a vessel going from New York to London. The pirate was pierced for 46 guns, and had but 26 mounted. They killed cattle at port Razoir, but paid for them. He mentions a M. Diereville, who brought out letters of recommendation and promises to show him attention. Diereville ap- pears to have been a botanist, for Villebon adds, " there are in this country " History of Nova-Scotia. 245 " very curious plants which the Indians make good use of in their ailments." (Diereville published a book giving an account of his visit to Port Royal, &c.) Villebon describes the farming, &c., at Port Royal. They feed themselves and have surplus to sell. Hemp and flax prosper. Some use no other cloth but homespun. The wool is good and most of the inhabitants are dressed in their own woollen homespun. Fruits, pulse, and garden stuff are excellent. Provisions are cheap. Wheat 40 sous a bushel. The bushel weighs 41 1-2 Ibs. Beef is 2 sous a pound, cattle 40 to 30 livres each. Sheep, some weighing 100 Ib. for 7 livres, to 7 livres 10 sous, and mutton 3 sous a pound. Lard 2 or three sous. A pair of chickens to sous, &c. Eggs 5 sous a dozen. Hares and partridges 4 or 5 sous a piece. Game plenty. " The founders of Port Royal knew the country well before they " selected it as their fortress. They had forts at Port Latour, at Laheve, Mus- " coudabouet, where there is one now, (1699.) River St. Mary, yet fortified, and " establishments in cape Breton. These all belonged to individuals, and when a " good understanding existed among them, which was but rarely, they used to " come to Port Royal to seek refreshments, as did those of Pentagouet on the " west shore, which was also fortified, also the river St. John. But it is to be re- " marked, that except Port Royal and Laheve, where they cultivated land and " carried on fishery, the other posts were only kept up for trading with the savages. " Port Royal is then the general store of the country, and fortifying it protects " Mines also, where corn is now raised, and cattle." States it as necessary against the English and pirates. He gives the details and proposed site of the fort and means of building. It should be for a garrison of 30x3 or 400 men. 246 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 700 CHAPTER XXIX. 1700. M. de Fontenu had been sent out by the king of France to examine into the circumstances of Acadie, and after an exact inspection of the country, he advised the gov- ernment to abandon the fort of Nachouac. His reasons were that the frequent inundations of the river St. John, and the difficulties of navigation at its mouth, with the contracted space of its harbor, made any fixed establishments there open to objection. It was, in consequence, resolved to transfer the head quarters of the government and the garrison to Port Royal ; but no pains were taken to make a strong post in case of war, nor were the advantages of Laheve or Canceaux attended to ; places esteemed by many of greater commercial and military importance. [3 Charlevoix, 375, 876.] It is said in Charlevoix that three vessels could not anchor in St. John harbor without inconvenience to each other, but this seems exaggerated. Captain John Alden, of Boston, addressed a memorial to his excellency the earl of Bellamont, dated Boston, April 9, 1700. He states, that for 30 years and upwards he has frequently made voyages and traded between Boston and Acadie, or Nova Scotia. That it was understood and acted on, by both French and English, that the river St. Croix, (and Passamaquoddy bay, into which that river falls), was the boun- dary between the two nations. The English fish in that bay, and make fish on its shore, in the time of peace, without hin- drance from the French. 1700. History of Nova-Scotia. 247 On the 5th of July, M. de Villebon, the governor of Acadie, died there. He was one of the sons of Charles le Moyne, seigneur of Longueil, near Montreal, of Norman extraction, who is called by Charlevoix the baron de Bekan- court M. de Brouillan, governor of Placentia, was appoin- ted to succeed M. de Villabon. In the summer of 1700, M. de Villieu and M. de Fontenu, (commissaire de la marine), visited Port Royal, and, having assembled the inhabitants, gave them orders to get ready a quantity of palissades for the fortifications of the place. The command of the country appears to have devolved on M. de Villieu, from the death of Villebon until the arrival of Brouillan, in June, 1701. In the autumn of 1700, M. Bonaventure made a voyage along the coast, exploring for copper and iron mines, with little success. Two-thirds of the isle of St. Paul was granted to the sieur Lebert by Duchesneau, intendant, in 1676, confirmed as a fief and seignory by royal brevet, 23 April, 1700. 1701. The earl of Bellamont, governor of New York and New England, died in March, 1701, at New York. Lieutenant governor Stoughton, of Massachusetts, died in July, 1701, after which the council at Boston exercised the government of that province. They claimed that the English had a common right with the French to fish on the coast of Acadie. They also claimed title to the province of Sagadahock. In January, 1701, Basset returned from Boston, and in March went back there. Villieu seized his effects at Mines. 25 June, Basset returned without his family, and Villieu on the 28th arrested him, and sent him to the river St. John. The next day, 2Qth June, Brouillan arrived and took charge. Brouillan, on reach- ing the coast, landed at Chibouctou, (Halifax harbor), on account of contrary winds. Of this place, he says, " This " " port is one of the finest that nature could form. It is true " " that to make it secure would cost rather dear, because its " " entrance is wide and very easy. I found there two or three " * hundred savages, who represented to me the grief they felt in " " having received the knowledge of the true religion, without " " having the means of cultivating it, bestowed on them. I " " gave them to understand that they should receive satisfac- " 248 History of Nova-Scotia. 1701. "tion on this subject by-and-bye."* To save time, as the wind was still unfavorable for getting out, he took some Indians with him, and went overland to Port Royal, visiting Laheve and Mines in his route. He recommends the building a fort at Laheve, " already fortified by its happy situation." He thinks it should be immediately occupied, and become the principal place in the province. On his way thence to Mines he crossed many fine streams of water, and noticed many good places for settlement, and excellent wood for masts. At Mines he found the people very comfortable and independent, possessed of a great number of cattle, and able to export or spare 700 or 800 barriques (hogsheads) of wheat (b!6) yearly beyond their own consumption. He says " they lived like " " true republicans, not acknowledging royal or judicial autho- " " rity," and it required a subsequent visit from M. de Bona- venture to bring them to order. He induced them to obey some judgments of M. des Goutins, which they had previously disregarded. Brouillan says " I proposed to those demi- " " republicans to make a road for ten leagues across the woods " " to get to Port Royal. They have engaged to execute this " " project as soon as the harvest is over. They can subse- " " quently make a like one to Laheve. I arrived at this place " (Port Royal) " on the 2Oth of June, and I assembled all the " " inhabitants there two days after." In this meeting he urged on them the duty of supplying palissades for the fort, which they had neglected. He had been informed that the people had gone for orders to M. Mandoux, the cure" of Port Royal, and he attributes to this the disinclination they showed to his proposal. They expressed apprehension that the province would be put under the control of a company, and openly de- clared, that in such an event, they would do nothing for its defence, but would rather belong to the English. Brouillan, however, by mild remonstrances, brought them round, and they agreed to do what he requested. Immediately after this he went over to St. John, where he " found the fort in good " " condition, but of little use for the glory of the king and for " * The minister's marginal note directs a missionary to be sent to them. 1701. History of Nova-Scotia. 249 " the preservation of the country. Besides these two essen- " " tial things, this fort was extremely small, and commanded " " on one side by an island, at the distance of a pistol shot, " " and on the other by a height, which commanded it entirely, " " at the distance only of a hundred and odd fathoms," (toises), " with the disadvantage of having no water to drink, without " " going to seek it beyond the torrent of the river St. John." " All these reasons have determined me to abandon it. I " " have caused all the fortifications to be razed, and have de- " " molished the houses, of which the timber may be of use to " " us. I likewise had the planks " (madriers) " saved which " " were at the gun batteries. I should have had much diffi- " "culty in transporting all these materials in our barques, if" " M. de Moreille had not laden as much as he could on board " " the Gironde. The guns, arms and ammunition were also " " embarked in her, as well as the officers and men of the gar- " " rison." He expresses his gratitude to the captain of the Gironde. He then shews the superiority of the site of the fort at Port Royal. He says, " It is scarcely possible that the " " enemy could make a descent, except at the foot of the " glacis, under the fire of cannon, or in places where one " " could dispute the ground with them, foot by foot, even " " wilh the small force kept here, all the environs of the fort " " being marshy, and cut by good trenches of earth and " " ditches impracticable enough. I might have made a more " " regular fortification, had I not thought it more advanta- " " geous to avail myself of the ground as it is, which, without " " adding much to nature, forms a fine glacis around two- " " thirds of the place, elevated thirty-five feet from the level " " of the rivers which wash its foot to the palissade of the " " covered way ; so that in raising, as I have done, the ground " " of the covered way four feet and a half, I find, by means of" " the declivity, a terrace of more than a fathom at the foot of" " the rampart, which will thus be raised more than eighteen " " feet, by casting there the earth taken out of the covered " " way." Adverting next to the great extent of territory in the province, and its distance from Quebec, he suggests that the governor should have the dignity of lieutenant general of the 250 History of Nova-Scotia. 1701. king. He urges his services for 32 years his success in driving the enemy from Placentia, and his capture of the English forts in Newfoundland, his wounds, &c. ; says he has received no other recompense, and refers to his experience, vigilance and fidelity, all as reasons to obtain this distinction, and closes his letter thus : " I avow to you, my lord, that " " independently of the Gascon vanity, of which the people of " " my country make profession, mine is delicate enough to " " prefer honors to my individual interest, not asking of you " " on this subject anything but wherewith to live simply, " " which I shall do nevertheless very badly this year, although " " I have taken up considerable loans, and I have used all " " possible economy in the expenses I have been forced to " " incur up to this moment." Brouillan, in a memoire of 6 Oct., 1701, recommends the building the fort at Port Royal in masonry, and sends an esti- mate of 68,635 Hvres as the probable charge. Requests to have i master mason, 6 stone cutters, with their tools, 12 rough walling masons, 2 house carpenters, i lime burner, 2 brickmakers and tylers, 2 quarrymen, crowbars, hammers, &c. &c. He has built already a lime kiln and made a brick yard, the clay being excellent. He proposes to bring lime- stone from St. John ; recommends limestone to be sent from France as ballast. He requested augmentation of troops. (The minister ordered two companies, each 50 men, to be sent, in addition to the two companies there of 30 men each.) Brouillan recommends his nephew St. Ovide de Brouillan, captain at Placentia, to be major of Acadie ; also recommends for promotion Neuvillette, Tinville, Denis, (son of M. Bona- venture), des ChaufFours and de Plenne. Sr., Baptiste and his own nephew, the chevalier de Noe, Puissens, Dupouy and des Salles, for promotion. He suggests the erection of a little redoubt at the entrance of Port Royal basin, where a guard could be kept to give notice of an enemy's approach. Thinks it useless to fortify Goat Island, (isle aux chevres.) The inha- bitants clear small spots, but hold large grants. The militia in and near Port Royal form six companies, but badly armed and destitute of ammunition. They were 328 in all, including 1701. History of Nova-Scotia. 251 Port Royal, Mines and Beaubassin. Goods are sold at Port Royal much dearer than at Boston. The people at Placentia were allowed to trade with Boston, while those of Port Royal were not. The Port Royal people are more afraid of a com- pany than of the English. The cur6 Mandoux is a man of intellect, but desirous to rule in temporal as well as spiritual affairs. The cur6 of Mines has 8oq livres, salary. There is no priest at Piziguy (Windsor) nor at Beaubassin (Cumberland.) There being no fort chaplain, he has retained a Recollet from Placentia. Guay, who was fort chaplain, received 75 livres for a year's service. The missionary to the Malecites has remo- ved, with Brouillan's consent, from Medoctec to Pesmokady, (18 leagues from Port Royal.) He speaks in praise of M. Gaulin, missionary at Pentagoet. He doubts about M. Bigot, missionary at Kinebequy, as the Indians there have made peace with the English received presents from them, and buried the hatchet under a pile of masonry. He also says there is a missionary at Richibuctou. He sent to St. Castin, who came to Port Royal to explain his conduct in dealing with the English ; and that he hopes through him to fix the Indians in that direction in the French interest. He says the presents he has given the Indians are handsome, as those of 1699 and 1700 have been added to the gifts of 1701. He has also sent them French flags for their forts, and a gun and a sabre for each man, which they accepted. He says the Eng- lish sell their goods below value to buy the friendship of the Indians. He urges the building a fort at Laheve. The pirates ruin the people on the coast. " I send an account of " the cannon I found at the foot of the river St. John, and at " Natchouak, where I have sent to look for eight left there " when it was abandoned." " Madame de Freneuse, requests " " him to state that the death of her husband, a nobleman " " (gentilhomme) of this country, was owing to ill health con- " " tracted in the king's service. He threw himself into the " " fort of Natchouak when it was attacked." In consequence of this, the English burned his house and ravaged all that be- longed to him. She had been left a widow with a large family, two of whom were now cadet-soldiers of the companies in this 252 History of Nova-Scotia. 1701. garrison. She prays the king to please to grant her the small pension allowed in Canada to persons in her situation. It was a charity that would not extend further, there being no other widows in the country at present. Madame Louise Guyon had been the wife of Mathieu d' Amours de Freneuse. Brouillan objects to des Goutins, the judge, that being "rela- ted to more than half the people of the country," he is thereby disqualified to do justice. Basset's effects, (his vessel inclu- ded), were valued at 4177 livres, 15 sous. He sends him to France in the Gironde, and begs for the proceeds of his effects for his own use. La Verdure, first captain of the militia of Mines, an old inhabitant, honest, loyal and poor, is debtor to Basset 1400 livres ; recommends its being released in his favor. Bonaventure had visited most parts of the province for information. Two places were yet unvisited, where lead mines are said to be. He thinks the fur trade injurious to settle- ment. Plank, wood, coal and fish could be exported to the West Indies, and masts procured for the navy. Recommends the whole Eastern coast to be granted in seigneuries. Asks for Rossignol and Petite riviere for himself. Bonaventure wishes a grant from the S. E. point of the Belle anse, as far as the river Chichimiskady. Brouillan asks for his nephew St. Ovide, if he is sent out, a grant from the N. E. point of port Mouton to the river St. Catherine, inclusive. M. Bereau Monsegur came to Port Royal, as agent of merchants of St. Jean de Luts and Bayonne, offering to settle a company. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXIX. (i.) Captain John Alden, of Boston, in a memorial to His Excellency, the earl of Bellamont, dated Boston, April 9, 1700. He traded between Boston and Nova Scotia for above 30 years. The river St. Croix and Passamaquody bay was the boundary between the French and English understood and acted on. (2.) M. Brouillan. In 1685, the French fortified Placentia in Newfoundland. In 1690, it was taken by surprize by the English flibustiers. In 1692, Brouillan was History of Nova-Scotia. 253 governor there. It was attacked in September by five English ships of war, who eventually abandoned the siege. LaHontan was commander of a detachment of the garrison. In 1696, the garrison of Placentia comprized only 18 soldiers, to whom 80 resident fishermen might be added on emergencies. Brouillan in the summer went with a flotilla, to attack the English settlements, doing them much mischief and capturing 30 merchant and fishing vessels, and on d'Iberville's coming to Placentia after the siege of Pemaquid, they with their joint forces besieged St. Johns, N. F., which place surrendered 3Oth Nov. 1696. Although the site was strong, the defenders were not soldiers, but poor fishermen only, who fought bravely and capitulated on favorable terms. The victors burned the buildings and abandoned their barren conquest. Bonavista and Carbonniere were the only places in the island that were not overrun by the French, but it was not long before the English recovered their positions. Brouillan and d'Iberville, quarrelled about the conduct of their expeditions. Charlevoix evidently favours d'Iberville and blames Brouillan. The latter had an angry temper and was incessantly in difficulties in consequence. [See 3 Charlevoix, 108, 171, 272, 288.] Brouillan was remarkably brave, diligent, and industrious. The defects of his temper and judgment kept him in difficulties with the officers who served with and under him. LaHontan, who had taken part in the defence of Placentia in 1692, was then casually on his way to France from Canada, and eventually sailed from Placentia on the 6th of October in that year, and arrived at St. Nazere in France on the 23rd of the same month. The king appointed him to be lieutenant in Newfound- land, an office subordinate to the governor of Placentia. He arrived there in that capacity on the 20 June, 1693. [LaHontan v. I.,/. 194.*] "After I landed, I " " went to salute M. Brouillan, governor of Placentia, and declared to him how " " glad I was to obey the orders of so wise a commander. He answered that he " " was much surprized to find that I had solicited to be employed there, without " " acquainting him with it in the preceding year ; and that he now plainly per- " " ceived that the project about the lakes of Canada, (which I had mention'd to " " him), was a mere sham pretence. I endeavored in vain to convince him to " " the contrary ; for it was not possible for me to undeceive him. Nevertheless " " I landed my goods, and hir'd a private house till such time as I could build " " one for myself, which I carried on with so much diligence that it was " " finish'd in September, by the assistance of the ship carpenters, who were lent " " gratis by all the Biscay captains." " But now I return to the quarrel the " " governor had with me. Fancying that I had solicited my employment with- " " out taking notice of him, he treated me with all manner of reproaches and " " outrages, from the time of my landing to that of my departure, and was not " " satisfied with appropriating to himself the profits and advantages of the free " " company, that was given to me, but likewise stop'd, without any scruple, the pay " " of the soldiers that were employed in the cod fishing by the inhabitants, and " " made the rest work without wages. I shall take no notice of his extortion, " " for tho' he has formally counteracted the ten articles contained in the orders " " of Lewis the loth, yet he had so many friends in all the courts that he could " " not be found guilty. There's some pleasure in making presents in his way, " " for by them he has made 50,000 crowns per fas et nefas, in the space of three " * I have only had his work in the English translation, from which I extract in the old phraseology. 254 History of Nova-Scotia. " or four years. I should never have done, if I offer'd to give you a particular " " account of all the trouble and vexation he gave me. I shall only mention " " three instances which crown'd all the rest. On the 2Oth of November, i. e. " " a month after our fishermen set sail, while I was entertaining at supper some " " of the inhabitants, he came mask'd into my house, with his servants, and " " broke the glass windows, bottles and drinking glasses, and threw down the " " tables, chairs, chests of drawers, and everything that came to hand. Before I " " had time to get into my 9hamber and take my pistols, this insolent mob dis- " " appeared very seasonably, for I would have loaded my pistols and pursued " " them, if my guests had not hindered me. Next morning his servants fell " " upon mine, who expected nothing less than to be thresh'd to death with " " clubs." The Recollets interfering, appeased La Hontan. " The third trick " " which he play'd me, at the end of three days, was this : He sent to arrest two " " soldiers, whom I had employ'd to cut down some grass in the meadows, about " " half a league from the garrrison. They were seized while they were mowing, " " bound and carried away prisoners, under the pretence of being deserters, be- " " cause they had lain two nights out of the garrison without his leave ; and " " which would have prov'd still more fatal to these innocent men, he had cer- " *" tainly caus'd them to be knocked on the head, on purpose to vex me, if the " " Recollets and his own Misse had not earnestly interceded on their behalf." The Recollets made efforts to reconcile the governor and La Hontan, but altho' the latter made concessions, it could not be effected, although an outward show of reconciliation appeared. La Hontan says he ascertained, by a sight of papers Brouillan was preparing, which were also seen by the Recollets, that severe mea- sures were contemplated, and he expected to be sent to France by the next ves- sels that came out, and to be imprisoned in the Bastille. To avoid this, he fled to Portugal in a merchant vessel bound to France, which left Placentia on the fourteenth of December, 1693, the master of which landed him at the city of Viana, in Portugal, from which he dates January 31, 1694, letter 25, and he says in it "from the year 1693 up to this very day, I have renounced all manner of" " ties to my country." (3-) M. d'Iberville was one of the sons of Charles le Moyne, seigneur of Longueil, near Montreal. The family was of Norman extraction. D'Iberville was a cap- tain in the French navy. He was occupied from 1700 to 1706 in founding a French colony at Biloxi and Mobile. He was born in 1662, at Montreal, and died 9 July, 1706. See Garneau, History of Canada, (Bell's translation), v. 2, p. ii. 1860. (4.) The population of Port Royal, Beaubassin and Mines, in 1701, was, by the cen- sus of that year, 1134. [Rameau,p. 129.] (5-) The garrison consisted (1701) of two companies, one of 28 men, the other of 29. Masts sent to France : 53 by the Gironde, 40 1'Avenant, 1 1 remain over, in all 104 masts ; cost 5,665 livres. 1702. History of Nova-Scotia. 255 CHAPTER XXX. 1702. King William the third died in March, 1702, and was succeeded by queen Anne. On the 4th May, o. s., I5th, n. s., 1702, war was declared by queen Anne, the emperor of Ger- many, and the united provinces of Holland, &c., against France and Spain. The Indians of Acadie seized three fish- ing vessels belonging to Massachusetts, of which two, if not all three, were restored, through the interposition of M. de Brouillan. [2 Hutch, Maine, 135.] The Bostonians had cap- tured many French vessels on the coast. The French prison- ers they had made were said to be treated very severely ; and it was stated that they had orders from the queen not to allow any of them to be exchanged ; and further, that they intend- ed to hang captain Baptiste, an officer of the garrison of Port Royal who had been made prisoner in the previous time of peace, and who had then failed to recover his freedom, on the ground of his being a pirate, (corsair.) On hearing this, M. de Brouillan sent an express messenger to Boston, to declare to the governor that he should exercise reprisals in case this menace was carried into effect. This saved Bap- tiste's life. The messenger reported to Brouillan that vessels from England were expected at Boston, on whose arrival they meant to besiege Quebec, and to cruise in the Saint Lawrence, to stop the entrance of French vessels. Brouillan immediately sent off the same messenger to M. de Callieres, the governor general of Quebec, to inform him of the intended invasion. The bishop of Quebec, being this year in France, endeavor- ed to engage the friars, called the Benedictines of St. Maur, to send missionaries to Acadie, but without success. 256 History of Nova-Scotia. 1702. Mr. Stoughton, lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, died May, 1702. (M. de Callieres died in May, 1703.) 3 Charle- voix, 423, 424. Brouillan made his fort of earthworks lined with turf and of a moderate extent to be defensible by his small garrison of 4 companies, probably not over one hundred men in all. He wished to have a fort at Laheve. He offered to take Boston, if ten or eleven men-of-war were sent him, and 800 men from Canada. He engaged the people to carry on fish- ery, and 15 or 20 barques would have been so employed, but the first one equipped was captured by an English corsair. He armed a vessel to oppose the English one, but lieut. Neu- villette, the commander, was killed, and the corsair escaped. A storeship was taken at Laheve. The Indians of Kennebec appear disposed to neutrality. The French do not buy their furs, so they are dependant on the trade with the English. On the report of an intended invasion, from 60 to 80 Indians came to Port Royal, and they had to be maintained while there. Brouillan built a house for an hospital, and had two surgeons, M. Sponty and another. He requested 4 masons, 2 lime burners, 2 brick makers, I quarryman, 2 turf cutters and i house carpenter. He complains of Villieu, as peevish of Mandoux, and of the cur6 of Mines. Recommends Bonaven- ture, de Boulaye, Tinville and Pensens, for different posts. Des Goutins, as commissary, does his duty well. Alludes to a quarrel between the count d'Arquien and M. de Chacornacle ; the latter is sent home to France. Brouillan expects com- plaints against himself, " as Acadie is a land of discord always." \LetterofM. de Brouillan to the minister, Oct. 21, 1702. Paris mss.~\ In the latter part of this year, Brouillan received infor- mation that the English intended to attack Port Royal in the coming spring. Grangeau arrived with his privateer and twenty-five men to cruise against the English, and Brouillan lent him a king's sloop to help him. Grangeau passed the islands of St. Pierre while the enemy was burning the place, and had learned from his prisoners that the English had eleven men-of-war on the north of Newfoundland and the coast of Chapeau rouge. The Indians offered their services. In addi- 1702. History of Nova-Scotia. 257 tion to 4000 livres, the value of the annual presents from the king, Brouillan proposed to give them flour. He also planned to station look-out parties at Chibouctou and Laheve, that they might speak the French man-of-war in the spring, and give him news. He thought the eastern Indians in danger of making an alliance with the English. As the navigation of the bay of Fundy would be closed by the English cruisers, he would not be able to get limestone from St. John. The stone he had was difficult to cut, so he requested stone and limestone for the fort to be sent out as ballast. In his letter to the min- ister, 30 December, 1702, he says that Dechauffour is just re- turned from being prisoner to the English, and confirms what Le Fevre wrote him as to the design of the English to at- tack him. He urges a small succor of men, and of muni- tions of war. It appears to have been usual at this time for the officers, and others, to write once or twice a year to the secretary of state in France, then M. Pontchartrain. The governor of course corresponded with him ; so did M. de Gou- tins, in his double capacity of judge and of commissary. The. agent of the French commercial company did the same. The cur6 wrote sometimes. Most of the army officers also wrote, frequently. The government seems to have allowed the greatest latitude to all these correspondents, who give their views and opinions freely of public matters in the fort and colony of the conduct and actions of the governor, and of each other, both in public and private matters. The indivi- dual services, grievances, wants, wishes and claims of the res- pective writers, are generally detailed with care. This corres- pondence became very voluminous. Sometimes an abridg- ment of it all for the current year was prepared, and the min- ister made marginal notes on it, directing the answers to be. given, and measures to be adopted. Among the papers re- ceived from Quebec, copied from the archives of the French, marine, the letters are mostly to be found, as well as some of the abridgments of their contents with the marginal notes of the minister. There is an incessant reiteration of complaints against the governors, beginning with Villebon,, but culmina- ting during the administration of Brouillan.. Some of the char- 17 258 History of Nova-Scotia. 1702. ges are seriously proffered, but very many of them degenerate into petty slanders and garrison gossip. Villebon kept a jour- nal of all occurrences, from which facts of importance can be easily selected and arranged in narrative form. Brouillan, though full of details and remarks, does not seem to attend to dates or to the order of events. Brouillan'is charged by M. de la Touche with ruling harshly. He says " Everybody trembles, " " and no one dares to speak. Even those who write dare not " " sign their names, because they would be ruined inevitably, if" " known. Thus they say, one to another, in a low voice." He charges him with coveting a piece of land for a poultry yard, and using intrigues, menaces and coercion to obtain deeds from the owners, who considered its sale a great injury to them. " This acquisition of M. de Brouillan is called Visle " " aux cochons, (Hog island.) In the deed of forty years ago, " " or upwards, from the late M. d'Aulnay to Jacob Bourgeois, " " it is bounded by the road and the river Dauphin, the num- " " ber of feet in width being left in blank. The road did not " " suit Brouillan, as he wished to erect a building which he " " could see from the fort in perspective. To effect this, he " "proposed to continue the rue St. Antoine, and lay out a" " town in that direction. Three or four owners, whose land " " would be severed by continuing this street, opposed the " " notion : but he got Bonaventure and Goutin to take a title " "of the opposite lands from the lady of the manor, &c." Charges of immoral conduct are made against Brouillan and Bonaventure. The former is accused of affronts to officers, and of meddling for private gain with the trade in provisions. Bonaventure is charged with sending no quarts of brandy for sale to Boston in 170x3 trading with Indians, and misconduct with sauvagesses. The Indians are said to have made songs on the subject, which they sing in the woods. There are many other petty charges in la Touche's letter. In another memoir of this year, supposed to have been written by Man- doux, the cure", it is said that " he took possession at his com- " " ing of the land of an individual to build there a neinaquie- " " quoi, (perhaps jene saisquoi), which land the owner did not " " wish to part with, as it served to support a large family." The 1702, History cf Nova-Scotia. 259 other charges made by la Touche are reiterated, as well against Brouillan as Bonaventure. Labat, engineer, and Villieu, com- plain of Brouillan. Villieu mentions his having undergone two year's imprisonment, and suffered much from fatigue in command of war parties both in Canada and Acadie, where he slept six months in the woods, without any other nourishment but some corn and fish, which failed him often when needed. Owing to all this, he had now a very severe asthma, that had confined him to an arm chair for more than three months in the summer of 1701, and as long as that in 1702. In another letter he prays for employment elsewhere pleads his ill health his sufferings in the woods, and thirty years' faithful service. Complains that he was not allowed to review his company. Children are put in as cadets instead of soldiers. Complains of several acts of injustice towards him on the part of Brouillan. De Goutin writes to the minister 20 Oct., 1702. He sends him 12 different accounts and documents, including accounts of pay of troops, provisions, ammunition, merchan- dizes, funds of fortification how expended, masts cut and sent to France, flour furnished to men-of-war, and an estimate for the year 1703, Describes Villieu's attempt to bring the set- tlers of Chipoudy and Precoutiac (Petitcodiac) to pay him rent as seigneur. (Elsewhere he calls it Peckoukiac.) " For fif- " " teen years past the sieur de la Valliere has had neither " " house nor home there, (n'y tient plus ni feu ni lieu), and " " the inhabitants have had recourse during this time to Mr. " " Nelson, an Englishman, to have a mill ; and it was the late " " Jacob Bourgeois who led there the first settlers, when the" " chevalier Grand-fontaine commanded at Pentagoet, and " " Pierre Arseneau took others there some time after." La Valliere claimed Mines, and thus obstructed its settlement for three years, until the intendant de Meulles came here, and on the remonstrances of le Borgne, set aside his pretensions. Pierre Theriot, Claude and Antoine Landry, and Rene leBlanc, then continued their settlements. Theriot " having where- " " withal, and especially much wheat, which he had amassed at " " Port Royal, distributed it among the others, who have re- " " paid him without interest ; and the sr. le Borgne, who was " 260 History of Nova-Scotia. 1702. " seigneur of the place, contributed nothing:" He asks for a grant of Chipoudy, to Thibaudeau, and one of Peckoukiac, to> Guillaume Blanchard. He describes the work they have done there : 700 toises of dike, corn mill, saw mill, &c. Villieu, as attorney of Valliere, has oppressed the tenants of Beaubassin. Des Goutins says he himself had served five campaigns in the regiment de la Couronne, He has to work Sundays and holi- days at the king's stores, five or six hours in a place without a fire, in the coldest severity of winter. (Madame des Goutii* was a Thibaudeau.) He says Acadie can furnish four cargoe* of masts yearly. 1703- History of Nova-Scotia. 261 CHAPTER XXXI. 1703. Among the manuscripts obtained by the record com- mission, there is a copy of a decree passed at Versailles on the 20 March, 1703. The title is Arrest du conseil d'Etat du Roy, concernant les concessions faites des terres de la pro- vince de L'Acadie dans la Nouvelle France. (Judgment of the king's council of state, concerning the grants of land made in the province of Acadie, in New France.) This document, which is very voluminous, recites and refers to a great many grants and other transactions, and previous legal proceedings. D'Aguesseau, Amelot and Deshaguais, commissaries, are named as advising the decree. The chief points in the judg- ment are That the province of Acadie shall remain reunited to the Royal domain, in its whole extent. It then sets aside the claims of the duke de Venddme, le Borgne, Latour, Roublet, Brevedent, &c. ; but in consideration of le Borgne's outlays, grants to him Pentagoet, &c., with ten leagues on each side of the river, to the river St. George, the boundary of New Eng- land. (Andre" le Borgne du Coudray was party in this cause.) To Latour and his family, born in and always residing in Acadie, the king gives Vieux Logis at cape Sable, with six leagues square, and the islands in front ; also port Latour, with, four leagues on each side, and six leagues in depth. Both, grants of cape Sable and port Latour to be equally divided among I. Charles de St. Etienne de la Tour, and his heirs. 2. Anne Melanc,on, widow of Jacques de St. Etienne de la Tour. 3. Marie St. Etienne, widow of Alexander le Borgne de Belleisle. 4. Anne de St. Etienne, wife of Jacques Muis d'Entremont 5. Marguerite de St. Etienne, wife of Abraham 262 History of Nova-Scotia. Muis de Pleinmarais, and their heirs. His majesty then grants the seigneurie of Port Royal, to begin at 2000 geometric paces (pas) from the fort, extending five leagues up the river, embra- cing two leagues wide on each side of it ; also the seigneurie of Mines, extent six leagues, with mines and minerals. Both seigneuries are to be divided into seven equal parts, as follows : i. Charles Latour. 2. Madame Melan^on, (Anne), widow of Jacques Latour. 3. The widow of le Borgne de Belleisle, Marie de Latour. 4. Madame d'Entremont, Anne de Latour. 5. The widow Pleinmarais, Marguerite de Latour. 6 & 7. The 6th and 7th parts to the children of madame Belleisle, widow, to be divided among them in such manner as they shall think fit, in an- amicable manner on the spot. All these fiefs shall be held under his majesty as of his chateau of Port Royal. The five children of Latour, by madame d'Aulnay, (accord- ing to their statements in 1 703), were parties to this suit, viz. : i. Jacques, the eldest, who died about 1699, represented by his widow and four children. 2. Charles, unmarried. 3. Marie, madame Belleisle, who had then (1703) seven children, of whom two daughters and one son were married, and had issue. 4. Anne madame d'Entremont de Poubomcou, n"ad 9 chil- dren living, 4 sons and 5 daughters. 5. Marguerite, madame d'Entremont de Pleinmarais, had seven children living. (In 1732, of the four children of Jacques Latour i. Agatha, Mrs. Campbell, and 2. Anne Marie, Mrs. Porlier, were in Acadie ; 3. a son, and 4. Jeanne, madame Pontif, had retired to the French dominions. Charles Latour had also retired to the French dominions.) [Lieut, governor Armstrong's letter to the board of trade, dated Annapolis Royal, 10 June, 1732.] The fiefs of Port Royal and Mines were partitioned, according to this Royal decree among the widow and children of M. de Belleisle, and those of the late M. de St. Etienne. Pedigree of the family of Latour : Claude Turgis de Saint Etienne, sieur de LaTour. His son was Charles Amador de LaTour, who, by his first marriage, 1703. History of Nova-Scotia. 263 had children, viz.. Jeanne, born 1626, married to Martin d'Aprendistique", and sons. In 1653, Charles Amador de la Tour married Jeanne Motin, the widow of M. d'Aulnay, of which marriage five children survived, viz. : Marie, born in 1654. Jacques, " 1661. Charles, " 1664. Anne, " 1664. Marguerite, " 1665. 1. Marie was married to Alexandre le Borgne de Belleisle. Their children were : Emanuel, born in 1675. (a) Marie, " 1677. (b) Alexander, " 1679. Jeanne, " 1681. And two more. In 1703, M. de Belleisle was dead, and his widow had seven children, of whom two sons and one daughter were married, and had issue. (a) Marie le Borgne was married to Louis Girouard, dit le Ru. They had children, viz. : Louis Girouard, born in 1705. Mary Ann Girouard, " 1707. Pierre Girouard, " 1718. Cecile Girouard, " 1721. (b) Alexandre le Borgne was married to Anastatia St. Cas- tin 4 December, 1707. (c) Anne le Borgne was married to Jean de Fonds 5 March, 1707. They had children, viz. : Joseph de Fonds, born 1708. Michel de Fonds, " 1710. 2. Jacques de LaTour, born 1661. (Died about 1699.) Was married to Anne Melangon. They left four children, viz. : (a) Agathe de Latour, who was married firstly to lieutenant Edmond Bradstreet, by whom she had a son, Jean Baptiste Bradstreet, born 21 Dec'r., 1714. She was married again to ensign James Campbell, and became again a widow. 264 History of Nova-Scotia. (b) Anne Marie de Latour, who was married I Sept., 1712, to Jean Baptiste Porlier, by whom was born Claude Cyprien Porlier, born 27 April, 1726. (c) A son. (d) Jeanne de Latour, married 19 Nov., 1703, to Jacques Pontif, chirurgien. Their daughter, Jeanne Pontif, was bapti- zed 9 November, 1706. 5. Charles de Latour, born 1664; was unmarried in 1703. 4. Anne de Latour, born in 1664 ; who was married to Jacques Muis, sieur de Poubomcou. In 1686 they are stated to have three boys ; and in 1707, to have four sons and five daughters : of which children (a) Jacques d'Entremont, in 1723, was married to Margue- rite Amiraut. (b) Philippe d'Entremont, married Therdse de St. Castin, 4 Dec., 1707. (c) Anne d'Entremont, married ensign de Saillan, 18 July, 1707. (d) Jeanne d'Entremont, married to M. de Chambon, n Feb'y., 1709. (e) Charles d'Entremont, married Marguerite Landry, I Sept., 1712. They had a son, Charles, born in 1716. ( f ) Joseph d'Entremont, married Cecile Boudrot, 14 Oct., 1717. They had a son, Joseph, born in 1719. Marie Muis, daughter of Jacques Muis and Anne St. Etienne, was married 12 January, 1705, to Francois du Pont du Vivien 5. Marguerite de Latour, born in 1665, who was married to Abraham Muis, dit Plemarch, or Pleinmarais. In 1703 she was a widow, and had seven children living. 27 June, 1705, she was again married to sergeant J. F. Villate. The children of Marguerite, by her first husband, Abraham d'Entremont : Marguerite, born 1681 ; Charles, born 1683; Philippe; Made- laine, (married April, 1707, to J. F. Channiteau) ; Marie Joseph, (married to Rene" Landry, October, 1717) ; Anne, buried in 1704, at 6 or 7 years old ; and another child. 1703. History of Nova-Scotia. 265 The chevalier de Callieres, governor general, died at Quebec, 26 May, 1703. The marquis de Vandreuil, who had distin- guished himself in 1677 at the surprize of Valenciennes by the king's musqueteers, of whom he was one, was appointed to succeed him. Joseph Dudley, a native of Massachusetts, arrived 1 1 June, 1703, at Boston, with a commission appointing him gover- nor of Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire. Lord Cornbury was at this time governor of New York. On the 20 June, 1703, governor Dudley held a conference at Falmouth, upon Casco peninsula, with Indian chiefs from Penobscot, Kennebec, Norridgewock, Androscoggin, Saco and Penacook. Two hundred and fifty Indians, who came in sixty- five canoes, were present. The proceedings ended in great assurances of peace and friendship between the French and English. The settlers in the eastern parts of New England were thereby lulled into a false security. (At this time the population of New England was counted at 150,000.) After this, some mischief was done by Indians at Kennebec, and a small party of English retaliated by plundering St. Castin's house at Pentagoet. [2 Williamson, Maine, 41, 42.] The Indians who had met governor Dudley in seeming friendship in June, at Casco, appeared in arms, to the number of 500, under French leaders, by order of M. Vaudreuil, on the 10 August, and attacked the English frontier settlements from Casco to Wells. M. de Beaubassin, lieutenant, (probably the son of la Valliere), was the leader, and they besieged colonel March, and his garrison at the fort in Casco. In those affairs the English lost 155 men killed and prisoners. Charlevoix makes the number of English killed to be 300. The English were induced not only to retaliate, but to offer large rewards for prisoners and for scalps. The skirmishes and depredations were continued through the autumn, and even in the winter season. A petty war was also going on at this time between the French and English settlements in Newfoundland. The horrors and atrocities perpetrated in this savage border war- fare were incessant. Many details are to be found in Church's book, already mentioned in Belknap's history of New Hamp- 266 History of Nova-Scotia. 1703. shire, and other early American works. Belknap, (N. H. 282, 283), gives a most accurate and graphic description of Indian warfare, as then conducted. Their skulking behind trees and bushes, never shewing themselves in open fight, their night attacks, their slaughter of the unarmed, their murders of women and children, their torture of prisoners. These, and other like features of their usual mode of fighting, are well pourtrayed. So is the practice of giving them presents and arms to induce them to war upon and destroy the English, a practice not confined to the periods when hostilities existed between the two crowns, but followed by the French in Ame- rica, and especially by the governors at Quebec, while pro- found peace existed between France and England. From the same quarters came the pressure on the missionaries to train and lead their Indian braves to war against the English. While Ralle, Le Loutre, and one or two others were conspicu- ous in this work, the Quebec governors expected of all the missionaries that they should take an active part in it. The English, whose frontier settlers were constantly expo- sed to such suffering and terror, imbibed a strong and rooted desire to expel the French power from America ; and their exertions, often put forth with that view, were at length success- ful in the war of 1756-1763, when Acadie became finally and entirely an English province, and Canada was conquered as well as cape Breton. M. de Brouillan, in his letter of 29 Nov., 1703, says that the king had granted last year 20,000 livres for the fortifications of Port Royal. This sum was expended at Rochefort, (except 2600 livres) in supplies for the colony. The balance being insufficient to carry on the work, the governor issued paper money as he had seen it done in Canada. (This was consider- ed wrong, and forbidden by the French government.) Brou- illan hopes to complete the works of the fort in 1704. The inhabitants work cheerfully at it, and he pays a small allow- ance to the soldiers for their work. He had distributed the king's presents to the Indians. The people at Port Royal subscribed 800 livres for building a new church. He asks loo pistoles for this from the king, which is granted. Brou- 1703. History of Nova-Scotia. 267 illan proposed himself to the meeting as marguillicr tfkonneur, (honorary church warden.) He tells the minister that Pelerin, whose lands he was accused of taking wrongfully, declared he had no complaint or demand to make, and that he and his wife were satisfied. (The ministerial note is " to explain to " " him that this deceives no one, but that he should correct " " himself, and to tell him so smartly" vivementl) He recom- mends that Alain be paid for the plank (madriers) which Ville- bon bargained for, and which were burned by the English. Being informed that the people of Mines said " If the Eng- " " lish should appear they would join them," he sent a detach- ment of the garrison of Port Royal there, under sieur de la Boularderie. This had a good effect upon the ' republicans,' for they sent a working party to assist in building the fort. La Verdure had acted as a chief man at Mines, the governors addressing all their orders to him to have them executed. He recommends his being continued, (to which the government agreed.) He proposes to supersede des Goutins as judge, as his wife's relations are so numerous. The note of the minister is, " pass that for the present." He has granted to sieur Perroscan des Sables d'Olonne, the place called port Mouton. He has employed the king's workmen, paying them as a pri- vate individual. (He is forbidden to do so any more.) Vil- lieu's health is so bad that for fifteen months he has not been out of his room fifteen days. M. Juin, a private person from Bourdeaux, came to this coast for privateering purposes. He took some canoes, with which he went to the New England coast, and captured three English barques. Two of the prizes came into Port Royal, but Juin himself being in the third with his English prisoners, the latter killed him and retook the vessel. Another ( man coming from Placentia on a similar errand with a double shallop, Brouillan gave him the king's corvette La Gaillarde, on condition that the king should have one-fifth of the prizes. She took a prize, and the one-fifth was paid to des Goutins. Has a wound in his cheek, affecting his health by a bone coming out. Is recommended to go to the waters of Bar6ge. Asks leave to go to France next autumn. 268 History of Nova-Scotia. Brouillan, this year, is accused of torturing two soldiers, by burning matches on their fingers of interfering with the engineer, and causing over expenditures, of exacting fees from the prisoners in the guard house, viz., 30 sous on an inhabitant, 10 sous on a sergeant or corporal, and 4 sous on a private, for release, for sending his servants to the surgeon Pontif 's house, under pretext of a charivari, and making a dis- turbance, (Pontif was married 19 Nov., 1703), of an improper connection with madame Barrat, who followed him to France and to Acadie. The letters of des Goutins, Pontif, the engi- neer Labat, M. de Chacornacle, and the bishop of Quebec, give the details of these charges. Some appear well founded, while others are frivolous, and they all seem to originate in the jealousies and rivalries that arise in a small and isolated community. Bonaventure, who had been captain of a man-of-war on the station, and was now an officer of the garrison in the confidence of governor Brouillan, and who seems to have belonged to the family of Denis de Fronsac, had at this time fallen into an illicit connection with madame Freneuse. She was the widow of Mathieu d' Amours de Freneuse, who had died from suffering and fatigue encountered in the defence of Nachouac, in the siege of 1696. A child was born from their intercourse, 7 Sept., 1703, and baptised by the name of Antoine, (register of parish of Port Royal.) Great scandal arose out of this affair, insomuch that the bishop of Quebec was induced to write to the minister at Paris, and request an order to send madame Freneuse to her children, who were in Canada. Bonaventure wrote for leave to go to France to jus- tify himself ; or if not, that a pass might be given to his wife and family to come out to him. M. de Latour asked the government for rent for the reser- ved 2000 geometrical feet included in the fort, it being within his lands. In this year letters to the minister were sent from 14 different individuals of the small garrison of Port Royal, all filled with complaints, grievances, and requests for pay or pro- motion. History of Nova-Scotia. 269 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXI. (i.) M. du Brouillan, 4 Oct., 1705. " M. de Vaudreuil, to whom I had given infor- " mation of the good understanding which our Canibats and Malecites, Indians, " had with the English of New England, has thought fit to send some Canadians ** to Kinnebequi, to try and induce these Indians to break with these Bostonians, " who daily learned through them all that was going on at Quebec and here. ** They departed from their village the 2Oth of the month of August, and on the ' 26th fell upon the English who inhabit the shores of Casco bay, and Houel and M of Saco, which they put to fire and sword" (ont mis a feu & a sang) " during " several days. This expedition has put Boston and their countries into a verita- ** ble consternation. They say that the Iroquois remain neutral, and even shew " a leaning to our side." (2.) In 1703, Sir John Leake arrived in Newfoundland with several ships of war- destroyed three French men-of-war, and upwards of 30 merchant ships in the bay of St. Peters, where the English, under the command of colonel Richards, landed, attacked, took, and levelled with the ground, the French fort in that bay. [Hist. B. Empire in America, p. 144.] (30 The following letters possess an interest from their contents as connected witk the state of these countries at the time they were written. The writer, Southack. was appointed in 1720 one of the council at Annapolis Royal when that body was first constituted under governor Philipps. These letters were published in the Collections of the Maine Historical Society, vol. 3, Portland, 1853, pages 344-347. Casco Bay, Maye the 10: 1702. Sr. this morning at 4 o'clock I came to saille being dissatified in my Dreme Last Night & Turned up the bay with in 2 Milles of Copones Island the wind at E S -E. very strong Gale and much Raine & this wind I have had 3 Days to Geather with Rainc and foage so I could not Pessead Estward. Sr. att 7 clock in after Noone came a board of me from Majr. March one Newman master of a sloop that was taken this morning at Copones Island a bout 9 clock in the morning by 2 Indians connews being 3 french men and 3 Indians. Newman and his men being a Shore att Work they shott one of his men Ded, this they carred away they Plundered the Sloope of all Provisions and Closs & bid the said New- man Goe Down to Casco fort with his Sloope, which he Did. 2 hours After came a Nother Sloope by the said Island, Whear the french & Indians ware but they said Nothing to Them but came Down to Casco fort. Sr. I have had servall Indians on board of Mee Sence I have benn hear & I have showed Them the Prisners and the Goods they Took from the french and Indians Estward & all the hole intenc of my Voyage & they one and all ware Very well Statified the 270 History of Nova-Scotia* Govft. should Take soe much care of Them. Sr. at 9 Clock Night I came t* Saille & want Doun to fort & went a Shore to Majr. March n clock at night to Agree about Same Matter to fich the Ded man ofe at 2 clock at morning I came ofe being a violent storm at E. S. E. & much Raine. 1 1 instance 4 Clock this morning I took Newman Sloope & one Shallope & Major March & Our 35 men on board of them & Soe Came to Saille and Turned up Bay for Copones Island the small vissells for Showell water and the Galley to Card them. Sr. hear is one Indian a Shore which we are Sending to the Sagmores to Signefie what has happened & to Give us a metteinge forthwith. Pleass yr. Excellency. My sentiment of this Acction is that these three franch men & 3 Indians Came a Perposs from the Estward to Ballance what Capt : Chadwell had committed in those Parts which the Majr. & I shall no in a Small Time : & I shall imbrass the first Winde & Watter to saile Estward & I shall Give yr Excell : acct : of all my Prossedengs by all opp'ts Soe I most affectionately Kiss yr. Excellency hand and Hest yr. Verey humbl and Ready Servitor, CYPRIAN SOUTHACK. to Gov'r. Dudley. Honorable. Sr. the II Maye at 2 clock After Noone we Gott ofe the Dedman from Cosine's Island & No Sine of any franch or Indians about the Bay at 7 clock after Noone Came Down to forte & the next morning we bueared the man at our heap of stones. Sr. Sence I Rrett to yr. Excellency I have had sume Discours with Newman Mr. of the Sloop Taken & one of the franchmen Took him by the hand and Said what Shear brouther Captain I am a Captain as well as you : & by the Description Newman gives me of him Chadwell says that it is the captain of the Barke they Burnt at Passamaquoddy & Sume of his men. Sr. Chadwell farder says that when he Took the Barke the captain & five Franchmen & 2 Indains Gott a Shore in to the Woods. Which I believe to be Same men that took Newman. Sr. the 15 Instance at 4 clock After Noone came in to this Port a Marblehead Shallop this morning from Saccadhaook haveing Layine wind bound their 14 Days & that he had not sen any franch or Indians all the Time they ware their : Nor heard of any but that all the Inhabtances their ware Very well haveing a Shallop their a fishing & Every Day up Kenneback River a Gunning but See no body. Sr. Pray Pardon me I am of the mind Since the Govt. of Port Royale have been at soe Great Charge in Getting in all the Indians from Shanctio, Menness & Cape Salles (Sable) & all the Places Agesant & in Cloathing of them In Expec- tion of the English Attacking Port Royall, but now finding by the English Prison- ers that their is no such Attempt to be made. of the mind that in Mounth of June hee will send sume of those Indians this sid the baye to Due us sume Mischiefe, but they cann not come into yr Excellency Govfernment with Outt the Knowlage of Estrenn Indians. Sr. Magrs. March & I shall Give Estrean Indians Such a Charge in Givenn Due Information to yo'r Excellency of any Strang Indians or franch that shall come in to yr Excellency Govfmt. or Ells they all bee come Gilty. History of Nova-Scotia. 271 the wheather have Been soe bad that wee have had no Indians Down as yett but expect them in 3 Days Time : they are Verv busey in Planting. Sr. No More but come faire weather I shall be Sailling. Yor. Excellency faithfull Servitter, CYPRIAN SOUTHACK. Casco Bay, Monday May the 17 : 1703. from on board the Maj'ty's Ship Proviance Galley att 6 Clock This morning. For his Excellency Joseph Dudley, captain general & Governor in Chief of her Maj'tys Proviance Massachusetts Bay, &c. For her Majty's Especial servess. He, Newman or Norton. Just now a fair Wind & am Sailing. Sir yours C. S. 272 History of Nova-Scotia. 1704- CHAPTER XXXII. 1704. About the end of May, 1704, an expedition left Boston to scour the Eastern coast, and punish the Indians and the French. [2 Hutch., Mass., 143.] It consisted of the Jersey, captain Smith, of 42 guns the Gosport, captain Rogers, 32 guns the province Galley, fourteen transports thirty-six whale boats, and a scout shallop. On board these were five hundred and fifty men, (inclusive of some Indians), under the command of colonel Benjamin Church, a celebrated partizan, already noticed for his proceedings at Beaubassin, &c. in 1696, who was now making, what he terms in his book, his fifth and last expedition East. With these forces he ranged the coast, visiting Penobscot and Passamaquoddy, killing and making prisoners of the French settlers. Among the prisoners made are named a M. le Feboure, or Lafaure, and his sons M. Gour- dan, Sharkee Castin's daughter and her family, (her husband and father being absent in France, where Castin had an estate on which he lived after he left America), and a Canada Indian, M. Lotriell and his family. A monsieur Chartiers escaped him. This armament divided in the bay of Fundy, the men- of-war proceeding to Port Royal, while Church and his soldiers went in their smaller vessels and whaleboats to Mines. There he caused the dykes to be cut, to destroy the marsh lands. For this piece of mischief, Church is not himself solely answer- able. It was expressly enjoined on him in the written instruc- tions from governor Dudley to burn and destroy the enemies' houses, break the dams of their corn grounds, make what spoils he could, and bring away prisoners. After spending 1704. History of Nova-Scotia. 273 some time in this neighborhood, Church and his army embar- ked again, and meeting the ships of war, they all rendezvoused at the entrance of Port Royal basin. There it was decided, by all the officers of the expedition, both naval and military, that it would not be prudent to attack the place, and they signed a paper to that effect, dated 4 July, 1704, (15 July, n. s.,) which Church gives in his book. It would seem that M. de Brouillan, although he had before received information of an intended attack, had paid but little regard to it, and that he was in some measure taken by sur- prise, owing perhaps to his confidence in the new fortifica- tions. On the 2 July, at sunrise, it was observed that there were English ships in the basin, [3 Charlevoix, 439], that they had even landed troops, carried off the guard at the entrance, which consisted of only three men, and taken as prisoners two of the inhabitants, and two boys who were fishing at the entrance. The English made a descent at the distance of about a league from the fort, with about fifty men carried off one family, pillaged three others, and having heard musket shots, re-embarked in haste. By noon on the 2 July, the num- ber of the enemy's ships had increased to ten, viz., the Jersey, 48, Gosport, 32, the Province Galley, 12, and seven brigan- tines, which were anchored about two leagues from the fort, at the entrance of the (inner ?) basin. On the 4 July, Brouillan was informed of this invasion, and on the 5th, that all the inhabitants of Port Royal had been summoned to surrender, with threats of giving no quarter, and that the English stated their troops at 1 300 men, besides 200 Indians, a number that seems exaggerated. Brouillan finding that the English squadron made no further approach towards the fort, sent out detachments, which had some skirmishing with the English, (Charlevoix says an English lieutenant colonel was killed, Hutchinson that lieutenant Barker was killed at Mines), but the English accounts do not speak of any fighting having occurred at or near Port Royal ; nor is it likely, after the resolution not to attack the place was adopted, that any large force was landed. The English re-embarked 18 274 History of Nova-Scotia. 1704. such men as were on shore, and sailed off on the 2Oth or 2ist July. Colonel Church, with his transports and men, again parted company from the men-of-war, and went to Beaubassin, (Chig- necto), where he landed 28 July, n. s., and skirmished with the inhabitants. The latter retreated, taking away with them whatever they could carry off, and Church destroyed and wast- ted the settlement, " did them what spoil he could," according to his instructions. On this occasion he burned twenty houses, killed one hundred and twenty horned cattle, besides sheep, but did not touch the corn. After three days' stay on shore, he set sail again, and visited the coast at Mount Desert, Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, &c.,, and thus found his way back to New England. In the winter a party of two hundred and fifty English and twenty Indians, under colonel Hilton, who had served under Church, went on snow shoes to attack Norridgewock (Narant- souack), but they found only a chapel and some wigwams empty, which they burned. [2 Williamsons Maine, 49.] M. Bonaventure, lieut. du roi r wrote to the minister, 1 2 Dec., 1704. He complains of calumny, and declares himself inno- cent, and prays that a commissaire may be sent at his expense to take information. He had gone to Mines, when the Eng- lish came to Port Royal, and heard of it at sixty leagues off. (This seems an over-measure of the distance.) " M, de Brou- " " illan, who is going to France, will inform your Excellency " " of the bad state of the fort, which is almost all shaken." He blames the engineer for putting in the fascines improperly. He says that there are only eight officers left in the garrison, all young, and of little experience in war. Some of them had shewn insubordination. " The soldiers are not more inured " " to war. The recruits who have come last year and this, are " " so bad, that part of them have been necessarily sent back." He recommends that a ship of 40 guns be sent out early, to be here before the last of May to oppose an enemy's landing. Brouillan has granted him a piece of land near Laheve ; he wishes to have it confirmed to him. Asks for an ensign's rank for his son, who has already served three campaigns at 1704. History of Nova-Scotia. 