n55 CATALOGUE OF A LARGE AND VALUABLE ASSORTMENT OP BOOKS, MOST OF THEM ENGLISH EDITIONS, AND IN ELEGANT BINDINGS, TO BE SOLD, WITHOUT RESERVE, AT THE STORE OF FRANCIS AMORY, No. 41 Marlboro*-Street> To commence on MOJ^TDAY, the 18th APRIL, at 9 o'clock. CATALOGUE. 1 Hoole's Tasso, royal octavo, Eng. ed. calf gilt, elegani Plates. 2 vols. 2 Copies. 2 History of the decline and fall of the Roman em- pire, by Gibbon, 8 vols, octavo, calf. 3 Clariissa Harlow, by Richardson, 8 vols, octavo half bound. 4 Letters of Euler on different subjects in physics and philosophy : translated by Dr. Hunter, 2 vols, oc- tavo. Fnq^lish edition, calf. 5 Smith's Wealth of Nations with notes by Play fair, 3 vols, octavo, English edition, calf. 6 Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, octavo. 7 Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by Mrs. Woistonecra ft, octavo, English edition, calf. 8 Works of the right honorable Edmund Burke, 4 vols, octavo, calf gilt. 9 Milton's Paradise Lost, 2 vols. 12mo. English edition, calf, elegant plates. 10 Middleton's Life of Cicero, 3 vols, octavo, En- glish ecition, ctlf gilt, white backs. 11 Same work, same edition, calf. Airr 12 Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de 'Medici, 3 vols, oa- tavo, English edition, calf. 13 Same work, same edition, calf gilt, white backs. 14 Rape of the Lock, by Pope, octavo, English ed- ition, calf, plates. 15 Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs, by Robert Bloomfield, English edition, octavo, calf gilt. 16 Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 18 mo. neat English edition, 4 vols, calf with heads. 17 Same work, 12mo. calf gilt, 4 vols. Eng. edition. 18 Letters of Junius, 2 vols, neat English edition, calf with heads. 1 9 Cooke's pocket edition of Tom Jones, with plates, 3 vols. calf. 20 Same work, 3 vols. 12mo. sheep, English edition. 21 Dobson'sLife of Petrarch, 2 vols, octavo, English edition, calf, elegant plates. 22 History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688, by David Hume, 8 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 23 History of Great Britain, from the Revolution in 1688 to the conclusion of the Treaty of^miens, 1802,by William Belsham, 12 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edi- tion, io match the former %pork of Hume, 24 RoUin's Ancient History, 8 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 25 Works complete of Dr. Johnson, 12 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 26 Don Quixote, 4 vols, octavo, calf gilt, Eng. ed. 27 Life of Dr. Smollett, with critical observations on his work, by Di-. Anderson, octavo, calf gilt, Eng edition. 28 Chesterfield's Letters to his son, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, English edition. 29 Poetical works of Shenstone, 2 vols. 12mo. calf, elegant English edition, with plutes. 30 Volney's Travels in Syria and Egypt, 2 vols. 18mo. calf, English edition. 31 Beattie's Minstrel, with life of the author, 12mo* calf, English edition, plates. M'^$7B73 ^2 Plutarch's Lives, translated by Langhorne, 6 vols. 12mo. calf, English edirion. 33 Same work, 6 vols, octavo, calf gilt, JLng. edition. 34 Arabian Nights' Entertainments, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, English edition. 35 Adventure? of Gil Bias, 3 vols. l8mo. 56 Robertson's History of America, in which is in- cluded the posthumous volume, containing the History of Virginia and New England, 4 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 37 Same work, another edition, 4 vols, octavo, half bound and lettered. 38 Pamela, by Richardson, 4 vols, 12 mo. half bound, English edition. 