LIBRARY BLOCK, MILWAUKEE. Public Library on Second Floor. SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE OITY OF MILWAUKEE Alphabetical Author, Title and Subject In-dexbs 885 (ftJlTiy^RSITY) MILWAUKEE Published by the Board of Trustees of the Libbaby 1885-80 -PC", J. H. VBWDALE & SONS, PKINTEKS & P^LECTKOTVl'EKS, MllAVAUKKK IDIT^EOTIOIISrS WOTl XJSE. 1. When you want to find a book by a certain author, look in the author-index, where a short title of the book will be given, if it is in the library, with a number referring to the column of the main catalogue, in which a full entry occui's together with the call-number of the book. If the book sought is a novel or play, it will save time to turn at once to the fiction or drama-list in the main catalogue. 2. If you only know the title of the book you want, but not the author, turn to the title-list of fiction for novels, and to the title-list of drama for plays. If the book does not belong to either of these classes, the title itself will frequently indicate the class where it will be found ; if not, it may be entered in the author-index, printed in roman type. For instance, it might be difficult to guess in what class "American archives" have been placed, but a re- ference to the author-index under "American" will give you the number of the column where the series is entered. 3. If you want to find the resources of the library on a certain subject, turn to the class in the main catalogue, in which this subject belongs. Should you be in doubt about the class, the subject- index at the end of the catalogue will give you the number of the class in which to look. For Instance, if you want to find wliat books there are in the library on Ventilation, it may not occur to you to lools in "Building," but under "Ventilation", in the subject-index, you will And the class-number 697, and the class-numbers printed at the top of the page in the main catalogue will guide you at once to column M61, where such books are entered. Remember, however, always to refer back to the general classes, of which the sub-class forms a di- vision, in order to exhaust the resources of the library on a certain subject. General works often con- tain the most exhaustive treatises on their component parts. If you want all books on birds, for instance, you must first examine the class "Birds," then go back to the division "Vertebrates," then to the main class "^oSSlogy in general", and finally see what there may be on birds in the comprehensive works on "Natural Science," with its general subdivisions of Collected works Dictionaries, Compends, Essays, etc. 4. If you want to refer to what has been written regarding a certain persoa, turn to the index to biographies, where you will find all the biographical treatises and essays contained in the library, ar- ranged under the name of each individual. 5. Write the call-nuiuber, which is invariably printed in heavy type, just as it is given in the cata- logue, punctuation marks and all. If the work should be in more than one volume, state, in addition to the call-number, the number of the volume you want. For instance, if you want of Smyth's "Lectures on modern history" the volume containing, the "American war" (col. 1198), write it down thus 940:28 v2. 6. If you cannot find your book anyway, consult the librarian. CONTENTS. (For subdivisions, see the catalogue.) INTRODUCTION iij TITLES OF NOBILITY vj ABBREVIATIONS vj INDEX OF AUTHORS ix I. BIBLIOLOGY AND UNCLASSIFIED WORKS 1 1 . Libraries 1 2. Bibliography and ax^thorship 13 3. General cyclopedias 31 4. General periodicals 33 IL PHILOSOPHY 43 1. In general 43 2. Metaphysics 49 3. Mental morphology and hygiene 51 4. Psychology 57 5. Logic 59 6. Ethics 59 III. RELIGION AND THEOLOGY 67 1. In general 67 2. Natural theology 77 3. The Bible 83 4. Doctrinal theology 91 5. Practical and devotional theology 99 6. Pastoral theology 105 7. Institutions and missions Ill 8. Ecclesiastical history 118 9. Christian churches and sects 125 10. Non-christian religions and Folk-lore.. 133 IV. SOCIOLOGY 145 1. In general 145 2. Statistics 153 3. Political science 159 4. Political economy 191 5. Jurisprudence 207 6. Administration 227 7. Associations and institutions 235 8. Education 239 9. Commerce and communication 253 10. Customs and costumes 259 V. PHILOLOGY 263 1. General linguistics 263 2. Comparative dictionaries 267 3. English language 269 4. Foreign languages 275 VI. NATURAL SCIENCE 281 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. 9 10 VII. 1 2 3 4 7. VIII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. IX. . In general 281 Mathematics 295 Astronomy 299 Physics 309 Chemistry and Mineralogy 319 . Physical geography 323 Geology and Paleontology 333 Biology and Anthropology 345 Botany 357 . Zoology 365 USEFUL ARTS 387 . In general 387 . Medicine and surgery 391 . Engineering 411 . Agriculture 429 Domectic economy 443 Communication and Commercial methods 447 Industrial arts 451 FINE ARTS 465 In general 465 Architecture and Landscape gardening 473 Sculpture, Keramics, etc 477 Draw^ing and Design 481 Painting 485 Engraving and Photography 487 Music 489 Amusements 495 LITERATURE 507 In general 507 General literary classes 511 Class-list of drama 519 1. Authors 519 2. Titles 613 Class-list of prose fiction 657 1. Authors 657 2. Titles 901 English literature a) General 1003 b) Poetry 1019 c) Drama 1043 d) Romance 1047 e) Essays and Oratory 1049 f) Letters 1077 g) Satire and Humor 1081 h) Miscellany 1087 CONTENTS. 13. German literature a) General 1101 14. b) Poetry 1114 15. c ) Miscellaneous 1119 16. Romanic literatures 1127 French 1127-Italian llSl-Spanish 1133 Portuguese 1134. 17. Classical literatures 1133 Roman 1133 Greek 1136. 18. Minor european literatures 1141 Scandinavian 1141-Keltic 1144 Slavic 1144 Hungarian and Finnish 1146. 19. Oriental literatures 1145 X. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY 1149 1. History in general 1149 2. Ancient world a) General and Ori- ental 1161 3. b) Classical 1169 4. Modern geography in general 1181 5. Europe a) In general 1197 6. b) Great Britain and Ireland. . .1211 7. c) Germany and Austria 1237 8. d) France 1249 9. e) Italy 1261 10. f ) Spain and Portugal 1269 11. g) Russia and Poland 1375 12. h) Scandinavia 1281 13. i ) Netherlands 1283 14. j ) Switzerland 1287 15. k) Modern Greece 1287 16. 1 ) Turkey and Danubian states 1289 17. Dispersed nationalities 1295 18. Asia a) General and Eastern 1295 19. b) Southern 1301 20. c) Turkish empire 1307 21. d) Russian and Central 1313 22. Africa 1317 23. North America a) In general 1329 24. b) United States in general . . . 1343 25. c) " " East and South 1367 26. d) " " West 1385 27. e) British and Mexican 1405 28. Central and South America, West Indies 1411 29. Oceanica 1417 30. Polar regions 1421 XI. BIOGRAPHY 1427 1. In general 1427 2. Philosophy and Religion 1445 3. Sociology a) Government 1463 4. b) Statesmanship and politics. 1479 5. c) Army and navy 1499 6. d) Miscellaneous classes 1509 7. Philology and Science 1519 8. Fine arts 1525 9. Literature 1537 10. Genealogy and Heraldry 1565 XII. INDEX TO BIOGRAPHIES 1569 SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION (t) SUBJECT-INDEX (13) inSTTI^ODTJOTIOlSr. npHlS catalogue comprises all the works at present contained in the Milwaukee Public Library, A aggregating about 35,000 volumes, and divided among the several literary classes as follows : Bibliography and general works and magazines 3334, Philosophy 474, Religion and theology 1446, Sociology, including collective documents of national, state and municipal ^governments 5324, Philo- logy 319, Natural sciences 1566, Applied science and useful arts 1393, Fine arts and amusements 699 Literature in general 3778, Prose fiction 7083, Reading for children 961, History 3168, Geography, description and travels 3375, Biography 2869 volumes. In the belief that, as a rule, the title-page of a book is its own best explanation, the entries have been made as full and accurate as possible, only omitting unimportant or redundant words, and occasionally supplying an explanatory word or phrase, indicated by being placed in [brackets]. Contents have been added in all cases where the character of a book seemed to require it, and a special eifort has been made to record in their proper places the important contributions to the scientific and special series published by various governments, national and local. The same attention has been paid to works published under collective titles each component part being entered in the class to which it belongs ; but no mention has been made of magazine articles, however important, since Dr. Poole's admirable "Index to periodical literature" furnishes an adequate clue to that class of publications. The systematic method of arrangement was adopted mainly for two reasons : a personal convic- tion, strengthened by previous experience in this library, that the general public is better served by a catalogue of this kind than by one arranged on the plan of a dictionary, unless it be made extreme' ly full and minute in its details, and, secondly, the necessity of providing, in a rapidly increasing library, for a printed catalogue that may be added to, as new accessions make such an addition de- sirable, without necessitating a reprint of the work already done or destroying the unity of the catalogue as a whole. The latter problem can be solved in no other way than by the arrangement here presented, where the main catalogue is intended to be permanent, subsequent supplements be- ing made on the same uniform plan and paged consecutively with the old part, while the author-in- dex will be recast with each new edition so as to refer, in one single alphabet, to the entire catalogue. By this means, it is expected that at least 100,000 volumes can be conveniently included in this cata- logue, without making the use of it so burdensome, as to require a reconstruction of the whole work. It is intended to issue temporary lists of new books added to the library at regular intervals of three months, until so large a number of titles shall have accumulated, as will render the preparation of a regular supplement necessary. The catalogue consists of three principal divisions : 1. The alphabetical index of authors represented in the main division, which also includes the titles of all anonymous publications (except flctitiovis literature, for which special provision is made), together with a large number of striking or indefinite titles, not readily suggesting the class where these works belong. For the sake of convenience, the names of learned and economical societies, and the titles of all periodical publications, not included among the general periodicals in col. 36-43, have also been added to this index. All such title entries are distinguished by being printed in the regular roman type. 2. The main catalogue, arranged systematically and following the numerical order of the shelf classification as closely as the number and character of the books in the library would permit. As to the arrangement of the woi'ks in each ultimate subdivision, no fixed rule has been observed, but in each case such an arrangement employed as seemed best suited for convenient reference in that particular class. In general, an analytical order, commencing with books on the entire subject INTRODUCTION. in questioa, followed by those on special branches or topics, has been most frequently used, minor distinctions being sometimes indicated by a line of asterisks (***). In other cases, a chronologi- cal order has been preferred, being either a "subjective-chronological" arrangement according to the date of printing (as, for instance, in Chemistry, where the oldest publications are practically useless for modern requirements), or an "objective-chronological" arrangement according to the date or period of the matters treated, which has been largely employed in the division of History and Travels. . An alphabetical arrangement based on the name of the subject has been followed principally in individual Biography, and the name forming the catchword in such cases spaced so as to be more readily perceived. Where no other arrangement seemed to offer any positive advantage, the strict alphabetical order of the authors' names has been made the guide. Whei'ever a sharp distinction between certain works for and against was apparent, as for instance in Roman-catholic- ism, the books have been arranged accordingly. Geographical divisions follow the order of the scheme of classification, even if there is no heading to indicate the fact. Included in this division of the catalogue are title-indexes of dramatic literature and prose-fiction, and an index to subjects of biography, which contains references to special works, as well as to essays, in all classes of the library, even when the biographical feature is subordinate to a general estimate of the person in question. 3. The synopsis of classification and alphabetical index of subjects. The latter gives a clue to the number of the specific class or classes, in which books on each svibject have been placed or will be placed as they are received, and forms an index to the catalogue, which will, in some measure, answer the same purpose as a dictionary catalogue with its cross-references. MINOK POINTS OF ABRANGEMENT. A special effort has been made to enter authors' names with as much fulness and detail, as possi- ble. Pseudonyms have been replaced by the real name, when known, with the pseudonym following immediately after it, italicized and enclosed in parenthesis, and a reference made from the pseudo- nym at its proper place in the alphabetical indexes. Given names and parts of surnames omitted on the title-page have been supplied, and initials expanded into the full name. The vernacular form of the names of foreigners has been used exclusively, which seems to be the only safe rule to follow in the catalogue of what will ultimately become a cosmopolitan collection of books, care being taken to represent accurately any peculiar sounds expressed in a differentiation of symbols by means of diacritical marks, in those languages that make use of the roman alphabet. The names from, other languages employing a special alphabet of their own, russian, greek, arabic, etc., have been trans- literated in such a manner as to express, as neai'ly as practicable, the actual sounds of the original name. For this purpose, the consonants have been used with their usual power in english, but to the vowels must be given their continental pronunciation [a as in father, e as a in ale, i as in machine, u as in pull). In oriental names, the rules formulated for the use of the collaborators in the "Sacred books of the east " have been followed. Any inconsistency, however, that may be noticed in the method of transliterating a particular name is atti'ibutable to the impossibility of finding, among the resources of the library, the name expressed in its original characters. Compound english names, as a rule, have been entered under the last, and names from other languages under the first component part, with a reference from the other part, when necessary. English names with the prefix De or Van appear under the j^refix, as well as french names beginning with Le, La, L\ Du, Des ; but french and other names beginning with de or d\ german names begin- ning with von, vom, von der, zu, im or auf, dutch names beginning with van, van der or ten, Swedish names beginning with af, etc., must be sought under the letter immediately following the prefix. 0' and M\ Me or Mac have been put under their initial letters, the latter names invariably arranged as if spelled out in full. German names, in which the letters a, ae, o, oe, and ii, ue, occur, have been arranged as if spelled with the ordinary letters, a, o and u, except in the beginning of a name, where they follow the order of Ae, Oe and Ue. English noblemen have been put under their family name, generally with a i-eference from their title, but the nobility of other countries have been entered under their titles. All titles of honor, whether hereditary or personal, have been printed in italics, and the proper vernacular form of each INTRODUCTION. employed, instead of a frequently inaccurate or, at the best, merely approximately correct transla- tion. Titles of sovereign princes, however, have been given in english. A list of the foreign titles of nobility occuring in the catalogue will be found below, arranged under the english equivalent most neai'ly corresponding to each. The capitalization of words has been reduced to a definite system of uniformity for all languages in accordance with the evident tendency of modern catalogue work. An extravagant of capita letters in a catalogue, where a great number of words must be capitalized under any circumstances, confuses the eye, instead of aiding it, and makes them meaningless. Each language has a system of its own, differing in important particulars from the usage of other languages, which makes it impossible to conform with any existing standard, and the following simple rule has, therefore, been adopted as the easiest solution of the difficulty. Capitals are to be used only in proper names and at the beginning of a new sentence or book title ; but are discarded in english adjectives and generic nouns derived from names, such as french, spencerian, darwinism, etc., (with the exception of indian and other little known ti'ibes), and in german aud danish nouns, as well as in other instances of merely local use. The result is a system of capitalization almost identical with the present french and Swedish usage. When a capital letter does occur in this catalogue, it has a definite meaning, either denoting the individual name of a person, a country, and so forth, or the beginning of a title of a book or its component parts, including a new or secondary title of the same book. In practice, however, it is sometimes extremely difficult to determine from abstract principles whether to use or not to use a capital, and there will be noticed occasionally apparent discrepancies, for which the only existing excuse is contained in the words of the illustrious Gibbon: " I can feel, where I can- not explain, the motives of my choice." In conformity with the recommendations of the American Library Association, the most com- mon masculine christian name under each letter has been abbreviated by means of a colon after the initial, and the size marks have been given in letters, instead of the usual 8, 12, etc., in order to emphasize the fact, that size, in this catalogue, means, not a certain folding of the sheet, but merely the height of the book within a certain limit. Full explanation of these symbols and abbreviations will be found hereafter. BOOK NUMBERS. The shelf-numbers, which also from the call-numbers of the books, consist of two parts, a gen- eral class-number and a place-number for each work within a class, both together forming the indi- vidual book-mark for identification. The two parts of the number are separated by a colon (:) or a plm (+), the latter signifying that the book is more than 23 centimeters high and, therefore, placed among the books that are of more than average size, on the bottom shelf of each division. All the volumes of the same work carry the same number, and when the catalogue shows that a certain work is published in more than one volume, it is, therefore, necessaiy to give, in addition to the num- ber of the work, also the number of the particular volume desired. When the place-number is omitted and a letter put in its stead, or a letter occurs between the class- and place-number, it shows that the book belongs to a collection in a separate part of the library or is subject to special restric- tions. Thus L refers to the librarian's room, M to the magazine, D to the public document and Pam to the pamphlet collection, R to the reference room, and P signifies that the book can be taken out only by special permission from the librarian. In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge the intelligent zeal and faithful devotion to her work of the deputy librarian. Miss Theresa H. West, who has for a number of years been occupied with the preparation of the material for this catalogue. The printing commenced in May 1885 and has pro- ceeded without interruption to the present time, the new books added to the library in the meantime being included as the printing progressed. The first Quarterly index of new accessions, embracing the period from January to June 1886, will comprise all works which were received too late for in- sertion in their proper places in this catalogue. A few works that have been put into a nearly related class, which was not printed, rather than omit them altogether from catalogue, will be repeated in this list. Milwaukee Public Library, KLAS AUGUST LINDERFELT. in June 1886. Librarian. TITLES OF NOBILITY. Baron; Baroness. Bdro ; Bdrone (hungarian). Baron ; Baronne (french). Baron ; Baronessa (russian). Baron ; Baronesse (danish). Freiherr, Reichsfreiherr ; Freiherrin, Freiin {ger- man). Friherre ; Friherrinna {Swedish). Baronet ; Lady. Chevalier, Seigneur (french). Edler, Ritter ; Edle (german). Count ; Countess. Comes (latin). Comte ; Comtesse (french). Conde ; Condesa (Spanish). Conde ; Condessa (portuguese). Conte ; Contessa (italian). Graf ; Griitin (german), Grafinia (russian). Grefve ; Grefvinna (swedish). Greve ; Grevinde (danish). Grof ; Grofne (hungarian). Hrabia ; Hrabina (polish). Duke ; Duchess. Duca ; Duchessa (italian). Due ; Duchesse (french). Duque ; Duquesa (Spanish). Duque ; Duqueza (portuguese). Herzog ; Herzogin (german). Marquess ; Marchioness. Marchese ; Marchesa (italian). Markgraf ; Markgi'afin (german). Marques; Marquese (spanish). Marquez ; Marqueza (portuguese). Marquis -, Marquise (french). Prince; Princess. Fiirst ; Fiirstin (german). Kniaz ; Kniaginia {russian). Ksiaze ; Ksiezna (polish). Prince ; Princesse (french). Principe ; Princesa (Spanish), Princeza (portu- guese), Principessa (italian). TIscount; Viscountess. Vicomte ; Vicomtesse (french). Visconde ; Viscondessa (piortuguese). Visconte ; Viscontessa (italian). Vizconde ; Vizcondesa (spanish). ABBREVIATIONS. Christian names: = Augustus (eng., dutch), August (ger., dan., swed., poL), Auguste (fr.), Augusto (it., sp.,port.), Avgust (russ.), Agoston (hung.), Augustin (bohem.) = Benjamin ; Beniamino (it.) = Charles (eng., fr.), Carl (ger., dan., swed.), Carlo (it.), Carlos (port.), Cdi'los (sp.) ; = David ; Davide (it.) = Edward (ewfif.), Eduard (ger., dutch, dan., russ., bohem.), Edvard (swed.), Edouard (fr.), Eduardo (it., sp., port.), Edvjlrd (hung.) Frederick (eng.), Friedrich (ger.), Frederik (dutch, dan.), Fredrik (swed.), Frederic (fr.), Federigo (it.), Federico (sp.), Frede- rico (port.), Frydei'yk (poL), Fridrik (hung.) ABBaEVIATIONS. G: = George {eng.), Georg {ger., dutch, dan., swed.), Georges (//*.), Gioi-gio (it.), Georgii (russ.), Gyorgy (hung.) H: = Henry (eng.), Heinrich, Henrich (ger.), Hendrik {dutch, dan.), Henrik {swed., hung.), Henri (fr.), Henrique {port.), Heinrikli {russ.), Henryk (pol.) I: = Isaac (eng.,fr.), Isaak (ger., dutch, russ.), Isak {dan., swed.), Isacco(zi.). Izak {pol.), Izs^k {hung.), Izaak {bohem.). J: = John {eng.), Johann {ger.), Johan {dan., swed.), Jan {dutch, pol., bohem.), Jean {fr.), Juan {sp.), Joao {port.), Janos {hung.). K: = Karl {ger., dan., swed., russ.), Karel {dutch, bohem.), Karoly {hung.). L: = Louis {eng., fr.), Ludwig {ger., dan.), Lud- vig {swed.), Lodewijk {dutch), Luigi {it.), Luis {sp.), Luiz {port.), Ludovik {russ.), Ludwik {pol.), Lajos {hung.), Ludvik {bohem.) M: = Mark {eng., russ.), Marcus (grer., dan.), Mar- kus {dutch, swed.). Marc {fr.), Marco {it.), MArco8{sp.), Marcos {port.), Marek {pol., bohem.), Mdrk {hung.). N: = Nicholas {eng.), Nikolaus {ger.), Nikolaas {dtitch), Niels {dan.), Niklas or Nils {swed.), Nicolas {fr., sp.), Nicolo {it.), NicoMo {port.), Nikolai {russ.), Nikolaj (pol.) O: = 0tho {eng.). Otto {ger., dutch, dan., swed., bohem.), Othon {fr.), Ottone {it.), Oton {sp.), Othao {port.) Otton {russ., pol.). Otto {hung.). V: = Peter {eng., ger., swed.), Pieter {dutch), Peder {dan.), Pierre {fr.), Pietro {it.), Pedro (sj9., port.), Viotr {russ., pol.), Peter {hung.), Petr {bohem.) R: = Richard (ewfif., ger., dutch, dan.,fr., bohem.), Rikard {swed.), Riccardo {it.), Ricardo {sp., port.), Ritchard {russ.), Rik/ird (hung.) S: = Samuel; Samuele (if.). T:= Thomas (eng., ger., dutch, dan., fr., port.), Tomas (swed., sp., russ.), Tommaso {it.), Tomasz (pol.), Tamas (hung.), Tonaas bohem.) U: = Ulrich ( ger., bohem.), Ulrik (dutch, dan., swed , hung.), Ulrikh (russ.), Ulryk (pol.). V: = Victor (eng.. dutch, fr.), Viktor (ger., dan., swed., bohem.), Vittore or Vittorio (it.). W: = William (eng.), Wilhelm (ger., dan., swed., pol.), Willem (dutch.) Book sizes: (The last letter in the description of a book and denotes helgrht only.) Tt. (32mo) up to 12>^ centimeter, nearly 5 inches. T. (24mo) "15 S. (16mo) " 17>^ D. (12mo) " 20 O. (8vo) " 25 Q. (4to) " 30 F. (Folio) more than 30 Other abbreviations : a.d. ^= anno Domini. abth. = abtheilung. add. = added, additions, additional. agr. = agriculture, agricultural. amer. = american. anon. = anonymous. app. = appended, appendix. arr. = arranged. assoc. = association. aufl. = auflage. augm. == augmented. ausg. = ausgabe. b. c. = before Christ. bearb. = bearbeitet, bearbeitung. biogr. = biography, biographical. cl. = class. col. = column. comp. = compiled, compiler. cont. = continued, continuation, containing. corr. = corrected, corrections. corresp. = correspondence. D = public docouments collection. del. = delivered. dep. = department. dir. = direction. ed. = edited, editor. eds. = editors. eng. = english. engr. = engraved, engravings. enl. = enlarged. estab. = established. eve. = evening. explan. = explanations, explanatory. explor. = exploration. fortg. = fortgesetzt, fortgefiihrt. forts. = fortsetzung. geogr. = geography, geographical. geol. = geological. germ. = german. hist. == history, historical. ABBREVIATIONS . hs. = handschrift. pts. = parts. hss. = handschriften. pub. = published, publisher, publication. ill. = illustrated, illustrations, illustrative. B. == reference room. impr. = improved, improvements. rep. = report. incl. = included, inclusive. rev. = revised, revision. introd. = introduction, introductory. sel. = selected. jahrh. = jahrhundert. ser. = series. li = librarian's room. soc. = society. lib. = library. sq. = square. Isp. == lustspiel. ssp. = schauspiel. M = magazine collection. supp. = supplement, supplementary. misc. = miscellaneous. swed. = svsredish. ms. = manuscript. T. p. w. = title page wanting. mss. = manuscripts. th. = theil. n. d. = no date. tr. = translated, translator, translation. n. t. = no title. tsp. = trailers piel. no. = number. iibers. == iibersetzt. norw. = norwegian. iibertr. = iibertragen. obi. = oblong. umgearb. umgearbeitet. obs. = observation, observatory. V. (in names) = von. p. = page. v. (otherwise) = volume. P = special permit required for use. verb. == verbessert. Pam = pamphlet collection. verm. = vermehrt. pre! = preface, prefatory, prefixed. Other abbreviations, such as place of publi- prep. = prepared. cation, states, months, etc., are in common pseud. = pseudonym. use and readily understood. pt. = part. INDEX OF AUTHORS. A. li. O. B., pseud., see Tucker, C. M. 879. Aa, A. J. van der, and others. Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden. 1445. Abailard, P: Letters to Heloise. 1461. Abbot, F. E. Genius of Christianity. 73. Abbot, H: Jj., joint author, see Humphreys, A. A. Abbott, A. O. Prison life. 1361. Abbott, B: V. Judge and jury. 207. Travelling law school. 207." Abbott, C: C. Natixralist's rambles. 365. Primitive industry. 1340. Abbott, E: [Stories.] 657. Revolutionary times. 1352. Abbott, E. A. Bacon. 1545. Onesimus. 104. Pliilocliristus. 104. Abbott, J. Alexander the great. 1480. Alfred of England. 1469. Charles I. 1469. Charles II. 1469. Cleopatra. 1480. Cyrus the great. 1480. Darius the great. 1480. Florence's return. 1200. Genghis Khan. 1479. Hannibal. 1508. Julius Ca3sar. 1508. Marco Paul's travels. 1368. Margaret of An jou. 1471 . Mary, queen of scots. 1471. Nero. 1480. Peter the great. 1478. Pyrrhus. 1480. Queen Elizabeth. 1471. Richard I. 1469. Richard II. 1469. Richard III. 1469. Rollo series. 657. Rollo's tour in Europe. 1206. Romulus. 1480. Science for the young : Foi'ce. 311. - Heat. 314. - Light. 314. Water and land. 325. Way to do good. 105. William the conqueror. Xerxes the great. 1480, Young christian. 105. Abbott, J: S. C. Boone. Biirger-krieg in Amerika. Captain Kidd. 1502. Carson. 1518. Civil war in America. 1355, Columbus. 1517. Cortez. 1518. Crockett. 1519. 1469. 1518. 1355. Abbott, J: S. C Continued. De Soto. 1518. Empire of Austria. 1241. Empire of Russia. 1275. Franklin. 1486. Frederick the great. 1474. French revolution. 1255. Henry IV. 1475. History of Christianity. 117. History of Prussia. 1243. Hortense. 1477. Italy. 1263. Joseph Bonaparte. 1476. Josephine. 1476. King Philip. 1439. La Salle. 1518. Louis XIV. 1475. Louis Philippe. 1477. Madame Roland. 1497. Marie Antoinette. 1475. Miles Standish. 1503. Mother at home. 63. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1475. Napoleon III. 1477. Paul Jones. 1502. Peter Stuyvesant. 1488. Practical 'Christianity. 102. Presidents of the U.'S. 1463. Romance of Spanish history. South and north. 1377. Washington. 1464. Abbott, L. H: Ward Beecher. ed. Hints for home reading. Abdallah, Shaykh Hajj, see Burton, R: F. A'Beckett, G. A. [Drama.] 519. Comic Blackstone. 1084. Abeel, D: Residence in China. 1299. Abercrombie, J: Intellectual powers. Philosophy of the moral feelings. 5!) Abney, W:deW. Photography. 489. About, E. F. V. [Fiction.] 6.57. Greece. 1290. - Roman question. 1265. Social economy. 191. About babies, etc. 1050. Abraham a S. Clara. Judas. IKX"'. On envy. 1103. Abrantes, L., duehesse d' 1476. Academy. 512. Acerbi, J. Travels thi'ough Sweden. 1283. Ackermann, E. W: [Fiction.] 657. Acland, A. H. D., and B: Jonea. Workingraen co-opei'ators. 199. Acrelius, 1. History of New Sweden. 1877. Aetssa,, pseud. , see Agassiz, E. C. 1451. 510. 57. Memoirs of Napoleon. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Adair. AUTHOR-INDEX. Aikin. Adair, Sir H. Mission to Vienna. 1342. Adam, J. [Fiction.] 657. Adam, Onkel, pseud., see Wetterbergh, C: A. 888. Adam and Eve, Book of. 92. Adamuan. Life of St. Columba. lx'13. Adams, Mrs. . Daily duties. 99. Adams, A. Letters. 1079. joint author, ,see Adams, J: Adams, A., see Smith, A., born Adams. Adams, A. A., mrs. L. [Fiction.] 657. Adams, C: Earth and its wonders. 325. The poet preacher. 1459. Adams, C:F. Earl of Chesterfield. 1050. Adams, C:F.,i/'. College fetich. 247. Common schools of Quincy. 243. Public library and public schools. 510. Railroad accidents. 422. Railroads. 422. Adams, C: K. Democracy and monarchy in France. 1254. Historical literature. 1149. Methods of teaching- history. 245. ed. British orations. 188. Adams, F. C. [Fiction.] 657. Adams, G: B. Medieval civilization. 152. Adams, H: Albert Gallatin. 1486. Ang-lo-saxon courts of law. 308. J: Randolph. 1488. ed. New England federalism. 181. Adams, H. B. Germanic origin of New England towns. 1334. Maryland's influence on land cessions. 1334. Methods of historical study. 245. - Same. J334. Norman constables in America. 1334. Organization of Amer. hist, assoc. 13:M. Saxon tithing-men in America. 1334. Village communities of Cape Ann and Salem. 1334. ed. Johns Hopkins university studies. 1334. Adams, H:C. Taxation in the U. S. 1334. Adams, Bev. H: C. [Fiction.] 657. Adams, H. G. D: Livingstone. 1517. Adams, J: Letters. 1079. Works. 182. a7id A. Familiar letters. 1079. Adams, J: Q. Jubilee of the constitution. 182. Masonic institution. 237. Memoirs. 1466. Poems. 1026. Adams, J. W. Sewers and drains. 406. Adams, Mrs. L., see Adams, A. A. 657. Adams, M. [Fiction.] 657. Adams, N. [Fiction.] 657. Friends of Christ. 1463. Adams, O. F. American authors. 1539. English authors. 1543. Adams, T: F. Typographia. 449. Adams, W:, of England. Sacred allegories. 105. Adams, W:, of Nashotah. Christian science. 59. Mercy to babes. 115. Adams," W:, M. D., of London. Subcutaneous surgery. 412. Adams, W:D. Dictionai-y of english literature. 1003. Quips and quiddities. 1083. ~ed. Songs from the novelists. 1022. Adams, W:H: D. [Fiction.] 657. Child-life and girlhood of remarkable women. 1436. Curiosities of superstition. 134. Eastern archipelago. 1419. Eminent sailors. 1504. Eminent soldiers. 1499. Adams, W: H: D. Continued. Englishwomen of the victoriau era. 1545. Famous regiments. 233. Famous ships. 234. Forest, .jungle and prairie. 506. Great civil war. 1222. Great english churchmen. 1454. Hei'oes oi travel. 1515. Land of the Incas. 1417. Light-houses. 450. Memorable battles. 1228. Merry monarch. 1224. Old english worthies. 1442. Pompeii and Herculaneum. 1270 Recent polar voyages. 1433. Scenes with thehunter and trapper. 504. Secret of success. 64. Shore and sea. 1515. Sword and pen. 1442. Warrior, priest and statesman. 1442. Woman's work and worth. 153. Women of fashion. 1443. Women travellers of the 19th centui-y. 1516. Adams, W:T. [Fiction.] 658. Adamson, R. Fichte. 1447. Addey, M. Stonewall Jackson. 1502. Addison, C: G. Damascus and Palmyra. 1312. Addison, H: R. [Drama.] 519. Addison, J. [Drama.] 519. [Essays.] 1049. [Fiction.] 658. Guardian. 1049. Miscellaneous works. 1091. Poetical works. 1026. Spectator. 1049. Adeler, Max, pseud, see Clark, C: H. Adersbach, A. Gedichte. 1105. Adler, A. Volkswirthschaftslehre. 191. Adler, F. Creed and deed. 74. Admonish Crime, anagram, see Richmond, J. C. Adventurer. 1049. Adventures of a missionary. 116. Aeschylus, see Aischylos. 519. Aesop, see Ais6pos. Agassiz, E. C. First lesson in natural history. 374. Same. 283. L: Agassiz. 1521. Agassiz, L: J: R. Bibliographia zoologi.'o. 24. ~ Classification of insects. 376. Contributions to natural history. 345. Deep-sea dred^ings. 329. Florida reefs, kevs and coast. 329. Geological sketches. 333. Methods of study in natural history. 352. Structure of animal life. 370. and E. C. Journey in Brazil. 1415. and A: A. Gould. " Principles of zoology. 365. and others. Lake Superior. 326. Agincourt, see Seroux d'Agincourt. Aguecheek, see Fairbanks, C: B. Aguilar, G. [Fiction.] 658. pjssays and miscellanies. 74. Women of Israel. 152. Ahn, F: Dutch grammar. 278. Aide, H. [Fiction.] 658. Aiken, L. A. [Drama.] 519. Aikin, G: L. tDrama.] 519. Aikin, J: J: Howard. 1512. Letters from a father. 59. Miscellaneous writings. 1545. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Aikin. AUTHOR-INDEX. Allibone. Aikin, 3: Continued. and A. L. Barbauld. Evenings at home. 1087. Aikin, L. Correspondence with Channing. 1080. Court of Charles I. 1224. Court of Elizabeth. 1222. Court of James I. 1224. J: Aikin. 1545. Joseph Addison. 1545. Aikman, J. History of Scotland. 1314. Ainger, A. C: Lamb. 1551. Ainslie, Herbert, pseud., see Maitland, E: 795. Ainsworth, R. English and latin dictionary. 267. Ainsworth, W: F. In the track of the 10,000. 1174. Ainsworth, W: H. [Fiction.] 658. Aischylos. [Drama.] 519. Aisopos. Fables. 1138. Aitken, W: Science and practice of medicine. 408. Aiton, J: Lands of the Messiah. 1192. Akenside, M: Poetical works. 1026. Alarcon, V: A. de. [Fiction.] 660. Albee, J : Literary art. 507. Alberg-, A. [Fiction.] 660. Gustavus Vasa. 1282. Albert, Prince consort. Golden precepts. 1091. Albert, H: Gedichte. 1105. Albert, M. Holland and her heroes. 1285. Albert, Stanislaus, pseud., see G-rabowski, S. S. A. graf v. 737. Albertinus, Aejr. Lucifers konigreich. 1105. Albertis, L: M. d'. New Guinea. 1420. Albery, J. [Drama.] 519. Albini, pseud., .sec Meddlhammer, J: B. v. 570. Albions England. W: Warner. 1221. Alcock, Sir R. Capital of the tycoon. 1300. Alcock, R. H. Botanical names. 360. Alcott, A. B. Concord days. 1050. Sonnets and canzonets. 1026. Alcott, L. M. [Fiction.] 660. Alcott, W: A. Confessions of a school-master. 243. Young mother. 404. Alden, E. A. Newspaper catalogue. 33. Alden, H: M., joint author, see Guernsey, A. H. Alden, I. M. [Fiction.] 661. Alden, J. Science of government. 164. Studies in Bryant. 1028. Alden, W. L. [Fiction.] 661. Columbus. 1517. Aldrich, M. A. U. S. marine corps. 1348. Aldrich, T: B. [Fiction.] 661. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1206. [Poetical works.] 1026. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch. 1399. Aleman, M. [Fiction.] 662. Alexander, Mx's., pseud., see Hector, A. F. 753. Alexander, A. Israelitish nation. 1168. ed. Evidences of Christianity. 97. Sketches of the Log college. 1450. Alexander, F. Story of Ida. 1462. tr. and ill. Roadside songs of Tuscany. 495. Alexander, S. Eclipse expedition to Labrador. 308. Harmonies of the solar system. 803. Alexandrowitsch, L. [Fiction.] 662. Alexis, Wilibald, pseud., see Haring, W: Alfieri, V. Autobiography. 1563. Alford,H: How to study the New testament. Letters from abroad. 1267. Meditations in advent. 108. Queen's english. 271. Alger, H., jr., and (). A. Cheney. 520. ' Alger, W: R. Future life. 83. Poetry of the east. 1145. Alice, Cousin, pseud., see Haven, A. Dialogues. 749. Alice, Princess. Biographical sketch'and let ters. 1472. Alison, Sir A. Duke of Marlborough, loft"). Essays. 1050. History of Europe. 1203. Miscellaneous essays. 1051. Nature and principles of taste. 465. All the way round. A. E. Carr. 1190. All the world over. E. Hodder, ed. 1190 Allan, G: Sir Walter Scott. 1552. Allan, W: Jackson in Shenandoah Valley. 135U Allan, W. Strength of beams. 458. Theory of arches. 413. AUand, M., pseud., sec Sauer, K: M. 843. Allardyce, A. [Fiction.] 662. Alldridge, L. [Fiction.] 662. World's workers. 1512. AUeine, J. Alarm to unconverted sinners. 102. Allen, C: B. Cottage building. 458. Allen, C. B. and M. A. Man wonderful. 400. Allen, C: G. Anglo-saxon Britain. 1219. Colin Clout's calendar. 1092. Colour sense. 465. Colours of flowers. 360. Evolutionist at lai'ge. 353. Flowers and their pedigrees. 357. [Nature studies.] 285. Physiological {esthetics. 465. see also Power, Cecil, pseud. 827. Allen, F. D. [Philological essays.] 266. Allen, F. H., ed. Cortes. 1518. Pizarro. 1518. Allen, G: Philidor. 1538. Allen, Grant, see Allen, C: G. Allen, H. Bats of North America. 386. Allen, H. T. Guide to Niagara. 1376. Allen, J. To foretell frost. 331. Allen, J. Battles of the british navy. 1228. Earl of Dundonald. 1504. Allen, J. Autocrasy in Poland and Russia. 1277. Allen, 3., joint author, see Dilley, J. J. 545. Allen, J. A. American sciuri. 386. Coatis, genus nasua. 386. Genus bassaris. 386. Geographical distribution of mammalia. 384. North american pinnipeds. 386. Works on cete and sirenia. 25. joint author, see Coues, E. Allen, J. H: Christian history. 117. Allen, M. 'E,., joint author, .seeSaflford, M. J. Allen, R: L. New amer. farm book. 430. Allen, W: American biographical dictionary. 1437. Allen, W:, and T: R: H. Thompson. Exjiedi- tion to the Niger. 1324. Allen, W: F. Guide to english history. 1215. History topics. 1149. AUerton, E. P. Amabel. 1026. Allibone, S : A. Dictionary of english literature. 1003. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Allies. AUTHOB-INDEX. Ansted. Allies, T;W: Journal in France. 1260. AUingham, J: T. [Drama.] 520. Allingham, W: Poems. 1026. AUston, W. [Fiction.] 662 Lectures on art and poems. 465. Almanach de Gotha. 156. Almar, G: [Drama.] 520. Almquist, C: J. L: [Fiction.] 662. Altemus, J. T. Helena Modjeska. 1538. Althaus, P: Admiral Nelson. 1430. Beaconsfleld. 1430.' C:J.Fox. 1429. Graf J : Russell. 1430. Althorp, Viscount, s^-e Spencer, 3:G:,Sd earl. Alvensleben, K: L: F: W: G. v. [Fiction.] 662. Alvord, B: Tangencies. 299. Alzog, J: Church history. 117. Amateur casual. The, pseud., see Grreenwood, J. Amateur work. 390. Ambach, E. [Fiction.] 662. Ambros, A: W: Geschichte der musik. 492. Ambrose, Paul, pseud., see Kennedy, J: P. Amcotts, V. [Drama.] 520. American adventure. 1368. American agriculturist. 435. American almanac. 156. American antiquarian. 1333. American architect. 475. American archives. P: Force, ed. 1345. American art review. 470. American bookseller. 511. American boy's handy book. D. C. Beard. 499. American chemical journal. 321. American christian record. 125. American entomologist. 379. American ephemeris. 302. Amei-ican historical assoc. papers. 1334. American Journal of education. 242. American journal of forestry. 438. American journal of mathematics. 296. American journal of philolog.y. 265. American journal of science. 290. American law register. 225. American naturalist. 290. American nights' entertainments. 1091. American philological assoc. transactions. 265. American poems. 1024. American presbyterian review. 78. American public health assoc. reports. 405. American publishers' circular. 16. American quarterly church review. 78. American social science assoc. Papers on crime. 222. American state papers. 174. Americanus, Gracchus, pseud., see Wells, J: G. Amerikanischer turner-kalender. 306. Amero, C, joint author, see Tissot, V: 875. Ames, A. Sex in industry. 403. Ames, C: G. George Eliot's two marriages. 1549. Ames, F. Works. 182. Ames, F. B., comp. [Fiction.] 663. Ames, M. C, see Hudson, M. Amherst, J. A. [Drama.] 520. Amicis, E. de. Constantinople. 1293. Holland. 1286. Jottings about London. 1236. Military life in Italy. 1267. Morocco. 1318. Spain. 1274. Studies of Paris. 1132. Ammen, D. Atlantic coast. 1357. Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman history. 1179. Amort, Pl.jV. Wunderthater. 53. Amory, M. B. J: Singleton Copley. 1527. Amos, A. Great oyer of poisoning. 223. Amos, S. Fifty years of the english constitu- tion. 162. Remedies for war. 224. Science of law. 207. ^ Science of politics. 159. Ampere, J: J. A. Histoire litteraire de la France. 1127. Amyntor, Gerhard v., pseud., see Gerhard, D. v. Anacharsis the younger, see Barthelemy, J: J. Anatomy of melancholy. R. Burton. 56. Ancona, A. Monete r'omane. 480. Anders, L: F., .G: Arctic land expedition. 1423. Backus, T. J. Englisli literature in America. 1003. Bacon, A. T. Month in Sicily. 1206. Bacon, F. lord. Essays. 1051. Promus of formularies. 1092. Works. 1009. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Bacon. AUTHOR-INDEX. Balzani. Bacon, G: B., ed. Siam. 1305. Bacon, H: Parisian art. 487. Padsiau year. 1363. Bacon, L. W. and G: B. Sabbath question. 115. Bacourt, A. chevalier de. Souvenirs of a diplo- mat. 1130. Badeau, A. Military history of Grant. 1467. Baddeley, G. C. [Drama.] 522. Badeker, K: Italy. 1366. Baer, Mrs. B. F. [Fiction.] 670. Bagehot, W. Biographical studies. 1443. Depreciation of silver. 300. English constitution. 162. Lombard street. 303. Physics and politics. 159. Bagenal, P. H. American Irish. 1213. Bagg, L. H. Four years at Yale. 250. Bagger, C: C. [Fiction.] 670. Bag-g'esen, J. Anthologrie. 1109. Bagwell, R: Ireland under the Tudors. 1212. Bahr, J: C. F. Romische litteratur. 1133. Bailey, A. Milwaukee directory. 1394. Bailey, J: J. Catalogues and cataloguing. 1. Bailey, J: M. Ensilage. 437. Bailey, J. W. Microscopical observations. 357. Bailey, P. J. Festus. 1027. Bailey, W:0. Michigan forest fires. 331. Bailey, W. W. Botanical collector's handbook. 357. Bailie, J: B. Electricity. 315. Baillie, J. [Drama]. 523. Baillie, J: Life studies. 1448. Baillie-Grohman, see Grohman, W: A. B. Baily, W: L. Our own birds. 383. Trees, plants and llowers. 357. Bain, A. Education. 239. Emotions and will. 57. James Mill. 1447. J: Stuart Mill. 1447. Logic. 59. Mind and body. 51. Moral science. 59. Practical essays. 1051. Senses and intellect. 57. Study of character. 59. Baird, C: W. Huguenot emigration. 1333. Baird, H: M. Modern Greece. 1290. Rise of the huguenots. 124. Robert Baird. 1451. Baird, J. Management of health. 401. Baird, R. Protestantism in Italy. 134. Visit to northern Europe. 1383. Baird, S. F. American birds in Smithsonian mu- seum. 383. Reports on fisheries. 444. [Zoological papers]. 371, 372. ed. Annual record of science. 389. awd C: Girard. Serpents. 381. and others. Directions for collecting speci- mens. 357. Baireuth, Markgrdfin von, see Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Baker, B: Lateral pressure of earth- work. 413. Baker, B. A. Summer in the Azores. 1374. Baker, C:R. Fruit culture. 438. Baker, D:E. Biographia dramatica. 1044. Baker, F. A. Sermons. 108. Baker, G: A., i?'. Bad habits of good society. 1051. Baker, G: E., ed. W: H. Seward. 1488. Baker, G:M. [Drama.] 533. Baker, G: M. Continued. [Fiction.] 670. ed. Reading-club. 516. Baker, H: B. English actors. 1537. Baker, H. N. [Fiction.] 670. Georgey's menagerie. 385. Baker, J. Turkey. 1393. Baker, L. C. U. S. secret .service. 239 Baker, Sir S: W. [Fiction.] 670. Albert Nyanza. 1335. IsmailYa." 1335. Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1333. Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1305. Wanderings in Ceylon. 1305. Baker, T: Land and engineering surveying. 418. Mathematical theory of the steam engine. 416. Mechanism and machine tools. 414. Statics and dynamics. 313. joint author, see Fenwick, T: Baker- Ps7tffl, V. War in Bulgaria. 1391. Baker, W: M. [Fiction.] 670. Baker, W: S. Engraving. 488. Bakewell, F: C. Great facts. 387. Bakewell, R. Introduction to geology. 334. Balbo, C. Dante Alighieri. 1563. Balcarres, Earl of see Lindsay, A. W: C. Balch, W: R. James Abram Garfield. 1467. ed. Garfield's words. 1094. Balch, W: S. [Fiction.] 671. Balcke, T. Deutsche landwirthschaft. 1340. Baldamus, E: Hinrichs' repertorium. 19. Baldamus, M. K: [Fiction.] 671. Balde, J. Gedichte. 1115. Baldwin, G: C. Men of the New testament. 1463. Baldwin, H: Orchids of New England. 363. Baldwin, J. Book-lover. 510. English literature. 1007. Story of Roland. 514. Story of Siegfried. 136. Baldwin, J: D. Ancient America. 348. Pre-historic nations. 346. Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders. 1483. Baldwin, 'Y:. joint ed'., see Thomas, J. Bale, G. G. P. Anatomy and physiology. 398. Bale, J: Select works. 74. Bale, M. P. Steam and machinery management. 414. Balestier, C: W. James G. Blaine. 1484. Balfour, F. M. Comparative embryology. 355. Ball, B. L. Rambles in eastern Asia. 1399. Ballantine, H: Midnight marches through Per- sia. 1306. Ballantine, W: Experiences of a barrister's life. 1511. Ballantyne, R. M. [Fiction.] 671. Hudson Bay. 1406. Ballantyne, T:, eri. Essays in mosaic. 1051. Ballard, E: Geographical names on the coast of Maine. 1370. Ballard, J. P. Insect lives. 376. Ballon, M. M. Due south. 1413. Due west. 1190. Notable thoughts about women. 153. Balmds, J. L. European civilization. 153. Baltet, C: Grafting and budding. 438. Balzac, H. de. [Fiction.] 671. Correspondence. 1180. Balzani, U. Chroniclers of Italy. 1202. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. xvj Banck. AUTHOR-INDEX. Barth. Banck, O: Lessing. 1444. Winckelmann. U44. Bancroft, A. Washington. 1464. Bancroft, G: Formation of the constitution. 1846. History of the U. S. 1346. Last moments of eminent men. 10.50. Miscellanies. 1052. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific states: Alaska. 1404. California. 1402. Central America. 1411. Mexico. 1408. North Mexican states. 1408. Northwest coast. 1402. Native races of the Pacific states. 1342. Bandelier, A. F. Archaeological tour in Mexico. 1409. Ruins of the pueblo of Pecos. ISJS. Sedentary indians of New Me.xico. 1333. Bandl, L: Krankheiten der tuben, etc. 411. Bandmann, D. E. Actor's tour. 1192. Banim, J: [Drama.] 522. Celt's paradise. 1027. andU. [Fiction.] 671. Banks, G:N. Cambridge trifles. 250. Banks, M. R. [Fiction.] 671. Bannan, B:, Joint author, see Daddow, S. H: Banvard, J. Daniel Webster. 1489. Plymouth and the pilgrims. 1349. Baptie, D:, ed. Musical biography. 1533. Bar, K:L:v. Deutsches reichsgericht. 225. International law. 209. Barbacovi, F. V. conte. Literary history of Italy. 1131. Barbauld, A. L. [Fiction.] 671. Letters and writings. 1546. joint author, see Aikin, J: Barber, C. Crack shot. 504. Barber, J. [Drama.] 522. Barber, J: T., joint author, see Morgan, J: H. Barber, J: W. History of New York. 1375. Barbier, A. A. Ouvrages anonymes. 30. Barbier, J., joint author, see Carre, M. 537. Barbou, A. Victor Hugo. 1561. Barbour, G: M. Florida. 1381. Barclay, J. T. City of the great king. 1311. Barclay, R. Apology for the true christian di- vinity. 130. Bard, Samuel A., pseud., see Squier, E. G: Bardeen, C. W. Rhetoric. 515. Bardsley, C: W. Curiosities of puritan nomen- clature. 1565. English .sui-names. 1565. Barenbach, F: V. Herder. 1430. Baretti, G. Italian and english dictionary. 269. Barham, R:H. [Fiction.] 671. Ingoldsby legends. 1092. Barker, C:" Charles II. 1469. Barker, F. Puerperal diseases. 409. Barker, M. A. lady. [Fiction.] 671. Bedroom and boudoir. 484. Housekeeping in south Africa. 1330. Station life in New Zealand. 1420. Barlow, J. Columbiad. 1027. Barlow, J: Connection between jjhysiology and philosophy. 51. Barlow, P: Strength of materials. 458. Tables. 299. Barnard, C: [Fiction.] 671. Co-operation as a business. 196. joint author, see Mayer, A. M. Barnard, C: F.,j>. Camilla. 1536. Barnard, C: F., jr. Continued. Tone masters.' 1533. Barnard, E. A. [Fiction.] 672. Barnard, F: A: P. Imaginary metrological sys- tem. 1322. Barnard, H: National education in Europe. 240. School architecture. 476. Barnard, J. G. Defenses of Washington. 420. Internal structure of the earth. 303. North Sea canal of Holland. 423. Problems of rotary motion. 303. Barnaval de Kerleirec, L: Love poems. 1027. Barneby, W. H: The far, far west. 1344. Barnes, A. Essays and reviews. 74. Evidences of Christianity. 97. Foundation of faith. 97. Life at three-score. 1451. Notes on the Acts. 90. I Corinthians. 90. II Corinthians and Galatians. 90. Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. 90. Hebrews. 90. James, Peter, John and Jude. 90. Revelations. 91. Romans. 90. The gospels. 89. Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Phile- mon. 90. Scriptural views of slavery. 169. Way of salvation. 95. Barnes, J., sen. [Fiction.] 673. Barnes, J. K. Medical and surgical history of the rebellion. 393. Barnes, T. W. Thurlow Weed. 1489. Barnes, W: H. 39th congress. 1362. Barnes' history of the U. S. J. D. S. 1345. Barnett, B., joint author, see Barnett, M. 533. Barnett, C. Z. [Drama.] 523. Barnett, M. [Drama.] 523. andB. [Drama.] 523. Barni, J. Napoleon et Thiers. 1257. Barnum, P. T. Struggles and triumphs. 1536. Barnwell, pseud., see Roosevelt, R. B. Baron, J. Angriffe auf das erbr(!cht. 203. Barr, A. E. [Fiction.] 672. Young people of Shakespeare's dramas. 1046. Barrell, G:, jr. Pedestrian in France. 1260. Barrett, B:F. Golden reed. 113. Letters on the Trinity. 93. Barrett, F. [Fiction.] ' 672. Barrett, L. Edwin Forrest. 1537. Barrett, Mary, pseud., see Nutting, M. O. Barrett, W: A. English church composers. 1533. Barrett, Walter, pseud., see Scoville, J. A. Barriere, T., and H: de Kock. [Drama.] 523. and E. Plouvier. [Drama.] 523. Barrili, A. G. [Fiction.] 672. Barrington, A. Introduction to heraldry. 1565. Barrington, Sir J. Sketches of his own times. 1491. Barron, A. Foot notes. 1052. Barrow, I: Works. 68. Barrow, Sir J: Pitcairn's Island. 1421. Travels in China. 1298. ed. Voyages in the arctic regions. 1422. Barrows, W: Oregon. 1402. Barry, J: S. History of Massachusetts. 1371. Barrymore, W: [Drama.] 523. Barth, A. Religions of India. 138. Barth, H: North and central Africa. 1324. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Barth. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Beck. xvij Barth, H. v. David Livingstone. 1326. Barthelemy, J: J. a6&e'. [Fiction.] 672. Anacharsis the younger in Greece. 1172. Bartholow, R. Practice of medicine. 408. Bartlett, A. E. [Fiction.] 672. Bartlett, D: Heroes of the indian rebellion. 1504. Bartlett, D: W. Abraham Lincoln. 1466. Bartlett, E. Fevers of the U. S. 409. Bartlett, J: Familiar quotations. 516. Same. 517. Bartlett, Mrs. J. M. D., see Bartlett, A. E. 672. Bartlett, J: R. Americanisms. 273. Bibliography of Rhode Island. 28. Explorations in Texas, etc. 1343. Bartlett, S: C. From Egyf)t to Palestine. 1314. Bartlett, W: H. C. Analytical mechanics. 312. Bartol, C. A: Rising faith. 1052. Bartoli, D. St. Ignatius de Loyola. 1462. Barton, B. Letters and poems. 1546. Barton, L. Bernard Barton. 1546. Bascom, J: Aesthetics. 465. The lawyer. 207. Science of mind. 57. Basil, paeud. [Fiction.] 672. Baskerville, A. Poetry of Germany. 1113. Bastian, A. Geographische und. ethnologische bilder. 1184. Bastian, H: C. Beginnings of life. 355. Brain as an organ of mind. 51. Bastiat, F: Essays on political economy. ^ 192. Essays on political economy. 205. ~ Same. Sophisms of the protectionists. 205. Bateman, F: Aphasia. 409. Darwinism tested by language. 352. Bateman, J. Daniel Wilson. 1457. Bates, A. [Fiction.] 672. Mr. Jacobs. 1081. Bates, G. W. Sandwich Island notes. 1422. Bates, H: W. Naturalist on the Amazons. 295. ed. Central and South America. 1411. Bates, J. Autobiography. 1454. Early life. 1454. Bates, W: Maclise portrait-gallery. 1538. Battlefields of the south. 1359. Battu, L. , joint author, see Carre, M. 537. Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. 505. Bauberger, W: [Fiction.] 672. Baudissin, Qraf A. [Fiction.] 673. Bauer, C. [Fiction.]^ 673. Bauer, J. Brothers Humboldt. 1522. Bauer, K. [Memoirs.] 1538. Bauerle, A. [P'iction.] 673. Bauerman, H. Descriptive mineralogy. 323. Metallurgy of ii'on. 455. Bauernfeld,'E: V. [Drama.] 523. Baumbach, K: Staats-lexikon. 145. Baumgarten, H. Geschichte Spaniens. 1272. Baumgarten, M. Anti-Kliefoth. 113. Kampf um das reichscivilstands^esetz. 113. Protestantism us als politisches princip. 113. Baumgarten-Crusius, D. K: W: Geschichte der Schweiz. 1287. Bausset, L: F. de. Fenelon. 1461. Bautain, L: E. M. History of philosophy. 45. Baxley, H: W. Spain. 1274. - What I saw in America. 1411. Baxter, J. H. Statistics, medical and anthropo- logical. 393. Baxter, L. E. Fi-a Bartolomeo. 1531. (Jhiberti and Donatello. 1531. Baxter, L. Y^. Continued. -^ Luca della Robbia. 1531. Renaissance of art in Italy. 472. Baxter, R: Call to the unconverted. 102. Reformed pastor. 105. Baxter, W: E: Winter In India. 1303. Bayberger, F. Inngletscher. 337. Bayer, K: E. R. v. [Fiction.] 673. Bayle, P: General dictionary. 1427. Bayley, J. R. Memoirs of Brute. 1450. Bayley, T: H. [Drama] 523. Bayne, P: Chief actors in the puritan revolu- tion. 1222. Christian life. 1454. Essays in biography and criticism. 1007. Hugh Miller. 1522. Lessons from my masters. 1007. Baynes, C. R. Ramble in the east. 1192. Bazar book of health. R. Tomes. 402. Bazire, E. Henri Rochefort. 1444. Beach, A. E., ed. Science record. 289. Beach, E. T. P. Pelayo. 1027. Beach, R. G. FFiction.] 673. Beaconsfleld, Earl of, see Disraeli, B: Beale, A. [Fiction.] 673. Beale, C: E., and M. R. Gately, ed.s. Universal educator. 450. Beale, L. S. How to work with a microscope. 356. Protoplasm. 345. Slight ailments. 408. Beale, S. ProKtable poultry keeping. 442. Bean, T. H. Fishes In the Arctic ocean. 1425. Beard, C: Reformation of the 16th century. 122. Beard, D. C. What to do and how to do it. 499. Beard, G: M. American nervousness. 409. Nervous exhaustion. 409. Salem witchcraft. 55. Beard, J: R. Toussaint L'Ouverture. 1480. Beardmore, N. Hydrology. 425. Beaton, A. C: Quantities and measurements. 459. Beattie, J. Moral science. 59. Poetical works. 1027. Beattie, W:, ed. Life and letters of T: Camp- bell. 1547. Beatty, J: [Fiction.] 673. Citizen soldier. 1359. Beauchesne, A. H. duB. Bourbon prince. 1475. Louis XVIL 1475. Beaumarchais, P: A: Caron, called de. [Drama.] 523. Beaumont, F., a/ic? J: Fletcher. [Drama.] 523. Beaumont-Vassy, E: F. cicomte de. Nikolaus I. 1478. Beauties of sacred literature. 101. Beauvallet, L. Rachel and the new world. 1366. Beauvoir, Roger de, pseud., see Bully, E: R. de. Beazley, S: [Drama.] 524. [Fiction.] 673. Beche, Sirii: T: De la, see De la Beche. Becher, M. [Drama.] 524. Bechstein, J. M. Cage and chamber birils. 382. Bechstein, L: [Fiction.] 673. Reisetage. 1207. Bechstein, R. [Fiction.] 674. Beck, F. A. Grundiibel in der modernen jugend- bildung. 243. Beck, L. C. Die heutige Tiirkei. 1307. joint author, see Hellwald, F. v. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue* Beck. AUTHOR-INDEX. Benedict. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of N. Y. 324. Becker, A: [Fictioa.] 674. Becker, B. H: Disturbed Ireland. 1231. Scientific London. 290. Becker, G: F. Atomic weight determinations. 319. Geology of the Comstoek lode. 343. Same'. Summary. 338 Becker, K: F. Der deutsche stil. 515. Becker, K: F: Weltgeschichte. 1154. Becker, L: T., ed. [Fiction.] 674. Becker, Sophie, see Schwarz, A. S. Becker, W: A. Charicles. 1172. Charikles. 1172. Gallus. 1176. and J. Marquardt. Roraische alterthiimer. 1175. Beckett, Sir E. Clocks, watches and bells. 457. Beckett, G. A. A', see A'Beckett. Beckford, W: [Fiction.] 674. Italy, Spain and Portugal. 1312. Beckmann, J: History of inventions. 387. Beckwith, A. Majolica and fayence. 480. Beckwourth, J. P. Life and adventures. 1440. Beda Venerabilis. Ecclesiastical history of Eng- land. 132. Beddoe, J: [Anthropological pamphlets.] 351. Stature and bulk of man. 352. Bede, see Beda. Bede, Cuthbert, pseud., .ee Bradley, E: 683. Bedell, G. T. Evidences of Christianity. fl9. Bedford, Duke of, see Russell, J: Bedott, Widow Priscilla P., p^eud., see Whitcher, F. M. Beecher, C: Spiritual manifestations. 55. Beecher, C. E. Domestic economy. 443. Letters to the people. 401. Physiology and calisthenics. 399. Religious training of children. 249. and H. E. Stowe. Domestic science. 443. Beecher, E: Conflict of ages. 94. Doctrine of retribution. 96. Beecher, H. E., see Stowe, H. E. Beecher, H: W. [Fiction.] 674. Eyes and ears. 1092. Freedom and war. 108. Lecture-room talks. 108. Life thoughts. 74. New star papers. 74. Plans of reading. 510. Pleasant talk. 430. Pulpit pungencies. 74. Royal truths. 74. Star papers. 1092. Beecher, L. Autobiography. 1451 . Plea for the west. 115. Beehler, W: H. Cruise of the Brooklyn. 1192. Beer, A. Erste theilung Polens. 1277. Joseph II. 1430. Maria Theresia. 1439. Metternich. 1430. Zehn jahre osterreichischer politik. 1242. Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia. 1416. Beers, H: A. [Fiction.] 674. N. P. Willis. 1543. ed. Century of american literature. 1009. Beesly, A: H: Gracchi. Marius and Sulla. 1178. Sir J: Franklin. 1516. Beethoven, L: van. Letters. 1123. Behm, E:, and H. Wagner, eds. Bevolkerung der erde. 153. Behnke, E., joint author, sre Browne, L. Behrens, B. [Fiction.] 674. Bekenn, M. L. [Fiction.] 674. Belani, H. E. R., pseud., see Haberlin, K: L: 742. Belcher, D. ladp. Mutineers of the Bounty. 1421. Belcher, Sir E: [Fiction.] 674. Belcher, J. Historical sketches of hymns. 104. Belden, E. P. Sketches of Yale college. 350. Belknap, J. American biography. 1481. History of New Hampshire. 1370. Bell, A. M. Faults of speech. 515. Sounds and their relations. 267. Visible speech. 267. Bell, Acton, pseud., see Bronte, A. 684. Bell, Sir C: Animal mechanics. 283. The hand. 81. Bell, C: D. H: Martyn. 1456. Bell, Currer, pseud., see Nicholls, C. Bell, Ellis, pseud., see Bronte, E. 685. Bell, H: G. Mary, queen of Scots. 1471. Bell, J. Analysis and adulteration of food. 446. Bell, Mrs. L. C. [Fiction.] 675. Bell, M. M. [Fiction.] 675. Bell, Mrs. Martin, pseud., see Martin, Mrs. B. 798. Bell, N. R. E. Elementary history of art. 471. Elementary history of music. 493. Flowerless plants. 359. Forms of land and water. 335. Heroes of american discovery. 1333. Lowest forms of water animals. 374. Lowly mantle- and armor-wearers. 374. Raphael. 1533. Story of early exploration. 1189. I Vegetable life. 359. Bell, R. G: Canning. 1491. joint author, see Mackintosh, Sir J . Bell, T: J. Water supply of the world. 437. Bell, W: E. Carpentry made easy. 461. Bellamy, C: J. [Fiction.] 675. Bellamy, E: [Fiction.] 675. Bellamy, E. W. [Fiction.] 675. Bellemarre, E. L. G. de Ferry de. [Fiction.] 675. Belle w, C, e(?. Merry circle. 499. Bellew, F. Art of amusing. 499. Bellew, H: W. Afghanistan. 1317. Invasions of India. 1303. Bellingham, H:, a?trf Best. [Drama.] 524. Belloc, B. R. Peoples of the world. 260. Vignettes. 1434. Woman's work. 153. Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick. 401. Philosophy of eating. 446. Bellows, H:"W. Old world in its new face. 1209. Sacrificial element in Christianity. 93. Beloe, W: Anecdotes of literature. 507. Sexagenarian. 1546. Belot, A. [Fiction.] 675. Belt, T: Naturalist in Nicaragua. 1412. Belt and spur. E. L. S. 1201. Bemis, E: W. Local government in Michigan. 1834. Bemis, (i: Hasty recognition of rebel belliger- ency. 171.' Bender, C: Continuous bridges. 421. Pins used in bridges. 431. Beneden, P: J. van. Animal parasites and mess- mates. 373. Benedict, F. L. [Fiction.] 675. Benedict, D: BajJtist denomination. 129. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Benedict. ATTTHOR-INDEX . Bigelow. Benedict, Sir J. Weber. 1536. Benedict, J. Fj., joint author, see Webster, H. E. Benedix, J. R. [Drama.] 524. Benedix, R. Der miindliche vortrag. 516. Benger, E. O. Anne Boleyn. 1471. Benham, G: C. [Fiction.] 675. Benjamin, P. [liction.] 675. ed. Appleton's cyclopsedia of applied me- chanics. 389. Benjamin, 8: G. W. American artists. 1527. Art in America. 472. Atlantic islands. 334. Cruise of the Alice May. 1405. Troy. 1174. Bennet, J. H: Pulmonary consumption. 409. Winter and spring on the Mediterranean. 334. Bennett, G. J. [Fiction.] 675. Benson, E. Art and nature in Italy. 1267. Gaspara Ptampa. 1564. Bent, J. T. Garibaldi. 1508. Genoa. 1264. Bent, R. London catalogue. 17. Bent, S: A. Sayings of great men. 517. Bentham, J. Government. 159. Morals and legislation. 63. Benton, J. Emerson as a poet. 1007. Benton, T: H. Abridgment of the debates of congress. 174. Thirty years' view. 167. Bentzon, Th., pseud., see Blanc, M. T. 680. Benzel-Sternau, C. E. graf x. FAuswahl.] 1109. Beowulf. 1027. Beranger, P: J: de, Lyrical poems. 1129. Berg-, A. E. Universal self-instructor. 450. Berg-en, J. Y., jr., and F. D. Development theory. 352. Berger, F.', pseud., see Sheppard, E. S. 853. Berger, W: [Fiction.] 675. Berg-mann, E. v. Kopt'verletzung-en. 411. BergsOe, W. J. [Fiction.] 675. Berington, J. Literary history of the middle ages. 509. Berkeley, G: Works. 1010. Berkeley men. The, pseud., see Lester, C: E., and E. Williams. Berlepsch, H. A. v. Die Alpen. 1288. Gotthardbahn. 422. Berlioz, L: H. Gesammelte schriften. 491. Letters and writings. 1534. Bermingham, E: J. Disposal of the dead. 406. Bernard, Charles de. [Fiction.] 676. Bernard, W; B. [Drama.] 524. Bernays, Isaak, pseud., see Schiff, H. 844. Bernays, M., ed. Der junge Goethe. 1123. Berndt, G. Val d'Anniviers. 327. Berneck, C: G. v. [Fiction]. 676. Bernhard, Carl, pseud., see St. Aubain, A. N. 841. Bernhardi, L. T. [Fiction.] 676. Bernhardi, T. v. Geschichte Russlands. 1275. Bernhardt, A: [Fiction.] 676. Bernstein, A. Five senses of man. 400. Naturwissenschaftliche volksbiicher. 283. Berquin, A. [Fiction.] 676. Berrian, W: Travels in France and Italy. 1207. Berriat Saint-Prix, C: Justice rev olutionnaire. 1256. Berrie, E. [Drama.]. 525. Berry, Mrs. M. E. [Fiction.] 676. Berryman, J. R., joint camp., see Sanborn, A. L. Bersier, E. Coligny. 1507. Berthelot^ M. P: E. Explosive materials. 451. Berthet, E. B. [Fiction.] 676. Berthold, Franz, pseud., see Beinbold, A 833 Bertigny, St. v. [Fiction.] 676. Berzelius, J. J. af. Use of the blowpipe. 321 Besant, W. [Fiction.] 676. Art of fiction. 513. Coligny. 1507. E: H: Palmer. 1552. Rabelais. 1562. ed. Readings in Rabelais. 1131. and 3. "Rice. [Drama.] 525 - [Fiction.] 677. Sir R: Wliittington. 1495. Besse, A. v. Turkish empire. 1292. Bessels, E. Physical observations. 332. Bessey, C:E. Botany. 357. Best, , joint author, see Bellingham, H: 524. Best, T: Family religion. 104. Beta, H: Dichtkunst der borse. 202. Geheimmittel- und unsittlichkeits-industrie. 59. Wohl- und iibelthater in grossstiidten. 207. Betham-Edwards, M. B., see Edwards, M B Betham-. 723. Bethune, A. [Fiction.] 677. Bethune, A. M. Lectures on the Old testament. 108. Bethune, G: W. [Fiction.] 677. British female poets. 1022. Bethune, J. [Fiction.] 677. Bethusy-Huc, V. grdfin. [Fiction.] 677. Betsy Bobbett. M. Holley. 1084. Beven, L. D. Witness of Jesus to himself. 93. Beveridge, W : Private thoughts upon religion. 101. Sermons. 108. Bevier, L: Olympieion. 1172, Beyer, C. [Fiction.] 677. Ruckert. 1559. Bezold, E. Versicherungswesen. 237. Bezold, W: V. Theory of color. 314. Bianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in Italy. 1267. Biart, L. [Fiction.] 677. Ramble in the new world. 1344. Bible, The, see col. 83. Bibliophile, Jacob, Le, pseud., see Lacroix, P. Bibliotheca sacra. 78. Bibra, E./mAerr V. [Fiction.] 678. Bickerstaff, I: [Drama.] 525. BickerstaflF, Isaac, pseud., ee Steele, Sir'R: Bickersteth, E : H : Sabbath evenings. 104. Yesterday, to-day, and foi-ever. 1027. Bickersteth', R. Bearing of commerce upon the spread of Christianity. 73. Bickley, A. C. G: Fox. 1459. Biddle, C: Autobiography. 1484. Biddle, N: Expedition of Lewis and Clarke. 1396. Bidpai. Fables. 1148. Biedermann, F: K: Deutschland im ISten jahr- hundert. 1239. Erziehung zur arbeit. 388. Biedermann, G. W. freiherr\. Goetheforschnn- gen. 1104. Biernatzki, J: C. [Fiction.] 678. Biez, J. de. [Drama.] 525. Bigelow, J. Useful arts. 387. Bigelow, J : Franklin. 1485. Molinos. 1462. Bigrelow, J. M. Forest trees. 363. Bigelow, L. G. Artistic photography. 489. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Bigelow. AUTHOB-INDEX. Blanchard. Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. 518. Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation. 271. Bigg-Wither, .tee Wither, T: P. Bigg . Bigmore, E. V., and C. W. H. Wyman. Biblio- gi-aphy of printing. 26. Bigot, M. "[Fiction.] 678. Bikelas, D. [Fiction.] 678. Bilkins, T. [Drama.] 525. Billings, F. S. Animal diseases and public health. 405. Billingrs, J : S. Medical libraries. 1. Billroth, Th. Instrumenten- und operationslehre. 410. Scrophu lose und tuberculose. 410. Verletzungen der weichtheile. 410. Verletzungen und krankheiten der brust. 411. Bingham, D. A. Marriages of the Bonapartes. 1476. Binner, P. Education of the deaf and dumb. 245. Binney, T: Sir T: F. Buxton. 73. Binney, W: G. Bibliography of north american concholog.y. 374. aw(?T: Bland. Land and fresh-water shells of North America. 375. Binzer, E. v. [Fiction.] 678. Biographia britannica. 1440. Birch, S: Ancient pottery. 480. Egypt. 1166. ed. Records of the past. 1163. Birch-Pfeiffer, C. [Drama.] 525. Bird, C: Higher education in Germany and England. 247. Bird, F: fcj. Land of dykes and windmills. 1286. Bird, G. Natural philosophy. 309. Bird, I. L., see Bishop, I. L. Bird, M. B. Republic of Hayti. 1413. Bird, R. M. [Tiction.] 678. Birks, T: R. Modern physical fatalism. 48. Birnbaum, H. K: Ritter. 1444. Birney, C. H. Grimke sisters. 1483. Birrell, A. Obiter dicta. 1052. Bisani, A. Picturesque tour. 1193. Bischoff, J. [Fiction.] 678. Bischoff, T. L: W: v. Ausiibung der medicin durch frauen. 393. Bishop, H: H. Architecture of the British Isles. 474. Bishop, T. L. Golden Chersonese. 1306. Hawaiian archipelago. 1422. Lady's life in the Rocky mountains. 1400. Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 1300. Bishop, J. h. American manufactures. 453. Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak-box. 1367. Pampas and Andes. 1414. Thousand miles walk across South America. 1414. Voyage of the paper canoe. 1367. Bishop, W: H: [Fiction.] 678. Fish and men in Maine islands. 1370. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. 1410. Bisset, A. Historical truth. 1158. Struggle for parliamentary government. 1224. Bissett, R. Reign of George IH. 1225. Bitter cry of outcast London. A. Mearns. 208. Bitzius,'A. [Fiction.] 678. Bixby, J. T. Non-christian religions. 21. Bjarnason, J., joint author, see Anderson, R. BjOrnson, B. [Fiction.] 678. Black, A. and C. Atlas. 1185. Black, C. B. The Riviera. 1212. Black, C: C. Michael Angelo. 1532. Black, C. F. Biogr. sketch of J. S. Black. 1062. Black, G. V. Formation of poisons. 408. Black, Ivory, pseud., see Janvier, T: A. 770. Black, J: R. Young Japan. 1300. Black, J. S. Essays and speeches. 1052. Black, W: [Ficti6n.] 679. Goldsmith. 1549. Black book. 227. Blackburn, C:F. Catalogue titles. 3. Blackburn, H. Artists and arabs. 1319. Breton folk. 1262. Normandy picturesque. 1362. Oberammei;gau passion play. 513. Blackburn, W: M. [Fiction.] 680. Blackburne, E. Owens, p.seud., see Casey, E. 692. Blackford, M. [Fiction.] 680. Blackie, J:S. Four phases of morals. 59. Natural history of atheism. 79. Philosopby of the beautiful. 468. Prussia in the 19th century. 189. Self-culture. 348. Songs of religion and life. 1027. ed. Wisdom of Goethe. 1126. Blackmore, R: D. [Fiction.] 680. Blackstone, SirW: Commentaries. 221. Blackwell, A. B. Physical basis of immortality. 84. Blackwell, R. Original acrostics. 1092. Blackwood, Sir F: T. Hamilton-Temple-, earl of Dufferin. Letters from high latitudes. 1435. Speeches and addresses. 1052. Blades, W: Enemies of books. 13. W:Caxton. 1524. B.aikie, W: How to get strong. 401. Sound bodies for boys and girls. 404. Blakie, W:G. D: Livingstone. 1517. Heads and hands. 196. Leaders in philanthropy. 1512. Blaine, D. P. Rural sports. 501. Blaine, J. G. James A. Gartield. 1467. Twenty years of congress. 1362. Blair, A. A." Methods used in analysis of metals. 455. Blair, H. Rhetoric. 515. Sermons. 108. Blair, H. W., joint author, see Hilgard, J. E. Blaisdell, A. F. Physiology for the young. 399. Blake, E. V., ed. Arctic experiences. 1425. Blake, J: L. Family encyclopedia. 31. Blake, L. D. [Fiction.] 680. Woman's place to-day. 153. Blake, M. E. On the win^. 1367. Blake, Mary, pseud., see Blakeslee, M. N. i Blake, P., joint author, see Ayres, A. 521. Blake, T. D. Geology of Alaska. 343. Blake, T: G. [Drama.] 525. Blake, W. O. History of slavery. 169. ' Blake, W : P. Physical geography of California. 342. Production of precious metals. 156. Blakeslee, M. N. Twenty-six hours a day. 443. Blakey, R. Hints on angling. 504. Blanc, A: A. P. C: Grammar of painting. 485. Blanc, J: J. L: French revolution. 1255. History of ten years. 1257. Blanc, M. T. [Fiction.] 680. Blanchard, E:L. [Drama.] 526. Blanchard, L. Sketches from life. 1092. Blanchard, R. Discovery and conquests of the north-west. 1385. History of Illinois. 1387. Political parties in the U. 8. 166. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Blanche. ATJTHOR-INDEX. Bdme. XXJ Blanche, A: [Fiction.] 680. Bland, T:, joint authm', see Binney, W: G. Bland, W: Arches, piers, etc. 421. Blankenburg, H: Innere kiimpfe der nord- amerikanischen Union. 1361. Blanqui, J. A. Political economy. 192. Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. Isis unveiled. 49. Blaze de Bury, M. P. R. S. baronin. [Fiction. 1 681. Bledsoe, A. T. Theodicy. 81. Blenkarn, J: Practical specifications. 459. Blennerhasset, H. Private iournal, see Safford, W. H. 181. Blessington, Countess of, see Gardiner, M. Bleyer, J. and H. Bui-ning of the Newhall hoiise. 1394. Blicher, S. S. [Fiction ] 681. Blind, M. [Fiction.] 681. George Eliot. 1549. Bliss, P. P., and I. D: Sankey. Gospel hymns. 495. Bliss, R: Maps in Petermann's Mittheilungen. 21. Blitz, A. Magic circle. 497. Bloede, G. Giorgio. 1027. Blood, B: Justice between God and man. 95. Bloomiaeld, G. baroness. Court and diplomatic life. 1491. Bloomfield, J. K. [Fiction.] 681. Bloomfield, K. Farmer's boy. 1027. Bloomfield's guide to St. Augustine. 1381. Bless, C. A. [Fiction.] 681. Blouet, P. The dear neighbours. 1259. John Bull and his island. 1232. Bloxam, C:L. Chemistry. 320. Blue book of the U. S. 227. Blue book of Wisconsin. 180. Blum, K:, tr. [Drama.] 526. Blum, L. V. [Fiction.] 681. Blume, W: Campaign 1870-1871. 1239. Blumentritt, F. Ethnographic der Philippi- nen. 351. Blunt, Lady A. I. N. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. 1309. Pilgrimage to Nejd. 1308. Blunt, E. K. [Fiction.] 681. Blunt, H: Abraham, Jacob and Elisha. 1463. ~ St. Paul and St. Peter. 1464. Blunt, Mrs. J: E. People of Turkey. 1293. Bluntschli, J: C. Rom und die deutschen. 127. Bluthgen, V: [Fiction.] 681. Blyth, A. W. Practical chemistry. 322. Boardman, H: A: Bible in the counting- house. 64. Boardman, S: L. State of Maine. 1370. Boardman, T. Log-book. 1352. Boas, F. Baffin-Land. 1425. Boats of the world. 502. Boccaccio, G. Decameron. 681. Decameron. 1132. Bock, C: Head-hunters of Borneo. 1419. Temples and elephants. 1306. Boddam-Whetham, see Whetham, J: W. Bod- dam-. Boddy, A. A. To Kairwan, the holy. 1319. Bodenstedt, F:M. V. [Fiction.] 681. Aus ost und west. 1119. [Gedichte.] 1115. Russische dichter. 1145. Songs of Mirza Schaffy. 1115. Tausend und ein tag im orient. 1309. Vom Atlantischen zum Stillen ocean. 1367. Bodin, F. Geschichte Englands. 1215. Geschichte Frankreichs. 1250. Bodmer, J:J. [Drama.] 526. [Auswahl.] 1106. Bogart, W: H. Who goes there V 1483. Bogatsky, C: H: v. Golden treasury. 104. Boguslawski, A. v. Tactical deductions. 232. Bohemus, pseud., see Opiz, G- E. 818 BOhlau, H. [Fiction.] 681. BShme, J : E. [Selections.] 1103. Bohn, H: G: Catalogues. 29. Dictionary of quotations. 517. Foreign proverbs. 517. Pottery, porcelain, etc. 480. Lite of Goldsmith. 1012. ed. Chronicles of the crusades. 1201. Boissy, T. G. marquise de. Recollections of Byron. 1547. Beit, R. A. [Fiction.] 681. Bojesen, E. F:C. Grecian and roman antiquities. 1170. Boker, G: H: [Drama.] 526. Poems of the war. 1027. Bolanden, Konrad v., pseud., see Bischoflf, J. 678. Bolingbroke, Viscount, see St. John, H: BoUaert, W: Wars of succession of Portugal and Spain. 1270. Belles, A. S. Financial history of the U. S. 204. Practical banking. 200. Belley, P. A. Technical analysis. 451. BOlte, A. [Fiction.] 681. ' Bolten, C: [Drama.] 526. Bolten, S. How success is won. 1438. Lives of poor boys. 1436. Bompas, G: C. Frank Buckland. 1521. Bonaparte, C: L. J. L., prince de Canino, joint author, see Wilson, A. Bonaparte, L., prince de Canino. Memoirs. 1476. Bonar, A. R. Duke of Wellington. 1505. Bond, G:W: Wool manufactures. 4.5.3. Bond, R. Handbook of the telegraph. 449. Boniface, J. B., see Saintine. 842. Bonin, A. v. Fortillcations of to-day. 420. Bonitz, H. Origin of the Homeric poems. 1137. Bonnemere, E. Histoire du paysans. 1251. Bonner, J: History of Greece. 1172. I History of Rome. 1176. i History of the U. S. 1344. I Bonner, Sherwood, pseud., sec McDowell, K. S. I 793. j Bonney, C. Historical gleanings. 1438. I Bonney, T. J., ed. Cathedral churches of Eng- land and Wales. 476. j Book of days. R. Chambers, rrZ. 1151. Book of the ocean. 1196. Book of the poets. 1022. Bookbuyer. 511. Bookseller. 17. Boost, A., ed. [Fiction.] 681. Booth, J. C, and C. Morflt. Recent improve- ments in chemical arts. 319. Booth, M. H. C. Wayside blossoms. 1027. Booth, M. L. History of New York. 1875. Bopp, F. Comparative grammar. 267. Borg, S., andM.. A. Brown, tr. [Fiction.] 682. Borel, T: Agenor de Qasparin. 1561. BOme, L: Briefe aus Paris. 1120. Dramaturgische bliitter. 1104. Fragmente. 1126. Gesammelte schriften. 1109. Menzel, der franzosenfresser. 1126. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue- XXIJ B3me. AUTHOR-INDEX. Brady. BOrne, l,: Continued. Schilderungen aus Paris. 1126. Vermischte avifsiitze. 1126. Bornhak, G. Lexikon der allgemeinen littera- turgeschichte. 507. BommulTer, F., ed. Schriftsteller-lexikon der gegenwart. 1537. BOmstem, C: H. [Drama.] 526. BOrnstein, R:, joint author, see Landolt, H. Borrow, G: [Fiction.] 682. Bible in Spain. 1273. Zincali. 1273. Borsenblatt. 19. Borthwick, J. D. Three years in California. 1403. Bosboom, Mevrow J:, see Toussaint, A. L. G. 876. Bosco, G. Italian history. 1262. Bose, R. C. Brahmoism*. 138. Hindu philosophy. 138. Bossuet, J. B. Doctrine of the catholic church. 126. Variations of protestant churches. 125. Best, J: A. Felix Neff. 1461. Boston, T: Crook in the lot. 108. Human natui'e. 94. Boston journal of chemistry. 321. Boswell, J. S: Johnson. 1550. Both, C: Small-pox. 409. Bothmer, M. grdfin v. [Fiction.] 682. Botta, A. C. L. Poems. 1027. Universal literature. 508. Botta, C: G. G. History of Italy. 1263. War of independence. 1350. BOttiger, C: W:, and T. Flathe. Geschichte Sachsens. 1245. Boucicault, D. [Drama.] 526. joint author, see Reade, C: 832. Boug-hton, G: H: Sketching rambles in Holland. 1286. Boulger, D. [Fiction.] 682. Boulger, D. C. Central asian questions. 1316. History of China. 1297. Boundary survey, U. S. and Great Britain. 1344. Bourdin, L:, or H:, pseud., seeHeyne, C: T. 756. Bourgeois, A: A., anc^ F.Dugue. [Drama.] 526. and P. F. Pinel Dumanoir. [Drama.] 526. and P. Feval. [Drama.] 526. Bourget, E., joint author, see Dennery, A. P. 544. Bourget, P. Ernest Renan. 1444. Bourier, F. [Fiction.] 682. Bourke, J: G. Snake-dance of the Moquis. 1401. Bourne, B:F. Captive in Patagonia. 1416. Bourne, C. E. Heroes of african discovery. 1516. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. 1514. J: Locke. 1447. Romance of trade. 253. Bourne, W:0. Gems from fable-land. 517. Bourrienne, L: A. Fauvelet de, see Fauvelet de Bourrienne. Boussingault, J: B. Rural economy. 435. Boutelle, C. O. Observing tripods and scaftblds. 418. Bouverie-Pusey, S. E. B. Permanence and evo- lution. 352. Bovee, M. H. Capital punishment. 222. Bovet, F. Egypt, Palestine and Phoenicia. 1313. Bowden, J: Letters to dr. Miller. 128. Bowditch, H:I. Public hygiene in America. 404. Bowditch, H: P. Growth of children. 352. Bowen, F. American political economy. 193. B: Lincoln. 1438. Baron Steuben. 1438. Gleanings from a litei'ary life. 1052. James Otis. 1438. SirW: Phips. 14S8. Bowen, H: C. Catalogue of historical novels. 27. joint author, see Morris, R: Bowen, T. J. Yoruba lang-uag'e. 280. Bower, G. S. Hartley and James Mill. 47. Bowes, J. L., joint author, see Audsley, G: A. Bowker, J. Goblin tales of Lancashire. 141. Bowker, R: R. Work and wealth. 196. Bowles, S: Across the continent. 1398. Bowles, T: G. Flotsam and jetsam. 1092. Maritime warfare. 224. Bowring, /Sir J: Cheskian anthology. 1146. Matins and vespers. 1027. Box, T: Practical hydraulics. 425. Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn holidays. 1053. Counsel and comfort. 108. Every-day philosopher. 1053. Graver thoughts. 108. Leisure hours in town. 1053. Recreations of a country parson. 1052. Reminiscences. 1432. Boyesen, H. H. [Fiction.] 682. Goethe and Schiller. 1555. Idyls of Norway. 1027. Boyhood of gi'eat painters. 1531. Boyle, F: ]Fiction.] 683. Legends of my bungalow. 1053. Boyle, G:D: R: Baxter. 1457. "Boyle, 3:, earl of Ccyfk and Orrery. [Essays.] 1049. Boynton, C:B. Great western sanitary fair. 235. Navy during the rebellion. 1355. Boys' and girls' book of science. 284. Boys' book of trades. 457. Boy's king Arthur. Sir T: Malory. 514. Boy's Mabinogion. 514. Boy's workshop. 461. Boz, pseud., see Dickens, C: J: H. Bozman, J: L. History of Maryland. 1378. Braasch, A. H. Zusammenwirkung der evange- lischen kirche. 132. Brabourne, Lord, see Hugessen, E: H. Knatch- buU-. Brace, C: L. Gesta Christi. 152. Hungary. 1250. New west. 1403. Races of the old world. 350. Sermons to news-boys. 108. Brachmann, K. M. L. Anthologie. 1109. Brachvogel, A. E. [Drama.] 526. [Fiction.] 682. Brackel, F. Jreiin v. [Fiction.] 683. Brackenbury, C: B. Frederick the great. 1474. Brackett, A. C, ed. Education of american girls. 248. Bradbury, J. India. 1304. Braddon, M. E.. see Maxwell, M. E. 799. Bradford, A. History of Massachusetts. 1371. Bradford, W: Plymouth plantation. 1371. Bradford, W: J: A. Notes on the north west. 1386. Bradlee, N. P. Introd. of pure water into Boston. 427. Bradley, E: [Fiction.] 683. Bradley, G: G. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 1457. Bradley, G. S. The star corps. 1359. Brady, W : Kedge-anehor. 450. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Brahain. AXJTHOIt-INDEX . Bronte. Brahain-Ducange, V: H: J. [Fiction.] 683. Brainard, J: G. C. Literary remains. 1027. Brainerd, C. Y. M. C. associations. 1. Bramston, M. [Fiction.] 683. joint author, see Awdry, F. 670. Brand, J: Antiquities of Great Britain. 261. Brandegee, T. S. Flora of southwestern Colo rado. 364. Brandes, G., 46. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. XXVJ Bulwer. AUTHOR-INDEX. Bush. 'Bulwer-Jjyttou,^,., lady Lytton. [Fiction.] 688. Bunbury, E: H. History of ancient geography. 1162. Bunbury, S. [Fiction.] 688. Bunce, J : T. Fairy tales. 134. Bunce, O. B. [Fiction.] 688. Bachelor Bluff. 1054. Don't. 262. My house. 476. Bundy, J. M. J. A. Garfield. 1467. Bundy, W. F. Crustacean fauna of Wis. 375. Fungi of Wisconsin. 363. Bungener, L. L: F. [Fiction.] 688. Bunn, A. [Drama.] 532. Old and New England. 1366. joint author, sec Dibdin, T: 544. Bunner, Vj. History of Louisiana. 1384. Bunner, H:C. [Fiction.] 688. joint author, see Matthews, J. B. 799. Bunsen, C. C: J. freiherr v. Luther. 1460. Signs of the times. 113. Bunsen, F. freiin v. Lettei's. 1546. Bunsen, T. v. Die Donau. 424. Buntline, ^ed, -pseud., sec Judson, E: Z. C. 774. Buntling ball. 1028. Bunyan, J: Pilgrim's progress. 105. Works. 68. Buonarroti, M. Poems. 1132. Poems, etc. 1532. Burbridge, F. W. Gardens of the sun. 1419. Burckhardt, J. Renaissance in Italy. 152. Burder, S: Oriental customs. 86. Oriental literature. 86. Burdett, C: [Fiction.] 689. Burdette, R. J. William Penn. 1488. Btirger, G. A: Briefe. 1123. Gedichte. 1107. Burgress, G : Modern necromancy. 9fl. Kelig-ious instruction in public schools. 244. Burgess, J: W. Methods of historical study in Columbia college. 245. Burgess, T. J. W., joint author, see Macoun, J. Burgh, J. Dignity of human nature. 59. Burgh, N. P. Slide valve. 417. Burgoyne, Sir J: Blasting and quarrying. 427. Buried city of the east. 1310. Burke, E. Speeches. 189. Sublime and beautiful. 465. Works. 189. Burke, >S\> J: B. Extinct peerages. 1568. General armory. 1567. Landed gentry. 1568. Peerage and baronetage. 1567. Vicissitudes of families. 1568. Burke, P: Edmund Burke. 1491. Burkhardt, C. B. Fairytales and legends. 134. Burleigh, B. Desert warfare. 1320. Burlingame, E: L., ed. Current discussion : 1. Questions of belief. 71. 2. International politics. 189. Burlington Hawkeye man, The, pseud., see Bur- dette, R. J. Bum, R. Rome and the Campagna. 1268. Bumaby, E. A. F. High Alps in winter. 1288. Bumaby, F: On horseback through Asia Minor. 1309. Ride to Khiva. 1315. Bumand, F. C. [Drama.] 532. Happy-thought hall. 1084. Happy thoughts. 1084. Bumand, F. C. Continued. joint author, .ee Morton, J: M. 576. see Williams, M. 611. Burnap, G:W. Leonard Calvert. 1438. Bumell, G: R. Hydraulic engineering. 411. Limes, cements, etc. 460. Burnet, G. Civil wars in Scotland. 1214. History of his own time. 1223. Reformation in the church of England. 122. Thirty-nine articles. 128. Travelling thro' Switzerland, etc. 1206. Burnet, J. North-western territory. 1385. Burnett, C: H. Hearing. 403. Bumett, F. H. [Fiction.] 689. Burnett, P: H. Recollections and opinions. 1518. Burnett, T. P. Reports. 225. Bumey, C: General history of music. 492. Music in France and Italy. 492. Music in Germany, the Netherlands and United Provinces. 492. Burney, F.. see Arblay, F. d'. Burnham, C. L. [Fiction] 689. Burnley, J. Sir T. Salt and G: Moore. 1514. Burns, G: S. Scandinavian religions. 133. Burns, R. Correspondence with Clarinda. 1080. [Poetical works.] 1028. Works. 1010. I Bumside, W: S., and A. W: Panton. Theory of I equations. 298. Burow, J., see Pfannenschmidt, J. 824. I Burr, A. Private journal. 1484. 1 Burr, F.,ir. Garden vegetables. 440. ; Burrill, A. M. Law dictionary. 207. j Burritt, .. Ten-minute talks. 1054. i Thoughts and things. 1092. Burroughs, J: Fresh fields. 1054. Locusts and wild honey. 1054. Pepacton. 1054. Winter sunshine. 1054. Burrows, M. Wiclif's place in history. 1458. Bursill, H: Hand shadows. 499. Biirstenbinder, E. [Fiction.] 689. Burt, W. H. Characteristic materia medica. 407. Burton,!. Inner life of Syria. 1313. Burton, J: H. Book-hunter. 13. History of Scotland. 1213. Reign of queen Anne. 1225. Burton, R. Anatomy of melancholy. 56. Burton, R: F. Book of the sword. 233. Camoens. 1134. City of the saints. 1398. Gold-mines of Midian. 1308. Lake regions of central Africa. 1325. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. 1308. Ultima Thule. 1284. and V. L. Cameron. To the Gold Coast. 1324. Burton, W. Helps to education. 245. Burton, W. E. [Drama.] 533. (!yclopa3dia of wit and humor. 1083. Bury, Lady C. S. M. C. Times of George IV. 1226. ^ Bury, T. T. Styles of architecture. 474. Busby, T: History of music. 492. Busch, M. Bismarck in the franco-german war. 1495. Die mormonen. Our chancellor. 140. 1495. Buschmann, H. Bilder aus dem alten Rom . Busey, S: C. Mortality of young children. 404. Bush, G: Mohammed. 1462. New church miscellanies. 132. 1176. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Bushnell. AUTHOB-INDEX . Cameron. xxvij Bushnell, H. Christ and his salvation. 95. Christian nurture. 249. Forgiveness and law. 95. Letters. 1452. Literary varieties : 1. Work and play. 1054. 2. Moral uses of dark things. 1054. 3. BHilding eras in religion. 1055. Nature and the supernatural. 77. Vicarious sacrifice. 95. Busk, B. H. Valleys of Tirol. 1249. Busk, H. Navies of the world. 234. Bussey, G: M. Fables. 517. Butcher, S:H. Demosthenes. 1138. Butler, (*: Book of the ronian catholic church. 126. Fenelon. 14G1. Hugo Grotius. 1564. Reminiscences. 1547. Butler, ilfr.*. C.H. [Fiction.] 689. Butler, C. M. Inner Rome. 1269. Reformation in Sweden. 124. St. Paul in Rome. 108. Butler, C:M. Analogies. 99. Butler, J. Analogy of religion. 97. Butler, R:, earl qf'Ole.ngall. [Drama.] 533. Butler, S: (ienuine remains. 1010. Poetical works. 1029. Butler, S: Alps and sanctuaries of Piedmont. 1288. Butler, W: A. Nothing to wear. 1029. Two millions. 1029. Butler, W: F. [Fiction.] 689. Far out. 1192. -- Ventilation. 461 . Wild north land. 1406. Butt, B. M. [Fiction .J 690. Butterfield, C. W. Discovery of the northwest. 1385. Punctuation. 271. University of Wisconsin. 250. ed. Journal of capt. Heart. 1352. Washington-Crawford lettei's. 1079. Washinglon-Irvine coiTCspond. 1080. Butterworth, H. Great composers. 1533. History of Boston. 1373. Notable prayers. 103. Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. 1405. in classic lands. 1206. in Europe. 1206. in northern lands. 1206. in the Levant. 1322. in the Occident. 1368. in the Orient. 1206. ed. History of America. 1344. Buxton, B. H. [Fiction.] 690. Buxton, H. J. W. English painters. 488. and E: J. Pointer. German, flemish and dutch painting. 487. Buxtorf, J: Lexicon hebraicum. 267. Byerley, T:, and J. C. Robertson. Percy anec- dotes. 517. Byers, 8: H. M. Switzerland. 1287. Byles, Sir J: B. Sophisms of free trade. 205. Bynner, E. L. [Fiction.] 690. Byr, C, pseud., see Beyer, C. 677. Byr, Robert, pseud., see Bayer, K: E. R. v. 673. Byrne, O. Practical mechanics. 313. mid E. Spon, eds. Spon's dictionary of engin- eering. 411. Byrne, Mrs W: P. Cosas de Espana. 1278. Byron, G: G. N. lord. [Drama.] 5;. Letters and journals, see Moore, T- 1547 [Poetical works.] 1029. Byron, H: J. [Drama.] 533. joint author, see Talfourd, F. J04. Byrrne, E. F. [Fiction.] 690. C, J. F. arid L., six Clarke, J. F. and L. Caballero, Fernan, pseud., seeAnora, C d** mi Cable, G: W. [Fiction. ] 690. ' Creoles of Louisiana. 1384. Caddy, Mrs. . [Fiction.] 690. Cadell, H. M. [Fiction.] 690. Caedmon. P^xodus and Daniel. 1029. Caesar, C. J. Commentaries. 1179. Cain, W: Maximum stresses in framed bridges. Solid and braced elastic arches. 413. Symbolic algebra. 298. Theory of voussoir arches. 413. Voussoir arches applied. 413. Caine, T. H. [Fiction] 690. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 1552. Caird, E: Hegel. 49. Caird, J: Religions of India. ISJ. Cairnes, J: E. Political economy. 193. The slave i)ovver. 169. Cairns, J: Unbelief in the 18th centurv. 79 Calcraft, J: W: [Drama] 536. Calder, Alma, see Johnston, A. 774. Calderon de la Barca, Mme. F. E. Q. Attache in Madrid. 1273. Calderon de la Barca, P: [Drama] 536. Calderwood, H: Mind and brain. 51. On teaching. 244. Caldwell, A. Marsh- , see Marsh-Caldwell, A. Caldwell, C: Nathaniel Greene. 1501. Calenzano, Marchese di, see Mauris, M. Calfhill, J. Answer to Martiall's Tx-eatise of the cross. 91. Calhoun, A. W. Effects of student life upon the eye- sight. 242. Calhoun, J: C. Works. 182. Calisch, I. M. English and dutch dictionary. 268. Callender, E: B. Thaddeus Stevens. 1488. Callery, J. M., and M. Yvan. Insurrection in China. 1297. Callet, J: F. Tables de logarithmes. 299. Callimachus, see Eallimachos. Calm, M. [Fiction.] 690. Calmet, A. Dictionary of the Bible. 86. Calthrop, H. C. Holway. Paladin and saracen. 1131. Calverly, C: S. Flyleaves. 1029. Calvert, G: H: [Drama.] 537. First years in Europe. 1246. Introduction to social science. 145. Scenes and thoughts in Europe. 1208. Calvert, 3., joint author, see Williams, T.- Calvin, J: Christ the end of the law. 93. Institution of christian religion. 68. Letters. 1129. Camden, W: Britannia. 1230. Camden miscellany. 1228. Cameos from english history. CM. Yonge. 1227. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. [Fiction.] 690. Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. 1326. Our future highway to India. 1309. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Cameron. AT7TH0B-INDEX . Carpenter. Cameron, V. I j. Continued. joint author, see Burton, R: F. Camoens, L: de. Lusiad. 1134. Lusiaden. 1184. Lyricks. 1134. Pocmis. 1134. Camp, (i: S. Democracy. 163. Campaigns of the civil war. 1350. Campan, .) . L. H. Marie Antoinette. 1475. Campbell, A. [Fiotion.] 690. Campbell, A., and W. J. Twining. U. S. boun- dary survey. 1344. Campbell, A. 1^. [Drama.] 537. Campbell, A. L. V. [Drama.] 537. Campbell, B. [Drama.] 537. Campbell, C: History of Virginia. 1379. Campbell, Donald, pseud., see Carpenter, S. C. Campbell, Sir G : Tenure of land in India. 203. White and black. 1367. Campbell, Sir G: D., duke of Argyll. Continui- ty and catastrophes in geology. 335. Eastern question . 172. Primeval man. 346. The prophet of San Francisco. 202. Reign of law. 81. Unity of nature. 281. Campbell, H. [Fiction.] 691. American girls' home book. 500. Easiest way in housekeeping. 444. Problem oif the poor. 208. and others. Sylvan city. 1377. Campbell, J:, ZwfZ. Atrocious judges. 1510. Chief justices of England. 1510. Lord chancellors of England. 1509. Shakespeare's legal acquirements. 1046. Campbell, J: G: E: H: D. 8., marquess of Lome. Canadian pictures. 1407. Campbell, J: J., tr. Poems from the german. 1113. Campbell, J. V. Political history of Michigan. 1389. Campbell, J: W. Biographical sketches. 1483. Campbell, L. Sophocles. 1142. and W. Garnett. James Clerk Maxwell. 1522. Campbell, M. Gen. W: Hull. 1501. Campbell, R. Pilgrimage to my motherland. 1324. Campbell, S. M. Story of creation. 80. Campbell, T: Letters from the south. 1318. Life and letters. 1547. Petrarch. 1564. Poetical works. 1029. Shakespeare. 1544. ed. British poets. 1022. Campbell, W: W. Robin Hood and Captain Kidd. 1511. Campbell-Walker, see Walker. Campe, J. H: Entdeckung von Amerika. 1332. Kinderbibliothek. 1109. Campin, F. Details of machinery. 415. Iron in the construction of bridges. 413. Materials and construction. 413. Mathematics. 295. Mechanical engineering. 414. Canfleld, .T. H. Taxation. 196. Canino, Prince de, see Bonaparte, L. Canitz, F: R. L:/re(7ierT V. Gedichte. 1106. Canning, The hon. A. S. G: Macaulay. 1551. Philosophy of the Waverley novels. 1047. Canning, G: Select speeches. 191. Canning:, S., Discount S(ra(/orddeBedcJt#e. Turkey. 189. Cantacuzene-Altieri, O. princes*. [Fiction.] 691. Canz, E. [Fiction.] 691. Capello, H. d(; Brito-, and R. Ivens. From Benguella to Yacca. 1327. Capes, W: W. Livy. 1135. Roman empire of the 2d century. 1179. Roman history. 1179. Cappar, S:.J. Siena. 11.5. Cappel, v.. S. Old norse sagas. 142. Capper, J : Three presidencies of India. 1302. Capponi, (i. marchese. Florentinische republik. 1264. Capron, C. [Fiction.] 691. Carey, A. [Fiction.] 691. Carey, E. W: Carey. 1458. Carey, H: [Drama.] 537. Carey, H:C: Miscellaneous work.s. 193. Past, present and future. 193. ~ Principles of social science. 145. Slave trade. 169. Carey, M. Vindici* hibernica\ 1212. Carey, R. N. [Fiction.] 691. Carion, Franz, pseud., see Iiubojatsky, F. 791. Carl August. Briefwechsel mit Goethe. 1124. Carl, P. Elektrische naturkriifte. 315. Carlen, E. Flygare-. [Fiction.] 691. Oarleton, pseud., see CoflB.n, C: C. Carleton, Cousin May, pseud., see Fleming, M. A. Carleton, F. E. Operas : writers and plots. 494. Carleton, G: W. Our artist in Peru. 1084. Carleton, W: [Fiction.] 691. Carleton, Will. [Poetical works.] 1029. Young folks' centennial rhymes. 1025. earlier. A: Histoire du peuple americain. 1350. Carlisle, A. D. Round the world. 1190. Carlson, F: F. Geschichte Schwedens. 1281. Carlton, Carrie, pseud., see Chamberlain, Mrs. M. H. Carlton, J: W: Recreations in shooting. 506. Carlyle, A. Autobiography. 1457. Carlyle, J. Letters and memorials. 1081. Carlyle, T: Ausgewiihlte schriften. 1055. Burns. 1546. Choice of books. 510. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 1055. Early kings of Norway. 1282. French revolution. 1255. Friedrich II. 1474. Heroes and hero-worship. 1055. Irish journey. 1230. John Sterling. 1553. Latter-day pamphlets. 1055. Past and present. 1055. Reminiscences. 1547. Sartor resartus. 1055. ed. Letters and speeches of Cromwell. 1078. an(? R. W. Emerson. Correspondence. 1081. Carmen Sylva, pseud., see Elisabeth of Ru- mania. 724. Carnegie, A. American four-in-hand in Britain. 1230. Round the world. 1190. Carnes, J. A. From Boston to the west coast of Africa. 1323. Caro, J., joint author, see BOpell, R: Caroline, P: English as she is spoke. 275. Carpenter, F. De Y. [Fiction.] 692. Geographical surveying. 418. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Carpenter. AUTHOR-INDEX. Chalmers. Carpenter, H. Mother's and kindergartner's friend. 346. Carpenter, J. E. [Drama.] WT. Carpenter, J. E:, 6(1. Songs. 102t). Carpenter, M. B. Mining cocJe. 216. Carpenter, P. P. Molhisks of western North America. 874. Carpenter, R. L., .ee Iiivermore, A. A. 60. Carpenter, S. C. Overland journey to India. 11!>2. Carpenter, S. H. English analysis 274 English of the t4th eentnry. "1021. Carpenter, W: B: Human i)iiysiology. 398. Mental physiology. 51. Mesmerism, spiritualism, etc. 55. Physical and vital forces. 311. -- Unconscious action of the brain and Epidemic delu- sions. 384. Carpenter, W: H. [Fiction.] 692. Carpenter, W: L. Energy in nature. 311. Carpet-bagger, A. Uecollcctions of the Caroli- nas. 1380. Carr, A. C. [Fiction] 692. Carr, A. E. All the way round. 1190. Carr, L. Mounds of the Mississippi valley. 349. Carre, M. [Drama.] 537. a/ifZ J. Barbier. [Drama.] 537. and \j. Battu. [Drama.] 537. Carriere, M. Aesthetik. 465. Kunst- und culturentwickelung. 471. P: Cornelius. 1430. Carrington, H: B. Battles of the revolution. 13.51. Carrington, K. [Fiction.] 692. Carrol, Mrs. S., see Centlivre, S. 537. Carroll, H. Twelve americans. 1438. Carroll, Lewis, pseud., see Dodgson, C: L. 715. Carse, G: B. Florida. 1381. Carter, E. Poems and essays. 1547. and C. Talbot. Letters. ' 1079. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. 1207. Carter, R. Summer cruise. 1869. Carter, R. B. Eyesight. 400. Carter, S. N. Drawing in black and white. 481. Cartoons from Punch. 482. Cartwright, D: W. Western wild animals. 505. Cartwright, J. Mantegna and Francia. 1531. Cartwright, T: Diary. 1456. Cams, C: G. Kin^ of Saxony's journey. 1230. Cams, J. V: Bibliotheca zoologica. 24. Camthers, W: A. [Fiction.] 692. Carvalho, S. N. Incidents of Fremont's last ex- pedition. 1397. Carver, J. Travels in Wisconsin. 1343. Travels through North America. 1343. Cary, A. [Fiction.] 692. Lyra. 1029. Cary, H: Great civil war in England. 1223. Cary, H: F. Lives of the poets. 1.544. Casey, E. [Fiction.] 692. Cashel-Hoey, F. S., see Hoey, F. S. Cashel-. Caspari, O: Urgeschichte der menschheit. 346. Cass, L. France. 1257. Right of search, see Young, W: T. 1485. Cassagnac, see Granier de Cassagnac. Casseday, D. B. [Fiction.] 692. Cassell's book of sports 498. book of in-door amusements. 499. history of the russo-turkish war. 1291. history of the war between France and Ger- many. E. Oilier. 1259. household guide. 444. Cassell's natural history. 366. old and new Edinburgh. 1231. popular natural history. 366. Casein, J: Birds of California, efical papers.] 371, }!73. Castelar y Bissoll, E. Byron. 1,547. Old Rome and new Italy. 1367. Castelli, I. F: [Drama.]' .537. Castle, C. [Fiction.] 692. Castleman, A. L. Army of the Potomac. 1359. Castlereagh, Visconnt, see BtewBxt, R.,marf/uess of Jjondonderry. Castner, J. Militiir-lexikon. 231. Caswall, H : Martyr of the Pongas. 1456. Caswell, A. Meteorological observations. 332. Caswell, E: Poems. 1029. Catherine II, see Yekaterina. 1478. Catherwood, M. H. [Fiction.] 692. Catholic world. 78. Catlin, G: Breath of life. 409. Eight years travels in Europe. 1207. Last rambles among the Indians. 1340. Life among the Indians. 1340. North american Indians. 1340. Catlin, G : L. Ainonj,' the biscayans. 1306. Caunter, H. Romance of history: India. 1301. Caustic, Mrs., pseud. [Fiction.] ' 692- Cavalcaselle, (i. li. joint author, see Crowe, J. A. Cavallius, H., *ee Hylten-Cavallius, G. O. Cave, W: Antiquitates apostolicjc. 118. Biographia ecclcsiastica. 1464. Cavendish, pseud., see J ones, H: Cavendish, Lady C. [Drama.] 537. Cavendish, (i: Cardinal Wolsey. 1495. Caverly, R. B. Indian wars of New England. 1369. Life and labors of J: Eliot. 1369. Caxton, Pisistratus, josewrf., see Bulwer-Lytton, E:G:E. L. Cazelles, E. Evolution-philosophy. 353. Cazin, A. Heat. 314. Wiirme. 314. Ceba, A. Citizen of a republic. 163. j Cecil, pseud., see Tongrue, C. Cecil, R: Visit to the house of mourning. 101. i Celebrated musicians. 1533. j Celestin, F: J. Russland. 1278. j Cellini, B. Memoirs. 1531. 1 Censor, pseud., see Bunce, O. B. Census reports of the U. S. 157. Centennial exhibition at Philadelphia. 391. Centlivre, S. [Drama.] 537. Century, N. 7. Bryant memorial meeting. 1540. ! Century of independence. J. R. Hussey. 165. Centz,' P. C, pseud., see Sage, B. J. Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. [Fiction.] 692. Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. 1134. Cesnola, see Di Cesnola, L: P. Cetshwayo's dutchman. C. Vijn. 1338. Chadbourne, P. A. Instinct. 57. Waste of labor in education. 341. Chadwick, F. E. Training systems. 334. Chadwick, H: Sports and pastimes of american boys. 499. Chadwick, J: W. Bible of to-day. 84. Liberty and the church. 73. Chadwick, W: De Foe. 1548. Challen, J. Igdrasil. 1029. Chalmers, A. [Fiction.] 693. Chalmers, T: Adaptation of nature to the moral and intellectual condition of man. 81. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Chalmers. ATTTHOB-INDEX . Cheever. Chalmers, T: Continued. Lectures on Romans. 90. Miscellanies. 75. Sermons and discoui'ses. 108. Chamberlain, C: [Fiction.] 692. Chamberlain, J. French treaty and reciprocity. ^0.5. Chamberlain, Mrs. M. H. Wayside flowers. 1029. Chamberlain, N. H: [Fiction.] 693. Chamberlain, T: C. Geology of Wisconsin. 339. Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch. 338. Chamberlain, W: [Fiction.] 693. Chamberlayne, J: Magna? Britanise notitia. 1229. Chambers, R. Domestic annals of Scotland. 1214. English language and literature. 1003. Explanations. 353. Vestiges of creation. 353. ed. Book of days. 1151. English literature. 1004. joint ed., sp^ Chambers, W: Chambers, V. T. Tineina. 378. Chambers, W: American slavery. 169. Long and busy life. 1547. andK. Miscellany. 1087. eds. British empire. 1216. Introd. to the sciences. 281. Mediaeval history. 1 199. Chambliss, J. E., comp. Livingstone and Stan- ley. 1327. Chamisso, L: C: A. v. [Fiction.] 693. Werke. 1109. Champeaux, A. de. Tapestry. 484. Champlin, J: D.,jr. Child's catechism of com- mon things. 283. War for the union. 1355. Young folks' astronomy. 300. Young folks' cyclopaedia. 32. Champness, W: S. Insurance dictionary. 237. Champney, L. W. [Fiction.] 693. John Angelo at the water-color exhibition. 488. Three Vassar girls abroad. 1210. in England. 1234. in Italy. 1267. in South America. 1415. Chandler, A. D. Bicycle tour in England. 1234. Chandler, D: H., comp. Reports. 225. Chandler, J: Life of William of Wykeham. 1455. Chandler, P. W. Amer. criminal trials. 223. Chandler, W: St. Mary's Falls ship canal. 424. Chaney, G: L. [Fiction.] 693. Channing-, B. H. Sunny skies. 1267. Channing:, E: Town and county jrovernment. 1334. Channingr, E: T. W: Ellery. 1437. Channing, W. Physician's vacation. 1205. Channing, W: E. Correspondence. 1453. Thoreau. 1542. Works. 1010. and L. Aikin. Correspondence. 1080. Channing, W: H: W: Ellery Channing. 1453. joint author, see Emerson, R. W. Chapin, E. H. Characters in the gospels. 1464. Humanity in the city. 65. Religious life. 93. Chapin, J. H. The creation. 80. Chaplin, H. W. [Fiction.] 693. Chapman, A. W. Flora of the soutliern U. S. 362. Chapman, B. Gustavus Adolphus. 1478. Chapman, G: T: Protestant episcopal church. 128. Chapman, G: W. Tribute to Kane. 1029. Chapman, J: Diai'rhrea and cholera. 408. Chapman, S. Forest Home cemetery. 478. Hand book of Wisconsin. 1393. Chapman, W: Women of the reformation. 1449. Chapman, W., joint author, see Hay, F: 556. Chapone, H. [Fiction.] 693. Improvement of the mind. 59. Chappell, W. History of music. 493. Chappelsmith, J: Tornado near New Harmon}^, iDd. 330. Chaptal, J: A., comte de Chanleloup. Chymistry applied to agriculture. 435. Charikles, pseud., see Aristarchi bet/. Charles, E. [Fiction.] 693. Bible lands and seas. 1313. Mary. 1464. Women of Christendom. 1449. Charles, E. T. Hawthorn blossoms. 1029. Charles, Jean, pseud., .tee Braun, K: J: 683. Charlesworth, M. L. [Fiction.] 694. Charleton, W. Phvsiologia. 309. Charlevoix, P: F. X. de. New France. 1332. Charlotte, Aunt, pseud., see Yonge, C. M. Charlotte Elizabeth, pseud., see Tonna, C. E. Chase, E. B. Over the border. 1406. Chase, G: W., ed. Digest of masonic law. 237. Chase, H: S. Degeneracy of the teeth. 385. Chase, P. Reminiscences. 1451. Chasles, V: E. P. Anglo-american literature and manners. 1007. Notabilities. 1129. Chastellux, F. J: de. Travels in North Ameri- ca. 1365. Voyages dans TAmerique septentrionale. 1365. Chasuble, Archdeacon, pseud., see Marshall, T: W:M. Chateaubriand, F: A: R., vicomte de. [Fiction.] 694. English literature. 1005. Recollections. 1129. Travels in Greece, etc. 1195. Travels to Jerusalem. 1312. Voyage en Amerique. 1343. Chatfield, Paul, M. D., pseud., see Smith, H. Chatham, Lord, see Pitt. Chatrian, A., joint author, see Erckmann, E. 725. Chatterjee, B. C. [Fiction.] 694. Chatterton, H. (i. lady. Leonore. 1039. Chatterton, T: Poetical works. 1029. Chatto, W. A. Wood engraving. 489. Chaucer, G. Canterbury chimes. 1025. Chaucer for children. ' 1025. [Poetical works.] 1029, 1030. Chauveau, A. Comparative anatomy of domes- ticated animals. 370. Chavanne, see Dareste de la Chavanne. Chavasse, P. H: Physical training of children. 404. Cheadle, W. B. [Fiction ] 694. Cheetham, ti-.. joint author, see Smith, W: 86. Cheever, G: B. [Fiction.] 694. In the shadow of Mont Blanc. 1288. In the shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. 1288. Journal of the pilgrims. 125. Lectures on Pilgrim's progress. 105. Punishment by death. 222. Cheever, H: T. " [Fiction.] 694. Island world of the Pacilic. 1422. Obadiah Congar. 1501. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Cheltnam . AUTHOB-INDEX. Clark. xxxj Cheltnam, C:S. [Drama.] 537. Cheney, C. E. History of the oivil war. 1355. Cheney, E. D. [Fiction.] 694. (ileaning.s in art. 468. Keligion as social force. 78. Cheney, M., ed. Horace Bushnell. 1452. Cheney, O. A., joint author, see Alger, H., ji\ 520. Cherbuliez, V: [Fiction.] 694. Cheruel, P; A. Minorite de Louis XIV. 1253. Chervin, A. Antiiropomotrie. 352. Chesebro', C. [Fiction.] 694. Chesney, F. R. Russo-turkish campaigns. 1291. Chesney, G:T. [Fiction.] 694. Chess liandbook. 500. Chesterfield, Earl of, see Stanhope, P. D. Chetwynd, J. B. Life in a german village. 1247. Chevalier, H: E. [Fiction.] 694. Chevalier, M. Probable fall in the value of gold. 200. Che^^allier, B:, joint author, see Lenormant, F. Chickering, J. W. Plants collected in Dakota and Montana. 363. Child, F. J., ed. English and Scottish ballads. 1024. Child, G. W. E-ssays on physiological subjects. 345. Child, L. M. [Fiction.] 695. Appeal in favor of africans. 169. Freedmen's book. 1092. Good wives. 1434. History of the condition of women. 152. 1:T. Hopper. 1487. Letters. 1082. Looking toward sunset. 1092. Madame de Stael and Madame Roland. 1562. Progress of religious ideas. 67. Children of all nations. 1185. Chillingworth, W: Works. 68. China hunters' club. A. T. Slosson. 481. Chipiez, C:, joint authoi\ see Perrot, G: Chirol, V. 'Twixt greek and turk. 1294. Chisholm, (i: G., joint author, see Rudler, F. W. Chittenden, (i: B. Meterol. observations. 332. Chittenden, L. PI Constitutional convention, 1861. 212. Choate, R. Works. 183. Choice pleasures for youth. 59. Choie9ki, C: E. Louis Blanc. 1444. Choiseul-Praslin, Duchesse de, see Harcourt, C. C. L. S. Chorley, H: F. Mrs. Hemans. 1550. National music. 490. Recent art and society. 1548. Chowanetz, J. [Fiction.] 695. Chownitz, Julian, pseud., see Chowanetz, J. 695. Christ, his nature and work. 93. Christ in modern thought. 72. Christian examiner. 78. Christie, M. E. Miss Burney's own stoi-y. 1429. Christlieb, T. Modern doubt and christian be- lief. 97. Christmann, F:, and R: Oberlander. Ozeanien. 1420. Christy, W. J. Joints made and used by buil- ders. 458. Chrobak, R. Gynakolojrie. 411. Chrysostomus, St. Homilies. 108. Church, A. J: [Fiction.] 695. Heroes and kings. 1138. Last days of Jerusalem. 1168. Church, A. J. Continued. Ovid. 1136. - Roman life in the days of Cicero. 1176. Stories from Homer.' 1139. Stories from Livy. 1177. Stories from the "greek tragedians. 1138. Stories from Virgil. 1136. - Stories of the east. 1163. Stories of the old world. 512. Story of the Persian war. 1163. Traveller's true tale. 1140. and W. J. Brodribb. Pliny's letters. 113. Church, E. R. Birds. 382. Flyers and crawlers. 376. Home garden. 440. Home needle. 447. How to furnish a home. 484. Money-making for ladies. 153. Church, F. [Fiction.] 695. Captain Man-yat 1551. aw d , Sir C: L.Young. [Drama.] 538. Church, R: W: Bacon. 1545. Beginning of the middle ages. 1200. Dante. 1563. Spenser. 1553. Churchill, C: Poetical works. 1030. Works. 1011. Churchill, F. [Drama.] .538. Churchman's library. 72. Churton, Henry, pseud., see Tovirgee, A. W. Cibber, C. [Drama.] 538. Cicero, M. T. Letters. 1498. Orationes. 1135. Orator. 1135. Works. 1135. Circumnavigation of the globe. 1188. Cist, H:M. Army of the Cumberland. 1357. City in the sea. E. L. S. 1264. Civil- service reform assoc. 228. Claiborne, J: F. H. J: A. Quitman. 1488. S: Dale. 1501. Clairville, L: F. Nicolaie called. [Drama.] 538. P. Siraudin and V: Koning. [Drama.] 588. joint author, see Dennery, A. P. Clarendon, Earl of, see Hyde, E: Claretie, J. Alphonse Daudet; Erckmann-Chatrlan; Victor Husro. 1444. Claridge, C. J., and R. Soutar. [Drama.] 538. Clarinda, see Maclehose, A. C. Claris de Florian, J: P: [Fiction.] 696. Clark, A. [Fiction.] 696. Workday Christianity. 99. Clark, C: H. [Fiction.] 696. Clark, C. M. [Fiction.] 696. Clark, D. K. Modern locomotive. 417. Recent practice in civil engineering. 411. Steam and the steam engine. 416. joint author, see Law, H: Clark, E. L. Races of european Turkey. 1291. Clark, G: W. Harmony of the gospels. 89. Clark, H: A., joint ed., e Bichardson, C: F. Clark, H. H. [Fiction.] 696. Clark, H: J. Lucernariie and their allies. 374. Mind in nature. 345. Clark, J. G. Iniinitesimal calculus. 300. Clark, J: H., joint author, see Eampf, F. Clark, L. G. Knick-knacks. 1092. Clark, M. R., joint author, see Swift, F. Clark, R. W. Moody and Sankey in (Jreat Bri- tain. 116. Question of the hour. 249. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Clark. AXTTHOR-INDEX. Cocktourn. Clark, S: Promises of scripture. 84. Clark, S. N., joint ed. Public libraries in the United States. 1. Clark, Mrs. S. R. G. [Fiction.] 696. Clark, T: M. Primary truths of religion. 97. Rural school architecture. 241. Seen and the unseen. 72. Clark, W. G. Literary remains. 1011. Clark, W: J. Gi*eat american sculptures. 479. Clarke, Adam. Life. 1459. Clarke, Asia. Booth memorials. 1536. Elder and younger Booth. 1536. Clarke, C. [Drama.] 538. Clarke, C: and M. Cowden-. Recollections of wi-iters. 1543. Shakespeare key. 1045. Clarke, E: D. Remains. 1531. Clarke, E: H. Building of a brain. 403. Sex in education. 348. Clarke, F. L. G: Stephenson. 1536. Clarke, F. W. Constants of nature. 319. Teachlnfr of chemistry and physics. 241. Clarke, H. S. [Drama.] 538. and Du Terreau. [Drama.] 538. Clarke, J: A. [Fiction.] 696. Clarke, J. F. Anti-slavery days. 169. Campaign of 1813. 1358. Eleven weeks in Europe. 1308. Events and epochs in religious history. 75. Self-culture. 348. Ten great religions. 133. Thomas Didymus. 105. and L. Exotics. 513. joint autJior, see Emerson, R. W. Clarke, L. L. Objects for the microscope. 356. Clarke, M. Cowden-. [Fiction.] 696. Concordance to Shakespeare. 1045. joint author, see Clarke, C: Clarke, R., anrf CO. Bibliotheca americana. 38. Special catalogues. 15. 33, 33, 35, 36. Clarke, R. S. [Fiction.] 696. Clarke, T. M. Building superintendence. 457. Clarke, W: 697. Clarke, W: H. Horses' teeth. 441. Clarkson, T: Abolition of the slave trade. 169. W: Penn. 1487. Clason, O. Romische geschichte. 1178. Classen, J. Niebuhr. 1558. Claudel, J. Formules pratiques. 414. Claudius, M. Auswahl. 1108. [Selections.] 1103. Clausberg, Amalie v., pseud., see Donop, A. freiin v. Clavers, Mrs. Mary, pseud., see Kirkland, C. M. Clay, Charles M., pseud., see Clark, C. M. 696. Clay, H: Life, correspondence and .speeches. 183. Clayton, E. C. English female artists. 1538. Queens of song. 1534. Cleaveland, P. Meteorol. observations. 331. Clemens, J. [Fiction.] 697. Clemens, S: L. [Fiction.] 697. Innocents abroad. 1305 Life on the Mississippi. 1384. Mark Twain's sketches. 1084. Roughing it. 1084. Tramp abroad. 1305. aTO(?C:D. Warner. [Fiction.] 697. Clemens, W. M. Famous funny fellows. 1539. Clement XIV. Letters. 1463." CievaerLt,, joint author, see Dennery, A. P. Clement, C: Michelangelo. 1533. Clement, C. E., see Waters, C. Clement, F., a/i(^ PiLarousse. Dictionnaire des operas. 494. Clements, A. [Drama.] 538. and Y: Hay- [Drama.] 538. Clemmer, M., see Hudson, M. Cler, Gen.. Reminiscences of an officer of zouaves. 1876. Clergy list. 138. Ciericus, Johannes, see LeClerc, J : Clerk, D. Gas engine. 417. Clerke, E. M. [Fiction.] 697. Cleveland, C. Story of a summer. 1540. Cleveland, H: Alexander H. Stephens. 1488. Cleveland, H: R. H: Hudson. 1438. Cleveland, J: F., joint comp., see Greeley, H. Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry. 1055. Cleveland, R: J. Voyages and commercial en- terprises. 1189. CUfford, W: K. Atoms. 284. Elements of dynamic. 311. Clifton, Viscount, see'Eiilia, G: J. W. A. Clinton, D. Discourse. 1055. Clive, C. [Fiction.] 697. Clodd, E: Childhood of religions. 134. Childhood of the world. 346. [Nature studies.] 285. Clodwigr, pseud., see Alvensleben, K: L: F: W: G. V. 663. Clough, A. H. Poems. 1030. Clouston, W. A., ed. Arabian poetry. 1147. Cluskey, M. W. Political text-book. 166. Coan, T. Adventures in Patagonia. 1416. Coan, T. M., ed. Topics of the time. 1. Social problems. 146. 3. Studies in biography. 1439. 3. Studies in literature. 1007. 4. Historical studies. 1158. 5. Questions of belief. 73. 6. Art and literature. 468. Coast survey reports. 419. Coates, H: T., ed. Comprehensive speaker. 516. Cobb, J. [Drama.] 538. Cobb, J. F. [Fiction] 697. The great czar. 1478. Stories of success. 1435. Cobb, L. Corporal punishment. 345. Cobbe, F. P. Ag-nostic morality. 72. Darwinism in morals. 1055. Duties of women. 64. Hours of work and play. 1056. Peak in Darien. 78. Re-echoes. 1056. Cobbe, T: IS^orman kings of England. 1330. Cobbett, W: Andrew .Jackson. 1466. Cottage economy. 444. Grammar of the english language. 874. Letters on the peace with Buonaparte. 191. Manchester lectures. 191. Porcupine's works. 167. Protestant reformation in England and Ire- land. 133. Cobden, R: Political writings. 146. Cobden club proceedings. 838. Publications. 805. Systems of land tenure. 803. Cochin, P: S. A. Results of emancipation. 169. Results of slavery. 169. Cochrane, T:, earl of Dundonald. Autobiogra- phy. 1504. Cockburn, H: T: lord. Lord Jeffrey. 1550. Memorials. 1511. Entries in small t3rpe refer to contents only. Cocker. AUTHOR-INDEX. Commines. xxxiij Cocker, B: F. Theistic conception of the world. 78. Cockton, H: [Fiction.] 697. Code Napoleon. 224. Codman, J: The round trip. 1399. Ten months in Brazil. 1415. Coe, J., ed. True american. 183. Ccwlebs the younger in search of a wife. 1030. Coffey, C: [Drama.] 539. Coffin, C:C. [Fiction.] 697. Boys of '76. 1350. Boys of '61. J 359. Bn'ilding the nation. 1348. Days and nights on the battle-tield. 1360. Following the flag. 1360. Old times in the colonies. 1349. Our new way round the world. 1190. Coffin, J. H: Elastic force of aqueous vapor. 330. Meteoric fire-ball. 330. Winds of the globe. 330. Winds of the northern hemisphere. 330. Coffin, R. B. [Fiction.] 698. Coffin, R. T. [Fiction.] 698. Coggeshall, G: Thirty-six voyages. 1190. Cogg-eshall, W: T. Poets and poetry of the west. 1025. Coghlan, F. London. 1235. Cohen, J. S. Throat and voice. 403. Cohen, Mrs. S. J. H: Luria. 1454. Cohn, G. Eisenbahnpolitik. 257. Vertheuerung des lebensunterhaltes. 193. Was ist socialismus ? 203. Colt, Davida, pseud., see Scudder, V. D. 852. Colt, T: W. Puritanism. 129. Coke, E:T: Subaltern's furlough. 1343. Colange, L. de. Picturesque Russia and Greece. 1279. National gazetteer. 1362. Picturesque world. 1183. Colburn, Z. Steam boiler explosions. 417. and A. L. HoUey. Permanent way and coal- burning locomotive boilers 422. Colby, J. P. Disfranchisement for crime. 222. Cole, G: R. F. Peruvians at home. 1418. Cole, J: W: C: Kean. 1538. Coleman, W: W., ed. Hausfrau. 444. Colenfeld, A. \., pseud., see GOrling, A. 736. Colenso, F. E. Ruin of Zululand. 1328. Zulu war. 1328. Colenso, J: W: Pentateuch examined. 87. Coleridge, C. R., joint author, see Awdry, F. 670. Coleridge, H. Glossarial index. 273. Massing-er and Ford. 1544. Coleridge, H: N. Greek classic poets. 1137. Coleridge, S. [Fiction.] 698. Memoir and letters. 1548. Coleridge, S: T. Aids to reflection. 101. Christabel. 1030. Complete works. 1011. Miscellanies. 1056. Shakspere and other en^lish poets. 1043. Coletta, P: Geschichte Neapels. 1265. History of Naples. 1265. Colin, A. Metric system. 259. College words and customs. 249. Collier, SirG: France on the eve of the great revolution. 1254. Collier, J: P. Rarest books in english. 16. ed. Shakespeare's librai-y. 1046. Collier, R. L. Essence of Christianity. 101. Every-day subjects. 109. Collier, W: [Drama.l 589. ColUer, W: F. [Fiction.] 698. Collier's cyclopedia. 452. Collin, E: Anonymer og pseudonymer. 30. Collm, H: J. edterv. Antholoirie. 1108. Reg-ulus. 1108. Collin, J. A: S. [Fiction.] 698. CoUings, G: Hand railing. 461. Collingwood, H. [Fiction.] 698. Collins, C: A. Cruise upon wheels. 1262 Collins, C. K. Utah languages. 20. Collins, C. W. Plato. 1140. Saint Simon. 1497. Sophocles. 1141. Collins, F: Napipl expedition. 424. Collins, G. T. Cholera. 408. Collins, J. H. Mineralogy. 322. Collins, J. W. [Memoirs on fishes.] 30. Collins, P. M. Down the Amoor. 1314. Overland explorations. 1314. Collins, W: Poetical works. 1030. Collins, W: L. Aristophanes. 1138. Butler. 1446. Cicero. 1135. Homer : Iliad. 1139. Odyssey. 1139. La Fontaine. 1561. Livy. 1135. Lucian. 1140. Montaigne. 1561. Plautus and Terence. 1136. Thucydides. 1142. Virgil. 1136. Collins, W: W. [Fiction.] 698. Sights a-foot. 1236. joint author, see Dickens, C: J: H. 713. CoUyer, R. Life that now is. 109. Nature and life. 109. Colman, G: [Drama.] 539. [Essays.] 1049. and D: Garrick, [Drama.] 539. Colm&n, G:, the younger. [Drama.] 539. Poetical works. 1030. Colman, H: European agriculture. 429. European life and manners. 1207. Colomb, Col. . [Drama.] 539. Colombi, La marchesa, see Torelli-Torriani, M. 876. Colquhoun, A. R. Across Chryse. 1299. Amongst the Shans. 1305. Colton, C. Four years in Great Britain. 1230. Last seven years of H: Clay. 1485. Life and times of H: Clay. 183. Religious state of the country. 128. Colton, C: C. Lacon. 1092. Colton, G: W. Atlas. 1185. Colton, R. Rambles in Sweden. 1284. Colton, W. Land and lea. 1293. Sea and sailor. 1093. Ship and shore. 1212. Three years in California. 1402. Colvin, S. Landor. 1551. Combe, G: Constitution of man. 57. Comedy of canonization. M. Mahan. 1082. Comer," G: N. Navigation simplified. 306. Comfort, G: F. and A. M. Woman's education and woman's health. 248. Comic almanack. 1083. Comines, P. de, sieur d" Argenton. Memoirs. 1253. Commercial and financial chronicle. 255. Commines, P. de, see Comines, P. de. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Comptoii. AtJTHOB-lNDEX. Cope. Compton, F. S. [Fiction.] 699. Comstock, J. H: Cotton insects. 436. Comstock, J: L. Greek revolution. 1289. Young botanist. 357. Comte, A: Positive philosophy. 50. Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races. 349. Conant, H. C. Earnest man. 1452. Conant, T. J. and B. Index to American cyclo- paedia. 31. Conant, W: C, and M. Schuyler. Brooklyn bridge. 421. Concord lectures on philosophy. 47. Conde, J. A. Arabs in Spain. 1271. Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabeus. 1168. Cone, E: W. and S. W. Spencer Houghton Cone. 1452. Conflict in nature and life. J: S. Patterson. 61. Conflicts of the age. 72. Congar, O. Autobiography, see Cheever, H. T. 1501. Congdon, C:T. Tribune essays. 1056. Congressional directory. 175. Congressional globe. 174. Congressional record. 174. Congreve, W: [Drama.] 539. Conkling, A. R. Appleton's guide to Mexico. 1410. Conkling, H. Mexico. 1410. Conkling, M. C. Mother and wife of Washing- ton. 1465. Connoisseur. 1049. Conolly, M. F. [Fiction.] 699. Conquest, G:, and P. Meritt. [Drama.] 539. andH: Pettitt. [Drama.] 539. Conrad, J. Steigen der lebensanspriiche. 193. Conrad, R. T. [Drama] 540. Conrad, T. A. Invertebrate fossils of North America. 844. Conscience, H; [Fiction.] 699. Constantin, L., and P: Fournier. Devoirs du Chretien. 99. Consular reports. 253. Contagious diseases of domesticated animals. 442. Contessa, C: W: Salice-. Schriften. 1110. Contzen, H: National-okonomie. 193. Sociale frage. 203. Conway, Hugh, pseud., see Fargus, F: J: 726. Conway, M. D. Carlyle. 1547. Demonology and devil lore. 53. Emerson. 1446. Travels in South Kensington. 468. The wanderingjew. 134. Conwell, R. H. Bayard Taylor. 1542. Conybeare, W: J:, and J: S. Howson. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 1464. Conyngham, D: P. Sherman's march. 1359. Conz, C:P. Anthology. 1109. Cook, C. House beautiful. 484. What shall we do with our walls? 462. Cook, D. [Fiction.] 700. Book of the play. 497. Hours with the players. 1536. Cook, E. The sot-weed factor. 1030. Cook, F: C: Ideology. 72. Origins of i-eligion and language. 133. ed. Holy bible, with commentary. 85. Cook, J. Conscience. 59. England. 1233. Heredity. 354. Cook, 3 . Continued. Labor. 197. Marriage. 64. Meeting unbelief . 72. Occident. 1056. How to make dull boys read and How to preserve the results of reading. 510. Cook, M: Wilderness cure. 333. Cook, N. F. Satan in society. 64. Cook, W : Chess openings. 500. Cooke, C. W. R. Thoughts on men and things. 1081. Cooke, F. E. Theodore Parker. 1453. Three great lives. 1429. Cooke, G: Willis. Emerson. 1446. George Eliot. 1549. Cooke, CJ: Wingrove. Conquest and colonization in North Africa. 1319. Cooke, J: E. [Fiction.] 700. Invalidity of presbyterlan ordination. 128. Robert E. Lee. 1502. Stonewall Jackson. 1502. Stories of the Old Dominion. 1379. Virginia. 1379. Cooke, J. P. Chemical philosophy. 321. Chemical physics. 320. New chemistry. 320. Scientific culture. 285. Religion and chemistry. 81. Cooke, M. C. Fungi. 356. Ponds and ditches. 284. Rust, smut, mildew and mould. 356. Woodlands. 284. Cooke, P. St. G: Scenes and adventures in the army. 233. Cooke, R. T. [Fiction.] 700. Poems. 1030. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts. 389. Cooley, Timothy M. Lemuel Haynes. 1452. Cooley, T: M. Michigan. 1389. Coolidge, R: H. Report on sickness and mor- tality. 393. Coolidge, Susan, pseud., see Woolsey, S. C. 898. Cooper, A. A., earl of Shajtsbury. Characteris- ticks. 1093. Cooper, E. T: Wentworth. 1495. Cooper, F: F. [Drama] 540. Cooper, H. J. "Art of furnishing. 484. Cooper, J. [Drama.] 540. Cooper, J. F. [Fiction.] 700. Excursions in Italy. 1266. Gleanings in Europe. 1234. History of the navy of the U. S. 1348. Letter to his countrymen. 183. Residence in France. 1260. Travelling bachelor. 1366. Cooper, J. G. [Zoological papers.] 871. Cooper, K. rFiction.] 703. Cooper, P: Ideas for a good government. 159. Cooper, S. F. Rural hours. 1056. Cooper, T: [Fiction.] 703. Cooper, T., ed. Men of the time. 1428. Cooper, T. T. Mishmee hills. 1304. Cooper, T: V. and H. T. Fenton. American politics. 165. Cooper, W. R. Dictionary from the monuments. 1163. Coote, W. Wanderings south and east. 1193. Western Pacific. 1421. Cope, E: D. Contents of a bone cave. 349. North amer. batrachia and reptiles. 381. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Cope. AUTHOR-INDEX . Ooa Cope, E: D. Continued. [Paleontological papers.] 344. and C: A. White. Paleontological papers. Copleston, R. S. Aeschylus. 1138. Copley, E. [Fiction.] 703. Copp, H: N., ed. U. S. salary list. 329. Coppee, H: Conquest of Spain. 1371. English literature. 1004. Grant and his campaigns. 1467. Coppinger, R: W. Cruise of the "Alert." 1192. Copway, G:, Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. History of the Ojibway nation. 1341. Life, letters and speeches. 1440. Running sketches. 1308. Coquelin, B. C. Actor and his art. 497. Coquerel, A. J.,ir. First historical transforma- tions of Christianity. 118. Corbett, Mrs. E. T. [Fiction.] 703. Corbin, C. E. [Fiction.] 703. Corfield, W. H. Dwelling houses. 405. Health. 401. Sewerage and sewage utilization. 406. Treatment and utilisation of sewage. 406. Water and water supply. 405. Cork and Orrery, Earl of, see Boyle, J: Corkran, A. [Fiction.] 703. Cormenin, L:M. LaHaye, vicomte de. Orators of France. 1496. Cornaro, L: Sober and temperate life. 401. Cornelius, Dr., pseud., seeHowitt, W: Cornell, W: M. Horace Greeley. 1540. Robei-t Raikes. 1456. Corning, J. L. Brain exhaustion. 53. Brain-rest. 409. Cornish, T. H. Volume of the affections. 1093. Cornwall, Barry, pseud., see Procter, B. W. Cornwall, CM., pseud., see Roe, M. A. 838. Cornwallis, C. F. Christian sects. 125. Greek philosophy. 46. Juvenile delinciuency. 236. Philosophical inquiries. 43. Corson, H. Anglo-saxon and early english. 276. Corson, J: W. Loiteriugs in Europe. 1208. Cortes, H. Despatches. 1409. Cortes, J: Donoso, see Valdegamas. Corthell, E. L. Mississippi Jetties. 425. Corvin-Wiersbitzki, O: J. B. v. Aus dem leben eines volkskampfers. 1495. Geschichte der neuzeit. 1156. Corvinus, J., pseud., see Raabe, W: 828. Cory, W: Guide to modern english history. 1226. Cosel, C. V. [Fiction.] 703. Cossa, L: Study of political economy. 193. Cotsell, G: ShiJDs' anchors. 464. Cottin, S. [Fiction.] 703. Cottinger, H. M. Universal history. 1151. Cottle, J. Coleridge and Southey. 1548. Cotton, C: Complete angler. 504. Cotton, J. S., a7id E. J. Payne. Colonies and dependencies. 162. Coues, E. Account of publications relating to Lewis and Clarke's expedition. 1397. American ornithological bibliography. 25. Biogen. 345. Birds of the Colorado valley. 384. Birds of the northwest. 384. Check-list of north american birds. 382. Field ornithology. 358. Fur-bearing animals. 386. Coues, E. Continued. Key to north american birds. 382. - Passer domesticus. 437. Study of geomys and thomomys. 385. and J. A. Allen. North american rodentia. 385. joint author, see Gill, T. N. 25. Coulson, J. G. A. [Fiction.] 703. Coulter, Miss . [Fiction.] 70^. Our farm of four acres. 429. Coulter, J: M., joint author, see Porter, T: C Country gentleman. 435. Country parson. A, see Boyd, A. K. H. Courcillon, E. de. [Fiction] 703. Courtenay, T: P., joint author, see Forster, J- Courthope, W: J: Addison. 1545. Courtilz de Sandras, G. [Fiction.] 703. Courtney, J: [Drama.] 540. joint author, see Lacy, T. H. 564. Courtney, J: Boiler-maker's ready- reckoner. 455. Courtney, W. S. Farmers' and mechanics' man- ual. 387. Courtois, A. Political economy. 195. Cousin, V: History of modern philosophy. 46. ~ Secret history of the french court. 1496. The true, the beautiful and the good. 50. Youth of madame de LonguevilTe. 1497. Cousin Alice. 1541. Couture, T: Art methods. 485. Coverdale, Sir Henry Standish, pseud. Fall of the gi-eat republic. 1081. Cowan, F. Curious facts in the history of in- sects. 375. Cowan, J: Science of a new life. 401. Cowden-Clarke, M., see Clarke, M. Cowden-. Cowles, H: The shorter epistles. 90. Cowles, J. Jeremiah. 88. Cowley, A. Essays. 1056. Cowley, C: Famous divorces. 213. Leaves from a lawyer's life. 1509. Cowley, H. [Drama.] 540. Cowper, W : [Essays.] 1049. Poetical works. 1030. Private correspondence. 1080. Cowtan, R. British museum. 1. Cox, F. A:, and J. Hoby. Baptists in America. 129, Cox, Sir G: W: Athenian empire. 1174. Comparative mythology and folk-lore. 134. Crusades. 1200'. General history of Greece. 1172. Greek statesmen. 1498. Greeks and Persians. 1174. History of Greece. 1174. Manual of mythology. 135. Mythology of the aryan nations. 134. Tales of ancient Greece. 135. and E. H. Jones. Popular romances of the middle ages. 514. Cox, H. Antient parliamentary elections. 163. Institutions of tne english government. 163. Cox, J. D. Atlanta. 1357. The march to the sea. 1357. Second battle of Bull Run. 1358. Cox, R. Adventures on the Columbia. 1403. Cox, 8: H. Interviews. 75. Cox, S: S. Arctic sunbeams. 1311. Buckeye abroad. 1208. Free land and free trade. 205. Orient sunbeams. 1196. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. XXXVJ Cox. ATJTHOR-INDEX . Crowe. Cox, S: S. Continued. Search for winter sunbeams. 1195. Why we laugh. 518. Coxe,'A. C. Christian ballads. 1030. Impressions of England. 1334. Sermons 109. Coxe, M. J: Wycliffe. 1458. Coxe, W: Duke of Marlborough. 1505. House of Austria. 1241. Memoirs of the kings of Spain. 1477. Russian discoveries between Asia and Amer- ica. 1313. Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, etc. 1210. Coxon, H. Oriental carpets. 456. Coyne, J. S. [Drama.] 540. Cozzens, F: S. Acadia. 1406. Sayings of dr. Bushwhacker. 1056. Sparrowgrass papers. 1084. Cozzens, S: W. Marvellous country. 1401. Crabb, G: English synonymes. 274. Crabbe, G: Life, letters and Journals. 1548. Poetical works. 1030. Crabbe, G:, the younger. Natural theology. 79. Life of G: Crabbe. 1548. Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud., see Murfree, M. N. 812. Crafts, W: A., joint autJior, see Tilton, W. Crafts, W. F. Childhood. 1057. Successful men. 64. Craig, T: Theory of fluid motion. 311. --- Wave and vortex motion. 312. Craik, D. M. [Fiction.] 703. Fair France. 1260. J: Martin. 1551. Plain-speaking. 1057. Poems 1030. Sermons out of church. 1057. Studies from life. 1057. Unsentimental journey through Cornwall. 1236. Woman's thoughts about women. 153. Craik, G: L. English literature. 1004. Literature and learning in England. 1004. Craik, G. M. [Fiction.] 705. Craik, H: State in its relation to education. 239. Cramer, J: A. Anthologie. 1109. Cranch, C. P. Bird and bell. 1030. Crane, A. M., see SeemuUer, A. M. 852. Crane, J . L. [Fiction.] 705. Crane, W:, aJicZ B. Moses. Politics. 159. Crane, W. J. E. Sheet metal worker's guide. 454. Smithy and foi-ge. 457. Cranmer, T: Miscellaneous writings. 69. Cranz, D: History of Greenland. 1425. Craven, pseud., see Carleton, J: W: Craven, H. T. [Drama.] 542. Craven, J: J. Prison life of Jeff. Davis. 1485. Craven, P. [Fiction.] 705. Crawford, F. M. [Fiction.] 706. Crawford, J: M. Mosby and his men. 1502. Crawford, M. S. Life in Tuscany. 1268. Crawford, O. J: F: Portugal, old and new. 1274. Travels in Portugal. 1274 Crawford, W: see Washington, G: 1079. Crawford, Earl of, see Lindsay, A. W: C. Crawfurd, O. [Fiction.] 706. Crawley, Rawdon, pseud., see Pardon, G: F: Crayon, Geoffrey, psewfZ., .see Irving, W. Crayon, Porte, pseud., see Strother, D: H: Creagh, J. Armenians, koords and turks. 1309. Creasy, Sir E: S. Constitutions of the britannic empire. 162. English constitution. 161. Fifteen decisive battles. 1157. Ottoman turks. 1290. Creighton, L. Duke of Marlborough. 1505. Edward, the black prince. 1472. Simon de Montfort. 1493. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1505. Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. 1222. History of Rome. 1176. Papacy during the reformation. 121. Cressweil, J: A. J. H: Winter Davis. 1485. Cresy, E: Encyclopfedia of civil engineering. 411. Creuzer, G: F: Griechische und romische lite- ratur. 1133. Historische kunst der griechen. 472. Leben. 1555. Syrabolik und mythologie. 134. Z'ur archtiologie. 472. Zur romischen geschichte. 1175. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. 1307. arati H: Wheaton. " Scandinavia. 1281. Crime, Admonish, anagram, see Richmond, J. C. Criterion. 511. Critic. 511. Crockett, D: Life. 1519. Croffut, W:A. Midsummer lark. 1210. Crofton, D. Genesis and geology. 82. Croke, J. Greenbag, pseud. Lyrics of the law. 1022. Croker, B. M. [Fiction.] 706. broker, J: W. Croker papers. 1548. Essays on the french revolution. 1256. ed., Johnsoniana. 1550. Croker, T: C. Fairy legends of Ireland. 141. CroU, J. Climate and time. 335. Croly, G: [Fiction.] 706. George IV. 1470. Poetical works. 1030. Croly, J. C. Jennie Juniana. 1093. Crommelin, M. [Fiction.] 706. Cromwell, O. Letters and speeches. 1078. Cron, Clara, pseud., see Stock, C. 864. Cronegk, J: F: v. [Drama.] 542. [Dramen.] 1106. Crooks, G: R. Old and new theologies. 73. Cropp, J. Lessings streit mit Goeze. 92. Cros, C: [Drama.] 542. Crosby, H. God in Christ. 93. Temperance question. 72. Crosby, W: O. Common minerals. 283. Crosland, C. Memorable women. 1434. Stories of London. 1229. Cross, D. W. Fifty years with gun and rod. 503. Cross, J. G: Eclectic short-hand. 447. Cross, J. K. Imports, exports and the french treaty. 205. Cross, J: W. George Eliot's life. 1549. Crosa,'M..,{Oeorge Eliot). [Fiction,] 706. Character readings. 1093. Essays. 1057. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. 1057. [Poetical works.] 1031. Wit and wisdom. 1093. Crossley, J. Sir Philip Sidney. 1494. Crossman, A. Nicaragua ship canal. 423. Croswell, H. W:Croswell. 1451. Crow, A. H. Highways and byways in Japan. 1300. Crowe, C. [Fiction.] 706. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Crowe . AUTHOR-INDEX. xxt^j Crowe, E. E. History of France. 1251. Crowe, J. A , and G. B. Cavalcasalle. History of paintino: in north Italy. 487. Raphael. 1533. Titian. 1532. Crowest, F. Great tone-poets. 1533. Crowfield, Christopher, pseud., see Stowe, H. E. Crowquill, Alfred, pseud., see Forrester, A. H: Cruden, A. Concordance. 85. Cnxikshank, G: Comic almanack. 1083. Cruise of the Corwin. 1425. Cruisings and adventures in Italy and Africa. 1319. Crump, A. Pretensions of H: George. 197. Crusenstolpe, "M. J. [Fiction.] 707. Cruttwell, C: T: Roman literature. 1134. Cubas, A. Garcia, see Garcia Cubas. Cubitt, G: Columbus. 1517. Cudlip, A. [Fiction. 1 707. Cudmore, P. Irish republic. 1213. Cudworth, R. Intellectual system of the uni- verse. 49. Cuffe, W: U. O., enrl ofDesart. [Fiction.] 707. Culin, E. v., see Von Culin, E. 608. Cullerne, E:, joint author, see Edwards, C. 546. Culross, J. W: Carey. 1458. Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford, E: Cumberland, R. [Drama.]. 542. Memoirs. 1548. Observer. 1057. Cumming, C. F. Gordon-. At home in Fiji. 1421. Fire fountains. 1422. In the Hebrides. 1231. In the Himalayas. 1304. Lady's cruise in a french man-of-war. 1423. Via Cornwall to Egypt. 1321. Cumming, J: God in history. 92. Same. 73. God in science. 92. Great consummation. 95. Last of the patriarchs. 1463. Moses right and Colenso wrong. 87. Prophetic studies. 88. Romanism. 127. Cumming, R. G. Five years of a hunter's life. 1328. Cumming, W: G. Wild men and wild beasts. 1303. Cummings, J. W. [Fiction.] 707. Cummings, W : H. Purcell.' 1535. Cummins, A. M. G: D: Cummins. 1451. Cummins, G:D: Virginia Hale Hoffman. 1451. Cummins, M. S. [Fiction.] 707. Cundall, J. Holbein. 1530. Cunningham, A. [Fiction.] 707. British painters and sculptors. 1528. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 466. Sir Walter Scott. 1552. Cunningham, J: W: [Fiction.] 707. Cunynghame, Sir A. T. My command in south Africa. 1328. Cunzer, C: B. [Fiction.] 707. Cupples, G: [Fiction.] 707. Curiosities of the search-room. 213. Curious schools. 249. Curran, J : P. Speeches. 189. Curran, W: H. J : P. Curran. 1511 . Currie, J. Common school education. 244. Currier, Yj., ed. Political text-book. 166. Curteis, A. M. Macedonian empire. 1174. Roman empire. 1180. Curtis, B: R., ed. Memoir. 14a5. Curtis, G E [Metcorol. observations.] 331. Curtis, G: T. Daniel Webster. 1489. History of the constitution. 211. James Buchanan. 1466. Curtis, G: W: [Fiction.] 707. Bryant. 1540. Hawthorne. ia50. Howadji in Syria. 1312. Lotus eating. 1376. Potiphar papers. 1081. Wendell Phillips. 1488. Curtis, L. [Fiction.] 707. Curtius, E. History of Greece. 1173. Curtius Rufus, Q. Alexander the great. 1480 Curwen, H: History of booksellers. 1545. Curwen, 8: Journal and letters. 1485. Curzon, R. Armenia. 1309. Cusack, M. F. Daniel O'Connell. 1493. Present case of Ireland. 172. Cushing, C. Reminiscences of Spain. 1273. Social condition of woman. 10.50. Treaty of Washington. 171. Gushing:, F. H. ZuBi fetiches. 1340. Cushing, L S. Law and practice of legislative assemblies. 225. Parliamentary practice. 225. Cushing, W : Index to North american review. 35. Custer, E. B. Boots and saddles. 1396. Custine, A. marquis de. [Fiction.] 708. La Russie. 1277. Cutter, C: A. Library catalogues. 1. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 1. Cutter, W: Israel Putnam. 1503. Cutts, R: D. Field-work of triangulation. 418. and C: A.Young. Astronomical and mete- orological observations. 308. Cuvier, G: L. C. F: D. baron. Animal kinsrdom. 366. Theory of the earth. 335 Cypress, J., jr., pseud., see Hawes, W: P. Cyprianus, T. C. Treatises. 99. Cyrillus, St. Catechetical lectures. 109. Czaykowski, M. [Fiction.] 708. D., J. [Fiction.] 708. Dach, S. Gedichte. 1105. Dacier, M. Life of Monstrelet. 1201. DaCosta, J. M. Medical diagnosis. 408. Strain and over action of the heart. 409. Dacus, J. A. Great strikes in the U. S. 198. Daddow, S: H., and B: Bannan. Coal, ii'on and oil. 428. Dagley, R: Ludicrous in art. 481. Takings. 1031. Daguet, A. Confederation suisse. 1287. Dahlgren, M. V. [Fiction.] 708. Memoir of J: A. Dahlgi-en. 1501. South Mountain magic. 55. South Sea sketches. 1414. Dahlmann, F: C. Geschichte von Diinnemark. 1282 Dahn, F: J. F. [Fiction.] 708. Geschichte der deutschen urzeit. 1238. Urgeschichte der germanlschen und roniani- schen volker. 1200. Daldome, E. [Fiction.] 708. Dale, F. [Drama] 543. joint author, see Simpson, J. P. 600. Dale, J. 8. of, pseud., see Stimson, F: J: 864. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ball. AUTHOB-INDEX . Davies. Ball, C. H. College, market and court. 153. My first holiday. 1399. Woman's rights under the law. 153. ed. Practical illustration of "woman's right to labor". 1533. Ball, W: H. Currents of Behring Sea. 329. Harbors of Alaska. 339. Masks, labrets, etc. 1340. Mount St. Elias, Mount Fairweather, etc. 327. Names of brachiopoda. 374. Native tribes of Alaslsa. 1843. Remains of later prehistoric man. 349. Dalling: and Bulwer, Baron, see Bulwer, Sir H:L. Dalrymple, Sir J: Memoirs of Great Britain. 1224. Dalton, M. Office and authority of sheriffs. 221. Daly, A. [Drama.] 543. Daly, Frederic, psewc?., see Austin, L: Daly, J: [Drama.] 543. Dammer, O:, joint autJior, see Brelow, G. Damoiseau, L: Hippologische wanderungen. 1312. Damon, H. C. Milwaukee light guard. 233. Damon, W: E. Ocean wonders. 369. Dana, A. H. Ethical and physiological in- quiries. 43. Dana, C: A., ed. Household book of poetry. 1021. Dana, J. D. Coral reefs and islands. 329. Corals and coral islands. 284. Geological story briefly told. 335. Geology. 335. Manual of mineralogy. 322. and G: J. Brush. System of mineralogy. 322. Dana, R; H: Poems and prose writings. 1011. To Cuba and back. 1413. Dana, R:H:,Jr. Two years before the mast. 1198. and others. Usury laws. 195. Dance, C: [Drama.] 543. joint author, see Planche, J. R. 585. Dance, G: [Drama.] 543. Danenhower, J: W. Narrative of the Jeannette. 1426. Daniel, Gabriel. History of France. 1252. Daniel, G: Merrie England. 1233. Daniel, H. A. Deutschland. 1246. Handbuch der geographic. 1183. Daniells, W. W. Wisconsin meteorological ob- servations. 333. Wiscon.sin tornadoes. 330. Daniels, W: H. [Fiction.] 708. Dannehl, G. Verfiilschung des bieres. 452. Dannenberg, Georg, iiseud., see Frederich, B. Dante Alighieri. De monarchia. 1563. Divine comedy. 1132. Gottliche komodie. 1132. Lyrische gedichte. 1132. Das neue leben. 1132. Danvers, H. [Drama.] 543. D'Anvers, N., pseud., see Bell, N. R. E. Danzel, T. W:, ed. Gottsched und seine zeit. 1105. and G. E. Guhrauer. Lessing. 1558. D'Arblay, F., see Arblay, F. d'. Darby, J: N. Synopsis of the Bible. 84. Darby, W:, and T. Dwight, jr. Gazetteer of the U. S. 1362. Dareste de la Chavanne, A. E. C. Histoire de France. 1249. Darlem, C. [Fiction.] 708. Darley, G: Beaumont and Fletcher. 1544. Darlington, W: American weeds. 361. Darras, J. E. History of the catholic church. 125. Darton, J. M. Heroism of christian women. 1449. Darwin, C:R. Climbing plants. 360. Cross and self fertilisation. 360. Darwinism stated. 353. Descent of man. 353. Different forms of flowers. 360. Expression of the emotions. 400. Fertilisation of orchids. 360. Formation of vegetable mould, [earthworms]. 374. Insectivorous plants. 360. Origin of species. 353. Posthumous essay on instinct. 370. Variation of animals and plants under do- mestication. 353. Voyage of the Beagle. 295. What Darwin saw. 295. and Francis. Movement in plants. 360. Darwin, E. Zoonomia. 408. Daryl, P. Dictionary of painters. 1525. Public life in England. 1282. Daryl, Sidney, pseud., see Straight, D. 602. Dasent, Sir G: W. [Fiction.] 708. S: Wilberforce. 1439. Dash, Comtesse, pseud., see Saint-Mars, G. A. vicomtesse de. 841. Dashiell, T. G. [Fiction.] 708. Daudet, A. [Fiction.] 708. Daudet, E. [Fiction.] 708. MacMahon; Jules Simon. 1444. Dauge, Henri, pseud., see Hammond, Mrs. E. H. 745. Daunt, A. [Fiction] 709. Daurignac, J. M. S., see Orliac, Mme. J. M. S. 119. Daveau, I. [Drama.] 543. Davenport, H: E. [Drama.] 709. Davenport, R: A. History of the Bastile. 1252. Perilous adventures. 1157. David, J. H. [Drama.] 543. David, T. B., see Emeric-David. Davids, T: W: R. Buddhism. 138. Indian buddhism. 138. Davidson, E. A. House-painting. 463. On painting. 485. Davidson, G: Azimuth of Polaris. 302. Directory for the Pacific coast. 1402. Field catalogue of stars. 303. Resources of Alaska. 1404. Solar eclipse, Jan. 11, 1880. 309. Transit of Venus. 310. Davidson, H. M. Fourteen months in southern prisons. 1361. Davidson, J. M. Eminent english liberals. 1490. New book of kings. 1228. Davidson, L. M. Poetical remains. 1031. Davidson, M. Selections from writings. 1031. Davidson, M. M. Biography and poetical re- mains. 1031. Davies, C: Algebra. 297. Analytical geometry. 300. Practical mathematics. 295. Shades and shadows. 482. and W: G. Peck. Mathematical dictionary. 295. Davies, D. C. Metalliferous minerals and min- ing. 428. Davies, G. C. Norfolk broads and rivers. 1236. The Swan and her crew. 503. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Davies. AUTHOR-INDEX. Dennistoun. Davies, J. Catullus, TibuUus and Propertius. 1135. Hesiod and Theog:nis. 1138. Davies, J : L. Signs of the king'dom of heaven. 73. Davies, Ladyh. C. Society in France and Eng- land. 1493. Davies, S: Sermons. 109. Davies, T. [Fiction.] 709. Davies, T: A. Genesis disclosed. 87. Davies, W: Pilgrimage of the Tiber. 1269. Davila, E. C. Civil wars of France. 1253. Davillier, J: C: ftarow,. Fortuny. 1532. Spain. 1273. Davis, A. J. Harbinger of health. 401. Principles of nature. 56. Davis, C: H: Interoceanic canals and railroads. 423. Law of deposit of the flood tide. 328. Polaris expedition. 1424. Davis, C:T: Manufacture of leather. 456. Davis, E. H., joint author, see Squier, E. G. Davis, H. American constitutions. 1334. Davis, H: W. Speeches and addresses. 183. Davis, I. P., joint author, see Guernsey, A. H. Davis, J. Rise and fall of the confederate gov- ernment. 1356. Davis, J: F. The Chinese. 1297. Davis, L. C. [Fiction.] 709. Davis, M. L. Aaron Burr. 1484. Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. 1319. Davis, R. E. [Fiction] 709. Davis, R. H. [Fiction.l 709. Davis, Mrs. S. M. Sir Philip Sidney. 1553. Davis, T: Poems. 1031. Davis, W. Camp-fire chats. 1356. Davis, W. B., and D. S. Durrie. History of Missouri. 1386. Davis, W: M. [Fiction.] 709. Davis, W: Morris. Whirlwinds. 330. joint author, see Shaler, N. S. Davis, W:W.H. El gringo. 1401. Davy, Sir H. Consolations in travel. 1057. Salmonia. 504. Dawkins, W: B. Cave hunting. 347. Early man in Britain. 347. Dawson, J: W: Acadian geology. 337. Earth and man. 335. Nature and the Bible. 82. Origin of the world. 80. Dawson, S. E. Study of " The princess". 1021. Day, H: From the Pyrenees. 1274. Lawyer abroad. 1193. joint author, see TJrbino, L. B. Day, H: N. Esthetics. 465. Chinese migration. 240. Day, L. B. Folk tales of Bengal. 143. Day, R. E. Electric light arithmetic. 316. Day, T: [Fiction.] 709. Day, W. A. Russian government in Poland. 1277. Dayton, A. C. Last days of knickerbocker life. 1376. Dean, A. British constitution. 161. History of civilization. 151. Dean, J: Gray substance of the brain. 370. Dean, W: China mission. 116. Deane, M. [Fiction.] 709. Deane, Margery, pseud., see Pitman, M. J. Debates and proceedings in congress. 174. Decaisne, J., joint author, see lie Maout, J. E. M. Decken, A. v. d. [Fiction.] 709. Decourcelle, A., joint author, see Clarke, C. 688 Dedenroth, E. H. [Fiction.] 709. De Foe, D. [Fiction.] 709. ~ Novels and miscellaneous works. 1011. Plague of London. 1224. De Fonblanque, A., jr. How we are governed. De Fonblanque, C. A. Five weeks in Iceland. 1284. De Forest, J. B. Short history of art. 471. De Forest, J: W: [Fiction.] '709. European acquaintance. 1209. De Hass, F. S. Buried cities recovered. 1310. Dehn, P. Katholische gesellen-vereine. 126. Deinhardstein, J: L: [l)rama.] 543. Deirdrfe. R. W. Joyce. 1034. De Jongh, A. M. [Fiction.] 710. De Kay, C: [Fiction.] 710. [Poetical works.] 1031. De Kay, J. E. Sketches of Turkey. 1293. Zoology of New York. 371. De Koven, J. [Fiction.] 710. De Kroyft, S. H. [Fiction.] 710. De la Beche, Sir H: T: Geology. 335. Delabrosse, L. Jules Grevy. 1444." Delacour, A. C. Latig-ue, called, joint author, see Moreau, L. 1. E. L. 573. Delafield, R: Art of war in Europe. 232. Delamotte, P. H:, joint author, see Wheatley, H: B. Delany, M. Autobiography and corresp. 1548. Delaumosne, ^56^. Art of oratory. 515. Delavigne, J:F. C. [Drama.] 544. De La Warr, CM. E. countess. Eastern cruise. 1196. De Leon, E. Egypt under its khedives. 1320. Deleuze, J. P. 1 . Royal museum of natural his- tory. 290. De Liefde, J., see Liefde, J. de. Delitzsch, F. Jewish artisan life. 1168. De Lolme, J: L: Constitution of England. 161. English constitution. 161. Deliong, G:W. Voyage of the Jeannette. 1426. Delord, T. Second empire. 1258. Delsa, L. Steuer-reform. 205. Delsarte, F. A. N: C, see Delaumosne, Abbe. De Mille, J. [Fiction.] 710. Deming, C. By-ways of nature and life. 1185. Deming, P. [Fiction.] 710. Demme, W : L: Buch der verbrechen. 222. Demmler, E: [Fiction.] 710. Democracy. 203. Demogeot, J. C, see Bridge, C. 1127. De Morgan, M. [Fiction.] 710. Demosthenes. Orations. 1138. Dempsey, G. D. Locomotive engine. 417. Tubular bridges. 421. Dempster, C. L. H. [Fiction.] 710. Denbigh, Earl of, see Feilding, R. W: B. Denis, J: N. CM. Gedichte. 1106. Denison, C: Rocky mountain health resorts. 334. Denison, E. B., see Beckett, Sir E. Denison, M. A. [Fiction.] 710. Dennery, A. P., and E. Bourget. [Drama.] 544. and Clairville. [Drama.] 544. ~ and R. Clement. [Drama.] 544. and F. Dugue. [Drama.] 544. a7i(? M: J: L: Fournier. JDrama.l 544. joint author, see Dumanoir, F. P. P. 546. Dennis, J: Heroes of literature. 1544. Dennistoun, J. Dukes of Urbino. 1477. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. l>enoil. AUTHOR-INDEX. Disraeli. Denon, D. V. Egypte. 1320. De Nonnand, H., see Normand, H. de. 815. Denslow, V. B. Modern thinkers. 1445. Dent, J:Q., joint author, see Scadding, H: Denton, J. B. Sanitary engineering. 405. De Pass, E. A. [Drania.] 544. Depasse, H. Paul Bert; Challemel-Lacour; C: de Freyclnet; Gambetta. 1444. Depping, G. Evening entertainments. 260. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 501. DePuy, H:W. Ethan Allen. 1500. De Quincey, T: [Fiction.] 710. Autobiographic sketches. 1548. Avenger. 1057. Biographical essays. 1537. The csesars. 1179. Confessions of an english opium-eater. 1548. Essays on the poets. 1007. Historical and critical essays. 1057. Letters to a young man. 1058. Logic of political economy. 193. Memorials and other papers. 1058. Miscellaneous essays. 1058. Narrative and miscellaneous papers. 1058. Note book of an english opium-eater. 1058. Philosophical writers. 1057. Suspiria de profundis. 1548. Theological essays. 75. Derby, Earl of, see Stanley, E: G. S. Derby, G: H. Phoenixiana. 1084. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors. 1540. Derley, J., joint author, see Nuitter, C: L: E. T. Dervall, Johannes van, pseud., see Kimne, A: Desart, Earl of, see Cuffe, W: U. O. 707. Deschamps, P: C: E. Dictionnaire de geogra- phic. 14. and P: G. Brunet. Manuel du libraire, supple- ment. 14. Deschanel, see Privat-Deschanel. De Smet, P: J:, see Smet, P: J: de. Desor, E. Palafittes. 348. Despard, M. [Fiction.] 710. Detlef, Karl, pseud., see Bauer, C. 673. Detroit free press man, see Lewis, C: B. Deutsch, E. O. M. Literary remains. 1147. Deutsch-franzosischer krieg. 1258. Deutsche litteraturzeitung. 512. Deutsche national-litteratur. J. Ktirschner, ed. 1105. , ,^ Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen, see Holtzen- dorflP, F. V. 147. Deutscher litteratur-kalender. 1554. Deutscher kiinstler-kalender. 1530. Deutscher universitiits-kalender. 250. Deutsches kaiserwort. Ein. 113. Deux-Ponts, G. comte de. Campaigns in Amer- ica. 1351. De Vere, A. T: [Poetical works.] 1031. Devrient, E: [Drama.] 544. De-wall, Johannes van, pseud., see Kuhne, A: 781. D'Ewes, Sir S. Autobiography. 1492. Dewey, F. P. Chemical examination of building stones. Dewey, M. Catalogues and cataloguing. 1. Classification and subject index. 2. Dewey, O. Old world and new. 1207. Problem of human destiny. 94. Dewhurst, W : History of Saint Augustine. 1381. Dewing, M. R., mra. T. W. Beauty in dress. 447. Beauty in the household. 484. Dexter, H: M. As to Roger Williams. 126. Congregationalism. 129. Street trioughts. 66. Dial. 511. Diaz, A. M. [Fiction.] 711. Domestic problem. 153. Dibdin, C: [Drama.] 544. Dibdin, T: [Drama.] 544. and A. Bunn. [Drama.] 544. Dibdin, T: F. Bibliomania. 13. Di Cesnola, L: P. Cyprus. 1294. Metropolitan museum of art. 470. Dicey, E: Future of Egypt. 189. Victor Emmanuel. 1477. Dick, T: Diffusion of knowledge. 247. Works. 69. Dick, W: B. American Hoyle. 500. Encyclopaedia of practical receipts. 389. ed. Games of patience. 501. Dickens, C: J: H. [Drama.] 545. [Fiction.] 711. American notes. 1365. Child's history of England. 1218. Dickens reader. 516. Letters. 1081. Pictures from Italy. 1266. Speeches. 1058. ed. Household words. 1090. adW: W. Collins. [Fiction.] 713. and others. [Fiction.] 713. Dickinson, A. E. Paying investment. 193. Dickson, W. E. Organ-building. 496. Didier, E. L. Mme. Bonaparte. 1539. Diefendorf, O., joint author, see O'Brien, T: M. Diesterweg, F: A. W: Lichtstrahlen. 1126. Diesterweg, G. Instruction in history. 245. Diethofif, E. [Fiction.] 713. Dietrich, E. C. V. [Fiction ] 714. Dieulafait, L: Diamonds and precious stones. 324. Diezmann, A: Leipzig. 1248. Digby, K. H: Chapel of St. John. 1461. Dike, S: W. Divorce in New England. 72. Dilg, W: Gedichte. 1115. Dilke, Sir C: W. Greater Britain. 1193. Dilley, J. J. [Drama.] 545. and J. Allen. [Drama.] 545. Dillon, C: [Drama.] 545. Dillwyn, E. A. [Fiction.] 714. Dilthey, Karl, pseud., see Werner, J. 888. Diman, J. L. Theistic argument. 92. Dimond, W: [Drama.] 545. Dinaux, Prosper, pseud., see Goubaux, P. P. 552. Dincklage-Campe, E. A. S. v. [Fiction.] 714. Dingelstedt, F. /mAe?r v. [Fiction.] 714. Lyrische dichtungen. 1115. Dingman, J: H. Directory of booksellers. 29. Diplomatic review pamphlets. 172. Dippold, G: T. Epics of mediasval Germany. 1114. -^ Diruf, O., sen. Kissingen. 334. Disosway, G. P. Earliest churches of N. Y. 126. DiSTaeli, B:, earl of Beaconsfield. [Fiction.] 714. Home letters. 1080. Wit and wisdom. 1093. Disraeli, I: Amenities of literature 1005. Curiosities of literature. 518. Distinguished men of modern times. 1429. Distinguished shoemakers, Lives of. 1524. Entries in small type refer to contents only Distumell. AUTHOR-INDEX. Dougrlas. xlj Distumell, J: Great lakes. 1363. Ditson, Gr:L. Adventiires and observations. 1319. Crescent and french crusaders. 1319. Dlttel, L. ritter v. Stricturen der harnrohre. 411. Dix, J: A. Speeches and addresses. 183. Winter in Madeira. 1213. Dix, M. Calling of a christian woman. 153. -John A. Dix. 1501. Dix, W: G. Deck of the Crescent City. 1058. Dixie, Lady F. C. Across Patagonia. 1416. Dixon, B., ffnc? A. Wood. [Drama.] 545. Dixon, C: Rural bird life. 383. Dixon, J. [Fiction.] 714. Dixon, R. B. Fore and aft. 1198. Dixon, W: G. Land of the morning. 1300. Dixon, W: H. [Fiction.] 714. Bacon. 1545. British Cyprus. 1394. Free Russia. 1378. Her majesty's Tower. 1329. History of two queens. 1471. -Holy Land. 1311. John Howard. 1512. New America. 1366. Robert Blake. 1504. Royal Windsor. 1329. Spiritual wives. 64. The switzers. 1387. White conquest. 1366. William Penn. 1487. Doane, G: W. Life and writings. 69. Dobson, E: Art of building. 458. Bricks and tiles. 456. Foundations and concrete works. 460. Masonry and stone cutting. 460. Dobson, H: A. Fielding. 1549. Hogarth. 1539. [Poetical works.] 1031. T: Bewick and his pupils. 1538. ed. Eighteenth century essays. 1049. Dobson, W: T. Classic poets. 511. Dodd, C: R. Manual of dignities. 1567. Dodd, G: Indian revolt. 1303. Dodd, W: Beauties of history. 60. Doddridge, P. Pneumatology, ethics and divin- ity. 91. Religion in the soul. 103. Thoughts on sacramental occasions. 101. Dodds, S. W. Health in the household. 446. Dodgre, J. Religion of ancient Egypt. 133. Dodge, M. A. [Fiction.] 714. Battle of the books. 1093. Country living. 1093. Gala-days. 1093. New atmosphere. 153. Our common-school system. 245. Skirmishes and sketches. 1058. Stumbling blocks. 75. Summer rest. 1093. Twelve miles from a lemon. 1093. Wool-gathering. 1366. Dodge, M. M. [Fiction.] 715. Rhymes and jingles. 1035. Dodge, P. Painting. 486. Dodge, R: I. Our wild Indians. 1341. Plains of the great west. 1399. Dodge, T. A. Bird's-eye view of our civil war. 1355. Campaign of Chancellorsville. 1358. Dodgson, C:L. [Fiction.] 715. Dodington, G: B., baron Melcombe. Diary. 1492. Doe, C: H. [Fiction.] 715. Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, P. B., pseud., see Thompson, M. N. Dog life. 441. Dohm, H. [Fiction.] 715. Dohme, R., ed. Early teutonic, Italian and french masters. 1.527. Doisy de Villargennes, A. J. Army life under Napoleon. 1507. Dole, N. H. History of Russia. 1275. Turko-russian war, see Rambaud, A. 1275, DOUinger, J: J. I. v. First age of Christianity. 118. Gentile and jew. 133. History of the church. 117. Dom, A., pseud., see Dohm, H. 715. Domenech, E., abbe. Great deserts of North America. 1341. Dominican republic. United States. 1413. Dommer, A. v. Musik-geschichte. 493. Domscheke, B. Zwanzig monate im kriegs- gefangenschaft. 1361. Donaldson, J: Suburban farming. 430. Donaldson, J: W: Theatre of the greeks. 1137. Varronianus. 1177. joint author, see Miiller, K: O. Donaldson, T: Public domain. 214. Doniol, J: H: A. Revolution francaise et la feodalite. 1255. Donne, J: Poetical works. 1031. Donne, W: B. Euripides. 1138. Tacitus. 1136. Donnell, E.J. Slavery and "protection". 205. True issue. 305. Donnelly, I. Atlantis. 346. Ragnarok. 335. Donop, A. freiin v, [Fiction.] 715. Donoso Cortes, J:, see Valdegamas. Don't. O. B. Bunce. 363. Doolittle, J . Social life of the Chinese. 1398. Doorninck, J. I. van. Nederlandsche anonymen en pseudonymen. 30. Doran, J: Habits and men. 447. Knights and their days. 1058. Lady of the last century. 1552. Memories of our great towns. 1228. Monarchs retired from business. 1468. Queens of England. 1471. Table traits. 1058. " Their majesties' servants." 497. DOrflinger, C:, ed. Herzbliittehens spiel winkel. 246. - Onkel Karl. 1125. DOring, J:M. H: Schiller. 1559. DOrle, A. [Fiction.] 715. Dorman, R. M. Origin of primitive supersti- tions. 141. Domer, I: A: History of protestant theology. 67. Dorothy. A. J. Munby. 1037. Dorr, j. C. Bermuda. 1414. D'Orsey, A. J. D. Portuguese grammar. 278. Dorsey, J. O. Omaha sociology. 1&. Dort, Synod of ; Articles. 130. Dorward, B. I: [Poetical works.] 1031. Dostoiefskii, F. M. Buried alive. 1315. Doubleday, A. Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg. 1357. Forts Sumter and Moulti'ie. 1357. Doubleday, T: [Fiction.] 715. Douglas, A. M. [Fiction.] 715. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue- xlij Douglas. AUTHOR-INDEX. Dumont. Douglas, C. J. [Fiction.] 715. Douglas, Edith, pseud., see Burnham, C. L. 689. Douglas, Laii.y G. G. [P'iction.] 716. Douglas, R. K. China. 1297. Douglas, Jlf7-. S. W:Whewell. 1457. Douglas, S. A. Political debates. 182. Douglass, F: Life and times. 1485. Douglass, J: T. [Drama.] 545. Dove, H:W: Circulation of waters. 384. Dover, Lord, see Ellis, G: J. W. A. Dowden, E: Shakspere. 1045. Shakspere ; mind and art. 1045. Southey. 1553. Studies in literature. 507. Downes, W: H. Spanish ways. 1274. Downing, A. J. Cottage residences. 477. Country houses. 477. Fruits and fruit trees of America. 438. Rural essays. 478. Downing, S:' Practical hydraulics. 425. Doyle, A. C. [Fiction.] 716. Doyle, J: A. American colonies. 1349. English colonies in America. 1349. History of the United States. 1345. Doyle, P: Assessment laws of Wisconsin. 220. Election and registry laws of Wisconsin. 220. Doyle, R:, and J. R. Planche. An old fairy tale. 1031. DragendorflF, G: Plant analysis. 322. Drake, B: Tecumseh. 1440. Drake, F. S: Dictionary of american biography. 1437. Indian history. 1334. ed. Indian tribes of the U. S. 1340. Drake, J. M. Fast and loose in Dixie. 1361. Drake, J. R. Culprit fay. 1031. Drake, S: A. Around the Hub. 1373. Heart of White Mountains. 1371. New England legends and folklore. 1369. Nooks and corners of N. E. coast. 1369. Old landmarks of Boston. 1373. ed. Our great benefactors. 1429. Drake, S: G. Aboriginal races of America. 1339. Tragedies of the wilderness. 1334. Witchcraft delusion in New England. 54. Dramatic list. C: E. Pascoe, ed. 1537. Draper, H: Construction of a silvered glass tele- scope. 306. Draper, J: C. Anatomy, physiology and hy- giene. 398. Draper, J: W: American civil war. 1355. Civil policy of America. 164. Conflict between religion and science. 82. Intellectual development of Europe. 151. Draper, L. C. King's Mountain. 1351. Drayson, A. W. Practical whist. 501. Drayton, H: S., and J. McNeill. Brain and mind. 57. Dresser, C. Japan. 485. Drew, C. Map of Florida. 1381. Drew, Catharine. [Fiction.] 716. Dreyfus-Brisac, E. University of Bonn. 242. Drille, Hearton, pseud., seeOrray, J. H. 738. Drobisch, G. T. [Fiction.] 716. Droysen, J:G. Carl August. 1239. Geschichte des hellenismus. 1175. Grundriss der historik. 1149. Gustaf Adolf. 1478. York von Wartenburg. 1507. Droz, A. G. [Drama.] 545. [Fiction.] 716. Drude, O. Florenreiche der erde. 326. Drummond, H: Natural law in the spiritual world. 82. Drummond, J. Thoughts for the christian life. 109. Drummond, W: Poetical works. 1031. Drury, A. H. [Fiction.] 716. Dryden, J: [Drama.] 545. Works. 1031,1032. Drysdale, W: In sunny lands. 1413. Duboc, C: E: [Fiction.'] 716. Dorf-idyllen. 1115. 457. 716. 1471. Du Bois, "H. p. Book-binding. Du Boisgobey, F. [Fiction.] Dubourg, A. W. [Drama.] 545. joint author, see Taylor, T: 605. Du Boys, A. Catharine of Aragon. Dubuque chess journal. 500. Ducange, V:, see Brahain-Ducange. 683. Du Chaillu, P. B. Ashango land. 1324. Country of the dwarfs. 1325. Equatorial Africa. 1324. Gorilla country. 1324. Land of the midnight sun. 1283. Lost in the jungle. 1325. My Apingi kingdom. 1325. wild life under the equator. 1324. Duchek, A. Scorbut. 410. Duchess, The, pseud., see Argles, M. 666. Duden, K. Orthographisches worterbuch. 277. Dudevant, A. L. A. [Fiction.] 716. Dudley, J: L. Sermons. 109. Tides and tendencies. 109. Dudley, M. V. Poems. 1032. Dudley, Uncle, pseud., see Russell, M. C. Duer, W : A. Constitutional jurisprudence of the U. S. 310. Duff, G. Teachings of R: Cobden. 205. Dufferin, Earl of, see Blackwood, Sir F: T. Hamilton-Temple- . Duffey, Mrs. E. B. What women should know. 404. Dufiield, Mrs. W: Flower-painting. 485. Duffy, Sir C : G. Four years of Irish history. 1212. Young Ireland. 1212. Dufresne, A. [Fiction.] 717. Duganne, A. Mission of intellect. 1032. Dugdale, R:L. "The Jukes". 207. Dugue, F.. joint author, see Bourgeois, A: A., and Dennery, A. P. Du Halde, J: B. History of China. 1297. Duhring, E. K: Nationalokonomie und socialis- mus. 193. Dulcken, H. W., ed. Golden harp. 1113. Dulles, C: W. What to do first in accidents. 410. Dumanoir, P. F. Pinel, and A. P. Dennery. [Drama.] 546. joint author, see Bourgeois, A. A. Dumas, A. [Drama.] 546. [Fiction.] 717. South of France. 1262. joint author, see Q-aillardet, T. F. Dumas, A., fits. [Drama.] 546. [Fiction.] 719. Dumergue, E: Chotts of Tunis. 1319. DuMoncel, T. A. L: com^e. Electro-magnets. 316. Telephone, e. Plant lore. 134. Follen, E. L., ed. [Drama.] 549. Fonblanque, see De Fonblanque. Fonetic ticher. 371. Fontaine, La, see La Fontaine. Fontana, G. B. Italian grammar. 378. Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and lightning. 315. Foote, A. H. Africa and the american flag. 1333. Foote, H: S. War of the rebellion. 1356. Foote, M. H. [Fiction.] 739. Foote, S: [Drama.] 549. Foote, W. S. [Drama.] 549. Forbes, A. Chinese Gordon. 1504. Glimpses through the cannon-smoke. 1093. Russians, turks and bulgariaus. 189. Soldiering and scribbling. 1094. Souvenirs of some continents. 1094. War between France and Germany. 1359. War correspondence. 1391. Forbes, 1). History of chess. 500. Forbes, H: O. Naturalist's wanderings. 1419. Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1356. Indians of Ohio. 349. Mound builders. 349. Force, P:, ed. American archives. 1345. Ford, J: [Drama.] 549. Ford, R: Spaniards. 1373. Ford, T: History of Illinois. 1387. Ford, W. C. American citizen's manual. 168. Forestier, Auber, pseud., see Woodward, A. A. Fornander, A. Polynesian race. 351. Fomell, B. E: [Fiction.] 739. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Fornejr. AXTTHOR-INDEX. Freeman. xlht Forney, J: W. [BMction.] 739. Anecdotes of publio men. 1483. Forney, M. N. Cateohisra of tho locomotive. 417. Forrest, Noil, pseud., see Floyd, C. 728. Forrester, A. H:, joint aiilhnr, see Palmer, F. P. Forrester, Fanny, pseud., see judson, K. C. Forrester, Frank, pseud., see Herbert, H: W: Forrester, T: Corsica and Sardinia. 1370. Forstenheim, A. [Fiction.] 729. FOrster, E. Mittelalter oder renaissance V 487. Forster, J : Ari'est of five members. 1224. Dickens. 1548. Goklsmith. 1549. Sir John Eliot. 1492. Statesmen of the commonwealth. 1490. Walter S. Landor. 1015. T: P. Courteney and others. Eminent brit- ish statesmen. 1489. Forsyth, J. Excursion in Italy. 1366. Forsyth, R. Beauties of Scotland. 1331. Forsyth, W: Captivity of Napoleon. 1476. History of lawyers. 308. Fort, G: F. Medical economy during the middle ages. 393. Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes. 483. Majolica. 480. Fortune, T. T: Black and white. 170. Fortunes made in business. 1443. Foss, C. D. The gospels. 93. Foss, E: Westminster hall. 1511. Fossett, F. Colorado. 1401. Foster, A., joint autJior, see Lester, C: E. Foster, E. Abraham Lincoln. 1466. Foster, I. H. [Fiction.] 739. Foster, J: Correspondence. 1458. Essays. 1061. Life "and thoughts. 1094. Foster, J: W. Mississippi valley. 1387. Pi-e-historic i-aces of the United States. 348. and J. D. Whitney. Lake Supei-ior land dis- trict. 339. Foster, M. Physiology. 399. Text book of" physiology. 399. Foster, T: [Nature studies.] 285. Foster, W: E. Civil service reform movement. 338. Libraries and readers. 510. Literature of civil service reform. 23, 338. Relation of libraries to the school system. 510. Systematic trainine: on reading-. 510. ed. Reference lists. 31. Fothergill, J. [Fiction.] 739. Fothergill, J. M. Maintenance of health. 401. Foucaud, E: Illustrious mechanics. 1534. Fouque, see La Motte Fouque. Fournier, L: P: N., joint author, see Arnould, A:J:F. 667. Fournier, M. J: L:, joint author, see Dennery, A. P. 544. Fournier, P:, joint a^Uhor, see Constantin, L. 99. Fowler, A. Articles of religion of tlie protestant episcopal church. 138. Fowler, H. N. Erechtheion. 1172. Fowler, O. S. Self-culture. 57. Fowler, T: Bacon. 47. Locke. 1447. Proojressive morality. 60. Shaftesbury and Hutche-son. 48. Fowler, W: W. Ten years in Wall street. 803. Fownes, G: Rudimentary chemistry. 330. Fox, C. Memories of old friends. 1549. Fox, C:J. Memorials and correspondence. 1492 Fox, E. [Fi(!tion.] 739. Fox, (t. V. First landing place of Columbus. 1332. Fox or Foxe, J: Acts and monuments. 119. Martyrs. 1448. Fox, S., see Centlivre, S. 537. Fox-Vassall, H: R:, lord Holland. Foreign re- miniscences. 1158. Lope da Vega. 1564. Foxton, H, pseud., see Palfrey, S. H. 820. Foye, J. C. Chemical problems. 321. Frachsel, G. Katholicismus seit der reforma- tion. 136. France, A. de. Prisoners of Abd-el-Kader. 1319. Francesca, pseud., see Alexander, F. Franchere, G. Northwest coast of America. 1403. Franchise reform. 168. Francillon, R. V.: [Fiction.] 739. Francis, C. J: Eliot. 1437. ~ Sebastian Rale. 1438. Francis, G: H: Orators of the age. 1490. Francis, George, pseud., see Thomas, (t: F. Francis, J. B. Lowell hydraulic experiments. 435. Strength of cast-iron pillars. 415. Francis, J: W. Old New York. 1376. Francis, S: W. New York physicians. 1533. Valentine Mott. 1523. Franck, Dr., pseud., see Frank, (J. ritter v. 549. Francke, W: Nachfolge in Braunschweig. 1345. Fran90is, M. L. V. [Fiction.] 730. Frank, G. ritter v. [Drama.] 549. Franke, L: A: Franz Grillparzer. 1557. Franklin, A. L. A. Pseudonymes latins. 30. Sources de I'histoire de France. 37. Franklin, B: Autobiography. 1485. Works. 183. Franklin, C. L. Algebra of logic. 44. Franklin, Sir J: Journey to the Polar sea. 1423. Franklin institute, Journal of. 290. Franklin square song collection. 495. Franzos, K: E. [Fiction.] 730. Fraser, Mrs. . [Fiction.] 730. Fraser, A. C. Berkeley. 1446. Fraser, D. T: Chalmers. 1457. Fraser, J: Nadir Shah. 1479. Fraser, J. B. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 1309. Persia. 1306. Fraser, R. W: Seaside naturalist. 385. Fraser-Tytler, C. C, see Liddell, C. C. 788. Frazar, D. [Fiction.] 730. Frederica Sophia Willielmina, markyrnfin von Bnireuth. Autobiography. 1474. Frederich, B. [Fiction.] 730.' Frederick, H. [Fiction.] 730. Frederick the great. 1344. Freedom and fellowship in religion. 73. Freeland, C. J. [Fiction.] 730. Freeman, E: A: C'ompai-ative politics. 159. English people and russo-turkish war. ISO. English towns and districts. 1239. General sketch of histoi'y. 1151. Growth of the english constitution. 161. Historical essays. 1158. Historical and architectui-al sketches. 473. Historical geography. 1156. History and conquests of the saracens. 1291. History of Europe. 1197. History of federal government. 163. Introd. to american institutional history. 1334. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Freeman. AUTHOB-INDEX. Fullerton. Freeman, E: A: Continued. Lectiu'es to american audiences. 1158. Norman conquest. 1220. Office of the historical professor. 1149. Old-english history. 1218. Ottoman power in Europe. 1291. Reign of William Rufus. 1220. Relation of the english people to the russo-turkish war. 189. _^ Short history of the norman conquest. U40. Some impressions of the United States. 1367. Subject and neighbor lands of Venice. 1268. Unity of history. 159. Freeman, J. E. Gatherings from an artist's portfolio. 468. Sa7ne ; in Rome. 468. Freese, Arthalis, pseud., see Steinlein, L. 862. Freese, Heinrich, pseud., see Schiff, H. Frehse, F: Worterbuch 7a\ Renter. 277. Freidenker-almanach. 306. Freiherrliche hiiuser. 1568. Freiligrath, F. v. Siimmtliche werke. 1115. Fremont, J. Story of the guai'd. 13-56. Fremont, J: C: Exploinng expedition. 1397. Frenau, P. Poems. 1032. French, A. [Fiction.] 730. French, B: F., ed. Historical collections of Lou- isiana. 1382. 1383. French, H. W. [Fiction.] 730. Our boys in China. 1299. Our boys in India. 1303. French, S:, see Lacy, T: H. 550. French, Sidney, and W: J. Sorrell. [Drama.] 550. French home life. F: Marshall. 1259. Frenzel, K:W:T. [Fiction.] 730. Fresenius, C: R. Qualitative chemical analysis. 322. Freudenberg, R: [Fiction.] 730. Frey, A. Albrecht von Haller. 1105. Frey, H: Microscope. 356. Frey, J. [Fiction.] 730. Freyer, (xustav, pseud., see Xiafontaine, A: H: J. Frey tag, G. [Drama.] 550. [Fiction.] 730. Bilder aus der deutschen vei'gangenheit. 1239. Karl Mathy. 1495. Pictures of german life. 1239. Technik des dramas. 513. Freytas, N: de. Expedition of Penalosa. 1333. Frick, I. [Fiction.] 731. Frickell, G. Hanky panky. 499. Magic no mystery. 497. Magician's own book. 499. Secret out. 499. Fridolin, Major, psetid., see Valbezen, E. de. Friedmann, P. Anne Boleyn. 1471. Friedrich 11 tlie great, of Prussia. Briefe. 1123. [Posthumous works.] 1244. Friedrich, F: [Fiction.] 731. Friends in council. Sir A. Helps. 1094. Friesen, H. /rei/ierr V. L: Tieck. 1559. Frieze, H. S. Art museums with libraries. 1. Friswell, J. H. The better self. 63. Footsteps to fame. 1429. Out and about. 1198. Frith, H: [Fiction.] 731. Fritsch, H: Lageveranderungen der gebiirmutter. 411 Fritze, Ernst, pseud., see Reinhardt, L. 833. FrObel, F: Mother-play. 246. FrObel, J. [Drama.] 550. FrObel, J. Continued. Seven years in Central America. 1411. FrOhlich, A. E. Reiraspriiche. 1115. Frohschammer, J. Das neue wissen und der neue glaube. 79. Froissart, Sir J : Boys' Froissart. 1201. Chronicles. 1201. ,,..., From peasant to prince. M. A. Pietzker, tr. 1498. Fromberg, E. O: Painting on glass. 480. Fromentm, E. Old masters of Belgium and Holland. 1529. Frost, H. F. Schubert. 1536. Frost, J: Andrew Jackson. 1466. Heroic women of the west. 1439. History of Mexico. 1408. Indian wars of the United States. 1334. Panorama of nations. 1196. Frost, S. A. Tableaux and shadow pantomimes. 497. Frost, T: Circus life. 496. Forty years' recollections. 1549. Lives of the conjurors. 496.- Modern explorers. 1516. Old showmen and old London fairs. 495. Frothingham, O. B. Cradle of the Christ. 93. George Ripley. 1542. Gerrit Smith. 1488. H : W. Longfellow. 1016. Religious outlook. 73. The rising faith. 109. Soul of protestantism. 73. Transcendentalism in New England. 47. Visions of the future. 109. Frothingham, R: Joseph Warren. 1489. Rise of the republic. 1347. T: Starr King. 1453. Froude, J. A. Bunyan. 1458. Ca;sar. 1508. Carlyle. 1547. English in Ireland. 1212. Historical and other sketches. 1061. History of England . 1222. Luther. 1460. Nemesis of faith. 79. Short studies. 1062. Fry, B: St. J. Property consecrated. 66. Fry, C. Christ our example. 93. Listener in Oxford. 113. Fry, J. B. N. Y. and conscription 1863. 1356. Fryer, A. C. [Fiction.] 731. Fuld, L: Moral-statistik. 155. Fulda, K: Chamisso. 1555. Fulgentius Planciades, F. Do prisco sermone 278. Fuller, A. (lospel its own witness. 97. Principal works. 69. Fuller, A. S. Practical forestry. 439. Small fruit culturist. 438. Fuller, J. J. Uncle John's tlower-gatherers. 359. Fuller, M. T: Fuller. 1456. Fuller, O. E. Ideals of life. 60. Fuller, R:, and F. Wayland. Domestic slavery. 170. Fuller, S: Rationalistic development. 08. Fuller, S. M., see Ossoli, S. M. Fuller, T: Church history of Britain. 122. Good thoughts in bad times. 916. Holy and profane states. 102. Fullerton, G. C. lady. [Fiction.] 731. St. Frances of Rome. 1462. Entries in small type refer to contents only. FuUom. AUTHOR-INDEX . Oautier. FuUom, S. W. [Fiction] 731. Fulton, J: Law of marriage. 234. Fulton, J. D. Sam Hobart. 1525. Furness, W : H. Jesus of Nazaretli. 93. Furnivall, F: J. Teena Rochfort Sniitli. 1553. Fuseli, H: Writings. 468. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. Ancient city. 1170. Institutions politiques de I'ancieune France. 1252. Fuster, A. Memoiren. 1242. Fyffe, C: A. History of Greece. 1173. Modern Europe. 1203. Fytche, A. Burma. 1305. G., C. E. H., see Qestrin, C: E: H. Gabler, E: Atlas der griissten stiidte. 1246. Gaboriau, E. [Fiction.] 731. Gadsden, C. E. Theodore Delion. 1451. Gage, C: S. [Fiction.] 732. Gage, W:L. C: Ritter. 1522. Gagneur, L. [Fiction.] 732. Gaillardet, T. F:, a7id A. Dumas. [Drama.] 550. Gairdner, J. Early chroniclers of Europe : Eng- land. 1218. Houses of Lancaster and York. 1221. ed., Paston letters. 1221. Gald6s, B. Perez, see Perez Galdds, B. 823. Gale, J: Reflections on mr. Wall's History of infant baptism. 115. Galen, Philipp, pseud., see Lange, P. 783. Galenus, C. Writings epitomized. 301. Galignani's Paris guide. 1260. (ialileo and the roman inquistion. 83. Gall, L. v., see Schucking, L. Gallatin, A. Writings. 184. Gallaudet, E: M. Education of the deaf and dumb. 240. Instruction of deaf mutes. 240. International law. 209. Gallaudet, T: H. David. 1463. Gallenga, A. Episodes of my second life. 1563. Iberian reminiscences. 1273. Pearl of the Antilles. 1413. Pope and king. 1263. South America. 1415. Summer tour in Russia. 1280. Gallenkamp, W: Reform der hoheren lehran- stalten. 247. Gallotti, A. Memoiren. 1512. Gait, J: [Fiction.] 732. Autobiography. 1549. Byron. 1547. Cardinal Wolsey. 1495. Galton, F. English men of science. 355. Hereditary genius. 355. Gambold, J: [Drama.] 550. Gamgee, J: Artificial refrigeration. 315. Yellow fever. 409. Gammell, W : Roger Williams. 1438. Samuel Ward. 1438. Gandy, J: P., joint author, see Gell, Sir W: Gangooly, J. C. Life and religion of the hin- doos. 138. Gannett, H: Dictionary of altitudes. 326. Lists of elevations. 326. Meteorological observations. 332. joint author, see Hewes, F. W. Ganot, A. Natural philosophy. 310. Physics. 310. Gantier, V: Das heutige Belgien. 1286. Garbett, E: L. Design. 474. Garbit, F. J. Phonograph. 285. Telephone. 285. Garcia Cubas, A. Cuadro geogrdfico de Me.xico. 1410. Republic of Mexico. 1409. Garden, F. The atonement. 73. Garden, The, the woods and the fields. 325. Gardiner, M., countess of Blessington. [Fiction.] 732. Conversations with Byron. 1547. Gardiner, S: R. English history for young folks- 1216. ^ .7 fo First two Stuarts. 1222. Historical biographies. 1442. History of England. 1222. Thirty years' war. 1238. and J. B. Mullinger, Study of english his- tory. 1215. Gardiner, W: Music of nature. 493. Gardner, A: K. Old wine in new bottles. 1261. Gardner, D. Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo. 1257. Gardner, E. C. Common sense in church build- ing. 476. House that Jill built. 477. Illustrated homes. 477. Gardner, H. [Drama.] 550. Gardonniere, A. [Fiction.] 732. Gareis, C: Die borse. 203. Irrlehren iiber den cultur-kampf. 159. Sklavenhandel. 170. Garfield, J. A. Garfleld's words. 1094. Works. 184. Garibaldi, G. [Fiction.] 732. Denkwiirdigkeiten. 1508. Life. 1507. Garland, H. A. J: Randolph. 1488. Garlingrton, E. A. Lady Franklin Bay expedition. 331. Gameau, F. X. History of Canada. 1407. Garnett, W:, joint author, see Campbell, L. Garnier, E:, joint author, see Gasnault, P. Garrett, Edward, pseud., see Mayo, I. F. 801. Garrett, R. and A. House decoration. 484. Garrick, D: [Drama.] 550. see Colman, G: 539. Garrison, W. P. and F. J. W: Lloyd Garrison. 1486. Garschen, E. [Drama.] 550. Garve, C. Anthologie. 1109. Gascoigne, G: Complete poems. 1032. Gaskell, A. [Fiction.] 732. Gaskell, E. C. [Fiction. 732. Charlotte Bronte. 1546. Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms. 451. Gasnault, P., and E: Gamier. French pottery. 481. Gasparin, A. E. comte de. America before Europe. 167. ~ Science vs. modern spiritualism. 56. Uprising of a great people. 167. Gasparin, V. comtesse de. Vesper. 1130. Gastineau, O. [Drama.] 550. Gately, M. R., joint ed., see Beale, C: E. Gatscnenberger, S. Nihilismus, pessimismus und weltschmerz. 49. Gatschet, A. S. Indian vocabularies. 1341. Gaudard, J. Foundations. 460. Gaudy, F. B. H: W: freiherr v. Werke. 1110. Gaulle, Mme.J. [Fiction.] 732. Gaultier, Bon, pseud., see Martin, T. Gautier, J. [Fiction.] 733. Richard Wagner. 1536. Gautier, L., ed. Chanson de Roland. 1129. Numbers refer to columna in the main catalogue. Gautier. AUTHOR-INDEX . Gilder. Gautier, T. [Fiction.] 783. Constantinople. 1293. Famous frencli authors. 1560. My household of pets. 441. Wanderings in Spain. 1373. Winter in Russia. 1279. Gay, J: [Drama.] 550. Poetical works. 1032. Gay, S. H. James Madison. 1466. joint author, see Bryant, W: C. Gayarre, C: E. A. [Fiction.] 733. Histoiy of Louisiana. 1384. Philip II. 1272. Geary, G. Through asiatic Turkey. 1309. Gebler, K: v. Galileo. 1523. Geddes, J. Administration of John DeWitt. 1285. Geddes, W: D. Problem of the Homeric poems. 1137. Geddie, J: Lake regions of central Africa. 1335, Russian empire. 1278. Gee, G: E. Goldsmiths' handbook. 454. Hall-marking of jewellery. 454. Silversmith's handbook. 454. GefFcken, H: Church and state. 113. Gehring, F. Mozart. 1535. Geibel, E. Gedichte. 1116. Gesammelte werke. 1115. Geiger, L. Development of the human race. 151. Renaissance and humauismus. 1263. Geiger, W: Civilization of the eastern Iranians. 1170. Geijer, E. G. History of the swedes. 1281. Geschichte Schwedens. 1281. Geikie, A. Geological sketches. 335. Physical geography. 323. Geikie, C. Backwoods of Canada. 1407. English reformation. 132. Life of Christ. 93. Geikie, J. Great ice age. 335. Ice age in Britain. 28.5. Prehistoric Europe. 337. . Geldart, H. R., mrs. T: History of England. 1218. Gell, 8ir W: Itinerary of Greece. 1289. Itinerary of the Morea. 1289. and J: P. Gandy. Pompeiana. 1270. Gemmill, J. W. Notes on Washington. 1379. Gems of the Dresden gallery. 471. Genee, R. Das deutsche theater. 1104. General view of fine arts. 471. Genlis, S. F. D. de St. A. comtesae de. Lessons of a governess. 244. Genth, F: h.-., joint author, see Gibbs, W. Gentry, T: G. Nests and eggs of birds of the United States. 383. Geographical magazine. 1186. George III. Correspondence with lord North. 1079. George, A. Queens of Spain. 1478. George, H: Irish land question. 303. Progress and poverty. 197. Reduction to iniquity. 303. Social problems. 193. Georgi, T. Europiiisches biicher-lexicon. 14. Georgian era 1443. Geraldine. 1033. Gerard, C. J. B. Life and adventures. 506. Gerard, E. D., pseud, of mrs. v. Laszouski. [Fic- tion.] 733. Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht. 1203. Gerhard, W: P. Drainage and plumbing. 405. Gerhardt, D. v. [Fiction.] 733. Gerok, K: Palm leaves. 1116. Gerstacker, F: [Fiction.] 733. Achtzehn monate in Sud-Amerika. 1414. Journey round the world. 1190. Reisen. 1190. Reisen um die welt. 1190. Streif- und jagdziige. 1365. Wild sports. 502. Gerstenberg, H: W: v. [Drama.] 551. [Gedichte]. 1106. Gervinus, G: G. Geschichte der deutschen dichtung. 1104. History of the 19th century. 1158. Shakespeare commentaries. 1047. Gessert, M. A. Painting on glass. 486. Gessner, S. Death of Abel. 1116. Werke. 1106. Gesta Christi. C:L. Brace. 153. Gesta romanorum. 515. Gestrin, C: E: H. Vacation labors. 1094. Geyer, A: Unrecht angeklagt. 222. Giacommetti, P. [Drama.] 551. Giaque, F. Election and naturalization laws. 212. Gibb, J: Gudrun and other stories. 514. Gibbes, R. W. Cuba for invalids. 334. Mosasaurus and allied genera. 345. Gibbon, C: [Fiction.] 734. Gibbon, E: Decline and fall of the Roman em- pire. 1180. Miscellaneous works. 1013. Mohammed. 1463. Student's Gibbon. 1180. Gibbon, l^.., joint author, see Herndon, W: L. Gibbons, J. S. Banks of N. Y. 302. Public debt of the U. S. 304. Gibbons, P. E. "Pennsylvania dutch". 1063. Gibbs, A. R. British Honduras. 1411. Gibbs, G: Chinook jargon. 379. Ethnology and philology of America. 379. Tribes of western Washington, etc. 1343. Gibbs, M. Birds of Michigan. 383. Gibbs, W., and F: A: Genth. Ammonia cobalt bases. 331. Gibson, J: M. Ages before Moses. 87. Gibson, W: H. Camp-life in the woods. 505. Pastoral days. 1369. Gibson, W. M. Prison of Weltevreden. 1419. Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. 1353. History of the rebellion. 1355. Giebel, C. G. Thesaurus ornithologiie. 35. Gierke, O: F: Das deutsche i-eich. 161. Giesebrecht, W: v. Deutsche kaiserzeit. 1341. Gieseler, J: C: L: Church history. 117. Giifen, K. World-crowding. 146. Gifford, J. W. [Drama.] 551. Gifford, W: Ben .Tonson. 1.544. Gift, Theo, pseud., see Boulger, D. 683. Gifts of genius. 1091. Gihon, J: H., joint author, see Soule, F. Gilbart, J. W: Banking. 200. Gilbert, C: Yi.., joint autfior, see Jordan, D: S. Gilbert, G. K: Geology of Nevada, Utah, etc. 843. Henry mountains. 342. Lake Bonneville. 338. Measuring heights by barometer. 338. Gilbert, W: [Eviction.] 735. Gilbert, W. 8. [Drama.] 551. Bab ballads. 1032. Gilchrist, A. Mary Lamb. 1551. Gilder, R: W. New day. 1033. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Gilder. AXJTHOB-INDEX. Gogol. liij Gilder, W: H. Ice-pack and timdra. 1426. Schwatka's search. 1435. Oildersleeve, B. L. [Pliilolojfical essays]. 2fi5. Qiles, C. Who was Jesus Christ ? 93. Giles, P:. a. [Fiction.] 735. Giles, H: Chri.stain tliought on life. 101. Human life in Shakespeare. 1046. Illustrations of genius. 1062. Giles, H. A., ed. Gems of Chinese literature. 1148. GilfiUan, (t: Martyrs of the Scottish covenant. 123. Modern literature and literary men. 1007. Poets and poetry of the Bible. 1146. GilfiUan, J. The sabbath. 115. Gill, T. Scientific libraries. 1. Gill, T.N: BibJiograpiiy of fishes. 25. Families of fishes. 380. Families of mammals. 384. Families of mollusks. 374. Insectivorous mammals. 386. [Papers on fishes.] 380. and E. Coues. Bibliography of north amer. mammals. 25. Gill, W: F. Foe. 1542. Gill, W: J : River of golden sand. 1299. Gillespie, T: [Fiction.] 735. Gillet, R. H. Federal government. 227. Gillett, E. H. J: Huss. 1460. Presbyterian church in the U. S. 128. Gilliat, E. [Fiction.] 735. Gillies, J: Whitefield. 1459. Gilliss, J. M. Astronomical observations. 308. Chile. 1417. Magnetical and meteorol. observations. 317. Naval astronomical expedition. 296. Solar eclipse, July 18, 1860. 309. Total eclipse, 1858. 308. Gillmore, P. Great thirst land. 1329. Hostile Africa. 1329. Prairie and forest. 505. Gillmore, Q. A. Limes, cements and mortars. 460. Siege of Ft. Pulaski. 420. Gillow, J. Bibliographical dictionary of english catholics. 1442. Gilly, W: S. Felix Neft". 1461. Gilman, A. History of the american people. 1345. Kings, queens and barbarians. 1159. Tales of the pathfinders. 1349. Gilman, B. I. Operations in relative number. 44. Gilman, C. [Fiction.] 735. Poetry of travelling in the United States. 1365. Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. 1466. Gilmer, H. Four years in the saddle. 1360. Gilmore, J. R. Down in Tennessee. 1378. James A. Garfield. 1467. Gilmour, J. Among the mongols. 1299. Gindely, A. Dreissigjiihriger krieg. 1238. Thirty years' war. 1238. Ginx's baby. E: Jenkins. 1082. Giraldus de Barri Oambrensis. Historical works. 1211. Girard, C: Fresh water fishes of North America. 380. [Papers on fishes.] 371, 372. joint author, see Baird, S. F. Girardin, D. [Drama.] 551. [Fiction.] 735. Girault, A. N. Vie de Washington. 1465. Giseke, H:L:R. [Fiction.] 735. Gladden, W. Christian leaeue of Connecticut. 105. Working people and their employers. 197 Gladstone, J: H Michael Fara^aV- 1521. Gladstone, W: E. Bulgarian horrors, etc. 192. "Ecce Homo". 93. Gleanings of past years. 191. -- Hellenic factor in eastern problem. 192 Homer. 1137. Homer and the Homeric ao-e. 1137 Montenegro. 189. Rome. 192. Vatican decrees. 192. Glasbrenner, A. [Fiction.] 735. Neuer Reinecke Fuchs. 1116. Die verkehrte welt. 1116. Glasenapp, C: F: R: Wagner. 1536. Glaser, A. [Fiction.] 735. Glaubrecht, J. [Fiction.] 735. Glaubrecht, Otto, pseud., see Oeser, R. L: 819. Glazier, W. American cities. 1364. Battles for the union. 1357. Heroes of three wars. 141)9. Three years in the federal cavalry. 1360. Gleanings from natural history. 285. Gleed, C: S. From river to sea. 1399. Gleich, F: [Fiction.] 735. Gleig, G: Primitive church. 117. Gleig, G: R. [Fiction.] 735. Battle of Waterloo. 1257. Essays. 1062. History of the Bible. 84. Der leichte dragoner. 1504. Sir T: Munro. 1505. Gleim, .T: W: L: Anthologie. 1109. Lessing, Wieland, Heinse. 1555. Glengall, Earl of, see Butler, R: 533. Glenn, S: Tornado near Huron, Dak. iBI. Giiddon, G: R., joint author, see Nott, J. C. Glog-au, B. [Fiction.] 735. Gltick, E. Romancero. 1116. Glumer, C. v. [Fiction.] 735. Glynn, J. Construction of cranes. 415. Power of water. 426. Gneist, R. Englisches verwaltungsrecht. 162. Self-government. 162. Goadby, E. England of Shakespeare. 1233. Goadby, H: Vegetable and animal physiology. 345. Gobat, S: Life and work. 1456. Residence in Abyssinia. 1323. Gobrecht, J. C, ed. National home at Dayton. 235. GSckingrk, L. F: G. v. Anthologrie. 1109. Episteln. 1106. G5deke, K: Grundrisz zur geschichte der deutschen dichtung. 1104. Godfrey, Mrs. G. W. [Fiction.] 736. Godin, Araelie. pseud., see Liinz, A. 789. Godkin, E. L. Offlce-holdinK aristocracy. 228. Godkin, G. S. Victor Emmanuel. 1477. GOdsche, H. O. F: [Fiction.] 736. Godwin, P. Bryant. 1539. Cyclopajdia of biography. 1428. History of France. 1252*. Orjranization. 1071. Political essays. 184. Godwin, W: [Fiction] 736. Goethe, J: W. v.. see GOthe, J. W. v. Goetschy, G. [Drama.] 551. Gogol, N:V. [Fiction.] 736. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. liv GOhren. AUTHOR-INDEX . Goulbum. pseud., see ZOUner, C. Goldoni, C: Autobiograp Goldsmith, O. [Drama.] 551. GOhren, Caroline v. 1)02. Goldammer, L. [Fiction.] 736. " iography. 1563. [Fiction.] 736 Earth and animated nature. 367. [Essays.! 1049. Poetical worlcs. 1033. Works. 1012. GOU, H. Illustrirte mythologie. 135. Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rom. 1171. - Weisen und gelehrten des alterthums. 1445. Goltz, B. Bildung und gcbildete. 144. Buch der kindheit. 1121. Charakteristik der frauen. 57. Deutscher genius. 1103. Diagnosen fiir exacte menschenkenntniss. 51. Kleinstiidter in Aegypten. 1321. Kneipen und kneip-genies. 66. Mensch und leute. 350. Mensohen-dasein. 51. Physiognomic des volkes. 52. Ty'pen der gesellschaft. 52. Umgangs-pnilosophie. 65. Vorlesungen. 1121. Weltklugheit und lebens-weisheit. 60. Gomes, J. B. [Drama.] 552. Gomme, G: L., ed. Gentleman's magazine library : Dialect, proverbs and word-lore. 271 . Manners and customs. 261. Popular superstitions. 55. Gonse, L: Eugfene Fromentin. 1530. Goodale, E. Journal of a farmer's daughter. 1062. Groodale, G: L. Bibliography of floras. 31. Common plants. 383. Wild liowers of America. 362. Goode, F. Better covenant. 95. Goode, G: B. Animal resources of the U. S. 36!). Life-history of the eel. 355. [Papers on lishes]. 380. Goode, W: Divine rule of faith and i)ractice. 73. Goodrich, C. A. Greek grammar. 278. Goodrich, C: B. Science of government. 164. Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the sea. 1197. Tricolored sketches. 1261. Goodrich, S: G. Book of trades. 387. Celebrated american Indians. 1439. Celebrated women. 1435. Curiosities of human nature. 1435. Famous men of ancient times. 1446. of modern times. 1432. History of the United States. 1345. Indians of America. 1335. Lights and shadows of african history. 1317. of american history. 1331. of asiatic history. " 1295. of european history. 1199. Lives of benefactors. 1435. Manners and customs. 260. Peter Parley's merry stories. 518. Poems. 1032. Recollections. 1540. G-oodvrin, C. W. Mosaic cosmogony. 73. Goodwin, H. B., see Talcot, H. B. 869. Goodwin, J: A. Puritan conspiracy. 129. Goodwin, P. A. Andrew Jackson." 1466. Goodwin, T: A. Man's immortality. 96. Goodwin, W: W. Battle ot Salamis. 1172. [Philological essays.] 266. Goold, J. Game of draughts. 500. Gordon, C: G: Journals at Kartoum. 1504. Letters from the Crimea. 1082. Gordon, G: H. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain. 1358. Cedar Mountain to Alexandria. 1358. War-diary of the rebellion. 1360. Gordon, J. E. H. Electricity and magnetism. 315. Gordon, L. S. [Drama.] 552. Gordon, M. Christopher North. 1554. Gordon, T; F. Digest of the laws of the U. S. 214. Gordon, Walter. [Drama.] 552. Gordon, W: History of the independence of the U. S. 1350. Gore, C. G. F. [Drama.] 552. [Fiction.] 736. Gore, G: Electro-metallurgy. 316. GOrgens, E. P. Islam und die moderne kultur. 140. GOrling, A. [Fiction.] 736. Gorostiza, M. E. de. XDrama.] 552. Gorring-e, H: H. Egyptian obelisks. 1322. Gorton, J: Biographical dictionary. 1427. Gosch, C: A: Denmark and Germany. 1282. Gosse, E. W: Gray. 1550. Seventeenth centui-y studies. 1544. Studies in the literature of northern J^urope. 508. Gosse, P. H: Evenings at the mici'oscope. 356. The ocean. 328. Romance of natural history. 367. Year at the shore. 369. Gossip, G. H. D. Chess-player's manual. 500. Gostwick, J. German culture and Christianity. 48. German poets. 1555. GOthe, C. E. Correspondence. 1123. GOthe, J : W. v. [Drama.] 552. [Fiction.] 736. Briefwechsel mit Carl Auj^ust. 1124. Correspondence with a child. 1134. Correspondence with Schiller. 1124. Early and miscellaneous letters. 1134. Der ]unge Goethe. 1123. Poems and ballads. 1116. Truth and poetry. 1556. Werke. 1110. Same. 1107. Wisdom of Goethe. 1126. Works. 1110. Goethe gallerv. 481. Gott, H: [Drama.] 552. Gotter, F: W: Ausgewahlte gediehte. lion. Gotthelf, Jeremias, pseud., see Bitzius, A. 678. Gottschalk, L: M. Notes of aj)ianist. 1534. Gottschall, K: R. V. [Fiction.] 737. Byron. 1430. Deutsche national-litteratur. 1103. Napoleon III. 1430. Robespierre. 1420. Schiller. 1420. ed. Der neue Plutarch. 1429. Gottsched. J: C. Briefwechsel. 1105. Cato. 1100. Gottsched, L. A. V. [Drama.] 552. Das testament. 110r>. Goubaux, P. P., and G. J: B. E. W. Leg-ouve. [Drama.] 552. Gough, J: B. Autobiography. 1512. Sunlight and shadow. 1512. Goulburn, B: M. Education of the world. 72. Thoughts on personal religion. 109. Entries inlsmall type refer to contentslonly. Gould. AUTHOR-INDEX. Greene. rv Gould, A. B., et?. Naturalist's library. 367. joint author, see Gray, L: J: R. Gould, B: A. Military and anthropological statistics of anierican soldiers. 351. Trans-atlantic longitude. 305. Solar parallax. ;i08. Gould, E. R. L. Local government in Penna. 1334. Gould, ?]: 8. [Fiction.] 737. Gould, J: M. How to camp out. 502. Gould, J. T., see Lineoln, J. T. 788. Gould, S. Baring-. Curious myths. 134. Germany. 1246. (xermany, present and past. 1241. Iceland." 1284. Gould, W: M. Zephyrs from Italy. 1266. Gouraud, see Fauvel-Gouraud. Govea de Vittoria, P: Argonauticon american- orum. 1193. Gower, Lord R. C: Sutherland-Leveson-. Figure painters of Holland. 1529. Reminiscences. 1528. Romney and Lawrence. 1528. ed. Great historic galleries of England. 470. Gowing, R: R: Cobden. 1492. Gowing-, W: [Drama.] 553. Gozlan, L. [Drama.] 553. [Fiction.] 737. Gozzi, C: [Drama.] 553. Grabbe, C. D. [Drama.] 553. Graber, V. Die insekten. 376. Grabowski, S. A. graf v. [Fiction.] 737. Gracchus Americanus, pseud., see Wells, J: (i. (irliHiche hiiusei*. 1568. Graham, A. J. Standard or american phono- graphy. 448. Graham, D. Treatise on massage. 407. Graham, Ennis, pseud., see Molesworth, M. L. 805. Graham, H: (x. Rousseau. 1562. Graham, J. Gen. Daniel Morgan. 1502. History of the United States. 1349. Graham,' J. D. Harbors of Lake Michigan. 425. Graham, W. Brass founder's manual. 454. Grahame, F. R. Archer and steppe. 1275. Grandy, R; E. Timber importer's guide. 459. Grange, E., and X. de Montepin. [Drama.] 553. and L. Thiboust. [Drama.] 558. Granier de Cassagnac, A. B. Working and burgher classes. 197. Grant, Sir A. Aristotle. 1138. Xenophon. 1142. Grant, Allan, pseud., see "Wilson, Grant, Anne. Highlanders. 1033. Letters from the mountains. 1079. Memoirs of an american lady. 1488. Supei'stitions of the highlandei's. 55. Grant, Asahel. Nestorians. 125. Grant, James, journalist. British battles. 1228. Great metropolis. 1235. Metropolitan pulpit. 1454. Old and new Edinburgh. 1231. Grant, James, novelist. [Fiction.] 737. Grant, M. M. [Fiction.] 737. Grant, R. [Fiction.] 737. Grant, U. S. Armies of the United States. ia59. Personal memoii's. 1467. Granville, J. M. Common mind-troubles. 408. Secret of a clear head. 403. J. G. Sleep and sleeplessness. 403. Grassmann, R. Wissenschaftslehi'e. 43. Gratet-Duplessis, see Duplessis. Grattan, H: Speeclioa. 189. Grattan, T: C. [Fiction.] 737. History of the Netherlands. 1283. Gratz, H: Ge.schichte der juden. 1168. Graue, G. Darwinismus und sittlichkeit 353 Mangel an theologen. 67. Graves, iWr.s. A. J. Woman in America. 152 Gray, A. [Botanical papers.] 3(i3, 304. Darwiniana. 353. Field, forest and garden botany. 357, 361. How plants behave. 359. How plants grow. 359. Lessons in botany. 357, 360. Manual of botany. 362. Natural science and religion. 82. Plantaj Wrightiana^ texano-neomexicanaj. 364. Structural and systematic botany. 360. and J. D. Hooker. Vegetation of the Rocky mountain region. 366. Gray, A. M. [Fiction.] 737. Gray, Barry, pseud., see Coffin, R. B. Gray, D: Poems. 1033. Gray, E. Conder, pseud, for A. H. Japp. Wise words and loving deeds. 1434. Gray, G: Z. Children's crusade. 121. Gray, H: Anatomy. 398. Gray, J. H. j;Fiction.] 738. Gray, J: H: China. 1297. Gray, Mrs. J: H: Fourteen months in Canton. 1299. Gray, Robertson, pseud., see Raymond, R. W Gray, T: Poetical works. 1033. Graydon, A. Memoirs. 1486. Grayson, FAdred, esq., psetid. [Fiction.] 738. Grayson, W: J. James L. Petigru. 1488. Greard, O. Instruction primaire a Pai'is. 246. Great men of history. 1429. Greeley, H. American conflict. 1355. Glances at Europe. 1208. Overland journey. 1398. Recollections and miscellanies. 1540. ed. Ai-t and industry. 390. a7id J: F. Cleveland, comps. Political text- book. 166. Greely, A. W. Isothermal lines. 331. Green, A. F. Geologry of coal. ;{23. Green, A. K. [Fiction.] 738. Defence of the bride. 1033. Green, F. W. [Drama.] 553. Green, G:W. Repudiation. 196. Green, H: Shakespeare and the emblem writers. 1046. Green, J: R: Conquest of England. 1218. History of the english people. 1216. Making of England. 1218. Short history of the english people. 1216. ed. Readings from englisli history. 1227. Green, M. A. E. Princesses of England. 1472. Green, S. A. History of medicine in Mass. 393. Green, S: S. Library aids. 2. Libraries and schools. 510. Green, T: J. Texian expedition against Mior. 1385. Green, W: Cheap Jack. 1526. Greene, F. V. Army life in Russia. 1276. The Mississippi. 1357. Russian army. 1276. Greene, G: W. American revolution. 1350. Biographical studies. 1062. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. M Greene. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Grove. Greene, G: W. Continued. German element in the war of independence. 1351. Historical studies. 1063. History of Rhode Island. 1373. Nathaniel Greene. 1501. Same. 1488. Greene, K. [Drama.] 553. Greene, W:B. Three Vows. 1033. Greener, W. W. The gun. 457. Modern breech-loaders. 457. Greenhow, R. History of Oregon. 1402. Greenough's amer. polytechnic journal. 390. Qreenougrh, J. B. [Philo'los-ieal essays.] 266. Greenoug-h, S. D. [Fiction.] 738. Greenwell, D. Patience of hope. 101. Two friends. 101. Greenwood, Grace, pseud., see Lippincott, S. J. Greenwood, J. [Fiction.] 738. In strange company. 1094. Low-life deeps. 1832. Sailor's sea book. 306. Wild sports of the world. 502. Wilds of London. 1236. Greer, H:, ed. Recent wonders in electricity. 316. Greer, S. Quakerism. 130. Greey, E: Bear- worshippers of Yezo. 1302. Golden lotus. 143. Wonderful city of Tokio. 1302. Young americans in Japan. 1301. Gregr, P. [Fiction.] 738. Greg, W: R. Creed of Christendom. 91. Rocks ahead. 146. Gregg, J. Commerce of the prairies. 1401. Wanderungen durch die priirien. 1401. Gregorovius, F. A. Corsica. 1270. Geschichte der stadt Rom. 1265. Island of Capri. 1270. Gregory, J:, U. E. Industrial resources of Wis- consin. 1393. Gregory, J:, M. D. Father's legacy. 60. Gregrory, J. M. Collegiate dejrrees. 241. Gregory, O. G. Evidences of the christian re- ligion. 97. Grendel, M. R. [Fiction.] 738. Grenville, G: N. T., baron Nugent. J: Hampden. 1492. Grenville, R:. duke of Buckingham and Chandos. Court of George III. 1226. Gresley, W: [Fiction.] 738. Ecclesiastes anglicanus. 105. Greswell, W: Our south african empire. 1327. Gretschel, H. Lexikon der astronomic. 399. Greville, C: C. F. Memoirs. 1226. Greville, H: W: Diary. 1226. Greville, Henry, pseud., see Durand, A. M. C. H. 730. Grey, The hon. C: Early years of the prince con- sort. 1472. Grey, Mrs. E. C. [Fiction.] 738. Greyson, R. E. H., pseud., see Rogers, H: Grieb, C. F: Deutsches und englisches wiirter- buch. 867. ed. Dunkle thaten. 222. Griepenkerl, W. R. [Drama.] 553. Grier, W: Mechanic's calculator. 397. Griesinger, K: T. [Fiction.] 738. Humoristische bilder aus Schwaben. 1348. Silhouetten aus Schwaben. 1348. Skizzenbuch. 1121. Griffin, A. P. C. Discovery of Mississippi. 28. Griffin, D. Gerald Griffin. 1550. Griffin, F: Junius discovered. 1079. Griffin, (;. [Fiction.] 738. Poetical works. 1033. Griffin, *S^i>L. H: The great republic. 1368. Griffis, W:E. Corea. 1300. Japanese fairy world. 143. Mikado's empii-e. 1300. Griffiths, A. [Fiction.] 739. Chronicles of Newgate. 223. Grigsby, H. B. Virginia convention. 1379. Grillparzer, F. [Drama.] 553. Grimes, J. S. Geognomy. 323. Grimm, E: Lehre iiber Buddha. 138. Grimm, H. [Fiction.] 739. Essays. 1121. Goethe. 1556. Michael Angelo. 1532. ed. Raphael. 1532. Grimm, J. L: K: Geschichte der deutschen sprache. 275. Teutonic mythology. 136. and W: K: [Fiction.] 739. Deutsche sagen. 141. Deutsches worterbuch. 275. Grimm, W. Die Lutlierbibel. 83. Grimme, W: Gedichte. 1116. Grimmelshausen, H. .7. C. v. Werke. 1105. Grimshawe, T. S. Leigh Richmond. 1456. Gringo, Harry, pseud., see Wise, H: A: Griscom, J: H. Animal mechanism. 399. Grisebach, E:, ed. [Fiction.] 739. Qriswold, R. W. Memoir of Poe. 1017. Poets and poetry of America. 1024. Republican court. 1352. Sacred poets. 1022. Washington and the generals. 1499. Qriswold, S. B. Law libraries. 1. Griswold, W: M. Index to essays. 28. Q. P. indexes. 34, 35. Writers for the literary press. 1539. Grob, J: Zwingli. 146l". Groesbeck, J: Commercial arithmetic. 297. Grohe, J]: Geschichte der leibesiibungcn. 404. Grohman, W: A. Baillie-. Camps in the Rock- ies. 1401. Gaddings with a primitive people. 1249. Gronlund, L. Co-operative commonwealth. 203. Groome, F. H. In gipsy tents. 1232. Groose, J. W. [Fiction.] 739. Groot, H. de. Truth of the chi'istian religion. 97. Grosette, H. W. [Drama.] 553. Gross, H: Deutschlands dichterinnen. 1554. Grosse, J. [Drama.] 553. Grossheim, J. [Fiction.] 739. Grossi, T. [Fiction.] 739. Grosvenor, E. M., marchioness of Westminster. Tour in Sweden. 1310. Grosvenor, W: M. Does protection protect ? 305. Grote, A: R. [Papers on moths.] 378. Grote, G; History of Greece. 1173. Plato. 46. Groth, K. [Fiction.] 739. Quickborn. 1116. Grothe, R: [Fiction.] 740. Grotius, H., see Groot, H. de. 97. Grout, L. Zulu-land. 1330. Grove, (Sir G: Beethoven's nine symphonies. 492. Geography. 1183. ed. Dictionary of music. 89. Grove, W: R Correlation of physical forces. 311. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Grove. AUTHOR-INDEX . Gyllembourg:. Ivij Grove, W: R. Continued. Correlation of physical forces. 311. Grube, A: W: Biographische miniatui-bilder. 1430. Heroes of history and legend. 1199. ed. Charakterbilder. 1151. Geographische charakter-bilder. 1183. Gruber, F. J. [Fiction.] 740. Gruber, Ludwig, pseud., see Anzengruber, L. 606. Griin, Anastasius, pseud., see Auersperg, A. A., grafy. Grund, Jb. J. Position of Europe. 161. Grundy, S. [Drama.] 554. Griiner, L: E. Manufacture of steel 455. Gryphius, A. Werke. 1105. Guarasci, C. Coast defense. 420. Guard, T: Christianity and the age. 73. Guardian. 1049. Gubitz, F: W: Lachender ernst. 1125. Gudrun. 1113, 1114. Guenot, C, abbe. [Fiction.] 740. Guerin, E. de. Journal. 1561. Letters. 1130. Guermante, C. [Fiction.] 740. Guernsey, A. H. Emerson. 1447. a7id H: M. Alden. Harper's history of the re- bellion. 1354. and I. P. Davis. Health at home. 401. Guernsey, L. E. [Fiction.] 740. Jenny and the birds. 382. Jenny and the insects. 376. Guerrazzi, F. D. [Fiction.] 740. Guest, E. English rhythms. 276. Guest, M. J. History of England. 1216. Guhl, A: Schule und heer. 231. Guhl, E., and W: Koner. Leben der griechen und romer. 1171. Life of the greeks and romans. 1171. Guhrauer, G. 'K:, joint author', see Danzel, T. W: see also Mackie, J. M. 1447. Guiccioli, T. G. contessa, see Boissy, T. G. Guide to selecting plays. 498. Guides for science teaching. 283. Guild, R. A. James Manning. 1453. Librarian's manual. 13. Guillemin, A. V: Comets. 303. The heavens. 301. The sun. 304. Wonders of the moon. 304. Guillemot, J. [Drama.] 554. Guirey, G: [Fiction ] 740. Guischard, W. K. [Fiction.] 740. Guise, Mrs. F. [Fiction.] 740. Guizot, F. P: G. Actual state of Christianity. 119. Character and influence of Washington. 1465. Charlemagne and the Carlovingians. 1252. Civilization in Europe. 151. Corneille. 1561. English revolution. 1222. Essence of Christianity. 98. Francis I and the 16th century. 1253. History of civilization. 151. History of England. 1216. History of France. 1250. Memoirs. 1496. Monk. 1493. Monk and Washington. 1499. Oliver Cromwell. 1222. Origin of representative government. 160. Outlines of history of France. 1250. Guizot, F. P: Q. Continued. Richard Cromwell. 1222. St. Louis and the 13th century. 1252. Shakespeare and his times. 1045. and H. de Witt. History of France. 1250 Guizot, H., see Witt, H. de. Guizot, P., see Witt, P. de. Gulielmus Malmesburiensis. Chronicle of the kings of England. 1220. Giill, F: Kinderhelmath in liedern. 1116. Gumpert, T. v., see Schober, T. v. Gunderode, K. v., and K. v. Amim. Corres- jjondence. 1124. Gundling, J. [Fiction.] 740. Aus Frankreich. 1260. Gunning, W: D. Life-history of our planet. 3a5. Gunnison, J: W. The mormons. 140. Gunther, A. C: L: G. Study of fishes. 380. GUnther, J: C. [Gedichte.J 1116. Gedichte. 1105. Gumey, E. Power of sound. 493. Wagner and Wagnerism. 468. Gumey, J. J: Habitual exercise of love to God. 100. O-urney, R. Natural religion. 72. Gurowski, A. comte de. America and Europe. 164. Diary. 1360. Russia as it is. 1278. Gurteen, S. H. Charity organization. 235. Guseck, Bernd v., pseud., see Bemeck, C: G. v. 676. Gushington, Angelina, pseud., see Cooke, C. W. R. Gusserow, A. Neubildungen des uterus. 411. Gustaf 111, king of Sweden. [Drama.] 554. Gustafson, A. Foundation of death. 66. Gustafson, Z. Genevieve Ward. 1537. Gustafsson, R: A. [Fiction.] 740. Gustav vom See, pseud., see Struensee, G. K: 0:v. 868. Guthrie, F: First book of knowledge. 284. Guthrie, F. A. [Fiction.] 741. Guthrie, T: The gospel m Ezekiel. 109. The parables. 90. Guthrie, W: Christian's great interest. 100. Guttmann, O. Aesthetic physical culture. 515. Gymnastics of the voice. 400. Guttmann, P. Physical diagnosis. 408. Gutzkow, K: F. [Drama.] 554. [Fiction.] 741. Borne's leben. 1555. Brief e aus Paris. 1261. Gesammelte werke, b. 1. 1116. Oelfentliche charaktere. 1432. Philosophic der that und des erignisses. 1149. Gutzlaff, C:F: A: Chinese history. 1297. Voyages along the coast of China. 1298. ay on, J. M. Metn Way to God. 103. Quyoii, J. M. Method of prayer. 103. Guyot, A. H: Creation. 80. Directions for meteorological observations. 331. Earth and man. 323. Guyot, Y. Social economy. 193. Gwilt, J. Encyclopiedia of architecture. 473. Gwinner, W: "Schopenhauer's leben. 1447.- Schopenhauer und seine freunde. 1447. Gwynfryn, pseud., see Miller, O. T. Gwynne, T. [Fiction.] 741. Gyllembourg-Ehrensvard, T. K. [Fiction.] 741. Gymnastics without a teacher. 404. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Iviij AUTHOR-INDEX . Hallam. H., seeNyblom, H. 815. H., Dr., pseud., see Tolderlund, H. H. V. H , Mrs. Three years in field hospitals. 1361. H. H., pseud., see Jackson, H. M. Haas, C. P: M. Administration de la France. 227 Haas, G.E. [Fiction.] 741. Habberton, J: [Fiction.] 741. Washington. 1465. joint author, see Norton, C. L. Habel, S. Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumal- whuapa. 1411. Haberlin, K: L: [Fiction.] 742. Habicht, L: [Fiction.] 742. Habits of good society. 262. Hachenberg, C. F:, see Goodrich, C. A. 278. Hackel, E. H: Anthropogenic. 353. Evolution of man. 353. Freedom in science and teaching. 353. History of creation. 353. Natiirliche schopfungsgeschichte. 353. Visit to Ceylon. 1305. Hackett, H. B. Christian memorials of the war. 106. Hacklander, F: W: [Drama.] 554. [Fiction.] 742. Reise in den orient. 1195. Soldatenleben im kriege. 1263. Tagebuch-blatter. 1205. Winter in Spanien. 1273. joint author, see Stieler, K: Hackle, Palmer, pseud., see Blakey, K. Haddan, A. W. Rationalism. 72. Haddon, J. Commercial book-keeping. 450. Hadermann, J. R., see Walworth, J. R. 886. Hadley, J. In trod, to roman law. 224. [Philological essays. | 266. Hagedorn, F: v. Anthologie. 1109. Hagen, E. A: [Drama.] 554. Hagen, F: H: v. der. Minnesinger. 1114. Hagen, H. A: Neuroptera. 377. Hagrue, A. Geology of the Eureka district. 338. and S: F. Emmons. Descriptive geology of the 40th parallel. .S41. Hagiie, J. D. Mining industry of the 40th paral- lel. 428. Hahn, R. E. [Fiction.] 742. Hahn-Hahn, I. grafin. [Fiction.] 743. Aus Jerusalem. 102. Jenseits der berge. 1266. Vier lebensbilder. 1462. Hahnemann, S: Organon der heilkunst. 407. Haigh, D. H. Conquest of Britain. 1219. Haigh, J., tr. Dier's assistant. 452. Hailmann, W. N. Early child-culture. 246. Erziehungs-grundsiitze. 246. Primary helps. 246. Hainan, K: W. [Fiction.] 743. Haines, E. M., comp. Wisconsin town laws. 220. Haines, J: T: [Drama.] 554. Haij Mohammed Amin. see Keane, J: F: Hake, A. E. Chinese Gordon. 1504. Hakluyt, R: Discourse on western planting. 1370. Haldeman, S: S. Affixes. 271. [Philological essays.] 266. Hale, D: Miscellaneous writings. 1452. Hale, E: Fall of the Stuarts. 1224. Hale, E: E. [Fiction.] 743. Choice of books. 510. How to do it. 65. Kansas and Nebraska. 1396. Ninety days worth of Europe. 1209. Hale, E: E. Continued. Seven Spanish cities. 1274. ed. Stories of adventure. 1196. Stories of discovery. 1196. Stories of invention. 1524. Stories of the sea. 1196. Stories of war. 1359. and S. Family flight around home. 1368. over Egypt and Syria. 1322. through France, ete. 1206. Hale, L. P. [Fiction.] 743. Hale, Salma. History of the U. S. 1346. Hale, Susan. Family'flight through Spain. 1274. ed. T: Gold AppVeton. 1539. joi7it author, see Hale, E: E. Hale, S. J. Woman's record. 1432. ed. Liberia. 1323. Hale, T. J. Additions to flora of Wis. 433. Halein, K. T. P. M., see Zitz. 902. Halevy, L. [Fiction.] 743. joint author, see Meilhac, H: 570. Halford, J. [Drama.] 554. Haliburton, T: C. [Fiction.] 744. Nova Scotia. 1406. Halkett, S; and J: Laing. Anonymous and pseudonymous literature. 30. Hall, A. [Astronomical observations.] 307. Hall, A. M., mrs. S: C. [Fiction.] 744. joint author, see Hall, S: C. Hall, A. O. [Fiction.] 744. Manhattaner in New Orleans. 1384. Hall, B. Aus dem seeleben. 1516. Patchwork. 1207. Voyage to Corea. 1299. Hall, B. R. [Fiction.] 744. Hall, C:F. Arctic researches 1424. Polai'is expedition. 1424. Second arctic expedition. 1424. Hall, C:W. [Fiction.] 744. Hall, E:B. Mary L.Ware. 1453. Hall, E: H. The great west. 1398. Hall, F: Maximilian I. 1480. Hall, F: T. Pedigree of the devil. 54. Hall, G. S. Aspects of german culture. 1062. ed. Methods of teaching history. 245. Hall, H : Ship-building of the United States. 462. Hall, I: H. [Philological essays.] 266. Hall, James, judge. [Fiction.] 744. History, life and manners in the west. 1385. Letters from the west. 1385. Thomas Posey. 1438. Hall, James, geologist. Geology of New York. 338. Geology of Oregon and California. 342. Palaeontology ol New York. 343. and J. D. Whitney, Geology of Wisconsin. 339. and R. P. Whitfield. Palaeontology. 343. Hall, J: God's word through preaching. 105. Hall, J: C: Natural history of man. 350. Hall, Mrs. M. Queens of England. 1470. Hall, R. Miscellaneous works. 76. Hall, S: C. Baronial halls. 1232. Retrospect of a long life. 1550. and A. M. Ireland. 1230. Hall, Mrs. S; C, see Hall, A. M. 744. Hall, W: E: International law. 209. Hall, W: W. Bronchitis. 409. Health and disease. 401. How to live long. 401. Sleep. 403. Hall's ]oui-nal of health. 397. Hallam, A. H: Remains. 1013. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Hallam. AtTTHOR-lNDElC . Harding. lix Hallam, H: Constitutional history of England. 161. Europe during the middle ages. 1199. Literature of Em-ope. 509. Halleck, F. G. Letters. 1541. [Poetical works.] 1033. Selections from the british poets. 1022. Halleck, H: W. International law. 209. Military art and science. 231. Haller, A. v. Gedichte. 1106. Same. 1108. Hallett, E. V. [Fiction.] 744. Halliday, A. [Drama.] 554. and V. li&vreence. [Di-ama.] 555. joint author, see Broug-h, W: 529. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Archaic and provin- cial words. 273. Life of Shakespeare. 1045. New Place. 1045. ed. Early english literature. 1009. Literature of the 16th and 17th centuries. 1009. Progress of science in England. 289. Rara mathematica. 295. Halleck, C: Sportsman's gazetteer. 503. Halleck, W: A. Light and love. 1452. Hallewell, A. D, ed. James and Lucretia Mott. 1453. Hallewell, R: P. Quaker invasion of Massa- chusetts. 1372. Hallewell, S. C. F. [Fiction.] 744. Halm, Friedrich, pseud, see MUnch-Belling- hausen, E. F. J. freiherr v. 577. Halpine, C : G. Baked meats. 1063. Poetical works. 1033. Private Miles O'Reilly. 1084. Halsey, L. W. Scotland's influence on civiliza- tion. 1213. Halstead, L. B. [Fiction.] 744. Halsted, C. A. Richard III. 1469. Halversen, J. B. Norsk forfatter-lexikon. 20. Hamann, J:G: The merchant. 1103. Hamel, J. English voyages to northern Russia. 1280. Hamerling, R. [Fiction.] 744. [Gedichte]. 1116. Hamersly, L. R. Officers of the United States navy. 1500. Hamersly, T: H. S. Register of the United States navy. 234. Regular army register. 233. Hamerton, E., mrs. P. G. [Fiction.] 744. Hamerten, P. G. [Fiction.] 744. Chapters on animals. 367. Etching and etchers. 489. Graphic arts. 481. Human intercourse. 1063. Intellectual life. 1063. Modern frenchmen. 1444. Painter's camp. 1210. Paris. 1260. Round my house. 1259. Thoughts about art. 469. Turner. 1529. Hamerten, Mrs. P. G., see Hamerten, E. 744. Hamilton, A. comte. Memoirs of count Gram- mont. 1496. Hamilton, Alex. Works. 185. Hamilton, C. G. [Fiction.] 744. Hamilton, C. V. [Fiction.] 744. Hamilton, E. [Fiction.] 744. Hamilton, E. Continued. Agrippina. 1498. Hamilton, F. H. Fractures and dislocations. 412. Hamilton, G. Vegetable and animal physiology. 360. Hamilton, Gail, pseud., see Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, J: C. History of the U. S. 1347. Hamilton, N. E. S. A. Mss. corrections in Col- lier's Shakspere. 1047. Hamilton, R. In trod, to merchandise. 450. Money and value. 200. Hamilton, S. National flag of the U. S. 1565. Hamilton, T: [Fiction.] 745. Men and manners in America. 1365. Hamilton, W. Esthetic movement in England. 469. ed. Parodies. 1081. Hamilton, /Sir W : Lectures on logic. 59. Lectures on metaphysics. 51. Hamley, C: [Fiction.] 745. Hamley, E. B. [Fiction.] 745. Voltaire. 1448. Hamley, W. G. [Fiction.] 745. Hamlin, A: C. Among gems. 324. Hamlin, C. Plans of reading. 510. Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of le Detroit. 1389. Hamm, W: v. Die naturkriifte. 430. Hammer-Purgstall, J. freiherr v. Geschichte des osmanischen reiches. 1289. Hammond, A. Practical bricklaying. 460. Hammond, Mrs. E. H. [Fiction.] 745. Hammond, J. D. History of pohtical parties in N. Y. 1375. Hammond, M. E. [Fiction.] 745. Hammond, S: H. Hills, lakes and forest streams. 1376. Hammond, W: A. [Fiction.] 745. Insanity. 53. Spiritualism. 56. Hamst, Olphar, pseud., see Thomas, R. 30. Hanaford, P. A. Abraham Lincoln. 1466. Dickens. 1548. G: Peabody. 1513. Hancock, E. C. Amateur pottery and glass painter. 480. Hancock, W: [Drama.] 555. and A. Moore. [Drama.] 555. Hand, F. G. Aesthetics of musical art. 493. History of the latin language. 265. Handy book of quotations. 517. Hanke, H. W. [Fiction.] 745. Hanna,.W: T: Chalmers. 1457. Hanslick, E: Vom musikalisch-schonen. 493. Hanson, C:H: Homer's stories. 1139. Stories of the days of kin^ Arthur. 514. Hanson, J: H. Tlie lost prince. 1451. Hanson, W: Fallacies. 194. Haole, A, pseud., see Bates, G. W. Haraszthy, A. Grape culture. 438. Harbaugh, H: Poems. 1033. Harber, G. B. Search for the Jeannette expedi- tion. 1426. Harbison, M. Zoology. 367. Harcourt, C. C. L. S. duchesae d'. Duchess of Orleans. 1496. Harcourt, R. Rambles through the British Isles. 1230. Hardenberg, F. v. [Selections.] 1104. Harder, L: [Fiction.] 745. Harding, R. B., see Davis, R. B. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Hardman. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Hartmann. Hardman, F: [Fiction.] 745. Hardwick, C: History of the christian church. 121. Hardwicke, Countess of, see Yorke, E. 614. Hardwicke, H. J. Medical education. 393. Hardwicke, P. [Drama.] 555. Hardy, A. S. [Fiction.] 745. Quaternions. 300. Topogrraphical surveying. 418. Hardy, I. D. [Fiction.] 745. Between two oceans. 1368. Hardy, M., lady T: D. Down south. 1378. Through cities and prairie lands. 1344. Hardy, T: [Fiction.] 745. Hardy, Uncle, pseud., see Senior, W: Hare, A: J: C. Baroness Bunsen. 1546. Days near Rome. 1269. Florence. 1268. Holland and Scandinavia. 1286. Northern and central Italy. 1268. Records of a quiet life. 1550. Southern Italy and Sicily. 1269. Studies in Russia. 1279. Venice. 1268. Walks in London. 1236. Walks in Rome. 1268. Wanderings in Spain. 1274. Hare, J. C: and A: W: Guesses at truth. 1094. Hare, R. Explosiveness of nitre. 451. Hare, T: Election of representatives. 163. Harford, J. S. Michael Angelo. 1532. Harford, W. G. W. Zoology of Alaska. 372. Harger, C: B., comp. Milwaukee. 1394. Harger, O. Marine isopoda. 375. Haring, G: W:H; [Fiction.] 746. Wiener bilder. 1249. Hariri. Makamen. 1147. Harkness, A. [Philological essays.] 266. Harkness, M. E. Egyptian life and history. 1167. Harkness, W : [Astronomical observations.] 307. Terrestrial magnetism. 317. Harlan, G: C. Eyesight. 403. Harland. Marion, pseud., see Terhune, M. V. Harley, Dr. . [Fiction.] 746. Harper's Christmas. 1091. Harper's cyclopaedia of U. S. history. B. J: Lossing. 1343. Harper's handbook. W. P. Fetridge, ed. 1204. Harper's pictorial history of the rebellion. 1354. Harriman, W. In the orient. 1196. Harring, J:, pseud., see Bagger, C: C. 670. Harrington, George Y., pseud., see Baker, W: M. 670. Harringrton, N. H., joint author, see Yates, E. 613. Harrington, R: [Drama.] 555. Harris, A. [Drama.] 555. joint author, see Buckingham, L. 531. joint author, see "Williams, T: J. 612. Harris, A. B. Dooryard folks. 369. Pleasant authors. 1537. Winter garden. 369. Harris, C. H. Dentistry. 412. Harris, James. Hermes. 267. Philosophical arrangements. 51. Harris, J: Collection of voyages and travels. 1186. Harris, J:, principal of New College. Great com- mission. 115. The great teacher. 93. Harris, 3: Continued. Mammon. 100. Man primeval. 94. Pre-adamite earth. 79. Harris, J. C. [Fiction.] 746. Nights with Uncle Remus. 1084. Uncle Remus. 1084. Harris, Sir J. H., earl of Malmesbury. Memoirs. 1493. Harris, J: R. New testament autographs. 88. Harris, M. [Fiction.] 746. Harris, T. W: Insects injurious to vegetation. 436. Harris, W:C. Prison-life. 1361. Harris, Sir W: C. Adventures in Africa. 1322. Highlands of Ethiopia. 1322. Harris, W. H. Honey-bee. 442. Harris, ;bYrW: S. Electricity. 315. Galvanism. 315. Magnetism. 316. Harris, W: T. Education and the 10th census. 241. Harrison, A. M. Plane-table. 418. Harrison, C. C, mrs. B. H. [Fiction.] 746. Woman's handiwork. 484. Harrison, F: Leon Gambetta. 1429. Soul and future life. 71. Eighteenth century. 1168. Harrison, G. John Howard Payne. 1542. Harrison, J . A. Glimpses of Sweden. 1206. Spain. 1271. Spain in profile. 1274. Story of Greece. 1173. Harrison, J. B. Dangerous tendencies in amer- ican life. 147. Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odyssey. 135. Harrison, W. [Drama.] 555. Harrison, mrs. W: [Fiction] 747. Harsha, Judge. [Fiction.] 747. Harsha, D:A. Philip Doddridge. 1457. Hart, Mrs. . [Fiction.] 747. [Poetical works.] 1033. Hart, G: Violin. 496. Violin and its music. 496. Hart, J. C. [Fiction.] 747. Hart, J. M. German universities. 250. Syllabus of anglo-saxon literature. 276. Hart, J: S. American literature. 1006. Edmund Spenser. 1021. English literature. 1004. Hart, M. C. Amateur printer. 449. Harte, F. B. [Fiction.] 747. Condensed novels. 1081. Echoes of the foot-hills. 1033. Harte, W. Gustavus Adolphus. 1478. Hartelius, T. J: Home gymnastics. 404. Hartig, F. fi'rff/ V. Genesis. 1241. Harting, J. E. Bird life. 381. British extinct animals. 379. Hartley, C. B. Gen. Francis Marion. 1502. H: Lee and T: Sumter. 1502. Hartley, M. [Fiction.] 748. Hartley, W. N. Air. 313. . Hartmann, C. E. R. Darwinismus und thier- produktion. 353. Hartmann, J. E: [Drama.] 556. Hartmann, K: R. E: v. Gesammelte studien. 1121. Phiinomenologie des sittlichen bewusstseins. 60. Philosophy of the unconscious. 48. Religion des geistes. 67. Wahrheit una irrthum im darwinismus. 354. Sintries in small type refer to contents only. Hartmann. AUTHOR-INDEX. Hays. Ixj Hartmann, M. [Fiction.] 748. Gesammelte werke. 1110. Hartner, E. [Fiction.] 748. Hartopp, W. W. [Drama.] 556. Hartshorne, H: Our homes. 401. Hartung, H. Check- und giro-verkehr. 203. Hartwig, G: L: Aerial world. 329. Polar world. 1421. Sea and its living wonders. 328. Subterranean world. 327. Tropical world. 327. Harvey, E. American trotting horse. 441. Harvey, F. [Drama.] 556. Harvey, M., joint author, see Hatton, J. Harvey, P: Daniel Webster. 1489. Harvey, W: H: Marine algae. 362. Harwood, E. Philosophical scepticism. 98. Harwood, J: B. [Fiction.] 748. Hase, K: A: Miracle plays. 513. Hasell, E. J. Calderon. 1564. Tasso. 1564. HM,ser, H. Hlstorische entwicklung der ohirurgle. 410. Haskel, D. Chronological view of the world. 1150. Haskins, G: F. Travels in England, etc. 1209. Haslam, W: From death unto life. 1456. Hassard, J:R. G. J: Hughes. 1450. Pickwickian pilgrimage. 1235. -Pius IX. 1462. Hassaurek, F: [Fiction.] 748. Among the Spanish americans. 1418. Hasse, F:C.A: Geschichte der Lombardei. 1264. Hassell, J. Beauties of antiquity. 1233. Haswell, C: H. Engineers' and mechanics' pocket-book. 414. Hatfield, C. Nicaragua ship canal. 423. Hatfield, E. F. Poets of the church. 1537. St. Helena and Cape of Good Hope. 1328. Hatfield, R. G. American house-carpenter. 461. Hattie, Aunt, pseud., see Baker, H. N. Hatton, J. [Fiction.] 748. Journalistic London. 1006. To-day in America. 1344. and M. Harvey. Newfoundland. 1406. and A. Matthison. [Drama.] 556. joint author, see Oxenford, J: 579. Hatton, J. H: Irving's impressions of America. 1537. Hatton, T: Sketching in water -color from nature. 485. Hauenschild, R:G:Spillerv. [Fiction.] 748. Hauff, W: [Fiction.] 748. Haugr, F: Anthologie. 1109. Haupt, C: Begriindung der piipstlichen macht. 125. Haupt, H. Bridge construction. 420. Hauptmann, M. Opuscula. 491. Hausrath, A. [Fiction.] 749. Hausschatz fiir die deutsche jugend. H. Wagner, ed. 1126. Hausser, L: Deutsche geschichte. 1239. Franzosische revolution. 1255. Period of the reformation. 1202. Haussez, C: L. baron A'. Great Britain. 1230. Haussonville, G. P. O. vicomte d'. Salon of mme. Necker. 1562. Havard, H: Heart of Holland. 1286. Haven, A. [Fiction.] 749. Haven, G. Our next-door neighbor. 1410. Pilgrim's wallet. 1209. Haven, 8: F. Archaeology of the U. S. 1333. Havergal, F. R. Swiss letters. 1288. Havergal, W:H: History of old hundredth. 104. Havers, Dora, see Boulger, D. 682. Haweis, H. R. [Fiction.] 749. American humorists. 1539. My musical memories. 491. Haweis, Mrs. H. R., ed. Chaucer for children. 1025. Hawes, G: W. Building stones in the U. S. 459. Hawes, W: P. Sporting scenes. 1094. Hawkesworth, J: Adventurer. 1049. [Essays.] 1049. Hawkins, Sir J: History of music. 493. Hawkins, R. C. Titles of the tirst books. 449. Hawkins, W: G. Lunsford Lane. 1487. Hawks, F. L. History of North Carolina. 1380. Monuments of Egypt 1322. Oliver Cromwell. 1469. ed. Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. 1427. U. S. expedition to China seas and Japan. 1297. and W: S. Perry, eds. Documentary history of the protestant episcopal church. 127. Hawley, F: B. Capital and population. 197. Hawley, G. P., ed. Wit. wisdom and philosophy of Jean Paul. 1128. Hawthorne, J. [Fiction.] 749. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1541. Saxon studies 1247. Hawthorne, N. [Fiction.] 750. American note-books. 1365. Complete works. 1013. English note-books. 1234. Franklin Pierce. 1466. French and Italian note-books. 1209. Index to works. 1048. Main-street. 1071. Our old home. 1234. Hawthorne, S. Notes in England and Italy. 1234. Hay, D: R. Catalogue of works. 26. Hay, Elzey, pseud., see Andrews, F. 666. Hay, F. [Drama.] 556. and W. Chapman. 556. joint author, see Clements, A. 538. Hay, J: Castilian days. 1274. Pike county ballads. 1033. Hay, M. C. ("Fiction.] 751. Hay, O. P. Fishes from lower Mississippi. 381. Hayden, F. V. Geological and geograpnical sur- vey of the territories. 340, 341. and A. R. C. Selwyn, eds. North America. 1342. joint author, see Meek, F. B. Haydn, J. Dictionary of dates. 1150. Haydon, B: R. Correspondence and table-talk. 1529. Hayes, A: A. [Fiction.] 753. Hayes, A: A., ^>. New Colorado. 1401. Hayes, E:, etZ. Ballads of Ireland. 1024. Hayes, H., joint comp., see Spooner, J: C. H^es, I: I. Arctic boat journey. 1424. Land of desolation. 1425. Open polar sea. 1424. Pictures of arctic travel. 1425. Haley, W: W: Cowper. 1548. Haym, R. Herder. 1557. Romantische schule. 1102. W: V.Humboldt. 1519. Haynes, J: E: Pseudonyms. 80. Hays, F. Women of the day. 1484. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixij Hays. AUTHOR-INDEX. Heinel. Hays, H., mrs. W. J. [Fiction.] 753. Haywood, A. Essays. 1063. Gastronomy. 1050. Goethe. 1556. Statesmen and writers. 1063. Hayward, C:,ir. Sebastian Cabot. 143S. Hayward, Sir J: First four years of queen Elizabetti. 1222. Hazard, R. G. Man a creative first cause. 57. Hazard, S: Santo Domingo. 1413. Hazeltine, M. W. British and american educa- tion. 250. Chats about books. 1008. Hazelton, F: [Drama.] 556. Hazen, E: Popular technology. 387. Professions and trades. 387." Hazen, H: A. [Meteorolog-ical papers.] 331. Hazen, W:B. Military service. 1360. Hazlewood, C. H. [Drama.] 556. and A. Williams. [Di-ama.] 557. Hazlitt, W: Characters of Shakespeare's plays. Dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1043. English comic w^riters. 108;^. Lectures on the english poets. 1019. Napoleon Buonaparte. 1475. Round table. 1063. Spirit of the age. 1063. Table talk. 1063. Hazlitt, W: C. Bibliographical collections. 17. Bibliography of old english literature. 17. Venetian republic. 1264. ed. Shakespeare jest-books. 1083. Head, Sir F. B. Bubbles. 1248. Descriptive essays. 1064. James Bi-uce. 1516. Printer's devil. 1050. Head, P. R. Van Dyck. 1530. joint author, see Poynter, E: J. Headley, J. T. Adirondack. 1376. Chaplains of the revolution. 1450. Darien exploring expedition. 1412. Farragut and our naval commanders. 1500. Gen. Grant. 1467. Gen. Havelock. 1505. Imperial guard. 1257. Napoleon and his marshals. 1507. Oliver Cromwell. 1469. Sacred mountains. 1311. Sacred plains. 1311. Sacred scenes and characters. 84. Washington and his generals. 1500. Winfield Scott. 1503. ed. Mountain adventures. 1196. Headley, P. C. Empress Josephine. 1476. Facing the enemy. 1503. Fighting Phil. 1503. Gen. U. S. Grant. 1467. Island of fire. 1284. Lafayette. 1507. Mary queen of Scots. 1471. Miner boy and his Monitor. 1525. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1475. Old Salamander. 1501. Old Stars. 1502. Public men of to-day. 1483. Healy, M., see Bigot, M. 678. Heap, G. H. Central route to the Pacific. 1398. Heard, F. F. Oddities of the law. 208. Shakespeare as a lawyer. 1046. Hearding, W: H. Hydrographic and mining surveys. 427. Hearn, L., ed. Stray leaves from strange liter- ature. 513. Heart, J. Journal. 1352. Heart and its functions. 403. Heath, F. G: English peasantry. 1232. Heath, R: Quinet. 1447. Heath, R:F. Albrecht Durer. 1530. Titian. 1532. Heather, J: F. Mathematical instruments. 414. Heaton, E. M. [Fiction.] 753. Heaton, M. C. Correggio. 1531. Heaton, M. M. Concise history of painting. 486. Heaton, W: [Fiction.] 753. Hebbel, F: [Drama.] 557. Hebel, J: P: AUemanische gedichte. 1116. [Auswahl]. 1108. Werke. 1108. Heber, R. Jeremy Taylor. 1457. Poetical works. 1033. Upper provinces of India. 1303. Hebrew tales. 1146. Heck, J: G. Iconographic encyclopaedia. 31. Hecker, 1: T: Aspirations of nature. 126. Questions of the soul. 126. Hecker, J: Scientific basis of education. 239. Hecker, J. F: C. Epidemics of the middle ages. Hector, A. F. [Fiction.] 753. Hedge, F: H: Atheism in philosophy. 43. Prose writers of Germany. 1103. Reason in religion. 79. ed. Essays and reviews. 72. Hedge, L. Elements of logick. 59. Hedges, H: T. Polyglot index of materia medica. 406. Hee, J. Count Brandt. 1498. "Heege, Frau . [Fiction.] 753. Heeren, A. H. L: Ancient Greece. 1171. Ancient history. 1164. Carthaginians, ethiopians and egyptians. 1164. Nations of antiquity. 1164. Political system of Europe. 1202. Three historical treatises. 1159. Heeringen, G. v. Mein sommer. 1266. Hegel, C: Stadteverfassung von Italien. 213. Heg-el, G: W: F: Introduction to the philosophy of history. 1104. Who thinks abstractly ? 1104. Philosophy of history. 1149. Heidenreich, K: H: AntholoKie. 1109. Heigel, K: [Fiction.] 753. Heilprin, L: Historical reference-book. 1150. Heilprin, M. Historical poetry of the ancient hebrews. 1146. Heimburg, W., pseud., see Behrens, B. 674. Heimskringla. Snorri Sturluson. 1282. Heine, C: rter v. Hospltalbrand. 410. Heine, H: [Gedichte.] 1116. Memoirs and fragments. 1557. Pictures of traveH 1204. Poems and ballads. 1116. Prose miscellanies. 1126. Romantic school. 1103. Salon. 1126. Siimmtliche werke. 1110. Wit, wisdom and pathos. 1126. Heineke, W. Chirurgische krankheiten des kopfes. 411. EntziindunKen des unterleibes. 411. Heinel, E: F: R: Geschichte Preussens. 1243. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Heinemann. AUTHOR-INDEX . Hertzberg. Ixiij Heinemann, Friedrich, pseud., see Haberlin, K:L: 742. Heinemann, O. v. Hannover und Braun- schweig. 1247. Heinz, . Kanale uud sammelbecken. 258. Heinz, A. [Fiction.] 753. Heinze, T. Fremdworter. 277. Heiss, M. Gospels examined. 89. Heitz, Vj. Nordaraerikanische konkurrenz. 194. Heldenbuch. K: J. Simrock, r. 1113. Heliand. K: J. Simrock, tr. 1113. Hell, Theodor, pseud., see Winkler, K: G. T. Heller, 1. [Fiction.] 753. Heller, W: R. [Fiction.] 753. Hellmuth, Ernst, pseud., see Schmidt-Weissen- fels, E: Hellmuth, Paul, pseud., see Fischer, J. H:L. 728. Hellwald, F: v. Centralasien. 1316. Culturgeschichte. 151. Hintermdische lander. 1305. Russians in central Asia. 1316. and L. C. Beck. Die heutige Tiirkei. 1292. Helmer, S. R., ed. C: D. Helmer. 1452. Helmholtz, H. L: F. Interaction of forces. 311. Lectures on scientific subjects. 285. Heloise. Lettei's to Abelard. 1461. Helper, H. R. Impending crisis. 167. Helps, ;8i>A. [Fiction.] 754. Brevia. 1094. Columbus. 1517. Companions of my solitude. 1094. Essays. 1064. Friends in council. 1094. Las Casas. 1462. Pizarro. 1518. Social pressure. 1094. Spanish conquest in America. 1411. Thomas Brassey. 1524. Thoughts upon government. 159. Helvetius, C. A. Treatise on man. 50. Hemans, F. D. Poetical works. 1033. Hencke, K. L. [Fiction.] 754. Henderson, A. Palestine. 1311. Henderson, F. C. [Fiction.] 754. Henderson, Marc Anthony, pseud., see Strong, G: A. Henderson, P: Garden and farm topics. 430. Gardening for pleasure. 440. Gardening for profit. 440. Hand-book of plants. 357. Practical floriculture. 440. Hendrickson, H: Out from the darkness. 1513. Henkel, F. [Fiction.] 754. Hennepin, L: Louisiana. 1332. Henning, L: F: [Fiction.] 754. Henricus, Bruno, pseud. [Fiction.] 754. Henricus vom See, pseud., see Dilg, W: Henry, C. S. [Fiction.] 754. Henry, M. Complete works ; v. 2. 69. Henry, P. Diaries and letters. 1458. Henry, R. [Drama.] 557. Henry, W: S. War with Mexico. 1353. Hensel, S. Mendelssohn family. 1535. Henshall, J. A. Camping and cruising in Florida. 1381. Henshaw, H : W. Animal carvings. 1340. Henty, G. A. [Fiction.] 754. Heppe, H:, ed., see Soldan, W: G. 55. Hepworth, G: H. [Fiction.] 754. Starboard and port. 1405. Whip, hoe and sword. 1360. Hepworth, Mrs. G: H. [Fiction.] 754. Herbermann, C: G. Business life in ancient Rome. 1176. Herbert, A. A politician in trouble about his soul. 146. Herbert, E: lord. Autobiography. 1550. Herbert, G: [Poetical woi Herbert, G. C. [Drama.] 1033. Herbert, H: W: [Fiction.] 754. Captains of the roman republic. 1508. Frank Forester's fleld sports. 505. Fugitive sporting sketches. 503. Herbert, J. ^Fiction.] 755. Herbert, Lucian, pseud., see Gundling, J. Herbert, T: M. Realistic assumptions of modern science. 46. Herbert, W: Works. 1013. Herbst, W: J: H: Voss. 1.559. and A. Schulz, eds. Encyklopiidie der neueren geschichte. 1149. Herchenbach, W. [Fiction.] 755. Herculano, A. [Fiction.] 755. Herdegen, R. Geschichte des iirztlichen standes. 393. Herder, J: G. v. Love and self, Metempsychosis, Tithon and Aurora. 1103. Werke. 1110. Same. 1106. Herford, B. Story of religion in England. 122. Hergenhahn, T. Antragsrecht. 222. Konigthum und verfassung. 161. Hergesheimer, E. Pantograph. 489. Plane-table. 418. Hericourt, J. d'. Woman's philosophy of woman. 153. Hering, F. Erinnerungen eines legioniirs. 233. Herlossohn, G: K: [Fiction.] 755. Lieder. 1117. Hermann, C: F: Political antiquities of Greece. 1171. Hermann, Eugen, pseud., see Dedenroth, E. H. Hermann, K. Lexikon der weltgeschichte. 1150. Hermann, L. Human physiology. 399. Hermon, H. Hellerism. 497. Herndon, W: L., and L. Gibbon. Valley of the Amazon. 1415. Herodotos. Boys' and girls' Herodotus. 1163. History. 1163. Stories of the east. 1163. Story of the persian war. 1163. Heroic adventure. 1196. Herrick, R. Hesperides. 1033. Herrick, S. B. Wonders of plant-life. 356. Herrmann, A: L. Geschichte Russlands. 1275. Herrmann, B. A. [Drama.] 557. Herrmann, E., joint author, see Strahl, P. Herrmann, Eugen, pseud., see Dedenroth, E. H. 709. Herschel, mrs. J: Caroline Herschel. 1522. Herschel, Sir J: F: W: Familiar lectures. 286. Hertz, H: [Drama.] 557. Hertz, W: Deutsche sage in Elsass. 141. Heinrich von Schwaben. 1117. Werwolf. 54. Hertzberg, G. F: Geschichte der byzantiner. 1290. Geschichte des romischen kaiserreich^-. 1179. Geschichte Griechenlands. 1288. -^ Geschichte von Hellas und Rom. 1171. Messenische kriege. 1174. Perserkrieg. 1174. Niuubers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixiv Hervey. ATJTHOR-INDEX . Hirzel. Hervey, James. Meditations and contempla- tions. 101. ,^ . Hervey, J:, lord Hervey of Ickworth. Memoirs. 1325. Hervey, T: K. Book of Christmas. 260. ed. English Helicon. 1022. Hervilly, E. d'. [Drama.] 558. Herwegh, G: Gedichte. 1117. Hesekiel, G: L: [Fiction.] 756. Bismarck. 1495. Hesiodos. Works. 1138. Hess, Bernhard, pseud., see Hesslein, B. 756. Hess, R: Forstliche unterrichtsfrage. 438. Hesse, F: H. Der felsen Petri. 127. Hesse-Wartegg, E. v. Tunis. 1319. Hessels, J: H: Gutenberg. 449. Hesslein, B. [Fiction] 756. Hetherington, W: [Fiction.] 756. Hettner, H. Literaturegeschichte des 18ten jahrhunderts. 509. Heuer, W: B.., joint author, see Williamson, R. S. HeurtleyyC. A. Miracles. 72. Hewes, F. W ., and H: Gannett. Scribner's sta- tistical atlas of the U. S. 1364. Hewett, R.Jr. Coffee. 438. Hewins, C. M. Books for the young. 15. Hewitt, M. E., ed. Heroines of history. 1433. Hewlett, E., pseud., see Copley, E. 703. Hey, W: Fabeln. 1126. Picture fables. 1126. Heyd, W: Geschichte des Levantehandels. 255. Heyer, F. Canossa und Venedig. 126. Heyne, C:T. [Fiction.] 756. Heyner, C. Erinnerungen an Frankfurt. 1248. Heyse, Paul J: L: [Fiction.] 756. Heywood, E. H. Uncivil liberty. 154. Hickey, W:, ed. Constitution of the U. S., e^c. 210. Hicklin, J: Guide to Eaton Hall. 1236. Hickok, L. P. Moral science. 60. Higgle, T: [Drama.] 558. and T: H. Lacy. [Drama.] 558. and R. Shepherd. [Drama.] 558. Higgin, L. Handbook of embroidery. 484. Higgins, S. E. Women of Europe. 1433. Higgins, W. M. The earth. 334. Higginson, T: W. [Fiction.] 757. American explorers. 1349. Array life in a black regiment. 1360. Common-sense about women. 154. English statesmen. 1490. History of the United States. 1345. Larger history of the U. S. 1347. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1540. Out-door papers. 1064. Philanthropy. 73. High private, A. pseud., see Quincy, S: M. 828. Hilaire, E. M. [Fiction.] 757. Hildebrandt, H. Krankheiten der aussern weiblichen genitalien. 412. Hildebrandt, J. A. K: [Fiction.] 757. Hildenbrand, W: Cable making for suspension bridges. 431. Hildreth, R: [Fiction.] 757. History of the U. S. 1346. Japan. 1300. Theory of politics. 160. ed. Atrocious judges. 1510. Hildreth, S: P. Meteorological observations. 333. Hilgard, E. W. Cotton production in the U. S. 431. Geology of low^er Louisiana. 338. Hilgard, J. E. Catalogue of stars. 302. Magnetic declination in the U. 8. 320. Standai-ds of measure. 260. Tables for projecting maps. 327. Transatlantic longitudes. 305. Zenith telescope for obs. of time. 306. and H. W. Blair. Magnetic observations. 320. joint author, see Bache, A. D. Hill, A. [Drama.] 558. Hill, A. S. Rhetoric. 515. Hill, D: J. Bryant. 1539. Washington Irving. 1541. Hill, E. Plan for extinguishing crime. 322. Hill, G:B., ed. Gordon in central Africa. 1325. Hill, G: C. Benedict Arnold. 1501. Benjamin Franklin. 1486. Capt. John Smith. 1503. Daniel Boone. 1518. Homespun. 1067. Israel Putnam. 1503. Hill, H. A. Abbott Lawrence. 1514. Punishment for certain crimes. 322. Hill, L. A. Rhine roamings. 1348. Hill, M. Juvenile delinquency. 236. Hill, R. Thoughts on religious subjects. 76. Hill, Sir R., and G: B. Sir Rowland Hill. 1493. Hill,T: True order of studies. 244. Hill, T: E. Social and business forms. 451. HiUard, G: S. Capt. J: Smith. 1437. G: B. McClellan. 1502. Mercantile profession. 64. Six months in Italy. 1266. ed. G:Ticknor. 1542. Hillebrand, J. Deutsche nationalliteratur. 1103. Hillebrand, K: France. 1359. German thought. 1103. Geschichte Frankreichs. 1251. Zeiten, volker und menschen. 1131. Hiller, F. Mendelssohn. 1535. Hillern, W. v. [Fiction.] 757. Hillhouse, J. A. [Drama.] 558. Hills, W: H., comp. Students' songs. 495. Hind, H: Y. Canadian Red River exploring ex- pedition. 1408. Hindley, C: Tavern anecdotes. 261. ed. Roxburghe ballads. 1023. Hines, G. Oregon. 1404. Hingston, E: P. Genial showman. 1539. Hinrich, A. [Fiction.] 757. Hinrichs, J. C., puM. Biicher-verzeichniss. 19. Hinsdale, B. A. Garfield and education. 1467. Republican text-book. 168. Schools and studies. 344. Hinton, J. Health. 403. Mystery of pain. 101. ed. Physiology. 403. Hinton, J: H. History of the U. S. 1347. Hinton, J: W. Reply to "Western farmer in America." 305. Hinton, L: J. Education of artisans. 340. Hinton, R: J. English radical leaders. 1490. Hints for painters. 463. Hipkins, H. T., aretZ G. Murray. [Drama.] 558. Hippokrates. Writings eijitomized. 391. Hirsch, A: Volkskrankheiten. 405. ed. Biographisches lexikon der arzte. 1533. Hirsch, F. W. Deutsche literatur. 1103. Hirschberg, E. Selbsthilfe des arbeiterstandes. 197. Hirst, H: B. Endymion. 1033. Hirzel, S. Goethe-bibliothek. 26. Historians of Scotland. 1313. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Hitchcock. AUTHOR-INDEX. Holmes. Historical selections. 1159. Historical tales of the wars of Scotland. 1215. History of the year. 1162. Hitchcock, E: " Geology. 335. Physical education and hygiene in Amherst college. 352. Religion of geology. 82. Religious lectures on tlie four seasons. 100. Reminiscences of Amherst college. 249. Surface geolog^^y. 335. and others. Power of christian benevolence. 1513. Hitchcock, E. A. [Fiction.] 757. Colin Clouts come home againe. 1021. Hitchman, F. Beaconslield. 1491. Hittell, J: S. Alta California almanac. 169. History of culture. 151. Hitz,J: Education in Switzerland. 241. Hlawacek, E: Karlsbad. 334. Hoadley, B: [Drama.] 558. Hoar, G: F. American lawyer. 208. James A. Garfield. 1468. Hoare, C: Slide-rule. 297. Hoare, P. [Drama.] 558. Hoare, Sir R: C. Italy and Sicily. 1270. Hobart, H. C. Capture, imprisonment and escape. 1361. Hobart, J: H: Apology for apostolic order. 114. Posthumous works. 109. Hobbes, T: English works. 1013. Hobbs, A. C. Locks and safes. 457. Hobday, E. Cottage gardening. 440. Hoby, J., join.t author, see Cox, F. A: HOcker, G. [Fiction.] 757. Wieland. 1444. Hodder, E. Cities of the world. 1184. ed. All the world over 1190. Hodge, A. A. C: Hodge. 1451. Hodge, C: What is darwinism ? 354. Hodgkin, T: Italy and her invaders. 1180. Hodgson, F: T., comp. Mechanics' slide-rule. 297. Hodgson, G. S. [Drama.] 558. Hodgson, J. T. Francis Hodgson. 1456. Hodgrson, R. Lit'o of Porteus. 71. Hodgson, W: B. Errors in the use of english. 270. Hodson, W: S. R. Soldier's life in India. 1505. Hoes, , and Way, . Anecdotical olio. 518. Hoey, Mrs. F. S. Cashel-. [Fiction.] 757. Hoey, J. C. Birthplace of St. Patrick. 73. He5fer, A., tr. Indische gedichte. 1147. HOfer, E. [Fiction.] 758. Hoefer, J: C. F., ed. Nouvelle biographic uni- verselle. 1427. Hoffman, C: F. [Fiction.] 758. .Jacob Leisler. 1438. Winter in the west. 1385. Same. 1388. Hoffman, W. Leisure hours in Russia. 1280. Hoffman, W. J . Birds of Nevada. 384. Hoffmann, A. F: F. [Fiction.] 758. Hoffmann, E. T. A. [Fiction.] 758. Hoffmann, H: Humoristische studien. 1125. Hoffmann, K: F: V. Erde und ihre bewohner. 1182. Hoffmann, Prof. L:, pseud, for Angelo J. Lewis. Modern magic. 497. Parlor amusements. 499. Hoffmann, S: F: W:, ed. EncyklopJidie der erd-, volker- und staatenkunde. 1181. I Hoffmann, W: Wcirterbuch der deutschen sprache. 275. Hoffmann v. Fallersleben, A: H: Gedichte. Unpolitische lieder. 1117. Hoffmeister, K:, e Viehoff, H: 1559 Hofland, B. W. [Fiction.] 759. Hofmeister, A. [Fiction.] 759. Hogarth illustrated. J: Ireland. 488. Hogarth, G: Memoirs of the musical drama. 44 Musical history. 493. Hogg, James. [Fiction.] 759. Anecdotes of Sir Walter Scott. 15.52. Poetical works. 1033. Hogg, Jabez. The microscope. 356. Hohbach, F: W., ed. Aus Amerika. 1366. Holbach, P. H: T. ba7^on d'. System of nature. 79. Holbeach, Henry, pseud., see Rands, W- B Holbein, F. I. v. [Drama.] .558. Holberg, Baron L: v. Nicolai Klimii iter subter- raneum. 1144. Niels Klim's wallfahrt. 1144. Holbrook, A. Information about the teeth 403 Holbrook, E. A. Life-thoughts. 1033. Holden, E:S. [Astron. observations.] 307. Books on transit of Mercury. 21. - Central amer. picture writing. 1;J40. Index catalogue of books relating to nebulai, clusters, etc. 303. Sir W: Hersehel. 1522. joint author, see Newcomb, S. Holden, L. Landmarks, medical and sursrical. 398. * HOlderlin, J: C. F: Ausgewiihlte werke. 1117. Holiday rambles. 1209. Hon, H: [Drama.] 5.58. Holland, Lord, see Fox-Vassall, H: R: ! Holland, C. [Fiction.] 760. Holland, F: M. Stories from Robert Browning. 1020. Holland, H. Moritz v. Schwind. 1530. Holland, Sir H: Recollections. 1523. Holland, J. G. [Fiction.] 760. [Poetical works.] 1034. Abraham Lincoln. 1466. Every-day topics. 1064. Gold-foii: 61. I History of western Massachusetts. 1372. I - Lessons in life. 1064. Letters to the Joneses. 65. Plain talks. 1064. , Titcomb's letters. 1065. I Holland, S. J.adi/. Sydney Smith. 1457. i Holland, T: E. Jurisprudence. 208. HoUey, A. L. American and european railway practice. 422. ; joint autJior, see Colbum, Z. ' HoUey, G: W. Falls of Niagara. 328. HoUey, M. My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. j 1084. Hollingshead, J: [Drama.] 558. ! HoUister, G: H. [Fiction.] 760. ! Holloway, L. C. Charlotte Bronte. 1546. Famous american fortunes. 1438. Ladies of the White House. 1519. Mothers of great men. 1434. Holm, Saxe, pseud. [Fiction.] 760. Holmes, A. Annals of America. 1381. Holmes, E: Mozart. 1535. Holmes, G. Vocal physiology and hygiene. 400. Voice production and preservation. 400. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Holmes. ATJTHOR-INDEX. Hoskyns. r)2. 1065. Holmes, J: Missions of the united brethren. 115. Holmes, N. Authorship of Shakespeare. 1048. Homes, O. W. [Fiction.] 760. [Poetical works.] 1034. Autocrat of the breakfast table. 1065. Border lines of knowledge. 391. Currents and counter-currents. 393. Emerson. 1447. Mechanism in thought and morals Mechanism of vital action. 10.50. Medical essays. 392. Motley. 1542. Pages from an old volume of life. Poet at the breakfast-table. 1065. Professor at the breakfast table. 1065. Soundings from the Atlantic. 1065. Holmes, "W. H. Ancient ruins in Colorado, etc. 1342. Art in shell. 1340. Prehistoric textile fabrics. 1340. Hoist, H. V. Constitutional histoi-y of the U. S. 165. J: C. Calhoun. 1484. Hoist, H. P: Sicilianische uovellen. 1270. Holt, A. Fancy dresses. 497. Holt, E. S. [Fiction.] 760. Holtei, K: E: V. [Fiction.] 760. Holton, E: D. From midland to the Pacilic. 1399. Holty, L:H:C. Gedichte. 1108. Holtzendorfif, J. W: F. P. v. J. C. Bluntschli. 1495. Priester-colibat. 114. ed. Deutsche zeit- und streitfra<;an. 147. Holtzmann, A. Deutsche mythologie. 136. Holtzm^ann, H: J., and R. ZOpflfel. Lexikon fiir theolo^ie. 67. Holub, E. Seven years in south Africa. 1329. Holway-Calthrop, H. C, see Calthrop. Holyoake, G: J. Among the americans. 1367. Co-operation in England. 199. Holyrood, History of. 1215. Hom.ans, I. S , ed. Merchants' and bankers' almanac. 202. Homar. Consolation. 101. Home, D. D. Incidents in my life. 1454. Home, H:, lord Kumes. Elements of criticism. 465. History of man. 351. Home, J: [Drama.] 558. Homeros. Homeric ballads. 1138. Homer's stories simply told. 1139. Iliad. 1139. Odyssey. 1139. Stories from Homer. 1 139. Homes, H: A. State libraries. 1. and W: I. Fletcher. Historical societies. 1. Homes and haunts of our elder poets. 1539. Homes of american authors. 1539. Homes of american statesmen. 1483. Homilies. 104. Honan, M. B. "Our own correspondent" in Italy. 1266. Hone, W: Apocryphal new testamant. 91. HOnes, C. Keformbewegung des Brahraoso- madsch. 138. Hood, E. P. Old England. 1227. Oliver Cromwell. 1469. Robert Hall. 1458. Scottish characteristics. 1231. Hood, J : B. Advance and retreat. 1300. Hood, T: [Drama.] 558. [Fiction.] 761. Hood, T: Continued. Our family. 1084. [Poetical works.] 1034. works. 1014. Rhymester. 276. Whimsicalities. 1084. Hook, T. E: [Fiction.] 761. Hooker, Sir J. D. Botany. 358. Natural orders in botany. 361. joint author, see Gray, A. Hooker, R: Works. 69. Hooker, W. Child's book of nature ; air, watei% heat, etc. 311. Animals. 401. Plants. 359. Hookham, M. A. Margaret of Anjou. 1471. Hooper, Louisa. [Fiction.] 761. Hooper, Lucy H. [Fiction.] 761. Hope, Ascott R., pseud., see MoncrieflF, R. H. Hope, S. [Fiction.] 761. Hope, T: [Fiction.] 761. Hopfen, H. [Fiction.] 761. Hopkins, A. A. [Fiction.] 761. Hopkins, E. [Fiction.] 761. Hopkins, J: H: American citizen. 164. Evidences of Christianity. 99. View of slavery. 170. Hopkins, M: Place of conscience. 73. Strength and beauty. 76. Teachings and counsels. 109. Hopkins, S: [Fiction.] 761. The puritans. 1222. Hopkinson, Mrs. C. A. Hints for the nursery. 448 Hopkinson, J: Electric lighting. 316. Hopper, E: Fire on the hearth. 1034. Hoppin, A: [Fiction.] 761. Hoppin, J. M. Old England. 1234. Hoppus, M. A. M. [Fiction.] 761. Horace, see Horatius. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Odes and epodes. 1135. Works. 1135 i Hordynski, J. Polish revolution. 1277. I Horn, F. C. [Auswahl]. 1109. 1 Psyche. 1126. Horii, F: W. Literatur des skandinavischen nordens. 1141. Literature of the Scandinavian north. 1141. : Horn, G: [Fiction.] 761. ; Horn, Otto, 7Jse?id., ee Bauerle, A. 673. j Horn, W. O. v., pseud., see Oertel, P. F: W: Hornaday, W: T. Two years in the jungle. I 1304. "Hornbook., Ada,m, pseud., see Cooper, T: 703. Hornby, E. B. lady. Constantinople. 1293. In and around Stamboul. 1293. I Home, F. L. [Drama.] 559 Home, R;H: [Drama.] 559. j Napoleon Bonaparte. 1475. Home, T: H. Introd. to the scriptures. 84. Horner, F. Memoirs. 1493. ' HOrschelmann, F., joint autlior, see Stein, C. G. D. Horsley, S: Speeches. 192. Reply to dr. Priestly. 93. Horst, R Development of the oyster. 355. Horton, R: Complete measurer.' 459. Horvath, G. F., pseud., see Dietrich, E. C. V. 714. i Horwicz, A. Wesen der philosophic. 43. Hoskins. F. R. [Drama.] 559. I Hoskins, T: H. What we eat. 446. ! Hoskyns, C. W. Land laws of England. 303. Entries in small tjrpe refer to contents only. Hosmer. ATJTHOR-INDEX . Hudson. IxviJ Hosmer, G: W. People and polities. IGO. Hosmer, J. K. [Fiction.] 763. The color-guard. 1360. German literature 1101. Samuel Adam.s. 1484. Same. 1884. Hosmer, W: H:C. Poetical works. 1034. Hospitaller, E. Modern applications of electric- ity. 316. Hotten, J:C. Tiiackeray. 1558. ed. Original lists of emigrants. 1566. joint author, see Sadler, L. R. Houdin, R. J: E. Memoirs. 1538. Hough, F. B. Fcn-pstry. 438. Periodical phenomena in plants and animals. 333. Rei)oi't on forestry. 439. Houg-h, G. W. Velocity of the electric current. 315. Houghton, Loi'd. aee Milnes, R: M. Houghton, G: Niagara. 1034. Houghton, R. C. Women of the orient. 152. Houghton, W. R. American politics 165. House, E: H. Japanese episodes. 1330. House documents and reports. 175. House manager. 444. Household amusements. 499. Household conveniences. 445. Household economy. 445. Household narrative of current events. 1162. Household words. C: Dickens, e/iV. Y. Complete vporks. 69. [Essays.] 1049. Hughes, R: Pharmacodynamics. 407. Hughes, S: Construction of gas-works. 452. Water works. 426. Hughes, T: [Fiction.] 764. Alfred the great. 1469. Church of Eng-land. 73. Daniel Macmillan. 1551. Manliness of Christ. 93. Memoir of a brother. 1511. Religio laiei. 73. Rugby, Tennessee. 1386. Hughes, W. H. [Fiction.] 764. Hugo, Mme. J. A. Victor Hugo. 1561. Hugo, V: M. comte. [Drama.] 559. [Fiction.] 764. History of a crime. 1258. The Rhine. 1248. and J. Kenney. [Drama.] 559. Hull, E. P. C. European in India. 334. HuUah, J ; P. Music in the house. 490. Hulsen, H. grilfin v. [Fiction.] 764. Humber, W: Progress of modern engineering. 412. Water supply of cities and towns. 426. Humboldt, F: H: A. freiherr v. Ansichten der natur. 324. Aspects of nature. 324. Brief e an Varnhagen von Ense. 1124. Cosmos. 281. Island of Cuba. 1413. Kingdom of New Spain. 1409. Kosmos. 281. Letters to Varnhagen von Ense. 1124. Reise in die iiquinoctial-gegenden. 295. Travels to the equinoctial regions. 295. Views of natui'e. 324. Humboldt, K: W: freiherr v. Brief e an eine freundin. 1124. Letters to a lady. 1124. Sprachphilosophische werke. 263. Humbracht, M. v. [Fiction.] 764. Hume, D: Essays. 43. History of England. 1217. Students' Hume. 1216. Humphrey, Mrs. E. J. Six .years in India. 1303. Humphrey, H. Great Britain, France and Bel- gium. 1207. Humphrey, Old, pseud., see Mogridge, G: Humphreys, A. A. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan. 1358. Virginia campaign. 1357. and H: L. Abbot. Physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi. 425. Humphreys, H: N. Ancient coins and medals. 479. History of printing. 449. Humphreys, H: ^.Continued. Masterpieces of early printers and engravers. 449. Humphreys, M. W. [Philological essays.] 26r). Hundred greatest men W^. Wood, cd. 1429. Hunnewell, J. F. Historical monuments of France. 476. Lands of Scott. 1204. Hunt, Mr.-*. A. W., see Hunt, M. Hunt, C: H. Edward Livingston. 1487. Hunt, E , mrs. J: [Fiction.] 764. Hunt, E. B. Florida reef. 329. and C: A Schott. Tables for projecting maps. 326. Hunt, F. Library of commerce. 253. ed. American "merchants. 1513. Hunt, H: G: B. History of music. 493. Hunt, H. K. Glances and glimpses. 1523. Hunt, Helen, see Jackson, H. M. Hunt, Mrs. J:, .see Hunt, E. 764. Hunt, J. H: Leigh. Autobiography. 1550. Correspondence. 1080. Day by the tire. 1065. Imagination and fancy. 1022. Men, women and books. 1006. Mirror of the months. 1095. Poetical works. 1034. The seer. 1066. Stories from the Italian poets. 1131. -Table-talk. 1095. The town. 1229. Wycherly. Congrove, etc. 1544. ed. Book for a corner. 1087. Hunt, J: W. Election laws of Wis. 220. Wisconsin almanac. 160. Wisconsin gazetteer. 1393. Hunt, L. B. Light gymnastics. 404. Hunt, M.,TO/-s. A. W." [Fiction.] 764. Our grandmothers' gowns. 261. Hunt, N. C.comp. Poetry of other lands. 512. Hunt, R. Coal. 384. Elementary physics. 309. Poetry of science. 286. Hunt, T. [Fiction.] 765. Hunt, T: S. Crystalline rocks. 322. Metalliferous deposits. 284. Hunt, W: History of Italy. 1262. Hunt, 7rs. W: H. Children at Jerusalem. 1313. Hunt, W: M. Talks on art. 469. Hunt's merchants' magazine. 255. year book. 156. Hunter, Hay, fflf7 Walter Whyte. [Fiction.] 765. Hunter, J. Founders of New Plymouth. 124. Hunter, T., and J. Patten. Port charges. 450. Hunting'ton, D. L. Surgical history of the rebellion. iJttJJ. Huntington, E. Little housekeepers. 445. Huntington, F: D. Sermons. 109. Unconscious tuition. 344. Huntington, Faye, pseud., see Foster, I. H. Huntington, J. V. [Fiction.] 765. Poems. 1034, Huntington, L. S. [Fiction.] 765. Huntington, P. C. Abduction of Morgan. 237. Hurd, J : C. Theory of our national existence. 212. Hurst, J: F. Bibliotheca theologica. 22. History of rationalism. 79. History of the reformation. 121. Hurt, A. B. Mississippi. 1382. Husman, G: American grape gi'owing. 438. Hussey, J. R., comp. Century of independence. 165. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Hutchinson. AUTHOR-INDEX. Isaiali. Ixfx Hutchinson, E. Music of the Bible. 86. Hutchinson, E. M. Songs and lyrics. 1034. Hutchinson, H. Tliouffht-syra holism. 274. Hutchinson, Louisa. In tents in the Transvaal Hutchinson, Lucy. Col. Hutchinson. 1505. Hutchinson, T: Diary and letters. 1487. History of Massachusetts. 1371. Witchcraft delusion of 1692. 54. HUter. C: Septikamische und pyamische fleber. 410. Trachcotomie. 411. Huth, A. H: H: T: Buckle. 1546. Hutton, B. Castles and their heroes. 1229. Tales of the saracens. 1308. Hutton, J. James and Philip Van Arteveld. 1285. Hutton, L., joint author, see Waters, C. E. Hutton, R: H. Sir Walter Scott. 1552. Huxley, T: H: Administrative nihilism. 354. American addresses. 286. Anatomy of invertebrated animals. 373. of vei'tebrated animals. 379. Craytish. 375. Critiques and addresses. 286. Hume. 1447. Introductory. 281. Lay sermons. 286. Man's place in nature. 351. More criticisms on Darwin. . 354. Origin of species. 354. Physiography. 325. ScieiiCe and culture. 286. Yeast. 284. and W: J. Youmans. Physiology and hygiene. 399. Hyatt, A. Hydroids, corals, etc. 2^3. Mollusks. 283. -Pebbles. 283. Sponfres. 283. Worms and Crustacea. 288. Hyde, A. M. Washington. 1465. Hyde, E:, earl of Clarendon. Life and corres- pondence. 1491, 1492. Rebellion and civil wars in England. 1223. Hyde, E. W. Skew arches. 413. Hylten - Cavallius, G. O., joint author, see Stephens, G: Hymns of the ages. 104. Hyndman, H:M. Socialism in England. 203. Ibsen, H: [Drama.] 559. Ide-viWe, YL: comte d\ Marshall Bugeaud. 1507. Iffland, A: W^ [Drama.] 560. Ihering, R. v. Struggle for law. 208. Ihne, W: Early Rome. 1178. History of Rome. 1178. Uanor, see Sigmund v. Ilanor. Illustrations of the history of art. 472. Illustrirte mannsperson. 1125. Im Thurn, xee Tnurn, E. F. im. Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L. baron. Madame de Girardin. ]5fi0. Immermann, K: L. [Drama.] 560. [Fiction.] 765. In the polar regions. 325. In the tempei-ate regions. 325. In the tropics. J. W. Fabens. 1413. Inchbald, E. [Drama.] 560. [Fiction.] 765. Index society publications. 21. Induction coils. 315. Ingelow, J. [Fiction.] 765. Ingelow, J. Continued. - [Poetical works.] 1034. Ingersleben, E. v. [Fiction.] 766. Ingersoll, C; J. Second war between the U 8 and Great Britain. 1352. Ingersoll, E. [Fiction.] 768. Birds'-nesting. 358. Country cousins. 367. Crest of the continent. 1401. Friends worth knowing. 367. Knocking round the Rockies. 1401. Old ocean . 328. Oyster industry. 444. Ingersoll, L. D. History of the war department. ed. Explorations in Africa. 1317. Ingham, Col. Frederic, pseud., see Hale, E- E Ingle, E: Local institutions of Virginia. IXW. Parish institutions of Maryland. l!m. Inglis, H: D: [Fiction.] 766. Inglis, J. Nepaul frontier. 1304. Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud., see Barham, R: H. Ingraham, E: D. Capture of Washington. 1^52. Ingraham, J. H. Pillar of fire. 106. Ingraham, S. R. Mrs. M. Prior. 14i3. Ingram, H: A. Stephen Girard. 1514. Ingram, J: H. Claimants to royalty. 1468. Haunted homes. 1230. -Edgar Allan Poe. 1542. Memoir of Poe. 1017. Ingulphus. Chronicles of the abbey of Croyland. 1220. Innes, T: Ancient inhabitants of Scotland. 1313. Intelligencer. 1049. Inter-oceanic canal and Monroe doctrine. 171. Iowa state board of health reports. 397. Irby, A. P., joint author, see Sebright, (i. M. lady. Ireland, A. Book-lover's enchiridion. 509. Emerson. 1447. Ireland, J: Hogarth illustrated. 488. Ireland, J. N. Mrs. Duft'. 1537. Irish eloquence. 189. Irons, W. J. The national church. T3. Irvine, W:, .see Washington, G: 1080. Irving, F. B. [Fiction.] 766. Irving, J., comp. Book of Scotsmen. 1444. Irving, J: T. [Fiction.] 766. Irving, P: M. Life and letters of W. Irving. 1541. Same. 1014. Irving, R. D. Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Su- perior. 339. Same. [Summary.] 338. Irving, T. Conquest of Florida. 1349. Irving, W. [Fiction.] 766. Astoria. 1403. Bonneville's adventures. 1397. Christmas in England. 109.5. Columbus. 1517, 1518. Crayon miscellany. 1095. Goldsmith. 1549.' History of New York. 1084. Mahomet and his successors. 1468. Norsemen. 1050. Sketch book. 1095. Spanish papers. 1095. Washington. 1465. Works. 1014. Irvingiana. 1541. Irwin, E: [Drama.] 560. Isaacsohn, S. Preussisches beamtenthura. 228. Isaiah, tr. hy R. Lowth. 88. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixx Isham. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Jay. Isham, W. The mud cabin. 1232. Isherwood, B: F. Steam engineering. 41G. Island of life. 106. Isle of Wight. 1236. Italj-. K: Stieler and others. 1265. Ivens, ^., joint author, see Capello, H. de Brito-. Ives, C: The isles of summer. 1413. Ives, J. C. Colorado river of the west. 1400. Ives, L. 8. Progress to Catholicism. 126. J, Mme. Letters on the french revolution. 1130. Jackman, I: [Drama.] 560. Jackson, B: D. Literature of botany. 24. Vegetable technology. 24. Jackson, C. C. lady. ' Court of the Tuilerie.s. 1252. Fair Lusitania. 1274. French coui't and society. 1252. Old Paris. 1251. Old regime. 1251. Jackson, C: T. Mineral lands of the U. S. in Michigan. 339. Jackson, G: A. Early christian literature prim- ers. 70. Jackson, H. M. [Fiction] 766. Bits of talk about home matters. 63. Bits of talk for young folks. 1095. Bits of travel. 1209. Bits of travel at home. 1399. Century of dishonor. 1335. Jackson, M. Pictorial press. 489. Jackson, S. Alaska. 1404. Jackson, T: Our dumb companions. 441. Stories about animals. 369. Jackson, W: Remains. 76. Jackson, W. H. Catalogues of photographs of Indians. 1341. Jacob, A. Hetaining w^alls. 413. Storage reservoirs. 426. Jacob, P. L., le bibliophile, psevd., seeLacroix, P. Jacob, P. W., /r. Hindoo tales. 1147. Jacobi, A. Poor and sick children. 404. Jacobi, F:H: [Selections.] 1108. Jacobi, M. P. [Fiction.] 767. Jacobs, C. F: W: Study of classical antiquity. 264. Jacobsen, F: J. Laws of the sea. 224. Jacoby, L. Eel question. 355. Jacquemart, A. History of ceramic art. 480. Histor}' of furniture. " 484. Jacquot, E. C: J: B. [Fiction.] 767. Famous french authors. 1560. Jagemann, E. v. Vlaamen in Belgien. 1286. Jager, (}. Menschliche arbeitskraft. 399. Jager, H. [Fiction.] 767. Jahn, O: Mozart. 1535. J airae J, king of Aragon. Chronicle. 1271. James I of Aragon, see Jaime. James, The prophet, j)8eud., see Buck, J. S. James, E. Expedition of S. H. Long to the Rocky mountains. 1397. James, F. L. Wild tribes of the Soudan. 1323. James, G: P. R. [Fiction.] 767. Dark scenes of history. 1157. Henry IV. 1475. History of chivalry. 1201. Louis XIV. 1475. Richard Ca3ur-de-liou. 1469. ed. Celebrated women. 1433. James, H:,^r. [Drama.] 560. James, H:, jr. Continued. [Fiction.] 770. Art of fiction. 513. French poets and novelists. 1560. Hawthorne. 154U Little tour in France. 1262. Portraits of places. 1209. Transatlantic sketches. 1210. James, J: A. Chi-istian father's present. 61. Christian professor addressed. 100. Clementine Cuvier. 1461. Family monitor. 63. Pastoral addresses. 102. Spiritual relig-ion. 73. James, P. Sore throat. 409. joint author, see Tichborne, C: R. C. James, T. Honey-bee. JO.iO. James, T: Y.. joint author, see Lesquereux, L. James, W., joint avtlior, see Spencer, G: 601. Jameson, A. M. [Drama.] 560. Beauties of the court of (Charles II. 1520. Characteristics of women. 1046. Communion of labor. 235. Diary of an ennuyee. 1267. Early Italian painters. 1531. Female sovereigns. 1468. Legends of the madonna. 488. Legends of the monastic orders. 488. Loves of the poets. 1538. Memoirs and essays. 1066. Sacred and legendary art. 488. Sisters of charity. 235. Sketches of art," literature, etc. 1066. Studies, stories and memoirs. 1096. Winter studies in Canada. 1407. and Lady E. Eastlake. History of our Lord. 488. Jameson, R., and others. Discovery and adven- ture in Africa. 1317. Jami. Yiisuf and Zulaikha. 1148. Jamieson, F. [Fiction.] 770. Janet, P. Elements of morals. 61. Theory of morals. 61. Janin, J. (t. American in Paris. 1260. Genoa, Pisa and Florence. 1268. Un hiver il Paris. 1260. Jannasch, R. Musterschutz. 392. Jannet, C. Institutions sociales il Sparte. 1172. Janney, S:M. George Fox. 1459. History of the friends. 130. Memoirs. 1453. William Penn. 1487. Jansen, A. [Fiction.] 770. Janson, K. N. [Fiction.] 770. Janssen, C. W. Hollandische kolonial-politik. 168. Janus, pseud., see Huber, V: A. Janvier, C. A. Practical keramics. 480. Janvier, M. [Fiction.] 770. Janvier, T: A. [Fiction.] 770. Japp, A. H. De Quincey. 1548. German life and literature. 1555. Leaders of men. 1435. See also Gray, E. C. pseud. Jardine, Sir W:, ed. Naturalist's library. 367. Jarves, J. J. Art of Japan. 472. Art studies. 487. History of the Hawaiian islands. 1422. Italian rambles. 1267. Jarvis, E: Value of education to labor. 340. Same. 241. Jay, H. [Fiction.] 770. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Jay. AUTHOR-INDEX . Johnston. Ixxj Jay, W: American colonization and anti-slavery societies. 170. Mexican war. 1353. Jay, W. M. L., pseud., see Woodruff, J. L. M. 898. Jeaffreson, J: C. [Fiction.] 771. Book about lawyers. 518. Byron. 1547. Shelley. 1553. Jeangon, J. A. Atlas of human anatomy. 398. Jeans, W: T. Creators of the age of steel. 1524. Jebb, R: C. Bentley. 1546. Greek literature. 1136. Modern Greece. 1290. Jefferies, R: [Fiction.] 771. Amateur poacher. 503. Gamekeeper at liome. 506. Life of the fields. 1066. Round about a great estate. 1066. Stoi-y of my heart. 1066. Wilfi life iri a southern county. 1066. Jefferson, T: Notes on Virginia. 1379. Writings. 185. Jeffries, B: J. Color-blindness. 410. Jenkin, Mrs. C: [Fiction.] 771. Jenkins, E: [Fiction.] 771. Ginx's baby. 1082. Lord Bantam. 1082. Jenkins, J: S. Hei'oines of history. 1433. J: C.Calhoun. 1484. James Knox Polk. 1466. Silas Wright. 1489. U. S. exploring expeditions. 1418. War between the U. S. and Mexico. 1353. Jennings, G: H: Anecdotal history of the british parliament. 163. and W. S. Johnston. Half-hours with greek and latin authors. 1133. Jennings, H. Rosicrucians. 237. Jennings, H: J. Tennyson. 1553. Jennings, L: J. [Fiction.] 771. Jennings, R. The horse. 441. Jensen, W: [Fiction.] 771. Jenyns, S. Disquisitions. 1066. Tnrernal evidence of the christian relig-ion. S7. Jephson, P. P. [Fiction.] 771. Jermyn, J. English epithets. 274. Jerrmann, E: Pictures from St. Petersburg. 1280. Jerrold, Douglas W: [Drama.] 560. [Fiction.] 771. Cakes and ale. 1084. Fireside saints. 1084. Men of character. 1084. Punch's complete letter writer. 1084. Punch's letters to his son. 1084. Sketches of the english. 1084. Jerrold, W: Blanchard. [Drama.] 561. At home in Paris. 1259. Douglas Jerrold. 1550. G: Cruikshank. 1528. Napoleon III. 1477. On the boulevards. 1260. ed. Best of all good company. 1087. Jervis, H. W. Students' France. 1251. Jervis, J: B. Labor and capital. 197. Railway property. 257. Jesse, J : H. Memoirs of the pretenders. 1224. Memoirs of the Stuarts. 1223. Memoirs from the revolution. 1225. Jesse, W: Beau Brummell. 1520. Jessopp, A: Village life in Norfolk. 1168. Jessup, H: H. Women of the arabs. 152. Jesuits, Travels of. 1295. Jevons, W: S. Currency and finance. 200. Logic. 59. Methods of social reform. 149. Money and mechanism of exchange. 200. Political economy. 194. Principles of science. 59. Jewel, J: Apologia ecclesiffi anglicana;. 128. Jewell, J. G. Among our sailors. 234. Jewett, C: C. Construction of catalogues. 2. Public libraries in the U. S. 1. Jewett, S. O. [Fiction.] 771. Jewitt, L. Ceramic art of Great Britain. 480. Jewsbury, G. E. [Fiction.] 771. Jewsbury, M. J., (? Fletcher, M. J. Jobson, F: J. American methodism. 130. Joceline, E. Mother's legacie. 102. Jocundus, Frater, pseud., see Mttller, W. Johannes von der Ostsee, pseud., see Falk, J: D. John of Fordun. Chronicle of the Scottish nation. 1213. John, E. [Fiction.] 772. John Jerningham's journal. 1034. Johns Hopkins uniuersity studies. 1334. Johnson, Vol. . [Fiction.] 772. ; Johnson, A. Speeches. 185. Johnson, A. B. Language. 263. Meaning of words. 263. Johnson, A. C. Cottages of the Alps. 1288. Peasant life in Germany. 1246. Johnson, A. H: Normans in Europe. 1200. Johnson, B. T. Foundation of Maryland. 1378. Johnson, E. R. [Fiction.] 772. French war. 1350. Idler and poet. 1034. War of 1812. 1352. ed. Famous single and fugitive poems. 1022. Little classics. 773. Johnson, H. K. Our familiar songs. 495. 111. poems and songs for young people. 1025. Johnson, J: Old Maryland manors. 1334. Rudimentary society amonpr boys. 1334. Johnson, O. W: Lloyd Garrison. 1486. Johnson, R: W. Geti. G: H. Thomas. 1503. Johnson, S:, Dr. Dictionary. 272. FEssays.l 1049. Idler. 1049. Lives of the poets. 1544. I Rambler. 1049. I Rasselas. 774. I Works. 1015. i Johnson, 8:, 0/ Jl/as8. Freedom in rellgriou. 73. ! Oriental religions : China. 139. ' India. 138. - Persia. 139. . Johnson, S. B. Hadji in Syria. 1313. Johnson, S. M. Free government. 160. Johnson, 8: W: How crops feed. 435. How crops grow. 437. Johnson, V. W. [Fiction.] 774. Johnson, W: Draughtsman's book of industrial design. 483. Johnsoniana. J: W. Croker, ed. 1550. Johnston, Alexander. American politics. 1345. Genesis of a New Eojr'and state. IJHt. History of the U. S. 1345. ed. American orations. 181. Johnston, Alma. [Fiction.] 774. Johnston, A. K. Physical atlas. 281. , ed. Africa. 1317.' Johnston, H. H. River Congo. 1327. Johnston, H: P. Yorktown campaign. 1851. ITujnbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixxij Jolinston. AUTHOB-INDEX . Kampf. Johnston, J : Banking in Wisconsin. 202. Johnston, J. D. China and Japan. 1297. Johnston, J. E. Military operations. 1359. Johnston, J. F. W. Applications of chemistry and geology to agriculture. 435. Chemistry of common life. 320. Johnston, R: M. [Fiction.] 774. and W: H. Browne. Alex. H. Stephens. 1488. Johnston, W: P. The university. 247. Work of the university in America. 247. Johnstone, C. J. [Fiction.] 774. Johnstone, H. A. Munro-Butler-. Maritime rights. 224. Johnstone, J: B. [Drama.] 561. Johnstone, W. S , joint mUhor, see Jennings, G. H. Joinville, Prince de. Army of the Potomac. 1858. Joinville, J: .n>e de. Saint Louis. 1474. Jokai, M. [Fiction.] 774. Joliet, C: Pseudonymes du jour. 80. Joly, N: Man before metals. 316. Jomini, A. H: baron de. Art of war. 231. Campaign of Waterloo. 12.57. Jones, B:, joint author, see Acland, A. H. D. Jones, C: H. Africa. 1317. (;onquest of Canada. 1351. Lord Maeaulay. 1551. Short life of Dickens. 1549. Short life of Gladstone. 1492. Jones, E. H., joint author, see Cox, Sir G: W: Jones, E. R. Emigrant's friend. 168. Jones, G: Zodiacal light. 308. Jones, H: [Drama.] 561. Jones, H:, ( Cavendish). Card essays. 501. Laws and principles of whist. 501. Jones, H: A. [Drama.] 561. Jones, J. Aboriginal remains of Tennessee. 349. Certain american vertebrata. 379. Jones, J. C. Valhalla. 136. Jones, J. S. [Drama.] 562. Jones, J. W. [Drama.] 562. Jones, L. E. Best reading, 2d ser. 15. joint author, see Iieypoldt, F: 15, 16. Jones, M. Edward, the black prince. 1472. Stories of the olden time. 1201. Jones, O. Grammar of ornament. 483. Jones, P. [Fiction.] 774. Jones, T. Percy, pseud., see Aytoun, W: E. Jones, T: R. Organization of the animal king- dom. 370. Jones, T. Rupert, ed. Greenland. 1421. Jones, W: Broad, broad ocean. 328. Crowns and coronations. 1565. Treasures of the earth. 323. Jonson, B: [Drama.] 562. Jonveaux, E. East Africa. 1823. Jordan, D: S. Contributions to north american ichthyology. 380. Vertebrates of the northern U. S. 379. and A. W. Brayton. Distribution of fishes of South Carolina, Georgia and Texas 380. andC: H. Gilbert. Fishes of North America. 880. and B. H. Van Vleck. Key to the birds, rep- tiles, batrachians and fishes of the northern U. S. 379. Jordan, J. P. Worterbuch der polnischen und deutschen sprache. 270. Jordan, W: L. The ocean. 328. Josephus, F. Last days of Jerusalem. 1168. Josephus, F. Continued. Our young folks' Josephus. 1168. [Wei-ke.] 1167. Works. 1168. Josse, A: L: Spanish grammar. 278. Josselyn, J: New England's rarities. 1369. Two voyages to New England. 1369. Journal of comparative medicine and surgery. 897. Journals of american congress. 174. Jowett, B: Interpretation of scripture. TZ. Joyce, J. Scientific dialogues. 284. Joyce, R. D. Deirdrfe. 1034. Juan y Santacilia, J., and A. de XJUoa. Voyage to South America. 1414. Judd, J: W. Volcanoes. 328. . Judd, S. Philo. 1035. Judson, E. C. [Fiction.] 775. Letters. 1453. Sarah B. Judson. 1453. Judson, E: Z. C. [Fiction.] 774. Jugend lust und lehre. H. Masius, ed. 1126. Julian, G: W. Political recollections. 167. Juliana, Mother. Revelations of divine love. 101. Julianus, F. C, emperor. Select works. 1139. Juncker, E. see Schmieden, E. 846. June, Jennie, pseud., see Croly, J. C. Jung, J. F: A. Charaktere. 1122. Gutzkow's Ritter vom Geiste. 1105. Jung, K: E. Lexikon der handelsgeographie. 1181. Jung-Stilling, J: H: Autobiography. 1460. Jugend. 1559. Junger, J: F: [Drama.] 562. Jungst, L: V. [Fiction.] 775. Junius. Letters. 1079. Junkin, D. X., and F. H. Norton. Winfield Scott Hancock. 1501. [ Junot, Mme., see Abrantes, Duchesse d'. 1 Juste, T. Histoire de Belgique. 1285. i Revolution beige. 1286. Justi, K: Winckelmann. 1530. Justinus martyr . Works. 70. Justitia, a knownothing, pseud., see Adams, F. C. 657. Justus Feminis. [Drama.] 562. K., O., pseud., see Novikof, O. K., W. V. [Fiction.] 775. Kade, O.. ed. Auserwahlte tonwerke. 4!)2. Kaden, W. From Tiber to Etna. 1365. Switzerland. 1287. Kaiser, Ernst, pseud., see KOnig, E. A: 781. Kaiser, S. Franzosische verfassungsgeschichte. 218. Xaldenbach, C. Gedichte. 1105. Kaler, J.O. [Fiction.] 775. Kalevala. 1146. KalidasS,. Sakoontalil. 1148. Sakuntala. 1148. Kalisch, L: London. 1235. Paris. 1261. Kalischer, A. C. Spinoza's stelliing zum juden- thum und christenthum. 50. Kallimachos. Works.. 1'H8. Kames, Lord, see Home, H . Kampen, N: G. v. Geschichte der Niederlande. 1284. Kampf, F., and J: H. Clark. Astronomical de- terminations. 305. Entries in small type refer to contents onl^. Kane. AUTHOR-INDEX . Kent. Ixxiij Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations. 1434. Arktische fahrten und entdeckungen. 1424. Grianell expedition. 1434. Kane, H. H. Opium-smoking. 410. Kane, R. Elements of chemistry. 319. Kanngiesser, P: F: Alterthumswissenschaft. 1163. Kant, I. Critique of pure reason. 49. [Selections.! 1103. Kapp, F: Deutsche im staate New York. 1375. F: W: V. Steuben. 1503. John Kalb. 1502. Kapper, S. [Fiction.] 775. Karaka, D. F. History of the parsis. 1306. Karasowski, M. Choisin. 1534. Kardoff-WalDnitz, Baron W: v. Gold standard. 300. Karl V of Germany. Correspondence. 1473. Karl, Meister, pseud., see Leland, C: G. Karoly, A. Dilemmas of labour and education. 194. Karr, E. American horse-woman. 502. Karr, J: B. A. Tour round my garden. 1131 . KSstner, A. G. Episramme. IIOO! Sinng-edichte. 1106. Kater, H:, and\). Lardner. Mechanics. 312. Katsch, G. A. [Fiction.] 775. Kauflfer, E: [Fiction.] 775. Kaufman, R. Queens of England. 1470. Young folks' Plutarch. 1446. Kaufmann, G: Kampf der franzosischen und deutselien schulorganization. 839. Kaufmann, M. Socialism. 804. Kaulbach, C. [Fiction.] 775. Kavanagh, B. rtn,rf J. [Fiction.] 775. Kavanagh, J. [Fiction.] 775. Women of Christianity. 1449. Kay, D: Austria-Hungary. 1349. Kay, J. Social condition of the people of England. 808. Kayser, C. G. Biicher-lexicon. 18. Kayser, P. Zeugnisszwang. 883. Keane, A: H. Asia. 1295. Keane, J: F. Journey to Medinah. 1308. On blue water. 1198. Six months in Meccah. 1308. Keary, A. [Fiction.] 776. Nations around. 1165. and E. Heroes of Asgard. 136. Keary, C: F. Outlines of primitive belief. 134. ed. Dawn of history. 347. Keary, E. Annie Keary. 1550. joint author, see Keary, A. Keating, J. M. Yellow fever epidemic. 393. Keating, W: H. Expedition to St. Peter's river. 1396. Keats, J: Letters to Fanny Brawn e. 1080. Poetical works. 1035. Keay, J. S. Spoiling the egyptians. 172. Keble, J: Christian year. 1035. Lyra innocentium. 1035. Keddie, H. [Fiction.] 776. Marie Antoinette. 1475. Modern painters. 1536. Musical composers. 1533. Old masters. 1536. Papers for thoughtful girls. 1096. Sweet counsel. 63. Keen, W: W. Surgical complications and sequels of continued fevers. 413. Keenan, H:F. [Fiction.] 776. Keene, H. G. [Fiction.] 776. Keese, W: L. John 1541. Keferstein, H. Piidagogik der kirche. 249. Priifungswesen. 344. Verantwortlichkeit der schule. 239. Volksschule. 845. KeigMley, T: Ymr^ mythology, 134. History of England. 1816. History of Greece. 1173. History of Rome. 1176. Keim, De B. R. Sheridan's troopers. 1198. Keith, A. Demonstration of the truth of the christian religion. 98. Evidence of the truth of the christian religion. 98. Keith, Sir R. M. Memoirs and correspondence. 1493. Keller, G. [Fiction.] 776. Gedichte. 1117. Kellerman, W. A. Botany. 358. Plant analysis. 363. Kelley, J. D'. J. Question of ships. 334. Kellogg, A. Botany of Alaska. 366. Kellogg, A. O. Shakespeare's delineations of insanity. 1046. Kellogg, B. English literature. 1003. Kellogg, E: New monetary system. 197. Same. Labor and capital. 197. Kellogg, Elijah. [Fiction.] 776. Kelly, D. Self-inspection. 101. Kelly, J. American catalogue. 16. Kelly, W. K. House of Austria. 1241. camp. History of Russia. 1275. Kemble, A., see Sartoris, A. 842. Kemble, F. A. Journal. 1365. Journal on a Georgia plantation. 1380. Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays. 1047. Poems. 1035. Records of a girlhood. 1538. Records of later life. 1538. Year of consolation. 1266. Kemble, J: M. Saxons in England. 1380. Kemble, M., ed. Ai-t recreations. 469. Kemble, M. T. [Drama.] 563. Kemp, E: How to lay out a garden. 478. Kempis, Thomas ii, see Thomas a Kempis. Kendrick, A. C. Emily C. Judson. 1453. Kennan, G: Tent life in Siberia. 1315. Kennedy, James, judge, Ilavannah. Modern poets of Spain. 1134. Kennedy, The rev. James. Work in Benares and Kumaon. 1303. Kennedy, J: P. [Fiction.] 777. Mr. Ambrose's letters on the rebellion. 1360. William Wirt. 1489. Kennedy, P., and others. Legends of Ireland. 141. Kennedy, W: S. Henry W. Longfellow. 1541. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1543. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1541. Wonders and curiosities of the railway. 257. Kenney, C: L. Michael W: Balfe. 1534. Kenney, J. [Drama.] 562. and J. V. Millingen. [Drama.] 563. joint author, see 'H.\xgo,\: 559. Kenney, M. Vj. [Fiction.] 777. Kenrick, F. P. Primacy of the apostolic see. 114. Kent, J. Commentaries. 214. Course of reading. 510. Kent, S. H. Within the arctic circle. 1288. Kent, W: Strength of materials. 458. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixxiv Kent. AUTHOR-INDEX. SZirchner. Kent, W. S. Gis-antic cuttle-fish. 285. Kentish, T: Pyrotechnist's treasury. 451. Kenyon, A. Lettei's from Spain. 1273. Keppel, H: Expedition to Borneo. 1419. Ker, D: [Fiction.] 777. Ker, J: B. Popular phrases and nursery rhymes. 1096. Kerkhoven, P. F. van. [Fiction.] 777. Kerfoot, J: B. Inspiration. 98. Kerner, A. J. Flowers and their unbidden guests. 360. Kerner, J. A. C. [Gedichte.] 1117. Kerr, J: [Drama.] 563. Kerr, Orpheus C, pseud., see Nevrell, R. H: Kerr, R. W. Government printing office. 229. Kerry-NichoUs, see Nicholls, J. H: Kerry-. Kesson, J: Cross and dragon. 116. Kett, C:W. Rubens. 1530. Kettell, T: P. Southern wealth and northern profits. 171. Kettlewell, S: Thomas a Kempis. 1460. Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation. 1502. Keynote. 492. Keyser, J. R. Religion of the northmen. 136. Keyserling, E. "W: T. graf. Spinnen Amerikas. 375. Keyserling, M. grdfin. [Fiction.] 777. Khedives and pashas. 1479. Kidd, J: Adaptation of nature to the physical condition of man. 81. Kidd, Joseph. Laws of therapeutics. 407. Kidder, D. P., joint author, see Fletcher, J. C. Kidder, J. H. Natural history of Kerguelen island. 373. Kiddle, H:, and A. J. Schem. Cyclopedia of education. 240. Year-book of education. 240. Kieffer, H. M. [Fiction.] 777. Kielland, A. L. [Fiction.] 777. Kilbourn, J: Ohio gazetteer. 1387. Kimball, R: B. [Fiction.] 778. Kimpton, F. [Drama.] 563. Kincaid, Sir 3: [Fiction.] 778. Kind, J: P: Anthologie. 1109. Kindersley, E: C. Bayard. 1507. King, C: [Fiction.] 778 Campaigning with Crook. 1362. Famous and decisive battles. 1157. King, C: W: Engraved gems. 479. Natural history of gems. 324. Natural history of precious stones. 324. King:, Clarence. 1st report of the U. S. geol. survey. 338. Geological exploration of the 40th parallel. 341. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 1400. Production of precious metals. 338. King, D. T: Wilson Dorr. 1485. King, D: B. Irish question. 1212. King, E. Great south. 1378. [Papers on eurnpean travel.] 1206. King, F H. Economic relations of our birds. OQO King, H." [Fiction.] 778. King, J. Cleopatra's needle. 1167. Temple hill at Jerusalem. 1311. King, J. A. Argentine Republic. 1416. King, J: L. Trouting on the Brule river. 1389. King, K. [Fiction.] 778. King, M. Harvard. 250. King, P: baron. J: Locke. 1447. King, Pendleton. Grover Cleveland. 1468. King, R: J:, ed. Early ballad poetry. 1023. 1 King, T: French political leaders. 1496. : King, T: S. Patriotism. 1067. 1 King, VV: Political and literary anecdotes. 1096. Kingdom, J: M. [Drama.] 563. Kinglake, A. W: Eothen. 1309. Invasion of the Crimea. 1276. Kingsbury, J: H. Sketches. 1085. Kingsford, Jane, psevd., se3 Barnard, C:Y.,jr. 1 Kingsley, C: [Fiction.] 778. , At last. 1412. David. 109. Discipline. 109. Glaucus. 369. Good news of God. 109. Gospel of the Pentateuch. 109. I Hermits. 1464. Heroes. 135. Historical lectures and essays. 1159. Literary and general lectures and essays. 1067. J Madame How and lady Why. 335. New miscellanies. 1067. Plays and puritans. 1159. Poems. 1035. Prose idylls. 1067. Roman and teuton. 1180. Sanitary and social lectures. 149. Scientific lectures and studies. 286. Sermons for the times. 110. Sermons on national subjects. 110. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1067. Town and country sermons. 110. Town geology. 335. Village sermons. 110. Water of life, 110. Westminster sermons. 110. Kingsley, F. E., ed. Charles Kingsley. 1550. Kingsley, H: [Fiction.] 778, 779. Tales of old travel. 1189. Kingrsley, J. L. Ezra Stiles. 1438. Kingsley, J: S., ed. Standard natural history. 368. Kingston, W: H. G. [Fiction.] 779. Boy's own book of boats. 464. Western world. 1342. KinkeS J: G. [Fiction.] 779. Die Ahr. 1248. Gedichte. 1117. Kinzie, J. A., mrs. J: H. Wau-bun. 1386. Kip, Lawrence. Army life on the Pacific. 1353. Kip, Leonard. [Fiction.] 779. Kip, W: I. Catacombs of Rome. 124. Christmas in Rome. 1269. Church of the apostles. 128. Double witness of the church. 128. Early Jesuit missions. 116. Few days at Nashotah. 116. Kipping, R. Masting and rigging of ships. 462. Sails and sail making. 463. Kippis, A. Cook's voyages. 1188. Kirby, M. and E. Insect life. 376. Sea and its wonders. 328. Stories about birds. 382. Things in the forest. 369. World at home. 325. Kirby, W: Creation of animals. 81. Kirchhoff, T. Reisebilder aus Amerika. 1367. Kirchner, F: Mangel eines allgemeinen moral- princips. 61. Reform des religionunterrichts. 249. Spiritismus. 56. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Eirchner. ATTTHOB-INDEX . Koning'. Ixxr Kirchner, Y: Continued. Zweck des daseins. 53. Kirk, E. W. [Fiction.] Kirk, H. C. Possibility of uot dying. 84. Kirk, The rev. J: Motlier of the'Wesleys. 1459. Kirk, J:, x>rof. of Edinburgh. Papers on health. 402. Kirk, J: F. Charles the bold. 1474. Kirke, Edmund, pseud., see Gilmore, J. R. Kirklaud, C. M. [Fiction.] 780. Evening book. 10G7. Holidays abroad. 1308. Memoirs of Washington. 1465. School-girl's garland. 1022. Kirkland, E. S. Dora's housekeeping. 446. Six little cooks. 446. Kirkland, F. Cyclopasdia of anecdotes. 518. Kirkland, J. T. Memoir of F. Ames. 183. Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of river waters. 426. ed. Use of lead pipe. 426. Kirton, J:W: World's workers. 1512. Kirwan, pseud., see Murray, N: Kitchen garden association lessons. 445. Kitto, J: History of Palestine. 1310. Lost senses. 410. Scripture lands. 1311. ed. Cyclopgedia of biblical literature. 86. Kjelland, A. L., see Kielland, A. L. 777. Klaczko, J. Polish poetry in the 19th century. 1145. Klapka, G: War of independence in Hungary. 1242. Klein, H. J., and O: W: Thome. Creator's won- ders in living nature. 325. God's glorious creation. 325. Kleinschmidt, A. Napoleon I. 1430. ~ Siicularisation von 1803. 123. Kleinsteuber, H. [i'iction.] 780. Kleinwachter, F: Naturwissenschaftlicher un- terricht. 282. Philosophie der mode. 65. Reform der handwerksverfassung. 388. Kleist, E. C. V. Anthologie. 1109. Kleist, H: V. [Fiction.] 780. Kiithchen von Heilbronn. 1108. Werke. 1108. Klencke, F; H. [Fiction.] 780. Klencke, P. F: H. A. v. Humboldt. 1533. Klim, Niels, see'H.oVoerg, Baron L: v. Klingrer, F: M. v. Anthologie. 1109. [Auswahl.] 1107. Klippel, G: H: Scharnhorst. 1506. Klipstein, L: F. Grammar of anglo-saxon. 376. Klopstock, F: G. Briefwechsel. 1108. Themessiah. 1117. Werke. 1117. Werke. 1106. Kluckhorn, A: Louise, queen of Prussia. 1474. Klunzinger, C : B : Bilder aus Obenigypten . 1323. Kliipfel, K: Deutsche einheitsbestrebungen. 1239. Knapp, S: L. [Fiction.] 780. American literature. 1006. Knapp, W: 1. Spanish grammar. 278. Knatchbull-Hugessen, E: H., see Hugessen, E; H. Knatchbull-. Knickerbocker, Diedrich, pseud., see Irving, W. Knies, C: Das geld. 200. Der credit. 200. Weltgeld und weltmiinzen. 200. Knight, Cameron. Mechanician. 389. Knight, C: History of England. 1216. Knowledge is power. 197. Knight, C: Continued. -^ ed. Half hours of english history. 1227. Half hours with the best authors. 518. London. 1235. Knight, E: H. American mechanical dictionary. 389. New mechanical dictionary. 389. Knight, G:W Land grants for education. 1334. Kmght, H. C. James Montgomery. 1552. comp. Lady Huntington. 1459.' Knight, R: P. Symbolical language of ancient art. 135. Knight, W:, ed. Spinoza. 1448. Knighton, D. lady. Sir W: Knighton. 1493. Knorring, Friherrinnan S. M. [Fiction.] 780 Knott, J. P. Duluth. 1085. Knowles, J: Life of H: Fuseli. 468. Knowles, J. D. Ann H. Judson. 1452. Knowles, J. S. [Drama.] 563. Knox, I. Craig-. Little folks' history of England. Knox, J: J. United States notes. 801. Knox, T: W. [Fiction.] 780. Boy travellers in South America. 1415. Boy travellers in the far east : 1. Japan and China. 1296. 2. Siam and Java. 1296. 3. Ceylon and India. 1296. 4. Egypt and the Holy Land. 1296. - 5. Africa. 1317. How to travel. 1186. Travels of Marco Polo. 1295. Kny, L. Plant life in the sea. 285. Kobell, F. V. Mineralogy simplified. 332. Koberstein, A: K: Deutsche nationalliteratur. 1101. Vermischte aufsiitze. 1122. Koch, K: H: E. The Crimea. 1280. Kocher. T. Verletzungen und krankhelten des hodens. 411. Kock, H: de, joint author, see Barridre, T. 523. Kohl, J: G: Discovery and exploration on the coasts of the U. S. 1332. Discovery of Maine. 1870. Russia. 1278. Volker Europas. 1203. KOhler, A: Bewegungsspiele des kindergartens. 246. KOhler, S. R., comp. U. S. art directory. 470. Kohlrausch, H: F: T. History of Germany. 1237. Kohn, A., awrfR: Andrea. Sibirien. 1818. Kohn, S. [Fiction.] 780. Kolb, G: F: Condition of nations. 155. Cultur^eschichte der menschheit. 151. Vergleichende statistik. 155. Koldewey, K: German arctic expedition. H2ii. KOUiker, A. Human microscopical anatomj*. 398. KoUmann, J: Mechanik des menschlichen kor- pers. 398. KoUonitz, P. grnfin, see Eloin, P. Kompert, L. [J^iction.] 780. Koner, W :, joint author, sec Guhl, E. KOnig, E. A. [Fiction.] 781. KSnig-, F. Krankheiten des schlundes. 411. KOnig, H: Fahrt nach Ostende. 1286. Stationen. 1246. KOnig, H: J. [Fiction.] 781. KOnig, R. Deutsche literaturgeschichte. 1101. KOnig, T. [Fiction.] 781. Koning, Y:, joint author, see Clairville. 538. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixxvj EOpke. AXTTHOR-INDEX. Lamartine. KOpke, R. Hrosuitha. 1105. KOppen, A. L: Historico-geographieal atlas. 1156. Koran. 140. Koranyi, F: Milzttrand. 410. Kormak. 1035. KOrner, G. Das deutsche element in den Ver- einigten Staaten. 1349. KOrner, K: T. Briefwechsel mit Schiller. 1124. Siimmtliche werke. 1117. KOrOsi, J., ed. Finances des grandes villes. 156. Kiirte, W: Gleims leben. 1556. KOrting, G. Petrarca's leben. 1564. Kortum, C: A. The Jobsiad. 1117. Die Jobsiade. 1117. Same. 1108. Kosegrarten, L : T. Anthologie. 1108. Koss, K. A. Milwaukee. 1394. Kossuth, L: Memories of my exile. 1242. KOstlin, C. R. [Fiction.] 781. Dramatische literatur. 1104. KOstlin, J. Luther. 1460. Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. [Drama.] 563. Kouns, N. C. [Fiction.] 781. Kradolfer, J. Altchristliche moral. 61. Kraft, J. 'k., joint author, see Nyerup, R. 20. Kramer, G. Carl Ritter. 1559. Krapf, J: L: Eastern Africa. 1325. Krasiiiski, ifrafti'ffl W. Panslavism. 1240. Krasinski, Hrabia 7i. N. Undivine comedy. 1145. Krause, E. L: Erasmus Darwin. 1521. Krebs, G: Erhaltung der energie. 311. Krehbiel, H. E. Cnltivation of choral music. 495. Kreisslev. Heilbom, H: Franz Schubert. 1530. Kremer, A. v. Culturgeschichte des orients. 1307. Kretschmann, K: F: Gedichto. 1106. Kretschmer, A., and C: Rohrbach. Costumes of all nations. 259. Krez, K. Aus Wiskonsin. 1117. Kriegk, G: L: Deutsches biirgerthum. 1240. Volkerstiimme und ihre zweige. 350. Krilof, I. A. Fables. 1146. KrOker, K. Freiligrath-. [Drama.] 564. Kronhelm, H., aee Wilke, H. 890. Krug- V. Nidda, F: Ausg-ewiihlte schrlften. 1109. Krummacher, F: W: Elijah. 1463. Elisha. 1463. Kriisi, H. Pestalozzi. 1513. Kudrun. 1113, 1114. Kuenen, A. National religion. 133. Kugler, B. Geschichte der kreuzziige. 1200. Wallen8t<,-iti. 1430. Kugler, F. T. Handbook of painting: german, Hemish and dutch schools. 487. Italian schools. 487. Kuhne, A; [Fiction.] 781. Kuhne, F: G. [Fiction.] 781. Von Coin bis Worms. 1248. Kullak, A. Aesthetik des klavierspiels. 496. Kumlien, L: Natural history of arctic America. 373. Kunst, H(!rmann, pseM(Z., see Smith, W. C. Kurnberger, F. [Fiction.] 781. Kurschner, J., ed. Deutsche national-litteratur. 1105. - Deutscher litteratur-kalender. 1554. Kurschner, L. [Fiction.] 781. Kurssati, F.,ed. Pagerintos giesmiu-knygos. 104. Kurtz, D. M. Ithaca. 1376. I Kurz, H: Deutsche literatur. 1101. ! and F: C. Paldamus. Deutsche dichter und ' prosaisten. 1101. Kurz, Hermann. [Fiction.] 781. see Weisser, L: 1171. li., A. V. [Fiction.] 782. Ii., L. E., pseud., see Landon, L. E. Iiaas, E. Gymnasium und realschule. 248. Zur frauenfrage. 154. I Iiabberton, R. H. Historical atlas. 1156. j La Bedolliere, E. G. de. [Fiction.] 782. i Iiabouchere, H: Coming- democracy. 146. liaboulaye, E:R. L. [Fiction.] 782. I Paris in America. 1366. j La Bruyere, J: de. Characters. 61. ' Lacher, H: Schul-iiberbiirdungsfrage. 239. Lackington, J. Memoirs. 1514. Liacombe, Pcre. Spiritual maxims. 108. j Lacombe, P. Arms and armour. 233. Growth of a people. 1251. Lacordaire, J: B. H: de. Letters to young men. 102. Lacretelle, H: de. Lamartine and his friends. j 1561. j Lacroix, F: Geheimnisse von Russland. 1278. j Lacroix, P. [Fiction.] 783. ! 18th century. 1254. Middle ages: Arts. 472. Manners, customs and dress. 259. Military and religious life 1200. ' Science and literature. 289. Lacy, R. [Drama.] 564. j Lacy, T: H. [Drama.] 564. and J: Courtney. [Drama.] 564. and S: French, pnbl. [Drama.] 564. t joint atithor, see "Aiggie, T -.11. 558. see Robertson, T: W: 590. Ladd, C, see Franklin, C. Ladd, G: T. Church polity. 114. Doctrine of sacred scripture. 84. Ladd, H. O. War with Mexico. 1353. Laferriere, A., joint author, see Pierron, E. 582. Laffan, M., see Hartley, M. 748. La Fontaine, J: de. Fables. 1130. Lagarde, A: comtc de. Memoirs of Queen Hor- tense. 1477. Lagny, G. de. Knout and russians. 1278. Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. The seven hills. 1178. Laing:, F. H: Colenso's objections. 73. Laing, ,!:, joint author, see Halkett, S: 30. Laing, S: Tour in Sweden. 1284. e.d. Heimskringla. 1282. Lakeman, M. [Fiction] 782. Lakes, A. History and geology of the San Juan. 429. Lakey, C: D. Village and country houses. 477. Lalanne, F. A. M. Etching. 489. Lalor, J: J., ed. Cyclopaadia of political science. 145. joint author, see Mason, A. B. Lamartine, A. M. L: de. [Drama.] 564. [Fiction.] 782. Celebrated characters. 1430. Columbus. 1518. Enthiillungen. 1561. Future of the republic. 1258. Geschichte der restauration. 1257. Girondists. 1256. Holy Land. 1312. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Lamartme. AUTHOR-INDEX. liardner. txxvij Iiamartine, A. M. L: de. Continued. Mary, queen of scots. 1471. Memoirs of my youth. 1561. Oliver Cromwell. 1469. Restoration in France. 1257. Revolution of 1848. 1257. Zukunft der republik. 1258. Lamb, Jjady. Warrior kings. 1468. Lamb, C: Eliana. 1067. English dramatic poets. 1046. Literary sketches and letters. 1080. Tales from Shakespeare. 1048. Works. 1015. and M. Poetry for children. 1025. Lamb, M. and C: Poems, letters and remains. 1551. Lamb, M. J. R. Wall street in history. 1376. Lamballe, Princesse de. Secret memoirs. 1475. Lamber, J., see Adam, J. 657. Lambert, C. Cashmere and Ladak. 1304. Lamborn, R. H. Metallurgy of copper. 453. Metallurgy of silver and lead. 453. Lammers, A: Bekamufung dev trunksucht. 66. Bremer landwirthsciiafts-ausstellung. 429. Hand-bildung und hausfleiss. 245. Moorrauch. 436. Sonntagsfeier in Deutsehland. 115. Umwandlung der schenken. 66. Unternehmung im sparcassen-geschaft. 202. Lammers, M. Deutsche lehrerinnen. 244. Lament, J. Seasons with the sea-horses. 1426. La Motte Fouque, F: H: K; baron de. [Fiction.] 782. Held des nordens. 1117. Lampadius, W: A: Mendelssohn. 1535. Lamphere, G:N. United States government. 227. Lamping:, t". Foreign legion. 1319. Lamson, M. S. Life and education of Laura Bridgman. 245. Land, J. Spinoza. 1448. Land, J: E. Chicago. 1389. Landells, E. and A. Girl's own to.ymaker. 500. Lander, J: andR: Expedition to the Niger. 1324. Lander, Meta, pseud., see Lawrence, M. W. Lander, S. W. Berlin. 1247. Boston. 1373. Moscow. 1280. New York. 1376. Pekin. 1299. Rome. 1269. St. Petersburg. 1280. Zurich. 1288. Lander, .Sir T: D. [Fiction.] 783. Landgraf, J. Sicherung des arbeitsvertrages. 197. Landolt, H., and R: BQmstein. Physicalisch- chemische tabellen. 319. Landon, L. E. Complete works. 1015. Landon, M. D. Saratoga in 1901. 1085. Lander, W. S. [Fiction.] 783. Selections. 1096. Works and life. 1015. Landseer, Engravings from. 488. Landsfeld, Countess of, seeMontez, Lola. Landt, W. H., ed. [Fiction.] 783. Lane, E:W: Arabian society. 1308. Heutige egypter. 1320. Modern egyptians. 1319. Lane-Peele, 'see Poole. Lanfrey, P: Napoleon I. 1475. Lang, A. [Fiction.] 783. Lang, K. Continued. Custom and myth. 135. The library. 13. [Poetical works.] 1035. Lang, Mrs. A. [Fiction.] 783. Lang, H: Leben Jesu. 94. Religion im zeitalter Darwins. 82. Langr, J : M. Ancient religions of Central America. 13.S. Langbein, A: 1 : Ausgcwilhlte gedichte. 1117 Lange, F:A. History of material 45. Lange, L: Romische alterthiimer. 1175 Lange, M. Paul Morphy. 500. Lange, P. [Fiction.] 783. Lange, W., erf. Aus Frobel's leben. 1513 Langenberg, E: Ernst Moritz Arndt. 1555. Leben Diesterweg's. 1126. Langer, A. [Fiction.] 783. Langford, J: A. Praise of books. 509. Langhans, W: Musikgeschiohte. 493 Langin, G: J: P: Hebel. 15.57. Lang'ley, J. N. Message of the church. 73. Langrley, S. P. Solar heat. 331. Langmead, T: P. Taswell-. English constitu- tional history. 161. LaNicca, J. Change wheels. 415. Lanier, S. English novel. 1047. Florida. 1381. Poems. 1035. Science of english verse. 276. ed. Boy's Froissart. 1201. Boy's king Arthur. 514. Boy's Mabinogion. 514. Boy's Percy. 1025. Lankenau, H. v. [Fiction.] 783. and L. v. d. Oelsnitz, eds. Das heutige Russ- land in Europa. 1278. in Asien. 1313. Russia past and present. 1278. Lankester, E. Half-hours with the microscope. 356. Vegetable substances. 446. Lankester, E. R. Comparative longevity. 402. Lanman, C: Biographical annals of tlie civil government of the U. S. 14as. Essays for summer hours. 1067. Haw-ho-noo. 1343. Leading men of Japan. 1445. Private life of Daniel Webster. 1489. Summer in the wilderness. 1386. Tour to the Saguenay. 1407. Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. 1389. Lanoye, see Tugnot de Lanoye, F. Lansdell, H: Russian central Asia. 1316. - Through Siberia. 1315. Lanza, C. marchesa. [Fiction.] 783. Lapham, I. A. Animals of Wisconsin. 371. Antiquities of Wisconsin. 349. Description of Wisconsin. 1393. Fauna and floi-a of Wisconsin. 43;$. Forest trees of Wisconsin. 4.3:^. Grasses of Wisconsin. 433. and others. Destruction of forest trees. 439. Laplace, P. S. marquis de. Analytical mecha- nics. 312. Lappenberg, J: M. England under the anglo- saxon kings. 1219. and R. Pauli. Geschichte von England. 1218. Larcom, L. Childhood songs. 1025. Poetical works. 1035. Lardner, D. Animal physics. 345. Lectures on science and art. 287. Mechanics. 283. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue Ixxviij Lardner. AUTHOR-INDEX . IjefSvTe. Lardner, D. Continued. Railway economy. 257. Steam engine. 416. joint author, see Kater, H: Iiarke, J. K. Grant and his campaigns. 1467. Lamed, A. Old tales retold. 136. Tales from the noi'se grandmother. 136. Talks with girls. 63. Lamed, J. N. Talks about labor. 197. La Rochefoucauld, F. rf?/c de. Reflections. 61. La Rochere, Mme. la comtesse o?- Mile. Eugenie, ])seud., see Dutheil, E. 720. Larousse, P: Lexicologie des ecoles. 278. joi)it author, see Clement, F. Larsen, A. L. Dansk-norsk-engelsk ordbog. 370. Larwood, Jacob, jjsewrf., sec Sadler, L. R. Las Cases, Marquis de. Napoleon at St. Helena. 1476. Laslett, T: Timber and timber trees. 459. Laspeyres, E. Alter derdeutschen professoren. 247. Kathedersocialisten. 194. Lassalle, F. Siimmtliche schriften. 149. Lasswitz, E. Goethe's Faust-tragodie. 1105. Laszouski, Mrs. v., see Gerard, E. D., pseud. Lathe and its uses. J. Liikin. 456. Lathrop, G: P. [Fiction.] 783. Biographical sketch of Hawthorne. 1013. Spanish vistas. 1274. Study of Hawthorne. 1541. Lathrop, J. Christ's warning to the churches. 113. Latimer, M. E. [Fiction.] 784. Latouche, John, pseud., see Crawford, O. J: F: Latrobe, C:J. Rambler in Mexico. 1410. Laube, H: [Drama.] 565. Laud, W: Conference with Fisher the Jesuit. 70. Lauder, T. Legends of Harz mountains. 141. Lauder, *S'trT: D., see Lander, SirT: D., viis- print. 783. Laudes domini. C: S. Robinson. 495. Laudien, Y., joint author, see Heinel, E: F: R: Laue, A. H. German substantive. 277. Liaug'hlin, J. L. Anglo-saxon legal procedure. 308. Laun, H: van. French literature. 1127. French revolutionary epoch. 1254. Laurent, F. Histoire de I'humanite. 151. Laurie, J. Homoeopathic domestic medicine. 408. Laurie, T: Dr. Grant. 1452. Lautenschlager, O. [Fiction.] 784. Lavater, J: C. Essays on physiognomy. 58. Nature of man. 1103. Laveleye, E. de. European terror. 146. Land system of Belgium and Holland. 203. Political economy. 194. Socialism of today. 204. Law, H: Civil engineering. 411. Mathematical tables. 299. and D. K. Clark. Roads and streets. 421. \ Law, W: Call to a devout and holy life. 102. ! Law and lawyei's. D. L. Purves. 518. I Lawless, The hon. E. [Fiction J^ 785. : Lawrance, Y:, joint author, see Halliday, A. 555. Lawrence, E. Historical studies. 119. Primer of american literature. 1006. I Lawrence, G: A. [Fiction.] 785. Border and bastille. 1361. Lawrence, G: N. Birds of southw. Mexico. 384. Lawrence, J:, see Nicholson, E: B. 66. | Lawrence, M. W. [Fiction.] 785. Light on the dark river. 1452. Lawrence, Slingsby, pseud., see Lew^es, G: H: 567. Lawrence, Uncle, pseud. [Fiction.] 785. Lawrence, W: B. Visitation and search. 209. i Lawrence, W: R., ed. Diary of Amos Lawrence. 1 1514. I Lawson, G: Canadian ranunculacese. 363. Lax, L: [Fiction.] 785. Bilder aus den Niedeiianden. 1286. ! Layard, A. H: Nineveh and its remains. 1309. i Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. 1310. I Laycock, T: Mind and brain. 52. Lazarus, E. Songs of a Semite. 1035. Lea, H:C: Sacerdotal celibacy. 114. Studies in church history. 122. Superstition and force. 1157. Lea, I:, and others. Shells of North America. 375. Lea, M. C. Photography. 489. Leake, 1: Q. Gen. J: Lamb. 1502. Lean, Mrs. F., see Church, F. Leander, Richard, pseud., .see Volkmann, R: Lear, H. L. S. Lacordaire. 