275 sea in a king's ship. He, Bonaventure, has made several voy- ages to inspect the coast and look for mines, without any extra remuneration. 1 8 December, the Loire sailed for France, having, it seems, M. Brouillan, passenger. M. Bonaventure took command of the troops the same day. He then reviewed the troops, con- sisting of 185 men, of whom 52 appeared to be weak and infirm. These invalids he quartered for the winter among the inhabitants, under charge of a captain and an ensign. Being well fed, and warmed, and free from care, they grew strong and fit for service. \Bonaventures letter to the minister 30 Novr,, 1705.] The harvests of 1703 and 1704 in Acadie were bad. The fort remained unfinished. About 100 fathoms of the rampart had tumbled down, and mutual blame was cast by Brouillan and the engineer Labat on each other. At this period Brouillan seemed to have contrived to be at variance with most of the people about him. He writes severely against Goutins. He accuses Chacornacle, Labat, Tibierge and others, of caballing against him, and of producing mutiny and deser- tion among the soldiers. Chacornacle and Latour had quar- relled on the voyage from France, and Brouillan placed both in arrest, Chacornacle in the fort and Latour in his own house.. He punished ten soldiers for refusing to work on the fortifica- tions. (They seem to have disobeyed because their additional pay for the work had been stopped.) He got the idea in his head that some of the soldiers had formed a plan to stab and rob him, and then to go off to Boston in a barque belonging to> to the king. He says he and his domestics had to watch all night, as he could not rely on the sentinels. At a review of the garrison, he drew out three of those he called mutineers,, and harangued them on the intended assassination. He also put Labat, the engineer, under arrest. He caused proclama- tion to be made (battre un ban) at the head of the troops, for- bidding the soldiers from stealing from the inhabitants, under pain of death.. He arrested a soldier charged with stealing,, and was holding a court martial on him, when des Goutins. interposed as judge, and claimed the prisoner. This claim of jurisdiction the court admitted, and des Goutins set the soldier 276 History of Nova-Scotia. 1704. free without punishment,, Brouillan says " thus encouraging " " robbers and mutineers-."" He makes charges against des Goutins as commissary, but they seem groundless insinuations. " All arms, ammunition, &c., sent since 1701, have been paid " "for out of the fortification funds; also a vessel of 12 or 14" " guns was built out of the same." \Brouillaris letter to the minister, abstract, dated Versailles, 5 March, 1705.} Brouillan complains that des Goutins kept back all information about money from him. Referring to madame Freneuse, he says he had no opportunity of sending her to Quebec, or to oblige her to go and live on her alleged property, which has been reunited to the Royal domain, although she had a good title, and has received no compensation. This has deprived her of the means of supporting herself and her five or six children. He could only send her to Mines, to put her at a distance from M. de Bonaventure. Brouillan says that he thought his character and birth would have protected him from such a charge as that of having sold wine and brandy retail, and he closes his reply to the minister thus : " Behold my lord, on this article and all others, the truth, " " entire and pure, which may be believed on the honesty of the " " sieur de Brouillan, after his having served the king 36 years " " without having had a reproach, who now finds himself obli- " " ged to defend himself before your Grandeur^ informations " " proems verbaux and certificates to clear bis life and morals, " " to prove that the woman Barat never lodged with him, or " "caused scandal; that he has wronged no man, and that if" " he could not manage to bring: into order a few busy bodies, " " it has not been his fault, that he should forget the soldier's " " trade, or not have met the enemy for a long time. It might " " be said, on seeing him with such a rubbish of papers, that " " his mind had taken a turn for law and chicanery, and as " " that would not suit him, and is not to his inclination, he " " begs my lord to establish his integrity," BROUILLAN, Fait a Versailles le 5 March, 1705. There is some ground for thinking that while de Brouillan was really the honest, brave Gascon soldier he professed him- 1704. History of Nova-Scotia. 277 self, yet he had an inaptitude for civil command, and an extreme irritability, disturbing his mind, and that he con- jured up ideas of assassination, conspiracy and cabal, with little foundation. The wound in his cheek he speaks of may have added physical to mental torture. He might be, and no doubt was, brave, generous and kind to his friends ; but there lurked apparently in him a tendency to play the tyrant, and the petty quarrels and scandals of a remote, small garri- son, gave unfortunately too much cause of provocation to so sensitive a governor. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXII. July 20, 1704. Died at Marshfield, Peregrine White, aged 83 years and 8 months, the first born in Plimouth colony. [2 Hutchinson. Mass., 148.] The de- scendants of this person are among the gentry of the county of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, being the offspring of loyalists who removed to this province in the time of the American revolution. August 18-29, 1704, about 140 French and Indians from Placentia landed in the harbor of Bonavista, N. F., where they burnt four English vessels and des- troyed the settlement and fishery. [Douglas Summary, 294. History of the British Empire in America, 145.] 278 History of Nova-Scotia,. 1705. CHAPTER XXXIII. 1705. On the 3 January, at n o'clock, p. M., father Felix, the almoner of the fort of Port Royal, requested Bonaventure to have the gate opened for him, in order, as he said to adminis- ter the sacraments to a sick man. He did so, and even with eagerness. The next day he was much surprized to learn that the priest had gone out only to marry le sieur Duvi- vier, nephew of M. Gourville, against the will of his relatives and of the governor. Bonaventure orders M. de Falaise on his part to hinder the celebration of this marriage. He arrived in good time, and returned with du Vivier, whom Bonaventure blamed severely for his conduct, and urged him to give his word of honor not to marry without the permission of the court, or at least of that of M. Vaudreuil. He request- ed two days to consider, after which he told Bonaventure that he could not pass his word, alleging for his sole reason that the clergy (les phes) wished him absolutely to marry. Bona- venture, having exhausted his remonstrances, ordered du Vivier not to go out of the fort, and gave orders at the gate that the girl should not be let in. The fathers then wrote Bonaventure a letter, which, he said, was full of abusive lan- guage, (pleine d'injures.) His reply was to forbid them in the king's name to do anything of the kind. Scarcely had they been forbidden, when they married him. (Francois du Pont du Vivier, enseigne de vaisseau et capitaine, &c. t was married by frere Justinien Durand, to Marie Muis de Poubomcoup, 12 January, 1705. 25 April, 1705, their daughter was baptized, being born the same day. Register of Port Royal.) The 1705. History of Nova-Scotia. 279 priests replied to Bonaventure that when they had undertaken to do anything, no one was capable of turning them from it, not being willing to depend absolutely on any one. Bonaven- ture notified father Felix that his presence might be necessary at the fort, and requested him to remain there. His reply was in the negative, and that he cared for Bonaventure as little as for the mud on his shoes, and that he made no account of his forbiddings or permission. F. Felix left at once for a place 30 leagues off, where the relations of the girl lived. (This must have been at Poubomcoup, now called Pubnico), as Bona- venture suggested, to obtain applause for the marriage he had effected. He did not return till the end of two months said one mass at the fort, and then went off to Chibouctou, from which he did not come back until the arrival of the vessel, (the king's ship.) Bonaventure says, " I cannot contemplate " " without pain the pitiable state into which the officers plunge " " themselves, who take into their heads such marriages mar- " " rying girls without property, without birth, who entirely " " derange their affairs, and weaken the attachment which " ' they should have for the service of his majesty." This re- mark seems strange, for the young lady in question was grand- daughter of Charles Amador la Tour, and daughter of sieur d'Entremont, seigneur of Poubomcoup. M. Belleisle, seigneur of Port Royal, M. Charles la Tour and M. des Goutin sign the register of the marriage as witnesses. Bonaventure also states that eight of their people who were prisoners at Boston made their escape in a vessel which they carried off. They reported an intended attack of the English on Port Royal, only waiting aid from England that MM. de Chauffeur and Baptiste were close prisoners in the fort on the island, and that an exchange of prisoners was denied until Vaudreuil should send back those he had at Quebec. They brought two Englishmen, prisoners, with them. Bonaventure bought this prize, and sent her with despatches to Subercase, at Placentia. Bonaventure sent an inhabitant with four soldiers to Mines, to bring back the king's bark la Gaillarde, lading it with wheat. The soldiers got drunk and misbehaved, and Bonaventure sent 280 History of Nova-Scotia. I 75- an order that they should not go on board ; but they coaxed the ' habitant] and he let them into the vessel. When there they compelled the sailors to take her to Boston, where they gave themselves up to the enemy. He is anxious to have those soldiers brought back and punished. He says a small privateer from Boston had burned the dwel- lings and almost the inhabitants who had begun to settle at port Razoir, (Shelburne), and Laheve. He remarks on the want of protection to settlers on the Eastern coast. The chief of the Indians of Pentagoet arrived at Port Royal with a Boston bark that he had taken. He had two bark canoes and twelve men to effect this capture. Bonaventure was obliged to give them brandy to promise them powder and lead, and to supply them with a feast, at which the Cani- bas and the Micmacs met and fraternized. The Micmacs pro- mised to join them in war, and the Canibas gave the Micmacs the prisoner, whom the latter were going to eat, (apparently ?) until Bonaventure appeased them by a gift of four pots of brandy. He states that he now has 33 prisoners taken by privateers and by Indians on different occasions. He pro- poses to send an officer with a party of soldiers to Grand-pre", and to build a fort (reduit) there. He has given to the church at Mines, as the royal gift, un ostensoir, un calice, un ciboire et un ornement complet, (ostensorium, pyx, chalice and complete ornaments for the Eucharist), in order to replace what the Eng- lish had taken off. (Probably when colonel Church was there in 1 704.) Bonaventure says, " I do not think the inhabitants " " of St. Malo, or of other places, would engage to settle a " " place like Chibouctou until they see that his majesty has laid " " the foundations of a fort." He had ordered the seigneurial rents of la banliene (the suburbs) to be paid to des Goutins for the king, in opposition to the claims of M. de la Tour and other seigneurs, and recommends that this money be given for an hospital in Port Royal. He complains of the accusations against madame de Freneuse and himself. Wishes to be tried and punished if found guilty. Asks if it be just that the lady should be banished as a wretched criminal if she be innocent. She cannot go to live at the river St. John, which is wholly 1705. History of Nova-Scotia. 281 deserted. She has the children of the sieur des Chauffeurs, her father-in-law, (perhaps it should be brother-in-law, see census of 1686), who has been nearly two years a prisoner at Boston. She is bringing them up as her own. Although she has little property, by her great management she maintains all her family. Prays that he, and not she, may be removed. Send him back to the navy, and let her remain. Such are his remarks on this delicate subject. It seems to me that he was unaware of the baptism of the boy having been formally entered in the church record. He suggests that the Indians should be taught fishing and trades, as the New Englanders had done with their Indians ; and that if they were settled, it should not be too far from the fort, in case their aid should be wanted for defence. In Sept'r., 1705, M. de Brouillan died at sea, (on his return from France to Port Royal), near the entrance of Chibouctou bay (Halifax), on board the king's ship le Profond, commanded by M. Cauvet. His body was buried in the sea, but his heart was taken out ; and on the 2 October, the Profond arrived at Port Royal, where Bonaventure caused the heart to be interred on 3 October, with suitable honors, near the cross on the cape where it was intended to build a chapel. Des Goutins writing to the minister, 4 December, 1705, repels the charge of being the head of a cabal against Brouillan. He says " three or " " four friends, honest men, united by friendship for the plea- " " sure of society, incapable of any kind of duplicity, on " " account of their refusal to fall down and worship the Beast, " " have been called caballers. I know that it was dangerous " " to provoke a tyrant, at least if one is not in a position to " " ruin him/ and that it is base to speak of it after he is no " " more. On this account, my lord, I shall not tell you that " " the public were unable to conceal their joy at his loss." He speaks of his own services, and says he has six boys, the eldest is 1 6, and assists him in all his duties. The sieur St. Aubin died in the beginning of this year, at the house of an inhabi- tant, who had received him through charity. Bonaventure, he says, has not spared his purse or his provisions for the comfort of the soldiers. He exclaims against the purchase of Villieu's 282 History of Nova-Scotia. house for the king at 3 or 4000 livres. It cost only 850 livres. He says, the country is well rid of Villieu, who could always be sick to escape duty, while he was at work at home at carpenter and joiner's work. Bourgeois and Allain, who were sent to Boston for French prisoners, brought back only two Frenchmen and part of Castin's family, whom they left at Pen- tagoet. Bonaventure, as commandant, going out of church to light a bonfire on the public square, made des Goutins take a torch to assist in doing so. This honor caused envy, jealousy and discord. Madame Freneuse is going to France. She has remained near a year up the river with an inhabitant. The frigate la Biche was launched i December. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXIII. (i.) Subercase set out from Placentia over land 15 January, 1705, with 450 men soldiers, Canadians, flibustiers and Indians to attack the English settlements in Newfoundland. Each man carried his arms, a rug, and 20 days' provisions. 26 January they reached Renous and little harbor. They besieged St. John for five weeks. It was defended by capt. Moody and 40 soldiers. They had to raise the siege for want of powder, much having been spoiled in fording four rivers. They burnt all the houses round the harbor. On 5 March they decamped, and on their retreat burnt Ferrillon, and made the people prisoners. They car- ried off 140 prisoners in all, besides doing much mischief in the small settlements. [3 Charlevoix. 442. Douglas 1 Summary, 294. Hist. B. Empire in America, 145.] (2.) Le vaisseau du roi, le Profond, commande par M. Cauvet est arrive au Port Royal le 2 Octobre. II m'apprit que la 22 Septembre, M. de Brouillan etait mort a 1'entree de Chibouctou. I'ai rendu a son cceur, qui m'a etc apporte les hon- neurs que j'ai cru devoir lui appartenir. [Letter of M. Bonaventure^ Ce troisieme jour d'Octobre de 1'annee mil sept cens cinq, a ete enterre le cceur de messire Jacques Fra^ois de Brouillant, gouverneur de la province, aupres de la Croix du cap, ou Ton doit batir une chapelle. II est decede quinze jours auparavant dans le vaisseau nomme le Profond, a une journee de Chibouk- tou. Les funerailles se sont faites avec les ceremonies accoutumees par moy soubsigne faisant les fonctions curiales a Port Royal de 1'Acadie. F. JUSTINIEN DURAND, Recollet missionaire. [From the register book of Port Royal.} 1706. History of Nova-Scotia. 283 CHAPTER XXXIV. 1706. In this year, 1706, a small vessel was sent from New England to Nova Scotia, as a flag of truce, and William Rowse was directed to effect an exchange of prisoners. After a long stay there, he brought back seventeen prisoners, and on a second voyage thither returned with seven more. Rowse, Samuel Vetch, (afterwards a colonel and governor in Nova Scotia), John Borland, a merchant of Boston, Roger Lawson, John Philips, junior, and Ebenezer Coffin, were accused of carrying on an unlawful trade with the enemy, and supplying the French with ammunition and stores of war. Even gover- nor Dudley was implicated in these statements. Instead of a legal trial, the accused were brought before the council and assembly, who assumed the jurisdiction. Governor Dudley was declared innocent, by a resolution. His son, Paul Dudley, was attorney general, and conducted the prosecution. The result was, that bills of pains and penalties were passed by the legislature against all the accused, who had been kept in close custody. By these acts, William Rowse was sentenced to pay a fine of ; 1200, and to be incapable of holding office. Bor- land was fined ^noo; Lawson, .300; Vetch, ^200; Phi- lips, ;ioo ; and Coffin, ;6o. All of these were to stand com- mitted until the fines and costs of prosecution were paid. Six separate acts passed to enforce this judgment. The acts were all set aside by the Queen in Council, at Kensington, 24 Sep- tember, 1707, as being an usurpation of the powers of the ordinary courts of justice. The fines that had been paid were also ordered to be restored. Rowse had suffered eighteen 284 History of Nova-Scotia. 1706. months imprisonment for want of security. [2 Hutchinson, Mass., 154, 160.] The only proof against Dudley was that at the request of the governor of Port Royal he had allowed 100 m. of nails to be shipped. On the 18 September, 51 pri- soners were received from Boston at Port Royal, among whom were d'Amboise and his family, and M. Gourdault, who had some claims to the lands of the late M. St. Aubin. They were in a condition of absolute destitution. Subercase was appointed governor, and he and des Goutins appear to have got on ami- cably. Madame Freneuse had been away, but returned to Acadie in this year. Subercase sent her to a distance from Port Royal. Des Goutins says: "There has not yet been" " so much wheat collected in this country as during this year. " " The inhabitants see more than ever the necessity there is " " of attending to the uplands, and that if they had done so at " " first, and worked as much on them as they have done on " " the marshes, they would be incomparably more advanced, " " and would not have been subject to the inconveniences " " that happen to the marshes. The tide was so great on the " "5th November last, that it overflowed all the marshes of" " this country without exception, an occurrence that had not " " taken place within the memory of man. This determines " " them to think of the uplands. They know now that the " " marshes, when abandoned, will yet produce hay, whereby " " they may increase the number of their cattle, and obtain " " manure for the uplands." Bonaventure was dissatisfied that he had neither been confirmed as governor, nor promoted or reappointed to his former naval command as he had solicited. He says of Subercase, " His generous and obliging manners " " attach every one to him in this country." Bonaventure com- plains of Louis Allein for duplicity respecting the exchange of prisoners, interfering by false representations to the gover- nor at Boston. He further says, " This is not the only fault " " he has committed. In the time of M. de Menneval he had " " the audacity to take M. Perrot by the cravat and the hair, " " and pull him to the ground at the very gate of the church " " to strike madame Belleisle, the lady of Port Royal, and to " " treat her in so unworthy a manner, that the priest who was " 1706. History of Nova-Scotia. 285 " at the altar was constrained to quit it to tear her out of his " " hands. He is one of the most wicked men that are here. " " I have sent him to M. Vaudreuil, with the declarations that " " have been made against him on this subject." Bonaventure says : " Mr. Nelson, merchant at Boston, being indebted to " " me in the sum of 5000 livres, which I had lent him at the " "time of his imprisonment in France, wishing to make pay-" " ment, had sent me by the packet boat, for 1300 livres, goods " " consisting of cloth, scythes and pots." These he sold at 1 5 per cent, advance. This was in reply to charges of smuggling, trading, &c. He asks for the cross of St. Louis, which Brou- illan had for a letter of garde marine for his son Bonaventure, and for leave to reside at Laheve, if it should be fortified, so as to be near his grant of land. M. de Subercase to the minister, 25 Deer., 1706: " That "which concerns the sieur des Goutins on the subject of the "pillage of the treasure in 1690. Port Royal having been " taken in that year, by a species of capitulation they sur- ' rendered, with the fort, and agreed to give account to the " English, and deliver to them every thing as it stood. M. des " Goutins, as he was treasurer, and foresaw that he would be " called to account, as he was in fact, entrusted the king's " money that was in his possession in the hands of an inhabi- " tant, who concealed it in a pot in a corner of his garden, " without the English having any knowledge of it. The Eng- " lish called on M. des Goutins to shew the expenditure of the "money which the king had sent out that year. He gave " them an account, with which they were contented. In the "year following, M. des Goutins having returned to Acadie " with the sieur de Villebon, they proceeded in company to " the inhabitant's house, who dug up the pot in their presence, " and the money was counted. Out of this sum enough was " taken to pay the salary of the sieur de Portneuf, lieutenant, "and the balance was placed in the hands of the sieur de " Bonaventure, who carried it to France, and by order from " the court paid it over to M. de Lubert." He then explains fully several charges made against des Goutins and Bonaven- ture, shewing their integrity therein. He intimates that a 286 History of Nova-Scotia. falze zeal of the clergy had created hatred and slander in the colony, and engendered disrespect to men in office there. The hatred has been great against Bonaventure, and without good cause. He thinks him weak as regards the fair sex, and apt to ridicule others in his own defence ; but the proceedings against him have been conducted in an unchristian spirit. He blames Mandoux for meddling with temporal affairs. " The church for a long time past has held here the right of" " commanding, or at least of sharing the temporal authority, " " and preserves always the dogmas of the ancient capuchins " " who formerly ruled despotically. We have two Recollets, " " one is our almoner, the other our cur6, who I think are very " " honest men and good friars, and who assure me they are " " disposed to cut up by the roots the tares which truly are " " very abundant in their mission." He asks that Villieu, cide~ vant major de tAcadie, may be employed out of the province. His health is bad, and he wrote a disrespectful letter to M. Bonaventure, undoubtedly under the influence of fever. In the spring of 1707 an expedition was sent from New England against Port Royal. Two regiments of militia were raised for the purpose, under colonels Wainwright and Hilton, the chief command being given to colonel March. The troops embarked at Nantasket, a place in Boston bay, on the 24 May, n. s., in twenty-three transports, convoyed by the Deptford, man-of-war, of 50 guns, captain Stukeley, and the Province Galley, captain Southack, and furnished with a number of whale boats. Colonel Redknap was the engineer. They arri- ved at the entrance of the basin on the 6 June. Subercase had a guard there, consisting of fifteen men, who had only time to get off under cover of the woods, and by the time they reached the fort the enemy's fleet was seen coming to anchor about a league from the place. The next day colonel March landed with seven hundred men on the harbor side, a league below the fort, and colonel Appleton with three hundred men on the other side. (Such are the numbers in Hutchinson, but Charlevoix calls them 1500 and 500.) The French were taken by surprise, so secretly was the ex- pedition prepared, and they were consequently much alarmed. 1707. History of Nova-Scotia. 287 Subercase, however, by his shew of confidence, restored the courage of his people. He then urged them to oppose the advance of the enemy in the woods. This was the more necessary as there were breaches in the work requiring repair. It seems to have been a fatality at this place that its gover- nors, however capable and vigilant, were almost always taken unprovided for an attack. Subercase, as soon as he perceived the hostile fleet, notified the inhabitants to come in to his assistance, but those living nearest did not get in until the evening of the seventh. As fast as they came in he sent them off, part to the right and part to the left, to skirmish with the enemy under cover of the woods, so as to retard their approaches, in which they, the French, were successful. On the eighth of June almost all the inhabitants had come into the fort, which enabled the governor to strengthen the detachments he had sent out. He ordered them not to advance too far, but to keep it in their power to regain the fort if too hardly pressed. They were driven back, but not until they had killed many of the English. It was the smaller body of English that first drove in the French skirmishers, to whom the governor sent canoes and boats to expedite their retreat. He then despatched them to join the party which was engaged in keeping back the larger English force. This body was headed by a Canadian gentle- man, M. Denys de la Ronde, enseigne de vaisseatt and brother of M. de Bonaventure. (He seems to be a relative of governor Nicolas Denys.) After taking measures to arrest the progress of the smaller English corps in their crossing the river, the governor Subercase went himself to join M. Denys. On the afternoon of that day they had a smart engagement, in which M. Subercase's horse was killed under him. The French lost one man killed and one wounded, but the English loss was greater. The great superiority of numbers on the part of the invaders compelled Subercase to retreat, which he did in good order, and without being pursued. Two days then pas- sed without any movement on the part of the English. On the third day they approached the fort within a short distance, and prepared to attack it. As the garrison was not sufficient 288 History of Nova-Scotia. to defend the fort and the houses in the vicinity, the governor burned down several of the buildings which he could not guard, and in which the besiegers might have sheltered themselves. The following night, that of the tenth of June, the trench was opened, and it was not possible to prevent it. On the eleventh the governor sent out eighty men, inhabitants and Indians, who divided themselves on both sides of the river, and getting into ambush in the woods, stopped the progress of the Eng- lish, who had been detached to kill the cattle. The baron de St. Castin even advanced with six of the Canibas, in sight of the enemy, killed six of their men, and then rejoining his troops, charged the English with such resolution that he for- ced them to go back to their camp in great disorder. Early on the morning of the sixteenth of June a great movement was perceived in the trenches, and the governor suspected that the besiegers were forming some design for the coming night. In fact, about ten, P. M., as the governor was finishing his rounds, he was informed that a dull sound like that of men marching was heard. He enjoined his people to keep profound silence. The English began the attack by a heavy fire of musketry, but at too great a distance. Under cover of this fire, they sent on four or five hundred men to attack the breaches, which they thought to find in a worse state than they actually were. A few soldiers of the garrison having de- serted to the enemy, they calculated on many more doing the same, but in this they were disappointed. The cannon of the fort playing briskly, induced the assailants to abandon the idea of an assault, and the troops that had pushed on with that object, finding the fire too heavy for them, retired. But be- tween eleven o'clock and midnight, the governor perceived that the fort was invested on all sides that the enemy were posted in the ravines and little vallies that environed the place, and that they were entrenched there so as to be secured from cannon shot. This sight disturbed him in reality, but he stood firm, and the English became in their turn apprehensive of some mine being prepared. Not daring then to come close to the ramparts, they tried to set fire to a frigate and some smaller vessels that were at anchor under the guns of the fort. Find- 1707. History of Nova-Scotia. 289 ing too much resistance there, they crept behind some build- ings that remained standing regained their trenches, and before day went back into their former camp. [2 Hutch., Mass., 165. 4 Charlevoix, 1 7-2 1 .] The next day, which was the 1 7th June, as soon as the tide would permit, they re-embarked, leaving 80 of their people dead in different places, besides seve- ral who were found afterwards near their camp. They had burned all the dwelling houses below the fort, besides several of those that were above it, and carried off from the farms all the cattle, but the greater part of these were retaken. The saving of Port Royal on this occasion is attributed to the timely arrival of sixty Canadians, who had got to the place twelve hours before the English fleet anchored in the basin. The inhabitants, who for three years previous had received scarcely any succor from France, were for the most part ill enough disposed ; and M. de Subercase wrote to the minister, that if it had not been for the presence of the baron St. Castin he knew not what would have been the result. He added that the Micmac Indians were all naked, and that the Canibas and Malecites would be in the same condition, but for a trade they carried on through the Mahingans with the English, who gave an // for every pound of their beaver, and they obtained the European goods at cheap prices. Thus the enemies of France supplied the necessities of her most faithful allies, while the French allowed them to suffer the want of the neces- saries of life. Bonaventure was precluded from taking part in this defence by an affection of the legs, as he states in his letter to the minister, of 5 July, 1707. After quitting the siege, the Eng- lish fleet and troops went to Casco bay. Colonel March wrote thence to governor Dudley that he should stay there for further orders, and threw the blame on his troops and officers of refu- sing to assault the place. The report that preparations were making at Boston for a public rejoicing on the presumed cap- ture of Port Royal, is said to have induced him to stop. A great clamor arose at Boston against March and Wainwright,, and Appleton was also blamed. Stukely, the captain of the Deptford, defended the conduct of the troops.. Dudley deter- 19 290 History of Nova-Scotia. mined to persevere, and in July sent three commissioners, colonels Hutchinson and Townsend, and Mr. Leverett, who embarked with one hundred recruits and some deserters. When they got to Casco they found 743 men there, but seem- ingly dispirited and unfit for service ; but the governor had given express orders to proceed. Accordingly the English fleet and army reached Passamaquoddy about the 18 August. On Sunday, the 20 August, they got to Port Royal. March was sick and dejected, and declined the command, which was given to Wainwright, the next senior officer. The troops land- ed on the side opposite to the fort. On Sunday afternoon the English fleet was seen coming in and anchoring in the basin in good order, and out of the reach of shot. This un- locked for visit caused great consternation in the fort. Though the garrison had been reinforced by the crew of a French frigate, under the command of M. de Bonaventure, it was said to have been thought rash to resist so great a force. Suber- case was, however, not affected by this panic, and his resolute conduct brought his followers gradually back to a greater firm- ness of mind. His first difficulty was to reassemble the inha- bitants, many of whom lived seven leagues away from the fort, but the slow proceedings of the English afforded him leisure enough for this purpose. They put off their landing until the day after their arrival ; and the governor, not being certain as to the place where they would come on shore, deemed it best to keep not only his garrison, but the inhabitants who came in, all together. On the 21 August, at 10, A. M., twenty-four shallops or pirogues, all filled with English soldiers, put off and landed these men on the side opposite to the fort. They marched at once across the woods, and encamped about a quarter of a league above the fort, on the opposite side of the river. Suber- case then ordered out a party of about eighty Indians and thirty inhabitants, to follow the line of the river, cross it half a league higher up, and place themselves in ambush in such situations, that in case the enemy sent out detachments to destroy the dwellings in that direction, they might fall upon them easily. The English troops remained all the 22d in 1707. History of Nova-Scotia. 291 their camp, to fortify themselves there. On the evening of the 23d they detached a party, (Charlevoix says of 700 or 800 men, but it was probably much less), who marched, preceded by a guard of ten soldiers, commanded by a lieutenant. This officer not taking the precautions necessary in a wood with which he was unacquainted, fell into an ambuscade, and was killed, and so were eight of his guard. The two who remain- ed were made prisoners, and were led to the governor's presence. From one of them he learned that the enemy had embarked their artillery in two small vessels, intending to carry them above the fort, under cover of night. Upon this information, he gave directions that fires should be lit along the river during the time the tide was rising, and this measure prevented the English artillery from being carried up. The detachment mentioned, on the defeat and destruction of their small advanced guard, did not venture to move on further, but returned to the encampment. On the 24th, no person came out of the camp, owing to the constant alarms given by the garrison of the fort. The condition in which the English were at this time is described in a letter from colonel Wainwright to the commis- sioners, dated August 14, (25 n. s.) [2 Hutch., Mass., 169.] : " Our not recovering the intended ground on the opposite " " side is a mighty advantage to the enemy ; in that they have " " opportunity, and are improving it, for casting up trenches " " in the very place where we designed to land and draw up " " our small forces. Yesterday the French, about eight of the " " clock, forenoon, on the Fort point, with a small party of St. " " John's Indians, began to fire on our river guards, and so " " continued until about three, afternoon. There appeared " " about one hundred Indians and French upon the same " " ground, who kept continually firing at us until dark. Sev- " " eral were shot through their cloaths, and one Indian through " " the thigh. About four in the afternoon I suffered a num- " " ber of men, about forty or fifty, to go down to the bank of " " the river, to cut thatch to cover their tents. All returned " " well, except nine of captain Dimmock's men, who were led " " away by one Mansfield, a mad fellow, to the next plantation " 292 History of Nova-Scotia. " to get cabbages in a garden, without the leave and against " " the will of his officer. They were no sooner at their plun- " " der but they were surrounded by at least one hundred " " French and Indians, who, in a few minutes, killed every " " one of them," (could this have been the affair of the 23rd., in the French narrative ?) " their bodies being mangled in a " " frightful manner. Our people buried them, and fired twice " " upon the enemy, on which they were seen to run towards our " " out-guards next the woods, which we immediately strength- " " ened. Indeed, the French have reduced us to the same " ' state to which we reduced them at our last being at Port " " Royal surrounded with enemies, and judging it unsafe to " " proceed on any service without a company of at least one " " hundred men." The letter then goes on to give a dismal account of the sickness and despondency of the besiegers. Even the Indians who were with them threatened to leave. Colonel Wainwright complains of the small number of his forces, also of having a bad cold himself. He concludes thus : " If we had the transports with us, it would be impossible, " " without a miracle, to recover the ground on the other side, " " and I believe the French have additional strength every " " day. In fine, most of the forces are in a distressed state, " " some in body and some in mind ; and the longer they are " " kept here on the cold ground, the longer it will grow upon " " them ; and I fear the further we proceed, the worse the " " event. God help us." Captain Stukely had promised to lead one hundred of his men, but the bad state of affairs indu- ced him to withdraw them before the 2 5th. On the 25 August, the bombs discharged from the fort com- pelled the English to quit their encampment, and they then took post opposite to the fort ; but Subercase gave them no rest in this position, as he saw their endeavors to erect bat- teries there of cannon and mortars. On the 26th, they remo- ved half a league lower down, when the governor sent out a detachment which killed three of their sentries, and obliged them to decamp a third time. They then encamped out of reach of the cannon of the fort, but were still harrassed by several small bodies of French. On the 29th, the English 1707. History of Nova-Scotia. 293 seemed busy entrenching themselves ; but on the 3Oth, at four p. M., they all re-embarked. Subercase suspected their inten- tion to make a landing on the other side of the river, and he sent over all the men he had to that side. On the 3ist, at sun rise, the English troops went on shore, (on the Fort side), under protection of the guns of their fleet, and at once began their march. Before them was a point of land covered with woods, in which the baron de St. Castin lay in ambush with one hundred and fifty men. He suffered them to approach within pistol shot, and then fired three consecutive vollies. They bore the fire with an intrepidity which he had not expec- ted, and appeared resolved to force a passage at whatever loss, but eventually they desisted, and a little while after they were seen on the retreat. Subercase next sent out le sieur de la Boularderie, (Louis Simon de St. Aubin le Poupet, chevalier de la Boularderie, enseigne de vaisseau et capitaine cCune com- pagnie, &c.} This officer took with him one hundred and fifty men to reinforce St. Castin. Subercase followed in person with one hundred and twenty more, leaving the fort in charge of M. de Bonaventure. He then advanced to observe the enemy, and he remarked that they were filing off towards the shallops waiting on them. He ordered Boularderie to fol- low them, and if they attempted to embark, to charge them. This officer, burning with impatience to engage his opponents, marched too fast, and began the attack with only sixty or eighty of his men at the utmost He jumped into one of their entrenchments, carried it, and killed some of the English. Excited by his first success, he cast himself into a second entrenchment, where he received a sabre cut in the body and another in his hand. St. Castin and Saillant took his place ; a severe hand to hand conflict with hatchets and the butt ends of muskets ensued, and the enemy (to the number of 1400 or 1500 men, as stated by Charlevoix), retreated at least 150x3 paces towards their shallops. Meanwhile, some of the Eng- lish officers, ashamed of the retreat of their men before inferior numbers, rallied them and brought them back on the French, who then were retiring towards the woods, because St. Castin and Saillant had both been wounded. (Antoine de Saillan, 294 History of Nova-Scotia. 1707. enseigne de compagnie, was married 18 July, 1707, to Anne Mius de Poubomcou, and died of his wounds, 8 Sept., 1707, see parish register of Port Royal.) The French seeing the enemy coming back, faced round and showed so much resolution that the English did not venture to come to close quarters, but fired several vollies at them, and withdrew again. Subercase availed him of this opportunity to withdraw his wounded and rest his troops. At the end of an hour he sent one Granger, an inhabitant and a very brave man, to head Boularderie's de- tachment and attack the English, who did not wait for his coming up, but embarked hastily and in confusion. The same day the greater part of the fleet hoisted their anchors and went out of the basin, and on the first of September the whole Eng- lish fleet were outside. The French supposed that they cast their dead into the sea, in the bay of Fundy. [4 Charlevoix r 24-29.] The French estimated their loss in this (August) siege, which lasted fifteen days, at three men killed and woun- ded. The English acknowledged sixteen of their men killed, and as many wounded. The officers of the Deptford were blamed for neglect of duty. \History B. Empire in America* P- I77-] While the English colonists, were so eager to conquer the French possessions in this quarter, their own government ap- pears to have been supine and indifferent as to their comfort and protection. The French king's ships, which arrived at Port Royal a little while after the siege was raised,, brought out no- merchandises either for the use of the inhabitants or for the Indians. This embarrassed the governor, who had made large promises to both at the time of the siege, in order to secure their help in defending the place, and he was now left without means to fulfil his engagements. He stated, in his letter to the minister, that he had been under the necessity of giving away his shirts and bed clothes, and generally everything that he could possibly dispense with, to relieve actual misery among the poorest of the people. He added that no time was to be lost, if it was intended to make a permanent settlement in Acadie, a colony that would become the source of the greatest trade to the kingdom. That New England had that year sent 1707. History of Nova-Scotia. 295 out a fleet of sixty ships, laden with codfish, for Spain and the Mediterranean, and that a larger fleet was soon about to sail for the West Indies ; and that the English, while defeated in their attempt to conquer the province, were nevertheless draw- ing great riches from it, while the French had no advantage whatever. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXIV. (i.) ABSTRACT OF LETTER. M. des Goutins to the minister, 23 December, 1 707 : Allein claimed from the king 1 100 livres for his house, which Bonaventure had pulled down as being too near the fort ; and 999 livres for materials supplied the crown. Des Goutins calls it an old house of 28x22 feet, covered with boards, enclosed with planks of 4 inches thick, half rotten a chimney of earth a very bad floor below a partition of plain boards, and two closets of boards not moul- ded. It never cost Allein more than 400 livres, and 350 1. would pay him well for it. As to his other demand, he can receive it from M. de Fountaineau by sending his power of attorney, the money lying in his hands. But he shows that 400 1. out of the 999 is an unfair demand. He states that 43 families are destitute of blankets and of iron pots, owing to losses on the English coming and their taking to the woods, and the supply of these articles has been exhausted for months back. The issue of paper money was unavoidable. Subercase is doing everything to call it in. They had no pots, scythes, sickles, knives, nor iron, in the country not a hatchet, nor a kettle for the Indians, nor salt for the inhabi- tants. They would be lucky if the enemy would sell them goods again for their beaver, but Subercase is opposed to it, and the people will not deal with the enemy. The dry season stopped all the saw mills. Des Goutins has to keep his accounts, &c., in a little office without a chimney, exposed to the cold. The people from Mines and Beaubassin had to go home without procuring the clothing they ex- pected. Des Goutins had to give away his cloak and two justaucorps, keeping one suit only. He had a bale of goods in the ship, which was thrown overboard. With respect to the church, the house of M. de Villieu, which had been used for that purpose, having been burnt, they were reduced to the chapel of the fort, and as that was part of the lodgings appointed for the lieutenant du Roi, it had been given up since the arrival of madame de Bonaventure, and a chapel has been fitted up in one end of the new casernes, which answers for chapel and parish church ; but it is so small that it is barely sufficient for the people of the fort ; and as there is but one mass performed, the half of the people are at the door. He then gives 296 History of Nova-Scotia. an account of a wreck near cape Fourchu, which three sons of le sieur de Pobom- coup had visited, &c. " The sieur Jacques Mius de Pobomcoup is a native of " this country, son of sieur Philippe d'Entremont, native of Normandy, deceased " seven years ago, at the age of 99 years and some months. He had not lost a " tooth. He had been major under the late mons. de la Tour, governor of this " country. Since that he, for 18 years, was procureur du Rot, until old age ren- " dered him incapable. The sieur du Pobomcoup is married to the demoiselle " Anne de la Tour de St. Etienne. Of this marriage there are four big boys, " four big girls, and a little girl of ten. This sieur has a share in the seigneurie " of Port Royal, conjointly with the messrs. de la Tour and other co-seigneurs. " Since the war he has carried on no commerce, and if he had wherewithal to " carry on the fishery, he, his children, and the inhabitants of that neighborhood " might do so without risking much, even in the severest war. The English do " not go near his settlement on account of the Indians, and they would not fit out " an expedition expressly to attack him." He refers to the siege. " You know, " my lord, the first siege had exhausted us after the example of M. de Subercase. " His house was open to everybody. The sick found everything necessary there, " and he caused their broths to be made in his presence. This put them in the " spirit of doing their best, and those who did not act were much mortified in mis- sing the opportunity." He praises highly M. Consolin, aide d'artillerie, and M. Jacquet, master gunner. He transmits census of Port Royal, Mines, Beaubassin, and Cobequette, (a new settlement.) Subercase has sent that of the Indians, and of the inhabitants of cape Sable, and the East coast. (It is to be regretted that we have no copy of this census.) We send to France 35 English prisoners ; there remain here yet, 18. Mentions provisions sent to Port Royal per captain Morpain, armateur de St. Domingue, (privateer of St. Domingo.) " I have spo- " ken to M. de Subercase on the subject of the dame de Freneuse. He answered " me positively, and word for word, that it is a fine conversion, and that the " priests were content with it, and charmed with her conduct. This has extremely " surprized me, and not to contradict M. de Subercase, but it is not consistent " with their having petitioned him fifteen days ago to make her go away. He " incessantly thunders and cries, and M. de Subercase has said to me more than " twenty times in the course of the year, that he was going to send her to a dis- " tance that M. de Bonaventure had broken his word to him," Des Goutins praises his own son, now beginning his twentieth year. Says he was distinguished in the siege, and has helped him without pay in the king's stores for three and a half years, begs a lieutenancy and keepership of stores for him. " The distinguished youth of this country would no longer have " " room to say that employments are for them alone, and they will know that " " virtue will suffice to attain to them. This would give me room to bring up " " more easily my numerous family of six boys and four girls, who would join " " their vows to those of their father for the preservation of your Excellency." Port Royal, 23 Dec'r., 1707. Pierre de Morpain, commander of the marquis de Beaupre, was married 13 August, 1709, to dlle. Marie d' Amour de Chofour, daughter of the late Louis d' Amour, ecuyer, and sieur de Chauffour, and of the late dame Marguerite Guyon. (Reg. parish Port Royal.) History of Nova-Scotia. 297 (2.) A French and Indian party attacked Haverhill, on the Merrimack, on the gth Sept.. 1708, n. s., killed, as the French state, 100, as the English, 42 took many prisoners, burning and plundering. De Chaillons and Hertel de Rouville com- manded the party. They were met by the English on their retiring, nine or ten French killed, and some prisoners recovered. [2 Hutch.. Mass., 172, 173.] (3-) Grant 2 May, 1707. to Charles Morin, on the river Listigouche, in the bay of Chaleurs, made by Vaudreuil and Raudot, of two leagues square, &c. Confirmed by royal brevet of 20 May, 1708. Grant of 4 May, 1707, to sieur Thomas Lefevre, of two leagues front, three leagues in depth, from point Meniquet to the river St. George, in Acadie, (the original grant of which from Calliere and Beauharnois had been burnt.) Con- firmed also by royal brevet of 20 May, 1708. (40 Par devant nous Jean Chrisostome Loppinot, conseiller procureur du Roy et notaire royal a L'acadie y resident au Port Royal et temoins cy bas nommes furent presents Mr. Fra^ois Duvivier enseigne des vaisseaux de sa Majeste et capitaine d'une compagnie franche de la marine en garnison au fort Royal de 1'Acadie et dame Marie Mius, son epouse par luy autorisee a 1'effet des presentes, lesquels ont reconnu et confesse avoir vendu, cede, quitte, transporte et delaisse des mainte- nant & a toujours, promis garentir de tous troubles et empechements generalle- ment quelconques a Jean Francois fflanc, habitant du Port Royal a ce present acceptant, retenant pour luy, ses hoirs et ayant causes, savoir est un emplacement de terre, sur le bord de la riviere du Dauphin y tenant d'un bout et ayant de front sur la ditte riviere, soixante dix sept pieds, d'autre bout allant en pointe jusqu' aux piquets de Pelerin d'un cote a la terre de mons'r. de la Boularderie borne par une roche sous laquelle est trois morceaux de machefer et par en bas, a un petit piquet, la ditte roche mise et posee par monsieur de Labat, Ingenieur pour le Roy a 1' Acadie, et d'autre cote au sieur Louis d'Amour et le sieur de Chofour a pren- dre a la masure de defunt St. Onge, qui lui appartient presentement qui est a trois pieds de la maison dont cy dessous va etre fait mention et ou ils ont pareillement plant^ des piquets. Et en outre luy vendent la maison qui se trouve sur la ditte terre en 1'etat qu'elle est. Cette vente et cession faite moyennant le prix et somme de deux cents livres que les dits vendeurs confessent avoir re9us du dit sieur Aquereur, dont ils le quittent et dechargent. en en outre a la charge des lotz et ventes. Les dits vendeurs luy garantissant la ditte terre sur 1'hypoteque de tous leur biens present et a venir, promettant et obligeant et a ce renonceant. Ce fait et passe au Port Royal ce trentieme du mois de Mars mil sept cents sept en pre- sence du sieur de Belleisle, seigneur en partie de 1'Acadie, et de Alain de la Motte marchand demeurant au Port Royal temoins qui ont avec les parties signe a la minute des presentes demeurant divers nous : LOPPINOT. Pr. Indus du Greff. Scele ce 31 Mars, 1707. 298 History of Nova-Scotia. I, the before named John ffrancis fflanc, hereby transfer and convey my right to the before mentioned premisses & priviledges thereunto belonging in favour of Mr. Samuell Douglass, gunner in the garrison of Annapolis Royall, his heirs and assigns for ever. As witness my hand and seal this 25th of May, 1733. J. FFLANC. Signed and sealed before us, October the 30. GEO. MITCHELL. WALTER Ross. WM. SHIRREFF, Sec'y. Before me, Jean Chrisostome Loppinot, counsellor, procureur du Roi, and royal notary inAcadie, residing there at PortRoyal, and the witnesses under named, were present monsieur Franfois Duvivier, ensign of vessels of his majesty, and captain of a free company of the marine in garrison at fort Royal in Acadie, and the lady Marie Mius, his wife, by him authorized to the effect of these presents, who have acknowledged and confessed to have sold, yielded, quitted, transferred and released from the present time and for ever, promised to warrant from all troubles and hindrances in general whatsoever, to Jean Fran9ois fflanc, inhabitant of Port Royal, at this present time accepting and retaining, for him, his heirs and assigns, that is to say, a lot of land on the bank of the Dauphin river, measuring at one end fronting on said river seventy-seven feet, on the other end running to a point as far as the pickets of Pelerin ; on one side reaching to the land of mon- sieur de la Boularderie, bounded by a rock, under which are three pieces of machefer, (iron dross, scorize from a smithy), and downwards to a little picket, said rock having been put and placed by M. de Labat, engineer for the king in Acadie; and on the other side to the property of sr. Louis d' Amour and the sieur de Cho- four, to be bounded by the ruins of the house of the deceased St. Onge, which now belongs to him, which is three feet from the house hereinafter mentioned, and where pickets are also planted. And besides they sell him the dwelling house which is on the said lot, in the condition it is now in. This sale and cession is made for the price of two hundred livres, which the said vendors acknowledge they have received from the said purchaser, and acquit and discharge him from the same, subject to the charge of lotz et ventes. The said vendors warranting him the said land, on hypothecation of all their effects, present and future, promising and obliging, and to this purpose renouncing. Thus done and passed at Port Royal, this thirtieth of the month of March, one thousand seven hundred and seven, in presence of the sieur de Belleisle, part seigneur of Acadie, and of Alain de la Motte, merchant, dwelling at Port Royal. Witnesses, who have with the parties signed the minute of these presents, re- maining with me. Sealed this 3ist March, 1707. LOPPINOT. Pr. inclus du Greff, (as entered in the registry.) 1708. History of Nova-Scotia. 299 CHAPTER XXXV. 1708. After the two sieges in 1707, Subercase, in the year following, had only to encounter rumors of invasion. In con- sequence of this, he got the man-of-war, the Venus, anchored fast under the fort, and employed her crew, the soldiers of the garrison and the inhabitants, in repairing the works. Two- thirds of the Canadians who were in the Venus deserted. The Loire, ship of war, arrived, without bringing any goods for the inhabitants ; but a prize taken by the Venus supplied an abun- dance for the French and also the Indians. Subercase told the Indians that the presents they received would be in proportion to their merits. This induced sixty or eighty of them to take up the hatchet and to kill five or six English on the frontier. He says the only way to lead the Indians into war is by fur- nishing them with goods, as the English attract them to their side by selling them goods cheap. An Indian of Beaubassin found along the shore a sum of 4000 or 5000 piastres. Suber- case induced him to send him part of it. Indians must not think you fear them. Twenty-two years' experience had taught him that they act best when treated firmly. " The " " missionaries pretend that whatever wrong the Indians do " " they learned from the French. For my part I am persua- " " ded that the least wicked of the Indians is much more so " " than the worst of the French." This remark shows how deeply prejudiced a man of ability may become. The unhappy Micmac was stimulated by white men to a ferocious and cruel border war, bribed and hired to perpetrate midnight murders of whole families in the frontier settlements, and to devastate 300 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 708. the fishing settlements of the English in Newfoundland. Of these horrors and atrocities, Subercase, by his own statement, was an active instigator. Yet he would condemn the illiterate Indian, while in his own nation such noblemen as the d' Amours were disgracing the French name. During this whole summer the governor had to support more than two hundred and fifty extra hands, both French and Indian, chiefly for repairing the fort. He made a powder magazine, capable of holding 60,000 Ibs. of powder, which he considered bomb proof. He erected a building of 80 feet long by 33 in depth, one half of which was to be fitted up for a chapel, the remainder to become lodgings for the almoner, the surgeon, and M. de Goutins. The barracks which had been begun, were completed, and the interior finished. In August, governor Dudley wrote from Boston to Subercase. He de- fends himself from the charge of ill-using prisoners. He claims the territory of Kennebec and Pentagouet, as English, and denies that the Indians of that region belong to the gov- ernment of Acadie. Referring to the siege of Port Royal in 1707, he says : " I am much surprized at what you state on " " the subject of the entrails of M. de Brouillan, which are " " buried near your fort. It was a dead man who was found on " " a declivity of a hill where my troops had resolved to post " " themselves, was the cause of it. For seeing the cross so " " near, they opened the earth at the foot of the said cross to " " bury this corpse, and in opening the ground they perceived " " a box, and not knowing what it might be, not being accus- " " tomed to see a coffer of this kind, they looked inside it, so " " that you ought to regard this as the effect of curiosity and " " mistake." " On this subject, I must give you the particulars of an " " attempt of M. de Brouillan. About five years since I had " " gone to Casco bay to make an agreement with the Indians " " of my government. There came to that place two French- " " men of Port Royal, to whom M. de Brouillan had promised " " two hundred pistoles to kill me. These Frenchmen came " " to Casco bay, disguised as Indians, and were present when " " I was making my agreement, but their hearts failed them " 1708. History of Nova-Scotia. 301 " in what they had undertaken. Some time after, one of the " " two, being a prisoner, and brought here, acknowledged it " " to me in my house on his knees ; and if since that time the " " heart of M. Brouillan comes out of the ground, you and all " " his friends ought to consider its grandeur for me," (en doivent considtrer la grandeur pour moi.) " I hate inhumanity, and " " even punish it." He says Allain attempted to induce negroes at Boston to run away. That being afterwards captured, and coming to Boston destitute, he, Dudley, assisted him, and sent him home. He says he gives up to each French governor the prisoners belonging to his government only. He acknowled- ges a present of wine from Subercase. In a letter from Cos- tabelle, the governor of Placentia, to Subercase, 3 November, 1708, he says : " M. Rouville has performed marvels on the " " side of Boston, with a party of 200 men. He took a fort " " from the English, putting them all to the edge of the sword " " or the tomahawk," (hache}, " and in his retreat he forced an " " ambuscade of about 200 English, of whom but three or four " " made their escape." Subercase, in writing to the minister in December, says : " An expedition, said to have been con- " " ducted this year by the Canadians and Indians on the river " " Maramet, (Merrimac ?) situated between Salem and Pesca- " " dout, (Piscataqua), where, it is said, the French cut the " " throats of four or five hundred persons, without giving quar- " " ter to women or children." He says the inhabitants of Acadie are terribly afraid that the English will take revenge on them. Subercase doubts the truth of the story. Subercase thought the fisheries of Acadie of more value than those of Newfoundland. He says that 300 New England vessels had fished this summer on the banks and shore of Acadie, and they all had an abundant catch. He says the land is good and fertile, and produces every thing that France does, except olives. There is an abundance of grain, and an inexhaustible supply of wood of all sizes for building. All along the coast there are fine harbors, easy of entrance. He proposes Laheve as a chief port and place for building vessels, and another place as a post at St. George's river. The people here, he says, are excellent workmen with the axe and adze. They 3O2 History of Nova-Scotia. 1708. only want a few master shipwrights and caulkers to set them right. He mentions another port, about three leagues from the little passage of Canceau, called Mocoudom, (Country Harbor ?) and another at English Harbor, in Cape Breton, (Louisbourg.) He urged the forming of companies in the French sea ports to settle colonies here, &c. He would invest a million in it, if he had it, in this, as a sure business. Subercase, in a letter to the minister of 25 December, 1708, proposed that a swift sailing man-of-war, of 56 guns and 450 seamen, should be sent out to cruise with the Venus. She would make a million yearly in prizes would probably cap- ture the Boston frigate enable him to fortify Laheve ; and if, as he believes, settlers came here in consequence, he would, with these helps, capture Rhode Island, which, he says, is inhabited by rich quakers, and is the resort of rascals and even pirates. He says Costabelle ought not to detain the Venus, as she was sent out for this coast in lieu of la Biche, (the Hind), which had been built at an immense expense out of the colony funds. (Below is written, " all this might be good, but the difficulty is as to vessels and money. Begin. Let the two governors of Acadie and Placentia be agreed as to the Venus.) The English vessels took wood and water along the eastern coast One went into port Razoir (Shelburne) in October burnt a man's house carried off the man, and sent him to Subercase with letters from the governor of Boston. Suber- case prepared to build a vessel, to be finished in the ensuing summer, according to orders he had received from M. Begon, the intendant of Canada. (Michel Begon de la Picardiere, intendant of Canada 1712 to 1726.) He says : " I never in " " my life received an order to send away from here the dame " " de Freneuse, until I got one by the arrival of the Venus. " " This I did not fail to execute eight days after, even before " " the rivers were free of ice. She is in Canada since the " " month of May last. I can assure you, on the faith of a man " " of honor, that M. de Bonaventure wished it as much as any " " one, at least as far as I could judge by his conduct before " " and since the order came." Bonaventure's wife was living at Port Royal at this time, as we find by a baptismal entry 1708. History of Nova-Scotia. 