39 Cecilia, by Madame d'ArblaV, 5 vols. 12mo, half bound) Dresden edition. 40 Staunton's Embassy to China, octavo. 41 Boswell's Life of Johnson, 3 vols, octavo, calf gilt. 42 Same work, boards. 43 Marshall's Life of Washington, 5 vols, octavo, with Atlas. 44 Shakspeare's Plays, 10 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, English edilion. 45 Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 5 vols. 12 mo. calf, English edition. 46 British Essayists, in 45 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, English edition, with heads, and Chalmers' Prefaces, containing Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adven- turer, World, Connoisseur, Idler, Mirror, Lounger, Observer, and Index to the "whole. 47 Johnson's Dictionary, royal octavo, 4 vols, calf gilt, English tciiiion. 48 Poetical Translations, 2 vols, royal octavo, calf, English edition, coniaining Pope's Iliad and Odyssey, West's Pindar, Dryden's Virgil, Juvenal, and Persius, Pitt's Eneid, Rowe's Lucan, Cooke's Hesiod, Fawkes's Theocritus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, Museqs and Apollonius Rhodius, C — 's Coluthus Lycopolitus. Creeph'^ Lucretius and Qrainger's Tibullus. 49 Mayor's Historical Account of Voyages, Travels and Discoveries tiom the time of Columbus, 25 vols. 18 mo. calf, English edition, plates. 50 Pursuits of Literature, octavo. 51 Colquhoun's Treatise on the Police of London, octavo, calf, English edition B2 Heron's Junius, 2 vols, octavo, boards. 53 Improved Version of the New Testament, octavo-, boards. 54 Smellic's Philosophy of Natural History, 2 vols. octavo, calf, English edition . 55 Butler's Hudibras, with large annotations, &c. by Dr. Zachary Grey, 2 vols, octavo, calf, English edi- tion, with plates, aad vignettes on wood. 56 Newton's Dissertations on the Prophecies,, 2 vols. octavo, calf, Ent^iisi^ ediiion. 57 Poems of Ossian, 2 vols. 12mo. elegant English edition, calf gilt, with plates. 58 Pope's Works, 6 vols. 12mo. calf, Eng. edition. 59 Poems by Mrs. Opie, calf elegant, English edi- tion, 12 mo, 60 Foster's Essays, 2 vols. 12mo. boards, English edition. 61 Goldsmith's Citizen of the World, 2 vols, in one, octavo, calf, English edition. 62 Essay on the History of Civil Society, by Dr. Ferguson, octavo. 63 Watts on the Improvement of the Mind, also his posthumous works, octavo, half bound, lettered, English edition. 64 Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel, octavo, calf gilt, English edition, elegant. 65 Aikin's Letters to his Son, 2 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, English edition. 66 Essay on Taste, by Alexander Gerrard, M. A. I2mo. calf gilt. 67 Practical Piety, by Hannah More, 2 vols. 18mo. calf. 68 Orlando Furioso from the Italian of Ariosto, with notes by John Hoole, 6 vols. 12mo. calf, English ediiion, 69 Poetical Works of Hector Macneill, esq. 2 vols. 12mo. elegant English edition, calf giit, uith plates. 70 Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, 12mo. calf English edition, plates. 71 Thomson's Seasons, 18 mo. English edition, with plates and vignettes. 72 Miscellaneous pieces of poetry selected from various authors. 73 Cowper illustrated by a series of Views in or near the Park of Weston-Underwood, Bucks, accompanied with copious descriptions, and a brief sketch of the poet's Life, octavo, elegant Plates, boards, English edition. 74 Views in North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns, octavo, elegant Plates, boards, English edition. 75 Poems of Shakspeare, 2 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, English edition, with plates. 