1461. Leavitt, T: H. Facts about peat. 445. Le Baron, W: Entomology. 376. Noxious insects. 436. LeBas, C:W. Wiclif. 1458. Le Brun, M. L. E. Souvenirs. 1530. Lecky, W: E: H. England in the 18th century. 1225. European morals. 65. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 1491. Rationalism in J^urope. 80. Le Clerc, J: What church we ought to join. 97. Le Clercq, C. Establishment of tTie faith in New Fi-ance. 1332. Le Conte, J. Elements of geology. 335. Religion and science. 82. Sight. 314. Le Conte, J: L. Coleoptera. 377. Lectures to young men. 73. Ledderhose, C: F: Melanchthon. 1460. Ledoux, C: Ice-makin machines. 315. Le-Duc, see Viollet-le-Duc. Ledyard, L. W. [Fiction.] 785. Lee, Alice G., jiscud., see Haven, A. Lee, C: A. Geology. 385. Lee, Edwin. Continental travel. 1208. Lee, Eliza. [Friction.] 785. Joseph Buckminster and Joseph Stevens Buck- minster. 1452. Lee, F: G:, ed. Glimpses of the supernatural. 54. Lee, H. awd S. [Fiction.] 785. Lee, Holme, pseud., see Parr, H. Lee, K. In the Alsatian mountains. 1248. Lee, M. rtwfZ C. [Fiction.] 785. Lee, M. S., joint author, sec Awdry, F. 670. Lee, N. [Drama.] 565. Lee, S. [Fiction.] 785. Lee, T: J. Tables and formula-. 300. Lee, Vernon, pseud, see "B&get, V. Leech, J: Pictures from Punch. 482. Leeds, W: H: Orders of architecture. 474. Lees, J. C. Mohammedanism. 133. Le Fanu, J. S. [Fiction.] 785. Lefebvre, Rene, psetid., see Laboulaye, E: R. L. de. Lef^vre, A. Wonders of architecture. 473. Philosophy. 45. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Legge. AUTHOR-INDEX . Lewis. Ixxix lieggre, A. O. Pius IX. 1462. Iiegge, J. Chinese classics: Confucius. 139. Mencius. 139. Religions of China. 139. Leggett, W: [Fiction! 786. Political writings. 185. Le GoflF, F. Thiers. 1497. Legouve, Ernest. [Drama.] 565. Art of reading. 515. a(Z P. Merimee. [Drama.] 565. joint author, see Goubaux, P. P., also Scribe, E. Leidy, J. Ancient fauna of Nebraska. 344. Cretaceous reptiles of the U. S. 345. Extinct species of american ox. 346. Extinct sloth tribe of North America. 346. Extinct vertebrate fauna. 344. Flora and fauna within living animals. 356. Fresh-water rhizopods. 374. Leifchild, F. Hamlet. 1007. Leigh, F. Ten years on a Georgia plantation. 1381. Leighton, A. [Fiction.] 786. Ijeighton, C. C. Life at Puget Sound. 1404. Leighton, R. Sermons. 110. Works. 70. Leighton, R. F. History of Rome. 1176. Harvard examination papers. 247. Leighton, W: Subjection of Hamlet. 1048. Leila-hanoum, pseud., see Piazzi, A. 8^5. Leimbach, C: L. Emanuel Geibel. 1556. Leisewitz, J: A. Julius von Tarent. 565. Same. 1107, 1108. Leitch, W: God's glory in the heavens. 301. Leith, J: Narrative. 1519. Lejeune, L. Trouville. 1206. Leland, C:G. Abraham Lincoln. 1467. Algonquin legends. 144. Fusang. 1331. Gypsies. 1295. Industrial art in schools. 242. Meister Karl's sketch book. 1209. Minor arts. 469. [Poetical works.] 1035. Sunshine in thought. 1067. Poetry and mystery of dreams. 56. E: H: Palmer rtwfZ J. Tuckey. English gipsy sonars. 1296. Leland, H: P. Americans in Rome. 1269. Grey-bay mare. 1085. Leland, T: Principles of human eloquence. 89. Le Maout, J: E. M., and J. Decaisne. Botany. 361. Lembke, F: W:, and H: Schafer. Geschichte von Spanien. 1271. Lemcke, K: H: G. Populiire iisthetik. 465. Lemon, H. [Drama.] 565. Lemon, M. [Drama.] 565. Lenau, Nikolaus, pseAid., see Niembsch v. Strehlenau, N: F. Lendenfeld, R. v. Tasman-gletscher. 337. Lennep, J. van. [Fiction.] 786. Le Normand, M. A. A. Empress Josephine. 1476. Lenormant, F. Beginnings of history. 1165. Chaldean magic. 54. and E: Chevallier. Oriental historv. 1165. Lenz, J. M. R. [Draraen und sredichtel. 1107. Leo, H: Geschichte der italienischen staaten. 1262. Leon, N. Ponce de, see Ponce de Leon, N. Leonard, H. L. W. Oregon territory. 1402. Leonowens, A. H. English governes.s at the Siamese court. 1305. Life and travel in India. 1304. Romance of the harem. 1305. Leopardi, G. conte. Elssays and dialogues. 1132. Gedichte. 1132. Le Pileur, A. Human body. 399. LeRos, C. [Drama.] 566". Le Sage, A. R. [Fiction.] 786. Lesley, J: P: Man's origin and destiny. 347. Manual of coal. 323. Leslie, A. Arctic voyages of Nordenskiold. 1426. Leslie, C: Method with the deists. 98. Same. 97. Theological works. 70. Leslie, C: R. Recollections. 1529. Leslie, H: [Drama.] 566. Leslie, Sir J :, and others. Discovery in the Polar seas. 1423. Leslie, Mrs. Madeline, josew^Z., .sec Baker, H. N. W. Leslie, T. E. C. Land s.ystein of France. 208. Lesquereux, L. Fossil flora. 343. and T: P. James. Mosses of North America. 362. Lessing, J: G. E. Ausgewahlte werke. 1112. Dramatic works. 566. Selected prose works. 466. rSelections.] 1103. Werke. 1111. Werke. 1106. Lessmann, D. [Fiction.] 786. -Nachlass. 1127. Lester, C: E/ Glory and shame of England. 1234. My consulship. 1266. and A. Toater. Americus Vespucius. 1518. and E. Williams. Napoleon dynasty. 1476. L'Estrange, A. G. K., ed. Life of Mary Russell Mitford. 1551. ed. FriendshipsofM. R. Mitford. 1080. Letheby, H: Food. 445. Letourneau, C: Biology. 345. Letters about the Hudson. 1376. Letters from hell. W. A. Thisted. 106. Leuven, A., comte Ribbing, called de, joitit au- thor, see St. Georges, J. H: 591. Le Van, W: B. Steam-engine indicator. 417. Lever, C: J. [Fiction.] 787. Le Vert, O. Souvenirs of travel. 1208. Levitschnigg, H: ritter v. [Drama.] 567. Kossuth und seine bannerschaft. 1242. Ein mJirchen. 1117. Lewald, F.. see Stahr, F. Lewes, G: H: [Drama.] 567. [Fiction.] 788. Actors and acting. 1537. Biographical history of philosophy. 45. Comte's philosophy of the sciences. 50. Goethe's leben. 1556. Goethe's life. 1556 Life and works of Goethe. 1556. Modern thoug-ht. 72. Physiology of common life. 400. Problems of life and mind. 57. Robespierre. 1497. Studies in animal life. 315. Study of psychologry. 'i7. and C: Mathews. [Drama.] 567. Lewes, M.. see Cross. M. Lewis, A. J., see HoflFmann, Prof., Lewis, C:B. Quad's odds. 1085. Lewis, C. T. Histoi-y of Germany. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Xie'wis. AITTHOB-INDEX . Lloyd. Lewis, D. Five-minute chats with young wo- men. 404. In a nutshell. 403. New gymnastics. 404. Our girls. 403. Weak lungs. 409. liewis, E. J. American sportsman. 504. Lewis, F. A. Law relating to securities. 214. Lewis, Sir G: C Credibility of early roman history. 1177. Lewis, G. W. Correspondence, etc. 1551. Lewis, L. [Drama.] 567. Lewis, M. G. fl^ramal 567. Lewis, Lady M. T. Friends and contempora- ries of Clarendon. 1490. Lewis, T: Origines hebrreaj. 1168. Lewis, T. C. Heroes of science. 1524. Lewis and Clarke's expedition, see Biddle, N: 1396. Lexow, R. [Fiction.] 788. Leypoldt, F: Reading diary of fiction. 27. and L. E Jones. American catalogue. 16. Books of all time. 15. Liibanios. Monodies. 1140. Liber librorum. 84. Liburnau, see Lorenz v. Liburnau. Lichtenberg:, G : C. Ideen. 1109. Iiichtwer, M. G Aesopisohe fabeln. 1106. Faheln. 1108. Liddell, C. C. [Fiction.] 788. Liddell, H: G:, and R. Scott. Greek-english lexicon. 267. Lidstone, W:, 9'oi7it author, f>ee Brown, C: B. Lie, J. L. E. [Fiction.] 788. Liebenau, see Huber-Liebenau, T. v. Liebenau, G. H. [Drama.] 567. Lieber, F. Civil liberty. 164. Miscellaneous writings. 150. Political ethics. 63. Property and labor. 197. Vocal sounds of Laura Bridgman. 268. Sair.e. 150. cd. Great events. 1159. Lieber, O. M. Assayer's guide. 453. Liebig:, J. v. Agricultural chemistry. 435. Connection of forces. 311. Modern agriculture. 435. Natural laws of husbandry. 435. Liefde, J. de. Great dutch admirals. 1508. Liefde, J. B. de. [Fiction.] 788. Lienhart, F. de. [Fiction.] 788. Liiirhtfoot, J. B. Hevision of New testament. 88. Liliencron. R. freiherr v. Chorgesang. 495. and F. X. Wegele, eds. AUgemeine deutsche biographic. 1444. Lille, H. [Drama.] 567. Lillie, A. Buddha and early buddhism. 138. Popular life of Buddha. 188. Lillie, L. C. [Fiction 1 788. Lilliput lectures. W: B. Rands. 1072. Lilliput levee. W: B. Rands. 1025. Lillo, G: [Drama.] 567. Lilly, W: Astrology. 54. Lincoln, A. Political debates. 182. Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston cook-book. 446. Lincoln, J. T. [Fiction.] 788. Lindau, H: G. Paul. [Fiction.] 788. Aus Paris. 1122. Gesammelte aufsiitze. 1103. Literari.sche riicksichtslosigkeiten. 1122. Niichterne brief e aus Bayreuth. 495. Ueberfliissige briefe. 1122. Lindau, H: G. Paul. Continued. Verniigungsreiseu. 1247. Lindau, R. [Fiction.] 788. Lindau, W: A. Geschichte Schottlands. 1314. Linde, A. van der. Invention of printing. 449. Lindemann, M. v. Finnland. 1280. Linderfelt, K. A: Game of preference. 501. Lindermann, H: R. Money and legal tender in the U.S. 201. Lindner, T. Geschichte des deutschen reiches. 1238. Lindsay, A. W: C, earl of Crawford and Bal- carres. Letters from Egypt. 1312. Lindsay, W: L. Mind in the lower animals. 370. Lindsay, W. M. Poems 1035. Ling'ard, J: History of England. 1217. Lindley, G: [Drama.] 567. LinnstrOm, H. Svenskt boklexikon. 20. LinskiU, M. [Fiction] 789. Lintern, W: Magnetic surveying. 428. Mineral survevor and valuei-'s guide. 428. Linton, E. L. [Fiction.] 789. Linton, W. J. History of wood-engraving in America. 489. and R: H: Stoddard. English verse. 1033. Linz, A. [Fiction.] 789. Lippard, G: [Fiction.] 789. Lippincott, S. J. [Fiction.] 789. Bonnie Scotland. 1215. Merry England. 1237. Poems. 1035. Queen Victoria. 1471. Records of five years. 1096. Lippincott's dictionary of biography. J. Tho- mas. 1428. Lippincott's gazetteer. 1181. Lips, Friedrich Wilhelm, pseud., see Oertel, P. F:W: 819. Lisle, W. [Drama.] 567. Listener in Oxford. C. Fry. 113. Lister, T: H: Lord Clarendon. 1493. Liszt, F. ChoDin. 1534. Litchfield, G. D. [Fiction.] 789. Literari.scher merkur. 512. Literary and theological review. 78. Literary era. 511. Literary news. 511. Literary world. 512. Little, G: Blue clay of the Mississippi. 338. Little, H: W: Madagascar. 1330. Little, J: Mrs. Jessie Little. 1458. liittlejohn. A. N. Philosophy of reliarion. 9H. Littlejohn, W. H. The constitutional amend- ment. 115. Livermore, A. A. War with Mexico. 1353. and others. Anti-tobacco. 66. Livermore, M. A. What .shall we do with our daughters? 154. Lives of englishmen. 1442. Lives of illustrious greeks. 1446. Livingston, J: Law register. 209. Livingstone, D: Last journals. 1336. i Missionary travels. 1326. andC: Expedition to the Zambesi. 1326. I Livingstone, E: Criminal jurisprudence. 333. Livius Patavinus, T. History of Rome. 1177. [ Stories from Livy. 1177. Livy, see Livius. j Llorente, J: A. Inquisition of Spain. 130. Lloyd, D: D. [Fiction.] 789. I Lloyd, H. J: Howard Raymond. 1513. Entries in small type refer to contents only. liloyd. AXTTHOR-INDEX. LotHrop. Ixxxj Lloyd, L. Field sports of the north of Europe. 503. Game birds of Sweden and Norway. 383. Peasant life in Sweden. 1284. Lloyd, W: W. Ajje of Pericles. 1174. Lobedanz, E. A. J. [Fiction.] 789. liObner, A. Lexikon des handels- und gcwcrbe- rechts. 213. Lock, C: G. W., ed. Spon's encyclopaadia of in- dustrial arts. 389. Locke, D:R. Eastern fruit on western dishes. 1085. Ekkoes from Kentucky. 1082. Hannah Jane. 1035. Nasby. 1083. Swingin round the cirkle. 1083. Locke, J:, philosopher. Works. 47. Locke, J: Prof., M. D. Terrestrial magnetism. 317. Lockhart, J: G. [Fiction.] 789. Napoleon Buonaparte. 1475. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. 1080. Sir Walter Scott. 1552. tr. Ancient Spanish ballads. 1134. Lockhart, L. W. M. [Fiction.] 789. Lockroy, Edouard, pseud., see Simon, E: E. Lockwood, H: C. Abolition of the presidency. 168. Lockwood, M. S. Ceramic art. 480. Lockwood, T: D. Electric telegraphy. 449. Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. 301. Spectroscope. 314. Spectrum analysis. 332. Lodge, E. Portraits. 1440. Lodge, H: C. Alexander Hamilton. 1486. Anglo-saxon land-law. 308. Daniel Webster. 1489. English colonies in America. 1349. George Cabot. 1484. Studies in history. 1159. liOevr, O. Mineral and aprricultural conditions in Colo., N. M. and Ariz. 343. Loew, W:N. Gems from Petofi. 1146. LOffler, K: Unschuldig verurtheilt. 223. LOffler, K: V. 1. [Fiction.] 789. Loftie, M. J. The dining-room. 484. Loftie, W. J. Art in the house. 483. A ride in Egypt. 1321. Loftus, A. J: Isthmus of Kra. 1306. Loftus, W: K. Chalda3a and Susiana. 1310. Logan, J. Scottish gael. 1315. Logan, Olive, see Sikes, O. 854. Logan, W. [Fiction.] 789. L.ogau,F:v. Sinngedlchte. 1105. Logerot, A:, ed. Pai'is actuel. 1360. LOher, F. v. Cyprus. 1294. Das neue Italien. 1363. Lohmann, J. F. [Fiction.] 789. Lohmeyer, J. Komische thiere. 1137. Loll, E. Von Schweden nach Japan. 1426. Lolme, J: L: de, see De Lolme. Lomenie, L: L. de. Beaumarchais and his times. 1561. Living characters of France. 1444. Lommel, E. C. J. Lexikon der physik und me- teorologie. 309. Nature of light. 314. Wind und wetter. 339. Londonderry, 2d marquess of, see Stewart, R. Londonderry, 3d marquess of, see Vane, C: W: S. Long, C:C. Central Africa. 1326. Thi-ee prophets. 1320. Long, E. A. Ornamental gardening. 478. Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems. 517. Long, J. E. Hopeful cry of outcast London. 308. Long, S. H. Expedition to St. Peter's river. 1396. - Expedition to the Rocky mountains. 1397. Longfellow, H: W. [Fiction.] 789. [Poetical works.] 1035, 1036. Defence of poetry. 1050. Outre-raer. 1304. Poets and poetry of Europe. 513. Works. 1015, 1016. ed. Poems of places. 513. Liongrfellow, S: Unity of reli>?iou8 ideas. 73. ed. H: Wadsworth Longfellow. 1541. liongrfield, H. M. Tenure of land in Ireland. 203. Longinus, D. C. The sublime. 466. Longley, E. American phonographic dictio- nary. 448. Longman, F:W. Frederick the great. 1244, Longman, W: Edward HI. 1321. Lectures on the history of England. 1218. Longstreet, A: B. [Fiction.] 790. Longstreet, Abbey B. Social etiquette of N. Y. 363. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora. 1533. Loomis, E. Analytical geometry. 300. Calculus. 300. Certain storms in 1836. 330. Geometry. 398. Meteorology. 339. Practical astronomy. 306. Recent progress of astronomy. 301. Loomis, L. C. Index guide to Europe. 1204. Loper, F. K. Die turken. 1291. Lord, J: Beacon lights of history. 1160. Lorenz, O: H: Catalogue de la librairie fran- 9aise. 20. Lorenz, W. [Fiction.] 790. Lorenz v. Liburnau, J. R. ritter. Wald, klima und wasser. 335. Loring, A. E. Electro-magnetie telegi'aph. 449. Lioring', G: B. American education. 341. Loring, J. S. Hundred Boston orators. 1482. Loring, W: W. Confederate soldier in Egypt. 1330. Liorinser, F: W: Verletzungen und krankheiton der wirbelsaule. 411. Lome, Marquess of, sec Campbell, J: G: E: H: D. S. Losa, F. Gregory Lopez. 1450. Loserth, J: Wiclif and Hus. 1458. Loskiel, G: H: Mission of the united brethren. 116. Lossen, W: Kesectionen. 411. Lossing, B. J: Centennial history of the U. S. 1345. Civil war in the U. S. 1355. Eminent americans. 1481. Field-book of the revolution. 1350. Field-book of the war of 1812. ia52. Harpers' cyclopjedia of U. S. history. 1343. History of fine arts. 471. History of the U. S. 1:^5. Philip "Schuyler. 1503. Signers of the declaration. 1482. Story of the U. S. navy. 1348. joint author, see Spencer, J. A. Lothrop, H. M. [Ficticm.] 790. Lothrop, S: K. Samuel Kivkland. 1438. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixxxij lioize. AITTHOB-INDEX . Macaulay. liOtze, H. Logic. 59. Metaphysic. 51. Outlines of metaphysics. 51. liOudon, J: C. Encyclopaedia of agriculture. 439. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm and villa ar- chitecture. 477. Encyclopajdia of plants. 361. Encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs. 361. Horticulturist. 489. liOudon, J. W. Gardening for ladies. 440. Louisiana historical collections. B: F.French. 1382, 1383. Lounger in society. Social etiquette. 262. Lotmsbury, T: K. James Fenimore Cooper. 1540. [Philological essays.] 266. Love, W:D. Wisconsin in the rebellion. 1390. Love life of dr. Kane. 1517. Lovell, G: W. [Drama.] 567. Lovell, S. Journal. 1372. Lover, 8: [Drama. J 568. [Fiction.] 790. Poetical works. 1036. Low, C. R. [Fiction.]^ 791. Lt5w, H. Diptera of North America. 378. Low, S. English catalogue. 17. Low, S. J., and F. S. Pulling, eds. Dictionary of english history. 1215. LOW, sec also Loew. Lowe, J. E. Ten days in the jungle. 1306. Lowell, A. C, ed. Seed-grain. 518. Lowell, E: J. The Hessians. 1351. Lowell, J. 11. Among my books. 1008. Conversations on some of the old poets. 1008. Fireside travels. 1193. Life and genius of Poe. 1017. My study windows. 1067. [Poetical works.] 1036. Shakespeare once more. 1050. Lowell, J. S. Public relief and private charity. 235. Lowell, R. T. S. [Fiction.] 791. Fresh hearts. 1036. Lower, M: A. English surnames. 1565. Lowndes, W:T: Bibliographer's manual. 17. Lowry, J. M. [Drama.] 568. Lowtnian, J: Visit to Jerusalem. 1312. Lubbock, S> J: Ants, bees and wasps. 379. Chapters in popular natural history. 287. Fifty years of science. 289. Origin and metamorphoses of insects. 376. Origin of civilization. 347. Pre-historic times. 347. Liibke, W: Ecclesiastical art in Germany. 472. History of art. 471. History of sculpture. 478. Outlines of the history of art. 471. Lubojatsky, F. [Fiction.] 791. liucas, E: Christianity and civil society. 73. Lucas, J. T. [Drama.] 568. Lucas, T: J. The Zulus. 1327. Lucas, W. J. [Drama.] 568. Lucian, see Lukianos. liUcke, A. Geschwiilste. 410. Krankheiten der schilddriise. 411. LUckes, E. C. E. General nursing. 448. Lucretius, scMfZ., see Tytler, W: Lucretius Cams, T. Nature of things. 1135. Lucy, H:W. [Fiction.] 791. Ltidemann, G: W : v. Geschichte Griechenlands. 1288. Ludloflf, K. Wohlstand und verarmung. 430. Ludlow, F. H. [Fiction.] 791. Ludlow, J : M. Lay dialogues. 73. War of american independence. 1350. Woman's work in the chui'ch. 238. Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic life. 498. Ludlow, W: Black Hills of Dakota. 340. Reconnoissance from CaiToll to Yellowstone park. 340. Ludwig, J. [Fiction.] 791. Ludwig, Otto, pseud., sec Puttkammer, E. yrei- herr v. 828. Luening, D. C, ed. Articulate method. 253. Lukianos Samosatensis. Comedies. 1140. Traveller's true tale. 1140. Lukin, J. [Fiction.] 791. Amongst machines. 416. Lathe and its uses. 456. Toy making for amateurs. 457. Young mechanic. 416. Lull, E: P. Nicaragua ship canal. 423. Panama expedition. 434. Lumisden, A. Antiquities of Rome. 1268. Lundie, 71f/'s. . Mary Lundie Duncan. 1457. Lundstedt, B. Finspongs bibliotek. 12. Liining, see Luening. Lunn, J. [Drama.] 568. Lupton, N. T. Scientific agriculture. 430. Lutfu'llah. Autobiography. 1498. Luther, M. Commentary on the psalms. 87. [Selections.] 1108. Sermons. 110. .9ee Fischer, J: F: W: 1460. Table-talk. 76. Luys, J. The brain. 52. Lyell, Mrs., ed. Sir C: Lyell. 1522. Jjyell, Sir C: Elementary geology. 335. Letters and journals. 1522. Principles of geology. 336. Second visit to the XJ. S. 1366. Travels in North America. 1366. Lyman, A. S. Histoi'ical chart. 1151. Lynch, T: J. [Drama.] 568. Lynch, W: F. U. S. expedition to the Jordan and Dead sea. 1312. Lyndhurst, Lord, see Copley, J: S. Lyon, N. Last political writings. 185. Lyons, C. J. Education in the Hawaiian islands. 240. Lyons, T. H. Magnetism of iron ships. 317. Lyste, H: P. [Drama.] 568. Lyster, A. [Fiction.] 791. Lyttleton, G; baron. Works. 1016. Lytton, Earl of, see Bulwer-Lytton, E: R. Lytton, Lady, see Bulwer-Lytton, R. D. 688. Lytton, Ljord, see Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: E. L. Maberly, J. Print collector. 487. Mabie, H. W. Art of reading. 510. Norse stories. 136. McAdam, G. Alphabet in finance. 200. IffcAdie, A. Aurora. 331. M' Alpine, D. Botanical atlas. 360. Zoological atlas. 370. and A. N. Biological atlas. 345. Macarthur, M. History of Scotland. 1214. Macaulay, T: B. lord. Essays. 1068. Frederick the great. 1474. Genius and character of Milton. 1551. History of England. 1225. Letters. 1551. Lays of ancient Rome. 1068. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Macaulay. ATTTHOB-INDEX. Mackie. Ixxxiij Macaulay, T: B. lord. Contmuecl. Poetical works. 1036. Selections. 1096. Speeches. 192. William Pitt. 1494. McCabe, J. D. National encyclopaedia of bus- iness and social forms. 451. Our young folks in Africa. 1317. McCaffery, M. J. A. Siege of Spoleto. 1036. Maccall, W": Foreign biographies. 1430. MacCallum, M. C. [Fiction.] 791. McCarthy, J. [Fiction.] 791. Epoch of reform. 1226. History of the four Georges. 1325. History of our own times. 1226. Short history of our own times. 1226. McCarthy, J. H. England under Gladstone. 1226. Irish history. 1211. McCaskey, J. P., ed. Franklin square song collection. 495. McCaul, A. Mosaic record. 73. Prophecy. 72. McChesney, C: E. Birds of Fort Sisseton. 384. Mammals of Fort Sisseton. 385. McClellan, G: B. Army of the Potomac. 1358. Military report. 232. joint author, see Marcy, R. B. McClellan, H. [Fiction.] 792. McClellan, R. G. Republicanism in America. 165. Macedo, J. M. de. Brazilian biographical an- nual. 1445. McClintock, Sir F. L. Voyage of the "Fox." 1424. McClintock, J:, and J. Strong. Cyclopajdia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical liter- ature. 67. M'Closkey, J. [Drama.] 568. McClung-, J. W. Minnesota. 1396. McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. 1320. McConkey, R. True stories of the american fathers. 1347. McConnel, J: L. [Fiction.] 792. Western characters. 1386. McCook, H: C. Agricultural ant. 379. Honey ants. 379. Tenants of an old farm. 376. McCormick, R: C. Camp before Sevastopol. 1279. McCosh, J. Christianity and positivism. 98. Development. 73. Divine government. 81. Emotions. 57. Laws of discursive thought. 60. Philosophic series. 44. McCray, F.T., a?zrf E.L.Smith. [Fiction.] 792. McCrie, T: John Knox. 1458. Sir Andrew Agnew. 1491. McCuUoch, J: R. Dictionary of commerce. 253. Universal gazetteer. 1181. and others. British empire. 157. McCurdy, J. F: Aryo-semitic speech. 267. Macdonald, G: [Fiction.] 792. Imagination and other essays. 1068. Unspoken sermons. 110. Within and without. 1036. Macdonald, Mrs. G: [Drama.] 568. Macdonnell, A. [Fiction.] 793. McDowell, K. S. [Fiction.] 793. Mace, J: Mouthful of bread. 400. Servants of the stomach. 400. McElroy, J: Andersonville. 1361. McFarlane, C: [Fiction.] 793. Chinese revolution. 1297. Constantinople. 1293. Duke of Wellington. 1506. Great battles of the british army. 1228. Kismet. 1293. Romance of history: Italy. 1262. Turkey and its destiny. 1293. Macfarlane, J. Geologist's traveling hand-book. 337. Macfarren, G: [Drama.] 568. MacGahan, J: A. Campaigning on the Oxus. 1315. Under the northern lights. 1425. War correspondence. 1291. McQarvey, J. W. Lands of the Bible. 1311. McGee, T: D. Catholic history of North Amer- ica. 1348. History of Ireland. 1212. Irish settlers in North America. 1348. Poems. 1036. Mac-Geoghegan, J. History of Ireland. 1211. Macgeorge, A. Flags. 1565. McGilchrist, J: Richard Cobden. 1492. Macgillivray, W: Travels of Humboldt. 295. McGloin, F. [Fiction.] 793. Macgowan, J: Death. 1116. McGrath, T. Pictures from Ireland. 1231. lyEacg-regor, James. Religion of ancient Rome. 133. Macgregor, J: Rob Roy on the Baltic. 1210. Rob Roy on the Jordan. 1313. Thousand miles in the Rob Roy. 1205. Voyage alone in the Rob Roy. 1205. McHarg, C:K. Talleyrand. "1497. Machetta, B. R., see Tucker-Machetta, B. R. Machiavelli, N: Art of war. 231. Florentinische geschichten. 1264. History of Florence. 1264. Writings. 1133. Mcllraith, J. Sir J: Richardson. 1517. Mcllvaine, C: P. Evidences of Christianity. 98. Justification by faith. 95. Macilwain, G: J: Abernethy. 1523. Mcintosh, M. J. [Fiction.] 793. Mackamess, M. A. P. [Fiction.] 793. Mackay, C: Commercial deli-sions. 253. Gouty philosopher. 1096. Life and liberty in America. 1366. Voices from the mountains. 1036. ed. Medora Leigh. 1551. McKay, J. T. [Fiction.] 793. Mackenzie, Sir A. Voyage through North America. 1405. Mackenzie, A. S. Oliver Hazard Peri'y. 1503. Spain revisited. 1273. Stephen Decatur. 1438. Year in Spain. 1273. Mackenzie, C: Naval biography. 1504. Mackenzie, D. Flooding Sahara. 1319. Mackenzie. G. M. Muir-, see Sebright. Mackenzie, H: [Fiction.] 793. Country dowager. 1049. Miscellaneous works. 1096. Mackenzie, H. D. S. Switzerland. 1287. Mackenzie, R. America. 1331. 19th century. 1203. Mackenzie, ft. S. Bits of blarney. 1097. Mackenzie, T: lord. Roman law. 224. Mackie, J: M. Cosas de Espana. 1273. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Ixxxiv Mackie. AXTTHOR-INDEX . Maitland. Mackie, J: Ul. Continued. From Cape Cod to Dixie. 1378. Leibnitz. 1447. Rebel chief. 1508. Samuel Gorton. 1438. Schamyl. 1508. Mackintosh, C. H. Notes on Exodus. 87. Notes on Genesis. 87. Notes on Leviticus. 87. Mackintosh, J: Civilisation in Scotland. 1213. Mackintosh, Sir J. Memoirs. 1493. Miscellaneous works. 1156. Progress of ethical philosophy. 61. Sir Thomas More. 1489. ,^^ W Wallace and R. Bell. History of England. 1217. Macklin, C: [Drama.] 568. McKnight, D: A. Electoral system of the U. S. 168. Maclagan, R. C. Scottish myths. 1213. Maclaren, A. Physical education. 404. Training. 502. McLaughlin, M. L. China painting. 480. Pottery decoration. 480. Suggestions to china-painters. 480. Maclay, W: Debate in the first senate. 181. Maclean, Mrs., see Landon, L. E. Maclean, J. P. Antiquity of man. 347. Mound builders. 349. McLean, S. P. [Fiction.] 793. Maclear, G:F: The slavs. 120. Macleay, K. Rob Roy and clan Macgregor. 1215. Maclehose, A. C, sec Burns, R. McLennan, J: F. Studies in ancient history. 259. Macleod, D. Norman Macleod. 1458. Macleod, G: H. B. Surgery of the war of the Crimea. 412. Macleod, H: D. Elements of economics. 194. McLeod, J: Voyage to the Yellow Sea. 1299. Macleod, N. [i'iction.l 793. Earnest student ; J: Mackintosh. 1458. McLeod, K. A. Italian lakes. 1206. Macleod, X.D. [Fiction.] 793. Sir Walter Scott. 1552. Maclise portrait-gallery. 1538. McMaster, J: b! Bridge and tunnel centres. 421. Geometry of position applied to surveying'. 418. High masonry dams. 413. History of the people of the U. S. 1347. McMichael, M., 3d. Land lubber's log. 1193. McMillan, D. C. Elective franchise. 168. McMullen, J. F. Wisconsin form book. 226. McNair, F: Perak and the malays. 1306. Mac Neile, H. Romanism and protestantism. 73. McNeill, .]., joint author, see Drayton, H: S. 57. Macnish, R. [Fiction.] 794. Anatomy of drunkenness. 66. Macomb, J. N. Exploring expedition. 342. Macoun, J., andT. J. W. Burgess. Canadian filicinejc. 362. MacOy, R. Cyclopsedia of freemasonry. 237. McPherson, : Hand-book of politics. 168. Macpherson, G. Anna Jameson. 1550. Macpherson, J., see Ossian. Macquoid, K. 8. [Fiction.] 794. In the Ardennes. 1286. Througli Normandy. 1262. Macquoid, T: and K. S. Normandy and Brit- tany. 1262. Macready, W:C: [Drama.] 568. Reminiscences. 1538. McSherry, J. History of Maryland. 1378. Mc Vicar, M. Metric system. 259. McVickar, J: Bishop Hobart. 1451. Macy, J. Institutional beginnings in a western state. 1334. Macy, W. H. [Fiction.] 794. Madan, M. Thelyphthora. 64. Madden, R: R. Countess of Blessington. 1546. Lady Hester Stanhope. 1494. Robert Emmet. 151 1 . Madison, J. Letters and writings. 185. Madison city directory. 1395. Madler, J : H: v. Geschichte der himmelskunde. 301. Madoc, Fayr, pseiirf. [Fiction.] 794. Maga excursion papers. 1190. Magazine of american history. 1334. Magazine of art. 470. Magazine of western history. 1334. Maginn, W: [Fiction.] 794. Fraserian papers. 1097. Odoherty papers. 1097. Magoon, E. L. Living orators of America. 1482. Orators of the revolution. 1482. Westward empire. 151. Magruder, J. [Fiction.] 794. Magnin, A. Bacteria. 373. Maguire, E: Professional notes. 420. Maguire, J: F. Father Mathew. 1455. Rome. 1265. Magyarland. 1250. MaliabhTirata. 137. see Wheeler. J: T. 1301. Mahaffy, J: P. Classical greek literature. 1136. Descartes. 1446. Old greek education. 243. Old greek life. 1172. Prolegomena to ancient history. 1163. Rambles and studies in Greece. 1290. Social life in Greece. 1172. Mahan, A. T. Gulf and inland waters. 1357. Mahan, D. H. Advanced-guard, etc. 231. Civil engineering. 411. Field fortification. 420. Mahan, M. Comedy of canonization. 1082. Palmoni. 84. Spiritual point of view. 87. Mahly, J. Roman des lOten jahrb. 513. Mahon, Viscount, see Stanhope, P. H: Mahony, D. A. Prisoner of state. 1361. Mahrenholtz, R: Moli&re. 1561. Maidment, J. [Fiction.] 794. Mailath Szekhelyi, J: N. J. grof. Geschichte des Ostreichischen kaiserstaats. 1241. Mailles, J. de. Bayard. 1507. Main, D: M. English sonnets. 1023. Maine, Sir H: J. S. Ancient law. 208. Pearly history of institutions. 208. Early law and custom. 208. Village communities. 208. Maine historical society. Collections. 1370. Maintenon, F. marquise de. Letters. 1130. Mair, R. S. Medical guide for anglo-indians. .834. Mairet, 3 c-Anna, pseud., see Bigot, M. 678. Maisch, J: M. Organic materia medica. 407. Maistre, J. M. eomte de. The pope. 114. Maistre, X. de. Journey round my room. 1131. Maitland, E: [Fiction.] 795. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Maitland. AUTHOR-INDEX. Harsh. Ixxxv Maitland, F. Building estates. 478. Maitland, J. A. F. Schumann. 153G. Majendie, Lady M. E. [Fiction.] 795. Malarce, A. de. Schul-sparkassen. 202. Malcolm, (StV J: Political history of India. 1302. Maiden, H:E. Turks before Vienna. 1242. Malet, Lucas, pseud., see Harrison, Mrs. W: 747. Malleson, G: B. Battle fields of Germany. 1240. Clive. 1302. Herat. 1318. Mallet, A. Compound engine. 416. Mallet, L. Reciprocity. 305. Mallet, P. H: Northern antiquities. 1281. Mallock, W:H. [Fiction.] 795. Is life worth living V 01. Same. 72. Lucretius. 1135. Property and progress. 194. Social equality. 204. Mallory, G. Sign languag-o. 1340. Malmesbury, Jiarl of, .sec Harris, Sir J. H. Malory, *S^r T: Boy's king Arthur. 514. Murte d' Arthur. 514. Malot, H. H: [Fiction.] 795. Malser, Hans, jyseud., see Rosegger, P. K. 839. Maltby, C. A. [Drama.] 568. (Old F. Stainforth. [Drama.] 569. Malte-Brun, C. Universal geography. 1181. Malthus, T: R. Principle of population. 155. Maltitz, G. A:/rei^ierr V. Anthologie. 1109. Maltitz, Hermann v., pseud., see Klencke, F: H. 780. Maltzahn, "W. v. Deutscher biicherschatz. 18. Manchester, H. E. What to read. 516. Mancini-Pierantoni, sec Pierantoni, G. 825. Mand, J. E., pseud., see Grossheim, J . 739. Mandeville, Sir J:, see Maundevile. Mandler, F: Erinnerungen. 1240. Mann, H: Ancient and mediaeval republics. 163. Mann, M. Horace Mann. 1513. and E. P. Peabody. Moral culture of infancy. 246. Mann, R. 'K., joint author, see Ware, J. R. Manners and customs of the Japanese. 1300. Mannhardt, W: Folgen des aberglaubens. 55. Manning, A. [Fiction.] 795. Heroes of the desert. 1516. Manning, H: E: Four great evils of the day. 110. Fourfold sovereignty of God. 110. Reunion of Christendom. 113. Temporal mission of the Holy Ghost. 92. Vatican decrees. 113. ed. Essays on religion. 73. Mansel, H: L. Limits of religious thought. 98. Miracles. 72. Philosophy of the conditioned. 47. Mansfield, E :' D. Crime and education. 240. Mexican war. 1353. Personal memories. 1542. Winfield Scott. 1503. Manship, A. Thirteen years in the itinerancy. 1453. Manso, J. K. F: Anthologie. 1109. Manson, G: J. Work for women. 154. Manstein, C. H. v. Memoirs of Russia. 1276. Mant, R: Happiness of the blessed. 96. Mantell, G. A. Geological excursions. 337. Medals of creation. 343. Manton, W. P. Beginnings with the micro- scope. 356. Manton, W. Y. Continued. Field botany. 357. Insects. 358. Taxidermy. 358. Manypenny, G: W. Our indian wards. 1335. Manzoni, A. [Fiction.] 795. Maori, pseud., see Inglis, J. Maquet, A: [Fiction.] 795. Marana, G. P. [Fiction.] 795. 1 Marbach, G. O., ed. [Fiction.] 796. Marcel, C. Study of languages. 263. Marcellus, N. De proprietate sermonis. 278. March, C: W. Madeira, Portugal and the An- dalusias. 1272. March, F. A. [Philological essays.] 266. March, G: [Drama.] 569. March, IV Alter, pseud,, see Willcox, O. B. 890. March, Wenzeslaus, pseud., see Messenhauser, C. W. Marcou, J. Geology of North America. 338. and others. [Geological pamphlets.] 336. Marcy, R. B. Thirty years on the border. 1398. and G: B. McClellan. Red River of Louisiana. 1384. Maretzek, M. Crotchets and guavers. 495. Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. 370. MarggrafF, Hermann. [Fiction.] 796. Marggraff, Hugo. Moderne sladtbiider. 405. MargoUe, E., joint author, see Zurcher, F: Marguerites, J. de. Ins and outs of Paris. 1261. Mariner's chronicle. 1197. Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. 313. Wonders of optics. 314. Wonders of vegetation. 358. Mariotti, L., pseud., see Gallenga, A. Mariti, G. Cyprus, Syria and Palestine. 1312. Markham, A.H. Polar reconnaissance. 1426. Markham, C. R. Peru. 1417. -- Sea fathei's. 1515. War between Peru and Chili. 1417. Markham, R: [Fiction.] 796. King Philip's war. 1350. ed. Chronicles of the Cid. 1271. Marklin, E. Familienbilder. 1117. Marlin, J. [Fiction.] 796. Marlitt, E., pseud., see John, E. 772. Marlowe, C. Works. 569. Marciuand, A. Logic of the epicureans. 44. Syllogistic machine. 44. Marquardt, J., and T. Mommsen. ROmische alterthiimer. 1175. joint author, see Becker, W: A. Mai-quis's hand-book of Chicago. 1389. Marr, A. Tables for reduction ot right ascensions and declinations. 307. Marryat, Florence, see Church, F. Marryat, Frank. Mountains and molehills. 1403. Marryat, F: [Fiction.] 796. Diary in America. 1365. Marryat, H. One year in Sweden. 1284. Marsh, Mrs. . [Fiction.] 797. Marsh, C. Capt. Hedley Vicars. 1505. Marsh, G: P. The camel. 442. Earth as modified by human action. 325. English language. 269. Origin and nistory of english. 269. Marsh, J: [Fiction] 797. Temperance recollections. 1452. Marsh, L. F. Marsh and aquatic plants. 363. Marsh, O.C: Birds with teeth. 338. Odontornithes. 345. Numbers refer to columns in tUe main catalogue Ixxxvj Marsh-Caldwell . AUTHOR-INDEX . Mathias. Marsh-Caldwell, A. C. [Fiction.] 797. Protestant reformation in France. 123. Marshall, B. [Fiction.] 797. Marshall, E. [Fiction.] 797. Catliedral cities of England. 1229. Marshall, F: French home life. 1259. Marshall, Florence A. Handel. 1535. Marshall, Francis A. [Drama.] 569. Marshall, J. Coal question. 823. Marshall, J: Washington. 1465. Writings upon the federal constitution. 210. Marshall, T: W: M. Christian missions. 115. Comedy of convocation. 1082. Marshall, W. G. Through America. 1367. Marshall, W: M. Barometric hypsometry. 419. Marsham. C. C, tnrs. R. [Fiction.] 798. Marston, W. [Drama.] 569. Marteilhe, J: Huguenot galley-slave. 1461. Martens, J. B. Life in the sea. 369. Martensen, H. L. Christian dogmatics. 91. Martenze, C. Cannon flashes. 1036. Marthold, J. de. [Drama.] 569. Martin, Mrs. B. [Fiction.] 798. Martin, Bon L: H: Histoire de France. 1249. History of France. 1254. Popular history of France. 1254. Martin, Mrs. C. B. Mount Desert. 1370. Martin, E. M. [Fiction.] 798. Martin, F. Natural history. 368. Martin, Mrs. H., see Martin, M. E. Martin, H. N. Human body. 399. Martin, K. B. [Fiction.] 798. Martin, M. E., mrs. H. [Fiction.] 798. Memories of seventy years. 1551. Martin, R. M. British "possessions in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. 1303. British possessions in the Mediterranean. 1239. China. 1298. History of Austral-Asia. 1419. History of Nova Scotia, dc. 1405. History of southern Africa. 1327. History of the West Indies. 1413. Possessions of the East India company. 1301. Upper and Lower Canada. 1406. Martin, S: Cardinal Wolsey. 73. Martin, Theodor. Verfassung und grundgesetze ties deutschen reiches. 1244. Martin, Theodore. [Fiction.] 798. Martin, Sir T. Horace. 1135. Lord Lyndhurst. 1493. Prince consort. 1472. Martin, W: [Drama.] 569. Martin, W: A. P. The Chinese. 1298. Martineau, H. [Fiction.] 798. Autobiography. 1551. History of the" peace. 1226. Our farm of two acres. 430. Retrospect of western travel. 1365. Society in America. 1365. Martineau, J. Endeavors after the christian life. 110. Modern materialism. 80. Spinoza. 1448. Studies of Christianity. 98. Martineau des Chesnez, E. baromic. [Fiction.] 798. Marvel, Ik, pseud., see Mitchell, D. G. Marvell, A. Poetical works. 1036. Marvin, C: Merv. 1316. Reconnoitering central Asia. 1315. Region of the eternal fire. 1280. Marvin, C-.Contimied. Russian advance. 1316. Russians at Merv. 1316. Russians at the gates of Herat. 1316. Marvine, A. R. Geology of Utah and Arizona. 343. Marx, K: Das kapital. 200. Marx, T. [Fiction.] 798. Mary, Cousin, se?*rf. [Fiction.] 798. Mary, q^leen of Scots. Letters. 1077. Masius, H. Studies from nature. 287. ed. Gesammte naturwissenschaften. 283. Jugend lust und lehre. 1126. Maskell, A. Russian art. 483. Maskell, Mrs. A. E. A. Four feet, wings and fins. 369. Maskell, W: Dyce and Forster collections. 470. Ivories. 479. Mason, A. B., and J: J. Lalor. Primer of polit- ical economy. 194. Mason, C: On miracles. 98. Mason, E: T., ed. Personal traits of british authors. 1543. Samuel Johnson. 1550. Mason, G: C. Reminiscences of Newport. 1373. Mason, J: Self-knowledge. 100. Mason, J: M. Essays on episcopacy. 114. Mason, L. Musical letters. 495. Mason, M. M. [Fiction.] 799. Masque of poets. 1025. Massachusetts state board of health reports. 394. Massey, G. [Poetical works.] 1036. Massillon, J: B. Sermons. 110. Massingberd, F. C. English reformation. 122. ! Massinger, P. [Drama.] 569. ! Masson, D: British novelists. 1047. Carlyle. 1547. De Quincey. 1548. Milton. 1551. Recent british philosophy. 47. Masson, G. Early chroniclers of Europe : France. 1353. Masson, M. Celebrated children. 1437. Masters, M. T. Botany for beginners. 359. Plant life on the farm. 437. Masury, J: W. House-painting. 463. Mateaux, C. L. G: and R. Stephenson. 1536. Mather, C. Christian philosoplier. 81. Magnalia Christi americana. 134. Mather, H. B., see Reeves, H. B. a33. Mather, W: W. Geolojry of N. Y. 338. Geology of Ohio. 339. Matheson, J., Joint author, see Reed, A. Mathews, Albert. [Fiction.] 799. Mathews, Anne. C: Mathews, comedian. 1538. Mathews, C: [Drama.] 570. joint author, see Lewes, G: H: 567. Mathews, Cornelius. [Fiction.] 799. Poems on man. 1036. Mathews, J. A. [Fiction.] 799. Mathews, J. H. [Fiction.] 799. Mathews, M. H. [Fiction.] 799. Mathews, W: [Fiction.] 799. Mathews, W:, of Chicago. Getting on in the world. 1068. Great conversers. 1068. Hours with men and books. 1068. Literary style. 1069. Oratory and orators. 515. Words, their use and abuse. 271. Mathews, W : S. B. How tounderstand music. 493. Mathias, G. H. D. En avant, messieurs ! 1069, Entries in small type refer to contents only. ^ Mathiot. ATJTHOR-Ilf DEX . Iffeissnei'. ^xviji I^te Mathiot, G: Electrotyping operations. 453. Mathison, F: v. Antholbffie. 1108. Mathison, G : Religion of China. 133. Matsell, G: W. Rogue's lexicon. 273. Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois. 1387. Matthseus Paris, {eng. Matthew Paris). English history. 1231. Matthews, C, comp. Hiawatha. 144. Matthews, J. B. [Fiction.] 799. French dramatists. 1128. Home library. 510. Theatres of Paris. 498. co7np. Poems of american patriotism. 1034. and H: C. Bunner. [Fiction.] 799. Matthews, Wash. Hidatsa Indians. 1343. Navajo silversmiths. 1340. Navajo weavers. 1340. Matthews, W -.Joint author, see Perkins, F: B. 1. Matthison, A. [Drama.] 570. Matzner, E: English grammar. 275. Maudsley, H: Body and mind. 53. Body and will. 57. Physiology and pathology of mind. 52. Physiology of mind. 52. Responsibility in mental disease. 53. Maundevile, (Str J: Voiage and travaile. 1193. Maupas, C. E. de. The coup d'etat. 1258. Maurer, G: L: v. Dorfvei-fassung in Deiitsch- land. 213. Markenverfassun^ in Dentschland. 213. Stiidteverfassung m Dentschland. 213. Maurer, K. Island. 1282. Isliindische volkssagen. 143. Maurice, F:, ed. F: Denison Maurice. 1456. MauricCj J: F: D. Morality and divinity. 73. Religions of the world. 133. Social morality. 65. Maurice, Jacques, pseud.., see Morris, J. W. Maurice, Walter, pseud., see Besant, W. Mauris, M., marchese di Calenzano. French men of letters. 1560. Maury, J: S. Principles of eloquence. 515. Maury, L: F. A., Joint author, see Querard, J. M. 19. Maury, M. F. Physical geography. 335. Physical geograjjhy of the sea. 328. Maverick, A:, joint author, see Briggs, C: F. Mavor, W: Universal history. 1153. Maxton, J: Engineering drawing. 483. Maxwell, C. [Fiction.] 799. Maxwell, J. C. Electricity and magnetism. 315. Matter and motion. 311. Theory of heat. 315. Maxwell, J: S. The czar, his court and people. 1210. Maxwell, M. E. [Fiction.] 799. Maxwell, P. FFiction.] 801. Maxwell, W: H. [Fiction.] 801. Maxwell, SirW: Stirling-. Don John of Austria. 1203. May, A. Swedish grammar. 378. May, C. Poems. 1036. May, G. Bibliography of electricity. 34. May, Sophie, pseud., see Clarke, R. S. 696. May, Sir T:E. Constitutional history of Eng- land. 163. Democracy in Europe. 164. Mayer, A. M. Sound. 313. ed. Sport with gun and rod. 503. rt?^fZ C: Barnard. Light. 314. Mayer, B. Mexican history and archaeology. 1409. Mayer, B. Continued. Mexico. 1408. Mayer, C: Media of exchange. 301. Mercantile manvial. 450. Mayer, J. K. Celestial dynamics. 311. - Forces of inorgranie nature. 311. Mechanical equivalent of heat. 311. Mayer, K: F: H. Ludwlg Uhland. 1559. Mayers, C: G: Mendota. 1036. Mayhew, A:, and S. Edwards. [Drama.] 570. Mayhew, A: H. and H: [Fiction.] 801. Mayhew, Yj:,and G. Smith. [Drama.] 570. Mayhew, H: [Drama.] 570. Boyhood of Luther. 1460. German life and manners. 1247. London characters. 1236. London labour and London poor. 1236. Peasant-boy philosopher. 1531. - Wonders of science. 1531. Young Benjamin Franklin. 1486. Mayhew, I. Popular education. 239. Maynard, C. J. Taxidermy. 358. Maynard, F., ed. Zouave befoi'e Sebastopol. 1376. Mayo, A. D. National aid to education. 242. Symbols of the capital. 1376. Mayo, I. F. [Fiction.] 801. Mayo, W: S. [Fiction.] 801. Mayr, G: Gesetzmiissigkeit im gesellschafts- leben. 155. Mayrhofer, C: Sterilitat. 411. Mazade, C: de. Cavour. 1497. Mazarin, Duchesse de, see Saint ifevremond. 1139. Mead, E. D. Philosophy of Carlyle. 47. Mead, P: B. American "grape culture. 438. Meade, G: G. Lake survey. 419. Meade, L. T., see Smith, E. T. 856. Meade, W: Old churches of Virginia. 136. Meadow, A. [Drama.] 570. Meadows, K. Heads of the people. 1085. Mearns, A. Bitter cry of outcast London. 308. Mears, D. O. Jubilee sabbath of Piedmont church. 110. Mears, J: W. Bible in the work-shop. 64. Heroes of Bohemia. 1460. Mechanic's magazine. 390. Meddlhammer, J: B. v. [Drama.] 570. Mediaeval tales. 515. Medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion. 393. Meding, J: F. M. O. [Fiction.] 801. Memoiren. 1558- Medley, G: W. England under free trade. 205. Keciproeity craze. 205. Medwin, T: Conversations with Byron. 1547. Meech, L. W. Intensity of the heat and light of the sun. 325. Meek, F. B. Palieontology. 343. [Palajontological papers.] 344. and F: V. Hayden. Paleontology of the upper Missouri. 344. Megerle, U., see Abraham a S. Clara. Mehring, F. Deutsche socialdemokratie. 204. Meier, E., ^r. Morgenliindische anthologie. 1145. Sakuntala. 1148. Meigrs, J. F. Sanitary care of childi-en. 404. Meikle, J. Solitude sweetened. 101. Meilhac, H:, awfZ L: Halevy. [Drama.] 570. Meinhold, I. W: [Drama.] 571. Meinhold, J: W: [Fiction.] 801. Meissner, A. [Fiction.] 801. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue* Ixxxviij' iSTeissner. ATJTHOa-INDEX. Bfilburtf. Meissner, K. Continued. Erinnerungen an H: Heine. 1557. Revolntioniire studien. 1258. Unterwegs. 1209. Meister, F: [Fiction.] 802. Melena, Elpis, pseud., see Schwarz, E. v. Melanchthon, P. Ausgewiihite schriften. 1460. Melesville, _pse?^d., see Duveyrier, A. H. J. 546. Melito, Gomte de. see Miot, A. F. Mellin, G. H: [Fiction.] 802. Melrose, History of. 1215. Melusine, pseud. [Fiction.] 802. Melville, G: J: Whyte-. [Fiction.] 802. Riding recollections. 503. Melville, G: W. In the Lena delta. 1426. Melville, H. [Fiction.] 802. Battle-pieces. 1036. Melzi, G. conte. Opere anonime e pseudouime. 30. Memes, J: S. Empress Josephine. 1476. Memorial biographies. 1438. Men of the reign. T: H. Ward, ed. 1440. Men of the time. 1428. Menault, E. Intelligence of animals. 370. Mendelssohn - Barthoidy, J. L: F. Letters. 1124. Mendelssohn, M. Phadon. 1106. [Selections.] 1103. Mendoza, Don D. H. de. [Fiction.] 808. Menger, R. [Fiction.] 803. Mengersen auf Rheder, J. B. grafy. [Fiction.] 803. Menken, A. I. Infelicia. 1036. Menochio, G. S. Brevis explicatio s. scripturje. 85. Mentor, pseud. Never. 262. Menzel, W. German literature. 1101. History of Germany. 1237. Neueste jesuitenumtriebe. 123. Menzies, L. Greek heroines. 1137. Menzies, S. Political women. 1481. Mercer, L. P. The Bible. 132. Merchants' magazine, see Hunt's. 255. Meredith, G: [Fiction.] 803. Meredith, Owen., pseud., sec Bulwer-Lytton, E: R. Merimee, P. [Fiction.] 803. Gesammelte werke. 1128. Letters to an incognita. 1560. Letters to Panizzi. 1130. joint author, see Legouve, E. 565. Meritt, P. [Drama] 571. fmfZH:Pettitt. [Drama.] 571. Merivale, C: Conversion of the northern nations. 120. Conversion of the roman empire. 124. Fall of the roman republic. 1179. General history of Rome. 1176. Roman triumvirates. 1179. Romans under the empire. 1179. Merivale, H. C. [Drama.] 571. joint author, see Simpson, J. P. 600. Merkel, F: Das mikroscop. 356. Merle d'Aubigne, J: H: Authority of God. 84. Reformation in the 16th century. 131. Reformation in the time of Calvin. 121. The protector. 1469. Merriam, A : C. [Philological essays.] 366. Merriam, G: S. Samuel Bowles. 1539. Merrifleld, M. P. Fresco painting. 486. Merrill, G: E. Story of the mss. 86. Merrill, G. P. Microscopic structure of building stones. 459. Merrill, S. East of the Jordan. 1314. Merrill, W: E. Iron truss bridges. 421. Merriman, M. Continuous bridges. 421. Merriman, T. M. William of Orange. 1479. Mertens, E. [Fiction.] 803. Merz, J: T. Leibniz. 1447. Merx, E. T. [Fiction.] 803. Mery, J. E. [Fiction.] 803. Meshtcherskii, V. kniaz. [Fiction.] 803. Messenhauser, C. W. [Fiction.] 803. Messerer, T. [Fiction.] 803. Messner, J. [Fiction.] 803. Metastasio, P: B. [Di'ama.] 571. Metcalf, R. C. Public library as auxiliary to public schools. 510. Metcalfe, F: Englishman and Scandinavian. 1141. Methodist quarterly review. 78. Metternich-Winneburg, C. W. N. L. reichsfiirst V. Memoirs. 1495. Metz, C. M. Studies for drawing the human figure. 488. Metzger, A., ed. Bibliotheca historico-natur- alis. 24. Meulen, R. van der, ed. Brinkman's catalogus. 20. Meurice, P. [Drama.] 571. Meyer, B.. A. H. [Fiction.] 804. Meyer, G: H. v. Organs of speech. 400. Meyer, Johannes. Handfertigkeits-untei'richt. 246. Meyer, Joseph. Hand-lexikon. 34. Meyer, J. B. Deutsche universitiitsentwicklung. 247. Fichte, Lassalle und socialismus. 204. Fortbildungsschule. 247. Luther als schulbefreier. 249. Simultanschulfrage. 249. Meyer, K: W. PHege des idealen. 247. Meynell, W., ed. Modern artists. 1527. Miall, L: C. Coal plants and animals. 333. Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades. 1200. Michelangelo, see Buonarroti, M. Michelet, J. France before Europe. 164. Die frau. 65. History of France. 1252. Joan of Arc. 1507. Love. 65. Luther. 1460. Modern history. 1202. The people. 145. Revolution francaise. 1256. The sea. 328. Woman. 65. Michels, I. C. Current gold and silver coins. 201. Michie, P. S. Emory Upton. 1503. Michon, J: H., abbe.' [Fiction.] 804. Middlemore, Mrs. S. G. C. Round a posada fire. 142. Middleton, C. Life of Cicero. 1493. Posthumous works. 76. Mignet, F. A: A. Francois I et Charles V. 1258. trench revolution. 1256. Mignet, F. A: M. B: Franklin. 1486. Mijatovics, E. L. Serbian folk-lore. 142. Milburn, W: H: Pioneer preacher. 1097. Pioneers, preachers and people of the Missis- sippi valley. 1884. Ten years of preacher-life. 1453. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Mildenhall. AUTHOR-INDEX. Mitchell. Ixxxix Mildenhall, T: [Drama.] 571. Miles, P. Nordfahrt. 1384. Mill, J. Phenomena of the human mind. 57. and H. H. Wilson. History of British India. 1301. Mill, J: S. Autobiography. 1447. Berkeley. 1446. Dissertations and discussions. 1069. Examination of Hamilton's philosophy. 47. On liberty. 164. Political economy. 194. Same, abridged. 194. Positive philosophy of Comte. 50. Representative govei'nment. 160. Subjection of women. 154. System of logic. 60. Three essays on religion. 76. | Millar, J: Historical view of the english gov- ernment. 161. Millard, D: Travels in Egypt. 1312. Milledulcia. R. C. Pell. 518. Millenkovics, S. v. [Fiction.] 804. Miller, Mrs. A. J. [Fiction.] 804. Miller, C. H. [Fiction.] 804. [Poetical works.] 1036. Miller, E. H. [Fiction.] 804. Miller, E. S. In the kitchen. 446. Miller, Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau. 1551. Miller, H. [Fiction.] 804. Cruise of the Betsey. 337. Essays. 1069. First impressions of England. 1234. Foot-prints of the creator. 336. Geological papers. 336. Letters. 1522. My schools and schoolmasters. 1522. Old red sandstone. 336. Popular geology. 336. Rambles of a geologist. 336. Testimony of the rocks. 82. Miller, James. [Drama.] 571. Miller, Joaquin, see Miller, C. H. Miller, J:, chaplain in the fort of N. Y. New York in 1695. 1375. Miller, J:, Princeton college. Fetich in theology. Miller,"j:M. [Fiction.] 804. Miller, J. R. History of Great Britain. 1217. Miller, L. F. Stories of the cat. 385. " Stories of tlie dog. 385. Miller, O. T. Friends in fur and feathers. 384. Little people of Asia. 1295. Miller, S: C: Nisbet. 1451. .Tonathan Edwards. 14(J8. Miller, T: Boy's summer book. 502. Miller, W: English names of plants. 360. Miller, W:, of Edinburgh. Wintering in the Ri- viera. 1212. Miller, Yi :, second-adventist. Second coming of Christ. 95. Miller, W: A. Elements of chemistry. 320. Millet, F. D. [Fiction.] 804. Millett, R. W. F., and R. N. Wilcox. [Drama.] 571. Millig-an, W: Relig'ion of ancient Greece. 133. Milling-en, J: G. [Drama.] 571. Milling-ton, . Hydraulics. 283. Mills, A. Ancient hebrews. 1168. Poets and poetry of the ancient greeks. 1136. Mills, C: History of chivalry. 1201. History of the crusades. 121. Milman, E. H. [Fiction.] 804. Milman, H: H. [Drama.] 572. History of Christianity. 118. History of Latin Christianity. 121. History of the jews. 1 168. Thomas a Becket. 1455. tr. Nala and Damayanti, and other poems. 1148. Milne, J : Religion of Persia. 138. Milne, W: C. Life in China. 1299. Milner, E. Schwabische kolonisten in Ungarn. 1243. Milner, G: Country pleasures. 1097. Milner, H: M. [Drama.] 572. Milner, J: End of religious controversy. 126. History of the church. 117. Milner, j. W. Grayling. 381. Milnes, R: M., baron Houghton. Life, letters and literary remains of J: Keats. 1550. Poems. 1037. Milow, Stephan y., pseud., see Millenkovics, S. v. 804. Milton, J: Comus. 572. [Poetical works.] 1087. Prose works. 70. Milwaukee cook book. 446. Milwaukee directories. 1394. Milwaukee society blue book. 262. Minchin, G: M. "Statics. 312. Uniplanar kinematics. 311. Minckwitz, J. Entwicklung eines neuen drama- tischen styls. 1104. Mineral resources of the U. S. 428. Minifle, W: Geometrical drawing. 483. Minnegrerode, C: Factors in revelation. 99. Minnesota hist, society collections. 1395. Minor, E. F. Murillo. 1532. Minot, G: R. Province of Massachusetts Bay. 1371. Minot, R. S. Railway travel. 257. Minto, W: Characteristics of english poets. 1020. Defoe. 1548. English prose literature. 1005. Minturn, R. B., jr. From New York to Delhi. 1193. Minutoli, W. A. L. M. freiherrin v. Recollec- tions of Egypt. 1320. Miot, A. F., comte de Mclito. Memoirs. 1497. Miraflores, Marques de. Denkwiirdigkeiten. 1498. Mirecourt, Eugfene de, p,seud., see Jacquot, E. C T . TJ MisasijN. [Fiction.] 804. Miscegenation. 170. Mr. Jacobs. A. Bates. 1081. Mistral, F: Mirfeio. 1129. Mrs. Jerningham's journal. 1033. Mitchell, J :, Joint author, see MacGeog-hegan, J. Mitchell, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible. 82. Popular astronomy. 301. Mitchell, A. The past in the present. 151. Mitchell, B. [Fiction.] 804. Mitchell, D. G. [Fiction.] 804. About old story tellers. 513. Battle summer. 1258. Bound together. 1069. Fresh gleanings. 1208. Fudge doings. 1085. Rural studies. 430. Wet days at Edgewood. 1069. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Mitchell. AUTHOR-INDEX. Montolieu. Mitchell, E: P. [Fiction.] 805. Mitchell, H: Observations at South Pass bar. 425. Physical hydrography of the gulf of Maine. '328. Mitchell, L. M. History of ancient sculpture. 478. Mitchell, O. H. New algebra of logic. 44. Mitchell, S: A: AccotDpaniment to map of the world. 1182. Mitchell, S:W. [Fiction.] 805. Fat and blood. 409. Venom of the rattlesnake. 381. and G: R. Morehouse. Respiration in the chelonia. 381. Mitchell, T: Key to ghostism. 56. Mitford, A. B. [Fiction.] 805. Mitford, E: L. Land march from England to Ceylon. 1193. Mitford," M. R. [Drama.] 573. [Fiction.] 805. Letters from her correspondents. 1080. Life in her letters. 1551. Recollections of a literary life. 1551. Works. 1016. Mitford, W: History of Greece. 1173. Mitra, R. Indo-aryans. 1170. Mivart, St. G: The cat. 384. Common frog. 381. Contemporary evolution. 1069. Elementary anatomy. 370. Genesis of species. 354. Lessons from nature. 354. Nature and thought. 47. MObius, T. Catalogus librorum islandicorum. 23. Verzeichniss altnordischer schriften. 24. Modern traveller: Mexico and Guatimala. 1409. Moens, W. J. C. English travellei-s and Italian brigands. 1270. Moffat, J. C. Comparative history of religions. 133. MoflFat, R. Missionai-y labours. 1328. Mogridge, G: Old Humphrey's observations. 1070. Mohammed Pasha, pseud., see Howe, W. W. Mohl, M. <). Alex. v. Humboldt. 1444. Mohl, R. V. Encyklopiidie der staatswissen- schaften. 145. Mohn, H: Norwegische Nordmeer-expedition. 329. Moir, I): M. [Fiction] 805. Moleschott, J. Physiologic der nahrungsmittel. 400. Molesworth, M. L. [Fiction.] 805. Molesworth, W: N. History of England. 1226. Moliere, J: B. Poquelin cdf/ed. [Drama.] 572. Molinos, M. Golden thoughts. 101. Moll, F. E. Komische vortriigc. 1125. and others. 111. Berliner vocativus. 1135. MoUett, J: W. Dictionary of words used in art and archaeology. 468. Meissonier. 1530. Rembrandt. 1530. SirD: Wilkie. 1529. Watteau. 1531. MOUhausen, B. [Fiction.] 805. Journey from the Missi.ssippi to Pacific coast. 1398. Molloy, G. Geology and revelation. 83. MoUoy, J. F. [Fiction.] 806. 1225. Molloy, J. F. Continued. Court life below stairs. Peg Woffington. 1538. Moltke, H. C: B. g7^af v. Brief e aus Russland. 1279. Briefe uber die Tiirkei. 1293. Poland. 1277. Mommsen, T. History of Rome. 1178. Romische geschichte. 1178. joint author, see Marquardt, J. Monarclis of ocean. 1516. Moncel, see Du Moncel. Monck, W: H. S. Sir W: Hamilton. 47. Monckeberg, C: Matthias Claudius. 1555. MoncriefiF, R. H. [Fiction.] 806. Heroes of youn^ America. 1349. Men of the backwoods. 1350. Old tales of chivalry. 514. Stories of long ago. 135. Moncrieff, W:T: [Drama.] 573. Monell, J., joint author, see Riley, C: V. Monette, J: W. Valley of the Mississippi. 1384. lyEongrredien, A : Free trade and english commerce. 305. Free trade movement in England. 205. Pleas for protection examined. 305. Wealth-creation. 194. Western farmer of America. 305. Monkhouse, W. C. Turner. 1539. Monkland, Mrs. . [Fiction.] 806. Monnier, M: Wonders of Pompeii. 1370. Monod, A. F: T. Lucilla. 106. Parting words. 110. Monod, S. Adolphe Monod. 1461. Monroe, J. The V>eople the sovereigns. 164. Monroe, Mrs. L. B. Story of our country. 1345. Monsanto, H. M. Commercial correspondence in french. 450. Monselet, C: [Di-ama.] 573. Monstrelet, E. de. Chronicles. 1201. Montague, V. A. de la. Vlaamsche pseudonie- men. 30. Montagu, Lady M. W. Letters and works. 1078. Montagxie, W. E. Campaigning in south Africa. 1329. Montaigne, M. de. Works. 1129. Montalembert, C: F. comte de. Elizabeth of Hungary. 1460. Lacordaire. 1461. Monks of the west. 119. Montanus, T. [Fiction.] 806. Monte Carlo and public opinion. 1263. Monteiro, J. J. Angola. 1327. Montepin, X. da, joint author, .see Grange, E. 553. Montesquieu, C: de S. Complete works, v. 2-4. 208. Spirit of laws. 209. Montez, Lola. Lectures. 1070. Montgomery, C. Eagle Pass. 1343. Montgomery, F. [Fiction.] 806. Montgomery, G: W. | Fiction.] 806. Montgomery, H: W: [Drama.] 573. Montgomery, J. Lectures on generalliterature. 511. Poetical works. 1037. Voyage to South Sea islands. 1421. Monthly journal of agriculture. 435. Montholon-Semonvule, C:T. marquis de. Na- poleon at St. Helena. 1476. Monti, J^: [Fiction.] 806. Montolieu, Baronne de, joint author, see Wyss, J:R. 899. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Montor. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Morse. Montor, A. F. de, wc Artaud de Montor. Moodie, S. Roughing it in tlu* bush. 1407. Moody, VV: G. Land and labor in the U. S. 198. Moon, G: W. Dean's english. 271. Moore, Annie, and L. D. Nichols. Overhead. 301. Moore, Arthur, joint author, sec Hancock, W: 555. Moore, C: H. Elementary practice in delinea- tion. 481. Moore, C. J. Sensible etiquette 262. Moore, K: [Drama.] 573. Moore, F. Women of the war. 1500. cd. American eloquence. 181. Anecdotes of the war. 135(t. Diary of the revolution. 1351. Patriot pi-cachoi-s of the revolution. 108. Rebellion record. 1355. Songs and ballads of the revolution. 1024. Moore, F. F. [Fiction.] 806. Moore, G: Power of the soul. 52. Use of the body. 52. Moore, H. N. Gen. Anthony Wayne. 1503. Moore, J: Society and manners in France, Switzerland and Germany. 1206. - in Italy. 1266. Moore, J.,}r. Outlying Europe. 1205. Moore, J. B. Governors of New Plymouth. 1481. joint author, see Farmer, J: Moore, J. S. Pre-glacial man. 347. Moore, R. Universal assistant. 387. Moore, T: Epicurean. 806. History of Ireland. 1211. Irish gentleman in search of a religion. 126. Letters to James Power. 1552. Life of Byron. 1547. Life of R: B. Sheridan. 1553. Memoirs, journal and correspondence. 1552. [Poetical works.] 1037. Moore's handbook of Canada. 1407. Morals, H: S: Eminent Israelites. 1432. Moran, C: Money. 201. Mordecai, A. Military report. 232. More, H. [Drama.] 573. [Fiction.] 806. Letters to Z. Macaulay. 1080. Works. 1016. More, M. Mendip annals. 1512. More, R. J. Under the Balkans. 1294. More, Sir T: Selection from his works. 1097. Moreau, L. L E. L., P. Siraudin andA.C.Jj. Delacour. [Drama] 573. Morehouse, C. B. Kindergarten. 246. Morehouse, G: R., joint author, see Mitchell, 8: W. Morell, J. D. Speculative philosophy of Europe. Morey, W: C. Roman law. 224. Morfill, W: R. Russia. 1278. Slavonic literature. 1145. Morfit, C, joint author, see Booth, J. C. Morford, H: Sprees and splashes. 1085. Morg-an, A. Shakespearean myth. 1048. Some Shakespearean commentators. 1048. Morgan, H. H. Topical Shakesperiana. 1045. Morgan, J: H., and J: T. Barber. Aurora bore- alis. 330. Morgan, L. H: Ancient society. 152. Houses and house-life of amer. aborigrlnes. 1343. League of the Iroquois. 1341. Systems of consanguinity and affinity. 350. j Morgan, N. D. [Fiction.] 807. Morgan, S. /ady. [Drama.] 573. [Fiction] 807. Autobiography. 1552. i Sal vat or Rosa. 1532. ; joii/f (otZ/ior, see Morgan, SirT:C. 807. I Morgan, Sir T: C. and Ladi/ S. [Fiction.] 807. I Morgan, W: F. Christ's espousal of the lost. 9H. Morgans, W: Mining torts. 430. Morice, F. D. Pindar. 1140. Morier, J. [Fiction.] 807. Morier, K. 11. t). Agrarian le>?i8lation of Prussia. 303. MOrike, E: [Fiction.] 807. Morin, A. Ilistoire politique de la Suisse. 1287. Morin, A. J. Fundamental ideas of mechanics. 312. Morison, J. C. Gibbon. 1549. Macaulay. 1551. Morley, F: Michigan and its resources. 1389. Morley, H: [Fiction.] 807. English literature. 1004. in the reign of Victoria. 1005. Palissy, the potter. 1562. ed. King and commons. 1024. Morley, J: Burke. 1491. Richard Cobden. 1492. Diderot. 1560. Diderot and the encyclopedists. 1561. Rousseau. 1562. Voltaire. 1448. Morley, S. [Fiction.] 807. Morning, Richnvd, pseud., see Zeising, A. 901. Morrell, B: Four voyages. 1190. Morrill, P. Atir.ospheric electricity. 331. Morris, B. F., co7n2}. Memorial to Abraham Lincoln. 1467. Morris, C: D. [Philological essays.] 366. Morris, E: Farming for boys. 430. How to get a farm. 429. Morris, E: E. Age of Anne. 1225. Morris, F. O. British birds. 382. Dogs and their doings. 441. Nests and eggs of british birds. 382. Morris, G. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers. 1487. Morris, G: S. British thought and thinkers. 1446. Kant's Critique of pure reason. 49. Morris, J: G. Lepidoptera. 378. Morris, James W. K. N. Pepper. 1085. Morris, J: W. Andrew Fuller. 1458. Morris, Peter, pseud., see Lockhart, J: G. Morris, R: English accidence. 275. English grammar. 275. and H: C. Bowen. English grammar exer- cises. 275. Morris, W: Earthly paradise. 1037. Hopes and feai's for art. 469. ~ Sigurd the Volsung. 1037. Morris, W: G. Report on Alaska. 1404. Morris, W: O. French revolution. 1257. Morrison, M. J., comp. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. 1025. Morrison, R: J. Grammar of astrology. 54. Morse, C. F. [Fiction.] 807. Morse, E: S. First book of zoology. 369. Morse, J. Amer. universal geography. 1182. I Morse, J: T., jr. Alexander Hamilton. 1486. I Famous trials. 222. I John Adams. 1465. ; John Quincy Adams. 1466. i Thomas Jefferson. 1465. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. XCIJ Morselli. AUTHOR-INDEX . Miiller. Morselli, H: Suicide. 52. Morshead, A. E. M.., Joint author, see Awdry, F. 670. Mortimer, E., mrs. T: Far off. 1183. Near home. 1204. Mortimer, Sir Henry, pseud., see G-ardonniere, A. 732. Morton, E: [Drama.] 573. Morton, E: J. C. Hei'oes of science. 1520. Morton, J: M. [Drama.] 573. and F. C. Burnand. [Drama.] 576. joint author, see Morton, T: 576. Morton, T: [Drama.] 576. and J: M. [Drama.] 576. Morvell, Dr., pseud., see VoUmer, W. F. A. 884. Morwood, V. S. Our gipsies. 1233. Moscheles, 1. Recent music and musicians. 1535. Moscherosch, H. M. Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald. 1105. Moschzisker, F. A. German literature. 1102. Moseley, H: Illustrations of mechanics. 312. Mechanical principles of engineering and architecture. 312. Mosen, J. [Drama.] 576. and J: L: Tieck. [Fiction.] 807. Moser, J. Patriotische phantasien. 1109. - [Selections.] 1103. Moser, O: [Fiction.] 807. Moses, B., joint author, see Crane, W: Mosheim, J: L. v. Ecclesiastical history. 117. Moss, H. [Drama.] 576. Mossman, S: Gen. Gordon in China. 1504. Heroes of discovery. 1515. Japan. 1300. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes. 1025. Mothers in council. 63. Motherwell, W: Ministrelsy. 1023. Motley, J: L. [Tiction.] 807. John of Barneveld. 1285. Peter the great. 1478. Same. 1050. Rise of the Dutch republic. 1285. United Netherlands. 1285. Mott, A., comT). Persons of color. 1430. Moule, A. E., ed. Chinese stories. 1298. Moulton, E. L. [Fiction.] 807. Random rambles. 1209. Moulton, L. C, see Moulton, E. L. Mountains, The. 512. Mountains and mountain-climbing. 1196. Mountford, W: [Fiction.] 808. 101. Mowatt, Mrs., .sec Ritchie, A. C. Mowry, S. Ai'izona and Sonora. 1344. Mozart, W. A. Letters. 1124. Mozley, T. Reminiscences. 1456. Mozoomdar, P. C. Oriental Christ. 94. Mudford, W: [Fiction.] 808. Mudge, Z. A. Abraham Lincoln. 1467. Mudie, R. Feathered tribes of the British islands. 382. Lessons in astronomy. 301. Observation of nature. 287. MUgge, T. [Fiction.] 808. NordLsches bilderbuch. 1283. Miihlbach, Louise, pseud., see Mundt, C. 809. Muhlfeld, Julius, pseud., see ROsler, R. 839. Muir, A. [Fiction.] 809. Muir, .T: Botanical notes on Alaska. 1425. Muir, J: Supernatural religion. 92. Muir, M. M. P. Heroes of science. 1520. Muir, fifiVW: Early caliphate. 1307. Life of Mahomet. 1307. Mahomet and islam. 1463. Muir-Mackenzie, sec Sebright, G. M. Muirhead, J. P. James Watt. 1526. Muldener, F: A: W:, ed. Bibliotheca historica. 27. Bibliotheca philologica. 23. Mulford, E. Republic of God. 92. Mulhall, M. Between Amazon and Andes. 1415. Mulhall, M. G. Balance-sheet of the world. 156. Dictionary of statistics. 155. Progress of the world. 155. MuUaly, J: Trip to Newfoundland. 1406.' MuUer, A: Der islam. 1307. miyxWev, K&o\f,{ Adolf Palm). [Fiction] 809. Miiller, Adolf and. K : Wohnungen in der hohereu thierwelt. 379. Miiller, C:0. Doric race. 1174. fm(/ J: W: Donaldson. Literature of ancient Greece. 1136. Muller, D: Histoi-y of the german people, see Lewis, C. T: 1238. Miiller, Fritz. Facts and arguments for Darwin. 354. Muller, F:Max. [Fiction.] 809. Biographical essays. 1432. Chips from a german workshop. 1070. India. 138. Origin and growth of religion of India. 138. Science of religion. 67. Sacred books of the east. 137, 139, 140. 1, 15. The Upanishads. 2, 14. Sacred laws of the aryas. 3, 16. Sacred books of China. 4, 23. Zend-avesta. 5, 18. Pahlavi texts. 6, 9. Qur'an. 7, Institutes of Vishnu, 8, Bhagavadgita. 9, See V. 6. 10. Dhammapada, and Sutta-nipltta. 11. Buddhist Suttas. 12. Satapatha-Bnlhmawa. 13. 17. Vinaya texts. 14. See V. 2. 15. -See V. 1. 16. See V. 3. 17. See V. 13. 18. See V. 5. 19. The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. 20. 21. not pub. 22. Saddhai'mapuwdarika. 28. See v. 4. MUUer, H. Fertilisation of flowers. 360. Miiller, H. A. Kiinstler-lexikon der gegenwart. 1525. Lexikon der bildenden kiinste. 468. MUUer, Johannes. Wissenschaftliche vereine. 22. Miiller, Johannes v. Allgemeine geschichte. 1153. Antholoffie. 1109. Miiller, J: F:,ca[ted Maler. [Auswahl]. 1107. Nachlass. 1127. MUUer, K: [Hermann F: W: K:] [Fiction.] 809. MUUer, K:, ed. Cook der weltumsegler. 1516. MUUer, K: O.. .see MUUer, C: O. MUUer, O: [Fiction.] 809. MUUer, W: [Fiction.] 809. Entries in small type refer to contents only. MuUer. AUTHOR-INDEX. Neal. XCllj MUller, W:, 1794-1827. Griechen 1 eder. 1118. Muller, W: Kaiser Wilhelm. 1474. Political history. 1303. Politische gescliiclite. 1303. MUller, W: (Fratcr Jocimclus). Schabiado. 1118. Muller, W: [Konrad Hermann]. Mittelhocli- doutsohe.s wiirtorbuch. 376. Muller von der Wcrra, F: K. Bueh der lieder. 1118. Millleri'ouHafJe. K: Albrecht v. Haller. 1444. Bueh der ptianzenwelt. 358. ULiiller von Konigswintcr, W . [Fiction.] 809. Johann von Wei'th. 1118. MuUinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the great. 343. Joint author, see Gardiner, S: R. MUllner, A. rDraraen.] 1108. Munby, A. J. Dorothy. 1037. Miinch, E. Geschichte von Portugal. 1373. Munch-Belling'liauseii, E. F. J. freilierr v. [Drama.] 577. Mund, E. D., pseud., see Pechammer, E. v. 833. Mundt, C. [Fiction.] 809. Mundt, T. [Fiction.] 811. Italimiische zustJinde. 1367. Munger, T. T. Freedom of faith. 110. Munro-Butler- Johnstone, H. A., see Johnstone. Miinter, B. Conversion and death of Struensee. 1498. Munter, Jeremias, psend., sec Fornell, B. E: 739. Murdoch, J. E: Patriotism. 1097. Plea for spoken language. 515. The stage. 498. Murdock, D: [Fiction.] 813. Mure, W: Language and literature of ancient Greece. 1136. Murfree, M. N. [Fiction.] 813. Murg-er, H: [Fiction.] 813. Murphy, A. [Drama.] 577. Life and genius of S: Johnson. 1015. Murphy, Lady B. E. M. A. Down the Rhine. 1348. Same. 1206. Murphy, J. Travels in Portugal. 1374. Murphy, J. J: Habit and intelligence. 345. Murphy, J: M. Rambles in north-western Ame- rica. 1399. Sporting adventures in the far west. 505. Murray, A. M. Letters from the U. S. 1344. Murray, A. S. Greek sculpture. 479. -^ Manual of mythology. 135. Murray, C: A: * [Fiction.] 813. Murray, D: C. [Fiction.] 813. Murray, E. C. G. [Fiction.] 813. Doine. 143. Russians of today. 1278. Murray, G., Joint author, see Hipkins, H. T. Murray, H. British America. 1405. and others. British India. 1303. Encyclopaedia of geography. 1181. Murray, J. A. H., ed. English dictionary. 373. Murray, N: Letters to J: Hughes. 137. Men and things. 1208. Preachers and preaching. 105. Murray, R. Marine engines. 417. Murray, T: C. Origin and growth of the psalms. 1146. Murray, W: [Drama.] 577. Murray, W: R [Drama.] 577. Murray, W: H: H. Adventures in the wilder- ness. 1376. Musaus, J: K: A: [Fiction.] 812. Ausgewiihlte werke. 1108. Deutsche volksmiihrchen. 1108. Legends of Number Nip. 141. Muskerry, W: [Drama.] .577. Musset, L: C: Alfred de. [Drama.] 577 Musset, Paul E. de. [Fiction.] 813. Alfred de Musset. 1562. S,ame. 15(i0. Mutzelburg, A. [Fiction.] 813. Muzzey, A. B. Men of the revolution. 1438. My cave life in Vicksburg. A lady. 1360. My opinions andBetsvBobbett's. M. Holley. 1084. Myers, F: W: H: Wordsworth. 1.554. Myers, J. F. Industrial training for girls. 240. Myers, P. V. Remains of lost empires. 1297. Mylius, Otfried, pseud., see MUller, K: 809. N., B. The Jesuits. 119. Naake, J:T. Slavonic fairy tales. 143. Nachtseiten der gesellschaft. 233. Nack, J. [Drama.] 577. Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America. 818. Nadal, E. S. E.ssays. 1070. London social life. 1335. Napier, C: O. G. Lakes and rivers. 384. Napier, H. D. E. Shores of the Mediterranean. 119 V Napier, H:E: Florentine history. 1864. Napier, M. Selection from [his] correspondence. 1080. Napier, Sir W:F. P. War in the Peninsula. 1273. Napoleon I. Correspondence. 1130. Letters and despatches. 1130. Table talk and opinions. 1130. Napoleon IIL Julius Caesar. 1508. Napoleon gallery. 1476. Napoleonic idea's. 161. Napp, R:, and others. Argentine Republic. 1416. Nares, E: [Fiction.] 813. Joint author, see Tytler, A. F. Nares, Sir G: S. Voyage to the Polar sea. 1435. Nares, R. Glossary to Shakespeare. 373. Narrey, C: [Drama.] 577. Nas, A. and J. [Fiction.] 813. Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud., see Locke, D: R. Nash, W. Two years in Oregon. 1404. Nasmyth, J. Autobiography. 1535. Nason, E., and T: Russell. Henry Wilson. 1489. National almanac. 156. National board of health reports. 394. Natur. 390. Natural history of enthusiasm. I: Taylor. 92. Natural histoi*y rambles. 384. Naturalist's library. 367. Nature. 390. Nau, C. Mary Stewart. 1471. Naubert, C. B. E. [Fiction.] 813. Naumann, E. W: R. Zukunftsmusik. 493. Nautical almanac. 303. Naval astronomical expedition. 296. Naval encyclopasdia. 234. Naville, J. E. Heavenly Father. 80. Modern physics. 311. Navy in the civil war. 1357. Naylor, F. H. History of Germany. 1289. Neal, A. B.. see Haven, A. 749. Neal, D. History of the puritans. 129. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Neal. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Nightingale. Neal, J: [Fiction.] 813. Neal, J. C. Cliarcoal sketches. 1085. Neale, E. Edward, duke of Kent. 1472. Neale, F: A. Islamism. 1291. Residence in Siam. 1305. Neale, J: M. Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man. 476. Neander, J: A: W: F^mperor Julian. 1480. History of the christian religion and church. 117! Neaves, C: lord. [Fiction.] 813. Greek anthology. 1137. Needell, Mrn. J. H. [Fiction.] 813. Neele, H: Literary remains. 1016. Romance of history: England. 1227. Neflf, F. Letters. 1461. Neide, C: A. Canoe Aurora. 1368. Neill, P^: D. English colonization of America. 1349. History of Minnesota. 1395. Neligan,' W: H. Rome. 1269. Nelk, Theophilus, pseud., .src Waibel, A. A. 885. Nelly, iit.,p.9eud., ?iec Strieker, K. 867. Nelson, D: Cause and cure of infidelity. 80. Nelson, E. VV. Birds of Bering Sea. 384. Nelson, H:L. [Fiction] 813. Nelson's ojuide to Lake George. 1376. Nemirovitch - Dantchenko, V. I. Skobeleft". 1508. Nemmersdorf, Franz v., p.teud., .sec Reitzen- stein, F. fnifrttu v. 833. Nerrlich, P. Joan Paul. 1559. Nervous system. 403. Nesbit, D.'M. Tide marshes. 4;53. Nesbitt, A. Glass. 453. Nesbitt, M. L (irammar-land. 275. Nessmuk, pseud., sec Sears, (i: W. Nettelbeck, J. C. Lebensbeschreibung. 1495. Nettleship, H. Vergil. 1136. Neubeck, V.W: Antholofrio. 1109. Neuflfer, C. L: Gedichte. 1108. Neukirch, B: Gedichte. 1106. Neumann, (J. (Jeographisohes lexikon des Deut- schen reichs. 1246. Neumann, I. Skin diseases. 409. Neumann, K: F: Geschichte der Vereinigten Staatcn. 1347. Neumann-Spallart, F. X. ritlcry. Theuerung der lebensmittel. 194. Neumeister, T. [Fiction.] 813. Never. Mentor. 262. Neville, G: F. [Drama.] 577. Neville, J: Hydraulic tables. 425. Nevins, W: Select remains. 70. Thoughts on popery. 127. Nevitis, H. S. C. Our life in China. 1299. New Plymouth, Records of. 1371. New testament, see col. 87. New Virginians, The. 1380. New Yo!-k historical society collections. 1375. Newberry, J: S. Forest trees' of Cal. and Oreg. 364. Geology of the Colorado. 342. Newby, E., mrs. C. J. [Fiction.] 813. Newcomb, H. Cyclopedia of missions. 115. Newcomb, S. Abe of finance. 201. (Astronomical observations.] ;K)7. Integrals of planetary motion. 303. Orbit of Neptune. 304. Orbit of Uranus. 304. Popular astronomy. 301. ed. Transit of Venus. 310. and E: S. Holden. Astronomy. 301. Newell, C: M. [Fiction.] 814. Newell, R. H: [Fiction.] 814. Orpheus C. Kerr papers. 1085. Palace beautiful. 1037. ' Newell, W: W., ed. Games and songs of ameri- can children. 498. : TSe^YiowseyS., cmd others. Trapper's guide. 505. Newland, H: G. Forest scenes. 504. Newman, F. W: Regal Rome. 1178. Reply to "The eclipse of faith." 99. Newman, J: H: [Fiction.] 814. Apologia pro vita sua. 1455. Historical sketches. 1070. Letter to dr. Pusey. 126. Present position of catholics in England. 123. Newman, J: P. "From Dan to Beersheba". 1311. Newman, Mrs. M. W. [Fiction.] 814. Newmarch, 'W:. .joint author, sec Toqke, T: Nevrton, 11. H. Christ's law of co-operation. 93. Newton, T: Prophecies fulfilled. 84. Newton, W: W. [Fiction.] 814. Nibelungenlied. 1114. Nicander, K: A: [Fiction.] 814. Nichol, J: American literature. 1006. Byron. 1547. English composition. 515. Tables of ancient history. 1150. Tables of european history. 1151. Nichol, J : P. System of the world. 331. Nicholas, T: Pedigree of the englisli people. 1219. Nicholls, C. [Fiction.] 814. Poems. 1037. Nicholls, Sir G: English poor-law. 208. Irish poor law. 208. Scotch poor-law. 208. Nicholls, J. H. Kerry-. King country. 1420. Nichols, G: W. Art' education. 469.' Story of the great march. 1359. Nichols, J: G., ed. Chronicle of queen Jane. 1222. Nichols, J. R. Fireside science. 287. Nichols, L. Y)., joint author, sec Moore, A. Nicholson, E: 6. Rights of an animal. 66. Nicholson, H. X.,. joint author, sec White, C: A. Nicholson, J. J. [Fiction.] 814. Nicolai, C. F: [Auswahl.] llOti. Nicolay, pseud., see Scharling, K: H: 843. Nicolay, J: G. Outbreak of the rebellion. 1356. Nicoll, H:J. Great movements. 1442. Landmarks of english literature. 1004. Nicoll, J. Iceland, Greenland and Faroe islands. 1282. Nicols, A. Geological history. 336. Puzzle of life. 347. Niebuhr, B. G: Ancient ethnography and geo- graphy. 1161. Greek hero-stories. 136. History of Rome. 1177. Lectures on ancient history. 1164. Letters. 1558. Romische geschichte. 1177. Niemann, A: [Fiction.] 814. Niembsch V. Strehlenau, N: F. Faust. 1118. Siimmtliche werke. 1118. Niemeyer, P. Aerztliche sprechstunden. 402. Gesundheitslehre. 403. Nieritz, K: G. [Fiction.] 814. Nietschmann, H. [Fiction.] 814. Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing. 448. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Nikelsbxirger. AUTHOR-INDEX. Ockley. Nikelsburger, J. Defence of the Jewish reli- gion. 139. Niles, H. Principles and acts of the revolution. 181. Niles' weekly register. 175. Nilsson, L. G., and others. Engelsk-svensk ord- bok. 270. Nilsson, S. Primitive inhabitants of Scandina- via. 348. Nimmo, J., jr. Internal commerce of U. S. 254. Nippold, F: W:F. Altkatholische bewegung. 123. Kirchenpolitik Friedrich's des grossen. 123. Wiederbelebung des hexenglaubens. 55. Nisbet, J., joint author, see Soule, F. Nitschman'n, H: Polnische litteratur. 1145. Nixon, J : Among the Boers. 1329. Story of the Transvaal. 1328. Noa, H. Plays for the kindergarten. 247. Noah, J. J. Press as an educator. 340. Noah, M. M. Gleanings. 65. Noble, A. L. [Fiction.] 814. Noble, H Russian revolt. 1277. Noble, L. [Fiction.] 814. Noble, L:L. After icebergs. 1406. Noe, H: A: [Fiction.] 814. Noel, Lady A. [Fiction.] 814. Noel, B. W. Church and world. 73. Nohl, L: Beethoven. 1534. Haydn. 1535. Liszt. 1535. Mozart. 1535. Wagner. 1536. Nolan, T: Telescope. 314. Noorden, C:v. Europiiische geschichte im 18. jahrh. 1203. Nordau, M. S. Conventional lies. 150. Conventionelle liigen. 150. Norden, Maria, se?Z., see "Wolfhagen, F. 897. NordenskiOld, Friherre N. A. E. Voyage of the Vega. 1426. Nordhoff, C: [Fiction.] 814. California for health. 1403. Communistic societies of the U. S. 238. Cotton states. 171. God and future life. 79. Northern California, etc. 1404. Politics for young americans. 164. Norman, B: M. Rambles in Yucatan. 1410. Norman, L. Histoi-y of California. 1402. Norman people. 1219. Normanby, Marquis of, see Phipps, C. H: Normand, H. de. [Fiction.] 815. Normand, J. [Drama.] 577. Norris, J. P. Portraits of Shakespeare. 1045. Norris, W:E. [Fiction.] 815. North, Christopher, pseud., see Wilson, J: North, S. N. D. Newspaper and periodical press of the U. S. 1006. Northcote, J. S. Roman catacombs. 478. Northcott, W. H: Steam engine. 416. Northend, C:, ed. Elihu Burritt. 1521. Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks. 503. 'Sconset cottage life. 502. North-west coast of America. 351. Norton, C: E. Books on Michelangelo. 21. Church building in the middle ages. 475. Travel and study in Italy. 1267. Norton, C. E. S., see Stirling-Maxwell. 864. Norton, C. L., and J: Habberton. Canoeing in Kanuckia. 1405. Norton, F. H., joint author, see Junkin, D. X. Norton, J. Australian essays. 1070. Norton, J: N. [Fiction.] 815. Life of archbishop Laud. 1456. Norton, J: P. Scientific agriculture. 429. Notelrac, pseud , see Carleton, F. E. Notes and queries. 512. Notley, F. E. M. [Fiction.] 815. Nott, C: C. Sketches of the war. 1360. Nott, E. Counsels to young men. 61. Miscellaneous works. 76. Nott, J. C, and G: R. Gliddon. Types of man- kind. 350. Nourse, J. E. 2d arctic expedition by C: F. Hall. 1424. U. S. naval observatory. 307. ed. American explorations in the ice zones. 1423. Nouvelle biographic universelle. 1427. Novalis, pseud, .see Hardenberg, F: \j: freiherr y . Novikoff, O. Skobeleff. 1508. Noyce, E. Boy's own book. 454. Noyes, G: F. Bivouac and battle-field. 1360. Noyes, J. O. Roumania. 1294. Noyes, S. B. Catalogues and catalojfuing. 1. Nugent, Lord, .see Granville, G: N. T. Nuitter, C: L: E. T., and J. Derley. [Drama.] 578. Nussbaum, J: N. v. Aniisthetica. 410. Verletzun?en des unterleibes. 411. Nutting, M. O. William the silent. 1285. Nyblom, H. [Fiction.] 815. Nyerup, R. , and J. E. Kraft. Litteratur-lexicon. 20. Nystrom, J: W: Mechanics. 312. Steam engineering. 416. O. K., pseud., see Novikoff, O. Oakeley, F: Catholic minority in a non-catholic coun- try. 73. Oakey, Miss, see Dewing, Mrs. T. W. Oakey, A. F. Art of life. 466. Building a home. 458. Home grounds. 478. Ober, F: A. [Fiction.] 816. Camps in the Caribbees. 1414. History of Mexico. 1408. Mexican resources. 1410. Oberlander, R: Von ozcan zu ozean. 1368. ed. Australien. 1419. Reisende und landentdecker. 1516. Westafrika. 1324. joint author, see Christmann, F: Obiter dicta. A. Birrell. 1052. O'Brien, C. G. [Fiction.] 816. O'Brien, F. J. [Fiction ] 816. O'Brien, P. Danubian ])rincipalities. 1294. O'Brien, R: B. Fifty years of concessions to Ireland. 172. O'Brien, T: M., aJid O. Diefendorf. General orders of the war department. 233. O'Bryan, C: [Drama.] 578. Observer. R: Cumberland. 1057. O'Callaghan, E. B. History of New Netherland. 1375. ed. Documentary history of New York. 1374. O'Callaghan, P. P. [Drama.] 578. Ocean highways. 1186. Ochenkowski, W. v. Englands wirth.schaftlicho otitwickelung. 196. Ockley, S. History of the saracens. 1307. Numbers refer to columns iu the main catalogue. XCVJ O'Connell. AUTHOK-INDEX. Oncken. O'Connell, D. Speeches. 192. O'Connor, F. [Fiction.] 816. O'Connor, T. P. Beaconstield. 1491. O'Connor, W: D. [Fiction.] 816. O'Dea, J. J. Suicide. 52. OdUng, E. M. Alfred Smee. 1522. O'Donovan, E. Merv oasis. 1316. Oehlenschlager, A. G. [Drama.] 578. Anthologie. 1109. Oelckers, T. H. [Fiction.] 816. Oelschlager, A., see Olearius, A. Oelsner-Monmerque, G. [Fiction.] 818. Oelsnitz, L. v. d., joint author, see Lankenau, H. V. Oertel, H. Friedrich I Barbarossa. 1473. Friedrich II. 1473. Georg von Frundsberg. 1506. Gutenberg. 1525. Hans Sachs. 1559. Heinrich I. 1473. Karl der grosse. 1473. Korner. 1558. Matthias Claudius. 1555. Otto I, II, III. 1473. Rudolph V. Habsburg. 1473. William Penn. 1487. William Wilberforce. 1513. Oertel, P. F: W: [Fiction.] 819. Admiral de Ruiter. 1508. Der alte Fritz. 1474. Der alte Vincke. 1496. Benjamin Franklin. 1486. Bliicher. 1506. Brand von Moskau. 1276. Columbus. 1518. Derfflinger. 1506. Dorothea von Brandenburg und Elizabeth von Thiiringen. 1473. Ernst der fromme. 1473. Eroberung von Mexiko. 1409. Eschor von der Linth. 1522. Franz Drake. 1504. Georg Stephenson. 1526. Gellert. 1556. Graf de Montyon. 1512. Hans Joachim v. Zieten. 1507. James Cook. 1516. James Watt. 1526. John Jacob Astor. 1514. Maria Theresia. 1474. Prinz Eugenius. 1506. Der Rhein. 1248. Scharnhorst. 1506. Seydlitz. 1506. Washington. 1465. Zwei ausbriiche des Vesuv's. 1265. cd. Si)innstube. 1126. Oeser, R. L: [Fiction.] 819. Oesfeld, M. v. Preussen staatsrechtlich, etc. 228. Oetker, F: Erziehung verwahrloster kinder. 236. Oettinger, E: M. [Fiction.] 819. Bibliographic biographique. 1427. Moniteur (l(!s dates. 1428. Official r(!gister of the U. S. 227. OTlanagan, J. R. [Fiction.] 816. Irish l)ar. 1511. Ofterdinger, L. F. Wieland. 1560. Og-?, -. Hoat. mi. Ogilvie, J: Imperial dictionary. 272. O'Grady, S. History of Ireland. 1211. O'Hanlon, A. [Fiction.] 816. O'Hara, K. [Drama.] 578. O'Hara family, The, pseud., see Banim, J: and M. 671." Ohnet, G: [Fiction.] 816. O'ltzel, E. [Fiction.] 816. O'Kearney, N:, ed. Prophecies. 1144. O'Keeffe, J: [Drama.] 578. O'Kelly, J. J. Mambi-land. 1413. Old colony historical society collections. 1372. Old Humphrey, pseud., see Mogridge, G: Old testament, see col. 86. Oldboy, Oliver. [Fiction.] 816. Oldcastle, Humphrey. pseMrf., see St. John, H: Oldenberg, H. Buddha. 138. Oldenburg, F. A: [Fiction.] 816. Oldschool, Oliver, ^sewd., see Sargent, N. Olearius, A. Neue orientalische reisebeschrelbung. lltti. Olin, S. Life and letters. 1453. Travels in Egypt, 1312. Oliphant, L. [Fiction.] 816. Earl of Elgin's mission to Japan. 172. Journey to Katmandu. 1304. Laud of Gilead. 1314. Land of Khemi. 1321. Patriots and filibusters. 1193. Oliphant, M. O. [Fiction.] 816. Cervantes. 1564. Dante. 1563. Dress. 448. Edward Irving. 1457. Literary history of England. 1005. Little pilgrim. 106. Makers of Florence. 1444. Montalembert. 1497. Old lady Mary. 106. The queen. i472. Sheridan. 1553. awrf F. Tarver. Molifere. 1561. Oliver, G. A. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 1457. Mai-ia Edgeworth. 1549. Memoir of mrs. Barbauld. 1546. Oliver, P: Puritan commonwealth. 1371. Oliver, S: P. French dispute in Matlagascar. 1330. Olivet, Fabre d', see Fabre d'Olivet, D. 726. OUe NUmarker, De, pseud., see LOffler, K: 789. Oilier, E. Russo-turkish war. 1291. War between France and Germany. 1259. Olmstead, D. Astronomy. 306. Aurora bon-alis. 330. Olmsted, F: L. Journey in the back country. 1378. Journey through Texas. 1378. Seaboard slave states. 1377. Olney, E: Algebra for high schools. 298. Klements of arithmetic. 297. Practical arithmetic. 297. Science of arithmetic. 297. University algebra. 298. Olney, E. W., see Kirk, E. W. 779. Olrig (irangc. W. C. Smith. 1040. Olschen, M. B. v., ed. Humoristisches vergiss- meinnicht. 1125. Olshausen, U. Krankheiten der ovarien. 411. Qman, V: E. Svensk-engelsk hand-ordbok. 270. Omar Khayy&m. Rubaiyat. 1148. O'Meara, B. E: Napoleon in exile. 1476. On the Rhine. 1206. Oncken, A: Wiener weltausstellung. 390. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Oncken. ATTTHOR-INDEX. labor. Oncken, Yf-. Continued. Das Devxtsche reich. 1244. Zeitalter Friodrichs des grossen. 1244. cd. Allgemeine geschicnte in elnzeldarstel- lungen. 1155. Onderdonk. H : U. Episcopacy. 128. O'Neill, I. R. [Drama.] 578. Oiu'simus. E. A. Abbott. 104. Onkel Adam, jxseud., see Wetterbergh, C: A. QQQ Onkel Karl. C : DOrflinger, c(Z. 1125. Opie, A. [Fiction.] 818. Illustrations of lying. 65. Opiz, G: E. [Fiction.] 818. Oppel, K: Wunderland der pyramiden. 1166. Oppeln-Bronikowski, A. A: F. v. Geschichte Polens. 1277. Oppenbeim, H: Hiilfs- und versicherungskassen. 237. Oppert, E. Forbidden land. 1300. Optic, Oliver, pseud., see Adams, W: T. 658. Orden, wappen und llaggen. 1565. Ordronaux, J: Health in armies. 403. Ordway, A. Index to the journals of congress. 173. O'Reilly, E. G., mrs. R. [Fiction.] 818. O'Reilly, J: B. Statues in the block. 1037. O'Reilly, Private Miles, pseud., see Halpine, C: G. O'Rell, Max, pseud., see Blouet, P. Orford, Earl of, see Walpole, H. Original lists of persons of quality, etc. J: C. Hotten, ed. 1566. Orleans, Duchesse d', see Elisabeth Charlotte of Bavaria. Orliac, Mine. J. M. S. Society of Jesus. 119. Ormirod, . [Fiction.] 818*. Orr, A., mrs. A. S. [Fiction.] 818. Handbook to the works of m-owning. 1028. Orr, G. J. Education in the south. 241. Orred, M. [Fiction.] 818. Orrery, Earl of, see Boyle, J : Orrinsmith, L. Drawing-room. 484. Orsi, Co7ite G. Recollections. 1497. Ortlepp, E. Aussrewahlte gedichte. 1109. Orton, E : Military system in state colleges. 241. Orton, James. Andes and Amazon. 1414. Comparative zoology. 368. Underground treasures. 323. Orton, Job. Exposition of the Old testament. 87. Osbon, B. S., comp. Handbook of the U. S. navy. 234. Osbom, H: S. Ancient Egypt. 1167. Palestine. 1311. Osborn, S. Stray leaves from an arctic journal. 1424. Oscanyan, C. Sultan and his people. 1292. Oscar II Fredrik. Charles XII. 1479. Osenbriiggen, E: Metamorphose im strafrecht. 222. Osgood, H. Winter and its dangers. 402. Osgood, S: American leaves. 1097. Hearth-stone. 63. Milestones. 1071. Student life. 249. Osier, W: R. Tintoretto. 1532. O'Sheridan, M. G. Conata. 1037. Osmun, T: E. The mentor. 262. Orthoepist. 271. Verbalist. 275. Ossian. Poems. 1087. Ossoli, S. M. marehesa d\ At home and abroad. 1193. Life without and within. 1071. Papers on literature and art. 1008. Summer on the lakes. 1386. Woman in the 19th century. 154. Osten-Sacken, C: R. R. baro7i v. Diptera of North America. 377. 378. Oswald, E., pseud., see Schulze-Smidt, B. 848. Oswald, E. J. By fell and fjord. 1284. Oswald, F. L. Physical education. 402. Sumnierland sketches. 1410. Zoological sketches. 368. Othmer, (J. Vademecum des sortimenters. 19. Otis, G : A. Surgical hlstoryof the rebellion. 393. Otis, J iimes, pseud., see lEaler, J. O. 775. Otte, E. C. How to learn danish. 278. Scandinavian history. 1281. Otter, W: Edward Clarke. 1521. Ottley, H: Painters and engravers. 1525. Ottmar, F. H. [Drama.] 578. Otto, F: Russian literature. 1145. Otto, Fi-anz, pseud., see Spamer, J: G. C. F. O. Otto, L., see Peters, L. 824. Otway, T: [Drama.] 578. Ouida, pseud., see Rame, L. de la. Our own correspondent, .see Honan, M. B. Outcroppings. 1025. Over seas. 1190. Overbeck, J. Geschichte der griechischen pla- stik. 479. Griechische kunstmythologie. 479. Overbury, Sir T: Miscellaneous works. 1097. Overman, F: Manufacture of iron. 455. Metallurgy. 453. Ovidius Naso, P. Metamorphoses. 1135. [Miscellaneous works.] 1136. Owen, D: D., and others. Geological reconnois- sance in Arkansas. 338. Owen, F. M. John Keats. 1021. Owen, H. M. Felicia Hemans. 1550. Owen, J: Evenings with the skeptics. 45. Owen, R. New moral world. 194. Owen, R. D. [Fiction.] 819. Debatable land. 56. Footfalls. 56. Threading my way. 1542. Wrong of slavery. 170. Owen, S. J. Stability of british empire in India. 189. Owen, W: M. Washington artillery of New Or- leans. 1359. Owens, J: A. Sword and pen. 1501. Oxberry, W. H. [Drama.] 578. Oxenford, J: [Drama.] 578. and C: S. Brooke. [Drama.] 579. and J. Hatton. [Drama.] 579. and H. Wigan. [Drama.] 579. Oxenford, J:, and C. A. Feiling, trans. [Fiction.] 819. Oyster epicure. 446. Ozanam, A. F: Civilization in the 5th century. 1200. Land of the Cid. 1273. P., G. W., see Pettes, G: W: P. P., see Rumohr, T. W: K. 840. P s, P. [Fiction.i 819. Paalzow, H. v. [Fiction.] 819. Pabke, M., andm.. J. Pitman, eds. Wonder- world stories. 135. Pabor, W: E. Colorado. 1401. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. xcvnj Pacca. AUTHOR-INDEX. Parry. Pacca, B. Historical memoirs. 1263. Pacific railroad surveys. 423. Packard, A. S., jr. Collecting and preserving insects. 358. Geometrid moths. 378. Guide to the study of insects. 376. Hessian fly. 437. Insects injurious to trees. 437. Zoology. 368. Packard, F: A. Robert Owen. 1513. Packard, J: H. Sea-air and sea-bathing. 402. Packard, L. R. [Philolosrical essays.] 266. Paddock, C, mrs. A. G. [Fiction.] 819. Paddock, J. Shipwreck of the Oswego. 1318. Page, D: P. Theory and practice of teaching. 244. Page, H. A., pseud., see Japp, A. H, Page, T: J. La Plata. 1416. Page, T: N. [Fiction.] 819. Page, W: P.. ed. Samuel Johnson. 1550. Paget, J: New "examen". 1225. Paget, V. [Fiction.] 819. Countess of Albany. 1491. Unbelief. 72. Pagliani, L: Sviluppo umano. 352. PaijkuU, K: V. Summer in Iceland. 1284. Paine, C. Tent and harem. 1321. Paine, M. Physiology of the soul and instinct. 51 . and M. A. Robert Troup Paine. 1542. Paine, T: Age of reason. 80. Letters to Washington. 1493. Political works. 185. Rechte des menschen. 160. Rights of man. 160. Paley, F: A. Gothic architecture. 475. Paley, W: Clergyman's companion. 103. Evidences of cnristianity. 98. Same. 97. Haras Paulina?. 90. Moral philosophy. 61. Natural theology. 79. Sermons. 110. Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1357. . Seven days battles. 1358. Palfrey, J : C. Sieire of Yorktown. 1368. Palfrey, J: G. History of New England. 1367. William Palfrey. 1438. Palfrey, S. H. [Fiction.] 820. Palgrave, Sir F. English commonwealth. 161. History of Normandy. 1252. Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. 469. Visions of England. 1037. comp. Golden treasury. 1023. Palgrave, W: G. [Fiction.] 820. Palliser's model homes. 477. Pallme, H. Travels in Kordof an. 1322. Palm, Adolf, j9seM(Z., see MUller, A. 809. Palmblad, W: F: [Fiction.] 820. Palmer, A. S. Folk-etymology. 271. Palmer, E: H: Desert of the exodus. 1314. Haroun Alraschid. 1479. Joint author, see Leland, C: G. 1296. Palmer, F. P., and A. H: Forrester. Wander- ings of a pen and pencil. 1234. Palmer, H. L. Home-life in the Bible. 86. Palmer, H: S. Sinai. 1167. Palmer, H: V. [Fiction.] 820. Palmer, J: W. Golden dagon. 1305. New and old. 1403. Palmer, Sir R. , earl of Selborne. Book of praise . 104. Palmer, T. A. [Drama.] 579. Palmer, W: Ecclesiastical history. 117. Paltock, R. [Fiction.] 820. Paludan-Miiller, F: Adam Homo. 1144. Panizzi, Sir A. Letters. 1552. Pannasch, A. [Drama.] 580. Pansy, pseud., see Alden, I. M. 661. Panton, A. W:, joint author, see Bumside, W: S. Paoli, Betty, pseud., see GlUck, E. Paolo, Fra, see Sarpi, P: 122. Pape, J. Josephine. 1118. Papillon, F. Nature and life. 345. Pardee, J. [Fiction.] 820. City of the magyar. 1250. Consulate and first empire. 1257. Louis XIV. 1254. Pardon, G: F: Manly games for boys. 498. Pariah, A, pseud., see Cornwallis, C. F. Paris, Comte de. Civil war in America. 1355. Paris, J. de. Secret societies in France. 146. Paris, J: A. Philosophy in sport. 310. Paris, Matthew, see MatthEeus. Park, M. Life and travels. 1324. Parke, U. Philosophy of arithmetic. 297. Parker, J. Ad clerum. 105. Ecce Deus. 94. Parker, J: H: AB C of gothic architecture. 476. Archasology of Rome. 1268. Architectural history of Rome. 475. Concise glossary of terms in architecture. 473. Glossary of terms in architecture. 473. Gothic architecture. 476. Parker, M. Correspondences. 1077. Parker, N. H. Iowa. 1396. Parker, S: Exploring tour beyond the Rocky mountains. 1403. Parker, T. Correspondence. 1453. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 1071. Experience as a minister. 1453. Historic americans. 1482. Matters pertaining to i-eligion. 91. Sermons of religion. 110. Speeches and sermons. 186. Theism, atheism and popular theology. 80. Parker, W: H. Recollections. 1502. Parkes, B. R. , see Belloc, B. R. Parkes, E. A. Practical hygiene. 402. Parley, Peter, joscmcZ., see Goodrich., S: G. Parkman, F., ed. Offering of sympathy. 102. Parkman, F., jr. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 1333. France and England in North America. 1. Pioneers of France. 1333. 2. Jesuits in America. 1333. 3. La Salle. 1333 4. Old regime. 1333. 5. Count Frontenac. 1333. 7. Montcalm and Wolfe. 1333. James Fenlmore Cooper. 1050. Northern tour. 1333. Oregon trail. 1398. Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. 1323. Parloa, M. New cook book. 446. Parnell, T: Poetical works. 1038. Paroz, J. Histoire de la pedagogic. 243. Parr, H. [Fiction.] 820. In the silver age. 1071. Parr, L. [Fiction.] 821. Parrish, E: Phantom bouquet. 470. Parrot, F: Journey to Ararat. 1309. Parry, T: [Drama.] 580. Parry, W: E: Voyages. 1423. Sintries in small type refer to contents only. Parselle. AUTHOR-INDEX. Peirce. Parselle, J. [Drama.] 580. Parsons, S. B. The rose. 440. Parsons, T. Deus homo. 94. Laws of business. 213. Parsons, T., jr. Theophilus Parsons, 1509. Parsons, T: W: Poems. 1038. Partington, Mrs., pseud., see Shillaber, B: P. Partington, C: F: Mechanic's library. 457. Parton, J. Aaron Burr. 1484. Andrew Jackson. 1466. Beniamin Franklin. 1486. Butler in New Orleans. 1357. Captains of industry. 1435. Caricature. 481. Famous americans. 1438. Horace Greeley. 1540. Illustrious men. 1430. J. J. Astor. 1514. Noted women. 1433. Princes, authors and statesmen. 1433. Smoking and drinking. 66. Thomas Jefterson. 1465. Triumphs of enterprise. 1160. Voltaire. 1448. ed. Humorous poetry. 1022. Parton, S. P. [Fiction.] 821. Ginger-snaps. 1097. Pascal, B. Pensces. 76. Provincial letters. 127. Thoughts, lettei's and opuscules. 77. Paschal, G: W. Constitution of the U. S. 210. Pascoe, C: E., ed. Actors and actresses. 1537. Pasha papers. W. W. Howe. 1095. Pasolini, P: D. Giuseppe Pasolini. 1497. Paston letters. 1221. Patch, Olive, jiseud. Sunny Spain. 1274. Patchin, C. H. [Fiction.] 821. Patent office publications. 392. Paterson, J. Wallace. 1505. Patmore, C. K. D. Children's garland. 1025. [Poetical works.] 1038. Paton, A. A. Researches on the Danube. 1294. Patrick, M. [Fiction.] 821. Patrick, S. Glorious epiphany. 94. Patten, J., Joint author, see Hunter, T. Patterson, J: S. Conflict in nature and life. 61. Reforms. 61. Patterson, R. H. New golden age. 201. Pattison, M: Memoirs. 1456. Milton. 1551. Keligious thoufrht in England. 72. Patton, F. L. Great presbyterian conflict. 139. Patton, W: Continuation of Fleetwood's His- tory of the jews. 93. Pauer, F: [Fiction.] 821. Paul, psc? W. T:'Wyndham-, earl of Dunraven. Great divide. 1399. Quinby's new bee-keeping. 442. Quincy, E. Josiah Quincy. 1488. Quincy, J. Figures of the" past. 1483. History of Boston. 1372. John Quincy Adams. 1466. auincy, J. P. [Fiction.] 828. Free libraries. 1. Protection of majorities. 1072. Quincy, S: M. [Fiction.] 828. Q\iiner, E. B. Military history of Wisconsin. 1390. Quintilianus, M. F. Institutes of oratory. 516. Quinton, A. [Fiction.] 828. Raabe, W; [Fiction.] 828. Rabbe, A. Geschichte Spaniens. 1271. Rabbi Jeshua. 94. Rabelais, F. Readings. 1131. Racine, J: [Drama.] 587. Racinet, A: Costume historique. 260. Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics. 313. Lehre vom schall. 313. Radcliffe, A. [Fiction.] 829. Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of paint- ing. 486. RadclifiFe, J: M. Fiends, ghosts and sprites. 54. Radical, The. 78. Entries in small type refer to contents only Radot. AUTHOR-INDEX . Redwitz. Radot, V. Louis Pasteur. 1533. Rae, C: M. [Drama.] 587. Rae, E: Country of the moors. 1319. Land of the north wind. 1380. White Sea peninsula. 1380. Rae, J:, ^. ilf. Contemporary socialism. 204. Rae, J:, LL. D., F. 8. A. Luther. 1460. Rae, W: P. Columbia and Canada. 1344. Newfoundland to Manitoba. 1405. Westward by i-ail. 1344. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. 1490. Baffles, T: Inspiration of the scriptures. 73. Rafn, C. C. Antiquitates americana;. 1381. Rafter, G: W. Mechanics of ventilation. 461. Raimund, Golo, pseud, see Frederich, B. 730. Ralegh, Sir W. History of the world. 1163. Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk-tales. 143. Ramasre. B. J. Local government and free schools in S. C. 1334. Rambaud, A. History of Russia. 1375. Rambler. 1049. Rame, L. de la. [Fiction.] 829. Ramirez, S. Riqueza minera de Mexico. 1410. Ramler, K:W: Anthologie. 1109. Ramsay, Alex. Mineralogy. 332. Ramsay, Allan. [Drama.] 587. Ramsay, D: History of South Carolina. 1380. Ramsay, E: B. Reminiscences of Scottish life. 1213. Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee. 1385. Rand, E: A. [Fiction.] 829. Sunrise lands. 1193. Rand, E: S. Bulbs. 440. Flowers for the parlor and garden. 440. Rand, M. A. [Fiction.] 830. Rand, McNally and co. Atlas of the world. 1185. Business atlas. 1364. Randall, H: S. Thomas Jefferson. 1465. Randall, T: E. History of the Chippewa valley. 1395. Randolph, Mrs. . [Fiction.] 830. Randolph, E. A. Rev. J: Jasper. 1453. Randolph, S. N. Thomas Jefferson. 1466. Thomas J. Jackson. 1502. Rands, W:B. [Fiction.] 830. Henry Holbeach. 1097. Lilliput lectures. 1073. Lilliput levee. 1035. Rank, J. [Fiction.] 830. Ranke, F. L. v. Civil wars and monarchy in France. 1353. Englische geschichte. 1318. History of England. 1218. History of Servia. 1393. History of the popes. 135. House of Brandenburg. 1843. Reformation in Germany. 133. Romanische und germanische volker. 1203. Sammtliche werke. 1156. Universal history. 1155. Weltgeschichte. 1155. Ranke, J: Das blut. 400. Ernilhrung das menschen. 445. Rankine, W: J: M. Steam engine. 416. Rapin de Thoyras, P. History of England. 1317. Rasch, G. Hochlandsfahrten. 1349. Raspe, R. E. [Fiction.] 830. Rathbone, H. M. [Fiction.] 830. Rathbone, W: Protection and communism. 306. Ratisbonne, M. T. St. Bernard. 1461. Ratzel, F: Stiidte- und culturbilder aus Nord- amerika. 1367. Vorgeschichte des europiiischen menschen. 347. Wandertage. 396. Rau, C: Archaeological collections. 348. Cup-shaped sculpture. 1342. Prehistoric fishing. 347. Rau, H. [Fiction.] 830. Ranch, F: A: Psychology. 58. Raumer, F: L: G: v. America. 1366. England in 1835. 1334. Geschichte der Hohenstaufen. 1241. Geschichte Europas. 1303. Italy. 1366. Political history of England. 1218. Raven, M. [Fiction.] 830. Ravenstein, L: Atlas des Deutschen reichs. 1346. Rawlinson, G: Ancient history. 1165. Egypt and Babylon. 1167. Five great monarchies. 1169. History of E^ypt. 1166. Origin of nations. 1163. Pentateuch. 73. Religions of the ancient world . 133. Sixth great monarchy. 1169. Seventh great monarchy. 1169. Ray, J. Algebra. 298. Raymond, G. L. Haydn. 1039. Ravmond, H: J. Abraham Lincoln. 1467. Administration of Lincoln. 167. Raymond, J: H. Letters. 1513. Raymond, R. [Fiction.] 831. Raymond, R. J. [Drama.] 587. Raymond, R. W. [Fiction.] 831. Raynal, G. T: F. Europeans in the East and West Indies. 256. Rayner, B. F. [Drama.] 587. Read, H. Foot-prints of Satan. 62. Read, T: B. Female poets of America. 1034. [Poetical works.] 1039. Reade, A. A., ed. Study and stimulants. 66. Reade, C: [Drama.] 588. [Fiction.] 831. Eighth commandment. 310. Reade, Compton. [Fiction.] 832. Reade, W: W. Martyrdom of man. 152. Savage Africa. 13i7. Rebellion record. 1355. Reber, F. v. History of ancient art. 473. Recaihier, J. F. J. A. Memoirs and correspon- dence. 1563. Recent expeditions to eastern polar seas. 1426. Recent locomotives. 417. Reclus, J: J. E. The earth. 337. The earth and its inhabitants. 1183. History of a mountain. 337. Ocean, atmosphere and life. 338. Records of the past. S: Birch, ed. 1163. Rede, W: L. [Drama.] 588. Beder, A. Hundswuth. 410. Redfield, A. A., conip. Handbook of the U. S. tax law. 316. Redfield, H. V. Homicide. 332. Redford, G: Manual of sculpture. 478. Redgrave, G. R., ed. Historic ornament. 471. Redgrave, S: Artists of the english school. 1528. Redpath, J. John Brown. 1-^4. Redwitz-SchmOlz, 0./rci7tcrr v. [Drama.] 588. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. CVJ Reese. AUTHOR-INDEX . Richards. Reece, R. [Drama.] 588. Reed, A. [Fiction.] 833. Martha. 1456. and J. Matheson. Visit to the araerican chvu'ches. 1865. Reed, -Sir E: J. Japan. 1300. Reed, H: Lectures on english history. 1227. Lectures on english literature. 1003. Lectures on the bi'itish poets. 1020. Life of Joseph Reed. 1438. Reed, I: G. [Fiction.] 832. Reed, Pamelia M. [Fiction.] 833. Reed, Parker M. Bench and bar of Wisconsin. 1509. Reed, S. Genius. lOTl. Reed, S. B. House-plans for everybody. 459. Reed, S: R. Vicksburg campaign. 1358. War of 1886. 1082. Reed, W: B. Joseph Reed. 1488. Reemelin, C: American politics. 165. Rees, J. Foot-prints of a letter carrier. 256. Rees, J. E. Ruutz-. Home decoration. 484. Home oc(!upations. 499. Horace Vernet. 1531. Reeve, H: Petrarch. 1564. Royal and republican France. 1251. Reeve, W. [Drama.] 588. Reeves, H. B. [Fiction.] 832. Regel, F. Ortschaften imThiiringer wald. 1245. Register of debates in congress. 174. Regnard, J:F. [Drama.] 589. Rehfues, P. J. [Fiction.] 833. Reichenbach, Moritz v., pseud., see Bethusy- Huc, V. grdfin. 677. Reichenbach, O. UeberKosmos. 281. Reichlin-Meldegg, K: A.. /reiVierrv. Faust. 1101. Reid, Christian, pseud., see Fisher, F. C. 728. Reid, G. H. New South Wales. 1420. Reid, H: Portland cement. 460. Reid, M. [Fiction.] 832. Man-eaters. 1185. Same. Odd people. 1185. and others Stories about animals. 384. Reid, S. J. Sydney Smith. 1457. Reid, T. W. Charlotte Bronte. 1546. Reid, W. Ohio in the war. 1387. Reimar, Reinald, pseud., see Olaser, A. 735. Rein, J: J. Japan. 1301. Rein, W: Luther. 1460. Reinbeck, (J: [Drama.] 589. Reinbold, A. [I'iction.] 833. Reinecke Fuchs. 1114. Reinhardt, L. [Fiction.] 833. Reinhold, C, pseud., see KOstlin, C. R. Reinow, M. [Fi(;tion.] 833. Reinsberg-DUring'sfeld, I. v., see Diiringsfeld. Reiss, W., and A. StilbeL Necropolis of Ancon. 1417. Reissmann, A: Hiindel. 1535. Mendel.ssohn. 1535. Mozart. UJJO. Reitzenstein, F. /rct/ra?^ V. [Fiction.] 833. Reitzenstein, K:/rciAc'rr V. [Drama.] 589. Religious magazine. 78. Rellstab, L: [Fiction.] 833. Aus meinem leben. 1558. Remarkable people. 260. Remarkable voyages and travels. 1189. Remedi, A. Monete romane. 479. Remsen, I. Theoretical chemistry. 321. Remus, Uncle, sec Harris, J. C. Remusat, C. E. J., comtesse de. Letters. 1130. Memoirs. 1497. Renan, J. E. English conferences. 124. Origins of Christianity: 1. Life of Jesus. 94. 2. The apostles. 1464. 3. St. Paul. 1464. Recollections of my youth. 1563. Spinoza. 1448. Rennie, J. The elephant. 385. Natural history of insects. 376. Natural history of quadrupeds. 384. Renouf, P. Le P. Religion of ancient Egypt. 139. Renwick, H: B. John Jay. 1487. Renwick, J. Applications of mechanics. 312. Count Rumtord. 1438. David Rittenhouse. 1438. De Witt Clinton. 1.501. Robert Fulton. 1438. I Republic of Uruguay. 1416. Reresby, StV J: Memoirs and travels. 1494. Retcliffe, Sir John, pseud., see GOdsche, H. O. F: 736. Retz, J: F. P. de Gondi, cardinal de. Memoirs. 1497. Reuchlin, H. Geschichte Italiens. 1263. Reumont, A. v. Geschichte Toscana's. 1265. Lorenzo de' Medici. 1477. Reusch, F: H: Index der verbotenen biich^r. 509. Reuss, E: W: E. History of the New testament. 89. Reuter, F. [Drama.] 589. Siimmtliche werke. 833. Reuter, H. Religiose aufkliirung im mittelalter. 121. Revere, J. W. Tour in California. 1403. Revett, '^., joint author, see Stuart, J. Reville, A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru. 141. Reybaud, H. E. F., mme. C: [Fiction.] 834. Reynolds, C: B. Old St. Augustine. 1381. Reynolds, F: [Drama.] 589. Reynolds, G. W. M. [Drama.] 589. Reynolds, Sir J. [Essavs.] 1049. Literary works. 466. Reynolds, J: N. Pacific and Indian oceans. 1417. Voyage of the Potomac. 1193. Reynoldson, T: H. [Drama.] 589. Rhees, W: J. Catalogue of Smithsonian publi- cations. 390. Rhind, W: Vegetable kingdom. 358. Rhoads, T: Y. Battle-fields of the revolution. 1350. Rhodes, W: B. [Drama.] 589. Rhys, J. Celtic Britain. 1219. Ribot, T. Diseases of memory. 58. Heredity. 3.55. Ricardo, 1): Works. 195. Rice, A. T., ed. Essays from the North ameri- can. 1050. Rice, C: [Drama.] 589. Rice, H. Nature and cultui'e. 1098. ^^ Pioneers of the Western reserve. 1387. Rice, J., Joint author, see Besant, W. Rich, A. Roman and greek antiquities. 1169. Rich, O. Bibliotheca americana. 27, 28. Richards, C. H. B. Springs of action. 65. Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and clean- ing. 445. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Hicliards. AXTTHOR-INDEX. Roberts. cvij Richards, T. A. [Fiction.! 834. Richardson, A. S. Familiar talks on english literature. 1004. Stories from old english poetry. 1024. cd. Abelard and Heloise. 1461. Old love letters. 1077. Richardson, B:W. Diseases of modern life. 408. Nervous ether. 284. Phenomena of sleep. 284. Richardson, C: Dictionary. 272. Richardson, C: F. Primer of american lltei-a- ture. 1006. and H: A. Clark, cds. College book. 249. Richardson, H. W. National banks. 202. Standard dollar. 196. Richardson, James, ^w^r^. Central Africa. 1324. Desert of Sahara. 1318. Richardson, James, cd. Amer. Wonders of the Yellowstone. 1399. Richardson, James, {Adam Stwin). [Fiction.] 834. Richardson, J : [Fiction.] 834. Richardson, Sir J : Arctic searching expedition. 1424. Richardson, J. G. Long life. 402. Richardson, O. [Fiction.] 834. Richardson, K. Adventurous boat voyages. 1198. Richardson, S: [Fiction.] 834. Correspondence. 1552. Richardson, T. A. Architectural modelling. 459. Richardson, T. G. Human anatomy. 398. Richardson, W: Timber merchant's assistant. 459. Richmond, E. Y. Poems. 1039. Richmond, J. C. Metacomet. 1039. Midsummer's day-dream. 1098. Richmond, L. [Fiction.] 834. Richter, J: P. Leonardo. 1532. Richter, J: P. F: [Fiction.] 834. Anthologie. 1108. The Campaner Thai. 1128. Levana. 239. Life. 1559. Sammtliche werke. 1112. [Selections.] 1103. Werke. 1107. Wit, wisdom and philosophy. 1128. Richter, M. [Fiction.] 835. Richthofen, F. P. W: D. freiherr v. China. 1298. Ridden, C. E. L., mrs. J. H. [Drama.] 589. I Fiction.] 835. Ridderstad, C: F: [Fiction.] 835. Riddle, A. C^. [Fiction.] 835. Riddle, J. E., andT: K. Arnold. English-latin lexicon. 267. Rideing, W: H: [Fiction.] 835. History of London. 1229. Rider, G: T:, cd. Lyra americana. 1024. Ridgley, T: Body of divinity. 91. Ridg"way, R. Ornithology of the 40th parallel. 383 Studies [of birds]. 383. Ridley, A. E. [Fiction.] 835. Ridley, G. Dr. Nicholas Ridley. 1456. Riedesel, F. C. L. freiin v. Letters and journals. 1351. Rieger, M. Klinger. 1557. Riehl, W: H: [Fiction.] 835. Die pfiilzer. 1248. Riemann, H. Ausdruck in der musik. 494. Geschichte der notenschrift. 493. Riemann, H. Continued. Hiilfsmittel der modulation. 494. Musik-lexikon. 489. Musikallsche logik.' 494. Musikallsche syntaxis. 494. Natur der harmonlk. 494. Neue methode der harmonielehre. 494. Neue schule der melodik. 494. Riemer, F: W: Mitthellungen uber Goethe. 1556. Riesenthal, O. v. Jagd-lexlkon. 504. Riezler, S. Geschichte Baierns. 1245. Rigrgrs, 8. R. Dakota language. 280. Riley, C: V. Cotton worm. 437. and J. Monell. Aphldkhe. 377. Riley, H. H. Puddleford papers. 1085. Riley, J. Loss of the Commerce. 1318. Rimbault, E: F. Great composers. 1533. Pianoforte. 496. Rimmer, A. About England. 1235. Rimmer, W: Art anatomy. 482. Ring, M. [Paction.] 835. In der Schweiz. 1288. Rink, H: J. Danish Greenland. 1425. Riola, H: How to learn Russian. 278. Russian reader. 278. Ripa, M. Memoirs. 1462. Ripley, G:, and B. Taylor, eds. Literature and the fine arts. 507. Ritchie, A C. [Drama.] 589. Autobiography. 1537. Ritchie, A. I. [Fiction.] 836. Book of sibyls. 1544. Madame de Sevigne. 1562. Ritchie, J. E. Gladstone. 1492. To Canada. 1407. Ritchie, J. S. Wisconsin and its resources. 1393. Ritchie, L. [Fiction.] 836. Romance of history: France. 1252. Russia and the russians. 1279. Ritson, J., ed. Robin Hood. 1024. Ritter, Yjvnst, pseud., see Binzer, E. v. 678. Ritter, F: L: History of music. 493. Music in America. 493. Music in England. 493. Ritter, H. L: [Drama.] 590. Rivero, M. E: cle, and J: J. v. Tschudi. Peru- vian antiquities. 1417. Rivers, W: J. History of South Carolina. 1380. Rives, W:C. J.Madison. 1466. Rivoli, J. Serra da Estrella. 327. Roadside songs of Tuscany. F. Alexander. 495. Robbins, A. Loss of the Commerce. 1318. Robbins, R. American contributors to english literature. 1003. Robert, H: M. Parliamentary guide. 225. Rules of order. 225. Bobertin, R. Gedichte. lia'i. Roberts, A. Companion to the revised version of tiie New testament. 88. Old testament revision. 86. Roberts, C: Anthropometry. 352. Colour-blindness. 410. Physical requirements of factory children. "352. Roberts, Edwards. With the invader. 1401. ! Roberts, Emma. Hlndostan. 1303. ' Roberts, E. H. Government revenue. 206. Roberts, G: [Drama.] 590. I Roberts, J: S. David Livingstone. 1517. i Roberts, Margaret. [Fiction.] 886. France. 1259. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Roberts, AUTHOR-INDEX. Ropes. Roberts, Mary. Ruins and old trees. 1333. Roberts, W: Hannah More. 1552. Robertson, C. F. Louisiana pui-chase. 1334. Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. 1544. Robertson, F: W. Letters. 1457. Robertson, J. B. Lectures on subjects of history. 1161. Robertson, J. C, joint author, see'RY^^^^Y^ T: Robertson, T. W: [Drama.] 590. and T: H. Lacy. [Drama.] 590. Robertson, W: John Bright. 1491. Robertson, W: Principal, 7). D. History of Ame- rica. 1331. History of Scotland. 1214. Knowledge which the ancients had of India. 1301. Reign of Charles V. 1242. Robin Hood. 1024. Robinson, A. M. F. [Fiction.] 836. Emily Bronte. 1546. Robinson, C: S. Live coal from the altar. 93. ed. Laudes domini. 495. Robinson, E: Harmony of the gospels. 89. Researches in Palestine. 1313. Robinson, D. G. Moral law. 73. Robinson, T: Bishop Heber. 1456. Robinson, F. M. [Fiction.] 836. Robinson, F: W: [Fiction.] 836. Robinson, Hastings, ed. Original letters. 123. Zurich letters. 122, 123. Robinson, H: Sewage disposal. 406. Robinson, H: C. Diary, etc. 1511. Robinson, H. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement. 153. Robinson, H: M. Great fur land. 1406. Robinson, H. N. Geometry. 298. Trigonometry. 298. Robinson, Jane. [Fiction.] 837. Robinson, J: Ferns. 441. Robinson, N. [Drama.] 590. comp. Collier's cyclopedia. 452. Robinson, O. H. Collegre libraries. 1. Indexing periodicals. 1. Rochester university library. 241. Titles of books. 1. Robinson, P. Sinners and saints. 1368. Under the sun. 1304. Robinson, S. W. Railroad economics. 422. Teeth of wheels. 415. Wrought-iron bridge members. 421. Robinson, T. A. L. [Fiction.] 837. Languages and litei-ature of the slavic nations. 1144. Robinson, J:, F. Price and T: Tredgold. Con- struction of roofs. 461. Robson, F: [Drama.] 590. Robson, W: Richelieu. 1497. Roche, R. M. [Fiction.] 837. Rochefort, H: [Fiction.] 837. Rochholz, E. L: Tell und Gessler. 1287. Rock, D. Action of the church upon art. 73. Textile fabrics. 456. Rockstro, W: S. Handel. 1535. Mendelssohn. 1535. Rockwell, J. E. Shorthand. 447. Teaching-, etc., of shorthand. 242. Rockwell, R. [Fiction.] 837. Rocky mountain locust. 436, 437. Rodenberg, J. [Fiction.] 837. Alltagsleben in London. 1235. England, literary and social. 1232. Harfe von Erin. 1144. Herbst in Wales. 1236. Rodenberg, J . Continued. Insel der heiligen. 1230. Pariser bilderbueh. 1261. Stillleben auf Sylt. 1247. VerschoUene inseln. 1209. ed. Paris. 1261. Rodenbough, T. F. Afghanistan. 1318. From everglade to canon. 233. Rodney, M. R. [Fiction.] 837. Rodt-Calkum, . [Fiction.] 837. Rodwell, G: F., ed. Dictionary of science. 283. Rodwell, G: H. [Drama.] 590. Rodwell, J. T: G. [Drama.] 590. Roe, A. S. [Fiction.] 837. Roe, E:P. [Fiction.] 837. Success with small fruits. 438. Roe, E. R. [Fiction.] 837. Roe, M. A. [Fiction.] 838. Roelker, B. Constitution of France. 212. Rogers, E. P. Magnetism of the cross. 93. Rogers, F. Magnetism of Iron vessels. 317. Rogers, H: Defence of Eclipse of faith. 99. Eclipse of faith. 99. Grey son letters. 1082. Reason and faith. 77. Rogers, J. E. T. Agriculture and prices in England. 196. Six centuries of work and wages. 200. Social economy. 145. Rogers, M. Waverley dictionary. 1048. Rogers, S: Poetical "works. 1039. Recollections. 1443. ~ Table-talk. 1098. Rogerus de Wendover. Flowers of history. 1221. Roget, P: M: Animal and vegetable" physi- ology. 81. Thesaurus. 274. Rog:gre,W. Prinz Eugen. 1430. Rohlfs, G. Adventures In Morocco. 1318. Quer durch Afrika. 1324. Rohrbach, C:, joint author, see Kretschmer, A. Roland, Chanson de. 1129. R81iner, J: Gedichte. 1105. Rollin, C: Ancient history. 1164. Histoire anclenne. 1164. Rollins, E. C. New England bygones. 1369. Old-time child life. 1369. Rollwyn, J. A. S. Astronomy simplified. 301. Romanes, G: J: Animal intelligence. 370. Mental evolution in animals. 370. Scientific evidences of organic evolution. 354. ROmer, Dr., pseud., see Deinhardstein, J: L: Romingrer, C: Geolog-yof lower peninsula of Michigan. 339. Manjuette and Menominee iron regions. SJ9. - Pahroiitology of lower peninsula of Michigan. 339. Palii'o/.oic rocks of upper peninsula of Michigan. 339. Romney, Karl, see Sidney, H: Rood, O. N. Modern chromatics. 314. Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca americana. 16. Roos, J. D. C. de. Linkages. 415. Roosevelt, Blanche, see IMcker-Machetta, B. R. Roosevelt, R. B. Five acres too much. 430. Game fish. 503. Superior fishing. 504. Roosevelt, T. Naval war of 1812. 1352. Root, L. C. Quinby's new bee-keeping. 442. ROpell, R: Polen um die mltte des 18. jahrh. 1277. and J. Caro. Geschlchte Polens. 1277. Roper, S. Questions and answers for engineers. 416. Ropes, J: C. Army under Pope. 1357. McClellan's plans for the campaign of 1863. 1358, Entries in small type refer to contents only. Ropes. ATTTHOR-tNDEX. Ruskin. Ropes, M. E. mction.] 838. Roquette, O: [Fiction.] 838. Joh. Christ. Giinther. 1557. Waldmeisters brautfalirt. 1118. Borisou, G. The creative week. 73. Roscher, W: G: F: Political economy. 195. Wiihrungsfrage der deutschen m'iinzreform. 203. Roscoe, H: Eminent british lawyers. 1511. Roscoe, H:E. Chemistry. 320." Spectrum analysis. 322. What the earth is composed of. 28.5. awZ C: Schorlemmer. Chemistry. 321. Roscoe, T: [Fiction.] 838. Life of Swift. 1019. William the conqueror. 1469. Roscoe, W: Leo X. 1462. Lorenzo de' Medici. 1477. Poetical works. 1039. Kose, Edmund. Delirium tremens. 410. Starrkrampf. 410. Rose, E: [Drama.] 590. Bose, H. J. Bunsen and Williams. K. Rose, J. Mechanical drawing. 483. Practical machinist. 415. Rosecrans, W: S. Battle of Murfreesboro'. 1358. Rosegg-er, P. K. [Fiction.] 839. Rosen, G. v. Bilder ans Spanien. 1273. Rosen, Ludwig. pseud., see Jtingst, L: V. 775. Rosengarten, A. Architectural styles. 474. Roseng-arten, J. G. German soldier in the wars of the U. S. 1349. Kosenkranz, K: Voltaire. 1429. Rosenthal, I. Physiology of muscles and nerves. 399. Rosenthal, L: America and France. 164. Rosenthal-Bonin, H. v. [Fiction.] 839. Rosing, S. Engelsk-dansk ordbog. 270. Roskowska, M. v. [Fiction.] 839. Rosier, R. [Fiction.] 839. Rosmini-Serbati, A. Modern philosophies. 47. Ross, C. K. Charley Ross. 1509. Ross, D. W. Land-holding among the germans. Ross, Sir J: Second voyage. 1423. Ross, J: M. Scottish history and literature. 1214. Ross, P. [Fiction.] 839. Rossa, O'D. Irisl 1494. Kosse, I. C. Notes on Alaska. 1425. Rossetti, C. G. [Fiction.] 839. [Poetical works.] 1039. Rossetti, D. G. [Poetical works.] 1039. Rossetti, W: M. Lives of famous poets. 1544. Rossiter, E. K., and F. A. Wright. Modern house-painting. 402. Rossiter, W: Dictionary of scientillc terms. 282. ROssler, R. [Fiction.] ' 839. Roth, E: [Fiction.] 839. Index to Littell's living age. 35. Roth, P. Geschichte des beneflcialwesens. 160. Roth, R. Stanleys reise. 1326. Rothenfels, Emmy von, pseud., see Ingersleben, E. v. 766. Rothrock, J. T. Botany of Wheeler's survey. .365. Vacation cruising. 1379. Rotteck, C: W. R. v. [Auswahl.] 1108. and C: T. Welcker, eds. Staats-lexikon. 145. Rotterdam, J: van. [Fiction.] 839. Round, W:M.F. [Fiction.] 839. Rousseau, J: J. Bekenntnisse. 1562. Emil. 239. rebels in english prisons. Rousseau, J: J. Continued. Emile. 239. Gesellschaftsvertrag. 160. Political economy. 195. Social compact. " 160. Rousselet, L: [Fiction.] 839. Routh, E: J: System of ri;id bodies. 311. Routledge, R. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century. 388. Popular history of" science. 289. Rowan, F. J. Boiler incrustation. 417. Rowbotham, F. J. Trip to prairie-land. 1396. Rowbotham, T: Sketching from nature. 485. Rowe, N: [Drama.] 591. joint author, see Iieslie, H: 566. Rowel, M., pseud., see Thisted, W. A. 106. Rowell, G: P., and CO. Newspaper directory. (33. Rowland, W: L. Mnfr. of chemical products. 453. Rowlands, C. Henry M. Stanley. 1517. Rowson, S. [Fiction.] 840. Roxburghe ballads. 1023. Royal geographical society proceedings. 1186. Royal society catalogue of scientific papers. 24. Royal society of Canada, transactions. 293. Royall, W:L. Reply to "A fool's errand". 168. Royce, C. C. Cessions of land by Indian tribes. 1340. Rubin, T. A. Sphinx americana. 499. RUcker, A. W. Coal. 323. Ruckert, F: [Drama.] 591. Antholog-ie. 1109. Poetische werke. 1118. Wisdom of the brahmin. 1118. RUckert, H: Luther. 1429. Rudbeck, T. G. [Fiction.] 840. Rudler, F. W., and G: G. Chisholm. Europe. 1203. Rudolphi, J: [Fiction.] 840. 1 Ruffini, G. [Fiction.] 840. I Ruggles, H: Germany. 1247. Ruhland, Marie, pseud., see Calm, M. 690. I Rule, W. H. History of the inquisition. 120. ! Rumelin, G. Shakespearestudien. 1045. Rumohr, T. W: K. [Fiction.] 840. Runeberg, J: L: Hanna. 1143. Kimig Fjalar. 1143. Lyrical songs and epigrams. 1143. Nadeschda. 1143. Sagen des fiihnrich Stahl. 1143. Runkel, W: M. [Fiction.] 840. Runkle, J: D. Values of coefficients. 303. Same ; Asteroid supplement. 303. Rupert, A. E. D. de. Californians and mormons. 1399. i Ruppius, O: [Fiction.] 840. i Ruschenberger, W: S. W. Natural hi.story. 368. j Rusco, pseud., see Smith, M. A. Rush, B: Diseases of the mind. 53. Rush, J. Philosophy of the human voice. 516. Rush, R: Occasional productions. 1098. Residence at the court of London. 1488. Rushton, W: L. Shakespeare illustrated. 1046. Ruskin, J: [Fiction.] 840. Aratra Pentelici. 477. Ariadne florentina. 489. Arrows of the chace. 1081, Art culture. 467. Art of England. 488. Crown of wild olive. 62. Deucalion. 336. Eagle's nest. 466. p]lements of drawing. 481. Ethics of the dust. 322. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Uuskin. ATJlHOft-INDEX. Saint dimoil. Suskin, 3: Continued. Fors clavigera. 150. Frondes agrestes. 467. Laws of Fesole. 481. Lectures on architecture and painting. 474. Lectures on art. 466. Letters to young girls. 154. Love's meinie. 882. Modern painters. 466. Mornings in Florence. 469. Munera pulveris. 195. Pearls for young ladies. 154. Perspective. 482. Poems. 1039. Poetry of architecture. 474. Political economy of art. 469. Precious thoughts. 62. Pre-Raphaelitism. 467. Proserpina. 359. Queen of the air. 136. St. Mark's rest. 1264. Sesame and lilies. 1072. Seven lamps of architecture. 474. Stones of Venice. 476. Storm cloud of the 19th century. 330. Study of architecture. 474. Time and tide. 197. The true and beautiful. 1072. Two paths. 469. Unto this last. 195. Rusling', J. F. Across America. 1399. Russell, A., ed. Gesammt-verlagskatalog. 19. Russell, A. P. Charactei'istics. 1072. Library notes. 1072. Thomas Corwin. 1485. Russell, C: New views on Ireland. 172. Russell, C: W. [Fiction.] 840. Russell, F. S. Russian wars with Turkey. 1276. Russell, I. C. Geologrical history of Lake Labontaii. :B8. Russell, J:, duke of Bedford. Correspondence. 1078. Russell, J: earl. History of the english govern- ment. 162. Memoirs of the affairs of Europe. 1203. Recollections and suggestions. 192. Russell, J: F. Samuel Johnson. 1550. Russell, M. Ancient and modern I^gypt. 1320. Barbary states. 1317. Connection of sacred and profane history. 1164. Nubia and Abyssinia. 1322. Oliver Cromwell. 1469. Palestine. 1310. Polynesia. 1420. Russell, M. C. Uncle Dudley's odd hours. 1085. Russell, Lady R. Letters. 1078. Russell, T:, joint author, see Nason, E. Russell, W: Extraordinary men. 1436. Extraordinary women. i436. Intellectual education. 244. Modern Europe. 1197. Russell, W: C. [Fiction.] 840. Sailors' language. 450. Russell, W: H. Canada. 1407. Diary in India. 1303. Diary, north and south. 1366. Expedition to the Crimea. 1276. Hesperothen. 1344. Rutherford, S: Joshua redivivus. 77. Rutherford, T: Natural philosophy. 309. Ruutz-Rees, J. E., see Rees. Ryan, D. L. [Drama.] 591. Ryan, R: [Drama.] 591. Rydberg, A. V: [Fiction.] 841. Magic of the middle ages. 54. Roman days. 1269. Ryder, E:, c'omp. Elizabeth Fry. 1512. Ryder, J: A. [Embryological papers.] 355. Protozoa and protophytes. 373. Rylance, J. H. Social questions. 197. Ryland, J. E:, ed. John Foster. 1458. S., E. L. Belt and spur. 1201. City in the sea. 1264. S., H.C: [Fiction.] 841. S., J. D. History of the U. S. 1345. S., J. of Dale, pseud., see Stimson, F: J. 864. S., M. E. W., see Sherwood, M. E. W. Sabine, L. American loyalists. 1482. Duels and duelling. 259. Edward Preble. 1438. Sabine, R. Electric telegraph. 448. Sacher-Masoch, L. WWcr V. [Fiction.] 841. Sachs, H. Werke. 1105. Sachs, J. Botany. 360. Sacred books of the east, see Muller, F: M., ed. Saddle-horse. 502. Sadi. Gulistan. 1148. Rosengai'ten. 1148. Sadler, L. R. London parks. 1236. and J: C. Hotten. History of signboards. 261. Sadlier, M. A. [Fiction.] 841. SaFord, M. J., aiid M. E. Allen. Health for girls. 404. Safford, T. H. Catalogue of stars. 302. Safiford, W: H. Blennerhasset. 1484. Blennerhasset papers. 181. Sagas from the far east. 143. Sa^e, B.,J. The republic of republics. 164. Saigey, E. Unity of natural phenomena. 311. Saint- Amand, A. L., see Imbert de Saint- Amand. Saint-Aubain, A. N. [Fiction.] 841. St. Augustine ; sketches. 1381. St. Clair, A. Correspondence, ete. 182. Saint-Evremond, C: Works. 1129. St. Georges, J: H. Vernoy de, and A. eomte Ribbing, raZ/cr/deLeuven. [Drama.] 591. Saint-Hilaire, Marco de, pseud., see Hilaire, E. M. 757. St. John, B. Purple tints of Paris. 1261. Residence in a Levantine family. 1321. Village life in Egypt. 1321. St. John, H:, viseount Bolinqbroke. Works. 1018. St. John, Mrs. H. R. Audubon. 1521. St. John, J. A: Celebrated travellers. 1515. Hellenes. 1171. St. John, P. B. IJiograjjhy of Montaisrne. 1129. French revolution in 1848. 1258. St. John, Sir S. Hayti. 1413. St. Louis academy of science. Archaeology of Missouri. 349. Saint-Mars, G. A. vicomtesse de. [Fiction.] 841. Saint-Maurice, C: R. E. de. Geschichte der kreuzziige. 1200. Saint Pierre, J. H: B. de. [Fiction] 841. -Works. 1129. Saint Prix, Berriat de, see Berriat de Saint Prix. Saint Simon, L: de R. due de. Memoirs. 1497. Entries in small type refer to contents only Sainte Beuve . ATTTHOB-INDEX . Sayce. cxj Sainte Beuve, C: A: Celebrated women. 1560. Mme. Desbordes-Valmore. 1561. Monday-chats. 1129. Theophiie Gautier. 1.50. Saintine, J. X. Boniface, called. [Fiction.] 842. Saintsbury, G: W. Dryden. 1549. French literatui*e. 1127. Sala, G:A: [Fiction.] 842. America revisited. 1367. Breakfast in bed. 1098. Due north. 1279. Due south. 1267. Living London. 1098. Looking at life. 1098. Paris herself again. 1261. Salice-Contessa, see Contessa. Salis-Seewis, J: G./rei?ierr V. Godlchte. 1106. Gediehte. 1108. Salisbury, Marquis of. Speeches. 1494. Salisbury, A. Normal instruction in Wis. 243. Wis. teachers' as.sociation. 243. Salkeld, J. [Fiction.] 842. Chissical antiquities. 1170. Sallustius Crispus, C. [Works.] 1178. Salm-Salm, A. prinzessin v. Ten years of my life. 1480. Salmon, G: Analytic geometry. 300. Conic sections. 300. Higher plane curves. 300. Salomon, L: Deutsche national-literatur. 1103. Saltus, E. E. Balzac. 1561. Samarow, Gregor, pseud., see Meding, J: F. M. O. Sampleton, Samuel, pseud., see Monti, L: Samson, G: W. Art criticism. 467. Samuels, A. F. [Fiction.] 842. Samue.son, J. Roumania. 1292. Sanborn, A. L., and J. R. Berryman. Supp. to Revised statutes of Wis. 220. Sanborn, F. B. Thoreau. 1542. ed. Emerson. 1447 John Brown. 1484. Sanborn, K., efZ. Wit of women. 1083. Sancroft, W: New whole duty of man. 103. Sand, George, jjseud., see Dudevant, A. L. A. 716. Sandeau, L. S. J. [Fiction.] 842. and A. Decourcelle, sec Clarke, C. 538. Sander, F. Lexikon der piidagogik. 240. Sanders, D. Ergiinzungsworterbuch. 276. Hauptschwierigkeiten. 276. Sandham, E. [Fiction.] 842. Sandras de Courtilz, G., see Courtilz de San- dras. 703. Sandwith, H. Belagerung von Kars. 1291. Sands, R. C: [Fiction.] 842. Writings. 1017. Sangster, M. E. [Fiction.] 842. Sanitarian. 397. Sanitary care and treatment of children. 404. Sanitary commission. 235. Sanitary engineer. 390. Sankey, C: Spartan and theban supremacies. 1174. Sankey, Y>:, joint author, sec Bliss, P. P. Sansom, J. Lower Canada. 1407. Sanson, H:, ed. Memoirs of the Sansons. 1511. Mysterien vom schaftbt. 1511. Santa Barbara, All about. 1403. Santarem, M. F. visconde de. Americus Ves- pucius. 1518. Saphir, M. G. Schriften. 1125. Sarcey, F. [Fiction.] 842. Sardou, V., .sec Amcotts, V. 520. Sargent, C : S. Forests of North America. 439. Sargent, E. Planchette. 56. ed. [Drama.] 591. - [Fiction.] 842. Arctic adventure. 1423. Harper's cyclopaedia of poetry. 1022. Sargent, G: E. [Fiction.] 842. Stories of old England. 1227. Joint author, see Walshe, E. H. 886. Sargent, J: Henry Martyn. 1456. Sargent, L. M. [Fiction".] 842. Dealings with the dead. 1072. Sargent, M. E., etZ. Radical club of Bo.ston. 1073. Sargent, N. Public men and events. 1353. Sargent, W. Major Andre. 1504. Sarpi, P: History of the council of Trent. 122. Sartoris, A. [Fiction.] 842. Sartorius, G: F: C. freiherr von Waltershausen. Hanseatischer bund. 1245. Saturday I'eview. 512. Sauer, K: M. [Fiction.] 843. Italienische litteratur. 1131. Saulcy, L: F. J. de. Journey round the Dead sea. 1312. Saunders, F: About woman. 65. Great metropolis. 1235. Pastime papers. 1098. Salad for the social. 1098. Salad for the solitary. 1098. Saunders, J: [Fiction.] 843. Saunders, K., see Cooper, K. 703. Saunders, W: Insects injurious to fruit. 436. Soils and products of Florida. 1381. Saunders, W:, of England. Through the light continent. 1367. Saussure, H: de. American wasps. 379. Sauzade, John S., pseud., see Payn, J. Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making. 452. Savage, James, of the Lond. inst. The librar- ian. 16. Savage, James, jyrcs. of Mass. hist. soc. Genea- logical dictionary of New England. 1566. Savage, J: [Drama.] 591. '98 and '48. 1212. Our living i-epresentative men. 1483. [Poetical works.] 1039. Savage, J:, D. D. Letters of the antients. 1133. Savage, M. J. [Fiction.] 843. Belief in God. 92. Beliefs about the Bible. 85. Beliefs about man. 95. Christianity the science of manhood. 99. Man, woman and child. 64. Modern sphinx. 1073. Morals of evolution. 62. Religion of evolution. 77. Savage, M. W. [Fiction.] 843. Savage, W. H. Intellectual basis of faith. 92. Savarin, see Brillat-Savarin, A. Saville, J:F. [Drama.] 591. Savin, Una, pseud., see Hepworth, Mrs. G: H. 754. Saxby, jlfr,s. . Breakers ahead. 1197. Saxe, J: G. [Poetical works.] 1039. Say, J: B Political economy. 195. Say, T: Entomology. 376. ' Sayce, A. H: Ancient empires of the east. 1165. Fresh light from ancient monuments. 1165. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Scadding'. AUTHOB-INDEX. Schmidt. Scadding, H:, and J: C. Dent. Toronto. 1407. Scarth, H:M. Roman Britain 1219. Schaad, J:C. [Drama.] 591. Schack, A. F: grafy. Gesammelte werke. 1119. Schafer, A. Demosthenes. 1498. Siebenjahriger krieg. 1244. Schafer, D. Hansestiidte und Waldemar. 1245. Schafer, H: Geschichte von Portugal. 1272. joint author, see Lemke, F: W: Schafer, J: W: Goetlie's leben. 1557. Schaff", P. America. 164. Companion to the greek testament. 88. Creeds of Christendom. 125. Germany. 123. History of the apostolic church. 118. History of the chi-istian church. 117, 118. Person of Christ. 94. Revision of the english Bible. 88. St. Augustine. 1464. Schaffle, A. E. F: Kapitalismus und socialismus, see Kaufmann, M. 204. Quintessenz des socialismus. 204. Schaflfy, Mirza, see Bodenstedt, F: M. v. Schaick, C. van. [Fiction.] 843. Scharf, J. T: Historv of Maryland. 1378. Scharling, K: H: [Fiction.] "843. Schasler, M. Dramatische musik. 495. Materialistische und idealistische Weltanschau- ung. 52. Moderne denkmalswuth. 66. Schede, M. Amputationen. 411. Scheel, H. v. Eisenthum und erbrecht. 213. Schefer, L. [Fiction.] 843. Scheffel, J. V: v. [Fiction.] 843. [(jedichte.] 1119. Trumpeter of Siikkin^en. 1119. ScheflFer-Boichorst, P. Florentiner studien. 1265. Scheie de Vere, M. Modern magic. 54. Romance of american history. 1349. Stray leaves. 288. Studies in english. 269. Wonders of the deep. 288. Schellbach, E. [Fiction.] 843. Schellen, T: J. H. Spectrum analysis. 322. Spectrum analysis. 284. Schellingr, F : \V : Relatloa of the plastic arts to nature. not. Schem, A. J. Statistics of the world. 155. joint author, see Kiddle, H: Schenkel, D. Schlciermacher. 1461. Schenkendorf, M. v. Anthologric. 11(H). Gedichte. 1119. Scherer, W: .Jacob Grimm. 1519. Scherr, J. [Fiction.] 843. AUgemeine geschichte der literatur. 508. Blucher. 1506. Deutsche kultur- und sittengeschichte. 152. Drai hofgeschichteu. 1161. English literature. 1003. Die gekreuzigte. 55. Germania. 1240. Geschichte der deutschen frauenwelt. 152. Menschliche tragikomodie. 1161. Schiller and his times. 1559. Schiller und seine zeit. 1559. ed. Bildersaal der wcltliteratur. 509. Scherzer, C: v. Wanderungen durch Nicaragua, etc. 1412. ed. Expedition nach Indicn, China, etc. 1296. Schifif, H. [Fiction.] 844. Schi-king. 1148. Schild, M., ed. Old english costumes. 260. Schiller, J: C. F: v. [Drama.] 592. [Fiction.] 844. Briefwechsel mit Goethe. 1124. Briefwechsel mit Korner. 1124. Correspondence with Goethe. 1124. Letters. 1124. Naive and sentimental poetry. 1103. Poems and ballads. 1120. Stlmmtliche werke. 1112. Thirty years' war. 1238. Werke. 1107. Works. 1112. Schilling, E. [Fiction.] 844. Schirmer, A. [Fiction.] 844. Schlagel, M. v. [Fiction.] 844. Schlagintweit-Sakiinliinski, H. v. Reisen in Indien und Hochasien. 1304. Schlegrel, A: W: V. Antholog-ie. 1109. Dramatic art and literature. 513. Same. 1108. Siimmtliche werke. 1112. Schlegel, K: W: F: v. Aesthetic and miscellan- eous works. 508. Anthologie. 1109. History of literature. 509. Lectures on modern history. 1198. Philo.sophy of history. 1149. Same. 1104. Philosophy of life and language. 49. Schleiden, M. J. Das meer. 328. Poetry of the vegetable world. 359. Sciences among the jews. 139. Schleiermacher, F: E. I). Social element in relijrion. 1103. Schlessing, A. Deutscher worterschatz. 277. Schleyer, J: M. Volapiik. 264. Schliemann, H: Ilios. 1310. Mycenae. 1290. Tiryns. 1290. Troja. 1310. Troy and its remains. 1310. SchlOgl, F: Wiener blut. 1249. Wiener luft. 1250. Schlosser, F: C. History of the 18th and 19th century. 1203. VVeltgeschichte. 1154. Schlosser, L:W: G. Erlebnisse. 1240. Schmeidler, J. Religiose anschauungen Frobels. 246. Schmid, H. T. v. [Fiction.] 844. Schmid, J: Christoph v. [Fiction.] 845. Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin. 354. Schmidt, B. Unterlelbsbriiche. 411. Schmidt, C: W: A. Melanchthon. 1460. Schmidt, E. A. Geschichte von Frankreich. 1250. Schmidt, E: O. Niedere thiere. 36.5. Schmidt, F. Alexander v. Humboldt. 1522. Benjamin Franklin. 1486. Bilder aus dem Elsa-ss. 1245. Bilder aus Lothringen. 1245. Deutsche kriege. 1239. Ernst Moritz Arndt. 1555. Fichte. 1447. Friedrich der grosse. 1474. Fiirst BismarcK. 1495: Gellert. 1556. Goethe. 1557. (Grosser kurf iirst. 1473. Herder. 1557. Hohenstaufen. 1241. Joseph II. 1474. Kaiser Wilhelm. 1474. Karl der grosse. 1473. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Schmidt. AUTHOR-INDEX. Schupp. CXUJ Schmidt, F. Continued. Kciuigin Luise. 1474. Lessing. 1558. Luther. 1460. Moses Mendelssohn. 1558. Oedipus. 1138. Oranienburg und Fehrbellin. 1244. Pestalozzi. 1513. Schiller. 1559. Tiirken vor Wien. 1291. Volkerbilder. 1165. Weltgeschichte. 1154. in iibersichtlicher darstollung. 1151. tr. Nal und Daraajanti. 1148. Sakuntala. 1148. Schmidt, F: L: [Drama.] 592. Schmidt, J. Deutsche literatur. 1102. Franzosische literatur. 1128. Geistiges leben in Deutschland. 1102. Geistiges leben unserer zeit. 1122. Lessing-. 1430. Portraits aus dem 19. jahrh. 1122. Schmidt, K: Geschichte der piidagogik. 243. Schmidt, M. [Fiction.] 846. Schmidt, O. Descent and darwinism. 354. Schmidt, P. V: Gewalt oder geist. 132. Schmidt, P. W: Die beiden richtungen in der ovangelischon kirche. 132. Schmidt- Weissenfels, E: [Fiction.] 846. Seharnhorst. 1506. Schmieden, E. [Fiction.] 846. Schmitt, H. Pedal des clavieres. 496. Schmitz, L. History of Greece. 1172. SchmoUer, G. Deutsche weberei. 456. Grundfragen des rechts und der volkswirth- schaft. 204. Schnaase, C: Geschichte der bildenden kiinste. 471. Schneider, J: P. Ungedeckte bank-note. 202. Zur wiihrungsfrage. 202. Schneller, J. F. Geschichte von Bohmen. 1243. Schober, J:N. J: J. W: Heinse. 1557. Schober, T. v. Tochter-album. 1126. SchOdler, F:, ed. Book of nature. 283. Buch der natur. 283. SchOlcher, V: Handel. 1535. SchOmann, G: F: Antiquities of Greece. 1171. SchOnberg, H. [Fiction.] 846. SchOnhof, J. Destructive influence of the taritt". 206. Deutsche urtheile iiber Amerika. 1368. Volkswirthschaftliche fragen in den V. S. 195. Wages and trade. 206. Schoolbred, J. N. Measurement of electricity. 316. Schoolcraft, H: R. Algic researches. 143. Indian tribes of the United States. 1335. Myth of Hiawatha. 144. Notes on the li'oquois. 1341. Personal memoirs. 1335. Red race of America. 1335. Upper Mississippi. 1386. Schopenhauer, A. Siimmtliche werke. 49. Select essays. 1122. World as will and idea. 50. Schoppe, A. E. S. [Fiction.] 847. Schorlemmer, C-., joint author, sec Roscoe, H:E. Schott, C: A. Astronomical observations in the arctic seas. 308. Determination of azimuth. 305. Schott, C: A. Continued. Determination of time, longitude and latitude. 304. Magnetical observations in the arctic seas. 318. Measure of an arc of the meridian. 305. Meteorological observations in the arctic seas. 332. Noi-mal equations. 298. Observations of atmospheric refraction. 418. Physical observations m the arctic seas. 308. Precipitation in rain and snow in the U. S. 333. Results of longitudes determined. 3a5. Secular variation in magnetic declination and inclination. 318, 319. Tables of atmospheric temperature. 333. Terrestrial magnetism. 319, 320. Tidal observations in the arctic seas. 304. Transcontinental line of geodetic spirit-level- ing. 305. Transit of Venus. 309. Triangulation. 299. Value of poly conic projection. 326. joint author, sec Hunt, E. B. Schouler, J. History of the U. S. 1348. Schrader, August, pseud., sec Simmel, A: 854. Schramke, G. T. New York Croton aqueduct. 427. Schramm, K: R. Heer der seligmacher. 116. Schregel, F. [Fiction.] 847. Schreiber, P. Windrosen. 330. Schroder, F: L: [Drama.] 592. Schroder, H. Hamburgische schriftsteller. 1555. Schroder, R: Eheliche giiterrecht Deutschlands. 213. Schroder, W. [Fiction.] 847. Riemels un dcintjes. 1120. Schroeder, F. Shores of the Mediterranean. 1195. SchrOer, K: J. Deutsche in Oesterreich- Ungarn. 1242. Schroot, A. Der dampf. 416. Schubar, L: [Drama.] 592. Schubart, C. F: D. Gesammelte schriften. 1112. Gedichte. 1107. Leben in briefen. 1124. Schubin, Oss\^, pseud., see Kiirschner, L. 781. Schuckburgrh, E. S. Modern miracles. 73. SchUcking, Levin. [Fiction.] 847. Romerfahrt. 1269. Schufeldt, R. W. Osteology [of birds.] 370, 371. Schulte, J: Roman Catholicism. 127. Schulte, J: F: ritter v. Katholische orden. 126. Kirchenstrafen. 114. Schultes, C. [Fiction.] 848. Schulz, A., ioint ed., see Herbst, W: Schulze, E. K. F: Anthologie. 1109. Ciicilie. 1120. Schulze-Smidt, B. [Fiction.] 848. Schumacher, P. Kjbkkenmoddings of Oregon. 349. Schumann, C: Zimtliinder. 826. Schumann, R. Music and musicians. 491. Schumann, S. [Fiction.] 848. Schupp, O. Freiherr vom Stein. 1496. Friedrich Wilhelm I. 1473. Grosser kurfiirst. 1473. Joseph in Agypten. 1463. Louise, konigin von Preussen. 1474. Neithardt von Gneisenau. 1506. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue' Schupp. AUTHOR-INDEX. Seeley. Schupp, O. Continued. Vater Arndt. 1555. Wilhelm von Oraaien. 1479. Schuricht, H. Deutsche schulbestrebungen in Amerika. 243. Schutzentoerger, P. Fermentation. 321. Schuver, J. M. Oberes Nilgebiet. 1323. Schuyler, A. Algebra. 298. Geometry. 2981 Surveying and navigation. 418. Schuyler, E. Peter the great. 1478. Turkistan. 1315. Schuyler, M., joint atithor, see Conant, W: C. Schwab, G., ed. Deutsche lieder und gedichte. 1113. Schvrartz, J. Catalojrues and catalojruing. 1. Schwartz, M. S. [Fiction.] 848. Schwartzkoppen, K. v. [Fiction.] 849. Schwarz, A. S. Vor hundert jahren. 1246. Schwarz, E. v. Garibaldi's denkwiirdigkeiten. 1508. Schwegler, A.F:K:F. History of philosophy. 45. Romische geschichte. 1178. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. v. Woman in all lands. 152. Schweinfurth, G: A: Heart of Africa. 1325. Schwerin, A. F. qrilfin v. [Fiction.] 849. Schwerin, L: Zulassung der frauen zur aus- iibung des iirztlichen berufes. 393. Scidmore, E. R. Alaska. 1406. Science. 290. Science ladders, see Bell, H. R. E. Science record. 289. Scientific americau. 390. supplement. 390. Sclater, W: Primitive church. 113. Scoones, W. B , ed. Four centuries of english letters. 1077. Scotch sermons. 107. Scott. A. InHuence of proprietors in founding? New Jersey. ISM. Scott, C. W. [Drama.] 592. Scott, E. G. Development of constitutional lib- erty. 211. Scott, F.' J. Suburban home grounds. 478. Scott, Sir G: G. English church architecture. 476. Mediaeval architecture. 475. Scott, H:L. Military dictionary. 231. Scott, J:, />. />. Calvin. 124. Lutheran reformation. 121. Thomas Scott. 1458. Scott, J:, Prof, of agriculture. Farm engineering text-books. 435, 436. Scott, J. G: The burman. 1305. France and Tongking. 1298. Scott, Leader, pseud., see Baxter, L. E. Scott, R., Joint author, see Liddell, H: G: Scott, T: Theological works. 71. Scott, W. Infantry tactics. 232. Memoirs. 1503. Scott, SirW. [Fiction.] 849. Demonology and witchcraft. 54. Henry Macltenzie. 10fl6. History of Scotland. 1214. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1476. Paul's letters to his kinsfolk. 1080. [Poetical works.] 1039, 1040. Regalia of Scotland. 1568. Tales of a grandfather. 1214. France. 1252. Scott, W: B. Little masters. 1529. Scott, W. S. [Drama.] 592. Scoville, J. A. Old merchants of N. Y. 1514. Scribe, E. . [Drama.] 592. [Fiction.] 851. and H. J. Duveyrier. [Drama.] 593. awfZ E. Legouve. [Drama.] 593. Scribner's statistical atlas of the U. S. F. W. Hewes and H: Gannett. 1364. Scrivenor, H. History of iron trade. 256. Scudder, D: C. Letters. 1452. Scudder, H. E. [Fiction.] 851. Bodley grand-children. 1286. Boston town. 1373. David Coit Scudder. 1453. English Bodley family. 1235. History of the U. S. 1345. Noah Webster. 1519. Public libraries 100 years ago. 1. Viking Bodleys. 1283. ed. Men and mannei's in America 100 years ago. 1351 . Joint ed., see Taylor, M. Scudder, M. L., jr. [Fiction.] 851. Congested prices. 201. Labor-value fallacy. 198. National banking." 201. Scudder, S: H. Bibliography of fossil insects. 21. Butterflies. 378. Entomological libraries. 21. Insects from tertiary rocks. 344. Nomenclator zoologicus. 365. Orthoptera. 377. Scudder, V. D. [Fiction.] 852. Scull, S. A. Greek mythology. 136. Seabury, S: American slaveiy. 170. Discourses. 111. Seafleld, F. Literature and curiosities of dreams. 56. Sealsfield, C: [Fiction.] 852. Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations. 156. Seamer, M. Shakespeare's stories. 1048. Searing, A. E. P. Land of Rip Van Winkle. 1376. Searle, .January, pseud., .sec Phillips, (r: S. Sears, B., and others, cds. Classical studies. 264. Sears, E. H. Athanasia. 96. Sears, E: S. Faxon's handbook of travel. 1343. Sears, G: W. Woodcraft. 503. Sears, R., ed. Description of the U. S. 1362. Sebright, G. M. lady, and A. P. Irby. Slavonic provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. 1294. Secchi, A. Electrical rheometry. 315. Secondthoughts, Solomon, pseud. , see Kennedy, Secretan, K: Feodali^^^e. 160. Sedg-wick, A. (JIassical, etc., studies. 600. Sedgwick, (J. M. [Fiction.] 852. Jo.seph Curtis. 1513. L. M. Davidson. J438. Letters from abroad. 1207. Sedgwick, S. R. [Fiction.] 852. Sedgwick, T., jr. William Livingston. 1487. Sedley, H: [Fiction.] 852. See, Gustav vom, pseud., see Struensee, G. K: 0:v. 868. See, Henricus vom, pseud., see Dilg, W: Seebohm, F: Era of the protestant revolution. 1202. Seebohm, H: Siberia in Europe. 1280. Seeburg, F. v. Haydn. 1535. Seeley, J : R. p>ece homo. 94. Exjiansion of England. 1237. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Seeley. ATTTHOB-INDEX . Sheldon. Seeley, J: R. Continued. Life and times of Stein. 1496, Natural religion. 79. Seeley, L. B., cd. Horace Walpole. 1494. Seelye, L. E., joint author, see Eggleston, E: . Round the world. 1191. Smiley, C: W. Principal lakes of the U. S. 1365. Pnncipal rivers of the U. S. 1365. Work of the U. S. fish commission. 444. Smith, Abigail. Correspondence. 1079. Smith, Adam. Moral sentiments. 62. Wealth of nations. 195. Smith, Albert. [Drama.] 600. [Fiction.] 855. Story of Mont Blanc. 1288. Smith, Alex. [Fiction.] 855. Dream thorp. 1073. [Poetical works.] 1040. Summer in Skye. 1231. Smith, A. H. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. 1040. Smith, A. T. Rural schools. 242. Smith, B: G., joint author, see Tomes, R. Smith, Bell, pseud., see Piatt, L. K. Smith, C: H. Bill Arp's peace papers. 1086. Smith, C: Hamilton. Natural history of the human species. 351. Smith, C: J: Synonyms and antonyms. 274. Synonyms discriminated. 274. Smith, D. M., ed. Round the world. 1191. Smith, E: Foods. 445. Health 402. Smith, Edwin. Transit of Venus. 310. Smith, Eli. Researches in Armenia. 1307. Smith, E. A. Myths of the Iro(iuoi8. 1340. Smith, E. L., joint author, see McCray, F. T. 7!)2. Smith, E. R. Araucanians. 1417. Smith, E. T. [Fiction.] 8.56. Smith, G., joint author, see Mayhew, E: 570. Smith, G: Assyria. 1170. Assyrian discoveries. 1310. Babylonia. 1170. Chaldean account of Genesis. 139. Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. 1548. Does the Bible sanction american slavery ? 170. False hopes. 204. Lectures and essays. 1073. Lectures on modern history. 1161. Letter to a whig. 167. Political destiny of Canada. 189. - Slave-owner and the turk. 189. Speeches in congress. 186. Three english statesmen. 1490. Smith, G: B. Famous ambassadors. 1481. John Bright. 1491. Poets and novelists. 1008. Shelley. 1553. Sir Robert Peel. 1493. Victor Hugo. 1561. Smith, G. W. Painting, Spanish and french. 487. Smith, Hannah. [Fiction.] 856. Smith, Horace, {Paul Chatjield). [Fiction.] 856. Gaieties and gravities. 1098. Tin trumpet. 1086. and J. Rejected addresses. 1040. Smith, H. H. Brazil, the Amazons and the coast. 1416. Smith, H: 1. Education. 239. Smith, H: P., ed. Glossary of terms and plirases. 273. Il'umbers refer to columns ia the main catalogue. Smith. AUTHOR.INDEX. Sommer. Smith, Capt. J: Adventures and discoveries. 1191. True travels. 1191. Works. 1018. Smith, J : Domestic botany. 359. Smith, Joseph. Old Redstone. 128. Smith, Joseph, jr. Book of Mormon. 140. Smith, J. B. [Fiction.] 856. Smith, J: C. Theistic basis of evolution. TZ. Smith, J. E. [Fiction.] 856. Smith, J. E. A. History of paper. 456. Paper-making in Berkshire. 1524. Smith, J. F: [Fiction.] 856. Smith, J. H. [Fiction.] 8.56. Smith, J: J., and J: F. Watson, eds. American curiosities. 1346. Smith, J. L. Mortality of younjf chiklreu. 404. Smith, J. M. [Fiction.] 856. Decorative figures. 484. ed. Ancient greek female costume. 260. - Tales of old Thule. 137. Smith, J. P. Queens of England. 1471. Smith, J: P., I). I). Holy scriptures and geolog- ical science. 82. Smith, J: S. Mirabeau. 1561. Smith, J. T. Discovery of America. 1332. Smith, J. V. C. Pilgrimage to Egypt. 1321. Turkey and the turks. 1292. Smith, L. A., comp. Kect-iit school law deeiBions. S43. Smith, L. P. Classification. 3. Smith, M. A. Teone. 1040. Smith, M. P. [Fiction.] 856. Smith, M. S., comp. Virginia cookery-book. 446. Smith, N. D. Meteorological observations. 332. Smith, P. Ancient history of the east. 1165. History of the world. il65. Smith, P. H. Acadia. 1406. Smith, P. V. English institutions. 163. Smith, R. B. Carthage. 1178. Lord Lawrence. 1493. Rome and C;:uthage. 1178. Smith, S: History of Nova-Cicsaria. 1376. Smith, South wood. Philosophy of health. 399. Smith, Sydney. Essays. 1073. Letters. 1457. Wit and wisdom. 1098. Works. 1018. Smith, S:F., ed. Knights and sea-kings. 1199. Myths and heroes. 136. Smithj S. I. Crustacea. 375. -^ Invertebrate fauna of Lake Superior. 373. Smith, S. T. [Drama.] 600. Smith, T., ed. English gilds. 238. Smith, T. M. Legends of the war of independ- ence. 1351. Smith, T. R. Acoustics. 313. Architecture, gothicand renaissance. 476. and J: Slater. Architecture, classic and early christian. 475. Smith, T. T. Man's responsibility. 95. Smith, U. State of the dead. 96. Thoughts on Daniel. 130. Thoughts on Revelation. 130. United States in the light of prophecy. 131. Smith, Walter. Technical education and " industrial drawing. 241. Smith, W: Hi-story of Greece. 1173. ed. Dictionary of greek and roman antiquities. 1169. Dictionary of greek and roman biography, etc. 1445. Di(!tionary of the Bible. 86. Smith, W:, ed. Continued. New dictionary of greek and roman biogra- phy, etc. 1169. Student's Gibbon. 1180. andS: Cheetham^, eds. Dictionary of christian antiquities. 86. Smith, W : A. Philosophy and practice of slav- ery. 170. Smith, W. C. Olrig Grange. 1040. Smith, W: H:, ed. St. Clair papers. 182. Smith, W. H. S. [Drama.] 600. Smith, W: L. G. Lewis Cass. 1485. Smith, W: Robertson. Old testament in the Jew- ish church. 86. Prophets of Israel. 88. Smith, W: Rudolph. History of Wisconsin. 1390. Wisconsin territory. 1393. Smithsonian institution. [Publications.] 291. Smollett, T. G: [Fiction.] 856. History of England. 1217. Smucker, S: M. Alex. Hamilton. 1486. Napoleon HL 1477. Nicholas L 1478. ed. Blue laws of Connecticut. 216. Smyth, C. P. Our inheritance in the great pyra- mid. 1322. Smyth, N. Old faiths in new light. 82. Orthodox theology of to-day. 91. Reality of faith. 111. Smyth, W: French revolution. 1256. Lectures on modern history. 1198. Smyth, W. W. Coal mining. 428. Year with the turks. 1293. Snider, D. J. Shakespeare's dramas. 1047. Walk in Hellas. 1290. Snieders, A. [B'iction.] 857. Snodgrass, J., ed. Wit, wisdom and })athos of Heine. 1126. Snorri Sturlu.son. Heimskringla. 1282. Snyder, Van Vechten a7id co. Historical atlas of Wisconsin. 1393. Soane, G: [Drama.] 600. New curiosities of literature. 1099. Soane-Roby, B. [Drama.] 600. Soboleski, P. Poets and poetry of Poland. 1145. Socialism, Elementary system of. 203. Society for political education. Econxsmic tracts. 195. Society in London. 1236. Socin, A: Krankheiten der prostata. 411. Socrates Scholasticns. Ecclesiastical history. 118. Sola, pseud., see Anderson, O. S. L. 666. Solberg, L: T. Bibliography of Scandinavia. 27. Soldan, W:G. Geschichte der hexenprozesse. 55. Soley, J. R. Blockade and cruisers. 1357. Foreign naval education. 234. Solis y Rivadeneira, A. Conquest of Mexico. 1408. Soiling, G. Literary history of Germany. 1102. SoUohub, V. A. graf. [Drama.] 600. Soltera, Maria, pseud. Lady's ride aci'oss Span- ish Honduras. 1411. Somers, R. Southern states. 1378. Somerset, C: A. [Drama.] 600. Somerville, A. Roger Mowbray. 1515. Somerville, M. Molecular and microscopic science. 356. Physical geography. 325. Physical' sciences. ' 281. Sommer, H. Religion deri pessiraismus. 49. Entries in small type refer tp contents only. Sommerfeldt. AtTTHOR-INDEX. Spon. Sommerfeldt, H. A. Construction of ships. 462. Sommers, W: [Fiction.] 857. Sonntag, A: Terrestrial magnetism in Mexico. 318. Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea. 329. Sophokles. Tragedies. 600. Sorignet, A. Sacred cosmogony. 82. Sorrel, W: J. [Drama.] 601. joint author, sec French, S. 550. SOtbeer, G: A. Die fiinf milliarden. 196. Soubron, W: O: Souvenir. 1120. Soule, C: C. Law^yers' reference manual. 207. Soule, F., J: H. Otih.o-n.and J. Nisbet. Annals of San Francisco. 1402. Soule, R: English .synonyraes. 274. Soulie, M. F: [Fiction.] " 857. Soutar, R. [Drama.] 601. joint aiithor, sec Claridg-e, C. J. 538. South Kensington museum. Catalogue of books on art. 26. Handbooks. 281. Southall, J. C. Epoch of the mammoth. 347. Recent origin of man. 347. Southard, S. L. Mystery of godliness. 111. Southerne, T: [Drama.] 601. Southey, C. A. [Fiction.] 857. Southey, C: C, erf. Life and correspondence of Robert Southey. 1553. Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid. 1271. The doctor. 1073. Early naval history of England. 1228. Life of Nelson. 1505. Life of Wesley. 1459. Life of William Cowper. 1548. Peninsular war. 1272. Poetical works. 1040. and C. A. Correspondence. 1080. fmrfC:C. Life of dr. Bell. 1456. Southgate, H. Visit to Mesopotamia. 1309. Southworth, A. S. Wintield Scott Hancock. 1501. Souvestre, E. [Fiction.] 857. Sozinskey, T: S. Infantile unfoldment. 352. Spalding, J. W. Japan expedition. 1191. Spalding, M. J. Miscellanea. 1073. Protestant reformation. 121. Spalding, T: A. Elizabethan demonology. 54. Spalding, W: Italy. 1261. Spamer, J: G. C. F. O: Goethe. 1444. Miinner eigener kraft 1435. Merkwiii-dige kinder. 1436. Schiller. 1444. ed. Deutsche dichter, denker und wissensfiir- sten . 1444. Wohlthiiter der menschheit. 1431. Spangenberg, L: Fatigue of metals. 458. Sparhawk, F. C. [Fiction.] 857. Sparks, J. Benedict Arnold. 1437. Benjamin Franklin. 1486. Same. 183. Charles Lee. 1438. Count Pulaski. 1438. Ethan Allen. 1437. Father Marquette. 1438. Gouverneur Morris. 1487. JohnLedyard. 1438. John Ribault. 1438. LaSalle. 14;^. Washington. 1465. Same. 188. ed. Correspondence of the revolution. 1351. Library of american biography. 1437. Sparrowgrass papers. F: S. Cozzens. 1084. Spath, C. [Fiction.] 857. Spaulding, M. C. Statistics of the U. S. 157. Speaker's commentary, The, see Cook, Y:C:,ed. 85. Spear, S: T. Law of extradition. 209. Specht, G:J. Topographical surveying. 418. Speckter, O:, illustrator, see Hey, W: 1126. Spectator. 1049. Speeches of british statesmen. 189. Speke, J: H. Source of the Nile. 1325. Speling reform asosiashun papers. 270. Spence, J. M. Land of Bolivar. 1418. Spencer, A. Andersonville. 1361. Spencer, C: C. Art of playing the piano forte. 496. Treatise on music. 490. Spencer, Edmund. Sketches of Germany. 1246. Spencer, E: Thomas F. Bayard. 1484. Spencer, E. A., camp. Digest of laws of Wis- consin. 219. Spencer, G:, and W. James. [Drama.] 601. Spencer, H. Ceremonial institutions. 48. Data of ethics. 48. Education. 240. Essays. 1073. Fir-it principles. 48. Illustrations of universal progress. 1074. Man versus the state. 160. Principles of biology. 48. Principles of morality. 48. Principles of psychology. 48. Principles of sociology. 48. Recent discussions. 1074. Social statics. 145. Study of sociology. 145. System of synthetic philosophy. 48. ed. Descriptive sociology. 145. Spencer, J. A. Geschichte der Vereinigten Staa- ten. 1345. and B. J: Lossing, History of the U. S. 1345. Spencer, W: G: Inventional geometry. 298. Spender, E. [Fiction.] 857. Spender, L., mrs. J: K. [Fiction.] 857. Spenser, E. [Poetical works.] 1040. Spenser for children. 1026. Sperry, H. T. Country love. 1040. Speyer, O: Cavour. 1429. Tasso. 14:30. Spielhagen, F: [Fiction.] 858. Theorie und technik des romans. 513. Spiers, A., and G. Surenne. French and english dictionary. 268. Spiller V. Hauenschild, R: G:, see Hauenschild. Spindler, C: [Drama.] 601. [Fiction.] 859. Spinnstube. P. F: W: Oertel, ed. 1126. Spinoza, B. de. Chief works. 50. Spirit of the times. 501. Spiritual progress. 103. Spiritual voices from the middle ages. 102. Spitta, J. A: P. Johann S. Bach. 1534. Spofford, A. R. Binding of books. 1. Library bibliography. 1. Parliamentary rules. 225. Periodical literature. 1. Works of reference. 1. ed. American almanac. 156. SpofiEbrd, H. P]. [Fiction,] 860. Art decoration. 484. Poems. 1040. Servant girl question. 448. Spoflfbrd, J. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. 1372. Spon, Y.,., joint ed., see Byrne, O. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Spooner. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Steedman. Spon's dictionary of engineering. 411. encyclopajdia of industrial arts. 389. Spooner, J: C, and E. E. Bryant. Wisconsin town laws. 220. and H. Hayes. Wisconsin town laws. 220. Spooner, R. C, covip. Synoptical index of laws of Wisconsin. 219. Spooner, W. W. Back- woodsmen. 1198. Spooner, Mrs. Z. H., comp. Poems of the pil- grims. 1024. SpOrlm, M. [Fiction.] 860. Sport with gun and rod. A. M. Mayer, cd. 503. Spotless and fearless. 1507. Spottiswood, J: Church of Scotland. 128. Sprague, C: Writings. 1040. Sprague, M. A. [Fiction.] 860. Sprague, W: B. American pulpit. 1450. American unitarian pulpit. 1450. European celebrities. 1432. Lectures to young people. 103. Letters to a daughter. 62. Revivals. 116. - Timothy Dwight. 1438. Spring, Gardiner. Contrast between good and bad men. 1463. Fragments from the study of a pastor, v. 1. 103. Personal reminiscences. 1451. Power of the pulpit. 105. Puljut ministrations. 111. Spring, (xardiner, jr. [Fiction.] 860. Spring, L. W. Kansas. 1396. Springer, A. (Jeschichte Oesterreichs. 1242. Textbook to Illustrations of the history of art. 474. Springer, J: S. Forest life. 1370. Spruner V. Mertz, K: [Historicher] hand-atlas. 1156. Spurgeon, C : H. Commenting and commenta- ries. 22. Illustrations and meditations. 100. John Ploughman's pictures. 66. Sermons. 111. Spurr, (1: (I. [Fiction.] 860. Spurzheim, J: F: K. Phi'enology. 58. Spyri, J. [Fiction.] 800. Squier, E. (J: Aboriginal monuments of New York. 348. Antiquities of N. Y. 348. Nicaragua. 1412. Notes on Central America. 1412. Peru. 1418. Waikna. 1412. and E. H. Davis. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi valley. 348. Stables, (J. [Fiction.] 860. Stables, W. G. Cats. 441. Stack, E: Six months in Persia. 1307. Stacke, L: C. Deutche geschichte. 1237. Griechi.sche geschichte. 1173. Mittlere und neue geschichte. 1197. Romische geschichte. 1177. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. haronne de. [Fiction.] 860. French revolution. 1255. Germany. 1246. Stahl, A. W: Transmi.ssion of power by wire rope. 313. Stahl, F: W: Arbeiterfrage. 198. Stahr, F. [Fiction.] 860. Erinnerungen. 1208. Lebensgeschichte. 1558. Stahr, F. Contintied. Sommer und winter am Genfersee. 1288. Stainer, J: Music of the Bible. 496. Stainforth, Y., joint atUhor, see Maltby, C. A. Stalin, P. F: Geschichte Wiirttembergs. 1245. Stallo, J. B. Modern physics. 281. Stamer, W: J: A. Dolce "Napoli. 1269. Stammler, C: Romisches recht in Deutschland. 224. Standard natural history. J: S. Kingsley, ed. 368. Stanford, C: Philip Doddridge. 1457. Stanhope, Lady H. Memoirs and travels. 1494. Stanhope, L. Greece. 1289. Stanhope, P. D., earl of Chesterfield. Letters, sentences and maxims. 1099. Polite education. 65. Works. 1078. Stanhope, P. H:, earl. History of England. 1225. Louis, prince of Condc. 1475. Stanislas, king of Poland. Moral sentences. 61. Stanley, A. P. Chi'istian institutions. 111. History of the eastern cluu-ch. 125. History of the Jewish church. 140. Memorials of Westminster abbey. 1229. Sermons in the east. HI. Sermons on special occasions. 111. Sinai and Palestine. 1311. Thomas Arnold. 1455. Westminster sermons. 111. Stanley, E: G. S., earl of Derby. The para- bles. 90. Stanley, H: M. [Fiction.] 861. The Congo. 1327. ('oomassie and Magdala. 1324. How I found Livingstone. 1326. Through the dark continent. 1326. Stannard, H: Out-door common birds. 382. Stansbury, H. Expedition to the valley of the (ireat Salt lake. 1400. Stanton, E. C, and others. History of woman suflVage. 152. Stanton, T., ed. Woman question in Europe. 153. Stanwood, E: Presidential elections. 166. Staples, N. A: Way, truth and life. 111. Staples, (). G. Guide to Washington. 1379. Starback, C: G: Smsl beriittelser ur svenska hi- storien. 1282. Starbuck, A. American whale fishery. 442. Starke, G. W: C. Gedichte und crziihlungcn. 1108. Starling, Vi. Noble deeds of woman. 1434. Starr, M. Index-digest. 226. State trials. 223. Statesman's year-book. 156. Statistisches'jahrbuch. 250. Statutes of the United States. 214. Stauffer, F. H. Queer, quaint, quizzical. 1091. Staunton, Hir G: T: Chma. 256. Staunton, H. Chess-player's handbook. 500. Ciiess tournament. 500. Staunton, W: Dictionary of the church. 127. Steams, W. A. Labrador. 1406. N(!W England bird life. 383. Stebbing, H: Italian poets. 1563. Stebbins, E., ed. Charlotte Cushman. 1537. Stebbins, S. B. [Fiction.] 862. Stedman, E. C. Poetical works. 1041. Victorian poets. 1020. Steedman, A. Interior of southern Africa. 1328. Entries in small type refer to contents only. steel. ATJTHOB-INDEX. Stock. CXXJ steel, R. Burning and shining lights. 1449. Steele, A. Chief of the pilgrims. 1452. Steele, J: Hay and straw measurer. 438. Steele, J. W. 'Cuban sketches. 1413. Steele, Sir R: [Drama.] 601. [Essays.] 1049. Guardian. 1049. Tatler. 1049. Steele, T. S. Canoe and camera. 1370. Paddle and i)ortage. 1370. Steele, W: J :, joint atithor, see Tait, P: G. Steffens, H: tFiction.l 862. Nachffelassene schriften. 1144. Steger, F:, ed. Mungo Park's reisen. 1324. Stehlich, F: Sprache. 263. Steiger, E. Catalogues. 29. Periodical literature of the U. S. 33. Stein, A., pseud., see WulF, M. 899. Stein, Armin, psetcd., see Nietsclimann, H. 814. Stein, C. G. D., and F. HOrschelmann. Hand- buch der geographic. 1182. Stein, F. v. Russische kosakenheere. 350. Stein, Paul, pseud., see Hinrich, A. 757. Steinhard, S. Leopold v. Buch. 1444. Steinlein, L. [Fiction.] 862. Steinmetz, A. History of the Jesuits. 119. Stengel, F. v. [Fiction.] 862. Stenzel, G. A. H. Geschichte des preussischen staats. 1243. Step, E. Plant-life. 359. Stephen, C. E. French history. 1251. 16th century sketches. 1479". Stephen, Sir J. Lectures on the history of France. 1251. Stephen, L. Alexander Pope. 1552. English thought in 18th century. 47. Hours in a library. 1008. Poisonous opinions.' 73. Samuel Johnson. 1550. Science of ethics. 63. Swift. 1553. ed. Dictionary of national biography. 1440. Stephens, A. H. Constitutional view of the war. 167. Stephens, C: A. [Fiction.] 862. Knockabout club in the tropics. 1410. Stephens, F: G. Landseer. 1529. Stephens, G:, and G. O. Hylten-Cavallius. Old iiorse fairy tales. 142. Stephens, J: L. Incidents of travel in Central America. 1411. in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea and Holy Land. 1312. in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. 1210. in Yucatan. 1410. Stephens, L. Letters, speeches, etc. 1509. Stephens, W: R: W. Christianity and islam. 140. Stephenson, C. H. [Drama.] 601. Stephenson, E. [Fiction.] 862. Stephenson, Sir R. M. Railway construction. 422. Stepniak, pseud. Russia under the tzars. 1279. Underground Russia. 1279. Sterling, J: [Fiction.] 862. Stern, A. Geschichte der revolution in England. 1223. Lexikon der deutschen national-literatur. 1101. Vier titularkiinige. 1469. Stern, Detlef, pseud., sec Strempel, D. 807. Stern, Otto, pseud., see Peters, L. Sternberg, A. freiherr v. TTngern-. [Fiction.] 863. * Sterndale, R. A. [FictionJ 863. Sterne, Carus, pseud., see &ause, E. L: Sterne, L. [Fiction.] 863. Works. 1019. Sterne, S. Constitutional history of the U. S. 211. Representative government. 163. Sterne, Stuart, pseud., see Bloede, G. Sterrett, .1. R. S. [Greek inscriptions.] 1172. Sterry, J. A. [Drama.] 601. Stetson, C: B. Technical education. 246. Steub, L: Altbayerische culturbilder. 1122. Aus dem bayri'schen hochlande. 1248. Stevens, A. Centennary of american metho- dism. 129. History of methodism. 129. Mme. de Stael. 1562. IVIetl odist episcopal church in the U. S. 130. N. Bangs. 1453. Stevens, C:W. Fly-fishing. 504. Stevens, J: A. Albert Gallatin. 1486. Stevens, J: L. Gustavus Adolphus. 1478. Stevens, W:B. History of Georgia. 1380. Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Sto le's river. 1358. Stevenson, D: Civil engineering. 411. Stevenson, J. Catalogues of indian collections. 1340. Stevenson, J: J. Geology of Colorado. 342. Stevenson, R. L: [Fiction.] 863. Child's garden of verses. 1025. Familiar studies. 1074. Inland voyage. 1286. Silverado' squatters. 1403. Travels with a donkey. 1262. Virginibus puerisque'. 1074. Stevenson, S. H. Boys and girls in biology. 346. Stewart, A. IS^ether 'Lochaber. 1231. Stewart, A.M. [Fiction.] 863. Stewart, B. Conservation of energy. 311. Physics. 310. Suii and earth. 285. joint author, see Tait, P: G. Stewart, C: S: Sandwich islands. 1422. Visit to the South seas 1192. Stewart, D. Collected works. 48. Philosophical essays. 44. Stewart, E. M. [Fiction.] 863. Stieler, A. Hand-atlas. 1185. Stieler, K: From the Alps to the Arno. 1365. H. Wachenhusen and F: W: Hacklander. The Rhine. 1248. I Stifter, A. [Fiction.] 863. I Stigand, W: Heinrich Heine. 1557. Stille, A. Therapeutics and materia medica. 407. Stille, C: J. Studies in medijeval history. 1199. Stille, M.., joint author, see Wharton, F. Stillingfleet, E: Idolatry in the church of Rome. 114. : Stimpson, W: Hydrobiinje. 375. Marine invertebrata. 373. Stimson, F: J. [Fiction.] 864. > Stinde, J. [Fiction.] 864. j Stirling, A. [Fiction.] 864. Stirling, E: [Drama.] 601. i Stirling, M. C, see MacCallum, M. C. 791. Stirling-Maxwell, C. E. S. lady. [Fiction.] 864. The dream. 1041. Stobart, J. W: H. Islam. 140. Stock, C. [Fiction.] 864. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. CXXIJ Stockxnar. ATJTHOB-INDEX. Strussenfelt. Stockxnar, E. A. C. freiherr v. Baron Stock- mar. 1496. Stockton, F: R. [Fiction.] 864. Stockton, L. [Fiction.] 864. Stockwell, J: N. Orbits of the principal plan- ets. 303. Stocqueler, J. H. [Drama.] 603. Stoddard, C: W. [Fiction.] 864. Stoddard, E. D. [Fiction.] 865. Stoddard, J: L. Red-letter days abroad. 1306. Stoddard, R: H: [Fiction.] 865. Abraliam Lincoln. 1041. Longfellow. 1541. Poems. 1041. ed. Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. 1543. B: Robert Haydon. 1539. - O'Keeffe, Kelly and Taylor. 1537. Personal recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt and others. 1543. Personal reminiscences by Barham, Harness and Hodder. 1543. Personal reminiscences by Chorley, Planche and Young. 1543. Personal reminiscences by Constable and Gillies. 1.543. Personal reminiscences by Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes. 1543. Personal reminiscences by Moore and Jer- dan. 1543. Prosper Merimee's letters to an incognita. 1560. joint ed., see liinton, W: J. Stoddard, W:0. [Fiction.] 865. Abraham Lincoln. 1467. StOhr, H. A., e(Z. Kiinstler-kalendei*. 1530. Stokes, G : T. Bollandists. 1007. Stokes, H: p. Chronological order of Shakes- peare's plays. 1047. Stolberg, C. ffra/ zu. Anthologie. 1109. StolberR, F: L. yro/ zu. Anthologie. 1109. StoUe, L:F. [Fiction.] 865. Lieder und gedichte. 1130. Stolze, F., and F. C. Andreas. Handelsvei'halt- ni.sse Pei'siens. 1307. Stone, J: K. Invitation heeded. 113. Stone, J: S. Alex. Viets Griswold. 1451. James Milnor. 1451. Stone, M. A. Summer in Scandinavia. 1383. Stone, O. C. Few months in New Guinea. 1430. Stone, W: L. Border wars of the revolution. 1351. Joseph Brant. 1439. Matthias and his impostures. 1454. Poetry and history of Wyoming. 1377. Red Jacket. 1439. Sir W: Johnson. 1505. Uncas and Miantonomoh. 1439. Stonehenge, pseud., see Walsh, J: H: Storch, L: [Fiction.] 865. Storer, H. R. Reflex insanity in women. 53. Stories of the italian artists. 1531. StiSrk, K: Laryngoscopie. 411. Storm, H. T. W. [Fiction.] 866. Storm, J: Engli.sche philologie. 270. Stormonth, J. Dictionary. 372. Storr, F., and H. Turner, eds. Canterbury chimes. 1035. Storrs, R: S. Human soul. 58. Manliness in the scholar. 1074. Story, J. Commentaries on the constitution. 211. Letters. 1509. 1074. 1513. 603. Story, J. Continued . Miscellaneous writings. Story, W: W. [Fiction.] 866. Castle St. Angelo, 1369. Evil eye. 1269. He and she. 1041. Roba di Roma. 1269. Vallombrosa. 1368. ed. Joseph Story. 1509. Stothard, Mrs. C:, see "Btoy, A. E. Stoughton, J: History of religion in England. 133. Howard the philanthropist. William Wilberforce. 1457. Stow, B. First things. 113. Stowe, E. Velazquez. 1533. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. [Drama.] [Fiction.] 866. Chimney corner. 1099. House and home papers. 64. Key to Uncle Tom's cabin. 170. Palmetto-leaves. 1381. Sunny memories. 1208. joint'author, see Beecher, C. E. Stovrell, H. Modern Infldel philosophy. 73. Strabo. Geography. 1161. Strahl, P., and E. Herrmann. Geschichte des russischen staates. 1375. Strahlheim, C, ed. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1476. Straight, D. [Drama ] 603. Stratford de RedcliflFe, Lord, see Canning. Strauss, D:F: Klopstock. 1558. Leben Jesu. 94. Life of Jesus. 94. Old faith and the new. 80. Ulrich v. Hutten. 1557. Voltaire. 1448. ed. Schubart's leben. 1124. Streatfeild, G: S. Lincolnshire and the danes. 1220. Streckfuss, A. [Fiction.] 867. Street, A. B. Frontenac. 1041. Streeter, E. W. Great diamonds of the world. 334. Streefs, T. H. Natural history of the Hawaiian Islands, etc. .373. Strempel, D. [Fiction.] 867. Stretton, Hesba, pseud , sec Smith, Hannah. 856. Strieker, K. [Fiction.] 867. Strickland, A. [Fiction.] 867. Bachelor kings of England. 1469. Queens of Eng^land. 1470. Queens of Scotland. 1470. Tudor princesses. 1473. Strickland, H: Travel thoughts and fancies. 1346. Strickland, W: P. Old Mackinaw. 1389. Pioneers of the west. 1386. Strobel, P. A. The salzburgers. 133. Strodtmann, A. H: H: Heme. 1557. Lothar. 1120. cd. Amerikanische anthologie. 1024. Strong, F: Greece as a kingdom. 1389. Strong, G; A. Song of Milkanwatha. 1083. Strong, J., joint author, see McClintock, J: 67. Strong, M. Mammals of Wisconsin. 385. Strong, M. M. Territory of Wisconsin. 1390. Strother, D: H: Virginia illustrated. 1380. Strubberg, F: A: [Fiction.] 867. Struensee, G. K: O; v. [Fiction.] 868. Strussenfelt, U. S. v. [Fiction.] 868. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Strutt. AUTHOR-INDEX. Symonds. CXXIIJ strutt, J. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. 261. Struve, G. Weltgeschichte. 1153. Stuart, C: B. Naval dry docks of the United States. 424. Stuart, E. [Fiction.] 868. Stuart, G. Society in Europe. 152. Stuart, I: W. Jonathan Trumbull, sen. 1489. Stuart, J., andN: Revett, Antiquities of Athens. 1172. Stuart, J. M. Free trade in Tuscany. 305. Stuart, M. Interpretation of prophecy. 85. Stuart, R. Cyclopgedia of architecture. 473. Stuart, V. Effypt after the war. 1321. Stubbs, W: Constitutional history of England. 161. Early Plantagenets. 1221. ed. Select charters. 162. Stiibel, A., joint author, see Reiss, W. Student's concordance to the revised New testa- ment. 89. Students' songs. 495. Studer, J. H. Columbus, Ohio. 1387. Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. 404. Sturenberg, H: Wehrpflicht und erziehung. 231. Sturgis, J. R. [Drama.] 602. [Fiction.] 868. Sturm, C. C. Being and attributes of God. 102. Sturm, J. K: R. Buch fiir meine kinder. 1128. Neues fabelbuch. 1128. Sturtevant, J. M. Economics. 196. Sturz, H. P: Beste schriften. 1108. Stwin, Adam, pseud., see Richardson, J. 834. Suberwick, Mme. . [Fiction.] 868. Suckley, G: Genus salmo. 380. Sue, M. J., mZZedEugfene. [Fiction.] 868. Sue-Sand, Alexander, fils, pseud., see Hamlev, E:B. 745. Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Twelve Caesars. 1480. Sugenheim, S: Aufhebung der leibeigenschaft. Suliyan, R. [Drama.] 602. Sullivan, J: T. Interoceanic communication. 424. Sullivan, W: Public men of the revolution. 1482. Sullivant, W. S. Mosses and liverworts. 364. Sully, J. Illusions. 53. Psychology. 58. Sully, M. due de. Memoirs. 1253. Sumner, C: Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 1467. Letters. 1489. Orations and speeches. 187. Works. 187. Sumner, J: B. Apostolical preaching. 105. Four sermons. 106. Sumner, W:G. Andrew Jackson. 1466. Problems in political economy. 196. Protection in the U. S. 206. What social classes owe to each other. 196. and others. Bibliogr. of political economy. 195. Supernatural religion. J: Muir. 92. Supersac, L. [Drama.] 602. Surenne, G., joint author, see Spiers, A. Surrebutter, John, esq., pseud., see Anstey, J: Surrey, Earl of, see Howard, H: Suter, W: E. [Drama.] 602. Sutherland, A. Knights of Malta. 1201. Sutherland, D: From Gibraltar to Constantin- ople. 1293. Sutro-Schucking, K. [Fiction.] 869. Sutti^res, S. de, see Sarcy de Suttieres, F. Sutton, F. Volumetric analysis. 321. Svetchin, A. S. Writings. 1146. Swan, J. G. Haidah indians. 1342. Indians at Cape Flattery. 1342. Northwest coast. 1404." Swank, J. M. Iron and steel production of the United States. 453. Swayne, G: C. Herodotus. 1138. Swedenborg, E. Works. 131, 132. Sweet, H: History of anjrlo-saxon poetry. 1019. Sweet, O. P. Amusement directory. 1364. Sweeting, R. D. R. Experiences of J: Howard. 405. Sweetser, M. F. AUston. 1527. Claude Lorraine. 1530. Diirer. 1530. Fra Angelico. 1531. Guido Reni. 1532. Landseer. 1529. Leonardo da Vinci. 1532. Michael Angelo. 1532. Murillo. 1532. Raphael. 1532. Rembrandt. 1530. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1529. Titian. 1532. Turner. 1529. What the people read. 510. see Hodder, E. Cities of the world. 1184. Swetchine, see Svetchin. Swezey, G. D. Plants of Wisconsin. 363. Swift, A: M. [Fiction.] 869. Swift, F., and M. R. Clark. Skaters' text-book. 502. Swift, J. [Fiction.] 869. Gulliver's travels. 1083. Intelligencer. 1049. Poetical works. 1041 . Works. 1019. Swinburne, A. C: [Drama.] 603. [Poetical works.] 1041. Study of Shakespeare. 1045. Swindell, J: G: Well-digging. 426. Swing, D: Club essays. 1074. Great presbyterian conflict. 129. Motives of life. 112. Truths for to-day. 112. Swinton, W: Campaigns of the army of the Potomac. 1357. Rambles among words. 271. Twelve decisive battles of the war. 1357. Swisshelm, J. G. Half a centui-y. 1542. Sybel, H: K: L. v. French revolution. 1255. History of the crusades. 1200. Sydow, C. V. [Fiction.] 869. Sylva, Carmen, pseud., see Elisabeth of Ruma- nia. 724. Sylvanus, pseud., see Colton, R. Sylvin, E : Jules P'erry. 1444. Symington, A. J. Bryant. 1540. Hints to our boys. 63. Samuel Lover. 1551. Thomas Moore. 1552. William Wordsworth. 1554. Symonds, J: A. Greek poets. 1137. Italian by-ways. 1267. Renaissance in Italy : 1. Age of the despots. 1263. 2. The revival of learning. 1268. 3. The fine arts. 472. 4, 5. Italian literature. 1131. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Symonds. AUTHOR-INDEX . Taylor. Symonds, J: A. Continued. Shakspere's predecessors. 1043. Shelley. 1553. Sketches and studies in southern Europe. 1074. Vagabunduli libellus. 1041. tr. and ed. Wine, women and song. 513. Symons, T: W. Upper Columbia river. 1404. Synge, W. W. F. [Fiction.] 869. Syrski, I)r. . Fecundation of fishes. 355. Systematic beneficence. 66. S'zabad, . Modern war. 231. T.,N. T. Bread-making. 446. Taaffe, J: Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 119. Tabor, E., sec Stephenson, E. Tacitus, C.C. Germanische alterthiimer. 1339. Works. 1179. Taine, H. A. English literature. 1004. Italy. 1267. Lectures on art. 467. Notes on England. 1234. Notes on Paris. 1261. On intelligence. 58. Origins of contemporary France. 1255. 1. Ancient regime. 1255. 2. French revolution. 1255. Tour through the Pyrenees. 1262. Tait, P: G. Light. 314. aw(Z W: J: Steele. Dynamics of a particle. 311. and B. Stewart. Unseen universe. 84. Talbot, B. Art of land-measuring. 417. Talbot, C, joint author, see Carter, E. Talbot, E: A. Residence in the Canadas. 1407. Talcot, H. B. [Fiction.] 869. Talfourd, F. [Drama.] 603. and H; J. Byron. [Drama.] 604. and A. Wigan. [Drama.] 604. Talfourd, T: N. [Drama.] 604. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 1074. Life of C: Lamb. 1015. Talleyrand-Perigord, M., prince de BSndvent. Correspondence. 1130. Tallman, G:D. [Fiction.] 871. Talmage, T: DeW. Abominations of modern society. 65. Talmud. 140. T&lvj, pseud., see Bobinson, T. A. L. Tannaliill, R. Poems and songs. 1041. Tanner, H: S. Canals and railroads of the United States. 256. Tanner, T: H. Index of diseases. 408. Tapley, D. J. Amateur photography. 490. Tappan, E. T. Geometry and trigonometry. 298. Tappan, H: P. Step from the new world. 1208. Tarn, E. W. Construction of roofs. 458. Tamow, F. C. J. F. [Fiction. ^ 871. Tarver, F., joint author, see Oliphant, M. O. Taschenbergr, E. L: Insekten, tausendf ussier und spinnen. 1^6.5. Tasso, T. Jerusalem delivered. 1132. Lyrische gedichte. 1132. Tassoni, A. Der geraubte eimer. 1132. Taswell-Langmead, see Langmead. Tate, J. S. Retaining walls. 413. Tate, R. Gec^logy. 336. Tate, T: Philosophy of education. 245. Tatler. 1049. Tatnall, E: Plants of Newca.stle co., Delaware. Taubert, E. [Fiction.] 871. Taura, Elfried von, pseud., see Peters, A: 824. Taussig, F. W. History of the tariff. 206. Protection to young industries. 206. Tautphceus, J. baronin. [Fiction.] 871. Tayler, C:B: [Fiction.] 871. Tayler, T: Law glossary. 207. Taylor, A. S. Medical jurisprudence. 213. Poisons. 407. Taylor, B. [Drama.] 604. [Fiction.] 871. [Poetical works.] 1041. At home and abroad. 1193. By-ways of Europe. 1205. Central Africa. 1323. Critical essavs. 1075. Echo club. "1099. Egypt and Iceland. 1194. Eldorado. 1402. Greece and Russia. 1210. History of Germany. 1237. India, China and Japan. 1296. Lands of the saracen. 1195. Letters. 1542. Northern travel. 1283. Studies in german literature. 1103. Views a-foot. 1207. ed. Central Asia. 1305. Japan. 1300. Lake regions of Central Africa. 1325. Picturesque Europe. 1203. : comp. Cyclopiisdia of modern travel. 1189. I Travels in Arabia. 1308. Travels in south Africa. 1328. joint ed. , see Ripley, G : Taylor, B:F. [Fiction.] 872. Between the ^ates. 1403. , January and june. 1099. I Life in camp and field. 1360. j Old-time pictures. 1041. j Taylor, C: F. Sensation and pain. 400. I Taylor, D:, corwp. Revised statutes of Wis. 219. I Taylor, E. [Fiction.] 872. Taylor, F. Piano forte playing. 496. Taylor, George, pseud., see Hausrath, A. 749. Taylor, H: (L)rama.] 604. Taylor, *Str H : Autobiography. 1553. Taylor, I:, M. A.. LL. I). The alphabet. 268. Taylor, I:. LL. D. Ancient Christianity. 118. Fanaticism. . 54. Jane Taylor. 1458. Logic in theology. 77. Loyola and Jesuitism. 119. Natural history of enthusiasm. 92. Physical theory of another life. 84. Saturday evening. 102. Spirit of hebrew poetry. 1146. 8j)iritual Christianity. 100. Spiritual despotism. 113. Wesley. 1459. Taylor, I. A. [Fiction.] 872. Taylor, James. Curling. 502. and others. History of Scotland. 1214. Taylor, Jane. Correspondence. 1458. Writings. 1020. Taylor, Jei-emy. Whole works. 71. Taylor, J: Records of my life. 1553. Taylor, J: E: Geological'stories. 337. Mountain and moor. 284. Underground. 284. Taylor, J. O. District school. 246. Taylor, L. A. Chip basket. 1099. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Taylor. AUTHOR-INDEX. Thomas. Taylor, M., and H. E. Scudder, eds. Bayard Taylor. 1542. Taylor, M. C. Judaism. 13;5. Taylor, R: Destruction and i-econstniction. 13G0. Taylor, R: C. Statistics of coal. 323. Taylor, S. Science of music. 494. Taylor, Theodore, pseud., see Hotten, J: C. Taylor, T: William Cowper. 1548. Taylor, Tom. [Drama.] 604. cmr^ A: W. Dubourg. [Drama.] 005. -cd. B:R Havdon. 1529. Taylor, T: P. [Drama.] 604. Taylor, W: German poetry. 1113. Taylor, W: C. Ancient history. 1164. History of Ireland. 1212. Modern british Plutai-ch. 1443. Taylor, W. H. Four years with Lee. 1503. Taylor, W: M. David. 1463. Moses. 1463. Tcheng-Ki-Tong. The Chinese. 1298. Teachlns: of the twelve apostles. 92. Teale, T: P. Dangers to health. 406. Teale, W:H: Lord Falkland. 72. Technoloo;isches wiirterbuch. 270. Teetzel, F. G. [Fiction.] 872. Tefft, B: F. Evolution and Christianity. 82. Tegner, .. Axel. 1143. Frlthiof s saga. 1143. Kleinei'e gedichte. 1143. 8tudy of greek literature. 364. Telmann, Konrad, jjseud., see Zitelmann, E. O: K. 902. Temme, J. D. H. [Fiction.] 872. Temperance tracts. 66. Temple, F: Education of the world. 72. Religion and science. 82. Temple, G: [Fiction.] 872. Temple, Sir R: India. 1303. My time in India. 1303. Temple, Sir W: Works. 1020. Tempsky, G. F. v. Mitla. 1410. Ten Brink, sec Brink. Tenger, Mariam, pseud. [Fiction.] 872. Tennent, Sir J. E. Belgium. 1286. Tenner, A. Deutsch-amerikanisches vademecum. 1362. ed. Amerika. 1362. Tenney, H. A. Tenney family. 1566. amZ D: Atwood. Fathers of Wisconsin. 1439. Tenney, S. Natural history. 368. Tennyson, A., baron Tennyson. [Drama.] 605. [Poetical works.] 1041. Tenot, P: P. E. Coup d'etat. 1258. Terence, see Terentius. Terentius Afer. P. [Drama.] 605. Terhune, M. V. [Fiction.] 872. Common sense in the household. 446. Cottage kitchen. 446. Loiterings in pleasant paths. 1210. Terry, D. [Fiction.] 606. Terry, R., see Cooke, R. Tertullianus, Q. S. F. Apologetic treatises. 71. Testimony for the Bible. 85. Teuffel, W: S. Roman literature. 1134. Thacher, J. Militai-y journal. 1351. Thackeray, A. I., see Ritchie, A. I. Thackeray, W: M. [Fiction.] 872. Ballads. 1041. Character sketches. 1086. Complete poems. 1041. Early and late papers. 1099. Thackeray, W: M. Continued. English humorists. 1545. The fat contributor. 1086. The four Georges. 1225. From Corn hill to Grand Cairo. 1194. Irish sketch-book. 1230. Mr. Brown's letters. 1086. Novels by eminent hands. 1086. Paris sketch-book. 1260. The proser. 1086. Punch's prize novelists. 1086. Roundabout papers. 1099. Sketches and travels in London. 1086. Stray moments with Thackeray. 1099. Thackei'ayana. 1086. Travels in Loudon. 1086. Thalheimer, M. E. Ancient history. 1165. Mediseval and modern history. 1197. Thanet, Octave, pseud., see French, A. 730. Thar, K. A. W: Liindliche arbeiter-wohnungen. 478. Thatcher, B: B. Indian biography. 1439. Thausing, M. Albert Diirer. 1530. Thaxter, C. [Fiction.] 874. Poems for children. 1025. Thayer, G. F. Letters to a young teacher. 244. Thayer, W: M. Good girl and true woman. 1513. History of the rebellion. 1356. James A. Gai-field. 1468. Poor boy and merchant prince. 1514. Soldiers of the Bible. 1446. Spots in our feast of charity. 112. Theal, G: M. Kaffir folk-lore. 143. Theden, D. Die jugend literatur. 15. Theognis. Works. 1138. Theophrastus. Characters. 58. Theremin, L: F: F. Eloquence a virtue. 516. Theuriet, A. [Drama.] 606. [Fiction.] 874. Thiboust, L., joint author see Grange, E. 553. Thiebault, P. C: F. A. H: D. Anecdotes of Fred- erick the great. 1474. Thiele, R: Eva Lessing. 1558. Thielmann, M. freiherr v. Caucasus, Persia and Turkey. 1309. Thierry, A. S. D. Empire roinain. 1175. Histoire des gaulois. 1252. Thierry, J. N: A. Conquest of England. 1220. Historical essays. 1161. Merovingian era. 1252. Tiers etat. 212. Thiers, L: A. Consulat und kaiserreich. 1256. Consulate and empire. 1256. French revolution. 1256. The Mississippi bubble. 1493. Thiersch, C: Feinere anatomische verandcrungen nach verwundung. 410. Thirlwall, C. History of Greece. 1173. Letters to a friend. ' 1082. Thisted, W. A. Letters from hell. 106. Thiusen, Ismar, pseud. [Fiction.] 874. Tholuck, F: A: G. Light from the cross. 112. Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ. 103. Thomas, A., see Cudlip, A. 707. Thomas, B. [Fiction.] 874. George Sand. 1562. Thomas, C: [Drama.] 606. Thomas, Cyrus. Acridida;. Chinch-bug. 4;J7. Manuscript Troano. 1343. Maya and mexican mas. 1340. 377. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Thomas. AUTHOR-INDEX. Tilton. Thomas, E. M. New year's masque. 1041. Thomas, G: F. Legends of the land of lakes. 131)2. Thomas, J. Dictionary of biography. 1428. Medical dictionary. 391. and T: Baldwin, 'eds. Lippincott's gazetteer. 1181. Thomas, J. B. Historic element in scripture. 73. Thomas, M. M. [Fiction.] 874. Thomas, R. Aggravating ladies. 30. Fictitious names. 30. Thomas, R: W. Modern practice of photogra- phy. 489. Thome, O: W: Ptlanzenbau und pttanzenleben. 360. joint author, sec Klein, H. J. Thompson, A. [Drama.] 606. Thompson, A: C. Moravian missions. 115. Thompson, B: [Drama.] 606. Thompson, C. O. Art-education. 340. Thompson, C. P. [^Drama.] 606. Thompson, D. P. [Fiction.] 874. Thompson, E. History of England. 1217. Thompson, H. M. Eternal penally. 96. Thompson, J. P. D: Hale. 1452. Early witnesses. 112. Stray meditations. 77. The workman. 198. Young men admonished. 63. Thompson, J. W. [Fiction.] 874. Thompson, M. [Fiction.] 874. By-ways and l)ird notes. 1075. Songs of fair weather. 1041. Witchery of archery. 502. Thompson, M. N. Plu-ri-bus-tah. 1086. Witciics of New York. 1086. Thompson, R. E. Political economy. 196. Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery. 316. Same ; recent progress. 316. Electricity and magnetism. 315. Philipp Reis. 1522. Thompson, T: R: K., joint author, see Allen, W: Thompson, W. G. Training-schools for nurses. 394. Thomson, Mrs. A. T., see Thomson, K. Thomson, Sir C: W. Depths of the sea. 329. Voyage of the Challenger. 296. Thomson, D: C;. Hablot Knight Browne. 1528. Thomson, G. [Fiction.] 874. Thomson, James. [Drama.] 606. Poetical works. 1042. Thomson, J : Straits of Malacca. 1297. Through Masai land. 1326. To tlic central african lakes. 1326. Thomson, K. ('ourtand times of George II. 1494. Memoirs of tiic Jacobites. 1490. Saraii, duchess of Marlborough. 1493. Sir Walter Ralegh. 1505. andJ-.C Queens of society. 1519. Wits and beaux of society. 1520. Thomson, P: G. Bibliography of Ohio. 28. Thomson, W: Death of Christ. 73. ed. Aids to faith. 72. joint author, sec Watson, R. Thomson, W: M. The land and the book. 1311. Thorburn, (i. Forty years in America. 1542. Man and manners in Britain. 1233. Thorburn, W. S. Coins of Great Britain and Ireland. 479. Thoreau, H:D: Cape Cod. 1372. Thoreau, H: D: Continued. Eai'ly spring in Massachusetts. 1075. Excursions. 1075. Maine woods. 1370. Resistance to civil g-overnment. 1071. Summer. 1075. Walden. 1075. Week on the Concord and Merrimack. 1075. Yankee in Canada. 1407. Thorell, T. T. T. Aranea?. 375. Thoresen, A. M. [Fiction.] 874. Thornbury, G: W. Haunted London. 1235. Shakspere's England. 1233. and E. Walford. Old and new London. 1235. Thorne, F., pseud., see Smith, M. P. W. 856. Thornet, T. A. [Fiction.] 874. Thornton, B. [Essays.] 1049. joint author, see Colman, G : Thornton, J: W., ed. Pulpit of the american re- volution. 107. Thornton, M. J. [Fiction.] 874. Thomwell, E. Lady's guide. 261. Thorpe, B: Northern mythology. 136. ed. Yule-tide stories. 142. Thorpe, Kamhii, pseud., see Bellamy, E. W. 675. Thorpe, T: E. Chemistry of coal. 323. Inorganic chemistry. 321. ed. Coal. 323. Thousand and one nights. 1147. Thousand nuestions on amer. history. 1345. Thoyras, Rapin de, see Bapin de Thoyras. Three in Norway. 1284. Thudichum, J:L: W:, aredA:Dupre. Wine. 451. Thukydides. Peloponnesian war. 1174. Thurber, G:, ed. Silos and ensilage. 437. Thurn, E. F. im. Among the Indians of Guiana. 1418. Thurston, R. H: Growth of the steam-engine. 416. Thwing, C:F. American colleges. 249. Reading of books. 510. Tibetan tales. 143. Tice, J:H. Matter and force. 384. Tichborne, C: R. C, and P. James. Mineral waters of Europe. 407. Tickell, T: Poetical works. 1042. Ticknor, C. Philosophy of living. 402. Ticknor, G: Life, letters and journals. 1542. W: H. Prescott. 1542. Spanish literature. 1133. Tieck, J: L: [Fiction.] 874. Schriften. 1113. - Werke. 1108. joint author, see Mosen, J. 807. Tiedge, C. A: Urania. 1120. Tiele, C. P. Egyptian and mesopotamian reli- gions. 133. History of religion. 68. Tiernan, Mrs. M. F. [Fiction.] 875. Tietz, F: St. Petersburgh, etc 1210. Tilbury, W: H. [Drama.] 606. Tilley, A. Literature of trie french renaissance. 1127. Tillinerhast, W: H. Handkerchief Shoal. 31. Tillotson, J: Adventures in the ice. 1423. Stories of the wars. 1202. Tillotson, ,J:, archhp. Works. 71. Tilton, T. [Fiction.] 875. Swabian stories. 1042. Tilton, W., and W: A. Crafts. Tritteton pai)ers. 1099. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Timayenis. AUTHOR-INDEX . Treitschke. Timayenis, T. T: Greece in the times of Homer. 1171. Histoiy of Greece. 1172. Timbs, J: Abbeys, castles, etc. 1229. School-days of eminent men. 243. Things not generally known. 1090. Wonderful inventions. 388. Timme, Frmi ., see Villamaria, pseud. Timon, pseud., see Cormenin, Vicomte de. Tincker, M. A. [Fiction.] 875. Tischer, J: F: W: Luther. 1460. Tissandier, G. Photography. 489. Wonders of water. 328. Tissot, V: Russes et alleraands. 1279. and C. Amero. [Fiction.] 875. Titcomb, Timothy, pseud., see Holland, J. G. Titian gallery. 488. Titmarsh, Michael Angelo, pseud., see Thack- eray, W: M. Titmarsh, Samuel, pseM(Z., see Thackeray, W:M. Tobin, J: [DramaJ 606. Tochter-album. T. v. Schober, ed. 1126. Tocqueville, A. C: H: C. de. Democracy in America. 164. Same ; ed. by F. Bowen. 164. Memoirs, letters and remains. 1562. Old regime. 1255. Todd, J: Story of his life. 1452. Todd, W. C. Free reading' rooms. 1. Todhunter, J: Shelley. 1021. Toft, P. [Drama.] 606. Tolderlund, H. tt. V. Sommer in Schleswig. 1247. Tolstoi, Graf L. N. [Fiction.] 875. Tomes, R. Bazar book of health. 402. Bazar book of the household. 64. Champagne country. 1262. My college days. 1523. and B: G. Smith. Great civil war. 1356. Tomkins, E: Machine construction. 415. Tomkinson, E. M. B: Franklin. 1486. Tomlinson, C: Natural philosophy. 310. Pneumatics. 313. Rudimentary mechanics. 313. Warming and ventilation. 461. Tomlinson, L. J. [Fiction.] 875. Tommaseo, N. [Fiction.] 875. Toner, J. M. Address before Rocky mountain medical assoc. 398. Tongue, C. Records of the chase. 506. Tonna, C. E. [Fiction.] 875. Count Raymond of Toulouse. 120. Judtea capta. 1168. Tonna, L. H. J. Charlotte Elizabeth. 1554. Tooke, T:, and W: Newmarch. History of prices. 196. Topelius, Z. [Fiction.] 875. TOpffer, R. [Fiction.] 876. Topinard, P. Anthropology. 351. Topographical surveying. 418. Torelli-Torriani, M. [Fiction.] 876. Tornow, Dr., pseud., seeLOffler, K: V. I. 789. Torrens, W : T. M. Viscount Melbourne. 1493. Torrey, J: [Botanical observations.] 361. [Botanical papers.] 363, 364. Flora of the state of New York. 363. Plantae fremontianae. 366. Toschi's engravings. 488. Totten, C: A. L. Important question in metrol- ogy. 1322. Effects of firing heavy ordnance. 876. Totten, J. G. 420. Tourgree, A. W. [Fiction.] Appeal to CiBsar. 171. Tourjee, E. F. Musical education in common schools. Toussaint, A. L. G. [Fiction.] 876. Tower of London. 1236. Towle, G: M. Beaconsfield. 1491. Certain men of mark. 1481. Drake. 1504. England in Egypt. 1320. Henry V. 1221. Magellan. 1517. Marco Polo. 1295. Pizarro. 1518. Ralegh. 1505. Vasco da Gama. 1517. Towle, N. C. History and analysis of the con- stitution. 211. Towler, J: Silver sunbeam. 490. Town, B. K. [Fiction.] 876. Townley, J. [Drama.] 606. Townsend, C. Commercial law. 213. Townsend, E: D. Anecdotes of the civil war. 1356. Townsend, F: Clouds and sunshine. 1099. Fancies of a whimsical man. 1099. Fun and earnest. 1099. Ghostly colloquies 1100. Glimpses of Nineveh. 1100. Letters from Rome. 1100. Musings of an invalid. 1100. Spiritual visitors. 1100. Townsend, G: Tour in Italy. 1266. Townsend, G: A. Campaigns of a non-com- batant. 1360 Townsend, G: F. nean. 119. Townsend, L. T. Townsend, P. D. Townsend, V. F. Elizabeth Tudor.' 1471. Townsend, W. T. [Drama] 606. Towry, M. H., ed. Spenser for children. 1026. Tozer, H: F. Classical geography. 1162. Turkish Armenia. 1309. Toy, C. H. [Philological essays.] 365. Quotation in the New testament. 89. Tracts for priests and people. 73. Tracts for the times. 73. TraflEbrd, F. G.. pseud., see Riddell, C. E. L. Trafton, A. [Fiction.] 876. American girl abroad. 1210. Traill, H. D. Central government. 163. Coleridge. 1548. Hellenism in South KensiuKton. 468. Lord Westbury and bishop Wilberforce. 1429. Sterne. 1553. Train, G: F. Amer. merchant in Europe. 1191. Union speeches. 188. Trant, W: Trade unions. 238. Treadwell, J: H. Luther. 1460. Trehor, pseud., see Davis, R. E. 709. Trede, Th. Die propaganda fide. 126. Tredgold, T: Carpentry. 460. joint aiithor, see Bobison, J: Treitschke, H: G. v. Historische und politische aufsiitze. 150. Deutsche geschichte. 1239. Socialismus. 204. Zehn jahre deutscher kampfe. 1240. Sea-kings of the Mediterra- Lost forever. 96. Haydn. 1535. [Fiction.] 876. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. P CXXVllj Trelawney. AXJTHOfl-INDEX. Turner. Trelawney, E: J: Last days of Shelley and Byron. 1553. Records of Shelley, Byron and the author. 1553. Trelawney papers. 1370. Trelease, W: Nectar. 436. Trench, R: C. Authorized version of the New testament. 88. Same. 88. Calderon. 1564. Christ the desire of all nations. 112. Commentary on Revelation IT, III. 91. English past and present. 271. Lessons in proverbs. 517. Notes on the miracles. 90. Notes on the parables. 90. [Poetical works.] 1042. Sermons. 112. Star of the wise men. 90. Study of words. 271. Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life. 1230. Trenck, F: freiherr von der. Lebensgeschichte. 1511. Life. 1511. Tresca, H: E: Planing of metals. 456. Trevelyan, G: O: Early history of C: J. Fox. 1492. Lord Macaulay. 1551. Tribune almanac. 160. Trifleton papers. W. Tilton and W: A. Crafts. 1099. Trimmer, S. Sacred history. 86. Tripp, A. Crests from the ocean-world. 1208. Tristram, H: B. Land of Moab. 1314. Triumphs of steam. 1524. Trois Etoiles, pseud., see Murray, E. C. (i. Trolle, H: af. [Fiction.] 877. TroUope, A. [Fiction.] 877. Australia and New Zealand. 1420. Autobiography. 1554. Commentaries of Csesar. 1135. Life of Cicero. 1498. North America. 1366. South Africa. 1329. Thackeray. 1554. West Indies. 1411. Trollope, F. [Fiction.] 878. TroUope, F. E. [Fiction.] 878. Trollope, H: M. Corneille and Racine. 1561. Trollope, T: A. [Fiction.] 878. Iladeii and Allerheiliffen. 1206. Commonwealth of Florence. 1264. Vittoria Colonna. 1563. Trollope, W: Belgium. 1286. Trttltsch, A. F: reichgfreiherrv. Krankheiten des ohres. 411. Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the aurora borealis. 1280. Trotter, L. J. History of India. 1301. Trouessart, E. L. Genus sciurus. 386. Troughton, A. C: [Drama.] 607. Trousseau, A., and H. Pidoux. Therapeutics. 407. Trowbridge, J: T. [Fiction.] 879. Desolated states. 1378. [Poetical works.] 1042. Trowbridge, W. P. Laws of motion of weight and line in deep-sea soundings. 312. Turbine wheels. 426. Troves, J: de. Scandalous chronicle. 1258. Triibner, N: American literature. 15. Triibner and co. Dictionaries and grammars. 23. True stories from ancient history. 1166. modern history. 1198. TruebayCosio,J. T. de. [Fiction.] 879. Conquest of Peru. 1417. Romance of history: Spain. 1271. Truman, B:C. Field of honor. 259. Trumbull, B: History of Connecticut. 1373. Trumbull, H:C. Kadesh-Barnea. 1314. Trumbull, J: Poetical works. 1042. Trumbull, J. H. [Philological essays.] 266. True-blue laws. 216. Truran, W: Ii'on manufacture of Great Britain. 455. Tryon, G: W.,7r. Land and fresh-water shells of North America. 375. Sti'uctural and systematic conchology. 374. Tsehabuschnigg, A. ritter v. [Fiction.] 879. Tschudi, J: J. v. Reisen durch Siidamerika. 1414. Travels in Peru. 1418. Joint author, see Rivero, M. E: de. Tucker, A. Light of nature. 79. Tucker, C. M. [Fiction.] 879. Tucker, G: Money and banks. 201. History of the U. S. 1347. Thomas Jefferson. 1466. Tucker-Machetta, B. R. [Fiction.] 880. Gustave Dore. 1530. Tucker, N. B. [Fiction.] 880. Tucker, S. South Indian sketches. 1303. Tuckerman, B. History of english prose-fiction. 1047. Tuckerman, C: K. Greeks of to-day. 1290. Tuckerman, H: T. America and her commen- tators. 1365. American literature. 1003. Artist-life. 1527. Book of the artists. 1527. Characteristics of literature. 508. The criterion. 1075. Essays. 1075. Maga papers about PaiMs. 1261. Month in England. 1234. The optimist. 1075. Sicily. 1270. Thoughts on the poets. 1020. Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc. 1507. Joint (iKllior, sec, Leland, C: G. 1296. Tu^^not de Lanoye, F. Rameses the great. 1480. SubliiiK! ill nature. 325. Tuke, D. H. Plistorj: of the insane. 53. Influence of the mind. 52. Insanity. 53. Tulloch, J: Christ. 94. English Puritanism. 1454. Leaders of the reformation. 1448. Pascal. 1562. Tupper, M. F. [Fiction.] 880. Hymn for all nations. 104. Probabilities. 100. -- Proverbial philosophy. 1042. Turgenief, I. S. [Fiction.] 880. Poems in pi'ose. 1146. Turnbull, C. [Fiction.] 881. TurnbuU, D: Cuba. 1413. Turnbull, J:, Jr. Compound steam-engine. 416. Turnbull, R. Christ in history. 94. Genius of Scotland. 1231. Turnbull, W: Alexandria canal. 424. Turner, B. [Fiction.] 881. Turner, C: E: Studies in russian literature. 1145. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Turner. AXTTHOR-INDEX. Vaihinger. Turner, S. History of the anglo-saxons. 1219. Sacred history of the world. 1153. Turner, W: Tour in the Levant. 1195. Turner, W: W., joint author, sec Ewbank, T: Turton, T: Admission to degrees. 250. Turton, W: Shells of the British islands. 374. Tuscan fairy tales. 142. Tuthill, L. C. [Fiction.] 881. History of architecture. 474. Tuthill, W:B. Architectural drawing. 483. ed. Interiors. 475. Tuttle, C: R. History of Wisconsin. 1389. and A. C. Pennock. Centennial northwest. 1385. Tuttle, H. German political leaders. 1495. History of Prussia. 1243. Tuttle, 1: H. Our brethren. 113. Twain, Mark, pseud., see Clemens, S: L. Tweedie, W: K. Home. 103. Man and his money. 103. Twells, J. H. [Fiction.] 881. Twining, W. J., Joint author, see Campbell, A. Twiss, H. Lord Eldon. 1511. Twiss, R: Portugal and Spain. 1272. Tyler, K. E. Scandinavian summer. 1283. Tyler, M. C. American literature. 1006. see also Morley, H: Manual of english litera- ture. 1004. Tyler, S: Roger Brooke Taney. 1509. Tyler, W: S. Discourse on S: Williston. 112. Tyll Owlglass, see Eulenspiegel. 1125. Tyler, E: B. Anthropology. 351. Early history of mankind. 347. Primitive culture. 152. Stone ape. 284. Tyndale, W: [Writings.] 71. T3mdall, J: Faraday. 1521. Floating matter of the air. 357. Forms of water. 328. Fragments of science. 288. Heat as a mode of motion. 315. Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1288. Imagination in science. 288. Lectures on light. 314. Lessons in electi'icity. 315. Light and electricity. 314. On radiation. 315. Sound. 313. Transmission of sound. 385. Tyng, S. H. Christian pastor. 106. Gregory T. Bedell. 1451. Recollections of England. 1234. Sunday schools. 116. Tyrrell, "H: History of the Russian empire. 1275. Tytler, Alex. F., awrf E: Nares. Universal his- tory. 1153. Tytler, Ann F. [Fiction.] 881. Tytler, C. C. Eraser-, see Liddell, C. C. 788. Tytler, M. F. [Fiction.] 881. Tytler, P. F. Discovery on the northern coasts of America. 1406. History of Scotland. 1214. Tytler, Sarah, psetid., see Keddie, H. Tytler, W: Evidence against Mary, queen of Scots. 1471. XJbique, pseud., see Gillmore, P. XJeberweg, F: History of philosophy. Uechtritz, F: v. [Fiction.] 881. 45. Ugly-girl papers. Mrs. S. D. Power. 448 Unde, H. Konrad Ekhof. 1430. ^de, K:W:F: Innero ankloramun-en. 411. Unden, H. F. New England theocracy. 124 Uliland, L: Gedichte. 1120. Geschichte der dichtung und sage. 1104. Alte hoch- und nieder-deutsche volkslieder 1115. TJhler, P. R. Hemiptera. 377. TJhlhorn, G. Christian charity. 65. Conflict of Christianity. 119. XJlbach, L: [Fiction.] 881. Ulfeldt, Qrevinde L. C. Memoirs. 1479. XJlloa, A. de, joint author, see Juan y Santacilia, J . XJlrich, W: Internationales worterbuch der pflanzennamen. 359. Underwood, F. H: [Fiction.] 881. English literature : American authors. 1003. British authors. 1003. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1541. James Russell Lowell. 1542. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1543. TJngem-Sternberg, A. freiherr v., see Stem- berg. TJngewitter, F. H: Neueste erdbeschreibung. Unitarian review. 78. U. S. art directory. S. R. KOhler. 470. U. S. biographical dictionary: Wisconsin volume. 1439. Universal history. 1152. Unseen universe. P: Tait and B. Stewart. 84. TJpham, C: W. J: C: Fremont. 1501. Lectures on witchcraft. 55. Salem witchcraft. 55. SirH: Vane. 1437. joint author, see Pickering, O. XTpham, T: C. Imperfect and disordered mental action. 53. Letters from Europe. 1194. Mme. Catherine Adorna. 1462. Mme. Guyon. 1461. Religious maxims. 103. Upton, E. Armies of Asia and Europe. 230. Letters. 1503. Upton, G: P. Woman in music. 490. Upton, J. K. Money in politics. 201. Upton, W. Spectroscope in meteorol. obs. 331. Urbino, L. B. American woman in Europe. 1209. Musical composers. 1533. H: Day and others. Art recreations. 469. Ure, A. Cotton manufacture of Great Britain. 456. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. 389. Same. Last ed. 389. Philosophy of manufactures. 454. Urqtihart, D: Misuse of familiar words. 160. Pamphlets. 173. Spirit of the east. 1294. Turkish bath. 402. Urquhart, W: P. Francesco Sforza. 1477. TJz, J : P: Ausgewahlte gedichte. 1109. v., Mlle.F. de. [Fiction.] 881. Vahey, J:W: [Fiction.] 882. Vahl, J. Dansk bogfortegnelse. 20. Vaihinger, H. Hartmann, Diihring und Lange. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. Valbezen. AUTHOR-INDEX. Vincent. Valbezen, E. de. English and India. 1302. Valdegamas, Marques de. Catholicism, liberal- ism and socialism. 127. Valdez, J: F. Portuguese and english dictio- nary. 270. Vale, Fei-na, pseud., see Hallett, E. V. 744. Vale, G. Thomas Paine. 1493. Valentine, Mrs. R:, ed. Half houi's of english history. 1227. Valle, E. [Drama.] 607. Vallee, L. Bibliographic des bibliographies. 13. Valmy, Alfred de, pseud., see Stinde, J. 864. Vambery, A. Central Asia. 1315. Coming struggle for India. 1316. History of Bokhara. 1315. Life and adventures. 1517. Vanbrugb, Sir J: [Drama.] 607. Van Buren, M. Political parties in the U. S. 165. Vandegrift, M,, pseud., see Janvier, M. 770. Vandenhoff, G: Common sense. 1042. Van Dyke, J : C: Books, and how to use them. 511. VanDyke, T. S. [Fiction.] 882. Vane, C: W: S., earl Vane and marquis of Lon- donderry. Steam voyage to Constantinople. 1205. War in Germany and France. 1203. Vane, Violet, pseud., see Howell, J. L. 762. Van Home, T: B. Gen. G: H. Thomas. 1503. History of the army of the Cumberland. 1358. Van Laun, H:, see Laun, H: van. Van lioon, E. [Fiction.] 882. Van Name, A. Creole grammar. 366. Van Nostrand's engineering magazine. 390. Van Santvoord, G: Chief justices of the U. S. 1509. Van Tramp, J: C. Prairie and Rocky mountain adv(;ntures. 1399. Vanuxem, L. Geology of New York. (J38. Van Vleck, B. H., joint author, sec Jordan, D:S. Van Waters, G: Poetical geography. 1182. Van Wert, Rupert, j)seud., see Eddy, D. C. Vapereau, L: G. Dictionnaire des contemporains. 1428. Varnbuler, T. v. [Fiction.] 882. Vamhagen v. Ense, K: A: L: P. Brief e an Humboldt. 1124. Varona, A. de. Sewer gases. 405. Varra, O. [Fiction.] 882. Vasari, G: Eminent painters, sculptors and ar- chitects. 1531. Raphael. 1532. Stories of the Italian artists. 1531. Vasey, G: Grasses of the U. S. 362. Vasili, Count Paul, pseud. Berlin society. 1247. Berliner gesellschaft. 1247. World of London. 1236. Vattel, E. de. Law of nations. 209. Vaughan, H: Sacred poems. 1042. Vaughan, R. Revolutions in english history. 1227. Vaux, C. Villas and cottages. 477. Vaux, W: S. W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. 1174. Persia. 1170. Vedantasara. 138. Vega, G-.freiherr v. Logarithmisch-trigonome- trisches handbuch. 299. Thesaurus logarithmorura. 299. Vehse, K: E: Deutsche hOfe. 1240. Veitch, J: Hamilton. 47. Memoir of Dug-ald Stewart. 48. Veitelle, I. de. Mercantile dictionary. 270. Velazquez de la Cadena, M. Spanish and eng- lish dictionary. 269. Velde, C: F. van der. [Fiction.] 882. Veley, M. [Fiction.] 882. Velleius Paterculus. History of Rome. 1178. Vellere, Dr. . [Drama.] 607. Vely, Emma, pseud., see Simon, E. 855. Venable, W. H., ed. [Drama.] 607. Venedy, J. Das siidliche Frankreich. 1262. Ventouillac, L. T. French librarian. 19. Vere, Scheie de, see Scheie de Vere, M. Vergilius Maro, P. Georgics. 1136. Stories from Virgil. 1136. Vericour, L. R. de. Modern french literature. 1128. Verne, J. [Fiction.] 882. Exploration of the world. 1515. Verney, Sir R. Verney papers. 1224. Vernon, J. Letters. 1235. Vernon, L. [Drama.] 608. Veron, E. JCsthetics. 467. Verplanck, G. C. Importance of scientific knowledge. 509. Influence of moral causes. 509. Verrill, A. E. Cephalopods. 375. Fresh-water leeches. 374. Invertebrata of Vineyard Sound. 373. Marine fauna. 369. Vertot d'Aubeuf, R. A. abbe de. Revolution in Sweden. 1382. Revolutions of the roman republic. 1177. Very, J. Poems. 1042. Vetromile, E. Abnakis. 1341. Veuillot, L:F. Life of Christ. 94. Viard-Louis, J. Music and the piano. 496. Viardot, L: Wonders of european art. 486. Wonders of Italian art. 487. Wonders of sculpture. 478. a7id others. History of painters. 1526. Victor, M.V. [Fiction.] 883. Victoria, Alexandrina, queen of England. Life in the Highlands. 1231. ViehoflF, H: Goethe's leben. 1557. Schiller's leben. 1559. Viele, E. L. Handbook for active service. 231. Viele, T. Following the drum. 1385. Vigee-Iie Brun, Madame, see Le Brun. Vigfusson, G., and F: Y. Powell, eds. Corpus poeticum boreale. 1142. Vignoli, T. Myth and science. 135. Vipniy> A. V: comte de. [Fiction.] 884. Vim, C. Cetshwayo's dutchman. 1328. Villamaria, pseud, for Timme, Frau . [Fic- tion.] 884. Villargennes, see Doisy de Villargennes. Villari, P. Machiavelli. 1497. Villatte, C. Parisismen. 368. Villemain, A. F. Gregory VII. 1462. Villiers, C: P. Free trade speeches. 206. Villinger, H. [Fiction.] 884. Vilmar, A: F: C. Deutsche national-literatur. 1101. Vincent, V.,jr. Land of the white elephant. 1305. Norsk, lapp and finn. 1283. Through the tropics. 1194. Vincent, Jacques, pseud., see Dussaud, Mme. . 730. Vincent, John, pseud., see Huntington, J. V. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Vincent. AtJTHOR-INDEX. Walker. CXXXJ Vincent, M. R. Gates into the psalm-country. 87. In the shadow of the Pyrenees. 1262. Vinet, A. R. Gospel studies. 112. Montaigne. 77. Vinet, E. Bibliographie des beaux arts. 26. Vingut, G. F. de, ed. Spanish poets. 1134. Vining, E:P. Inglorious Columbus. 1331. Mj.stery of Hanilet. 1048. Vinton, A. H. Science and revelation. 99. Vinton, F. Socialism. 99. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Annals of a fortress. 420. Discourses on architecture. 474. Habitations of man in all ages. 476. Learning to draw. 481. Mont Blanc. 327. Story of a house. 476. Virchow, R. Cranial affinities. 284. Virgil, see Vergilius. Virginia historical register. 1380. Vischer, F: T. Altes und neues. 1123. Goethe's Faust. 1105. Kritische gange. 1123. Vitalis, 2iseud. , see SjOberg, E. Vittoria, P:, see Govea de Vittoria. Vizetelly, H: Berlin. 1247. Diamond necklace. 1254. ed. Paris in peril. 1259. Vloten, J. van. Spinoza. 1448. Vogel, A: Steuer- und zollentlastung des land- baues. 205. Vogel, H. Chemistry of light. 490. Pliotographers' reference-book. 490. Vogel, W: [Drama J 608. Vogelweide, W. v. d., see "Walther. 1120. Vogt, C: Lectures on man. 351. Voisins, see Aubuisson de Voisins. VOlcker, G: Register zu Maltzahn's Deutscher biicherschatz. 18. Volckhausen, A. v. [Fiction.] 884. Volkmann, R: Erysipelas. 410. Verletzungen und krankheiten der bewegungs- organe. 411. Vollmar, A. [Fiction.] 884. Vollmer, W. F. A. [Fiction.] 884. Volney, C. F. C. comte de. The ruins. 80. Voltaire, F. M. Arouet. [Fiction.] 884. Charles XII. 1479. English nation. 1283. I^ssay on universal history. 1151. The Henriade. 1129. Newton's philosophy. 281. Philosophical dictionary. 43. Von Culin, E. [Drama.] 608. Vose, G: L. Algebraic problems. 298. Vosmaer, C: [Fiction.] 884. Voss, J:H: Anthologie. 1108. Louisa. 1120. Luise. 1120. Voss, R: [Fiction.] 884. Voyages round the world. 1188. Vries, D. P. de. Voyages from Holland to America. 187.5. Vuitry, A. Regime financier de la France. 204. VuUiet, A. Geographic physique. 325. W.,A. M. [Fiction.] 885. W.,F. [Fiction.] 885. W., H. D. [Fiction.] 885. Wace, W. E. Tennyson. 1553. Wachberg, H: [Fiction.] 885. Wachenhusen, H. [Fiction.] Das neue Paris. 1261. "Wachenliusen, H. Continued. Von Widdin nach Stambul. 1294. joint author, see Stieler, K: "Wachsmann, C: A. v. [Fiction.] 885. Wachsmuth, E. W: G. Geschichte Frankreichs. 1250. Wachter, O. Vehmgerichte und hexenprozesse. 55. comp. Deutsche spriichworter. 1125. Waddell, J. D., ed. Linton Stephens. 1509. Waddington, G: History of the church. 119. Waddington, S: Arthur Hugh Clough. 1548. ed. English sonnets. 1022. Wadlin, H. G. Labor laws of Massachusetts. 199. Wagner, A. Unsere miinzreform. 202. Wagner, C. Mouth-breathing. 409. Wagner, H., ed. Hausschatz. 1126. joint author, see Behm, E: Wagner, H:L. [Drama.] 608. [Draraen.] 1107. Wagmer, J:E. Genius. 1109. Wagner, M. F: Naturwissenschaftliche reisen. 296. Reise nach dem Ararat. 1309. Reise nach Persien. 1306. Wag:ner, W: Asgard and the gods. 137. Epics and romances of the middle ages. 514. Hellas. 1171. Rom. 1176. Wagner, W: R: Art life and theories. 492. Beethoven. 492. Gesammelte schriften. 491. Wagstaffe, John, pseud., see Mackay, C: Waibel, A. A. [Fiction.] 885. Wainwright, J. H. [Drama.] 608. Wainwright, S: Scientific sophisms. 288. Waite, C. V. Mormon prophet. 1489. Waite, R. Duke of Wellington. 1506. Waitz, G: Deutsche verfassung,sgeschichte. 213. Waitz, T. Anthropologic. 350. Introd. to anthropology. 350. Wake, C: S., joint author, see Westropp, H. M. Walcot, C:M. [Drama.] 608. Walcott, C: H. History of Concord. 1372. Waldau, Max, pseud., see Hauenschild, R: G: Spiller v. 748. Waldmiiller, Robert, pseud. , see Duboe, C : E : Waldo, F. Study of meteorolog'y. 331. Waldow, Ernst y., pseud., see Bliun, L. v. 681. Waldron, W. R. [Drama.] 608. Walford, C. Insurance cyclopaedia. 237. Walford, E: Greater London. 1235. Juvenal. 1135. Tales of our great families. 1442. joint author, see Thornbury, G: W. Walford, L. B. [Fiction.] 885. Walker, Alex. Pathology. 408. Walker, Amasa. Science of wealth. 196. Walker, A. Campbell-. Correct card. 501. Walker, A. L. [Fiction.] 886. Walker, C. E. [Drama.] 609. Walker, F. Brickwork. 460. Walker, F. A. Indian question. 1335. Land and its rent. 202. Money. 201. Political economy. 196. comp. Statistical atlas of the U. S. 1364. Walker, James. Sermons. 112. Walker, J: [Drama.] 609. Walker, J:, lexicographer. Rhyming dictionary. 276. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. CXXXIJ Walker. ATTTHOR-INDEX. Warner. Walker, J. B. Pioneer life in the west. 1451. Walker, J. H. Money, trade and banking. 201. Walker, S. C. Longitude computation.s. 305. Researches relative to Neptune. 304. Walker, W: Hand book of drawing. 481. Walker, Gen. W: War in Nicaragua. 1412. Wallace, A. R. Contributions to the theory of natural selection. 354. Geographical distribution of animals. 368. Island life. 368. Malay archipelago. 1419. Tropical nature. 327. ed. Australasia. 1418. Wallace, D. M. Egypt. 1330. Russia. 1278. Wallace-Dunlop, M. A., seeDunlop. Wallace, E..jV. Amateur photographer. 490. Wallace, Mrs. E. D. Woman's experiences in Europe. 1209. Wallace, H. B. Literary criticism. 1076. Wallace, L. [Fiction.] 886. Wallace, 8. E. Storied sea. 1196. Wallace, W:, barrister, joint author, sec Mackin- tosh, Sir J. Wallace, W:, M. A., LL. D. Kant. 1447. Wallace, W: R. Meditations in America. 1042. Wallber, A. Flucht aus dem Libby-gefiingniss. 1361. Waller, J: F. Bos well and Johnson. 1550. Pictures from english literature. 1087. Walling:, H -. F. Co-ominate survejnng. 418. Wallis, J:C. [Fiction.! 886. Wallis, Mrs. M. D. Life in Feejee. 1421. Wallis, S. T. Spain. 1273. Wallon, H: A. Histoire de I'esclavage. 170. Jeanne d'Arc. 1507. Saint Louis et son temps. 1253. Walpole, C:G: Short history of the kingdom of Ireland. 1211. WaXvole, B.., carl of Orford. [Fiction.] 886. Anecdotes of painting. 1528. Letters. 1079. Memoirs. 1494. Reign of George III. 1226. Royal and noble authors. 16. Walpole, R. Garland of flowers. 513. ed. J^uropean and asiatic Turkey. 1194. Travels in the east. 1194. Walpole, S. History of England. 1226. Spencer Perceval. 1494. Walsh, J: H: British rural sports. 501. Diseases [of horses] . 441. Walsh, W: S., see Shepard, William, pseud. Walshe, E. H., and G: E. Sargent. [Fiction.] 886. Waltarilied. Ekkehard. 1115. Walter, J. E. Perception of space and matter. 58. Waltershausen, Freiherr v., see Sartorius, G: F:C. Walther von der Vogelweide. Gedichte. 1120. Walton, G: E. Mineral springs. 333. Walton, I: Comi^lete angler. 504. Lives of J: Donne, etc. 1455. Walworth, C. Gentle sceptic. 87. Walworth, J. R. [Fiction.] 886. Walworth, M. T. [Fiction.] 886. Wanderer, pseud. Notes on the Caucasus. 1280. Wandsljecker Bote, Der, pseud., see Claudius, M. Wangenheim, P./re^/^err V. [Drama.] 609. Wappaus, J: E:, reviser, see Stein, C. G. D. War correspondence of the Daily news. 1291. War of the rebellion, Official records. 1353. Warburton, E. B. G: [Fiction.] 886. Crescent and cross. 1321. Prince Rupert. 1505. Warburton, Major G: Conquest of Canada. 1407. Warburton, P: E. Western interior of Austra- lia. 1420. Warburton, W:, bishop of Gloucester. Lettei's. 1079. Warburton, The rev. W:, M. A. Edward Hi. 1221. Ward, A. L,., joint author, see Hoyt, J. K. Ward, A. W: Chaucer. 1547. Dickens. 1549. English dramatic literature. 1043. Ward, Artemus, pseud., see Browne, C: F. Ward, E. Speeches. 188. Ward, F. D. India and the hindoos. 1303. Ward, r:K. Helioj?raph. 831. Ward, Mrs. Henrietta Oxnard, pseud., see Moore, C.J. Ward, J. [Fiction.] 886. Ward, J. H. Percival. 1542. Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology. 146. Ward, The hon. mrs. M. Microscope. 356. Telescope. 306. Ward, R. Rights of belligerent powers. 224. Ward, R. D., conip. La Fayette's visit to Vir- ginia. 1507. Ward, R. P. [Fiction.] 886. Ward, S. G. Criticism. 1071. Ward, T: Englands reformation. 1042. Ward, T: H. Humphry Sandwith. 1523. ed. English poets. 1023. Men of the reign. 1440. Warden, F. [Fiction.] 886. Warder, J: A. American pomology. 438. Wardman, G: Trip to Alaska. 1405. Ware, J: Henry Ware, jr. 1453. Philosophy of natural history. 370. Ware, J: F. W. Home life. 64. Ware, J. R., and R. K. Mann. Col. Fred Burn- aby. 1504. Ware, W: [Fiction.] 886. Nathaniel Bacon. 1433. Washington Allston. 488. Warfleld, (:. A. [Fiction.] 886. Waring, G: E.,jr. Bride of the Rhine. 1248. Draining for profit. 435. Horse stories. 503. Sanitary condition of dwelling houses. 405. Sanitary drainage. 405. Sanitary drainage of Washington city. 406. Whip and spur. 503. Waring^on, G: Week of creation. 80. Warn, R. H: Sheet metal worker's instructor. 454. Wameck, G. Modern missions and culture. 115. Warner, A. B. [Fiction.] 886. Blue llag and cloth of gold. 440. Three little spades. 440. Warner, B. E. [Fiction.] 886. Warner, C:D. [Fiction.] 886. American newspaper. 1006. Backlog studies. 1076. Baddeck. 1076. Calvin. 1076. Capt. John Smith. 1503. In the Levant. 1196. Entries in small type refer to contents only- Warner, ATJTHOR-INDEX. "Webster. cxxxuj Warner, C: D. Continued. In the wilderness. 1076. My summer in a garden. 1076. Roundabout journey. 1310. Saunterings. 1209. Washington Irving. 1541 . Why young people read trash. iitO. Winter on the Nile. 1331. and others. Studies of Irving. 1541 . joint author, see Clemens, S: L. 697. Warner, H. B., comp. Registry and election laws of Wisconsin. 320. Warner, S. [Fiction.] 887. American female patriotism. 63. The law and the testimony. 85. The word. 106. Warner, W: Albions England. 1231. Warren, C: Illiteracy In the U. S. 342. Medical education in the U. S. 240. U. S. bureau of education. 242. Warren, G. K. Bridging the Mississippi. 431. Warren, H: Artistic treatise on the human figure. 486. Warren, J: E. Para. 1415. Warren, S: [Fiction.] 887. Intellectual and moral development of the present age. 45. Warren, S. R., ed. Public libraries in the U. S. 1. Warren, W: W. Life on the Nile. 1331. Warriner, E: A. [Fiction.] 887. Wartegg, E. v. Hesse , see Hesse-Wartegg. Wartenburg, K: [Fiction.] 887. Warton, J. Pope. 1031. Warton, T: [Essays.] 1049. History of english poetry. 1019. Washburn, C: A. History of Paraguay. 1416. Washburn, E: A. Life of Christ. 93. Washburn, E. W. Early english literature. 1008. Spanish masters. 487. Washburne, E. B: Edward Coles. 1485. Washington, G: Diary. 1465. Letters on agriculture. 439. Letters to Joseph Reed. 1079. Official letters. 1079. Political legacies. 1465. Writings. 188. aw(Z W : Crawford. Correspondence. 1079. (mrf W: Irvine. Officialletters. 1080. Wasielewski, W: J. v. Schumann. 1536. Wasserschleben, F: W: A: H. Landesherrliches kirchenregiment. 113. Wasson, D:A. Nature of religion. 73. Waterbury, J. B. Eloquent preachers. 1449. Waterhouse, S. Advantages of educated labor. 198. Improvement of the Mississippi. 359. Resources of Missouri. 1386. Waters, C. [Fiction.] 887. Charlotte Cushman. 1537. Egypt. 1330. Legendary and mythological art. 468. Outline history of painting. 486. Painters, sculptors, etc. 1526. and L. Hutton. Artists of the 19th century. 1526. Waters, R. How to get on in the world. 1493. Waterson, W. Cyclopaedia of commerce. 353. Waterston, A. M. Adelaide Phillipps. 1535. Watson, E. Men and times of the revolution. 1483. Watson, E. P. Modern practice of amer. ma- chinists. 415. Watson, H: C. [Fiction.] 887. Heroic women. 1433. Watson, J: Kant and his english critics. 49. Schelling's transcendental idealism. 49. Watson, J: F. Annals of Philadelphia. 1377. joint ed., see Smith, J: J. Watson, J: 8. Reasoning power of animals. 370. Watson, J: T., comp. Poetical quotations. 517. Watson, P. B. Bibliography of pre-columbian discoveries. 38. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 1480. Watson, R: Apology for the Bible. 100. Same. 97. Apology for Christianity. 97. John Wesley. 1459. Watson, Robert. Philip II. 1272. and W: Thomson. Philip III. 1272. Watson, S. Index of north amer. botany. 361. and others. Botany of the 40th parallel. 364. Watt, A. Electro-metallurgy. 453. Watt, R. Bibliotheca britannica. 17. Watterson, H:, ed. Oddities in southern life. 1100. Watts, A. A. Alaric Watts. 1554. Watts, A. M. [Fiction.] 887. Art-student in Munich. 1248. Watts, H: Chemistry. 321. Dictionary of chemistry. 319. Watts, I: Defence of the gospel. 100. Guide to prayer. 81. Horae lyricas. 1043. Improvement of the mind. 240. Logic. 60. World to come. 96. Watts, R. Newer criticism. 87. Watts, W: L. Across the Vatnajokull. 1284. Snioland. 1284. Way, , joint ed., see Hoes, . Wayland, F. Adoniram Judson. 1452. Limitations of human responsibility. 63. Moral science. 63. Moral science, abridged. 63. joint author, see Fuller, R: Wayland, J. Real life in England. 1234. Waylen, E: Ecclesiastical reminiscences of the U. S. 124. Wead, C : K. Teaching of physics. 342. Weale, J: Dictionary of terms used in architec- ture, etc. 388. Weatherly, F: E: and A. W. M. [Drama.] 609. Webb, A. Irish biography. 1444. Webb, A. 8. The peninsula. 1356. Webb, C: H: Sea-weed and what we seed. 1100. Webb, Mrs. J. B. [Fiction.] 887. Webber, C:W. [Fiction.] 888. Weber, G: Allgemeine weltgeschichte. 1154. Universal history. 1151. Weber, Karl, pseud., see MUtzelburg, A. Weber, O: Chirurgische krankheiten des gesichts. 411. Gewebserkrankungen. 410. Krankheiten der haut, etc. 411. Webster, A. [Fiction.] 888. Webster, B: [Drama.] 609. Webster, B:, fr. [Drama.] 609. Webster, D. Diplomatic and official papers. 188. Private cori*espondence. 1080. -Works. 188. Webster, H. E., and J. E. Benedict. Annelida cha3topoda. 374. Webster, J: [Drama.] 60$). Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue* "Webster. AUTHOR-INDEX. Wheatley. Webster, N. Dictionary. 272. Papers on political, literary and moral sub- jects. 1076. Webster, R: Presbyterian church in America. 128. Webster, W. Basque legends. 142. Wedgwood, C. R. History of the tea-cup. 456. Wedgwood, H. Contested etymologies. 271. ^VedInore, F: Impressionists. 468. Weed, E. [Fiction.] 888. Weed, H. A., and T. W. Barnes. Thurlow Weed. 1489. Weed, T. Autobiography. 1489. "Weeden, \V : B. Indian money. 1334. Social law of labor. 198. Weeks, Helen C, see Campbell, H. Weeks, J. U. Coke. 452. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. 199, 200. Manufacture of glass. 453. Weeks, L. H. Among the Azores. 1274. Weeks, R. K. Poems. 1042. Wegele, F. X. Dante Alighieri's leben. 1563. joint cd., see liiliencron, R. freiherr v. Wegener, F. A. [Fiction.] 888. Weichselbaumer, K: [Drama.] 609. Weigall, C:H. Figure drawing. 482. Weill, A. [Fiction.] 888. ^ Weinhold, K: Opitz. 1558. Weinzierl, L. A. [Fiction.] 888. Weise, Frau, see Stock, C. 864. Weise, A. J. Discoveries of America. 1332. Weise, C. [Dramen.] 1106. Weisfloer, C: Jeremias Katzlein. 110). Weismann, A: Theory of descent. 354. Weiss, C: French ])rotestant refugees. 120. Weiss, J: Immortal life. 84. KeliKion and science. 73. Theodore Parker. 1453. Weisse, C. F. [Drama.] 609. [Dramen.] 1106. Weisse, J : A. English language and literature. 269. Obelisk and freema,sonry. 237. Weisser, L: Lebensbilder aus dem klassi.schen alterthum. 1171. Weitzel, S. W. Renee of France. 1474. Welcker, C: T., joint ed., see Rotteck, C: W. R. V. Welcker, F: G. Giiechische giitterlehre. 136. Weld, H. H. Benjamin Franklin. 1485. rd. Women of the scriptures. 1449. joint author, see Yonge, C. M. Weller, E. Falsche und lingirte druckorte. 29. Index pseudonymorum. 29. Weller, H. Annotationes in epistolas ad Philip, et Thessal. 90. Enarrationes in epistolam ad Ephesios. 91. Wellesley, A., duke of Wellington. Words of W.illington. 1100. Wellington, D7ike of, see Wellesley, A. "Wells, H:W. [Philological essays.] 266. Wells, D: A. Free trade essential. 206. Our merchant marine. 256. Primer of tariff reform. 206. Robinson Crusoe's money. 201. Science popularly explained. 283. Wells, J: G. The grange. 238. Wells, K. G. About people. 1076. Wells, Walter. Water-power of Maine. 427. Wells, W: Heroine of the White Nile. 1517. Wells, W: V. Explorations in Honduras. 1411. Wells, W: V. Continued. Samuel Adams. 1484. Walker's expedition to Nicaragua. 1412. Welsh, A. H. Development of english literature and language. 1003. Welstead, H: [Drama.] 609. Wendell, B. [Fiction.] 888. Weninger, F. X. Apostolical and infallible authority of the pope. 114. Photographic views. 127. Wenzel, M. [Fiction.] 888. Wenzelburger, K. T. Geschichte der Nieder- lande. 1284. Werder, Bertha, pseud., see Meyer, B. A. H. Werner, A : Herder. 1444. Klopstock. 1444. Leibnitz, Kant, Fichte. 1444. Werner, 'E.,pse7id., see Biirstenbinder, E. 689. Werner, G. [Fiction.] 888. Werner, J. [Fiction.] 888. Werner, Z. [Dramen.] 1108. Wernien, A. Culturbestrebungen in Japan. 1300. Wernike, C. Bpig'ramme. 1106. Wesley, C: Poems. 1042. Wesley, J: Christian correspondence. 95. Journal. 1459. Wisdom of God in creation. 283. Wessely, J. E. Deutschlands lehrjahre. 152. Wessenbergr, I. H : K : /reiTierr V. Anthologie. 1109. West, B. [Drama.] 609. West, G. Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 96. Westall, W: [Fiction.] 888. Westcott, T. John Fitch. 1525. Western hist, society. History of Columbia co. 1395. History of Fond du Lac co. 1395. History of Milwaukee. 1394. Westminster, Marchioness of, see Grosvenor, E. M. Westminster abbey. 1236. Weston, J. Sir Moses Monteflore. 1512. Westphal, R. G: H. Musik des griechischen al- terthumes. 494. Theorie der musikalischen rythmik. 494. Westropp, H. M. Pottery and porcelain. 480. and C: S. Wake. Ancient symbol worship. 135. Wette, W: M. L. de. Introd. to the Old testa- ment. 87. Wetterbergh, C: A. [Fiction.] 888. Wetherell, Elizabeth, /)se?. W. Local institutions of Maryland. 1334. Wilhelm, T: Military dictionary. 331. Wilhelmi, Alexander, pseud., see Zechmeister, A. V: 614. Wilke, H. [Fiction.] 890. Wilken, E. Geistliche spiele. 1104. Wilkes, C: U. S. explonng expedition. 1417. Wilkes, G: Shakespeare from an american point of view. 1048. Wilkins, A: S: Roman antiquities. 1175. Wilkins, C:, tr. Bhagvat-Giita. 1147. Wilkins, J: H. [Drama.] 610. Wilkins, W. A. [Fiction.] 890. Wilkinson, /Sir J: G. Ancient egyptians. 1166. Wilkinson, J. J. G. Correspondence. 1071. Human body. 399. Wilkinson, W: C. Free lance. 1009. Wilkinson, W: C. Continued. Webster. 1043. Wilkinson, W: F. Personal names in the Bible. 1565. Wilks, M: Clementine Cuvier. 1461. Wilks, T: E. [Drama.] 610. Will, Uncle, V. M., pseud., see Crafts, W. F. Willan, R. Land of Israel. 1312. Willard, E. France and Great Britain. 1360. History of the United States. 1347. Last leaves of american history. 1347. Willcox, O. B. [Fiction.] 890. Wille, E. [Fiction.] 890. Willert, P. F. Reign of Lewis XL 1253. Willfried, H., pseud., see Villinger, H. 884. William of Malmesbury, sec Gulielmus. Williams," A. [Drama] 611. joint author, see Hazlewood, C. H. 557. Williams, A. L. Famines in India. 1304. Williams, A. M. Poets and poetry of Ireland. 1144. Williams, B: S: Flowering plants. 440. Ornamental leaved plants. 440. Williams, C:, journalist. Armenian campaign. 1391. Williams, r/ie rev. C: Anecdotes of dogs. 441. Dogs and their ways. 441. Williams, C: W. Fuel. 416. Heat in its relations to water and steam. 315. Williams, E. Gazetteer. 1181. comp. Presidents' messages. 166. joint author, see Lester, C: E. Williams, G: F. [Fiction.] 890. Williams, G: W. History of the negro race. 170. Williams, H: L. [Fiction.] 890. Williams, H. M. Events in France. 1357. Williams, H: T., ed. Window gardening. 440. Williams, I: Cathedral. 1043. Williams, J: Alexander the great. 1480. Williams, Michael. Some London theatres. 498. Williams, Monier. Hinduism. 138. Modern India. 1303. tr. Sakoontahi. 1148. Williams, Montagu. [Drama.] 611. Williams, Roger. Letters. 1077. j Spiritual life and health. 103. J Williams, Uowland. Bunsen's biblical researches. 73. Williams, R. F. [Fiction.] 890. Williams, S: History of Vermont. 1371. Williams, S:W. Middle kingdom. 1398. Williams, T:, ^mrf J. Calvert. Fiji. 1431. Williams, T: J. [Drama.] 611. aw/ A: Harris. [Drama.] 012. Williams, W. Landscape painting. 485. Williams, W. M. Science in short chapters. 388. Williams, W: R. Eras and characters of history. 1162. Williamson, B: Differential calculus. 300. Integral calculus. 300. Williamson, C: N., joint author, see Shepherd, R: H. Williamson, R. S. Use of barometer on surveys. 419. and W: H. Heuer. Removal of Blossom rock. 435. Williamson, W^: C. Succession of life. 385. Willis, A. Our rulers and our rights. 168. Willis, N. P. [Fiction.] 891. Convalescent. 1100. Famous persons and places. 1830. Health trip to the tropics. 1413. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Willis. AUTHOR-INDEX. Wiseman. cxxxvij Willis, N. P. Continued. Hurry-gi'aphs. 1100. Jenny Lind. 1535. Lite and genius of Poe. 1017. Out-doors at Idlewild. 1100. Pencellings by the way. 1207. Poems. 1043. Rag-bag. 1100. Rural letters. 1077. Summer cruise in the Mediterranean. 1195. Willis, R. William Harvey. 400. Willkomm, E. A. [Fiction.] 891. Willmott, R. A. Pleasures, objects and advan- tages of literature. 509. Summer time in the country. 1077. Wills, C: J. Land of the lion and sun. 1307. Wilson, M. and R. P. Mosaics of grecian history. 1173. Wilmanns, W:F. Walther von der Vogelweide. 1559. Wilson, Alex., andC: L. Bonaparte. American ornithology. 383. Wilson, Andrew. [Fiction.] 891. Abode of snow. 1304. Chapters on evolution. 354. [Nature studies.] 285. Wilson, Alex. J. Reciprocity, bi-metallism and land-tenure reform. 206. Resources of modern countries. 155. Wilson, Augusta J. [Fiction.] 891. Wilson, C: T., and R. W. Felkin. Uganda. 1325. Wilson, D. Caliban. 1048. Huron-Iroquois. 1341, Pre-aryan american man. 348. Prehistoi-ic man. 347. Wilson, E. B. Pycnogonida. 375. Wilson, F. T. [Fiction.] 891. Wilson, G: Health and healthy homes. 403. Hygiene and sanitary science. 405. Wilson, H: Slave power in America. 1348. Wilson, H: B. The national church. 72. Wilson, H. H., Joint author, see Mill, J. Wilson, J: History of Switzerland. 1287. Wilson, J:, M. D. Health and health resorts. 402. WilBon, J:, {Christopher North). [Fiction.] 891. Dies borealis. 1100. British critics. 1009. Burns. 1021. Noctes ambrosianae. 1100. Poetical works. 1044. Recreations. 1078. Wilson, James C. Summer and its diseases. 402. Wilson, J. Crawford. [Drama.] 612. Wilson, James G. Bryant and his friends. 1539. F. G. Halleck. 1541. Illustrious soldiers. 1499. Mr. secretary Pepys. 1494. Wilson, J: G. Atheism and theism. 80. Wilson, J: L. J: Wycliffe. 1458. Wilson, J: Mackay, ed. [Fiction.] 892. Wilson, J: Marius. Duke of Wellington. 1506. Wilson, M. C. B. M. G. Lewis. 1551. Wilson, Sir R. K. Modern english law. 209. Wilson, W:, of Poughkeepsie. Poems. 1044. Wilson, The rev. W:, M. A. Preachers of the ancient church. 1464. Wilson, W: D. Foundations of religious belief. 79. Political economy. 196. Wilton, T. [Fiction.] 895. Winchell, A. Doctrine of evolution. 354. Geological excursions. 337. Geolog-y of the stars. 384. Preadamites. 347. Sketches of creation. 337. Sparks from a geologist's hammer. 288. World-life. 337. Winckel, F. K: L: W: Krankhelten der welblichen harnrohre. 412. Winckelmann, J : J. History of ancient art. 472. Werke. 467. Wines, E. C. Education In France. 241. State of prisons. 236. Winkler, K: G. T. [Drama.] 612. Ausgewahlte gedichte. 1109. Winkworth, C, tr. Lyra germanica. 1113. Winks, W: E: Illustrious shoemakers. 1524. Winlock, W: C. Comet of 1882. 808. Winslow, A. Stadia surveying. 418. Winslow, F. Oyster beds of Va. and Md. 444. Winslow, F. B. Obscure diseases of the brain. 53. Winsor, J. College libraries. 241. Handbook of amer. revolution. 28. Library buildings. 1. Popular libraries. 1. ed. Bibliographical contributions. 21. History of America. 1329. Memorial history of Boston. 1372. Winstanley, W. Visit to Abyssinia. 1323. Winston, C : Ancient glass paintings. 486. Glass painting. 486. Winter, J: S. [Fiction.] 895. Winter, W: English rambles. 1234. Henry Irving. 1538. The jeffersons. 1537. Trip to England. 1234. Winterfeld, A. v. [Fiction.] 895. Winthrop, J: History of New England. 1369. Winthrop, R. C : John Winthrop. 1489. Winthrop, T. [Fiction.] 896. Life and poems. 1543. Life in the open air. 1100. Winton, J: G. Modern workshop practice. 415. Wirt, W: Letters of the british spy. 1078. Patrick Henry. 1487. Wirth, M. [Fiction.] 896. Wirth, M. W : G. Geschichte der handelskrisen. 203. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. 291. Wisconsin blue book. 180. Wisconsin farmer. 435. Wisconsin journal of education. 243. Wisconsin legal news. 225. Wisconsin natural history society. 292. Wisconsin reports. 226. Wisconsin state board of health. 396. Wisconsin state gazetteer. 1393. Wisconsin state historical society reports and collections. 1390. Wise, B. R. Modern protection. 206. Wise, D. Boy travellers in Arabia. 1308. Summer days on the Hudson. 1376. Wise, H: A: [Fiction.] 896. Los gringos. 1410. Scampavias. 1195. Wise, I: M. Hebrews' second commonwealth. 1168. Wise, J: R. New Forest. 1236. Wiseman, N: P. C. Doctrines and practices of the catholic church. 127. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. cxxxviij Wiseman. ATJTHOR-INDEX . Wortley. Wiseman, N: P. C. Continued. Galileo and the romau inquisition. 83. Last four popes. 1462. Legends and fables. 73. Science and revealed religion. 83. Sermons, etc., in Ireland. 113. Vindication of Italy. 1265. Wister, Mrs. A. L.. tr. [Fiction.] 896. Wister, S. B. Why do we like Paris ? 1306. Wither, T: P. Bigg-. Pioneering in South Bra- zil. 1416. Witherow, T: Boyne and Aghrim. 1212. Witt, C. Wanderings of Ulysses. 1139. Witt, H. de. [Fiction.] 897. Guizot in private life. 1496. Witt, P. de. [Fiction] 897. Wittendorf, C, pseud., see Proschko, H. C. 828. Wittenmyer, A. Women of the reformation. 1448. Witter, G. F., see Livermore, A. A. 66. Witter, M. Das alte Mexiko. 1408. Das heutige Mexiko. 1408. Wittmeyer, L. Leichenverbrennung. 406. Witzleben, C. v. [FictionJ 897. Witzleben-Wendelstein, F. v. [Fiction.] 897. Wladimir, pseud., sec Hofmeister, A. 759. WOhler, F: Mineral analysis. 321. Wolcott, O. Administrations of Washington and Adams. 167. Wolf, A., and H. v. Zwiedineck-Sudenhorst. Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia. 1242. Wolf, L. Sir Moses Montefiore. 1512. AVoIf s vademecum. 22, 23, 25. WolfiP, Joseph. Mission to Bokhara. 1315. Wolff, Julius. Der wilde jJiger. 1120. Wolfhagen, F. [Fiction.] 897. Wolfram von Eschcnbach. Dichten. 1120. Wollmar, Charlotte pseud., see Witzleben, C. V. 897. Woltmann, A. Holbein. 1530. awl K: Wiirm.&nn. History of painting. 486. Wolzogen, F. S. C. [Fiction.] 897. Wolzogen und Neuhaus, H. P. freiherrx. Wag- ner's Ring der Nibelungen. 495. Wood, A. [Drama.] 612. joint author, see Dixon, B. H. 545. Wood, C: [Fiction.] 897. Wood, C: W. In the Black Forest. 1248. Round about Norway. 1284. Wood, E: J. Wedding day. 259. Wood, E. P. [Fiction!] 897. Wood, G: [Fiction.] 898. Wood, G:, comedian. [Drama.] 612. Wood, G: B., and F. Bache. Dispensatory of the U. 8. 407. Wood, Mrs. H:. .see Wood, E. P. 897. Wood, H. C. [jr.] Brain-work and overwork. 403. Fever. 409. Fresh-water algte. 363. Wood, J: Administration of J: Adams. 1352. Wood, Capt. J: Source of the Oxus. 1315. Wood, J: G: Animal life. 368. Animal traits. 368. Aquarium. 369. Boy's own book of natural history. 369. Common objects of the country. 369. of the microscope. 356. of the sea-shore. 369. Common shells. 374. Homes without hands. 369. Wood, J: i^: Continued. Insects abi'oad . 376. Insects at home. 376. Lane and field. 284. Man and beast. 370. My feathered friends. 382. Natural history of man. 350. Petland revisited. 441. Popular natural history. 368. Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 1429. Wood, W:B. Recollections of the stage. 1537. Wood, W:M. Wandering sketches. 1192. Wood-working tools. 461. Woodberry, G: E: History of wood-engraving. 489. I Poe. 1542. 1 Woodbury, D. P. Stability in the arch. 413. I Woodbury, L. Writings. " 188. Woodhouse, S. W. Natural history of Sitgreaves' expedition. 372. Woodman, C: H. Boys and girls of the revolu- tion. 1483. Woodruff, H. Trotting horse of America. 441. Woodruff, J. L. M. [Fiction.] 898. Woods, F. H. Sweden and Norway. 1283. Woods, L. Infant baptism. 115. Letters to unitarians. 130. Woodward, A. A., ed. Echoes from mist-land. 1114. ; Woodward, E. M. Bonaparte's Park and the Murats. 1477. , Woodward, G: E. and F. W. Country homes. I 478. I Woodward, J. J. Cancerous tumors. 410. j Medical history of the rebellion. 393. I Woodward, S: P. Mollusca. 374. [ Wooler, J. [Drama.] 612. Wooler, J. P. [Drama.] 612. Wooley, C: Journal in N. Y. 1375. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights and moneys. 260. Woolman, J: Journal. 1459. Woolrych, H. W. Judge Jeffreys. 1511. Woolsey, S. C. [Fiction.] 898.' Woolsey, T. D. Communism. 204. Divorce. 213. International law. 209. Political science. 100. Woolson, A. G. Browsing among books. 1078. Woolson, C. F. [Fiction.] 899. Worboise, E. J. Thomas Arnold. 1455. Worcester, B: Swedenborg. 1461. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary. 273. Wordsworth, C. (Treece. 1289. Inspiration of holy scripture. 85. Same. 72. Shakspeai'e's use of the Bible. 1046. William Wordsworth. 1554. Wordsworth, W: [Poetical works.] 1044. Working-man's way in the world. 1526. World of wonders." 288. WOrmann, K:, joint author, see Woltmann, A. Worsaae, J. J. A. Danes and norwegians in England. 1220. Worth, T: Plutarch restored. 481. Worthen, A. H: Geology of Illinois. 339. Worthen, W. E., ed. Appleton's cyclopasdia of drawing. 483. Worthington, J. [Drama.] 613. Worthington's annual. 1091. Wortley, Lady E. S. Travels in the U. S. 1366. Entries in small type refer to contents only. Wrangell. AUTHOR-INDEX . Yoiing. Wrangell, Baron F. P. Expedition to the Polar sea. 1425. Wraxall, SirY:C.\^. Naval and military re- sources of Europe. 231. "Wraxall, ;SirN. W: Historical memoirs. 1226. Posthumous memoirs. 1226. Tour through northern Europe. 1210. j "Wray, C:, joint author, see Simpson, J. P. 600. Wren, Sir C. Letters, etc. 1529. "Wright, A. Adventures in Servia. 1294. i "Wright, A. O. Analysis of the constitution of ] Wisconsin. 212. "Wright, C. Philosophical discussions. 45. [ "Wrigrht, C. D. Factory system of the U. S. 453. | Industrial conciliation and arbitration. 199. j Relation of political economy to the labor ! question. 198. Uniform hours of labor. 199. "Wright, F., see Arusmont, F. d'. 668. "Wright, F. A., joint author, see Rossiter, E. K. "Wright, H. C. [Fiction.] 899. Stories in amer. history. 1331. "Wright, J. H. [Fiction.] 899. "Wright, J. M. Among the alaskans. "Wright, L. Practical pigeon keeper. Practical poultry keeper. 442. "Wright, R. J. Principia. 146. "Wright, R. W. Life ; its true genesis Vision of judgment. 1044. "Wright, Saul, pseud., see Wilson, F. T. 891. Wright, T: Biographia britannica literaria 1543. Literature, superstitions and history of Eng- land. 1219. Seven sages. 1019. Unknown public. 1007. ed. Early travels in Palestine. 1311. Political poems. 1024. Wright, W:, of N. Y. Oil regions of Pennsyl- vania. 428. Wright, W:, D.D., of London. Empire of the Hittites. 1169. 1405. 44.2. 346. Wrightson, R: H. Modern Italy. 1263. Wulflf, M. [Fiction.] 899. Wurm, W. Wasser. 402. Wurtz, C:A. Atomic theory. 321. Modern chemistry. 321. Wyatt, Sir T: Poetical works. 1044. Wyatt, W. J. History of Prussia. 1243. Wycherley, W: [Drama.] 613. "Wyckofif, W : C. Silk manufacturing-. 453. Wycliffe, J: Apology for lollard doctrines. 134. Writings. 71. Wylde, J., ed. Circle of the sciences. 282. Wylde, K. [Fiction.] 899. Wylie, W: H. Carlyle. 1547. Wyman, C. W. H... joint author, see Bigmore, E. C. 26. Wyman, J. Nervous system of rana pipiens 381. Wyman, W. H. Bibliography of Bacon-Shakes- peare controversy. 27. Wyndham-Quin, Sir W., see duin. Wynne, J. Pi-ivate libraries of N. Y. 2. Wyoming, Valley of. 1377. Wyss, J: R., and Baronne de Montolieu. [Fiction.] 899. Wythe, J. H. Microscopist. 356. Science and revelation. 83. Xenophon. Cyropaadia. 1170. Expedition of Cyrus. 1174. Memoirs of Socrates. 1447. Works. 1142. "y., F. Every man his own mechanic. 461. Y , H. A. [Drama.] 613. Yardley, E: Supernatural in romantic fiction. 54. , Yarnall, M. Catalogue of stars. 307. I Yarrow, H. C. Mortuary customs. 1340. 1 and others. Zoological report of Wheeler's expedition. 372. I Yates, E. H. [Fiction.] 899. I Fifty years of London life. 1554. awrf N. H. Harrington. [Drama.] 613. and J. P. Simpson. [Di-ama.] 613. Yates, R. Convention of 1787 at Phila. 211. Yekaterina II. Memoirs. 1478. Yelverton, M. T. [Fiction.] 900. Yoakum, H. History of Texas. 1384. Yoe, Shway, pseud., see Scott, J. G. Yonge, C: 1). Constitutional history of England. 162. English revolution. 1224. Marie Antoinette. 1475. Three centuries of english literature. 1005. Three centuries of modern history. 1202. Yonge, C. M. [Drama.] 614. [Fiction.] 900. Book of golden deeds. 1162. Cameos from english history. 1227. Christian names. 1565. Christians and moors of Spain. 1271. History of England. 1217. History of France. 1251. History of Germany. 1238. History of Greece. 1172. Kings of England. 1469. Landmarks of history: ancient. 1166. mediaeval. 1199. modern. 1202. Pioneers and founders. 1449. Stories of french history. 1251. Stories of roman history. 1177. Womankind. 64. and H. H. Weld. Stories of american history. 1331. Yorke, E., countess of Hardwicke. [Drama.] 614. Yorke, J. F. Evolution and Christianity. 80. Yorke, S. [Fiction.] 901. You have heard of them. Q. 1431. Youatt, W: The dog. 441. Youmans, E. A. First book of botany. 359. Youmans, E: L. Alcohol. 402. Chemistry. 320. Household science. 445. Scientific study of human nature. 401. ed. Correlation and conservation of forces. 310. Modern culture. 248. Youmans, W: i.. Joint author, see Huxley, T:H: Young, Alex. History of the Netherlanas. 1283. Young, Alex., D. D. Chronicles of the colony of Massachusetts bay. 1371. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers. 125. Young, Arthur. Travels. 1259. Young, Alfred W. [Drama.] 614. Young, Andrew W. American statesman. 165. Young, B. [Fiction.] 901. Numbers refer to columns in the main catalogue. clx Young. AUTHOR-INDEX. Zwiedineck. Yoimg, C: A: The sun. 304. joint author, see Cutts, R: D. Young, SirC:l>. [Drama.] 614. Joint author, see Church, F. 538. Young, E:, LL.B. [Drama.] 614. Young, E:, U. S. statistician. Report on immi- gration. 168. Tariff reports. 206. Young:, Ernest. Anglo-saxon family law. 208. Young, E: D. Nyassa. 1327. Young, J. C: Charles Mayne Young. 1538. Young, J. H. Map of Ohio. 1387. Mitchell's travellers' guide. 1363. Young, R. Analytical concordance. 85. Light in lands of darkness. 116. Modern missions. 116. Young, W: [Fiction.] 901. Young, W:, architect. Town and country man- sions. 477. Young, W: T. Lewis Cass. 1485. Young wife's book. 64. Yriarte, C: E. Florence. 1265. Venice. 1264. Yriarte, T: Literary fables. 1134. Yvan, M., joint author, see Callery, J. M. Y- Worth, W. Making wines. 451. Zacharia, F: W: Ausgrewahlte gedichte. 1109. Zacharia, H: A. Modernes schoffengericht. 225. Zacharias, O: Bevolkerungs-frage. 155. Zacone, P: [Fiction.] 901. Zadkiel, pseud., see Morrison, R: J. Zahner, R. Transmission of power by com- pressed air. 313. Zakrzewska, M. E. [Life.] 1523. Zeeh, P. Himmel und erde. 301. Spektrum und spektralanalyse. 322. Zechmeister, A. V : [Drama.] 614. Zedlitz, J: C. F: v. Gedichte. 1120. Zeisberger, D: Diary. 1461. Zeising, A. [Fiction'.] 901. Zeitschrift fiir die gebildete welt. 289. Zeller, E: David Friedrich Strauss. 1559. Zeller, L. [FictionJ 901. Ziehen, E: A: P. [Fiction.] 901. Ziemssen, L: [Fiction.] 901. Zigler und Kliphausen, H: A. v. Asiatische Banise. 1105. Zigzag journeys, see Butterworth, H. Zinunerniann,'J: 6: Ueber die einsamkeit. 1106. Zimmermann, [BalthasarF:] W: [Drama.] 614. Geschichte des deutschen volkes. 1237. History of Germany. 1237. Zimmern, H. Maria Edgeworth. 1549. Zinkeisen, J: W: Osmanisches reich in Europa. 1289. Zirkel, F. Microscopical petrography. 323. Zitelmann, E. O: K. [Fiction.] 902." Zittel, E. Protestantischer gottesdienst. 104. Zittel, K: A. Aus der urzeit. 337. Zitz[-Halein], K. T. P. M. [Fiction.] 902. ZoUing, T. Reise um die Pariser welt. 1261. ZOllner, C. v. [Fiction.] 902. ZOllner, J: C: F: Transcendental physics. 56. ZOpffel, ^., joint author, see Holtzmann, H: J. 67. Zosimus, (Jomes. History. 1179. Zschokke, J: H: D. [Fiction.] 902. Anthologie. 1108. Autobiography. 1560, Biographic. i560. Death and eternity. 102. History of Switzerland. 1287. Selbstschau. 1560. Ziircher, P:, and E. Margolle. Meteors, aero- lites, etc. 329. Zwiedineck-Siidenhorst, H. v., joint author, see Wolf, A. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE WITH Title Indexes of Drama and Fiction. L BIBLIOLOGY AND UNCLASSIFIED WORKS. 1. Libraries. 1. Library science and history. Jewett C: Coffin. Notices of public libraries in the U. S. of Amej-ica ; printed by order of congress as an app. to the 4th annual re- port of the board of regents of the Smith- sonian institution. Wash. 1851. O. L United States. Bureau of education. Public libraries in the U. S. of America ; their his- tory, condition and management. [Ed. by S: R. Warren and S. N. Clark.] Wasli. 1876. 3 V. O. L Contents. V. 1 . IHistoriml essays.] . Editors. In- trod. Scudder, H. E. Public libraries a hundred years ago. Editors. School and asylum libraries; College libraries. Librarian, A, J : S. Sumer, and editors. Theological libraries in the U. S. Gris- wold, S. B. Law libraries. Billingrs, J. S. Medical libraries in the U. S. aill, T. Scientific libraries in the IJ. S Editors. Libraries in prisons and reform- atories. Perkins, F: B., and W: Matthews. Pro- fessorships of books and reading. Editors. Libra- ries of the general government ; Copyright, distribu- tion, exchanges and duties. Homes, H: A. State and territorial libraries.- Homes, H: A., W. I. Fletcher and editors. Historical societies in the U. S. Perkins, F: B. Young men's mercantile libraries. Brainerd, C. Young men's christian associations. Q,uincy, .T. P. Free libraries. 2. [Management and CataUiguinu'i- Fletcher, W: T. Public libraries in manufacturing communities ; Public libraries and the young. Perkins, F: B. How to make town libraries successful. Winsor, J. Reading in popu- lar libraries. Frieze, H. S. Art museums and their connection with public libraries. Editors. Free town Hbraries. Todd, W. C. Free reading rooms. Winsor, J. Library buildings. Poole, W: F: The organization and management of public libraries. Robinson, O. H. College library administration. Cutter, C: A. Library catalogues Devrey, M., S. B. Noyes, J. Schwartz, J: J. Bailey. Catalogues and cataloguing. Robinson, O. H. On indexing periodical and miscellaneous literature. Spofford, A. R. Binding and preservation of books ; Periodi- cal literature and society publications ; Works of reference for libraries. Winsor, J. Library memo- randa. Robinson, O. H. Titles of books. Perkins, F: B. Book indexes. Spoflford, A. R. Library bibliography. Cutter, C: A. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. 3. [Reports and statist ics.] Edi- tors. Library reports and statistics. Public libra- ries of ten principal cities. Editors. General sta- tistics of all public libraries in the U. S. Cowtan, Robert. Memories of the British mu- seum. Lond. 1872. O. L Edwards, E : Lives of the founders of the Brit- ish museum ; with notices of its chief aug- mentors and other benefactors, 15701870. Lond. 1870. O. L Free town libraries, their formation, manage- ment and history in Britain, France, Ger- many and America, together with brief notices of book-collectors, and of the re- spective places of deposit of their surviv- ing collections. Lond. 1869. O. L Edwards, B-. Continued. Libraries and founders of libraries. Lond. 1865. O. L Memoirs of libraries, including a handbook of library economy. Lond. 1859. 3 v. O. L Wynne, James. Private libraries of New York. N. Y. 1860. O. L Columbia college, N. Y. School oj library ecqn- omy. Circular of information, 1884. D. L Blackburn, C : F. Hints on catalogue titles and on index entries, with a rough vocabulary of terms and abbreviations, chiefly from catalogues, and some passages from jour- neying among books. Lond. 1884. Q. L Boston athenaeum. How to get books ; with an explanation of the new wav of marking books, by C. A. Cutter. Bost. 1882. O. Same. It Boston public library. Handbook for readers, with regulations. 5th ed. 1877. Bost. 1877. Tt. L Same. Newed. Bost. 1879. S. L Same. New ed. Bost. 1883. S. L Cutter, C : Ammi. Rules for a printed diction- ary catalogue. (Public libraries in the U. S. ; special report of the bureau of educa- tion, pt. 2.) Wash. 1876. O. R Same. In U. S. Special report on libraries, v. 2. li Dewey, Melvil. A classification and subject in- dex for cataloguing and arranging the books and pamphlets of a library. Am- herst, Mass. 1876. O. L Same [as adapted to the Bufi^'alo young men's asso. lib'y]. " L B Edmands, J : New system of classiflcation and scheme for numbering books, applied to the Mercantile library of Philadelphia. Repr. from the bulletin of the library. Phila. 1883. Q. L Green, S: Swett. Library aids. Rev. and enl. ed., with references from Poole's Index and a chapter on Books and articles on reading from Foster's Libraries and readers. N! Y. 1883. T. L Same. "& Jewett, C: Coffin. Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libraries and their publication by means of separate stereotype titles, with rules and examples. 2ded. Wash. 1853. O. L CI. 1-9 LIBBABIES SCIENCE. Perkins, F : Beecher. A rational classification of literature for shelving and cataloguing books in a library ; with alphabetical index. San Francisco. 1881. O. M^A Dewey, M. Classification and subject index. L Same. B. Same. Rev. ed. San Francisco. 1882. O. L San Francisco cataloguing for public libraries; a manual of the system used in the San Francisco free public library. San Fran- cisco. 1884. O. L Petzholdt. Julius. Katechismus der bibliothe- kenlehre ; anleitun^ zur einrichtung und verwaltung von bibliotheken. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1877. S. L Smith, Lloyd Pearsall. On the classification of books ; a paper read before the American library association, may 1882. Bost. 1882. O. L 2. Associations and Periodicals. American library association. Papers and pro- ceedings of the 4th general meeting held at Washington, feb. 9, 10, and Baltimore, feb. 11, 1881. Bost. 1881. O. L Note. Proceedinjrs of other meetings are found in various volumes of the Library journal. The library journal ; v. 1-9. N. Y. 1877-84. 9v. Q.' L Library-association of the United Kingdom. Transactions and proceedings of the con- ference of librarians held in London, 1877. Ed. by the secretaries of the conference, E. B. Nicholson and H : R. Tedder. Lond. 1878. Q. L Transactions and proceedings of the 1st 3d annual meetings, held at Oxford, oct. 1- 8. 1878, at Manchester, sept. 23-25, 1879, at Edinburgh, oct. 5-7, 1880, ed. by the secre- taries. Lond. 1879-81. 3 v. Q. L Monthly notes; v. 1-4. Lond. 188083. 4 v. in 2. O. L The library chronicle ; a journal of librarian- ship and bibliography; v. 1. Lond. 1884. Q. L Centralblatt fUr bibliothekswesen ; herausg. unter stiindiger mitwirkung zahlreicher fachgenossen des in- und auslandes, von O. Hartwig und K. Schulz. ler jahrg. Leipz. 1884. O. L 3. Reports. Albany. Young men's association for mutual improvement. 50th and 51st annual reports of the officers. 1883, 1884. L 50th anniversary and exercises ; semi-centen- nial celebration at the Leland opera house on Wednesday eve., dec. 12, 1883. L Aster library of the city of New York. 25th- 28th, 30th-33d annual reports. Albany. 1874-82. O. "L Baltimore. Mercantile library association. 34th annual report of the board of direc- tors. Bait. 1874. O. L Birmingham, England. Free libraries commit- tee. 17th and 18th, 20th and 21st annual reports. 1878 and 1879, 1881 and 1882. Birm. [1880], 1883. O. L Boston public library. 2, 3, 5, 10, 12 20,22 32d annual reports of the board of trustees. Bost. 1S54 84. O. L Bridgeport public library. 2d annual report, July 1, 1883. Bridgep. 1883. O. L Brookline, Mass. Public library. 25th-27th an- nual reports. Brookline. 188284. O. L Brooklyn library. 26th annual re))ort of the board of directors ; presented march 27, 1884. Brooklyn. 1884. O. L Buffalo. Young men's association. 36th, 38th - 48th annual reports of the executive com- mittee and the record of the proceedings of the annual meetings, feb. 26, 1872 feb. 25, 1884. Also, the 7th, 9th 19th annual i-eports of the real estate commissioners of the association. Buffalo. 187284. O. L Chicago public library. 1st 5th, 7th 12th an- nual reports of the boai'd of directors, June 1873 June 1884. Chicago. 187384. O. L Cincinnati. Public library. 6th, 13th, 16th, 17th annual reports of the librarian and treasurer, June 1873 June 1884. Cin. 1873 84. O. L Young men's mercantile library association. 42d, 47th, 49th annual reports of the board of directors, 1876, 1881, 1883. Cin. 1877 84. O. L Cleveland. Public school library. 12th, 14th, 15th annual reports of the board of man- agers and librarian. Cleveland, 1880, 1882, 1883. O. L Columbia college library, N. Y. 1st annual re- port of the chief librarian, may 31, 1884. N. Y. 1884. O. li Handsworth, Eng., public library. Report of committee for year end. march 25, 1884. L Hartford library association. 42d 44th, 46tb annual reports of the executive committee, June 1, 1880-june 1, 1884. Hartford, 1880 84. O. L Haverhill, Mass., public library. 5th annual report for the year ending dec. 31, 1879. Haverhill. 1880. O. L Iowa state library, Des Moines. Reports of tin; state librarian for the years 1878 and 1879, 1880 ai'd 1881, and biennial report July 1, 1883. Des Moines. 1879-83.0. " " L Lawrence, Mass. Free public library. 7th 10th, 12th, 13th annual reports of the board of trustees and librarian. Lawrence, 1879 -85. O. L Lowell, Mass. City library. Annual reports of the directors, 18791881, 1883. Lowell, 188084. O. L Lynn, Mass. Public library. 17th 2l8t annual reports of the trustees. Lynn. 188084. O. L Madison, Wis. Free library and reading room. 4th annual report of the board of directors, year ending July ], 1879. Madison, 1879. O. L Manchester, K H. City library. 26th 31st annual reports of the trustees, 18791884. Manchester. 188085. O. L Michigan. State librarv, Lansing. Report of the state librarian for 1881 and 1882. Lans- ing. 1882. O. L Milwaukee. Public library. 2d 7th annual re- ports of the board of trustees, oct. 1879 oct. 1884. Milw. 187984. O. L Note. The first annual report for the period elap- sing: between the time of the actual transfer of the library of the Younj? men's association to the city, and September 30th 1878, has never been printed. Mitchell library, Glasgow. Report, 1883. Glas- gow, 1884. O. L New Haven young men's institute. Book list s and annual reports, 1879, 1880, 1882. L LIBRARIES REPORTS. CI. 1-d New York. General society of mechanics and tradesmen. 97th and 99th annual report, prepared by the finance committee, 1883 and 1885. N. Y. 1883, 1885. O. L Mercantile library association. 53d to 63d an- nual reports of the board of direction, may 1873 april 1884. N. Y. 187484. O. L New York state library, Albany. Annual re- ports of the trustees ; 39th, 62 64th. Al- bany. 1858, 188082. O. L Newburyport, Mass., public library. 25th, 26th and 28th annual reports of the directors. Newburyport, 188184. O. L Dedicatory exercises of the Simpson annex to the public library building of the city of Newburyport on the eve. of aprir28, 1882. Newburyport, 1882. O. L Newton, Mass., free library. Annual reports of the trustees, 18781883. Bost. 1879-84. O. L Peabody institute, Baltimore. 12th annual re- port of the provost to the trustees, June 1, 1879. Bait. 1879. O. L Philadelphia. Mercantile library l company. 60th 62d annual reports, Jan. 18831885. Phila. 1883-85. O. li Pittsburgh library association. 32d annual re- port for 1879. L Providence public library. 1st 6th annual re- ports of the librarian, for the year ending feb. 3, 1879 to the year ending dec. 31, 1883. Providence. 187984. O. L Rotherham, Eng., Free public library of the borough of. 1st 3d annual reports of the committee. Rotherham. 1881 [83]. O. L St. Louis mercantile library association. An- nual reports 1876, 1884, 1885. St. Louis. 1877-85. O. L Public school library. Annual reports 1876 1883. St. Louis. 187884. O. L San Francisco free public library. 3d 5th re- ports of the board of trustees for the years ending June 30, 1881 June 30th, 1883. San Francisco. 188183. O. L Mercantile library association. 25th 29th, 32d annual reports of the president, treas- urer and librarian, 1877-1881, 1884. San Francisco. 187882, 1885. O. L Swansea, Borough of. Public library and gal- lery of art committee. 7th 9th annualre- pofts, 1880-'l 1882-'83. Swansea, 1881 83. O. L Taunton, Mass. Public library. 11th 18th an- nual reports of the trustees, 18761883. Taunton. 1877-83. O. L Toledo, 0. Public library. 6th 10th annual re- ports of the trustees for the years ending dec. 31, 1879 dec. 31, 1883. Toledo. 1880 83. O. L Toronto, Ont. Mechanics' institute. 49th 51st annual reports, with abstracts of the an- nual meetings, 18801882. Toronto. 1880 82. O. L Public library. 1st annual report, 1883-84. Toronto. 1885. O. L Uxbridge, Mass., free public library. 8th an- nual report of the board of trustees. Ux- brido^e. 1883. O. L Willard library, Evansville, Ind. Papers relat- ing to [its] establishment. Evansville. 1877. O. L Wilmington institute. 23d 27th annual re- ports of the president, treasurer and exec- utive committee, 18801884. Wilmington, Del. 188084. O. L Wobum, Mass. Library committee. 22d 28th annual reports for the years ending feb. 28, 1879 march 1, 1885. " Wobum and 1879-85. O. L Worcester, Mass. Free public library. 19th 24th annual reports for the years ending nov. 30, 1878 nov. 30, 1883." Worcester. [1879]-1884. O. L Rules, regulations and documents. Worcester. 1881. C). L 4. Catalogues. Public libraries . Amherst college library. Catalogue. Amherst. 1855. O. L Astor library. New York. Catalogue or Alpha- betical index of the Astor library, in 2 pts. Pt. 1: Authors and books. N. Y'. 1857-1861. 4 V. Q. L Bloomington, III., library association. A list of books, as found in the library on Jan. 1st 1868. Bloomington, 1868. O. L Boston athenaeum. Catalogue of the library, 18071871. Bost. 1874-82. 5 v. O. R Additions, 2d ser.; nos. 6162, mar. 15, 1878 feb. 7, 1885. L NoU. Nos. 1920, 3940, 5960, 7980, 98100, 137140 and 160 contain indexes to the nos. issued dur- ing the proceeding year. Boston public library. Bulletins, showing titles of books added, with bibliographical notes etc.; nos. 4, 6. 8, 1018, 2127, 2945, 4750, 53, 57, 5970. L Catalogue of the american portion of the library of the rev. T: Prince; with a memoir and list of his publications by W: H. Whit- more. Bost. 1868. D. L Periodicals in the central library, as cur- rently received in the periodical reading room and kept bound in the shelves of the Lower hall and Bates hall. 2d ed., april 1873. L Bate.-ft5. 5,6. 1866-75. 7,8. Table des matieres 1840-7.5. Note. Title-page of v. 1-4 reads : Catalogue general de la librairie francaise pendant 25 ans, 1840-65. Catalogue annuel de la librairie francaise pour 1876. Paris. 1877. O. L Catalogue mensuel de la librairie francaise, 1877-83. Paris. [1878-84.] 7 v. O. L Swedish. LinnstrOm, Hjalmar. Svenskt boklexikon, aren 1830-65. Stockholm. 1883, 1884. 2 v. Q. L Broberg, C. Svensk bok-katalog for aren 1866- 75. [Anon.] Stockholm. [1878]. Q. L Arskatalog for svenska bokhandeln : nominal- katalog ; systematisk katalog. 1876, 1877, 1879-188:3. Stockholm. 1877-84. O. L iVo rwegian and Danish. Nyerup, Rasmus, and Jens E. Kraft. Almin- deligt litteraturlexicon for Danmark, Norge og Island, eller Fortegnelse over danske, norske og islandske, saavel afdode som nu levende, forfattere med anforelse af deres vigtigste levnets-omstandigheder og liste over deres skrifter. Kjobenhavn. 1830. O. L Halvorsen, J. B. Norsk forfatter-lexikon, 1814- 1880 ; paa grundlag af J. E. Krafts og Chr. Lances "Norsk forfatter-lexikon, 1814-1856" samlet, redigeret og udgivet. Kristiania. 1881-84. O. L Note. Published only to the art. Bugge. Erslew, T: Hansen. Almindeligt forfatter-lexi- con for kongeriget Danmark med tilhoren- de bilande f ra 1814 til 1840, eller Fortegnelse over de sammesteds fodte forfattere og forfatterinder, som levede ved begyndelsen af aret 1814, eller siden ere fodte, med an- forelse af deres vigtigste levnets-omstan- digheder og af deres trykte arbejder ; samt over de i hertugdomrnerne og i udlandet fodte forfattere, som i bemeldte tiderum have opholdt sig i Danmark og der udgivet skrifter. Kjobenhavn. 1843-53. 3 v. O. L Supplement, indtil udgangen af slret 1853. Kjobenhavn. 1858-68. 3 v. O. L Fabricius, F: Dansk bogfortegnelse for Arene 1841-58. Kjobenhavn. 1861. Q. L Vahl, Johannes. Dansk bogfortegnelse for 1859 -68. Kjobenhavn. 1871. Q. L Same. 1869-80. Kjobenhavn. 1883. Q. L Dutc h. Meulen, R. van der. Brinkman's catalogus der boeken-, plaat- en kaartwerken die ge- durende de jaren 1850-1882 in Nederland zijn uitgegeven of herdrukt -, in alphabe- tische volgorde gerangsehikt, met vermel- ding van den naam des uitgevers of eigen- aars, het jaar van uitgave, hetgetal deelen, de platen en kaarten, het formaat en den prijs. Amsterdam. [1884.1 O. L Note. Published only to the art. Levensboek. BIBLIOaitAlHY-SPEClAL StJBJECTS. Cl. 10-19 2i 4. Special subjects and Indexes. (For Indexes of periodicals, see below, class 51.) Collections . Harvard university library. Bibliographical contributions, ed. by Justin Winsor, libi-arian. No. 1-6, 8-15, 18. Cambridffe. 1879-84. Q. L Contentg. 1, Holden, E: S. Index-catalogue of books and memoirs on the transits of Mercury. [To be found only in Harvard university bulletins, v. 1: 20e.] 2. Winsor, J. Shakespeare's poems ; a biblio- graphy of the earlier editions. 3. Norton, C: E. List of the principal books relating to the life and works of Michelangelo, with notes. 4. Winsor, J. Pletas et gratulatlo; an inquiry into the authorship of the several pieces. 5. List of apparatus avail- able for scientific researches involving accurate measurements and contained in different amerioan laboratories. 6. The collection of books and auto- graphs bequeathed to Harvard college library by the hon. C: Sumner. 7. [Not yet publ.] 8. Calendar of of the Arthur Lee mss. In the library of Harvard university. 9. Ooodale, G: L. The floras of differ- ent countries. 10. Winsor, J. Halliwelliana; a bibliography of the publications of James Orchard Halliwell-Phlllipps. 11. Scudder, S: H. The ento- mological libraries of the U. S. 12. List of the publications of Harvard university audits officers; 18701880. 13. Scudder, S: H. A bibliography of fossil insects. 14. Tillingrhast, W: H. Notes on the historical hydrography of the Handkerchief Shoal in the Bahamas. l5. Whitney, J. D. List of amerlcan authors in geology and palfeontology. 16. Bliss, R: Classified index to the maps in Peter- mann's geographische mlttheilungen, 1855-1881. 17. [Not yet publ.] 18. Winsor, J. The bibliography of Ptolemy's geography. Index Society. [Publications.] Lond. 1879-84. 11 V. O. L Contents. 1878. No. 1. What is an Index? a few notes on indexes and indexers; by H: B. Wheatley. 2. An index of the names of the royalists whose estates were confiscated during the commonwealth, with a reprint of the three confiscation acts of 16,51 and 1652, from Scobell's "Collection of acts and ordinances of general use from the 3d of nov. 1640 to the 17th of sept. 1856", comp. by Mabel G. W. Pea- cock. 3. Index of municipal offices, comp. from the appendixes to the Ist report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in England and Wales, 1835, with an historical introd. by G. Laurence Gomme. 1879. 4. 1st annual re- port, to which are added four appendixes: I. Index to books and papers on marriage between near kin, by Alfred H. Huth ; II. Index of the styles and titles of English sovereigns by Walter De Gray Birch; III. Index of Portraits in the "European magazine," "London magazine" and "Register of the times", by E. Solly; IV. Index of obituary notices for 1878. 6. An index of hereditary english, Scottish and Irish titles of honour, comp. by E: Solly. 1880. 7. 2d annual rej)ort and appendixes : I. Index of portraits in the "British gallery of portraits", Jerdan's "Port- rait gallery". Knight's "Gallery of portraits" and "Lodge's portraits" ; II. Index of abridgments of patents; III. Index of obituary notices for 1879. 8. Guide to the literature of botany; being a classified selection of botanical works, including nearly 6000 titles not given in Pritzel's Thesaurus, by B: Daydon Jackson. 1881. 9. Index of obituary notices for 1880. 10. An index to Norfolk topography by Walter Rye. 1882. 11. Vegetable technology; a contri- bution towards a bibliography of economic botany with a comprehensive subject index, by B: Daydon Jackson, founded upon the collections of G: James Symons. 12. Index of obituary notices for 1881. 1883. 13. Index to english speaking students who have graduated at Leyden university, by E: Peacock. 14. Index of obituary notices for 1882. Providence public library. Monthly reference lists, ed. by W. E. Foster; 1881-1884. Providence and N. Y. 1881-84. 4 v. O. L Some. "B, Note. Continued in the Literary news. Mttller, J: Die wissenschaftlichen vereine und fesellschaften Deutsehlands im 19ten jahr- undert; bibliogranhie ihrer veroffent- hchungen seit ihrer begrundung bis auf die gegenwart. lte-4telief. Berlin. 1883,1884. Th eolo g y. Briggs, C: A: A catalogue of books of refer- ence on biblical study. in 220 : 16 Hurst, J: Fletcher. Bibliotheca theologica ; a select and classified bibliography of theol- ogy and general religious literature. N. Clark, Robert, and co. Catalogue of theologi- cal and religious books, alphabetically ar- ranged by subject and author; comprising a large collection of the best works, both new and old, american and foreign, in the various departments of theological litera- ture. Cine. [1879]. O. With their Biblio- theca americana, 1878. Ti "Wolf's theologisches vademecum ; alphabeti- sche und systematische zusammenstellung der neueren und besseren literatur-erschei- nungen auf dem gebiete der theologie. [Leipz. 18811. D. L Spurgeon, C: Haddon. Commenting and com- mentaries ; lectures addressed to the stu- dents of the pastor's college. Metropolitan Tabernacle, with a list of the best biblical commentaries and expositions, also a lec- ture on eccentric preachers, with a com- plete list of all of Spurgeon's sermons, with the scripture texts used. N. Y. 1876. D. L Alger, W: Kounseville. A critical history of the doctrine of a future life ; with a com- plete bibliography of the subject. Phila. 1864. O. 218:1 Amott, .Bibliotheca diabolica ; a choice selec- tion of the most valuable books relating to the devil, his origin, greatness and influ- ence, comprising the most important works on the devil, satan, demons, hell, hell-tor- ments, magic, witchcraft, sorcery, divina- tion, superstitions, angels, ghosts, etc., with some curious volumes on dreams and astrology; in two parts, pro and con, seri- ous and humorous, chronologically ar- ranged, with notes, q^uotations and prov- erbs and a copious index. 111. [^non.l N. Y. 1870. Q. il Finotti, Joseph M. Bibliographia catholica americana ; a list of works written by catholic authors and published in the U. S. Pt. 1: 1784-1820. N. Y. 1872. O. L Dexter, H: Martyn. Collections toward a bib- liography of Congregationalism. In his Congregationalism of the last 300 years. 286-1-3 Bixby, J. T. The study of the non-christian re- ligions. In Unitarian rev., v. 17, p. 126- 149. M Sociology and philosophy. Oossa, L: Guide to the study of political economy. Tr. from the 2d Italian ed., with a preface by W. Stanley Jevons. Lond. 1880. D. 330 : 18 Society for political education. Political econ- omy and political science ; a priced and classified list of books recommended for general reading, and as an introd. to special Cl. 10-19 BrBLIOGmAPHY-SlECIAL StJBJiECTS. 24 study, on the following subjects : political economy, finance, taxation, relations of labor and capital, wages, cooperation, land- tenure, free trade and protection, com- merce and trade, social science, commu- nism, socialism, political science, civil ser- vice, minority representation, the constitu- tion of the U. S., etc.; comp. by W. G. Sumner, D: A. Wells. W. E. Foster, R. L. Dugdale and G. H. Putnam. (Economic tracts, no. 2.) N. Y. 1881. D. L Foster, W : E. The literatiire of civil service re- form in the U. S.; publ. by the Young men's political club. Providence. 1881. O. L Claxke, Robert, and co. Catalogue of american and british works on political economy, finance and kindred subjects ; with an in- dex of subiects. Cine. 1879. O. With their Bibliotheca americana, 1878 . li Wolf's juristisches vademecum ; eine alphabe- tisch und systematisch geordnete handbi- bliothek von alien brauchbaren werken,etc. alterer bis neuester zeit, auf dem gesammt- gebiete der rechts- und staats-wissenschaf- ten. 2te vollig umgearb. und erweiterte auti. ; mit m ate rien register. Leipz. 1883. D. li Spencer, Herbert. Political institutions. N. Y. 1882. O. 192 :7v7pt2 Note. Contains, on p. 678-686, list of "Titles of works referred to." Wolf's philosophisch-padagogisches vademe- cum ; alphabetische unci systematische zu- sammenstellung der neueren und besseren literaturerscheinungen auf dem gebiete der philosophic, piidagogik und des an- schauungs-unterrichts aller lander. [Leipz. 18821 D. li Larned, J. N. List of works on charity and kindred subjects, p. 249-254 of 361 : 2 Gustafson, Axel. The foundation of death ; a study of the drink miestion. 178 : 7 Note. Contains, on p. 49ft-662, a bibliography of the subject. Philology. Wolf's linguistisches vademecum ; eine alpha- betiscli und systemat'sch geordnete hand- bibliothek ausgewiihlter werke and ab- handlungen auf dem gebiete der lingui- stik. 1 : Orientalia, Americana etc., mit materienregister. [Leipz. 1883.] D. li Triibner and co. Catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the principal languages and dialects of the world. 2d ed. enl. and rev. with alphabetical index ; a guide for stu- dents and booksellers. Lond. 1882. O. L Miildeuer, F: A: W:, ed. Bibliotheca philologi- ca, Oder Geordnete ubersicht aller auf dem gebiete der classischen alterthumswissen- schaft wie der alteren und neueren sprach- wissenschaft in Deutschland und dem aus- land neu erschienenen biicher. Gottingen. 1876-82. 9 V. in 5. O. li Ebering, Emil, ed. Bibliographischer anzeiger fiir romanische sprachenj und literaturen. Leipz. 1883, 1884. O. li MObius, Theodor. Catalogus librorum island- icorum et norvegicorum aetatis mediae, edi- torura, versorum, illustratorum. Skaldatal sive Poetarum recensus Eddae upsaliensis. liipsiae. 1856. O. Ji MObius, Theodor. Continued. Verzeichniss der auf dem gebiete der altnor- dischen, altislandischen und altnorwegi- schen, sprache und literatur, von 1855 bis 1879 erschienen schriften. Leipz. 1880. O. With his Catalogus librorum islandicorum et norvegicorum. li Na tur al science. Eng'elmann, W: Bibliotheca historico-naturalis: Verzeichniss der biicher iiber naturge- schichte welche in Deiitschland, Scandina- vien, Holland, England, Frankreich, Ita- lien und Spanien in den jahren 1700-1846 erschienen sind ; mit einem namen- und sachregister. Leipz. 1846. O. L Same. Supplement-band : Bibliotheca zoolo- gica ; verzeichniss der schriften iiber zoolo- gie, welche in den periodischen werken enthalten und vom jahre 1846-1860 selbst- standig erschienen sind, mit einschluss der allgemein-naturgeschichtlichen, periodi- schen und palaeontologischen schriften; bearb. von J. Victor Carus. Leipz. 1861. 2v. O. li Metzger, Adolph, ed. Bibliotheca historico- naturalis, physico-chemica et mathematica, Oder Systematisch geordnete iibersicht der in Deutschland una dem auslande auf dem gebiete der gesammten naturwissenschaf- ten und der mathemathik neu erschienenen bucher. Gottingen. 1874-83. 10 v. in 5. O. ^ li Royal society of London. Catalogue of scien- tific papers; v. 1-6, 1800-63, v. 7, 8, 1864-73. Lond. 1867-79. 8 v. Q. L May, G., comp. A bibliography of electricity and magnetism, 1860 to 1883 ; with special reference to electro-technics. Index by O. Salle. Lond. 1884. D. t Waltz, Theodor. Anthropologic der naturvcil- ker. 2teaufl. Leipz. 1860-77. 6v. O. 572:1 Note. V. 1. p. xvii-xxxii, 3. p. xvii-xxiv, 3. p. xix-xxxli, 6. p. xviii-xxii contain "Literatur" of the subject. Balfour^ Francis M. A treatise on comparative embryology. Lond. 1881. 2 v. O. 576:1 fote. Contain portion at the e in V. 3. p. i-xxil Note. Contains a bibliography of the subject, a olui jortion at the end of each volume, in v. 1. p. i-xxii n V. 3. p. i-xxil. Pritzel, G: A: Thesaurus literaturai botanies; omnium gentium, inde a rerum botani- carum initiis ad nostra usque tempora ; quindecim millia opertim recensens. Ed. nov. ref. Lipsia;. 1872. Q. L Jackson, B: Daydon. Guide to the literature of botany; being a classified selection of botanical works, including nearly 6000 titles not given in Pritzel's Thesaurus. (Index society pub., no. 8). Lond. 1881. O. li Vegetable technology; a contribution towards a bibliography of economic botany, with a comprehensive subject index ; founded upon the collections of G: James Symons. (Index society pub., no. 11). Lond. 1882. O. li Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. Bibliographia zoolo- gize et geologijB ; a general catalogue of all books, tracts and memoirs on zoolos and geology; corr. enl. and ed. by H.J Strickland ' and sir W: Jardine. [Ray and geology; corr. enl. and ed. by Strickland ' and sir W: Jardir society.] Lond; 1848-54. 4 v. O, iif 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY SPECIAL SXTEJECTS. CI. 10-19 26 Mag^nin, Antoine. The bacteria. Tr. by G: M. Sternberg. Bost. 1880. O. 593 : 2 Note. Contains, on p. 191-222, a bibliography of the subject. Gill, Theodore N: Bibliography of the tishes of the Pacific coast of the U. S. to the end of 1879. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : 114 v23 Giebel, Christoph Gottfried. Thesaurus ornitho- logiae ; repertorium der gesammten orni- thologischen literatur und nomenclatur sJimmtlicher gattungen und arten der vogel, nebst synonymen und geographi- scher verbreitung. Leipz. 1872-77. 3v. O. L Coues, Elliott. American ornithological biblio- graphy. Pt. 1: Faunal publications relat- mg to North America. In Ms Birds of the Colorado valley; U.S. geol. survey, Hayden, misc. publ., no. 11. 557.5 : D Same. Pt. 2: Faunal publications, relating to Central and South America, and the West Indies. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden; Bulletin, v. 5. 557.5 : D Same. Pt. 3: Systematic bibliography of the whole of America. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden; Bulletin, v. 5. 557.5:D Gill, Theodore, and Elliott Coues. Material for a bibliography of north american mammals. In Coues, E., and J. A. Allen. Mono- graphs of north amer. rodentia; app. B. in 557.5: D Allen, Joel Asaph. Preliminary list of works and papers relating to the mammalian orders cete and sirenia. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden; Bulletin, v. 6. 557.5: D Practical arts. Wolf's medicinisches vademecum; alphabetisch- systematische zusammenstellung von neuen und renommirten erscheinungen der litera- tur des in- und auslandes auf dem gebiete der heilwissenschaft und thierheilkunde; mit register der systeme und schlagworter. 3te verm, und verb. aull. [Leipz.] 1883. D. L Clarke, Robert, and co. Bibliotheca medica; a catalogue of american and british books, periodicals, transactions etc. relating to medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, chemistry, and kindred subjects, classified by subjects with an index by authors. 3d ed. Cine. 1879. D. L Catalogue of books on engineering, mechanics, mining, manufactures and trades. Cine. 1878.1). Jfi^A Bibliotheca medica. L List of recent books on agi'iculture, botany, horticulture, etc. Cine. 1877. D. With Bibliotheca medica. L Jeffries, B: Joy. Color-blindness; its dangers and its detection. Bost. 1879. D. 616:10 Note. Contains, on p. 291-308, a bibliography of the subject. Pitha, Franz freiherr v., and Christian Albert Theodor Billroth, eds. Handbuch der all- gemeinen und speciellen chirurgie. Erlan- gen. 1865-82. 13 v. in 12. O. 617: 6 Contents, see under Useful arts. Medicine. Each treatise included contains a special bibliography of Its subject. Bigmore, E. C, and C. W. H. Wyman, eomp. A bibliography of printing, with notes and illustrations, v. 1, 2. Lona. """" '""' " O. Contents. V. 1. A-L. 2. M-S. 1884. 2 v. L Rockwell, Julius En.sign. Bibliography of short- hand works in the englisn language. (U. S. Bureau of education ; Circulars of information, no. 2, 1884.) 370: D I^i ne arts . South Kensing^ton museum. Science and art depa/rtment of the committee of council on education. I'he first proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art, compiled for the use of the national art library and the schools of art in the United Kingdom. Lond. 1870, 1877. 3 v. O. L Vinet, Ernest. Bibliographic methodique et raisonnee des beaux-arts, esthetique et histoire de I'art, archeologie, architecture, sculpture, peinture, gravure, arts indus- triels, etc., accompagnee de tables alphabc- tiques et analytiques; publiee sous les auspices du ministfere de I'instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts. [Complement du Manuel du libraire et de Famateur de livres.l Pt. 1, 2. Paris. 1874, 1877. O. L Note. All published up to the author's death, and not continued. Clarke, Robert, and co. Catalogue of works on the fine arts. Pt. 1: General art, painting, sculpture, engravings, ceramics, descrip- tive, historical and biographical ; pt. 2 : Practical drawing, painting, carving, en- graving and photography. Cine. 1879. D. With their Bibliotheca medica. L Hoe, Robert, jr. Bibliography of engraving. In Maberly, J. The print collector. 769+P3 Jjiterature. Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature. Lond. 1882. O. ' 292:4 Note. Pages 215-219 contain App. of authorities. Ireland, Alexander. Ralph Waldo Emerson, his life, genius and writings ; a biographical sketch. 2d ed. Lond. 1882. D. 921.1:3 Note. Contains, on p. 334-337, "Articles on Emerson in engUsh and american periodicals." Shepherd, R: Heme. The bibliography of Car- lyle ; a bibliographical list, arranged in chronological order, of the published writ- ings in prose and verse of T: Carlyle, 1820 to 1881. Lond. [1881]. D. L The bibliography of Dickens; a bibliographical list, arranged in chronological order, of the published writings in prose and verse of C: Dickens, 1834 to 1880. Lond. [18801. D. L The bibliography of Ruskin; a bibliographical list, arranged in chronological order, of the published writings in prose and verse of J: Ruskin, from 1834 to the present time, Oct. 1878. N. Y. 1878. D. t Hay, D: Ramsay. A catalogue raisonne of the works of D, R. Hay, with critical remarks by various authors. Edinb. 1849. O. L Hirzel,' Salomon. Verzeichniss einer Goethe- bibliothek, mit nachtragen und fortsetzune Jierausg. von L: Hirzel. Leipz. 1884. D. L 27 CI. 10-19 BIBLIOGRAPHY-SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 28 Wyman, W. H. Bibliography of the Bacon- Shakespeare controversy, with notes and extracts. Cine. 1884. O. L Parton, James. Life of Voltaire. Bost. 1881. 3v. O. 921.4:3 Note. Contains, at the end of v. 1. pp. 615-639, "A list of publications relating' to Voltaire and to his works" and "A list of the works of Voltaire". Bcvren, H: Courthope, comp. Descriptive cata- logue of historical novels and tales, for the use of school libraries and teachers of history ; enl. from the list in the Journal of education, march 1882. Lond. 1883. O. L Leypoldt, F: A reading diary of modern fiction ; containing a representative list of the novels of the 19th century, preceded by suggestive remarks on novels and novel reading. N. Y. 1881. T. L Whitney, James Lyman. A modern Proteus, or A list of books published under more than one title. N. Y. 1884. S. L History and Geography. Adams, C: Kendall. A manual of historical literature ; comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in english, french and german, together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study, for the use of students, general readers and collectors of books. N. Y. 1882. D. L Short, J: T. Historical reference lists for the use of students in the Ohio state university. Columbus, O. 1882. D. L Miildener, F: A: W:, and E. Ehrenfeuchter, eds. Bibliotheca historica, oder Systematisch geordnete ubersicht der in Deutschland und dem auslande auf dem gebiete der gesammten geschichte neu erschienenen biicher. Gottingen. 1874-82. 9 v. in .5. L Oardiner, S: Rawson, and James Bass Mul- linger. Introduction to the study of eng- lish history. Lond. 1881. O. 942 : 13 Note. Pages 207-404 contain a bibliogrraphy. Allen, W: Francis. The reader's guide to eng- lish history, [and supplement.] Bost. 1882. obi. T. L Contents of supplement: Ancient history; Modern history of Europe ; American history. Franklin, Alfred L: A: Les sources de I'histoire de France ; notices bibliographiques et analytiques des inventaires et des recueils de documents relatifs d I'histoire de France. Paris. 1877. O. L Solberg, L: Thorvald. A bibliography of theim- f)ortant books in the english language re- ating to the Scandinavian countries. In Horn, F. W. Literature of the Scandinavian north. 898 : 6 Lanman, C: Foreign bibliography of Japan. in 920.6 :3 Griffis, W: Eliot. Corea; the hermit nation. N. Y. 1882. O. 915.1:19 Note,. Contains, on p. xi-xvii, a bibliography of the subject. Lansdell, H : Through Siberia. 111. and maps. 3ded. Bost. 1882. O. 916,7:8 Note. Contains, on p. 773-778, a "Bibliography of Siberia and list of works referred to." Bich, Obadiah. A catalogue of books relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed. Lond. 1833. O. ' L Rich, Obadiah. Continued. Bibliotheca americana nova, or A catalogue of books in various languages, relating to America, printed since 1700. Lond. 1835, 1846. 2 V. O. L Clarke, Robert, and co. Bibliotheca americana, 1878; catalogue of a collection of books and pamphlets relating to America, with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke and co.'s historical publications. Cine. 1878. O. L Same, supp. 1879. Cine. 1879. O. With Biblio- theca americana, 1878. L Same. 1883. Cine. 1883. O. L "Watson, Paul Barron. Bibliography of the pre- columbian discoveries of America. In Lib. journal, v. 6, pp. 227-344. L Charlevoix, P: Fran9ois Xavier de. History and general description of New France. Tr. with notes by J: GilmaryShea. N. Y. 1866. 6 V. Q. 970 : P 2 Note. V. 1 contains, p. 67-96, Critical list of authors consulted. Griffin, Appleton P. C. The discovery of the Mississippi ; a bibliographical account, with a fac-simile of the map of L: Joliet, 1674. App., a note on the Joliet map by B. F. De Costa, with a sketch of Joutel's maps. Repr. from the Magazine of amorican history, march and april 1883. N. Y. 1883. F. L Winsor, Justin. The reader's handbook of the american revolution, 1761-1783. Bost. 1880. S. L Campbell. C: A. Bibliography of major Andre. In Mag. of am. hist., v. S, pp. 61-72. M Bartlett, J: Russell. Bibliography of Rhode Island ; a catalogue of books and other publications relating to the state, with notes, historical, biographical and critical. Providence. 1864. Q. L Thomson, P: G. Bibliography of the state of Ohio; catalogue of the books and pamphlets relating to the history of the state, with collations and bibliographical and critical notes, together with the prices at which many of the books have been sold at the principal public and private sales since 1860, and a complete index by subjets. Cine. 1880. Q. L Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific states of North America: California, v. 1. San Francisco. 1884. O. 975.8-|-4vl Note. Contains, on p. xxv Ixxxviii, list of authori- ties quoted. Same: Northwest coast, v. 1. San Francisco. 1884. (). 975.8+5 vl Note. Contains, on p. xvii xxxiii, list of authori- ties quoted. Same: Mexico, v. 1. San Francisco. 1883. O. 977-f 12 vl JVote. Contains, on p, xxi cxii, list of authorities quoted. Same: North mexican states, v. 1. San Fran- cisco. 1883. O. 977+13 vl Note. Contains, on p. xix xlviii, list of authorities quoted. Same: Central America, v. 1. San Francisco. 1883. O. 978+2 vl Note. Contains, on p. xxv Ixxii, list of authorities quoted. * * Griswold, W: Maccrillis. An index to articles rq,lating to history, bio^raph;^, literature, society and travel, contained in collections of essays, etc. (Q. P. index, no. 13.) Bangor. 1888, d. L 29 ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS, CI. 10-19 30 5. Publishers' and booksellers' cata- logues. Dingman, J: H. Directory of booksellers, sta- tioners, news dealers and music dealers, and a list of libraries in the U. S. and Canada, nov. 1, 1870. N. Y. 1870. O. L Harper and brothers. Descriptive list of their ])ublications, with trade-list prices. N. Y. 1881-84. 3v. O L Holt, H:, and eo. Descriptive catalogue of books issued, June 1882. N. Y. 1882. S. L Steiger, E. Fiihrer durch E. Steiger's lager deutscher biicher. N. Y. 1875. 1). L Bohn, H: G: A catalogue of books. Lond. 1841. O. L Catalogue of a very select collection of books, english and foreign, offered at prices affixed. Lond. 1831. O. L Dowding, J. General catalogue of his stock of second-hand books for 1829 Lond. 1829. D. L Dulau and co., London. Catalogue of french books offered for sale. Lond n. d. D. L Howell, E: Catalogue of books in almost every department ol ancient and modern liter- ature. Liverpool. 1878. O. L Paterson, W: Catalogue of a selection of books in various classes of literature from [his] stock. Added, a valuable collection of musical works. Edinb. 1881. D. L Quaritch, Bernard. A general catalogue of books. Lond. 1874. O. L Same. Supp., 1875-1877. Lond. 1877. O. L Same. 1880. Lond. 1880. O. L Same. 1880-1883, pt. 1-7. Lond. 1880-83. O. L Simmons, G: Descriptive catalogue of rare and valuable books, pamphlets etc. embracing american and foreign standard works in every department of literature, colonial and state records and U. S. government publications. Wash. 1878. O. L Smith., Alfred Kussell. A catalogue of rare, curious and valuable old books on sale. Lond. 1882. D. L Note. A large number of other publishers' and booksellers' catalogues will be found in the librarian's room, arranged in pamphlet cases. 6. Anonyms and pseudonyms. Weller, Emil. Die maskirte literatur der alteren und neueren sprachen. 1 : Index pseudo- nymorum ; worterbuch der pseudonymen Oder verzeichniss aller autoi-en die" sich falscher namen bedienten. Leipz. 1856. O. L Same, 2 : Die falschen und fingirten druckorte; repertorium der seit orfindung der bucli- druckerkunst unter falscher tirma erschie- nenen deutschen, lateinischen und franzo- sischen schriften. Leipz. 1864. 2 v. in 1. O. Ij Nachtnige zum Index pseudonymorum. Leipz. 1857. O. and Neue nachtriige zum Index pseudonymorum und zu den Falschen und fingirten druck- orten. Leipz. 1862. O. Both bound with his Index pseudonymonim. l FrankUn, Alfred L : A : Dictionnaire des noma, surnomset pseudonymes latins de I'histoire litteraire du moyen age, 1100 & 1530. Paris. Haynes, J : E : Pseudonyms of authors, includ- mg anonyms and initialisms. N. Y. 1882 O. L Halkett, S :, and J: Laing. A dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain, including the works of foreigners written in, or tr. into the enghsh language; v. I. [A-E] ; v. 2. [F-Nl. Edinb. 1882, 1883. Q. Thom&a, Ralph, {Olphar Hamst). Handbook for fictitious names ; a guide to authors, chiefly in the lighter literature of the 19th century, who have written under assumed names, and to literary forgers, impostors, plagi- arists and imitators. Lond. 1868. O. L Aggravating ladies ; a list of works published under the pseudonym of "A lady", with preliminary suggestions on the art of describing books bibliographically. Lond. 1880. D. I, Guerard, Joseph Marie. Les supercheries lit- teraires devoilees ; galerie des ecrivains fran9ais de toute I'Europe qui se sont deguises sous des anagrammes, des aste- ronymes, des cryptonymes, des initia- lismes, des noms litteraires, des pseudo- nymes facetieux ou bizarres, etc. 2e ed. aug. par G. Brunet et P: Jannet. Paris. 1869, 1870. 3 V. O. L Note. V. 3 contains also Pseudonymes latins. Barbier, Antoine Alexandre. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. 3e ed. rev. et aug. par Olivier Barbier, Rene et Paul Billard. Suite de la 2e ed. des Supercheries lit- teraires devoilees par J. M. Querard, publiee par Gustave Brunet et P: Jannet ; Avec une table generale des noms reels des ecrivains anonymes et pseudonymes cites dans les deux ouvrages. Paris. 1872-79. 4 v. O. L Note. V. 4 contains also Anonymes latins. The Table generale des noms reels etc., mentioned in the title, is not published. Joliet, C : Les pseudonymes du jour. Nouvelle ed. Paris. 1884. I>. L Melzi, Gaetano eonte. Dizionario di ojjere ano- nime e pseudonime di scrittori italiani o come die sia aventi all' Italia. Milano. 1848-59. 3v. Q. L Collin, E:, comp. Anonymer og pseudonymer i den danske, norske og islandske literatur samt i fremmede literaturer, forsilvidt disse omhandle nordiske forhold, fra de aldste tider indtil aret 1860. Kjobenhavn 1869. Q. Doominck, J. I. van. Bibliotheek van neder- landsche anonymen en pseudonymen. 's Gravenhage Ll867j. Q. L Montague, V. A. de la. Vlaamsche pseudonie- men; bibliographische opzoekingen. Roese- lare. 1884. O. L 81 CI. 30-39 GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS. 82 3. G-eneral cyclopedias. JLmerican. Family encyclopedia, The, of useful knowledge and general literature ; containing about 4000 articles upon scientific and popular subjects, designed for instruction and amusement, by J : Lauris Blake. 111. N. Y. 1846. O. R Encyclopsedia americana ; a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, poli- tics and biography ; a new ed. including a Copious collection of original articles on american biography, on the basis of the 7th ed. of the german Conversations-lexi- con, ed. by Francis Lieber, assisted by E : Wigglesworth [and T: Gamaliel Bradford]. Phila. 1849. 14 v. O. It IconogTaphic encyclopsBdia of science, litera- ture and art, systematically arranged by J: G. Hick. Trans, from the german, with add., and ed. by Spencer F. Baird. In 4 v. [Plates 2 v.] N. Y. 1857. 6 v. Q. R Contents. V. 1. Mathematics. Astronomy. Phy- sics. Meteorology. Chemistrv.Mineralog-y. Geog- nosy and Geology. 2. Botany.-Zoology. Anthro- pology. Surgery. 3. Geography and planography. History and ethnology Military sciences. Naval sciences. 4. Architecture. Mythology. The fine arts. Technology. New american cyclopeedia, The ; a popular dic- tionary of general knowledge, ed. by G: Ripley and C: A. Dana. N. Y. 185J)-63. 16 V. Q. R American cyclopeedia, The ; a popular diction- ary of general knowledge, ed. by G: Rip- ley and C : A. Dana. N. Y. 1873-79. 16 v. Q. R Sarne. A general and analytical index, by T. J. Conant, assisted by his daughter Blan- dina Conant. N. Y. 1879. Q. R American annual cyclopaedia, The, and regis- ter of important events ; embracing politi- cal, civil, military and social affair.s, pub- lic documents, biography, statistics, com- merce, finance, literature, science, agricul- ture and mechanical industry. [1st ser.l 1861-1875. N. Y. 1863-1877. 15 v. O. R Same, (ieneral index. N. Y. 1876. O. R Appletons' annual cyclopeedia and register of imj)ortant events ; embracing political, civil, military and social afiairs, public doc- uments, biography, statistics, commerce, finance, literature, science, agriculture and mechanical industry. New ser. v. 1-8. 1876-1883. N. Y. 1877-84. 8 v. Q. R Note. V. 8 contains a general index to the new se- ries. Johnson's new universal cyclopaedia ; a scien- tific and popular treasury of useful knowl- edge, ill. with maps, plans and eng.; F: A. P. Barnard and Arnold Guyot, editors-in- chief. N. Y. 1875-78. 4 v. Q. R People's cyclopedia, The, of universal knowl- edge, with numerous appendixes invalua- ble for reference in all departments of industrial life, the whole brought down to 1884; with the pronunciation and orthog- raphy conformed to Webster's Unabridged dictionary, by W. H. DePuy. 111. N. Y. [1884]. 3v. Q. R C(yrUent8. V. 1. A-E. 2. F-P. 3. P-Z. Appendixes. Zells' popular encyclopaedia ; a universal dic- tionary of english language, science, liter- ature and art, by L. Colange. 111. Phila- 1870. 2 V. Q. R Stoddart's encyclopaedia americana ; a diction- ary of arts, sciences and general literature, and companion to the Encyclopsedia bri- tannica, 9th ed., and to all other encyclo- paedias. 111. V. 1, 2. Phila. 1883, 1884. 2v. Q. R Note. Title page of v. 2 reads " Supplement to En- cyclopnedia britannica, 9th ed., a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature." Young folks' cyclopaedia, The, of common things, by J: D. Champlin. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. R Same. Persons and places, by J: D. Champ- lin. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. fe J3ritish. Cyclopaedia, The, or Universal dictionary of arts, sciences and literature by Abraham Rees. with the assistance eminent professional gentlemen. 111. In 39 [45] vols. Lond. 1819, 1820. 45 V. Q. R Note. The last 6 vols, contain plates. Penny cyclopaedia, The, of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Lond. 1883- 46. 29 V. in 16. Q. R Same. V. 2-0. Lond. 1834-36. 5 v. Q. R Popular encyclopedia. The ; a general diction- ary of arts, sciences, literature, biography, history and political economy. Repr. from the amer. ed. of the Conversations-lexikon, with cor. and add. [and] with dissertations on The rise and progress of literature by sir D. K. Sandford, on The progress of science by T: Thomson, and on The pro- gress of the fine arts by Allan Cunning- ham. Glasgow. [1849, i850]. 7v. O. R English cyclopaedia. The ; a new dictionary of universal knowledge, conducted by* C: Knight. Lond. 1854-68. 20 v. Q. ' R Contems. Pt. 1. Biography, 5 v. 2. Geography, 3 V. (v. 4 missing). 3. Natural history, 4 v. 4. Arts and sciences, 8 v. Chambers's encyclopaedia . a dictionary of uni- versal knowledge for the people", [ed. by Andrew Findlater.] 111. Phila. 1861. 10 v. Q. R American additions. N. Y. 1880. 4 v. O. R Chambers's information for the people, 'ed. by W : and Robert Chambers. 5th ed. Edin. 1880. 2v. Q. R Same. 1st amer. ed., v. 2. Phila. 1847. Q. R Dictionary, A, of science, literature and art ; comprising the denifitions and derivations of the scientific terms in general use, to- gether with the history and descriptions of the scientific principles of nearly every branch of human knowledge. New ed., ed. by W:T: Brande and G: W: Cox. Lond. 1867.' 3 V. (). R Encyclopaedia britannica, The, or Dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature. 8th ed., [and Index]. Edinb. 1853-60. 23 v. Q. Same. 9th ed., v. 1-17. N. Y. 1878-84. 17 v. Note. To the art. Ormuzd incl. % GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS. CI. 80-39 34 G erman. Bilder-atlas ; ikonographische encyklopiidie der wissenschaf ten und kunste ; ein er^anzungs- werk zu jedem conversations-lexikon. 3te aufl. bearb. von K : Gustav von Berneck und anderen. 500 tafeln in 8 b ; erlJiu- ternder text in 2 b. Leipz. 1875. 10 v. Q. R Brockhaus' Conversations-lexikon. 12te aufl. Leipz. 1875-79. 15 v. O. R Deutsch-amerikanisches conversations-lexikon ; mit spezieller riicksicht auf das bediirfniss der in Amerika lebenden deutschen, mit benutzung aller deutschen, amerikani- schen, englischen und f ranzosischen quellen und unter mitwirkung vieler hervorragen- den deutschen schriftsteller Amerika's bearb. von A. J.B. Schem. N. Y. 1869-74. 11 V. O. R Meyer, Joseph. Hand-lexikon des allgemeinen wissens, mit technologischen una wissen- schaftlichen abbildiingen und vielen karten der astronomic, geographic, geognosie, statistik und geschiclite. 3te umgearb. und verm. aufl. Leipz. 1883. 2 v. D. R 4. G-eneral periodicals. 1. Directories. Hubbard, Harlan Page. Newspaper and bank directory of the world, with gazetteer and atlas combined. New Haven. 1882. 2 v. O. " L Right-hand record and newspaper directory ; complete list of all amei-ican newspapers, and all the leading newspapers of the world. New Haven. 1880. O. L Alden, Edwin, and bro. Amei'ican newspaper catalogue, including lists of all newspapers and magazines pubfished in the U.S. and the Canadas ; together with the population of the cities, towns, counties and states in which they are published, their politics, class or denomination, size and estimated circulation ; also special lists of religious, agricultural, the various class publications, and of all newspapers published in foreign languages, and a list of all newspapers and magazmes in the U. S. and the Canadas by counties. Cine. 1883. Q. L Bowell, G: P., and CO. American newspaper di- rectory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the U. S., territories, and the dominion of Canada, together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are pub- lished. 