303 ii Nov., 1708. Dame Jeanne Jannier, wife of sieur Denis de Bonaventure was present as godmother to Magdelaine de Gou- tin, daughter of Matthew de Goutin, lieut gen'L, (i. e. Judge.) " I think, my lord, that I should not act as an honest man if" " I did not inform you that nothing can be so wicked as all " " they have said against him" (M. de Bonaventure.) " Altho' " " I am his servant and his friend, I should not have haggled " " about it a quarter of an hour if I had room to suspect him " " of a want of fidelity to his majesty ; and I can swear to you " " besides that the illness he suffered when the English were " " here was very real, as he had his leg swollen to the size of " " his thigh, and I saw it dressed (fianse) ten times. What " " has vexed me most in all is this, that I have seen these acts " " of calumny take their flight from a quarter whence the in- " " fluences of love and charity ought alone to proceed, and " " that they have pushed the matter as far as hell could desire, " " having brought upon the stage devotees to whom M. de " " Bonaventure never spoke in his life. I may swear to you, " " my lord, on the word of a man of honor, that I ascertained " " as exactly as it was possible for me to know, if there had " " been any children of madame Freneuse. I have learned, " " as everybody knows, that there is one who is large and fat, " " and who is marvellously healthy. I have not heard any one " " express a suspicion that she had had another ; but only " " father Patrice, superior of this mission, told me on coming " " here, that they suspected him of having had the dame de " " Freneuse bled in the foot, and that if this matter were pur- " "sued it might lead to serious results. The vehemence of" " his manner led me to doubt the assertion he made, and a " " little while after I saw him vexed at what he had said to " " me, even begging me not to believe it ; that these were " " rumors that had been current, but that they were without " " foundation ; that in fact the scandalous connection he had " " had with the said lady had led some persons to push their " " remarks a little too far." Des Goutins says : " The dame " " de Freneuse went to Canada in the month of July last, and " " we have learned that she arrived there. It is positively " " known that M. de Bonaventure has had a child by this " 304 History of Nova-Scotia. 1708. " woman. They are bringing it up at an inhabitant's, at the " " upper part of the river. It is very true that M. de Bonaven- " " ture was alone present at the birth of the child, and that " " being embarrassed, he called in the demoiselle Barrat and " " her maid servant. They ran to tell the late M. de Brou- " " illan, who was then at supper, and who was there imme- " " diately. They sent this child the same day to the upper " "part of the river, to the house of an inhabitant, where it" " now is." It was intended to build a war vessel at Port Royal in the ensuing spring. Subercase complains that scandal has at- tacked both his religious faith and his loyalty. He says that Brouillan never spent a sous on his grant on the coast, 7 or 8 leagues from Laheve. Pensens, his legatory heir, asks for it, but Subercase wishes to get it himself. The crown had promi- sed 4000 livres to build the church and presbytire. Subercase thinks they had better not build a church until peace. There was a sum of 500 6cus granted annually by the king for missions : 100 each goes to the cur6s of Port Royal, Mines and Beaubassin ; 100 to Gaulin, missionary for the Micmacs ; and 100 at the disposal of the bishop. He praises Gaulin, and says he ought to be better paid, having no tithes or fees. He recommends M. de St. Castin, who is kept out of his estate in France, under pretence of illegitimacy, although he has the certificates of the missionaries and full evidence of his heirship. " This " " poor boy has to do with the first chicanier of Europe, and " " lieutenant general of the town of Oleron, in Bearne, who " " for long years enjoys this property. He recommends St. " " Castin to be made lieutenant general of Pentagouet, with a " " salary, as he is very useful there." (These lieutenant gen- eralships were not military but judicial offices.) Subercase reports of his officers that two or three were insane, and one or two others useless or unmanageable. He says : " I am " " in despair to find myself in such a situation, and by the " " account I give you, you will know, my lord, that I have " " been in as much need of mad houses as of barracks ; but " " what gives me more trouble than all, is, that I fear that the " " evil spirit of this country may cause my brain to be turned, " 1708-9. History of Nova-Scotia. 305 " in my turn." He says that three-fourths of the soldiers are boys from Paris, whose parents have sent them out for mis- behavior. In this year Subercase caused 2,228 livres to be distributed among the most necessitous of the inhabitants, to buy cattle, to replace those that were killed when the English came here. Loppinot, procureur du Roi, complained that his salary was only 100 livres, while his predecessor, Dubreuil, had 300. He estimates his losses by fire in the English inva- sion at over 10,000 livres. 1709. M. de St. Ovide, king's lieutenant at Placentia, nephew of the late M. de Brouillan, set out on 14 December, 1708, with one hundred and seventy men to attack the English fort at St. John's, N. F. He arrived there on the ist January, 1709, [4 Charlevoix, 43, 2 Garneau, 21], and reconnoitering the place by moonlight, resolved to attack it. There were three forts, one recently built. The two older ones were carried at once, and the new one surrendered in twenty-four hours. M. Costabelle, the governor of Placentia, sent an order to blow up the works, which was accordingly done. Carbonniere was the only place left to the British in the island, and a corsair of Placentia, Gaspard Bertran, was sent against it. He failed in this enterprize, and was killed. His men, however, captured a well laden British ship. [4 Charlevoix, 65, 67.] Mr. Vetch, who had been in England in 1708, soliciting aid for the conquest both of Canada and Acadie, was made a colonel, and returned to New England in the spring of 1 709,. to make preparations. He brought with him her majesty's, commands, dated 28 February, 1708-9, to Rhode Island, &c. Rhode Island raised 200 men. {Rhode Island Records, zW. 5,. /. 32.] Colonel Francis Nicholson, who had been engaged in the frontier war with the Canadians and Indians this- year,, went to England in the autumn, and urged the necessity of reducing Acadie. M. de Subercase meantime had engaged the services, of the' flibustiers, (freebooters, or privateers), who did great damage to English commerce on these coasts, and he urged on the French ministry to fortify Laheve, and to send out a frigate or two to cruise on the coast ; but the freebooters deserted him 20 306 History of Nova-Scotia. when he stood in the greatest need of their assistance, and the French government failed to aid him in the way he had sug- gested to them. The prizes taken by the freebooters caused a temporary plenty in the colony, and put it in his power to make presents to the Indians. At the end of March a cor- saire left Port Royal, (where she had wintered,) on a cruise ; and returned twelve days after, with four small prizes, in part laden with wheat and Indian corn. The prisoners taken reported that a great armament was fitting out at Boston, where 2000 or 3000 men had been raised, independant of those expected from New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Subercase sent notice by an express to Vaudreuil, whose replies left him, as he says, nothing to hope on that side. The corsaire was about to go on another cruise, when a soldier, who had been struck with a cane by the captain, shot him. The soldier was tried by a court martial and executed. Another corsaire of St. Domingo arrived, and starting from Port Royal, returned after ten days' absence, having made nine prizes and destroyed four more vessels. Morpain commanded this privateer, and being attacked by a coast guard vessel from Boston, made a prize of her and brought her into Port Royal. The English captain was killed, and one hundred men of her crew were lost, while Morpain had but five killed and six or seven wounded. The prisoners he took were over one hundred. They stated that there were at Boston six large ships of war two thousand men of that government encamped upon an Island transports and refreshments all ready, and fourteen vessels of war expec- ted from England, said to be intended to conquer Canada. Subercase sent M. de Tourillon with this news to Canada, and assembled 140 Indians and 75 men from Mines, and induced Morpain to remain, and even to take a wife in the place. (13 August, 1709, married to Marie d' Amour de Chofour, daugh- ter of the late Louis d' Amours.) Morpain had been there in 1707, and aided the defence of Port Royal, and also left a quantity of flour there, which was much needed. He recom- mends that a commission of lieutenant de frigate, or a gratifi- cation and a medal, be given to Morpain. For three years past the king's ship had brought out no goods, and most of 1709. History of Nova-Scotia, 307 the provisions they had had come from prizes. A vessel was sent to Martinique with masts and other wood, and some cod- fish out of the prizes. Two privateers from Placentia had wintered at Port Royal, and a privateer from Martinique arri- ved there. Subercase, speaking of the privateers, says : " They have desolated Boston, having captured and destroyed " " thirty-five vessels. If we had had the Venus, Boston would " " have been ruined, for very certainly their trade would have " " been entirely interrupted. They have had during the whole " " year a scarcity of provisions, because our corsaires and " "others from the islands" (West Indian) "captured from" " them nearly six barques, the greater part of which were " " laden with cargoes." The galley from Boston twice attacked a French privateer, but lost 20 or 25 men, while the corsaire lost 7 or 8. A great number of English prisoners were collec- ted at Port Royal, but in the autumn they were sent to the English colonies. In all 470 prisoners were sent to New England. Subercase was informed that the Bostonians were using every possible exertion for the invasion and conquest of Acadie, and trying to induce Scotchmen to take an interest in it. Vetch had been sent to England, as an agent, and ex- pected mountains of gold from the enterprize. Among other projects, they had one of seizing on Laheve, and making a post there, and but for the high price of provisions he thinks they would have done so. He says that at least a thousand vessels arrive every year at Boston, whose inhabitants enrich themselves on the French territory, as the basis of their com- merce is the fish they take on these coasts, which they send to all parts of the world. He offers to sail the Venus at his own expence, as a privateer, if she cannot be sent here at the king's expence, and thinks it would make his fortune. He requires for the colony chiefly lard and flour. He says, " We " " have had here a species of pestilence, which manifested " " itself by the purple" (spotted or purple fever.) " We have " " lost only about fifty persons, as well soldiers as inhabitants, " " 2j\&flibustiers, Both classes were in a continual debauch, " " as rum was here for nothing." Eau de vie de canne et de sucre ttoient id pour rien. " Every one could pay for it with " 308 History of Nova-Scotia. " two sous." He had built an hospital within musket shot of the fort. The calling in the paper money had checked trade. As to specie, he says : " The madness of people here is to " " bury all they have of it." At present every thing is plenty, except clothing, " of which, nevertheless, to make a good " " deal, they have more facilities than any people in the world, " " flax and hemp growing here almost to a marvel. I look " " upon them, and they are really the most happy inhabitants " " of the earth. They are wholly relieved from the mischiefs " " which the English inflicted on them two years ago. I have " " employed them, eight days each this spring, to cut down the " " woods which were too near us on both sides of the river. " He has given the Indians powder and lead, nearly as much as in other years. The Jesuit missionaries have aided him greatly. Having previously stated the insufficient strength of the garrison, he now urges it strongly, being certain of an attack on the place in the spring. He suggest that the man-of-war might bring all the spare troops from Placentia to Port Royal. He complains of Loppinot. The admiralty fees on a prize made by the Venus came to 1 700 livres. A prize taken by M. la Ronde had been confiscated to the use of the admiral, as la Ronde had not a commission from him. " It is of the last " " importance that we should be succored, at the latest in the " " month of April. I beg pardon, my lord, if you find erasures " " in my letter. I am at the last of my stock of paper, and " " without a secretary, and for two months past suffering from " " pain in the teeth, which leaves me not one hour free, and is " "just now severer than ever," &c. 1710. History of Nova-Scotia. 309 CHAPTER XXXVI. 1710. We have now arrived at an important era in this his- tory. An expedition had been for some time in preparation in the English colonies in America for the invasion of Port Royal, and views of conquest both of Acadie and Canada began to be seriously entertained, as the only mode of reliev- ing the frontier English settlers from the sudden surprizes of the Indians, and from the mercies of the tomahawk and scalp- ing knife. The most conspicuous person in urging and lead- ing this movement was Francis Nicholson. This gentleman had been lieutenant governor of the province of New York in 1689, when Jacob Leisler took possession of the government at the close of James the second's reign, the revolution having changed the British dynasty. Nicholson was accused by the insurgents of having threatened to burn down the city of New York. In 1690, he was lieutenant governor of Virginia, the assembly of which province voted him a gratuity of ^300, and the crown permitted him to accept it. While there he promo- ted the interests of the church of England. In 1692, he was appointed lieutenant governor of Maryland, and administered that government for six years. In 1698 he was sent back to Virginia, as governor in chief. In this high position he view- ed with uneasiness the proceedings of the French and their Indian allies and dependants against the interior and frontier settlements of the English. Although the latter were more numerous than the Canadians, yet being divided into many unconnected provinces and disunited by jealous and dis- trustful feelings, no concerted action or system of defence 310 History of Nova-Scotia. 1710. could be established for their protection. Nicholson warmly advocated a confederation or union of the British provinces for defensive purposes, and deemed it the interest and duty of the other colonies to assist in erecting one or more fortresses in the northern part of the state of New York, as a barrier against hostile incursion. His views were fully sustained by king William the third, as far at least as to recommend each colony to contribute its quota for general defence, but were unpopular in Virginia ; and all his efforts at that time failed, while he lost much of his personal influence in consequence. In 1704 he was recalled, but sent back again. He was called ambitious, impetuous, &c., but his intelligence, ability and courtesy were distinctly admitted. [New York Historical Docu- ments, v. 2, p. 10. Grahames Colonial Hist, of the U. States, v. 2, p. 6 to 28.] He now (1710) held the military rank of colonel, and he, as well as colonel Samuel Vetch, had gone to England to promote the expedition for the conquest of Acadie. In May, 1710, Vetch arrived from England at Boston. (This officer had, in 1705, taken soundings of the most difficult pas- sages of the river St. Lawrence, and had been, while in Eng- land, pressing on the government the idea of conquering Canada.) July 15, 1710, (26 July, n. s.) The Dragon, commodore Mar- tin, the Falmouth, captain Riddle, a bomb ship, and with them a tender, arrived at Boston from England. Colonel Nicholson, with some British officers and colonel Redding's marines, came out in the Dragon. On the 30 July the assembly of Rhode Island voted to send 143 men, of whom 43 were Indians, with three months' provisions, on the expedition to Port Royal. In all they voted 200 men, to be under lieutenant colonel John Cranston. On the 1 8 September the armament sailed from Nantasket, in Boston bay. It consisted of the Dragon, the Chester, cap- tain Matthews, and the Falmouth, fourth rates ; the Leostaffe, captain Gordon, and the Feversham, captain Paston, fifth rates ; the Star, bomb, captain Rochfort, and the Massachu- setts province galley, captain Southack, with fourteen trans- ports in the pay of Massachusetts, five of Connecticut, two of 1710. History of Nova-Scotia. 311 New Hampshire, and three of Rhode Island. These, with the tender and five transports from England, made the number of vessels employed amount to thirty-six. (Charlevoix says, 4 v., p. 6 1, that there were four ships of sixty guns each, two of forty guns, one of thirty-six, and two bomb gallies, besides the transports.) Nicholson was general of the expedition, Vetch adjutant general. There was a regiment of marines under colonel Redding, and four regiments commissioned by Queen Anne, and armed by her gift, who had been raised in New England, that is, two of Massachusetts, one of Connecticut, and one from New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Their colonels were Sir Charles Hobby, Tailer of Massachusetts, Whiting of Connecticut, and Shadrach Walton, of New Hamp- shire. The grenadiers of Walton's regiment were commanded by Paul Mascarene, afterwards governor at Annapolis. All the governors of New England were instructed to give assis- tance to this undertaking. (One transport, captain Taye, ran ashore at Port Royal, and was lost, and 26 men drowned.) 2 Hzitck, M. y 1 8 1. On the 24 September, n. s., the fleet reach- ed the entrance of Port Royal basin. M. de Subercase writes thus to the minister : I October, 1710. " My lord. I had the honor to write to you on the 24th " " of September, to inform you that the English occupied the " " entrance of our basin, where they still remain, and I have " " no doubt they will stay there while the navigation remains " " open, or at least until the 15 December, calculating thereby " " to famish us and starve us out. I also had the honor to " " report to you, my lord, that our garrison was in the best " " disposition in the world, because it then appeared so ; but " " now I hear the soldiers murmuring every where, com- " " plaining that they are entirely abandoned. This murmur- " " ing has been followed by five desertions, three of the Cana- " " dian detachment, and two of our garrison ; and I am sure " " that if I had not caused the canoes to be removed, there " " would have been thirty deserters by this time." (Subercase is blamed for sending away recruits and Canadians which 312 History of Nova-Scotia. 1710. Vaudreuil had supplied. 4 Charlevoix, 60.) "If the ship we " " expect to succour us comes, this inquietude will pass off ; " " but if we receive no succour, I have every reason to fear " " something fatal," funeste, " as well on the part of the inha- " " bitants as of the soldiers. Both are in despair at not seeing " " the arrival of their necessaries, and they form a cruel idea " " of what we shall have to suffer this winter. I shall do all " " that depends on me ; but indeed, my lord, I beg you to " " believe I cannot perform impossibilities. I am as if in a " ' prison, into which I can bring nothing and from which I " " can send nothing, and the harvest has been very bad at " " Port Royal. Besides that, I have not a sou, and our credit " " is exhausted. I am engaged for considerable sums. I have " " found means by my industry to borrow wherewithal to " " subsist the garrison for these two years. I have paid " "what I could, by selling all my moveables. I will give" ' even to my last shirt ; but I fear that after all, my pains " " will prove useless, if we are not succoured during the month " " of March or early in April, supposing the enemy should let " " us rest this winter." The following written summons was sent by general Nichol- son to governor Subercase : 3 October, 1710. You are hereby required and commanded to deliver up to me for the Queen of Great Britain, the Fort at present under your control, which by right belongs to her said Majesty, together with all the territories which are under your command, by virtue of the undoubted right of her Royal predecessors, and also with all the guns, mortars, magazines of war and troops likewise under your command, otherwise I shall exert myself with diligence to reduce them by force o her Majesty's arms. Given under my hand and seal at arms, the third day of October, in the ninth year of the reign of our sovereign lady Queen Anne, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, annoque domini, 1710. (Signed) F. F. NICHOLSON. 1710. History of Nova-Scotia. 313 (There is a difficulty as to the date of this document, as the capitulation is dated 2 October.) The English kept up a blockade for several days. The garrison during this time slept on the ramparts which had been hastily repaired. On the 5 October the English fleet (said then to comprise fifty-one sail) entered the basin and anchored opposite the fort. On the 6th they landed on both shores, the larger body of men on the Fort side. Subercase did not oppose their landing, nor send out any parties to obstruct their movements, because he could not depend upon either the inhabitants or the soldiers, and he was persuaded that any men he might send out of the fort would not come in again. [4 Ckarlevoix, 62.] He des- paired from the first of preserving the place for the king, and had no other end in view than an honorable surrender. He had less than three hundred men under his command, while the enemy were estimated at three thousand four hundred, besides the sea forces. (There is a tradition that Nicholson passed his troops by night in small vessels, by the fort and round Hog Island, up the narrow part of the river, landing somewhere in the rear of the spot where the late Judge Thos. Ritchie's mansion is built, and gradually made his approaches in front of the site of the present court house of Annapolis.) The English, on landing without opposition, marched straight up towards the fort, but having been fired on and lost some men, they retired. The next day, the 7th, they passed a brook, (supposed to be the 1'Equille), which turned a mill, at a place where two hundred men, if properly posted, might have almost destroyed them ; but Subercase, seeing them busied in plant- ing batteries and plying the fort with bombs from a galliot, had not anticipated their march in that direction. The fire of the galliot did not effect much damage to the fort, but it served to cover the passage of twenty-two flat-bottomed boats, in which all the cannon, mortars and powder the English required were carried up past the fort. On the 8 October, Subercase compelled the English to retire from the position they occupied, and where they sought to erect batteries, by the steady fire of his cannon. On the 9th, the cannonading went on until mid-day, and the besieged 314 History of Nova-Scotia. 1710. threw some bombs into the English camp, causing much dis- order. Rain coming on, stopped the firing until the evening. The two English bomb-ships then approached the fort, and fired 42 bombs of 200 Ibs. weight. The besieged also tried to fire some carcases, but they all burst in leaving the mortar. The English had a vessel laden with them, but it perished at the entrance of the port, with all the crew of forty men. (The English account of the loss of a transport, captain Taye, and 26 drowned, is<- possibly but a different version of the same occurrence.) Oct'r. 10. The English worked at their trenches and batteries, and towards evening began again to fire bombs, and continued this all night, but only two fell into the fort, doing no great damage. Five others burst in the air. A splinter from one wounded an officer named Latour, danger- ously, and another carried off a corner of the magazine, On the same night, fifty of the inhabitants and seven or eight sol- diers deserted, and on the next day, the nth October, all the remaining inhabitants presented a petition to the governor, calling his attention to their condition, worn out with being on foot day and night. Their ill humor and discontent with the governor had deprived them of courage, and they feared that no quarter would be granted if they waited till the English had completed their batteries. On the 12 October, (i Oct., o. s.,) Forbes and Redknap, the English engineers, had their three batteries open, of two mor- tars and twenty-four cohorn mortars, mounted within one hun- dred yards of the fort, and commenced firing ; the French returning shot and shell at the same time. [2 Hutch., 132.] Subercase, finding that the soldiers were as much depressed by fear as the inhabitants, summoned a council of war, in which it was resolved to seek a capitulation. M. de la Perelle, enseigne, was sent to general Nicholson. He first asked leave for the women to go out of the fort, but this is supposed to have been refused. Perelle remained in the English camp, and general Nicholson sent colonel Redding with full powers to treat. Subercase received him on the glacis, and conduct- ed him to his own lodgings, where he remained a long time shut up with him in his cabinet. On coming out, the gover- 1710. History of Nova-Scotia. 315 nor said to his officers that all was settled, and on the next day colonel Redding, and a captain Matthew, who had served as hostage for Perelle, went back to the camp, where general Nicholson signed the capitulation. 16 October, the garrison came out of the fort, to the number of 156 men, according to Charlevoix, (v. 4, p. 65), but according to Douglas, (p. 309), 258 men, all in a miserable condition, delabres, in rags and tatters, with their arms and baggage, and all the honors of war ; but the six guns and two mortars, named in the third article of the capitulation, could not be brought out, for want of cattle to draw them, as the inhabitants had taken all theirs into the woods to a considerable distance. Under these cir- cumstances, the governor, by the advice of his officers, kept only one mortar, selling the others to the English for 7,499 livres, 10 sols, to pay the king's debts. The fort was found so completely destitute of provisions, that general Nicholson had to order the distribution of food among the French. It caused him some regret that he had given terms to those who would have soon been under the necessity of surrendering from famine. The garrison, and such of the inhabitants as chose to go with them, amounting in all to 481 persons, male and female, were shipped for Rochelle, in France. Major Livingston was sent by Nichol- son, and the baron St. Castin by Subercase, to the marquis de Vaudreuil, the governor of Canada, to inform him of the fall of Port Royal. \_Douglas Summary, 309. 2 Hutch., Mass., 184. 4 Charlevoix, 65-67.] Livingston went about the middle of October from Port Royal to Penobscot, where he was very kindly entertained by Castin, at his own house. They ascend- ed the river in canoes, and were detained some days by the Indians ; but at length, after dangerous adventures in the woods, where they were near perishing by hunger, they got into Canada. The letters which Livingston carried to the niarquis claimed that all the French inhabitants, who lived beyond cannon shot of the fort, were prisoners at discretion, and threatened reprisals on them, unless the Indians were withheld from murdering the settlers and their families on the frontiers of New England. The marquis sent a reply, in which 316 History of Nova-Scotia. 1710. he questioned the right of reprisals on persons who had surren- dered on terms. He denied any instigation of cruelty on the part of the French. He palliated the conduct of the Indians, and blamed the English for refusing his former offers of neu- trality. As to the exchange of prisoners, which had been pro- posed, he expressed his readiness to act, and requested the number held by the English, and a place for their exchange, to be notified to him by his messengers returning. This answer he sent by messrs. de Rouville and Dupuy, to gover- nor Dudley, and he wrote to M. de Pontchartrain, the minis- ter, that he had sent these gentlemen, two of the best partizan officers of Canada, that they might obtain a personal know- ledge of the enemy's country. On the 28 October, general Nicholson, having left a garri- son at Port Royal, (now named Annapolis Royal in honor of queen Anne,) which garrison consisted of two hundred marines and two hundred and fifty New England volunteers, under colonel Samuel Vetch, as governor of the place, returned to Boston. The men-of-war and transports returned also. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXVI. Extracts from an unsigned mbnoire on the island of Cape Breton in 1709. [Paris mss.] : " This post, well established, would render the king master of North America, " " and consequently of all the trade in fish, which is of signal riches." Recommends that the king should undertake it, and not a company, and that a governor, staff, and all requisite officers, with eight companies of sixty men each, be sent there, the annual charge of which it computes at 103,301 livres, 10 sous. To have a good fort, cannon, carriages, ball, ammunition, &c. An hospital for the soldiers, with friars hospitalers, expense 10,000 livres per annum. Jesuit fathers, charge 6000 livres per annum. Recollets, to be almoners of the fort and cures of the banlieue, expense 3000 livres per annum. For the instruction of young girls, 4000 livres per annum. With regard to the town, it will suffice that it shall be at first enclosed with pickets, (pieux), making redoubts of masonry at certain distances. The cost of fortification is put down at 300,000 livres the first History of Nova-Scotia. 317 year, and 150,000 livres per annum afterwards. From the various marginal notes on the sketch of this project, it appears to have been very seriously considered. In another mtmoire, undated, the island of cape Breton is said to be ninety leagues in circumference, situated between 45 and 47 N. L., triangular in shape, lands lofty, harbors good, with coal mines. " The greater part of the lands are " " little suited for cultivation. The best are near Canseau, where the late M. " " Denis had a very fine residence, called little St. Peter's. The cod fishery is " " large." Une fort belle habitation nommle le petit St. Pierre. (2.) The different governments of New York, Connecticut, East and West Jersey, and Pennsylvania, addressed the Hon. colonel Francis Nicholson, in 1 709, to take on himself the command of all their troops against Canada, by land. The Gover- nor and Council of Rhode Island addressed him on the same subject, June 27, 1709. Governor Cranston, of R. L, wrote to him at the same time, eulogising his loyalty, courage, zeal for the gospel, generosity to the Protestant churches, &c. ; and on 30 Sept., 1709, the assembly of R. I. sent their governor, &c.. to meet Nicholson and Vetch. [Rhode Island colonial records, vol. 4, //. 73, 74, 78, 79.] (3-) Subercase, in his letter to the minister 3 January, 1710, speaking of the affair of the corsaire captain, "who, while preparing for the cruise, had a difficulty " " with a soldier, to whom he gave two blows of his cane. This unhappy sol- " " dier, without complaining of this to any one, and without any one knowing " " anything of his design, took his gun, went to the house of the corsaire captain, " " whom he found in the recess of a window, and shot him in the head, the cap- " " tain dying instantly. The soldier was arrested and placed in a dungeon. This " " occurrence caused here a great alarm, because it was thought that different " " soldiers of the garrison had inspired him with the desire for revenge, and that " " they would support their comrade. The sieur des Goutins, lieutenant general, " (a judicial, not a military title), " came to present me a petition, praying me " " to cause this wretch" (malheureux) " to be executed by military law. This I " " did not fail to do, and two days after I caused a court martial" (conseil de guerre) " to assemble, where he was condemned to have his head broken" avoir la tete cassee (to be shot ?) " for want of a hangman, and his body cast " " into the common sewer. On the day of the execution, the missionary father " " gave me notice that the soldiers intended to mutiny, and that he was obliged " " to let me know. I did not take the alarm as warmly as it was spread in the set- " " tlement. I caused the troops to assemble, and made the detachment myself " " which was to escort the culprit, and chose out of the ranks those who had been " " pointed out to me as the chief mutineers to form the firing party" -pour lui casser la tete " which I caused to be done without any one saying a word, and " " then I made another detachment of those who were thought the worst men, " " and made them take the body and carry it on a scaffold" (echafaud) "in sight " " of the passers by." 318 History of Nova-Scotia. (4-) Articles of capitulation agreed upon the surrender of the fort at Port Royal, &c. betwixt Francis Nicholson, esq : general and commander-in-chief of all the forces of her sacred majesty Anne, queen of Great Britain, &c., and monsieur Subercase, governor, &c., for his most Christian majesty : 1st. That the garrison shall march out with their arms and baggage, drums beating and colours flying. 2. That there shall be a sufficient number of ships and provisions to transport the said garrison to Rochel (Rochelle) or Rochefort, by the shortest passage, when they shall be furnished with passports for their return. 3. That I may take out six guns and two mortars, such as I shall think fit. 4. That the officers shall carry out all their effects, of what sort soever, ex- cept they do agree to the selling of them ; the payment of which to be upon good faith. 5. That the inhabitants within cannon shot of Port Royal shall remain upon their estates, with their corn, cattle and furniture, during two years, in case they are not desirous to go before, they taking the oaths of allegiance and fidelity to her sacred majesty of Great Britain. 6. That a vessel be provided for the pri- vateers belonging to the islands in America, for their transportation thither. 7. That those that are desirous to go for Placentia, in Newfoundland, shall have leave by the nearest passage. 8. That the Canadians, or those that are desirous to go there, may, for during the space of one year. 9. That effects, ornaments, and utensils of the chappel and hospital, shall be delivered to the almoner. 10. I promise to deliver the fort of Port Royal into the hands of Francis Nicholson, esq., for the queen of Great Britain, within three days after the ratification of this present treaty, with all the effects belonging to the king, as guns, mortars, bombs, ball, powder, and all other small arms. n. I will discover, upon my faith, all the mines, fugasses and casemates. 12. All the articles of this present treaty shall be executed upon good faith, without difficulty, and signed by each other, at her majesty of Great Britain's camp before Port Royal Fort, this second day of October, in the ninth year of her majesty's reign. Annoque domini, 1710. FRANCIS NICHOLSON. SUBERCASE. Memorandum. The general declared that within cannon shot of Port Royal, in the fifth article above said, is to be understood to be three English miles round the fort, to be Annapolis Royal ; and the inhabitants within three miles to have the benefit of that article. Which persons, male and female, comprehended in the said article, according to a list of the names given to the general by M. Allein, amounts to 481 persons. [2 Hutchinson, Mass., 182, 183.] (On the ii September, 1732, lieutenant governor Armstrong and the council appointed the nth of October to be the day for choosing deputies, in commemo- ration of the reduction of the place. There is some difficulty about these dates, owing to the difference in the style. The 2 October, old style, would be the 13, October, new style.) (S-) The following document was given by Subercase. [E. &* F. Commrs.] : We, Daniel Dauger de Subercase, knight of the military order of Saint Louis, governor of Acadie, of cape Breton, of the adjacent islands and lands from cape History of Nova-Scotia. 319 des Rosiers of the river St. Lawrence to the west of the river Kinibeki, promise to have passports given to messieurs majors Richard Wallins and Charles Brown, to return by land or sea to old England, after having conducted us to Rochelle or Rochefort, whither they are to go, by order of Mr. Francis Nicholson, general of the troops of the queen of Great Britain, in New England, in conform- ity with the capitulation made between him and us on the surrender of the fort of Port Royal, in Acadie. Done at the said place, the 23d day of October, 1710, and we have hereunto caused to be affixed the seal of our arms, and the same to be countersigned by our secretary. DE SUBERCASE. FONTAINE. (6.) Nicholson was governor of Nova Scotia in 1713, and was governor of South Carolina from 1721 to 1725. Probably no other person acted as governor in so many different provinces. His expedition cost New England ,23,000 ster- ling, but the amount was reimbursed by the English parliament. In 1710, the garrison of St. Johns, Newfoundland, was reinforced by two companies of marines. [Douglas Siimmary, 294.] (7-) There are more sorts of hand mortars, but Cohorne's new invention ex- ceeds them all, so far as to deserve a particular description. They are made of hammered iron, of 4 inches diameter in the bore, 10 1-2 inches long, and 9 inches in the chase, fixed upon a piece of oak 20 inches long, 10 1-2 broad, and betwixt 3 and 4 thick. They stand fixed at 45 degrees of elevation, and throw hand gre- nades, as all other hand mortars do. They are placed in the bottom of the trenches, at two yards distance from one another, having each a soldier to serve it, and an officer to every 40 or 50, who lays them to what elevation he thinks convenient, by raising or sinking the hind part of the bed. 300 or 400 of these are sometimes in service at once, in different parts of the trenches, 60. 70 or 80 in a place. Those in one place fire all at once, immediately after the batteries have done ; and are answered from another part of the trench, which brings such a shower of hand grenades into the covert way, that those who defend it are thrown into unavoidable confusion. [The Theatre of the late War, drY., 1756.] (8.) I received the following paper recently, from my friend Mr. W. T. Waterman, and as it is connected with the history of Port Royal, insert it here : The writer, when a boy, say about the year 1843, was informed by some work- men who were employed on the bridge over Allen's river, Annapolis Royal, that a bomb shell lay upon the bank of the river, about half way between the bridge and the mouth of the river on the south west side. In company with another boy, he proceeded to the spot indicated, and found two unexploded shells, 13 inches in diameter. One of them was nearly embedded in the mud ; the other had but recently been exhumed by the tide. The general opinion is, they had been fired from some man-of-war lying in the old French Dock, and intended to fall in the fort, but had had too much elevation. The range was good. They are both in existence. One is in possession of G. F. Pike, Esq. For Mr. Murdoch. THOS. D. HENDERSON. 320 History of Nova-Scotia. 1711 CHAPTER XXXVII. 1711. Although Port Royal had always been restored to France, with the rest of Acadie, at the return of peace, on the various occasions of its being captured by the English, this conquest was destined to be permanent. The never ceasing incursions of the French, their Canadian colonists and their Indian allies, had so long harrassed and distressed the indus- trious settlers on the frontiers, especially the border people of New England, that they had infused a spirit of hostility and resentment in the hearts of the English colonists at the cruel, and, as they naturally considered it, cowardly mode of warfare pursued by their neighbors, feelings which were intensified by their differences of religious belief. Besides all this, the neces- sity of self-protection, and the constant alarms that disturbed their security, contributed greatly to excite them to combat- iveness, and to inure them to the habits of vigilance, patience and concerted action, that enable men to become good soldiers. Thus circumstanced, the New Englanders became almost uni- versally military in their habits and disposition. Phips, Church and Pepperell in more conspicuous stations only displayed war- like talents and propensities, which, during the French and Indian wars, and long afterwards, pervaded the whole popula- tion of our Eastern colonies. The French, however, were far from abandoning the hope of recovering Acadie, but continued persistently in measures designed to procure its re-possession. Although the forces they employed were inadequate to the purpose, yet the object was not relinquished until half -a cen- tury had elapsed, and their government in North America was 1711. History of Nova-Scotia. 321 entirely destroyed by the loss of Canada and cape Breton. The marquis de Vaudreuil, then governor in Canada, (i Janu- ary, 1711), commissioned the baron de St. Castin, provision- ally, as his lieutenant in Acadie, and sent him instructions to maintain the subjects of the French crown who remained in the country in due obedience to his majesty. The inhabitants of Port Royal sent M. de Clignancourt, (R6n d' Amours), to the marquis de Vaudreuil, with a letter, as follows : (Translation.) " Sir. As your goodness extends over all those who, being " " subjects of his majesty, have recourse to you to relieve them " " in their misery, we pray you will vouchsafe us your assist- " " ance to withdraw ourselves from this country, and to be " " near you, having had the misfortune to be taken by the " " English, as you have doubtless learned from the envoy of " " Mr. Nicholson, and from the sieur de St. Castin, who left " " this in charge of letters from M. de Subercase. M. de Clig- " " nancourt, sir, will give you a faithful report of all that passed " " on this occasion, as also since the departure of the English " " fleet. He will make you acquainted with the bottom of our '" " hearts, and will tell you better than we can do by a letter, '" " the harsh manner in which Mr. Weische" (Vetch) " treats '" " us, keeping us like negroes, and wishing to persuade us '" " that we are under great obligation to him for not treating '" " us much worse, being able, he says, to do so with justice, "' " and without our having room to complain of it. We have " " given to M. de Clignancourt copies of three ordonnances,, "' " which M. Weische" (Vetch) " has issued, and at the moment " " we have the honor to write you, we learn that he has sent " " to Mines and Beaubassin. We know not yet what the " " purport of his orders thither may be, but we are persuaded " " that he will not have more regard for the inhabitants of" " these places than he has had for us. We pray you, sir, to " " have regard to our misery, and to honor us with your letter " " for our consolation, expecting that you may furnish the " 21 322 History of Nova-Scotia. 1711. " necessary assistance for our retiring from this unhappy " " country." " We are, with much respect," &c, \Paris mss.~\ The marquis was also informed that the Indians in the neighborhood of Acadie appeared to grow cool in their attach- ment to the French, hearing the English say repeatedly that they would follow up this conquest by that of Canada. In consequence of this, he sent two Frenchmen and two Indians with letters addressed to the missionaries in these parts, ex- horting them to redouble their zeal to confirm their converts in the French alliance. He ordered these messengers to visit all the French settlements in Acadie to ascertain the dis- position of the inhabitants exactly, and to assure him that he would do impossibilities, rather than they should want for any- thing. [4 Charlevoix, 69, 70.] At this time Port Royal re- mained under the command of colonel Vetch, who is called a Scotchman, in one of the letters written to the minister. Five of the inhabitants were imprisoned : Pierre le Blanc, Jean Como, Francois Brossar, Guillaume Bourgeois, and Germain Bourgeois, his father ; the latter is said to have died from his sufferings in prison. Father Justinien, a recoltit priest, curt, was also imprisoned, and in February, 1711, sent as a prisoner to Boston. The English asserted that Subercase assured them that Justinien had deserted to the head of the river, with the inhabitants who are outside of the banlieue. It seems that the commissary of the fort had gone up with some inha- bitants to Pierre le Blanc's house, and was there captured by a party, which consisted of two English sailors, deserters one Abraham Godet an inhabitant from Beaubassin, and three mulattoes from the coast. On his paying to each of them ten t /cus as ransom, they suffered him to return to the fort. This transaction seems to have led to the arrests above mentioned. Louis Halin (Allain ?) and his son, inhabitants of the banlieue, were accused of enticing soldiers to desert, and were put in irons and imprisoned in the dungeons. The garrison was five hundred strong, part regulars of the queen's army, and part New England volunteers. It is stated that of this num- 1 7 ii. History of Nova-Scotia. 323 ber more than three hundred and forty had died of sickness and in sorties unto the first day of June, 1711, that is within seven months from the surrender of the place. A terrible mortality, if the statement can be relied on. These particulars are con- tained in a letter from Christopher Cahouet to the French minister, dated at Placentia, 20 July, 1711, He says he was made major of militia in Acadie by the English governor, also that he obtained a passport from governor Vetch in conformity with the capitulation, and that he left the country to go to Placentia in a little vessel, with his wife and children, on ist June, 1711. That the fort at Annapolis was in a bad state that the ramparts had tumbled down. " The English have " "' put chevaux de frise at the places which have given way, " "' but the stakes 1 ' (batons) " are not bigger than a cane. You " "" may count, my lord, safely on the information I give your " *' Excellency, since I always had liberty of walking, drinking " "' and eating at the fort with the governor, when I pleased to " *' go there." He says that having anchored his little vessel at Mouscoudabouet, on the coast of Acadie, (about Cole Harbor or Chezetcook), he received a letter from the missionary, M. Gaulin, stating the movements of forty Indians from Penta- goe't, sent by Castin to collect the Indians, and their attack on 63 English. He says the inhabitants and Indians are all in insurrection against the English, and intend to take the fort by assault. Their number will be 500 or 600 men in arms, and that all that is wanting is a leader. It appears that early in the summer of 1711 the English at Port Royal endeavored to conciliate the Indians and attract them to their side. M. Gaulin, missionary, boasts in his let- ter of 5 Sept., 1711, from Placentia, that he had successfully opposed these negotiations, and "to take away all hope of" " an accommodation, he induced the savages to make incur- " " sions on the English, and openly to oppose themselves to " " the transport of wood, which the English governor obliged " " the inhabitants to furnish for re-establishing the fortifica- " " tions." (They were paid for this work.) The governor piqued at this opposition, and being besides discontented with the conduct of the inhabitants, who would not furnish 324 History of Nova-Scotia. 1711. the wood he required, detached eighty men of the garrison, under captain Pigeon, an officer of the regular army, to surprize some families of the Indians who were up the river, and to carry off the principal inhabitants. This detach- ment consisted of the choice of what remained of his men, there being, according to Cahouet's account, not above 120 men left in the garrison, inclusive of officers and servants. When the detachment got to the place of their destination up the river, a party of forty-two Indians, who were in ambush in the woods, suddenly came out and fell upon them. Thirty of the English were killed, and the rest made prisoners. Among the slain were an engineer and a major. The latter, not being willing to be made a prisoner, an Indian swam across the river with his tomahawk at his side and his pistol between his teeth, and killed him. The fort major, the engineer, and all the boat's crew, were killed ; and two captains, two lieuten- ants, an ensign, and some 30 or 40 men of the garrison, were made prisoners. [2 Hutchinson, Mass., 199. 4 Charlevoix, 92-93.] The scene of this disaster is about twelve miles above Annapolis, on the river, and bears the name of Bloody Creek. This action so raised the courage of the French inhabitants and Indians, that they sent to inform the mis- sionary, Gaulin, of it. He was thirty leagues away at the time, laboring in secret to collect a party to surprize the Fort at Annapolis, which he projected to attempt in concert with the sieur de St. Castin, who held the commission of lieutenant under the marquis Vaudreuil. On receipt of this intelligence, Gaulin went at once to Port Royal (Annapolis) with more than two hundred men. Gaulin notified the inhabitants and the Indians to repair to his assistance, and directed them to fit out a vessel to transport provisions for the siege. He also sent off a small vessel to Placentia, to request ammunition for this enterprize from M. Costabelle, the governor of that place. All the inhabitants withdrew out of cannon shot from the fort, and they also transported their cattle up the river. Those of the banlieue intimated to the governor that he had violated the articles of capitulation to their prejudice, and that they were thereby freed from the oaths they had taken not to bear ijn. History of Nova-Scotia. 325 arms ; after which they joined their compatriots in blockading the fort. The investment was such that the garrison could not come out to work, or appear on the ramparts. The inha- bitants relieved each other weekly by companies, in keeping up the blockade or investment. Gaulin himself proceeded to Pla- centia to obtain succors of ammunition, &c., and an officer of experience to take command in the siege. He arrived there on the 15 August, and assured governor Costabelle of the con- stant fidelity of the inhabitants of Acadie to the interests of France, and of the resolution they had taken and executed of withdrawing themselves from the English domination, taking refuge with their families in the woods among the savages to continue to make war upon the English. That no officers or soldiers of the enemy's garrison dared any longer to go out of their fort, so much were they hemmed in by the Indians and the French inhabitants, who daily formed parties to surprize them, and to reduce them to the last extremity. Costabelle gave M. Gaulin 1200 Ibs. powder, 1400 Ibs. lead in balls, 10,000 gun flints, 100 woolen blankets, some new guns for the Indian chiefs, and the remainder to be distributed to the Indians in the French interest. Costabelle says, " These articles I have " " shipped in a little privateer" (corsaire) " of 6 guns and 80 " " men, commanded by one Morpin, a man of reputation " " among \htflibustiers of America. He has orders to carry " " them to the French settlements on the coast of Acadie. " " The sieur Gaulin accompanies them, and is to distribute " " them." Costabelle designed to send M. L'hermite, the major of Placentia, with two mortars and ammunition for bombard- ment, to assist the proposed siege, but he received information that Vetch had returned to Boston, leaving colonel sir Charles Hobby in command at Annapolis, and that a relief of 200 men of the New York levies had reached the garrison. This news was brought to Placentia by a brigantine which arrived there from the coast of Acadie on the i September. M. Record, the captain, had also been assured by the Indians of Laheve, that in the beginning of the month of August, they had seen and counted more than sixty sail making their way for Que- bec. On the 17 September, Costabelle was further informed 326 History of Nova-Seotia. 1711. that Morpin had been captured off Chapeau-rouge, by an Eng- lish vessel of 30 guns. On this occasion Morpin fully sus- tained his reputation, having fought for three hours at close quarters, and prevented the enemy from boarding him. Gau- lin had the good fortune of having left Placentia in another vessel, and thus escaping capture. Vaudreuil received on 4th August a letter from father Felix, recollet missionary in Aca- die, giving him an account of the victory the Indians had gained at Bloody Creek, and the investment of Port Royal by the French inhabitants in conjunction with the Indians. In two days' time Vaudreuil got ready a force of two hundred picked men, with twelve officers of bravery and experience. They were to march at once to Acadie, under command of the marquis d'Alognies ; but news meanwhile came from Pla- centia that expeditions were being fitted out at both Boston and New York, and it was deemed prudent to countermand the orders just issued. [4 Charlevoix, 73.] The English had at this time captured the Heros and the Vermandois, at Isle Percee, and sent these prizes to England. After the reduction of Port Royal, Nicholson had gone to England to solicit the crown to adopt measures for the con- quest of Canada. The New England colonies were notified to make preparations, and on the 28 April, 1711, the English squadron sailed from England, and arrived at Boston on the 25th June. This British naval force consisted of twelve line- of-battle ships, several frigates, two bomb vessels, forty trans- ports, and six store ships, having on board eight regiments, a fine train of artillery, and forty horses for drawing it. Gen- eral Nicholson himself got to Boston on his return, upon the 8 June, bringing with him orders from the queen to the seve- ral governments of New England, New York, Jersey and Pennsylvania, directing them to have their quotas of men in readiness for the coming of the fleet from England. The troops sent from Europe comprized the regiments of Hill, Kirke, Windress, Clayton and Kaine, from Flanders ; Sey- mour's, Disney's, and a battalion of marines, from England ; Brigadier Hill, the brother of Mrs. Masham, the queen's favo- rite, was the general ; colonel Churchill commanded the 1711. History of Nova-Scotia. 327 marines. The artillery were under the command of colonel King. In consequence of the orders of the crown, a congress was assembled at New London, composed of the governors of all the colonies north of Pennsylvania, to concert matters with Nicholson. Two regiments from New England were joined to the British troops. The fleet was commanded by admiral sir Hovenden Walker. There were sixty-eight vessels in all, with 6,463 land troops embarked, and they sailed from Boston on the 30 July. On the 1 8- August they anchored at Gaspe" to take in wood and water. On the 2Oth of the same month general Nicholson marched from Albany with the militia from Connecticut, New York and the Jersies, amounting to about 4000 men, and Indians of the five nations, Iroquois, about 600 in number, to attack Montreal. On the same day, the British fleet left Gaspe" ; and although provided with both French and American pilots, they got into difficulties, from fogs and storms, in the mouth of the St. Lawrence. On the 23 August, in a thick fog and on a dark night, they were driven on the north shore. {London Magazine for 1 756, /. 231.] In this situation they lost eight transports, and 884 men were drowned near Egg Island. After this disaster it was resolved in a council of war to abandon the enterprize, the want of knowledge of the navigation of the river being the cause, and it was ordered that advice should be sent to general Nicholson to recall him from his advance by land. On the 4 September the fleet anchored in Spanish river, (baie des Espagnols, now called Sydney harbour), in cape Breton. Here another coun- cil of war was held, and it was determined to return to Great Britain, a proposal to attack Placentia being overruled. The Feversham, of 36 guns, and three transports, were lost in the gulph of Saint Lawrence. In twenty-one days the squadron were in soundings, near the English channel. The admiral arrived at Portsmouth in his ship the Edgar, on the Qth Octo- ber. On the i6th, the Edgar, with the admiral's journals and papers, and four hundred men on board, was blown up at Portsmouth. Nicholson had marched as far as the bank of lake George to await the attack on Quebec by the other expedition, and does not seem to have gone further. Colonel Samuel 328 History of Nova-Scotia. 1711. Vetch was with the expedition, and colonel Caufield, lieuten- ant governor of Annapolis, and they obtained a detachment of 400 British troops for the garrison at Annapolis. Admiral Walker set up a cross at Spanish river, C. B., with an inscription, setting forth that he took possession of the country for the queen, dated 15 September, 1711. It is said that Paradis, an old French seaman, who was a prisoner, cau- tioned admiral Walker when he was off the Seven islands, not to venture too near the islands, but that the admiral distrusted him, and so got into danger. The expence of this expedition to Massachusetts was ^24,- ooo sterling, but Parliament paid the amount. [2 Hutch., 190, 198. Douglas Summary, p. 312.] APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXVII. (i.) From a letter of M. Pontchartrain, minister of the marine, to M. de Beauhar- nois, intendant of Rochefort : 24 December, 1710. " Since I have learned, sir, the loss we have sustained of Acadie, I " " think continually of the means of recovering this important post, before the " " English are solidly settled therein. You know that by the article of the " " preliminaries, we give up the island of Newfoundland to the English, and that " " if we do not re-capture Acadie, there will not remain for us any place by which " " we can carry on the fishery. Besides this country is so near to Canada, that " " there will be every reason to fear that it will involve eventually its loss, if the " " English retain possession." The first proposal for peace came from France to England in April, 1711. The preliminaries were signed at London 27 September, (8 October, n. s.,) following. It would seem, therefore, that the true date of M. Pontchartrain's letter was 24 December. 1711. The article he refers to is the 8th and last of the demands of Great Britain, viz : " 8. Newfoundland, the bay and streights " " of Hudson, shall be entirely restored to the English ; Great Britain and France " " shall respectively keep and possess all the countries, dominions and territories " " in North America, which each of those nations shall possess at the time that " " the ratification of this treaty shall be published in those parts of the world. " The French answer : " The discussion of this article shall be referred to the " " general conferences of the peace, provided that the liberty of fishing and dry- " " ing of codfish upon the isle ol Newfoundland be reserved to the French." History of Nova-Scotia. 329 (2.) Sir Hovenden Walker, in 1720, published a journal of his expedition of 1711, which is very full and particular. Vetch had discredited the French pilot, 8 Aug., 1711, off Canso ; and the council of war, 25 August, after the shipwreck at Egg Islands, declared their opinion that the pilots they had were ignorant of the navi- gation. [Walker's Journal, 131.] At the second council of war, at Spanish river, Sept. 8, [The same, 141, 142], the shortness of provisions was alleged as the reason for abandoning further proceedings, and going back to England. ' Capt Rouse, in the Sunderland, of 60 guns, was despatched from the fleet to Bos- ton to recall lieut. general Nicholson from his march to Canada. [The same, P- 132-] (3-) The baron St. Castin is said to have finally left America and returned to France in 1708. We may, therefore, conclude that the officer appointed by Vaudreuil to take charge of the French interest in Acadie in 1711 must have been his half- breed son, Anselme, baron St. Castin, who was married at Port Royal 31 Oct., 1707, to Charlotte d' Amours, daughter of Louis d' Amours, sieur de Chauffeurs. (4-) Philippe de Rigaud, marquis de Vaudreuil, governor and lieutenant general for the king in all New France, recites that it is for H. M. service to establish a com- mandant in all the extent of Acadie, as well over the French as over the Indians, Subercase having gone to France, and the chief business being the managing of our Indian allies, (les sauvages nos allies :) recites also the services of sieur baron de St. Castin, commandant of Pentagouet, particularly displayed in the two sieges of Port Royal in 1 707, when he received a musket wound in his thigh. He therefore appoints him lieutenant (lieutenant en pied), orders marquis d'Alogny, commandant of the troops, to recognize him as such, and M. Raudot, intendant of justice, police and finances of this country, to cause him to be paid the salary appertaining to his situation. Dated Quebec, I January, 1711. (5-) M. de Subercase wrote to the minister, Rochefort, 14 March, 1711, that part of the late garrison of Acadie were ordered to Nantes and Bayonne. That they could not be trusted, but would all or most of them desert. Wishes them to be made an example, as they had revolted in Acadie. Prays for his being tried. (6.) Sir Charles Hobby was proposed by a party in New England to be governor instead of Dudley, 1705-1708. Said to be a gay man and free liver, knighted either for courage evinced during an earthquake at Jamaica, or for money. [2 Hutch., Mass., 152, 153, 175.] Perhaps the aspersions on his character origina- ted in party slander and religious bigotry. He is even worse treated in Gra- ham's Col. History. 