76 Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cow- per, by Haley, 2 vols. 12mo. calf gilt. 77 Cowper's Poems, 2 vols, calf gilt, to match the above. 78 Lusiad, or the discovery of India, an epic poem by Camoens, translated by Mickle, 2 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 79 Rousseau's Eloisa, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, English edition. 80 Lounger, by Mackenzie, 3 vols. English edition. 8 1 Pleasures and Pains of Memory, 12mo. calf, plates. 82 Evidences of the Christian Religion, with addi- tional Discourses, by Addison, calf, 12mo. 83 Essays moral and literary, by Vicesimus Knox, 2 vols. 12mo. English edition. 84 Vicar of Wakefield, by Goldsmith, 12mo. calf, English edition, wood cuts. 85 Lyttelton's observations on the conversion and apostleship of Si Paul, 12mo. calf. 86 Wanderer of Switzerland and other poems by Montgomery, boards, 12mo. fine English edition. 87 Jeflferson's Notes on Virginia, ISmo. 88 Treatise concerning Religious Affections, by Dr. Edwards, }2mo. 89 Law's Serious Call to a devout and holy life, 12mo. English edition, with a frontispiece. 90 Porteus' Evidenfies of the Christian Revelation, 18mo. 91 Essays and Treatises on several subjects by David Hume, 2 vols, octavo, calf, English edition. 92 Works in verse and prose of William Shenstone, esq. 3 vols, octavo, calf, English edition. 93 Cicero's Essays on Old Age and Friendship^ translated by Melmoth, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 94 Select British Classics in 8 vols, octavo, calf, English edition, containing Spectator, Rambler, World, Adventurer, Shenstone's Essays, Guardian, Temple's Sketches, Connoisseur, Dialogus of the Dead, Idler, Fitzosborn*s Letters, Lover. 95 Blair's Sermons, 5 vols, calf gilt, English edition. 96 Works of James Thomson, 3 vols, elegant English edition, with plates, calf gilt. 97 Mavor's Universal History, ancient and modern, from the earliest records of lime to the general peace of iSOl, fine edition, 25 vols. 12mo. half bound and gilt. 98 Hunter's Sacred Biography, 5 vols, octavo, calf git English edition. 99 Scripture Characters, or a practical improvement of tie principal histories in the Old and New 1 estaments, by Ihomas Robinson, 4 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English editi(Q. 100 Lectui;es on Belles Lettres and Logic, by the late P'ofessor Barron, Edinburgh. 2 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition, \ \ ■ \ 101 Plays of Shakspeare, from tlie text of George Siecvens, with a series of engravini^s from oiiginai de- signs of Fuseii, and a selection of Notes, Life of Shaks- peare, &c. Sec. by Alexander Chalmers, A. M. 9 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 102 Works of Dr. Young, 3 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition, elegant plates 103 Works of Robert Burns, with account of his life and Writin rs, 4 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 104 Gallery of Portraits of the National Assembly, supposed to be written by Mirabeau, 2 vols, half bound and gilt. 105 Letters of Cicero, with remarks by William Melmoth, esq. with a general index, 3 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 106 History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. by Dr. Robertson, 4 vols calf gilt, English edition. 107 History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary and James VI. till his accession to the, English crown, 3 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 108 Hume's History of England, 8 vols, octavo, calf gilt, with copperplate lUads. 