16th annual ed. N. Y. 1884. 6. L Steiger, Ernst. The periodical literature of the U. S. of America ; with index and appen- dices. N. Y. 1873. Q. L London catalogxie, The, of periodicals, news- papers and transactions of vai-ious socie- ties, with a list of metropolitan printing so- cieties and clubs for 1881. 40th annualed. Lond. 1881. O. L 2. Indexes. Poole, W: F: An index to periodical literature. N. Y. 1853. O. L An index to periodical literature. 3d ed. brought down to Jan. 1882, with the assist- ance as associate ed. of W: I. Fletcher and the cooperation of the American library association and the Library association of the United Kingdom. Bost. 1882. O. L Same. M Fletclier, W: 1., ed. Co-operative index to lead- ing periodicals. (Supp. to the Library journal). 1883, 1884. N. Y. 1884, 1885. 6. L Griswold, W:Maccrillis. General-autor- und sach- register zu zeitschriften, meist historischen inhalts, und zwar : Die historische zeit- schrift, Unsere zeit, Das historische ta- schenbuch. (Q. P. indexes no. 9.) Bangor, Me. 1882. O. L The Q. P. index annual for 1881-84. (Q. P. in- dexes. 7, 12, 15, 17.) Bangor. 1882-85. 4 v. O. L Contents. 1881. Atlantic, Century, Eclectic, Har- per's, International review, Lippineott's, Living: age. Nation, Popular science. 1882. American, Art- amatevir, Atlantic, Californian, Century, Deutsche rundschau. Eclectic, Education, Harper's, Independ- ent, International review, Lippineott's, Living age, Longman's, Magazine of art, Nation, New-Englander, North american review. Our continent, Penn, Pot- ter's, Unitarian review. 1883. Same as for 1882 (except Californian, Education, Living age, Penn, Potter's) but with addition of Catholic world, English Illustrated, Macmillan's, Magazine of amer. history, Manhattan, Modern age, Nord und sud. Overland, Popular science, Princeton review. Republic, United service, Westei-mann's monatshefte. Wheelman, U. S. Consular and Education reports. 1884. Same as for 1882 (exc. International rev.) vnth add. of Auf der tiohe, Belgravia, Choice liter.. Current, Deutsche litteraturztg, Education, Every other Saturday, For- eign eclectic. Gentleman's mag., Grenzboten, Jahr- bueh fiir gesetzgebung, Mag. fur lltteratur, Preussi- sche jahrbiicher. Revue de Belgique, Russische revue, Scandinavia, Schorer's familienblatter, Unsere zeit, Vom fels zum meer, Week. Index to the leading british reviews and mag- azines for 1882, 1883 and 1884. Bangor, Me. 1885. O. L Contents. Blackwood's mag.. Contemporary rev., Cornhill mag., Edinbui-gh rev.. Fortnightly rev., Fraser's mag., Gentleman's mag.. Good words, Mac- millan's mag., Nineteenth century. Quarterly rev., Scottish rev.. Temple bar, Westminster rev. Atlantic monthly, The. Index, v. 1-38, 1857- 76 : Index of articles ; Index of authors. Bost. 1877. O. L A supplementary index, v. 1-38, and 39-46, by W: M. Griswold. [Q. P. indexes, no. 21. Bangor, Me. 1880. O. 1* Contemporary review. The. A general index to the Contemporary review [v. 1-tl], the Fortnightlvi'evlewr and the Nint'tcentli cen- tury by W : M. Gi-iswold. (Q. P. indexes, no. 11.) Bangor, Me. 1882. O. L 35 CI. 50-59 GENEBAL PERIODICALS. Deutsche rundschau. Autoren- und sach-regi- ster, b. 1-29, von W: M. Griswold. (Q. P. in- dexes, no. 8.) Bangor, Me. 1882. O. L Generalregister, 1-10 jahrg., b. 1-40 ; nebst systematisher iibersicht der hauptartikel. Berlin. 1885. Q. L Eclectic mag-azine, The. A general index to v. 1-96, by VV: M. Griswold. [Q. P. indexes, no. 5.] Bangor, Me. 1881. O. L Every Saturday. A general index to v. 1-12, by W: M. Griswold. With Ms General index to the Eclectic magazine. L Fortnightly review, The. A general index, [y. 1-37], by W: M. Griswold. With his General index to the Contemporary review. Xi Harper's new monthly magazine. Index, alphabetical, analytical and classified, v. 1-60 incl., from June 1850 to June 1880; compiled by C: A. Durfee. N. Y. 1881. O. L International review, The. A general index, V. 1-9, 1874-80, by W: M. Gnswold. [Q. P. indexes, no. 3]. Bangor, Me. [1880]. O. L liippincott's magazine. A general index to the first series, v. 1-26, by W: M. Griswold. [Q. P. indexes, no. 4.] Bangor, Me. 1881. O. L liittell's living age. General index to v. 37- 148, by W: M. Griswold. With his General index to the Eclectic magazine. L A complete index by E: Roth, v. 1, comprising contents of the first hundred vols. Phila. 1883, 1884. O. L Note. Pts. 16 only published, containing: : Biogra- phy, A H : Noad. Nation, The. A general index, v. 1-30, iuly 1865 sept. 1880, by W: M. Griswold. [Q. ^. indexes, no. 1.] fiost. 1880. O. L Nineteenth century, The. A general index, [v. 1-11], by W: M. Griswold. With his General index to the Contemporary review. li North american review. Index, v. 1-125, 1815- 77 : Index of subjects ; index of writers, bv W: Gushing. Cambridge. 1878. O. L General index, v. 92-134, 1861-1883. by W: M. Griswold. (Q. P. indexes, no. 10.) Ban- gor, Me. 1882. O. L Nouvelle revue, La. Table alfabetique generale, V. 1-21, by W: M. Griswold. With Ii Table alfabetique generale de la Revue des deux mondes. L Revue des deux mondes. Table alfabetique generale des matiferes et des noms des au- teurs, contenus dans les tomes 193-268, et 1-21 de la Nouvelle revue, par W: M. Gris- wold. (Q. P. indexes, no. 14.) Bangor. 1883. O. L Scribner's monthly. Index, v. 1-20. N. Y. 1881. 2 V. O. L A general index, [v. 1-22], by W: M. Griswold. [Q. P. indexes, no. 6.J Bangor, Me. 1881. Westermann's illustrirte deutsche monats- hefte. Vollstandiges inhalts-verzeichniss; autorenregister, sachregister and illustra- tionsverzeichniss des ersten bis funfzigsten bandes. Braunschweig, 1883. O. L 3. Special languages. En gli s h . Albany argus, weekly. Dec. 29, 1832 ian. 2, 1836. Albany, N. Y. F. M All the year round; a weekly journal, conduct- ed by C: Dickens. V. 5, 6, 18-21, 29-33, 35, 46-54. Lond. 1861-84. Q. M American, The ; a national weekly journal of politics, literature, science, art and finance. V. 2-8, apr. 16, 1881 oct. 13, 1884. Phila 1881-84. F. RM Note. Title-page of v. 7, 8 reads " journal of liter- ature, science, the arts and public affairs." American whig review. The. V. 9-16, Jan. 1849- dec. 1852. N. Y. 1849-52. O. M Note. Title-page of v. 9, 10 reads " The American review ; a whig journal devoted to politics and liter- ature." Discontinued. Appletons' journal of literature, science and art. V. 1-26, apr. 1869 dec. 1881. N. Y. 1869-81. Q. M Note. Title-page of v. 16-20 reads " a monthly jour- nal of popular literature," and of v. 31-26, " a maga- zine of general literature." Discontinued. Argosy, The ; a magazine. V. 1-4, dec. 1865- nov. 1867. Lond. 1866, 1867. O. M Atlantic monthly. The ; a magazine of litera- ture, science, art and politics. V. 1-11, 13-16, 18-26, 31, 32, 34-54, nov. 1857-dec. 1884. Bost. 1858-84. O. M Note. Title-pago of v. 1-15 omits " science." Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. V. 1-60, 63-105, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119-136, apr. 1817- dec. 1884. Edinb. 1817-46 ; N. Y. (Am. ed., V. 26-99) 1848-84. O. M British quarterly review. The. V. 54, 57, 58, 63- 80, July 1871 oct. 1884. N. Y. (Am. re- print) 1871-83 ; Lond. 1884. M Century, The, illustrated monthly magazine. V. 1-6, nov. 1881 oct. 1884. N. Y. 1882-84. O. M Note. Successor to " Scribners" and also number- ed consecutively with it, being v. 23-28. Same. [Circulating copy] . V. 1-6. N. Y. 1882- 84. 0. 52 : 223-228 Chambers's journal of popular literature, sci- ence and arts, conducted by W: and Robert Chambers. V. 17-26, 31-36," 39, 40, 42-44, 50, Jan. 1852Hune 1873. Edin. 1852-73. O. M Note. Title-page up to v. 21 i-eads " Chambers's Edinburgh journal." Contemporary review. The. V. 1-6, 33-45, feb. 1866 dec. 1884. Lond. 1866-84. O. M Continent, The ; a weekly illustrated magazine, conducted by Albion W. Tourgee. V. 1-^6, feb. 1882- aiig. 1884. Phila. v. 1-3, N. Y. V. 4-6. F. and Q. M Note. V. 1 was called "Our continent." Eight numbers only of v. 6 were publ. when the magazine was discontinued. Continental monthly, The ; devoted to litera- ture and national policy. V. 1-6, jan. 1862- dec. 1864. N. Y. 1862-64. O. M Discontinued. Cornhill magazine, The. V. 1-19. 28, 29, 43 49, Jan. 1860 Dec. 1884. Lond. 1860-84. O. M Current, The ; the weekly literary, news and family journal of our time. v. 1, dec. 23, 1883 June 28, 1884. Cnicago. 1884. F. M 37 GENERAL PEBIODICALS. CI. 50-69 Democratic review. V. 22-31, Jan. 1848 dec. 1853. N. Y. 1848-52. O. M Note. Title-page of V. 22-29 reads "The United States mag'azine and democratic review, ed. by T : Prentice Kettell." Disci mtlnued. Diplomatic review, books 1 7. Sheffield and Lond. 185581. F., Q., O. M Contents. Book 1. v. 1-2, oct. 13. 1855 aug. 9, ia56; pub. as the [Sheffield] Free press. 2. v. 3-6, auj?. 16, 1856 dec. 1858- 3. v. 7-13, 1859-65. 4. v. 14- 18, 1866-70. 6. V. 19-21, 1871-73. 6. v. 22-25, 1874- jan. 1877. 7. Supplementary vol , 1825-81. Dublin review, The. V. 83-95, July 1878 oct. 1884. Dublin. 1878-84. O. M Eclectic magazine. The, of foreign literature, science and art ; W. H. Bidwell, ed. and prop. V. 59-75, 81-84, 88-103, may 1863 dec. 1884. N. Y. 1865-84. O. M Note. v. 64 commences a new series, numbered separately. English illustrated magazine, The. V. 1, oct. 1883 sept. 1884. Lond. 1884. O. M Edinburgh review. The, or Critical journal. V. 1-50, 52, 54-59, 87-92, 95-160, oct. 1803 oct. 1884. Edinb. 1803-34, 1881-84, O. ; N. Y. [Am. reprint] 1848-83. Q. M Every Saturday ; a journal of choice reading selected from foreign current literature. V. 4, 5, 7, July 1867 June 1869. Bost. 1867- 69. Q. M Discontinued. Fortnightly review, The, ed. by T. H. S.Escott. V. 31, 3.5-41, Jan. 1879 dec. 1884. Lond. 1879-84. O. M Note. V. 31-37 ed. by J: Morley. Eraser's magazine for town and country. V. 76-80. 103-106, July 1867 oct. 1882. Lond. 1867-83. O. M Discontinved. Galaxy, The ; a magazine of entertaining liter- ature. V. 3-7, 15-24, Jan. 1867 dec. 1877. N. Y. 1867-77. O. M Note. Title-page of v. 3-7 reads "an illustrated magazine" etc. Disamtinued. Good words, ed. by Norman Macleod. V. 6-8, Jan. 1865 dec. 1867. Lond. 1865-67. O. M Graphic, The ; an illustrated weekly newspaper. V. 29, 30, Jan. dec. 1884. Lond. F. RM Greenbank's periodical library ; containing a republication of new and standard works. V. 1-3. Phila. 1833-35. D. M Discontinued. Harper's new monthly magazine. V. 1-69, June 1850 no V. 1884. N. Y. 1850-84. O. M Same. [Circulating copy]. V. 5-7, 14, 15, 18-20, 23-25, 27, 37, 42-55, 62-69. N. Y. 1852-84. O. 52 : 5-69 Harper's weekly ; a journal of civilization. V. 1-28, Jan. 1857-dec. 1884. N. Y. 1857-84. F. BM Harper's young people. V. 1-5, nov. 1879 oct. 1884. N. Y. 1880-84. Q. M Hesperian, The ; a monthly miscellany of gen- eral literature, original and select, ed. by W: D. Gallagher. V. 3, nov. 1838 apr. 1839. Columbus, 0. 1839. O. M Discontinued. Hours at home ; a popular monthly of instruc- tion and recreation, ed. by J. M. Sherwood. V. 3-9, may 1866 oct. 1869. N. Y. 1866- 69. O. M Note. Title-page of v. 3-6 reads "a popular monthly devoted to religious and useful literature". V. 9 drops the editor's name. Discontinued. Illustrated liOndon news, The. V. 1-85, may 1842- dec. 1884. Lond. 1842-84. F. RM International monthly magazine. The, of liter- ature, science and art. "V. 2-5, dec. 1850 apr. 1852. N. Y. 1851, 1852. O. M Discontinued. International review. V. 1-14, jan. 1874 June 1883. N. Y. 1874-83. O. M Discontinued. Knickerbocker, The, or New York monthly magazine. V. 34^66, July 1849 oct. 18&5. N. Y. 1849-65. O. M Note. V. 60 adds "of literature, art, politics and society" to the title. Title-page of v. 61, 62 reads "The Knickerbocker monthly; a national magazine of literature, art, politics and society, ed. b^ Kinahan Cornwallis." Title-page of v. 63-65 reads "The ameri- can monthly Knickerbocker; devoted to literature, science and politics, ed. by J. Holmes Agnew." V. 66 became "The fcederal american" and was discon- tinued after four numbers were publ. Land we love. The ; a monthly maj^azine de- voted to literature, military history and agriculture. V. 1-5, may 1866 oct. 1868. Charlotte, N. C. 1866-68. 0. M Discontinued. Lippincott's magazine of popular literature and science. V. 6-34, July 1870 dec. 1884. Phila. 1870-84. O. M Littell's living age, conducted by E. Littell. V. 1-9, 18, 20-31, 40-103, 116, 119-163, apr. 1844 dec. 1884. Bost. 1844-84. O. M [London, Eng.]. The Times. Oct. 1878 dec. 1879. Lond. 1878-9. F. M London society; an illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature for the hours of relaxation. V. 13-16, 34-46, Jan. 1868 dec. 1884. Lond. 1868-84. O. M Longman's magazine. V. 1-4, nov. 1882 oct. 1884. Lond. 1883, 1884. O. M Macmillan's magazine. V. 36-50, may 1877 oct. 1884. Lond. 1877-84. O. M [Madison] Wisconsin democrat, weeMy. Oct. 18. 1842 feb. 1843. Madison. 1842-3. F. M [ ] "Wisconsin enquirer, weekly. Nov. 8, 1838 June 15, 1842. Madison. 1838-42. F. M [ ] Wisconsin patriot, weekly. Sept. 23, 1884 June 1859. Madison. 1854-9. F. M [ ] Wisconsin daily patriot. April 1860 dec. 1862. Madison. 1860-2. F. M Manhattan, The ; an illustrated literary maga- zine. V. 1-4, Jan. 1883 sept. 1884. N. Y. 1883, 1884. O. M Discontinued. Milwaukee sentinel, weekly. June 37, 1837 June 1841; sept. 23, 1843 march 1844. Milw. 1837-44. F. M journal, weekly. Aug. 27, 1841 feb. 16,1842. Milw. 1841-2. F. M courier, weekly. March 27, 1841 dec. 13, 1843. Milw. 1841-3. F. M daily sentinel. Dec. 30, 1844-jan. 1, 1846. Milw. 1844-6. F. M daily gazette. Jan. 5 feb. 14, 1846. Milw. 1846. F. M 11 Daily sentinel and gazette. Feb. 16, 1846 may 9, 1848. Milw. 1846-8. F. M weekly sentinel and gazette. May 24, 1848 jiine 5, 1850. Milw. 1848-50. F. M daily news. Feb. 15, 1855 dec. 1880. Milw. 1855-80. F. ^,. M weekly news. Jan. 1864 dec 1878. Milw. 1864^78. F. M CI. 50-59 GENERAL PERIODICALS. 40 Milwaukee Contimted. r 1 Daily people's press. Aug. 16 dec. 14, 1860. Milw. 1860. F. M r 1 Daily life, weekly. Jan. dec. 1864. Milw. 1864. F. M [ ] Daily Wisconsin. July 1863 dec. 1866. Milw. 1863-6. F. M 11 Banner und volksfretmd. Sept. 1863 dec. 1866. Milw. 1863-6. F. M herold, weekly. Sept. 19, 1863 sept. 1866. Milw. 1863-6. F. M see-bote, daily. Sept. 24, 1863 dec. 1866. Milw. 1863-6. F. M journal of commerce, weekly. Nov. 17, 1866 dec. 1873. Milw. 1866-73. F. M r 1 Daily commercial times. Jan. 1875 dec. 1877. Milw. 1875-7. F. M daily sentinel. July 4, 1864r-dec. 1866; Jan. 1879 may 20, 1882. Milw. 1864-82. F. M [ ] Daily republican and news. Jan. 3, 1881 may 20, 1882. Milw. 1881-2. F. HI r 1 Daily republican-sentinel. May 22 dec. 1882. Milw. 1883. F. M sentinel. Jan. 1883 march 1885. Milw. 1883-5. F. M r- 1 Daily journal. Nov. 16, 1882 dec. 1884. Milw. 1882-4. F. M Minerva, The. V. 3, apr. sept. 1825. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1825.] M 'ote. Contains also "The New York literary gazette and Phi beta kappa repository" v. 1, no. 1-5. Modem age, The. V. 1-3, Jan. 1883 June 1884. Buffalo, N. Y. 1883, 1884. O. M Discontinued. Monogrraph., The ; a serial collection of indexed essays. V. 1, no. 1-50. Bangor, Me. 1881- 83. O. M Nation, The ; a weekly journal devoted to poli- tics, literature, science and art. V. 2-39, Jan. 1866 dec. 1884. N. Y. 1866-84. Q. RM National quarterly review. The, ed. by E : I. Sears. V. !>-9, 11-19, 26, 27, 30, 32-41, June 1862 oct. 1880. N. Y. 1862-80. O. M Note. In V. 35-37 the editor's name Is changed to D: A. Gorton, in v. 38-40 the name of C: H. Woodman is added, and v. 41 Is ed. by the latter alone. DUi- amtinued. No New Englander, The, ed. by G: P. Fisher, Timothy D wight and W: L. Kingsley. V. 21-28. iiiew Haven. 1862-69. O. M Note. No editor's name given on title-page of v. 21-34. New York herald. Nov. 9, 1860 Jan. 1, 1862; dec. 1862 dec. 1866. N. Y. 1860-6. F. M Nineteenth century. The ; a monthly review ed. by James Knowles. V. 1-16, march 1877 dec. 1884 Lond. 1877-84. O. M North american review, The. V. 66-73, 75-109, 116-119, 127-139, Jan. 1848 dec. 1884. N. Y. 1848-84. O. M North british review, The. V. 1-53, may 1844 Jan. 1871. Edinb. 1844-71. O. M Discontinued. Old and new. V. 3, 4, 6, 8-11, jan. 1871 may 1875. Bost. 1871-75. O. M Discontinued. Outing and the wheelman ; an illustrated month- ly magazine of recreation. V. 1-4, oct. 1882 sept. 1884. Bost. 1882-84. Q. M Note. V. 1, 2 are called: "The wheelman; an il- lustrated magazine of cycling literature and news." Overland monthly. The, devoted to the develop- ment of the country. 1st ser., v. 8-11 ; 2d ser., V. 1-4, Jan. 1872 dec. 1873, jan. 1883 dec. 1884. San Francisco, 1872-84. O. M Penn monthly. The ; devoted to literature, science, art and politics. V. 6-14, jan. 1875 July 1882. Phila. 1875-82. O. M Discontinued. Princeton review, The. V. 26, 28, and new ser., V. 5-14, Jan. 1854 oct. 1856, Jan. 1880-dec. 1884. N. Y. 1854-84. O. M Note. V. 26, 28 have title-page, reading "The bib- lical repertory and Princeton review." Discontinued. Punch. V. 86, 87, Jan. dec. 1884. Lond. 1884. Q. RM Putnam's monthly magazine of american liter- ature, science and art. V. 1-14, 16, jan. 1853 nov. 1870. N. Y. 1853-70. O. M Note. Title-page of v. 10 reads: "Emerson's maga- zine and Putnam's monthly, vol. 5." V. 11-16 form a new series of which the title is "Putnam's magazine; original papers on literature, science, art and na- tional interests." Discontinued. Quarterly review. The. V. 1-99, 101-120, 122-126, 128-130, 134, 135, 137-139, 141-158, feb. 1809 -oct. 1884. Lond. 1809-52, 1881-84. O.; N. Y. (Am. reprint) 1852-80. Q. M St. Nicholas ; an illustrated magazine for young folks, conducted by Mary Mapes Dodge. V. 1-11, nov. 1873 bet. 1884. O. M Note. Title-page of v. 1-8, pt. 1, reads : "St. Nicholas ; Scribner's illustrated magazine for girls and boys, etc." Same. [Circulating copy.] V. 5-11. N. Y. 1877-84. O. 52:305-311 Saturday magazine. The ; a journal of choice reading selected from latest foreign liter- ature. V. 1-3, dec. 1878 Jan. 1880. Bost. 1879-80. Q. M Discontinued. Scribner's monthly ; an illustrated magazine for the people, conducted by J. G. Holland. V. 1-22, nov. 1870 oct. 1881. N. Y. 1871-81. O. M Note. Succeeded by "The century", which see. Same. [Circulating copy.] V. 9, 10, 12, 20-22. N. Y: 1875-81. 0. 52 : 209-222 Southern literary messenger. The ; devoted to every department of literature and the fine arts. V. 15, 16, jan. 1849 dec. 1850. Rich- mond. 1849, 1850. Q. M Discontinued. Temple bar ; a London magazine for town and country readers. V. 2-26, 30, 35, 36, 38-41, 43-72, apr. 1861 dec. 1884. Lond. 1861-84. O. M Vicksburg daily whig. Jan. dec. 1839. Vicks- burg. Miss. 1839. F. M Westminster review, The. V. 58-92, 96-100, 102, 103, 105-122, July 1852-oct. 1884. N. Y. (Am. ed.) 1852-83. Q. ; Lond. 1884. O. M Wide awake. V. 1-19, July 1875 nov. 1884. Bost. [18751-1884. 19 v. 'Q. M Same. [Circulating copy]. 52:401-419 Youth's cabinet. The ; a repository of gems for the mind and heart, Francis C. Wood- worth, ed. HI. N. Y. 1846. O. M German. Deutsche rundschau, herausg. von Julius Ro- denberg. V. 1-41, oct. 1874 dec. 1884. Berlin. 1874-84. O. M Gartenlaube, Die ; illustrirtes familienblatt. V. 29-32, Jan. 1881 dec. 1884. Leipz. 1881-84. F. M GENERAL PERIODICALS. CI. 50-59 42 Illustrirte zeitung ; wochentliche nachrichten iiber alle ereignisse, zustiinde und person- lichkeiten der gegenwart, iiber tagesge- schichte, offentliehes und gesellschaf tlicnes leben, wissenschaft und kunst, handel und industrie, musik, theater und mode. V. 82, 83, Jan. -dec. 1884. Leipz. 1884. F. M Im neuen reicli ; wochenschrift f iir das leben des deutschen volkes in staat, wissenschaft und kunst, herausg. von W: Lang. V. 16- 22, July 1878 dec. 1881. Berlin. 1878-81. O. M Note. Konrad Rcichard ed. of v. 16. Discontinued. Milwaukee freidenker ; zeitschrift fiir freies menschenthum. V. 1-5, 10-13, apr. 1872 dec. 1884. Milw. 1872-84. F. RM Note. The title, since jan. 1, 187.5 is "Freidenker; freiheit, bildung und wohlstand fur alle." Nord und slid : eine deutsche monatsschrift, herausg. von Paul Lindau. V. 1-32, april 1877 march 1885. Etched portraits. Ber- lin and Breslau. 1877-85. O. M Salon, Der, fiir literatur, kunst und gesellschaf t, herausg. von Franz Hirsch. \. 23-84, jan. 1879 dec. 1884. Leipz. 1879-84. O. M Ueber land und meer ; allgemeine illustrirte zeitung. V. 49-52, oct. 1882 sept. 1884. Stuttgart. 1882-84. F. RM TJm die welt ; Keppler und Schwarzmann's illustrirte zeitung. V. 1-3, sept. 1881 march 1883. N. Y. 1882-83. F. RM Unsere zeit ; deutsche revue der gegenwart. V. 1-46, Jan. 1857 dec. 1884. Leipz. 18.57- 84. O. M Note. Title-page of v. J-9 reads '-Jahrbuch zum Conversations-lexlkon", of v. 10-27 adds "Monats- schrift zum Conversations-lexikon" to present title. Vierteljahrliches magazin der modernen lite- ratur. V. 21-25, 28-31, 33, 35, 36, Jan. 1881 Jan. 1885. Milw. 1881-85. O. M Vom fels zum meer ; Spemann's illustrirte zeit- schrift fiir das deutsche haus. V. 1-6, oct. 1881 sept. 1884. Stuttgart. 1881-84. O. M Westermann's illustrirte deutsche monats- hefte, herausg. von F: Spielhagen ; ein familienbuch fur das gesammte geistige leben der gegenwart. v. 45-56, oct. 1878 sept. 1884. Braunschweig. 1879-84. Q. M L'echo de la France ; revue etrangfere de science et de litterature. V. 1-5, Montreal. 1865- 68. O. M Revue des deux mondes. V. [195-198, 255-278], Jan. aug. 1871, jan. 1881 dec. 1884. Paris. 1871-84. O. M Note. The numbering on the title-page of the vols, is as follows: 2de periode, tome 91-94; 3e periode, tome 43-66. Revue Internationale sous la direction de M. Angelo de Gubernatis. V. 1-3, dec. 25, 1883 sept. 10, 1884. Florence, 1884. O. M 11. PHILOSOPHY. 1. In general. 1. Comprehensive works. Horwicz, Adolf. Wesen und aufgabe der philo- sophie, ihre bedeutung fiir die gegenwart und ihre ansichten fiir die zukunft. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 Grassmann, Robert. Die wissenschaftslehre, Oder philosophie. Stettin. 1875. O. 100:1 Contents. 1. T. Die denklehre. 2. T. Die wlssens- lehre. 3. T. Die erkenntnissiehre. (les buch: Die bewusstseinslehre; 2es buch: Die bildungslehre; Ses buch: Diegeisteslehre; 4e8buch: Das staatswissen.) 4. T. Die weisheitslehre. (les buch: Die vertiet'ung'S- lehre; Sesbuch: Die ofifenbarungslehre; 3es buch: Die heilslehre; 4es buch: Das gotteswissen.) Voltaire, Fran9ois Marie Arouet de. A philoso- phical dictionary. From the french, with add. notes, both critical and argumenta- tive. Bost. 1856. 2 V. in 1. O. 103+1 2. Essays- Bowen, Francis. Philosophical essays. In Jds Gleanings. 824.1:6 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Cornwallis, C. F. Philosophical inquiries and ?hilosoph. experiences by a pariah. {Anon.'\ n Small booKs on great suDJects. 829.2: 48 vl Dana, Alexander H. Ethical and physiological inquiries, chiefly relative to subjects of popular interest'. N. Y. 1863. D. 104:9 Contents. Races of men. Compensations of life. Identity. Necessity. Authorship. Influence of great men. Lawyers. Hereditary character. Sensuality. Health. Narcotic stimu lants.- External religion. Inequality in the condition of men. Wisdom of the ancients. Theology. War. Semi- naries of learning.- Reason and faith. The super- natural. Fear of death. Character as determined by corporeal organism. Self-renovation. Govern- ment and laws. Science of medicine. Diet. Popu- lation. Probation of life. Neuromathy. Inspira- tion. Nemesis. De duincey, T: Essays on the philosophical writers. Iw 824.2: 29 Contents, see under English literature. Essays. Hedge, F: H: Atheism in philosophy, and other essays. Bost. 1884. D. 104:8 Ccmterits. Epicurus.- Arthur Schopenhauer's phil- osophyCritique of pessimism as taught by Eduard V. Hartmann. Life and character of Augustine. Gottfried W: v. Leibniz. Immanuel Kant.- Irony. The philosophy of fetlchlsm. Genius.- The lords of life. Hume, D: Essays and treatises on various sub- jects ; with a brief sketch of the author's life and writings. Added, dialogues con- cerning natural religion. Bost. n. d. O. Contents. My own life.- Letter from Adam Smith to W: Strahan. Inquiry concerning human under- standing. Dissertation on the passions. An inquiry concerning the principles of morals. A dialogue. The natural history of religion. Essays on suicide. Dialogues concerning natural religion. McCosh., James. Philosophic series ; no. 1-7. N. Y. 1882-84. 2 v. D. 104:7 Contents. (V. 1.) 1. Criteria of diverse kinds of truth, a treatise on applied logic. 2. Energy, suffi- cient and final cause. 3. Development, what It can do and what It cannot do. 4. Certitude, providence and prayer. (V. 3.) 5. Locke's theory of knowledge, with a notice of Berkeley. 6. Agnosticism of Hume and Huxley, with a notice of the Scottish school. 7. A criticism of the critical philosophy. Mill, J: Stuart. [Philosophical essays.] In his Dissertations and discussions. 824.2 : 70 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Peirce, C: S., ed. Studies in logic by members of the Johns Hopkins university. Bost. 1883. D. 160:9 Contents. Marauand, A. The logic of the epicu- reans; A machine for producing syllogistic varia- tions. Franklin, C. L. On the algebra of logic- Mitchell, O. H. On a new algebra of logic GUI- man, B. I. Operations in relative number with application to the theory of probabilities. Peirce, C: S. A theory of probable inference. Porter, Noah. Science and sentiment ; with other papers, chiefly philosophical. N. Y. 1882. D. 104:5 Contents. Science and sentiment. The science of nature versus the science of man. What we mean by christian philosophy. The autobiography of J: Stuart Mill. J : Stuart Mill as a philosopher, and as a theologian.- Prof. Tyndall's last deliverance.- Physi- ological metaphysics.- Force, law and design. Prof . Huxley's exposition of Hume's philosophy. The newest atheism.- Herbert Spencer s theory of socio- logy. The Kantian centennial.- The collapse of faith. Prometheus in Atlantis ; a prophecy of the ex- tinction of the christian civilization. N. Y. 1867. D. 104:2 St. John, H:, viscount Bolingbroke. Letters or essays addressed to Alex. Pope. In his Works. 820.2:18 v3,4 Contents. Concerning the nature, extent and reality of human knowledge. On the folly and presumption of philosophers. On the rise and progress of mono- theism. Concerning authority in matters of religion. Sinnett, A. P. The occult world. Bost. 1882. D. 104:6 Contents. Occultism and Its adepts. The Theoso- phlcal society of N. Y. Recent occult phenomena. Teachings of occult philosophy. Stewart, Dugald. Philosophical essays ; with add., ed. by sir W: Hamilton. Edinb. 1877. O. 191+8 v5 Contents. Preliminary dissertation: Some errors relative to the phllosopny of mind corrected ; Some objections relative thereto obviated. Pt. 1. Essays of a metaphysical import: On Locke's account of the sources of human knowledge and Its Influence on the PHILOSOPHY GENERAL. 01. 100-109 46 doctrines of some of his successors; On the idealism of Berlceley; On the influence of Locke's authority upon the philosophical systems which prevailed in Prance during- the latter part of the 18th century; On the metaphysical theories of Hartley, Priestly and Darwin; On the tendency of some late philo- logical speculations. Pt. 3. Essajjs relative to mutters of taste: On the beautiful; On the sublime; On taste; On the culture of certain intellectual habits con- nected with the first elements of taste. Warren, S: The intellectual and moral develop- ment of the present age. New ed. Edinb. 1854. D. 104:3 Wright, Chauncey. Philosophical discussions ; with a biographical sketch of the author by C: Eliot Norton. N. Y. 1877. O. 104:4 Contents. Biographical sketch. A physical theory of the universe. Natural theology as a positive science. The philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Limits of natural selection. The genesis of species. Evolution by natural selection. Evolution of self- consciousness. The conflict of studies.- The uses and origin of the arrangements of leaves in plants McCosh on intuitions. Mansel's reply to Mill. Lewes's Problems of life and mind. McCosh on Tyndall. Speculative dynamics. Books relating to the theory of evolution German darwinism. A fragment on cause and effect. John Stuart Mill ; a commemorative notice. Index. 3. History. Bautain, L: Eugene Marie. An epitome of the history of philosophy ; the work adopted by the university of France for instruction in the colleges and high schools. Tr. from the french, with add. and a continuation of the history from the time of Reid to the present day, by C. S. Henr^^ [Harper's family lib.]" N." Y. 1846. 2 v. S. 109:4 Lefevre, Andre. Philosophy, historical and crit- ical ; with an introd. by A. H. Keane. Lond. 1879. D. ' 109:5 Lange, F: Albert. History of materialism and criticism of its present importance. Author- ized tr. by Ernest Chester Thomas. Bost. 1877-81. 8v. O. 146:1 Contents. V. 1. Materialism in antiquity. The period of transition. The 17th century. 2. The l8th century. Modern philosophy. 3. The natural sciences. Man and the soul. Morality and religion. Lewes, G: H: The biographical history of philo- sophy, from its origin in Greece down to the present day. Library ed. enl. and rev. N. Y. 1866. 2V. O. ' 109:1 Owen, J: Evenings with the skeptics, or Free discussion on free thinkers. Lond. 1881. 2v. O. 109:3 Contents. V. 1. Pre-christian skepticism. 2. Christ- ian skepticism. Schwegrler, Albert F: K: Franz. A history of philosophy in epitome. Tr. from the orig- mal german by Julius H. Seelye. 5th ed. N. Y. 1866. D. 109:2 Stewart, Dugald. Dissertation exhibiting the progress of metaphysical, ethical and {)olifical philosophy since the revival of etters in Europe- with add. now first gubl., ed. by sir W: Hamilton. 2d ed., imp. idinb. 1877. O. 191+8 vl TJeberweg, F: History of philosophy, Jrom Thales to the present time. Tr. from the 4th german ed. by G: S. Morris, with add. by Noah Porter, [and] a pref. by the eds. of the Philosophical and theological libr. [H. B. Smith and Ph. Schafft N. Y. [1873]. 2v. O. 109-1-6 Contents. V. 1. Ancient and mediaeval philosopny. 2. Modern philosophy ; with add. by the tr., an app. on english and americau phil. by Noah Porter, and an app. on Italian "^hil. by Vincenzo Botta. 4. Ancient philosophies. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts. Tr. by G: Long. 2d ed., rev. and cor. Lond. 1&75. D. 188:1 Grote, G: Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. 3d ed. Lond. 1875. 3 v. O. A 184+1 Platen, (lot. Plato). Works ; a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of Stallbaum. Lond. 1854. 6 v. D. 184:2 Contents. V. 1 . Apology of Socrates. Crito. Phsedo. Gorgias. Protagoras. Phoedrus. Theete- tus.Euthyphron. Lysis. Tr. byH. Gary. 2. The re- public Timaeus.Critias. Tr. by G.H.Davis. 3. Me- no. Euthydemus.- The sophist.- The statesman. Cratylus. Parmenides. The banquet. Tr. by G: Burges. 4. Philebus. Charm ides. Laches. Menex- enus. Hippias major. Hippias minor.-Ion. First Alciblades. Second Alcibiades. Theages. The rivals. Hipparchus. Minos. Clitopho. The epistles. Tr. by G: Burgos. 6. The laws. Tr. by G: Burges. 6. The doubtful works, with lives of Plato by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius and Olvmpiodorus, Introductions to his doctrines by Alcinous and Albinus, the notes of T: Gray, and a general index to the whole work. Tr. by G : Burges. A day in Athens with Socrates ; translations from the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato. N. Y. 1883. S. 184:3 Weygoldt, G. P. Die philosophic der stoa nach ihrem wesen und ihren schicksalen ; fiir weitere kreise dargestellt. [Die grossen philosophen des alterthums.] Leipz. 1883. Cornwallis, C. F. A brief view of greek phi- losophy, to the coming of Christ. In Small books on great svibjects. 829.2 : 48 v2 5. Modern philosophies. Cousin, Victor. Course of the history of modern philosophy. Tr. by O. W. Wight. N. Y, 1866. 2v. O. 190:2 Dean, Amos. Elements of philosophy in modern Europe. In his History of civilization. 309:5 v6 Eucken, Rudolph. The fundamental concepts of modern philosophic thought, ci-iticallv and historically considered. Tr. by M. Stuart Phelps, with add. and cor. by the author and an introd. by Noah Porter. N. Y. 1880. D. 190:3 Fischer, Ernst Kuno Berthold. Geschichte der neuern philosophic. Miinchen and Heidelb. 1867-80. 7v. in8. O. 190:1 Contents. V. 1. Theil 1. Allgemeine einleitung. Descartes' leben, schriften und lehre. 1. Theil 1, Anhang. Rene Descartes' hauptschriften zur grund- legung seiner philosophic. 1. Theil 2. Fortbildunsr der lehre Descartes'. Spinoza. 2. Leibniz und seine schule. 3. Kant's vernunftkritik und deren ent- stehung. 4. Kant's System der reinen vernunft auf grund der vernunftkritik. 6. Flchte und seine vor- ganger. 6. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling. Same. V. 3-5. Munchen. 1882-84. 3 v, O. 190:1 Contents. Same cut above. V. 3, 4. 3te neu bearb. aufl. 5. 3te verm, und rev. aufl. Herbert, T: Martin. The realistic assumptions of modern science examined. Lond. 1879. O. 142:2 47 CI. 100-109 PHILOSOPHY GENERAL. 48 Morell, J. D. An historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the 19th century. N. Y. 1858. O. 190-|-4 Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio. A short sketch of modern philosophies, and of his own system ; witn a few words of introd. by father Lockhart. Lond. 1882. D. 190:i5 English. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Transcendent- alism in New England ; a history. N. Y. 1876. O. 191:1 Concord summer school of philosophy. Con- cord lectures on philosophy ; comprising outlines of all the lectures in 1882, with an historical sketch ; coll. and arr. by Ray- mond L. Bridgman. rev. by the several lecturers and approved by the faculty. Cambridge, Mass. [18831. O. 191-|;7 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. [Philosophical writ- ings], in Ats Complete works. 820.1:8 Contents, see %mder English literature, Collected works. * * * Stephen, Leslie. History of english thought in the 18th century. 2d ed. N . Y. 1881. 2 v. O. 192:8 Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam and viscount St. Albans. [Philosophical writings.] In his Works. 820.2:2 Contents, see under English literature. Collected Fowler, T: Bacon. [Eng. philosophers.] N. Y. 1881. D. 192:3 Mead, Edwin Doak. The philosophy of Carlyle. Bost. 1881. D. 191:2 Monck, W: H. S. Sir W: Hamilton. [Eng. phil- osophers.] N. Y. 1881. D. 191:6 Veitch, J: Hamilton. [Phil, classics for eng. readers.] Phila. 1882. D. 191:6 Mill, J: Stuart. An examination of sir W: Hamilton's philosophy, and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in nis writings. Bost. 1865. 2 v. O. 191:3 Mansel, H: Longueville. The philosophy of the conditioned ; comprising some remarks on sir W: Hamilton's philosophy and on mr. J: S. Mill's examination of that philosophy. Lond. 1866. O. 191:4 Masson, D: Recent british philosophy; a re- view, with criticisms ; incl. some com- ments on mr. Mill's answer to sir W: Hamilton. N. Y. 1866. U. 192:6 Bower, G. S. D: Hartley and James Mill. [Eng. philosophers.] N. Y. 1881. D. 192:2 Hobbes, T: [Philosophical writings.] In his English works. 820.2:12 Contents, see under English literature, Collected Locke, J: Works. Lond. w. d. 2 v. D. 192:4 Contents. V. 1, 2. Philosophical works, with a preliminary essay and notes by J. A. St. John. V. 1. Preliminary discourse by the ed. On the conduct of the understanding. An essay concerning the human understanding, book 1-2. V. 2. Same. Book 3-4. Controversy with the bishop of Worcester. An examination of P. Malebrancne's opinion of seeing all things in God, with remarks upon some of mr. Norris's books.- Elements of natural philosophy.- Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman. Mivart, St. G: Nature and thought ; an intro- duction to a natural philosophy. Lond. 1882. O. 192:10 Fowler, T: Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. [Eng. philosophers.] N. Y. 1883. O. 192:9 Farrer, James A. Adam Smith, 17231790. [Eng. philosophers.] N.Y. 1881. D. 192:5 Spencer, Herbert. [A system of synthetic phil- osophy.] N. Y. 1873-82. D. 192:7 Contents. Pt. 1. First principles of a nevr system of philosophy : The knowable ; The un- knowable. Pt. 2, 3. The principles of biologTr : V. 1. The data of biology; The inductions of biology; The evolution of life; V. 2. Morphological develop- ment; Physiological development; Laws of multipli- cation; Appendices. Pt. 4, 5. The principles of psychology: V. 1. The data of psychology; The inductions of psychology; General synthesis; Phys- ical synthesis; App.; V. 2. Special analysis; General analysis; Corollaries. Pt. 6, 7, [8 unpubl.l. The principles of sociology : V. 1. The data of sociol- ogy; The inductions of sociology; The domestic rela- tions ; V. 2. Ceremonial institutions ; Political institu- tions. Pt. 9, [iOwnpuW.]. The principles of moral- ity: V. 1. The data of ethics. Birks, T: Rawson. Modern physical fatalism and the doctrine of evolution ; an exami- nation of mr. H. Spencer's First principles. Lond. 1876. D. 192:1 Stewart, Dugald. Collected works, ed. by sir W: Hamilton. Edinb. 1877. 11 v. O. ' 191+8 Contenti^. V. 1. Progress of metaphysical, ethical and political philosophy. 2-4. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. 5. Philosophical essays. 6, 7. The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. 8, 9. Lectures on political economy. 10. Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, W: Robertson, T: Keid. Veitch, J. A memoir of Dugald Stewart with selections from his correspon- dence. 11. Translations of the passages in foreign languages contained in the collected works. General index. G erman. Heine, H: Zur geschichte der religion und philosophic inDeutsehland. I71 7iiSiimmt- liche werke. 830 : 139 v6 Gostwick, Joseph. German culture and cliristi- anity ; their controversy in 17701880. Lond. 1882. O. 211 : 21 Hall, Granville Stanley. [Essays on german philosophy]. In his Aspects of german culture. 824.1:39 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Feuerbach, L: Andreas. Siimmtliche werke. Leipz. 1846-76. 10 v. in 8. O. 193:1 Contents. V. 1. Erlauterungen und erganzungon zum Wesen des chrlstenthums. 2. Philosophischo kritiken und grundsatze. 3. Gedanken iiber tod utul unsterblichkeit. 4. Geschichte der neuern phlloso- phie von Bacon v. Verulam bis Benedict Spinoza. 6. Darstellung, entwicklung und krltik der Leibnitz- 'schen philosophic. 6. Pierre Baylo; ein beitrag zur geschichte der philosophic und mcnschheit. 7. Das Wesen des chrlstenthums. 8. Vorlesungen iiber das wesen der religion, nobst zusatzen und anmerkun- gen. 9. Theogonie nach den quellen des elassischen, hebriiischen und christlichen alterthums. 10. Gott- helt, f reihoit und unsterblichkeit vom standpunkto der anthropologic. Fichte, J: Gottlieb. The characteristics of the present age. Tr. from the german by W: Smith. Lond. 1847. D. 142:5 The science of knowledge. Tr. from the german by A. E. Kroeger. Phila. 1868. D. 141:1 Everett, C: Carroll. Fichte's Science of knowl- edge ; a critical exposition. (.German phil. classes.) Chicago. 1884. S. 142:6 Hartmann, K: Robert E: v. Philosophy of the unconscious ; speculative results according to the inductive method of physical science. PHILOSOPHY GENERAL. 01. 100-109 50 Authorized tr. by W: Chatterton Coupland. N. Y. 1884. 3 V. O. 193:8 Vailiing'er, Hans. Hartmann, Diihring und Lange; zur geschichte der deutschen phi- losophie im 19ten jahrhundert ; ein kriti- scher essay. Iserlohn. 1876. O. 193:9 Pfleiderer, Edmund. Der moderne pessimismus. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 04 : 15 v4 Gatschenberger, Stephan. Nihilismus, pessim- ismus und weltschmerz ; geschrieben aus anlass der enthiillung eines monuments fiir den grafen Szechenyi in Pest. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Sommer, Hugo. Die religion des pessimismus. In Deutsche zeit- una streit-fragen. 304: 15 vl3 Caird, E: Hegel. [Philos. classics for eng. read- ers.] Phila. 1883. D. 193:4 Kant, Immanuel. Critique of pure reason. Tr. from the german by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. Lond. 1866. D. 142:1 Morris, G: S. Kant's Critique of pure reason; a critical exposition. [German philosoph. classics.] Chicago. 1882. S. 142:4 Watson, J: Kant and his english critics ; a com- Barison of critical and empirical philosophy. '. Y. 1881. O. 142+3 Seth, Andrew. The development from Kant to Hegel, with chapters on the philosophy of religion. (Pub. by the HiDbert trustees.) Lond. 1882. O. 193 : 5 Schlegel, K: W: F: v. The philosophy of life and philosophy of language, in a course of lectures. Tr. from the german by A. J. W. Morrison. N. Y. 1848. D. 193 : 3 Watson, J: Schelling's transcendental idealism ; a critical exposition. [German philosoph. classics.] Chicago. 1882. S. 141 : 2 Schopenhauer, Arthur. Siimmtliche werke ; herausg. von Julius Frauenstadt. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1877. 6 v. O. 193 : 2 Contents. V. 1. Einleitung des herausg-. Arthur Schopenhauer, ein lebensbild von dem herausg. Schriften zur erkenntnisslehre. 2, 3. Die Welt als wille und vorstellung. 4. Naturphilosophie und ethik : Ueber den willen in der natur. Die beiden grrundprobleme der ethik. 5, 6. Parerg-a und parali- pomena, klelne philosophische schriften : I. Vom idealen und realen. Zur geschichte der philosophic. Die universitats-philosophie. Die absichtlichkeit im schicksale des einzelnen. Das gelstersehen. Aphorismen zur lebensweisheit. II. Philosophic und ihre methode. Logik und dialektik. Der in- tellekt. Das ding an sich und die erscheinung. Pantheismus. Phllosophle und wissenscbaft der natur. Farbenlehre. Ethik. Rechtslehre und politik. UnzerstSrbarkeit durch den tod. Nlch- tlgkeit des daseins. Vom leiden der welt. Ueber den selbstraord. Die bejahung und verneinung des willens zum leben. Religion. Sanskrit-llteratur. Archaologische betrachtungen . Mythologische betrachtungen. Metaphysik des schonen und iisthe- tik. Urtheil, kritik, beifall und ruhm. Gelehr- samkeit und gclehrte. Selbstdenken. Schriftstel- lerei und stil. Lesen und biicher. Sprache und worte. Psychologische bemerkungen. Ueber die weiber. Ueber erziehung. Zur physiognomik. Ueber liirm und gerausch. Gleichnisse, parabeln und t'abeln. Verse. The world as will and idea. From the german by R. B. Haldane and J: Kemp. [In 3 v.l V. 1. Bost. 1883. O. 193 : 7 Spinoza, Baruch de. Chief works. Tr. from the latin, with an introd. by R. H. M. Elwes. [Bohn's phil. lib.] Lond. 1883. 2 v. D. 193:6 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Tractatus theologico- politicus. Tractatus politicus. 2. De Intellectus emendatione. Bthica. Correspondence. Kalischer, Alfred Christian. Benedikt (Baruch) von Spinoza's stellungzum judenthum imd christenthum ; als beitrag zur losung der judenfrage beleuchtet. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 vl3 French and Italian. Comte, A: Positive philosophy. Tr. by Harriet Martineau. 3d ed. N. Y. 1858. O. 194 : 2 Lewes, G: H: Comte's Philosophy of the sciences; an exposition of the principles of the Cours de philosophic positive of A: Comte. Lond. 1853. D. 194 : 1 Mill, J: Stuart. The positive philosophy of A: Comte. Bost. 1866. D. 194 : 3 Cousin, V: Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good ; increased by an app. on f rench art. Tr. , with the approbation of Cousin, by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1857. O. 194:4 Helvetius, Claude Adrian. A treatise on man, his intellectual faculties and his education ; a posthumous work. Tr. from the french, with add. notes, by W. Hooper. Lond. 1777. 2 V. O. 194 : 6 Stefltens, H: Pascal und die philosophisch-ge- schichtliche bedeutung seiner ansichten. In his Nachgelassene schriften. 898.2 : 1 Flint, Robert. Vico. (Phil, classics.) Phila. 1884. D. 196 : 1 2. Metaphysics. Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. Isis unveiled ; a master- key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. 2d ed. N. Y. 1877. 2v. O. 110+4 Buchner, F: C: Christian L: Force and matter ; empirico-philosophical studies intelligibly rendered. With an add. introd. expressly written for the eng. ed. by L: Biichner, ed. by J: F; Collingwood. 2d eng., completed from the 10th german ed. Lond. 1870. D. 113:1 Cudworth, Ralph. The true intellectual system of the universe, wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and its impossibility demonstrated. A treatise on immutable morality ; with a discourse con- cerning the true notion of the Lord's sup- per, and two sermons on I John ii : 3, 4 and I Cor. xv : 27. 1st am. ed. with refer- ences to the several quotations in the Intel- lectual system, and an account of the life and writings of the author by T: Birch. Andover. 1837. 2 v. O. 110 : 1 Fiske, J: Outlines of cosmic philosophj^, based on the doctrine of evolution, with criticisms on the positive philosophy. Bost. 1878. 2 V. O. 113:2 Same. Vol. 2. Bost. 1875. 0. 113 : 2 51 CI. 110-113 PHILOSOPHY METAPHYSICS. Hamilton, Sir W : Lectures on metaphysics ; ed. by H : Longue ville Mansel and J : Veitch . Best. 1859. O. 110:2 Harris, James. Philosophical arrangements. Lond. 1775. O. 112:1 Lotze, Hermann. Metaphysic, in three books ; ontology, cosmology and psychology. Eng. tr. ed. by Bernard Bosanquet. [Sys- tem of philosophy, pt. 3.] (Clarendon press ser.) N. Y. 1884. O. 110:5 Outlines of metaphysic ; dictated portions of [his] lectures. Tr. and ed. by G: T. Ladd. Bost. 1884. D. 110:7 Paine, Martyn. Physiology of the soul and in- stinct as distinguished from materialism ; with supplementary demonstrations of the divine communication of the narratives of the creation and the flood. N. Y. 1872. O. 111+1 Pressense, Edmond Marcellin Dehault de. A study of origins, or The problems of knowledge of being and of duty. Tr. by Annie Harwood HoTmden. Lond. 1883. D. 110:3 Schasler, Max. Ueber materialistische und idealistische Weltanschauung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 Shields, C: W. The order of the sciences, an es- say on the philosophical classification and organization of human knowledge. N. Y. 1882. D. 112:2 Sinnett, A. P. Esoteric buddhism. Bost. 1884. D. 110:6 Spencer, Herbert. The classification of the sciences [and other philosophical essays]. in 824.2 : 81-83 Contents, see under Eng-lish literature, Essays. White, Hugh. Cosmogenia, or The philosophy of the world. Watertown, N. Y. 1830. O. 113:3 3. Mental morphology and hygiene. 1. Mind and body. (See cOso Physiology, class 612.) Bain, Alexander. Mind and body ; the theories of their relation. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1874. D. 131 : 1 Common errors on the mind. In his Practical essays. 824.2:91 Barlow, J: The connection between physiology and intellectual philosophy. On man's power over himself to prevent or control insanity. In Small books on great subjects. 829.2: 48 vl Bastian, IJ: Charlton. The brain as an organ of mind. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. 131 : 2 Brodie, Sir B: Mind and matter, or Psycholog- ical inquiries, in a series of essays mtended to illustrate the mutual relations of the physical organization of the mental facul- ties. With add. notes by an amer. ed. N. Y. 1873. D. 131 : 3 Brown-Sequard, C: E: Dual character of the brain. In Smithsonian misc. 606:Il4vl6 Calderwood, H: The relations of mind and brain. Lond. 1879. O. 131:4 Carpenter, W: B: Principles of mental physi- ology, with their applications to the train- ing and discipline of the mind and the study of its morbid conditions. N. Y. 1878. D. 131 : 5 Elam, C: A physicians problems. Bost. 1869. D. 130:7 Contents. Natural heritage. On degenerations in man. On moral and criminal epidemics.- Body v. mind. Illusions and hallucinations. On somnam- bulism. Revery and abstraction. Goltz, Bogumil. Diagnosen, signalements und verdicte fiir exacte menschenkenntniss. [Feigenblatter, 2.] Berlin, n. d. D. 130:1 Das menschen-dasein in seinen weltewigen ziigen und zeichen. Berlin. 1868. 2 v. in 1. D. 130:2 Contents. V. 1. Der mensch und das menschliche leben. Natup.. Die sittllche welt. 2. Die welt dea ^eteit^U-Dle feligiou, Die ^gjtim staate. Goltz, Bogumil. Continued. Typen der geschellschaft ; ein complimentir- Ijuch ohne complimente. 4te aufl. Ber- lin. 1867. 2v.ini. S. 130 : 3 Zur physiognomic und characteristik des vol- kes. [Exacte menschenkenntniss, b. 2.1 Berlin, 1859. S. 130 : 4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Mechanism in thought and morals ; an address delivered before the Phi beta kappa society of Harvard university, June 29, 1870, with notes and afterthoughts. Bost. 1871. D. 131:6 Laycock, T: Mind and brain, or The correla- tions of consciousness and organization systematically investigated and applied to ])liilosophy, mental science and practice ; with a preliminary dissertation on method and ill. of the text. 2d ed. N. Y. 1869. 2 V. D. 131 :7 Luys, J. The brain and its functions. (Internat. scientific ser.) N. Y. 1882. D. 131 : 11 Maudsley, H: The physiology and pathology of mind. 2d ed., rev. Lond. 1868. O. 131:8 The physiology of mind ; the 1st pt. of a 3d eci. rev. and enl. and in great part rewrit- ten of The physiology and pathology of mind. N. Y. 1878. D. 131 : 9 Moore, G: The power of the soul over the body, considered in relation to health and morals. N. Y. 1847. D. 130 : 5 The use of the body in relation to the mind. N. Y. 1847. D. 130 : 6 Morselli, H: Suicide ; an essay on comparative moral statistics. The original expressly rev. and abr. by the author for the english version. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1882. D. 131 : 13 O'Dea, James J. Suicide ; studies on its philos- ophy, causes and prevention. N. Y. 1882. li. 131 :12 Tuke, Daniel Hack. Illustrations of the influence of the mind upon the body in health and disease, designed to elucidate the action of the imagination. Phila. 1872. O. 131 : 10 53 PHILOSOPHY MENTAL MORPHOLOGY. 01. 130-133 54 2. Mental derangements. Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre Jacques Fran- 9ois. Hallucinations, or The rational hist- ory of apparitions, visions, dreams, ecsta- sy, magnetism and somnambulism. 1st amer. ed. Phila. 1853. O. 132+1 Buckham, T. R. Insanity considered in its medico-legal relations : a treatise. Phila. 1883. O. 132 : 9 Bucknill, J: C: Notes on asylums for the insane in America. Lond. 1876. D. 132:11 Corning, J. Leonard. Brain exhaustion ; with some preliminary considerations on cere- bral dynamics. N. Y. 1884. D. 132 : 10 Hammond, W: Alexander. A treatise on in- sanity in its medical relations. N. Y. 1883. O. 132 : 8 Kirchner, F: Der zweck des daseins, im hin- blick auf die mehrung des selbstmordes. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-frageu. 304:15 vll Maudsley, H: Responsibility in mental disease. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1875. D. 132:2 Body and mind : an inquiry into their connec- tion and mutual mfluence, specially in reference to mental disorders. An enl. and rev. ed., to which are added psychol- ogical essays. N. Y. 1882. D. 132 : 7 Contents, Lectures. Body and mind : On the physi- cal condition of mental function in health; Oncer- tain forms of degeneracy of mind, their causation, and their relations to other disorders of the nervous system ; On the relations of morbid bodily states to disordered mental functions; Conscience and organ- ization. Essays. Hamlet. Emanuel Swedenborg. The theory of vitality. The limits of philosophical inquiry. Hush, B: Medical inquiries and observations upon the diseases of the mind. 2d ed. Phila. 1818. O. 132:3 Seguin, E: Idiocy, and its treatment by the physiological method. N. Y. 1866. O. 132+15 Storer, Horatio Robinson. The causation, course and treatment of reflex insanity in women. Bost. 1871. U. ' 132:4 Sully, James. Illusions ; a psychological study. (Intern, scientific ser.) ]H1L0S61HY ^PSYCHOLOGY. CI. 140-166 ing discourse. New ed., cor. and enriched by translations of the numerous classical extracts, by Democritus minor. Bost. 1859. 3v. D. 137:2 Combe, G: The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects. N. Y. 1860. S. 139:1 Drayton, H: S., and James McNeill. Brain and mind, or Mental science, considered in accordance with the principles of phren- ology and in relation to modern physiology. N. y. 1880. D. 139 : 2 Fowler, Orrin Squire. Self-culture, and perfec- tion of character, including the manage- ment of youth. N. Y. 1847. D. 139 : 3 Goltz, Bogumil. Zur charakteristik und natur- gescnichte der frauen. 5te aufl. Berlin. [1874]. S. 136 : 1 Lavater, J: Caspar. Essays on physiognomy; for the promotion of the knowledge and the love of mankind. Written in the german language, and tr. into english by T: Hol- croft. 2d ed. 111. To which are added 100 physiognomical rules, a posthumous work by mr. Lavater, and memoirs of the life of the author compiled principally from the life of Lavater, written by his son-in- law G. Gessner. Lond. 1804. 4 v. O. 138+Pl Spurzheim, J: F: Kaspar. Phrenology, or The doctrine of the mental phenomena. 3d amer. ed. Bost. 1834. 2 v. O. 139 : 4 Theophrastus. Characters; illustrated by'physi- onomical [sie\ sketches [by F. Howelll. Bost. 1831. D. 137: 1 4. Psychology. Abercrombie, J: Inquiries concerning the in- tellectual powers and the investigation of truth. [Harpers' family lib.] N.Y:1847. S. 150 : 1 Bain, Alexander. The senses and the intellect. 2d ed. Lond. 1864. O. 150 : 14 The emotions and the will. 2d ed. Lond. 1865. O. 150+13 Bascom, J: The science of mind. N. Y. 1881. D. 150:2 Brown, T: Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind ; with a memoir of the author by D: Welsh. 7th ed. Edinb. 1833. O. 150:3 Chadboume, Paul Ansel. Instinct ; its office in the animal kingdom and its relation to the higher powers in man. (Lowell lectures, 1871.) N. Y. 1883. O. 158 : 1 Edwards, Jonathan. A careful and strict in- quiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of the will, which is sup- posed to be essential to moral agency, virtue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame. N. Y. 1858. O. 159+1 Hazard, Rowland Gibson. Man a creative first cause ; two discourses delivered at Con- cord, Mass., July 1882. Bost. 1883. D. 150:15 Lewes, G: H: Problems of life and mind. Bost. 1874, 1875. 2 V. O. 150:4 Contents. 1st ser. The foundatiom of a creed. V. 1. Introd.: pt. 1, The method of science and its application to metaphysics ; pt. 2, The rules of philosophizing-. Psycnological principles. Problem 1, The limitations of knowiedf?e. 2. Problem 2, The principles of certitude. Problem 3, From the known to the unknown. Problem 4, Matter and force. Problem 5, Force and cause. Problem 6, The ab- solute in the correlations of feeling- and motion. Same. 3d series. Bost. 1879. O. 150 : 4 v3 Contents. Problem 1. The study of psychology, its object, scope and method. McCosh, James. The emotions. N. Y. 1880. D. 157:1 Maudsley, H: Body and will ; an essay con- cerning will in its metaphysical, physio- logical and pathological aspects. N^. Y. 1884 [1883]. O. 169:2 Mill, James. Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. A new ed. with notes, illus- trative and critical, by Alexander Bain, Andrew Findlater and G: Grote. Ed. with add. notes by J: Stuart Mill. Lond. 1869. 2v. O. 150:5 Porter, Noah. The human intellect ; with an introduction upon psychology and the soul. 2ded. N. Y. 1869. O. 150+6 The elements of intellectual science ; a manual for schools and colleges, abridged from the "Human intellect." N. Y. [1871]. O. 150:7 Bauch, F: A: Psychology, or A view of the human soul, incl. anthropology. 2d ed., rev. and impr. T.p.w. [New York. 1841.1 D. 150:8 Ribot, Theodule. Diseases of memory ; an essay in positive psychology. From the french by W: Huntmgton Smith. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1882. D. 154 : 1 Same. N. Y. [1883.] O. 154+1 Silberstein, Adolph. Love's strategy ; studies on the art of winning and retaining love. From the german. Chicago. 1884. S. 157:2 Steffens, H: Ueber die wissenschaftliche be- handlung der psychologic. In his Nach- gelassene schriite'n. 898.2 : 1 Stewart, Dugald. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. With add., ed. by sir W: Hamilton. Edinb. 1877. 3 v. O. 191+8 V 2-4 Storrs, R: Salter. The constitution of the human soul; six lectures delivered at the Brook- lyn institute. [Graham lectures.] N. Y. 1857. O. 150+10 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. On intelligence. Tr. from the french by T. D. Haye, and rev. with add., by the author. N. Y. 1879. 3 V. D. 150: 11 Sully, James. Outlines of psychology, with special reference to the theory of educa- tion. Lond. 1884. O. 150+16 Walter, Johnston Estep. The perception of space and matter. Bost. 1879. O. 162 :.l Whately, R: Introductory lessons on mind. Bost. 1859. D. 160 : 12 Note. For works on the instinct of animals, see Zoologry, class 580. PHILOSOPHY-LOGIC. CI. 160-169 5. Logic. Bain, Alexander. Logic ; deductive and induc- tive. New and rev. ed. N. Y. 1874. D. 160:1 Hamilton, Sir W: Lectures on logic ; ed. by H: L. Mansel and J: Veitch. Bost. 1860. O. 160+2 Hedge, Levi. Elements of logick, or A sum- mary of the general prmciples and dif- jEerent modes of reasoning. 2d ed. Bost. 1818. D. 160 : 8 Jevons, W: Stanley. The principles of science ; a treatise on logic and scientific method. N. Y. 1874. O. 160 : 3 Logic. (Science primers.) 111. N. Y. 1878. S. 160:4 Lotze, Hermann. Logic, in three books : Of thought, of investigation and of knowledge. Eng. tr. ed. by Bernard Bosanquet. [Sys- tem of philosophy, pt. 1.] (Clarendon press ser.) N. Y. 1884. O. 160: 11 McCosh, James. The laws of discursive thought ; being a text-book of formal logic. N. Y. 1870. D. 160 : 6 Mill, J : Stuart. A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive ; a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. 8th ed. N. Y. 1874. O. 160+7 Sidg^wick, Alfred. Fallacies ; a view of logic from the practical side. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1884. D. 160: 10 Watts, I: Lo^ic, or The right use of reason, in the enquiry after trutli ; with a variety of rules to guard against error, in the arfairs of religion and human life, as well as in the sciences. Lond. 1822. S. 160 : 6 6. Ethics. 1. In general. Abercrombie, J : The philosophy of the moral feelings. [Harpers' family lib.] N. Y. 1839. S. 171:1 Same. 1840. 171 : 10 Adams, W: The elements of christian science ; a treatise upon moral philosophy and prac- tice. Phila. 1850. O. 170 : 2 Aikin, J : Letters from a father to his son, on various topics, relative to literature and the conduct of life. Phila. 1794. D. 170 : 27 Bain, Alexander. Moral science ; a compendium of ethics. N. Y. 1869. D. 171 : 2 On the study of character, including an esti- mate of phrenology. Lond. 1861. O. 171 :3 Barthelemy, J: Jacques. A treatise on morals. ^nB4351 Beattie, James. Elements of moral science. Edinb. 1790. 2 v. O. 170 : 3 Beta, originally Bettziec\ H: Die geheimmittel- und unsittlichkeits-industrie in der tages- presse. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Blackie, J: Stuart. Four phases of morals ; Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, utilitarian- ism. N. Y. [1878]. O. 171 :4 Bucke, R: Maurice. Man's moral nature ; an essay. N. Y. 1879. O. 171 :5 Bxirgh., James. The dignity of human nature, or A brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence ; in 4 books : 1. Of prudence ; 2. Of knowledge ; 3. Of virtue ; 4. Of revealed religion. By J. B. Lond. 1754. O. 170:4 Chapone, Hester. Letters on the improvement of the mind ; addressed to a lady. Bost. 1822. T. 170 : 5 Choice pleasures for youth ; recommended in a series of letters" from a father to his son. Rev. by the eds. N. Y. 18.54. T. 175 : 1 Cook, Joseph. Conscience, with preludes on current events. (Boston Monday lectures.) Bost 1879. D. 171 : 6 Dodd, W: The beauties of history, or Pictures of virtue and vice drawn from examples of men eminent for their virtues, or infamous for their vices, selected for the instruction and entertainment of youth. 4th ed, Lond 1803. D. J.70:25 Dymon, Jonathan. Essays on the principles of morality, and on the private and political rights and obligations of mankiijd ; with a pref. by G: BusTi. N. Y. 1847. 0. 170 : 6 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The conduct of life. Bost. 1860. S. 171 : 7 Contents. Fate. Power. Wealth. .- Culture. Be- havior. Worship. Considerations by the way. Beauty.- Illusions. Same. New and rev. ed. Bost. 1885. D. 171:7 Same. In his Works. 820. 1 : 8 v6 Epiktetos {lat. Epictetus). Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment ; made eng- lish from the greek hy G: Stanhope. 4tn ed. , with the life of Epictetus from monsieur Boilieau (ic). Lond. 1721. D. 171:8 Fichte, J: Gottlieb. The science of rights. Tr. from the german by A. E. Kroeger. Phila. 1869. D. 170 : 7 Fowler, T: Progressive morality; an essay in ethics. Lond. 1884. D. 171": 19 Fuller, Osgood E. Ideals of life, or Wisdom of the ages ; a series of wholesome practical topics, on which are presented the best things from more than two hundred great thinkers and actors of all times. Detroit. 1881. O. 170+26 Goltz, Bogumil. Die weltklugheit und die le- bensweisheit, mit ihren correspondirenden studien. Berlin. 1869. 2 v. in 1. S. 170 : 1 Gregory, J: A father's legacy to his daughters. With Chapone, H. Letters. in 170 : 6 Hartmann, K: Robert E: v. PhJinomenologie des sittlichen bewusstseins ; prolegomena zu ieder kunftigen ethik. Berlin. 1879. O. 171+18 Hickok, Laurens Perseus. A system of moral science. 3d ed. N. Y. 1861. D. 170 : 8 61 PHILOSOPHY ETHICS. 01. 170-171 Holland, Josiah Gilbert, {Timothy Titcomb). Gold-foil, hammered from popular prov- erbs by Timothy Titcomb. N. Y. n. d. D. 170:9 Contents. An exordial essay. The Infallible book. Patience. Perfect liberty. Trust and what comes of it. The ideal Christ. Providence. Does sensual- ity pay? The way to grow old. Almsgivinjj. The love of what is ours. The power of circumstances. Anvils and hammers. Every man has his place. Indolence and industry. The sins of our neighbors. The canonization of the vicious. Social classifica- tion. The preservation of character. Vices of imagination. Questions above reason. Public and private life. -Home. Learning and wisdom. Re- ceiving and doing. The secret of popularity. The Lord's business. The great mystery. James, J: Angell. The christian father's present to his children. N. Y. 1853. S. 170 : 10 Janet, Paul. Elements of morals ; with special application of the moral law to the duties of the individual and of society and the state. Tr. by mrs. C. R. Corson. N. Y. [1884]. D. 170:36 The theory of morals. N. Y. 1883. O. 171 : 17 Kirchner, F: Der mangel eines allgemeinen moralprincips in unserer zeit. in Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 Kradolfer, J. Die altchristliche moral und der moderne Zeitgeist. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v2 La Bruyere, J: de. The "characters" of Jean de La Bruyfei-e, newly rendered into english by H: van Laun, with an introd., a bio- graphical memoir and notes. 111. N. Y. 1885 f 1884]. O. 170:35 La Bochefoucauld, Fran9ois, due de, prince de Marsillac. Reflections, or Sentences and moral maxims. Tr. from the ed. of 1678 and 1827 with introd., notes and some ac- count of the author and his times by J. W. Willis Bund and J. Hain Fr'.swell. [^Bayard ser.] Lond. 1871. T. 170': 24 Same. Newly tr. from the french, with introd. and notes. Added, Moral sentences and maxims of Stanislas, king of Poland. N. Y. 1853. D. 170:24 Mackintosh, Sir James. A general view of the progress of ethical philosophy, chiefly dur- ing the 17th and 18th centuries. Phila. 1832. O. 170+11 Mallock, W: Hurrell. Is life worth living ? N. Y. 1880. D. 170 : 22 Nott, Eliphalet. Counsels to young men on the formation of character, and tne principles which lead to success and happiness in life ; addresses, principally delivered at the anniversary commencements in Union col- lege. [Harpers' family lib.] N. Y. 1840. S. 170:12 Paley, W: The principles of moral and political philosophy. T. p. w. O. 170 : 29 Patterson, J: Stahl. Conflict in nature and life ; a study of antagonism of things, for the elucidation of the problem of good and evil and the reconciliation of optimism and pes- simism. {Anon.] N. Y. 1883. D. 170:31 Reforms ; their difficulties and possibilities, by the author of '' Conflict in nature and life." {Anon.} N. Y. 1884. D. 170 : 34 Pennington, Lady S. A mother's advice to her absent daughters, with an additional letter on the management and education of in- fant children. With Chapone, H. Letters on the improvement of the mind, in 170 : 5 Read, Hollis. The foot-prints of Satan, or The devil in history ; the counterpart of " God in history". N. Y. 1873. O. 170 : 13 Ruskin, J: The crown of wild olive ; three lectures on work, traffic and war. N. Y. 1878. O. 170 : 14 Precious thoughts, moral and religious, gath- ered from the works of J: Ruskin by mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N. Y. 1883. D. 170 : 33 Savage, Minot Judson. The morals of evolution. Bost. 1880. D. 171:9 Contents. Is life worth living. Morality and religion in the past. The origin of goodness.- Nature of goodness. Sense of obligation. Selfishness and sacrifice.- Relativity of duty. Real and conventional virtues and vices. Morals and knowledge. Rights and duties in matters of opinion. Moral sanctions. Morality and I'eligion in the future. Seneca, Lucius Annseus. Morals, by way of abstract. Added, a discourse, under the title of An after-thought, by sir Roger L'Estrange. Phila. 1857. T. 171 : 10 Seume, J: Gottfried. Kurzes pflichten- und sit- tenbuch fiir landleute. In his Schriften. 830 : 147 v8 Sewall, Frank. The new ethics, or The moral law of use. N. Y. 1881. O. 171 : 14 Sewell, W: Christian morals. Flemington, N. J. 1844. O. In The churchman's library. 204 : 16 Simcox, Edith. Natural law ; an essay in ethics. 2d ed. [Eng and foreign phil. library.] Lond. 1878. O. 171 : 15 Smiles, S: Character. N. Y. n. d. D. 170 : 30 Contents. Influence of character. Home power. Companionship. Example. Work. Courage. Self- control. Duty. Truthfulness. Temper. Manner. Companionship of books. Companionship in mar- riage. Discipline of experience. Duty ; with illustrations of courage, patience and endurance. N. Y. 1881. D. 170 : 16 Contents. Duty, conscience. Duty in action. Honesty, truth.- Men who cannot be bought. Cour- age, endurance. Endurance to the end; Savonarola. The sailor. The soldier. Heroism in well doing. Sympathy. Philanthropy. Heroism in missions. Kindness to animals. Humanity to horses ; E. F. Flower. Responsibility. The last. Self-help ; with illustrations of character, con- duct and pel-severance. N. Y. 1877. D. 170:16 Contents. Self-help, national and individual. Leaders of Industry ; inventors and producers.- Three great potters ; Palissy, Bottgher, Wedgwood. Application and perseverance. Helps and oppor- tunities ; scientific pursuits.- Workers in art. In- dustry and the peerage. Energy and courage. Men of business. Money, its use and abuse. Self-culture, facilities and difficulties.- Example, models.- Char- acter, the true gentleman. Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. 170+16 Thrift. N. Y. 1876. D. 170 : 17 Contents. Industry. Habits of thrift. Improvi- dence. Means of saving. Examples of thrift. Methods of economy. Life assurance. Savings banks. Little things. Masters and men. The Cross- leys. Living above the means. Great debtors.- Riches and charity. Healthy homes.- Art of living. Smith, Adam. The theory of the moral senti- ments, or An essay towards an analysis of the principles by which men naturally judge concerning the conduct and char- acter, tirst of their neip:hbors and after- wards of themselves. Added, a disserta- tion on the origin of languages. N. Y. 1822. 2v. inl. O. 171 : 11 Spragrue, W: Buell. Letters on practical sub- jects to a daughter. 2d ed. N. Y. 183L D. 170 : 18 CI. 171-176 PHILOSOPHY ETHICS. 64 Stephen, Leslie. The science of ethics. N. Y. 1882. O. 171 : 16 Stewart, Dugald. The outlines of moral phi- losophy. In his Collected works. 191+8 v2, 6, 8 The philosophy of the active and moral g)wers of man ; with add., ed. by sir W: amilton. Edinb. 1877. 2 v. O. 191+8 v6, 7 Symington, Andrew James. Hints to our boys ; with an introd. by Lyman Abbott. N. Y. [1884]. S. 170:32 Thompson, Joseph Parrish. Young men ad- monished, in a series of lectures. N. Y. 1848. D. 170 : 19 Wayland, Francis. The elements of moral science. Bost. 1848. D. 170 : 20 Elements of moral science, abridged and adapted to schools and academies. Bost. 1836. S. 170:28 The limitations of human responsibility. 2d ed. N. Y. 1838. S. 171 : 13 Whewell, W: The elements of morality, in- cluding polity. N. Y. 1847. 2 v. D. 170: 21 2. Special relations. Th e state. Bentham, Jeremy. An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. New ed., cor. by the author. Lond. 1823. 2 v. O. 172:2 Lieber, Francis. Manual of political ethics, designed chiefly for the use of colleges and students at law. 2d ed. rev., ed. oy Theodore D. Woolsey. Phila. 1876. 2 v. O. 172:1 Pfleiderer, Edmund. Kosmopolitismus und l)atriotismus. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 16 v3 Warner, Susan. American female patriotism ; a prize essay by Elizabeth Wetherell. N. Y. 1852. Tt. 172:3 The fa mily . Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The mother at home, or The principles of maternal duty, famil- iarly illustrated. N. Y. n. d. T.' 173 : 14 Evans, Robert Wilson. The rectory of Vale- head, or The edifice of a holy home. 2d amer. ed. N. Y. 1860. S. 173:3 Friswell, James Hain. The better self ; essays for home-life. Phila. n. d. D. 173 : 16 Jackson, Helen Maria, born Hunt, (H. H.) Bits of talk about home matters, by H. H. Bost. 1873. T. 173 : 16 James, J : An^ell. The family monitor ; or A help to domestic happiness. Concord, N. H. 1832. T. 173 : 4 Eeddie, Henrietta. Sweet counsel ; a book for giris. Lond. 1866. S. 173 : 6 Lamed. Augusta. Talks with girls. N. Y. n. d. D. 173 : 6 Mothers in council. N. Y. 1884. S. 173 : 17 Osgood, S: The hearth -stone ; thoughts upon home-life in our cities. 6th ed. enl. and ill. N. Y. 1860. D. 173:7 Phelps, Almira. born Hart, afterward mrs. J: Lincoln. Christian households. App. con- taining the history of "The church home and infirmary of Baltimore." 2d ed. N. Y. 1860. S. 173 : 8 Savage, Minot Judson. Man, woman and child. Bost. 1884. D. 173 : 18 Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth Wilson. (M. E. W. 8.) Amenities of home. [Appleton's home books.] N. Y. 1881. D. 173 : 2 Sigoumey, Lydia Howard, born Huntley. Let- ters to mothers. 2d ed. N. Y. 1839. D. 173:9 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, born Beecher. House and home papers by Christopher Crow- field. Bost. 1865. S. 173 : 10 Tomes, Robert. The bazar book of the house- hold. [Anon.^ N. Y. 1875. S. 173 : 1 Ware, J: Fothergill Waterhouse. Home life ; what it is and what it needs. Bost. 1867. D. 173:11 Yonge, Charlotte Maria. Womankind. Leipz. 1878. 2 V. in 1. S. 173 : 12 Young wife's book. The ; a manual of moral, religious and domestic duties. Phila. 1843. T. 173 : 13 Business. Adams, W: H: Davenport. The secret of suc- cess, or How to get on in the world ; with some remarks upon true and false success and the art of making the best use of life. Amer. ed., ed. by P. G. H. N. Y. 1879. D. 174:1 ContentH. Time and Its uses. Aims in life. A steady purpose. The three p's. punctuality, pru- dence, perseverance. Business habits. Business men and business notes. The race and the athlete. Self help. Reasonable service and true success. Boardman, H: A: The Bible in the counting- house ; a course of lectures to merchants. Phila. 1853. D. 174 : 2 Crafts, Wilbur F. Successful men of to-day, and what they say of success ; based on facts and opinions gathered by letters and per- sonal interviews from five hundred pro- minent men, and on many more published sketches. N. Y. [1883]. D. 174 : 6 Hillard, G: Stillman. Dangers and duties of the mercantile profession ; an address delivered before the Mercantile library association, at its 30th anniversary, nov. 13, 1850. Bost. 1850. S. 174:3 Mears, J: W. The Bible in the workshop, or Christianity the friend of labor. N. Y. 1857. D. 174:4 The sexes. Cobbe, Frances Power. The duties of women ; a course of lectures. Bost. 1881. D. 176 : 3 Cook, Joseph. Marriage, with preludes on cur- rent events. (Bost. Monday lectures.) Bost. 1879. D. 176 : 4 Cook, N. F. Satan in society, by a physician. [Anon.] St. Louis. 1877. D. 176 : 8 Dixon, W: Hepworth. Spiritual wives. Leipz. 1868. 2v. inl. S. 176 :0 Madan, Martin. Thelyphthora, or A treatise on female ruin in its causes, effects, con- sequences, prevention and remedy, con- sidered on the basis of the divine law; . . .with many other incidental matters, par- ticularly including an examination of the < 65 PHILOSOPHY ETHICS. CL Ko principles and tendency of stat. 26, Geo. 11 c. 33, commonly called the marriage act. Lond. 1780, 1781. 3 v. O. 176 :P7 Michelet, Jules. Love (L'amour). From the french, tr. from the 4th Paris ed. by J. W. Palmer. N. Y. 1867. D. 176 : 2 Woman (La femme). From the french, tr. by J. W. Palmer. N. Y. 1860. D. 176 : 1 Same, ger. Die Frau. Uebers. von F: Spiel- hagen. Leipz. 1860. S. 176:1 Saunders, F: About woman, love and marriage. N. Y. 1874. D. 1761 6 Society . Chapin, Edwin Hubbell. Humanity in the city. N. Y. [1854]. D. 177 : 11 Ellis, Sai-ah Stickney. Prevention better than cure, or The moral wants of the world we live in. N. Y. 1847. D. 177 : 2 Goltz, Bogumil. Fine umgangs - philosophic. [Feigenblatter, 3.] Berlin, n. d. T>. 177 : 1 Hale, E: Everett. How to do it. Bost. 1881. S. X 177: 12 Holland, Josiah G'lVoevt, {Ti7mthy Titcomb). Let- ters to the Joneses, by Timothy Titcomb. 8th ed. N. Y. 1863. D." " 177 : 3 liBcky, W: E: Hartpole. History of european morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 8d ed. rev. N. Y. 1877. 2 v. D. 177 : 4 Kleinwachter, F: Zur philosophic der mode. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v9 Maurice, J: F: Dennison. Social morality; 31 lectures delivered in the university of Cambridge. 2ded. Lond. 1872. D. 177:5 Noah, Mordecai Manuel. Gleanings from a gathered harvest. N. Y. 1847. S. 177 : 6 Opie, Amelia. Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. Hartford. 1827. D. 177 : 7 Peabody, Andrew Preston. Conversation ; its faults and its graces. New ed. Bost. 1882. 177:13 Richards, Cornelia Haven Bradley. Springs of actioTi. N. Y. 1863. S. ' 177:8 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Chesterfield. The elements of a polite education ; care- fully selected from [his] letters to his son, by G: Gregory. New ed. Lond. [1800(?)] D. 177:9 Talmage, T: De Witt. The abominations of modern society. N.Y. 1872. D. 177:10 Uhlhom, Gerhard. Christian charity in the ancient church. From the german, with the author's sanction. N. Y. 1883. O. 177 : 14 H'Yj X denotes books specially adapted for children. Tempe ^-^^J^^JpOR*^!^ Cook, Joseph. The new house and its battle- ment, or The relations of the temperance reform to civil liberty. In his Occident. 824.1 : 112 Goltz, Bogumil. Das kneipen und die kneip- genies. Berlin, n. d. T. 178 : 1 Gustafson, Axel. The foundation of death ; a study of the drink question. Bost. 1884. D 178:7 Lammers, A: Bekampfung der trunksucht. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen .. . . 304:15vl0 Umwandlung der schenken ; erlauterung der vorschlage der schenken-commission des Deutschen vereins gegen den missbrauch geistiger getranke. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl3 Livermore, Abiel Abbot. Anti-tobacco ; also A lecture on tobacco, by Russell Lant Car- penter ; also On the use of tobacco, bv G F. Witter. Bost. 1883. S. 178 : 6 Macnish, Robert. The anatomy of drunkenness From the 5th Glasgow ed. N. Y. 1835. D. 178 * 3 Parton, James. Smoking and drinking. [New ed.] Bost. 1882. S. 178 : 2 Beade. A. Arthur, ed. Study and stimulants, or The use of intoxicants and narcotics in re- lation to intellectual life as illustrated by personal communications on the subject from men of letters and of science. Rev., with add. Manchester. 1883. D. 178 : 6 Select temperance tracts. N.Y. n. d. D. 178:4 Mi scell an eo u s . Dexter, H: Martyn. Street thoughts. 111. Bost. 18.59. S. 179: 1 Nicholson, E: Byron. The rights of an animal ; a new essay in ethics. With a reprint of part of J: Ijawrence's chapters "On the rights of beasts," "On the philosophy of sports," and "On the animal question." Lond. 1879. D. 179:2 Schasler, Max. Ueber moderne denkmalswuth. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v7 Sptirgeon, C: Haddon. John Ploughman's pic- tures, or More of his plain talk for plain people. Phila. 1881. D. 17^9 : 3 Systematic beneficence ; three prize essays. The great reform, by Abel Stevens ; The great question, by lliorenzo White ; Prop- erty consecrated, by B: St. James Fry. N.Y. 1856 S. 179:4 Note. For Ethics in general, see also Business manuals, class 658. Ancient and Modern philosophies. Classes 180-199. See Philosophy in general, col. 46. III. THEOLOGY. 1. In general. 1. Philosophy and education. Hartmann, K: E: Robert v. Die religion des geistes. Berlin. 1882. O. 201 : 2 Miiller, F: Max. Lectures on the science of re- ligion, with a paper on buddhist nihilism, and a translation of the Dhammapada or "Path of virtue." N. Y. 1873. D. 201 : 1 Graue, G. Der mangel an theologen und der wissenschaftliche werth des tneologischen studiums. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v5 2. Cyclopedias and dictionaries. McClintock, J:, and James Strong. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature. N. Y. 1879-84. 11 v. O. 203 : Bl ConUnta. V. 1. A. B. 2. C, D. 3. EG. 4. H-J. 6. K-Me. 6. Me-Neo. 7. New-Pes. 8. Pet-Re. 0. Rh-St. 10. Su-Z. 11. Supp., A-Cn. Buck, C: A theological dictionary, containing definitions of all religious terms, a com- prehensive view of every article in the system of divinity, an impartial account of all the principal denominations, which have subsisted in the religious world from the birth of Christ to the present day, to- gether with an accurate statement of the most remarkable transactions and events recorded in ecclesiastical history. Scott's 2d amer. from the latest London ed., with extensive add. and improvements. Phila. 1823. O. 203 : R2 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. A dictionary of miracles ; imitative, realistic and dogmatic. 111. Phila. 1884. D. 203 : 113 Holtzmann, H: Julius, and R. ZOpffel. Lexikon fiir theologie und kirchenwesen ; lehre, brauche, teste, sekten und orden der christlichen kirche, das wichtigste aus den iibrigen religionsgemeinschaften. Leipz. 1882. D. 203 :R4 3. History of theology. (For ecclesiastical history, see class 270-279.) Child, Lydia Maria. The progress of religious ideas, through successive ages. N. Y. 1855. 3 V. O. 209 : 1 Domer, I: A: History of protestant theology, particularly in Germany, viewed accordmg to its fundamental movements and in con- nection with the religious, moral and in- tellectual life. Tr. by G: Robson and Sophia Taylor. Edinb."l871. O. 209:3 Tiele, C. P. Outlines of the history of religion to the spread of the universal religions. Tr. from the dutch by J. Estlin Carpenter. 2d ed. [Eng. and foreign phil. library.] Lond. 1880. O. 209 : 2 4. Collected works. Anninius {dutch Hermanz), Jacobus. Works tr. from the latin, in 3 v. ; 1st and 2d by James Nichols, 3d, with a sketch of the life of the author, by W. R. Bagnall. Auburn. 1853. 3 V. O. 200 : 1 Contents, see Catalog-ue of the Boston athenaeum, V. 1, p. 139. Barrow, I: Works, being all his english works. 5th ed. Lond. 1741. 3 v. in 2. F. 23 : B, Contents. V. 1. Sermons. Exposition of the Lord's prajer, the creed, etc. Treatise of the pope's supremacy. 2. Sermons and expositions upon all the articles in the apostles' creed. 3. Sermons. Bunyan, J: Works ; being several discourses upon various divine sxibjects. 6th ed. con- taining several pieces not to be found in any former ed. Edinb. 1771. 1 v. in 2. F. 23:11 Calvin, J: The institution of christian religion, written in latine, tr. into english according to the author's last ed., with sundry tables to iinde the principall matters intreated of in the booke, and also the declaration of places of sci'ipture therein expounded, by T: Norton. Whereunto there are newly add., in the margin of the booke, note's containing in brief the substance of the matter handled in ech section. Lond. 1611. Q. 23 : It Channine, W: Ellery. [Religious writings.] In 7iis Works. ' 820.1:2 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. Chillingworth, W: Works, containing his book entitl'd The religion of protestants, a safe way to salvation ; together with his nine sei*mons preached before the king or upon eminent occasions, his letter to mr. Lewgar concerning the church of Rome's being the fuide of laith and judge of controversies, is nine additional discourses and an answer to some passages in Rushworth's dialogues, concerning traditions. 7th ed. compared with all the editions now extant and made more coi-rect than any of the former. In this ed. are two letters never before printed. Lond. 1719. F, 23 : B THEOLOGY GENERAL. Cl. 200-203 70 Cranmer, T: Miscellaneous writings and let- ters ; ed. for the Parker society by J: Edmund Cox. Cambridge. 1846. Q. 200+2 C(mtent, see Catalogtie of the Boston athenapum, Dick,'^': Works. 4v.ini. Hartford. 1847. D. 200:3 Contents. V. 1. On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge. 2. The philosophy of a future state. 3. The philosophy of rellgrlon. 4. The christian philosopher. Doane, G: Washington. Life and writings; containing his poetical works, sermons and miscellaneous writings ; with a memoir by his son, W: Croswell Doane. N. Y. 1860-61. 4 V. O. 200+4 Contents. V. 1. Memoir, by W: Croswell Doane. Songs by the way. 2. Episcopal writings, compris- ing his chai'ges, conventional, missionary and visita- tion sermons. 3. Parochial sermons [at St. Mary's parish, Burlington.] 4. Educational writings and orations. Fuller, Andrew. The principal works and re- mains -, with a new memoir of his life by his son, A. G. Fuller. Lond. 1852. D. 200:5 Contents. Memoir. The gospel its own witness. The calvinistic and socinian systems examined and compared as to their moral tendency. Three letters. Henry, Matthew. Complete works, his unfin- ished commentary excepted ; a collection of all his treatises, sermons and tracts as fmblished by himself and a memoir of his ife;in2v. V. 2. Edinb. 1853. O. 200 : 18 Hooker, R: Works, with an account of his life and death by I: Walton ; arr. by J: Keble. 3d amer. from last Oxford ed. ; with a gen- eral index, to which is appended a com- plete index of the texts of scripture, pre- pared expressly for this ed. N. Y. 1860. 2v. O. 200+6 Contents. V. 1. Ed's pref. Walton's dedication to bishop Morley. Pref. to the Jst ed. of the life of Hooker. Life. App. Spencer's pref. to the reader. Pref. to the books of the laws of ecclesiastical )olity. Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, books -4. Hooker's dedication to archbp. Whitgift. Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, book 5. 2. App. to book 5. Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, books 6-8. Sermons. Travers' supplication to the council. -Hooker's answer. Sermons. Jackson's dedica- tion. Sermons.-lndex. Hughes, J: Complete works, comprising his sermons, letters, lectures, speeches, etc. ; carefully compiled and ed. from the best sources by Lawrence Kehoe. N. Y. 1864. 2v. O. 200:7 Contents. V. 1. Pt. 1. Biog. sketch. Obsequies, etc. On catholic emancipation. The school question. Pt. 2. Life and times of Plus VII. Letters. The school question, contwwed. Influence of Christianity upon civilization. Pt. 3. The school question, continued. Pt. 4. Influence of Christianity on social servitude. N. Y. catholif! church debt assoc Introd. to mr. Livingstone's book on "Imputation." The mixture of civil and ecclesiastical power in the middle ages.- Moral causes which have produced the evil spirit of the times. Alleged burning of Bibles.- Sermon on the jubilee. Latest invention. Pt. 5. Importance of a christian basis for the science of political econ- omy. Eulogy on bp. Fenwick.- Causes of the Irish famine of 1847. - Christianity the only source of moral, social and political regeneration. "Kirwan." Letters on the catholic church. " Kirwan " un- masked. 2. Life and times, by J. R. Bailey. The temporal power of the pope. Lectures : The church and the world since the election of Pius IX ; The decline of protestantism and its causes ; Present condition and prospects of the catholic church in the U. S. ; Life and times of O'Connell ; Relation be- tween the civil and religious duty of the catholic citizen ; St. Patrick. Sermons. Letters. The church property controversy. Jliscellaneous. App. ?-^ Jackson, G: A. Apostolic fathers and apologists of the 2d century. (Early christian lit. primers, no. 1.) N. Y. 1879. S. 200 : 19 Contents. Introd.-The earlier patristic writings. The apostolic fathers: Clement of Rome, sketch. Epistle to the Corinthians. Clementine literature; Ignatius, sketch and Epistle to Romans, Ephcslans and Polycarp; Polycarp. sketch and Epistle to Philip- plans ; Barnabas, sketch and epistle. Associated authors : Hermas, sketch and the Shephei-d ; Papias, sketch and fragments. The apoloiriBts: Introd. sketch ; Notice and Epistle to Diognetus ; Justin, sketch. First apology and Synopsis of dia- logue with Trypho: Author of Muratonian frag- ment and the Fragment ; Melito, sketch and Frag- ment ; Athenagoras, sketch, chapters from Mission about christians, and Final argument on the resur- rection. The fathers of the 3d century. (Early chris- tian lit. primers, no. 2.) N. Y. 1881*. S. 200 : 20 The post-nicene greek fathers. (Early chris- tian lit. primers, no. 3.) N. Y. 1883'. S. 200 : 21 The post-nicene latin fathers. (Early chris- tian lit. primers, no. 4.) N. Y. 1884. S. 200 : 22 Justmus martyr. The works, now extant, of S. Justin the martyr, tr. with notes and indices. [Library of the fathers, no. 40.1 Ox- ford. 1861. O. 200:8 Laud, W: A relation of the conference between W: Laud and Fisher the jesuite, by the command of king James, with an answer to such exceptions as A. C. takes against it. Lond. 1639. O. 23 : R Leighton, Robert. Works ; prefixed, a life of the anchor. Lond. 1860. O. 200+9 Contents. Life, by James Aikman. A practical commentary on the first epistle of Peter. Exposi- tory lectures on Psalm xxxix, Isaiah vi, Romans vil. Charges, etc., to the clergy of the diocese of Dunblane. Letters.- Eighteen sermons. Ten ser- mons, from the author's manuscripts. Theological lectures Exhortations to the students upon their return to the university after vacation. Exhorta- tions to candidates for the degree of M. A. in the university of Edinburgh. Valedictory oration. A defence of moderate episcopacy. Meditations, crit- ical and practical, on Psalms Iv, xxii, and cxxx. Ser- mon to the clergy, from 3 Cor. v : 20. Letters. Leslie, C: Theological works. Lond. 1721. 2v. F. 23 : Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenteum, V. 3, p. 1714. Milton, J: Prose works. Phila. 1859. 2 v. O. 200+10 Contents. V. 1. Of reformation touching church discipline in England. Of prelatical episcopacv.- The reason of church government urged against prelaty. Animadversions upon the remonstrants' defence against Smectymnuus. An apology for Smectymniius. Of education. Areopagltlca. Doc- trine and discipline of divorce. Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning divorce. Tetracnordon. Colas- terion. The tenure of kings and magistrates.- Ob- servations on Ormond's peace. Eikonoclastes. 2. Defence of the people of England. Treatise of civil power In ecclesiastical causes. Letter to a friend con- cerning the ruptures of the commonwealth. Present means and brief delineation of a free common- wealth. The ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth. Brief notes upon a sermon, titled "The fear of God and the king," by M. Griffith. Histoi-y of Britain. Of true religion, heresy, schism, toleration. History of Moscovia. Declara- tion for the election of John III, king of Poland. Letters of state. Manifesto of the lord protector against the Spaniards. Second defence of the people of England. Familiar epistles. Nevins, W: Select remains, with a memoir. NY. 1836. D. 200:11 71 CI. 200-204 THEOLOGY GENERAL. 72 Porteus, Beilby, bp. of London. Works ; with his life by Robert Hodgson. New, ed. Lond. 1811. 6 v. O. 200 : 12 Contents. V. 1. Life, by R. Hodgrson. 2, 8. Ser- mons. 4, 5. Lectures. 6. Tracts. Scott, T: Theological works, pub. at diflferent times and now coll. into vols. Bucking- ham. 1805-8. 5v. O. 200: 13 Contents. V. 1, The force of truth. Fifteen Ser- mons. 2. Sermons. 3. Funeral sermons. Mission- ary sermons. Rights of God. Answer to T. Paine. Civil g-overnment, and the duties of subjects. 4. Repentance. Warrant and nature of faith in Christ. Growth in grace. Hints for the consideration of patients in hospitals. Detached papers. Family prayers. 5. Essays on the most important subjects in religion. Taylor, Jeremy. Whole works ; with an essay, biographical and critical. Lond. 1853. 3 v. O. 200+14 Contents. V. 1. Bogrers, H: Essay on [his] genius and writings.- Funeral sermon, by G. Rust Chris- tian consolations. The life of Christ Contempla- tions of the state of man. The rule and exercises of holy living. The rule and exercises of holy dying. Sermons. 2. Sermon. On the sacred order and offices of episcopacy.- An apology for authorized and set forms of liturgy. Theologia eklektike, or A discourse on the liberty of prophesying. The doc- trine and practice of repentance. Deus justiflcatus. On the real presence of Christ in the holy sacra- ment. Dissuasive from popery. Letters. 3. Chrisis teleiotike, a discourse of confirmation. A discourse on the nature, offices and measures of friendship. Ductor dubitantium, or The rule of conscience. Clerus Domini. Rules and advices to the clergy of the diocese of Down and Connor. The golden grove. The psalter of David. A collection of offices. The worthy communicant. Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens. Apologetic and practical treatises. Tr. by C. Dodgson. 2d ed. [Library of the fathers, no. 10.] Oxford. 1854. O." 200 : 17 Tillotson, J: Works ; containing 254 sermons and discourses on several occasions, together with the rule of faith, prayers composed for his own use, a discourse to his servants before the sacrament, and a form of prayer composed by him for the use of king William. Lond. 1757. 12 v. D. 200 : 15 Tyndale, W: An answer to sir Thomas More's dialogue, The supper of the Lord after the true meaning of John vi and 1 Cor. xi, and W: Tracy's testament expounded ; ed. for the Parker society by H: Walter. Cam- bridge. 1850. O. 200 : 16 "Wycliflfe, J: Writings. Lond. n. d. D. 204:43 Contents. Account of his life. Specimens of his trans, of the bible. His confession concerning the sacrament of the Lord's supper. The poor caitiff. How the office of curates Is ordained of God. Of feigned contemplative life. On prayer. A short rule of life.- Wickllff's wicket. Note on the doctrine of transubstantiation. Twelve lettings of prayer. Antichrist's labour to destroy holy writ. Trlalogues. Opinions of the papacy. Sermons. 6. Essays and miscellanies. Burlinp:ame, E: Livermore, ed. Current discus- sion ; a collection from the chief english essays on questions of the time, v. 2 : Questions of belief. N. Y. 1878. D. 204 : 12 ConUnts. Harrison, F: The soul and future life. A modern symposium. 1. The soul and future life, by R. H. Hutton, T: H: Huxley, lord Blachford, Roden Noel, lord Selborne, W. R. Greg, Baldwin Brown. W. G. Ward. A modern symposium. 3. The Influence upon morality of a decline In religious belief, by sir James Stephen, lord Selborne, James Martineau, F: Harrison, dean of St. Paul's, duke of Argyll, prof. Clifford, W. G. Ward, T: H: Huxley, R: H. Hutton. Lewes, G: H: The course of modern thought. Hug-hes, T: The condition and pi-ospects of the church of England, Mallock, W: H. Is life worth living ? Christ and modern thought ; with a preliminary lecture on the methods of meeting modern unbelief by Joseph Cook. (Boston Monday lectures, 1880-81). Bost. 1881. D. 204 : 15 Contents. Preliminary lecture. Clark, T: M. The seen and the unseen. Robinson, E. G. Moral law in its relation to physical science and to popular religion. Guard, T: Christianity and the mental activity of the age. Hopkins, M: The place of conscience. McCosh, J. Development; what it can do and what it cannot do. Crosby, H. A calm view of the temperance question. Crooks, G: R. Old and new theologies. Dike, S: W. Facts as to divorce in New England. Thomas, J. B. Signific- ance of the historic element in scripture. Smith, J: C. The theistic basis of evolution. Churchman's library, The ; a series of publica- tions, original and from the english press, issued in monthly numbers. Flemington. N. J. 1844. O. 204 : 16 Contents. Massingberd, F. C. A history of the english reformation. Qresley, W. Church Claver- Ing, or The schoolmaster.- Sewell, W. Christian morals. Teale, W. H. The life of Lucius Cary, vis- count Falkland. Coan, Titus Munson, ed. Questions of belief. (Topics of the time, no. 5). N. Y. 1883. S. 204 : 50 Contents. Lee, V. The responsibilities of unbelief . Cobbe, F. P. Agnostic morality. Qurney, E. Natural religion. Stephen, L. The suppression of poisonous opinions. Schuckburgh, E. S. Modern miracles. Conflicts of the age. The. N. Y. 1881. O. 204+45 Contents. An advertisement for a new religion, by an evolutionist.- The confession of an agnostic, by an agnostic What morality have we left ? by a new- light moi-alist.- Review of the fight, by a Yankee farmer. Essays and reviews. Leipz. 1862. S. 204 : 19 Contents. Temple, F: The education of the world. Williams, R. Bunsen's biblical researches. Povrell, B. On the study of evidences of Christian- ity. Wilson, H: B. Stances historiques de Geneve: The national church. Goodwin, C. W. On the mosaic cosmogony. Pattison, M: Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-17.50.- Jowett, B: On the interpretation of scripture. Note on Bun- sen's biblical researches. Hedge, F: H:, ed. Recent inquiries in theology, by eminent english churchmen ; being " Essays and reviews". 2d amor, from 2d London ed., with an app. [and] introd. Bost. 1861. D. 204 : 20 Contents, see Essays and reviews. Goulburn, E: Meyrick, and others. Replies to "Essays and reviews"; with a pref. by the lord bishop of Oxford, and letters from the Radcliflte observer and the reader in geol- ogy in the university of Oxford. NT Y. 1862. D. 204 : 47 Contents. Goulburn, E. M. The education of the world. Rose, H. J. Bunsen, the critical school and dr. Williams. Heurtley, C. A. Miracles.- Irons, W. J. The idea of the national church.- Rorison, G. The creative week. Haddan, A. W. Rationalism. Wordsw^orth, C. On the interpretation of scripture. Letters from R. Main and J : Phillips. Thomson, W:, ed. Aids to faith; a series of theological essays, by seA'^eral writers, a reply to "Essays and reviews". N. Y. 1862". D. 204 : 3 Contents. Mansel, H: L. On miracles as evidences of Christianity. Fitzgerald, W: On the study of the evidences of Christianity. McCaul, A. Prophecy.- Cook, F: C: Ideology and subscription. 73 THEOLOGY-ESSAYS. CI. 204 74 McCaul, A. The mosaic record of creation. Bavrlinson, G: On the genuineness and authen- ticity of the Pentateuch. Browne, E: H. Inspira- tion. Thomson, W : The death of Christ. Ellicott, C: .T: Scripture and its interpretation. Freedom and fellowship in religion ; a collection of essays and addresses, ed. by a committee of the Free religious association. Bost. 1875. S. 204:22 Contents. Frothing-ham, O. B. Introductory; The reliffious outlook Wasson, D: A. The nature of religion. liOngrfellow, S: The unity and uni- versality of the religious ideas. Johnson, S: Freedom in religion. Weiss, J: Religion and science. Potter, W: J. Christianity and its defini- tions. Abbot, F. E. The genius of Christianity and free religion.-Frothing-ham, O. B. The soul of protestantism. Chadwick, J: W. Liberty and the church in America. Hig-ginson, T: W. The word philanthropy. Cheney, E. D. Religion as a social force. Voices from the free platform. Lectures to young men ; delivered before the Young men's christian assoc. in Exeter hall, London, from nov. 21, 1848, to feb. 6, 1849. Lond. [1849]. S. 204 : 27 Contents. MacNeile, Hugh. The characteristics of romanism and protestantism. Cummingr, J. God in history Bickersteth, Robert. The bearing of commerce upon the spread of Christianity Brock, W : The common origin of the human race. Stowell, Hugh. Modern infidel philosophy. James, J: Angell. Spiritual religion the surest preservative from infidelity. Archer, T: The characteristics of the middle ages. Arthur, W: The french revolu- tion of ]848.-Noel, Baptist W. The church and the world. Baflaes, T: Internal evidence of the divine inspiration of the scriptures. Martin, S : Cardinal Wolsey. Binney, T: Sir T: Fowell Buxton. Manning-, H: E:, ed. Essays on religion and literature, by various writers. Lond. 1865. O. 204 : 29 Contents. Inaugural discourse of cardinal Wise- man. Manning-, H: E: On the subjects proper to the Academia. Rock, D. The action of the church upon art and civilisation. Hoey, J. C. On the birth- place of St. Patrick. Oakeley, F: The position of a catholic minority in a non-catholic country. . Laing:, F. H: On bishop Colenso's objections to the veracity of holy scripture.- Wiseman, N. P. S. The truth of supposed legends and fables. Lucas, E: Christianity in relation to civil society. Selections from the writings of the reformers and fathers of the church of England. New ed.;no. 1-5. Lond. 1836-39. S. 204:35 Contents. 1. Extracts from Tyndal's prologues to the five books of Moses. 2. Cranmer's preface to the Bible ; The sum and content of holy scripture ; The first homily, or A fruitful exhortation to the reading and knowledge of holy scripture. 3. On the creed by archbp. Cranmer. 4. A discourse on the Lord's prayer. 5. On prayer. Tracts for priests and people by various writers. Bost. 1862. D. 204:39 ConUnts. Hug-hes, T: Religio laici. Maurice, J: F: D. The mote and the beam. Garden, F. The atonement as a fact and as a theory. Davis, J. L. The signs of the kingdom of heaven. On terms of communion: P., C. K. The boundaries of the church ; Lang-ley, J. N. The message of the church. Ludlow, J. M. A dialogue on doubt. Maurice, J: F: D. Morality and divinity. Ludlow, .7. M. Two lay dialogues : On laws of nature and the faith therein ; On positive philosophy. Tracts for the times, by members of the univer- sity of Oxford. "N. Y. 1839, 1840. 2 v. O. 204 : 40 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenseum, V. .5, p. 2999. Goods, W: The divine rule of faith and prac- tice, or A defence of the catholic doctrine that holy scripture has been since the times of the apostles the sole divine rule of faith and practice to the church, against the dangerous errors of the authors of the Tracts for the times and the romaaists, a8 particularly that the rule of faith is " made up of scripture and tradition together", etc.; in which also the doctrines of the apostolical succession, theeucharisticsacri- llce, etc., are fully discussed. Phila. 1842 O- 238+i * * * Adler, Felix. Creed and deed ; a series of dis- courses. N. Y. 1877. D. 204 : 1 Contents. Immortality. Religon.-The new ideal The priest of the ideal. The form of the new ideal The religious conservatism of women. Our con- solations. Spinoza. The founder of Christianity. The anniversary discourse. Appendix; The evolu- tion of hebrew religion; Reformed Judaism i. ii. in. Aguilar, Grace. Essays and miscellanies; choice cullings from [her 1 mss., sel. by her mother Sarah Aguilar. Phila. 1853. 1). 204 : 2 Arnold, Matthew. St. Paul and protestantism ; with an essay on puritanism and the church of England. N. Y. 1883. D. 204:51 Last essays on church and religion. With his St. Paul and protestantism. 204 : 51 Contents. A psychological parallel. Bishop Butler and the zeit-geist. The church of England. A last word on the burials bill. Bale, J: Select works ; containing the examina- tions of lord Cobham, W: Thorpe and Anne Askewe, and the Image of both churches ; ed. for the Parker society by H: Christmas. Cambridge. 1849. O. 204 : 4 Barnes, Albert. Miscellaneous essays and re- views. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. D. 204 : 5 Contents. V. 1. The analogy of religion, by Joseph Butler. The christian ministry, by C: Bridges. -The works of lord Bacon. How can the sinner be made to feel his guilt. Episcopacy tested by scripture, by H: U. Onderdonk. Scriptural argument on the episcopal controversy. The position o*t the evangeli- cal party in the episcopal church. 2. The ancient commerce of western Asia. The relation of theology to preaching. The position of the christian scholar The progress and tendency of science. The desire of reputation. The choice of a profession. Practical preaching. The literature and science of our coun- try. -The law of paradise. Thoughts on theology. Beecher, H: Ward. 595 pulpit pungencies, with a table of contents. [Anon.] N. Y. 1866. D. 204 : 6 Life thoughts, gathered from [his] extempor- aneous discourses, by one of his congrega- tion. 30th thous. Bost. 1858. D. 204 : 7 New star papers, or Views and experiences of religious subjects. N. Y. 1859. D. 204 : 8 Royal truths. Bost. 1866. D. 204 : 9 Browne, Sir T: Religio medici, Hydriotaphia and the Letter to a friend ; with introd. and notes by J. W. Willis Bund. [Bayard ser.] Lond. 1877. T. 204:10 Religio medici. A facsimile of the 1st ed. pub. in 1642 ; with an introd. by W. A. Green- hill. Lond. 1883, D. 204 : RIO Browuson, Orestes A: Essays and reviews ; chiefly on theology, politics and socialism. N. Y. 1858. D. 204:11 Contents. Pref. The church against no-church. The episcopal observer versus tiie church. -Thorn- well's answer to dr. Lynch, april and oct. 1848. Protestantism ends in transcendentalism. Pro- testantism in a nutshell. Authority and liberty. Political constitutions. War and loyalty. The higher law. Catholicity necessary to sustain popu- lar liberty. Legitimacy and revolutionism.- >iative americanism. Labor and association. Socialism and the church. 75 CI. 204 THEOliOd^Y ESSAYS. -76 Brute, Walter, and others. Writings and exami- nations of Brute, Thorpe, Cobhana, Hilton and others, with The lantern of light, writ- ten about A. D. 1400. Lond. n. d. D. With WycUffe, J: Writings. 204:43 Bushnell, Horace. Building eras in religion. In his Literary varieties. 824.1 : 16 v3 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Chalmers, T: Miscellanies; embracing reviews, essays and addresses. N. Y. 1859 O. 204+14 Contents. Memoir. Sermon, by J: Bruce. -Example of our Saviour in the establishment of charitable institutions. Necessity of uniting prayer with per- formance for the success of missions. Influence of parochial institutions. Consistency of legal and valuntary principles. System of parochial schools in Scotland. Technical nomenclature of theology. Efficacy of moravian missions. Style and subjects of the pulpit. Difference between spoken and writ- ten language. Remarks on Cuvier's Theory of the earth. On a proposed modification of the law of patronage. On the abolition of colonial slavery. Introductory essays: to The imitation of Christ; to Treatises on the life, walk and triumph of faith; to The christian remembrancer ; to The christian's great interest; to The grace and duty of being spiritually minded; to The call to the unconverted; to The christian's daily walk in holy security in peace; to Tracts by T: Scott; to Private thoughts on religion and a christian life; to The reign of grace; to Serious reflections on time and eternity; to The christian's defence against infidelity; to The living temple; to Select letters of W: Romaine; to A treatise on the faith and influence of the gospel. Distinction, both in principle and effect, between a legal charity for the relief of indigence and for the relief of disease.- An historical and critical view of the speculative Shilosophy of Europe in the I9th century by J. D. [orell Political economy of a famine. Clarke, James Freeman. Events and epochs in religious history ; being the substance of a course of 12 lectures, del. in the Lowell institute, Bost. 1880. Bost. 1881. O. 204 : 44 Contents. The catacombs. The buddhist monks of central Asia. Christian monks and monastic life. Augustine, Anselm, Bernard, and their times. Jeanne D' Arc. Savonarola and the renaissance. Luther and the reformation. Loyola and the Jesuits. The mystics in all religions.- George Fox and the quakers. The huguenots. J: Wesley and his times. Index. Cobbe, Frances Power. [Essays on religion.] With Aer Darwinism in morals. 824.2 : 107 Contents, see under English literature. Essays. Cox, S: Hanson. Interviews, memorable and useful, from diary and memory repro- duced. N. Y. 1853. D. 204 : 17 Contents. With rev. dr. Chalmers. With rev. dr. Emmons. With two pseudo - apostles. With a fashionable lady at Calais, France. Preceded by reflections miscellaneous. De Q,mncey, T: Theological essays and other papers. New and rev. ed. Bost. 1860. 2 V. D. 204 : 18 Contents. V. 1. Christianity as an organ of political movement. Protestantism.-On the supposed scrip- tural expression for eternity.- On Hume s argument against miracles. Casuistry. Greece under the romans. 2. Secession from the church of Scotland. Toilette of the hebrew lady. Milton. Judas Iscarlot. Charlemagne. Modern Greece. Loi-d Carlisle on Pope. Dodge, Mary Abigail, {Oail Hamilton). Stumb- ling blocks. Bost. 1864. D. 204 : 48 Contents. The outs and the Ins.- The fitness of things.- Ordinances. Church-sittings.- A view from the pews.- Prayer-meetings.- The proof of your love. -Controversies. Amusements. God's way. The law of Christ. Praying. Forgiveness. Error. Words without knowledge. Fisher, George Park. Discussions in history and theology. N. Y. 1880. O. 204 : 21 Contents. The massacre of St. Bartholomew. The influence of the old roman spirit and religion on latin Christianity. The temporal kingdom of the popes. The council of Constance and the council of the Vatican. The office of the pope and how he is chosen. The relation of protestantism and of roman- ism to modern civilization. The relation of the church of England to the other protestant bodies. The philosophy of Jonathan Edwards. Channing as a philosopher and theologian. The system of dr. N. W. Taylor in its connection with prior New England theology. The augustinian and the federal doctrines of original sin. A sketch of the history of the doctrine of future punishment. Rationalism. The unreasonableness of atheism. The apostle Paul. The four gospels; a review of "Supernatural reli- gion." Froude, James Anthony. [Essays on theological subjects.] In his Short studies. 824.2 : 42 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Gladstone, W: Ewart. Ecclesiastical essays. In his Gleanings of past years. 329.2 : 9 v5-7 Hall, Robert. Miscellaneous works and re- mains ; with a memoir of his life by Olinthus Gregory, and a critical estimate of his character and writings by J: Foster. Lond. 1853. D. 204 : 23 Contents. Memoir. Observations on mr. Hall's character as a preacher. Christianity consistent with a love of freedom. An apology for the freedom of the press. Review of the apology for the freedom of the press. Modern infidelity considered Reflec- tions on war. The sentiments proper to the present crisis. The advantages of knowledge to the lower classes. A sermon on the death of the princess Charlotte of Wales. Reviews: Foster's essays; Custance on the constitution ; Zeal without innova- tion; Gisborne's sermons; Gregory's letters; Bel- sham's memoirs of Lindsey. General index. Hill, Rowland. Thoughts on religious subjects. Lond. 1835. S. 204 : 24 Hopkins, M: Strength and beauty ; discussions for young men. N. Y. [1874]: D. 204 : 25 Contents. Strength and beauty. Receiving and giving. The manifoldness of man. Nothing to be lost. God's method of social unity. Enlargement. The Bible and pantheism. On liberality in religious bellef.Zeal. Spirit, soul and body. Choice and service. Life. The body the temple of God. Per- fect love. Faith, philosophy and reason.- Self-denial. The circular and the onward movement. Higher and lower good. The one exception. Jackson, W: Remains; with a brief sketch of his life and character by W: M. Jackson. N. Y. 1846. O. 204+26 King, T: Starr. [Religious essays.] With his Patriotism. 824.1:50 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Luther, Martin. Table-talk ; tr. and ed. by W: Hazlitt. New ed., to which is added the life of Martin Luther by Alexander Chalm- ers, with add. from Michelet and Audin. Lond. 1857. D. 204:28 Middleton, Conyers. Posthumous works. Lond. 1753. Q. With Brown, J: Dissertation on Soetry and music. in 23 : B. : Stuart. Three essays on religion. N. Y. 1874. O. 204 : 30 Contents. Nature. Utility of religion. Theism. Norton, James. [Essays on religious subjects.] In his Australian essays. 824.2 : 76 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Nott, Eliphalet. Miscellaneous works ; with an app. Schenectady. 1810. O. 204:31 Pascal, Blaise. Pensees, precedees de sa vie par mme. Perier, suivies d'un choix des pensees de Nicole et son Traito de la paix avec les hommes. Paris. 1850. D. 204 : 32 77 THEOLOGY ESSAYS. 01. 204-209 78 Pascal, Blaise. Gontimied. Thoughts, letters and opuscules. Tr. fi*om the freneh by O. W. Wight, with introd. notices, and notes from all the commentators. N. Y. 1859. D. 204 : 32 Rogers, H: Reason and faith, and other miscel- lanies. Bost. 1853. O. 204:33 Contents. Life and writing's of T: Fuller. Andrew Marvel. Luther's correspondence and character. Genius and writing-s of Pascal. Sacred eloquence: the british pulpit. The vanity and g-lory of liter- ature Right of private .iudg-ment. Reason and faith; their claims and conflicts. Phelps, Austin. My portfolio ; a collection of essays. N. Y. "1882. D. 204 : 49 Contents. A pastor of the last generation. The rights of believers in ancient creeds.- The biblical doctrine of revolution. The puritan theory of amusements. The christian theory of amusements. Is card-playing a christian amusement ? The question of sunday cars. Woman-suffrage as judged by the working of negro-sutfrage. Reform in the political status of women. The length of sermons. The calvinistic theory of preaching.- The theology of the " Marble faun". The debt of the nation to New England. Ought the pulpit to ignore spiritual- ism ? How shall the pulpit treat spiritualism ? Foreign and home missions, as seen by candidates for the ministry. Foi-eign missions, their range of ap- peal for missionaries limited. Congregationa lists and Presbyterians: a plea for union; methods of union. The preaching of Albert Barnes. A vacation with dr. Bushnell.- Prayer viewed in the light of christian consciousness. Intercessory prayer. Hints auxiliary to faith in prayer. The vision of Christ. The cross in the door. The premature clos- ing of a life's work. What do we know of the heavenly life ? Rutherford, S: Joshua redivivus, or 352 religi- ous letters, divided into three parts. Added, the author's testimony to the covenanted work of reformation", between 1638 and 1649, and also his dyin^ words, containing several advices to ministers and near rela- tions. 13th ed. Edinb. 1809. D. 204 : R34 Savag-e, Minot Judson. The religion of evolu- tion. Bost 1877. D. 204 : 46 Shedd, W: Greenough Thayer. Theological essays. N. Y. 1877. D. " 204 : 36 Contents. The method and influence of theological studies. The nature and influence of the historic spirit. The idea of evolution defined and applied to history. The doctrine of original sin. The atone- ment a satisfaction for the ethical nature of both God and man. Symbols and Congregationalism. Clerical education. Taylor, I: Logic in theology and other essays. Lond. 1859. S. 204 : 37 Contents. Logic in theology. The state of unitari- anism in England. Nilus. Paula. Theodosius. Julian. Without controversy. Thompson, Joseph Parrish. Stray meditations, or Voices of the heart in joy and in sorrow. N. Y. 1852. D. 204 : 38 Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe. Montaigne ; The j endless study, and other miscellanies. Tr. with an introd. and notes by Robert Turn- bull. N. Y. 1850. D. 204 : 41 Whately, R: Thoughts and apophthegms. Phi la 1856. D. 204 : 42 6. Periodicals. American presbyterian and theological re- view, The, ed. by H: B. Smith and J. M. Sherwood; v. 13-18, Jan. 1864 dec. 1869. N. Y 1864-69. O. 205 : M ^'^^ original name of the magazine was Ihe presbyterian quarterly review", vol. 18 again changes to "American presbyterian review." American quarterly church review and ecclesi- astical register, The; v. 14-21, apr. 1861 Jan. 1870. N. Y. 1861-70. O. 206 : M Bibliotheca sacra and biblical repository, ed. bv Edwards A. Park and S: H. Tavlof ; v. 18- 26. Andover. 1861-69. O. " 205 : M Note. Title-page drops "and biblical repository" after v. 31. ' Brownson's quarterly review: v. 18-21. Bost 1861-64. O. 205 : M Catholic world. The ; a monthly eclectic maga- zine of general literature and science ; v. 1-16, 20, 21, 23-28, apr. 1865 march 1879. N. Y. 1865-79. O. 205 : M Christian examiner. The ; v. 1-51, 54-87, ian 1824 - dec. 1869. Bost. 1824-65, N. Y. 1866- 69. O. 205 : M Note. V. 1-5 adds "and theological review", v. tt-a5 "and general review", v. 3S-62 "and religious miscel- lany" to the present title. Evergreen, The, or Church offering for all seasons ; a repository of religious, literary and entertaining knowledge for the christ- ian family ; v. 5, 6, Jan. 1848 dec. 1849. N. Y. 1848-49. Q. 205 : M Literary and theological review. The, con- ducted by Leonard Woods, ir. ; V. 1-6. N Y. 1834-39. O. 205 : M Note. V. .5, 6 conducted by C: D. Pigeon. Methodist quarterly review, ed. by D D Whedon ; v. 21-29. N. Y. 1861-69". O. 205 : M Radical, The ; Sidney H. Morse and Joseph B. Marvin eds. and props. ; v. 4-6, July 1868 oct. 1869. Bost. 1868-69. O. 205 : M Religious magazine. The. and monthly review, ed. by J : H. Morrison ; v. 49, 50, Jan. dec. 1873. Bost. 1873. O. 205 : M Note. Changed to "The unitarian review and religious magazine." Unitarian review. The, and religious magazine ; V. 1-22, march 1874 dec. 1884. Bost. 1874- 84. O. 205 : M Note. V. 1 ed. by C: Lowe, v. 2 by H: W. Foote, v. 3, 4 by J: H. Morison and H: H. Barber, after which no editor's name is given. 2. Natural theology. 1. In general. Brougham, H: baron Brotigham and Vaux. A discourse of natural theology, showing the nature of the evidence and the advantages of the study. Phila. 18a5. D. 210 : 1 Bushnell, Horace. Nature and the supernatural, as together constituting the one system of God. N. Y. 1858. O. " 210 : 2 Cobbe, Frances Power. The peak in Darien, with some other inquiries touching con- cerns of the soul ana body ; an octave of essays. Bost. 1882. D. 211 : 15 Cocker, B: Franklin. The theistic conception of 79 CI. 210-214 THEOLOGY NATURAL. 80 the world ; an essay in opposition to certain tendencies of modern thought. N. Y. 1875. O. 210:3 Crabbe, G: An outline of a system of natural theology. Lond. 1840. O. 210+4 Harris, J: Pre-adamite earth ; contributions to theological science. Bost. 1850. D. 210 : 5 Hedge, F: H: Reason in religion. Bost. 1866. D. 210:6 Nordhoff, C: God and the future life ; the reasonableness of Christianity. N. Y. 1883. S. 210:11 Paley, W: Natural theology, with illustrative notes etc., by H: lord Brougham, and sir C: Bell. 111.' Added, preliminary observa- tions and notes. N.Y. 1845. 2v. S. 210:7 Same. N. Y. 1824. T. 210 : 7 Natural theology, or Evidences of the essence and attributes of the deity, collected from the appearances of nature. New ed. Hart- ford. 1847. D. 210:7 Tucker, Abraham. The light of nature pursued. From the 2d London ed., rev. and cor.; to- gether with some account of the life of the author by sir H P. St. J: Mildmay. Cam- bridge. 1831. 2v. O. 210:8 Seeley, J: Robert. Natural religion, by the author of " Ecce homo". Bost. 1882. S. 210:9 Wilson, W: D. The foundations of religious belief -, the methods of natural theology vindicated against modern objections. (The bishop Paddock lectures, 1883.) N. Y. 1883. D. 210:10 2. Theism and atheism. {See a/xo Philosophy, col. 4.'J-.50.) Blackie, J: Stuart. The natural history of atheism. N. Y. 1878. D. 211 : 1 Contents. Presumptions. Theism, its reasonable ground. Atheism. Its varieties and common root. Polytheism. Buddhism. The atheism ot reaction; Modern engrlish atheists and agrnostics; Martinoau and Tyndall. Cairns, J: Unbelief in the 18th century as con- trasted with its earlier and later history. (Cunningham lectures for 1880.) N. Y. 1881. D. 211:2 Faber, G: Stanley. The difficulties of infidelity. N.Y. 1829. D. 211:4 Fisher, G: Park. Faith and rationalism, with short supijlementarv essays on related topics. N. Y. 1875). D. 211 : 3 Frohschammer, Jakob. Das neue wissen und der neueglaube; mit besonderer beriick- sichtigung von D. F. Strauss' neuester schrift "Der alte und der neue glaube". Leipz. 1873. O. 211 : 10 Froude, James Anthony. The nemesis of faith. Cnicago. 1879. D." 211 : 18 Holbach, Paul H: Thiry baron d'. The system of nature, or Laws of the moral and phys- ical world. A new and impr. ed., with notes by Diderot ; tr. for the first time, by H. D. Robinson. Bost. 1853. 2 v. in 1. C). 211-f-13 Hurst, J : F. History of rationalism ; embracing a survey of the present state of protestant theology, with app. of literature. N. Y. 1865. a 211 : 6 Leckjr, W: E: Hartpole. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1875, 1876. 2 v. D. 211 :6 Martineau, James. Modern materialism, its attitude toward theology ; comju-ising two papers reprinted from the Contemporary review, and being a continuation of the argument of "Religion as affected by modern materialism." N. Y. 1876. S. 211 :7 Naville, Jules Ernest. The heavenly father ; lectures on modern atheism. Tr. from the french by H: Downton. Bost. 1867. D. 211:8 Nelson, D: The cause and cure of infidelity ; with an account of the author's conversion. N. Y. 1837. D. 211 :9 Paine, T: The age of reason ; an investigation of true and fabulous theology. T. p. w. D. 211 : 14 Parker, Theodore. Sermons of theism, atheism and the popular theology. 3d ed. Bost. 1861. D. 211 : 10 Pearson, T: Infidelity; its aspects, causes and agencies. People's ed., with a pref. by J. Jordan. Lond. [185-]. S. 211 i 11 Strauss, D: F: The old faith and the new ; a confession. Authorized tr. from the 6th ed. by Matliilde Blind ; amer. ed., 2 v. in 1, the tr. rev. and partly re-written and pre- ceded by an amer. version of the author's prefatory post-script. N. Y. . d. D. 211:19 Volney, Constantin Fran9ois Chasseboeuf comte de. The ruins, or Meditation on the revolu- tions of empires. Added, the law of nature, a short biography by count Dara, and the controversy between dr. Priestly and Volney. N. Y. 1858. T. 211:12 Wilson, J: G. Atheism and theism. Phila. 1883. S. 211:17 Yorke, J. F. Notes on evolution and Christian- ity. N. Y. 1883. D. 211 : 16 3. Creation. Campbell, S. M. The story of creation. N Y. [1880]. D. _ 213 : 1 Chapin, James H. The creation and the early developments of society. N.Y. [1880.] L). 213:2 Dawson, J: W: The origin of the world accord- ing to revelation and science. N. Y. 1877. D. 213:3 Guyot, Arnold H: Creation, or The biblical cosmogony. N. Y. 1884. D. 213 : 6 Warington, G: The week of creation, or The cosmogony of Genesis considered in its re- lation to modern science. Lond. 1870. D. 213:4 4. Providence. Buckland, W: Geology and mineralogy as ex- hibiting the power, wisdom and goodness of God ; with add. by prof. Owen. prof. Phillips, Robert Brown. 4th ed. by Francis T. Buckland. [Bridgewater ti'eatises.] Lond. 1869, 1870. 2 v. D. 214 : 6 (Umtents. V. 1. Text. 2. Plates. 81 THEOLOaY NATTTRAL. CI. 214-216 Chalmers, T: On the power, wisdom and good- ness of God, as manifested in the adapta- tion of external nature to the moral and intellectual condition of man; with the author's last corr. Prefixed, a biographical preface by J: Gumming. [Bridgewater treatises.]' Lond. 1853. D. 214:1 Bell, Sir C: The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design and illus- trating the power, wisdom and goodness of God. Preceded by an account of the author's discoveries in the nervous system. 8th ed. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1882. D. 214:4 Eidd, J: On the adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man; princi- pally with reference to the supply of his wants and the exercise of his intellectual faculties. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1852. D. 214:2 Kirby, W: On the power, wisdom and good- ness of God as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts. New ed. with notes byT. Rymer Jones. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1852, 1853. 2v. D. 214:7 Prout, W: Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with ref- erence to natural theology. 4th ed. by J. W. Griffith. [Bridgewater treatises.*] Lond. 1855. D. 214:8 Beget, P: M : Animal and vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural the- ology. 4th ed. with add. and emendations. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1867. 2 v. D. 214:5 Whewell, W: Astronomy and general physics, considered with reference to natural the- ology. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1852. D. 214:3 Duncan, H: Sacred philosophy of the seasons; illustrating the perfections of God in the phenomena of the year, with important add. and some modifications to adapt it to amer. readers, bv F. W. P. Greenwood. Bost. 1839. 4 V. D. 214 : 9 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor. A theodicy or vindi- cation of the divine glory as manifested in the constitution and government of the moral world. 6th ed. N. Y. 1856. O. 216+1 McOosh, James. The method of the divine gov- ernment, physical and moral. 4th ed. N. Y. 1865. O. 214+10 Mather, Cotton. The christian philosopher; a collection of the best discoveries in natvire, with religious improvements. Lond. 1721. D. 214:11 Watts, I: A guide to prayer, or A free and ra- tional account of the gift, grace and spirit of prayer, with plain directions how every christian may attain them ; with a pref . by Robert Forbes. New ed. Aberdeen. 1854. Tt. 217:1 5. Religion and science. Campbell, G: J: Douglass, 8th duke of Argyll. The reign of law. 5th ed. Lond. 1867. O. 215:1 Cooke, Josiah Parsons, jr. Religion and chem- istry, or Proofs of God's plan in the atmos- phere and Its elements; ten lectures del. at the Brooklyn institute, Brooklyn N. Y. on the Graham foundation. 2d ed. N Y 1865. O. 216:3 Crofton, Denis. Genesis and geology, or An in- vestigation into the reconcilation of the modern doctrines of geology with the dec- larations of scripture; with an introd. by E. Hitchcock. Bost. 1853. S. 215 :4 Dawson, J: W: Nature and the Bible; a course of lectures delivered in New York in dec. 1874 on the Morse foundation of the Union theological seminary. N. Y. 1875. D. 215 : 5 Draper, J: W: History of the conflict between religion and science. 8th ed. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1876. D. 215:6 Dmmmond, H: The natural law in the spirit- ual world. N. Y. 1884. D. 215 : 19 Fiske, J: Evolution and religion. In his Ex- cursions of an evolutionist. 824.1 : 107 Gray, Asa. Natural science and religion; two lectures delivered to the theological school of Yale college. N. Y. 1880. O. 215:7 Hitchcock, E: The religion of geology and its connected sciences. Bost. 1852. D. 215:8 Lang, H: Die religion im zeitalter Darwins. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v2 LeConte, Joseph. Religion and science; a series of Sunday lectures on the relation of natural and revealed religion, or the truths revealed in nature and scripture. N. Y. 1874. D. 215 : 2 Miller, Hugh. The testimony of the rocks, or Geology in its bearings on the two theolo- gies, natural and revealed; with memorials of the death and character of the author. Bost. 1858. D. 215 : 9 Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight. The astronomy of the Bible; with a biographical sketch. N. Y. 1863. D. 215 : 10 MoUoy, Gerald. Geology and revelation, or The ancient history of the earth considered in the light of geological facts and revealed religion; with an introd. to the amer. ed. and a chapter on cosmogony, by permis- sion, from the Manual of geology by J. D. Dana. 111. N. Y. 1873. D. 215 : 17 Smith, J: Pye. The relation between the holy scriptures and some parts of geological science. From the 4th London ed., greatly enl. Phila. 1850. O. 215:11 Smyth, Newman. Old faiths in new light. N. Y. 1879. D. 216 : 18 Sorignet, L'abbe A. Sacred cosmogony, or Primitive revelation demonstrated by the harmony of the facts of the mosaic history of the creation, with the principles of general science. Tr. from the french. St. ouis. 1862. O. 215 : 16 TeflFt, B: F. Evolution and Christianity, or An answer to the development infidelity of modern times ; with an introd. letter by bishop Simpson. Port. Bost. 1885. D. 216:20 Temple, F: The relations between religion and 3ight lectures preached before the univ. of Oxford, in 1884. [Bampton science ; eight lectures preacher the univ. of Oxford, in 1884. [I lectures for 1884.] N. Y. 1884. D. 215': 21 CI. 216-220 THEOLOGY NATURAL. 84 White, Andrew Dickson. The warfare of science. N. Y. 1877. D. 215 : 12 Wiseman, N: Patrice Stephen (?). Galileo and the roman inquisition ; a defense of the catholic church from the charge of having persecuted Galileo for his philosophical opinions. From the Dublin review, with an introd. by an amer. catholic [James F. MelineJ. 2d ed. [Anon.] Cine. 1859. D. 215:13 Twelve lectures on the connection between science and revealed religion, del. in Rome. 3d ed. Bait. 1852. 2 v. S. 215 : 14 Contents. V. 1, On the comparative study of languafres. On the natural history of the human race. On the natural sciences. 2. On early history. On archaeology. On oriental literature. Wythe, Joseph H. The agi-eement of science and revelation. Phila. 1872. D. 215 : 16 6. Future life. (See cdgo Doctrinal theology, Future state ; col. 96.) Alger, W: Rounseville. A critical history of the doctrine of a future life ; with a complete bibliography of the subject. Phila. 1864. O. 218:1 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. The physical basis of immortality. N. Y. 1876. D." 218:2 Figxiier, Guillaume L: The to-morrow of death, or The future life according to science. Tr. from the french by S. R. Crocker. Bost. 1872. S. 218 : 3 Fiske, J: The destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. Bost. 1884. S. 218 : 8 The unseen world. in 824. 1 : 32 Kirk, Hyland C. The possibility of not dying ; a speculation. N. Y. 1883. 'S. 2i8 : 7 Tait, P: Guthrie, and Balfour Stewart. The unseen universe, or Physical speculations on a future state. [Anon.] N. T. 1875. O. 218:4 Taylor, 1: Physical theory of another life. N. Y. 1853. D. 218 : 5 Timbs, J: Mysteries of life, death and futurity. In his Things not generally known. 829.2: 64 vll Contents, see under English literature, Miscellany. Weiss, J: The immortal life. Bost. 1880. D. 218:6 3. The Bible. 1. In general. Biblia sacra vulgata; editionis, Slxti v. pont. max. ^ussu recognita, et Clementis viii. auctoritate edita, distincta versiculis indi- ceque epistolarum et evangeliorum aucta. Lugdum. 1675. F. 23 : R Holy bible. The ; containing the Old and New testaments tr. out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, with Canne's marg- inal notes and references, together with the apocrypha, to which are added an index, an alphabetical table of all the names in the old and new testaments, with their significations, also tables of scripture weights, measures and coins. Coopers- town. 1845. O. 220.2: HI Holy bible. The ; containing the Old and New testaments tr. out of the original tongues ; being the version set forth a. d. 1611, com- parea with the most ancient authorities and revised [New testament in 1881, Old testament in 1885]. Printed for the uni- versities of Oxford and Cambridge. Ox- ford. 1885. O. 220.2:3 Biblia pauperum, conteynynge thirty and eight wode cuttes illvstrating the liif, parablis and miraclis offe oure blessid Lord and Saviour Jhesus Crist, with the proper descrypciouns therof extracted fro the originall texte offe lohn Wiclif, somtyme rector of Lutterworth. Preface by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. N. Y. 1885. O. " 220.2:112 Orimm, Willibald. Die Lutherbibel und ihre textesrevision ; vortrag im studentischen Gustav- Adolf- verein zu Jena gehalten. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v3 Briggs, C: A: Biblical study, its principles, methods and history, together with a cata- logue of books of reference. N. Y. 1883. O. 220:15 Chadwick, J: W. The Bible of to-day ; a course of lectures. N. Y. 1878. D. 220 : 1 Clark, S: A collection of the promises of scrip- ture, or The christian's inheritance. N. Y. n. d. Tt. 220.8 : 1 Darby, J: Nelson. Synopsis of the books of the Bible. Lond. 1^57. 3 v. D. 220 : 2 Contents. V. 1. Genesis ii Chronicles. 2. Ezra Malachi. 3. Matthew John. Gleig, G: Robert. The history of the Bible. N. Y. 1846. 2 V. S. 220 : 3 Headley, Joel Tyler. Sacred scenes and char- acters. N. Y. 1851. D. 220 : 4 Home, T: Hartwell. Introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the holy scriptures. N. Y. 1864. 2 V. a 220+5 Ladd, G: Trumbull. The doctrine of sacred scripture ; a critical, historical and dog- matic inquiry into the origin and nature of the Old and' New testaments. N. Y. 1883. 2 V. O. 220 : 14 Liber librorum, its structure, limitations and purpose ; a friendly communication to a reluctant sceptic. N. Y. 1867. S. 220 : 6 Mahan, Milo. Palmoni, or The numerals of scripture a proof of inspiration ; a free in- quiry. N. Y. 1863. O. 220 : 7 Merle d'Aubigne, J: H: The authority of God, or The true barrier against romish and in- fidel aggression ; four discourses, with an introd. written for this ed. Author's com- plete ed. N. Y. 1851. D. 220:8 Newton, T: Dissertations on the pro])h(H;i{!s which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world. A new ed. Loud. 1820. 2 v. Q, 220 : 9 85 THEOLOGY BIBLE. CI. 220-SSl 86 Savage, Minot Judson. Beliefs about the Bible. Bost. 1883. D. 220 : 16 Stuart, Moses. Hints on the interpretation of prophecy. Andover. 1842. D. 220 : 10 Tpstinaony of eminent witnesses for the Bible; compiled for the special benefit of young men. N. Y. 1866. S. 220 : 11 Wordswortli, Christopher. On the inspiration of holy scripture, or On the canon of the Old and New testament, and on the Apo- cr;ypha; twelve lectures del. before the university of Cambridge. Phila. 1854. O. 220 : 12 Whitaker, W: A disputation on holy scripture against the papists, especially Bellarmine and Stapleton. Tr. and ed. for the Parker society by W: Fitzgerald. Cambridge. 1849. 0. 220 : 13 Concor dances and commentaries. Cruden, Alexander. A complete concordance to the holy scriptures of the Old and New testament, or A dictionary and alphabetical index to the bible, in 2 pts. : 1. The appel- lative or common words, 2. The proper names ; to which is add. a concordance to the books called Apocrypha, the whole digested in an easy and regular method which, together with the various significa- tions and other improvements now added renders it more useful than any book of the kind hitherto published. From the 10th London ed., rev. and corr. ; added, an original life of the author. N. Y. 1860. O. 220.4 : Rl "Warner, Susan. The law and the testimony. N. Y. 1853. O. 220.4+2 Young, Robert. Analytical concordance to the Bible, on an entirely new plan, cont. every word in alphabetical order, arr. under its hebrew or greek original, with the literal meaning oi each and its pronunciation ; exhibiting about 311,000 references, mark- ing 30,000 various readings in the New testament, with the latest information on biblical geography and antiquities, etc.; designed for the simplest reader of the english Bible. Rev. and authorized ed. N. Y. 1881. Q. 220.4 :E,3 Cook, F: C:, ed. The holy bible according to the authorized version, a. d. 1611, with an explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the trans, by bishops and other clergy of the anglican church. N. Y. [1871-81]. 10 V. O. 220.5 :R1 Contents. "V. 1. Genesis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. 2. Joshua. Judges. Euth. Samuel, I, IT. Kings, I. 3. Kinjrs, II. Chronicles, I, II. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther. 4. Job. Psalms. Proverbs.-Ecclesiastes. The song of Solomon. 5. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Lamentations. 6. Ezekiel, Daniel and minor prophets. 7. St. Matthew. St. Mark. St. Luke. 8. St. John. The acts. 9. Romans-Philemon. 10. Hebrews-Revelation. Menochio {lat. Menochius), Giovanni Stefano. Brevis explicatio sensus literalis totius s. scripturse ex optimis quibusque auctoribus per epitomen collecta. Coloniae Agripp. 1680. 2 V. F. 23 : R Dictionaries and cy clop edias. Calmet, Augustin. Dictionary of the holy bible, as pub. by C: Taylor, with the fragments incorporated, the whole condensed and arranged in alphabetical order. 21st ed., rev. with large add. by E: Robinson. 111. and maps. Bost. 1860. Q. 220.6 :R1 Kitto, J:, ed. The cyclopaedia of biblical litera- ture. Ill, by maps and engr. 11th ed. N. Y. 1864. 2v. O. 220.6 :R2 Smith, W: Dictionarj] of the Bible ; comprising its antiquities, biography, geography and natural history, rev. and ed. by H. B. Hackett with the cooperation of Ezra Ab- bot. Bost. 1879. 4v. O. 220.6 :R3 Contents. V. 1. A Gennesaret, Land of. 2. Gen- nesaret. Sea of Market. 3. Marriage Regem. 4. Regem-Melech Zuzims. and S: Cheetham. A dictionary of christian antiquities; a continuation of "The dic- tionary of the Bible". 111. Hartford. 1880. 2 V. D. 220.6 : R4 Antiquities and history. Burder, S: Oriental customs applied to the illustration of the sacred scriptures. 5th ed. Lond. 1851. D. 220.7:1 Oriental literature, applied to the illustration of the sacred scriptures ; especially with reference to antiquities, traditions, and manners, collected from the most cele- brated writers and travellers, ancient and modern, designed as a sequel to Oriental customs. Lond. 1822. 2 v. O. 220.7:2 Hutchinson, Enoch. Music of the Bible, or Explanatory notes upon those passages in the sacred scriptures which relate to music, incl. a brief view of hebrew poetry. Bost. 1864. O. 220.7+3 Palmer, Henrietta Lee. Home-life in the Bible ; ed. by J: Williamson Palmer. 111. Bost. 1881. "Q. 220.7+4 Trimmer, Sarah. Sacred history selected from the scriptures, with annotations and re- flections particularly calculated to facil- itate the study of the holy scriptures in schools and families. 3d ed. Lond. 1796. 6 V. S. 220.8:2 Merrill, G: E. The story of the manuscripts. Bost. [1881]. D. 220.9:1 2. Old testament. Biblia hebraica secundum editiones J: Leusden, J: Simonis aliorunque, imprimis Everardi van der Hooght, recensuit, sectionum pro- pheticarum recensum et explicationem, clavemque masorethicam et rabbinicam addidit A: Hahn. Ed. ster. C. Tauch- nitzii quartum recognita et emend. Lipsise. 1872. O. 221.1 :1 Leabhraiche an t-seann tiomnaidh air an tar- ruing o'n cheud chanain chum gaelic al- bannaich; ann an ceithir earrannaibh. Dun- Eidin. 1773,1778. 2 v. in 1. O. 23 : R Roberts, Alexander. Old testament revision ; a handbook for english readers. N. Y. 1883. S. 221:6 Smith, W: Robertson. The Old testament in the Jewish chui'ch ; twelve lectures on biblical criticism. N. Y. 1881. D. 221 : 1 87 CI. 221-225 THEOLOGY BIBLE . Watts, Robert. The newer criticism and the analogy of the faith ; a reply to lectures by W. Robertson Smith on the Old testament in the Jewish church. 3d ed. Edinb. 1883. D. 221:4 Walwortli, Clarence. The gentle skeptic, or Essays and conversations of a country justice on the authenticity and truthful- ness of the Old testament records ; ed. by C. Walworth. N. Y. 1863. D. 221 : 2 Wette, W: Martin Leberecht de. A critical and historical introduction to the canonical scriptures of the Old testament. From the german, tr. and enl. by Theodore Pai'ker. 4th ed. N. Y. 1864. 3 v. O. 221+3 Orton, Job. An exposition of the Old testament, with devotional and practical reflections for the use of families ; pub. from the author's mss. by Robert Gentleman. 1st amer. from the 3d Lond. ed. Charlestown. 1805, 1806. 6v. O. 221.5: 1 Hi storical books . G-ibson, J : Monro. The ages before Moses ; a series of lectures on the book of Genesis. N. Y. [1879]. D. 222 : 2 Davies, T: A. Genesis disclosed ; being the dis- covery of a stupendous error which changes the entire nature of the account of the cre- ation of mankind ; also showing a divine law plainly laid down, proving the error that all men have descended from Adam and Eve. N. Y. 1874. D. 222 : 4 Mackintosh, C. H. Notes on the book of Genesis. [Anon.] 4th ed. Lond. [1861]. S. 222.5 : 1 Notes on the book of Exodus. [Anon.] 3d ed. Lond. [1859]. S. 222.5:2 Notes on the book of Leviticus. [Anon.] Lond. [I860]. S. 222.6:3 Colenso, J: W: The Pentateuch and book of Joshua critically examined. Lond. 1863, 1865. 5v. O. 222.5:4 Contents. V. 1, [5th ed. rev.] The Pentateuch ex- amined as a historical narrative. 2. The a>re and authorship of the Pentateuch considered. 3. The book of Deuteronomy. 4. The first eleven chapters of Genesis. 6. The book of Genesis analysed and separated, and the agres of its writers determined. Gumming:, J : Moses right and bishop Colenso wrong ; popular lectures on the Pentateuch. N. Y. 1863. D. 222:1 Mahan, Milo. The spiritual point of view, or The glass rev(^rsed ; an answer to bishop Colenso. N. Y. 1863. O. 222 : 3 Po e t i c al hooks. Luther, Martin. A commentary on the psalms, called psalms of degrees ; m which, among many other subjects, the scriptural doc- trine respecting the divinely instituted and honorable estate of matrimony is explained and defended, in opposition to the popish errors of monastic seclusion and enforced celibacy. Prefixed, an historical account of the monastic life, particularly of the monasteries of England. Lond. 1819. O. 223.5:1 Vincent, Marvin Richardson. Gates into the psalm-country. N. Y. 1883. D. 223.8 : 1 Prophetical books. Smith, W: Robertson. The prophets of Israel and their place in history to the close of the 8th century ; eight lectures. N. Y. 1888. D. 224 : 3 Isaiah ; a new tr. with a preliminary disserta- tion and notes critical, philological and explanatory by Robert Lowth. 3d ed. Lond. 1779. Q. 224.2 : Rl Arnold, Matthew. Isaiah of Jerusalem. In Coan, T. M. Topics of the time. 820.5:21 Cowles, H: Jeremiah and his Lamentations, with notes critical, explanatory and prac- tical, designed for both pastors and people. N.Y. 1869. D. 224.5:1 Gumming, J: Prophetic studies, or Lectures on the book of Daniel. Lond. [185-]. S. 224:1 Seiss, Joseph A: Voices from Babylon, or The records of Daniel the prophet. Phila. [1879]. D. 224:2 3. New testament. Greek. Novum testamentum graecum ; ad exemplar Roberti Stephani acciiratissime ed. cura P. Wilson. Phila. 1833. D. 225.1:1 Harris, J: Rendel. New testament autographs. (Supp. to the American journal of phil- ology, no. 13.) Bait. [1883]. O. 225.1:2 Eng. New testament, The, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Tr. out of the greek, being the version set forth a. d. 1611, com- pared with the most ancient authorities and rev. a. d. 1881. Oxford. 1881. O. 225.2:111 Same. With the readings and renderings pre- ferred by the american committee ot revis- ion, incorporated into the text by Roswell D. Hitchcock. N. Y. 1881. D. 225.2 : 2 Trench, R: Chenevix. On the authorized ver- sion of the New testament, in connection with some recent proposals for its revision. N. Y. 1858. D. 225.2:5 - Same. N. Y. 1873. O. In Lightfoot, J. B., and others. The revision of the english version. 225.2:4 Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, and others. The re- vision of the english version of the New testament; with an introd. by Philip Schaff. N.Y. 1873. D. 225.2:4 Contents. Schaff, Philip. Introduction on the re- vision of the enjrllsh bible. Ligrhtfoot, Joseph Bar- ber. On a fresh revision of the english New testa- ment. 2d. ed. rev. Trench, Rlchai-d Chenevix. On the authorized version of the New testament, In con- nection with some recent proposals for its revision. Ellicott, C : J : Considerations on the english ver- sion of the New testament. ' - Roberts, Alexander. Companion to the revis- ed version of the New testament explaining the reasons for the changes made on the authorized version ; with supp. by a mem- ber of the amer. committee of revision. N. Y. [1881]. S. 226.2:3 Schaflf, Philip. A companion to the greek Tes- tament and the english version; with fac- simile ill. of mss. and standard editions of the New testament. N. Y. 1883. D. 225:1 THEOLOGY BIBLE. 01. 226-227 90 French. Nouveau testament, Le, de notre Seigneur Jesus Christ ; revu sur les ori- ginaux par D: Martin. N. Y. 1859. S. 225.3:1 Swed. Nya testamentet, Det, af w&r Harre och Fralsare Jesus Christus. N. Y. 1866. S. 225.3:2 Hindu. New testament, The, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Tr. from the origin- al greek into the Hinduwee language. [Lond.] 1860. O. 225.3:3 Chinese. [Portion of the New testament in Chinese.] T. p. w. 225.3 : 4 Student's concordance, The, to the revised ver- sion, 1881, of the New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, compiled upon an original plan showing the changes in all words referred to, wit^ appendices of the chief authorised words and passages omitted in the revision, and of new and disused words, a table of the genealogy of the english New testament, etc. N. Y. 1882. O. 225.4 :R1 Reuss, E: W: Eugen. History of the sacred scriptures of the New testament. Tr. from the 5th rev. and enl. german ed. with bibliographical add. by E: L. Houghton. Bost. 1884. 2 V. O. 225.9 : 1 Leland, T: A dissertation on the principles of human eloquence ; with particular regard to the style and composition of the New testament, in which the observations on this subject by tlie lord bishop of Glouces- ter, in his discourse on the doctrine of grace, are distinctly considered, being the substance of several lectures read in the oratory school of Trinity college, Dublin. Lond. 1764. Q. With Brown, J: Dissei'ta- tion on poetry and music. 23 : K. Toy, Crawford Howell. Quotation in the New testament. N. Y. 1884. O. 225-}-2 Gospels and Acts. Heiss, Michael. The four gospels examined and vindicated on cathoRc principles. Milw. 1863. O. 226 : 1 Alford, H: How to study the New testament; the gospels, the Acts of the apostles. Lond. 1865. D. 226.8 : 1 Clark, G: W. A new harmony of the four gos- pels in english, according to the common version; arr. with explanatory notes, brief descriptions of customs, words, names, sketch of prominent harmonies, and valu- able tables, designed for popular use, and specially adapted to sabbath-schools; with an introd. by T. J. Conant. N. Y. 1870. D. 226.4 : 1 Robinson, E: A harmony of the four gospels in english, according to the common version; newly arr. with explan. notes. Bost. 1846. D. 226.4 : 2 Barnes, Albert. Notes, explanatory and prac tical, on the gospels, designed for sunday- school teachers and bible classes. 25th ed., I'ev. and corr., with an index, chronological table, table of weights, etc. N. Y. 1865. 2 V. D. 226.6 : 1 :^otes explanatory and practical on the Acts of the apostles, designed for bible classes and Sunday schools. 20th ed. N. Y. 1865 P X, ^. 226.5:2 Trench, R: Chenevix. Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 2d amer. ed. N. Y. 1862. O. 226.6+3 Notes on the parables of our Lord. 2d. amer. ed. N. Y.1864. O. 226.5+4 Guthrie, T: The parables, read in the light of the present day. Lond. 1866. D. 226.8:2 Same. N. Y. 1866. D. 226.8 : 2 Stanley, E: GeoflFrey Smith, 14th earl of Derby. Conversations on the parables of the New testament, for the use of children. From the 5th Lond. ed. Phila. 1844. S. 226.8:4 Gospel of Matthew, The, in Chinese, with ex- planatory notes by W: Dean. Hongkong. 1848. Q. 226.3 :R1 Trench, R: Chenevix. The star of the wise men ; a commentary on the second chapter of Matthew. N. Y. 1851. S. 226.5 : 5 Epistles and Apocalypse. Paley, W: Horae paulinae. N. Y. 1824. T. 227.4 : 1 St. Paul's epistle to the Romans ; newly tr. and explained from a missionary point of view by J. W. Colenso. N. Y. 1863. O. 227.2 : 1 Chalmers, T: Lectures on the epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans. 7th thous. N. Y. 1859. O. 227.5+8 Barnes, Albert. Notes, explanatory and prac- tical on the epistle to the Romans; designed for bible classes and Sunday schools. 9th ed. N. Y.1864. D. 227.5:1 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. N. Y. 1864. D. 227.5:2 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the second epistle to the Corinthians and the epistle to the Galatians. N. Y. 1864. D. 227.5:3 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the epistles of Paul to the Ephesians, Philip- pians and Colossians. N. Y. 1864. D. 227.5:4 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus and to Philemon. N. Y. 1864. D. 227.5:6 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the epistle to the Hebrews. N. Y. 1865. D. 227.6:6 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the feneral epistles of James, Peter, John and ude. N. Y. 1865. D. 227.6:7 Cowles, H: The shorter epistles, viz. of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon ; also of James, Peter and Jude. [App.: Canon Farrar's doctrine of "Eternal hope"]. N. Y. 1879. D. 227.5:10 "Weller {latin Wellerus), Hieronymus. Hiero- nymi Vuelleri theologiae doctoris in episto- las d. Pavli ad Philippenses et Thessaloni- censes [et Philemonem] annotationes piae, breues et eruditae ; antea in Ivcem non editae. Noribergae. 1561. S. 23 : R di Cl. 228-231 THEOLOGY BIBLE. 92 "Weller, H. Continued. Hieronymi Welleri theoloffise doctoris in epistolam diui Pauli ad Ephesios enarra- tiones piae, breues et eruditas. Nori- bergae. [15]59. S. With the preceding. 23 : It Barnes, Albert. Notes, explanatory and prac- tical, on the book of Revelation. N. Y. 1864. D. 228.5:1 Trench, R: Chenevix. Commentary on the epistles to the seven chui'ches in Asia, Revelation ii, iii. N. Y. 1864. D. 228.5 : 2 4. Apocrypha. Book of Enoch the prophet, The ; an apocryphal f)roduction supposed jfor ages to nave been ost, but discovered at the close of the last century in Abyssinia ; now first tr. from an ethiopic ms. in the Bodleian library by R: Laurence. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Oxford. 1838. O. 229 : 1 . W: The apocryphal new testament, being all the gospels, epistles and other pieces now extant, attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his apostles and their companions, and not included in the New testament By its compilers. Tr. and now first coll. into 1 vol., with pref. and tables and various notes and references. From the last Lond. ed. Bost. 1832. D. 229:2 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenaeum, v. 1, p. 115, art. Apocryphal gospels. Book of Adam and Eve, The, also called The conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan ; a book of the early eastern church. Tr. from the ethiopic with notes from the Kufale, Talmud, Midrashim, and other eastern works by S[olomonl C[a3sar] Malan. Lond. 1882. O. 229 : 4 Teaching of the twelve apostles, recently dis- covered and pub. by Philotheos Bryennios, metropolitan of JJicomedia ; ed. with a trans., introd. and notes by Roswell D. Hitchcock and Francis Brown. N. Y. 1884. O. 229+3 4. Doctrinal theology. Calf hill, James. An answer to John Martiall's Treatise of the cross ; ed. for the Parker society by R: Gibbings. Cambridge. 1846. D. 230 : 1 Doddridge, Philip. A course of lectures on the l)rincipal subjects in pneumatology, ethics and divinity, with references to the most considerable authors on each subject. 2d ed. Lond. 1776. Q. 230 : 119 Eliot, W: Greenleaf. Discourses on the doctrines of Christianity. 15th thous. Bost. 1866. D. 230:2 Feuerbach, L: The essence of Christianity. Tr. from the 2d german ed. by Marian Evans. 2d ed. [Eng. and foreign phil. lib.] Lond. 1881. O. 230:7 Greg, W: Rathbone. The creed of Christendom, its foundations contrasted with its super- .structure, with a new introd. 7th ed. [Eng. and foreign phil. lib.] Lond. 1880. 2 V. O. 230 : 8 Martensen, Hans Lassen. Christian dogmatics ; a compendium of the doctrines ot Christ- ianity. Tr. from the german by W: Urwick. Edinb. 1871. O. ' 230-|-ll Parker, Theodore. A discourse of matters per- taining to religion. 4th ed. Bost. 1856. D. 230:3 Peabody, Andrew Preston. Lectures on christ- ian doctrine. New ed., with an introd. lecture on the scriptures. Bost. 1858. D. 230:4 Pearson, J: An exposition of the creed ; with an app. containing the principal greek and latin creeds ; rev. by W. S. Dobson. N. Y. 1865. O. 230+6 Bidgley, T: A body of divinity ; wherein the doctrines of the christian religion are ex- plained and defended, being the substance of several lectures on the assembly's larger catechism. 2d ed., corr. Lond. 1784. 2 v. F. 23 : H Smyth, Newman. The orthodox theology of to- day. New ed. N. Y. 1883. D. 230 : 10 Taylor, 1: Natural history of enthusiasm. [Anon.] Bost. 1830. S. 230 : 6 God and Supernatur alisvn . Gumming, J: God in historj', and God in science. N. Y. 1855. D. 231 : 8 Diman, Jeremiah Lewis. The theistic argument as aftected by modern theories ; a course of lectures del. at the Lowell institute in Boston. Bost. 1881. D. 231 : 3 Manning, H: E: The temporal mission of the H()lv Ghost, or Reason and revelation. N. Y. 1866. D. 231 : 1 Miller, J: Fetich in theology, or Doctrinalism twin to ritualism. N. Y. 1874. D. 231 : 2 Muir, J : Supernatural religion ; an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation, in [3] v. V. 1 and 2, 5th ed. [Anon.'] Lond. 1875, 1877. 3 V. O. 231 : 4 Mulford, Elisha. The republic of God ; an in- stitute of theology. 5th ed. Bost. 1882. O. 231 :y8 Savage, Minot Judson. Belief in God ; exaijai- nation of some fundamental theistic problems, [also] An address on the intel- lectual basis of faith by W. H. SavAge. Bost. 1881. D. 2^1 : 7 Sherlock, T: The use and intent of propljjecy in the several ages of the world ; in ^ix dis- courses del. at the Temple church in april and may 1724. Dublin. 1849. D. 231 : 5 Whately, R: A view of the scripture revelations 2d ed. 235:1 respecting good and evil angels. 2d ed. Phrla. 1856. D. ' Cropp, Johannes. Lessings streit mit haupt- pastor [J: Melchior] Goeze. In Deutsche zeit- una streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO THEOLOGY DOCTRINAL. 01. 232-233 94 Christ and the Trinity . Athanasius, 8t. Select treatises of S. Athan- asius. archbishop of Alexandria, in con- troversy with the arians, tr. with notes and indices. [Library of the fathers, 19. Barrett, B: Franklin. Letters on the divine trinity, addressed to H: Ward Beecher. 2d ed. N. Y. 1860. D. 232 : 3 Calvin, J: Christ the end of the law ; the pre- face to the Geneva bible of 1550, now first rendered into english by T: Weedon. Lond. 1850. O. 232 : 4 Christ, his nature and work ; a series of dis- courses. N. Y. 1878. D. 232 : 5 Contents. Crosby, H. God ever active in Christ. Bellows, H: W. The sacrificial element in Christ- ianity. Foss, C. D. The four gospels: their dif- ferences and their essence.- Morgan, W: F. Christ's espousal of the lost. Anderson, T: D. Christ's sanction to the authority of revelation. Armitag-e, T: Jesus; his self -introspection. Newton, R. H. Christ's law of co-operation. Washburn, E: A. The life of Christ, the proof of his divine revelation. ailes, C. Who was Jesus Christ ?Bog-ers, E. P. The magnetism of the cross. Robinson, C: S. A live coal from the altar. Bevan, L. D. The witness of Jesus to himself, as seen in some contradictory phenomena of his life and character. Chapin, E. H. The conditions of relig-ious life. Examination, An, of canon Liddon's Bampton lectures on the divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by a clergyman of the church of England. "Bost. 1873. D. 232 :2 Farrar, F: W: The life of Christ. N. Y. [1874]. 2 V. O. 232 : 19 Fleetwood, J: The life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; cont. a full and accurate his- tory from his taking upon himself our nature to his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, together with the lives, trans- actions and sufferings of his holy evangel- ists, apostles, and other primitive martyrs, also A history of the jews ; to which is added a continuation of the history of the jews to the present time by W: Patten. 111. Bost. 1860. O. 232 : 20 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. The cradle of the Christ ; a study in primitive Christian- ity. N. Y. 1877. D. 232 : 7 Fry, Caroline. Christ our example. 2d ed. N. Y. 1834 S. 232 : 6 Fumess, W: H: Thoughts on the life and char- acter of Jesus of Nazareth. Bost. 1859. D. 232:21 Geikie, Cunningham. The life and words of Christ. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1884. 2 v. D. 232 : 29 Gladstone, W: Ewart. "Ecce homo." Lond. 1868. D. 232:8 Harris, J: The great teacher ; characteristics of our Lor(rs ministry. 16th amer. from the 10th Lond. rev. ed. ; with an introd. essay by Heman Humphrey. Bost. 1859. D. 232 : 9 Horsley, S: Letters from the archdeacon of Saint Albans, in reply to dr. Priestley ; with an app. containing short strictures on dr. Priestley's letters, by an unknown hand. Lond. 1784." O. 232 : 10 Hughes, T: The manliness of Christ. Bost. 1880. D. 232: 11 Lang, H: Das leben Jesu und die kirche der zukunft. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- ^ .^ fragen. 304 : 16 vl Life of Christ, The, in the words of the evan- felists ; a complete harmony of ihe gospel istory of our Saviour, for the use of young persons. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 232 :'23 Mozoomdar, Protap Chundar. The oriental Christ. Bost. 1883. O. 232 : 28 Parker, Joseph. Ecce Deus ; essays on the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ ; with con- troversial notes on "Ecce homo." \ AnonA Bost. 1867. S. 232 : 12 Parsons, Theophilus. Deus homo: God-man. Chicago. 1867. D. 232 : 13 Patrick, Symon. The glorious epiphanv, with the devout christian's love to it. " Lond. 1678. D. 232 : 26 Pressense, Edmond Marcellin Dehault de. Jesus Christ ; his times, life and work. Tr. from the french by Annie Harwood. 4th ed. Lond. 1871. D. 232 : 27 Rabbi Jeshua ; an eastern story. [AnonA N. Y. 1881. D. ' 23ii : 14 Renan, Joseph Ernest. The life of Jesus. Tr. from the original french by C. Edwin Wil- bour. [Origins of Christianity, 1.1 N. Y. 1864. D. ^32 : 24 SchaflF, Philip. The person of Christ, the mir- acle of history, with a reply to Strauss and Renan, and a collection of testimonies of unbelievers. Bost. [1871]. S. 232 : 15 Seeley, J: Robert. Ecce homo ; a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. \AnonA Bost. 1867. S. 232 : 16 Strauss, D: F: Das leben Jesu, fiir das deutsche volk bearbeitet. Seaufl. Leipz. 1874. O. 232+22 Same, eng. The life of Jesus, critically examin- ed. Tr. from the 4th german ed. by Marian Evans. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. O. 232 : 22 TuUoch, J: The Christ of the gospels and the Christ of modern criticism ; lectures on M. Renan's Vie de Jesus. Lond. 1864. D. 232 : 17 TurnbuU, Robert. Christ in history. New and rev. ed. Bost. 1860. D. 232 : 18 Veuillot, L: Fran9ois. The life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Tr. into english by Anthony Farley, from the 7th french ed. N. Y. 1875. D. 232 : 25 Ma n . Beecher, E: The conflict of ages, or The great debate on the moral relations of God and man. 5th ed. Bost. 1854. D. 233 : 1 Boston, T: Human nature in its fourfold state, of primitive integrity, entire depravation, begun recovery, and consummate happi- ness or misery, subsisting in the parents of mankind in paradise, the unregenerate, all mankind in the future state. A new ed. ; pretixed, a recommendation by Michael Boston, the author's grandson. Falkirk. 1787. D. 233 : 2 Dewejr, Orville. The problem of human des- tiny, or The end 01 providence in the world anil man. 2d ed. N . Y. 1864. O. 233 : 3 Harris, J: Man primeval, or The constitution and primitive condition of the human 05 01. 233-238 THEOLOGY-DOCTRINAL. being ; a contribution to theological sci- ence. Bost. 1852. D. 233 : 4 Smith, Theyre Townsend. Man's responsibility in reference to his religious belief explain- ed and examined. [Hmsean lectures, 1839.] Lond. 1840. O. 233 : 5 Savage, Minot Judson. Beliefs about man. Bost. 1882. D. 233 : 6 Wesley, J., and others. Christian correspon- dence ; a collection of letters written by the late J: Wesley and several methodist {)reachers in connection with him to the ate mrs. Eliza Bennis, with her answers ; chiefly explaining and enforcing the doc- trine of sanctilication ; now first pub. from the originals. Phila. 1809. S. 233 : 7 Salvation. Barnes, Albert. The way of salvation ; a ser- mon, del. at Morristown, N. J., feb. 8, 1829. 7th ed. Together with mr. Barnes' defence of the sermon, read before the synod of Philadelphia, at Lancaster, oct. 29, 1830, and his '"Defence " before the second pres- bytery of Philadelphia, in reply to the charges of G: Junkin. N. Y. 1836". D. 234:2 Blood, B: The philosophy of justice between God and man ; bemg an attempt to show from a candid examination of the scripture and the power of entities, that the existing philosopny of religion, both calvinistic and arminian, is opposed to the Bible and to reason. N. Y. 1851. D. 234 : 3 Btushnell, Horace. Christ and his salvation ; in sermons variously related thereto. 3d ed. N. Y. 1865. D. 234 : 4 Forgiveness and law, grounded in principles interpreted by human analogies. N. Y. 1874. D. 234:6 The vicarious sacrifice, grounded in princi- Sles of universal obligation. N. i. 1866. . 234 : 6 Edwards, Jonathan. The history of redemp- tion, comprising a summary of the history of the jews up to the destruction of Jerusa- lem. Lond. lasi. T. 234 : 1 Goode, Francis. The better covenant practi- cally considered from Hebrews viii: 6, 10- 12, with supp. on Philippians ii: 12, 13; with a pref. and table of contents by Her- man Hooker. From the 2d Lond. ed. Phila. 1836. D. 234 : 7 Mcllvaine, C: Petit. Justification by faith ; a charge delivered before the clergy of the protestant episcopal church in the diocese of Ohio, sept. 13, 1839 ; with app. Colum- bus. 1840. S. 234 : 8 Death and resurrection. Gumming, J: The great consummation ; the milennial rest, or The world as it will be. 2d series. N. Y. 1864. D. 236 : 1 Hiller, W: Evidence from scripture and history of the second coming of Christ about the year 1843 ; exhibited in a course of lectures. Bost. 1840. S. 236 : 2 Norton, James. [On eternity and resurrection.] In his Australian essays. 824.2 : 76 Seiss, Joseph A: The last times and the great consummation ; an earnest discussion of momentous themes. 8th ed. Phila. 1864. D. 236:3 Shimeall, R: C. Age of the world, as founded on the sacred records, historic and prophetic ; and the "Signs of the times", viewed in the aspect of premonitions of the speedy establishment on the earth of the milennial state, by the second personal, pre-milen- nial advent of Christ ; with an introd. essay, vindicating the claims of sacred chronology against the cavils of the atheist, antiquarian and infidel. N. Y. 1842. D. 236:4 "West, Gilbert. Observations on the history and evidences of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. N. Y. 1830. D. With Leslie, C: Method with the deists. 239 : 17 J^u t u r e state. (See also Future life, col. 83.) Beecher, E: History of opinions on the scriptural doctrine of retribution. N. Y. 1878. D. 237 : 1 Branks, W: Life in heaven; there, faith is changed into sight and hope is passed into blissful fruition. [Anon.] Bost. 1865. S. 237:4 Tabor's teachings, or The veil lifted ; a glimpse of Christ's glory and intercourse with his people forever." [Anon.] Edinb. 1865. S. 237:5 Farrar, F: W: Eternal hope ; five sermons preached in Westminster abbey, nov. and dec. 1877. N. Y. 1878. D. 237 : 2 Goodwin, T: A. The mode of man's immortal- ity, or The when, where and how of the future life. N. Y. 1874. D. 237 : 3 Mant, R: The happiness of the blessed, con- sidered as to the particulars of their state, their recognition of each other in that state, its difference of degrees. Added, Musings on the church and her services. Phila. 1833. D. 237 : 6 Sears, Edmund Hamilton. Athanasia, or Fore- Sleams of immortality. 8th ed. Bost." 1867. 237 : 7 Sherlock, W: A discourse concerning the hap- piness of good men and the punishment of the wicked in the next world. 6th ed. Glasgow. 1744. S. 237 : 8 Smith, Uriah. The state of the dead and the destiny of the wicked. Battle Creek. 1873. D. 237:9 Thompson, Hugh Miller. Eternal penalty ; nine essays from "The northwestern church". Chicago. 1865. D. 237 : 10 Townsend, Luther Tracy. Lost forever. Bost. 1875. D. 237:11 Watts, Isaac. The world to come, or Discourse on the joys or sorrows of departed souls at death, and the glory or terror of the resur- rection. New ed., with port, of the author. Bungay. 1813. O. 237 : 12 Note. See also several works, included In religious Action, class 349. 07 THEOLOaY DOCTRIITAL. CI. 23d Apologetics. Alexander, Archibald, ed. The evidences of Christianity. Phila. [1831]. 2 v. in 1. T. 239 : 9 Contents. V. 1. Alexander, A. Preliminary dis- course on the evidences of Christianity, with a short account of the treatises which these vols, contain. Watson, R: An apology for Christianity. Wat- son, K: An apology tor the Bible. Jenyns, Soame. View of the internal evidence of the christian re- lig-lon. Leslie, C: Short and easy method with the deists. 2. Paley, W: View of the evidences of Christianity. Apologia, Oder Verantwortung des christlichen concordi-buchs [herausg. von Timotheus Kirchner, Nicolaus Selneccer und Martinus Chemnitz]. Dresden. 1584. Q. 23:11 Armstrong, G: D, The theology of christian experience ; designed as an exposition of the "common faith" of the church of God. N. Y. 1858. D. 239 : 1 Arnold, Matthew. Literature and dogma ; an essay toward a better apprehension of the Bible. Bost. 1874. D. 239 : 3 God and the Bible ; a review of objections to "Literature and dogma." N. Y. 1875. D. 239 : 2 Barnes, Albert. Inquiries and suggestions in regard to the foundation of taith in the word of God. Phila. 1859. D. 239 : 4 Lectures on the evidences of Christianity in the 19th century, del. in the Mercer st. church, N. Y., Jan. 21 to feb. 21, 1867, on the Ely foundation of the Union theological seminary. N. Y. 1868. D. 239 : 5 Butler, Joseph. The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. Added, two brief dissertations : 1. On personal identity ; 2. On the nature of virtue, with an account of the character and writings of the author by S: Halifax. N. Y. n. d. O. 239:6 Christlieb, Theodor. Modern doubt and christ- ian belief ; a series of apologetic lectures addressed to earnest seekers after truth. Tr., with the author's sanction, chiefly by H. U. Weitbrecht, and ed. by T. L. Kmgs- bury. N. Y. 1874. O. 239 : 7 Clark, T: March. Primarv truths of religion. N. Y. 1869. D. 239 : 8 Fisher, G: Park. Essays on the supernatural origin of Christianity, with special refer- ence to the theories of Renan, Sti'auss and the Tiibingen school. N. Y. 1866. O. 239:10 Fuller, Andrew. The gospel its own witness, or The holy nature and divine harmony of the christian religion, contrasted with the immorality and absurdity of deism. New Haven. 1801. S. 239:11 Gregorjr, Olinthus. Letters to a friend, on the evidences, doctrines and duties of the christian religion. From the 4th Lond. ed. rev. and slightly abridged. N. Y. n. d. D. 239 : 12 Groot {lat. Grotius), Hugo de. The truth of the christian religion ; in 6 books, corr. and ill. with notes by mr. [J:] Le Clerc [Johan- nes Clericus] ; to which is added a 7th book, concerning this question : What christian church we ought to join our- selves to ? by the said mr. Le Clerc. 11th ed. with add., particularly one whole book of mr. Le Clerc's against indifference of what religion a man is of. Done into eng- lish by J: Clarke. Lond. 1800. D. 239 : fs Guizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. Meditations on the essence of Christianity, and on the re- ligious questions of the day. Tr. from the french, under the superintendence of the author. N. Y. 1865. 1). 239 : 14 Contents. Preface. Natural problems. Christian dogmas. The supernatural. The limits of science. Revelation The inspiration of the scriptures.- God according to the Bible. Jesus Christ according to the gospel. Note. Keith., Alexander. Demonstration of the truth of the christian religion. T. p. w. [Edinb. 1838.] D. 239:16 Evidence of the truth of the christian relig- ion, derived from the literal fultilment of prophecy ; particularly as ill. by the his- tory of the jews, and by the discoveries of recent travellers. From the 6th Edinb. ed. N. Y. 1832. D. 239 : 16 Leslie, C: A short and easy method with the deists, wherein the certainty of the chris- tian religion is demonstrated by infallible proof, from four rixles, which are incom- Katible with any imposture that ever yet as been, or can possibly be ; in a letter to a friend, with a letter from the author to a deist, upon his conversion by reading his book. N. Y. 1880. D. 239 : 17 McCosh, James. Christianity and positivism ; a series of lectures to the times on natural theology and apologetics, del. in New York, fan. 16 to march 20, 1871, on the Ely foundation of the Union theological sem- inary. N. Y. 1871. D. 239 : 18 McHvaine, C: Pettit. The evidences of Chris- tianity in their external division, exhibited in a course of lectures del. in Clintofl hall in the winter of 1831-2, under the appoint- ment of the university of the city of New York. N. Y. 1832. O. 239 : 19 Mansel, H: Longueville. The limits of religious thought examined in ei^ht lectures del. before the university of Oxford in the year 1858, on the Banipton foundation. 1st amer. ed., with the notes tr. Bost. 1866. D. 239 : 20 Martineau, James. Studies of Christianity, or Timely thoughts for religious thinkers ; a series of papers, ed. by W: R. Alger. Bost. 1866. D. 239 : 21 Paley, W: Evidences of Christianity; with a life of the author. N. Y. 1824. T. 239 : 22 Porteus, Beilby. A summary of the principal evidences for the truth and divine origin of the christian revelation, designed chiefly for the use of young persons. N. Y. 1850. Tt. 239 : 23 Potter, Alonzo, ed. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity, del. by clergymen of the protestant episcopal church, in the fall and winter of 1853-4 ; with an introd. essay by Alonzo Potter. Phila. 1855. O. 239 : 24 Contents. Potter, Alonzo, Introduction: Apolo- getics. liittlejohn, Abram N. The philosophy of religion. Harwood, Edwin. Philosophical sceptl- cism.- Mason, C: On miracles.- Potter, Alonzo. Immutability of natural laws. Howe, M. A. De W. Physical theory of development. Atkinson, T: Ecclesiastical development. -Fuller, 8: Rationalis- tic development. Kerfoot, J: B. The Inspiration CI. {^39-241 THEOLOGY DOCTRINAli. 100 of the holy scriptures. Butler, C: M. Analogies between God's world and word. Minnegerode, C: Relation of the objective and subjective factors in revelation. Burgress, G: The modern necromancy no argument against the gospel. Vinton, Francis. Socialism. Vinton, A. H. Science and revelation. Hopkins, J: H: Historical evidences of chris- tianity. Bedell, Gregory T. Internal evidences of Christianity. Extract from bishop Potter's address to the diocese of Penn., may 1854. Rogers, H: The eclipse of faith, or A visit to a religious sceptic. 7th ed. [Anon.] Bost. 1858. D. 239:33 Newman, Francis W: The reply to" The eclipse of faith," together with" his chapter on "The moral perfection of Jesus," repr. from the 3d ed. of "Phases of faith." In Rogers, H: Defence of The eclipse of faith. 239 : 25 Rogers, H: A defence of "The eclipse of faith," by its author ; being a rejoinder to profes- sor Newman's Reply. Bost. 1856. D. 239 : 25 Savage, MinotJudson. Christianity the science of manhood ; a book for questioners. 3d ed. Bost. 1875. D. 239 : 26 Savage, W. H. An address on the intellectual basis of faith. With Savage, M. J. Belief in God. 231 : 7 Sewell, W: Popular evidences of Christianity. Lond. 1843. S. 239 : 27 Taylor, I: Lectures on spiritual Christianity. N. Y. 1841. D. 239 : 28 Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Probabilities ; an aid to faith. N.Y. 1848. D. 239:29 Watson, R: An apology for the Bible, in a series of letters addressed to T: Paine, author of a book entitled The age of rea- son ; part 3, being an investigation of true and fabulous theology. 3d ed. Lond. 1796. S. 239 : 30 "Watts, I: A rational defence of the gospel ; with a pref. by A. Alexander. N. Y. 1831. D. 239:31 Whately, R: Historic doubts relative to Napol- eon Buonaparte, and historic certainties i-especting the early history of America. N. Y. 1860. S. 239 : 32 5. Practical and devotional theology. 1. Practical. Didactic. Apostolic fathers. Genuine epistles of the apostolic fathers, St. Clement, St. Poly- carp, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas ; the shep- herd of Hermas and the martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp, written . by those who were present at their suffer- ings ; being, together with the holy scrip- tures of the New testament, a complete collection of the most primitive antiquity for about 150 years after Christ. Tr. by William, archbishop of Canterbury, with prelim, discourses relating to the several treatises here put together by the same author, arr. by W. idams ; added, bio- graphical notices of the lives of St. Cle- ment, St. Polycarp, St. Ignatius and St. Barnabas, abridged from Cave's Lives of the primitive fathers, from a late London ed. Hartford. 1836. O. 241 : 5 Adams, Mrs. . Daily duties inculcated in a series of letters, a!ddressed to the wife of a clergyman. Bost. 1835. S. 241 : 1 Clark, Alexander. Workday Christianity, or The gospel in the trades ; with an introd. note by W: Cullen Bryant. Phila. 1871. D. 241 : 2 Constantin, Ldon, and P: Foumier. Nouveau traite des devoirs du chretien envers Dieu, [Anon.] ; chaque chapitre et chaque article suivis de traits historiques analogues aux verites qui y sont traitees, par F. P. B. 26 me ^d. Montreal. 1861. S. 241 : 16 Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius. The treatises of St. Csecilius Cyprian, bishop of Carthage and martyr, tr. with notes and indices. [Library of the fathers, no. 3]. Oxford. 1846. O. 241 : 3 Edwards, Jonathan. A treatise on the religious affections. Lond. n. d. T. 241 : 4 Gumey, Joseph J: Essay on the habitual exer- cise of love to God, considered as a pre- paration for heaven. N. Y. [18421. S. 241:6 Guthrie, W: The chi'istian's great interest, or The trial of a saving interest in Christ, and and the way to attain it ; with an introd. essay by T: Chalmers. Phila. 1840. S. 241 : 7 Harris, J: Mammon, or Covetousness the sin of the christian church. Bost. 1836. D. 241 :8 James, J: Angell. The christian pi'ofessor ad- dressed m a series of counsels and cautions to the members of christian churches. 2d ed. N. Y. 1838. S. 241 : 9 Mason, J: A treatise on self knowledge ; show- ing the nature and benefit of that impor- tant science and the way to attain it, inter- mixed with various reflections and obser- vations on human nature. 4th ed. with notes. N. Y. 1834. S. 241 : 10 Philip, Robert. The Hannahs, or Maternal in- fluence on sons. N.Y. 1841. S. 241:11 The Lydias, or The development of female character. [The lady's closet library.] 4th ed. Lond. 1840. S. 241 : 12 Spring, Gardiner. The contrast between good and bad men, ill. by the biography and truths of the Bible. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. 'D. 922.6:17 Spurgeon, C: Haddon. Illustrations and medi- tations, or Flowers from a puritan's gar- den, distilled and dispensed by C. H. Spurgeon. N. Y. [1883]. D. 241:17 Wilberforce, W: A practical view of the pre- vailing religious system of professed chris- tians m the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with the real christianty. ' 10th ed. Lond. 1811. O. 241 : 14 101 THEOLOGY PRACTICAIi. CI. 242-243 108 Me dilative. Beauties of sacred literature ; a compendium of christian doctrine, faith and practice, sel. from various authors, ed. by a lay member of the protestant episcopal church. N. Y. 1864. B. 242 : 1 Beveridge, W: Private thoughts upon religion and a christian life. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. S. 242:2 Cecil, R: A friendly visit to the house of mourn- ing, with app. N. Y. 1831. Tt. 242 : 3 Coleridge, S: Taylor. Aids to reflection ; with a preliminary essay by James Marsh. From the 4th London "ed." with the author's last corr., ed. by H: Nelson Coleridge. Bur- lington. 1840". O. 242 : 4 Collier, Robert Laird. Meditations on the es- sence of Christianity. Bost. 1876. D. 242:5 Doddridge, Philip. Thoughts on sacramental occasions ; with an mtrod. by James W. Alexander. Phila. 1858. S. 242 : 7 Fenelon, Fran9ois de Salignac de la Mothe. Reflections and meditations selected from [his] writings ; with a memoir of his life by J. R. G. Hassard, and an introd. by T: S. Preston. N. Y. 1865. D. 242 : 8 Fuller, T: Good thoughts in bad times, and other papers. Bost. 1863. D. 242 : 9 Contents. Good thoughts in bad times. Good thoughts in worse times. Mixt contemplations in better times. The cause and cure of a wounded con- science. Conclusion. Giles, H: Christian thought on life ; in a series of discourses. 2d ed. Bost. 1851. D. 242 : 10 Greenwell, Dora. The patience of hope, by the author of "A present heaven"; with an introd. by J: G. Whittier. Bost. 1864. D. 242 : 1 1 Two friends, by the author of " The patience of hope" and " A present heaven ". Bost. 1863. D. 242 : 12 Hervey, James. Meditations and contempla- tions ; prefixed, the life of the author. Bost. 1857. D. 242 : 13 Hinton, James. The mystery of pain ; a book for the sorrowful. N. Y. 1872. S. 242 : 14 Homar, hermit. Consolation from Homar, an hermit of the east. Added, a soliloquy by W: Smith. Newport, R. I. 1789. S. 242 : 6 Juliana, Mother. Sixteen revelations of divine love made to a devout servant of our Lord, called Mother Juliana, an anchorete of Norwich, who lived in the days of king Edward III. Bost. 1864. D. 242 : 15 Kelly, Denis. Self inspection. Lond. 1845. S. 242:16 Meikle, James. Solitude sweetened, or Miscel- laneous meditations on various religious subjects, written in distant parts of the world. N. Y. 1849. D. 242 : 23 Molinos, Miguel. Golden thoughts from The spiritual guide of Miguel Molinos, the quietist ; with a prof, by J. H: Shorthouse. N. Y. 1883. D. 242 : 25 Mountford, W: Euthanasy, or Happy talk toward the end of life. 4th ed., with add. Bost. 1852. D. 242 : 24 Parkman, Francis, ed. An offering of sympathy to the afflicted, especially to bereaved parents. New ed., rev. with add. by F: A. Farley. N. Y. 1863. D. 242 : 17 Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. Passing thoughts on religion. N. Y. 1865. S. 242 : 18 Spiritual voices from the middle ages ; consist- ing of a selection of abstracts from the writings of the fathers adapted for the hour of meditation, and concluding with a biographical notice of their lives. Lond. 1865. S. 242 : 19 Sturm, Christoph Christian. Reflections on the being and attributes of God, and on his works, both in nature and providence, for every day in the year. Origmally compiled in german ; corr., tr., methodized and greatly enl. by Adam Clarke. Lond. 1854. 2 V. D. 242 : 20 Taylor, I: Saturday evening, by the author of Natural history of enthusia"sm. N. Y. 1832. D. 242 : 21 Zschokke, J: H: Daniel. Meditations on death and eternity. Tr. from the german by Fredrica Rowan. Bost. 1863. D. 242 : 2J2 ITo r t at o r y . Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Practical Christian- ity ; a treatise specially designed for young men. N. Y. 1862. S. 243 : 8 AUeine, Joseph. An alarm to unconverted sin- ners, in a serious treatise on conversion ; rev. and abridged. N. Y. [1834]. S. 243 : 2 Baxter, R: A call to the unconverted to turn and live. N. Y. 1853. S. 243 : 3 Doddridge, Philip. Rise and progress of religion in the soul. Liverpool, n. d. Tt. 243 : 4 Eliot, W: Greenleaf. Lectures to young men. 4th ed. Bost. 1854. D. 243 : 6 Faber, F: W: Growth in holiness, or The pro- gress of the spiritual life. With the ap- probation of J: N. Neumann. 8th amer. ed. Bait. 1866. D. 243 : 6 Fletcher, Maria Jane, born Jewsbury. Letters to the young. Bost. 1835. D. 243 : 10 Fuller, T: The holy and profane states ; with some account of the author and his writ- ings. Bost. 1864. S. 243 : 7 Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise Sophie Friederike Gustave grafin. Aus Jerusalem. Mainz. 1851. S. 243 : 1 James, J: Angell. Pastoral addresses, chiefly on the subject of christian duty. N. Y. 1852. S. 243:9 Joceline, Elizabeth. The mother's legacie to her unborne childe ; repr. from the ed. of 1625, with a biographical and historical introd. Edinb. 1853. T. 243:11 Lacordaire, J: Baptiste H: Dominique ahbS. Letters to young men ; a complement to his life by the count de Montalembert. Tr. by James Trenor. Lond. 1865. O. 243 : 12 Law, W: A serious call to a devout and holy life, adapted to the state and condition of all orders of christians. New ed., to which is added the life of the author. Thetford. 1809. O. 343 : 13 108 CI. 243-249 THEOLOGY PRACTICAL. 104 Pike, J: Godfrey. A guide for young discii)les of the holy Saviour in their way to im- mortality; forming a sequel to "Persuasives to early piety". Abridged. N. Y. . d. S. 243 : 23 Sancroft, W: The new whole duty of man, con- taining the faith as well as practice of a christian ; made easy for the practice of the present age, as the old Whole duty of man was designed for those unhappy times in which it was written ; and supplying the articles of the christian faith which are wanting in that book, tho' essentially necessary to salvation. Necessary for all families and authorized by the king's most excellent majesty ; with devotions proper for several occasions, also a help to read- ing the scriptures. Lond. 1798. O. 243 : 14 Spiritual progress, or Instructions in the divine life of the soul, intended for such as are desirous to coiint all things but loss that they may win Christ. Pt. 1, ed. by James W. Metcalf. N. Y. 1855. D. 243 : 15 Contents. Christian counsel, by Fenelon. Spiritual letters, by Tenelon. Method of prayer, by mad. Guyon. Concise view of the way to God, by mad. Guyon. Spiritual maxims, by pere la Combe. Sprag^ue, W: Buell. Lectures to young people ; with an introd. address by S: Miller. 3d amer. ed. N. Y. 1835. D. ' 243 : 16 Spring, Gardiner. Fragments from the study of a pastor ; v. 1. N. Y. 1839. D. 243 : 17 Thomas a Kempis, [Hoemmerlein, lat. Malle- olus]. The imitation of Christ. Rendered into english from the original latin by J: Payne; with an introd. essay by 1": Chalmers, ed. by Howard Malcolm". A new improved ed., with a life of the author by C. Ullmann. Bost. 1859. D. 243 : 18 Tweedie, W: King. Home ; a book for the family circle. Springfield, Mass. 1869. D. 243 : 19 Man and his money ; its use and abuse. Lond. 1855. D. 243 : 20 Upham, T: Cogswell. Religious maxims having a connection with the doctrines and prac- tice of holiness. 2d ed. with add. Phila. 1854. S. 243:21 Williams, Roger. Experiments of spiritual life and health, ana their preservatives, in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spiritual life and blessed- nesse, and the strongest may finde pro- portionable discoveries of his christian growth and the means of it. Lond. printed in the second month 1652 ; repr. Providence, 1863. O. 243 : 22 2. Devotional. M i t u al . Butterworth, Hezekiah. The story of the not- able prayers of christian history. Bost. [1880]. D. 244:1 Paley, W: Clergyman's companion in visiting the sick ; containing, Rules for visiting the sick, The office for the visitation of the sick. The communion of the sick. Oc- casional prayers for the sick. Offices of public and private baptism. With his Horae paulinas. 227.4 : 1 Porter, J : The churchman's family prayer book, compiled from the most approved ancient and modern formulai'ies. Prefixed, an essay on the nature and obligations of family religion by T: Best. Lond. [1856]. .0. 244:2 Homilies. Certaine sermons or homilies ap- pointed to be read in churches in the time of queen Elizabeth. Lond. 1640. Q. 23 :B Ilymnology. Belcher, Josejsh. Historical sketches of hymns, their writers, and their influence. Phila. 1859. D. 245 : 1 Havergal, W: H: A history of the old hun- dredth psalm tune with" si)ecimens ; with a pref. note by J. M. Wainwright. N. Y. 1854. O. " 245+2 Hymns of the ages ; selections from Lyra cath- olica, germanica apostolica, and other sources ; with an introd. by F. D. Hunt- ington. lst-3d ser. Bost. 1865. 3 v. D. 245 : 3 Kurssati, F., ed. Pagt'rintos giesmju-kny^os, kuriosfe brangiilusios senos in naiijos "gies- mes surassytos Diewui ant Garbes ir priisfi karalist6je "esantiemsiems lietilwininkams ant diissiu iss^tinimo podradg su maldu- knygomis, kurios& ne tiktiiy senos, bet ir nailjos maldos randamos yril. Iss nailjo perweizdetos. Kcmigsberg. 1865. S. 245:7 Palmer, Sir Roundell, earl of Selborne, ed. The book of praise, from the best english hymn- writers. Cambridge. 1864. S. 245:4 Tupper, Martin Farquhar. A hymn for all na- tions, 1851. Tr. into 30 languages, upwards of 50 versions ; the music composed ex- pressly by S. Sebastian Wesley. Lond. 1851. O. " 245 : 5 White, R: Grant. National hymns, how they are written and how they are not written ; a lyric and national study for the times. N. Y. 1861. O. 245 : 6 Zabur aur git Khudd ki' ibsidat ke liye. Ilahiibild [Allahabad]. 1873. S. 245 : 8 Wo r s h % p , Bickersteth, E: H: Sabbath evenings at home, or The christian life ill. by scripture im- ages. Lond. 1855. T. 247 : 1 Bogatsky, C: H: v. Golden treasury for the children of God. Lond. 1850. Tt. 248 : 1 Prime, S: Irenasus. Five years of prayer, with the answers. N. Y. 1864. D. " 247 : 2 Zittel, Emil. Der protestantische gottesdienst in unserer zeit. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v4 3. Religious fiction and anecdote. Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Philochristus ; memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. \Anon.'\ 2d ed. Bost. 1876. S. 249 : 10 Onesimus ; memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul, by the author of Philochristus. Bost. l683. S. 249 : 9 105 THEOLOGY PRACTICAL. CI. 249-261 106 Abbott, Jacob. The young christian, or A fa- miliar illustration of the principles of christian duty. N. Y. 1833. D. 249 : 2 The way to do good, or The christian char- acter mature ; sequel to The young chris- tian and Corner-stone. Bost. 1836. D. 249:1 Adams, W: Sacred allegories. Leipz. 1864. S. x249 : 14 Contents. Memoir of the author. The shadow of the cross. The distant hills. The old man's home. The klQg's messengers. Bunyan, J: The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come ; containing his authenticated third part, " The travels of the ungodly," collated for the first time with the early ed. and the phraseology of all his works, with ill. notes by T: Scott ; containing also an essay on the life and writings of Bunyan by Josiah Conder. Phila. 1847. O, ' 249 : 3 The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come ; with a memoir and notes by G: Offor. 111. N. Y. [18831. O. 249 : 3 Cheever, G: Barrell. Lectures on the Pilgrim's grogress, and on the life and times of John unyan. 8th ed. N. Y. 1849. D. 249 : 4 Clarke, James Freeman. The legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. Bost. 1881. U. 249 : 19 Gladden, Washington. The christian league of Connecticut. N. Y. [1883]. D. 249 : 13 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Hackett, Horatio Balch. Christian memorials of the war, or Scenes and incidents, illus- trative of religious faith and principle, Eatriotism and bravery in our army, with istorical notes. Bost". 1864. D. 249 : 6 Ingraham, Joseph Holt. The pillar of fire T. p. w. D. 249 : 20 Island of life, The ; an allegory by a clergyman New ed. Bost. 1853. D. 249 : 6 Monod, Adolphe. Lucilla, or The reading of the Bible. Tr. from the french. New ed. Lond. [1883]. D. 249 : 16 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. A little pilgrim. Rep. from Macmillan's magazine. Bost. 1883. S. 249: 11 Old lady Mary ; a story of the seen and the unseen. [Anon.] Bost. 1884. S. 249 : 17 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Beyond the gates. Bost. 1883. D. 249 : 12 The gates ajar. T. p. w. S. 249 : 21 Sheepfold and common. The, or The evangelical rambler. N. Y. 1859. D. 249 : 7 Thisted, Waldemar Adolph, {M. Rowel, Emanuel St. Hermidad, Herodion, Hortulanus). Let- ters from hell. Given in english by L. W. J. S., with a preface by G: Macdonald. [Anon.] Lond. 1885. D. " 249 : 18 "Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur ; a tale of the Christ. N. Y. 1880. S. W 301 Warner, Susan. The word ; walks from Eden. N. Y. 1866. S. 249 : 8 Wilberforce, S: The prophet's guard. N. Y. 1846. T. ^ 249 : 15 6. Pastoral theology. 1. Homiletics. Baxter, R: The reformed pastor; showing the nature of the pastoral work, abridged by T: Rutherford. N. Y. 1831. T. 251 : 1 Gresley, W: Ecclesiastes anglicanus ; a treatise on preaching, as adopted to a church of England congregation, in a series of letters to a young clergyman. 1st amer. from the 3d eng. ed., witn supp. notes, coll. and arr. by B: I. Haight. N. Y. 1843. D. 251 : 2 Hall, J: God's word through preaching ; the Lyman Beecher lectures before the theo- logical department of Yale college, 4th ser. N. Y. 1875. D. 251:3 Murray, Nicholas, {Kirwan.) Preachers and preaching. N. Y. 1860. D. 251 : 4 Parker, Joseph. Ad clerum ; advices to a young preacher. Bost. 1871. D. 251 : 5 Phelps, Austin. Men and books, or Studies in homiletics ; lectures introductory to the theory of preaching. N. Y. 1883. 'O. 251 :10 Plumer, W: Swan. Hints and helps in pastoral theology. N. Y. 1874. D. 251 : 6 Spring, Gardiner. The power of the pulpit, or Thoughts addressed to christian ministers and those who hear them. N. Y. 1848. O. 261:7 Sumner, J: Bird. Apostolical preaching con- sidered in an examination of St. Paul's epistles. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1830. D. 251:8 Four sermons on subjects relating to the christian ministry ; and preached on differ- ent occasions. In his Apostolical preach- ing. 251:8 Tyng, Stephen Higginson. The office and duty of a christian pastor. N.Y. 1874. D. 251 :& 2. Sermons. Fish, H: Clay. History and repository of pulnit eloquence, deceased divines, containing tne masterpieces of Bossuet, Bourdaloue etc., with discourses from Chrysostom, Basil and others among the Fathers, and from Wickliff'e, Luther etc., of the reformers, also sixty other celebrated ser- mons from as many eminent divines in the greek and latin, english, german, Irish, french, Scottish, american and welsh churches, a lai'ge number of which have now, for the first time, been tr.; the whole arr. in their proper order, and accompanied with historical sketches of i)ri';u'lung in the diff"erent countries ropresi'iiti'd, and biographical and critical notices of the sev- eral preachers and their discourses. N. Y. 1857. 3v. O. 262+26 Contents. V. 1. The vreek and latin pulpit: Ter- tuUian; Cyprian; Athanasius; Cyril; Greg-cry Nazi- anzen; Basil, the great; Chrysostom; Augustine. 107 CI. 252-259 THEOLOGY PASTORAL. 108 Fish, H: Clay. Continued. The english pulpit: J:Wicklifife; Hu^h Latimer; J: Jewell; J: Donne; Joseph Hall; T: Adams; W: Chil- lingworth; R: Baxter; J: Bunyan; J: Howe; J: Til- lotson; I: Barrow; Robert South; B: Keach; Francis Atterbury; J: Wesley; G: Whitfield; Robert Robin- son; Robert Hall; W: Jay; J: Foster; R: Watson. Thegerman pulpit: Luther; Melanchthon; Spener; Zollikofer ; Herder ; Relnhard ; Scheiermacher; Harms; Theremin. -The Irish pulpit: Jeremy Tay- lor; Walter Blake Kirwan; Alexander Carson; C: Wolfe. 2. The french pulpit: Calvin; Bossuet; Bourdaloue; Flechier; La Rue; Fenelon; Abbadie; Superville; Massillon; Saurin; Vinet.-The Scottish pulpit: J: Knox; Ralph Erskine; J: M'Laurin; Rob- ert Walker; Hugh Blair: J: Logan; T: M'Crie; T: Chalmers; E: Irving. The amerlcan pulpit: T: Hooker; Cotton Mather; Jonathan Edwards; S: Davies; J: Livingston; W: White; J: Leland; Jona- than Maxcy; E: D. Griffin; J: M. Mason; W: Staugh- ton; Gregory T. Bedell; Stephen Olin; J: Summer- field; Bela B. Edwards; Albert B. Dod. The welsh pulpit: D: Charles; Christmas Evans; J: Elias. Pulpit eloquence of the 19th century, supple- mentary to the History and repository of pulpit eloquence, deceased divines, and containing discourses of eminent living ministers in Eurojie and America, with sketches biographical and descriptive ; with an introd. essay by Edwards A. Park. N. Y. 1857. O. 252 : 27 Omtents. The german pulpit : F: A: G. Tholuck; Julius Mnller; C. A. Harless; C: Immanuel Nitzsch; Rudolf Stier; F: W: Krummacher; W. Hofl"mann; Emll W. Krummacher; Philip Schafif. The french pulpit: J. H. Merle D'Aubigne; S. R. L. Gaussen; Cffisar Malan; Adolphe Monod; J. H. Grandpierre; Athanase Coquerel; W: Monod; J. J. Audebez. The american pulpit: W: R. Williams; Albert Barnes; Robert J. Breckenridge; J: McClintock; M: Hopkins; G: W. Bethune; Alonzo Potter; F: D. Huntington; R: Fuller; T: H. Skinner; Eliphalet Nott; J: P. Durbin; Lyman Beecher; James Romeyn; C: Pettit Mcllvalne; Francis Wayland; G: F. Pierce; R: S. Storrs, jr. The english pulpit: H: MelvlU; J: A.James; Baptist W. Noel; Jabez Bunting; Hugh McNeil; T: Binney; W: Arthur; C: H. Spurgeon.- The scotch pulpit : T: Guthrie; Alexander Dutf; J: Caird; J: McFarlane; J: Gumming; James Buchanan; Robert S. Candllsh; James Hamilton. The Irish pulpit: H: Cooke; R: Whately; Alexander King; Robert Irving. The welsh pulpit: W: Roberts; W: Rees; T: Aubrey. English, ptilpit. The ; collection of sermons by the most eminent living divines of Eng- land. N. Y. 1854. O. 252+25 Contents. Jabez Bunting. C. J. Bloomfleld. James Parsons. F. J. Jobson. T. Raffles. James Hamil- ton. Daniel Moore. J: A. James.- Jabez Burns. J. E. Beaumont. E: Parsons.- Joseph Wolfl".- D. E. Ford.-W: Atherton.-Isaiah BIrt. W: Jay. C: Brad- ley. W. M. Bunting. R. W. Hamilton. J. Bennett. James Bromley. H: Melvill. Robert Newton. Alex. Fletcher. Timothy East.- James Sherman. J. Belcher.- B. W. Noel. J : Gumming.- Robert Young. T. Adkins. Timothy Gibson. Scotch sermons, 1880. N. Y. 1881. D. 252 : 50 ContentH. 23 sermons by J: Caird; J. Cunningham; D.J. Ferguson; W: Knight; W. Mackintosh; W. L. M'Farlan; Allan Menzies; T. Nicoll; T. Rain; A. Semple; J. Stevenson; Patrick Stevenson; R. H. Story. Thornton, J: Wingate. ed. The pulpit of the american revolution, or The political ser- mons of the period of 1776 ; with a histori- cal introd., notes and ill. Best. 1860. D. 252 : 64 Contents. Historical introd. Dr. Mayhew's sermon of Jan. 30, 17.50.- Dr. Chauncy's thanksgiving sermon on tho repeal of the stamp act, 1766. Mr. Cooke's election sermon. 1770. Mr. Gordon's thanksgiving sermon, 1774. Dr. Langdon's election sermon at Watertown, 1775. Mr. West's election sermon, 1776. Mr. Payson's election sermon, 1778. Mr. Howard's election sermon, 1780. Dr. Stile's election sermon, 1783. Moore, Frank, ed. The patriot preachers of the american revolution, with biographical sketches. N. Y. 1862. D. 252 : 75 Contents. Jonathan Mayhew; The snare broken. S: Langdon; Government corrupted by vice. Jacob Duche; The duty of standing fast in our spiritual and temporal liberties. W: Smith; Present situation of american affairs. J: Joachim Zubly; The law of liberty. J: Hurt; The love of country. W: Goi-don; The separation of the Jewish tribes. Nathaniel Whitaker; An antidote against to ryism. Oliver Hart; Dancing exploded. S: Stillman; Sermon before the council and house of representatives of the state of Mass. Bay. D: Tappan; Sermon occasioned by the ratification of peace between Great Britain and the TJ. S. J: Rodgers; The divine goodness displayed in the american revolution. G: Duffleld; Sermon on the restoration of peace. Alford, H: Meditations in advent, on creation and providence. Lond. 1865. S. 252 : 1 Augustinus Aurelius, St. Seventeen short treatises of S. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, tr. with notes and indices. [Library of the fathers, no. 22.] Oxford. 1847. O. 252 : 2 Baker, Francis Aloysius {originally Asbury). Sermons ; with' a memoir of his life by A. F. Hewit. 2d ed. N. Y. 1866. O. 252 : 3 Beecher, H: Ward. Freedom and war; dis- courses on topics suggested by the times. Bost. 1863. D. 252 : 4 Lecture-room, talks ; a series of familiar dis- courses on themes of general christian ex- perience. N. Y. 1870. D. 252 : 6 Bethune, A. N. Lectures upon historical por- tions of the Old testament. N. Y. 1857. D. 252 :6 Beveridge, W: Twenty-six sermons on various subjects, selected from [his] works. [So- ciety for promoting christian knowledge.] Lond. 1850. O. 252 : 7 Blair, Hugh. Sermons ; urefixed, the life and character of the autnor by James Finlay- son. Complete in 1 v. N. Y. 1859. O. 252+8 Boston, T: The crook in the lot, or A display of the sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men, and the christian's deportment under them. Phila. 1839. S. 252:9 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson. Counsel and comfort spoken from a city pulpit. Bost. 1804. D. 252 : 10 The graver thoughts of a country ])arson. Bost. 1863. D. 252:11 Brace, C: Loring. Short sermons to news boys ; with a history of the formation of the News boys' lodging house. N. Y. 1866. D. 252 : 12 BuUinger, H: The decades. Tr. by H. I. 1st and 2nd decades, ed. for the Parker society by T: Harding. Cambridge. 1849. O. 252 : 13 Butler, Clement Moore. St. Paul in Rome ; lectures del. in the legation of the U. S. of America in Rome. Phila. 1865. D. 252 : 14 Chalmers, T: Sermons and discourses ; now completed by the introd. of his posthumous sermons. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. O. 252+15 Chrysostomus, J:, St. The homilies of S. John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople, on the epistles of St. Paul, the apostle, to Timothy, Titus and Philemon ; tr. with notes and indices. [Library of the fathers, no. 12.] Cambridge. 1853. O. 252 : 16 169 THEdL0GY-tAST6llAL. dl. 265S-266 110 Churchill, C: Sermons on the Lord's prayer. In his Works. 820.2: 6 v4 Collier, Robert Laird. Every-day subjects in Sunday sermons. Bost. 1870. D. 252 : 17 CoUyer, Robert. The life that now is ; sermons. Bost. 1871. S. 252:18 Nature and life : sermons. Bost. 1867. S. 252:19 Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. Sermons on doctrine and duty. 2d ed. Phila. 1856. D. 252 : 76 Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus. The catechetical lectures of S. Cyril of Jerusalem, tr. with notes and indices. [Library of the fathers, no. 2.] Oxford. 1845. O. 252 : 20 Davies, S: Sermons on important subjects. Bost. 1810. O. 252 : 21 Drummond, James. Thoughts for the christian life ; with an introd. by J. G. Holland. N. Y. 1864. D. 252 : 22 Dudley, J: Langford. Tides and tendencies of religious thought. Phila. 1873. D. 252 : 23 [Sermons. Milw. 1870-72.] O. 252 : 24 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. The rising and the setting faith, and other discourses. N. Y. 1878. D. 252 : 28 Contents. The mission of the radical preacher. The rising and the setting' faith. The unbelief of the believers. Why does the popular religion pre- vail ? Formal religion and life. The sectarian spirit. The dogma of hell. The higher sentiments. At- titudes of unbelief. The office of prayer. The american gentleman. The american lady. Visions of the future, and other discourses. N. Y. 1879. O. 252 : 29 Contents. Life as test of creed.- The inspiration of scripture.- Morals and religion. Religion and im- mortality. The consolations of rationalism. The demand of the age on religion. The demand of religion on the age. The practical value of belief in God. The real God. The popular religion. The new song. Visions of the future. Goulburn, E: Meyrick. Thoughts on personal religion ; a treatise on the christian life in its two chief elements, devotion and prac- tice. 4th amer. ed. ; with a prefatory note by G: H. Houghton. N. Y. 1866. S. 252 : 30 Guthrie, T: The gospel in Ezekiel, ill. in a^ series of discourses. N. Y. 1859. D. 252:31 Hitchcock, E: Religious lectures on peculiar phenomena in the four seasons : 1. The resurrections of spring ; 2. The triumphal arch of summer ; 3. The euthanasia of autumn ; 4. The coronation of winter ; del. to the students in Amherst college in 1845 1849. 3d ed. Bost. 1853. D, 252 : 32 Hobart, J: H:, bp. of New York. Posthumous works, with a memoir of his life by W: Berrian. N. Y. 1832, 1833. 3 v. O. 252 : 33 Contents. V. 1. Berrian, W: Memoir. 2, 3. Sermons. Hopkins, M: Teachings and counsels ; twenty baccalaureate sermons, with a discourse on president Garfield. N.Y. 1884. D. 252:88 Hujntington, F: Dan. Sermons for the people. 3d ed. Bost. 1856. D. 252 : 34 Kingsley, C: Discipline, and other sermons. (Works, V. 27). Lond. 1881. D. 252 : 83 The good news of God ; sermons. (Woi'ks, v. 24). Lond. 1881. D. 252 : 80 The gospel of the Pentateuch ; a set of parish sermons, aTit? David ; five sermons. (Works, V. 35). Lond. 1878. D. 252:81 Kingsley, C: Continued. Sermons for the times. (Works, v. 23). Lond.* 1880. D. 252 : 79 Same. N. Y. 1858. D. 252 : 79 Sermons on national subjects. (Works, v. 22). Lond. 1880. D. 262 : 78 Village sermons, and Town and country sermons. New ed. (Works, v. 21). Lond. 1882. D. 252 : 77 The water of life, and other sermons. (Works, V. 26). Lond. 1879. D. 252 : 82 Westminster sermons, with a preface. [Works, V. 28]. Lond. 1882. D. 252 : 84 Leighton, Robert. Eighteen sermons, first pub. in Glasgow in 1692 at the desire of his friends, from his papers written with his own hand, and now reprinted ; wherein all obvious errors of the press are amended, some notes added for the sake of the com- mon reader, and an account of his life pre- fixed ; with an app. cont. explications of the disputed points of justification, assur- ance, etc., and an index of the most material things. Lond. 1745. O. 252 : 36 Luther, Martin. A selection of [his] most celebrated sermons, never before pub. in the U. S. ; prefixed, a biographical nistory of his life. Phila. 1831. D. 252 : 37' MacDonald, G: Unspoken sermons. N. Y. 1871. D. 252 : 38 Manning, H: E: The fourfold sovereignty of God. Lond. 1871. D. 252 : 39 The four great evils of the day. Lond. 1871. D. 252 : 40 Contents. The revolt of the Intellect against God. The revolt of the will against God. The revolt of society from God. The spirit of antichrist. Martineau, James. Endeavors after the christian life ; a volume of discourses. Bost. 1844. D. 252:41 Massillon, J: Baptiste. Sermons ; prefixed, the life of the author. Selected and tr. by W: Dickson. 3d ed. Lond. 1803. 3 v. D. 252 : 42 Mears, D. O. The jubilee sabbath of Piedmont church ; two discourses, del. June 5, 1881. Worcester, 1881. Q. 252 : R74 Monod, Adolphe F: Theodore. Les adieux d'Adolphe Monod ; parting words to his friends and the church, oct. 1855 to march 1856. Tr. from the 5th Paris ed. N. Y. 1873. D. 252 : 43 Munger, Theodore T. The freedom of faith. Bost. 1883. D. 252 : 85 Sermons with a prefatory essay, "The new the- ology". Paley, W: Sermons on several subjects [and] Sermons on several occasions. N. Y. 1824. T. 252 : 44 Parker, Theodore. Ten sermons of religion. 2d ed. Bost. 1861. D. 252 : 45 Peabody, Andrew Preston. Christian belief and life. Bost. 1875. D. 252 : 46 Potter, Alonzo. Discourses, charges, pastoral letters, etc. Phila. 1858. D. 262 : 47 Powers, Horatio Nelson. Through the year ; thoughts relating to the seasons of nature and the church. Bost. 1875. D. 252 : 48 Pusey, E: Bouverie. Parochial sermons. 2d ed. from the 3d Oxford ed. Phila. 1865. D. 262 : 49 HI CI. 262-260 5?HE0LdGY PASTORAli. m Seabury, S: Discourses on several subjects. Hudson. 1815. 2 v. O. 252 : 51 Sewall, Frank. The pillow of stones; divine allegories in their spiritual meaning. Phila. 1876. D. 252 : 53 Sheldon, H: O. The itinerant minister, his work and his reward ; a sermon preached before the bishops and ministers of the Delaware conference, at its first session, sept. 24, 1856. Pub. by request. 4th ed. Cine. 1860. O. 252 : 54 Divine providence, or Fore-knowledge and the influence of motives consistent with free agency and God's government of events ; a sermon. Cine. 1860. O. With his The itinerant minister. 252 : 54 God is love ; a sermon on divine benevolence, preached in the universalist church, Cal- vert St., Baltimore, sept. 25, 1842. 8th ed. Cine. 1860. O. With his The itinerant min- ister. 252 : 54 Skinner, G. M. Sermons, doctrinal and practi- cal ; incl. a series of discourses upon the decalogue. Phila. 1871. D. 252 : 55 Smith, Sydney. Sermons. In his Works. 820.2+19 Smyth, Newman. The reality of faith. N. Y. 1884. D. 252 : 89 Southard, S: Lewis. The mystery of godliness. N. Y. 1848. O. 252+56 Spring, Gardiner. Pulpit ministrations, or Sab- bath readings ; a series of discourses on chi'istian doctrine and duty. N. Y. 1864. 2v. O. 252+57 Spurgeon, C: Haddon. Sermons, 1st 7th ser ; with introd. and biograph. sketch by E. L. Magoon. N. Y. 1859-1862. 7 v. D. ' 252 : 58 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Sermons preached before his royal highness, the prince of Wales, during his tour in the east in the spring of 1862, with notices of some of the localities visited. N. Y. 1863. D. 252 : 59 Sermons on special occasions, preached at Westminster abbey. [Frank, sq. lib.] N. Y. 1882. Q. 252+72 Same. Westminster sermons. N. Y. 1882. D. 252 : 72 Staples, Nahor A: Way, truth and life ; ser- mons, with a sketch of his life by J : W. Chadwick. Bost. 1870. S. 252 : 60 Sterne, Lawrence. Sermons. In ?ds Works. 820.2: 20v3, 4 Sumner, J: Bird. The world lost by sin ; a ser- mon. In 7us Apostolical preaching. Swing, D: Motives of life. 2d ed. Chicago. 1879. S. 252 : 61 Contents. Intellectual progress. Home. A good name. The pursuit of happiness. Benevolence. Religion. Truths for to-day. Chicago. 1874, 1876. 2 v. D. 252 : 62 Tholuck, F: A: Gotttreu. Light from the cross ; sermons on the passion of our Lord. Tr. from the german. Phila. 1858. D. 252 : 63 Thompson, Joseph Parrish. The early wit- nesses, or Piety and preaching of the middle ages. K. Y. 1857. T. 252 : 73 Trench, R: Chenevix. The fitness of holy scrip- ture for unfolding the spiritual life of men, ii. : Christ the desire of all nations, or The unconscious prophecies of heathendom ; the Hulsean lectures for 1845 and 1846. From 2d Lond. ed. rev. by the author. Phila. 1860. D. 252 : 65 Sermons preached before the university of Cambridge. N. Y. 1857. D. 252 : 66 Tyler, W: Seymour. A discourse commemora- tive of "hon. S: Williston, del. in the Pay- son church at Easthampton, sept. 13, 1874 and also in the college church at Amherst, sept. 20. Springfield: 1874. O. 252+87 Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe. Gospel studies ; with an introd. by Robert Baird. N. Y. 1849. D. 252 : 67 Walker, James. Sermons preached in the chapel of Harvard college. Bost. 1861. D. 252 : 68 Whately, R: Essays, first series, on some of the peculiarities of tile christian religion. 7th ed. rev. Lond. 1856. O. 252 : 69 Whewell, W: On the foundations of moi-als ; four sermons preached before the univer- sity of Cambridge, nov. 1837 ; with add. discourses and essays. Andover. 1839. S. 252 : 70 Whitehouse, H: J: The sepulchre in the gar- den ; preached at the funeral of mrs. Helen Anderson Carter in the church of the hoi communior Y. 1862. O communion, Chicago, march 28, 1862. N. 252+86 Wiseman, N: Patrice Stephen. The sermons, lectures and speeches del. during his tour in Ireland in aug. and sept. 1858, with his lecture del. in London on the "Impres- sions" of his tour ; rev. by his eminence, with a connecting narrative. Bost. 1859. D. 252:71 7. Institiitions and Missions. 1. Institutions in general. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Christian institu- tions ; essays on ecclesiastical subjects. N. Y. 1881. b. 260 : 1 Contents. Baptism. The eucharlst. Absolution. Ecclesiastical vestments.- The basilica.- The clergy. The pope. The lltanv.- The roman catacombs.- The creed of the early christians.- The Lord's prayer. The council and creed of Constantinople. The ten commandments. Addenda. Index. Thayer, W: Makepeace. A book for the times, spots in our feasts of charity ; an exposure of the delinquencies of christian professors in regard to the ordinances of religion, and other agencies for doing good ; with an introd. by Jacob Ide. Bost. 1854. D. 260 : 2 113 THEOLOGY INSTITTJTIONS. CI. 261-262 114 2. The church. (See also Christian sects, col. 125.) Barrett, B: Franklin. The golden reed ; or The true measure of a true church. N. Y. 1855. D. 261 : 1 Baumgarten, Michael. Anti-Kliefoth, oder Die fefiihrlichste reichsfeindschaft an einem eispiel aufgezeigt. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Der kampf um das reichscivilstandsgesetz in der deutschen protestantischen kirche. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 Der protestantismus als politisches princip ini deutschen reich. In Deutsche zeit- iind streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Bunsen, Christian C: Josias freiherr v. Signs of the times ; letters to Ernst Moritz Arndt on tne dangers to religious libertj' in the present state of the world. Tr. from the german by Susanna Winkworth. N. Y. 1856. D. 261 : 2 Deutsches kaiserwort, Ein. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v7 Fry, Caroline. The listener in Oxford. [Anon.] 3d ed. Lond. 1840. S. 261 : 3 Geffcken, H: Church and state ; their relations historically developed. Tr. and ed. with the assistance of the author by E: Fairfax Taylor. Lond. 1877. 2 v. O. ' 261+15 Lathrop, Joseph. Christ's warning to the churches ; with an app. on the apostolical I 'I "tn an introd. notice by J. M. Wainwright. N. Y. 1844. S. 261 : 5 succession, [and] witn an introd. notice b^ Manning, H: E: The reunion of Christendom; a pastoral letter to the clergy, etc. N. Y. 1866. O. 261 : 6 The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance. 2d ed. Lond. 1875. O. 261 : 7 Pusey, E: Bouverie. The church of England a portion of Christ's one holy catholic church and a means of restoring visible unity ; an eirenicon in a letter to the author of " The christian year." N. Y. 1866. D. 261:8 Note. For reply see Newman, .T: H: Letter, no. 282+14. Putnam, Ellen T. H. Where is the city ? 2d ed. [Anon.] Bost. 1868. S. 261 : 4 Sclater, W: The original draught of the primi- tive church. New ed. carefully corr., with the quotations from the fathers, etc., given at length. Oxford. 1850. D. 261 : 9 Stone, J: Kent. The invitation heeded ; reasons for a return to catholic unity. 2d ed. N. Y. 1870. D. 261 : 10 Stow, Baron. First things, or The development of church life. Bost. 1859. S. 261 : 11 Taylor, [: Spiritual despotism, by the author of Natural history of enthusiasm. N. Y. 1835. D. 261 : 12 Tuttle, I: H. Our brethren in every city ; brief sketches of european and eastern churches. N. Y. 1855. 8. 261 : 13 Wasserschleben, F: W: A: Hermann. Das lan- desherrliche kirchenregiment. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl "WTiately, R: A general view of the rise, pro- gress and corruptions of Christianity ; with a sketch of the life of the author, and a catalogue of his writings. N. Y. 1860. D. 261 : 14 M cclesi astical polity . Coleridge, S: Taylor. On the constitution of church and state. In his Complete works ^ 820.2: 7 v6 Ewer, F. C. Catholicity in its relationship to protestantism and romanism ; six confer- ences del. at Newark, N. J., at the request of leading laymen of that city. N. Y. 1878. D. 262 : 1 Hobart, J: H: An apology for apostolic order and its advocates, in a series of letters ad- dressed to J: M. Mason. 2d ed. with notes and an index. N. Y. 1844. D. 262 : 2 HoltzendorflF, Franz v. Der priester-colibat. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v4 Hooker, R: Laws of ecclesiastical polity. In Ms Works. 200+6 Huber, Victor Aime, (Janus). The pope and the council, by Janus. Authorized tr. from the german. Bost. 1870. D. 262 : 3 Kenrick, Francis Patrick. The primacy of the apostolic see, and the authority of general councils vindicated, in a series of letters addressed to J. H. Hopkins. Phila. 1838. D. 262 : 4 Ladd, G: Trumbull. Principle of church polity, illustrated by an analysis of modern Con- gregationalism, and applied to certain im- portant practical questions in the govern- ment of christian churches ; Soutnworth lectures, del. at Andover theological semi- nary in 18791881. N. Y. 1882. O. 262 : 10 Lea, H: C: An historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the christian church. 2d ed. enl. Bost. 1884. O. 262+11 Maistre, Joseph Marie comte de. The pope con- sidered in his relations to the churcn, tem- poral sovereignties, separated churches, and the cause of civilization. Tr. by ^neas McD. Dawson. Lond. 1850. D. 262:5 Mason, J: Mitchell. Essays on episcopacy, and the Apology for apostolic order and its advocates, reviewed ; ed. by Ebenezer Mason. N. Y. 1844. D. ' 262 : 6 Perceval, Arthur Philip. An apology for the doctrine of apostolical succession, with an app. on the english orders. N. Y. 1840. S. 262:7 Schulte, J: F: ritter v. Ueber kirchenstrafen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Stillingffleet, E: A defence of the discourse con- cerning the idolatry practised in the church of Rome, in answer to a book en- tituled Catholicks no idolaters. The two first parts. Lond. 1676. S. 262 : US "Weninger, Fran9ois Xavier. On the apostoli- cal and infallible authority of the Eope, when teaching the faithful, and on is relation to a general council. 2d ed. N. Y. 1869. D. 262 : 9 3. The sabbath. Andrews, J. N. History of the sabbath, and the first day of the week. 2d ed. Battle Creek, Mich. 1873. D. 263 : 1 115 CI. 263-269 THEOLOGY INSTITUTIONS. Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, and G: Blagden Bacon. The sabbath question, Sunday ob- servance and Sunday laws ; a sermon and two speeches by Leonard W. Bacon ; six sermons on the sabbath question, by the late G: Blagden Bacon. N. Y. 1882. S. 263:4 Gilfillan, James. The sabbath viewed in the light of reason, revelation and history, with sketches of its literature. N. Y. 1862. D. 263 : 2 Lanuners, A: Sonntagsfeier in Deutschland. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15 vll Littlejohn, W. H. The constitutional amend- ment, or The sunday, the sabbath, the change and restitution ; a discussion be- tween W. H. Littlejohn, seventh-day ad- ventist, and the ed. of the Christian states- man. Battle Creek. 1873. D. 263 : 3 4. Baptism. Adams, W: Mercy to babes ; a plea for the christian baptism of infants, addressed to those who doubt and to those who deny the validity of that practice, upon the grounds of the doctrine of baptism, and the eternal sense of holy writ, and of the domestic, social and religious nature of man. N. Y. 1847. D. 264 : 1 Gale, J: Reflections on mr. [W:] Wall's History of infant baptism. {Anon.^ T.p.w. [Lond. 1711.] D. 264 : 2 Woods, Leonard. Lectures on infant baptism. 3d ed. Andover. 1829. D. 264 : 3 5. Missions. In general. Harris, J: The great commission, or The christ- ian church constituted and charged to convey the gospel to the world ; with an introd. essay by W: R. Williams. 8th thous. Bost. 1858. D. 266 : 2 Holmes, J: Historical sketches of the missions of the united brethren for propagating the gospel among the heathen, from their com- mencement to the present time. Dublin. 1818. O. 266 : 3 Marshall, T. W. M. Christian missions ; their agents, and their results. N. Y. 1864. 3 v. O. 266 : 7 Newcomb, Harvey. A cyclopedia of missions ; containing a comprehensive view of mis- sionary operations throughout the world, with geographical descriptions, and ac- counts of the social, moral and religious condition of the people. 2d rev. ed. with the latest corr. N. Y. 1860. O. 266+8 Thompson, A: C. Moravian missions ; twelve fectures. N. Y. 1882. D. 266 : 11 "Wameck, Gustav. Modern missions and cul- ture ; their mutual relations. Tr. from the german by T: Smith. Edinb. 1883. D. 266 : 12 Ho m e . Beecher, Lyman. A plea for the west. 3d ed. Cine. 1836. T. 266 : 1 Smet, P: J: de. Western missions and mission- aries ; a series of letters. N. Y. 1863. D. 266 : 10 Kip, W: Ingraham. A few days at Nashotah. Albany. 1849. O. 266 : 5 ~ The early Jesuit missions in North America. N. Y. 1848. D. 266 : 4 liOskiel, G: H: History of the mission of the united brethren among the Indians in North America, in 3 parts. Tr. from the german by Christian Ignatius La Trobe. ond. 1794. O. 266 : 6 Shea, J: Gilmary. History of the catholic mis- sions among the indian tribes of the U. S., 15291854. N. Y. 1854. D. 266 : 9 Fo reign Dean, W: The China mission; embracing a history of the various missions of all de- nominations among the Chinese, with bio- graphical sketches of deceased mission- aries. N. Y. 1859. D. 267 : 1 Hue, Evariste Regis abbe. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. N. Y. 1857. 3 v. D. 267:2 Contents. V. 1. From the apostleship of St. Thomas to the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. 2. From the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope to the establishment of the Mantchoo-Tartar dynasty In China. Eesson, J: The cross and the dragon, or The fortunes of Christianity in China ; with notices of the christian missions and mis- sionaries, and some account of the Chinese secret societies. Lond. 1854. D. 267 : 3 Siam and Laos, as seen by our american mis- sionaries. Map and ill. Phila. [18841. D. 267 : 6 Young, Robert. Modern missions, their trials and triumphs ; with introd. by James H. Wilson. 1st amer. ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. [1883]. D. 267:4 Note. Modern protestant missions In India, Burmah, Japan, China, south Africa, western Africa, central Africa, Madagascar, eastern and central Polynesia, Melanesia. Light in the lands of darkness ; a record of missionary labor among greenlanders, eskimos, patagonians, etc.; with introd. by the earl of Shaftesbury. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 267:5 Adventures of a missionary, or Rivers of water in a dry place ; an account of the intro- duction of the gospel of Jesus into sotith Africa and of mr. Moffat's missionary travels and labors. 111. N. Y. n. d. 8. x267:7 Sunday schools and revivals . Tyng, Stephen Higcinson. Forty years ex- perience in Sunday schools. N. Y. 1860. S. 268: 1 Spragxie, W: Buell. Lectures on revivals of religion ; with an introd. essay by Leonard Woods, also an app. consisting of letters from drs. Alexander, Wayland [and others]. 2d ed. with add. letters. " N. Y. 1833. D. 269 : 1 Clark, Rufus Wheelwright. The work of (iod in Great Britain under messrs. Moody and Sankey, 1873 to 1875; with biographical sketches. N. Y. 1875. D. 269 : 2 Schramm, K: Rudolph. Das heer der selig- raacher, oder Die heils-armee in England. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15vl2 z denotes books specially adapted for children. 117 THEOLOGY ECCLESIAST. HISTORY. 01. 270 118 8. Ecclesiastical history. (See also general and special history classes.) 1. In general. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The history of Chris- tianity ; consisting of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the adventures of Paul and the apostles, and the most inter- esting events in the progress of chiistianity from the earliest period to the present time. Bost. [1881]. D. 270: 1 Allen, Joseph H: Christian history in its three o;reat periods: 1. Early Christianity; 3. The middle age ; 3. Modern phases. "Bost. 1883. 3 V. S. 270 : 20 Alzog, J: Manual of univei'sal church history. Tr. with add. from the 9th and last german ed. by F. J. Pabisch and T: S. Byrne ; with 3 chronological tables and 3 ecclesiastico- geographical maps. Cine. 1874. 3 v. O. 270+2 DOllinger, J: Joseph Ignaz v. A history of the church. Tr. from the german by E: Cox. Lond. 1840-42. 4 v. O. 270 : 3 Gieseler, J: C: L: A text book of church his- tory. Tr. from the 4th rev. german ed.; new amer. ed., rev. and ed. by H: B. Smith. N. Y. 1857-80. 5 v. O. 270 : 22 Contents. V. 1. A. d. I 726. 2. A. d. 726 1305. 3. A. d. 1305 1517. Index to the 3 vols. 4. A. d. 1517 1648. 5. From the reformation to the present time, completed by Mary F. Bobinson. Milner, Joseph. The history of the church of Christ; with add. and corr. by I: Milnei'. From the last Lond. ed. Phila. 1835. 2 v. O. 270:11 Mosheim, J: Lorenz v. An ecclesiastical his- tory, ancient and modern, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the 18th century, in which the rise, progress and variations of church power are considered in their connexion with the state of learn- ing and philosophy, and the political his- tory of Europe during that period. Tr. from the original latin, and ill. with notes, chronological tables and an appendix by Archibald Maclaine. Continued to the year 1826 by C: Coote, and furnished with a dissertation on the state of the primitive church by G: Gleig. Cine. 1859. Q. 270-1-4 Neander, J: A: W: (Jewish name Mendel). Gen- eral history of the christian religion and church. From the german ; tr. from the 2d and imp. ed. by Joseph Torrey. 6th-llth amer. ed. Bost. 1853-81. 6 v. O. 270-f6 Palmer, W: Ecclesiastical history from the earliest period to the present time ; with a pref. and notes by an amer. ed. 5th ed., with a series of questions, adapting the work for parochial instruction. N. Y. 1844. D. 270 : 6 Schaff, Philip. History of the christian church. New ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1882, 1883. 3 v. O. 270+14 Contents. V. 1. Apostolic Christianity. 2. Ante- nicene Christianity, a. d. 100325. 8. Nlcene and post-nicene Christianity, a. d. 311600. To be con- tinued. Spalding:, Martin J: [Essays on ecclesiastical history], /n /m Miscellanies. 824.1-|-76 Contents, see under English literature. Essays. Cave, W: Antiquitates apostolicse, or The his- tory of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke, to which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, mosaical and evangelical ; being a continuation of Anti quitates Christiana?, or The life and death of the holy Jesus. 5th ed. rev., with add. Lond. 1684. F. 23 : B Coquerel, Athanase Josue, Jpilg. First historical transformations of Christianity. From the french, by E. P. Evans. Bost". 1867. D. 270:7 Fisher, G: Park. The beginnings of christianitv, with a view of the state of the roman world at the birth of Christ. N. Y. n. d. O. 270 : 23 DOllinger, J: Joseph Ignatz v. The first age of Christianity and the church. Tr. by H: Nutcombe Oxenham. 3d ed. Lond. 1877. 2 V. D. 270 : 24 Farrar, F: W: The early days of Christianity. N. Y. [1882]. O. 270:18 Milman, H: Hart. The history of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the roman empire. N. Y. 1881. 3v. in2. D. 270:21 Pressense, Edmond Marcellin Dehault de. The early years of Christianity; a comprehensive history of the first three centuries of the christian church. Tr. by Annie Harwood- Holmden. Lond. 1879, 1880. 4 v. D. 270 : 26 Contents. V. 1. The apostolic ag'e. 2. The martyrs and apoloKists. 8. Heresy and christian doctrine. 4. Lite and practice in the early church. SchaflF, Philip. History of the apostolic church ; with a general in trod, to church history. Tr. by E: D. Yeomans. N. Y. 1864. O. 270-1^12 History of the christian church, from the birth of Christ to the reign of Constantine, a. d. 1-311. 2d ed. N.T. 1864. O. 270+13 Eusebius Pamphili Cmsariensis. Ecclesiastical history [to a. d. 324J. Tr. from the greek by C.'F. Cruse; with notes sel. from the ed. of Valesius. Lond. 1865. D. 270 : 8 Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical histor^p^ ; comprising a history of the church, in seven booKs, from the accession of Con- stantine, a. d. 305, to the 38th year of Theodosius II, including a period of 140 years. Tr. from the greek ; with some ac- count of the author and notes sel. from Valesius. Lond. 1853. D. 270 : 19 Taylor, 1: Ancient Christianity, and the doc- trines of the Oxford tracts. Phila. 1840. D. 270 : 15 119 CI. 270-274 THEOLOGY ECCLESIAST. HISTORY. Uhlhorn, Gerhard. The conflict of Christianity with heathenism. Ed. and tr. with the author's sanction from the 3d germ. ed. by Egbert C. Smyth and C. J. HT Ropes. N . Y^^1879. O. 270 : 16 "Waddington, G: A history of the church, from the earliest ages to the reformation. [Library of useful knowledge.] Lond. 183-]. O. 270 : 17 Guizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. Meditations on the actual state of Christianity and on the attacks which are now being made upon it. Tr. under the superintendence of the author. N. Y. [1866]. D. 270 : 9 Contents. Preface. The awakening of Christianity in France in the 19th century. Spiritualism. Kation- allsm. Positivism. Pantheism. Materialism. Skepticism. Impiety, recklessness and perplexity. Lawrence, Eugene. Historical studies. N. Y. 1876. O. 270 : 10 Contents. The bishops of Rome. Leo and Luther. Loyola and the Jesuits. Ecumenical councils. The vaudols. The huguenots. The church of Jerusalem. Dominic and the inquisition. The conquest of Ire- land. The greek church. Newman, J: H: [Sketches of ecclesiastical history.] In his Historical sketches. 824.2 : 75 Contents, see under English literature. Essays. 2. Religious orders. Taaflfe, J: The history of the holy, military sovereign order of St. John of Jerusalem"; or knights hospitallers, knights templars, knights of Rhodes, knights of Malta. Lond. 1852. 4 V. in 2. O. 271 : 1 Townsend, G: Fyler. The sea-kings of the Mediterranean. 2d ed. Lond. [1872]. D 271 :7 Montalembert, C: Forbes de Try on, comte de. The monks of the west, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Authorised tr.; v. 1-3, 6, 7. Edinb. 1861-79. 5 v. O. 271-f3 N., B. The Jesuits ; their foundation and history N. Y. 1879. 2 V. D. 271 : 6 Orliac, Mme. J. M. S. (J. M. 8. Daurignac.) History of the society of Jesus, from its foundation to the present time. Tr. from the french of J. M. S. Daurignac by James Clements. Cine. 1865. 2 v. D. ' 271 : 2 Steinmetz, Andrew. History of the Jesuits, from the foundation of their society to its sup- pression by nope Clement XlV ; their mis- sions throughout the world ; their educa- tional system and literature ; with their revival and present state. Lond. 1848. 3 V. O. 271 : 6 Taylor, I: Loyola and Jesuitism in its rudiments. N. Y. 1851. D. 271 :4 Huber, Johannes Nepomuk. Die kirchlich- politische wirksamkeit des jesuiten-ordens. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. _ 304 : 16 v2 Note. 'The best that has been written on the sub- ject are the chapters concerning the Jesuits in Ranke's work on the roman popes" [282:19 engllsh. 904 : -Hi V37-39 german] .-M'CUntock and Strong. 3. Persecutions and Doctrines. Foxe, J: Acts and monuments. New and com- plete ed., with a preliminary dissertation by G: Townsend, ed. by Stephen Reed Cattley. Lond. 1837-41. 8 v. O. 272-f 6 Note. A facsimile of the first titlepage reads: Aotes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes, touching matters of the church ; wherein are comprehended and described the great persecutions and horrible troubles that haue been wrought and practised by the romlshe prelates, speciallye in this realme of England and Scotlande, from the year of our Lord a thousande unto the tyme now present, etc. Llorente, J: Antonio. The history of the in quisition of Spain from the time of its es- tablishment to the reign of Ferdinand VIJ; composed from the original documents of the archives of the supreme council and from those of subordinate tribunals of the holy office, abridged and tr. from the or- iginal works. Lond. 1826. O. 272 : 7 Rule, W: Harris. History of the inquisition from its establishment in the 12th century to its extinction in the 19th. Lond. 1874. 2 v. O. 272:4 Simonde de Sismondi, J: C: Leonard. History of the crusades against the albigenses in the 13th century. From the french, with an introd. essay by the translator. Lond. 1826. O. 272 : 1 Same. 1st amer. ed., with an introd. Bost. 1833. D. 272 : 1 Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth, {Charlotte Elizabeth). War with the saints: Count Raymond of Toulouse and the crusade against the albigenses under pope Innocent HI, by Charlotte Elizabeth. 111. ed. N. Y. 1864. S. 272 : 5 Browning, W: Shipton. A history of the hugue- nots. New ed., continued to the present time. Phila. 1845. O. 272-|-3 Weiss, C: History of the french protestant refugees, from the revocation of the edict of Nantes to our own days. Tr. from the french by H: W: Herbert; with an amer. app. by a descendant of the huguenots. N. T. 1854. 2 V. D. 272 : 2 Note. For the huguenots, see also French ecclesias- tical history, cl. 274.4, col. Shedd, W: Greenough Thayer. A history of christian doctrine. 3d ed. N. Y. 1865. 2 v. O. 273+2 D ort. Synod of. Articles of the synod of Dort and its rejection of errors ; with the histoi'y of events which made way for that synod as pub. by the States-general and the docu- ments confirming its decisions. Tr. from the latin with notes, remarks and refer- ences by T: Scott. Utica. 1831. D. 273 : 1 4. Europe. Dean, Amos. Religions of Europe: Celtic; Scandinavian ; Roman catholic; Greek church ; Protestantism. In his History of civilization. 309 : 5 v6 Merivale, C: The conversion of the northern nations ; the Boyle lectures for 1865, del. at the chapel royal, Whitehall. N. Y. 1866. O. 274 : 3 Maclear, G: F: The slavs. [Conversion of the west ; pub. by the society for promoting christian knowledge.] Map. Lond. 1879. S. 274:2 121 THEOLOGY ECCLESIA6T. HISTORY. CI. 274 122 Mills, C: The histoiy of the crusades for the Bossession of the Holy Land. Phila. 1844. 274+1 Edgar, J: G: The crusades and the crusaders, or Stories of the struffffle for the holy sepulchre. Lond. n. d.D. x 274: 10 Gray, G: Zabriskie. The children's crusade ; an episode of the 13th century. [4th ed.l Bost. 1882. D. 274:9 Not^. For the crusades see also General eviropean history, el. 940. Milman, H: Hart. History of latin Christianity, including that of the popes to the pontiti- cate of Nicolas V. N. Y. 1860-62. 8 v. D. 274 : 114 Contents. V. 1. Introd. A. d. 67-556. - Christian jurisprudence. 2. Western monasticism. A. d. 690- 839. 3. A. d. 844-1095. 4. A. d. 1094-1200. 5. A. d. 1199-1264. 6. A. d. 1226-1313. 7. A. d. 1318-1433. 8. A. d. 1435-14.54. Survey. Belief of latin Christianity. Latin letters. Christian latin poetry. History. Christian letters in the new languages of Europe. Christian architecture.- Christian sculpture. Chris- tian painting. Index. Same. N. Y. 1881. 8 v. in 4. D. 274 : 4 Seuter, Hermann. Geschichte der religiosen aufklarung im mittelalter. Berlin. 1875. 2 V. O. 274:17 Poole, Reginald Lane. Illustrations of the history of medieval thought in the depart- ments of theology and ecclesiastical poli- tics. (Pub. for the" Hibbert trustees.) Lond. 1884. O. 274 : 19 Hardwick, C: A history of the christian church ; middle age. New ed. by W. Stubbs. Maps. Lond. 1883. D. 274 : 15 A history of the christian church during the reformation. New ed. by W. Stubbs. Lond. 1883. D. 274 : 16 Fisher, G: Park. The reformation. New ed. N. Y. 1883. O. 274 : 14 Hurst, J: Fletcher. A short history of the re- formation. 111., map and port." N. Y. 1884. D. 274 : 18 Merle d'Aubigne, J: H: History of the great re- formation of the 16th century in Germany, Switzerland etc. 9th ed. N". Y. 1843-46. 4 V. D. 274 : 6 History of the reformation in Europe in the t^me of Calvin. N. Y. 1864-79. 8 v. D. 274:5 Contents. V. 1, 2. Geneva and France. S.France, Switzerland, Geneva. 4. England, Geneva, France, Germany and Italy. 5. England, Geneva, Ferrara. 6. Scotland, Switzerland, Geneva. Tr. by W: L. B. Cates. 7. Geneva, Denmai-k. Sweden, Norway, Hung- ary, Poland, Bohemia, the Netherlands. Tr. by W: L. B. Cates. 8. Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Nether- lands, Geneva, Denmark, Sweden. Norway. Tr. by W: L.B. Cates. Scott, J: Luther and the lutheran reformation. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. S. 274 : 7 Spalding, Martin J: The history of the protest- ant reformation in Germany and Switzer- land, and in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France and northern Europe ; in a series of essays, reviewing \ D'Aubigne, Menzel, Hallam, bishop Short, Prescott, Ranke, Fryxell and others. Louis- ville. 1860. 2v. O. 274:8 Creighton, Mandell. A history of the papacy during the period of the reformation. Bost. 1882. 2v. O. 274:11 Beard, C: The reformation of the 16th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge ; lectures del. at Oxford and in London in april, may and June, 1883. (The Hibbert lectures, 1883). Lond. 1883. O. 274 : 12 Sarpi, P:, or Fra Paolo. The history of the council of Trent; containing 8 books in which besides the ordinary acts of the council are declared many "notable occur- rences which happened in Christendom during the space of 40 years and more, and garticularly the practices of the court of ,ome, to hinder the reformation of their errours and to maintain their greatness. Written in italian and faithfully tr. into english by sir Nathaniel Brent, whereunto is added the life of the learned author and the history of the inquisition. Lond. 1676. F. 23 :R Lea, H: C: Studies in church history. Phila. 1883. O. 274 : 13 Contents. The rise of the temporal power. Benefit of clergy. Excommunication. The early church and slavery. Great Britain. Beda or Bede, VeneraUlis. The venerable Bede's ecclesiastical history of England, also the Anglo-saxon chronicle ; with illustrative notes, a map of anglo-saxon England, and a general index ; ed. by J. A. Giles. 3d ed. Lond. 1859. D. 274.2 : 1 Fuller, T: The church history of Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ until 1648. New ed., with the author's corr. Lond. 1837. 3v. O. 274.2: 10 Herford, Brooke. The story of religion in Eng- land ; a book for young folk. 2d ed. Chicago. 1880. D. x274.2 : 6 Burnet, Gilbert. The history of the reformation of the church of England, with an index ; rev. and corr with add. notes and a preface calculated to remove certain difnculties attending the perusal of this important history, by E. Nares. N. Y. 1843. 3 v. O. 274.2 : 2 Cobbett, W: The history of the protestant re- formation in England and Ireland ; show- ing how that event has impoverished the main body of the people in those countries, etc., in a series of letters addressed to all sensible and just englishmen. Added, three letters by the same author never before publ. in the U. S. N. Y. [185-]. 2 v. in 1. S. 274.2:3 Geikie, Cunningham. The english reformation ; how it came about, and whj' we should uphold it. N. Y. 1879. D. 274.2 : 4 Massingberd, Francis C : The english reforma- tion. Flemington, N. J. 1844. O. In The churchman's library. 204 : 16 Bobinson, Hastings, ed. The Ziirich letters, [a. d. 1558-79] comprising the correspondence of several english bishops and others, with some of the helvetian reformers, during the early part of the reign of queen Eliza- beth, l^r. from authenticated copies of the autographs preserved in the archiA'es of Zijrich. and ed. for the Parker society. Cambridge. 1842. O. 274.2 : 7 vl X denotes books specially adapted for children. 123 CI. 274-277 THEOLOGY ECCLESIAST. HISTORY. 124 Bobinson, Hastings, ed. Continued. Same. Second series, [ 1558-1602] . Cam- bridge. 1845. O. 274.2 : 7 v2 Original letters relative to the english refoi*- mation written during the reigns of king Henry VHI, king Edward VI, and gueen Mary ; chiefly from the archives of Ziirich. Tr. from the authenticated copies of the autographs, and ed. for the Parker society. Cambridge. 1846, 1847. 2 v. O. 274.2 :"8 Stoughton, J: History of religion in England from the opening of the long parliament to the end of the 18th century. New rev. ed. Lond. 1881. 6 v. D. 274.2:9 Contentg. V. 1. The church of the civil wars. 2. Of the commoawealth. 3, 4. Of the restoration. 5. Of the revolution. 6. Of the Georgian era. Newman, J: H: Lectures on the present posi- tion of catholics in England ; addressed to the brothers of the Oratory. 3d ed. Dub- lin. 1857. D. 274.2 : 6 GilfiUan, (i: The martyrs, heroes and bards of the Scottish covenant. N. Y. 1858. S. 274. 1 : 1 Germany. Ranke, Franz Leopold v. History of the refor- mation in Germany. 2d ed. Tr. by Sarah Austin. Lond. 1845-47. 3 V. O. 274.3:3 Note. The original gerinan work will be found in his collected works, 904: 36 vl-6. Fisher, K: Deutschland's offentliche meinung im reformationszeitalter und in der gegen- wart. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-iragen. 304 : 15 v3 Nippold, F: W: Franz. Religion und kirchen- politik Friedrich's des grossen ; vortrag im Berner grossrathssal am 3. mjirz 1879. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 Kleinschmidt, Arthur. Die siicularisation von 1803. / Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15 v7 Nippold, F: W: Franz. Ursprung, umfang, hemmnisse und aussichten der altkatholi- schen bewegung ; vortrag im Berner gross- rathssaale am 7. januar 1873 gehalten und mit literarischen anmerkungen vermehrt. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v2 Menzel, Wolfgang. Geschichte der neuesten jesuitenumtnebe in Deutschland, 1870 1872. Stuttg. 1873. O. 274.3 : 1 Schaff, Philip. Germany ; its universities, theo- logy and religion ; with sketches of Nean- der, Tholuck, Olshausen, Hengstenberg, Twesten, Nitzsch, Muller, Ullraann, Rothe, Dorner, Lange, Ebrard, Wichern and other distinguished german divines of the age. Phila. 1857. D. 274.3:4 History of the protestant church in Hungai'y from the beginning of the reformation to 1850 ; with special reference to Tran- sylvania. Tr. by J. Craig, with an introd. by J. H. Merle d' Aubignc. Bost. 1854. D. 274.3 : 2 J^r ance. Marsh-Caldwell, Anne Caldwell. History of the protestant reformation in France. Phila. 1851. 2 V. D. 274.4 : 2 Baird, H: Martyn. History of the rise of the huguenots of France. N. Y. 1879. 2 v. O. 274.4 : 1 Note. See also Persecutions, cl. 272, col. 119. Italy. Kip, W: Ingraham. The catacombs of Rome as illustrating the church of the tirst three centuries. N. Y. 1854. D. 274.5 : 2 Baird, Robert. Sketches of protestantism in Italy, past and jiresent ; including a notice of the origin, history and present state of the waldenses. Bost 1845. D. 274.5:1 j Merivale, C: The conversion of the roman empire ; the Boyle lectures for 1864, del. at the chapel royal, Whitehall. N. Y. 1865. O. 274.5 : 3 Renan, Joseph Ernest. English conferences: Rome and Christianity ; Marcus Aurelius. Tr. by Clara Erskine Clement. Bost. 1880. D. 274.5:4 Other countries. Butler, Clement Moore. The reformation in Sweden ; its rise, progress and crisis, and its triumph under Charles IX. N. Y. [1883]. D. 274.8 : 1 Scott, J: Calvin and the swiss reformation. Lond. 1833. S. 274.9 : 1 6. America. Waylen, E: Ecclesiastical reminiscenses of the U. S. N. Y. 1846. O. 277.1 :1 Hunter, Joseph. Collections concerning the church or congregation of protestant separ- atists formed at Scrooby in north Notting- hamshire, in the time of king James 1: the founders of New Plymouth, the parent- colony of New England. Lond. 1854. O. 277.2:1 Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi americana, or The ecclesiastical history of New Eng- land, from its first planting in the year 1620. unto the year of our Lord 1698, "in 7 books ; with an introd. and occasional notes by T: Robbins and tr. of the hebrew, greek and latin quotations by Lucius F. Robinson. Added, a memoir of Cotton Mather by S; G. Drake; also, a compre- hensive index by another hand. Hartford. 1855. 2v. O. 277.2+2 Contents. Book 1. Antiquities; a narrative of memorable passages rel. to the settlement of these plantations. Bostonian Ebenezer; some historical remarks on the state of Boston. 2. Ecclesiarum clypei; the lives of the governours and the names of the magistrates. 8. Polybius; lives of many divines of New Eng. that have been shields unto the churches of New Eng. 4. Sal gentium; history of Harvard college. 5. Acts and monuments; the faith and the order in the churches of New Eng. 6. Thamaturgus; remarkables of the divine providence among the people of New Eng. 7. Ecclesiarum praelia; the afflictive disturbances which the churches of New Eng. have suffered. Appendix, Decennium luctu- orum; remarkables of along war with Indian salv- ages. Uhden, Hermann F. The New England the- ocracy ; a history of the congregationalists in New England to the revivals of 1740, with a preface by dr. Neander. Tr. from the 2d german ed. by H. C. Conant. Bost. 1859. D. 277.2 : 3 135 THEOLOGY ECCLESIAST. HISTORY. 01. 277-282 126 Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers of the colony of Plymouth, from 1603 to 1625 ; now first coll. from original records and contemporaneous printed doc- uments, and ill. with notes. 2d ed. Bost. 1844. O. 277.2:4 Cheever, G: Barrell. The journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth, in New J^ngland, in 1620, repr. from the original vol. with historical and local ill. of providences, principles and persons. N. Y. 1848. D. 277.2 : 5 Dexter, H: Martyn. As to Roger Williams and his "banishment" from the Massachusetts plantation, with a few further words con- cerning the baptists, the quakers. and re- ligious liberty, a monograph. Bost. 1876. O. 277.2 : 6 Disosway, Gabriel P. The earliest churches of New York and its vicinity. N. Y. 1865. O. 277.3 : 1 Meade, W: Old churches, ministers and families of Virginia. Phila.1861. 2 v. O. 277. 4+1 9. Christian sects. Schaff, Philip. The creeds of Christendom, with a history and critical notes. [Bibliotheca symbolica ecclesiae universalis.] N. Y. 1877, 1878. 3 v. O. 2804-1 Contents. V. 1. The history of creeds. 2. Greek and latin creeds, with translations. 3. The evangeli- cal protestant creeds, with translations. Bossuet, Jacques Binigne. History of the varia- tions of the protestant churches. Tr. from the last french ed. N. Y. n. d. 3 v. D. 280:3 Cornwallis, C. F. Christian sects in the 19th century. In Small books on great subjects. 829.2: 48 v3 American christian record, The ; containing the history, confession of faith, and statistics of each religious denomination in the U. S. and Europe ; a list of all clergymen with their post office addresses, etc. N. Y. 1860. D. 280 : 2 Oriental. Grant, Asahel. The nestorians, or The lost tribes ; containing evidence of their iden- tity, an account of their manners, customs, and ceremonies, together with sketches of travel in ancient Assyria, Armenia, Media and Mesopotamia, and ill. of scripture prophecy. N. Y. 1845. D. 281 : 1 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Lectures on the his- tory of the eastern church ; with an introd. on the study of ecclesiastical history. From the 2d Lond. ed. rev. N. Y. 1863. ' 281+2 Roman catholic. (See also cl. 261-362, col. 113.) Darras, Abbe Joseph Epiphane. A general his- tory of the catholic church, from the com- mencement of the christian era until the present time. 1st amer. from the last french ed. ; with an introd. and notes by M. J. Spalding. N. Y. 1865-67. 4 v. Q. 282+5 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. The history of the popes, their church and state in the 16th and 17th centuries. Tr. from the last ed. of the german by Walter Keating Kelly. Phila. 1844. O. 282 : 19 Note. The original german work will be found In his collected works, 904:36 v 37-39. Haupt, C: Die begriindung der papstlichen macht diesseits der Alpen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Heyer, Franz. Canossa und Venedig ; fest- schrift zur Canossa-feier. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 Frachsel, G. Der katholicismus seit der refor- mation. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304: 15 v4 Trede, Theodor. Die Propaganda tide in Rom ; ihre geschichte und bedeutung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl3 Schulte, J: F: ritter v. Die neueren katholi.schen orden und congregationen, besonders in Deutschland, statistisch, canonistisch, pu- blicistisch beleuchtet. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Dehn, Paul. Die katholischen gesellen-vereine in Deutschland. In Deutsche zeit- und streitfragen. 304 : 15 vl 1 * * * Bossuet, Jacques Benigne. An exposition of the doctrine of the catholic church in matters of controversie. Done into eng. from the 5th ed. in french: 2d ed. more correct. Lond. 1686. T. 282 : 1 Butler, C: The book of the roman catholic church ; in a series of letters addi'essed to Robt. Southev, on his Book of the church. Lond. 1835. O. 282 : 2 Hecker, I: T: Aspirations of nature. 3d ed. N. Y. 1859. D. 282 : 7 Questions of the soul. N. Y. 1855. D. 282 : 8 Ives, Levi Silliman. The trials of a mind in its progress to Catholicism ; a letter to his old friends. 27th thous. Bost. 1855. D. 282:9 Milner, J: The end of religious controversy, in a friendl^y correspondence between a relig- ious society of protestants and a roman catholic divine ; in 3 parts: pt. 1, On the rule of faith or the method of finding out the true religion ; pt. 3, On characteristics of the true church ; pt. 3, On rectifying mistakes concerning tne catholic church ; addressed to the rt. rev. dr. Burgess, in answer to his lordship's protestant catech- ism. Added, the author's postscript. N. Y. 1865. D. 282 : 10 Moore, T: Travels of an Irish gentleman in search of a religion ; with notes and illus- trations. Bait. /I. rf. D. 282:11 Newman, J: H: A letter to the rev. E. B. Pusey, on his recent Eirenicon. N. Y. ' 1866." O. 282+14 Note. Dr. Pusey's Eirenicon, referred to, is no. 261:8. 127 CI. 282-284 THEOIiOGY-CHRISTIAN SECTS. 128 Pascal, Blaise. Provincial letters. A new tr. with historical introd. and notes by T: M'Crie, preceded by a life of Pascal, a critical essay, and a "bibliographical notice; ed. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1859. D. 282 : 15 Pise, C: Constantine. Letters to Ada, from her brother-in-law. [Anon.] N. Y. 1834. S. 282 : 16 Spalding, Martin J: Influence of catholicity on civil liberty. In his Miscellanies. 824.1+75 Valdegamas, J: Francisco Maria de la Salud Donoso Cortes marques de. Essay on Catholicism, liberalism and socialism, con- sidered in their fundamental principles. From the original Spanish ; prefixed, a sketch of the life and works of the author from the italian of G. E. de Castro. Tr. by Madeleine Vinton Goddard [Dahlgrenl. Phila. 1863. D. 282 : 3 "Weninger, Francis Xavier. Photographic views, or Religious and moral truths reflected in the universe. 5th ed. N. Y. 1877. O. 282 : 17 Wiseman, N: Patrice Stephen. Lectures on the principal doctrines and practices of the catholic church ; del. at St. Mary's, Moor- field's, during the lent of 1836. 6th amer. ed. Bait. 1865. D. 282 : 18 Bluntschli, J: Caspar. Rom und die deutschen: 1. Romische weltherrschaft und deutsche freiheit ; 2. Der jesuitenorden und das deutsche reich. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Cumming, J: Lectures on romanism ; illustra- tions and refutations of the errors of romanism and tractarianism. Bost. 1854. D. 282:4 Faber, (i: Stanley. The difficulties of romanism. Phila. 1829. O. 282 : 6 Gladstone, W: Ewart. The Vatican decrees, and other essays on the roman church. In Ms Rome. 329.2 : 12 Hesse, F: Hermann. Der felsen Petri kein felsen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304: 15 v3 Murray, N: (Kirwan). Letters to the right rev. J: Hughes ; revised and enl. by Kirwan. N. Y. 1855. D. 282 : 12 Nevins, W: Thoughts on popery. N. Y. [18361. T. 282 : 13 Schulte, J: Roman Catholicism, old and new, from the standpoint of the infallibility doc- trine. N. Y. 1877. D. 282 : 20 Protestant episcopal. (See also cl. 281-362, col. 113.) Staunton, W: A dictionary of the church; an exposition of terms, phrases, and subjects, connected with the external order, sacra- ments, worship and usages of the protest- ant episcopal church, with an especial reference to the church in the U. S. 2d ed. rev., corr. and enl. Phila. 1840. O. 283 : 10 Hawks, Francis Lister, and W: Stevens Perry, eds. Documentary history of the protestant episcopal church in the U. S. of America, containing numerous hitherto unpubl. doc- uments concerning the church in Connecti- cut. N. Y. 1863, 1864. 2 v. O. 283 : 12 Clergy list. The, for 1884 ; containing alphabet- ical list of the clergy in England and Wales, list of the clergy of the episcopal church in Scotland, etc. Lond. 1884. O. 283 : 1113 Works on episcopacy ; v. 2. N. Y. 1881. D. 283: 1 Contents. Bowden, J : Second series of letters to dr. Miller. Cooke, J: E. Essay on the invalidity of Presbyterian ordination. Onderdonk, H: U. Epis- copacy tested by scripture. Burnet, Gilbert. An exposition of the thirty- nine articles of the church of England ; with app., containing the Augsburg con- fession, creed of pope Pius IV, etc.; rev. and corr., with notes and add. references by James R. Page. N. Y. 1864. O. 283-|-2 Chapman, G: T: Sermons upon the ministry, worship and doctrines of the protestant episcopal church. 2d ed. Burlington. 1832. 283:3 Colton, Calvin. Thoughts on the religious state of the country ; with reasons for preferring episcopacy. ' N. Y. 1836. D. 283 : 4 Fowler, Andrew. An exposition of the articles of religion of the protestant episcopal church in the U. S. of America. Added, some useful extracts. Charleston. 1840. D. 283:5 How, T: Yardley. A vindication of the protest- ant episcopal church, in a series of letters addressed to the rev. S: Miller, in reply to his late writings on the christian ministry, and to the charges contained in his life of the rev. dr. Rodgers ; with prelim, remarks. N. Y. 1816. O. 283:6 Jewel, J: Works, 3d portion ; containing Apol- ogia ecclesiaj anglicanai ; an apology of the church of England, [and] The defence of the apology, parts 1-3 ; ed. for the Parker society by J: Ayre. Cambridge. 1848. Q. 283 : 7 Kip, W: Ingraham. The church of the apostles. N. Y. 1877. D. 283 : 8 Double witness of the church. 2d ed. N. Y. 1844. D. 283:9 Presbyterian. Spottiswoode, J: History of the church of Scot- land, beginning the year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the reign of king James VI; with biographical sketch and notes by M. Russell. Edmb. 1851. 3 v. O. 284 : 3 Webster, R: A history of the presbyterian church in America; from its origin until the year 1760, with biographical sketches of its early ministers. With a memoir of the author by C. Van Rensselaer and an histoi'ical introd. by W: Blackwood. Phila. 1858. D. 284-1-6 Gillett, Ezra Hall. History of the presbyterian church in the U. S. of America. Phila. [1864]. 2v. D. 284:1 Smith, Joseph. Old Redstone, or Historical sketches of western presbyterianism, its early ministers, its perilous times and its first" records. Phila. 1854. O. 284:2 THEOLOGY CHRISTIAN SECTS. CI. 284-289 180 Patton, Francis L., V8. D: Swing. The world's ed. of the great presbyterian conflict, Pat- ton vs. Swing, both sides of the question. Portraits, etc. Chicago. 1874. O. 284 : 4 Peet, Stephen. History of the presbyterian and congregational churches and ministers in Wisconsin, incl. an account of the organ- ization of the convention, and the plan of union. Milw. 1851. T. 284 : 5 Puritan. Neal, Daniel. The history of the puritans or protestant nonconformists, from the refor- mation in 1517 to the revolution in 1688 ; comprising an account of their principles, their attempts for a farther reformation in the church, their suffei'ings, and the lives and characters of their most considerable divines. Repr. from the text of dr. Toul- min's ed., with his life of the author and account of his writings ; rev., corr. and enl. with add. notes by J: O. Choules. Por- traits. N. Y. 1844," 1848. 2 v. O. 285+1 Colt, T: Winthrop. Puritanism, or A church- man's defence against its aspersions, by an appeal to its own history. N. Y. 1845. D. 285:2 Goodwin, J: A. The puritan conspiracy against the pilgrim fathers and the congrega- tional church, 1624. Bost. 1883. O. 285+4 Co n g reg ational . Dexter, H: Martyn. Congregationalism of the last 300 years, as seen in its literature, with special reference to certain recondite, neg- lected or disputed passages ; 12 lectures del. on the South worth foundation in the theological seminary at Andover, Mass., 1876-79 ; with bibliographical app. N. Y. 1880. O. ^ i^ fi- 2Qg_|_3 JB a ptis t . Benedict, D: A general history of the baptist denomination in Amei'ica, and other parts of the world. 10th thous. N. Y. 1860. O. 286+1 Cox, Francis A:, and J. Hoby. The baptists in America ; a narrative of the deputation from the baptist union in England to the U. S. and Canada. Lond. 1836. D. 286 : 2 Me tho dist . Stevens, Abel. The history of the religious movement of the 18th century called meth- odism, considered in its different denomi- national forms, and its relation to british and american protestantism. N. Y, [18681 . 3v. D. 287:2 Contents. V. 1. From the origin of methodism to the death of Whitefleld. 2, From the death of White- field to the death of Wesley. 3. From the death of Wesley to the centenary jubilee of methodism. The centennary of american methodism ; a sketch of its history, theology, practical svstem and success"; with a statement of the plan of the centennary celebration of 1866 by J: M'Clintock. N. Y. 1866. D. 287:1 Stevens, Ahe\. Continued. History of the methodist episcopal church in the U. S. of America. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. D. 287:3 Jobson, F: J. America and american metho- dism ; with prefatory letters by T: B. Sar- gent and J: Hannah". 111. N."Y. 1857. D. 287:6 Brownlow, W: G. The great iron wheel ex- amined, or its false spokes extracted, and an exhibition of elder Graves, its builder, in a series of chapters. Nashville. 1856. D. 287:4 Un itarian. Woods, Leonard. Letters to unitarians, occa- sioned by the sermon of W: E. Channing at the ordination of J. Sparks. Andover. 1820. O. 288 : 1 Quaker . Barclajr, RoJDert. An apology for the true chris- tian divinity, being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers, written in latin and english. Phila. n. d. D. 289.2 : 5 Greer, Sarah, Mrs. J: R. Quakerism, or The story of my life, by a lady who for forty years was a member of the society of friends. Phila. 1853. D. 289.2 : 2 Janney, S: M. History of the religious society of friends, from its rise to 1828. Phila. 1861-70. 4v. D. 289.2:1 Penn, W: Primitive Christianity revived in the faith and practice of the people called quakers ; written in testimony to the pres- ent dispensation of God through them to the world, that prejudices may be re- moved, the simple informed, the well- inclined encouraged and the truth and its innocent friends rightly represented. Dub- lin. 1702. T. 289.2:3 No cross, no crown ; a discourse showing the nature and discipline of the holy cross of Christ, and that the denial of self and daily bearing of Christ's cross is the alone way to the rest and kingdom of God. Added, the living and dying testimonies of many persons of fame ancf learning, both of ancient and modern times, in favour of this treatise. Phila. 1879. D. 289.2:4 Friends, Society of. Rules of discipline of the yearly meeting of men and women friends, held in Philadelphia. Phila. 1877. D. 289.2:6 Adventis t. Smith, Uriah. Thoughts, critical and practical, on the book of Daniel. Battle Creek, Mich. 1873. D. 289 : 4 Same. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Battle Creek, Mich. 1881. D. 289:4 Thoughts, critical and practical, on the book of Revelation. 2d ed. Battle Creek, Mich. 1875. D. 289 : 6 Same. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Battle Creek, Mich. 1881. D. 289 : 5 181 CI. 289 THEOLOGY CHRISTIAN SECTS. 132 Smith, Uriah. Continued. The United States in the light of prophecy, or An exposition of Revel, xiii, 11-17. Battle Creek. 1872. S. 289 : 6 Same. 3d ed. Battle Creek. 1876. S. 289 : 6 White, Ellen G. The spirit of prophecy: The great controversy between Christ and his angels, and Satan and his angels. Battle Creek, Mich. 1870-78. 3 v. D. 289 : 9 White, James. Life incidents in connection with the great advent movement, as ill. by the three angels of Revel, xiv. V. 1. Bat- tle Creek. 1868. D. '289 : 7 Swedenbor gian. Swedenborg:, Emanuel. The Swedenborg library, ed. by B. F. Barrett. Phila. [1875- 1881.] 12 V. T. 289.1 : 17 Contents. V. 1. Death, resurrection and the judg- ment. 2. Heaven. 3. Freedom, rationality and catholicity. 4. Divine providence and its laws. 6. Charity, faith and works. 6. Freewill, repentance, reformation and regeneration. 7. Holy scripture and the key to its spiritual sense. 8. Creation, in- carnation, redemption, and the divine trinity 9. Marriage and the sexes in both Worlds. 10. The author's memorabilia. 1 1 . The heavenly doctrine of the Lord. 12. Swedenborg; with a compendium of his teachings. Angelic philosophy of the divine love and wis- dom. From the original latin as ed. by J. F. I. Tafel, tr. by R. Norman Foster. Phila. 1868. O. " 289. 1 : 4 Angelic wisdom coficerning the divine love and the divine wisdom. Tr. from the latin, originally pub. at Amsterdam 1763 ; from the last Lond. ed. Phila. n. d. O. 289.1 :4 Angelic wisdom concerning the divine provi- dence. Tr. from the latin, originally pub. at Amsterdam 1764; from the last Lond. ed. N. Y. 1857. O. 289.1+6 The aj)ocalypse explained according to the spiritual sense ; in which are revealed the arcana which are there predicted, and have been hitherto deeply concealed. From a latin posthumous work. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1846, 1847. 5 v. O. 289.1+1 The apocalypse revealed, wherein are dis- closed the arcana there foretold, which have heretofore remained concealed. Tr. from the latin ; new ed. rev. and corr. N. Y. 1859. 2 v. O. 289.1+2 Arcana ccelestia ; The heavenly arcana, con- tained in the holy scriptures or word of the Lord, unfolded, beginning with the book of Genesis ; together with wonderful things seen in the woi'ld of spirits and in the heaven of angels. Tr. from the latin. N.Y. 1853-57. 10 v. O. 289.1+7 Conjugial love and its chaste delights, also Adulterous love and its sinful pleasures ; a tr. of his "Delitia? sapientise de amore conjugiali, post quas sequuntur voluptates insanise de amore scortatorio ; Amstelo- dami, 1768. N. Y. 1856. O. 289.1 : 3 The four leading doctrines of the new church, signilied by the new Jerusalem in the Revelation ; being those concerning the Lord, the sacred scripture, faith and life. N.Y. 1857. O. 289.1+6 Heaven and its wonders, the world of spirits and hell, from things heard and seen. Swedenborg, E. Continued. From the latin, originally pub. at London in 1758, tr. by S: Noble of London. N. Y. 1859. D. 289.1 : 10 The true christian religion ; containing the universal theology of the new church, fore- told by the Lord in Daniel, vii : 13. 14, and in the Apocalypse, xxi : 1, 2. Tr. from the latin. N. Y. 1858. O. 289.1 : 8 Miscellaneous theological works. N. Y. 1857. O. 289.1+9 Contents. The new Jerusalem and its heavenly doctrine. A brief exposition of the doctrines of the new church. Nature of the intercourse between the soul and the body. On the white horse mentioned in the Apocalypse, chap, xix. App. to treatise on the white horse. On the earths in the universe. The last judgment. Continuation concerning the last judgment. Compendium of [his] theological writings. N. Y. 1875. O. 289.1 :11 Contents. Concerning God. Creation. Man. The fall of man. The doctrine of the Loi-d. The holy spirit. The divine trinity. The sacred scriptures. Signification of the various terms and subjects in the word. The ten commandments. Faith. Charity and good works. Free will. Repentance, reformation and regeneration. Imputation. The church. The first or most ancient church. The second or ancient church. The third or israelitish church. The fourth or first christian church. The second coming of the Lord. The fifth or new christian church. Baptism. The holy supper. The priesthood. Marriage. Divine providence. The human soul. Influx, and intercourse between the soul and the body. The eternal world. The intermediate state or world of spirits.-Heaven. Hell. The last judgment. The earths in the universe. Miscell. extracts. Index. New church essays on science, philosophy and religion, incl. literature and the arts, by new church writers in America and Europe. Bost. 1854. O. 289.1+13 Bush, G: New church miscellanies, or Essays, ecclesiastical, doctrinal and ethical. N. Y. 1855. D. 289.1 : 12 Contents.- The priesthood and the kingship.- Preaching. The ministry.- The New Jerusalem mag- azine and the new church ministi-y. New church organization and government. A trained and pro- fessional clergy. The party of order, and the party of liberty. Aphorisms on slavery and abolition. Pseudo-spiritualism. Sleep. The new church system referable solely to a divine origin. Swedenborg and Paul. Mercer, L. P. The Bible ; its true character and spiritual meaning. Chicago. 1879. U. 289.1 : 16 Silver, Abiel. The holy word in its own defence, addressed to bisnop Colenso and all other earnest seekers after truth. N. Y. 1863. O. 289.1:14 Lectures on the symbolic character of the sacred scriptures. N. Y. 1863. O. 289.1 :15 Other sects. Braasch, A. H. 1st ein zusammenwirken der verschiedenen richtungen innerhalb der evangelisch-protestantischen kirche raog- lich ? In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v7 Schmidt, Paul W: Was trennt " die beiden richtungen " in der evangelischen kirche ? ein beitrag zur schiitzung der kirchlichen gegensiitze. In Deutsche zeit- imd streit- fragen. 304:15v9 Schmidt, Paul V: Gewalt oder geist V ein fest- liches bedenken iiber die zukunft von Luthers kirche. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 804 : 16 vl8 133 THEOLOGY-CHRISTIAN SECTS. CI. 289-291 134 Strobel, Philip A. The salzburgers and their descendants ; history of a colony of german Intheran protestants, wlio emigrated to (ieorgia in 1734 and settled at Ebenezer, 25 miles above the city of Savannah. Bait. 1855. D. 289 : 10 "Wycliffe, J: An apology for Lollard doctrines, attributed to Wicliffe ; now first printed from a ms. in the library of Trinity college, Dublin, with an introd. "and notes of James Henthorn Todd. [Camden soc, no. 201. Lond. 1842. O. 289 : 8 10. Non-christian religions and Folk-lore. 1. General mythology. Faiths of the world, The ; a concise history of the great religious systems of the world. [St. Giles' lectures]. "Edinb. 1883. D. 291 : 23 Cfmtents. Caird, J: Religions of India; Vedic period, brahmanism; buddhism. Matheson, G: Keligion of Cliina, Confucianism. Milne, J : Relig- ion of Persia, Zoroaster and the Zend -avesta. Dodds, J. Religion of ancient Egypt. Milligran , W: Religion of ancient Greece. MacQregror, J. Religion of ancient Rome. Bums, G : S. Teutonic and Scandinavian religions. Lang, J : M. Ancient religions of Central America. Taylor, M. C. Judaism.- Lees, J. C. Mohammedanism. Flint, R. Christianity in relation to other religions. Clarke, James Freeman. Ten great religions ; an essay in comparative theology. Bost. 1878, 1883. 2 V. D. ' 291 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Ethnic and catholic re- iigions. Confucius and the Chinese, or The prose of Asia. Brahmanism. Buddhism, or The protestant- ism of the east. Zoroaster and the Zend-avesta. The gods of Egypt. The gods of Greece. The relig- ion of Rome. Tde teutonic and Scandinavian relig- ion. The Jewish religion. Mohammed and islam. The ten religions and Christianity. 2. A compar- ison of all religions. Cook, F: C: The origins of religion and lan- guage, considered in five essays. Lond. 1884. O. 291 : 28 Contents. On the Rig Veda, specially on its relig- ious system.- On the persian cuneiform inscriptions and the Zend avesta. On the Gathas of Zoroaster. On languages, ancient and modern. On egyptian, compared with Semitic, aryan and turanian words. DOllinger, J: Joseph Ignaz v. The gentile and the jew in the courts of the temple of Christ ; an introd. to the history of Chris- tianity. From the german by N. Darnell. Lond. 1862. 2 v. O 291 : 1 Euenen, Abraham. National religion and uni- versal religions. (Hibbert lectures, 1882). N. Y. 1882. D. 291 : 15 Maurice, J: F: Denison. The religions of the world and their relations to Christianity. From the 3d rev. Lond. ed. Bost. 1854. D. 291:7 Moffat, James C. A comparative history of re- ligions. N. Y. 1875. 2 V. D. 291 : 8 Miiller, F: Max. Essays on the science of re- ligion. In his Chim- 824.2: 74 vl Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Essays on mythology, traditions and customs. In his Chips. " 824.2:74 v2 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Rawlinson, G: The religions of the ancient world, including Egypt, Assyria and Baby- lonia, Persia, India, Phoenicia, Etruria, Greece, Rome. N. Y. 1883. D. 290 : 5 Tiele, C. P. Comparative history of the egyp- tian and mesopotamian religions ; Eg^ypt, Babel -Assur, Yemen, Harran, Phoenicia, Israel. Tr. from the dutch, with the co- operation of the author by James Ballin- gal. [Triibner's oriental ser.] Lond. 1882. O. 291:27 Contents. V. 1. History of the egyptian religion. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Curiosities of super- stition and sketches of some unrevealed religions, Lond. 1882. D. 291:20 Bunce, J: Thackeray. Fairy tales, their origin and meaning, with some account of dwel- lers in fairyland. Lond. 1878. D. 291:13 Burkhardt, C. B. Fairy tales and legends of many nations, selected, newly told and tr. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 291 : 14 Clodd, E: The childhood of religions ; embrac- ing a simple account of the birth and growth of myths and legends. N. Y. 1878. D. 291:5 Conway, Moncure Daniel. The wandering jew. N. Y. 1881. D. 291:10 Cox, Sir G: W: Introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folk lore. N. Y. ifel. D. 291:9 The mythology of the aryan nations. New and'rev. ed.' Lond. 1882. O. 291: 19 Creuzer, G: F: Symbolik und mythologie der alten volker, besonders der griechen. 3te verb. ausg. [111.] Leipz. 1836-42. 4 v. O. ^ 291:21 Fiske, J: Myths and myth -makers ; old tales and superstitions, interpreted by compar- ative mythology. Bost. 1873. D. 291 : 22 Contents. The origins of folk-lore. The descent of fire. Werewolves and swan-maidervs.- Light and darkness. Myths of the barbaric world. Juventus mundi. The primeval ghost-world. Index. Folkard, R:, jV. Plant lore, legends and lyrics ; embracing the myths, traditions, supersti- tions and folk-lore of the plant kingdom. Lond. 1884. O. 293.1+33 Gould, Sabine Baring-. Curious myths of tiie middle ages. Bost. 1867. D. 291 : 26 Contents. The wandering jew. Prester John. The divining rod. The seven sleepers of Ephesus. Wil- liam Tell. The dog Gellert. Tailed men. Antichrist and pope .Joan. The man in the moon. Tne moun- tain of Venus.-Fatality of numbers.- The terrestrial paradise. Heine, H: Elementargeister und diimonen. In his Siimmtliche werke. 830 : 139 v7 Contents. Elementargoister.-Der doktor Faust. Die gotter im e.\il. Die giittin Diana. Keightley, T: The fairy mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries. New ed. rev. and enl. Lond. 1878. D. 291 : 6 Keary, C: Francis. Outlines of primitive belief among the indo-european races. N. Y. 1882. O. 291 : 17 ia5 Cl. 291-293 THEOLOGY-NON-CHRISTIAN. 13(i Knight, R: Payne. An inquiry into the symbol- ical langnage of ancient art and mythology. Privately printed 1818, repr. and repub. by E. H. Barker. Lond. 1836. O. 290 : 2 Lang, Andrew. Custom and myth. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. ' 291:25 Moncrieff, Robei't Hope, (^scoi< ^. Hope). Stoi'ies of long ago, retold by Ascott R. Hope. 111. Lond. 1881. D. 291 : 12 Contents. The abbot and the emperor. Havelock. The quarrelsome couple. The fatal treasure. Sir Lauval. The merchant among- rogues. The emperor Jovinian. The wise men of Gotham. The lime-kiln. The boor and the bird. The talismans. The dog of Montargis. The fool of the family. Eustace. A tale of the tournament. The anchorite and the angel. The physician against his will. The rings. The thieves. The two friends. The braggart knight. The knight and his grej'hound. Pabke, Marie, and Margaret J. Pitman {Margery Deane), eds. Wonder-world stories from the Chinese, french, german, hebrew, hin- dostanee, hungarian, irish, Italian, Japan- ese, russian, Swedish and turkish, coll. and tr, by Marie Pabke and Margery Deane. N. y". 1877. U. 291:11 Peschel, Oscar Ferdinand. Der ursprung und die verbreitung einiger geographisclier mythen im mittelalter. m his Abhand- lungen. 910: 2 vl Ueber den mann im monde. In the same. 910:2 v2 Vignoli, Tito. Myth and science ; an essay. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1882. D. 291:16 Westrorpp, Hodder M., and C: Staniland Wake. Ancient symbol woi'ship ; influence of the phallic idea on religions of antiquity ; with an introd., add. notes and an app. by Alexander Wilder. N. Y. 1874. O. 291-I-P18 Bulfinch, T: The age of fable, or Beauties of mythology. Bost. 1865. D. 291 : 3 Cox, Sir G: W: A manual of mythology, in the form of question and answer. N. I . [18681. S. 290 : 3 GOU, Hermann. Illustrirte mythologie ; gotter- sagen und kultusformen der hellenen, riimer, agypter, inder, perser und ger- manen, nebst zusammenstellung der ge- briiuchlichsten symbole und allegorischen bildei-, fiir freunde des alterthums, insbe- sondere fiir die reifere jugend. 4te auH. Leipz. 1879. O. 290 : 1 Murray, Alexander S. Manual of mythology ; greek, roman, norse and old german, hindoo and egyptian mythology. 2d ed. re-written and enl. 111. N. Y. 1874. D. 290 : 4 2. Greek and roman mythology. Cox, Sir G: W: Tales of ancient greece. New ed. Lond. 1880. S. 292 : 8 Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature. Lond. 1882. d. " 292:4 Kingsley, C: The heroes, or Greek fairy tales for my children. 111. [Works, v. 7] Lond. 1879. D. x292:9 N. Y. 1880. D. x292:9 Lamed, Augusta. Old tales retold from grecian mythology in talks around the fire. 111. N:Y. [1876]. D. x292:6 Niebuhr, Barthold G: Greek hero-stories. Tr. by B: Hoppin. HI. N. Y. 1879. I). x 292: 10 Buskin, J: The queen of the air; a study of the greek myths of cloud and storm. ^. Y. 1878. D. 292:3 Scull, Sarah Amelia. Greek mythology syste- matized. Phila. [18801. D. " 292 : 5 Seemann, O: The mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. From the german, ed. by G. H. Bianchi. 111. N. Y. 1881. S. 292:2 Smith, S: Francis, ed. Myths and heroes, or The childhood of the'world. Bost. [1873]. D. X 292 : 7 Welcker, F: Gottlieb. Griechische gotterlehre. Gottingen. 1857-63. 3 v. O. 292:1 3. Norse and teutonic mythology. Grimm, Jacob L: C: Teutonic mythology. Tr. from the 4th ed. with notes and app. by James Steven Stallybrass. Lond. 1882. 3v. O. 293 :11 Simrock, K: Joseph. Handbuch der deutschen mythologie, mit einschluss der nordisohen. 5te autl. Bonn. 1878. O. 293 : 3 Thorpe, B: Northern mythology, comprising the principal popular traditions and super- stitions of Scandinavia, North Germany and the Netherlands ; compiled from origi- nal and other sources. Lond. 1851. 3 v. D. 293:12 Holtzmann, Adolf. Deutsche mythologie ; vor- lesungen, herausg. von Alfred Holder. Leipz. 1874. O. 293 : 2 Carlyle, T: Scandinavian mythology. Bi Ms On heroes and hero-worship. 824.2 : 22 Anderson, Rasmus B. Noi'se mythology, or The i-eligion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted, with an introd., vocabu- lary and index. 2d ed. Chicago. 1876. D. 293:1 ed. and tr. The younger Edda, also called Snorre's Edda, or the prose Edda ; an eng- lish version of the foreword, the fooling of Gylfe, the afterword to Brage's talk and the important passages in the Poetical diction (Skaldskaparmal), with an introd., notes, vocabulary and index. Chicago. 1880. D. 293 : 4 Baldwin, James. The story of Siegfried. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. 293 : 10 Jones, Julia Clinton. Valhalla, the myths of Norseland ; a saga in 12 parts. N. Y. 1880. D. 293 : 5 Keary, Annie and E. The heroes of Asgai-d ; tales from Scandinavian mythology. 111., nowed. Lond. 1880. S. 293.1:11 Keyser, Jakob Rudolf. The religion of the northraen. Tr. by Barclay Pennock. N. Y. 1854. D. 293 : 6 Larned, Augusta. Tales from the norse grand- mother, the elder Edda. N. Y. 1881. D. 293:7 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Bost. 1882. S. 293 : 9 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 137 THEOLOGY NON-CHRISTIAN. 01. 293 299 Mallet, Paul H: Northern antiquities. 948 : 1 Note. For full title, see under Scandinavian his- tory. Smith, J. Moyr, ed. Tales of old Thulg. Phila. 1879. D: 293.1:30 Contents. Rashycoat. Rollo and the mag-ic sword. Jack and the fairy princess. The brownie in the pantry. Prince Coralin. The trial of the suitors. The sandals of Hermod. The golden glove. StefiFens, H: Ueber die einwirkung des christen- thums auf die nordische mythologie. In A Naehgelassene schriften. 898.2 : 1 WagTier, W: Asgard and the gods; tales and traditions oi our northern ancestors told for boys and girls, adapted by M. W. Mac- dowall and ed. by W. S. W. Anson. 111. Phila. 1880. O. x 293 : 8 4. Brahmanism and buddhism. MUUer, F: Max, ed. Sacred books of the east. The Upanishads, pt. 1, 2. Tr. by. F: Max Miiller. [Sacred books of the east, v. 1, 15.] Oxford. 1879, 1884. 2 v. O. 294 : 1 The sacred lavs^s ^of the Sryas as taught in the schools of Apastamba, Gavitama, Vas- ishiha and BaudhSyana ; pt. 1, 2. Tr. by G: Biihler. [Sacred books of the east, v. 2, 14.] Oxford. 1879, 1882. 2 v. O. 294 : 2 The institutes of Vishnu. Tr. by Julius Jolly. [Sacred books of the east, v. 7.] Oxford. 1880. O. 294 : 3 The Bhagavadgita with the SanatsufifStiya and the Anugita. Tr. by KaashinSth Trimbak Telang. [Sacred books of the east, v. 8]. Oxford. 1882. O. 294 : 4 The Dhammmapada, a collection of verses ; being one of the canonical books of the buddhists. Tr. from pali by F. Max Miil- ler. [Sacred books of the east, v. 10, pt. 1]. Oxford. 1881. O. 294 : 5 The Sutta-nipSta, a collection of discourses ; being one of the canonical books of the buddhists, Tr. from pfili by V. Fausboll. t Sacred books of the east, v. 10, pt. 21. )xford. 1881. O. 294:5 Buddhist Suttas. Tr. from pali by T. W. Rhys Davids. [Sacred books of the east, v. 11]. Oxford. 1881. O. 294:6 The Satapatha-Brahmana according to the text of the Madhyandina school ; pt. 1. Tr. by Julius Eggeling. [Sacred books of the east, V. 12]. Oxford. 1882. O. 294 : 7 Vinaya texts. Tr. from the pali by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg ; pts". 1, 2. [Sacred books of the east. v. 13, 17]. Oxford. 1881, 1882. 2 V. O. 294:8 The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king ; a life of Buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva. Tr. from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha, a. d. 420, and from Chinese into english by S: Beal. [Sacred books of the east, v. 19l. Oxford. 1883. O. 294 : 15 Saddharma-puwdarika, or The lotus of the true law. Tr. by H. Kern. [Sacred books of the east, v. 22]. Oxford. 1884. O. 294 : 22 Mahabharata, The, of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated into english prose. Pub. and distributed chiefly gratis by Protap X denotes books specially adapted for children. Chundra Roy. [Vol. 1]. Calcutta. 1884. O. 294 : 26 iVo. andd. O. 327.2+9 Contents. V. 1. Monteith, R. Reasons for Inves- tig'atlon into charjres against Lord Palmerston, 1840; Dangers to England of austrian subjugation, 1859. TJrquhart, D: Tbeturkish bath with a view to Its Introduction into the british dominions, 18.56; Trag- ments of ante-historic times, 1858. Fischel, E: The duke of Coburg's pamphlet on Russia, 1859. Pal- merston unmasked, 1860; The frontier of the Rhine and the meeting at Baden-Baden. -Marx, Fs. The Pacific and the Amoor, 18.56-1861 ; Mr. Kinglake's book on the Crimea, 1863. Rolland, S. E. Growth of russlan power contingent on the decay of the british constitution. ia58; Speech at the reception of deputies from Circassia, 186a; How Is the queen's government to be carried on ? 1866. Montagru, Lord R. Sucession to the crown of Denmark, 1861. Crawshay, G: The treaty of London, 1864. Mater- ials for the history of lord Palmerston, 1864.- Den- bigrh. Earl of. Speech on Candia, 1867. TJrquhart, D: Memoire sur les relations de la Russie et de I'Europe, 1870. Mouvement populaire en Baviere, 1870 Les procedures pour la guerre a I'appui de I'adresse ii I'assembl^e nationale de la France, 1873. La necessity pour I'Europe de revenir au droit des gens, 1873.- L'appel au pape dans I'age de fer, 1873. Importance of the pontifical canons, 1873. Defourny, P: G. abJje. 'The canonical doctrine of obedience, 1873. 2. Cargrill, W. Examen do la ligue Prusslenne, 1840. Crawshay, G: The immedi- m SOCIOLOGY I0LIT1CS. CI, 327-328 174 ate cause of the Indian mutiny, 1867; The catastro- phe of the East India company, 1858; Prosolytism destructive of Christianity and incompatible with political dominion, 1858. Dunlop, A. M. Afghan papers; a speech, 1861. Smith, Alphin. The de- fences of England, 1862. Expedition of the Chesa- peake to Circassia, 1864. Stanley of Alderley, Baron. The Malay peninsula, 1876; Religious perse- cutions in Russia, 1877. 3. Transactions of political associations, chiefly reports on the foreign affairs committees, 1843-1877. Urquhart, D: [Pamphlets.] 3 v. in 2. London. V. d. O. 327.2+10 Contentif. V. 1. Pt. 1. Cfmstitutional and interna- tional. Newcastle committee: Limitation of the supply of grain ; Constitutional remedies, evidence of mr. Urquhart before the above committee. The queen and the premier; a statement of their strug- gle and its results. 2d ed. 1857. The four wars of the french revolution examined judicially in order to demonstrate that they would have been impossi- ble without the suppression of the functions of the privy council.- Stapleton, A. G. A day with one of the committees. Politeness an element of power, letter to mr. Stapleton. Pt. 2. England defenceless since the declaration of Paris. The invasion of England. The right of search: in what it con- sists; how the british empire exists by it; that it has been surrendered up, with an introd. on lord Derby's part therein. Answer to mr. Cobden on the assimilation of war and peace, also analysis of the correspondence with the U. S., showing the declara- tion of Paris to have been violated by England and France. Sparing private property in war at sea; two letters to mr. Gregory on his motion of march 2d, 1866. The days of England not "numbered"; reply to sir Archibald Alison by Caritas. Naval power suppressed by the maritime states; Crimean war. 2. Pt. 1. India. The Edinburgh review and the afghan war: letters re-printed from the Morn- ing herald. The rebellion of India: Mr. Disraeli's speech reviewed; Illegality of the acts abolishing native customs and their consequences; The won- drous tale of the greased cartridges. The sraddha, the keystone of the brahminical, buddhistic and arian religions as illustrative of the dogma and duty of adoption among the princes and people of India. The abyssinian war; the contingencv of failure, dec. 1867. Pt. 2. Russia and Turhey. A fragment of the history of Servia. The Suez canal in 1853; a chapter extracted from the stereotyped plates of the progress of Russia in the west, north and south. The story of the war by collated passages from the Times and Morning herald correspondents and the evidence before the Sebastopol committee. The secret of Russia in the Caspian and Euxine. the Circassian war as affecting the insurrection in Poland. 3. The Vatican council of 1870. Conscience in respect to public affairs; a correspondence. Appeal of a protestant to the pope to restore the law of nations; reply to six questions on the business for the an- nounced sixth lateran council. Effect on the world of the restoration of the canon law, a vindication of the catholic church against a priest. Fragments on politeness. Le patriarche Hassoun: Le schisme armenien dans ses rapports a^ec le concile oecu- menique et les decrets synodaux sur la guerre, avec les documents. 7. Legislative annals. Un i t e d States. Congress. List of congressional documents from tiie 20th to the 46th cong. incl. (Dep't of the interior.) Wash. 1882. O. L Note. A list of U. S. documents from the 1st to the 37th cong. incl. will be found in the Index to the catalogue of books in Bates hall of the Boston public library, and from the 1st to 45th cong. incl. m the catalogue of the Boston athenreum, vol. 5, p. 3054 3109. Both catalogues give complete contents up to and incl. the 14th cong., 1816-17, after which time the publications of each cong. were furnished with a separate index. Ordway, Albert. General index of the jour- nals of congress from tlie 1st to [16th] con- gress incl.; a synoptical subject-index of U. S. Congress. Cr., may 26, 1828. 5 v. 4. Commerce and navigation. To end of 17th cong. march 3, 1823. 2 v. 5. Military affairs. To end of 2d sess., 2,5th cong., march 1, 1838. 7 v. 6. Naval affairs. To end of 1st sess., 24th cong., June 1.5, 18;36. 4 v. 7. Post office dept. To end of 22d cong-., march 3, 1833. 1 V. 8. Public lands. To end of 24th cong., march 3, 1837. 8v. 9. Claims. To end of 17th cong , march 3, 1823. 1 V. 10. Miscellaneous. To end of 17th cong., march 3, 1823. 2 v. Note. Each vol. is provided with a minute index. Niles' weekly register; containing political, historical, geographical, scientific, astron- omical, statistical and biographical doc- uments, essays and facts, together with notices of the arts and manufactures and a record of the events of the times. Bait. 1812-1848. 73 V. BM Note. From 1811 aug. 1814 called the "Weekly register;" from sept. 1837 dec. 1848 called Niles national register. Congressional directory, comp. for the use of cong. by B: Perley Poore. 44th cong. 2d sess; 46th cong. 1st sess.; 47th cong. 1st. sess.; 48th cong. 1st and 2d sess. Wash. 1876-84. O. in 328. 1 : D Senate. Journal, 23d cong. 1st sess , 1833-34 [to 48th cong. 1st sess., 1883-84]. Wash. 1834- 84. O. in 328. 1 : D Public documer ts, 23d cong. 1st sess., 1833-34 [to 29th cong. 2d sess., 1846-47]. Wash. 1834-47. O. in 328. 1 : D Reports of committees, 30th cong. 1st sess., 1847-48 [to 47th cong. 2d sess., 1882-83]. Wash. 1848-83. O. in 328. 1 : D Executive documents, 30th cong. 1st sess., 1847-48 [to 47th cong. 2d sess., 1882-83]. Wash. 1848-83. O. m 328.1 :D Miscellaneous documents, 30th cong. 1st sess., 1847-48 [to 47th cong. 2d session, 1882-83]. Wash. 1848-83. O. iw 328.1 :D House of representatives. Journal, 23d cong. 1st sess., 1833-34 [to 48th cong. 1st sess., 1883-84]. Wash. 1883-84. O. in 328.1 :D Reports of committees, 23d cong. Istsess., 1833-34 [to 47th cong. 2d sess., 1882-83]. Wash. 1834-83. O. in 328.1 : D Same. Consolidated index, 26th to 40th cong. incl. [1839-1869], prep under the dir. of E:McPherson. Wash. 1869. O. in 328. 1 : D [Executive] Documents, 23d cong. 1st. sess., 1833-34 [to 29th cong. 2d sess., 1846-471. Wash. 1834-47. O. in 328. 1 : D Executive documents, 30th cong. 1st sess., 1847-48 [to 47th cong. 2d sess., 1882-831. Wash. 1848-83. O. in 328.1 :J> Same. Consolidated index, 26th to 40th cong. incl. [1839-1869], prep, under the dir. of E: Mcpherson. Wash. 1879. O. in 328. 1 : D Miscellaneous documents, 30th cong. 1st sess., 1847-48 [to 47th cong. 2d sess., 1882- 83]. Wash. 1848-83. O. in 328.1 :D Reports of the court of claims, 34th cong. 1st sess., 1855-56 [to 37th cong. 3d sess., 1862-63 ; being nos. 1-296]. Wash. 1850-63. O. iw 328.1 :D Note. The several series of Senate and House documents, specified above, comprise what is known as the "set of congressional doc's". Each volume of each series contains an index to the entire series of a session. A number of volumes previous to the 29th congress, 1845, are missing, but only a few after that date. Many special government publications U. S. Congress. (Jontinued. will be found in this catalogue entered in such clas- ses, as are indicated by their subjects. The executive documents (since 1862, of the house; before that time, sometimes of the senate, sometimes of the house, sometimes in both) contain, among other matter, the annual reports of the following permanently established departments and bureaus: Agricultural dep't (estab. in 1847 as a branch of the patent office, from which it was separated in 1862), containing reports of Commissioner of agriculture, Botanist, Bureau of animal industry, " forestry, " chemistry, " entomology, " statistics. Civil service commission (estab. in 1883). Department of justice, under the charge of the Attorney-general. District of Columbia, Commissioners. Fish commission (estab. in 1871). Interior dep't (estab. in 1849), transmits reports of Secretary of the interior, Bureau of education (estab. in 1867), Census office. Entomological commission (estab. in 1877, trans- ferred in 1881 to the Agricultural dep.). General land office (estab. in 1812 as subordinate to the Treasury dep.). Geological survey (estab. in 1879 by the consolida- tion of the Survey of the territories. Survey of the Rocky mountain region. Survey west of the 100th meridian, etc ), Indian affairs. Office of, (estab. in 1832 as subordin- ate to the War dep.), including Commissioner, Board and Inspector of Indian schools. Patent office (estab. in 1849), Pension office (estao. in 1833 as subordinate to the War dep.), U. S. national museum and Bureau of ethnology (included under the manage- ment of the Smithsonian institution). Architect of the capitol. Commissioner of railroads (estab. in 1878 under the name of Auditor of r. r. accounts), Columbia institution for the deaf and dumb (estab. in 18,57). Government hospital for the insane (estab. in 185.5), Freedmen's hospital and asylum, Columbia hospital for women (estab. in 1866), U. S. inspector of gas-meters, Sup't of Hot Springs reservation, Sup't of Yellowstone national park, Utah commission. National board of health (estab. in 1879, as sub- ordinate to the Sec. of the treasury.) Navy dep't (estab. in 1798), transmits reports of Secretary of the navy, Admiral of the navy. Advisory board. Naval, Arctic expeditions. Bureau of construction and I'epairs, " equipment and recruiting, " medicine and surgery, " navigation, " ordnance, " provisions and clothing, " steam engineering, " yards and docks, C!hief signal officer of the navy. Detailed movements of vessels. Estimates and pay, " ' offic (a divisiim of the Bureau of- Hydrographic navigation). Light-house board, Marine corps, Commandant of, Nautical almanac office (a division of the Bureau of navigation). Naval academy at Annapolis, Naval observatory, Navy-yards, Revenue marine. Post-oflace dep't (estab. in 1789), transmits reports of Postmaster-general, First assistant postm.-gen. (post-offices). Second assistant postm.-gen. (mail service). Third assistant postm.-gen. {accounts and supplies), Auditor of the treasury for the p.-o. dep't, Chief post-office inspector, Foreign mail service, m SOCIOLOGY-LEGHSLATIVE DOC'S. CI. 328 178 U. S. Congress. Continued. Postal money order system, Railway mail service, Topographer of the p.-o. dep't. President of the T7. S., meaaages. Smithsonian institution, annual rep. only. State dep't (estab. in 1789). The sec. of state makes no annual report, but transmits with the presi- dent's message papers on Foreign relations (known also as Diplomatic corre- spondence). Commercial relations and Consular reports. Treasury dep't (estab. in 1776), transmits reports of Secretary of the treasury {usually knovm as Finance report). Auditors of the treasury, 1st to 6th, Commissioner of customs (estab. in 1849), Commissioner of internal revenue (estab. in 1863), Commissioner of mining statistics (estab. in 1866, abolished in 1876), Comptroller, 1st and 2d, Comptroller of the currency {national banks, estab. in 1863), Register of the treasury. Treasurer of the U. S., Bureau of engraving and printmg. Bureau of the mint {including Production of gold and silver). Bureau of statistics (Commerce and navigation). Coast and geodetic survey (reorgan. in 1843;, Light-house board. Life-saving service (reorgan. in 1878), Marine-hospital service, Revenue-marine {succeeded in 18H4 by the Bureau of navigation). Steamboat inspection office. Supervising architect (estab. in 1853), Liabilities to Indian tribes. National board of health (estab. in 1879). War dep't (estab. in 1789), transmits rep(yrts of Secretary of war. Adjutant-general, Chief of engineers, with appendices. Chief of ordnance. Chief signal officer of the army. Commissary-general of subsistence, General of the army (and department officers), Inspector-general of the army, Judge-advocate-general, Military academy at West Point, Paymaster-general, Provost-marshal-general (estab. 1863, abolished 1866), Quartermaster-general, Soldiers' home. Commissioners of. State, war and navy dep't building. Engineer of. Surgeon-general. The government year is usually the fiscal year, july-june, and July 1883 June 1884 is quoted as the report for 1884. The report for any one year will be found by a reference to the index of the executive documents for the session of congress, commencing during the year in question. U. S. Special states. New York colony. Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York ; began the 9th day of april, 1691, and ended the 3d of april, 1775. Albany. 1861. 2 v. F. 328.13 :B,1 Illinois state. Reports made to the general as- sembly at its 25th [-31st biennial] session, 1867 [-18791. Springlield. 1867-79. 23 v. (3. m 328.15 :D Contain, in add. to committee and special reports, the following annual or biennial reports of officers and institutions; Ad.1utant-general, 18691878. Attorney-general, 18731878. Auditor of public accounts, 18651878. Canal commissioners, 18701878. Governor's messages, 18671879. 111. and Michigan canal. Trustees, 18651869, (trans- feired to canal Commissioners). 111. asylum for feeble-minded children, 18711878. 111. charitable eye and ear infirmary, 1871$ 1878. 111. central hospital for the insane, 18a5 1878. 111. eastern hospital for the Insane, 18771878. Illinois state. Continued. 111. industrial university, 18671872. 111. institution for idiots and imbeciles. 18651868. 111. institution for the education of the blind. 1865 1878. 111. institution for the education of the deaf and dumb, 18651878. 111. northern hospital for the Insane. 18701878. 111. soldiers' orphans' home, 18671878. 111. southern hospital for the insane, 18731878. 111. state hospital for the insane, see 111. central hosp. 111. state penitentiary (northern), 18651878. 111. state reform school for juvenile delinquents, 1871-1878. Insurance department, 18691878. Railroad and warehouse commissioners, 18711874. Secretary of state, 1872-1878. Southern 111. normal university, 18731878. Southern 111. penitentiary, 18771878. State board of agriculture, 18711873. State board of centennial managers, 1876. State board of health, 18771878. State commissioners of public charities, 18691878. . State entomologist, 18701872. State house commissioners, 18671878. State normal university, 18751876. State treasurer, 18651878. Superintendent of public Instruction, 18651872. Michigan state. Executive dep's. Joint docu- ments for 1871 [-1880]. Lansing. 1872-81. 28 V. O. in 328. 15 :D Contain annual or biennial reports of the follow- ing officers and institutions: Adjutant-general, 18721880. Attorney-general. 18711880. Auditor-general, 18711880 Board of commissioners [for the building] of the eastern asylum for the Insane, 18751879. Board of fund commissioners, 18771878. Board of state auditors, 18711880. Board of state [house] building commissioners, 18711879. Board of state commissioners for the general supervision of the charitable, penal, pauper and reformatory Institutions, 18711880. Building commissioners of the state house of cor- rection, 1876. Commissioner of Insurance, 18731880. Commissioner of railroads, 18721877, 1879-1880, and Compilation of reports for 1871, by the Auditor general. Commissioner of the state land office, 18711880. County superintendents of the poor, Abstract of annual rep., 1871-1880. Eastern Mich, asylum for the insane, 1878-1880. Governor, messages, estimates, and pardons, 1871- 1881. Immigration commissioners, 1871-1873. Insane, deaf, dumb, and blind in Mich., Abstract of statistics relating to, 1873-1880. Inspectors of the state prison, 1871-1880. Mich, asylum for the insane, 1871-1880. Mich, institution for educating the deaf and dumb, and the blind, 1871-1880. Mich, reform school for girls, 1880. Quartermaster-general, 1871-1880. Sheriffs, Abstract of rep. relative to jails in Mich.. 1873-1880. State board of corrections and charities, see Board of state commissioners, etc. State board of equalization, 1871, 1876. State commissioners and superintendent of fisher- ies, 187;W880. State house of correction and reformatory, 1877- 1880. State inspector of illuminating oils, 1877-1880. State librarian, 1871-1880. State military board, 1871-1874. State public school for dependent children, 1874- 1880. State salt insiieotor. 1H80. State treasurer, 1871 \m). Superintendent ot public instruction, (iud. Uni- versity of Mich., State normal school. Stattt pub- lic school. State rctorin school. State agricultural college, and other colleges in the state). 1871-1880. Superintendent ot the St. Mary's Falls ship canal, 1871-1880. Swamp land state road commissionoi-s, (sitcrcedrd in 187o by the State swamp land commissioner) 1871- 1880. 179 CI. 328 SOCIOLOGY LEGISLATIVE DOC'S. 180 Wisconsin territory. Legislative assembly. Jour- nal of the council of the flrst [to fifth] leg- islative assembly. BelmoDt, PlattevilTe and Madison. 1836-48. O. in 328.15 : D Journal of the house of representatives of the first [to fifth] legislative assembly. Belmont, Green Bay, Mineral Point, South- port [Kenosha] and Madison. 