33O History of Nova-Scotia. 1712. CHAPTER XXXVIII. 1712. The French had built a small church or chapel at Narantsouac, (Norridgewock), on the Kinibequi river, in 1698, at which father Sebastien Rasle or Ralle was stationed as mis- sionary to the Canibas, and other adjacent Indian tribes. In 1702, colonel Hilton, with 270 men, went there in winter, and found the place deserted, when he burnt down the chapel, and some wigwams. The mission, however, was not abandoned, but Ralle was afterwards assailed in another mode. A cler- gyman from Boston was sent into his neighborhood, at the expence of the government, to establish a school for the in- struction of the Indians. He made himself intimate with the Indians questioned them on the articles of the creed which they had learned from the catholic missionary, and endeavored, by the weapons of ridicule, to shake their belief in the sacra- ments, purgatory, the invocation of saints, and other doctrines of the church of Rome. Father Ralle thought himself bound to oppose these first seeds of seduction. He wrote a very polite letter to the protestant clergyman, and pointed out to him, among other things, that his neophytes knew how to be- lieve in the truths which the catholic church teaches, but were not acquainted with disputation. That in suggesting difficul- ties to them, such as he could not suppose them able to reply to, his design apparently was that they should communicate the points in controversy to their missionary. But he availed himself with pleasure of the opportunity of a conference with a. man of ability. That he offered him the choice of a viva 1712. History of Nova-Scotia. 331 voce, or a written controversy, and meanwhile he sent him a me'moire, which he prayed him to read with attention. In this document, which was pretty voluminous, Ralle undertook to prove, by scripture, by tradition, and by theological arguments, the dogmas which the protestant clergyman had attacked with his jesting remarks. He added, in closing his letter, that if he was not satisfied with his proofs, he expected from him a precise refutation, and one based upon certain principles, and not upon vague reasoning, much less upon malicious reflec- tions and indecent satires, which did not suit their sacred pro- fession, nor comport with the importance of the matters in controversy. Two days after the protestant minister received these despatches, he left for Boston, from which place he sent Ralle an answer ; but one, as Charlevoix states, so obscure and in such unintelligible Latin, that Ralle could only understand that he complained of being unreasonably attacked that zeal for salvation alone had induced him to teach the Indians the way to heaven, and that the proofs which Ralle opposed to him were puerile and ridiculous. Ralle sent a reply at once to Boston. The minister's answer to this he only got two years after, in which Ralle was charged with ill-humor and an angry and critical disposition ; and thus their controversy ended. On the i gth August, 1712, n. s., a treaty for cessation of arms between England and France was signed at Paris, and ratified by queen Anne, at Windsor, 18 August, 1712, o. s.., (29 August, n. s.) In the further negotiations that took place, the following offer was made by the French : " His majesty offers to leave the fortifications of Placentia as " " they are, when he yields that place to England, to agree " " to the demand made of the guns of Hudson's bay ; more- " " over, to yield the islands of St. Martin and St. Bartholo- " " mew, to give up even the right of fishing and drying cod " " upon the coast of Newfoundland, if the English will give " v him back Acadie, in consideration of these new cessions " " which are proposed as an equivalent. In this case his " "majesty would consent that the river of St. George shoiUd" " be the limit of Acadie, as England desired." 332 History of Nova-Scotia. I 7 I 3- 1713. On the nth of April, 1713, (31 March, o' s.,) treaties of peace were signed at Utrecht, to which France, England, Holland, Portugal, Russia and Savoy, were parties. These treaties were formally published in Paris on the 22d of May. The 1 2th article of the treaty, made at Utrecht between Anne, the queen of Great Britain, and Louis the I4th, king of France, was as follows : " The most Christian king shall cause to be delivered to " " the queen of Great Britain, on the same day on which the " " ratifications of this treaty shall be exchanged, solemn and " " authentick letters or instruments, by virtue whereof it shall " " appear that the island of St. Christopher is to be possessed " " hereafter by British subjects only ; likewise that all Nova " " Scotia or Acadie, comprehended within its antient bounda- " " ries ; as also the city of Port Royal, now called Annapolis " " Royal, and all other things in these parts which depend on " " the said lands and islands, together with the dominion, " " property and possession of the said islands, lands and pla- " " ces, and all right whatever by treaties, or any other way " " attained, which the most Christian king, the crown of " " France, or any the subjects thereof, have hitherto had to the " " said islands, lands and places, and to the inhabitants of the " " same, are yielded and made over to the queen of Great " " Britain, and to her crown for ever ; as the most Christian " " king doth now yield and make over all the said premisses, " " and that in such ample manner and form that the subjects " " of the most Christian king shall hereafter be excluded from " " all kind of fishing in the seas, bays, and other places on the " " coasts of Nova Scotia, that is to say, on those coasts which " " lie towards the East, within thirty leagues, beginning from " " the island commonly called Sable, inclusively, and thence " " stretching along towards the South West." (The roth arti- cle gave up all Hudson's Bay to the English, and the I3th declared Newfoundland should belong wholly to Great Britain, and the French engaged to surrender Placentia, and whatever else they held in the island, to the English, within seven months from the exchange of ratifications. The French were not to fortify or build in Newfoundland, but were to be allowed 1713- History of Nova-Scotia. 333 to build stages of boards and huts for fishing and drying fish on that part of the coast which extends from cape Bonavista to the northern part of the island, and thence along the West side of it to Point Rich. (Point Rich is the north part of Ingonornachoix bay.) Cape Breton, and the other islands in the gulph of Saint Lawrence, to remain to the French, who may fortify there. In May, 1713, king Louis I4th made a formal act of cession of St. Christopher's and Nova Scotia, con- formably to the treaty. Signed by the king, and counter- signed " Phelypeaux." Letter of queen Anne. Anne R. Trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. Whereas our good brother, the most Christian king, hath, at our desire, re- leased from imprisonment on board his galleys, such of his subjects as were detained there on account of their professing the Protestant religion. We, being willing to show by some mark of our favour towards his subjects how kind we take his compliance therein, have therefore thought fit hereby to sig- nify our will and pleasure to you, that you permit such of them as have any lands or tenements in the places under your gov- ernment in Accadie and Newfoundland, that have been or are to be yielded to us by virtue of the late treaty of peace, and are willing to continue our subjects, to retain and enjoy their said lands and tenements without any molestation, as fully and freely as other our subjects do or may possess their lands or estates, or to sell the same, if they shall rather choose to remove elsewhere. And for so doing, this shall be your war- rant, and so we bid you heartily farewell. Given at our court at Kensington, the 23rd day of June, 1713, and in the I2th year of our reign. By her majesty's command, (Signed) ' DARTMOUTH.' Superscribed, To our trusty and well beloved Francis Nicholson, esquire, governor of our province of Nova Scotia or Accadia, and gen- eral and commander-in-chief of our forces, in our said province and in Newfoundland, in America. 334 History of Nova-Scotia. I 7 I 3- In a ms. memoire of n July, 1713, addressed by M. Riverin to the duke de Villiers and the marquis de Torcy, the I2th article of the treaty of Utrecht is discussed. It is there argued that Nova Scotia means the territory west of the bay of Fundy, and Acadie the peninsula lying east of it ; while the isle of Sable, named in the treaty, is considered to be, not the island usually so called, but the island of cape Sable, and the fishery forbidden to the French to be only the fishery in the bay of Fundy ; while Sable island itself is stated to belong to cape Breton, and thus to be French territory. By a similar ingen- uity of construction, the author enlarges the district of the Newfoundland shore left open to French fishery. A reference to the offer made by the French to adopt the river St. George as the boundary of Acadie, if that province were left to France, is a complete answer to all this special pleading which was the theme of the French Commissaries in 1751. Orders were sent from France to M. de Costabelle, to pre- pare for evacuating the forts of Placentia, and for transferring the inhabitants to the island of cape Breton. Difficulties arose, their fishing shallops being unfit for the passage, and the loss of their fishing season would be felt as an injury. Some persons appeared stubbornly bent on remaining there, and taking the oath to the English government. Costabelle assembled the people in presence of M. St. Ovide de Brouillan, commander of the king's ship the Semslack, and addressed them. He also sent M. du Vivier to M. Gaulin, the mission- ary, with letters to induce the Indians and French in Acadie to go to cape Breton. \Letter of Costabelle to the minister, Placentia, 18 July, 1713.] Differences of opinion existed as to the best place in cape Breton to be' fortified and occupied by the French, now that they were about to remove from Pla- centia. Joseph Guyon, a Quebec pilot of great experience, urged upon governor Costabelle that the bay of St. Anne's, in cape Breton, was the locality that combined the greatest ad- vantages. It had a narrow entrance, not much wider than the range of a musket shot, and could be easily fortified. There were very fine beaches of gravel (graves) there, and so spa- cious that thirty or forty vessels could be placed there for dry- 1713- History of Nova-Scotia. 335 ing fish. Codfish abounded there more than in any other part of the island. The whole extent of the lands there was level, and suitable for the production of all sorts of grain. That this place had been formerly inhabited by M. de Ronde Denis ; that they now gathered there a large quantity of apples from trees planted in that period. Guyon also positively stated that there were but 3 fathoms of water at high tide in the en- trance of Havre a 1' Anglois, (English harbor, now Louisbourg), and in that of the bay St. Anne 14 to 15 fathoms in coasting to the entrance, (en rangeant a 1'abord.) He represented the island of St. Peters, near the straits of Can9o, as unfit for trade as dangerous for vessels above 150 tons to enter. \Costabelles letter to the minister, 3 August, 1713.] All the navigators who seek a retreat on this coast prefer Spanish river, (baie des Espagnols, now Sydney.) \Costabelle, 10 August, 1713.] M. 1'Hermite, major and engineer, with others from Placen- tia, arrived at Havre a 1' Anglois, on the 8 August, 1713. M. de Rouville arrived there with a detachment in the 1'Amitie, commanded by M. de la Boularderie. St. Ovide, who was there, sent letters to Gaulin and to pere Felix, recollet, cure" of Mines and Beaubassin. L'Hermite says that English harbor is the worst in the island as respects wood, but good for fishery, and, except St. Anne's, the only one that can be fortified. As regards St. Anne's, he says it is near Labra- dor, (the salt water lake in cape Breton so called) ; that the fishery is two leagues distant from it. It is one of the finest harbors to be seen for wood and lands. The entrance is scarcely wider than that of Placentia. On the 7 Sept'r., 1713, there were one hundred and sixty persons in all to be fed at Havre a 1'Anglois, which caused difficulty, as rations for one hundred only had been provided. Two families of Acadie had come by the way of Canada, comprising 12 persons. L'Her- mite had been along the coast to St. Anne's, and into the Labrador. There cannot be finer woods or lands. There is also plaister and coal. He hopes the harbor in Canseau pas- sage, of which de Jeune and Baptiste spoke, will prove a good one. In that case there would be a communication between the two by the Labrador. \L'Hermite to Costabelle, 7 and 9 336 History of Nova-Scotia. Sept., 1713.] M. de la Ronde Denis, captain of infantry, arri- ved at Havre a 1'Anglois. He calls it a fine harbor, easily fortified, which may hold over 100 vessels of all sizes. The fishery there is abundant. He says St. Anne's is four leagues from Niganiche, and the same distance from Spanish bay. English harbor, he says, will be expensive, as all materials for fortifying it must be brought from a great distance. St. Anne's is a harbor 100,000 times finer. It may be rendered impreg- nable more easily with 50,000 livres, ($10,000), than English Harbor with 100,000 e"cus, ($100,000.) He praises the woods at St. Anne's, as containing all kinds of fine timber. " An " " old Indian named Prague told us he had seen very fine " " wheat there. We believed him readily, as we had seen vesti- " " ges of the furrows of the plough." M. Gaulin wrote from Beau- bassin 26 August, 1713, in answer to letters he had received from M. du Vivier, that he could not answer for the inhabi- tants, but he would do his best to induce them to go to cape Breton. He thinks he is more sure of influencing the Indians. (The names of places are spelt as in the authors and mss. cited.) APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XXXVIII. Letter from Felix Paim, missionary, Recollet, to M. de Costabelle. (Translation.) Aux Mines, 23 Sept., 1713. A summary of what the inhabitants have answered me : " It would be to expose us manifestly (they say) to die of hunger, burthened as 1 we are with large families, to quit the dwelling places and clearances from ' which we derive our usual subsistence, without any other resource, to take ' rough, new lands, from which the standing wood must be removed, without any 1 advances or assistance. One-fourth of our population consists of aged persons, ' unfit for the labor of breaking up new lands, and who, with great exertion, are ' able to cultivate the cleared ground which supplies subsistence for them and ' their families. Finally, we shall answer for ourselves and for the absent, that ' we will never take the oath of fidelity to the queen of Great Britain, to the pre- ' judice of what we owe to our king, to our country and to our religion ; and that ' if any attempt were made against one or the other of these two articles of our History of Nova-Scotia. 337 " fidelity, that is to say, to our king and to our law, that in that case we are ready " to quit all, rather than to violate, in the least thing, one of those articles. " Besides we do not yet know in what manner the English will use us. If they " burthen us in respect of our religion, or cut up our settlements to divide the " lands with people of their nations, we will abandon them absolutely. We " know, further, from the exact visit we have made, that there are no lands in " the whole island of cape Breton which would be suitable for the maintenance of " our families, since there are not meadows sufficient to nourish our cattle, from " which we draw our principal subsistence. The Indians say, that to shut them " up in the island of cape Breton would be to damage their liberty, and that it " would be a thing inconsistent with their natural freedom and the means of pro- " viding for their subsistence. That with regard to their attachment to the king " and to the French, that it is inviolable ; and if the queen of England had the " meadows of Acadie, by the cession made by his majesty of them, they, the " Indians, had the woods, out of which no one could ever dislodge them ; and " that so they wished each to remain at their posts, promising, nevertheless, to " be always faithful to the French, and to give them the preference in the trading " for furs. In the colonies of Port Royal, Mines, Piggiguit, Coppeguit and " Beaubassin, 6000 souls would have to be removed." (2.) M. de Costabelle having received reports from St. Ovide de Brouillan and! major 1'Hermite, on the proposed establishment in cape Breton, concludes in favor of St. Anne's. He thinks cape Breton is a gain to France in yielding up Newfoundland, and he recommends that St. Anne's and the little island in Canso Strait should both be fortified. Considers that the fishery is not to be the exclu- sive object of attention, but that the arts, agriculture and commerce, should be attended to. [Costabelle to the minister, Placentia, 27 Sept., 1713.] Costabelle wishes that idlers and cabaretiers should not go from Placentia to the island of cape Breton. He recommended caution in giving grants to those only who are in a position to improve the land. He was of opinion that the Indians can only be retained by presents. " Point d'argent, point de Suisse." " It is to be observed, that the missionaries very often misuse the gratuitous " gifts which the king sends them ; and very far from distributing them to the " Indians, they take the price of them from the Indians in furs, and thus turn " them into a trade in place of a bounty. This has been reported to me on the " subject of all I had sent to sieur Gaulin, in Acadie, and which I shall examine " into on my arrival in the island of cape Breton.'' [Costabelle to the minister, Placentia, 24 Oct., 1713.] Rouville asks for a grant of Niganiche. Says he has a father 73 years old, and eight brothers now in the service, besides two killed. [Letter from cape Breton to the minister, dated 18 Oct., 1713.] M. de Vaudreuil recommended St. Anne's, port Dauphin, in a letter to the minister of 14 Novem- ber, 1713. St. Castin gives up his views of family property in France to go to Panamske and Narantsouak. 29 Oct., St. Ovide left for France, without inform- ing M. de Costabelle. 20 November, 1713, an English 2O-gun frigate arrived at Placentia, six weeks from Portsmouth. She brought a package of letters from the English court, addressed to colonel Moody, governor of Placentia. The colonel had not then arrived there. 22 338 History of Nova-Scotia. Costabelle was much vexed with M. Gaulin. He says to the minister : " The " " said sieur Gaulin diverges a little from the language of the apostles. He fears " " to fall with his people into the deserts of Egypt, and with a style which savors " " a little of rebellion, or at least of the language of the nations to which he " " preaches the gospel. The substance of his letter contains, that if he had con- " " ducted to cape Breton all the French families that would accompany him, " " they would be dead there of hunger, in place of finding there all the succor I " " had led them to hope for from government ; and that it does not become one " " to employ missionaries for those kinds of business, especially where there is " " an intention to biass them, and that he is not accustomed to have two words, " " and to pass for a liar. These are his expressions, continuing that he bids me " " to pay attention to them ; and that after what he sees, he will not proceed fur- " " ther, as also his inhabitants will not go out until they see an assured succor, " " and one more certain than what I have given to those who have removed " " thither, without which they will remain on their lands with the English, who " " allure them as much as they can. That is to say, my lord, that without " " money one can expect nothing from the good will of these people, who will be " " always much disposed to go back into foreign territory, on the smallest dis- " ' content, than to be subjected to the nation from which they draw their origin, " " which they have for the most part forgotten. If your Excellency would refer " " it to me to remove all these difficulties, I should not give them a sous, and " " should allow them to act with their own free will in coming or not coming to the " " island of Cape Breton." He thinks they are half Indians in disposition, and that they could never be relied on ; and thinks it would be better to buy slaves. [Costabelle to the minister, Placentia, 30 Nov., 1713.] (3-) La Ronde Denys to the minister, 1713. Ms. He says the island of cape Breton is full of good harbors, which he describes one by one. Port Sainte Anne, he says, is, without contradiction, the finest har- bor in the world. It would cost only half the expence to make the fortifications there that it would at port 1'Anglois, as the materials are at hand. " My decea- " " sed grandfather Denis had a fort there, the vestiges of which are yet to be seen, " " and the Indians tell us that he raised the finest grain in the world there, and " " we have likewise seen the fields which he used to till ; and there are to be " " seen there very fine apple trees, from which we have eaten very good fruit " " for the season. I have another favor to ask of you my lord, which will be to " " obtain me a grant of the river de Moulacadie. It is the first river in entering " " the lake Choulacadie, on the right hand. It is a thing which I may well " " hope from your Excellency, in consideration of the expences which my decea- " " sed grandfather was at in the island of cape Breton, when his Majesty made " " him a grant" (of it.) There are several inhabitants of Acadie, and of Canada, " " who have given me their promise to come and settle on that river. We " " see by experience, my lord, that New England, which is not worth a tenth " " part of cape Breton, how that colony flourishes ; for I know of certain know- " " ledge that there is built in the country of Boston, every year, more than 1500 " " vessels, from 15 tons up to 800 tons burthen. One sees, my lord, there is " " nothing to hinder our doing the same thing. We are deficient in nothing " History of Nova-Scotia. 339 ** required, for we have the wood, the tar, the coal, and the masting, and even- " *' tually hemp will be common there to make cordage and sails. - 1 can " *' assure your Excellency that I have a perfect acquaintance with these coun- " *' tries as well as with that of New England, in which there are things to follow " " to settle a colony welL" " The sole inconvemence of the port of Sainte Anne, called also Port Dau- " *' phin, which every one admits to be one of the finest in the new world, is that " <( it is not easy to make it, (pas facile a aborder.) This sole inconvenience, " " after much irresolution and many steps taken, at one time the port of Sainte " *' Anne, and another the Havre a 1'Anglois, (called Louisbourg), and the facility " *' of entering the latter obtained it the preference ; and nothing has been spared " *' to render it commodious and impregnable. The town is built on a tongue of " *' land, which closes the entrance of the port. M. de Costabelle, who had lost " " his government of Placentia, was entrusted with that of the new colony, and " ** M. de Saint Ovide, his lieutenant du Roi, has succeeded him." [4 Charlevoix, 144, 145. Ering the inhabitants to take the oath to the government ; but on gov- ernor Philipps returning some years after, these inhabitants complaining that this oath had been extorted by undue means, his Excellency brought them at last to take it willingly, and the same was tendered, and taken, in general, by all the 372 History of Nova-Scotia. men of competent age, in all the settlements of this Province : the tenor of this- oath is inserted in the papers inclosed. The word true being interpreted fidele, has made it to be called the oath of fidelity." " The French inhabitants intended to have a clause, not to be obliged to take up arms against the French, which, though not inserted, they have always stood was promised to them ; and I have heard it owned by those who were at Minas when the oath was administered at that place, that such a promise was given. Their plea with the French, who pressed them to take up arms, was their oath, their living easy under the government, and their having no complaint to make against it" "To keep up some form of government among the French inhabitants, governor Philips ordered them to choose a certain number amongst them, under the name of deputies, to act in behalf of the people, in publishing his orders, and making applications when their occasions should require ; which was accordingly obeyed. This river, divided into eight districts or hamlets, has eight deputies ; the other settlements, mostly, four each ; in all I reckon twenty-four. They are every year newly chosen on the tenth of October, the anniversary of the king's coronation, and of the taking of this fort. They are invested with no judiciary power, but are appointed often as arbitrators in small cases, where, if any of the parties are not satisfied, appeal is made to the governor or commander-in-chief, and council." 1720. History of Nova-Scotia. 373 CHAPTER XLIII. THE governor and council at Annapolis sent a vessel over to St. John to bring the Indian chiefs of that place. Nine of them came across in the vessel ; and having been entertained and addressed, and presents made to them, they made an answer, put in writing by their interpreter. This was laid before the council by his Excellency, 26 July, and a reply pre- pared in the governor's name, by a committee, viz., lieutenant governor Doucett, majors Armstrong and Mascarene, and Mr. John Adams. The following are extracts from this document, which is written in French in the mss. book of the govern- ment : " My children." " I assure you, that if any of those who " " are under my command do any injustice or insult to any of" " you, I will punish them severely, and I expect you will do " " the same on your part. As regards the French inha- " " bitants, as long as they shall comport themselves with " " fidelity towards king George and shall become his subjects, " 41 they shall enjoy their own religion and their possessions, " " and shall have the same privileges as the natural subjects " " of the king, and by this means they will render themselves " " entirely happy. But if they refuse their allegiance to the " " king, and continue, by their false and odious representations " " of the English, to alienate the affections and the duty of " " the good savages of the crown of Great Britain, the king " 41 will not permit them to reside much longer in this country. " " I hope that you are satisfied with your reception. " 41 Make known to your neighbors of Passamaquoddi that I " 374 History of Nova-Scotia. 1720. " shall be glad to see two or three of their chiefs here, for, &c. " ' I am sorry I have not better presents to make you just " " now, but I expect by the next large ship the king's pre- " " sents for you and for the rest of the savages, &c." " The vessel is ready to take you back, and the tide is " " about to serve soon. I have ordered provisions to be put " " on board for you, with some wine and brandy. I wish you " " a good voyage." R. PHILIPPS. Annapolis Royal, 27 Juillet, 1720. 29 July, 1720, the governor wrote to the inhabitants of Annapolis river, granting their request to have a missionary among them, " provided he be a man of peace, good life and " " probity, and does not meddle with any business, except the " " affairs of religion appertaining to his ministry." He refers to the wilful desertion of pere Justinien. It seems that in 1718, the British man-of-war Squirrel, capt. Smart, had made an attack on some French at Canso, and seized, among others, some of the chief officers of cape Breton. These, it was said, incited the Indians to revenge their losses, and on the 7-18 August, 1720, a party of Eastern Indians attacked the English at Canso, whither the New England people resorted in summer to carry on the fishery. The Indians surprised the English in their beds, and stripped them of every thing, telling them they came to carry away what they could find upon their own land. Three or four of the English were killed. Some of the French of cape Breton were in their confederacy, and came with their vessels the next night and carried off the plunder, together with about two thousand quintals of fish. The English vessels in the harbor were not attempted. A sloop happening to arrive the next day, the master offered his service to go out and make reprisals, and being furnished with a number of men, and two or three small vessels for his consorts ; for want of more ample authority, he took a commission from one Thomas Richards, a Canso justice, and went after the French, and soon brought in six or seven small fishing vessels, having all 1720. History of Nova-Scotia. 375 more or less of the English property on board. It appears by the letters of governor Philipps to the secretary of State, that on the 7-18 August, 1720, the Indians surprized the fishermen at Can so in the dead of night, and drove them off their stages into their boats. Their fish and merchandize were left to the pillage of the French, who lay ready for that end. Mascarene says the Indians took the goods and the French took the fish. This, the Indians stated, was done in reprisal for what was taken from the French by captain Smart. The fishermen held a council the next morning, and concluded to send a sloop (with Henshaw) to cape Breton, to seek for redress, but not finding it to their satisfaction, they sent to governor Philipps in a vessel for relief. The governor supplied and despatched him with arms, ammunition and provisions, and would have given him an officer with a detachment of the garrison ; but Henshaw thought there would be no occasion. Mr. Henshaw, of Boston, a principal merchant of Canso, went to Louisbourg with a complaint to the French governor, who excused himself from intermeddling, the Indians not being French subjects, nor under his control. The French prison- ers were sent to Annapolis Royal. The loss sustained by the English was estimated at ,20,000 currency. [2 Hutch., Mass., 240.] About this time, the Indians in the Eastern parts of Massachusetts killed the cattle of the settlers and alarmed the people with their threats. Father Ralle (or Rasle) at Nor- ridgewock, was supposed to have incited them to this conduct. \IbidemI\ On the 24 Augt, (4 Sept., n. s.,) Michael Richards, alias le Fund, Prudent Robichaux, junior, and Chas. Boudroit, who brought the news of the disaster at Canso, were examined on oath before the council. " In council, 27 Augt. (7 Sept., " " n. s.,) Jeanice Souhare, Martin de Molue, belonging to cap- " " tain Philibert d'Habilene, commander of a French ship at" " Nirichau (Arichat ?) Jannice de Coudes, (Candos), belong- " " ing to Nicholas Petitpas, fishing at petit de Gratz, Martin " " Dixipase, (Dixipare), belonging to Martin de la Borde, " " fishing at petit de Gratz, Francois Pitrel, belonging to " " John Harenbourg, fishing at the said place, five French " " prisoners, who were taken a robbing the English at Cansoe, ' 376 History of Nova-Scotia. 1720. " were sent for in before the board and examined. They all " " declared they were commanded by their masters to do what " " they did." \Council records :] The prisoners were brought to Annapolis by captain John Henshaw, of Cansoe, who, on 29 August, o. s., was made a justice of peace and captain of militia at that place. Letter of governor Philipps to M. St. Ovide, 10 Augt, 1720, (in French) : " Sir." " The bearers of this go with my permission and " "my passport to cape Breton, to seek a priest, in place of" " the one who has quitted them ; and I take the opportunity " " at the same time of answering that which you wrote me " " from port Tholouse," (St. Peter's), " of the 7th of last month. " " It appears to me from some passages in your letter, that " " you take the proclamation, which I published on my arrival " " here to the inhabitants of this province, for a pure act of " " my will, without the knowledge of the king, my master. " " If this is your thought, I can assure you that you are " " deceived, and that I know my duty too well to make use of" " his majesty's name, without having his authority for it as " " my warrant ; and you may reckon that each article of this " " proclamation is in conformity with and contained in my " " instructions, So I am entirely easy upon this head, having " " nothing to apprehend in all that takes place on this subject, " " but for my having enlarged the time beyond what my " " orders empowered me to do. As to what regards the pro- " " ceeding of the king in their case, it is sufficiently justified " " by the articles of the treaty of Utrecht. It is not denied " " that queen Anne granted to these inhabitants, as well as to " " those of Placentia, the liberty of which you make mention, " " whereof the one profited in retiring within the limited time, " " but of which the others have (with justice) lost the ad van- " " tage by their negligence or presumption. Your commis- " " sioners, even, who came here in the time of general Nichol- " " son, agreed that there was but one year's grace, and only " " disputed whether its commencement was to be reckoned " " from the date of the said treaty, or from the time when the " 1720. History of Nova-Scotia. 377 " inhabitants were assembled here to be instructed as to this " " favor. Since that time they have not been hindered from " " withdrawing. Many of them went from here, and sold their " " possessions, according to the queen's intention. But you " " must admit that there is a great difference of time between " " one and seven years, that they have remained in his majes- " " ty's dominions, in the full enjoyment of their property, " " until they have begun to think that they have more right " ' than his majesty himself. So you ought not to be surprized " " if his majesty at this time thinks fit, for the safety of his " " dominions, to summon them in this manner, requiring " " allegiance of them, if they continue in this country, on con- " " ditions the most advantageous they could possibly expect " " or wish for, or to go out of this country, without having any " " regard to them." He then demands justice in the case of one Maurice Vigneau, who took up on credit 6. 95. 6d., and went off fishing, but withdrew to cape Breton, without paying his cre- ditors. He refers to the alliance of the two crowns, and says his orders are to cultivate friendship with the French govern- ment. Mr. John Broadstreet, a young gentleman volunteer, who had been sent to Mines to prevent the trade in cattle they carried on with Louisbourg, and whom the governor had recommended for an ensigncy, returned early in September to Annapolis, with information that Mr. John Alden had been robbed of his goods at Mines by a party of Indians, eleven in all, of whom five were small boys, in the presence of the inha- bitants who were lookers on, and appeared to consent to the deed. The governor, on this, wrote to the four deputies of Mines, expressing his surprize and indignation. He tells them that it is ridiculous for them to allege fear of a handful of savages. He requires them to call the Indians to account for this affair, and afterwards to come to him and report in person on it. It appeared that the order in council respecting grain, requiring it to be brought to Annapolis, had created discontent among the masters of vessels ; and the governor having no funds for carrying on the magazine for grain, the 378 History of Nova-Scotia. 1720. regulation seems to have been abandoned. An order passed to regulate parties for hunting across the bay of Fundy. Chiefs of parties or gangs were to give the governor security to carry away no passengers or effects, nor more provisions than would serve them for the trip, nor to outstay the time limited in their pass. (Mr. Arthur Savage was, in May, 1729, appointed marshal of the court of vice admiralty in Rhode Island, probably the same who was member of council, naval officer and secretary at Annapolis, N. S., in 1 720. See Rhode Island documents?) At this time the French inhabitants persisted in refu- sing to take the oath of allegiance, looking upon them- selves as the indispensable liege subjects of France by the engagements they had laid themselves under, and from which their priests told them they could not be absolved. They went on building and improving, seeming to have no thoughts of going away. They acted on a contempt of the garrison on a reliance upon their own numbers and Indian aid. The governor and council at Annapolis Royal recom- mended that 600 additional soldiers should be sent out that 200 men should be employed to fortify Canso, and 100 of them left there as a garrison, and that 400 should be sent to fortify Mines, part of whom should be thereafter detached to Chignecto. They state that the French sent out four ships this summer, two of which arrived at the island of St. John, where the French intend to settle and build a fort. They recommend permanent garrisons at Mines and Chignecto, of 150 men at each place. That 200 men should be sent to form a settlement on the East coast, at Port Razoir, Laheve, Mar- ligash, or Chebucto. That the troops should leave Great Britain in March ; and they further propose that a ship of war and two sloops of 50 tons each be employed on the station. {Letters 0/27 Sept., 1720.] Governor Philipps sent his major, Armstrong, along with Mr. Henshaw, with copies of the ex- aminations of the five French prisoners to cape Breton, there to demand satisfaction and restitution for the fish and goods taken, and the three British subjects killed at Canso. In October, some charge of indiscreet language, reflecting on 1720. History of Nova-Scotia. 379 governor Philipps' administration, was brought by the gover- nor before the council against Mr. William Winniett, who was arrested in consequence ; but on his subsequently writing a " letter of submission," the proceedings against him were abandoned. At this time, governor Philipps says of the Indians, " I have taken particular care to treat them in the " " civillest manner that any governor yet has done. There " " has scarce past a week since I am here but some of them " " have been with me, whome I have never failed to assure of" " his majesty's good will and protection, and required them " " to acquaint all their nation therewith, and that I expected " "considerable presents for them from the king in token of" " his affection. At the same time, I never dismissed them " " without presents, (which they always expect), for which I " " am out of pocket about a hundred and fifty pounds. But I " " am convinced that a hundred thousand will not buy them " " from the French interest while the priests are among them, " " who, having got in with them by the way of religion, and " " brought them to regular confession twice a-year, they " " assemble punctually at those times, and receive their abso- " " lution conditionally that they be alwayes enemyes to the " " English." He had, by the advice of the council, " sent for " " the chiefs of the St. John river Indians," (Malicites), " who " " came accordingly." He says : " In my humble opinion, " " the man-of-war upon the station of New England should " " have attended the ffishery at Cansoe in the season, accord- " " ing to the orders that were sent upon my application, when " " at London ; but why shee has layne all this summer in " " Boston harbour I can't guess, unless she has waited for the " " reliefe that is said to be coming. It is certaine that had" " she been at Cansoe, that loss to the king's subjects had not " " happened. Some of the Indian robbers who returned " " from Cansoe to Manis, to the number of eleven, finding a " " New England trading sloop there belonging to Mr. John " " Alden, and being flushed with their former success and " " applauded by the priests, they plunder'd her also, at the " " very doors of the inhabitants, who lookt on without restrain- " " ing those wretches, under the sham pretence of being afraid ' 380 History of Nova-Scotia. 1720. " of provoking them. This has been, hitherto, no more " " than a mock government, its authority having never yet " " extended beyond cannon reach of this ffort." He sends home a census of the population and description of the settle- ments. He says : " It would be more for the honour of the " " crowne, (I speake it with humble submission), and proffit " " also, to give back the country to the ffrench, than be con- " " tented with the name only of government, and the charge " " that attends it, whilst they bare the rule and make it sub- " " servient to the support of their settlement at cape Breton, " " which could ill subsist without the graine and the cattle " " they fetch from Manis." This autumn, at the request of the persons engaged in the fishery at Canso, the government sent a detachment of a company of soldiers there, under command of major Armstrong. They were to take possession of the small fort which the* fishermen were erecting, and defend the place till spring, when the people would return to fish. Armstrong was empowered to allot the ground and beaches for fishery, gardens, Sic. Lieutenant Jephson and his children were sent with them. They were sent part in the sloop from Canso, and the rest in a schooner. The detachment sent in the sloop were shipwrecked, and saved on Grand Manan, and afterwards taken off in captain Boudre's sloop, and got to Canso. The trade of Annapolis Royal at this time was carried on by four or five sloops from Boston, who commonly made three voyages in the season, bringing some woollen manufactures of Great Britain, but mostly West Indian products. These they exchanged for furs and feathers, to the value of ; 10,000 yearly, without paying duties outward or inward. The collec- tor was a diligent officer, but his salary was small, and he had not a shallop at his command, or any allowance for extraordi- nary disbursements. The expence of fortifications required was estimated at ^3000. [Philips to secy, of State, 24 Nov., 1720.3 The governor thought two regiments not too many " for the defence of a frontier country, larger in extent than " " New England and New York together," when also the inha- bitants and the Indians are hostile. History of Nova-Scotia. 381 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XLIII. (i.) Mr. Broadstreet was sent to Mines as deputy collector and preventive officer, to observe the trade and correspondence the people there carried on with Cape Breton. The inhabitants told him that he could not be protected there, and therefore it was necessary, for his safety, to return. He requested a guide to conduct him back to Annapolis through the woods, writing to the deputy to that effect, but not able to obtain one, he ventured alone. (2.) " I am upon as good terms with these last" (the Indians) " as it is possible " " for an English governor to be, excepting a few Banditti without a head, who " " inhabit about Minas and Chignecto, and have been the actors in the late mis- " " chiefs ; but they and their actors have been disowned and disapproved by the " " rest. Yet, the rest among them will promiss to live peaceable with us, but " " conditionally, while the allyance subsists between the two crownes." [Letter of Gov. Philipps.} The lords of Trade write to governor Philipps, 28 Dec'r., 1720 : They had fully represented to the late lords Justices the substance of his for- mer letters. They have recommended additional troops to be sent to Nova Scotia, and that a man-of-war should be allowed to attend the colony, or that the governor should be allowed to hire a sloop for defence, and to prevent illicit trade ; on all which his majesty's directions would be given. The details he has written of the affairs of his government are very acceptable, and he is recommen- ded to continue to give particulars by each opportunity " with regard to the " " province itself, and its neighbours, whether foreigners, Indians, or H. M. " " subjects." As the French inhabitants seem likely never to become good subjects while the French governors and their priests retain so great an influence over them, " for which reason, we are of opinion, they ought to be removed as soon as the " 41 Forces which we have proposed to be sent to you shall arrive in Nova Scotia " " for the protection and settlement of your province ; but you are not to attempt " " their removal without his majesty's positive orders for that purpose. You " " will do well in the meanwhile to continue the same prudent and cautious con- " " duct towards them, to endeavor to undeceive them concerning the exercise of" " their religion, which will doubtless be allowed them, if it should be thought " 41 proper to let them stay where they are. The presents for the Indians, " " we hear, have been ordered some while since, of which your agent will give " " you the necessary advices." They thank him for his statement of the trade of the Province ; but say, that it cannot be put right until the forces are sent out, when they will do all they can to prevent illegal traffic. 382 History of Nova-Scotia. 1720. (4.) Governor Philipps, referring to the French settlements, says : " By -which " " the English colonys will be environed from Mississippi to Cape Breton" (5-) The count St. Pierre, premier ecuyer de madame la duchesse d'Orleans, was at the head of a company formed in 1719 to settle the island of St. John, (now Prince Edward Island), and obtained a grant, dated in August, 1719, of the islands of St. John and Miscou, in franc aleu noble, without judicial powers, which the king reserved to himself, subject to faith and homage to the French crown at the chateau of Louysbourg, without rent, for the establishment of a shore fishery of codfish ; and in January, 1 720, he obtained a similar grant of the Magdalen islands. [4 Charlevoix, 148.] On receiving these grants, the count entered into a treaty of association with M. M. Farges and Moras. St. Pierre reserved to himself the seigneurie, as far as its honors are concerned ; also 1000 arpens of land in St. John island, and as many in the island of Miscou, with the right to build a tower or castle there as a mark of seigneurie. The remaining property under the grants was to be con- sidered as divided into 24 equal parts ; of which, 3 were to belong to the count, 12 to de Farges, and 6 to de Moras, and their advances and interest in the com- pany to be in the same proportions. This partnership was to continue for 29 years, beginning i January, 1720, at the end of which time, if the partners or their heirs did not renew it, a division of property should take place, comprising the islands, rt|nts, lands and houses, (not deeded to settlers.) St. Pierre to take 1-4, Farges 1-2, and Moras 1-4, In October, 1722, the count found he could no longer contribute his quota of funds to the company, and Farges and Moras undertook to go on without his help ; but on this account, the Count reduced his interests thus : Of the 24 equal parts, he was to have but 4 clear, de Farges 13 1-3, and Moras 6 2-3. The count and his partners expended over 1,200,000 livres. In 1727, the king revoked the exclusive privileges of fishery given over the islands in these two grants. In 1730 the king re-united to his domain the islands he had granted to the count. M. de Crevecour, son of St. Pierre, peti- tioned the count de Maurepas for compensation under these circumstances. [Paris mss.~\ (6.) Alden stated afterwards in council, that he could not say any of the French had induced the Indians to rob him.'nor had they assisted therein, although they had bought the goods from the robbers at low prices, and that they apparently spoke in his favor ; but he believed if they had given the least active assistance, the pillage would have been prevented. (7-) Letter from St. Ovide and Demery to Gov. Philipps, from Louisboitrg, 27 Sep- tember, 1 720. Monsieur. Nous avons re9U par Mr. Armistron, (Armstrong), major de votre regiment, la lettre que vous nous avez fait 1'honneur de nous ecrire au sujet du traitement qu'ont commis les sauvages aux Anglais a Camceaux. II nous parait History of Nova-Scotia. 383 que les capitaines Anglais qui vinrent ici apporter les premieres nouvelles. vous ont rendu un compte peu juste de 1'attention que nous fimes a leurs plaintes ; nous ne croyons pas pouvoir en donner une meilleure preuve que les assurances que nous leur donnames que nous allions depecher, comme il a etc fait, des offi- ciers avec un detachement pour se rendre sur les lieux, aim de dissiper et chasser, autant qu'il serait en leur pouvoir les sauvages, et meme de leur faire rendre ce qu'ils avoient pille ; que s'il se trouvait des Francois meWs dans cette affaire, de les saisir afin de les faire punir et faire rendre tout ce qu'ils avoient pris sur les dits Anglais ; qu'aurions nous pu faire de plus, monsieur, si les sauvages avoient commis cette action envers les sujets du Roi Tres Christian notre maitre ? A 1'egard des Francois pris par les Anglois, en enlevant leurs morues, et dont il y en a quelques-uns que vous detenez au Port Royal comme prison- niers, la declaration que vous leur avez fait faire doit paroitre un peu suspecte, car quand il serait vrai, ce que nous savons positivement qu'il n'est point, qu'il y cut eu quelques Fra^ois assez mal intentionnes pour induire les sauvages a commettre une si mauvaise action, ce secret n'auroit jamais etc confie a des simples matelots-pecheurs, a qui Ton fait toujours dire ce que Ton veut ; au sur- plus par 1'examen particulier qui sera fait de cette affaire, et qui sera envoye a la cour, s'il est verifie que les Fra^ois avaient en part, nous sommes persuades que la couronne de France rendra a cette d'Angleterre la justice qu'elle pourra sou- haiter. Vous nous marquez, monsieur, qu'il vous a etc rapporte par deux sau- vages, que Ton avoit parle de cette affaire en ce port trois mois devant qu'elle cut etc executee, et que c'etait M. de St. Ovide qui faisait agir les Sauvages. Ce soup9on mal fonde fait peu d'impression a M. de St. Ovide, et ne peut entrer que dans des esprits aussi barbares que ceux des Sauvages : meme en verite, il est surpris avec raison que vous ayez pu faire mention dans votre lettre d'une idee aussi peu convenable au caractere qu'il remplit ici ; au reste, s'il est vrai que ces bruits qui ne sont pas venues jusqu' a nous aient couru, il se peut faire qu'ils n'aient point en d'autre cause, que la grande union et liaison que les Sau- vages ont avec les peuples de 1'Acadie, qui se sont trouves allarmes (des ordres) pressants que vous leur avez donnes. Nous aurions du nous attendre que vous auriez remis a M. Amstron, porteur de vos ordres les 5 Franfois que vous detenez au Port Royal ; puisque vous deviez etre persuade que la Cour de France rendrait sur cela une justice exacte, ainsi, monsieur, nous uous prions de vouloir bien vous la renvoyer, executant de notre c6te tout ce que les sujefs du Roi d'Angleterre nous ont demande. Au surplus, par la justice prompte que nous rendons a ce sujet, et les ordres qui ont etc" donnes a M. de Pensens, qui a etc envoye sur les lieux a cet effet, et dont M. Armstron est porteur, vous verrez et vous devrez e'tre convaincu, Mon- sieur, de 1'attachement que nous avons a conserver la paix et 1'union qui est entre les deux Couronnes et entretenir avec vous en particulier 1'aimable correspon- dance qui nous est ordonne"e. A 1'egard des missionaires, qui ont pu faire quelques mouvements, ils ne doi- vent vous donner aucun ombrage, n'ayant d'autre objet qui les affaires de la religion, et les comptes qu'ils sont obliges de rendre a leurs superieurs dont nous ne sommes point ignorants. Nous vous sommes bien obliges, monsieur, pour 1'attention que vous avez bien voulu avoir de nous envoyer monsieur Armstron, major de votre regiment pour 384 History of Nova-Scotia. 1720. traiter cette affaire ; vous ne pouvez pas le mettre entre les mains d'un officier plus prudent et plus capable. Nous avons 1'honneur d'etre tres parfaitement, monsieur, vos tres humbles et tres obeissants serviteurs, ST. OVIDE DE BROUILLAN. D EMERY. A Louisbourg, ce 27 September, 1720. Sir. We received by Mr. Armstrong, major of your regiment, the letter you did us the honor to write on the subject of the ill-treatment the English at Can- ceaux received from the Indians. It appears to us that the English captains who came here first with the news, have not done justice in what they told you of the attention we paid to their complaints. We do not think we can give a better proof of it than the assurances we gave them that we were about to dis- patch (as we did) officers with a detachment to the spot, to disperse and drive off the Indians, as far as they could be able, and also to compel them to surrender their plunder ; and if any French were found to have meddled in the affair, to seize them, that they might be punished, and made to give up whatever they might have taken from the English. What more could we have done, sir, if the Indians had committed this offence against the subjects of the most Christian king, our master ? As regards the Frenchmen taken by the English while carrying off their cod- fish, (some of whom you detain prisoners at Port Royal), the declaration you have obtained from them seems open to suspicion ; for even if it were true (which we positively know it is not) that there had been some Frenchmen evil disposed enough to induce the Indians to commit so bad an action, this secret would never have been confided to simple sailor fishermen, who can be always made say whatever is desired. A close inquiry will be made into this business, and the particulars reported to our court ; and if it is clear that Frenchmen have been concerned, the French crown will render full justice to the British. You observe, sir, that you have been told by two Indians that this affair was spoken of here three months before it was put in execution, and that it was M. St Ovide who caused the Indians to act. A suspicion so ill founded makes little impression on M. de St. Ovide, and cannot enter minds which are not as barba- rian as those of the Indians. In truth he is, with reason, surprized that you have noticed in your letter an idea so little suitable to the character he sustains here. Besides, if it is true that these reports (which we have not heard of) have reached you, it may be that they had no other cause than the great union and connection which subsists between the Indians and the people of Acadie, who are alarmed at the urgent orders you have issued concerning them. We should have expected that with M. Armstrong the bearer of your orders you would have sent us the five Frenchmen you detained at Port Royal, as you ought to be persuaded that the court of France would perform exactly what jus- tice dictates in this business ; so we pray you, sir, to have the goodness to send them back to us, we being ready to comply with all the requests made by the subjects of Ihe king of England. Besides, by the prompt justice we have done on this subject, and the orders given to M. de Pensens, who was sent to the spot for the purpose, and of which Mr. Armstrong has a copy with him, you will see, and you ought to be convinced, sir, of the attachment that we have to preserve History of Nova-Scotia. 385 peace and union between the two crowns, and to keep up a kindly intercourse with you, as we are directed to do. As to the movements of the missionaries, you should not take offence, as they are connected with religious matters alone, and the reports they are bound to make to their superiors, as we are well aware. We, sir, are much obliged for your attention in sending Mr. Armstrong, major of your regiment, to treat on this business. You could not place it in the hands of a more prudent and capable officer. We have the honor to be, Very perfectly, sir, Your very humble and Most obedient servants, ST. OVIDE DE BROUILLAN. DEMERY. Louisbourg, 27 September, 1720. 386 History of Nova-Scotia. 1721, CHAPTER XLIV. 1721. Major Armstrong applied for and obtained six months leave of absence, on the ground of ill health, to go to Great Britain. Governor Philipps stated to the secretary at war that Armstrong had " never mentioned one word of this to " " me, nor am I sensible of any sickness he has had since he " " left England, unless the toothache be called so." Says he has never yet had officers enough to compose a general court martial ; deprecates the leave granted as an infringement of his authority, and requests it may be recalled. He writes to Mr. Popple, secretary of the Board of Trade, that the French had been urging the Indians to make war, but as the French could not openly join them, the Indians refused to act. They were told that the young king of France was crowned the Regent out of power, and the peace between the two crowns about dissolving. He says : " I humbly conceive their lord- " " shipps may be under some mistake in settling the western " " bounds of this province at the river St. Croix, whereas cap- " " tain Southack's mapp layes it down at Kennebec river ; " " and the late governor Subercase held the government in " ' that extent, as appears by the preamble to all the passports. " " It seems more likely that that river, or the next to it, " " Penobscot, were designed for the bounds of this province, " " in reguard they run quite through the country, whereas " " St. Croix has its rise not far from the coast." The inhabitants of Mines sent Philip Melanson and Antoine Landrie to Annapolis, with letters on the subject of the pillage vof Alden's vessel. Their conduct was deemed evasive, and 1721. History of Nova-Scotia. 387 written statements were sent them by Mr. William Winniett, in March, 1720-1, demanding full restitution, and requiring that their deputies, and their priest, father Felix, should wait on his Excellency with a full submission in writing. Mr. Armstrong, who commanded the detachment at Canso, feeling some apprehensions of an attack by the Indians, who had assembled at Artigonish, sent the sloop Charlemont, com- manded by Mr. Peter Boudre, express to Annapolis, requesting stores of war, &c. Governor Philipps replies 4 April, 1721. He concludes the meeting of the Indians " to be no more " ** than usual about the time of their Pasque or Easter, tho* it " *' is not unlikely but that they make use of that opportunity " " for contriving of mischief." He sends him stores, but tells him not to commence any work of fortification until further directions come from England, " so that you must content " *' yourself with that ffort which the fishery have erected at " *' their cost, which I hear is very defenceable ; and in case it " *' wants any strengthening or necessary conveniencys, there " " is no doubt but those people will be easyly perswaded to do " " it, since it will be for their defence." He directs him to get an account of the arms, powder and ball, lent them out of the Annapolis magazine in their necessity, "for militia are alwayes " "' obliged to defend their own propertys at their owne expence/' He mentions five months provisions. New rate for each man per week : Bread, 7 Ib. ; beef, 7 lb., or pork, 4 Ib. ; pease, 3 pints ; butter, 6 oz., or cheese, i lb. ; flour, i lb., or rice, i 1-2 lb. '' I have no bread but what I bake from hand to mouth, " *' but I have sent you your due proportion in flower ; and as " "you have a very good Baker in the comp a , and oven in" " the place, you can make as good shift as we." Philipps says he expects to be at Canso in six weeks, by a man-of-war, capt, Durell, daily expected to call for him. (An admiral Durell died at Halifax, N. S., in 1766.) He thinks he shall bring with him a sloop, now building at Boston, for the service of this province. (This was the sloop William Augustus, launched in July, 1721, arrived at Annapolis in August, 1721.) He thinks of bringing one or two companies from Placentia to reinforce Canso, 388 History of Nova-Scotia. 1721. The inhabitants of the river Annapolis and its environs petitioned the government for permission to sow their lands, and surety that they might gather the produce, or else to have liberty to withdraw to Isle Royale. The governor told them that he had referred the question to England for decision, and recommended to await the reply, assuring them that nothing but the most positive orders of the Crown would induce him to disturb them in their possessions, unless they should rebel or disobey authority. 12 April, 1721, on the representation of Charles Robicheau, deputy of Cobequid, the number of deputies from that district was increased from one to four, (one only being required to attend on the governor.) At the same time the number of deputies from Mines was increased from three to twelve, (three only of them being bound to attend on the governor.) These deputies were to be annually chosen by the inhabitants, sub- ject to the governor's approval. Their duties were to receive and put in execution the orders of the governor, and to report the names of persons disobedient. Their expenses in coming and going were to be defrayed by the inhabitants. Wednesday, 19 April, 1 72 1. It was resolved by the governor and council, that a General Court, consisting of the governor and council, should sit at four certain times in the year, as a court of judicature. The first tuesdays of February, May, August and November, were appointed for terms of its sitting. On the 8 May, 1721, governor Philipps, writing to the Board of Ordnance, complains of lieutenant Washington, whom he calls their officer, " upon the repeated complaints of major " " Mascarene, imploy'd by the honble. Board as engineer." He incloses his examination, and leaves it to the Board to judge or reprimand him. He tells them also, " No work has been " " undertaken here since the fall, unless small jobbs, at repair- " " ing chimneys, &c., which is unavoidable in such tottering " " buildings. As to what was done in the summer, hope the " '* honble. Board is satisfied with the reasons that made it " " necessary." (This expression ' fall ' for autumn has been considered an Americanism, but we can hardly suppose gen'l. Philipps acquired it on this side of the Atlantic.) In writing 1721. History of Nova-Scotia. 