109 Smollet's History of England from the Revclu- tion to the death of George II designed as connnu:»tion of Hume, 5 vols, octavo, calf gilt, to match the abo^e. 1 10 Memoirs of the Reign of George HI. from his accession to the peace of Amiens, by Willium Belshum, 8 vols, octavo, calf gilt, English edition [The above 3 No*s. form a complete History of 1 nglmdto 1802.] 111 Milton's Works, 6 vols, octavo, calf gilt, Eng- lish edition, with the principal notes of vurioi'is con n.t n- tators, with illustrations and some account of the Life of Milton, by Rev Henrv Jobn Todd. 112 Melmoth's Letters of Pliny the Consul, 2 vols. octavo, calf gilt, English ef.idon. 113 Doddridge's Family Expositor, 6 vols, octava, calf, English edition, 114 Bacon's Essays, 12mo. calf. 115 Tucker's Blackstouc's Commentaries, 5 volsr t octavo. ' 9 116 ' Mirror, voL 1 only. X7 Dr. Rces's New Cyclopedia, 27 numbers ; with the right of subscription ait the original price. 1 8 Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution Francaise, 2 large folio volumes of prints illustrating t^ie scenes of the French Revolution. 19 Taylor's Edition of Calmet's , Great Dictionary of the Holy Bible, 4 vols, quarto, half bound in morocco. The two last volumes, containing a copious collection of Notes, and about 150 engravings. 120 Ganilh's Political Economy, octavo, boards. 21 Forsyth on Fruit Trees, octavo. Q2 Edward's History of Redemption, octavo. 23 Poetical Works of John Milton. 24 Mavor's Natural History, 12mo. Eng. edition. 25 Ccelebs in starch of a Wife. 26 Fordyce's Addresses to young Men. 27 Sterne's Works, pocket edition, in 8 vols. boards, 2 vols, missiifg. 28 Itinerant, or memoirs of an Actor, 2 vols. 29 Clarkson's Essay on Slavery. 130 Scottish Chiefs, 3 vols, boards. 31 Wonders of Creation, natural and artificial, by D. R Pre-)\ 2 u)b 52 Evans's Sketch of the denominations of the Christian World, boci-ds. 35 Nature and Art, by Mrs. Inchbald. 34 John de Lancastec, by Cumberland, 2 vols. boards. 35 Kcate's Sketches from Nature. 36 Ormond, on the Secret Witness. 37 Bruce's Travels to discover the Source of the Nile. 38 Letters of a traveller on the various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, by Dr. Thomson, octavo, En* glisii edition, B 10 isy Petitpierre's Thoughts on the Divine Goodness*. 40 Human Prudence, or the art of making Fortunes, &c. See. by Herman Mann. 41 Winthrop^s Liectures on Comets, boards 42 Life of Mahomet. 43 Whitfield's Eighteen Sermons. 44 Belsham's Evidences of Religion. 4i> Account of some remarkable passages in tke^ Life of a private genlkman. 45 Pleasing Library, by Nathaniel Heaton. 47 Hoyt's Treatise on the Military Art. 48 Klopstock's Messiah. 49 Contrast, a novel, by Mrs. Gooch 150 Galatea, a pastoral romance, by Florian 51 McCulloch's Sermons on various subjects. 52 Willich'sDomestic Encyclopedia ; or, a Diction- ary of Facts and Useful Knowledge, 4 vols, octavo En- glish edition. 53 Genuine Works of Josephus, 3 vols, octava, Edin. edition. 54 Faber's View of the Prophecies, octavo. 55 Kurd's Introduction to the study of the prophe« cies, octavo, calf gilt. 56 Oriental Moralist. 57 Life of General Putnam. 58 Brookes's Gazetteer, octavo, English edition. 59 Massillon's Sermons, 2 vols, octavo. 160 Works of the Rev. John Newton, 6 vols, octavo, with head. 61 Dr. Young's Works in 3 vols, 12mo. 62 Poole's Annotations upon the Holy Bible, 4 vols, quario, English ediwon. 63 Jamieson's Use of Sacred History^ octavo. 64 Bailey's Dictionary. 65 Smith's Laboratory, or School of Arts, octavo, English edition. 66 Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Bonaparte^ boards. 