1836-48. O. i 328.15 :D Note. For the number and duration of sessions, see note to session laws, in class 343.15. State. Legislature. In senate ; journal of pro- ceedings of the [first to] thirty-sixth an- nual session, [1848-]1883. Madison. 1848- 83. O. n 328.15 :D In assembly ; journal of proceeedings of the E first to] thirty-sixth annxial session, 1848-]1883. Madison. 1848-83. O. w328.15:D Executive departments. Governoi''s message [to the annual sessions of the legislature] and accompanying documents, [1848] 1883. Madison. 1848-83. 47 v. O. m 328. 15 :D Note. During 184& 1852 pub. as an appendix to the assembly journal. The accompanying documents Include annual reports of the following state officers and institutions, the report for any given year being found with the documents of the session for the suc- ceeding year: Adjutant-general, [1-33, 26-30], 1853-1875, 1878-1882. Attorney-general, 1. ia53. Bank comptroller. 1-17, 1853-1869, (afterwards tml. in rep. of State treasurer). Board of public works for the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, 1-5, 1848-1 a53. Board of regents of normal schools, [1-4, 6-35], 1857-1861, 1863-1882. Board of regents of the university of Wisconsin, 1-35, 1848-1882. Board of trustees of the Northern hospital for the insane, 1-8, 1873-1880, (/w later reports, see State board of supervison.) Board of trustees of the Wisconsin institute for the education of the deaf and dumb, 1-29, 18,53-1880, {for later reports, see State board of supervision.) Board of trustees of the Wisconsin Institution for the education of the blind, 1-31, ^50-1883, (/or later reportx, see State board of supervision.) Board of trustees of the Wisconsin state hospital for the insane, 1-21, 1860-1880, (for later reports, xee State board of supervision.) Building commissioners of the Northern hospital for the insane, 1-3, 1871-1872. Commissioner of emigration, 1-3, 1852-18.53. Commissioner of immigration, 1-5, 1871-1875. Commissioner of insurance, 1-13, 1870-1882, (previoitsly incl. in rep. of Secretary of state . Commissioners for building the Wisconsin state hos- pital for the insane, 1-3, 1857-1859. Commissioners of fisheries, 1-9, 1874-1883. Commissioners of public printing, [1-9], 1874-1883. (vHth rep. of Secretary of state). Commissioners of school and university lands, changed in 1878 to Commissioners of public lands, 1-33, 1850-1882. Commissioners of the Wisconsin state lunatic asy- lum, 1, ]a54. Commissioners on a house of refuge for juvenile delinquents. 1-4, ia57-1860. Directors and warden of the State prison, see State prison commissioner. Geological survey, James G. Perclval, 1853-55. E: Daniels, 1857-185a James Hall, 1860. J: Murrish, 1871. T. C. Chamberlain, 1874-1879. Managers of the state reform school, changed in 1871 to Managers of the Wisconsin industrial school for boys, 1-21, 1860-1880, (for later reports, see State board of supervision). Milwaukee county insane asylum. 1-3, 1880-1882. Quartermaster-general, 1862-1865, 1883 (iiitervening years inclmletl in rep. o/ Adjutant-gen.) Hallroad commissioner, 1-9, 1874-1883. Secretary of state, [l-a5], 1848-1882. -Continued. il society. Executive committee. Wisconsin state. State agriculturi 1-3, 1856-18.58. State board of charities and reform, 1-13, 1871-1882. State board of health, 1-7, 1876-1883. State boai'd of supervision of Wisconsin charitable, reformatory and penal institutions, 1-3, 1881-1883. State geologist, see Geological survey. State historical society, 1-5, 1854-18,59. State prison commissioner, changed in 1874 to Direc- tors and Warden of the state prison, 1-39, 1852-1880, (for later reports, see State board of supervision). State superintendent of public instruction, 1-34, 1849-1882. State supervisor of inspectors of illuminating oils, 2-3, 1881-1883. State treasurer, [1-35] , 1848-1882. Surgeon-general, 1862-1865. Trustees of the soldiers' orphans' home, 1-16, 1866- 1881. Legislature. Manual for the use of the as- sembly of the state of Wis. for 1853. Madi- son. 1853. O. in 328.15 : D A manual of customs, precedents and forms in use in the assembly of Wis. ; together with the rules, the apportionment and other lists and tables for reference, 1859 1861. Madison. 1859-61. 3 v. S. and D. in 328.15 :D Note. Comp. by L. H. D. Crane; 1860 and 1861 are called the 3d and 3d annual ed. The legislative manual of the state of Wis. ; comprising Jefferson's manual, the rules, forms and laws for the regulation of busi- ness, also lists and tables for reference, 18621878. Madison. 1862-78. 17 v. D. *;i328.15 :D Note. From 1867, the constitutions of the U. S. and of Wis. are added. Called the lst-17th annual od.; 1863-66 comp. by the chief clerks of the senate and assembly, 1867-71 by the sec. of state, from that time under the dir. of the sec. of state, 1873-74 by A. J. Turner, 1875-78 by R. M. Bashford. The blue book of the state of Wisconsin, 18791883. Madison. 1879-83. 5 v. D. w 328.15 :D Note. The v. for 1879 adds to title : "containing the constitutions of the U. S. and of the state, Jefferson's manual, rules and oi'ders of the senate and assem- bly, and annals of the legislature; also, statistical tables and history of state institutions". Called the 18th-33d annual ed.; comp. under the dir. of the sec. of state, 1879 by D. H. Pulcifer, 1880 by J. A. Trues- doll, 1881 -as by J. E. Heg. The blue book of the state of Wis. ; compris- ing the constitutions of the U. S. and of the state, Jefferson's manual, forms and laws for the regulation of business ; also lists and tables for reference, etc. Under dir. of Ernst G. Timme, sec. of state, James E. Heg, comp. 23d v., 1885. Madison. 1885. O. in 328.15 :D Iowa state. Oeneral assembly. Legislative doc- uments submitted to the 18tn gen. assem- bly, convened Jan. 12, 1880. Des Moines. 1880. 4v. O. *?i328.15 :D Contains the following reports for 1878 and 1879: Adjutant-general. Auditor of state. Board of capitol commissioners, 5th. Board of railroad commissioners; 1st, 2d. Central station of the Iowa weather service, 1st. Iowa college for the blind, 14th. Iowa hospital for the insane at Independence. 4th. Iowa hospital for the insane at Mt. Pleasant, lOtli. Iowa institution for the education of the deaf and dumb, 13th. Iowa reform school, 6th. Iowa soldiers' orphans' home, 7th. Iowa state agricultural college and farm, 8th. Iowa state asylum for feeble-minded children, 3d. lleglster of state land office. Secretary of state, in relation to criminal returns. 181 SOCIOLOGY LEGISLATIVE DOC'S. 01. 328-329 Iowa state. Continued. state flsh commission, 3d. State historical society, 12th. State librarian. State normal school, 2d. Superintendent of public instruction. Treasurer of state. Warden of Iowa state penitentiary. Warden of additional penitentiary. 8. Political works, essays, speeches, etc. Un ited States . Johnston, Alexander, ed. Representative amer- ican orations ; to illustrate american politi- cal history, with intro'd. and notes. N. Y. 1884. 3v.' S. 329.1 : 47 Moore, Frank, ed. American eloquence ; a col- lection of speeches and addresses by the most eminent orators of America, with biog. sketches and ill. notes. 111. N. Y. 1864. 3 V. O. 329. 1+32 Contents. V. 1. J. Otis. P. Henry. R: H: Lee. W: H: Drayton. J.Warren. J. Wilson. W: Livinf?- ston. F. Ames. J: Rutledg-e.- J. Madison. J: Jay. E. Randolph. A. Hamilton. J: Hancock. J: Adams. G: Washington. E. Boudinot. J: Dickin- son. J: Witherspoon.- D: Ramsay. S: Adams. J. Quincy, jr. B: Rush. R. R. Livingston.- H. H. Brackenridge. C : Pinckney. L. Martin. O. Ells- worth. C. Gore. Red Jacket. U. Tracy. H: Lee. G. Morris. R. G. Harper. T: A. Enimet. G: R. Minot. H. G. Otis. De W. Clinton. 2. J: Marshall. R.King. J. A. Bayard. W: Pinkney. A. Gallatin. J. Hillhouse. J: Randolph. W: B. Giles. E: Liv- ingston. S: Dexter. J: Q. Adams. H: Clay. T. Surges. W: Hunter. Tecumseh.D. Webster. J. Story.- W: Wirt. J: C. Calhoun. J: Sergeant. W: Gaston. R. Y. Hayne. S. S. Prentiss. Whitman, C. W. American orators and ora- tory ; biographical sketches of the repre- sentative men of America, together with gems of eloquence upon the leading ques- tions that have occupied public attention from the foundation of the republic to the present time ; with an introd. by Frank Gilbert. 111. Chicago. 1884. O. 329.1+46 Niles, Hezekiah. Principles and acts of the revolution in America, or An attempt to collect and preserve some of the speeches, orations and proceedings, with sketches and remarks on men and things, and other fugitive or neglected pieces oelonging to the revolutionary period in the U. S., which happily terminated in the establish- ment of their liberties, with a view to rep- resent the feelings that prevailed in the "times that tried men's souls," to excite a love of freedom and lead the people to vigilance as the condition on wnich it is granted. Bait. 1823. O. 329.1:42 Maclay, W: Sketches of debate in the first senate of the U.S., in 1789-90-91; ed. by G: W. Harris. Harrisburg. rt. d. O. 329.1 :25 Adams, H:, ed. Documents relating to New- England federalism, 1800 1815. Bost. 1877. O. 329.1:21 Dwight, Theodore. History of the Hartford convention ; with a review of the policy of the U. S. government, which led to the war of 1813. K Y. 1833. O. 329. 1 : 27 Saflfbrd, W: H. The Blennerhasset papers, embodying the private journal of Harman Blennerhasset, and the hitherto unpub- lished correspondence of Burr, Alston Comfort Tyler, Devereaux, Dayton, Adair! Miro, Emmett, Theodosia Burr Alston, mrs. Blennerhasset, and others, their con- temporaries ; developing the purposes and aims of those engaged in the attempted Wilkinson and Burr revolution ; embrac- ing also the first account of the "Spanish association of Kentucky", and a memoir of Blennerhasset. Cine. 1864. O. 329.1-|-33 Smith, W: H:, ed. St. Clair papers ; life and public services of Arthur St. Clair, with nis correspondence and other papers arr. and annotated. Cine. 1882. 2 v. O. 329.1:40 Lincoln, Abraham, and Stephen Arnohl Doug- las. Political debates in the celebrated campaign of 1858 in Illinois ; including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also the two great speeches of mr. Lincoln in Ohio in 1859, as prepared by the reporters of each party and pub. at the times of their delivery. Columbus. 1860. O. 329.1+30 * * * Adams, J: Works, with a life of the author, notes and illustrations by his grandson, C: Francis Adams. Bost. 1850-56. 10 v. O. 329.1+1 Contents. V. 1. Life. 2. Diary with passages from an autobiography. Notes of debates in the con- tinental congress in 177.5-76. Autobiography. App. 3. Autobiography, contmu(Z. Diary. Notes of a debate in the senate of the U. S. Essays and contro- versial papers of the revolution. 4. Same, ctmtinited. Works on government. 6. Same, amtimied. App. 6. Same, continued. 7-8. Official letters, messages and public papers. 9. Same, continued. Correspon- dence. 10. Same, contimied. App. Indexes. Fo8t4il and for other purposes. On the second deficiency bill. Temperance.- On the Nebraska bill. On the Meade claims.- Ajralnst limiting grants of land to white persons.- On polygamy. t)n the Pacific railroad. On the abolition of tho postal system. On supplying theclty of Washington with water.- On the Mexican treaty and " Moni-oe doctrine." Ixftter announcing his purpose to resign his seat in c-ongress. Sec)nd speech on the R: W. Meade. For the Oswego harbor. 187 CI. 329 SOCIOLOGY POLITICAL ESSAYS, ETC. 188 Letter to senator Hamlin on the reciprocity treaty. On postage bill. In favor of prohibiting all traflSc in Intoxicating: drinks in Washington. Against pro- viding intoxicating drinks tor the navy. In favor of indemnifying mr. Riddle and mr. Peabody. In favor of custom-houses at Buffalo and Oswego. Final letter to his constituents. Letter to F: Douglass. Letter to hon. H. C. Goodwin. Sumner, C: Works. Bost. 18751883. 15 v. D. 329.1 : 16 Contents. V. 1-12. See Catalogue of the Brooklyn library, p. 1024-1026. 13. Cheap ocean postage. The late hon. Thaddeus Stevens, remarks on his death. Claims of citizens in the rebel states. Tribute to hon. James Hinds.- Powers of congress to prohibit inequality, caste, and oligarchy of the skin. Claims on England, individual and national. Locality in appointment to office.- National affairs at home and abroad. The question of caste. Currency. Col- ored physicians.- The late hon. W: Pitt Fessenden, remarks on hjs death. Cuban belligerency. Admis- sion of Virginia to representation in congress. llnancial reconstruction and specie payments. Ma- jor-general Nathaniel Greene. Personal record on reconstruction with colored suffrage. Admission of Mississippi to representation in congress. The first colored senator. Consideration of treaties in open senate. Eligibility to the senate; question of inhab- itancy. Ratification of the fifteenth amendment. Admission of Georgia to representation in congress. Income tax. More work to be done. Education. No exclusion of retired army officers from civil office. Arctic expeditions. One cent postage, with aboli- tion of franking. Chinese indemnity fund. Tax on books. Naturalization laws; no discrimination on account of color. 14. The republican party; its past and future work. The duel between France and Germany, with its lesson to civilization.- The patriot dead at Arlington. Naboth's vineyard. New year's day. Italian unity. Response to a toast. Duty of the young colored lawyer. Charity to France or Germany? Colored schools in Washington.- Hon. J: Corode, speech on his death. Italian unity again. Violations of international law, and usurpations of war powers. Personal relations with the president and secretary of state.-TheKu-klux-klan. Our duty against wrong. Power of the senate to imprison recusant witnesses. The haytian medal.- Equality of rights in public schools.- Peace and the republic for France. The great fire at Chicago, and our duty. Rights and duties of our colored fellow-citizens. One term for presidents.- The best portraits in en- graving. Equality before the law protected by na- tional statute. 16. The house of representatives, its proper number. Reform and purity in govern- ment. Parliamentary law on the appointment of special committees of the senate.- Books on the free list. The Nasby letters. Advice to the colored people. Diplomatic agents of the U. S. not to accept gifts from foreign powers Preservation of the park at Washington. flours of labor. Arbitration as a substitute for war. Republicanism vs. Grantism. Interest and duty of colored citizens in the president- ial election. Letter to speaker Blaine. Retrospect and promise.- F: Douglass and president Grant. Greeley or Grant? No names of battles with fellow- citizens on the army register, or the regimental col- ors of the U. S. Tribute to Horace Greeley. Relief of Boston. The late hon. Garrett Davis, remarks on his death. Equality in civil rights.- Equal rights of colored fellow-citizens in normal schools.- The pres- ident of Haytiand mr. Sumner. International arbi- tration. A common -school system irrespective of color. Boston, its proper boundaries. Yellow fever at Memphis and Shreveport. The case of the Vir- ginius. The supplementary civil-rights bill again. Our pilgrim forefathers. Sui ' bill; the last appeal. Orations and speeches, Supplementary civil-rights Bost. 1850. 2v. D. 329.1:36 Contents. V. 1. The true grandeur of nations. The scholar, the jurist, the artist, the philanthropist. White slavery in the Barbary states.- Fame and glory. The law of human progress. 2. The war system of the commonwealth of nations. Speech against the admission of Texas as a slave state. Speech on the anti-slavery duties of the whig party. Letter to hon. Robert C. Winthrop on the declara- tion of war against Mexico. Speech against the mexican war. Argument before the supreme court of Mass. against the validity of enlistments in the Mass. regiment of volunteers for the mexican war. Speech calling for the withdrawal of the american troops from Mexico. Speech before the Boston prison discipline society. Speech for political action against the slave power and extension of slavery. Speech for union among men of all parties against ' the slave power and the extension of slavery. Speech ' for the Buffalo platform and candidates. Letter on parties and the importance of a free-soil organiza- tion. Remarks on calling the free-soil state conven- tion of Mass. to order, 1849. Address to the people of Mass. explaining and vindicating the free-soil move- ment. Argument against the constitutionality of separate colored schools. Report on the law school of Harvard university. Speech on our present anti- slavery duties. Three tributes of friendship : Joseph Story; J: Pickering; H: Wheaton. Train, G: Francis. Union speeches del. in F,ng- land dviring the [civil] war. Phila. 1862. O. 329.1:37 Ward, Elijah. Speeches on commercial, finan- cial and other subjects. N. Y. 1877. O. 329.1+38 Contents. A ship-canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A just bankrupt law. Our commer- cial relations with the british north american prov- inces. The tariff and the true principles of taxation. The ti-eaty with the Hawaiian islands. Our commer- cial relations with Canada The financial condition of the nation. The financial problem. The distribu- tion of the Geneva award. Nationality of the dem- ocratic party. The true policy of the government as to the conduct of the war. The best policy toward the southern states.- The shipping act relating to merchant seamen. A coinage dept. at the assay office in New York. The questions of the times. A free canal policy. Washington, G: Writings; his correspondence, addresses, messages, and other papers, official and private, selected and publ. from the original mss., with a life of the author, by Jared Sparks. N. Y. 1848-1852. 12 V. O. 329.1 : 17 Contents. V. 1. Life, by J. Sparks. 2. Pt. 1: Offi- cial letters relating to the trench war and private letters before the american revol., march 1764 to may 1775. 3. Pt. 2: Correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to the american revol., June 1775 to July 1776. 4. July 1776 to July 1777. 6. July 1777 to July 1778. 6. July 1778 to march 1780. 7. March 1780 to april 1781. 8. April 1781 to dec. 1783. 9. Pt. 3: Private letters from the time Washington resign- ed his commission as commander-in-chief of the army to that of his inauguration as president of the U. S., dec. 1788 to april 1789. 10. Pt. 4: Letters, official and private, from the beginning of his presi- dency to the end of his life, may 1789 to nov. 1794. 11. Nov. 1794 to dec. 1799. 12. Pt. 5: Speeches and messages to congress, proclamations and ad- dresses. App. Indexes. Webster, Daniel. Works. 7th ed. Bost. 1853. 6 V. O. 329.1+18 Contents. V. 1. Biographical memoir, by E: Ever- ett. Speeches on various public occasions. 2. Speeches on various public occasions. 3, 4. Speeches in the convention to amend the constitution of Mass. Speeches in congress. 6. Speeches in con- gross. Legal arguments and speeches to the jury. e. Legal arguments and speeches to the jury. Dip- lomatic and official papers. Miscellaneous letters. Diplomatic and official papers, while secretary of state. N. Y. 1848. O. 329. l-j-39 Woodbury, Levi. Writings, political, judicial and literary; now first sel. and arr. Bost. 1852. 3v. O. 329.1+19 Contents. V. 1. Biograph. notice. Speeches. Re- ports. Gubernatorial message, speeches, and reports on state topics. Occasional letters and speeches on important topics. App, 2. Judicial, 3. Literary. Great Britain. Adams, C; Kendall, ed. Representative british orations, with introd. and explanatory notes. N. Y. 1884. 3 v. S. 329.2:21 SOCIOLOGY POLITICAL ESSAYS, ETC. 01. 329 190 Speeches of eminent British statesmen during the thirty-nine years' peace. Lond. 1855, 1857. 2v. S. 329.2:20 Contents. V. 1. From the dosing of the war to the passing of the reform MU. Jenkinson, C. C. C, earl of Liverpool. On moving an address to the pi-ince reg-ent on the treaties of 1815. Liainbton, J: G., earl of Durham. Against the alien bill of 1818. Komilly, Sir S: In support of a petition againt a clause intro- duced by the lords into the alien act of 1818. Mack- intosh, Sir J. On moving for a committe to inquire into the state of the criminal law. Stewart, R.. vis- count Ca^tlereagh. On introducing the celebrated six acts against seditious meetings. Russell, J: hrrd. On proposing the consideration of the state of the representation of the people in parliament.- Husk- isson, W : On the motion of mr. EUice for a select committee on the silk trade. Canning:, G: On mov- ing the consideration of the king's message on the relations subsisting between Great Britain and Port- ugal. Wellesley, A., duke of Wellinfiton. On mov- ing the second reading of a bill for the relief of the roman catholics. Grey, C, 2d earl. On moving the second reading of the reform bill for England and Wales. 2. From the passing of the reform bill to the commencement of the russian war. Macaulay, T: B. haron. On the repeal of the union with Ireland. Stanley, E: G., 14th earl of Derby. On the emanci- pation of the slaves. Brougrham, H : baron. Imme- diate emancipation of the negro apprentices. Spen- cer, J: C: 3d earl. On the renewal of the bank charter. O'Connell, D. On justice to Ireland. Shell, R: L. On Irish municipal reform. Villiers, C: P. On the corn laws. liamb, W:, viscount Mel- bourne. On the penny postage bill. Robinson, F: J: Ist earl of Ripon. On the penny postage bill. Peel, Sir R. On the repeal of the corn laws. Temple, H : J : 3d viscount Palmerston. On the affairs of Greece. Copley, J: S., baro7i Lyndhurst. On the war with Russia. Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke and Erskine; added, the argument of mr. Mackintosh in the case of Peltier; sel. by a member of the Phila. bar. Phila. 1860. O. 329.2:6 Burlingame, E: Livingstone, ed. Current dis- cussion ; a collection from the chief eng- lish essays on questions of the time. Vol. 1: International politics. N. Y. 1878. D. 329.2:4 Contents. Forbes, A. The russians, the turks and the bulgarians. Canning:, Sir S., viscount Stratfirrd tie Redcliffe. Turkey. Gladstone, W: E. Montene- gro. Smith, G. The political destiny of Canada. Blackie, J : S. Prussia in the 19th century. Dicey, E: The future of Egypt. Smith, G. The slave- owner and the turk. Owen, S. .T. The stability of the british empire in India. Freeman, E: A: The relation of the engllsh people to the russo-turkish war. Irish eloquence; the speeches of the celebrated Irish orators Philips. Curran and Grattan; added, appeal of Robert Emmet at the close of his trial for high treason; sel. by a member of the bar. Bost. 1857. O. 329.2: 17 Brougham, H: lord. Speeches on social and political subjects, with historical introd. Lond. 1857. 2 v. D. 329.2 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Military flogging. Queen Caro- line. Libel on the Durham clergy. Array esti- mates.- Holy alliance. Education. Law in Ire- land. Imprisonment for debt. Bed chamber ques- tion. Wellington speeches. 2. Commerce and man- ufactures. Liverpool election. Liverpool mechan- ics institute. The slave trade. Case of rev. J: Smith. Negro slavery. The slave trade. Emanci- pation of negro apprentices. Eastern slave trade. Present state of the law. Local courts. Parlia- mentary reform. Poor laws. Burke, Edmund. Works. Rev. ed. Bost. 1865- 67. 12 V. D. 329.2:2 Contetit. V. 1. Advertisement to the reader pre- fixed to the first octavo edition. Advertisement to the second octavo ed. A vindication of natural society. A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful, with an introductory discourse concerning taste. A short account of a late short administration. Observa- tions on a late publication Intituled The present state of the nation. Thoughts on the cause of the pres- ent discontents. 2. Speech on american taxation. Speeches on arrival at Bristol and at the conclusion of the poll. Speech on moving resolutions for con- ciliation with America. Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol on the affairs of America.- Letters to two gentlemen of Bristol on the bills depending in par- liament relative to the trade of Ireland. Speech on presenting to the house of commons a plan for the better security of the independence of parliament, and the economical reformation of the civil and other establishments. Speech at Bristol previous to the election. Speech at Bristol on declining the poll. Speech on mr. Fox's East India bill. A repre- sentation to his majesty. 3. Speech on the nabob of Arcott's debts. Substance of speech on the army estimates. Reflections on the revolution in France. 4. Letter to a member of the national assembly, in answer to some objections to his book on french affairs. Appeal from the new to the old whigs. Letter to a peer of Ireland on the penal laws against Irish datholics. Letter to sir Hercules Langrishe on the subject of the roman catholics of Ireland. Hints for a memorial to be delivered to monsieur de M. M. Thoughts on french affairs.- Heads for consideration on the present state of affairs. Re- marks on the policy of the allies with respect to France; with an appendix. 6. Observations on the conduct of the minority. Preface to the address of M. Brissot to his constituents; with an app. Let- ter to W : Elliot, occasioned by a speech made in the house of lords, etc. Thoughts and details on scar- city. Letter to a noble lord on the attacks made upon him and his pension Three letters to a mem- ber of parliament on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France. 6. Fourth letter on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France, with preliminary correspondence.- Letter to the empress of Russia.- Letter to sir C: Bingham on the Irish absentee tax. Letter to the hon. C: James Fox, on the american war. Letter, addresses to the king, and the british colonists in N. am. in relation to the measures of government in the am. contest, and a proposed secession of the opposition from parliament. Letter in relation to a bill for the relief of the roman catholics of Ireland. Two let- ters in vindication of his parliamentary conduct relative to the affairs of Ireland. 1780. Letters and reflections on the executions of the rioters in 1780. Letter to H: Dundas: with a sketch of a negro code, 1792. Letter on the subject of parliamentary reform. Fragments of a tract relative to the laws against popery in Ireland. Letter on the subject of catholic emancipation. Letters to sir H. Langrishe on the catholic question. Letter to R: Burke on the protestant ascendancy in Ireland. Letter on the affairs of Ireland, 1797. 7. Fragments and notes of speeches in parliament: On acts of uniformity; On the bill for the relief of protestant dissenters; Bill to repeal and alter certain acts respecting religious opinions on petition of the unitarians: Speech rela- tive to the IVIiddlesex election; On a bill for shorten- ing the duration of parliament: On the state of the representation of the commons in parliament; On powers of juries in prosecutions for lllHils, with fetter on the same; On a bill for the repeal of the marriage act; On the dormant claims of the church; Hints for an essay on the drama. An essay towards the abridgment of English history. 8. Ninth and eleventh reports of the select committee of the house of commons on the affairs of India: Articles of charge of high crimes and misdemeanors against Warren Hastings; articles 1-6. 9. Same; articles 7-22. Speeches in the impeachment of \N arron Hast- ings: speech in opening the ImpeachnKMit. first and second days. 10. .Same; third and fourth days.- Speech on sixth article of charge. 11. Report from committee appointed to inspect the lonls journals In relation to their proceedings on trial of Warren Hastings, also vindication of same. Speeches In impeachment of Warren Hastings, CAtntinued-^vetich in general reply, first to fourth day. 12. Same, fifth through ninth day. General table of contents. Index. 191 CI. 320-330 SOCIOLOGY-POLITICAL ESSAYS, ELC. 192 Burke, Edmund. Continued. Works, with a memoir, in 3 v. V. 2, 3. N. Y. 1837, 1846. O. 329.2:3 Contents. Same as above heginning with Appeal from the new to the old whigs, in v. 3. Canning, G: Select speeches, with a prelim, biographical sketch and an app. of ex- tracts from his writings and speeches, ed. by Robert Walsh. Phila. 1853. O. 329.2-f5 Contents. The Sardinian treaty. On mr. Tierney's motion respecting peace with France. The expedi- tion to Copenhagen. Conduct of the duke of York. Expedition to the Scheldt. Vote of credit bill. On the report of the bullion committee.- The war with America. Embassy to Lisbon.- Vote of thanks to the marquis of Hastings. The state of the nation, 1819. Roman catholic disability removal bill. -Parlia- mentary reform. Negotiations relative to Spain. The abolition of slavery. Amelioration of the con- dition of the slave population. State of slavery. The king's message, 1836. Election and dinner speeches. Cobbett, W: Letters to the right hon. lord Hawkesbury, and to the right hon. Henry Addington, on the peace with Buonaparte, to which is added an app., containing a collection, now greatly enl., of all the con- ventions, treaties, speeches and other docu- ments, connected with the subject. 2d ed. Lond. 1802. O. 329.2+7 Manchester lectures, in support of his four- teen reform propositions -, del. in the Minor theatre in that town, on the last six days of 1831. Subjoined, a letter to mr. O'Co'n- nell, on his speech, made in Dublin on the 4th of Jan. 1832, against the proposition for the establishing of poor-laws in Ireland. Lond. 1832. D. 329.2:8 Gladstone, W: Ewart. Gleanings of past years ; 18431879. N. Y. [1878-1879]. 7 v. S." 329.2:9 Contents. V. 1. The throne and the prince consort, the cabinet and the constitution. Death of the prince consort. Life of the prince consort. The county franchise, and mr. Lowe thereon. Last words on the county franchise.- Postscriptum on the county franchise.- Kin beyond sea. 2. Personal and literary. Blanco White. Giacomo Leopardl. Tennyson. Wedgwood. Bishop Patteson.Macaulay. Memoir of Norman Macleod. 3. Historical and speculative. The theses of Erastus and the Scottish church estab- lishment. On "Ecce homo". Courses of religious thought. The influence of authority in matters of opinion. Rejoinder on authority in matters of opinion. 16th century arraigned before the 19th. 4. Fin-eiyn- Letters to the earl of Aberdeen, on the state prosecutions of the neapolitan government. An examination of the ofllcial reply of the neapolitan government. Farini on the states of the church. Germany, France and England, 1870.- The hellenic factor in the eastern problem. Montenegro. Ag- gression on Egypt and freedom in the east. 5. Ec- Gladstone, W: Ewart. Gontintied. clesiastical. Present aspect of the Church, 1843. Ward's ideal of a christian church, 1844. Remarks on the royal supremacy, 1850. 6. Ecclesiastical. On the functions of laymen in the church. The bill for divorce, 1857. The church of England and ritualism, 1874-5. Italy and her church. 7. Miscellaneous. Inaugural address on the work of universities, I860. Place of ancient Greece in the providential order. A chapter of autobiography, 1868. The law of prob- able evidence and its application to conduct. The evangelical movement, its parentage, progress and issue. Bulgarian horrors and Russia in Turkistan, with other tracts. Leipz. 1876. S. 329.2 : 10 Contents. Bulgarian horrors and the question of the east. Russian policy and deeds in Turkistan. Speech at Blackheath, sept. 9th 1876. Life and speeches of the prince consort: court of queen Victoria. Italy and her church. The hellenic factor in the eastern problem, with other tracts. Leipz. 1877. S 329.2:11 Contents. The hellenic factor in the eastern prob- lem. The life of lord Macaulay. Life of the prince consort. Two letters to the earl of Aberdeen on the state prosecutions of the neapolitan government. An examination of the offlcial reply of the neapolitan government. Rome and the newest fashions in religion ; three tracts: The Vatican decrees ; Vatican- ism ; Speeches of the pope. Leipz. 1875. S. 329.2 : 12 The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance ; a political expostulation. Ad- ded, A history of the Vatican coutcil, to- gether with the latin and english text of the papal syllabus, and the Vatican de- crees, by Philip Schaft". N. Y. 1875. O. 329.2:13 Horseley, S: Speeches in parliament. Dundee. 1813. O. 329.2:14 Macaulay, T: Babington, baron Macaulay. Speeches. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. D. 329.2:15 O'Connell, Daniel. Select speeches, ed., with historical notices, by his son, J: O'Connell. 2dser. Dublin. 1865. D. 329.2:16 Russell, J:, 1st earl Russell. Recollections and suggestions, 18131873. Bost. 1873. O. 329.2 : 18 Shell, R: Lalor. Speeches, with memoir by T. MacNevin. T. p. w. [Dublin. 1862]. 1>. 329.2:19 Spencer, Herbert. Political essays. * 824.2: 81-83 Contents, see under English literature, Essays. Temple, Sir W: [Political writings]. In his Works. 820.2: 23 vl, 2 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. 4. Political economy. 1. In general. About, Edmond Fran9ois Valentin. Handbook of social economy, or The worker's A. B. C. Tr. from the last french ed. N. Y. 1873. D. 330 : 46 Adler, A. Leitfaden der volkswirthschaftslehre zum gebrauche an hoheren fach-lehran- stalten und zum selbstunterricht. Leipz. 1880. O. 330 : 40 Bastiat, F: Essays on political economy. 4tli people's ed. Lond. [1875]. S. 330:8 Contents. Capital and interest. That which is seen, and that which is not seen. -Government. What is money ? The law. Blanqui, Jerome Adolphe. History of political economy in Europe. Tr. from the 4th french ed. by Emily J. Leonard ; with a pref. by D: A. Wells. N. Y. 1880. O. 330-f9 193 SOCIOLOdf ECONOMICS. Ci. ddo 194 Bowen, Francis. American political economy ; incl. strictures on the management of the currency and the finances since 1861, with a chart" showing: the fluctuations in the price of gold. N. Y. [1870]. O. 330 : 10 Cairnes, J: Elliot. The character and logical method of political economy. N. Y. 1875. D. 330:11 Carey, H: C: The past, the present, and the future. Phila. 1848. O. 330 : 12 Miscellaneous works. Phila. 1865. O. 330 : 23 Contents. The harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturinjr and commercial. Money. Letters to the president on the foreig'n and domestic policy of the union, and its effects, as exhibited in the con- dition of the people and the state. Financial crises ; their causes and effects. The french and amerlcan tariffs compared in a series of letters addressed to M. Michel Chevalier. The way to outdo England with- out fighting her; letters to the hon. Schuyler Colfax, on the paper, the Iron, the farmer's, the railroad, and the currency questions. The resources of the union. The public debt, local and national; how to provide for its discharge while lessening the burthen of taxa- tion. Contraction or expansion ? repudiation or re- sumption ? National bank amendment bill. British free trade, how It affects the agriculture and the for- eign commerce of the union. Protection of home labor and home productions necessary to the pros- perity of the amerlcan farmer. Cohn, Gustav. Ueber die vertheuerung des lebensunterhaltes in der gegenwart. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 Conrad, Johannes. Ueber das steigen der lebensanspriiche ; vortrag gehalten am 24 feb. 1877 zum besten des Frauenvereins zu Halle a. Saale. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 Contzen, H: National-olionomie ; ein hand- und lehrbuch fiir alle stande. Leipz. 1878. O. 330 : 41 Cossa, L: Guide to the study of political econ- omy. Tr. from the 2d Italian ed., with a Eref. by W: Stanley Jevons. Lond. 1880. 1. 330 : 13 De duincey, T: The logic of political economy, and other papers. Bost. 1859. D. 330 : 14 Contents. The logic of political economy. Life of Milton. The suliotes. The fatal marksman.- The incognito, or Count Pltz-hum. The dice. The king of Haytl. Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth. A paying invest- ment. Bost. 1876. D. 330:31 Duhring, Eugen K: Kritische geschichte der nationalokonomie und des socialismus. Berlin. 1871. O. 330 : 42 Ely, R: T. The past and present of political economy. ( Johns Hopkins university studies). Bait. 1884. O. in 904+32 v2 Fawcett, H: Manual of political economy. 5th ed., rev. andenl. Lond. 1876. D, 330:5 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. Political economy for beginners. 5th ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1880. D. X 330 : 25 Tales in political economy. Lond. 1874. D. z 330 : 26 Contents. The Srimats. The shipwrecked sailors. Isle Pleasant. The islanders' experience of foreign trade. George, H: Social problems. N. Y. 1883. D. 330 : 35 Guyot, Yves. Principles of social economy. Tr. from the french by C. H. d'Eyncourt Lip- pington. Lond. 1884. O. 330:50 Hanson, W: The fallacies in "Progress and poverty," in H: Dunning Macleod's "Econ- omics," and in "Social problems;" with The ethics of protection and free trade, and the industrial problem considered a priori. N. Y. 1884. D. 330:49 Heitz, E. Ursachen und tragweite der nord- amerikanischen konkurrenz mit der west- europaischen landwirth.schaft. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 vlO Jevons, W: Stanley. Political economy. (Sci- ence primers). N. Y. 1878. S. 330 : 16 Karoly, Akin. The dilemmas of labour and education. Lond. 1884. D. 330 : 61 Contents. Introd. The dilemmas of labour. Criti- cal examination of "Progress and poverty." Brief philosophy of rent. The dilemma of education. The literary artlzan. Laspeyres, Etienne. Die kathedersocialisten und die statistischen congresse ; gedanken zur begriindung einer nationalokonomi- schen statistik und einer statistischen na- tionalokonomie. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v4 Laveleye, Emile de. The elements of political economy. Tr. by Alfred W. Pollard ; with an introd. and supplementary chapter by F. W. Taussig. N. Y. 1884. D. 330 : 36 Macleod, H: Dunning. The elements of econ- omics ; in 2 V. V. 1. Lond. 1881. D. 330 : 6 Mallock, W: Hurrell. Property and progress, or A brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. N. Y. 1884. D. 330 : 43 Contents. "Progress and poverty". Socialism In England. The statistics of agitation. Mason, Alfred B., and J: Joseph Lalor. The primer of political economy, in 16 defini- tions and 40 propositions. Chicago. 1882. S. X 330 : 24 Mill, J: Stuart. Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy. People's ed. Lond. 1873. D. 330 :7 Principles of political economy, abridged ; witn critical, bibliographical and explana- tory notes, and a sKctch of the history of ?iolitical economy by J. Laurence Laugh- in ; a text-book for colleges. Maps and diagrams. N. Y. 1884. O. 330 : 48 Mongredien, A: Wealth-creation ; with introd. by Simon Sterne. N. Y. [1883]. D. 330:30 Neumann-Spallart, Franz Xaver ritter v. Die theuerung der lebensmittel. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v3 Owen, Robert. The book of the new moral world ; containing the rational system of society, founded on demonstrated facts, developing the constitution and laws of human nature and society. Lond. 1836. O. 330 : 16 Perry, Arthur Latham. Elements of political economy. N. Y. 1866. O. 330 : 17 Introduction to political economy. N. Y. 1880. D. 330':27 Platter, Julius. Die pHichten des besitzes ; rede geh. im rathhaus-saale zu Zurich am 18. Tan. 1882. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- ragen. 304:16vll X denotes books specially adapted for children. 196 Cl. 330-331 SOCIOLOGY ECONOMIC!^. 106 Potter, Alonzo. Political economy ; its objects, uses and principles, considered with refer- ence to the condition of the american people. With a summary for the use of students. [Harper's family library]. N. Y. 1844. S. 330 : 18 Kicardo, D : Works ; with a notice of the life and writings of the author by J. R. McCul- loch. Lond. 1852. O. 330 : 33 Contents. Life. Principles of political economy and taxation. High price of bullion a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. Reply to mr. Bosan- quet's practical observations on the report of the bullion committee. Essay on the influence of a low price of corn on the profits of stock. Proposals for an economical and secure currency, with observa- tions on the profits of the bank of England. On protection to agriculture. Plan for the establish- ment of a national bank. Essay on the funding system. Observations on parliamentary reform. Speech on voting by ballot. Index. Soscher, W: G: F: Principles of political econ- omy. From the 13th, 1877, german ed.; with additional chapters furnished by the author for this 1st eng. and amer. ed. on paper money, international trade, and the protective system, and a prelim, essay on the historical method in political economy, from the french, by L. Wolowski. The whole tr. by J: J. Lalor. Chicago. 1878. 2v. O. 330-f2 Boiusseau, J: Jacques. A dissertation on polit- ical economy. 1st amer. ed. Albany. 1797. D. 3i30:10 Buskin, J: Unto this last; four essays on the first principles of political economy. N. Y. 1866. D. 330:20 Contents. The roots of honor. The veins of wealth. Qui judicatis terram.- Ad valorem. Munera pulveris ; six essays on the elements of political economy. N. Y. 1882. D. 330 : 47 Say, J: Baptiste. A treatise on political econ- omy, or The production, distribution and consumption of wealth. Tr. from the 4lh ed. of trie french by C. R. Prinsep, with notes ; new amer. ed. containing a tr. of the introd. and add. notes by Clement C. Biddle. Phila. 1863. O. 330 : 3 Sch(}nh.of, Jacob. Ueber die volkswirthschaft- lichen fragen in den Vereinigten Staaten ; ein vortrag gehalten vor dem gesellig-wis- senschaftlichen verein in New York. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v9 Smith, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations ; ed. by James E. Thorold Rogers. Oxford. 1869. 2v. O. 330:1 Society for political education. Economic tracts ; no. 1-12, 15. N. Y. 18811884. 3 v. D. 330:21 Contents. V, 1. No. 1. Atkinson, E: What is a bank ? what service does a bank perform ? 3. Politi- cal economy and political science (bibliography), comp. by W. G. Sumner. D: A. Wells. W: E. Foster. R: L. Dugdale, and G. H. Putnam. 3. Subjects and questions pertaining to political economy, constitu- tional law, the theory and administration of govern- ment, and current politics. 4. Usury laws, their nature, expediency, and influence; opinions of Jeremy Bentham and John Calvin, with review of the existing situation and recent experience of the U. 8., bv R: H. Dana, jr., D : A. Wells, and others. 2. No. 5. Courtois, A. Political economy in one lesson; a lecture before the Polytechnic assoc. of Paris; tr. from the Journal des economistes, by W. C. Ford. 6. White, H. Money and its substitutes; an essay prepared for v. 2 of the Cyclopasdla of political sci- ence by J: J. Lalor. 7. White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France; how it came, what it brought, and how it ended. 8. Whitridgre, F: W. Caucus system ; an essay prepared for v. 1 of the Cyclopaedia of political science, etc. 9. Canfield, J. H. Taxa- tion; a plain talk for plain people. 10. Bo-wker, R: R. Work and wealth; a summary of economics. 11. Green, G: W. Repudiation. 13. Shepard, E: M. The work of a social teacher; a memorial of R: L. Dugdale. 15. Richardson, H. W. The standai-d dollar. Soetbeer, G: Adolph. Die fiinf milliarden ; betrachtungen iiber die folgen der grossen kriegsentscnadigung fiir die wirthschafts- verhiiltnisse Frankreichs und Deutsch- lands. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Stewart, Dugald. Lectures on political econ- omy, now first pub.; ed. by sir W: Hamil- ton. Edinb. 1877. 2 v. O. " 191+8 v8, 9 Contents. V. 1. Introd: On the objects and pro- vince of political economy. Pt. 1. Of political econ- omy proper; Of population; Of national wealth. 2. Same contimied: Of the poor, their maintenance; Of the education of the lower orders. Pt. 2. Of poli- tics proper, or Theory of government. Sturtevant, Julian M. Economics, or The sci- ence of wealth. N. Y. 1878. D. 330 : 22 Sumner, W: Graham. Problems in political economy. N. Y. 1884. S. 330 : 44 What social classes owe to each other. N. Y. 1883. S. 330:32 Thompson, Robert Ellis. Elements of political economy, with special reference to the in- dustrial history of nations. Phila. 1882. D. 330 : 28 Walker, Amasa. The science of wealth ; a manual of political economy embracing the laws of trade, currency and finance. 7th ed. rev. Bost. 1874. O. " 330 : 4 Walker, Francis Amasa. Political economy. (Amer. scientific ser.) N. Y. 1883. D. 330 : 29 Wilson, W. D. First principles of political economy with reference to statesmanship and the progress of civilization. Phila. 1879. D. 330 : 45 England. Ochenkowski, W. v. Englands wirthschaftliche entwickelung im ausgange des mittelal- ters. Jena. 1879. O. 330 : 39 Rogers, James E. Thorold. A histoi-y of agri- culture and prices in England from 1259 to 1793, compiled entirely from original and contemporaneous records. Oxford, 1866-1882. 4 v. O. 330 : 34 Contents. V. 1, 2. 1259-1400. 3, 4. 1401-1583. Tooke, T: A history of prices and of the state of the circulation from 1793 to [1856] ; preceded by a brief sketch of the state of the corn trade in the last two centuries. Lond. 1838-1857. 6 v. in 4. O. 330 : 1137 ConUnts. V. 1. Introd.-To 18i;{. 2. To 18,38. 3. 1838, 1839. 4. IKJP-l 847. With a general view of the currency question and remarks on the operation of the act, 7 and 8 Vict. C. 32. 6, 6. Tooke, T: andVf: Newmarch. 1848-1856. Index to the 6 vols., in v. 6. 2. Capital and labor. Barnard, C: Co-operation as a business. N. Y. 1881. S. 331 : 3 Blaikie, W: Garden. Heads and hands in the world of labour. Lond. 1865. D. 331 : 7 197 SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS. CI. 881 198 Brassey, SirT: On work and wages. (Lib. of popular information.) N. Y. 1883. S. 331 :23 Brentano, h: J oseTph, called Lnjo. Der arbeiter- versicherungszwang, seine voraussetzun- gen und seine folgen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Bucher, K: Die arbeiterfrage im kaufmanns- stande. In Deutsche zeit-'und streit-fragen. 304 : 15vl2 Cook, Joseph. Labor, with preludes on current events. (Boston Monday lectures.) Bost. 1880. D. 331 : 8 Crump, Arthur. An exposure of the j)i'eten- sions of mr; H: George, as set forth in his book "Progress and poverty." 2d ed. Lond. 1884. O. "331+31 Georg-e, H: Progress and poverty, an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with incx*ease of wealth ; the remedy. N. Y. 1880. D. 331 :4 Same. N. Y. 1881. D. 331:4 Gladden, Washington. Working people and their employers. Bost. 1876. D. 331 : 10 Granier de Cassagnac, Adolphe Bernard. His- tory of the working and burgher classes. Tr. by B: E. Green. Phila. 1871. O. 331:11 Hawley, F: B. Capital and population; a study of the economic effects of their relatitms to each other. N. Y. 1882. D. 331 : 19 Hirschberg, Ernst. Die selbsthilfe des arbeiter- standes, als grundlage seiner ver.siche- rung. In Deutsche zeit- und sti'eit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl2 Jervis, J: Bloomfield. The question of labor and capital. N. Y. 1877. D. 331:6 Kollogg, E: A new monetary s.ystem ; the only means of securing the resJDective rights of labor and property, and of protecting the public from fir ancial revulsions. Rev. from his work on "Labor and other capital," with numeroxis additions, ed. by Mary Kel- logg Putnam. N.Y. 1861. D. 331:21 Same. Labor and capital ; a new monetary system etc. Prefixed, a biog. sketch of the author ed. by his daughter, Mary Kellogg Putnam. N.Y. 1883. S. '331:21 Knight, C: Knowledge is power ; a view of the productive forces of modern society and the results of labour, capital and skill. Rev. and ed., with additions, by D: A. Wells. Bost. 1856. D. 331:12 Landgraf, Joseph. Die sicherung des arbeits- vertrages ; eine juridisch - okonomische studie. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v2 Lamed, Josephus Nelson. Talks about labor, and concerning the evolution of justice between the laborers and the capitalists. N. Y. 1876. D. 331:13 Lieber, Francis. Essays on property and labor, as connected with natural law and the con- stitution of societv. [Harper's family library.] N. Y. 1847. S. 331 : 1 Ruskin, J: Time and tide by Weare and Tyne ; 25 letters to a working man of Sunderland on the laws of work. N. Y. 1883. D. 331 : 28 Rylance, J. H. Lectures on social questions ; competition, communism, cooperation, and the relation of Christianity to socialism. N.Y. 1880. D. 331:14 Scudder, Moses L., jr. The labor-value fallacy Chic. 1884. D. 331 : 27 Stahl, F: W: Die arbeiterfrage sonst und jetzt. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Thompson, Joseph Parrish. The workman, his false and his true friends. N.Y. [18791. S. 331:16 Waterhouse, Sylvester. The advantages of educated labor in Missouri ; a lecture del. at Washington university, april 26, 1872. St. Louis. 1872. O. ' 331:Pam "Weeden, W: Babcock. The social law of labor. Bost. 1882. D. 331 : 18 Wright, Carroll D. The relation of political economy to the labor question. Bost. 1882. S. 331:20 Peirce, Melusina Fay. Co-operative house- keeping ; how not to do it and how to do it ; a study in sociology. Bost. 1884. T. 331:24 * * * Eggleston, G: Cary. How to make a living; suggestions upon the art of making, saving and using money. N. Y. [18751. S. 331:16 How a penny became a thousand pounds, by the author of "Life doubled by the economy of time." 33d thous. Lond. [ia58]. D. 331 : 17 /S p e ci al countries. Dacus, J. A. Annals of the great strikes in the U. S.; a reliable history and graphic des- cription of the causes and thrilling events of the labor strikes and riots of 1877. 111. Chicago. 1877. D. 331 : 9 Moody, W: Godwin. Land and labor in the U. S. N. Y. 1883. D. 331 : 22 Massachusetts state. Bureau of statistics of labor. 5th 10th, 12th 14rti annual report, 18741879, 18811883. Bost. 1874-83. 9 v. O. 331-f32 Principal contents. 1874. Education and employ- ment of young persons and children, with digest of laws. Relative to professional men. Sanitary con- dition of working people Compar. rates of wages and hours of labor in Mass. and foreign countries. Textile fabric manufactories in Mass., and digest of laws. Prices of provisions etc. in Mass. and Europe. Savings banks. 1875. Education of working children. Special effects of certain forms of employ- ment upon female health. Factory legislation. Condition of workingmen's families. Coiiperatlon. 1876. Wage receivers. Salary receivers. App. History of the bureau, and of labor legislation in Mass. 1877. Industrial arbitration and conciliation in England and Mass. Cooperation in Mass.- Motive power of Mass., or The labor of the sun. The afllicttl classes: blind, deaf, dumb, idiotic and insane. Pauperism and crime. Means of escape in case of fire. 1878. Compar. condition of mnfrs. and labor, 1875 and 1877. Education and labor of the young; half-time system.- Growth of Mass. mnfrs.- Relative importance of private establishments and corpora- tions in mnfg. industries.- Conjugal condition, nativ- ities and ages of married women and mothers. Nativities, ages and illiteracy of farmers, farm- laborers, skilled workmen in mnfrs. and moch. In- dustries, and unskilled laborers. 1879. Convict labor.-Wages and prices. 180, 1872 and 1878.-Te8ti- mony of worklngmen. Hours of labor. Statistics of drunkenness and liquor selling under prohibitory and license legislation, 1874 and 1877. 1881. In- ido Cl. 331-332 SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS. 200 Massachusetts state. Continued. dustrial arbitration and conciliation. Statistics of drunkenness and liquor-selling, 1870 1879 Uniform hours of labor. Influence of intemperance upon crime. 1882. The Canadian french in N. E. Citizenship. Fall River, Lowell and Lawrence. Wag-es, prices and profits. 1883. Employers' liabil- ity for personal injuries to their employees. Time and wajres Profits and earning's. Early factory labor in N. E. Pidgin, C: F. History of the bureau of statistics of labor of Mass., and of labor legislation in that state from 1833 to 1876 ; prep, for the biireau, as a contribution to the Centennial exhibition at Phila. in 1876. Bost. 1876. O. 331-f33 Wright, Carroll D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration ; comp. from the material in the possession of the . . . bureau ... by direction of the Mass. legisl. Bost. 1881. O. in 331+33 Wright, C. D. Uniform hours of labor, from the 12th annual report. Bost. 1881. O. in 331+33 Wadlin, Horace G. Labor laws of the Com- monwealth of Mass.; comp. from the pub- lic statutes. Bost. 1882. O. in 331+33 Weeks, Joseph D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration in New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. From the 12th annual re- port of the Mass. bureau of statistics of labor, with comments by Carroll D. Wright, chief. Bost. 1881. O. " m7A 331+26 Illinois state. Bureau of labor statistics. 1st [and 2d] biennial report, for the years end- ing Jan. 12, 1881 [and dec. 81, 1882]. Springfield. 1881, 1883. O. 331+34 Principal contents. Population. Coal production. Manufactures.- Lead mines.- Public indebtedness.- Prison and convict labor. Strikes in Chicago and vicinity.- Waares, rents and cost of living. Strikes; their evils and remedies Labor laws of 111. Wisconsin state. Bureau of labor statistics. First biennial report, 18831884, [by] Frank A. Flower, commissioner. Madison. 1884. O. 331 :30 Principal contents. Labor bureaus Public penal and reformatory institutions.- Apprentices, Indus- trial education, etc. Trades and labor unions. Strikes. Child labor. Compulsory education, etc. Statistics of mnfrs.- Products of the soil; Railroad emplo.ves, etc. Wag^es and cost of living. Rep. on the Pullman investigation. Commissioners of the state bureaus of labor statistics. Report on the industrial, social and economic conditions of Pullman. Il- linois, n. p. 1884. (). 331 : Pam Acland, Arthur H. Dyke, and B: Jones. Work ingmen co-operators, what they have done and what they are doing ; an account of the artisans' co-operative movement in Great Britain, with information how to promote it. Map. N. Y. 1884. S. 331 : 29 Holyoake, G: Jacob. The history of co-opera- tion in England, its literature and its advo- cates. V. 1 : The pioneer period, 1812 1844. Phila. 1875. V. 2 : The constructive period, 1845-1878. 2d ed. Lond. 1879. D. 331:2 Howell, G: The conflicts of capital and labour, historically and economically considered ; a history and review of the trade unions of Great Britain, showing their origin, pro- gress, constitution and objects in tneir political, social, economical and industrial aspects. Lond. 1878. D. 331 : 5 Rogers, James E. Thorold. Six centuries of work and wages ; the history of english labor. N. Y. 1884 O. " 331+25 Weeks, Joseph D. Report on the practical operation of arbitration and conciliation in the settlement of differences between em- ployers and employees in England. Har- risburg. 1879. O. 331+26 3. Banks and money. Bagehot, Walter. Some articles on the depre- ciation of silver and on topics connected with it. Lond. 1877. O. 332 : 3 BoUes, Albert S. Practical banking. N. Y. 1884. O. 332+39 Chevalier, Michel. On the probable fall in the value of gold ; the commercial and social consequences which may ensue, and the measures which it invites. Tr. from the french, with pref. by R: Cobden. N. Y. 1859. O. 332+4 Gilbart, James W: A practical treatise on bank- ing. 3d amer. ed. Phila. 1855. O. 332 : 6 Hamilton, Rowland. Money and value ; an inquiry into the means and ends of econ- omic production, with an app. on the de- preciation of silver and Indian currency. Lond. 1878. O. 332 :'l Howe, J: B. The political economy of Great Britain, the U. S. and France, in the use of money ; a new science of production and exchange. Bost. 1878. O. 332 : 7 The common sense, the mathematics and the metaphysics of money. Bost. 1881. D. 332 : 20 Monetary and industrial fallacies ; a dialogue. [Anon.] Bost. 1878. O. 332 : 21 Mono-metalism and bi-metalism, or The sci- ence of monetary values. Bost. 1879. S. 332 : 22 Jevons, W: Stanley. Investigations in currency and finance ed., with introd. by H. S. Foxwell. N. Y. 1884. O. 332 : 36 Money and the mechanism of exchange. (In- tern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1875. D. 332:8 Kardorff - Wabnitz, Baron W: v. The gold standard ; its causes, its effects and its future. From the german. Phila. 1880. O. 332 :9 Knies, C: Das geld; darlegung der grund- lehren von dem gelde, rait einer voi'eror- terung iiber das kapital und die iibertra- gung der nutzungen. (Geld und credit ; Iste abth.) Berlin. 1873. O. 332 : 31 Der credit. [Geld und credit ; 2te abth.] Ber- lin. 1876, 1879. 2 v. O. 332 : 32 Weltgeld und weltmiinzen. Berlin. 1874. O. 332:33 McAdam, Graham. An alphabet in finance ; a simple statement of permanent principles and their application to questions of the day, with an introd. by R. K. Bowker. N. Y. 1881. S. 332:26 Marx, K: Das kapital ; kritik der politischen okonomie. Ister bd., buch 1: Der pro- duktions-process des kapitals. Hamburg. 1883. O. 332 : 34 201 SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS. CI. 332-333 Mayer, C: The media of exchange and credit. Milw. 1883. O. 332 : Pam Moran, C: Money. N. Y. 1863. D. 332 : 12 Newcomb, Simon. The abc of finance, or The money and labor questions familiarly explained to common people in short and easy lessons. [Half-hour series.] N. Y. [1877]. Tt. 332:24 Patterson, Robert Hogarth. The new golden age and influence of the precious metals upon the world. Edinb. 1882. 3 v. O. 332 : 37 Percy, H. C. Our cashier's scrap-book ; bank notes new and old for general circulation ; a portfolio of bank anecdotes and inci- dents, queer, curious, odd, ludicrous, touching, poetry by and about bankers, "capital" items, conversations w-ith cus- tomers and facts and statistics of general interest about banks accumulated from all the world during a personal expei'ience of ten years behind a bank counter. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 332 : 28 Pilon, Mt. R. What is demonetization of gold and silver ? N. Y. [1875]. O. 332 : 30 Poor, H: Varnum. Resumption and the silver question ; embracing a sketch of the coin- age and the legal-tender currencies of the U. S. and other nations ; a handbook for the times. 2d ed. N. Y. 1878. D. 332 : 13 Price, Bonamy. Currency and banking. N. Y. 1876. D; 332 : 14 Scudder, Moses L., ^'r. Congested prices. Chi- cago. 1883. D. 332 : 27 Tucker, G: The theory of money and banks investigated. Bost. 1839. D. ' 332 : 16 Walker, Francis Amasa. Money. N. Y. 1878. O. 332 : 17 Walker, J. H. A few facts and suggestions on money, trade and banking. Bost. 1882 [1881]'. D. 332 : 23 Wells, D: Amasa. Robinson Crusoe's money, or The remarkable financial fortunes and misfortunes of a remote island commun- ity. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. 332 : 18 S p e c i al countries. Weeden, W: B. Indian money, as a factor in New England civilization, (Johns Hop- kins university studies). Bait. 1884. O. in 904-f-32 v2 Michels, Ivan C. Current gold and silver coins of all nations together with their weights, fineness and intrinsic value, reduced to the standard of the U. S.; also, history of otRcial coinage of the U. S. mint from 1792 to 1880. 111. Phila. 1880. Q. 332 : R25 Iiindennan, H: R. Money and legal tender in in the U.S. N. Y. 1878. D. 332:11 Knox, J: Jay. United States notes ; a history of the various issues Jof paper money by the government of the IT. S. ; with an app. con- taining the recent decision of the supreme court of the U. S. and the dissenting opin- ion upon the legal tender question. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 332+35 Upton, J. K. Money in politics ; with an introd. by E: Atkinson. Bost. [1884]. D. 332 : 38 Scudder, Moses L., jr. National banking; a discussion of the merits qi the present sys- tem. [Economic monographs, no. 121. N Y. 1879. D. 332:20 Richardson, H. W. The national banks. [Harp- er's half-hour ser.] N. Y. 1880. T. 332: 15 Gibbons, J. S. The banks of New York, their dealers, the clearing house, and the panic of 1857, with a financial chart. 111. N Y 1859. D. 332:6 Johnston, J: An address on banking in Wis- consin ; del. at the convention of the American bankers' a.sso., held at Saratoga, aug. 11-13, 1880. n. p. or d. 332 :Pam Homans, I. Smith, ed. The merchants' and bankers' almanac for 1869. N. Y. [1869]. O. 332+19 * * * Bagehot, "Walter. Lombard street ; a descrip- tion of the money market. N. Y. 1873. D. 332:2 * * * Beta, originally Bettziech, H: Die dichtkunst der biirse. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v2 Hartung, H. Der check- und giro-verkehr der deutschen reichsbank. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v9 Lammers, A: Die unternehmung im sparcassen- geschiift. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304:15vll Malarce, Augustin de. Die schul-sparkassen ; deutsche ausgabe. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 Pierson, N. G. Die miinzfrage. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vll Roscher, W: G: F: Betrachtungenuberdie wiin- rungsfrage der deutschen miinzreform. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Schneider, J: Philipp. Die ungedeckte bank- note und die alternativ - wiihrung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 Zur wahrungsfrage ; eine entgegnung auf das buch des herrn dr. Theodore Hertzka "Wahrung und handel." In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 Wagner, Adolph. Unsere munzreform. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 4. Land, stocks and credit. Walker, Francis Amasa. Land and its rent. Bost. 1883. S. 333 : 3 Campbell, G: Douglass. 8th duke of Argyll, and H- George. Propertv in Lind, a passage at arms. N. Y. 1884. D. 333 : 6 Contents. Campbell, G : D.. duke of ArgyU. The prophet of San Francisco. Qeorsre, H: The reduc- tion to iniciuity. , , ^ ^ * i United States. General land office. Annual reports of the commissioner, etc. See Congressional documents. in 328. 1 : D Note. Subordinate to the Dep't of the interior. For land laws and decisions, see cl. 843.1. Adams, Herbert B. Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the U. S.; with minor papers on G: Washington's interest in west- ern lands, the Potomac company, and a national university. (Johns Hopkins uni- versity studies). Bait. 1885. O. ^ in 904+32 y8 203 CI. 333-336 SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS. 204 Koss, Denman W. The early history of land- holding among the germans. Lond. 1883. O. 333+7 Contents. Theory. Sources of information. Notes and references. Literature of the subject. Index. Cobden club. Systems of land tenure in vari- ous countries ; a series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden club, ed. by J. W. Probyn. New ed. rev. and cor. L'ond. [1881]. D. 333:4 Contents. liongrfield, H. M. The tenure of land in Ireland. Brodrick, G: C. The law and custom of primogeniture.- Hoskyns, C. W. The land laws of Ensrland. Campbell, Sir G: The tenure of land in India. Leslie, T. E. C. The land system of France. Fancher, J. The russian agrarian legislation of 1861. Morier, R. B. D. The agrarian legislation of Prussia during the present century ; also a report on the tenure of land in the grand duchy of Hesse. IJaveleye, E. de. The land system of Belgium and Holland. Fisher, C. M. Farm land and land laws of the U. S. Brodrick, G: C: English land and english land- lords ; an inquiry into the origin and char- acter of the english land system, with pro- posals for its reform ; with an index. (Cob- den club.) Lond. 1881. O. 333 : 5 George, H: The Irish land question, what involves, and how alone it can be settled ; an appeal to the land leagues. N. Y. 1881. D. 333 : 1 Fowler, W: Worthington. Ten years in Wall street, or Revelations of inside life and ex- perience on 'change . . . 111. Hartford. 1870. O. 333 : 2 Gareis, C: Die borse und die griindungen, nobst vorschlagen zur reform des borsenrechts und der actiengesetzgebung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Wirth, Max W: Gottlob. Geschichte der lian- delskrisen. Frankfurt a. M. 1858.. O. 334:1 5. Socialism and communism. Baron, Julius. Angriffe auf das erbrecht ; mit einer nachschrift iiber die social-democra- tischen wahlen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304: 16 v6 Coh.n, Gustav. Was ist socialismus v In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v7 Contzen, H: Die sociale frage, ihre geschichte und ihre bedeutung in der gegenwart ; eine volkswirthschaftliche skizze. Leipz. 1871. O. 336:7 Democracy in the old world and the new, by the author of "The Suez canal, the eastern question and Abyssinia," "Egypt, India and the colonies," etc. Lond. 1884 D. 336 : 16 Elementary system, An, of socialism, theoreti- cal and practical, by a disciple of H: George. Oxford. 1884. D. 336 : 16 Ely, R: T. French and german socialism in modern times. N. Y. 1883. S. 336 : 4 Recent american socialism. (Johns Hopkins university studies). Bait. 1885. O. in 904+32 v3 Gronlund, Laurence. The co-operative com- monwealth in its outlines ; an exposition of modern socialism. Bost. 1884. D. 336:10 Hyndman, H: M. The historical basis of social- ism in England. Lond. 1883. O. 336 : 17 Kaufmann,'M. Socialism; its nature, its dan- gers and its remedies considered. Found- ed on the german work " Kapitalismus und socialismus," by A. E. F. Schiiffle. Lond. 1874. p. 335:2 Laveleye, Emile de. The socialism of to-day. Tr. into english by Goddard H. Orpen ; together with an account of socialism in England, by the translator. Lond. n. d. D. 335 : 14 Mallock, W: Hurrell. Social equality ; a short study in a missing science. N. Y. 1883. D. 335:3 Mehring, Franz. Die deutsche socialderaokratie, ihre geschichte und ihre lehre ; eine histo- risch-kritische darstellung. 2te verb, und verm. aufl. Bremen. 1878. O. 335 : 8 Meyer, tfiirgen Bona. Fichte, Lassalle und der socialismus. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v7 Bae, J: Contemporary socialism. N. Y. 1884. D. 335:11 Schaffle, Albert Eberhard F: Die quintessenz des socialismus. 6te aufl. Gotha. 1878. O. 335 : 6 Kapitalismus und socialismus. See Kauf- mann, M. Socialism. 335 : 2 Schmoller, (iustav. Ueber einige grundfragen des rechts und der volkswirthschaft ; ein ottenes sendschreiben an herrn prof. dr. H: V. Treitschke. 2te aufl. Jena. 1875. O. 335+13 Shaw, Albert. Icaria ; a chapter in the history of communism. N. Y. 1884. S. 335 : 12 Smith, Goldwin. False hopes, or Fallacies, socialistic and semi-socialistic, briefly an- swered ; an address. N. Y. 1883. D. ' 335:6 Treitschke, H: Gotthard v. Der socialismus und seine gonner ; nebst einem sendschrei- ben an Gustav Schmoller. Berlin. 1875. O. 335:9 "Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Communism and socialism in their bistory and theory ; a sketch. N. Y. 1880. D. 336:1 6. Public funds and taxation. Belles, Albert S. The financial history of the U. S.. from 1774 to 1860. N. Y. 1879, 1883. 2 V. O. 336+1 Adams, H: Carter. Tax.ation in the U. S , 1789- 1816. (Johns Hopkins university studies). Bait. 1884. O. in 9()4+32 v2 Gibbons, J. S. The public debt of the U. S.; its organization, its liquidation ; adminis- tration of the treasury ; the financial sys- tem. N. Y. 1867. D. 336:2 Vuitry, Adolphe. Etudes sur le regime finan- cier de la France avant la revolution de 1789. Paris. 1878-1883. 3 v. O. 336+3 Contents. [V. 1.] Les impots romains dans la Gaule du 5e au lOe siecle. Le regime financier de la monarchie feodale aux He, 12e et 13e si^cles. [2, 3.] Nouvelle serie. Philippe le bel et ses trois flls, 1286- 1328. Les trois premiers Valois, 1.328-1380. Paris city. Compte general des recettes et depenses de la ville de Paris pour I'exer- cice 1876, clos le 31 mars 1877. Paris. 1877. Q. in 336 : D Budget de I'exercice 1878 [-1882]. Paris. J877-82, 5 y. Q. in 336 : D 205 SOCIOLOGY-ECONOMICS. 01. 336-337 206 Delsa, L. Beitrage zur steuer-reform. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Vogel, A: Einige ausspriiche des landbaues auf steuer-und zoUentlastung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fi'agen. 304 : 15 v5 7. Protection and free trade. Arago, Dominique Fran9ois J: Ueber die sys- terae des schutzes und der handelsfreiheit. In his Siimmtliche werke. 500 : 3 v6 Ashworth, H: Recollections of R: Cobden, and the anti-corn-law league. Lond. [18791. D. 337:17 Bastiat, F: Essays on political econonay. Tr. from the Paris ed. of 1863. Chicago. 1869. D. 337:1 Contents. Sophisms of protection, 1st and 2d ser. Spoliation and law. Capital and interest. Same. [2d ed.] Sophisms of the protectionists. [Amer. free trade league.] N. Y. 1870. D. 337 : 1 Byles, Sir J: Barnard. Sophisms of free-trade and popular political economy, examined by a barrister. 1st amer. from the 9th eng. ed. Phila. 1872. D. 337 : 2 Cobden club. [Publications.] Lond. 1871-80. 2 V. D. 337 : 3 Contents. [V. 1.] Duff, G. On the teachings of Richard Cobden, 1871 . Correspondence relative to the budgets of various countries, ed. by J. W. Protyn, 1877. Stuart, J. M. The history of free trade in Tuscany, 1876. Mongredien, A: Free trade and english commerce, 1879. Mallet, L. Reciprocity, a letter, 1879. [2.1 Medley, G : W. England under free trade; The reciprocity craze. Chamberlain, J. The french treaty and reciprocity. Cross, J. K. Imports, exports and the french treaty. Slagrgr, J: Free trade and tariffs. Mong'redien, A : Pleas for protection examined; The western farmer of Amer- ica. [App. Hinton, J:W. Reply to last essay.] Cox, S: Sullivan. Free land and free trade ; the lessons of the english corn laws applied to the U.S. N. Y. 1880. D. 337:4 Donnell, E. J. Slavery and "protection"; an historical review and appeal to the workshop and the farm. N. Y. 1882. O. 337 : 14 The true issue ; industrial depression and political corruption caused by tariff mon- opolies ; reform demanded in the interest of manufacturers, farmers and working- men. (Questions of the day, no. 16.) N. Y. 1884. D. 337 : 19 Fawcett, H: Free trade and protection ; an in- quiry into the causes which have retarded tne general adoption of free trade since its introduction into England. Lond. 1878. D. 337 : 5 Grosvenor, W: Mason. Does protection pro- tect V an examination of the effect of dif- ferent forms of tariff upon american industry. N. Y. 1871. O. 337-1-10 Mongredien, A: History of the free trade move- ment in England. [Library of popular in- formation.] N. Y. 1881. S. 337:6 Same. Lond. [1881]. S. 337:6 Perrot, Franz Fiirchtegott. Die reform des zollvereinstarifes. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v3 Porter, Robert P. Protection and free-trade to-day at home and abroad, in field and workshop. Bost. 1884. S. 337 : 20 Rathbone, W: Protection and ; ft consideration of the effects of the ameri- can tariff upon wages. (Questions of the day, no. 15). N. Y. 1884. D. 337 : 18 Bedin^^ton, Lyman W. Free trade vs. protec- tion ; a lecture del. in the unitarian cliurch, Milwaukee, Wis., July 7, 1871. Milw. 1871. O. 337 : Pam Roberts, Ellis H. Government revenue, espec- ially the american system ; an argument for industrial freedom against the lallacies of free trade. Bost. 1884. D. 337 : 16 SchOnhof, Jacob. The destructive influence of the tariff upon manufacture and com- merce ; and the figures and facts relating thereto. N. Y. 183. D. 337 : 12 Wages and trade, in the manufacturing in- dustries in America and in Europe ; with an introd. by R. R. Bowker. N. Y. 1884. D. 337 : 15 Steiger, E., and co. On the removal of the duty on books. [Anon.^ [N. Y.] 1882. D. 337 : Pam Sumner, W: Graham. Lectures on the history of protection in the U. S., del. before the International free - trade alliance. Re- printed from "The new century." N. Y. 1877. O. 337:7 Taussig, Frank W. Protection to young indus- tries as applied in the U. S.; a study in economic histoi'y. Cambridge. 1883. D. 337:11 The history of the present tariff, 1860 188y. (Questions of the day, no. 19.) N. Y. 1885. D: 337:22 Villiers, C: Pelham. Free trade speeches, with a political memoir ; ed. by a member of the Cobden club. Lond. 1883. 2 v. O. 337:21 Wells, D: Ames. Free trade essential to future national prosperity and development ; a lecture, feb. 8th 1882. before the Young men's democratic club and the Brooklyn revenue reform club of Brooklj'n. N. Y. 1882. D. 337 : 13 How congress and the public deal with a great revenue and industrial problem [the sugar industry] . N. Y. 1880. O. 337 : Pam A primer of tariff reform. (Cobden club pub- lications). Lond. 1885. D. 337 : 3 Wilson, Alexander Johnstone. Reciprocity, bi- metallism and land-tenure reform. Lond. 1880. O. ^ ^ .3,?^.= Wise, Bernhard Ringrose. Facts and fallacies of modern protection ; the Oxford Cobden prize essay for 1878. Lond. 1879. D. 387 : 9 United States. Tariff. Young, E: Special re- port on the [history of thej customs-tariff legislation of the 11. S., with appendices. (U. S. 42d cong. 2 sess. House ex. dfK^ no. 109). Wash. 1872. O. 337 : D Report of the tariff commission, appointed under act of congress approved mav 15, 1882. (U. S. 47th cong. 2d sess. House mis. doc. no. 6). Wash. 1882. 2 v. O. in 337 : D The existing tariff on imports into the U. S. etc. and the free list, together with com- 207 CI. 337'-340 SOCIOLOGY-ECONOMICS. 208 United States. Tariff. Continued. parativ(^ tables of present and past tariffs, and other statistics relating thereto ; pre- pared by the com. on finance, U. S. sen. (U. S. 48th cong. 1st sess. Sen. rep. no. 12). Wash. 1884. O. in 337 : D Evans, C: H., comp. Duties [received] from 1867 to 1883, etc. See his Imports and duties. in 380. 1 : D 8. Pauperism. (See also Charitable Institutions, cl. 361 .) Beta, originally Bettziech, H: Wohl- und iibel- thater in unseren grossstadten. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v4 Dugdale, R: L. "The Jukes"; a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity, also further studies of criminals; with an introd. by Elisha Harris. 3d ed., rev. N. Y. 1877. D. 339 : 1 Campbell, Helen. The problem of the poor ; a record of quiet work in unquiet places. N. Y. 1882. S. 339 : 3 Kay, Joseph. The social condition and educa- tion of the people of England. N. Y. 1863. D. 339:2 Long, James Edmond. The hopeful cry of out- cast London. Lond. 1884. D. ' 339 : 8 Mearns, Andrew. The bitter cry of outcast London ; an inquiry into the condition of the abject poor. [Anon.'] Bost. 1884. O. 339:4 NichoUs, Sir G: A history of the english poor law, in connexion with the legislation and other circumstances affecting the condition of the people. Lond. 1854. 2 v. O. 339 : 5 A history of the scotch poor law, in connexion with the condition of the people. Lond. 1856. O. 339 : 6 A history of the Irish poor law, in connexion with the condition of the people. Lond. 1856. O. 339:7 5. JTirisprudence. 1. In general. Soiile, C: C. The lawyer's reference manual of law-books and citations. Bost. 1883. O. 340 : B13 BurriU, Alexander M. A law dictionary and glossary ; containing full definitions of the {(rincipal terms of the common and civil aw, together with tr. and explanations of the various technical phrases in different languages, occurring m the ancient and modern reports and standard treatises, em- bracing aLso all the principal common and civil law maxims ; compiled on the. basis of Spelman'sglos-sary and adapted to the juris- prudence of the ifnited States with copious ill., critical and historical. 2d ed. N. Y. 1859. 2 V. O. 340 : Bl Tayler, T : The law glossary ; a selection of the greek, latin, saxon, french, norman and Italian sentences, phrases and maxims found in the leading english and amer. re- ports and elementary works, with hist, and explan. notes, alphabetically arr. and tr. into eng. for the use of members of the le- gal profession, law students etc. 9th ed., rev., corr. and enl. by a member of the N. Y. bar. N. Y. 1877. O. 340 : B2 Abbott, B : Vaughan. Judge and jury; a popu- lar explanation of leading topics in the law of the land. N. Y. 1880. D. 340 : 10 The travelling law school and famous trials; first lessons in government and law. (Busi- ness boys' lib. no. 2) Bost. [1884]. S. x340:18 AmoB, Sheldon. The science of law. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1880. D. 340 : 12 Bascom, J : The lawyer and the lawyer's ques- tions ; a baccalaureate discourse preached in Assembly hall, university of Wisconsin, June 18, 1882. Milw. 1882. O. 340 : Pam X denotes books specially adapted for children. Essays in anglo-saxon law. Bost. 1876. O. 340 : 15 ContenU. Adams, H: The anglo-saxon courts of law. liOdgre, H: C. The anfflo-saxon land-law. .Young-, E. The anfflo-saxo n family law. liaugrhlin, J. L. The anjflo-saxon legal procedure. App. Select cases in anglo-saxon law. Index. Forsyth, W: The history of lawyers, ancient and modern. III. N. Y. 1875. O. 340:19 Heard, Franklin Fiske. Oddities of the law. Bost. 1881. D. 340:8 Hoar, G: F. The function of the amer. lawyer in the founding of states ; an address del. before the graduating class at the 57th anniversary of the Yale law school, June 28,1881. New Haven. 1881. O. 340 : Pam Holland, T: Erskine. The elements of jurispru- dence. Oxford. 1880. O. 340:3 Ihering, Rudolph v. The struggle for law. Tr. from the 5th german ed. by J: J. Lalor. Chicago. 1879. D. " 340 : 7 Maine, Sir H: James Sumner. Ancient law, its connection with the early history of society, and its relation to modern ideas ; with an introd. by Theodore W. Dwight. 1st amer. ed. N. t. 1871. D. 340 : 4 Dissertations on early law and custom ; chiefly sel. from lectures del. at Oxford. N. Y. 1883. O. 340 : 14 Lectures on the early history of institutions. 3d ed. Lond. 1880. O. 340 : 16 Village-communities in the east and west ; six lectures del. at Oxford. Lond. 1871. O. 340:5 Contents. The east and the study of jurisprudence. The sources of Indian law. The western village community.- The eastern village community. The process of feudalisation. The early history of price and rent. Appendices. Index. Montesquieu, C: de Secondat, baron do la Br&de et de. Complete works. Tr. from the french ; in 4 v. V. 2-4. Lond. 1777. O. 340:6 Contents*. V. 1 minsing. 2. The spirit of laws, book 20-31. 3. Grandeur and decline of the roman empire. Dialogue between Sylla and Eucrates. Per- 09 SOClOLOG'X'-JtmiSPRtJBENCE. CI. 340-342 2ld Montesquieu, C: de. Continued. slan letters. 4. Familiar letters. Miscellaneous pieces. Defense, analysis, explanations and index of The spirit of laws. The spirit of laws. Tr. from the french by T: Nugent. 4th ed. rev., with add. Lond. 1766. 2 V. O. 340 : 9 Wilson, Sir Roland Knyvet. History of modern english law. [liist. handbooks]. Lond. 1875. S. 340 : 17 Livingston, J: Livingston's law register ; a fuide for every man of business and hand- ook of useful information. N. Y. 1854. O. 340 : 20 State bar association of Wisconsin. Report of the proceedings of the meeting for [its] organization, held at Madison, Jan. 9, 1878. Madison. 1881. O. bound with Rejjort of the proceedings of the annual meet- ing held at Madison, June 14-16, 1881 ; with app. containing biographical sketches of the life and character of deceased members of the bench and bar of Wis., and also an alphabetical catalogue of Wis. attorneys, resident, non-resident and deceased ; cornp. by Moses M. Strong. Madison. 1883. O. 340 : 21 2. International law. Bar, K: L: v. International law; private and criminal. Tr. with notes, by G. R. Gil- lespie. Bost. 1883. O. 341 : 11 Field, D: Dudlev. Outlines of an international code. 2d ed. N. Y. 1876. O. 341-|-4 Gallaudet, E: Miner. A manual of international law. N. Y. 1879. D. 341 : 5 Hall, W: E: International law. Oxford. 1880. O. 341 : 6 Halleck, H: Wager. Elements of international law. Phila. 1878. O. 341 : 7 Hartmann, K: Robert E: v. Prineip und zu- kunft des vdlkerrechts. In his Gesam- melte studien. 834+19 Mackintosh, Sir James. A discourse on the law of nature and of nations. In his Mis- cell, works. 904+28 Vattel, Emmeric de. The law of nations, or Principles of the law of nature, applied to the conduct and aft'airs of nations and sovereigns ; from the french. From the new ed. by Joseph Chitty, with add. notes and references by E: D. tngraham. Phila. 1879. O. 341 : 3 Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Introduction to the study of international law, designed as an aid in teaching and in historical studies. [Isted.] Bost. 1860. D. 341:1 Same. 5th ed. N. Y. 1879. O. 341 : 2 Spear, S: Thayer. The law of extradition, in- ternational and inter state; with an app. containing the extradition treaties and laws of the U. S., several sections of the english extradition act of 1870, and extradition re- gulations and forms. Albany. 1879. O. 341+8 Lawrence, W: Beach. Visitation and search, or An historical sketch of the british claim to exercise a maritime police over the vessels of all nations, in peace as well as in war, with an inquiry into the expediency of ter- minating the 8th article of the Ashburton treaty. Bost. 1858. O. 341+9 Reade, 0: The eighth commandment; [inter- national copyright]. Bost. 1860. D. 341 : 10 Putnam, G: Haven. International copyright con- sidered in some of its relations to" ethics and political economy; an address del. jan. 29, 1879, before the New York free-trade club. [Economic monographs, no. 15.] N. Y. 1879. D. 341 : 12 3. Constitutional law. Unit ed /States. United States. The federal and state con.stitu- tions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the U. S. ; comp. under an order of the U. S. senate by B: Perley Poore Wash 1877 2 v.F. m 342.1:1) Fallows, S:, ed. The constitutions of the U. S. and of the state of Wisconsin ; with quest- ions adapted to the use of common schools. Madison. 1871. D. 342.1 : 10 Duer, W: Alexander. Lectures on the constitu- tional jurisprudence of the U. S., delivered annually in Columbia college. [Harper's family library]. N. Y. 1845. S. 342.1 : 7 Federalist, The, on the new constitution, writ- ten in the year 1788, by mr. Hamilton, mr. Madison and mr. Jay ; with an app. con- taining the letters of Paciticus and Helvl- dius on the proclamation of neutrality of 1793, also the original articles of confedera- tion, and the constitution of the U. S., with the amendments made thereto. A new ed., the numbers written by mr. Madison corr. by himself. Hallowell. 1837. O. 342.1 : 11 Foederalist, The ; a collection of essays, written in favor of the new constitution, as agreed upon by the foederal convention sept. 17, 1787. Repr. from the original text, with an introd. and notes, by H: B. Dawson. V. 1. N. Y. 1864. O. 342. 1 : 22 Fisher, Sidney G: The trial of the constitution. Phila. 1862. O. 342.1+8 Hickey, W:, ed. The constitution of the U. S. of America, with an alphabetical analysis ; the declaration of independence, the ar- ticles of confederation ; the prominent po- litical acts of G: Washington ; electoral votes for all the presidents and vice-presi- dents, the high authorities and civil officers of government, from march 4, 1789 to march 3, 1847 ; chronological narrative of the several states, and other matter, with a descriptive account of the state papers, public documents, and other sources of statistical information at the seat of govern- ment. 7th ed. Phila. 1854. D. 342.1 : 9 Lessons of a century for the 4th of July 1876 ; pre- vention is better than cure. n. p. or d. 342. 1 : Pam Note. Contains a series of criticisms on the U. 8. constitution. _ . , , , , Marshall, J: Writings upon the federal consti- tution. Bost. 1839. O. 342.1+16 Paschal, G: W. The constitution of the U. S. defined and carefully annotated ; with an app., supp. and index thereto. Wash. 1878. O 342.1+3 211 Cl. 34^ SOCIOLOGY JURISPRUDENCE. 212 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the constitu- tion ot the U. S. ; with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the con- stitution. 4th ed., with notes and add. by by T: M. Cooley. Bost. 1873. O. 342.1+4 * * * Poole, W: F: The ordinance of 1787, and dr. Manasseh Cutler as an agent in its forma- tion. Cambridge, Mass. 1876. O. 342. 1 : Pam Scott, Eben Greenough. The development of constitutional liberty in the english colo- nies of America. N. Y. 1882. O. 342. 1:18 Sterne, Simon. Constitutional history and poli- tical development of the U. S. NT Y. [1882]. D. 342.1:19 Bancroft, G: History of the formation of the constitution of the U. S. of America. N. Y. 1882. 2v. O. 342.1:21 Curtis, G: Ticknor. History of the origin, form- ation and adoption of the constitution of the U. S. ; with notices of the principal framers. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. O. 342.1+2 Towle, Nathaniel Carter. A history and analy- sis of the constitution of the U. S.; with a full account of the confederations which preceded it, of the debates and acts of the convention which formed it, of the judi- cial decisions which have construed it ; with papers and tables illustrative of the action of the government and the people under it. Bost. 1860. D. 342.1:16 Elliot, Jonathan, ed. The debates, resolutions, and other proceedings in convention on the adoption of the federal constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia, 17 sept. 1787; with the yeas and nays on the decision of the main question. Wash. 1827-30. 4 v. O. 342.1 : 5 Contents. V. 1. Massachusetts and New York. 2. Virginia. 3. North Carolina and Pennsylvania. 4. Journal and debates of the federal convention at Philadelphia, may 14 -sept. 17, 1787, with the consti- tution illustrated by the opinions of twenty succes- si^e congresses, and a digest of decisions in the courts of the union. The debates in the several states conventions on the adoption of the federal constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia in 1787 ; together with the journal of the federal convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, congress- ional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky re- solutions of '98-'99, and other illustrations, of the constitution. 2d ed. with consider- able add., coll. and rev. from contemporary publications. Pub. under the sanction of congress. Phila. 1876. 5 v. O. 342.1+6 Contents. V. 1. Journal of the federal conven- tion. Martin's letter. Yates's minutes. 2. Massa- chusetts. Connecticut. New Hampshire. New York. Pennsylvania. Maryland. 3. Virginia. 4. North Carolina. South Carolina. Virgrinia and Ken- tucky. 5. Supp. Madison papers, containing debates on the confederation and contitution. Yates, Robert. Secret proceedings and debates of the convention assembled at Philadel- phia in 1787 for the purpose of forming the constitution of the U. S. of America, incl. "The genuine information," laid before the legislature of Maryland by Luther Martin ; also other historical documents relative to the federal compact of the north amer. union. Cine. [1838]. D. 342.1 : 13 Chittenden, L. E. Report of the debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of the conference convention for proposing amendments to the constitution of the U. S., held at Washington, feb. 1861. N. Y. 1864. O. 342.1+14 Hurd, J: C. Theory of our national existence, as shown by the action of the government of the U. S. since 1861. Bost. 1881. O. 342.1 : 12 Giaque, Florien. The election and naturaliza- tion laws of the U. S.j a compilation of all constitutional provisions and laws of the U. S. relating to elections, the elective franchise, to citizenship and the naturaliz- ation of aliens, with notes of decisions. Cine. 1880. O. 342.1 : 17 U. S . Special states . Massachusetts state. Official report of the debates and proceedings in the state con- vention, assembled may 4, 1853, to revise and amend the constitution of the com- monwealth of Massachusetts. Bost. 1853. 3v. O. 342.12+401 New York state. Report of the debates and proceedings of the convention for the revision of the constitution of the state of New York, 1846 ; reported by W: G. Bishop and W: H. Attree. Albany. 1846. O. 342.13+101 Ohio state. Reports of the debates and proceed- ings of tne convention for the revision of the constitution of the state of Ohio, 1850- 51 ; J. V. Smith, official reporter to the convention. Columbus. 1851. 2 v. O. 342.15:1 Wisconsin state. Journal of the convention to form a constitution for the state of Wis- consin ; begun and held at Madison oct. 5, 1846. Madison. 1847. O. 342.15+301 Journal of the convention to form a constitu- tion for the state of Wisconsin, with a sketch of the debates, begun and held at Madison, dec. 15, 1847. Madison. 1848. O. 342.15+302 The constitution of the state of Wisconsin, adopted in convention at Madison on the 16th day of dec. 1846, together with the act of congress and the act of the legislature in relation to the formation of a state gov- ernment in Wisconsin. Pub. by order of the convention. Madison. 1846. D. 342.16:307 Wright, A. O. An analysis of the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, designed for the use of teachers, advanced classes in schools and citizens generally. Madison. 1873. D. 342.15:306 t h couiitrie Roelker, Bernard. The constitution of France, monarchical and republican, together with brief historical remarks relating to their origin and the late Orleans dynasty. Bost. 1848. D. 342.3 : 1 Thierry, Jacques N: Augustin. The formation and progress of the tiers etat or third estate in France. Tr. from the french by Francis B. Wells Lond. 1859. 2 v. in 1. D. 342.3:2 213 SOCIOLOaY-JTJRISPRUDENCE. CI. 842-843 214 Kaiser, Simon. Franziisische verfassnngsge- schichte von 1789-1852, in ihrei' histori- schen aufeinanderfolge und systemati- schen entwickelung dargestellt. Leipz. 1852. O. 342.3 : 4 Waltz, G: Deutsche verfassungsgesehichte. Berlin. 1874-84. 8 v. O. 342.3+3 Contents. V. 1. Die verfassunjr des deutschen volkes in altester zeit. 3te aufl. 2-4. Die verfas- sun' des friinkischen reichs. 5-8. Die deutsche reichsverfassung von der mitte des neunten bis znr mitte des zwolften jahrhunderts. Maurer, G : L : v. Geschiehte der markenver- fassung in Deutschland. Erlangen. 1856. O. 342.3 : 7 Geschiehte der dorfverfassung in Deutschland. Erlangen. 1865. 2 v. in 1. O. 342.3 : 6 Geschiehte der stiidteverfassung in Deutsch- land. Erlangen. 1869-1871. 4 v. O. 342.3 : 5 Hegel, C : Geschiehte der stiidteverfassung von Italien ; seit der zeit der romischen nerr- schaft bis zum ausgang des 12ten jahrhun- derts. Leipz. 1847. 2 v. O. 342.3 : 8 Note. For English constitutional history, see class 323. 2, col. 161163; there being no written constitu- tion 'in that country. 4. Statute and common law. Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Essay on divoi'ce and divorce legislation, with special refer- ence to the U. S. N. Y. 1869. D. 343 : 1 Divorce and divorce legislation, especially in the U. S. 2d ed. rev. N. Y. 1882. D. 343 : 3 Cowley, C : Famous divorces of all ages. Lowell, Mass. 1878. D. 343 : 2 Sch.rOder, R: Das eheliche giiterrecht Deutsch- lands in vergangenheit, gegenwart und zukunft. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fra- gen. 304 : 15 v4 Scheel, Hans v. Eigenthum und erbrecht. Jn Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 Curiosities of the search-room ; a collection of serious and whimsical wills. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1884. Q. 343-^5 Taylor, Alfred Swaine. A manual of medical jurisprudence. 8th amer. ed. from the 10th Lond. ed., containing the author's latest notes, ed. with add. notes and references by J: J. Reese. 111. Phila. 1880. O. 343+6 Wharton, Francis, and Moreton Stille. A trea- tise on medical jurisprudence ; the medical part rev. and corr. with numerous add. by Alfred Stille. 2d and rev. ed. [Incomplete]. Phila. 1860. O. 343+7 LObner, Arthur. Lexikon des handels- und gewerberechts fiir den kaufmann und gewerbtreibenden. Leipz. 1882. D. 343.3:111 Townsend, Calvin. A compendium of commer- cial law, analytically and topically arr. with copious citations of legal authorities, for the use of business colleges and univer- sities, students of law and members of the bar. N. Y. n. d. O. 343 : 4 Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of business for all the states of the union and the dominion of Canada ; with forms and directions for all transactions, and abstracts of the laws of all the states on various topics. Enl. and imp. Hartford. 1884. O. 343.1+11 Peters, Nils. En analytisk framstsillning af amerikansk lag om kontrakt ; utgifven till ;agn for skandinaverna i Amerika. Milw. " D. 343,1:12 Un ited States . f^ United States. Congress. Statutes at large, and treaties, postal conventions and executive proclamations. V. 1-17. Bost. 1845-75 ; V. 18-22, Wash. 1875-83. 22 v. in 24. Q. in 343.1 :D Contents. V. 1-5. Public laws, 1789-184.5. 6. Private laws, 17891845. 7. Indian treaties, 1789-184.5. 8. Foreigntreaties, 1789-1845. General index. 9. 1845 -ia51. 10. ia51-ia5.5. II.I85.5-I8.59. 12. ia59-1863. 13. 1883-1865. 14. 1865-1867. 15. 1867-1869. 16. 1869 1871. 17.1871-1873. 18. Pt. I and 2. nee heUtw. Pt. 3: 1873-1875. 19. 187.5-1877. 20. 1877-1879. 21. 1879 -1881. 22. 1881 isas. V. 1-8 ed. by R: Peters, 9-10 by G: Minot, 11 by G: Minot and G: P. Sanger, 12-17 by G: P. Sanger, 18-22 under the dir. of the sec. of state. Revised statutes passed at the first session of the 43d cong., 1873-74 ; embracing the sta- tutes of the U. S., general and permanent in their nature, in force on dec. 1, 1873, as rev. and consolidated by commissioners ap- pointed under an act of cong., and as re- printed with amendments under authority of an act of cong. approved march 2. 1877. 2d ed. Wash. 1878. Q. 343.1 : D Note. Originally pub. as V. 18, pt. 1 of the Stat- utes-at-large. Revised statutes relating to the District of Columbia and post roads, passed at the first session of the 43d cong., 1873-74 ; to- gether with the public treaties in force on dec. 1, 1873. Wash. 1875. Q. 343.1 :D NoU. Originally pub. as V. 18, pt. 3 of the Statutes- at-large. A synoptical index to the laws and treaties of the U. S. of America, from mai'ch 4, 1789 to march 3, 1851, with reference to the ed. of the laws pub. by Bioren and Duane, and to the statutes at large pub. by Little, Brown & co. under the authority of cong. Bost. 1852. Q. "343.1 :D Gordon, T: F. A digest of the laws of the U. S., incl an abstract of the judicial decisions relating to the constitutional and statutory law; with notes, explanatory and historical. Phila. 1827. O. 343. 1 : 2 Kent, James. Commentaries on american law. 12th ed. by O. W. Holmes, jr. Bost. 1873. 4v. O. 343.1:B1 Lewis, Francis A. Law relating to stocks, bonds and other securities in tlie U. S. Phila. 1881. O. 343.1+8 United States. Public domain. Donaldson, T: The public domain ; its history with statis- tics, with references to the national do- main, colonization, acquirement of ter- ritory, the survev, administration and several methods of sale and disposition of the public domain of the U. S., with sketch of the legislative history of the land states and territories, and references to the land system of the colonies, and also that of several foreign governments. Prepared under dir. of the Public land commission. Committee on codification, and giving the result of the several land laws to June 30, 1880; rev. July 16, 1881. Maps. (U. S. 46th cong. 3d sess. House ex. doc. no. 47. pt. 4). Wash. 1881. O. tn 343.1 :D 215 CI. 343 SOCIOLOGY JTrRISPRUDENCE. 216 United States. Public domain. Gontimied. General public acts of cons:, respecting the sale and disposition of the public lands, with instructions issued from time to time by the sec. of the treas. and com'r of the gen. land office, and official opinions of the attorney-gen. on questions arising under the land laws. Preuai'ed and printed by order of the sen. Wash. 1838. 2 v. O. in 343. 1 : D Contents. "V. 1 . Laws to the close of the 2(1 sess. of the 2.5th cong. 2. Instructions and opinions to aug. [Britten, Alexander T., comp.'] The exist- ing laws of the U. S. of a general and permanent character, and relating to the survey and disposition of the public domain dec. 1, 1880 ; embracing references to previ- ous legislation, and citations of decisions from the federal and the state courts and from the executive officei-s of the U. S. Prenared under the direction of the Public land commission. Committee on codifica- tion. (U. S. 46th cong. 3 sess. House ex. doc. no. 47, pt. 1). Wash. 1881. O. in 343, 1 : D Same, with supp. embracing the laws of like character passed at the 3d sess. of the 46th, and 1st sess. of the 47th cong., and a digest of late decisions under the land laws, in continuation of the "Citation of decisions" of the Land commission [in pt. 2], prepared under the dir. of the Commis- sioner of the general land office (U. S. 47th cong. 2 sess. House mis. doc. no. 45. pt. 1). Wash. 1884. O. in 343. 1 : D [Britten, Alexander T., comp.'] Laws of the U. S. of a local or temporary character, and exhibiting the entire legislation of cong. upon which the public land titles in each state and territory have depended, dec. 1, 1880 ; embracing also a digest of all indian treaties affecting the titles to public lands, an abstract of the authority for and the boundaries of the existing military reservations, and a table of .judicial and executive decisions affecting the various subjects arising under the public land system. Prepared unter the dir. of the Public land commission. Committee on codification. (U. S. 46th conff. 3 sess. House ex. doc. no. 47, pt. 2, 3). Wash. 1881. 2v.ini. O. w 343.1 :D Same, with supp. embracing the laws of like character passed at the 3d sess. of the 46th, and 1st sess. of the 47th cong. (U. S. 47th cong. 2 sess. House mis. doc. no. 4.5, pt., 2 3). Wash. 1884. 2 v. O. in 343.1 :D Public land laws ; an exhaustive compila- tion of the laws, rulings, decisions and late acts of congress with reference to the agri- cultui'al, mining and other lands of the U. S., with the instructions of the commis- sioner of the general land office regarding the same ; comp. from official sources. Sioux City. 1879. O. 343. 1 : 4 Congress. An act to provide internal revenue to support the government, to pay interest on the public debt and for other purposes, passed June 30, 1864. n. t. O. 343.1 : 5 Same, as amended by the act of march 3d, 1865 ; incl. sections relating to the collec- TJnited States. Public domain. Continued. tion of internal revenue, from other acts n. t. O. 343.1 :6 Laws of the U. S. relating to internal revenue compi-ising the act of June 30, 1864, as amended by subsequent acts incl. the act of march 26, 1867. Wash. 1867. O. 343.1:7 Tax-payer's manual, The ; containing the acts of congress imposing direct and excise taxes, with complete marginal references and an analytical index, showing all the items of taxation, the mode of proceeding and the duties of the officers, with an explan. pref. N. Y. 1862. O. 343.1 : 9 Redfield, Amasa Angell, comp. A hand-book of the U. S. tax law, approved July 1, 1862, with all the amendments to march 4, 1863 ; comprising the decisions of the commis- sioner of internal revenue, together with copious notes and explanations, for the use of tax-payers of every class and the officers of the revenue of all the states and territories. From official sources. N. Y. 1863. D. 343.1:10 Carpenter, M. B. Mining code ; a compilation of all the existing mining, water, pre- emption and homestead laws of the U. S. and the state of Colorado, mining decis- ions of the courts and dep't of the mterior, articles of incorporation and by-laws for mining companies, comments, forms, etc. 2d ed. Denver. 1879. O. 343,1 : 3 U. S. Special states. Smucker, S: M., ed. The blue laws of Connecti- cut ; a collection of the earliest statutes and judicial proceedings of that colony, being an exhibition of the rigorous morals and legislation of the puritans ; with an introd. Phila. 1861. D. 343.12:501 Trumbull, J. Hammond. The true-blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven and the false blue laws invented by the rev. S: Peters ; added, specimens of the laws and judicial Eroceedings of other colonies, and some lue laws of England in the reign of James L Hartford, Conn. 1876. D. 343.12:502 Beston city. Ordinances, and rules and orders of the city of Boston ; together with a digest of the general and special statutes of the Massachusetts legislature relating to the city. Pub. by order of the city council. Bost. 1876. O. 343.12:402 New York city. Ordinances of the mayor, ald- ermen aiid commonalty, rev. 1859 by D. T. Valentine. Adopted by the common coun- cil and pub. by their authority. N. Y. 1859. O. 343.13: 1 Chicago city. Charter, 1867. Chicago. 1867. O. 343.15 :Pam Michigan territory. Laws, condensed, arranged and passed by the fifth legislative council ; together with the declaration of independ- ence, the constitution of the U. S., the ordinance of 1787, and the acts of congress relative to said territory. Pub. by author- ity. Detroit. 1833. O. ' m343.16:D state. Legislature. The compiled laws of the state of Mich., comp. and arr. under an act of the legisl. approved jan. 25, 1871, 217 SOCIOLOGY JURISPRUDENCE. CI. 343 218 Michigran state. Legislature. Continued. fby] James S. Dewey. Lansing. 1872. 2 v. O. w343.15:D General acts, and joint and concurrent reso- lutions, passed at the reg:ular session of 1871, with app. Lansing. 1871. O. in 343.15 :D Acts, passed at the extra session of 1873, with app. Lansing. 1872. O. w 343.15 :D General acts, aud joint and concurrent reso- lutions, passed at the reg. session of 1873, with app. Lansing. 1873. O. w 343. 15 :D General [and local] acts, and joint and con- current resolutions, passed at the extra session of 1874, with app. Lansing. 1874. O. m343.15:D - Public acts, and joint and concurrent reso- lutions passed at the regular session of 1875 [1877, 1879, 1881], with app. Lansing. 1875-81. 4 V. O. in 343. 15 : D Index to the general laws, enacted by the legislature 18721881, and to sections and chapters of the compiled laws amended or repealed. Prep, and pub. under the super- vision of the sec. of state. Lansing. 1881. O. With Public acts for 1881. w 343.15 :D Public [and local] acts, and joint and con current resolutions, passed at the extra session of 1882, with app. Lansing. 1882. O. w 343.15 :D Laws of the state, relating to highways and bridges, with blank forms. Lansing. 1881. O. bound with Laws of the state, rel. to drainage, with blank forms. Lansing. 1881. O. bound with Fish and game laws ; laws rel. to the protec- tion of fish and of game, comp. in aug. 1881. bound with The liquor laws ; laws rel. to the manufac- ture and sale of malt, spirituous, or intox- icating liquors, comp. in aug. 1881. in 343. 15 :D Wisconsin territory. Legislative assembly. Acts passed at the 1st [2d and special] ses- sion, 1836-1838. [Reprinted] Madison. 1867. O. m 343.15 :D Contains the laws passed at the Ist leg. 1st sess., oct. 25 dec. 9, 1836. Belmont, 1836. 3d ' nov. 6, J 837 Jan. 20, 1838., pub. with special sess., June 1125, 1838. Burlington, la., 1838. Statutes of the territory of Wisconsin, passed by the legislative assembly thereof, at a session commencing in nov. 1838, and at an adjourned session, commencing in jan. 1839. Pub. by authority of the leg. assem- bly. Albany. 1839. O. m343.15:D Note. Contains also the general laws, passed at the 3d leg. Ist sess. nov. 36 -dec. 33, 1838, and 3d " jan. 31-march 11, 1839. The local acts of both sessions were pub- lished together and printed in Milwaukee, 1839; but this volume is not in the library. Laws passed by the [second to fifth] legisla- tive assemblies. 1839-1848. Milw. awd Ma- dison. 1840-48. 3 V. O. in 343. 15 : D Contains the following laws bound in 3 v. : 2d leg. 3d sess. dec. 2, 1&39 jan. 13. 1840. Milw. 1840. special sess. aug. 314, 1840, interspersed with 3d leg. 1st sess. dec. 7, 1840 feb. 19, 1841; with app. [cont. Supreme court decisions, 1839 40|. Mad. 1841. An act to provide for the gov. of the several towns in this terr., and for the revision of county gov. Mad. 1841. Wisconsin territory. Continued. 2d sess. dec. 6, 1841 -fob. 19, 1842; with app. \m2 ^"P'"*'*' ^"''* reports, 1841]. Mad. 4th leg. Ist sess. dee. 5. 1842-march 26. IfU:}, and march 27-apr. 17, 1843. Mad. 1843. 2d sess. dec. 4. 1843-jan. 31, 1844. Mad. 1844, with Supreme court reports, 1842 and 184.3, rep. by T. P. Burnett. 3d sess. jan. 6-feb. 24, 184.=). Mad. \W,. ,**** " J"- 5-*eb. 3, 1846. Mad. 1846. 5th leg. 1st sess. jan. 4 feb. 11. 1847. Mad. 1847. special sess. oct. 1827, 1847. Mart. 1847. 2d sess. feb. 7 march 13, 1848. Mad. 1848. Wisconsin state. Legislature. Laws, together with the joint resolutions and memorials passed at the first session, commencing June 1. and ending aug. 31, [1848]. Mad. 1848. D. m 343.15 :D Acts and resolves passed in 1849. together with memorials to congress. Mad. 1849. O. in 343. 1 5 : D JVote. From this time to 1883, the sessions were an- nual and opened on the 2d Wednesday in Jan.; after 1883, biennial. The revised statutes of the state of Wis- consin, passed at the 2d session of the legisl., commencing Jan. 10, 1849; prefixed, the declaration of independence and the constitutions of the U. S. and the state of Wis.; with app. containing certain acts required to be pub. therewith. Southport [Kenosha]. 1849. Q. in 343. 15 : D Acts and resolves passed in 18.50[-1852], to- gether with memorials to congress. Madi- son and Kenosha. 1850-52. 3 v. O. w 343.15 :D Supp. to the Revised statutes of the state of Wis., containing all the general laws and amendments enacted since the revision of the statutes up to the present date, being, with the Revised statutes, a complete trans- cript of all gen. laws now in force in this state. Compiled from the official records [by C. Latham Sholes]. Kenosha. 1852. O. With Laws for 1852. in 343. 15 : D General acts, passed in 1853[-1858], together with memorials and resolutions. Madison. 1853-58. 6 V. O. in 343. 15 : D Note. The laws enacted during the special sessions, June 6-july 13, 18.53 and sept. 3 oct. 14. 1856, are pub. with the laws of the regular sessions of the reap. years. Private and local acts, passed in 1853 [-1858]. Madison. 1853-58. O. in 343. 15 : D Note. Each year is bound with the general acts of the same year. The revised statutes of the state of Wiscon- consin, passed at the annual session of the legislature commencing jan. 13, 1858, and approved may 17, 1858 ; prefixed, the de- claration of independence and the consti- tutions of the U. S. and the state of Wis. ; with app. containing certain acts required to be pub. therewith. Chicago. 1858. Q. 7 343.15 :D General laws, passed in 1859[-1808], together with joint resolutions and memorials. Madison 1859-68. 10 v. O. in 343. 15 : D Private and local laws, passed in 1859[-1868l. Madison. 1859-68. O. in 343. 15 : D Note. Each year Is bound with the general laws of the same year. A digest of the laws of Wisconsin from 1858 to 1868 incl.; added an afjp., giving a list of all the laws and provisions of the con- 219 CI. 343 SOCIOLOGY JURISPRUDENCE. 320 "Wisconsin state. Legislature. Continued. stitution passed upon by the supreme court ; comp. by E. A. Spencer. Madison. 1868. O. in 343.15 :D General laws, passed in 1869[-1871], together with joint resolutions and memorials. Madison. 1869-71. 3 v. O. in 343.15 : D Private and local laws, passed in 1869[-18711. Madison, 1869-71. O. m343.15:D Note. Each year is bound with the general laws of the same year. The revised statutes of the state of Wiscon- sin, as altered and amended by subsequent legislation; together with the unrepealed statutes of a general nature, passed from the time of tlie revision of 1858 to the close of the legislature of 1871, arr. in the same manner as the statutes for 1858. with refer- ences showing the time of the enactment of each section, and also references to judicial decisions in relation to and ex- planatory of the statutes, prepared and arr. by D: Taylor. St. Louis. 1871. 2 v. Q. ^>^343.15 :D General laws passed in 1872, together with joint resolutions and memorials. Madison. 1872. O. bound with Private and local laws passed in 1872. Madi- son. 1872. O. m 343.15 :D A synoptical index of the general and pri- vate and local laws of Wisconsin from the organization of the territory to 1873 incl. [comp. by Roger C. Spooner]. Madison. 1873. O. w 343.15 :D The laws of Wisconsin, together with joint resolutions and memorials, passed in 1873 [1878]. Madison. 1873-78. 6 v. O. m 343.15 :D A bill to revise the general statutes, pre- pared and reported to the legislature of 1878 by the revisers appointed pursuant to ch. 203. laws of 1875, and acts amendatory thereof. Madison. 1878. Q. in 343. 15 : D Report and explanatory notes of the revisers of the statutes, accompanying the bill to revise the general laws of Wis., submitted to the leg. of 1878. Madison. 1878. O. m 343. 15 :D Revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin, passed at the extra session of the legisla- ture, commencing June 4, 1878, and ap- proved June 7, 1878 ; prefixed, the constitu- tion of the U. S. and the state of Wis., with app. contaming certain acts of congress re- quired to be pub. therein. Madison. 1878. Q,. in 343.15 :D - Same. 343. 15 : R301 Note. The laws passed at the extra session, in addi- tion to the rev. statutes, are pub. at the end of the laws enacted at the regular session of 1878. The laws of Wisconsin, passed at the annual session of 1879 [1882]; together with joint resolutions and memorials. Madison. 1879-82. 4 V. O. in 343. 15 : D The laws of Wisconsin, passed at the bien- nial session of 1883, together with joint resolutions and memorials. Madison. 1883. 2v. O. m 343. 15 :D Contents. V. 1. Laws, except city charters. 2. Laws relating to city charters and their amendments. Index to the session laws of the state of Wis- consin, enacted by the legisl. during 1879 1883, with reference to sections or cnapters "Wisconsin state. Legislature. Continued. of the Revised statutes altered, amended or repealed ; prep, and pub. under the super- vision of the sec. of state. Madison. 1883. O. With Laws of 1883, v. 1. in 343.15 : D Supp. to the Revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin 1878 ; containing the general laws from 1878 to 1883, with the revisers' notes to the statutes of 1878, and notes to cases construing and applying these and similar statutes by the supreme court of Wis. and the courts of other states. Comp. and annotated by A. L. Sanborn and J. R. Berryman. Chicago. 1883. O. 343.15 :R301 Wisconsin. Laws on special subjects. [Laws providing for town and county govern- ment]. See Session laws for 1840-41. Laws of Wis. relating to the organization and gov. of towns and the powers and duties of town officers, with practical forms, by E. M. Haines. Madison. 1858. O. m343.15:D Same, by J: C. Spooner and E. E. Bryant. Madison. 1869. O. in 343.15 : D Same, by J: C. Spooner and Hiram Hayes. Madison. 1879. O. in 343. 15 : D The assessment laws of the state, with forms and instructions ; rev. by LI. Breese, sec. of state. Madison. 1872. O. in 343.15 :D Compilation of the assessment laws of the state, with forms and instructions ; rev. by P: Doyle, sec. of state. in 343. 15 : D Election laws of the state, with extracts from the constitution ; together with forms and instructions for the use of clerks, in- spectors, etc. Prepared under the dir. of D: W. Jones, sec. of state, by J: W. Hunt. Madison. 1857. O. in 343. 15 : D Election and registry laws of the state, with forms and instructions for the use of county and town officers; rev. by P: Doyle, sec. of state. Madison. 1876. O. bound with The registry and election laws, etc., comp. by Hans B. Warner, sec. of state, 1878 and 1879. Madison. 1878-79. 2 v. in 1. O. m 343.15 :D Compilation of the U. S. laws, state laws, decisions, messages and correspondence, relating to the swamp and overflowed land fund of the state of Wisconsin. Pub. by authority, 1882. Madison. 1882. O. m 343. 15 :D Milwaukee city. Charter and ordinances and amendatory acts ; together with a list of officers, and rules and regulations of the common council. Milw. 1853. 343.15 :D350 Charter and ordinances, with the constitu- tion of the state and acts of the legislature relating to the city, incl. a list of officers, and the rules and "regulations of the com- mon council, dec. 5, 1856. Milw. 1857. O. 343.15 :D351 Acts of the legislature of 1857, amendatory and otherwise, relating to the city of Mil- waukee. Milw. 1857. O. 343.15 :D352 Amendments to the charter, approved march 27th 1858. Milw. 1858. O. w343.15:D532 [Acts of the legislature of 1859, relating to Milw.] n.t.O. m343.15:D352 221 SOCIOLOGY JtTB,ISlRXTDENCE. Cl. 343-346 Milwaukee city. Continued. The proposed new city charter. Milw. 1868. O. 343.16 :D358 Acts of the legislature, relating to the city of Milwaukee, a. d. 1871. Milw. 1871. O. m343.15:D363 Same, a. d. 1872. n. p. in 343. 16 : D363 The charter of the city of Milwaukee [codi- fied and amended up to 1873]. [Milw. 1873]. O. w343.15:D363 An act to revise, consolidate and amend the charter of the city of Milwaukee and the several acts amendatory thereof, approved march 10, 1874. Madison. 1874. O. m 343.15 :D353 The charter and ordinances of the city of Milwaukee, with an app. [containing spec- ial laws and ordinances]. Milw. 1875. O. 343.15:D353 Amendments, passed by the legislature, 1875- 1878. m 343.15 :D353 Note. For further amendments, see Wisconsin session laws, in 343.1.5 : D Acts of the legislature of Wis., in relation to supplying the city with pure and whole- some water ; acts of the legislature and an ordinance of the city, authorizing the issue of bonds for the construction of water works in said city ; and statistics of taxa- tion and municipal indebtedness. Milw. 1873. O. With City documents, 1872-73. in 361.16 :D Board of aldermen. Rules, 1865. Milw. 1865. D. 347 : Pam Rules for the government of the board of aldermen, adopted a. d. 1872. Milw. 1872. D. 347 : Pam Board of councilors. Rules for the govern- ment of the board of councilors, adopted a. d. 1872-8. Milw. 1878. D. 347 : Pam Fire dep't. Rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the fire dep. and sup't of the fire alarm telegraph, adopted by the chief engineer and lomt committee on fire dep. Milw. 1870. S. 343.15 : 361 Great Britain. Blackstone, SirW: Commentaries on the laws of England, in 4 books ; with notes sel. from the eds. of Archbold, Christian, Coler- idge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr and others, baron Field's analysis, and add. notes and a life of the author by G: Sharswood ; in 2 V. V. 1. Phila. 1864. O. 343.2+2 Same. Phila. 1880. 2 v. O. 343.2 :R1 Great Britain. Commissioners on the public records. Ancient laws and institutes of England ; comprising laws enacted under the anglo-saxon kings from ^Ethelbirht to Cnut, with an english trans, of thi? saxon, the laws called Edward the confessor's, the laws of William the conqueror and those ascribed to Henry I, also Monumenta ecclesiastica anglicana from the 7th to the 10th century and the ancient latin version of the anglo-saxon laws with a compendi- ous glossary, etc. Lond. 1840. 2 v. Q. 343.2+3 Dalton, Michael. Officium vice-comitum ; the office and authority of sheriffs, gathered out of the statutes and books of the com- mon laws of this kingdom, to which is added an app. . . Lond. 1682. F. 23 : B 5. Oriminal law. American social science association. Three papers on crime. Bost. 1H88. (). 346 : 11 Contents. Colby, .Tames F. Disfranchisement for crime. Hill, Edwin. A plan forextinguishlng crime. Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Punishment for certain crimes. Iiivin^stone, E: Complete works on criminal jurisprudence ; consisting of systems of penal law for the state of Louisiana and for the U. S. of America ; with the introd. re- ports to the same. Prefixed, an introd. by Salmon P. Chase. N. Y. 1873. 2 v. O. 346.1+1 Redfield, H. V. Homicide, north and south ; a comparative view of crime against the per- son m several parts of the U. . Phila. 1880. D. 346.1:2 Bovee, Marvin H. Reasons for aboli.shing capi- tal punishment. Chicago. 1873. D. 346 : 7 Cheever, G: Barrell. Punishment by death ; its authority and expediency. N. Y. 18.55. D. 346 : 8 Whately, R: Remarks on transportation, and on a recent defence of the system ; in a 2d letter to earl Grey. Lond. 1834. O. 346.2 : 1 Geyer, A: Ueber die den unrecht angeklagten Oder verurtheilten gebiihrende entschadi- gung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:16vll Kayser, Paul. Der zeugnisszwang im strafver- fahren, in geschichtlicher entwickelung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v8 Hergenhahn, Theodor. Das antragsrecht im deutschen strafrecht. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v7 Osenbrijggen, E: Eine metamorphose im deut- schen strafrecht. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v7 Criminal trials. Demme, W: L: Das buch der verbrechen ; das interessanteste aus den 90 heften meiner annalen der deutschen und au.slandischen criminalrechtspflege ; ein volksbuch in 4 b. V. 2-4. Leipz. 1851. D. 346 : 1 Das buch der verbrechen ; das interessanteste aus alterer, neuerer und neuester zeit der lander dies- und jenseits des Oceans ; ein volksbuch. Neue folge. Leipz. 1852. 4 v. D 346 : 2 Grieb, Christian F:, ed. Dunkle thaten der civi- lisirten menschheit mit providenziellen lichtblicken ; fiir leser aller stiinde. Stuttg. 1850. 6v. T. , 346:3 LOffler, K: Unschuldig verurtheilt ; entschlei- erte geheimnisse aus den hallen der justiz. 2te aufl. N. Y. 1874. O 346 : 4 Morse, J: Famous trials. Bost. 1874. Q 346 : 9 Contents. The Tichborne claim an t.-Troppmann. Prince Pierre Bonaparte.- Mrs. Wharton.-Tho me- teor. Mrs. Fair. . ,, . . Nachtseiten der gesellschaf t ; einegallerie merk- wiirdiger verbrechen und rechtsfalle 2te serie. leipz. 1848. 8 v. D. , , 346 : 6 Sikes, W: Wirt. Studies of assassination. Lond. 1881 D. 346:10 Cmtcnts. Catherine de Mediol.-Willlam of Orange. The gunpowder plot. Charlotte Corday. -Abraham Lincoln. Alexander II. of Russia. CI. 345-347 SOCIOLOGY JtJRISPRtJBEircE. Chandler, Peleg Whitman. American criminal trials. Bost. 1844. 2 v. D. 345. 1 : 3 Contents. V. 1. Anne Hutchinson. The quakers. Salem witchcraft. T : Maule. J: P: Zeng-er. N. Y. negro plot. Lelsler's rebellion. Col. Bayard's trea- son. The crew of the Pitt packet. The Boston mas- sacre. V. 2. Bathsheba Spooner and others. Col. Henley. Major Andre. Joshua H. Smith. The Rhode Island judges. John Hauer and others. App. Notes. United States. Senate. Trial of Andrew Johnson, pres. of the U. S., before the senate of the U. S. on impeachment by the house of re- presentatives for high crimes and misde- meanors ; pub. by order of the senate. Wash. 1868. 3 v. O. in 345. 1 : D Contents. V. 1. Preliminaries. Opening' argu- ments. Evidence. 2. Arguments and final vote. 3. Opinions and app. Proceedings in the trial of W: W. Belknap, late sec. of war on the articles of impeach- ment exhibited by the house of represen- tatives. (Congressional record, vol. 4, pt. 7.) Wash. 1876. Q. in 328.1 :D Wisconsin. Senate. Trial of impeachment of Levi Hubbell, judge of the second judicial circuit, by the senate of the state of Wis- consin, June 1853 ; reported by T. C. Leland, Madison. 1853. O. " in 345. 15 : D Journal of the court for the trial of impeach- ment, state of Wis. vs. Levi Hubbell. Ma- dison. 1853. O. With the above. t/i345.16:D State trials. A complete collection of state- trials and proceedings for high-treason and other crimes and misdemeanours ; the 4th ed., commencing with the 11th year of the reign of king Richard II and ending with the 16th year of the reign of king George HI [1388^17491 ; with two alphabetical tables to the whole. Prefixed, a new pre- face by Francis Hargrave. Lond 1776-81. 11 V. f. 345.2:116 Browne, G. Latham. Narratives of state trials in the 19th century, 1st period : From the union with Ireland to the death of George IV, 18011830. Bost. 1882. 2 v. D. 345.2:2 Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of entertaining knowledge : Crimi- nal trials. Lond. 1832, 1835. 2 v. S. 345.2:3 Contents. V. 1. Sir N: Throckmorton. Duke of Norfolk. Dr. W : Parry. Earl of Essex. Sir Walter Raleigh. 2. The gunpowder plot. Amos, Andrew. The great oyer of poisoning ; the trial of the earl of Somerset lor the poison- ing of sir T: Overbury in the tower of Lon- don, and various matters connected there- with, from contemporary mss. Lond. 1846. O. 345.2:5 Griffiths, Arthur. The chronicles of Newgate. New ed. 111. N.Y. 1884. O. 345.2:4 Feuerbach, Paul J: Anselm, ritter v. Narratives of remarkable criminal trials. Tr. from the german by lady Duif Gordon. N. Y. 1855. S. 345.3:1 Contents. J: Paul Forster. The Antonlni family. Francis Riembauer. The unknown murderer. Anna Maria Zwanziger. James Thalreuter. The Klein- schrot family. J: G: Sorgel. G: Wachs. G : Bausch- maier. Andrew Bichel. J : Holzlnger. Caspar Frisch. L: Steiner. 6. Maritime and martial law. Amos, Sheldon. Political and legal remedies for war. N. Y. 1880. D. 346 : 1 * Leavenworth, Jesse H., late col. 2d Col. vol. Judge advocate general's report and en- dorsements thereon in [his] case. Milw. 1881. O. 346:Pam Bowles, T: Gibson. Maritime warfare. Lond. 1878. O. 346 : 5 Jacobsen, F: J. Laws of the sea, with reference to maritime commerce, during peace and war. From the german, Altona 1815, by W: Frick. Bait. 1818. O. 346 : 2 Johnstone, H. A. Munro-Butler-. Handbook of maritime rights, and the declaration of Paris considered. Lond. 1876. D. 346 : 4 Ward, Robert. A treatise of the relative rights and duties of belligerent and neutral powers in maritime affairs, in which the principles of armed neutralities and the opinions of Hubner and Schickel are fully discussed. Repr. from the original ed., with a pref. by lord Stanley of Alderley, and an app. Lond. 1875. O. " 346 : 6 Exquemelin, Alexandre Olivier. The history of the buccaneers of America ; containing de- tailed accounts of those bold and daring freebooters, chiefly along the Spanish main, in the West Indies, and in the great south sea, succeeding the civil wars m England. New ed. with some introd. notices of piracies on the coast of New England to the year 1724. Bost. [1851]. O. 346 : 3 7. Civil and canon law. Arnold, W. T. The roman system of provincial administration to the accession of Constan- tine the great ; the Arnold prize essay for 1879. Lond. 1879. D. 347 : 12 Hadley, James. Introduction to roman law ; in twelve academical lectures. N. Y. 1881. D. 347:6 Mackenzie, T:, lord Mackenzie. Studies in roman law, with comparative views of the laws of France, England and Scotland ; ed. by J: Kirkpatrick. 5th ed., rev. Edinb. 1880. O. 347:9 Morey, W: C. Outline of roman law ; compris- ing its historical and general principles. N. Y. 1884. O. 347 : 10 Stammler, C: Das romische recht in Deutsch- land. In Deutsche zeit- und streitfragen. 304 : 15 v9 France. Code Napoleon ; avec Repertoire alpha- betigue et raisonnc pour I'ed. seule of- ficielle dans le gi'and-duche de Wurz- bourg. n.p. or d.L>. 347 : 4 Note. Contains also a german transl., "Napoleons gesetzbuch". Fulton, J : The law of marriage ; containing the hebrew law, the roman law, the law of the New testament, and the canon law of the universal church concerning the im- pediments of marriage and the dissolution of the marriage bond ; digested and arr. with notes and scholia. N. Y. 1883. D. 347:7 225 SOCIOLOGY JtTRISPRtrDENCfi. 01. 347-349 Parliamentary law. Bain, Alexander. Procedure of deliberative bodies. In his Practical essays. 824.2 : 91 Cushing, Luther Stearns. Lex parlamentaria americana ; elements of the law and prac- tice of legislative assemblies in the U. S. of America. 9th ed. Bost. 1874. O. 347 : Bl Manual of parliamentary practice ; rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative as- semblies, rev. by Edmund L. Cushing. Bost. 1880. T. 347 : 2 Fish, G: T. American manual of parliamentary law, or Common law of deliberative as- semblies, systematically arr. for the use of the parliamentarian and the novice. N. Y. 1880. S. 347:3 Robert, H: M. Pocket manual of rules of order for deliberative assemblies : pt. 1, Rules of oi'der ; a compendium of parliamentary law, based upon the rules and practice of congress ; pt. 2, Organization and conduct of business, a simple explanation of the methods of organizing and conducting the business of societies, conventions and other deliberative assemblies. Chicago. 1883. S. 347:8 The parliamentary guide ; a simple explana- tion of the methods of organizing and con- ducting the business of societies, conven- tions and other deliberative assemblies, incl. the various motions and a table of rules relating to motions, containing answers to 200 questions in parliamentary practice, from the Pocket manual of rules of order. Chicago. 1877. T. 347 : 5 SpoflFord, Ainsworth Rand. A practical manual of parliamentary rules ; comp. for the ready reference of societies, conventions, public meetings, and deliberative and leg- islative assemblies. Chicago. 1884. S. 347:11 8. Administrative law. Zacharia, H: Albert. Das moderne schoffenge- richt. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304: 15 vl Bar, K: L: v. Das deutsche reichsgericht. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v4 American law register. The ; v. 13-15, nov. 1864- oct. 1867. Phila. 1864-67. O. 305.4 :M Wisconsin legal news ; v. 1-6, sept. 1878 July 1884. Milw. 1878-84. F. 305.4 :IIM Wisconsin. Supreme court. Decisions, July term 1839 and aug. term 1840. (App. to Session laws, 1840-1). in 343. 15 : D Cases decided at July term 1841, rep. by T. P. Burnett. (App. to session laws, 1841-2). m 343.15 :D Reports for 1842 and 1843, rep. by T. P. Burnett. Madison. 1844. O. With Session laws, 1843-4. in 343. 1 5 : D Note. All of the above are reprinted in 1 Plnney. Reports of cases argued and determined [1849-1852], by D: H. Chandler. Milw. 1850-54. 4 V. in 3. O. in 348. 15 : D Note. Keprinted in 2 and 3 Pinney. Reports of cases argued and determined [1889-1852] ; with tables of the cases and Wisconsin. Supreme court. Continued. principal matters, and the rules of the several courts in force since 1838, by S. U. Pinney. Chicago. 1873-76. 3 v. O. t 348.16 :D Note. A pref. In v. 1 gives a sketch of the leading events of the early political and judicial history of Wisconsin. Reports of cases argued and determined [1853 -dec. 16, 1884]; with tables of the cases and principal matters, [reported by] Abram D. Smith (v. 1-11), Philip L. Spoon- er (v. 12-15), O. M. Conover (v. 16-58 ; 55- 58 prep, and ed. by F: K. Conover), F: K. Conover (v. 59-61). Chicago. 1868-^5. 61 V. in 60. O. in 348.16 :D Note. Known as '-The Wisconsin reports." V. 1- 22 are a republication by the state of the original reports, with notes to v. 3 and 5 by Luther S. Dixon, and to V. 1. 2, 4 and 6-20 by W: F. Vilas and Edwin E. Bryant; V. 8 and 9 being bound as one. V. 16, though bearing the name of Conover as official rep., was actually prepared by S. U. Pinney. A digest of Wisconsin reports [1839-1879] ; comprising all the published decisions of the supreme court of Wisconsin with ref- erences to the statutes, by James Simmons. Albany. 1874-79. 3 v. O. in 348.16 :D Contents. V. 1. To 1868, Burnett's, Chandler's and 20 vols, of Wisconsin reports. 2. Pinney's reports, V. 1, and Wisconsin reports, v. 21-31. 3. Pinney's reports, v. 2, 3, and Wisconsin reports, v. 33-43. Index-digest of the Wisconsin reports, em- bracing all the decisions of the supreme court of Wisconsin [1839-1882], bv Merritt Starr. Chicago. 1883. O. in 348.16 :D 9. Forms of practice- Manual of the revised statutes of the state of New York, or A complete series of all the practical forms or precedents required by the revised statutes ; with appropriate directions, explanations and reierences to cases adjudged in the courts of said state and in the supreme court of the U. S., and designed for the use of professional men, officers, civil and military, and other citi- zens of said state ; in 5 parts. Prep, and comp. by a counsellor at law. Glen's Falls. 1831. O. 349 :3 Wisconsin. Rules of practice for the district court of the U. S. for the district of Wis- consin. Milw. 1848. O. 349 : 1 le code of procedure of the state, passed by the legisl. approved oct. 11, 1856, arr. and printed under the superintendence of J. C.Hopkins. Madison. 1856. O. n349:D The code of procedure of the state, as passed by the legisl. in 1856 and amended in 185 and 1857 ; pub. by dir. of D: W. Jones, sec. of state, with corr. and index by J: W. Hunt, asst. sec. Madison. 1857. O. in 349 : D The code of procedure of the state, as passed by the legisl. in 1856 and amended in 1857- 59, with app. containing the rules of the supreme and circuit courts, the time of holding the terms of court in the vari- ous circuits and of the U. S. district court, also a complete index. Comp. by Walter S, Carter. Milw. 1859. O. in 349 : D McMuUen, Joseph F. The new Wisconsin form book ; a compendium of legal and practi- Th( 16 227 m. 349-351 SOCIOLOGY-JTTRISPRUDENCE. McMuUen, Joseph F. Continued. cal forms, incl. of probate practice, with principles of law adapted to the statutes of Wisconsin ; added, complete official forms and instructions under the recent patent, bounty and homestead acts. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Milw. 1880. O. 349 : 112 Eck, Ernst. Die neue deutsche civil-prozess- ordnung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v2 6. Administration. 1. In general. Gillett, Ransom H. The federal government ; its officers and their duties. N. Y. 1871. D. 350.1:2 Lamphere, G: N. The U. S. government ; its organization and practical workings, in- cluding the declaration of independence, the constitution of the U. S., and a descrip- tion of the three grand divisions of the government, namely the legislative, execu- tive and judicial departments, their powers and duties, with the number, title and compensation of all persons employed in each, together with many interesting facts and histories. Phila. 1880. O. 350. 1 : 1 United States. Official register of the U. S., containing a list of officers and employees in the civil, military and naval service, together with a list of ships and vessels belonging to the U. S., 1831, 1885, 1839, 1843, 1847, 1849, 18.51, 1853, 1855, 18.57, 1859, 1861, 1863, 1865, 1867. 1871. 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, I8as. Wash. 1831-84. 26 v. D. and Q. in 350. 1 : D Note. Frequently desigrnated as the " Blue book of the U. S."; the title sometimes reads "Biennial register, etc." For reports of officers and bureaus of the national and state governments, see Legislative annals, class 328, col. IT.-V-lSl. Black book, The, or Corruption unmasked ; an account of places, pensions and sinecures, the revenues of the clergy and landed aris- tocracy, the salaries and emoluments in courts' of justice and the police dep't. the expenditure of the civil list, the amount and application of the droits of the crown and admiralty, the robbery of charitable foundations^ the profits of the bank of England, arising from the issue of its notes, balances of public money, management of the borough debt, and* other sources of emolument, the debt, revenue and influ- ence of the East India company, the state of the finances, debt and sinking fund. Added, correct lists of both houses of par- liament from 1819 to 1828, showing tneir family connections, parliamentary influ- ence, the places and pensions held by them- selves or relations ; with a supp. and app., the whole forming an exposition of tne cost, influence, patronage and corruption of the borough government. New ed. Lond. 1828. 2 v. O. 350.2:1 Haas, Claude P: Marie. Administration de la France ; histoire et mecanisme des grands pouvoirs de I'etat, fonctions publiques, conditions d'admission et d'avancement dans toutes les carriferes, privileges et immunites. 2e ed. Paris. 1861. 4 v. O. 360.3:1 Isaacsohn, S. Geschichte des preussischen beamtenthums vom anfang des 15. lahrhun- derts bis auf die gegenwart. Berlin. 1874, 1878. 2v. O. 350.3:2 Oesfeld, Max v. Preussen in staatsrechtlicher, kameralistischer und staatswirthschaft- licher beziehung ; ein populiires hand- und hiilfslehrbuch der inneren staatsverfas- sungs- und verwaltungs-kunde iiberhaupt ; zunachst fiir den preussischen staatsbiir- ger, insbesondere aber fiir diejenigen welche sich dem staatsverwaltungs- und justiz-dienste widmen. 2te durchaus neu umgearb. und verm. aufl. Breslau. 1870. 1871. 2 V. O. 350.3:3 Note. For the administration of the English gov- ernment, see also class !{23.2, col. 163-163; and of the U. S., class 324.1, col. 164-168. 2. Civil service. Foster, W: E. The literature of civil service re- form in the U. S. [Young men's political club of Rhode Island.] Providence. 1881. O. 351.1:1 The civil service reform movement. Bost. 1881. D. 351.1 :2 Civil-service reform association. Publications, no. 1-5, 7. N. Y. 1881-82. D. 351.1 : 5 Contents. 1. Purposes of the assoc. 2. The begin- ning of the spoils system in the national gov., 1829-^; repr. from Parton's Life of Jackson. 3. Eaton, Dorman B. The spoils system and civil-service re- form in the custom-house and post oflfice at N. Y. 4. Brovrn, Willard. Civil-service reform in the N. Y. custom-house. 6. Eaton, Dorman B. The term and tenure of office; 2d ed. abr. 7. Godkin, E. L. The danger of an office-holding aristocracy. Same: Daniel Webster and the spoils system ; an extract from sen. Bayard's oration at Dartmouth college, June 1882. N. Y. 1882. D. w 351.1: 5 National civil-service reform leagne. Pro- ceedings at the annual meeting held at Newport, R. I., aug. 2, 1882, with the ad- dress of the pres., hon. G: W: Curtis. N. Y. 1882. O. 363 : Pam Report on the expediency of asking candidates for public office their views of civil service reform ; with the resolutions adopted by the exec. com. June 22, 1882. N. Y. 1882. O. 363 : Pam An address to the reverend clerg\' of all de- nominations in the U. S. N. Y. 1883. O. 363 : Pam The progress of reform, an address del. at the annual meeting by G: W: Curtis. N. Y. 1883. O. 363: Pam Milwaukee civil service reform assoc. Annual meeting, may 3, 1883. [Milw. 1883] . O. 363 : Pam Same. May 7, 1884. [Milw. 1884]. O. 363 : Pam SOCIOLOGY- ADMINISTRATION. 01. 361-366 Eaton, Dorman B. Civil service in Great Bri- tain ; liistory of abuses and reforms, and their bearing upon american polities. N. Y. 1880. O. 351.2:1 Same. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1881. Q. 351.2-fl Bain, Alexander. The civil service examina- tions, in Ais Practical essays. 824.2:91 Copp, H: N., ed. U. S. salary list and civil ser- vice law, rules and regulations, with speci- men examination questions in the custom house, post office and classified depart- mental service. Wash. 1883. (). 351.1 :4 United States. Civil service commission. 1st, 2d annual reports. Wash. 1884, 1885. O. m 351.1 :D Same. 351.1:6 Kerr, R. W. History of the government printing office at Washington, D. C, with a brief record of the public printing for a century, 17891881. ill. Lancaster. Pa. 1881. O. 351.1-1-3 Baker, Lafayette C. Historv of the U. S. secret service. Phila. 1867. O'. 354. 1 : 1 Mu nicipal g overnment s . New York city. Manual of the corporation of the city of New York, 1863 [byl D. T. Valentine. in 351.13 :D Same. 1868, by Joseph Shannon. w 351.13 :D Albany, city, N. T. Police commissioners. An- nual report, 1874-75. Albany. 1876. O. 354.1 :D Philadelpliia city. Controller. 29th annual re- port, exhibiting the receipts and expendi- tures of the city, 1882. Pliila. 1883. O. in 352.13 :D St. liOTiis city. The mayor's message and ac- companying documents to the city council at its may session 1870[-1872, nov. 1872, may and nov. 1873 and 1874, nov. 1875 and 1876 ; and to the municipal assembly at its 2d special april session 1877, and at its called session 1879]. St. Louis. 1870-79. 12 V. O. 350.14:D Contains reports of the following officers and insti- tutions : Board of health. Board of public improve- ments. City auditor. City collector. City comp- troller. City counselor. City eng-ineer. City mar- shall. City treasurer. Fire dep't. Harbor master. Inspector of boilers. Inspector of weights and mea- sui-es. Police commissioners. St. Louis house of re- fuge. Superintendent, city workhouse. Water commissioners. Chicago city. Annual reports of the various officers for the fiscal year, ending dec. 31, 1882. Chicago. 1883. O. iw 351.15 :D Contents. Mayor's message. Dep't of finance. Dep't of public works. Dep't of health, 1881 and 1883. Fire dep't. Police dep't. House of correc- tion. Public library. School dep't. Detroit city. Controller. Report of the receipts and expenditures of the corporation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881 [-18831. Detroit. 1881-83. 3 v. O. in 352.15 : D Milwaukee city. Common council. Proceedings and ordinances for the year ending april 1873 [-1884]. Milw. 1873-84. 12 v. O. w351.15:D Municipal officers. Report of the city comp- troller ; exhibiting the receipts, expendi- tures and financial condition of the city for the year ending march 4, 1854 [to the Milwaukee city. Municipal officers. Continued. year ending march 26, ia58]. Milw. 1854- 58. O. and Q. in 361.16 :D Report of the city attorney, city comptroller and joint committee on railroads of the city of Milw., on the amt. of bonds issued to aid in the construction of the -several railroads, the securities held by the city and the coupons past due and impaid to nov. 1, 1859. Milw. 1859. O. in 361.16 :D City documents ; mayor's addresses to the common council, and annual reports Jof city departments], 1861-2 1883. Milw. 1862-84. 23 v. O. in 351.16 :D Contains reports of the following officers and insti- tutions : Board of health, apr. 186a-dec. 'imi; (continued lyy the Commissioner of health). Board of public works, march 1872-dec. 1883. Board of water commissioners, april 1871-dec. 1874, (continued in rep. of the Board of public works). Chief engineer of the Are dep't, march 186^1870. april 1873-dec. 1883. Chief of police, april 1868-march 1870, april 1872- march 1875, april 1881-march 1884. City attorney, march 1868-1870. City controller, march 1861-dec. 18*3. City engineer, incl. in rep. of Board of public works. Commissioner of health, rep. 1878-1879, monthly statements, 1880-1883. Water works, report by E. 8. Chesbrough, oct. 28, 1868. report of board of experts on the trial of duty and capacity of the pumping engines, may 1875. See Board of water com'rs. San Francisco city. Municipal reports for the fiscal year 1878-79, ending June 30, 1879 ; Sub. by order of the board of supervisors, an Franc. 1879. O. in 351.16 : D Contains the following reports: Assessor. Audi- tor. Board of health. City cemetery. Chief of police. City hall commissioners. City and county attorney. City and county surveyor. Clerk of justices' couit. Common schools. Coroner. County clerk County recorder. Fire department. -Free public library. Gas inspector. House of correction. Home for care of the inebriate. In- dustrial school. License collector. Park commis- sioners. Pound keeper. Public administrator. Registrar of voters. Sheriff. Superintendent of public streets. Tax collector. Treasurer. France : Departement de la Seine. Conseil general. Procfes-verbaux, 1871-1876. Paris. 1872-76. 12 V. O. 361.3 :D Contents. Sessions ordinaires de 1872-1876, sessions extraordinaires d'avil-mai 1872, de juin 1874, et de juillet 1876, et session complementaire de d^c. IS'nz. The proceedings for 1875 and 1876 are pub. in 2 pts., of whicn the 1st contains: Memories de M. le prefet de la Seine et de M. le prefet de police. Direction de V administration general. Rapport sur le service des alienes, pendant 1876, 1877. Paris. 1877-78. Q. 361.3 :D Rapport presente au nom de I'insiJection departementale par I'inspecteur principal [sur le] service des enfants assistes, pour 1877, 1878. Paris. 1878-79. Q. 361.3 :D Paris city. Direction des travaux. Notes de I'in- specteur general des ponts et chaussees a I'appui de budget de I'exercice 1878. Paris. 1877. Q. 361.3 :D 3. The army. General works. (See also Military engineering, cl. 833.) Upton, Emory. The armies of Asia and Europe ; embracing official reports on the armies of 231 CI. 355-358 SOCIOLOGY ADMINISTRATION. 332 Japan, China, India. Persia, Italy. Russia, Austria. Germany, France and England, accompanied by letters descriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus. N. Y. 1878. d. 355 : 6 Wraxall, Sir F: C: Lascelles. Handbook to the naval and military resources of the princi- pal european nations. Lond. 1856. O. 355:8 Scott, H: Lee. Military dictionary ; comprising technical definitions, information on raising and keeping troops, actual service, incl makeshifts and improved material, and law, government regulation and admini- stration relating to land forces. N. Y. 1861. O. 356:111 Wilhelm, T: Military dictionary and gazetteer ; comprising ancient and modern military technical terms, historical accounts of all north amer. Indians, as well as ancient war like tribes ; also notices of battles from the earliest period to present time, with explan. of terms used in heraldry and the offices thereof, [and"] an app. containing the ar- ticles of war, etc. Rev. ed. 111. Phil. 1881. O. 355:112 Castner, Julius. Militiir-lexikon ; heerwesen und marine aller lander mit besonderer beriick- sichtigung des deutschen reichs, waffen und festungswesen, taktik und A'^erwaltung. Leipz. 1882. D. 355 : 119 Stiirenburg, H: Wehrpflicht und erziehung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-f ragen . 304 : 15 v8 Ghihl, A: Schule und beer. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Halleck, H: Wager. Elements of military art and science, or Course of instruction in strategy, fortification, tactics of battles, etc., embracing the duties of staff, infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers, adapted to the use of volunteers and militia. 2d ed., with critical notes on the mexican and Crimean wars. N. Y. 1861. O. 355 : 2 Jomini, Antoine H: baron de. The art of war. New ed., with app. and maps ; tr. from the french by G. H. Mendell and W. P. Craig- hill. Phila. 1862. D. 355 : 3 Machiavelli, Niccol5. The art of war. Added, Hints relative to warfare by a gentleman of the state of New York. Albany. 1815. O. 355:4 Szabad, Emeric. Modern war ; its theory and practice illustrated from celebrated cam- paigns and battles. Maps and diagrams. N. Y. 1863. D. 355 : 5 United States. War department. Revised regu- lations for the army of the U. S. 1861, with index. Phila. 1862. O. in 355. 1 : D Viele, Egbert L. Hand-book for active service ; containing practical instructions in cam- paign duties for the use of volunteers. N. Y. 1861. D. 355 : 7 mahan, Dennis H. An elementary treatise on advanced-guard, out-post and detachment service of troops, and the manner of post- ing and handling them in the presence of an enemy ; with a historical sketch of the rise and progress of tactics, etc., intended as a supp. to the system of tactics adopted for the military service of the U. S , and especially for the use of officers of militia and volunteers. New ed. Plates. N. Y. 1861. D. 355:11 Scott, Winfield. Infantry tactics, or Rules for the exercise and manoeuvers of the U. S. infantry. New ed. N. Y. 1861. 3 v. T. 356:2 Contents. V. 1. Schools of the soldier and com- pany. 2. School of the battalion and instruction for light infantry or rifle. 3. Evolutions of the line. United States. War devartment. Cavalry tactics. Phila. 1862. V. 2, 3. T. in 357.1 :D Contents. V. 2. School of the trooper, of the pla- toon and of the squadron, mounted. 3. Evolutions of a regiment. Instruction for field artillery, prepared by a board of artillery officers. Phila. 1861.' O. 358: 1 United States. Military commi-snion to Europe in 18o5 and 1836. Report of G: B. Mc- Clellan [of the cavalry]. 111. Wash. 1857. Q. in 355 : D Contents. Operations in the Crimea. European engineer troops. French, austrian, Prussian and Sardinian infantry. Russian army. Prussian, aus- trian, french. english and Sardinian cavalry. U. S. cavalry. Regulations and instructions for the field service of cavalry, in time of war, for the U. S. army. Index. - Report of Alfred Mordecai, of the ordnance department. 111. Wash. 1861. Q. in 355 : D Contents. List of books, drawings, etc., obtained. Military organization of Russia, Prussia, Austria, France and Great Britain.- Ordnance at the siege of Sebastopol. Rep. of the french minister of war to the emperor on the administrative arrangements for the war in the east. Arsenals of construction. Rifled cannon.- Cannon of large caliber. Garrison artil- lery. Field artillery. Shrapnell shells. Fuzes for common shells. Small arms. SchSn, J. Rifled in- fantry arms : a brief description of the modern sys- tem of small arms as adopted in the various europ- ean armies. 2d ed. rev. and augm; Dresden, 1855. Tr. from the german by J. Gorgas. Report on the art of war in Europe, by R: Delafield, maj . of the corps of engineers, from notes and observations. Maps and ill. Wash. 1861. Q. 7i 355 : D Contents. Introd. Rifle balls. Breech - loading small arms. Gun-carriages and casemates. Forti- fications in the Crimea. Field hospitals and ambul- ances. Subsistence. Mess furniture. Transports for troops and supplies. Jacobi mines at Sebastopol, Cronstadt, etc. New method of firing mines by electricity. Harbor defences: Cherbourg; Naval, depot at Toulon; English system; Sardinian naval depot at Genoa; Austrian system; Prussian system. Floating batteries sheathed with wrought iron. Theory and practice of modern system of fortifica- tion. Stables and barracks for cavalry. Artilllery stables. Infantry barracks. Military hospitals. Boguslawski, Albert v. Tactical deductions from the war of 1870-71. Tr. from the ger- man by Lumley Graham. 3d ed. Lond. 1874. Z 355.3: 1 United States. Corps of engineers, TJ. S. army. Report upon the practice in Europe with the heavy Armstrong, Woolwicn and Krupp rifled guns, submitted by the board of engineers for fortifications, 2. B. Tower, pres. 111. (Prof, papers no. 25.) Wash. 1883. Q. in 358 : D U. S. army and navy journal, The, and gazette of the regular and volunteer forces ; v. 18- 21, aug. 1880 July 1884. N. Y. 1880-84. F. 305.5 :IIM 233 SOCIOLOGY ADMINISTRATION. CI. 366-369 Army h i s t o ry . (For the history of campaig-ns, see class History.) Lacombe, Paul. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages, also a descriptive notice of modern weapons. Tr. from the french. with a pref., notes and one add. chapter on arms and armour in England. [111. lib. of wonders]. N. Y. 1876. D. 355:1 Burton, R: Francis. The book of the sword. 111. Lond. 1884. Q. 355+PlO 'Note. Contains, on p. xxiii-xxxi. List of authorities. Hamersly, T: H. S.. comp. Complete regular army register of the U. S. for one hundred years, 1779-1879, together with the volun- teer general staff during the war with Mexico, and a register of all appomtments by the pres. of the U. S. in the volunteer service during the rebellion, with the offi- cial military record of each officer. Also, a military history of the department of war, and of each staff department of the army, with various tables relating to the army and other important military information, comp. from the official records. Wash. 1880. O. 355.1 :Ill IngersoU, Lurton Dunham. A history of the war department of the U. S. ; with bio- graphical sketches of the secretaries. Wash. 1879. O. 355.1 :2 United States. Secretary of war. Annual re- ports. See Congressional documents. in 328. 1 : D Phisterer, F: Statistical record of the armies of the U. S. (Campaigns of the civil war, supp. vol.) N.y. 1883. D. 355.1:4 O'Brien, T: M., and Oliver Diefendorf. General orders of the war department, embracing the years 1861-1863 ; adapted specially for the "use of the army and navy of the U. S.; chronologically ar'r., with index. N. Y. 1864. 3v. O. 355.1+5 Wisconsin. Adjutant general. Annual report, with reports from the Quartermaster gen- eral and surgeon general for the year end- ing dec. 30, 1865. Madison. 1866. O. in 355.15 :D Note. A 2d ed., including "a reprint of so much of the adj.-gen.'s reports tor 183 and 1864 as pertains to the regimental history, for the purpose of giving a connected narrative of each organization during the entire term of service." Cooke, Philip St. G: Scenes and adventures in the army, or Romance of military life. Phila. 1859. D. 357.1:2 B-odenbough, Theo. F., ed. From everglade to canon with the second dragoons, 2d U. S. cavalry ; an authentic account of service in Florida, Mexico, Virginia and the Indian country, incl. the personal recollections of prominent officers. App., containinj^ or- ders, reports and correspondence, military records, etc., 1836-1875. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 357.1+3 Damon, Herbert C. History of the Milwaukee light guard, organized July 16, 1855. Milw. 1875. O. 356+3 Adams, W: H: Davenport. Famous regiments of the british army ; their origin and ser- vices. 111. London, n. d. D. 355.2 : 1 Hering, F: Erinnerungen eines legionars, oder Nachrichten von den ziigen der dcutschen legion des konigs von England in England Irland, Diinemark, der PyrenJiischen halb- insel, Malta, Sicilien und Italien. \Anon.^ Hannover. 1826. O. 355.2 : 2 4. The navy. Naval encyclopaedia ; comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases, biographi- cal notices and records of naval officers, special articles on naval art and scrience, written expressly for this work by officers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated of by them, with descrip- tions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. Phila. 1881. Q. 359 : SI Busk, Hans. The navies of the world ; their E resent state and future capabilities. 111. ond. 1859. D. 359:2 Chadwick, F. E. Report on the training sys- tems for the navy and merchant marine" of England and on the naval training system of Prance, made to the bureau of equip- ment and recruiting, U. S. navy dep., sept. 1879. (U. S. 46th cong. 2d sess.. Senate ex. doc. 52). Wash. 1880. O. 359 : D Soley, James Russell. Report on foreign sys- tems of naval education. ( U. S. 46th cong., 2d sess., Senate ex. doc. 51.) Wash. 1880. O. 359 :D Hamersly, T: H. S. General register of the U. S. navy and marine corps, arr. in alpha- betical order, 1782-1882 ; containing the names of all officers of the navy, com- missioned, warranted and appointed, incl. volunteer officers who have entered the service since the establishment of the navy dep. in 1798, showing the dates of their original entry, of their progressive rank and in what manner they left the service, if not now in it, with a sketch of the navy from 1775-1798 and a list of all midship- men and cadet engineers at the naval academy since its establishment, etc. Comp. from the original ms. records of the navy dept. Wash. 1882. O. 369.1 :B3 United States. Secretary of the navy. Annual reports. See Congressional documents. tw 328.1 :D Navy department Papers and discussions on ships, guns and armor ; reprinted from various sources. (Naval prof, papers, no. 15). Wash. 1883. O. in 369 : D Osbon, B. S., eomp. Handbook of the U. S. navy ; a compilation of all the principal events in the history of every vessel of the U. S. navy from april 1861 to may 1864. N. Y. 1864. i). 369.1 : 1 Jewell, J. Grey. Among our sailors ; with an app., containing extracts from the laws and consular regulations governing the U. S. merchant service. N. Y. 1874. D. 369.1:2 Kelley, J. D. Jerrold. The question of ships ; the navy and the merchant marine. N. Y. 1884. D. 369.1:4 Adams, W: H: Davenport. Famous ships of the british navy ; stories of enterprise and daring. London. 1878. D. 369.2 : 1 Elwes, Alfred. Ocean and her rulers ; a narra- tive of the nations which have from the CI. 360-365 SOCIOLOGY INSTITUTIONS. 236 Elwes, Alfred. Continued. earliest ages held dominion over the sea, comprising a brief history of navigation from the remotest period to the present time. New and rev. ed., ill. Lond. 1878. D. 359 : 5 7. Associations and institutions. 1. Charitable. (See also Pauperism, col. 207.) Fields, Annie. Mrs. James T. How to help the poor. Bost.1883. S. 361:4 Gurteen, S. Humphreys. A handbook of charity organization. Buffalo. 1882. O. 361 : 2 Lowell, Josephine Shaw. Public relief and pri- vate charity. (Questions of the day, no. 13.) N. Y. 1884. O. 361 : 8 State charities aid assoc. Hand-book for hos- pitals. N. Y. 1883. D. 361 : 3 Jameson, Anna, ftorn Murphy. Sisters of charity, catholic and protestant. Bost. 1857. D. 362 : 1 The communion of labor ; a second lecture on the social employments of women. Wit?i her Sisters of charity. in 362 : 1 TJ. S. sanitary commission, The ; a sketch of its purposes and its work, comp. from docu- ments and private papers. Pub. by permis- sion. Bost. 1863. D. 361 : 5 Boynton, C: B. (?) History of the great western sanitary fair. [Anori.] Cine. [1864]. O. 361:6 American association of the red cross. History of the red cross ; the treaty of Geneva and its adoption by the U. S. Wash. 1883. O. 361:7 Gobrecht, J. C. ed. History of the National home for disabled volunteer soldiers ; with a complete guide-book to the central home at Dayton, Ohio, written and comp. by a veteran of the home. Dayton. 1875. D." 361:1 National home for disabled volunteer soldiers. Northwestern branch. Annual report of the governor and treasurer for 1876 [-1884]. ational home, near Milw. 1877-85. O. 361:Pam National conference of charities and correc- tions. Proceedings of the 10th annual conference, held at Louisville. Ky., sept. 24-30, 1883; ed. by A. O. Wright, sec. Madison. 1884. O. " 361-1-9 Industrial aid society for the prevention of pauperism. 47th annual report, oct. 1882. Cambridge, Mass. 1882. O. 361 :Pam "Willard asylum for the insane. 6th annual re- port of the trustees for 1874, transmitted to the legislature [of N. Y.] jan. 14, 1875. Albany. 1875. O. 361 : Pam Wisconsin humane society for the prevention of cruelty. [Laws, objects, members, history, etc.] Milw. 1880. O. 361 : Pam Milwaukee county. Department reports : City goor office ; County farm and alms house" ; ounty hospital, 18831884. Milw. 1884- 85. O. 361 : Pam Milwaukee home for the friendless. 1st [-14th] annual report, 1868 [-1881]. Milw. 1868-82. O. 361: Pam Ladies' bible and benevolent assoc. of Milwau- kee. 2d annua] report for 1869, 361 : Pam Deutsche gesellschaft von Milwaukee. ler [-4er] jahresbericht, 13. juni 1880 30. sept. 1884. [Milw.] 1881-84. O. 361 : Pam Note. For i-eports on public charitable, reforma- tory and penal institutions, see Legrislative annals, cl. 328, col. 176-181, and Municipal g-overnraents, cl. 351, col. 239-230. 2. Reformatories and prisons. Oetker, F: Ueber erziehungs-anstalten f vir ver- wahrloste kinder. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 Hill, Micaiah, and Caroline Frances Cornwallis. Two prize essays on juvenile delinquency. Lond. 1853. D. 364:1 Wines, Enoch Cobb. The state of prisons and of child-saving institutions in the civilized world. Cambridge. 1880. O. 365-1-4 Hartmann, K: Robert E: v. Das gefiin^niss der zukunft. In his Gesammelte studien. 834+19 International penitentiary congress. Prisons and reformatories at home and abroad ; being the transactions of the Intei'national penitentiary congfess held in London, July 3-13, 1872, inel. official documents, discus- sions and papers presented to the congress; ed., at the request of the international com- mittee, by Edwin Pears. Lond. 1872. O. 365-1-3 National prison association. Transactions of tlie 3d national prison reform congress, held at St. Louis, Mo., may 13-16, 1874 ; being the 3d annual i-eport of the National prison association of the U. S., ed. by E. C. Wines. N. Y. 1874. O. 365-t-l Prison association of New York. 26th, 31st annual report of the executive committee ; with accompanying documents for 1870, 1875. Albany. 1871-76. O. 365+2 Note. An app. to the report for 1870 contains papers and proceeding's of the National congress on penitentiary and reformatory discipline, held in Cincinnati, O., oct. 12-18. 1870. Milwaukee county. House of correction. Annual report, 18791881, 1883. Milw. 1880-84. O. 365 : Pam Milwaukee industrial school. An act authoriz- ing: industrial schools, together with the articles and by-laws and officers and com- mittees of the [above]. Milw. 1875. D. 364 : Pam 1st annual report of the [above], organized aprll 7, 1875. Milw. 1877. O. 364 : Pam Note. Succeeded by the following: institution. Wisconsin industrial school for girls. 3d [-6th] annual report of the board of managers, 1879 [- sept. 30, 1881]. Milw. and Madison. ,1879 82. 364 : Pam Michigan. Annual report of the inspectors of the state prison, 1878. Lansing. 1879. O. 365+5 Note. For other reports on this, and similar insti- tutions in other states, see Legislative annals, cl. 328, col. 17 181. m SdClOLOG'Sr iNSTITtTTlOiTS. Cl. 366-369 3. Secret societies. Macoy, Robert. General history, cyclopaedia and dictionary of freemasonry ; containing an account of the rise and progress of free- masonry and its kindred associations, ancient and modern, also definitions of the technical terms used by the fraternity. 111. N. Y. 1870. O. 366 : 1 Chase, G: W., ed. Digest of masonic law ; a complete code of regulations, decisions and opinions upon questions of masonic juris- prudence. 3d ed. N. Y. 1864. D. 366 : 2 Adams, J: Quincy. Letters on the masonic in- stitution. Bost. 1847. O. 366 : 4 Huntington, P. C. The true history regarding alleged connection of the order of ancient, free and accepted masons with the abduc- tion of W: Morgan in western New York in 1826 ; with contemporary history, comp. from documents and records. Chicago. 1880. D. 366:5 Weisse, J: A. The obelisk and free masonry according to the discoveries of Belzoni and commander Gorringe ; also e^yptian sym- bols compai-ed witn those discovered in american mounds. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 366:3 Jennings, Hargrave. The rosicrucians, their rites and mysteries ; with chapters on the ancient fire and serpent-worsliippers and explanations of the monuments and talis- mans of the primeval philosophers. 2d ed., rev., corr. and enl. 111. Lond. 1879. D. 366:6 4. Insurance. Champness, W: Swain. An insurance diction- ary ; a practi(;al explanation of the techni- cal, medical, legal and scientific terms commonly used in the transaction of life, hre, marine and other classes of insurance business. Lond. 1879. D. 368 : 1 Walford, Cornelius. The insurance cyclopaedia; a dictionary of the definition of terms used in connexion with the theory and practice of insurance in all its branches ; a bio- graphical summary of the lives of all those who have contributed to the development and improvement of the theory and prac- tice of insurance, whether as author, man- ager, actuary, secretary, agency superin- tendent or 'otherwise ; a bibliographical repertory of all works written upon the subject "of insurance and its associated sciences ; an historical treasury of events and circumstances connected with the origin and progress of insurance, including a history of all known offices of insurance founded in Great Britain from the begin- ning, and also containing a detailed ac- count of the rise and progress of insurance in Europe and America. V. 1-5. Lond. 1871-78. 5v. O. 368 :B2 Note. All published up to the present time, and containing' Abacus to Hand-in-hand fire and life ins. CO. ^ Bezold, Ernst. Das versicherungswesen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:16 v3 Oppenheim, H: Bernhard. Die hiilfs- und versicherungskassen der arbeitenden klas- sen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304: 16 v4 Franklin fire insurance company of Philadel- phia. Semi-centennial celebration June 25, 1879. Phil. 1879. O. 368.1 : 1 Milwaukee mechanics' mutual insurance co. 25th anniversary ; 25th annual report and historical retrospect. Milw. 1877. O. 368.1 :Pam Same, in german. 368. 1 : Pam Note. For reports of the Wisconsin and other state commissioners of insurance, see Leffislative docu- ments, cl. 328.1, col. 179180. 5. Miscellaneous. Ludlow, J: Malcolm. Woman's work in the church ; historical notes on deaconesses and sisterhoods. Lond. 1866. S. 362-f-2 American bible society. 61st annual report, presented may 10, 1877 ; with an app. con- taining a list of auxiliary societies and their officers, etc. N. Y. 1877.' O. 362 : Pam Milwaukee young men's christian assoc. 5th annual report, oct. 1881. Milw. 1881. (). 362 : Pam Nordhoflf, C: The communistic societies of the U. S., from personal visit and observation; incl. detailed accounts of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana, Oneida, Uethel, Aurora, Icarian, and other existing societies, their religious creeds, social prac- tices, numbers, industries and present con- dition, ill. N. Y. 1875. O. 363+1 Early english text society. English gilds ; the original ordinances of more than one hundred early english gilds, together with ye olde usages of ye cite of Winchestre, the ordinances of Worcester, the office of the mayor of Bristol and the costomary of the manor of Tettenhall-Regis from original mss. of the 14th and 15th centuries. Ed., with notes, by Toulmin Smith, with an in- trod. and glossary by his daughter, Lucy Toulmin Smith, and a preliminary essay, in 5 parts. On the history and development of gilds by Lujo Brentano. Lond. 1870. O. 360 : 1 Trant, W: Trade unions; their origin and objects, influence and efficacy. Lond. 1884. S. 367 : 1 Cobden club. Reports of proceedings, 1873-- 1875. Lond. 1873-75. S. , 369 : 1 Society of the army of the Cumberland. Re- port of the first meeting, held at Cincinnati, feb. 1868. Cine. 1868. D.^^. ^^ 369 : 2 14th reunion, Milwaukee, Wis., i82. Cine-. 1883 O oov-\-x Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. The constitution and by-laws. Phija- lool. O. 369 : Pam Wells, J G., {Oracchua Americanus). The grange; a study in the science of society, practicallv illustrated in events in current history M. Y 1874. D. 369 : 4 Note. Also attributed to T: Shepard Goodwin. Milwaukee merchants' association. 7th annual banquet at the Plankinton house, thursday i^'^K iA Til Milw. 1884. O. 369+6 June 5, 1884. 111. Milw. 1884. Q. 369+1 United States. Life-saving strvice. Annual re- ports, 1876-1888. Wash. 1876-88. 8 v O ^ tn 869:1/ ^ CI. Sfo SOCIOLOGY EDUCATION". 240 8. EdTication. 1. In general. Edmands, J: Reading notes on education. In Phila. Mercantile library ; Bulletin, v. 1, p. 194-200. L Bain, Alexander. Education as a science. (In- tern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1879. D. 370 : 6 Craik, H: The state in its relation to education. (Enff. citizen ser.) N. Y. 1884. D. 370:22 Everett, E: Orations and speeches [on educa- tional subjects], in 826.1-1-2 Contents, see wncier Engrlish Literature, Essays. Importance of practical education and use- ful knowledge ; a sel. from his orations and other discourses. N. Y. 1847. D. 370:8 Hacker, J: The scientific basis of education, demonstrated by an analysis of the tem- peraments and of phrenological facts, in connection with mental phenomena and the office of the holy spirit in the processes of the mind ; in a series of letters to the dep. of public instruction in N. Y. 2d ed. N. Y. 1868. O. 370 : 10 Kavifmann, G: Der kampf der franzosischen und deutschen schulorganization, und seine neueste phase in Elsass-Lothringen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15 v6 Keferstein, Horst. Die verantwortlichkeit der schule nach seiten der gesundheitlichen volksinteressen ; ein beitrag zur frage der entlastung unserer jugend. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 :15 vll, H: Die schul-uberbiirdungsfrage sach- lich beleuchtet. In Deutsche zeit- und streit fragen. 304:15 vl2 Mayhew, Ira. Popular education ; for the use of parents and teachers and for young persons of both sexes. N. Y. 1850. D. 370:11 Festalozzi, J: H: Sammtliche werke ; ^esichtet, vervollstiindigt und mit erliiuternden ein- leitungen versehen von L. W. Seyffarth. Neue ausg. Brandenburg. 1869-73. 18 v. in 17. S. 370 r 1 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 14. Bicliter, J: Paul F: Levana, or The doctrine of education. Tr. from the german. Bost. 1863. D. , 370 : 12 Boiisseau, J: Jacques. Emile, or Concerning education ; extracts containing the princi- al elements of pedagogy found m the rst three books ; with an introd. and notes by Jules Steeg. Tr. by Eleanor Worthington. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. 370 : 25 Same, ger. Emil, oder Ueber die erziehung. Deutsch von K. Grosse. 3e aufl. Leipz. 18.54. 3 V. T. 370 : 2 Segiiin, E. On education. Milw. 1880. O. 370 : 15 Smith, H: I. Education : pt. 1, History of edu- cation ; pt. 2, A plan of culture and in- struction, based on christian principles, and designed to aid in the right education of youth, physically, intellectually and morally. N. Y. 1845. S. 370 : 5 Spencer, Herbert. Education ; intellectual, moral and physical. N. Y. 1865. D. 370 : 7 Watts, I: Improvement of the mind. School ed., withDenman's questions. N. Y. 1850. S. 370 : 18 Cy c lop edias and stati sties. Kiddle, H:, and Alexander Jakob Schem, eds. The cyclopaedia of education ; a dictionary of information for the use of teachers, school officers, parents and others. N. Y. 1877. Q. 370 : 113 The year-book of education ; anniial supp. to the Cyclopaedia of education, 1878. 1879. N. Y. 1878-79. 2 v. Q. 370 : 114 Sander, Ferdinand. Lexikon der piidagogik ; encyklopiidisches handbuch, enthaltend das ganze des imterrichts- und erziehungs- wesens, deutsche und auslandische schul- einrichtungen, biographien, fachlitteratur, etc. Leipz. 1884. D. 370 : 1123 Barnard, H: National education in Europe ; an account of the organization^ admmistra- tion, instruction and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states. 2d ed. Hartford. 1854. O. 370 : 13 Hoyt, J: W. Report on education. [Paris uni- versal exposition, 1867 ; Reports of the U. S. commissioners.] Wash. 1870. O. 370-|-14 United States. Bureau of education. Report of the commissioner of education made to t)ie secretary of the interior, 18701883. Wash. 1872-84. 13 V. O. 370 : D Contents of accompanying papers. 1870. General condition of the colored schools under the supervi- sion of the freedmen's bureau, July 1, 1870. Genei-al condition of education among the Indians. Peabody, E. P. Kindergrarten culture. Hebrew education. - Progress of education in the Argentine Republic Gallaudet, E. M. Education of the deaf and dumb. Educational progress in England. Education in Ben- gal, India. Austria, education of the working class. Education in Australia. Education in Ecuador. Warren, C: Medical education in the U. S. Normal schools. Educational conventions. An american university. Society, crime and criminals. Day, H. N. The Chinese migration. School siipervision. German schools and teaching german. The relations of education and labor. Illiteracy in the U. S. Gen- eral school statistics of the U. S. 1871. General condition of education among the Indians. Educa- tional conventions and institutes. National schools of science. Education of the blind. Education of the deaf and dumb. Annual review of education in for- eign countries Education in foreign countries aided by american efforts. Educational methods in Ger- many. Progress of education for women. Cooper union. Hinton, L: J. Education of artisans.- Peabody, E. P, The objects of the kindergarten. Tourjee, E. F. Musical education in common schools. Relation of education to insanity.- Fiske, A. S. The relations of education toci-imein New England. Noah, J. J. The press as an educator. Statistical tables relating to education in the U. 8. 1872. IjyonB, C. J. Education in the Hawaiian Islands. The value of common school education to common labor. Jarvis, E: The value of common school education to common labor. Mansfield, E : D. The relation between crime and education. The relation between education and pauperism. Anderson, M. B. Suggestions respecting art-training in american colleges. 1873. Tnompson, C O. Art-education. Qallaudet, E. M. On the instruction of deaf mutes. Myers, J. F. Industrial training for girls. Note. Papers of this character were henceforth pub. In a separate series, called Circulars of Information. 241 SOCIOLOGY-EDUCATION. CI. 370 242 United States. Bureau of education. Continued. Circulars of information of the bureau of education, 18711884. Wash. 1871-84. O. 370 :D Contents. 1871. Report on systems of public in- struction In Sweden and Norway. Methods of school discipline. Compulsory education. 1872. German and other toreig;n universities. Reports on the sys- stems of public instruction in Greece, the Argentine Republic, Chili and Ecuador, with statistics of Portu- g-al and Japan, and an official report on technical edu- cation in Italy. An inquiry concerninjr the vital sta- tistics of collCM-e f?raduates. Distribution of college students in 1870-1871. Facts of vital statistics in the U. S., with tables and diagrams.- The relation of edu- cation to labor. Education in the British West In- dies. The kindergarten. American education at the international exposition to be held at Vienna in 1873. 1873. Historical summary and reports on the sys- tems of public instruction in Spain, Bolivia, Uruguay and Portugal.- Schools in British India. Account of college commencements for the summer of 1873 in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. List of publications by members of certain college faculties and learned societies in the U. S., 18')7-18';2. Account of college commence- ments during 1873 in the western and southern states. 1874. Proceedings of the department of superin- tendence of the National educational association. Drawing in public schools : Present relation of art to education in the U. S. History of secondary in- struction in Germany. 1875. Proceedings of the department of superintendence of the National edu- cational association at Wash. D. C, .ian. 27, 28, 1875. Education in Japan. An account of the systems of public instruction in Belgium, Russia. Turkey, Ser- via and Egypt. Chadbourne, P. A. Waste of labor in the work of education. Suggestions respecting the educational exhibit at the international centen- nial exhibition, 1876.- Statement relating to reforma- tory, charitable and industrial schools for the young. Constitutional provisions in regard to education in the several states of the american union. Schedule for the preparation of students' work for the centen- nial exhibition. 1876. Public libraries in the U. S. of America; their history, condition and manage- ment, LO:Li]. 1877. Education in China. 1878. Training of teachers in Germany. Elementary edu- cation in London. 1879. Training schools for nur- ses. Papers of the National educational association : Hitz, J:, Popular education in Switzerland ; Wines, E. C, Popular education in France ; Apg'ar, E. A., Technical education ; Pollock, L., Kindergarten training ; Orr, G. J., Education in the south; Harris, W:T., Education and the 10th census ; Eaton, J:, The needs of the U. S. bureau of education ; Smith, W., Technical education and industrial drawing ; Eaton, J :, What has been done by the national government in aid of education; Loringr, G: B., American edu- cation ; Smart, J. H., The high school question ; , Greg-ory, J. M., Collegiate degrees ; Orton, E:, The military system in state colleges. -Jarvis, E: The | value of common school education to common labor. Training schools of cookery. American education j as described by the french commission to the inter- national exhibition of 1876. 1880. College libraries as aids to instruction.- Proceedings of the National educational assoc. : Butterfield, L. A., Bell's system of visible speeoh ; Randall, C. D., Education of de- pendent children ; Smart, J. H., Best s.ystem of schools for a state ; Olin, R. A., Juvet's time globe ; Philbrick, J. D., Technical education in its relations to elementary schools ; Pollock, L., The value of kindei-garten training to primary school teachers ; Philbrick, J. D., Technological museums ; Harris, W:T., The 10th census from an educational point of view; Kufifner, W. H., Congress and the education of the people ; Outline of the school systems of the vari- ous states. Legal rights of children. Rural school architecture. English rural schools. Clarke, F. W. A report on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the U. S. The spelling reform. Vacation colonies for sickly school children. The Indian school at Car- lisle barracks. Progress of western education in China and Siam. 1881. Poole, W: F: Construction of library buildings. White, E. B. The relation of education to industry, and Technical training in american schools. Proceedings of the National edu- cational assoc, 1881 : McMillan, A., Uniformity of school statistics ; Wickersham, J. P., Weak places in our systems of public insti-uction ; Thompson, C. O., The conservation of pedagogic energy ; Hou^h, i>. B., Our schools and our forests ; Eaton, J:, Muse- ums illustrative of education ; Patterson, J. W Education in the state. Education in France. Sex- ton, S: Causes of deafness among school children. Calhoun, AW. The effects of student life upon the eyesight. 1882. The inception, organization and management of training schools for nurses. -Pro- ceedings of the national educational assoc. : Billin^a, J: S., Information necessary to determime the merltg ot the heating and ventilating of a school building ; Smart, C:, The chemical examination of air as ap- plied to questions of ventilation ; Jones, H. S.. Ob- stacles in the way of better primary education ; Hall, G. S., Chairs of pedagogy m our higher institutions of learning ; Mayo, A. D., Remarks on national aid to education; Hawkins, D. A., National aid to edu- cation from a northern standpoint ; Curry. J. L. M., Remarks on national aid to education ; Jackson, S., Education in Alaska ; Qregrory, J: M., Some funda- mental inquiries concerning the common school stu- dies; Harris, W: T., How to improve the qualifica- tions of teachers. The university of Bonn. Leland, C: G. Industrial art in schools. Maternal schools in France. Technical instruction in France. Warren, C: Answers to inquiries of the U. 8. bureau of edu- cation, its work and history. Fifty years of freedom in Belgium. Education in Malta. 3d international geographical congress at Venice in 1881 Illiteracy and crime in France. School savings banks. Educa- tion in Sheffield.- Wickersham, J. P., Education and crime. National pedagogic congress of Spain. Miihlberg', F.. Natural science in secondary schools.- Vessiot. A. Instruction in morals and civil govern- ment. Hough, F. B. Planting trees in school grounds. 1883. Legal pro\isions repecting the ex- amination and licensing of teachers.- Coeducation ot the sexes in the public schools of the U. S. Pro- ceedings of the National educational assoc. ; Bick- more, A. S., Natural history in public schools; Harris, W: T., The educational lessons of the census; Haygrood, A. G., If universal suffrage, then univerfal education; Lawrence, W:, Constitution- ality of national aid to education; Northrop, B. G., S. C. Armstrong: and A. C. Fletcher,, Respecting Indian education.- Smith, L. A. Recent school law decisions. 1884. Meeting of the International prison congress at Rome, inoct 1884. Rockwell, J. E. The teaching, practice and literature of short- hand. Warren, C: Illiteraev in the U. S. in 1870 and 1880. Curry, J. L. M. National aid to educa- cation. Proceedings of the National educational as- sociation : Holcombe, J: W.. Supervision of public schools; Haworth, J. M., R. H. Pratt and S. C. Arm- strong-, Indian education; Peaslee, J. B.. a/i(/ B. G. Northrop, Arbor da.y in the public schools; Harris, W:T., Recess; Ellis, S. A., No recess; Higrbee, E. E., How a state superintendent can best advance popular education ; Dickinson, J. W.. National aid for the support of public schools; Bing-ham, R., Educational status and needs of the news6uth; Leg- islation respecting national aid to education, pro- posed by the Interstate educational convention; Northrop, B. G., The new bill for the national aid to public schools; Ordw^ay, J: M., Industrial educa- tion; Marble, A. P., Public instruction in industrial pursuits; Angrell, G: T., The new order of mercy, or Crime and its ])revention; Jeffries, H. J., Educa- tion of the normal color sense; Luckey, G: J., Sup- plementary reading; Edwards, C: G.. and J. O. Wilson, Reading. Suggestions respecting the edu- cational exhibit at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition. Rural schools: progress In the past, means of improvement in the future. Wead, C; K. Aims and methods of the teachingr of physics. Periodicals. American journal of education, The, ed. by H: Barnard ; v. 1-7, July 18r)(>-dec. 185$). Hart- ford. 1856-59. O. 305.7 : M Education, an international majjazine, bi- monthly ; T: W. Bicknell, conductor ; v. 1-4, sept. 188(>-july 1884. Boat. 1881-84. O. 306.7 :M School monthly, The ; pub. by the Milwaukee teachers' association : v. 1, 2. Milw. 18<{7- 69. 2v. O. 806.7 :M ^ CI. 370-371 SOClOLOGY-EDtrCATION. 244 Wisconsin journal of education ; organ of the State teachers' association and of the dep't of pviblic instruction ; E: Searing and J:B. Pradt, eds.; V. 6. Madison. 1876. O. 305.7 :M JTi story. Paroz, Jules. Histoire universelle de la peda- gogic ; renfermant les systfemes d'educa- tion et les methodes d'enseignement des temps anciens et modernes, les biogra- phies de tous les pedagogues celfebres, le developpement progressif de I'ecole depuis le moyen age jusqu, a nos jours, la com- paraison et la caracteristique des peda- gogies anglaise, allemande et franyaise, etc., dediee aux elfeves des ecoles normales, aiix instituteurs, aux chefs d'institution et aux autorites scolaires. Paris. 1883. D. 370 : 20 Schmidt, K: Geschichte der piidagogik, dar- gestellt in weltgeschichtlicner entwicklung und im organischen zusammenhange mit dem cultuneben der viilker. 3te vielfach verm, und verb. aufl. Cothen. 187376. 4 V. O. 370 : 21 Contents. V. 1. Die geschichte der padajrogik in der vorchristlichen zeit. 2. Die geschichte der pada- gogik von Christus bis zur reformation. 3. Die rschichte der padagogik von Luther bis Pestalozzi. Die geschichte der padagogik von Pestalozzi bis zur gegenwart. Mahany, J: Peytland. Old greek education. [Education library]. N. Y. 1882. S. 370:17 Kingsley, C: Alexandria and her schools. Jn his Historical lectures. 904 : 23 Mullinger, James Bass. The schools of Charles the great, and the restoration of education in the 9th century. Lond. 1877. O. 370 : 19 Adams, C: Francis. The new departure in the common schools of Quincy, and other gapers on educational topics. Bost. 1879. >. 370 : 9 Contents. The public library and the public schools. Fiction in public libraries, and educational cata- logues. The new departure in the common schools of (Julncy. Schuricht, Herrmann. Geschichte der deutschen schulbestrebungen in Amerika. Leipz. 1884. O. 370 : 24 Wliitford, W: Clarke. Historical sketch of edu- cation in Wisconsin. Madison. 1876. O. 379:1 Salisbury, Albert. Historical sketch of normal instruction in Wisconsin, 18461876. Madi- son. 1876. O. With Wliitford, W: C, Edu- cation in Wisconsin. 379 : 1 History of the Wisconsin teachers' association from 1853 to 1878. With Wliitford, W: C. Education in Wisconsin. 379 : 1 Timbs, J: School-days of eminent men. N. Y. 1864. D. 370 : 16 2. Teachers and methods. Alcott, W: Alexander. The confessions of a school-master. T. p. w. [Andover. 1839.1 S. 371 :e Beck, Ferdinand Anton. Das grundiibel in der modernen jugendbildung mit vorziiglicher beriicksichtigung des gymnasialunter- richts ; reformvorschltige eines schul- mannes. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304:15vl Browning, Oscar. An introd. to the history of educational theories. [Education library, ed by Philip Magnus]. N. Y. 1882. S. 371 :13 Calderwood, H : On teaching ; its ends and means. N. Y. 1875. S. 371 : 1 Currie, James. The princii)les and practice of common school education. Cine. 1884. D. 371 :20 Emerson, G: Barrett. The schoolmaster; the proper character, studies and duties of the teacher, w^ith the best methods for the gov. and instruction of common schools, and the principles on which school houses should be built, arr., warmed and venti- lated. N. Y. 1842. D. With Potter, A. The school. 371 : 3 Genlis, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de St. Aubin, comtesse de. Lessons of a governess to her pupils, or Journal of the method adopted by [herl in the education of the children of M. d'Orleans, first prince of the blood- royal ; published by herself. Tr. from the french. Dublin. 1793. 2 v. D. 371 : 12 Hinsdale, Burton A. Schools and studies. Bost. 1884. D. 371 : 18 Keferstein, Horst. Zur frage des priifungswe- sens. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15vl3 Lammers, Mathilde. Deutsche lehrerinnen im auslande. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 vl3 Page, D: Perkins. Theory and practice of teaching, or The motives and methods of good school-keeping. Added, a biograph- ical sketch of the author. 90th ed. N. Y. 1873. D. 371 : 2 Papers for the teacher ; repub. from Barnard's American journal of education ; 1st and 2d ser. N.Y. 1860. 2 v. O. 371:11 Contents. 1st ser. Russell, W:, Intellectual educa- tion. Hill, T:, True order of studies.-Thayer, G. P., Letters to a young teacher. Catechism on methods of teaching, from the german of Dicsterweg, Hon- camp, Hintz, Abbenrodo. Burgress, G:, Iteligious instruction in public schools. Huntingrton, P. D., Unconscious tuition.- Questions for the examination of a school.- Topics for discussion in a teacher's meeting. 2d ser. Object toachinfr und oral lessons on social science and coiimioii tilings, with various illustrations of the principles und iiractice of prim- ary education, as adopted in tlic model and framing schools of Great Britain. Payne, Joseph, Lectures on the science and art of education, with other lectures and es- says ; ed. by his son, Joseph Frank Payne, with an introd. by R. H. Quick. Bost. 1883. O. 371 : 14 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Record of mr. Alcott's scliool, exemplifying the principles and metliods of moral culture. 3d ed. rev. Bost. 1874. D. 371 : 7 Phelps, W: F. The teacher's hand-book for the institute and class room. N. Y. n. d. D. 371 :16 Potter, Alonzo. The school ; its objects, rela- tions and uses, with a sketch of the educa- tion most needed in the U. S., the present state of common schools, the best means of improving them, and the consequent duties of parents, trustees, inspectors, etc. N. Y. 1842. D. 871 : 3 245 SOCIOLOGY EDUCATION. CI. 371-372 246 Pycroft, James. On school education, designed to assist parents in choosing and cooperat- ing with instructors for their sons. Oxford. 1843. D. 371 : 4 Quick, Robert Herbert. Essays on educational reformers. Syracuse. 1883. D. 371 : 15 Conteyitx. Schools of the Jesuits. Asham, Mon- taigne, ,Ratich, Milton. Comeniiis. Locke. Rous- seau's Emile. Basedow and the philarithropin. Pestalozzi. Jacotot. Herbert Spencer. Thoughts and suK^estions about teaching children. Some re- niarlts about moral and religious education. Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. Principles of odiica- tion, drawn from nature and revelation, and applied to female education in the upper classes. 2 v. in 1. N. Y. 1866. D. 371 : 5 Tate, T: The philosophy of education, or The principles and practice of teaching ; with an introd. by Francis W. Parker. 1st amer. from the 3d Lond. ed. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. 1884. S. 371:17 Hall, G. Stanley, ed. Pedagogical libi'ary, v. 1 : Methods of teaching history, by G. Diester- weg, Herbert B. Adams, C. K. Adams, J: W. Burgess, E. Emerton, W. F. Allen and T: W. Higginson. Bost. 1883. D. 371 :19 vl Milwaukee city. Public schools. Syllabus of les- sons in civil government ; for the use of teachers. Milw. 1883. O. 371:Pam Syllabus of the course of study in geogra- phy ; for the use of teachers. Milw. 1881. O." 371:Pam Binner, Paul. History of the education of the deaf and dumb. n. t. [Milw. 1881.] S. 371 : 8 Lamson, Mary Swift. Life and education of Laura Dewey Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. Bost. 1881. D. 371 : 10 Cobb, Lyman. The evil tendencies of corporal punishment as a means of moral discipline in families and schools, examined and dis- cussed ; in 3 parts : pt. 1, Objections to the use of the rod ; pt. 2, Substitutes for, and preventives of, tne use of the rod. With app., containing letters from distinguished individuals, extracts from reports, resolu- tions, proceedings of edvicational conven-- tions, etc. in different parts of our country on the subiect of corporal punishment. N. Y. 1847. O. 371 : 9 3. Grades of education. Elementary. Arey, Mrs. H. B. G. Home and school training. Phila. 1884. S. 372 : 6 Burton, Warren. Helps to education in the homes of our country. Bost. 1863. D. 372:4 Dodge, Mary Abigail, (Oail Hamilton). Our common-school system, by Gail Hamilton. Bost. [1880]. D. 372:1 Keferstein, Horst. Die volksschule als erzie- hungsschule. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v7 Lammers, A: Hand-bildung und haustieiss. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15vl0 Meyer, Johannes. Der handfertigkeits-unter- richt und die .schule, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der bestrebungen de.s rittmeisters [Adolf] Clauson-Kaas ; eine sozial-padagogische studie. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Peaslee, J: B. Moral and literary training in public schools. [Boston. 1881]. O. 371:Pain Taylor, J. Orville. The district .school. N. Y 1834. D. 372 : 3 Stetson, C: B. Technical education ; what it is and what american public schools should teach ; an essay based on an examination of the methods and results of technical education in Europe, as shown by official reports. Bost. 1874. D. " 372 : 2 Gr6ard, Octave, inspecteur g6n4ral de I'instruction publique. L'instruction primaire H Pari.s et dans le departement de le Seine en 1875 ; memoire adresse Jl M. le prefet de la Seine. Paris. 1877. O. 372:6 JTi nder gar tens. Kallmann, W: N. Erziehungs-grundsiitze fiir schule und haus ; vortriige, gehalten unter den auspizien des Milwaukee kindergar- ten-vereins. [Milw.] n. d. D. 372.1:6 Four lectures on early child-culture. Milw. 1880. D. 372.1 : 1 ConUnU. Laws of childhood. The soul of Frobel's gifts. The specific use of the kindergarten. The kindergarten ; a school for mothers. Mann, Mary, Mrs. Horace, and Elizabeth Pal- mer Peabody. Moral culture of infancy and kindergarten guide, with music for the plays. Bost. 1864. D. 372.1:2 Morehouse, C. B. The kindergarten, its aims, methods and results ; a practical explana- tion of the system of Frobel. N. Y. 1880. D. 372.1:3 Schmeidler, Johannes. Die religiosen anschau- ungen F: Frobels. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl2 ShirreflF, Emily. Essays and lectures on the kindergarten ; principles of Frobel's system and their bearing on the higher education of women, schools, family and industrial life ; with app. by Elizabeth P. Peabody. N. Y. 1883. D. 372.1:9 Carpenter, Harvey. The mother's and kinder- gartner's friend. Bost. 1884. D. 372.1:11 DOrflinger, C:, ed. Herzblattchens spielwinkel ; eine gabe fiir die kleinsten, den miittern fewidmet von C. Dorflinger, unter mitwir- ung von tante Therese, tante Auguste, tante Martha, tante Lina und dem " Aqua- riumonkel." Milw. 1881. O. 372.1:6 FrObel, F: Mother-play, and nursery songs. 111. With notes to mothers. Bost. [1878]. Q. 372.1-I-P4 Hailmann, W: N. Primary helps ; no. 1 of a new series of kindergarten manuals. 111. (School bulletin pubL) Syracuse. 1882. O. 372. 1 : 8 KOhler, A: Die bewegungsspiele des kinder- fartens ; nebst einem anhange von ball-, ugel- und bauliedern. 6te autt. Weimar. 1878. O. 872.1+10 247 CI. 372-376 SOCIOLOGY EDUCATION. 248 Noa, Henrietta. Plays for the kindergarten, as introduced in the gymnastic exercises of Mary institute, St. Louis, Mo. Bost. n. d. D. 372.1:7 JTi g h er . Bain, Alexander. The university ideal, past and present. In his Practical essays. 824.2:91 Bird, C: Higher education in Germany and England ; a brief practical account of the organization and curriculum of thegerman higher schools, with critical remarks and suggestions with reference to those of Eng- land. Lond. 1884. S. 373 : 3 Gallenkamp, W: Die reform der hoheren lehr- anstalten insbesondere der realschulen ; ein beitrag zu den vorarbeiten fiir das unterrichtsgesetz. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Hoyt, J: W. Address on university progress, del. before the National teachers' assoc. at Trenton, N. J., aug. 20, 1869. N. Y. 1870. O. 373+1 Huxley, T: H: Universities, actual and ideal. With his Science and culture. 504 : 24 Jolinston, W: Preston. The work of the univer- sity in America ; an address before the South Carolina college on commencement day, June 25, 1884. Columbia. 1884. O. 373 : Pam ^ The university, its dangers and the remedies; an address at commencement exercises of the univer.sity of Texas, June 14, 1884. Au- stin. 1884. O'. 373: Pam Laspeyres, Etienne. Das alter der deulschen professoren ; ein beitrag zur universitiits- statistik und universitatspolitik. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 Leig'hton, R. F., ed. Harvard examination pa- pers, coll. and arr. 7th ed. Bost. 1880. D. 373:2 Meyer, Jiirgen Bona. Deutsche universitJits- entwicklung ; vorzeit, gegenwart und zu- kunft. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15 v3 Die fortbildimgsschule in unserer zeit. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15v2 Meyer, K: Waldemar. Die pflege des idealen auf unseren hoheren schulen ; brief an einen arzt mit voraufgehender debatte. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 vl3 Classic al and real. Adams, C: Francis, jr. A college fetich ; ad- dress del. before the Harvard chapter of the fraternity of the Phi beta kappa in Sander's theatre, Cambridge, June 28, 1883. Bost. 1883. O. 375 : 3 Bain, Alexander. The classical controversy. In / Practical essays. 824.2:91 Bowen, Francis. Classical and utilitarian studies. In his Gleanings. 824. 1 : 6 Dick, T: On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge, or An illust. of the advantages which would result from a more gjeneral dissemination of rational and scien- tific information among all ranks. 111. [Harper's family lib.l N. Y. 1844. S. 376 : 2 Huxley, T: H: Science and culture, in 604 : 24 Scientific education. In his Lay sermons. 504:11 Xiaas, Ernst. Gymnasium und realschule ; alte fragen mit riicksicht auf das bevorstehende preussische unterrichtsgesetz historisch und kritisch von neuem beleuchtet. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v4 Shedd, W: Greenough Thayer. Scientific and popular education. In his Literary essavs. 824.1 :73 Youmans, Edward Livingstone, ed. Modern culture, its true aims and requirements ; a series of addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education by profs. Tyndall. Daubeny, Henfrey, Huxley, Paget, Whewell, Faraday, Draper, Masson, De Morgan, Owen, drs. Hodgson, Caroenter, Hooker, Acland. Forbes, Grove, Herbert Spencer, sir John Herschel. sir Charles Lyel^ dr. Seguin, etc. Lond. 1867. D. 375 : 1 4. Self-education. (See also Courses of readinjf, class 807.) Atkinson, W: P. On the right use of books ; a lecture. Bost. 1880. S. 374 : 3 Bain, Alexander. The art of study. In his Practical essays. 824.2 : 91 Blackie, J: Stuart. On self-culture, intellectual, physical and moral ; a vade mecum for yoiing men and students. N. Y. n. d. S. 374 : 1 Clarke, James Freeman. Self-culture, physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual ; a course of lectures. 2d ed. Bost. 1880. D. 374 : 2 5. Female education. Clarke, E: Hammond. Sex in education, or A fair chance for the girls. Bost. 1873. S. 376:1 Comfort, G: F. and Anna Manning. Woman's education and woman's healtn ; chiefly in reply to "Sex in education", Syracuse. 1874. D. 376 : 6 Brackett, Anna Callender, ed. The education of american girls considered in a series of essays. N. Y. 1874. D. 376 : 2 Contents. Brackett, A. C. Education of american girls. Cheney, E. D. A mother's thouKlit. Dall, C. H. The other side. Stone, L. H. Effects of mental g-rowth. Beedy, M. E. Girls and women in Eujfland and America. J acobi, M. P. Mental action and phy- sical health. Hamlin, S. J). Michigran university. Nutting:, M. (). Mount Holyoke seminary John- ston, A. A. P. Oborlin college. Avery, A. C. Vassar collcg'e.- Antioch college Rood, Mrs. O. N. Letter from a german woman. Brackett, A. C. Review of "Sex in education." App. Fenelon, Fran9ois de Salignac de la Mothe. The education of a daughter. Tr. from the french. Added, Fenelon's epistle. Char- acter of Antiope, etc. 3d ed. Bait. 1853. S. 376 : 3 More, Hannah. Strictures of the modern system of female education. In her Works. 820.2: 28 vl Phelps, Almira, born Hart, afterward Mrs. Lin- coln. Hours with my pupils, or Education- al addresses, etc. ; the young lady's guide, 349 SOCIOLOGY EDUCATION. CI. 376-379 2r)0 and parent's and teacher's assistant. N. Y. 1851). D. 376 : 4 Sigroumey, Lydia Howard. Letters to my pupils ; with narrative and biographical studies. 2d ed. Lond. 1852. D. 376 : 5 6. Religious and secular education. Beecher, Catharine Esther. Religious training of children in the school, tiie family and the church. N. Y. 1864. D. 377 : 1 Bushnell, Horace. Christian nurture. N. Y. 18G4. D. 377:2 Bible, The, in the public schools ; ai-guments in the case of J: D. Minor et al. versus the board of education of tlie city of Cincinnati et al. [in the] superior court of Cincinnati, with the opinions and decision of the court. Cine. 1870. O. 377+3 Domestic portraiture, or The successful appli- cation of religious principle in the educa- tion of a family, exemplified in the memoirs of three of the deceased children of the rev. Legh Richmond ; with introd. remarks on christian education by E: Bickersteth. N. Y. 1852. D. 377 : 5 Clark, Rufus Wheelwright. The question of the hour ; the bible and the school fund. Bost. 1870. S. 377 : 4 Keferstein, Horst. Die piidagogik der kirche. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v9 Kirchner, F: Zur reform des religions-unter- richts. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304: 15 v5 Meyer, Jiirgen Bona. Luther als schulbefreier. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen.. 304: 15 vl3 Die simultanschulfrage. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 7. Schools and colleges. Curious schools ; by various authors. Bost. 1881. D. 378 : 12 Contents. Cadet life at West Point. Perkins' in- stitution and Mass. school for the blind. Boston whittling schools. Philadelphia school of reform. About some sewing- schools. A Chinese mission school. The flower school at Corlear's Hook. Lady Betty's cooking- school.- The bad boys of France. The children's hour; a novel art school. At a day nursery. Some Indian schools.- The training- school- ship Minnesota. Porter, Noah. The american colleges and the american public. New ed., with after- thoughts on college and school education. N. Y. 1878. D. 378 : 1 Richardson, C : F. , and H : A. Clark, eds. The college book. Bost. 1878. O. 378 : 16 Thwing, C: F. American colleges; their stu- dents and work. 2d ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1883. S. 378 : 15 Collection, A, of college words and customs. Cambridge. 1851. D. 378 : 6 Osgood, S: Student life ; letters and recollec- tions for a young friend. N. Y. 1861. D. ^ 378 : 2 Hitchcock, E: Reminiscences of Amherst col- lege, historical, scientific, biographical and autobiographical ; also of other and wider life experiences. Plates and a geol. map. Northampton, Mass. 1863. D. 378 : 3 King, Moses. Harvard and its surroundings. 6th ed. 111. Cambridge. 1884. D. 378 : 17 Belden, Ezekiel Porter. Sketches of Yah; col- lege, with numerous anecdotes by a mem- ber of that institution. [AnonA 111. N. Y 1848. S. 378 : 14 Bagg, Lyman Hotchkiss. Four years at Yale, by a graduate of '69. [AnonA New Haven. 1871. D. . 378:4 Butterfleld, Consul Willshire. History of the university of Wisconsin, from its first organization to 1879 ; with biographical sketches of its chancellors, presidents and professors. Madison, Wis. 1879. O. 378:5 Hazeltine, Mayo W. British and american education ; the universities of the two countries compared. N. Y. 1880. T. 378:7 Turton, T: Thoughts on the admission of per- sons without regard to their religious opinions to certain degrees in the univers- ities of England. 2d ed. corr. and enl. Cambridge. 1835. O. 378 : 9 Everett, W: On the Cam ; lectures on the university of Cambridge. Cambridge. 1865. D. 378 : 8 Banks, G: Nugent. Cambridge trifles, or splut- terings from an undergraduate pen, by the author of "A day of my life at Eton." [Anon.] N.Y. 1881. S. ' 378 : 13 Hart, James Morgan. German universities ; a narrative of personal experience together with recent statistical information, practi- cal suggestions and a comparison of the german, english and american systems of higher education. N. Y. 1874. D. "378 : 10 Howitt, W: {Dr. Cornelius). The student-life of Germany, from the unpub. ms. of Dr. Cor- nelius, containing nearly forty of the most famous student songs. Phila. 1842. O. 378:11 Statistisches jahrbuch der hciheren schulen Deutschlands, Luxemburgs und der Schweiz ; neue fol^e von Mushacks Sehul- kalender, 2ter teil. Nach amtlichen quellen bearb. 4ter iahrg. Leipz. 1883. S. 378 : 18 Deutscher universitats-kalender, 25ste ausg; sommer-semester 1884, herausg. von F. Ascherson. 3ter t. : Die universitiiten im deutschen reich, in der Schweiz. den nis- sischen Ostseeprovinzen und Oesterreich- Ungarn. Berlin. 1884. T. 378 : 19 8. Reports. National educational association. The address- es and journal of j)roceeding8, session of 1876 in Baltimore, Maryland. Salem, Ohio. 1876. O. 379 : 6 Business educator's assoc. of America. Pro- ceedings of the 6th convention, held at Ro- chester, N. Y.. July 17-24, 1884. Trenton, N. J. 1885. O. 370 : Pam Western literary institute and college of pro- fessional teachei-s. Transactions of the 4th annual meeting, held in Cincinnati oct. 1834. Cine. 1835. O. 379 : 9 Rhode Island state. Board of education. 11th annuJ^l report, vfhk the 36th annual rejxirt 351 CI. 379 SOCIOLOGY EDUCATION. of the commissioner of public schools, Jan. 1881. Providence. 1881. O. 379 : 16 Massachusetts state. Board of education. The Mass. system of common schools ; an enl. and rev. ed. of the 10th annual report of the lii'st sec. of the board. Bost. 1849. O. 379+19 - 13th [15th 38th, 40th, 42d 46th] annual re- port, together with annual report of the sec, 1849, 18511874, 1876, 18781883. Bost. 1850-83. 33 V. O. 379+19 "Worcester county free institute of industrial science. i3th annual catalogue, with the plan of instruction, 1883. Worcester. 1883. O. 379 : Pam Connecticut state. Board of education. Annual report, presented to the general assembly, January session 1881, together with the an- nual report of the sec. of the board. New Haven. 1881. O. 379: 12 New York state. 25th [and 27th1 annual reports of the superintendent of public instruction. Albany. 1879, 1881. 2 v. O. 379 : 13 Cooper union for the advancement of science and art. Charter, trust deed and by-laws ; with the letter of P: Cooper accompanying the trust deed. N. Y. 1868. O. 379 : Pam Albany city, N. Y. Board of public instruction. 7th [8th, 10th, 14th] annual report to the common council, 1873-3 [1879-80.] Al- bany. 1873-80. O. 379 : Pam High school. Merit roll for the year ending June 28, 1882, and report of committees. Albany. 1883. O. 379 : Pam Albany female academy, founded 1814. Cata- logue and circular, 1881-83. Albany. 1883. D. 379 : Pam Cornell university. Register, 1883-4 and 1884-5 Ithaca, N. Y. [1883, 1884]. D. 379 : Pam Pennsylvania state. SupH of common schools. 24th annual report for the year ending June 3, 1857. Harrisburg. 1858.' O. 379 : 8 Philadelphia city. Board of public education, 1st school district of Pennsylvania. 1st annual report of the su|)'t of public schools of the city of Philadelphia for 1883. Phila. 1884. O. 379+18 Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore. 7th [and 9th] annual report of the pres., 1883, 1884. Bait. 1883-84. O. 379:Pam Note. The rep. for 1883 contains a review of the work of the university since Its opening in 1876, and a "Bibllographla hopklnsiensis, 1876-83". Register, 1883-4, 1884-5. Bait. 1884-85. O. 379 : Pam Circulars, v. 13, dec. 1879 sept. 1884. Bait. 1879-84. Q. 379+11 St. Louis city. Board of directors of the public schools. 26th annual report, for the year ending aug. 1, 1880. St. Louis. 1881. O. 379:15 Washington university. 35th anniversary, april 33, 1883. St. Louis. [1883]. O. 379 : Pam Arkansas state. Sup't of public instruction. Biennial report for the school years 1879 and 1880. Little Rock. 1880. O. ' 379 : 14 Ohio state. Commissioner of common schools. 35th annual report to the general assembly, for the school year ending aug. 31, 1878. Columbus, 1879. O. 379+17 Cincinnati city. Common schools. 52d 55th annual reports, 18811884. Cine. 1882 84. 2v. O. 379+5 Dayton city, 0. Board of education. Annual report, 1878-9, 1880-1, 1881-3. Dayton. 1880- 83. O. '379: Pam Indiana state. SupH of public instruction. 38th report, being the 10th biennial report and for the years ending aug. 31, 1879 and aug. 31, 1880. Indianapolis. 1880. O. 379 : 7 Indianapolis city. Public schools. Manual of the public schools ; rules and regulations of the board of school commissioners of the public schools and the public library. 1881-83. Indianapolis. 1881. T. 379 : lO Illinois industrial university. 11th report of the board of trustees for the two years ending sept. 30, 1883. Springfield. 1883. O. 379+20 Note. For other reports, see Reports made to the g-eneral assembly of 111., in 338.16 : D, col. 178. Chicago city. Board of education. 8th annual report for 1861. Chic. 1863. O. 379 : Pam Michigan state. Sup't of public instruction. His- torical sketches of education in Michigan. In 44th annual rep., with Joint doc's, 1880, V. 1. in 328.15 :D Wisconsin state. Sup't of public instruction. Annual reports, 1850-1883. In Governor's message and accompanying documents. m 328.15 :D University. Catalogue of the otHcers and students, 1853-31864-5. In Reports of the regents, with Governor's message for 1854-1866. ^n 328 . 1 5 : D - Catalogue for 1879-80, 1881-831884-85. Mad- ison. 1879-84. O. 379 : Pam General catalogue of the officers and grad- uates from its organization in 1849 to 1883. Madison. 1883. O. 379 : Pam Note. For reports of the Board of regents, see Governor's message and accomp. doc, in 338.15: D, col. 179. State normal school, River Falls. Catalogues. 1875-1879. [River Falls], n. d. 3 v. O. 379:4 Note. For reports of the normal school regents, see Governor's messaure and accomp.doc., in 328.15 :D, col. 179. Milwaukee city. Board of school commissioners. Annual reports, 1860-11883. Milw. 1861- 84. 34 V. in 14. O. 379 : 3 Proceedings, 1875-1880. n. t. [Milw.] O. 379 : 112 Annual reports of the standing committees, together with the annual address of the pres. of the board, submitted may 4, 1875. Milw. 1875. O. 379 : Pam Rules and regulations, together with the provisions of the city charter relating to the public schools. Milw. 1875. O. 379 : Pam Markham academy, Milwaukee. Catalogue, 1881-83. Milw. 1882. O. 379 : Pam Marquette college, Milwaukee. The 4th annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1884-85. Milw. 1885. O. 379 : Pam Milwaukee college. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1884-85. Milw. 1885. O. 379 : Pam Spencerian business college, Milwaukee. Cir- cular, n. p. or d. 379 : Pam Wisconsin phonological institute for deaf mutes, Milwaukee. lst[-3d] annual report 253 SOCIOLOGY EDtJCATION. CI. 379-381 254 Wisconsin phonological institute for deaf mutes, Milwaukee. Continued. of the board of trustees, for ISTSf-SO]. Milw. 1879-81. O. 379 : Pam The articulate method to teach deaf mutes to speak, ed. by D. C. Luening. Milw. 1879. O. 379 : Pam Madison city. Board of education. Annual report for 1880, 1881. Madison, Wis. 1881- 82. O. 379: Pam Beloit college, Wis. Catalogue ; its ofiicers, students and alumni. 1879-801884-85. Beloit. 1879-84. O. 379 : Pam 9. Commerce and communication. 1. In general. Farrer, T: H. The state in its relation to trade. [Citizen series.] N. Y. 1883. D. 380:4 Htmt, Freeman. The library of commerce, Sractical. theoi-etical and historical ; v. 1. . y. 1845. D. 380 : 1 CnntenU. A sketch of the commercial intercourse of the world with China. Piatt, J. C. History of the british corn laws, with add. by the amer. ed. Mackay, C: Memoirs of commercial delusions, embracing' historical sketches of the Mississippi scheme and the South-sea bubble. Bourne, H. R. Fox. The romance of trade. Lond. n. d. D. 380:3 McCuUoch, J: Ramsay. A dictionary, practi- cal, theoretical and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation; ed. by H: Vethake, with an app. containing the new tariff of 1846, together with the tariff of 1842, reduced to ad valorem rates as far as practicable ; also the sub-treasury, ware- housing and the Canadian transit bills of 1846 ; the new british tariff as amended by the passage of the corn Jaw and sugar duties ; with a table of all foreign gold and silver coin reduced to federal currency, etc. Phila. 1847. 2 v. O. 380 : R6 Waterson, W: A cyclopaedia of commerce, mercantile law, "finance, commei'cial geog- raphy and navigation. New ed. contain- ing tlie present tariff and an essay on com- merce, ynib. by the society for promoting useful knowledge. Lond. 1847. O. 380 : R7 United States. State dep't. Reports from the consuls of the U. S. on the commerce and manufactures of their consular districts ; no. 1-48, oct. 1880 dec. 1884. Wash. 1881-85. 14 V. O. in 380 : D Same. Contents and index to no. 1-26. Wash. 1883. O. 380 : D Note. The following- numbers contain reports of importance on special subjects: 12. Cotton goods trade of the world, and the share of the U. S. therein. 23. Cotton and woollen mills of Europe. 25]4. Cereals of Europe, India and Algeria. 29. Glass manufactures of Europe. 37. Petroleum and kero- sene oil In foreign countries. 41 i^. Fruit culture In the several countries. 43. Credit systems of the several countries. 48. Agricultural machinery of the several countries. Commerce. Andrews, Israel D. Report on the trade and commerce of the british north american colonies, and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers [1850 and 1851] ; also notices of the internal im- provements in each state, of the gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the U. S. Maps. Wash. 1854. 2 v. O. in 380.1 : D United States. Commerce. Continued. Statistics of the foreign and domestic com- merce of the U. S. ; embracing a historical review and analysis of foreign commerce from the beginning of the gov., the present internal commerce between the Mississippi and Atlantic states, the overland trade and communications with the Pacific states, the productions and exchanges of the gold and silver districts, the commerce of the Pacific coast, and the internal relations of the northern frontier of the U. S.; communi- cated by the .sec. of the treas. in answer to a resol. of the sen. march 12, 1863. Map. Wash. 1864. O. z/i 380.1 :D Nimmo, Joseph, jr. Report on the internal commerce of the U. S. for 1876, 1879, 1881, 1882. Maps. Wash. 1877-84. O. in 381.1 :D Note. Contain statistics and discussions of ques- tions relating to commerce, manufactures, trans- portation, raih-oads and their relations to the govern- ment, descriptions of chief commercial centers, etc. Annual reports on the commerce and navi- gation of the U. S. See Congressional doc. ^ in 328.1 :D Annual reports on the commercial relations of the U. S. to foreign nations. See the same. in 328.1 :D Evans, C: H., comp. Imports [and] duties from 1867 to 1883 ; a compilation ot foreign commodities imported and entered for con- sumption in the U. S., showing the quan- tities, values, rates of duty, amt. of duty received, the average cost, and duties re- duced to an equivalent ad valorem rate, summaries of the values and duties of the principal class or groups, also values and duties received and expense at each cus- toms district and port of delivery ; with schedules of the articles, quantities and values admitted free of duty . . . during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1867 to 1883 incl. From the annual reports of com- merce and navigation. Wash. 1884. O. bound wttk Evans, C: H., comp. Exports, domestic and foreign from tue american colonies to Great Britain from 1697 to 1789 incl. and Exports, domestic, from the U. S. to all countries from 1789 to 1883 incl. Comp. and collated from ofKcial papers. (U. S. 48th cong. 1 sess. House mis. doc, no. iV). Wash. 1884. O. ^ ,^ . in 380.1 :T> Commercial convention, held in Detroit july llth-14th, 1865. Proceedings. Ut^troit. 1865. O. ^.^^-Voi National board of trade. l*roveedings of 2d onH M annual meetiDCS. Bost. 18(0, lod. and 3d annual meetings. 2 V. O. 881.1:2 265 Cl. 381-385 SOCIOLOGY COMMERCIE. 256 New York produce exchange. Report for 1879, with the charter, by-laws, and the several trade rules adopted by the exchange, and a list of its members ; also The report of the statistician of the exchange, with ac- companying tables. N. Y. 1880. O. 381.1:3 Milwaukee. Board of trade. Annual report of the commerce, manufactures, banking busi- ness and railroad system of the city of Milwaukee, for 1856. Prep, by Andrew J. Aikens, sec. Map. Milw. 1857. O. 381.1 :4 Chamber of commerce. [1st-] 3d annual state- ment of the trade, commerce and general business of the city of Milwaukee for 1858 1860. Reported by L. L. Crounse, sec. Milw. 1859-61. O. 381.1 : 4 5th [and 6th] annual statement of the trade and commerce of Milwaukee for the year ending dec. 31, 1862 [and 1863]. Reported by James B. Kellogg, sec. Milw. 1863, 1864. O. 381.1:4 7th [8th, 11th, 13th 27th] annual report of the trade and commerce of Milwaukee for the year ending dec. 31, 1864 [1865, 1868, 18701884]. Comp. by W: J. Langson, sec. Maps. Milw. 1865-85. O. 381.1:4 Act of incorporation, and rules and by-laws, as amended march 24, 1877. Milw. 1877. O. 381.1:4 Pope, C:, ed. The yearly journal of trade, 1856. Lond. 1856. O. 380-|-2 Contents. Matters as to laws of customs, excise and stamps. Treaties and conventions with foreign powers. Tariffs of the United Kingdom, britlsh possessions abroad and of foreign countries. Countervailing and inland duties.- Duties of lights, buoys, pilotage, etc. Postoffice laws and rates. Dangers of the seas. Proclamations, orders in coun- cil and government boards. Railways. Electric telegraphs. Parliamentary speeches and papers. Keports of law cases.- Tr. ot foreign documents.- Statistics. Proceedings of scientific and learned societies. Geographical sketches and recent dis- coveries. Commercial usages and port charges. Exchanges, moneys, weights and measures. Descrip- tions of articles of merchandise and of improved methods of cultivating and bringing the same to market.- Stat of the markets and fresh channels of commerce. Correspondence, home, colonial and foreign. Public, The ; a journal of finance, commercial interests and political science ; v. 14-24, July 1878 dec. 1883. N. Y. 1878-83. F. 305 : KM Hunt's merchants' magazinu and commercial review, conducted by Freeman Hunt ; v. 1- 7, 18-62, July 1839-dec. 1869. N. Y. 1839- 69. O. 305.8 :M: Note. Title-page of v. 1-7 omits " Hunt's". From v. 38 title-page reads "established by Freeman Hunt in 1839" Instead of "conducted ". V. 44 drops " Hunt's" and is ed. t)y I. Smith Homan and W: B. Dana. V. 46 -62 ed. by Dana alone. Commercial and financial chronicle, The, and Hunt's merchant's magazine ; a weekly newspaper, representing the industrial and commercial interests of the United States ; V. 38, 39. N. Y. 1884. F. 305.8 : M 2. Foreign trade. Heyd, W: Geschichte des levantehandels im mittelalter. Stuttgart. 1879. 2 v. O. 382:2 Raynal, Guillaume T: Fi-an9ois, abbe. A philos- ophical and political history of the settle- ments and trade of the europeans in the East and West Indies. Tr. from the french by J. Justamond ; 3d ed. rev. and corr. with maps and index. Lond. 1777. 5 v. O. 382:3 Wells, D: Amasa. Our merchant marine; how it rose, increased, became great, declined and decayed, with an inquiry into the con- ditions essential to its resuscitation and future prosperity. [Qiiestions of the day, no. 3]. N. Y. 1882. D. 382.1 : 1 Staunton, Sir G: T: Miscellaneous notices relat- ing to China, and our commercial inter- course with that country, incl. a few transl. from the Chinese lan^ua<^e. 2d ed., enl. in 1822, and accompanied in 1850 by introd. observ. on the events which have affected our Chinese commerce during that inter- val. Lond. 1822-50. O. 382.2 : 1 Scrivenor, Harry. History of the iron trade, from the earliest records to the present period. New ed. Lond. 1854. O. 382 : 1 3. Post and telegraphs. (See, also Telegraphy, cl. 654.) Rees, James. Foot-prints of a letter carrier, or A history of the world's correspondence ; containing biographies, tales, sketches, incidents and statistics connected with postal history. Phila. 1866. D. 383 : 1 United States. Postmaster- general. Annual re- ports. See Congressional documents. in 328. 1 : D United States official postal guide ; rev. and pub. monthly by authority of the post office dep't. " 2d ser., v. 4-6. Bost. 1882- 84. D. 305.8 :M Contents. An alphabetical list of all the post offices in the U. S. with county and state. A list by states. A list by states and counties. Lists of money-order offices, domestic and international. Rates of postage. Synopsis of postal laws, orders and ruliniasof the department. Information about all postal matters. General regulations respecting fox-eign mails. Plum, W: Rattle. The military telegraph dur- ing the civil war in the ll. S., with an ex- position of ancient and modern means of communication, and of the federal and con- federate cipher systems ; also a running ac count of the war between the states. 111., portraits and maps. Chicago. 1882. 2 v. (). 384.1 : 1 4. Transportation. (See also Engineering, cl. (i'Zii, t)26.) Tanner, H: S. A desci-iption of the canals and railroads of the U. S., comprehending no- tices of all the works of internal improve- ment throughout the several states. N. Y. 1840. O. 385.1-^2 United States. Census office. Tenth census, 1880, V. 4: Report on tne agencies of transpor- tation in the U. S., incl. the statistics of railx-oads, steam navigation, canals, tele- graphs and telephones. HI. Wash. 1883. Q. j;n317:D Contents. Shuman, Armin E. Statistical report of the railroads in the U. S.: General review of traflic and fiscal operations ; Statistics of the same; Physical 357 SOCIOLOGY COMMUNICATION. CI. 386-387 United States. Census office. Continued. characteristics ; Statistics of the same ; App. ; Index. Purdy, T. C. Report on steam navigation in the U.S.: History of steam navigration; U.S. interests; Statistical tables ; Tonnage tables ; Index. Purdy, T. C. Report on the canals of the U. S. : History of operatinff canals; History of abandoned canals; Index. Shuman, Armln E. Report on the statis- tics of telegraphs and telephones In the U. S.; In- dex. Lines, Robert B. Report on the postal tele- graph service in foreign countries; Index. Adden- dum : Note on express companies.- General index. Congress. Report of the select committee on transportation - routes to the seaboard ; with app. and evidence. Maps. (U. S. 43d cong. 1 sess. Sen. rep. 307). Wash. 1874. 2 V. O, in 380.1 :D Illinois state. Railroad and warehouse commis- sion. 8th annual report for the year ending nov. 30, 1878 ; with app. Springtield. 1879. O. iw 385.15 :D 12th annual report ; railroads for the year ending June 30, 1882, grain inspection, oct. 31, 1882. Springfield. 1883. O. tTi 385.15 :D Note. For other reports, see Reports made to the general assembly of 111., in 328.15: D, col. 178. y land: railroads. Cohn, Gustav. Streitfragen der eisenbahnpoli- tik. In Deutsche zeit- and streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Perrot, Franz Fiirchtegott. Deutsche eisenbahn- politik. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fra- gen. 304 : 15 vl Wisconsin state. Railroad commissioner. Tax- ation of railroads and railroad securities ; report of a committee to a convention of railroad commissioners, held at Saratoga Springs, June 10, 1879, together with a sum- mary of laws in relation to railroad tax- ation in force in the various states of the Union, as well as foreign countries. Madi- son. 1880. O. 385 : 5 Lardner, Dionysius. Railway economy ; a treat- ise on the new art of transport, its manage- ment, prospects and relations, commercial, financial and social, with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, on the continent and in America. N. Y. 1850. D. 385 : 1 Jervis, J: Bloomfield. Railway property ; a treatise on the construction and manage- ment of railways, designed to aiford useful knowledge in a popular style to the holders of this class of property, as well as to rail- way managers, oflftcers and agents. N. Y. 1861. D. 385 : 2 Kennedy, W: Sloane. Wonders and curiosities of the railway, or Stories of the locomotive in every land. 111. Chicago. 1884. D. 385 : 4 Minot, Robert S. Railway travel in Europe and America; with 25 tables of recent and novel statistics of journeys, speeds, fares etc., for travellers and others. Bost. 1882. O. 385 : 3 Poor, H: Varnum. Manual of the railroads of the U. S. for 1880, showing their mileage, stocks, bonds, cost, traffic, earnings, ex- penses and organizations, with a sketch of their rise, progress, influence, etc., together with app., containing a full analysis of the Poor, H: Y&mum. Continued. debts of the U. S. and of the several states. N. Y 1880. O. 385.1 : HI Manual of the railroads of the United States for 1884 ; showing their route and mileage, stocks, bonds, de!bts, cost, traffic, earnings, expenses and dividends, their organiza- tions, directors, officers etc. N. Y. 1884. O. 385.1 :Ill Atkinson, E: The railroads of the U. S.; a potent factor in the politics of that country and of Great Britain. Bost. 1881. O. 385.1:4 Smalley, Eugene V. History of the Northern Pacific railroad, ill. and map. N. Y. 1883. O. 386.1:3 Chemins de fer de I'Europe centrale. [Map.] Paris. 1857. D. 385.3:2 Ewbank da Camara, J. Chemins de fer de la province de St. Paul, Bresil ; donnees tech- niques et statistiaues, public par ordre du gouvernement. Rio de Janeiro. 1875. O. 385.3 : 1 * * * Milwaukee and Mississippi railroad co. Acts incorporating the Milwaukee, Waukesha and Mississippi River R. R. Co., together with a report of the committee relating to a plan of operations, adopted by the board of directors may 19, 1849. Milw. 1849. O. bound with 1st 11th annual report of the directors to the stockholders, together with the reports of the sec, treas. and sup't. Milw. 1850-60. O. 385.1:5 Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien railway co. Documents relating to [its] organization. N. Y. 1861. O. i 385.1: 5 Chicago, Milwavikee and St. Paul railway co. 1st [-3d, 5th-13th, 15th-21st] annual report ; June 13, 1863 dec. 31, 1884. Maps. N. Y. and Milw. 1865-85. O. 385.1 : 6 Note. "Chicago" was a^ded to the corporate name In 1874. Wisconsin central railroad co. 1st annual re- port, to dec. 31, 1878. Milw. 1879. O. 385.1:7 President's statement to the stockholders, [and] Plan for the re-organization, submit- ted to the bondholders by vote of the stock- holders, at their annual meeting, may 29, 1879. Milw. 1879. O. 385.1:7 2d annual report, to dec. 31, 1879. Milw. 1880. O. 385.1:7 Report to J: A. Stewart and Edwin H. Abbot, trustees in possession, upon its manage- ment and operation from Jan. 4, 1879 Tto dec. 31, 1881], by C: L. Colby, agent of the trustees. Milw. 1880-82. O. 385.1 : 7 Note. For reports of the Wisconsin and other state railroad commissioners, see Legislative annals, el. 328.1, col. 178-180. By water: canals, etc. Preble, G: H: A chronological history of the orifin and develoiiment of steam naviga- tion, 1543 to 1882. Phila. 1883. O. 387: 1 Heinz, . Kaniile und sammelbecken. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 Note. For reports on the Fox and Wisconsin river Improvement, the Sault St. Mary ship canal, and the Illinois and Hennepin canal, see Legislative docu- ments, cl. 338.1, col. 177-179. 17 CI. 387-393 SOCIOLOGY- COMMUNICATION". 260 New York state. Canal board. Report of the commissioners invited, July 10, 1877, to con- sider and report on the subject of tolls upon the canals, having I'eference to the subject of revenues, and also to increasing the commerce of the canals. Albany. 1878. O. 386 : Pam Waterhouse, Sylvester. A memorial to con- gress to secure an adequate appropria- tion for a prompt and thcirough improve- ment of the Mississippi river ; with an app. [on the value of river transportation]. St. Louis. 1877. D. 387 : 2 5. Weights and measures. Colin, Alfred. The universal metric system ; prepared especially for candidates for schools of science, engineers and others. N. Y. 1879. D. 389 : 1 Me Vicar, Malcom. The metric system of weights and measures, combining many new and practical improvements in ar- rangement, notation and applications, prepared for Robinson's progressive arith- metics. (Robinson's mathematical ser.) N. Y. [18G7]. U. 389 :2 Barnard, F: A: Porter, and H. Tresca. Report upon the comparison of an iron meter for- warded to France by the gov. of the U. S. of America [with the original platina stand- ard in possession of the Conservatoire im- perial des arts et metiers]. In\J. S. coast survey rep. 1867. in 622 : D Totten, C: A. L. A challenge to the metric sys- tem, and an earnest word with the english- speaking peoples on their ancient weights and measures. In Ms An important ques- tion in metrology. 916.2-|-36 Hilgard, Julius E. A statement concerning the relation of the lawful standards of measure of the U. S. to those of Great Britain and France. In\J. S. coast survey rep. 1876. in 622 : D Comparison of american and british standard yards. In the same, 1877. in 622 : D On the length of a nautical mile. In the same i881. in 622 :D Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights and moneys of all nations, and an analysis of the christian, hebrew and mahometan cal- endars. 6th ed., rev. and enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 389:3 10. Cnstoms and costumes. 1. General and ancient. Farrer, James A. Primitive manners and cus- toms. N. Y. 1879. D. 390 : 2 McLennan, J: Ferguson. Studies in ancient history ; comprising a reprint of Primitive marriage, an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in' marriage ceremonies. Lond. 1876. 1). 390 : 3 Liacroix, Paul, {Le MMiophile Jacob). Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages and during the renaissance period. 111. Lond. 1876. Q. 392:111 Contents. Condition of persons and lands. Privi- leges and rights, feudal and municipal. Private life In the castles, the towns and the rural districts. Food and cookery. Hunting. Games and pastimes. Commerce. Guilds and trade corporations. Taxes, money and finance.- Laws and the administration of justice. Secret tribunals. Punishments. Jews. Gipsies, tramps, beggars and cours des miracles. Ceremonials.- Costumes. "Wood, E: J. The wedding day in all ages and countries. N. Y. 1869. D. 390 : 5 Sharman, Julian. A cursory history of swearing. Lond. 1884. O. " 390 : 9 Sabine, Lorenzo. Notes on duels and duelling, alphabetically arr., with a prelim, historical essay. Bost. 1855. D. 390 : 4 Truman, B: C. The field of honor; a complete and comprehensive history of duelling in all countries, inch the judicial duel of Europe, the private duel of the civilized world and specific descriptions of all the noted hostile meetings in Europe and America. N. Y. 1884. D. 390 : 8 Kretschmer, Albert, and C: Bohrbach. The costumes of all nations from the earliest times to the 19th century ; exhibiting the dresses and habits of all classes, regal, ecclesiastical, noble, military, judicial and civil. Lond. 1882. F. ' 390 : 116 Racinet, A: Le costume historique ; 500 plan- ches, 300 en couleurs, or et argent, 200 en camaTen, avec des notices explicatives et une etude historique. Paris. 1880-85. O. 390 : III Smith, J. Moyr, ed. Ancient greek female costume illustrated, with explan. letter- press and descriptive passages from the works of Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Ae- schylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Theocri- tus, Xenophon, Lucian and other greek authors. Lond. 1882. D. 391 : 1 Scbild, Marie, ed. Old english costumes ; an epitome of ladies' costumes from the 1st to the 19th century. Lond. n. d. Q. 390 : 7 2. Modern. Depping, Guillaume. Evening entertainments ; comprising delineations of the manners and customs of various nations. New ed. enl. Phila. 1833. D. 393 : 1 Goodrich, S: Griswold, {Peter Parley). Manners and customs of the principal nations of the globe. [Youth's library of history.! Bost. [1844]. S. x393:6 Belloc, Bessie Rayner, born Parkes. Peoples of the world. 111. Lond. n. d. D. x 393 : 7 Remarkable people, [the arab, the jew, the egyptian]. l^ond. [1846]. T. 393:3 Hervey, T: Kibble. The book of Christmas ; descriptive of the customs, ceremonies, traditions, superstitions, fun, feeling and festivities of the Christmas season. N. Y. 1845. P . 393 : 2 X denotes books specially adapted for children. SOCIOLOOY-CUSTOMS. CI. 393-399 Dyer, T: Firminger Thistleton. Domestic folk- lore. N. Y. [1881]. S. 393:4 Flower, W: H: Fashion in deformity, as ill. in the customs of barbarous and civilized races. [Nature ser.] N.Y. 1881. S. 393 : 5 Hunt, Mrs. Alfred W. Our grandmothers' gowns ; with 24 hand-colored ill. drawn by G: R. Halkett. Lond. n. d. D. 393 : P9 Great Britain. Brand J: Observations on the popular antiqui- ties of Great Britain ; chiefly illustratmg the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, ceremonies and superstitions. Arr., rev. and enl. by sir H: Ellis ; newed., with further add. Lond. 1877. 3 v. D. 394:1 Brookes, J: Manners and customs of the eng- lish nation, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the present time. Lond. [I860]. D. 394:2 Strutt, Joseph. The sports and pastimes of the people of England, incl. the rural and domestic recreations, may-games, mum- meries, shows, processions, pageants and pompous spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time. 111. With a copious index by W: Hone. Lond. 1867. O. 394:4 Armytage, Fenella Fitzhardinge, horn Berkeley. Old court customs and modern court rule. Lond. 1883. O. 394 : 5 Hindley, C: Tavern anecdotes and sayings, incl. the origin of signs, and reminiscences connected with taverns, coffee-houses, clubs, etc. (The wanderer's lib.) Lond. 1881. D. 394:3 Sadler, L. R., (Jacob Larwood), and J: Camden Hotten. The history of signboards, from the earliest times to the present day. 8th ed. 111. Lond. 1875. D. 393 : 8 Gomme, G: Laurence, ed. The gentleman's ma- gazine library ; a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's ma- gazine from 1731 to 1868: Manners and customs. Lond. 1883. O. 394 : 6 3. Etiquette. (See also Business manuals, cl. 658.) Thornwell, Emily. The lady's guide to perfect gentility in' manners, dress and conversa- tion, in the family, in company, at the piano-forte, the table, in the street, and in gentlemen's society, also a useful instructor m letter writing, toilet preparations, fancy needlework, millinery, dressmaking, care of the wardrobe, the hair, teeth, hands, lips, complexion, etc. N. Y. 1856. D. 393.1:6 Habits of good society, The ; a handbook for ladies and gentlemen ; with thoughts, hints and anecdotes concerning sociaiobservan- ces, nice points of taste and good manners, and the art of making one's self agreeable, the whole intersjjersed with humorous il- lustrations of social predicaments, remarks on the history and changes of fashion and the differences of enghsh and continental etiquette. N. Y. 1870. D. 393.1 : 1 Moore, Clara Jessup, Mrs. Bloomfield H., {Mrs. Henrietta Oxnard Ward). Sensible etiquette of the best society, customs, manners, mor- als and home culture. Compiled from the best authorities by Mrs. H. O. Ward. 8th rev. ed. Phila. [1878]. D. 393.1:4 Lounger in society, pseud. Social etiauette and home culture ; the glass of fasnion ; uni- versal hand-book oi social etiquette and home culture for ladies and gentlemen ; with copious and practical hints upon the manners and ceremonies of every relation in life, at home, in society, and at court ; interspersed with numerous anecdotes. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1881. Q. 393.1-J-2 Longstreet, Abby Buchanan. Social etiquette of New York. New enl. ed. {Anon.} N. Y. 1881. S. 393.1 :3 Bunce, Oliver Bell, (Ce/isor). Don't; a manual of mistakes and improprieties more or less prevalent in conduct and speech. N. Y. [1883]. T. 393.1:6 Mentor, pseud. Never ; a hand-book for the uninitiated and inexperienced aspirants to refined society's giddy heights and glitter- ing attainments. N. Y. [1884]. T. ^ 393.1:7 Osmun, T: Embley, {Alfred Ayres). The mentor; a little book 'for the guidance of such men and boys, as would appear to advantage in the society of persons of the better sort. NY. 1884. S. 393.1:9 Sherwood, Mrs. J : Manners and social usages. 111. N.Y. 1884. S. 393.1 :8 Milwaukee society blue book and family direc- tory, 1884-85'. Milw. [1885]. D. 393.1 : 10 V. PHILOLOGY. 1. G-eneral lingTiistics. 1. Science of language. Cook, F: C: On languages, ancient and modern, and On egyptian compared with Semitic, aryan and turanian words. In Ms Origins of religion and language. 291 : 28 Dwight, B: Woodbridge. Modern philology; its discoveries, history and influence. N. Y. 1877. 2 V. O. 400 : 7 Contents. 1st series, 3d ed. Maps, tabular views and index. Historical sketch of the indo-european languages. History of modern philology. Science of etymology. 2d series. Comparative phonology. Comparative english etymology. Hovelacque, Abel. The science of language ; linguistics, philology, etymology. Tr. by A. H. Keane. [Lib. of contemporary science.] Lond. 1877. D. " 400 : 6 Humboldt, K: W: freiherr v. Sprach-philoso- ghische werke ; herausg. und erkliirt von [. Steinthal. Berlin. 1884. Q. 400+8 Contents. Notiz iiber die mss. Allgemeine einlei- tung. Der styl Humboldts. Drei akademische ab- handlungen: Ueber das vergleichende sprachstu- dium; Ueber das entstehen der grammatischen for- men; Ueber die aufgabe des geschichtschreibers.- Ueoer die verschiedenheit des menschlichen spraeh- baues. Johnson, Alexander Bryan. A treatise on langu- age, or The relation which words bear to things ; in 4 parts. N. Y. 1836. O. 400 : 4 The meaning of words analysed into words nnd unverbal things, and" unverbal things classified into intellections, sensations and emotions. N. Y. 18.54. D. 401 : 1 Lieber, Francis. On the study of foreign lan- guages. In Ms Miscell. writings. 304 : 7 vl Marcel, Claude. The study of languages brought back to its true principles, or The art of thinking in a foreign language. N. Y. 1869. D. 407 : 1 MUUer, F: Max. Essays on the science of lan- guage. In Ms CHips. 824.2 : 74 v4 Contentg, see under English literature, Essays. Peile, J: Philology. (Literature primers.) N. Y. 1878. S. 400 : 5 Smith, Adam. On the origin of languages. In his Theory of the moral sentiments. 171:11 Stehlich, F: Die sprache in ihrer beziehung zum nationalcharakter. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:15vll "Whitney, W: Dwight. Language and the study of language ; twelve lectures on the prin- ciples of linguistic science. 5th ed. N. Y. n. d. D. 400 : 1 Whitney, W: Hyfigh^t. Continued. The life and growth of language ; an outline of lingiiistic science. (Intern, scientific ser.) N.Y, 1878. D. 400:2 * * # Schleyer, J: Martin. Volapiik ; die weltsprache f iir alle gebildete der ganzen erde. Si ringen. 1880. D. 4< .jigma- 408:1 2. Texts, essays, periodicals and transactions. Anecdota oxoniensia ; texts, documents and extracts, chiefly from mss. in the Bodleian and other Oxford libraries. Oxford. 1881- 85. Q. 418 : 1 Contents. 1. Classical series. V. 1, pt. 1: The english mss. of the Nioomachean ethics, described in relation to Bekker's mss., and other sources by J. A. Stewart; pt. 3: Nonius Marcellus De compendiosii doctrina, Harleian ms. 3719, collated by J. H. Onions; pt. 3: Aristotle's Physics, book 7, a transcript of the Paris ms. ia59, collated with the Paris mss. 1861 and 3633, and a ms. in the Bodleian library, with an introd. account of these mss., by R: Shute; pt. 4: Bentley's Plautlne emendations from his copy of Gronovius, by E. A. Sonnenschein; pt. 5: Collatio cod. Harleiani 3610, Ovidil Metamorphoseon i, ii, iii: 1-632. Epigram- mata latina xxiv ex codicibus Bodleianis et Sangal- lensibus. Glossae in ApoUinarem Sidonium ex codice Digbeiano 172. Ed. Robinson Ellis. 2. Semitic series. V. 1, pt. 1: Commentary on Ezra and No- hemiah by rabbi Saadiah, ed. from the mss. in the Bodleian library by H: J: Mathews. 3. Aryan series. Buddhist texts from Japan; pt. 1: Vtif/raycfe- ?iedika. The diamond cutter, ed. by F: Max Miiller; pt. 2: Sukhavati-vyuha. description of Sukhavati, the land of bliss, ed. by F. Max Muller and Bunylu Nanjio, with two app., 1, Text and translation of Safighavar- man's Chinese version of the poetical portions of the Sukhavati-vynha, 3. Sanskrit text of the smaller Sukhavati-vyiiha; pt. 3: The ancient palm-leaves con- taining the Praf/fia-paramita-hridaya-sritra and the Ushnisha-viflraya-dharani, ed. by F. Max Miiller and Bunyiu Nanjio, with an app. by G. Biihler [being Palaeographical remarks on the Horiuzi palm-leaf mss. 4. Jffediaeval and modern series. Sino- noma Bartholomei, a glossary from a 14th-century ms. in the library of Pembroke college, Oxford, ed. by J. L. G. Mowat; pt, 3: The Saltair na rann, a col- lection of early middle Irish poems, ed. from ms, Rawl. B. 502 In the Bodleian library by Whitley Stokes. Sears, Barn as, Bela Bates Edwards and Corne- lius Conway Felton, eds. Classical studies ; essays on ancient literature and art. with the biography and correspondence of emi- nent philologists. Bost. 1843. I). 404 : 1 Contents. Introd. Sears, B. Schools of german philology. Tegmer, E. Study of greek literature. Jacobs, C.F: W: The study of classical antiquity; The wealth of the greeks in works of plastic art. Philological correspondence. Edwards, B. B. 265 PHILOLOGY GENERAL. 01. 400-409 266 School of philology In Holland. Jacobs, C. F: W: Superiority of the greek language in the use of its dialects. Hand, F. G. History of the origin and grogress of the latin language. Jacobs, C. F: W: ducation of the moral sentiment among the ancient greeks. Notes. American journal of philology, The ; ed. by Basil L. Gildersleeve ; v. 1-4. Bait. 1880- 83. 4 V. O. 405 : M American philological association. Transac- tions, 1869-1883. Hartford. 1871-81 ; Cam- bridge. 1882-84. 14 V. in 5. O. 406-1-Pl Contents. V. 1. Hadley, J. On the nature and theory of the greek accent. Whitney, W: D. On the nature and designation of the accent in Sanskrit. Goodwin, W. W. On the aorist subj. and future ind. with tmpos and ou me. Trumbull, J. Ham- mond. On the best method of studying the north american languages. Haldeman, S: S. On the ger- man vernacular of Pennsylvania. Whitney, W: D. On the present condition of the question as to the origin of language. Lounsbury, T. R. On certain forms of the english verb which were used in the 16th and 17th centuries. Trumbull, J. Hammond. On some mistaken notions of Algonkin grammar, and on mistranslations of words from Eliot's Bible, etc. VanName, A. Contributions to Creole gram- mar. Proceedings, preliminary meeting, N. Y. 1868 ; 1st annual session, Poughkeepsie, 1869; ad annual ses- sion, Rochester. 1870. 2. Evans, E. W. Studies in Cymric philology. Allen, F. D. On the so-called attic second declen- sion. Whitney, W: D. Strictures on the views of A: Schleicher respecting the nature of language and kindred subjects. Hadley, J. On english vowel quantity in the 13th century and in the 19th. March, F. A. Anglo-saxon and early english pronouncia- tion Bristed, C. A. Some notes on Ellis's early english pronounciation. Trumbull, J. Hammond. On Algonkin names for man. Greenougrh, J. B. On some forms of conditional sentences in latin, greek and Sanskrit Proceedings, 3d annual session. New Haven, 1871. 3. Evans, E. W Studies in Cymric philology. Trumbull, .1. Hammond. Words derived from In- dian languages of North America. Hadley, J. On the byzantine greek pronounciation of the 10th cen- tury, as ill. by a ms. in the Bodleian library. Stevens, W. A. On the substantive use of the greek participle. Bristed, C. A. Erroneous and doubtful uses of the word such. Hartt, C. F. Notes on the lingoa geral. or modern tupi of the amazonas. Whitney, W: D. On material and form in lan- guage. March, F. A. Is there an anglo-saxon language V ; On some irregular verbs in anglo-saxon. Trumbull, J. Hammond. Notes on forty versions of the Lord's Prayer in Algonkin languages. Pro- ceedings, 4th annual session. Providence, 1872. 4. Allen, F. D. The epic forms of [greek] verbs in Oo. Evans, E. W. Studies in Cymric philology. Hadley, J. On Koch's treatment of the Celtic element in english. Haldeman, S. 8. On the pronouncia- tion of latin, as presented in several recent gram- mars. Packard, L. R. On some points in the life of Thucydides. O-oodwin, W. W. On the classifica- tion of conditional sentences in greek syntax. March, F. A. Recent discussions of Grimm's law. Lull, E. P. Vocabulary of the language of the Indians of San Bias and Caledonia Bay. Darien. Proceedings, 5th annual session, Easton, 1873. 5. Tyler, W. S. On the prepositions m the hom- eric poems. Harkness, A. On the formation of the tenses for completed action in the latin finite verb. Haldeman, S. S. On an english vowel-muta- tion, present in cau. feey. Packard, L. R. On a pas- sage in Homer's Odyssey, x: 81-86. Trumbull, J. Hammond. On numerals in american Indian lan- guages, and the Indian mode of counting. Sewall, J. B. On the distinction between the subjunctive and optative modes in greek conditional sentences. Morris, C: D. On the age of Xenophon at the time of the Anabasis. Whitney, W: D. Phyxei or Thesei; natural or conventional "('Proceedings. 6th annual session, Hartford, 1874. 6. Harkness, A. On the formation of the tenses for completed action in the latin finite verb, 2d paper. Haldeman, S. S. On an english consonant- mutation, present in proof, proue. Carter, F. On Begemann's views as to the weak preterit of the germanic verbs. Morris, C: D. On some forms of greek conditional sentences. Williams, A. On verb-reduplication as a means for expressing com- pleted action. Sherman, L. A. A grammatical analysis of the old english poem "The owl and the nightingale." Proceedings, 7th annual session. Now- port, 1875. 7. Gildersleeve, B. L. On [the greek] e( with the future ind. and enn with subj. in the tragic poets. Packard, L. R. On Grote's theory of the construc- tion of the Iliad. Humphreys, M. W. On negative commands in greek. Toy, C. H. On hebrcw verl)- etymology. Whitney, W: D. A botanlco-philolo- gical problem. Goodwin, W. W. On ahall and should in protasis, and their greek equivalents. Hum- phreys, M. W. On certain influences of accent In latin iambic trimeters Trumbull, J. H. On the Algonkin verb. Haldeman, S. S. On a supposed mutation between I and m. Proceedings, 8th annual session, N. Y., 1876. 8. Packard, L Notes on certain passages In the Phaedo and Gorglas of Plato. Toy, C. H. On the nominal basis of the hebrew verb. Allen, F. D. On a certain, apparently pleonastic, use of [the greek] ho8. Whitney, W: D. On the relation of surd and sonant. Holden, E. S. On the vocabularies of child- ren under two years of age. Goodw^in, W. W. On the text and interpretation of certain passages In the Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Stickney, A. On the single case-form in Italian. Carter, F. On Wlll- mann's theory of the authorship of the Nil)elung- enlled. Sihler, E. G. On Herodotuss and Aeschy- lus's accounts of the battle of Salamls. Whitney, W: D. On the principle of economy as a phonetic force. Carter, F. On the Kiirenberg hypothesis. March, F. A. On dissimilated gemination. Pro- ceedings, 9th annual session, Bait., 1877. 9. Gildersleeve, B. L. Contributions to the his- tory of the articular infinitive. Toy, C. H. The Yoruban language. Humphreys, M. W. Influence of accent in latin dactylic hexameters. Sachs, J. Observations on Plato's Cratylus.- Seymour, T. D, On the composition of the Cynegeticus of Xenophon. Humphreys, M. W. Elision, especially in greek. Proceedings, 10th annual session, Saratoga, 1878. 10. Toy, C. H. Modal development of the Semitic verb. Humphreys, M. W. On the nature of ctcsura; On certain effects of elision. Cook, A. S. Studies in the Heliand. Harkness, A. On the de- velopment of the latin subj. in principal clauses D'Ooge, M. L. The original recension of the De corona. Peck, T. The authoi-ship of the DIalogus de oratoribus. Seymour, T. D. On the date of the Prometheus of Aeschylus. Proceedings, 11th annual session, Newport, 1879. 11. Humphreys, M. W. A contriution to infan- tile linguistic Toy, C. H. The hebrew verl> termina- tion wn. Packard, L. R. The beginning of a writ- ten literature in Greece. Hall, I. H. The declen- sion of the definite article in the Cypriote inscrlp- tions. Sachs, J. Observations on Lucian. Sihler, E. G. Virgil and Plato.-AUen, W. F. The battle of MonsGraupius. Whitney, W. D. On inconsistency in views of language. Edgren, A. H. The kindred germanic woi-ds of german and english. exhibited with reference to their consonant relations. Pro- ceedings, 12th annual session, Phila., 1880. 12. Whitney, W: D. On mixture in language. Toy, C. H. The home of the primitive Semitic race. March, F. A. Report of the committee on the reform of english spelling.-Wells, B. W. History of the rt- vowel, from old germanic to modern eng- lish Seymour, T. D. The use of the aorist parti- ciple in greek.-Sihler, E. G. The use of abstract verbal nouns in -kUi in Thucydides. Proceedings, 13th annual session, Cleveland, 1881. 13. Hall, I: H. The greek New testanienf as pub. in America.-Merriam, A. C .AlUm intrusion between article and noun in greek. Peck, T. Notes on latin quantity.-Owen, W. B. Influencj' >f the latin syntax in the anglo-saxon gospels.-Wells,!!: W. The ablaut In english.-Whitney. W: !> The indo-european case system.- Proceedings. I4tn an- nual session, Cambridge, 188L'. 14. Merriam, A : C. The (^n'sareum and thj* ^oj;- shlpof Augustus at Alexamlrla.--Whitnoy, W: I). The varieties of predication. Smith, < : F. On southernisms.-Wells. B: W. The develomnent of the ablaut In germanic- Proceeding*. 16th annual session, Middletown. 1883. 267 01. 410-419 PHILOLOGY OOMPARATIVE. 3. Oomparative philology. Bopp, Franz. A comparative grammar of the the Sanskrit, zend, greek, latin, lithuan- ian, gothic, german and Sclavonic lan- guages. Tr. from the german by E: B. Eastwick. Lond. 1862. 3 v. O. 415:2 Harris, James. Hermes, or A philosophical inquiry concerning universal grammar. 4th ed., rev. and corr. Lond. 1786. O. 415:1 McCurdy, James F: Aryo-semitic speech ; a study in linguistic archaeology. Andover. 1881. O. 410-fl Phonology and orthography. Bell, Alexander Melville. Visible speech ; the science of universal alphabetics or self- interpreting physiological letters for the writing of all languages in one alphabet. 111. by tables, diagrams and examples. Inaugural ed. Lond. 1867. Q. 414-|-1 Sounds and their relations ; a complete man- ual of universal alphabetics, illustrated by means of visible speech and exhibiting the pronunciation of english in various styles, and of other languages and dialects. Phila. 1881. O. 414:2 Ellis, Alexander J: The alphabet of nature, or Contributions toward a more accurate analysis and symbolization of spoken sounds, with some account of the principal Shonetical alphabets hitherto proposed, riginally pub. in the Phonotypic journal, June 1844 June 1845. Lond. 1845. O. 400 : 3 Lieber, Francis. The vocal sounds of Laura Bridgman, compared with the elements of phonetic languages. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : Its v2 Same. In Ms Miscellaneous writings. 304 : 7 Taylor, I: The alphabet ; an account of the origin and development of letters. Lond. 1883. 2 V. O. 411+1 Silvestre, Joseph Balthazar. Universal palaeo- graphy, or Fac-similes of writings of all nations and periods, copied from the most celebrated and authentic mss. in the librar- ies and archives of France, Italy, Germany and England ; accompanied by an histori- cal descriptive text and introd. by Cham- pollion-Figeac and Aime Champollion, fiU. Tr. from tne french and ed. with corr. "and notes by sir F: Madden. Lond. 1850. 2 v. Q. 410-4-1 2. Comparative dictionaries. 1. Ancient languages. Ainsworth, Robert. An abridgement of Ains- worth's dictionary, english and latin, for the use of schools, by T: Morell, carefully corr. and imp. from the last London Q. ed. by J: Carey. Phila. 1818. O. 413 : R23 Riddle, Joseph Esmond, and T: Kerchever Arnold. A copious and critical english- latin lexicon, founded on the german^atin dictionary of C: Ernest Georges. Istamer. ed., carefully rev. and containing a diction- ary of proper names, by C: Anthon. N. Y." 1860. Q. 413 : 115 Andrews, P2than Allen. Latin-english lexicon, founded on the latin-german lexicon of W: Freund. New ed., enl. and partly rev. N. Y. 18 ;7. Q. 413:116 Liddell, H: G:, and Robert Scott. A greek- english lexicon, based on the german work of Francis Passow, with corr. and add., and the insertion, in alphabetical order, of the proper names occurring in the princi- pal greek authors by H: Drisler. N. Y. 1856. Q. 413 : 117 Buxtorf, J : Lexicon hebraicum et chaldaicum ; complectens voces omnimodas qua? in sacris bibliis extant ; exemplorum biblico- rum copia, et locorum dinicilium ex he- brajorura commentariis explicatione, auc- tum et illustratum. Accesserunt, Lexicon breve rabbinico-pilosophicum, et index latinus. Ed. nova. Glasguae. 1824. O. 413 : B8 2. Modem languages. Orieb, Christian F: En^lisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches worterbuch, mit einer tabellai'ischen iibersicht der von den neu- eren englischen orthoepisten verschieden ausgesprochenen worter und einem an- hange, enthaltend eine geschichte der engnschen sprache, erkliirung der aus- sprache mit dazu" gehorigen tabellen, lese- iibungen nach verschiedenen aussprachen, eine iibersicht der unregelmJissigen zeit- worter und eine zusammenstellung der im buche selbst fehlenden amerikanismen, von J. C. OehlschUiger. ler band : Eng- lisch-deutsch ; 2er band : Deutsch-eng- lisch. Phila. 1857. 2 v. Q. 413 : Rl Calisch, I. M. New complete dictionary of the english and dutch languages in two parts, [English-dutch and Dutch-englishl. Tiel. 1875. 2 v. O. 413 : R9 Spiers, Alexandre, and Gabriel Surenne. French and english pronouncing dictionary, new- ly composed from the french dictionaries of the French academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landais etc., and from the english dictionaries of Johnson, Welaster, Worcester, Richardson etc.; followed by a vocabulary of the names of places and persons, mythological and classical, an- cient and modern, by A. Spiers. Carefully rev., corr. and enl... by G. P. Quackenbos. NY. 1878. O. 413 :R2 Nouveau dictionnaire de poche, fran9ais-alle- mand et allemand - fran9ais, enrichi des mots nouveaux gcncralement re9us dans les deux langues, des tables des verbes irreguliers, des nouvelles mesures et des poids et monnaies de I'empire fran9ais. 4e ed., rev., corr. et augm. Leipz. 1808. T. 413:R22 Villatte, Cesaire. Parisismen ; alphabetisch ge- ordnete sammlung der eigenartigen aus- lHlL0LOCHr-C0MIARATlVE. 01. 410^480 a7C drucksweisen des Pariser argot; ein supple- ment zu alien franz.-deutschen worterbii- chern. Berlin. 1884. D. 413:26 Baretti, Giuseppe. A new dictionary of the Italian and english languages, based upon that of Baretti, and containing among other add. and imp. numerous neologisms re- lating to the art and sciences ; a variety of idiomatic and popular phrases ; the inflec- tions of irregular verbs and the anomalous plurals of suDStantives ; the augmentatives, diminutives and degrees of comparison ; and a copious list of geographical and proper names, both ancient and modern. Compiled by J: Davenport and Guilielmo Comelati. Lond. [1854]. 2 v. O. 413:113 Contents. V. 1. Italian and eng'lish. 2. Eng:lishand Italian. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. A pronoun- cing dictionary of the Spanish and english languages, composed from the Spanish dic- tionaries of the Spanish academy, Terreros and Salvii, upon the basis of Seoane's ed. of Neuman and Baretti, and from the english dictionaries of Webster, Worcester and Walker, with the add. of more than 8000 words, idioms and familiar phrases, the ir- regularities of all the verbs and a gram- matical synopsis of both languages. In 2 Sts : 1, Spanish-english ; 2, English -Spanish. . Y. 1856. Q. 413:114 Ponce de Leon, Nestor. Diccionario tecnolo- gico ingles-espaiiol y espanol-ingles, de los terminos y frases lisados en las ciencias aplicadas,' artes industriales, bellas artes, mecfinica, maquinaria, minas, rnetalurgia, agricultura, comercio, navegacion, manu- facturas, arquitectura, ingenieria civil y militar, marina, arte militar, ferro-carriles, telegrafos, etc. N. Y. 1883-84. Q. 413 : 1120 Contents. V. 1. Ingles-espafiol ; A--M. Elwes, Alfred. A dictionary of the Portuguese language, in two parts : 1, Portuguese-eng- lish, 2, Engli-sh-portuguese ; incl. a large number of technical terms used in raining, engineering, etc., with the proper accents and the gender of everv noun. [ Weales ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 413 : 15 Valdez, J: Fernandes. A portuguese and eng- lish pronouncing dictionary, newly com- ftosed from the best dictionaries of both anguages ; containing a great number of terms connected with all the sciences and arts, short sentences and expressions ill. such acceptations as present any difficulty, many idiotisms and familiar phrases, and followed by vocabularies of the names of places andpersons. 2d ed. Rio de Janeiro. 1879. 2v. S. 413: RIO Oman, V: Emanuel. Svensk-engelsk handord- bok. Stockholm. [18811. D. 413:B11 Nilsson, Lars Gabriel, and others. Engelsk- svensk ordbok, med Walkers uttal.sbe- teckning. Stockholm. 1875. D. 413:B12 Note. A-E and T-W by L. G. Nilsson ; F and L-N by Per F: Wldmark; G-K and R, 8 by A. Z. Collin ; (VQ by H. N. Almkvist ; X-Z by I. T. Runs. Larsen, Anton Laurentius. Dansk-norsk-engelsk ordbog. Kjobenhavn. 1880. S. 413 : B14 Note. A rev. and enl. ed. of the Danish-englisb dic- tionary of J. S. Ferrall and T. G. Repp. Rosing, Svend. Engelsk-dansk ordbog. Kciben- havn. 1883. S. 413 : R13 New pocket dictionary of the english and rus- sian languages. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. T. 413:R16 Jordan, J. P. Vollstiindiges taschen-worterbuch der polnischen und deutschen sprache. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. in 1. T. 413 : R17 Technologisches wOrterbuch, Deutsch-eng- lisch-franzosisch ; gewerbe-, civil- und mi- litiir-baukunst, artillerie, maschinenbau, eisenbahnwesen, strassen- und wasserbau, schiffbau und schiflffahrt, berg- undhiitten- wesen, mathematik, physik, chemie, mine- ralogie u. a. m. umfassend, bearb. von E. Althans und anderen, und herausg. von C: V. Albert, mit einem vorwort von K: Kar- marsch. 3te aufl. Wiesbaden. 1874-78. 3 V. Q. 413:R21 Veitelle, 1. de. Mercantile dictionary ; a com- plete vocabulary of the technicalities of commercial correspondence, names of ar- ticles of trade and marine term.s in eni', Spanish and french, with geographical names, business letters and tables of the abbreviations in common use in the three languages. N. Y. 1864. D. 413 : 24 3. English language. 1. In general. Marsh, G: Perkins. Lectures on the english language ; 1st ser. 4th ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. ri861.J O. 420 : 2 The origin and history of the english lan- guage, and of the early literature it em- bodies. N. Y. 1882. O. 420 : 6 Scheie de Vere, Maximilian. Studies in eng- lish, or Glimpses of the inner life of our language. N. Y. 1867. D. 420 : 7 Shepherd, H: E. The history of the english language, from the teutonic invasion of Britain to the close of the georgian era. New ed., rev. N. Y. 1880. D. 420 : 3 Weisse, J: A. Origin, progress and destiny of the english language and literature. N. Y. 1879. 0. 420-f4 Storm, J: Englisehe philologie ; anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen studium der engli.schen sprache, vom verfasser fiir das deutsche publikum bearb. I: Die lebende sprache. Heilbronn. 1881. O. 420 : 1 Hodgson, W: B. Errors in the use of 'niCli'- Amer. rev. ed. N. Y. 1882. D. 4SrO : 6 2. Orthography and orthoepy. Speling reform asoshiashun. Buletinz from 1877 to 1880 ; prepRrd and pubhsht under thi ospisez ov thi asoshiashun'z publica- shun comiti, viz: F. A. March, ov haston, 271 CI. 4S1-4S3 l>HlLOLOOY-ENaLlSH. 272 Pa.; O. C. Blackmer, ov Chicago, Ills.; and Melvil Dili, ov Boston, Mass. Colected, complited and baund bai T. R. Vicroi, cor- esponding secreteri and trezhurer. St. Luis, Mo. 1881. T. 421 : 3 Fonetic ticher ; v. 1-3. St. Luis. 1880-82. Q. 421+6 Bigelow, Mai'shall T. Punctuation and other typographical matters for the use of print- ers, autnors, teachers and scholars. 2d ed. Bost. 1881. S. 421 : 1 Butterfield, Consul Willshire. A system of punctuation for the use of schools. Madi- son. [1878]. D. 421 : 2 Fallows, S: Handbook of abbreviations and contractions, current, classical and mediae- val, also of secret, benevolent and other organizations, legal works of the U. S. and Great Britain, and of the railroads of the amer. continent. Chicago. 1883. S. 421 : 5 Osmun, T: Embley, {Alfred Ayres). The orthoe- pist ; a pronouncing manual containing about 3,500 words, incl. a considerable num- ber of the names of foreign authors, artists, etc., that are often mispronounced, by Alfred Ayres. N. Y. 1880. S. 421 : 4 3. Etymology. Alford, H: The queen's english ; a manual of idiom and usage. 6th ed. Lond. 1882. S. 422 : 10 Moon, G: Washington. The dean's english ; a criticism on the dean of Canterbury's. essays on The queen's english. 4th ed. N. Y. [1865]. S. 422:2 Mathews, W: Words ; their use and abuse. 7th thous. Chic. 1877. D. 422 : 1 Same. New ed., rev. and enl. Chic. 1884. D. 422:1 Palmer, Abram Smythe. Folk-etymology ; a dictionary of verbal corruptions or words perverted in form or meaning by false derivation or mistaken analogy. N. Y. 1883. O. 422 : 8 Swinton, W: Rambles among words; their eoetry, history and wisdom. N. Y. 1859. >. 422 : 3 Trench, R: Chenevix. English, past and present ; eight lectures. 6th ed., rev. N. Y. 1868. S. 422 : 4 On the study of words ; lectures addressed originally to the pupils of the diocesan traming-school, Winchester. N. Y. 1878. D. 422 : 6 Wedgwood, Hensleigh. Contested etymologies in the dictionary of W. W. Skeat. Lond. 1882. D. 422 : 9 White, R: Grant. Words and their uses, past and present ; a study of the english lan- guage. 3d ed., rev. "and corr. Bost. 1880. D. 422 : 6 Every-day english ; a sequel to Words and their uses. Bost. 1880. D. 422:7 Haldeman, S: Stehman. Affixes in their origin and application, exhibiting the etymologic structure of english words. New ed. Phua. 1884. D. 422:11 Gomme, G: Laurence, ed. The Gentleman's magazine library ; a classified collection of the chief contents of the (lentleman's magazine from 1781 to 1868 : Dialect, proverbs and word-lore. Lond. 1884. O. 427:3 4. Dictionaries. Johnson, S: Dictionary of the english language ; with Walker's pronounciation. T. p. w. [Lond. 1856.] O. 423 :Ill Ogilvie, J: The imperial dictionary of the engj- lish language ; a complete encyclopaedic lexicon, literary, scientitic and technolog- ical. New ed , rev. and augm., ed. by C: Annandale. 111. London. 1888. 4 v. Q. 423 : R7^ Philological society, The. A new english dic- tionary on historical principles ; founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological society, ed. by James A. H. Murray, with the assistance of many scholars and men of science. Pt. 1 : A- Ant. Oxford. 1884. F. 423 : 1112 Richardson, C: A new dictionai'y of the eng- lish language, combining explanation with etymology, and ill. by quotations from the best autn'orities ; the words, with those of the same family in german, dutch and Swedish, or in italian, french and Spanish, are traced to their origin ; the explana- tions are deduced from tne primitive mean- ing through the various usages ; the quo- tations are arr. chronol. from the earliest period to the beginning of the present cen- tury. Lond. 1875. 2 v. Q. 423 : R2 Note. Each vol. contains a supplement of a later date than the body of the work. Skeat, Walter W: An etymological dictionary of the english language. N. Y. 1882. O. 423 : R5 A concise etymological dictionary of the eng- lish language. N. Y. 1882. D. 423:6 Stormonth, James. A dictionary of the english language, pronouncing, etymological and explanatory ; embracing scientific and other terms, numerous familiar terms, and a copious selection of old english words. The pronounciation rev. by P. H. Phelp. N. Y. 1885. Q. 423 : 1114 Webster, Noah. An american dictionary of the english language ; intended to exhibit the origin, affinities and primary signification of english words, as far as they nave been ascertained, the genuine orthography and pronounciation of words, according to gen- eral usage, or to Just principles of analogy, accurate and discriminating definitions, with numerous authorities and ill. Pre- fixed, an introd. dissertation on the or- igin, history and connection of the lan- guages of western Asia and of Europe, and a concise grammar of the english language. N. Y. 1828. 2 v. Q. 423 : 1113 An american dictionary of the english lan- guage ; thoroiighly rev. and greatly enl. and imp. by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter ; with an app. of useful tables. Added, a supp. of nearly 5,000 new words, with their definitions, etc., also, a new pronouncing biographical dictionary, con- taining nearly 10,000 names of noted per- sons in ancient and modern times, giving their nationality, their occupation and the 273 PHILOLOGY ENGLISH. CI. 423-427 274 dates of their birth and death. Springfield, Mass. 1880. Q. 423 : 113 Contents. Pref. to the new enl. and 111. ed. Pref . to the rev. ed. of 1847. Pret. to the ed. of 1828. Memoir of Noah Webster. Brief history of the engllsh lan- gruag-e. Key to the pronunciation. Principles of pronunciation. Orthography. Abbreviations and explanations.- Dictionary of the english lantfuajye.- Supplement. Metric system. App. Pref. Explana- tory and pronouncing vocabulary of the names of noted flctitious persons, places, etc. Pronouncing vocabulary of scripture proper names. Pronounc- ing vocabulary of greelt and latin proper names. Vocabulary of modern g-eographical names. Pro- nouncing biographical dictionary. Pronouncing vocabulary of common engllsh christian names, with their derivation, slgnillcation, etc. Quotations, words, phrases, proverbs, etc. from the greek, the latin and modern foreign languages. Abbreviations and contractions used in writing and printing. Arbitrary signs used in writing and printing. A classified selection of pictorial illustrations. Worcester, Joseph Emerson. A dictionary of the english language ; with supp. contain- ing over 13,500 new words and entries, and a vocabulary of synonymes in general use. Phila. 1881. Q. 423 : R4 Contents. Principles of pronunciation. Ortho- graphy.- English grammar. Origin, formation and etymology of the english language. Archaisms, f>rovinciallsms and americanlsms. History of eng- ish lexicography. Catalogue of english dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopaedias, etc. List of the principal scientific works used in the preparation of this dictionary. Abbreviations and signs. Dictionary of the english language. App. Pronunciation of greek and latin proper names. Pronunciation of scripture proper names.- Pronunciation of modern geographi- cal names. Pronunciation of the names of distin- guished men of modern times. Abbreviations used in writing and printing. Signs used in writing and printing. A collection of words, phrases and quota- tions from the greek, latin, f rench, Italian and Spanish languages. Supplement. Coleridge, Herbert. A glossarial index to the printed english literature of the 13th cen- tury. Lond. 1859. O. 423 : 9 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. A diction- ary of archaic and provincial words, obso- lete phrases, proverbs and ancient customs from the 14th century. 10th ed. Lond. 1881. 2v. O. 423:1111 Nares, Robert. A glossary or collection of words, phrases, names and allusions to customs, proverbs etc., which have been thought to require illustration in the works of english authors, particularly Shake- speare and his contemporaries. New ed. with considerable add. of both words and examples by James O. Halliwell and T: Wright. Lond. 1882. 2 v. O. 423 : RIO Smith, H: Percy, ed. Glossary of terms and phrases, i^. Y. 1883. O. ' 423 : B8 Dialects . Bartlett, J: Russell. Dictionary of americanlsms; a glossary of words and phrases usually re- garded as peculiar to the U. S. 4th ed. enl. Bost. 1877. O. 427 : 1 Fallows, S: Handbook of briticisms, american- lsms, colloquial and provincial words and phrases. Chic. 1883. T. 427 : 2 Matsell, G: W. Vocabulum, or The rogue's lex- icon ; comp. from the most authentic sour- ces. N. Y. 71. d. D. 427:4 5. Synonyms. Crabb, G: English synonymes explained in al- phabetical order, with copious ill. and ex- amples drawn from the best writers ; added, an index to the words. New ed., with add. and corr N. Y. 1880. O. 424 : 1 Jermyn, James. Book of english epithets, liter- al and figurative, with elementary remarks and minute references to abundant author- ities. Lond. 1849. Q. 424-f-3 "Ro^et, P: M: Thesaurus of english words and phrases, classified and arr. so as to facili- tate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. New ed., enl. and imp. from the author's notes, and with a full index by J: L: Roget. N. Y. 1883. D. 424 : R2 Same. Lond. 1879. O. 424 : 2 Smith, C: J: Synonyms and antonyms, or Kindred words and their opposi'tes, col- lected and contrasted. Lond. 1881. D. 424 : 4 Synonyms discriminated ; a dictionary of sy- nonymous words in the english language, ill. with quotations from standard writers. New ed. with the author's latest corr. and add., ed. by H. Percy Smith. London. 1882. O. 424 : 115 Soule, R: A dictionary of english synonymes and synonymous or parallel expressions, designed as a practical guide to aptness and variety of phraseology. Boston. 1882. D. 424 : 6 6. Grammar. Hutchinson, H. Thought-symbolism and gram- matic illusions ; a treatise on the nature, purpose and material of speech and a de- monstration of the unreality, the useless complexity and the evil eft'ects of orthodox grammatic rules in general. Lond. 1884. 425 : 12 Brown, Goold. The grammar of english gram- mars with an introd., historical and critical, the whole methodically arr. and amply ill. with forms of correcting and of parsing, improprieties for correction, examples for parsing, questions for examination, exercis- es for writing, observations for the advanced student, decisions and proofs for the settle- ment of disputed points, occasional strict- ures and defences, an exhibition of the different methods of analysis and a key to the oral exercises ; added, four appendixes pertaining separately to the four parts of grammar. 10th ed., rev. Index by S: U. Berrian. N. Y. 1882. Q. 425 : BO Carpenter, Stephen Haskens. The elements of english analysis ill. by a new system of diagrams. ["Madison.] 1878. S. 425:3 Cobbett, W: A grammar of the english lan- guage in a series of letters intended for tne use of schools and of young persons in general, but more especially for the use of soldiers, sailors, apprentices and plough- boys. Added, six lessons intended to pre- vent statesmen from using false grammar and from writing in an awkwanl manner. Notes by Robert Waters. Tn Waters, R. How to get on in the world. 028. 23 : 4 275 CI. 426-430 :philology-english. m Matzner, E: An english grammar, methodical, analytical and nistorical ; with a treatise on the orthography, prosody, inflections and syntax of the english tongue and num- erous authorities, cited in order of histori- cal development. Tr. from the german, with the sanction of the author, by Clair James Grece. Lond. 1874. 3 v. O. "425 : 2 Morris, R: Historical outlines of english acci- dence ; comprising chapters on the history and development of the language and on word-formation. Lond. 1885. S. 425:11 English grammar. (Literature primers). N. Y. 1878. S. 425 : 4 and H: Courthope Bowen. English grammar exercises. (Literature primers). NT Y. 1878. S. 425 : 5 Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land, or Grammar in fun for the children of Schoolroomshire. 3d ed. 111. Lond. 1877. S. x 425 : 7 Osmun, T: Embley, {Alfred Ayres). The verb- alist ; a manual devoted to brief discussions of the right and wrong use of words, and to some other matters of interest to those who would speak and write with propriety, by Alfred Ayres. N. Y. 1883 [1881]. S. 425:6 Quackenbos, G: Payne. First lessons in com- position, in which the principles of the art are developed in connection with the principles of grammar ; embracing full directions on the subject of punctuation, with exercises. 164th thousand. N. Y. 1862. D. 425 : 8 Whitney, W: Dwight. Essentials of english grammar, for the use of schools. Bost. 1880. D. 425 : 1 Carolino, P: English as she is spoke ; a jest in sober earnest, with an introd. by James Millington. N. Y. [1883]. T. " 469 : 1 "Her seconds part" ; English as she is spoke, or A jest in sober earnest, with an introd. by J. Millington. N. Y. 1883. T. 469 : 1 v2 X denotes books specially adapted for children. English, as she is wrote ; showing curious ways in which the english language may "be made to convey ideas or ol)scure them ; a companion to "English as she is spoke." N. Y. 1884 [1883]. T. 425 : 10 7. Prosody. Everett, Erastus. A system of english versifica- tion ; containing rules for the structure of the different kinds of verse, ill. by numer- ous examples from the best poets. N. Y. 1848. D. 426:2 Guest, Edwin. A history of english rhythms. Lond. 1838. 2 v. O. 426 : 1 Lanier, Sidney. The science of english verse. N. Y. 1880. O. 426 : 3 Hood, Tom. The rhymester, or The rules of rhyme ; a guide to english versification, with a dictionary of rhymes, an examina- tion of classical measures, and comments upon burlesque, comic verse and song- writing, ed. with add. by Arthur Penn \j>seud. for J. B. Matthews]. N. Y. 1883. S. 426 : 4 Walker, J. The rhyming dictionary of the english language; in which the whole lan- guage is arr. according to its terminations, with an introd. to the various uses of the work and an index of allowable rhymes, with authorities for their usage from our best poets. Rev. and enl. by jT Longmuir. New ed. Lond. n. d. Ti. ' 426 : 5 8. Anglo-saxon language. Corson, Hiram. Hand-book of anglo-saxon and early english. N. Y. 1871. D. 429 : 2 Klipstein, L: F. A grammar of the anglo-saxon language. Rev. and enl. ed. NTY. 1849. D. 429 : 3 Hart, James Morgan. A syllabus of anglo-saxon literature ; adapted from Bernhard Ten Brink's Geschichte der englischcn littera- tur. Cine. 1881. O. 429+1 4. Foreign languages. 1. German. Grimm, Jakob L: K: Geschichte der deutschen sprache. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1868. 2 v. in 1. O. 430 : 1 and W: K: Grimm. Deutsches worterbuch, gortgesetzt von Moritz Heyne, Rudolf ildebrand, Matthias Lexer lind K: Wei- gand]. Portr. Leipz. 1854-85. 7 v. in 8. Q. 434 : 114 Contents. V. 1. A-B. 2. B-D. 3. E-Forsche. 4, Iste abth., abgeschlossen von K: Weigand u. R. Hilde- brand. Forschel-G. 4, 2e abth., bearb. von R. Hilde- brand, K: Weig-and u. M. Heyne. H-J. 5, bearb. von R. Hildebrand. K. 6, bearb. von M. Heyne. I^-M. 7, bearb. von M. Lexer. N-. In course of puMication. Hoffmann, W:, ed. Worterbuch der deutschen sprache, wie sie in der allgemeinen litera- tur, der poesie, den wissenschaften, kiin- sten, gewerben, dem handelsverkehr, staats- und gerichtswesen, etc., gebrJiuch- licb ist. Leipz. 1871. 3 v. O. 433 : Rl Sanders, Daniel. Ergiinzungs worterbuch der deutschen sprache ; eine vervollstiindigung und erweiterung aller bisher erschienenen deutschsprachlichen worterbiicher, ein- schliesslich des Grimm'schen ; mit belegen von Luther bis auf die neueste gegenwart. Berlin. 1884. Q. 434 : R6 MUUer, W: Mittelhochdeutsches worterbuch ; mit benutzung des nachlasses von G: F: Benecke. Leipz. 1854-63. 3 v. in 4. O. 433 : R2 Contents. V. 1. A-L. 2, pt. 1, bearb. von F: Zarn- cke, M-R ; pt. 3, bearb. von W: Miiller, S. 3. T-Z. Sanders, Daniel. Worterbuch der hauptschwie- rigkeiten in der deutschen sprache. Grosse ausg.; 13te verm. aufl. Berlin. 1883. O. 433:3 Paul, Hermann. Zur orthographischcn frage.^ In Deutsche zeit- und streit-frag(!n. 304 : 15 v9 277 PHILOIiOQY- FOREIGN. CI. 431-490 278 Begeln und worterverzeichnis fiir die deutsche orthographie ; auf grundlage der von R. v. Kaumer verfassten vorlage. Milw. 1876. O. 431 :2 Duden, Konrad. Vollstandiges orthographi- sChes worterbuch fiir die schule ; nach den amtlichen regeln der neuen orthographie. Leipz. 1882. O. 431 : 1 Frehse, F: Worterbuch zu Fritz Reuters Siimmt- lichen werken. N. Y. 1869. D. inB. 951 vl4 Eberhardt, J: A: Synonymisches handworter- buch der deutschen sprache, fiir alle, wel- che sieh in dieser sprache richtig ausdrii- cken wollen. 12te ausg. durchgkngig um- gearb., verm, und verb, von F: Ruckert ; mit bezeichnung der worter in englischer, franzosischer, italienischer und russischer sprache und den zu diesen sprachen geho- renden indicis von A. Asher und A: Boltz, nebst einer vergleichenden darstellung der deutschen vor- und nachsilben, mit erliiu- ternder beziehung auf die englische, fran- zosische, italienische und russische sprache, von A: Boltz. Leipz. [1851]. S. 434:1 Schlessing, A. Deutscher worterschatz, oder Der passende ausdruck ; praktisches hilfs- und nachschlagebuch in alien verlegenhei- ten der schriftfichen und miindlichen dar- stellung, fiir gebildete aller stiinde und aus- liinder, welehe einer correcten wiedergabe ihrer gedanken in deutscher sprache sich befleissigen ; mit einem den gebrauch er- leichternden hilfsworterbuch. Stuttg. 1881. O. 434 : 2 Dunger, Hermann. Worterbuch von verdeut- schun^en entbehrlicher fremdworter, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der von dem generalstabe im postwesen und in der reichsgesetzgebung angenommenen ver- deutscnungen ; mit einer einleitenden ab- handlung iiber fremdworter und sprach- reinigung. Leipz. 1882. O. 434 : 3 Heinze, Theodor. Ueber die fremdworter im deutschen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304:15v7 Whitney, W: D wight. A compendious german grammar. 5th ed. rev. N. Y. n. d. D. 435:2 Laue, Adolphus H. The german suJDstantive, its gender and declension ; an aid for all students of the german language. New Haven. 1880. D. 435 : 1 2. French. Fasquelle, L: A new method of learning the french language ; embracing both the ana- lytic and synthetic modes of instruction, on the plan of Woodbui-y's method with the german. Rev. N. Y. n. d. D. 445 : 3 Same. Key. N. Y. n. d. D. 445 : 4 Bugard, B. F. A new treatise on french pro- nunciation, or A series of rules, by which every person acquainted with the english language may readily ascertain the french pronunciation of all" words, even of those which do not belong to the french language. Phila. 1833. D. 441 : 1 Perrin, J : Entertaining and instructive exer- cises with the rules of the french syntax. 9th ed., rev. and corr. agreeably to the author's grammar by mr. Tocquot. N. Y. 1802. S. 446 : 1 Larousse, P: La lexicologie des dcoles : Cours complet de langue fran9aise et de style, divise en trois annees et redige sur un plan entiferement neuf. 2e annde. 5e ed. Paris. n. d. S. 446 : 2 Livre des petits enfants, Le ; ou Recueil de rdcits mis h la portee du premier fige, avec voca- bulaire. Nouvelle ed. amer. N. Y. 1853. S. 448 : 1 3. Other languages. E u r o p e an . Otte, Emily C. How to learn danish, dano- norwegian ; a manual for students of danish, dano-norwegian, based upon the oUendorflfian system of teaching languages and adapted for self-instruction. 2d ed. Lond. 1884. D. 498.3 : 3 Ahn, F: A new practical grammar of the dutch language, with dialogues and readings in prose and verse. 3d ed. Lond. 1878. D. 439 : 2 risk, B: Franklin. A grammar of the g r e e k language. 26th ed. Bost. 1845. D. 486 : 2 Goodrich, Chauncey Allen. Elements of greek grammar, used in Yale college, heretofore pub. as the grammar of Caspar F: Hachen- berg. 6th ed. Hartford. 1833. D. 486 : 1 Fontana, G. B. An elementary grammar of the Italian language, progressively arr. for the use of schools and colleges. N. Y. 1882. D. 466 : 1 Marcellus, Nonius. De proprietate sermonis. Additus est [FabiusJ Fulgentius Plancia- des, De prisco sermone. Ex recensione et cum notis Josiae Mercerii, ad ed. parisien- sem anni 1614 quam tidelissime reprajsen- tati ; accedit notitia literaria. Lipsije. 1826. S. 474 : Bl D'Orsey, Alexander James Donald. A practi- cal grammar of Portuguese and eng- lish ; exhibiting in a series of exercises m double translation, the idiomatic structure of both languages as now written and spoken. 3d ed. Lond. 1868. D. 469 : 2 Biola, H: How to learn r u s s i a n ; a manual for students of russian, based upon the ollen- dorflian system of teaching languages and adapted for self-instruction ; with a pref. by W. R. S. Ralston. 2d rev. ed. Lond. 1883. D. 497:1 A graduated russian reader; with a vocabulary of all the russian words contained in it. Lond. 1879. D. 497 : 2 Josse, A: L: A grammar of the Spanish lan- guage, with practical exercises. Rev., amended, imp. and enl. by F. Sales. 3d amer. ed. Boston. 1827. D. 466 : 1 Enapp, W: Ireland. A grammar of the modern Spanish language, as now written and spoken in the capital of Spain. Bost. 1882. D. 466 : 2 May, Alfred. A i)rac'ti('a] grammar of the s \v e d- ish language, with reading and writing exercises. Lond. 1850. D. 498.1:1 379 CI. 494-499 PHILOLOGY FOREIGN. 380 Asiatic. Whitney, W: Dwight. Indische grammatik, um- fassend die klassische sprache uiid die iilte- ren dialecte. Aus dem englischen iibers. vonH:Zimmer. Leipz. 1879. O. 494:1 American. Gibbs, G: Instruction for research relative to the ethnology and philology of America. Wash. 1863. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : 114 v7 Dictionary of the Chinook jargon or trade language of Oregon. Wash. 1863. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v7 ed. Riggs, Stephen R. ary of the Dakota language ; coll. b^ Grammar and diction- coll, by the members of the Dakota mission. Wash. 1852. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : US v4 Collins, C. R. Languages of the different tribes of Indians inhabitmg the terr. of Utah. In Simpson, J. H. Report of exploration. in 917.5 :D Bowen, T. J. A grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language, with an introd. descrip- tion of the country and people of Yoruba. Map. Wash. 1858. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : B3 vlO Note. For other american languages, see North- american Indians, cl. 970.1. VL NATURAL SCIENCE. 1. In general. 1. Comprehensive and collected works. Arago, Dominique Fran9ois J: Siimmtliche werlf e ; mit einer einleitung von Alexander V. Humboldt. Deutsche oriffinal-ausg. , herausg. von W. G. Hankel. Leipz. 1854- 65. 16 V. D. 600 : 3 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 15. Campbell, G: Douglas, 8th duke of Argyll. The unity of nature. N. Y. 1884. O. 501+4 Chambers, W: and Robert, eds. Introduction to the sciences ; for use in schools and for private instruction. New ed. (Chambers's educational course.) Edinb. 1838. D. 500:8 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Naturwissenschaftliche schriften. In his Sammtliche werke. 830 : 137 v32-34 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 20. Humboldt, F: H: Alexander freiherr v. Kos- mos ; entwurf einer physischen weltbe- schreibung, mit einer biographischen ein- leitung von Bernhard von Cotta. Stuttg. 1874. 4v. S. 500:4 Same, eng. Cosmos ; a sketch of a physical description of the universe. Tr. from the german by E. C. Otte. Lond. 1849, 1858. 5 V. D. 500 : 4 Reiclienbach, O. Einige gedanken eines nicht- gelehrten bei lesung des Kosmos. Phila. 1857. D. 500 : 5 Huxley, T: H: Introductory. (Science primers.) N. Y. 1880. S. 600 : 7 Plinius Secundus, Caius. Natural history. Tr. with copious notes and ill. by J: Bostock and H. T. Riley. Lond. 1855-57. 6 v. D. 500 : 6 Somerville, Mary. On the connection of the physical sciences. N. Y. 1854. S. 500 : 10 Stallo, J: Bernhard. Concepts and theories of modern physics. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1882. D. 601 : 3 Voltaire, Fran9ois Marie Arouet de. The ele- ments of sir I: Newton's philosophy. Tr. from the french, rev. and corr. by J: Hanna, with explication of some words in alphabetical order. Lond. 1738. D. 601 : 1 Johnston, Alexander Keith. The physical atlas of natural phenomena. New and enl. ed. Edinb. 1856. F. 600 : R12 South Kensington museum. Handbook to the special loan collection of scientific appara- tus, 1876. Lond. [1876]. D. 600:11 Contents. Introd. Maxwell, James Clerk. Gen- eral considerations respecting scientlttc apparatus. Smith, H: J: Stephen. Arithmetical instruments; Geometrical instruments and models. Clifford, W: Kingdon. Instruments used in measurement; In- struments illustrating kinematics, statics and dyn- amics. Molecular physics: Q-uthrie, F: General considerations; Maxwell, James Clerk. Instruments connected with fluids. Stone, W. H. Acoustical instruments. Light: Spottiswoode, W: Optical instruments; Abney, W. de W. Photographic print- ing processes. Tait, P: Guthrie. Instruments em- ployed in heat investigations. Foster, G : Carey. Magnetic apparatus ; Electrical instruments. liOckyer, Joseph Norman. Astronomical instru- ments. Goodeve, J. M. Applied mechanics. Mclieod, Herbert. Chemical apparatus and pro- ducts. Scott, Robert H. Meteorological instru- ments. Geographical instruments and maps: Mark- ham, Clements R. Instruments used for geograph- ical purposes; Geographical maps; Arctic maps; Davis, J: E: Antarctic maps; Markham, Clements R. Maps of India. Geikie, Archibald. Geology. Smyth, Warington Wilkinson. Apparatus used in mining. Maskelyne, Nevil Story. Crystallography and mineralogy. Huxley, T: H: Instruments em- ployed in biological research. Sorby, H: Clifton. Microscopes. 2. Dictionaries and cyclopedias. (See also Useful arts, Dictionaries, cl. mi.) Buchanan, W. M. The dictionary of science and technical terms used in philosophy, literature, professions, commerce, arts and trades ; with supp., ed. by James A. Smith. Lond. 1884. D. 603 : 4 Rodwell, G: Farrer, ed. A dictionary of science; comprising astronomy, chemistry, dyna- mics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, hydrostatics, light, magnetism, mechanics, nieteorology, pneumatics, sound and sta- tics ; preceded by an essay on the history of the physical sciences. 111. Phila. 1873. O. 603 : Bl Bossiter, W: An ill. dictionary of scientific terms. (Putnam's series of ill. dictionaries.) N. Y. [1878]. D. 603:3 "Wylde, James, ed. The circle of the sciences ; a cyclopa3dia of experimental, chemical, mathematical and mechanical philosophy, and natural historv. Lond. n. d. 1 v. m 2. and natural history. Lond. 603:113 3. Oompends and education. Kleinwachter, F: Zur frage des naturwisson- schaftlichen unterrichtes. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v8 Siebeck, H. Ueber wesen und zweck . The child's catechism of common things. N. Y. 1880. S. x 602 : 4 Boys' and girls' book of science. 111. Lond. 1881. O. X 504: 28 Guthrie, F: The first book of knowledge. N. Y. 1882. S. X 504 : 37 Joyce, Jererniah. Scientific dialogues for the instruction and entertainment of young people, in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained and ill. New ed.,"with questions for examination and other add. by W: Pinnock. Rev. and completed to the present state of knowledge, with an additional chapter on recent discoveries, by J. W. Griffith. Lond. 1859. D. 504:43 Natural history rambles : Ansted, D: T: In search of minerals. Lond. 1880. S. 604 : 29 Cooke, M. C. Ponds and ditches. Lond. 1880. S. 504 : 30 - The woodlands. Lond. 1880. S. 504 : 31 Dimean, P : Martin. The sea-shore. Lond . 1880. S. 504:32 Napier, C: Ottley Groom. Lakes and rivers. Lond. 1879. S. 504:33 Taylor, J: E: Mountain and moor. Lond. 1879. S. 604:34 -Underground. Lond. 1879. S. 504:35 Wood, J: G: Lane and field. Lond. [1879]. S. 504 : 36 Simple lessons for home use, chiefly intended for elementary schools. N. Y. 1879. S . X 504 : 26 Contents. Miller, -Mrs. F. Our bodily life: How and why we breathe. Bevan, G. P. Food. Mann, R. .1. Drink. Buokminster, J. C. Cookery. Clarke, Mrs. B. Plain needle-work. Pope, J. J. Clothinir. Miller, -/If r. F. Air and ventilation; The sicknesses that spread. Mann, K. J. The weather. Proctor, R. A. Astronomy. Morris, F. O. Birds. Henslow, G. Flowers.- Crallan, T. E. Money. 4. Essays and miscellany. Brown, Robert, ed. Science for all. Lond. [1880 -1881]. 5 V. Q. 504+27 Note. A collection of essays, by various authors, on acoustics, aerostatics, agrriculture, anthropolojiry. astronomy, botany, chemistry, electricity, entomx)l- ogy, geolopy, meteorolo(?y, military science, mioer- alojry. optics, ornitholofry, paloeontology, physical jreog-raphy, g-eneral physics, pnysiology, photography and Keneral zoolojfy. V . 5 contains a general index, which see for contents of the work. Estes, Dana, ed. Half hour recreations in popu- lar science; Istser. Bost. 1874. O. 504 : 5 vl Contents. Proctor, R: A. Strange discoveries re- specting the aurora; Recent solar researches. Kent, W. S. Measuring the brightness of tjjo sun. Vircnow, R. The cranial affinities of man and the ape. Schellen, T. J. H. Spectrum analysis ex- plained and its uses to science illustrated; Spectrum analysis discoveries; Nebulae, coijiets, meteoric showers, and the revelations of the spectroscope regarding them. Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. Carpenter, W: B. Unconscious action of the brain: Epidemic delusions. The Tiber explora- tion. Winchell, A. The geology of the stars. Huxley, T: H: On yeast. Tice, J: H. The rela- tions between matter and force. Ty lor, E: B. The stone age, past and present. Richardson, B: W. Theory of a nervous ether. Cummingr, Sir A. R. Gordon-. Toads in the holo.^Hunt, T: S. The orig- in of metalliferous deposits. Rotundity of the earth. Richardson, B: W. The phenomena of sleep.- Jeffrey, G : Animal life at great depths in the sea. Barry, H. Russian metallurgical works. Hunt, R. Coal as a reservoir of power. Meade, H. Hot springs of New Zealand. Clifford, W: K. Atoms. Dove, H: W: The circulation of the waters on the surface of the earth. What is actinism ? denotes books specially adapted for children. NATTJUAL SCIENCE-ESSAYS. 01. 604 Estes, Dana, ed.~ Continued. Half hour recreations in popular science ; 2d series. Bost. [1879]. O. 504 : 5 v2 ContenU. Tyndall, J: On transmission of sound by the atmosphere. Kent, W. S. Gig-antic cuttle- fish. Braun, A. The glacial epoch of our jrlobe. Stewart, B. The sun and the earth. Phelps, J. W. Force electrically exhibited. Weighing- the earth in a - - lifl-l of animals and plants. Qeikie, J. The ice age in coal-pit. The inhuence of violet light on the growth Britain. Perception of the lowest animals. Chase, H: S. Causes of the degeneracy of the teeth. The great pyramid of Egypt. Photography. Kny, L. Plant life in the sea. The illumination of beacons and buoys. Garbit, F. J. The telephone ; The pho- nograph. Proctor, R: A. The use and abuse of food; Ozone. Williamson, W. C. The succession of life on the earth. Boscoe, H : E. What the earth is com- posed of. Proctor, R: A. Dew. Ijovering:, J. On sympathetic vibrations as exhibited in ordinary ma- chinery. Q-ray, A. Notes on tree growth. Prit- chard, H. B. Science and war. Hitchcock, C. H. Existence of glacial action upon the summit of Mt. Washington. Proctor, R: A. The levelling power of rain. Proctor, R: Anthony, ed. Nature studies. N. Y. 1883. D. 504:45 Contents. Proctor, R: A. C: R. Darwin; Newton and Darwin. Clodd, E: Dreams.- Allen, G. Honey ants Wilson, A. Colors of animals.- Allen, G. A winter weed. Wilson, A. A poisonous lizard. Foster, T: Birds with teeth. Proctor, R: A. The Fiji Islands. Allen, G. Hyacinth bulbs. Wilson, A. Our unbidden guests. Allen, G. The first datfo- dil. Proctor, R: A. Sti-ange sea monsters. Allen, G. The origin of buttercups. Wilson, A. Found links. Proctor, R: A. Intelligence in animals. Allen, G. Our ancestors ; The beetle's view of life ; What is a grape ? Wilson, A. Germs of disease and death. Proctor, R: A. A wonderful discovery; Brain troubles ; Thought-reading. Allen, G. Monks- hood. Bre-wster, Sir D : Letters on natural magic ; with chapters on the being and faculties of man and additional phenomena of na- tural magic, by J. A. Smith. New ed. ill. Lond. 1883. D'. 504 : 42 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. Curiosities of natural history. N. t. 1859, 1860 ; Lond. 1882. 3 V. 504 : 1 Contents. 1st ser. A hunt in a horse pond. Rats. The cobra di capello. Fish and fishing. My monkey Jacko. 2d ser. A geological auction. The game- keeper's museum. In meraoriam. A hunt on the sea-shore. 3d ser. Reprint of numerous short contri- huiwns to periodical. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. 111. Lond. 1875. O. 504 : 2 Buckley, Arabella Burton. The fairy-land of science. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. x 504 : 3 Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Scientific culture, and other essays. N. Y. 1881. D. 507 : 1 Conteivts. Scientific culture.- The nobility of know- ledge. The elementary teaching of physical science. The radiometer. Memoir of T: Graham. Memoir of W: Hallowes Miller. Eraser, Robert W-. The seaside naturalist ; out- door studies in marine zoology and botany and maritime geology. Lond. [18681. S. 504:22 Gleanings of sacred philosophy from natural history and the works oi creation. Lond. 1855. S. 504:25 Contents. Reason and instinct. Wonders of the insect world. Revelations in astronomy .Rambles of a naturalist. Thoughts from nature. Affection in the lower animals. Phenomena of the seasons. Adaptation in birds of prey. Associations of nature. Helmholtz, Hermann L: Ferdinand. Popular lectures on scientific subjects ; [1st and] X denotes books specially adapted for children. 2d ser. Tr. by E. Atkinson, with an introd. by J. Tyndall. N. Y. 1873, 1881. D. 504:6 dmients. Ist ser. On the relation of natural science to science in general, tr. by H. W. Eve. On Goethe's scientific researches, tr. by H. W. Eve. On the physiological causes of harmony In music, tr. by A. J. Ellis. Ice and glaciers. On the Interaction of natural forces, tr. by J: Tyndall. The recent pro- gress of the theory of vision, tr. by dr. Pye-Sniith. On the conservation of force. On the aim and pro- gress of physical science, tr. by W. Flight. 2d ser. Gustav Magnus. On the origin and significance of geometrical axioms. On the relation of optics to painting. On the origin of the planetary system. On thought in medicine. On academic freedom In german universities. Herschel, Sir J: F: W: Familiar lectures on scientific subjects. N. Y. 1872. D. 504 : 7 Contents. Preface. About volcanoes and earth- quakes. The sun. On comets. The weather and weather prophets. Celestial measurings and weigh- ings. On light. On sensorial vision. The yard, the pendulum, and the metre. On atoms, a dialogue. On the origin of force. On the absorption of light by coloured media, viewed in connection with the undu- latory theory. On the estimation of skill in target- shooting. Hunt, Robert. The poetry of science, or Studies of the physical phenomena of nature. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. 1854. D. 504 : 8 Huxley, T: H: American addresses, with a lecture on the study of biology. N. Y. 1877. D. 504 : 9 Contents. Three lectures on evolution. An address on the occasion of the opening of the Johns Hopkins university. Lecture on the study of biology. Critiques and addresses. N. Y. 1873. D. 504 : 10 Contents. Administrative nihilism. The school boards ; what they can do and what they may do. On medical education. Yeast. On the formation of coal. On coral and coral reefs. On the methods and results of ethnology. On some fixed points in british ethnology. Palaeontology and the doctrine of evolu- tion. Mr. Darwin's critics. The genealogy of ani- mals. Bishop Berkeley on the Metaphysics of sensa- tion. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. N. Y. 1878. D. 504:11 Contents. On the advisableness of improving na- tural knowledge. Emancipation, black and white. A liberal education and where to find it. Scientific education. On the educational value of the natural history sciences. On the study of zoology. On the physical basis of life. The scientific aspects of positi- vism. On a piece of chalk. Geological contem- poraneity and persistent types of life. Geological reform. The origin of species. Criticisms on the same. On Descartes' "Discourse concerning the method of using one's reason rightly and of seekingr scientific truth". Spontaneous generation. Science and culture, and other essays. N. Y. 1882. D. 604 : 24 Contents. Science and culture. Universities, actual and ideal. Technical education. - Elementary in- struction in physiology. Joseph Priestly. On the method of Zadig. On the border territory between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. - On certain oi^ rors respecting the structure of the heart, attributed to Aristotle. On the hypothesis that animals are au- tomata, and its history. On sensation and the unity of structure of the sensiferous organs.