389 at this time to the secretary of State, he says that the French inhabitants are waiting an answer from government. Refer- ring to the pillage of Alden's sloop, he says that the deputies sued for pardon, and promised to pay the damage ; " but if it " " be determined for them to retire, I expect it will be in the " " manner that the Jews marched out of Egypt, not only with " " their owne effects and what they can borrow, but will first " " distroy the country. Therefore the best way (in my humble " " opinion) of answering, will be of answering in the manner " " we have proposed, to fall to worke and build Forts among " " them ; and when they find the Government in earnest, and " " capable either to protect or" (here a word has become illegi- gible) " them, 'tis not unlikely that they will sit downe quietly " " in their possessions, and become good subjects, with good " " looking after. As to the latter," (the Indians) " they are to " " meet me towards the latter end of this month, to receive " "his majesty's presents, and I shall make use of this oppor- " " tunity to oblige them to the most advantageous conditions " " of peace and traffick with his majesty's subjects." He men- tions the establishment of the general court, and says he thinks it to be conformable to his instructions, which refer him to " the lawes and rules of Virginia" as a rule or pattern for this government when they can be applicable to its cir- cumstances. He hopes it may meet with approbation, and says : " It is certain that the notion of here being no other " " form of law but the martial, hinders many people from " "coming to live among us." By Virginia act of 1662, c. 19, the general court of governor and council was to sit three times a year. Same act established county courts before jus- tices of peace ; and 1662, c. 37, directs juries to be empan- nelled at all courts. The juries were not used at Annapolis. 19 June, 1721. The governor writes to the lords of Trade against lieutenant Washington, (of the Ordnance), whom he calls " the most scandalous wretch upon the earth." 16 Aug. he writes to the Board of Ordnance. He reiterates his com- plaints of Mr. Washington, adding, " I know I ought not to " " complain when I have the power to punish ; but hope I " " may be excused, if I avoyd as much as is possible haveing " 3QO History of Nova-Scotia. 1721. " anything to do with people of such vile and wicked princi- " " pies. As to the survey of the eastern coast, which was " " intended this summer, the sloop that has been built for " " that service being arrived but three dayes since, much time " " is lost, and little can be done on that affair the remainder " " of this season, which I hope need not retard the projections " "for this country, inasmuch as both the scituation and cir-" " cumstances thereof are fully before you ; and as Cansoe is " " the first place proposed to be fortifyed, I intend, with the " " engineer, to steare our course directly thither, to prepare a " "plan of it, to be sent you in the /#//." " There is not one carriage that will stand once fireing in " " this garrison. You may please to remember that I repre- " " sented the bad condition thereof to the Board before I left " " London, which your lieutenant (if it be possible for him to " " speake truth at all) assured me often he had sent you them " " at his first arrival, tho' I have not found one word of it in " " all his letter book. Be that as it will, the governor of Bos- " " ton has lately received a very impudent letter from the " " Indians on that side, upon which it has been thought pro- " " per to arm in expectation of a rupture. If it ensues, we " " shall not be long quiet here ; and how ill a condition we " " are in for war, without a gun mounted, and almost a whole " " curtain of the old worke tumbled downe this summer, may " " be worth the while of the hon'ble. Board to consider." In his letter of the same date to the Board of Trade, he calls the letter of the Indians to the governor of Boston, " a " " very insolent letter from the Indians of that quarter assem- " " bled with their priest to celebrate some festival, upon " " which it has been thought advisable to arm. If a rupture " " ensues, we shall not long be quiet here, it being said that " " some of our chiefs are gone thither, but it may be no more " 'than a drunken inspiration, and when" (they) "hear of" " troops marching, end in a peccavi" He tells the lords of Trade that he would not be able to visit Lahave and Chibouc- tou ; that he would have to hire a vessel to bring the re- mainder of the companies from Placentia to Annapolis Royal, with all their provisions, which would require a much larger 1 72 1. History of Nova-Scotia. 391 hold than the small province sloop has. There would be loss of time in employing her, if capable. The hire would be only thirty pounds. He says he is the worst off of any of the gov- ernors, as he has no allowance, or tax or duties, to cover con- tingencies. The king's presents for the Indians, having been at Boston all the winter, had now arrived ; but as the giving them required form, &c., be puts it off until his return. The English settlers had, by this period, got some footing east of the Kennebec. As their position was growing strong, the Indians were stirred up to jealousy, and demanded by what right v they were taking possession and building forts there. The English alleged that the territory had been ceded by the French crown to England. On this the Indians sent deputies to Canada, to enquire on the subject of the governor, the marquis of Vaudreuil. His reply was that the treaty of Utrecht made no mention of their country. The governor of Boston collected the eastern Indian chiefs, and informed them truly of the cession, but they set up an independant claim, denying the right of the French king to dispose of their lands. Every courtesy was shewn them by the English, and their hostile feeling seemed to have been subdued. The Indians themselves were quite averse at this time to entering into any quarrel with the English, preferring the advantages of trade and friendly intercourse. It happened that Toxus, the chief of the Norridgewock Indians, died this year. Ouikouiroumenit, a pacific Indian, was chosen in his place, and four hostages were sent to Boston by agreement. This becoming known at Quebec, Vaudreuil and Bdgon, the intendant, wrote on the 15 June to father Ralle, in severe terms, inveighing against the Narantsouaks (Norridgewocks) for yielding to English persuasion in electing the new chief, and in sending hostages. They also promised to send on deputies from the Indians at St. Francis and Becancour, (in Canada), to oppose the English interest. This was in consequence of Ralle having stated that the Indians in his vicinity required to be supported by some of those from Canada in their interviews with the English governor. A number of these Canadian Indians were accord- ingly induced to go, and pere la Chasse, superior of the Jesuits, 392 History of Nova-Scotia. 1721. (called the superior general of missions), and another of his order, also went on. These clergymen collected above a hun- dred Indians from Panaouamske", and deputies from Medoctec and Pemoukady ; also some Indians from Pegouakky and Amiraukanne, who live nearest to New England. In all, above two hundred Indians, under arms, assembled in July or August, 1721, and appeared at Georgetown, on Arowsick island, where the interview had been appointed to take place. In another place it is called the fort of Menarkoux, at the bottom of the river Narantouak. They represented the Aben- aquis and their allies. The baron St. Castin and the Jesuit la Chasse were with this party. The governor of New England, perhaps aware of the unfriendly spirit spreading among the tribes, did not attend on this occasion. The Indians threw down two hundred beaver skins as a compensation for cattle of the English which they had killed, and ordered the English to leave the territory east of the Kennebeck, and to restore the hostages they held. Ralle is said to have been also pre- sent. The Indians left a letter for the governor of New Eng- laad with Mr. Penhallow, chief officer at the English fort. This was composed by pere de la Chasse. I. It complains of a detention of the hostages, in breach of agreement. 2. It expresses surprize that the English should take possession and dispose of their country without their consent. 3. It requires that all the English should leave their territory forth- with, and restore the prisoners. 4. It states that if two months expired without redress, they would do themselves justice. [2 Hutch., Mass., 261-266. 2 Williamson, Maine, 105. 4 Char- levoix, 114-116.] It is said that the priest of Narantsouak wrote his name Seb. Rale, without an s in the surname, or any accent, circumflex or acute. [Historical Magazine, New York, for January, 1860, page 30.] Governor Philipps sailed from Annapolis in the sloop William Augustus, captain Southack, about the middle of August, 1721, and arrived at Canso on the 5th or 6th Sep- tember. On the 1 3th September, the schooner Hannah, William Souden, master, with provisions and cloathing for the garrison of Annapolis, was cast away on the Tusketts, 1721. History of Nova-Scotia. 393 and the vessel and cargo proved a total loss. One-third was offered as salvage for goods found. 26 September, 1721, captain Alden's sloop from Boston was put in quarantine at Annapolis, as the small pox was rife in Boston. The woollen goods and cotton wool on board were ordered to be aired before landing them. The Massachusetts Assembly met 23rd August, at the George tavern, beyond Boston neck, in conse- quence of the disease. On the ist October, 1721, governor Philipps writes to the lords of Trade, dating from " Cansoe." He says it was an agreeable surprize to find Cansoe in a flourishing state. It would have been broken up for good, if he had not sent the detachment there, which he had since reinforced with two companies. " So that my good neighbors at cape Breton " " seem to give up their pretention of right, an d talk only of " " its being a place neutral." He urges the importance of Canso to the fishery and to the settlement of the province ; recommends it to be made a free port for three or four years. " My arrival here gave a general joy, being taken as a good " " presage of the government's intention to assert its right ; " "and, to confirm the opinion more, I have determined to" " pass a bad winter here, without the necessaries of life, " " which hinders me from being more particular to your lord- " " ships, my papers being left at Annapolis Royal." He notices that he remains under an incapacity to receive families and begin the settlement. " There are several that offer at this " " time, but your lordships, who drew my instructions, know " " the extent of my power." When the surveyor comes, it will take two or three years before he can make any progress. (This alludes to a regulation of the British government, which directed that all tracts of forest land, suitable for masts and timber for the navy, should be set apart and surveyed as crown reserves, before any lands for settlement could be laid out and measured.) Philipps suggests whether " a reserve " " (in every settlement to be made) of all woods fit for the use " " of the Royal navy, may not answer the ends of a survey, " " and save time." He says : " In the meantime, I have made " " dispositions of small plots of ground, and little rocks or " 394 History of Nova-Scotia. 1721. " islands in this harbour, for the conveniency of the fishery, " " which I have promised to confirm." In November, a party of militia From New England, under colonel Westbrooke, went to Norridgewock to seize Ralle. He escapes himself, but they get his box of papers, in which his correspondence with Vaudreuil was found. The evidence of the intrigues used to stir up the Indians to hostility against the English, was amply supplied by the documents thus obtain- ed. [Grahams Col. Hist., 2 v., p. 71.] In December, young St. Castin was taken prisoner to Boston, having been captured by stratagem, and there placed in close confinement ; but after some examinations, he was set at liberty. [2 Hutch, Mass., 272. 4 Ckarlevoix, 115-116.] APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XLIV. (i.) A description of Nova Scotia, signed by P. Mascarene, engineer, and certified as accurate by governor Philipps, appears to have been prepared for the infor- mation of the British government in 1720 or 1721. He bounds the province of Nova Scotia, or Acadie, on the Kennebec river, about 44 N. Lat, and says its breadth extends from the easternmost part of the island of cape Breton to the south side of the river St. Lawrence, leaving to the French, by the treaty of Utrecht, the islands in the gulph, including cape Breton. The climate is cold, and very variable, and subject to long and severe winters. Soil fertile ; produces wheat, rye, barley, oats, all manner of garden roots and herbs ; abounds in cat- tle. Plenty of wild and tame fowl. Well timbered with oak, fir, pine of all sorts fit for masts, pitch and tar, maple, ash, beech, asp, &c. Iron mines, copper mines at cape Dore. " The whole cape being of a vast height, and an entire " " rock, through the crevices of which some bits of copper are spued. Good " " coal mines, and a quarry of soft stone, near Chignecto, and at Musquash " " Cove, ten leagues from Annapolis Royal. Also in St. John's river, very " " good and plenty of white marble is found, which burns into very good lime. " " Feathers and furs are a considerable part of the trade of this country, but the " " most material is the fishing of cod, which all the coast abounds with, and " " seems to be inexhaustible. There are four considerable settlements on the " " south side of the bay of Fundy, Annapolis Royal, Manis, Chignecto and " History of Nova-Scotia. 395 " Cobequid. Several families are scattered along the Eastern coast. The inha- " " bitants are all French, mostly of the Romish persuasion." He considers the fear which the French allege they entertain of the Indians in case they should take the oath, &c., as a pretence, as he says the Indians are but a handful in this country, while the French are able to appear a thousand men under arms. The French are not industrious. English settlers would be much more so, and would lessen the necessity of military expence. He accuses the government of cape Breton of inducing the people not to take the oath of allegiance. Cape Breton is barren, and dependant on Nova Scotia for provisions. Recommends 600 troops to be sent, and the oath to be tendered to the inhabitants or their removal to be effected. Contemplates that the cattle be retained for new Eng- lish settlers. In describing Annapolis, he says : ' Two leagues above Goat Island is the " " Fort, seated on a rising, sandy ground, on the South side of the river, on a " " point formed by the British river," (formerly la riviere du Port Royal, or riviere Dauphin, now called the Annapolis river), " and another small one, called Jenny " " river," (the L'equille of Lescarbot, called also Allen's river and Little river.) " The lower town lies along the first, and is commanded by the Fort. The " " upper town stretches in scattering houses a mile and a half South East from " " the Fort, on the rising ground between the two rivers. From this rising " " ground to the banks of each river, and on the other side of the less one, lie " " large plats of meadow, &c. On both sides of the British river are a great " " many fine farms, inhabited by about 200 families. The fort is almost a " " regular square has four bastions ; and on the side fronting the point, which " ' is formed by the junction of the two rivers, it has a ravelin, and a battery of " " large guns, on the counterscarp of the ravelin, which last, with the battery, " " have been entirely neglected since the English had possession of this place, " " and are entirely ruined. The works are raised with a sandy earth, and were " " faced with sods, which, being cut out of.a sandy soil, (the whole neck between " " the two rivers being nothing else), soon mouldered away, and some part of " " the work needed repairing almost every spring. The French constantly " " repaired it after the same manner, except part of the Courtin, covered with " " the ravelin, which they were obliged to face with pieces of timber some time " " before they quitted possession of this place. The English followed that last " " method in repairing of this fort, revesting of it all round with pieces of round " " timber of six or seven inches diameter, to the height of the Cordon, and rais- " " ing a parapet of sod work." The expences were so great as to create a disgust of repairs. Thus the fort laid for a great while tumbling down, till governor Phiiipps found it necessary to put it into a posture of defence. The French of the river could arm and assemble four hundred men in twenty-four hours' time. He recommends a garrison of 200 men, and a thorough repair of the existing fort at a cost of ^800 for service, until a stone redoubt can be erected. Manis, (called Minas, (Spanish), Menis and Manis, also by some of the Eng- lish), called by the French les Mines, from the copper mines at Cap des Mines or Cap Dore. Vessels of 40 or 50 tons run up with the tide, which rises 9 or 10 fathoms, up a creek to the town, where they are left dry on a bank of mud by the receding tide. It might be made the granary of the province and neighboring governments. Mentions a meadow of nearly four leagues in extent, partly dyked, 396 History of Nova-Scotia. (Grand Pre.) " The houses, which compose a kind of scattering town, lie on a " rising ground along two creeks, which run betwixt it and the meadow, and " " makes of this last a kind of peninsula." This place has great "store of cattle." Near the shores they catch " white porpoises." The population of Mines is greater than that of Annapolis river. The Indians are there also frequently. The people are less tractable than those of Annapolis. " All the orders sent to them, if not suiting to their humours, are scoffed and " " laughed at, and they put themselves upon the footing of obeying no govern- " " ment. It will not be an easy matter to oblige these inhabitants to submit to " " any terms which do not entirely square to their humors, unless a good force " " be landed there, and a Fort or Redoubt of earth be thrown up, well ditched, " " freezed and palissaded, till a more durable may be built. This Redoubt must " " have four pieces of cannon, (sakers), and command the meadow which is their " " treasure." The language of governor Brouillan as to these republicans, is repeated almost verbatim. The force should be 300 or 400, as the harbor is so wild no ship of force can remain there ; and if she could anchor safely, it would be near twelve miles from the redoubt. Smaller vessels must lie dry for sixteen hours out of the twenty-four, so they might be burned, and a retreat cut off. The redoubt should contain 150 men, which would be sufficient garrison. Cobequid has about fifty French families. There is thence a communication by a river to Chebucto. The Indians resort much to Cobequid. Chignecto contains about seventy or eighty families. There is much grain and more cattle there than any- where else. There are very good coal mines there, of easy access ; but shelter is wanting for the vessels, which have to anchor in the open bay. Near the town itself, which lies four leagues beyond the coal mines, there is a small island, which has a good quarry of soft " stone. It cuts in layers of four or six inches " " thick, and hardens soon after it is cut." The inhabitants are given to hunting and trading. The trade with cape Breton consists in carrying furs, grain, cattle, &c., and receiving in return linens and other goods. A small fort should be built on the neck, with a garrison of one hundred and fifty men. The French have this summer sent four ships, with two hundred families, with provisions, stores, and materials for erecting a fort, and making a settlement on the island of St. John. Canso is an island, with several less ones adjoining, lying at a small distance from the Main, and at S. E. and N. W. from the passage which bears the same name, and separates the island of cape Breton from Nova Scotia. There is a great resort there for the cod fishery by the English, and was so by French before the seizure made by captain Smart, in H. M. ship Squirrell. Twenty thou- sand quintals of dry codfish would have been exported thence this season but for the Indian attack. If duly protected, Canso, with a fort and garrison, would be likely to become the chief place of trade, though not so conveniently situated for a seat of government as Port Rosway, Lahave, Marligash, Chibouctou, &c. Res- pecting these, he promises information hereafter. (2.) 9 May, 1721. An order of governor and council passed, requiring any person leaving the province to report his name ten days previously in the Secretary's office, that creditors might have notice and get security. This regulation is bor- History of Nova-Scotia. 397 rowed from the act of Virginia, 1662, c. 127, which was afterwards in substance re-enacted by the general Assembly at Halifax, and remained in force until a recent period, making masters of vessels liable for the debts of those they took away without passes. 10 October, 1721. John Adams having filed a caveat against Peter Boudre, as leaving the province, the Council decided that as he was going to Canso, the caveat was improper. 398 History of Nova-Scotia. 1722. CHAPTER XLV. 1722. In this year 1 722, a war broke out between the Indians and the people of New England, which lasted three years, and was called Lovewell's war. On the 18 June, a party of Indians seized five Englishmen on the Kennebec, whom they carried off as hostages in place of the four Indian hostages kept at Boston. They subsequently attacked a fishing vessel at Damariscove, and the English fort on the river St. George, but without success. A vessel, in which Mr. Newton, collec- tor of the customs at Annapolis Royal, and John Adams, son of Mr. Adams, of the council of Nova Scotia, were passengers, with captain Blin, from Boston, touched at Passamaquoddy, for water. They were not aware of the Indian hostilities, and going on shore they were made prisoners by a party consist- ing of ten or twelve Indians and about an equal number of French. The people in the sloop cut their cable, and fled to Boston. The prisoners were afterwards released on ransom. Douglas attributes their liberation to the fact that lieutenant governor Doucett had secured twenty-two Indians by way of reprisals. Further hostilities occurred on the New England frontiers, and the governor and council at Boston declared war against the Eastern Indians on the 25 July, and the gen- eral court or assembly of that province confirmed this step on the 8th August, and voted to raise one thousand men to carry on the war. [2 Hutch.., Mass., 277.] A letter from the lords of Trade to governor Philipps, dated Whitehall, 6 June, 1722, acknowledges the receipt of his despatches of September and November, 1720, and of i October, 1721. The measures of 1722. History of Nova-Scotia. 399 improvement and defence he urged on the government are civilly alluded to ; but the delay of reply, and the cool answers, must have tended to check the zeal he had evinced for the prosperity of the province. As to the attack on Canso, &c., they " hope some redress may be had therein, as soon as his " " majesty's affairs will permit" The building a fort at Canso is in the hands of the Ordnance, who are waiting an order from the king before they will send materials and workmen. He should have applied to the treasury on the subject of con- tingencies. As to the want of a surveyor to set out tracts of wood land for furnishing H. M. navy, they have proposed to his majesty that the governor should be empowered to set out the lands. That he may then grant lands to settlers. They do not understand him about a free port at Can^o think it may be impracticable. As to the small settlements on little islands about Cango, he must remember his instructions, that " the coast is left free for the fishery to all H. M. subjects." In July, 1722, the Indians captured several trading vessels in the bay of Fundy, and eighteen vessels in the harbors on the coast, among which was a sloop that governor Philipps had despatched with bread for the use of the garrison of Anna- polis. {Douglas Summary, 317, 560.] Nothing could be more unexpected, as the governor but a short time before had the chiefs, with him, and feasted them, while they gave solemn promises of friendship and alliance. The Indians flattered themselves with hopes of reducing Annapolis by famine and blockade, but provisions arrived in the meantime at Canso from Europe, and Philipps armed some vessels there, which got safe with these supplies to the garrison. Lientenant governor Doucett made prisoners of about twenty Indians, who lay encamped in the woods, including women and children in that number. By this time they were in the middle of the fishing season at Canso, and its harbor was full of ships, waiting for their cargoes, when fresh advices came that the Indians were cruising upon the banks with the sloops they had taken, assisted by the prisoners, whom they compelled to serve as mariners ; and that they gave out that they were to attack Canso with all their strength. This alarmed the people there 400 History of Nova-Scotia. 1722. greatly, bringing to mind their sufferings two years before. They were disheartened to find that measures had not been taken tnis year for the security of the place, and they were inclined to break up, and let every man shift for himself. Philipps had just then received, by express, from governor Shute, of New England, the declaration of war that province had made against the Indians, with a request for assistance. He assembled the people of the harbor of Canso, and prevailed on them to concur with him in fitting out and manning two sloops to protect the fishery. He placed an officer and a party of soldiers on board each of them. They were partly manned by volunteer sailors from the merchant vessels in the port. One of them was commanded by John Eliot, of Boston, and the other by John Robinson, of Cape Ann. Both were sent out after the enemy. \Gov. Philipps' letter to the lords of Trade. Canso, September 19, 1722.] " Eliot, as he was ranging the coast, espied seven vessels in " a harbor called Winnepang, and concealed all his men, " except four or five, until he came near to one of the vessels, " which had about forty Indians on board, who were in expec- " tation of another prize falling into their hands. As soon as " he was within hearing, they hoisted their pendants and called " out, ' Strike, English dogs, and come aboard, for you are ' " ' all prisoners.' Eliot answered that he would make all the " haste he could. Finding he made no attempt to escape, they " began to fear a Tartar, and cut their cable, with intent to run " ashore, but he was too quick for them, and immediately " clapped them aboard. For about half an hour they made a "brave resistance ; but at length some of them jumping into " the hold, Eliot threw his hand granadoes after them, which " made such havock, that all which remained alive took to the " water, where they were a fair mark for the English shot." " From this or a like action probably took rise a common expres- " sion among English soldiers, and sometimes English hunt- " ers, who, when they have killed an Indian, make their boast " of having killed a black duck. Five only reached the shoar. " Eliot received three bad wounds, and several of the men " were wounded, and one killed. Seven vessels, with several 1722. History of Nova-Scotia. 401 " hundred quintals of fish and fifteen of the captives, were " recovered from the enemy. They had sent many of the pri- " soners away, and nine they had killed in cold blood. The " Nova Scotia Indians had the character of being more savage 41 and cruel than other nations." (This opinion has most likely no better foundation than the notion long entertained in Nova Scotia, that the Malecites and Abenaquis were more ferocious than the Micmacs ; or that which prevailed among all the maritime Indian tribes, of the extraordinary malice and cruelty of the Iroquois, and especially of the Mohawks.) " Robinson " retook two vessels, and killed several of the enemy. Five " other vessels the Indians had carried so far up the bay, 4< above the harbor of Malagash, that they were out of his " reach, and he had not men sufficient to land, the enemy " being very numerous. The loss of so many men had enra- " ged them, and they had determined to revenge themselves 4i upon the poor fishermen, above twenty of whom yet remained " prisoners at Malagash harbour, and they were all destined " to be sacrificed to the manes of the slain Indians. The ioo to visit the settlements, in order to proclaim the new king. Ensign Robert Wroth, adjutant of Philipps' regiment, was appointed by lieutenant governor Armstrong to tfre service of proclaiming the king. The council resolved " that ensign " " Wroth should have it in charge to. tender to the French " " inhabitants the oath of fidelity to his most sacred majesty " " king George the second, and that every thing be done with " " the solemnity and entertainment usual on such occasions, " " and that he keep an exact journal of his expense, and all " " his public transactions, to the time of his return." The Indians of Nova Scotia, this year, murdered several of his majesty's subjects at Liscomb's harbor and Jadore, (Jedore), and the Labrador Indians committed acts of piracy and rob- bery at port le Basque, in Newfoundland. Lieutenant governor Dummer sent a schooner, express with a letter to Armstrong, advising him of these occurrences. Captain Bennett was in- structed to expostulate with St. Ovide on the harboring the Indian pirates by the French of Cape Breton. Tuesday, 7th November, 1727. In council. Souilier, an Indian of this river, and Paul Tecoumart, a chief of cape Sables, and his two sons, lately arrived, were examined before the Board, touching the murders and other hostilities committed at Liscomb's harbour and Jedore. They affirmed they were ignorant. Part of the late treaty was read to them, making the tribes responsible. They said four Indians had promised to do their best to dis- cover the offenders, and bring them to justice. It was agreed to make them some presents to encourage them to do this. In council, monday, 13 Nov'r. Ensign Robert Wroth deliv- ered in the journal of his proceedings up the bay at Mines and Checanectou, &c. It was resolved that the articles and con- cessions granted by him were unwarrantable, and dishonorable to H. M. government and authority, and consequently null and void. He was called in and asked how he came to grant such articles, and answers, that he had in every respect acted according to the best of his knowledge, and, as he thought, for the good of H. M. service. An address to the king, on his 446 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 7 2 7> accession, was voted, to be taken home by capt Joseph Bennett, member of the council. Armstrong wrote on the i/th November, 1727, to the duke of Newcastle, secretary of State. He tells him that in order to have a quorum of seven councillors, he had to appoint military officers. The seniority in council and the difference of military rank caused a difficulty as to precedence. Mr. Shirreff, the commissary of musters, objected to take a seat below his rights as a senior councillor. He was for a while pacified by a promise of ,25 sterling, per annum, as .acting secretary, but eventually withdrew from both duties. Lieutenant Otho Hamilton was then appointed to act as secre- tary, 28 July, 1727. He attributes the obstinate refusal to take the oaths at Mines and Chignecto to the " base sugges- " " tions of one or two traders, who have left no stone unturned " " to render my actions black and designs abortive." An oath of allegiance was tendered to the inhabitants of the river Annapolis, in the form following : " Je promets et jure sin- " " cerement que je serai fiddle et obtirai ve"ritablcment a sa " " majesti le roy George le second, Ainsi Dieu me soit en " " aide" ("I sincerely promise and swear that I will be faith- " " ful to, and will truly obey his majesty king George the " " second. So help me God.") " The deputies desired me to " " set a day to assemble the inhabitants at the Fort, and to " " give them an order for that purpose." This was done with the approbation of the council. The deputies Bourg, Landry, and Bourgeois, " assembled the people two days successively " " up the river, where, instead of persuading them to their " " duty by solid arguments, of which they were not incapable, " " they frightened and terrified them by representing the oath " " so strong and binding, that neither they nor their children " " should ever shake off the yoke." In consequence, the people refused, except on certain conditions, that were esteemed insolent and unreasonable. " It was ordered that Landry " " and Bourgeois should be sent to prison, and laid in irons " " as ringleaders, where they continued some days, but were " " at last admitted to bail, until H. M. pleasure therein should " " be known." In obedience to the order of the privy council 1727. History of Nova-Scotia. 447 and the lords of Trade, which he had received to proclaim the new king in all parts of the government, he says : " I have " "chartered a vessel for that voyage for ;ioo sterling, and" " put on board a commissioned officer with a command of" " soldiers, who, after a long and uncomfortable voyage, is " " now returned. I cannot say but the gentleman has acted " "very well as far as the proclaiming of his majesty, but in " " tendering the oaths he has fallen into very great errors, by " " making some unwarrantable concessions, which I have refu- " " sed to ratify." Sends home copies of this proceeding. He has received advice by express from the lieutenant governor of New England of " some murders and other hostilities " "committed on H. M. subjects by some Indians within 15 " " leagues of Canso ;" also by letter from M. St. Ovide, of their seizing a sloop and cargo at Port le Basque, in Newfoundland, and sends the letter. " The places of most of the councillors " " appointed by governor Philipps, according to the 5th article " " of his instructions, are become void, many of the members " " being gone, and settled in other provinces, so that there " " is not above three upon the spot to attend the Board ; and " " as there is not one inhabitant here fit to supply their room, " " I am humbly of opinion that his majesty's further instruc- " " tions are absolutely necessary towards forming a council, " " what I have done being only in the interim, till such direc- " " tions shall arrive. The military officers, who are the only " " subjects H. M. has here, who are any ways qualified for that " " service, will think it hard to be subjected to others, since " "his majesty has not three faithful subjects in the place" " besides themselves and the troops they command." APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XLIX. (i.) At a meeting of the council, at Mr. Adams' house, on Saturday, 13 May, 1727, present lieut. gov'r. Armstrong, and messieurs John Adams, Wm. Skene and Wm. Shirreff, at Adams' house, in Annapolis, captains Christopher Aldridge, Joseph 44 8 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 7 2 7> Bennett and John Blower, and major Thomas Cosby, were sworn in as council- lors, raising the number to seven in all. Armstrong suggested that, to avoid differences, the new members should sit on one side of the table and the old members on the other. Adams assented ; Skene did so conditionally, saving his right till the king's pleasure was known. Shirreff refused concession till his majesty should be determined, and craved leave to withdraw till then. Monday, 15 May. The lieutenant governor requested Mr. Shirreff to act as secretary, which he accepted, on condition he should not thereby lose his right as councillor when not acting as secretary, &c. (2.) Governor Philipps, in a letter, dated 25 May, 1727, to the lords of Trade, being then, I suppose, still in England, says of Nova Scotia : " Every thing there " " wearing the face of ruin and decay, and almost every countenance despair." He says the ramparts of the fort are " lying level with the ground, in breaches " " sufficiently wide for fifty men to enter abreast, which obliges the garrison to " " insupportable duty to guard against their throats being cut by surprise." ((3-) At a council held at the same place, on fryday, the igth day of May, 1727 : Present : the hon'ble. Law'ce. Armstrong, Esq., lieut. gov'r. John Adams, Esq. Capt. Chris'r. Aldridge. Wm. Skene, Esq. Capt. Jos. Bennett. Wm. Shirreff, Esq. Capt. Jno. Blower. (The merchants endeavoring to lower the value of French coin, " the only " " currency we have amongst us,") Resolved that all the afores'd. coins be continued at their former value, espe- cially the new crowns stampt with four double LL's, at I2s. 6d. ; and that all the different species of French coin, both of silver and gold, be paid and received in all payments within this H. M. Prov. of N. S. at the same rates they have been usually paid and received in said province for these 6 months past, and no other- wise, and that a proclamation be issued accordingly. Germain Savage and Pierre Godet, who had written to notify their return to be written, to wait on the gov'r. and council. (4-) In this year, 1727, a M. Dupuy writes to the minister respecting the claims of England and France, under the treaty of Utrecht. He thinks the " ancient " " limits" of Acadie can only be its natural limits as a peninsula. The rest he thinks is Canada, or rather belongs to the Indian tribes, who, not being represen- ted at Utrecht, are not bound by the treaty. (5-) June 20. John Duon is appointed clerk to the Justices of the Peace. In the letters of Mr. A. Popple, I June and 5 Oct., 1727, from Whitehall, lieut. gov'r. Armstrong is addressed as colonel Armstrong. History of Nova-Scotia. 449 (6.) Sunday, 17 Sept., in council : For having assembled the inhabitants contrary to orders, and framing a " rebellious paper," and for refusing to take the oaths, Charles Landry, Guil- laume Bourgeois and Francis Richards, were ordered to be " remanded to " " prison, laid in irons, and there remain until H. M. pleasure shall be known " " concerning them." " That Abraham Bourg, in consideration of his great age, " " shall have leave to retire out of H. M. province, according to his desire and " " promise, by the first opportunity, leaving his effects behind him." One Lefondt was pardoned for taking cattle to cape Breton, he taking the oaths. 14 October, 1727. In council : Charles Landry's wife applied to the lieutenant governor, in consequence of her husband's being dangerously ill, to grant his liberty, on surety for his return when recovered. The council voted to refuse the request. Francis Richards, alleging drink as an excuse, prayed now to take the oaths, &c. He was remanded for prevarication. In council, 20 October, 1727 : Major Alexander Cosby, and other officers and gentlemen, took the oaths, c. Major Cosby, now having the king's commission as lieutenant governor of the town and fort of Annapolis Royal, took the oaths of a councillor, and his seat at the Board. Francis Richards again applied for discharge, and having made a deposition of all he knew, was liberated. Rene Martin also made a similar depo- sition. On 29 October, 1727, an earthquake felt in New England and New York,, &c. [2 Hutch., Mass. 326.] 450 History of Nova-Scotia. 1728. CHAPTER L. 1728. During the winter of 1727-8, a large body of Indians made their appearance near Canso, but they retired without committing any acts of hostility. [Lieut. Govs. letter 9 jfuly, 1728.] In May, 1728, about twenty-six Indians, under the command of three or four sachems, from the village of Medoc- too, (Medoctec), an Indian settlement fifty odd leagues up the river St. John, came to Annapolis to ratify the peace conclu- ded at Boston in 1725 and 1726, and to make their submission to the government. Armstrong, by the advice of the officers of his garrison, made them presents entertained them several days, and at last sent them away very well satisfied. [Ibidem.] Armstrong states that he had no allowance or salary as gover- nor, and had to bear these and like charges. 28 March, 1728, David Dunbar, esquire, the surveyor general of H. M. woods on the continent of America, was, by order of the king in council and a commission from the lords of the Treasury, dated ' Whitehall, 9 May, 1728,' appointed surveyor general of H. M. lands within the province of Nova Scotia, and to mark out and set apart for masts and timber for the use of the Royal navy, 200,000 acres. London, 17 March, 1728. Dunbar appoints George Mitchell, gentleman, one of his deputies. In July, Armstrong says that not above two or three of the French inhabitants had come in to take the oath of allegiance. That they had become very numerous, and the only thing the governor can do on the refusal of the oaths, is, to debar them from fishing during his majesty's pleasure. He thinks that 1728. History of Nova-Scotia. 451 when the alternative is pressed they will take the oath, rather than quit their plantations, " though they want neither invi- " " tations nor promises from the islands of cape Breton and " " St. John for that purpose." {Letter July 9, to secretary of State.} He writes to Mr. Stanion, of the secretary of State's office, July 12 : " Several complaints being sent against me" " by two or three malicious traders in this province, although " " not exhibited, but lodged in the hands of governor Philipps, " ' who I am sure only wants a proper opportunity of making " '" his own use of them to my prejudice," he begs Mr. Stanion's interest to procure for him " the king's leave of absence to " 41 come home and settle my affairs." It is to be observed that Mr. Armstrong had not been fortunate. He had (at first) no salary or allowances as governor in charge. Philipps drew the pay of ^"looo stg. as chief governor, besides his pay and emolu- ments as colonel of the regiment stationed in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Capt. Doucett had salary as governor of the fort of Annapolis, and so had major Cosby who succeeded him. Armstrong had met with losses so far back as 1711, and had nothing but his military pay, while he was the head of the government. These things appear to have rendered him unhappy, irritable and jealous. He suspected Philipps and Cosby of being his enemies ; and as Cosby had married a daughter of Mr. Winniett, and the measures of the Annapolis government about the grain trade annoyed the merchants, among others Winniett, Armstrong attributed to personal enmity any opposition, among the traders or their French cus- tomers up the bay, that his administration met with. Mr. Winniett seems to have been married to a French lady, and to have had great personal influence among the French inha- bitants ; but I believe it never was used for any improper purpose, and that he was upright, loyal, and kindly disposed, On the ii September, 1728, a new commission issued to Richard Philipps, esquire, as governor of Nova Scotia, &c,, corresponding in its terms with his first commission of 1719. <(A copy is in one of the record books of the Annapolis gov- ernment, signed by Erasmus James Philipps, secretary, 10 December, 1730.) (Philipps arrived at Canso, in H. M. S. 452 History of Nova-Scotia. I 7 2 9- Rose, capt. Wellar, and remained there till 17 Oct., 1729, when the fishery for the season terminated.) 1 729. Lieutenant governor Armstrong writes to the lords of Trade, &c., date Annapolis Royal, 23 June, 1729. In this letter he complains of a " series of insults committed against " " me, thro' the malice of some people who are abetted and " "encouraged by the favor and countenance of major Cosby,"" " lieutenant governor of this garrison, who, forgetting his cha- " " racter and dignity, has condescended to become a party in " ' the malicious contrivances of my enemies, who, without any " " regard to truth or justice, or his majesty's service, have " " obstructed, vilified and misrepresented all my actions." " The first person I shall take notice of for his notorious " " insolence, is monsieur Bresley, (Breslay), the Popish priest " " of this river, who having for some time past endeavored to "" " withdraw the people from their dependance on H. M. gov- " " ernment, by assuming to himself the authority of a judge in " " civil affairs, and employing his spiritual censures to force '* " them to a submission. His insolence and tyranny growing " " at last insupportable, I sent the adjutant to him to his " " house, which stands a little way from the Fort, to desire to " " speak with him, but his intelligence proved so good, tho' " " nobody was acquainted therewith but major Cosby, that " " before the adjutant could reach his house he was gone off, " " and has ever since absconded somewhere in the woods, " " about this river, among the Indians, pursuing his former " " practices of obstructing H. M. service, and exciting the " " savages to mischief. To prevent which, I thought proper, " " by an order, published at the Mass house, to command him " " to be gone out of the province in a month's time." " The sieur Mangeant, a French gentleman, whom I found " " at my arrival here under the protection of the government, " " and had taken the oaths to his majesty, I employed for to " " read the same to them in French, in the presence of the " " Fort Major, Mr. Wroth, and some other gentlemen, which " " having done, as they were returning back to make me a " *' report, amongst a crowd of people, they happened to meet " 1729. History of Nova-Scotia. 453 " major Cosby, the lieutenant governor, on the highway, who, " " without any provocation, insulted and abused the said " " Mangeant, who had no other way to avoid his fury, which " " had like to have pushed him to commit the greatest violence, " " but by retiring from him in haste. Major Cosby sent me " 41 immediately a complaint against the said Mangeant, alleg- " " ing that he had affronted him, by grinning or laughing in " " his fa.ce ; whereupon I assembled the officers, and examined " " strictly the witnesses that were present when the disorder " " happened, a full account whereof I have transmitted to your " " lordship, marked No. I. I found Mr. Cosby's allegations" " against Mangeant to be frivolous and groundless, and the " " true reason of the affront and insult to proceed from his " *' resenting the service Mr. Mangeant had done his majesty " " by reading and publishing my orders to the people against " " their departing the province without leave, and against " " Mr. Bresley, the Popish priest, whose cause he avowedly " " espouses, merely in opposition to me, which has carried " " him to such lengths that it's impossible H. M. service can " " be advanced or promoted while he remains in the station " " he is in, and this province at last must be rent and torn by " " parties and factions. He has tampered with the officers to " " join with him, to wrest my authority and command of the " " troops from me, of which I sent proofs last summer to " " H. M. secretary at war, and could send now other proofs " " that l\e persisted in the same resolution, if the moderation " " of the officers in refusing to join with him in any mutiny " " did not discourage his attempts. I beg leave humbly to " " apply myself to your lordships for justice, since I can't but " ' " resent such proceedings, as well as the violence offered to " " a man that was immediately employed in the execution of" " my orders for H. M. service. I hope your lordships will " " represent to his majesty the inconveniences that must " " always attend this province by the separating the two com- " " missions of lieutenant governor of the province and lieuten- " " ant governor of the fort ; for, if major Cosby's pretensions " " are just, and he absolutely commands the garrison, he must " " likewise command the troops, by which means the lieuten- " 454 History of Nova-Scotia. " ant governor of this province, notwithstanding the Broad " " Seal's commission's devolving upon him, can have only a " " precarious power, depending upon another, since it is cer- " "tain that his majesty, besides the troops, has not three" " Protestant subjects settled in the province, whereas the " " French papists increase, are very numerous, and are only " " to be awed and governed by the troops, and are to a man " " disaffected." He complains of the collector, and says, " on " " his arrival here with major Cosby, in the fall of the year " " 1727, notwithstanding the trade to Mines at that time was " " prohibited, by and with the advice of the council, he gave " " permits to several vessels to load and unload there, in defi- " " ance of H. M's. authority vested in the governor and coun- " " cil." He describes several cases in which the collector acted contrary to his views, and he desires to have an Admiralty court established, to try seizures, &c. Governor Philipps arrived at Canso about the latter end of June. He found 250 vessels and from 1500 to 2000 men employed in catching and loading fish. He says : " Many " " families would settle here if they saw the commencement " " of a fortification for their protection, which, till then, they " " look upon to be very precarious, in regard of the numbers " " and strength of the enemy in case of a rupture at any time " " with France, and the near neighborhood of Cape Breton, " " where no industry or expense has been wanting to make " " themselves formidable." The French at Annapolis are ready to comply with any terms of submission he may propose. He has sold the vessel which was built for the Government ; with the proceeds, and ^250 more, he has bought another vessel, " of a less burthen and more fit for the service." The other vessel required twelve men, while six will be sufficient for this one, and with due care she may serve the Government twenty years. " There goes home one William Richards, prisoner, " " on board the Rose, man-of-war, who I had hired as a foot- " " man at my leaving England." Refers to an enclosed affi- " davit as to his case. [Letter of Philipps to duke of Nezvcastle? Canso, October 2, 1729.] 1729. History of Nova-Scotia. 455 The fishery breaking up at Canso 17 Oct'r., 1729, governor Philipps, who had quieted their discontents, and had received addresses from the people, promised to revisit them the next season, with a view to encourage a business which, he says, exceeds anything of that kind in America. He also suggested permanent agricultural settlements, as they are dependant on New England for fresh provisions. A grant from governor Philipps to William Moony, of Marblehead, of a fishing room at Canso, dated 29 August, 1729, is the Register, p. 105. Nov'r. 20. Governor Philipps arrived at Annapolis Royal, where he met with a joyful reception, particularly from the French inhabitants. He had a severe passage from Canso of five weeks. He expected that the French would all take the oath of allegiance, and thinks they should take new grants of their lands from the crown, and contribute towards the expen- ces of government. Mr. Lemercier, a French minister at Boston, proposed to settle a colony of one hundred or more families of French Protestants in Nova Scotia. Major Cope, who conversed with him, brought the proposal. Philipps recommends a grant of 5000 acres. On his arrival at Anna- polis he found the number of councillors diminished to five, either by death or removal of their habitation, and^one of these was incapable of attending. He appointed major Cope as one, whom he praises highly, as " a person of great honor, " " with a very good understanding and distinguished zeal for " " his majesty's service." Two more remained to be appointed to make up the quorum of seven, directed by 8th article of his instructions. This he proposes to attend to by and by. He had appointed the next week to receive the submission of the French inhabitants of Annapolis river. [Letter to the lords of Trade, &c., 0/2$ Novr. 1729.] Annapolis Royall, Nov'r. 20, 1729. His Excellency being that day arrived in the river from Canso, landed about twelve o'clock, and having ordered the council, garrison and inhabi- tants to be assembled, his commission was publicly opened and read, and he then took and subscribed the oaths therein mentioned ; after which, seeing the number of councillors who 45 6 History of Nova-Scotia. I 7 2 9- appeared to be but four, he appointed major Henry Cope to be one of that Board, to make up the quorum of five, and he was sworn in accordingly. R. PHILIPPS. E. J. Philipps, sect'y. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER L. At a council held at his Excellency's house in his majesty's garrison of Ansj_ < polis Royal, on fryday, tha 2ist of November, 1729 Present : His Excellency, Generall Philipps. Lt. Gov'r. Cosby. WilFm. Skene, Esqr. Paul Mascarene, Esq. Henry Cope, Esq. The council being summoned to meet at four o'clock in the afternoon, and but four councillors attending, y'e two others being sick, his Excellency appointed Mr. William Winniett, the most considerable merchant, and one of the first Bri- tish inhabitants in this place, and " represented to me as one eminent in his zeal for H. M. service," to be added to the council, he was sworn in accordingly. {The Gov'r. also appointed eight deputies instead of four, for this river, Annapolis R. He stated an address from the inhabitants to him was in preparation, and that he had sent an express to Minas, to notify all the deputies there of his arrival, when he expected them to attend him.) 173- History of Nova-Scotia. 457 CHAPTER LI. 1730. Governor Philipps soon put matters on a better foot- ing than they had been for some time. He induced the body of French settlers on the river Annapolis to take a simple and unconditional oath of allegiance ; and on the 3 Jan'y. 1729-30, he writes to the duke of Newcastle, enclosing him parchments, " the subscribers thereto are the whole settlement this " " river, to a man, from sixteen years of age upwards." He says he had made this progress in less than three weeks. A parchment, containing 227 names of those who took this oath, is now among the archives of the government at Halifax, N. S. It is undated, but from the terms of the oath, &c., must be a duplicate of that sent to the duke in Jan'y., 1730. He proceeds : " Whereto they are pleased to express, that the " " likeing they have of my government in comparison of what " " they experienced afterwards, did not a little contribute." He adds, " I have had no occasion to make use of threats or " " compulsion." He blames ensign Wroth, of his own regi- ment, for having made improper concessions regarding the oaths. He intends, on the breaking up of the winter, to go in person to the settlements in the bay of Fundy, to administer the oaths solemnly. He says : " I found at my coming a " " general dissatisfaction in all parts, and disagreement be- " "tween the two lieutenant governors, about the right of" " power and command, which drew the inferior officers into " " parties ; but I assure your grace it is now the reverse. Joy " " and satisfaction appear in every countenance among the " 45 8 History of Nova-Scotia. I 73- " people ; and in the garrison, tranquillity, tho' I cannot " " answer but that the inward leven may still remain." The territory between the Kennebeck and the St. George rivers had been partially occupied by the French at a very early period, and was by them regarded, in the i/th century, as a part of Acadie. But the duke of York included it in his province of Sagadahock, in 1664. Massachusetts assumed a a control over part of it as a county of Devonshire, in 1674. In 1686, the duke, then king James the second, sent a com- mission to his governor, who resumed it. In 1692 it was annexed to Massachusetts by charter. The Canibas and Abenaquis claimed it as their own, and enforced their preten- ces by war and havock ; but now peace being restored in 1725, the New England people had settled there to the extent of one hundred and fifty families, between Georgetown and Muscongus. David Dunbar, an Irish gentleman, who had been a colonel in the British army, was appointed his majesty's surveyor general of woods and forests in America, and of lands in Nova Scotia. His appointment was officially notified to colonel Armstrong by letter from the lords of Trade, dated Whitehall, 28 May, 1729, and the lieutenant governor was directed to give him all the assistance and encouragement he could in the execution of his office in his government. Dunbar was also directed to inspect the new settlers in the district near Pema- quid, and to lay out lands for them, to be afterwards secured to them by patents under the great seal of Nova Scotia. Fort Frederick, at Pemaquid, was his seat of government. Captain Coram, the projector, mentioned in connection with Nova Scotia in 1718, procured an order in 1730 to governor Philipps to take possession of the land between St. Croix and Kennebec, and an officer with thirty men was sent to Fort Frederick. This fort was said to have been built by the Mas- sachusetts, who issued a proclamation claiming it, and got the king in council to revoke Dunbar's authority over it in 1732, when they took possession in August of that year. Dunbar laid out a city, and granted lots of one hundred acres near the fort to settlers, who were chiefly countrymen of his own, being i73- History of Nova-Scotia. 459 Presbyterians from the North of Ireland. D unbar is said to have been wise and judicious, but he was opposed in his mea- sures by Mr. Samuel Waldo, and others, in New England, who claimed extensive tracts of land in this territory ; and he was involved in disputes with lumberers and owners of saw mills, and it seems had no commission as a governor. {Col- lections of Maine Historical Society, v. 6, p. 1 8. 2 Belknap's New Hampshire, 101, &s. 2 Hutch., Mass., 224, 379, 2 Wil- liamson, Maine, 167.] Dunbar was appointed lieutenant gov- ernor of New Hampshire in 1731, on the recommendation of the lords of Trade. He returned to England in 1737 ; there he was imprisoned for debt, but liberated by friends, and in 1743 was made governor of St. Helena by the East India company. In governor Philipps' letter of 3 January, 1729-30, he also says : " By a letter from colonel Dunbar, from Boston, " " I am acquainted of his arrival there, and from other hands " " of the country called the king's province, or the province of" ' Main, bordering on New England, being put under his " " care, which I looked upon to have been a part of this gov- " " ernment." He proceeds to explain the disadvantage he is under, being all along forbidden to grant lands until the sur- veyor should lay off the whole province, and select the crown reserves. While Dunbar, acting as governor and surveyor, can settle, his people easily, he is also told that Dunbar's settle- ment is to be for seven years free from custom house. 30 April, 1730. Philipps, by proclamation dated at Mines, proscribed Etienne Rivette, confiscated his estate, and ban- ished him from the province. Rivette had been examined on oath before the council in 1727 respecting the refusal of the people to take the oath of allegiance. On Saturday, 16 May, p. M., on his return from the Bay, Philipps held a council, at which were present lieut. gov'r. Cosby, Mascarene, Skene, Adams, and major Cope, when he informed them of the " submission of the inhabitants of the province, but that " " there were about seventeen of those of Chignictou, who " " persist in their obstinacy in refusing to conform to his " " majesty's orders." His excellency named majors Mascarene and Cope a committee to draw up an order or proclamation 460 History of Nova-Scotia. I 73- concerning these delinquents. He also informe*d them that nineteen families at Chickpoudy, who had not taken the oaths, intended to come in a body to Annapolis, to submit them- selves. 1 8 May. Philipps appointed Cosby president of the council. An order was made to appoint four deputies at Chignictou. The lords of Trade were not satisfied with $he form of the French oath of allegiance employed by Philipps. They notify him of an intended settlement of Palatines in Nova Scotia, under charge of a Mr. Hintz. They tell him Dunbar is not made governor, (in Sagadahock), as he had imagined, only to inspect settlers and allot lands to them, to be granted after- wards under the great seal of Nova Scotia. They state it to be a favor that the French have not long since been obliged to quit their settlements in Nova Scotia, according to the terms of the treaty of Utrecht. If they take new grants of their lands, they ought to pay quit rents, as others do. [Letter dated Whitehall, 20 May, 1730.] Mr. Popple writes to Philipps, (same date.) He says : " You will perceive that their " " lordships wish the oath which the French inhabitants have " "voluntarily taken, had been in more explicit terms. " " By the words of that oath, the French do not promise to be " " faithful to his majesty. The oath, indeed, seems intended " " to have been a translation of the English oath of allegiance, " " but the different idiom of the two languages has given it " " another turn. * To, in the English oath, being omitted in " " the French translation, it stands a simple promise of fidelity, " " without saying to whom. For, as the word 'fidele' can " " only refer to a dative case, and ' obeirai' governs an accu- " " sative, king George has not a proper security given to him " " by the first part of this oath, and it is to be feared the " " French Jesuits may explain this ambiguity so as to convince " " the people upon occasion that they are not under any obli- " " gation to be faithful to his majesty, which might have been " " avoided, if the oath had run in the following terms : Je " " promets et jure sincerement en foy de Chretien, que je serois " " entierement fidelle a sa Mafest/ le Roy George le second, que " "je reconnais pour le souverain seigneur de la Nouvelle Ecosse " 173- History of Nova-Scotia. 