11 167 Gibbonte Roman Empire, calf, abridged in 2 vols. English edition. 68 Komeri Ilias, Grsec€ et Latine, edidit Samuel Clarke, 2 vols, octavo, English edition. 69 Molloy de Jure Maritimo, 2 vols, octavo, En- glish edition. 170 Blackstone's Commentaries, with Christian's Notes, 4 vols, octavo, calf, English edition. 71 Burlamaqui's Principles of Natural and politic Law octavo, 2 vols, in one. 72 Laws of the United States, 7 vols, octavo. 73 Laws of Massachusetts from 1 780 to i 807, 3 vols. 74 Johnson's Dictionary, octavo. 75 Schrevftlii Lexicon, octavo. 76 Hutchinson's Zenophon, octavo, English edition. 77 Shakspeare's Plays, 8 vols. 12mo. 1st Bost.edi. 78 Elements of Criticism, 2 vols, octavo. 79 Les Termes de la Ley, octavo, boards. 150 Paley's Philosophy, octavo, 81 Pursuits of Literature, octavo, calf. 82 Isocrates Panegyrica. 83 Martyrs, or the Triumphs of the Christian Re- ligion by Chateaubriand, 3 vols, boards. 84 Fool of Quality, 5 vols. 85 Montgaillard's Situation of England, boards. 86 Doddridge's Expositor abridged, 2 vols, octavo, 87 Minute Philosopher, by Berkeley, octavo. 38 Marten's Law of Nations, octavo. 89 Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy 2 vols, in one. ' 190 Junius's Letters. 91 Winter in London, 2 vols. 92 English Merchant, a novel, 2 vols, half bound. 93 Pope's Works, 6 vols. 12mo. 94 Same Work, incomplete, 4 vols. only. 95 Abstract, a Character from Life, 2 vols, half bd. 96 Knox's Essays, 2 vols. 97 Enfield's Speaker. 98 Secret History of the Court of St. Cloud, brds. 99 Spirit of the Book, boards. 12 200 Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jon- athan. b;"3 iS. 1 American Accountant. 2 Selfridge's Trial, boards. 3 History of the Bible and Jews. 4 Self Control, sewed. 5 Wife, boards. 6 L'Abeille Francaise. 7 Lay Preacher, by Dennie. 8 Wuitfield's Eighteen Sermons. 9 Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs, octavo.. 2lO Caustick's Terrible Tractoration, boards. 11 Homer's Iliad. 12 Institutio Graece Grammatices compendiaria. 13 Lettres sur I'ltalie, par Dupaty, sewed, 14 Six odd volumes. 15 Seven odd volumes. 16 2 Holy Bible, quarto, Gary's edition, No. 38. 17 Smith's Wealth of Nations, 2 vols. Dublin ed. 18 Barrow's Travels in China, octavo. 19 American Coast Pilot. 220 Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, octavo. 21 Wonders of Creation, by Preston, 2 vols. 22 Spectator, calf, 12mo. incomplete, 4 vols. only. ^3 New Testament, with Annotations, 12mo. 24 New Testament common 25 Pocket Bible. 26 Shakspeare, English edition, 18 mo. calf, incom- plete, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. vols. only. 27 Shakspeare, Boston edition, incomplete, 2d and 4th vols. only. 28 Shakspeare, London edition, vol. 6 only. 29 Botanical Harmony delineated, octavo, boards. 330 Works of Walter Scott, 4 vols, calf, pocket ed. 31 Prayer Book, pocket ej^ition. 32 Dibdin's Songs. 33 Gil Bias, 3 vols. 12mo. calf, English ed. plates; 34 Goldsmith's England. 13 235 Butler's Lives of the Saints. 36 Catholic Christian instructed. 37 Papist misrepresented. 38 Pastorini's History of the Christian Church. 39 Citizen of the World, boards. 240 Johnson's Miniature Dictionary. 41 Secret History of St. Cloud. 42 Emily Montague, 2d vol. only. 43 Poetical Picture of America, by a Lady, English edition, boards. 44 Peter Porcupine's Works, boards. 45 Lot of Pamphlets. 46 Warburton's Letters, octavo, boards. 47 Vattel's Law of Nations, octavo. 48 Select Reviews, 4 vols, half bound and lettered. 49 Rumford's Essays, 3 vols, octavo. 