-Evolution in biology. - The coming of age of the 'Origin of species". The connection of the biological sciences with medicine. Kineslev, C: Scientific lectures and essays. [Works, V. 19.] Lond. 1880. D. 604 : 39 Contents. Town geologv: The soil of the field; The pebbles in the street; The stones in the wall; The coal in the fire; The lime in the mortar; The slates on the roof. -On bio-geology. -Tlie stmv "f "'it "'''' hi8t^)ry. Superstition. Science. Thoughts In a gravel-pit. -How tx study natural history. -The naturaftheology of the future. CI. 604-600 NATURAL SCIENCE-ESSAYS. 288 Lardner, Dionysius. Popular lectures on sci- ence and art. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. O. 604+12 Contents. V. 1 . The plurality of worlds. The sun. Eclipses. The aurora borealis. Electricity.- The minor planets. Weather almanacs. Halley's comet. The atmosphere. The new planets. The tides. Light. The major planets. Reflection of light. Prospects of steam - navigation. The barometer. The moon. Heat. The Atlantic steam question. Galvanism. The moon and the weather. Periodic comets. Radiation of heat. Meteoric stones and shooting stars. The earth. Lunar influences. Phy- sical constitution of comets. Thunder-storms. The latitudes and longitudes.- Theoryof colors. The visi- ble stars. Waterspouts and whirlwinds. 2. Matter and its physical properties. Elasticity of air. Effects of lightning. Popular fallacies. Protection from lightning. Magnetism. Electro- magnetism. The thermometer. Atmospheric electricity. Evapora- tion. Conduction of heat. Relation of heat and light. Action and reaction. Composition and reso- lution of force. Center of gravity. The lever and wheel-woi-k.- The pulley. The inclined plane, wedge and screw. Ebullition. Combustion. How to ob- serve the heavens. The stellar universe. The steam engine. Lubbock, Sir J: Chapters in popular natural history. 111. N. Y: 1884. S. 604 : 46 Contents. Ants, bees and wasps. The colors of animals.- Flowers and insects. Plants and insects. Fruits and seeds. Masius, Hermann. Studies from nature. Tr. by C: Boner. 111. Lond. 1855. D. 604 : 13 Contents. The forest trees of northern Germany. Sketches of character-birds.- The frog. The fox. The cray-flsh and lobster.- Notes. Mudie, Robert. A popular guide to the obser- vation of nature, or Hints of inducement to the study of natural productions and appearances in their connexions and rela- tions. N. Y.1844. S. X 604: 41 Nichols, James R. Fireside science ; a series of popular scientilic essays upon subjects con- nected with every-day life. N. Y. 1872. D. 604 : 14 Contents. The origin and nature of springs. Chem- istry of a hen's egg. Rebreathed air. Chemistry of a cigar. Chemistry of a pint of kerosene. The lost arts. The human hair. Michael Faraday. Chem- istry of a lump of sugar. Farm experiments at Lake- side. What shall we use for water-pipes. The cloth- ing we wear. The relations of water to agriculture. The skin and bathing. Diamonds and diamond cutting. Among the coal miners. Chemistry of the human body. About quicksilver. Experiments with air furnaces. Farm pencillings at Lakeside. Reminiscences of an experimenter. Infectious germs.- The food of plants. Peirce, B: Ideality in the physical sciences. Host. 1881. D. 604 : 16 Proctor, R: Anthony. Light science for leisure liours ; a series of familiar essays on scien- tilic subjects, natural phenomena, etc. N. Y. 1871. D. 604 : 16 Contents. Strange discoveries respecting the auro- ra. The earth a magnet. Our chief timepiece losing time.- Encke, the astronomer.- Venus on the sun's face. Recent solar researches. Government aid to science. American alms for british science. The secret of the north pole. Is the gulf stream a myth ? Floods in Switzerland. A great tidal wave. Deep sea dredgings. The tunnel through Mont Cenis. Tornadoes. Vesuvius. The earthmiake in Peru. The greatest sea-wave ever known. The use- fulness of earthquakes. The forcing power of rain. A shower of snow crystals. Long shots. Influ- ence of marriage on the death rate. The topograph- ical survey of India. A ship attacked by a sword- flsh.- The safety lamp. The dust we have to breathe. Photographic ghosts. The Oxford and Cambridge rowing styles.- Betting on horse races, or The state of the odds. Squaring the circle. A new theory of Achilles's shield. Proctor, R: Anthony . Continued. Familiar science studies. N. Y. 604 : 38 denotes books specially adapted for children. Contents. Notes on infinity.- Science and religion. A menacing comet. Meteoric dust. Biela's comet and meteors. Movements of Jupiter's cloud-masses. The origin of the week. Problem of the great pyramid. Pyramids of Ghizeh. Sun-spots and finan- cial panics. Cold and wet. Our winters. About lotteries. Betting on races. A gambling supersti- tion. The fifteen puzzle. Etna. Weather forecasts. Some strangely fulfilled dreams. Suspended ani- mation. Scheie de Vere, Maximilian. Stray leaves fi'om the book of nature. N. Y. 1855. D. 604 : 17 Contents. Only a pebble. Nature in motion. The ocean and its life. A chat about plants. Younger years of a plant. Later years of a plant. Plant- mummies.- Unknown tongues. A trip to the moon. Wonders of the deep ; a companion to Stray leaves from the book of nature. N. Y. 1870. D. 604:18 Timbs, J: Curiosities of science. 2 v. In his Things not generally known. 829.2: 64 v3,4 Contents, see under English literature. Miscellany. Notable things of our own time. In the same. 829.2: 64 v7 Contents, see as above. Tyndall, J: Essajs on the use and limit of the imagination in science. Lond. 1870. O. 604 : 19 Fragments of science ; a series of detached essays, addresses and reviews. 5th ed. N. Y. 1883. D. 604:20 Contents. The optical condition of the atmosphere in its bearings on putrefaction and infection. The constitution of nature. Radiation. On radiant heat in relation to the colour and chemical constitu- tion of bodies.- New chemical reactions produced by light. On dust and disease.- Voyage to Algeria to observe the eclipse.- Niagara. Life and letters of Faraday.- The Copley medalists. 1870, 1871. Element- ary magnetism. Death by lightning. Science and the " spirits." Introd., embracing reflections on materialism. Reflections on prayer and natural law. Miracles and special providences. Scientific mater- ialism. Scientific use of the imagination.- Vitality. On prayer as a form of physical energy. The Belfast address. Apology for the Belfast address Crystals and molecular force. Letter from the Times, nov. 9, 1874. Wainwright, S: Scientific sophisms ; a review^ of current theories concerning atoms, apes and men. N. Y. 1883. D. 604 : 44 Williams, W. Mattieu. Science in short chap- ters. N. Y. [1883]. D. 604:40 "Winchell, Alexander. Sparks from a geolo- gist's hammer. Chicago. 1881. D. 604 : 23 "World of wonders, A ; or Marvels in animate and inanimate nature. N. Y. 1881. O. 604:21 5. History. Whewell, W: History of the inductive sciences from the earliest to the present time. 3d ed. with add. N. Y. 1869. 2 v. O. 609 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Greek school philosophy, with reference to physical science. Physical sciences in ancient Greece.- Greek astronomy.- Physical science in the middle ages.- Formal astronomy after the sta- tionary period. T?!/? mechanical sciences. Mechanics, incluidng fluid mechanics. Physical astronomy. Add. to the 3d ed. 2. Tfie secondary mecluinical sci- ences. Acoustics. Optics, formal and physical.- Thermotics and atomology. The mechanico-chemical sciences. Electricity. Magnetism. Galvanism, or NATURAL SCIENCE-HISTORY. CI. 806-600 290 voltaic electricity. 27ie analytical science: Chemis- try. Tl'i^ analytico-classiflcatorv science: Mineralogry. Clasitiflcatury sciences : Systematic botany and zoolojfy. '" ' "' lolojry and comparative I sciences: Geology. Add. anatomy. T/ie palcetiolog to the 3d ed. Buckley, Arabella Burton. A short history of natural science and of the progress of dis- covery from the time of the greeks to the present day, for the tise of schools and young persons. 111. N. Y. 1876. D. 609:3 Routledge, Robert. A popular history of science. [111.] Lond. 1881. O. 509:2 Lacroix, Paul. Science and literature in the middle ages and at the period of the renais- sance. Lond. 1878. Q. 509 : R4 Contents. Universities, schools, students. Philoso- phic sciences. Mathematical sciences. Natural sci- ences. Medical sciences. Chemistry and alchemy. The occult sciences. Popular beliefs. Geographical science. Heraldic science.- Proverbs. Languages. Romances. Popular songs.- National poetry. Chronicles, histories, memoirs. The drama. Civil and religious oratory. Historical society of science. [Publications:] A collection of letters illustrative of the progress of science in England, from the reign of Elizabeth to that of Charles II, ed. by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. Lond. 1841. O. 509 : 5 Lubbock, Sir J: Fifty years of science; addres- ses delivered at York to the British assoc, aug. 1881. N. Y. 1882. O. 509 : 6 Annual of scientific discovery. The, or Year- book of facts in science and art, exhibiting the most important discoveries and im- provements in mechanics, useful arts, natural philosophy, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, geography, antiguities, together w^ith a list of recent scientific publications, a classified list of patents, obituaries of eminent scientific men, an index of im- portant papers in scientific journals, re- ports, etc.; 1850 1871. Bost. 1850-1875. 21 v. D. 505 : 1 Note. 1850-51, ed. by D: A. Wells and G: Bliss, jr.; 18.52-1865, by D: A. Wells; 1866-1869, by S: Kneeland; 1870, by J: Trowbridge, S: Kneeland and W. R. Nichols; 1871, by J: Trowbridge, W. R. Nichols and C. R. Cross. Baird, Spencer Fullerton, ed. Annual record of science and industry; 18731878. N. Y. 1872-79. 8 V. D. 505 : 2 sec. Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution for 1880 1882. Wash. 1881-84. O. 506 :R5 Note. The "General appendix" contains a contin- uation of the "Annual record " in the dep'ts of as- tronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zoology and anthropology. Science record. The ; a compendium of scientific l)rogress and discovery ; ed. by Alfred H Beach ; 1874. 111. N. Y. 1874. D. 505 : 3 Fleischer, R:, ed. Vierteljahresberichte iiber die gesammten wissenschaften und kiinste, iiber handel, landwirthschaft, Industrie und erfindungen ; unter mitwirkung von her- vorragenden gelehrten und fachmJlnnern herausg. von R: Fleischer, 1882. Berlin. 1882. 3 V. O. 506+9 Zeitschrift fiir die gebildete welt iiber das gesammte wissen unserer zeit und iiber alle wichtigen berufszweige ; unter mit- wirkung von hervorragenden gelehrten und f achmannem herausg. Braunschweiir. 1883, 1884. 5 v. O. 606+10 Note. Partly continued in the Deutsche rovue. 6. Periodicals. American journal of science. The ; eds. James D. and E. S. Dana, and B. Silliman : v. 1-8, 51-62, 78-98, 121-127. New Haven. [1819- 84]. O. 606 :M Note. Title-page of v. 1 reads "The american jour- nal of science, more especially of mineralogy, geol- ogy, and the other branches of natural history. In- cluding also agriculture, and the ornamental as well as useful arts. Conducted by B. Silliman." The second series, beginning with v. 51 adds .lames D. Dana as ed. and succeeding vols, give varying names of associate editors. American naturalist. The ; an ill. magazine of natural history, ed. by A. S. Packard, jr.; V. 1-3, 10-18, mar. 1867 June 1884. Salem. 1868-70 ; Bost. 1876, 1877 ; Phila. 1878-84. O. 605 :M Note. Title-page of v. 1-3 reads "a popular maga- zine of natural history." From v. 12, E: D. Cope is added as ed. Journal of the Franklin institute of the state of Pennsylvania ; devoted to the mechanic arts, manufactures, general science and the recording of american and other patent inventions, ed. by T: P. Jones ; v. 5-23. Phila. 1828-37. O. 606 : M Natur, Die ; zeitung zur verbreitung naturwis- senschaftlicher kenntniss and naturschau- ung fiir leser aller stiinde, organ des Deutschen Humboldt-vereins ; begriindet unter herausgabe von O: Ule und K: Miil- ler von Halle, herausg. von K: Muller von Halle ; v. 29-33, Jan. 1880 dec. 1884. 111. Halle. 1880-84. F. 606 : M Nature ; a weekly illustrated journal of science ; V. 1-30, nov. 1869 - oct. 1884. Lond. 1870- 84. Q. 605 : M Popular science monthly. The ; conducted by E. L. and W. J. Youmans ; v. 1-25, may 1872 oct. 1884. N. Y. 1872-84. O. 605 : M Note. V. 1-10, ed. by E. L. Youmans only. Supplement; v. 1^, no. 1-21. N. Y. 1877-79. 3 V. O. 606 : M Note. One number only of v. 5 was pub., being no. 21. Science; an illustrated journal, pub. weekly; V. 1-4, feb. 1883 dec. 1884. Bost. 1883-84. O. 606 : M 7. Societies. Becker, Bernard H: Scientific London. Lond. 1874. D. 506 : 201 Deleuze, Joseph Philippe Fran9ois. History and description of the Royal museum of natur- al history, pub. by order of the admini.s- tration of that establishment. Plans and views. Paris. 1823. (). 606:7 Stockholm. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akade- mien. Der konigl.schwedischen akademie der wissenschaften abhandlungen aus der naturlehre, hauslialtungskunst und mecha- nik auf das jalir 1750. Aus tlem schwedi- s(;hen vibersetzt von Abraham (Jotthelf Kiistner. V. 12. Hamburg. 1754. D. 606:1 Smithsonian institution. Catalogue of publi- cations, 18461882, by W: J. Rhees. 606 : BS 19 291 CI. 505-50d NATURAL SCIENCE -SOCIETIES. 293 Smithsonian institution. Conitn-wed!. [1st 36th] Annual report of the board of re- gents. Wash. 1853-1883. 28 v. O. 506 : 115 Note. Fot- contents see Bhees, W : J. Catalog-ue of publications of the S.I. [506: R2]. The following- re- ports are only in the regular set of congressional do- cuments, viz.: 1st, 1846, in Sen. exec. doc. v. 3, no. 311, 29th cong. 3 sess. 3d, 1847, in Sen. misc., no. 3:^, 30th cong. 1 sess. 3d, 1848, in House misc. no. 48, 30th cong. 2 sess. 4th, 1849, in House misc. v. 3, no. 50, 31st cong. 1 sess. 5th, 1850, in Sen. misc. v. 1, no. 1, 33d cong. special sess. 6th, 1851, in Sen. misc. no. 8, 33d cong. 1 sess.- 7th, 1853, in Sen. misc. no. 53, 33d cong. 2 sess. 16th, 1861, in Sen. misc. no. 77, 37th cong. 3 sess. Contributions to knowledge ; v. 1-25. Wash. 1848-85. 25 v. Q. 506 : US Note. For contents see Khees, W: J. Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian institution [506: H3). The different papers ai-e entered in their proper classes in this catalogue, and are also noted in the author index. Miscellaneous collections ; v. 1-27. Wash, 1862-83. 27 V. O. 506 : R4 Note. For contents see Bhees, W: J. Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian institution [506 :R3]. The important papers are entered in their proper classes m this catalogue, and are also noted in the author index. United States national museum, Washington, D. C. Proceedings, v. 1, 1878 ; v. 2, 1879. Wash. 1879, 1880. In Smithsonian misc., V. 19. 506:B4vl9 Same. V. 3, 1880 ; v. 4, 1881. Wash. 1881, 1882. In the same, v. 22. 506 : R4 v22 Philosophical society, Washington, D. O. Bul- letin ; V. 1-3, march 1871 June 1880. Wash. 1874-80. In Smithsonian misc., v. 20. 506 : 114 v20 Same. V. 4, 5, oct. 1880 dec. 1882. Wash. 1881, 1883. In the same, v. 25. 505 : R4 v25 New York state university. 3d, 6th-llth, 20th- 31st annual reports of the state cabinet of natural history. Albany. 1850-74. 10 v. O. 506 : R8 Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Report on [its] condition on moving into its new edifice, made to the contributors to its building-fund, april 28, 1876, by W. S. W. Ruschenberger. Phila. 1876. O.' 506 : Pam Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. Transactions ; v. 1-4. Madison. 1872-79. 506 : R9 Contents. V. 1. Chapin, A. L. The relation of capital and labor. Armitage, W: E. The german Sunday. Caverno, C: Social science and woman suffrage.- Hastingrs, S. D. The common jail system of the country. Hoy, P. R. Deep water fauna of Lake Michigan. Lapham, I. A. On the classifica- tion of plants. Hoy, P. R. Insects injurious to agriculture; aphides. Knapp, J. G. Coniferas of the Rocky mountains and their adaptation to the soil and climate of Wisconsin.- Eaton, J. H. Report on the geology of the region about Devil's Lake. Irving:, R. On the age of the quartzites, schists and conglomerates of Sauk county. Chamberlin, T. C. Suggestions as to a basis for the gradation of the vertebrata. Knapp, J. G. Ancient lakes of Wis- consin . "Wright, A. O. On the mineral well at Waterloo, Wis. Davies, .J: E. On potentials, and their application in physical science. Sherman, W. H. The production of sulphide of mercury by a new process, and its use in photography. Allen, W: P. The rural population of England as classified In the Domesday book. Feuling:, J: B. On the place of the Indian languages in the study of philology. 2. Carpenter, S. H The metaphysical basis of science.- Holland, F. M. Vexed questions in ethics. Carpenter, S. H. The philosophy of evolution. Steele, G. M. Population and sustenance. Hol- land, F. M. Records of marriages.- Smith, J : Y. Effect of the duty on imports on the value of gold. Hoyt, J: W. Requisites to a reform of the civil service of the U. S. Hoy, P. R. Natural history as a branch of elementai-y education. Irving, R. On some points in the geology of northern Wisconsin. Hoy, P. R. Some peculiarities of the fauna of Ra- cine. Eaton, J. H. Relation of the sandstones, conglomerates and limestones of Baraboo valley to each other and to the azoic quartzites. Daniells, W. W. Notes on the absorption of arsenic by the human liver. Chamberlin, T. C. Some evidences bearing upon the method of the upheaval of the quartzites of Sauk and Columbia counties; On fluct- uations in level of the quartzites of Sauk and Columbia counties. Irving, R. On a hand speci- men showing the exact junction of the primordial sandstones and huronian schists ; On the occui-rence of gold and silver in minute quantities in quartz from Clark county. Nicodemus, W. J. L. On the Wisconsin River improvement. Nader, J : On the the strength of materials as applied to engineering. Nicodemus, W. J. L. Railway gauges. Feuling, J. B. The etymology of c?mrcn. Nicodemus, W. J. L. History of the science of hydraulics. Butler, J. D. The naming of America. Allen, W: F. The rural classes in England in the 13th century ; Ranks and classes among the anglo-saxons. 3. Irving, R. Kaolin in Wisconsin. Lapham, I. A. Oconomowoc and other small lakes of Wiscon- sin.- Hoy, P. R. Fish culture. Sweet, E. T. Notes on the geology of northern Wisconsin. Kumlien, T. The rai)id disappearance of Wisconsin wild flowers. Nicodemus, W. J. L. The ancient civilization of America. Hoy, P. R. Extent of the Wisconsin fish- eries. Nader, J: Leveling with the barometer. Sweet, E. T. On kerosene oil. Nader, J: The im- provement of the mouth of the Mississippi river. Hoy, P. R. The catocalae of Racine county. Butler, J. D. Copper-tools found in the state of Wisconsin. Report of committee on exploration of Indian mounds in the vicinity of Madison. Lapham, I. A. Embryonic development the same in plants as in animals. Feuling, J: B. Studies in comparative grammar. Allen, W: F. U. S. sovereignty, whence derived and where vested. Hoyt, J. W. The formal commendation of government officials.- Holland, F. M. Industrial education. Caverno, C: The people and the railroads. Holland, F. M. The boa-constric- tor of politics. Hoyt, J. W. The revolutionary move- ment among women. Holland, F. M. Were the stoics utilitarians? Hubbel, H. P. An examination of S. H. Carpenter's theory of evolution. Davies, J: E. Recent progress in theoretical physics. 4. Allen, W: F. Peasant communities in France. Caverno, C: The abolition of the jury system. Allen, W: F. The origin of the freeholders. Mason, R. Z. The duty of the state in its treatment of the deaf and dumb, the blind, the idiotic, the crippled and deformed, and the insane. Payne, A. Art as education. Stuart, J. R. The harmonic method in greek art. Sawyer, W. C. Letters an embarrassment to literature.- Simmons, H. M. Mr. Spencer's social anatomy. Elmendorf, J. J. Nature and freedom. Birg-e, E: A. Notes on cladocera. Day, F. H. On the fauna of the Niagara and upper Si- lurian rocks as exhibited in Milwaukee county, Wis- consin, and in counties contiguous thereto. An- drews, E. Discoveries illustrating the literature and religion of the mound builders. Hoy, P. R. How did the aborigines of this counti-y fabricate cop- per implements?- Oldenhage, H. Remarks on the descent of animals. Hoy, P. R. Why are there no upper incisors in the ruminantia? King, C: 1. Boiler explosions. Jewell, J. S. Mind in the lower ani- mals. De Hart, J. N. The antiquities and platyc- nemism of the mound builders of Wisconsin. Chamberlin, T. C. On the extent and signiflcaneo of the Wisconsin Kettle moraine.- McMurphy, .J. G. Rotation as a factor of motion. Davies, .1. E. Recent progress in theoretical physics : pt. 3, Mag- netic rotatory polarization of light. "Wisconsin natural history society. Deutscher naturhistorischer verein von Wisconsin: Geschichtlicher iiberblick, statuten, etc. n. t. [Milw. 1866.] O. 506 : Pam General-versammlung des naturhist. ver. von Wis., gehalten am 12 jan. 1868. n. t. 506 : Pam Bericht fur 1871 [-1874]. Milw. 1872-75. 606 : Pam NATURAL SCIENCE SOCIETIES. CI. 605-509 294 Wisconsin natural history society. Continued. Vortriige, gehalten in der general-versamm- lung des naturhistorischen vereins. [Milw. 1874-76]. 506:Pam Contents. Brendecke, F: Gedachtniss-rede auf P: Engelmann, 24 mai 1874. Brelnigr, F: TJeber den einfluss der naturwissenschaften auf die moderne medizin. 14 marz 1875. Brendecke, F: Ueber schwe- bcnde lichterscheinunjren, nach eigenen beobaeh- tungen, 14 marz 187.5. Oldenhag'e, H. H. Geologische bewelse fiir das hohe alter des menschengeschlechts. Jahres - bericht fiir 1876 1881 [witii app.]. Milw. 1876-81. O. 506 : Pam Contentsof app. 1877-8. Bartlett, Edwin N. Onas- pergillus. Brendecke, F: Ueber die verwendung- von bleirohren fiir wasserleitung. Oldenhagre, H. H. Die abstammung-s-lehre. 1878-9. Qreiner, Franz A. Die walder Nord-Atnerika's. 1879-80. TJlrici, Emil. Das leben auf dem prairie. 1880-1. Bald- auf, Joseph. Amerika die alte welt. XJlrici, Emil. Darwins entwickelungstheorie. Mann, C: L. Die wandertaube. Dorner, H. Das leben der eskimos, nach mittheilungen von Franz Melms, mitg-lied der Schwatka expedition, erzahlt. Milwaukee public museum. 3d annual report of tlie board of trustees, oct. 1, 1884. Milw. 1884. O. 506: Pam Ward museum fund ; final report of the com- mittee on subscriptions, jan. 1885. Milw. 1885. O. 506 : Pam Royal society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions for 1882-83, 1884 ; v. 1, 2. 111. Montreal. 1883, 1885. Q. 61 : R Contents. V. 1. Proceedings, 1883, 1883. Transac- tions, 1883, 1883. Section 1 : LeMoine, J. M. Nos quatre historiens modernes : Hibaud, Garneau, Fer- land, Faillon. Faucher de St. Maurice, N. Dis- cours d'inauguration. Marchand, F. G. Quelques scenes d'une comedie inedite, Les faux brillants. Tangruay, Cyprien. Families canadiennes. Suite, B: Les interpretes du temps deChamplain.IieMay, Pamphile. ,Le bien pour le mal ; poesie. Chauveau, P. J. O. Etude sur les commencements de la poesie fran^aise au Canada. Casgrrain, H. R. Notre passe litteraire et nos deux historiens. Frechette, L: H. Vive la France; poesie. Verreau, Hospice. Notice sur les fondateurs de Montreal. Le Moine, J. M. Les archives du Canada. Foucher de St. Maurice, N. LouisTurcotte. Tangruay, C. Etude sur les noms. Frechette, L: H. Notrehistoire, a lamemoire de F. X. Garneau; poesie. Suite, B: Les premiers seigneurs du Canada, Marchand, F. G. Un bonheur en attire un autre ; comedie. Section 2 : Wilson, Daniel. Inaugural address. Todd, Alpheus. On the establishment of free public libraries in Canada. Keade, J: Language and conquest ; a retrospect and a forecast. Wilson, Daniel. Pre-aryan amer. man. Bourinot, J : G : Some old forts by the sea. Iies- perance, J: The literature of trench Canada. Murray, J. Clark. A problem of visual perception ; The nomenclature of the laws of association ; An ad- dition to the logical square of opposition. Section 3: Hunt, T. Sterry. The relations of the natural scien- ces. Carpmael, C: On the law of facility of error. Cherriman, J. B. On an application of a special de- terminant ; The motion of a chain on a fixed plane curve ; Note on the bishop's move in chess. MacQ-re- gror, J. G. On the measurement of the resistance of electrolytes. Chapman, E. .T. Note on molecular contraction in natural sulphids. Johnson, Alex. Symmetrical investigation of the curvatures of sur- faces. MacFarlane, T: Note on zinc-sulphid ; On the reduction of sulphate of soda by carbon. Mac- Gregror, .T. G. On some experiments, showing that the electromotive force in polarization is independent of the difference of potential of the electrodes. Chapman, E. J. Note on spectroscopic scales ; On cryptomorphism in its relation to classification and mineral types. Deville, E. Sur la mesure des dis- tances terrestres par des observations astronomiques. Haanel, E. On the application of hydriodic acid as a blowpipe reagent. Dupuis, N. F. On a me- chanical means of making a sidereal clock show mean time. Harrington, B. .T. On some minerals, new to Canada. Reports on the transits of Venus, dec. fi, 1882 MacGregror, .1. G. On the transition resistance to the electric current. Section 4: Selvryn, A. R. C. On the Quebec group in geology. Dawson, Sir J. W. On the cretaceous and tertiary tloras of British ' Columbia and the North West territories. SaiinderB, W. On the Importance of economising and preserving our forests. Dawson, G. M. On a general section from the Laurentian axis to the Rocky mountains. Macoun, J: Notes on the distribution of northern, southern and saline plants in Canada. Bell, Robert. Notes on the birds of Hudson's bay. Murray, Alex. On the glaciation of Newfoundland. Saunders, W. On the introduction and dissemination of noxious in- sects. Whiteaves, J. F. On the lower cretaceous rocks of British Columbia. Matthew, G. F. Illustra- tions of the fauna of the St. .Tohn groiip.- Whit- eaves, J. F. On some supposed annelid tracks from the Gaspe sandstones. Chapman, E. .1. On the classification of crinoids. Selwyn, A. R. C. On the geology of Lake Superior. Saunders, :W. On the influence of sex upon the hybrids among fruits. Macoun, J : On the flora of the Gaspe peninsula. Gilpin, E., jr. On the folding of the carboniferous strata in the maritime provinces of Canada. Daw^- son, G. M. On the triassic of the Rocky mountains and British Columbia. Matthew, G. F. On a method of distinguishing lacustrine from marine deposits. Macoun, J: Notes on Canadian polypetalte. Bell, Robert. Causes of the fertility of the land in the Ca- nadian north west. Laflamme, J. C. K. Note sur la geologic du lac St. Jean. -Hunt, T. Sterry. The geological history of serpentines, incl. notes on pre- cambrian rocks ; A historical account of the taconic question in geology, with a discussion of the relations of the taconian series to the older crystalline and to the Cambrian rocks, pt. 1. Matthew, G, F. Illustra- tions of the fauna of the St John group, supp. Notes and abstracts of papers. 2. Proceedings, ISU.Transactiom, 1884. Section 1: Cazes, Paul de. Deux points d'histoire: 1, Quatrieme voyage de Jacques Cartier; 2, Expedition du marquis de La Roche. Tanguay, C. ^tude sur une famille canadienne: De Catalogne. Legrendre, Napoleon. La province de Quebec et la langue f ran- caise; Les races indigenes de I'Amerique devant I'histoire.- Suite, B: Poutrincourt en Acadie, 1604- 1623. Casgrain, H. R. Les 40 dernieres annes: Le Canada depuis I'union de 1841, par J: C: Dent; etude critique. Verreau, H. Les commencements de I'eglise du Canada. Marmette, Joseph. Une prome- nade dans Paris; impressions et souvenirs.- Le- Moine, J. M. Les aborigenes d'Amerlque; leurs rites mortuaires. Chauveau, P. J. O. Le sacre-coeur; poeme. Frechette, L: H. Au bord de la Crease; L'Espagne: Trois episodes de la conquete; poemes. Marchand, F. G. Les travers du siecle; poeme. Section 2: Beade, J: The making of Canada; The literary faculty of the native races of America. Lesperance, J: The poets of Canada. Bryce, G: A pleafor a Canadian Camden society. Wilson, Dan- iel. The Huron-Iroquois of Canada: a typical race of amer. aborigines. Section 3 : Hunt, T. Sterry. The origin of crystalline rocks. MacGreg'or, J. G. On the density and thermal expansion of solutions of copper sulphate. Haanel, E. Blowpipe reactions on plaster of pans tablets. Baillairgre, C. A par- ticular case of hydraulic-ram or water-hammer. Ijaflamme, J. C. K. Notes sur un fait raeteorolo- gique particulier k Quebec Hamel, T. E. Essai sur la constitution atotnique de la matlere. Section 4: Daw^son, Sir J. W. On some relations of geologi- cal work in Canada and the old world. Gilpin, Edwin. Notes on the manganese ores of Nova Scotia. Law^son, G: Revision of the Canadian ranunculacea?. Bailey, L. W. On geological con- tacts and ancient erosion in southern and central New Brunswick. Matthew, G. F. Illustrations of the fauna of the St. John group, continued: On the corocoryphea. with further remarks on paradoxides. Hunt, T. Sterry. A historical account of the taconic question in geology, etc.. pt. 2. Chapman, E. J. On some deposits of tltanirerous iron ore in the counties of Haliburton and Hastings, Ont.; On mimetism in inorganic nature. Macoun, .1.. aiul T.J. W. Burgress. Canadian fllicinetr. Laflamme. J.C. K. Notes sur certains depots aurifi-rcs de la lieaucc; Notes sur un giseinent d'emeraude au Saguenay. Saunders, W. Notes on the occurreiico of certain butterflies in Canada. Whiteaves, J. F Note on a decapod crustacean from the upper cretaceous of Highwood river; Description of a new species of ammonite from the cretac(>ous rocks of Fort St, .John, on the Peace river. Al)8tractn: Bell, RotK-rt. The geology and economic minerals of Hudson Bay and northern Canada; Selwvn, A. R. C. Notes on observations, 18;i, on the geology of the north shore of Lake Superior. CI. 508-511 NATURAL SCIENCE TRAVELS. 296 8. Scientific travels. Bates, H: Walter. The naturalist on the river Amazons ; a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of brazilian and Indian life and aspects of nature under the equa- tor during eleven years of travel. 4th ed. 111. Lond. 1875. D. 508 : 4 Darwin, C: Robert. Joiirnal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of h. m. s. Beagle, under the command of capt. Fitz Roy. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. in 1. S. 508 : 5 Same. New ed. N. Y. 1876. D. T. p. tv. 508 : 5 What mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship Beagle. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1880 [1879]. O. x 508 : 6 Humboldt, F: H: Alexander freiherr v. Reise in die iiquinoctial-gegenden des neuen conti- nents. In deutscher bearb. von Hermann HaufF. Stuttg. 1874. 4 v. in 2. S. 508 : 1 Same, eng. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America during 17991804, by Alexander v. Humboldt and Aime Bonpland. Written in french, tr. and ed. by Thomasina Ross. Lond. 1870. 3 v. p. 508 : 1 Macgillivray, W: The travels and researches of Alexander v. Humboldt ; a condensed narrative of his journeys in the equinoctial regions of America, and in asiatic Russia ; together with analyses of his more import- X denotes books specially adapted for children. ant investigations. Map of the Orinoco and ill. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1843. S. 508 : 7 Ratzel, F: Wandertage eines naturforschers. Leipz. 1873. 2 t. in 1 b. D. 508 : 2 Coiitentn. 1. Zoologische briet'e vom Mittelineer. Briefe aus Siiditalien. 2. Schilderungen aus Sie- benbiirgrcn und den Alpen. Thomson, Sir C : Wy ville. The voyage of the "Challenger": The Atlantic ; a" preliminary account of the general results of the ex- ploring voyage of h. m. s. Challenger dur- mg 1873 and the early part of 1876. N. Y. 1878. 2 V. O. 508 : 9 Wagner, Moriz F: Naturwissenschaftliche rei- sen im tropischen Amerika, ausgefiihrt auf veranlassung und mit unterstiitzung wei- land s. m. des konigs Maximilian 11 von Bayern. Stuttg. 1870. O. 508 : 3 United States. The naval astronomical expedi- tion to the southern hemisphere, 1849-52, lieut. J[ames] M[el ville] Gilliss supt. ; v. 1, 2, 3, 6 {all published). Maps and ill. Wash. 1855-56. Q. in 508 : D Contents. V. 1. Gilliss, J. M. Chile. 2. Macrae, Archibald. Report of journeys across the Andes and Pampas of the Argentine provinces. Smith, J. Lawrence. Minerals and mineral waters of Chile. Ewbank, T: A description of the Indian antiquities brought from Chile and Peru by the exped. Zoology. Botany: Gray, Asa. List of dried plants; Brack- enridg-e, W: D. List of living plants and seeds. Pa- leontology : Wyman, Jeffries. Fossil mammals ; Conrad, T. A. Fossil shells. 3. Gilliss, J. M. Ob- servations to determine the solar parallax : incl. ori- gin and operations of the oxped. 6. Gilliss, J. M. Magnetical and meteorological observations. 2. Mathematics. (For Kinematics, see under Physics, cl. 531.) 1. In general. Davies, C:, and W: G. Peck. Mathematical dic- tionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science, comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics, an analy- sis of each branch, and of the whole as forming a single science. N. Y. 1875. O. 510:111 Campin, Francis. A treatise on mathematics, as applied to the constructive arts; illustrating tiie various processes of mathematical in- vestigation by means of arithmetical equa- tions and practical examples ; also the me- thods of analysing principles and deducing rules and formulae, applicable to the re- quirements of practice. 2d ed. rev. and enl. by the author. [Weale's ser.l Lond. 1882. D. 610:3 Davies, C: Practical mathematics, with draw- ing and mensuration, applied to the me- chanic arts. N. Y. 1873. D. 510 : 4 Berkeley, G: [Mathematical writings]. In Ms Works. 820.2: 3 v2 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, ed. Rara mathematica, or A collection of treatises on the mathematics and subjects connected with them, from ancient unedited mss. 2d ed. Lond. 1841. O. 510:2 Contents. Johannis de Sacro-Bosco. Tractatus de arte numerandi. A method used in England in the 15th century for taking the altitude of a steeple or inaccessible object. A treatise on the numeration of algorism. A treatise on the properties and qualities of glasses for optical purposes, according to the making, polishing and gnnding of them, by W: Bourne. Johannis Robyns De cometis commentaria. Two tables, one shewing the time of high water at London bridge ; and the other, the duration of moonlight, from a ms. of the thirteenth century. Treatise on the mensuration of heights and distances. An account table for the use of merchants. Alex- andri de Villa Dei Carmen de algorismo. Prefatio Danielis de Merley ad librum De naturis superiorum et inferiorum. Proposals for some inventions in the mechanical arts.- The preface to a calendar or alma- nac for the year 1430. Johannis Norfolk In artem progressionis summula. App. American journal of mathematics, pure and applied ; ed. in chief J. J. Sylvester, pub. under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins university ; v. 1-6. Bait. 1873-84. F. 505.1 :RM 2. Arithmetic Fish, Daniel W. The complete arithmetic ; oral and written. (Robinson's shorter course). N. Y. [1874]. D. 511 : 5 Robinson's progressive practical arithmetic ; containing the theory of numbers, in con- 297 NATURAL SCIENCE MATHEMATICS. CI. 611-614 Fish, Darnel W. Continued. nection with concise analytic and synthetic methods of solution, and designed as a complete text-book on this science for common schools and academies. N. Y. [1877]. D. 511:6 ed. The progressive higher arithmetic for schools, academies, and mercantile colle- ges ; forming a complete treatise on arith- metical science and its commercial and business applications. (Robinson's mathe- matical series). N. Y. [1875]. D. 511 : 7 Olney, E: The elements of arithmetic for inter- mediate, grammar, and common schools ; in which the analytical processes, known as mental arithmetic, are assimilated and incorporated with the more mechanical and formal processes, called written arith- metic. N. Y. 1879. D. 511 : 8 A practical arithmetic for intermediate, gram- mar, and common schools. N. Y. [1879]. D. 511:9 The science of arithmetic for high schools, normal schools, preparatory departments to colleges, and academies. N. Y. 1881. D. 511:10 Parke, Uriah. Lectures on the philosophy of arithmetic and the adaptation of that science to the business purposes of life, with numerous problems, curious and use- ful, solved by various modes, with expla- nations designed to make the study and application of arithmetic pleasant and profitable to such as have not the aid of a teacher, as well as to exercise advanced classes in schools. 2d ed. rev. Phila. 1849. O. 511:3 Groesbeck, J: The Crittenden commercial arith- metic and business manual , designed for use in counting-houses, academies, and commercial colleges. Rev. ed. Phila. 1883. D. 511:11 Grier, W: The mechanic's calculator; com- prehending principles, rules and tables in the various departments of mathematics and mechanics, useful to millwrights, engineers and artisans in general. From the 5th Glasgow ed. Phila. 1839. D. 511:4 Hoare, C: The slide-rule, and how to use it; containing full, easy and simple instruc- tions to perform all business calculations with unexampled rapidity and accuracy. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 511:1 Hodgson, F: T., comp. The mechanics' slide rule, and how to use it ; a compilation of ex- planations, rules and instructions suitable for mechanics and others interested in the industrial arts. (Work manuals, no. 2). N. Y. 1881. D. 511:2 3. Algebra. Davies, C: Elements of algebra; on the basis of [P: L: Marie] Bourdon, embracing Sturm's and Horner's theorems. Rev. and re-written. N. Y. 1876. O. 512 : 4 Ficklin, Joseph. The complete algebra, de- signed for use in schools, academies, and colleges. (Robinson's shorter course.) N. Y.nd.D. 612:5 Olney, E: The complete algebra for high schools, preparatory schools, and aca- demies. New ed. N. Y. n. d. D. 612 : 6 A university algebra ; comjjrising : 1, A com- pendious, yet complete and thorough, course in elementary algebra, and 2, An advanced course in algebra, sufficiently extended to meet the wants of our uni- versities, colleges, and schools of science. NY. 1882. O. 612:7 Ray, Joseph. Elements of algebra for colleges, schools, and private students ; ed. by Del. Kemper. Cine. [1875]. D. 612:8 Schuyler, Aaron. A complete algebra for schools and colleges. Cine. n. d. D. 612:0 Vose, G: Leonard. A gi-aphic method of solv- ing certain algebraic problems. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 612:1 Schott, C: Anthony. Solution of normal equa- tions by indirect elimination. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1855. in 622 : D Bumside, W: Snow, and Arthur W: Panton. The theory of equations ; with an introd. to the theory of binary algebraic forms. (Dublin university press ser.) Dublin. 1881. O. 612:3 Cain, W: Symbolic algebra, or The algebra of algebraic numbers ; together with critical notes on the methods of reasoning em- ployed in geometry. [Van Nostrand's sci- ence ser.] N. Y. 1884. T. 512 : 2 4. Geometry and trigonometry. Argand, J: Robert. Imaginary quantities ; their geometrical interpretation. Tr. from the French by A. S. Hardy. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 18^1. T. 513 : 1 Spencer, W: G: Invention al geometry ; a .series of problems intended to familarize the pupil with geometrical conceptions and to exercise his inventive faculty ; with a pref. note by Herbert Spencer. (Science prim- ers.) N. Y. 1877. S. 513:3 Schuyler, Aaron. {Elements of geometry, with exercises for students, and an introd. to modern geometry. Cine, n d. I). 613:6 Robinson, Horatio Nelson. Elements of geo- metry, plane and spherical, with numerous practical problems ; rewritten by I: F. Quinby. N. Y. [I860]. O. 613:6 Playfair, J: Elements of geometry ; containing the first six books of ICuclid. with a supp. on the quadrature of the circle and the geometry of solids ; added, elements of plane arid spherical trigonometry. N. Y. 1833. O. 613:2 Tappan, Eli T. Treatise on geometry and tri- gonometi-y, for colleges, schools and pri- vate students. Written for the mathema- tical course of Joseph Ray. Cine. n. d. O. 613: 7 Loomis, Elias. Elements of geometry, conic sections and plane trigonometry. Rev. ed., with app. N. Y. 1884. D. 613 : 4 Robinson, Horatio Nelson. Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, witii numer- ous practical problems. N. Y. 1874. O. 299 CI. 514-520 NATURAL SCIENCE MATHEMATICS. 300 Schott, C: Anthony. Method of closing a cir- cuit of triangulation under certain given conditions. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1875. in 622 :I> Alvord, B: The tangencies of circles and of spheres. 111. Wash. 1856. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : R3 v8 Ferrel, W: Converging series, expressing the ratio between the diameter and circum- ference of a circle. Wash. 1871. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl8 Barlow, P: Tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000. Ster. ed. examined and corr. Lond. 1856. O. 514 : 1 Callet, J : Fran9ois. Tables portatives de loga- rithmes ; contenant les logarithmes des nombres depuis 1 jusqu'^ 108,000 ; les loga- rithmes des sinus et tangentes, de seconde en seconde pour les cinq premiers degres, de dix en dix secondes pour tons les degres du quart de cercle, et, suivant la nouvelle division centesimale, de dix-millifeme en dix-milli^me ; prccedees d'un discours pre- liminaire sur I'explication, I'usage et la sommation des logarithmes et sur leur application a I'astronomie, a la navigation, a la geometrie-pratique et aux calcuTs d'in- tcrets, suivies de nouvelles tables j)lus ap- prochees, et de plusieurs autres utiles fi, la recherche de longitudes en mer, etc. Paris. 1795 [1855]. O. 514 :R3 Law, H: Mathematical tables for trigonometri- cal, astronomical and nautical calcula- tions ; prehxed, a treatise on logarithms. New and rev. ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 514:6 Pocket to four places of decimals, including logarithms of numbers and logarithmic smes and tangents to single minutes, to which is added a table of nat- ural sines, tangents and cotangents. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. YT 1883. S. 514:4 Vega, G: freiherr v. Thesaurus logarithmorum completus, ex arithmetica logarithmica et ex trigonometria artificial! Adriani Vlacci collectus, plurimis erroribus pur- gatus, in novem ordinem redactus et, prima post centesimam logarithmorum chiliade, partibus quibusdam proportionalibus dif- ferentiarum, logarithmis sinuum, cosinu- um, tangentium et cotangentium pro primis ac postremis duobus quadrantis gradibus ad singula minuta secunda, foi*- mulis nonnullis trigonometricis, Wol- framii denique tabula logarithmorum natu- ralium locupletatus. Lipsiai. 1794. F. 514 :R2 Logarithmisch - trigonometrisches handbuch. Neue ausg. bearb. von C. Bremiker ; 64e aufl. von F. Tietjen. Berlin. 1880. O. 514+5 Lee, T: J. A collection of the tables and form- ula) useful in surveying, geodesy and prac- tical astronomy, incl. elements for the projection of maps ; prep, for the use of the corps of topographical engineers. 2d ed. with add. (Papers relating to the duties of the corps, no. 3), Wash. 1853. O. in 514 : D 6. Analytic geometry and Calculus. Davies, C: Elements of analytical geometry, embracing the equations of the point, tlie straight hue, the conic sections, and sur- faces of the first and second order. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1870. O. 516:3 Loomis, Elias. The elements of analytical geometry. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1884. D. ' 516:4 Howison, G: H. A treatise on analytic geome- try, especially as applied to the properties of conies; incl. the modern methods of abridged notation. Written for the ma- thematical course of Joseph Ray. Cine. [1869]. O. _ "516:5 Salmon, G: A treatise on conic sections ; con- taining an account of some of the most im- portant algebraic and geometrical me- thods. 6th ed. Lond. 1879. O. 515:1 A treatise on the higher plane curves ; inten- ded as a sequel to A treatise on conic sec- tions. 3d ed. Dublin. 1879. O. 516 : 1 A treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimensions. 4th ed. Dublin. 1883. O. 516:2 Clark, James G. Elements of the infinitesimal calculus, with numerous examples and applications to analysis and geometry. Cine. n. d. O. ' 517:3 Loomis, Elias. Elements of the differential and integral calculus. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1884. D. 517:4 Same. With his Elements of anal. geom. 516:4 Williamson, B: An elementary treatise on the differential calculus ; containing the theory of plane curves, with numerous examples. 5th ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1884. D. 517:1 An elementary treatise on the integral calcu- lus ; containing applications to plane cui'ves and surfaces, with numerous examples. 4th ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1884. 1). 517:2 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. Elements of quater- nions. Bost. 1881. O. 518:1 3. Astronomy. 1. In general. Gretschel, H: Lexikon der astronomic ; das gesamte der himmelskunde, mit beriick- sichtignng der astronomi.schen instrumen- te, der zeitrechnungundderhervorragend- sten astronomen. 111. Leipz. 1882. D. 520 : R20 Arago, Dominique FraD9ois J: Populilrc astro- nomic. In his Siimmtliche werke. 500:3vll-14 Champlin, J: Denison, jr. Young folks' astro- nomy. 111. N. Y. 1881. S. X 520: 17 Flammari'on, Camille. The wond(n\s of the heavens. F'rom the french by Mns. Nor- X denotes books specially adapted for children. 301 NATTTRAL SCIENCE-ASTRONOMY. CI. 520-52d man Lockyer. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1874. D. 620 : 3 Gmllemin, Amedce V: The heavens ; an ill. handbook of popiilar astronomy, ed. by J. Norman Lockyer and rev. byR: A. Proctor. 7th ed. N. Y.' 1878. O. " 520 : 4 Leitch, W: God's glory in the heavens. 3d ed. Lond. 1866. S. 520 : 15 Lockyer, Joseph Norman. Astronomy. (Science primers.) 111. N. Y. 1879. S. 520 : 5 Madler, J: H: v. Geschichte der himmelskimde von der iiltesten bis auf die neueste zeit. Braunschweig. 1873. 2 v. O. 520+1 Mitchel, Ormsby McKnight. Popular astrono- my ; a concise elementary treatise on the I suns, planets, satellites and comets. N, Y. 1876. D. 520 : 7 Moore, Annie, and Laura D. Nich.ols. Overhead, or What Harry and Nelly discovered in the heavens. 111. Bost. 1878. D. x 520 : 19 Mudie, Robert. Lessons in astronomy. T. p. w. [Lond. 1842.] S. 520 : 14 Newcomb, Simon. Popular astronomy. 111. N. Y. 1878. O. 520 : 8 and E: Singleton Holden. Astronomy for general readers. 2d ed., rev. (Amer. sci- ence ser.) N. Y. 1880. O. 520 : 9 BoUwyn, J. A. S. Astronomy simplified for general reading, with numerous new ex- planations and discoveries in spectrum analysis, etc. Lond. 1875. O. 520 : 13 Whewellj'W: Astronomy and general physics, considered with reference to natural the- ology. [ Bridgewater treatises ] . Lond. 1852 D. '214:3 Zech, Paul. Himmel und erde ; gemeinfassliche beschreibung des weltalls. 2te aufl. Miin- chen. 1878. S. 520 : 2 Loomis, Elias. The recent progress of astron- omy, especially in the U. S. 3d ed., mostly rewritten and enl. N. Y. 1856. I). 520 : 6 Nichol, J: Pringle. Thoughts on some import- ant points relating to the system of the world. 1st amer. ed. rev. Bost. 1848. D. 520:16 Proctor, R: Anthony. Essays on astronomy ; a series of papers on planets aud meteors, the sun and sun-surrounding space, stars and star-cloudlets, and a dissertation on the approaching transits of Venus, pre- ceded by a sketch of the life and work of sir J:Herschel. 111. Lond. 1872. O. 520 : 10 Contents. Sir J: Herschel. Sir J: Herschel as a theorist in astronomy. The study of astronomy. The planet Mars. Saturn's rings.- Deceptive figures. The planet Saturn. The november shooting stars.- Gauging the november meteor-stream. Meteors and shooting stars. The zodiacal light. The solar corona and the zodiacal light. Further remarks on the corona. Note on Oudemann's theory of the coronal radiations. Note on the corona. On the shallow- ness of the real solar atmosphere. Theoretical con- siderations respecting the corona. The sun's jour- ney through space. Coloured suns. News from Sirius.- Equal-surf ace projections of the globe. A novel way of studying the stars. Distribution of the nebute. A new theory of the milky way. On the resolvability of star -groups, regarded as a test of distance. A proposal for a series of systematic sur- veys of the star depths. Myths and marvels of astronomy. N. Y. 1877. O. 620:11 Contents. Astrology. The religion of the great pyramid. The mystery of the pyramids. Sweden- X denotes books specially adapted for children. Proctor, R: Anthony. Continued. borg's visions of other worlds. Other worlds and other universes. Suns in Haraes. The rings of Saturn. Comets as portents. The lunar hoax. On some astronomical paradoxes.- On some astronomi- cal myths. The origin of the constellation-figures. The poetry of astronomy ; a series of familiar essays on the heavenly bodies, regarded less in their strictly scientific aspect than as suggesting thoughts respecting infini- ties of time and space, of variety, of vital- ity and of development. Phila. 1881. D. 520:12 Contents. The age of the sun and earth. The sun in his glory. When the sea was young. Is the moon dead ? The moon's myriad small craters. A new crater in the moon.- A fiery world. The planet of war. Living in dread and terror. A ring of worlds. Earth-born meteorites. The architecture of the universe. Mysteries of time and space. N. Y. 1883. D. 520:18 Contents. Newton and Darwin. The vistas of the past. The birth of the moon. Birth and death of worlds. The sun as a perpetual machine. The sun's corona. The sun's long streamers.- Meteoric astro- nomy. Comets. Cometic mysteries.- Dangers from comets. The world's end. The menacing comet. Jupiter's satellites. Terrestrial magnetism. - The star-depths. Transits of Venus. Star-clouds and star-mist. Herbert Spencer's philosophy. A survey of the northern heavens.- Star unto star. 2. The firmament. Powalky, C. R. A new reduction of La Caille's observations, made at the Cape of Good Hope and at Paris between 1749 and 1757, and given in his Astronomias fundamenta, together with a comparison of the results with the Bradley - Bessel Fundamenta ; also a catalogue of the places of 150 stars south of declination 30 for the epochs of 1750 and 1830. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1882. in 622 : D Hilgard, Julius E. A catalogue of stars for observations of latitude. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1876. in 622 : D Davidson, G: Azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1870. in 622 : D Safford, T. H. Catalogue of the mean declina- tion of 2,018 stars between h. to 2 h., and 12 h. to 24 h. right ascension, and 10 and 70 of north declination, for jan. 1, 1875. (U. S. geogr. surveys west of 100th mer., Wheeler). Wash. 1879. Q. in 557.5 : D United States. Bureau of navigation. Appar- ent right ascensions of additional time- stars 1881-1884, with mean places for 1884.0; a supp. to the American ephemeris and nautical almanac for 1884. (U. S. 47th cong. 1 sess. House misc. doc. no. 60). Wash. 1882. Q. in 523 : D Da-sridson, G: Field catalogue of 1,278 time and circumpolar stars ; mean places for 1885.0. InV.S. coast survey rep. 1883. in 622 : D American ephemeris. The, and nautical alma- nac for 1886. (U. S. 47th cong. 2 sess. House misc. doc, v. 7). Wash. 1883. Q. in 528 :D Proctor, R: Anthony. A star atlas for students and observers, showing 6,000 stars and 1,500 double stars, nebufe, etc., in 12 maps on the equidistant projection, with index maps on the stereograpnic projection. 4th ed. Lond. 1877. F. 624 :R1 CI. 620-529 NATURAL SCIENCE-ASTRONOMY. B04 Proctor, R: Anthony. Continued. Easy star lessons'. N. Y. 1882. D. 524 : 2 The expanse of heaven ; a series of essays on the wonders of the firmament. N. Y. 1874. D. 523:7 Contents. A dream that was not all a dream. The sun. The queen of night. The evening star. The ruddy planet. Life in the ruddy planet. The prince of planets. Jupiter's family of moons.- The ring-girdled planet. Newton and the law of the universe. The discovery of two giant planets. Thtf lost comet. Visitants from the star depths. Whence come the comets. The comet families of the giant planets. The earth's journey through showers. How the planets grew. Our daily light. The flight of light. A cluster of suns. Worlds ruled by col- oured suns. Worlds lit by coloured suns. The king of suns. Four orders of suns. The depths of space. Charting the star depths. The star depths astir with life. The drifting stars. The milky way. Our place among infinities ; a series of essays contrasting onr little abode in space and time with the infinities around us ; added, essays on the Jewish sabbath and astrology. N. Y. 1876. D. 523 :'4 Contents. Past and future of the earth. Seeming wastes in nature. New theory of life in other worlds. A missing comet. The lost comet and its meteor train. Jupiter. Saturn and its system. A giant sun. The star depths. Star gauging. Saturn and the sabbath of the jews. Thoughts on astro- logy. Flowers of the sky. 111. N. Y. [1880]. S. 523:3 Guillemin, Amedee Victor. The world of comets. Tr. and ed. by James Glaisher. 111. Lond. 1877. Q. 523 : 9 Holden, E: Singleton. Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulae, clusters, etc. Wash. 1877. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl4 3. Solar system. Alexander, Stephen. Statement and exposition of certain harmonies of the solar system. 111. Wash. 1875. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : R3 v21 Newcomb, Simon. On the general integrals of planetary motion. Wash. 1874. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v21 Barnard, Jonathan Gilbert. Problems of rotary motion presented by the gyroscope, the precession of the equinoxes and the pend- ulum. 111. Wash. 1872. Q. In Smithson- ian contributions. 506 : R3 vl9 On the internal structure of the earth, con- sidered as affecting the phenomena of pre- cession and nutation ; supplementary to Problems of rotary motion. 111. Wash. 1877. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v23 Runkle, J: D. New tables for determining the values of the coefficients in the perturbative function of planetary motion, which de- pend upon the ratio of the mean distances. Wash. 1856. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506 : R3 v9 Asteroid supplement to New tables for de- termining the values of b ^^ and its deriv- atives. Wash. 1857. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v9 Stockwell, J: N. Secular variations of the elements of the orbits of the eight prin- cipal planets. Mercury, Ve.nus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Nep- tune, with tables of the same ; together with the obliquity of the ecliptic and the precession of the equinoxes in both longi- tude and right ascension. Wash. 1872. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 :R3 vl8 Guillemin, Amedee V: The sun. From the french by A. L. Phipson. [111. lib. of wonders]. N. Y. 1875. D. 523 : 1 Proctor, R: Anthony. The sun ; ruler, fix-e, light, and life of the planetary system. 2d ed. 111. Lond. 1872. D. " " 523 : 5 Young, C: A: The sun. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1881. D. 523 : 6 Walker, Sears Cook. Researches relative to the planet Neptune ; and Ephemerides of Neptune, 1846-1852. Wash. 1848-53 Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v2,3 Newcomb, Simon. An investigation of the orbit of Neptune, with general tables of its motion. Wash. 1866. Q. In Smithsonian contribiitions. 506 : R3 vl5 An investigation of the orbit of Uranus, with general tables of its motion. Wash. 1873. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl9 The Earth and Moon. Guillemin, Amedee V: The wonders of the moon. Tr. from the french by miss M. G. Mead, ed. with add. by Maria Mitchell. [111. lib. of wonders]. N. Y. 1873. D. 523:2 Schott, C: Anthony. Tidal observations in the arctic seas by Elisha Kent Kane, made during the second Grinnell expedition in search of sir John Franklin, in 18.53-5, at Van Rensselaer harbor ; reduced and dis- cussed. 111. Wash. 1860. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl3 Ferrel, W: Di.scussion of tides in Boston harbor. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1868. in 622 : D On the moon's mass, as deduced from [the above] discussion. In the same, 1870. in 622 : D Report of meteorological effects on tides. In the same, 1871. in 622 : D Discussions of tides in New York harbor. In the same, 1875. in 622 : D Discussion of tides in Penobscot Bay, Me. In the same, 1878. in 622 : D Discussion of the tides of the Pacific coast of the U. S. In the same, 1882. in 622 : D Report on the harmonic analysis of the tides at Sandy Hook. In the same, 1883. in 622 : D Schott, C: Anthony. Detei-mination of time* by means of the transit instrument. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1866, 1868. in 622 : D Same. Rev. and ill. In the same, 1880. in 622 : D Determination of longitude by means of the electric telegraph. 111. In the same, 1880. in 622 : D Determination of latitude by means of the zenith telescope. In the same, 1866. in 622 : D Same. Rev. and ill. In the same, 1880. in 622 : D '^^-<^ NATXTBAL SCIENCE ASTRONOMY. CI. 520-629 7 Schott, C: kxn'Oaovi^ .Continued. Determination of the astronomical azimuth of a direction. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1866,1868. ^ri622:D Same. Rev. and ill. In the same, 1880. in 622 : D United States. Coast survey. Formulae, tables and example for the geodetic computation of latitudes, longitudes and azimuth of tri- gonometrical points. In Report, 1860. in 622 : D Formula} and factors for the computation of geodetic latitudes, longitudes and azi- muths. In the same, 1875. in 622 : D Peirce, B: Report upon the determination of the longitude of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. In \J. S. coast survey rep. 1861. in 622 : D Reports on determining longitudes from the occultations of the Pleiades. In the same, 1861,1863,1865. en 622 : D Walker, Sears Cook. Reports on longitude com- putations. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1866. in 622 : D Gould, B: Apthorp. On the longitude between America and Europe, from signals through the Atlantic cable ; [with history of previ- ous attempts at the determination of trans- atlantic longitude]. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1867. in 622 : D On the trans-atlan tic longitude, as determined by the coast survey expedition of 1866 ; a report to the sup't of the U. S. coast sur- vey. 111. Wash. 1869. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl6 Hilgard, Julius E. Transatlantic longitudes ; final report on the determination of 1873, with a review of previous determinations. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1874. in 622 : D Schott, C: Anthony. Report on the results of the longitudes determined up to the present time by means of the electric telegi-aph ; together with their preliminary adjustment by the method of least square's. In U- S. coast survey rep. 1880. in 622 : D Results of the measure of an arc of the meridian of 3033', between Nantucket and Farraington, Me. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1868. in 622 : D The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian, and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs, for a determination of the figure of the eartli from american measures. In the same, 1877. in 622 : D Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit-leveling near the parallel of 39, exe- cuted by Andrew Braid. Pt. 1 : From Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1882. in 622 : D Kampf, F., and J: H. Clark. Report upon the determination of the astronomical coiirdin- ates of the primai'y stations at Cheyenne, Wyo., and Colorado Springs, Colo.,' made during 1872 and 1873. (U. S. geogr. sur- veys west of 100th mer., Wheeler). Wash. 1874. Q. in 557.5 :D and others. Reports upon the astronomical determinations at main stations occupied in 1872, 1873 and 1874. 111. (U. S. geogr. surveys west of 100th mer., Wheeler. Re- port, "v. 2). Wash. 1877. Q. in 557.5 : D CmUriJts. Ogden, Utah, 1873-4. Beaver, Utah, 1872. Pioche, Nev., 1872. Gunnison, Utah, 1872. Green Kiver, Wyo., 1873. Wlnnemucca, Nev., 1873. Vir^nla City, Nev., 1873. Georgetown, Colo., 1873. Hughes, Colo., 1873. Labran, Colo., 1873. Trinidad, Colo.. 1873. Fort Union. N. Mex., 1873. Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1873. Bozeman, Mont., 1873. Las Vegas, N. Mex., 1874. Cimarron, N. Mex., 1874. Sidney Barracks, Neb., 1874. Julesburg, Colo., 1874. North Platte. Neb., 1874. Descriptive rep. on station at Salt Lake City, 1873. Description of observatory and site at Ogden. De- scription of personal-equation instr.- List of geo- graph. positions. 4. Practical astronomy, navigation, etc. Loomis, Elias. An introduction to practical astronomy, with a collection of astronom- ical tables. N. Y. 1855. O. 522-(-l Olmsted, Denison. An introduction to astron- omy, designed as a text book for the students of Yale college. 2d ed. N. Y. 1841. O. 522 : 2 Ward, The hon. mrs. M. The telescope ; a famil- iar sketch, combining a special notice of objects coming within the range of a small telescope, with a detail of the most in- teresting discoveries which have been made with the assistance of powerful telescopes, concerning the phenomena of the heavenly bodies. 3d ed. 111. Lond. 1869. D. 522:3 Draper, H: On the construction of a silvered glass telescope 15^ inches in aperture, and its use in celestial photography. 111. Wash. 1864. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : 113 vl4 Comer, G: N. Navigation simplified ; a manual of instruction in navigation as practised at sea, adapted to the wants of the sailor, containing all the tables, explanations and illustrations necessai-y for the easy under- standing and use of the practical branches of navigation and nautical astronomy ; with numerous examples, worked out by the American ephemeris and nautical al- manac, for several years ahead. N. Y. 1868. O. 527+2 Greenwood, James. The sailor's sea book ; a rudimentary treatise on navigation : pt. 1, How to keep the log and work it off ; pt. 2, On finding the latitude and longitude. Added, the deviation and error of the compass, great circle sailing, the inter- national commercial code of signals, the rule of the road at sea, rocket and mortar apparatus for saving life, the law of storms, and a brief dictionary of sea terms. New rev. and enl. ed. by W. H. Rosser. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1879. D. 527 : 1 Amerikanischer turner-kalender, 18801882. Milw. 1880-83. D. 528 : 1 Freidenker-almanach, 18791883. Milw. 1879- 83. 4 V. D. 528 : 2 6. Observations. Peirce, C: Sanders. On the theory of errors of observations. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1870. in 622 : D Hilgard, Julius E On the use of the zenith telescope for the observations of time. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1869. in 622 : D 307 Cl. 520-529 NATU^BAL SCIEHCE-ASTBON'OMY. 308 United States. Naval observatory. Astronomical and meteorological observations made dur- ing 1847 [-1880]; v. 3, 5. 6, 9, 11-18, 38-37. Wash. 1853-84. 19 v. Q. in 525 : D Contents. V. 3,1847. Tntrod. [Observ. and results]. App. Sestlni, Benedict. Observ. on solar spots made at the observatory of Georg-etown colleg-e, sept. 20 nov. 6, 1850 ; Marr, Robert A. Observ. on the Mississippi river at Memphis, Tenn., march 1, 1850 march 1, 1851 ; Tables for facilitating' the re- duction of the apparent rig'ht ascensions and declina- tions of the fixed stars to their mean places, with a general table for annual precessions. 5, 1849-50. In- trod. [Observ. and results]. 6, 1851-52. Introd. [Observ. and results]. 9, 1862. Introd. [Astron. ob- serv. and results]. Meteorol. observ. App.: Longi- tude of Wash, as derived from moon culminations observed at the Royal obs., Greenwich, and the U. S. naval obs., Wash., during 18461860 incl. 11, 1864. Introd. [Astron. observ. and results]. Meteorol. observ. Catalog-ue of the library, App. : Newcomb, Simon. Investigation of the latitude and longitude of the U. S. naval obs.. Wash., and of certain circumpolar stars. 12, 1865. Introd. [Astron. observ. and re- sults].- Meteorol. observ. App. 1: Description of the transit circle of the U. S. naval obs.; 2: Investi- gation of the distance of the sun and of the elements which depend upon it. 13,1866. Introd. Observ. and results. App. : Meteorol. observ. at the U. S. naval obs. from June 30, 1842 to Jan. 1, 1867. 14, 1867. Introd. Observ. and results. App. 1: Harkness, W: Report on the difference of longitude between Washington and Havana ; 2: Reports on observations of the total eclipse of the sun, aug. 7, 1869, ill ; 3: Newcomb, Simon. Positions of fundamental stars deduced from observations made at the U. S. naval obs. between 1862 and 1867 ; 4: Hall, Asaph. Cata- logue of 151 stars in Prfcsepe. 15, 1868. Introd. Observ. and results.- App.: A catalogue of 1963 stars and of 290 double stars observed by U. S. naval astron. exp. to the southern hemisphere during 185018.52. 16, 1869. [Report mtosiji^]. App. 1: Report on ob- servations of the total solar eclipse of dec. 22, 1870, conducted under the direction of B. F. Sands ; 2: Zones of stars observed at the U. S. naval obs. with the mural circle in 18461849 by J. H. C. Coffin. T. J. Page and C: Steedman. 17, 1870. Introd. Observ. and results. App. 1 : Harkness, W: Report on the diflference of longitude between Wash, and St. Louis; 2: Hall, Asaph, and W: Harkness. Reports on ob- servations of Encke's comet dui-ing its return in 1871, 111.; 3: Newcomb, Simon. On the right ascensions of the equatorial fundamental stars and the correc- tions necessary to reduce the right ascensions of difif- erent catalogues to a mean homogeneous system ; 4: Zones of stars observed at the naval obs. with the meridian transit instrument in 18461849. 18, 1871. Introd. Observ. and results. App. 1: Zones of stars observed at the naval obs. with the meridian circle in 18471849; 2: Results of observations made at the U. S. naval obs. with the transit instrument and mural circle in ia53 1860 incl.; 3: Yarnall, M. Catalogue of stars observed at the U. S. naval obs. during 1845 1871 ; 4: Nourse, J. E. Memoir of the founding and progress of the U. 8. naval observatory. 23, 1876, pt. 1. Introd. Observ. and results. Meteorol. ob- serv .Pt. 2, app. 1 : Holden, E:S. A subject-index to the publications of the U. S. naval obs. 184.51875 ; 2: Reports on felescopic observations of the transit of Mercury, may 5-6. 1878; 3: Reports on the total solar eclipses of july 29, 1878 and Jan. 11, 1880. ill. 24, 1877. Introd. Observ. and results. App. 1: Holden, E: S. Investigation of the objective and micrometers of the 26 inch equatorial, constructed by Alvan Clark and sons; 2: Holden, E: S. The multiple star Sigma 748 ; 3: Eastman, .7. R. The solar parallax from meridian observations of Mars in 1877 ; 4: Report on the determination of the longitude of the Cincinnati obs., at Mount Lookout, Hamilton county, Ohio ; 5: Longitude of the Morrison obs., Glasgow, Mo.; 6: Hall, Asaph. Observ. of double stars made at the U. S. naval obs. 25, 1878. Introd. Observ. and re- sults.- Meteorol. obs. and results.- App. 1: Holden, E: S. Monograph of the central parts of the nebula of Orion, ill.; 2: Paul, H. M., and C. A. Young. Longitude of the J: C. Green school of science, Prin- ceton, N. J. 26, 1879. Introd. Observ. and results. Meteorol. observ. and results. App. 1 : Hall, Asaph. The parallax of Alpha Lyrte and 61 Cygni; 2: Paul, H. M. A determination of the semi-diameter of the moon from two occultations of the Pleiades, obs. July 6, 1877 and sept. 6, 1879. 27, 1880. Introd. - Observ. and results. Meteorol. observ. and results. App.: Winlock, W: C. Observations of the great comet of 1882, made at the U. S. naval obs.. 111. Fremont, J: C: Astron. and meteorol. observa- tions [made during the 1st and 3d exploring exped. in 1843-44] . /n Ms Report. in 917.5 :D Gilliss, James Melville. Astronomical observa- tions made at the naval observatory [on Capitol Hill], Washington, under orders of the sec. of the navy, dated auff. 13, 1838. .[18381843]. Wash. "1846. O. m 525 : D Contains aUo Catalogue of 1248 stars observed at Washington between oct. ia38 and july 1842, reduced to the middle epoch jan. 1, 1840, and compared in right ascension with mean places of the British as- sociation catalogue. Observations to determine the solar parallax. (U. S. astron. exped. rep., v. 3). Wash. 1856. Q. in 508 : D Contents. Origin and operations of the exped. Observ. of Mars and Venus, 1849-52. O-ould, B: A., jr. The solar parallax, deduced from observ. of the exped. Santiago observ. of Mars and Venus. Ferguso^, J. Washington observ. of Mars and sh. Cambridge of opposition of Mars 1849-50. Maclear, T: Cape of Venus. Bond, W. Cranch. Cambridge, Mass., observ. Good Hope observ. of opp. of Mars. Jones, (x: Observations on the zodiacal light from april 3, 1853, to april 33, 1855, made chiefly on board the U. S. steam-frigate Mississippi, during her course in the east- ern seas and her voyage homeward ; with conclusions from the data thus obtained. In U. S. Japan exped.. Perry, v. 3. in 915.2 :D Schott, C: Anthony. Astronomical observations in the Arctic seas by Elisha Kent Kane, made during the second Grinnell expedi- tion in search of sir John Franklin, in 1853-5, at Van Rensselaer harbor and other points in the vicinity of the northwest coast of Greenland ; reduced and dis- cussed. Map and ill. Wash. 1860. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : 113 vl2 Physical observations in the Arctic seas by . Isaac I. Hayes, made on the west coast of north Greenland, the vicinity of Smith strait and the west side of Kennedy clian- nel, during 1860-61 ; reduced and discussed. 111. Wash. 1867. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : R3 vl6 Contents. Introd. Pt. 1, Astronomical obs. Pt. 2, Magnetic obs. Pt. 3, Tidal obs. Pt. 4, Meteorol. obs. Appendix. United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. Astron- omical, magnetic and meteorological ob- servations of the explorations for a route near the 35th parallel of north latitude. In Report of the survey, v. 4. in 625 : D Outts, R: D., and C: A. Young. Report of the astronomical and meteorological observa- tions made at Sherman, Wyoming terr. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1873. in 622 : D Gilliss, James Melville. An account of the total eclipse of the sun, sept. 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru. 111. Wash. 1859. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vll Alexander, Stephen. Report on the expedition to Labrador to observe the total eclipse of the sun on july 18, 1860, organized under act of congress, approved June 15, 1860. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1860. in 622 : D 309 NATURAL SCIENCE ASTRONOMY. CI. 620-530 310 Gilliss, James Melville. An account of the total solar eclipse of July 18, 1860, as observed near Steilacoom, Wash. terr. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1860. in 622 : D United States. Coast survey. Reports of observ- ations of the eclipse of the sun, aug. 7, 1869, made by parties of the survey. Maps and ill. Jn Report 1869. in 622 : D Reports of observations upon the total solar eclipse of dec. 22, 1870. In Report 1870, 1871. tn622:D Davidson, G: The total solar eclipse of .ian. 11, 1880, observed at mount Santa Lucia, Cal. 111. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1882. in 622 : D National academy of sciences. Memoir: Re- port of the eclipse expedition to Caroline Island, may 1883. 111. [Wash. 1883]. Q. in 525 : D Proctor, R: Anthony. Transits of Venus ; a popular account of past and coming transits, from the first observed by Hor- rocks, a. d. 1639, to the transit of a. d. 2012. 111. Lond. 1874. D. 523 : 8 Schott, C: Anthony. Transit of Venus, 1769 ; re- sults of observations for determining posi- tions occupied in lower California [by Chappe d'Auterochel, and at Philadelphia [by Rittenhouse]. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1874. in 622 : D Newcomb, Simon, ed. Observations of the tran- sit of Venus, dec. 8-9, 1874, made and re- duced under the dir. of the commission created by congress. 111. (U. S. 46th con- gress, 1 sess. Senate ex, doc. no. 31.) Wash. 1880. Q. en526:D Davidson, G: Report of the transit of Venus expedition to Japan, 1874. in U. S. coast survey rep. 1875. in 622 : D Smith, Edwin. Report on the transit of Venus expedition to Chatham island, 1874. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1875. in 622 : D United States. Congress. Instructions for ob- serving the transit of Venus, dec. 6. 1883, prepared by the commission authorized by congress, and printed for the use of the observing parties by authority of the sec. of the navy. Maps." Wash. 1882. F. in 526 : D Coast survey. Observations of the transit of Venus of dec. 6, 1882. In Report 1883. in 622 : D Reports on observations of the transit of Mercury, may 6, 1878. In Report 1878. in 622 : D 4. Physics. \i 1. In general. Lommel, Evigen Cornelius Joseph. Lexikon der physik und meteorologie in volksthiim- licher darstellung. 111. Leipz. 1882. D. 530:R23 Charleton, Walter. Physiologia Epicuro-Gas- sendo-Charltoniana, or A fabrick of science natural upon the hypothesis of atoms, founded by Epicurus, repaired by Petrus Gassendus, augmented by Walter Charle- ton. 1st pt. Lond. 1654. Q. 23 : R Rutherford, T: A system of natural philosophy; a course of lectures in mechanics, optics, hydrostatics and astronomy, which are read in St. John's college, Cambridge. Cambridge. 1748. 2 v. Q. 530 : R9 Enfield, W: Institutes of natural philosophy, theoretical and practical, with some correc- tions, change in the order of the branches and the addition of an app. to the astron- omical part, selected from mr. Ewing's Practical astronomy by S: Webber. 4th amer. ed., with improvements. Bost. 1824. Q. 630 : R8 Euler, Leonhard. Letters on different subjects in natural philosophy addressed to a german princess ; with notes and a life of Euler by D: Brewster, [and] containing a glossary of scientific terms, with add. notes by J: Griscom. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. S. 630:6 Bird, Golding. Elements of natural philosophy ; an experimental introd. to the study of the Physical sciences. From the 3d Lond. ed. 11." Phila. 1848. D. 530 : 3 Hunt, Robert. Elementary physics ; an introd. to the study of natural philosophy. Lond. 1855. D. iT. p. w.] 630 : 6 Paris, J: Ayrton. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest ; an attempt to implant in the young mind the first principles of natural philosophy by the aid of the popu- lar toys and sports of youth. [Anon.] N. Y. 1855. S. 630 : 7 Tomlinson, C: Introd. to the stud.Y of natural philosophy, for the use of beginners. 9th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 530 : 14 Arnott, Neil. Elements of physics, or natural ghilosophy. 7th ed., ed. by Alexander ain and" Alfred Swaine Taylor. N. Y. 1877. D. 630 : 2 Stewart, Balfour. Physics. (Science primers.) 111. N. Y. 1879. S. 630 : 13 Privat-Deschanel, A: Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Tr. and ed., with add., by J. D. Everett. ' 111. N. Y. 1878. O. 530 : 18 Ganot, Adolphe. Natural philosophy for gen- eral readers and young persons. Tr. and ed. from Ganot's Cours elementaire de physique, with the author's sanction, by E. Atkinson. 2d ed. N. Y. 1876. D. 536 : 4 Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied, for the use of colleges, and schools. Tr. and ed. from Ganot's Ele- ments de physique, with the author's sanc- tion, by E. "Atkinson. 11th ed., rev. and enl. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 530 : 20 Pickering, E: C. Elements of physical mani- pulation. 2d ed. N. Y. 1875, 1876. 2 v. O. 530-1-17 Youmans, E: Livingstone, ed. The correlation and conservation of forces ; a series of ex- positions, with an introd. and brief bio- 311 CI. 530-531 NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICS. 312 graphical notices of the chief promoters of the new views. N. Y. 1876. D. 530 : 15 Contents. Grove, W: R. The correlation of phy- sical forces. Helmholtz, H. L: F. The interaction of natural forces. Mayer, J. R. The forces of in- organic nature; Celestial dynamics; The mechanical equivalent of heat. Ijiebig', J. v. The connection and equivalence of forces. Carpenter, W: B: The correlation of the physical and vital forces. Grove, W: Robert. The correlation of physical forces. 3ded. Lond. 1855. O. 530:24 Saigey, Emile. The unity of natural phenomena; a popular introd. to the study of the forces of nature. From the french ; with an introd. and notes by T: Freeman Moses. [Science for the people.] Bost. 1873. D. 530:11 Krebs, G: Die erhaltung der energie als grund- lage der neuern physik. Miinchen. 1877. S. 530:10 Stewart, Balfour. The conservation of energy ; with an app. treating of the vital and men- tal applications of the doctrine. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1877. D. 530 : 12 Carpenter, W: Lant. Energy in nature ; being, with some additions, the substance of a course of six lectures upon the forces of nature and their natural relations, del. under the auspices of the Gilchrist educa- tional trust, in the autumn of 1881. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 530 : 21 Naville, Jules Ernest. Modern physics ; studies historical and philosophical. From the french by H: Downton. N. Y. 1884. D. 530 : 22 * * * Abbott, Jacob. Science for the young: Force. 111. N. Y. 1873. D. X 530 : 19 Hooker, Worthington. The child's book of nature, for the use of families and schools, intended to aid mothers and teachers in training children in the observation of nature ; in 3 pts. Pt. 3: Air, water, heat, light, etc. N. Y. 1881. S. x 530 : 16 2. Mechanics. Clifford, W: Kingdon. Elements of dynamic ; an introd. to the study of motion and rest in solid and fluid bodies; pt. 1: Kinema- tic. Lond. 1878. D. 531 : 18 Miucliin, G: M. Uniplanar kinematics of solids and fluids, with applications to the distri- bution and flow of electricity. Oxford. 1882. D. 531:22 Tait, P: Guthrie, and W: J: Steele. A treatise on dynamics of a particle, with numerous examples. 5th ed., rev. Lond. 1882. D. 531 :20 Bouth, E: J: The elementary part of a system of rigid bodies ; pt. 1 of a treatise on the whole subject, with numerous examples. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1882. O. 531: 19 Maxwell, James Clerk. Matter and motion. I Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. 531 : 10 Craig:, T: Elements of the mathematical theory of fluid motion: On the motion of a solid in a fluid, and the vibrations of liquid spheroids. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 531 : 7 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Craig, T: Continued. Wave and vortex motion. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 531 : 8 Minchin, G: M. A treatise on statics, with aj)- plications to physics ; v. 1 : Equilibrium of coplanar forces. 3d ed., corr. and enl. Oxford. 1884. O. . 531 : 21 Laplace, P: Simon marquis de. A treatise upon analytical mechanics ; being the first book of the Mecanique celeste. Tr. and eluci- dated with explanatory notes by J : Toplis. Nottingham. 1814. O.' ' 531:3 Bartlett, W: H. C. Elements of analytical me- chanics. 3d ed., rev. and corr. N. Y. 1855. O. 531+14 Farrar, J : An elementary treatise on mechan- ics ; comprehending the doctrine of equili- brium and motion as applied to solids and fluids, chiefly compiled and designed for the use of students of the university of Cambridge, New Eng. 2d ed., rev. and corr. Bost. 1834. O. 531+16 Morin, Arthur Jules. Fundamental ideas of mechanics and experimental data. Rev., tr. and reduced to english units of meas- ure by Joseph Bennett. N. Y. 1860. O. 531+15 Kater, H:, and Dionysius Lardner. A treatise on mechanics. (Amer. lib. of useful know- ledge, V. 2). Bost. 1831. D. 531 : 2 Same. (Bost. soc. for the diffusion of useful knowledge). Bost. 1831. D. 531:2 Peirce, C: Sanders. On the flexure of pendulum supports. On the deduction of the ellipti- city of the earth from pendulum experi- ments. On a method of observing the coin- cidence of vibrations of two pendulums. On the value of gravity at Paris. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1881. in 622 : D Measurements of gravity at initial stations in America and Europe. Pt. 1 : [Methods em- ployed and main results]. In the same, 1876. in 622 : D Determinations of gravity at Alleglieny, Edensburgh and York, Pa., in 1879 aiul 1880. In tfie same, 1883. in 622 : D Trowbridge, W. P. Investigation of the laws of motion governing the descent of the weight and line in deep-sea soundings. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1858. in 622 : D Benwick, James. Applications of the science of mechanics to practical purposes. N. Y. 1840. S. 513:6 Moseley, H: Illustrations of mechanics. Rev. by James Ren wick. 111. N. Y. 1844. S. 531 :4 The mechanical principles of engineering and architecture. 2d amer. from 2d Lond. ed., with add. by D. H. Mahan. N. Y. 1860. D. 531 :R17 Byrne, Oliver. The essential elements of ])rac- tical mechanics, based on the principle of work ; designed for engineering stud(uits. 2d ed. Lond. 1872. D. 531 : 1 Nystrom, J: W: A new treatise on the elenicnts of mechanics, establishing strict precision in the meaning of dynamical terms; accom- panied with an app. on duodenal aritlime- tic and metrology. N. Y. 1877. O. 631+5 313 NATURAL SCIENCE-PHYSICS. CI. 531-636 814 || H Tomlinson, C: Rudimentary mechanics ; a con- cise exposition of the general princi|)les of mechanical science and their applications. 12th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 531:12 Baker, T: The principles and practice of statics and dynamics, with those of liquids and gases." 3d ed., rev. and corr. by E: Nugent. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 531 : 13 Stahl, Albert W: Transmission of power by wire rope. [Van Nostrand's science ser.J N. Y.1877. T. 531:11 3. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. PfaflF, F: Das wasser. (Deutsche originalausg.) 3te autt. Munehen. 1878. S. 532 : 1 Tomlinson, C : Pneumatics, for the use of be- ginners. 3d ed. enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1866. D. 533 : 3 Hartley, Walter Noel. Air and its relations to life ; being, with some add., the substance of a course of lectures del. in the summer of 1874, at the Royal institution of Great Britain. N. Y. 1875. D. 533 : 1 Plympton, G: W^., comp. The aneroid barom- eter, its construction and use ; compiled from several sources. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. 533 : 2 Note. For works on the barometer, see Meteoro- logy, el. 552, and also hypsometry in Topographica eng-ineering-, cl. 632. Zahner, Robert. The transmission of power by compressed air. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. 533:4 Marion, Fulgence. Wonderful balloon ascents, or The conquest of the skies ; a history of balloons and balloon voyages. From the french. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1874. 533:5 4. Acoustics. Badau, Rodolphe. Die lehre vom schall ; ge- meinfassliche darstellung der akustik. 2te auli. Munehen. 1875. S. 534:1 Wonders of acoustics, or The phenomena of sound. From the french, the english rev. by Robert Ball. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1872. D. 534 : 4 Tyndall, J : Sound. 3d ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1877. D. 534:2 Mayer, Alfred Marshall. Sound ; a series of ex- periments in the phenomena of sound. (Experimental science ser. for beginners.) N. Y. 1878. D. 534 : 3 Smith, T. Roger. Acoustics in relation to archi- tecture and building ; the laws of sound as applied to the arrangement of buildings. New ed. ill., with index. [Weale's .ser.] Lond. [1861]. D. 534:5 5. Optics. Farrar, J,: An experimental treatise on optics ; cornpi'ehending the leading principles of the science and an explanation of the more important and curious optical instruments and optical phenomena ; the 3d part of a course of natural philosophy, compiled for the use of the students of the university at Cambridge, New Eng. Cambridge. 1826. O. 36-f-13 Abbott, Jacob. Science for the young: Light. N. Y. [1871]. D. X 536 712 liommel, Eugen. The nature of light, with a general account of physical optics. 111. (Intern, scientific ser.) ^. Y. 1876. D. 535:3 Marion, Fulgence. The wonders of optics. Tr. from the french and ed. by C: W. Quin. [111. lib. of wonders]. N. Y. 1875. D. 535:11 Mayer, Alfred Marshall, and C: Barnard. Light ; a series of simple, entertaining and inexpensive experiments in the phenomena of light for the use of students of every age. (Experimental science ser. for begin- ners.) N. Y. 1877. D. 535 : 4 Pisko, F: Joseph. Licht und farbe ; eine gemein- fassliche darstellung der optik. 2te aufl. Munehen. 1876. S. 535 : 1 Tait, P: Guthrie. Light. Edinb. 1884. D. 535 : 15 Tyndall, J : Light and electricity ; notes of two courses of lectures before the Royal insti- tution of Great Britain. N. Y. 1871. D. 535 :6 Lectures on light, del. in the U. S. in 1872-73 ; with an app. N. Y. 1873. D. 635 : 6 Lockyer, Joseph Norman. The spectroscope and its applications. (Nature ser.) 111. Lond. 1873. D. 636 : 9 Nolan, T: The telescope ; the principles involved in the construction of refracting and re- flecting telescopes. [Van Nostrand's sci- ence ser.] N. Y. 1881. T. 635 : 10 Le Conte, Joseph. Sight -, an exposition of the principles of monocular and binocular vi- sion. 111. (Intei-n. scientific ser.) N. Y. 1881. D. 635:2 Bezold, W: V. The theory of color in its relation to art and art industry. Tr. from the ger- man by S. R. Kohler ; with an introd. and notes by E: C. Pickex-ing. Authorized amer. ed., rev. and enl. by the author. 111. Bost. 1876. O. 536 : 7 B.ood, Ogden N. Modern chromatics, with app- lications to art and industry. 111. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1879. D. 636 : 8 6. Heat. Abbott, Jacob. Science for the young : Heat. N. Y. [1871]. D. x636:8 Faraday, Michael. A course of six lectures on the chemical history of a candle ; added, a lecture on platinum, del. before a juvenile auditory at the Royal institution of Great Britain," during the christmas holidays of 1860-1. Ed. byWiCrookes. 111. N. Y. 1861. S. X 536 : Cazin, Achille. Die wiirme. Nach dem franzci- sischen deutsch bearbeitet ; herausg. durch Philiup Carl. 2te aufl. Miinchen. 1877. D. ^^ 536 : 1 The phenomena and laws of heat. Tr. and ed. byElihuRich. [111. library of wonders]. N. Y. 1874. D. 536 : 2 denotes books specially adapted for children. 315 CI. 536-538 NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICS. Maxwell, James Clerk. Theory of heat. New ed. N. Y. 1875. S. 536 : 5 Tyndall, J: On radiation ; the Rede lecture, del. in the senate-house, before the univ. of Cambridge, Eng., may 16, 1865. N. Y. 1868. D. 536:4 Heat as a mode of motion. From the 4th eng. ed. N. Y. 1877. D. 536 : 3 Siemens, Sir C: W: On the conservation of solar energy ; a collection of papers and discussions. 111. Lond. 1883. O. 536 : 10 Williams, C: Wye. On heat in its relations to water and steam ; embracing new views of vaporization, condensation and explosions. From the 2d Lond. ed. Phila. 1867. O. 536+6 Ledoux, C: Ice-making machines ; the theoiy of the action of the various forms of cold- producing, or so-called ice machines, ma- chines a froid. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1879. T. 536 : 7 Gamgee, J: On artificial refrigeration. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 5. in 639 : D 7. Electricity and magnetism. Thompson, Silvanus P. Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. Lond. 1884. S. 537:21 Gordon, J. E. H. A physical treatise on elec- tricity and magnetism. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. O. 537-J-9 Maxwell, James Clerk. Treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2d ed. Oxford. 1881. 2 V. O. 537:10 Carl, Philipp. Die elektrischen naturkriifte ; der magnetismus, die elekti-icitJit und der gal- vanische strom, mit ihren hauptsJichlich- sten anwendungen, gemeinfasslich darge- stellt. 2te aufl. Miinchen. 1878. S. 537 : 1 Bailie, J: Baptiste. Wonders of electricity. Tr. from the french, ed. with numerous add. by J: W. Armstrong. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1872. D. 537 : 2 Harris, W:Snow. Rudimentary treatise on galvanism and the general principles of animal and voltaic electricity. New ed. rev., with considerable add., by Robert Sabine. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1869. D. 537:5 Rudimentary electricity ; showing the general principles of electrical science and the purposes to which it has been applied. 7th ed. with add., incl. extracts from the Cavendish papers, and a general index. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 537 : 6 Tyndall, J: Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6. N. Y. 1877. D. 537": 7 Fonvielle, Wilfrid de. Thunder and lightning. Tr. from the french and ed. by T. L. Phip- son. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1875. D. 537:4 Secchi, Angelo. Researches on electrical rhe- ometry. 111. Wash. 1852. Q. in Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v3 Hough, (t. W. Velocity of the electric current over telegraph wire ; read before the Albany institute June 1869. Albany, N. Y. 1869. O. 53'7:Pam Induction coils ; how made and how used. Re- printed from the 8th eng. ed. [Van No- strand's science ser.] N. Y. 1881. T. 637:8 Du Moncel, Theodore Achille L: comte. The telephone, the microphone and the phono- fraph. Authorized tr., with add. and corr. y the author. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 537 : 3 Electro-magnets ; the determination of the elements of their construction, tr. from the 2d ed. Reprinted from Van Nostrand's magazine. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N.Y. 1883. T. 537:12 and W: H: Preece. Incandescent electric lights, with particular reference to the Edison lamps at the Paris exhibition. Rep. with add. and new ill. from Van Nostrand's magazine. [Van Nostrand's science ser.l N.Y. 1883. T. 537:11 Contains also "The econoiiiy of the electric lig'ht by incandescence," by J: W. Howell, and "Steadiness of the electric current," both rep. from Van Nostrand's magazine. Prescott, G: B. The speaking telephone, electric light, and other recent electric inventions. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. 537+13 Greer, H:, ed. Recent wonders in electricity, electric lighting, magnetism, telegraphy, etc.; articles by dr. Siemens, count l)u Moncel and prof. Thomson. N. Y. [1883]. O. 537+16 Fiske, Bradley A. Electricity in theory and practice, or The elements of electrical en- gineering. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 537 : 17 Hospitalier, E. The modern applications of electricity. Tr. and enl. by Julius Maier. 2d ed. rev., with add. 111. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. O. 537:14 Contents. V. 1. Electric generators. Electric lig-ht. 2. Telephone. Various applications. Electrical transmission of energy. Thompson, Silvanus P. Dynamo-electric ma- chinery ; lectures, reprinted from the Jour- nal of the society of arts, with an introd. by Frank L. Pope. [Van Nostrand's science ser] N. Y. 1883. T. 537: 15 Recent progress in dynamo-electric machines ; a supplement to "Dynamo-electric machin- ery." Reprinted from the Journal of the society of arts. 111. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1884. T. 537:20 Djmamic electricity ; its modern use and meas- urement, chiefly in its application to elec- tric lighting and telegraphy, incl., 1, Some points in electric lighting, ' by J: Hopkin- son ; 2, On the measurement of electricity for commercial pvirposes, by James N. Shoolbred; 3, Electric light arithmetic, by R. E. Day. 111. [Van Nostrand's sci- ence ser.] N. Y. 1884. T. 537 : 19 Gore, G: The art of electro-metallurgy, incl. all known processes of electro deposition. 2d ed. N. Y. 1884. S. 537 : 18 Ma g net ism. Harris, SirW: Snow. Rudimentary magnetism, a concise exposition of the general princi- ples of ma^netical science and the pur- poses to which it has been applied. 3d ed., rev. and enl. by H: M. Noad. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 538 : 1 United States. JSfavy dep't. Magnetism ; its goncu-al principles and special application to shii)s and compasses. 111. (Naval prof, papers, no. 13.) Wash. 1883. O. in 538 : D mi NATURAL SCIENCE-PHYSICS. CI. 538 318 Lyons, T. H. The magnetism of iron and steel ships ; an explanation of the- vainous ways in which it affects the compass. (U. S. naval pi-of . papers, no. 17.) Wash. 1884. O. in 538 I'D Rogers, Fairman. The magnetism of iron ves- sels, with a short treatise on terrestrial magnetism. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1877. T. 538 :2 Locke, J: Observations on terrestrial magnet- ism. Wash. 1852. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : R3 v3 Harkness, W: Observations on terresti'ial mag- netism and on the deviations of the com- passes of the U. S. iron clad Monadnock, during her cruise from Phila. to St. Fran- cisco in 1865-6. 111. Wash. 1872. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl8 Gilliss, James Melville. Magnetical and met(3or- ological observations made at Washing- ton, under orders of the sec. of the navy, dated aug. 13, 1838, [1838-1842]. Wash. 1845. O. in 538 :T> Magnetical and meteorological observations, 1849-1853. (U. S. astron. exped. rep., v. 6). Wash. 1856. Q. in 508 :J> Contents. Introd. MaKnetical observ. at Santiaso de Chile, 1849-.53. Results of the calculations of the horizontal force in Chile. Results of observ. for the magnetic inclination in Chile. Bache, A. D. Mag- netic term-day observ. at Washington. D. C, and in California, 18.51-5.5. Gerlingr, C. L. Corresponding changes of the diurnal magnetic declination observed at Marbui'g, Hesse. Meteorological observations at Santiago de Chile from nov. 17, 1849 to sept. 14, 1853. Bache, Alexander Dallas. Records and results of a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent states in 1840-41, with some additional records and results of 1834-35, 1843 and 1866, and a map. Wash. 1863. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl3 Observations at the magnetic and meteorolo- fical observatory at the Girard college, hila., made under [his] dir. and with funds supplied by members of the Ameri- can philosophical society and by the Topo- graphical bureau of the U. S. (U. S. 28th cong. 2 sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 97). Wash. 1847. 3 V. O. in 538 : D Contsnts. Preface. Observations from June 1840 to June 1845. Means of the observations, 18401845. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorologi- cal observations made at the Girard col- lege observatory, Philadelphia, 1840-45. Pt. 1 : Investigation of the eleven year period in the amplitude of the solar-diurnal varia- tion, and of the disturbances of the mag- netic declination. 111. Wash. 1859. Q. In Smithsonian contributions, v. 11. 506:R3vll Smne. Pt. 2: Investigation of the solar- diurnal variation of tlie magnetic declina- tion and its annual inequality. 111. Wash. 1862. Q. In the same, v. 13. 506 : R3 vl3 ^Same. Pt.3: Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic declination. 111. Wash. 1862. Q. In the same, v. 13. 506:R3vl3 Same. Pt. 4-6: Horizontal force: Investiga- tion of the eleven or ten year period, and of the disturbances of the horizontal com- ponent of the magnetic force ; Investiga- tion of the solar-diurnal variation and of the annual inequality of the horizontal com- Bache, Alexander Da\\a,s. Continued. ponent of the magnetic force ; Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic horizontal force. 111. Wash. 1862. Q. In Smithsonian contributions, v. 13. 506:R3vl3 Same. Pt. 7-9: Vertical force: Investiga- tion of the eleven-year period, and of the disturbances of the vertical component of the magnetic force, and app. on the mag- netic effect of the auroi'a borealis ; Investi- gation of the solar-diurnal variation, and of the annual inequality of the vertical component of the magnetic force ; Investi- gation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic vertical force, inclination and total force. 111. Wash. 1864. Q. In the same, v. 14. 506 ': R3 vl4 Same. Pt. 10-12: Dip and total foi'ce: Analy- sis of the disturbances of the dip and total force ; Solar-diurnal variation and annual inequality of the inclination and total force ; Discussion of the magnetic inclina- tion and table of absolute values of the declination, inclination and intensity, be- tween 1841 and 1845. 111. Wash. 1865. Q. In the same, v. 14. 506 : R3 vl4 Note. These discussions are also published in the annual I'eports of the U. S. coast survey, class 632: D, viz: Pt. 1 in 1859; pt. 3, 3 in 1860; pt. 4-6 in 1862; pt. 7-9 in 1863; pt. 10-13 In 1864. Same. General index to the whole series. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1864. in 622 : D Sonntag, A: Observations on terrestrial magne- tism in Mexico, conducted under the direc- tion of baron von Miiller ; with notes and illustrations of an examination of the vol- cano Popocatepetl and its vicinity. 111. Wash. 1860. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506:R3vll Schott, C: Anthony. Magnetical observations in the Arctic seas by Elisha Kent Kane, made during the second Grinnell expedi- tion in search of sir John Franklin, in 1853-5, at Van Rensselaer harbor and other points on the west coast of Greenland ; re- duced and discussed. 111. Wash. 1859. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vlO Secular variation in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coast of the U. S. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1855. in 622 : D Discussion of the secular variation of the magnetic inclination in the northeastern states. In the same, 1856. in 622 : D Secular change of the magnetic declination and inclination on the western coast of the U. S. In the same, 1856. in Q22, : D Latest results of the discussion of the secular change of the magnetic declination, ac- companied by tables, showing the declina- tion for every 10th year from the date of the earliest "reliable observation, for 26 stations on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacittc coasts of the U. S. In the same, 1859. in 622 : D New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic declination, with charts of the isogonic curves for 1860. In the same. 1861. in 622 : D On the secular change of magnetic declination in the U. S. and other parts of North America ; new discussion. [2d ed.] In the same, 1874. in 622 : D 319 CI. 638-640 NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICS. 320 Schott, C: Anthony. Continued. On the secular variation of the magnetic de- clination in the U. S., and at some foreign stations. 4th ed., June 1881. 111. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1879. in 622 : D Same. 5th ed". enl., nov. 1882. 111. In the same, 1882. in 622 : D Discussion of the secular change of the mag- netic intensity, horizontal and total, on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts of the U. S. In the same, 1861. in 622 : D New investigation of the secular changes in the declination, the dip and the intensity of the magnetic force at Washington, D. C. In the same, 1870. in 622 : D Results of observations of terrestrial magnet- ism at Key West, Fla., made between 1860 and 1866 'under the dir. of W. P. Trow- bridge and S. Walker ; discussed and re- ported. In the snme, 1874. in 622 : D Account and results of magnetic observations made at the U. S. polar station Ooglaamie, Point Barrow, Alaska, lieut. P. H: Ray commanding post ; pts. 1-3. Map and ill. In the same, 1883. in 622 : D Terrestrial magnetism ; collection of results for declination, dip and intensity, from observations made by the U. S. coast and feodetic survey between 1833 and July 1882. ft the same, 1881. in 622 : D Hilgard, Julius E., and H. W. Blair. Records and results of magnetic observations, made at the charge of the " Bache fund" of the National academy of sciences, from 1871 to 1876. In U. S. 'coast survey rep. 1882. in 622 : D Bache, Alexander Dallas, and Julius E. Hilgard. On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the U. S., from observations made in the coast survey and others. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1856, 1858, 1860. in 622 : D Hilgard, Julius E. Chart of the magnetic de- clination in the U. S. for 1875. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1876. in 622 : 1) Schott, C: Anthony. Distribution of the mag- netic declination in the U. S. at the epoch Jan. 1885, with isogonic charts. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1882. in 622 : D Terrestrial magnetism ; notes on magnetical observations by means of portable instru- ments. In tlie'same, 1872. in 622 : D Same. Reprinted, with add. In the same, 1875. in 622 : D Same. Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. 3d enl. ed. with 4 plates. In the same, 1881. in 622 : D 5. Chemistry and Mineralogy. 1. In general. Watts, H: A dictionary of chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences. Lond. 1872-81. 8 V. in 9. O. 540 : Rl Contents. V. 1. A Con/?. 2. Conh G. 3. H M. 4. N-P. 6. Q-Z. 6. Ist suppl. 7. 2d suppl. 8, in 2 pts. 3d suppl. Landolt, H., and R: BOmstein. Physikaliseh- chemische tabellen. Berlin. 1883. Q. 540+14 Clarke, Frank Wrigglesworth. The constants of nature, pt. 1 : Sjjecific gravities, boiling and melting points, and chemical formuhc. Wash. 1873. O. In Smithsonian misc., v. 12. 506 : 114 vl2 Same, pt. 1, 1st supp.: Specific gravities, boil- ing points and melting points. Wash. 1876. O. In the same, v. 14. 506 : B4 vl4 Same, pt. 2 : A table of specific heats for solids and liquids. Wash. 1876. O. In the same, V. 14. 506 : R4 vl4 Same, pt. 3 -. Tables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids. Wash. 1876. O. In the same, v. 14, 506 : R4 vl4 Becker, G: F. Same, pt. 4 : Atomic weight de- terminations ; a digest of the investigations pub. .since 1814. Wash. 1880. O. In the same, v. 27. 506 : R4 v27 Clarke, F. W. Same, pt. 5 : A recalculation of the atomic weights. Wash. 1882. O. In the same, v. 27. 506 : B.4 v27 Booth, James C, and Campbell Morfit. Recent improvements in the chemical arts. Wash. 1852. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : 114 v2 Kane, Robert. Elements of chemistry, incl. the most recent discoveries and applications of the science to medicine and pharmacy, and to the arts. An amer. ed. with add. and corr., and arr. for the use of the universi- ties, colleges, academies and medical schools of the U. S. by J: W: Draper. N. Y. 1846. O. 540 : 4 Prout, W: Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. 4th ed. by J. W.CiritHth. [Bridgewater treatises] . Lond. 1855. D. 214:8 Johnston, James Finlay Weir. The chemistry of common life. 9th ed. 111. N. Y. 1859. 2 v. D. 540:6 Bloxam, C: Loudon. Chemistry, inorganic and organic, with exijeriments. Phila. 1872. O. 540:2 Miller, W: Allen. Elements of chemistry, theo- retical and practical : pt. 1, Chemical physics ; pt. 2, Inorganic chemistry. Corr. from the 4th Lond. ed. N. Y. 1875, 1877. 2v. O. 540+15 Fownes, G; Rudimentary chemistry, for the use of beginners ; with "an app. on the applica- tion of chemistry to agriculture. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 540 : 5 Cooke, Josiah Parsons, jr. Elements of cliemical phy.sics. 3d ed. Bost. 1877. O. 540+10 The new chemistry. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1878. D. 540 : 3 Youmans, E: Livingstone. A class-book of chemistry on the basis of the new system. Re-written and rev. 111. N. Y. 1878." D. 540:8 Roscoe, H: Enfield. Chemistry. (Science pri- mers.) 111. N. Y. 1879. S. 540 : 7 821 NATURAL SCIENCE CHEMISTRY. CI. 540-549 Foye, James C. Chemical problems, with brief statements of the principles involved. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1883. T. 540:9 Watts, H: Manual of chemistry, physical and inorganic. 111. Phil. 1884. D. 540:11 Wurtz, C: Adolphe. Elements of modern chem- istry. 2d amer. ed., rev. and enl. ; tr. and ed. with the approbation of the author from the 5th french ed., by W: H. Greene. 111. Phila. 1884. O. 540 : 12 Roscoe, H: Enfield, and C: Schorlemmer. A treatise on chemistry. 111. and a portr. of Dalton. N. Y. 1883, 1884. 3 v. in 5. O. 540+13 Contents. V. 1. The non-metallic elements. 2 [in 2 pte.]. Metals. 3 {_in 2 pts.']. The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or Organic chem- istry. Thorpe, T: E: A manual of inorganic chemistr;^. New ed., index. (Putnam's advanced sci- ence ser.) N. Y. n. d. 2 v. D. 546 : 1 ConUntA. V. 1. The non-metals. 2. The metals. Gibbs, Wolcott, and F: A: Genth. Researches on the ammonia cobalt bases. 111. Wash. 1856. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v9 SchUtzenberger, Paul. On fermentation. (In- tern, scientific ser.) 111. N. Y. 1876. D. 547 : 1 American chemical journal, ed. by Ira Remsen; V. 1-5. Bait. 1879-84. O. 505.4 :M Note. V. 1-3 " ed. with the aid of other chemists at home and abroad." Boston journal of chemistry. The, and popular science review ; devoted to the science of home-life, the arts, agriculture and medi- cine, ed. by James R. Nichols ; v. 7-10, 13-18. Bost. 18731884. F. 505.4 :RM Note. Title-page of v. 17 changes to "The popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry," etc. 2. Theoretical chemistry. Wurtz, C: Adolphe. The atomic theory. Tr. by E. Clemmshaw. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1881. D. 541 : 1 Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Principles of chemical philosophy. Rev. ed. Bost. 1882. O. 541 : 2 Remsen, Ira. Principles of theoretical chem- istry, with special reference to the con- stitution of chemical compounds. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Phila. 1883. O. 541 : 3 3. Analysis. Berzelius, Friherre Jons Jakob af. The use of the blowpipe in chemistry and mineralogy. Tr. from the 4th ed. by J. D. Whitney. Bost. 1845. O. 542 : 1 WOhler, F: Hand-book of mineral analysis ; ed. by H: B. Nason. Phila. 1871. D. 543 : 2 Sutton, Francis. A systematic hand-book of volumetric analysis, or The quantitative estimation of chemical sxibstances by meas- ure, applied to liquids, solids and gases ; adapted to the requirements of pure chem- ical research, pathological chemistry, pharmacy, metallurgy, manufacturing chemistry, photography, etc., and for the valuation of substances used in commerce, agriculture and the arts. 3d ed. Phila. 1876. O. 545 : 1 Blyth, Alexander Wynter. A manual of practi- cal chemistry ; the analysis of foods and the detection of poisons." 111. Lond. 1879. D. 543 : 1 Austin, G. L. Water-analysis ; a hand-book for water-drinkers. Bost. 1883 [1882]. T. 543:3 Fresenius, C: Remigius. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis. Tr. into the new sys- tem and newly' rev. by S. W. Johnson. 3d ed.. ill. N. Y". 1883. 6. 544-f-5 Dragendorff, G: Plant analysis, qualitative and quantitative. From the german byH:G. Greenish. N. Y. 1884. O. 543 : 4 Roscoe, H: Enfield. Spectrum analysis -, six lectures del. in 1868 before the Society of apothecaries of London. 111. N. Y. 1869. O. 544 : 3 Schellen, T: Joseph H: Spectrum analysis in its application to terrestrial substances, and the physical constitution of the hea- venly bodies familiarly explained. Tr. from the 2d enl. and rev. german ed. by Jane and Caroline Lassell ; ed., with,, notes, by W: Huggins. 111., portr.. and Angstrom's and Kirchhoff 's maps. N. Y. 1872. O. 544+4 Zech, Paul. Das spektrum und die spektral- analyse. Miinchen. 1875. S. 544 : 1 Lockyer, .Toseph Norman. Studies in spectrum analysis. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1878.' D. 544:2 4. Mineralogy. Ruskin, J: The ethics of the dust ; ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallisation. N. Y. 1866. D. 548 : 1 Hunt, T. Sterry. The origin of crystalline rocks. In "Transactions of the royal soc. of Canada. 61 : R Egleston, T: Catalogiie of minerals, with their formulas, etc. Wash. 1863. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 v7 Eobell, Franz v. Mineralogy simplified ; a short method of determining and classifying minerals, by means of simple chemical experiments in the dry and wet way. Tr. from the german ; with an introd. to blow- pipe analysis and other add. by H: Erni. Phila. 1867. D. 549 : 2 Ramsay, Alexander. The rudiments of miner- alogy ; a concise view of the general prop- erties of minerals. 2d ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 549 : 6 Collins, J. H. Mineralogy. (Putnam's adv. science ser.) 111. N. Y. n. d. 2 v. D. 549 : 17 Contents. V. 1. General principles of mineralofry. 2. Systematic and descriptive mineralogy. Dana, James Dwight. Manual of mineralogy and lithology ; containing the elements of the science of minerals and rocks, for the use of the practical mineralogist and geologist, and for instruction in .schools and colleges. 3d ed. 111. N. Y. 1878. D. 549 : 1 and G: Jarvis Brush. A system of mineral- ogy : Descriptive mineralogy, comprising 21 323 dl. 549-51 NATURAL SCIEHrCE-MlUERALOGTr. the most recent discoveries. 5th ed., re- written, enl. and ill.; 10th sub-ed. with 3 appendices and corr. N. Y. 1883. O. 549+14 Contents. Main work as above, 1868. Brush, G: J. App. 1, 1868-1873.-Dana, E: S. App. 2. 1872-1875; App. 3, 18751883. Zirkel, Ferdinand. Microscopical petrography, [of rocks from the country along tne 40th parallel]. 111. (U. S. geol. expl. 40th par.. King ; Report, v. 6.) Wash. 1876. Q. in 557.5 :D Bauerman, Hilary. Text-book of descriptive mineralogy. [Text-books of science.] N. Y. 1884. S. 549 : 19 Phillips, J. Arthur. Treatise on ore deposits. 111. Lond. 1884. O. 549+18 Jones, W: The treasures of the earth, or Mines, minerals and metals. 111. London, n. d. D. 549:3 Orton, James. Underground treasures, how and where to find them ; a key for the ready de- termination of all the useful minerals with- in the U. S. 111. Hartford. 1873. S. 549:4 Thorpe, T: E:, ed. Coal ; its history and uses. Lond. 1878. O. 549 : 9 Contents. Green, A. H. The geology of coal. Miall, L: C. Coal plants; Animals of the coal mea- sures. Thorpe, T: E: The chemistry of coal. Riicker, A. W. Coal as a source of warmth ; Coal as a source of power. Marshall, J. The coal question. Lesley, J: P: Manual of coal and its topogra- phy. 111. Phila. 1856. D. 649 : 10 Taylor, R: Cowling. Statistics of coal, incl. mineral bituminous substances employed in arts and manufactui-es, with their geo- graphical, geological and commercial distri- bution, and amount, production and con- sumption on the american continent, with incidental statistics of the iron manufac- ture. 2d ed. rev. and brought down to 1854 by S. S. Haldeman. Phila. 1855. O. 549+11 Feuchtwanger, Lewis. A popular treatise on gems in reference to their scientific value ; a guide for the teacher of natural sciences, the lapidary, jeweller and amateur ; toge- ther with a description of the elements of mineralogy and all ornamental and archi- tectural materials. 111. 3d ed. N. Y. 1867. D. 549 : 8 King, C: W: The natural history of gems or semi-precious stones. London. 1870. D. 549 : 12 The natural history of precious stones and the precious metals. Lond. 1870. D. 549 : 13 Dieiilafait, L: Diamonds and precious stones ; a popular account of gems, containing their history, their distinctive properties and a description of the most famous gems, gem cutting and engraving, and the artilicial production of real and counterfeit gems. Tr. from the french by Fanchon Sanford. [111. lib. of wonders]. N. Y. 1874. D. 549:6 Emanuel, Harry. Diamonds and precious stones ; their histor;^, value and distin- guishing characteristics, with simple tests For their identification. 2d ed., with a new table of the present value of diamonds. N. Y. 1873. D. 549 : 7 Streeter, Edwin W. The great diamonds of the world ; their history and romance, col- lected from official, private and other soui'ces during *J years of correspond- ence and inquiry. The ms. of the " Koh-i- nur " graciously read and approved by her majesty the queen, the accounts of the "Pitt" and "Eugenie" rev. by her ma- jesty the empress Eugenie. Ed. and anno- tated by Joseph Hatton and A. H. Keane. Lond. [1882]. O. 549 : 15 Same. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1883. Q. 549+15 Hamlin, A: C. Leisure hours among the gems. Bost. 1884. D. 549 : 20 Beck, Lewis Caleb. Mineralogy of New York ; comprising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the state, and notices of their uses in the arts and agri- culture. 111. Albany. 1842. Q. / Natural history of N. Y., pt. 3. 557.3 : Rl Geology, Glass 550. See after Physical geog^raphy. 6. Physical geography. (See also Geography, cl. 910-919.) 1. In general. Bucke, C: On the beauties, harmonies and sub- limities of nature, with notes, comment- aries and ill., sel. and rev. by W: P. Page. N. Y. 1846. S. 651:5 Ewbank, T: The world a workshop, or The Ehysical relationship of man to the earth. .Y. 1855. D. 551 : 24 Geikie, Archibald. Physical geography. (Sci- ence primers.) 111! N. Y. 1880. S. "551 :7 Grimes, J. Stanley. Geognomy, creation of the continents by ocean currents ; an advanced system of physical geology and geography, fhila. 1885. 1). 651 : Sll Guyot, Arnold. The earth and man ; lectures on comparative physical geography in its relation to the history of mankind. Tr. from the french by C. C. Felton. Bost. 1849. D. 551 : 8 Higgins, W. Mullinger. The earth, its physical condition and most remarkable pheno- mena. N. Y. 1842. S. 551 : 18 Hvimboldt, F: H: Alexander ymAerr v. Ansich- ten der natur, mit wissenschaftlichen er- Ijiuterungen. Stuttg. 1874. 2 pts. in 1 v. S. 551 :1 Same, eng. Aspects of nature in dift'erent lands and different climates, with scientific elucidations. Tr, by mrs. Sabine. Phila. 1850. D. 551 : 1 Same. Views of nature, or Contemplations on the sublime phenomena of creation, with scientific illustrations. Tr. from the german NATURAL SCIENCE- PHYSICAL GEOGB. CI. 550-551 by E. C. Otte and H. G. Bohn. Lond. 1870. D. 661:1 Huxley, T: H: Physiography ; an introd. to the study of nature. 2ded.'ill. N. Y. 1878. D. 551:11 Klein, Hermann J., and O: W: Thome. God's glorious creation, or The mighty marvels of earth, sea and sky ; the earth's place in the universal plan, wonders of the water, wonders of the land, wonders of the atmos- phere. Tr. from the german by J. Min- shull. 111. Lond. [1884]. O. 651+33 The creator's wonders in living nature, or Marvels of life in the animal and vegeta- ble kingdoms ; organic life in all parts of the world on land and in the ocean. Tr. from the german by J. Minshull. 111. Lond. [1885]. O. " 551+34 Lorenz v. Liburnau, Josef Roman ritter. Wald, klima und wasser. Miinchen. 1878. S. 551 : 2 Marsh, G: Perkins. The earth as modified by human action ; a new ed. of Man and nature. New and rev. ed. N. Y. 1877. O. 551 : 13 Maury, Matthew Fontaine. Physical geography; rev. by Mytton Maury. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1883. Q. 651+28 Meech, L. W. On the relative intensity of the heat and light of the sun upon different latitudes of the earth. 111. Wash. 1856. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : 113 v9 Peschel, Oscar Ferdinand. Zur mathematischen und physischen geographic. In Ms Ab- handlun'gen zur erd- und volkerkunde. 910: 2 v2 Somerville, Mary. Physical geography. 2d amer. ed., with add. and a glossary pre- pared for this ed. Phila. 1850. D. 661:14 Tugnot de Lanoye, Ferdinand. The sublime in nature ; compiled from the descriptions of travellers and celebrated writers. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1875. D. 561 : 12 Adams,. C: The earth and its wonders, in a series of familiar sketches. Cine. [1870]. S. x561 : 17 Abbott, Jacob. Science for the young : Water and land. 111. N. Y. 1872. x 551 : 4 Bell, N. R. E. {N. D'Anvers). Forms of land and water ; an ill. geographical reader, by N. D'Anvers. (Science ladders, no. 1). N. Y. 1882. S. x651 :20 Garden, The, the woods and the fields, or The teachings of natiire as seasons change. N. Y. 1882. D. x651 : 21 In the temperate regions, or Nature and natural histoi'y in the temperate zones ; with anec- dotes and stories of adventiire and travel. N. Y. 1882. S. x661 : 23 In the polar regions, or Nature and natural his- tory in the frozen zone; with anecdotes and stories of adventure and travel. N. Y. 1882. S. X 651: 22 Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. The world at home, or Pictures and scenes from far-off lands. Lond. 1880. O. x561 :32 Vulliet, Adam. Esquisse d'une nouvelle geo- graphic physique, destinee A, interesser la at denotes books specially adapted for children. jeunesse 4 I'etude de cette science par la description d'animaux, de mineraux, de plantes utiles, etc. Afrique, Amerique, Oceanic. 4e ed. rev. et aug. Paris. 1869. D. 551 :19 Sp ecial localities . Gannett, H: A dictionary of altitudes in the U. S. (U. S. geol. survey, Powell ; Bulletin, no. 5.) Wash. 1884. C>. in651:D Lists of elevations, principally in that portion of the U. S. west of the Mississippi river. 4th ed. Map. (U. S. geol. survey of tne terr., Hayden ; Miscel. pub. no. 1.) Wash. 1877. O. m 667.5 :D Same. Additional lists, 1879. In the same; Bulletin, v. 5. m 557.5 : D Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph, and others. Lake Superior ; its physical character, vegeta- tion and animals, compared with those of other and similar regions ; with a narrative of the tour by J. Elnott Cabot and contri- butions by other scientific gentlemen. 111. Bost. 1850. O. 561 : 1130 Ellet, C:, jr. Contributions to the physical geo- graphy of the U. S. ; pt. 1 : Of the physical geography of the Mississippi valley, with suggestions for the improvement of navi- gation of the Ohio and other rivers. 111. Wash. 1850. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506 : B,3 v2 Powell, John Wesley. Reports on the lands of the arid region of the U. S., with a more , detailed account of Utah. 2d ed. Maps. (U. S. geograph. and geol. survey of the Rocky mountain region, J. W. Powell, geol. -in-charge.) Wash. 1879. Q. m 657.5 :D Sp ecial products. Drude, Oscar. Die florenreiche der erde ; dar- stellung der /?egenwjirtigen verbreitungs- verhaltnisse der pflanzen, ein beitrag zur vergleichenden erdkunde. Karten. Gotha. 1884. Q. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Erganzungsb. 16. 905. 1 : M Fischer, Theobald. Die dattelpalme ; ihre geo- graphische verbfeitung und culturhistori- sche bedeutung. Karte. Gotha. 1881. Q. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Ergan- zungsb. 14. 906. 1 : M Schumann, C : Kritische untersuchungen iiber die zimtliinder ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der geographic und des nandels. Karte. Gotha. 1883. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Erganzungsb. 16. 905.1 :M Map construction. {See aUo Topographical engrineering, cl. 622.) Peirce, C: Sanders. A quincuncial projection of the sphere. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1877. in 622 : D Schott, C: Anthony. A comparison of the com- parative value of the polyconic projection, used on the coast and geodetic survey, with some other projections. 111. In the same, 1880. in 622 : D Hunt, E. B., and C: A. Schott. Tables for pro- jecting maps, with notes on map projec- tions. In the same, 1853. in 622 : D 327 CI. 550-553 NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICAL GEOOK. Hilgard, Julius E. Tables for projecting maps of large extent. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1856. in 622 : D Same. In the same, 1859. in 622 : D Projection tables for a map of North America. In the same, 1865. in 622 : D 2. Land. K-eclus, J: Jacques Elisee. The earth ; a descrip- tive history of the phenomena of the life of the globe. ' Tr. by B. B. Woodward and ed. by H: Woodward. 111. N. Y. 1873. O. 551.14-1 Hartwig, G: The subterranean world. Maps and ill. 3d ed. Lond. 1875. O. 551:10 The tropical world ; aspects of man and nature in the equatorial regions of the globe. New ed., ill. Lond. 1873. O. 551 : 9 Wallace, Alfred "Russel. Tropical nature, and other essays. Lond. 1878. O. 551:26 Contents. The climate and physical a,spects of the equatorial zone. Equatorial vegetation. Animal life in the tropi trating the luxuriance of tropical nature. The fe in the tropical forests. Humming-birds, as illus- ating the luxuriance of tropical nature. The colours of animals and sexual selection. The colours ;s and the origin of the colour-sense. By- the domain of biology. The distribution of of plants and the origin of the colour-sense. By- paths in the domain of biology. The distrib " animals as indicating geographical changes. Wagner, Moriz F: Beitriige zur naturgeschichte des hochlandes Armenien. In his Reise nach dem Ararat. 915.6 : 5 Mo untains and volcanoes. Beclus, J: Jacques Elisee. The history of a mountain. Tr. from the french by Bertha Ness and J: Lillie. 111. Lond. 1881. D. 553:2 Pfaff, Alexius Burkhard Immanuel F: Die na- turkriifte in den Aljjcn, oder Physikalische geographic des Alpengebirges. Munchen. 1877. S. 551 : 3 VioUet - le - Due, Eugfene Emmanuel. Mont Blanc ; a treatise on its geodesical and geological constitution, its transforma- tions and the ancient and recent state of its glaciers. Tr. by B. Bucknall. 111. Lond. 1877. O. 551 : 29 Bemdt, Gustav. Das Val d'Anniviers und das Bassin de Sierre ; ein beitrag zur physika- lischen geographic und ethnographic der WallLser Alpen. Karte. Gotha. 1883. Q. In Petermann's mitteilungen, ErgJinzungsb. 15. 905.1 :M B-ivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella ; versuch einer physikalis(;]i-g(!()graphischen beschreibung dieser gcl)ir;z;s;;nii)pe, mit speciellcr be- riicksichtiguiig ihrer forstlichen verhJilt- nisse. Karte. Gotha. 1880. Q. In Peter- mann's mitteilungen, Erganzungsb. 14. 905.1 :M Dall, W: Healey. Report on Mount St. Elias, Mount Fairweather, and some of the adja- cent mountains. In U. S. coast survev rep. 1875. in 622 : D Hovey, Horace Carter. Celebrated american caverns, especially Mammoth, Wyandot and Luray ; together with historical", scien- tific and descriptive notices of caves and grottoes in other lands. Cine. 1882. O. 551 :25 PfaflF, Alexius Burkhard Immanuel F: Die vulkanischen erscheinungen. Deutsche originalausg. Munchen. 1871. S. 553 : 1 Judd, J: W. Volcanoes; what they are and what they teach. (Intern, scientitic ser.) N. y. 188i. D. 553 :4 3. Water. Tissandier, Gaston. The wonders of water. From the french ; ed., with numerous add. by Scheie de Vere. [111. lib. of wonders. 1 N. Y. 1874. D. 551 : 15 Tyndall, J: The forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers. 111. (Intern, scien- tific ser.) N. Y; 1876. D. 551 : 16 Whittlesey, C: On fluctuations of level in the north american lakes. 111. Wash. 1860. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl2 HoUey, G: W. The falls of Niagara ; with sup- plementary chapters on other famous cata- racts of the world. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 551:27 The ocean. (For animal life, see Zoology, el. 590.) GoBse, Philip H: The ocean. Phila. 1856. D. 551.2:1 Hartwig, G: The sea and its living wonders ; a Sopular account of the marvels of the eep and of the progress of maritime dis- covery from the earliest ages to tlie i^res- ent time. 111. New ed. Lond. 1881. O. 551.2:11 IngersoU, Ernest. Old ocean. 111. Boston. [1883.1 S. 551.2:12 Jones, W: The broad, broad ocean, and some of its inhabitants. New ed. ill. Lond. n. d.D. 551.2:2 Jordan, W: Leighton. The ocean ; its tides and currents, and their causes. Lond. 1873. O. 551.2:13 Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. The sea and its wonders; a companion volume to "The world at home." [111.] Lond. 1878. O. x551.2:3 Maury, Matthew Fontaine. The physical geo- graphy of the sea. New ed. N. Y. 1856. O. 551.2+6 Michelet, Jules. The sea. From the french. N. Y. 1861. D. ^ 551.2:5 Reclus, J: Jacques Elisee. The ocean, atmos- phere and life ; the second series of a de- scriptive history of the life of the globe. 111. N. Y. 1874. O. 551.2+7 Schleiden, Matthias Jacob. Das meer. 2te aull. Gera. 1878. O. 551.2+4 Davis, C: H: The law of deposit of the Hood tide; its dynamical action and ofiice. Wash. 1852. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v3 Mitchell, H: Physical hydrography of the gulf of Maine. In U. S. coast survey rep. 187S). 'in 622 : D Notes concerning alleged changes in the rela- tive elevations of land and sea [on the coast of Maine]. In t?ie same, 1877. in 622 : D z denotes books specially adapted for children. NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICAL GEOGR. CI. 550-553 Mohn, H: Die norwegische Nordmeer-expedi- tion ; resultate der lothungen imd tiefsee- temperatur-beobachtungen. Karten. Go- tba. 1880. Q. In Petermann's mitteilun- gen, ErgJinzungsb. 14. 905.1 :M Dall, W: Healey. Beport on the cui'rents and temperatui-es ol Bering Sea and the adja- cent waters. 111. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1880. m622:D Harbors of Alaska, and the tides and currents in their vicinity. In the same, 1873. in 622 : D Report of geograph. and hydrograph. explor- ations of the coast of Alaska. In the same, 1872. in 622 : D Sonrel, L. The bottom of the sea. Tr. and ed, by Elihu Rich. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1875. D. 551.2:8 Pourtalds, L: Fran9ois de. List of publications relating to the deep-sea investigations, carried on in the vicinity of the coasts of the U. S. under the auspices of the coast survev. In U. S. coast survey rep. 187(5. in 622 : D i The Gulf Stream , characteristics of the At- lantic sea-bottom off the coast of the U. S. In the same, 1869. inQ22 : D Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. Report upon deep-sea dredgings in the Gulf Stream. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1869. in 622 : D Thomson, Sir C: Wyville. The depths of the sea ; an account of the general i-esults of the dredging cruises of h. m. ss. "Porcu- pine" and "Lightning", dui'ing the sum- mers of 1868 1870, under the scientific direction of dr. Carpenter, J. Gwyn Jef- freys and Wyville Thomson. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1873. O. 551.2 : 10 Dana, James Dwight. On coral reefs and islands ; from the author's exploring expe- dition report on geology, with add. N. Y. 1853. O. 551 :6 Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. Report on the exami- nation of the Florida reefs, keys, and coast. In U S. coast survey rep. 1851. in 622 : D Same. Repr. in rep. for 1866. in 622 : D Hunt, E. B. On the origin, gi'owth, substruc- ture and chronology of the Florida reef. In the same. 1862. in 622 : D Simmonds, P. L. The commercial products of the sea, or Marine contributions to food, industry and art. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 639 : 3 Note. For discussions of the tides, see Astronomy, cl. 521, col. 304. 4. The atmosphere. Flammarion, Camille. The atmosphere ; ed. by James Glaisher. 111. N. Y. 1874. Q. 552-f3 Hartwig, G: L: The aerial world ; a popular account of the phenomena and life of the atmosphere. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 552 : 2 Lommel, Eugen Cornelius Joseph. Wind und wetter ; gemeinfassliche darstellung der meteorologie. Miinchen. 1873. 552 : 1 Loomis, Elias. A treatise on meteorology ; with a collection of meteorological tables. N. Y. 1868. O. , 552+5 Zurcher, F:, and Elie MargoUe. Meteors, aero- lites, storms and atmospheric phenomena. From the french by W: Lackland. [HI. lib. of wonders.] N". Y. 1876. D. 552 : 6 Ruskin, J: The storm cloud of the 19th cen- tury ; two lectures delivered at the London institution, feb. 4th and 11th 1884. N. Y. 1884. D. 552 : 9 Coflan, James H: The orbit and phenomena of a meteoric fire-ball seen iuly 20, 1860. 111. Wash. 1869. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506:R3vl6 Olmsted, Denison. On the recent secular period of the aurora borealis. 111. Wash. 1856. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v8 Morgan, J: H., and J: T. Barber. An account of the aurora borealis seen near Cam- bridge, oct. 24th 1847 ; together with those of sept. 21st 1846, and march 19th 1847, seen at the Cambridge observatory. With 12cordeng. Cambridge. [1848]. Q. 552+7 Cof&a, James H: Psychrometrical table for de- termining the elastic force of aqueous vapor, and the relative humidity of the at- mosphere, from indications of the wet and the dry -bulb thermometer Fahrenheit. Wash. 1856. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl The winds of the ^lobe or The laws of atmos- pheric circulation over the surface of the earth ; the tables completed, on the au- thor's decease, and maps drawn by Selden Jenniilgs Coffin, with a discussion and ana- lysis of the tables and charts by Alex. ^Voeikof. 111. Wash. 1875. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : R3 v20 The winds of the northern hemisphere. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506:R3v6 Schreiber, Paul. Die bedeutung der windrosen fiir theoretische und practische fragen der meteorologie nnd klimatologie bei dem heutigen zustand der wissenschaft, darge- legt durch die aus 15jahr. beobachtungen in Leipzig sich ergebenden beispiele. 111. Gotha. 1881. Q. ^m Petermann's mitteilun- gen, Erganzungsb. 15. 905.1 :M Davis, W: Moi-ris. Whirlwinds, cyclones and tornadoes. 111. Bost. 1884. T. 552 : 8 Loomis, Elias. On certain storms in Europe and America, dec. 1836. 111. Wash. 1860. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506:R3 vll Chappelsmith, J : Account of a tornado near New Harmony, Ind., april 30, 1852, with a map of the track, etc. Wash. 1855. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v7 Daniells, W. W. The Wisconsin tornadoes of may 23, 1878. 111. In University of Wiscon- sin, Annual rep. of regents, 1878, with Gov- ernors message for 1879. in 328. 15 : D Ferrel, W: Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Pt. 1 : On the me- chanics and general motions of the atmos- phere. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1875. in 622 : D Same. Pt. 2 : On cyclones, tornadoes and waterspouts. In the same, 1878. in 622 : D Same. Pt. 3 : Barometric hypsometry and re- duction of the barometer to sea-level. In the same, 1881. in 622 : D 331 CI. 550-553 NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICAL GEOGR. 332 ffi Williamson, Robert S. Meteorology in its con- nection with hypsometry. Practical tables in naeteorology. In Ma On the use of the barometer. ' in 622 : D Note. For barometric hypsometry, see also cl. 622. United States. Signal service. Professional pa- )ers, prepared under the dir. of W. B. lazen, chief signal officer of the army ; nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11-13, 15, 16. 111. Wash. 1881-85. Q. in 552 .D Contents. No. 2. Qreely, A. W. Isothermal lines of the U. S., 1871 1880. 4. Finley, J: P. Tornadoes of may 39 and 30, 1879, in Kansas, Neb., Missouri and Iowa. 111. 6. Hazeu, H: A. The reduction of air- pressnre to sea-level, at elevated stations west of the Mississippi river. 8. Ferrel, W: The motions of fluids and solids on the earth's surface ; repr. with notes by Frank Waldo. 9. Dunwoody, H. H. C. Charts and tables showing- g-eog-raphical distribution of rainfall in the U. S. 11. Sherman, Orray Taft. Meteorol. and physical observations on the east coast of british America. 12. Ferrel. W: Popular essays on the movements of the atmosphere. 13. Ferrel, W: Temperature of the atmosphere and earth's sur- face. Id. Liangley, S. p. Researches on solar heat and its absorption by the earth's atmosphere ; a re- port of the Mt. Whitney expedition. 111. 16. Finley, J : P. Tornado studies for 1884. Maps. Notes, prepared under the dir. of W. B- Hazen, chief signal officer of the army ; nos. 1, 3, 4, 6-20. 111. Wash. 1882-85. O." in 552 : D Contents. No. 1. Bailey, W: O. Report on the Michigan forest fires of 1881. 3. Allen, James. To foretell frost. 4. Upton, Winslow. The use of the spectroscope in meteorological observations. 5. Hazen, H: A. Report on wind velocities at the lake Crib and at Chicago. 7. Hazen, H: A. Variation of rainfall west of the Mississippi river. 8. Waldo, Frank. The study of meteorology in the higher schools of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. 9. Dunvroody, H. H. C. Weather proverbs. 10. Qar- lin^on, Ernest A. Report on Lady Franklin Bay expedition of 1883. 11. Ward, F: K. The elements of the heliograph. 12. Finley, J: P. The special characteristics of tornadoes ; with practical directions for the protection of life and property. 13. Curtis, G. E. The relations between northers and magnetic disturbances at Havana, Cuba. 14, supp. to no. 10. Lamar, W. H., jr., and Frank W. Ellis. Physical ob- servations during the Lady Franklin Bay expedition of 1883. 16. Hazen, H: A. Danger lines and river floods of 1883. 16. Curtis, G. E. The effect of wind currents on rain-fall. 17. Morrill, Park. A first rep. upon observations of atmospheric electricity at Baltimore, Md. 16. McAdie, Alexander. The au- rora in its relations to meteorology. 19. G-lenn, S: W. Report on the tornado of aug. 38, 1884, near Huron, Dak. 20. Hazen, H: A. Thunder-storms of may 1884. Me t eorolo gical observations. (See also Astronomical observ. cl. 525, col. 307-308, and Magnetical obs., cl. 538, col. 317.) United States. Signal service. Circular: The ])ractical use of meteorological reports and weather-maps Wash. 1871. O. in 552 : D Guyot, Arnold H: Directions for meteorologi- cal observations and the registry of period- ical phenomena. 111. Wash. 1860. O. In Smith.sonian misc. 506 : R4 vl Tables, meteorological and physical. 3d ed., rev. and enl. Wash. 1859. 'O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 vl United States. Signal service. Daily bulletin of weather reports, taken at 7.35 a. m., 4.35 p. m. and 11 p. m., Washington mean time ; with the synopsis, probabilities and facts for the month of nov. 1872. Wash. 1873. Q. in 552.1 :D Cleaveland, Parker. Results of meteorological observations made at Brunswick, Maine, , | between 1807 and 1859 ; reduced and dis- cussed by C: A. Schott. 111. Wash. 1867. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl6 Hildreth, S: Prescott. Results of meteorologi- cal observations made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859 incl. Added, results of obs. taken at Marietta by Joseph Wood, between 1817 and 1823. Reduced and dis- cussed by C: A. Schott. 111. Wash. 1867. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506:R3vl6 Cajswell, Alexis. Meteorological observations made at Providence, R. 1., extending from dec. 1831 to may 1860. W^ash. 1860. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vlJJ Results of meteorological observations, made at Providence, R. I., extending over a period of 45 years, from dec. 1831 to dec. 1876. Wash. 1882. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : R3 v24 Smith, Nathan D. Meteorological observations made near Washington, Arkansas, from 1840 to 1859 incl. Wash. 1860. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl2 Espy, James P. 2d and 3d report on meteor- ology to the secretary of the navy. Maps and diag. Wash. 1850. Q. in 552.1 : D 4th meteorological rejiort. Maps and diag. Wash. 1857. Q. (U. S. 34th cong. 3 sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 65.) in 552.1 : D United States. Commissioner of patents. Results of meteorological observations, made under the dir. of the U. S. patent office and the Smithsonian institution, from 1854 to 1859 incl.; V. 2, pt. 1. Wash. 1864. Q. (U. S. 36th cong., 1 sess. House exec. doc. no. 55). i?i 552.1 :D Contents. Houg'h, Franklin B. Observations upon periodical phenomena in plants and animals from ia51 to 18,59, with tables of the dates of opening and closing of lakes, rivers, harbors, etc. Cfoflln, J. H. Observations relative to storms in 1859, reduced and arr. Schott, C: Anthony. Meteorological observations in the Arctic seas by Elisha Kent Kane, made during the second Grinnell expedi- tion in search of sir John Franklin in 1853-5, at Van Rensselaer harbor, and other points on the west coast of Greenland ; reduced and discussed. 111. Wash. 1859. Q. Jn Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vll Meteorological observations in the Arctic seas by sir Francis Leopold McClintock, made on board the Arctic searching yacht Fox, in BatBn bay and Prince Regent's inlet, in 1857-9 ; reduced and discussed. Map and ill. Wash. 1862. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : R3 vl3 United States. Navy dep't. Scientific results of the U. S. Arctic expedition, str. Polaris, C. F. Hall commanding. V. 1 : Physical ob- servations, by Eimil Bessels. Map. Wash. 1876. Q. in 552.1 :D Bryant, C: Meteorological register, Alaska ter- ritory, winter of 1870-71. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1871. in 622 : D Gannett, H: Meteorological observations during 1872, in Utah, Idaho and Montana. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayd(^n ; Miscel. pub., no. 2.') Wash. 1873. O.' in 557.5 : D Chittenden, (x: B. Meteorological observations made during 1873 and the early part of NATURAL SCIENCE PHYSICAL GEOGR. CI. 660-653 334 1874, in Colorado and Montana territories. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hay den ; Miseel. pub., no. 6.) Wash. 1874. O. in 567. fS :D Wisconsin. State university. Meteorological ob- servations, from Jan. 1869 to oct. 1878, by W. W. Daniells. In Annual reports of the regents, with Governor's message for 1870 1879. in 328. 15 :D Washburn observatory. Summary of meteorol. observ. taken at Madison, Wis., during 18531883. In Wisconsin agric. e.xper. station, 1st annual rep. 630 : 21 Schott, C: Anthony. Tables and results of the precipitation, in rain and snow, in the U. S. and at some stations in adjacent parts of North Amer., and in Central and South Amer. ; coll. by the Smithsonian inst., and discussed, under the dir. of Joseph Henry, sec. m. and charts. Wash. 1873. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl8 Same. Tables and results of the precipitation, in rain and snow, in the U. S. and at some stations in adjacent parts of North Amer- ica ; coll. by the Smithsonian inst., and discussed, under the dir. of Joseph Henry and Spencer F. Baird, see's. 2d ed. Plates and charts. Wash. 1881. Q. In Smithso- nian contributions. 506 : US v24 Tables, distribution and variations of the atmospheric temperature in the U.S. and some adjacent parts of Amer. Maps and ill. Wash. 1876. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : 113 v21 5. Medical climatology. Howe, Joseph W. Winter homes for invalids ; an account of the various localities in Europe and America suitable for consump- tives and other invalids during the winter months, with special reference to the climatic variations at each place and their influence on disease. N. Y. 1875. D. 552.2:4 Walton, G: E. The mineral springs of the U. S. and Canada, with analyses and notes of the prominent spas of Europe and a list of sea- side resorts. N. Y. 1873. D. 552.2 : 5 Cook, M: The wilderness cure. N. Y. 1881. D. 552.2:2 Denison, C: Rocky mountain health resorts ; an analytical study of high altitudes in relation to the arrest of chronic pulmonary disease. Bost. 1880. O. 562.2 :i3 Benjamin, S: Green Wheeler. The Atlantic islands, as resorts of health and pleasure. 111. N. Y. 1878. O. 652.2 : 1 Gibbes, Robert W. Cuba for invalids. N. Y. 1860. D. 552.2:7 Bennet, James H: Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean, or The Ge- noese Rivieras, Italy, Spain, Corfu, Greece, the Archipelago, Constantinople, Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta, Algeria, Tunis, Smyrna, Asia Minor, with Biarritz and Arcachon as winter climates. 5th ed. Lond. 1875. D. 552.2:6 Hlawacek, E: A guide to the mineral waters of Karlsbad, its walks and drives. 2d ed. Karlsbad, n. d. S. 552.2 :9 Diruf, Oscar, sen. Kissingen und seine heilquel- len ; vorzugsweise zum gebrauche f iir curgiiste bearb. 2te autt., mit einem stadt- plane und einer karte der umgegend Kis- singens. Kissingen. 1873. D. 552.2 : 10 Wever, Gustav. Der klimatische und molken- kurort Badenweiler, mit seinen umgebun- gen, topogi-aphisch, historisch und medi- cinisch dargestellt ; mit einem plane der romischen biider, einem panorama der alpenkette und einer karte der umgegend. 4te umgearb. aufl. Badenweiler. 1873. S. 552.2 :11 Chronik der vogtei Badenweiler ; ein beitrag zur entwicklungsgeschichte des kurorts Badenweiler. Badenweiler. 1869. S. 552.2: 12 Hull, Edmund P. C. The european in India, or Anglo-indians' vade-mecum ; a handbook of information for those proceeding to or residing in the East Indies, relating to out- fits, routes, time for departure, Indian climate and seasons, housekeeping, ser- vants, etc., also an account of anglo- indian social customs and native charac- ter. 3d ed. with add. Lond. 1878. D. 552.2:8 Mair, R. S. A medical guide for anglo-indians ; a compendium of advice to europeans in India... With Hull, E. C. P. The euro- pean in India. 562.2:8 7. G-eology and Paleontology. 1. General geology. (See aUn Relii^lon and science, el. 215, col. 81.) Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. Geological sketches, rist and] 2d series. Bost. 1876, 1877. 3 v. D. 550:3 Contents. 1st ser. America the old world. The Silurian beach. The fern forests of the carbonifer- ous period. Mountains and their ori^rin. The jcrowth of continents.- The s^eologlcal middle age. The ter- tiary ag:e and its characteristie animals. The forma- tion of glaciers. Internal structure and progression of glaciers. External appearance of glaciers. 2d ser. Glacial period. The parallel roads of Glen Roy in Scotland. Ice-period in America. Glacial phe- nomena in Maine. Physical history of the valley of the Amazons. Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. Cowhenomena and organic remains. 3d ed. .(md. 1854. D. 554.2 : 1 Bayberg-er, Franz. Der Inngletscher von Kuf- stein bis Haag ; ein beitrag zur kenntniss der siidbayerischen hochebene. Karte und ill. Gotha. 1882. Q. In Petermann's mit- teilungen, Ergiinzungsb. 15. 905.1 : M Pumpelly, Raphael. Geological researches in China, Mongolia and Japan, during 1862 1865. Maps and ill. Wash- 1866. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : B,3 vl5 Xiendenfeld, R. v. Der Tasman-gletscher und seine umgebung. Karten und ill. Gotha. 1884. Q. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Ergiinzungsb. 16. 906. 1 : M iVo r t h America. Macfarlane, James. The geologist's traveling hand-book ; an american geological rail- way guide, giving the geological formation at every railway station, with notes on in- teresting places on the routes and a de- scription of each of the formations. N. Y. 1879. O. 557:1 Dawson, J : W: Acadian geoloj^y ; the geological structure, organic remains and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick X denotes books specially adapted for children. and Prince Edward Island. 3d ed., with map, ill. and supp. Lond. 1878. O. 557.64-1 Marcou, Jules. Geology of North America, with two reports on the prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky mountains of New Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia, originally made -for the U. S. gov- ernment. Zurich. 1858. Q. 667 : 112 United States geological survey. lst-3d an- nual reports of the director. Wash. 1880- 83. 3v. in 2. Q. 567.1 :D Contents. V. 1. King:, Clarence. 1st annual re- port, with map showing: geographical divisions. 2. Powell, J: W. 2d annual report. Button, C. E. The physical geology of the Grand CaBon district. Gilbert, G. K. Contributions to the history of Lake Bonneville. Emmons, S. F. Abstract of report on geology and mining industry of Leadville, Lake co. Colo. Becker, G: F. A summary of the geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district. King, C. Production of the precious metals in the U. S. Gilbert, G. K. A new method of measuring heights by means of the barometer. 3. Powell, J: W. Re- Sort of the director. Administrative reports. tarsh, O. C. Birds with teeth. Irvingr, R. D. The copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Russell, I. C. Sketch of the geological history of Lake Lahon- tan. Hagrue, A. Abstract of the report on the geology of the Eureka district, Nev. Cnamberlin, T: C. Preliminary paper on the terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch. White, C A. A review of the non-marine fossil mollusca of North America. New York state. Communication from the governor, relative to the geological survey of the state, n. t. [Albany. 1838]. O. 667.3 :D Natural history of New York. 111. N. Y. 1842-79. 24 v. Q. 657.3 : Rl Contents. Pt. 1. Seward, W: H: Introd. De- Kay, J. E. Zoology. 5 V. 2. Torrey, .1. Botany. 3 V. 3. Beck, L. C. Mineralogy. 4. Mather, W: Williams, Ebenezer Emmons, Lardner Vanuxem and James Hall. Geology. 4 v. 5. Emmons, E. Agriculture. 5 v. 6. Hall, J. PaUeontology. 7 v. Those works belonging to other classes than geology, have been entered in their proper places In this catalogue. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The phosphate beds of South Carolina. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1870. in 622 : D Little, G: Report on the blue clay of the Mis- sissippi river. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1880. in 622 : D United States. Exploration of tJie Red River of La., 1852. Geology and palreontology. 111. In Marcy, R. B". Report. m 917.4 :D Contents. Hitchcock, E: Notes upon the speci- mens of rocks and minerals collected. Shumard, G: G. Remarks upon the general geology of the country traversed. Shumard, B: F. Description of the species of carboniferous and cretaceous fos- sils collected. Hilgard, Eugene Waldemar. On the geology of lower Louisiana and the salt deposit on Petite Anse island. III. Wash. 1872. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v23 Arkansas state. First report of a geological reconnoissanee of the fiortiiern counties of Arkansas, made during 1857 and 1858 by D: Dale Owen, assisted by W: Elderhorst, E: T. Cox. Little Rock. 1858. Q. 567.4 :D Whittlesey, C: On the fresh- water glacial drift of the northwestern states. Map and ill. Wash. 1866. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 606 : B.3 vl6 CI. 557 NATURAL SCIEWrCE-GEOLOGHf. OMo state. 2d. annual report on the geological survey of the state of Ohio, by W W. Mather. Columbus. 1838. O. 557.5:11 Illinois state. Economical geology of Illinois ; reprinted from the original reports of the geological survey, with add. and emenda- tions by Amos H: "Wortlieii. Springfield. 1882. 3v. O: 557.5: It Geological survey of Illinois ; v. 6. [Boston]. 1875. O. 557.5 :R C(mtent8. Worthen, Amos H:, arid others. Geol- OBry. St. John, Orestes Hawley, and otJiers. Palaeontology. Jackson, C: T., U. S. geologist. Repoi't on the geo- logical and mineral survey of the mineral lands of the U. S. in the state of Michigan, made under the authority of an act of con- gress approved march 1, 1847. Maps and ni. (U. S. 31st cong. 1 sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 1, pt. 3). Wash. 1849. O. in 328.1 : D Foster, J: Wells, and Josiah Dwight Whitney. Report on the geology and topography of a portion of the Lake Superior land dis- trict in the state of Michigan. Wash. 1850, 1851. Text, 2 v.; Maps, 1 v. O. 657.5 : R Contents. V. 1. Copper lands. 2. The Iron region, with the general geoiogy. Michigan state. Geological survey ; publ. by authority of the legislature, under the dir. of the fioard of geological survey. N. Y. 18731881. 4 V. and atlas. F. 557.5 :Il Contents. V. 1. Upper peuiuto, 1869 1873, with an atlas of maps: Pt. I, Brooks, T: Benton. Iron- hearing rocks, economic; pt. 2, Pumpelly, Raphael. Copper-bearing roclts; pt. 3, Bomiuger, C: PaUeo- zoic rocks. 2. Brooks, T: B. Appendices to v. 1, , 1. 3. Lower jyenimmla, 187;^ 1876, with a geol. map: jminger, C: Pt. 1, Geology; pt. 2, Pateontology : map: Rominger, C: Pt. 1, Marquette iron region ; n. The copper - bearing pt. 1. 3. Lower jyenintmln, 1871^1876, with a geol. map: Rominger, C: Pt. 1, Geology; pt. 2, Pateontology : Corals. 4. Upper pejiirmila, 18781880, with a geol. map: pt. 3, Menominee iron region Irwing, Ronald Duer. Tne cop rocks of Lake Superior, (v. S. geol. sur- vey. Monographs, v. 5.) Wash. 1883. Q. in 657.1 :D Wisconsin state. Report on the geological sur- vey of the state, by James Hall, on gen- eral geology and palaeontology, and J. D. Whiuxey, on the upper Mississippi lead region. V. 1. [Albany ?] 1862. (4. 557.5:112 Note. This vol. was the only one pub. Earlier re- ports of various dates will be found in the set of Wis. state documents. Geology of Wisconsin : Survey of 1873 1879 ; accompanied by an atlas of maps. 111. Madison. 1877-83. 4 v. Q., and atl. F. 557.5 :I13 Contents. V. 1, Pt. 1. Chamberlin, T: Chrowder. General geology. Pt. 2, Natural history. Salisbury, R. D., cftmp. Chemical analyses. Irving, Roland Duer. Minerals; Lithology. Whitfield, Kobort P. List of fossils. S'vsrezey, G. D. Catalogue of the phfenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants. Bundy, W. F. Partial list of fungi, with descrip- tions of new species; Crustacean fauna, with de- scriptions of little known species of cambarus. Hoy, P. R. Catalogue of lepidoptera; Catalogue of the cold-blooded vertebrates. Strong, Moses. List of mammals. King, F. H. Economic relations of Wisconsin birds. Pt. 3, Economic geology. Irving, B. D. Iron ores.- Strong, Moses. Lead and zinc ores. Chamberlin, T. C. Economic suggestions as to copper, silver and other ores; Building mater- ial; Soils and subsoils; Artesian wells. 2. Histori- cal; annual reports 1873-1875.- Chamberlin, T. C. Geology of eastern Wis.- Irving, R. D. Geology of central Wis. Strong, Moses. Geology and topo- graphy of the load region. 8. Irving, R. D. General geology of the Lake Superior region. Pumpelly, Raphael. Lithology of the keweenawan or copper- bearing system. Irving, R. D. Geology of the eastern Lake Superior district. Wright, C: E. Hu- ronian series west of Penokee Gap. Sweet, Ed- mund Theodore. Geology of the western Lake Superior district. Strong, Moses, ed. hy T. C. Cham- berlin. Geology of the upper St. Ci-oix district. Brooks, T: Benton. Geology of the Menominee region; with microscopical investigations of huron- ian rocks from the iron region of Lake Superior, by Arthur Wichmann. Wright, C: E. Geology of the Menominee iron region: economic resources, litho- logy, and westerly and southerly extension. 4. Strong, Moses. Geology of the Mississippi region north of the Wisconsin river. Wooster, L. C. Geo- logy of the lower St. Croix district. Whitfield, R. P. Paleontology. Chamberlin, T. C. Ore deposits of southwestern Wis. The quartzites of Barron and Chippewa counties, comp. from notes. King, F. H. Geology of the upper Flambeau valley. Irving, R. D., and C: R: Vanhise. Crystalline rocks of the Wisconsin valley. Clark, A. C, ed. hy T. C. Cham- berlin. Superficial geology of the upper Wisconsin valley. Davies, J: Eugene. Character and methods of the geodetic survey. [5.] Atlas of maps. Featherstonhaugh, G: W:, U. S. geologist. Geo- logical report of an examination made in 1834, of the elevated country between the Missouri and Red rivers. Map. Wash. 1835. D. in 551.5 :D liudlow, W: Report of a reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota, made in the sum- mer of 1874. Maps and ill. (Engineer dep't, U. S. army.) Wash. 1875. Q. in 557.5 : D Contents. General report. Winchell, Newton Horace. Geological report; with app.: Botany, List of elevations. (Jrinnell, G: Bird. Paleontological report; Zoological report. Whitfield, R. P. Descrip- tions of new fossils. Report of a reconnaissance from Carroll, Mon- tana territory, on the upper Missouri, to the Yellowstone national park and re- turn, made in the summer of 1875. Maps and ill. (Engineer dep't, U. S. army.) Wash. 1876. Q. in 557.5 iji Contents. General report. Qrinnell, G: Bird. Zoological report. Dana, E: Salisbury, and G: Bird O-rinnell. Geological report. Whitfield, R. P. Description of new fossils. United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. [Geologi- cal reports of routes explored.] 111. In Reports of the surveys. in 625 : D Contents. Schiel, James. Routes near the 38th and 41st parallels [in v. 2]. Blake, W: Pliipps. Route near ;j3d parallel [in v. 2]. Blake, W: P., and Jules Marcou. Route near the 3.5th parallel [in v. 3]. Blake, W: P. Routes in California, to connect with the routes near the 35th and 32d par. ; with app. containing paleontological papers by various authors [in V. 5]. Newberry, J: Strong. Route from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river [in v. 6]. Antisell, T: Routes from San Francisco bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the Coast Range, and from the Plmas villages to the Rio Grande. United States. Geological and geographical sur- vey of the territories, Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, U. S. geol. in cJiarge. Catalogue of the publications [of the survey]. 3(1 ed. rev. to dec. 31, 1878. Wash. 1879. O. in 557.5 : D Annual reports of progress, lst-12th, 1867- 1878. Maps and ill. Wash. 1872-83. 11 v. O. in 557.5 -.-D Contents. 1. Nebraska. 2. Wyoming. 3. Color- ado and New Mexico. 4. Wyoming and portions of contiguous territories. 5. Montana and portions of contiguous torr. 6. Portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. 7. Colorado. 8-10. Colorado and portions of adjacent terr. 11. Idaho and Wy- oming. 12. Wyoming and Idaho, pt. 1: Geology, paleontology and zoology; pt.2: Yellowstone nation- al park; geology, thermal springs; topography. For full contents of the various volumes, see Cata- logue of publications. 341 NATURAL SCIENCE- GEOLOGY. CI. 567 United States. Geological and geographical sur- vey of the territories. Continued. Geological and geographical atlas of Color- ado and portions of adjacent territory, corrected to date. [N. Y.] 1881. F. in 567. b :D Bulletins ; v. 1-6, 1874-1882. Maps and ill. Wash. 1875-82. 6 v. O. n 567.5 :D Note. The principal papers have been entered in their proper places, in this catalogue. For full con- tents, see Catalogue of the publications of the sur- vey. Miscellaneous publications, nos. 1-12. Wash. 1873-80. 12 V. in 7. O. in 667.5 : D Contents. 1. O-annett, H: Lists of elevations. 2. ': Gannett, H: Meteorol. observations. 3. Coues, E. Birds of the northwest. 4. Porter, T: C, and J: M. Coulter. Flora of Colorado. 5. Jackson, W. H. Descriptive catalogue of photographs. 6. Chitten- den, G : B. Meteorol. observations. 7. Matthews, W. Hidatsa Indians. 8. Coues, E. Fur-bearing ani- mals. 9. Jackson, W. H. Descriptive catalogue of photographs of Indians. 10. White, C. A., and H. A. Nicholson. Bibllogr. of north amer. paleont- ology. 11. Coues, E. Birds of the Colorado val- ley. 12. Allen, J. A. North amer. pinnipeds. These works have been entered separately in their proper places, in this catalogue. Reports, v. 1-3, 5-12. 111. Wash. 1873-84. Q. tw 557.6 :D Contents. V. 1. Leidy, J. Fossil vertebrates. 2. Cope, E. D. Vertebrata of the cretaceous forma- tions. 3. Cope, E. D. Tertiary vertebrata, book 1. 4. Not puh. 5. Thomas, C. Acrididae of North America. 6, 7, 8. Lesquereux, L. Fossil flora of the western territories. 9. Meek, F. B. Inverte- brate cretaceous and tertiary fossils. 10. Pack- ard, A. S., jr. Geometrid moths of the U.S. 11. Coues, E., and J. A. Allen. North amer. rodentia. I 12. Leidy, J. Fresh-water rhizopods of North i Amer. These works have been entered separately in their proper places, in this catalogue. United States. Geological exploration of the forti- eth parallel, Clarence King, geol. -in- charge. Reports, v. 1-7. Maps and ill. (Professional papers of the engineer dep't, U. S. army, no. 18). Wash. 1870-80. 7 v. Q. in 567.5: D Contents. V. 1. Kingr, Clarence. Systematic geol- ogy; with atlas. 2. Hagrue, Arnold, and 8 : Frank- lin Emmons. Descriptive geology. 3. Hagrue, J. D. Mining industry. 4. Meek, F. B., J. Hall and R. P. Whitfield. Palaeontology. Ridgway, R. Ornithology. 5. Watson, S.. a^vl others. Botany. 6. Zirkel, F. Microscopical petrography. 7. Marsh, O. C. Odontornithes. Those works belonging to other classes than geology, have been entered sepa- rately in their proper places, in this catalogue. Geological and topographical atlas, accom- panying the [above] report. [N. Y.]- 1876. in 557.5 :D Atlas accompanying v. 3 [of above report], on mining industry. N. Y. [1870]. in 657.6 :D United States. Geographical and geological ex- p>lorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, G: M. Wheeler in charge. An- nual reports, with topographical atlas sheets, 18761879. Wash. 1876-80. 4 v. and 4 portf. O. in 657.6 : D Note. Earlier i-eports will be found in app. to Re- port of the chief of engineers, U. S. army, for the various years during which the exped. was carried on. [Preliminary and progress reports.] Wash. 1872-75. 3v. Q. m 557.5 :D Contents. Prelim, rep. upon a reconnaissance through southern and southeastern Nevada, made in 1869 by G: M. Wheeler and D. W. Lockwood. Prelim, rep. concerning explor. and surv^eys, prin- cipally in Nevada and Arizona, by G : M. Wheeler, 1871. Progress rep. upon explor. and surveys west of the 100th mer. in 1873, by G : M. Wheeler. I United States. Geographical and geological sur- vey west of 100th mer. Continued. [Miscellaneous reports and publications]. Wash. V. d. Iv. O.; 2 v. Q. in 567.6 :J} Contents. White, C: Abiathar. Prelim, rep. upon invertebrate fossils, coll. by the exped. of 1871, 1872 and 1873; with descript. of new species. Pub. dec. 1874. Cope, E : Drinker. Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the eocene of New Mexico, coll. in 1874. Pub. april 187.5. Yarrow, H. C. Rep. upon ornith- ological specimens coll. in 1871, 1872 and 1873. Pub. 1874. Watson, Sereno, and J. T. Rothrock. Cata- logue of plants coll. in 1871, 1873 and 1873, with de- script, of new species. Pub. 1874. Kampf, F., and J. H. Clark. Astronomical report. Pub. 1874. Safford, T. H. Catalogue of mean declinations of stars, Jan. 1, 187.5. Pub. 1879. [Final] reports, in 7 v., accompanied by one topograph, and one geol. atlas ; v. 2-6. Wash. 1875-78. 5 v. Q. in 557.5 .H Contents. V. 2. Astronomy and Barometric hypso- metry. 3. Geology. 4. Palaeontology. 6. Zoology. 6. Botany. These works have been entered separ- ately in their proper places, in this catalogue. Geology of portions of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, examined in 18711873. 111. (Report, v. 3.) Wash. 1875. Q. in 567.6 : D Contents. Gilbert, Grove K: Geol. of portions of Nevada, Utah, California and Arizona. Marvine, Archibald Robertson. Geol. of route from St. George, Utah, to Gila river. Ariz. Howell, Edwin Eugene. Geol. of portions of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Stevenson, J : James. Geol. of a portion of Colorado. Gilbert, G. K: Geol. of portions of NeAV Mexico and Arizona. Loew, Oscar. Investiga- tions upon mineralogical and agricultural conditions, observed in portions of Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Newberry, J: Strong. Geology of the Colorado river of the west. 111. In Ives, J. C. Re- port of exploration, 1857-8. in 917.5 : 1) Geological report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the junc- tion of the Grand and Green rivers of the great Colorado of the west, in 1859, under command of capt. J. N. Macomb. 111. (Engineer dep't, U. S. army.) Wash. 1876. Q. in 557.6 : D Hall, James. Letter, containing observations on the geology and palasontology of the country traversed by [Stansbury's] exped. [to the Great Salt Lake], and notes upon some of the fossils collected. 111. /. Re- port, 1855. in 917.5 I'D Button, Clarence E : Report on the geology of the high plateaus of Utah. 111. and atlas. (U. S. geograph. and geol. survey of the Rocky mountain region, J. W. Powell in charge.) Wash. 1880. 2 v. Q. and F. in 657.5 :D Gilbert, Grove K: Report on the geology of the Henry mountains. 111. (U. S. geograph. and geol. survey of the Rocky mountain region, J. W. Powell, geologist-in-charge.) Wash. 1877. Q. in 657.5 : D Becker, G: F. Geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district -, with atlas. 111. (U. S. geol. survey, King ; Monographs, v. 3). Wash. 1882. Q. in 567.1 :D Blake, W; P. Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California, from Bodega bay to San Diego. Maps. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1855. in 622 : D Hall, James. Nature of the geological forma- tions occupying the portion of Oregon and 343 CI. 557-569 NATURAL SCIENCE GEOLOGY. 344 north California included in a geographical survey under the dir. of capt. Fremont, 1843-44, and Description of organic remains collected. 111. In Fremont, J. C. Report. in 917.6 '.H Blcike, Theodore A. Geology of Alaska. In Davidson, G: Report, in U. S. coast sur- vey rep. 1867. 622 : D 3. Paleontology. G eneral and veg etable. Filler, Guillaume L: The world befoi-e the deluge ; newly ed. and rev. by H. W. Bris- tow. 111. N. Y. 1872. D. 560:2 Mantell, Gideon Algernon. The medals of crea- tion, or Fii'st lessons in geology and the study of organic remains. 2d ed., rewrit- ten. Lond. n. d. 2 v. D. 560 : 3 Contents. V. 1. Fossil vegetables, zoophytes, echi- noderms and molluscs. 2. Fossil cephalopoda, Crus- tacea, insects, fishes, reptiles, birds and mammalia. Notes of geological excursions. Hall, James. Palasontology of New York. 111. Albany. 184779. 5 v. in 7. Q. In Natur- al hist, of N. Y., pt. 6. 557.3 : Rl Contents. V. 1. Organic remains of the lower divi- sion of the N. Y. system, or lower Silurian rocks of Europe; with plates. 2. Organic remains of the lower middle division of the N. Y. system, or middle Silurian rocks of Europe; with plates. 3. Organic remains of the lower Heidelberg group and the Oriskany sandstone, 1855-9: pt. 1, Text; pt. 2, Plates. 4. Fossil brachiopoda of the upper Heidelberg, Ham- ilton, Portage and Chemung groups, 1862-6; with plates. 5. Gasteropoda, pteropoda and cephalopoda of [the same] groups: pt. 1, Text; pt. 2, Plates. Geological survey of Wisconsin: Descriptions of new species of fossils from the investi- gations of the survey. With Governor's message, 1861. ' in 328. 15 : D United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. [Paleonto- logical papers.] 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 5. in 625 : D Contents. A^assiz, L: Notice of fossil fishes. Conrad, Timothy Abbott. Descriptions of fossil shells. Bailey, J. W. Structure of a fossil plant. Schaeffer, G: C. Structure of fossil wood. iVote. Other paleontol. papers will be found with the vari- ous reports on geology, which see. Cope, E: Drinker, and C: A. White. Paleon to- logical papers [relating to the territories of the U. S.] InV. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 3, 4, 5, 6. in 557.5 : D Meek, Fielding Bradford. Palaeontology [of the country along the 40th parallel] . 111. (U. S. geol. expl. 40th par., King ; Report, v. 4). Wash. 1877. Q. m557.5:D Hall, James, and Robert P. Whitfield. Palaion- tology [of the country along the 40th par- allel]. 111. (U. S. geol. expl. 40th par., King ; Report, v. 4). Wash. 1877. Q. in 557.5 :D Lesquereux, Leo. Contributions to the fossil flora of the western territories: pt. 1, The cretaceous flora ; pt. 2, The tertiary flora ; Et. 3, The creta<}eous and tertiary floras. II. (U. S. geol. survey of the tefr., Hay- den; Report, V. 6-8.) Wash. 1878-83. 3 v. Q. in 557.5 .D In vertebrates. White, C: Abiathar, and H. Alleyne Nicholson. Bibliography of north american inverte- White, C: Abiathar, etc. Continued. brate paleontology, incl. the West Indies and Greenland. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Miscel. pub., no. 10)'. Wash. 1878. O. w 557.5 :D Same. Supp. [to 1879]. In the same; Bulle- tin, V. 5. in 557.5 :D Conrad, Timothy Abbot. Check list of the inver- tebrate fossils of North America ; eocene and oligocene. Wash. 1866. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 v7 Meek, Fielding Bradford. Check list of the in- vertebrate fossils of North America ; mio- cene, cretaceous and Jurassic. Wash. 1864. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v7 A repoi't on the invertebrate cretaceous and tertiary fossils of the upper Missouri coun- try. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, v. 9). Wash. 1876. Q. in 557.5 :D and Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden. Palajont- ology of the upper Missouri ; a report up- on collections made principally by the expeditions under command of i^. K. War- ren, in 1855-6. Invertebrates ; pt. 1. 111. Wash. 1865. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506 : 113 vl4 White, C: Abiathar. Report upon the inverte- brate fossils collected in portions of Ne- vada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, by parties of the expeditions of 1871-1874. 111. (U. S. geograph. surveys west of 100th mer., Wheeler ; Report, v. 4, pt. 1). Wash. 1877. Q. in 557.5 .-D Scudder, S: Hubbard. An account of some in- sects of unusual interest from the tertiary rocks of Colorado and Wyoming. Ini]. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 : D Ye rtebrates. Cope, E: Drinker. The relations of the horizons of extinct vertebrata of Europe and North America. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 5. ' in 557.5 : D Leidy, Joseph. The ancient fauna of Nebraska, or A description of remains of extinct mam- malia and chelonia, from the Mauvaises Terres of Nebraska. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : 113 v6 Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the western territories. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, v. 1.) Wash". 1873. Q. in 557.5 : D Cope, E: Drinker. Report upon the extinct ver- tebrata, obtained in New Mexico by parties of the expedition of 1874. 111. (U.' S. geo- graph. surveys west of lOOth mer., Wheeler; Report, V. 4, pt. 2). Wash. 1877. Q. in 557.5 : D Review of the vertebrata of the cretaceous ?eriod, found west of the Mississippi river. n U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 1. in 557.5 : D The vertebrata of the cretaceous formations of the west. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, v. 2.) Wash. 1875. Q. in 557.5 :Ti The vertebrata of the tertiary formations of the west, book 1. 111. (U. S'. geol. survey of 345 NATURAL SCIENCE PALEONTOIiOGY. CI. 660-671 346 the terr., Hayden ; Report, v. 3.) Wash. 1883. Q. :i 557.6 :D Gibbes, Roljert Wilson. A memoir on mosasau- rus and the three allied genera: holcodus, conosaui'us and amphorosteus. 111. Wash. 1850. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 606 : R3 v2 I 571:20 Short, J: T. The north americans of antiquity ; their origin, migrations and type of civil- ization considered. N. Y. 1880. O. 571 :25 Foster, J: Wells. Pre-historic races of the U. S. of America. 4th ed. Chicago. 1878. O. 571:23 Squier, Ephraim G: Antiquities of the state of New York ; being the results of extensive original surveys and explorations, with a supp. on the antiquities of the west. 111. Buffalo. 1851. O. 571 : 26 Aboriginal monuments of the state of New York ; comprising the results of original surveys and explorations, with an illustra- tive apj). 111. Wash. 1850. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 505 : R3 v2 Priest, Josiah. American antiquities and dis- coveries in the west -, an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations, differing en- tirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America many centuries before its discovery by Columbus, and inquiries into their origin; with a copious description of many of their stupendous works, now in ruins, with conjectures concerning what may have become of them, compiled from travels, authentic sources and the research- es of antiquarian societies. 2d ed., rev. Albany. 1833. O. 571 : P34 Squier, Ephraim G:, and I^dwin Hamilton Davis. An(;lent monuments of the Mississippi val- ley ; comprising tlie results of extensive original surveys and explorations. 111. Wash. 1848. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506 : R3 vl 349 NATURAL SCIENCE-BIOLOGY. CI. 571-672 350 I' Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley ; an account of some of the monuments and relics of pre-his- toric races scattered over its surface, with suggestions as to their origin and uses. St. Louis. 1879. O. 671+21 | Whittlesey, C: Descriptions of ancient works i in Ohio. 111. Wash. 1851. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 606 : B.3 v3 Force, M. F. Some early notices of the indians of Ohio. Cine. 1879. O. 671 : 22 To what race did the mound builders belong. With the above. 671 : 22 MacLean, J. P. The mound builders ; an ac- count of a remarkable people that once in- habited the valleys of the Ohio and Missis- sippi ; together with an investigation into the archaeology of Butler co., O. 111. Cine. 1879. O. 671 : 24 Carr, Lucien. The mounds of the Mississippi valley, historically considered. (Kentucky geol." survey.) Cine. 1883. Q. 571+36 Jones, Joseph. Exploration of the aboriginal remains of Tennessee. 111. Wash. 1876. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 606 : 113 v22 St. Louis academy of science. Contributions to the archaeology of Missouri by the ar- chasological section of the academy. Pt. 1: Pottery. Plates and Maps. Salem, Mass. 1880. F. 671:1131 Contents. Potter, W. B. Archaeological remains in south-eastern Missouri. Evers, E; The ancient pottery of south-eastern Missouri. Lapham, Increase Allen. The antiquities of Wisconsin, as surveyed and described by [him], on behalf of the American antiqua- rian society. 111. (Smithsonian contribu- tions to knowledge.) Wash. 1855. Q. 671:1130 Same. In Smithsonian contributions. 606 : B.3 v7 Whittlesey, C: Ancient mining on the shores of Lake Superior. Map and ill. Wash. 1863. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 606:113 vl 3 Schumacher, Paul. Researches in the kjokken- miWldings and graves of a former popula- tion of the coast of Oregon ; and of Santa Barbara Islands and adjacent mainland. 111. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 3. ' in 657.6 : D Dall, W: Healey. On the remains of later pre- historic man obtained from caves in the Catherina archipelago, Alaska territory, and especially from the caves of the Aleu- tian islands. 111. Wash. 1878. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : B,3 v22 Bransford, J: F. Archaeological researches in Nicaragua. Plates and ill. Wash. 1881. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v25 Cope, E: Drinker. On the contents of a bone cave in the island of Anguilla, West Indies. Plates. Wash. 1883. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 606 : B.3 v25 3. Ethnology. Figuier, Guillaume L: The human I'ace. 111. N. Y. 1873. O. 673 : 6 Goltz, Bogumil. Der mensch und die leute ; zur charakteristik der barbarischen und der civilisirten nationen. Berlin. 1858. D. 572:2 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 17. Kriegk, G: L: Die volkerstiimme und ihre zweige ; nach den neuesten ergebnissen der ethnographic. 5te aufl. bearb. von F: v. Hellwald. Frankfurt a. M. 1883. O. 572 : 16 Morgan, Lewis H: Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family. 111. Wash. 1869. Q. In Smithsonian contribu- tions. 506:B.3vl7 Nott, Josiah Clark, and G: Robins Gliddon. Types of mankind, or Ethnological resear- ches, based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, sculptures and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, phi- lological and biblical history, ill. by selec- tions from the inedited papers of S: G: Morton and by additional contributions from L: Agassiz, W. Usher and H. S. Pat- terson. Phila. 1854. Q. 572 : B,8 Same. 10th ed. Phila. 1871. O. 672+7 Peschel, Oscar Ferdinand. The races of man and their geographical distribution. From the german. N. Y. 1876. D. 672 : 13 Pickering, C: The races of man, and their geo- graphical distribution. New ed.; prefixed, an analytical synopsis of the natural his- tory of man by J: C: Hall. Lond. 1851. D. 572 : 6 Quatrefages de Breau, J: L: Arm and de. The human species. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1879. 1). 572 : 9 Sharpe, W: The cause of color among races, and the evolution of physical beauty. New ed., rev. N. Y. 1881. S". 572 : 10 Waitz, Theodor. Anthropologic der naturvol- ker. 2te aufl. mit zusiitzen des verf. ver- mehrt und herausg. von G. Gerland. Leipz. 1860-77. 6 V. O. 572 : 1 Contents, see Deutscher kataiog, p. 17. Inti'oduction to anthropology; ed., with num- erous add. by the author, from the 1st vol. of "Anthropologic der naturviilker", by J. F: Collingwood. [Anthropological society of London publ.] Lond. 1863. O. 672 : 3 Wood, J: G: The natural history of man; an account of the manners and custonas of the uncivilized races of men : Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, America, Asia and an- cient Europe! 111. Lond. 1870. Q. 572+4 Brace, C: Loring. The races of the old world ; a manual of ethnology. N. Y. 1864. O. 572: 11 Stein, F. v. Die russischen kosakenheere ; nach dem werke des obersten Choroschcliin und andern quellen. Karte. Gotha. 1883. Q. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Ergan- zungsb. 16. 906.1 :M Pauw, Cornells or Corneille de. Recherches philosophiques sur les americains, ou Mo- moires interressants pour servir ft I'histoire de I'espfece humaine. Nouvelle ed., augm. d'une dissertation critique par Dom Per- nety, et de la defense de I'auteur des Re- cherches contre cette dissertation. Berlin. 1771. 3 V. S. 672:14 351 CI. 572-575 NATURAL SCIENCE BIOLOGY. Berlin. Konigliclie museen : EthnoLogische ab- theilung. The north-west coast of America ; results of recent ethnological researches, from the collections of the Royal museums at Berlin, pub. by the directors of the eth- nological dep't. ' Tr. from the germ. 111. Lond. n. d. F. 572:1115 Same. Amerika's nordwest-kiiste ; neueste ergebnisse ethnologischer reisen. Neue iofge. 111. Berlin. 1884. F. 572 : R15 v2 Thum, Everard F. im. Among the Indians of Guiana ; sketches, chiefly anthropologic, from the interior of British Guiana. Map and ill. Lond. 1883. O. 918.8 : 2 Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Versuch einer ethno- graphie der Philippinen ; nebst anhang : Die maritimen entdeckungen der spanier ira archipel der Philippinen. Karte. Gotha. 1882. Q. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Er- giinzungsb. 15. 905.1 :M Fomander, Abraham. An account of the Poly- nesian race, its origin and migrations, and the ancient history of the hawaiian people to the times of Kamehameha I. [Engl, and foreign phil. lib.] Lond. 1878. 2 v. D. 572 : 12 Note. Numerous treatises on anthropology, with full bibliographies of new publications, have ap- peared in the annual reports of the Smithsonian in- stitution, for which see class 506, col. 291. Works on the ethnology of the american Indians will be found in History, class 970.1. 4. Natural history of man. Home, H:, lord Karnes. Sketches of the history of man. Dublin. 1775. 4 v. in 2. S. 573 : 1 Huxley, T: H: Evidence as to man's place in nature. N. Y. 1876. D. 673 : 2 Quatrefages de Breau, J: L: Armand de. The natural history of man ; a course of ele- mentary lectures. Tr. from the french by Eliza A. Youmans, with an app. [Pop. science lib.] N. Y. 1875. D. 673 : 3 Smitli, C: Hamilton. The natural history of the human species ; its typical forms, primoe- val disti-ibution. flliations and migrations. 111. Lond. 1859. 8. 573 : 4 Topinard, Paul. Anthropology ; with pref . by Paul Broca. Tr. by Robert T. H. Bartley. 111. [Lib. of contemp. sci.] Lond. 1878. D. 673 : 6 Tylor, E: Burnett. Anthropology ; an intro- duction to the study of man and civiliza- tion. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. 673:6 Vogt, C: Lectures on man ; his place in creation and in the history of the earth ; ed. by James Hunt. Lond. 1864. O. 673 : 7 Beddoe, J: [Anthropological pamphlets.] With his Stature and bulk of man. 573 : 10 lieino: On the head-forms of the west of England. On the anthrcHiolojfy of Lancashire. On the anthropology of Gloucestershire. The kelts of Ire- land. On the physical characteristics of the inhabi- tants of Bretagne. On the headform of the danes. On the aborigines of central Queensland. On the physical characteristics of the Jewish race On the supposed increasing prevalence of dark hair in Eng- land. On anthropological colour phenomena in Belgium and elsewhere. Anniversary address. Gould, B: Apthorp. Investigations in the mili- tary and anthropological statistics of amer- ican soldiers. N. Y. 1869. Q. 573+8 Anthropometry and growth. Roberts, C: A manual of anthropometry, or A guide to the physical examination and measurement of the human body ; con- taining a systematic table of measure- ments, an anthropometrical chart or reg- ister, and instructions for taking measure- ments on a uniform plan. 111. Lond. 1878. O. 573 : 9 Pagliani, L: Lo sviluppo umano per eta, sesso, condizione sociale ed etnica, studiato nel peso, statura, circonferenza toracica, capa- citavitale e forza muscolare. Milano. 1879. O. 573:11 Chervin, Arthur. Sur I'anthroporaetrie ; trois brochures addressees par M. Pagliani [^ la Societe d'anthropologie de Paris]. Pai'is. 1878. O. w 573: 11 British association. Anthropometric committee. 4th and final reports. [1881, 1883] . iw573:ll Beddoe, J: On the stature and bulk of man in the British Isles. Repr. from v. 3 of the Memoirs of the Anthropological society of London. Lond. 1870. O. 673 : 10 Bowditch, H: Pickering. The growth of chil- dren. Bost. 1877. O. 573+12 Same., a siipplementary investigation ; with suggestions in regard to methods of re- search. Bost. 1879. O. in 573+12 The relation between growth and disease ; extracted from the transactions of the American medical assoc, 1881. Phila. 1881. O. in 573+12 Evetzky, Etienne. On the growth of children during the first year, and on the nutritive conditions of early childhood, in 573+12 Peckham, G: W. The growth of children; reprint from the Gth annual report of the State board of health of Wisconsin. in 573+12 Sozinskey, T: S. Physical aspects of infantile unfoldment. ' in 573+12 Roberts, C: The physical requirements of fact- ory children ; from the Journal of the sta- tistical society. in 573+12 Hitchcock, E : A report of twenty years exper- ience in the department of physical educa- tion and hygiene in Amherst college, to the board of trustees, June 27, 1881. Am- herst, Mass. 1881. O. in 573+12 5. Evolution and darwinism. Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. Methods of study in natural history. Bost. 1874. D. 575 : 5 Allen, C: (Jrant. The evolutionist at large. Lond. 1881. D. 675 : 6 Bateman, F: Darwinism tested by language ; with a pref. by Yy. Meyrick Goulburn. Lond. 1877. D. 675 : 7 Bergen, Joseph Y., jr. and Fanny D. The de- velopment theory ; a brief statement for general readers. 111. Bost. 1884. S. 676:34 Bouverie-Pusey, Sidney E: Bouverie. Perman- ence and evolution ; an inquiry into the supposed mutability of animal types. Lond. 1882. D. 675 : 29 153 NATURAL SCIENCE-BIOLOGY. CI. 5T6 354 BUchner, F: C: Christian L: Man in the past, present and future ; a ]3opular account of the results of recent scientific research as regards the origin, position and prospects of the human race. From the german by W. S.^ Dallas. Lond. 1872. O. 575 : 8 Gazelles, Emile. Outline of the evolution-phil- osophy. Tr. from the french by O. B. Frothingham ; with an app. by E. L. You- mans. [Pop. science lib.] N. Y. 1875. D. 575 : 28 Chambers, Robert. Vestiges of the natural his- tory of creation. T. 'p. w. [Cine. 1858.] D. 575:9 Explanations ; a sequel to Vestiges of the natural history of creation, by the author of that work. "N. Y. 1846. O. 575 : 10 Darwin, C: Robert. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or The preser- vation of favored races in the struggle for life. New ed. from the 6th Lond. ed., with add. and corr. N. Y. 1877. D. 575 :12 The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. New ed. T. p. w. [N. Y.] D. 575:11 The variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2d ed. rev. 111. N. Y. 1876. 2 V. D. 575 : 13 Darwinism stated by Darwin himself ; char- acteristic passages from the writings of C: Darwin, selected and arr. by Nathan Sheppard. N. Y. 1884. D. 575 : 31 Fiske, J: Darwinism. m 824.1: 31 Graue, G. Darwinismus und sittlichkeit. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 Gray, Asa. Darwiniana ; essays and reviews pertaining to darwinism. N. Y. 1876. O. 575: 15 Hackel, Ernst H: Natiirliche schopfungsge- schichte ; gemeinverstiindliche wissen - schaftliche vortriige iiber die entwicke- lungslehre im allgemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck im besonderen. 7te aufl. Berlin. 1879. O. 575:2 Same, eng. The history of creation, or The development of the earth and its inhabi- tants by the action of natural causes ; a popular exposition of the doctrine of evo- lution in general and that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular. From the german, the trans, rev. by E. Ray Lan- kester. N. Y. 1876. 2 v. D." 575 : 2 Anthropogenic, oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen -, gemeinverstiindliche wis- senschaftliche vortriige iiber die grund- ziige der menschlichen keimes- und stam- mes-geschichte. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1877. O. 575:1 Same, eng. The evolution of man ; a popu- lar exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. [111.] Lond. 1879. 2 v. D. ' ' 575 : 1 Freedom in science and teaching. From the german, with a prefatory note by T: H: Huxley. N. Y. 1879. D. " 575 : 4 Hartmann, C. E. R. Darwinismus und thierpro- duktion. Miinchen. 1876. S. 575:3 Hartmann, K: Robert E: v. Ernst Hiickel als Hartmann, K: Robert E: v. Continued. vorkampfer der abstammungslehre in Deutschland. In his Gesammelte studien. 834+10 Wahrheit und irrthum im darwinismus ; eine kritische darstellung der organischen ent- wickelungstheorie. Berlin. 1875. O. 575+33 Hodge, C: What is darwinism ? N. Y. 1874. D. 575 : 16 Huxley, T: H: More criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative nihilism. N. Y. 1873. D. 575 : 17 On the origin of species, or The causes of the phenomena of organic nature ; a course of six lectures to working men. N. Y. 1877. D. 575:18 [Essays on darwinism]. See in col. 286. Mivart, St. G: On the genesis of species. Lond. 1871. D. 575 : 20 Lessons from nature, as manifested in mind and matter. Lond. 1876. O. 575 : 19 Miiller, Fritz. Facts and arguments for Dar- win, with add. by the author. Tr. from the german by W. S. Dallas. 111. Lond. 1869. D. 575:21 Romanes, G: J: Scientiflc evidences of organic evolution. (Nature ser.) N. Y. 1883. D. 575 : 27 Schmid, Rudolf. The theories of Darwin and their i-elation to philosophy, religion and morality. From the german by G: A. Zim- mermann, with an in trod, by the duke of Argyll. Chicago. 1883 [1882.'] D. 575:25 Schmidt, E: Oskar. The doctrine of descent and darwinism. 111. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1876. D. 575 : 22 Wallace, Alfred Russel. Contributions to the theory of natural selection ; a series of es- says. 2d ed., with corr. and add. N. Y. 1871. D. 575 : 23 Weismann, A: Studies in the theory of descent ; with notes and add. by the author. Tr. and ed., with notes, by Raphael Meldola, with a pref. notice by C: Darwin. 111. Lond. 1882. 2 V. O. 575 : 37 Wilson, Andrew. Chapters on evolution ; a po- pular history of darwinism and allied theories of development. N. Y. 1882. O. 575 : 26 Winchell, Alexander. The doctrine of evolu- tion ; its data, its principles, its specula- tions and its theistic beanngs. N. Y. 1874. D. 575 : 24 Jli y Brooks, W: K. The law of heredity ; a study of the cause of variation and tlie origin of living organisms. Bait. 1883. D. 575 : 30 Cooke, Joseph. Heredity ; with preludes on current events. Bost. 1879. D. 575 : 36 Contents. Lecturer. Hereditary descent in ancient Greece. Maudsley on hereditary descent. Necessary beliefs Inherent in the plan of the soul. Darwin's theory of panjrenesis. Darwin on the orifrin of con- science. What causes unlikeness in orjjranisms ? Lotze on the union of soul antj body. The twofold identity of parent and ofTsprinsr. Seven principal laws of heredity. The descent of bad traits and jrood. Preludes. Schools for the ainerican indian. The fu- ture of american poetry. An american-ans'licrtn alli- ance Is death disembodiment ? Schoberlein on im- mortality. Financial heresies in the U. S. Ag'ricul- 355 CI. 575-578 NATTTBAli SCIEUCE-BIOLOGY. 356 tural colonization of the unemployed. Skepticism in colleges. The Blberfeld plan of poor-relief .The les- ser and the greater eastern question. Qalton, Francis. English men of science ; their nature and nurture. [Pop. science lib.] N. Y. 1875. D. 575 : 14 Hereditary genius ; an inquiry into its laws and consequences. New and rev. ed. with an amer. pref. N. Y. 1884. O. 575 : 32 Ribot, Theodule. Heredity ; a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causes and consequences. From the french. Lond. 1875. D. 575 : 36 6. Embryology. Balfour, Francis Maitland. A treatise on com- parative embryology. Lond. 1880. 3 v. O. 576+1 Bastian, H: Charlton. The beginnings of life ; some account of the nature, modes of origin and transformations of lower organ- isms. 111. N. Y. 1872. 3 V. D. 577 : 1 Horst, R. A contribution to our knowledge of the development of the oyster, Ostrea edulis. Tr. by J: A. Ryder. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 2. in 639 : D Ryder, J: A. The microscopic sexual charac- teristics of the american, portuguese, and common edible oyster of Europe com- pared. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 2. in 639 : D The metamorphosis and post-larval stages of development of the oyster. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 10. ' in 639 : 1) A contribution to the development and morph- ology of the lophobranchiates, (Hippocam- pus antiquorum, the sea-horse). 111. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 1. in 639 :D Syrski, Dr. . Lecture on the organs of repro- dtiction and the fecundation of fishes, and especially of eels. 111. /n U. S. fish com. report, v. 3. in 639 : D Jacoby, L. The eel question. Tr. by Herman Jacobson. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 7. in 639 : D Goode, G: Brown. Notes on the life-history of the eel, chiefly derived from a study of recent european authorities. 111. Inv.S. fish com. bulletin, v. 10. in 639 : D Ryder, J: A. Observations on the absorption of the yelk, the food, feeding, and devel- opment of embryo fishes, m U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 2. in 639 : D Development of the silver gar, Belone longi- rostris, with observations on the genesis of the blood in embryo fishes and a compar- ison of fish ova with those of other verte- brates. 111. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, V. 1. m639:D Development of the Spanish mackerel, Cybium maculatum. 111. In U. S. fish com. bulle- tin, V. 1. in 639 : D A contribution to the embryography of osse- ous fishes, with special reference to the developuK'nt of the cod, (iadus morrhua. III. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 10. in 639 : D 7. Microscopy. Beale, Lionel Smith. How to work with a microscope. 5th ed. 111. Lond. 1880. O. 578:1 Frey, H: The microscope and microscopical technology ; a text-book for physicians and students. Tr. and ed. bv G: R. Cutter. 2d ed. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 578+2 Gosse, Philip H: Evenings at the microscope, or Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life. N. Y. 1860. O. 578:3 Hogg, Jabez. The microscope, its history, con- struction and application ; a familiar introd. to the use of the instrument and the study of microscopical science. 6th ed. Lond. 1867. D. 578 : 4 Lankester, Edwin. Half-hours with the micro- scope ; a popular guide to the xxse of the microscope as a means of amusement and instruction. 14th ed. with chapter on the polariscope by F. Kitton. 111. Lond. 1878. S. 578: 14 Manton, Walter P. Beginnings with the micro- scope ; a working handbook, containing simple instructions in the art and method of using the microscope and preparing objects for examination. 111. Bost. 1884. b. 578:17 Merkel, F: Das mikroscop und seine anwen- dung. Miinchen. 1875. S. 578 : 6 Somerville, Mary. On molecular and micro- scopic science. 111. Lond. 1869. 2 v. D. 578:5 Ward, The hon. mrs. M. The microscope, or Descriptions of various objects of especial interest and beauty adapted for micro- scopic observation, with directions for the arrangement of a microscope and the col- lection and mounting of objects. 111. 5th ed. Lond. 1880. D. 578 : 12 Wytlie, Joseph H. The microscoi^ist ; a manual of microscopy and compendium of the microscopic .sciences, micro - mineralogy, micro - chemistry, biology, histology and practical medicine. 4th ed., enl. and ill. Phila. 1880. O. 578 : 7 "Wood, J: G: Common objects of the micro- scope. 111. Lond. 71. d. S. 578 : 9 Clarke, Louisa Lane. Objects for the micro- scope ; a popular description of the most instructive and beautiful subjects for exhi- bition. 6th ed., ill. Lond. 1880. D. 578 : 10 Slack, H: J. Marvels of pond-life, or A year's microscopic recreations among the polyps, infusoria, rotifers, water-bears and poly- zoa. 4th ed. 111. Lond. 1880. D. 578 : 11 Leidy, Joseph, A flora and fauna within living animals. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : R3 v5 Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe. The wonders of plant- life under the microscope. N. Y. 1883. D. 678 : 16 Cooke, M. C. Fungi ; their nature and uses ; ed. by M. J. Berkeley. (Intern, scientifle ser.) N. Y. 1875. D. 578 : 8 Rust, smut, mildew and mould ; an introd. to the stu(ly of microscopic fungi. 4th ed. rev. and enl. 111. Lond. 1878. S! 578: 13 357 NATURAL. SCIENCE-BIOLOGY. CI. 578-580 Tyndall, J: Essays on the floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and in- fection. N. y. 1882. D. 578 : 15 dmtentis. Dust and disease. Optical deportment of the atmosphere in relation to putrefaction and in- fection. Further researches on the deportment and vitality of putrefactive orjfanisms. Fermentation and its bearings on surgery and medicine. Sponta- neous generation. App. Bailey, Jacob Whitman. Microscopical exami- nation of soundings, made by the U. S. coast survey off the Atlantic coast of the U. S. 111. Wash. 1851. Q, In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : H3 v2 Microscopical observations made in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. 111. Wash. 1851. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : US v2 Notes on new species and localities of micro- scopical organisms. 111. Wash. 1854. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : B,3 v7 8. Oollectors' manuals. Baird, Spencer Fullerton, and others. Directions for collecting, preserving and transporting specimens of natural history. 111. Wash. 1859. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v2 Bailey, W. Whitman. The botanical collector's handbook. (Naturalists' handy ser.) Salem. 1881. D. 579 : 1 Manton, Walter P. Field botany ; handbook for the collector, containing instructions for gathering and preserving plants and the formation of the herbarium. Bost. 1882. T. 579 : 2 Maynard, C. J. Manual of taxidermy ; com- plete guide in collecting and preserving birds and mammals. 111. Bost. 1883. D. 679 : 5 Manton, Walter P. Taxidermy without a teacher ; a complete manual of instruc- tion for preparing and preserving birds and animals, with a chapter on hunting and hygiene, instructions for collecting and preserving eggs and insects, and a number of receipts. 111. South Framing- ham. 1876. T. 579 : 6 Insects, how to catch and how to prepare them for the cabinet ; a manual of instruc- tion for the lield naturalist. 111. Bost- 1881. S. 579 : 7 Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. Directions for collecting and preserving insects. 111. Wash. 1873. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506:Il4vll Coues, Elliott. Field ornithology ; comprising a manual of instruction for "procuring, pre- {)aring and preserving birds, and a check ist of north american birds. Salem. 1874. O. 579 : 4 Ingersoll, Ernest. Birds'-nesting ; a handbook of instruction in gathering and preserving the nests and eggs of birds for the purposes of study. Salem. 1882. D. 579 : 3 9. Botany. 1. In general. (For the distribution of plants over the earth, ee, Physi- cal geography, cl. 561, col. 326.) Allen, C: Grant. Flowers, and their pedigrees. Lond. 1883. D. 580:25 Contents. Introd. The daisy's pedigree. The ro- mance of a wayside weed. Strawberries. Cleavers. The origin of wheat. A mountain tulip. A family history. Cuckoo-pint. Bally, W: L. Trees, plants and flowers, where and how they grow ; a familiar history of the vegetable kingdom. 111. Phila. 1878. D. With his Our own birds. 598 : 4 Bessey, C : E. Botany for high schools and col- leges. (Amer. science ser.) N. Y. 1880. O. 580:21 Comstock, J: L. The yoving botanist ; a treatise on the science, prepared for the use of per- sons just commencing the study of plants. 5th ed. N. Y. 1854. S. " 580 : 20 Figuier, GuiUaume L: The vegetable world ; a history of plants, with their structure and peculiar properties. Adapted, with a glos- sary of botanical terms, ill. Lond. [18821. D. 580:18 Gray, Asa. School and field book of botany ; consisting of "Lessons in botany" and "Field, forest and garden botany" bound in one vol. N. Y. 1880. O. ' 580 : 6 Henderson, P: Hand-book of plants. N. Y. 1881. O. 580:B.8 A dictionary of all the leading ornamental or useful plants, with brief instructions for propaga- tion and culture ; followed by a glossary of botanical and technical terms, together with general horticul- tural terms and practices. Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton. Botany. (Science primers.) 111. 3d ed. rev. N. Y. 1878. S. 580 : 22 Eellerman, W. A. The elements of botany ; embracing organography, histology, vege- table physiology, systematic botany and economic botany, arr. for school use or for independent study, also A complete glos- sary of botanical terms. 111. Phila. [18841. D. 580 : 26 Kny, Leopold. Plant life in the sea. In Estes, D. Half hour recr. in pop. sci., 2d ser. 504 : 5 v2 Marion, Fulgence. The wonders of vegetation. From tlie french ; ed. with numerous add. by Scheie de Vere. [111. lib. of wonders.] NY. 1874. D. 580: 11 Miiller von Halle, K: Das buch der pflanzen- welt, eine botanische reise um die welt ; versuch einer kosmischen botanik, den ge- bildeten aller stande und alien freunden der natur gewidmet. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1869. O. 580 : 1 Prantl, K: An elementary text-book of botany. Tr. from the german, the tr. rev. by S. H. Vines. 111. Phila. 1880. O. 580:10 Bhind, W: A history of the vegetable king- dom ; embracing comprehensive descrip- tions of the plants most interesting from their uses to man and the lower aninyils, their application in the arts, manuiact- 359 CI. 580-581 NATURAL SCIENCE BOTANY. ures, medicine and domestic economy, and from their beauty or peculiarities, together with the physiology, geographi- cal distribution and classification of plants. Rev. ed. with supp. 111. Lond. 1868. O. 580 : R9 Ruschenberger, W: S. W. [Botany]. In Ida Elements of natural hist. 590 : 11 v2 R-uskin, J: Proserpina; studies of wayside flow- ers, while the air was yet pure among the Alps and in Scotland and England, which my father knew. V. 1. N. YT 1879. D. 580 : 28 Schleiden, Matthias Jacob. Poetry of the veg- etable world ; a popular exposition of the science of botany and its relations to man. 1st amer. from the Lond. ed. of Henfrey, ed. by Alphonso Wood. 111. Cine. 1853. D. 580:12 Smith, J: Domestic botany ; exposition of the structure and classification of plants and their uses for food, clothing, medicine and manufacturing purposes. 111. Lond. 1883. D. 580 : 24 Step, E: Plant-life ; popular napers on the Ehenomena of botany. 111. N. Y. 1883. >. 580 : 23 "Wallace, Alfred Russel. [Insular floras]. In his Island life. in 590 : 7 Bell, H. R. E. {N. D'Amers.) Vegetable life ; an ill. natural history reader. (Science lad- ders, no. 3). N. Y. 1882. S. x 581 : 11 Flowerless plants. (Science ladders, no. 4). N. Y. 1884. S. X 580 : 27 Fuller, Jane Jay. Uncle John's flower-gather- ers ; a companion for the woods and fields. N. Y. . d. S. X 580 : 16 Gray, Asa. Botany for youn^ people : [Pt. 1,] How plants grow ; a simple introd. to structural botany, with a popular flora or an arrangement and description of com- mon plants, both wild and cultivated. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. X 580 : 7 vl Pt. 2, How plants behave ; how they move, climb, employ insects to work for them, etc. N. Y. 1875. D. x 580 : 7 v2 Masters, Maxwell T. Botany for beginners ; an introd. to the study of plants. Lond. [18721. D. X 580: 17 Hooker, Worthington. The child's book of nature, for the use of families and schools ; intended to aid mothers and teachers in training children in the observation of nature ; in 3 pts. Pt. 1 : Plants. N. Y. 1880. S. X 580 : 15 Youmans, Eliza A. The first book of botany, designed to cultivate the observing powers of children. New ed., ill. N. Y. 1872. D. 580 : 13 Nomenclature and legends. Ulrich, W: Internationales worterbuch der pflanzennamen in lateinischer, deutscher, englischer und franzosischer sprache ; zum febrauche fiir botaniker, insbesondere fiir andelsgiirtner, landwirthe, forstbeflissene und pharmaceuten. Leipz. 1872. O. . 580 : 29 a: denotes books specially adapted for children. Miller, W: A dictionary of english names of plants applied, in England and among english-speaking people, to cultivated and wild plants, trees and shrubs. In 2 pts. ; english-latin and latin-english. Lond. 1884. O. 580+30 Alcock, Randal H. Botanical names for english readers. Lond. 1884. O. 580:31 Folkard, R:, jr. Plant lore, legends and lyrics ; embracing the myths, traditions, super- stitions and folk-lore of the plant kingdom. Lond. 1884. O. 293. 1+33 2. Structural and physiological botany. M' Alpine, D. The botanical atlas ; a guide to the practical study of plants, containing representatives of the leading forms of ?lant life, with explanatory letterpress. N. . 1883. 2 V. F. 581 : R9 Contents. [V. 1.] Phanerogams. [2.] Cryptogams. Hamilton, G. Elements of vegetable and animal physiology, in two parts ; ed. by D. M. Reese. N. Y. 1855. D. 581 : 10 Thome, O: W: Pflanzenbau vmd pflanzenleben. Miinchen. 1874. S. 581 : 12 Sachs, Julius. Text-book of botany, morpho- logical and physiological. Tr. and an- notated by Alfrew \C Bennett and W. T. Thistleton Dyer. [111.] Oxford. 1875. O. 581+1 Gray, Asa. Introd. to structural and systematic botany, and vegetable physiology. 5th and rev. ed. of The botanical text-book. 111. N. Y. 1878. O. 580 : 2 Lessons in botany and vegetable physiology. Added, a glossary or dictionary of botaia- ical terms. N. Y. 1880. O. ' 580:4 Same. With Ids Manual of the botany of the northern U. S. " 580 : 3 Same. In his School and field book of botany. 580:6 Darwin, C: Robert. Insectivorous plants. 111. N. Y. 1875. D. 581:4 The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. 581 : 5 The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. N. Y. 1877. D. 581:6 The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 2d ed. rev., ill. N. Y. 1877. D. 581 : 7 Kemer, Anton Joseph. Flowers and their un- bidden guests ; with a pref. letter by C: Darwin, the tr. rev. and ed. by W. Ogle. 111. Lond. 1878. O. 581 : 8 MUUer, Hermann. The fertilisation of flowers. Tr. and ed. by D'Arcy W. Thompson ; with a pref. by C: Darwin. 111. Lond. 1883. O. 581 : 13 Darwin, C: Robert. The movements and habits of climbing plants. 2d ed., rev. and ill. N. Y. 1876. D. 581 : 3 and Francis Darwin. The power of move- ment in plants. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. 581 : 2 Allen, C: Grant. The colours of flowers, as ill. in british flora. 111. (Nature ser.) Lond. 1882. D. 581 : 14 361 NATURAL SCIENCE BOTANY. CI. 581-587 Hough, Franklin B. Dates of foliation or leaf- ing of plants ; Dates of blossoming of plants ; Dates of ripening of fruits ; Dates of defoliation or fall of leaf in plants ; 1851-59. In Meteorological observations of U. S. patent office, v. 3. in 662.1 : D 3. Systematic botany, General and local. LeMaout, J: Emmanuel Marie, and Joseph Decaisne. A general system of botany, descriptive and analytical ; in two parts : Pt. 1, Outlines of organography, anatomy and physiology ; pt. 2, Descriptions and illustrations of the orders. Tr. from the original by Mrs. Hooker, the orders arr. after the method followed in the universi- ties and schools of Great Britain, its col- onies, America and India ; with add., an app. on the natural method, and a synop- sis of the orders by J. D. Hooker. 111. Lond. 1876. Q. 682-f 1 Torrey, J: Observations on the Batis niaritima of Linnseus. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : K,3 v6 On the Darlingtonia californica, a new pitcher phint from nortliern California. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v6 Loudon, J: Claudius. Encyclopaedia of plants ; comprising the specific character, descrip- tion, culture, history, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular, respecting all ' the plants indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into Britain. New ed. corr. to the present time by Mrs. Loudon [and others] . Lond. 1855. O. 584:111 An enclyclopjjedia of trees and shrubs, being the Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum abridged -, containing the hardy ti-ees and ehrubs of Britain, native and foreign, sci- entifically and popularly described, with their propagation, culture and uses in the arts. Abridged from the large ed. in 8 v. and adapted for the use of nursery men, gardeners and foresters. Lond. 1853. O. 584 : B2 Griflath, R. Eglesfield. Plants collected in Syria and Palestine by the U. S. exped. under lieut. Lynch, 1848. In Lynch, W: F. Re- port, m 915.6 :D Watson, Sereno. Bibliographical index to north american botany, or Citations of authoi'i- ties for all the recorded indigenous and naturalized species of the flora of North America ; with a chronological arrange- ment of the synonymy. Pt. 1 : Polype- talae. Wash. i878. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506:R4vl5 Darlington, W: American weeds and useful Elants ; a 2d and ill. ed. of Agricultural otany ; an enumeration and description of useful plants and weeds which merit the notice or require the attention of amer. agriculturists. Rev. with add. by G: Thur- ber. N. Y. 1865. D. 587 : 3 Gray, Asa. Field, forest and garden botany; a simple introd. to the common plants of the U. S. east of the Mississippi, both wild Gray, Asa. Continued. and cultivated. N. Y. 1880. O. In Ms School and field book of botany. 580 : 6 A manual of the botany of tlie northern U. S., from New England to Wisconsin and south to Ohio and Pennsylvania incl.; the mosses and liverworts by W: S. Sullivant ; arr. according to the natural system, with an introd., containing a reduction of the genera to the Linnaian artificial classes and orders, outlines of the elements of botany, a glossary, etc. Bost. 1848. O. 680 : 6 Same. 5th ed. 20 plates. N. Y. 1880. O. With Ms Lessons in botany. 580 : 3 Lesquereux, Leo, and T: P. James. Manual of the mosses of North America ; with plates, illustrating the genera. Bost. 1884. O. 587:9 Kellerman, W. A. Plant analysis ; a classified list of the wild flowers of the northern U. S., with keys for analysis and identifica- tion ; al8o, a complete glossary of botani- cal terms. 111. Phila. [1884]. D. 587:6 Chapman, Alpha W. Flora of the southern U. S.; containing an abridged description of the flowering plants and ferns of Tennes- see, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida, arr. ac- cording to the natural system ; the ferns by Daniel C. Eaton. 2d ed. N. Y. 1883. d. 587 : 7 Goodale, G: L. Wild flowers of America. With fifty colored plates from original drawings byI:S _ - ^ Vasey, G: The grasses of the U. S.; a synopsis Prague. Bost. 1882. Q. 587 : R2 Tl: -.-,.. of the tribes and genera, with descriptions of the genera and a list of the species. (U. S. Dep. of agr.; Special rep. no. 63). Wash. 1883. O. in 630 : D The agricultural grasses of the U. S. 111. Wash. 1884. O. In U. S. dep. of agr.; [spe- cial rep., V. 11]. in 630 : D Eaton, Daniel Cady. The ferns of North Amer- ica ; colored figures and descriptions, with synonymy and geographical clistribution, of the ferns, including the ophioglossaeeas, of the U. S. of America and tne british north american possessions. The draw- ings by J. H. Emerton and C. E. Faxon. Salem. 1879, 1880. 2 v. Q. 587 : Rl Ferns of the southwest ; an account of the ferns which have been collected in so much of the territory of theU. S. of Amer. as is west of the l(J5th degree of w. longi- tude and south of the 40th degree of n. latitude. In U. S. geograph. surveys west of the 100th mer., Wheeler ; Report, v. 6. in 557.5 :D Macoun, J., and T. J. W. Burgess. Canadian filicineae. In Transactions of the Royal society of Canada, v. 2. 61 : R Harvey, W: H: Nereis boreali-americana, or Contributions to a history of the marine alga) of North America, pt. 1: Melano- spermesB. 111. Wash. 1852. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions, v. 3. 506 :R3 v3 Same, pt. 2 : Rhodospermeae. 111. Wasli. 1853. Q. In the same, v. 5. 506 : R3 v5 Same, pt. 3 : Chlorospermea?. 111. Wash. 1858. Q. In the same, v. 10. 606 : R3 vlO Farlow, W: Gilson. List of the marine alg:e of the U. S. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 3. in 639 : D CI. 587 NATTJBAL SCIENCE BOTANY. Farlow, W: Gilson. Continued. The marine alga3 of New England ; with bibliography. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 7. in 639 : D "Wood, Horatio C, jr. A contribution to the history of the fresh water algas of North America. 111. Wash. 1872. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : B,3 vl9 Marsh., Lester F. Marsh and aquatic plants of the northern U. S. In U. S. fish com. bul- letin, V. 3. in 639 I'D Lavrson, G: Revision of the Canadian ranun- culaceai. In Transactions of the Royal society of Canada, v. 2. 61 :K. Baldwin, H: The orchids of New England ; a popular monograph. [111.] N. Y. 1884. O. 587+8 Torrey, J: A flora of the state of New "X ork ; comprising full descriptions of all the indi- genous and naturalized plants hitherto iscovered in the state, with remarks on their economical and medicinal properties. 111. Albany. 1843. 2 v. Q. In Natural hist. ofN. Y., pL2. 557.3:111 Note. Supplementary articles on the flora of N. Y. appear in the annual reports of the N. Y. state mu- seum of natural history, in .506 : D. Tatnall, E: Catalogvie of the phenogamous and filicoid plants of Newcastle county, Dela- ware, arr. according to the natural system, as recently rev. by A. Gray and others, with the synonyms of modern authors. Pub. by the Wilmington institute. Wil- mington. Del. 1860. O. 687 : 5 Torrey, J: Description of plants collected dur- ing the exploring exped. of the Red river of La. 1852. 111. In Marcy, R. B. Report. m 917.4 :D Swezey, G. D. Catalogue of the phainogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants of Wis- consin. In Geology of Wis. 557.5 :R3vl Bundy, W. F. Partial list of fungi of Wiscon- sin, with descriptions of new species. In the same. 557.5 :B.3vl Chickering, J. W. Catalogue of pha;nogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants col- lected during 1873 and 1874 in Dakota and Montana, along the 49th parallel, by Elliott Coues and G: M. Dawson. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 :D United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. Boteny of the route near the 47th and 49th parrallel. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 1, pt. 2. in 625 : D Contents. Cooper, James Graham. Report upon the botany of the route. Gray, Asa. Catalog-ue of plants collected east of the Rocky mountains. Cooper, J. G. Catalogue of plants collected in Wash- inifton terr. Botany of the routes on the 41st par., and near the 38th and 39th par. 111. Report of the surveys, v. 2. in 625 : D Contents. Torrey, J:, and Asa O-ray. Report on the botany of the expeditions. Botany of the route near the 32d par. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 2. in 625 : D Contents. Torrey , J :, fijid Asa Gray. Report on the botany of the exped. Botany of the route near the a'lth par. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 4. in 625 : D Contents. Big'elow, J. M. General description of the botanical character of the country ; Forest trees. United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. Continued. Eng-elmann, G:, and J. M. Bigrelow. Cactacee. Torrey, J: Descriptions of the g-eneral botanical col- lections, (Compositae, plantag-inaceas, orabanchacere, 8crophulai-iaceH3 and big-nonia, by Asa Gray). SuUi- vant, W. S. Mosses and liverworts. Botany of the explorations in California for routes to connect with the routes near the 35th and 32d par. " 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 5. in 625 : D Contents. Torrey, J: Descriptions of plants col- lected along- the route by W: P. Blake, and at the mouth of the Gila by major Thomas and lieut. Du Barry. Dur and, E., and T. C. Hilgrard. Description of plants collected upon the expedition. Botany of the route from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river. 111. In Re- port of the surveys, v. 6. in 625 : D Contents. Newberry, J: Strong. Geographical bo- tany ; Description of the forest trees of northern Cali- fornia and Oregon. General catalogue of the plants collected: Gray, Asa, J: Torrey and J : S. Newber- ry, Exogenous plants: Torrey, J:, Endogenous plants; Sullivant, W. S., Mosses and liverworts ; Tuckerman, E:, Lichens. Botany of the routes from San Francisco bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the Coast Range, and from the Pimas villages to the Rio Grande, near the 32d par. 111. In Re- port of the surveys, v. 7. in 625 : D Contents. Torrey, J: List and description of plants collected. Antisell, T: Synoptical tables of botanical localities. Gray, Asa. Plantar wrightianas texano-neomex- icanai, pt. 1. 111. Wash. 1852. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions, v. 3. 5Q6 : 113 v3 Same, pt. 2. III. Wash. 1853. Q. Jn the same, V. 5. /506 : 113 v5 Torrey, J: [Description of newgeijera and spe- cies of plants, collected during col. Emory's military reconnoissance from Ft. Leaven- worth to San Diego, in 1^46-7]. 111. In Emory, W. H. Report. in 917.5 : D Contains also Engelmann, G : ^otes on cactaceae, and Abert, J. W. List of plants. United States. Mexican boun,dary survey. Bo- tany of the boundary. IJT. In Emory, W. H. Report of the siirvpy, v. 2, pt. 1." i 917.7 :D Contents. Parry, C. C. Introd.; geographical dis- tribution and botanical features. Torrey, J : Bo- tany [in general]. Engelmann, G: Cactaceae of the boundary. Torrey, J: Botany [of the explor. exped. down the Zuni and Colorado rivers, 1851]. 111. /n Sitgreaves, L. Report. in 917.5 : D Porter, T: C, andJ: }Jl. Coulter. Synopsis of the flora of Colo;-ado. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Miscel. ])ub., no. 4.) Wash. 1874. O. in 557.5 :D Brandegee, T. S. The flora of southwestern Colorado. In the same ; Bulletin, .v. 2. in 557.5 : D Gray, Asa, and J'. Torrey. Botany [of the Colo- rado river of the west]. In Ives, J. C. Report of pxped. m 917.5 : D Note. All tjie orders preceding vorbonacere were elaborated i)y Gray, the remainder by Torrey ; except cactaceie nnfl cuphorbiaceie by G: Engrelxnann, and gramineu' by (i: Thurber. Torrey, J: Botany [of Stansbury's exi)ed. to the Great Salt Lake]. 111. / Report, 1855. in 917.5 :D Watson, Sereno, assisted by Daniel C. Eaton and others. Botany [of the country along tjie 40th parallel]. Map and ill. (U. "S. geol. 365 NATXTRAL SCIENCE-BOTANY. CI. 587-590 366 expl. 40th par., King ; Report, v. 5.) Wash. 1871. Q. in Q57. 5 :D Contents. Genei-al report. Catalogue of the known plants of Nevada and Utah, with descriptions of such phtenogamous genera and species as do not occur east of the Mississippi. (Cactaceae by G: Engelmann; compositHB by Daniel C. Eaton ; polemoniacere and eriffoneffi by Asa Gray ; naiadacese by J. W. Robbins ; carices by Stephen T. Olney; tllices by Daniel C. Eaton ; musci by T: P. James ; lichenes by E: Tucker- man.) -Additions. App. Synopses of genera. Index. Rothrock, J. T. Reports upon the botanical col- lections made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Ari- zona, during 18711875. 111. (U. S. geogr. surveys west of 100th mer., Wheeler ; Re- port, V. 6). Wash. 1878. Q. in 557.5 : D Cnntentg. Notes on Colorado. Notes on New Mexico. Notes on economic botany. Catalogue of plants collected in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, with descriptions of those not contained in Gray's Manual of the north- ern U. S. and v. 5 of Geological exploration of the 40th parallel. (Leguminoss^ by Sereno Watson ; cacteae, asclepiadefe, gentianew, cuscutefe, euphor- biacere, cupuliferae, loranthacete, coniferie, amarylli- dese, junceiB by G: En^elmann; polemoniaceas, borraginacesR, scrophularineie, labiatae, polygona- cere by T: C. Porter; salix by M. S. Bebb; car ex by W: Boott; graminese by G: Vasey; ferns of the southwest by Daniel C. Eaton; musci by T: P. James; hepaticse by C. F. Austin; lichenes byE: Tuckerman. App. : California collection 1875 ; In- dex ; Plates. Gray, Asa, and Joseph D. Hooker. The vege- tation of the Rocky mountain region, and a comparison with that of other parts of the world. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 6. in 557.5 :D Torrey, J: Catalogue of plants collected by lieut. Fremont in his expedition to the Rocky mountains, 1842. In Fremont, J. C. Report. in 917.5 :D Plantae fremontianaj, or Descriptions of plants collected by J. C. Fremont in California. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : B3 v6 andJ: C: Fremont. Descriptions of some new genera and species of plants, collected in capt. Fremont's exploring exped. to Oregon and north California in 1843-44. 111. In Fremont, J. C. Report in 917.5 :D Kellogg, Albert. Botany of Alaska. In David- son, G: Report, in U. S. coast survey rep. 1867. 622 : D Eggers, H: Franz Alexander freiherr v. The flora of the St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. Wash. 1879. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v23 10. Zoology. 1. In general. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Nomenclator zoo- logicus ; an alphabetical list of all generic names that have been employed by natur- alists for recent and fossil animals, from the earliest times to the close of the year 1879. Wash. 1882. O. 590": 57 Contents. Pt. 1. Supplemental list of genera in ?y; list of generic name and paleontology to the close of the year 1879, chiefly zoology; list of generic names employed in zoology supplemental to those catalogued by Agassiz and Marschall, or Indexed in the Zoological record. Pt. 2. Complete list of generic names employed in zoology and paleontology to the close of the yeAr 1879, as contained in the Nomenclators of Agassiz, Marschall and Scudder, and in the Zoological record. Abbott, C: Conrad. A naturalist's rambles about home. N. Y. 1884. D. 590 : 54 Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph, and A: Addison Gould. Principles of zoology ; touching the struct- ure, development, distribution and natural arrangement of the races of animals, liv- ing and extinct. Pt. 1: Comparative phy- siology. Bost. 1848. D. 590 : 8 Atkinson, J. C. Sketches in natural history ; with an essay on reason and instinct. N. Y. [1884]. D. 590:55 Brehm, Alfred Edmund. Brehm's thierleben. Grosse ausg., 2te aufl. Leipz. 1876-78. 10 V. Q. 590+1 Contents. V. 1-3. Brehm, A. E. Die siiugothiere. 4-6. Die viigel. 7, 8. Die kriechthiere, lurche und flsche. 9, 10. Taschenbergr, Ernst L: Die insek- ten, tausendfiissler und spinnen. Schmidt, E: Os- kar. Die niederen thiere. 170 chromotafeln zu Brehms thierleben, unter leitung der zoologen dr. Girtanner, prof, dr. Klunzinger, prof. dr. O. Schmidt, und prof. dr. Taschenberg, nach dem leben ausgefiihrt vom maler Olof Winkler. Leipz. 1883, 1884. Q. 590 : R18 Cassell's popular natural history. 111. Lond. n. d. 4 V. Q. 590+2 Contents. V. 1. Mammalia: PourT handed ani- mals. Wing-handed an. Insect-eating an. Rodents or gnawing an. Flesh-eating an. 2. Same, continued. -Thick-skinned an. Huminating an. Toothless an. Pouch - bearing an. Aquatic mammals or cetacea. 3. Birds. 4. Reptiles, fishes, insects, worms, crustaceans, molluscs, sea- stars, echino- derms, corallines, corals and animalcules. Cuvier, G: Leopold Chretien F: Dagobert baron. The animal kingdom arr. after its organ- ization ; forming a natural history of ani- mals, and an introd. to comparative anatomy. Tr. and adapted to the present state of' science : the mammalia, birds and reptiles byE: Blyth ; the fishes and radiata by Robert Mudie ; the molluscous animals by G: Johnston ; the articulated animals by J. O. Westwood. New ed. with add. by W. B. Carpenter and J. O. Westwood. 111. Lond. 1851. O. 590 : 9 Duncan, P: Martin, ed. Cassell's natural his- tory. 111. Lond. 1883, 1884. 6 v. Q. 590+59 Contents. V. 1. Duncan, P: M. Apes and mon- keys. Murie, J., and P: M. Duncan. Lemurs. Dallas, W. S. Chiroptera; Insectivora. 2. Parker, W. K. and T. J. The land carnivora. Murie, J. The aquatic or marine carnivora; Cetacea; Sirenia. Dawkins, W: B. Proboscidea; Hyracoidea. Daw- kins, W: B., H. W. Oakley and A. H. aarrod. Ungulata. 3. aarrod, A. H. Ungulata; Uuminan- tia. Dallas, W. S. Rodentia. Duncan, P: M. Edentata; Marsupialia. Sharpe, R. B. Aves. 4. Sharpe, R. B. Aves, conttnueii. HvLnc&n, P: M. Reptilia; Amphibia. 6. Seeley, H. G. Pisces. Duncan, P: M. Invertebrata, introd. Woodward, H: Mollusca; Tunicata. Crane, A. Molluscoida, Brachiopoda and Bryozoa. Dallas, W. S. Insecta, Introd. Bates, H. W. Coleoptera. Dallas, W. S. Hymenoptera. 6. Dallas, w. S. Hymenoptera, conelwM; Neuroptera. Kirby, W. F. Leuidoptera. Dallas, W. S. Diptera; Aphaniptera; Rhynchota; Orthoptera; Thysanura; Myriopoda; Arachnida. 867 CI. 590 NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGY. 868 WoodAvard, H: Crustacea. Duncan, P: M. Vermes. Carpenter, P. H. Echinodermata. Dun- can, P: M. Zoophyta. Sollas, W. J. Spongiae. Jones, T. R. Rhizopoda. Duncan, P: M. Infu- soria. Goldsmith, Oliver. A history of the earth and animated nature. Portr. and ill. Edinb. 1837. O. 590 : 45 Gosse, Philip H: The romance of natural his- tory. 1st ser., 12th ed.; 2d ser., 6th ed. Lond. 1881. 2 v. D. 590 : 41 Gould, A: Addison, ed. The naturalist's library ; containing scientitic and popular descrip- tions of man, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects, compiled from the works of Cuvier, Griffith, Richardson, Geoffrey, Lacepfede, Buffon, Goldsmith, Shaw, Montague, Wilson, Lewis and Clarke, Audubon and other writers on natural history, arr. according to the classification of Stark. 111. Bost. 1856. O. 590+3 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Chapters on ani- mals. 111. Bost. 1877. D. 590 : 16 Harbison, M. Elements of zoology for schools and science classes. (Putnam's elem. sci- ence ser.) N. Y. n. d. S. 590 : 56 IngersoU, Ernest. Friends worth knowing ; flimpses of american natural history. N. . 1881. S. 590 : 17 ContenU. In a snailery. First-comers. Wild mice. An ornithological lecture. Our winter birds. The buffalo and his fate. The song-sparrow. Civilizing' influences. How animals get home. A midsummer pi'ince.- Bank-swallows. Counti'y cousins ; short studies in the natural history of the U. S. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 590+53 Jardine, Sir W:, ed. The naturalist's library. Edinb. 1843. 40 v. S. 590 : 58 Contents. V. 1-13. Mammalia. Smith, C: Hamil- ton. Introd. Memoir of Dru Drury. 1. Jardine, Sir W: Monkeys. Memoir of Buffon. 2. Jardine, Sir W: The felinfc Memoir of Cuvier. ;5, 4. Jar- dine, Sir W: Ruminantia. Memoir of Camper. Memoir of J: Hunter. 5. Jardine, Sir W: Pachy- dermes. Memoir of sir Hans Sloane. (i. Hamilton, Robert. Ordinary cetacea or whales. Memoir of Lacepede. 7. Hacgrillivray, W: British quadru- peds Memoir of Ulysses Aldrovandi. 8. Hamilton, Robert. Amphibious carnivora, including the walrus and seal, also of the amphibious cetacea. Memoir of M. Francois Poron. 9, 10. Smith, C:, Hamilton. Dogs. Memoir of Pallas. Memoir of Don Felix d'Azara. 11. Waterhouse, G. R. Marsupialia. Memoir of J: Barclay. 1*2. Smith, C: Hamilton. Horses. Memoir of Gesner. 14-27. Ornithohigv. 1, 2. Jardine, Sir W: Hum- ming-birds. Memoir of Linnscus. Memoir of Pen- nant. 3. Jardine, Sir W: Gallinaceous birds, pt. 1. Memoir of Aristotle. 4. Jardine, Sir W: Gal- linaceous birds, pt. 2: Game-birds. Memoir of sirT: Stamford Raffles. .5. Selby, Prideaux J: Gallinace- ous birds, pt. 3: Pigeons. Memoir of Pliny. 6. Selby, Prideaux J: Parrots. Memoir of T: Bewick. 7, 8. Sw^ainson, W: Birds of western Africa. Memoir of Bruce. Memoir of Le Vaillant. 0. Jar- dine, Sir W: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, pt. 1: Birds of prey. Memoir of sir Robert Sibbald. 10. Swainson, W: Flycatchers. Memoir of baron Haller. 11. Jardine, Sir W: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, pt. 2: Incessores. Memoir of W:Smellie. 12. Jardine, Sir W: Birds of Great Britain and Ire- land, pt. 3: Rasores and grallatores. Memoir of dr. .1: Walker. 13. Jardine, Sir W: Nectariniadae or sun-birds. Memoir of Francis Willughby. 14. Jar- dine, Sir W: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, pt. 4: Natatores. Memoir of Alex. Wilson. 28-33. Ichthyology. 1. Jardine, Sir W: The perch family. Memoir of sir Joseph Banks. 2. Bushnan, J. S. Nature, structure and economical uses of fishes.- Memoir of Hippolito Salviani. 3. Schom- burgk, Robert Hermann. Fishes of Guiana, pt. 1. Memoir of R.H.Schoraburgk. 4. Hamilton, Robert. Britlshflshes,pt.l. Memoir of Rondelet. 5. Schoni' burgrH, Robert Hermann. Fishes of Guiana, pt. & Memoir of Burckhardt. 6. Hamilton, Robert. Britisli fishes, pt. 2. Memoir of Humboldt. 34-40. Entomology. 1. Duncan, James. Introd. to entomology. Memoir of Swammerdam. Memoir of De Geer. 2. Duncan, .Tames. Beetles. Memoir of Ray. 3. Duncan, James. British butterflies. Memoir of Werner. 4. Duncan, James. British moths, sphinxes, etc. Memoir of Maria Sibilla Merian. .5. Duncan, James. Foreign butterflies. Memoir of Lamarck. 6. Bees. Memoir of Huber. 7. Duncan, James. Exotic . moths. Memoir of Latreille. Kingsley, J: Sterling, ed. The standard natural history; v. 1, 2, 5. 111. Bost. 1884, 1885. 3v. Q. 590:P15 Contents. V. 1. Packard, A. S., Introd. Lower Invertebrates by S: F. Clarke, J. W. Fewkes. R. Hitchcock, A. Hyatt, D. S. Kellicott, J. S. Kingsley, W. N. Lockington, C: S. Minot. A. S. Packard. 2. Crustacea and insects, by E. A. Birge, J H. Comstock, G: Dimmock, H: Edwards, C. H. Fernald, L. O. How- ard, J. S. Kingsley, A. S. Packard, C. V. Riley, P. R. Uhler, S. W. Williston. 5. Mammals, by E. Coues, T. Gill. J. S. Kingsley, W. N. Lockington. S: Lockwood, G: Macloskie, W: B. Scott, R. R. Wright. Kirby, W: On the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts. New ed. with notes by T: Rymer Jones. [Bridgewater treatise's]. t,ond. 1852, 1853. 2v. D. 214:7 Martin, F. Natural history. Tr. from the 34th germ. ed. by Sarah A. Myers. 1st and 2d ser. N. Y. 1861, 1862. 3 v. D. 590 : 10 Orton, James. Comparative zoology ; structural and systematic. [Rev. by E: A. Birge. 1 N. Y. 1883. O. 590:47 Oswald, Felix Leopold. Zoological sketches ; a contribution to the out door study of natural history. 111. Phila. 1883 [1882]". O. 590 : 43 Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. Zoology for liigh schools and colleges. (Amer. science ser.) 2d ed. rev. N. Y. 1880. O. 590 : 5 Ruschenberger, W: S. W. Elements of natural history, embracing zoology, botany and ecology, for schools, colleges and families, ^hila. 18.50. 2 v. D. 590:11 Contents. V. 1. Vertebrate animals. 2. Inverte- brate animals.-Botany. Geology. Shaw, G: Zoological lectures, delivered at the Royal institution in 1806, 1807. Lond. 1800. 2v. O. 590:51 Tenney, Sanborn. Natural history ; a manual of zoology for schools, colleges and the general reader. 111. N. Y. 1865. D. 590 : 12 Wallace, Alfred Russel. The geographical dis- tribution of animals ; with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas, as elucidating the past changes of the earth's surface. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1876. 2 v. O. 590+6 Island life, or The phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a re- vision and attempted solution of the prob- lem of geological climates. N. Y. 1881. O. 590:7 Wood, J: G: Popular natural history. 111. Phila. n. d. O. 590 : 13 Sketches and anecdotes of animal life. 111. Lond. n. d. S. 590 : 34 Animal traits and characteristics, or Sketches and anecdotes of animal life, 2d ser. New ed., ill. Lond. n. d. S. 590 : 35 ge PI NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGY. CI. 690-591 370 Wood, J: G: Continued. The common objects of the country. Lond. n. d. S. 590 : 32 Homes without hands ; a description of the habitations of animals, classed according to their principle of construction. New ed., ill. Lond. 1880. O. 590 : 38 Goode, G: Brown. Classification of the collec- tion to represent the animal resources of the U. S. ; a list of substances derived from the animal kingdom, with synopsis of the useful and injurious animals, and a classifi- cation of the methods of capture and utili- zation. Wash. 1876. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl3 Anderson, W: Treasury of the animal world for the young. Lond. n. d. S. x 590 : 40 Harris, Amanda B. Dooryard folks, and A win- ter garden. 111. Bost. [1883]. D. X 590 : 48 Jackson, T: Stories about animals. 4th ed. Lond. n. d. O. x 590 : 30 Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. Things in the for- est. Lond. 1879. S. x 590 : 44 Maskell, Mrs. A. E. Anderson-. Four feet, wings and fins. 111. Bost. [1879]. D. X 590 : 29 Morse, E: S. First book of zoology. Lond. 1880. D. X 590: 42 Peabody, Selim H. Cecil's books of natural history: Pt. 1, Beasts ; pt. 2, Bii'ds ; pt. 3, Insects. 111. Phila. [1879]. D. x 590 : 31 Wood, J: G: The boy's own book of natural history. Lond. [1880]. D. x 590 : 37 Animal life of the sea. (See also Physical geogr., cl. 551.3, col. 328.) Damon, W: E. Ocean wonders ; a companion for the seaside. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 590 : 26 Figxiier, Guillaume. L: The ocean world ; a description of the sea and some of its in- habitants. From the french. New ed. rev. by E. Perceval Wright. 111. Lond. [1872]. D. 590 : 39 Gosse, Philip H: A year at the shore. 111. Lond. 1865. D. 590:27 Kingsley, C: Glaucus, or The wondei's of the shore. Bost. 1855. S. 590 : 28 Same. 111. [Works, v. 5.] Lond. 1881. D. 590 : 28 Martens, J. B. Life in the sea. Tr. by Herman Jacobson. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 2. in 639 : D Verrill, A. E. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks of the southern coast of New England, and of some additions to the fauna of Vineyard Soimd. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 10. in 639 : D Wood, J: G: Common objects of the sea-shore, incl. hints for an aquarium. Lond. n. d. S. 590 : 33 The fresh and salt-water aquarium. 111. Lond. [1869]. S. 590:36 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Jn s tinct and reason. Brougham, H: lord. Dialogues on instinct, with analytical view of the researches on fossil osteology. Lond. 1844. S. 590 : 14 Lindsay, W. Lauder. Mind in the lower ani- mals, in health and disease. N. Y. 1880. 2 V. O. 590+20 Contents. V. 1 . Mind in health. 2 . Mind in disease. Menault, Ernest. The intelligence of animals, with illustrative anecdotes. From the french. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1875. D. 590:21 Romanes, G: J: Animal intelligence. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1883. D. 590 : 46 Mental evolution in animals ; with a post- humous essay on instinct by C: Darwin. N. Y. 1884. D. 590 : 50 Watson, J: Selby. The reasoning power of animals. 2d ed. Lond. 1870. D. 590 : 23 Wood, J: G: Man and beast here and hereafter, ill. by more than 300 original anecdotes. N. Y.1875. O. 590:25 Animal struct ur e. (See also special classes below.) M' Alpine, D. Zoological atlas, incl. compara- tive anatomy ; with practical directions and explanatory text, for the use of stu- dents. N. Y. 1884. 2 V. F. 590 : R52 Contents. [V. 1.] Vertebrata. [2.] Invertebrata. Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. The structure of ani- mal life ; six lectures del. at the Brooklyn academy of music in jan. and feb. 1862. '3d ed. N. Y. 1874. O. 590 : 49 Jones, T: Rymer. General outline of the organ- ization of the animal kingdom and manual of comparative anatomy. 4th ed. ill. Lond. 1871. O. 590 : 4 Chauveau, A. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. 2d ed. rev. and enl. with the co-operation of S. Arloing. Tr. and ed. by G: Fleming. N.-Y. 1884. O. 591-f4 Mivart, St. G: Lessons in elementary anatomy. New. ed. Lond. 1877. S. ' 591 :'2 Smellie, W: The philosophy of natural history ; with an introd. and various add. and alter- ations, intended to adapt it to the present state of knowledge by J: Ware. Bost. 1843. D. 590 : 19 Ware, J: The philosophy of natural history. Prepared on the plan, and retaining por- tions of the work of W: Smellie. Bost. 1863. D. 590:22 Dean, J: Gray substance of the medulla oblon- gata and trapezium. 111. Wash. 1864. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 vl6 Marey, Etienne Jules. Animal mechanism ; a treatise on terrestrial and aerial locomo- tion. 111. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1879. U. 591 : 1 Pettigrew, J. Bell. Animal locomotion, or Walk- ing, swimming and flying, with a disserta- tion on aeronautics. 111. (Intern, scien- tific ser.) N. Y. 1874. D. 591 :3 Sch.ufeldt, R. W. Osteology of Speotvto cunicu- laria var. hypogoaa, [and] of firemophila 871 CI. 590-591 NATX^RAli SCIElfCE -ZOOLOGY, 372 Schufeldt, R. ^.Continued. alpestris. 111. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 6. in 557.5 : D Osteology of the north american tetraonidse, [and] ofLaniusludovicianus excubitorides. 111. In the same. w 557.5 :D 2. Special localities. White, Gilbert. The natural history of Sel- borne ; with add. notes by J. G. Wood. 111. Lond. 1860. S. 590 : 24 Hough, Franklin B. Dates of first appearance of birds and other animals. In Meteoro- logical observations of U. S. patent office, V. 2. ^7l552.1:D DeKay, James E. Zoology of New York, or The New York fauna ; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its bord- ers. 111. Albany. 1842-1844. 5 v. Q. In Natural hist, of N. Y., pt. 1. 557.3:111 Contents. [V. 1.] Pt. 1. Mammalia. [2.] Pt. 2. Birds. [3.] Pt. 3. Eeptiles. Pt. 4. Fishes. [4.] Plates to pts. 3, 4. [5.] Pt. 5. MoUusca. Pt. 6. Crustacea. United States. Exploration of the Bed river of La., 1852. Zoology. 111. In Marcy, R. B. Report. tn 917.4 :D Contents. Marcy, Randolph B. Mammals. Baird, Spencer F., and C: O-irard. Reptiles; Fishes. Adams, C. B., and G: G. Shumard. Shells. Girard, C: Orthopterous insects; Arachnidians; Myriapods. Lapham, Increase Allen. A systematic cata- logue of the animals of Wisconsin. In 4th annual rep. of the Regents of the univ. of Wis., with Governor's message, 1852. 172.328.16 :D Coues, Elliott. Commentary on the zoological results of [Lewis and Clarke's] expedition. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 1. in 557^.5 : D United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes. 111. Wash. 1857- 58. In Report of the surveys, v. 8-10. in 625 : D Contents. V. 8. Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Pt. 1. Mammals. 9. Baird, S. F., .J: Cassin and G: N. Lawrence. Pt. 2. Birds. 10. Baird, S. F. Pt. 3. Reptiles. O-irard, C: Pt. 4. Fishes. Zoolog. report of the route near the 47th and 49th parallel. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 1, pt. 2. in 625 : D Contents. Cooper, James Graham, G: Suckley ami G: G-ibbs. Mammals. Cooper, J. G. Land birds.- Suckley, G: Water birds. Cooper J. O. Reptiles. Suckley, G : Fishes. LeConte, ' J : T. Insects [coleoptera]. Cooper, W: MoUusca.- Cooper, J. G. Crustacea. Zoolog. report of the routes near the 38th and 39th par., and near the 41st par. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 10. in 625 : D Contents. Baird, 8. F. Mammals; Birds; Reptiles. Oirard, C: Fishes. LeConte, J : L. Insects. Zoolog. report of the route near the 35th par. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 4, 10. in "625 : D Contents. V. 4. Kennedy, C. B. R. Field notes and explanations. 10. Kennedy, C. B. R. Mam- mals; Birds. Baird, S. F. Reptiles.- Girard, C: Fishes. Zoolog. report of the route near the 32d par., from the Rio Grande to the Pimas United States. Pacific r. r. surveys. Co?Uinued. villages. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 10. in 625 : D Contents. Heermann, A. L. Birds.- Hallowell, E: Reptiles. Zoolog. report of the ex{)lor. in California for routes to connect with those near the 35th and 32d par. 111. In Report of the sur- veys, V. 10. in 625 :D Contents. Hallowell, E: Reptiles. Heermann, A. L. Birds. Baird, S. F. Mammals. O-irard, C: Fishes. Zoolog. report of the explor. from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river. 111. In Report of the surveys, v. 6, 10. in 625 : D Contents. V. 6. Oirard, C: Fishes. Newberry, J: S. Mammals; Birds. Binney, W. G. Land shells. 10. Baird, S. F. Reptiles. United States. Mexican boundary survey. Zo- ology of the boundary. 111. in Emory, W. H. Report of the survey, v. 2, pt. 2. in 917.7 :D Contents. Baird, Spencer F. Mammals ; Birds; Reptiles. Oirard, C: Fishes. Woodhouse, S. W. Report on the natural history of the country passed over by the exploring expedition under the command of L. Sit- greaves [down the Zuui and Colorado rivers], during 1851. 111. /w Sitgreaves, L. Report. ire 917.5 :D Contents. Woodhouse, S. W. Mammals and Birds. Hallowell, E: Reptiles. Baird, Spencer F., and C: Oirard. Fishes. Torrey, J: Botany. United States. Stansbury's expedition to the Great Salt Lake. 111. In Report, 1855. in 917.5 :D Contents. Baird, Spencer F. Quadrupeds and Birds. Baird, S. F., arid C: Oirard. Reptiles, incl. a monographic essay on the genus phrynosoma. Haldeman, S. S. Insects. Yarrow, H. C, and others. Rejjorts upon the zoological collections obtained from por- tions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colo- rado, New Mexico and Arizona during 18711874. 111. (U. S. geograph. surveys west of 100th mer., Wheeler ; Report, v. 5). Wash. 1875. Q. in 557.5 : D Contents. Yarrow, H. C. Introd.; Notes upon geograph. distribution and variation with regard to the zoology of the western U. S., as relates more particularlyto mammals and birds. Coues, Elliott, and H. C. Yarrow. Rep. upon the collections of mammals. Henshaw, H. W. Rep. upon the orni- thological collections. Yarrow, H. C. Rep. upon the collections of batrachians and reptiles. Coues, Elliott. Synopsis of the reptiles and batrachians of Arizona, with critical and field notes and an exten- sive synonymy. Cope, E: D., and H. C. Yarrow. Rep. upon the collections of flshes.- Cresson, E. T. Rep. upon the collections of hymenoptera ; with list of formlcidiB, by E: Norton. Mead, Theodoi-e L. Rep. upon the collections of diurnal lepidoptera, with notes upon all species known to Inhabit Colorado ; and a list of all species collected, by W. H. Edwards. Stretch, R: H. Report upon new species of zygeni- d and i)ombycidtc. Osten-Sacken, C: R. haronv. Rep. upon the collection of diptera, 1873. TJlke, H: Rep. upon the collections of coleoptera. Uhler, Philip R. Rep. upon the collections of hemiptera. Thomas, Cyrus. Rep. upon the collections of or- thoptera. Hagren, H. A. Rep. upon the collections of neuroptera and pseudo-neuroptera.- Yarrow, H. C. Rep. upon the collections of terrestrial and fluvi- atile mollusca. Verrill, A. E. Rep. upon the collec- tions of fresh-water leeches. Harford, W. G. W. Zoology of Alaska. In Davidson, G: Report, t^ U. S. coast survey rep. 1867. 622 :i) Kumlien, L: Contributions to the natural his- tory of arctic America, made in connection 373 NATTJBAI. SCIENCE-ZOOLOGY. CI. 590-595 374 with tho Howgate polar expedition 1877-78. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v23 Contentx. Kumlien, L: Ethnolosry, mammals and birds. Bean, T. H. Fishes. Verrill, A. E. Anne- lidos, molluscoids and radiates. Dall, W: H. Moll- usks. Insects: Edwards, W. C. Diurnal lepidop- tera; Scudder, S. Vi..andothe,r. Hymenoptera, noc- turnal lepidoptera, diptera, coleoptera. neuroptera and arachnida Gray, Asa. Plants. Tuckerman, E. Lichens. Farlow, W. G. Algse. United States. Naval astronomical expedition. Zoology of Chile. 111. In Report of exped., V. 2 in 508 : D Contents. Baird, Spencer F. Mammals Cassin, J: Birds. O-irard, C: Reptiles; Fishes; Crustacea. Qould, A: A. Shells. Streets, T. Hale. Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islands and Lower California -, made in connection with the U. S. north Pacific surveying exped. 1873-75. Wash. 1877. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : K.4 vl3 Contents. Ornithology. Herpetology. Ichthyol- ogy: Fishes of upper and Lower California; of the Hawaiian Islands; of the Fanning Islands ; from the Samoan Islands.- Crustacea. Botany. Kidder, J. H. Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island, made in con- nection with the american transit-of- Venus expedition, 1874-5. 2 pts. Wash. 1876. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl3 Contents. Pt. 1. Ornithology, ed. by Elliott Coues. 2. Oology. Botany. Geology. Mammals. Fish. MoUusks. Insects.- Crustaceans. Annelids. Echi- noderms.Anthozoa.App. Study of Chionis minor, with reference to its structure and systematic position. 2. Invertebrates. Huxley, T: H: A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. N. Y. 1878. D. 592:2 Buckley, Arabella Bvirton. Life and her child- ren ; glimpses of animal life from the amoeba to the insects. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. x592: 1 Stimpson, W: Synopsis of the marine inverte- brata of Grand Manan, or the region round the mouth of the bay of Fundy, New Bruns- wick. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. /. Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v6 Verrill, A. E. The invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound [in New England], with an account of the physical ciiaracters of the region. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, V. 1. in 639 : D Smith, Sidney I. Sketch of the invertebrate fauna of Lake Superior. / U. S. fish com. report, v. 2. in 639 : D Beneden, P: Joseph van. Animal parasites and messmates. (Intern, scientific ser.) 111. N. Y. 1876. D. 592 : 3 Frotozoa , Badiata^ Vermes. {See also Microscopy, cl. 578, col. 356.) Ryder, J: A. The protozoa and protqphytes, considered as the primary or indirect soiu'ce of the food of fishes. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 1. in 639 : D Magnin, Antoine. The bacteria. Tr. by G: M. Sternberg. Bost. 1880. O. 593 : 2 Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, (AetoM). A first lesson in natural history. 2d ed. Bost. ia59. D. 593:1 Bell, H. R. E. (N. D'Anvers). Lowest forms of water animals ; an ill. natural history reader, by N. D'Anvers. (Science ladders, no. 5.) N. Y. 1882. S. x 693 : 8 Leidy, Joseph. Fresh-water rhizopods of North America [with bibliography of the .subject]. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, V. 12.) Wash". 1879. Q. in 557.5 : D Clark, H: James. Lucernarise and their allies ; a memoir on the anatomy and physiology of Haliclystus auricula and other lucef- narians, with a discussion of their rela,tions to other acalephse, to beroids and polypi. 111. Wash. 1878. Q. In Smithsonian con- tributions. 506 : R3 v23 Dall, W: Healey. Index to the names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the class brachiopoda, excluding the rudistes, previ- ous to the year 1877. Wash. 1877. O. 506:R4vl3 Verrill, A. E. Synopsis of the north american fresh-water leeches. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 2. in 639 : D Darwin, C: Robert. The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms, with observations of their habits. N. Y. 1882 [1881]. D. 595 : 14 "Webster, H. E., and James E. Benedict. The annelida chaetopoda from Provincetown and Wellfleet, Mass. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 9. in 639 : D Mo Husks. Gill, Theodore N: Arrangement of families of mollusks. Wash. 1871. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : 114 vlO Carpenter, Philip P. The mollusks of western North America ; embracing the 2d report made to the British assoc. on this subject, with other papers, reprinted with a general index. 111. Wash. 1872. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : K,4 vlO Bell, H. R. E., {N. D'Anvers). Lowly mantle- and armor-wearers ; an ill. natural-history reader by N. D'Anvers. (Science ladders, no. Q.) N. Y. 1884. S. x 694 : 6 Binney, W: Greene. Bibliography of north american conchology to 1860 : American authors. Wash. 186'3. O. In Smith.sonian misc 506 : R4 v6 Same : Foreign authors. Wash. 1864. O. In Smithsonian misc. 606 : K4 v9 Note. Is more than a bibliography, since it con- tains a full index of the various species described in each work. Tryon, G: Washington, jr. Structural and systematic conchology ; an in trod, to the study of the mollusca. Col'd ill. Phila. 1882-84. 3v. O. 694 : P6 Woodward, S: P. A manual of the mollusca ; a treatise of recent and fossil shells. 2d ed., with an app. of recent and fossil conchol- ogical discoveries to the present time. 111. Lond. 1868. D. 594:4 "Wood, J: G: The common shells of the sea- shore. 111. Lond. 1865. S. 694 : 3 Turton, W: Manual of the land and fresh-water shells of the british islands, with figures denotes books specially adapted for children. 375 CI. 594-595 NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGY. 376 of each of the kinds. New ed. with add. by J: E: Gray. Lond. 1857. D. 594 : 2 Lea, I:, and others. Check lists of the shells of North America, prepared for the Smith- sonian institution. Wash. 1860. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : B.4 v2 Binney, W: Greene, and T: Bland. Land and fresh water shells of North America, pt. 1. 111. Wash. 1869. O. In Smithsonian misc. V. 8. 506 : R4 v8 {aZone). Same, pt. 2, 3. 111. Wash 1865. O. In the same, v. 7. 506 : B,4 v7 Tryon, G: Washington, jr. Land and fresh-wa- ter shells of North America, pt. 4. 111. Wash. 1873. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl6 Stimpson, W: Researches upon the hydrobiinaj and allied forms. 111. Wash. 18(55. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v7 Prime, Temple. Monogram of american corbi- culadae, recent and fossil. 111. Wash. 1865. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v7 Verrill, A. E. The cephalopods of the north- eastern coast of America. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 7. in 639 : D Note. For works on the oyster, see class 639. Crustacea, Arachnida. Huxlev, T: H: The crayfish ; an introduction to the study of zoology. III. (Intern, scienti- fic ser.) N. Y. 1880. D. 595 : 11 Smith, Sidney I. The Crustacea of the fresh waters of the U. S. In U. S. fish com. re- port, V. 2. in 639 : D Bundy, W. F. Crustacean fauna of Wisconsin, with descriptions of little known species of cambarus. In Geology of Wis. 557.5 :R3vl "Wilson, Edmund B. Pycnogonida of New Eng- land and adjacent waters. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 6. in 639 : D Harger, Oscar. The marine isopoda of New England and adjacent waters. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 6. in 639 : D Smith, Sidney I. Decapod Crustacea of the Al- batross dredgings off the coast of the U. S. in 1883. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 10. in 639 : D Keyserling, Eugen W: Theodor graf. Die spin- nen Amerikas : Laterigradae. Niirnberg. 1880. Q. 595+20 Thorell, Tord Tamerlan Theodor. Descriptions of the aranese, coll. in Colorado in 1875 by A. S. Packard, jr. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 3. in 557.5 : D Peckham, G: W. and Elizabeth, born Gifford. Descriptions of new or little known spiders of the family attidae from various parts of the U. S. of North America, n. t. p. Milw. 1883. O. 595 : 21 In sects in general. Cowan, Frank. Curious facts in the history of insects, including spiders and scorpions ; a complete collection of the legends, super- stitions, beliefs and ominous si^ns connec- ted with insects, together with their uses in medicine, art and as food, with a summary of their remarkable injuries and appearan- ces. Phila. 1865. D. 695 : 10 Lubbock, Sir J: On the origin and metamor- E hoses of insects. (Nature ser.) 2d ed., ill. ond. 1874. D. 595 : 7 Agassiz, L: J: Rudolph. The classification of insects from embryological data. 111. Wash. 1850. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v2 Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. Guide to the study of insects, and a treatise on those in- jurious and beneficial to crops ; for the use of colleges, farm schools and agriculturists. 6th ed. N. Y. 1878. O. 595+2 Graber, Vitus. Die insekten. Miinchen. 1877. 2v.S. 595:1 Le Baron, W: Outlines of entomology. 111. In 3d an. rep. of the state entomologist of 111. 1872. zra 328.15 :D McCook, H: Christopher. Tenants of an old farm ; leaves from the note-book of a natur- alist. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. 595 : 23 Rennie, James. The natural history of insects. 111. N. Y. 1843, 1846. 2 v. S. " 595 : 4 Ballard, Julia P. Insect lives, or Born in prison. Cine. 1879. D. x 595 : 16 Church, Ella Rodman. Flyers and crawlers, or Talks about insects. Phila. [1884]. S. 595 : 22 Guernsey, L. E. Jenny and the insects. \Anon.'\ Phila. [18571. S. x 595 : 17 Kirby, Mary a(Z Elizabeth. Sketches of insect life. Lond. n. d. S. x 595 : 18 Wood, J: G: Insects at home ; a popular ac- count of british insects, their structure, habits and transformations. 111. Lond. 1876. O. 595 : 6 Insects abroad ; a popular account of foreign insects, their structure, habits and trans- formations. 111. Lond. 1874. O. 595 : 5 American entomology. Say, T: Complete writings on the entomology of North Amei'ica ; ed. by J: L. LeConte, with a memoir of the author by G: Ord. N. Y. 1859. 2 V. O. 595+3 Contents. V. 1. Pref. Memoir. Amer. entomo- logy, V. 1-3, 1824-28. Explanation of terms used in entomol. Description of some new species of hymenopterous insects, 1823. Descr. of insects be- longing to the order neuroptera, coll. by the expedi- tion under the command of Stephen H. Long, 1823. [Descr. of insects coll. on] Long's 2d expedition to the source of St. Peter's river, etc., 1824. Descr. of north amer. curculionides, 1831. New species of north amer. insects, found by Joseph Barabino, chiefly in La., ia32. Descr. of new species of hetero- pterous hemiptera of North Amer., 1831. Corre- spondence relative to the insect that destroys the cotton plant. Note on capt. LeConte's paper on New coleopterous insects of North Amer., pub. in the first vols, of the Annals of the Lyceum of natural hist, of N. Y., 1827. Descr. of some new species of hymenoptera of the U. 8., 1828. Descr. of new amer. species of the genera buprestis, trachys and elater, 1825. Add. and corr. Index. Plates. 2. Pref .Descr. of several new species of north amer. insects, 1817. Some account of the insect known as hessian fly, and of a parasitic insect that feeds on it, 1817. Descr. of the thysanouree of the U. S., 1821. An account of the arachnides of the U. S., 1821. Descr. of the myriapodse of the U. S., 1821.- On a south amer. species of oestrus, which inhabits the human body, 1822. Descr. of dipterous insects of the U. S., 1823. Descr. of coleopterous insects, coll. in the expedition to the Rocky mountains under the command of ma.1or Long, 1828-2.5. Descr. of new hemipterous insects, coll. in ttie Hame exped., 182.5. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 377 NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGY. CI. 595 378 Descr. of new species of histor and hololepta, inhab- iting tlie U. S., 1835. Descr. of new species of cole- opterous insects, inhabiting the U. S., 1825-3G. Descr. of north amer. diptei-ous insects, 1839-30. Descr. of new north amer. hemipterous insects, belonjfing to the Ist family of the section homoptera of Latreille, 1830-31. Descr. of new north amer. neuropterous insects, and observ. on some already described, 1839. A monograph of north amer. insects of the genus cicindela, 1818. Descr. of insects of the families of carabici and hydrocanihari of Latreille, inhabiting North America., 1833. Descr. of new north amer. insects, aud observ. on some already described, 1834- 36. Descr. of new north amer. coleopterous insects, and observ. on some already described, 1836. Descr. of new north amer. hymenoptera, and observ. on some already described, 1836-37. Add. and corr. Index. Hagen, Herrmann A: Synopsis of the described neuroptera of North America ; with a list of the south american species. Wash. 1861. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : 114 v4 Scudder, S: Hubbard. Catalogue of the ortho- ptera of North America, described previ- ous to 1867. Wash. 1868. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : B,4 v8 Thomas, Cyrus. Synopsis of the acrididaj of North' America. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, v. 5.) Wash. 1873. Q. in 557.5 :D Uhler, Philip R. List of hemiptera of the region west of the Mississippi river. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 1. in 657.5 I'D Report on the insects collected dui'ing the ex- plorations [in the territories of U. S.] of 1875, incl. monographs on the families cydnidse and saldag, and the hemiptera collected by A. S. Packard, jr. 111. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bul- letin, v. 3. w 557.5 :D Riley, C: V., and J. Monell. Notes on the aphi- didEe of the U. S., with descriptions of species occurring west of the Mississippi. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, V. 5. " in 557.5 :D Le Conte, J: L. Classification [and description of families] of the coleoptera of North America, pt. 1. 111. Wash. 1862. O. In Smithsonian misc., v. 3. 506 : R4 v3 Same, pt. 2. Wash. 1873. O. In the same, v. 11. 506:R4vll and G: H. Horn. Classification of the coleo- ptera of North America, [pt. 3]. Wash. 1883. O. In the same, v. 26. 506 : R4 v26 {alone). List of the coleoptera of North Amer- ica, pt. 1. Wash. 1866. O. In Smithson- ian misc., V. 6. 506 : R4 v6 New species of north american coleoptera, pt. I. Wash. 1863. O. In the same. 506 : R4 v6 Same, pt. 2. Wash. 1873. O. In the same, v. II. 506:R4vll The coleoptera of Kansas and eastern New Mexico. 111. Wash. 1859. Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : R3 vll The coleoptera of the alpine regions of the Rocky mountains, pt. 1. Jw U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557. 5 :D Same, pt. 2. In the same, v. 5. in 557.5 : D Osten - Sacken, C: Robert Romanoff haron v. Catalogue of the described diptera of North America. Wash. 1859. O. In Smithson- ian misc., V. 3. 506 : R4 v3 Same, 2d ed. Wash. 1878. O. In the same, v. 16. 606 : R4 vl6 Loew, Hermann. Monographs of the diptera of North America, ed., with add., by R. Osten- Sacken ; pts. 1, 2. 111. Wash. 1862, 1864. O. In Smithsonian misc., v. 6. 506 : R4 v6 The diptera of North America, pt. 3. 111. Wash. 1873. O. In the sams, v. 11. 506:R4vll Osten - Sacken, C: Robert Romanoff haron v. Monographs of the diptera of North Amer- ica, pt. 4. 111. Wash. 1869. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 v8 Western diptera ; descriptions of new genera and species of diptera from the region west of the Mississippi, and especially from Cal- ifornia. In U. S. geol. surve.y of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 3. " in 557.5 : D Morris, J: G. Catalogue of the described lepi- doptera of North America. Wash. 1860. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v3 Synopsis of the described lepidotera of North America, pt. 1: Diurnal and crepuscular lepidoptera. 111. Wash. 1862. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 v4 Hoy, Philo R. Catalogue of lepidoptera of Wisconsin. In Geology of Wis. 557.5 : R3 vl Scudder, S: Hubbard. Butterflies, their struct- ure, changes and life-histories, with special reference to amei'ican forms ; an applica- tion of the "doctrine of descent" to the study of butterflies ; with an app. of prac- tical instructions. [111.] N. Y. 1881. O. 595:13 Edwards, W : H: The butterflies of North Amer- ica. Bost. 1879-84. 2 v. Q. 595 : R24 Synopsis of north american butterflies. Bost. 1879. Q. In his Butterflies of North Amer- ica. 595 : R24 vl List of species of the diurnal lepidoptera of America, north of Mexico. Bost. 1884. Q. In his Butterflies of North America. 595 : R24 v2 Grote, A: R. Descriptions of noctuidas, chiefly from California. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 :D Preliminary list of the north american species of agrotis, with descriptions. In IJ. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, V. 6. in 557.5 :D Preliminary studies on the north american pyralidaj, pt. 1. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 :D North american moths, with a preliminary catalogue of the species of hadena and polia. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 6. in 557.5 : D New moths. In the same. in 657.5 : D Packard, Alpheus Spring jr. A monograph of the geometrid mollis or phala;nidai of the U. S. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, v. 10). Wash. 1876. Q. w 567.5 :D Chambers, V. T. Index to the described tineina of the U. S. and Canada. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulle- tin, V. 4. " in 557.5 :D Food-plants of tineina. In the same. r/i 557.5 :D Descriptions of new tineina from Texas, and 879 CI. 595-597 NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOIiOGY. others from more northern localities. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. ' in 5bi.6 :D Howard, L. O. Descriptions of north american chalcididas, from the collections of the U. S. dep. of agr. and of dr. C. V. Riley ; with biological notes. 1st paper ; together with a list of the described north amer. species of the family. (U. S. dep. of agr., Bureau of entomol.; Bulletin, no. 5). Wash. 1885. in 632 : D Lubbock, Sir J: Ants, bees and wasps ; a record of observations on the habits of the social hymenoptera. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1882. D. 595 : 19 Saussiire, H: de. Synopsis of american wasps : Solitary wasps, ill. Wash. 1875. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl4 McCook, H: Christopher. The natural history of the agricultural ant of Texas ; a mono- graph of the habits, architecture and struct- ure of Pogonomyrinex barbatus. Phila. 1880. O. 595 : 12 The honey ants of the Garden of the Gods, and the Occident ants of the american plains. 111. Phila. 1882 [1881]. O. 595 : 15 American entomologist, The ; an illustrated magazine of popular and practical ento- mology ; ed. by C: V. Riley. N. Y. 1880. O. 505.9 :M Note. For injurious insects, see class 633. For bees and silkworms in their economic aspects, see class 3. Vertebrates. Hiixley, T: H: A manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals. N. Y. 1878. D. 596:2 Mtiller, Adolf and K: Wohnungen, leben und eigenthiimlichkeiten in der hoheren thier- welt. Leipz. 1869. O. 596 : 1 Buckley, Arabella Burton. Winners in life's race, or The great backboned family. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. D. 596 : 6 Harting, James Edmund. British animals ex- tinct within historic times, with some ac- count of british wild cattle. 111. Bost. 1880. O. 596 : 8 Jordan, D: Starr. Manual of the vertebrates of the northern U. S., incl. the district east of the Mississippi river and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. Chicago. 1876. D. 596 : 3 and Balfour H. Van Vleck. A popular key to the birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes of the northern U. S., east of the Missis- sippi river. Appleton, Wis. 1874. T. 596:5 Jones, Joseph. Researches, chemical and phys- iological, concerning certain american vertebrata. 111. Wash. 1856. Q. 7/i Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : 113 v8 Hoy, Philo R. Catalogue of the cold-blooded vertebrates of Wisconsin. In Geology of Wisconsin. 557.5 : R3 vl Note. For the economic treatment of domestic animals, see under Agriculture, class 636. Fishes. Gill, Theodore N : Arrangement of the families of fishes, or classes pisces, marsipobranchii and leptocai-dii. Wash. 1872. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : 114 vll Giinther, Albert C: L: Gotthilf. An introduction to the study of fishes. [111.] Edinb. 1880. O. 597+1 Jordan, D: Starr. Contributions to north ameri- can ichthyology, pts. 1, 2. 111. Wash. 1877. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : B,4 vl3 Contenti<. Pt. 1. Review of Raflnesquo's memoirs on north amer. fishes. 2. Notes on cottldse, etheo- stomatidse, percldse, centrarchidaB, aphredoderidae, dorosomatidic and cyprinidae, with revisions of the genera and descriptions of new or little known species. Synopsis of the siluridse of the fresh waters of North America. and Alembert Winthrop Brayton. Contribu- tions to north amer. ichthyology, pt. 8. Wash. 1878. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v23 Contents. Jordan, D: S., aiid A. W. Brayton. On the distribution of the fishes of the Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee; with descriptions of new or little known species. Jordan, D: S. A synopsis of the family catosto- midffi ; with bibliography. and C: H. Gilbert. Synopsis of the fishes of North America. tBulletin of the U. S. national museum, no. 16]. Wash. 1883. O. 5974-3 Same. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v24 Descx'iptions of 19 new species of fishes from the bay of Panama. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 1. in 639 :D Review of the siluroid fishes found on the Pacific coast of tropical America, with descriptions of new species. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 2. in 639 : D Gill, Theodore N: Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America ; with biblio- graphy. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 1. in 639 : D Same. Wash. 1875. O. in Smithsonian misc., V. 14. 506:R4vl4 Goode, G: Brown. Catalogue of the fishes of the Bermudas. Wash. 1876. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 vl3 Materials for a history of the sword-fish. 111. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 8. in 639 : D The carangoid fishes of the U. S. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 1. in 639 : D Gill, Theodore N: Natural and economical his- tory of the gourami, Osphromenus goraray. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 2. in 639 : D Buckley, G: Monograph of the genus salmo, [1861]. In U.S. fish com. report, v. 2. in 639 : D United States. Fis/i commission. [Memoirs upon some of the important fishes of the U. S.] In Report of the com., v. 1, 5, 9, 10. in 639 : D Contents. V. 1. Baird, Spencer F. The scup, StenotomuH arm/ropii ; The blue fish. PomatomxiM mlta- trix. 5. Goode, G. Brown. The natural and econo- micalhistory of the amor, menhaden, Brevoortia; ill. 9. Goode, O. Brown, J. W. Collins a?Ktot/terK. Ma- terials for a history of the mackerel fishery, ill. 10. Collins, J. W. History of the tile-fish, Lopholatllm chamaleonticepH, ill. Jordan, D: Starr. A catalogue of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America, fn U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Haydon ; Bulle- tin, V. 4. in 557.5 :D Girard, C: Contributions to the natural history of the fresh water fishes of North America: NATURAL SCIENCE-ZOOLOGY. CI. 597-598 382 A monograph of the cottoids. 111. Wash. 1851. Q. In Smithsonian conti'ibutions. 506 : R3 v3 Milner, James W. Notes on the grayling of North America. In U. S. fish com. report, V. 3. in 639 : D Hay, O. P. On a collection of fishes from the lower Mississippi valley. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 2. in 639 : D Note. For artificial fish-culture and allied branches of industry, see under Fishing, cl. 639. A mp hibians and reptiles . Cope, E: Drinker. Check-list of north amer. batrachia and reptilia ; with a systematic list of the higher groups and an essay on geographical distribution, based on the specimens contained in the U. S. national museum. Wash. 1875. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : B,4 vl3 Mivart, St. G: The common frog. (Nature ser.) 111. Lond. 1874. D. 597.1:1 Wyman, Jeftries. Anatomy of the nervous sys- tem of Rana pipiens. 111. Wash. 1853. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : US v5 Figuier, GuillaumeL: Reptiles. /? Ai Reptiles and birds. 598 : 18 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, and C: Girard. Cata- logue of north american reptiles in the museum of the Smithsonian institution, pt. 1 : Serpents. Wash. 1853. O. In Smith- sonian misc. 506 : R4 v2 Mitchell, S: Weir. Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake ; with an investigation of the anatomy and physiology of the organs concerned, "ill. Wash. I860! Q. In Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : B,3 vl2 and G: R. Moreliouse. Researches on the anatomy and physiology of respiration in the chelonia. 111. Wash. 1863. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : K.3 vl3 Coues, Elliott, and H. C. Yarrow. Notes on the herpetology of Dakota and Montana. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 : D Birds. Giebel, Christoph Gottfried. Nomenclator sammtlieher gattungen und arten der vogel, nebst synonymen land geographi- scher verbreitung [to. 1876 inch] In his Thesaurus ornithologiiB. 16 : L Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Arrangement of fam- lies of birds, adopted provisionally by the Smithsonian inst. Wash. 1866. O.' In Smithsonian misc. 506 : B,4 v8 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, W: C: Linnoeus Martin, W: Kidd, and otJiers. Birds and bird-life. Lond. n. d. S. 598 : 6 Figuier, Guillaume L: Reptiles and birds ; a popular account of their various orders, with a description of the habits and econ- omy of the most interesting. From the french ; new ed., ed. by Parker Gillmore. Lond. [1882]. D. 598:18 Harting, James Edmund. Sketches of bird- life from twenty years' observations of their habits. Lond". 1883. O. 598 : 22 Church, Ella Rodman. Birds and their ways. 111. Phila. [1884]. S. x 598 : '23 Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. Stories about birds of land and water. 111. 4th ed. Lond. n. d. O. X 698 : 14 Wood, J: G: My feathered friends. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 698 : 16 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Jenny and the birds. [Anon.] Phila. [I860]. S. x 698 : 17 Bechstein, J: MatthJius. Cage and chamber birds ; their natural history, habits, food, diseases, management and modes of cap- ture. Tr. from the german ; with consid- erable add. on structure, migration and economy, compiled from various sources by H. Gi^. Adams, incorporating the whole of Sweet's British warblers. 111. Lond. 1853. D. 598:5 Chamber and cage birds ; their management, habits, diseases, breeding and methods of taking them. Tr. from the last german ed. of dr. Bechstein's Chamber birds, bjy- W. E. Shuckard. Rev. and partly re-written, and the points of show birds described by G: J. Barneby. Lond. n. d. D. 598 : 5 Mudie, Robert. The feathered tribes of the Brit- ish Islands. 4th ed., rev. by W. C. L. Mar- tin. 111. Lond. 1854. 2 v. S. 598 : 10 Morris, Francis Orpen. A history of british birds. Lond. 1866-68. 6 v. Q. 598 : Rl A natural history of the nests and eggs of british birds. "Lond. 1867. 3 v. Q. 598 : R2 Stannard, H: Outdoor common birds ; their habits and general characteristics. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 598:11 Ruskin, J: Love's meinie ; lectures on greek and english birds, given before the univer- sity of Oxford. N. Y. 1873. D. 598 : 25 Lloyd, Llewellyn. The game birds and wild fowl of Sweden and Norway ; with an ac- count of the seals and salt-water fishes of those countries. 2d ed., ill. Lond. 1867. Q. 598 : R3 Coues, Elliott. Check-list of north american birds. 2d ed., rev. to date, and entirely re-written under the dir. of the author ; with a dictionary of the etymology, ortho- graphy and orthoepy of the scientific names, the concordance of previous lists, and a catalogue of his ornithological pub- lications. Bost. 1882. O. 598:R19 Key to north american birds ; containing a "concise account of every species of living and fossil bird, at present known, from the continent north of the Mexican and U. S. boundary. 111. Salem. 1872. Q. 698 : 13 Same, including Greenland. 2d ed. revised to date and entirely rewritten ; with which are incorporated General ornithology ; an outline of the structure and classification of birds, and Field ornithology ; a manual of collecting, preparing and preserving birds. 111. Bost. 1884. 698 : R13 Contents. Historical preface. Pi. 1. Field ornitho- logy. Pt. 2. General ornithology. Pt. 3. Syste- matic synopsis of north american birds. Pt. 4. Systematic synopsis of the fossil birds of North America. Index. : denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 598-599 NATURAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGY. 384 Baird, Spencer FuUerton. Catalogue of north- american birds, chiefly in the museum of the Smithsonian institution. Wash. 1859. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 v2 Review of birds in the Smithsonian museum of the Smithsonian inst., pt. 1: North and middle America. 111. Wash. 1864-66. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : B,4 vl2 Audubon, J: James. The birds of Amei'ica ; from drawings made in the U. S. and their territories. N. Y. [1870]. 8 v. Q. 598:1115 Wilson, Alexander, and C:Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, prince de Canino. American or- nithology, or The natural history of the birds of" the U. S. The illustrative notes and life of Wilson by sir W: Jardine. Lond. n. d. 3v. O. 598:P21 Gentry, T: G. Nests and eggs of birds of the U. S. 111. Phila. [1884]. Q. 598:R24 Brewer, T: Mayo. North american oology ; pt. 1 : Raptores and fissirostres. 111. Wash. 1857. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506:B3 vll Dixon, C: Rural bird life ; essays on ornitho- logy, with instructions for preserving ob- iects relating to that science. Pref. by El- liott Coues. 111. Bost. [1880]. O. 598:9 Baily, W: L. Our own birds ; a familiar natural history of the birds of the U. S. ; rev. and ed. by E: D. Cope. Phila. 1878. D. 598 : 4 Cassin, J: Illustrations of the birds of Califor- nia, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America ; intended to contain descriptions and figures of all north american birds, not given oy former american authors, and a synopsis of north american ornithology, 1853-55. Phila. 1856. O. 598+7 Bidgrway, Robert. Monograph of the genus leucosticte Swains., or gray - ci-owned purple finches. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 1. in 557.5 : D Outlines of a natural arrangement of the fal- conidse. In the same, v. 1. in 557.5 : D Studies of the amer. falconidae. In the same, V. 1, 2. in 557.5 :D Studies of the american herodiones. In the same, v. 4. in 557.5 : D Elliot, Daniel Giraud. A classification and sy- nopsis of the trochilidoe. HI. Wash. 1879. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v23 List of described species of hiimming birds. Wash. 1879. O. In Smithsonian raise. 506:B4vl6 Steams, Winfrid A. New England bird life ; a manual of New lingland ornithology ; rev. and ed. from the ms. by Elliott Coues. Bost. 1881, 1883. 2 v. O. 598 : 12 ContentH. V. 1. Osclnes. 2. Non-oscine passeres, birds of prey, game and water-birds. King, F. H. Economic relations of our birds. 111. 7w Geology of Wis. 557.5 :R3vl Gibbs, Morris. Annotated list of the birds of Michigan. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 5. in 667.5 :D Bidgrway, Robert. Ornithology [of the country along the 40th parallel.] (U. S. geol. expl. 40th par.. King ; Report, v. 4.) Wash. 1877. Q. in 557. 5: J} Coues, P^lliott. Birds of the northwest ; a hand- book of the ornithology of the regions drained by the Missouri ' river and its tri- butaries. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Miscel. pub., no. 3.) Wash. 1874. O. in 557.5:1) Birds of the Colorado valley ; a repository of scientific and popular information concern- ing north american ornithology, pt. 1 : Passeres to laniida;. Bibliographical app. and ill. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Miscel. pub., no. 11.) Wash. 1878. O. in 557.5 :D Field notes of birds observed in Dakota and Montana along the 49th parallel during 1873 and 1874. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 : D McChesney, C: E. Notes on the birds of Fort Sisseton, Dakota. InV. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 5. in 557.5 :D Sennett, G: B. Notes on the ornithology of the lower Rio Grande of Texas, from observa- tions made during 1877; ed., with annot., by Elliott Coues. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 :D Same. Observ. made during 1878. In the same. in 557.5 :D HoflFman, W. J. Annotated list of the birds of Nevada. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 6. in 557.5 : D Lawrence, G:N. Birds of southwestern Mexico, collected by Francis E. Sumichrast. Wash. 1875. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506:R4vl3 Nelson, E. W. Birds of Bering Sea and the Arctic ocean. 111. In Cruise of the revenue str. Corwin. in 919.8 : D Ma Is Gill, Theodore N: Arrangement of the families of mammals, with analytical tables. Wash. 1872. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506:R4vll Allen, Joel Asaph. The geographical distribu- tion of the mammalia, considered in relation to the principal ontological regions of the earth, and the laws that govern the dis- tribution of animal life. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 :D Mivart, St. G: The cat ; an introduction to the study of backboned animals, especially mammals. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. 599 : 3 Rennie, James. Natural history of quadru])eds. III. [Anon.] N.y. 1847." S. 599:4 Figfuier, (Juillaume L: Mammalia; their vari- ous forms and habits popularly ill. by typ- ical species. Ada])ted by E. Perceval Wright 111. Lond. [1875]: D. 599:7 Reid, Mavne, and others. Stories about animals. N. Y. n. d. D. X 599 : 10 Miller, Olive Thorne, {Owynfryn). Friends in fur and feathers, by Gwynfryn. 111. 7th ed. Lond. 1882. D." " x 599 : 6 X denotes books specially adapted for children. NATURAL SCIENCE-ZOOIiOGY. CI. 690 Miller, Lydia Falconer, Mrs. Hugh. Stories of the " dog and his cousins, the wolf, the jackal and the hyaena. Lond. [1877.] S. x599:9 Stories of the cat and her cousins, the lion, the tiger and the leopard. Lond. 1880. S. x599:8 Baker, Harriet Newell, born Woods, {Mrs. Made- line Leslie). Georgey's naenagerie : the lion. Bost. n. d. T. X 599: 11 Andersson, C: J: The lion and the elephant; ed. by L. Lloyd. Lond. 1873. O. 599 : 5 Bennie, James. Natural history : The ele- phant as he exists in a wild state, and as he has been made subservient in peace and in war to the purposes of man. [Anon.'\ N. Y. 1844. S. 599 : 2 Audubon, J: James, and J: Bachman. The quadrupeds of North America. 111. N. Y. 1849. 3v. Q. 599:111 Strong, Moses. List of mammals of Wisconsin. In Geology of Wis. 557.5 : K,3 vl McChesney, C: E. Notes on the mammals of Fort Sisseton, Dakota. In U. S. geol. sur- vey of the terr.. Hay den ; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557.5 :D Coues, Elliott, and Joel Asaph Allen. Mono- graphs of north american rodentia. ill. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Report, V. 11). Wash. 1877. Q. in 55f.5 :D Contents. Coues, E. Muridas. Allen, J. A. Le- poridfe; HystricidaB; Lagomyidae; Castoroididfe; Cas- dontidae; Geomyidae. Allen, J. A. Sciuridffi; Syn- optical list of the fossil rodentia of North Ainer. toridae. Coues, E. Zapodiae; Saccomyidfe; Haplo- itidae ; Geomyidae. Al" optical list of the : Gfill, Theodore, and E. Coues. Material for a bibli- 0{?raphy of north amer. mammals. Index. Coues, Elliott. Abstracts of resxilts of study of the genera geomys and thomomys ; with the cranial and dental characters of geo- myidae. In Powell, J. W. Report of the exploration of the Colorado river of the west. in 917.5 :Ti X denotes books specially adapted for children. Trouessart, E. L. Revision of the genus sciurus ; tr., with notes, by Elliott Coues. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulle- tin, V. 6. in 557.5 :D Allen, Joel Asaph. Synonymatic list of the american sciuri or arboreal squirrels. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden; Bulletin, v. 4. in 557'. 5 : D Gill, Theodore N: Synopsis of insectivorous mammals. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 1. in 557.5 : D Coues, Elliott. Precursory notes on american insectivorous mammals, with descriptions of new species. In \J. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 3. in 557.5 : D Allen, Hermann. Monographs of the bats of North America. HE Wash. 1864. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : B4 v7 Allen, Joel Asaph. History of north american pinnipeds ; a monograph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears and seals of North America. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Miscel. pub., no. 12.) Wash. 1880. O. in 557.5 I'D On the coatis, genus nasua, Storr. In U. S. geol, survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, V. 5. in 557.5 : D Coues, Elliott. Fur-bearing animals ; a mono- graph of north amer. mustelidae, in which an account of the wolverene, the martens or sables, the ermine, the mink and vari- ous other kinds of weasels, several species of skunks, the badger, the land and sea otters, and numerous exotic allies of these animals, is contributed to the History of north amer. mammals. 111. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Miscel. pub., no. 8.) Wash. 1877. O. in 557.5 : D Allen, Joel Asaph. On the species of the genus bassaris. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 5. in 557.5 : D Note. For works on the natural history of man, see class 573, col. 351. VII. USEFUL ARTS. 1. In general. 1. General works and history. (^ee also Natural science, el. 600-509, col. 281-290.) Potter, Alonzo. The principles of science, ap- plied to the domestic and mechanic arts and to manufactures and agriciTlture ; with reflections on the progress of the arts and their influence on national welfare. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1847. D. 602 : 1 Bigelow, Jacob. The useful arts, considered in connexion with the applications of science. N. Y. 1847. 2 V. D. 602 : 2 Hazen, E: Popular technology, or Professions and trades. 111. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. S. 604:2 The panorama of professions and trades, or Every man's book. 111. Phila. 1841. D. 604:3 Goodrich, S: Griswold, (Peter Parley). The book of trades, arts and professions, i-elative to food, clothing, shelter, travelling and ornament, for the use of the young, by Peter Parley. Lond. n. d. S. * x 604 : 4 Moore, R. The universal assistant and complete mechanic ; containing over one million industrial facts, calculations, receipts, pro- cesses, trade secrets, rules, business forms, legal items, etc., in every occupation from the household to the manufactory. N. Y. 1880. D. 602 : 3 Courtney, W. S. The farmers' and mechanics' manual, with many valuable tables for machinists, manufacturers, merchants, builders, engineers, masons, painters, plumbers, gardeners, accountants, etc. Rev. and enl. by G: Waring, jr. N. Y. 1880. D. 602 : 4 Pictorial gallery of arts, The ; v. 1 : Useful arts. Lond. n. d. F. 609 : K,5 Note. V. 2 contains Fine arts. Beckmann, J: A history of inventions, dis- coveries and origins. Tr. from the german by W: Johnston. 4th ed., rev. and enl. by W: Francis and J. W. Griffith. Lond. 1846. 2 V. D. 609 : 1 Bakewell, F: C. Great facts ; a popular history and description of the most remarkable in- ventions during the present century. 111. N. Y. 1860. D. 600 : 2 Buch der erfindungen, gewerbe und industrien ; rundschau auf alien gebieten der gewerb- lichen arbeit, herausg. in verbindung mit X denotes books specially adapted for children. C. Birnbaum. C. Bottger, K. Gayer, Fr. Kohl, Fr. Luckenbacher, R. Ludwig, Oskar Mothes, dr. Regis, K. de Roth, Julius Zoll- ner und anderen. 6te aufl. Leipz. 1872-74. 6v. O. 600+1 Contents, see Deutscher katalog', p. 16. Timbs, J: Wonderful inventions ; from the mariner's compass to the electric telegraph cable. 111. Lond. [1876]. D. 609:2 Same. New ed., rev. and corr., with add. bringing down the subjects to the present time. Lond. 1882. D. 609 : 3 K-outledge, Robert. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century. 5th ed. 111. Lond. 1881. D. 609:4 Contents. Introd. Steam engines. Iron. Tools. Railways. Steam navlg:ation. Ships of war. Fire- arras. Torpedoes. The Suez canal. Sand. Iron bridges. Printing- machines. Hydraulic power. Pneumatic dispatch . Rock boring. Light. The spectroscope. Sight. Electricity. The electric graph. Light houses. Photography. Printir cesses. Recording instruments. Aquaria. graph. Light houses. Photography. Printing pro- ig instruments. Aquaria. Gold and diamonds. New metals. India-rubber and gutta-percha. Anaesthetics. Explosives. Mineral combustibles. Coal-gas. Coal-tar colours. The greatest discovery of the age. Note. For annual records of Inventions and in- dustrial progress, see Natural science, cl. 505, col. 289. Biedermann, F: K: Die erziehung zur arbeit ; eine forderung des lebens an die schule. 2te vollig umgearb. aufl. Leipz. 1883. O. 607:1 Portig, Gustav. Die nationale bedeutung des Kunstgewerbes. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-lragen. 304 : 15 vl2 Huber-Liiebenau, Theodor v. Ueber das kunst- gewerbe der alten und neuen zeit. In eutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v9 Ueber den verf all des zunf tthumes und dessen ersatz im deutschen gewerbe wesen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v8 Kleinwachter, F: Zur reform der handwerks- verfassung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v4 2. Dictionaries and cyclopedias. Weale, J: A dictionary of terms used in archi- tecture, building, engineering, raining, me- tallurgy, archaeology, the nne arts, etc., with explanatory oDservations on various subjects connected with applied science and art ; ed. with add., by Robert Hunt. 5th ed., rev. and corr. [Weale's ser.l Lond. 1876. D. 603 : 10 USEFUL ARTS-GENERAL. CI. 600-609 Ure, Andrew. A dictionary of arts, manufac- tures and mines; containing a clear exposi- tion of their principles and practice. Repr. from the last corr. and enl. english ed. N. Y. 1856. 2 V. D. 603 : 2 Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines ; containing a clear exposition of their prin- ciples and practice, fed.] by Robert Hunt, assisted by F. W. Rudler and othei's. 7th ed. 111. Lond. 1878. 4 v. O. 603 : Rl Contents. V. 1. A-C. 2. D-I. 3. J-Z. 4. Supple- ment. , Spons' encyclopaedia of the industrial arts, fmamifactures and commercial products ; ed. by C : G. Warnford Lock. Lond. 1879-80. 5v. Q. 603:R12 Brelow, G., O: Dammer and Egbert Hoyer. Technologisches lexikon fiir ^ewerbtrei- bende una industrielle. 111. Leipz. 1883. 2 V. D. 603:R13 Contents. 1. Dammer, O: Chemische technologic. 2. Brelow, G., and E. Hoyer. Mechanische techno- logic und maschlnenkunde, Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work and engineering. 111. N. Y. 1852. 2 V. Q. 603 : R3 Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics ; a dictionary of mechanical engineei'ing and the mechanical arts, ill. with nearly 5000 engravings, ed. by Park Benjamin. N. Y. 1880. 2 V. Q. 603 : R4 Knight, E: H. American mechanical dictio- nary ; a description of tools, instruments, machines, processes and engineering, his- tory of inventions, general technological vocabulary and digest of mechanical appli- ances in science and the arts. 111. N. Y. 1877. 3 V. Q. 603 : R5 Knight's new mechanical dictionary ; a de- scription of tools, instruments, rnachines, processes and engineering, with indexical references to technical journals, 1876 1880. 111. Bost. 1884. Q. 603 : R6 KnigM, Cameron. The mechanician ; a treat- ise on the construction and manipulation of tools, for the use and instruction of young engineers and scientific amateurs, compi'ising the arts of blacksmithing and forging, the construction and manufacture of hand tools, and the various methods of using and grinding them, the construction of machine tools and how to work them, machine fitting and erection, description of hand and machine processes, turning and screw cutting, principles of consti-ucting and details of making and erecting steam engines, and the various details of setting out work incidental to the mechanical engineer's and machinist's art. 111. 2d ed. Lond. 1879. O. 603:R11 Cooley, Arnold James. Cyclopasdia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions and trades, incl. medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy. 6th ed., rev. and partly I'c writ- ten by ft: V. Tuson. 111. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. O. 603 : R8 Dick, W: B. Encyclopaedia of practical receipts and processes ; containing over 6,400 re- ceipts, embracing thorough information, in plain language, applicable to almost every possible indvistrial and domestic re- quirement. 3d ed. N. Y, 1880. O. 603 : R7 3. Periodicals, societies and exhibi- tions. Mechanic's magazine ; v. 1, 2, 415, 17 27, aug. 1823 apr. 1836. Lond. 1823-36. O. 605.2 :M Appletons' mechanics' magazine and engi- neers' journal ; ed. by Julius W. Adams ; V. 13, Jan. 1851 dec. 1853. 111. N. Y. 1852-54. O. and Q. 605.2 :M Note. V. 3 cd. by T: Drew Stetson. Greenough's american polytechnic journal ; a new monthly periodical of .science, me- chanic arts and engineering ; conducted by J. J. Greenough [aud] C: G. Page ; v. 3, 4. 1854. N. Y. [1854J. O. 605 :M Scientific american ; an illustrated journal of art, science and mechanics ; v. 8, 10 39, 4251, 5365, sept. 1852-dec. 1884. N. Y. [1852-84]. F. 605.2 :RM Note. V. 1.5 (k) are called New series, v. 151. Scientific american supplement ; v. 118, Jan. 1876 dec. 1884. N. Y. 1876-84. F. 605.2 :RM: Sanitary engineer, The , a journal of civil and military engineering, and public and pri- vate hygiene, conducted by H: C. Meyer; V. 710, dec. 1882 nov. 1884. N. Y. 1882- 84. F. 605. 1 : RM Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering maga- zine ; V. 13, Jan. 1869-dec. 1884. N. Y. 1869-84. O. 605.2 :M Note. From v. 21 "eclectic" is dropped from the title. Association of engineering societies. Jour- nal ; V. 3, no. 12, oct. 1884. N. Y. 1884. O. 605.2: Pam Amate\ir work, illustrated ; ed. by the author of "Every man his own mechanic" [F. Y.]; V. 13. 111. Lond. n. d. 3 v. Q. 605-1-6 * * * Societv of arts, manufactures and commerce. Lectures on the results of the [interna- tional] exhibition [in London, 1852], de- livered at the suggestion of prinfce Albert. Lond. 1852. D. 606 : 2 Contents. Whewell, W: The general bearing of the great exhibition on the progress of art and sci- ence. De la Beche, Sir H: T. Mining, quarrying and metallurgical processes and products. Owen, R: On the raw materials from the animal kingdom. Bell, J. Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and products. Playfair, L. On the chemical prin- ciples involved in the manufactures of the exhibi- tion, as indicating the necessity of industi-lal instruc- tion. Lindley, .1: On substances used as food. Solly, E: The vegetable substances used in the arts and manufactures in relation to commerce gen- erally. Willis, R. On machines and tools for work- ing in metal, wood and other materials. Glaisher, J. Philosophical instruments and processes. Hens-, H: On civil engineering and machinery gen- erally. Boyle, J. F. The arts and manufactui-es of India. Washington, J: On the progress of naval architecture, as indicating the necessity for scientific education, and for the clas.'^iflcation of ships and of steam-engines; also on life-boats. Greeley, Horace, ed. Art and industry, as rep- resented in the exhibition at the Crystal palace. New York, 1853-4 ; showing the progress and state of the various useful and esthetic pursuits. From the New York tribune. N. Y. 1853. D. 606 : 1 Oncken, A: Die Wiener weltausstellung 1873. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304:16v2 891 CI. 600-610 USEFUL ARTS-GENEBAIi. United States. Centennial commission. Inter- national exhibition, 1876 ; Official cata- logue. Phila. 1876. O. w 606 : D Same. Department of art. 3d ed. Phila 1876. D. inQOQ.Ti Reports and awards, ed. by Francis A. Walker. Phila. 1878. 6 v. O. in 606 : D United States centennial exhibition. Nor- wegian special catalogue for the interna- tional exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. Christiania. 1876. O. in 606 : D Milwaukee's industrial exposition and grand union dairy fair of 1882, with introd. sketches of the foundation and develop- ment of the Cream city, her commercial and indiistrial resources, future prospects, etc. Milw. 1883. O. 606 : Pam San rrancisco, Mechanics' institute. Report of the 18th, 19th industrial exhibition held at the Mechanics' pavilion from the 11th of sept, to the 13th of oct. 1883, [and] 5th of aug. to 6th of sept. 1884. San Francisco. 1884, 1885. O. 606.8 : 1 4. Patents. Jannasch, R. Der musterschutz und die ge- werbepolitik des deutschen reiches ; ge- kronte preisschrift. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v2 United States. Patent ajflce. List of patents for inventions and designs issued by the U. S. from 1790 to 1847, with the patent laws and notes of decisions of the courts of the U. S. for the same period ; comp. and pub. under the dir. of Edmund Burke. Wash. 1847. O. 608 : D Annual report of the commissioner of pat- ents, 18471883. Wash. 1848-84. 67 v. O. and Q. 608 : D Note. The vols, up to and including: 1871 contain also specifications and drawinjfs, which, since that time, have been published in the Official gazette. Official gazette of the U. S. patent office ; V. 129, 18721884. Wash. 1875-84. 29 v. Q. 608 :D Subject-matter index of patents for inven- tions, brevets d'invention, granted in France from 1791 to 1876 incl. Tr., comp. and pub. under authority of the commis- sioner of patents. Wash! 1883. Q. 608 : D 2. Medicine and Surgery. 1. In general. Dunglison, Robley. Medical lexicon ; a dic- tionary of medical science, containing an explanation of the various subjects and terms of anatomy, physiology, pathology, hygiene, therapeutics, medical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacy, surgery, obste- trics, medical jurisprudence and dentistry, notices of climate and of mineral waters, formula? for officinal, empirical and diete- tic preparations, with the accentuation and etymology of the terms and the french and other synonyms. New ed., enl. and rev. by R: J. Dunglison. Phila. 1874. O. 610:111 Thomas, Joseph. A comprehensive medical dictionary ; containing the pronunciation, etymology and signification of the terms made use of in medicine and the kindred sciences. App.. comprising a complete list of all the more important articles of the materia medica, arranged according to their medicinal properties, also an ex- planation of the latin terms and phrases occurring in anatomy, pharmacy, etc., together with the necessary directions for writing latin prescriptions, etc. Phila. 1874. O. 610:18 Quain, R:, ed. A dictionary of medicine, includ- ing general pathology, general therapeu- tics, liygiene and the diseases peculiar to women and children, by various writers. N. Y. 1883. O. 610:112 Hippokrates, and Claudius Qalenus. The writ- ings of Hippocrates and Galen, epitomized from the original latin, tr. byJ: Redman Coxe. Phila. 1846. O. ' 610-|-4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Border lines of knowl- edge in some provinces of medical science ; Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Continued. an introductory lecture del. before the medical class of Harvard university, nov. 6, 1861. Bost. 1862. D. 610 : 5 Currents and counter-currents in medical science ; with other addresses and essays. Bost. 1861. D. 610:6 Contents. Currents and counter-currents in med- ical science. Homoeopathy and its kindred delu- sions. Some more recent views on homceopathy. Puerperal fever as a private pestilence. The posi- tion and prospects of the medical student. Mechan- ism of vital actions. Valedictory address. Medical essays, 1842-1882. Bost. 1883. D. 610:13 Contents. Homoeopathy and its kindred delusions. The contaxiousness of piaerperal fever. Currents and counter-currents in medical science. IJord(!r- lines of knowledjare in some provinces of medical science. Scholastic and bedside teachinjf.