461 " et de FAcadie, et que lui obeirais vrayment." " I sincerely " " promise and swear, on the faith of a Christian, that I will " " be wholly faithful to his majesty king George the second, " " whom I acknowledge as the sovereign lord of Nova Scotia " " and of Acadie, and that I will truly obey him." The oath taken at Annapolis in 1730, and objected to by the lords of Trade, was : Je promets et jure sincerement, en foi de Chre- tien, que je serai entierement fidele, et obeirai vraiment sa majeste" le roy George le second, qui je reconnoi pour le souv- rain seigneur de 1'Accadie, ou Nouvelle Ecosse. Ainsi Dieu me soit en aide. I sincerely promise and swear, on the faith of a Christian, that I will be wholly faithful and will truly obey his majesty king George the second, whom I acknowledge as the sovereign lord of Accadie, or Nova Scotia. So help me God. The oath taken in 1727, under lieutenant governor Armstrong's directions, was : Je promets et jure sincerement que je serai fidele, et obeirai veritablement a sa majeste" le roy George le second. Ainsi Dieu me spit en aide. I. sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful, and will truly obey his majesty king George the second. So help me God. At this time a new provincial seal was sent out to governor Philipps, with a royal warrant, and directions to affix the seal to all patents, grants and public instruments, passed in the king's name. It appears that there was a resident priest at Piziquid, (whose name was Alexandre de Noninville), by his certificate to a document dated 27 July, 1730. Governor Philipps writes from Canso, September 2, 1730, to the duke of Newcastle. He calls the French inhabitants " a formida- " " ble body, and, like Noah's progeny, spreading themselves " " over the face of the province." He says the parchment already transmitted was " a duplicate of what every man " " from sixteen years of age to 60 have sworn and signed to " (on the Annapolis river.) He has now obtained the submis- sion of all the people of the bay of Fundy, and sends his grace a duplicate of the instrument to which they have sworn and signed. He apprehended obstruction from the Indians, " who had taken the alarm, and were assembled in bodies to " " know what was upon the anvil ; but by good management, " 462 History of Nova-Scotia. " plain reasoning and presents, which I had prepared for " " them, they were brought into so good temper, that instead " " of giving any disturbance, they made their own submission " " to the English government in their manner, and with " " dancing and huzzas, parted in great satisfaction." He thinks the peace of the country thus settled, as long as England and France are in alliance, but no longer. He considers the pro- vince not defensible in case of war with France. " Canso, " (which is the envy and rival of Cape Breton in the Fishery), " will be sure of being the first attacked, which will take them " no more than six or seven hours to march and possess it ; " but I am only the Watchman, to call and point out the dan- " ger : 'tis with your Grace to get it prevented." He states that it is computed that the returns of the Fish carried to markets from Canso, bring ^30, or ,40,000 yearly increase to the home duties. " If so, is it not loosing a sheep, accord- " " ing to the proverb, when one-third part of one year's income " " only laide out in a fortification will put it out of danger. I " " am sure it will cost three times that sum to recover it while " " lost." " I have met here with one of colonel Dunbar's " " deputy land surveyors, the first I have seen." Governor Philipps offered to take him to Annapolis, and give him the use of the government vessel he bought, when he has not immediate occasion for her himself. Referring to the French inhabitants, " We are no! one jot the nearer to a regular " " form of government by this acquisition, their religion dis- ): " qualifying them from making a part of the legislature. " Suggests whether they shall not pay taxes, and take out new tenures of lands. He informs his Grace that " here are three " " or four insignificant families who pretend to right of seig- " " neuries, that extend almost over all the inhabited parts of" " the country. The late governor Nicholson carried with him " " from hence the original papers, by which they claim, and " 41 all that they produce to me is a foul scrip of paper, which " '' they say is a copy of part of the original grant, and goes " " herewith enclosed ; but I have told them that all preten- " " sions to seigneuries fall to the ground at the conquest of" *' the country ; that there is no article at the treaty of Utrecht " i73- History of Nova-Scotia. 463 " in behalf of such privileges : or if there was, they have long " " since forfeited them by refusing to come in and swear alle- " " giance to the crown of Great Britain. The chief of these " " is a woman, who has been a wife to two subaltern officers " " of this regiment. She has, by cunning address, got the " " others to make over their pretensions to her, on promise of" " some small consideration, and is going over to solicit, in " " hopes of obtaining something of the Government in lieu " " thereof. I believe a small addition to her pension as an " " officer's widow would content her, and put an end to that " " affair. Lieutenant colonel Armstrong, who is gone for " " England, carried with him one Mangeant, a French papist, " " who fled lately from Canada into this province, for a barba- " " rous murder. The lieutenant governor took him into his " " protection, and admitted him to take the oath ; after which " " he rendered himself exceedingly odious to the inhabitants, " " both English and French, they believing that the* lieutenant " " governor had acted toward them by his council and advice. " " At my arrival, he finding many complaints were ready to " " be exhibited against him, petitioned for leave to retire ; " " which', being granted, with a defence never to return, gave " " a general satisfaction, and proved a great inducement " " toward their submission to the crown of Great Britain. " " The fellow's character is very bad, but is allowed to have a " " genius, and would make an excellent minister to an arbi- " " trary prince." The sickness at Boston, and the failure of some merchants there, had lessened the fishery at Canso this season. (With the duplicate of this letter was one of date 26 November, 1730, in which the governor acknowledges the receipt of the articles of the treaty of the peace between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain.) Colonel Dunbar wrote from Fort Frederick on the 16 Sept'r. to governor Philipps. Philipps replies from Annapolis Royal, Nov'r. 9. Tells him he had received his letter at his arrival there from Canso, which was near the middle of October. He finds that Dunbar is authorized to lay out lands to such of H.M. subjects as are disposed to settle between the rivers Penobscot and St. Croix, " to be confirmed by grants from the governor " 464 History of Nova-Scotia. " of Nova Scotia, under the seal of the province, which is sent " " me." In this he is instructed to aid Dunbar, and promises to do so. He is sorry that the Penobscot Indians are averse to the settlement. They are an important tribe, and direct peace and war. He counsels mildness and presents, and, it Dunbar can procure it, the missionary influence. Other methods would " provoke a war, which will postpone your " " surveys and settlements, for how long nobody can tell." " I wish the gentlemen who (you informed me) threatened to " " attack you in your fort with an armed force, have not been " " underhand practicers with those savages, to disturb your " " project of settling Pemaquid, now Frederick's Fort, to which " " they pretend a right. I hope they have not been so very " " mad as to make such an attempt. If they have, no doubt " " but you thought self-preservation a duty. Could I have " " believed any such thing, and have got time enough to your " " relief, the captain who commanded that expedition, if I had " " found him within my government, should have given a " " better reason for his expedition than governor Belcher's " "orders." Tells Dunbar he had ordered the sloop, captain Bissett, (Bissell ?) to call in at the fort at Pemaquid. Is ready to give all aid that his power and instructions permit. He could not send the province schooner, as she wants new sails. Wishes to meet with him early in the spring at Annapolis, that they may consult to put the surveyors to work. A year has gone by, and not even a beginning made. Thinks they will both be blamed for delay. Dunbar had sent two survey- ors to Philipps. They asked for orders, but wanted vessels, and other difficulties arose. He (Philipps) sympathizes with Dun- bar for the troubles and persecutions he met with in Boston. 26 November, Governor Philipps writes to the lords of Trade. The Palatines had not come. The grain had failed, and there was a scarcity of provisions. Cattle were killed up the bay to send to Boston, in lieu of the usual return of corn. " I am " informed that the people of Boston make it their business to " discourage the settlement of this province, by speaking ill of " the country, by which means they did, this last summer, " prevail on about fifty families, bound for this province, to 1 730. History of Nova-Scotia. 465 " change their minds, and the wealthiest of them transported " themselves to Carolina, and the poor ones are now begging " about Boston streets. I have wrote to the governor on this " head, and wish these Palatines that are to follow could be " advertised to steer their course directly to this place, under " direction of a pilot, to avoid touching at Boston, where they " will likely be seduced." The duplicate he sends contains the additional names of the French up the bay, who had not before taken the oath. " So that there remains now not more " " than five or six scattering families on the Eastern coast, to " " complete the submission of the whole province, whom I " " shall call upon in the spring." In this letter, and in one of the same date to A. Popple, esq., (afterwards governor of Ber- muda), he defends the oath he used. He says the oath of allegiance in the print books of the neighbouring provinces, runs thus : " I promise to be true and faithful, and to bear " "true allegiance to his majesty king George. So help me" " God," which, he says, he has truly translated, with the addi- tion of the words " en foi de Chretien," to make it stronger ; and afterwards to make it more significant to the circumstances of these people, he added, " que je reconnois pour le souve- " " rain seigneur de la Nouvelle Ecosse et de 1'Acadie." The conjunction copulative et makes both 'fidele' and 'obeirai' refer to the person of the king ; and both ' fidele' and 'obeir' govern the dative case. The oath administered to the people up the Bay is different, and not open to the same objection. He sends Mr. Popple two quintals of salt fish. He thinks the Jesuits will take a different objection to the oath, viz. : that it is made to a heretic. One chief difficulty as to the oaths of allegiance was this : For 600 years, as we are told by Blackstone, (i Com., p. 367, &c.,) the oath of allegiance or fidelity was taken to the king and his heirs ; but at the revolution of 1688, a new oath was framed, in which the 'heirs' were omitted. This led to the presumed necessity of renewing the oaths on the accession of every monarch, and thus complicated the affair with the Aca- dian French. 466 History of Nova-Scotia. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LI. (i.) Robert Temple was eldest son of Thomas Temple, who was the eldest son of Sir Purbeck Temple, who was the son of Sir John Temple, of Stanton Bury, who died 1632. He had been an officer in the English army. In 1717 he came from England to Boston, with his servants and effects ; " he was introduced by letters from his " ' uncle, Nathaniel White," a merchant in Plymouth, to some of the leading men in New England, such as Belcher, Hutchinson, Oliver and Pepperell, who might be of service to him in " taking up a tract of land." He says he was " received " " with great friendship by every one of these gentlemen, and was often invited " " to their houses." But he continues : " My eye was always toward a good " " tract of land as well as a convenient place for navigation." He brought out several hundred families of protestants from Ireland to the shores of the Kenne- bec in 1719 and 1720. The Indian war of 1722 drove many of them away. Temple remained, and aided in the defence of the country. In 1727, he married Mehitable, daughter of John Nelson; of Gray's Inn London, whose wife was a daughter of John Temple, his great grandfather. By her he had six children : the eldest, Robert, married a daughter of governor Shirley : the second, John, became a baronet, and married a daughter of governor Bowdoin, of Massachusetts: their daughter, Elizabeth, married Thos. L. Winthrop. In 1742, Temple lived on Noddle's island, (now East Boston.) In 1753, he occupied Ten- hill farm, in Charlestown, which had belonged to governor Winthrop. [See Col- lections of Maine Historical Society, vol. 6, pp. 14, &*s Portland, 1853.] (2.) The parchment with the oath of allegiance, subscribed in 1730, by the inhabi- tants of the Annapolis river, has 227 signatures of persons who took the oath. There are on it also the signatures of 16 witnesses, viz. : R. C. de Breslay, pretre missionaire, cure ; Rich. Watts, cler's. ; Will. Skene, William Winniett, Alex'r. Cosby, lieut. gov'r. ; P. Mascarene, Henry Cope, Otho Hamilton, Thos. Barton, Geo. Baker, Edw'd. Amhurst, John Bradstreet, Eras. Jas. Philipps, Arch'd. Rennie, Rich'd. Bull, Jno. Handfield. Of the persons sworn, the following signed their names : Jean Brou, Franfols Boudrot, Prudent Robichaux, Nicolas Gautier, Joseph Bourgeois, Guillaume Blanchard, Pierre Lanoue, Louis Allen, Charles L'or, Abraham Bourg, R. S. Duon, Pierre Richair, Bernard Godet, Charlie Guillebaud, Louis Fontaine, Deni St. Sceine, Remy Petitot, dit St. Sceine, Rene de forrest, Jean Doucet, G. Bourgeois, Michel Richard, Jean Botis Porlier, Charle Blanchard, Pierre Bellivaux, Charle Boudrot, Joseph Doucet, Jean Pry- jean, Clode Tibeaudeau, Michel Tibeaudeau, Michel Richard, Joseph Richard, Louis Fontaine, Baptiste Jacau, Antoine Tibido. The rest of the names are signed with a mark or cross to each. History of Nova-Scotia. 46 y (3-) Jonathan Belcher, esquire, who had been a member of the council in Massa- chusetts, was made governor of that province and of New Hampshire in 1 730. He was himself a merchant, and the only son of a wealthy merchant of Boston, and he received the best education the colony could furnish. He had travelled for six years in Europe, and was twice at Hanover. He was free and open in hjs speech and letters, by which he made enemies. He was a native of Boston, and a graduate of Harvard. His mind, manners and person, were all graceful and attractive. He had received from the princess 'Sophia a gold medal. He was of aspiring disposition, a warm friend, and a vindictive, though not impla- cable foe ; expensive in the style of his living as governor, beyond what the pay of his office warranted. He continued to be governor of both provinces till 1741, when he was removed, and William Shirley was made governor of Massa- chusetts, and Benning Wentworth governor of New Hampshire. Mr. Belcher was afterwards made governor of New Jersey, and died in Elizabethtovvn, in that province, in the beginning of September, 1757. His son, Jonathan Belcher, was the first Chief Justice of Nova Scotia ; his grandson, Andrew Belcher, was a merchant in Halifax, and member of the council of Nova Scotia ; and his great grandson, Sir Edward Belcher, is an admiral in the British navy, distinguished for his services on the coast of Africa and in the Arctic seas, on scientific expe- ditions. [2 Hutch., Mass., 370. 2 Williamson, Maine, 167. 2 Bdknap, N. H., 96. London Magazine for 1757, p. 564.] (4.) At a council held att his Excellency's house, in his majesty's garrison of Anna- polis Royall, on y'e. 7th day of Dec'r,, at ten a clock, Satturday, A. M., 1730. Present : His Excellency General Richard Philipps. The hon'ble. lieut. gov'r. Alex'r. Cosby, President John Adams, I TT ' $ William Skene, ) ^ , Will'm. Winniett, f tt } Eras. Jas. Philipps, J ^ His Excellency being arriv'd at Annapolis from visiting the other parts of the province, assembled the council as above, and acquainted them that he had rece'd. severall Papers and Instructions from home, which he intended now to Lay before y'e. Board, and accordingly ordered y'e. secret'ry to read those that follow, viz. : The Treaty of Peace with Spain. His Majesty's order to y'e Gov'rs. abroad, relating to y'e sd treaty. The king of Spain's Cedula. And His Majestie's Orders to his Excell'cy, to be aiding and assisting to the Receiver of y'e. sixpence ster. p'r. month out of seaman's wages towards y'e. sup- port of y'e. Royal Hospitall at Greenwich. His Excellency likewise acquainted y'e. Board that there not being councillors enough upon y'e spot to make up a Quorum, he thought proper, with their advice, o appoint Mr. Eras Jas. Philipps a member thereof, who was sworn accordingly. 468 History of Nova-Scotia. (S-) 10 Dec'r., 1730. Governor Philipps ordered that all the quitt rents, homages, and other services, formerly paid by the inhabitants at Mines, and other places up the bay of Fundy, to their respective seigniors, should then be paid to his sacred Britannick Majesty, as their only lord Paramount and sole and only seig- nior of the province. Alexandre Bourg de Bellehumeur was appointed and for- mally commissioned as Procureur du Roi at Mines and Piziquid, Cobequit and Chignecto, to recsive all dues and quit rents due to his majesty, and all confisca- tions and aubaines. He was to account twice a year, and retain 33. per pistole as his compensation, (the pistole is 10 francs, about 2 dollars.) This commission is dated 10 Dec'r., 1730. Signed by Rich'd. Philipps, and countersigned by Eras- mus James Philipps, secretary. (6.) The lords of Trade obtained the opinion of messrs. Yorke and Talbot, who stated that no fine or recovery suffered in England of lands in the plantations, could bar the intail of such lands, unless 501112 act or law of the colony gave that effect to it in express terms. 15 Dsc'r., 1730. A copy of this opinion was trans- mitted to governor Philipps. (7-) By a proclamation in French, dated 24 Dec'r., 1730, governor Philipps required the people of the Annapolis river to bring in their deeds, leases and grants, to the secretary's office by the end of February, in order to receive new grants of their lands, under the provincial great seal, which he promised them. He also issued an order that the deputies should be paid by the people of their several districts, for their expenses on two different attendances. (8.) Ordre pour rendre le chemin des Mines pratiquable. (Loco Sigilli.) Par son Excellence Rich'd. Philipps, Ecuyer, &c. D'autant qu2 nous avons recommande qu'il etoit, necessaire pour le soulagem't des Ha de sa Majeste, qu'il y cut un com Mines en faisant un chemin de charete, leur consentement quand nous etions a Mines n'avoir point de retardement, nous ordonnons sera incontinent commence, et qu'il soit fait dans une qu'il etoit dans le terns des Fra^ois, et que chacun reponderont le contraire a leur peril. Donne Royalle, signe de ma main, & scelle de mon Sceau. ce 14 quatrie'me annee du regne de sa Majeste" le Roy Dom. 1730. Par ordre de Philipps, Eras. Jas. History of Nova-Scotia. 469 (In the register's book, much destroyed by decay of the papers.) Order for clearing Ihe road to Mines, 1 730. (Loco Sigilli.) By this pps Esq'r. &c. Whereas it has bee : the ease of the peopte of this province & f pen a communication between this place & Minas nd which was agreed to by y'e. Inhabitants when to the end that it may be more effectually done Road be forthwith begun to be clear'd, & that it may be done as it was in the time of y'e. French each inhabitant to do his part, as they shall answer the contrary at their peril. Given at Annapolis Royall, under my hand & seal, this I4th May, in the 4th year of the reign of his Majesty king George the 2nd, Annoq : Dom : 1 730. R. PHILIPPS. By his Excellency's com'd. Eras. Jas. Philipps, secret're. (9-) 65 surnames contained in the 227 signatures to the oath of allegiance of 1730 : Allen. Dupuis. Melanson. Amirau, Dupont. Michel. Babinot. Fontaine. Orillon. Barnabe. Forrest. Pelerin. Basque. Garceau. Petitot. Bastarache. Gar9on. Perou. Bellincaux. Girouar. Pignot. Beliveau. Guillebaud. Petre. Bertran. Gouzille. Porlier. Blanchard. Guillo. Quessy. Bonnevie. Guillebaud. Raymond. Boudrot. Granger. Richard. Bourg. Hautbois. Robicheaux. Bourgeois. Hebert Roy. Breau. Landri. Savoir. Brun. Lanoue. Simon. Brussar. Laverne. St. Sceine. Commeau. Levron. Surett. Corporon. Leger. Tibo. Doucet. L'or. Tibaudeau. Dugas. Massier. Tour. Duon. Martin. 470 History of Nova-Scotia. I 73 I - CHAPTER LII. 1731. Governor Philipps, as colonel of his regiment, had an agent, colonel Gardner, who died, leaving the accounts of the officers unsettled, and balances due to them. In consequence of their demands, Mr. Philipps was directed, by a letter from Sir William Strickland, the secretary at war, to hand over the government to lieut. colonel Armstrong on his arrival, and to proceed to Britain, to settle the accounts of his officers of his regiment of foot. There was a royal order, dated 15 March, 1730-1, to Philipps, to return to England, and letters of same date to Armstrong to go out. At this time the people up the bay traded with the French at cape Breton, sending them live cattle, corn and provisions, receiving payment in French silver only, which they hoarded to send to Boston, where it was of more value than here, and they refused to take any other money for their commodities. The garrison could get no other money than Boston paper money, which was refused to be taken in payment. A proclamation was issued by governor Philipps, (11 March), establishing the value of French and other silver money at 8s. an ounce, New England currency, and declared the province bills of New England to be current, and a lawful tender for the purchase of goods and payment of debts. In the same proclamation, to prevent scarcity from exports, it was forbidden to merchant vessels to take off more than two month's provisions ; and forbids the people of Mines, Chignecto, Piziquid, Cobequid, &c., exporting clandestinely at Chebucto, Tapanagooch, Chignecto, or any other creek or place, as they have used to do, beasts, cattle, or other provi- I73 1 - History of Nova-Scotia. 471 sions, except from Annapolis Royal only, under a penalty of fifty pistoles, of New England, to be levied on delinquent's effects, half to go to the accuser. (The resolution of council, ii Feb., had appointed 12 months imprisonment, confiscation of vessel and cargo, and a fine of $o, N. E. currency.) March 16. Sir William Strickland wrote to Mr. Shirreffthat he was to act as secretary until the arrival of captain Philipps, and receive half the pay, while the latter was absent. One John Tourno deserted from his master at Boston. He was taken and put on board a schooner lying at Mines, but some of the inhabitants incited the Indians to go on board and res- cue him ; after which, the inhabitants harbored him. The governor, by advice of the council, issued a proclamation, 19 March, summoning Amand Bujeau, Jean Landry, Jean le Blanc, surnamed Jean des Sappins, all of Grand Pre", to appear within eight days ; and the inhabitants are threatened, in case they act in this way, that they will be made responsi- ble, &c., and considered as rebels. Peter Allen, of Mines, was charged by John Gate with inveigling Turnoe from his service, and had to give security to send Turnoe back to Boston. 24 June. Mascarene protested against lieutenant governor Cosby (his junior as a counsellor) being made president ; but governor Philipps claimed power to appoint him. An objection was then made to Mascarene, as having been absent above two years ; but the question being left to the governor, he decided that, as Mr. Mascarene was absent on public duty, he had not forfeited his seat in council. 22 July. Lieutenant governor Armstrong arrived at Annapolis, and delivered to governor Philipps the king's orders for his return to England. Philipps tells the duke of Newcastle, " It imports me much " " to be very careful of delivering up the government to lieut. " " governor Armstrong with the greatest exactness, who is " " turning up every stone, and raking into every kennel, to " " find some dirt to bespatter me with, in hopes that some " " may stick ;" accuses him for ingratitude. He intends to go to Canso, and thence to England. On the 9 August he enters on the minutes of the council a positive denial of his having received any money from government for barracks or fortifica- 47 2 History of Nova-Scotia. tions at Canso ; and on 22 August a proclamation was agreed to in council, requiring the French inhabitants to bring in their titles on or before the 10 April, 1732. Governor Philipps left Annapolis 27 August, 1731, on which Armstrong assumed the government ; and on the 1 1 Sept. he met the council and presented his credentials, informing them that his bad state of health had prevented his calling them together earlier. Cosby, Mascarene, Adams, Skene and Shir- reff, (secretary), attended. 20 Sept'r. Etienne Rivett having been heard on his petition, and it appearing that he had been condemned on the evidence of one witness only, and that evidence malicious, and fifty-five inhabitants of Piziquid cer- tifying in his favor, and that he had been active in getting the people to take the oath of allegiance ; the sentence of proscrip- tion, banishment and confiscation, passed against him 30 April, 1730, was now revoked. Armstrong, seemingly, did nol find his position to be a bed of roses. He first found the difference about precedency between Mascarene, who claimed as senior councillor, and lieutenant governor Cosby, who was appointed president of council by Philipps. This question Armstrong very prudently referred to the lords of Trade to decide. He calls Nova Scotia " this much neglected, (and I may venture " " to say), distracted colony." He says " the people (I mean " " the French) that I have to deal with, are a perfidious, head- " " strong, obstinate, and as conceited a crew, as any in the " " world." He asks the Board of Trade how far the French inhabitants, or their seigneurs, are entitled to lands waste, uncultivated or abandoned. He has received petitions for grants of land, but finds himself restricted by the recent instructions from making grants ' until colonel Dunbar doth ' ' first set apart 300,000 acres for his majesty.' This retards settlement. No inhabitant pays a farthing rent towards char- ges of government ; while the council, which is the only court of judicature, is daily harassed with the people's affairs. He wishes for a table of fees in court business, and also on grants of land. " Wax, and all other kind of stationary ware here " " is very dear and expensive." He asks an annual supply of these articles to be sent from Britain. He suggests a survey I73 1 - History of Nova-Scotia. 473 and measurement of the estates of the French inhabitants ; also the recording of the French grants. He thinks an assem- bly would probably lead to obedience and free contribution to expences of government. He also asks leave to appoint some justices of the peace, and other inferior officers, from among the French. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LIT. (i.) 20 April, 1731. Mr. John Dyson, serjeant and storekeeper to the Board ot Ordnance in this garrison, reported " the daily encroachment made by the sea " " on the plott of ground lying between the Fort and town of Annapolis Royall, " " whereby the lime kiln that stands thereon for the use and conveniency of the " " fort and garrison, will, in a few years, be quite washed into the river, if not " " prevented." He proposed, if the spot were granted him, to build a dwelling house. He would fence it in with stakes and plank, and so secure it against fur- ther damage. A grant of a piece of this land is made to him, measuring 28, 31, 58 and 53 yards, (on difft. sides), on condition of fencing, &c., to be void if wanted for fortifications. 24 June, 1731. In council. An application from some merchants, of Boston, for a grant of a coal mine, (coal clift), near Chignecto, was favorably received. 24 July. Ensign Handfield applied for a plott of ground behind his house, in Annapolis. It was claimed by the heirs of Sir Charles Hobby, by Louis Allain, by one Marquise, and by the Poubomcoup's. 24 August. One acre of land on Canso island was granted to It. gov'r. Cosby, quit rent 23. 6d. per ami. Transferred by Cosby to Edward How, esq., merchant, Canso. in 1732. 30 Aug't, 1731. Armstrong requests from Mines a supply for the garrison of Annapolis of 200 quintals of biscuit and 60 hhds. pease. Messrs. Bissell, Donald (Donnell), and Blin, will pay for them. He has ordered Nigan Robicheaux to buy black cattle and sheep at Mines, and bring them to Annapolis. (3-) Lt. gov, Armstrong says he has been applied to for house and garden lots near Annapolis, for farm lots at Mines, and for grants at Chippcdy, where some young people had settled several years previously. Seigneurial re Us, he says, are remitted into the French dominions. The trade to cape Iretan amounts to 300 or 400 head of cattle annually, besides sheep and other provisions. This could 474 History of Nova-Scotia. only be stopped by a sloop cruising on the Eastern coast, and in the Baie Verte. At Canso, this year, there are more fish than vessels to carry it to market. Dun- bar's settlement, where there is a detachment of men from this regiment, improves daily. (4-) In council. 8 October, 1731. 9 o'clock, A. M. : Major Mascarene asked for a grant of 8 acres, 5 perches, on the Cape road, Annapolis, agreed to. He also asked liberty to go to Boston, New England. Granted. And to have a quorum, lieutenant Otho Hamilton was appointed a member of council, and took his oaths and seat accordingly. (5-) 10 October, 1731. Extract from the answer made by Messrs, de Beauharnois and Hocquart, governor general and intendant in Canada, to the memoire of the king, dated the 8th of May, in the said year : "They" (the English) "have continued to build forts in the bay of Fundy, " " from the river St. George as far as about" (jusqu'a vers) " Beaubassin, which " " they pretend to belong to Acadie. Nevertheless, Acadie, according to its " " ancient limits, such as it was ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of Utrecht, " " should only be part of the large peninsula comprized and bounded by a " " straight line drawn from cape Canceaux to cape Fourchu, to which the same " " treaty adds the town of Port Royal, a certain proof that this town is not in the " " ceded Acadie, and that his majesty did not intend to cede the other lands and " " possessions beyond these boundaries, and which were inhabited by the French " " as the coasts of Mines, Beaubassin, the river St. John as far as the river " " St. George, where in the year 1700, after the peace of Ryswick, was planted, " " in an island at the mouth of this river, a post (poteau), with the arms of England " " on the West side, and those of France on the East side, to serve as bounds to " " the lands of the two crowns, and to distinguish them. It is visible, by the " " manoeuvres the English carry on, that they seek all means of extending them- " ' selves more and more. If his majesty would please to cause the treaties and " " conventions made with England to be examined, and also to name Commis- " " saries, with the necessary instructions for regulating the boundaries between " " them and us, we doubt not that the English would be shut up within more " " narrow bounds than they How are. If this business is once regulated, we " " would have the right of openly opposing the settlements which they have " " made, and which they design yet to make, upon our lands." (6.) In council, 13 Oct'r., 1731 : His Honor acquainted the Board that there were four men come from Coba- quit, who had presented him with petitions and other papers, which he judged proper to lay before them for their opinion and advice on the same ; and the four men, viz., Noel Durong, John Bourg, Lewis Bourg and Joseph Robichaux being called in The petition of John Bourg, on behalf of himself and others, praying that, according to the last will and testament of Mathew Martin, they might sue- History of Nova-Scotia. 475 ceed him as his heirs in the seigniory of Cobaquit, (called Cocobequy in the grant of 1689), was read, as also the said testament, and the concession of the said seignory made in favor of the said Matthew Martin, deceased ; as was also the petition of the said John Bourg, Joseph Robichaux and Lewis Bourg, against Rene Martin, of this River. As to their succeeding Matthew Martin, his Honor acquainted them that Mrs. Campbell was gone to Britain to solicit the affairs of the Seignors, and that as soon as he received any directions about them, that then the prayer of their petition should be taken into consideration, of which the Board approved. (7-) At a comity of council, held by order of the Hon'ble. Lt. Col. Law. Armstrong, the Lt. Gov'r. of the Province, on Tewsday, the gth of November, 1731, at Mr. Gibson's Room, in his Majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royall, at n o' the clock, A. M. Present : The Hon'ble. Alex'r. Cosby, President ; William Skene, Esq'r., Otho Hamilton, Esq'r. William Shirreff, Sec'y. The Sec'y. acquainted the Presid't. there was one James O'Neale, a British sub- ject, from Ireland, come here and gives an acco't. that he had been for some years in france, and from thence went to Canada, and other places in the dominions of ffrance. and that he now intends to settle himself at Shickanektau, provided the Governm't. would grant him a Patent for a Piece of Ground as sett forth in his Petition, and that as he is an Intire Stranger in y'e country, and perhaps Come with other Views, His Hon'r. the lieut. Governor of the Province therefore desi- red that his Hon'r. the Presid't., with this Comity of the Council, would be pleased to examine him, and make him a Report, in order to be considered and laid before the Council on thursday next. Mr. O'Neale being called, his Hon'r. the Presid't. put to him the following Questions, viz't : Of what country, and how long he had been from it, & what Induced him to Come to America, and to leave the French plantations, after being so long amongst the French ? To which Questions Mr. O'Neale made answer that he was of Ireland, and born in the county of Cork : That it was about Eight years since he left that country, and went from thence to ffollow his studies in the colledge of Lombard, in Paris, where he studied Physick and Chirurgery for three years, and from thence went to Canada, in order to find Practice, where, after an abode of about 3 years, not finding the expected encouragement, he departed from thence to Lewis- bourg, in Cape Breton, with a designe to go to New Spain, to seek his fortune in these parts. But meeting with one Mons'r. Laffong, of this Province, at Lewis- bourg, and he acquainting him that he might meet with encouragement here, advised him to go to Shickanecktau, where, having been for about six months, and finding the place agreeable, he intended to marry & to settle himself there, provided that the Gov'mt. would encourage him by giving him a Grant of a Piece of Ground for which he had petitioned the Hon'ble. Lieut. Gov'r. Armstrong. He professed himself a Roman Catholick, but promised to behave himself faith- fully in all Respects to his Majesty King George's Government, and being ready, as sett forth in his said Petition, to take the usual oath, that he accordingly would bear true & faithful allegiance to his Britannic Majesty. 476 History of Nova-Scotia. The comity are of opinion that the Irish Roman Catholick would more natu- rally prove better inhabitants than the french, and that if he performed his pro- mise he might be very serviceable in these parts. L. ARMSTRONG. (8.) Lieutenant governor Armstrong writes to the lords of Trade. "Annapolis Royal, 16 Nov'r., 1731." " He calls the French inhabitants a litigious sort of people, and so ill-natured " " -to one another as daily to encroach upon their neighbours' properties, which " occasions continual complaints. Yet they all unanimously agree in oppo- " 44 sing any order of Government, tho' never so conducive to their own interest. " (In Mr. Bergereau's commission as receiver of rents, Chignecto, dated 15 May, 1742, the king is said to have purchased the Seignory in 1731.) (9-) " In 1731, Philadelphia is said to have contained 2400 houses and 12,000 souls.' [2 Graham's Col. History U. S., p. 106.] 1 73 2. History of Nova-Scotia. 477 CHAPTER LIII. 1732. Councils were frequently held in the early part of this year, in which the law suits of the French inhabitants respect- ing their lands, and other subjects of dispute, were tried and decided. This occurred 30 December, 1741, 7 January, 1731-2, 10, 11, 22 January, 5 February, 25 March, 1734. The abbe" Raynal, in his romantic description of the Acadians, describes them as living without quarrels or litigation, and gives us to understand that the priest or the notary settled all their quar- rels. But the learned abb6 appears not to have had access to the records of either the French or English governments in this country. Under the French governors they appear to have been in the habit of appealing to Quebec from Des Goutins, the judge of Port Royal, at an expence of travel, time and money, in some instances ruinous to suitors ; and under the English rule, there is an endless series of petty dis- putes, to settle which the governor and council at Annapolis were incessantly convened. There can be no doubt that if the Acadians had not been constantly stimulated by French agents, clerical and lay, to a* disaffected and hostile feeling against the British rule, they might have become the happiest and most prosperous people in the world. Nothwithstanding the unfavorable remarks of Costabelle, Philipps and Armstrong, I am inclined to think they were a simple, honest, and well- disposed peasantry, though not quite as perfect and amiable as Raynal imagined. Some bargain appears to have been made about this time between the crown and Mrs. Agatha Campbell, for sale of the seigneuries of Nova Scotia. Lieut. 478 History of Nova-Scotia. J 73 2 - governor Armstrong wrote 22 Jan'y., 1731-2, to Mr. Alexander Bourg, respecting the quit rents which he collected, (probably the seigneurial rents of Mines.) They appear to have been payable in wheat, or, when that was scarce, in capons, in the discretion of the seigneur. " But as I have no need of capons " " for H. M. service, I must desire you will collect the whole " " in wheat and pease." The lieut. governor wishes a rent roll, shewing each tenant's annual rent, and when last paid ; also to know what were the fines on alienation. In March, Arm- strong, by advice of the council, wrote to the priest and inha- tants of the river St. John, who had settled there without leave of government, to come to Annapolis, to answer and to swear allegiance. March 28, 1732. Armstrong gave a written permission to Joseph and Peter Surett, Joseph Cadett, junior, Martin Aucoin, junior, and Joseph Babin, " to go to visit the land" "on the. north shore of the bay of ffundy," called Musquash cove, and to report to him thereon, but they were forbidden to mark or lay out any lands ; and at the same time he gave a similar authority to Paul le Blanc, John le Blanc, (alias Sappin), James Tibau, and Benjamin le Blanc, to visit some ground lying at Apple river. At the same date, he writes to M. de la Goudalie, priest of Mines ; rebukes him for beginning to build a church at Cobaquid, and sending for priests, without obtain- ing previous leave from government. Lieutenant governor * Armstrong writes 28 March, 1732, to M. Alexander Bourg, Mines, about the quit rents ; also about a judgment of the council, between the Dupuis and Claude, to divide the land in dispute equally between them, and declines interfering to alter it. On the same day he writes to the deputies of Mines, insisting on the sentence of the council in the case of Ren^ le Blanc being enforced ; and calls the letter of A. Bourg and others, heirs of Peter Melanson, " frivolous," " chicaning," and " impertinent." In April, colonel Dunbar wrote to Armstrong, who, in reply, promised him the men he demanded, with an officer to relieve Mr. Broadstreet ; congratulated him on his im- provements ; regrets that he is impeded by the Massachusetts 173 2 - History of Nova-Scotia. 479 people ; asks him to send a deputy surveyor. He is not able, owing to the precarious state of his health, to visit Dunbar, at Frederick's fort, but would be glad to see and make him welcome at Annapolis. In May, governor Armstrong entertained a design of placing a garrison of soldiers at Mines, and entered into a contract with Rene la Blanc, of that place, for timber and materials for a building called a granary or magazine, of 26 x 60 feet, which he intended as a barrack for troops. In June, Armstrong writes to the lords of Trade. He had a difficulty in procuring a quorum of councillors. Mr. Winniett was frequently out of the province, on his private business. Mr. Cosby had withdrawn from sitting (by letter of 7 May) in council. He had therefore only Mascarene, Adams, Skene and Shirreff. He had appointed lieutenant Otho Hamilton as member of council. He charges Cosby, and his father-in- law, Winniett, as obstructing and opposing " every transac- " " tion, tho' never so necessary for H. M. service." He again proposes a house of assembly, and points out the necessity of local legislation. " For without some statutes, this province " " can never be rightly settled, especially seeing the French " " here, upon any frivolous disputes, plead the laws of Paris." Complains that a small colony of French have settled on the river St. John, " who despise and contemn all authority here." He says Matthew Martin, the seigneur of Cobequid, had lately died without issue, but had, by will, devised his estate. He had been disrespectful to his majesty. Thinks his will might be set aside. Speaking of the Latour family, he says Charles de la Tour retired into the French dominions, where he died, leaving issue here. A son and daughter of James also retired. Madame Belleisle's son, Alexander, married an Indian, and lived among the tribe, being hostile to the English govern- ment. The D'entremonts had been peaceable. He says the seigneurs in their respective districts had power to put to death and to save alive. 17 June. Armstrong wrote to M. St. Ovide to send him two priests, one for Annapolis and the other for Mines. He had ordered Godalie to leave the pro- vince. Godalie was accused of having " basely contradicted " 480 History of Nova-Scotia. "himself," "of presuming to build churches without the" " privity or authority of H. M. Government," " of pervert- " " ing one of H. M. subjects to the Popish religion, conveying " "him out of the province contrary to the express orders of" " the government," " and for styling himself the bishop of" ' Quebec's vicar." For these offences, the council, consisting of Armstrong, Mascarene, Adams, Skene, Shirreff, Cope, and Otho Hamilton, on 19 June, ordered him to depart out of the province, and directed that the inhabitants should not pay him any more tythes. At this time the French claimed the islands of Canso, and the province of Massachusetts claimed the part of Nova Scotia from the Kennebec to the St. Croix, which they called Geor- gia. The British manufactures consumed in the province were- chiefly red and blue strouds, kerseys, stuffs and linens, of the annual value of about ; 10,000. There was a small trade in corn and cattle sent to cape Breton, and paid for in French silver. There was yearly sent in British and New England vessels, from Canso, about 50 or 60,000 quintals of dry codfish, to Spain, Portugal, and the straits of Gibraltar. The annual exports of the province were valued at 60 or ,70,000 sterling. The inhabitants were mostly French, con- sisting of about 800 families. There were no negroes, and very few^ English, except the garrisons. The French had in- creased near one-half within ten years. The small English population had decreased, owing to the want of power in the governor to grant land. There was no militia force. The only fortress was that of Annapolis. Troops were posted at Canso, without any fort, magazine for provisions, or place of defence against the weather or the enemy. The Indians, altogether, were estimated to have five hundred fighting men. Canada, besides its forts and soldiers, had 10,000 militia. Louisbourg was considered to be almost impregnable, having a strong citadel, several forts and batteries well mounted with cannon, 600 regulars, and 1000 'militia. Governor Philipps, who is our authority for these particulars, also stated that the whole revenue of Nova Scotia is ^30 sterling, consisting of a tribute of one quintal of codfish yearly, paid by each pro- I73 2 - History of Nova-Scotia. 481 prietor of a fishing room at Canso. The nine companies of Philipps' regiment he states at 324 men, exclusive of officers, being but 36 men in each company. In July, difficulties arose at Mines respecting the building that Armstrong intended to erect there as lodgings for troops, but called a granary. The Indians made open demonstrations of opposition to this measure, and we may justly conclude that the French inhabitants of the district were averse to having English soldiers and barracks among them. Arm- strong appears to have kept his design from the knowledge of his council, until this disturbance occurred. The affair was examined in a secret sitting of the Board on the 25 July. After this the project seems to have been abandoned, altho' the lieutenant governor wrote a letter on the ist of August, stating the building was meant for a storehouse and as a lodg- ing on emergency, and forbids any one hindering the work. Laws, in the form of ordinances, were at this time passed in council, on the subject of highways, and of the French half-bushel measure, An advertisement, dated ' Annapolis ' ' Royall, 26 August, 1732,' and signed by the lieut. governor and secretary, was prepared, and ordered to be published in the New England papers, offering fee simple grants of land in Nova Scotia to Protestant settlers. Major Mascarene (who was going to Boston, both on his private affairs and to treat with governor Belcher about the erection of a truck-house for Indian trade) was referred to for information. Mascarene was instructed to point out St. John river, Musquash cove, and other places in the bay of Fundy, as also on the Eastern coast, Annapolis basin, St. Mary's bay, or any other places not already granted. Allotments of 40 and 200 acres, in town- ships, were contemplated. No one person was to have over 1000 acres in any case. In the beginning of September, some of the inhabitants of St. John river attended the lieut. gover- nor and council, where they took the oaths, and subscribed, and agreed to take out grants. An additional instruction from the crown, dated 10 Dec'r., 1731, was now received, forbidding the laying any duty on negroes or felons imported from Great Britain. 31 482 History of Nova-Scotia. In September, the deputies chosen (for Annapolis river ?) Prudent Robichaux, Alexander Hebert, Nicholas Gautier, Peter Lanoue, Joseph Bourgeois, Claud Giroard, William Blanchard, and Prudent Robicheaux, junior, were approved, and the lieut. governor and council appointed the 1 1 October, annually, for election of deputies, " in commemoration of the " "erection" (reduction ?) " of this place;" if Sunday, on the monday following. Mr. Adams being infirm from age, was often unable to attend in council, and Mr. Winniett prevented by sickness, it was proposed to have a new councillor appoint- ed. Armstrong writes to governor Belcher, 11 September, He alludes to the influence of the French of cape Breton over the Indians, which he attributes to the English merchants employing them to sell their goods to the latter. He then explains the advantage of having a truck-house on the St. John river, but having no funds to establish it, he suggests that Massachusetts should meet the expense, promising all he could do for its defence and protection. Soon after, a deputy of colonel Dunbar's, as H. M. surveyor general of woods, named George Mitchell, arrived at Annapolis, to execute his duty in Nova Scotia, and he was directed to make a survey of the lands upon the Annapolis river. With regard to the appointment of lieutenant governor Cosby to be president of the council, of which Mascarene and others had complained, the lords of Trade (letter of 2 Nov'r. 1732) decided that " no " " governor has a right to alter the rank of any councillor. " That the eldest councillor upon the list is always to act as president of the council, and to take upon himself the govern- ment, in the absence of the governor and lieutenant governor of the province ; and that whatever rank any person may have out of the council, yet in the council he must submit to the law of seniority, which, in civil government, ought never to be dispensed with, but by his majesty's special order, under his sign manual. They permit grants of land to be made, provi- ded an equal quantity of wood land for the king's service be at the same time laid out. As the usual oaths cannot be taken by the French inhabitants, they are not to be made justices of the peace. They do not think the titles of the seigneurs des- I73 2 - History of Nova-Scotia. 483 troyed by the treaty of Utrecht. They decline authorizing a. table of fees, but suppose grantees will voluntarily pay the officers, if not beyond the practice of other colonies. They request Armstrong " to keep a strict eye upon the French " " missionaries, that they do not increase in number beyond " " what is necessary for the service of the French inhabitants, " " and to repeat the orders of the people settled upon the " " river of St. John, to retire out of the province, they being, " " as we suppose, no part of the old French inhabitants in " " Nova Scotia, and consequently not entitled to any of the " " benefits of the treaty of Utrecht." Armstrong writes to the duke of Newcastle, 15 November. " Under the disguise of a magazine, I have ordered a house " " to be built at Menis, where I design to fix a company, for " " the better government of those more remote parts in the " " bay of Fundy, and, as I hope, to perfect it, notwithstanding " " all the opposition I meet with from the rebellious spirits in " " these parts, incited to oppose it by governor St. Ovid, cost " " what it will," &c. " The Indians are also employed in the " " affair, and use for an argument that, although the English " " conquered Annapolis, they never did Menis, and these " " other parts of the province ; and in consequence of such " " arguments instilled into them, they have actually robbed " " the gentlemen of the colliery at Williamstown, by Chicken- " " ectua, destroyed their house and magazine, built there, " " through pretence of a premium or rent due to them for the " " land and liberty of digging." This he ascribes to St. Ovide's advice. He says more (French) ships resort to the fishery at cape Gaspy than to Louisbourg ; also that the French are also " vigorously carrying on the settlement of the island of" " St. John." Armstrong complains to the lords of Trade of Mr. Winniett, who, being connected by marriage with many of the French, and trading among them as a merchant, and being also father-in-law of Mr. Cosby, appears to have been disliked and suspected by the colonel. Perhaps there was as little foundation for his suspicions of M. St. Ovide. His plan about the barrack, disguised as a granary, was so transparent, that it did not require much to put the Indians and Mines 484 History of Nova-Scotia. I 73 2 - people on the alert to oppose it ; but Armstrong accuses and suspects every body, in his disappointment Capt. Aldridge, who commanded the troops at Canso, and being a councillor, presided there at the meetings of the justices of the peace, had assumed arbitrary rule, and, on the complaint of Mr. How, was checked by a letter from Armstrong. Armstrong renew- ed his proposal about a truck-house to governor Belcher, offering to station soldiers to protect it, and expressing his opinion that the king would pay the cost of building it. On the 2 1 Nov'r. Armstrong wrote to the bishop of Quebec. Messrs. Monfils and de St. Poncy had arrived from Louisbourg with the bishop's letter of recommendation. Armstrong directed St. Poncy to act as clergyman to the inhabitants of Annapolis river, and the other at Pissaquit, (now Windsor) ; promises them all respect if they behave peaceably. He refers what the bishop says about executing his office in the pro- vince to the court of Great Britain. In December, the people up the river petitioned to have their church removed to the midst of the settlement, or else that the priest might spend half his time up the river. This was refused, on the ground that the church had been removed to Annapolis on account of " a massacre contrived by " the priests Charlemain and Felix, of Mines, and several of the people, " to be perpetrated by " " the Indians," and they were told by Armstrong, " there " " are none of you but knows how barbarously some of his " " majesty's subjects were murdered and wounded by these " " infatuated, unthinking people." The council were of opinion " that their church should not be removed, but that it should " " remain where it now is, as a lasting monument and memo- " " rial of their treacherous villainy to his Britannick Majesty " " and his subjects." This decision was notified to the depu- ties on 1 6 Dec'r. ; and on Saturday, 23rd Dec'r., Armstrong stated to the council that the French inhabitants combined to distress the garrison, by raising the price of all eatables, fire- wood, &c., and otherwise acted contemptuously. A suggestion was made to forbid them to fish or navigate, but its consider- ation was postponed. History of Nova-Scotia. 485 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LIII. (i.) I hereby order and impower you, Rene le Blanc, of Menis, to prepare and have in readiness, Timbers fitt for building a Granary or Magazine for his Majesty's service, of 26 foot, ffrench measure, of breadth within, and 60 foot in length, and to have them all in readiness to be erected either upon my arrival at Menis, or otherways, as I shall think proper to direct, and all other necessarys for building the same ; as also a thousand pieces of other timbers, of 14 foot long and about 8 or 9 inches diameter, with a sufficient quantity of binders proper for the same : and in so doing this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and seal at arms, at Annapolis Royal, this nth day of May, 1732, in the fifth year of his majesty's reign. L. ARMSTRONG. Wm. Shirreff, sec'y. (2.) 21 June, 1732. A grant made by Lt. Gov'r. Armstrong to major Henry Cope, John Leddel, John Cairns and Alexander Forsyth, of Boston, merchants, in com- pany, of 4000 acres of land, inWilliamstown, west side of Chickenecto. One penny sterling per acre quit rent was reserved, and one shilling and six pence per chal- dron on the coal. They were to cultivate one-tenth of the lands, and to erect four houses within three years ; reserving coals for the troops, to be dug and ex- ported at H. M. charges ; reserving right to build a fort thereon ; also a reserve of mast timber ; right to all H. M. subjects to fish ; a minister's and a school- master's lot to be set apart ; a way of 300 yards wide to be left open on the banks of all creeks and rivers for all public uses, &c. 3 July. Grant to Samuel Douglass, gunner, of a plott in the lower town of Annapolis Royall, bounded by the street Dauphin, now called St. George's street, fronting the Great river, 120 feet front, between James Horlock's and John Adams, esquire, depth 230 feet to Williams street, contents by estimation roo perches, Quit rent one penny per annum, and a second penny reserved. Condi- tion, to keep house in repair. In a similar grant to Horlock, Frederick street, formerly called St. Anthony street, is mentioned. (See it mentioned in gov'r Brouillan's time.) Grants at this time to John Dyson, bombardier and storekeeper to the board of ordnance, I acre and upwards in the upper town. To capt. John Jephson, 2 acres, 19 p., near the hospital. To John Hanshole, inhabitant, lower town, and to Francis Weatherby, for quit rents, and condition of building houses in the giants. [See Register Book.] 486 History of Nova-Scotia. (3-) At a council, by order of the hon'ble. lieut. governor Armstrong, on tuesday, the 25th of July, 1 732, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. Present : The Hon'ble. the Lieut. Governor of the province. Major Paul Mascarene. John Adams, Esq'r. William Skene, Esq'r. William Sheriff, Esq'r., secretary. Major Henry Cope. William Winniet, Esq'r. Otho Hamilton, Esq'r. An oath of secrecy was administered to the members. " Then his Honor communicated to the Board that he had given orders to one " at Menis for building a magazine there, and that he had been informed that " that person whom he had thus employed had been insulted and interrupted by " the Indians in the execution of that work ; and as major Cope had arrived here " from thence, he desired the major to relate to the Board what he there heard " and saw, which was as follows, vizt : ' On thursday evening, the I3th instant, there came into Rene le Blanc's house " at Menis, three Indians, vizt : Jacque, son to Winaguadish, nicknamed Jacques, " Antoin, his brother, and Andress, their cousin, all living upon Piziquit river, " who, in a most villanous manner and approbrious language, insulted the said " Rene le Blanc, and Peter, his brother, saying, that all the le Blancs were dogs " and villains, except Fran9ois ; and that as for Rene, he had a dagger (putting " his hand at the same time under his coat, where 'tis supposed the dagger hung) " for him, for that he was going to build a fort for the English, (Mr. Cottnam and " myself present), when I assured them there was no such thing or orders at pre- " sent, but suppose the king of Great Britain thought it convenient to build a " fort there, who had anything to say against it." One of them answered, that " he would not suffer it, for that he was king of that country for that king George " had conquered Annapolis, but not Menis, and in a most insolent manner order- " ed Mr. Cottnam and me to be gone, for that we had no business there. I " asked them, who said we were going to build a fort ; they said, all the traders, " and named Mr. Winniet. They said also, that if we did build a fort, the " Indians should go in at one door, and we at another. Upon the whole, I could " easily see it was some of the French had put the Indians upon this proceeding, " out of prejudice to Rene le Blanc, who, by the general report of the inhabitants, " had often been insulted in the same manner, for no reason that I could disco- " ver, but that he was employed and intrusted by the government." 26th July. In council. " The lieutenant governor explained himself as to the " use of the intended building at Menis, which was chiefly to lodge some troops " there to curb the insolence of these unruly people." The council, at his request for advice, " agreed that it would be for H. M. ser- " vice, provided his Honor could effect it in such a manner as not to occasion " such a distrust to these people, as to cause greater inconveniences than what " we at present labor under through their disobedience." History of Nova-Scotia. 487 A proclamation or letter was ordered to be published to the inhabitants and Indians, to shew that no one's rights were infringed by such a building, &c. " I further more declare that three days after the insult before mentioned, "' there came to me a body of Indians, about ten or twelve, to excuse and ask " pardon for the three Indians who had insulted Rene le Blanc, and I told them " for answer that their crime was too great for me to take upon me to excuse on " any other terms than their submitting themselves, and making an open and 41 ingenuous confession who it was that put them upon that insolent behaviour, " (for that I was perswaded it was not of themselves), and that thus I engaged to " interceed with his Honour the Lieut. Governor of the Province and Commander- " in-chief, &c. in their behalf, and to make it a merit in them, and to recommend " them as people deserving his favour and the protection of the Government." HENRY COPE. 26 July, 1 732. In council. A standard half-bushel was adopted. The cord of wood fixed at 8 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4 feet over, one half scarp to one half scarp, closely piled. [Ordinance 7 Aug't. 1732.] A patent of church land order- ed, reserving the block-house, built by public subscription. (4-) At a council held at the Honourable Lt. Governor's house, by his own order, on Tuesday, the first day ot Aug't, 1 732, at 1 1 o' the clock, A. M. Present : The Hon'e. the Lt. Gov'r. of the Province. Maj'r. Paul Mascarene. Wm. Shirreff, Esq'r. John Adams, Esq'r. Wm. Winniett, Esq'r. William Skene, Esq'r. Otho Hamilton, Esq'r. The council was engaged in a trial for a house and gardens claimed by Joseph Jennings, and held by Mr. W. Winniett, the latter withdrawing from his seat during the inquiry. Among the papers offered in evidence was " A copy of a letter, not attested but said to be, from Gov'r. Vetch to said Mr. Joseph Jennings, dated Boston, the 2oth Nov'r., 1711." "A copy of Cahouet's contract from Petitpas, dated 10 Sept'r., 1700." The premises were said to have been bought of Christopher Cahouett by Mr. Joseph Jennings in the year 1711. Also a para- graph of a letter from Mrs. Cahouett to Mr. Winniett, dated Louisbourg, 25 Oct., 1714, and Queen Anne's letter of 23 June, 1713, to General Nicholson. The last the council decided did not extend to French inhabitants who had previously left the province and forfeited their property. After a minute examination of evi- dence, the Board unanimously decided that the house and gardens belonged to Mr. Jennings, who had bought, paid for, and improved the premises by building a very useful but expensive wharf, arid had held ownership 1719 and 1722, and had never been legally ousted. In council, 5 Aug't, 1732. The parties having been notified to attend to hear the sentence, Mr. Ross, attorney for Jennings, the pltff, attended, but Mr. Win- niett had sent an excuse, " that he could not attend, because of being employed about ffish." The sentence was read, and Winniett further ordered to pay the constable's and the secy's, fees. 488 History of Nova-Scotia. (50 23 November, 1732. Armstrong, with advice of the council, grants to Charles Vane, esquire, 4 acres, 3 roods and 17 perches of land near the Fort of Annapolis Royall, " which plott of ground was sold to the said John Adams by Marguerite " " de St. Etienne and Ann LaTour,"and sold again by Adams to Vane, " boun- " " ded as follows, vizt : on the N. W. side by the road leading to the Cape, and " " running along by said road from the church yeard to a garden formerly belong- " " ing to m'r. de ffalais, at present in the possession of major Alexander Cosby, " " as lieutenant governor, and along by said garden from the road S. S. W. to " " the swamp or marsh, and from thence or the foot of captain John Jephson's " " garden along the said marsh North West to the glassee. and from thence " " along the S. E. side of the church yeard N. and by E. to the aforesaid road, " " reserving a little house." To lieutenant John Handfield, one rod and thirty-one perches in Lower Town. Quit rents and conditions of building houses in these grants. A grant was also made in November, 1732, to John Harrison, chaplain. (See 20 July, 1732, application of Rich'd. Watts, chaplain to the gar- rison.) The grant to Mr. Harrison was of church land in the Lower Town, measuring 660 feet, 407 feet, 605 1-2 feet, and 274 1-2 feet, on its external lines. Its contents are stated as four acres, three roods, and thirty-eight perches. It is granted free of quit rent, as Glebe land for ever, for the chaplain, or, if a parish be established, for the parish minister. A grant passed also at this time to William Haw, tayleor, of three acres, three roods and ten perches, in the upper town of Annapolis Royal. 1733- History of Nova-Scotia. 489 CHAPTER LIV. r 733- On the 4 January, 1732-3, lieut. governor Armstrong, by advice of H. M. council, orders all quitt rents, homages and services, and arrears thereof, since 1731, to be paid by the inhabitants of Annapolis river to a receiver, for his majesty's use. In February, a petition from Mary de St. Estienne, widow of Alexandre le Borgne, of Belleisle, and Mary le Borgne, her daughter, respecting a farm and certain seigneurial rents they claimed, was referred by the council to the lords of Trade. The council appointed a scale of fees for the secretary. In April, a deserter from the party of soldiers at Chignecto was examined on a charge of killing two Indians. In May, com- missions as justices of peace at Canso for Joshua Henshaw, Moses Galley, and Richard Bardin, were issued, in answer to their letter from Boston of 23 March. In June, governor Philipps, reported to Mr. Popple on a petition of Mrs. Agatha Campbell. He says he had ordered the inhabitants not to pay any more quit or seigneurial rents. Points out mis-statements in the petition. Others of the heirs remained in the country. Mr. Winniett again attends in council in this month. He had declined to attend for some time, alleging that he was busy, &c., to the constable who served the summonses. Goat island was granted to Charles Vane, esq'r., June, 1733. It is described as ' near to a place commonly called the Scot's ffort.' (See appendix.) 