250 Newcome's Observations on our Lord's conduct as a divine instructor, English edition, calf. 51 Collyer's Lectures on Scripture facts, calf gilt. 53 Jones on the Figurative language of Scripture, octavo, calf, English edition. 53 Essay on moral Agency, by Dr. West, octavo, calf gilt, English edition. 54 Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, calf, octavo. 55 Limborch's Body of Divinity, abridged, octavo. English edition. 56 Gisborne's Sermons, principally designed to il- lustrate and enforce Christain Morality, octavo, calf, En v glish edition. ' 57 2 Hooper's Anatomist's Vade Mecum. 58 4 Doddridge's Rise and Progress. 59 Mythology, by Monsigny. 260 Seneca's Morals. 61 6 Sketches of the History, Genius, Disposition, Accomplishments of the Fair Sex, boards. 62 3 Advice to Mothers. 14 263 7 Domestic Medicine, by Dr. Buchan. 64 Shakspeare's Poems, royal octavo, boards, Lon- don 1809. j55 Plays of Shakspeare, from the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, 12 vols, calf octavo, 4 plates to a volume, elegant London edition, 1807. 66 Dramatic Works of Metastasio, translated by Hoole, royal octavo, calf, 3 vols, plates London 1800 67 Jerusalem Delivered, byTasso, plates, 2 vol^. octavo, London 1802. 68 Poetical Translations, see JVo. 49. 69 Works of Dr. Johnson, with the Life of the Au- thor, 15 vols. I Brno. Edinburgh 1807 270 Works of Robert Burns, with the additional volume, making 5 ; elegant edition, London 1808. 71 Burke's Works, 4 vols, calf gilt, Boston 1806. 72 Goldsmith's Works, 5 vols. 12mo. London 1806. 73 Robertson's Reign of Charles V^ 3 vols, octavo^ calf, New-Yoik 1 804. 74 Robertson's History of Scotland, 3 vols. 18 mo. Glasgow 1800. 75 Burlamaqui on the Principles of Natural and Po- litic Law, 2 'ols octavo, Cambridge 1807. 76 Satires of Juvenal, translated by GifFord, 2 vols. octavo, boards, Philddelpia 1803* 77 Constance de Castile, by Sotheby, quarto, half bound in moiocco, London 1810. 78 Memoirs of Cumberland, by himself, octavo. New- York 1806. 79 Holy Bible, octavo, morrocco, full gilt, Wor- cester 1802, iSO Falconer's Shipwreck, with a Sketch of his Life, elegant London edition, with superb wood cuts. 81 Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, octavo, half bound, Portland 1805. 82 Thalaba the Destroyer, by Southey, 2 vols* 18 mo. calf, London 1309, 15 2B3 Sotheby's Oberon, 2 vols. 12 mo. superb plates, London 1805. 84 Lady of the Lake, by Scott, boards, Boston 1809. 85 Somerville's Chase, boards, Suttaby edition. 86 Poems of Gray, 12mo. calf, with plates, Londoo, 1801. 87 Camoen's Poems, translated by Strangford, 12mo. calf, London 1808. 88 Morse's Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent, Boston 1808. 89 Carey's American Pocket Atlas, Phila. 1800. 290 Johnson's Dictionary with Walker's Pronunci- ation, octavo. 91 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, London 1806. 92 Theatrical Dictionary, 12mo. London 1792. 93 Thespian Dictionary, or Dramatic Biography of the present age 12mo. plates, London 1805 94 Prose Epitome, or Elegant Extracts abridged, London 1792 95 Letters of Abelard and Heloise, pocket edition, London 1798 96 Study and Practice of the Law, octavo, Portland 1806 97 American Clerk's Magazine, Boston 1805. 98 Knox on Liberal Education, 2 vols 12mo. Lon- don 1795 99 Enfield's Speaker, London 1798. 300 Wanostrocht's French Grammar, Boston 1805. 1 Electa ex Ovi4ii Metamorphoseus libris, Etonxi 1798 2 Ovid's Epistles translated into English verse, Suttaby edition, 1808 3 Horace Delphini, London 1799. 4 M. Fabii Quinctiliani de Institutione Oratoria libri diiodecim, juxta editionein Gottingensem Johanni^ Matthia Gesneri, 2 vols. Russi.^ binding, Oxonii 1806 5 Scriptores Roman, octavo, calf, Etoiice 1800. 6 Viridarium Poeticum, &c. &c. a Thoma Browne, A. M. octavo, Londini 1799 7 C. Plinii Cascilii secundi Epistolarum libri x-. spmptibus editoris, Loiiciofii 1790, call 12mo. 16 308 P. Virgilii Maronis Opera emendabat et Notulis illustrabat Gilbertus Wakefield, A.B. 2 vols. 12mo. calf, Londini 1796 9 Moore's Odes of Anacreon 2 vols. 18mo. calf gilt, London 1805 10 Works of Pope in verse and prose, Bowles's ediiion, with plates, 10 vols, calf gilt, London 180S 1 1 Pinkerton's General Collection of Voyages and Travels, quarto, plates, 25 numbers, sewed, Philadelphia. 1809 12 Burke^s Works, 4 vols, octavo, calf gilt. 13 Sheridan's Dictionary, octavo. ,14 Shaftsbury's Characteristicks, 3 vols, octavo, calf, printed in 1711 15 Millot's Elements of General History, 5 vols. octavo 16 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Soci- ety, 10 vols, boards 17 Inquiry into theHumanMindon the principles of Common Sense, by Dr Reid, octavo 18 Index to Annual Register, 1758 to 1780 19 Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion 320 Locke on theHumanUnderstanding,3 vols. 12mo. 21 Rosseau's Eloisa, 3 vols. 12mo. English edition 22 Dictionaire du Citoyen, odd volume 23 Savage's Works, with Life by Dr. Johnson 24 Robertson's History of Charles V. 4 vols. 12mo. Glasgow ediiion 25 La Vie de Marianne, 2 vols. 12mo 26 Whitman's Index to the Laws of Massachusetts 27 Catholic Prayer Book, Latin and French 28 Pocket Dictionary, French and English, Paris edition 29 Perry's Dictionary 330 Debrett's correct Peerage of England, Scot- land and Ireiunu, plates. 2 vols. 18mo. boards 31 Annuaire du Republicain 32 Les Liaisons daiigereubes, 4 vols, sewed 33 Lot of French and English Plays, &c. &c^ 17 f -U -- r-.'. 334 Hume's, SmoUet's, and Bissett's History of England, 15 vols, octavo, boards. 35 Bigland's View of the World, 5 vols. 8vo. bds. 36 Letters from Portugal and Spain, with plates, octavo, calf gilt, En.a;lisli edition ^37 Ovid's Art of Love, elegant English edition, plates, 12mo 38 London Art of Cookery, octavo 39 Espriella's Letters, 12mo 540 Inchbald's Collection of Plays, t vols, red backs, with frontispieces to each play 41 Rokeby, by Scott, miniature edition, calf 42 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, quarto, calf. English edition 43 Memoirs and Travels of Benyowsky, 2 yols. quario, Calf, English edition 44 Gregoire's Enquiry into the Literature of Ne- groes, rctavo. boards 45 Life of Ganganelli, octavo, calf. London edition 46 Miseries of Human Life, calf, 12iao 47 Study of iht Law, octavo, boards 48 Letters of Helen Maria Williams 49 2 Grandpre's Voyages 350 Ferguson on Civil Society, octavo 51 Kendal's Travels in America, 3 vols.green backs 52 Biographical Dictionary, pocket edition 53 Second V oyage dans I'Literieur de I'Africque, par Le Vaillan. . 3 vi-ts. ocL-\o 54 Letters from a Portuguese Nun to a French Of- ficer. 1 8 mo calt, plates 55 Etudes de la Nature, par Saint Pierre, 4 vols. Paris edition 56 CEuvres complettes de Madame Ricoboni, 8 vols, octavo, 5th vol "vanting 57 Thoughts upon Hare and Fox Hunting, by Beckford, octavo, plates, En?;iish ediiion 58 Character of the Dog, half [pound C fig SS9 Explanatory pronouncing Dictionary of the French Language, 18mo 60 Abercrombie''s Sermons, Lectures^ and Charg- es, octavo, Philadelphia 61 Goldsmith's Natural History abridged, by Mrs. Pilkington, octavo, fine plates, London edition 62 Hei;on's Junius, 2 vols, octavo, Philadelphia edi- tion, \tith heads 63 Marmion, Boston edition 64 Parent's Friend, 2 vols, octavo 65 Ferdinand and Ordella, a Russian story, by Priscilla Parlante, 2 vols, octavo, half bound 66 Human Prudence, or how to make Fortunes, by Herman Mann. 67 History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte, 2 vls.lSmo. half bound 68 Gulliver's Travels, Walker's edition, calf. 69 Modern Ship of Fools, boards. 