6 July. Mr. Winniett gave offence to the council by say- ing they had done him injustice in the decision between himself and Jennings. On the next day they past a vote 490 History of Nova-Scotia. of censure on him for this and his neglect to attend council. 20 July. Armstrong ordered Mr. Geo. Mitchell to survey the woods and lands lying on both sides of Annapolis river, from ' the Gutt' upwards, duly distinguishing the uninhabited lands the property of individuals, the cultivated and uncultivated parts. The inhabitants were ordered to plant poles, to shew their bounds to the surveyor. They failed to do this, and an order was made in council, 1 1 August, to be published at the church door to that effect, and that a deputy and one or two inhabitants of each village should attend the surveyor and shew him the boundaries. The inhabitants below the river to attend him on thursday next. 30 August. Armstrong writes to the priest de la Godalie, who seems to have been restored to favor, respecting the choice of deputies, on n Oct'r., old style, He adds, " After the election is over, according to the " " tenor of my order, I expect to see them here, where both " " you and they shall meet with a kind reception." In September, Alexandre le Borgne, sieur de Belleisle, came before the lieutenant governor and council, and took the oath of allegiance. His petition to be restored to the seignory and rights of his deceased father, was received and considered, and ordered to be transmitted to the lords of Trade and Planta- tions, with copies of his other papers. As to his demand of land not yet granted at Mines, it was agreed that part at least of such lands might be granted to him. It was also resolved that he should have leave to cut firewood and hay off ungrant- ed lands. Councillors present : Messrs. Mascarene, Adams, Skene, Shirreff, Cope, Eras. Jas. Philipps, Otho Hamilton. 20 Oct'r. The new deputies chosen on the nth appeared before the council were approved of and admitted, and the old deputies were dismissed, with thanks. (From Armstrong's letter of 29 Oct'r., 1733, to the Board of Trade.) " On the 2ist September last there arrived here " " a ship from the Tower, with cannon, carriages, shot, and " " other ordnance stores, with bedding and clothes for the " " poor men." " The French are very assiduous in car- " " rying on their fortifications at the island of St. John, in the " " bay of Verte, and at St. Peter's, about 6 or 7 leagues dis- " 1733- History of Nova-Scotia. 491 " tant from Canso." He urges the fortifying of Canso, and refers to the French fishery at Gaspe. " The ship " "from the board of Ordnance, which is to carry home all the " " cannon, mortars, &c., hath much revived us, they having " " also sent some artificers, with directions to their store- " " keeper, to put the garrison and the outworks in repair, " " which at present wants it much. We have ever since " " the spring been employed in patching and repairing the " " roofs and the foundation of the houses to prevent their " " falling, and I hope that in a few years the whole garrison " " will be in a tolerable good condition ; and I heartily wish " " our storehouses and magazines were likewise ordered to be " " made bomb proof, which would be a great safety to the " " place." He describes the whale fishery carried on from Canso by a number of sloops in company, fitted out from Connecticut and New England ; they make quantities of oil. About the 20 September, seventy sloops put in at Canso, deeply loaded with fourteen whales, and they were in daily expectation of one hundred sloops more, deeply freighted from the banks, where they report are great whales in abun- dance. " The annual duties arising from the trade at Canso " " will far exceed the annual expence of the government in " " having it well fortified." " Our Indians begin to " " grow uneasy, and it is alleged that it proceeds from having " " never received the presents formerly sent them by his " "late majesty." The French punctually send them annual presents. He recommends presents to be sent to them of " some red and blue strouds, a few arms, and a small quantity " "powder and shot yearly," or to adopt the New England plan of truck-houses, especially at river St. John, to prevent their being imposed on by traders. The loss on the traffic would be balanced by securing their friendship, tho' at best they are ' perfidious to the English,' which he attributes to their mis- sionaries. He reports expected movements of the Indians on the borders of New England and at Chignecto, from which he apprehends mischief. In writing again to the lords of Trade, (10 Nov'r., 1733), referring to the claims made by Alexandra le Borgne, sieur cle Belleisle, he says, " This Alexander is " 49 2 History of Nova-Scotia. J 733 " the son of Mary, the daughter of seigneur James " (Charles) " Latour, alias St. Estien, by madame D'aunay. She, after " " the reduction of the province, retired to Canada for about " " three years, and then returned." 20 Nov'r. he sends the board of trade " an exact plan " of the river Annapolis, now British river, and requests payment for the deputy surveyor, who has been obliged to hire a boat and four men, besides an interpreter. The French inhabitants obstructed him, but at length allowed him to survey their respective boundaries. i December, 1733, the lieutenant governor, with advice of the council, commissions Prudent Robicheau, senior, to collect and receive, for his majesty's use, from all the inhabitants of Annapolis river, ' residing and being' " within the precincts " " and limits of the Banlieu, all quit rents, fines of alienation, " " dues and demands, and all arrearages since 1732, inclusive," to deduct three shillings in the pound for his care and trouble. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LIV. (i.) In council, 15 January, 1732-3. Present : His Honour the Lieut. Gov'r. of the Province. John Adams, Esq. Major Henry Cope. William Skene, Esq. Otho Hamilton, Esq. William Shirreff, sec'ry. His Honour the Lieut. Governor of the Province acquainted the Board that upon an information of Nicholas Gautier, one of the deputys, against ffrancis Raymond and one ffrancis Meuse, he had sent the constable on Saturday's night last to apprehend them ; the first being accused of theft, and both of them for ffelling of trees across the public highway, in order to stop and hinder the passing of any carts or sleadges with wood. Joseph Landry and Michell Doucett being first sworn and examined, they de- clared that they were both on board of the said Gautier's sloop, in this river, when Francis Raymond broke up the cabin door, and that they saw him do it, and that when the door was so broke open, they, the said Joseph Landry and Michell Doucett, did drink a dram with the said prisoner at the cabin door out of a fflagon. History of Nova-Scotia. 493 The prisoner, ffrancis Raymond, confessed the most of Mr. Gautier's informa- tion, and that he had taken money out of Mr. Gautier's chest, vizt : at Lewis Bourgh one Pistol, and at the river Canard ^5, but that he did not then break any locks ; and said that at Annapolis Royall he did draw the steple of the Pad- lock to take a Dram, according to the Evidences of the Witnesses, who were so far consenting to it, as the prisoner said, that they said to him that there was no harm in taking a Dram. Joseph Gautier affirmed before the prisoners that ffrancis Raymond did strick him twice with a stick, and pursued him part of his way home ; and the prisoner, ffrancis Raymond, being examined thereon. He confessed that he did it, and the other complainants, viz't : James Lavern, Claud Landry, junior, Joseph Landry, Peter Robicheau, and Andrew Simon, jun'r., being sworn and examined, they said that they found the Road so stopt, but that they did not know possitively who did it ; and being asked if there was much wood thrown down, they said about a cart load ; and the prisoners being asked if they had done it, ffrancis Meuse con- fessed and said that he did cut about two or three smal trees, and that he did also pick up about 7 or 8 other stumps, and throw them amongst them, and that for no other intent than to cause young Robicheau, who was on Horse Back to Go a little about, and ffrancis Raymond Denying that he Cut any, the said Meuse said that he did not see him cut any. Whereupon his Honour, to find out more of the truth and state of the Road, sent the Corporal Major along with James Lavern to visit the same, and to make a report to him of the truth thereof, and then adjourned till three of the clock, P. M. The -Corporal Major stated " that he there found about 40 or 50 trees laid cross the Road, and some lying by the road side ; and Lavern being also examin- ed thereon, being both first sworn, said that there were a great many others lying by the road side that had been removed from off the road since he last saw it." The Board found that ffrancis Raymond, by his own confession, was guilty of repeated Thefts ; and that the said ffrancis Meuse was also, by his own confes- sion, guilty of a trespass and contempt. Adjourned. Friday, 16 January, 1732-3. Agreed that ffrancis Baymond should be whipt at the cart's tail, viz., at the Block House, at the Fort Gate, at the Cape, and at Mr. Gautier's, and at each of those places to receive five stripes on his bare back with a cat of nine tails ; and that Francis Meuse shall receive 40 stripes at the ffort gate on his bare back with a cat of nine tails ; but submitted the inflicting or remitting the same to his Honour's clemency, and ordered that Francis Ray- mond remain in Prison after punishment till he pay the Constable a Pistol for his prison fees, and be bound over in a hundred pound, and also to find two good securitys in fifty pounds each for his good behaviour for a year ; and that both the said ffrancis Raymond and ffrancis Meuse should cause the trees cut down upon the road to be removed from off the same, and brought hither and laid down by the ffort, in such a place as shall be appointed, and that they stand committed till their sentence be performed. Landry and Doucett were ordered to be apprehended for contempt in not appearing as directed. John Duon having pulled down a paper from the Mass house door, and reflec- ted on the Gov'r., &c., was committed pleaded drink, and confessed drawing up complaints agt. the Lt. Gov'r., signed by inhabitants ; implicated Mr. Win- niett as promoting it. Duon was forbid to draw papers, &c., and ordered to give tecurity. Mr. Winniett declined attending council again. 494 History of Nova-Scotia. (2.) Read in council, 5 Feb. 1732-3. A report of committee of Privy Council 2 Aug't, 1732, respecting dispute between colonel Dunbar and several people of New England about the colonel's settlement at Pemmequid, and between the rivers Kennebeck and St. Croix, with the king's directions thereon. (3.) Grants, 4 June, 1733, to captain Henry Daniell, one acre, one rood, 33 perches, in upper town, Annapolis Royall ; to John Dyson, small lot, lower town, on the i-4d. quit rent. 9 June, to John Adams, esq'r., several lots. In all, seven acres. 9 June, 1733. Armstrong grants to Charles Vane, esquire, his heirs and assigns, for ever, " an island, known by the name of Goat island, now called " " Armstrong's island, scituated in the river of Annapolis Royall, near to a place " " commonly called the Scots ffort, on the N. W. side of the river, and a place " " called ffisher's point, on the S. E. side of the said river, containing in the " " whole thirty acres." Quit rent one penny sterling per acre, payable at Anna- polis, and one penny more per acre reserved. Condition, to build and keep in repair a house thereon, and to obey the laws, &c. (4.) In council, 24 July, 1 733. William Haw, being arrested for selling Hquor to artificers without license, and making them drunk, " contemptuously returned " " his patent to the secretary, saying, he would not stay in the country." The council considered his patent forfeited, to the king, and might be re-granted. 1734- History of Nova-Scotia. 495 CHAPTER LV. i 734. The chief subjects of interest at this time that occupied the attention of the authorities in Nova Scotia, were enforcing the collection of seigneurial rents, and the bargain Mrs. Aga- tha Campbell was making in London with the crown for the sale of the seignory belonging to the Latour family. The fol- lowing is from a letter written by the secretary, Mr. Shirreff, to John Duon, dated 'Annapolis Royal, 5 January, 1733-4.' He acknowledges a letter sent by the son of Jean le Prince. " " It was as easy for them to bring their rents on " " horseback, as it is for them daily to ride hither." The debts being due to the king, the governor is obliged to enforce them, " and whereas he will not grant any further time for the pay- " " ment of the aforesaid rents, &c. He therefore orders, that " " for their own sake they will immediately comply, for which " " purpose he intends, on Monday morning next, at ten of the " " clock, to fire three guns, with a whift in the flagg, for a " " signall," (pavilion en berne pour signal), " to speak with " " you and the deputies, at the same hour, on the tuesday fol- " " lowing, and expect that the inhabitants will also repair " " here at the same time with their rents. In regard to the " " difficulties you find about the Turkey in exchange for four " " capons, it is judged an equivalent, because a capon was " " always deemed more valuable than a hen, and you know " " yourself the difference thereof." (In one of the old French leases, dated about 1691, the rent is reserved to the seigneur in capons and bushels of wheat. It is recorded in the first grant book.) 496 History of Nova-Scotia. I734 8 January. Reny Forest, James Giroir and Reny Richards were ordered to pay half the rents of their farm to madame Belleisle, viz't : 6 hhds. 3 bushels wheat, and 1 3 fowls, yearly ; and on 10 April it was ordered that she should have the whole rent, it being ascertained to be farm rent, and not seigneural. 9 January, the lieut. governor suspended Mr. Winniett from being a member of council, for refusal to attend, disrespect, and other reasons, which he would lay before his majesty. January 26. Two contracts of lease were affirmed, the rent of one being " one denier tournois de cens, 2 bushels wheat and " " 2 capons," and the other " one denier Parisis, 2 capons and " " 4 bushels wheat" At a council held at major Paul Masca- carene's house in H. M. garrison of Annapolis Royal, monday, 4 March, 1733-4, at 10 o'clock, A. M., present the lieut. gover- nor, messrs. Mascarene, Adams, Skene, Shirreff, (secretary), Cope and Otho Hamilton. The accounts of Prudent Robi- chaux and John Duon, who were commissioned by Armstrong to receive the seigneural rents of Annapolis river, were con- sidered. Robichaux's account amounted to 41 7-8 bushels wheat, 56 fowls, 4 partridges, 53. lod. cash on account of rent, and 2 133. od. for fines of alienation. John Duon's account amounted to 80 1-4 bushels wheat, 79 fowls, 133. 4d. on account of rent, and ;8 75. 6d. for fines of alienation. It was advised that Armstrong should give the rent gatherers' receipts for the sum and quantity of the several species delivered to him ; that the rents be reduced to money, by reckoning the wheat at 5od., hens at i8d., pullets at 5d., and partridges at 5d., " the present current prices," and not at the prices formerly in the time of the French, " viz't : wheat at 4od. and hens at " *' rod., as per report thereof, made by Mr. Duon." The New England currency is the scale referred to ; it must be borne in mind that it was very far below sterling in value. Lieuten- ant governor Armstrong informs the lords of Trade (letter 10 May, 1734) that the seigneural rents of the Annapolis river for the years 1732 and 1733 had been paid him for his majesty, "amounting to ^40 i8s. 2d. 79-80 New England" "money, which, at 260 per cent discount, amounts to 11 " 7s. 3 i-2d. sterling." (Douglas says that the whole seigneu- 1734- History of Nova-Scotia. 497 ral rents of the province in 1749 did not exceed ,17 sterling per annum.) In March, the lieut governor commissioned John Hamilton, gentleman, as 'naval officer' for the port of Annapolis. In April, he ordered George Mitchell to proceed to Mines, Pissa- quid, Cobaquid, cap DorJ, Shickanecto and Chippody, and survey each of those places, discriminating uninhabited land, cultivated, uncultivated, enclosed, &c. He was also to survey the uninhabited lands on both sides of Mines basin up to Pis- saquid, the coast and lands at Chignecto, St. John river, and harbors to Passamaquoddy, Grand Manan, and back to cape Sable, islands, creeks, harbors, rivers, depth of water, &c. &c. Whoever drew up this order must have had but little knowledge of the amount of time and labor, that must be ex- pended to carry through all the duties specified. It would be a work of years to make the measurements proposed. It is refreshing to find that, amidst the cares and vexations that attended a government without citizens or subjects to whom it could look for support, a fortress whose ramparts and lodgings were tumbling down or washed away by the rains of autumn, a province without any revenue and but little commerce, and a garrison whose supplies of clothing, pay or provision, were scanty and precarious, a small military* community, perched upon a strip of land, environed by races hostile in many respects, and themselves not too friendly or confiding in each other, there should yet exist a spark of healthy, cheerful feeling, and a love of innocent recreation. The decay of barracks and storehouses, the embezzlement of regimental funds, the wrecked condition of the provincial ves- sel the William Augustus, the jealousies that kept Armstrong unhappy, and made him angry with Cosby and Winniett, the grievance attending the collecting seigneural dues, and the ever recurring discord with the missionaries, become tedious to him who investigates the mss. records of those days ; and the reader must understand that many things of this kind have been omitted and abridged in our narrative. I am led to make these remarks by an entry of the proceedings in coun- cil at Annapolis, of 10 April, 1734, viz't : " The officers of 32 498 History of Nova-Scotia. J734- " the garrison prayed that that small inclosure adjoining to " " the Governor's Garden and the White House field, and " " lying opposite to the Fort gate, known by the name of the " " Bowling Green, shall be reserved and set apart for them " " and their successors, and all other Gentlemen who may " " please to contribute towards the expense of making the " " said enclosure a Bowling Green, and repairing and fencing " " the same from time to time as the same may require, for " " ever." It was agreed it should be so. The last expression in the officers' petition is " for ever." How short sighted are mortals. The fort which had then subsisted for a century under such varying fortunes, so often besieged, so often chang- ing masters, no longer re-echoes with the signal gun, the sentry's all's well, or qui va let, or the sounds of his measured tramp. The contrast between the deserted ramparts and glacis where cattle now unmolested graze, and the condition of the fortress under its many changes, but so long the abode of military energy, affords food for the reflections of the philoso- pher, and the illustrations of the poet and the novelist. At this period apprehensions were felt in England of a renewal of war with France, and a representation of the state of Nova Scotia, in prospect of such a contingency, was prepa- red, addressed to the king, and signed by the lieut. governor and council, and officers, both civil and military. Date 1 3 July, 1734. In this paper they refer to the fortifications of Louis- bourg, St. Peter's, and at the island of St. John, to the pri- vateers that could be fitted out, and which would stop the supplies and destroy the fishing vessels of the province, and to the influence held by French emissaries over the Acadians. That the French only esteem the oath of alle- ' glance they have taken, to bind them to become neutral, and they believe it will not even hinder them from joining the enemy, when attempts from Cape Breton and Canada shall be made, in conjunction with the Indians, to conquer the pro- vince. There are four companies of colonel Philipps' regiment at Canso, without barracks or storehouses, except temporary buildings which the fishermen helped to put up. That the French and Indians have altered of late, and become insolent, I734 History of Nova-Scotia. 499 having, as they say, assurance of help from France. In case of war, they expect Canso will be besieged by sea and land, and privateers will annoy the British. Several merchants had already retired from Canso, with their effects. Governor Philipps stated to the lords of Trade, in reply to questions they addressed to him, that " the chief encourage- " " ment wanting toward the well cultivating and improvement " of Nova Scotia, was " the creating two or three forts in pro- " " per places, with an addition of 2 or 300 men to garrison " " such forts. This may invite a new set of people that are " " Protestants to venture their lives and fortunes under that " " government ; for as to the present inhabitants, they are " " rather a pest and incumbrance than of advantage to the " " country, being a proud, lazy, obstinate and untractable " ' people, unskilful in the methods of agriculture, nor will be " " led into a better way of thinking, and (what is still worse) " " greatly disaffected to the government. They raise ('tis " " true) both corn and cattle on marsh lands that wants no " " clearing, but have not, in almost a century, cleared the " " quantity of 300 acres of wood land. From their corn and " " cattle they have plenty of dung for manure, which they " " make no use of ; but when it increases, so as to become "" " troublesome, then, instead of laying it on their lands, they " "get rid of it by removing their barns to another spot." It does seem rather hard that Philipps, who had been always- received with great respect by the Acadians, and in the brief periods that he resided at Annapolis exercised more con- trol over them than any other governor, should now, from his English domicile, while drawing full pay as governor,, while poor major Armstrong had all the work to do without compensation : it is hard, I think, that Philipps should give- you this picture of his quondam subjects. I would not dispute the truth of his statement in a general way, but cannot help thinking he had colored the faults and mistakes of these poor people a little too high. Whether to attribute it to his desire to excuse his absence from his post, or to the tendency of his mind to take strong and forcible views of every thing, and to- express himself in graphic and expressive language, I do not 500 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 734 know ; but I incline to think, that while he possessed a vigo- rous mind, and took true and clear impressions of most mat- ters, that some allowance must always be made for the earnest and passionate feelings usually found in men of his charac- ter. While making this observation, it is but right to add that he united to a clear intellect a manly and kind disposition, and in the main he has not been surpassed, in the chief quali- lities of firmness and fairness that dignify a ruler, by any of his successors. We now encounter some judicial matters that shew us a very different style of punishment for misconduct than is prac- tised at the present day. A council was held 6 August, 1734. o. s. There were present lieutenant governor Armstrong, doctor Skene, secretary Shirreff, major Cope, Eramus J. Phi- lipps, and Otho Hamilton. The cause of Mary Davis against Jeanne Picot, the wife of Louis Thibauld, was tried, for scan- dal in accusing Mary of the murder of two children. The report was " found a vile, malicious, groundless and scanda- " " lous report. Ordered, that Jeanne Picot should be ducked " " on Saturday next, the loth instant, at high water." She, and Cecil Thompson, her witness, were ordered to be bound over, &c., for spreading false reports. " Mary Davis praying " " that the aforesaid sentence of ducking may be reversed, and " " if she, the said Picot, might only be obliged to ask her par- " "don, on Sunday, the nth instant, at the mass house door. " She was ordered to do so publicly. In council, on the I2th August, 1734. Mathew Hurry, convicted of stealing a $ bill from serjeant James Thompson, was sentenced to fifty lashes, bare back, cat of nine tails, and to return the money. The lords of Trade wrote from "Whitehall, 11 Sept'r. 1734," to colonel Armstrong. They think the project of truck-houses should be postponed till there are inhabitants enough in the province to compose an assembly and to bear the expense of it. As to the question of the seigneurs, such of them as remained in the province " at the treaty of Utrecht have M " thereby a right to keep what they were legally possessed of" w before that time, owning allegiance to the crown of Great " " Britain, and conforming themselves to the government of" I734- History of Nova-Scotia. 501 " the province ; but such of them as went to France, leaving " " behind them what they enjoyed, and are since returned, can " " have no right to any land but what they shall hold from the " " king under the annual quit rent, to be paid by H. M. sub- " " jects settling in that province." On the suspension of Mr. Winniett, they found the account of that transaction not explicit enough to enable them to form any judgment upon it. After pointing out that a councillor should have full freedom of debate and vote, that it would not do to be too nice in the infancy of a colony in observing on the conduct of councillors, " and where there are so few civil inhabitants, one would not " " part too lightly with one of them out of the council." In Sept'r., 1734, in consequence of the prevalence of thefts and robberies, an order of governor and council authorized the inhabitants to keep a night watch, to arrest suspicious persons at night, and to fire on those who refuse to answer after being thrice challenged. M. le Borgne de Belleisle obtained an order on parties who had taken from him eight loads of hay, cut on ungranted land, to return the same. They appear to have claimed under a deed from M. la Tour, apparently one of the heirs, who left the province at the conquest in 1710. 30 September. John Hamilton, deputy collector, was ordered to go in the sloop Mary, Stride, master, to St. John, to prevent illicit trade, and ensign Samuel Cottnam was authorized to seize vessels, &c. for the same purpose. A correspondence exists of this year between the lords of Trade and lieut. gover- nor Armstrong, respecting Mrs. Agatha Campbell's claims to the seigneuries of Nova Scotia, in which Armstrong combats many of her assertions. The information possessed by gov- ernment on the titles to these seigneuries, appears to be very far from being complete or accurate at this time. There is a report of the lords of Trade to the committee of the privy council on her petition, which report is dated Whitehall, 23rd October, 1733. Also a letter from lieut. governor Armstrong to the lords of Trade, dated 30 Nov'r., 1734, and 14 Jan'y., 1734-5. Douglass (Summary, p. 327) says Mrs. Campbell had procured procurations and quit claims from her co-heirs, and sold the seignory of the province to the crown in 1731 for 502 History of Nova-Scotia. 1 72>4- 2000 guineas. The sale must have been some time later, and her claims at best were but partial in title, and did not embrace the whole province. In November, 1734, Geo. Mitchell was sent to survey the land from Chevery's creek to the mouth of Pissaguet river, (Avon), and also that at Grand Saut, (Sault), and cape Fandu, (fendu, Cape Split.) APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LV. (i.) In council. 10 April, 1734. Mr. John Adams prayed leave of absence for twelve months, to go to Britain, for some relief in consideration of his services, and asked for a certificate of his conduct/rom the lieut. governor and council. All which was granted, (2.) In lieut. gov'r. Armstrong's letter to Board of Trade, Annapolis Royal, 10 May, 1734, he says that the inhabitants are not disposed to take grants, as the quit rents would be heavier, and most of them have a mile of frontage and a league in depth, without any conditions of enclosing or fencing. If the uplands are as bar- ren as they state, one penny sterling per hundred acres is too great a quit rent. Thinks the trade, &c., better than quit rents. (3-) 13 July, 1734. The lieut. gorernor, council,, officers, civil and military, and the British inhabitants, address the king, congratulating him on the marriage of the Princess Royal with his most serene highness the Prince of Orange. In this they mention " the glorious memory of king William, who, in spite of the enemies to " " both, rescued us from Popery and arbitrary power, and opened a door for " " your majesty's succession to compleat that glorious work, &c" (4-) In Council, 16 Sept'r., 1734 : Alexander le Borgne, S're. de Belleisle, who had taken the oath of allegiance, and had permission to cut firewood and hay for his own use off the king's land, memorialized the It. gov'r., complaining of obstruction. " Alex'r. Bellisle, y'e " " son, was called in, and being examined. He laid some other papers vouched " " and attested by some of the deputies and others, as upon file. That one " " Charles Richards, lately come into the province from Cape Breton, and others " History of Nova-Scotia. 503 " of his party, had not only opposed him in cutting, but had even insulted him " " and taken away the Hay that he had cutt, without shewing y'e least regard to " " authority granted to his father for so doing, and contemptuously refused to " " see it or hear it read. Whereupon, being asked off what land he had. cutt said " " hay, and his answer being from off some land granted by mons'r. La Toure, a " " subject of ffrance, since the reduction of the Province to his Britannic Majesty." In council, 19 Sep'r., 1734 : The Lt. Gov'r. informed the Board " that the said Charles Richards was come to answer for himself, and had brought along with him a child, Angelick Dougas, who had presented him with a petition, setting forth that her deceased father, Joseph Dougas, did purchass that land, (which Belleisle hath represented to be the king's land), not only of mons'r. Latour but of the other seignieurs, since that time become co-heirs of the seignioralty.'" "The petition, with a contract or grant of said land, bearing date the 3d day of March, 1713, said to be granted by the seigniours, attested by Alex'r. Bourg, not'ry.," were read. " Richards also produced four receipts for rent, said by him to be paid for the " said land to the seignieurs." Richards was himself examined. The Board decided that the grant was " defective " and " fraudulent ;" that 41 Dougas had no right of inheritance by virtue of said grant, since he had also " abandoned the province, and retired with his family into the dominions of ffrance. " and agreed that it then was in the gift of the king ; that the property thereof " shall remain as it is till his Honour should have an opportunity to go and visit " it at Mines, and that till then, or further orders, Mr. Belleisle may cutt hay as " is already directed ; and then ordered that the said Richards, as he hath, with " the quantity taken from Belleisle, cutt from off said land 16 loads of hay, that " he, the said Charles Richards, or his partners, shall return 8 loads thereof to " the said m'r. Bellisle find good security that this order shall be punctually " performed and obeyed, and not to depart from hence till a certificate is returned " from Mines that it is duely complyed with." " Ordered that the said Charles Richards should pay the charge of the process. " and that Mr. Secr'y. should keep the aforesaid Grant or Contract upon file, and " give an attested copy thereof to the said Charles Richards." In council, 27 Sept'r., 1734. Present: Lt. Gov'r. Armstrong, Shin-erf, Cope, E. J. Philipps, and Otho Hamilton. Ensign Samuel Cottnam, at Mines, wrote to the Lt. Gov'r., complaining of clandestine trade. It was resolved to authorize Ensign Cottnam to seize such traders and their vessels, and bring them to Annapolis. Mr. Peter Bline sent for, stated he knew of such clandestine traders, " and gave an account of one .Bently, of Charlestown, in New England Munier, an half Indian, and Chatteneuf, a Frenchman, son-in-law to St. Castine, of Penob- ficott, who daily practised that trade ; and that the said Bently, of Charlestown, threatned to meet with him, the said Peter Blin, this fall, at St. John's river, and their to feight him." An order was adopted to authorize Blin to seize, &c., as Cottnam had been empowered, and for deputy collector and naval officer, Mr. John Hamilton, to go up the Bay with him for that purpose. 504 History of Nova-Scotia* (5-) At a council held by order of the Lieut. Governor Armstrong, Esq'r., the 26th Nov'r., 1734, at major Henry Cope's house, in his maj'ts garrison of Annapolis Royall, at 1 1 o' the clock, A. M. Present : William Skene, Esq'r. Eras. Jas. Philipps, Esq'r. Will. Shirreff, Sec'ry. Otho Hamilton, Esq'r. Henry Cope, Esq'r. The secretary acquainted the Board that there was one Joseph Munier, (see Sept. 27, 1734), an half Indian, come to make his submission, and to take the- oath of allegiance to his majesty, and therefore to know whither it might not be administred to him, and he admitted the same priviledges as his Majestie's other ffrench subjects. The Board agreed that, as he was an active man amongst the Indians, and as it might prove to the good of his Majesty's service to admit him, the oath was accordingly ordered to be administred, who, being sent for, he took the same before the Board. L. ARMSTRONG. (Front Governor Philipps 1 letter to the Lords of Trade, 30 Nov'r., 1734, -" At my return to London, out of Essex, where I had been con- fined lame three months, I found a letter from Mr. Secretary Popple." In explanation about presents to the Indians fourteen years before, he says : " Mr. Bamfield, at that time in trust in the Plantation office, got the money and " " sent out part of the value only in very inferior articles, the worst that ever " " were bought with money," and his death prevented the full detection of the fraud. Speaking of the Indians, he says : Proud to be called the Allies of France. " They; are not to be drawn from that party by all the douceurs or pre- '* " sents the king shall make them." Cannot advise presents : " they will '* " take whatever we give them, and cut our throats next day." He sent the undisposed of presents back to New England, where they were sold for ^150, for the use of the Government. Three or four years ago, when he was administering the oath of allegiance to the French, he gave presents, &c. to the Indians, who drank the king's health and danced the Indian dance. 1735- History of Nova-Scotia. 505 CHAPTER LVI. 1735. In the beginning of this year the prices of firewood which the French inhabitants demanded from the garrison, were considered exorbitant, and intended to distress the Bri- tish. By order of the lieutenant governor, a committee of the council met at major Cope's house, on tuesday, 7 January, 1734-5. Present : Dr. Skene, secretary Shirreff, major Cope, Erasmus James Philipps and Otho Hamilton, who recommen- ded the lieut. governor to discourse with the deputies. The same committee met at the secretary's office in the garrison, monday, 3 Feb., 1734-5, at 3 P. M. The secretary acquainted the Board that his honour being again informed of the great abuses and exorbitant prices demanded by the French inhabi- tants for firewood, by which they seemed to have no other views at this time than to distress his majesty's garrison, every officer, and all the English inhabitants in the place, and that his majesty hath an undoubted right to the woods, and they only the herbage and vesturage of the lands, and entitu- led only to the benefit of such woods as they may have imme- diate occasion for their own proper use and buildings. He therefore desired that as they, the inhabitants, had obstinately through contempt, refused taking patents for their said lands in his majesty's name, his Honor therefore desired the gen- tlemen of the Board seriously to consider their insolence and the present circumstances of his majesty's garrison, which could not possibly subsist without wood." The Board consid- ered 6s. 8d. a chord was a reasonable price. Peter Grange and ffran^ois Doucett, who had spread a report that major 506 History of Nova-Scotia. 1735- Cope had offered 5 livres a cord, (in order to advance the price of wood), were fined 53. each for a false report. It is to be remarked that what was called New England currency appears to have borne such a proportion to sterling, that ^360 N. E. was equivalent to ;ioo sterling. The 6s. 8d. per cord for wood, mentioned above, would thus be nearly is. lod. sterling, or about 2s. 2 i-2d. Halifax currency, or 44 cents ; while the 5 livres would be equal to 43. 2d. sterling, or 53. 2 i-2d. Halifax currency say $1.04, being nearly double the price the com- mittee then deemed reasonable. The prices of this kind of fuel have augmented since by six or eight fold. On the i April, the lieutenant governor, being about to go up the bay of Fundy, had a meeting of the council called, where it was agreed to renew the Indian treaty, and to tender the oath to all such inhabitants as had not already taken it, and that the lieut. governor might take books and papers with him to Menis out of the Secretary's office. The council met frequently during this year, to perform the duties of a court of justice, in trying chiefly civil suits among the French inhabi- tants, in their disputes about lands and monies. The lieuten- ant governor, and messrs. Skene, Shirreff and Hamilton, held a committee of council, at Menis, 17 April, 19 April, 24 April, 26 April, 28 April. The four first were chiefly for trial of disputes among the inhabitants. On that of the 28th, the deputies of Mines for last year were reproved for not obeying the lieutenant governor's orders of 2 November, 1734, respecting petit Jacques le Blanc, who had grossly affronted Mr. John Hamilton, deputy collector, in the execu- tion of his duty. April 17, an order was made for repair of the dykes and fences at Mines and Pissaquid ; and about the same time an order to repair the road between Mines and Pissaquid. In May, constables were ordered to aid the depu- ties at Mines, Pizaquid and Cobequid. An inventory was made of the effects of petit Jacques le Blanc. The committee of council met at Mines also on the ist and on the 9th May. Armstrong, in this progress, went with his suite to Piziquet, (Windsor), where they were received and entertained by mon- sieur Maufils, the resident priest. Armstrong addressed a 1735- History of Nova-Scotia. 507 letter to him, dated ' Menis, the 28 April, 1735, which begins thus : " Reverend sir. I take this opportunity of thanking " " you once more for your civil and generous entertainment " " of myself and gentlemen at Piziquet." He asks after St. Poncy's health, encloses a letter to the deputies, and thinks it reasonable the inhabitants should shew their grants. Those of Mines have already brought in most of their grants ; hopes those of Piziquet will do so. (At this time m. de la Goudalie was priest at Grand Pr6, Mines.) The letter to the deputies of Piziquet and Cobequid require the bringing in deeds and contracts, on the ground of various disputes about boundaries, seigneural rents, fines of alienation, &c., that information may be obtained. In July, Mr. A. Popple writes to Armstrong that the Board of Trade has been informed by captain Fytche, of H. M. S. Sheerness, that the French of Cape Breton resort lo the Canso islands to fish for several years, this year with thirty boats, and pretend leave from the governor. They enquire if such leave was given, and if so, disapprove of it highly, &c. They wish a culler of fish appointed at Canso, as complaints are made of ill-cured English fish. In September, the lords of Trade write to Armstrong, re- questing a statement of the duties paid at Canso, the number of English inhabitants there and elsewhere in the province. Until there are enough of these to form an assembly, they cannot form a civil government, or expect to people the pro- vince. An order had been obtained for a grant of the isle Haute, and of a peninsula lying east of it, by one John Hart, esquire. This was opposed before the lieut. governor and council, by lieut. governor Cosby, and by messrs. Daniel, Blin and Donnell, and the issue of the patent prevented. Arm- strong writes to the lords of Trade, " Annapolis Royal, " " 27 Sept., 1735." Says he has no letter from them this year. He went up the bay of Fundy in April, found the people very complaisant, and outwardly well affected, but he thinks they are not so in reality. A block-house and soldiers might curb them. They set the Indians on to mischief. Presents only could buy the attachment of the Indians. After this, he went to Canso, and spent most of the summer there. Every- 508 History of Nova-Scotia. J 735* body complained of captain Aldridge, so Armstrong removed him from that command, and gave him leave of absence for eight months, and appointed major Mascarene to command at Canso, " who is a worthy honest man, and no doubt will " " please the inhabitants better." He wishes Canso were forti- fied. The fishery this year has been good. Thirty or forty thousand quintals of fish were cured upon the island. He says " this was chiefly owing to the encouragement that I " " published in the prints in Boston last winter." He intends to revisit Canso next summer. There is good expectation from the whale fishery. The Indians of the river St. John felt, or affected to feel, apprehensions on account of the proceedings of the govern- ment surveyors in that vicinity, and they sent Francis Ger- main, a chief, and captain Peter Jacque, to Annapolis, with Mr. Robicheaux as their interpreter. For some cause they missed seeing lieut. governor Armstrong, and he wrote them, in consequence, a very conciliating and friendly letter, dated 27 Sept'r., 1735, assuring them of every protection and favor. This letter, in the French copy, is addressed " A messrs. " " Sibanoit, Vanbigangoutte et les autres messrs. sauvages de " " la Riviere. St. Jean." In a promotion of officers in Decem- ber, 1735, governor Philipps was made a brigadier general. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LVI. The following is translated from a copy of a French document, apparently drawn up by mons. Duvivier, in 1735. ' 1609 to 1735. Memoire upon Acadie. The discovery of Acadie was made at the beginning of the reign of Louis 13. The sieur de St. Etienne de la Tour, of the province of Champagne, in the hope of finding mines of gold and silver there, as was pretended, formed the project of settling a colony there, and obtained permission to do so from Louis 13, in 1609, who granted him the property of a large part of this colony, with the title of hi History of Nova-Scotia. 509 Governor and Lieutenant General, to command there as well by sea as by land, and added thereto the power of nominating officers of war and of justice, and the right of bestowing favors and honors on such persons as he might think pro- per to privilege to make open war on his neighbors to contract peace and alliances, and to give an account afterwards to his majesty of all that he should do. He sold considerable property that he had in Champagne, and sent to Acadie a considerable number of inhabitants, suitable for clearing and cultivating the land, and he succeeded in establishing these colonies firmly. His son inherited his titles and his rights in 1651, and eventually married madame de Menou de Charnisay, by whom he had three daughters, but he was unfortunately drowned before his two boys were of age to fill his place. The widow supported herself for some time, and made afterwards a treaty with M. the duke of Vendome, whereby that prince bound himself to send out to her annually three vessels, on condition that he should have half the rights granted to her family. She died three years afterwards, and her children still young and desti- tute, in a country distant from the aid necessary for their being suitably brought up, saw themselves unable to support themselves alone. As the country was perfectly established, the king, in 1700, came to a resolution to re-unite it to his domains, and he granted to the five children twenty-three leagues and a half of ground :n frontage, and of the same depth, which was divided into four conces- sions, leaving them the liberty of choosing that which was the best settled. This was confirmed by the " arr6t du Roy," 20 March, 1703, with power in free gift of mines, ores, metals and minerals, that might be discovered in the seigneurie of Mines and that of Port Royal, in compensation for the large property the family had expended. M. the duke de Vendome, in virtue of the bargain he had made with the widow la Tour, claimed to have half the grants. As he had not fulfilled any of his engagements, he lost his cause in the Royal Council in 1703. The English got possession of Acadie in 1710, and the king ceded it to them by the treaty of Utrecht, on condition that they should have there the free exer- cise of the Catholic and Roman religion. The inhabitants who remained there are now very numerous. They have preserved the hope of returning to their allegiance to the king. We may be assured of the affection of the savages of trie country. The missionaries are incessant in keeping them in the disposition they feel for France. Le sieur du Vivier, capitaine aide major, of the Isle Royale, and great grand- son of the Sr. de la Tour, the founder of the colony, has in this country his grand- father and his grandmother, and three of his uncles, and many other of his rela- tions, who were not attached to the service. They have remained in Acadie, and have never been willing to take the oath of allegiance to the king of England, nor to listen to any proposal, whatever advantage may have been offered them, or whatever ill-treatment was used to constrain them to it, even to taking from them the enjoyment of their property. The inhabitants are entirely devoted to them, and also to M. Puvivier, who has always secretly arranged the means of taking this country from the English in the first instant of a rupture ; this enterprize would be accomplished, provided advantage was taken of the first moments. One may reckon on the zeal of the inhabitants and of the greater part of the savages. The English have lost few troops there. So that with one hundred men onlj from the garrison of Louisbourg, and a certain quantity of arms and ammunition to distribute to the inhabitants, the sieur Duvivier would pledge his head 5io History of Nova-Scotia. (s'engagerait sur sa tete) to make the conquest of this part of North America, comprising the fort of Campceaux, where the English carry on a very great fish- ery, to the prejudice of the colony of Isle Royale. One may also be sure that the inhabitants of the colony and the savages of the country will be disposed themselves to drive out the English without any help from France, and without her- appearing or having part in it, if they thought they would not be checked or disapproved. They have explained this more than once to the Sr. Duvivier, who has always upheld them in the notion, and led them to hope that this might take place in the course of time, and that he would try to that effect. The land of Acadie is very good, and produces all that is necessary for the subsistance of the inhabitants. There is plenty of wood suitable for ship build- ing, and very fine and good harbors along the Eastern shore, and in a convenient situation for the cod fishery. The inhabitants of Isle Royale trade there, and obtain thence all the cattle necessary for the subsistance of the island, also a part of the other goods which they are deficient in. In the seigneurie of Mines, which is six leagues square, (and belongs to the family, with donations of mines, &c.,) a lead mine, a considerable silver mine, an especial mine of red copper of a color like gold, and one oS> another metal, the value of which is not known to the Sr. Duvivier or anybody. Its color is . It will be easy to ascertain, as he has brought some of it with him, as well as of the red copper and silver, to try them. The English having obtained likewise the knowledge of a copper mine resem- bling gold, at a place called Beaubassin, joining to Mines, have sent thirty miners there, with an officer, according to the report of one Fougere, who assured him- self of it last autumn, a little while before his departure. They have formed a company for this undertaking, in which the Governor, Lieutenant du Roi and Major (ot the English) are secretly interested, to establish there a so-called cop- per work, (soi disant une cuivrerie.) The Governor wished to induce the inhabi- tants to build for him on the spot a strong dwelling, which they refused to do, under pretext of being afraid of the savages, who had already gone there to hinder an English trader, who had come there to load two small vessels for the second time, and had forbid the inhabitants to allow it. This had been secretly stirred up by the uncles of the said Sr. Duvivier, to whom he had written for that pur- pose. Although there may be no war with the English, this family has a right to hin- der them from taking possession of those mines, because the King, in ceding the country, gives only what belongs to him, and not the property of his subjects ; and although the family have never been willing to take the oath of allegiance to the king of England, they have not on that account lost the capital of their pro- perty. Meanwhile, a female cousin german, of the mother of M. Duvivier, has sold to the King her rights in the grants of the family for the sum of 2500 guineas, and a pension, but she could not claim as her right but a 35th part. By this it may be seen that the whole is very considerable, the more so as the mines were not at that time discovered. The sieur Gautier, an inhabitant of Acadie, has come expressly to find the Sr. Duvivier, and to inform him of all this business on the part of his uncles, who would have come themselves if they had not b'een afraid of being suspected, and wishing to be on the spot to watch over the movements of the English, to History of Nova-Scotia. 511 and hinder their works by means of the savages. The sieur Duvivier is also the bearer of a printed copy of the commission of the sieur de la Tour, in which is explained the rights and privileges which were granted to him ; also an ' arrSt du roi,' which confirms all the grants in the country of Acadie, dated 20 March, 1703, which he will send in if necessary. M. Duvivier, the author of the foregoing mtmoire, was son of Fra^ois du Pont du Vivier, a French officer at Port Royal, who was married there on the i2 Jan'y., 1705, to Marie, the daughter of Jacques Mius, seigneur de Poubomcoup, and Anne St. Estienne de la Tour, his wife, who was daughter of Charles de la Tour. Duvivier, nine years after, in 1744, commanded the party who besieged Annapolis, and was near to succeeding in taking it by his diplomacy. (2.) In council, monday, 22 Dec., 1735. Present : Adams, Skene, Shirreff, Philipps, Hamilton. Peter Guon, a Spaniard, convicted of thefts, sentenced to fifty stripes on his bare back, from the mass house to the cape, and to serve Stephen Tones, whom he had stolen from, for three years in recompense,, redeemable for ^56 N. E. cur- rency by John Stickney, with whom he had shipped. Germain Doucett, 25 stripes at cart's tail, &c., and fined four fold value of goods stolen found in his possession. The boy Peter Pino to pay four fold value of what was found with him, and also to whip the other two. 512 History of Nova-Scotia. CHAPTER LVII. 1736. A merchant vessel, which is supposed to have sailed from Dublin 7 Oct'r., 1735, bound to Annapolis, in Maryland, having got out of its course, put into Jebogue harbor in December. One person only, (a woman, who called herself Mrs. Buckler), appears to have been found on board when the vessel was visited by the cape Sable Indians. Eight dead bodies were found on shore, near the Tusketts. Mr. Charles D'Entremont, of Poubomcoup, and Mr. George Mitchell, the deputy surveyor, brought her on to Annapolis on the 9 May, 1736. She called herself the widow of the sole owner of the vessel and cargo, and to have been robbed of great treasure in silver, gold and merchandize, by the Indians, whom she also professed to suspect of murdering two sailors, her maid, and a negro boy. The vessel was in June brought up to Annapolis. The tale of the woman received little confirmation afterwards, but being told with some degree of plausibility, it created much stir in the little quiet government, and Armstrong wrote of it to St. Ovide, at Louisbourg, who proved somewhat scep- tical. He also addressed the duke of Newcastle, the lords of Trade, governor Belcher, messrs. D'Entremont, and the chief of the cape Sable Indians. The vessel lay empty and unclaimed, and by-and-bye the impression was strong that it had been employed to bring out convicts transported to the colonies, and that they had escaped from custody, and that the lady might have been one of them. The further details of the affair are not of themselves worth, at this day, much attention ; but there was one result of mischief from it in a new quarrel 1736' History of Nova-Scotia. 513 which it led to between lieut. governor Armstrong and two of the R. Catholic priests, messrs. St. Poncy and Chevereux. In his letter of 17 May, to St. Ovide, Armstrong says : " To " *' which loss of the boat, Mrs. Buckler imputes the death of" *' the ship's company, being thereby cutt off from having any " *' means of getting fresh water, for want whereof they perish- " " ed, and not by any other apparent disease or sickness, " *' which is indeed surprising in a harbour where, she says, " *' they had no scarcity of provisions, nor of any other liquors. " *' However, it being certain that such a vessel was, and, I " " believe, still in the aforesaid harbor without hands, and " *' that this woman was in the possession of the Indians, I " "'have therefore judged proper to give you this account of" " her misfortunes, that in case such goods as are specified in " " her declaration should be found amongst the Indians, or " " offered to be sold, that you may give your necessary direc- ' " tions to have them secured for the use of the lawful claim- " " ers, as also the gold and silver, if possible." St. Poncy wished to go to France for recovery of his health, but the people of Cobaquit desired to engage him as their priest for twelve months, to which he assented. The council requested him and M. de Cheveraux to attend them, and pro- posed that one of the two clergymen should first go to Pou- bomcoup, and endeavour to get the Indians to restore the property they were said to have stolen from Mrs. Buckler. They said they would not go, and they would have nothing to do in the affair. De Cheveraux said, " Queje suis id de la " "part du Roy de France" De St. Poncy spoke to the same effect. The lieutenant governor talked of sending them to France. They laughed, and said, " with all their hearts," and left the room, slamming the doors. On tuesday, 18 May, the council resolved that they, the two priests, should be dismissed and retire to the Presbytere, (priests' house), and there to remain till an opportunity offered to send them out of the pro- vince. They were then called in, and the sentence read to them. " They resumed their former insolence called for " " chairs to sit down, saying they did not appear as criminals, " " and they had no business with things temporal, and further " 33 514 History of Nova-Scotia. " expressed themselves in these words, ' Que nous riavons " "point dordres a revir (reqevoir) id" They were ordered to depart immediately to the Presbytere, and to remain as afore- said. It was mentioned at this meeting of council that a "mass house" had been rebuilt or repaired up the river, adorned more finely, and used as often for mass as the one at Annapolis, contrary to the orders of the government. Mrs. Buckler seems to have gone on to Boston, as Armstrong, in his letter to governor Belcher, 19 June, says she will wait on him. This season the St. John Indians opposed the loading of a vessel sent there for limestone by the storekeeper of the Board of Ordnance, and even robbed the people of the vessel of their clothes and provisions, pretending that the land and quarries belonged to them, and they should be paid for. [Armstrong to duke of Newcastle and lords of Trade, 19 June 1736.] Mr. Shirreff having the king's leave to go to Britain, Otho Hamilton was appointed to act as secretary during his absence. On the 2 July, (friday), the lieut. governor informed the council that he had confined prisoners to the guard, two of the inhabitants of St. John's, viz't : Joseph Bcllefontaine and Mich'l. Bergeron, dit D'ambois, for contempt and disres- pect in not coming to wait upon him on their arrival here with captain Blin, on Saturday last was Sennight. The prisoners aforesaid being sent for, they humbly ask'd pardon for their fault, and said that it was owing to their ignorance and their opinion of their being of too mean a condition to presume to wait upon his Honour. The governor desired them to give him a list of the ffrench inhabitants settled at St. John's which, being taken by major Philipps, was as follows, viz't : 1736. History of Nova-Scotia. List of the Inhabitants settled at St. John's. Married Men and Women. Joseph Bellefontaine, and his wife, Mich'l. Bergeron, and Earth' w. Bergeron, and Augustin Bergeron, and Francois Roy, and Jean Dugas, and Louis Bellefontaine, and Jacque Bellefontaine, and R6ne" Bellefontaine, and Pierre Bellefontaine, and Jean Bellefontaine, and Charles Bellefontaine, and Jean Pair, and Pierre Pair, and Pierre Robert, and do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Boys. 3 3 5 5 2 Girls. I 3 4 2 4 28 Totall Men, Women, Boys, Girls, In all 77 souls, besides the Missionary Priest, Jean Pierre Danilo. The governor then proposed that they should give security for their good behaviour for the next twelve months, ensuing, under the penalty of one hundred pounds, New England money, for each of them ; and captain Blin offering himself to be bound for them, the same was accepted of. The governor then charged them to acquaint the rest of y'e inhabitants of that place that he expected them here by the first opportunity with their conveniency within one year, to make their submis- sion to the Government ; and that they should not receive any missionary among them untill such time as they shall have the approbation of the Government for y'e exercise of their function. Then it was moved that the governor should write a civil letter, to invite the chiefs of the St. John's Indians 516 History of Nova-Scotia. hither ; it being observed that for want of a more familiar cor- respondence with the English, the said Indians had been pre- vailed on, by the artifices of the ffrench, to obstruct the trade and commerce of his majesty's subjects. Agreed, that a verbal message should be sent them, by the two {frenchmen aforesaid, to invite them hither at their conveniency, and that they should be graciously received, n July, 4 men. deserted from the garrison, in the lieut. governor's yawl. 17 August, two letters from M. de Cheveraux, praying leave to return, were read in council. 27 August. The council being now reduced to five sitting members, viz., Adams, Skene, Cope, E. J, Phi- lipps and Otho Hamilton, the lieut. governor recommended Edward How, esq., commissary of musters at Canso, who had also been high sheriff, justice of peace and captain of militia. This was unanimously agreed to, and Mr. How was sworn in and took his seat. 28 and 31 August. Two patents, for the granting of 50,000 acres in each, were passed in council, Lieut, governor Armstrong writes to the lords of Trade, ' Annapolis Royal, Sept. 9, 1736.' " As to the effective men " " belonging to the regiment, here are in this province nine >r " companys, and one at Placentia." He had intimated to the people at Boston that he intended to be at Canso himself in the summer then ensuing, in order to settle the rights of tra- ders, and to grant " unappropriated lands to such as were " " disposed to settle there, and to accept of them on the terms " " of H. M. instructions." Otho Hamilton, as secretary, addres- ses a letter in French to the Indians of St. John river, dated 6 Sept., concerning two deserters who had fallen into their hands. As by the treaty of peace, prisoners are to be delivered up on .reasonable ransom, he says the lieutenant governor has direc- ted Mr. Blin or Mr. Donnell to pay them sixty francs, Boston money, for each deserter. 22 November. Otiss Little, esq'r., is commissioned by the lieutenant governor as a justice of the peace for any part or place within the province. (A gentleman of that name was afterwards attorney general at Halifax). The council had imposed a tax or stumpage duty on cord wood cut on ungranted lands. From this the two messrs. Belleisle were exempted. Z73-6. History of Nova-Scotia. 