370 Bennet's Letters to a young Lady. 71 Campbell's Pleasures of Hope. 72 Thomson's Seasons, neat Englished, with plates 73 Collection of much esteemed Dramatic Pieces, 2 vols. 12mo. London 74 Reliques of Burns, 12mo. 75 Warrior's Return, by Mrs. Opie, green binding. 76 Little and Moore's Poems, 2 vols. 18mo. 77 Wandering Philanthropist. 78 Sheridan's and Henderson's method of Reading and Reciting English Poety. 79 Travelling Anecdotes through various parts of Europe, vvith plates, octavo 380 Shenstone's Essays on, Men and Manners. SI Grahame's Birds of Scotland, boards. 82 Russell's Modern Europe, abridged. 83 Haller's Letters. 84 Letters of Prince de Ligne. 85 Wonderful Story Teller. 86 Excellency of the Female Character vindicated^ 87 Visit for a week. m 388 Travels in the Two Sicilies, by Spallanzani, 4 vols, octavo, plates, London edition 89 Aristotelis Opera omnia. Buhle. Biponti, 1791, 4 vols, octavo 90 Vie de Petrarch tire de ses oeuvres et des auteurs contemp. Amsterdani 1784, quarto, 3 vols^ 91 12 Epistles on Women, by Lucy Aikin, brds» 92 12 Bell on the Diseases of the Urethra, octavo, boards 93 Ty tier's Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fe- ver, octavo 94 4 Kirkpatrick'sAdvice to people in regard to their health, octavo 95 12 Pharmacopoeia of the Massachusetts Medical Society, boards 96 6 Buchan's Advice to Mothers, octavo. 97 Willich's Lectures on Diet and Regimen, octavo, London edition 98 2 Trotter on the Nervous Temperament. 99 2 Recce's Medical Guide, octavo. 400 6 Lathrop's compendious Treatise on the use of the Globes, 12 mo. 1 6 Madame de Stael's Influence of Literature on Society, 2 vols, boards 2 Dr. Mavor's New Speaker, London edition. 3 6 Walker's Miniature Dictionary. 4 6 Goldsmith's History of Greece, for Schools. ^ 18 Evangelical Prin>er. 6 3 Improved Version of New Testament, octaT vo, in sheep 7 6 Same work, in boards. 8 4 Theological Tracts, octavo, half bound and lettered 9 2 McCrie's Life of John Knox, the great Scots Reformer, octavo, boards .20 410 2 Ganilh's Political Economy, octavo boards. 11 Same Work, bound. 12 Molina's History of Chili, 2 vols, octavo. 13 3 Lady of the Lake, Boston edition, boards 14 Same Work, Baltimore, boards. 15 Same Work, New- York, boards. 16 Same Work, Richard Scott's edition, boards. 17 Same Work, same edition, calf. 18 Lay of the Last Minstrel, Baltimore, boards. J9 2 Rokeby, Boston edition, boards. 420 2 Scott's Ballads, Baltimore, boards. 21 6 Vision of Don Roderick, Philadelphia, brds. 22 Thomson's Seasons, Boston edition. 23 Mrs. Rowe's Devout Exercises. 24 Erskine's Speeches, 2 vols, octavo, boards.v 25 2 Southey's Life of Nelson, 2 vols, boards. 26 2 Southey's Curse of Kehama, 2 vols, boards.. 27 Southey's Madoc, 2 vols, octavo, boards. 28 2 Self Control, a novel, 2 vols, boards. 29 Annual Register, 1806, bound in red backs. 430 Annual Review, vol. 7, 1808, boards. 31 Nineteen Volumes of the Analytical Review, viz, vols. 9, 11 — 11, 16—20, 22—29. 32 Payne's Epitome of History, Q vols, octavo, London edition. 33 Select Letters between the Duchess of Somerset, Wm. Suenstone and others, 2 vols, octavo. 34 Trumbull's History of Connecticut, octavo. 35 Edgeworth's Practical Education, 2 vols, octavo, 36 Letters of Madame du Mon tier, 3 vols. 12mo. 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