517 Armstrong tells the duke of Newcastle that St. Poncy and Cheveraux are supported by governor St. Ovide, of Cape Breton, Cheveraux stopped at cape Sable, but St. Poncy returned to Annapolis, where the government forbade him to officiate, and direct his departure by the first opportunity ; but one hundred and seven of the chief inhabitants petitioned strongly that he might officiate that winter. This request is under consideration. [On 4 Dec'r. the council agreed (4 to 3 on a division) to allow St. Poncy to officiate at Annapolis.] He is assured the French court will make some stir in it. " How to prevent the ill consequences, I know not, without " " we could have missionaries from places independant of that " " crown ; but this will prove a considerable expence, which " " the French king bears at present with alacrity, for very " "political reasons. It is most certain that there is not a" " missionary, neither among the French nor Indians, who " " has not a pension from that crown." It cannot be too much regretted that this system of the missionaries in Nova Scotia being pensioners of the French king was not prevented in the beginning, when the pro- vince was conquered and ceded by the treaty of Utrecht. It was dangerous enough to British influence that the people were of foreign origin, and the priests natives of France ; but to augment and perpetuate the sources of disaffection among the inhabitants and of hostility among the Micmacs, the missionaries received an annual stipend from the French crown, and were appointed and removable by the civil and ecclesiastic powers of Quebec, who had the regulation of their movements and the disposal of the French king's bounty which passed thro* their hands. Had the English government paid them instead, they would have stood in a more independant condition. As it was, they could expect but small incomes from tithes or dues ; and if any of them proved remiss in the special duties enjoined on them by the governor of Quebec, that is, in fanning the fire of hatred to English rule among the Indians, and promoting attachment to French ascendancy among the peasant inhabitants, such refractory priest might look for dismissal at the hands of the 518 History of Nova-Scotia. Quebec government, however pure his life or diligent his ministry. It is probable that had this root of bitterness, which the English governors plainly saw and pointed out in their dispatches home, been removed in time, the people and the Indians would by degrees have become reconciled to their position as British, and the calamities that ensued twenty years after this have been wholly avoided. The cost of fur- nishing small stipends to the clergy would have been a small premium for Great Britain to have paid, if she could have ensured obedience, tranquillity and progress in so valuable a colony. It would have grown rich and populous, without any motive or necessity occurring to proscribe, banish or exile a large body of persons, who were possessed of many good qualities, and became victims to the political intrigues of those who professed to be their friends, and the want of foresight in the rulers of the land. 15 December. James O'Neal surgeon, was appointed a notary public, and commissioned as receiver of the king's rents at Chiconecto. M. Mangeant, at Mines, was directed to call M. de Bellehumeur to account for the duties belonging to the king since the departure of governor Philipps. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LVII. - "The brigantine Baltimore, of which I wrote to your Grace before, I ' have now brought into this port ; and as to the person who called herself Mrs. ' Buckler, I have now sufficient reasons, not only to suspect her relation, but ' likewise herself. It is reported that the vessel aforesaid sailed from Dublin ' last fall, with about sixty or seventy passengers, most of them convicts, who, ' it is supposed, rose upon the owner, Mr. Buckler, the master and company, ' and committed a most barbarous massacre, and afterwards, not knowing their ' course, or afraid to venture into any place where they might be known, put " into a most unfrequented harbour in this bay, where they all perished, God " knows how, except that miserable woman, who perhaps was too deep involved " in the guilt to discover the true story of their misfortunes." [Armstrong to the Duke of Newcastle, 23 Nov'r., 1736.] History of Nova-Scotia. 519 At this period the transportation of convicts for felony to the English colonies was a common course. Some were transported for life, but the majority for a term of seven years. 140 were shipped from Newgate, monday, 26 Jan'y., 1736, and 7 May, above 100 more. [See London Magazine for 1736, pages 47, 158, 276, 277. 519. (2.) In the London Mag. for 1736, (May), p. 279, among the deaths is " His Excel- " " lency William Cosby, Esq., captain general and commander-in-chief of his " ' majesty's province of New York and East and West New Jersey. His " " Excellency's death makes a fourth Government vacant in the colonies." Colo- nel Gledhill, the lieutenant governor of Placentia, in Newfoundland, died, and major Henry Cope was appointed to succeed him. [See London Magazine for 1736, pp. 158, 159, 340, 460, 701.] James Harrison, esq., was made captain in the regiment of Foot commanded by colonel Philipps, in America. [Ibid, 159.] Capt. Graham made Fort Major and Storekeeper of Placentia, N. F. [Ibid, 460.] Lieut. George Ingram made captain in Col. Philipps' regt. of Foot. [Ibid, 461.] John Morris made a captain in Col. Philipps' regt. of the company which Col. Gledhill had commanded. [Ibid, 159.] In this year, 1736, Mr. William Shirreff revived a claim, as agent to the duke of Hamilton and Brandon, by petition to the Assembly of Massachusetts, (" the " " General Court,") for 10,000 acres of land, which the Plymouth council had assigned to his ancestor, James, marquis of Hamilton, on the 22d April, 1635, on the Easterly side of Sagadahock, towards the mouth of the Androscoggin, pray- ing that he might have leave to take possession of it. This petition was dismis- sed, and another of the same purport met the same result. It is said that the claim was prosecuted with no inconsiderable zeal. [2 Williamson, History of Maine, 192.] On the 3<3th August, 1736, lieutenant governor Armstrong signed a grant of 50,000 acres of land at Chiconecto, called Norwich, in the county of Norfolk, in Nova Scotia, to 35 grantees, with all mines, &c. This is entered in the book of registry for deeds and grants, and on the margin is stated to have been escheated 21 April, 1760. It extends twelve miles, and is bounded by the Bason of Chico- necto and the creek Petite Nyagan, &c. To the first grantee named, viz't., Governor Philipps, 2-36, two thirty-sixth parts are given, and to each other grantee one thirty-sixth. The grantees are Governor Philipps. Lieut. Gov'r. Lawrence Armstrong. Members of council Cosby, Mascarene, John Adams, Skene, Shirreff, Henry Cope, E. J. Philipps, O. Hamilton, and Edward How, esquires. King Gould, Allured Popple, Henry Popple. Andrew Robinson, and Henry Daniel, esquires. Messrs. John Hand- field, Donald McQueen, Edward Amhurst, Archibald Rennie, Thomas Arm- strong, James Gibson, Rowland Philipps, Charles Vane, Samuel Cottnam, John Hamilton, John Slater, John Dyson, George Mitchell, Wm. Winniett, Nathaniel Donnell, Peter Blin, George Craddock, Robert Baden, John Forrest 520 History of Nova-Scotia. The quit rent reserved was one penny sterling per acre, to begin 30 August, 1739, and another penny per acre, if the Crown require it, for provincial expen- ses. Minister's and schoolmaster's lots to be laid out. A space of one hundred yards wide along the banks of all creeks and rivers to be left open for ways and public uses. Fifty houses to be erected within three years. The grant to be an- nulled if the conditions are not performed. (This grant was escheated 21 April, 1760.) (4-) On 31 August, 1736, Lt. Governor Armstrong signed a grant of 50,000 acres of land, " on the South side of the Bason of Mines, beginning and stretching from the mouth of Piziquet river along the shore North East to Cape Fendu six miles, and from thence running easterly along the shore thirteen miles, and from this extremity ranging backwards five miles, and from thence by a line running due West to the mouth of Piziquet river sixteen miles, being in the township of Harrington, in the county of Southampton, in the said province of Nova Scotia," with all the mines, &c. Grantees : Governor Philipps, Lieut. Gov'r. Armstrong, Hon. Alex'r. Cosby, Lt. Gov'r. of Garrison of R. A., Paul Mascarene, John Adams, Wm. Skene, Wm. Shirreff, Henry Cope, Erasmus James Philipps, Otho Hamilton, ana Edward How, esquires, members ot council. King Gould, Allured Popple, Henry Popple, Andrew Robinson, ana Henry Daniel, esquires. Messrs. John Handfield, Donald McQueen, Edward Amhurst, Archibald Rennie, Thomas Armstrong, James Gibson, Rowland Philipps, Charles Vane, Samuel Cottnam, John Hamilton, John Slater, John Dyson, George Mitchell, William Winniett, Nathaniel Donnell, Peter Blin, George Craddock, Robert Baden, and Samuel Donnell. 2-36 to Gov'r. Philipps, and 1-36 to each of the other grantees. Same condi- tions and quit rent as the Norwich grant. (This was also escheated on the 21 April, 1760, as stated in margin of Record Book.) (5-) In 1736, the population of allew France was estimated by M. Hocquart, the intendant, at 40,000 souls. The Abenaquis, &c., 400 men ; Micmacs, 500 men. 28 companies of troops were kept up in Canada. Each company hid a captain, a lieutenant, and two ensigns. There were 28 cadets ' a regutllette' and 784 men. The outposts required 214 men. So they had little over 509 for the garrisons of the three towns Quebec, Three Rivers- and Montreal. In good seasons they could export 80,000 minots of corn and biscuit. States education at a low ebb. [See proceedings of " Soc'e. Litteraire &* Historique de Quebec" 1840, pp, 2, 3.] (6.) " In 1736, the custom house books contained entries of 211 vessels arriving " " with cargoes at the port oi Philadelphia, and of 2 1 5 departing with cargoes " " from it, a share of commerce rather smaller than New York possessed in the " " same year." [2 Graham's Col. History of North America, p. 106.] 1737- History of Nova-Scotia. 521 CHAPTER LVIII. I 737- O n the Ist June, Stephen Jones, an English trader, who was peaceably engaged in his business in Piziguit river, (now the Avon, at Windsor), was surprized and captured in the night while he and his men were asleep forced by them to sail down the river to cap Fendu, (cape Split), and there plundered of money and goods to the value of ^700 or .900, New England currency ; and his account books, which he con- sidered worth ^700 more, were taken from him. This robbery was committed by nine or ten Indians. Thomas, the chief, Claude Nicoute and his brother Francis Nicoute, Biscaroon and his son Paul, Barthelemy, the chiefs wife's son, Jacques Cashe and his son, were named as being in the party. Lieut, governor Armstrong wrote on the subject to the Indians of St, John river, seeking redress, and referring to the treaty of 1725, ratified by their tribe at Annapolis. He also wrote to Daniloo, the missionary at St. John, and to the deputies at Chignectou, on this subject ; and Mr. O. Hamilton wrote to M. Charles D'Entremont, at Poubomcoup, enclosing him a paper, to be read to the cape Sable Indians, on this affair. We have seen that the governor and council, under autho- rity of the royal instructions, had for some years acted as a general court of justice, not only in civil but in criminal cases also. As yet, however, no capital felony had been brought under their notice. The only instance of death inflicted by their authority, I believe, was that of the Indian hostage ; but that was a military execution. It now became necessary to enquire into the course to be pursued with criminals whose 522 History of Nova-Scotia. J 737* lives might be forfeited to the law. On the 19 April, 1737, a boy named Isaac Provender, of the age of ten or eleven years, a bound servant to lieutenant Amhurst, wilfully set fire to his master's house, which, in spite of all endeavors to save it, was burnt to the ground ; and the furniture, clothes and pro- visions it contained, were all consumed. Amhurst was an officer of the regiment in garrison at Annapolis, and a member of the council, Lieut, governor Armstrong, in writing to the duke of Newcastle, (the secretary of State), 8 July, mentions this affair, and adds, " He (Provender) is now a prisoner, and " " as we have no gaol, his imprisonment grows very trouble- " " some to the garrison. I sent to consult a lawyer in New " " England how far we could proceed against him, as he is " " within the years of discretion. His answer is marked " " No. 4, but I am still at a loss what to do with him, since " " the council is not empowered to try for capital crimes, nor " " to inflict condign punishment upon such offenders." He requests advice. We have not the opinion referred to, but it is most likely that the lawyer explained the old doctrine of English law, that while the general rule excused children under 14 from criminal responsibility, yet that rule had an exception where express and wicked malice could be substantiated, the maxim being malitia supplet (ztatem, the malice makes up for the deficient years. Armstrong seems to be right in thinking that as the jurisdiction to try for capital offences had not been expressly conferred on the council by the king's instructions, they could not be justified in assuming, however necessary it might be, that such a power should exist in the province. It is remarkable that the English courts of justice, in the case of governor Wall, tried him for murder committed at a British garrison on the coast of Africa, (which could only be defended on the ground that no court to try him existed there), and he was executed at the distance of 29 years from the date of his offence. This seems at variance with the general rule, that criminals must be tried in the place where their offences have been committed, so closely followed by our laws, that criminals are always tried in the same county in which they offended. It is more at variance with a rule, not adopted J 737~3& History of Nova-Scotia. 523 in English law, but well known in other codes, by which crimes prescribe, that is, go out of date, like debts, by the lapse of long periods of time, for which rule many reasons are alleged. The possible loss of evidence for defence by death of witnesses, &c., and the probable repentance and amendment of the offender in the interval. Commissioners were appointed to settle the boundaries be- tween Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. Armstrong informed the lords of Trade, by his letter of 3 July, 1737, that, pursuant to H. M. intentions, signified in their letter of i8th February, 1736, such of H. M. five eldest councillors as were residing in the province were then embarquing to meet the commissioners of the other provinces at Hampton, in order to settle the boundaries between Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. 28 September, 1737. Alex'r. Bourg, (called Bellehumeur), was discharged from his office of receiver at Mines, for neglect in accounting ; and 28 Dec'r. Francis Mangeant is commis- sioned in his place. 1738. 13 January, 1737-8, the lieut. governor and council appointed four terms, annually, for the trial of causes, viz't, on the first tuesday of March, the first tuesday of May, the last tuesday of July, and the last tuesday of November. Mr. Andrew Lemercier, a French protestant minister at Boston, N. E., who calls himself an Englishman by naturaliza- tion, wrote to the lieutenant governor, 6 March, 1738, enclo- sing a petition on behalf of himself and associates, for liberty to settle on the isle of Sable. It appeared by this letter that they were not willing to pay one penny per acre quit rent, as fixed by the royal instructions. The lieutenant governor and council referred the matter to the lords of Trade, to whom the lieut. governor, Armstrong, wrote on the subject 10 April, 1738. He also wrote to Lemercier, who had previously sent a stock of cattle to the island. At the same time he wrote to lieut. governor Cosby, then in command at Cans^o. Tells him they had a very moderate winter and early spring at Anna- polis ; expresses concern that provisions and clothing had not 524 History of Nova-Scotia. 1738. been forwarded from Canso. He tells Cosby that his family were all well, and that Mr. Winniett had sailed a few days ago for the bay. News of the queen's death had been received by vessels from Boston. Is sorry to hear of a difference between him and the officers under his command ; recommends peace and unity. In May, the lieut. governor and council ordered Mangeant and Alex'r. Bourg to go to Chipoudy, Memramcook and Peticoutiak, to take an account of the inhabitants and their settlements, to examine their pretentions, the quantity of land they had taken possession of, their lines and boundaries, and to cite the possessors and claimants to appear before gov- ernor and council on or before 25 July, to make out their claims, that grants may be passed and the king's rents and dues be paid. Armstrong writes to Mangeant, 27 May. He complains of Mangeant's illegible and hurried writings and abbreviations, " as if I were a perfect master of the French " " language, and acquainted with all your abbreviations. " Bellehumeur (Alex'r. Bourg) refused to go to Chippody in Mangeant's vessel, alleging ill health, and said he would pre- fer going in a canoe, as the vessel was neither proper nor safe to go into these parts where the tide is rapid and strong. Armstrong says, " As mild methods are most frequently " " crowned with success, I would advise you to guard against " " all violent and disagreeable proceedings, and treat, not only " " him, but all others whom you may have any dealings, with " " decency and mildness." The members of the council address a letter, dated Anna- polis Royal, 10 June, 1738, to General Philipps, the governor. It begins with " May it please your Excellency." They give as reasons why the province has not advanced as yet : i. The indulgence to the French inhabitants, who, being Roman Catholics, are unqualified to form a house of representatives. Thus the erection of a civil government is hindered. 2. They holding the best of the lands, is a discouragement to British settlers. 3. The tax of one penny per acre, and reserve of one penny more, will and does prevent settlement. Land may be had in the neighboring colonies free of quit rent, and in any quantity required for settling. 4. The military force 1738- History of Nova-Scotia. 525 should be greater to keep up control over the French, and protect new settlers. They refer to their former representa- tions as to Canso, in 1734. The council's consisting of officers, unavoidably, for want of other British subjects, " We can " " each of us answer to our consciences, that we have acted " " in our said capacity s with a due regard to the liberty and " "property of the subject, and the peace and well being of" " this H. M. province." " Never had any advantage or " salary for our acting as members of H. M. council for this " "province." This is signed, L. Armstrong. P. Mascarene, John Adams, Willliam Skene, William ShirrefF, Eramus Jas. Philipps, Otho Hamilton, John Handfield, Edward Amhurst, John Slater. In July, O'Neal was superseded, and Peter Ber- gereau appointed notary, and receiver of the king's rents and dues at Chignecto. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LVIII. (i.) 4 May, 1737. La Valliere's island. 100 acres granted to O'Neal. (2.) I August, 1737. Wm. Skene, E. J. Philipps and Otho Hamilton, of H. M. Council of Nova Scotia, met at Hampton, N. H., with four com'rs. from Rhode Island. {See particulars in 2 Belknap. IV. H., 128 to 171. 2 Williamson, M., 197.] (3-) Indenture made 10 December, 1737 : Agatha Latore, alias Campbell, now of the city of Kilkenny, in the kingdom of Ireland, widow, sells to King Gould, of the city of London, in the kingdom of Great Britain, esquire, " all my right, title and interest in and to one House and " " Garden, together with all outhouses thereunto belonging," &c., in the town of Annapolis, in the province of Nova Scotia, for the sum of Ten Guineas. Witnesses, William Wheeler, Simon Bradstreet. Registered May 24, 1738, by Wm. Shirreff, Secretary. (4-) 26 Sept'r. 1737. a warrant to arrest Francis Tillar. In this document the name of Joseph Mors is to be found. See the same surname in the earlier part of this history, signed to a capitulation. 526 History of Nova-Scotia. (5-) 29 June, 1738. A grant of 2 acres, 2 roods and 26 perches marsh land, towards Allen's river, to Fort Major Erasmus James Philipps. Same date, i acre and 13 perches to capt. Patrick Heron, of Philipps' regiment. 9 August, 1738, small grants at Canso to Christopher Aldridge and to Edward Howe and company roth, Francis Cogswell, esq'r., made a justice of the peace at Canso. I5th Aug't., grant to Otho Hamilton, capt. lieut. in Philipps' regiment, 3 acres, 2 roods and 31 perches marshland bounding on Allen's river. loth Nov'r., 1738, grant to capt. Henry Daniell, of Philipps' regiment, of Bear island, in Annapolis basin, containing 25 acres and I rood, per Lt. Edward Amhurst's survey. (6.) Capt. John Jephsoii was put in arrest n Sept., 1737, by major Cosby, at Canso, and tried by a court martial in 1738. Capt. Patrick Heron was also arrested by major Cosby, at Canso. 3 Dec'r. 1737 tried at Annapolis in Nov'r. 1738, and appears to have been acquitted. In July, 1738, O'Neal came to Annapolis to answer charges for acts of violence, &c., and, on inquiry, came off with slight censure. 1739- History of Nova-Scotia. 527 CHAPTER LIX. 1739. Lieutenant governor Armstrong, writing to captain James Mitford, commandant at Canso, 13 April, 1739, tells him they had at Annapolis one of the longest winters he ever saw in the country. 20 April, he commissioned Mitford as a justice of the peace at Canso, and William Seward, gentleman, as lieutenant of militia there. O'Neal, who was receiver and notary at Chignecto, complained, by letter of 4 Nov'r., 1738, that his room was " forced open, his wife being beat, the keys " " of his chest taken from her, and his papers, among which " " were contracts and promissory notes." In May, 1739, Arm- strong sent a minute of council on this complaint to the depu- ties of ' Chiconecto,' directing them to enquire into the truth of the affair, and report thereon. Francis Mangeant, king's receiver at Mines, informed the lieut. governor that several inhabitants of that place had refused to pay their quit rents, and that he could not compel them for want of assistance, and that they have seldom or ever obeyed the orders of the gov- ernment. Armstrong issued an order to John Slater, an officer of the garrison " As you are also one of H. M. coun- " ' cil, to proceed thither with a serjeant, corporal, and eight " " private men under your command, and there, with the " " secretary of the province, to enquire into the behaviour and " " conduct of these people, and report to the lieut. governor " " for further directions." This order was dated 24 May, and next day he issued an order to Shirreff, to go to Mines join Slater in the enquiry, and " to persuade the people to behave " " better." The secretary of State, duke of Newcastle, writes, 528 History of Nova-Scotia. I 739- date 'Whitehall, 15 June, 1739,' to the lieut. governor, and encloses him letters patent from the king, authorizing him to issue letters of marque and reprisal against the Spaniards, who had broken their convention of 14 January last, by not paying ^95,000 sterling, reparation to British subjects, by the 25 May, the term agreed on. July 2. Lieut. John Bradstreet is made a justice of the peace at Canso. On the 4 August, Armstrong addressed a letter to Mr. Shirreff, the secretary, stating that Mr. Edward Amhurst, deputy surveyor under colonel Dunbar, had shewn him instructions about granting lands, and another letter to the same, directing him as secretary to make out a patent for a township in the gut of Canso, in favor of Edward How, esquire, and his associates. Mr. Shirreff remonstrated, pointing out that it would be against the king's instructions to do so, as the council had not fully examined and approved of it, and that it was objected to by the officers and others at Canso. 8 August, the lieut. governor replies at considerable length ; and on the 9th, Mr. ShirrefF writes again, renewing and adding to his objections on several grounds'. At this time there was a regiment of infantry (Philipps') in the province. It consisted of ten companies : Five quartered at Annapolis, four at Canso, and one at Placentia, in New- foundland. Each company consisted of 41 private men, except the two youngest, which had but 30 in each ; the total num- ber of private men being 308. This would make the garrison of Annapolis about 155 men that of Canso 123, and Placen- tia 30, not including officers. [Statement of general Philipps to tlw duke of Newcastle, 5 Sept., 1739.] (It is stated in Dec'r. by Mr. Adams, that in case of war, the four companies at Canso must fall a sacrifice to the enemy ; and the troops at Annapolis were few in number, and most of them raw and undisciplined. Some of them thought to be Irish papists, and the ramparts tumbling down.) Speaking of the fort at Anna- polis, Philipps says : It is " built of earth, with four bastions, " " faced with picquets to keep it together, and surrounded " " with a small, shallow, dry ditch, about six feet deep." He calls " the channel of depth sufficient to receive men-of-war " " from 20 to 50 guns, within a cable's length of the fort." The 1739- History of Nova-Scotia. 529 French garrison at Louisbourg then consisted of six compa- nies of regular troops, of 60 men in each, and a company of 'Swiss, of 1 20 men. There was another company at St. Peter's, four leagues from Canso, and another at the island of St. John. Canso was without proper barracks or storehouses, and the communication between it and Annapolis was scarcely once a year, no vessel being allowed for the use of the government. We have now to notice a painful occurrence : the suicide of lieutenant governor Armstrong. He executed a will, dated 14 November, 1739. It was attested by three witnesses Archibald Rennie, John Slater, and Walter Ross. He made captain Andrew Robinson, of the foot guards, George Arm- strong, of the Ordnance office, Tower, London, and ensign Charles Vane, his equal co-heirs ; and lieut. John Handfield and lieut. Edward Amhurst, his executors. This will is regis- tered in the Book of Grants and Deeds. He had been for a long time observed to be frequently afflicted with melancholy fits, but no one suspected the consequences that ensued. On thursday, the 6 December, he was found dead in his bed, with five wounds in his breast, and his sword lying carelessly by him. Mr. Armstrong was unfortunate in many respects, espe- cially in being placed at the head of a government both as the civil and military ruler, without any emolument or compensa- tion whatever. His health also seems to have been but indif- ferent. In his well-intended but ill-managed attempt to place a garrison at Mines, he was much misled and disappointed. In the affair of Mrs. Buckler and the Baltimore, he seems to have been imposed on by an artful woman. The business of the quit (or seignorial) rents did not prosper under Mangeant and O'Neal, whom he had appointed ; and he had got into a disagreement with Mr. ShirrefF, the secretary, about the grant at Canso strait to Mr. How, and others. Whether the worry of these affairs loss of relatives or family, or possibly pecu- niary distress had impaired his mind, we have now no clue to assist us in tracing. The occasion when one of the merchants or traders affronted him so grossly and openly, telling him on the open parade, before his officers and men, that he would 34 530 History of Nova-Scotia. *739 not give 2d. for his commission, may have led to deep suffer- ing in a sensitive man. His, it may be remarked, is the only instance of a suicide of a governor of Nova Scotia. Armstrong appears in the performance of his official duties to have been generally mild, calm and considerate ; and there is this to recommend his memory to our respect, that on several occa- sions he urged on the home government the propriety of establishing a house of representatives for the province, and in 1732 suggested that some of the French inhabitants should be made justices of the peace, and that he frequently recommen- ded mildness and moderation. These proofs of liberality of Sentiment deserve commemoration, inasmuch as we shall see, at a later day, every argument used by one of our governors to oppose and delay the erection of representative government in the province. Major Cosby, the lieutenant governor of the garrison, ordered the officers to sit as a jury of inquest, and they brought in a verdict of lunacy. On friday, the 7th Dec'r., Mr. John Adams, being the senior councillor then within the province, and therefore president, assembled the council at his own house in Annapolis Royal, at 4 P. M., where were present messrs. Adams, Skene, Shirreff, Otho Hamilton, Amhurst and Slater, and assumed the command of the province. Mr. Adams, on the 8 December, wrote an account of this event to the lords of Trade, to governor Philipps, to governor Belcher, of New England, and to King Gould, esq'r., in England, asking his interest with major general Philipps for the allowance to an acting governor. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER LIX. (i.) In. a letter oflL governor colonel Armstrong to the Secretary at War, $ Feb'y., 1738-9, he says that by letter from Mr. Gould, clothing for 26 only is to be issued. I conjecture that this means that King Gould, esq'r., the agent of major gen'l. Philipps, the colonel of the regiment, had restricted the issue of the men's cloth- ing to 26 of each company, the companies having 30 and 31 privates in each. History of Nova-Scotia. 531 (2.) I May,, 1739. A grant to William Shirreff, esquire, commissary of musters and judge advocate in H. M. garrison of Annapolis Royal, 7 acres and 2 perches of land, in the upper town, marsh, &c. July 18, 1739. Grant to Otho Hamilton, of one acre of land, 2 roods, and 21 perches additional. August i, 1739. Do. do. of 10 acres, 4 roods and 22 1-2 perches, at the French dock. (3-) Communicated by Dr. J. Bernard Gilpin. There is a tradition preserved by a Mr. Roach, of Annapolis, aged 86 or 87, respecting the capture of Port Royal, by Nicholson, in 1710. That he passed the fort by night He also states that the iron vane, with the figures 1 738, which has remained in that place till now, was said to have been the work of one who had been engaged in the siege when a boy, on the English side. A deep ditch still remains to the nprth of the court house, which the old people recollect as crossing the road. This ditch is supposed to have been Nicholson's last parallel. Traditions also exist of a wicked priest, who drank with the officers of the garrison, and alienated the minds of the simple French, telling them that if they took the oath of allegiance, the French and Indians from Canada would attack them. (Query. Was this Gaulin, Charlemagne. St. Poncy or Le Loutre ?) (4-J While this work has been making progress, many kind and encouraging notices of it have appeared in the periodical press of the Province- Among others, Angus M. Gidney, esq'r., the editor of the Bridgetown Free Press, has frequently commended my labors to public attention. I feel justified in quoting from his paper of 13 July, 1865, the following extracts, as they will be of interest to my readers : ** ANTIQUITIES. " There are few localities in America, around which the memories of the shadowy past more interestingly cluster than around the ancient town of Anna- polis. " Annapolis is now an ' old town,' exhibiting all the characteristics of increas- ing dilapidation. Many an old roof is verdant with moss, and many a dwelling there has the appearance of having been beaten by the storms of a century. A shadow of antiquity is hanging over the birth place of the hero, who, in the midst of famine, long preserved Kars from the besieging foe. As one passes along its drowsy streets, a sense of the past renders the present footprints of decay a subject of pensive regret. He thinks of it (if he, like ourselves, be a grey-headed old man) as it was in the early part of the present century, when its garrison and fortifications, bristling with cannon, were in excellent repair, and in charge of a regiment of soldiers. Then the sound of martial music, on a calm, summer evening, awakened the echoes along the swift-gliding river, and reverbe- rated through the picturesque vallies and up the towering hills that render the surrounding landscape so beautifully fascinating. Then the streets were promen- aded by epauletted young gentlemen and bright-eyed damsels, some of whom 532 History of Nova-Scotia. were the great-grandmothers of the present generation. The hospitality of the inhabitants welcomed the trans-Atlantic sons of chivalry to their fire-sides ; and long nights of festivity and dancing dissipated the gloom of garrison life, and left the English soldier little to lament because the exigencies of the service or the commander-in-chief had stationed him so far from the land of his birth. The times to which we allude were the palmy days of Annapolis ' Bright sunny days, that never will return.' " In Annapolis there are many old things worth seeing. On a staff from the roof of an old blacksmith shop in the lower part of the town, is an iron vane, designed to indicate " how the wind blows," which bears the date of 1738 one hundred and twenty-seven years ago. We have been familiar with this memento of the past for more than half a century. Long has it been the dallying plaything of the breeze ; and securely has it remained, despite the fury of many a storm. ' Near the old Government House that was built at Annapolis, more than thirty years ago was a mansion, which we have known many years, and which was a long time rented by gentlemen at various times, who sought a respectable resi- dence. It was a cottage of a single story, with dormer windows. Its rooms were commodious and neat. We had always supposed that it was an ordinary framed kouse, finished in the usual style ; but they are now pulling it down, and when in Annapolis not long since, we saw that it was built of huge squared logs. Posts of corresponding dimensions were grooved six inches in depth, into which the logs found a resting place, while all the interstices were so filled with moss that no air could find its way through the walls of this rudely constructed edifice. All these logs and posts were so trenailed together that the work of demolition was difficult. No doubt this building stood as a rude log structure for many years, without anything to hide its rugged walls. It is probably two hundred years old, aad it is possible that it was built by the earliest French Settlers, and it may have been the residence of the first governor of Annapolis." Sept. 10, 1865. I have just received from William R. Ruggles, Esq., of Anna- polis Royal, a portion of a piece of timber belonging to a house taken down at Annapolis in July, 1865. The letters and figures cut on it M. C. 1744. The house was called the Corbet house, and it would seem to have been built after the siege of 1744. The wood and inscription, carved into it with (probably) a sharp knife, are as fresh as if done within two or three years. The house, I understand, was on the river side of the main street, Dauphin street or George street. \B. M, History of Nova-Scotia. 533 AUTHORITIES CONSULTED BY THE AUTHOR. PRINTED WORKS. Voyages de sieur de Champlain. 2 vols. Paris : 1830. Relations des Jesuites. 2 vols. Charlevoix, History of New France. Small octavo. 4 vols. Paris: 1744. Cours d'histoire du Canada, par J. B. A. Ferland, pretre, professeur d'histoire a 1'universite Laval. Quebec: 1861. 2 vols. Churchill's Collection. Folio. London : 1745. Second volume, containing Les- carbot's New France, translated into English. Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts. 3 vols. Hutchinson's Collections. I vol. Belknap's History of New Hampshire. 2 vols. Belknap's American Biography. 2 vols. Williamson's History of Maine. 2 vols. Douglass's Summary. History of South Carolina. Gesner's New Brunswick. Cooney's History of New Brunswick. Garneau's History of Canada, Bell's translation, 1860. Memorials of the English and French Commissaries, in quarto. 1755. History of Cape Breton, in French ; also in English ; anonymous, but written by M. Pychon, alias Tyrrel, about 1760. Memoires et documents de la Societe historique de Montreal, 1859. London Magazines, from 1735 to 1780. Gentleman's Magazine, 1740. Novus Orbis, of Lae't, Leyden, 1633. Hackluyt's Voyages. History of the British Empire in North America, first vol. Supposed to be writ- ten by Richard Rolt Sir William Keith's History of Virginia. Haliburton's History of Nova Scotia. 2 vols., quarto. Coote's History of England. Hazard's Collection. Trial of Lord Stirling. Edits, &c., Quebec, 1803. 2 vols. Maine Historical Society's Collections. Portland : 1853. 3d vol. Transactions of the Literary Society at Quebec. LaHontan. 2 vols. English translation, 1703. Denys. 2 v. Description Geographique et Historique des Costes de FAmerique Septentrionale. Paris : 1672. Diereville relation du voyage du Port Royal. Rouen : 1708. E. Rameau, La France aux Colonies. 1859. Cotton Mather's Magnalia. London: 1702. Folio. New York State Documents, edited by Dr. O'Callaglian. Colonel Benjamin Church's book. Rhode Island Colonial Records. Grahame's Colonial History of the United States. Pennsylvania Records. Sir Hovenden Walker's Journal of his expedition to Canada in 1711. 1720. New York Historical Magazine, 1858, 1859, I86o. Burke's Baronetage. Smollet's History. The Royal Gazette, printed at Halifax, from 1775 to 1800. 5 34 History of Nova-Scotia. An account of the customs and manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets, &c. London : 1 758. Drake's Book of the Indians. Catlin's N. American Indians. And many other books and pamphlets. MANUSCRIPTS* The Journals of H. M. Council and Assembly. Letter books of Government. Grant books. Correspondence of the French and English governors with authorities in Europe. Register books of Port Royal of baptisms, marriages and funerals. 1700-1 7 1&. And many other ancient mss. MICMAC NAMES OF PLACES, SUPPLIED BY DR. A. GESNER. Saa gaa bun akady, (place where the Saagaabun or Micmac potatoe grows), Shubenacadie. Miggumahghee, Micmac land. Miggaamack, Micmac. Eppayguit, (anchored on the wave), Prince Edward Island. Chebooktook, (chief harbor), Halifax harbor. Bahnook, (the first lake in a chain), Ponhook lake. Paakwaak, (Stop here, you cannot go farther), Pockwock lake. Oonumahghee, Cape Breton island. Uptumcook, Newfoundland. Bahnoo-opskep, (opening out through rocks), Penobscot. Brooksake, Charlottetown harbor, P. E. I. Book tou laygun, (fireworks), Toney river. Caydy-bunny-gek, (clam diggings), Boot island, Horton. Cajj-boo-ginek, (winding thro' the wilderness), River John. Cansoke, (facing the frowning cliff), Canso. Caskumpec, (flowing thro' sand), Cascumpec, P. E. I. Kebbek, (Narrows), Quebec. Kenomee, (Sandy point), Economy. Keespoogwitk, (Land's end), Yarmouth. Kitpoo-aykaddy, (a place of Eagles), near the river Shubenacadie. Cwes-o-mally geek, (Hardwood ridge), Cumberland. Gul-wah-gah-gek, (the home of the sea cow), Quaco, N. B. Menoody, (a bay), Minudie, co. Cumberland. Noosabon, (the river), Noosaboon. Pessyquid, (flowing square into the sea), Windsor river, now called the Avon, co. Hants. Maycobegilk, (end of the flowing, meaning the bound of the rushing water, the tide or bore). Cobequid, Truro, &c., now called Salmon river. Ah-mah-gops-ke-geek, (tumbling over rocks), Tangier river. Nictahk, (Forks), Nictau. History of Nova-Scotia. 535 ADDENDA. DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE ET HISTORIQUE DES COSTES DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. As I was unable to find Denys and Diereville until after the greater part of this volume was already printed, it occurred to me that a few extracts from them would be acceptable. Extracts from Denys 1 Book, Paris, 1672. Vol. i. p. 20. Thus it is that up to this time I have been unable to do any- thing in this country, as well on account of the wars raised against me by envy, as by the unfortunate fire, the cause of which I have never been able, as I have already said, to find out, &c. P. 21. It is then very certain that one may dwell there with as much comfort as in France itself, if the envy of the French against each other did not ruin the designs of the best intentioned persons. P. 22. The river of Pentagouet is wide enough at its mouth, and extends ten or twelve leagues inland. Vessels of 200 or 300 tons can go up it as far as the French fort, which is on the right hand in going in. The English have settled on the left, and have there many people, with a great extent of cleared land. The country there is very agreeable, and the land good. On both sides of the river the trees are handsome and in abundance, such as oak, birch, beech, ash, maple, and all other kinds that we have in France. There are also many wild pines. P. 50. The savages of these parts carry their peltry by the river St. John to the English. M. D'aunay traded there in his time to the extent of 3000 moose skins a year, besides beavers and otters. This was the cause of his dispossessing M. de la Tour of it. These bays are called ' mines,' as the stones called ' mines,' anciently used for wheel arquebuses (les arquebuzes a roue't) are found there, and all who have been there say there are also mines of copper in many places. P. 52. Port Royal is a very fine place, and a very fine basin of more than a league wide and about two in length. At the entrance there is 18 or 20 fathoms of water, and not less than from 4 to 6 fathoms of water between the land and the island called Goat island, which is about the middle of the basin. Large ships can be moored there as safely as if in a box. The bottom is good throughout. In the upper end of the basin there is a kind of point of land where M. D'aunay had placed a handsome and good fort. This point has two rivers, one on the right and the other on the left, which do not go very far* inland. One is wide at its entrance, the other not so wide, but it is much deeper, and the tide goes up it 536 History of Nova-Scotia. eight or ten leagues. There is a quantity of meadows on both sides, and two islands that have meadows on them, about three or four leagues from the Fort in going up. There is a great extent of meadows which the tide overflowed, and which M. D'aunay caused to be made dry. They produce now good and hand- some wheat ; and since the English have been masters of the country, the inhabi- tants who were settled near the fort have mostly abandoned their dwellings and have gone to live up the river, and made clearances above and below this large meadow, (which at present belongs to madame de la Tour), where they have dried (by dyking) other lands, which produce wheat in much greater abundance than those which they cultivated around the Fort, although they were good. All the inhabitants there are those whom M. the commandeur Razilly brought from France to la Halve, who, since that time, have multiplied well at Port Royal, where they have a great number of cows and swine. Besides the two rivers I spoke of, there is one very full of fish that runs into the basin, and two besides, where a great quantity offish is caught, as gasparots, salmon, trout, esquilles, and other kinds. At the upper part of these rivers there is a quantity of oaks, and on their banks pines and firs of three kinds, birch, migtiogons, beech, aspen, maple, ash and oak. The country is not too mountainous. The wild vine and the wal- nut tree are also there. There is very little snow in this country, and very little winter. Hunting is good all the year round, for the rabbit, partridge, and other forest games. There is a great abundance of water fowl, (gibier d'eau.) Summer and winter the country there is very agreeable. P. 77. " About the year 1635 I passed that way. I called to see the young " de la Tour, who received me very well, and permitted me to see his father in " his dwelling, of which I have spoken, which I did. He received me well, and " obliged me to dine with him and his wife ; they had neat furniture, &c." He also mentions a Recollet friar there, who shewed him his garden. Pp. 86, 87. The shore fishery was attempted by Denys in partnership with Razilly and a Breton merchant called Dauray. Razilly then dwelt at La Haive. They sent hence a vessel with fish to Bretagne, which sold well. They afterwards sent the Catherine, of 200 tons, commanded by Deny's brother, named de Vitray, with a cargo ot codfish to Portugal, but were defrauded of the proceeds by persons there. De Vitray was made a captain in the French navy. P. no. Passepec, described, (Prospect.) P. 137. Anticougnesche, described, (Antigonishe.) P. 154. He describes the harbour of Saint Anne, in Cape Breton. He says it " is good and very spacious. The entrance is between two points, and is not a " hundred paces wide. Vessels of 300 or 400 tons can go in at all tides. The " anchorage is good, and if the cables gave way one would only ground on a " muddy bottom. The harbor could hold a thousand vessels. The basin is sur- " rounded by high, rocky mountains. At the extreme end of the harbor there " is a mountain of rocks as white as milk, which is also as hard as marble." P. 176. ' Miramichi, which is the settlement I have in the bay des Chaleurs.' " The captain of Richibouctou, named Denis, is a self-conceited and dangerous " savage. All the others of the great bay dread him. He has on the shore oi " the basin a fort made of stakes, (pieux), of some size, with two forms of bas- " tion, in which is his cabin, and the other savages cabin around him. He has " had a large piece of straight wood placed at the top of a tree, with large pegs History of Nova-Scotia. 537 " across it like a gibbet, which serve as the steps of a ladder to mount up by. " From time to time he sends a savage there to look if he can see anything along " the shores. If any vessel or canoes are perceived, he gets all his people under " arms with their bows and arrows and their guns puts a centinel at the approach " to demand what people they are, and then, according to his fancy, makes them " wait or receives them at once. Before coming in they must fire off their fusils " once, and sometimes twice, by way of a salute. Then the chief comes in, and " his suite afterwards. He never goes out of his cabin to receive those who come " to visit him. He is always there, planted on his seat, like an ape, with a pipe " in his mouth if he has tobacco. He never speaks first. He waits till a compli- " ment is paid him, and after some time he answers with magisterial gravity," &c. P. 210. " My plantation of Nepigiguit is on the shore of this basin. At the " distance of one league at the right of the entrance, at low tide, a canoe could " not approach it. I had to retire thither after the burning of my fort of St. " Pierre, in the island of Cape Breton. My house is flanked by four small bas- " tions, with a pallissade, the pickets of which are 18 feet high, with six pieces of " ordnance in battery. The land is not of the best, as there are rocks in some " places. I have a large garden," &c. P. 231. Mentions the isle de Bonne aventure, a league and a half from isle Perce. Perhaps M. Bonaventure took his designation from it. Vol. 2., p. 8, &c. He attributes the greater cold of this country than its corres- ponding latitudes in Europe, to the woods, and looks for milder seasons when they are cleared away. P. 19. First it is certain that the country produces the vine naturally that it bears a grape that ripens perfectly, the berry as large as the muscat. As to its juice, it is not so agreeable, being wild, and its skin is a little harder, but if it were transplanted and cultivated, as is done in France, I have no doubt the wine would be as good. P. 405, &c. To make their canoes, they sought for the largest birch trees they could find. They stripped off the bark to the length of a canoe, which was from three to four and a half fathoms, the width being about two feet in the middle, and always diminishing till it came to nothing at each end. The depth was such, that a man being seated, it reached to his arm pits. The fittings inside to strengthen it were of laths of the length of the canoe, four fingers wide and trim- med at the ends, (en appetisant par les bouts), so that they may be joined toge- ther. The inside of the canoe was thus fitted throughout, and all round from one end to the other. These laths were made of cedar, which is light, and which they split of as great a length as they wished, and as thin as they pleased ; they also made semi-circles of the same wood, to serve as ribs, and gave them their shape by means of fire. To sew the canoe, they took the roots of the fir tree, (sapin), of the thickness of a man's little finger, and even less. They were very long. They split these roots, the largest ones, into three or four. It splits easier than the osier used to make baskets. They make bundles of this, which they put into water for fear of its breaking. Besides all this, two sticks were necessary, of the length of the canoe, which were to be round, and of the thick- ness of a large cane, and four other shorter sticks of beech. All this being ready, they took their barks, bent and trimmed them to the shape of the intended canoe, then put these two large rods all round, sewed on the edge on the inner side with 538 History of Nova-Scotia. these roots. To sew it, they pierced the bark with a bodkin of pointed bone, and passed the end of the osier in the hole, drew it through, and bound the stick against the bark as close as possible, always turning the stick and osier so that they touched each other. The sticks being well sewn all round, they put on little cross pieces of beech, one in the middle, the ends of which passed into holes in the rods that formed the edges of the canoe three others forward, at distances of half a fathom from each other, which diminished (in length) according to the shape of the canoe, and three others behind, placed at similar distances. All these sticks enter also at their ends into holes made to receive them in the long rods sewed on to the edges of the canoe, to which they are so well fastened on both sides that the canoe cannot widen or shrink. Subsequently they put on the large laths with which they fit up the interior from top to bottom, which touch each other ; to hold them in their places, they put over them those semi-circles, the ends of which join on each side under the rods that are sewed on above, all round which they made enter there by force, and trimmed all the canoe with them from end to end, making it firm, so as not to bend in any part. There were seams in it, for to shrink it at two ends ; they split the bark upwards and downwards, they doubled the two ends one upon the other, which they sewed ; but to hinder the seams letting in water, the women and girls chewed the gum of the fir tree daily until it became an unguent, which they applied with fire all along the seams, which stopped them better than tow could do. All this being done, the canoe was finished, which was so light that a single man could carry it on his head. The oars (paddles) were of beech, the blade of the length of an arm, and about half a foot wide, the handle a little longer than the blade, the whole of one piece. Three, four or five persons, as well men as women, rowed together. It went extremely quick. They also went in it under sail, which formerly was of bark, but most frequently of the skin of a young moose, well dressed. If they had a favorable breeze they went as fast as a stone could be thrown, and a canoe carried as many as eight or ten persons. P. 411. The labor of the women was to go and seek the beast after it was kil- led skin it, and cut it into pieces for cooking. For this purpose they heated stones red hot, which they put in and took out of the kettle, gathered all the moose bones, pounded them with stones upon a larger stone, reduced them into powder, then put them in their kettle, and made them boil well. This produced a fat, which came upon the water, which they gathered with a wooden spoon, and continued the boiling until the bones would give out no more grease, so that from the bones of a moose, independant of the marrow, they obtained five or six pounds of fat, white as snow, and firm as wax. It was of this they made all their provi- sion to live on when out hunting. We call it moose butter, (beurre (Torignac; ) they call it cacamo. They made their dishes of bark, large and small ones, sewed them with roots of fir, so well, that they retained water. They sometimes gar- nished them with porcupine's quills, &c. N. B. The kettle used to be of wood before the French supplied them with those of metal. After the bodies of their dead had dried by long exposure to the open air, they buried them, and with them gifts of valuable furs, &c. They used sharpened bones for arrow points, for needles, &c. &c. Denys mentions Niganiche, cap de Nort, Chadye, la riviere de Pictou, Cocagne, which last name he gave the place from its plenty of game and fish. Vol. I PP. 159, 173- History of Nova-Scotia. 539 (From M. Diereville's book.) Relation du voyage dti Port Royal de PAcadie ou de la Nouvelle France. A Rouen, 1708. He left Rochelle in the vessel called " La Royale Paix," 30 August, 1699. He was employed to obtain plants for the Royal garden. After a voyage of 54 days outward, they were obliged, being short of provisions, to put into Chibouctou, called the Baye Senne on the chart, where they soon found the help they required. P. 50. Ce Havre est de grande etendue, La nature d'elle meme y forme un beau Bassin Et Ton voit tout au tour le verdoyant Sapin Faire un effet agreable a la Vue. Nous vimes sur ses bords une Habitation Pour faire secher la Morue D'une telle construction Qu'elle pourroit bien etre a Mansard inconnue." This harbor is of great extent, Nature a basin there has lent, Around which grow the fir trees green, Producing a most pleasing scene. Upon its banks a structure odd, Erected for the drying cod. " It was long as half the mall of Paris, and as wide, built on a fine beach along the river, at such a distance that the water can pass under it when the tide is full, and carry off the refuse of the codfish. Imagine you see a bridge of wood built on the land, with large trees stuck in very far on the water side, on their extremi- ties other pieces of wood across well jointed, with similar work not so high on the land side because of the slope, and over all that young fir trees long enough to carry on the two sides, evenly arranged one against the other, and well nailed at both ends to the pieces of wood that support them, and they will know that it is this machine that fishermen call a degras. (The English term it a flake.) They spread the codfish, well opened, upon it during summer, turning it and re-turning it without ceasing, to cause it to dry, and to render it what it ought to be, and as it is seen in a thousand places in the world where it is easily carried. This habi- tation was without inhabitants. It had been made before the last war by French fishermen, who were settlers there for a company which did not find it profitable." He found Indians there. Three of the chiefs boarded the ship in a little bark canoe. He found them devout, and they took him to see the grave of the mis- sionary Thury, which they had covered with pebbles, smoothed to a level surface. Pp. 59 &c. Speaking of Port Royal, he says : " I considered the situation of " the place, which appeared to me sufficiently handsome. The ground on which " it stands (terrain) may be half a league long and almost the same in width. " The houses, which are situated above, and far apart from each other, are only " hovels, badly built of mud, with clay chimnies." He says the church was more like a barn than a temple of God. The cure, who was also Grand Vicar of the bishop of Quebec, after prayers, shewed him his residence, which was an ill- furnished room at the end of the church. Diereville hired a house, which had 540 History of Nova-Scotia. been used for a church before. It had three rooms below, garrets above, and a cellar built under part of it. He mentions apple trees as planted generally by the settlers. On the smaller river, called then du Moulin, (Mill river), which must have been Allen's river, he says there were then three mills, one for corn, and two for planks, (saw mills.) The country is fertile, producing all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and sufficient corn ; and they have flesh, fish and fowl, and all sorts of game. He was about a year in the country, which he left in October, 1 700, and reached France in 33 days. At least half his book is in verse. It is full of descriptions of Indian life, &c. Denys and Diereville have left hardly any trait of the Micmac untouched ; and the former gives very full descriptions of the fishery as then car- ried on, while much natural history is to be found in each. P. 71. "The folk who live in this retreat, Where each man works to live, Have wherewithal to wear and eat The land does freely give. Excise and taxes are unknown No tribute is required, Here peace and plenty have their throne, And nothing is desired. Beneath his rustic roof at rest Each man enjoys his fare, And freely with the passing guest Can genuine comfort share. If winter reigns, the wood's his own, He piles it at his will ; The cheerful blaze around is thrown, And he is happy still. Where else can greater joys be found, All simple though they be ; Though but few luxuries there abound, They're cheerful, brave and free." Ibidem. He describes the manner of making spruce beer. P. 77. It is not easy to stop the current of the sea, but the Acadians attain this object by powerful dykes, which they call ' aboteaux,' and thus they do it : They plant five or six rows of large trees, all entire, in the places where the sea enters into the marshes ; and between each row they lay down ofher trees length- wise, a top of each other, and fill up the vacant spaces so well with clay, well trodden down, that the tide cannot pass through it. In the middle of these works they adjust a floodgate, (un esseau), in such manner that it allows the water of the marsh to flow out at low tide without permitting the sea water to pass in. A work of this nature, which can be carried on only at certain times when the tides do not rise too high, is very expensive, and demands much labor ; but the abun- dant harvest they obtain after the second year, after the water from heaven has washed these lands, compensates them well for the outlay. As these marshes are owned by many persons, they work at them in concert. P. 109. Diereville describes in verse and prose the whole process of making maple sugar, tho' he calls the tree a sycamore. History of Nova-Scotia. 541 P. 143. At St. John he saw an Indian come to receive the presents. This fort of St. John is built of earth, with four bastions fraised, each having six large guns. Here he met some of the Indians he had seen at Chibouctou. The death of ' monsieur le chevalier Villebon, commandant de 1'Acadie,' had occurred the evening of their arrival. He calls Villebon ' grand homme, tres bien fait & plein d'esprit,' a great man, well made, and full of intellect. P. 163. Speaking of the Indians, he says : When the poor Indian pays the debt We all to nature owe, In proof of friendship and regret Most generous offerings flow. For in his grave they place a store, Of things he may have need In the long journey to that shore Imagined in their creed. A living dog, a hatchet, gun, Corn, pipes, tobacco too, A kettle, powder, ball, and one New blanket and canoe. P. 184. He shews the virtues of fir balsam, and the method for cure of a bro- ken limb effected by the Indians with the aid of fine moss, birch bark, and the balsam. P. 207. I have now only to say how I got back from New France, and that was very agreeably. By the time that I began to accustom myself to it, and be- came better acquainted with its advantages and inconveniences, I received orders to quit it and return to France, of which I was very glad. I had to cross the seas with the sailors in a little frigate of Rochefort, freighted by a company that carries on trade in this country, and with which the association, of which I had the management, had disposed of the goods remaining in my charge upon the advice I had given them of the small profits to be made of them. But while I was at work to settle the business I had on hand, in order to be ready to go home, the Avenant. a good king's ship, mounting 44 guns, and which had brought out the ammunition and provisions that Placentia and the Fort on the river St. John receive annually, arrived at Port Royal to take on board there thirty or forty fine masts that the inhabitants furnished for the king, in addition to those that 14 carpenters and mastmakers in his majesty's service had put on board her at the river St. John. M'r. the chevalier de Chavagnac, who was in command of this ship, was good enough to offer me a passage home in her in the most obliging manner, saying that I would be much more comfortable in her than in the vessel I was to sail in. I accepted his proposal with pleasure, and I left to my two clerks the charge of such matters as remained unsettled. We left on the 6 Octo- ber, and they left three weeks after in the frigate that I intended to go by. They were near being lost the day after they sailed. In this peril they made a vovr, which I saw them perform at Rochelle with the whole crew. Mdnsieur le Cheva- lier de Chavagnac had exempted me from partaking of the fear they suffered of becoming food for fishes, and I was the more obliged to him for the favor he had shewn me. " A favor shewn has double grace When kindly 'tis bestowed." 542 History of Nova-Scotia. But it is known that civility and politeness, qualities formerly rare among sea- faring people, are now united to the most perfect acquaintance with navigation among all our naval officers. " They brave all perils on the deep, When glory leads the way, So should they act for our Great King Who live beneath his sway. Proud to be chosen, in his plans A foremost part to bear. Thus proved to be of worth possessed, His service all their care." From a small book called ' An Account of the Customs and Manners of the Mic* makis and Afaricheets t &V.' London : 1 758. P. 82. (From letter of M. de la Varenne, Louisbourg, 8 May, 1756.) " They " are extremely vindictive, of which I shall give you one example : Monsieur " D'aunay, a French captain, with a servant, being overset in a canoe, within " sight of some savages, they threw themselves into the water to save them, and " the servant was actually saved. But the savage who had pitched upon mons. " D'aunay, seeing who it was, and remembering some blows with a cane he had " a few days before received from him, took care to souse him so often in the " water, that he drowned him before he got ashore." Ibidem. P. 105. Three families among the Acadian French are named, of a British origin. Roger John Baptist Carty, an Irish Catholic, was the progenitor of the Cartys. Peters, an iron smith from England, and Granger, both married in Acadie, and became naturalized Frenchmen. Granger abjured before M. Petit, secular priest of the seminary of Paris, then missionary at Port Royal. Most of the French Acadians were originally from Rochelle, Xaintonge and Poitou. Daudin, in 1754, stated that the parish of Annapolis Royal alone contained 300 habitations, or about 2000 communicants. P. 129. The island of St. John is stated to be visited every seven years by swarms either of locusts or of field mice, alternately, never together. After they ravage the land, they ' precipitate themselves into the sea.' History of Nova-Scotia. 543 CORRECTIONS. Page 65. line 33 for 1641 read 1621. Page 109. igth line for 1664 read 1644. Page 1 20. In the article No. 3, the 8th and 9th lines have been transposed accidentally. Page 2 1 1. line 27 for Villebon read Villieu. Page 269. Article i, line i for 1705 read 1703. I am obliged to M. Rameau, of Paris, for pointing out two errors, not of the press, but owing to mistakes in the old mss., viz't : Page 132. The name Guillaume Troun should be Trahan. Page 151. The name Knessy, in I7th line, should read Kuessy or Quessy. I am informed by the Rev. Mr. Ballard, of Brunswick, Maine, that the May- flower (Epigaea repens) is to be found more generally in North America than I had been previously led to suppose. The same remarks apply to the Linnaea and the Sarracenia. END OF VOLUME I. 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