- The med- ical profession in Massachusetts. The younj? j)rac- titionor. Medical libraries. Some of my early teachers. Eddy, Mary Baker Glover. Science and healtli ; with a key to the scriptures. 6th ed., rev. Bost. 1883. 2v. D. 610: 16 Fort, G: F. Medical economy during the middle ages ; a contribution to the history of eui'opean morals, from the time of the roman empire to the close of the 14th century. N. Y. 1883. O. 610+14 Jli story and education. Hecker, Justus F: C: The epidemics of the middle ages. From the germ an, tr. by B. G. Babington. 3d ed. completed by the author's treatise on Child-pilgriniages. Lond. 1859. O. 610 : 16 USEFTTL ARTS MEDICIXE. CI. 610 De Foe, Daniel. History of the plague of London. In his Novels and. misc. works. 820.2 : 8 v5 Keating, J. M. A history of the yellow fever : The yellow fever epidemic of 1878, in Memphis, Tenn.; embracing a complete list of the dead, the names of the doctors and nurses employed, names of all who conti-ibuted money or means, and the names and history of the Howards, to- gether with other data, and lists of the dead elsewhere. Memphis, Tenn. 1879. Q. 614+29 United States. Army. Statistical report on the sickness and mortality, comp. from the records of the surgeon -general's office, from Jan. 1839 to Jan. 1855 ; prepared by R: H. Coolidge. Wash. 1856. Q. m610:D Same. From jan. 1855 to jan. 1860. Wash. 1800. Q. in 610 :D Surgeon general. The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion, 1861 1865 ; prepared, in accordance with acts of congress, under the dir. of surgeon gen. Joseph K. Barnes. Wash. 1870-83. 3 pts. in 5 V. F. w610:D Contents. Pt. 1, v. 1. Medical history, prep, by Joseph Janvier Woodward; v. 2. Surgrical history, prep, by G: A. Otis. Pt. 2, v. 1. Medical hist., prep. by J. J. Woodward; v. 3. Surgical hist., prep, by G: A. Otis. Pt. 3, v. 1, not pub.; v. 2. Surgical hist., prep, by G: A. Otis and D. L. Huntington. Provost-mar sJial-general's bureau. Statistics, medical and anthropological, derived from records of the examination for military service in the armies of the U. S. during the late war of the rebellion, of over a million recruits, drafted men, substitutes and enrolled men, compiled, under the dir. of the sec. of war, by J. H. Baxter. Wash. 1875. 2 v. F. inQlO.Ji War dep't. A report on barracks and hos- pitals, with descriptions of military posts. 111. (Surgeon-general's off. Circular no. 4). Wash. 1870. Q. inQlOiH A report on the hygiene of the U. S. army, with descriptions of military posts. Maps and ill, (Surgeon-general's off. Circular no. 8). Wash. 1875. Q. in 610 :D Herdegen, Robert. Bilder aus der geschichte des iirztlichen standes ; ein fiir laien be- stimmter vortrag, gehalten im Vereine Germania zu Milwaukee am 24. jan. 1884. Milw. 1884. O. 610+17 Green, S: Abbott. History of medicine in Mas- sachusetts ; a centennial address, del. be- fore the Mass. medical society at Cam- bridge, June 7, 1881. Bost. 1881." O. 610+10 Hardwicke, Herbert Junius. Medical educa- tion and practice in all parts of the world. Phila. 1880. O. 607.1 :1 Illinois state board of health. Medical edu- cation and the regulation of the practice of medicine in the U. S. and Canada. 2d ed., rev. and corr. to march 1, 1884. Chi- cago. 1884. O. 607.1+4 BischofF, Theodor L: W: v. Das studium und die ausiibung der medicin durch frauen. Munchen. 1872. O. 607.1 : 2 Schwerin, L: Die zulassung der frauen zur aus- iibung des arztlichen berufes. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v9 Thompson, W. G. Training schools for nurses ; with notes on 22 schools. N. Y. 1883. T. 607.1 :3 Flint, Austin. Medical ethics and etiquette ; the code of ethics adopted by the American medical association, with commentaries. N. Y. 1883. D. 610:12 .Boards of health. health. [1st- Wasl United States. National board 4th] annual report, 1879-1882. 111. Wash. 1879-83. 4 V. O. in 606.1 :D Contents of app , being repoi-ts and papers: 1879. Organization. Havana yellow-fever com- mission. Remsen, Ira. Organic matter in the air. Diehl, C. Lewis. Deteriorations, adulterations and substitutions of drugs. Law, James. Diseases of domestic animals; Verdi, Tullio S. Cattle disease in relation to the health of man, and in political econ* omy. Waring, G: E., jr. Gauging of se wers. Sche- dule of questions for sanitary surveys. Sanitary survey of Memphis, Tenn. Bailhache, P. H. Hy- giene of the mercantile marine, with recommenda- tions. Harris, E. Malignant diphtheria in noi-thern Vermont. Ports and cities of the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico. Sanitary regulations, quarantines, etc. 1880. Havana yellow fever commission. Rem- sen, Ira. Organic matter in the air, continued. Sternberg:, G : M. Disinfectants.- Smart, C: Deter- iorations and adulterations of food and drugs. Waring, G: E., jr. Gauging of public sewers, con- tinued. Wood, H. C, and H: F. Formad. Effect of inoculating the lower animals with diphtheritic exud- ation.- Sternberg, G: M. Microscopical examina- tion of suspended particles found in the atmosphere. Woodw^ard, J. J. Pathological histology of yel- low fever. Abbe, Cleveland. Climate and diseases. Sanitary survey of Memphis, Tenn. Smart, C: Water-supply of New Orleans and Mobile. Chan- cellor, C. N. Sanitary survey of selected portions of Baltimore, Md. Rep. of committee on the nomen- clature of diseases and on vital statistics.- Brow^n, Harvey E. Quarantine on the southern coast; ex- tract. Bemiss, 8. M. Sanitary work in New Orleans. Mitchell, R. W. Mississippi river in- spection service. 1881. Wood, H. C, and H. F. Formad. Diph- theria. Sternberg, G: M. Experimental investiga- tions relating to the etiology of the malarial fevers. Bemsen, Ira. Carbonic oxide as a source of danger to health in apartments heated by cast-iron furnaces or stoves. -Hering, Rudolph. Results of an examination made in 1880 of several sewerage works in Europe; with bibliography. Pumpelly, Raphael, and G: A. Smyth. The relation of soils to health: Filtering capacity of soils, pt. 1. Quaran- tine at Newport, R. I.: Ship Island station; Sapello station. Bemiss, S. M. Yellow fever at Key West, Fla. Reilly, F. W. Mississippi river inspection ser- vice. -Chaille, Stanford E. Inspection service at New Orleans. Conference on small-pox. 1882. Wood, H. C, and H. F. Formad. Memoir on the relations of diphtheria to septic diseases. Waring, G: E., jr.. E. S. Philbrick, and E. W. Bow- ditch. On the siphonage of traps. Bowditch, E. W. Sanitarv condition of summer resorts. Mallet, J. W. Results of an investigation as to the chemical methods in use for the determination of organic matter in potable water; with a supp. report by C: Smart. Billings, J : S. The registration of vital statistics.- Reports of sup'ts of Ship Island refuge station; Sapelo refuge station; Mississippi river inspection service; New Orleans Inspection service. Smith, Stephen. The maritime sanitary service of the U. S., and the relations of national and state authorities.- Inspection of immigrants. Pumpelly, Raphael, and : A. Smyth. Filtering capacity of soils, pt. 2. Massachusetts s^a^. Board of JienWi. 1st 11th annual report, June 1869 June 1879. 111. Bost. 1870-79. 11 V. in 9. O. 606.1 :D101 Contain, beside the general reports of the board on important topics relating to public and private health, the following reports of special investiga- tions: Meat supply, etc. : Derby, G : Slaughtering for CI. 610 USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE. 398 the Boston market (1870) ; Slaughtering, bone-boiling and fat-melting (1872). Meriam, J. N. Report of the Butchers' slaughtering and melting assoc. (1873); The Brighton abattoir (1874, 1875). Folsom, C: F. Our meat-supply and public health (1875). Hoadley , J : C. The transportation of live-stoclc (1875). Keport of the evidence, etc., before the state board of health, in the case of the city of Cambridge vs. Niles bros. [for polluting water-supply by slaughtering operations] (1879). Food and drink: Nichols, A. H. On the use ot milk from cows affected with foot-and-mouth dis- ease (1871>. Nichols, A. H., and J. F. Babcock. The adulteration of milk (1873). Hill, H: B. The adul- terations and impurities of food (1872, 1873).-01iver, H. K. Character of substances used for flavoring articles of food and drink (1873). Derby, G: The food of the people of Mass. (1873). Nichols, W: R. The filtration of potable water (1878). Public health, hygriene, etc. Report on the sale of poisons (1870). Derby, G: The prevention of disease (1870). Derby, G :, and F. W. Draper. Health of minors employed in factories (1871). Nichols, A. H. The effects on health of the use of sewing- machines, moved by foot-power (1872). Draper, F. W. Arsenic in certain green colors (1872); The homes for the poor in our cities (1873). Bowditch, H: I. Houses for the people (1871). Plunkett, Mrs. T. F. Some farm-houses, and some mistaken ways of living in them (1874). Adams, J. F. A. The health of the farmers of Mass. (1874); Cremation and burial, an examination of their relative advantages (1875). Jarvis, E: Political economy of health (1874). Boardman, W. E. The value of health to the state (1875). - Bowditch, H: I. Sanitary hints (1876). Ames, A., jr. The work of local boards of health (1874). Draper, F. W. Registration of prevalent diseases (1876). Folsom, C: F. Registration of deaths and diseases (1877) Jarvis, E: Infant mortality (1873). Bowditch, H: I. Some of the causes or antecedents of consumption (1873); Preventive medi- cine and the physician of the future (1874); Inebriate asylums or hospitals (1875); The use and abuse of intoxicating liquors, correspondence and analysis (1871, 1872). Oliver, F. E. The use and abuse of opium (1872). Aldrich, P. E. Beer-shops and pro- hibitory laws (1873). Derby, G: Hospitals (1874). Adams, J. F. A. Cottage hospitals (1878). Jeffries, B. Joy. Dangers from color blindness (1878). Bow- ditch, H. P. The growth of children (1877, 1879).- Hitchcock, E: Physical education in Amherst col- lege (1879). Air, ventilation, etc. : Derby, G: Air and some of its impurities (1871). Nichols, W: R. Composition of the air of the ground atmosphere (1875). Cowles, E. A contribution to the study of ventilation (1879). Martin, A. C. Ventilation of school houses (1871). Winsor, F. School hygiene (1874). Lincoln, D. F. Sanitation of public schools in Mass. (1878). Fisher, T. W. Ventilation of railroad ears, with chemical analyses of the air in cars by W: R. Nichols (1875). Winsor, F. Coal-gas from heating-apparatus (1879). Water supply, sewerage, etc.: Derby, G: Mill- dams and other water obstructions, effect on health (1872). Derby, G:, and W: R. Nichols. Poisoning by lead pipe (1871) ; Pollution of Mystic-Pond water (1871); Sewerage, sewage, the pollution of streams, the water-supply of towns (1873). Nichols, W: R. On the present condition of certain rivers of Mass., togjpther with considerations touching the water- supply of towns (1874). Boardman, W. E. On the use of zinced or galvanized iron for the storage or conveyance of drinking-water (1874). French, H. P. Drainage for health (1873). Clarke, E. C. Common defects in house-drains (1879). Kirkwood, J. P. The pollution of rivers, with general observations on water-supplies and sewerage (1876). Winsor, F. The water-supply, drainage and sewerage of Mass. from the sanitary point of view (1876). Folsom, C: F. The disposal of sewage (1876, 1877); Pollution of streams (1877); Surface-drainage of the metropolitan district [of Boston] (1876). Philbrick, E. S. Defects in house-drainage and their remedies (1876). Bow- ditch, H: I. Convalescent homes and the sewage question (1871). Drainage and health; sewerage and the pollution of streams, incl. the draught of a law (1878). Diseases, insanity, etc.: Nichols, A. H. Re- port on an outbreak of intestinal disorder, attribut- able to the contamination of drinking-water by means of impure ice (1876). Johnson, A. H. Scarlet fever (1878). White, .1: C. Vegetalile parasites, and Massachusets state. Board of health. Continued. the diseases caused by their growth upon man (1878). [Each year contains also reports on the health of towns; epidemics of small-pox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, cerebro-spinal meningitis, etc., in various localities, and by different authors]. Folsom, C: F. Disease of the mind (1877). Jarvis, E: Proper pro- vision for the insane (1872). Clouston, T. S. Hos- pital homes for the insane (1879). Same. General index, vols. 1-11, by Francis H. Brown. In 11th report, 1879. " 606.1 :D101 vll Summary of seven years' work ; prep, by W. R. Richardson. Bost. 1876. O. w 606.1 :D101 Board of health, lunacy and charity. 1st, 2d, 4th annual report, 1879, 1880, 1882-3 ; suppl., containing the report and papers on public health, m. Bost. 1881-83. 3 v. O. 606.1 :D102 Contents. 1879. General report. The pollution of streams: Westfield and Merrimac rivers; Nichols, W: R. Pollution by sulphuric acid. Billing's, F. S. TrichinsB in relation to the public health. Richards, Ellen H. The adulterations of some staple groceries. Wood, E : S. The water-supply of Cambridge. Nichols, W: R. Observations on Fresh Pond, Cam- bridge; On the examination of Mystic water, with remarks on Frankland's method of water analysis. Farlow, W. G. On some impurities of drinking- water, caused by vegetable growths. Bowditch, Ernest W. The drainage of summer hotels and country boarding-houses. Clarke, Eliot C. Sug- gestions on sewerage. Health of towns. 1880. General rep. Hoyt, W. E. The pollution of streams. Clarke, Eliot C. The separate system of sewer- age. Adams, J. F. Alleyne. Intermittent fever in Mass Bow^ditch, Ernest W. Schoolhouse sanita- tion. Health of towns: Adams, J. F. A., Epidemic in Adams; Bowditch, E. W. Sanitary condition of Holyoake; Adams, Z. B. Neglect of vaccination. Index. 1882-83. General rep. Sharpies, S. P. The adulteration of food [with bibliog;raphy]. Jeffries, B. Joy. Our eyes and our industries. Leprosy in its relations to public health [with bibliography] .Re- ports of water boards The sewerage of Nahant. Index. Note. There was no health supp. published with the 3d report for 1881. Illinois state. Board of health. 1st annual report, [June 12, 1877-dec. 31] 1878. Springfield. 1879. O. With Reports made to the gen- eral assembly, 1879, v. 4. in 328. 15 : D Wisconsin state. Board of health. lst-7th an- nual report, 1876-1882. Madison. 1876-83. O. 606.1:103 Same. 3d-7th rep. WitJi Governor's message, 1879-1883. in 328. 15 : D Principal contents, aside from the general reports of the board, extracts from special correspondents and reports of local boards, etc. : Food and drink: Selden, O. G. Foods and do- mestic beverages (1876).- Chamberlin, T. C. The adulteration of foods (1879). Wenzel, H: P. Dis- eased meat, and its relation to health (1880). Public health, hygiene, etc. : Hobbins, Joseph. Registration of vital statistics (1876).- Davies, J: E. The value of vital statistics (1877). Bintliff, James. Homes for the people (1879). Favill, G: Mental hygiene (1876). Strong, H. P. Village sanitary work (1877); General hygienic knowledge a necessity for the people (1880). Hageman, J. W. Recreation as a sanitary agent (1880). Lynde, Mrs. W: P. Hints on hygienic education (1881). Bingham, Helen M. Hy- gienic clubs for women (1881). Hoegh, Knut. Hints concerning infantile hygiene and dietetics (1882). Chittenden, T: W. Nostrums (1882). -Bartlett, Edwin W. Color blindness (1881). - Witter, G. F. Tobacco and its effects (1881). Peckham, G: W. The growth of children (1881, 1882). Anderson, R. B. The influence of reading upon health (1878). Air, ventilation, etc.: Witter, G. F. Ground air in its relations to health (1879). Bintliff, James. Ventilation of public buildings and dwelling houses (187fl. 1877^; Inspection of public buildings (1877, 1878, 1879). -Reeve, J. T. Our public schools in their 397 XJSEFUL ARTS-MEDICINE. 01. 610-612 relations to the health of pupils (1879). Chittenden, T: W. School buildings (1878); Our school houses 1879); School hygricne, and what the teacher can do to promote it (1880). Reeve, J. T. Kerosene (1880). Water-supply, seweragre, etc.: "Witter, G. F. Water and the water-supply of Wis: (1877, 1878). Chittenden, T: W. Water and the water-supply of the state (1877;; An investigation of the drinking water of a city (1878). Beeve, J. T. Land drainage and obstructions to water courses (1878). The Aurora- ville marshes (1882). Marks, Solon. Sewerage and drainage (1876). The sewer of Waupun prison (1883). Heilry, W. A. A simple earth closet (1882). Diseases, insanity, etc.: Wigrht, O. W. The management of contagious diseases in the city of Milwaukee (1880). Hubbell, S. B. The influence of unsanitary surroundings and habits (1882). Q-riffin, E. L. Small-pox and its prophylaxis (1876, 1877); Scarlet fever, its nature and means of prevention (1877); Diphtheria, its relation to fllth causes (1878); Disinfectants and their special application (1877). Marks, Solon. Hydrophobia (1877); The prevention of typhoid fever (1878). Schweichler, A. J. Typhoid fever at Port Washington (1879). Kempster, Walter. Some of the preventable causes of insanity (1878). Milwaukee city. Board of health. Ist-llth an- nual report, comprising remarks on sani- tary requirements, with returns of deaths, births and marriages, april 1866 dec. 1877. Milw. 1867-78. O. In City documents. 351.15 :D Commissioner of health,^ [O. W. Wight.] 1st, 2nd annual report, Jan. 1879, 1880. Milw. 1879,1880. Jti City documents. 351.15 :D Principal contents. 1879. Laws regulating the health dep. Sewers, sewage and sewer-gas. The wa- ter-supply of Milw. Sanitation of public schools of Milw. The meat supply of Milw. Brief discussions of, garbage, adulterations of food and drink, etc. Mortuary and meteorological tables. 1880. The plague as the type of diseases that may be con- trolled by cleanliness and isolation. Sanitary legis- lation as the basis of sanitary administration. The milk supply of Milw. Premature death in Milw. History of the river nuisance. Sanitation of public institutions.- Public baths. Mortuary and meteoro- logical tables. Monthly statements [and meteorological tables], Jan. 1880-dec. 1884. In City docu- ments. 35i.l5:D Iowa state. Board of health. 1st biennial report for the fiscal period ending sept. 30. 1881. Des Moines. 1882. O. 606.1 :D105 Principal contents. Secretary's rep. Dickinson, W. H. Water supply and its relation to health and disease.- Andrevrs, L. F. Glanders in men and do- mestic animals. Farquharson, R. J. Adulteration of food. Loringr, James L. Sewei-age, drainage and disposal of excreta. Periodicals and societies . Journal of comparative medicine and surgery. The ; a quarterly journal of the anatomy, pathology and therapeutics of the lower animals, "W: A. Conklin and W:H: Porter, eds.; V. 1-5. N. Y. 1881-84. O. 605.1 :M JVote. Title-page of v. 1 reads "The archives of com- parative medicine and surgery." Hall's journal of health ; ed. by W. W. Hall ; V. 6-16. N. Y. 1859-67. O. 605.1 :M Sanitarian, The ; a monthly magazine devoted to the preservation of health, mental and physical culture ; A. N. Bell, ed. ; v. 10-13, Jan. 1882 dec. 1884. N.Y. 1882-84. O. and Q. 605.1 :M New York state homoeopathic medical society. Transactions ; v. 7, 8. Albany. 1869, 1870. 2 V. O. 606 : l-|-2 Wisconsin state medical society. Transac- tions ; V. 3-14, 1869-1880. Janesville [v. 3]. Milw. [v. 4]. St. Paul [v. 5]. Milw. [v. 6-14]. 3v. O. 606.1+1 Homoeopathic medical society of the state of Wisconsin. Transactions, 13th [-20th] an- nual session, 1877-1884. Chicago, Milw. and Grand Rapids. 1877-84. O. 606.1:4 Note. Includes also the transactions of the semi- annual sessions for 1881, 1882 and 1883. Toner, Josiah Meredith. Address before the Rocky Mountain medical association, June 6, 1877 ; containing some observations on the geological age of the world, the appear- ance of animal life upon the globe, the antiquity of man, and the archaeological remains of extinct races found on the american continent, with views of the origin and practice of medicine among uncivilized races, more especially the north american Indians. App. a synopsis of the previous addresses and also biographies of the members of the association. Wash. 1877. D. 606. 1 : 3 Note. A general index to medical literature, incl. reports, transactions and periodicals, will be found in the Index catalogue of the library of the Surgeon- general's office at Washington (IJ); of which 5 vols., comprising A Hearth, have been pub. so far. 2. Anatomy and physiology. Draper, J: C. A text-book on anatomy, physi- ology and hygiene, for the use of schools and families, ill. N. Y. 1866. O. 611+2 Bale, G. G. P. The elements of the anatomy and physiology of man ; a text-book for students and schools. Students' ed. Lond. 1879. O. 611:4 Anatomy . {For Comparative anatomy, see cl. 591, col. 370.) Jean9on, J. A. Atlas of human anatomy ; con- taining 197 large plates, taken from the original designs from nature by drs. Oester- reicher and Erdl and many" other of the greatest anatomists of modern times, with explanatory text. Cine. [1879-80]. 2 v. F. andQ. 611 :B1 Gray, H: Anatomy, descriptive and surgical ; with an introd. on general anatomy and development by T. Holmes, ed. by T. Pick- ering Pick. New araer. from the 10th eng. ed.; added. Landmarks, medical and sur- gical, by Luther Holden, with add. by W: W. Keen. Phila. 1883. O. 611+5 KOUiker, Albert. Manual of human microscopi- cal anatomy. Tr. by G: Busk and T: Hux- ley, ed. with notes and add. by J. DaCosta. 111. Phila. 1854. O. 611+6 Kollmann, J: Mechanik des menschlichen korpers. Munchen. 1874. S. 611:9 Richardson, Tobias G. Elements of human anatomy ; general, descriptive and practi- cal. 2d ed., rev. and ill. Phila. 1867. O. 611+3 Phy siology . (See also Biology, cl. 570-578; and for Mental physiology, see cl. 131, col. 61.) Carpenter, W: B: Principles of human physi- ology, with their chief applications to d90 CI. 612 USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE. 400 psychology, pathology, therapeutics, hy- giene ana forensic medicine. New amer. From the last Lond. ed., ed. with add. by Francis Gurney Smith. 111. Phila. 1862. O. 612+1 Flint, Austin. A text-book of human physi- ology; designed for the use of practitioners andstudents of medicine. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. 612-f2 Foster, Michael. A text-book of physiology. 4th ed., rev., with ill. Lond. 1884. O. 612+42 Physiology. (Science primers.) 111. N. Y. 1874. S: 612 : 27 Hermann, Ludimar. Elements of human phy- siology. Tr. and ed. from the 6th ed. by Arthur Gamgee. 2d ed., in great part recast and enl. Lond. 1878. O. 612 : 43 Huxley, T: H: and W: Jay Youmans. The ele- ments of physiology and hjgiene ; a text- book for educational institutions. Rev. ed. 111. N. Y. 1878. D. 612:35 Martin, H. Newell. The human body ; an ac- count of its structure and activities, and the conditions of its healthy working. (Amer. scientific ser.) N. Y. 1881. O. 612:4 XjePileur, A. Wonders of the human body. From the french. [111. lib. of wonders".] N. Y. 1873. D. 612 : 18 Roget, P: M: Animal and vegetable physi- ology, considered with reference to natural theology. 4th ed. with add. and emenda- tions. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1867. 2 V. D. 214 : 5 Rosenthal, Isidor. General physiology of mus- cles and nerves. (Intern, scientific ser.) 111. N. Y. 1881. D. 612 : 6 Jager, Gustav. Die menschliche arbeitskraft. Miinch^n. 1878. S. 612 : 9 Bell, SirC: The hand ; its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design and illus- trating the power, wisdom and goodness of God. Preceded by an account of the author's discoveries in the nervous system. 8th ed. [Bridgewater treatises.] Lond. 1882. D. 214:4 Smith, Southwood. The philosophy of health, or An exposition of the j)hysical and men- tal constitution of man, with a view to the promotion of human longevity and hap- piness ; V. 2. 5th ed. Lond. 1851. T. 612: 19 Wilkinson, James J: Garth. The human body and its connection with man, ill. by the principal organs. Phila. 1851. D. 612 : 20 Griscom, J: H. Animal mechanism and physi- ology ; an exposition of the structure and functions of the human system, designed for the use of families and schools. 111. N. Y. 1839. S. 612 : 28 Beecher, Catharine Elizabeth. Physiology and calisthenics for schools and families. N. Y. 1856. S. 612 : 6 Blaisdell, Albert F. Physiology for the young ; Our bodies, or How we live ; an elenaentary text-book of physiology and hygiene for use in the common schools, wltn special reference to the effects of stimulants and narcotics on the human system. 111. Bost. 1885. D. X 612: 41 Allen, Chilion B. and Mary A. The man won- derful in the house beautiful ; an allegory teaching the principles of physiology and hygiene and the eff"ects of stimulants and narcotics, for home reading, also adapted as a reader for high schools and as a text- book for grammar, intermediate and dis- trict schools. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 612 : 40 Ferrier, D. The functions of the brain. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. 612:12 Note. For physiology of the mind, see cl. 131, col. 51. Ranke, Johannes. Das blut ; eine physiologische skizze. Munchen. 1878. S. 612 : 14 Willis, Robert. William Harvey ; a history of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Portr. Lond. 1878. O. 612:36 Lewes, G: H: The physiology of common life. N. Y. 1860. 2y. i>. 612 : 15 Moleschott, Jacob. Physiologic der nahrungs- mittel ; ein handbuch der diiitetik. 2te aufl. Giessen. 1859. O. 612 : 13 Mace, J: The servants of the stomach. N. Y. 1868. D. x612: 16 The history of a mouthful of bread, and its effect on the organization of men and ani- mals. Tr. from the 8th french ed. by mrs. Albert Gatty. 1st amer. ed. repr. from the above, carefully rev. and compared with the 17th french ed. N. Y. 1868. D. X 612: 30 Bernstein, Julius. The five senses of man. 111. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1876. D. 612:22 Taylor, C: Fayette. Sensation and pain; lec- ture delivered before the N. Y. acad(!my of sciences march 21, 1881, one of the public course for 1880-81. N. Y. 1881, S. 612:33 Carter, Robert Brundenell. Eyesight, good and bad ; a treatise on the exercise and preser- vation of vision. 111. Phila. 1880. D. 612:23 Darwin, C: Robert. The expression of tlie emotions in man and animals. 111. N. Y. 1873. D. 612 : 24 Meyer, G: Herman v. The organs of speech and their application in the formation of articulate sounds. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. 612 : 37 Elsberg, L: The throat and its functions in swallowing, breathing and production of the voice. N . Y. 1880. D. 612 : 34 Holmes, Gordon. The science of voice produc- tion and voice preservation, for the use of speakers and singers. N. Y. 1880. D. 612:25 A treatise on vocal physiology and hygiene, with especial reference to" the cultivation and preservation of the voice. Phila. 1880. I). 612 : 26 Browne, Lennox, and Emil Behnke. Voice, song and speech ; a practical guide for singers and speakers, from the combined view of the vocal surgeon and the voice trainer. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 612+38 Guttmann, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice ; a system of correct breathing in singing and speaking, based upon pliysiological uiws ; a practical guide in the "training and use of the singing and speaking voice, de- denotes books specially adapted for children. 401 USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE. CI. 612-613 signed for schools and. for self-instruction. 111. Albany. 1884. D. 612 : 39 Youmans, E: Livingstone. Observations on the scientific study of human nature ; a lecture del. before the London college of precep- tors. N. Y. 1867. D. 612 : 21 Hooker, Worthington. The child's book of nature, for the use of families and schools, intended to aid mothers and teachers in training children in the observation of nature ; in 3 pts. Pt. 2: Animals. N. Y. 1881. S. x612 :31 Shepherd, Mrs. E. R. For girls ; a special phy- siology, being a supp. to the study of gen- eral physiology. N. Y. 1882. D. 612 : 32 Cowan, J: The science of a new life. N. Y. [1869]. O. 618:1 3. Hygiene. Buck, Albert H., ed. A treatise on hygiene and public health. N. Y. 1879. 2 v. O. 613+2 Baird, James. The management of health ; a manual of home and personal hygiene, being practical hints on air, light, ventila- tion, exercise, diet, clothing, rest, sleep, and mental discipline, bathmg and thera- Beutics. [Weale's ser.] London. [18671. '. 613:55 Beecher, Catherine Esther. Letters to the peo- ple on health and happiness. N. Y. 1856. S. 613:6 Bellows, Albert Jones. How not to be sick ; a sequel to "Philosophy of eating." N. Y. 1869. D. 613 : 7 Blaikie, W: How to get strong, and how to stay so. N. Y. 1879. D. 613:8 Brown, J: Health ; five lay sermons to work- ing people. N. Y. 1865. S. 613 : 9 Corfleld, W. H. Health. N. Y. 1880. D. 613:13 Cornaro, L: Discourses on a sober and temper- ate life ; wherein is demonstrated by his own example, the method of preserving health to extreme old age. Tr. from the Italian original. New ed. Added, Physic of the golden age ; a fragment. Middle- town, N. J. 1836. T. 613 : 14 Davis, Andrew Jackson. The harbinger of health ; containing medical prescriptions for the human body and mind. N. Y. 1862. D. 613 : 15 Dunglison, Robley. Human health, or The in- fluence of atmosphere and locality, change of air and climate, seasons, food, clothing, bathing and mineral springs, exercises, etc., on healthy man. New ed. Phila. 1844. O. 613:17 Fothergill, J. Milner. The maintenance of health ; a medical work for lay readers. N. Y. 1875. D. 613 : 18 Guernsey, Alfred H., and Irenaeus Prime Davis. Health at home. (Appletons' home books). N. Y. 1884. D. 613 : 64 Hall, W:W. Health and disease. T.p.w. [N. Y. 1866]. D. 613:19 How to live long, or Health maxims, physi- cal, mental and moral. N. Y. 1875. D.' 613: 20 Hartshome, H: Our homes. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1880. T. 613 : 38 at denotes books specially adapted for children. Hinton, James. Health and its conditions. N. Y. 1871. D. 613 : 21 ed. Physiology for practical use ; with an introd. by E: L. Youmans. N. Y. 1874. D. 613:22 Kirk, J: Papers on health ; lst-9th series. Glasgow. 1884, 1885. 9 v. T. 613 : 69 Note. Detailed contents of the entire series will be found at the back of each volume. Lankester, E. Ray. On comparative longevity in man and the lower animals. Lond. 1870. D. 613:62 Niemeyer, Paul. Gesundheitslehre des mensch- lichen korpers. Miinchen. 1876. S. 613:5 Aerztliehe sprechstunden; gesundheitslehre fur jedermann. Jena. [1878-82]. 10 v. D. 613:46vl-10 Same; zeitschrift fiir naturgemasse gesund- heits- und krankenpflege, organ des Hy- gienischen vereins zu Berlin. 2te folge, 1-5 b., des ganzen werkes 11-15 b. Jena. [1882-85]. 5 V. D. 613 : 46 vll-15 Oswald, Felix Leopold. Physical education, or The health laws of nature. N. Y. 1882. D. 613:30 Parkes, Edmund Alexander. A manual of prac- tical hygiene, ed. by F. S. B. Francois de Chauniont. 5th ed. " Lond. 1878. O. 613-1-1 Richardson, Joseph G. Long life and how to reach it. (Amer. health primers.) Phil. 1879. T. 613 : 42 Smith, E: Health; a handbook for households and schools. N. Y. 1875. D. 613 : 28 Ticknor, Caleb. The philosophy of living, or The way to enjoy life and its comforts. N. Y. 1844. S. 613 : 29 Tomes, Robert. The bazar book of health. {Anon.^ N.Y. 1873. S. 613:49 Wilson, G: Health and healthy homes; a guide to domestic hygiene, with notes and add. by J. G. Richardson. Phila. 1880. U. 613:31 "Wilson, J: Health and health resorts. Phila. [1880]. S. 613:32 Wilson, James C. The summer and its diseases. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1879. T. 613:44 Osgood, Hamilton. "Winter and its dangers. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1879. T. 613 : 40 Youmans, E: Livingstone. Alcohol and the constitution of man ; a popular scientific account of the chemical history and prop- erties of alcohol and its leading effects upon the healthy human constitution. 111. by a colored chemical chart. [Chart mis- sing.} N. Y. 1854. D. 613 : 33 Packard, J: H. Sea-air and sea-bathing. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1880. T. 613 : 41 Wurm, W. Das wasser als hausfreund in ge- sunden und kranken tagen ; ein familien- buch. [111.] Stuttgart. [1882]. D. 613 : 56 Urquhart, D: The turkish bath. Lond. 1856. O. iTi 327.2+9 vl Pleasonton, A: James. The influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and of the blue colour of the sky in developing animal and vegetable life, in arresting disease and in 403 CI. 613-614 T7SEPXTL ARTS-MEDICINE. 404 restoring health in acute and chronic dis- orders to human and domestic animals, as ill. by the experiments of gen. A. J. Pleasonton and others, between 1861 and 1876 ; addressed to the Phila. society for promoting agriculture. Phila. 1876. O. 613+27 Special organs. Heart, The, and its function. (Health primers.) N. Y. 1881. T. 613 : 39 Nervous system, The. (Health primers.) N. Y. 1882. T. 613 : 59 Clarke, E: Hammond. The building of a brain. Bost. 1874. S. 613:11 Wood, Horatio C. Brain- work and overwork. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1880. T. 613:45 Granville, J. Mortimer. Common mind-troubles. Salem. 1879. S. 613:51 The secret of a clear head. Salem. 1879. S. 613:52 The secret of a good memory. Bost. 1881. S. 613:53 Sleep and sleeplessness. Bost. 1881. S. 613:54 Hall, W: W. Sleep, or The hygiene of the night. Bost. 1879. D. 613:57 White, J. W. The mouth and the teeth. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1879. T. 613 : 43 Holbrook, Arthur. Practical information about the teeth ; a book for the people Milw. 1879. T. 613 : 23 Coh.en, J. Soils. The throat and the voice. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1879. T. 613:36 Harlan, G: C. Eyesight and how to care for it. (Amer. health primers). Phila. 1879. T. 613:37 Burnett, C: H. Hearing and how to keep it. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1879. T. 613 : 35 Browning, J: How to use our eyes, and how to f 'reserve them by the aid of spectacles. 11. Lond. 1883. 1). 613 : 68 Bulkley, Lucius Duncan. The skin in health and disease. (Amer. health primers.) Phila. 1880. T. 613:34 Men, women and children. {See also Female education, class 376, col. 248.) Ordronauz, J: Hints on health in armies, for the use of volunteer officers. 2d ed., with add. N. Y. 1863. S. 613 : 26 Lewis, Dio or Dioclesian. In a nutshell; sugges- tions to american college students. NTY. 1883. D. 613:61 Wilder, Burt Green. Health notes for students. N. Y. 1883. T. 613 : 63 Ames, Azel. Sex in industry; a plea for the working-girl. Bost. 1875. S. 613:4 Lewis, Dio or Dioclesian. Our girls. N. Y. 1871. D. 613:25 Contents. Introd. Girls' boots and shoes. How larlrls should walk. The langruag-e of dress. Descrip- tion of dress.- Outrages upon the body. Woman tor- tures her body. Stocking supporters. Large vs. small women. Idleness among girls.- Idleness is fashionable. Work is for the poor. Employments for women. False tests of gentility. A short sermon about matrimony. Piano music Study of fronch.-r- Lewis, Dio or Dioclesian. Continued. Dancing. The theatre. Sympathy between the stomach and the soul. About the treatment of dis- eases. Sunshine and health. A word about baths. Home gymnasium. What you should eat. What you should drink. Additional health thoughts. Amuse- ments for girls. True education for girls. Heroic women. Five-minute chats with young women and cer- tain other parties. N.Y. 1874. D. 613:24 Studley, Mary J. What our girls ought to know. N. Y. 1^82. D. 613:60 Dufifey, Mrs. E. B. What women should know; a woman's book about women, containing practical information for wives and moth- ers. Phila. [1873]. D. 613 : 16 Alcott, W: Alexander. The young mother, or Management of children in regard to health. 2d ed. Bost. 1836. D. 613:3 Chavasse, Pye H: The physical training of children; with a prelim, dissertation by F. H. Getchel. Phila. 1885. O. 613 : 10 Thomas Wilson sanitarium of Baltimore. The sanitary care and treatment of children and their diseases; a series of five essays. Bost. 1881. O. 614:9 Contents. Anderson, E. G . How can children in a city be kept healthy. Busey, S: C. The mortality of young children; its causes and prevention. Jacobi, A. On the improvement of the condition of poor and sick children. Meigs, J. F. Observations upon the sanitary care and treatment of children and their diseases. Smith, J. L. Causes of the great mortal- ity of young children in cities during the summer season, and the hygienic measures required for pre- vention. Gymnastics. Qrohe, E: Kurzgefasste geschichte der leibes- iibungen. Milw. 1877. D. 613:Pam Maclaren, Archibald. A system of physical education, theoretical and practical. Ox- ford. 1869. S. 613 : 58 Lewis, Dio or Dioclesian. The new gymnastics for men, women and children ; with a tr. of prof. Kloss's Dumb-bell instructor and prof. Schriber's Pangymnastikon. 111. Bost. 1862. D. 613 : 48 Hunt, Lucy B. Handbook of light gymnastics. Bost. 1882 [1881]. T. ' 613:50 Hartelius, Truls J: Home gymnastics for the preservation and restoration of health for children and young and old people of both sexes ; with a short method oi acquiring the art of swimming. Tr. and adapted from the Swedish original, by special per- mission of the author, by (J[oncordia] Lofving. 111. Lond. [1881]". D. 613:47 Gymnastics without a teacher. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. 613:67 Blaikie, W: Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 111. N. Y. 1884 [1883J. S. 613:65 SaflFord, Mary J., and Mary E. Allen. Health and strength for girls! Bost. [18841. S. X 613: 66 4. Public health. Bowditch, H: Ingersoll. Public hygiene in America ; the centennial discourse del. before the International medical congress, X denotes books specially adapted for children. 405 USEFUL ARTS-MEDICINE. CI. 614-615 406 Phila., sept. 1876, with extracts from cor- respondence from various states, together with a digest of amer. sanitary law by H: G. Pickenng. Bost. 1877. D. " 614 : 2 American public health, assoc. Papers and reports, v. 4, 5, 7, presented at the meet- ings in 1877-1878, 1879, 1881, with abstract record of proceedings. Bost. 1878 1883. 3v. O. 614+21 Note. Each vol. contains a minute index. Wight, Orlando Williams. Maxims of public health. N. Y. 1884. S. 614 : 27 Wilson, G: A handbook of hygiene and sani- tary science. 4th ed. enl. and rev. Phila. 1880. D. 614 : 13 Sweeting', R. D. R. Essay on the experiences and opinions of J: Howard on the preser- vation and improvement of the health of the inmates of schools, prisons, work- houses, hospitals and other public institu- tions, as far as health is affected by struct- ural arrangements relating to supplies of air and water, drainage, etc.; to wnich was awarded the Statistical society's Howard medal and prize in nov. 1883. Lond. 1884. O. 614 : 28 Fischer, K: Volks-gesundheitsi^ttegeund schule. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 MarggrafF, Hugo. Moderne stadtbiider. 111. In Deutsche zeit- ixnd streit-fragen. 304: 15 vll Hirsch, A: Ueber die verhiitung und bekiim- pfung der volkskrankheiten, mit specieller beziehung auf die cholera. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v4 Denton, J. Bailey. Sanitary engineering; a series of lectvtres given before the school of military engineering at Chatham, 1876. Lond. 1877. O. 614 : R26 Contents. Air. Water. The dwelling. The town and the village. The disposal of sewage. Kingsley, C: Sanitary essays. m 304 : 8 Edwards, Joseph F. Malaria ; what it means and how avoided. Phila. 1881. S. 614 : 15 Billings, Frank S. The relation of animal dis- eases to the public health, and their pre- vention. N. Y. 1884. O. 614+24 Corfield, W. H. Water and water supply. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 614:6 Dwelling houses ; their sanitary construction and arrangements. [Van Nostrand's sci- ence ser.] N. Y. 1880. T. 614 : 4 Eassie, W: Sanitary arrangements for dwel- lings ; intended for the use of officers of health, architects, builders and house- holders. Lond. 1874. D. 614 : 8 Gerhard, W: Paul. House drainage and sanitary plumbing. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1883. T. 614:20 Philbrick, E: S. American sanitary engineer- ing. N. Y. 1881. O. 614+10 Varona, Adolfo de. Sewer gases ; their nature and origin, and how to protect our dwel- lings. 2d ed., rev. and enl. [Van Nos- trand's science ser.] N. Y. 1882. T. 614: 19 Waring, G: Edwin, jr. The sanitary drainage of houses and towns. N. Y. 1876. D. 614:18 The sanitary condition of city and country dwelling houses. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1877. T. 614 : 12 Teale, T: Pridgin. Dangers to health ; a pictor- ial guide to domestic sanitary defects. 4th ed. N. Y. 1883. O. 614 : 22 Brown, G: Preston. Sewer-gas and its dangers ; with an exposition of common defects in , house drainage and practical information relating to their remedy. Chicago. 1881. D. 614:3 Adams, Julius W. Sewers and drains for popu- lous districts, with rules and formulae for the determination of their dimensions under all circumstances. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 614+1 Corfield, W. H. Sewerage and sewage utiliza- tion. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 614:5 A digest of facts relating to the treatment and utilization of sewage. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1871. O. 614:17 Robinson, H: Sewage disposal. Lond. 1880. D. 614:11 Humber, W: The rationale of the sewage ques- tion. In Ms Record of the progress of .engineering, 1865. 620 : R19 History of the drainage and sewage of London. In Ms Record of the progress of engineer- ing, 1865. 620 : R19 liOndon. Main drainage of the metropolis; report to the metropolitan board of works, pre- sented by messrs. Bidder, Hawksley and Bazalgette, in accordance with a resolution of the board, dated 23d nov. 1857. Lond. 1858. F. 614 : R25 France: Departement de la Seine. Prefecture. Assainissement de la Seine; epuration et utilisation des eavix d'egout. Rapports. Maps. Paris. 1876-78. O. t7i614:D Contents. Avant-projet d'un canal d'irrigation k I'aide des eaux d'egout de Paris entre Cliehy et la partie nordest de la loret de Saint-Germain : Rap- port des ingenieurs de la ville de Paris.- Rapport de la premiere sous-commission de la commission d'etudes, chargee d'etudier les precedes de culture horticole k I'aide des eaux d'egout. Rapport de la 3e sous-com- mission, chargee d'etudier I'lnfluence exercee dans la presqu'ile de Gennevilliers par I'irrigation en eau d'egout sur la valeur venale et locative des terres de culture. Waring, G: Edwin, jr. Suggestions for the sani- tary drainage of Washington city. Wash. 1880. O. iTi^mithsonian misc. 606 : B4 v26 /Sepulture. Wickes, Stephen. Sepulture; its history, meth- ods and sanitary requisites. Phila. 1883. O. 614+23 Eassie, W: Cremation of the dead; its history and bearings upon public health. 111. Lond. 1875. O. 614:7 Bermingham, E: J. The disposal of the dead; a plea for cremation. N. Y. 1881. D. 614: 14 Wittmeyer, L. Ueber die leichenverbrennung. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v5 5. Materia medica and therapeutics. Hedges, H: T. A polyglot index of all the prin- I cipal articles in the materia medica, in 407 CI. 615-616 USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE. 408 latin, english, french, german, Swedish and norwe^ian-danish, with separate in- dexes referring to all and with tr. and full explanation in each language of equiva- lents of metric weights and measures, of incompatible medicines, of the heroic med- icines and dose of each, and of poisons and their antidotes, besides other useful infor- mation for the pharmacist and the physi- cian. Chicago. 1884. Q. 615 :B5 Phannacopoeia, The, of the U. S. of America. 6th decennial rev. N. Y. 1882. O. 615 : R2 Wood, G: B., and Franklin Bache. The dispen- satory of the U. S. of America. 15th ed. rearranged, thoroughly rev. and largely rewritten by H. C. Wood, Joseph P. Reni- ington and'S: P. Sadtler. Phila. 1883. O. 615:114 Attfield, J: Chemistry, general, medical and Bharmaceutical, incl. the chemistry of the . S. pharmacopoeia; a manual on the general principles of the science and their applications in medicine and pharmacy. 10th ed. specially rev. by the author for America. > Phila. 1883. O." 615:16 Maisch., J: M. A manual of organic materia medica ; a guide to materia medica of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, for the use of students, druggists, pharmacists and physicians. 111. Phila. 1882. O. 615 : 10 Stille, Alfred. Therapeutics and materia medica ; a sytematic treatise on the action and uses of "medicinal agents, incl. their description and history. 4th ed. rev. and enl. Phila. 1874. 2v. O. 6154-7 Trousseau, Armand, and H. Pidoux. Treatise on therapeutics. Tr. by D. F. Lincoln from french. 9th ed. rev. and enl. with the assistance of Constantine Paul. N. Y. 1880. 3v. O. 615+8 Eidd, Joseph. The laws of therapeutics, or Tlie science and art of medicine. 2d ed. Lond. 1881. D. 615 : 9 Tichbome, C: R. C, and Prosser James. The mineral waters of Europe ; incl. a short description of artificial mineral watei-s. Lond. 1883. D. 615 :3 Taylor, Alfred Swaine. On poisons, in relation to medical jurisprudence and medicine. 3d ed. Lond. 1875. D. 615 : 1 Graham, Douglas. A practical treatise on massage ; its history, mode of application and effect, indications, contra-indications, with results in over 1,400 cases. N. Y. 1884. O. 615 : 6 Ho m ce op a t hy . Hahnemann, S: Organon der heilkunst. 6te aufl. mit abdruck der vorreden und wich- tigsten varianten der fiinf bis jetzt erschie- nenen aullagen, neuen bemerkungen und einem anhange aus Samuel Hahnemann's schriften herausg. von Arthur Lutze. Coethen. 1865. O. 615+11 Burt, W. H. Characteristic materia medica. 2d ed. N. Y. 1873. D. 615 : 12 Hughes, R: A manual of pharmaco dynamics. 2d ed., with alphabetical index. N. Y. 1868. D. 615:14 Sherman, Lewis. Therapeutics and materia me- dica, for the use of families and physicians. Milw. 1878. D. . '615 : 15 Laurie, Joseph. The homoeopathic domestic medicine ; ed. and rev., with numerous important add. and the introduction of the new remedies and a repertory, by Robert J. McClatchey. 4th amer. ed.' N". Y. 1872. O. 615+13 6. Pathology, Theory and practice. (For insanity and other mental derangements, sec class 132, col. 63.) Tanner, T: Hawkes. An index of diseases and their treatment. Phila. 1867. O. 616+33 Darwin, Erasmus. Zoonomia, or The laws of organic life. 3d ed. corr. Lond. 1801. 4 V. O. 616:26 Walker, Alexander. Pathology, founded on the natural system of anatomy and physiol- og.y ; a philosophical sketch in which the natural classification of diseases and the distinction between morbid and curative symptoms, afforded by nain or its absence, are pointed out, as well as tlie errors of homoeopathy and other hypotheses. N. Y. 1842. D. 616 : 12 Aitken, W: Outlines of the science and prac- tice of medicine. Lond. 1874. D. 616:29 Bartholow, Roberts. A treatise on the practice of medicine, for the use of students and practitioners. N. Y. 1880. O. 616+30 DaCosta, Jacob M. Medical diagnosis, with special reference to practical medicine ; a guide to the knowledge and discrimination of diseases. 111. 5th ed. rev. Phila. 1881, O. 616+31 Guttmann, Paul. A handbook of physical dia- gnosis ; comprising the throat, thorax and abdomen. Tr. from the 3d german ed. by Alex. Napier. N. Y. 1880. O. 616+32 Beale, Lionel Smith. On slight ailments ; their nature and treatment. 2d ed. enl. and ill. Phila. 1882. O. 616+17 Richardson, B: Ward. Diseases of modern life. N. Y. 1876. D. 616 : 24 Black, G. V. The formation of poisons by micro-organisms ; a biological study of the germ theory of disease. Phila. 1884. D. 616:27 Smart, Andrew. Germs, dust and disease ; two chapters in our life history. Edinb. [1884]. D. 616:38 Edwards, Joseph F. Dyspepsia ; how to avoid it. Phila. 1881. S." 616 : 6 Chapman, J: Diarrhoea and cholera; their origin, proximate cause and cure through the agency of the nervous system, by means of ice. Repr., witli add., from the Medical times and gazette of July 29, 1865. Phila. 1866. D. ' 616 : 4 Collins, G. T. The cholera ; a familiar treatise on the history, causes, symptoms and treat- ment with the most effective remedies, and proper mode of their administration with- out the aid of a physician, the whole in language free from medical terms especi- ally adapted for the use of the public gen- erally, also containing a history of the epidemics of the middle ages. N. Y. 1866. D. 616:5 409 USEFUL ARTS MEDICINE. CI. 616 617 410 Catlin, G: The breath of life, or Malrespira- tion and its effects upon the enjoyments and life of man N. Y. 1864. O. 616 : 28 Wagner, Clinton. Habitual mouth-breathing ; its causes, effects and treatment. N. Y. 1881. S. 616:13 Hall, W: W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. 10th ed. N. Y. 1865. D. 616:7. James, Prosser. Sore throat ; its nature, varie- ties and treatment, incl. the connection between affections of the throat and other diseases. 4th ed. enl. 111. [Hand-book series]. Phila. 1883. D. 616 : 18 Lewis, Dio or Dioclesian. Weak lungs and how to make them strong, or Diseases of the organs of the chest, with their home treat- ment by the movement cure. 111. Bost. 1863. D". 616:9 Bennet, James H: On the treatment of pul- monary consumption by hygiene, climate and medicine. App. on the sanitaria of the U. S., Switzerland, and the Balearic Islands. 3d ed. Phila. 1879. O. 616:36 Bartlett, Elisha. The history, diagnosis and treatment of the fevers of the U. S. 3d ed., rev. Phila. 1852. O. 616:35 Wood, Horatio C.,jr. Fever; a study in mor- bid and normal physiology. 111. Wash. 1878. Q. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v23 Study of the nature and mechanism of fever. Wash. 1875. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl5 Gamgee, J: Yellow fever, a nautical disease ; its origin and prevention. N. Y. 1879. O. 616:22 Barker, Fordyce. The puerperal diseases ; clin- ical lectures delivered at Bellevue hospital. 4th ed. N. Y. 1878. O. 618 : 2 Both, C: Small-ipox ; the predisposing condi- tions and their preventives, with a scienti- fic exposition of vaccination. 2d ed. Bost. 1872. D. 616:37 Neumann, Isidor. Hand-book of skin diseases. Tr. from the 2d german ed. with notes. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. 616+34 Beard, G: Miller. A practical treatise on nerv- ous exhaustion, neurasthenia ; its symp- toms, nature, sequences, treatment. 2d rev. ed. N. Y. 1880. O. 616 : 3 American nervousness, its causes and conse- q^uences ; a supplement to Nervous exhaus- tion, neui-asthenia. N. Y. 1881. D. 616:2 Corning, J. Leonard. Brain-rest. N. Y. 1883. S. 616:20 Mitchell, S: Weir. Fat and blood ; an essay on the treatment of certain forms of neur- asthenia and hysteria. 3d ed., rev., with add. Phila. 1884. D. 616 : 25 DaCosta, Jacob M. On strain and over action of the heart. 111. Wash. 1874. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506:R4vl5 Bateman, F. On aphasia or loss of speech, and the localisation of the faculty of articulate language. Lond. 1870. O. " 616:1 Potter, S: O. L. Speech and its defects, consid- ered physiologically, pathologically, his- torically" and remedially. Lea prize thesis of Jefferson college, pub. by permission of the faculty. Phila. 1882. D. 616 : 16 Kitto, J: The lost senses ; deafness and blind- ness. N. Y. 1852. D. 616 : 8 Jeffries, B: Joy. Color-blindness; its dangers and its detection. Bost. 1879. D. 616 : 10 Roberts, C: The detection of colour-blindness and imperfect eyesight by the methods of dr. Snellen, dr. I)aae and prof. Holmgren, with a table of coloured Berlin wools and a sheet of test-types. Arr. for the anthro- pometric committee of the British associa- tion for the promotion of science. Lond. 1881. O. 616:R11 Woodward, Joseph Janvier. On the structure of cancerous tumors, and the mode in which adjacent parts are invaded. 111. Wash. 1872. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506:R4vl5 Kane, H. H. Opium-smoking in America and China; study of its prevalence and effects, immediate and remote, on the individual and the nation. N. Y. 1882. S. 616:23 Hubbard, F: Heman. The opium habit and alcoholism; a treatise on the habits of opium and its compounds alchohol, chloral hydrate, chloroforni, bromide po- tassium and cannabis indica; incl. their therapeutical indications, with suggestions for treating various painful complications. N. Y. [1881]. D. 616:15 Dulles, C: W. What to do first in accidents and emergencies; manual explaining the treatment of surgical and other injuries in the absence of the physician. 2d ed. Phila. 1883. S. 616 : 19 Esmarch, Johannes F: A: Early aid in injuries and accidents. From the german by h. r. h. princess Christian. Phila. 1883. I). 616:21 7. Surgery and Dentistry. Erichsen, J: Eric. The science and art of sur- gery; a treatise on surgical injuries, dis- eases and operations. New ed. enl. and rev. 111. Phila. 1873.0. 617+2 Pitha, Franz freilierr v., and Christian Albert Theodor Billroth, eds. Handbuch der all- gemeinen und speciellen chirurgie, mit einschluss der topographischen anatomic, operations- und verbandlehre. 111. Erlan- gen. 1865-82. 13 v. in 12. O. 617 : 6 Cotitents. [V. 1.] ler hand, le cdith. Haeser, H. Historische entwicklnng der chirurgie und des chi- rurgisclien standcs. Weber, O: Die gewebserlcran- kungen im allgemeinen und ihre riickwirkung auf den gesaramtorganismus. [2.] ler band, 2e aJAh., Us heft. Hueter, C: Die septikamischen und pyami- schen flebor. Volkmann, R: Erysipelas, rose, roth- lauf. Heine, C: ritterv. Dor hospitalbrand, wund- diplitlieritis. Kose, Edmund. Delirium tremens und delirium traumatieum; Ueber den starrkrarapf. Reder, Albert. Hundswuth, lyssa, rabies canina, liydrophobia. Koranyi, F: Der milzbrand. Sigr- mund. V. Ilanor, C: Syphilis und venerische ge- schwiirsformen. Duchek, Adalbert. Scorbut, schar- bock. Billroth, Theodor. Serophulose und tuber- culose. [3.] Ur hand, 2c ahth., 'Jc^ heft. Billroth, Theodor. Verletzungen der weichthoile. Fischer, Herrmann. Verletzungen durch kriegswalTen, allge- meine kriegschirurgie. Thiersch, C: Die t'elneren anatomischen voranderungon nach vorwuudungdor weichtheilo. Nussbaum, .1: Nepomuk v. Anasthe- tica. Billroth, Theodor. Allgemeine instrumenten- und operationslehre. Fischer, F: Ernst. Allge- meine verbandlehre. [4.] Jer hand, le ahth. liUcke, Albert. Dio lehre von den geschwulsten in anatomi- scher und klinischer beziehung. [6.] 2er band, 2e 411 CI. 617-620 USEFUL ARTS SURGERY. 412 abth., les heft. Weber, O: Krankheiten der haut, des zellgewebes, der lymph- und blutgefasse, der nerven. Volkmann, R: Verletzungen und krank- heiten der bewegungsorgane. [6.] 2er band, 2e abth., 2es heft. Schede, Max. Allgemeines iiber amputa- tionen, exarticulationen und kiinstllche glieder. liOssen, W: Allgemeines iiher resectionen. [7.] 3er band, le abth., les heft. Bergmann, Ernst v. Die lehre von den kopfverletzungen. Heiueke, W. Chirurgische krankheiten des kopfes. TrSltsch, Anton P: reichsfreiherr v. Die krankheiten des ohres. Weber, O: Verletzungen und chirurgisehe krank- heiten des gesichts. [8.1 3er band, le abth., 2es heft. Fischer, G: Die krankheiten des halses: Topogra- phische anatomic: angeborene krankheiten ; unter- bindungen ; verletzungen. K5nig-, Franz. Die krankheiten des unteren theiles des schlundes und der speiserohre. Hueter, C: Tratheotomie und laryngotomie. Liiicke, Albert. Krankheiten der schilddriise. Stoerk, K: Laryngoscopie und rhinos- copie. [9.] 3er band, 2e abth., les heft. Lorinser, F: W: Die verletzungen und krankheiten der wir- belsaule. Billroth, Theodor. Die verletzungen und krankheiten der brust. Nussbaum, J: Nepomuk v. Die verletzungen des unterleibes. Heineke, W. Entziindungen, anschwellungen und geschwiilste des unterleibes. Schmidt, Benno. Die unterleibs- briiche. TJhde, K: W: F: Chirurgische behandlung innerer einklemmungen. Esmarch, J: F: A: Die krankheiten des mastdarmes und des afters. [10.] 3er band, 2e abth., 2es heft. Dittel, Leopold ritter v. Die stricturen der harnrohre. Kocher, Theodor. Verletzungen und krankheiten des hodens und sei- ner hiillen, des nebenhodens, samenstrangs und der samenblasen. Podrazki, Josef. Die krankheiten des penis und der harnblase. Socin, A: Krankhei- ten der prostata. [11.1 i^r band, le abth., les heft. Chrobak, Rudolf. Allgemeine gynakologie. Mayr- hofer, C: Sterilitat, entwicklungsfehler und ent- ziindungen des uterus. Fritsch, H: Die lagever- anderungen der gebSrmutter. GusseroAv, A. Neu- bildungon des uterus. Bandl, L: Die krankheiten der tuben, der ligamente, des beckenperitonaum und des beckonzellgevvebes. [12.] 4er band, le abth., 2es lieft. Olshausen, Robert. l>ie krankheiten der ovarien. Breisky, A: Die krankheiten der vagina. Hildebrandt, H. Die krankheiten der aussern weiblichen genitalien. Winckel, Franz K: L: W: Die krankheiten der weiblichen harnrohre und blase. [13.] 4er band, 2e abth. Pitha, Franz freiherr v. Verletzungen und krankheiten der extremitaten. Hamilton, Frank Hastings. A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. 5th ed., rev. and imp. 111. Phila. 1875. O. 617+4 Poulet, Alfred. A treatise on foreign bodies in surgical practice. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. O. 617-4-3 Shakespeare, E: O. Nature of reparatory in- flammation in arteries after ligature, acu- ]3ressure and torsion. 111. Wash. 1879. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl6 Adams, W: Subcutaneous surgery; its princi- ples and its recent extension in practice. Wash. 1877. O. In Smithsonian misc. 506 : R4 vl5 Keen, W: W. On the sux'gical complications and sequels of the continued fevers; with a bibliography of works on diseases of the joints, bones, larynx, the eye, gangrene, hajmatoma, phlegmasia, etc. 111. Wash. 1876. O. J?^ SmiOisonian misc. 506:R4vl5 Macleod, G: H. B. Notes on the surgery of the war of the Crimea ; with remarks on the treatment of gunshot wounds. Phila. 1862. D. 617:1 Harris, Chapin A. The principles and practice of dentistry; including anatomy, physiol- ogj, pathology, therapeutics, dental* sur- fery and mechanism. Rev. and ed. by hilip H. Austen. 111. Phila. 1879. O. 617+5 3. Engineering. 1. In general. Cresy, E : An encyclopaadia of civil engineering, historical, theoretical and practical. lU. Lond. 1847. O. 620 : R16 Spons' dictionary of engineering, civil, mechan- ical and naval, with technical terms in french, german, italian and Spanish; ed. by Oliver Byrne and Ernest Spon. Lond. 1869-74. 8 div. in 6 v. Q. 620 : R17 Same. Supplement, ed. by Ernest Spon. Lond. 1879-81. 3 v. 620:R17 Law, H: The rudiments of civil engineering; incl. a treatise on hydraulic engineering by G: R. Bumell. 6th ed. rev., with large add. on recent practice in civil engineering by D. Kinnear Clark. [Weale's ser.l Lond. 1881. U. 620:1 Stevenson, D: Sketch of the civil engineering of North America. 2d ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1859. D. 620 : 2 Mahan, Dennis Hart. An elementary course of civil engineering for the use oif cadets of the U. S. military academy. 6th ed., enl. N. Y. 1857. O. 620+22 Fairbairn, W: Useful information for engi- neers ; l8t-3d ser. Lond. 1860, 1866. 3 v. D. 620 : 15 Contents. 1st ser. On the necessity of incorporat- ing with the practice of the mechanical and indus- trial arts a knowledge of practical science. On the construction of boilers. On boiler explosions. On steam. On steam and steam boilers. On the con- sumption of fuel and the prevention of smoke. On the economy of fuel, concentration of heat, and pre- vention of smoke. Metallic constructions; on iron ship-building. App. 1-7. 2d ser. On the resist- ance of cylindrical wrought iron vessels to collapse. On the resistance of glass globes and cylinders to collapse from external pressure, and on the tensile and compressive strength of various kinds of glass. On the tensile strength of wrought iron at various temperatures. On the comparative value of various kinds of stone. On popular education. On the machinery employed in agriculture. On the rise of civil and mechanical engineering and its progress to the present century. On the progress of civil and mechanical engineering during the present century. On the construction of iron ships. On the con- struction of iron vessels exceeding three hundred feet in length. On wrought iron tubular cranes. On the properties of steam, its management and application. 3d ser. On the applied sciences.- On the present state of progress in science and art. On labour, its influences and achievements. On lit- erary and scientific institutions. On first principles and the thickness of the earth's crust.- Iron and its appliances.- On the comparative merits of the ma- chinery of the Paris universal exhibition, 1855. On the machinery department of the iaternational ex- hibition of 1862. On the construction of iron roofs. Circular roofs. On insulation and other properties of submarine telegraph cables. On the mechanical properties of the Atlantic cable. Experiments to determine the effect of impact, vibratory action, and long-continued changes of load on wrought-iron girders. On some of the causes of the failure of deep-sea cables. Humber, W: A record of the progress of mod- ern engineering, 1865 ; comprising civil, mechanical, marine, hydraulic, railway. 413 USEFUL ARTS ENGINEERING. Cl. 620-621 414 bridge and other engineering works, with I essays and reviews. Lond. 1866. F. t 620 : Itl9 ": Contents. Blog. sketch of J: Robinson M'Clean. Address. Construction of harbours, ports and break- waters. Improved system of fortification. Granite and iron forts. The rationale of railway rolling- ryi embankment. stock. The rationale of the sewape question. His- tory of the drainage and sewag-e of London. Thames United States. Chief of engineers, U. 8. army. Annual report to the secretary of war, 18671884. Wash. 1867-84. 21 v. in 38. O. 620 : 20 Note. Reserved duplicates of these reports, and reports from 1863 to 1866, are contained in the full set of congressional documents, class 328.1. Index to river and harbor improvements, 1866-79. see in 627 : 3 American society of civil engineers. Trans- actions ; V. 13, sept, and oct. 1884. N. Y. 1884. O. 606.2 : Pam Campin, Francis. Materials and construction, a theoretical and practical treatise on the strains, designing and erection of works of construction. [ Weale's ser. ] Lond. 1881. D. 620:3 Allan, W. Theory of arches. [Van Nostrand's science ser.]' N. Y. 1874. T. 620 : 5 Woodbury, Daniel P. Treatise on the vai'ious elements of stability in the well-propor- tioned arch, with numerovts tables of the ultimate and actual thrust. (Engineer dept., U. S. army. Papers on practical engin., no. 7.) N.' Y. 1858. O. in 620 : D Cain, W: A practical theory of voussoir arches. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1874. T. 620 : 6 Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and groined arches. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. D. 620:7 Theory of solid and braced elastic arches ; applied to arch bridges and roofs in iron, wood, concrete or otner material. Graph- ical analysis. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N."Y. 1879. T. 620:8 Hyde, E. W. Skew arches; advantages and dis- advantages of different methods of con- struction. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 620 : 9 Jacob, Arthur. Practical designing of retaining walls. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N! Y. 1873. T. 620 : 10 Tate, James S. Surcharged and different forms of retaining walls. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1873. T. 620 : 12 Wiggins, J: The practice of embanking lands from the sea, treated as a means of profita- ble employment for capital; with examples and particulars of actual embankments, and also practical remarks on the repair of old sea-walls. New ed.; with notes by Robert Mallet. [Weale's ser.] Lond. [1867]. D. 620: 13 McMaster, J: Bach. High masonry dams. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N". Y. 1876. T. 620 : 11 Baker, B: The actual lateral pressure of earth- work. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1881. T. 620 : 21 Campin, Francis. A treatise on the application of iron to the construction of bridges, gir- ders, roofs and other works, showing the principles upon which such structures are designed and their practical application, especially arranged for the use of students and practical mechanics, all mathematical formulae and symbols being excluded. 111. 2d ed. rev. and corr. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1876. D. 620 : 14 Armstrong, Robert. Chimneys for furnaces, tire-places, and steam boilers. [Van Nos- trand's science ser.] N. Y. 1873. T. 620:4 Claudel, J. Formules, tables et renseignements pratiques; aide-memoire des ingenieurs, des architects, etc. 4e ed. Paris. 1857. O. 620 : HIS Haswell, C: H. Engineers' and mechanics' pocket-book; containing weights and meas- ures, rules of arithmetic, weights of mater- ials, latitude and longitude, cables and anchors, specific gravities, squares, cubes and roots, etc.; mensuration of surfaces and solids, trigonometry, mechanics, friction, aerostatics, hydraulics and hydrodynamics, dynamics, gravitation, animal strength, wind mills, strength of materials, limes, mortars, cements, etc., wheels, heat, water, gunnery, sewers, combustion, steam and the steam-engine, construction of vessels, miscellaneous illustrations, dimensions of steamers, mills, etc., orthography of techni- cal words and terms. 43d ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1883. S. 629 : 4 Heather, J: Fry. Mathematical instruments, their construction, adjustment, testing and use. Enl. ed.. for the most part entirely re- written. [Weale's ser.] London. 1877. 3 V. D. 629 : 3 Contents. V. 1. Drawing and measuring instru- ments, incl.: 1, Instruments employed in geomet- rical drawing and in the measurement of maps and plans; 2, Instruments used for accurate measure- ment, and for arithmetical computations. 2. Opti- cal instruments, incl. more especially telescopes, microscopes and apparatus for producing copies of maps and plans by photography. 3. Surveying and astronomical instruments, incl. : 1, Instruments used for determining the geometrical features of a por- tion of ground ; 3, Instruments used iu astronomical observations. 2. Mechanical engineering. Baker, T: The elements of mechanism and machine tools ; with remarks on tools and machinery by James Nasmyth. 111. 6th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 621:25 Bale, M. Powis. Steam and machinery man- agement ; a guide to the arrangement and economical management of machinery, with hints on construction and selection. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 621 : 40 Campin, Francis. A practical treatise on me- chanical engineering ; comprising metal- lurgy, moulding, casting, forging, tools, workshop machinery, mechanical manipu- lation, manufacture of the steam engine, etc., with an app. on the analysis of iron and iron ores. Added, Observations on the construction of steam-boilers, remarks upon furnaces uSed for smoke prevention, and on explosions, by Robert Armstrong, rev., with notes, by J: Bourne ; Rules for calculating the change wheels for screws on a turning lathe and for a wheel-cutting 15 CI. 621 USEFUL ARTS ENGINEERING. 416 Campin, Francis. Continued. machine, by J. La Nicca ; The manage- ment of steel, including forging, harden- ing, tempering, annealing, shrinking, ex- pansion and the case-hardening of iron, by G: Ede. Phila. 1864. O. 621 : 1 A jjractical treatise on mechanical engineer- ing ; comprising metallurgy, moulding, casting, forging, tools, workshop machin- ery, mechanical manipvilation, manufact- ure of the steam-enffine, etc. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 621 : 2 Details of machinery ; comprising instructions for the execution of various works in iron, in the fitting shop, foundry and boiler-yard, arr. expressly for the use of draughtsmen, students and foremen engineers. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 621 : 31 Rose, Joshua. The complete practical machin- ist ; embracing lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, taps and dies, harden- ing and tempering, the making and use of tools, etc. ill. 7th ed. rev. Phila. 1881. O. 621:3 Tomkins, E: Principles of machine construc- tion ; being an application of geometrical drawing for the representation of machin- ery ; ed. by H: Evers. (Putnam's advanced science ser.) N. Y. [1878]. 2 v. D. and Q,. 621+4 Contents. V. 1. Text. 2. Plates. "Watson, Egbert P. The modern practice of american machinists and engineers ; incl. the construction, application and use of drills, lathe tools, cutters for boring cylin- ders, and hollow work generally, withi the most economical speed for the same, the results verified by actual practice at the lathe, the vise, and on the floor ; together with workshop management, economy of manufacture, the steam-engine, boilers, gears, belting, etc. 111. Phila. 1880. D. 621:6 "Winton, J: G. Modern workshop practi(!e, as applied to marine, land and locomotive engines, floating docks, dredging ma- chmes, bridges, ship building, cranes, etc. 3d ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 621 : 27 Glynn, Joseph. A treatise on the construction of cranes and other hoisting machinery. 6th ed. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 621 :22 Armour, James. Power in motion ; horse power, wheel gearing, driving bands, and angular forces. 3d ed. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 621 : 26 Roos, J. U. C. de. Linkages ; the different forms and uses of articulated links. Tr. from Revue universelle des mines. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 621 J 21 Robinson, S. W. A practical treatise on tlie teeth of wheels, with the theory of the use of Robinson's ondontograpli. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1876. T. 621 : 23 Francis, James B. On the strength of cast-iron pillars, with tables for the use of engineers and builders. Extracted from the proceed- ings of the American academy of arts and sciences. N. Y. 1865. O. 621+32 Williams, C: Wye. Fuel ; its combustion and economy ; an abridgment of [his] A treat- ise on the combustion of coal and the pre- vention of smoke, with add. on recent practice in the combustion and economy of fuel, coal, coke, wood, peat, petroleum, etc., by D. Kinnear Clark. 111. 2d ed. rev. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 621 : 20 Roper, Stephen. Questions and answers for engineers. 3d ed. Phila. [1880]. T. 621 :30 Lukin, James. The young mechanic ; contain- ing directions for the use of all kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam engines and mechanical models, incl. the art of turning in wood and metal. From the english ed. with corr. N. Y. 1881. D. X 621: 28 Amongst machines ; a description of various mechanical appliances used in the manu- facture of wood, metal and other sub- stances ; a book for boys. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. X 621: 29 Steam and gas engines. \ (See also under Physics, Heat, cl. 636, col. 314.) Schroot, A. Der dampf ; eine darstellung des zeitalters der dampfmachine. Stuttgart. [1884]. D. 621: 41 Eddy, H: T. Thermodynamics. [Van Nos- trand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 621 :44 Thurston, Robert H: A history of the growth of the steam-engine. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1878. D. 621 : 18 Isherwood, B: F. Experimental researches in steam engineering. Phila. 1863, 1865. 2 v. F. 621:R35 Baker, T: The mathematical theory of the steam engine, with rules at length and examples worked out for the use of prac- tical men. 0th ed. rev. by J. R. Young. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875'. D. 621 : 7 Clark, Daniel Kinnear. An elementary treat- ise on steam and the steam-engine, station- ary and portable, being an extension of the elementary treatise on steam of J: Sewell. 111. 2d ed. rev. [Weale's ser.] London. 1879. D. 621:9 Lardner, Dionysius. The steam engine, for the use of beginners. 13th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1876. D. 621 : 12 Northcott, W. H: The theory and action of the steam engine ; for practical men. 3d ed. Lond. n. d. O. 621 : 39 Nystrom, J: W: A new treatise on steam engineering, physical pr()perties of per- manent gases and of different kinds of vapor. Phila. 1876. O. 621+15 Rankine, W: J: Macquorn. A manual of the steam engine and other prime movers. 111. 5th ed. rev. Lond. 1870. D. 621 : 34 Mallet, A. Compound engines. Tr. from the french. [Van Nostrand's science ser.l N. Y. 1874. T. 621 : 13 TumbuU, J:, jr. A short treatise on the com- pound steam engine, with a new method of finding the relative areas of the two X denotes books specially adapted for children. 417 TJSEFTJIi ARTS ENGINEERING. CI. 621-622 418 cylinders. 111. [Van Nostrand's science ser,] N. Y. 1874. T. 621 : 19 Le Van, W: Barnet. The steam-engine indicator and its use ; a guide to practical working engineers for gi-eater economy and tlie better working of steam-engines. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1884. b. 621 :42 Porter, C: T. A treatise on the Richards steam- engine indicator, and the development and application of force in the steam-engine. 3a ed. rev. and enl. Lond. n. d. O. 621 :33 Burgh, N. P. The slide valve practically con- sidered ; with an app., bringing the in- formation down to the present time. 11th ed. Lond. 1884. D. 621:43 Pocliet, Leon. Steam-injectors ; their theory and use. Tr. from the french. [Van Nos- trand's science ser.] N. Y. 1877. T. 621:16 Armstrong', Robert. A rudimentary treatise on steam boilers ; their construction and prac- tical management, with app. 3d ed. Lond. 1857. D. 621 : 5 Same. The construction and management of steam boilers ; with an app. by Robert Mallet. 8th ed. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 621:5 Rowan, F. J. On boiler incrustation and cor- rosion. [Van Nostrand's science ser.1 N. Y. 1876. T. 621:17 Colbum, Zerah. Steam boiler explosions. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1873. T. 621 :10 Buel, R: H. Safety valves. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 621 : 8 Dempsey, G. Drysdale. A rudimentary treatise on the locomotive engine, comprising an historical sketch and description of the locomotive engine, with large add., treat- ing of the modern locomotive, by 1). Kin- near Clark. [Weale's ser. ] Lond". 1879. D. 621 :11 Recent loconiotives ; illustrations with descrip- tions and specifications and details of re- cent american and european locomotives. Reprinted from the Railroad gazette. N. Y. 1883. F. 621 : R38 Forney, Matthias N. Catechism of the locomo- tive. 37th thousand. N. Y. 1883. D. 621 :37 Murray, Robert. A treatise on marine engines and steam vessels ; together with practi- cal remarks on the screw and propelling power, as used in the royal and merchant navy. 7th ed., rev. and augm. with a glossary of technical terms and their equivalents in french, german and Span- ish. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 621 : 14 Clerk, Dugald. The theory of the gas engine. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1882. T. 621:36 2. Surveying. Talbot, B. The compleat art of land-measur- ing, or A guide to practical surveying ; teaching an exact method of measuring and mapping of lands, woods, waters, etc., by the catoptric sextant, and of casting up the same by the pen, together with direc- tions for levelling in order to convey water either in pipes or canals. Added, an app., containing a new theory of the catoptric sextant and its use in taking heights and distances independent of trigonometry, also instructions for measuring standing timber, with several tables. 2d ed., ilL Lond. 1784. O. 622 : 3 Schuyler, Aaron. Surveying and navigation, with a preliminary treatise on trigonome- try and mensuration. (Ray's mathemati- cal series). Cine. n. d. O. 622 : 6 Baker, T: Rudimentary treatise on land and engineering surveying, with all the modern improvements, for students and practical use. New ed., rev. and corr. by E: Nugent. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1879. D. 622 : 1 Carpenter, Frank De Yeaux. Geographical sur- veying ; its uses, methods and results. (Geological commission of Brazil, C: F: Hartt, chief). [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. 622:2 Topographical surveying. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] 111. N? Y. 1884. T. 622 : 4 Contents. Specht, G: J. Topographical survey- ing. Hardy, A. S. New methods in topographical survejing. McMaster, J : B. Geometry of posi- tion applied to surveying. Walling', H: F. Co-or- dinate surveying. Cutts, R: D. Field-work of triangulation. 3d enl. ed. In U. S. coast sui-vey rep. 1882. 622 : D Harrison, A. M. On the plane-table and its use in topographical surveying. In\J. S. coast survey rep. 1865. ' in 622 : D Hergesheiiner, Edwin. A treatise on the plane- table and its use in topographical survey- ing. 111. In tlie same, 1880. in 622 : D Boutelle, C. O. On the construction of observ- ing tripods and scaffolds. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1882. in 622 : D Hergesheimer, Edwin. Report on the prepar- ation of standard topographical drawings. 111. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1879, 1883. in 622 : D Winslow, Arthur. Stadia surveying : the the- ory of stadia measurements ; [with] tables of horizontal distances and differences of level for the reduction of stadia field observations. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1884. T. 622 : 5 Schott, C: Anthony. Observations of atmos- pheric refraction. In IJ.S. coast survey rep. 1876. in 622 : D Contents. 1. Comparison of the methods of deter- mining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles and barometric measures, from observations at Bo- dega Head and Ross Mountain, Cal., by G: Davidson. 2. Determination of several heights by the spirit- level, and measures of refraction by zenith-dis- tances ; also observations of the barometer, at Rag- ged Mountain, Me., 1874, by F. W. Perkins. 3. Deter- mination of the coefficient of refraction from zenith- distances observed in northern Georgia by C. O. Bou- telle and F. P. Webber in 1879-74, and adjustment of differences of heights by application of the method of least squares. 4. Hypsometric formula based upon thermodynamic principles. Results of observations for atmospheric refrac- tion on the line Mount Diablo to Martinez, Cal., in connection with hypsometric mea- sures by spirit-level, the vertical circle and the barometer, made in march and april 1880, by G: Davidson. In tJie same, 1883. in 622 : D 419 Cfl. 622-624 XTSEFDX ARTS EITGIN'EEK.IN'G. Williamson, Robert S. On the use of the bar- ometer on surveys and reconnaissances : pt. 1, Meteorology in its connection with hypsometry ; pt. 3, Barometric hypsome- try. Maps and ill. (Prof, papers of the corps of engineers, U.S. army, no. 15). N. Y. 1868. Q. in 622 : D Same. App. : Practical tables in meterology and hypsometry. N. Y. 1868. Q. in 622 : D Contents. 1. Reduction of the eng-lish barometer to the freezing' point. 2. To facilitate the reduction to level. 3. Giving- the force of vapor, relative humid- ity and temperature of the dew-point from psycho- metrical observations. 4. For computing differ- ences of altitude from barometric observations. Marshall, W: M. Results in barometric hypso- metry, obtained during 1871-1875; with tables of barometrically determined alti- tudes. 111. (U. S. geogr. surveys west of 100th mer., Wheeler ; Report, v. 2). Wash. 1877. Q. in 551.5 .-D Ferrel, W: Barometric hypsometry, and reduc- tion of the barometer to sea-level. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1881. in 622 : D United States. Coast and geodetic survey. An- nual report of the superintendent, 1848- 1883. Wash. 1848-84. 35 v. O. (1848-51), and Q. in 622 : D Note. The official title was the "U. S. coast survey" until July 1878, when the service was extended so as to embrace the whole country, and the title changed as above. All scientific papers of permanent value, printed previously to 1852, were republished in the report for 1866, thus making the quarto series prac- tically complete. Consolidated index to the annual reports, 1844-53, by E. B. Hunt. In Report 1854. in 622 : D Same. 1854-63, by F. F. Nes. In Report 1864. in 622 : D General index of professional and scientific papers contained in the reports, from 1851 to 1870. In Report 1871. in 622 : D General index of scientific papers, methods and results contained in the appendices of the annual reports, from 1845 to 1880 inch, by C. H. Sinclair. In Report 1881. in 622 : D Note. Arranged under the following heads: Geo- desy. Hypsometry. Surveying. Physical hydr ^ Tei - graphy. Terrestrial magnetism. Drawing, engrav- ing and electrotyping. Astronomy. Mathematics. Miscellaneous. Descriptive catalogue of publications relat- ing to the coast and geodetic survey, and to standard measures ; comp. by E: Q-ood- fellow. In Report 1883. 'in 622 : D Lake survey. Report of the survey of the north and northwest lakes by capt. G: G. Meade, being part of the fleport of the chief topographical engineers accompany- ing annual report of the sec. of war. 1860. Detroit. 1861. O. m 622 : D Note. Contains geographical positions, meteorol. observations, etc. Other reports will be found in the annual reports of the sec. of war, in Congres- sional documents, class 328.1. Report upon the primary triangulation by C. B. Comstock, aided by the assistants on the survey. 111. (Prof, papers of the corps of engineers, U. S. army, no. 24.) Wash. 1883. Q. *n622:D Contents. Historical account of the survey, may 1841 to July 1881. Standards of length, bases and , base-apparatus. Primary triangulation. Astron- omical determinations. Principal results of the geodetic work. App. 3. Fortification. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. Annals of a fortress. Tr. by B: Bucknall. Bost. 1876. O. 623 : 1 Mahan, Dennis H. A treatise on field forti- fication, containing instructions on the methods of laying out, constructing, de- fending, and attacking intrenchments, with the general outlines also of the ar- rangement, the attack and defence of per- manent fortifications. 3d ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1861. S. 623:3 United States. Corps of engineers, U. S. A. The fortications of to-day. Fire against models of coast batteries" and parados. Horizontal and curved fire in defense of coasts. Tr. under the dir. of the Board of engineers for fortifications, J: Newton, pres. 111. Wash. 1883. Q. in 623 : D Note. The first article constitutes chapters 1 and 2 of Festungen und taktik des festungskrieges in der gegenwart, by A. v. Bonin; the 2d and 3d art. originally appeared in Giornale di artigliera e genio for 1881. Totten, J. G. Report addressed to the hon. Jefferson Davis, sec. of war, on the eftects of firing with heavy ordnance from case- ment embrasures, and also the effects of tiring against the same embrasures with various Kinds of missiles ; in 1852, '53, '54 and '55, at West Point, N. Y. (Papers on practical engineering, no. 6.) Wash. 1857. O. in 623 : D Maguire, E: Professional notes. 111. (Engineer dep., U. S. army.) Wash. 1884. O. in 623 : D Contents. Perforation of armored walls. Remain- ing velocity. Vienna electrical exposition, 1883. Gillmore, Q. A. Official report of the siege and reduction of Fort Pulaski, Ga., feb., march and api-il, 1862. 111. (Papers on practical - " -"^ 3. 5. in 623 : D engineering, no. 8 11. (rape ) N. Y. 1862. b. Barnard, J: G. A report on the defenses of Washington, to the chief of engineers, U. S. army. (Professional papers, no. 20.) Wash. 1871. Q. in 623 .J) Eads, James B. System of naval defences ; re- port to the hon. Gideon Welles, sec. of the navy, feb. 22, 1868. 111. N. Y. 1868. Q. 623-1-2 Quarasci, Csesar. Studies on coast defense, applied to the gulf of Spezia. Tr. by G. McC. Derby, in. (Engineer dep., U. S. army.) Wash. 1884. O. in 623 : D 4. Bridge and road construction. bridges. Haupt, Herman. General theory of bridge con- struction ; containing demonstrations of the principles of the art and their applica- tion to practice, furnishing the means of calculating the strains upon the chords, ties, braces, counter-braces and other parts of a bridge or frame of any description, with practical ill. N. Y. 1856. O. 624-fO "Whipple, 8. Bridge-building ; the author's origi- nal work, pub. in 1847, with an app. con- taining corr., add. and explanations sug- gestea by subsequent experience. Annexed 421 TJSEFUIi ARTS ENGINEERING. CI. 624^-625 423 an original article on the doctrine of cen- tral forces. Albany. 1869. D. 624 : 8 Bender, C: Practical treatise on the properties of continuous bridges. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1876. T. 624 : 1 Merriman, Mansfield. Theory and calculations of continuous bridges. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1876. T. 624 : 6 Cain, "W: Maximum stresses in framed bridges. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. 624 : 3 Merrill, W: E. Iron truss bridges for railroads ; methods of calculating strains, with a com- parison of the most prominent truss bridges, and new formulas for bridge com- putations, also the economical angles for struts and ties. N. Y. 1870. F. 624 : RIO Robinson, S. W. Strength of wrought - iron bridge members. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1883. T. 624 : 12 Dempsey, G. Drysdale. Tubular and other iron girder bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges, with a sketch of iron bridges and illustra- tions of the application of malleable iron to the art of bridge-building. 111. Lond. 1850. D. 624 : 14 Bland, W: The principles of construction in arches, piers, buttresses, etc. ; a series of experimental essays, made with a view to their being useful to the practical builder. D. 4th ed. [Weale'i Lond. 1875. 624:7 McMaster, J: Bach. Bridge and tunnel cen- tres. I Van Nostrand's science ser.] N.Y. 1875. T. 624 : 5 Bender, C: Proportions of pins used in bridges. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1873. T. 624 : 2 Hildenbrand, W: Cable-making for suspension bridges ; with special reference to the cables of the East River bridge. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N.Y. 1877. T. 624:4 Warren, Gouverneur K. Report on bridging the Mississippi river between Saint Paul, Minn., and Saint Louis, Mo.; being app. x3 of the annual report of the chief of engineers for 1878. Wash. 1878. O. 624+11 Same. (U. S. 45th cong. 2 sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 69.) Wash. 1878. O. in 624 : D Conant, W: C, and Montgomery Schuyler. The Brooklyn bridge : A history of the bridge, by W: C. Conant ; The bridge as a monu- ment, by Montgomery Schuyler ; with an account of the opening exercises, may 24, 1883. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1883. Q. 624+13 li o a d s . Law, H:, and Daniel Kinnear Clark. The con- struction of roads and streets, in 2 parts : [Pt.l 1, The art of constructing common roadfs, by H: Law, rev. and condensed by D. K. Clark ; [Pt.] 2, Recent practice in the construction of roads and streets, incl. pavements of stone, wood and asphalte, by D. K. Clark. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1^77. D. 625 : 6 Railways. Stephenson, Sir Rowland MacDonald. Ele- mentary and practical instructions on the science of railway construction. 5th ed. rev. and considerably augm. by E: Nugent. 111. [Weale's ser.] "Lond. 1874. D. 626:7 Adams, C: Francis, ^>. Railroads; their origin and problems. N. Y. 1878. D. 625 : 2 Notes on railroad accidents. N. Y. 1879. D. 625 : 1 Colbum, Zerah, and Alexander L. Hollev. The permanent way and coal-burning locomo- tive boilers of european railways ; with a comparison of the working economy of european and american Imes, and the principles upon which improvement must proceed. III. N. Y. 1858. F. 625 : R3 HoUey, Alexander L. American and european railway practice in the economical gener- ation of steam, incl. the materials and construction of coal-burning boilers, com- bustion, the variable blast, vaporization, circulation, superheating, supplying and heating feed-water, etc., and the adoption of wood and coke-burning engines to coal- burning ; and in permanent way, incl. road- bed, sleepers, rails, joint fastenings, street- railways, etc. 111. N. Y. 1861. F. 625 : R4 Robinson, S. W. Railroad economics, or Notes with comments, from a tour over Ohio railways under the hon. H. Sabine, com- missioner of railroads and telegraphs. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1882. T. 625 : 8 Berlepsch, Herman Alexander [v.] Die Gott- hardbahn ; beschreibendes und geschicht- liches. Karten. Gotha. 1881. Q. In Peter- mann's mitteilungen, Ergiinzungsb. 14. 905.1 :M Contents. Geologisches, geognostisches, mineralo- gisches. Klimatisches. Hydrographisches. Pflan- zendecke. Geographisch-statlstisches. Hlstorisches. Finanzielles. Bau. Nachschrift: Geschaftsberlcht von juni 1881. United States. Secretary of war. Report, com- municating the several Pacific railroad explorations. Wash. 1855. 2 v. and maps. O. in 625 : D Pacific railroad surveys. Reports of explora- tions and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, made under the dir. of the sec. of war in 1853-54. 111. Wash. 1855-59. 11 V. in 12. in 625 : D Contents. V. 1. Repoi-t of the sec. of war. Humph- reys, A. A., and G. K. Warren. Examination of the reports of explorations in 1853-4, and of the explorations made pi-evious to that time which have a bearing upon the subject. McClellan, G: B. Memoranda on railways. Stevens, I. I. Explora- tions for a route near the 47th and 49th parallel of north latitude, from St. Paul to Puget Sound. V. 1, Bupp. Same. Supplementary report: General rep., with map and ill. Botanical rep., ill. Zoological rep., ill. App. 2. Beckwith, E. G. Explor. by J. W. Gun- nison, near the 3Sth and 89th parallel of n. lat., from the mouth of the Kansas river. Mo., to the Sevier lake, in the great basin; ill. Beckwith, E. G. Explor. on the 41st par. of n. lat. Geological rep. of the country explored under the 38th and 4l8t par., ill. Botany of the [two preceding] expeditions, ill. Lander, F: W. Synopsis of a report of the recon- naissance of a r. r. route from Puget Sound via 423 CI. 625-627 USEFUIi ARTS-ENGHTEERHTG. 424 I iepartment.Gontinned. h al, A. G., chief civil engineer. -K .Journals. Bransford, J: T the South Pass to the Mississippi river. Pope, J: Explor. near the 33d parallel of n. lat., from the Red River to the Rio Grande; Botany of the exped., ill; Geology of the route, ill. Parke, J: G. Explor. for that portion near the 32d par. of n. lat., lyinsr between Doila Ana, on the Rio Grande, and Pimas villages, on the Gila. Emory, W. H. Extract from a rep. of a military reconnaissance, made in 1846-7. 3. Whip- ple, A. W. Extract from prelim, report.- Whipple, A. W., and J. C. Ives. Explor. near the 35th par. of n. lat., from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, ill. Pt. 1, Itinerary; pt. 2, Topographical features and character of the country; pt. 3, The Indian tribes; pt. 4, Geology. 4. Same, pt. 5, Botany; pt. 6, Zoologj^, introd.; Appendices [physical observations]. 5. Williamson, R. S. Explor. in California for routes to connect with the routes near the 35th and 32dpar. of n. lat., ill. Pt. 1, Report; pt. 2, Geologi- cftl rep.; pt 3, Botanical rep.; (pt. 4, Zoological rep., in V. 10); App. [distances, altitudes, etc.] 6. Abbot, H: L. Explor. from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river, made by R. S. Williamson and H : L. Abbot, ill. Introd.; Pt. 1, General rep.; pt. 2, Geo- logical rep. ; pt. 3, Botanical rep. ; pt. 4, Zoological rep.; App. (physical observations). 7. Parke, J: G., ami Albert H. Campbell. Explor. from San Francisco bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the Coast Range, and from the Pimas villages on the Gila to the Rio Grande, near the 32d par. of n. lat., ill. Pt. 1, General rep. ; pt. 3, Geological rep. ; pt. 3. Botani- cal rep.; App. (meteorol. observ., etc.) Humph- reys, A. A. Conclusion of the official review of the reports upon explor. and surveys for railroad routes from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean. 8, 9. General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, pt. 1, 3. 10. Same, pt. 3, 4. Zoological portions of the reports of E. G. Beck- wlth, A. W.Whipple, J: G. Parke, R. S. Williamson, and H: L. Abbot. 11. Warren, G. K. Memoir upon the material used and methods employed in compil- ing the general map to ill. the [above] reports. Topographical maps, profiles and sketches. Note. The scientific works have been entered sep- arately in their proper places, in this catalogue. 5. Canals and harbors. Barnard, J: G. Report on the North Sea canal of Holland, and on the improvement of navigation from Rotterdam to the sea, to the chief of engineers, U. S. army. Maps and ill. (Prof, papers of the corps of en- snneers, U. S. army, no. 22.) Wash. 1872. Q- in 626 : D Fitzgerald, Percy. The great canal at Suez ; its political, engineenng and financial his- tory, with an account of the struggles of its projector Ferdinand de Lesseps. Lond. 1876. 3 V. O. 626 : 1 XTnited States. Navy department. Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by C: H. Davis. Maps. Wash. 1867. O. in (326 : D Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the practicability of a ship 'canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by way of the isthmus of Tehuantepec, by Robert W. Shufeldt. Maps and ill. Wash. 1872. Q. in 626 : D Contents. Shufeldt, R. W. Report. Fuertes, B. A., chief civil engineer. Report, with app. on natural history.- Farquhar, Norman H. Report on hydi graphic surveys on the Atlantic coast,. "H"or.lriTi Alfred. Report on hydrogr. surveys on the Pacific coast. Spear, J: C. Report on the geology, min- eralogy, natural history, mhabitants and agriculture of the isthmus. Beaumont, Horatio N. Report < the sanitary condition and climatic influences of the Coatzacoalcos river, Mexico. Same, through Nicaragua, 1872-73, [by Alexander F7 Grossman, Chester Hatfield and E: P. Lull]. Maps. Wash. 1874. Q. in 626 : D ConUnU. Hatfield, C. Report on surveys. Lull, United States. Navy department. E: P. Report. Menocal, Report, with estimates.- F. Rep. on health, climate, food-productions, etc.- Cope, E: D. Reptiles. Tryon, G: W., jr. Shells. Endlich, F: M. Lithological and geognostic speci- mens. Reed, A. V. Six months' observations of weather, etc. Nourse, J. B. Brief historical memoir of interoceanic communication across the great isthmus, especially of the plans for a ship-canal across Nicaragua. Same, by the way of the isthmus of Darien, by T: Oliver Selfridge. Maps and ill. Wash. 1874. Q. in 626 : D Contents. Selfridge, T: O. Reports, 18T0. 1871, 1873. liUll, E: P. Hydrographic operations, 1870, 1871. Carson, J. Petigru. Geological rep. on the Darien route and Nercalagua river, bay of San Bias; Bar- ometrical rep., 1870. Bowditch, E. W. Geological formation of the Sassardi and Morti, and San Bias routes, 1870. Maack, G. A. Geology and natural hist, of the isthmuses of Choca, of Darien, and of Panama, 1873. Barker, G. F. Analysis of specimens of coal from the isthmus of Darien. Mosman, A. T. Astronomical observations, 1870.- Blake, F. P., jr. Astronomical observations, 1871. Simon, W. J., and Alfred Griffith. Sanitary condition of the Darien expedition. Fussell, Linnieus. Medical report. Collins, F: Winds and currents of the Pacific ocean, and sailing routes to and from Cupica bay. Reports of explorations and surveys for the location of interoceanic ship-canals through the isthmus of Panama, and by the valley of the river Napipi by U. S. naval expedi- tions 1879. Maps and plans. Wash. 1879. Q. in 626 : D Co7itents. Lull, E : P. Report on Panama expedi- tion. Collins, F: Report on Napipi expedition. Report of historical and technical informa- tion i-elating to the problem of intei'oceanic communication by way of the american isthmus, by J: T. Sullivan. Maps and ill. Wash. 1883. Q. in 626 : D Contains reviews and discussions of canal routes surveyed, canals and ship railways proposed, and a bibliography of works having reference to the sub- ject. TurnbuU, W: Reports on the construction of the piers of the aqueduct of the Alexandria canal across the Potomac river at George- town, D. C, 18351840. Maps and ill. (Engineer dep't, U. S. army.) Wash. 1873. Q. m 626 : D Chandler, W: History of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal ; showing the early efforts which were made to secure its construction, with a record of the business of the canal from its opening until the present time, togetlier with the improvements made and in pro- cess of construction. Map. Lansing. 1878. O. In Michigan, Joint doc's, 1877, v. 3. in 328.15 : D Bunsen, Theodor v. Die Donau. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl3 Stuart, C: B. The naval dry docks of the U. S. 111. N. Y. 1852. F. 627 : 112 United States. Chief of engineers, U. S. army. Analytical and topical index to the reports of the chief of engineers and the officers of the corps of engineers, U. S. A., ii)()ii works and surveys for river and liiirlxn- improvement, 18661879 ; comp. under the direction of maj. H: M. Robert by L: Y. Schermerhorn, S: O. L. Potter and" others. Wash. 1881. O. 627:3 Coast survey. A table of depths for the harbors on the coasts of the U. S. In Report 1883. in 622 : D 425 TJSEFTJL ARTS ENGINEERING. CI. 627- 426 Graham, James D. Annual repoi't on the harbor improvements of lakes Michigan and St. Clair for 1855 and 1856. (U. S. 34th cong. 3 sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 16). Wash. 1856. L O. in 627 : D |-- Same, 1857. (U. S. 35th cong. 1 sess. House ( ex. doc. no. 23). Wash. 1857. O. in 627 : D Mitchell, H: Report concerning recent observa- tions at South Pass bar, Mississippi riv^er. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1875. in 622 : D Corthell, E. L. A history of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river. 2d ed. N. Y. 1881. O. 627+1 Williamson, Robert S., and W: H. Heuer. Re- port upon the removal of Blossom Rock m San Francisco harbor, Cal., 1870. 111. (Engineer dep't, U. S. army). Wash. 1871. Q. in 627 : D 6. Hydraulic engineering. Aubuisson de Voisins, J: Francois d'. Treatise on hydraulics for the use of engineers. Tr. from the french and adapted to the english units of measure by Joseph Bennett. Bost. 1853. O. 628:R21 Downing:, S: The elements of practical hydraul- ics for the use of students in engineering. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. 1861. O. 628 : 19 Beardmore, Nathaniel. Manual of hydrology ; containing : 1, Hydraulic and other tables ; 2, Rivers, flow of' water, springs, wells and percolation ; 3, Tides, estuaries and tidal rivers ; 4, Rainfall and evaporation. Lond. 1862. O. 628:R24 Box, T: Practical hydraulics ; a series of rules and tables for the use of engineers. 2d ed. Lond. 1870. D. 628 : 17 Neville, J: Hydraulic tables, coefficients and formulae for finding the discharge of water from orifices, notches, weirs, pipes and rivers. 3d ed. with add., consistmg of new formulae for the discharge from tidal and Hood sluices and syphons, general informa- tion on rainfall, catchment basins, drain- age, sewerage, water supply for towns and mill power. Lond. 1875. D. 628:R20 Elynn, P. J. Hydraulic tables for the calcula- tion of the discharge through sewers, pipes and conduits, based on Kutter's formulas. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1883. T. 628 : 35 Francis, James B. Lowell hydraulic experi- ments ; a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section and through sub- merged orifices and diverging tubes, made at Lowell, Mass. 2d ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1868. F. 628 : R26 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, and H: L. Ab- bot. Report upon the physics and hydraul- ics of the Mississippi river, upon the pro- tection of the alluvial region against over- flow, and upon the deepening of the mouths ; based upon surveys and investi- gations made under the acts of congress directing the topographical and hydro- graphical survey oi the delta of the Mis- sissippi river, with such investigations as Humphreys, A. A., andU: L. Abbot. Continued. might lead to determine the most practic- able plan for securing it from inundation, and tne best mode oi deepening the chan- nels at the mouth of the river. Submitted to the bureau of topographical engineers, war dep't, 1861. Wash. 1867. O. in 628.-0 Same. Reprinted, with additions. Maps and ill. (Prof, papers of the corps of engineers, U. S. army, no. 13.) Wash. 1876. Q. in 628 : D Glynn, Joseph. Rudimentary treatise on the power of water, as applied to drive flour mills, and to give motion to turbines and other hydrostatic engines. 6th ed., with add. and corr. 111. [Weale's ser.l Lond. 1879. D. 628 : 7 Trowbridge, W: Petit. Turbine wheels ; on the inapplicability of the theoretical investiga- tions of the turbine wheel, as given oy Rankine, Weisbach, Bresse and others, to the modern constructions introduced by Boyden and Francis. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 628 : 39 Swindell, J: G: Rudimentary treatise on well- digging, boring and pump-work. 7th ed., rev. by G. R. Burnell. HI. [Weale's ser.] Lond.' 1877. D. 628:14 Ewbank, T: A descriptive and historical ac- count of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and modern ; with observations on various subjects con- nected with the mechanic arts, incl. the progressive development of the steam en- gine, ... in 5 books, ill. 4th ed., rev. and corr.; added, a supp. N. Y. 1850. O. 628 : 1 Hughes, S: A treatise on water works for the supply of cities and towns ; with a descrip- tion of the principal geological formations of England, as infUiencing supplies of water, details of engines and pumping machinery for raising water, and descrip- tions of works which have been executed for procuring water from wells, rivers, springs and drainage areas. Lond. 1859. D. 628:9 Satne. A treatise on water works for the supply of cities and towns, with a descrip- tion of the principal geological formations as influencing supplies of water. New ed., rev. and enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 628 : 9 Humber, W: A treatise on the water supply of cities and towns ; with numerous specifica- tions of existing water works. 111. Lond. 1876. F. 628:R30 Jacob, Arthur. The designing and construction of storage reservoirs. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1873. T. 628 : 10 Kirkwood, James P. Report on the filtration of river waters for the supply of cities, as practised in Europe, made to the board of water commissioners of the city of St. Louis. N. Y. 1869. Q. 628 : R25 ed. Collection of reports, condensed, and opinions of chemists in regard to the use of lead pipe in the distribution of water for the supply of cities. N. Y. 1859. O. 628 : 18 Folkard, C: Watson. Potable water, and the relative efficiency of different methods of 437 CI. 628 USEFUL ARTS ENGINEERING. 428 detecting impurities. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1883. T. 628 : 33 Note. Relates to the contamination of city water supplies. Bell, T: J. History of the water supply of the world, arranged in a comprehensive form from eminent authorities ; containing a description of the various methods of water supply, pollution and purification of waters and sanitary effects, with analyses of potable waters, also geology and \yater strata of Hamilton county, Ohio, statistics of the Ohio river proposed water supply of Cincinnati, together with a number of valuable tables and diagrams. Cine. 1882. O. 628:37 London city. Water supply. Minutes of evi- dence taken before the select committee of the metropolis water supply bill and "" " "11. '1851, 1853. 628 : R34 the Chelsea waterworks bi 3 V. Lond. 1851, 1852. F. Paris city. Water, sewage. Documents relatifs aux eaux de Paris. Pai-is. 1861. D. 628 : 36 Bradlee, Nathaniel P. History of the introduc- tion of pure water into the city of Boston, with a description of its Cochituate water- works. 111. by maps and plans. Compiled by a member of the water board. Bost. 1868. Q. 628:R22 Fitzgerald, Desmond. History of the Boston waterworks from 1868 to 1876 ; a supp. to a "History of the introduction of pui'e water into the city of Boston." Bost. 1876. Q. 628 : R23 Schramke, G. T. Description of the New York Croton acqueduct in english, german and french. 111. 2d ed. N. Y. 1855. F. 628:R31 Brooklyn city, N. Y. Documents and plans submitted by the water committee to the common council of the city of Brooklyn for 1854. Brooklyn. 1854. C^. 628 : R28 The Brooklyn waterworks and sewers ; a descriptive memoir. 111. N. Y. 1867. F. 628 : R29 Albany city, N. Y. Water commissioners. Report to the common council, transmitting the rep. of the sup't of the water works, of the resident engineer for the additional supply, and the engineer in charge of the new pumping works, for 1876. 111. Albany. 1877. O. 628: Pain Note. For reports on the Milwaukee waterworks, see Municipal documents, cl. 35J.1, col. 230. "Wells, Walter. The water-power of Maine. Augusta. 1869. O. 628+27 Same. 628 : R27 Hearding-, W : Hellins. Practical notes on hydro- graphic and mining surveys, with ill. Milw. 1872. O. 628 : 8 7. Mining engineering. Burgoyne, Sir J: A treatise on the blasting and quarrying of stone for building and other purposes ; with the constituents and anal- ysis of granite, slate, limestone and sand- stone. Added, some remarks on the blow- ing up of bridges. New ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 628:4 Davies, D. C. A treatise on metalliferous min- erals and mining. Lond. 1880. D. 628:6 Fenwick, T:, and T: Baker. Subterraneous sur- veying, with and without the magnetic needle. New ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 628 : 15 Lintern, W : The mineral surveyor and valuer's complete guide ; comprising a treatise on improved mining surveying, with new traverse tables and descriptions of improv- ed instruments, also an exposition of the correct principles of laying out and valu- ing home and foreign iron and coal min- eral properties. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 628 : 12 Magnetic surveying, and angular surveying ; with records of the peculiarities of needle disturbances, compiled from the results of carefully made experiments. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 628:11 Smyth, Warington Wilkinson. A rudimentai'y treatise on coal and coal mining. 5th ed!, rev. and enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 628 : 13 Atkinson, J: J. A practical treatise on gases met with in coal mines. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 628:3 A practical treatise on friction of air in mines. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 628:2 Fairley, W. The ventilation of coal mines. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1882. T. 628 : 32 Daddow, S. Harris, and B: Bannan. Coal, iron and oil, or The practical american miner ; a work on our mmes and mineral resources and a text-book or guide to their economi- cal development... 111. Pottsville, Pa. 1866. O. 628+5 Wright, W: The oil regions of Pennsylvania ; showing where petroleum is found!, how it is obtained and at what cost, with hints for whom it may concern. N. Y. 1865. D. 628 : 16 Michigan state. Commissioner of mineral statis- tics. First annual report for 18778 and previous years. 111. Marquette. 1879. O. in 628 : D Annual report for 1880 [1882]. Maps and ill. Lansing. 1881-83. 3 v. O. in 628 :D United States . Commissioner of mining statistics. Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories west of the Kocky moun- tains ; reports for 18671875. 111." Wash. 1867-77. 10 V. O. in 628 : D Note. The first three rep. are styled "Mineral re- sources of the states, etc." Reports for 1867, 1868, by J. Koss Browne, are preliminary to the remaining rep., made by Rossiter W. Raymond and called 1st 8th annual reports. The 4th, 6th and 8th of these we have only in the full set of congressional documents, being respectively the following nos. of the House exec, doc: 43d cong. 3 sess. no. 311; 43d cong. 1 sess. no. 141; 44th cong. 1 sess. no. 159. Hague, James Duncan. Mining industry [of the country along the 40th parallel] ;" with geological contributions by Clarence King. Maps and ill. (U. S. geol'. expl. 40th par., King; Report, v. 3.) Wash. 1870. Q. in 557.5 :D Contents. King:, C. Mining districts; The Com- stock lode. Hagrue, J. D. The Comstock mines; Treatment of the Comstock ores. Hag-ue, Arnold. Chemistry of the Washoe process. Hague, J. I). Central and eastern Nevada. King:, C. The Green TJSEFUIj ARTS EWGINEETRING. CI. 628-630 river coal basin. Hagne, J. D. Colorado; Gold mining in Colorado; Silver mining in Colorado. Index. Lakes, Arthur. Profile map of Engineer moun- tain, Mineral Point mountain, Animas Forks and surrounding region, with gen- eral description of mines ; history and geology of the San Juan. Golden. [1883] . O. 628 : 38 Morgans, W: Manual of mining tools ; com- , prising observations on the matei'ials from, and processes by which they are manu- factured, their special uses, applications, qualities and efficiency. 111. by an atlas, drawn to scale. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1871. 2 V. D. and Q. 629 : 2 4. AgriciiltTire. 1. In general. Washington, G: Letters on agriculture, to Arthur Young and sir J: Sinclair, with statistical tables and remarks by T: Jef- ferson, R: Peters and other gentlemen, on the economy and management of farms in the U. S., ed. by Franklin Knight. Wash. 1847. Q. 630 : R15 Loudon, J: Claudius. An encyclopaedia of agri- culture ; comprising the theory and prac- tice of the valuation, transfer, laying out, improvement and management of landed property, and the cultivation and economy of the animal and vegetable productions of agriculture ; incl. all the latest improve- ments, a ^enei-al history of agriculture in all countries, a statistical view of its pres- ent state, with suggestions for its future progress in the British Isles, and supp. bringing down the work to 1844. Sth ed. ill. Lond. 1857. O. 630 : 112 Colman, H: European agriculture and rural economy, from personal observation. Bost. 1846, 1848. 2 v. O. 630+4 Lammers, A: Die Bremer landwirthschaftsaus- stellung in juni 1874. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York ; comprising an account of the classifica- tion, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks, and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together with a condensed view of the climate and the agricultural productions of the state. 111. Albany. 1846-54. 5 v. Q. In Natural hist, of N. 'Y., pt. 5. 557.3 :B1 Norton, J: Pitkin. Elements of scientific agri- culture, or The connection between science and the art of practical farming ; prize essay of the New York state agricultural society. 4th ed. Albany. 1853. D. 630 : 13 Emerson, Gouverneur. The american farmer's encyclopaedia ; embracing all the recent discoveries in agricultural chemistry and the use of mineral, vegetable and animal manures, with descriptions and figures of amer. insects injurious to vegetation. On the basis of Johnson's Farmer's encyclo- paedia. 111. N. Y. 1860. O. 630 : 7 Coulter, Miss. Our farm of four acres, and the money we made by it. From the 12th Lond. ed.; with an i'ntrod. by P: B. Mead. N. Y. 1860. D. 630 : 10 Morris, E: How to get a farm and how to find one ; showing that homesteads may be had by those desirous of securing them, with the public law on the subject of free homes and suggestions from practical farm- ers, with numerous successful experiences of others, who, though beginning with lit- tle or nothing, have become the owners of ample farms, by the author of " Ten acres enough." N. Y". 1864. D. 630 : 12 Martineau, Harriet. Our farm of two acres. NY. 1865. S. 630:9 Mitchell, Donald Grant. Rural studies, with hints for country places. [Anon.] N. Y. 1867. D. 630: 11 Contents. An old-style farm. Advice for Lackland. Way-side hints. Laying out of grounds. Mr. Urban and a country house. Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell. Five acres too much ; a truthful elucidation of the attrac- tions of the country and a careful consid- eration of the question of profit and loss, as involved in amateur farming, with much valuable advice and instruction to those about purchasing large or small B laces in the rural districts. N. Y. 1869. I. 630:14 Beecher, H: Ward. Pleasant talk about fruits, flowers and farming. New ed. with add. matter from recent writings, pub. and unpub. N. Y. 1874. D. 630 : 5 Hamm, W: v. Die naturkriifte in ihi*er anwen- dung auf die landwirthschaft. Miinchen. 1876. S. 630 : 1 Allen, R: L. New american farm book; rev. and enl. by Lewis F. Allen. N. Y. 1879. D. 630 : 3 Lupton, N. T. The elementary principles of scientific agriculture. N. it. 1880. S. 630:8 Donaldson, J: Suburban farming ; a treatise on the laying out and cultivating of farms adapted to the produce of milk, butter and cheese, eggs, poultry and pigs, with con- siderable add., illustrating the more mod- ern practice, by Robert Scott Burn. 2d ed. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 630:6 Dun, Finlay. American farming and food. Lond. 1881. D. 630 : 16 Morris, E: Farming for boys ; what they have done, and what others may do, in the cul- tivation of farm and garden ; how to begin, how to proceed, and what to aim at. 111. Bost. [1881]. D. X 630: 17 LudlofF, K. Die ursachen des wohlstands und der verarmung der volker. Milw. 1882. O. 630 : 18 Henderson, P: Garden and farm topics. N. Y. 1884. D. 630 : 19 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 431 CI. 630 TJSEFTJL ARTS AGRICITLTUItE. 432 Periodicals and reports. United States. Census office. Tenth census, 1880, V. 3: Report on the productions of agriculture, as returned iune 1, 1880. Maps and ill. Wash. 1883. Q. in 317 :J> Contents. Walker, Francis A. Remarks on the statistics of agr. General statistics; tabular state- ments. Brewer, W: H. Cereal production of the U. S. [incl. cost, methods, varieties, history of agr., etc.]. Neftel, Knight. Flour-milling processes. Killebrevr, J. B. Culture and curing of tobacco in the U. S.; with report on the chemistry of amer. tobaccos by Gideon E. Moore. Dodge, J. R. Statis- tics of mfrs. of tobacco, and of its commercial distri- bution, exportation and prices. Gordon, Clarence. Cattle, sheep and swine [incl. Pasture and forage plants by W: H. Brewer]. General index. Tenth census, 1880, v. 5, 6: Report on cotton production in the U. S., also embracing agricultural and physico-geographical de- scriptions of the several cotton states and of California ; Eugene W. Hilgard, special agent in charge. Maps and ill. Wash. 1884. 2v. Q. in 317 :D Contents. V. 1. Hilgrard, E. W. General discus- sion of the cotton production of the TJ. S., embracing the cotton-seed oil industry, methods and utility of soil investigation, and tables of cotton fiber measure- ments. Pt. 1. Mississippi valley and southwestern states: Hilg-ard, E. W., Louisiana, Mississippi; Saf- ford, James M., Tennessee, Kentucky; Lougrhridgre, R. H., Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Indian Territory. 2. Pt. a. Eastern Gulf, Atlantic and Pacific states: Smith, Eugene Allen, Alabama, Florida; Liougrh- ridg-e, R. H., Georgia; Hammond, Harry, South Carolina: Kerr, W. C., North Carolina, Virginia. App. Hilgrard, E. W. Physical and ag'l features of California, with a discussion of the present and future of cotton production in the state; also, re- marks on cotton culture in New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Mexico. General index. Dep't of agriculture. Reports of the commis- sioner of agriculture, 18491884. Wash. 1850-84. 35 V. O. in 630 : D Note. Up to and incl. 1861, the reports were pub. as a part of the patent office reports, and under the dir. of the commissioner of patents. The oftice of Com'r of agr. was created the year following. General index of the agricultural reports of the patent office for the 25 years, 18371861 ; and of the department of agriculture for 15 years, from 1862 to 1876. Wash. 1879. O. in 630 : D Special reports; no. 1-65. Wash. 1877-83. 10 V. O. in 630 : D Note. Contain principally monthly reports on crops, etc., with a few monographs, which have been entered in their proper place, in this catalogue. [Special reports, v. 11]. Wash. 1883-85. O. in 630 : D Contents. Area and products of cereals grown in 1879, as returned by the census of 1880. Baker, F. P. Prelim, rep. on the forestry of the Mississippi valley; arid Furnas, Robert W. Tree planting on the plains. Proceedings of a national convention of cattle breeders and others, called in Chicago, nov. 15-16, 1883, to consider the sub.iect of contagious diseases of domestic animals. Waterhouse, S. Report on jute culture, and the importance of the industry. vasey, G: The agricultural grasses of the U. S., ill., and Kiohardson, Clifford. The chemical com- position of amer. grasses. Bapley, E. E. The soils and products of southwestern Louisiana, incl. the parishes of St. Landry, La Fayette, Vermillion, St. Martin's, Iberia and St. Mary's. Welch, A. S. Rep. on the organization and management of 7 agr. schools in Germany, Belgium and England. A direc- tory of dep's, boards, soc's, colleges and other or- ganizations in the interest of agriculture, horticul- ture, stock-raising, dairying, bee-keeping, fish-culture and kindred industries, april 18a5. Dodgre, J. R. A rep. of exhibits, ill. agricultural statistics at the World's ind. and cotton expos, at New Orleans, La., diagr. United States. Dep't of agriculture. Continued . ' Miscellaneous ; Special report, no. 17. Wash. 1883-85. O. in 630 : D Contents. 1. Loringr, G: B. Address before the American forestry congress, St. Paul, Minn., aug. 8, 1883. 2. Proceedings of a convention of agricul- turists, held at the dep. of agr., jan. 23-39, 1883; 2d convention. 3. Hurt, A. B. Mississippi; its climate, soil, productions and agr'l capabilities. 4. Board- man, S: L. The climate, soil, physical resources and agr'l capabilities of the state of Maine; with special ref. to the occupation of its new lands.- 5. The proper value and management of gov. timber lands and the distribution of north amer. forest trees; papers read at the U. S. dep. of agr.. may 7-8, 1884. 6. liOring:, G: B. Address at the National conven- tion of cattle-breeders, Chicago, 111., nov. 13, 1884; also the rep. of the veterinary inspectors in N. Y. 7. Nesbit, D. M. Tide marshes of the U.S.; with contributions from U. S. coast survey, S: L. Board- man, Eldridge Morse and others. Bureau of statistics. Report, no. 1-18, oct. 1883-may 1885. Wash. 1883-85. O. in 630 : D Note. Contain monthly rep. on condition and yield of crops in this country, Mexico, Europe, India, etc., condition of farm animals, and freight rates of transportation companies. Division of chemistry. Bulletin, no. 1^. Wash. 1883-84. O. in 630 : D Contents. 1. Richardson, Clifford. An Investiga- tion of the composition of amer. wheat and corn. 2. Wiley, H. W. Diffusion; its application to sugai--cane, and record of experiments with sor- ghum in 1883.-3. Wiley, H. W. The northern sugar Industry; a record of its progress during the season of 188;{. Maps and ill. 4. Bichardson, C. An invest, of the composition of amer. wheat and corn ; 2d rep. Massachusetts state. Board of agriculture. 3d [4th, 15th, 16th, 22d, 23d, 25th] annual report of the secretary [C: L. Flint] ; with app. con- taining reports of committees appointed to visit the county exhibitions, and returns of the finances of the agricultural societies for 1855, 1856, 1867, 1868, 1874, 1875, 1877. [2d series]. 111. Bost. 1856-78. 7 v. O. 606.3+D6 General index of the 25 annual reports of the sec. of the Mass. state board of agr., 18531877. Bost. 1878. O. In Rep. for 1877. 606.3+D6 v25 28th [-30th] annual report of the secretary [J: E. Russell]," with the returns of the finances of the agricultural societies for 18801882. Bost. 1881-83. 3 v. O. 606.3-fD6 American institute of the city of New York. Annual report for 1867-68. Albany. 1868. O. 606.34-1 New York state agricultural society. Trans- actions, with an abstract of the proceed- ings of the county agricultural societies. 1867, v. 27. Albany. 1869. 2 v. O. 606.3-f2 Illinois state agnricultural society. Transac- tions, with the proceedings of the county societies and kindred associations ; v. 1-4. Springfield. 1855-61. 4 v. O. 606.3:5 Michigan s^a^e. Board of agriculture. 9th [-19th] annual report of the secretary for 1870 [1880]. Lansing. 1870-80. 11 v. in 10. O. 606.3 :D13 Secretary of state. 1st [and 2d] annual rep. of the cereal products of the state of Mich. 1876-7[ 1877-8]. Lansing. 1877-78. 2 v. O. 606.3 :D14 USEFUL ARTS AGRICULTURE. CI. 630 434 Michig'an . Secretary of state. Continued. lst[-3d] annual rep. relating to farms and farm products, 1878-9 [1880-1]. Maps. Lansing. 1880-83. 3 v. O. 606.3 :D14 Michigan state pomological society. 6th [-9th] annual report of the secretary, 1876 [-18791 Lansing. 1877-80. 4 v. O. ' 606.3 :D15 Index to vol. 1 to 9 incl. In Rep. for 1880. 606.3 :D horticultural society, 10th [and 11th] an- nual report of the secretary, 1880, [1881]. Lansing. 1881-82. 2 v. O. 606.3 :D15 "Wisconsin state agricultural society. Trans- actions ; V. 1-22, 1851 1884. Madison. 1852-84. O. 606.3 : 7 Note. V. 4 covers the period 1854-57; v. 5, 1858-59; V. 7, 1861-68; all the rest one year each. These vols, contain annual reports, records of proceedings, re- ports on the annual exhibitions, meteorological ob- servations, reports on experiments at the university farm, and a large number of papers and discussions on topics, more or less intimately connected with husbandry in all its branches (for which see the contents of each vol.), the following- being the princi- pal special articles: 1862. liapham, I. A. Fauna and flora of Wis.: Mammals; Birds; Reptiles; Fishes; MoUusks; Fossils in the rocks; Plants. Hoy, P. R. Notes on the woods of Wis. 1853. Iiapham, I. A. The grasses of Wis., ill. 1855. liapham, I. A. The forest trees of Wis., ill. 1859. Hale, T. J. Additions to the flora of Wisconsin. 1860. Daniels, E: Building stones and marbles. Hale, T. J. Additions to the flora of Wis. Industrial resources and condition of counties, map. 1861-8. Hoyt, J. W. Glimpses of western Europe; Report on the International ex- hibition of 1862 [at London] ; Through continental Europe; Report on the Universal exposition of 1867 [at Paris]. 1869. Hoyt, J. W. Agr'l schools in all countries. 1870. Willard, X. A. Amer. butter factories and butter manufacture, ill. Biley, C: V. The Colorado potato bug, ill. Industrial reports of counties. 1871. Murrish, J: Report on the geol- ogical survey. 1872-3. Parkinson, J. B. Produc- tion and consumption, demand and supply. Palmer, Alfred. Fish culture. Murrish, J: Geological sur- vey of the mineral regions. 1873-4. Flagg:, W. C. Republican democracy. Anderson, M. Currency, taxation, transportation. Cheney, Rufus. The im- portance of manufacturing. Lapham, I. A. Geol- ogical survey, its relation to agriculture. Graham, Alex. Labor. Carpenter, S. H. Industrial educa- tion. Hoy, P. R. Fish of Wis. Green, Seth. Fish culture. Carpenter, S. D. Production and con- sumption; transportation, population and taxation. 1874-5. Newton, W. H. Peat, a cheap fuel in the near future. Sterling-, J: W. Protection fi-om lightning. Pield, W. W. Interest on money; a high rate ruinous to productive industry. Phillips, Wendell. Currency. Bascom, J: Dress. Den- nett, Fannie B. The proper advancement of woman. Smith, G: B. Monopolies in their relation to the industrial interests of the country. 1875-6. Myers, Sidney. Finance. Orledge, W: The farmer in politics. Benton, E. H. Our agricultural rag-baby [currency]. Steele, G: M. Gold as a standard of value. Leland, E. B. A consideration of the inter- convertible-note scheme. Carpenter, S. D. Dol- lars and sense. Tenney, H. A. Original creation of the soil, etc. Skavlem, H. E. Self-culture. Field, Jennie M. The ministry of toil. 1876-7. Bascom, J: Conditions of progress in the agi'icultural classes. Lewis, Mrs. H. M. Remarkable trees and plants. Allen, W: F. Agriculture in the middle ages. Sivarts, W: M. Centennial address: What the age owes to America. A twood, D : The centennial ex- hibition of 1876. 1877-8. Welch, W: Fish culture. Steele, G:M. Taxation.-Daniells,W. W. Health in farmers' homos. Vincent, H. Mental faculties of domestic animals. Bascom, J: The common school. Stewart, E. W. Cattle feeding; Fresh meat shipment to Europe. Wisconsin and her governors. Progress of industrial education. Johnston, J: Currency. 1878-9. Whitford, W. C. Education of work. Rice, J : A. Mexico, the great west of the near future. Lockett, S. H. The valleys of the Nile andMisslssippi.- Brewer, W: H. Government and agriculture. Vilas, W: F. The american sol- dier. 1879-80. Gordon, G: E. Taxation. Smith, G: B. An historical address before Wis. pioneers. Fishfarming. 1880-1. Arnold, A. A. Transportar tion from the northwest to the sea-coast. We st- cott, O. S. Economy of practical entomology. Babbitt, Clinton. Railroads and the people. Car- penter, A. V. H. Uses and abuses of railways. Case, F. W. Entomological notes. 1881-2. Tan- ner, C. Highways in Belgium and the U. S. 1883. Anderson, Matt. Tariff, its effect upon agriculture. Naber, Hiram. Protection. Merrill, S. T. Econ- omy and savings institutions. King-, F. H. The industrial relations of our birds. Broughton, A. Industrial education. Goodale, S. L. Remarks on the physiology of breeding. 1884. Same continued. Willard, Mrs. F. P. Insectivorous plants. Crosby, Howard. The dangerous classes. Wisconsin fruit growers' assoc. , (now Wiscon- sin state horticultural society.) Transac- tions, 18531859. In Wisconsin state agri- cultural society's trans., v. 4-6. 606.3 : 7 Wisconsin state horticultural society. Trans- actions ; V. 1-14, 18641884. Madison. 1871- 84. O. 606.3 : 8 Note. Transactions for 18641869 are in Wisconsin state agricultural society's trans. (606.3 : 7) v. 7, 8; from 1871, they are pub. separately and the vols, for each year numbered from 1 up. The vols, for 1883 and 1884 are also bound with the reports of the State agricultural soc. for the corresponding year. Northern Wisconsin agricultural and mechan- ical association. Transactions, incl. re- ports of conventions, etc. ; v. 7, 8. Madi- son. 1880, 1881. 2 V. O. 606.3 : 9 Wisconsin dairymen's association. [2d-]9th annual report of proceedings, annual ad- dress of the pres't, and essays relating to the dairy interests ; [v. 5-9 comp. by D. W. Curtis, sec.]. Fort Atkinson and Madi- son. 1874-81. O. 606.3 :D10 11th [and 12th] annual report, comp. by D. W. Curtis, sec. ; 1883, 1884. Madison. 1883, 1884. O. With Wisconsin state agricultural society ; Transactions. 606.3 : 7 v21,22 Wisconsin. State university. Experiments in amber cane and the ensilage of fodders at the experimental farm, 1881, 1882. Madi- son. 1882-83. O. 630 : 20 AgricvUural experiment station. 1st annual report for 1883. Madison. 1884. O. 630:21 Same. Bulletins, no. 1, 3-6, aug. 1883-july 1885. Madison. 1883-85. O. 630:22 Iowa state agricultural society. Report of the board of directors, 1881. Des Moines. 1882. O. 606.3 :D11 Contains also Proceedings of the 8th annual meet- ing of the Iowa state improved stock-breeders' asso., held at Iowa City, dec. 13-15, 1881. Iowa state horticultural society. Transactions for 1881, being proceedings of the 16th an- nual meeting jan. 17-20, 1882 ; together with the proceedings of the Eastern la. hort. soc; also of Western la, hort. soc, and other local societies for 1881. Des Moines. 1882. O. 606.3 :D12 Kansas state. Board of agriculture. Centen- nial ed. of the 4th annual report, 1875. comp. from the original report by the state board of centennial managers 111. [To- peka].1876. O. 606.3+3 1st and 4th biennial report to the legislature of the state of Kansas, 1877-8, 1883-4, containing statistical exhibits, descriptive statements, etc Topeka. 1878, 1885. O. 606.3+4 Quarterly report for the quarter ending 485 CI. 630-632 USEFUL ARTS -AGRICULTURE. 436 sept. 30, 1880 [-sept. 30, 1881]. Topeka. 1880-81. 606.3 :Pam Monthly journal of agricultixre, The ; contain- ing the best current productions in promo- tion of agricultural improvement, incl. the choicest prize essays issued in Europe and America, with original contributions from eminent farmers and statesmen : v. 1, 2. N. y. 1846, 1847. O. 605.3 : M Wisconsin farmer, The, and northwestern culti- vator ; a monthly journal devoted to agri- culture, horticulture, mechanics and rural economy, D. J. Powers and E. W. Skinner, eds. Madison. 1856, 1857. Q. 605.3 :M Country g-entleman, The ; v. 20-31. Albany. 1862-66. F. 605.3 :RiM: American agriculturist, The ; for the farm, garden and household ; v. 42, 43. N. Y. 1883, 1884. F. 605.3 :M 2. Soil and preparation. Chaptal, J: Antoine, comfe(?e Chant elowp. Chym- istry applied to agriculture ; with a prelim, chapter on the organization, structure, etc., of plants by sir Humphrey Davy ; an essay on the use of lime as manure by M. Puvis, with introd. obs. to the same by James Ren wick. Tr. and ed. by W: ]?. Page. N. Y. 1839. S. 631 : 2 Boussingault, J: Baptiste. Rural economy, in its relations with chemistry, physics" and meteorology, or Chemistry applied to agri- culture. Tr., with an introd. and notes, by G: Law. N. Y. 1845. D. 631 : 1 Jolinston, James F. W. Lectures on the appli- cations of chemistry and geology to agri- culture ; with an app., containing sugges- tions for experiments in practical agricul- ture. N. Y. 1847. D. 631 : 3 Liebig, Justus freiherr v. Principles of agri- cultural chemistry, with special reference to the latest researches made in England. N. Y. 1855. D. 631 : 7 Letters on modern agriculture : ed. by J: Blyth. N. Y. 1859. O. 631 : 5 The natural laws of husbandry: ed. by J: Blyth. N. Y. 1868. O. ' 631 : 6 Johnson, S: W: How crops feed ; a treatise on the atmosphere and the soil, as related to the nutrition of agricultural plants. III. N. Y. [1870]. U. 631 : 4 "Waring, G: Edwin, jr. Draining for profit and draining for health. 111. N. Y. [1867]. D. 631:8 Scott, J: Draining and embanking ; a practical treatise embodying the most recent ex- perience in the application of improved methods. (Farm engineering text- books, no. 1). [Weale's ser.J Lond. 1883. D. 631 :9 Ii-ri^ation and water-supply ; a practical treat- ise on water-meadows, sewage irrigation and warping, the construction of wells, Eonds and reservoirs, and raising water y machinery for agricultural and domestic purposes. (Farm engineering text-books, no. 2). [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 631 : 10 Farm roads, fences and gates ; a practical treatise on the roads, tramways and water- Scott, J: Continued. ways of the farm, the principles of en- closures and the different kinds of fences, fates and stiles. (Farm engineering text- ooks, no. 3). [Weale's serT] Lond. 1883. D. 631:11 Farm buildings , a practical treatise on the buildings necessai'y for various kinds of farms, their arrangement and construction, with plans and estimates. (Farm engine- ering text-books, no. 4). [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 631 : 12 Barn implements and machines, a practical treatise on the application of power to the operations of agriculture, and on various machines used in the threshing barn, in the stock-yard and in the dairy, etc. (Farm engineering text-books, no. 5). [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 631 : 13 Field implements and machines ; a practical treatise on the varieties now in use, with principles and details of construction, their points of excellence and management. (Farm engineering text -books, no. 6). [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 631 : 14 Agricultural surveying ; a practical treatise on land surveying, levelling and setting- out, and on measuring and estimating (juantities, weights and values of mater- ials, produce, stock, etc. (Farm engineer- ing text -books, no. 7). [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 631 : 16 Lammers, A: Der moorrauch und seine cultur- mission. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304 : 15 v5 3. Pests and hindrances. Harris, Thaddeus W: A treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation. New ed. enlg. and imp., with add. from the author's mss. and original notes ; ed. by C: L. Flint. HI. Bost. 1863. O. 632 : 2 Saunders, W: Insects injurious to fruit. Phila. 1883. O. 632:4 Q,uin, C: W., ed. Garden receipts. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1882. D. 632 : 3 Emmons, Ebenezer. The more common and injurious insects of the state of New York. In Natural hist, of N. Y., pt. 5, v. 5. 557.3 :R1 Le Baron, W:, state entomologist. lst-3d annual report on noxious insects. 111. In Reports to the gen. assembly of Illinois, 1871, 1873. w 328.15 :D Comstock, J. H: Report upon cotton insects; prepared under the dir. of the com'r of agr. 111. [U. S. dep. of agr.] Wash. 1879. O. in 632 : D Contents. Pt. 1. The cotton-worm, Aletia argillacea. Pt. 3. The boll-worm, Heliothis armigera. Pt. ;j. Trelease, W: Nectar; what it is, and some of its uses. App. United States. Entomological commission (C: V. Riley, A. S. Packard, jr., and Cyrus Thom- as). First annual report for 1877, relating to the Rocky mountain locust and the best methods of ^ireventing its injuries and of guarding against its invasions ; [with bib- liography on the locusts of America]. Maps and ill. Wash. 1878. O. (U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hay den). in 632 : D 437 TJSEFTJTi ARTS AGRICULTTJRE. CI. 632-634 United States. Entomological commission. Gon- tinued. Second report for 1878 and 1879, relating to the Rocky mountain locust and the western cricket, and treating of the best means of subduing the locust in its permanent breed- ing grounds, with a view of preventing its migrations into the more fertile por- tions of the trans - Mississippi country ; [with bibliography on the destructive locusts of Europe, Asia and Africa, by B: Pickman Mann]. Maps and ill. Wash. 1880. O. (U. S. dep. of the interior). in 632 : D Third report [for 1880-82], relating to the Rocky mountain locust, the western cricket, the army worm, canker worms, and the hessian fly ; together with descrip- tions of larvae of injurious forest insects, studies on the embryological development of the locust and of other insects, and on the systematic position of the orthoptera in relation to other orders of insects. Maps and ill. Wash. 1883. O. (U. S. dep. of agr ) * 632 : D --BuUetin, no.1-7. 111. Wash. 1877-79. O. in 632 : D Contents. 1. Destruction of the young or un- fledsred locusts. 2. On the natural history of the Rocky mountain locust. 3. Biley, C: V. The cot- ton worm.-4. Packard, A. S., jr. The hessian fly. 5. Thomas, C: The chinch-bug. 6. Riley, C: V General index and supplement to the nine reports on the insects of Missouri. 7. Packard, A. S., jr. Insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Dep't of agr.; Division of entomology, [C: V. Riley, entomologist]. Bulletin, no. 1-6. Wash. 1888-85. O. in 632 : D Contents. 1. Rep. of experiments, chiefly with kerosene, upon the insects injuriously affecting the orange tree and the cotton plant. 2. Rep. on the Rocky mountain locust, and the chinch-bug; together with extracts from the corresp. of the division on miscel. insects. 3. Rep. of observations and exper. in the practical work of the division. Plates. 4. Same; together with extracts from corresp. on miscel. insects. 5. Howard, L. O. Descriptions of north amer. chalcididas; 1st paper. 6. The imported elm leaf -beetle (QaUruca xanthomelwna Schrank) ; its hab- its and natural history, and means of counteracting its injuries. 111. , , . ^ Note. The annual report of the entomologist, and other articles on agricultural pests, will be found in the annual reports of the Com'r of agriculture, in 630: D. , Coues, Elliott. On the present status of Passer domesticus [the english sparrow] in Amer- ica, with special reference to the western states and territories. In U. S. geol. sur- vey of the terr., Hayden; Bulletin, v. 5. w 557.5 :D 4. Crops and fruits. Johnson, S: W: How crops grow ; a treatise on the chemical composition, structure and life of the plant, for all students of friculture. 111. and tables of analyses. Y. [1868]. D. 633:2 Masters, Maxwell T. Plant life on the farm. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. 633:6 Thurber, G:, ed. Silos and ensilage ; the pre- servation of fodder corn ana other green fodder crops, bringing together the most i-ecent information from various sources. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. 633 : 4 Bailey, J: M. The book of ensilage, or The new dispensation for farmers ; experience with ensilage at "Winning farm"... Bil- lerica, Mass. 1880. O. 633+6 Steele, J: The hay and straw measurer ; new tables for the "use of auctioneers, valuers, farmers, hay and straw dealers, etc., show- ing the weight of hay and straw, etc., in round or oblong stacks ; the price of com- modities by the stone, score, cwt. and ton ; and how to measure timber, the contents of tanks or reservoirs, etc.; forming a complete calculator and ready reckoner, especially adapted to persons connected with agriculture. 3d ed. enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 633 :3 Hewett, Robert, jr. Coffee ; its history, culti- vation and uses. 111. and map. N. Y. 1872. O. 633:1 I^r u i t s . Downing, Andrew Jackson. The fruits and fruit trees of America, or The culture, propagation and management, in the garden and orchard, of fruit trees gener- ally, with descriptions of all the finest varieties of fruit, native and foreign, cul- tivated in this country ; rev. and corr. by C: Downing. N. Y. 1860. D. 634 : 2 Baker, C: R. Practical and scientific fruit cul- ture. 111. Bost. 1866. O. 634 : 1 Warder, J: A. American pomology : apples. 111. N. Y. [1867]. D. 634:8 Baltet, C: The art of grafting and budding. Tr. from the french. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1882. D. 634 : 9 Fuller, Andrew S. The small fruit culturist. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 634:3 Roe, E: Payson. Success with small fruits. 111. N. Y." 1880. O. 634-1-7 Haraszthy, A. Grape culture, wines and wine- making ; with notes upon agriculture and horticulture. 111. N. Y. 1862. O. 634-1-4 Mead, P: B. An elementary treatise on american grape culture and wine-making. 111. N. Y. 1867. O. 634+6 Husmann, G: American grape growing and wine-making, with contributions from well-known grape growers, giving a wide range of experience. 111. NT Y. 1880. D. 634:5 5. Forestry. Hess, R: Die forstliche unterrichtsfrage. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v3 Brown, J: Croumbie. Forestry in Norway ; with notices of the physical geography of the country. Edinb. 1884. D. 633.1 : 7 Hough., Franklin B. Elements of forestry, de- signed to afford information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit, and giving suggestions for the creation and care of woodlands, with a view of securing the greatest benefit for the longest time ; particularly adapted to the wants and conditions of the U. S. Cine. 1882. D. 633.1:1 American journal of forestry. The ; devoted to the interests of forest tree planting, the formation and care of woodlands and 499 Cfl. 633-635 XJSEFXJIj AK.TS AGRICXJIiTXJB,E. 440 ornamental planting generally, and to the various economies therein concerned, ed. by Franklin B. Hough ; v. 1, sept. 1882 oct. 1883. Cine. 1882-3. O. 605.3 : M Note. Discontinued after the first vol. Fuller, Andrew S. Practical forestry ; a treatise on the propagation, planting and cultiva- tion, with a description and the botanical and popular names of all the indigenous trees of the U. S., both evergreen and de- ciduous, with notes on a large number of the most valuable exotic species. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 633.1 :5 Egleston, Nathaniel H. Hand-book of tree- planting, or Why to plant, whei-e to plant, what to plant, how to plant. N. Y. 1881. D. 633.1:4 Phipps, R. W. Report on the necessity of pre- serving and replanting forests ; compiled at the instance of the government of On- tario. Toronto. 1883. O. 633.1-f3 Peaslee, J: B. Trees and tree-planting; with exercises and directions for the celebration of arbor day ; preface by Warren Higley Cine. 1884. 0. 633.1 :"6 Lapham, Increase Allen, J. G. Knapp, and Hans Crocker. Report on the disastrous effects of the destruction of forest trees, now going on so rapidly in the state of Wisconsin. Madison. 1867. O. 633.1:2 United States. Census office. Tenth census. 1880, y. 9 : Report on the forests of North Amer- ica, exclusive of Mexico, by O: S. Sargent. Maps. Wash. 1884. Q. and Atlas, F. in 317 '.D Contents. Pt. 1. The forest trees of North Amor., excl. of Mexico: General remarks; Catalogue, with remarks upon their synonymy, bibliographical his- tory, distribution, economic value and uses; Index. Pt. 2. The woods of the U. 8.: Prelim, remarks; Specific gravity and ash; Fuel value; Strength; Comparative values; Tanning values; Tables of, 1. specific gravity, ash and weight per cubic foot of dry specimens, 3, actual fuel value. 3. 4, behavior under transverse strain. .5. behavior under compres- sion. Pt. 3. The forests of the U. 8. in their econ- omic aspects: General remarks; The lumber indus- try; Fuel; Forest fires; North Atlantic division; South Atlantic division; Southern central division; Northern central division; Western division. Gen- eral index. Hough, Franklin B. [lst-3d] Report upon for- estry, prepared under the direction of the commissioner of agriculture. Wash. 1878- 82. 3v. O. in 633.1 :D Ohio state forestry assoc. Proceedings, at its meeting in Columbus, march 28, 1884 ; to- gether with a report upon the forest con- dition of Ohio, ill. by charts by the fores- try division of the U. S. dep. of agr. Co- lumbus. 1884. O. 633. 1 : Pam Note. A list of books and articles on trees and forests will be found in the Bulletin of the Boston public library, no, 48, jan. 1879. 6. Gardening. Perring, W. Lexikon fiir gartenbau und blu- menzucht ; handbuch f lir ^iirtner und gar- tenliebhaber iiber alle zweige des giirtneri- schen betriebs, mit besonderer beriicksich- tigung von topfpflanzenkultur, obst- und gemijsebau. Leipz. 1882. D. 635 : 117 liOudon, J: Claudius. The horticulturist, or An attempt to teach the science and practice of the culture and management of the kitchen, fruit and forcing garden to those who have had no previous knowledge or practice in these departments of garden- ing. New ed. 111. Lond. 1860. O. 635:3 Henderson, P: Gardening for pleasure ; a guide to the amateur in the fruit, vegetable and flower garden, with full directions for the greenhouse, conservatory and window- garden. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 635 : 1 Gardening for profit ; a guide to the success- ful cultivation of the market and family garden. New enl. ed. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. 635:2 Hobday, E. Cottage gardening, or Flowers, fruits and vegetables for small gardens. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1882. D. 635 : 4 Burr, Fearing, jr. Garden vegetables, and how to cultivate them. Bost. 1866. D. 635.2 : 2 Shaw, C. W., eomp. The kitchen and market garden, by contributors to " The garden." [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1882. D. 635.2:3 Warner, Anna B. Three little spades. N. Y 1875. S. X 635 : 5 Blue flag and cloth of gold. 111. N. Y. 1880 [1879]. S. x635:6 I^ lower culture. Sheehan, James. Your plants ; plain and prac- tical directions for the treatment of tender and hardy plants in the house and in the garden. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. 635.1 : 10 Church, Ella Rodman. The home garden. (Appletons' home books.) N. Y. 1881. D. 635.1 : 1 Henderson, P: Practical floriculture ; a guide to the successful cultivation of florists' plants for the amateur and professional florist. New and enl. ed. 111. N. Y. [1874] D- 635.1:5 Loudon, Jane Webb. Gardening for ladies and companion to the flower garden. 1st amer. from the 3d Lond. ed., ed. by A. J. Down- ing. N. Y. 1847. D. 635.1 :2 Band, E: Sprague, jr. Flowers for the parlor and garden. 111. Bost. 1863. D. 635. 1 : 4 Williams, B; S: Choice stove and greenhouse flowering plants, comprising descriptions of upwards of 1,100 species and varieties, accompanied by instructions for their cul- tivation and mode of management. 2d ed. enl., ill. and rev. Lond. 1873. D. 635. 1 : 6 Choice stove and greenhouse ornamental leaved plants, comprising descriptions of upwards of 800 species and varieties, ac- companied by instructions for their culti- vation and mode of management. 111. Lond. 1870. D. 635.1 :7 Williams, H: T., ed. Window gardening; de- voted specially to the culture of flowers and ornamental plants, for in-door use and parlor decoration. 4th ed. N. Y. 1872. D. 635.1 :8 Rand, E: Sprague. Bulbs ; a treatise on hardy and tender bulbs and tubers. Bost. 1873. D. 635.1 :3 Parsons, S. B. The rose; its history, poetry, culture and classification. N. Y. 1847 635. 1+i X denotes books specially adapted for children. 441 XTSEFTTL ARTS AGK-ICXTLTTniE. CI. 636-639 442 Robinson, J: Ferns in their homes and ours. [111.] Salem. 1878. D. 716 : 1 7. Domesticated animals. Jackson, T: Our dumb companions, or Conver- sations about dogs, horses, donkeys and cats. 6th ed. Lond. [1879]. O. '636:1 Gautier, Theophile. My household of pets. Tr. by Susan Coolidge". Bost. 1882. S. 636 : 2 Contents. Old times. The white dynasty. The black dynasty. Our dogs. Chameleons, lizards and majTpies. Horses. Wood, J: G: Petland revisited. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 636 : 4 Stables, W. Gordon. Cats ; their points and classification ; with chapters on feline ail- ments and their remedies, how to train, etc. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 636.5:3 Youatt, W: The dog; ed. with add. by E. J. Lewis. 111. Phila. n. d. O. 636.4 : 2 Dog life ; narratives, exhibiting instinct, intelli- gence, fidelity, sympathy, attachment and sorrow. 111. after Landseer. N. Y. n. d. D. 636.4 : 1 Morris, Francis Orpen. Dogs and their doings. N. Y. 1872. O. X 636.4: 3 Williams, C: Dogs and their ways ; ill. by numerous anecdotes compiled from au- thentic sources. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 636.4 : 4 Anecdotes of dogs. 111. Lond. [1869]. S. 636.4:5 Jennings, Robert. The horse and his diseases ; embracing his history and varieties, breed- ing and management and vices, with the diseases to which he is subject and the remedies best adapted to their cure. Added, Rarey's method of taming horses, and the law of warranty as applicable to the purchase and sale of the animal. 111. Phila. [I860]. D. 636.1 : 1 Every horse owner's cyclopedia ; the anatomy and physiology of the horse, general char- acteristics, the points of the horse, with directions how to choose him, the princi- Eles of breeding, and the best kind to reed from, the treatment of the brood mare and foal, raising and breaking the colt, stables and stable management, rid- ing, driving, etc. Diseases and how to cure them ; the principal medicines and the doses in which they can be safely admin- istered, accidents, fractures and the opera- tions necessary in each case, shoeing, etc., by J. H. Walsh. The american trotting horse, and suggestions on the breeding and training of trotters, by Ell wood Harvey. The turf and trotting horse of America, by J: Elderkin. 111. Phila. [1871]. O. 636.1 :2 Woodruff, Hiram. The trotting horse of Amer- ica ; how to train and drive him, with reminiscences of the trotting turf ; ed. by C: J. Foster, incl. an in trod, notice by (x: Wilkes, and a biograph. sketch by the ed. N. Y. 1868. D. 636. 1 : 3 Clarke, W: H. Horses' teeth ; a treatise on their mode of development, anatomy, micro- scopy, pathology and dentistry, compared with the teeth " of many other land and x denotes books specially adapted for children. marine animals, both living and extinct, with a vocabulary aud copious extracts from the works of odontologists and veter- inarians. 2d ed., rev. N. Y. n. d. D. 636.1 :4 Marsh, G: Perkins. The camel, his organiza- tion, habits and uses, considered with reference to his introd. into the U. S. Bost. 1856. D. 636.5 : 1 Ewart, J : Meat production ; a manual for pro- ducers, distributors and consumers of butchers' meat ; a treatise on means of increasing its home production, also, com- prehensively treating of the breeding, rearing, fattening, lodging, carcass-weight and slaughtering of meat-yielding live stock, indications of the quality, means of preserving, curing, and cooking of the meat, etc. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 636:3 United States. Bep't of agriculture. Report on the diseases of cattle in the U. S. 111. Wash. 1871. Q. in 636 : D Investigation of diseases of swine, and infec- tious and contapous diseases incident to other classes of domesticated animals. 111. (U. S. dep. of agr. Special rep., no. 12). Wash. 1879. O. in 630 : D Contagious diseases of domesticated ani- mals ; continuation of investigation. 111. (U. S. dep. of agr. Special rep., no. 22). Wash. 1880. O. in 630 : D Contagious diseases of domesticated ani- mals ; continuation of investigation. 111. (U. S. dep. of agr. Special rep., no. 34). Wash. 1881. O. in 630 : D Contagious diseases of domesticated ani- mals ; investigations by dep. of agr., 1883- 1884. 111. Wash. 1884! O. in 636 : D Bureau of animal industry. First annual report for 1884. 111. Wash. 1885. O. in 636 : D Beale, Stephen. Profitable poultry keeping; ed. with add. by Mason C. Weld. 111. N. Y. [1884]. D. 636.3:2 Wright, Lewis. The practical poultry keeper ; a complete and standard guide to the man- agement of poultry, whether for domestic use, the markets or exhibition. 5th ed. N. Y. n. d. D. 636.3 : 1 Same. 8th ed. N. Y. n. d. D. 636.3 : 1 The practical pigeon keeper. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 636.5:2 R-oot, L. C. Quinby's new bee-keeping ; the mysteries of bee-keeping explained, com- bining the results of 50 years' experience with the latest discoveries and inventions, and presenting the most approved meth- ods, forming a complete guide to success- ful bee-culture. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. 638: 1 Harris, W. H. The honey-bee, its nature, homes and products. Lond. [1884]. D. 638:2 8. Fishing industry. Starbuck, Alexander. History of the american whale fishery, from its earliest inception to 1876. 111. tn U. S. fish com. report, v. 4. in 639 : D 443 CI. 639-640 TTSEFUIi ABTS AGB.ICULTTJRE. 444 United States. Commission of fish and fisheries. Report of the commissioner [Spencer F. Baird], pt. 1-10. Maps and ill. Wash. 1873-84. 10 V. O. 639 :D Contents. V. 1, for 1871-2, contains: Report on the condition of the sea fisheries of the south coast of New England ; v. 2-10, for 1872-1884, contain : Inquiry into the decrease of the food-fishes and The propaga- tion of food-fishes in the waters of the U. S. ; the following' papers being appendices : V. 1. Verrill, A. E. Invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound. O-ill, T. Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America. 2. Milner, James W. The fisheries of the great lakes, and the species of coregonus or whitefish. Stone, Living- stone, C: G. Atkins, and others. The salmon and the trout. Milner, James W., and others. The shad and alewife. Haime, Jules, and others. History, theory and practice of fish-culture in Europe and the U. S. Atkins, C: G., and others. Obstructions to the upward movement in streams and the remedy. Natural history. Miscel. papers. Bibliography of reports of fishery commissions. 3. Sea fisheries [of Europe and Amer.], principally herring, and the fishes and invertebrates used as food. The river- fisheries. Fish-culture relating more especially to species of cyprinidae, or carps. The restoration of the inland fisheries: Peyrer, C: Fisheries and fish- ery-laws in Austria and of the world In general. Natural history. 4. Starbuck, Alex. Hist, of the amer. whale-fishery. The inland fisheries. The propagation of food-fishes, carp, shad and salmon. o. G-oode, G: Brown. A history of the menhaden; with an account of the agricultural uses of fishes, by W. O. Atwater. Dambeck, K: Geographical distribution of the gadidae or the cod family, in its relation to fisheries and commerce. Sars, G. O., and others. Norwegian cod fisheries. Yhlen, G. v. Swedish sea fisheries. The propagation of food- fishes. Miscellaneous. Gamgree, J: On artificial refrigeration. 6. Dyrenforth, Robert G. List and abstract of patents issued in U. S., Canada and Great Britain up to 1878, relat. to fisheries. Anderssen, Joakim, and A. Feddersen. Fishery expositions. Wallem, F: M. Report on the amer. sea fisheries. Widegrren, Hjalmar, and Axel W: Ljungrman. Swedish sea fisheries. Deep-sea research: Norweg- ian exped. of 1878; Baltic and German ocean. Nat- ural hist, of marine animals.- Propagation of food- fishes: General considerations; Application, herring, carp, cod, salmon.- Miscell. 7. Natural hist.- The sea fisheries: Herring, etc. Deep-sea research: The German seas; Rep. of dredging exped. Propaga- tion of food-fishes: General consid.; Special appli- cations. Miscell. 8. Q-oode,G: Brown. First decade of the U. S. fish com. Deep-sea research: Descrip- tion of apijaratus.- The sea fisheries: Europe, and Davis' Strait. Economic research. Natural hist.: United States. Fish commission. Continued. The sword-fish; Earll, E: The Spanish mackerel, ill. ; Miescher-Bilsch, F. Contributions to the biol- ogy of the Rhine salmon. Propagation of food- fishes: General consid.; Special applications, white- fish, salmon, trout, carp. MSbius, K:, Felix Fraiche atid others. The oyster and oyster-culture. Miscell.: Patents. 9. General app.: Stmr. Fish Hawk; Pat- ents. The fisheries: Hist, of the mackerel fishery; European and amer. fisheries. Natural hist, and biological reseai-ch; food of fishes, etc. Propaga- tion of food-fishes. 10. General app.: Reps, on work of the stmrs. of the com.; Lakes and rivers of the U. S. The fisheries: Whale fisheries; Fishery board of Scotland; Tile-fish. Natural hist, and biolo- gical research: Collins, J. W., Sea birds used as a bait for codfish; Bean, T. H., Fishes collected; Decapod Crustacea; Hansen, V., Eggs of fish in the Baltic; Embryography of osseous fishes; Blake, W. P., Report upon the principal aquariums abroad in 1873; Marine fauna off the coast of New England. Bouchon-Brandely, G., and others. The oyster and oyster-culture. Propagation of food fishes. Miscell. Bulletins, v. 1-3, 18811883. Wash. 1882-83. 3 V. O. in 639 :J> Note. The most important scientific papers in the publications of the U. S. fish com. have been entered m their proper places, in this catalogue. Smiley, C: W. List of papers relating to the work of the U. S. fish commission fi'om its organization in 1871 to July 1, 1883, and pub. under the direction of' the U. S. fish com., the National museum, and the Tenth census ; together with a topical synopsis of the titles. In U. S. fish com. bulletin, v. 3. in 639 : D A list of the published reports of the com- missioners appointed by authority of the various states of the U. S. [1857-18831. In the same. in 639 : D IngersoU, Ernest. Report on the oyster indus- try of the U. S. 111. Wash. 1881. Q. In U. S. 10th census, 1880. in. 317 : D Contents. Descriptive and statistical reports. The natural history of the oyster. Glossary of terms. General summary. Winslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Va., and of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, Md. and Va. Maps and ill. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1881. in 622 : D 5. Domestic economy. 1. In general. Babcock, Emma Whitcomb. Household hints. (Appletons' home books). N. Y. 1881. D. 640:1 Beecher, Catherine Esther. A treatise on do- mestic economy, for the use of young ladies at home and at school. Rev. ed., with add. N. Y. 1848. D. 640 : 3 and Harriet Elizabeth Stowe, born Beecher. Principles of domestic science, as applied to the duties and pleasures of home. T. p. w. [N. Y.] O. 640 : 2 Blakeslee, Mary N., (Mary Blake). Twenty-six hours a day, by Mary Blake. Bost. [1883] . D. 640 : 16 Browne, Phillis. What girls can do ; a book for mothers and daughters. 2d ed. Lend. n. d. D. 640 : 4 Campbell, Helen. The easiest way in house- keeping and cooking ; adapted to domestic use or study in classes. N. Y. 1881. S. 640:5 Cassell's household guide to every department of practical life ; a complete encyclopaedia of domestic and social economy. " New rev. ed. N. Y. n. d. 4 v. Q. 640-f 16 Cobbett, W: Cottage economy ; containing in- formation relative to the brewing of beer, making of bread, keeping of cows, pigs, bees, ewes, goats, poultry and rabbits Added, The poor man's friend, or A de- fence of the rights of those who do the work and fight the battles. Hartford. 1854. S. 640:6 Coleman, W: Werner, ed. Die hausfrau, gattin und mutter. Milw. n. d. O. 640 : 19 House manager. The ; a guide to housekeeping practical cookery, pickling and preserv 445 USEFUL ABTS DOMESTIC ECONOMY. CI. 640-644 446 ing, household work, dairy management, the table and dessert, cellarage of wines, home -brewing and wine -making, the boudoir and dressing-room, travelling, stable economy, gardening operations etc., by an old housekeeper. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 640 : 7 Household conveniences ; being the experience of many practical writers. N. Y. 1884. D. 640 : 18 Household economy ; a manual for use in schools, published under the direction of the Kitchen garden assoc. N. Y. 1882. D. 640 : 13 Huntington, Emily. Little lessons for little housekeepers ; a series of lessons given at the Wilson's industrial school. New and enl. ed. N. Y. [1879]. S. x 640 : 11 Kitchen garden assoc, iV. 7. Advanced les- sons in kitchen garden, with songs and occupations. N. Y. 1883. S. x 640 : 14 Power, Mrs. S. D. Anna Maria's housekeeping. Bost.j:i884J. S. 640: 17 Richards, Ellen H. The chemistry of cooking and cleaning ; a manual for housekeepers. Bost. 1882. S. 640 : 10 Six hundred dollars a year ; a wife's effort at low living under nigh prices. Bost. 1867. S. 640 : 8 Youmans, E: Livingstone. The hand-book of household science ; a popular account of heat, light, air, aliment and cleansing in their scientific principles and domestic applications. 111. N. Y. 1864. D. 640 : 9 Phin, J: The preparation and use of cements and glue. (Work manuals, no. 1.) N. Y. 1881. D. 640 : 12 Leavitt, T: H. Facts about peat as an article of fuel ; with remarks upon its origin and composition, the localities in which it is found, the methods of preparation and manufacture and the various uses to which it is applicable, together with many other matters of practical and scientific interest. Added, a chapter on the utilization of coal dust with peat, for the production of an excellent fuel at moderate cost, specially adapted for steam service. 3d ed., rev. and eul. Bost. 1867. D. 644 : 1 Siemens, Sir C: W: Fuel ; to which is appended the value of artificial fuels as compared with coal, by J: Wormald. [Van Nos- trand's science ser.] N. Y. 1874. T. 644 : 2 2. Food and cookery. Ranke, Johannes. Die erniihrung des men- schen. Miinchen. 1876. S. 643 : 1 Smith, E: Foods. (Intern, scientific ser.) N. Y. 1878. D. 643 : 6 Letheby, H: On food ; its varieties, chemical composition, nutritive value, comparative digestibility, physiological functions and uses, f) reparation, culinary treatment, pre- servation, adulteration, etc.; the substance of four Cantor lectures, del. before the Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce, in jan. feb. 1868. 2d ed. enl. and imp. Lond. 1872. D. 643:5 Atwater, W. O. Report of progress of investi- gations of the chemical composition and economic values of the fish and inverte- brates used as food. / U. S. fish com. report, v. 8. in 639 : D Lankester, Edwin. Vegetable substances used for the food of man. [Anon.] N. Y. 1846. S. 643 : 7 Hoskins, T: H. What we eat ; an account of the most common adulterations of food and drink, with simple tests by which many of them may be detected. IJost. 1861. D. 643:3 Bell, James. The analysis and adulteration of food: pt. 1, Tea, coffee, sugar, etc.; pt. 2, Milk, butter, cheese, cereal foods, prepared starches, etc. [South Kensington museum art handbooks.] Lond. 1883. 2 v. D. 643:9 Bellows, Albert Jones. The philosophy of eat- ing. 12th ed. rev. and enl. Bost. "1881. D. 643:8 Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme. The handbook of dining, or Corpulency and leanness scienti- fically considered ; comprising the art of dining on correct principles consistent with easy digestion, tne avoidance of cor- pulency and the cure of leanness, together with special remarks on these subjects. Tr. by L. F. Simpson. N. Y. 1865. D. 643 : 2 Oyster epicure, The ; a collation of authorities on the gastronomy and dietetics of the oyster. N. Y. [1883]. S. 643 : 12 T., N. T. Bread-making. [Putnam's handy book ser.] 111. N. Y. 1884. S. 641 : 9 Cook-books. Dodds, Susanna W. Health in the household, or Hygienic cookery. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. 641 : 10 Kirkland, Miss E. S. Dora's housekeeping. Chicago. 1878. S. x 641 : 7 Six little cooks, or Aunt Jane's cooking class. Chicago. 1881. S. x 641 : 6 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Mrs. Lincoln's Boston cook- book ; what to do and what not to do in cooking. 111. Bost. 1884. D. 641 : 3 Miller, Elizabeth S. In the kitchen. [New rev. ed., with index.] N. Y. 1883. O. 641 : 11 Milwaukee cook book and business directory. [Milw. 1881]. D. 641 : 12 Parloa, Maria. New cook book ; a guide to marketing and cooking. 111. Bost. 1881. D. 641 : 1 Smith, Mary Stuart, comp. Virginia cookery- book. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1884. Q. 641+8 Terhune, Mary Virginia, bor^i Hawes, (Marion Harland). Common sense in the house- hold ; a manual of practical housewifery. N. Y. 1881. D. 641 : 2 The cottage kitchen ; a collection of practical and inexpensive receipts. (Common-sense in the household ser.) N. Y. 1883. D. 641 : 13 "Wiel, Josef. Diatetisches koch-buch, mit beson- derer riicksicht auf den tisch fiir magen- kranke. Nach der in Deutschland erscliie- I nen 4ten aufl. bearb. von K: Kron. Milw. 1878. O. 641:5 denotes books specially adapted for children. 447 CI. 644-654 trSEFXTL ARTS DOMESTIC ECON-OMY. 448 3. Dress, Servants, Nursing. Doran, J: Habits and men ; with remnants of record touching the makers of both. N. Y. 1865. D. 646:6 Contents. Between you and me. Man and man- ners, and a story with a moral to it. Adonis at home and abroad. Remnants of stage dresses. Three acts and an epilogue The tiring bower of queens.- "La mode" in her birth place. Hats. Wigs and their wearers. Beards and their bearers. Swords. Gloves, b s and buttons. Stockings. Masks and faces. Puppets for grown gentlemen. Touching tailors: Why did the tailors choose St. William for their patron? The tailors measured by the poets; Sir J: Hawkwood, the heroic tailor; G: Dortiing, the martial tailor; Admiral Hobson, the naval tailor; J: Stow, the antiquarian tailor; J: Speed, the antiquar- ian tailor; S: Pepys, the official tailor; R: Ryan, the theatrical tailor; Paul Whitehead, the poet tailor; Mems. of "Merchant tailors". Chapters on beaux: The beaux of the olden time; Beau Fielding; Beau Nash; The prince de Ligne; Beau Brummell. Doctors ready dressed.- Odd fashions. Church, Ella Rodman. The home needle. (Ap- pletons' home books.) N. Y. 1882. D. 646:5 Dewing, Mrs. T. W., bom Oakey. Beauty in dress. N. Y. 1881. S. 646 : 1 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. Dress. (Art at home ser.) Phila. n. d. D. 646 : 2 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. What to wear ? Bost. 1873. D. 646 : 3 Power, Mrs. S. D. The ugly-girl papers, or Hints for the toilet. Rep. from "Harper's bazar". [Anon.] N. Y. 1875. S. 646 : 4 Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth, born Prescott. The servant girl question. Bost. 1881. T. 647 : 1 Ellis, E: What every mother should know. Phila. 1881. S. 649 : 1 Hopkinson, Mrs. C. A. Hints for the nursery, or The young mother's guide. Bost. 1863. D. 649 : 2 Nig-htingale, Florence. Notes on nursing; what it is and what it is not. N. Y. 1860. D. 649:3 LUckes, Eva C. E. Lectures on general nurs- ing ; del. to the probationers of the London hospital training school for nurses. Lond. 1884. D. 649:4 6. CommTinication and Commerce. 1. Communication. Wr iti n g , Astle, T: The origin and progress of writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary ; ilL by engr.taken from marbles, mss. and charters, ancient and modern, also some account of the origin and progress of printing. Lond. 1876. F: 651:111 Fauvel-Gouraud, Francis. Practical cosmo- graphy; a system of vsrriting and printing all the principal languages, with their exact pronunciation, by means of an orig- inal, universal phonetic alphabet, based upon philological i)rinciples and repre- senting analogically all the component elements of the human voice, as they occur in different tongues and dialects, and ap- plicable to daily use in all the branches of business and learning ; with specimens of the Lord's prayer in 100 languages. Pre- fixed, a general introd. elucidating the origin and progress of language, writing, stenography, phonography, etc. N. Y. 1850. O. 653+1 Anderson, T: History of shorthand ; with a review of its present condition and pros- Bects in Europe and America. Lond. 1882. >. 653 : 4 Bockwell, Julius Ensign. The teaching, prac- tice and literature of shorthand. (U. S. Bureau of education ; Circulars of informa- tion). Wash. 1884. O. 663 : 7 Contents. Systems.- In foreign countries. In the U. S. Bibliography of works in the english language. Shorthand alphabets [1602 182]. Cross, J. G: Eclectic short-hand ; writing by principles instead of arbitrary signs for general use und verbatim reporting. 5th thousand. [4th ed.] Chicago. 1883. D. 653:2 Graham, Andrew J. The hand-book of standard or American phonography ; in 5 parts. N. Longley, Elias. The american phonographic dictionary ; exhibiting the correct and actual shorthand forms for all the useful words of the english language, and, in add. , many foreign terms ; also the best shorthand forms for 2000 geographical names, and as many family, personal and noted fictitious names. Cine. 1882. D. 653:3 Pitman, B:, and Jerome B. Howard. The phono- graphic dictionary ; containing the report- mg outlines for upward of 30,000 words, embracing every useful word in the lan- guage and a large number of proper and geographical names, Icjgal, scientific and technical terms, etc. Cine. 1883. D. 653 :5 Te I e g r a p h y . {See also under Physics, Electricity, cl. 537, col. 315.) Briggs, C: F., and A: Maverick. The story of the telegraph and a history of the great Atlantic cable ; a record of the inception, progress and final success of that undertak- ing, a general history of land and oceanic telegraphs, descriptions of telegraphic ap- paratus and biographical sketches of the principal persons connected with the great work. IlL N. Y. 1858. D. 654 : 2 Sabine, Robert. The history and progress of the electric telegraph, with descriptions of some of the apparatus. 3d ed., with add. [Weale'8 ser.] Lond. 1872. D. 654 : 5 Preece, W: H:, and J. Sivewright. Telegraphy. - - 876. D. [Text-books of sciences]. N. Y. 187 654 :y 449 TTSEPUL ARTS COMMUNICATION. 01. 654-658 450 Loring, A. E. A handbook of the electro-mag- netic telegraph. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. 654:3 Lockwood, T: D. Electricity, magnetism and electric telegraphy ; a practical guide and hand-book of general infoi-mation for electrical students, operators and inspec- tors. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 654+8 Bond, R. Handbook of the telegraph ; a manual of telegraphy, telegraph clerks' remem- brancer and guide to candidates for em- ployment in the telegraph service. 4th ed., rev.; app., questions on magnetism, elec- tricity and practical telegrapny for the use of students, by W. McGregor. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1873. D. 654 : 1 Printing. Humphreys, H: Noel. A history of the art of printing from its invention to its wide- spread development in the middle of the 16th century, preceded by a short account of the origin of the alphabet and the suc- cessive methods of recording events and multiplying ms. books before the invention of printing. 111. Lond. 1867. F. 655 : 117 Masterpieces of the early printers and en- gravers ; a series of facsimiles from rare and curious books, remarkable for illus- trative devices, beautiful borders, decora- tive initials, printers' marks, elaborate title-pages, etc. Lond. 1870. F. 655 : It8 Hawkins, Rush C. Titles of the first books from the earliest presses established in different cities, towns and monastei-ies in Europe, before the end of the 15th century, with brief notes upon their printers ; ill. with reproductions of early types and first engr. of the printing press. N. Y. 1884. Q. 23 :L Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg, and the art of printing. 3d ed. Bost. [1880]. D. 655 : 2 Hessels, J: H: Gutenberg ; was he the inventor of printing ? an historical investigation embodying a criticism on dr. Van der Linde's " Gutenberg." Lond. 1882. O. 655+P4 Linde, A. van der. The Haarlem legend of the invention of printing by Lourens Janszoon Coster, critically examined. From the dvitch by J. H.' Hessels, with an introd. and a classified list of the Costerian incun- abula. Lond. 1871. O. 655+3 Adams, T: F. Typographia ; a brief sketch of the origin, rise and progress of the typo- graphic art, with practical directions for conducting every dep. in an oftice. Phila. 1837. S. 655 : 1 Hart, M. C. The amateur printer, or Typeset- ting at home ; complete instructor for the amateur in all the details of the printer's art, with explan. engr. N. Y. [1883]. S. 655:6 Bruce's, G:, son and co. Specimens of printing- types made at Bruce's N. Y. type foundry. N. Y. 1883. Q. 666 : 116 Putnam, G: Haven. Authors and publishers ; a manual of suggestions for oeginners in literature. [Anon.] N. Y. 1883. O. 655+9 2. Oommerce and transportation. (See also Commerce and communication, cl. 380-389, col. 2,53-260.) N" a vigation. (See also cl. 527, col. 306.) Brady, W: The kedge-anchor, or Young sailor's assistant ; appertaining to the practical evolutions of modern seamanship, rigging, knotting, splicing, blocks, purchases, run- ning-rigging and other miscellaneous mat- 5, appli 111. 3d ed. imp. and enl. N. Y. 1848. O. ters, applicable to ships of war and others. 656+1 Hunter, Theodore, and Jarvis Patten. Port charges and requirements on vessels in various ports of the world ; with tables of moneys, weights and measures of all na- tions and a telegraphic codex for masters, owners and ship brokers. N. Y. 1879. Q. 656 : R2 ContsntK. Pt. 1. United States and Dominion of Canada. 2. Mexico, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, East and West Indies, and the Islands of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Light houses and light ships ; a descriptive and historical ac- count of their mode of construction and organization. New ed., rev. Lond. 1878. D. 656 : 3 Russell, W: Clark. Sailors' language ; a collec- tion of sea -terms and their definitions. Lond. 1883. D. 656:4 Book-keeping and bnsiness- manu a Is . Haddon, James. Commercial book-keeping and fihraseology in four languages. 15tTi ed. Weale's ser.] Lond. 1879. D. 657 : 1 Mayer, C: Mercantile manual; a compendium of the history and methods of trade. Milw. 1880. O. 658:4 Monsanto, H. M. Manual of commercial corre- spondence in french. N. Y. 1881. D. 658:6 Hamilton, Robert. An introduction to mer- chandise ; containing the theory and prac- tice of arithmetic, algebra, with the doc- trine of annuities, and commerce, incl. treatises on monies, weights, measures, ex- changes, and book-keeping, with an app. containing tables of logarithms, compound interest and annuities, an explanation of commercial terms and answers ; the whole newly modelled by Elias Johnston. Edinb. 1820. O. 668:3 Beale, C: E. and M. R. Gately, eds. Universal educator ; an educational cyclopjwdia and business guide. 9th ed. rev. Bost. [1883]. Q. 658+8 Berg, Albert Ellery. The universal self-instruc- tor and manual of general reference, incl. 451 CI. 658-667 USEFUL ARTS COMMUNICATION. 452 many valuable vocabularies and carefully compiled tables. 111. N. Y. 1883. Q. 658+11 Gaskell, G. A. Gaskell's compendium of forms, educational, social, legal and commercial ; embracing a complete self-teaching course in penmanship and book-keeping, and aid to english composition. Also, a manual of agriculture and mechanics, with a com- plete guide to parliamentary practice ; rules of order for deliberative assemblies, organization and conduct of business, etc. 111. St. Louis. 1881. Q. 658+7 Hill, T: E. Hill's manual of social and business forms ; a guide to correct writing, showing how to e:!^press written thought plainly, rapidly, elegantly and correctly. Chicago. 1883. Q. 658+9 McCabe, James D. The national encyclopaedia of business and social forms ; embracing the art of writing well, how to express written thought in a correct and elegant manner, an explanatory treatise on book keeping, a practical guide to the prepara- tion of business and legal documents, care- fully prepared tables of reference, parlia- mentary laws, the laws of etiquette and food society, the art of making home appy, valuable household receipts ; the art of writing poetry, with choice selections from the best authors. 111. Chic. n. d. O. 658+10 Bobinson, Nugent, comp. Collier's cyclopedia of commercial and social information, and treasury of useful and entertaining knowl- edge. N. Y. 1882. Q. 658+6 Epeneter, G: Franz. Table to find the exact contents of barrels, cistern tubs and all kinds of other round tubs for the use of brewers, coopers, kettle and tub manufact- urers, government gangers, etc. Milw. 1874. O. 658 : 2 7. Industrial arts. 1. Chemical technology. BoUey, Pompejus Alexander. Manual of tech- nical analysis ; a guide for the testing and valuation of the various natural and arti- ficial substances employed in the arts and in domestic economy, founded upon [his] Handbuch der technisch-chemischen un- tersuchungen, by B: H. Paul. Lond. 1857. D. 660 : 1 Kentish, T: The pyrotechnist's treasury, or Complete art of making lire works. Lond. 1878. D. 662:1 Berthelot, Marcellin P: Eugfene. Explosive ma- terials ; a series of lectures delivered before the College de France, Paris. Added, a short historical sketch of gunpowder, tr. from the german of K: Braun by J: P. Wisser ; and a bibliography of works on explosives. [Van Nostrand's science ser.l N. Y. 1883. T. 662 : 2 Eissler, Manuel. The modern high explosives, nitro-glycerine and dynamite ; their manu- facture," their use and their application to mining and military engineering ; pyrox- ine or gun-cotton, the fiuminates, picrates and chlorates, also the chemistry and analysis of the elementary bodies "which enter into the manufacture of the principal nitro-compounds. N. Y. 1884. O. 662+3 Hare, Robert. Memoir on the explosiveness of niter, with a view to elucidate its agency in the tremendous explosion of July 1845, in New York. Wash. 1850. Q. In 'Smith- sonian contributions. 506 : B3 v2 Y-Worth., W. A new art of making wines, brandy and other spirits compliant to the late act of parliament, concerning distil- lation Lond. 1691. S. 663 : 1 Thudichum, J: L: W:, and A: Dupre. A treatise on the origin, natui*e and varieties of wine ; a complete manual of viticulture and cen- ology. [111.] Lond. 1872. O. 663 : 2 Note. For viniculture and wine-making', see also cl. 634, col. Dannehl, Gustav. Die verfalschung des bieres ; ein wort an das reichskanzTei*-amt. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v7 Antisell, T: The manufacture of photogenic or hydro-carbon oils from coal and other bituminous substances, capable of supply- ing burning fluids. N. Y. 1859. O. 665+1 United States. Census office. Tenth census, 1880, V. 10 : Report on the production, technology and uses of petroleum and its products, " by S. F. Pecknam. Report on the manufacture of coke, by Joseph D. Weeks. Report on the building stones of the U. S., and statistics of the quarry in- dustry for 1880. 111. Wash. 1884. Q. i317 :D Hughes, S: The construction of gas-works and the manufacture and distribution of coal gas. 6th ed. re-written and much enl. by W: Richards. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 665 : 2 Nesbitt, Alexander. Glass. 111. (South Kensing- ton art handbooks.) Lond. n. d. D. 666 : 1 Sa\izay, Alexandre. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. \. 1875. D. 666:2 Dunlop, Madeline A. Wallace-. Glass in the old world. Lond. n. d. O. 666 : 3 , James, tr. The dier's [sic] assistant in the art of dying wool and woolen goods, extracted from the philosophical and chymical works of those most eminent authors Ferguson, Dufay, Hellot, Geoffery, Colbert ana that reputable french dier M. de Julienne. Tr. from the french, with add. and practical experiments. Pough- keepsie. 1818. D. 667 : 1 45S USEFUL ARTS MANUFACTURES. CI. 668-671 4.54 liieber, Oscar M. The assayer's guide, or Prac- tical directions to as'sayers, miners and smelters for the tests and assays, by heat and by wet processes, of the ores of all the principal metals, of gold and silver coins, and alloys, and of coal. Phila. 1880. D. 668 : 1 Overman, F: A treatise on metallurgy, com- prising mining and general and particular metallurgical operations, with a descrip- tion of cnarcoal, coke and anthracite fur- naces, blast machines, hot blast, forge ham- mers, rolling mills, etc. 111. 2d ed. N. Y. 1854. O. 669+3 Lambom, Robert H. The metallurgy of cop- per ; an introd. to the methods of seeking, mining, and assaying copper, and manu- facturing its alloys. 6th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 669 : 1 The metallurg^y of silver and lead, a descrip- tion of their ores, their assay and treat- ment, and valuable constituents. 6th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 669:2 Watt, Alexander. Electro-metallurgy, practi- cally treated. 7th ed., enl. and rev. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 669:4 Mathiot, G: Report on the electrotyping opera- tions of the coast survey. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1851. in 622 : D Same. Repr. in rep. for 1866. in 622 : D Note. For other art. on this subject, see General index in the rep. for 1854 and 1864. 2. Manufactures. Bishop, J. Leander. A history of american manvifactures from 1608 to 1860 ; exhibit- ing the origin and growth of the principal mechanic arts and manufactures from the earliest colonial period to the adoption of the constitution ; and comprising annals of the industry of the U. S. in machinery, manufactures and useful arts, with a notice of the important inventions, tariffs, and the results of each decennial census, with an app. containing statistics of the Srincipal manufacturing centres, and escriptions of remarkable manufactories at the present time. 3d ed. Phila. 1868. 3 V. O. 670+1 United States. Census office. Tenth census, 1880, V. 3 : Report on the manufactures of the U. S., June 1, 1880. Maps and ill. Wash. 1883. Q. w317:D Contents. Walker, Francis A. Remarks on the statistics of mfrs. General statistics; tabular state- ments. Hollerith, Herman. Statistics of power used in mfrs. Wrigrht, Carroll D. The factory sys- tem of the U. S. -Fitch, C: H. Mnfs. of inter- changeable mechanism, compiled, under the dir. of W. P. Trowbridge: Fire-arms; Ammunition; Sewing machines ; Locomotives and railroad machinery; Watches; Clocks; Ag'l implements. Pitch, C: H. Manufacture of hardware, cutlery and edge-tools, also saws and flies, comp. under the dir. of W. P. Trowbridge. Swank, James M. Statistics of the iron and steel production of the TJ. 8: Pt. 1, Statis- tics; pt. 2. History. Wyckoff, W: C. Silk mfg. industry of the U. S. Atkinson, E: Cotton mfrs. of the U. S. Bond, G: W: Wool manufact\ire in all its branches.- Rowland, W: L. Manufacture of chemical products and salts. Weeks, Joseph D. Manufacture of glass [incl. processes, products and history]. General index. Ure, Andrew. The jihilosophy of manufactures, or An exposition of the scientific, moral and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain. 3d ed., contin- ued in its details to the present time. Lond. 1861. D. 677 : 1 Noyce, Elisha. The boy's own book of the manufactures and industries of the world. 111. Lond. [1881]. D. x 670 : 2 Me t a I s . Pollen, J: Hungerford. Gold and silversmiths' work. 111. [South Kensington art hand- books]. Lond. n. d. D. 671 :3 Gee, G: E. The goldsmith's handbook ; con- taining full instructions for the alloying and working of gold, including the art of alloying, melting, reducing, colouring, col- lecting, and refining ; the processes of ma- nipulation, recovery of waste, chemical and physical properties of gold ; with a new system of mixing its alloys, solders, enam- els, and other useful rules and recipes. 2d ed. enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 671:1 The silversmith's handbook ; containing full instructions for the alloying and working of silver, incl. the different modes of re- fining and melting the metal ; its solders, the prejjaration of imitation alloys, methods of manipulation, prevention of waste, in- structions for improving and finishing the surface of the work, together with other useful information and memoranda. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 671 : 2 The hall-marking of jewellery, practically con- sidered ; comprising an account of all the diff"erent assay towns of the United King- dom, with the stamps at present employed, also the laws relating to the standards and hall-marks at the various assay offices, and a variety of |)ractical suggestions concern- ing the' mixing of standard alloys, and other useful information. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 671 : 7 Oraham, Walter. The brass-founder's manual ; instructions for modelling, pattern-making, moulding, alloying, turning, filing, bur- nishing, oronzing, etc., containing copious receipts and tables, and notes of prime costs and estimates 5th ed. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1879. D. 671 : 5 "Warn, Reuben H: The sheet metal worker's instructor for zinc, sheet iron, copper and tin plate workers and others ; containing a selection of geometrical problems, also practical and simple rules for describing the various patterns required in the differ- ent branches of the above trades. Added, an app. containing instructions for boiler- making, mensuration of surfaces and solids, rules for calculating the weights of different figures of iron and steel, taoles of the weights of iron, steel, etc. 111. Phila. 1880. O. 671+4 Crane, W. J. E. The sheet metal worker's guide; a hand-book for tinsmiths, coppersmiths, zincworkers, etc.; comprising numerous X denotes books specially adapted for children. 455 CI. 671-677 USEFUL ARTS MANUFACTURES. 456 geometrical diagrams and working pat- terns with descriptive text. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 671 : 6 OoTirtney, J: The boiler-maker's ready reckoner; with examples of practical geometry and templating, for the nse of platers, smiths and riveters. Rev. and ed. by D. Kinnear Clark. 2d ed. rev. with add. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1885 [18841. D. 671 : 8 Bauerman, H. A treatise on the metallurgy of iron, containing outlines of the history of iron manufacture, methods of assay, and analyses of iron ores, processes of manu- facture of iron and steel, etc. 4th ed., rev. and enl. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 672 : 1 ArmoTir, James. Iron and heat, beams, pillars and iron smelting ; exhibiting in simple form the principles concerned in the con- struction of iron beams, pillars and bridge girders and the action of heat in the smelt- ing furnace. 111. 2d ed. rev. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 672 : 2 Overman, F: The manufacture of iron in all its various branches ; incl. a description of wood-cutting, coal-digging, and the burn- ing of charcoal and coKe, the digging and roasting of iron ore, the building and man- agement of blast furnaces, working by charcoal, coke, or anthracite, the refining of iron and the conversion of the crude into wrought iron by charcoal forges and {mddling furnaces, also a description of orge hammers, rolling mills, blast ma- chines, hot blast, etc. Added, an essay on the manufacture of steel. 3d ed. rev. 111. Phila. 1854. O. 672-f 4 Truran, W: The iron manufacture of Great Britain, theoretically and practically con- sidered ; incl. descriptive details of the ores, fuels and fluxes employed, the pre- liminary operation of calcination, the blast, refining and puddling furnaces, engines and machinery, and tne various processes in union. 2d eel., rev. bv J. Arthur Phillips and W: Dorman. N. Y. 1867. Q. 672-f 6 Ede, G: The management of steel. 4th ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1867. D. 672 : 6 Gruner, L: Emmanuel. The manufacture of steel. Tr. from the french by Lenox Smith, with an app. on the Bessemer process in the U. S. by the translator. HI. N. Y. 1872. O. 672+3 United States. Gongreas. Report of the U. S. board appointed to test iron, steel and other metals. 111. Wash. [1878 ] 1881. 2 V. O. in 672 : D Content*. V. 1. Rep. of the committee on chain- cables, malleable iron, reheating' and rerolling wrought iron; jdving: the result of experiments on the 8trengrt;h of wroug'ht iron in bars and in chains, the effect of different degrees of reduction in rolling, of reheating, reroUing and hammering, and a com- parison of chemical causes with physical results, proving strains for chain-cables, the correct form for test-pieces, and miscellaneous investigations into the physical properties of rolled wrought iron ; with index. Blair, Andrew A. Methods used in the analysis of iron and steel, copper, and the alloys of copper, zinc and tin. App. : Selected papers on the metallic alloys; with bibliography and index. 2. Hep. on a preliminary investigation of the properties of the copper-zinc alloys, made under the dlr. of the com. on metallic alloys, Robert H. Thurston chair- man, in the mechanical laboratory of the Stevens institute of technology. Records of tests of [the same]. Rep. on the strength of iron girders and columns, made under the dir. of the com. on girders and columns, W: Sooy Smith chairman. Results of tests and analyses of steels, made under the dir. of the com. on chemical research, Alex. L. Holley chair- man. Rep. on the tests of quality of steels for tools, made under the dir. of the com. on tool steels, D: Smith chairman. App. Tresca, H: E: Memoir on the planing of metals; tr. from the french by C. F. Kroeh. Other manufactures. Dobson, E: A rudimentary treatise on the man- ufacture of bricks and tiles ; containing an outline of the principles of biick-making, rev. and corr. by C: Tomlinson. 6th ed., with add. by Robert Mallet. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 673 : 1 Wedgwood, C. R. The history of the tea-cup ; with a descriptive account of the potter's art. Lond. n. d. S. 673 : 2 liukin, James. The lathe and its uses, or In- struction in the art of turning wood and metal ; incl. a description of the most modern appliances for the ornamentation of plane and curved surfaces, an entirely novel form of lathe for eccentric and rose- engine turning, a lathe and planing ma- chine combined, and other valuable matter relating to the art. 3d ed. with add. chap- ters and index. [Anon.] Lond. 1871. O. 674:1 Davis, C: T: The manufacture of leather; a description of all the processes for the tanning, tawing, currying, finishing and dyeing of every kind of leather, incl. the various raw materials and the methods for determining their values, the tools, ma- chines and all details of importance con- nected with an intelligent and profitable prosecution of the art, with sjjecial refer- ence to the bestamerican practice. Added, complete lists of all american patents for materials, processes, tools and machines for tanning, currying, etc. Phila. 1885. O. 675+1 Smith, J. E. A. A history of paper, its genesis and its revelations ; oiigin and manufac- ture, utility and commercial value of an indispensable staple of the commercial world. Holyoke, Mass. 1882. O. 676+1 Bock, Daniel. Textile fabrics. 111. [South Kensington museum art hand-books]. Lond. 1876. D. 677:2 Ashenhurst, T: R. Design in textile fabrics. (Manuals of technology). N. Y. 1883. S. 677:3 SchmoUer, Gustav. Die entwicklung und die krisis der deutschen weberei im 19 jahr- hundert ; vortrag gehalten im zweigverein des Deutschen gewerbmuseums in Magde- burg. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v2 Coxon, Herbert. Oriental cai'pets, how the^y are made and conveyed to Europe ; with a narrative of a journey to the east in search of them. Lond. 1884. O. 677 : 4 Ure, Andrew. The cotton manufacture of Great Britain investigated and ill., with an introd. 457 USEFUL ARTS MECHANIC TRADES. CI. 678-691 458 view of its comparative state in foreign counti'ies. Added, a supp. completing tne statistical and manufacturing information to the present time by P. L. Simmonds. Lond. 1861. 2 v. D. 678 : 1 3. Mechanic trades. Partington, C: F: The mechanic's library, or book of trades ; comprehending a series of distinct treatises and practical guides, on architecture, carpentery, joinery, brick- laying, plastering, masonry, brickmaking, paintmg, glazing, plumbmg, clock and watch - making, coach-making, printing, engraving, and shipbuilding. 111. Lond. n. d. O. 680 : 1 Boys' book of trades, and the tools used in them. Lond. [1879]. O. X 680 : 2 Beckett, Sir Edmund, formerly Edmund Beck- ett Denison. A rudimentary treatise on clocks, watches and bells. 6th ed., rev. and enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 681 : 1 Engler, Edmund A. Time-keeping in London ; repr. for distribution by the observatory of Washington university, St. Louis, from the Popular science monthly, dec. 1883, Jan. 1883. N. Y. 1883. O. With his Time- keeping in Paris. in 6814-2 Time-keeping in Paris ; repr. for distribution by the oDservatory of Washington uni- versity, St. Louis, from the Popular science monthly, jan. 1883. St. Louis. 1883. O. 681-f2 Crane, W. J. E. The smithy and for^je ; a rudi- mentary treatise, incl. instructions in the farrier's art, with a chapter on coach- smithing. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 682:1 Hobbs, A. C. Locks and safes : The construction of locks, compiled from [his] papers, and ed. by C: Tomlinson ; to which is added a description of J. Beverly Fenby's patent locks, and a note upon iron safes by Robert Mallet. Lond. [1868]. D. 683:1 Greener, W. W. The gun and its development ; with notes on shooting. 111. Lond. [18811. O. 683-f3 Modern breech-loaders, sporting and military. 111. [3d ed.] Lond. n. d. D. 683 :'2 DuBois, H. P. Historical essay on the art of bookbinding. N. Y. 1883.'D. 686:1 Lukin, James. Toy making for amateurs ; being instructions for the home construc- tion of simple wooden toys, and of others that are moved or driven by weights, clockwork, steam, electricity, etc. 111. Lond. 1883, D. ' 688 : 1 4. Building. [See cOso Architecture, cl. 730-729.) Clarke, Theodore M. Building superintendence. 111., plans and diagrams. Bost. 1883. O. 690 : 8 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Allen, C: Bruce. Cottage building, or Hints for impi'oving the dwellings of the work- ing classes and the labouring poor ; with notes and add. by J: WeaTe and other authors. 9th ed., rev. and enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 690 : 1 Brooks, S. H. Rudimentary treatise on the erection of dwelling-houses ; ill. by a per- spective view, plans, elevations and sec- tions of a pair of semi-detached villas, with the specifications, quantities and esti- mates, and every requisite detail, in sequence, for their construction and finish- ing. New ed., with add. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 690:2 Dobson, E: Rudiments of the art of building, in 5 sections : General principles of con- struction ; materials used in building ; strength of materials ; use of materials ; working drawings, specifications and esti- mates. 111. 11th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1881. D. 690 : 3 Oakey, Alexander F. Building a home. (Apple- tons' home books). N. Y. 1881. D. 690:4 Plummer, P: W. The carpenters' and builders' guide ; a hand-book for workmen, also a manual of reference for contractors, build- ers, etc. Portland. 1879. D. 690 : 6 Christy, Wyvill J. A practical treatise on the joints made and used by builders in the construction of various kinds of engineer- ing and architectural works, with especial reference to those wrought by artificers in erecting and finishing habitable structures. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 690 : 6 Tarn, E. Wyndham. An elementary treatise on the construction of roofs of wood and iron, deduced chiefly from the works of Robison, Tredgold ' and Humber. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 690 : 7 Materials . Barlow, P: A treatise on the strength of mater- ials, with rules for application in archi- tecture and the construction of suspension bridges, railways, etc., and an app. on the power of locomotive engines and the effect of inclined planes and gradients. New ed. revised by his sons P. W. Barlow and W. H. Barlow ; added, a summary of experi- ments by Eaton Hodgkinson, W: Fairbairn and D: Kirkaldy; an essay with ill., on the effect produced by passing weights over elastic bars, by Robert Willis ; tne whole arr. and ed. by W: Humber. Lond. 1867. O. 691:8 Kent, W: The strength of materials. JTan Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 691 :5 Allan, W. Strength of beams under transverse loads. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1875. T. 691:1 Spangenberg, L: The fatigue of metals under re])eated strains, with various tables of i-esults of experiments. |From the german, with a pref. by S. H. Shreve. [Van Nos- trand's science ser.] N. Y. 1876. T. 691:6 CI. 691-693 USEFUL ARTS BUILDING. Fairbaim, W: On the application of cast and wrought iron to builaing purposes. N. Y. 1854. O. 691-1-2 United States. Census offlee. Report on the building stones of the U. S., and statistics of the quarry industry for 1880. 111. In Tenth census, v. 10. ' in 317 :!> Co7itents. Hawes, G: W. Introduction. Merrill, G. P. Microscopicstrueture. De'wey, P. P. Chemi- cal examination. Sperr, F. W. Quarry methods. Statistics of building stones. Descriptions of quar- ries and quarry reg'ions: Shaler, N. S. General rep. on Rhode Island, Mass., Maine; Details regard- ing quarries, by states, [Wisconsin by Allan D. Conover.] Stone construction in cities. Julien, Alexis A. The durability of building stones in New York city and vicinity. App. : Exportation, impor- tation, etc. Index. Horton, R: The complete measurer ; setting forth the measurement of boards, glass, etc., unequal-sided, square-sided, octagon- al-sided, round timber and stone and standing timber, with just allowances for the bark on the respective species of trees and proper deductions for the waste in hewing trees, etc., with other essential instruction to timber growers, merchants, surveyors, architects, stone masons and others. 3d ed., with add. [Weale's ser.l Lond. 1876. D. 691 :4 Laslett, T: Timber and timber trees, native and foreign. Lond. 1875. D. 691 : 7 Grandy, R: E. The timber importer's, timber merchant's and builder's guide. 2d ed., rev. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 691 : 3 Bichardson, W: The timber merchant's, saw- miller's and importer's freight-book and assistant ; comprising rules, tables and memoranda relating to the timber trade ; with a chapter on speeds of saw-mill machinery, etc., by M. Powis Bale, and a London price list for timber and deal saw- on pric [Weah ing. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D, 691:9 Plans and specifications. Seed, S. B. House-plans for evei*ybod;y, for vil- lage and country residences costing from $250 to $8,000, ihcl. full descriptions and estimates in detail of materials, labor and cost. 111. N. y. 1879. D. 692 : 2 Beaton, Alfred C: Quantities and measure- ments ; how to calculate and take them, in bricklayers', masons', plasterers', plumb- ers', painters', paperhan^ers', gilders', smiths', carpenters', and joiners' work ; with rules for abstracting, hints for pre- paring a bill of quantities and rules for all work m the building trade. 5th ed., rev. and enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 692: 1 Blenkarn, J: Practical specifications of works executed in architecture, civil and mechan- ical engineering, and in road-making and sewering ; added, a series of practically useful agreements and reports. Lond. 1865. O. 692 : 114 B-ichardson, T. A. The art of architectural modelling in paper. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1859. D. 692 : 3 M a s o n r y . Walker, F. Brickwork ; a practical treatise, embodying the general and higher princi- ples of bricklaying, cutting and setting, with the application of geometry to roof- tiling, remarks on the different kinds of pointing, a description of the materials used by the bricklayer and a series of problems in applied geometry. [Weale*s ser.] Lond. 1885 [1884]. D. ' 693 : 9 Hammond, Adam. The rudiments of practical bricklaying. 3d ed., ill. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1879. D. 693 : 5 Dobson, E: The rudiments of masonry and stone cutting, exhibiting the principles of masonic projection and their application to the construction of curved wmgwalls and domes, oblique bridges, and roman and gothic vaulting. 9th ed., with an app. on the causes of decay, and the preserva- tion of stone. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 693 : 3 Foundations and concrete works ; containing a synopsis of the principal cases of founda- tion work, with the usual mode of treat- ment, and practical remarks on the foot- ings, planking, sand, concrete, beton, pile- di'iving, caissons and cofferdams. 4th ed., rev. by G: Dodd. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1876. D. 693 : 2 Gaudard, Jules. Foundations. Tr. from the french by L. F. Vernon Harcourt. [Van Nostrand's ser.] N. Y. 1879. T. 693 : 4 Burnell, G: R. Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mastics, plastering, etc. 11th ed., with app. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. S. 693:1 Gillmore, Quincy A. Treatise on limes, hydrau- lic cements and mortars, containing re- ports of numerous experiments conducted m New York city during 1858-1861. U. S. engineer dep't. [Papers on practical en- gineering, no. 9.] N. Y. 1864. O. 693 : D Austin, James G. Treatise on the preparation, combination and application of calcareous and hydraulic limes and cements ; com- piled and arr. from the best authorities and from the practical experience of the compiler ; added, many useful recipes for various scientific, mercantile and domestic purposes. Lond. 1862. D. 693 : 6 Beid, H: Treatise on the manufacture of Port- land cement ; added, a tr. of A. Lipowitz's work, describing a new method of manu- facturing that cement by W. F. Reid. Lond. 1868. O. " 693-|-7 Faija, H: Portland cement for users. 2d ed., corr. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1884. D. 693:8 G a r p entry. Tredgold, T: Elementary principles of car- pentry, chiefly composed from [his] stand- ard work, with add., alterations and corr. from the works of the most recent authori- ties, and a treatise on joinery, containing a detailed account of the various operations 461 tJSEFUL ABTS BUILDING. .( 0l|\d94-699 Tredgold, T: Continued. of the ioiner, ed. by E. Wyndham Tarn. 3d ed. 111. [Weale's'ser.] "Lond. 1880. D. 694 : 4 Same. Atlas. Lond. 1880. Q. 694+4 Bell, W: E. Cai'pentry made easy, or The sci- ence and art of framing on a new and im- proved system, with specific instructions for building balloon frames, barn frames, mill frames, warehouses, church spires, etc., comprising also a system of bridge building ; with Dills, estimates of cost, and valuable tables. 2d ed., enl. and imp. Phila. 1881. Q. 694+1 Hatfield, R. G. The american house-carpenter ; a treatise upon architecture, cornices and mouldings, framing doors, windows and stairs, together witli the most important principles of practical geometry. 2d ed. 111. N. Y. 1845. O. 694 : 2 Bobison, J:, F. Price, and T: Tredgold. A treatise on the construction of roofs as regards carpentry and joinery, deduced from [their] worWs. [Weale's ser.] Lond. [1859]. D. 694:3 Collings, G: A practical treatise on hand-rail- ing, showing new and simple methods for finding the pitch of the plank, drawing the moulds, bevelling, jointmg up and squar- ing the wreath. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1882. D. 694 : 7 Y., F. Every man his own mechanic ; a guide to every description of constructive and decorative work that may be done by the amateur ai'tisan, at home and in the colon- ies, in 3 pts : 1, Household carpentry and joinery ; 2, Ornamental and constructive carpentry ; 3, Household building ai't and practice. Lond. [1881]. O. 694:6 Wood-working tools and how to use them ; a manual. Bost. 1881. D. 694 : 8 Boy's workshop, A ; with plans and designs for in-door and out-door work by a boy and his friends ; with an introd. by H: Randall Waite. 111. Bost. [1884]. S. x 694 : 9 Plumbing, ventilation and heating. (See aJ^ Public health, cl. 614, col 404-406.) Buchan, W: Paton. Plumbing; a text-book to the practice of the art or craft of the plumoer, with supp. chapters upon house drainage, embodying the latest improve- ments. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 696 : 1 Butler, W. F. Ventilation of buildings. [Van Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1873. T. 697:1 Rafter, G: W. Mechanics of ventilation. [Van _ Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1878. T. I 697 : 2 Tomlinson, C: A rudimentary treatise on warm- ing and ventilation ; a concise exposition of the general principles of the art of warming and ventilating domestic and public buildings, mines, lighthouses, ships, X denotes books specially adapted tor children. etc. 8th ed. with index. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 697:3 Briggs, H: Steam-heating ; an exposition of the american_practice of warming buildings by [Van Nostrand's science ser. T. 697 : 4 steam. Y. 1883. Power, D. G. A treatise on heating, ventilation and imperfect combustion ; smoke, its formation and prevention. Milw. 1877. O. 697 : Pam Painting, etc. Cook, Clarence. "What shall we do with our walls ? " N. Y. 1881. O. 698+1 Davidson, Ellis A. A practical manual of house- painting, graining, marbling and sign- writing ; containing full information of the processes of house-painting in oil and distemper, the formation of letters and practice of sign-writing, the principles of decorative art, a course of elementary drawing for house-painters, writers, etc., and a collection of useful receipts. 111. 3d ed., rev. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 698:2 Masury, J: W. House-painting, carriage-paint- ing and graining. N. Y. 1881. D. 698 : 3 Hints for painters, decorators and paper-hang- ers ; selection of useful rules, data, memor- anda, methods and suggestions for house, ship and furniture painting, paper-hang- ing, gilding, color-mixing and other mat- ters, useful and instructive to paintei*s and decorators. Prepared, with special refer- ence to the wants of amateurs, by an old hand. (Work manuals, no. 3). N! Y. 1882. D. 698 : 4 Rossiter, E. K., and F. A. Wright. Modern house-painting ; containing 20 colored litho- graphs, exhibiting the use of color in ex- terior and interior house-painting, and em- bracing examples of simple and elaborate work in plain, graded and parti-colors ; also the treatment of old styles of houses, together with full descriptive letter-press, covering the preparation, use and applica- tion of colors, with special directions ap- plicable to each example. N. Y. 1882. O. 698+5 Sh I p u i I d i n g Hall, H: Report on the ship-building industry of the IJ. S. 111. In U. S. tenth census, 1880, V. 8. in 317 : D Contents. Fishing-vessels. Merchant sailing ves- sels. Shipbuilding on the ocean coasts.- Steam ves- sels. Iron vessels.- Canal-boats. U. S. navy-yards. Ship-building timber. Statistics of ship-building. Sommerfeldt, Hakon A. The elementary and practical principles of the construction of ships for ocean and river service. [Weale's ser] Lond. 1861. D. 699:3 Same. Atlas. Lond. 1861. F. 699+P3 Kipping, Robert. Rudimentary treatise on mast- ing, mast-making and rigging of ships ; also tables of spars, rigging, blocks, chain, wire and hemp ropes etc., relating to every CI. 6dd trSEi'trL ARTS BUILDING. 464 Kipping, Robert. Continued. class of vessels, together with an app. of dimensions of masts and yards of the royal navy of Great Britain and Ireland. 111. 14th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 699 : 1 Sails and sailmaking, with draughting and the center effort of the sails ; also, weights and sizes of ropes, masting, rigging and sails of steam vessels, etc. 111. 11th ed., enl. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 699 : 2 United States. Navy depH. Papers and discus- sions on experiments with steel ; reprinted from various sources. (Naval prof, papers, no. 14.) Wash. 1883. O. in 699 : D Papers and discussions on engines, boilers and torpedo boats ; repr. from the Trans- actions of the institution of naval archi- tects, vols. 1882 and 1883. 111. (Naval prof, papers, no. 16.) Wash. 1884. O. in 699 : D Cotsell, G: A treatise on ships' anchors. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1856. D. 699 : 4 Kingston, W: H. G. The boy's own book of boats ; with complete instructions how to make sailing models. New ed. rev., with add., incl. an account of the present con- dition of the british navy. Lond. n. d. D. X 699 : 6 X denotes books specially adapted tor children. VIII. FINE ARTS. 1. In general. 1. Aesthetics. Alison, Archibald. Essays on the nature and principles of taste. 2d amer. ed. Hart- ford. 1821. O. 701 : 18 Allen, C: Grant. The colour-sense, its origin and development ; an essay in compara- tive psychology. [Eng. and foreign phil. lib.] Bost. 1879. O. 701 : 2 Physiological aesthetics. N. Y. 1877. D. 701:3 Allston, Washington. Lectures on art, and poems ; ed. bv K: H: Dana. N. Y. 1850. D. 701 : 4 ("ovtents. Pref., by the ed. Lectures on art. Aphorisms. The hypochondriac. Poems. Bascom, J: ^Esthetics, or The science of beauty. Bost. 18G2. D. 701 : 5 Burke, Edmund. A philosophical inquiry into the oi-igin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful, with an introd. discourse con- cerning taste. In his Works. 329.2:2 vl Same. Adapted to popular use by Abraham Mills. N. Y. n. d. D. 701 : 19 Carriere, Moi'iz. Aesthetik ; die idee des schimen und ihre verwirklichung im leben und in der kunst. 2te autl. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. O. 701:1 Cousin, V: Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good ; increased by an app. on french art. Tr. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1857. O. 194:4 Day, H: Noble. The science of aesthetics, or The nature, kinds, laws and uses of beauty. New Haven. 1872. D. . 701 : 6 Dyer, T: H: On imitative art, its principles and progress ; with preliminary remarks on beauty, sublimity and taste. Lond. 1882. O. 701 : 22 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Zur kunst. In his Werke. 830 : 137 v30 Grillparzer, Franz. Aesthetische studien. In his Siimmtliche werke. 832 : 35 v9 Hartmann, K: Robert E : v. Aesthetische studien. In his Gesammelte studien. 834-|-19 Home, H:, lord Karnes. Elements of criticism, with the author's last corr. and add. 1st amer. from 7th London ed. Bost. 1796. 2 V. O. 701 : 7 Same. 3d amer. from 8th London ed. N. Y. 1819. 2 V. O. 701 : 7 Lemcke, K: H: Gottlieb. PopulJire asthetik. 3te verm, und verb. aufl. 111. Leipz. 1870. O. 701 : 26 Lessing-, J: Gotthold Ephraim. Selected prose works. Tr. from the german by E. C. Beasley and Helen Zimmern, ed. by E: Bell. Lond. 1879. D. 701 : 8 Contents. Introd. Synopsis of the contents of Laolsoon. Laokoon.-How the ancients represented death. Dramatic notes. Laokoon, oder Ueber die grenzen der malerei und poesie. In his Ausgewiihlte werke. 830 : 140 v5 Wie die alten den tod gebildet. In the same. 830 : 140 v4 Longinus, Dionysius Cassius. On the sublime. Tr. from the greek, with notes and observa- tions, and some account of the life, writ- ings and character of the author, by W: Smith. 4th ed., corr Lond. 1770. D. " 701:20 Oakey, Alexander F. The art of life and the life of art. (Frank sq. lib.) N. Y. 1884. Q. 701+25 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary works. Pre- fixed, a memoir of the author, with remarks on his professional character, illustrative of his principles and practice, by H: W: Beechy. New ed. Lond. 1855. 2 V. D. 701 : 10 Contents V. 1. Introd. Memoir. Discourses. 2. Discourses. The idler: no 76, False criticisms on painting; no. 79, The grand style of painting; no. 82, The time idea of beautv. Journey to Flanders and Holland. The art of painting by C: A. du Fres- noy; tr. into eng. verse by W: Mason, with annota- tions by Reynolds. Parallel between poetry and painting. Epistle to Mr. Jervas, with Fresnoy's Art of painting, tr. by mr. Dryden. Chronological list of painters, with short characters and an account of their respective births and deaths. Alphabetical list of painters. General index. Cunningham, Allen. The life and writings of sir Joshua Reynolds. Portrait. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1860. D. 701 : 9 Ruskin, J: Lectures on art, delivered before the university of Oxford, in Hilary term 1870. N. Y. 1878. D. 701 : 12 Contents. Inaugural. The relation of art to relig- ion. The relation of art to morals. The relation of art to use. Line. Light. Colour. The eagle's nest ; ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art, given before the university of Oxford in lent term 1872. N. Y. 1883. 1). 701 : 24 Modern painters, by a graduate of Oxford. N. Y. 1876. 5v. D. 701 : 13 Contents. V. 1. Genei-al principles. Truth. 2. Of ideas of beauty. 3. Of many things. 4. Of mountain beauty. 5. Of leaf beauty. Of cloud beauty. Of ideas of relation: Of invention formal; Of invention spiritual. 30 467 CI. 700-704 FINE ARTS AESTHETICS. 468 B-uskin, J-. Contimied. Same. Modern painters, by a graduate of Oxford. [With fac-simile" reproductions of the plates in the original english ed.l N. Y. 1878-9. 5v. Q. 701 : 1121 Smne. V. 2, "Of ideas of beauty" and "Of the imaginative faculty." Rearr. and rev. by the author. N. Y. 1883. D. 701 : 13 v2 Same. V. 3, pt. 4. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1859. D. 701 : 13 v3 Contents. Of many things. Frondes agrestes ; readings in " Modern painters" chosen at her pleasure by the author's friend, the vounger lady of the Thwaite, Coniston. N. Y. 1883. D. 701 : 23 Pre-Raphaelitism, by the author of Modern painters. N. Y. 1860. O. 701 : 14 Art culture ; a handbook of art technicalities and criticisms, selected from [his] works, and arr. and supp. by W. H. Piatt for the use of schools and colleges, with a new glossary of art terms, and an alphabetical and chronological list of artists N. Y. 1877. D. 701 : 11 Samson, G: Whitefield. Elements of art criti- cism ; comprising a treatise on the princi- ples of man's nature as addressed by art, together with a historic survey of the methods of art execution in the depart- ments of drawing, sculpture, architecture, painting, landscape gardening and the decorative arts, designed as a text-book for schools and colleges and as a hand- book for amateurs and artists. Phila. 1876. O. 701 : 15 Schiller, J: Christoph v. Kleine asthetische schriften. In his Siimmtliche werke. 830:143 vll, 12 Sam. in 830 : 144 vl7, 18 Contents, see under German literature. Collected Schlegei, K: W: F: v. ^Esthetic . . . works. in 804 : 4 Contents. l>e8cription of paintings in Paris and the Netherlands, in 1802-4. Principles of trothie architecture. Modern german paintings. On the limits of the beautiful. Stewart, Dugald. Essays relative to taste. In Ms Philosoph. essays. 191 -(-8 v6 Contents, see col. 45. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Lectures on art. Tr. by J: Durand. N. Y. 1875. 2 v. O. 701 : 16 Contents. V. 1. The philosophy of art The ideal In art. 2. The philosophy of art in Italy. The phil- osophy of art in the Netherlands. The philosophy of art in Greece. Veron, Eugfene. Aesthetics. Tr. by W. H. Arm- strong. [Lib. of contemp. science.] Lond. 1879. D. 701:17 Winckelmann, J: Joachim. Werke. Einzig rechtmiissige original-ausgabe. Stuttgart. 1847. 2v. O. 700-1-1 Contents. V. 1. Winckelmann's blographie. Win- ckelmann's vorrede zur Geschichte der kunst des alterthums. Winckelmann's vorrede zu den anmer- kungen iiber die Geschichte der kunst des alter- thums. Geschichte der kunst des alterthums. Von der kunst der zelchnung der alten vcilker. 2. Ge- danken uberdie nachahmungder griechischen werke in der malerei und bildhauer-kunst, nebst sendschrei- ben und erlauterung. Kleinere aufsatze iiber ge- genstande der alten kunst. Anmerkung iiber die aukunst der alten. Schriften uber die herculani- scben entdeckungon. Abhandlung von der Fiihig- keit der empflndungdes sehiinen in der kunst, und dem unterricht in derselben.- Versuch einer allego- ric, besonders fiir die kunst. Nachlass, fragmente und zusatze. Freundschaftliche briefe. Ueberslcht und erkliirungder kupfer zu Winckelmann's werken. 2. Dictionaries and cyclopedias. Miiller, Hermann Alexander. Lexikon der biklenden kunste ; technik und geschichte der baukunst, plastik, malerei und der vervielfaltigenden kiinste ; kiinstler, kunst- stiitten, kunstwerke, etc. 111. Leipz. 1883. D. 703 : R4 Fairholt, F: W: A dictionary of tei'ms in art. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 703 : 3 Mollett, J: W. An illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archajology ex- plaining terms frequently used in works on architecture, arms, bronzes, christian art, color, costume, decoration, devices, emblems, heraldry, lace, personal orna- ments, pottery, painting, sculpture, etc. Bost. 1882. O. 703 : R2 Waters, Clara Erskine, formerly mrs. Clement. A handbook of legendary and mythologi- cal art. 111. 10th ed. N. Y. 1876! D. 703: 1 3. Essays and miscellany. Cheney, Ednah Dean. Gleanings in the Holds of art. Bost. 1881. O. 704:2 Contents. Art. Greek ai-t.- Early christian art. Byzantine art. Kestoratlon of art in Italy. Michael Angelo. The poems of Michael Angelo. Spanish art. French art. Albert Diirer. Old german art. American art. English ai't. D: Scott. Contempor- aneous art. Coan, Titus Munson, ed. Art and literature. (Topics of the time, no. 6.) N. Y. 1883. D. 704 : 12 Contents. Blackie, .1: S. The philosophy of the beautiful. Traill, H. U. Hellenism in South Kens- ington: A dialogue; Plato and Landor. Poole, S. Lane-. The beginning of art. The ancient, mediieval and modern stage.- Wedmore, F: The impression- ists.- Q-urney, E. Wagner and Wagnerism. Conway, Moncure Daniel. Travels in South Kensington ; with notes on decorative art and arcliitecture in England. N. Y. 1882. O. 704 : 9 Fairholt, F: W: Rambles of an archreologist among old books and in old places ; papers on art in relation to archaeology, painting, art decoration and art manutacture. 111. Lond. 1871. O. 704+Pl Contents. Rambles of an ai'chseologist among old books and in old places. Grotesque design, as ex- hibited in ornamental and industrial art. Facts about finger-rings.- Ancient brooches and dress fast- enings. Albei-t Diirer; his works, his compatriots, and his times. Freeman, James E. Gatherings from an artist's portfolio. N. Y. 1877. 8. 704 : 13 Gatherings from an artist's portfolio in Rome. Bost. 1883. D. 704 : 10 Fuseli, H: Life and writings; the former writ- ten and the latter ed. by J: Knowles. Lond. 1831. 3v. O. 704:19 Contents. V. 1. Knowles, J: The life of H: Fuseli. 2. Ancient art. Art of the moderns. Invention. Composition, expression. Chiaroscuro On design. Colour, in fresco painting. Colour, oil painting.- The method of fixing a standard and defining the proportions of the human frame with directions to the student in copying the life. 3. On the prevailing method of treating the history of painting, with ob- servations on the picture of Leonardo da Vinci of PINE ARTS ESSAYS. CI. 704-708 470 "The last supper." On the present state of the ai-t and the causes which check its progrress. Aphorisms, chiefiy relative to the fine arts. A history of art in the schools of Italy. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Thoughts about art. New ed.. rev., with notes and an introd. Host. 1878. D. 704 : 3 CimtenlH. That certain artists should write on art. Painting? from nature. Paintinj? from memoranda. The I'elatlon between photography and painting. Word-painting and colour-painting Transcendent- alism in painting. The law of progress in art. Artists in Action. Picture buying. -Fame. Art criticism. Analysis and synthesis in painting. The reaction from pre-Raphaeliteism. The artistic spirit. The place of landscape-painting amongst the fine arts. The housing of national art treasures. On the artistic observation of nature. Proudhon as a writer on art. Two art philosophers. Leslie. Picture- dealers. Thorwaldsen. The philosophy of etching. Amateur painters. Can science help art ? Picture frames. Autographic art. Hamilton, Walter. The sesthetic movement in England. 3d ed. Lond. 1882. O. 704 : 14 Hunt, W:M. Talks on art; [1st andl 2d ser., comp. by Helen M. Knowlton. Bost. 1883. 2 V. O. 704 : 117 Morris, W: Hopes and fears for art. Bost. 1882. S. 704 : 8 Nichols, G: Ward. Art education applied to industry. 111. N. Y. 1877. O. 707:1 Palgrave, Francis Turner. Essays on art. N. Y. 1867. D. 704 : 4 Contents. The Royal academy, 1863-1865. Mulready. Dyce and W: Hunt. Hippolyte Flandrin. Her- bert's Delivery of the law.- Recent works by Holman Hunt Exhibition of F. Madox Brown. G: Cruik- shank.- Japanese art. Sensational art. Poetry and prose in art. Lost treasures. Behnes the sculptor. Thorvaldsen's life and works. The Farnese mar- bles. On the position of sculpture in England. Sculpture and painting. Triqueti's " Marmor home- rlcum." The Albert cross and english monumental sculpture. Thackeray in the abbey. New Paris. Ruskin, J: Mornings in Florence ; simple studies of christian art for english travel- lers. N. Y. 1877. D. 704 : 18 Contents. Santa Croce. Before the Soldan. The strait gate. The golden gate. The vaulted book. The shepherd's tower. The political economy of art ; the substance, with add., of two lectures delivered at Manchester, July 10 and 13, 1857. N. Y. 1878. D. 704 : 17 The two paths ; lectures on art and its appli- cation to decoration and manufacture, de- livered in 1858-9. Plates and cuts. N. Y. 1883. U. 704 : 16 Kemble, Marion, ed. Art recreations ; a gviide to decorative art. [New ed.] 111. Bost. [1884]. D. 704:15 Leland, C: Godfrey. The minor arts. (Art at home ser.) Lond. 1880. D. 704:11 Contents. Leather work. Porcelain or vitreous painting. Designing and transferring patterns. Wood- carving. Stencilling. Modelling. Mosaic work. Repousse work and silver chasing. Minor manufactures. Useful recipes. Urbino, Lavinia Buoncore, H: Day and others. Art recreations -, with valuable receipts for preparing materials. 111. Bost. 1861. D. 704:6 Contents. Drawing. Oil painting. Crayon draw- ing. Grecian painting. Painting in water colors.- Theorem painting Photograph painting. Oriental painting. Painting on glass. Papier mache. Leather work. Taxidermy. Wax work. Plaster work. Moss work. Sea weed. Hair work. Feather flow- ers.- Cone work Shell work Wild tamarind seed work. Imitation pearl work for embroidery. Paper flowers. Potichomanie. Transparencies. Leaf Im- pressionsTo dry botanical specimens for preserva- tion. The aquarium. Miscellaneous receipts. Parrish, E: The phantom bouquet; a popular treatise on the art of skeletonizing leaves and seed-vessels and adapting them to embellish the home of taste. Phila. 1864. D. 704 : 5 4. Periodicals, societies and galleries. American art review. The ; a journal devoted to the practice, theory, history and arch- aeology of art ; v. 1, 2. Bost. 1880, 1881. Q. 705 : RM Art amateur, The ; a monthly journal devoted to the cultivation of art in the household, ed. and pub. by Montague Marks ; v. 1- 12, June 1879 may 1885. N. Y. [1880-85]. F. 705 :RM: Art journal. The ; v. 29-36, Jan. 1877- dec. 1884. N. Y. 1877-85. Q. 705 : RM Magazine of art, The ; v. 1-7, dee. 1877 nov. 1884. Lond. 1878-84. Q. 705 : RM Portfolio, The ; an artistic periodical, ed. by Philip Gilbert Hamerton ; v. 12-15, Jan. 1881 dec. 1884. Lond. 1881-85. Q. 705 : RM KOhler, Sylvester R., comp. The U. S. art directory and year-book ; a chronicle of events in the art world, and a guide for all interested in the progress of art in Amer- ica. [111.] N. Y. 1884. O. 705+9 New England manufacturers' and mechanics' institute. Art year-book, 1884 ; american art. HI. Bost. 1884. Q. 705 : Rl Di Cesnola, L: Palma, ed. The metropolitan museum of art. 111. N. Y. 1882. F. 708 : R3 Milwaukee museum of fine arts for the state of Wis. Articles of association and by- laws, 1882. Milw. D. 706 : Pam Maskell, W: Handbook of the Dyce and Forster collections in the South Kensington mu- seum. [Anon.] Engr. and facsimiles. [South Kensington museum art hand- books.] Lond. [1880]. D. 708:2 Gower, Lord Ronald C:, ed. The great historic galleries of England, [1st and 2d series]. Lond. 1881, 1882. 2 v. F. 708 :R4 Contents. V. 1. Raphael, Madonna with the palm tree. Van Dyck, Thomas Howard, earl of Arun- del. Reynolds, Caroline, countess of Carlisle. Holbein, Christina of Denmark. - Murillo, The prodigal son. Greuze, Innocence. Gerbier, Maria, infanta of Spain. Gainsborough^ The house- maid. Meissonier, The halt. Carracci, Annibale, The three Maries. Rembrandt, Portrait of a lady. Delaroche, Richelieu on the Rhone. Raphael, Madonna of the Bridgwater gallery. Hals, A cav- alier. Mieris, The musicians.- Mabuse, Adoration of the magi. Holbein, Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk. Reynolds, The duchess of Devonshire. Rubens, A daughter of Rubens.- Janet, School of, Mary, queen of Scots. After Raphael, Madonna with the diadem. Murillo, St. .lusta; St. Ruflna. 2. Teniers, Soldiers smoking. Hobbema, The water mill. Miniatures. Meissonier, Punchinello. -Reynolds, Nelly O'Brien. Miniatures. Metsu, Lady reading a letter. Van Dyck, Portrait of a gentleman. Miniatures.-Van Dyck {':), Charles I. Cuyp, Herdsman and cows Holbein, Miniatures. Ter Borch, Officer writing orders.- Hals, Admiral de Ruijter. Miniatures. Steen, A village ffte. 471 CI. 708-709 pin:e arts history. 412 Reynolds, George Howard, lord Morpeth. Hil- liard, N:, Miniatures. DeHooch, An interior. Greuze, Girl with doves. Miniatures. Gainsbor- ougrh, The blue boy. The Stuart miniatures. Amsterdam, Rijks museum. Besclirijving der schilderijen ; met fac simile der naam- teekens. 6de druk. Amsterdam. 1876. D. 708:6 Dresden gallery, Gems of the ; comprising the most famous and popular works in the Dresden collection, reproduced in helio- type from the best engr. with notices of the works and the artists. Bost. 1883, Q. 708 : R5 5. History of art. Bell, N. R. E., (JV. D'Anvers). Elementary his- tory of art ; an introd. to ancient and modern architecture, sculpture, painting, music; with a pref. by T. Roger Smith. 111. N. Y. 1875. D. 709 : 7 Braun, Julius. Geschichte der kunst in ihrem entwicklungsgang durch alle volker der alten welt hindurch, auf dem boden der ortskunde nachgewiesen. 2te aufl., mit einem vorwort von Franz Reber. Wies- baden. 1873. 2v. O. 709: 1 Carriere, Moriz. Die kunst im zusammenhang der culturentwickelung und die ideale der menschheit. 3te autl. Leipz. 1877. 5 v. O. 709 : 2 Contents. V, 1. Die anfange der cultur und das orientalische alterthum. 2. Hellas und Rom. 3. Das mittelalter. 4. Renaissance und reformation in bildunjr, kunst und literatur. 5. Das weltalter des geistes im aufgange. Dean, Amos. European art. Jn his History of of civilization. 309 : 5 v7 DeForest, Julia B. A short history of art. 111. N. Y. [1881]. (). 709 : 17 General view of the fine arts, A, critical and historical ; with an introd. by D: Hunting- ton. N. Y. 18r)l. D. 709 : 10 Lossing, Benson J: Outline of the history of the line arts ; a view of the rise, progress and influence of the arts among different na- tions, ancient and modern, with notices of the character and works of many celebrated artists. 111. N. Y. 1845. S. ' 709 : 13 Ltibke, W: History of art. Tr. by F. E. Bun- nStt. 3d ed. Lond. 1874. 3 v. Q. 709 : B3 Outlines of the history of art. A new trans, from the 7th german ed., ed. by Clarence Cook. 111. N. Y. 1884. 2 v. O." 709 : 25 Redgrave, Gilbert R., ed. Outlines of historic ornament. Tr. from the germ. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 709 : 24 Schnaase, C: Geschichte der bildenden kiinste. 2te verb, und verm. aufl. 111. Diisseldorf. 1866-79. 8 V. in 7. O. 709+23 Contents. V. 1. Die volker des orients ; unter mit- wirkung des verf. bearb. von C: v. Liitzow. 2. Grio- chen und riimer; unter mitw. des verf. bearb. von C: Friederichs. 3. Altchristlielic, hyzuiitinische, mu- hammedanische, karonlingisclio kunst; hc'arb. vom verf. unter mithiilfe von J. Rudoll Jtiilin. 4. Die romanische kunst; bearb. vom verf. unter mith. von Alwin Schultz und W: Liibke. 5. Entstehung und ausbildung des gothischen sty Is; bearb. vom verf. unter mith. von Alfred Woltmann. 6. Die spatzeit des mittelalters biszur bliithe derEyck'schen schulo; bearb. vom verf. 7. Das mittelalter Italiens und die grenzgebiete der aberlandischcn kunst; bearb. vom verf. unter mith. von E: Dobbert. 8. Geschichte der bildenden kiinste im IBten jahrhundert; unter mltw. von O. Eisenmann, herausg. von W : Liibke. Iittbke, W : liiographische skizze C: Schnaase's, mit port. Winckelmann, J: Joachim. Geschichte der kunst des alterthums. In Jiis Werke. 700+1 vl Same, eng. The history of ancient art. Tr. from the german by G. H: Lodge, with a life of Winckelmann by the ed. Bost. 1849, 1856. 2 v. Q. 709+6 Reber, Franz v. History of ancient art, rev. by the author. Tr. and augm. by Joseph Thacher Clarke. N. Y. 1882. O. 709 : 14 Creuzer, F: Zur archiiologie, oder Zur geschichte und erkliirungder alten kunst ; abhandlun- gen, besorgt von Julius Kayser. Leipz. 1846. 3v. O. 709:19 Die historische kunst der griechen in ihrer entstehung und fortbildung. 2te verb, und verm, ausg., besorgt von Julius Kayser. Leipz. 1845. O. 709 : 20 Perrot, G:, and C: Chipiez. A history of' art in ancient Egypt. From the french, tr. and ed. by Walter Armstrong. Lond. 1883 [1882]". 2v. Q. 709+P16 History of art in Chaldoea and Assyria. From the french, tr. and ed. by Walter Arm- strong. N. Y. 1884. 2 v. Q. 709+22 Lacroix, Paul {Le bibliophile Jacob). The arts in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance. Lond. 1875. Q. 709 : R12 Contents. Furniture: household and ecclesiastical. Tapestry.- Ceramic art. Arms and armour.- Car- riages and saddlery.- Gold and silver work. Horol- ogy. Musical instruments. Playing cards. Glass- painting. Fresco-painting. Painting on wood, can- vas, etc. Engraving. Sculpture. Architecture. Parchment and paper. Manuscripts. Miniatures in manuscript. Book-binding. Printing. Liibke, W: Ecclesiastical art in Germany dur- ing the middle ages. Tr. from the 5th german ed. with app. by L. A. Wheatley. 4th ed. 111. Edinb. 1877. O. 709+4 Baxter, Mrs. Lucy E.. {Leader Scott). The renais- sance of art in Italy ; an illustrated sketch by Leader Scott. Lond. 1883. Q. 709:R18 Symonds, J: Addington. Renaissance in Italy : The flne arts. N. Y. 1879. O. 709 : 5 Jarves, James Jackson. A glimpse at the art of Japan. N. Y 1876. D. 709:11 Benjamin, S: Green Wheeler. Art in America ; a critical and historical sketch. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 709+8 Farrar, C: S: History of sculpture and painting ; topical lessons' with specific references to valuable books. Milw. 1879. O. 709 : 9 Art topics ; history of sculptuie, painting and arcnitecture with specific reference to most of the standard works on art. N. Y. 1884. O. 709 : 9 Note. This is the ^d ed. of the previous work. Pictorial gallery of arts, The. V. 2 : Fine arts. Lond. n. d. F 609 : R5 Note. V. 1 contains Useful arts. Seroux d'Agincourt, J: Baptiste L: G: History of art by its monuments, from its decline in the 4th century to its restoration in the 16th. Tr. from the french ; in 3335 subjects on 328 plates. Lond. 1847. 3 v. in 1. F. 709:R21 Seemann, E. A., ed. Illustrations of the history of art. Authorized amer. ed., pub. under the direction of S. R. Koehler. Bost. 1879. 5v. obi. F. 709:R16 Contents. [Pt. 1.] Architecture, sculpture and the industrial arts among the nations of antiquity. [Pt 2.] Architecture and 8culj)ture of the early christian, 4'?3 f INS ARlS HlStrO&lf . CI. 709-7ia9 474 romanesque and gothic periods. Architecture and ornamentation of the mohammedan nations. [Pt. 3.] Architecture and sculpture of the renaissance period and of modern times. [Pt. 4.] The industrial arts amonfir the oriental nations and the nations of Europe, from the middle a^es down to modern times. [Pt. 5.] The history of painting from the time of the eg-yptians to the close of the 18th century. A series of ill. arranged chronologically and forming an atlas to be used in connection with any work on the history of art. Springer, Anton. Text book to the Illustrations of the history of art. Tr. from the gernian by Margaret Hicks Volkmann. [Anon.] Bost. 1883. O. 709:B15 2. ArchitectTire and Landscape gardening. {Sec also Building, cl. 690-698, col. 458-464.) 1. In general. Audsley, W: James and G: Ashdown. Popular dictionary of architecture and the allied arts ; work of reference for the architect, builder, sculptor, decorative artist and general student, with numerous ill. from all styles of architecture, from the egypt- ian to the renaissance. V. 1-3. Lond. 1881- 82. Q. 720:111 Contents. V. 1. A-Aque. 2. Aqui-Bapt. 3. Bar- Buttery. Gwilt, Joseph. An encyclopasdia of architec- ture, historical, theoretical and practical ; rev., with alterations and add. by Wyatt Papworth. 111. New ed. Lond. 1876." O. 720:R16 Stuart, Robert. Cyclopedia of architecture, his- torical, descriptive, topographical, decora- tive, theoretical and mechanical, alpha- betically arr., familiarly explained, and adapted to the comprehension of work- men, etc. 2 V. in 1. N. Y. 1854. O. 720 : 112 Parker, J: H: A glossary of terms tised in grecian, roman, Italian and gothic archi- tecture. 4th ed. enl. Oxford. 1845. 2 v. O. 720:R15 A companion to the 4tli ed. of A glossai'y of terms used in grecian... architecture; containing 400 additional examples, a chronological table and a general index. Oxford. 1846. O. 720 : R15 v3 A concise glossary of terms, used in grecian, roman, Italian and gothic architecture. 4tli ed. rev. Oxford. 1875. S. 720 : 6 Seemann, E. A. The styles of architecture ; ill. of the history of architecture from the ancient to the modern times. Leipz. 1883. F. 720 : 14 Fergusson, James. A history of architecture in all countries, from the earliest times to the present day. 2d ed. 111. Lond. 1873- 76. 4v. O. 720:113 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Pt. 1. Ancient architec- ture. Pt. 2. Christian architecture. 2. Christian architecture, confirmed. Pt. 3. Saracenic and ancient american architecture. 3. Indian and Eastern arch- itecture. 4. Modern styles of architecture. Same. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. Q. 720+3 Freeman, E: A: Historical and architectural sketches, chiefly Italian. 111. Lond. 1876. D. 729 : 1 Contents. The Venetian march Ravenna and her sisters. Central Italy. Rome. Southern Italy. Lombardy. The burgundian march. Lefevre, Andre. Wonders of architecttire. Tr. from the french ; added, a chapter on english architecture by R. Donald. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. "?. 1875. D. 720:4 Rosengarten, Albert. A handbook of archi- tectural styles. Tr. from the german by W. Collett-Sandars. 111. Lond. 1878. O. 720 : 13 Rudimentary architecture for the use of begin- ners and students : The orders and their aesthetic principles, by W: H: Leeds. The styles of various countries and periods, by T! Talbot Bury. Design as deducible from nature, by E: Lacy Garbett. 111. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1874. D. 720 : 5 Ruskin, J: The seven lamps of architecture. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. 720 : 7 Contents. Introd. Sacrifice. Truth. Power. Beauty. Life. Memory. Obedience. Same. [With fac simile reproductions of the plates in the original english ed.] N. Y. 1880. O. 720 : R8 Lectures on architecture and painting, deliv- ered at Edinb. in nov. 1853. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. 720 : 12 An inquiry into some of the conditions at present affecting the study of architecture in our schools ; read at the ordinary gen- eral meeting of the Royal institute of british architects, may 15, 1865. N. Y. 1877. D. I7i his Lectures on architecture and painting. 720 : 12 The poetry of architecture, cottage, villa, etc. Addedi Suggestions on works of art by "Kata Phusm," conjectured nom-de-plume of J: Ruskin. 111. K Y. 1880. D. 720 : 17 Bishop, H: Halsall. Pictorial architecture of the British Isles. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. 1884. obi. O. 729 : R4 Tuthill, Louisa Caroline. History of architec- ture from the earliest times, its present condition in Europe and the U. S., with a biography of eminent architects and a glossary of architectural terms. 111. Phila. 1848. O. 720-f9 VioUet-le-Duc, Eugfene Emmanuel. Discourses on architecture. [Vol. 1] tr. with an in- troductory essay by H: Van Brunt ; [vol. 2] tr. by B: Bucknall. Bost. 1875, 1881. 2 V. Q. 720+10 Contents. V. 1. Translator's introd. What is bar- barism ? What Is art ? What are the relations of art to civilization ? What are the social conditions most favorable to the development of art ? Primitive methods of construction as practised in greek archi- tecture-Comparison between the architecture of the greeks and romans. The architecture of the romans. The methods to be followed in the study of architecture. The basilicas of the romans. The domestic architecture of the ancients. The decline of ancient architecture. Style and composition.- The origins of byzantine architecture.- The archi- tecture of the west since the establishment of Christ- ianity. The principle of western architecture in the middle ages.- The causes of the decline of architec- ture. Some of the principles of Hrchitectural com- position. The renaissance in the west and especially 475 CI. 7l0-72d FINE ARTS-ARCHlTECTtJRE. 476 In France. The principles and information neces- sary to architects. The architecture of the 19th cen- tury.- Method. 2. [Title pcme read^: Lectures on architecture, vol. 2.] The construction of building-s. On the teaching of architecture. General observa- tions on the external and internal ornamentation of building-s.- On monumental sculpture. Domestic architecture. The state of architecture in Europe. Wightwick, G: Hints to young architects, com- prising advice to those, who, while yet at school^ are destined to the profession, to such as, having passed their pupilage, are about to travel, and to those who, having completed their education, are about to practise ; together with a model specifica- tion involving a great variety of mstruct- ive and sviggestive matter. A new ed. rev. and enl., comprising treatises on the prin- ciples of construction and design by G. Huskisson Guillaume. [Weale's ser. ] Lond. 1880. D. 720:11 Tuthill, W: B., ed. Interiors and intei'ior de- tails : fifty-two large quarto plates, com- prising a large number of original designs of halls, staircases, pai'lors, libraries, din- ing rooms, etc., with an introd., description of plates, and notes on wood finish, by W: B. Tuthill. N. y. 1882. F. 721 : 112 " Tog-ether with special designs for low - cost, medium and elaborate wood mantels, sideboards, furniture, wood ceilings, doors, door and window trims, wainscots, bank, office and store fittings, in perspective, elevation and detail, making a valuable series of suggestions for architects and architectural designers, and a large collection of interior details suited to the requirements of carpenters, builders and mechanics, reproduced from the drawings of prominent architects of New York, Boston, Chicago and other cities." Tte-pa{/e. American architect, The, and building news ; V. y-lG, Jan. 1881-dec. 1884. Bost. 1881-85 F. 705.2 IBM 2. Ancient and medieval. Parker, J: H: The architectural history of the city of Rome ; abridged from The archae- ology of Rome, for the use of students. Lond. 1881. D. 722 : 1 Fergusson, James. The Parthenon -, an essay on the mode by which light was introduced into greek and roman temples. Lond. 1883. Q. 722+3 The temple of Diana at Ephesus, with espec- ial reference to mr. Wood's discoveries of its remains ; extracted from the Transact, of the Royal institute of british architects. Lond. 1888. Q. 722+4 Archaeology in India, with especial reference to the works of babu Rajendralala Mitra. Lond. 1884. O. 722 : 5 Smith, T. Roger, and J: Slater. Architecture, classic and early christian, (ill. hand- books of art history.) Lond. 1882. D. 722 : 2 Scott, Sir (t: Gilbert. Lectures on the rise and development of mediaeval architecture, de- livered at the Royal academy. 111. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 723 : 8 Norton, C: Eliot. Historical studies of church- building in the middle ages ; Venice, Siena, Florence. N. Y. 1880. O. 723:4 Paley, F: Apthorpe. A manual of gothic archi- tecture. 111. Lond. 1846. D. 723 : 5 Parker, J: H: An introduction to the study of fothic architecture. 5th ed. Oxford. l'877. 724 : 1 A B C of gothic architecture. 2d ed. Lon- don. 1882. T. 723:7 Smith, T. Roger. Architecture, gothic and re- naissance. (Text books of art education.) N. Y. 1880. D. 723:6 Pugin, A: Northmoi'e Welby. The true prin- ciples of pointed or christian architecture, set forth in 2 lectures delivered at St. Maries, Oscott. Lond. 1853. Q. 723 : Bl An apology for the revival of christian archi- tecture in England. Lond. 1843. Q. With his True principles of pointed or christian architecture. in 723 : B,l Ruskin, J: The stones of Venice. 111. N. Y. 1878. 3 V. D. 723 : 3 Contents. V. 1. The foundations. 2. The sea- stories : 1st or byzantine period ; 2d or gothic period ; app. 3. The fall : 3d or renaissance period ; app. Same. [With facsimile reproductions of the plates in the original english ed.] N. Y. 1880. 3 V. O. 723 : R2 Hunnewell, James F. The historical monu- ments of France. 111. Bost. 1884. O. 729+3 3. Church, school and library. Scott, Sir G: Gilbert. An essay on the history of english church architecture, prior to the separation of England from the roman obedience. 111. Lond. 1881. F. 729:112 Bonney, T. J., ed. Cathedral churches of Eng- land and Wales, descriptive, historical, pic- torial. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 726 : B4 Buckler, J: Chessell and C. A. A history of the architecture of the abbey churcli of St. Alban, with especial reference to the nor- man structure. Lond. 1847. O. 726+1 Neale, J: Mason. Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man, Ross, Sutherland and the Orkneys, or A summer pilgrimage to S. Manghold and S. Magnus. Lond. 1848. S. 726:3 Gardner, Eugene C. Common sense in church building. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. 726 : 2 Barnard, H: School architecture, or Contribu- tions to the improvement of school houses in the U. S. K Y. 1848. D. 727 : 1 Note. For school house architecture, see also Re- ports and circulars of the U. S. bureau of education, col. 240. Poole, W: F: Remarks on library construction ; appended, an examination of J. L. Smith- meyer's pamphlet, Suggestions on library architecture, amer. and foreign. Chicago. 1884. O. 725:Pam Note. For the auihor's Construction of library buildings, see U. 8. Bureau of education. Circulars of information, no. 1, 1881, in 370 : D, or Amer. library assoc. Proceedings, 1881. 4. Domestic and rural. VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. The habita- tions of man m all ages. Tr. by B: Buck- nail. 111. Bost. 1876. O. 728 : 9 The story of a house. Tr. from the fi'cnch by G: M. Towle. 111. Bost. 1874. O. 728 : 10 Bunce, Oliver Bell. My house ; an ideal. N. Y. 1884. S. 728 : 14 47'; FINE ARTS ARCHITECTURE. CI. 710-730 478 Gardner, Eugene C. Illustrated homes ; a series of papers describing real houses and real people. 111. Bost. 1875. S. 728 : 6 The house that Jill built, after Jack's had proved a failure ; a book on home architec- ture. (Our continent lib.) N. Y. 1882. S. 728 : 12 Palliser's model homes ; showing a variety of designs for model dwellings, also fjirm- barn and hennery, stable and carriage house, school house, masonic association building, bank and library, town hall and three churches ; together with miscellane- ous matter. Bridgeport, Conn. [1878]. O. 728+7 Vaux, Calvert. Villas and cottages ; a series of designs prepared for execution in the U. S. 111. N. Y. 1857. O. 728:8 Loudon, J: Claudius. An encyclopaedia of cot- tage, farm and villa architecture and furn- iture ; containing numerous designs for dwellings from the villa to the cottage and the farm, incl. farm houses, farmeries and other agricultural buildings, country inns, public houses and parochial schools with the requisite fittings up, fixtures and furni- ture and appropriate offices, gardens and garden scenery ; each design accompanied y analytical and critical remarks. New eii., ed. by mrs. Loudon. 111. Lond. 1869. O. 728 : Rl Lakey, C: D. Village and country houses, or Cheap homes for all classes, comprising 84 pages of designs. N. Y. 1875. F. 728 : R2 Young, W: Town and country mansions, and suburban houses ; with notes on the sani- tary and artistic construction of houses. Lond. 1879. F. 728 : R3 Downing, Andrew Jackson. Cottage residences, or A series of designs for rural cottages and cottage villas, and their gardens and grounds, adapted to North America. Ft. 1. 3ded. N. Y. 1847. O. 728+5 The architecture of country houses ; incl. de- signs for cottages, farm-houses and villas,' with remarks on interiors, furniture and the best modes of warming and ventila- tion. 111. N. Y. 1854. O. 728 : 4 Wheeler, Gervase. Rural homes, or Sketches of houses suited to american country life, with original plans, designs, etc. Auburn. 1853. D. 728 : 13 Woodward, G: E. and F. W. Country homes. N. Y. 1865. D. 728:11 Thaer, Konrad Albrecht W: Ueber iJindliche arbeiter-wohnungcm. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl 5. Landscape gardening. Downing, Andrew Jackson. Rural essays; ed., with a memoir of the author, by G: W: Curtis, and a letter to his friends by Fred- rika Bremer. N. Y. 1853. O. 710 : 1 Contents. Memoirs. Letter from miss Bremer. Horticulture. Landscape gardening. Rural archi- tecture. Trees. Agriculture. Fruit. Letters from England. Maltland, Fowler. Building estates ; a rudi- mentary treatise on the development, sale, purchase and general management of build- ing land, incl. the formation of streets and sewers and the requirements of sanitary authorities. Plans and ill. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1883. D. 712:3 Oakey, Alexander F. Home grounds. (Apple- tons' home books). N. Y. 1881. D. 712 : 1 Kemp, E: How to layout a garden; intended as a general guide in choosing, forming or improving an estate, from a quarter of an acre to a hundred acres in extent, with reference to both design and execution. From the 2d Lond. ed. enl. 2d ed. N. Y. 1875. D. 710 : 2 Iiong, Elias A. Ornamental gardening for amer- icans ; a treatise on beautifying homes, rural districts, towns, and cemeteries. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. 710 : 3 Scott, Frank J. The art of beautifying suburban home grounds of small extent ; with de- scriptions of the beautiful and hardy trees and shrubs grown in the U. S. 111. N. Y. 1873. O. 712+2 New York city. Commissioners of Central park. 11th annual report, 1867. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1868. O. 711 : PI Chapman, Silas. The Forest Home cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis., with a map of the grounds. Milw. 1871. S. 719 : 1 Northcote, James Spencer. The roman cata- combs, or Some account of the burial- places of the early christians in Rome. Phila. 1859. S. 719:2 3. Sculpture, Keramics, etc. 1. Sculpture. Flaxman, J: Lectures on sculpture as delivered before the Royal academy ; with an introd. lecture and two addresses to the Royal academy on the death of T: Banks, in 1805, and of Antonio Canova, in 1822, and an address on the death of Flaxman by sir R: Westmacott. 111. New ed. Lond. 1865. D. 731 :1 Ruskin, J: Aratra Pentelici ; six lectures on the elements of sculpture given before the uni- versity of Oxford in michaelmas term, 1870. N. Y.1878. D. 730:4 Liibke, W: History of sculpture from the earl- iest ages to the present time. Tr. by F. E. Bunnfett. 111. Lond. 1872. 2 v. Q. 730 : Rl Shedd, Julia A. Famous sculptors and sculp- ture ; ill., with heliotypes from many fam- ous works of sculpture. Bost. 1881. D. 730:3 Viardot, L: Wonders of sculpture. 2d ed. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1873. D. 730 : 2 Mitchell, Lucy M. A history of ancient sculp- ture. 111. N. Y. 1883. Q. 733 : R5 Redford, G: A manual of sculpture, egyptian- assyrian-greek-roman. 111., with a map of 479 CI. 730-739 FINE ARTS SCULPTURE. 480 ancient Greece and a chronological list of ancient sculptors and their works. Lond. 1882. D. 732 : 1 Overbeck, Johannes. Geschichte der griechi- schen plastik fiir kiinstler iind kunst- freunde. 2te verb. aufl. 111. Leipz. 1869- 70. 2 V. in 1. O. 7334-1 Griechische kunstmythologie ; v. 2, 3. 111. Leipz. 1871-78. 2 v. O. 733+2 ConUnts. Y.l.Notpub. 2. Besonderer theil. v. 1: Zeus. 3. Besonderer theil, V. 2: Hera. Poseidon. Demeter und Kora. Atlas der griechischen kunstmythologie ; lief. 1-4. Leipz. 1872-78. 4 pts. Portf. 733 : R2 Contents. Pt. 1. Zeus. 2. Zeus, contrnwed.- Hera. 3. Hera, conMnaed. Poseidon. 4. Demeter und Kora. Murray, Alexander S. A history of greek sculp- ture from the earliest tinies down to the age of Pheidias. 111. Lond. 1880. O. 733+P3 Perry, Walter Copland. Greek and roman sculpture ; a popular introd. to the study of gi-eek and roman sculpture. 111. Lond. 1883. O. 733 :P4 Perkins, C: C. Historical hand-book of italian sculpture. N. Y. 1883. O. 735:2 Clark, W: J. Great american sculptures. 12 steel engr., india proofs. Phila. 1878. F. 735 : Rl Contents. Introd., ancient and modern sculpture. American sculptors. Powers and Greenough Craw- ford and Randolph Rogers. W: Wetmore Story. Roberts, Bailly. Harnisch and Rush. Brown, Ward, Palmer, Connelly and Mozier. Gould, Simmons, Bartholomew and Akers. Harriet Hosmer and other female sculptors. 2. Carving and Numismatics. Maskell, W: Ivories, ancient and mediaeval. 111. [South Kensington art museum hand- books.] Lond. n. d. D. 736 : 1 King, C: W: The handbook of engraved gems. 111. Lond. 1866. D. 736 : 2 Prime, W: Cowper, ed. Coins, medals and seals, ancient and modern, ill. and described with a sketch of the histoiy of coins and coinage, instructions for young collectors, tables of comparative rarity, price lists of english and american coins, medals, tok- ens, etc. N. Y. 1861. O. 737 : 2 Humphreys, H: Noel. Ancient coins and med- als ; an historical sketch of the origin and grogress of coining money in Greece and er colonies, its progress with the exten- sion of the roman empire and its decline with the fall of that power. 111. by fac- simile examples in actual relief and in the metals of the respective coins. Lond. 1850. O. 737 :R3 Thorbum, W. Stewart. A guide to the coins of Great Britain and Ireland, in gold, silver, and copper, from the earliest period to the present time, with their value. 111. Lond. 1884. O. 737 : 4 Remedi, Angelo. Catalogo delle monete romane consolari ed imperiali, delle zecche italiane medicBvali e moderne e delle medaglie, componenti lacollezione delAngeloRemedi di Sarzana, di cui la veudita al pubblico incanto avr^ luogo in Milano nelle salle dell' impresa, corso Vittorio Emanule, 37, per cura Giulio Sambon, mercoledi 7 gen- najo, 1885. Milano. 1885. O. 737 : 5 Ancona, Amilcare. Catalogo delle monete romane consolari ed imperiali, monete bi- zantine, e delle zecche italiane medicBvali e moderno, componenti la collezione del Amilcare Ancona, di cui la vendita al pub- blico incanto avrd luogo in Milano nelle salle deir impresa, corso Vittorio Emanuele, n. 37, per cura Giulio Sambon, giovedi 8 gennajo 1885. Milano. 1884. O. With Remedi, A. Catalogo. 737 : 5 3 Pottery and bronzes. Hancock, E. Campbell. The amateur pottery and glass painter ; with directions for gild- ing, chasing, burnishing, bronzing and groundlaying. 111. With an app. repr. by the special permission of the dept. of science and art, South Kensington. Lond. i n. d. D. 738 : 5 i McLaughlin, M. Louise. Pottery decoration under the glaze. Cine. 1880. D. 738 : 14 China painting ; a ^jractical manual for the use of amateurs in the decoration of hard I porcelain. Cine. 1882. D. 738 : 13 i Suggestions to china-painters. Cine. 1884. D. 738:19 1 Lockwood, M. Smith. Hand-book of ceramic art. N. Y. 1878. S. 738 : 7 Janvier, C. A. Practical keramics for students. N. Y. 1880. O. 738 : 6 Bohn, H: G: A guide to the knowledge of pot- tery, porcelain and other objects of vertu ; comprising an ill. catalogue of the Bernal collection of works of art, with the prices at which they were sold by auction and the names of the present possessors. Added, an introductory essay on pottery and porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. 111. Lond. 1857. D. 738 : 2 Jacquemart, Albert. History of the ceramic art ; a descriptive and philosophical study of the pottery of all a^es and all nations. Tr. by mrs.Bury PaTliser. 3d ed. 111., marks and monograms. Lond. 1877. Q. 738 : R23 Prime, W: Cowper. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations, with tables of factory and artists' marks for the use of collectors. 111. N. Y. 1878. O. 738+8 Westropp, Hodder M. Handbook of pottery and porcelain, or History of those arts from the earliest period. 111. Lond. 1880. D. 738:9 Birch, S: History of ancient pottery, egyptian, assyrian, greek, etx'uscan and roman. New and rev. ed. 111. Lond. 1873. O. 738-l-Pll Beckwith, Arthur. Majolica and fayence; italian, Sicilian, majorcan, hispano-moresque and Persian. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. 738 : 1 Fortnum, C. Drury E. Majolica. [South Ken- sington art museum handbooKs.l Lond. [187-.] D. 738:4 Jewitt, Llewellynn. The ceramic art of Great Britain. Now ed., rev. 111. Lond. n. d. Q. 738 : R20 481 FINE ARTS SCULPTURE. CI. 738-743 Gasnault, Paul, and E: Gamier. French pot- tery. 111. and marks. [South Kensington miiseum art handbooks.] Lond. 1884. D. 738:22 Audsley, G: Ashdown, and James L. Bowes. Keramic art of Japan. 111. Lond. 1881. Q. 738:R12 Slosson, Annie T. The china hunters club, by the youngest member. [Anon.} N. Y. 1878." D. 738:3 Wheatley, H: B., and Philip H: Delamotte. Art work in earthenware. (Handbooks of prac- tical art.) Lond. 1882. O. 738+15 Art work in porcelain. (Handbooks of practi- cal art.) N. y. 1883. O. 738+16 Art work in gold and silver : mediaeval. Wheatley, H: B., and P. H: Delamotte. Con- tinued. (Handbooks of practical art.) Lond. 1882. O. 738+17 Art work in gold and silver : modern. (Hand- books of practical art.) N. Y. 1882. O. 738+18 Maskell, Alfred. Russian art and art objects in Russia ; a handbook to the reproductions of goldsmiths' work and art treasures from that country in the South Kensington museum, [South Kensington museum art handbooks.] Lond. 1884. D. 738 : 21 Fortnum, C. Drury E. Bronzes. 111. [South Kensington niuseum art handbooks.] Lond. n. d. D. 738 : 10 4. Drawing and Design. 1. General and freehand drawing. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The graphic arts ; treatise on the varieties of drawing, j^aint- ing and engraving, in comparison with each other and with nature. Bost. 1883. D. 700:2 Walker, W: Handbook of drawing. 111. 1st amer. ed. N.Y. 1880. D. 740:3 Carter, Susan N. Drawing in black and white ; charcoal, pencil, crayon and pen-and-iuk. (Putnam's art handbooks, no. 8.) 111. N. Y. 1882. S. 740 : 4 Moore, C: H. Examples for elementaiy practice in delineation, designed for the use of schools and isolated beginners. Bost. 1884 [1883]. Q. 741 :R4 Ruskin, J: The elements of drawing; in three letters to beginners. 111. N. Y. 1876. D. 740 : 1 The laws of Fesole ; a familiar treatise on the elementary principles and practice of draw- ing and painting as determined by the tus- can masters, arr. for the use of schools. V. 1. N. Y. 1879. D. 740 : 5 VioUet-le-Duc, Eugfene Emmanuel. Learning to draw, or The story of a young designer. Tr. from the french by Virginia Champlin. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. x740:2 Howells, W : Dean, ed. A little girl among the old masters ; with introd. and comment. Bost. 1884 [1883] . T. 741 : 3 Goethe gallery, The ; from the original draw- ings of W: V. Kaulbach, with explanatory text. Bost. 1881. Q. 749 : Rl Ga ricatur e. Parton, James. Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. 111. N. Y. 1877. O. 741+1 Dagley, R: Miscellaneous observations on the ludicrous in art. With his Takings. in 821.2 :82 Worth, T: Plutarch restored ; an anachronatic metempsychosis, illustrating^ the illustra- tions of Greece and Rome. ISI. Y. 1862. O. 741 : R2 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. Leech, J: Pictures of life and character from the collection of mr. Punch. 111. N. Y. 1884. T. 741 : 5 Half a century of english history, pictorially presented in a series of cartoons from the collection of mr. Punch. N. Y. 1884. D. 741:6 2. Perspective and figure drawing. Davies, C: A treatise on shades and shadows, and linear perspective. 2d ed. Phila. 1840. O. 742+1 Pozzo, Fra Andrea. Rules and examples of perspective, proper for painters and archi- tects, etc., in english and latin ; containing a most easy and expeditious method to delineate in perspective all designs relat- ing to architecture, after a new manner, wholly free from the confusion of occult lines, by that great master thereof, Andrea Pozzo, soc. Js. Engraved in 105 amyjle folio plates and adorned with 200 initial letters to the explanatory discourses ; printed from copper - plates on ye best paper by John Sturt. Done into english from the original printed at Rome in 1693 in latin and Italian, by mr. John James of Greenwich. Lond. 1707. F. 23 :R Pyne, G: Perspective for beginners ; adapted to young students and amateurs in archi- tecture, painting, etc. 12th ed., ill. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1879. D. 742 : 2 Ruskin, J: The elements of perspective, arr. for the use of schools and intended to be read in connection with the first three books of Euclid. N. Y. 1873. D. 742 : 3 Weigall, C: H. The art of figure drawing ; containing practical instructions for a course of study in this branch of art ; ed. by Susan N. Carter. (Putnam's art hand- books, no. 4). N. Y. 1879. S. 743 : 1 Rimmer, W: Art anatonly. 81 plates. Bost. 1884. Portf. 743 :R3 Fletcher, Robert. Human proportion in art and anthropometry ; lecture delivered at the National museum, Washington. 111. Cam- bridge. 1883. O. 743+2 CI. 743-748 FINE ARTS DRAWING. 484 Metz, Conrad Martin. Studies for drawina: the human figure ; groups of figures and his- torical compositions. Phila. n. d. obi. F. 743 : R4 3. Mathematical drawing. Appleton's cyclopasdia of drawing ; designed as a text-book for the mechanic, architect, engineer and surveyor, comprising geo- metrical projection, mechanical, architec- tural and topograpiiical drawing, perspec- tive and isometry ; ed. by W. E. Worthen. N. Y. 1870. O. 744 : R4 Minifie, W: A text-book of geometrical draw- ing ; abridged from the octavo ed. for the use of schools, in which the definitions and rules of geometry are familiarly explained, the practical problems are arr. from the most simple to the more complex, and in their description technicalities are avoided as much as possible, with an introd. to isometrical drawing and an essay on linear perspective and shadows. 111. 6th ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. 1875. D. 744 : 3 Rose, Joshua. Mechanical drawing self-taught ; comprising instructions in the selection and preparation of drawing instruments, elementary instr. in practical mechanical drawing, together with examples in sim- ple geometry and elementary mechanism, mcl. screw threads, gear wheels, mechani- cal motions, engines and boilers. 111. Phila. 1883. O. 744+5 Johnson, W: The pi*actical draughtsman's book of industrial design ; formmg a complete course of mechanical, engineering and architectural drawing, founded upon the "Nouveau cours raisonnc de dessm indu- striel," of Mm. Armengaud aine, Armen- faud jeune, and Amouroux, civil engineers, aris ; containing add. plates as examples of the most useful and generally employed mechanism of the day. 3d ed. rev. with the french measures converted into eng- lish. Lond. 1869. O. 744 : Rl Mazton, J: The workman's manual of engin- eering drawing. 111. 4th ed. rev. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1880. D. 744:2 Tuthill, W: B. Practical lessons in architec- tural drawing, or How to make the work- ing drawings and write the specifications for buildings. N. Y. 1881. O. 744+6 ^ 4. Ornamental design. Audsley, W: James and G: Ashdown. Out- lines of ornament in the leading styles, selected from executed ancient and mod- ern works ; book of reference for the arch- itect, sculptor, decorative artist and prac- tical painter. N. Y. 1882. F. 745 : R3 Jones, Owen. The grammar of ornament ; ill. by examples from various styles of orna- ment. 112plafes. Lond. 1868. F. 745 : R2 liOftie, W. J. A plea for art in the house, with special reference to the economy of collect- ing works of art and the importance of taste in education and morals. [Art at home ser.] Phila. n. d. D. 748 : 3 Falke, Jacob v. Art in the house ; historical, critical and oesthetical studies on the dec- oration and furnishing of the dwelling. Authorized am. ed., tr. from the 3d german ed., ed. with notes by C: C. Perkins. 111. Bost. 1879. Q. 745 : Rl Church, Ella Rodman. How to furnish a home. (Appletons' home books.) N. Y. 1881. D. 748:7 Dewing, M. R., mrs. T. W., born Oakey. Beauty in the household. N. Y. 1882. S. 748 : 5 Facey, .Tames W: Elementary decoration; a guide to the simpler forms of every day art, as applied to the interior and exterior decoration of dwelling houses, etc. 111. [Weale's ser.] 745 : 5 Edis, Robert W. Decoration and furniture of town houses ; a series of Cantor lectures del. before the Society of arts, 1880, ampli- fied and enl. 111. Lond. 1881. O. 748:10 Cooper, H. J. The art of furnishing on rational and aesthetic principles. N. Y. 1881. S. 748:9 Cook, Clarence. The house beautiful ; essa.YS on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. 111. [N. Y.] 1881. O. 748+8 Garrett, Rhoda and Agnes. Sviggestions for house decoration m painting, woodwork and furniture. [Art at home ser.] Phila. n. d. D. 748 : 2 Eastlake, Sir C: Lock. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other details ; ed., with notes, by "C: C. Perkins. 1st amer. ed. Bost. 1872. O. 748 : 1 Spoflford, Harriet Elizabeth, born Prescott. Art decoration applied to furniture. 111. N. Y. [1877]. O. 745+4 Jacquemart, Albert. A history of furniture. Tr. from the french, ed. by mrs. Bury Palliser. 111. Lond. 1878. Q. ' 748:R17 Pollen, J: Hungerford. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. (South Kensing- ton museum art handbooks). Lond. n. d. D. 745 : 6 Orrinsmith, Lucy. The drawing-room ; its de- corations and furniture. [Art at home ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 748 : 15 Loftie, Mrs. M. J. The dining-room. [Art at home ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 748 : 14 Barker, Mary Anne lady, now mrs. F: Napier Broome. The bedroom and the boudoir. [Art at home ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 748 : 13 Rees, Janet E. Ruutz-. Home decoration ; art needlework and embroidery, painting on silk, satin and velvet, panel painting and wood carving, with numerous designs, mainly by G: Gibson. (Appletons' home books".) N. Y. 1881. D. 748 : 4 Harrison, Constance Gary, mrs. Burton H. Woman's handiwork in modern homes. 111. [N. Y.] 1881. O. 748:11 Contents. Embroidery. Brush and pigment. Modern homes. Higgin, L. Handbook of embroidery; ed. by lady Marian Alford. (Royal school of art needlework). Lond. 1880. D. 748 : 12 Champeaux, Alfred de. Tapestry. 111. [South Kensington museum art handbooks]. Lond. n. d. D. 747 : 1 Smith, J. Moyr. Album of decorative figures. Lond. 1882. F. 748 : Ra 480 S'lNfi ARlrS-bESIGHf . ei. 748-761 486 Dresser, Christopher. Japan, its architecture, art and art manufactures. Lond. 1882. O. 748+16 Prang's standard alphabets ; a collection of alphabets in the best ancient and modern styles, designs for titles, colored initials, borders, compass topographical signs, the state ai-ms of the union, etc., especially- adapted for the use of sign painters, en- gravers, illuminators, architects and civil engineers. Bost. 1878. obi. D. 745 : 117 5. Painting. 1. Materials and methods. Blanc, A: Alexandre Philippe C: The grammar of painting and engraving. Tr. from the french, of Blanc's Grammaire des arts du dessin, by Kate Newell Doggett. 111. N. Y. 1874. 6. 750+2 Field, G: A grammar of colouring, anplied to decorative painting and the arts. New ed., enl. and adapted to the use of the orna- mental painter and designer, with addi- tional sections on painting in sepia, water- colours and oils, and with the history and characteristics of the various styles of orna- ment, by Ellis A. Davidson. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1877. D. 752 : 1 Couture, T: Conversations on art methods ; methode et entretiens d'atelier. Tr. from the french by S. E. Stewart, with an introd. by Robert Swain Gifford. N. Y. 1879. S. 751:1 Howard, H: A course of lectures on painting delivered at the Royal academy of fine arts ; ed., with a memoir of the author, by Frank Howard. Lond. 1848. D. 750 : 5 Armitage, E: Lectures on painting ; delivered to the students of the Royal academy. N. Y. 1883. O. 751:12 Contents. Ancient costumes. Byzantine and ro- manesque art. On the painters of the 18th century. David and his school. On the modern schools of Europe. On drawing.- Color. On decorative paint- ing. On finish. On the choice of a subject. On the composition of decorative and historical pictures. Composition of incident pictures. Ellis, Tristram J. Sketching from nature ; handbook for students and amateurs. [Art at home ser.] 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 751 :11 Rowbotham, T: The art of sketching from na- ture ; rev. by Susan N. Carter. 111. (Put- nam's art hand-books, no. 1.) N. Y. [18781. S. 751:5 Williams, W. The art of landscape painting in oil colors ; ed. by Susan N. Carter. (Put- nam's art hand-books, no. 2.) N. Y. 1881. S. 751:6 Duffield, Mrs. W: The art of flower painting. 111. From the 12th Lond. ed.; ed. oy Susan N. Carter. (Putnam's art hand-books, no. 3.) N. Y. 1882. S. 751 :7 Hatton, T: Hints for sketching in water-color from nature. (Putnam's art hand-books, no. 7.) N. Y. 1882. S. 751 : 10 Penley, Aaron. A system of water-color paint- ing ; complete exposition of the present advanced state of the art, as exhibited in the works of the modern water - color school. (Putnam's art hand-books, no. 5.) N. Y. 1879. S. 751 : 8 Warren, H: Artistic treatise on the human figure ; containing hints on proportion, color and composition. 4th ed. (Putnam's art hand-books, no. 6.) N. Y. 1881. S. 751 :9 Merrifield, Mai-y Philadelphia. The art of fresco painting, as practised by the old Italian and Spanish masters ; with a prelim, inquiry into the nature of the colours used in fresco painting, with observations and notes. Lond. 1846. O. 751:3 Gessert, M. A. Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting on glass or glass staining, com- prising directions for preparing the pig- ments and fluxes, for laying them upon the glass, and for firing or bvirning in the colours. From the german. Added, an app. on the art of enamelling, etc. 4th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. 751 : 2 Fromberg, Emanuel Otto. Rudimentary essay on the art of paintingon glass. From the german. 4th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1878. D. in 751: 2 Winston, C: An inquiry into the diff"erence of style, observable in ancient glass paintings, especially in England ; also Hints on glass painting.' 2d ed. Oxford. 1867. 2 v. O. 751+P4 2. History of painting. General. Dodge, Pickering. Painting ; its rise and pro- gress from the earliest times to [1846] ; with sketches of the lives and works of many of the eminent artists of ancient and modern times and a brief notice of the principal public galleries of art in Europe. [Anon.] Bost. 1846. D. 750:6 Heaton, Mary Margaret, born Keymer, mrs. C: A concise history of painting. 111. Lond. 1873. D. 750 : 4 RadcliflFe, Anna G. Schools and masters of painting ; with an app. on the principal galleries of Europe. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. 750:7 Waters, Clara Erskine, formerly mr. Clement. An outline history of painting for young people and students ; with complete in- dexes. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 750 : 8 Woltmann, Alfred, and K: WOrmann. History of ancient, early christian, and mediaeval Eainting. From the german, tr. and ed. y Sidney Colvin. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 750 : Rl Viardot, L: Wonders of european art. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1874. D. 750:8 487 CI. 753-760 'FlifE A&TS-PAINTIUG. Flemi s h and dutch schools. Kugler, Franz Theodor. Handbook of painting : The german, flemish and dutch schools, based on the handbook of Kugler, remod- elled by prof. Waagen. New ed. , revised and in part re-written by J. A. Crowe. 111. Lond. 1874. 2 v. O. 753 : P2 Buxton, Harry J. Wilmot, and E: J. Poynter. German, flemish and dutch painting. (111. text-books of art.) Lond. 1881. D. 753:1 FOrster, Ernst. Mittelalter oder renaissance? [C:] G[ottfried] Pfannschmidt und Anselm Feuerbach. In Deutsche zeit- und streit fragen. 304:15vll JFr ench and Spanish. Smith, Gerard W. Painting, Spanish and french. (111. handbooks of art history). Lond. 1884. D. 754:2 Bacon, H: Parisian art and artists. Bost. 1883 [1882] . D. 754 : 1 "Washturn, Emelyn W. The Spanish masters ; an outline of the history of painting in Spain. 111. N. Y. 1884. iO. 756 : 4 Italian. Kugler, Franz Theodor. Handbook of painting : The Italian schools, based on the handbook of Kugler, originally edited by sir C: L. Eastlalke. 4th edition rev. and re-modelled, from the latest researches, by lady East- lake. 111. Lond. 1874. 2 v. (). 765 : P6 Viardot, L: Wonders of Italian art. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1875. D. 755:12 Jarves, James Jackson. Art studies : The old masters of Italy; painting. N. Y. 1861. O. 755:5 Poynter, E: J., and Percy R. Head. Classic and italian painting. (Text-boks of art educa- tion). Lond. 1880. D. 755 : 7 Crowe, Josejjh Archer, and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle. A history of painting in north Italy, Venice, Padua, Verona, Fer- rara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the 14th to the 16th century ; drawn up from fresh materials after recent researches in the archives of Italy, and from personal in- spection of the works of art scattered throughout Europe. 111. Lond. 1871. 2 v. O. 755:8 Jameson, Anna, horn Murphy, and Lady Eliza- beth Eastlake, born Kigby. The history of our Lord, as exemplihed in works of art, with that of his types, St. John the baptist and others, persons of the Old and New testament. 2d ed. Lond. 1865. 2 v. O. 755:1 Legends of the madonna, as represented in the flne arts. Corr. and enl. ed. Bost. 1877. T. 755 : 2 Sacred and legendary art, as represented in the fine arts. Bost. 1865. 2 v. T. 755 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Legends of the angels and arch- angels, the evangelists, the apostles, the doctors of the church and St. Mary Magdalene. 2. The patron saints, the martyrs, the early bishops, the hermits, and the warrior saints of Christendom. Legends of the monastic orders, as represented in the fine arts ; forming the second series of Sacred and legendary art. Corr. and enl. ed. Bost. 1865. T. 755 : 3 Emeric-David, Toussaint Bernard. A series of studies, designed and engraved after five paintings by Raphael, with historical and critical notes ; the work dedicated to Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, by the chevalier F. Bonnemaison. Amer. ed., re- produced by the heliotype process. Bost. 1881. Q. 755:R11 Titian gallery. The ; a series of 24 of the most renowned works of Titian, reproduced in heliotype, with a sketch of the life and works of the artist. Bost. 1883. Q. 755 : 119 Toschi's engravings from frescoes by Correggio and Parmegiano, reproduced by the helio- type process. Bost. 1883. Q. 755 : BIO English and american. Buxton, Harrv J. Wilmot-. English painters ; with a chapter on american painters by S. R. Koehler. Lond. 1883. D. 766 : 2 Buskin, J: The art of England ; lectures given in Oxford. N. Y. 1883. D. 766 : 3 Ireland, J: Hogarth illustrated. 111. Lond. 1884. Q. 756 :P6 Engravings from Landseer, reproduced in helio- tvpe, with a sketch of the life and works of the artist. Bost. 1882. Q. 756 : B5 Ware, W: Lectures on the works and genius of Washington All ston. Bost. 1852. D. 756:1 Champney, Lizzie, 5orw Williams. John Angelo at the water-color exhibition. 111. Bost. [1883]. O. X 759+1 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 6. Engraving and Photography. 1. Engraving. Maberly, J. The print collector ; an introd. to the knowledge necessary for forming a collection of ancient prints, with an app. containing Fielding's treatise on the prac- tice of engraving. Ed. with notes, an ac- count of contemporary etching and etchers, and a bibliography of engravmg, by Robert Hoe, ir. NTY. 1880. O. 760+P3 Baker, W: S. The origin and antiquity of en- graving ; with some remarks on the utility and pleasures of prints. Heliotype ill. Bost. 1875. Q. 7(30 : Bl Duplessis or Gratet-Duplessis, G: The wonders of engraving. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1876. D. 760:2 Pettit, James S. Modern reproductive graphic processes. IVan Nostrand's science ser.] N. Y. 1884. T. 760 : 4 489 FINE ARTS ENaRAVlNG. CI. 760-780 4d0 Ruskin, J: Ariadne florentina ; six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with ap}x, given before the university of Oxford, in michaelmas term 1872. Plates. N. Y. 1880. D. 760 : 5 Chatto, W: Andrew. A treatise on wood engrav- ing, historical and practical. 111. New ed. with an add. chapter by H: G. Bohn. Lond. [1861]. Q. 761 :R1 Woodberry, G: E. A history of wood-engraving. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. O. 761 : P2 Linton, W. James. The history of wood-engrav- ing in America. 111. Bo'st. 1883. Q. 761 : R3 Hergesheimer, E. The pantograph ; its use in engraving. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1867. in 622 : D Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Etching and etchers. 111. Bost. 1878. O. 767-f 1 Lalanne, Fran9ois Antoine Maxime. Treatise on etching. Authorized amer. ed., from 2d french ed. by S. R. Koehler ; with introd. and notes by the tr. Bost. 1880. O. 767 : R2 Jackson, Mason. The pictorial press ; its origin and progress. 111. Lond. 1885. O. 761:4 2. Photography. Abney, W: de Wiveleslie. A treatise on photo- graphy. 2d ed. [Text-books of science.] Lond.'l883. S. 770 : 2 Bigelow, L. G. Artistic photography, and how to attain it. Phila. 1876. O. 770 : R4 Lea, Mathew Carey. A manual of photography; intended as a text-book for beginners and a book of reference for advanced photo- graphers. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Phila. 1871. 770-1-5 Price, Lake. A manual of photographic manip- ulation, treating of the practice of the art and its various applications to nature. 2d ed. Lond. 1868. D. 770 : 10 Thomas, R: Wheeler. The modern practice of photography. Phila. 1868. O. 770 : 6 Tissandier, Gaston. A history and handbook of photography. Tr. from the french, ed. by J. Thomson. 2d and rev. ed., with an app. by H: Fox Talbot. 111. Lond. 1878. D. . 770:9 Towler, J: The silver sunbeam ; a practical and theoretical text-book on sun drawing and photographic printing, comprehending all the wet and dry processes at pi-esent known with collodion, albumen, gelatine, wax, resin and silver, as also heliographic engraving, photolithography, photozinco- graphy, microphotography, celestial pho- tography, photography in natui'al colors, solar camera work, tinting and coloring of photographs, printing in various colors, the carbon process, tiie card picture, the cabinet picture, the vignette and stereo- graphy. 9th ed., enl., imp. and ill., and containing matter written by Blanquart Everard, and others. N. Y. 1879. D. 770:7 Vogel, Hermann. The chemistry of light and Shotography. 111. (Intern, scientific ser.) '. Y. 1875. t). 770 : 1 Photographers' pocket reference - book and dictionary ; an alphabetically arranged col- lection of practically important hints on the construction of the gallery, selection and trial of lenses and chemicals, approved formulae for the different photographic processes, tables of weights and measures, rules for avoiding failure, etc., for photo- graphers and amateurs. Tr. from the ger- man, by E: F. Moelling. Phila. 1873. D. 770:8 Tapley, D. J. Amateur photography ; a practi- cal instructor. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 770 : 12 Wallace, Ellerslie, jr. The amateur photo- grapher ; a manual of photographic mani- pulation, intended especially for beginners and amateurs, with suggestions as to the choice of apparatus and of processes. Phila. [1884]. D. 770:11 Ayres, G: B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oil, how to work in crayon, make the chromo-photograph, re- touch negatives, and instructions in cera- mic painting ; a practical hand-book de- signed for tne use of students and photo- graphers, containing directions for brush worK in all kinds of photo - portraiture. N. Y. 1883. D. 770 : 3 7. Music. 1. General and collected works, including criticism. Grove, Sir G:, ed. A dictionary of music and musicians, 1450^1880, by eminent writers, english and foreign ; in 4 v. Lond. 1879- 1883. V. 1-3. O. 780 : Rl Contents. V. 1. A Impromptu. 2. Improperia Plaiu song. 3. Planche Sumer is Icumen in. Riemann, Hugo. Musik-lexikon ; theorie und geschichte der musik, die tonkiinstler alter und neuer zeit mit angabe ihrer werke, nebst einer vollstandigen instrumenten- kunde. Leipz. 1882. D. 780 : R14 Spencer, C: Child. A rudimentary and practi- cal treatise on music. 2 v. "in 1. 8th ed. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 780 : 7 HuUah, J: Pyke. Music in the house. (Art at home ser.) Lond. 1878. D. 780:5 Upton, G: P. Woman in music ; an essay. 111. Bost. 1880. D. 780:9 Engel, C: An introduction to the study of national music ; comprising researches in- to popular songs, traditions and customs. Lond. 1866. O. 780 : 26 Chorley, H: Fothergill. The national music of the world ; ed. by H: G. Hewlett. Lond. 1880. D. 780:8 Bro"wn, J : A dissertation on the rise, union and 4di Cl. 780-781 FINE A^TS-MtTSIC. m power, the progressions, separations and corruptions of poetry and music. Prefixed, The cure of Saul, a sacred ode. Lond. 1763. Q. 23:11 Berlioz, L: Hector. Gesammelte schriften; iibers. und herausg. von R: Pohl. Leipz. 1877. 4 V. in 3. D. , 780 : 24 Contents. V. 1. A travers chants; musikallsche studien, huldigungen, einfalle und kritiken. 2, 3. Orchester-abende ; musikallsche novellen und genre- bllder. 4. Musikallsche grotesken; humoristlsche feuilletons. Hauptmann, Moritz. Opuscula ; vermischte aufsiitze. Leipz. 1874. D. 780:22 Contents. Klang. Temperatur. Der drelklang und seine Intervalle. Dreiklang mlt der pythagoral- chen terz. Zum quintenverbot. Zur auflosung des dominantseptimenaccordes durch erweiterung der septlme zur oetav. Elnlge regeln zur richtlgen beantwortung des fugenthemas Das hexachord. Authentlsch und plagalisch. Contrapunct. Me- trum. Zur metrlk. Ueber die recitative in J. 8. Bach's Matthaus-passion. Kunstvollendung. Form In der kunst. Ironie der kunst. Mannlich und weib- lich. Egolsmus. Mechanlk. Die sinne. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. My musical memories. N. Y. 1884. D. 780 : 16 Schumann, Robert. Music and musicians ; essays on criticisms. Tr., ed. and anno- tated by Fanny Raymond Ritter. Portr. N. Y. 1880. D. 781 : 6 "Wagner, W: R: Gesammelte schriften und dichtungen. Leipz. 1871-73. 8 v. O. 780 : 20 Contents. V. 1 . Einleltung. Autobiographische skizze bis 1842. Das liebesverbot. Hienzi. der letzte der trlbunen. Ein deutscher muslker in Paris: Ein pilgerfahrt zu Beethoven; Ein ende In Paris; Ein gliicklicher abend; Ueber deutsches muslkwesen; Der virtuos und der kiinstler; Der kunstler uud die offentlichkeit; Rossini's Stabat mater. Ueber die ouverture. Der freischiitz in Paris. Bericht liber elne neue Pariser oper. Der fliegende hollander. 2. Tannhauser. Bericht iiber die heimbringung der sterblichen iiberreste Karl Maria v. Weber's aus Lon- don nach Dresden. Bericht iiber die aufTiihrung der neunten symphonic von Beethoven im jahre 1846. Lohengrin. Die Wibelungen; weltgeschlchte aus der sage. Der Nlbelungen-mythus als entwurf zu elnem drama. Siegfried's tod. Trlnkspruch Im gedenktage des 300-jahrigen bestehens der Konlgli- chen musikallschen kapelle in Dresden. Entwurf zur organisation eines deutschen nationalth eaters fur das konigreich Sachsen. 3. Die kunst und die revolution. Das kunslwerk der zukunft. Wieland der schmiedt, als drama entworfen. Kunst und klima. Oper und drama: ler t., Die oper und das wesen der miisik. 4. Oper und drama: 2ter t., Das schauspiel und das wesen der dramatischen dicht- kunst; 3ter t., Dlchtkunst und tonkunst im drama der zukunft. Eine mltthellung an melne freunde. 6. Ueber die Goethestiftung. Ein theater in Zurich. Ueber muslkalische kritik. Das judenthum in der muslk. Erlnnerungen an Spontinl. Nachruf an L. Spohr und chordirektor W. Fischer. Gluck's ouver- ture zu Iphigenia in Aulis.- Ueber die aulTuhrung des Tannhauser. Bemerkungen zur auffiihrung der oper Der fliegende hollander. Programmatlsche erlauterungen Ueber Franz Liszt's symphonische dichtungen. Das Rheingold. 6. Der Ring des Nibe- lungen; biihnenfestspiel. Epiloglscher bericht fiber die umstande und schicksale, welche die ausfuhrung des bfihnenfestspleles Der ring des Nlbelungen, bis zur verofifentlichung der dlchtung desselben, beglei- teten. 7. Tristan und Isolde.- Ein brief Hector Berlioz. Zukunftsmuslk. Bericht fiber die aufffih- rung des Tannhauser in Paris. Die melstersinger von Nurnberg. Das Wiener Hof-operntheater. 8. Dem konigllchen freunde.- Ueber staat und religion. Deutsche kunst und deutsche polltik. Bericht an seine majestat den konlg Ludwig II von Bayern fiber eine in Mfinchen zu errichtende deutsche muslk- schule. Melne erlnnerungen an Ludwig Schnorr von Carolbfeld. Zur wldmung der zwelten auflage von Oper und drama. Censuren. Ueber das dlrigl- ren. Drel gedichte. 9. An das deutsche heer von Paris, Jan. 1871. Eine kapitulation. Erlnnerungen Wagner, W: R-. Contimied. an Auber. Beethoven.- Ueber die bestimraung der oper. Ueber schauspieler und Sanger. Zum vortrag der neunten symphonic Beethoven's.- Sendschreiben und kleinere aufsatze.- Bayreuth. Inhaltsfiberslcht der Gesammelten schriften und dichtungen. Sechs archltektonlsche plane zu dem buhnenfestsplelhause. Art life and theories ; selected from his writ- ings and tr. by E: L. Burlingame, with a catalogue of Wagner's published works ; and drawings of the Bayreuth opera house. (Amateur ser.) N. Y. 1875. D. 781 : 8 Contents. Introd. Autobiography. The love-veto; the story of the first performance of an opera. A pilgrimage to Beethoven. An end in Paris. Der freischfitz in Paris. The music of the future. An account of the production of Tannhauser in Paris. The purpose of the opera. Musical criticism. The legend of the Nlbelungen. The opera-house at Bay- reuth. Catalogue of Wagner's published works. Index. Beethoven ; with a supp. from the philosoph- ical works of Arthur Schopenhauer. Tr. by E:Dannreuther. Lond. 1880. D. 781 : 6 Grove, Sir G: Beethoven's nine symphonies ; analytical essays, with an introd. by the author and a pref. by G: Henschel. "Bost. 1884. S. 781 : 15 Keynote, The ; a weekly review devoted to music and the drama, ed. by F: Archer ; V. 1-4. N. Y. 1883. F. 705.8 : M Milwaukee school of music, J: C. Fillmore, dir. Catalogue, 1884-5. Milw. [1885]. D. 780 : Pam 2. History. Ambros, A: W: Geschichte der musik ; mit zahlreichen notenbeispielen und musikbei- lagen. 2te unveriinderte aufl. Leipz. 1880 1882. 5 V. O. 780 : 23 Contents. V. 1. Die ersten anfange der tonkunst. Die musik der antlken welt: Die volker der vorhelleni- schen cultur; Die volker der antlk-klasslschen cul- tur. 2. Die ersten zeiten der neuen christllchen welt und kunst.- Die entwickelung des mehrstlm- mlgen gesanges. 3. Die zelt der nlederlander. Die muslk in Deutschiand und England. Die Italienische musik des 15. jahrhunderts. 4. Palestrina. Die zelt des Palestrinastyles. Der monodlsche gtyl in Rom. Die musikreform und der kampf gegen den contra- punkt. Die zelt des uberganges. Die zeit der ersten dramatischen muslkwerke. Claudio dl Montiverde. Theoretiker und lehrer. Die Italienlschen organi- sten. 6. Kade, 0:,ed. Auserwahlte tonwerke der berfihmten melster des 15. und 16. jahrhunderts. Bell, N. R. E., (N. JD'Anvers). Elementary history of music by N. D'Anvers. New ed. by Owen J. Du'ilea. Lond. 1882. D. 780 : 25 Bumey, C: A general history of music from the earliest ages to the present period. 2d ed. Lond. 1789. 4 v. Q. 780 : R13 The present state of music in France and Italy, or The journal of a tour through those countries, undertaken to collect materials for a general history of music. 2ded., corr. Lond. 1778. O. 780 : R2 The present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands and United Provinces, or The journal of a tour through those countries, undertaken to collect materials for a gen- eral history of music. 2d ed., corr. Lond. 1775. 2 V. O. 780 : R3 Btisby, T: A general history of music from the earliest times to the present ; comprising the lives of eminent composers and musical 493 FINE ARTS MTTSIC. 01. 780-782 494 writers, the whole accompanied with notes and observations, critical and illustrative. Lond. 1819. 2 v. O. 780 : 27 Chappell, W: The history of music ; art and science. V. 1 : From the earliest records to the fall of the roman empire, with ex- planations of ancient systems of music, musical instruments and of the true physi- ological basis for the science of music, whether ancient or modern. Lond. [1874]. O. 780 : 18 Dommer, Arrey v. Handbuch der musikge- schichte von den ersten anfangen bis zum tode Beethoven's, in gemeinfasslicher dar- stellung. 2te verb. aufl. Leipz. 1880. O. 780 : 17 Hawkins, Sir J : A general history of the sci- ence and practice of music. Lond. 1776. Sv. Q. 780:1128 Same. Supplementary volume of portraits. Lond. 1883. Q. 780 : 1128 v6 Hog-arth, G: Musical history, biography and criticism. N. Y. 1848. O. 780 : 21 Hunt, H: G: Bonavia. A concise history of music from the commencement of the christian era to the present time, for the use of students. iSew ed., rev. N. Y. [1878]. D. 780:6 Langhans, W: Die musiicgeschichte in zwolf vortriigen. 2te wesentlich verm. aufl. Leiijz. 1879. O. 780 : 15 Hitter, F: L: History of music ; in the form of lectures. 1st and 2d series. Bost. 1876. 2 V. S. 780:10 Music in England. N. Y. 1883. D. 780 : 11 Music in America. N. Y. 1883. D. 780 : 12 Riemann, Hugo. Studien zur geschichte der notenschrift. Leipz. 1878. O. 780 : 19 3. Theory of music. Gardiner, W: The music of nature, or An at- tempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the art of singing, speaking and performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the animated world. 111. Bost. 1838. O. 781 : 7 Gumey, Edmund. The power of sound. Lond. 1880. Q. 781-1-2 Hand, Ferdinand Gotthelf . Aesthetics of musi- cal art, or The beautiful in music. Tr. fi-om the german by Walter E. Lawson. Book 1st. 2d ed. Lond. 1880. D. 781 : 21 Hanslick, E: Vom musikalisch schonen ; ein beitrag zur revision der iisthetik der ton- kunst. 6te verm, und verb. aufl. Leipz. 1881. D. 781 : 14 Helmlioltz, Hermann L: Ferdinand. On the physiological causes of harmony in music. Tr. by A. J. Ellis. In Ma Popular lectures. 504 : 6 vl Mathews, W: Smith Babcock. How to under- stand music ; a concise course in musical intelligence and taste. Added, a pronounc- ing dictionary and condensed encyclopedia of musical terms and information. Chi- cago. 1880. O. 781-}-3 Naumann, Emil W: Robert. Zukunftsmusik und die muslk der zukunft ; ein vortrag frehalten am 6 Jan. 1877 im Wissenschaft- ichen verein zu Berlin. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v6 Piutti, C: Regeln und erliiuterungen zum sta- dium der musik-theorie ; fiir seinen unter- richt herausg. Leipz. 1883. O. 781 : 17 Pole, W: The philosophy of music ; the sub- stance of a course of lectures delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain, in feb. and march 1877. [Eng. and foreign phil. lib.] Bost. 1879. O. 781 : 4 Riemann, Hugo. Musikalische logik ; haupt- ziige der physiologischen und psychologi- schen begriindung vinseres musik-systems. AU Dissertation unter dem titel '' Ueber das musikalische horen." Leipz. [18741. S. 781:11 Musikalische syntaxis ; grundriss einer har- monischen satzbildungslehre. Leipz. 1877. O. 781 : 12 Skizze einer neuen methode der harmonie- lehre. Leipz. 1880. O. 781 : 10 Neue schule der melodik ; entwurf einer lehre des contrapunkts nach einer ganzlich neuen methode. Hamburg. 1883. O. 781 :9 Die hiilfsmittel der modulation ; studie. Cas- sel. 1875. O. 781 : 13 Der ausdruck in der musik. (Sammlung mu- sikalischer vortrage, no. 50.) Leipz. 1883. O. 781-f-16 Die natur der harmonik. (Sammlung rausi- kalischer vortrage, no. 40.) Leipz. 1882. O. 781+16 Schubart, Christian F: Daniel. Ideen zu einer iisthetik der tonkunst. In Ma Gesammelte schriften. 830 : 146 v5 Taylor, Sedley. The science of music, or The physical basis of musical harmony. [Pop. science lib.] N. Y. 1875. D. 781 : 1 Westphal, Rudolf G: Hermann. Allgemeine theorie der musikalischen rythmik seit J. S. Bach, auf grundlage der antiken und unter bezugnahme auf ihren historischen anschluss an die mittelalterliche, mit be- sonderer beriicksichtigun^ von Bach's Fugen und Beethoven's Sonaten. Leipz. 1880. O. 781 : 18 Die musik des griechischen alterthumes ; nach den alten quellen neu bearb. Leipz. 1883. O. 781 : 19 4. Dramatic, church and vocal music. Clement, Felix, and P: Larousse. Dictionnaire des operas, dictionnaire lyrique ; contenant I'analyse et la nomenclature de tous les opera's et operas-comiques representes en France et a I'etranger depuis I'origine de ce genre d'ouvrages jusqu'a nos jours, com- plete par des supplements pcriodiques, maintenant fi. cet ouvrage un caractfere d'actualite. Paris. [1869]. O. 782 : R5 Includes [ler] Supplement, contenant les ouvragres representes en France et a I'etrangrer pendant le cours de Tirapression du Dictionnaire lyrique, and 2e-4e supplement, contenant les ouvrages repre- sentes en France et k Tetranger pendant les annees 186t-1880, ainsi que des notices complementaires pour les annees precedentes. Carleton, Fanny E., {Notelrac). Operas; their writers and their plots, by "Notelrac." Phila. 1882. S. 782 : 2 Hogarth, G: Memoirs of the musical drama. Lond. 1838. 2 v. O. 782 : 4 CI. 782-790 FINE ABTS MUSIC. 496 "Wolzogen \ind Neuliaus, Hans Paul freiherr v. Thematischer leitfaden durch die musik zu R: Wagner's festspiel Der ring der Nibe- lungen. 4te verb, und verm. aufl. Leipz. 1878. D. 782 : 3 Lindau, H: Gustav Paul. Niichterne briefe aus Bayreuth. lOte aufl. Breslau. [1881]. D. 782:1 Schasler, Max. Ueber dramatische musik und das kunst-werk der zukunft ; ein beitrag zur iisthetik der musik. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl2 Contents. Iste abth. 1st die musik eines dramati- schen ausdrucks fahijr? 3te abth. Die moderne oper und R: Wagner's musik-drama. Maretzek, Max. Crotchets and quavers, or Rev- elations of an opera manager in America. N. Y. 1855. D. 782 : 6 Mason, Lowell. Musical letters from abroad ; including detailed accounts of the Birm- ingham, Norwich and Diisseldorf mus- ical festivals of 1852. N. Y. 1854. D. 783:1 Bobinson, C: Seymour, ed. Laudes domini ; a selection of spiritual songs, ancient and modern. N. Y. [1884]. O. 783:2 Bliss, Philip P., and Ira D: Sankey. Gospel hymns and sacred songs, as used by them in gospel meetings. Cine. n. d. O. 783:4 Liliencron, Rochus freiherr v. Ueber den chor- gesang in der evangelischen kirche. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v9 Krehbiel, H. E. Notes on the cultivation of choral music and the Oratorio society of New York. N. Y. 1884. O. 784 : 5 Johnson, Helen Kendrick. Our familiar songs and those who made them ; more than 300 standard songs of the english speaking race, arr. with piano accompaniment and preceded by sketches of the writers and histories of the songs. N. Y. 1881. Q. 784 : Bl McCaskey, J. P., ed. Franklin square song col- lection ; songs and hymns for schools and and homes. nur.sery and fireside ; [no. 1,2]. N. Y. 1881, [1884]. 2 v. O. 784 : 2 Hills, W: H., comp. Students' songs; compris- ing the newest and most popular college songs, as now sung at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth. Amherst, Vassar [and other colleges] . Cambridge. [1883]. Q. 784+3 Alexander, Frances, tr. Roadside songs of Tus- cany ; ed. by J: Ruskin. 111. N. Y. 1884. 3 V. O. 784-f4 Contents. Pt. 1. The story of Lucia, with author's and ed.'s preface. Pt. 2. The ballad of Santa Zita. 8. Ballad of the madonna and the rich man. The story of Paolina. Notes on the puest's office by the ed. Pike, Gustavus D. The singing campaign for ten thousand pounds, or The jubilee singers in Great Britain ; with an app. containing slave songs. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1875. D. 789:1 5. Instrumental music. Engel, C: Musical instruments. 111. [South Kensington museum art hand-books.] Lond. n. d. D. 785 : 2 Stainer, J: The music of the Bible, with an ac- count of the development of modern musi- cal instruments from anciept types. Lond. n. d. D. 785 : 1 Viard-Louis, Jenny. Music and the piano. Tr. from the fren'ch by mrs. Warington Smyth. Lond. 1884. D. 786 : 7 Bimbault, E: Francis. The pianoforte, its origin, progress and construction ; with some ac- count of instruments of the same class which preceded it, viz. the clavichord, the virginal, the spinet, the harpsichord, etc. Added, A selection of interesting speci- mens of music composed for keyed-stringed instruments by Blitheman, Byrd, Bull, Frescobaldi , Dumont , Chanibonni^res, Lully, Purcell, Muffat, Couperin, Kuhnau, Scarlatti, Seb. Bach, Mattheson, Handel, C. P. Emanuel Bach, etc. Lond. 1860. F. 786 : B8 Fillmore, J: Comfort. Pianoforte music ; its history, with biographical sketches and critical estimates of its greatest masters. Chicago. 1883. D. 786 : 5 KuUak, Adolph. Die asthetik des klavierspiels. 2te umgearb. aufl., herausg. von Hans Bischoft". Berlin. 1876. D. 786 : 6 Schmitt, Hans. Das pedal des clavieres ; seine beziehung zum clavierspiel und unterricht, zur composition und akustik ; vier vorle- sungen gehalten am Wiener, Conservato- rium der musik. Wien. 1880. O. 781 : 20 Spencer, C: Child. The rudiments of the art of playing tlie pianoforte, with numei'ous exercises and lessons written and selected from the best masters. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1875. D. 786 : 2 Taylor, Franklin. Primer of pianoforte playing, with numerous examples. (Science prim- ers.) N. Y. 1878. S. 786 : 3 Fay, Amy. Music-study in Germany ; from [her] home correspondence, ed. by "the author of " Co-operative housekeeping." Chicago. 1881. D. 786 : 1 Dickson, W. E. Practical organ-building. 2d ed. rev., with add. [Weale's ser.] Lond. 1882. D. 786:4 Hart, G: The violin ; its famous makers and their imitators. 111. Lond. 1880. D. 787:1 The violin and its music, with several en- graved portraits on steel of eminent violin- ists, whose style, both in playing and in composition, may be regarded as repre- sentative. Lond." 1881. O. 787-fP2 8. Amusements 1. Entertainments. Frost, T: The old showmen and the old London fairs. Newed. [The wanderer's lib.] Lond. 1881. D. 791:3 Circus life and circus celebrities. New ed. [The wanderer's lib.] Loud. 1881. D. 791:1 The lives of the conjurors. New ed. [The wanderer's lib.] Lond. 1881. D. 791:2 497 ^INE ARtS AMtJSEMENTS. CI. 790-792 Blitz, Antonio. Fifty years in the njagic circle ; an account of the author's professional life, his wonderful tricks and feats, with laugh- able incidents and adventures as a magi- cian, necromancer and ventriloquist. Hartford. 1871. D. 791 : 4 Hoffmann, L: Modern magic; a practical treatise on the art of conjuring. 111. 4th ed. Lond. 1882. D. 791 : 5 Frickell, G. Magic no mystery ; conjuring tricks with cards, balls and dice, magic writing, performing animals, by the author of "The secret out"; ed. by W. H. Cremer, jr. Lond. 1876. D. 791 : 6 Hermon, Harry. Hellerism, second-sight mys- tei-y, supernatural vision or second-sight, what is It ? a mystery ; a complete manual for teaching this peculiar art. Bost. 1884. S. 791 : 9 Frost, Sarah Annie. The book of tableaux and shadow pantomimes ; containing a choice collection of tableaux vivants or living pictures, embracing moving tableaux, charades in tableaux, Mother Goose tab- leaux and fairy-tale tableaux, together with directions "for arranging the stage, costuming the characters and formmg appropriate groups. Added, a number of shadow acts and pantomimes, with com- plete stage instructions. N. Y. [1869]. S. 791:7 Pollard, Josephine. Artistic tableaux ; with picturesque diagrams and descriptions of costumes. Arr. of diagrams by Walter Satterlee. N. Y. 1884. T. 791 : 8 Holt, Ardern. Fancy dresses described ; or What to wear at fancy balls. 4th ed. Lond. n. d. O. 791 : 10 The a ter . (See also Drama, cl. 813.) Coquelin, Benoit Constant. The actor and his art. Tr. from the french by Abby Lang- don Alger. Bost. 1881. S. 792 : 1 Fitzgerald, Percy. The world behind the scenes. [The wanderer's lib.] Lond. 1881. D. 792 : 3 Cook, Button. A book of the play ; studies and ill. of histrionic story, life and character. 2d ed. Lond. 1876. 2 v. D. 792 : 7 Doran, J: Wilberforce. Their majesties' ser- vants ; annals of the english stage fi'om Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean ; actors, authors, audiences. N. Y. 1865. 2 V. O. 792 : 2 Contents. V. 1. Prologue. The decline and fall of the players. The "boy actresses" and the "young ladles." The gentlemen of the king's company. T: Betterton. "Exeunt" and " enter." Elizabeth Barry." Their first appearance on this stage." The dramatic poets. Noble, gentle and humble authors. Pi'of essional authoresses. The audiences of the 17th century. A seven years' rivalry. The united and disunited companies Union, strength, pros- perity .Competition and what came of it. The pro- gress of James Quin and decline of Barton Bootn. Barton Booth. Mrs. Oldfleld. From the death of Anne Oldfleld to that of Wilks. Robert Wilks. Enter, Garrick. Garrick, Quin, Mrs. Porter. Riv- alry ; and enter, Spranger Barry. The old Dublin theatre. Garrick and Quin; Garrick and Barry. The audiences of 170(>-1750.-Exit, James Quin.-Eng- land and Scotland. 2. Margaret WofBngton. Colley Gibber. England and Ireland. Ryan, Rich, O'Brien. Susanna Maria Cibber, Reappearance of Spranger Barry. Retirement of mrs. Pritchard. The last years of Garrick and Barry. D: Garrick. Spranger and Anne Barry. Kitty Clive, Woodward, Shuter. S: Foote. Supplemental catalogue of new plays from the retirement of Garrick to the end of the 18th cen- tury. Of authors, and particularly of condemned authors. The audiences of the last half of the 18th century. C: Macklin. A bevy of ladies, but chiefly mrs. Bellamj', miss Farren, mrs. Ablngton, and "Per- dita." A group of gentlemen. J : Henderson.-Sarah Siddons. J: Kemble. G: F: Cooke. Master Betty. Stage costume and stage tricks. Prologue, epilogue, dedications and benefits. Old stagers departing.- New ideas, new theatres, new authors, and the new actors. Edmund Kean. Fitzgerald, Percy. A new history of the english stage from the restoration to the liberty of the theatres, in connection with the patent houses, from original papers in the lord chamberlain's office, the state paper office, and other sources. Lond. 1882. 2 v. O. 792 : 11 "Williams, Michael. Some London theatres, past and present. Lond. 1883. D. 792 : 10 Contents. The story of old Sadler's Wells. Some- thing about old Highbury barn.- The drama in Nor- ton Folgate. The drama in Port man-market. Three lyceums. Matthews, James Brander. The theatres of Paris. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. 792 : 5 Phelps, H. P. Players of a century ; a record of the Albany stage, incl. notices of prom- inent actors who nave appeared in Amer- ica. Albany. 1880. D. 792:8 Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic life as I found it ; a record of personal experience, with an account of the rise and progress of the drama in the west and south, with anec-- dotes and biographical sketches of the principal actors and actresses who have at times appeared upon the stage in the Mis- sissippi valley. St. Louis. 1880. O. 792 : 4 Murdoch, James E: The stage, or Recollections of actors and acting from an experience of fifty years ; a series of dramatic sketches, with'anapp. Phila. 1880. D. 792:6 Pollock, Walter Herries, and lady Pollock. Amateur theatricals. (Art at home ser.) Lond. 1879. D. 792.1 : 1 How to make up ; a practical guide to the art of "making-up" for amateurs, etc., by Haresfoot and Rouge. N. Y. 1877. D. 792.1:2 Guide to selecting plays, or Manager's compan- ion; complete description ot 1,500 pieces, showing number of characters, acts and scenes, the class of play, costumes, time of representation, an account of the dramatis personse, the plot or advice connected with each, arr. to the requirements of any com- pany. N. Y. 1881. 1). t92:9 2. Home amusements in general. Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth Wilson. Home amusements. (Appletons' home books.) N. Y. 1881. D. 790 : 1 Cassell's book of sports and pastimes. 111. Lond. [18821. O. 790 : 2 Newell, W: Wells, ed. Games and songs of american children, collected and com- pared. N. Y. 1883. O. 790 : 5 Pardon, G: F: {Raiodon Vrawley.) The book of manly games for boys ; a practical guide to the mdoor and outdoor amusements of 499 CI. 790-795 PINE ARTS AMUSEMENTS. 500 all seasons, by Captain Crawley. Lond. [1869]. D. 790:3 Beard, Daniel C. What to do, and how to do it ; the american boy's handy book. N. Y. 1882. D. x790:4 Chad wick, H: The sports and pastimes of amer- ican boys ; a guide and text-book of games of the play-ground, the parlor and the field, adapted especially for american youth. 111. N. Y. [1884]. O. x 790 : 6 3. In-door amusements. Bees, Janet E. Ruutz-. Home occupations. (Appletons' home books). N. Y. 1883 [1882]. D. 793 : 13 Household amusements and enjoyments ; com- prising acting charades, burlesques, con- undrums, enigmas, rebuses, and a number of new puzzles in endless variety. Lond. 1866. T. 793 : 15 Bellew, Frank. The art of amusing ; a collec- tion of graceful arts, merry games, odd tricks, curious puzzles and new charades, together with suggestions for private the- atricals, tableaux and all sorts of parlor and family amusements ; a volume intend- ed to amuse everybody and enable all to amuse everybody else, thus bringing about as near an approximation to the millenium as can be conveniently attained in the compass of one small volume. 111. N. Y. 1867. S. 793 : 1 The art of amusing ; a collection of graceful arts, games, tricKS, puzzles and charades, intended to amuse everybody and enable all to amuse everybody else. 111. Lond. n. d. D. ' ' 793 : 7 Bellew, Clara, ed. The merry circle ; a book of new, graceful and intellectual games and amusements. Lond. n. d. D. 793 : 6 Cassell's book of in-door amusements, card games and fireside fun. 2d ed. 111. Lond. [1882]. O. 793:4 Elliott, Alfred. Within-doors ; a book of games and pastimes for the drawing-room, with a chapter on feathered pets. Lond. 1872. D. 793:11 Hoffmann, L: Parlor amusements and evening party entertainments. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 793 : 12 Same. Drawing-room amusements. Lond. n. d. D. 793 : 12 Frickell, G. Hanky panky ; a book of conjur- ing tricks, by the author of "The secret out." New ed. by W. H. Cremer, jr. Lond. 1875. D. 793:8 The magician's own book, by the author of of "The secret out," etc.; ed. by W. H. Cremer, jr. Lond. n. d. D. 793 : 9 The secret out, or 1,000 tricks in drawing- room or white magic with an endless vari- ety of entertaining experiments [Ano'n.]; ed. by W. H. Cremer, jr. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 793:10 Bubin, Theodor A. Sphinx americana ; riithsel. Milw. 1878. D. 793 : Pam Bursill, H: Hand shadows to be thrown upon the wall ; consisting of novel and amus- ing figures formed by the han d, from orig- inal designs. 2 ser. in 1 v. N. Y. n. d. O. X 793 : 5 Campbell, Helen. The american girl's home book of work and play. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. X 793: 17 Iiandells, E. and Alice. The girl's own toy- malcer and book of recreation. 12th thous. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. X 793 : 14 Dick, W: Brisbane. The american Hoyle, or Gentleman's hand-book of games" ; con- taining all the ^ames played in the U. S., with rules, descriptions and technicalities, adapted to the american methods of play- ing, by Trumps. Appended, A treatise on the doctrine of chances. 13th ed. rev. N. Y. 1883. D. 793 : 16 0. h Porbes, Duncan. The history of chess, from the time of the early invention of the ;ame in India, till the period of its establishment in western and central Europe. Lond. 1860. O. 794+8 Chess handbook, The ; teaching the rudiments of the game and giving an analysis of all the recognized openings, exemplified by appropriate games actually played by Morphy, Harrwitz, Anderssen, Staunton, Paulsen, Montgomery, Meek and many others, by an amateur. [Based on Staun- ton, H. . Chess-player's handbook.] Phila. 1859. S. 794:3 Gossip, G. H. D. The chess-player's manual ; containing the laws of the game according to the revised code laid down by the Brit- ish chess association in 1862. 2d ed. Lond. 1883. O. 794+7 Cook, W: Synopsis of the chess openings; a tabulated analysis. 3d ed. witli add. and emendations. Lond. 1882. O. 794 : 6 Staunton, Howard. The chess tournament ; a collection of the games played at this cel- ebrated assemblage, ill. by diagrams and notes, critical and explanatory. Lond. 1852. D. 794:5 Piske, Daniel Willard. The book of the first american chess congress ; containing the proceedings of that celebrated assem- blage, held in N. Y. in 1857, with the papers read in its sessions, the games played in the grand tournament and the stratagems entered in the problem tour- nay, together with sketches of the history of chess in the old and new worlds. N. x . 1859. D 794:2 Lange, Max. Paul Morphy ; a sketch from the chess world. Tr. by permission, with add. notes and games' by Ernest Falkbeer. Lond. 1860. D. ' 794:4 Dubuque chess journal; v. 8, jan.-dec. 1875. T. p. w. [Dubuque. 1875]. D. 705.9 : M Goold, Joseph. The gsme of draughts; prob- lems, critical positions and games, con- taining sections by dr. Brown, messrs. Drinkwatcr, Fred. Allen, F. Dunne, Kear, Robertson, Gourlay, Hedley, Smith, Leg- gett, Gilbert, Richards, Whitney and vVyilie, with special contributions from messrs. McCall, Parker, Willie Gardner, Ritchie, etc., selections from the works of the best authors and composers, and notes on the positions. Lond. 1884. S. 795 : 9 denotes books specially adapted lor children. 501 FINE ARTS AMUSEMENTS. CI. 795-798 G a r d games. Drayson, A. W. The art of practical whist ; a scries of letters descriptive of every part of the game, and the best method of becom- ing a skilful player, embodying the rules adopted by the Arlington and Portland clubs. Lohd. and N. Y. 1880. D. 795 : 1 Hayward, Abraham. Whist and whist-players. In his Selected essays. 824.2 : 46 v2 Jones, H:, {Cavendish). The laws and principles of whist stated and explained, and its practice illustrated on an original system, by means of hands played completely through, by Cavendish. 14th ed. Lond. 1884. . 795 : 7 Card essays, Clay's decisions, and Card-table talk by Cavendish. Amer. ed. with index. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. 795 : 2 Pembridge, pseud. Whist or bumblepuppy ? ten lectures addressed to children. From the 2d Lond. ed. Bost. 1883. S. 795 : 5 Pettes, G: W: American or standard whist, by G. W. P. Bost. 1880. D. 795 : 3 Pole, W: The theory of the modern scientific game of whist. 11th ed. Lond. 1879. S. 795 : 4 The philosophy of whist ; an essay on the scientific and intellectual aspects of the modern game, in 3 pts : pt. 1, The philos- ophy of whist play ; pt. 2, The philosophy of whist probabilities. 3d ed. Lond. 1884. S. 795 : 8 Proctor, R: Anthony. How to play whist ; with the laws and etiquette of whist, whist- whittlings, and forty fully - annotated games ; by " Five of clubs". (Knowledge library). Lond. 1885. D. 795 : 10 Same. N. Y. 1885. S. 795 : 10 "Walker, Arthur Campbell-. The correct card, or How to play at whist ; a whist cate- chism. N. Y. 1876. S. 795:11 Linderfelt, Klas A: The game of preference or Swedish whist; with a bibliography of english whist. Milw. 1885. S. 795 : 12 Dick, W: Brisbane, ed. Games of patience, or Solitaire with cards ; containing 44 games. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 795 : 6 4. Out-door sports. Depping, Guillaume. Wonders of bodily strength and skill in all ages and all countries. Tr. and enl. from the french by C: Russell. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1873. D. 796:4 Spirit of the times ; a chronicle of the turf, field sports, aquatics, agriculture and tlie stage ; V. 107, 108, feb. 1884 Jan. 1885. N. Y. 1884 -85. F. 705.9 :IIM Blaine, Delabere Pritchett. An encyclopasdia of rural sports, or Complete account, historical, practical and descriptive, of hunting, shooting, fishing, racmg, etc. New ed., rev. and corr. Lond. 1858. O. 796 : Rl Walsh, J: H:, (Stonehenge). British rural sports ; comprising shooting, hunting, coursing, fishing, hawking, racing, boating and pedestrianism, with all rural games and amusements, by Stonehenge. 15th ed., ill. re-ed. with add. by the "Field" staff. Lond. [1881]. O. 796 : R13 Appleton's summer book. 829.1+1 Contents, see under English literature, Miscellany. Elliott, Alfred. Out-of-doors ; a handbook of games for the play ground. Lond. 1872. D. 796:11 Miller, T: The boy's summer book ; descriptive of the season, scenery, rural life and country amusements. 111. N. Y. 1847. D. 796 : 7 Gould, J: M. Hints for camping and walking : How to camp out. N. Y. 1880. S. 796 : 9 Pratt, C:E. The american bicycler; a manual for the observer, the learner and the ex- pert. 111. Bost. 1879. S. 796 : 3 Thompson, Maurice. The witchery of archery ; a complete manual of archery, with many chapters of adventures by field and flood, with an app. containing practical direc- tions for the manufacture and use of archery implements. New ed., with a chapter on english archery practice. 111. N. Y. 1879. S. 796:5 Taylor, James. Curling ; the ancient Scottish game. 111. Edinb. 1884. O. 796 : 17 Swift, Frank, and Marvin R. Clark. The skater's text-book. N. Y. [1868]. D. 796 : 12 Greenwood, James. Wild sports of the world ; a boy's book of natural history and adven- ture. 111. Lond. 1862. O. ' 796 : 10 liloyd, Llewellyn. Field sports of the north of Europe ; comprised in a personal narra- tive of a residence in Sweden and Norway in 1827-28. 2d ed., with add. Lond. 1831. 2v. O. 796: 14 Gerstacker, F: Wild sports in the far west. Tr. from the german. Phila. 1881. D. 796 : 16 Sears, G: W. {Nessmuk). Woodcraft. (Forest and stream ser.) 111. N. Y. [18841. S. 796 : 15 Northrup, A. Judd. 'Sconset cottage life; a summer on Nantucket Island. N. Y. 1881. S. 796:8 Boating. Boats, The, of the world ; depicted and describ- ed by one of the craft. Lond. n. d. O. X 797 : 2 Prescott, C: E. The sailing-boat and its man- agement. N. Y. 1883. T. 797 : 3 Maclaren, Archibald. Training in theory and practice. 2d enl. ed. with ill. Lond. 1874. S. 797 : 1 Ho rsemanship. (See also Domestic animals, class 636.1, col. 441.) Saddle-horse, The ; complete guide for riding and training. N. Y. 1881. D. 798:2 Anderson, E: L. Modern horsemanship ; anew method of teaching riding and training by means of pictures from the life. 111. Edinb. 1884. O. 798 : 6 Karr, Elizabeth. The american horsewoman. 111. Bost. 1884. D. 798 : 5 X denotes books specially adapted for children . CI. 798-799 FINE ARTS- AMUSEMENTS. 504 Melville, G: J: Whyte-. Riding recollections. Leipz. 1879. S. 798 : 1 "Waring, G: Edwin, jr. Whip and spur. Bost. 1875. T. 798 : 3 ContenU. Vix. Ruby. Wettstein. Campaigning: with Max. How I got my overcoat. Two scouts. In the gloaming-. Fox-hunting: in England. Waring's horse stories, reprinted from " Whip and spur": no. 1, Vix ; no. 3, Ruby. Bost. 1883. S. 798 : 4 G ener al field sports. Hallock, C: The sportsman's gazetteer and gen- eral guide ; the game animals, birds and fishes of North America, their habits, and various methods of capture ; also instruc- tions in shooting, fishing, taxidermy, wood- craft, etc., together with a glossary. Rev., enl. and brought down to date by the author. 111., maps and portrait. N. Y., 1883. D. 799:7 Cross, D. W. Fifty years with gun and rod ; incl. tables showing the velocity, distance, penetration or effect of shot, calculated by Leonard Case, gun trials by the Chicago field, how and where to ''hold," etc. Cleve- land, O. 1880. D. 799 : 6 Mayer, Alfred Marshall, ed. Sport with gun and rod in american woods and waters. 111. N. Y. [1883]. 2v. Q. 799 : B8 Jefferies, R: The amateur poacher, by the author of "The gamekeeper at home" and " Wild life in a southei'n country." Bost. 1879. D. 799:5 Herbert, H: W: Frank Forester's fugitive sport- ing sketches ; miscellaneous articles upon sport and sporting, originally pub. in the early american magazines and periodicals, ed.,"with a memoir of Herbert and numer- ous explanatory notes, by Will Wildwood [F: Eugene Pond]. Westfield, Wis. 1879. O. 799 : 1 Content H. Memoir. The game of North America. Among the mountains.- A blaze at Barnegat. The american bittern. The death of the stag. The red fox. A trip to Chateau Richer, or Snipe shooting on the St. Lawrence. Spring snipe. Domestication of game-birds. Northrup, A. Judd. Camps and tramps in the Adii'ondacks, and grayling fi.shing in nortliern Michigan ; a record of summer vacations in the wilderness. Syracuse, N. Y. 1880. S. 799 : 2 Davies, G. Christopher. The Swan and her crew, or The adventures of three young naturalists and sportsmen on the broads and rivers of Norfolk. 4th ed. with post- script and ill. Lond. [1880]. D. 799 : 4 J^ I s fi I n g . Prouty, Lorenzo. Fish ; their habits and haunts and the methods of catching them, to- gether with fishing as a recreation. Bost. 1883. O. 799. 1 : 8 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell. The game fish of the northern states and british provinces ; with an account of the salmon and sea- trout fishing of Canada and New Bruns- wick, together with simple directions for tying artificial flies, etc. N. Y. 1862. D. 799 1 3 Same. N. Y. 1865. D. 799!l :3 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell. Continued. Superior fishing, or The striped bass, trout and black bass of the northern states ; embracing full directions for dressing arti- ficial flies with the feathers of anaerican birds, an account of a sporting visit to Lake Superior, etc. N. Y. 1865. D. 799.1 :4 Stevens, C: Woodbury. Fly-fishing in Maine lakes, or Camp -life in the wilderness. [New ed.] Bost. 1881. 111. Sq. D. 799.1 :7 Walton, I: The complete angler, or The con- templative man's recreation, and Instruct- ions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by C: Cotton ; with cop- ious notes, for the" most part original, a bibliographical preface, giving an account of fishing and fishing-books from the earl- iest antiquity to the time of Walton, and a notice of Cotton and his writings by the amer. ed. Added, an app. incl. ill. ballads, music, papers on amer. fishing and a cata- logue of books on angling, also general in- dex. N. Y. 1847. D. 799. 1 : 6 Cotton, C: The complete angler, or The con- templative man's recreation, pt. 2 : In- structions how to angle for a trout or frayling in a clear stream. N. Y. 1847. D. n Walton, I: The complete angler. 799.1:6 Davy, Sir Humjjhrey. Salmonia, or Days of fiy-fishing, in a series of conversations ; with some account of the habits of fishes belonging to the genus salmo, by an angler. 1st amer. from the 2d Lond. ed. Phila. 1832. S. 799. 1 : 5 Blakey, Robert, (Palmer Hackle). Hints on ang- ling, with suggestions for angling excur- sions in France and Belgium ; app., some brief notices of the english, Scottish and Irish waters. Lond. 1846. O. 799.1 : 1 Newland, H: Garrett. Forest scenes in Norway and Sweden. T.p.w.S. 799.1:2 Hunting , shooting and trapping . Riesenthal, O. v. Jagd-lexikon ; handbuch fiir jiiger und jagdfreunde, mit besonderer be- riicksichtigung der naturgeschichte und liege des wildes. 111. Leipz. 1882. D. 799.2: RIO Lewis, Elisha J. The american sportsman, con- taining hints to sportsmen, notes on shoot- ing, and the habits of the game birds and wild fowl of America. New rev. ed. 111. Phil. 1885 [1884]. O. 799 : 9 Barber, E: C. The crack shot, or Young rifle- man's complete guide ; a treatise on the use of the rifle, with rudimentary and finishing lessons, incl. a full description of the latest improved breech-loading weapons, ill. with numerous engr., rules and regulations for target practice, direc- tions for hunting game found in the U. S. and british provinces, etc. N. Y. 1868. S. 799.3 : 1 Adams, W: H: Davenport. Scenes with the hunter and trapper in many lands. [AnonA 111. Lond. 1884. D. 799.2:11 505 FINE ARTS AMUSEMENTS. 01. 799 506 Batty, Joseph H. How to hunt and trap, to- gether with chapters upon outfits, guns, etc., abounding in information generally for sportsmen. N. Y. 1883. D. 799 : 3 Newhouse, S., and others. The trapper's guide , a manual of instructions for capturing all kinds of fur-bearing animals and curing their skins, with observations on the fur trade, hints on life in the woods and narra- tives of trapping and hunting excursions. 2d ed., ed. by i. H. Noyes and T. L. Pitt. 111. Wallingford, Ct. 1867. O. 639 : 2 Gibson, W: Hamilton. Camp-life in tlie woods ; and the tricks of trapping and trap-mak- ing. 111. by the author. [New ed.] N. Y. 1881. D. 639:4 Cartwright, D: W. Natural history of western wild animals, and guide for hunters, trap- pers and sportsmen. . . 2d ed., written by Mary F. Bailev. Toledo. 1875. D. 639 : 1 Qillmore, Parker. Prairie and forest ; a descrip- tion of the game of North America, with personal adventures in their pursuit. N. Y. 1874. D. 799.2 :4 Herbert, H: W: Frank Forester's field sports of the U. S. and british provinces of North America. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. O. 799.2 : 5 Murphy, J: Mortimer. Sporting adventures in the far west. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. 799.2:6 Shakespear, H: The wild sports of India, with remarks on the breeding and rearing of horses and the formation of light, irregu- lar cavalry. Bost. 1860. D. 799.2:7 Jeflteries, R: The game keeper at home ; sketches of natural history and rural life. 3ded. Bost. 1879. D. 799.2:3 Tongue, Cornelius, {Cecil). Records of the chase and memoirs of celebrated sports- men, ill. some of the usages of olden times and comparing them with prevail- ing customs, together with an introd. to most of the fashionable hunting countries, and comments by Cecil. Lond. 1854. S. 799.2:2 Carlton, J: W: {Craven). Recreations in shoot- ing ; with some account of the game of the British Islands. Lond. 1846. S. T. p. w. 799.2 : 1 Adams, W: H: Davenport. The forest, the jungle and the prairie, or Tales of adven- ture and enterprise in pursuit of wild ani- mals. 111. Lond. 1883. S. 799.2:9 Gerard, Cecile Jules Basile. Life and adven- tures ; comprising his ten years' cam- Eaigns among the lions of northern Africa. ,ond. [1856]. 8. TQQ 9. R 799.2:8 IX. LITERATURE. 1. In general. 1. Dictionaries. Bomliak, G. Lexikon der allgemeinen littera- tur<^eschichte ; die nationallitteratur der ausserdeutschen volker aller zeiten in ge- schichtlichen iibersichten undbiographien, zugleieh lexikon der poetik. Leipz. 1883. D. 803 : R4 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Reader's hand-book of allusions, references, plots and stories ; with 2 app. Phila. 1880. O. 803 : R2 Dictionary of phrase and fable, giving the derivation, source or origin of common phrases, allusions and words that have a tale to tell. 9th ed. Phila,. n. d. O . 803 : Rl Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts and phrases ; a dictionary of curious, quaint and out-of- the-way matters. Phila. [18811. O. 803 : B3 Wheeler, W: Adolphus. Who wrote it ? an index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern literature ; ed. by C: G. Wheeler. Bost. 1881. D. 803 : 117 and C:G. Familiar allusions; handbook of miscellaneous information, incl. the names of celebrated statues, paintings, palaces, country-seats, i*uins, churches, ships, streets^ clubs, natural curiosities, and the like. Bost. 1882. D. 803 : 115 Ripley, G:, and Bayard Taylor, eds. Hand-book of literature and the tine arts ; comprising complete and accurate deiinitions of all terms employed in belles-lettres, philos- ophy, theology, law, mythology, pamting, music, sculpture, architecture and all kindred arts. (Putnam's home cyclopaedia). N. Y. 1852. D. 803 : 6 2. Essays on literature. Albee, J: Literary art; conversation between a poet, painter and philosopher. N. Y. 1881. S. 801 : 1 Beloe, W: Anecdotes of literature and scarce books. Lond. 1807. 2 v. D. 804 : 6 Dowden, E: Studies in literature, 17891877. Lond. 1878. O. 804 : 1 Contents. The french revolution and literature. The transcendental movement and literature The scientific movement and literature. The prose works of Wordsworth.- Walter Savafre Landor. Mr. Ten- nyson and mr. Browning'. George Eliot. Lam- menais. Edgar Quinet. On some trench writers of verse, 1830 1877. The poetry of Victor Hugo. The poetry of democracy ; Walt Whitman. Mi] Gosse, Edmund W: Studies in the literature of northern Europe. Lond. 1879. D. 804 : 2 Contents. Norway: Norweg-ian poetry since 1814: Henrik Ibsen ; The Lofoden islands. Sweden : Runebers:. Denmark: The danish national theatre; Pourdanish poets. Germany: Walter von der Vogel- weide. Holland: Adutch poetess of the 17th century; Vondel and Milton; The Oera Linda book. App. Schlegel, K: W: F: v. Esthetic and miscellane- is works. Tr. from the german by E. J. [illington. Lond. 1849. D. 804 : 4 Contents. Pref. Description of paintings in Paris and the Netherlands, in 1803-4. Principles of gothic ai-chitecturo. Contributions to the study of roman- tic poetry and genius. Modern german paintings.- Romantic fictions of the middle ages: Lother and Mailer. Miscell. essays. On the limits of the beauti- ful. On the language and the philosophy of the Indians. Shepard, W: The literary life. N. Y. 1882-84 [1883]. 3v. S. ' 804:5 Contents. V. 1. Authors and authorship : The liter- ary life; The chances of literature; Concerning re- jected mss.; The rewards of literature; Literature as a staff; Literature as a crutch; Some literary confes- sions; First appearance in print; Literary heroes and hero worship; Some successful books; The seamy side of letters; Literary society ; The consolation of literature. 2. Pen pwturei* of modern authors : Carlyle; G: Eliot; Ruskin; J: H: Newman; Tennyson; Emer- son; Bryant; Longfellow and Whittier; Lowell and Holmes; Hawthorne; Whitman; Bayard Taylor ; Swin- burne and Oscar Wilde; The Brownings; Dickens; Thackeray; Some younger writers. 3. Pen pictures of the earlier Victorian authors. Literary London in 18a5; E: Bulwer, lord Lytton ; B: Disraeli, lord Beaconsfleld; T: Babington Macaulay; Charlotte Bronte; Washington Irving; Edgar Allan Poe ; Har- riet Martineau. Tuckerman, H: Theodore. Characteristics of literature ; illustrated by the genius of distinguished writers. 2d ser. Phila. 1851. D. 804: 3 v2 Contents. The novelist, Manzoni. The censor, Steele. The naturalist, Humboldt. The correspon- dent, Mme. de Scvignd. The philologist, Home Tooke. The magazine writer, Wilson. The dram- atist, Talfourd. The traveller, Beckford. The critic, Hazlitt. The orator, Everett. The reformer, Godwin. 3. General literary history. Botta, Anne C. Lynch. Hand-book of universal literature. 24th ed. Bost. 1881. D. 809:5 Same. Hand-book of universal literature, from the best and latest authorities. New ed. rev. and brought down to 1885. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. 809:6 Scherr, Johannes. Allgemeine geschichte der literatur ; ein handbuch in 2 b. 5te aufi. Stuttg. 1875. 2 v. in 1. O. 809+1 509 LiTERATtJRiE GENERAL. CI. 800-80D 510 Scherr, J olmnnes. Continued. Bildevsaal der weltliteratiir. 3te neu bearb. und stark verm. auli. Stuttg. [18841. Q. 809+10 Contents. V. 1. Das morgenland: China; Japan; Indlen; Hebraerland ; Arabien; Perslen; Tiirkel. Hellas und Rom. Die romanlschen lander: Frank- relch; Italien; Spanien und Portugal, Kumanien. 2. Diegermanischen liinder: Deutsehland. In course of publication. Schiegel, K: W: F: v. Lectui'es on the history of literature, ancient and modern. From the german. Phila. 1818. 2 v. O. 809 : 4 Bering'ton, Joseph. The literary history of the middle ages ; compi'ehending an account of the state of learning from the close of the I'eign of Augustus to its revival in the 15th century. Lond. 1846. D. 809 : 2 Hallam, H: Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. N. Y. 1842. 2 V. O. 809+3 Hettner, Hermann. Literaturgeschichte des 18ten jahrhunderts. Braunschweig. 1879- 81. 3pts. inOv. O. 809 :9 Contents, ler t. Die englische literatur von 1660 1770, 4te autl. 2er t. Die franzosische literatur im 18ten jahrhundert, 4te aufl. 3er t. [in 4 vols.] Die deutsche literatur im 18ten jahrhundert, 3te aufl. Brandes, G: Die hauptstromungen der litera- tur des neunzehnten jahrhunderts ; vor- lesungen gehalten an der Kopenhagener universitat. Uebers. und eingeleitet von Adolf Strodtmann. Berlin. 1872-83. 5 v. D. 809:6 Contents. V. 1. Die emigrantenliteratur. Die ro- mantische schule in Deutsehland. 2. Die roman- tische schule in Deutsehland, fortsetzung. 3. Die reaktion in Frankreieh. 4. Der naturalismus in England. 5. Die romantische schule in Frankreieh. Reusch, F: H: Der Index der verbotenen bii- cher ; ein beitrag zur kirchen- und litera- turgeschichte ; ler band. Bonn. 1883. O. 809+8 Brinton, Daniel G. Aboriginal american au- thors and their productions, especially those in the native languages ; a chapter in the history of literature. Phila. 1883. O. 809 : 7 4. Books and reading. Ireland, Alexander, (P/iilobiblos). The book- lover's enchiridion ; thoughts on the solace and companionship of books, selected and chronologically arr. by Philobiblos. Amer. ed., rev. and enl. Phila. 1883. S. 807 : 15 Langford, J: Alfred. The praise of books, as said and sung by english authors, selected, with a preliminary essay on books. Lond. n. d. S. 807:7 "Willmctt, Robert Aris. Pleasures, objects and advantages of literature. New ed. Lond. 1857. S. 807 : 8 Discourses on the objects and uses of science and literature. N. Y. 1843. 8. 807 : 2 Contents. Potter, A. Preliminary observations on reading. Brougham, H: hrrd. A discourse on the objects, advantages and pleasures of science. Pot- ter, A. The pleasures and advantages of literature and moral science. Sedgwick, A. A discourse on classical, metaphysical, moral and natural studies. Verplanck, G. C. On the importance of scientific knowledge to the manufacturer and practical me- chanic; The Influence of moral causes upon opinion, science and literature. Foster, W: E. Libraries and readers. N. Y. 1883. S. 807 : 12 Contents. Some hints on right reading. Correction of aimless reading. The specializing of reading, for general readers. "Current literature" and "Stand- ard literature".- Securing the interest of a commun- ity. What may be done at homo. How to use a library. Books and articles on reading. Green, S: Swett, comp. Libraries and schools. N. Y. 1883. S. 807 : 13 Contents. Adams, C: F., jr. The public library and the public schools. Green, S: S. The relation of the public library to the public schools; Libraries as educational institutions. Metcalf, R. C. The public library as auxiliary to the public schools. Foster, W: E. The relation of libraries to the school system ; A plan of systematic training on reading at school. Abbott, Lyman, ed. Hints for home reading ; a series of chapters on books and their use. N. Y. 1880. D. 807 : 1 Contents. Sweetser, M. F. What the people read. Warner, C: D. Why young people read trash. Perkins, F: B. What to read; Plans for reading. Hamlin, C. Plans of reading. Beecher, H: W. Plans of reading. Mabie, H. W. The art of read- ing. Hale, E: E. The choice of books. Cook, J. How to make dull boys read; How to preserve the results of reading. Abbott, L. Hints for people that do not read. A symposium by many contribu- tors. Putnam, G: P. Suggestions for household libraries. Priced lists of suggested selections of 500, 1,000 and 2,100 volumes of the most desirable and im- portant books. Baldwin, James. The book-lover ; a guide to the best reading. Chic. 1885 [1884J: 8. 807:18 Carlyle, T: On the choice of books. 5th ed., with a new life of the author. Lond. 1878. S. 807 : 9 Kent, James. A course of reading for the use of the members of the Mercantile library association. N. Y. 1840. D. 807 : 10 Matthews, James Brander, {Arthur Penn). The home library. (Appletons' home books ) 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 807:17 Porter, Noah. Books and reading, or What books shall I read and how snail I read them ? 4th ed. with an index. N. Y. 1875. D. 807 : 3 Same. With an app. containing a select cata- logue of books. [New ed.] N. Y. 1881. O. 807:4 Potter, Alonzo. Handbook for readers and students ; intended as a help to individuals, associations, school-districts and semina- ries of learning in the selection of works for reading, investigation or professional study. 4th ed. N. Y. 1847. S. 807 : 5 Pryde, D: The highways of literature, or What to read and how to read. N. Y. [18831. D. 807 : 16 Pycroft, James. A course of english reading ; adapted to every taste and capacity, with anecdotes of men of genius, with add. by J. G. Coggswell. N. Y. 1845. D. 807 : 6 Thwing, C: F. The reading of books ; its pleas- ures, profits and perils. Bost. 1883. S. 807 : 14 Cojifai8 chapters on: The advantage of reading; Biography; History; Travel; Fiction; Historical fiction; Poetry; Religious books; Books of literature; Language, philosophy, science and the fine arts; Books for children ; Forming a library. An app. con- tains a selected list of books for reading and study, classified under subjects. 511 CI. 600-811 LITEBATXmE GENEBAL. 512 Van Dyke, J: C: Books and how to use them ; some hints to readers and students. N. Y. ISaS. D. 807:11 5. Literary periodicals. American bookseller, The ; v. 7, 8, 13-16. N. Y. 1879-84. Q. 805 : LM Appletons' literary bulletin, v. 1-3, dec. 1881 dec. 1884. n. t. N. Y. F. 805 : LM Bookbuyer, The ; a summary of american and foreign literature ; v. 1, 2. N. Y. 1867-69. 2 V. O. 805 : LM Same. New series, v. 1, 2. N. Y. 1878-80. O. 805 : liM Same. New series, v. 1, feb. 1884 jan. 1885. N. Y. [1884, 5]. O. 805 :LM Criterion, The ; literaiy and critical .iournal ; v. 1, and 2 nos. of v. 2, nov. 3, 1855 may 10, 1856. N.Y. 1856. F. 805 :LM Critic, The ; a fortnightly review of literature, the fine arts, music and the drama ; v. 1-5. N. Y. 1881-1884. 5 v. Q. 805 : LM Note. V. 4, 5 are called " The critic and Good lit- erature," and form v. 1, 3 of a new series. Dial, The ; a monthly review and index of cur- rent literature; v. 1-5, may 1880 april 1885. Chicago. 1881-85. Q. 805 : LM Literary era, The ; a monthly repository of lit- erary and miscellaneous information for home reading ; v. 1, 2, Jan. 1883 dec. 1884. Phila. 1883-4. O. 805 : LM Literary news, The ; a monthly journal of cur- rent literature. New series, v. 1-5, jan. 1880 dec. 1884. N. Y. 1880-84. Q. 805 : LM Literary world. The ; a gazette for authors, readers and publishers, v. 1-3, 6-8. N. Y. 1847-51. Q. 805 : LM Note. The fli-st 12 numbers were issued under the editorship of E. A. Duyckinck; from no. 13-87 C: F. Hoffman was ed., and with no. 88 Duyckinck ajfain assumed the editorship. Title-page of vol. 3 reads "a journal of society, literature and art," of v. 6- 8 "a journal of science, literature and art." (V. 8 contains also v. 4. of the Literary american, jan.- may ia50). Literary world. The ; a fortnightly review of current literature ; v. 9-15. Bost. 1878-84. Q. 805 : LM Academy, The ; a weekly review of literature, science and ai-t ; v. 17-26, jan. 1880-dec. 1884. Lond. 1880-84. Q. 805 : LM Athenaeum, The ; a journal of literature, science, the fine arts, mtisic and the drama ; v. 74- 81, Jan. 1881-dec. 1884. Lond. 1881-84. Q. 805 : LM Notes and queries; a medium of intei-com- munication for literarj' men, general read- ers, etc.; 6th ser., v. 3-10, jan. 1881-dec. 1884. Lond. 1881-84. D. 805 : LM Saturday review. The, of politics, literature, science and art; v. 49-58, jan. 1880-dec. 1884. Lond. 1880-84. Q. 805 : LM Deutsche litteraturzeitung, herausg. von Max Rodiger ; v. 1-5, oct. 1880-dec. 1884. Q. 805 : LM Literarischer merkur ; mittheilungen aus dem geistigen leben der gegenwart und nach- richten f iir biicherfreunde iiber erschienene neuigkeiten des in- und auslandes, v. 2-4. n. t. [Berlin. 1882-84]. O. 805 : LM 2. G-eneral literary classes. 1. Poetry. Criticism. Montgomery, James. Lectures on general lit- erature, poetry, etc., delivered at the Royal institution in 1830 and 1831. N. Y. 1843." S. 811.2:2 Shairp, J: Campbell. Aspects of poetry ; lec- tures delivered at Oxford. Oxford. 1881. O. 811.2:3 Browning, Elizabeth, born Barrett. Essays on the greek christian poets and the english poets. N.Y. 1863. S. 811.2:1 Collections. Bulfinch, T: ed. Poetry of the age of fable. Bost. n. d. S. 811 : 1 Dobson, W: T. The classic poets ; their lives and their times, with the epics epitomized. Lond. 1879. D. 811 : 3 Contents. Homer's Iliad. The lay of the Nibelun- gren. Cid Campeador. Dante's Divina comedia. Ariosto's Orlando furloso. Camoen's Lusiad. Tas- so's Jerusalem delivered. Spenser's Fairy queen. Mllton'8 Paradise lost. Milton's Paradise regained. Church, Alfred J: Stories of the old world. (Classics for children). Bost. 1884. D. x811 :9 Contents. The story of the Argo. The story of Thebes. The story of Troy. The adventures of Ulysses. The adventures of .tineas. Longfellow, H: Wads worth. The poets and poetry of Europe ; with introd. and biograph. notices. N. Y. 1855. O. 811H-P4 ed. Poems of places. Bost. 1877-79. 81 v. T. 811:5 Contents. V. 1-4. England and Wales. 6-8. Scot- land, Ireland, Norway and Sweden. 9, 10. France and Savoy. 11-13. Italy. 14, 15. Spain, Portu- gal, Belgium and Holland. 16. Switzerland and Austria. 17, 18. Germany. 19, Greece and Tur- key. 20. Russia. 21-23. Asia. 24. Africa. 26- 30. America. 31. Oceanica. Clarke, James Freeman and Lilian. Exotics; attempts to domesticate them by J. F. C. andL. C. Bost. 1875. T. " 811 :2 Hunt, N. Clemmons, comp. The poetry of other lands ; a collection of translations into english verse of the poetry of other lan- guages, ancient and modern! Phila. [18831. O. 811:8 Mountains, The ; a collection of poems. Bost. 1876. T. 811:6 denotes books specially adapted for children. 513 LITERATURE GENERAL CLASSES. CI. 811-813 514 Walpole, The rev. Robert. The garland of flow- ers ; composed of translations, chiefly orig- inal, from the Spanish. Italian, greek, latin, etc. N. Y. 1806. O. 811 : 7 Ssnnonds, J: Addington, tr. and ed. Wine, women and song ; mediaeval latin student , - songs now first tr. into eng. verse, with an I essay. Lond. 1884. S. 811:10 2. Drama. (See also Dramatic music, cl. 783, col. 494; and Theater, cl. 793, col. 497.) Hi story d criticism Schlegel, A: W: v. A course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. Tr. by J: Black ; rev., according to the last german ed., by A. J. W. Morrison. Lond. 1846. D. 812.1:2 Freytag:, Gustav. Die technik des dramas. 4te verb. aufl. Leipz. 1881. O. 812.1:3 Haae, K: A: Miracle plays and sacred dramas ; a historical survey. Tr. from the german by A. W. Jackson and ed. by W. W. Jack- son. Bost. 1880. O. 812.1:1 Blackburn, H: The Oberammergau passion play : Art in the mountains ; the story of the passion play. 111., with app. for in- formation of travellers. Lond. 1880. O. 812.2:1 Collections. See Class-list of drama. * * * Note. A complete class-list of dramatic literature will be found after class 819, col. 519. 3. Romance. Jli story and criticism. Dunlop, J: The history of fiction ; a critical account of the most celebrated works of prose fiction, from the earliest greek ro- mances to the novels of the present age. 3ded. Lond. 1845. O. 813.1-|-1 Mitchell, Donald Grant, {Ik Marvel). About old story tellers ; of how and when they lived, and'what stories they told. N. Y. 1876. D. 813.1:2 Besant, Walter, and H: James. The art of fic- tion. Bost. 1884. S. 813.2 :2 Spielhagen, F: Beitriige zur theorie und tech- nik des romans. Leipz. 1883. D. 813.2:3 Bryce, Carroll. A lost function in romance. N. Y. 1883. D. 813.2 : 1 Mahly, Jakob. Der roman des 19. jahrhunderts. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vl Collections . Heam, Lafcadio, ed. Stray leaves from strange literature ; stories reconstructed from the Auvari-soheili, Bait^l Pachisi, Mahabha- rata, Pautchatautra, Gulistan, Talmud, Kalevala, etc. Bost. 1884. S. 810 : 1 Wagfner, W: Epics and romances of the mid- dle ages ; adapted from the work of W: Wagner by M. W. Macdowall and ed. by W.^. W. Anson. Lond. 1883. O. 813 : 6 Contents. Pt. 1. The Amelung and kindred legends. Langobardian leg-ends : Alboin and Rosamund: King Rother; Ortnit. The Amelungs: Hugrdieterich and Wolfdieterich; Kln>r Samson; Dietwart. Dieterich of Bern. Pt. 2. The Nibelung and kindred legends. The Nibelung hero. The Nibelung's woe. The Hegeling legend. Beowulf. Pt. 3. The Carolingian legends. The children of Haymon; Roland; William of Orange. The legends of king Arthur and the holy grail: Titurel; Percival; Lohengrin; Tristram and Isold. Tannhauser. Cox, Sir G: W:, and Eustace Hinton Jones. Popular romances of the middle ages. 1st amer. from the 2d english ed. N. Y. 1880. O. 813:2 Contents. King Arthur and his knights. Merlin. Sir Tristram.- Bevis of Hamtoun. Guy of Warwick. Havelock. Beowulf. Roland. Olger the dane. The story of the Volsungs. The Nibelung story. Walter of Aquitaine. The story of Hugdietrich and Hildeburg. The Gudrun lay. The story of Frithjof and Ingeborg. Grettir the strong. Gunn- laug and the fair Hilda. Burnt Njal. Bulfijich, T: Legends of Charlemagne, or Romance of the middle ages. Bost. [18631. D. 813:14 The age of chivalry, or Legends of king Artnur and the knights of the round table. Bost. 1858. S. 813 : 13 Same. Bost. n. d. J). 813 : 13 Same. The age of chivalry, or Legends of king Arthur; "King Arthur and his knights," "The Mabinogeon," "The cru- sades," "Robin Hood." New, enl. and rev. ed., ed. by E: E. Hale. Bost. [1884.]. O. 813:12 Iffalorv, Sir T: Morte d' Arthur; sir Thomas Malory's book of king Arthur and of his noble knights of the round table. The original ed. of Caxtou, rev. for modern use, with an introd. by sir E: Strachey. Lond. 1876. D. 813 : 7 The boy's king Arthur ; sir Thomas Malory's history of king Arthur and his knights of the round table, ed. for boys by Sidney Lanier. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. x 813 : 8 Hanson, C: H: Stories of the days of king Arthur. HI. N. Y. 1882. D. ' x 813 : 9 Contents. Merlin the wizard. How Arthur got his crown, his queen and the round table. The deeds and death of Balin. The adventures of the hart, the hound and the lady. The evil devices of Morgan le Fay. The adventures of the three knights and the three damsels.- Lancelot du Lake. Sir Gawaine and the green knight. Sir Beaumain's quest Sir Tristam. Geralnt and Enid. Sir Ewaine and the adventure of the fountain. The tournament of Lonazep. The end of the history of the round table and the passing of Arthur. Boy's Mabinogion ; the earliest welsh tales of king Arthur in the famous Red book of Hergest, ed. for boys, with an introd. by Sidney Lanier. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. x813:4 Gibb, J: Gudrun and other stories from the epics of the middle ages. 111. Lond. 1881. D. 813:3 Contents. Gudrun. Hilda. Wild Hagen. Beowulf . The death of Roland. Walter and Hildegund. Concluding chapter. Baldwin, James. The story of Roland. HI. N. Y. 1883. D. X 813: 10 Moncrieff, Robert Hope, {Ascott R. Hope). The denotes books specially adapted for children. 515 CI. 813-819 LITERATURE GENERAL CLASSES. 516 old tales of chivalry, re-told by Ascott R. Hope. 111. Lond. n. d. S. x 813 : 5 Contents. Introd. The knight of the lion. Huon's task. The drag-on of Rhodes. The rescue of the queen. Roland and Oliver. Florice and Blanche- flower. The ransom. The son of Amadis. The knight and the abbot. Steel Heart. The demon knight. The challenge. Gesta romanorum ; the ancient moral tales of the old story-tellers. Lond. n. d. D. 813:11 Medieeval tales ; with an introd. by H: Morley. Lond. 1884. D. 813 : 15 Contents. Turpin's history of Charles the gi-eat and Orlando. Ballad romance touching the days of Charlemagne and of the Cid Campeador, with the ballad of count Alarcos. Tales from the Gesta ro- manorum. A discourse of the most famous dr. J: Faustus. Note. A complete class-list of prose Action will be found after class 819, and immediately after the class- list of dramas. 4. Rhetoric and Oratory. The art. Bardeen, C. W. A system of rhetoric. N. Y. 1884. D. 815.2:18 Becker, K: Ferdinand. Der deutsche stil ; neu bearb. von O: Lyon. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1884. O. 815.2:20 Bell, Alexander Melville. The faults of speech ; a self-corrector and teacher's manual. Salem. 1880. S. 815.2:1 Blair, Hugh. Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres ; with a memoir of the author's life. Added, copious cmestions and an analysis of each lecture. Phila. 1858. O. 815.2 : 2 DelaTunosne, AbU. The art of oratory ; system of Delsarte. From the french by Frances A. Shaw. Albany. 1883. D. 815.2 : 11 Guttmann, Oskar. Aesthetic physical culture ; a self-instructor for all cultured circles, and especially for oratorical and dramatic artists. 111. "Albany. 1884. O. 815.2 : 16 Hill, Adams Sherman. The principles of rhe- toric, and their application ; with an app. comprising general rules for punctuation. N. Y. 1878. D. 815.2 : 3 Legouv6, Gabriel Baiptiste Ernest Wilfrid. The art of reading. Tr. and ill. with copious notes, mainly biographical, by E: Roth. Phila. 1879. D. 815.2:4 Mathews, W: Oratory and orators. Chicago. 1879. D. 815.2 : 5 Maury, J: Siffrein. The principles of eloquence; with an introd. etc., by A. Potter. [School dist. lib.] N. Y. 1842. S. 815.2 : 12 Miirdoch, James E. A plea for spoken lan- guage ; an essay upon comparative elocu- tion. Cine. [1883]. D. 815.2 : 15 Nichol, J: English composition. (Literature primers.) N. Y. 1879. S. 815.2 : 6 Phelps, Austin. English style in public dis- course, with special reference to the usages of the pulpit. N. Y. 1883. D. 815.2 : 13 Pittenger, W: Extempore speech ; how to ac- quire and practice it. Phila. 1883. D. 815.2:14 : denotes books specially adapted for children. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. Institutes of ora- tory, or Education of an orator ; in 12 books, literally tr. with notes by J : Selby Watson. Lond. 1856. 2 v. D. "815.2 : 7 B-ush, James. The philosophy of the human voice ; embracing its physiological history, together with a system of principles by which criticism in the art of elocution may be rendered intelligible, and instruction definite and comprehensive. Added, a brief analysis of song and recitative. 4th ed. enl. Phila. 1855. O. 815.2-f8 Sheridan, T: Lectures on the art of reading. Lond. 1775. 3 v. O. 815.2 : 19 Contents. V. 1. The art of reading prose. 2. The art of reading poetry. Shoemaker, J. W. Practical elocution ; for use in colleges and schools and by private stu- dents. Phila. 1883. D. 815.2 : 17 Theremin, L: F: Franz. Eloquence a virtue, or Outlines of a systematic rhetoric. Tr. from the german by W: G. T. Shedd, with an introd. essay. Rev. ed. Andover. 1882. D. 815.g:10 Whately, R: Elements of rhetoric ; comprising an analysis of the laws of moral evidence and of persuasion, with rules for argumen- tative composition and elocution. New ed. rev. by the author. Bost. 1860. D. 815.2:9 Benedix, Roderich. Der miindliche vortrag ; ein lehrbuch fiir schulen und zum selbstun- terricht. [Ister t.] 4te, [2ter und 3ter t.] 3te durchgesehene aufl. Leipz. 1873-77. O. 815.2:21 Contents. Die relne und deutliche aussprache des hoch-deutschen. Die richtlge betonung und die rythmik der deutschen sprache. Die schonheit des vortrags, (declamationslehre). Selections. Manchester, Harriet E. What to read and where to find it ; a list of over 200 good selections for reading and recitation, with directions where to look for the same. Buffalo. 1880. S. 815 : 1 Baker, G: M., ed. The reading-club and handy speaker ; serious, humorous, pathetic, patriotic and dramatic selections in prose and poetry, for readings and recitations ; no. 1-14. "Bost. [1874-85]. 14 v. S. 815:4 Coates, H: T., ed. The comprehensive speaker ; designed for the use of schools, academies, lyceums, etc., carefully selected from the best authors with notes. Phila. n. d. D. 815:2 Dickens, C: J: Huffam. The Dickens reader ; character readings from the stories of Dickens ; sel., adapted and arr. by Nathan Sheppard. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1883. Q. 815-1-3 Shoemaker, J. W., ed. The elocutionist's an- nual, comprising new and popular read- ings, recitations, declamations, dialogues, tableaux, etc. Phila. 1881-84. 12 v. D. 816:5 5. Quotations. Bartlett, J: A collection of familiar quotations, with complete indices of authors and sub- jects. 3d ed., with supp. Cambridge. 1858. D. 819 : 16 517 LITERATURE GENERAL CLASSES. CI. 819 518 Bartlett, J: Continued. Familiar quotations ; an attempt to trace to their sources passages and phrases in com- mon use. 7th ed. Bost. 1878. D. 819 : 17 Same. 8th ed., enl. Bost. 1882. D. 819:R18 Hoyt, J. K., and Anna L. Ward. Cyclopaedia of practical quotations, english and latin ; with app. containing proverbs from the latin and modern foreign languages, law and ecclesiastical terms and significations, dates and nationality of quoted authors, etc., with indexes. N. Y. 1882 [1881]. O. 819:R19 Handy book, The, of quotations, or Who wrote it ? A dictionary of common poetical quo- tations in the english language. N. Y. 1881. S. 829.3 : 1 Elmes, James, ed. Classic c[uotations ; a thought-book of the wise spirits of all ages and all countries, fit for all men and all hours. N. Y. 1863. S. 819 : 3 Edwards, Tryon. The world's laconics, or The best thoughts of the best authors in prose and poetry ; with an introd. by W: B. Sprague. N. Y. 1856. D. " 819 : 4 Watson, J: T., comp. Poetical quotations, or Elegant extracts on every subject. Phila. 1865. D. 819 : 23 Bohn, H: G: A dictionary of quotations from the english poets. Lolid. 1881. O. 829.3 : 2 6. Proverbs and Fables. Trench, R: Chenevix. On the lessons in pro- verbs ; the substance of lectures delivered to young men's societies at Portsmouth and elsewhere. From the 2d Lond. ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1859. D. 819 : 21 Diiringsfeld, Ida and O: freiherr v. Reinsberg-. Sprichworter der germanischen und ro- manischen sprachen, vergleichend zusam- mengestellt. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. O. 819+22 Bolm, H: G: A polyglot of foreign proverbs; comprising french, Italian, german, dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and danish, with eng- lish translations and a general index. Lond. 1857. D. 819 : 1 Select proverbs of all nations ; pastimes, holi- days and customs of olden times, wise say- ings and maxims of the ancient fathers and the economy of human life, by an ancient bramin. Dayton, O. 1854. D. 819 : 20 Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems, illus- trating old truths. [Eng. and foreign phil. lib.f Lond. 1881. O. 819 : 13 Bussey, G: Moir. Fables, original and selected ; with an introd. dissertation on the history of fable, comprising biograph. notices of eminent fabulists. N. Y. 1865. O. 819 : 12 Bourne, W: Oland. Gems from fableland ; a collection of fables illustrated by facts. N. Y. 1853. D. 819:11 7. Anecdotes and Miscellany. Bent, S: Arthur. Short sayings of great men, with historical and explanatory notes. Bost. 1882. O. 819 : 15 Byerley, T:, and Joseph Clinton Robertson. The Percy anecdotes. Rev. ed., added a collection of american anecdotes, original and select. [Anon.] N. Y. 1863. 2 v. in 1. O. 819+10 Hoes, , and Way. Anecdotical olio ; a col- lection of literary, moral, religious and miscellaneous anecdotes. N. Y. 1858. O. 819:5 Kirkland, Frazar. Cyclopaedia of commercial and business anecdotes ; interesting rem- iniscences and facts, remarkable traits and humors and notable sayings, dealings, experiences and witticisms of merchants, traders, bankers, mercantile celebrities, millionaires, bargain makers, etc., in all ages, designed to exhibit the piquancies and pleasantries of trade, commerce and gen- eral business pursuits. HI. N. Y. 1864. 2v. O. 819+6 Same, v. 2. K Y. 1865. O. 819+6 v2 Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar ; a complete digest of the wit, humor, asperities and amenities of the law. New ed. enl. Portr. and ill. N. Y. 1871. O. 829 : 1 Browne, Irving. Law and lawyers in literature. Bost. 1883. D. 829.1 : 53 Edwards, C: Pleasantries about courts and lawyers of the state of New York. N. Y. 1867. O. 829. 1 : 56 Jeaffreson, J: Cordy. A book about lawyers. 2 v. in 1. N. Y. 1867. D. 829.2 : 18 ConUnts. Houses and householders. Loves of the lawyers. Money. Costume and toilet. Music. Amateur theatricals. Legal education. Mirth. At home. In court.- In society. Purves, D. Laing. Law and lawyers ; curious facts and characteristic sketches, [^woti.] Phila. n. d. S. 829.2:46 Cox, S: Sullivan. Why we laugh. (Frank, sq. lib.) N. Y. 1883. Q. 818+1 Knight, C: Half hours with the best authors, selected and arr., with short biograph. and and critical notes. N. Y. 1856. 4 v. O. 819:7 Disraeli, I: Curiosities of literature ; with a view of the life and writings of the author, by his son. Bost. 1859. 4 v. S. 819 : 2 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenaeum, pt. 2. p. 788. Pell, Robert Cruger. Milledulcia ; a thousand pleasant things, selected from notes and queries. [Anon.] N. Y. 1860. D. 819 : 9 Goodrich, S: Griswold. Peter Parley's merry stories, or Fact, fancy and fiction ; a col- lection of very merry stories, anecdotes, etc., by the renowned Peter Parley. N. Y. [1869]. D. 819 : 14 Lowell, Anna Cabot, born Jackson, mrs. C: Rus- sell, ed. Seed-grain for thought and dis- cussion. Bost. 1856. 2 V. D. 819 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Pt. 1. Holy living. Pt. 3. Man's connection with the infinite. Faith and reason, man's interpreters. Instinct and emotion guides.- Two worlds. Man a doer and a receiver. The whole character on one level. Development of the moral sense. Pt. 3. Happlness.Life. Man's highest rela- tions. Virtues and duties. 2. Pt. 3, continued. The cure of faults. Temptations and duties. Pt. 4. Relations to the body : personal. Relations to other men: society. Conversation and manners. Friend- ship. Home life. Love. Plain living and high thinking. Work. Pt. 5. Circumstances.- Every part of the nature of use. Culture of every part. Vari- ous gifts and various characters. Life earnest for all. Different eras and careers. 519 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DRAMA. A Ang^us. 520 3. Class-list of drama. (For history, see col. 613; for the opera, see el. 782, col. 494; for the stage, see cl. T92, col. 497-498). 1. Authors. In the following, Lacy refers to Lacy's Acting plays, the same collection. 1-100, and French's to French's continuation of 101-122. A. S. S. : farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlO A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. The assignation, or What will my wife say In French's. Glitter a drama in 2 acts. 812:1 vl20 original comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 In the clouds ; a glimpse of Utopia ; fairy extravaganza. /?j. Lacy. 812:lvl00 The last of the legends, or The baron, the bride and the battery ; a psychological ex- travaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 Lending a hand ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 The man with the carpet bag ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 The Siamese twins ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 The turned head ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 Addison, H: R. Locked in with a lady ; a sketch from life, /n Lacy. 812:lvll 117 Arundel street. Strand ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 Sophia's supper ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 vl6 Addison, Joseph. Cato ; tragedy in 5 acts. In Ms Poetical works. 821.2 : 18 Same. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same, /n Lacy. 812':lv99 The drummer, or The haunted house ; com- edy in 5 acts. In his Poetical works. 821.2:18 Same. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Aeschylus, see Aischylos. After the party ; comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : i v93 G: L. Uncle Tom's cabin ; a drama of real life in 8 acts, adapted from mrs. Beecher Stowe's celebrated novel. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vi2 L. Alfred. Ahmed. In FoUen, E. L. Home dramas. 822.1:9 The cobbler. In the sams. 822. 1 : 9 Master and slave. In the same. 822. 1 : 9 The sword. In the same. 822. 1 : 9 Aischylos, (latin ^schylus). [Tragedies.] Tr. by R. Potter. N. Y. n. d. S. 882 : 1 Contents. Essay on the grecian drama. Prome- theus chained. The supplicants. The seven chiefs against Thebes. Agamemnon. The choephorte.- The furies.- The pereians. Albery, James. Two roses ; an original com- edy in 2 acts, in French's. 8f2:lvll8 Albini, pseud., see Meddlhammer, J: Baptist v. Alger, Horatio, jr., and O. Augusta Cheney. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Bost. 1875. S. 822. 1 : 1 Allen, James, joint author, see Dilley, Joseph J. Allingham, J: Till. Fortune's frolic ; farce in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v60 The weathercock ; a farce. In Lacy. 812:1 v71 Almar, G: The charcoal-burner, or The drop- ping well of Knaresborough ; a drama m 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Crossing the line, or Crowded houses ; a farce in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v35 The tire raiser ; melo-drama in 2 acts. In Lacj^. 812 : 1 v84 The knights of St. John, or The fire banner ; a melo-drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 Oliver Twist, or The parish boy's progress ; a drama in 8 acts, adapted from the novel by C: Dickens. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 The robber of the Rhine ; melo-drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v87 The rover's bride, or The bittern's swamp ; a romantic drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812:1 vll9 The wife of seven husbands, a legend of Ped- lar's Acre ; a melodrama in 8 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Amcotts, Vincent. Adonis vanquished ; comedy in 2 acts, adapted from "Le degel" [by V. Sardou]. /nLacy. 812 : 1 v75 Amherst, J. A. The battle of Waterloo ; grand military drama in 8 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 Ireland as it was ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Russia, or The conflagration of Moscow ; military and equestrian spectacle in 8 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 vl3 Andersen, Hans Christian. Dramatische schrif- tenundgedichte. Leipz. n. d. S. 898.3:1 Contents. Raphaella; trag. in 5 aufz. Agnete und der meermann; dramatisches gedicht in 2 abth. Der mulatto; romantisches drama in 5 acten. Die gliicks- blume; miirchen-kom<5die in 2 aufz. Ahasverus; dramatisches gedicht in 4 abth. Gedichte. Anderson, James. Cloud and sunshine, or Love's revenge ; original drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v87 Ang:us, J. Keith. By this token ; an original comedietta. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 Send thirty stamps ; an original farce. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 521- Arbuthnot Barbier . LITERATURE-DIIAMA. CI. 812, Authors. Arbuthnot, Gapt. . L'africaine, or The bell of Madagascar; a burlesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 Archer, 1 : The inundation, or The miser of the hill fort ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 Marguerite's colours, or Passing the frontier ; a comic drama in 2 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 The three red men, or The brothers of Bluth- haupt ; a romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 and J: targill Broug-h. An eligible situation ; an eccentricity. In Scott, C. W. Drawing- room ^lays. ' 822.2 : 14 Aristophanes.' Die vogel ; iibersetzt vonJ: W. V. Goethe. In GOthe, J: W. v. Werke. in 830 : 137 v22 Arnim, L: Achim v. Halle und Jerusalem ; studentenspiel und pilgerabenteuer. Ber- lin. 1853. O. 832 : 101 Arnold, H: T:, {Henry T. Arden). The belle of the barley-mow, or The wooer, the waitress and the willian. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 Princess Charming, or The bard, the baron, the beauty, the buffer and the bogey. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 Arnold, K: Der goldene boden, oder Bureau und boutique ; lustsp. in 2 acten. n. t. D. 832:3 Arnold, W. H. The woodman's hut, or The burning forest ; a melo-drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 Amould, A:, joint author, see Simon, Joseph Philippe. Auffenberg, Josef freiherr v. Siimmtliche werke. Wiesbaden. 1855. 23 v. S. 832 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Pizarro. Die spartaner. Der schwarze Fritz. 2. Die Bartholomaus-nacht. Die flibustier. 3. Wallace. Die syracuser. 4. Die vor- schau. Konig Erich. 5. Das opfer des Themistocles. Die verbannten, 6. Die schwestern von Amiens.- Fergus Mac Ivor. 7. Das nordlicht von Kasan. Der schwur des richtex'S. Der prophet von Florenz. 8. Ludwigr der eilfte in Peronne. Das biise haus. Der lowe von Kurdistan. 9. Alhumbra, l.t: Boabdil in Kordova. Abenhamet und Alfaima. 10. Alham- bra,2.t.: Die frriindung von Santa Fe. 11-14. Al- liambra, 3. t.: Die eroberung von Granada. 15. Dor renegat von Granada. 16. Berthold, der Zahringer Die raketen des teufels. 17. Die hexe von Pultawa Das nordlicht von Karlsruhe. CasarMorbel's testa ment. Denkschrift des Holofernus Spontenknabel 18. Die furie von Toledo; roman. 19. Humoristi sche pilgerfahrt nach Granada und Kordova in 18S^ 20. Polyanthea; gedichte. 21. Skanderbeg. Timur in Taurls. Der flibustier, oder Die eroberung von Pa- nama ; ein romantisches trauerspiel in 4 akten. Bamberg.^ 1819. D. 832 : 5 Augier, Guillaume V: Emile. Good for evil or A wife's trial ; a domestic lesson in 2 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812:1 v43 Austin, Alfred. Savonarola ; a tragedy. Lond. 1881. D. 822.2:43 Ayres, Arthur, and Paul Blake. His own guest ; a comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 Aytoun, W: Edmondstoune. Firmilian ; a "spasmodic" tragedy by T. Percy Jones. N. Y. 1854. 822.2:14 B., A. The girls of the period. In Scott, C. W., Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 4 Babo, Joseph Marius. Dagobert, king of the franks ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Thomp- son, B: German theatre. 832 : 96 v4 Babo, loseph Marius. Continued. Otto of Wittelsbach, or The choleric count ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 v4 Baddeley, G. C. The end of the tether, or A legend of the patent office ; an original drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Baillie, Joanna. Miscellaneous plays. Lond. 1805. O. 822.2 : 16 Contents. Rayner. The country inn. Constantine Paleologus, or The last of the Ctesars. A series of plays in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind, each passion being the subject of a tragedy and a comedy ; v. 2, 3. Lond. 1802, 1812. 2v. O. 822.2: 15 Contents. V. 2. The election. Ethwald. The second marriage. 3. Orra. The dream. The siege. The beacon. The family legend. Baker, G: M. A baker's dozen ; original hum- orous dialogues. Bost. n. d. S. 822.1 : 19 Contents. The thief of time. The hypochondriac. A public benefactor. The runaways. Ignorance is bliss.- The rival politicians. Coals of fire. Santa Glaus' frolics. A stitch in time saves nine. The red chignon. Using the weed. A love of a bonnet. A precious pickle. The drawing-room stage ; a series of original dramas, comedies, farces and entertain- ments for amateur theatricals and school exhibitions. 111. Bost. 1873. D. 822.1:2 Contents. My brother's keeper. The revolt of the bees. A tender attachment. Among the breakers. Gentlemen of the jury. The seven ages. The Bos- ton dip. The duchess of Dublin. Handy dramas for amateur actors ; new pieces for home, school and public enter- tainment. 111. Bost. 1877. S. 822. 1 : 4 Contents. The flower of the family. A mysterious disappearance. Above the clouds. Shall our moth- ers vote ? Paddle your own canoe. One hundred years ago. The little brown jug. Seeing the elephant. The mimic stage ; a series of dramas, come- dies, burlesques and farces for public exhi- bitions and private theatricals. Bost. 1875. D. 822.1:5 Contents. Down by the sea. A close shave. Capu- letta. The great elixir. The man with the demi- john. An original idea. My uncle the captain. No cure, no pay. Humors of the strike. Bread on the waters. The social stage ; original dramas, comedies, burlesques and entertainments for home recreation, schools and public exhibitions. Bost. 1875. D. 822.1 :6 Contents. The last loaf .Too late for the train. A grecian bend. Snow-bound. Bonbons. Llghtheart's pilgrimage. The wars of the roses. Thirty minutes for refreshments. A little more cider. New brooms sweep clean. Banim, J: Damon and Pythias; play in 5 acts. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2: 2 v5 The sergeant's wife ; drama in 2 acts, taken from the author's tales of the O'Hara fam- ily. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 Barber, James. The memoirs of the devil, or The mystic bell of Ronquerolles ; an eccen- tric drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812:1 vll6 The weaver of Lyons, or The three conscripts; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812:1 vllO Barbier, Paul Jules, joint author, see Carr6, Michel. 523 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE -DRAMA. Barnett Bernard. 524 Barefaced impostors ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7>0 Barnett, C. Z. A christmas carol, or The miser's warning; adapted from C: Dickens. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v94 Midnight, the thirteenth chime, or Old St. Paul's ; a melo-drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl Barnett, Morris. The bold dragoons ; an origi- nal comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Lilian Gervais ; a di'ama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v31 Married unmarried ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 Monsieur Jacques ; a musical piece. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 Sarah the creole, or A snake in the grass ; a drama in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 and B. Out on the loose ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 Barriere, Theodore, and H: de Kock. The old house on the bridge of Notre Dame ; a drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 a/idE: Plouvier. The angel of midnight; a legend of terror in 3 acts, adapted from the french by W. E. Suter and T. H. Lacy. /Lacy. 812 : 1 v51 / Barrymore, W: El Hyder, the chief of the L Ghaut mountains ; a grand eastern melo- / dramatic spectacle in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v6 The secret ; a farce in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 Wallace, the hero of Scotland ; a romantic historical drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv73 Battu, Leon, joint author^ see Carre, Michel. Bauemfeld, E: v. [Anthologie.] in 928.8 : 1 Ernst und humor ; lustsp. in 4 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 6 Der literarische salon ; lustsp. in 3 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 7 Der musicus von Augsburg ; lustsp. in 2 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 8 Bayly, T: Haynes. Comfortable service ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lvl The daughter ; a drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl How do you manage ? farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 vl Perfection, or The lady of Munster ; comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl3 The Spitalfields weaver ; comic drama in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812:lv21 The Swiss cottage, or Why don't she marry ? vaudeville in 1 act. Jri Lacy. 812 : 1 vl Beaumarchais, P: Augustin Caron called de. The barber of Seville ; opera in 2 acts, adapted by Mr. Fawcett. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 Beaumont, Frabcis, onrf James Fletcher. Works; the text formed from a new collation of the early editions, with notes and a bio- graphical memoir by Alexander Dyce. Lond. 1843. 11 v. O. 822.2 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Biographical memoir, dedication, etc. Commendatory poems. The woman-hater. Thierry and Theodoret. Philaster. The maid's trag- edy. . The faithful shepherdess. The knight of Beaumont, F., and J. Fletcher. Continued. the burning pestle. A king and no king. Cupid's revenge.- The masque of the Inner Temple and Grays Inn. Four plays in one. 3. The scornful lady. The coxcomb. The captain. The honest man's fortune. The little french lawyer. 4. Wit at several weapons. Wit without money. The faithful friends. The widow. The custom of the country. 5. Bonduca. The knight of Malta. Valentinian. The laws of Candy. The queen of Corinth. 6. The loyal subject. The mad lover. The false one. The double marriage. The humorous lieutenant. 7. Women pleased. The woman's prize. The chances. Monsieur Thomas. The island princess. 8. The pilgrim. The wild-goose-chase.- The proph- etess. The sea voyage. The Spanish curate. 9. Beggar's bush. Love's cure. The maid in the mill. A wife for a month. Rule a wife and have a wife. 10. The fair maid of the inn. The noble gentleman. The elder brother. The nice valour.- The bloody brother. 11. The lovers' progress. The night walker. Love's pilgrimage. The two noble kins- men. Poems by Beaumont. Poems by Fletcher. Index to notes. The chances ; comedy in 5 acts, altered by the duke of Buckingham, /ti British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Rule a wife and have a wife. In the same. 822.2:1 v2 See also Knowles, J. S. The bridal. Beauvoir, E: Roger de, pseud., see Bully, E: Roger de. Beazley, S: Is he jealous ? a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 The lottery ticket, or The lawyer's clerk ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 Beazley, S:, jr. The boarding house, or Five hours at Brighton ; a musical farce in 2 acts. Jw French's. 812:lvl21 Becher, Martin. A crimeless criminal ; a farce. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl In possession ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 8lS : 1 v96 No. 6 Duke street ; farce. In Lacy. 812:1 v93 Painless dentistry ; a farce. In French's. 812:lvl06 A poetic proposal ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Bellingham, H:, and Best. Prince Cama- ralzaman, or The fairie's revenge ; a new and original fairy extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 Princess Primrose and the four pretty princes ; burlesque extravaganza. InLacj. 812 : 1 v68 Benedix, Julius Roderich. Gesammelte drama- tische werke ; v. 12. Leipz. 1860. D. 832 :9 Contents. Ohne pass. .Junker Otto. Die stiefmut- ter. Neln. Das dienstmiidchen.- Die grossmutter. Bernard, W: Bayle. The balance of comfort; petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 612:1 vl7 The dumb belle ; comedietta in 1 act, with alterations and add. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 The evil genius ; an original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 The farmer's story ; a domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 The four sisters ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v23 The happiest man alive ; petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 A life's trial ; an original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 Lucille, or The story of the heart ; a drama in 8 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 525 Bernard Brachvogel. LITERATITRE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 526 Bernard, W: Bayle. Continued. The man about town ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 The man of two lives ! new romantic play in 3 acts and a prologue ; founded on Les miserables of V : Hugo. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 Marie Ducange ; an original domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 The middy ashore ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 The mummy : a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 The nervous man and the man of nerve ; farce in 2 acts. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v5 Same. In Lacy. 812:1 v39 The passing cloud ; romantic drama in 2 acts. 812:1 vl Platonic attachments ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 A practical man ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl St. Mary's eve, or A Solway stor^ ; an original domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 A splendid investment ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 A storm in a tea cup ; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 The tide of time ; an original comedy in 3 acts, /ti Lacy. 812 :'l v38 Berrie, E. Captain Smith ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v89 Besant, Walter, and James Rice. Philanthropy ; an original comedy in 3 acts. In Frencn's. 812:1 vll2 Ready-money ; a drama in 4 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Best, , joint autJior, see Bellingham, H: Bickerstaff, I: The hypocrite ; comedy in 5 acts. /tj. British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 Lionel and Clarissa, or A school for fathers ; comic opera in 3 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 ,Love in a village ; comic opera in 3 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 v2 The padlock ; comic opera in 2 acts. In the same. 822.2 :lvl The recruiting sergeant ; musical entertain- ment in 1 act. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl Biez, Jacques de. The first love-letter. In Plays for private acting. 812:2 Bilkins, Taylor. A Christmas pantomime ; orig- inal farcical extravaganza. In Lacy. 812": 1 v95 In three volumes ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 Birch-PfeifFer, Charlotte. Ulrich Zwingli's tod ; historisches trauerspiel in 5 aufz. Schw. Hall. n. d. D. 832 : 10 Blake, Paul, joint author, see Ayres, Arthur. Blake, T: G. Lonely man of the ocean, or The night befoi'e the bridal ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 Our old house at home ; domestic drama in 2 acts. iwLacy. 812 : 1 v25 A spanking legacy, or The corsican vendetta ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v6 Blanchard, E: Laman. The artful dodge ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v42 Harlequin Hudibras, or Old dameDurden and the droll days of the merry monarch ; a new, grand, poetical, historical, operatical, dramatical, anachronismatical, tragical, pastoral Christmas pantomime. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 An induction, and The three temptations ; a masque for the moderns, novel, allegori- cal, musical and spectacular. In Scott, C. W. Drawing room plays. 822.2:14 Pork chops, or A dream at home ; a farcical extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 Blum, K:, tr. Neue theaterspiele, zunachst fiir die konigliche schaubiihne zu Berlin bear- beitet. Berlin. 1830. 1 v. in 2. U. 832 : 11 Contents. V. 1. Scribe, A. E. Der schonste tag des lebens. Scribe, A. B. Die nachtwandlerin. 2. Bin abend vor dem Potsdamer thore. Riquet, der haarbuscbel, nach Brazier. Bodmer, J: Jakob. Gottsched ; ein trauerspiel in versen, oder Der parodirte Cato. In Kiirschner, J. Deutsche national-literatur. 830 : 152 v42 Boker, G: H: Plays and poems. Bost. 1856. 2 v. D. 822.1:7 Contents. V. 1. Calaynos ; a tragedy. Anne Boleyn; a tragedy. Leonor de Guzman. Franeesca da Rimini. 2. The betrothal. The widow's marri- age. Poems. Songs. Sonnets. Bolton, C: Caught in a line, or The unrivalled Blondin ; a pifece de circonstance in 1 scene. In Lacy. 812:1 v54 BOrnstein, C: Hugo. Ein ungarkonig ; histo- risches drama in 4 akten. Pesth. 1847. D. 832 : 50 Boucicault, Dion. The Colleen Bawn, or The brides of Garryowen ; a domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 Jessie Brown, or The relief of Lucknow ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 London assurance ; a comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 The octoroon, or Life in Louisiana ; a play in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v65 The prima donna ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 The queen of spades ; a drama in 2 acts, adapted from "La dame de pique" [by Scribe.] In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 Bourgeois,' A: Anicet, and Ferdinand Dugue. The pirates of the savannah, or The tiger hunter of the prairies ; romantic drama in 3 acts, adapted by W: Suter. In Lacy. 812:lv51 and Philippe Fran9ois Pinel Dumanoir. The black doctor ; drama in 5 acts. Tr. from "Le docteur noir" by I. V. Bridgeman. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 and Paul H: Corentin Feval. The duke's daughter, or The hunchback of Paris ; a drama in 3 acts and a prologue, dramatized from Paul Feval's "Le petit parisien" as "Le bossu." Adapted for the english stage. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 Bourget, Ernest, joint author, see Dennery, Adolphe Philippe. Brachvogel, Albert Emil. Narcisse the vagrant; a tragedy in five acts, adapted from the german by James Schonberg. In French's. 812 : 1 vl07 527 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DRAMA. Brawe Brough, "W. 528 Brawe, Joachim W: v. Brutus ; ein trauerspiel in 5 aufz. in 830 : 153 v72 Bridgeman, I: V. A good run for it ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 I've eaten my friend ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Matrimonial a gentleman, etc., for further particulars apply at ; an entirely origi- nal farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 Same. In the same. 812 : 1 v37 The rifle and how to use it ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v42 Where's your wife ; an entirely original farce. In Lacy. 812:1 v60 Bridg^an, Cunningham V. Shipmates ; an ori- ginal comedy drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vi02 Brigands of Calabria, The ; a romantic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v65 Bright, Mrs. A: Not false but fickle ; comedy drama in 1 act. -Z>i French's. 812 : 1 vll6 "Noblesse oblige "; a comedy drama in a pro- logue and 3 acts. In French's. 812:1 vll6 Brinckmann, H. Johann von Leyden, konig der wiedertaufer zu Miinster ; schausp. in 5 aufz. Miinster. 1855. D, 832 : 12 British drama. The ; a collection of the most esteemed tragedies, comedies, operas and farces in the english language, rhila. 1854. 2v. O. 822.2:1 Contents. V. 1. Lillo, G: Fatal curiosity. G-ar- riok, D: The guardian; The lyins: valet. Murphy, A. The grecian daughter. Macklin, C: The man of the world. Murphy, A. The apprentice. Howe, N: Jane Shore. Colman, G: ways and means. Coffey, C: The devil to pay. Howe, N: The fair Senitent. Centlivre, S. A bold stroke for a wif e. I'Hara, K. Midas. Home, J: Douglas.- Far- auhar, G: The inconstant. Foote, S: The mayor of Garratt. Brovrne, J: Barbarossa. Bick- erstaff, I: The recruiting sergeant. Jackman, I : Hero and Leander. Southeme, T: Isabella, or The fatal marriage. Dibdln, C: The quaker.- Brooke, F. M. Rosina. Otway, T: Venice pi-eserved. Centlivre, S. The wonder.- Murphy, A. Three weeks after marriage. Addison, J. Cato. Allingr- ham, J:T. Fortune's frolic Bickerstaff, I: The padlock. Young, E. The revenge. Sheridan, R: B. The rivals. Colman, G : The deuce is in him. Brooke, H: Gustavus Vasa.-aoldsmith, O. She stoops to conquer. Garrick, D: Bon ton. Otway, T: The orphan. Massingrer, P. A new way to pay old debts. Cobb, J. The doctor and the apothecary. Moore, E: The gamester. Hoadly, B: The suspidious husband. O'Hara, K. Tom Thumb, the great. Moore, H. Percy. Cowley, H. P. The belle's stratagem.- Sheridan, R: B. The critic Southeme, T: Oroonoko. Garrick, D: The coun- try girl; The Irish widow. Lillo, G: Arden of Fev- ersham. Colman, G: The jealous wife. O-ay, J: The beggar's opera. Lillo, G: George Barnwell. Bickerstaff, I: The hypocrite. Fielding-, H : The mock doctor. Congrreve.W: The mourning bride. Oarrick, D:, and G: Colman. The clandestine marriage. Foote, S: The liar. Thomson, J. Tan- cred and Sigismunda.- Farquhar, G: The beaux's stratagem. 2. Bickerstaff, I: Lionel and Clarissa. Hill, A. Zara. Cumberland, R: The west-indian. Townley, J. High life below stairs. Rowe, N: Tamerlane. Pilon, F: He would be a soldier.- Oarrick, D: Miss m her teens. Philips, A. The distressed mother. Steele, Sir R: The tender hus- band. Cowley, H. P. Who's the dupe?- Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. Pizarro. Jonson, B. Every man in his humour. Bickerstaff, I : Love in a village. Jack- man, I: All the world's a stage.-Iiee, N. Alexan- der the great. Murphy, A. The way to keep him. Sheridan, R: B. The duenna. Cibber, C. Xiraena. Beaumont, F., and J. Fletcher. Rule a wife and have a wife. Macklin, C: Love k la mode. White- head, W. The roman father. Oongrreve, W : Love for love. Beaumont, F., and J. Fletcher. The chances. Fielding, H: The intriguing chamber- maid. Dryden, J: All for love. Vanbrugh, Sir J: The city wives' confederacy. Foote, S: The lame lover. Jones, H: The earl of Essex. Cumb- erland, R: The brothers. Cibberj C. The careless husband. Milton, J: Com us. Murphy, A. The orphan of China. Vanbrugh, Sir J:, and C. Cibber. The provoked husband. Colman, G: Inkle and Yarico. Miller, J. Mahomet, the impostor. Addi- son, J. The drummer. Farquhar, G: The recruit- ing officer.- Cobb, J. The first floor. Hughes, J: The siege of Damascus. Vanbrugh, Sir J: The provoked wife. Hill, A. Alzira. Sheridan, R: B. The school for scandal. Brooke, Francis Moore. Rosina ; an opera in 3 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Brooke, H: Gustavus Vasa, or The deliverer of his country ; an historical tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl. Brookes, Sheridan. Calypso, queen of Ogygia ; an original burlesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v67 Brooks, C: Shirley. Anything for a change ; petite comedy in 1 act. m Lacy. 812:1 v4 The Creole, or Love's fetters ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl The exposition ; a Scandinavian sketch con- taining as much irrelevant matter as pos- sible in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 : The guardian angel ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v5 joint author, see Oxenford, J: Brough, J: Cargill, joint author, see Archer, T: Brough, Robert B. Alfred the great, or The minstrel king ; an historical extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 Crinoline an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 The doge of Duralto, or The enchanted eyes ; extravaganza. In Lacy. 812:1 v88 Kensington gardens, or Quite a ladies' man ; comedy in 2 acts, adapted from the french. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v88 Masaniello, or The fish 'oman of Naples ; a fish tale in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 Medea, or The best of mothers with a brute of a husband ; a burlesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 The moustache movement ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 The overland journey to Constantinople as undertaken by lord Bateman, with inter- esting particulars of the fair Sophia ; ex- travaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 vl5 The twelve labours of Hercules ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v6 and Sutherland Edwards. Mephistopheles, or An ambassador from below ; an ex- travaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v25 Brough, W: Apartments ; visitors to the exhi- bition may be accommodated, etc. ; a piece of extravagance to suit the times in 1 act. In Lacy. 812: 1 v4 Bona fide' travellers, a point of law arising out of the new beer bul ; farce. 812:1 vl6 The caliph of Bagdad ; original oriental, operatic extravaganza, iw Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 A comical countess ; a farce in 1 act. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v52 629 Brough, W. Buckingham. LITEBATXJBE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 580 Brough, W: Contintied. Conrad and Medora, or Harlequin corsair and the little fairy at the bottom of the well ; a new Christmas burlesque and pantomime, founded upon the ballet of " Le corsaire". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 Dinorah under dilficulties ; piece of extrava- gance in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 ' ' Endymion, or The naughty boy who cried for the moon ; classical, mythological ex- travaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 Ernani, or The horn of a dilemma ; a new and original burlesque extravaganza. In Lacy. 812:lv67 The field of the cloth of gold ; original, grand historical extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 The gnome king and the good faii-y of the silver mine ; original extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Hercules and Omphale, or The power of love; an original classical extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 A house out of windows ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 How to make home happy , comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl3 Joan of Arc ; new and original historical bur- lesque. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Kind to a fault ; original comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v78 King Arthur, or The days and knights of the round table ; a new and originalchristmas extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812: 1 v61 Lalla Rookh, or The princess, the peri and the troubadour ; a burlesque and pantomime in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 Number one, round the corner ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 Papillionetta, or The prince, the butterfly and the beetle ; an original, burlesque extrava- ganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 Perdita, or The royal milkmaid, being the legend upon which Shakespeare is sup- posed to have founded his Winter's tale ; a new and ox'iginal burlesque. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 Perseus and Andromeda, or The maid and the monster ; a classical extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v53 A phenomenon in a smock frock ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Prince Amabel, or The fairy roses ; an orig- inal fairy extravaganza. In Lacy. 8l2 : 1 v55 Pygmalion, or The statue fair ; original bur- * lesque. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v75 Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia, or The happy valley ; an extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 :1 v57 The sylphide ; new and original extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 Trying it on : farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lvll and Andrew Halliday. The actor's retreat ; an extravaganza in 1 act and in prose. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 An april fool ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 The area belle ; an original farce in 1 act. InLacj. 812:lv62 Brough, W:, and A. "Hallideiy. Continued. - The census ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 The Colleen Bawn settled at last ; a farcical extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 Doini? Banting ; an apropos farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 Going to the dogs ; an entirely original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v65 Medborough election ; a new and original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 My heart's in the highlands ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v60 The pretty horsebreaker ; an apropos sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v51 A shilling day at the great exhibition ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 Upstairs and downstairs, or The great per- centage question ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 Valentine ; a compliment of the season in 1 act. In Lacy, 812 : 1 v57 Brougham, J: Flies in the web; an original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 The Irish emigrant ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v82 The lottery of life ; a story of New York ; an original, local drama in 5 acts. In French's. 812:1 vl05 Playing with fire ; an original comedy in 5 acts. InLsmy. 812 :'l v66 A recollection of O'Flannigan and the fairies ; an extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 Broughton, F: W. Ruth's romance ; a summer evening's sketch . In French's. 812 :1 vll6 Sunshine ; an original comedy in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 Withered leaves ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 and Walter Browne. Once again ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 Brown, J: Barbarossa ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 Browne, E.J. A lucky sixpence ; farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl03 Browne, Walter, joint author, see Broughton, F: W. Browning, Robert. Strafford ; a tragedy ; with notes and a preface by Emily H. Hickey and an introd. by S: K. Gardiner. Lond. 1884. D. 822.2:48 Brueys, D: Augustin de. The village lawyer; a farce in 1 act, adapted by mr. Lyons from "L'avocat Patelin". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 Bruton, James. Bathing ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOS Cut for partners ; a laughable farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll3 Buckingham, Leicester. Don't lend your um- brella ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 Faces in the fire ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 Harlequin novelty and the princess who lost her heart ; a new and original burlesque pantomime in 1 act. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v34 531 01. 812, Authors. lilTERATTTRE DRAMA. Buckingham Bumand. 532 ' Buckingham, Leicester. Continued. Love's martyr; a drama in 4 acts, preceded by a prologue. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v70 Lucrezia Borgia at home and all abroad ; a new and original burlesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 The merry widow ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 Silken fetters ; a comedy in 8 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v61 The silver lining ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 Take that girl away ! comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl8 Virginius, or The trials of a fond papa ; a bur- lesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v42 William Tell ; a telling version of an old tell tale ; an original burlesque. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 and A. Harris. Jeannette's wedding ; an operetta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v32 Buckstone, J: Baldwin. Agnes de Vere, or The wife's revenge ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 The bear hunters, or The fatal ravine ; a melo- drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 The breach of promise, or Second thoughts are best ; comedy in 2 acts. Bost. n. d. S. TFj:r and the robber ; drama in 2 acts. / Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 Joan of Arc, or The maid of Orhniiis ; a melo- drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812:1 vl03 Jonathan Bradford, or The murder at the road-side inn ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 The miller of Derwent Water ; drama in 3 acts. /wLacy. 812 : 1 vl2 549 Fitzball Gay. lilTERATTTRE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 550 Fitzball, E : Continued. The momentous question ; an original domes- tic di-ama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 The note forger ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 Pierette, or The village rivals ; a comic oper- etta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 Robin Hood, or The merry outlaws of Sher- wood Forest ; a dramatic equestrian spec- tacle in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 The siege of Rochelle ; original opera in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v95 Tom Cringle, or' Mat of the ii'on hand ; a nau- tical drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. "812:1 v41 Fitzgerald, Percy. Proverbs and comediettas, written far private representation. Lond. 1869. D. 822.2 : 37 Contents. Amateni* acting. Scratch the russian and you will find the tartar. A sheet of blotting paper. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. The William Simpson. The family Shaks- pcare. A burnt child dreads the Are. Man proposes sheT' The William Simpson ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812:lvl01 Fletcher, James, joint autJior, see Beaumont, Francis. Foglar, Adolf. "Walter von Kastelen ; trauer- spiel in 5 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 19 Foglar, L: Der blaustrumpf ; lustsp. in 4 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 20 FoUen, Eliza Lee, born Cabot, ed. Home dramas for young people. Bost. 1859. D. 822.1 : 9 Contents. Olive merchants of Bagdat. Aiken, L. Alfred.- The sword. Ahmed the cobbler. Edgre- worth, M. Old Poz. Jameson, A. Much coin, much care. The little gleaner. Pulsky, Mrs. The sleeper awakened. Edg-ew^orth, M. Dumb Andy; The grinding' organ. Stow^e, H. B. Extracts from Christian slave. Honesty is the best policy. Ctorade, Partington. G7iar-ade, Blue Beard. C/iorode, Patriot. Historical acting charades. Aikin, L. Master and slave. Foots, S: The lame lover; farce in 3 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 The liar ; comedy in 2 acts, altered and adapted by C: Matthews, iw Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Same. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl The mayor of Garratt ; farce in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 Foote, W. S. Bitter cold, a tale of two Christmas eves ; a drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vll5 Ford, J: Dramatic works ; with an introd. and explanatory notes by H: Weber; v. 2. Lond. 1811. O. 822.2 :9 Contents. V. 2. Perkin Warbeck. The fancies, chaste and noble. The lady's trial. The sun's darling. The witch of Edmonton. Glossarial index. Fournier, L: P: Narcisse. Comedy and tragedy ; comedy from the french, tr. by W: Robson. JwLacy. 812 : 1 v25 Fournier, M: J: L:, joint author, see Denneiy, Adolphe Philippe. Fox, Mrs. S., see Centlivre, S. Frank, Gustav ritter v., {Dr. Franck). Autors- qualen; lustsp. in 1 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 21 Der briiutigam von Haiti ; lustsp. in 5 aufz. und in alexandrinern. n. t. D. 832 : 22 Der gascogner in Paris ; lustsp. in 1 akt. n. t. D. 832 : 23 Frank, Gustav ritter y. Continued. Die sylvesternacht ; drama in 1 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 24 Der telegraph ; lustsp. in 1 aufz. n.t. D. 832 : 2o Worcester, oder Geist und narrheit ; lustsp. in 2 aufz. n.t. D. 832 : 26 French, S: Acting plays. See Lacy, T: H. French, Sidney, and W: J. Sorrell. A friend in need ; an original comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 Freytag, Gustav. Dramatische werke. Leipz. 1881. 2 V. in 1. D. 832 : 95 Contents. Die brautfahrt, Oder Kunz von der Ro- sen; lustsp. in 5 acten. Der gelehrte; trsp. in 1 act. Die valentine; ssp. in .5 acten. Graf Waldemar; ssp. in 5 acten. Die journalisten; Isp. in 4 acten. Die Fabier; trsp. in 5 acten. FrObel, Julius. Die republikaner ; ein histori- sches drama in 5 acten. Leipz. 1848. S. 832 : 27 Gaillardet, Theodore F:, antZ Alexandre Dumas. The tower of Nesle, or The chamber of death ; a romantic drama in 3 acts, [adapted from the french] by G. Almar. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 Gambold, J: The martyrdom of Ignatius ; tragedy written in 1740. Annexed, the life of Ignatius, -drawn from authentic ac- counts and from the epistles written from Smyrna and Troas in his way to Rome. Lond. 1773. D. 822.2 : 21 Gardner, Herbert. After dinner ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 Cousin Zachary ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 He that will not when he may ; an original proverb in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 A night on Snowdon ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 Time will tell ; an original comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 Garrick, D: Bon ton, or High life above stairs ; farce in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl The country girl ; comedy in 5 acts ; altei-ed from Wycherley. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In French's. 812:lvl01 The guardian ; a comedy in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl The ii-ish widow ; farce in 2 acts. In the same, 822.2 : 1 vl The lying valet ; a farce in 2 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl Miss in her teens ; farce in 2 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 v2 joint author, see Colman, G: Garschen, Egbert. Die MedicJier, oder Die ver- schworung der Pazzi ; histoi'isches trsp. in 5 aufz. Wiirzburg. 1844. D. 832 : 28 Gastineau, Octave. Lelia. In Plays for private acting. 812 : 2 Gay, J: Acis and Galatea ; a opera arranged and adapted for stage representation fi-om the serenata of Handel ; the poetry, with the exception of the introductory scene, by Gay. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vll Same. In his Poetical works. 821.2 : 93 v2 The beggar's opera ; opera in 3 acts. In British drama. '^ Same. In Lacy. 822.2 : 1 vl 812 : 1 v21 551 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATtTBE DRAMA. Gerstenberg Goubaux. 552 Gerstenberg, H: W: v. Ugolino ; eine tragodie. In Kiirscliner, J. Deutsche national-lit- teratur. 830 : 152 v48 Giacommetti, Paolo. Marie Antoinette, queen of France ; historical drama in 5 acts, with a prologue. From the Italian tragedy written for madame Ristori, adapted and arranged by Harry Forrest. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 Gifford, J. Wear. Supper for two, or The wolf and the lamb ; a farce. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 Gilbert, W: Schwenck. Broken hearts ; an en- tirely original fairy play in 3 acts. In French's. ' 812 : 1 vll8 Creatures of impulse ; musical fairy tale. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 Dan'l Druce, blacksmith ; a new and original drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 Engaged ; an entirely original farcical comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 The gentleman in black ; ' original musical legend in 2 acts. Music composed by F: Clay. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 A medical man ; a comedietta. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 An old score ; an original comedy drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl08 On guard ; entirely original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. ' 812 : 1 v98 The palace of truth ; fairy comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 6112 : 1 v89 The princess ; whimsical allegory, being a re- spectful perversion of mr. Tennyson's poem. In Lacy. 812 : "l v87 Pygmalion and Galatea ; an entirely original, mythological comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vlOS Randall's thumb ; original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 6l2 : 1 v91 Sweethearts ; an original dramatic contrast in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vlll Tom Cobb, or Fortune's toy ; an entirely orig- inal farcical comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 The wedding march, "Le chapeau de paille d'ltalie"; an eccentricity in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll4 Girardin, Delphine, born Gay. The clockmaker's hat; farce in 1 act, adapted from "Le chapeau d'un horologer". In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl8 see also Lewes, G: H: Sunshine through the clouds. Glengall, Earl of, see Butler, R: Godiva, or Ye ladye of Coventrie and je, exyle fayrie ; a burlesque historic fancy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 Goelschy, Gustave. The professor of elocution. In Plays for private acting. 812 : 2 Goldsmith, Oliver. The good-natured man ; a comedy in 5 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 Same. In Ms Works. 820.2 : 10 vl Same. In Ms Works. 820.2 : 30 v2 She stoops to conquer ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. Same. In Ms Works. Sams. In Jiis Works. 812 : 1 v25 820.2 :10vl 820.2 : 30 v2 Gomes, J: Baptista. Ignez de Castro; trauer- spiel in 5 aufz. Nach der siebenten ver- besserten auflage der portugiesischen ur- schrift iibersetzt von Alexander Wittich ; mit geschichtlicher einleitung und einer vergleichenden kritik der verschiedenen Ignez-tragodien. Leipz. 1841. S. 862 : 2 Good night, signer Pantaloon ; a comic opera in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v-TS Gordon, Lionel Smith. Keeper of the seals ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Gordon, Walter. Dearest mamma ! comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 Duchess or nothing ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 Home for a holiday ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 My wife's relations ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 An odd lot ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 Old Trusty; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 Through fire and water ; original comic di-ama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Gore, Catherine Grace Francis. The maid of Croissey, or Theresa's vow ; drama in 2 acts. i^. Y. n. d. S. Wit7i Talfourd, T: N. Ion. 822.2 : 3 Gorostiza, Manuel E: de. Nachsicht fiir alle ; originalkomodie in 5 acten, iibers. von Hedwig Wolf. In Laube, H: Drama- tische werke. 832 : 59 vl3 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Faust ; a dramatic poem. Tr. into english prose with notes, etc., by A. Hayward. New ed. Bost. 1854. D. 832 : 30 Same. From the german by J: Anster ; with an introd. by H: Morley. [Morley's uni- versal library.] Lond. 1888. D. 832 : 97 Same ; a tragedy. Tr. in the original metres by Bayard Taylor. Bost. 1878. 2 v. D. 832 :31 Same, or The fate of Margaret ; romantic play in 5 acts, adapted from the poem of Goethe by W: B. Bernard. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 Stella ; a drama in 5 acts. In Thompson, B: German theatre. 832 : 96 v6 See also Ms Siimmtliche werke. 830 : 11136 Werke. 830 : 137 Werke. 830 : 152 v87, 88, 93 Works. 830 : 151 Gott, H: The wizard of the moor ; melodrama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v82 Gottsched, J: Christoph. Cato ; ein trauerspiel. In Kiirschner, J. Deutsche national- litteratur. 830 : 152 v42 Gottsched, Luise Adelgunde Victorine. Das testament ; ein deutsches lustspiel in 5 aufz. In Kiirschner, J. Deutsche na- tion al-litteratur. 830 : 152 v42 Goubaux, Prosper Parfait, (Prosper IHnaux), and Gabriel J: Baptiste Ernest Wilfred Legouve. Infatuation ; a drama in 4 acts, adapted from the fi'cnch, Louise de Ligne- rolles. In French's. 812 : 1 vll6 Same. Louise de Lignerolles ; tragic drama in 5 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 553 Gowing Halliday. LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 554 Gowing, W: The state prisoner; a drama in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl Gozlan, Leon. Eva ; drama in 5 aufz.. bearb. von K: G. T. Winkler, n. t. S. 832 : 86 Gozzi, C: Turandot, prmzessin von China ; ein traffikomisches mJihrchen, iibers. von F: v. Schiller. In Schiller, J: C. F: v. Siimmt- liche werke. 880 : 143 v6 Same. In Schiller, J: C. F: v. Siimmtliche werke. 830 : 144 v9 Grabbe, Christian Dietrich. Siimmtliche werke und handschriftlicher nachlass. Erste kritische gesammt-ausgabe, herausg. und erliiutert von Oskar Bkimenthal. Detmold. 1874. 4 V. D. 832 : 22 Contents. V. 1. Herzog Theodor von Gothland. Nannette und Maria. Scherz, satire, ironie und tie- fere bedeutung. 2. Don Juan und Faust.- Die Ho- henstaufen, 1. theil: Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa; 2. theil: Kaiser Heinrich der sechste. 3. Napoleon, Oder Die hundert tage. Marius und Sulla. Hanni- bal. Die Hermannsschlacht. 4. Aschenbriidel. Der Cid. Fragmente. Ueber die Shakspearo-raanie. Das theater zu Diisseldorf Recensionen iiber ein- zelne auffuhrungen. Theaterkritiken aus dem Dus- seldorfer tageblatt. Kleinere aufsiitze. Aus Grabbe's brief wechsel. Grange, P: Eugfene Baste called, and Xavier Aymon de Montepin, The syren of Paris; a romantic drama in 2 acts, adapted from the french by W: E. Suter. In Lacy. 812:lv52 and Lambert Thiboust. The idiot of the mountain ; a drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french by W: E. Suter. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Green, Frank W. Cherry and Fairstar, or The prett^y green bird and the fairies of the dancing waters ; a new burlesque extrava- ganza. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl Greene, Robert. Dramatic and poetical works, with memoirs of the author and notes by the rev. Alexander Dyce. Lond. 1861. O. 822.2+5 Contents. Robert Greene and his writings. Greene's prose works.- Orlando furioso. A looking-glass for London and England. Friar Bacon and friar Bungay. Specimen of the famous histoire of fryer Bacon. James IV. Alphonsus, king of Arragon. George-a- Greene, the pinner of Wakefield. Specimen of the history of George-a-Greene. Poems. Griepenkerl, "Wolfgang Robert. Die girondi- sten ; trauersp. in 5 aufz. Bremen. 1852. D. 832 : 33 Maximilian Robespierre ; trauersp. in 5 aufz. Bremen. 1851. D. 832 : 34 Grillparzer, Franz. Siimmtliche werke. Stuttg. 1874. 10 V. in 6. D. 832 : 35 Contents. V. 1. Gedichte. 2. Die ahnfrau. Sappho. 3. Das goldene vliess; l.t.: Der gastfreund; 2.t.: Die Argonauten; 3. t.: Medea. 4. Kiinig Ottokar's gliick und ende. Ein ti-euer diener seines herrn. 5. Des meeres und der liebe wellen. Der traum, ein leben.Melusina. Hannibal. 6. Weh dem, der liigt. Libussa.- Esther. 7. Ein brudorzwist in Habsburg. Die jiidin von Toledo. 8. Das kloster bei Sendomir. Der arme spielmann. Ein erlebniss. Erinnerun- gen an Beethoven. Studien zum spanischen theater. Zur philosophie und religion. 9. Politische studien. Aesthetische studien. 10. Selbstbiographie. Reise-erinnerungen an Bom und Neapel. Tagebuch aus dem jahre 1836, Paris und London. Beitrage zur selbstbiographie. Grosette, H. W. Raymond and Agnes, or The bleeding nunof'Lindenberg ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 Grosse, Julius. Cola di Rienzi ; trauerspiel in 5 aufz. und einem nachspiel. Leipz. 1851. S. 832 : 36 Grundy, Sydney. A little change ; farce in 1 scene. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v95 Gryphius, Andreas. Absurda comica, oder Herr Peter Squentz ; schimpff-spiel. In Klirsch- ner, J. Deutsche national-littei-atur. 830 : 152 v29 Cardenio und Celinde, oder Ungliickliche ver- liebte ; ti'auerspiel. In the same. 830 : 152 v29 Die geliebte dornrose ; schertz-spiel. In the same. 830 : 152 v29 Horribilicribrifax ; schertz-spiel. In the same. 830 : 152 v29 Leo Arminius ; trauerspiel. In the same. 830 : 152 v29 Guillemot, Jules. The unlucky star. In Plays for private acting. 812 : 2 Gustaf III, king of Sweden. Schauspiele von konig Gustaf III. von Schweden. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von K: Eichel. Leipz. 1834. S. 898. 1 : 1 Contents. Helmfelt, sehauspiel in T, aufz. Gustaf Adolf und Ebba Brahe, sehauspiel in 3 aufz. Gustaf Wasa, sehauspiel in 3 auf z. Siri Brahe, sehauspiel in 3 aufz. Gutzkow, K: Ferdinand. Dramatische werke. 3te autl. Leipz. 1850. 9 v. in 13. S. 832 : 37 Contents. V. 1. Ahth.l: Richard Savage. Ahth.2: Werner. 2. Ahtli. 1: Patkul. Ahtli. 2: Die schule der reichen. 3. Abth. 1: Ein weisses blatt. 4. Pu- gatschefif. Das urbild des Tartiiffe. 5. Altth. 1 : Der dreizehnte November. 6. Wullenweber. 7. Abth. 1: Liesli. AIM. 2: Der konigsleutenant. 8. Abth. 1: Ottfried. Fremdes gliick. Abth. 2: Lenz und sohne. 9. Abth. 1: Lorber und myrthe. Hacklander, F: W: Werke. le gesammt-ausg.; V. 15. Stuttg. 1855. S. 832 : 38 Contents. Der geheime agent. Magnetische kuron. Schuldig! Werke ; v. 27. Stuttg. 1860. S. 832 : 39 Contents. Zur ruhe setzen. Monsieur de Ble. Unten im hause. Hagen, Ernst A: Der oberst und der matrose ; trauerspiel in 5 aufz. n.t. D. 832 : 40 Haines, J: T: Alice Gray, the suspected one, or The moral brand ; domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 The idiot witness, or A tale of blood ; a melo- drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v46 My Poll and my partner Joe ; a nautical drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 The ocean of life, or Every inch a sailor ; a nautical drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 Ruth, or The lass that loves a sailor ; a nauti- cal and domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 The wizard of the wave, or The ship of the avenger ; a legendary, nautical drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. " 812 : 1 v46 The yew tree ruins, or The wreck, the miser and the mines ; a domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Halevy, l,:, joint author, see Meilhac, H: Halford, J. Faust and Marguerite, or The devil's draught ; a grand operatic extrava- ganza ; a "free and easy" adaptation of Goethe's Faust. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 Halliday, Andrew. Checkmate ; farcical com- edy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 Daddy Gray ; original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 555 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATXTRE DRAMA. Halliday Hazlewood, 556 Halliday, Am\YQw. Continued. The loving cup ; serio-comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 Romeo and Juliet travestie, or The cup of cold poison ; a burlesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v43 aTif^F: Lawrance. Kenilworth, or Ye queene, ye earle and ye maydenne ; a comic opera- tic extravaganza in 1 act, rev. and re-writ- ten by A. Halliday. In Lacy. 812:1 v38 joint author, see Brough, W: Halm, Friedrich, pseud., see Miincli-Belling- hausen, E. F. J. freiherr v. Hancock, W: John Smith ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v53 Stolen ,20 reward! a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v61 and Arthur Moore. Mr. Sci'oggins, or Change of name ; farce in 1 act. /w Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 Hardwicke, Countess of, see Yorke, Elizabeth. Hardwicke, Pelham. A bachelor of arts ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl2 Harrington, N. H., joint author, see Yates, Ed- mund. Harrington, R: The pedlar boy, or The old mill ruin ; drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v87 Harris, Arthur. The avalanche, or The trials of the heart ; romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 Doing the "hansom"; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 The little treasure ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 My son, Diana ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v31 Ruth Oakley ; a domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 Ruthven ; a drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v41 Tom Thrasher ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 Too much of a good thing ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 A very serious attair ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 joint author, see Buckingham, Leicester. Harris, A:, joint author, see Williams, T: J. Harrison, Wilmot. Margate Sands ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v61 "Special" performances ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 Harlequin Alfred the great ! or The magic banjo and the mystic raven ! a new and original, grand historical Christmas pantomime. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Harlequin and O'Donoghue, or The white horse of Killarney ; an entirely new and original, grand, historical, equestrian Christmas pantomime. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Harleqtun Blue Beard, the great bashaw, or The good fairy triumphant over the demon of discord ! new. grand, comic Christmas pantomime. /wLacy. 812 : 1 vl7 Harlequin Hogarth, or The two London 'pren- tices ; a new grand, comic christmas Bantomime. This dish is partly served on [ogarth's " Plates," with extra seasoning to suit the times. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Hartmann, Julius E: Dramatische erstlinge. Leipz. 1850. D. 832 : 41 Contents. Theodor Korner. Der hofnarr. Der ver- heissene. U nsere zeit. Die testaments-clausel. Das stelldichein. Hartmann, Moritz. [Dramatische schriften]. In his Gesammelte werke. 830 : 138 Contents, see under German literature, Collected works. Hartopp, W. W. Eclipsing the son ; a comic drama from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Harvey, Frank. Bought ; an original play in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl Hatton, Joseph and Arthur Matthison. Liz ; a drama in 4 acts, founded upon the novel "That lasso' Lowrie's," by permission of the author [F. H. Burnett.] In French's. 812: 1 vll4 joint author, see Oxenford, J: Hay, F: Caught by the cuff ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 The cho]3s of the channel ; original nautical farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v84 Cupboard love ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812: 1 v91 The french exhibition, or The Noodles in Paris; original farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v75 A lame excuse ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v84 Our domestics ; comedy-farce in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 A photographic fix ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v70 A suit of tweeds ; an original farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 and Westmacott Chapman. The deep r^d rover ; an o'piratic burlesque in 3 scenes. / French's. 812 : 1 vlll joint author, see Clements, Arthur. Hazleton, F: Sweeney Todd, the barber of Fleet street, or The sti'ing of pearls ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. Hazlewood, Collin H. nautical drama in 812 : 1 vl02 Ashore and ailoat ; a acts. In French's. 812: 1 vl06 Aurora Floyd, or The dark deed in the wood ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 The bitter reckonmg ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl07 The bridal wreath ; a romantic drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl07 Capitola, or The masked mother and the hid- den hand ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv70 For Honor's sake ; an original, romantic, Irish drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812:1 vl08 Going to Chobham, or The petticoat captains; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vll The harvest storm ; a domestic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 The headless horseman, or The ride of deatli ; a strange tale of Texas in 2 acts, adapted from Mayne Reid's romance. In French's. 812 : 1 vl07 Hop-pickers and gipsies, or The lost daugh- ter ; original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : lv85 Jenny Foster, the sailor's child, or The; win- ter robin ; in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 557 Hazlewood Hood . lilTEBATTTRE DRAMA. 01. 812, Authors. 558 Hazlewood, Collin H. Continued. Jessamy's courtship ; an original farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 Jessy Vere, or The return of the wanderer ; domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v25 Lady Audley's secret ; an original version of Miss Braddon's popular novel, in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 \az7aq Lyle, or The flower makers of Fins- bury ; a tale of ti'ials and temptations in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v87 The lost wife, or A husband's confession ; domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v93 The marble bride, or The elves of the forest ; a magical drama in 2 acts, adapted from "Les elves." / Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 Mary Edmonstone ; a pathetic and romantic drama. In French's. 812 : 1 vl03 The mother's dying child ; an original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 Foul a Dhoil, or The fairy man ; original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 The staff of diamonds ; a nautical drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 The stolen Jewess, or Two children of Israel ; an original, romantic drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 Taking the veil, or The harsh step-father ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 Waiting for the verdict, or Falsely accused ; domestic drama in 3 acts, founded on and embodying the celebrated picture by A. Soloman. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 and Arthur Willianis. "Leave it to me"; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Hebbel, F: Judith ; eine tragodie in 5 acten. Hamburg. 1841. S. 832:42 Julia ; ein trauerspiel in drei akten. Nebst einer vorrede und einer abhandlun^ : Ab- f ertigung eines assthetischen kannegiessers. Leipz. 1851. S. 832:43 Heine, H: Tragodien. With his Buch der lie- der. 831 : 24 Contents. William Ratcliffe. Almansor. Same. In his Sammtliche werke. 830 : 139 vl6 Hell, Theodor, pseud., see Winkler, K: Gottfried Theodor. Henry, Re. Fast friends ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 Herbert, (1. C. Our bitterest foe, an incident of 1870 ; 1 act drama. In French's. 812 : 1 vl08 Second thoughts ; an original comedietta in 1 act. 7w French's. 812 : 1 vll8 Herrmann, B. A. Alles durch die frauen ; lust- si)iel in zwei akten, nach Bayard und Lafont. n. t. D. 832 : 45 Fleck ; posse in 2 akten. n. t. D. 832 : 47 Johanna und Hannchen ; lustspiel in 2 akten nach Scribe und Varner. n. t. D. 832 : 46 Eine reise nach Spanien ; posse in zwei akten, frei nach Gautier. n. t. D. 832 : 44 Hertz, H: King Rene's daughter ; a danish lyri- cal drama. Tr. by Theodore Martin. N. Y. 18G7. S. 898.3:3 Same; a lyrical drama in 1 act. Rendered into english verse by Edmund Phipps. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 Hervilly, Marie Ernest d'. From Calais to Dover. In Plays for private acting. 812:2 Silence in the ranks. In the same. 812 : 2 The soup tureen. In the same. 812 : 2 Higgle, T: A devilish good joke, or A night's fi'olic ; an interlude in 1 act. In French's. 812:1 vll9 The devil's mount, or The female Blue Beard; romantic drama in 2 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812:1 v88 Laid up in port, or Sharks along shore ; a nautical drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 Wilful murder ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 and T": Hailes Lacy. Belphegor, or The mountebank and his wife ; romantic drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 The Tower of London, or The death omen and the fate of lady Jane Grey ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. " 812 : 1 v94 and R. Shepherd. Watch and wait ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 Hill, Aaron. Alzira ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Zara ; tragedy in 5 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 v2 Hillhouse, James Abraham. Dramas, discourses and other pieces. Bost. 1839. 2 v. S. 822.1 :10 Contents. V. 1. Demetria. Hadad. Percy's masque. 2. Tlie judsrment. Sachem's wood. Dis- courses : 1, On the choice of an era in epic and tragic writinjf; 2, On the relations of literatvire to a re- publican government; 3, On the life and services of Lafayette. The hermit of Wark worth, by bishop Percy. Hipkins, H. T., and Gaston Murray. A nice quiet day ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 His novice ; a trifle in 1 act. In French's. 812:1 vll4 Hoadley, B: The suspicious husband ; a comedy in 5 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 Same. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Hoare, Prince. No song, no supper ; musical entertainment. Music by Stoi'ace. In Lacy. 812:1 v89 The spoiled child ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 Hodgson, G. S. Bobby A 1, or A warm recep- tion ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO Holbein, Franz Iguaz v. Die schlittenfahrt, oder Der herr vom hause ; original-lustspiel in 4 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 49 Holcroft, T: The road to ruin ; a comedy. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 HoU, H. The forest keeper ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 Grace Huntley ; domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v82 Hollingshead, J: The birthplace of Podgers ; an original domestic sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v35 Home, j': Douglas ; tragedy in 5 acts. In Brit- ish drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 Hood, Tom. Harlequin little Red-Riding-Hood, or The wicked wolf and the wirtuous wood- cutter ; a juvenile ])antomime. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 559 CI. 812, Authors. LITER ATTJitE DRAMA . Home Jerrold, D. W. 560 Home, F. Lennox. The baronet abroad and the rustic ^rima donna ; an original domestic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v65 A tale of a comet ; a new and original farce in 1 act. / French's. 8l2:lvlll Two heads are better than one -, a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 Home, R: H: The death of Marlowe ; tragedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v89 Hoskins, Francis Radcliffe. The blossom of Churlington green, or Love, rivalry and revenge ; new and entirely original petit burlesque drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 Houvrald, Christoph Ernst freiherr v. Der leuchtthurm ; ein trauerspiel in 2 akten. In Kiirschner, J. Deutsche national-lit- teratur. 830 : 152 vl51 Howe, J. Burdett. Handsome Jack ; a melo- drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vll4 Scarlet Dick, or The king's highwayman ; an original drama in 4 acts. In French's. 812:1 vll4 Howells, W: Dean. A counterfeit presentment ; a comedy. Bost. 1877. T. 822. 1 : 23 Out of the question ; a comedy. Bost. 1877. T. 822.1:24 The register ; a farce. Bost. 1884. T. 822.1 :21 The sleeping-car ; a farce. Bost. 1883. S. 822. 1 : 22 Hughes, F. My wife's baby ; farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 Hughes, J: The sie^e of Damascus ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Hugo, V: Marie comte. Ruy Bias ; a romantic drama in 4 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 and James Kenney. Hernani, or The pledge of honour ; play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 see aUo Bernard, W: Bayle. The man of two lives. Ibsen, H: Brand ; dramatisches gedicht in 5 acten. Nach dem norwegischen deutsch bearb. von Alfred freiherr von Wolzogen ; den biihnen gegeniiber als ms. gedruckt. Wismar. 1877. D. 898.2 : 3 Der bund der jugend ; lustspiel in 5 aufz. Nach dem norwegischen, deutsch von Adolf Strodtmann. Berlin. 1872. D. 898.2:4 The emperor and the galilean ; a drama in two parts. Tr. from the norwegian by Catherine Ray. Lond. 1876. D. 898.2 : 11 Gespenster ; ein familiendrama in 3 aufz. Aus dem norwegischen von M. v. Borch. Leipz. n. d. T. 898.2 : 5 Die hei'rin von Oestrot ; historisches schau- si5iel in 5 aufz. Unter mitwirkung A'on Emma Klingenfeld veranstaltete deutsche originalausg. der Fru Ingerd til Ostrot. Munchen. 1877. D, 898.2 : 6 Die kronpriitendenten ; historisches schau- spiel in 5 akten. Nach dem norwegischen, deutsch von Adolf Strodtmann. Berlin. 1872 D. 898.2 : 7 Nora ; a play. Tr. from the norwegian [Et dukkehjera], by Henrietta Frances Lord. Lond. 1882. S. 898.2:2 Ibsen, H: Continued. Nordische heerfahrt ; trauerspiel in 4 akten. Unter mitwirkung von Emma Klingenfeld veranstaltete deutsche originalausg. der Harmandene paa Helgoland. Miinchen. 1876. D. 898.2 : 8 Peer Gynt ; ein dramatisches gedicht. Uebers. von L. Passarge. Leipz. 1881. D. 898.2 :9 Stiitzen der gesellschaft ; schauspiel in 4 aufz. Unter mitwirkung von Emma Klingenfeld veranstaltete deutsche originalausg. der Samfundets stotter. Munchen. 1878. D. 898.2 : 10 Ein volksfeind ; schauspiel in 5 aufz. Deutsch von W: Lange, einzige vom verfasser auto- risirte deutsche ausg. Leipz. n. d. T. With 7s Gespenster. 898.2:5 Iffland, A: W: Theatralische werke in einer auswahl. Leipz. 1844. 10 v. S. 832:51 Contents. V. 1. Die jager. Reue versohnt. 2. Die reise nach der stadt. Herbsttag. 3. Der mann von wort. Dienstpflicht. 4. Scheinverdienst. Der spie- ler. Der komet. 5. Verbrechen aus elirsucht. Leichter sinn. Die hagestolzen. 6. Die aussteuer. Das erbtheil des vaters. 7. Die hohen. Frauen- stand. 8. Die advokaten.Erinneruug. Albert von Turneisen. 9. Bewusstsein. Der vormund. Vater- freude. 10. Elise von Valberg. Hausfrieden. Die miindel. Nachrichten von Iffland's leben. Immermann, K: Lebrecht. Die opfer des schweigens ; trauersp. in 5 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 52 Inchbald, Elizabeth, born Simpson. Every one has his fault ; a comedy in 5 acts. In French's. " 812 : 1 vl07 The midnight hour ; a petite comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 8l"2 : 1 vl22 Irwin, E: King O'Toole's goose, or The legends of Glendalough ; an original, national legendary extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 Jackman, I: All the world's a stage ; farce in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Hero and Leander ; comic burletta in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl James, H:, jr. Daisy Miller ; a comedy in three acts. Bost. 1883. D. 8522.1:20 James, Walter, joint author, see Spencer, G: Jameson, Anna Brownell, born Murphy. The little gleaner. In FoUen, E. L." Home di-amas. 822. 1 : 9 Much coin, much cai-e. In the same. 822. 1 : 9 Jerrold, Douglas W: Ambrose Gwinett, a sea- side story ; melodrama in 3 acts, hi Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Black ej'd Susan, or "All in the Downs"; nautical and domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 The bride of Ludgate ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v93 Comedies. Lond. 1853. D. 822.2 : 22 Contents. Bubbles of the day. Time works won- ders. The catspaw. The prisoner of war. Retired from business. St. Oupid, or Dorothy's fortune. Comedies and dramas. Lond. 1854. D. 822.2:23 Contents. The x-ent day. Nell Gwynne, or The prologue. The housekeeper.- The wedding gown. The school fellows. Doves in a cage. The painter of Ghent. Black-ey'd Susan, or "All in the Downs". The devil's ducat, or The gift of Mammon ; a romantic drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vl07 Doves in a cage ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lac^y. 812 : 1 v99 561 Jerrold, D. W. Kenney. lilTERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 562 Jerrold, Douglas W: Continued. Gertrude's cherries, or Waterloo in 1835 ; com- edy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v88 The hazard of the die ; a tragic drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 The housekeeper, or The white rose ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 John Overy, the miser of Southwark fei-ry ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Martha Willis, the servant maid ; original domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 Nell Gwynne, or The prologue ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 The meeting at the Nore ; nautical drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v78 The painter of Ghent ; play in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v92 Paul Pry : a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv47 The prisoner of war ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 The rent day ; domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 The schoolfellows ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v35 The smoked miser, or The benefit of hang- ing ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 Time works wonders ; comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v92 The tower Lochlain, or The idiot son ; a melo- drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812: 1 vllO The white milliner ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 Jerrold, W: Blanchard. Beau Brummell, the king of Calais ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 Cool as a cucumber ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Cupid in waiting : comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v94 Johnson, S: Irene ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Ms Works. 820.2+13 vl Johnstone, J: B. Ben Bolt ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 The drunkard's children ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v99 Gale Bi-eezley, or The tale of a tar ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 The gipsy farmer, or Jack and Jack's brother; an original drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 Jack Long, or The shot in the eye ; a drama in2a,pts. /ti Lacy. 812:lvll9 Pedrillo, or A search for two fathers ; drama in 2 acts, adapted from the french. In Lac;7. 812 : 1 v85 The sailor of France, or The republicans of Brest : drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl7 Tufelhausen, or The lawyer's legend ; an original romantic drania in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 Jones, H: The earl of Essex ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Jones, H: A. A bed of roses ; a comedy in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll9 Elopement ; a comedy in 2 acts. In French's. 812:1 vl22 Harmony ; a domestic drama in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll9 Jones, H: A. Continued. Hearts of oak ; a domestic drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 An old master; a comedy in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll9 Jones, J. S. The carpenter of Rouen, or The revenge for the massacre of St. Bartholo- mew ; a romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 Jones, J. W. A first experiment ; a domestic comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812:1 vl21 On an island ; a dramatic sketch in water- colour. In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 Jones, T. Percy, pseud., see Aytoun, W: Ed- mondstoune. Jonson, Ben. Works ; with notes, critical and explanatory, and biographical memoir by W. Gifford, in 9 v ; v. 1-7, 9. Lond. 1816. 8v. O. 822.2:6 Contents. V. 1. Memoirs. Every man in his humour. 2. Every man out of his humour. 3. Cynthia's revels. The poetaster. Sejanus. The fox. The silent woman. 4. The alchemist. Catiline Bartholomew fair. 5. The devil is an ass. The staple of news. The new inn. 6. The magnetic lady. A tale of a tub. The sad shepherd. The case is altered. Entertainments. 7. Masques at court. 9. Underwoods. Translations, etc. Discoveries. English gi-ammar. Jonsonus virbius. Every man in his humor ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 Jiinger, J: F: Das ehepaar aus der provinz ; ein original-lustspiel. Leipz. 1792. S. 832 : 53 Die entfiihrung ; ein lustspiel in 3 aufz. Neue aufl. Leipz. 1813. S. 832 : 54 Die geschwister vom lande ; ein lustspiel in 5 aufz. Leipz. 1794. S. 832 : 55 Maske f iir maske ; lustspiel in 3 aufz . nach Marivaux. Leipz. 1794. S. 832 : 56 Die unvermuthete wendung ; ein lustspiel in 4 aufz. Leipz. 1793. S. 832 : 57 Justus Feminis, pseud. Ambisexia, das land der entjochten frauen ; lustspiel in 4 aufz. Leipz. 1848. S. 832 : 18 Kemble, C: Plot and counterplot, or The por- trait of Cervantes ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 The point of honour ; a comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 Kemble, Max'ie Ther&se, born DeCamp, mrs. C: Tlie day after the wedding, or A wife's first lesson ; an interlude in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Personation, or Fairly taken in ; interlude in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 Kenney, James. The blind boy ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v58 Fighting by proxy ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Love, law and physic ; a farce with an illus- tration and remarks. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 Raising the wind ; farce in 2 acts. N . Y. n. d. S. TFiYA Talfourd, T: N. Ion. 822.2:3 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Spring and autumn, or Married for money ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 Sweethearts and wives ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v21 563 CI. 812, Authors. LITEBATURE DRAMA. Kenney Lamb. 564 Kenney, James. Continued. and J. V. Millingen. The illustrious stranger, or Married and buried ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 see also Hugo, V: Marie. Hernani. Kerr, J : Rip Van Winkle ; a legend of Sleepy Hollow -, a romantic drama in 2 acts, adapted from Washington Irving's Sketch book. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 The wandering boys, or The castle of Olival ; a romantic draina in 2 acts, adapted from " Le pfelerin blanc " of Piexeivcourt. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 Kimpton, F. He lies like truth ; farce in 1 act, adapted from " Le menteur veridique" [by A. E. Scribe and A. H. J. Duveyrier.] In Lacy. 812 : 1 v75 Kingdom, J: M. The fountain of beauty, or The king, the princess and the geni ; fairy extravaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy- 812 :1 vl2 Klinger, F: Maximilian v. Sturm und drang ; ein schauspiel. In Kurschner, J. Deut- sche national-litteratur. 830 : 152 v79 Die zwillinge ; ein trauerspiel in 5 aufz. In the same. 830 : 152 v79 Klopstock, F: Gottlieb. Dramatische schriften. In Ms Werke. 831 : 40 v5,6 Contents. V. 5. Der tod Adams. Hermanns schlacht. Salomo. 6. Hermann und die fursten. David. Hermanns tod. Hermanns schlacht -, ein bardiet f iir die schau- biihne. In KUrscliner, J. Deutsche na- tional-litteratur. 830 : 152 v48 Knowles, James Sheridan. Dramatic works. Lond. 1856. 2 v. D. 822.2 : 24 Contents. V. 1. Cains Gracchus. Virginius. William Tell. Alfred the great.- The hunchback. The wife. The beggar of Bethnal Green. The daughter. 2. The love-chase. Woman's wit. The maid of Marlendorpt. Love. John of Procida. Old maids. The rose of Arragon. The secretary. Brian Boroihme, or The maid of Erin ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 The bridal ; tragedy in 5 acts, adapted for re- presentation with three original scenes from "The maid's tragedy" of Beaumont and Fletcher. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v6 The hunchback ; a play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 Love ; a play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 The love chase ; a comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 The wife ; a tale of Mantua ; a play in 5 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 William Tell ; a play in 3 acts. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v5 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 Kock, H: de, joint author, see Barriere, Theodore. Koning, Y:, joint author, see Clairville, L: Fran- 9ois Nicolaie. KOmer, K: Theodor. Dramatische werke. In his Sammtliche werke. 831 : 41 Contents. Tonl. Die siihne. Zriny. Hedwig.- Kosamunde. Joseph Heyderich. Die braut. Der irriine domino. Der nachtwachter. Der vetter aus Bremen. Die srouvernante. Das flschermadchen, Oder Hass und liebe. Der vierjahrige posten. Die borgknappen.- Alfred der grosse. Der kampf mit dem drachen. Die blumen. Kotzebue, A: F: Ferdinand v. Adelaide of Wulfingen ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Thompson, B: Germ, theatre. 832 : 96 v4 Kotzebue, A: F: Ferdinand y .Continued. Count Benyowsky, or The conspiracy of Kamtschatka ; a drama in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 v2 Deaf and dumb, or The orphan ; an historical drama in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 v2 False delicacy ; a drama in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 v3 The Indian exiles ; a comedy in 3 acts, hi the same. 832 : 96 v3 Lover's vows, or The natural son ; a drama in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 v3 The man of forty ; a comedietta in 1 act, adapted for the english stage by W: Poel. J/i French's. 8li3:lvll9 Pizarro, or The death of Rolla ; a romantic tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 Same. In Thompson, B: Germ, theatre. 832 : 96 vl Rolla, or The virgin of the sun ; a play in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 vl The stranger ; a drama in 5 acts. In the same. 832 : 96 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 see also Poel, W: KrOker, Kate Freiligrath. Alice through the looking-glass and other fairy plays for children. N. Y. 1883. S. x 822.2 : 44 Lacy, Rophino. Cinderella, or The fairy-queen and the glass slipper, in 3 acts. Music by Rossini. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl8 Doing for the best ; an original domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 Doing my uncle ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 Robert the devil, or The fiend-father ; a ^rand romantic opera in 3 acts. The music by Meyerbeer. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3'l Lacy, T: Hailes. The heart of Mid-Lothian, or The sisters of St. Leonard's ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 The Jewess, or The council of Constance ; a romantic drama in 3 acts, adapted from Scribe's " La juive". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 A silent woman ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vSG Winning a wife ; petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v84 and J: Courtney. Clarissa Harlowe ; tragic drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812:1 v77 joint author, see Higgle, T: H., also Robert- son, T: W: publisher. Acting edition of plays, dramas, farces and extravaganzas etc., as per- formed at the various theatres. Lond. n. d. 122 V. S. 812 : 1 NoU. V. 101-133 are pub. by S: French, but num- bered consecutively with Lacy's plays.- The contents of each vol. have been entered in their proper place, under the author's- name, and in the title index, Laferridre, Adolphe, joint author, see Pierron, Eugfene. Lamartine, Alphonse Marie L: de. Toussaint Louverture ; dramatisches gedicht. Aus dem franz. von P. Meyer. Stuttg. 1850. S. 842 :1 Lamb, C: John Woodvil ; a tragedy. In his Works. 820.2: 14 vl Same. In his Works. 820.2 : 14 v6 56,- Lamb Lessing'. LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 566 Lamb, C: Continued. ' Mr. H ; a farce in 2 acts. In his Works. 820.2: 14 v2 Same. In his Works. 820.2 : 14 v4 The pawnbroker's daughter : a farce. In his Efiana. 824.2 : 66 Same. In Jiis Works. 820.2 : 14 v5 The wife's trial, or The intrnding widow ; a dramatic poem. In his Works. 820.2 :14vl Same. In his Works. 820.2 : 14 v5 Lambert-Tbiboust, see Thiboust, Lambert. LaMotte Fouque, F: H: K: baron de. Eginhard imd Emma ; ein schauspiel in 3 aufz. In his Ausgewahlte novellen, etc. L 351 v3 Laube, H: Dramatische werke. Leipz. 1845-75. 13 V. S. 832:59 Contents. "V. 1. Monaldesehi, Oder Die abenteurer. 2. Rokoko. Oder Die alten herren. 3. Die bernstein- hexe. 4. Struensee. 5. Gottsched und Gellert. 6. Die Karlsschuler. 7. Prinz Friedrich. 8. Graf Essex. 9. Montrose, der schwarze markgraf. 10. Der statt- halter vonBeng'alen. 11. Biise zungen. 12. Deme- trius, mit benutzung- des Schlller'schen fragments. 13. Cato von eisen, nach Gorostiza. Nachsicht fiir alle, von Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza, iibersetzt von Hedwig Wolf. Lawrance, F:, Joint author, see Halliday, Andrew. Lawrence, ^Wngsbj, pseud., see Lewes, G: H: Lee, Nathaniel. Alexander the great, or The rival queens ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 :lv2 Legouve, Joseph Wilfrid Ernest Gabriel. By the cradle. In Plays for private acting. 812:2 Medea ; a tragedy in 8 acts. Tr. from the french by Matilda Heron. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v53 and Prosper Merimee. The flower of Tlem- cen. j Plays for private acting. 812:2 joint author, see Goubax, Prosper Parfait, also Scribe, Augustin Eugfene. Leisewitz, J: Anton. Julius von Tarent ; ein trauerspiel in 5 akten. Hildburgh. 1841. S. 830:9 Same. In Kiirschner, J. Deutsche national- litteratur. 830 : 152 v79 Lemon, Harry. Gertrude's money box ; original serio-comic piece in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 Go to Putney, or A story of the boat race ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 Wait for an answer ; dramatic sketch. In Lacy. 812:lv86 Up for the cattle show ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lv79 Lemon, M: Domestic economy ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. ' 812 : 1 v2 Gwynneth Vaughan ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 Jack in the green, or Hints on etiquette ; an original farce in the vulgar tongue. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 The ladies' club ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl3 A moving tale ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 vl6 My sister Kate ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 The railway belle ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lvl7 Lemon, M: Continued. Self accusation, or A brother's love ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 The slow man ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 Lenz, Jacob Michael Reinhold. Der hofmeister, Oder Vorteile der privaterziehung ; eine komodie. In Ktirschner, J. Deutsche national-litteratur. 830 : 152 v80 Die soldaten ; eine komodie. In the same. 830 : 152 v80 Le Ros, Christian. The great gun trick ; magi- cal squib in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v25 Leslie, H: Adrienne, or The secret of a life ; a new and original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 The mariner's compass ; original drama in a prologue and 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 The sin and the sorrow ; an entirely original drama in a prologue and 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 Time and tide, a tale of the Thames ; original drama in 3 acts with a prologue. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 and N: Rowe. The orange girl ; entirely original drama in a prologue and 3 acts. J?i Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 Lessing, J: Gotthold Ephraim. Dramatic works. Tr. from the german ed. by Ernest Bell, with a short memoir by Helen Zimmern. Lond. 1878. 2 v. D. 832 : 61 Contents. V. 1. Memoir. Tragedies: Miss Sara Sampson; Philotas; Emilia Galotti; Nathan the wise. 2. Preface. Comedies : Damon, or True friend- ship; The young scholar; The old maid; The woman- hater; The jews; The free thinker; The treasure; Minna von Barnhelm. Die alte jungfer j ein lustspiel in 3 aufz. In Ktirscliner, J. Deutscne national-littera- tur. 830 : 152 v60 Damon, oder Die wahre freundschaft ; ein lustspiel in 1 aufz. In tTke same. 830 : 152 v60 Emilia Galotti ; ein trauerspiel in 5 aufz. In the same. 830 : 152 v59 Same. In his Ausgewahlte werke. 830 : 140 v2 Same, eng. Emilia Galotti ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Thompson, B: German theatre. 832 : 96 v6 Same. With his Nathan the wise. 832 : 62 Der freigeist ; ein lustspiel in 5 aufz. In Klirscnner, J. Deutsche national-littera- tur. 830 : 152 v59 Die juden ; ein lustspiel in 1 aufz. In the same. 830:152v58 Der junge gelehrte ; ein lustspiel in 8 aufz. In the same. 830 : 152 v58 Minna von Barnhelm, oder Das soldatengliick; ein lustspiel in 5 aufz. In the same. 830 : 152 v59 Same. In his Ausgewahlte werke. 830 : 140 v2 Der misogyn ; ein lustspiel in 3 aufz. In Ktirschner, J. Deutsche national-littera- tur. 830 : 152 v59 Miss Sara Sampson ; ein trauerspiel in 5 aufz. In the same. 830 : 152 v59 Same. In his Ausgewiihlte werke. 830 : 140 vl Nathan der weise ; ein dramatisches gedicht in 5 aufz. In the same. 880 : 140 v3 567 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATXTBE-BIIAMA. Leasing: Maltby. 568 liessing, J : Gotthold Ephr&im. Continued. Same. In Eiirschner, J. Deutsche national- litteratur. 830 : 152 v60 Same, eng. Nathan the wise ; a dramatic poem. Tr. by W. Taylor. Leipz. 1868. S. 832 : 62 Philotas ; ein trauerspiel. In Kurschner, J. Deutsche national-litteratur. 830 : 152 v59 Der schatz ; ein lustspiel in 1 aufz. In the same. 830 : 152 v59 Leuven, Adolphe de, joint author, see St. Georges, Jules H: Vernoy de. Levitschnigg, H: ritter v. Lowe und rose. n. t. D. 832:63 Lewes, G: H:, (Slingsby Lawrence). Buckstone's adventure with a polish princess ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 A cozv couple ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 The game of speculation ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. "812 : 1 v5 Give a dog a bad name ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 The lawyers ; comedy in 3 acts In Lacy. 812:1 vll Sunshine through the clouds ; drama in 1 act, adsipted from "La joie fait peur," by mme. de (iirardin. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 and C: Mathews. A strange history ; drama- tic tale in 8 chapters. In Lacy. 812:1 vlO Lewis, Leopold. The bells ; drama in 3 acts, adapted from ' ' The polish jew", a drama- tic study by Erckmann - Chatrian. / Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 Lewis, Matthew Gregory. The castle spectre ; a romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 :1 v30 One o'clock, or The knight and the wood demon ; grand operatic romance in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 Timour the tartar ; romantic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 Liebenau, G. H. Milton's muse ; dramatisches gedicht in 1 aufz. n. t. D. 832 : 64 Lille, Hubert. As like as two peas ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 Lillo, G: Arden of Feversham ; tragedy in 5 acts, /w British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Fatal curiosity ; a tragedy in 3 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl George Barnwell, or The London merchant ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 Linley, G: Law versus love ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 Lisle, Walter. The love test ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Lockroy, pseud., see Simon, Joseph Philippe. Love and rain ; a farce in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v61 Lovell, G: W. Look before you leap, or Woo- ings and weddings ; comedy in 5 acts. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v6 Love's sacrifice, or The rival merchants ; a play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 The provost of Bruges ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll2 The wife's secret ; original play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv82 Lover, S : MacCarthy More, or Possession nine Joints of the law ; a comic drama in 2 acts. ?iLacy. 812 : 1 v51 Love's telegraph ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 Lowry, James M. Peculiar proposals ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 Lucas, J. Templeton. Browne, the martyr ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Lucas, W: James. A home of one's own ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v79 The man with the iron mask ; adapted from the french, in 4 epochs. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 Traitor's gate, or The Tower of London in 1553 ; historical drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 V05 The white farm, or The widow's vision ; melo- drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v28 Who stole the clock ; an operatic farce in 1 act. Composed by Albert Grisar. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 The widow bewitched ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll6 Lucia di Lammermoor, An english vei'sion of; fraud opera in 3 acts. Music by Donizetti. n Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 Lunn, Joseph. False and constant ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 Family jars ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 vl4 Fish out of water ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 vl6 Sharp practice, or The " Lear" of Cripplegate ; a serio-comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : i v55 The shepherd of Derwentvale; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 Lynch, T: J. The rose of Ettrick Vale, or The bridal of the borders ; a drama in 2 acts. /?^Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 Lyste, H: P. Only a penny-a-liner ; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO M'Closkey, James. The fatal glass, or The curse of drink ; a drama m 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 Macdonald, Mrs. G: Chamber dramas for children. Lond. 1870. D. x 822.2: 36 Contentn. Cinderella, or The glass slipper. Beauty and the beast. Snowdrop. The Tetterbys. Macfarren, G: Guy Faux, or The gunpowder conspiracy ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll4 Macklin, C: Love d, la mode; afterpiece in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 The man of the world ; a comedy in 5 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Macready, W: The irishman in London ; farce in 1 act, adapted from "The intriguing footman". In Lacy. 812:1 v79 Maltby, C. Alfred. Borrowed plumes ; original farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v92 For better or worse ; a farce in 1 act. M French's. 812 : 1 vl05 "I'm not meself at all"; original irish stew. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 Just my luck ; an entirely original farce. In French's. 812:lvll2 Should this meet the eye ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 Maltby Meilhac . LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 570 Maltby, C. AUred. Continued. Two flats and a sharp, original domestic trio ; comedietta in 1 act. m Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO Your vote and your interest ; an electioneering squib. In Lacy. 812:1 vlOO and Frank Stainforth. Sea-gulls ; original farce. In Lacy. 812:1 v85 Mandarin's daughter, The ; being the simple story of the willow-pattern plate, a Chinese tale. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Marc-Fournier, see Fournier, M: J: L: March, G: Lost and found ; operetta in 1 act. Music by Virginia Gabriel. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 One in hand is worth two in the bush ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812:1 vllO Our friends, "Nos intimes"; comedy drama in 4 acts. J French's. 8i2:lvll5 The shepherd of Cournouailles ; operetta in 1 act. Music by Virginia Gabriel. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Who's the heir ? operetta in 1 act. Music by Virginia Gabriel. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 Maria Martin, or The murder in the red barn ; a drama in 2 acts. / French's. 812 : 1 vl08 Marlowe, Christopher. Works ; with some ac- count of the author, and notes by Alex- ander Dyce. New ed. rev. and corr. Lond. 1876. O. 822.2-f38 Contents. Preface to tLe ed. of ia50. Some account of Marlowe and his writingrs.Tamlaurlalne the great, 1st Tpt. Same, 3d pt. Tragical history of Doctor Faustus, from the quarto of 1604. Same, from the quarto of 1616. Ballad of Faustus. The jew of Malta. Edwai-d II. The massacre at Paris. The tragedy of Dido, queen of Carthag-e.- Hero and Leander. Ovid's elegies. Epigrams by J. D. Ignoto. The first book of Lucan. The passionate shepherd to his love. Fragment. Dialogue in verse. In obitum R. Man- wood. App. 1. The atheist's tragedy. App. 2. Note concerning Marlowe's opinions. App. 3. Portions of Gager's Dido. App. 4. Specimens of Petowe's con- tinuation of Hero and Leander. Index to notes. Faustus. With GOthe, J: VV. v. Faust. 832 : 97 Marryat, Florence, see Church, Florence. Marshall, Francis A. Mad as a hatter ; an orig- inal farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v61 Q. E. D., or All a mistake ; original comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 Marston, Westland. Anne Blake ; a play in 5 acts. /wLacy. 812 :"l v49 A hard struggle ; a domestic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 A life's ransom ; a play in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : l'v54 The patrician's daughter ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 Pure gold , a play in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv61 Strathmore, or Love and duty ; a tragic play in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 The wife's portrait ; a household picture under two lights. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Marthold, Jules de. On the eve of the wedding. In Plays for private acting. 812 : 2 Martin, W: D'ye know me now? an original farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 Massinger, Philip. Plays ; with notes critical and explanatory by W: Gilford. New ed. N. Y. 1857. O. 822.2+7 Contents. Introduction, essays, etc. The virgin Massinger, Philip. Continued. martyr. The unnatural combat The duke of Milan. The bondman. The renegade.- The parliament of love. The roman actor. The great duke of Florence. The maid of honour. The picture. The emperor of the east. The fatal dowry.- A new way to pay old debts. The city madam. The guardian. A very woman. The bashful lover. The old law. Poems. The fatal dowry ; tragedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 A new way to pay old debts ; comedy in 5 acts. J British drama. 822.2: Ivl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 Same. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, di-ama. 822.2:2 v5 Mathews, C: The adventures of a love letter; a comedy in 2 acts, i?^ Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 The dowager ; comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 His excellency ; a petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 Little Toddlekins ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl2 Married for money ; comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 My awful dad : a comedy in 2 acts. I7i French's. 812 :1 vll7 My wife's mother ; comic drama in 2 acts. In ' Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 Patter versus Clatter ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 Paul Pry married and settled ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v68 Two in the morning ; comic scene. In Lacy. 812 :1 v20 Who killed Cock Robin ? farce m 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 and others. Aggravating Sam ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl7 joint author, see Lewes, G: H: Matthison, Arthur. A false step ; the prohibited play, fi-eely adapted from "Les lionnes pauvres". In French's. 812 : 1 vll3 joint author, see Hatton, Joseph. Maurice, Walter, pseud., see Besant, Walter. Mayhew, A:, and Sutherland Edwards. Christ- mas boxes ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 v46 The four cousins ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v92 The goose with the golden eggs ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 Mayhew, E:, and Cj. Smith. Make your wills ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v59 Mayhew, H: The wandering minstrel ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v23 Meadow, A: His own enemy. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Meddlhammer, J: Baptist v., {Albini). Die ge- fjihrliche tante ; lustspiel in 4 akten mit einem vorspiele. n. t. D. 832 : 1 Die rosen ; ein dramatisches gemiilde in 3 abth. und 5 akten. n. t. D. 832 : 2 Meilhac, H:, and L: Haleyy. Bluebeard re- paired, a worn-out subject done-up anew ; an operatic extravaganza in 1 act, adapted from the french by H: Bellingham. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v70 Frou-Frou ; play in 5 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 On bail ; a farcical comedy in 3 acts, adapted from " Le reveillon" by W. S. Gilbert. In French's. 812: Ivl 17 571 CI. 812, Authors. lilTEiEtATUB^E-DHAMA. Meinliold Moliere . 572 Meinhold, Isidor W: Wallenstein und Stral- sund ; ein geschichtliches, heroisches schauspiel in 5 aufz. Leipz. 1846. S. 832 : 65 Melesville, pseud., see Duveyrier, Anne Honore Joseph baron. Melville, C:, joint author, see Selby, C: Merimee, Prosper. Das theater der Clara Gazul, fi-ei nach dem franzosischen von K: Her- mann. Abth. 1, 2. In Ms Gesammelte werke. 840 : 1 v4, 5 Contents. V. 4. Die spanier in Danemark ; komo- die in 3 aufz. Ein weib ist ein teufel, Oder Die ver- suehung- des lieiligen Antonius; komodie. Ines Mendo, Oder Der sieg iiber das vorurtheil; komodie. Ines Mendo, Oder Der triumph der vorurtheil; komo- die in 3 aufz. 5. Afrikanische liebe; komodie. Die grelegenheit; komodie. Himmel undholle; komodie. Die carosse der heiligen sacrament; zwisehenspiel. Die familie Carvajal; drama. joint author, see Legouve, Joseph Wilfrid Ernest Gabriel. Meritt, Paul. Chopstick and Spikins ; a farce. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 Glin Gath, or The man in the cleft ; drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 The golden plough ; a new and entirely origi- nal melodramatic romance in 4 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vlll The word of honour ; a Jersey love story ; an original drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812: 1 vll3 and H: Pettitt. "British born"; anew and original drama of national and domestic interest in a prologue and 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 joint author, see Conquest, G: Merivale, Herman C. A husband in clover ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO The lady of Lyons, married and settled ; a vaudeville in 3 scenes. In French's. 812: 1 vll6 Peacock's holiday ; a farcical comedy in 2 acts, founded on the "Voyage de M. Per- richon." In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 A son of the soil ; romantic play in 3 acts, founded on " Le lion amoreux" of [Fran- 9ois] Ponsard. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 The white pilgrim ; a tragedy in 4 acts. The legend by Gilbert A'Beckett. In French's. 812:1 vll3 joint author, see Simpson, J. Palgrave. Hetastasio, P: Antonio Domenico Buonaventura Trapassi. Hadrian in Syrien ; oper. Uebei's. von Schubart. In Schubart, C. F: D. Gesammelte schriften. 830 : 146 v7 Meurice, Fran9ois Paul. Fan Fan, the tulip, or A soldier's fortune ; a drama in 2 acts, adapted from the french by W. E. Suter. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 Mildenhall, T: The governor's wife ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 The post of honour ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v48 Miller, James. Mahomet, the impostor; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Millett, R. W. F., and R. N. Wilcox. All at C, or The captive, the coffee and the cocoa- tina ; an original modern musical melo- drama. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Milli ngen, J: Gideon. Ladies at home, or Gen- tlemen, we can do without you ; female interlude in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlO Millingen, J: Gideon. Gontinued. Who'll lend me a wife ; a farce in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vlll joint author, see Kenney, James. Milman, H: Hart. Fazio, or The italian wife ; a tragedy. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 Milner, H: M. The fair maid of Perth, or The battle of the Inch ; a grand historical, na- tional drama in 3 acts, founded on sir Walter Scott's work. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Frankenstein, or The man and the monster ; romantic melodrama in 2 acts, founded principally on mrs. Shelley's singular work, "Frankenstein, or The modern Prometheus," and partly on the french Eiece " Le magicien et le monstre." In acy. 812 : 1 v75 The hut of the red mountain, or Thirty years of a gambler's life ; a drama in 3 acts'. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 Mazeppa, or The wild horse of Tartary ; ro- mantic di-ama in 3 acts, dramatized from lord Byron's poem. / Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 The veteran of 102 years, or Five generations ; a drama in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 Milton, J : Comus ; a masque in 3 acts. I7i British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. / Ais Poetical works. 821.2 f 124 v2 Mitford, Mary Russell. Foseari ; tragedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 :'l v86 Same. In her Works. 820.2 : 27 Rienzi ; tragedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 Same. In her Works. 820.2 : 27 Molidre, J: Baptiste Poquelin called. Works ; french and english. Lond. 1739. 10 v. S. 842:3 Contents. V. 1. Memoires sur la vie de Moliere; Memoirs of the life of Moliere. L'etourdi; The blunderer. Le depit amoureux; The amorous quar- rel. 2. [Missing]. 3. L'ecole des maris; The school for husbands. L'^cole des femmes; The school for wives.- La critique de l'ecole des femmes; The school for wives criticised. L'impromptu de Versailles; The impromptu of Versailles. 4. Le misantrope; The man-hater. Le medecln malgre lui; The mock doctor. Don Juan, ou Le f estin de pierre ; Don John, or The feast of the statue. 5. L'amour mede- cln; Love's the best doctor. Le tartutfe, ou X'im- posteur; Tartuffe, or The impostor. Monsieur Pour- ceaugnac; Squire Lubberly. 6. Amphitrion; Am- phitryon. Georg Dandin, ou Le mari coufudu; George Dandin, or The perplexed husband. Sgana- relle, ou Le cocu imaginaire; Sganarel, or The cuckold in conceit. 7. Le mariage force; The forced marriage. Les amours magnitlques ; The magnificent lovers. Psiche; Psyche. 8. Le bourgeois gentil- homme; The clt turned gentleman. Les facheux; The impertinents.Le sicilien, ou L'amour peintre; The Sicilian, or Love makes a painter. 9. Les fem- mes S9avante8; The learned ladies. Les fourberies de Scapln; The cheats of Scapin. Melicerte; Meli- certa. 10. La comtesse d'Escarbagnas ; The coun- tess of Escarbagnas. La princesse d'Elide; The princess of Elis. Les f etes de Versailles; The feast of Versailles. Le malade Imaginaire; The hypo- condriak. Dramatic works ; rendered into english by Henri Van Laun. A new ed. rev., with a prefatory memoir, introductory notices and notes. N. Y. 1880. 3 v. O. " 842 : 2 Contents. V. 1. Preface. Prefatory mcmoir.Tfce blunderer. The love-tiff. The pretentious young ladies. Sganarelle. Don Garcia of Navarre. The school for husbands. The bores. The school for wives.- The school for wives criticised. The im- promptu of Versailles. The forced marriage. 2. The princess of Ells. Don Juan. Love Is the best 573 Moncrieff -Morton, J. Iff. LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 574 doctor. The misanthrope. The physician in spite of himself. Melicerte. A comic pastoral. The Sicilian. TartufiTe.- Amphitryon.- Georg:e Dandin. 3. The miser. Monsieur de Pourceaua-nac- The magnifl- ceiit lovers The citizen who apes the gentleman. Psyche. The roerueries of Scapin. The countess of Escarbagnas. The learned ladies. The imaginary invalid.- The jealousy of La Barboullle. The flying doctor. Moncrieff, W: T: All at Coventry ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v59 Eug:eDe Aram, or Saint Robert's cave ; a drama in 3 acts. / French's. 812 : 1 vl03 The misti-ess of the mill ; comedietta in 1 act, tr. from " La meunifere de Marly". In Lacy. '812 : 1 v21 Monsieur Tonson ; a farce in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Rochester, or King Charles the second's merry days ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 The scamps of London, or The cross roads of life ; drama of the day, adapted from the french, and rearranged by F: Marchant. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 The somnambulist, or The phantom of the village ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 The spectre bridegroom, or A ghost in spite of himself ; a farce in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v35 Tom and Jerry, or Life in London in 1820 ; drama in 3 acts, from Prince Egan's cele- brated work. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 Monselet, C: A trip through my pockets. In Plays for private acting. 812:2 Montepin, Xavier Aymon de, joint author, see Grange, P: E. B. Montgomery, H: W: Handy Andy; a comic hibernian drama in 1 act, adapted from S: Lover's novel. In Lacy. 812:1 v74 Monte Cristo ; drama in 5 acts, adapted from Dumas' celebrated novel. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 Moore, Arthur, joint author, see Hancock, W: Moore, E: The gamester ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. " 822.2 : 1 vl More, Hannah. Percy; a tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl see also her Works. 820.2 : 28 Moreau, L: Isidore Eugfene Lemoine, Paul Siraudin, and Alfred Charlemagne Lar- tigue called Delacour. The courier of Lyons, or The attack upon the mail ; drama in 3 acts. Tr. from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 Morgan, Sidney, born Owenson, lady. Drama- tische scenen aus dem wirklichen leben, iibers. von L: Lax. Aachen. 1834. 2 v. S. 822.2 : 25 ContenU. V. 1. Schloss Sackville. 2. Same, con- liinicd. Die osterferien, oder Die tapisserie-arbeite- riniK'n. Das temperament. Morton, E: The Eton boy; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 Morton, J: Maddison. The "Alabama" altered from h. m. ship " Spitfire ;" a transatlan- tic nautical extravaganza. In Lacy. 812" : 1 v62 Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, or Harle- quin and the genie of the ring ; a new comic Christmas pantomime. In Lacy. 812:lv29 Morton, J: Maddison. Continued. Atchi ! comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v82 Aunt Charlotte's maid ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 Away with melancholy ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 Betsey Baker, or Too attentive by half ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 Box and Cox ; a romance of real life in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Brother Ben ; a farce in 1 act. Iti Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 A capital match ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 Catch a weazel ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Cousin Lambkin ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 A day's fishing ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 A desperate game ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlO Done on both sides ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 Don't judge by appearances ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. ' 812 : 1 v24 The double-bedded room ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 y60 Drawing rooms, second floor and attics ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 Dying for love ; a comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. ^ ^ 812:lv36 An englishman's house is his castle ; in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 Fitzsmythe of Fitzsmythe Hall ; a farce in 1 act." In Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 -^ Friend Waggles ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 From village to court ; comic drama in 2 acts. /Lacy. 812:lvl5 A game of romps ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lvl8 Going to the Derby ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 The highwayman ; an oi-iginal farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 A hopeless passion ; a petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 How stout you're getting ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 A husband to order ; a serio-comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 If I had a thousand a year ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 The Irish tiger ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 John Dobbs ; a farce in 1 act. hi Lacy. 612 :1 v7 " The king and I "; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 vlO The lad from the country ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll6 Lend me five shillings ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 "Little mother": a comic piece in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 The little savage : a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 Love and hunger ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v42 575 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DBAMA. Morton, J. M. Mowatt. 576 Morton, J: Maddison. Continued. Maggie's situation ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 Margery Daw, or The two bumpkins ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Master Jones's birthday ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 The midnight watch ; an original drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 The milliner's holiday ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 A most vinwarrantable intrusion ; a comic in- terlude in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 The muleteer of Toledo, or King, queen and knave ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl8 My first tit of the gout; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lvll My husband's ghost ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v93 Mv precious Betsy ! a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 My wife's bonnet ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 My wife's second floor ; an original farce in 1 act. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v44 Newington Butts ; a farce in 2 scenes, the first by night and the second by day. In Lacy. "812 : 1 v73 Old Honesty ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 On the sly ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 Our wife, or The rose of Amiens ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v28 The pacha of Pimlico ; a little eastern farcical extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. "812 : 1 v51 Poor Pillicoddy ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 V38 Pouter's wedding ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 A prince for an hour; comic drama in 1 act. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v25 A regular fix ! a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 The rights and wrongs of woman ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 Sent to the tower ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 ~ She would and he wouldn't ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 Slasher and Crasher ; an original farce in 1 act. /nLacy. 812 : lv8 A slice of luck ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lv76 Slight mistakes ; an original farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 Something to do ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl22 The steeple-chase, or In the pigskin ; an orig- inal farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 "Take care of Dowb "; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 Thirty-three next birthday ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 The three cuckoos ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 A thumping legacy ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Ticklish times ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 'Morton, J: M.Si6.di\son. Continued. To Paris and back for five xjounds ; an orig- inal farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Two Bonnycastles ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 The two Puddifoots ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 Waiting for an omnibus in the lower arcade on a rainy day ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 Where there's a will there's a way ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. '812 : 1 v9 The which of the two ? a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Whitebait at Greenwich ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl2 Who do they take me for ? an original farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlll Who stole the pocket book ? or A dinner for six ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v6 Who's my husband ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 The -woman I adore ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 Woodcock's little game ; a comedy-farce in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 Wooing one's wife ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Your life's in danger ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 and Francis Qowley Burnand. Cox and Box ; romance of real life in 1 act. Music by Arthur Sullivan. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 joint author, see Morton, T: Morton, T: A cure for the heartache ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v34 Gotobed Tom ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 A pretty piece of business ; comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 8i2 : 1 vl2 A Roland for an Oliver ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v75 The school of reform, or How to rule a hus- band ; a comedy in 5 acts. N. Y. n. d. S. With Talfourd, T: N. Ion. 822.2 : 3 Sink or swim ! a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 Speed the plough ; comedy in 5 acts. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v51 awlanche, J. U. 584 Planche, James Rohinson. Continued. Charles II ; an historical drama in 2 acts. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. In Lacy. 812:1 v67 The child of the wreck; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 The court beauties ; dramatic sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v21 Cymon and Iphigenia ; lyrical, comical pastoral in 1 act, altered ifrom the text of D: Garrick. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 A daughter to marry ; a comedietta in 1 act. i^Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 A day of reckoning ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv21 The discreet princesses, or The three glass distaffs ; new and doubly moral, though excessively old melodraniatic fairy extra- vaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v24 The drama at home, or An evening with Puft" ; an original, occasional and local extra- vaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 Faint heart never won fair lady ; comedy in 1 act. In Sargent, E. Mod", stand, drama. 822.2:2 v6 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v35 The fair one with golden locks ; fairy extra- vaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The follies of a night ; vaudeville comedy in 2 acts. Wit/i Talfourd, T: N. Ion. 822.2 : 3 Same. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 Fortunio and his seven gifted servants ; fairy extravaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The Garrick fever ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 The golden branch ; fairy extravaganza in 2 acts, founded upon the countess dAnois' story " Le rameau d'or". In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The golden fleece, or Jason in Colchis and Medea in Corinth ; classical extravaganza in 2 pts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 The good woman ; a new and original fairy extravaganza in 2 acts, founded on mile. De La Force's fairy tale "La bonne femme". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Graciosa and Percinet ; fairy extravaganza in 1 act, founded on the" nursery tale by countess dAulnoy. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 The green-eyed monster ; a comedy in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl Grist to the mill ; comic drama in 2 acts, hi Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 Hold your tongue ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 The invisible prince, or The island of tranquil delights ; fairy extravaganza in 1 act, founded on the countess d'Aulnoy's fairy tale of "Prince Lutin". In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The Irish post; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 The island of jewels ; comic fairy extravaganza in 2 acts, founded on countess d'Aiiluoi's story of " Serpentin vert ". In Lacy. 812:1 vl9 The Jacobite ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 Planche, James Robinson. Continued. The Jenkinses, or Boarded and done for ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 King Charming, or The blue bird of paradise ; comic fairy extravaganza in 2 acts, founded on countess d'Aulnoy's story " L'oiseau bleu". In Lacy. '812 : 1 vl9 King Christmas ; a fancy-full morality. In Lacy. 812:lv95 The king of the peacocks ; fairy extravaganza in 2 acts, founded upon the countess d'Aul- noy's story "La princesse Rosetta". In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The knights of the round table ; drama in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 A lady in difficulties ; comic drama in 2 acts. /?^Lacy. 812 : 1 v21 The loan of a lover ; a vaudeville. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Love and fortune : a dramatic tableavi in Wat- teau colors. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v42 Mr. Buckstone's ascent of Mount Parnassus ; panoramic extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 viO Mr. Buckstone's voyage round the globe, in Leicester square ; a cosmographical, vision- ary extravaganza and dramatic review in 1 act and four quarters. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 My great aunt, or Relations and friends ; comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 My heart's idol, or A desperate remedy ; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 My lord and my lad.^, or It might have been worse ; a comedy in 5 acts, in Lacy. 812 ": 1 v52 The mysterious lady, or Worth makes the man ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 8i2 : 1 v8 The new Haymarket spring meeting ; easter extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 Norma ; a grand, tragic opera in 2 acts, adapted from the Italian ; the music com- posed by Bellini. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 Not a bad judge ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 Oberon ; an opera in 4 acts ; the music com- posed by C : Maria v. Weber, the recitatives and additional pieces selected and arr. from the works of the same composer by Jules Benedict. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v59 An old offender ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 Once upon a time there were two kings ; fairy extravaganza in 2 acts, fovmded on the countess d'Aulnoy's story of "La princesse Carpillon." In Lacy. " 812 : 1 vl3 Orjpheus in the Haymarket ; an opera buffo in 3 tableaux and a last scene, adapted from the french of Hector Crdmieux. Music by J. Offenbach. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 The pride of the market ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 Promotion, or A morning at Versailles; vaude- ville in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v21 Queen Mary's bower ; comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 The queen of the frogs ; fairy extravaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 Planche, J. R. Poole, T. LITEBATTTRE DBAMA. 812, Authors. =^^y Planche, James Robinson. Continued. A romantic idea ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v21 The seven champions of Christendom ; comic fantastic spectacle in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v21 Sleeping beauty in the wood ; comic, roman- tic, operatic, melodramatic, fairy extrava- ganza in 3 parts, founded on the nui'sery tale of the same name. In Lacy. 812:1 vl9 Somebody else ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lvll Theseus and Ariadne, or The marriage of Bacchus ; classical extravaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The vampire, or The bride of the isles ; a romantic melodrama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl07 The white cat ; comic, romantic, operatic, melodramatic, fairy extravaganza in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 The yellow dwarf and the king of the gold mines ; fairy extravaganza m 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl7 Young and handsome ; a new and original fairy extravaganza in 1 act, founded on the "countess of Murat's fairy tale of ' 'Jeune et belle." In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 and C: Dance. Blue Beard; grand, musical comi-tragical, melodramatic, burlesque burletta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 The deep, deep sea, or Perseus and Andro- meda ; an original, mythological, aquatic, equestrian burletta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 y41 Olympic devils, or Orpheus and Eurydice ; an original, mythological, burlesque bur- letta in 1 act. 'In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 Olympic revels, or Prometheus and Pandora; a mythological, allegorical burletta in 1 act. Not tr. from the french, but borrowed from the english of G: Colman the younger, the heads being taken from that gentle- man's tale of "The sun poker". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 The Paphian bower, or Venus and Adonis ; a classical, musical, mythological, astron- omical and tragicomical, burlesque bur- letta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 Telemachus, or The island of Calypso ; a classical and mythological extravaganza. In Lacy. ' 812 : 1 v51 Platen-Hallermiinde, A-.grafY. [Dramatische schriftenl. In his Gesammelte werke. 830 : 141 v3,4 Contents. V. 3. Die neuen propheten, ein nach- spiel. - Mathilde von Valois, drama. Dei* g-liiserne pantoffel, comodie. Berengai", comodie. Der schatz des Hhampsinit, Ispl. Der thurm mit sieben pforten, Ispl. Treue um treue, sspl. 4. Die verhanfrnissvolle Kabel, Ispl. Der romantische Oedipus, Ispl. Die liga von Cambrai, geschichtliches drama. Plays for private acting. Tr. from the french and Italian by members of the Bellevue dramatic club of Newport. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. S. 812 : 2 Contents. Droz, G. The registered letter; The cardinal's illness. SoUohub, W. His hat and cane. Legrouve, E., and P. Merimee. The flower of Tlemcon. Theuriet, A. The old homestead. Her- villy, E. d'. The soup tureen ; Silence in the ranks. Narrey, C: Sophronisba, oh! He and she. Guillemot, J. The unlucky star. Gastineau, O. lA'lia. Sollohub, W. The serenade. Q-oetschy, G. The professor of elocution. Monselet, C: A trip through my pockets. Cros, C: A Journey to **' Hervilly, E. d'. From Calais to Dover. Duran- deau, E. Sergeant Bridell's letter. Biez, J. de. The first love-letter. Marthold, J. de. On the eve of the wedding. Supersac, L. The door is locked. Normand, J. The invitation to the christening. Liegrouve, E. By the cradle. Plot and passion ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 :lvl3 Plouvier, E., Joint author, see Barriere, T. Plowman, T: F. Acis and Galata^a, or The beau! the belle!! and the blacksmith!!! a piece of extravagance. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 Plunkett, H: Grattan. The Minerali, or The dying gift ; a romantic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Pocock, I: The maid and the magpie; drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v87 The miller and his men ; melodrama in 2 acts. /Lacy. 812 : 1 vll Rob Roy Macgregor, or Auld lang syne ; an operatic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 The robber's wife ; a romantic, domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 Robinson Crusoe, or The bold buccaniers ; romantic drama in 2 acts. I7i Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 Peel, W: Absence of mind, or Wanted 5 ; a comic drama in 1 act. The incidents are taken from one of Kotzebue's farces. In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 The wayside cottage ; a comedietta in 1 act, adapted from Kotzebue's farce of " The half-way house". In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 Polack, Elizabeth. Esther, the i-oyal Jewess, or The death of Haman ; an historical drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl20 Ponsard, Fran9ois, see Merivale, Herman C. A son of the soil. Poole, J: Hamlet travestie, in 3 acts with an- notations by dr. Johnson and G: Steevens. esq. and other commentators. In Lacy. 812:1 vlO Intrigue, or The Bath road ; a comic interlude in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Lodgings for single gentlemen ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 Match making ; a petite comedy in 1 act, from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 My wife ! what wife ? farce in 1 or 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 A nabob for an hour ; a farce in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl08 Past and present, or The hidden treasure ; drama in 3- acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Paul Pry ; comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:lvl5 The scapegoat ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 ': 1 v98 Simpson and co. ; a comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v'74 Turning the tables ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 'Twould puzzle a conjuror ! comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 Poole, T. Deaf as a post ; farce in 1 act. N. Y. n. d. S. With Talfoxird, T: N. Ion. 822.2:3 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 587 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DRAMA. Power Reeve . Power, Tyrone. Born to good luck, or The irishman's fortune ; a farce in 1 act, adapt- ed from "False and true." In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 Paddy Carey, or The boy of Clogheen ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy." 812 : 1 v26 Prest, T: Peckett. The miser of Shoreditch ; I'omantic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vis Princesses in the tower, or A match for Lucifer ; a piece of extravagance in 1 act, being a play after Congreve some 200 years. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 Procter, Bryan Waller, {Barry Cornwall). Dra- matic' scenes, with other poems. Bost. 1857. D. 822.2:26 Prutz, Robert Ernst. Dramatische werke. Leipz. 1847. 4 v. S. 832 : 70 Contents. V. 1. Naeh leideu lust. 2. Karl von Bourbon. 3. Erich der bauernkonig. 4. Moritz v. Sachsen. Pulszky, Terezia. The sleeper awakened. In Pollen, E. L. Home dramas. 822.1 : 9 Putnam, Mary, born Lowell. Tragedy of errors. Bost. 1862. D. 822.1 : 13 Racine, J: The distressed mother ; tragedy in 5 acts. Tr. from the "Andromaque," by Ambi-ose Philips. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Phiidra ; ein trauerspiel. Uebers. von F: v. Schiller. In Schiller, J: C. F: v. Siimmt- liche werke. 830 : 143 v7 Same. In the same. 830 : 144 v9 Rae, C: Marsham. " Billy Doo " ; an original farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl Birds in their little nests agree ; a fanciful conceit in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 A fair encounter ; a comedietta in 1 act, from the french. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Fame ; an original comedy in 3 acts. In French's. " 812:lvll0 First in the field ; a comedy in 1 act, adapted from the french. In French's. 812 :1 vll8 Follow the leader ; comedy in 1 act. loi Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 Love's alarms ; an extravagant comedy in 1 act. 7w French's. 812:l'vll2 Poppleton's predicaments ; an original farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll3 Ramsay, Allan. The gentle shepherd ; a pas- toral comedy ; with a life of the author and the opinions of various eminent men on the work. Added, a greatly improved glossary and a catalogue of the Scottish poets. N. Y. 1853. D. 822.2 : 27 Rau, Heribert. Der heirathszwang. In Ms Girandolen. R 454 v2 Das striiuschen. In the same. R 454 v2 Raymond, R. J. Cherry bounce ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v59 Same. See Omnibus, The. Mrs. White ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v65 Rajoier, B. F. The dumb man of Manchester ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v26 Up to town and back again by the "old York hig;hi1yer"; popular entertainment, com- jn-ising a variety of tales, anecdotes, recita- tions, oddities, whims and eccentric por- traitiu'es from nature, etc. In Lacy. 812": 1 v71 Reade, C: The ladies' battle, or Un duel en amour ; a comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl08 Rede, W: Leman. An affair of honour ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 Douglas travesty ; a burlesque in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 His first champagne ; a farce in 1 act. I7i Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 Our village, or The lost ship ; domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 The rake's progress ; a drama in 3 acts, /n Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 Redwitz-'SchmOlz, Oskar freiherr v. Sieglinde ; eine tragodie. Mainz. 1854. T. 832 : 71 Thomas Morus ; historische tragodie. 3te aurt. Mainz. 1857. S. 832 : 72 Reece, Robert. Brown and the brahmins, or Captain Pop and the princess Pretty-eyes ; oriental bvirlescjue, founded on the drama of " The illustrious stranger." In Lacy. 812:lv82 Dora's device ; original comedy in 2 acts. /?^ Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 Green old age ; an original musical impi-oba- bility in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl03 Ingomar, or The noble savage ; an awful warning in 1 act. In Scott, C. W. Draw- ing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 The lady of the lake, plaid in a new tartan ; an ephemeral burlesque, founded on sir Walter Scott's immortal poem, hi Lacy. 812 : 1 v7>l Little Robin Hood, or Quite a new beau ; original anti-historical burlesque. /7^Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 An old man ; domestic drama. I7i French's. 812:1 vl08 Paquita, or Love in a frame ; original comic opera in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v94 Perfect love ! a spectacular fairy play. In Lacy. "812 :1 v90 Prometheus, or The man on the rock ; a new and original extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 Romulus and Remus ; new classical burlesque. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 Ruy Bias righted, or The love, the lugger and the lackey ; oi'iginal burlesqiie. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vldO The stranger stranger than ever ! piece of extravagance in 1 act. 7?i Lacy. 812 : 1 v82 The very last days of Pompeii ; a new classical burlesque. Tn Lacy. 812 : 1 v95 Whittington junior and his sensation cat ; original civic burlesque. Iti Lacy. 812 : 1 v89 Reeve, Wybert. The dead witness, or Sin and its shadow ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 "I love .you"; original comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 A match for a mother-in-law ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In Frencli's. 812:lvll8 Never reckon your chickens etc. ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v95 Not so bad after all ; original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 :1 v88 Obliging a friend ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 589 Reeve Rose. LITERATURE DRAMA . CI. 812, Authors. Reeve, Yfyhevt. Continued. Parted ; an english lovo story, a comedy drama in 4 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vl07 Pike O'Callaghan, or The irish patriot ; orig- inal drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v87 True as steel ; original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v92 Won at last ; original comedy-drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v87 Regnard, J: Fran9ois. The intriguing chamber- maid ; farce in 2 acts. From Regnard by H: Fielding. In British drama. 822.2 :lv2 Reinbeck, (x: SJimmtliche dramatische werke, nebst beitriigen zur theorie der deutschen schauspieldichtung und zur kenntniss des gegenwiirtigen standpunktes der deut- schen biihne. Heidelberg und Coblenz. 1817-22. 6 V. S. 832 : 73 Contents. "V. 1. Vorrede. Meln dramatischer le- benslauf. Graf Kasowsky. Der virginier. 2. TJeber den werth der schaubiihne f iir die menschheit. Die doppelwette. Lisinka. Anftany.- Ueber das lustspiel in b. 1: Der virginier. 3. Brief e iiber den gegen- wiirtigen zustand der deutschen biihne. Die beiden wittwen. Der schuldbrief. Der quartierzettel. 4. Der franzosische dramaturg fiber doutsche dramati- sche dichtung. Gordon und Montrose. Der dichter. Unbesonnenheit und gutes herz. 5. Ueber die wahl des schauspielerstandes. Ein paar worte iiber theaterbeurtheilungen. Der argwohnische ehe- mann. Der verfiihrer. Die riickkehr. 6. Ein paar worte iiber die beurtheilung von schauspieldichtun- gen. Die verschworung desFiesko zu Genua, trauer- spiel von Schiller; fiir die biihne neu bearbeitet in iamben. Der westindier, nach dem englischen von Cumberland. Nachbar Specht, nach Picard. Reitzenstein, K: freiherr v. Count Koenigs- mark ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Thompson, B: German theatre, v. 6. 832 : 96 v6 Reuter, Fritz. Bliicher in Teterow, dramati- scher schwank in 1 act. Wit7i his Der 1. april 1856. 832 : 75 Der 1. april 1856, oder Onkel Jakob und onkel Jochen ; lustspiel in 3 acten. Greifswald. 1857. D. 832 : 75 Reynolds, F: Laugh when you can ; a comedy in 5 acts. In French's." 812 : 1 vl04 Reynolds, G: W. M. Mary Price, or The ad- ventures of a servant girl ; a domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Reynoldson, T: H. The brewer of Preston, or Malt and hops ; a comic drama in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll3 L'elisir d'amore, or The elixir of love ; an opera in 2 acts, adapted from Donizetti. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 Rhodes, W: Barnes. Bombastes Furioso ; a burlesque tragic opera in 1 act. 111. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Rice, C: The three musketeers, or The queen, the cardinal and the adventurer ; drama in 3 acts, founded on Dumas' celebrated romance. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl7 Rice, James, joint atothor, see Besant, Walter. Riddell, Charlotte Eliza Lawson, mrs. J. H., {F. O. Trafford). George Geith, or Romance of a city life ; a drama in 4 acts and a tableau founded on [her] novel, by Wybert Reeve, /w French's. 812:lvll9 Ritchie, Anna Cora, born Ogden, formerly Mrs. Mowatt. Plays. Bost. 1855. D. 822.1:14 Contents. Armand, or The peer and the peasant. Fashion, or Life in New York, Ritter, H: L: Possen und lustspiele fiir die deutsche biihne. Heidelberg. 1818. S. 832 : 76 Contents. Der weibormagistrat zu Klatschhauscn. Der betrogenc entfiihrer. Die magnetisirte ver- lobung. Roberts, G: The absent man ; a farcical comedi- etta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Behind the curtain ; drama in 4 acts. / Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 Cousin Tom ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 Forty winks ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 Idalia, or The adventuress ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 The three furies ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 Under the rose ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : lv57 Robertson, T: W: Birds of prey, or A duel in the dark ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 ': 1 v93 David Garrick ; a comedy in 3 acts. Adapted from the french of "Sullivan", which was founded on a german dramatization of a pretended incident in Garrick's life. I?i French's. 812 : 1 vll7 The half caste, or The poisoned pearl ; drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. I7i Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 Jocrisse the juggler ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v51 The ladies' battle ; a comedy in 3 acts, from the french of Scribe and Legouve. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 Not at all jealous ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lv91 Peace at any price ; farce in 1 act, adapted from the french. I7i Lacy. 812 : 1 v95 Society ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 81J2 : 1 v71 The star of the north ; drama in 3 acts, adapt- ed from the french. I7i Lacy. 812:1 v93 and T: Hailes Lacy. Two gay deceivers, or Black, White and Grey ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 Robinson, Nugent. Miss Tibbets' back hair ; farce in 1 act. /w Lacy. 812:lv90 Mr. Joffins' latch-key ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 Robson, F: Popocatapetl ; an original piece of extravagance in 1 act. In French's. 812:1 vlOl Rodwell, G: Herbert. I'll be your second ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 My wife's out ; original farce in 1 act. In ' Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 Teddy the tiler ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :' 1 v81 Was I to blame ? a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 Rodwell, J. T: G. More blunders than one ; a farce in 1 act. Iti Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 A race for a dinner, or "No dinner yet"; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 The young widow ; farce in 1 act. M Lacy. 812 : 1 V22 ROmer, Dr., pseud., see Deinhardstein, J: T^: , E:, {Arthur Sketchley). The dark cloud ; a new and original drama of interest in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 591 CI. 812, Authors. lilTERATTJRE DRAMA. Rose Scribe. 593 . T^: Continued. Equals ; a comedy in 3 acts, freely adapted from the celebrated "Gendre deM. Poinier" [by Emile Augier and Jules Sandeau.] /?i French's. 812 : 1 vll9 How will they get out of it ? an original com- edy in 3 acts, /w Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 Money makes the man ; a drawing - room drama. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 Vice versa ; a lesson for fathers in 3 acts, dramatized from the story by F. Anstey [Guthrie]. In French's. ' 812 : 1 vl2i Wild flowers ; a dramatic sketch in 1 act. In French's. 812:lvll8 Rowe, N: Works, in 3 v., consisting of his plays and poems. Lond. 1756. 3 v. S. 822.2 : 13 Contents. V. 1. The ambitious step - mother. Tamerlane. The fair penitent. Ulysses. 2. The royal convert. Jane Shore. Jane Gray. Poems. The fair penitent ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Same. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Jane Shore ; tragedy in 5 acts. In the same. 822.2 : 1 vl Sam^. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 Tamerlane ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. ' 822.2 : 1 vl joint author, see Iieslie, H: Riickert, F: Christofero Colombo, oder Die ent- deckung der neuen welt ; geschichtsdrama in 3 t. Frankfurt a. M. 1845. 3 v. D. 832 : 78 Ryan, Desmond L. One too many ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. ' 812 : 1 v97 Ryan, R: Everybody's husband ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v92 St. Georges, Jules H: Vemoy de, and Adolphe comte Ribbing called de Leuven. The jeweller of St. James ; a comedy in 3 acts, adapted by W: E. Suter. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 Salmon, J: Old and young, or The four Mow- brays ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lv82 Sandeau, Leonard Sylvain Jules, and Adrien Decourcelle, see Clarke, Campbell, Awak- ing. Sardou, Victorien, see Ameotts, V. Sargent, Epes, ed. The modern standard drama ; a collection of the most popular acting plays, with critical remarks, also the stage business, costumes, etc. V. 5, 6. N. Y. n. d. D. 822.2:2 Contenta. V. 5. Massingrer, P. A new way to pay old debts.- Iiovell, G: W. Look before you leap. Shakspere, W : King- John. Bernard, W : B. The nervous man and the man of nerve. Banim, J: Damon and Pythias. Coleman, G: The clandestine marriag-e.- Knowles, J. S. William Tell. 6. Mor- ton, T: Speed the plough. Shakspere, W: Komeo and Juliet. White, J. Feudal times. Planche, J. H. Charles XII. Knowles, J. S. The bridal. Planche, J. K. The follies of a night. Colman, G:,jr. The iron chest. Planche, J. li. Faintheart never won fair lady. Savage, J: Sybil; a tragedy in 5 acts. N. Y. 1865. D. 822.1:15 Saville, J: Faucit. The miller's maid ; a melo- drama in 3 acts. 7 French's. 812 : 1 vl05 Schaad, J: Christian. Nicholas of tlie flue, the saviour of the Swiss republic ; a dramatic poem in 5 acts. Wash. 1866. D. 832.1 : 16 Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. Don Carlos, infant of Spain ; a tragedy in 5 acts. In Thomp- son, B: German theatre. 832 : 96 v3 The death of Wallenstein ; a tragedy in 5 acts. Tr. by S: T. Coleridge. In Coleridge, S: T. Works. 820.2: 7 v7 The Piccolomini, or The first part of Wallen- stein ; a drama. Tr. from the german by S: T. Coleridge. In the same. 820.2 : 7 v'7 See also his Siimmtliche werke. 830 : 143, 830 : 144 Werke. 830 : 152 vl20,121 Works. 830 : 150, 830 : R153 Schmidt, F: L: Der leichtsinnige liigner * lust- spiel in 3 aufz. Stuttg. 1813. S. 832 : 79 Schroder, F: L: The ensign ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Thompson, B: German theatre. 832 : 96 v5 Schubar, L: Der giinstlin^, oder Keine jesuiten mehr ! original-lustspiel in 4 acten . Berlin. 1847. D. 832 : 80 Scott, Clement W. "The Cape mail"; a drama in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll9 Tears ! idle tears ! ! a 1 act drama. In French's. 812 :1 vll9 comp. Drawing-room plays and parlour pantomimes. Lond. 1870. D. 822.2 : 14 Contents. Blanchard, E. L. An induction. Simpson, J. P. Two gentlemen at Mivart's. Gil- bert, W. S. A medical man.- Hood, T: Harlequin little Red Riding-Hood, or The wicked wolf and the wirtuous wood-cutter. Cheltnam, C: S. Fireside diplomacy. Reece, R. Ingomar, or The noble sav- age. Rose, G: Mone.y makes the man. Thomp- son, A. The happy dispatch. Archer, T:, and J. C. Brougrh. An eligible situation. Scott, C. W. The pet lamb; The last lily. Blanchard, E. L. The three temptations. Sterry, J. A. Katharine and Petruchio, or The shaming of the true. Daryl, S. His first brief. B., A. The girls of the period. Scott, W. S. On the Clyde ; a drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl07 Scribe, Augustin Eugfene. Ein abend vor dem Potsdamer thore. In Blum, K: Neue theaterspiele. 832 : 11 v2 Asmodeus, the little demon, or The 's share ; a comic drama in 3 acts, adapted from the "Part du diable " by T: Archer. In Lacy. "812 : 1 v46 Fesseln ; lustsp. in 5 aufz. Nach dem franzci- sischen iibers. von K: G. T. Winkler, n. t. S. 832 : 87 A glass of water, great events from trifling causes spring ; comedy in 8 acts, freely adapted trom the " Ver're d'eau" by W. E. Suter. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 Masaniello, or The dumb girl of Portici ; grand opera in 3 acts. Tr. by James Kenney ; music by Auber. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v93 Die nachtwandlerin. In Blum, K: Neue theaterspiele, v. 1. 832 : 11 vl Riquet der haarbuschel. In the same, v. 3. 832 :11 v2 Der schonste tag des lebens. In the same, v. 1. 832:11 vl Der sohn Cromwell's, oder Eine restauration ; historisches lustsp. in 5 akten, bearb. von K: G. T. Winkler, n. t. 8. 832 : 92 The woman that was a cat ; a metamorphos- iological sketch in 1 act, adapted from " La chatte metamorphosee en femme". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 593 Scribe Shakspere. LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 594 Scribe, Augustin Eugene. Continued. and Anue Honore Joseph baron Duveyrier, (Melesville). Oscar, oder Wie schwer ist's doch seine frau zu betriigen. Uebers. von K: G. T. Winkler, n. t. E. 832 : 90 and Joseph Wilfrid Ernest Gabriel Legouve. Adrienne Lecouvreur ; a play in 5 acts, adapted bv H. Herman. In French's. 812:lvll9 see also Boucicault, D., The queen of spades ; Lacy, T: H., The Jewess ; Simpson, J. P., Marco Spada, and Welstead, B:, Giralda. Secret, The, or The hole in the wall ; a farce in 1 act. With Talfourd, T: N. Ion. 822.2 : 3 Sejour, V: The outlaw of the Adriatic, or The female spy and the chief of the ten ; a ro- mantic drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812:1 v45 Selby, C: Behind the scenes, or Actors by lamplight ; a serio-comic burlesque bur- letta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll4 The bonnie fish wife ; an original musical interlude in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 The boots at the Swan ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 Catching an heiress ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 Caught by the ears ; a farcical extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : I v41 A day in Paris ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 The drapery question, or Who's for India ? an original apropos sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 " Fearful tragedy in the Seven Dials"; a farci- cal interlude in 1 act. In Lacy. '812 :1 v31 The fire eater ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 Frank Fox Phipps, esq. ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO Frederick of Prussia, or The monarch and the mimic ; a burletta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 ': 1 v32 Harold Hawk, or The convict's vengeance ; an original domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 Hotel charges, or How to cook a biffin ! farci- cal sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl2 An hour at Seville ; an original protean inter- lude. /wLacy. 812:lv53 Hunting a turtle ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 The husband of my heart ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 Jacques Strop, or A few more passages in the life of the renowned and illustrious Robert Macaire ; an original domestic drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Kinge Richard ye third, or Ye battel of Bos- worth field ; being a familiar alteration of the celebrated history by a gentleman from Stratford in Warwickshire ; a merrie mysterie in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 A lady and a gentleman in a peculiarly per- Elexing predicament ; a farce in 1 act. In acy. 812 : 1 v69 ^- The last of the pigtails ; an original petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 Little sins and pretty sinners ; interlude in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl9 Selby, C: Continued. The marble heart, or The sculptor's dream ; romance of real life in 5 chapters. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 The married rake ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 My aunt's husband ; an original comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 My friend the major ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 My sister from India ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl08 Paris and pleasure, or Home and happiness ; a drama fantastique or tale of diablerie in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 Peggy Green ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v42 The pet lamb ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 The phantom breakfast ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlOl The pirates of Putney ; a nautical extrava- gance in 1 act. /w Lacy. 812 : 1 v60 -- The poor nobleman ; a serio-comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v53 The rival pages ; a petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v94 Robert Macaire, or The Aubei^e des Adrets ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 The Spanish dancers, or Fans and fandangoes; a terpsichorean, semi-burlesque burletta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 The unfinished gentleman ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v34 The widow's victim ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 The witch of Windermere ; original comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v84 The young mother ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 and C: Melville. Barnaby Rudge ; a domes- tic drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812: 1 vlOl Serle, T: James. Tender precautions, or The romance of marriage ; a new and original comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Seume, J: Gottfried. Miltiades. In his Poe- tische und prosaische werke. 830 : 147 v6 Shakspere, W: Works ; ed^ by C: Knight. 111. Bost. [1878]. 2v. Q. ' 822.3 :R1 Contents. V. 1. Preface. The tempest. Two gen- tlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. Comedy of errors. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. A mid- summer-night's dream. The merchant of Venice. As you like it. Taming of the shrew.- All's well that ends well. Twelfth night. Winter's tale. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV., pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. King Henry V. King Henry VT., pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. 2. King Henry VI., pt. 3. King Rich- ard III. King Henry VIII. Romeo and Juliet. Othello. King Lear. Macbeth. Timon of Athens. Hamlet. Troilus and Cressida. Cymbeline. Coriolanus. Julius Cfesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. Venus and Adonis. The rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim. Sonnets to sundry notes of music. Song. Verses among the additional poems to Chester's Love's martyr, 1601. Glossary. Works ; the plays ed. from the folio of 1623, with various readings from all the editions and all the commentators, notes, intro- ductory remarks, a historical sketch of the text, an account of the rise and progress 595 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATUItE DRAMA. Shakspere. 596 Shakspere, Vf -.Continued. of the english drama, a memoir of the poet, and an essay upon his genius by Rich- ard Grant White. Best. 1875. 12 v. D. 822.3:2 Contents. V. 1. Preface. Supplementary notes and corrections. Memoirs of Shakespeare. Shakes- peare's will. Chronological tables of Shakespeare's works. Notes on the portraits and autograph signa- tures of Shakespeare. An account of the rise and progress of the english drama to the time of Shakes- peare. Essay on Shakespere's genius. Historical sketch of the text of Shakespeare. Poems. 2. Pre- liminary matter to the folio of 1623. The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. 3. Measure for measure. The comedy of errors. Much ado about nothing. Love's labor's lost. 4. Midsummer-night's dream. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. Taming of the shrew. 5. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night, or What vou will. The winter's tale. 6. King .lohn. King Richard II. King Henry IV., pts. 1, 2. 7. King Henry V. King Henry VI., pts. 1, 2. Essay on the authorship of Henry VI. 8. King Henry VI.. pt. 3. King Richard III. -King Henry VIII. 9. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. 10. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Cicsar. Macbeth. 11. Hamlet. King Lear. Othello. 12. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Pericles.- Appendix. Index. Works ; the text carefully restored according to the first editions, with introductions, notes original and selected, and a life of the poet, by H: N. Hudson. Rev. ed. with additional notes, in 6 v. Bost. n. d. 6 v. D. 822.3:82 Contents. V. 1. The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night, or What you will. Measure for measure.- Much ado about nothing. A midsummer- night's dream.- Love's labour's lost. 2. The merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. The taming of the shrew.- The winter's tale. The comedy of errors.- Macbeth. King John. 3. King Richard II. First part of Henry IV. Second part of Henry IV. King Henry V. Antony and Cleopatra. Othello. 4. First part of Henry VI. Second part of Henry VI. Third part of Henry VI. King Rich- ard III. King Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. 5. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus.- Julius Csesar. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles, prince of TVre. King Lear. 6. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. The life of Shakespeare.- An historical sketch of the english drama before Shakespeare. Poems.- Son- nets. Complete works ; with dr. Johnson's preface, a glossary, and an account of each play and a memoir of the author, by the rev. W: Harness. Lond. n. d. 2 v. O. 822.3+3 Contents. V. 1. Memoir. Dr. Johnson's preface. Glossary.- The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night, or What you will. Measure for measure. Much ado about nothing. Midsummer-night's dream. Love's la- bour's lost. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew. Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. Richard II. First part of Henry IV. Second part of Henry IV. Henry V. First part of Henry VI. Second part of Henry VI. 2. Third part of Henry VI. Richard III. Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar.- Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles, prince of Tyre. King Lear. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet, prince of Den- mark.- Othello. Venus and Adonis.- The rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. Passionate pilgrim. A lover's complaint. Dramatic works of Shakespeare ; the text of the 1st ed. 111. Edinb. 1883. 8 v. O. 822.3 : B83 Contents. V. 1. The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor.- Measure for measure.- The comedie of errors. Much adoo about nothing. 2. Loves labour's lost.- A midsom- mer nights dreame. The merchant of Venice. As Shakspere, W: Continued. you like it. The taming of the shrew. 3. All's well that ends well. Twelfe night, or What you will. The winters tale. The life and death of king John. The life and death of king Richard the second. 4. The first part of Henry the fourth. The second part of Henry the fourth. The life of Henry the flft. The first part of Henry the sixt. 5. The second part of Henry the sixt. The third part of Henry the sixt. The tragedy of Richard the third. The life of king Henry the eight. 6. The tragedie of Troylus and Cressida. The tragedie of Coriolanus. The lament- able tragedie of Titus Andronicus.- The tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. 7. The life of Timon of Athens. The tragedie of Julius Caesar. The tragedie of Macbeth. The tragedie of Hamlet. 8. The tragedie of king Lear. The tragedie of Othello. The tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra. The tragedie of Cym- beline. Dramatische wei'ke, iibersetzt von F: Boden- stedt, Nicolaus Delius, O: Gildemeister, G: Herwegh. Paul Heyse, Hermann Kurz, Adolf Wilbrandt ; mit einleitung und an- merkungen herausg. von F: Bodenstedt. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1880. 9 v. D. 822.3 : 47 Contents. V. 1. Ein sommernachtstraum, fib. von P: Bodenstedt. Das wintermarchen, fib. von O: Gildemeister.- Die lustigen weiber von Windsoi", iib. von Hermann Kurz. Die beiden Veroneser, iib. von G: Herwegh. Viel liirm um nichts, iib. von Adolf Wilbrandt. 2. Die komodie der irrungen. fib. von G: Herwegh. Was ihr woUt, Oder Heillger drei- konigsabend, iib. von O: Gildemeister. Der sturm, fib. von F: Bodenstedt. Zahmung einer wider- spenstigen, fib. von G: Herwegh. Verlorene liebes- muh, fib. von O: Gildemeister. 3. Mass fur mass, fib. von F: Bodenstedt. Perikles, f first von Tyrus, fib. von Nicolaus Delius. Der kaufmann von Venedig, ub. von F: Bodenstedt. Wie es euch gefallt, fib. von G: Herwegh. Bnde gut, alles gut. fib. von G: Her- wegh. 4. Konig Johann.Konig Richard der zweite. Konig Heinrich der vierte. 1. theil. Konig Heinrich der vierte, 2. theil, fib. von O: Gildemeister. 5. Konig Heinrich der ffinfte. Kiinig Heinrich der sechste, I. theil. Konig Heinrich der sechste, 2. theil. Konig Heinrich der sechste. 3. theil, fib. von O : Gildemeister. 6. Konig Richard der dritte. Konig Heinrich der achte, fib. von O. Gildemeister. Hamlet, prinz von Danemark, ub. von F: Bodenstedt. 7. Antonius und Kleopatra, fib. von Paul Heyse. Othello, der mohr von Venedig, fib. von F: Bodenstedt. Titus Androni- cus. fib. von Nicolaus Delius. Julius Casar, fib. von O: Gildemeister. 8. Romeo und .Tulia. fib. von F: Bodenstedt. Cymbelin, fib. von O: Gildemeister.- Timon von Athen, fib. von Paul Heyse. Coriolanus, fib. von Adolf Wilbrandt. 9. Kiinig Lear, fib. von G : Herwegh. Troilus und Cressida. ub. von G: Her- wegh. Macbeth, fib. von F: Bodenstedt. William Shakespeare; ein riickblick auf sein leben und schaffen. Shakespeare, adapted for reading classes and for the family circle, by T: Bulfinch and S. G. Bulfinch. Bost. 1865. S. 822.3 : 4 Contents. Midsummer-night's dream. Romeo and Juliet. The merchant of Venice. First part of king Henry IV. Hamlet. King Lear. Macbeth. The tempest. All's well that ends well ; ed. with notes by W:J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1881. S. 822.3:6 Same; a comedy in 5 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vll3 Anthony and Cleopatra; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1881. S. 822.3:49 Same ; tragedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv75 As you like it ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1878. S. 822.3 : 6 Same ; comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v25 The comedy of errors ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe." 111. N.Y. 1881. S. 822.3:7 Same, /w Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 597 Shakspere Sheridan . LITERATtJBE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 598 Shakspere, W: Continued. Coriolanus ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. K Y. 1881. 8. 822.3 : 8 Same. In Lacy. 812:1 v95 Cymbeline ; ed. with notes by W: J. Kolfe. 111. N. Y. 1881. S. 822.3:9 Same, /n Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 Hamlet, prince of Denmark ; tragedy in 5 acts. /wLacy. 812 :'l v23 Julius Csesar ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1878. S. 822.3 : 10 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Katherine and Petruchio ; a comedy in 3 acts, altered by D: Garrick from "The taming of the shrew." In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 King Henry IV., pt. 1 ; ed. with notes by W: ""1^. Y. 1880. S ---- J: Rolfe. 111. Same. In Lacy. 822.3 :11 812 : 1 v37 King Henry VI., pt. 2. King Henry VI., pt. 3. King Henry IV., pt. 2 ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe! 111. N. Y. 1880. S. 822.3 : 12 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v64 King Henry V. ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1878. S. 822.3 : 13 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 King Henry VI., pt. 1 ; ed. with notes by W: J: Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1882. S. 822.3:57 111. N. Y. 1883. S. 822.3:58 111. N. Y. 1882. S. 822.3:59 King Henry VIII.-, ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1872. S. 822.3:14 Same. In Lacy. 812:1 v22 King John ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. 822.3 : 15 Same. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2:2 v5 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 King Lear; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. 822.3:16 Same, /w Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 King Richard H. ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1876. S. 822.3 : 17 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 King Richard III.; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. 822.3 : 18 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl3 Love's labor's lost; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1882. S. 822.3:65 Macbeth ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1878. 8. 822.3 : 19 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Same, germ. Macbeth ; ein trauersp. Uebers. von. F: V. Schiller. In Schiller, J: C. F: V. Siimmtliche werke. 830 : 143 v6 Same. In the same. 830 : 144 v9 Measure for measure ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1882. S. 822.3:61 The merchant of Venice ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N.Y. 1871. S. 822.3:20 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v25 with introd. and notes, explanatory and critical, for use in schools and classes by H: N. Hudson. (Classics for children.) Bost. 1883. S. X 822.3: 75 Shakspere, W: Continued. The merry wives of Windsor ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1882. 8. 822.3 : 60 Sams. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 A midsummer- night's dream ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1877. 8. 822.3 : 21 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 Much ado about nothing; comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. i312 : 1 v35 Othello the moor of Venice ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1879. 8. 822.3:22 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 Pericles, prince of Tyre ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1883. 8. 822.3 : 66 germ. Pericles, fiirst von Tyrus ; ein dramatisches miihrchen. Uebers. von Adel- bert Keller. Stuttg. 1854. 8. 822.3 : 27 Poems, with a memoir by Alexander Dyce. Bost. 1854. 8. 822.3 : 26 Romeo and Juliet ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1879. 8. 822.3 : 23 Same. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl8 8onnets ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1883. 8. 822.3 : 70 Same, germ. 8onnette ; in deutscher nachbil- dung von F: v. Bodenstedt. Berlin. 1866. 8. 822.3:48 The taming of the shrew ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N.Y. 1881. 8. 822.3:24 The tempest; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1877. 8. 822.3 : 25 Same. In Lacy. 812:1 v37 Timon of Athens; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1882. 8. 822.3 : 63 Titus Andronicus ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. 8. 822.3:76 Troilus and Cressida ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1882. 8. 822.3 : 62 Twelfth night, or What you will ; comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 The two gentlemen of Verona ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1882. 8. 822.3 : 64 Venus and Adonis, Lucrece and other poems ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1883. 8. 822.3 : 69 The winter's tale ; a play in 5 acts. In French's. 812:1 vll3 and J: Fletcher. The two noble kinsmen ; written by the memorable worthies of their time... ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1883. 8. 822.3:67 Sheil, R: Lalor. Evadne, or The statue ; tragedy in 3 acts ; altered from Rivers and 8hirley. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 Shepherd, R., joint author, see Higgle, T. H. Sheridan, Richard Brinslej Butler. Dramatic works ; with a memoir of his life by G. G. 8. Lond. 1857. 8. 822.2:34 Contents. Memoir. The rivals. St. Patrick's day. The duenna. The school for scandal. The critic A trip to Scarborough. Pizarro. Sheridan's comedies. The rivals and The school for scandal ; ed. with an introd. and notes to each play and a biographical sketch of Sheridan by Brander Matthews. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884].' O. 822.2+46 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DRAMA. Sheridan Sophoklls. Sheridan, Richard Brinslej Butler. Cotitinued. The critic, or A tragedy rehearsed ; a drama- tic piece in 3 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v8 The duenna ; a comic opera in 3 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 The rivals ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 Saint Patrick's day, or The scheming lieuten- ant ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll4 The school for scandal ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. In Lacy. 812:1 v27 A trip to Scarborough ; a comedy in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl03 Simon, Joseph Philippe, {Lockroy), and A: Amoula. Helene, oder Die verklarungen, schausp. in 3 aufz, nach Zschokke's novelle. Uebers. von K. G. T. Winkler, n.t. S. 832 : 89 Simpson, J. Palgrave. Appearances ; an origi- nal comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 An atrocious criminal ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v74 Broken ties ; domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Court cards ; a comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v53 Daddy Hardacre ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vldO A fair pretender ; an original comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v66 First affections ; a comedietta m 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Heads or tails ? comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl5 Jack in a box ! a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Lady I)edlock's secret ; play in 4 acts, found- . ed on an episode in C: Dickens' "Bleak House ". In French's, 812 : 1 vl22 Marco Spada ; drama in 3 acts, altered and adapted from the french of Scribe. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlO Matrimonial prospectuses ; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v6 Only a clod ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v21 Poor cousin Walter; a drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 A school for coquettes ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 A scrap of paper ; a comic drama in 3 acts. /Lacy. 812 : 1 v51 Second love ; an original comic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v28 The serpent on the hearth ; romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 Shadows of the past ; comedy drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. ' 812 : 1 v97 Sybil! a, or Step by step ; an original comic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 12 : 1 v64 Two gentlemen at Mivarts ; a dramatic dia- logue in 1 short act. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 Very susi>icious ! an original comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v6 Simpson, J. Palgrave. g'owfmwecZ. The watch dog of the Walsinghams ; romantic drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v92 Without incumbrances ; a farce in 1 act. hi Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 World and stage ; original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 and Felix Dale. Time and the hour ; original romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 and Herman C. Merivale. Alone ; an original comedy drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 :1 vl03 and C: Wray. Ranelagh ; comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl3 joint author, see Yates, Edmund. Siraudin, Paul. Left the stage, or Grassot tormented by Ravel ; a personal experiment in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 joint author., see Clairville, L: Fran9ois Nico- laie, also Moreau, L: Isidore EugJ^ne Lemoine. Sketchley, Arthur, pseud., see Rose, G: Smith, Albert. The Alhambra, or The three beautiful princesses ; a new and original burlesque extravaganza. In Lacy*. 812 : 1 v3 Blanche Heriot, or The Chertsey curfew ; a domestic and historical drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 The cricket on the hearth ; a fairy tale of home in 3 chii'ps, adapted from C: Dickens. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 Esmeralda ; an operatico, terpsichorean bur- lesque in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 Smith, Q;.., joint author., see Mayhew, E: Smith, S. Theyre. Cut off with a shilling ; com- edietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v97 A happy pair ; original comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v83 My uncle's will ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vllO Which is which ? comedietta in 1 act. In In Lacy. 812 : 1 v97 Smith, W. H. S. The drunkard ; a moral domestic drama of american life, in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 Soane, G: The innkeeper's daughtei', or Mary, the maid of the inn ; a melodrama in 2 acts. 7 French's. 812:lvll4 Zarah, the gipsy ; romantic drama in 2 acts. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v92 Soane-Roby, Bernard. A deserter in a fix ; original farce. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 SoUohub, Vladimir Aleksandrovitch, graf. His hat and cane. In Plays for private acting. 812:2 The serenade. In the same. 812:2 Somerset, C: A. A day after the fair ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 The mistletoe bough, or The fatal cheat ; melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO The sea ; a nautical drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 Shakspeare's early days ;* drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v93 Sophoklls. Tragedies in english prose. The Oxford trans., new ed. rev. according to the text of Dindorf. N. Y. 1855. D. 882 : 3 Contents. Oedipus tyrannus. Oedipus coloneus. Electra. Antig:one. Trachinia;. Ajax. Philoo* 601 Sorrell Suter. LITEBATTTBE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 603 Sorrell, W. J. A border marriage ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v65 joint author, see French, Sidney. Soutar, Rob(^rt. Sold again ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll3 joint author, see Claridge, C. J. Southerne, T: Isabella, or The fatal mai'riage ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v94 Oroonoko ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Speak out boldly ; a petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 Spencer, G:, and Walter James. A return ticket ; original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 Spindler, C: Hans Waldmann ; historisches schauspiel in 5 aufz., nebst einem vorspiel in 1 aufz. Stuttg. 1854. S. 832 : 81 Stainforth, Frank, joint author, see Maltby, C. A. Steele, Sir'R: The tender husband, or The ac- complished fools ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Stephenson, C. H. Tromb-al-ca-zar, or The ad- ventures of an operatic troupe ; a musical extravaganza in 1 act, adapted from the french. Music by J. Offenbach. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Sterry, J. Ashby. Katharine and Petruohio, or The shaming of the true. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 Stirling, E: Aline the rose of Killarney ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 81*2 : 1 v94 The anchor of hope, or The seaman's star ; a drama in 2 acts, /ra French's. 812 : 1 vlll The blue jackets, or Her majesty's service ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. " 812 : 1 v47 The bould soger boy ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlll By royal command ; a comedy drama in 3 acts. /?i French's. 812:lvl06 The cabin boy ; a drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Captain Charlotte ; a farce in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 A cheap excursion ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 Family pictures ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 Grace Darling, or The wreck at sea ; a drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Jeannette and Jeannot, or The village pi'ide ; a musical drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812: 1 vl06 The Jew's daughter ; an original drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 Left in a cab ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v2 Legacy of honour ; an original drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 The little back parlour ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vlll The lost diamonds ; a drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 Margaret Catchpole, the heroine of Suffolk, or The vicissitudes of real life ; a drama in 3 acts, adapted from the work of the same title. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 Stirling, E: Continued. The miser's daughter ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 The old curiosity shop ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 A pair of pigeons ; an original domestic sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 A pet of the public ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 vl2 The ragpicker of Paris and the dressmaker of St. Antoine ; drama in 3 acts and a pro- logue. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 The reapers, or Forget and forgive ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v62 The rifle volunteers ; an apropos sketch. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 The rose of Corbeil. or The forest of Senart ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In French's. 812:1 vllO The teacher taught ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v48 Trapping a tartar ; a serio-comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v65 The woodman's spell ; a serio-comic drama in 1 act. In Lacj'. 812 : 1 v2 Stocqueler, J. H. An object of intei'est ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, born Beecher. Ex- tracts from The christian slave. In FoUen, E.L. Home dramas. 822.1:9 see also Aikin, G: L. Uncle Tom's cabin, and Suter, W: E. Dred. Straight, Douglas, {Sidney Daryl). His first brief ; a comedietta. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 Sturgis, Julian Russell. Little comedies. [Ap- pleton's handy-vol. ser.] N. Y. 1880. S. 822.2:35 Contents. Apples. Fireflies. Picking: up the pieces. Half way to Arcady. Mabel's holy day. Heather. Sulivan, Robert. Elopements in high life ; comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlO Supersac, Leon. The door is locked. In Plays for private acting. 812:2 Suter, W: E. The adventures of Dick Turpin and Tom King ; a serio-comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v42 " Brother Bill and me "; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Catherine Howard ; I'omantic drama in 3 acts, from the celebrated play by that name by Alexandre Dumas. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 The child stealer ; a drama in 4 parts, adapt- ed from the french' In Lacy. 812 : 1 v70 Double dealing, or The rifle volunteer ; a duologiie in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 Dred ; a tale of the Dismal Swamp ; a drama in 2 acts, from mrs. Stowe's novel. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v57 The felon's bond ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 First love, or The widowed bride ; an original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 Give me my wife ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : lv75 The highwayman's holiday ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy.* 812:1 v60 Holly Bush Hall, or The track in tiie snow ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DRAMA. Suter Taylor, T, 604 Suter, W: ^.Continued. II trovatore ; a romantic drama in 3 acts, from the popular opera of that name. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 Incombatibility of temper ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 Isoline of Bavaria ; drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Jack o' the hedge ; original drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 John Wopps, or "From information I re- ceived"; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 A life's revenge, or Two loves for one heart ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 Little Annie's birthday ; an original persona- tion farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 The lost child ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 More free than welcome ; a farce for three male characters, adapted from the f rench . In Lacy. 812 : 1 v73 Our new man ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v65 A quiet family; an original farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vSiO The robbei's of the Pyrenees ; a drama in 2 acts and a prologue, adapted fi-om the f rench. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 Rocambole, or The knaves of hearts and the companions of crime ; a romantic drama in a prologue and 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 Sarah's young man ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 The test of truth, or "It's a long lane that has no turning"; comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 V84 Two gentlemen in a fix, or How to lose the train ; an interlude. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 A very pleasant evening ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 Wanted "a young lady" ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v66 We all have our little faults ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 Which shall I marry ? a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v59 Swinburne, Algernon C: Atalanta in Calydon ; a tragedy. Bost. 1866. S. 822.2:28 Mary Stuart ; a tragedy. N. Y. 1881. D. 822.2:40 The queen mother and Rosamond. Bost. 1866. S. 822.2:29 Talfourd, Francis. Abou Hassan, or The hunt after happiness ; a semi-original fairy ex- travaganza in rhyme in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 vl7 Alcestis, the original strong-minded woman ; classical burlesque in 1 act, being a most shameless misinterpretation of the greek drama of Euripides with an original pro- logue upon the occasion of its subsequent revival. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v21 Atalanta, or The three golden apples ; an original classical extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 Electra in a new electric light ; an entirely new and original extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 Ganem, the slave of love ; an original extrav- aganza from "The arabian nights enter- tainments." In Lacy. 812 : 1 v6 Talfourd, Francis. Continued. A household fairy ; domestic sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v44 King Thrushbeard, or A little pet and the great passion ; preceding the grand Christ- mas comic pantomime of Harlequin Hafiz, and being an entirely new and original fairy and domestic extravaganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 Macbeth somewhat removed from the text of Shakespeare, in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:lv8 Pluto and Proserpina, or The belle and the pomegranate ; an entirely new and original mythological extravaganza, or Sicilian ro- mance of the (1 ?) 0th century. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 The rule of three ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v38 Shylock, or The merchant of Venice pre- served ; an entirel.^ new reading of Shakes- peare, from an edition hitherto undiscov- ered by modern authorities, and which it is hoped may be received as the stray leaves of a Jerusalem hearty-joke. 3d ed., rev. and corr. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vll Tell and the strike of the cantons, or The pair, the meddler and the apple ; an origi- nal fairy, romantic and legendary extrava- ganza. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 and, H: James Byron. The miller and his men ; a burlesque mealy-drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 and Alfred Wigan. Tit for tat ; comedietta in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl7 Talfourd, Sir T: Noon. Tragedies. Added, a few sonnets and verses. Bost. 1865. D. 822.2:30 Contents. Ion. The athcnian captive. Glencoo. Sonnets. Poems. Ion ; a tragedy in 5 acts. N. Y. n. d. S. 822.2:3 Taming a tiger ; a farce in 1 act, adapted from the f rench. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v72 Tarantula, La, or The spider king ; an extrava- ganza made up into an english dress from french materials in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Taylor, Bayard. Prince Deukalion. Bost. 1878. O. 822.1:17 The prophet ; a tragedy. Bost. 1874. S. 822.1:18 Taylor, H: Philip Van Artevelde ; a dramatic romance in 2 parts. Cambridge. 1835. S. 822.2:31 Taylor, T: Proclus. "The bottle"; drama in 2 acts, founded upon the graphic illustra- tions of G: Cruikshank. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl7 Tlie cliain of guilt, or The inn on the heath ; a romantic di-ama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vllO Taylor, Tom. The babes in the wood ; an orig- inal comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. "812 : 1 v50 A blighted being ; farce in 1 act, adapted from the fi-ench vaudeville "Une existence dc- coloi'ce". In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 The fool's revenge ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 Going to the bad ; an original comedy in 2 acts. iwLacy. 812 :'l v37 605 Taylor, T. Townsend. LITERATURE DRAMA . CI. 812, Authors. 606 Taylor, Tom Continued. Helping hands ; domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 Heni-y Dunbar, or A daughter's trial ; drama in 4 acts, founded on Miss Braddon's novel of the same name. i Lacy. 812 : 1 v76 The house or the home ; a comedy in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v42 A nice firm ; comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl3 Nine points of the law ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Payable on demand ; an original domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 Retribution ; a domestic drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 Sense and sensation, or The seyen sisters of Thule ; a new and original morality in a prologue and 7 scenes. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 The sei-f, or Love levels all ; an original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 Settling day ; a story of the time in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v82 A sheep in wolf's clothing ; a domestic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 " Still waters run deep" ; comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v22 A tale of two cities : a drama in 2 acts and a prologue, adapted from C: Dickens. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 The ticket-of-leave man ; a drama in 4 acts, founded on a french dramatic tale "Le re- tour de Melun"j included in "Les drames de la vie" by Brisebarre and Nuz. JwLacy. 812 : 1 v59 To oblige Benson ; comedietta in 1 act, adapted from the french vaudeville "Un service S Blanchard " [by Eugfene Moreau and Delacour]. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl4 An unequal match ; a comedy in 3 acts. In French's. ' 812:lvll8 Up at the hills ; an original comedy of Indian life in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 Victims ; an original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v32 and A:'W. Dubourg. New men and old acres ; original comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 A sister's penance ; original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v75 Tennyson, Alfred, baron Tennyson. The falcon and The cup. N. Y. 1884. S. 822.2 : 45 Harold ; a drama Bost. 1877. S. 822.2 : 32 Queen Mary ; a drama. Bost. 1875. S. 822.2:33 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comedies ; literally trans, into english prose, with notes by H: T: Riley. Lond. 1853. D. 872 : 2 Contents. Andria, or The fair andrian. Eunuchus, or The eunuch. Heautout imorumenos, or The self- tormentor. Adelphi, or The brothers. Hecyra, the mother-in-law. Phormio, or The scheming' parasite. Comedies ; tr. into english prose as near as the propriety of the two languages will admit, together with the original latin from the best editions wherein the words of the latin text are arranged in their grammatical order, the ellipses carefully supplied, the observations of the most val- uable commentators, both antient and modern, represented, and the beauties of the original explained in a new and concise manner, with notes pointing out the con- necxion of the several scenes and an index critical and phraselogical, adapted to the capacities of youth at school as well as private gentlemen ; by S. Patrick. 3d ed.; prefixed, the life of Terence, with some account of the dramatic poetry of the antients ; v. 1. Lond. 1767. O. ' 872 : 1 Terry, Daniel. Guy Mannering, or The gipsey's prophecy ; a musical play in 3 acts, adapt- ed from sir Walter Scott. /?^ Lacy. 812:1 vl8 Thetis and Peleus, or The chain of roses ; a mythological love story told in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Theuriet, Andre. The old homestead. In Plays for private acting. 812 : 2 Thiboust, Lambert, joint author, see Grange, Eugfene. Thomas, C: The queen of hearts; an operetta in 1 act. Music by Harriet Young. In French's. 812 : 1 vll5 Thompson, Alfred. The happy dispatch ; a Japanese opera-boufte. Music by Duce- nozov. In Scott, C. W. Drawing-room plays. 822.2 : 14 Thompson, B:, of King ston-upon- Hull, tr. The german theatre. 4th ed. Lond. 1811. 6 v. S. 832 : 96 Contents. V. 1. Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. The strang- er; Rolla; Plzarro. 2. Schiller, J: C. F: v. Don Carlos. Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. Count Benyowsky. 3. Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. Lovers vows; Deaf and dumb; The Indian exiles; False delicacy. 4. Babo, F. M. J. Otto of Wittlesbach; Dag-obert, king of the Franks. Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. Adelaide of Wul- flngen. 5. Schiller, J: C. F: v. The robbers. Kotzebue, A: F: F. v. The happy family. Ifla.and, A: W: Conscience. 6. Schroder, F: L: The en- sign. Reitzenstein, K: freiherr v. Count Konigs- mark. asthe, J: W. v. Stella. Lessingr, J: G. E. Emilia Galotti. Thompson, C. Pelham. The dumb Savoyard and his monkey ; melodrama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 Jack Robinson and his monkey ; a melo- drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v31 Thomson, James. Tancred and Sigismunda ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Tieck, J: L: [Dramatische schriften.] In his Schriften. 830 : 148 Same. In Kiirschner, J. Deutsche national- litter atur. 830 : 152 vl44 Tilbury, VV: Harris. Counter attraction, or Strolling and stratagem ; " a trifle light as air". In Lacy. 812 : 1 v5 Tobin, J: The honeymoon ; comedy in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl6 Toft, P. Out of the frying pan ; a 1 act comedy. Tr. from the danish, adapted for the eng- lish stage by A. P. Graves. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 Tomkins the ti'oubadour ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Townley,' James. High life below stairs ; farce in 2 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v3 Townsend, W. Thompson. The bell ringer of St. Paul's, or The huntsman and the spy ; melodrama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll2 The blow in the dark ; a comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl06 607 CI. 812, Authors. LITER A.TURE-DRAiy[ A.. Townsend Waldron. 608 Townsend, W. Thompson. Continued. The gold fiend, or The demon gamester ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl07 The lost ship, or The man of war's man and the privateer ; nautical drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v20 Mary's dream, or Far, far at sea ; a melodrama in 3 acts. In French's, 812 : 1 vl07 Temptation, or The fatal brand ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Whitefriars, or The days of Claude Du Val ; a drama in 3 acts, from the celebrated ro- mantic novel of the same title. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Tradesman's son, The ; a drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 TraflPord, F. G., pseud., see Riddell, Charlotte Eliza Lawson. Troughton, Adolphus C: The fly and the web ; a comedy in 2 acts: In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 Leading strings ; a comedy in 3 acts. /wLacy. 812 : 1 v33 Living too fast, or A twelve month's honey moon ; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 vl6 Shameful behavior ; a comedietta in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 Short and sweet ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Unlimited confidence ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v61 Vandyke Brown ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 Wooing in jest and loving in earnest ; a com- edietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 Twenty minutes with a tiger ; farce in 1 act, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v24 Valle, Enrico. A family of martyrs ; a drama. Tr. from the Italian by F. P. Garesche. Cine. 1864. S. 852 : 1 Vanbrugh, Sir J: Dramatic works. With Wycherley, W:, and others. Dramatic works. 822.24-10 Contents. The relapse. The provoked wife. Aesop. Same, pt. 2. The false friend, The con- federacy. The mistake. The country house. A Journey to London. The city wives' conspiracy ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Lovers' quarrels, or Like master like man ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 The provoked husband, or A journey to Lon- don ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 The provoked wife ; comedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Vell^re, Dr. . King and rebel ; historical drama in prologue and 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vldO Meted out ; original modern drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 Venable, W. H., ed. The amateur actor ; a collection of plays for school and home. Cine. n. d. D. 822 : 1 ^!IV'^^^^- Introd. Oberon and Titania. Mrs. Willis's will. Little Red Rldinghood. Lady Pent- weazel at the artist's. The discomfited rivals. The mock doctor. Sentimentality. The forest exiles. Nerval. Matrimonial Infelicities. Country versus city. The witty servant. Quackery discovered. The harvest storm. Van Dunderman and his ser- vant. The heartless landlord. The pedant. Cara- Venable, W. H., ed. Continued. tach and Hengo. A surprised suitor. The loves of miss Tucker. The chag'rined author. The father's sacrifice.- Pyramus and Thisbe. ed. Dramas and dramatic scenes. Cine. [1874]. D. 822 : 2 Contents. Stage terms and directions. Shakes- peare, Mercutio. Wycherly, Detraction. Far- quhar, Boniface. Congreve, Braggadocio. Mitford, Rienzi. Milman, 111 - gotten gold. Shakespeare, The three caskets. O'Keefe, The positive man. Colman, the yowxger, Pangloss. Colman, the, elder. Inkle and Yarico. Tobin, The deceived bride. Lovell, The greek girl and the bar- barian. Dryden, Ventidius and the emperor. Knowles, William Tell. Otway, Jaffir and Belvi- dera. Sheridan, The dutiful son. Shakespeare, The pound of flesh. Bulwer-Liytton, The bequest. Addison, The death of Cato. Mason, The for- lorn hope of Mona. Vernon, Leicester. The lancers ; drama in 3 acts, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812: 1 vl3 Vidocq, the french police spy ; a melodrama in 2 acts, adapted for representation from the autobiography of Vidocq. In French's. 812 :1 vllO Violet, The ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v9 Vogel, W: Christine von Schweden ; drama in 3 aufz., nach van der Velde. n. t. D. 832 : 82 Von Oulin, Everett. The dentist's clerk, or Pulling teeth by steam ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll3 Wagner, H: Leopold. Die kindermorderin ; ein trauerspiel. In Kiirschner, J. Deut- sche national-litteratur. 830 : 152 v80 "Wagner, W: R: Der fliegende holliinder. In his Schriften. 780 : 20 vl Eine kapitulation ; lustspiel in antiker manier. In the same. 780 : 20 v9 Lohengrin. In the same. 780 : 20 v2 Die meistersinger von Niirnberg. In the same. 780 : 20 v7 Das rheingold ; vorabend zu dem biihnenfest- spiel Der ring des Nibelungen. In the same. 780 : 20 v5 Rienzi, der letzte der tribunen ; grosse tragi- sche oper in 5 akten, nach Bulwer's gleicli- namigem roman. In the same. 780 : 20 vl Der ring des Nibelungen ; biihnenfestspiel. In the same. 780 : 20 v6 Contents, ler tag. Die walkiire. 2ter tag. Sieg- fried. 3ter tag. Gotterdiimmerung. Siegfried's tod. In the same. 780 : 20 v2 Tannhiiuser und der siingerkrieg auf Wart- burg. In the same. 780 : 20 v2 Tristan und Isolde. In the same. 780 : 20 v7 Wainwright, J: Howard. Rip Van Winkle ; an original american opei-a in 3 acts. Music by G: F. Bristow. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v39 Walcot, C: M. Nothing to nurse; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v33 Waldron, W. R. Lizzie Leigh, or The murder near the old mill ; a story of three Christ- mas nights ; domestic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v93 The will and the way, or The mysteries of Carrow Abbey ; a' romantic drama in 3 acts, founded on the popular work of the same name by J. F. Smith. In Lacy. 812:lv66 Worth a struggle ; comedy drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 609 Walker, C. E. Wilks. LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 610 Walker, C. E. The warlock of the glen ; a melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 Walker, J: The wild boy of Bohemia, or The force of nature ; a melodrama in 2 acts. /n French's. 812:lvll4 Wangenheim, Paul Jreiherr v. Die abtriinni- gen ; drama in 5 acten. Leipz. 1845. D. 832 : 83 Weatherly, F: E:, rtd Alfred W. Moore Weath- erly. Champagne ; a petite comedy, adapted from the french. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 Webster, B: The golden farmer, or The last crime ; melodrama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : i v76 Just like Roger ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 v96 A yule log ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 Webster, B:,jr. Behind time ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v68 Webster, J: Dramatic works ; ed. by W: Haz- litt. Lond. 1857. 4 v. D. 822.2:12 Contents. V. 1. Introduction. The famous history of sir T: Wyat, Westward hoe. Northward hoe. 2. The white devil. The duchess of Malfl. 3. The devil's law-case. Appius and Virginia. Monuments of honor. A monumental column. Odes. 4. A cure for a cuckold. Induction to The malcontent. The thracian wonder. The weakest goes to the wall. Weichselbaumer, K: Liebesbotschaften; lustsp. in 2 akten. n. t. S. 832 : 84 Weisse, Christian Felix. Richard der dritte ; ein trauerspiel in 5 anfz. In Kurschner, J. Deutsche national-litteratur. 830 : 152 v72 Welstead, B: Giralda, or The invisible husband; a comic drama in 3 acts, adapted from Scribe's opera. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 Werner, Zacharias. Martin Luther, oder Die weihe der kraft ; eine tragodie. Bi Kursch.- ner, J, Deutsche national-litteratur. 830: 152 vl51 Der 24. februar ; eine tragodie in 1 akt. In the same. 830 : 152 vl51 West, B. Melmoth, the wanderer ; a melodram- atic romance in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v85 Where shall I dine ? a farcetta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll4 White, James. Feudal times, or The court of James III ; a Scottish historical play. In Sargent, E. Mod. stand, drama. 822.2:2 v6 Whitehead, W: The roman father ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 v2 Whitty, Walter Devereux. My husband's secret ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Wigan, Alfred. A model of a wife ; a farce in 1 , act. /raLacy. 812 : 1 v61 joint author, see Talfourd, Francis. Wigan, Horace. Always intended ; comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 The best way ; petite comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v75 The charming woman ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v60 Friends or foes ? a comedy in 4 acts. /?^ Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Observation and flirtation ; a comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 Wigan, Horace. Continued. Real and ideal ; a comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 A southerner just arrived ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 Taming the truant ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 joint author, see Oxenford, J: Wilcox, R. N., joint author, seeMillett, R. "W. F. Wildenbruch, Ernst Adolph v. Harold; tragedy in 5 acts. Tr. by Marie v. Zglinitzka. Hanover. .1884. D. 832 : 98 Wilhelmi, Alexander, pseud., see Zechmeister, Alexander V: Wilkins, J: H. Civilization ; play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812:lvl0 The egyptian ; play in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 vl2 Wilks, T:Egerton. Bamboozling; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 Ben, the boatswain ; a nautical drama in 3 acts. I7i Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 The black domino, or The masked ball ; comic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v88 The captain is not a miss ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 Cousin Peter ; a comic drama in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 The crown prince, or The buckle of brilliants ; a drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v26 The dream spectre ; a romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Eily O'Connor, or The brides of Garryowen ; a domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 Halvei, the unknown ; an original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 How's your uncle ? or The ladies of the court ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 The jacket of blue ; a comic, original bitrletta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl08 Kennyngton Crosse, or The old house on the common ; a legend of Lambeth ; original romantic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v75 The king's wager, or The camp, the cottage and the court ; a drama in 3 parts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v62 Lord Darnley, or The keep of Castle Hill ; original romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vf8 ~ Michael Erie, the maniac lover, or The fayre lasse of Lichfield ; an original domestic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v33 The miller of Whetstone, or The cross-bow letter ; an original comic burletta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v7 My wife's dentist ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v35 Rafi'aelle the reprobate, or The secret mission and the signet ring ; drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlO The railroad station ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 Rinaldo Rinaldini, or The brigand and the blacksmith ; a romantic drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 The roll of the drum ; a romantic drama in 3 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl03 The sergeant's wedding ; original comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v91 611 CI. 812, Authors. LITERATURE DRAMA. Wilks Wooler, J. P. 612 Wilks, T: 'Egerton.. Continued. The seven clerks, or The three thieves and the denouncer ; a romantic drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Sixteen string Jack, or The knaves of Knave's Acre ; a romantic original drama in 2 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 State secrets, or The tailor of Tamworth ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v53 Sudden thoughts ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v33 Woman's love, or Kate Wynsley, the cottage girl ; an original drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v4 The Wren boys, or The moment of peril ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 Williams, Arthur. Funni bone's fix ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 joint atithor, see Hazlewood, Colin H. Williams, Montagu. A fair exchange ; a come- dietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v47 and Yrancis Cowley Burnand. "B. B."; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 Carte de visite ; an original farce, or a jiiece of light photographical writing. In Lacy. 812 :1 v57 Easy shaving ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 v60 The isle of St. Tropez ; a drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v52 The turkish bath ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 v51 Williams, T.J. The better half ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v67 A charming pair ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v58 A cure for the fidgets ; farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 Dandelion's dodges ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v78 Found in a four-wheeler ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v70 I've written to Browne, or A needless strata- gem ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 :1 v40 "Ici on parle fran9ais"; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v40 Jack's delight ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v56 Keep your eye on her ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vl09 Larkin's love letters ; a farce. In Lacy. 812:1 v72 The lion slayer, or Out for a prowl ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v77 Little Daisy ; a comic drama in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v60 The little sentinel ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 My dress boots ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 My turn next ! a farce. In Lacy. 812:1 v73 My wife's maid ; a farce in 1 act. I7i Lacy. 812:lv63 Nursey Chickweed ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v43 On and oif ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v51 One too many for him ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 Williams, T: J. Continued. Peace and quiet ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v61 The peep-show man ; drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 Pipkin's rustic retreat ! a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v69 A race for a widow ; a farce in 1 act. I?i Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 A silent protector; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 The silent system ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v56 A terrible tinker ! farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:lv87 A tourist's ticket ; farce. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v96 The trials of Tompkins ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v58 Turn him out ! a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v59 Tweedleton's tail-coat ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812:1 v73 An ugly customer ; a farce in 1 act. /w Lacy. 812 : 1 v49 Up a tree ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 The volunteer service, or The little man in green ; a farcical extravaganza in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v80 Who is who ? or All in a fog ; farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v86 Who's to win him ? comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v79 and A: Harris. Cruel to be kind ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v46 Gossip ; a comedy in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812": 1 v76 Wilson, J. Crawford. Gitanilla, or The child- ren of the zincali ; a drama in 3 acts. In Lacy. 812:1 v48 Winkler," K: Gottfried Theodor, {Theodor Hell). Bob, Oder Die pulvervei-schworung ; lust- spiel in 2 auiz., nach Duport und de Forges bearb. n. t. S. 832 : 85 Die flitterwochen ; Instspiel in 3 aufz., nach dem franz. n. t. S. 832 : 88 Die i-eise nach Russland ; lustspiel in 3 aufz., nach dem franz. bearb. n. t. S. 832 : 91 Wood, Arthur. A bilious attack ; farce in 1 act. /nLacy. 812 : 1 v96 A romantic attachment ; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v90 joint author, see Dixon, Bernai'd H. Wood, G: The Irish doctor, or The dumb lady cured ; a farce in 1 act, altered from Field- ing's trans, of Molifere's " Le "mcdecin malgrd lui." In Lacy. 812 : 1 v27 Wooler, J. Plots for petticoats ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl02 Wooler, J. P. Allow me to apologize ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl05 Did I dream it ? an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v50 A faint Heart which did win a fair lady ; a comedy in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : l'v57 Founded on facts ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v45 The haunted mill ; an operetta in 1 act. M Lacy. 812:1 v72 A hunt for a husband ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v63 613 Wooler, J. P.-Zschokke. LlTERATTJtlE-DllAMA. CI. 812, Authors. 6l4 Wooler, J. ^.Continued. I'll write to the " Times"; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v28 Keep your temper ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v55 Laurence's love suit ; an original comedietta in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v65 Marriage at any price ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy, 812 : 1 v55 A model husband ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 Old Phil's birthday ; a serio-comic drama in 2 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 Orange blossoms ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v54 The ring and the keeper ; an operetta. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Sisterly service ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v44 A twice told tale ; an original farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v37 A winning hazard ; original comedietta in 1 act. iraLacy. 812 : 1 v84 Worthington, J. " Up in the world ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 Wray, C:, joint author, see Simpson, J. Palgrave. Wycherley, W:, and others. The dramatic works of Wycherley, Ccngreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar, with biographical and critical notes by Leigh Hunt. Lond. 1859. O. 822.2+10 Contents. Wycherley, W : Biographical and criti- cal notices. Love in a wood ! The gentleman danc- ing-master. The country wife. The plain dealer. Y , H. A. Furnished apartments ; comic inter- lude in 1 act, adapted for private represen- tation. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 Yates, Edmund, and N. H. Harring^ton. Hit him, he has no friends ! a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v47 If the cap fits ; a comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v41 My friend from Leatherhead ; a farce in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v30 A night at Notting Hill ; an original apropos sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v29 Your likeness one shilling ! comic sketch in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v36 and J. Palgrave Simpson. Black sheep ; drama in 3 acts, founded on Edmund Yates' novel of the same name. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v81 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Historical dramas. HI. Lond. n. d. S. x 822.2 : 42 Contents. The mice at play. The apple of discord. The strayed falcon. The mice at play. n. t. [Lond]. S. x 822.2: 39 Yorke, Elizabeth, countess of Hardwicke. The court of Oberon, or The three wishes ; dramatic entertainment. In Lacy. 812 :1 vl7 Young, Alfred W. A false alarm ; a farce in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl09 Young, Sir C : Lawrence. The baron's wager ; an original comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 :1 vl21 Charms ; a drama in 4 acts. In French's. 812 : 1 vl04 Drifted apart ; an original domestic sketch in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 For her child's sake ; a dramatic episode in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll8 Gilded youth ; drama in 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v99 The late sir Benjamin ; comedy in 1 act, adap- tation from the french of E: Romberg. In French's. 812 : 1 vl21 Montcalm ; romantic drama in 5 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v98 Plot for plot ; comedietta in 1 act. In French's. 812 : 1 vll7 Shadows ; romantic drama in a prologue and 4 acts. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vlOO That dreadful doctor ; comedietta in 1 act. In Lacy. 812 : 1 vll7 joint author, see Church, Florence. Young, E: The revenge ; tragedy in 5 acts. In British drama. 822.2 : 1 vl Same. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v70 Zechmeister, Alexander V:, {Alexander Wil- helmi). One of you must marry ; a comic drama in 1 act, adapted from the german. In Lacy. 812 : 1 v71 Zimmermann, W: Masaniello, der mann des volkes ; trauersp. in 5 aufz. Stuttg. 1833. D. 832 : 94 Zschokke, J: H: Daniel. Abellino ; schauspiel in 5 aufz. In his Novellen und dichtungen. Z 302 vl5 2. Titles. A. S. S. fn812:lvl0 Abellino. J. H. D. Zschokke. in Z30Svl5 Abend vor dem Potsdamer thore, Ein. K. Blum. in 832 : 11 v2 Abenhamet und Alfaima. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v9 Abou Hassan. F. Talfourd. in 812 : 1 vl7 Above the clouds. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 4 Abschied, Der. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v2 Absence of mind. W. Poel. in 812 : 1 vl20 Absent man. The. G. Roberts. in 812 : 1 vl02 Absurda comica. A. Gryphius. in 830 : 152 v29 Abtrunnigen, Die. P. v. Wangenheim. 832 : 83 Acis and Galatea. J. Gay. in 812 :lvll Same. in 821.2 : 93 v2 Acis and Galatsea, or The beau! the belle!! and the blacksmith!!! T. F. Plowman. in 812 : 1 v91 Acis and Galatea, or The nimble nymph and the terrible troglodyte. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v58 Actor's retreat. The. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812: 1 yGS Adelaide of Wulflngen. A. F. F. v. Kotzebue. in 832 : 96 v4 Adelphi. P. Terentius Afer. in 872 : 2 Adonis vanquished. V. Amcotts. in 812 : 1 v75 Adrienne, or The secret of a life. H. Leslie. in 812: 1 v68 Adrienne Lecouvreur. E. Scribe and E. Legouve. in 812: 1 vll9 Adrienne Lecouvreur. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 vl Adventures, The, of a love letter. C. Mathews. in 812: 1 v50 Adventures, The, of Dick Turpin and Tom King. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v42 Advokaten, Die. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v8 Aesop. Sir J. Vanbrugh. in 822 : 2 vlO Affair of honour. An. W. L. Rede. in 812 : 1 v78 Africaine, L'. Capt. Arbuthnot. in 812 : 1 v67 615 CI. 812, Titles. LlTE!RATtTB.: -I)]R.AMA. Afrikanisclie Beggar^s. 616 Afrikanische liebe. P. Merim^e. After dinner. H. Gardner. After the party. Agamemnon. Aischylos. Aged forty. J. Courtney. Aggravating Sam. C. Mathews. Agnes de Vere. J. B. Buckstone. in 840 : 1 v6 in 812: 1 vl22 in 812 : 1 v93 in 882 : 1 in 812 : 1 v59 in 812: 1 vl7 in 812 : 1 vlOe Agnete und der meerman. H. C. Andersen. in 898.8 : 1 Agreeable surprise. The. J. O'Keeffe. in 812 : 1 v94 Ahasverus. H. C. Andersen. in 898.8 : 1 Ahmed. L. A. Aiken. in 822.1 : 9 Ahnfrau, Die. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v2 Ajax. Sophokles. in 882 : 3 "Alabama", The. J. M. Morton. iri 812 : 1 v62 Aladdin. A. G. Oehlenschlager. 898.3 : 6 Aladdin, and the wonderful lamp. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v29 Aladdin, or The wonderful scamp! H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v50 Albert von Thurneisen. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v8 Alcestis. F. Talfourd. in 812 : 1 v21 Alchemist, The. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v4 Alexander the great. N. Lee. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Alfred der grosse. K. T. Korner. in 83 1:41 Alfred the great. R. B. Brough. in 812 : 1 v43 Alfred the great. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 vl Alhambra. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 : 4 v9-14 Alhambra, The. A. Smith. in 812 : 1 v3 Ali Baba. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v59 Alice Grey. J. T. Haines. in 812 : 1 v44 AUce through the looking-glass. K. F. Kroker. in 822.2 : 44 Aline, the rose of Killarney. E. Stirling, in 812 : 1 v94 All at C. R. W. F. Millett and R. N. Wilcox. i812;lvl02 All at Coventry. W. T. Moncrieff. ii 812 : 1 v59 All for love. J. Dryden. in 822.2 : 1 v2 All's well that ends well. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 5 Same. in 822.3 : Rl vl Same. in 822.3 : 2 v5 Same. in 822.3 : 3 vl Same. in 822.3 : 82 v2 Same. in 822.3 : R83 v3 Same. in 812 :lvl 13 All that glitters is not gold. T. Morton and J. M. Mor- ton, in 812 :lv3 All the world's a stage. I. Jackman. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Alia Moddin. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 vl 1 Alles durch die f rauen ! B.A.Herrmann. 832:46 Alles ist wahrheit und alles liige. P. Calderon de la Barca. iti 862 : 1 vl Allow me to apologize. J. P. Wooler. i)i 812 : 1 vl05 Almansor. H. Heine. in 831 : 24 Same. in 830 : 139 vl6 Almenorade. C. W. Contessa. in 830 : 1 34 v4 Alone. J. P. Simpson and H. C. Merivale. in 812: 1 vl03 Alonzo the brave. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v58 Alphonsus, king of Arragon. K. Greene, in 822.2 : 5 Alte jungfer. Die. J. G. E. Lessing. in 830 : 152 v60 Always intended. H. Wigan. in 812 :lv77 Alzira. A. Hill. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Amalie von Mannsfeld. C. Pichler. i7t 832 : 69 v3 Amans magniflques, Les. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v7 Ambisexia. "Justus Feminis." 832:18 Ambitious step-mother, The. N. Rowe. in 8222 : 13 Ambrose Gwinnett. D. W. Jerrold. in 812 : 1 v86 Among the breakers. G M. Baker. in 822.1 : 2 Among the relics. T. A. Palmer. in 812 : 1 vl08 Amour medecin, L'. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v6 Amphitryon. Mollfere. in 842 : 2 v2 Same. in 842 : 3 v6 Anchor of hope. The. E. Stirling. in 812: Ivlll Andria. P. Terentius Afer. in 872 : 1 Same. in 872 : 2 Andromaque. J. Racine. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Angel of midnight. The. T. Barrl^re and E. Plouvier. in 812: 1 vl Angel or devil. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v29 Anne Blake. W. Marston. in 812 : 1 v49 Anne Boleyn. G. H. Boker. in 822.1 : 7 vl Anne Boleyn. C. Edwardes. in 812 : 1 v97 Antigone. Sophokles. in 882 : 3 Antonius und Kleopatra. W. Shakspere. ire 8223: 47 v7 Antony and Cleopatra. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 49 Same. in 822.3 : Bl v2 Same. m 8223 : 2 vl2 Same. in 822.3 : 3 v2 &ne. in 822.8 : 82 v3 Same. in 822.3 : B83 v8 Same. in 812 : 1 v76 Anything for a change. C. S. Brooks. iw 812 : 1 v4 Apartments. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v4 Apollo und Klymene. P. Calderon de la Barca. m 862 : 1 v2 Appeal to the feelings. An. T. A. Palmer. m812: 1 vll2 Appearances. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v47 Appius and Virginia. J. Webster. in 822.2 : 12 v3 Apple of discord. The. C. M. Yonge. in 822.2 : 42 Apples. J. R. Sturgis. in 822.2 : 35 Apprentice, The. A. Murphy. in 822.2 : 1 vl April fool. An. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v62 Arden of Feversham. G. Lillo. in 822.2 : 1 vl Area belle. The. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v62 Argonauten, Die. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v3 Argwonische ehemann, Der. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v5 Armand. A. C. Ritchie. in 822.1 : 14 Armen wesen ist anschlage, Des. P. Calderon de la Barca. in 862 : 1 vl Arraignment of Paris, The. G. Peele. in 8222 : 5 Artful dodge. The. E. L. Blanchard. m 812 : 1 v42 As like as two peas. H. Lille. m 812 : 1 vl5 As you like it. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 6 Same. in 822.3 : Bl vl Same. in 822.3 : 2 v4 Safm. in 822.3 : 3 vl Sam^. in 822.3 : 82 v2 Same. in 822.8 : B83 v2 Sam. in 812 : 1 v25 Aschenbrodel. C. D. Grabbe. in 832 : 32 v4 Ashore and afloat. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl06 Asmodeus. E. Scribe. m 812 : 1 v46 Atalanta. F. Talfourd. in 812 : 1 v30 Atalanta in Calydon. A. C. Swinburne. 822.2 : 28 Atchi! J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v82 Athenian captive. The. T. N. Talfourd. in 822.2 : 30 Atonement. W. Muskerry. in 812 : 1 vl04 Atrocious criminal, An. J. P. Simpson, in 812 : 1 v74 Aufgeregten, Die. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v23 Auld acquaintance. J. J. Dilley. in 812 : 1 vll3 Aunt Charlotte's maid. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v38 Aurora Floyd. C. H. Hazlewood. ir. 812 : 1 v58 Aussteuer, Die. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v6 Autor, Der. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 vl3 Autorsqualen. G. v. Frank. 832 : 21 Avalanche, The. A. Harris. in 812 : 1 vl6 Awaking. C. Clarke. in 812 : 1 v98 Away with melancholy. J. M. Morton, in 812: lvl4 Azael, the prodigal, fe. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 v56 "B. B." M. Williams and F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v45 Babes in the wood, The. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v50 Babes in the wood, The. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v41 Bachelor of arts, A. P. Hardwlcke. in 812: lvl2 Balance of comfort. The. W. B. Bernard. in 812 : 1 vl7 Bamboozling. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v28 Barbarossa. J. Brown. in 812 : 1 vl09 Same. in 822.2 : 1 vl Barber of Seville, The. P. A. C. de Beaumarchais. in 812 : 1 v89 Barefaced impostors. in 812 : 1 v70 Barnaby Rudge. C. Selby and C. Melville. m812 : 1 vlOl Baronet abroad, The. F. L. Home. in 812 : 1 v65 Baron's wager. The. "Sir C. L. Young, in 812 : 1 vl21 Bartholomaus-nacht, Die. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 : 4 v2 Bartholomew fair. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v4 Bashful lover. P. Massinger. in 812 : 2 v7 Bathing. J. Bruton. in 812 : 1 vl08 Battle of Alcazar, The. G. Peele. in 822.2 : 5 Battle of Waterloo, The. J. H. Amherst, in 812 : 1 v98 Beacon, The. J. Baillie. in 822.2 : 15 v3 Bear hunters. The. J. B. Buckstone. in 812 : 1 v31 Beau Brummell. W. B. Jerrold. if 812 : 1 v44 Beautiful Haid^e. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v58 Beauty and the beast. J/rs. G. Macdonald. in 822.2 : 36 Beauty and the beast. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 vl9 Beauty or the beast. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v60 Beaux stratagem, The. G. Farquhar. in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 822.2 : 10 Bed of roses, A. H. A. Jones. in 812 : 1 vl 19 Befreyte Deutschland, Das. C. Pichler. in 832 : 69 vl Beggar of Bethnal Green, The. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 vl Beggar's bush. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v9 Beggar's opera. The. J. Gay. in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v21 Beggar's petition, The. G. D. Pitt. 812 : 1 v87 617 fiehind Camilie. Lia?ERATUR-DRAMA. ei. 815S, titles. 618 Behind a mask. H. Dixon and A. Wood, in 812 : 1 v97 Beiiind the curtain. G. Roberts. in 812 : 1 v90 Behind the scenes. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 vl 14 Behind time. B. Webster. ^^ in 812 : 1 v68 Beiden Foscari, Die. G. G. N. lord Byron. OT 821.2 : 61 vll Beiden veroneser. Die. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 vl Beiden wittwen. Die. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v3 Bell ringer of St. Paul's, The. W. T. Townsend. OT812: 1 vll2 Belle, The. L. Lewis. i^i 812 : 1 v97 Belle of the barley-mow. The. H. T. Arnold. in 812 : 1 v78 Belle's stratagem, Tho. H. P. Cowley, in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v72 Belphegor. T. Higgle and T. H. Lacy. w 812 : 1 v3 Belphegor, the mountebank. A. P. Dennery and M. J. L. Fournier. m 812 : 1 vl03 Belshazzar. H. More. in 820.2 : 28 vl Ben Bolt. J. B. Johnstone. in 812 : 1 vl6 Ben the boatswain. T. E. Wilks. i 812 : 1 v28 Berengar. A. v. Platen. in 830 : 141 v2 Bergknappen, Die. K. T. KBrner. m 831 : 41 Bernsteinhexe, Die. H. Laube. 832 : 59 v3 Best way, The. H. Wigan. iw 812 : 1 v75 Berthold der Zahringer. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 : 4 vl6 Bestandige ehepaar, Das. G. Farquhar. in 822.2 : 1 1 Betrogene entfiihrer. Der. H. L. Ritter. in 832 : 76 Betrothal, The. G. H. Boker. in 822.1 : 7 v2 Betsy Baker. J. M. Morton. iw 812 : 1 v8 Better half. The. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v67 Bewusstseyn. A. W. IfJiand. in 832 : 51 v9 Bild der Danae, Das. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832 : 16 v6 Bilious attack, A. A. Wood. in 812 : 1 v96 Billing and cooing. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v65 " Billy Doo." C. M. Rae. i/i812:lvl01 Binks the bagman. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v7 Bird in the hand, A. F. Phillips. in 812 : 1 v29 Birds In their little nests agree. C. M. Rae. in 812 : 1 vl09 Birds of Aristophanes, The. J. R.Planche. in 812: 1 v20 Birds of prey. T. W. Robertson. in 812 : 1 v93 Birthplace of Podgers, The. J. Hollingshead. m812: 1 v35 Bitter cold. W. S. Foote. in 812 : 1 vll5 Bitter reckoning. The. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl07 Black doctor. The. A. A. Bourgeois and P. F. P. Du- manoir. in 812 : 1 v23 Black domino. The. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v88 Black ey'd Susan. D. W. Jerrold. in 812 : 1 v23 Same. in 822.2 : 23 Black-eyed Susan. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v77 Black sheep. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v51 Black sheep. E. Yates anrf J. P. Simpson, in 812 : 1 v81 Blanche Heriot. A. Smith. in 812 : 1 v73 Blaubart, Der. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v5 Blaustrumpf, Der. L. Foglar. 832 : 20 Blaustriimpfe, Die. G. G. N. lord Byron. in 821.2: 61 v9 Blighted being, A. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 vl6 Blind boy. The. J. Kenney. in 812 : 1 v58 Bloody brother. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2: 8 vlO Blossom of Churnlngton Green, The. F. R. Hoskins. in 812 : 1 v83 Blow for blow. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 vlOl Blow in the dark, The. W. T. Townsend. in 812 : 1 vl06 Bliicher in Teterow. F. Renter. in 832 : 75 Blue Beard. J. R. Planche and C. Dance, in 812 : 1 vl9 Blue Beard, from a new point of hue. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v49 Bluebeard re-paired. H. Meilhac and L. Halevy. in 812 : 1 v70 Blue devils. G. Colman, the younger. in 812 : 1 v87 Blue-jackets, The. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 v47 Blumen, Die. K. T. Korner. in 831 : 41 Blunderer, The. Moliere. in 842.2 : vl Boabdil in Kordova. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v9 Board and residence. C. Edwardes. in 812 : 1 v89 Boarding house. The. S. Beazley,ir. in 812 : 1 vl21 Bob. K. G. T. Winkler. 832 : 86 Bobby, A. 1. G. S. Hodgson. in 812 : 1 vlOO Boccaccio. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832: 16 v7 Bold dragoons. The. M. Barnett. in 812 : 1 v9 Bold stroke for a husband, A. Mrs. H. P. Cowley. in 812 : 1 vll6 Bold stroke for a wife, A. S. Centlivre. in 822.2 : 1 vl Bombastes Furioso. W. B. Rhodes. in 812 : 1 v3 Bonbons. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 6 Bon ton. D. Garrick. in 822.2 : 1 vl Bona flde travellers. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 vie Bondman, The. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 Bonduca. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher, in 822.2 : 8 v6 Bonnie flsh wife. The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v37 Book the third, chapter the first. E. Pierron and A. La- te rriere. in. 812 : 1 v7 Boots at the Swan, The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v34 Border marriage, A. W. J. Sorrell. in 812 : 1 v65 Bores, The. Moliere. in 842 : 2 vl Born to good luck. T. Power. in 8 1 2 : 1 v2 Borrowed plumes. C. A. Maltby. in 812 : 1 v92 Biise haus. Das. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 : 4 v8 Bosezungen. H. Laube. 832: 59 vll Boston dip. The. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 2 Bottle, The. T. P. Taylor. in 812: lvl7 Bourgeois gentilhomme, Le. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v8 Bought. F. Harvey. in 812 : 1 vlOl Bould soger boy. The. E. Stirling. in 812: Ivlll Bow bells. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 vl 17 Bowl'd out. H. T. Craven. in 812 : 1 v47 Box and Cox. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v5 Box and Cox married and settled ? J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v8 Braut, Die. K. T. Korner. 2n831:41 Braut von Abydos, Die. G. G. N. lord Byron. in 821.2 :61 v9 Braut von Messina, Die. F. v. Schiller, in 830 : 143 v5 Same. in 830 : 144 v7 Braute von Florenz, Die. J. Mosen. in 832 : 66 Brautfahrt, Die. G. Freytag. in 832 : 95 Briiutigam von Haiti, Der. G. v. Frank. 832 : 22 Brautstand und ehestand. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832 : 16 v2 Same. in 832 : 15 vl Breach of promise. The. J. B. Buckstone. in 822.2 : 3 Bread on the waters. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 5 Brewer of Preston, The. T. H. Reynoldson. in 812 : 1 vll3 Brian Boroihme. J. S. Knowles. in 812 : 1 vl09 Bridal, The. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 2 v6 Bridal wreath. The. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl07 Bride of Abydos, The. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v36 Bride of Abydos, The. W. Dimond. in 812 : 1 v70 Bride of Lammermoor, The. J. W. Calcraft. in 812 : 1 v28 Bride of Ludgate, The. D. W. Jerrold. in 812 : 1 v93 Bride of Messina, The. F. v. Schiller. in 830 : 150 v3 Same. in 830 : R153 v3 Brigand, The. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v2 Same. in 812 : 1 v60 Brigands of Calabria, The. in 812 : 1 v65 Bristol diamonds. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v56 " British born." P. Meritt and H. Pettitt. in 812 : 1 vl09 Broken hearts. W.S.Gilbert. in812:lvll8 Broken sword. The. W. Dimond. in 812 : 1 v85 Broken ties. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v96 Broken toys. J. Daly. in 812 : 1 vl4 Brother and sister. W. Dimond. in 812 : 1 v46 Brother Ben. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v34 Brother Bill and me. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v52 Brothers, The. R. Cumberland. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Brown and the brahmins. R. Reece. in 812 : 1 v82 Brown the martyr. J. T. Lucas. in 812 : 1 v96 Bruderzwist in Habsburg, Ein. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v7 Brutus. J. W. V. Brawe. in 830 : 152 v77 Bubbles of the day. D. W. Jerrold. in 822.2 : 22 Buckstone at home. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v58 Buckstone's adventure with a polish princess. G. H. Lewes. in 812 : 1 v22 Bumble's courtship. F. E. Emson. in 812 : 1 v99 Biirgergeneral, Der. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v23 Busy body. The. S. Centlivre. in 812 : 1 v28 By royal command. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 vl06 By the cradle. E. Legouve. in 812 : 2 By this token. J. K. Angus. in 812 : 1 vl22 Cabin boy. The. E. Stirling. Cabinet question, A. J. R. Planch^. CflBsar, the watch dog. Cain ; a mystery. G. G. N. lord Byron, Same. germ. Caius Gracchus. J. S. Knowles. Calaynos. G. H. Boker. Caliph of Bagdad, The. W. Brough. Calirrhoe. M. Field.- Calypso, queen of Ogygia. S. Brooks. Camaralzaman and tne fair Badoura. Camilla's husband. W. Phillips. Camille (The lady of the camellias). A in 812: 1 vl04 in 812: 1 v20 in 812: 1 v79 in 821.2: 59 in 821.2: 61 v3 in 822.2 : 24 vl in 822.1 : 7 vl in 812: 1 v79 822.2 : 47 in 812 : 1 v67 H. J. Byron. in 812: 1 v94 in 812: 1 v59 . Dumas, ftls. in 812 : 1 v27 619 Cl. 812, Titles. LiTERATTJRE-DtlAMA. Camp Cousin. 620 Camp at the Olympic, The. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v2 Cantab, The. in 812 : 1 v50 Cape mail, The. C. W. Scott. in 812 : 1 vll9 Capital match, A. J. M. Morton. m 812 : 1 v8 Capitola. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 v70 Captain, The. F. Beaumont and 3. Fletcher. in 822 2 8 "vS Captain Charlotte. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 v39 Captain is not a-miss. The. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v29 Captain of the watch. The. J. R. Planche. in 812 :lvl8 Captain Smith. E. Berrie. in 812 : 1 v89 Capuletta. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 5 Caratach and Hengro. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Cardenio und Celinde. A. Gryphius. in 830 : 152 v29 Cardinal's illness. The. G. Droz. in 812 : 2 Careless husband. The. C. Cibber. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Carosse der heiligen sacramente. Die. P. Merimee. in 840 : 1 v5 Carpenter of Rouen. The. J. S. Jones. in 812 : 1 v4 Carte de visite. M. Williams and F. C. Burnand. in 812: 1 v57 Cartouche. A. P. Dennery and F. Dugue. in 812 : 1 vTB Case is altered, The. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 vG Cast king of Granada, The. F. S. A. Colomb. in 812 : 1 vl03 Castle spectre, The. M. G. Lewis. in 812 : 1 v30 Catch a weazel. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v54 Catching a mermaid. J. S. Coyne. iw 812 : 1 v24 Catching an heiress. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v39 Catherine Howard. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v37 Catiline. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v4 Calo. J.Addison. in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v99 Cato von eisen. H. Laube. in 832 : 59 vl3 Catspaw, The. D. W. Jerrold. in 822.2 : 22 Caught by the cufif. F. Hay. in 812 : 1 v67 Caught by the ears. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v41 Caught in a line. C. Bolton. in 812 : 1 v54 Caught in his own trap. itrs. A. Phillips. in 812 : 1 vl06 Census, The. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v60 Chagrined author. The. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Chain of guilt. The. T. P. Taylor. in 812 : 1 vl 10 Champagne. F. E. and A. M. Weatherly. in 812 : 1 v98 Chances, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v7 Same. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Chang-Ching-Fou ! W. Martin. in 812 : 1 v68 Change of system, A. J. H. Paul. in 812 : 1 v45 Chapter of accidents. A. J. T. Douglass, in 812 : 1 v96 Charcoal-burner, The. G. Almar. in 812 : 1 v71 Charles I. M. R. Mitford. in 820.2 : 27 Charles II. J. H. Payne. in 812 : 1 v30 Charles XII. J. R. Planche. in 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. in 812 ; 1 v67 Charming fair, A. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v58 Charming woman. The. H. Wigan. in 812 : 1 v60 Charms. Sir C. L. Young. in 812 : 1 vl04 Cheap excursion. A. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 v4 Checkmate. A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v86 Cherry and Fair Star. . in 812 : 1 v6 Cherry bounce. R. J.Raymond. in 812 : 1 v69 Chesterfield Thinskin. in 812 : 1 vl2 Chevalier de St. George, The. A. H. J. Duveyrier and E. R. de Bully. in 812 : 1 v25 Chevalier of the Maison Rouge, The. A. Dumas. in 812 : 1 v42 Child of the wreck. The. J. R. Planch^, in 812 : 1 v39 Child-stealer. The. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v70 Childhood's dreams. A. Dumas. in 812 : 1 vll8 Children of the castle. The. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 v35 Chimney corner. The. H. T. Craven. in 812 : 1 v60 Chiselling. J. J. Dllley and J. Allen. in 812 : 1 vl09 Choephorre, The. Aischylos. in 882 : 1 Chops of the Channel, The. F. Hay. in 812 : 1 v84 Cbopstick and Spikins. P. Meritt. in 812 : 1 vl09 Christine von Scnweden. W. Vogel. 832 : 82 Christmas boxes. A. Mayhew and S. Edwards. in 812 : 1 v46 Christmas carol, A. C. Z. Barnett. in 812 : 1 v94 Christmas eve. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 v46 Christmas eve in a watchhouse. C. 8. Cheltnam. in 812 : 1 v90 Christmas pantomime, A. T. Bilking. in 812 : 1 v96 Christophero Colombo. F. Riickert. 832 : 78 Chrononhotonthologos. R. Carey. in 812 : 1 v82 Chrystabelle. E. Falconer. in 812 : 1 v49 Cld, Der. C. D. Grabbe. in 832 : 32 v4 Cinderella. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v49 Cinderella. R. Lacy. in 812 : 1 vl8 Cinderella. Afrs. G. Macdonald. in x 822.2 : 36 Citizen, The, who apes the gentleman. Molidre. ^ in 842 : 2 v3 City madam. The. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 City wives' confederacy, The. -Sir J. Vanbrujih. in 822.2 : 1 vl Civilization. J. H. Wilkins. in 812 : 1 vlO Clari, the maid of Milan ! J. H. Payne. in 812 : 1 v95 Clandestine marriage. The. G. Colman and D. Garrick. in 8222 : 1 vl Same. in 822.2 : 2 v5 Same. in 812 : 1 v92 Clarissa Harlowe. T. H. Lacy and J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 v77 Claudine von Villa Bella. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v22 Same. in 830 : 152 v88 Clavigo. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v7 Cleft stick, A. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v68 Clockmaker's hat. The. D. de Girardin. in 812 : 1 vl 8 Close shave, A. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 5 Cloud and sunshine. J. Anderson. in 812 : 1 v87 Clytemnestra. E. R. Bulwer-Lytton. in 821.2: 55 Same. in 821.2 : 56 Coals of fire. H. T. Craven. in 812 : 1 v94 Cobbler, The. L. A. Aiken. in 822.1 : 9 Cola dl Rienzi. J. Grosse. 832 : 36 Cola Rienzi, der letzte volkstribun der romer. J. Mosen. in 832 : 66 Colleen Bawn, The. D. Boucicault. in 812 : 1 v63 Colleen Bawn settled at last. W. BrougL and A. Halli- day. in 812 : 1 v55 Comedy and tragedy. N. Fournier. in 812 : 1 v25 Comedy of errors, The. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 7 Same. in 822.3 : Kl vl Sajn^. in 822.3 : 2 v3 Same. in 822.3 : 3 vl Same. in 822.3 : 82 v2 Same. in 822.3 : R83 vl Same. in 812 :lv72 Comfortable lodgings. R. B. Peake. in 8 1 2 : 1 v82 Comfortable service. T. H. Bayly. in 8l2 : 1 vl Comic pastoral, A. Moliere. in 842 : 2 v2 Comic scene, A. H. Dan vers. in 812 : 1 v27 Comical countess. A. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v52 Coming woman. The. 812 : 1 vll2 Comtesse d' Escarbagnas, La. MollSre. in 842 : 3v 10 Comus. J. Milton. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Sams. in 821.2: 124 v2 Confederacy, The. 5ir J. Vanbrugh. in 822.2 : 10 Conjugal lesson, A. H. Danvers. in 812 : 1 v27 Conrad andMedora. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v29 Conspiracy of Fiesco at Genoa. F. v. Schiller. in 830 :R154vl Sam. in 830 : 150 v4 Constant couple. The. G. Farquhar. in 822.2 : lo Constantine Paleologus. J. Baillie. in 822.2 : 16 Constantinopel's fall. C. Spindler. in S 4326 Cool as a cucumber, W. B. Jerrold. in 812 : 1 v5 Coriolanus. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 8 Sams. in 822.3 : Rl v2 i^ame. in 822.3 : 2 v9 Sams. in 822.3 : 3 v2 Sams. in 822. 3 : 82 v5 Some. in 822.3 : R83 v6 Same. in 812 : 1 v95 Sams, germ. in 822.3 : 47 v8 Correggio. A. G. Oehlenschlager. 898.3 : 7 Corsican "bothers," The. H. J. Byron, in 812 : 1 v88 Corsican brothers. The. A. Dumas. in 812: 1 v6 Count Benyowsky. A. F. F. v. Kotzebue. in 832 : 96 v2 Count Konigsmark. K. freihsrr v. Reitzenstein. in 832 : 96 v6 Counter attraction. W. H. Tilbury. in 812 : 1 v5 Counterfeit presentment, A. W.D. Howells. 822.1:23 Countess of Escarbagnas, The. Moliere. in 842 : 2 v3 Country girl. The. D. Garrick. in 812 : 1 vlOl Sams. in 822.2 : 1 vl Country house. The. >Sir J. Vanbrugh. in 822.2 : 10 Country inn. The. J. Baillie. in 822.2 : 16 Country versus city. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Country wife, The. W. Wycherly. in 822.2 : 10 Courier of Lyons, The. L. I. E. L. Moreau, P. Siruudin and A. C. L. Delacour. in 812 : 1 vl5 Court beauties. The. J. R. Planch^. in 812 : 1 v21 Court cards. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v53 Court of lions. The. in 812 : 1 v70 Court of Oberon, The. E. Yorke, countess of Hardwicke. in812 : 1 vl7 "Courtship". H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 vl20 Cousin Lambkin. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v4 Cousin Peter. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 vl 17 Cousin Tom. G. Roberts. in 812 : 1 v58 Cousin Zachary, H. Gardner. in 812 : 1 vl22 621 Cox Doubtful. LITERATURE DRAMA . CI. 812, Titles. 623 Cox and Box. J. M. Morton and F. C. Burnand. m812 : 1 v99 Coxcomb, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v3 Cozy couple, A. G. H. Lewes. in 812 : 1 v24 Cracked heads. A. Clements and F. Hay. i812 : 1 vl08 Cramond hrig. W. H. Murray. in 812 : 1 v21 Creatures of impulse. W. S. Gilbert. in 812 : 1 v91 Creole, The. C. S. Brooks. in 812 : 1 vl Cricket on the hearth, The. A. Smith. in 812 : 1 v44 Crimeless criminal, A. M. Becher. in 812 : 1 vlOl Crinoline. R. B. Broug'h. in 812 : 1 v29 Critic, The. K. B. Sheridan. in 822.2 : 34 Sam.'.. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. in 812 : 1 v8 Critique de I'lficole des femmes, La. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v3 Crossing the line. G. Almar. in 812 : 1 v35 Crown diamonds. in 812 : 1 v78 Crown prince, The. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v26 Cruel to be kind. T. J. Williams and A. Harris. in 812 : 1 v46 Cup, The. A. Tennyson. 822.2 : 32 Cup of tea. C. L. E. T. Nuitter and J. Durley. in 812 : 1 v83 Cupboard love. F. Hay. in 812 : 1 v91 Cupid and Psyche. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v64 Cupid in waiting. W. B. Jerrold. in 812 : 1 v94 Cupid's revenge. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v2 Cure for a cuckold. A. J. Webster. in 822.2 : 12 v4 Cure for love. A. T. Parry. in 812 : 1 vl3 Cure for the fidgets, A. T. J. Williams, i^ 812 : 1 v77 Cure for the heartache, A. T. Morton. in 812 : 1 v34 Curious case, A. i 812 : 1 vl2 Custom of the country, The. F. Beaumont and .T. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v4 Cut for partners. J. Bruton. in812:lvll2 Cut off with a shilling. S. T. Smith. in 812 : 1 v97 Cymbeline. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 9 Same. in 822.3 : Rl v2 Same. in 822.3 : 2 vl2 Same. in 822.3 : 3 v2 Same. in 822.3 : 82 v5 Sam. in 822.3 : R83 v8 Same. in 812 : 1 v64 Same, geim. in 822.3 : 47 v8 Cymon and Iphigenia. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 vl9 Cynthia's revels. B. Jonson. in 822 2 : 6 v3 Cyril's success. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v89 Daddy Gray. A. Halliday. Daddy Hardacre. J. P. Simpson. Daisy Farm. H. J. Byron. Daisy Miller. H. .Tames. Damon. G. E. Lessing. Same. Damon and Pythias. J. Banim. Dandelion's dodges. T. J. Williams. Daniel. H. More. in 812 : 1 v85 in 812 : 1 vlOO in812 : 1 vll5 822.1 : 20 in 832 : 61 v2 in 830: 152 v60 in 822.2: 2 v5 in 812 : 1 v78 in 820.2 : 28 vl Death of Wallenstein, The. F. v. Schiller. in 830: 150 v2 Same. in 830 : 153 v2 Sam^. in 820.2 : 7 v7 Deborah. C. S. Cheltnam. in 812 : 1 v63 Debt. E. A. DePass. in 812 : 1 vlOO Deeds, not words. J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 vl05 Deep, deep sea, The. J. R. Planche and C. Dance. in 812 : 1 v41 Deep red rover, The. F. Hay and W. Chapman. in812: 1 vlll Deerfoot. F. C. Burnand. Deformed transformed. The Dan'l Druce. blacksmith. W.S.Gilbert, in 812 : 1 vll8 Danton's tod. G. Biichner. in 830 : 132 Dark cloud. The. G. Rose. in 812 : 1 v57 Dark doings in the cupboard. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v64 Daughter The. T. H. Bayly. in 812 : 1 vl Daughter, The. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 vl Daughter to marry, A. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v74 Davenport bros. and co. T. E. Pemberton. in 812: 1 vllB Davenport Done. Col. Colomb. in 812 : 1 v74 David. F. G. Klopstock. in 83 1: 40 v6 David and Bethsabe. G. Peele. in 822.2 : 5 David and Goliath. H. More. in 820.2 : 28 vl David Garrick. F. W. Robertson. in 812:lvll7 Day after the fair, A. C. A. Somerset. in 812 : 1 v76 Day after the wedding. M. T. Kemble. in 812 : 1 v3 Day in Paris, A. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v69 Day of reckoning, A. .1. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v21 Day well spent. A. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v34 Day's fishing. A. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v83 Dead heart. The. W. Phillips. in 812 : 1 v82 Dead shot, A. .T. B. Buckstone. in 812 : 1 v34 Dead witnes<. The. W. Reeve. in 812 : 1 v99 Deadman's Point. F. C. Burnand. in 812 :lv92 Deaf and dumb. A. F. F. v. Kotzebue. in 832 : 96 v3 Deaf as a post. J.Poole. i81.2:lvl4 Sam'.. in 822.2 : 3 ! Deal boatman, The. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v60 Dearest mamma! W.Gordon. in 812 :lv46 Death of Marlowe, The. R. H. Home. in 812 : 1 v89 1 in 812: 1 v53 G. G. N. lord Byron in "821.2 : 59 in 812: 1 vl8 in 822.1 : 10 vl 832:59vl2 in 830 : 143 v7 in 830: 150 v4 in 812 : 1 vllO in 812: 1 vll3 in 842 : 3 vl in 822.2 : 5 in 812: 1 vl21 in 812 : 1 vlO in 822.2 : 1 vl in 822.2 : 6 v5 in 822.2 : 1 vl in 812: 1 vll9 in 812: 1 vl07 in 822.2 : 12 v3 in 812: 1 v88 Delicate ground. C. Dance. Demetria. J. A. Hillhouse. Demetrius. H. Laube. Demetrius. F. v. Schiller. Same. Demon of the desert. A. L. Campbell. Dentist's clerk, The. E. Von Culin. Depit amoureux, Le. Moliere. Descensus Astrffise. G. Peele. Deserter in a fix, A. B. Soane-Roby. Desperate game, A. J. M. Morton. Deuce is in him. The. G. Colman. Devil is an ass. The. B. Jonson. Devil to pay. The. C. Coffey. Devilish good joke, A. T. Higgle. Devil's ducat, The. D. W. .Terrold. Devil's law-case. The. J. Webster. Devil's mount, The. T. Higgle. Diamantene kreuz, Das. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832 : 16 v2 Diamond cut diamond. W. H. Murray. in 812 : 1 v7 Dice of death. The. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 vl 10 Dichter. Der. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v5 "Did I dream it?" J. P. Wooler. in 812: 1 v50 Dido, the celebrated widow. F. C. Burnand. in 812: 1 v44 Dienstmadchen, Das. J. R. Benedix. in 832 : 9 Dienstpflicht. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v3 Dinner for nothing. C. S. Cheltnam. in 812:1 v67 Dinorah under difficulties. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 vSl Discomfited rivals. The. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Discreet princess. The. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v24 Distressed mother. The. J. Racine. in 822.2 : 1 vl D'ye know me now? W. Martin. in 812 : 1 vl05 Doctor and the apothecary. The. J. Cobb. in 822.2: 1 vl Dodge for a dinner. A. T. A. Palmer, in 812 : 1 vlOO Does he love me ? E. Falconer. in 812 : 1 vlOO Dog of Montargis. The. in 812 : 1 v43 Doge of Duralto, The. R. B. Brough. in 812 : 1 v88 Doing banting. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812: 1 v64 Doing for the best. R. Lacy. in 812 : 1 v55 Doing my uncle. R. Lacy. in 812 : 1 v72 Doing the "hansom." A.Harris. m812 : 1 v28 "Dolly." in 812 : 1 v49 Domestic economy. M. Lemon. in 812 : 1 v2 Dominique, the deserter. W. H. Murray, in 812 : 1 v50 Don Cfesar de Bazan. P. F. P. Dumanoir and A. P. Den- nery. Don Carlos. F. v. Schiller. Same. Same. Same, eng. Same. Same. Don Garcia of Navarre. Moliere. Don Juan. Moliere. Same. Don Juan und Faust. C. D. Grabbe Donauweib, Das. .T. L. Tieck. Done brown. H. Ts Craven. Done on both sides. J. M. Morton. Don't judge by appearances. J. M. Don't lend your umbrella. Door is locked. The. L. Supersac. Doppelwette, Die. G. Reinbeck. Dora's device. R. Reece. Double-bedded room. The. J. M. Morton Double-dealer, The. W. Congreve. Double dealing. W. E. Suter. Double dummy. N. H. Harrington and E. Yates in 812 : 1 v35 Double-faced people. J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 v31 Double marriage, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v6 Doubtful victory, A. J. Oxenford. in 812 :lv36 n 812: 1 vl2 in 830 : 143 v3 in 830 : 144 v5 in 830: 152 vl21 in 830: 150 v3 in 830 :R1 54 v2 in 832 : 96 v2 in 842 : 2 vl in 842 : 2 v2 in 842 : 3 v4 in 832: 32 vl in 830 : 148 vl3 in 812: 1 v81 in 812: 1 v26 Morton. in 812: 1 v24 L. Buckingham. in 812 : 1 v30 in 812 : 2 in 832 : 73 v2 in 812 : 1 v90 in 812:1 v60 in 822.2: 10 in 812: 1 v47 CI. 812, Titles. LITERATURE DRAMA. Douglas Familie . 624 Douglas. J. Home. in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v31 Douglas travestie. W. L. Rede. in 812 : 1 v46 Doves in a cag-e. D. W. Jerrold. in 822.2 : 23 Same. in 812 : 1 v99 Dowager, The. C. Mathews. in 812 : 1 v22 Down by the sea. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 5 Down in a balloon. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v92 Drama at home, The. J. R. Planche. iji 812 : 1 v20 Dramatic stories. L. H. Phelps. 822.1 : 12 Dramatische scenen. S. O. lacly Morgan. 822.2 : 25 Drapery question. The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v33 Drawing room, second floor and attics. J. M. Morton. 1)1812: 1 v62 Dreadfully alarming. C. Edwardes a)td E. Cullerne. m8l2:lv95 Dream, The. J. Baillle. in 822.2 : 15 v3 Dream of the future, A. C. Dance. in 812 : 1 v21 Dream snectre. The. T. E. Wilks. . in 812 : 1 v40 Dred. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v57 Drei grossten wunder, Die. P. Calderon de la Barca. in 862 : 1 v2 Dreizehnte november, Der. K. P. Gutzkow. in 832 : 37 v5 Drifted apart. Sir C. L. Young. in 812 : 1 vl21 Drummer. J. Addison. in 822.2 : 1 Same. in 821.2: 18 Drunkard, The. W. H. 8. Smith. in 812 : 1 v7 Drunkard's children, The. J. B. Johnstone. in 812 : 1 v99 Duchess de la Valliere, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer Lvtton. in 8222 : 17 v2 Duchess of Dublin, The. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 2 Duchess of Malfl, The. J.Webster. in 8222: 12 v2 Duchess or nothing. W. Gordon. in 812 : 1 v47 Duck hunting. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v56 Duel in the dark. A. J.S.Coyne. fn 812 : 1 v8 Duenna, The. R. B. Sheridan. in 822.2 : 34 Same. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Duke of Milan, The. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 Duke's daughter. The. A. Bourgeois and P. Feval. in 812: 1 v57 Dumb Andy. M. Edgeworth. in 822.1 : 9 Dumb belle. The. W.B.Bernard. in 812 : 1 v23 Dumb girl of Portici, The. E. Scribe. in 812 : 1 v93 Dumb maid of Genoa, The. J. Farrell. in 812 : 1 v29 Dumb man of Manchester, The. B. F. Rayner. in 812: 1 v26 Dumb Savoyard and his monkey. The. C. P. Thompson. in 812 : 1 v98 Dying for love. J. M. Morton, in 812 : 1 v36 Earl of Essex, The. H. Jones. in 822.2 : 1 v2 East Lynne. T. A. Palmer. in 812 : 1 vl03 Easy shaving. F. C Burnand and M. Williams. in 812 : 1 v60 Eclipsing the son. W. W. Hartopp. i/( 812 : 1 v54 Ecole des femmes, L'. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v3 Ecole des maris, L'. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v2 Eddystone elf. The. G. D. Pitt. in 812 : 1 v69 Edendale. C. S. Cheltnam. in 812 : 1 v84 Edward I. G. Peele. in 822.2 : 5 Edward II. C. Marlowe. in 822.2 : 38 Eginhard und Emma. F. H. K. de La Motto P\)uqut'. inL351 v3 Egmont. J. W. V. Gothe. in 830: 137 v7 Egoist. Der. J. L. Deinhardstein. i/i 832 : 16 vl Egyptian, The. J. H. Wilkins. in 812 : 1 vl2 Enen werden im himmel geschlossen. Die. C. W. (Jon- tessa. in 830 : 134 v4 Ehepaar aus der provlnz. Das. J. F. Jiinger. 832 : 53 1863; or The sensations of the past season. H. J. Byron. in 812: 1 v61 Eileen Oge. E. Falconer. in 812 : 1 vl07 Eily O'Connor. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v47 ElHyder. W. Barrymore. in 812 :lv6 Elder brother. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vlO Election, The. J. Baillie. in 822.2: 15 v2 Electra. Sophokles. in 882 : 3 Electra in a new electric light. F. Talfourd. in 812: 1 v39 Eligible situation, An. T. Archer and J. E. Brough. in 822 2 : 14 Eliso von Valherg. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 vlO Elisir d'amore, L'. T. H. Reynoldson. in 812 : 1 v37 Ellen Wareham. W. E. Burton. in 812 : 1 v34 Elopement. H. A. Jones. in 812 : 1 vl22 Elopements in high life. R. Sulivan. in 812 : 1 vlO Emilia Galotti. G. B. Lesslng. in 830 : 140 v2 Same, eny. in 832 : 61 vl Same. i)i 832 : 96 v6 Emperor of the east. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 Enchanted wood. The. H.J.Byron. in 812 :lv99 End of the tether. The. G. C. Baddeley. in 812 : 1 v74 Endogut, alles gut. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 v3 Endymion. W. Brough. i)i 812:1 v49 Engaged. W. S. Gilbert. in 812 : 1 vl 17 Englishman's house is his castle, An. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v31 Ensign, The. F. L. SchrMer. 832 : 96 v5 Entfiihrung, Die. J. F. Jiinger. 832 : 54 Epicoene oder Das stille frauenzimmer. B. Jonson. in 830 : 148 vl2 Epimenides erwachen, Des. J. W. v. Gothe. ^ , ^ in 830: 137 v23 Equals. E.Rose. in812:lvll9 Erbthoildes vaters. Das. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v6 Erich der bauern-konig. R. E. Prutz. in 832 : 70 v3 Erinnerung. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v8 Ernani. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v67 Ernst und humor. E. v. Bauernfeld. 832 : 6 Kroberung von Granada, Die. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 :4 vll.14 Erste april 1856, Der, F. Reuter. 832 : 75 Erwin und Elmire. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v22 Same. in 830 : 152 v88 Erzherzog Maximilians brautzug. J. L. Deinluudstoin. in 832 : 16 v4 Esmeralda. H. J. Byron. in 812:1 v52 Esmeralda. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 vl8 Esmeralda. A. Smith. in 812 : 1 v2 Esther. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v6 Esther, the royal Jewess. E. Polack. in 812 : 1 vl20 Ethwald. J. Baillie. in 822.2 : 15 v2 Eton boy. The. E. Morton. in 812 : 1 vl6 Etourdi, L'. Moliore. in 842 : 3 vl Eugene Aram. W. T. Moncriefif. in 812 : 1 vl03 Eunuchus. P. Terentius Afor. in 872 : 1 Same. in 872 : 2 1 Eurydice. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v92 Eustache Baudin. J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 vl5 Eva. L. Gozlan. 832 : 86 Evadne. R. L. Shell. in 812 : 1 v24 Every man in his humour. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. in 812 : 1 v91 Same. 822.2 : 6 vl Every man out of his humour. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v2 Every one has his fault. E. Inchbald. in 812 : 1 vl07 Everybody's friend. J. S. Coyne. in 812:1 v40 Everybody's husband. R. Ryan. in 812:1 v92 Evil eye. The. R. B. Peake. in 812:1 v43 Evil genius, The. W.B.Bernard. in 812 : 1 v26 Exposition, The. C. S. Brooks. in 812:1 v3 Extremes. E. Falconer. in 812 : 1 v42 Extremes meet. K. Field. in 812 : 1 vl 1 1 Fabler, Die. G. Freytag. Fabrikant, Der. E. Devrient. in 832 : 95 in 832: 17 v2 Faces in the Are. L. Buckingham. in 812 : 1 v65 Facheux, Les. Molii^ro. in 842 : 3 v8 Faint heart never won fair lady. J. R. Planche. in 822.2: 2 v6 Same. in 812: 1 v35 Faint heart which did win a fair lady, A. J.P. Woolcr. in 812: 1 v57 Fair encounter, A. C. M. Rae. in 812 : 1 vl04 Fair exchange, A. A. M. Williams. in 812 : 1 v47 Fair maid of Perth, The. H. M. Milner. in 812 : 1 v71 Fair maid of the inn. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vlO Fair one with golden locks, The. J. R. Planche. in 812: 1 vl9 Fair penitent. The. N. Rowe. in 812 : 1 vl04 Same. in 8222 : 13 vl Same. in 822-2 : 1 vl Fair pretender, A. J. P. Simpson. in 812:1 v66 Fair Rosamond. F. C. Burnand. in 812 :lv55 Fair Rosamond. M. Field. 822.2 : 47 Fairy's father, A. C S. Cheltnam. fn 812 : 1 v54 Faithful friends, The. F. Beaumont and J. FlctcluT-. in 822.2 : 8 v4 Faithful shepherdess, The. F. Beaumont and .1. I'lctclicr. in 822.2 : 8 v2 Falcon, The. A. Tennyson. 822.2 : 45 False alarm, A. A. W. Young. in 812 : 1 vl09 False and constant. J. Lunn. In 812 : 1 vl6 False colours. E Fitzball. in 812 :lvl 10 False delicacy. A. F. F. v. Kotzebue. in 832 : 96 v3 False friend. The. Sir J. Vanbrugh. in 822.2 : 10 False one, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 ve "False step. A". A. Matthlson. i?i812:lvll3 Fame. C. M. Rae. in 812 : 1 vl 10 Familie Carvajal, Die. P. M^rim^e. in 840 : 1 v6 62.^ Family George. LITEBATUIIE DRAMA. CI. 812, Titles. 626 Family failing:, A. J. Oxenford. Painily .iars. J. iJunn. Family lepcnd, The. J. Baillie. Family of martyrs, A. E. Valle. Family pictures. E. Stirling:. Family secret. The. B. Falconer. Fan-Fan, the tulip. F. P. Meurice. in 812: 1 v29 in 812 : 1 vl4 w 822.2: 15 v3 852: 1 tH812: 1 vlOe in 812 : 1 v47 in 812: 1 v65 Fancies, chaste and noble. The. J. Ford, in 822.2 : 9 v2 Farmer's story. The. W. B. Bernard. in 812 : 1 v44 Fascinatinf? individual, A. H. Danvers. in 812 : 1 v27 Fashion. A. C. Ritchie. in 822.1 : 14 Fast coach, The. C. J. Claridge and R. Soutar. in 812 :lvl02 Past friends. R. Henry. i?i 812 : 1 vl20 Fast train, A. in 812 : 1 vlO Fastnachtspiel vom Pater Brey, Ein. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830: 137 v22 Fatal curiosity. G. Lillo. in 822.2 : 1 vl Fatal dowry. The. P. Massing:er. in 822.2 : 7 Same. in 812:1 v88 Fatal falsehood, The. H. More. in 820.2 : 28 vl Fatal g-lass. The. J. M'Closkey. in 812 : 1 vl06 Father's sacrifice. The. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Faust. J. W. V. Giithe. 830 : 137 v5,6 Sanie. in 830 : B 136 v2 Same. in 830 : 152 v93 Same, eng. 832 : 31 Sam^. 832 : 97 Sams. t830 : 151 v2 Sams, prose. 832 : 30 Same. in 830 : 151 v3 Faust and Marguerite. F. C. Burnand. in 812:1 v63 Faust and Marg-uerite. M. Carre. in 812 : 1 vl5 Faust and Marguerite. J. Halford. in 812 : 1 v73 Faust, or The fate of Margaret. W. B. Bernard. in 812: 1 v83 Faustus. C. Marlowe. in 822.2 : 38 Same. in 832 : 97 Fazio. H. H. Milman. in 812 : 1 v66 " Fearful tragedy in the Seven Dials." C. Selby. in 812: 1 v31 Fellow-culprits, The. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 151 v4 Felon's bond. The. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v85 Femmes savantes, Les. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v9 Ferdinand der zweyte. C Pichler. in 832 : 69 v3 Fergus Mac Ivor. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 : 4 v6 Fesseln. E. Scribe. 832 : 87 Fetes de Versailles, Les. Molidre. in 842 : 3 vlO Feudal times. J. White. in 822.2 : 2 v6 Field of forty foot steps, The. P. Farren. in 812: 1 vl6 Field of the cloth of gold. The. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v80 Fiesco at Genoa, The conspiracy of. F. v. Schiller. i830 : 150 v4 Same. in830:R153vl Fiesco zu Genua, Die verschworung des. F. v. Schiller. iw830: 152 vl20 Same. in 830 : 143 v2 Sams, neu bearb. von G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v6 Fifteen years of labour lost. in 812 : 1 v26 Fighting by proxy. J. Kenney. in 812 : 1 v74 Fille de madame Angot, La. L. F. N. Clairville, P. Siraudin and V. Koning. in 812 : 1 vl03 Fine feathers. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 vl20 Fire eater. The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v4 Fireflies. J. Sturgis. in 822.2 : 35 Fire raiser. The. G. Almar. in 812 : 1 v84 Fireside diplomacy. C. S. Cheltnam. in 822.2 : 14 Firmilian. W. E. Aytoun. 822.2 : 14 First affections. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v52 First experiment, A. J. W. Jones. in 812 : 1 vl21 First floor, The. J. Cobb. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. in 812 : 1 v86 First in the field. C. M. Rae. in 812 : 1 vl 18 First love. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v69 First love-letter, The. J. de Biez. id 812 : 2 First night. The. in 812 : 1 vl3 Fischerin, Die. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v22 Sams. in 830 : 152 v88 Fischermadchen, Das. K. T. Korner. in 831 : 41 Fish out of water. J. Lunn. in 812 : 1 vl6 Fitzsmythe of Fltzsmythe Hall. J. M. Morton. in 812 :lv46 Five pounds reward. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v24 Fleck. B. A. Herrmann. 832 : 47 Flibustier, Die. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v2 Fliegende hollander, Der. W. R. Wagner. in 780 : 20 vl Same. 832 : 6 Files in the web. J. Brougham. in 812 : 1 v69 Flitterwochen, Die. K. G. T. Winkler. 832 : 88 Floating beacon, The. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 v75 Florette. J. L. Delnhardstein. in 832: 16 v5 Flower of the family. The. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 4 Flower of Tlemcen, The. E. Legouve and P. Merime<^. in 812 : 2 Fly and the web. The. A. C. Troughton. in 812 : 1 v69 Flying doctor. The. MoliSre. in 842 : 2 v3 Flying dutchman. The. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 v71 Follies of a night. The. J. R. Planch^. in 822.2 : 3 Same. in 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. in 812 : 1 vl4 Follow the leader. C. M. Rae. in 812 : 1 v99 Fool's revenge, The. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v43 For better or worse. C. A. Maltby. in 812 : 1 vl05 For her child's sake. Sir C. L. Young, in 812 : 1 vl 18 For honor's sake. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl08 Forced marriage, The. Moliere. in 842 : 2 vl Forest exiles, The. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Forest keeper. The. H. Holl. in 812 : 1 v44 Foitunat. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v3 Fortune's frolic. J. T. Allingham. in 822.2 : 1 vl Sanvi. in 812 : 1 v60 Fortunio. J. R Planche. in 812 : 1 vl9 Forty winks. G. Roberts. in 812 : 1 v57 Foscari. M. R. Mitford. in 812 : 1 v86 Same. in 820.2 : 27 Found in a four-wheeler! T. J. Williams, in 812:1 v70 Founded on fact. I. P. Wooler. in 812 : 1 v45 Foundling of the forest. The. W. Dimond. in 812 : 1 v2 Fountain of beauty. The. J. M. Kingdom. in 812 : 1 vl2 Four cousins. The. A. Mayhew and S. Edwardes. in 812: 1 v92 Four plays in one. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v2 Four sisters. The. W. B. Bernard. in 812 : 1 v23 Fourberies de Scapin, Les. Moli6re. in 842 : 3 v9 Fox, The. B. Jonson. , in 822.2 : 6 v3 Fra Diavolo. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v35 Francesca da Rimini. G. H. Boker. in 822.1 : 7 vl Frank Fox Phipps, esq. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 vlOO Frankenstein. H. M. Milner. in 812 : 1 v75 Fraud and its victims. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v29 Frauenstand. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v7 Frederick of Prussia. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v32 Free thinker. The. G. E. Lessing. in 832 : 61 v2 Freezing a mother-in-law. T. E. Pemberton. in 812 :lvll6 Freischutz, Der. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v81 Freischiitz, Der. J. Oxenford. in 812:1 v69 Fremdes gliick. K. F. Gutzkow. in 832 : 37 v8 French exhibition. The. F. Hay. in S12: 1 v75 Freres corses, Les. A. Dumas. i?( 812 : 1 v6 Friar Bacon and friar Bungay. R. Greene, in 822.2 : 5 Friend in need, A. S. French and W. J. Sorrell. in 812: 1 v46 Friend Waggles. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v33 Friends or foes. H. Wigan. in 812 : 1 v54 From Calais to Dover. E. d'Hervilly. in 812 : 2 From village to court. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 vl5 Frou-Frou. H. Meilhac and L. HaMvy. in 812 : 1 v88 Fiindling, Der. C W. Contessa. in 830 : 134 v2 Funnibone's fix. A. Williams. in 812 : 1 vll8 Fiir heimliche beleidigung heimliche rache. P. Calderon de la Barca. in 862 : 1 vl Furies, The. Aischylos. in 882 : 1 Furnished apartments. H. A. Y. in 812 : 1 v98 Fiirst und dichter. J. L. Delnhardstein. in 832: 16 v5 Gale Breezley. J. B. Johnstone. ^"812 : 1 y7 Game of romps, A. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 vl8 Game of speculation. The. G. H. Lewes, in 812 : 1 v5 Gamester, The. E. Moore. in 822.2 : 1 vl Ganem, the slave of love P. Talfourd. in 812 : 1 v6 Garibaldi "excursionists". H. J. Byron, in 812 : 1 v48 Garrick fever. The. J. R. Planch^. in 812 : 1 v22 Garrick in Bristol. J. L. Delnhardstein. in 832: 16 v7 Gascogner in Paris, Der. G. v. Frank. ^ 832 : 23 Gast, Der. J. L. Delnhardstein. in 832 : 16 v5 Gastfreund, Der. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v3 Gefahrliche tante. Die. J. B. v. Meddlhammer. 832 : 1 Geheime agent, Der. P. W. Hackliinder. . 832 : 38 Gelehrte, Der. G. Freytag. m 832 : 95 Gelibte dornrose, Die. A. Gryphius. m 830 : 152 v29 Genoveva. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v2 Gentle shepherd, The. A. Ramsay. 822.2 : 27 Gentleman dancing-master, The. W. Wycherley. in 822.2 : 10 Gentleman in black. The. W. S. Gilbert, in 812 : 1 v88 Gentlemen of the jury. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 2 George-a-Greene. R. Greene. in 822.2 : 5 George Barnwell. G. LlUo. in 822.2 : 1 vl San^. in 812 :lv79 George de Barnwell. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v57 627 CI. 812, Titles. LITERATURE DRAMA. Georg-e Heather. 628 George Dandln. Moliere. Same. George Geith. C. E. L. Rlddell. Germanicus. C. Pichler. Gertrude's cherries. D. W. Jerrold. Gertrude's money box. H. Lemon. Geschwister, Die. J. W. v. Gothe. in 842 : 2 v2 in 842 : 3 v6 i-n812 : 1 vll9 in 832 : 69 vl w812: 1 v88 in 812 : 1 v83 in 830 : 137 v8 iw830: 152 v87 Geschwister vom lande, Die. J. F. Jiing-er. 832 : 55 Gespenst auf der brautschau, Das. J. B. v. Zahlhas. 832 : 93 Gestiefelte kater, Der. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v5 Ghost-seer, The. F. v. Schiller. in 830: 150 v4 Gilded youth. Sir C. L. Young. in 812 : 1 v99 Gilderoy. W. H. Murray. in 812 : 1 v9 Gipsy farmer. The. J. B. Johnstone. in 812 : 1 v36 Giraida. H. Welstead. in 812:1 v26 Girls of the period, The. A. B. in 822.2 : 14 Girondisten, Die. W. R. Griepenkerl. 832 : 33 Giselle. H.J.Byron. in 812 :lv93 Gisippus. G. Griffin. in G 2551 v8 Gitanilla. J.C.Wilson. in 812 : 1 v48 Give a dog a bad name. G. H. Lewes. i?i 812 : 1 v24 Give me my wife. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v75 Glaserne pantoffel, Der. A. v. Platen, in 830 : 141 v2 Glass of water, A. E. Scribe. in 812 : 1 v79 Gleich und gleich. M. Hartmann. in 830 : 138 vlO Glencoe. T. N. Talfourd. in 822.2 : 30 Glin Gath. P. Merltt. in 812 : 1 v99 Glitter. G. A' Beckett. in 812 :lv83 Gliicksblume, Die. H. C. Andersen. in 898.3 : 1 Gnome king. The. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v86 Go to Putney. H. Lemon. in 812 : 1 v80 Godiva. *" ?i2 = 1 y4 Going to Chobham. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl 1 Going to the bad. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v37 Going to the Derby. J. M. Morton. in 812:1 v37 Going to the dogs 1 W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v65 Gold flend. The. W. T. Townsend. in 812 : 1 vl07 Golden branch, The. J. K. Planche. in 812 : 1 vl9 Golden farmer, The. B. Webster. in 812 : 1 v76 Golden fetter, A. W. Phillips. i?i 812 : 1 v83 Golden fleece. The. J. K. Planche. in 812 : 1 v20 Golden plough, The. P. Merltt. in 812 : 1 vlll Goldene boden, Der. K. Arnold. 832 : 3 Goldene vliess. Das. F. GrlUparzer. 832 : 35 v3 Golo und Genoveva. F. Miiller. in 830 : 152 v81 Gonnerschaften, Die. E. Scribe. in 832 : 16 v6 Same. in 832 : 15 v2 Good for evil. G. V. E. Augier. in 812:1 v43 Good for nothing. J. B. Buckstone. in 812 : 1 vl7 Good little wife, A. A. de Musset. in 812 : 1 vl7 Good-natured man, The. O. Goldsmith, in 812 : 1 vl09 Good night, signer Pantaloon. in 812:1 v73 Good run for it, A. I. V. Bridgeman. in 812 : 1 vl4 Good woman in the wood. The. J. B. Planche. in 812 : 1 v9 Gordon und Montrose. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v4 Gossip. A. Harris and T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v76 Gotobed Tom. T. Morton. in 812 : 1 v8 Gottr, helden und Wieland. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830: 137 v22 Same. i 830 : 152 v87 Giitterdiimmerung. W.R.Wagner. in 780: 20 v6 Giittergesprache. C. M. Wieland. 830 : 149 v3 Gottsched und Gellert. H. Laube. 832 : 59 v6 Gotz von Berlichingen. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830: 137 v7 Same, fur die buhne bearb. in 830 : 137 v31 Same, eng. in 830 : 151 v4 Gouvernante, Die. K. T. Kiirner. in 831 : 41 Governor's wife. The. T. Middenhall. in 812 : 1 v31 Grace Darling. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 vl04 Grace Huntley. H. Holl. in 812 : 1 v82 Graciosa and Percinet. J. R. Planch^. in 812 : 1 v20 Graf Essex. H. Laube. 832 : 69 v8 Graf Rasowsky. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 vl Graf Waldcmar. G. Freytag. in 832 : 95 Grateful father, A. T. E. Pemborton. in 812 : 1 vl 12 Graue miinnloin. Das. E. Devrient. in 832: 17 vl Greatdukeof Florence, The. P. Massinger. in 822.2: 7 Great elixir. The. G.M.Baker. in 822.1 : 5 Great gun trick. The. C. Le Ros. i?i 812 : 1 v25 Grecian bend, A. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 6 Grecian daughter. The. A. Murphv. in 822.2 : 1 vl Green-eyed monster, The. J. R. Planche. in 812: 1 vlOl Green old age. R. Reece. in 812 : 1 vl03 Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v4 "Grin" bushes, The. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v64 Grinding organ. The. M. Edgeworth. in 822.1 : 9 Grist to the mill. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v20 Gross-Kophta, Der. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v23 Grossmutter, Die. J. R. Benedix. in 832 : 9 Griindung von Santa Fe, Die. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 :4vl0 Grune domino, Der. K. T. Korner. in 831 : 41 Guardian, The. D. Garrick. in 822.2 : 1 vl Guardian, The. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 Guardian angel. The. C. S. Brooks. i/i 812 : 1 v5 Gunst des augenbllcks, Die. E. Devrient. in 832 : 17 vl Gunstling. Der. L. Schubar. 832 : 80 Gustaf Adolf und Ebba Brahe. Gustaf III. in 898. 1 : 1 GustafWasa. Gustaf III. in898.1:l Gustavus Vasa. H. Brooke. in 822.2 : 1 Guy Faux. S. Macfarren. in 812 :lvl 14 Guy Mannering. D. Terry. in 812 : 1 vl8 Gwynneth Vaughan. M. Lemon. in 812 : 1 v29 Hadad. J. A. Hillhouse. Hadrian in Syrien. P. Metastasio. Hagestolzen, Die. A. W. Iffland. Half caste. The. T. W. Robertson. Half way to Arcady. J. Sturgis. Halle. L. A. v. Arnim. Halvei the unknown. T. E. Wilks. Hamlet. W. Shakspere. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same, germ. Hamlet improved. Col. Colomb. Hamlet travestie. J. Poole. in 822.1 : 10 vl in 830 : 146 v7 in 832: 51 v5 in 812 : 1 v97 in 822 2 : 35 832 : 101 in 812 : 1 v42 in 822.3: III v2 in 822.3: 2 vll in 822.3 : 3 v2 in 822.3 : 4 in 822.3 : 82 v6 in 822.3 : R83 v7 in 812: 1 v23 in 822.3 : 47 v6 in 812: 1 vll5 in 812 : 1 vlO Hand and glove. G. Conquest and P. Meritt. in 812 : 1 vl09 Handsome husband, A. E. Planche. in 812 : 1 vll Handsome Jack. J. B. Howe. in 812 : 1 vll4 Handy Andy. H. W. Montgomery. in 812 : 1 v74 Hannibal. C. D. Grabbe. in 832 : 32 v3 Hannibal. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v5 Hans Helling. E. Devrient. in 832 : 17 vl Hans Sachs. J. L. Delnhardstein. in 832 : 16 v6 Hans von Stein. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 vl04 Hans Waldmann. C. Spindler. 832 : 81 Happiest day of my life. The. J. B. Buckstone. in 812 : 1 v80 Happiest man alive. The. W. B. Bernard, in 812 : 1 vl9 Happy dcs))atch. The. A. Thompson. in 822.2 : 14 Happy medium, A. T. E. Pemberton. in.812 : 1 vll2 Happy pair, A. S. T. Smith. in 812:1 v83 Hard struggle. A. W. Marston. in 812 : 1 v48 Harlccpiin, Alfred the great! i?i 812 : 1 v3 Harlequin and MotherGoose. T. Dibdin. in 812 : 1 v54 Harlo(iuin and O'Donoghue. in 812 : 1 v3 Hiirl('(iiiin Blue Beard. in 812 : 1 vl7 Hail(re. in 842 : 2 v2 Love-knot, The. J. 8. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v85 Love laughs at locksmiths. G. Colman, the younger. in 812 : 1 v94 Love, law and physic. J. Kenny. i7i 812 : 1 v26 Love test. The. W. Lisle. in 812 : 1 vl02 Love-tiff, The. Moliere. in 842 : 2 vl Love wins. 8. Clarke and Du Terreau. in 812 : 1 vl05 Lover's progress, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vlO Lovers' quarrels. Sir J. Vanbrugh. i)i 812 : 1 v4 Lovers' vows. A. F. F. v. Kotzebue. in 832 : 96 v3 Love's alarms. C. M. Rae. in 812 : 1 vll2 Love's cure. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v9 Love's labor's lost. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 65 S'ime. in 822.3 :Rlvl Same. in 822.3 : 2 v3 Same. in 822.3 : 3 vl Same. in 822.3 : 82 vl Same. in 822.3 : R83 v2 Love's labyrinth. W. 8. Emden. in 812 : 1 v70 Love's martyr. L. Buckingham. in 812 : 1 v70 Loves of miss Tucker. The. W. H. Venablo. in 822 : 1 Love's pilgrimaare. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vlO Love's sacrifice. G. W. Lovell. in 812 : 1 v67 Love's telegraph. in 812 : 1 v32 Loving cup, The. A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v85 Lowe und rose. H. v. Levitschnigg. 832 : 63 LiSwe von Kurdistan, Der. J. v. Auffenberg. ill 832 : 4 v8 Loyal subject. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v6 Lucia di Lammermoor. in 812:1 v78 Lucia di Lammermoor, or The laird, the lady and the lover. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v72 Lucille. W. B. Bernard. in 812 : 1 v28 Lucky escape, A. C. S. Cheltnam. in 812 : 1 v52 Lucky hit, A. J. H. Paul. in 812:1 v35 Lucky horse shoo. The. T. Parry. in 812:1 v26 Lucky sixpence, A. E. J. Browne. in 812 : 1 vl03 Lucky stars. G. Dance. in 812 : 1 v94 Lucretia Borgia, M. D. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v87 Lucretia Borgia, at home and all abroad. L. Bucking- ham. i)i 812 : 1 v45 Ludwig XI in Peronne. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v8 Lugarto, the mulatto, C. O'Bryaa. in 812 : 1 v31 Luke, the labourer. J. B. Buckstone. i7i 812 : 1 v69 Lustigon weiber von Windsor, Die. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 vl Lying valet, The. D. Garrick. in 822.2 : 1 vl Lyonescrin, Die. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. 822. 2 : 19 Mabel's holy day. J. Sturgis. Macbeth. W. Shakspere. Same. 8am. Same. Same. Same. Same, germ. Same. Same. in 822.2 : 35 822.3: 19 in 822.3 : Rl vl in 822.3 : 2 vlO in 822.3 : 3 vl /(( 822.3 : 4 in 822.3 : 82 v2 n 822.3 : R83 v7 in 812 : 1 v9 in 822.3 : 47 v9 in 830 : 143 v6 in 830 : 144 v9 Macbeth, somewhat removed from the text of Shakes- peare. F. Talfourd. ii 812 : 1 v8 MacCarthy More. 8. Lover. in 812 : 1 v51 Mad as a hatter. F. A. Marshall. in 812 : 1 v61 Mad lover. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v6 Madame Berliots' ball. F. C. Burnand. i?i 812 : 1 v61 Madchenlist. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832 : 16 v7 Mademoiselle Squallino. J. L. Featherstono. in 812 : 1 vl21 Maggie's situation. .T. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 vl20 Magic toys. The. J. Oxenford. i?i 812 : 1 v42 Magnetic lady. The. B. .lonson. in 822.2 : 6 v6 Magnetische kuren. F. W. Hackliindor. in 832 : 38 Magnetisirte verlobung. Die. H. L. Ritter. i)i 832 : 76 Magnificent lovers. The. Moliere. in, 842 : 2 v3 Mahomed. Voltaire. in 830: 137 v23 Mahomet, the imposter. J. Miller. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Maid and the magpie. The. I. Pocock. in 812 : 1 v87 Maid and the magpie, The. H. J. Byron, in 812:1 v37 Maid in the mill. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v9 Maid of Croissey, The. C. G. V. Gore. in 822.2 : 3 Maid of honour. The. P. Massingor. in 822.2 : 7 Maid of Mariendorpt, The. J. 8. Knowles. in 822 2 24 v2 Maid of Orleans, The. F. v. Schiller. in 830 : 150 v3 Same. id 830 : R153 v2 Maid Miser. LITERATURE DRAMA. Cl. 812, Titles. 638 Maid with the milking pail. The. J. B. Buckstone. in 812: 1 vlO Maid's tragedy. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. ill 822 2 * ft v1 Make your wills. E. Mayhew and G. Smith. in 812: 1 v59 Malade imaginaire, Le. Moliire. in 842 : 3 vlO Man about town, The. W. B. Bernard, in 812 : 1 vll8 Man of forty. The. A. F. F. v. Kotzebue. in 812 : 1 vll9 Man of many friends. The. J. S. Coyne, in 812 : 1 v23 Man of the world. The. C. Macklin. in 822.2 : 1 vl Satne. in 812 : 1 v71 Man of two lives. The. W. B. Bernard, in 812 : 1 v85 Man who follows the ladies, The. J. H. Paul. in 812 : 1 v48 Man with the carpet bag. The. G. A. A'Beckett. in 812 : 1 v68 Man with the demijohn, The. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 5 Man with the iron mask. The. W. J. Lucas. in 812 : 1 v28 Manager in distress. The. G. Colman. in 812 : 1 v94 Mandarin's daughter. The. in 812 : 1 v5 Manfred. G. G. N. lor'd Byron. in 822.2 : 20 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v60 . Grabbe. in 832 : 32 vl Schlittenfahrt. Die. P. I. v. Holbein. 832 : 49 Schloss Sackville. S. O. lady Morgan. 822.2:25 Schmalkalder. Die. D. Lessmann. in 839 : 8 vl, 2 Schonste tag des lebens, Der. E. Scribe. 832 : 11 vl School for coquettes, A. J. P. Simpson, in 812 : 1 v41 School for husbands. The. Moli^re. in 842 : 2 vl School for scandal, The. R. B. Sheridan, in 822.2 : 34 Same. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Same. in 822.2+46 Same. in 812 : 1 v27 School for wives. The. Moli^re. in 842 : 2 vl School for wives criticised. The. MoliSre. in 842 : 2 vl School of reform. The. T. Morton. in 822.2 : 3 Schoolfellows, The. D. "W. Jerrold. 822.2 : 23 Same. in 812 : 1 v35 Schuld, Die. A. Mullner. in 830 : 152 vl51 Schuldbrlef. Der. G. Belnbeck. in 832 : 73 v3 Schuldig. F. W. Hacklander. in 832 : 38 Schule der reichen. Die. K. P. Gutzkow. in 832 : 37 v2 Schwarze Fritz, Der. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 vl Schwestern von Amiens, Die. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v6 Schwoagarin. D'. I. F. Castelll. 832 : 13 Schwur des richters, Der. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v7 Scornful lady, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v3 Scrap of paper, A. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v51 Sea, The. C. A. Somerset. in 812 : 1 vl05 Sea of ice, The. A. P. Dennery and F. Dugu^. in 812: 1 vl3 Sea-gulls. C. A. Maltby and F. Stalnforth. in 812 : 1 v85 Sea-voyage, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822 2 * 8 v8 Second love. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v28 Second marriage. The. J. Baillie. in 822.2 : 15 v2 Second thoughts. G. C. Herbert. in 812: lvll8 Secret, The. W. Barrymore. in 812 : 1 v48 Secret, The. in 822.2 : 3 Secret agent. The. J. 8. Coyne. in 812 : 1 vl8 Secretary, The. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 v2 Seeing the elephant. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 4 Seeking his fortune. H. Alger, Jr. and O. A. Cheney. 822.1 : 1 Seianus. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v3 Self-accusation. M. Lemon. in 812 :lv88 Seltene liebschaft. Die. C. B. Pagan. in 832 : 15 v2 Semele. W. Congreve. in 822.2 : 10 Send thirty stamps. J. K. Angus. in 812 : 1 vl22 Sense and sensation. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v63 Sent to the tower. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v28 Sentimentality. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Separate maintenance. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v94 Serenade, The. V. A. SoUohub. in 812 : 2 Serf, The. T. Tavlor. in 812 : 1 v68 Sergeant Brldell's letter. E. Durandeau. in 812: 2 Sergeant's wedding. The. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v91 Sergeant's wife. The. J. Banim. in 812 : 1 v23 Serious affair, A very. A. Harris. in 812:1 v33 Serpent on the hearth. The. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v85 Settling day. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v8 2 Seven ages. The. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 2 Seven champions of Christendom, The. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 v21 Seven chiefs atrainst Thebes, The. Aischylos. in 882 : 1 Seven clerks, The. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v40 Seven sins. G. Conquest and P. Meritt. in 812:1 vl09 Sganarelle. Molifere. in 842 : 2 vl Same. iti 842 : 3 v6 Shadow of a crime. The. C. S. Cheltnam. in 812 : 1 v86 Shadows. Sir C. L. Young. in 812 : 1 vlOO Shadows of the past. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v97 Shakspeare's early days. C. A. Somerset. in 812 : 1 v93 Shallour mothers vote? G.M.Baker. ih 822.1 : 4 Shameful behavior. A. C. Troughton. i?i 812 : 1 v43 Sharp practice. J. Lunn. i?( 812 : 1 v55 She stoops to conquer. O. Goldsmith, in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v25 She would and he would'nt. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v56 She wou'd and she wou'd not. C. Gibber, in 812 : 1 v22 Sheep in wolf's clothing. A. T. Tavlor. in 812 : 1 v37 Shepherd of Cournouailles, The. G. March. in 812 : 1 v96 Shepherd of Derwent Vale, The. J. Lunn. in 812 : 1 v89 Shilling day at the great exhibition. W. Brough arid A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v55 Shipmates. C. V. Bridgman. in 812 : 1 vl 02 Short and sweet. A. C. Troughton. in 812:1 v52 Should this meet the eye. A. Maltby. i?i 812 : 1 v97 Shylock. F. Talfourd. in 812 : 1 vll Siamese twins. The. G. A. A' Beckett. in 812 : 1 v79 Sicilian, The. Moli^re. in 842 : 2 v2 Sicilien, Le. Moli^re. in 842 : 3 v8 Siege, The. J. Baillie. in 8222 : 15 v3 Siege of Damascus. The. J. Hughes. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Siege of Rochelle, The. E. Fltzball. in 812 : 1 v95 Siegfried. W. R. Wagner. in 780 : 20 v6 Siegfried's tod. W. R. Wagner. in 780 : 20 v2 Sieglinde. O. v. Redwitz-Schracilz. 832 : 71 Signal, The. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 vl 10 Silence in the ranks. E. d'Hervilly. in 812 : 2 Silent protector. A. T. J. Williams. in 812:1 v80 Silent system. The. T. J. Williams. in 812:1 v56 Silent woman, A. T. H. Lacy. in 812 : 1 v59 Silent woman, The. B. Jonson. i7i 822.2 : 6 v3 Silken fetters. L. Buckingham. in 812 : 1 v61 Silver lining. The. L. Buckingham. in 812:1 v62 Simon Lee. G. D. Pitt. in 812 : 1 v78 Simpson and co. J. Poole. in 812 : 1 v74 Sin and the sorrow. The. H. Leslie. in 812 : 1 v72 Sink or swim. T. Morton. in 812 : 1 v7 Sir Clyomon and sir Clamydes. G. Peele. in 822.2 : 5 Sir Harry Wildalr. G. Farquhar. in 822.2 : 10 Sir Roger de Coverley. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v4 Sir Thomas Wyatt. .1. Webster. in 822.2 : 12 vl Sirl Brahe. Gustaf III. in 898.1 : 1 Sisterly service. J. P. Wooler. in 812 : 1 v44 Sister's penance, A. T. Taylor and A. W. Dubourg. in 812 : 1 v76 Six months ago. F. Dale. in 812:1 v77 Sixteen String Jack. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 vl05 Skanderbeg. J. v. Auffenberg. 832:4v21 Slasher and Crasher. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v8 Sleeper awakened. The. Mrs. T. Pulszky. in 822.1 : 9 Sleeping beauty in the wood. J. R- Planche. in 812 : 1 vl9 Sleeping-car, The. W. D. Howells. 822.1 : 22 Sleeping draught. The. S. Penley. in 812 : 1 v58 Sleeping hare. The. J. J. Dilley. in 812 : 1 v76 Slice of luck, A. .L M. Morton. i 812 : 1 v76 Slight mistakes. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 vl21 Slow man. The. M. Lemon. in 812:1 v24 Slowton's engagements. C. S. Cheltnam. i?i 812 : 1 v53 Smoked miser. The. D. W. Jerrold. in 812:1 v58 Snapping turtles, The. J. B. Buckstone. in 812 : 1 v69 Snow-bound. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 6 Snowdrop. Mrs. Q. Macdonald. in x 822.2 : 36 Snowdrop. F. C. Burnand. in 812:1 v64 Society. T. W. Robertson. in 812 : 1 v71 Sohn Cromwell's, Der. E. Scribe. 832 : 92 Sold again. R. Soutar. in 812 : 1 vll3 649 Soldaten Thumping. LITERATURE DRAMA. CI. 812, Titles. 650 Soldaten, Die. J. M. R. Lenz. in 830 : 162 v80 Soldier's progress, The. J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 vl Sole survivor, The. G. Conquest and H. Pettltt. in812:lvll3 Somebody else. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 vll Something: to do. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 vl22 Sommernachtstraum, Ein. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 vl Somnambulist, The. W. T. Moncrieff. Son of the soil, A. H. C. Merivale. Sophia's supper. H. R. Addison. Sophronisba-oh. C. Narrey. Soul of honor. The. H. B. Farnie. Soup tureen. The. E. d'Hervilly. Southerner just arrived, A. H^ Wigan. n812 : 1 v86 in 812: 1 v97 in 812: 1 vl6 i?i 812 : 2 in 812: 1 vl04 in 812: 2 in 812 : 1 v56 Spanier in Danemark, Die. P. Merimee. in 840 : 1 v4 Spanish curate. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v8 Spanish dancers, The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v49 Spanking legacy, A. T. G. Blake. in 812 : 1 v6 Spartaner, Die. J. v. Aufifenberg. in 832 : 4 vl Speak out boldly. in 812 : 1 v73 "Special" performances. W. Harrison, in 812 : 1 v80 Spectre bridegroom. The. W. T. Moncrieff. in 812 :lv35 Speed the plough. T. Morton. in 822.2 : 2 v6 Same. in 812 : 1 v51 Spieler, Der. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v4 Spirit of '76, The. in 812 :lvll2 Spitalfleld's weaver. The. T. H. Bayly, in 812 : 1 v21 Splendid investment, A. W. B. Bernard, in 812 : 1 v30 Spoiled child. The. P. Hoare. in 812 : 1 v85 Sport of destiny. The. F. v. Schiller. in 830: 150 v4 Spring and autumn. J. Kenney. in 812 : 1 v24 Staff of diamonds. The. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl04 Stage struck. W. Dimond. in 812: IvlO Staple of news. The. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v5 Star of the north, The. T. W. Robertson. in 812 : 1 v93 State prisoner. The. W. Gowing. in 812: IvlOl State secrets. T. E. Wilks. in 812 :lv53 Statthalter von Bengalen, Der. H. Laube. 832 : 59 vlO Steeple-chase, The. J. M. Morton. Stella. J. W. V. Gothe. Same. Stelldichein, Das. J. E. Hartmann. Stiefmutter, Die. J. R. Benedix. " Still waters run deep." T. Taylor. Stock exchange, The. C. Dance. Stolen Jewess, The. C. H. Hazlewood. " Stolen 20 reward." W. Hancock. Storm in a tea cup, A. W. B. Bernard Stradella. J. L. Deinhardstein. Same. Strafford. R. Browning. Same. Strange gentleman. The. C. Dickens. Strange history, A. G. H ' ' Stranger, The. A. F. F. Same. Stranger, The, stranger than ever, Strathmore. W. Marston. Strausschen, Das. H. Rau. Strayed falcon. The. C. M. Yonge. Struensee. H. Laube. Sturm, Der. W. Shakspere. Sturm und drang. F. M. v. Klinger Stutzerlist. G. Farquhar. Sudden thoughts. T. E. Wilks. Siihne, Die. K. T. Kiirner. Suit of tweeds, A. F. Hay. Summoned to court. J. J. Dilley and L. Clifton in 812 : 1 vll9 Sun's darling. The. J. Ford. in 822.2 : 9 v2 Sunshine. F. W. Broughton. in 812:lvl21 Sunshine through the clouds. G. H. Lewes. in 812 : 1 vl5 Supper for two. J. W. Gifford. Supplicants, The. Aischylos. Surprised suitor, A. W. H. Venable. Susan Hopley. G. D. Pitt. Suspicious husband. The. B. Hoadly in 812 : 1 V 66 in 830 : 137 v8 in 830: 152 v87 in 832 : 96 v6 in 832 : 41 in 832 : 9 - in 812: 1 v22 in 812 : 1 v36 in 812 : 1 vl05 in 812: 1 v61 in 812 :lvl4 in 832 : 16 v4 in 832 : 15 vl 822.2 : 48 in 821.2 :45 in 822.2+49 vl Lewes and C. Mathews. in 812 : 1 vlO Kotzebue. in 812 : 1 v22 in 832 : 96 vl R. Reece. i?i812 in 812 in R 454 v2 in X 822.2 : 42 832 : 59 v4 in 822.3 : 47 v2 in 830 : 252 v79 in 822.2: 11 in 812 : 1 v33 in 831 :41 812 : 1 v74 1 v82 1 v56 Sweeney Todd. P. Hazleton. Sweethearts. W. S. Gilbert. Sweethearts and wives. J. Kenney. Swiss cottage. The. T. H. Bayly. Sword, The. L. A. Aikin. in 812 : 1 vl22 in 882 : 1 in 822 : 1 in 812: 1 ve9 in 812: 1 vll7 in 822.2: 1 vl in 812 : 1 vl02 in812: 1 vlll in 812 : 1 v21 in 812 : 1 vl in 822.1 : 9 Sybil. J. Savage. 822.1 : 16 Sybilla. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 ve4 Sylphide, The. W. Brough. in 812 : 1 v76 Sylvester Daggerwood. G. Colman, the younger. in 812 : 1 vlll Sylvesternacht, Die. G. v. Frank. 832 : 24 Sympathy. A. W. Dubourg. in 812 : 1 v96 Syracuser, Die. J. v. Auttenberg. in 832 : 4 v3 Syren of Paris, The. E. Grange and X. de Montepin. in 812 : 1 v52 "Take care of Dowb ." J. M. Morton, in 812 : 1 v34 Take that girl away. L. S. Buckingham, in 812 : 1 vl8 Taking by storm. F. Churchill. in 812 : 1 v8 Taking the veil. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 : 1 vl06 Tale of a comet, A. F. L. Home. in 812 : 1 vl 1 1 Tale of a tub, A. B. Jonson. in 822.2 : 6 v6 Tale of two cities, A. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v45 Talisman. Der. C. W. Contessa. in 830 : 134 v2 Tamburlaine. C. Marlowe. in 822.2 : 38 Tamerlane. N. Rowe. in 822.2 : 1 Same. in 822.2 : 13 vl Taming a tiger. in 812 : 1 v72 Taming, The, of the shrew. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 24 Sam^. in 822.3 : III vl Sam^. in 822.3 : 2 v4 Same. in 822.3 : 3 vl Same. in 822.3 : 82 v2 Sam. in 822.3 : 1183 v2 Same, see Katherine and Petruchio. Taming the truant. H. Wigan. in 812 : 1 v58 Tancred. Voltaire. in 830: 137 v23 Tancred and Sigismunda. J. Thomson, in 822.2 : 1 vl Tannhauser. W. R. Wagner. in 780 : 20 v2 Tarantula, La. in 812 : 1 v3 Tartuffe. Moliere. in 842 : 2 v2 Tartuffe, Le. Moliere. in 842 : 3 v5 Teacher taught. The. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 v48 Tears! idle tears! ! C. W. Scott. in 812: lvll9 Teddy the tiler. G. H. Rodwell. in 812 : 1 v81 Telegraph, Der. G. v. Frank. 832 : 25 Telemachus. J. R. Planche and C. Dance. in 812 : 1 v51 "Telephone, The". A. Clements. in 812 : 1 vll2 Tell, and the strike of the cantons. F. Talfourd. in 812 : 1 y43 Temperament, Das. S. O. lady Morgan, in 822.2 : 25 v2 822.3 : 25 in 822.3 : III vl in 822.3 : 2 v2 in 822.3 : 3 vl in 822.3 : 4 in 822.3 : 82 vl tw 822.3 : R83 vl in 812 : 1 v37 ii812 : 1 v52 Tempest, The. W. Shakspere. Same. Sam. Same. Sams. Same. Same. Sam. Temptation. W. T. Townsend. Tender attachment, A. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 2 Tender husband, The. Sir R. Steele. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Tender precautions. T. J. Serle. in 812 : 1 v5 Terrible secret, A. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v53 Terrible tinker. A. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v87 Test of truth. The. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v84 Testaments-clausel, Die. J. B. Hartmann. in 832 : 41 Tetterbys, The. Mrs. G. Maedonald. in x 822.2 : 36 That affair at Finchley. .T. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v52 That dreadful doctor. Sir C. L. Young, in 812 : 1 vl 17 Theegesellsehaft, Die. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 vl2 Theodora, actress and empress. W. Phillips. in 812: 1 v74 Theodor Korner. J. E. Hartmann. in 832 : 41 Theseus and Ariadne. J. R. Planch^. in 812 : 1 vl9 Thetis and Peleus. in 812 : 1 v5 Thierry and Theodoret. F. Beaumont and 3. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vl Thirty minutes for refreshments. G. M Baker. in 822.1 : 6 Thirty-three next birthday. J. M. Morton. in 812 :lv38 Thomas, genannt Daumchen. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v5 Thomas Morus. O. v. Redwitz-Schmolz. 832 : 72 Thracian wonder. The. J. Webster. in 822.2 : 12 v4 Three cuckoos, The. J. M. Morton. in 812:1 v40 Three furies. The. G. Roberts. in 812 : 1 v66 Three musket-dears. J. and H. Paulton. in 812:1 v95 Three musketeers. The. C. Rice. in 812 : 1 vl7 Three red men. The. T. Archer. in 812 : 1 v41 Three temptations. The. E. L. Blanchard. in 822.2 : 14 Three weeks after marriage. A. Murphy. in 822.2 : 1 vl Thrice married. J. H. Paul. in 812 : 1 v45 Through Are and water. W. Gordon. in 812 : 1 v86 Thumping legacy, A. J. M. Moruin. in 812 : 1 v6 651 CI. 812, Titles. LITEBATUBE DRAMA. Thurm Ungleichen. 652 Thurm mit sieben pforten, Der. A. v. Platen. in 830: 141 v2 Ticket-of -leave, A. W. Phillips. in 812 : 1 v59 Ticket-of-leave man. The. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v59 Ticket'Of-leave man's wife, The. C. S. Cheltnam. in 812 : 1 v69 Ticklish times. J. M. Morton. in 812:1 v35 Tide of time, The. W. B. Bernard. in 812:1 v38 Time and the hour. J. P. Simpson and F. Dale. m812 : 1 v81 Time and tide. H. Leslie. in 812 : 1 v81 Time tries all! J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 vl Time will tell. H. Gardner. in 812 : 1 vl22 Time works wonders. D. W. Jerrold. in 822.2 : 22 Same. in 812 : 1 v92 Times, The. J. Daly. in 812 : 1 vll Timon of Athens. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 63 Same. in 822 3 : Kl v2 Same. in 822. 3 : 2 vlO Same. in 822.3 : 3 v2 Same. in 822.3 : 82 v5 Sam^. in 822.3 : R83 v7 Timon von Athen. W. Shakspere. iii 822.3 : 47 v8 Timothy to the rescue. H. J. Byron. in 812:1 v63 Timour the tartar. M. G. Lewis. in 812 : 1 v79 Tiraour the tartar! J. Oxenford and C. S. Brooks. m812 : 1 v49 Timur in Tauris. J. v. Auffenberg. 832 : 4 v22 Tit for tat. F. Talfourd and A. Wigan. in 812 : 1 vl7 Titus Andronicus. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 76 Same. in 822.3 : E.1 v2 Same. in 822.3 : 2 v9 Same. in 822.3 : 3 v2 Same. in 822.3 : 82 v5 Same. in 822.3 .B, 83 v^Q Same, germ. in 822.3 : 47 v7 To oblige Benson. T. Taylor. in 812:1 vl4 " To parents and guardians ! " J. S. Coyne. m812: 1 vl3 To Paris and back, for five pounds. J. M. Morton. m812: 1 v9 Tod Adams, Der. F. G. Klopstock. in 831 : 40 v6 Tom and Jerry. W. T. Moncriefif. in 812 : 1 v88 Tom Bowling. A. L. V. Campbell. in 812 : 1 vl07 Tom Cobb. W. S. Gilbert. in 812 : 1 vll7 Tom Cringle. E. Fitzball. in 812 : 1 v41 Tom Pinch. J. J. Dilley and L. Clifton, in 812 : 1 vl21 Tom Thrasher. A. Harris. in 812 : 1 v81 Tom Thumb. K. O'Hara. in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v50 Tomkins the troubadour. in 812 : 1 v86 Toni. K. T. Korner. in 831 : 41 Too late for the train. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 6 Too late to save. T. A. Palmer. in 812 : 1 vl 12 Too much for good nature! E. Falconer, in 812 : 1 v42 Too much of a good thing! A. Harris. in 812 : 1 v22 Torquato Tasso. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 137 v8 Same, eng. in 830 : 1 5 1 v4 Tourist's ticket, A. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v96 Toussaint Louverture. A. M. L. de Lamartine. 842 : 1 Tower of Lochlain. The. D. Jerrold. in 812 : 1 vllO Tower of London. The. T. H. Higgle and T. H. Lacy. in 812: 1 v94 Tower of Nesle. T. F. GalUardet and A. Dumas. in 812: 1 v91 TrachiniBB. Sophoklfis. in 882 : 3 Tradesman's son. The. in 812 : 1 vl05 Tragedy of errors. M.Putnam. 822.1:13 Traitor's gate. W. J. Lucas. in 812 : 1 v95 Tramp's adventure. F. Phillips. in 812 : 1 vl06 Trapping a tartar. E. Stirling. m 812 : 1 v65 Traum, ein leben, Der. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v5 Treasure, The. G. E. Lesslng. in 832 : 61 v2 Treue liebe. E. Dovrient. in 832 : 17 v3 Treue um treue. A. v. Platen. in 830 : 141 v2 Treuer diener seines herrn, ein. F. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v4 Trials of Tompkins, The. T. J. Williams, in 812 : 1 v58 Trip through my pockets. A: C. Monselet. m 812 : 2 Trip to Scarborough, A. K. B. Sheridan, in 822.2 : 34 Sam^. in 812 : 1 vl03 Tristan und Isolde. W. R. Wagner. in 780 : 20 v7 Triumph der empflndsamkelt, Der. J. W. v. Gothe in 830 : 137 v22 Sam^. m830:152v87 Troilus and Cressida. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 62 Same. in 822.3 : Rl v2 Same. in 822.3 : 2 v9 Same. in 822.3 : 3 v2 Same. in 822.3 : 82 v4 Same. in 822.3 : R83 v6 Troilus und Cressida. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 v9 Tromb-al-ca-zar. C. H. Stephenson. i 812 : 1 v71 Trovatore. II. W. E. Suter. m 812 : 1 v56 True as steel. W. Reeve. iw 812 : 1 v92 Trying it on. W. Brough. iw 812 : 1 vll Tufelhaiisen. J. B. Johnstone. in 812 : 1 v27 Turandot, prinzessin von China. C. Gozzi. in 830 : 143 v6 Same. in 830 : 144 v9 Turkish bath. The. M. Williams and F. C. Burnand. m812: 1 v51 Turn him out. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v59 Turned head, The. G. A. A'Beckett. in 812 : 1 v67 Turning the tables. J. Poole. in 812 : 1 v40 'Twas I! J. H. Payne. m 812 : 1 v9 Tweedleton's tail-coat. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v73 Twelfth night. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : Rl vl Satne. in 822.3 : 2 v5 Satne. in 822.3 : 3 vl Same. in 822.3 : 82 vl Same. in 822.3 : R83 v3 Sam. m 812 : 1 v36 Twelve labours of Hercules. R. B. Brough. in 812 : 1 v6 Twenty minutes under an umbrella. A. W. Dubourg. iw812:lvl06 Twenty minutes with a tiger. in 812 : 1 v24 Twenty a year all found. H. J. Byron. in812 : 1 vll6 Twice killed. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v24 Twice told tale, A. J. P. Wooler. i 812 : 1 v37 Twin rivals. The. G. Farquhar. in 822.2 : 10 Two blinds. The. A. Clements. ire 812 : 1 v 102 Two Bonnycastles. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v5 Two flats and a sharp. A. Maltby. in 812 : 1 vlOO Two Foscari, The. G. G. N. lord Byron. in 812.2 : 59 Two galley slaves. The. J. H. Payne. iw 812 : 1 v72 Two gay deceivers. T. W. Robertson and T. H. Lacy. m812: 1 v33 Two gentlemen at Mivart's. J. P. Simpson. in 822.2 : 14 Two gentlemen in a fix. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v66 Two gentlemen of Verona, The. W. Shakspere. 822.3 : 64 Sam^. in 822.3 : Rl vl Same. in 822.3 : 2 v2 Same. in 822.3 : 3 vl Same. in 822.3 : 82 vl Same. in 822.3 : R83 vl Two Gregories, The. T. Dlbdin. in 812 : 1 v70 Two heads are better than one. L. Hoi-ne. in 812 : 1 v27 Two in the morning. C. Mathews. in 812 : 1 v20 Two noble kinsmen. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vXO Two orphans, The. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 vl06 Two photographs. A. Clements. in 812 : 1 vl22 Two Polts. The. J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 v45 Two Puddifoots, The. J. M. Morton. i 812 : 1 v78 Two queens. The. J. B. Buckstone. in 812 : 1 vl Two roses. J. Albery. in 812 : 1 vll8 Two to one. A. Clements. i 812 : 1 v98 'Twould puzzle a conjurer. J. Poole. in 812 : 1 vl4 Ugly customer. An. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v49 Ugolino. H. W. V. Gerstenberg. in 830 : 152 v48 Ulrich Zwingli's tod. C. Birch-Pfeiffer. 832 : 10 Ulysses. N. Rowe. in 822.2 : 13 Ulysses, or The iron-clad warrior. F. C. Burnand. In 812 : 1 ve6 Unbesonnenheit und gutes herz. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 75 v5 "Uncle". H.J.Byron. in812:lvl20 Uncle Crotchet. Mrs. A. Phillips. in 812: IvlO Uncle Tom's cabin. G. L. Aikin. in 812 : 1 vl2 Uncle Zachary. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v45 Under false colours. B. A. De Pass. in812:lvlll Under the gaslight. A. Daly. in 812 : 1 v81 Under the rose. G. Roberts. in 812 : 1 v57 Unequal match. An. T.Taylor. in 812 :lvll8 Unfinished gentleman, The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v34 Ungarkonig, Ein. C. H. Bornstein. 832 : 50 Ungeheuer, Das, und der verzauberte wald. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 vll Ungleichen hausgenossen, Die. J. W. v. Giitho. in 830 : 135 v22 Safne. in 830 : 152 v88 653 Unlimited Whicli. LITERATTTRE-DRAMA. CI. 812, Titles. 654 Unlimited confidence. A. C. Troughton. ire 812 : 1 vOl Unlucky frlday. H. T. Craven. i 812 : 1 v76 Unlucky star, The. J. Guillemot. m 812 : 2 Unnatural combat. The. P. Massinjrer. in 822.2 : 7 Unprotected female, An. J. S. Coyne, ira 812 : 1 vl 1 1 Unsere zeit. J. E. Hartmann. in 832 : 41 Unten im hause. F. W. Hacklander. in 832 : 39 Unterbrochene schwatzer, Der. C. W. Contessa. m830 : 134 v2 Unvermuthete wendung-, Die. J. F. Jiinger. 832 : 57 dnzufriedenen, Die. P. Merim^e. in 840 : 1 v6 Up a tree. T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v98 Up at the hills. T. Taylor. iw 812 : 1 v50 Up for the cattle show. H. Lemon. iw 812 : 1 v79 Up in the world. J. Worthington. in 812 : 1 vl09 Up to town and back again. B. F. Rayner. ^ i812:lv71 Upstairs and downstairs. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v66 [Jrbild des Tartiiffe, Das. K. F. Gutzkow. in p32 : 37 v4 Urgent private affairs. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v24 Valentine, Die. G. Freytag. in 832 : 95 Valentine. W. Brough and A. Halliday. in 812 : 1 v57 Valentinian. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v5 Vampire, The. J. R. Planche. in 812 : 1 vl07 Van Dundei-man and his servant. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Vandyke Brown. A. C. Troughton. in 812 : 1 v39 Vaterfreude. A. W. IlBand. in 832 : 51 v9 Velvet and rags. G. Conquest and P. Meritt. in 812 : 1 vll2 Venice preserved. T. Otway. in 822.2 : 1 vl Same. in 812 : 1 v32 Venus and Adonis. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v62 Verbannten, Die. J. v. Auflenberg. in 832 : 4 v5 Verbrechen aus ehrsucht. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v5 Verfiihrer, Der. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v5 Verhiingnissvolle gabel, Die. A. v. Platen. in 830 : 141 v4 Verheifisene, Der. J. E. Hartmann. in 832 : 41 Verirrungen, Die. E. Devrient. in 832 : 17 v2 Verkehrte welt. Die. J. L. Tieck. in 830 : 148 v5 Verlorene liebesmuh. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 v2 Verschleierte dame. Die. J. L. Deinhardsteln. in 832 : 16 v6 Verschworung des Fiesco zu Genua, Die. F. v. SchMler. in 830 : 143 v2 Same. in 830 : 152 vl20 Same. Neu bearb. von G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 v6 Verwandlungen der liebe. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832 : 16 v3 Very last days of Pompeii, The. R. Reece. in 812: 1 v95 Very pleasant evening, A. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v80 Very serious affair, A. A. Harris. in 812 : 1 v33 Very suspicious! J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v6 Very woman, A. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 Veteran of 103 years. H. M. Milner. in 812 : 1 v36 Vetter aus Bremen, Der. K. T. Kbrner. in 831 : 41 Vice versa. E. Rose. in 812: lvl21 Victims. T. Taylor. in 812 : 1 v32 Victor vanquished. The. C. Dance. in 812 : 1 v26 Vldocq. in 812 :lvl 10 Viel larmen um nichts. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 vl Vierjahrige posten, Der. K. T. Korner. in 831 : 41 Vierundzwanzigste februar, Der. Z. Werner. in 830: 152 vl51 Village coquettes. The. C. Dickens. in 822.2+49 vl Village lawyer. The. D. A. de Brueys. in 812 : 1 v43 Village nightingale. The. H. T. Craven, in 812 : 1 vl08 Villikins and his Dinah. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v54 Violet, The. in 812 : 1 v9 Virgin martyr. The. P. Massinger. in 822.2 : 7 Virginier, Der. G. Reinbeck. in 832 : 73 vl Vlrginius. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 vl Vlrginius, or The trials of a fond papa. L. Buckingham. in 812 : 1 v42 Vittoria Corombona. J, Webster. in 822.2 : 12 v2 Vogel, Die. Aristophangs. in 830 : 137 v22 Same. in 830 : 152 v87 Volunteer review, The. T. J. Williams, in 812 : 1 v80 Vormund, Der. A. W. Iffland. in 832 : 51 v9 Vorschau, Die. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v4 Wait for an answer. H. Lemon. in 812 : 1 v86 Waiting for an omnibus. J. M. Morton, in 812 : 1 vl5 Waiting for the verdict. C. H. Hazlewood. in 812 * 1 v99 Walkiire, Die. W. R. Wagner. in 780 : 20 v6 Wallace. J. v. Auffenberg. in 832 : 4 v3 Wallace, the hero of Scotland. W. Barrymore. in 812 : 1 v73 Wallensteln. F. v. Schiller. 830 : 143 v4 Sams, eng. in 830 : 1 50 v2 Same. in 820.2 : 7 v7 Sam. in 830 : 11153 v2 Wallenstein, The death of. F. v. Schiller. in 820.2 : 7 v7 Wallenstein und Stralsund. I. W. Meinhold. 832 : 65 Wallensteins lager. F. v. Schiller. in 830 : 143 v4 Wallensteins tod. F. v. Schiller. in 830 : 143 v4 Walthervon Kastelen. A. Foglar. 832:19 Waltz by Arditi, A. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 vlOl Wandering boys. The. J. Kerr. in 812 : 1 v34 Wandering minstrel. The. H. Mayhew. in 812 : 1 v23 Wanted, " a young lady." W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v66 Wanted, 1000 spirited young milliners. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v8 War to the knife. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v67 Warbeck. F. v. Schiller. in 830 : 143 v7 Warlock of the glen. The. C. E. Walker, in 812 : 1 v46 Wars of the roses, The. G. M. Baker. in 822.1 : 6 Was ihr woUt. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 v2 Was I to blame ? G. H. Rodwell. in 812 : 1 v32 Watch and wait. T. H. Higgle and R. Shepherd. in 812: 1 vlOS Watch dog of the Walsinghams, The. J. P. Simpson. in 812: 1 v92 Water witches. The. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v41 Waterman, The. C. Dlbdin. in 812 : 1 v23 Way of the world. W. Congreve. in 822.2 : 10 Way to keep him. The. A. Murphy. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Ways and means. G. Colraan. in 822.2 : 1 vl Wayside cottage. The. W. Poel. in 812 : 1 vl20 Wayward lover. The. J. W. v. Gothe. in 830 : 151 v3 We all have our little faults. W. E. Suter. in 812 : 1 v78 Weak woman. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 vll2 Weakest goes to the wall. The. J. Webster. in 822.2 : 12 v4 Weathercock, The. J. T. Allingham. in 812 : 1 v71 Weaver of Lyons, The. J. Barber. in 812: IvllO Wedding gown. The. D. W. Jerrold. in 822.2 : 23 Wedding march, The. W. S. Gilbert. in 812 : 1 vll4 "Weeds." T. E. Pemberton. in 812 : 1 vll3 Weh dem, der liigt. P. Grillparzer. in 832 : 35 v6 Weib ist ein teufel, Ein. P. Merimee. in 840 : 1 v4 Weibermagistrat zu Klatschhausen, Der. H. L. Ritter. in 832 : 76 Weisses Blatt, Ein. K. F. Gutzkow. in 832 : 37 v3 Wendelin und Helene. J. Mosen. in 832 : 66 Wer bin ich ? E. Devrient. in 832 : 17 v3 Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten. C. W. Contessa. in 830: 134 v7 Werner. K. F. Gutzkow. in 832 : 37 vl Werner. G. G. N. lord Byron. in 821.2 : 59 Same. in 812 : 1 v70 West Indian, The. R. Cumberland. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Westlndier, Der. R. Cumberland. in 832 : 73 v6 Westward hoe. J.Webster. ire 822.2 : 12 vl What will they say at Brompton. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v34 Wheel of fortune, The. R. Cumberland, in 812 : 1 vl04 Where shall I dine ? ire812:lvll4 Where there's a will, there's a way. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v9 Where's your wife ? I. V. Bridgeman. in 812 : 1 v60 Which Is which ? 8. T. Smith. in 812 : 1 v97 655 CI. 812, Titles. LITERATURE DRAMA. Which Zwillinger. 656 Which of the two. The ? J. M. Morton, in 812 : 1 v40 Which shall I marry ? W. E. Suter. in S12 : 1 v59 Whistler, The. G. D. Pitt. in 812 : 1 v97 White cat. The. F. C. Burnand. m 812 : 1 v90 White cat, The. J. R. Planch6. ire 812 : 1 v24 White cockade. The. W. Phillips. in 812 : 1 v90 White devil. The. J. Webster. in 822.2 : 12v2 White farm, The. W. J. Lucas. in 812 : 1 v28 White fawn, The. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 v79 White milliner. The. D. W. Jerrold. i/i 812 : 1 v72 White pilgrim. The. H. C. Merivale. in 812 : 1 vll3 Whitebait at Greenwich. J. M. Morton, in 812 : 1 vl2 Whitefriars. W. T. Townsend. in 812 : 1 v40 Whitting-ton, junior. R. Reece. in 812 : 1 v89 Who do they take me for? J.M.Morton, in 812 : 1 vlll Who's my husband ? J.M.Morton. in812:lv80 Who's the dupe ? H.P.Cowley. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Who's the heir ? G. March. in 812 : 1 v89 Who's to win him ? T. J. Williams. in 812 : 1 v79 Who is who ? T. J. Williams. in 812 :, 1 v86 Who killed Cock Robin ? C. Mathews. in 812 : 1 v68 Who speaks first ? C. Dance. in 812 : 1 v23 Who stole the clock ? W. J. Lucas. in 812 : 1 vl06 Who stole the pocket book ? J. M. Morton. in 812 :lv6 Who'll lend me a wife ? J. G. Millingen. in 812 : 1 vl 1 1 Wicked wife, A. J. Courtney. in 812 : 1 v30 Widow The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822 2 * 8 v4 Widow bewitched, The. W. J. Lucas. in 812: lvll6 Widow's marriage, The. G. H. Boker. in 822.1 : 7 v2 Widow's victim, The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v62 Wie es euch gefallt. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 v3 Wiedersehen. C. PIchler. in 832 : 69 vl Wife, The. J. S. Knowles. in 812 : 1 vl09 Same. in 822.2 : 24 vl Wife for a month. A. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v9 Wife of seven husbands. The. G. Almar. in 812 : 1 v74 Wife's portrait. The. W. Marston. in 812 : 1 v54 Wife's secret. The. G. W. Lovell. in 812 : 1 v82 Wild boy of Bohemia, The. J. Walker, in 812 : 1 vl 14 Wild flowers. E. Rose. in 812: lvll8 Wild-goose-chase, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v8 Wild oats. J. O'Keeffe. in 812 :lv88 Wilful murder ! T. Higgie. in 812 : 1 v32 Wilhelm Tell. F. v. Schiller. in 830 : 143 v6 Same. in 830 : 144 v8 Same, eng. in 830 : 150 v2 Same. in 830 : R153 v3 Will and the way, The. G. H. Calvert. in 822.1 : 8 Will and the way. The. W. B. Waldron. in 812 : 1 v66 William Ratcliffe. H. Heine. in 831 : 24 Same. in 830 : 139 vl6 William Simpson, The. P. Fitzgerald, in 812 : 1 vlOl William Tell. L. Buckingham. in 812 : 1 v32 William Tell. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 vl Same. in 822.2 : 2 v5 Same. in 812: 1 v83 William Tell. F. v. Schiller. in 830 :R1 63 v3 Same. in 830 : 150 v2 William Tell, with a vegeance. H. J. Byron. in 812 : 1 v78 Williklnd and hys Dinah. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 vl4 Windsor castle. F. C. Burnand. in 812 : 1 ve7 Winning a wife. T. H. Lacy. in 812 : 1 v84 Winning hazard, A. J. P. Wooler. in 812 : 1 v84 Winter's tale, The. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : III vl Sam^. in 822.3 : 2 v6 Same. in 822.3 : 3 vl Satne. in 822.3 : 82 v2 Same. in 822.3 : R83 v3 Same. in 812 : 1 vll3 Wintermarchen, Das. W. Shakspere. in 822.3 : 47 vl Wit at several weapons. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v4 Wit without money. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2: 8 v4 Witch of Edmonton, The. J. Ford. in 822.2 : 9 v2 Witch of Windermere, The. C. Selby. in 812 : 1 v84 Withered leaves. F. W. Broughton. in 812 : 1 vll5 Without incumbrances. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v2 Wittekind and his brothers. J.S.Coyne, in 812 :lv6 Wittwer, Der. J. L. Deinhardstein. in 832: 16 v5 Witty servant, The. W. H. Venable. in 822 : 1 Wizard of the moor. The. H. Gott. in 812 : 1 v82 Wizard of the wave, The. J. T. Haines, in 812: 1 v46 Woman I adore. The. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v8 Woman-hater, The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 vl Woman-hater, The. G. E. Lessing. in 832 : 61 v2 Woman in mauve, The. W. Phillips. in 812:1 v76 Woman in red, The. J. S. Coyne. in 812 : 1 v92 Woman of the world. The. Lady C. Cavendish. in 812: 1 v38 Woman of^the world, The. J. S. Coyne, in 812 : 1 v81 Woman that was a cat, The. E. Scribe, in 812 : 1 v72 Woman's love. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v4 Woman's prize. The. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v7 Woman's rights. T. A. Palmer. in 812 : 1 vl21 Woman's wit. J. S. Knowles. in 822.2 : 24 v2 Women pleased. F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. in 822.2 : 8 v7 Won at last. W. Reeve, in 812 : 1 v87 Wonder, The. S. Centlivre. in 822.2 : 1 vl Sam. in 812 : 1 v25 Wonderful woman, A. C. Dance. in 812 : 1 vl8 Woodcock's little game. J. M. Morton, in 812 : 1 v63 Woodman's hut. The. W. H. Arnold. in 812 : 1 v36 Woodman's spell. The. E. Stirling. in 812 : 1 v2 Wooing in jest and loving in earnest. A. C. Troughton. in 812 : 1 v37 Wooing one's wife. J. M. Morton. in 812 : 1 v52 Worcester. G. v. Frank. 832 : 26 Word of honour. The. P. Meritt. in 812: lvll3 World and stage. J. P. Simpson. in 812 : 1 v97 World of fashion. The. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v55 Worth a struggle. W. R. Waldron. in 812 : 1 v90 Wren boys. The. T. E. Wilks. in 812 : 1 v52 Wrinkles. H. J. Byron. in 812: lvll5 Writing on the wall. The. T. Morton and J. M. Morton . in 812 : 1 v7 Wullenweber. K. F. Gutzkow. 832 : 37 v6 X. Y. Z. G. Colman, the younger. Ximena. C. Cibber. in 812 : 1 v80 in 822.2 : 1 v2 Yellow dwarf. The. J. R. Planch^. in 812 : 1 vl7 Yew tree ruins, The. J. T. Haines. in 812 : 1 v74 Young and handsome. J. B. Planch^. in 812 : 1 v29 Young lad from the country, A. J. Oxenford. in 812 : 1 v64 Young mother. The. 0. Selby. in 812 : 1 v39 Young widow. The. J. T. G. Rod well. in 812 : 1 v22 Your life's in danger. J. M. Morton. in 812 ; 1 v9 Your likeness one shilling I N. H. Harrington and B. Yates. in 812 : 1 v36 Your vote and interest. A. Maltby. in 812 : 1 vlOO Yule log, A. B. Webster. in 812 : 1 v98 Zahmung einer widerspenstigen. W. Shakspere. in 822. 3 : 47 v2 Zapolya. S. T. Coleridge. in 820.2 : 7 v7 Zara. A. Hill. in 822.2 : 1 v2 Zarah, the gipsy. G. Soane. in 812 : 1 v92 Zauberflote, Die; zweiter theil. J. W. v. Giithe. in 830 : 137 v22 Sam. in 830 : 152 v88 Zigeuner, Der. E. Devrient. in 832 : 17 v3 Zriny. K. T. Korner. in 831 : 41 Zur ruhe setzen. F. W. Hacklandor. in 832 : 39 Zwei tage aus dem leben eines fiirsten. J. L. Deinhard- stein. in 832 : 16 v3 Zwillinger, Die. F. M. v. Kllnger. in 880 : 162 v79 657 A Ainswortii. lilTERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 4. Class-list of prose fiction. (For history, see col. 513; for collections of romances, see col. 513-515.) 1. Authors. A. L. O. E., pseud., see Tucker, Charlotte Maria. Abbott, E : The Long Look books -. 1. Long Look house ; a book for boys and girls. III. Bost. 1880. D. Ax 101 2. Outdoors at Long Look ; a book for boys and girls. 111. Bost. 1878. D. Ax 102 3. A trip eastward ; a book for boys and girls. 111. Bost. 1880. D. Ax 103 Abbott, Jacob. Rollo series. N. Y. n. d. 14 V. S. Ax 151 Ax 164 Contents. 1. Learning to talk. 2. Learning to read. 3. At work. 4. At play. 5. At school. 6. Rollo's vacation. 7. Rollo's experiments. 8. Hollo's museum. 9. Rollo's travels. 10. Rollo's corres- pondence. 11. Water. 12. Air. 13. Fire. 14. Sky. About, Edmond Fran9ois Valentin. Germaine. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1858. T. A 101 The man with the broken ear. Tr. by H: Holt. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1867. S. A 102 The notary's nose. Tr. from the french by H: Holt. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. A 103 The story of an honest man. N. Y. 1880. O. A 104 Without dowry. In Sargent, E. The emer- ald. S551 Ackermann, Ernst W: Derletzte Montmorency. Leipz. 1851. 3 v. S. A 151 Adam, Juliette, born Lamber, mme. Edmoad. A fascinating woman, (Laide). Phila. [1882.] S. A 176 Adam, Onkel. pseud., see Wetterbergh, C : A. Adams, Alicia A., mrs. Leith. Madelon Lemoine. Phila. 1879. S. A 251 Adams, F. Colburn, [Justitia, a know-nothing). Justice in the by-ways ; a tale of life. N. Y. 1857. S. A 201 Adams, H: Cadwallader. Barford Bridge, or Schoolboy trials. 111. Lond. [1872]. D. Ax 202 The boy cavaliers, or The siege of Clidesford. HI. Lond. 1883 [1882]. S. Ax 203 Friend or foe ; a tale of Sedgmoor. 111. Lond. 1883. S. Ax 206 Schoolboy honour ; a tale of Halminster col- lege. 111. Lond. [1863]. S. Ax 204 The Winborough boys, or Ellerslie Park. 111. Lond. [1871]. ). Ax 205 Adams, Mary. An honorable surrender. N. Y. 1883. S. A 276 Adams, Nehemiah. The sable cloud ; a south- ern tale with northern comments. Bost. 1861. S. A 301 Adams, W: H: Davenport ed. Page, squire and knight ; a romance of the days of chivalry. 111. Bost. 1883 [1882]. U. Ax 276 Note. A free adaptation of the "Franchise" of Madame Colomb. Adams, W: Taylor, [Oliver Optic]. In doors and out, or V lews from the chimney corner. Bost. 1876. D. A 326 Living too fast, or The confessions of a bank officer. HI. Bost. 1876. D. A 327 The way of the world. Bost. 1876. D. A 328 Addison, Joseph . Sir Roger de Coverley, by the Spectator, [with notes]. Bost. 1852. S. A 351 Adee, Alvey A. The life magnet. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v8 Adeler, Max, psewcZ., see Clark, C : Heber. Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce ; a story from Scottish history. N. Y. 1878. 2 v. D. A 401 Home influence ; a tale for mothers and daughters. N. Y. 1849. D. A 402 Same. N. Y. 1864. D. A 402 Same. N. Y. 1885. Q. A 402 Home scenes and heart studies. N. Y. 1857. D. A 403 Contents. The Perez family. The stone-cutter's boy of Possagno. Amete and Yafeh. The fugitive. The edict ; a tale of 1492. The escape ; a tale of 1755. Red Rose villa. Gonzalvo's daughter. The authoress. Helon. Lucy. The spirit's entreaty. Idalie. Lady Gresham's fete. The group of sculp- ture. The spirit of night. Recollections of a ramble. "Cast thy bread upon the waters." The triumph of love. Same. N. Y. 1860. S. A 403 Josephine, or The edict and the escape. Phila. n.d. O. A 404 Diejiidin. Leipzig. 1860. S. A 408 The mother's recompense ; a sequel to Home influence. N. Y. 1879. D. A 405 The Vale of Cedars, or The martyrs. N. Y. 1876. D. A 406 Woman's friendship ; a stoiy of domestic life. N. Y. 1877. D. A 40? Same. T. p. w. S. A 407 Aide, Hamilton. Introduced to society. Leipz. 1884. S. A 453 A nine days' wonder ; a novelette. Bost. 1875. O. A 451 Poet and peer ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. A 452 Aikin, J:, and Anna Lastitia Barbauld, born Aikin. Evenings at home, or The juvenile budget opened. Lond. 1875. T. Ax 401 Ainslie, Herbert, pseud., see Maitland, E : Ainsworth, W : Harrison. Auriol, or The elixir of life. 111. Lond. 1881. D. A 551 Same, germ. Auriol, oder Das lebenselixir ; ein roman. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E. Susemihl. Leipz. 1853. S. A 551 Beatrice Tyldesley. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. A 662 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 659 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Ainsworth Alcott. Ainsworth, W: Harrison. Continued. Beau Nash, or Bath in the 18th century. Leipz. 1879. 2 v. in 1. S. A 553 Same. 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 553 Boscobel, or The royal oak ; a tale of the year 1651. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 554 Cardinal Pole, or The days of Philip and Mary ; an historical novel. 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 555 The constable de Bourbon. 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 564 The constable of the Tower ; an historical ro- mance. 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 565 Same. Leipz, 1861. S. A 565 Crichton. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 566 Same. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. S. A 566 The flitch of bacon, or the Custom of Dun- mow ; a tale of english home. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 567 Guy Fawkes, or The gunpowder treason ; an historical romance. 111. Lond. 1878. D. A 556 Same, germ. Guy Fawkes ; ein historischer roman. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E. Susemihl. Leipz. 1842. 3 v. S. A 556 Hilary St. Ives. 111. Lond. 1881. D. A 568 Jack Sheppard ; a romance. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 569 John Law, the projector. 111. Lond. 1881. D. A 570 The Lancashire witches ; a romance of Pen- dleforest. 111. Lond. 1878. D. A 557 Same, germ. Die hexen von Lancashire ; ein roman aus dem Pendle-walde. Deutsch von A. Kretzschmar. Leipz. 1849. 6 v. T. A 557 The leaguer of Lathom ; a tale of the civil war m Lancashire, 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 571 The lord mayor of London, or City life in the last century. III. Lond. 1880. D. A 572 The Manchester rebels, or The fatal '45. 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 673 Mervyn Clitheroe. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 574 The miser's daughter ; a tale. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 575 Myddleton Pomfret. 111. Lond, 1881. D. A 576 Old Court; a novel. 111. Lond. 1880, D. A 577 Old St. Paul's ; a tale of the plagiie and the tire. 111. Phila. n. d. O. A 558 Same. Lond. 1879. D. A 558 Same, germ. Die alte St. Paulskirche ; eine erzJihlung von der pest und der feuers- brunst. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E. Susemihl. Leipz. 1842. 3 v. S. A 558 Ovingdean Grange ; a tale of the South Downs. in. Lond. 1879. D. A 578 Preston tight, or The insurrection of 1715 ; a tale. ni. Lond. 1879. D. A 579 Rookwood ; a romance. 111. Lond. 1878. D. A 559 Same, germ. Rookwood, oder Der bandit der hochstrasse. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. A 559 Saint James, or The court of queen Anne ; an historical romance. 111. Lond. 1879. D. A 580 Schloss Chiverton, Aus dem englischen von W: A. Lindau. Leipz, 1845. 8. A 560 Ainsworth, W: Hwcvison. Continued. The Spanish match, or Charles Stuart at Mad- rid. 111. Lond. 1880. D. A 581 The spendthrift ; a tale. Lond, 1879. D. A 582 The star chamber ; an historical romance. III. Lond, 1879. D. A 561 Same, germ,. Die sternkammer ; ein histo- rischer roman. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E. Susemihl. Leipz. 1854. 4 v. T. A 561 - The Tower of London ; an historical romance. 111. Lond. 1878. D. A 562 Same. T. p. w. [Phila.] O. A 562 Windsor Castle ; an historical romance. 111. Lond. 1878. D. A 563 Same, germ. Das Windsorschloss ; ein histo- rischer roman. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E. Susemihl. Leipz. 1844. 3 v. S. A 563 Alarcon, P: Antonio de. Manuel Venegas. Uebers. und eingel. von F. Eyssenhardt. Stuttg. [18821. S. A 626 Alberg, Albert. Fabled stories from the zoo ; tea-time tales for young little folks and young old folks. 111. Lond. 1880. D. Ax 451 Albert, Stanislaus, pseud., see Grabowski, Sta- nislaus Stephan Albert graf v. Alcestis. [Anon.] (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. A 1 Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag: 1. My boys, etc." Bost. 1882. S. Ax 502 Includes, Tessa's surprises. Buzz. The childi-en's joke. Dandelion. Madam Cluck and her family.- A curious call. Tilly's Christmas. My little gentle- man. Back windows. Little Marie of Lehon. My may-day among curious birds and beasts. Our little newsboy. Patty's patchwork. - Same. Bost. 1872. S. Ax 502 2. Shawl-straps. Bost. 1873. S. Ax 503 Same. Bost. 1882. S. Ax 503 3. Cupid and Chow-Chow, etc. Bost. 1882. S. Ax 504 Includes, Huckleberry.- Nelly's hospital. Grand- ma's team. Fairy pinafores. Mamma's plot. Kate's choice. The moss people. What Fanny heard. A marine merry-making. - 4, My girls, etc. Bost. 1881. S. Ax 505 Includes, Lost in a London fog-.- The boys' joke. Roses and forget-me-nots. Old Major. What the girls did. Little neighbors. Marjorie's three gifts. Patty's place. The autobiography of an omnibus. Red tulips. A happy birthday. 5. Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc. Bost. 1879. S. Ax 506 Includes, Two little travellers. A jolly fourth. Seven black cats.- Rosa's tale. Lunch. A bright Idea. How they camped out. My little school-gli'l. What a shovel did. Clams. Kitty's cattle-show. What becomes of the pins. 6. An old - fashioned Thanksgiving, etc, Bost. 1882, S. Ax 507 Includes, How it all happened. The doll's jour- ney from Minnesota to Maine. Morning-glories. Shadow-children.- Poppy's pranks. What the swal- lows did. Little Gulliver. The whale's story. A strange island. Fancy's friend. Eight cousins, or The aunl-hill. 111. Bost. 1878. S. Ax 508 Same. Bost. 1882. S. Ax 508 Same. Bost. 1885. S. Ax 508 Hospital sketches, and Camp and fireside stor- ies. 111. Bost. 1881. S. A 652 Includes. The king of clubs and the queen of hearts.- Mrs. Podgers' teapot. My contraband. Love and loyalty. A modern Cinderella. The blue and the gray. A hospital Christmas. An hour. X denotes books specially adapted for children. Alcott Ambach . LITERATURE FICTION". CI. 813, Authors. Alcott, Louisa May. Continued. Jack and Jill ; a village story. 111. Bost. 1880. S. Ax 510 Little men, or Life at Plumfield with Jo's boys. 111. Bost. 1881. S. Ax 511 Same. Bost. 1883. S. Ax 511 Same. Bost. 1885. S. Ax 511 Little women, or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. 111. Bost. 1880. O. Ax 501 Same. Bost. 1885. S. Ax 501 Same. Bost. 1884. D. Ax 501 Same, pt. 1. Bost. 1879. S. Ax 501 vl Moods. Bost. [1864]. D. A 651 Same. [New ed.] Bost. 1882. S. A 651 Morning-glories. T.p.w. D. Ax 517 An old-fashioned girl. 111. Bost. 1876. S. Ax 512 Same. Bost. 1882. S. Ax 512 Proverb stories. Bost. 1882. S. Ax 513 Contents. Kitty's class-day. Aunt Kipp. Psyche's art. A country Christmas. On picket duty. The baron's gloves. My red cap. What the bells saw and said. [Proverb stories]. Bost. [1868]. S. Ax 518 Contents. Kitty's class-day. Aunt Kipp. Psyche's art. Rose in bloom ; a sequel to "Eight cousins." 111. Bost. 1881. S. Ax 509 Silver pitchers, and Independence ; a centen- nial love-story. Bost. 1883. S. Ax 514 Contents. Silver pitchers. Anna's whim. Trans- cendental wild oats. The romance of a summer day. My rococo watch. By the river. Letty's tramp. Scarlet stockings. Independence. Spinning-wheel stories. 111. Bost. 1884. S. Ax 519 Contents. Grandma's story. Tabby's table-cloth. Eli's education. Onawandah. Little things.- The banner of Beaumanoir. Jerseys, or The girl's ghost. The little house in the garden. Daisy's jewel-box and how she fllled it. Corny's catamount. The cooking-class. The hare and the tortoise. Under the lilacs. 111. Bost. 1881. S. Ax 515 Woi-k ; a story of experience. 111. Bost. 1878. 8. Ax 516 Same. Bost. 1878. S. Ax 516 Alden, Isabella M., (Pansy). Ester Ried. Bost. n. rf. D. . A 701 Links in Rebecca's life. Bost. [1878]. D. A 702 A new graft on the family tree. Bost. 1880. D. A 703 Alden, W: L. The adventures of Jimmy Brown, written by himself. 111. N. Y. 1885. S. Ax 554 The cniise of the Canoe club. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. Ax 553 The cruise of the "Ghost." 111. N. Y. 1882. [1881]. S. Ax 552 The moral pirates. 111. N. Y. 1881. [1880]. S. Ax 551 Aldrich, T: Bailey. Daisy's necklace and what came of it ; a literary episode. N. Y. 1857. S. A 751 Marjorie Daw and other people. Bost. 1873. D. A 752 Includes, A Rivermouth romance. Quite so. A young desperado. Miss Mehetable's son. A strug- gle for life. The friend of my youth. Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski. P6re Antoine's date-palm. Marjorie Daw, and other stories. (Riverside Aldineser.) Bost. 1885. S. A 756 Includes, Miss Mehetable's son.- Our new neighbors at Ponkapog. A midnight fantasy. Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski, " A struggle for life, i-pa" -The little violinist. Pfire An- Aldrich, T: Bailey. Continued. Prudence Palfrey. Bost. 1874. D. A 753 The queen of Sheba. Bost. 1877. D. A 754 The Stillwater tragedy. Bost. 1880. D. A 755 The story of a bad boy. Bost. n. d. D. Ax 601 Aleman, Mateo. The life and adventures of Guzman d'Alfarache, or The Spanish rogue. From the french ed. of Le Sage, by J: H: Brady. 111. Lond. 1881. 2 v. D. in M 2286 Alexander, Mrs., pseud., see Hector, Annie F. Alexandrowitsch, Leon. Bewegte zeiten ; ro- man aus dem russisch-tiirkischen kriege. N. Y. 1881. F. A 776 Alexis, Wilibald, pseud., see Haring, G: W: H: Alice, Cousin, pseud., see Haven, Emily. AUand, M., pseud., see Sauer, K: M. AUardyce, Alexander. Edgar Wayne's escape. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v7 The Pundrapore residency. In the same. T 177 v3 AUdridge, Lizzie. By love and law; the story of an honorable" woman. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. A 801 The world she awoke in. Leipz. 1879. 2 v. in 1. S. . A 802 AUston, Washington. Monaldi ; a tale. Bost. 1856. D. A 851 Almost a duchess. (No name ser.) Bost. 1884. S. A 2 Almquist, C: Jonas L: Drei frauen in Smaland. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1884. 2 v. T. A 901 Es geht an ; ein gemalde aus dem leben. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1846. T. A 902 Gabriele Mimanso, der letzte mordversuch gegen den konig Ludwig Philipp von Frankreich im herbste 1840 ; roman. Aus dem schwedischen. Leipz. 1842. 5 1. in Iv. S. A 904 Der konigin juwelenschmuck. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von A. Seubert. Stuttg. 1846. T. A 903 Tintomara ; ereignisse kurz vor, bei und nach der ermordung Gustav III ; roman. Aus dem schwedischen. Leipz. 1842. 4 t. in 1 V. S. A 905 Alte von den bergen, Der ; eine erzJihlung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde. Neue ill. ori- ginalaufl. Regensburg. 1873. S. A 952 Alvensleben, K: L: F: W: Gustav v., {Clod- wig, Gustav Sellen.) Der strafende burg- geist, Oder Der verfall der Harzbergwei*ke; geschichtlicher roman aus der zeit kaiser Heinrichs IV, von Clodwig. Meissen. 1830. D. C1951 Ambach, E: Der adler, oder Schuld und siihne ; ein familiengemalde aus den zeiten des 7-jahr. krieges, der reifern jugend gewid- met von dem verf . "Die kinder der wittwe." 111. Regensb. 1848. S. With Der alte von den bergen. A 952 Der feuerreiter, oder Die religion als leitstern ; ein charaktergemiilde unserer zeit, der reifern jugena gewidmet von dem verf. "Die kinder der wittwe." 111. Regensb. 1850. S. With Der alte von den bergen. A^52 denotes books specially adapted for children. 01. 813, Authors. LITERATURE-FICTION. Ambach Andersen. 664 Ambach, E : Continued . Die johanniter, oder Die einnahme von Rho- dus dureh Soliman ; charakter- und hel- dengemiilde aus der ersten halfte des 16. jahi'h., der reifern jugend gewidmet von dem verf. "Der kinder der wittwe." 111. Regensb. 1848. D. With Boost, A., ed. Sammlung moral, erziilil. A 953 Die kinder der wittwe, oder Der Herr hilft auf den schuldlos leidenden und demii- thigt die siinder bis zur erde ; eine erzah- lung fiir die reifere jugend, mit einem vorworte begleitet vom verf. der " Glocke der andacht." 5te verb. aufl. Regensb. 1875. D. A 951 Der menschenhandler, oder Verstand ohne herz ; charakteristische bilder aus dem republikanischen, sogenannt gliicklichen Amerika, der reifern jugend gewidmet. 2teaufl. 111. Schaffhausen. 1867. D. L2303 Der pulverthurm, oder Das gebet als schutz- geist ; ein familiengemiilde aus dem letz- ten drittel des vorigen jahrh., der reifern jugend gewidmet von dem verf. "Die kin- der der wittwe." 111. Regensb. 1850. D. With Boost, A., ed., Sammlung moral, erzahl. A 953 Amero, Constant, Jom^ author, see Tissot, V: Ames, Fanny B., comp. Christmas day and all the year; "Christian register" stories. Bost. 1880. S. Ax 701 Contents. Coolidgre, Susan. On top of the ark. Axford, G: Resolution first. Calthrop, S: E. The cats and the clover. Bartlett, M. C. A game. Bobinson, S. C. Gold-Lisa and king Lazybones. "Pepsie". The buried treasures.-Stillweil, M. Our life in Naples. Flint, S. Polly's legacy. Bartlett, M. C. Sten-mothers. Bobinson. S. C. The black box. Bartlett, M. C. Reconciliation. MacCauley, C. How Charley Ramsey spent a Saturday.- Nugrel, L. "Hallowed be thy name." Lincoln, M. W. "Lit- tle sir John." Bartol, M. Good manners.- Bart- lett, M. C. Miss Austin's charge. Flint, S. Tan- gles. Whitney, A. D. T. Trying on bonnets. Straszle, F. The bird wedding. Hall, J. O. Jen- nie York's holiday. Preston, A. A. Carrie's visit to the valley of life.- Kipp, C. How Dicky Star served somebody. Bush, T. D. F. Our Polly's train. Bartlett, M. C. Joe's evidence. Andersen, H. C. "Fellow-travellers." Mary Clemmer, see Hudson, Mary. Among the chosen. N. Y. 1884. S. A 7 Note,. Attributed to Mary S. Emerson. Amyntor, Gerhard v., pseud., see Gerhard, Dagobert v. Anders, Ferdinand, see StoUe, L: Ferdinand. Andersen, Hans Christian. Aus herz und welt. Leipz. n. d. S. A 1001 The darning-needle, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. With his The little match girl. Ax 754 Includes, The wicked prince.- Two brothers. The bell. By the almshouse window. Little Tuk. The flax. The puppet showman. A picture from the fortress wall. In the duck yard. Soup on a sausage- peg. The shepherdess and the chimney-sweeper. A leaf from the sky.- The drop of water. The goloshes of fortune, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870] . S. With his The tinder box. Ax 759 Includes, Old street lamp. The elf-hill. The loveli- est rose in the world. The swineherd.- Something. The buckwheat. The rose-elf. Fairy tales. 111. Phila. n. d. D. Ax 763 X denotes books specially Andersen, Hans Christian. Con^mMet?. The hardy tin soldier, and other stories. Tr. by H.'W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. With his The marsh king's daughter. Ax 755 Includes, Thumbelina. The travelling companion. The naughty boy. The Jewish girl. The money pig. What one can invent. The toad. The ice maiden, etc. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870.] S. In his The old church bell. Ax 757 Contents. The ice maiden. The bottle-neck. The ice-maiden, and other tales. Tr. from the germ, by Fanny Fuller. N. Y. 1863. T. Ax 765 Includes, The butterfly. The Psyche. The snail and the rose-tree. The improvisators From the danish, tr. by MaryHowitt. N. Y. 1863. O. A 1002 Same. Author's ed. Bost. 1880. D. A 1002 Same, germ. Der improvisator. Leipz. n. d. S. A 1002 Same. Nach dem diinischen original neu iibers. und eingel. von Edmund Lobedanz. Stuttg. [1882]. D. A 1002 In Sweden, and other stories. Tr. by H. VV. Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870]. S. "Ax 753 Contents. In Sweden. The story of my life. The little match girl, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. Ax 754 Incltides, The flying trunk. The storks. The ugly duckling. Holger Danske. Days in the Mediter- ranean. The grave yard at Scutari. The Bosphorus. Athens. She was good for nothing. The racers. In a thousand years. Little Rudy, and other stories. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. Ax 768 Includes, The butterfly. Psyche. The snail and the rose bush. Twelve by the mail. A rose from the grave of Homer. The racers. The marsh king's daughter, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. Ax 755 Includes, Twelve by the mail. The shadow. The ] happy family. I Nur ein geiger. See below Only a fiddler. ] The old church bell, and otlier stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. Ax 757 Includes, A story from the sand-dunes. The last dream of the old oak tree. The Psyche.- My boots. A picture-book without pictures, and other stories. From the danish, tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1855. T. Ax 766 Contents. Memoir of Hans Christian Andersen. A picture-book without pictures. My boots. Scenes on the Danube. Pegasus and the post-horses.- The emperor's new clothes. The swine herd. The real princess. O. T.; a danish romance. N. Y. 1870. D. A 1003 Same. Author's ed. Bost. 1880. D. A 1003 Only a fiddler ; a danish romance. N. Y. 1870. D. A 1004 Same. Author's ed. Bost. 1881. D. A 1004 Same, germ. Nur ein geiger. Leipz. n. d. S. i A 1004 I Poultry Meg's family, and other stories. Tr. \ by S. W: Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870]. S. With his The will-o'-the wisp. Ax 760 Includes, The dryad. Charming. Put off is not done with, and other stories. Tr. by" H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. Ax 756 Includes, The porter's son. The snowdrop. Our aunt. The thistle's experience. Five out of one shell, adapted for children. 6G5 Andersen Argles. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Andersen, Hans Christian. Continued. The red shoes, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870.] S. Ax 758 Incltules. A ri'eat grriet'. The jumper. The shirt collar. Old Luk-oie. Jack the dullard. The beetle. Ole the tower-keeper.- What the old man does is always right. Good humour.- Children's prattle. "It's quite true!" The sand-hills of Jutland. T. p. w. S. Ax 767 Contents. The sand-hills of Jutland. The mud- king's daughter. The quickest runners. The bell's hollow. Soup made of a sausage-stick. The neck of a bottle. The old bachelor's night-cap. Something. The old oak tree's last dream. Waldemar Daae and his daughters. The girl who trod upon bread. Ole, the watchman of the tower.- Anne Lisbeth. Children's prattle. A row of pearls. The pen and the inkstand. The child in the grave. Charming. Sein Oder nichtsein. Leipz. w. d. S. A 1005 The silver shilling, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870]. S. With his The red shoes. Ax 758 Includes, The snail and the rose-tree.- Little Ida's flowers. The emperor's new clothes. The princess on the pea. Little Claus and great Claus. The pigs. Grandmother. The lovers. The fir tree. The last pearl. The story of a mother. The daisy. The snow man, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. With his Put off is not done with. Ax 756 Includes, There is a difference.- The garden of par- adise. The little sea-maid. The pen and inkstand. The swan's nest. Waldemar Daa and his daughters. The snow queen, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [1870]. S. With his In Sweden. Ax 753 Inclxides, The neighbouring families. The story of the year. The piicenix bird. The thorny road of honour. The child in the grave. Stories and tales. 111. Author's ed. Bost. 1880. D. Ax 752 The tinder box, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870]. S. Ax 759 Includes, The elder tree mother. Two maidens. The old bachelor's nightcap. The old gravestone. The dumb book. The farm-yard cock and weather cock. A rose from the grave of Homer. The but- terfly. The nightingale. The bond of friendship. The two baronesses ; a romance. N. Y. 1870. D. A 1006 Same. Author's ed. Bost. 1879. D. A 1006 Same, germ. Die zwei baronessen. Leipz. n. d. S. A 1006 Under the willow tree, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870]. S. With his The wild swans. Ax 761 Includss, In the uttermost parts of the sea.- The bishop of Borglum and his warriors. Anne Lisbeth. The bell-deep. The stone of the wise men. An adventure in the catacombs of Rome. The wild swans, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870.] S. " Ax 761 Includes, The goblin and the huckster. The met- al pig. The old house. The girl who trod on the loaf .A peasant boy in the Campagna of Rome. The will-o'-the wisp, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 111. Lond. [1870.] S. Ax 760 Includes, The windmill. In the nursery. The golden treasure. The storm shakes the shield. The bird of popular song.- The legend of Niirnberg cas- tle. A night In the Apennines. The carnival in Rome. Mahomet's birthday. My visit to the Bor- ghese palace. Wonder stories told for children. 111. Author's ed. Bost. 1880. D. Ax 751 Zwei baronessen. See above Two baronesses. Anderson, Olive San Louie, (Sola). An ameri- can girl and her four years in a boys' col- lege. N. Y. 1878. D. A 1051 Anderson, W: Blanche the huguenot. T. p. w. S. A 1101 Andrea, J: G: F: W: Die sturmvogel ; cultur- und sittengeschichtlicher roman aus dem anfange des 16. jahrhunderts. Jena. 1865. S. A 1151 Andrews, Fanny, {Elzey Hay). A family secret. Phila. 1876. O. A 1201 Prince Hal, or The romance of a rich young man. Phila. 1883. D. A 1202 Andrews, Jane. Each and all, or How the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood ; a companion to "The seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air." Bost. 1878. S. Ax 801 Angelika Kaufmann ; ein historischer roman. Frankfurt a. M. 1860. 2 v. D. A 3 Angle, Cousin, pseud. Worth, not wealth, and other tales. Bost. n. d. D. Ax 726 Contents. Worth, not wealth. Perseverance. The bad temper cured. The school girl's first trial. Gleanings from memory's wayside. Anley, Chai'lotte. The prisoners of Australia. [Anon.] Lond. 1841. S. A 1251 Anneke, Mathilde Franziska. Das geisterhaus in New York. Jena. 1864. S. A 1301 Anson, W. S. W. The three foolish little gnomes. Lond. n. d. Q. Ax 826 Anstey, F., pseud., see Guthrie, F: Anstey. AnzengTuber, L:, {Ludwig Oruber). Feldrain und waldweg ; mit einer einleitung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [1883.] D. A 2251 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 47. Hartinger's alte Sixtin. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2 v31 Apeltern, Hermann, pseud., see Engelen, A. W. Appeltern, Hermann van, pseud., see Engelen, A. W. Appleton, Elizabeth Haven. A half -life and half a life. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Arabian nights' entertainments, see Thousand and one nights. Arblay, Frances d', born Burney. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an heiress, by the author of Evelina. 2d amer. ed. Bost. 1803. 3 v. S. A 1401 Evelina, or The history of a young lady's in- troduction to the world. N. Y. 1861." S. A 1402 Same. N. Y. n. d. 3 v. in 1. S. A 1402 Arbouville, Sophie d', born de Bazancourt. Three tales: Christine Van Amberg; Resigna- tion and The village doctor. Tr. from the french by Maunsell B. Field. N. Y. 1853. S. A 1451 The village doctor. In Tales from Black- wood. T 176 v5 Archer, E. M. Betwixt my love and me; a novel. [Anon.] N. Y. 1885. Q. A 2301 Arfvedson, C. D. Konig Karl XI und seine giinstlinge ; geschichtlicher I'oman in zwei abth. vom verfasser der Vereinigten Staaten und Canada, u. s. w. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1846. 3 V. T. K 11 Argles, Margaret, (The duchess). Airy, faiiw Lilian : a novel. Phila. 1883. D. A 1476 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITEBATURE FICTION. Argles Auerbach. Argfles, Margaret, {The duchess). Continued. Beauty's daughters. Phila. 1880. D. A 1477 Doris ; a novel. Phila. 1885 [1884]. D. A 1485 Faith and unfaith ; a novel. Phila. 1882 [1881]. D. A 1478 In durance vile. J?^ Tales from manv sources. T 178 v2 Same, and other stories. Phila. 1885. S. A 1486 Includes. A week In Klllarney. Moonshine and Marguerites. Dr. Ball. A fit of the blues. Loys lord Beresford, and other tales. Phila. 1883. D A 1483 Includes, Erie Bering. Sweet is true love. Lydia. Jocelyne. The witching- hour. The pity of it. How Snooks got out of it. Cross purposes. Her first appearance. Krin. Beatrix. Clarissa's choice. What a mad world it is, my masters. The baby. The dilemma That last rehearsal. A maiden all forlorn, and other stories. Phila. 1885. D. A 1488 Includes, A rose distill'd. A passive crime. Zara. Barbara. Nurse Eva. One new year's eve. Vivi- enne. Mrs. Geoffrey ; a novel. Phila. 1881. D. A 1479 Molly Bawn. Phila. 1883. D. A 1480 O tender Dolores : a novel. Phila. 1885. D. A 1487 Phyllis, by the duchess. Phila. 1877. S. A 1481 Portia, or By passions rocked. Phila. 1883. D. A 1482 Rossmoyne. Phila. 1884 [1883]. D. A 1484 Argyle, Anna. Olive Lacey ; a tale of the irish rebellion of 1798. Phila. 1874. D. A 1501 Arlincourt, C: Victor lie Prevost vicomte d'. Die fremde. Teutsch von Paul Ganger. Stuttg. 1838. 2 V. S. A 1551 Die waise von Unterlachen. Grimma. 1824. 2 V. S. A 1553 Armand, pseud., see Strubberg, F: A: Amim, L: Achim v. Contes bizarres. Tr. de Theophile Gautier fils, preccdee d' une in- troduction par TheophiJe Gautier. Nouv. ed. Paris. 1869. D. A 1577 Contents. Introd. Isabella d' :6gypte. Mai-ie Me- luck Blainville. Les heritiers du majorat. Die kronenwachter ; mit einer einleitung von Johannes Scherr. Stuttg. 1881. D. A 1576 Arnold, Birch, pseud., see Bartlett, A. E. mrs. J. M. D. Arnold, F: Alfred Leslie ; a story of Glasgow life. [Anon.] Glasgow. 1856. S. A 1591 Arnold, G: Why Thomas was discharged. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Same. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v5 Arnold, W: Delafield. Oakfield, or Fellowship in the east. Bost. 1855. D. A 1801 Amould, A: J: Fran9ois, and L: P: Narcisse Fournier. Struensee, oder Giinstling und konigin. Nach dem franzosischen von dr. Scherr. {Anon.] Stuttg. 1845. T. S 41 Arrom, Cecilia Bohl de Faber, {Fernan Cabal- lero). Spanish fairy tales. Tr. by J. H. Ingram. Phila. 1881. D. Ax 851 Arthalis, pseud., see Steinlein, Laura. Arthur, Timothy Shay. The bar-rooms at Brantly, or The great hotel speculation. Chicago. [1877]. IT. A 1751 Friends and neighbors, or Two ways-of living in the world. Chicago. 1856. D. A 1752 Arthur, Timothy ^h&y. Continued. Heart histories and life-pictures. N. Y. 1853. S. A 1753 The lost bride. T.p.w. [Phila.] O. A 1754 Making haste to be rich, or The temptation and fall. N. Y. 1859. T. A 1755 Retiring from business ; the rich man's error. N. Y. 1859. T. A 1756 Ten nights in a bar-room, and what I saw there. Phila. [1857]. S. A 1757 The ways of providence, or "He doeth all things well". Phila. 1864. T. A 1758 Woman to the rescue ; a story of the new crusade. Cine. [1874]. D. A 1759 Amsmont, Frances d', 6orw Wright. A few days in Athens ; being the translation of a greek manuscript discovered in Herculaneum. Bost. 1850. D. A 1801 At the red glove ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1885. D. A 81 Atlantic tales. T. p. w. [Bost.] D. A 1876 Contents. Hale, E: E. My double, and how he undid me. O'Brien, F. J. The diamond lens. Davis, R. B. Life in the iron mills. Dodgre, M. A. The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. Lowell, R. T. S. A raft that no man made. Arnold, G: Why Thomas was discharged. Chese- bro', C. Victor and Jacqueline. Nordhoff, C: Elkanah Brewster's temptation. Hale, L. P. The queen of the red chessmen. Cooke, R. T. Miss Lucinda.- Whelpley, J. D. The Denslow palace. Taylor, B. Friend Eli's daughter. Appleton, E. H. A half-life and half a life. Hale, E: E. The man without a country. Auer, Adelheid v., pseud., see Cosel, Charlotte v. Auerbach, Berthold. Aloys. Tr. by C: T. Brooks. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1877. S. A 1951 Auf der hohe ; roman in 8 biichern. 12te aufl. Stuttg. 1879. 2 V. in 1, S. A 1952 Same, eng. On the heights. Tr. by Simon Adler "Stern. N. Y. 1875. D. A 1952 Barfiissele. Stuttg. 1858. S. A 1953 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. A 1953 Same, eng. The little barefoot. Tr. by Eliza Buckminster Lee. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. A 1953 Black Forest village stories. See below Schwarz- wtilder dorfgeschichten. Brigitta ; erziihlung. N. Y. 1881. F. A 1054 Same, eng. Tr. by Clara Bell. (Leisui'Q hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. A 1954 The convicts and their children. Tr. by C: T. Brooks. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1877. S. A 1955 Deutsche abende. Stuttg. 1858. S. A 1956 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 47. Dichter und kaufmann ; ein Jebensgemiilde aus der zeit Moses Mendelssohns. Stuttg. 1858. 2 V. S. A 1957 Edelweiss. Tr. by EUen'Frothingham. (Leis- ure hour ser.)" N. Y. 1874. S. A 1958 The foresters. N. Y. 1880. S. A 1959 Joseph im schnee ; eiae erziihlung. Stuttg. 1860. S. A 1960 Same, eng. Joseph in the snow ; a tale. (Leisure hour sej-.) N. Y. 1874. 8. A 1960 Das landhaus anj Rhein ; roman. 4te aull. Stuttg. 1874. 3 V. in 1. S. A 1967 Same, eng. The villa on the Rhine. Tr. by James Davis, with a portrait of the author, and a biographical sketch by Bayard Taylor. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y V. S. 1874. A 1967 : denotes books specially adapted for children. Auerbach-Baker, W. M. LlTERATTmE-FICTlOH. CI. 813, Authorei. 670 Auerbach, Berthold. Continued. Landolln. Tr. by Annie B. Irish. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. S. A 1961 The little barefoot. See above Barfiissele. Loreley and Reinhard. Tr. by C. T. Brooks. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1877. S. A 1962 Master Bieland and his workmen. Tr. by E. Hancock. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. A 1970 Neues leben ; eine lebensgescbichte in fiinf biichern. Stuttg. 1858. 3 v. S. A 1963 On the heights. See above Auf der hohe. Schatzkastlein des gevattersmanns. Stuttg. 1858. 2 V. S. A 1964 SchwarzwJilder dorfgeschichten. Stuttg. 1857. 8v. S. A 1965 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 47. Same. N. Y. 1882. F. A 1965 Same, eng. Black Forest village stories. Tr. by C: Goepp. Author's ed. 111. N. Y. 1869. S. A 1965 Contents. The gawk. The pipe of war. Manor- house farmer's Vefela. Nip-cheeked Toney. Good fTOvernment.- The hostile brothers. Ivo, the gentle- man. Florian and Crescence. The lauterbaeher. Spinoza ; ein denkerleben. Stuttg. 1858. 2 v. D. A 1966 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. A 1966 Same, eng. From the germ an by E. Nicholson. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. A 1966 The villa on the Rhine. See above Das land- haus am Rhein. Waldfried. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1874]. D. A 1968 August, F: L: Die liebe am Rhein ; ein lebens- bild aus der gegenwart. Leipz. 1844. S. A 2001 Augusti, Bertha, born Scholer. Das bildniss ; eine novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2 v25 Aulnoy or Aunoy, Marie Catherine Junelle de Berneville, comtesse d'. Fairy tales. New ed., ill. Lond. 1881. D. Ax 951 Ausgewiesene, Der. Leipz. 1840. 2 v. D. A 4 Austen, Jane. Emma. Bost. 1871. D. A 2051 Mansfield Park. T. p. w. [Bost. 1871]. D. A 2052 Northanger Abbey. With her Pride and pre- judice. A 2053 Persuasion. With her Sense and sensibility. A 2054 Pride and prejudice. N. Y. 1880. Q. A 2053 Same. Phila. n. d. D. A 2053 Sense and sensibility. N. Y. 1879. Q. A 2054 Same. Phila. n. d. D. A 2054 See Keddie, Henrietta. Jane Austen and her works. A 2055 Austin, Jane Goodwin. The Desmond hundred. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1882. S. A 2104 Dora Darling, the daughter of the regiment. Bost. 1884. D A 2105 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. (No name ser.) Bost. 1880. S. A 2101 Moonfolk ; a true account of the home of the fairy tales. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. Ax 901 A nameles nobleman. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1881. S. A 2102 Outpost. Bost. 1884. D. A 2106 The shadow of Moloch mountain. N. Y. 1870. O. A 2103 Auton, C,psevd., see Hoppin, A: Avery, M. A. Shadowed perils. N. Y. 1876. D. A 2151 Awdry, Frances, and others. The miz-maze, or The Winkworth puzzle, by nine authors. N. Y. 1883. D. A 2176 Note. The other authors are: Mary Bramston, Christabel R. Coleridge, Mary S. Lee, A. E. Mary Anderson Morshead, Frances M. Peard, Eleanor C. Price, Florence Wilford, Charlotte M. Yonge. Ayguals de Izco, Wenzeslaus. Marie, die spa- nierin, oder Das schlachtopfer eines monchs ; historisch-politischer roman, ein- gefiihrt von E. Sue. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. 1451 Aytoun, W. Edmondstoune. The congress and the Agapedome. In Tales from Black- wood. T177v2 The emerald studs. In the same. T 176 v6 The Glenmutchkin railway. In the same. T 176 vl How I became a yeoman. In the same. T 176 v2 How I stood for the Dreepdaily Burghs. In the same. T 176 v4 How we got possession of the Tuileries. In the same. T 176 v5 The raid of Arnaboll, In the same. T 177 v2 Rapping the question. In the same. T 177 v9 The surveyor's tale. In the same. T 176 v8 Azeglio, Giuseppe Maria Gerolamo RaiFaele Massimo Taparelli, marchese d\ Ettore Fieramosca, or The challenge of Barletta ; the struggles of an Italian against foreign invaders and foreign protectors. Bost. 1859. D. A 2202 Niccolo di Lapi ; ein roman aus der florenti- nischen geschichte. Aus dem italienischen. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. A 2201 B., M. E. Claudine ; a swiss tale by the author of Always happy. T. p. w. [Lond. 1847.] S. Bx 126 Bach, Ottilie. Des vaters schuld ; ein roman. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v24 Baer, Mrs. B. F. Irene, or Beach-broken bil- lows. N. Y. 1875. D. B 101 Bagger, C: Christian, {Johan Earring). Meines bruders leben ; eine erzahlung. Aus dem diinischen iibertragen von Julius Rue- ' scher. Berlin. 1847. S. B 126 Baker, G: M. Running to waste ; the story of a tomboy. 111. Bost. . d. S. Bx 101 Baker, Harriet Newell, born Woods, {Aunt Hattie, Mrs. Madeline Leslie). Light and shade. Bost. 1864. S. Bx 150 Theology in romance, or The catechism and the Dermott family. Bost. 1859. 2 v. S. Bxl51 Baker, Sir S: White. Cast up by the sea. 111. Phila. 1881. D. Bx 20 1 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. Bx 201 True tales for my grandsons. 111. N. Y. 1883. , D. Bx 202 Baker, W: Munford, {Oeorge F. Harrington). Blessed saint Certainty. Bost. 1881. S. B 151 Carter Quarterman. N. Y. 1876. O. B 152 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire ; a story of today. [Anon.] N. Y. 1878. O. B 153 His majesty myself. (No name ser.) Bost. 1880. S. B 154 X denotes books specially a dapted for children. 671 Cl. 813, Authors. lilTERATURfi FICTION. Baker, W. M. -Bauberger. 672 Baker, W: Muniord.Continiied. Inside ; a chronicle of secession, by George F. Harrington. 111. N. Y. 1866. O. B 155 The making of a man. [Anon.] Bost. 1884. S. B 157 The new Timothy. N. Y. 1870. D. B 156 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. B 156 Balch, W: S. A peculiar people, or Reality in romance. Chicago. 1881. D. B 176 Baldamus, Max K: Wahnsinn und liebe. Leipz. 1826. S. B201 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. The giant of the north, or Pokings round the pole. 111. Lond. 1882 [1881]. D. Bx 251 The gorilla hunters ; a tale of the wilds of Africa. 111. Phila. n. d. S. Bx 252 Balzac, Honore de. The greatness and decline of Cesar Birotteau. From the french, tr. by O. W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich. N. Y. 1860. D. B 251 Banim, J: and Michael, {The O'Hara family). The bit o' writin'. New ed. with introd. and notes by Michael Banim. N. Y. n. d. D. B 307 Contents. The irlsh lord-lieutenant and his double. The family of the cold feet. The harehound and the witch. The soldiers' bullet. A peasant g-irl's love. The hall of the castle. The half-brothers. Twice lost but saved. The faithful servant. The roman merchant. 111 got, ill gone. The church- yard watch. The last of the storm. The rival dream- ers. The substitute. The white bristol.- The stolen sheep. The publican's dream. The ace of clubs. The Boyne water. New ed. with introd. and notes by Michael Banim. N. Y. 1866. D. B301 Clough Fionn, or The stone of destiny. N. Y. 1869. D. B 302 The denounced, or The last baron of Crana. New ed. with notes by Michael Banim, survivor of the " O'Hara family." N. Y. 1866. D. B 303 The ghost-hunter. N. Y. 1869. D. B 304 The peep o' day, or John Doe and Crohoore of the billhook. New ed. with introd. and notes by Michael Banim.. N. Y. 1875. D. B305 Peter of the castle and the fetches. A new ed. with introd. and notes by Michael Banim. N. Y. 1867. D. B 306 The rival dreamers. In Johnson, E. R. Lit- tle classics. J 926 vl2 Banks, Mary Ross. Bright days in the old plan- tation time. 111. Bost. 1882. D. BxllOl Barbaiild, Anna Lsetitia, born Aikin. Things by their right names and other stories, fables and moral pieces in prose and verse, selected and arranged from [her] writings; with a sketch of her life by S. J. Hale. N. Y. 1854. S. Bx 302 joint author, see Aikin, J : Barham, R: Harris, {Thomas Ingoldshy). Jerry Jarvis's wig; a legend of the weald of Kent. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 My cousin Nicholas. I'.p.w.D. B 351 Barker, Mary Anne Indy, now Mrs. Napier F. Broome. Spring comedies. Lond. 1871. D. B 376 Contents. A wedding story. A stupid story. A scotch story.- A man's story. Barnard, C: Knights of today, or Love and science. N. Y. 1881. D. B 401 Contents. [Kate]. A sanitary measure.- Under high pressure.- Applied science.- Love and a lantern. Put yourself in her place. The wreck of the Pioneer. Barnard, Edna A. Maple Range ; a frontier romance. Chicago. 1882. D. B 426 Barnes, Josiah, sen. The Green mountain trav- eller's entertainment. N. Y. 1860. D. B451 Barr, Amelia Edith, born Huddleston. Romances and realities ; tales of truth and fancy. N. Y. 1876. D. B 501 Contents. Content. Wisely, and not too well. "Sold for naught." Every cross bears its own inscription. Seed and fruit. The God of our idola- try. The sacrament of poverty. The law of love. The weakest goes to the wall. A faithful woman. From shore to shore. Mary's marriage. Not for gold. Agnes Stirling. Little Dime. Money at interest. "Your most obedient servant, etc' A basket of strawberries. Angling in August. Scotch songs. A chime of bells. W: Wordsworth.- Modern poets as religious teachers. The story of the english bible. The book of common prayer. Touching the vanished hand. A latent An autumn rev- erie. The story of four kings. Fairies. A little talk about diet and dress. Fashions that are always fash- ionable. Orders for dinner. A romance of the bread-basket. A garden of herbs. The salad bowl. Oysters and oyster-eaters. "Cherry ripe." The honey bee. Almanacs. Thus runs the world away. Barrett, Frank. Honest Davie ; a novel. Lond. 1883. 3 V. in 1. D. B 516 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. B 516 Barrili, Anton Giulio. The devil's portrait. Tr. from the Italian by Evelyn Wodehouse. N. Y. 1885. S. B 528 The eleventh commandment ; a romance. From the Italian by Clara Bell ; rev. and corr. in the U. S. ]^. Y. 1882. S. B 527 A whimsical wooing. From the Italian by Clara Bell ; rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1882. S. B 526 Barthelemy, J: Jacques. Carite and Polydorus. Prefixed, a treatise on morals, with the life of the author. Lond. 1799. S. B 4851 Bartlett, Alice E. mrs. J. M. D., {Birch Arnold). Until the day break. Phila. 1877. D. B551 Basil, pseud. A coquette's conquest ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. B 4653 Love the debt ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. B4651 Same. Lond. 1882. 3 v. in 1. D. B 4651 The wearing of the green ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. B 4652 Bates, Arlo. The pagans. N. Y. 1884. S. B566 Patty's perversities. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1881. 8. B 567 Bauberger, W: Die Beatushohle ; eine erziih- lung fijr die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cine. 1855. S. B676 Die irlandische hiitte ; eine erziihlung fiir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cine. 1855. S. B 578 Das thai von Almeria ; eine erziihlung fiir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Neue, ill. originalaufl. Regensburg. 1874. D. With Schmid, J. C. V. Mathilde und Wilhelmine. S 1467 Same. Cine. 1851. S. B 577 Das wunderweib von Eichbiihl ; eine erzah- lung fiir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cine. 1856. S. B579 Same. Cine. 1863. S. B 680 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 673 Baudissin Belcher. LITERATTJBE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 674 Baudissin, Graf Adalbert. Zustande in Ame- rika. Altona. 1863. O. B 601 Bauer, Clara, {Karl Detlef). Auf Capri ; novella. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1877. 2v.ini. D. B651 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. B651 Same, eng. At Capri ; a story of italian life. Tr. from the germ, by M. S. Phila. n. d. D. B 651 Ein dokument ; roman. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1878. 4 V. in 2. D. B 652 Die geheimniss voile sangerin ; novella. 3ta aufl. Stuttg. 1878. D. B 653 Mvisste es sein ? roman. 2ta aufl. Stuttg. 1875. 2 V. in 1. D. B 654 Nora ; aine charaktarstudia aus der deutschen gasellschaft. 3ta aufl. Stuttg. 1876. 2 v. inl. D. B655 Novallan. Braunschw. 1874. 2 v. D. B 656 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 49. Russischa idyllen; nachgelassena novellan. 2ta aufl. Breslau. 1880. D. B 657 Contents, see Deutscher katalog', p. 49. Unlosliche ban da ; novelle. 3ta aufl. Stuttg. 1877. D. B 658 Zwischan vatar und sohn ; roman. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1878. 2 V. in 1. D. B 659 Same, eng. Valentine the countess, or Between father and son. Tr. from the german by M. S. Phila. 1874. D. B 659 Bauerle, Adolf, {Fels, Otto Horn). Das ain- gemauerte madchen ; Wiener criminal- gaschichte aus der neuesten zeit. Pest. 1857. 2 V. in 1. S. B 701 Bayer, K: Robert Emmerich v., (Robert Byr). Der heimliche gast, von Robert Byr. N. Y. 1883. F. B726 Sa7ne. Mit einer ainleitung von J. Kiirschner. Stuttg. [1883]. D. B727 Die Spatlauber ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v21 Beach, Rebecca G. The puritan and the quakar ; a story of colonial times. N. Y. 1879. D. B751 Beaconsfleld, Earl of, see Disraeli, B: Beale, Anna. The miller's daughter. Lond. 1878. 3 V. in 2. D. B 801 Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. B 801 The Pennant family. Lond. 1876. 3 v. in 1. D. B802 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. B 802 Rose Mervyn of Whitalake. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. B 803 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. B 803 Simplicity and fascination. Bost. n. d. D. B804 Beatty, J: The belle o' Becket's Lane. Phila. 1883. D. B 816 Beauvoir, Roger da, pseud., see Bully, E: Roger de. Beazley, S: Der roue. Aus dem anglischan von Theodor Ruprecht. [Anon.] Leipz. 1853. 4 V. S. B 826 Bechstein, L: Barthold der student, odar Dautschlands erste burschenschaft ; ro- mantisches zeitbild. Halle. 1850. 2 v. S. B851 Clarinette ; seitenstiick zu den Fahrten einas musikanten. Leipz. 1840. 3 v. S. B 852 Der dunkelgraf . Frankfurt a. M. 1854. S. B853 Bechstein, L: Continued. Fahrten eines musikanten. Frankfurt a. M. 1855. 2 V. S. B 854 Der flirstantag ; historisch-romantisches zeit- bild aus dam sachzehnten jahrhundert. Frankfurt a. M. 1834. 2 v. D. B 855 Grimmenthal ; romantisches zeitbild aus dem sechzahnten jahrhundert. Hildburghau- sen. 1833. D. B 856 Hainstarne ; berg-, wald- und wandergeschich- ten. Halle. 1853. 4 v. D. B 857 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 49. Die manuscripte Peter Schlemihls ; kosmolo- gisch-literarische novelle. Berlin. 1851. 2 V. S. B 858 Novellen und phantasiebliithen. Laipz. 1835. 2v. S. B859 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 49. Novellan und phantasiegamiilde. Hildburg- hausan. 1832. 2 v. D. B 860 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 49. Bechstein, Reinhold. Altdeutsche marchen, sa- gen und laganden, treu nacherzahlt fur ]ung und alt. 2te aufl. Laipz. 1877. D. B901 Becker, A: Auf waldwegen. Stuttg. [1881 J. D. B955 Das rabbi vermachtniss ; roman in 3 abth. la abth. Der maler. Berlin. 1866. 2 v. D. B951 2te abth. Der kabbalist. Berlin. 1866. 2 v. S. B952 3te abth. Der erbgraf . Berlin. 1867. 2 v. S. B953 Varvehmt ; roman aus der gagenv^rart. Berlin. 1868. 4 V. S. B 954 Becker, L: Theodor, ed. Rosen und dornen in erzahlungen und scenen aus dem stillen hauslichen leben, in ainan kranz gewunden fiir gute menschan. Niirnbarg. n. d. 2 v. S. B 1001 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 49. Beckford, W: Vathek ; an arabian tale, with a memoir of the author and notes critical and explanatory. Phila. 1854. D. B 1051 Same. [Bayard ser.] Lond. 1875. T. B 1051 Bede, Cuthbart, pseud., see Bradley, E: Beecher, H: Ward. Norwood, or Village life in New England. N. Y. 1868. D. B 1101 Beers, H: A. Split zephyr. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v8 Behrens, Bertha, [W. Heimburg). Ihr einziger bruder ; novella. N. Y. 1883. F. H 2277 Im banne der musen. N. Y. 1883. F. H 2278 Lottie of the mill. From the german by Katharine S. Dickey. Phila. 1882. D. H2276 A penniless girl. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1885 [1884]. D. H2279 Bekenn, M. L. Ursula, a story of the bohemian reformation ; a book for boys and girls. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. Bx 426 Bela ; erlebnissa eines ungarischan fliichtlings im osten und westen. Aus danpapieren des general K y. N. Y. 1856. T. B 1 Belani, H. E. R., pseud., see Haberlin, K: L: Belcher, SirY,: Horatio Howard Brenton ; ein seeroman. Uebers. von E. Buchele. Stuttg. 1856. 3v. T. B 1161 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 675 CI. 813, Authors. lilTERATTJKE FICTION. Bell, -Besant. 676 Bell, Acton and Ellis, pseud., see Bronte, Anne and Emily. Bell, Currer, pseud., see NichoUs, Charlotte, born Bronte. Bell, Mrs. Lucia Chase. True blue ; a story of the great northwest. Bost. 1878. D. Bx501 Bell, M. M. Seven to seventeen, or Veronica Gordon. 111. N. Y. 1875. S. Bx 551 Bell, Mrs. Martin, pseud., see Martin, Mrs. Bell. Bellamy, C: Joseph. The Breton mills. N. Y. 1880. S. B 1251 Bellamy, E: Lost. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v7 Miss Ludington's sister ; a romance of im- mortality. Bost. 1884. S. B 1261 Bellamy, Elizabeth Whitfield, horn Croom, {Kampa Thorpe). The little Joanna. N. Y. 1876. O. B 1276 Bellemarre, Eugfene L: Gabriel de Ferry de, ( Gabriel Ferry). Der waldlaufer. Aus dem franzosischen von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1851. 4v. T. B 1286 Belot, Adolphe. Die wiirger von Paris ; eine feschichte von neulich, nach A. Belot von 1. Vacano. N. Y. 1881. F. B 4601 Benedict, Frank Lee. Her friend Laurence. N. Y. 1879. D. B 1301 John Worthington's name. N. Y. 1875. O. B 1302 Madame. N. Y. 1877. D. B 1303 Miss Dorothy's charge. N. Y. 1873. O. B 1304 Miss Van Kortland. N. Y. 1875. O. B 1305 Mr. Vaughan's heir ; a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 V. in 2. D. B 1306 My daughter Elinor. N. Y. 1869. O. B 1307 The price she paid ; a novel. Phila. 1883. S. B 1310 St. Simon's niece. N. Y. 1875. O. B 1308 'Twixt hammer and anvil ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. D. B 1309 Benham, G: Chittenden. A year of wreck ; a true story by a victim. [Anon.] N. Y. 1880. D. B 1351 Benjamin, Park. The end of New York. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v5 Bennett, G. J. The empress. Phila. 1836. 2 v. D. B 1401 Bentzon, Th., pseud., see Blanc, Marie Therfese. Berger, E., pseud., see Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara. Berger, W: Das letzte gliick ; erzahlung. In Vierteljahrl, mag. V 2 v31 BergsOe, W: Jorgeu. Die braut von Rorvig ; erzahlung. Nach dem danischen origi- nal-manuscript frei bearb. von Adolph Strodtmann. Berlin. 1872. D. B 1451 Gespensternovellen. Aus dem danischen iiber- setzt von Adolf Strodtmann. Berlin. 1873. D. B 1452 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 50. Pillone. Tr. from the danish by D. G. Hub- bard. Bost. [1878]. S. B 1455 Same, und andere erziihlungen. Aus dem danischen von Adolph Strodtmann. Ber- lin. 1876. 2 V. in 1. D. B 1453 Contents, ce Deutscher katalog, p. 50. Von der Piazza del Popolo ; novellen-cyklus aus Rom. Deutsch von Franz Busch. Bremen. 1871. 3 v. in 1. D. B 1454 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Bernard, C: Bernard Dugrail de la Vilette, called C: de. Ausgewiihlte erziihlungen. Aus dem franzosischen von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1859. 2 V. T. B 1501 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 50. The consultation. From the french. In Sar- gent, E. The emerald. S 551 Bernays, Isaak, pseud., see Schiff, Hermann. Bemeck, C: Gustav v., {Bernd v. Guseck). Deutschlands ehre ; historischer roman. T. p. w. D. B 1526 Der erste raub an Deutschland ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1862. 4 v. S. B 1527 Der graf von der Liegnitz ; historischer roman. Jena. 1869. 3 v. S. B 1528 Im Strom der zeit ; roman aus der zeit kaiser Leopold des ersten. Prag. 1860. 4 v. T. B 1529 Kaltenborn. Prag. 1855. T. B 1530 Kar] X Gustav ; nistorischer roman. Wien. 1862. 2 V. S. B 1531 Nach der flut ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1854. 4 V. T. B 1532 Salvator. Bremen. 1851. 2 v. S. B 1533 Wildfeuer ; novellen. Berlin. 1845. 2 v. S. B 1534 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 50. Bernhard, Carl, pseud., see St. Aubain, Andreas Nicolai. Bemhardi, L. T. Das furstenhaus ; ein ge- schichtliches gemalde aus der mitte des achtzehnten jahrhunderts. Leipz. 1826. 2 V. S. B 1551 Bernhardt, A: Kinder der zeit. Stuttg. 1858. T. B 1601 Berquin, Arnold. The looking glass for the mind, or Intellectual mirror. 111. N. Y. 1860. T. Bx 601 Berry, Martha E. Celesta ; a girl's book. Bost. n. d. S. Bx651 Crooked and straight, or Jotham and Annette at home. Bost. n. d. S. Bx 652 Berthet, Elie Bertrand. Der jiingere sohn aus der Normandie. Aus den neuesten feuille- tons des Sifecle, iibers. von G: Lotz. Ham- burg. 1842. S. B 1701 The pre-historic world. Tr. from the french by Mary J. Safford. Phila. [18791. D. B 1702 Der wehrwolf . Aus den neuesten feuilletons des journals le Sifecle, in's deutsche iibers. von G: Lotz. Hamburg. 1843. S. B 1703 Berthold, Franz, pseud., see Beinbold, Adelheid. Bertigny, St. v. Wahnsinnig auf befehl ; no- velle. /tz. Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v21 Besant, Walter, {Walter Maurice). All in a gar- den fair. N. Y. 1883. Q. B 1759 All sorts and conditions of men ; an impossible story. New ed. Lond. 1884. D. B 1757 8ame. N. Y. 1882. Q. B 1757 Dorothy Forster. Leipz. 1884. 2 v. in 1. S. B 1760 In luck at last. N. Y. [1885.] S. B 1771 Uncle Jack, and other stories. N. Y. 1885. S. B 1770 Contents. Besant, W. Uncle Jack; A glorious fortune. Besant, W., and W. H. Pollock. Sir Jocelyn's cap. and James Rice. By Celia's arbor ; a tale of Portsmouth town." N. Y. 1878. O. B 1751 Same. New ed. Lond. [1880]. D. B 1761 677 Besant BjOrnson. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 678 Besant, Walter, and James Rice. Continued. The captain's room ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. B 1755 The case of mr. Lucraft, and other tales. Newed. Lond. [1877]. D. B 1762 Contents. From the supernatural: The case of mr. Lucraft: The mystery of Joe Morgan; An old, old story; Lady Kitty; The old four-poster; My own experience. From fairyland: Titania's farewell. From fact: On the Goodwin; Edelweis; Love finds the way; The death of S: Pickwick; When the ship comes home. - The chaplain of the Fleet. N. Y. 1881. Q. B 1752 -Same. Newed. Lond. 1884. D. B 1752 The golden butterfly ; a novel. New ed. Lond. 1877. D. B 1763 The monks of Thelema; a novel. Newed. Lond. [1880]. D. B 1764 - My little girl. Newed. Lond. [1877]. D. B1765 Ready - money Mortiboy ; a matter-of-fact story. New ed. Lond. [1877]. D. B 1761 - Same. Leipz. 1884. 3 v. in 1. S. B 1761 The seamy side ; a novel. New ed. Lond. [1881]. D. B 1766 So they were married. N. Y. 1882. Q. B 1756 Sweet Nelly, my heart's delight. N. Y. 1879. Q. B 1753 The ten years' tenant. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v4 Same, and other stories. New ed. Lond. [1882]. D. B 1767 Includes, Sweet Nelly, my heart's delight. Over the sea with a sailor. This son of Vulcan. Newed. Lond. [1878]. D. B 1768 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay, and other stories. Newed. Lond. [1880]. D. B 1769 Includes, Shepherds all and maidens fair. Such a good man. Le chien d'or. With harp and crown. Bost. 1876. O. B 1754 -Same. Newed. Lond. [1877]. D. B 1754 Betham - Edwards, Matilda Barbara, see Ed- wards, Matilda Barbara Betham-. Bethiine, Alexander. The ghost of Gairyburn. In "Wilson, J. M. Tales of the borders. W2202vll The ghost of Howdy Craigs. In the same. W2202 vll The warning. In the sams. W 2202 vl5 The young laird. In the same. W 2202 v3 Bethune, G: Washington. The ambassador in spite of himself. In Maga stories. P 2801 Bethune, J. The bewildered student. In Wil- son, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2203 v3 Same. In the same. W 2202 vlO Bethusy-Huc, Valeska grdfin, [Moritz v. Ret- chenbach). Die Eichhofs. N. Y. 1881. F. R801 Sam^, eng. The Eichhofs. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1881. D. R801 Beyer, Conrad, {C. Byr). Arja ; die schonsten sagen aus Indien und Iran. Leipz. 1872. D. B1801 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 50. Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a young naturalist; ed. and adapted by Parker Gillmore. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. Bx 701 Bibra, Ernst freiherr v. Erlebtes und getraum- tes ; novellen und erzahlungen. Jena. 1867. 3 V. inl. S. B 1851 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 50. Reiseskizzen und novellen. Jena. 1864. 4 v. in 2. S. B 1852 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 51. Tzarogy. Jena. 1865. S. B 1853 Biernatzki, J: Christoph. Die hallig, oder Die schiffbriichigen auf dem eiland in der nordsee. Mit einer einleitung von H: Diintzer. Stuttg. [1881]. D. B 1901 Same, eng. The hallig, or The sheepfold in the waters ; a tale of humble life on the coast of Schleswig. Tr. by mrs. G. P. Marsh, with a biog. sketch of the author. Bost. 1857. D. B 1901 Bigot, Mary, boi'n Healy, {Jeanne Mairet). A mere caprice. Chicago. 1882. T. B 1926 Bikelas, D, Loukis Laras ; reminiscences of a chiote merchant during the greek war of independence. From the greek by J. Genadius. N. Y. 1881. S. B 1951 Binzer, Emilie v., {Ernst Bitter). Charaktere ; erzahlungen. Prag. 1855. T. P 1826 Bird, Robert Montgomery. Calavar ; a ro- mance of Mexico. T.p.w.D. B 2001 Same, germ. Calavar, oder Der ritter der er- oberung ; ein roman aus Mexico. Bearb. von W: Weber. St. Louis. 1848. D. B2001 The infidel, or The fall of Mexico. Phila. 1835. 2 V. in 1. D. B 2002 BischofF, Joseph, {Konrad von Bolanden). Koni- gin Bertlia ; historischer roman aus dem 11. jahrhundert. Regensburg. 1860. S. B2051 Bishop, W: H: Choy Susan, and other stories. Bost. 1885 [1884J. D. B 2104 Includes, The battle of Bunkerloo. Deodand. Braxton's new art. One of the thirty pieces. Mc- Intyre's false face. Miss Calderon's german. Detmold ; a romance. Bost. 1879. T. B 2101 The house of a merchant prince ; a novel of New York. Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. B 2103 ~ One of the thirty pieces. In Stories by ameri- can authors. S 35 vl Bitzius, Albert, {Jeremias Ootthelf). Wealth and welfare. Lond. 1876. 2 v. D. B 2076 BjOmson, Bjornstjerne. Arne. Tr. from the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Bost. 1881. D. B2153 Same, germ. Deutsch von H: Helms. Berlin. [1861]. D. B2153 Bauern- novellen. Aus dem norwegischen von Edmund Lobedanz. Leipz. n. d. D. B2154 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 51. The bridal march, and other stories. From the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Author's ed. 111." Bost. 1882. D. B 2160 Includes, Thrond. A dangerous wooing. The bear- hunter. The father. The eagle's nest.- Blakken. Fidelity. A problem of life. Der brautmarsch, und andere erzahlungen. Uebersetzt und eingeleitet von E. Lobe- danz. Stuttg. [1882]. D. B 2157 Includes, Kapitan Mansana.- Eisenbahn und kirch- hof. Captain Mansana, and other stories. From the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Author's ed. Bost. 1882. D. B 2159 Includes, The railroad and the churchyard. Dust. denotes books specially adapted for children. 679 CI. 813, Authors. LITEBATURE-FICTION. BjOmson Blanche. BjOmson, Byornstjerne. Continued. The fisher maiden ; a norwegian tale. From the author's german ed. by M. E. Niles. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. B2151 Same. Tr. from the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Author's ed. Bost. 1882. D. B2151 Same, germ. Das fischermadchen ; erzah- lung aus dem norwegischen leben. Han- nover. [1868]. S. B2151 Giuseppe Mansana ; erzahlung, dem norwe- gischen nacherzahlt von Emil J. Jonas. Berlin. 1879. D. B 2155 A happy boy. From the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Author's ed. Bost. 1881. D. B2158 Magnhild. From the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Author's ed. Bost. 1883 [18821. D. B2156 Same, germ. Magnhild ; erzahlung, dem nor- wegischen nacherzahlt von Emu J. Jonas. Berlin. [1878]. D. B 2156 Synnove Solbaliken. Tr. from the norse by Rasmus B. Anderson. Author's ed. Bost. 1881. D. B 2152 Sam, germ. Schon Synnov. Nach der 4ten aufl. des originals, deutsch von H: Helms. Berlin. [1868]. D. B 2152 Black, W: An adventure in Thule ; a story for young people. N. Y. 1882. Q. Bx 726 A daughter of Heth. Leipz. 1871. 2 v. in 1. S. B 2202 The four Macnicols. 111. N. Y. 1882. S. Bx727 Green pastures and Piccadilly. Leipz. 1877. 2 V. in 1. S. B 2203 Same. N. Y. 1878. O. B 2203 In silk attire. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. B2204 Judith Shakespeare, her love affairs and other adventures ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. B 2218 Same. N. Y. 1884. Q. B 2218 Kilmeny. Leipz. 1874. S. B 2205 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, and other stor- ies. Leipz. 1876. 8. B 2206 Includes, The marriage of Molra Fergus. The man who was like Shakspeare. The highlands of the city. The strange house of Loch Sualnabahl. Macleod of Dare. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. B2207 Same. N. Y. 1879. D. B 2207 Madcap Violet. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. 8. B 2208 Same. N. Y. 1877. D. B 2208 The maid of Killena, and other stories. Leipz. 1875. 8. B2209 Inclmlea, Queen Tlta's wager. A flght for a wife. The true legend of a billiard club. A sequel to the same. Same. N. Y. 1875. O. B 2209 The monarch of Mincing Lane. 111. N. Y. 1877. O. "^ B2210 A princess of Thule. Leipz. 1874. 2v.ini. S. B2211 Same. N. Y. 1874. O. B2211 Queen Tita's wager. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v3 Shandon bells ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. D. B2216 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. B2216 Black, W: Continued. The strange adventures of a phaeton. Leipz. 1872. 2 V. in 1. S. B 2212 Same. With his A princess of Thule. in B 2211 Sunrise; a story of these times. N. Y. 1881. D. B2213 Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. B 2213 That beautiful wretch ; a Brighton story. N. Y. 1881. D. B2201 Three feathers. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. B2214 White wings ; a yachting romance. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. B 2215 Same. Chicago. 1881. D. B 2215 Yolande ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. D. B 2217 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. B 2217 Blackburn, W: M. Geneva's shield ; a story of the Swiss reformation. N. Y. 1868. D. " B2236 Blackburne, E. Owens, pseud., see Casey, Eliza- beth. Blackford, M. Arthur Monteith ; a sequel to "The Scottish orphans." With her The Scottish orphans. Bx 752 The Eskdale herd -boy ; a Scottish tale for the instruction and amusement of young per- sons. Istamer. ed. N. Y. 1828. 'l. Bx 751 The Scottish orphans ; founded on a histori- cal fact. New ed. Phila. 1874. S. Bx 752 The young artist. Lond. 1825. D. B 2251 The young west Indian. With her The Scot- tish orphans. Bx 752 Blackmore, R: Doddridge. Alice Lorraine ; a tale of the South Downs. N. Y. 1875. O. B 2301 Same. 6th ed. rev. Lond. 1877. D. B 2301 Christowell ; a Dartmoor tale. N. Y. 1881. Q. B2307 Same. Lond. 1882. D. B 2307 Clara Vaughan ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. B 2302 Same. 8th ed. Lond. 1883. D. B 2302 Cradock Nowell ; a tale of the New Forest. N. Y. 1866. O. B 2303 Same. Rev. 8th ed. Lond. 1883. D. B 2303 Cripps the carrier ; a woodland tale. 3d ed. Lond. 1877. D. B 2308 Erema, or My father's sin. N. Y. 1877. O. B2304 Same. 111. Lond. 1880. D. B 2304 Lorna Doone ; a romance of Exmoor. N. Y. n. d. O. B 2305 Same. Lond. 1883. D. B 2305 Mary Anerley ; a Yorkshire tale. Leipz. 1880. 3 V. in 1. S. B 2306 Same. 4th ed. Lond. 1881. D. B 2306 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. B 2306 The remarkable history of sir Thomas Up- more, bart., M, P., formerly known as " Tommy Upmore." N. Y. 1884. S. B 2309 Same. N. Y. 1884. S. B 2309 Blake, Lilian Devereux. Fettered for life, or Lord and master ; a story of today. N. Y. 1874. D. B2351 Blanc, Marie Ther&se, ( Th. Bentzon). Re- morse. N. Y. 1878. D. B 2401 Blanche, A: The bandit. Tr. from the Swedish and ed. by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. N. Y. 1872. O. B 2416 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Blanche Brachvogel. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Blanche Seymour, by the author of " Erma's engagement." Phila. 1873. O. B 4 Blaze de Bury, Marie Pauline Rose Stewart haronin. Falkenburg ; eine erziihlung. Bremen. 1851. 3 v. S. B 2426 Bleiche Toms, Der. Magdeburg. 1837. D. B 2 Blicher, Steen Steensen. Novellen. Aus dem dJinisehen iibertragen von H. Zeise. Alten- burg. 1846. 3v. S. B 2451 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 51. Blind, Mathilde. Tarantella : a romance. Bost. 1885. D. B 2466 Bloomfield, J. K. Patient Susie, or Paying the mortgage, by J. K. B. Cine. 1873. S. Bx 776 Bloss, C. A. Heroines of the crusades. Auburn. [1853]. O. B2476 Contents. Adela of Blois. Eleanor of Aquitaine. Berengaria of Navarre. Isabella of AngoulSme. Violante of Jerusalem. Eleanora of Castile. Blum, Ludoiska v., {Ernst v. Waldow). Hilde- gard ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. W 226 Blunt, Ellen Key. The Christ-born ; a christmas story. Phila. 1858. S. Bx 801 BlUthgen, V: Ein friedensstorer. N. Y. 1883. F. B 726 Boccaccio, Giovanni. The decameron ; includ- ing forty of its hundred novels, with an introd. by H: Morley. N. Y. 1884. D. B2486 Bodenstedt, F: Martin v. Aus deutschen gauen; erzahlungen. 3te aufl. Jena. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. B 2501 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 51. ~ Grafin Helene. Stuttg. 1880. T. B 2503 Das herrenhaus im Eschenwalde ; ein roman. 3te aufl. Jena. 1878. 3 v. in 3. D. B 2502 Die letzten Falkenburger ; erzahlung. With Henning, F. Sein guter engel. iB. 2501 Vom hofe Elisabeth's und Jakob's ; erzah- lungen. 3te aufl. Jena. 1878. Svinl. D. B2504 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 51. Bohemus, pseud., see Opiz, G: Emanuel. BOhlau, Helene. Der schone Valentin ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v35 Boit, Robert Apthorp. Eustis ; a novel. Bost. 1884. D. B 2601 Bolanden, Konrad v., pseud., see BischofF, Jo- seph. BOlte, Amalia Charlotte Elise Marianne, known only as Amely. Das forsthaus. Prag. 1855. T. B2651 Frau von Stael ; biographischer roman. Wien. 1861. 3 V. in 2. T. B 2652 Same, eng. Madame de Stael ; an historical novel. Tr. from the german by Theodore Johnson. N. Y. 1869. D. B 2652 Eine gute versorgung. Hamburg. 1856. 2 v. S. B 2653 Maria Antonia, oder Dresden vor hundert jahren ; zeitbild. Prag. 1860. 3 v. T. B2654 Bonner, Sherwood, pseud., see McDowell, Kath- ex-ine Sherwood. Boost, A., ed. Sammlung moralischer erzah- lungen fiir Deutschlands sohne und toch- ter. Augsburg, n. d. D. A 953 Contents. Bouilly, J: N: Der kleine savoyarde; Ueber die gefahren an den thuren zu lauschen; Das testament. Der kirschenstrauss.- Die kirschen. Hungrari, A. Heiliger schutz. Kindllcher liebe wird immer Ihr lohn. Schubert, H: v. Des vaters segen bauet den kindern hauser.- Ebersberg:, J. 8. So bin ich reich geworden. Bouilly, J: N: Schreck- liches opfer kindllcher liebe. Der gliicklich gewahlte beruf . Franciskus Xaverius. Borg, Selraa, and Marie A. Brown, trans. North- ern lights ; stories from Swedish and finnish authors. 111. Phila. 1873. D. Bx851 Borrow, G: Lavengro ; the scholar, the gipsy, the priest. N. Y. 1857. O. B 2751 The Romany rye ; a sequel to "Lavengro". N. N. 1859. 0. B 2752 Bothmer, Minny grafin v., born Young. Aut CjBsar aut'nihil ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. B2776 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. B 2776 Boucicault, Dion, joint author, see Reade, C: Boulger, Dora, born Havers, {Theo Oift). An innocent maiden ; a story. Lond. 1883. D, H1905 Maid Ellice. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. S. H 1901 A matter-of-fact girl. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. H 1902 Pretty miss Bellew. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1875. S. H 1903 Visited on the children. N. Y. 1881. Q. H 1904 Bourdin, H:, pseud., see Heyne, C: Traugott. Bourdin, L:, pseud., see Heyne, C: Traugott. Bourier, F. Frederico und Alfonso, oder Die macht des gewissens ; eine erzahlung fiir die ^esammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cincinnati. 1857. S. B2826 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. A daring fiction. In Stories by american authors. S 35 vlO A daughter of the philistines. (No name ser.) Bost. 1883. S. B 2857 Falconberg. N. Y. 1879. D. B 2851 Gunnar ; a tale of norse life. N. Y. 1880. D. B2852 Same, germ. Gunnar ; eine erzahking aus dem norwegischen leben. In autorisirter iiber- setzung von Paul Jvingling. Breslau. 1880. D. B 2852 Ilka on the hill-top, and other stories. N. Y. 1881. D. B 2853 Includes, Annunciata. TJnderthe glacier. A knight of Dannebrog-. Mabel and I ; a philosophical fairy tale. How Mr. Storm met his destiny. A norseman's pilgrimage. N. Y. 1875. S. B2854 Queen Titania. N. Y. 1881. S. B 2856 Includes, The mountain's face. A dangerous virtue. Tales from two hemispheres. N. Y. 1881. S. B2855 Contents. The man who lost his name. The story of an outcast. A good for nothing. A scientific vagabond. Truls the nameless. Asathor's venge- ance. Boyle, F: A good hater; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. B 2876 Boys' and girls' book of enchantment, The. Lond. 1881. O. Bx 75 Boz, pseud., see Dickens, C: J: HufFam. Brachvogel, Albert Emil. Aus dem mittelalter ; historische erinnerungen. Leipz. 1862. S. B2901 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 62. Benoni. Leipz. 1864. 3 v. S. B 2902 Der deutsche Michael. Berlin. 1868. 4 v. S. B 2903 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors, LITERATURE FICTION. Brachvogel Bronte, A. 684 Brachvogel, Albert Emil. Gontinued. Der fliegende holliinder. Berlin. 1871. 4 v. in 2 S B 2905 Hamlet. Breslau. 1867. 3 v. S. B 2906 Historische novellen ; v. 3, 4. Jena. 1864. 2 V. S. B 2907 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 52. Neue novellen. Breslau. 1867. 2 v. S. B 2908 Contents, sec Deutscher katalog, p. 52. Ein neuer Falstaff. Leipz. 1863. S. B 2904 Schubert und seine zeitgenossen ; historischer reman. Leipz. 1864. 4 v. S. B 2909 William Hogarth. Berlin. 1866. 3 v. S. B2910 Brackel, Ferdinande freiin v. Die tochter des kunstreiters ; roman. 4te aufl. Koln. 1881. D. B2951 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, see Maxwell, Mary Elizabeth. Bradley, E:, {Outhbert Bede). Nearer and dearer. T. p. w. D. B 3001 Brahain-Ducange, V: H: Joseph. Schloss Teu- felslager, oder Isaurine und Jean-Pohl. Deutseh von L. v. Alvensleben. Altenburg. 1836. 2v. S. D2051 Bramston, Mary. The thorn fortress ; a tale of the thirty years' war. Lond. 1879. D. Bx876 joint author, see Awdry, Frances. Brandrup, Marie, {Marie Widdern). Auf der Rummingsburg. N. Y. 1881. F. W 1701 Ebbe und fluth. With Spielhagen, F: In der zwoften stunde. S 4269 Prinzessin Schnee ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. W1702 Braim, Isabella. Lebensbilder. Stuttg. 1856. O. B3051 Braun, K: J:, ritter v. Braunthal, {Jean Charles). Realisten und idealisten ; socialer roman. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. S. 1001 Braiinthal, Ritter v., see Braun, K: J: Bread-winners, The ; a social study. N. Y. 1884. S. B 81 Note. Now said to be written by Susan D. Nickerson. Breier, E: Josef Kaiser; historischer roman aus den zeiten kaiser Josefs. Berlin. 1861. S. B3101 Bremer, Fredrika. Father and daughter ; a por- traiture from the life. Phila. n. d. S. B3151 Geschwisterleben ; roman. Aus dem schwe- dischen iibers. von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1850. T. B3161 The H . family ; Triilinnan ; Axel and Anna, and other tales. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1875. O. B 3152 Same, germ. Die f amilie H. ; skizze aus dem alltagsleben. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1843. T. B 3152 Hertha. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1856. D. B3153 Same, germ. Hertha, oder Geschichte einer seele ; skizze aus dem wirklichen leben. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1857. 2 v. T. B 3153 The home, or Family cares and family joys. Tr. from the Swedish by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1859. O. B3154 Same. N. Y. 1873. O. B 3154 Same, germ. Das haus, oder Familiensorgen und familienfreuden. Aus dem schwedi- schen. Leipz. 1841. 2 v. S. B 3154 Bremer, Yredrika,. Continued. Life in Dalecarlia : The parsonage of Mora. Tr. by W: Howitt. N. Y. 1873. O. B 3156 Same. Lond. 1845. S. B 3155 Same, germ. In Dalekarlien. Aus dem schwed. von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1845. T. B 3155 The midnight sun ; a pilgrimage. Tr. from the unpubl. original by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1860. O. B 3156 Same. N. Y. 1876. O. B 3156 Same, germ. Die johannisreise, eine wallfahrt. Aus dem schwedischen von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1849. T. B 3156 Same, germ. Sommerreise, eine wallfahrt. Aus dem schwedischen. Leipz. 1849. S. B3156 The neighbors ; a story of every-day life. Tr. from the Swedish by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1877. O. B 3157 Same. Tr. by Mary Howitt, authorized amer. ed. with the author's new preface. Phila. n. d. D. B3157 Same, germ. Die nachbarn. Aus dem schwe- dischen mit einer vorrede der verfasserin. Leipz. 1841. 2. v. S. B 3157 New sKetches of every-day life : A diary; together with Strife and peace. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1875. O. B 315& Same, germ. Tagebuch. Aus dem schwedi- schen. Leipz. 1844. T. B 3158 The president's daughters : pt. 1. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1876. O. B 3159 Same : pt. 2, Nina. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1860. O. B 3159 Same, germ. Die tochter des prasidenten ; erziihlung einer gouvernante. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1854. T. B 3159 Strife and peace, or Some scenes in Norway. With her New sketches of every-day life. B3158 Same, germ. Streit und friede, oder Scenen aus Norwegen. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1855. T. B3160 Brennglas, Adolf, pseud., see Glasbrenner, Adolf. Brentano, Clemens. Fairy tales. Told in eng- lish by Kate Freiligrath Kroker. 111. Lond. 1885. D. Bx 1201 Contents. Dear-my-soul. The story of sir Skip-and- a-jurap. The story of Niddy Noddy. The story of Wackemhard and his five sons. Children's page. Brewster, Anna H. M. Compensation, or Al- ways a future. Phila. 1860. S. B 3201 St. Martin's summer. Bost. 1866. S. B 3202 Briggs, C: F: Elegant Tom Dillar. In Maga stories. P 2801 Bristed, C: Astor. The upppr ten thousand. N. Y. 1852. D. B 3251 Brock, Mrs. Carey. Marjory ; a study, by the author of James Gordon's wife. N. Y." 1882. Q. B 3276 BrOkel, Johanna Antonie, {Antonie Brook). Schutzlos aber nicht hiilflos ; roman. 3te aull. Berlin. [1878]. D. B 3301 Bronte, Anne, {Acton Bell). Agnes Grey. New ed., rev., with a biographical sketch of the author, a selection from her literary re- mains and a preface by Currer Bell. With Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. B3351 denotes books specially adapted for children. Bronte, C Bulwer, E. liltERATXniE FICTION . CI. 813, Authors. Bronte, Charlotte, see Nicholls, Charlotte. Bronte, Emily, (Ellis Bell). Wuthering Heights. New ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the author, a selection from her literary remains and a preface, by Currer Bell. Leipz. 1851. 2 v. in 1. S. B 3351 Brook, Antonie, pseud., see BrOkel, Johanna Antonie. Brook, Leon. A beautiful woman ; a romance. Lond. 1878. 2 v. in 1. D. B 3401 Brooks, Byron A. Those children and their teachers : a story of today. N. Y. 1882. S. B 4701 Brooks, C: Shirley. The Gordian knot. T.p.w. [N. Y. 186-]. O. B3426 The silver cord. Leipz. 1862. 2 v. in 1. S. B 3427 Same, germ. Ernst Adair, oder Des lebens silberf aden. Aus dem englischen von Marie Scott. Leipz. 1862. 3 v. S. B 3427 Sooner or later. Leipz. 1868. 3 v. in 2. S. B 3428 Brooks, Noah. The boy emigrants. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. Bx901 The Fairport nine. N. Y. 1880. D. Bx 902 Lost in the fog. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v4 Our baseball club, and how it won the champ- ionship ; with an introd. by Al. G. Spald- ing. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. Bx 903 Broome, Mrs. Napier F., see Barker, Mary Anne lady. Brother's watchword, The. N. Y. 1875. S. Bx85 Brougham, J: Stories. In his Life, stories and poems. 927.1:7 Contents, see under American biography. Broughton, Rhoda. Cometh up as a flower ; an autobiography. Leipz. 1867. S. B 3451 " Good-bye, sweetheart ! " a novel. N. Y. 1872. D. B 3457 Joan. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. B 3452 Same. N. Y. 1877. O. B 3452 Nancy. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. B 3453 Not wisely, but too well. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. S. B 3454 Same. N. Y. 1873. O. B 3454 Second thoughts ; a novel. (Appleton's handy- vol. ser.) N. Y. 1880. 2 v. in 1. S. B 3455 Tales for Christmas eve. Leipz. 1872. S. B 3456 Contents. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The man with the nose. Behold, it was a dream. Poor pretty Bobby. Under the cloak. Brown, C: Brockden. Arthur Mervyn, or Mem- ories of the year 1793. Phila. i857. 2 v. in 1. D. B3501 Jane Talbot. Phila. 1857. D. B 3502 Ormond, or The secret witness. Phila. 1857. S. B 3503 Wieland, or The transformation ; with a memoir of the author. Phila. 1857. D. B3504 Brown, J: Marjorie Fleming, a sketch ; being the paper entitled "Pet Marjorie ;" a story of child-life fifty years ago. Bost. 1864. S. B3551 Same. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vlO Rab and his friends. In the same. J 926 v4 Brownson, Orestes A: Charles Elwood, or The infldel converted. Bost. 1840. D. B 3601 The spirit-rapper ; an autobiography. Bost. 1854. S. B3602 Bruckbrau, F: W: Agnes Bernauer, der engel von Augsburg ; historisch-romantisches zeit- und sittengemiilde aus dem 15. jahr- hundert. Ein deutsches volksbuch. Miin- chen. 1854. 2 v. S. B 3651 Brun, Ida Brunsig edle v. (/. v. Brun-Barnow). Falsche wege ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. B3676 Brunius, Louise. Die junge wittwe in Nordland. Aus dem schwediscnen. [Anon.] Stuttg. 1844. 2 V. T. J 2 Bruno, J., pseud., see Mengersen auf Bheder, Joseph Bruno graf. Brunton, Mary, born Balfour. Emmeline, with some other pieces ; to which is prefixed a memoir of her life, including some extracts from her correspondence. Edinb. 1819. D. B3751 Brush, Christine Chaplin. The colonel's opera cloak. (No name ser.) Bost. 1879. S. B3801 Brush, Mary E. Paul and Persis, or The revo- lutionary struggle in the Mohawk valley. Bost. 1883 [1882]. 8. Bx 1151 Bryant, W: Cullen. Medfield. [Anon.] Jra Tales of Glauber Spa. T 186 The skeleton's cave. [Anon.] In the same. T 186 Buchanan, Robert W: Annan water ; aromance. N. Y. 1883. Q. B 3854 Same. Lond. 1883. 3v.ini. D. B 3854 A child of nature; a romance. Lond. 1881. 3v.ini. D. B3851 Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. B 3851 God and the man ; a romance. 2d ed. Lond. 3 V. in 2. D. B 3853 Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. B 3853 The new Abelard ; a romance. Lond. 1884. 3v. in 1. D. B3855 The shadow of the sword ; a romance. N. Y. 1877. O. B 3852 Buchholz, Wilhelmine, pseud., see Stinde, Julius. Buhrlen, F: L. Die prima donna ; theater- roman. Stuttg. 1884. 2 v. S. B 3901 Bully, E: Roger de, [Roger de Beauvoir). Ruysch ; eine hollandische geschichte aus dem sie- benzehnten jahrhundert. In Zitz-Halein, K. Erziihlungen und novellen. Z 201 v2 Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Lytton, 1st baron Lytton, (Pisistratus Caxton). Alice, or The mysteries ; a sequel to Ernest Maltravers. Leipz. 1842. S. B 4001 Same. Ernest Maltravers, or The eleusinia, pt. 2. Lond. n. d. D. B 4001 Same, germ. Alice, oder Die geheimnisse ; fortsetzung von Ernest Maltravers. Aus dem englischen von G. Pfizer. Stuttg. 1858. 2 V. S. B 4001 Arasmenes. With his Calderon, der hofling. B4002 Calderon, the courtier. With his Leila, or The siege of Granada. B 4015 Same, germ. Caldei'on, der hofling. Aus dem englischen von G. Pfizer. Stuttg. 1841. S. B 4003 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 687 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Bulwer, E. Buntline. Bulwer-Ijytton, E: G: Earle Lytton.Contimied. The Caxtons ; a family picture. Leipz. 1849. 2 V. in 1. S. B 4003 Same, germ. Die Caxtone -, ein familienge- miilde. Aus dem englischen von K. Kolb. Stuttg. 1860. S. B4003 The coming race. Leipz. 1873. S. B 4004 Same. N. Y. 1871. D. B 4004 Devereux. Lond. n. d. S. B 4005 Same. Leipz. 1843. S. B 4006 Same. Phila. 1860. 2 v. D. B 4005 The disowned. Leipz. 1842. S. B 4006 Ernest Maltravers. Leipz. 1842. S. B 4007 Same, germ. Ernest Maltravers. Aus dem englischen von G. Pfizer. Stuttg. 1858. 2 V. S. B4007 Note. For continuation, see Alice. Eugene Aram. Leipz. 1843. S. B 4008 Same, germ. Eugen Aram. Aus dem engli- schen von F. ^Totter. Stuttg. 1858. 2 v. S. B4008 Eva ; a true story of light and darkness. The ill-omened marriage, other tales and Eoems,^and The pilgrims of the Rhine, eipz. 1843. S. B 4009 Falkland. Phila. n. d. O. B 4010 Same. With Ms Go Ao\^\nn. B4011 Same, germ. Falkland ; erziihlung. Aus dem englischen von G. Pfizer. With his Cal- deron. B 4002 Godolphin. Leipz. 1843. S. B4011 Same, germ. Godolphin. Aus dem englischen von G. N. Biirmann. Stuttg. 1859. S. B4011 Harold, the last of the saxon kings. Leipz. 1848. 2v.ini. S. B4012 Same, germ. Harold, der letzte sachsen-konig. Aus dem englischen von E. Mauch. Stuttg. 1858. S. B4012 The haunters and the haunted, or The house and the brain. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 vlO Same. The house and the brain. In Jolinson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v2 Kenelm Chillingly ; his adventures and opin- ions. Leipz. 1873. 4 v. in 3. S. B 4013 Same. N. Y. 1875. O. B 4013 The last days of Pompeii. Leipz. 1879. S. B4014 Same. Phila. 1860. 2 v. D. B 4014 Same, germ. Die letzten tage Pompejis. Aus dem englischen von FT Notter. Stuttg. 1859. 3 V. S. B 4014 The last of the barons. Leipz. 1843. 3 v. in 1. S. B4015 Same. Phila. 1884. D. B 4015 Same. Phila. 1861. 2 v. S. B 4015 Same, germ. Der letzte baron. Aus dem englischen von O. v. Czarnowski. Aachen. 1843. 4v. S. B4015 Leila, or The siege of Granada. Phila. 1860. S. B 4016 Lucretia, or The children of night. Leipz. 1846. 2 V. in 1. S. B 4017 Sam^, germ. Lucretia, oder Die kinder der nacht. Aus dem englischen von T. Oel- ckers. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. B4017 The maid of Malines. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v6 Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle "Lyiion.-Gontinued. My novel, or Varieties in english life. Leipz. 1851. 4 V. in 2. S. B 4018 Same, germ. Meine novelle, oder Wechselfor- men im englischen leben. Aus dem engli- schen von C. Kolb. Stuttg. 1852. 2 v. S. B4018 Night and morning Leipz. 1843. S. B 4019 Same. Phila. 1862. 2 v. S. B 4019 Same, germ. Nacht und morgen. Aus dem englischen von G. Pfizer. Stuttg. 1858. 2 V. S. B4019 The Parisians. Leipz, 1873. 4 v. in 2. S. B 4020 Same. N. Y. 1874. O. B 4020 Paul Clifford. Leipz. 1842. S. B 4021 Same, germ. T.p.w. T. B 4021 Pausanias, the spartan ; an unfinished histori- cal romance, ed. by his son. Leipz. 1876. S. B4022 Same. Phila. 1876.- D. B 4022 Pelham, or The adventures of a gentleman. Portrait. Leipz. 1842. S. B 4023 Same. Lond. n. d. D. B 4023 Same, germ. Pelham, oder Abenteuer eines gentleman. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1858. 2v. S. B4023 The pilgrims of the Rhine. Lond. 1854. D. B4024 Same. With Ids Eva. B 4009 Rienzi, the last of the roman tribunes. Leipz. 1842. S. B4025 Same. Lond: n. d. S. B 4025 Same, germ. Rienzi. Aus dem englischen. Aachen. 1836. 3 v. S. B 4025 A strange story. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. S. B4026 What will he do with it ? T.p.w. 2 v. D. B 4027 Same. Leipz. 1857. 4 v. in 2. S. B 4027 Zanoni. Leipz. 1842. S. B 4028 -- Same. Lond. n. d. D. B 4028 Same. Phila. 1862. D. B 4028 Same, germ. Zanoni. Aus dem englischen, Aachen. 1842. 3 v. S. B 4028 Bulwer-Lytton, E: Robert, 1st earl of Lytton, {Owen Meredith). The ring of Amasis, from the papers of a german physician. N. Y. 1863. D. B4051 Bulwer-Lytton, Rosina Doyle, born Wheeler, lady Lytton. The budget of the Bubble family. N. Y. 1840. 3 v. D. B 4076 Bunbury, Selina. Sir Guy D'Esterre. Lond. 1858. 3v. D. B4101 Bunce, Oliver Bell. The adventures of Timias Terrystone. N. Y. 1885. S. B4116 Bungener, Laurence L: Felix. The preacher and the king, or Bourdaloue in tne court of Louis Xrv ; an account of the pulpit eloquence of that distinguished era. Tr. from the french, with an introd. by G: Potts. New ed. rev., with a likeness and a biographical sketch of the author. Bost. 1855. D. B 4126 Bunner, H: C. Love in old cloathes. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v4 A woman of honor. Bost. 1883. S. B 4751 joint author, see Matthews, James Brander. Buntline, Ned, pseud., see Judson, E: Z. C. denotes books specially adapted for children. Burdett Campbell, A. LITERATtmE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Burdett, C: Never too late. N. Y. 1862. S. Bx951 The second marriage, or A daughter's trials ; a domestic tale of New York. N. Y. 1856. S. B 4201 Burnett, Frances, born Hodgson. Dolly ; a love story. Phila. [1877]. D. B 4251 A fair barbarian. Bost. 1881. S. B 4252 Haworths. N. Y. 1879. D. B 4253 Kathleen ; a love story. Phila. 1878. D. B4254 Lindsay's luck. N. Y. 1878. S. B 4255 Louisiana. N. Y. 1880. D. B 4256 Pretty Polly Pemberton. N. Y. 1878. S. B 4257 A story of the latin quarter. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v3 That lass o' Lowrie's. N. Y. 1877. D. B 4258 Theo ; a love story. Phila. 1877. S. B 4259 Through one administration. Bost. 1883. D. B4260 Burney, Frances, see Arblay, Frances d'. Burnham, Clara Louise, born Root, {Edith Douglas). Dearly bought ; a novel. 111. Chicago. 1884. D. B 4303 "No gentlemen". [Anon.] Chicago. 1881. D. A sane lunatic. Chicago. 1882. D. B 4302 We Von Arldens, by Edith Douglas. Chicago. 1881. D. B4304 Burow, Julie, see Pfannenschm.idt, Julie. Biirstenbinder, Elisabeth, {E. Werner). Am altar ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. B 4352 Same, eng. Bound by his vows, or At the altar. From the german, by J. S. L. Phila. [18741. S. B 4352 At a high price. See below Um hohen preis. Banned and blessed. See below Gebannt und Friihlingsboten ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. B4356 Gartenlaubenbliithen. N. Y. 1881. F. B 4353 Gebannt und erlost ; roman. N. Y. 1884. F. B4358 Same, eng. Banned and blessed. After the ferman by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1884 1883]. D. B4358 Gliick auf ! N. Y. 1881. F. B 4354 Ein gottesurtheil ; roman. N. Y. 1885. F. B4359 Um hohen preis ; roman in 2 b. N. Y. 1882. F. B4351 Same, eng. At a high price. Tr. by Mary Stuart Smith. Bost. 1879. S. B 4351 Vineta ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. B 4355 Same, eng. Vineta, the phantom city. Tr. by Frances A. Shaw. Bost. 1877. S*. B4355 Busching, J: Gustav, see Roscoe, T: German novelists. 112451 Butler, Mrs. Caroline H. The little messenger birds, or The chimes of the silver bells. 111. Bost. 1850. S. Bx 1051 ConUnts. A visit to the dominions of Santa Claus. The broken silver spoon. Fanny's visit to the country. The little blrdsnest. The shell baskets. The little Chinese boy. Pretty Mary Fairlie. Ber- tram and Theodore. The locket. Little Belinda.- Conclusion. Butler, W: F. Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux ; a story of the great prairies. Bost. 1882. D. Bx 1076 Butt, Beatrice May. Delicia. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1879. S. B 4401 Eugenie. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1877. S. B4402 Geraldine Hawthorne. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. B 4404 Hester. With Hardy, T: The distracted young preacher. H 1202 Miss Molly. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. B 4403 Buxton, Bertha H. From the wings ; a novel. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. B 4455 Great Grenf ell gardens. Leipz. 1879. 2 v. in 1. S. B4451 Nell, on and off the stage. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. inl. S. B4452 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 2. D. B 4452 Sceptre and ring. N. Y. 1881. Q. B 4454 Same. Lond. 1881. 8 v. in 2. D. B4454 Won ! Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. B 4453 Bynner, Edwin Lassetter. Damen's ghost. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1881. S. B 4501 Byr, C, pseud., see Beyer, Conrad. Byr, Robert, pseud., see Bayer, K: Robert Em- merich V. Byrrne, E. Fairfax. Entangled : a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. B 4802 A fair country maid ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. B4801 Cable, G: Washington. Dr. Sevier. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. C 104 The Grandissimes ; a story of Creole life. N. Y. 1880. D. C 101 Madame Delphine. N. Y. 1881. D. C 102 Old Creole days. N. Y. [1879.] D. C 103 Contents. Sieur George. Tite Poulette. Belles Demoiselles plantation. Jean ah Poquelin. Madame Delicieuse. Cafe des exiles." Posson Jone." Caddy, Mrs.. Adrian Bright ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. C 126 Cadell, H. M. Ida Craven. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. 8. C 151 Caine, Hall. She's all the world to me ; a novel N. Y. 1885. Q. C 166 Caldwell, Anne Marsh-, see Marsh- Caldwell, Anne. Calm, Marie, {Marie Ruhland). Durch arbeit frei. With Henning:, F: Sein guter engel. H2501 Onkel hauptmann ; erziihlung. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v33 Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. A north country maid ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. C 176 Campbell, Alexander. [Tales]. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 Contents. The assassin, v 18. Autobiography of Willie Smith, v. 3. Chatelard, v. 9. The countess of OassiUs, V. 16. The countess of Winstonbury, v. 1. The curate of Govan, v. 15. The curse of Scotland, V. 19. The disasters of Johnny Armstrong, v. 1. Doctor Dobbie, v. 21. Donald Gorm, v. 2. The dream, v. 13. Duncan McArthur, v. 8. The Floshend inn, V. 13. The forger, v. 13. The foundling at sea, V. 18. The good man of Dryfleld, v. 8. Grace Cam- eron, V. 16. The Hawick spate, v. 19. The highland boy, V. 5. A highland tradition, v. 17. The Katheran, V. 4. Lady Kae, v. 33. -The laird of Lucky's How, V. 9. Leein Jamie Murdieston, v. 8. The lord of Hermitage, v. 19. The merchant's daughter, v. 31. The monk of St. Anthony, v. 4. The monks of Dry- burg, V. 4. The mosstrooper, v. 13.- Rattling, roar- ing Willie, V. 5. The penny wedding, v. 7. The re- cluse, V. 17. Retribution, v. 14. The rival night caps, V. 3. The Skean Dhu, v. 14. The snow storm of 1835. V. 6. The stonebreaker, v. 18. The surtout, v. 11. The two comrades, v. 11 . denotes books specially adapted for children. CI, 813, Authors. IiITEK-ATTJUE FICTION. Campbell, H. Chamberlain, C. Campbell, Harriette. Self-devotion, or The his- Cavleton, W-. Oontintied tory of Katherine Randolph ; ed. by J. R. Gleig. N. Y. 1843. O. C 201 Campbell, Helen. Under green apple boughs. N. Y. 1882. D. C 226 The what-to-do club ; a story for girls. Best. 1885. D. C 227 Cantacuzene-Altieri, Olga princesse. Poverina. Tr. from the freneh. N. Y. 1881. S. C 251 Sabine's falsehood, (Le mesonge de Sabine) ; a love story. Tr. from the Revue des deux mondes, by Mary Neal Sherwood. Phila. [1881]. S. C252 Canz, Elisabeth. Eritis sicut Deus. [Anon.] Hamburg. 1855. 3 v. 8. C 301 Capron, Carrie. Helen Lincoln. T. p. w. S. C351 Carey, Annie. School-girls, or Life at Montagu Hall. N. Y. [1881 J. D. Cx lOl Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Nellie's memories ; a novel. Phila. 1880. D. C 401 Not like other girls ; a novel. Phila. 1884. S. C404 Queenie's whim. Phila. 1881. D. C 402 Robert Ord's atonement ; a novel. Phila. 1885. S. C 405 Wooed and married. T. p. w. [Phila. 1876.1 D. C 403 Carion, Franz, pseud., see Lubojatsky, Franz. Carlen, Emilie Flygare-, born Schmidt. Die braut auf dem Omberg. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1857. S. C 501 Gustavus Lindorm, or " Lead us not into temptation" ; with a preface to her ameri- can readers by the author. From the original Swedish by Elbert Perce. N. Y. 1853. D. C 502 Same, germ. Gustav Lindorm, oder Fiihre uns nicht in versuchung ! Aus dem schwedi- schen. Stuttg. 1857. T. C 502 Ein handelshaus in den scheeren. Aus dem schwedischen von G. Fink. Stuttg. n. d. 3v. S. C503 Ivar, or The skjuts-boy. From the original Swedish by A. L. Krause. N. Y. 1859. O. C504 Sam^, germ. Der skutsjunge. Aus dem schwe- dischen. Stuttg. n. d. S. C 504 Kammerer Lassman als alter junggeselle und ehemann. Aus dem schwedischen Stuttg. n. d. S. C 505 Die kircheinweihung von Hammarby. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1857. T. C 506 Der stellvertreter ; ein humoristisches familien- gemalde. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1844. T. C 607 Waldemar Klein. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1857. S. C 509 Carleton, pseud., see CoflEln, C: Carleton. Carleton, Cousin May, pseud., see Fleming, M. A. Carleton, W: Art Maguire, or The broken pledge. N. Y. 1853. T. C 551 Black prophet ; a tale of Irish famine. Bel- fast. 1847. S. C 552 Neal Malone. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v5 The poor scholar, and other tales of Irish life. N. Y. 1880. 8. C 555 Includeii, A peasant girl's love. Talbot and Gaynor, the Irish pipers. Frank Pinneg-an, the foster brother. Redmond count O'Hanlon, the irish rapparee ; an historical tale. Dublin. 1862. T. C 556 Traits and stories of the irish peasantry. Com- plete ed. Lond. n. d. D. C 554 Contents. Ned M'Keown. The three tasks. Shane Fadh's wedding. Larry M'Parland's wake. The battle of the factions. The party flght and funeral. The hedge school. The station. The midnight mass. The Donagh. Phil Purcell, the pig-driver. The Lianhan Shee. The geography of an irish oath. An essay on irish swearing. The poor scholar.- Wildgoose lodge. TubberDerg. Dennis O'Shaugh- nessy going to Maynooth. Phelim O'Toole's court- ship. Valentine M'Clutchy, the ii'ish agent, or The chronicles of Castle Cumber, together with the pious aspirations, permissions, vouch- safements and other sanctified privileges of Solomon M'Slime, a religious attorney. N. Y. 1854. D. C 553 Carlton, Robert, pseud., see Hall, Baynard Rust. Carpenter, Frank De Yeaux. Round about Rio. Chicago. 1884 [1883]. D. C 576 Carpenter, W: H. The regicide's daughter; a tale of two worlds. Phila. 1854. T. C 601 Carr, Alice Comyns. Paul Crew's story. N. Y. 1885. S. C 616 Carrington, Katie. Aschenbroedel. (No name ser.) Bost. 1882. S. C 3801 Caruthers, W: A. The knights of the horse-shoe ; a traditionary tale of the cocked hat gentry in the Old Dominion. N. Y. 1882. Q. C 626 Cary, Alice. Clovernook children. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. Cx 151 Snowberries ; a book for young folks. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. Cx 152 Casey, Elizabeth, {E. Owens Blackburne). The glen of silver birches. N. Y. 1881. Q. C651 Cashel-Hoey, Frances Sarah, see Hoey, Frances Sarah Cashel-. Casseday, D. B. The Hortons, or American life at home. T. p. w. S. C 676 Castle, Chartley. John Woodburn, royal navy. Lond. 1861. D. C 701 Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. Craque-o'-doom ; a story. Phila. 1881. D. C 726 Old caravan days. 111. Bost. [1884]. D. Cx 176 Caustic, Mrs., pseud. Matrimony, or Love affairs in our village twenty years ago. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1853f S. C 751 Caxton, Pisistratus, pseud., see Bulwer-Lytton, E:G:E. L. Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Tr. from the Spanish. Phila. 1876. D. C 801 Same, germ. Leben und thaten des scharfsin- nigen edlen Don Uuixote von la Mancha. Uebers. von J: L: Tieck. Berlin. 1860. 2 v. T. C 801 Same. The story of Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza, by M. Jones. Lond. 1880. D. Cx 176 Moralische novellen. Uebers. von A, v. Kel- ler und F. Notter. Stuttg. 1881. D. C 802 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 54. Chalmers, Alexander. Lesson in biography, or How to write the life of one's friend. In Sargent, E. The emerald. S 561 Chamberlain, C: The servant-girl of the period, the greatest plague of life ; what mr. and mrs. Honeydew learned of housekeeping. N. Y. 1873. D. 861 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 698 Chamberlain, N. Chevalier. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 694 Chamberlain, Nathan H: The autobiography of a New England farm-house. N. i . 1865. D. C 876 Chamberlain, W: Manuela Paredes. (No name ser.) Bost. 1881. S. C 901 Chambers, Julius. On a margin. [Anon.] N. Y. 1884. D. C926 Chamisso, L: C: Adelbert v. Peter Schlemihl's wundersame geschichte. / his Werke. 830 : 133 v2 Same, eng. The wonderful history of Peter Schlemihl. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writ- ers of Germany. 830.1:8 Champney, Lizzie," born Williams. The heart- break cameo. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v6 Chanev, G: L. F. Grant and co., or Partner- ships ; a story for the boys who "mean business." Bost. 1875. S. Cx 201 Chaplin, Heman W., (C\ H. White). The village convict. In Stories by american authors. S35 v6 Chapone, Hester, born Mulso. The history of Fidelia. In Hawkeshurst, J: The adven- i turer. nos. 77-79. 824.2 : 100 Charles, Elizabeth, born Bundle. Against the stream ; the story of a heroic age in Eng- land. N. Y. 1873. D. C 951 The Bertram family. N. Y. n. d. D. C 952 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family, by two of themselves. N. Y. 1864. S. C 953 Same, germ. Die familie Schonberg - Cotta ; ein charakter- und sittengemiilde aus der reformationszeit. Autorisirte iibersetzung aus dem englischen von Charlotte Philippi. 7te aufl. Basel. 1880. S. C 953 Conquering and to conquer. N. Y. n. d. D. C954 The early dawn, or Sketches of christian life in England in the olden time ; with an introd. by H: B. Smith. N. Y. 1865. D. C955 Contents. Lights and shadows of the early dawn. Two martyrs of Verulam. Annals of an anglo- saxon family through three generations : The con- version of Northumbria; Saxon schools and homes; Saxon ministers and missions. Alfred the truth teller. Saxon and norman. A story of the loUards. Joan the maid, deliverer of France and Eng- land ; a story of the 15th century, done into the modern english by the author of "Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta fam- ily." N. Y. 1879. D. C 956 Lapsed, but not lost ; a story of roman Cai-th- age. Leipz. 1878. S. C 957 The martyrs of Spain and the liberators of Holland. T. p. w. S. C 958 On both sides of the sea ; a story of the com- monwealth and the restoration ; a sequel to "The Draytons and the Davenants." N. Y. 1868. D. C 959 Tales and sketches of christian life in differ- ent lands and ages. N. Y. 1865. S. C 960 Contents. Mala and Cleon ; a tale of the egyptian church in the 3rd century.- Sketches from the his- tory of the reformation in Italy. Extracts from the diary of brother Bartholomew, a monk in the abbey of Marienthal in the Odenwald in the 12th century. Sketches of the united brethren of Bohemia and Moravia. The two vocations, or The sisters of mercy at home ; a tale. [Anon.] N. Y. 1865. S. C961 Winifred Bertram, and the world she lived in. N. Y. 1866. D. 962 Charles, Jean, pseud., see Braim, K: J:, ritter v. Braunthal. Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. Ministering chil- dren. N. Y. 1877. D. Cx 251 Same ; a sequel. N. Y. 1877. D. Cx 252 Charm, The ; an illustrated book for boys and girls. Bost. n. d. S. Cx 21 Contents. Annie Grant's playmates.- "Little chil- dren, love one another." The robins. Grateful Dick. Little Lilias. A narrow escape. Prince Gold- fish and the flshermaid. Katie Ixst2iQ\\,Y>:, earl of Beaconsfield. Alroy. Lond. 1858. S. D 1501 Contarini Fleming. Leipz. 1846. S. D 1502 Endymion. N. Y. 1880. D. D 1503 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. D 1503 Henrietta Temple ; a love story. D 1504 Lothair. N. Y. 1877. D. D 1505 The rise of Iskander. In Johnson, E. R. Lit- tle classics. J 926 v6 Sybil, or The two nations. Lond. 1858. S. D 1506 Tancred, or The new crusade. Leipz. 1847. 2 V. inl. S. D 1507 Venetia. Leipz. 1858. 2 v. in 1. S. D 1508 Vivian Grey. Leipz. 1859. 2 v. in 1. S. D 1509 The young duke. N. Y. 1878. O. D 1510 Same. N. Y. 1878. Q. D 1510 Same. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. D. D 1510 Dixon, J. Broken columns. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1863]. D. D 1551 Dixon, W: Hepworth. Diana, ladyLyle. Leipz. 1877. 2 V. in 1. S. " D 1601 Doctor Ben ; an episode in the life of a fortun- ate unfortunate. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1882. S. D 21 Dodge, Mary Abigail, {Oail Hamilton), (^hild world, pt. 1. 111. Bost. 1875. S. Dx 501 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 715 CI. 813, Authors. LITEBATTJBE FICTION. Dodge, M. A. Dudevant. 716 Dodge, 'M.a,rjAhif^a,il,iGailHamUton). Contin'd. First love is best ; a sentimental sketch. Bost. 1877. S. D 1651 Little folk life. N. Y. 1872. S. Dx 502 The pui-suit of knowledge under difficulties. J?^ Atlantic tales. A 1876 Red-letter days in Applethorpe. 111. Bost. 1866. S. Dx503 Dodge, Mary Elizabeth, born Mapes. Hans Brin- ker, or The silver skates ; a story of life in Holland. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. Dx 551 Donald and Dorothy. 111. Bost. 1883. D. Dx 552 Dodgson, C: Lutwidge, {Lewis Carroll). Alice's adventures in wonderland. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. Dx601 Rhyme ? and reason ? 111. N. Y 1884 [1883J. D. Dx 603 Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there. 111. Lond. 1877. D. Dx 602 Doe, C: H. Buffets. Bost. 1875. O. D 1701 Dohm, Hedwig, {A. Bom). Der erbe von Mar- tella; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. D 1726 Dom, A., pseud., see Dohm, Hedwig. Donop, Amalie freeiny., born Weber. (Amalie V. Clausherg). SchlossBucha. Leipz. 1853. S. C 1701 DOrle, A. Elisabeth ; eine erziihlung fvir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, wie aueh fiir eltern und kinder. Cine. 1855. S. D 1751 Die zelle der leiden, oder Die Kyburg ; eine erziihlung fiir die gesammte edlere lese- welt, besonders fur die reifere jugend. Cine. 1855. S. D 1752 Doubleday, T: The murderer's last night. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v7 Douglas, Amanda Minnie. Claudia. Bost. [1867]. D. D 1801 Floyd Grandon's honor. Bost. 1884 [18831. D. D 1812 From hand to mouth. N. Y. 1878. D. D 1802 Home nook, or The crown of duty. Bost. [18731. D. D1803 Hope mills, or Between friend and sweetheart. Bost. 1880. D. D 1804 In trust, or Dr. Bertrand's household. Bost. [1866J. D. D 1805 [The Kathie stories.] Bost. 1883. 6 v. S. Dx 653-Dx 658 Contents. 1. Kathie's three wishes. 3. Kathie's aunt Kuth. 3. Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. 4. Kathie's soldiers. 5. In the ranks. 6. Kathie's har- vest days. Lost in a great city. Bost. 1881. D. D 1806 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom ; [a sequel to Seven daughters.] Bost. 1876. D. Dx 652 The old woman who lived in a shoe, or There's no place like home. New ed. Bost. 1883. D. D1811 Santa Claus land. 111. Bost. [1883]. D. Dx659 Seven daughters. 111. Bost. [1874]. S. Dx651 Stephen Dane. Bost. n. d. D. D 1807 Sydnie Adriance, or Trying the world. Bost. 1868. D. D 1808 Whom Kathie married. Bost. 1883. D. D 1810 With fate against him. N. Y. 1870. D. D 1809 Douglas, Christiana Jane. Sir John. [Anon.] D2701 D. D 2701 N. Y. 1879. Q. Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in Douglas, Edith, pseud., see Burnham, Clara Louise. Douglas, Lad}/ Gertrude Georgiana. Mar's white witch ; a novel. Lond. 1877. 3 v. in 2. D. D 2851 Doyle, A. Conan. Bones. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v4 Drayton; a story of American life. N. Y. 1851. D. D4 Drew, Catharine. The lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. D 1826 Drille, Harton, pseud., see Gray, Jennie H. Drobisch, Gustav Theodor. Weisse rosen. Leipz. 1851. D. D 1851 For contents see Deutscher katalog, p. 57. Droz, Antoine Gustave. Around a spinng. (Leis- ure hour ser.) N. Y. 1873. S. D 1901 Babolain ; a novel. Tr. from the french by M. S. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1873. S. " D 1902 Drury, Anna Harriet. Deep waters. Bost. 1864. O. D 1951 Light and shade, or The young artist. N. Y. 1853. D. D 1952 Duboc, C: E:, {Robert WaldmuUer). Die Somo- sierra. N. Y. 1881. F. D 2001 Unterm krummstab, in zwing und bann ; ro- man. Leipz. 1858. D. D 2002 Die verlobte ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. D 2003 DuBoisgobey, Fortune. The golden tress. From the french. N. Y. 1881. S. D 2102 The lost casket. Tr. from " La main coupee" by S. Lee. N. Y. 1881. S. D 2101 Ducange, V:, see Brahain-Ducange, V: H: Joseph. Duchess, The, pseud., see Argles, Margaret. Duchess of Mazarin, The ; a tale of the time of Lewis XIV. Lond. n. d. 'S. D 5 Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore, born Dupin (George Sand). Andre. Deutsch von L. Eichler. Leipz. 1843. T. D 2151 Antonina. Tr. from the french by Virginia Vaughan. Bost. 1870. S. D 2152 Der aristokrat und der industrielle. Deutsch von W. Jordan. Leipz. 1846. 2 v. T. D2153 Bernhard. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1848. T. D 2154 Cesarine Dietrich. N. Y. 1878. O. D 2155 Consuelo ; a novel. From the french by Fay- ette Robinson. Phila. [1882]. S. D2156 Same, germ. Consuelo. Deutsch von G.Julius. Leipz. 1843. 4 v. S. D 2156 Note. For continuation see Countess of Eudolstadt. Der corsar. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1844. S. D2157 The countess of Rudolstadt ; a sequel to " Con- suelo". From the french by Fayette Robin- son. Phila. [1883]. D. " D 2161 Same, germ. Die griifln von Rudolstadt. Deutsch von L. Mej'^er. Leipz. 1844. 4 v. S. D2161 Fanchon, the cricket, or "La petite fadette". Phila. 1871. D. D 2158 Same, germ. Die kleine fadette, [Die grille] ; dorfgeschichte. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1850. T. D 2158 Der geheimsecretiir. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1844. T. D 2160 Gilberte. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1846. 2 V. T. D 2159 denotes books specially adapted for children. 717 Dudevant Dumas, A. D. LlTERAlTJlElE ^PlCtlOiJf, 01. 81^, Author^. 718 Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore, born Dupin {Oeorge Sand). Continued. Handsome Lawrence ; a se(juel to "A rolling stone". Tr. from the trench by Carroll Owen. N. Y. 1878. O. D 2162 Der handwerker. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1843. 2 v. T. D 2163 Horace. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1843. S. D2164 Indiana. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1843. S. D2165 Isidore und Teverino. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1846. T. D 2166 Isolde. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1850. 2 V. T. D2167 Jacques. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1844. 2v. T. D2168 Johanna. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1844. T. D 2169 Eine landidylle. Deutsch von W. Jordan. Leipz. 1847. T. D 2170 Liindliche erziihlungen. Deutsch von A: Cor- nelius. Hildburgh. 1865. 2 v. in.l. D. D2187 Contents. Der teufelssumpf. Franz der champi. Lelia. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Leipz. 1844. 2v. T. D2171 Leone Leoni. Deutsch von L. Eichler. Leipz. 1843. T. D 2172 Die letzte Aldini. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1843. S. D 2173 Luci-ezia Floriani. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1847. T. D 2174 Marquis de Villemer. Tr. from the french by Ralph Keeler. N. Y. 1878. O. D 2175 Mauprat. Tr. from the french by Virginia Vaughan. Bost. 1870. D. D 2176 Same, germ. Mauprat. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1844. 2 v. T. D 2176 Die mosaikarbeiter. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1844. S. D 2177 Der miiller von Angibault. Deutsch von W. Jordan. Leipz. 1845. T. D 2178 My sister Jeannie. Tr. from the french by S. D. Crocker. Bost. 1874. D. D 2179 Novellen. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg;. 1848. 4 V. T. D 2180 For contents see Deutscher katalog, p. ,57. Pauline. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1843. S. D2181 Der Piccinino. Deutsch von dr. Schei-r. Stuttgr. 1847. 2v. T. D2182 A rolling stone. Tr. from the french by Car- roll Owen. N.Y. 1878. O. D2183 Note. For continuation see Handsome Lawrence. Das schloss von Oedenweiler. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1851. T. D 2185 Simon. Deutsch von L: Eichler. Leipz. 1843. S. I) 2184 Der teufelssumpf; einedorfgeschichte. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Wit7i her Lucrezia Floriani. D2174 The tower of Percemont. N. Y. 1877. S. D2186 Dufresne, Abel. Stories of Henry and Henrietta. Tr. from the french by H. B. A. Bost. 1860. D. Dx 701 Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Adventures of a marquis. Phila. n. d. O. D 2251 Die beiden Dianen. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1847. 4 v. T. D 2253 Dumas, Alexandre Dsivj.Contimied. Black. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1859. 2 V. T. D 2254 Bragelonne. See The three musketeers. Ciisarine. In's deulsche vibertragen von L. Fort. Grimma. 1857. S. D 2255 Catherine Blum. Aus dem franz. von A: Zol- ler. Stuttg. 1854. T. D 2256 The corsican brothers. Phila. 1866. O. D 2257 Same, germ. Eine corsische familie. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1847. T. D2257 The count of Monte-Cristo. 111. Phila. n. d. D. D 2258 Felina de Chambure, or The female fiend. T. p. w. [Phila.] O. D 2260 The forty-live guardsmen. Phila. n. d. O. D2261 Der frauenkrieg. Aus dem franz. von A: Zol- ler. Stuttg. 1846. 3 V. T. D 2262 Gabriel Lambert. With his Eine corsische familie. D 2257 Geschichte eines todten. With his Eine cor- sische familie. D 2257 Gott und teufel. Aus dem franz. von A: Zol- ler. Stuttg. 1852. T. D 2263 Die grafin von Charny. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1853. 7 v. T. D 2278 Der hase meines grossvaters. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1856. T. D 2264 Heini-ich IV. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1858. T. D 2265 Das horoscop. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1859. 2 V. T. D 2266 Ingenue. Aus dem franz. von Ulrich Relsch. Brussel. 1855. 4 v. S. D 2267 Same. Stuttg. 1855. 3 v. T. D 2267 The iron hand, or The knight of Mauloon. Phila. n. d. O. D 2252 Same, germ. Der bastard von Mauleon. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1848. 3 V. T. D 2252 Isaac Lacquedem. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. T.p.w. [Stuttg. 1853]. T. D 2269 Isabel of Bavaria, queen of France ; the myste- ries of the court of Charles VI. Phila. n. d. O. D 2270 Johanna d'Arc, die jungfrau von Orleans ; historischer roman. Deutsch von F: W: Bruckbrau. Augsburg. 1847. S. D 2271 Karl der kiihne. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1857. 2 V. T. D 2272 Konigin Margot. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1845. 2 v. T. D 2273 Meister Adam, der calabrese. Aus dem franz. von C. Buchele. T. p. w. [Stuttg.] T. D2274 Memoirs of a physician series. 1. The memoirs of a physician, or The secret history of the court of Louis XV. Phila. 1864. 0. D 2275 2. The queen's necklace, or The secret history of the court of Louis XVI. Phila. [1875]. 2 V. in 1. O. D 2276 3. Six years later, or The taking of the Bas- tille. Phila. 1875. O. D 2277 4. The countess of Charny, or The fall of the french monarchy. Phila. [1876]. O. D 2278 denotes books speciaJly adapted for children. 719 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATITRE FICtlbN. Dumas, A. D. Ebers. 720 Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Continued. 5. Andree de Taverney. Tr. from the french by H: L. Williams, jr. T. p. w. [Phila] . O. D2279 6. The chevalier ; the 6th series and end of the "Memoirs of a physician." Phila. 1875. O. D2280 Same, germ. DenkwiXrdigkeiten eines arztes. 3. Ange Pitou. Ans dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttfij. 151. 3 V. T. D 2277 Same. Jena. 1853. 3 v. T. D 2277 4. Die griifin von Charny. Aus dem franz. von A: Poller. Stuttg. 1853. 7 V. T. D 2278 The Mohicans of Paris. Phila. [1875]. O. D2281 Same, germ. Die Mohikaner von Paris. Aus dem franz. von L. v. Alvensleben. Briissel. 1854. 10 V. S. D 2281 Note. For continuation, see Salvator. Der page des herzogs von Savoyen. Aus dem franz. von L. v. Alvensleben. Briissel. 1854. 5 V. S. D 2282 Same. Stuttg. 1855. 3 v. T. D 2282 Der pechvogel. T. p. to. T. D 2283 Der pfarrer von Ashbourn. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1854. 2 v. T. D2284 El Salteador. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1854. T. D 2285 Salvator ; fortsetzung der Mohikaner von Paris. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1856. 8 V. in 6. T. D 2286 Die schwarze tulpe. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1850. T. D 2287 Spellbound. N. Y. 1879. S. D 2289 Die taube. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1851. T. D 2290 Tausend und ein gespenst. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1850. 3 v. T. D2291 The three guardsmen aeries. 1. The three guardsmen. Phila. [1875]. O. D2292 2. Twenty years after, [or Milady's son]. Phila. [1875]. O. D 2293 3. Bragelonne, the son of Athos. Phila. n d. O. D 2294 Same, germ. Die drei musketiere. 1. Die drei musketiere. Aus dem franz. Stuttg. 1857. 2 V. T. D 2292 2. Zwanzig jahre nachher. Aus dem franz. Stuttg. 1857. 3 V. T. D 2293 3. Der graf von Bragelonne, oder Zehn jahre nachher. Aus dem franz. Stuttg. 1857. 7 V. T. D 2294 Der Vesuv, und seine opfer. With Berthet, E. B. Der wehrwolf. B 1703 Die w()lfinnen von Machecoul ; episode aus dem krieg der Vendee im jahre 1832. Aus dem franz. von dr. Biichele. Stuttg. 1858. 5 V. T. D 2295 Der wolfsfiJhrer. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1857. 3 v. T. D 2296 Note. A large number of Dumas' works were in reality written by other persons and only revised by him, some not even that; but all were published under Dumas' name. For particulars, the reader is referred to Qu^rard's Supercheries litteraires dc- voil^es, V. 1. Dumas, Alexandre, /?Z5. Diana von Lvb. Deutsch von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1856. T. D 2351 Drei starke manner ; roman. Deutsch von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1866. T. D 2365 Dumas, Alexandre, fils. Continued. Frauenleben. Deutsch von dr. Grieb. Stuttg. 1856. 2 V. T. D 2352 Sophie Printems. Aus dem franz. von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1857. 2 v. T. D 2354 Tristram der rothe. Atis dem franz. von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1858. T. D 2353 Duncan, H: The cottage fireside, or The parish schoolmaster. N. Y. 1843. S. Dx 751 and others. Tales of the Scottish peasantry. N. Y. 1861. S. D 2401 Contents. Pref. Maitland Smith. Jane Morton. Mary Wilson. The cotter. The apprentice. The benevolent orphan. The spoiled child. The friendly farmer. The honest farmer. The dishonest farmer. Dunlap, W: Memoirs of a water drinker. N. Y. 1837. 2v. inl. D. D 2451 Durand, Alice Marie Celeste Henry, born Fleury, (Henrv Orimlle). Ariadne. "N. Y. 1878. I). D2551 Dosia ; a russian story. From the french by Mary Neal Sherwood. Bost. 1877. S. D2252 Dournof ; a russian story. Phila. 1879. S. D2553 Gabrielle, or The house of Maurfeze. Tr. from the french. Phila. [1878]. S. D 2554 Markof, the russian violinist. Tr. from the french by Helen Stanley. Phila. [1879]. D. D2555 Marrying off a daughtei', (Marier sa file). Tr. from the french by Mary Neal Sherwood. Phila. [1878]. S. " D 2556 Philomene's marriages ; with a preface to her american readers. Tr. from the french by Helen Stanley. Phila. 1879. S. D 2557 Pretty little countess Zina ; a russian story. Phila. 1878. S. D 2558 The princess Ogherof ; a russian love story. Phila. [1880]. D. D 2559 Sonia ; a russian story. Phila. 1878. S. D2560 Xdnie's inheritance, (L'heritage de Xenie) ; a tale of russian life. Tr. from the french by Laura E. Kendall. Phila. [1880]. S. D2561 Durden, Dame, pseud. Mabel Howard. Bost. 1877. S. Dx801 Dtiringsfeld, Ida v. Reinsberg-. Margarethe von Valois und ihi-e zeit; memoiren-roman. Leipz. 1847. 3 v. S. D 2601 Dussaud, Mme. , {Jacques Vincent). The return of the princess ; a novel. Tr. by Laura E. Kendall. N. Y. 1881. S. V 751 Dutheil, Eugenie, {Mme. la comtesse La Rochtre, Mile. Eugenie La Boehdre). Tebaldo, oder Glaube und vorurtheil. Nach dem franz. von Joseph Borscht. Mainz. 1853. S. Ii626 E., A. L. O., pseud., ee Tucker, Charlotte Maria. E., D. J. W., pseud, see Strussenfelt, Ulrika Sophia V. Early, M. A., see Fleming, M. A. Eastman, Mary Henderson. Aunt Phillis's cabin, or Southern life as it is. T. p. w. S. E201 Dahcotah, or Life and legends of the Sioux. T. p. w. B. E 202 Ebers, G: Moritz. Eine Jigyptische konigstocli- ter ; historischer roman. 9te aufl. Stuttg. 1880. 3 V. in 2. D. E 261 Same, eng. An egyptian princess. From the X denotes books specially adapted for children. 721 Ebers Edwardes. LrrEBATXJItE FICTION'. CI. 813, Authors. 723 Ebers, G-.Moritz. Continued. german by Eleanor Grove. Leipz. 1870. 2v.ini. ^. E251 Same. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. S. E 251 The burgomaster's wife, see below Die frau biirgermeisterin. An egyptian princess, see above Eine agyptische konigstochter. The emperor, see below Der kaiser. Eine frage ; idyll zu einem gemalde seines freundes Alma Tadema. N. Y. 1881. F. E252 Same, eng. A question ; the idyl of a picture by his friend Alma Tadema. From the german by Mary J. Safford. N. Y. 1881. S. E252 Die frau biii'germeisterin ; romance. lOte aufl. Stuttg. 1882. D. E 257 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. E 257 Same, eng. The burgomaster's wife ; a ro- mance. From the german by Mary J. Safford. N. Y. 1883. 8. " E257 Homo sum ; roman. 9te aufl. Stuttg. 1881. D. E253 Same, eng. Homo sum. Tr. from the german by Clara Bell. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. E253 Same. N. Y. 1880. S. E 253 Der kaiser; roman. 9te aufl. Stuttg. 1881. 2 V. D. E 254 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. E 254 Same, eng. The emperor. From the german by Clara Bell. Rev. and corr. in the U. S. li.Y. 1881. 2v. S. E254 A question, see above Eine frage. Die schwestern ; roman. 12te aufl. Stuttg. 1881. D. E 255 Same, eng. The sisters ; a romance. From the german by Clara Bell. Authorized ed. N. Y. 1880. S. E 255 Serapis ; historischer roman. N. Y. 1885. F. E259 Same, eng. Serapis ; a romance. From the the german ; authorized ed., rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1885. S. E 259 Uarda ; roman aus dem alten Aegypten. 9te aufl. Stuttg. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. ' E 256 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. E 256 Same, eng. Uarda ; a romance of ancient Egypt. From the german by Clara Bell. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. S. E 256 Ein wort ; roman. 4te aufl. Stuttg. 1883. D. E258 Same. N. Y. 1883. F. E 258 Same. In VierteljahrL mag. V 2 v30 Same, eng. A word, only a word ; a romance. From the german by Mary J. Saftbrd. N. Y. 1883. S. E 258 Ebner v. Eschenbach, Marie freiin, born grdfin Dubsky. Lotti, die uhrmacherin ; eine erziihlung. In VierteljahrL mag. V 2 v24 Eckstein, Ernst. Aus secunda und prima ; humoresken. 19te aufl. Leipz. 1877. D. E301 Der besuch im career ; humoreske. 49ste aufl. Leipz. 1881. D. E 302 Die Claudier ; roman aus der romischen kai- serzeit. N. Y. 1883. F. E 308 Same, eng. Quintus Claudius ; a romance of imperial Rome. From the german by "' " " - - - U. S. N. Clara Bell, rev. and corr. in the Y. 1882. 2 V. S. E308 Eckstein, 'Ernst. Contintted. Die feuerspritze ; humoreske. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1877. D. E 304 Flatternde blatter ; satirische und humoristi- sche skizzen. Leipz. 1875. D. E 306 Die madchen des pension ats ; humoreske. 24ste aufl. Leipz. 1881. D. E 303 Prusias ; a romance of ancient Rome under the republic. From the german by Clara Bell. Authorized ed., rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1884. 2 V. S. E 309 ed. Humoristischer hausschatz fiir's deutsche volk. Leipz. [1877-81. 6 V. D. E 306 Same. Neue folge. Leipz. [1879-81]. 6 v. D. E307 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 58. Eddy, J: A dinner-party. / Stories by ameri- can authors. S 35 v2 Eden, Thehon.EmWj. The semi-detached house; ed. by lady Theresa Lewis. Bost. 1860. S. E351 Edgar, J: G: A boy's adventures in the baron's wars, or How I won my spurs. 111. Lond. n. d. D. Ex 126 Edgeworth, Maria. Tales and novels. 20 v. in 10. N. Y. 1853. D. E 401-410 Contents. V. 1. Castle Rackrent. Essay on Irish bulls. Essay on the noble science of self -justification. 2. Forrester. The prussian vase.- The good aunt. 3. Angelina. The good french governess. Made- moiselle Panache, 3d pt. The knapsack. 4. Lame Jervas. The will. The Limerick gloves. Out of debt, out of danger. The lottery. Rosanna. 5. Murad, the unlucky. The manufactures. The grateful negro. To-morrow. 6. Ennui. The dun. 7, 8. Tales of fashionable life: Manoeuvring ; Almeria ; Vivian. 9, 10. Tales of fashionable life: The absentees ; Ma- dame de Fleury; Emilie de Coulanges; The modern Griselda. 11,12. Belinda. 13. Leonora, with let- ters on various subjects. 14,15. Patronage. 16. Same, concluded. Comic dramas: Love and law, a drama In 3 acts ; The rose, thistle and shamrock, drama in 3 acts. 17. Harrington. Thoughts on bores. 18. Ormond. 19, 20. Helen. Murad, the unlucky. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl2 Rosamond, with other tales. N. Y. 1859. D. Ex 601 [Edinburgh tales, The] : The elves, tr. from the german of Tieck by T: Carlyle, with other tales and sketches. N. Y. 1859. O. E 426 Contents. Tieck, J: L: The elves. Johnstone, C. J. The sabbath night's supper.- Fraser, Mrs. The cousins. -Nicander, K: A: The renounced trea- sure. aore, C. G. F. The maid of honour. Quilli- nan, E : The rangers of Connaught. Mitford, M. R. The fresh-water fisherman.- Crowe, C. The story of Martha Guinness and her son. Tytler, M. Fraser, The deformed. Johnson, Col. The white fawn. Howitt, W: Johnny Darbyshire. Lauder, Sir T: D. Story of Farquharson of Inverey. Eduard von Termont, oder Geschichte eines ver- lorenen sohnes. Nach dem franz. 2te aufl. Schaffhausen. 1868. D. With Schmid, J. C. V. Die kleine lautenspielerin. S 1465 Edwardes, Annie. Archie Lovell. N. Y. n. d. O. E 461 At the eleventh hour. N. Y. 1882. S. E 462 A blue stocking. N. Y. 1877. D. E 452 Jet, her face or her fortune. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1879.] S. E453 Leah ; a woman of fashion. Leipz. 1875.- 2 v. inl. S. E454 The ordeal for wives. N. Y. 1873. D. E 455 Ought we to visit her ? N. Y. n. d. O. E 456 Philip Earnsclifte, or The morals of May Fair. T. p. w. O. 'E 457 Steven Lawrence, yeoman. 111. N. Y. n. d. O. E 468 denotes books specially adapted for children. 723 CI. 813, Authors. lilTERATUIlE FICTION. EdwardesEngelhard. Edwardes, Annie. Continued. Susan Fielding. N. Y. n. d. O. E 459 A vagabond heroine. N. Y. 1873. D. E 460 Vivian the beauty. N. Y. 1880. S. E 461 Edwards, Amelia Blandford. Barbara's history. Leipz. 1864. 3 v. in 1. S. E 501 Same, germ. Barbara. Aus dem englischen von Alma v. Metzsch. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. S. E501 Debenham's vow. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. 1. S. E502 The four-fifteen express. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v8 Hand and glove. N. Y. 1866. O. E 503 In the days of my youth. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. E 504 The ladder of life, a heart-history. N. Y. 1865. O. E 505 Same. Lond. n. d. S. E 505 Lord Brackenbury. N. Y. 1880. Q. E 506 Same. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. in 1. S. E 506 Miss Carew. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. E 507 Monsieur Maurice. Leipz. 1873. S. E 508 . My brother's wife. N. Y. 1865. O. E 509 A night on the borders of the Black Forest. Leipz. 1874. S. E 510 Iiicliuks, The story of Salome. In the confessional. The tragedy in the palazzo Bordello. The four-fif- teen express. Sister Johanna's story. All saints' eve. Edwards, C: Di Vasari ; a tale of Florence. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v8 Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham-. Brother Gabriel. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. E 551 Disarmed ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. E 556 Doctor Jacob. Bost. 1869. 8. E 552 Exchange no robbeiy, or Fated by a jest. N. Y. 1883. Q. E 555 Felicia. - Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. E 553 The flower of doom, and other stories. N. Y. 1885. S. E 559 Includes, Love and manuscript. A group of im- mortals. The rebuke amid roses. Love and mirage, or The waiting on an island ; an out-of-door romance. [Anon.] N. Y. 1884. S. E 558 Pearla, or The world after an island ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. E 557 The Sylvestres. Leipz. 1872. S. E 554 Edwards, Rollin. Twice defeated, or The story of a dark society in two countries. Phila. 1877. D. E 601 Effingham, C, esq. pseud., see Cooke, J: Esten. Eggleston, E: The circuit rider. 2\ p. vj. [N. Y. 1874.] D. E651 The end of the world ; a love story. 111. N. Y. [1872.1 D. E 652 The hoosier schoolboy. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. Ex 176 The hoosier schoolmaster. 111. N. Y. 1879. D. E653 The mystery of Metropolisville. 111. N. Y. [1873.] IJ. E 654 Queer stories for boys and girls. N. Y. 1884. D. Ex 177 Roxy. N. Y. [1878]. D. E 655 Eggleston, G: Gary. The big brother ; a story of indian war. N. Y. 1875. D. Ex 151 Captain Sam, or The boy scouts of 1814. N. Y. 1876. D. Ex 152 A man of honor. 111. N. Y. [1873]. D. E701 The wreck of the Red Bird ; a story of the Carolina coast. N. Y. 1882. D. Ex 154 Eginhardt, pseud., see Planckner, Othello v. Eichholz, Ehrenreich. Ein mann aus dem volke ; ein buch fiir das volk. Leipz. 1848. S. E801 Eikenhorst, L. v. Amsterdams geheimnisse. Aus dem hollandischen von Eugen Zoller. Stutt^. 1845. 3 b. T. E 851 Eiloart, Elizabeth, mrs. C. J. G. The boy with an idea. T.p.w.D. IBx 201 The curate's discipline. N. Y. 1867. O. E901 . The dean's wife. N. Y. 1881. Q. E 902 Same ; a novel. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 2. D. E 902 The love that lived ; a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. in 2. D. E 903 Elbe, A. von der, pseud., see Decken, Augusta V. der. Elbon, Barbara, pse^^d!., seeHalstead, Leonora B. Elder, W: The enchanted beauty and other tales, essays and sketches. Phila. 1860. D. E951 Eliot, A\ice,pserid., see Jewett, Sarah Orne. Eliot, George, pseud., see Cross, Marian. Elisabeth, Pauline Elisabeth Ottilie Louise queen of Rum,ania, {Carmen Sylva). Pil- grim sorrow ; a cycle of tales. Tr. by Helen Zimmern. Portrait. N. Y. 1884. S. E 976 Elizabeth, Charlotte, pseud., see Tonna, Char- lotte Elizabeth. Ellersberg, Eduard, pseud., see Ziehen, E: A: Philipp. Elling, Franz v., pseud., see MUller, K: Elliot, Frances. The Italians. N. Y. 1875. D. E 1001 Ellis, Sarah Stickney. First impressions, or Hints to those" who would make home happy. N. Y. 1857. S. Ex 251 Home, or The iron rule ; a domestic story. N.Y. 1855. D. E 1051 Look to the end, or The Bennets abroad. N. Y. 1845. O. E 1052 The ministers family, or Hints to those who would make home happy. N. Y. 1857. S. Ex 252 Pictures of private life. Phila. 1833. T. E 1053 Contents. An apology for Action. The hall and the cottage. Ellon E^kdalo. The curate's widow. Mar- riage as it may be. Somerville Hall, or Hints to those who would make home happy. N. Y. 1859. S. Ex 253 Elster, Christian. Ein fremder vogel ; erzilh- lung. Aus dem norweg. von J. C. Poestion. In Vierteyahrl. mag. V2 v30 Elwell, E: H: The boys of tliirty-five ; a story of a seaport town". Bost. 1884 [18831 . S. Ex 276 Emery, Sarah A. Three generations. Bost. 1872. O. EllOl ifenault, L: Christine. From the french by I21i- zabeth W. Pendleton. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. E 1301 Enders, M. A. Steevenbord ; novelle. In Vier- teljahrl. mag. V2 v22 Trautenheim ; novelle. In the same. V2 v25 Engel, J: Jakob. Herr Lorenz Stark; ein clia- raktergemalde. Mit einer einleitnng von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [1882]. D. E 1 126 Engelhard, Karoline. Lebensbilder von der vcr- fasserin der Gesaramelten briefe von Julie. Leipz. 1824. S. E 1151 X. denotes books specially adapted for cjilldrea. 735 Engelen Fels, E. LITEBATTJRE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 736 Engelen, A. W., {Herman von Appeltern). Der Schutzgeist. Frei nach dem holliindischen bearb. von J. D. v. Betaz. Stnttg. 1844. 3 V. T. , A 1351 Erckmann, Emile, and Alexandre Chatrian. The blockade, or Episodes of the siege of Phalsbourg. Lond. [187-]. S. E 1208 Brigadier Frederick. N: Y. 1875. O. E 1201 The conscript, or The invasion of France. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [187-]. S. E 1209 Note. For continuation, see Waterloo. Das forsthaus. Atis dem franz. vibers. von H. V. Feltheim. Berlin. 1867. S. E 1207 Friend Fritz ; a tale of the banks of the Lauter. N. Y. 1877. D. E 1202 The invasion of France in 1814 ; comprising the night-march of the russian army past Phalsbourg. N. Y. 1871. D. E 1206 Madame Thcrfese, or The volunteers of '93. N. Y. 1869. D. E 1203 The polish jew. From the french by Caroline A. Merighi. N. Y. [1885]. S. E 1212 The story of a peasant. Lond. n. d. 4 v. S. 1. The statesgeneral [1789], or The beginning of the great french revolution. E 1204 vl 3. The country in danger [1793], or Episodes of the great french revolution. E 1204 v2 3. Year one of the republic [1793]. E 1204 v3 4. Citizen Bonaparte, 17941815. E 1204 v4 The story of the plebiscite ; told by one of the seven million five hundred thousand who voted ''yes". From the french. Lond. 1874. S. E 1211 Strange stories, (Contes fantastiques). From the french. N. Y. 1880. S. E 1205 Contents. The mysterious sketch. The dean's watch. "Abraham's offering". The three souls. The invisihle eye. The wonderful glass. Waterloo ; a sequel to "The conscript of 1813". Tr. from the french by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. [187-]. S. E 1210 Erma's engagement, by the author of " Blanche Seymour". Phila! 1873. O. El Ernesti, Luise, pseud., see Humbracht, Mal- vine V. Erskine, ifr. T: Wyncote. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1875. S. E 1251 Estelle Russell, [by the author of The private life of Galileo] .' Leipz. 1870. 3 v. in 1. S. E 2 Ettrick shepherd, The, see Hogg, James. Evans, Augusta J., see Wilson, Augusta J. Evans, Marian, see Cross, Marian, {George Eliot). Everett, W: Double play, or How Joe Hardy chose his friends. 111. Bost. 1871 . S. Ex 301 Ewald, Herman F: The story of Waldemar Krone's youth. Tr. from the danish. Phila. 1868. D. E 1351 Ewing, Juliana Horatia, born Gatty. Thebrown- ies, and other tales. 3d ed. Lond. 1875. D. Ex 356 Includes, The land of lost toys. Three Christmas trees. An idyll of the wood. Christmas crackers. Amelia and the dwarfs. Jackanapes. 111. Lond. 1884. O. Ex 357 Jan of the windmill ; a story of the -plains. Bost. 1878. S. Ex 351 Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. 111. Bost. 1881. 8. Ex 352 Six to sixteen; a story for girls. 111. Bost. 1880. S. Ex 353 We and the world ; a book for boys. 111. Bost. 1880. S. Ex 355 Eytinge, Margaret. The ball of the vegetables, and other stories in prose and verse. N. Y. 1883. O. Ex 501 Fabre, Ferdinand. The abbe Tigrane, candidate for the papal chair. Tr. by the rev. Leon- ard Woolsey Bacon. N. Y. 1875. D. F 101 Fabre d'Olivet, D. Theophrastus Paracelsus, Oder Der arzt ; histonscher roman aus den zeiten des mittelalters. Nach dem franz. von E: Liber. Magdeb. 1843. 3 v. S. O 551 Fadette, pseud., see Rodney, Minnie Reeves. Fairfax, Lina R. The misfortunes of bro. Thomas Wheatley. In Stories by ameri- can authors. S 35 v6 Falk, C. Um ein herz ; novelle. N. Y. 1883. F. F126 Famous victory, A. Chicago. 1880. D. F 1 Fanchette, by one of her admirers. (Round- robin ser.) Bost. 1883. S. F 5 Fargus, F: J:, {Hugh Conway). Bound together; tales. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1884. S. F2003 Contents. The secret of the Stradivarius.- Fleu- rette.- A cabinet secret. The bandsman's story. The Blatchford bequest. My first client. Our last walk. Miss River's revenge. The daughter of the stars. In one short year. The truth of it. A spec- ulative spirit. Called back. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1884. S. F 2001 Carriston's gift, and other tales. (Leisure hour ser.) Portrait and ill. N. Y. 1885. S. F2004 Includes, Chewton-Abbot. Paul \^argas. A dead man's face. Julian Vanneck. The "bichwa." Dark days. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1884. S. F2002 Faijeon, B: Leopold. Blade-o' grass. N. Y. 1873. O. F 151 Golden grain. N. Y. 1874. O. F 152 Great Porter square ; a mystery. N. Y. 1885. Q. F 154 Grif ; a story of australian life. N. Y. 1873. O. F153 Love's harvest ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. F155 Farman, Ella, see Pratt, Ella, born Farman. Farquharson, Martha, see Finley, Martha. Farrar, C: A. J. Wild woods life, or A trip to Parmachenee ; a realistic story of life in the woods. 111. Bost. 1884. S. Fx 177 Farrar, Eliza Ware. Young folks' Robinson Crusoe, or The adventures of an english- man who lived alone for five years on an island in the Pacific ocean; ed. by W: T. Adams. Bost. 1883 [1881]. O. Fx 101 Farrar, F: W: Eric, or Little by little ; a tale of Roslyn school. N. Y. 1879. D. Fx 151 Julian Home ; a tale of college life. N. Y. 1878. D. Fx 152 St. Winifred's, or The world of school. N. Y. 1880. D. Fx 153 Fawcett, Edgar. The adventures of a widow ; a novel. Bost. 1884. D. F 205 An ambitious woman ; a novel. Bost. 1884 [1883]. D. F203 A gentleman of leisure. Bost. 1881. T. F 202 A hopeless case. Bost. 1880. T. F 201 Rutherford. N. Y. 1884. D. F 206 Tinkling cymbals ; a novel. Bost. 1884. D. F204 Fels, pseud. , see B&uerle, Adolf. Fels, Egon, pseud., see Herbert, Johanna. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 727 01. 813, Authors. LITERATITRE-FICTIOir. Fenelon Floyd, C. 728 Fenelon, Fran9ois de Saliguac de La Mothe. The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. From the french by J: Hawkes- worth ; with a life of the author and re- marks on epic poetry and on the excellence of Telemachus. N."Y. 1857. 2 v. in 1. T. F301 Fenn, G: Manville. The clerk of Porthwick. Leipz. 1881. 2 v. in 1. S. F 352 Middy and ensign, or The jungle station ; a tale of the Malay peninsula. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. Fx202 Off to the wilds ; the adventures of two brothers in south Africa. N. Y. 1882. D. Fx201 The parson o' Dumford. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. in 1. S. F351 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. F 351 Poverty Corner ; a city story. N. Y. 1885. S. F353 The silver canon ; a tale of the westernj)lains. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. I^ 203 Sweet Mace ; a Sussex legend of the iron times. N. Y. [1885]. D. F 354 The vicar's people. N. Y. 1881. S. F 355 Ferdinand * * * Elise, oder Gesetz und natur ; ein roman aus der neuesten zeitgeschichte. Stuttg. 1840. S. F 401 Fereal, M. V. de, pseud., see Suberwick, Mme. . Ferguson, S: (?) Father Tom and the pope. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v9 Same. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v3 Fern, Fanny, pseud., see Parton, Sara Payson. Ferrier, Susan Edmondstone. Marriage. N. Y. 1860. O. F 501 Ferry, Gabriel, pseud., see Bellemarre, Eugfene L: Gabriel de Ferry de. Fetherstonhaugh, The Tion. mrs. Maria Georgia- na, born Carleton. Kingsdene. N. Y. 1878. Q. F 601 Feviillet, Octave. Camors, or Life under the new empire. N. Y. 1868. D. F 651 A marriage in high life. From the french by Celia Logan. Phila. [1876]. D. F 652 Feval, Paul H: Corentin. Der bucklige. Aus dem franz. Stuttg. 1859. 3 v. T. F 701 Fielding, H: The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend mr. Abra- ham Adams ; with a short biography by F: lloscoe. Lond. 1876. D. F 801 Same, germ. Geschichte und abenteuer von Joseph Andrews und seinem f reunde herrn Abraham Adams ; geschrieben in nach- ahmung der manier von Cervantes, verf as- ser des Don Quixote. Auz dem euglischen von O. V. Czarnowski. Braunsch. 1848. 3 V. S. F801 The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. Leipz. 1844. 2 V. in 1. S. F 802 Same, germ. Geschichte des Tom Jones, eines lindling. Neu aus dem englischen iibertra- gen von A. Dinzmann. V. 4-6. Braunsch. 1848. 3v. S. F802 Fields, Annie, born Adams, mrs. James T. As- phodel. [Anon.^ Bost. 1866. S. F 761 Fieling, C. A., joint tr., see Oxenford, J: Fielt, Charlotte. Schloss Grunwald. N. Y. 1882. F. F 776 Filibert, pseud., see Kahler, L: A: Findlay, Cecilia. Cross purposes. N. Y. 1880. Q. F 861 Finley, Martha, born Farquharson. Casella, or The children of the valleys. Phila. 1876. D. F 901 The Elsie series. 1. Elsie Dinsmore. N. Y. 1877. S. Fx 252 2. Holidays at Roselands ; with some after scenes in Elsie's life. N. Y. 1877. S. Fx253 3. Elsie's girlhood. N. Y. [1872]. S. Fx 254 4. Elsie's womanhood. N. Y. [1875]. S. Fx255 5. Elsie's motherhood. N. Y. 1876. S. Fx 256 6. Elsie's children. N. Y. [1877]. S. Fx 257 Fischer, J. H: L., {Paul Hellmuth). Anselmus, Oder Die friichte des wahnes. Leipz. 1831. 2v. S. H2358 Augustin. Leipz. 1829. 2 V. S. H 2351 Bilder aus dem leben in erziihlungen und novellen. Leipz. 1844. 3 v. S. H 2354 Contents, see Deutseher katalog', p. 69. Fischer, L. V. Am weg zum kloster ; eine novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v25 Zur rechten zeit bankerott ; eine novelle. In the same. V 2 v28 Fischer, W: Eine denkwiirdige vorladung. In Vierlteljahrl. mag. V 2 v36 Paul ; eine erziihlung. In the same. V 2 v28 Fisher, Frances C, {Uhristian Beid). Arraiiic ; a story. N. Y. 1884. O. F 958 Bonny Kate. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1878] . O. F 951 A daughter of Bohemia. 111. N. Y. 1874. O. F952 Ebb-tide, and other stories. N. Y. 1872. O. F953 Includes, Miss Inglesby's sister-in-law. The story of a scar. A doubt. A gentle belle. N. Y. 1879. O. F 954 A heart of steel ; a novel. N. Y. 1883 [18831. S. F 957 The land of the sky, or Adventures in moun- tain by-ways. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. F 955 Valerie Aylmer. N. Y. 1872. O. F 956 Fitzgerald, Percy. Young Ca3lebs. Lond. 1881. 3v. D. F976 Fleming, George, pseud., see Fletcher, Julia Constance. Fleming, M. A., born Early, {Cousin May Carle- ton). Nathalie Marsh, or Redmon's heiress; a tale of life in Nova Scotia. N. Y. 1865. O. F 1001 Flemming, Harfoi'd, pseud., see McClellan, Har- riet. Fletcher, Julia Constance, {George Fleming). The head of Medusa. Bost. 1880. S. F1051 Kismet. (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. F 1052 Same. Bost. 1883. S. F 1052 ISote. Also published under the name of A Nile novel. Mirage. (No name ser.) Bost. 1878. S. F 1053 Vestigia. Bost. 1884. S. F 1054 Fletcher, Miriam. The methodist ; incidents and characters from life in the Baltimore conference; with an introd. by W. P. Strickland. N. Y. 1859. 2 v. S. F 1101 Florian, J: P: Claris de, see Claris de Florian, J:P: Floyd, Cornelia, {Neil Forrest). Mice at play ; a story for the whole family. 111. Bost. lonn d IP 1 orki 1877. S. F1201 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 729 Floyd, M. Freytag-. LITERATTJIIE FICTIOIT. CI. 813, Authors. 730 Floyd, Margaret. Passages from the diary of a social wreck. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v7 Flygare-Carlen, Emilie, 8ee Carl6n, Emilie Fly- gare-. Following: on to know, or Old days at Hethering. N. Y. 1875. S. F 3 Foote, Mary, born Hallock. Friend Barton's con- cern. In Stories by american authors. S35v4 The Led-Horse claim ; a romance of a mining camp. 111. Bost. 1883. D. F 1226 Fornell, Bror E:, {Jeremias Munter). Ein funke. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von Gottlieb Fink. Stuttg. 1853. 2 v. T. M 4701 Forney, J: Weiss. The new nobility ; a story of Europe and America. N. Y. 1881. D. F1251 Forrest, ^&\\, pseud., see Floyd, Cornelia. Forrester, Fanny, pseud., see Judson, Emily Chubbock. Forrester, Frank, pseud., see Herbert, H: W: Forstenheim, Anna. Prinz Tantalus ; eine er- zahlung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v28 Foster, Isabella H. {Faye Huntington). Echoing and re-echoing. Bost. 1878. D. Fx 601 What Fide remembers. 111. N. Y. 1884. B. Fx602 Fothergill, Jessie. The first violin. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. S. F 1401 Kith and kin; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. F 1406 Made or marred. With her One of three. F1404 One of three. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. F 1404 Peril ; a novel. (Leisure hour sei'.) N. Y. 1881. S. F 1406 Probation. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1879. S. F 1402 The Wellfields. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. F 1403 Fouque, F: H: K: de La Motte, see Jjsl Motte Fouque, F: H: K: de. Foumier, L: P: Narcisse, joint author, see Ar- nould, A: J: Fran9ois. Fox, Emily. Gemini. (No name ser.) Bost. 1878. S. F 1451 Will Denbigh, nobleman. (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. F 1452 Foxton, E. pseicd., see Palfrey, Sarah Ham- mond. Francillon, Robert E: A dog without a tail. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v6 Face to face ; a fact in seven fables. N. Y. 1884. Q. F 1506 Grace Owen's engagement. In Tales from Blackwood. T177v2 A great heiress ; a fortune in seven checks. N. Y. 1883. Q. F 1504 Left-handed Elsa. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vl2 Quits at last ; an account in seven items. N. Y. 1882. Q. F 1503 Rare good luck ; a fortune in seven strokes. N. Y. 1877. O. F 1501 A real queen ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. F 1505 name; a romance. Lond. 1884. 3 v. in 1. D. F 1605 A story of Eulenberg. In Tales from Black- wood. T177v8 Under Slieve-ban ; a yarn in seven knots. (Leisure hour ser.) ^. Y. 1881. S. F 1502 Fran9oi8, Marie Louise v. Judith die Kluswir- tin. Stuttg. n. d. D. F 1527 Phosphorus Hollimder. Stuttg. L1881]. D. F1526 Zu fiissen des monarchen. With her Phospho- rus Hollunder. F 1526 Franzos, K: Emil. The jews of Barnow ; stories. From the german by M. W. McDowall. N. Y. 1883.S. F1903 Contents. The Shylock of Barnow. Chane. Two saviours of the people. "The child of the atone- ment." Esterka Resfina. "Baron Schmule." The picture of Christ. Nameless graves. Ein kampf urn's recht. N. Y. 1882. F. F 1902 Molehko von Parma ; geschichte eines jiidi- schen soldaten. N. Y. 1882. F. F 1901 Die reise nach dem schicksal ; erzJihlung. N. Y. 1885. F. F 1904 Same. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v37 Fraser, Mrs.. The cousins. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 Fraser-Tytler, C. C, see Liddell, Catherine Christina. Frazar, Douglas. Perseverance Island, or the Robinson Crusoe of the 19th century. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. F 2051 Frederich, Bertha, born Heyn, {Golo Baimund, Georg Dannenberg). Biirgerlich blut ; ro- man. 2te auti. Berlin. 1879. D. D 201 Ein hartes herz. Hannover. 1860. 2 v. S. D202 Same, eng. A hard heart. From the german by S. H. Phila. 1884. D. D 202 A new race ; a romance from the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1880. D. D 203 Schloss Elkrath. Hannover. 1866. 3 v. S. D204 Zwei menschenalter ; roman. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1880. D. D 205 Zweimal vermahlt ; roman. 2te aufl. Berlin. [18791. D. D 206 n. t. D 206 Frederick, H. Brother Sebastian's friendship. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v6 Freeland, Carrie J. Bessie Hartwell, or Charity. N. Y. [1873]. S. Fx 401 Freese, Arthalis, pseud., see Steinlein, Laura. Freese, Heinrich, pseud,, sec SchiflF, Hermann. French, Alice, {Octave TJianet). The bishop's vagabond. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v7 French, Harry Willard. Nuna, the bramin girl. Bost. 1882 [18811. S. F 1951 French prisoner in Russia, The. Tr. from the french by P. S. N. Y. 1874. S. F 4 Frenzel, K: W: Theodor. Ein alter mann. T. p. w. O. F 1551 Geld ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v36 La pucelle. Hannover. 1871. 3 v. D. F 1553 Nach dererstenliebe ; roman. N. Y. 1884. F. F1554 Papst Ganganelli ; ein historischer roman in Sbuchern. Berlin. 1864. 3 v. D. F 1552 Freudenberg, R: Boca del Drago ; ein roman. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v29 Frey, Jakob. Das erfiillte verspreehen. With Mliller, W: Debora. 114436 Freyer, Gustav, pseud., see Lafontaine, A: H: Julius. Freytag, Gustav. Die ahnen : 1. Ingo und In- graban ; 2. Das nest der zaunkiinige ; 3. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 731 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Preytag Gaulle . Freytag, Gusta,Y. Continued. Die briider vom deutschen hause ; 4. Mar- cus Konig ; 5. Die geschwister; 6. Aiis einer kleinen stadt. Aus einer kleinen stadt. Leipz. 1881. D. F 1612 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. F 1612 Die briider vom deutschen hause. Leipz. 1881. D. F 1609 Debit and credit, see below Soil und haben. Same. N. Y. 1881. F. F 1609 Die geschAvister. Leipz. 1881. D. F 1611 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. F 1611 Ingo und Ingraban. Leipz. 1881. D. F 1607 Same. N. Y. 1881. D. F 1607 Same, eng. Ingo ; the first novel of a series entitled "Our forefathers". Tr. from the german by mrs. Malcolm. N. Y. 1873. S. F 1607 vl Same, eng. Ingraban ; the second novel, etc. N.Y. 1873. B. F1607v2 Karl Mathy ; geschichte seines lebens. 2te auti. Leipz. 1872. O. F 1604 Marcus Konig. Leipz. 1881. D. F 1610 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. F 1610 Das nest der zaunkimige. Leipz. 1881. D. F1608 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. F 1608 Soil und haben; roman inGbiichern. 25ste auti. Leipz. 1882. 2 v. O. F 1605 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. F 1605 Same, eng. Debit and credit. Tr. from the ferman by L. C. C, with a preface by C. C. . Bunsen. N. Y. 1876. D. F 1605 Die verlorene handschrift ; roman in 5 bii- chern. lite aufl. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. O. F 1606 Frick, Ida. Aus den bergen. Leipz. 1851. S. F1651 Keine politik. Leipz. 1850. 2 v. S. F 1652 Die opfernden gutter. Wien. 1862. 2 v. S. F1653 Sirene. Leipz. 1852. 2 v. S. F 1654 Friedrich, F: Die frau des ministers. Milw. 1871. O. F 1701 Frith, H: On the wings of the wind. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. Fx651 Fritze, Ernst, pseud., see Reinhardt, Luise. Fryer, Alfred C. Book of english fairy-tales from the north-country. Lond. 1884'. D. Fx701 Fullerton, Georgiana Charlotte, born Leveson- Gower, lady. Constance Sherwood ; an autobiography of the 16th century. Leipz. 1865. 2v. S." F1801 Ellen Middleton. Bait. n. d. D. F 1802 Grantley Manor. Leipz. 1847. 2 v. in 1. S. F1803 Lady-bird. Leipz. 1863. 2 v. in 1. S. F 1804 The lilies of the valley, or "I want it by such a day". Leips. 1879. S. F 1805 Mrs. Gerald's niece. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. F 1806 Rose Leblanc. Leipz. 1880. S. F 1807 Too strange not to be true. T. p. w. F 1808 Fullom, Stephen Watson. The daughter of night ; a story of the present time. N. Y. 1859. O. F 1851 Gaboriau, Emile. The clique of gold. Bost. 1874. O. G 101 -File 113. Bost. [18751. O. G 102 Gaboriau, Emile. Continued. Other people's money. Bost. [1874]. O. G103 The widow Lerouge. Bost. 1873. O. G 104 Within an inch of his life. Bost. n. d. O. G105 Gage, C: S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor, hi Stories by american authors. S 35 v9 Gagneur, Louise, horn Mignerot. A nihilist princess. Tr. from the french. Chicago. 1881. D. G 126 Galdos, B. Perez, see Perez Galdos, Benoit. Galen, Philippe, pseud., seeLange, Philipp. Gall, Luise v., see Schiicking, Luise. Gait, J: Haddad-Ben-Ahab, the traveller. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v9 Lawrie Todd, or The settlers in the wood. Lond. 1849. S. G 151 Sir Andrew Wylie. T. p. w. S. G 152 The wearyful woman. In Tales from Black- wood. T 176 v3 Gardiner, Margaret, horn Power, formerly mrs. Farmer, countess of Blessington. Marma- duke Herbert, or The fatal error ; a novel founded on fact. Leipz. 1847. 2 v. in 1. S. G201 Memoirs of a femme de chambre. Leipz. 1846. S. G 202 Gardonniere, Almire, {Sir Henry Mortimer). Die geheimnisse der Bastille. Deutscli von L:Dorn. Leipz. 1846. S. 113851 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. The rule of the monk, or Rome in the 19th century. N. Y. 1870. O. G301 Garrett, Edward, pseud., see Mayo, Isabella. Gaskell, Annie. A widow of Windsor. T. p. w. S. G351 Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, horn Stevenson. Cousin Phillis. N. Y. 1864. O. G 401 Cranford. K Y. 1860. S. G 402 A dark night's work. Lond. 1871. S. G 403 Lizzie Leigh, and other tales. New ed., ill. Lond. 1882. D. G411 Includes, A dark night's work. Bound the sofa. My lady Ludlow. An accursed race. The doom of the Griffiths. Half a life-time ago. The poor Clare. The half-brothers. Mary Barton ; a tale of Manchester life. Lond. 1872. S. G404 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. G 404 Same, germ. Mary Barton ; eine ex'zahlung aus Manchester. Aus dem englischen iibers. von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1851. 2 V. T. G404 The moorland cottage. N. Y. 1875. S. G 410 My lady Ludlow. N. Y. 1858. O. G 405 North and south. New ed., ill. Lond. 1881. D. G412 Right at last, and other tales. N. Y. 1860. D. G409 Includes, The Manchester marriage. Lois the witch. The crooked branch. Ruth. Leipz. 1853. 2v.ini. S. G 406 Same, germ. Aus dem englischen iibers. von C. Buchele. Stuttg. 1853. 2 v. T. G 406 Sylvias freier. Aus dem englischen. Leipz. 1864. 2v. D. G407 Wives and daughters ; ah everyday story. Leipz. 1866. 3 v. in 2. S. ' G 408 Gaulle, Josephine Marie, horn Maillot. Adhe- mar de Belcastel, or Be rot hasty in judg- ing. Tr. from the french by' P. S. A. Inon.] N. Y. 1875. D. G451 denotes books specially adapted for children. 733 Gaultier Gibbon. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. 734 Gaultier, Bon, pseud,, see Martin, Theodore. Gautier, Judith. The usurper ; an episode in i"apanese history. From the f rench by Abby .angdon Alffer. Bost. 1884. D. G 561 Gautier, Theophile. Captain Fracasse. From the french by M. M. Ripley. 111. (Leism-e hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. G 601 One of Cleopatra's nights, and other fantastic romances. Tr. by Lafcadio Hearn. N. Y. 1882. O. G604 Includes, Clarimonde. Arria Marcella. The mum- my's foot. Omphale. King- Candaules. The romance of the mummy. From the french by Anne T. Wood, with an introd. by W: C. Prime. N. Y. 1863. D. G 602 Spirite ; a fantasy. N. Y. 1877. D. G 603 Gayarre, C: E. Arthur. Aubert Dubayet, or The two sister republics. Bost. 1882. D. G 626 Geheime geschichte der lieblinge der fiirsten ; aus verschiedenen zeitaltern. Leipz. 1795, 2 V. O. G 1 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 63. Gerard, E. D., pseud. Beggar my neighbor ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. " G 652 My Paris masters. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v2 Reata, what's in a name ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. G651 The waters of Hercules ; a novel. [Anon.l N. Y. 1885. S. G653 Same. N. Y. 1885. Q. G 653 Gerhardt, Dagobert v., (Oerhard v. Amyntor): Drei kiisse ; mit einer einleitung von Hans Ziegler. Stuttg. [1883]. D. G 676 Germania ; jahrbucn deutscher belletristik, ler jahrg. Bremen. 1851. S. G 2 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 64. Gerstacker, F: Das alte haus ; erzahlung. Jena. [187-]. S. G 701 Same. Leipz. 1857. S. G 701 Amerikanische wald- uud strombilder. Leipz. 1856. S. G 702 Aus dem matrosenleben. Leipz. 1857. S. G703 Aus dem waldleben Amei'ikas. See Die regu- latoren in Arkansas, and Die flusspiraten des Mississippi. Aus meinem tagebuch ; gesammelte erzahlun- gen. Leipz. 1863. 2 v. S. G 704 Aus Nord- und Siidamerika ; erzahlungen. 3te aufl. Bound with Aus zwei welttheilen ; gesammelte erzahlun- _ gen. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G 705 Die beiden striiflinge ; australischer roman. 3te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G 706 Blau wasser ; skizzen aus see- und inselleben. 2te aufl. J-ena. 1872. 8. G 707 Same. Leipz. 1858. S. G 707 Die blauen und gelben ; venezuelanisches charakterbild aus der letzten revolution. T. p. w. O. G 708 Calif ornische skizzen. Leipz. 1856. S. G 709 Die colonic ; brazilianisches lebensbild. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G 710 Note. For continuation, see Eine Mutter. Der deutschen auswanderer fahrten und schicksale. With his Skizzen ans Califor- nien und Siidamerika. G 723 Same, eng. The wanderings and fortunes of some german emigrants. Tr. by D: Black. N. Y. 1848. D. G 730 Die flusspiraten. des Mississippi. (Aus dem waldleben Amerikas, 2te abth.) 5te aufl. Jena. 1873. S. G711 Gerstacker, F: Continued. Same. Leipz. 1858. 3 v. S. G 711 Die franctireurs ; eine erzahlung aus dem deutsch-franz. kriege. With Dedenroth, E. H. Gabrielle. P 1951 Eine gemsjagd in Tyrol. 2te aufl. With his Hell und dunkel. G 714 General Franco ; lebensbild aus Ecuador. Jena. 1865. 3 v. S. G 712 Gold ! ; ein californisches lebensbild aus dem jahre 1849. 3te aufl. Jena. n. d. 8. G 713 Same. Leipz. 1858. 3 v. S. G 713 Heimliche und uhheimliche geschichten ; ge- sammelte erzahlungen. With his Das alte haus. G 701 Hell und dunkel ; gesammelte erzahlungen. 2te aufl. Jena. 1873. S. G 714 Im busch ; australische erzahlung. Jena. 1864. 3v. S. G715 Inselwelt ; indische und australische skizzen. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G 716 Same. Leipz. 1860. 2 v. 8. G 716 Der kunstreiter ; erzahlung. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G717 Mississippi-bilder ; licht- und schattenseiten transatlantischen lebens. 3te aufl. Jena. [187-1. S. G 718 Same. Leipz. 1856. 3 v. S. G 718 Eine mutter; roman im anschluss an "Die colonic". N. Y. 1884. F. G 729 NachAmerika; ein volksbuch. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. 2 V. S. G719 Pfai re und schule ; eine dorfgeschichte. Leipz. 1849. 3v. in 1. S. G 720 Die regulatoren in Arkansas. (Aus dem wald- leben Amerikas, Iste abth.) 5te aufl. Jena. 1873. S. G721 Sennor Aguilar ; peruanisches lebensbild. Jena. 1865. 3 v. S. G 722 Skizzen aus Californien und Siidamerika ; ge- sammelte erzahlungen. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G 723 Tahiti ; roman aus der Siidsee. 3te aufl. Jena. n. d. S. G 724 Unter dem iiquator ; javanisches sittenbild. 2teaufl. Jena. 1872. S. G 726 Unter den penchuenchen ; chilenischer roman. Jena. 1867. S. G 725 Unter palmen und buchen ; gesammelte er- zahlungen. Leipz. 1867. 3 v. S. G 727 Der wilddieb ; erzahlung. N. Y. 1881. F. G728 Gibbon, C: The braes of Yarrow; a romance. N. Y. 1881. Q. G 802 Same. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 2. D. G 802 By mead and stream ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. G 806 For lack of gold ; a novel. New ed. Lond. 1881. D. G 807 For the king ; a novel. New ed. Lond. n. d. D. G810 The golden shaft ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. G805 Same. Lond. 1882. 3 v. in 2. D. G 805 A hard knot ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. S. G 812 Heart's delight ; a story. N. Y. 1885. Q. G 811 A heart's problem ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. G803 Same. Lond. 1881. 2 v. in 1. D. G 803 In honour bound ; a novel. New ed. Lond. [1881] . D. G 808 Of high degree ; a story. N. Y. 1882. Q. G 804 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 2. D. G 804 denotes books specially adapted for children. 735 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE-FICTION. Gibbon GOthe. 736 Gibbon, C-. Continued. The queen of the meadow ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. G801 Same. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. G 801 Robin Gray ; a novel. New ed. Lond. [18811. D. G 809 Gift, Theo, pseud., see Boulger, Dora. Gilbert, W: De profundis ; a tale of the social deposits. Lond. 1866. S. G 851 The struggle in Ferrara ; a story of the re- formation in Italy. 111. Phila. 1871. O. G 852 Giles, Ella Augusta. Out from the shadows, or Trial and triumph. Madison. 1876. D. G901 Gillespie, T: Gleanings of the covenant. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 V15-23 Contents. V. 15. 1. The grandmothei's narrative. 2. The covenanters' march. 3. Peden's farewell sermon. 4. The persecution of the M'Michaels. 16. 6. The rescue at Enterkin. 6. The fatal mistake. 7. Bonny Mary Gibson. 8. The Eskdalemuir story. 9. The Douglas tragedy. 17. 10. Sergeant Wilson. 11. Helen Palmer. 13. The Cairny cave of Gavin Muir. 13. Porter's Hole. 18. 14. James Renwlck. L5. Old Isbel Kirk. 16. The curlers. 17. The violated coffin. 19. 18. Kinaldy. 19. The trials of the rev. S: Austin. 20. 20. John Goran's narrative. 31. "Old Bluntie". 22. T: Harkness of Lockerben. 23. The shoes rev^ersed. 21. 34. The early days of a friend of the covenant. 23. 3.5. The last scrap. The profes.sor's tales. /?i Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 vl-14 Contents. V. 1. 1. The mountain storm. 3. The fair maid of Cellardykes. 2. 3. The convivialists. 4. Philips Grey. 3. 5. Pheebe Fortune. 4. 6. Early recollections of a son of the hills. 7. The suicide's srrave. 6. 8. The last of the pedlars. 7. 9. Family Incidents. 10. Home and the gipsy maid. 11. The return. 9. 13. The three brethren. 13. The mistake rectified. 14. Dura Den. 10. 15. Peat-casting time. 16. The medal. 11. IT. The social man. 12. 18. The weddins-. 13. 19. The natural history of idiots. 14. 20. The enthusiasts. 21. Trees and burns. 23. Kirkyardd. Gilliat, E. The dragonnades, or Asylum Christi. New ed. Lond. 1881. D 926 Gilman, Caroline, 6orw Howard, mrs. G: Tales and ballads. N. Y. 1839. D. , G 961 Girardin, Delphine born Gay, mme. Emile de, and others. The cross of Berny, or Irene's lovers. Phila. 1873. D. G 1001 Giseke, H: L: Robert. Moderne titanen ; ein roman der gegenwart. Leipz. 1853. 3 v. S. G1051 Glasbrenner, Adolf, (Adolf Brennglas). Aus dem leben eines gespentes. Leipz. 1838. S. G1151 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 6.5. Glaser, Adolf, {Reinald Reimar). Familie Schal- ler. Prag. 1857. 2 V. T. G 1101 Glaubrecht, Julius. Roland von Rolandseck ; eine geschichtliche erziihlung aus den zeiten Carls des grossen, in neuen rahmen gefasst. 111. Regensb. 1871. S. H 2783 Glaubrecht, Otto, pseud., see Oeser, Rudolph L: Gleich, F: Finglash und Maria Stormont, oder Die fliichtringe. Leioz. 1824. S. G 1251 Gleig, G: Robert. Allan Breck. Phila. 1835. 2 V. D. G 1301 Glogau, Bertha. Im kopfeder anderen ; novelle. / VierteljahrL mag. V2v25 Sitzen gehlieben ; eine novelle. In the same. V2v25 GlUmer, Claire v. A noble name, or Donning- hansen. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1883 [1882]. D.' G 1326 Godfrey, Mrs. G. W. Unspotted from the world; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. G 1351 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. G 1351 Godin, Amelie, pseud., seeliinz, Amelie. GOdsche, Hermann Ottomar F-, [Sir John Ret- cliffe). Nena Sahib, o(l"r Die emporung in Indien; historisch-politischer roman. NTY. 1882. 3 V. F. G 1376 Contents. V. 1. Die tyrannen der erde. 2. Die bose saat. 3. Der siinden ernte. Godwin, W: St. Leon ; a tale of the 16th cen- tury. Lond. 1850. D. G 1401 Gogol, N: Vasilievitch. Altvaterische leute, und andere erzahlungcn. Deutsch von Julius Meixner. Stultg. [1883]. D. G 1427 Contents. Altvaterische leute. Die nase. Die erzahlung von dem streite zwischen Iwan Iwano- witsch und Iwan Nikiforowitsch. Iwan Theodoro- witsch Schponka und seine tante. Die equipage. Aufzeichnungen eines wahnsinnigen. Russische novellen. Mit einer einleitung von F: Bodenstedt. Stuttg. [1881]. D. G 1426 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 65. GOhren, Caroline v., pseud., see ZOllner, Caro- line. Goldammer, Leo. Schloss Kuckernese. Berlin. 1859. D. G 1476 Goldsmith, Oliver. The vicar of Wakefield. Phila. 1869. D. G 1501 Same. In his Works. 820.2 : 30 vl Same. germ. Der landprediger von Wake- field. Aus dem englischen von A. Dietz- mann. Braunschw. 1848. T. G 1501 Goodwin, Mrs. H. B., see Talcot, Mrs. Hannah B. Gore, Catherine Grace Frances, born Moody. Cecil, oder Die abenteuer eines stutzers. Aus dem englischen von A. Schraishuon. Stuttg. 1848. 2v. T. G1551 The dean's daughter, or The days we live in. Leipz. 1853. 2 v. in 1. S. G 1561 Das erstffeburtsrecht. Deutsch von L: Hauff. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. G 1552 Die frau des gesandten. Deutsch von L: Hauff. Stuttg. 1846. 2 v. T. G 1553 Der geldverleiher. Deutsch bearb. von L: Haufr Stuttg. 1846. 2 v. T. G 1554 The maid of honor. In Edinburgh tales. E426 Mammon, oder Leiden und freuden des reich- thums. Aus dem englischen von O: v. Charnowski. Leipz. 1856. 3 v. S. G 1555 Ormington, oder Cecil als pair. Aus dem englischen von A. Schraishuon. Stuttg. 1848. 2v. T. G 1556 Progress and prejudice. N. Y. n. d. D. G 1557 The queen of Denmark ; an historical novel. N. Y. 1858. O. G 1558 Selbst, vom verfasser von Cecil. Aus dem englischen von A. Schraishuon. Stuttg. 1849. 2 v. T. G 1560 The story of a royal favourite. N. Y. 1864. O. G1559 GOrling, Adolph, (A. v. Colenfeld). Die vitalien- briider, oder Des Stiirtebeker's leben und ende ; nach historischen quellen. Han- nover. 1844. S. G 1601 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Confessions of a fair saint. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. 830.1:8 Elective affinities. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1872. S. G 1661 denotes books specially adapted for children. 737 GOthe Griffin. LITEBATTJRE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 738 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Continued. Novelle. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. 830.1:8 Novels and tales. Lond. 1873. D. G 1652 Contents. Elective affinities. The sorrows of young Werther. The recreations of the german emi- grants. A fairy tale. The good woman ; a tale. Same. Lond. 1883. D. G 1652 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels. From the german by T: Carlyle. Bost. 1876. 2 V. D. G 1653 Same, extracts. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. 830. 1 : 8 See also his collected works, in german, 830 : R 136, 830 : 137, in english, 830 : 151 Gotthelf, Jei-emias, pseud., see Bitzius, Albert. Gottschalck, Caspar F:, see Roscoe, W: Ger- man novelists. B, 2451 Gottschall, K: Rudolf v. Das fraulein von St. Amaranthe ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. G1676 Gould, E: S. John Doe and Richard Roe, or Episodes of life in New York. N. Y. 1862. D. G 1701 Gould, Jeanie T., see Lincoln, Jeanie T. Qozlan, Leon. Aristides Froissart. Deutsch von L. Eichler. Leipz. 1844. 2 v. S. G1851 Der arzt. Deutsch von L. Eichler. Leipz. 1844. 4 V. S. G 1852 Grabowski, Stanislaus Stephan Albert graf v. ( Stanislaus Albert ). John Paul Jones ; biographischer roman. Hannover. 1860. 2 V. S. G 1901 Graham, Ennis, pseud., see Molesworth, Mary Louisa. Grant, James. The cameronians. N. Y. 1881. Q. G 1926 Same; a novel. Lond. 1881. 3 v. D. G 1926 The royal highlanders, or The black watch in Egypt ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. G 1927 Grant, Maria M. Artiste. Lond. 1871. 3 v. in 2. D. G 1956 My heart's in the highlands. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. inl. S. G1951 Same. N. Y. 1878. Q. G 1951 One may day, a sketch in summer-time ; a novel. N: Y. 1882. Q. G 1954 Same. Lond. 1882. 3 v. in 1. D. G 1954 Prince Hugo ; a bright episode. N. Y. 1880. Q. G 1952 Same. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. G 1952 The sun-maid ; a romance. [Anon.'\ Lond. 1876. 3 V. in2. D. G 1953 Same. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1877]. O. G 1953 Victor Lescar. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. G 1955 Grant, Robert. An average man. Bost. 1884. D. G 1977 Confessions of a frivolous girl ; a story of fashionable life. 111. Bost. 1880. D. G1976 and others. The king's men ; a tale of to-mor- row. N. Y. 1884. D. G 1978 Note. Written conjointly by Robert Grant, J : Boyle O'Reilly, J. S. of Dale and J: T. Wheelwright. Grattan, T: Colley. Jacqueline of Holland ; a historical tale. N. Y. 1831. 2 v. D. G2051 Gray, A. M. Adah, the Jewish maiden. T. p. w. [N. Y.]D. G2101 Gray, Barry, pseud., see Coffin, Robert Barry. Gray, Jennie H., {Hearton Drille). Tactics, or Cupid in shoulder-straps ; a West Point love story, by Hearton Drille. N. Y. 1863. S. G2126 Gray, Robertson, pseud., see Raymond, Rossiter Worthington. Grayson, Eldred, esq., pseud. Standish, the Euritan ; a tale of the american revolution. . Y. 1850. D. G 2151 Green, Anna Katherine. Hand and rinjr- 111. N. Y. 1883. D. G 2205 The Leavenworth case ; a lawyer's story. N. Y. [1878]. S. G2201 A strange disappearance. N. Y. 1880. S. G2202 The sword of Damocles ; a story of New York life. N. Y. 1881. D. " G 2203 X. Y. Z.; a detective story. N. Y. 1883. S. G2204 Greenough, Sarah Dane, born Loring. Ara- besques : Monar^, Domitia, Apollyona, Ombra. Bost. 1872. D. G 13251 In extremis. Bost. 1872. D. G 2252 Greenwood, Grace, pseud., see Lippincott, Sara Jane. Greenwood, James. A ni^ht in a workhouse. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl The adventures of Reuben Davidger ; 17 years and 4 months captive among the Dyaks of Borneo. 111. N. Y. 1866. O. 6 2266 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. G 2266 Greg, Percy. Guy Neville's ghost. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v9 Ivy, cousin and bride. N. Y. 1881. Q. G 2276 Same. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. G 2276 Grendel, M. R. Contrasts. N. Y. 1881. D. G2301 Gresley, W: Charles Lever, or The man of the 19th century. N. Y. 1847. D. G 2351 Church clavering, or The schoolmaster. Flem- ington, N. J. 1844. O. /n. The churchman's library. 204 : 16 Greville, Henry, pseud., see Durand, Alice Marie Celeste Henry. Grey, Mrs. E. C. Good society, or Contrasts of character. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1863]. O. G2401 A marriage in high life. Phila. n. d. O. G2402 Griesinger, K: Theodor. Ca^liostriana ; novel- lette aus herzog Friedrichs von Wiirttem- berg zeiten. Stuttg. 1844. S. G 2501 Friedrich von ZoUern ; geschichtliche novelle aus dem 15ten jahrhundert. With his Cagliostriana. G 2501 Ida, griifin von Salmandingen ; geschichtliche novelle aus dem ende des 12ten jahrhun- derts. Stuttg. 1844. S. G 2502 Lebende bilder aus Amerika. Stuttg. 1858. D. G 2503 Die letzten zeiten der GrJivenitz ; historische novelle aus dem ende der regierungsiahre des herzogs Eberhard Ludwig von Wiirt- temberg. Stuttg. 1844. S. G 2604 Griffin, Gerald. Works. N. Y. ra. d. 10 v. D. G2551 Contents. V. 1. Talesof the Munster festivals: The collegians; a tale of Garryowen. 2. Same: The card-drawer The half-sir. Suil Dhuv, the coiner. 3. Same: "Holland tide." The Aylmers of Bally- Aylmer. The hand and word. The barber of Bantry. -The brown man. Owney and Owney-na-peak. The village ruin. The knight of the sheep. The rock of the candle. 4. Same: The rivals. Tracy's X denotes books specially adapted for children. 739 CI. 813, Authors. lilTERATURE FICTION. Griflan G-ustaf sson. 740 GriflBba, Gerald. Continued. ambition. 5. Talis qualis, or Tales of the jury- room. 6. The duke of Monmouth. 7. Tales of the five senses; christian physiologist. A night at sea. 8. Poetical works. Tragedy of Gisippus. 9. The invasion. 10. The life of Gerald GriflBn, by his brother [Daniel] . The duke of Monmouth. N. Y. n. d. D. G2552 The invasion. N . Y. n. d. D. G 2553 Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the curioits. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v5 A night at sea. With his Tales of the five senses. G 2554 The swans of Lir. In Johnson, E. R. Little cla.ssics. J 926 vl Tales of the five senses ; christian physiolog- ist. N. Y. n. d. D. G 2554 Contents. Introd. The mechanism of sight: Uses and government of sight ; The kelp-gatherer, a tale. The mechanism of hearing: Uses of hearing; The day of trial, a tale. Mechanism and uses of feeling; The voluptuary cured, a tale. Mechanism and uses of smell; The self-consumed, a tale. Mechanism and uses of taste; The selfish crotarie, a tale. Of the in- tellect; A story of Psyche. Tales of the jury-room. T. p. w. D. G 2555 Contents. The jury-room. Sigismund. The story teller at fault. The knight without reproach. The mistake.- Drink, my brother. The swans of Lir. McEneiry, the covetous. Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the curious. The lame tailor of Macel. Antrim Jack. The prophecy. Sir Dowling O'Hartigan. The ra- ven's nest. Tales of the Munster festivals. N. Y. n. d. D. G2556 Contents. Same as v. 3 of his Works, with sketches illustrative of life and manners in the south of Ire- land added. Griffiths, Arthur, Lola; a tale of Gibraltar. G2601 N. Y. 1880. Q. G2602 G2602 milch te. G2651 N. Y. 1877. S. A wayward woman ; a novel. Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. D. Grimm, Hermann. Uniiberwindliche Berlin. 1867. 3 v. D. Grimm, Jalcob L: and W: K: Specimens from the "Kinder und haus miirchen." In Roscoe, W: German novelists. 112451 German popular tales. Phila. n. d. D. Gx201 Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoph v. Der abentheuerliche Simplicissimus. In his Werke. 830 : 152 v33, 34 Gringo, Harry, pseud., see "Wise, H: A: Grisebach, E:, ed. and tr. Kin-ku-ki-kuan ; neue und alte novellen der chinesischen 1001 nacht. Stuttg. 1880. S. G 2676 Groose, Julius Waldemar. Ein burgei'licher Demetrius ; roman. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2 v35 Grossheim, Julie, {J. E. Hand). Von schritt zu schritt ; nach einer episode aus dem leben. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v25 Grossi, T: Marco Visconte. Tr. from the ital- ian by A. F. D.; the ballads rendered into english verse by C. M. P. Lond. 1881. D. G 3301 Groth, Klaus. Drei plattdeutsche erziihlungen, zum theil erlebtes und erinnerungen von 1848 aus Schleswig-Holstein. Berlin. 1881. D. G 2686 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 66. Erzahlungen. Aus ditmarscher mundart iiber- tragen von A. v. Winterfeld. With his Quickborn. 831 : 18 Trina. 3te aufl. Kiel. 1860. S. G 2687 Grothe, R: Kiinstlerelend ; skizze. In Vier- teljahrl. mag. V 2 v23 ' Gruber, F. J. Der mutter- und vatersegen in der geschichte Theodosia und Wunibald, der edelsten kinder hartgepriifter eltern ; zwei lehrreiche erziihlungen fiir geist und herz. Eine weihnachts- und geburtsgabe fiir die jugend. Niirnberg. tj,. d. S. G 2701 Gruber, Ludwig, pseud., see Anzengruber, L: Guenot, C. abbS. Der alpenhirt ; eine erziih- lung aus der zeit Franz I, konigs von Frank- reich. Nach dem franz. 01. Regensb. 1871. S. With Glaubrecht, J. Roland von Ro- landseck. H 2783 The vengeance of a jew. Phila. 1867. S. G2751 Guermante, Claire. Robert der waisenknabe, Oder Das andenken an die mutter ; eine er- zahlvmg fiir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Nach dem franz. bearb. von Franz Maria Brug. [Anon.] With Bauberger, W: Das wun- derweib von Eichbiihl. B 580 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Loveday's history ; a tale of many changes. N. Y. '1885 [18841. D. G 2776 Winifred, or After many days. N. Y. [18691. D. G 2777 Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico. Die belagerung von Florenz ; geschichtlicher roman. Aus dem italianischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1849. 4 V. T. G 2801 Isabella Orsini ; [a historical novel of the 15th century]. T. p. w. S. G 2802 Manfred, or The battle of Benevento. Tr. from the Italian by L: Monti. N. Y. 1875. D. G2803 Same, germ. Die schlacht von Benevent ; ge- schichte aus dem 13. jahrhundert. Nach der 15ten aufl. aus dem italianischen iibers. Stuttg. 1853. 2 V. T. G 2803 Guirey, G: Deacon Crankey, the old sinner. N. Y. [1878]. D. G 2901 Guischard, Wilhelmine Konstanze. Black Doug- las ; ein australischer roman. Leipz. 1860. S. G2951 Guise, Mrs. Francis. The Cravens of Beach Hall. Lond. 1861. 2 V. D. G 3001 Guizot, Henriette, see Witt, Henriette de. Guizot, Pauline, see Witt, Pauline de. Gundling, Julius, {Lucian Herbert). 1830 ; roman und geschichte. 3te ausg. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. G3051 Bis zum Rubicon ; roman aus Julius Casar's jugendleben. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. S. G 3052 Deutsch und slavisch ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. G3057 Das testament Peter des grossen ; roman und geschichte. N. Y. w. rf. O. G 3053 Die todte hand ; roman mit anlehnving an das nationale, kirchliche und sociale leben Oesterreichs. Leipz. 1866. 4 v. S. G 3054 Zwei kreuzherren ; roman. G 3056 Zwischen leben und sterben ; geschichten und skizzen. Leipz. 1866. S. G 3055 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 66. Guseck, Bernd v., pseud., see Berneck, C: Gustav Gustafsson, R: Alfred. Chit-chat by Puck ; tea- time tales for young little folks and young old folks. Tr. from the Swedish by Albert J^lberg. m. Lond. 1880. D. Gx251 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 741 Gustafsson Hahn . lilTERATTTRE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 742 Gustafsson, R: Alfred. Continued. Miirchen. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von EmilJ. Jonas. Berlin. 1879. D. G 3251 Rose-leaves ; tea-time tales for young little folks and young old folks. Tr. from the Swedish by Albert Albere. 111. Lond. 1880. D. Gx 252 Woodland notes; tea-time tales for young little folks and young old folks. Tr. from the Swedish by Albert Alberg. 111. Lond. 1880. D. Gx 253 Gustav vom See, pseud., see Struensee, Gustav v. Guthrie, F: Anstey, {F. Anstey). The black poodle. In Tales from many sources. T 178 vl Same, and other tales. N. Y. 1884. D. A 1328 Contents. The black poodle. The story of a sugar grince. The return of Agamemnon. The wraith of arnjum. A toy tragedy. An undergraduate's aunt. The siren. The curse of the Catafalques. A fare- well apperance. Accompanied on the flute. The giant's robe. N. Y. 1884. S. A 1327 The tinted Venus ; a farcical romance. N. Y. 1885. D. A 1329 Vice versa, or A lesson to fathers. N. Y. 1882. D. A 1326 Gutzkow, K: Ferdinand. Blasedow und seine s5hne ; ein roman. (Gesammelte werke, b. 7, 8.) Frankfurt a. M. 1845. 2 v. D. G3108 Briefe eines narren an eine narrin. Hamburg. 1832. S. G3109 Die kleine narrenwelt. Frankfurt a. M. 1856. 3v. S. G3101 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Maha Guru ; geschichte eines gottes. (Gesam- melte werke, b. 5.) Frankfurt a. M. 1845. D. G3103 Ein madchen aus dem volke. Prag. 1855. T. G3102 Novellenbuch. Frankfurt a. M. 1846. D. G1304 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Die ritter vom geiste ; roman. 6te aufl. Berlin. [1878]. 4v. rn2. D. G 3105 Through night to light. From the german by mrs. Faber. Leipz. 1870. S. G 3106 Ein zauberer von Rom ; roman in 9 biichern. N. Y. 1858. 9v. S. G 3107 Gwynne, Talbot. Nanette and her lovers. N. Y. 1863. D. G 3151 The school for fathers ; an old english story. N. Y. 1852. D. G 3152 Gyllembourg - Ehrensvard, Thomasine Chri- stine, born Buntzen. Die novellen des ver- fassers der "AUtagsgeschichte." Danisch herausg. von J. L. Heiberg ; deutsch von Edmund ZoUer. Stuttg. 1852. 3 v. T. G3201 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. H., pseud., see Nyblom, Helfene. H., Dr., pseud., see Tolderlund, Hother Hakon Viggo. H. H., pseud., see Jackson, Helen Maria. Haas, G. E. Die passauer in Prag ; historischer roman. Wien. 1862. 2 v. T. H 151 Habberton, J: The Barton experiment. N. Y. 1877. S. H201 Helen's babies ; with some account of their ways, innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching and repulsive, also a partial re- cord of their doings during ten days of Habberton, J: Continued. their existence ; by their latest victim. Bost. 1876. S. H 202 The Jericho road. [Anon.] T. p. w. [Chi- cago. 1877]. 8. H203 Other people's children ; containing a veraci- ous account of the management of Helen's babies by a lady who knew just how the children of other people should be trained, also a statement of the exact measure of the success obtained ; by the author of "Helen's babies". N. Y. 1877. S. H 204 Who was Paul Grayson ? 111. N. Y. 1881. S. HxlOl The worst boy in town. [Anon.] N. Y. 1880. S. Hx 102 Haberlin, K:L:, {H. E. B. Belani, F. Heinemann). Russische hofgeschichten, von Peter dem grossen bis Katharina II ; historische no- vellen und lebensbilder. Leipz. 1856. 3 v. S. H251 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Russische hofgeschichten, neue folge ; von Katharina 11 bis Nicolaus I. Leipz. 1857. 3v. S. H252 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Habicht, L: Die poesie der prosa ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v36 Hacklander, F: W: Behind the counter. See below Handel und wandel. Eigne und fremde welt. Stuttg. 1868. 2 v. S. H 301 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Enchanting and enchanted. Erom the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. 111. Phila. 1874. D. H314 Contents. The elfin tree. The dwarf's nest. The princess Morgana. Castle Silence. The fairy tank- ard. Erlebtes. Stuttg. 1861. 2 v. S. H 303 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Eugen Stillfried. Stuttg. 1855. 3 v. T. H 302 Europiiisches sklavenleben. Stuttg. 1856. 5 v. T. ^ H 304 Forbidden fruit. From the german by Rosalie Kaufman. Bost. n. d. S. " H 305 Das geheimniss der stadt. Stuttg. 1868. 3 v. inl. S. H312 Handel und wandel. Stuttg. 1855. 2 v. S. H306 Same, eng. Behind the counter. From the german by Mary Howitt. Leipz. 1868. S. H306 Die kainszeichen ; roman. Phila. n. d. 2 v. inl. O. H307 Letzte novellen ; mit seinem ersten litei'arl- schen versuch. Stuttg. [18791. D. H 313 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 67. Marchen. Stuttg. 1855. T. H 308 Contents. Schloss Schweigern.- Das zwergenest. Von der prinzessin Morgana. Das gesicht im mond. Der zauberkrug. Weihnachtsmarchen. Der lelb- schneider der zwerge. Namenlose geschichten. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1875. 3 V. in 1. S. H 309 Der pilgerzug nach Mekka. Stuttg. 1855. S. H310 Der wechsel des lebens. Stuttg. 1861. 3 v. D. H311 Zwei niichte. With MUller, W: Debora. M4436 Hadermann, Jeannette R., see Walworth, Jean- nette R. Hahn, R. Edmund. Schone frauen ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F.. H 376 : denotes books specially adapted for children. 748 CI. 813, Authors, LITERATURE-FICTION. Hahn-Hahn-Hamilton, G. 744 Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise Sopliie Friederike Gustave grafin. Cecil. Berlin. 1844. 2 v. S. H401 Maria Regina ; eine erziihlung aus der gegen- wart. Mainz. 1860. 2 v. S. H 403 Hainau, K: W. Ein schlimmer augenblick; no- velle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v22 Hale, E: Everett, {Col. Frederic Ingham). The children of the public. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl2 Christmas in Narragansett. N. Y. 1884. D. H463 The fortunes of Rachel. N. Y. 1884. D. H 462 His level best, and other stories. Bost. 1873. S. H451 Includes, The brick moon. Water talk. Mouse and lion. The modern Sinbad. A tale of a salamander. The queen of California. Confidence. If, yes and perhaps ; four possibilities and six exaggerations with some bits of fact. Bost. 1868. S. H452 Contents. The children of the public. A piece of possible history. The south american editor. The old and the new, face to face. The dot and line alpha- bet. The last voyag-eof the Resolute. My double, and how he undid me. The man without a country. The last of the Florida. The skeleton in the closet. Christmas waits in Boston. In his name ; a story of the waldenses seven hundred years ago. Bost. 1878. T. H 453 The Ingham papers ; some memorials of the life of capt. F: Ingham, U. S. N., some- time pastor of the 1st sandemanian church patriot service in Italy. Bost. 1869. D. H 460 Contents. Memoir of capt. Injrham. The good- in Na^uadavick, and major-general^ by brevet in the patriot service in It " api natured pendulum. Paul Jones "and Denis Duv Round the world in a hack. Friends' meeting. Did he take the prince to ride ? How mr. Frye would have preached it. The rag-man and the rag- woman. Din- ner speaking.- Good society. Daily bread. The man without a country. Bost. 1865. S. H454 Same. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Same. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl Mrs. Merriam's scholars ; a story of the " origi- nal ten". Bost. 1878. S. " H 456 My double, and how he undid me. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Our Christmas in a palace : a traveller's story. N. Y. 1882. D. H 461 Our new crusade ; a temperance story. Bost. 1875. T. H 456 Philip Nolan's friends. T. p. w. [N. Y. 18771. The skeleton in the closet, by J. T: Darragh, late C. C. S. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v5 Ten times one is ten, the possible reformation ; a story in nine chapters by col. Frederic Ingham. Bost. 1878. S. H 458 Same. [New ed.] Bost. 1883. S. H 458 Ups and downs ; an every-day novel. Bost. 1873. D. H 459 Hale, Lucretia P. The Peterkin papers. 111. Bost. 1880. D. Hx 151 The queen of the red chessmen. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 The spider's eye. In Stories by american au- thors. S 35 v3 Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantine. From the 20th french ed. by Emily -H. Hazen. N. Y. 1882. S. H476 Haliburton, T: Chandler, {Sam Slick). Sam Slick, the clockmaker. 111. Phila. n. d. 2 v. in 1. D. H 501 Hall, Abraham Oakey. Old Whitey's Christmas trot ; a story for the holidays. 111. N. Y. 1857. S. Hx 201 Hall, Anna Maria, 6orw Fielding, mrs. S: Carter. Leiden der frauen ; moralische erzahlungen fiir die reifere weibliche jugend. Nach dem englischen von Fennimore. Fiirth. 1849. 4 v.D. H553 Midsummer eve ; a fairy tale of love. N. Y. 1863. O. H551 The white boy ; a story of Ireland in 1822. N. Y. 1861. O. H 552 Hall, Baynard Rust. The new purchase, or The seven and a half years in the far west. 2d ed. T. p. W.J). ' H 602 Something for everybody ; gleaned in the old purchase from fields often reaped. N. Y. 1856. D. H601 Hall, C: W. Drifting round the world ; a boy's adventures by sea and land. 111. Bost. 1881. O. Hx251 Twice taken ; an historical romance of the maritime british provinces. Bost. 1867. S. H651 Hall, James. The wilderness and the war path. N. Y. 1846. S. H 701 Contents. The black steed of the prairies. The war belt, a legend of North Bend. The new moon, a tra- dition of the Omawhaws. The red sky of the morn- ing. The capuchin. The dark maid of Illinois. The Indian hater. Pete Featherton. App. Hall, Mrs. S. C, see Hall, Anna Maria. Hallett, E. V., {Ferna Vale). Natalie, or Age among the seaweeds. T. p. w. D. V 2S Hallock, Mary, see Foots, Mary. Hallowell, Mrs. Sarah Catharine F. Nan, the new fashioned girl. 111. Bost. 1877. D. Hx301 Halstead, Leonora B., {Barbara Elbon). Bethes- da ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. D. H 726 Hamerling, Robert. Aspasia ; ein kiinstler- imd liebes-roman aus alt-Hellas. N. Y. 1882. F. H751 Same, eng. Aspasia ; a romance of art and and love in ancient Hellas. From the ger- man by Mary J. Safford. N. Y. 1882. S. H751 Hamerton, Eugenie, mrs. P. G. The mirror of truth, and other marvellous histories. 111. Bost. 1875. D. Hx361 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Harry Blount ; passa- ges in a boy's life on land and sea. Bost. 1875. S. Hx351 Marmorne. (No name ser.) Bost. 1878. S. H801 Wenderholme ; a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. Bost. 1876. D. H 802 Hamilton, C. G. Clear shining after rain. N. Y. 1880. Q. H851 Hamilton, Celia V., born Dakin. My bonnie lass. Bost. [18771. O. H 902 Ropes of sand, and other stories. Bost. 1873. O. H 903 Includes, A woman's story. Mrs. Gordon's confes- sion. Every string broken. A domestic tragedy. Mr. John. Drinkers of ashes. Hamilton, Elizabeth. The cottagers of Glon- burnie ; a tale for the farmer's ingle-nook. Phila. 1855. T. Hx 401 Hamilton, Gail, pseud., see Dodge, Mary Abi- gail. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 745 Hamilton, T. Harrison, C. C. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 746 Hamilton, T: The youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. T. p. w. D. H d51 Smne. N. Y. 1831. 2 v. in 1. D. H 951 Hamley, C: The light on the hearth. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v5 Wassail. Lithe same. T 177 v6 Hamley, E: B., {Alexandre Sue- Sand fils). The last french hero. In Tales from Black- wood. T177v4 Lazaro's legacy. In the same. T 176 v2 A legend of Gibraltar. In the same. T 176 vl A recent confession of an opium-eater. In the 8am,e. T 177 vl Shakespeare's funeral. In the same. T 177 vl Hamley, W: G. The house of Lys ; one book of its history. K Y. 1879. Q. ' H 1001 Hammond, Mrs. E. H., {Henri Dauge). A fair philosopher. N. Y. 1882. D. H 1026 The georgians. (Round - robin ser.) Bost. 1881. S. H 1027 Hammond, M. E. Florence ; a tale. Lond. n. d. D. H 1051 Hammond, W: Alexander. Doctor Grattan ; a novel. N. Y. 1885 [18841. D. H 1077 Lai ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. D. H 1076 Mr. Oldmixon ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. D. H1078 A strong-minded woman, or Two years after ; a sequel to Lai. N. Y. 1885. D. H 1079 Hanke, Henriette Wilhelmine, born Arndt. Blumen. Hannover. 1841. 2 v. in 1. D. HllOl Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. Der brief. Hannover. 1842. D. H 1102 Elfride. Hannover. 1846. 2 v. D. H 1103 Die freundinnen. Hannover. 1842. 2 v. D. H 1104 Perlen. Hannover. 1841. D. H 1112 Der ring. Hannover. 1842. D. H 1105 Der schmuck. Hannover. 1843. 2 v. D. H 1106 Die schwiigerinnen. Hannover. 1843. D. H1107 Die schwester. Hannover. 1842. D. H 1108 Die tochter des pietisten. Hannover. 1847. 2 v. D. H1109 Wally's garten. Hannover. 1841. D. H 1 1 10 Die wittwen. Hannover. 1842. 2 v. D. Hllll Harder, L: A family feud ; a romance. After the german by" mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. [18771. D. H5351 Harding, Rebecca Blaine, see Davis, Rebecca Blaine. Hardman, F: Christine ; a dutch story. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v6 The great unknown. In the same. T 177 v9 My english acquaintance. In the same. T 176 v7 My friend the dutchman. In the same. T 176 v6 Same. In Sargent, E. The emerald. S 551 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. But yet a woman ; a novel. Bost. 1883. D. H 1126 Hardy, Iza Duffus. Friend and lover ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. H1151 Same. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. H 1151 Love, honour and obey. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. H1152 Hardy, T: Desperate remedies. T. p. to. [N. Y. 1874]. S. H 1201 The distracted young preacher. N. Y. 1879. S. H 1202 Hardy, T: Continued. Far from the madding crowd. (Leisure hour ser.) T. p. w. S. H 1203 The hand of Ethelberta ; a comedy in chap- ters. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y.'l876. S. H1204 A laodicean, or The castle of the De Stancy's ; a tale of today. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. H 1209 Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. H 1209 A pair of blue eyes. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. H 1205 The return of the native. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. S. H 1206 The romantic adventures of a milkmaid ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. H 1211 The three strangers. In Tales from many sources. T 178 vl The trumpet major. (Leisure hour ser.) N .Y. 1880. S. H 1207 Two on a tower ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. H1210 Under the greenwood tree ; a rural painting of the dutch school. N. Y. 1873. S. H 1208 Haring, G: W: H:, {Wilibald Alexis). Cabanis. Berlin. 1860. 3 v. S. H 1251 Dorothe ; ein roman aus der brandenburgi- schen gesehichte. Berlin. 1856. 3 v. D. H1252 Das haus Diisterweg ; eine gesehichte aus der gegenwart. Leipz. 1835. 2 v. S. H 1253 Die hosen des herrn von Bredow. Berlin. 1860. 2v. S. H 1254 Isegrimm. ; vaterliindiseher roman. Berlin. 1854. 3 V. D. H 1255 Ja in Neapel. Berlin. 1860. S. H 1256 Harland, Marion, pseud., see Terhune, Mary Virginia. Harley, Dr. . The young crusoe, or Adven- tures of a shipwrecked boy ; a story for boys. 111. Bost. 1875. D. Hx451 Harring, Johan, pseud., see Bagger, C: Christian. Harrington, George F., pseud., see Baker, W: Munford. Harris, Joel Chandler. Mingo, and other sketches in black and white. Bost. 1884. S. H 1326 Contents. Mingro. At Teague Poteet's. Blue Dave. A piece of land. Harris, Miriam, born Cole. Frank Warrington. N. Y. 1871. D. H 1351 Happy-go-lucky. N. Y. 1881. D. H 1352 Louie's last term at St. Mary's. N. Y. 1874. D. Hz 501 A perfect Adonis. N. Y. 1876. D. H 1353 Phoebe ; a novel. Bost. 1884. D. H 1358 Richard Vandermarck ; a novel. N. Y. 1871. D. H 1354 Roundhearts, and other stories. N. Y. 1867. D. Hx 602 Contents. Boundhearts. The Christmas sister. The boy reg-iment. Willy Collins. Rutledge. N. Y. 1878. D. H 1355 St. Philips. N. Y. 1871. D. H 1356 The Sutherlands. N. Y. 1871. D. H 1357 Note. All, except Rutledgre, are said to be " by the author of Rutledgre". Harrison, Constance Cary, mrs. Burton H. The old-fashioned fairy- book. HI. N. Y. 1884. S. Hx 526 N. Y. 1881. The story of Helen Troy. [Anon]. H1401 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 747 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Harrison, W. HauF. 748 Harrison, Mrs. W:, born Kingsley, {Lucas McUet). Colonel Enderby's wife : a novel. N. Y. 1885. D. M 677 Mrs. Lorimer ; a sketch in black and white. K Y. 1883. 8. M 676 Harsha, Judge . Ploughed under; the story of an Indian chief told by himself, with an introd. by Inshtatheamba (Bright Eyes). [Anon.] 'N. Y. 1881. D. H 1426 Hart, Mrs. . Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress. [Anon.] N. Y. 1876. D. H 1476 Hart, Joseph C. Mii'iam Coffin, or The whale fisherman. N. Y. 1834. 2 v. D. H 1451 Harte, Francis Bret. Aus meinem seerJiuber- leben, und andere erziihlungen. Stuttg. [1878]. S. H 1558 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. Baby Sylvester, und andere erzahlungen. Stuttg. [1878]. S. H 1565 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 49. By shore and sedge. Bost. 1885. T. H 1569 Contents. An apostle of the tules. Sarah Walker. A ship of '49. Drift from two shores. Bost. 1878. T. H 1551 Contents. The man on the beach. Two saints of the foot-hills. Jinny. Rog'er Catron's friend. Who was my quiet friend? A ghost of the Sierras The hoodlum band; a condensed novel. The man whose yoke was not easy. My friend, the tramp. The man from Solano. The office seeker. A sleepinpr car ex- perience. Five o'clock in the morning. With the entrees. Die erbin von Red Dog, und andere erzahlun- gen. Stuttg. [1879]. S. H 1559 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. Flip. Bost. 1882. T. H 1566 Found at Blazing Star. With 7ns Flip. H 1566 Gabriel Conroy. T. p. w. [Hartford. 1876]. O. H 1552 Same, germ. Gabriel Conroy ; roman aus dem englischen. Berlin. [1876]. D. H 1552 Das geheimniss von Deadwood, und andere erzahlungen. Stuttg. [1879]. S. H 1560 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. Ein gespenst der Sierras, und andere erziih- lungen. Deutsch von A. Passow. Stuttg. [1878]. S. H 1561 Contents, see Dentscher katalog, p. 68. Das heidenkind, und andere erzahlungen. Stuttg. [1878]. S. H1562 C(mtent8, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. In the Carquinez woods. Bost. 1884. S. H1567 Same, germ. Im walde von Carquinez ; eine romanze in prosa. Nach dem amerikani- schen original ; mit einer einleitung von Eugen Zabel. Stuttg. [1884]. D. H 1567 The luck of Roaring Camp. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 Same, and other sketches. Bost. 1870. D. H1553 Inclttdes, The outcasts of Poker Flat. Higgles. Tennessee's pardner.lTie idyl of Red Gulch. Brown of Calaveras. High-water mark. A lonely ride. The man of no account. M'liss. The right eye of the commander. Notes by flood and field.- Mission Dolores. John Chinaman. From a back window. Boonder. Mrs. Skagg's husbands, and other sketches. Bost. 1873. D. H 1554 Includes, How Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar. The princess Bob and her friends.- The Iliad of Sandy Bar. Mr. Thompson's prodigal. The romance of MadroBo Hollow. The poet of Sierra Flat. The Christmas gift that came to Rupert. Urban sketches. Legends and tales. Harte, Francis Bret. Continued. On the frontier. Bost. 1884. T. H 1568 Contents. At the mission of San Carmel. A blue grass Penelope. Left out on Lone Star mountain. The outcasts of Poker Flat. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl Roger Catron's f round, und andere erziihlun- gen. Stuttg. [1879]. S. H 1563 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. Eine sage aus Sammtstadt, und andere erzah- lungen. Stuttg. [1879]. S. H 1564 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. The story of a mine. Bost. 1878. T. H 1555 Tales of the Argonauts, and other sketches. Bost. 1876. D. H 1556 Contents. The rose of Tuolumne. A passage in the life of Mr. John Oakhurst. Wan Lee, the pagan. How old man Plunkett went home. The fool of Five Forks. Baby Sylvester. An episode of Fiddletown. A Jersey centenarian. Thankful Blossom ; a romance of the Jerseys, 1779. 111. Bost. 1877. T. H 1557 Hartley, May, born Laifan. Christy Carew ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. L251 Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor, and other sketches. [Anon.] N. Y. 1882. D. L 253 Includes, The game hen. Bauble Clark.- Weeds. -Hogan, M. P. New ed. Lond. 1882. D. L252 Hartmann, Moritz. The last days of a king ; an historical romance. Tr. from the german by M. E. Niles. Phila. 1867. D. H 1601 Hartner, Eva. Severa ; eine familiengeschichte. N. Y. 1882. F. H 1626 Same, eng. Severa ; a novel from the german by mi-s. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1882 [1881]. D. H 1628 Harwood, J: Berwick. One false both fair, or A hard knot ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. H 1653 Paul Knox, pitman. N. Y. 1878. Q. H 1651 Same. Lond. 1878. 3 v. in 1. D. H 1651 Within the clasp ; a story of the Yorkshire jet hunters. N. Y. 1884." Q. H 1654 Young lord Penrith ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. H1652 Satne. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. H 1652 Hassaurek, F: The secret of the Andes ; a ro- mance. Cincinnati. 1879. D. H 1701 Hatton, Joseph. John Needham's double ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. S. H 1753 The queen of Bohemia ; a story of english life and manners. N. Y. 1882. Q. H 1752 Three recruits and the girls they left behind them. N. Y. 1880. Q. H 1751 Hau-kiou-choan, or The pleasing history ; a trans, from the Chinese language. Added, The argument or story of a Chinese play, A collection of Chinese proverbs, Fragments of Chinese poetry ; with notes. [Tr. by T. Percy]. Lond. 1861. 4 v. S. fi 10 Hauenschild, R: G: Spillerv., (Max Waldau). Aus der iunkerwelt. Hamburg. 1851. 2 v. S. H 1801 Nach der natur ; lebende bilder aus der zeit. Hamburg. 1851. 3 v. S. H 1802 Hauff, W: Siimmtliche werke ; mit des dichters leben von Gustav Schwab. Stuttg. 1853. 5 V. S. H 1851 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 68. Arabian days' entertainments. Tr. from the german by Herbert Pelham Curtis. 10th ed. Bost. 1882. D. Hx661 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 749 Haaiff Hawthorne, N. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 750 Haufif, W: Continued. Die bettlerin vom Pont des Arts. N. Y. 1883. F. H 1854 Same, eng. The beggar girl of the Pont des Arts. In his Three tales. H 1852 Das bild des kaisers. With his Die bettlerin. H1854 Same, eng. The emperor's picture. In his Three tales. H 1852 The cold heart. In Oxenford, J:, and C. A. Fieling, Tales from the germau. O 1001 Same. In his Three tales. H 1852 The fortunes of Fairylore ; from his Miirchen als alraanach. In Miniature romances from the german . M 2776 Lichtenstein, romantische sfige ; mit einer einleitnng von Julius Ivlaiber. Stuttg. [1882]. D. H 1853 Little Mook, and other fairy tales. Tr. by Percy E. Pinkerton. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. Hx 552 Contents. Longnose the dwarf. History of Little Mook. The caliph turned stork. The adventures of Said. The stone-cold heart. The story of the silver florin. Nose the dwarf . itt Oxenford, J:, and C. A. Fieling, Tales from the german. O 1001 Tales of the caravan, inn and palace. From the german by E: L. Stowell. 111. Chicago. 1882 [1881]. D. Hx553 Contents. The caravan. The caliph stork. The am- putated hand. The rescue of Fatima. Little Muck. The false prince. The inn in the Spessart. The hirsch-gulden. The marble heart. Said's adven- tures.- The cave of Steenf all. The sheik's palace. The dwarf Nosey. Abner the jew. The young eng- lishman. The story of Almansor. Three tales : The beggar-girl of the Pont des Arts; The emperor's picture; Thecold heart. From the german by M. A. Faber. Leipz. 1869. S. H 1852 Hausrath, Adolf, (Oeorge Taylor). Autinous ; a romance of ancient Rome. From the ger- man by Mary J. Safford. N. Y. 1882. S. H 1877 Klytia ; historischer roman aus dem 16ten jahrhundert. N. Y. 1884. F. H 1876 Same, eng. Clytia ; a romance of the 16th cen- turj. From' the german by Mary J. Safford. N. Y. 1884. S. H 1876 Haven, Alice {origifially Emily) Gordon, born Bradley, /orwerZ?/ mrs. Neal, {Cousin Alice, Alice G. Lee). Contentment better than wealth. 111. N. Y. 1857. S. Hx 601 Helen Morton's trial. N. Y. 1849. S. Hx 602 Note. For continuation, see Watch and pray. Home stories. N. Y. 1869. S. Hx 603 Contents. Spring winds. Carriage friends. Miss Bremer's visit to Cooper's Landing. Only a family- party. The furnished house. The ordeal, or The spring and mid-summer of a life. Single lessons, five dollars. Counsel. The evil and the good. Patient waiting no loss, or The two Christmas days. N. Y. 1861. S. Hx 604 Watch and pray, or Helen's confirmation ; a sequel to Helen Morton's trial. 111. N. Y. 1851. S. Hx605 Havers, Dora, see Boulger, Dora. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Pet, or Pastimes and penalties. IlL N. Y. 1874. D. Hx 651 Hawthorne, Julian. Archibald Malmaison. N. Y. 1884. D. H 2010 Beatrix Randolph ; a story. 111. Bost. 1884. D. H 2009 Bressant. T. p. w. D. H 2001 Dust : a novel. N. Y. 1883. D. H 2007 Hawthorne, Jxili&n.Contin'ued. Ellice Quentin, and other stories. Lond. 1880. 2 V. D. H 2005 Includes, V. 1. The countesse's ruby. A lover in spite of himself. 2. Kildhurm's oak. The new Endymion. Fortune's fool. Bost. 1883. D. H 2008 Garth. N. Y. 1877. O. H 2002 Idolatry. Bost. 1874. D. H 2003 The laughing mill, and other stories. Lond. 1879. D. H2006 Includes, Calbot's rival. Mrs. Gainsborough's dia- monds. The Christmas guest; a myth. Noble blood. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. S. H 2011 The pearl-shell necklace, [same as The laugh- ing mill.] With his Prince Saroni's wife. H2012 Prince Saroni's wife. N. Y. 1884. D. H 2012 Sebastian Strome ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. O. H2004 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Biographical stories. With his Tangle wood tales. Hx 704 Contents. B : West. Sir I : Newton. S : Johnson. Oliver Cromwell. B: Franklin. Queen Christina. Same. With his True stories. Hx 706 The birthmark. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v8 - The Blithedale i-omance. With his The scar- let letter. H 2055 David Swan ; a fantasy. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 Doctor Grimshawe's secret; a romance, ed., with preface and notes, by Julian Haw- thorne. Bost. 1883 [1882]. I). H 2058 The Dolliver romance. With his Fanshawe. H2051 Ethan Brand. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl Fanshawe, The Dolliver romance, and other pieces. Bost. 1876. 2 v. in 1. D. H 2051 Contents. V. 1 . Fanshawe. Biographical sketches : Mrs. Hutchinson; Sir W: Phips; Sir W: Pepperell; T: Green Fessenden; Jonathan Cilley. 2. Scenes from the Dolliver romance. Sketches from memory. Fragments from the journal of a solitary man. My visit to Niagara. The antique ring. Graves and goblins. Dr. BuUivant. A book of autographs. An old woman's tale. Time's portraiture." Browne's folley." Grandfather's chair. With his Wonder book. Hx703 Same. In 7iis True stories. Hx 705 House of seven gables. Bost. 1872. S. H2052 Same, The snow-image, and other twice-told tales. Bost. 1879. 2 v. in 1. I). H 2059 Contents. V. 1. The house of seven gables. 2. The snow-image. The great stone face. Main street. Ethan Brand. A belle's biography. Sylph Ether- ege. The Canterbury pilgrims. Old news. The man of adamant. The devil in manuscript. John Ingle- fleld's thanksgiving. Old Ticonderoga. The wives of the dead. Little Daflfydowndilly. Major Molineux. The marble faun, or The romance of Monte Beni. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. D. H 2053 Same. Bost. 1879. 2 v. in 1. D. H 2053 Same, germ. Miriam, oder Graf und kiinst- lerin. Nach dem englischen "Transfor- mation," deutsch von Clara Marggraft". Leipz. 1862. 3 v. in 2. D. H 2053 Mosses from an old manse. Bast. 1871. 2 v. D. H 2054 Contents. 1 . The old manse. The birthmark. A select party. Young Goodman Brown. Rappaccini's daughter. Mrs. Bullfrog. Fire worship.- Buds and bird voices. Monsieur du Miroir. The hall of fan- tasy. The celestial railroad. The procession of life. Feathertop ; a moralized legend. 2. The new 3c denotes books specially adapted for children. 751 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Hawthorne, N. Hay, M. C. 752 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Continued. Adam and Eve. Egotism, or The bosom serpent. The Christmas banquet. Drowue's wooden image. The intelligence office. Roger Malvin's burial.- P.'s correspondence. Earth's holocaust. Passages from a relinquished work. Sketches from memory. The old apple-dealer. The artist of the beautiful. A virtuoso's collection. Same. Bost. 1878. 3 v. in 1. D. H 2054 The scarlet letter. N. Y. 1873. D. H 2055 Same. Bost. 1879. D. H 2055 Same. 111. Bost. 1883. O. H 2055P Septimius Felton, or The elixir of life. Bost. 1876. T. H 2056 Same. With his Our old home. 914. 2 : 26 The snow-image, and other twice-told tales. With his House of seven gables. H 2059 Tanglewood tales for girls and boys ; a second wonder-book. Bost. 1879. T. Hx 702 Ckmtents. The wayside. The minotaur. The pyg- mies. The dragon's teeth. Circe's palace. The pomegranate seeds. The golden fleece. Same. Bost. 1879. D. Hx 704 The threefold destiny. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl2 Tranformation. Same as The marble fann. True stories from history and biography. Bost. 1876. T. fix 705 Contents. Grandfather's chair. Biographical stor- ries: B: West; Sir I: Newton ; S: Johnson ; Oliver Cromwell ; B : Franklin ; Queen Christina. Twice-told tales. Bost. 1873. 2 v. in 1. D. H2057 Contents. V. 1, Pref . The gray champion. Sunday at home. The wedding knell. The minister's black veil. The may-pole of Merry Mount. The gentle boy. Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe. Little Annie's ramble. Wakefield. A rill from the town pump. The great carbuncle. The prophetic pictures. David Swan. Sights from a steeple. The hollow of the three hills. The toll-gatherer's day. The vision of the fountain. Fancy's show box. Dr. Heidegger's experiment. 2. Legends of the Province house : Howe's masquerade ; Edward Randolph's portrait ; Lady Eleanore's mantle ; Old Esther Dudley. The haunted mind. The village uncle. The ambitious guest. The sister years. Snowflakes. The seven vagabonds. The white old maid. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. Chipplngs with a chisel. The shaker bridal. Night sketches.- Endicott and the red cross. The lily's quest. Foot prints on the sea shore. Edward Fane's rosebud. The threefold destiny. Same. Bost. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. H 2057 Same ; v. 1. Bost. 1857. D. H 2057 vl Wakefield. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v2 A wonder-book for girls and boys. Bost. 1879. T. Hx 701 Cmitents. The gorgon's head. The golden touch. The paradise of children.- The three golden apples. The miraculous pitcher. The chimfera. Same. Bost. 1879. D. Hx 703 See also his Works. 820.1 : 10 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. Hay, Elzey, pseud., see Andrews, Fanny. Hay, Mary Cecil. Among the ruins, and other stories. N. Y. 1883. Q. H2114 Includes, One terrible christmas-eve. Kate's en- gagement. Mrs. Duncan's will. Ploughed by moments. Mid pleasures. On and off the line.- Told by a comprador. Staire Manor. Co. I The Arundel motto. N. Y. n. d. O. H 2101 Same ; a novel. Lond. n. d. D. H 2101 At the seaside, and other stories. N. Y. 1881. Q. H 2102 Includes, One winter day. Penine's choice. Where- unto is money good. Athol. A little aversion.- Upon the waters. How I met Alphonzo's ghost. London pride. After the lessons. Hay, Mary Cecil. Continued. Bid me discourse ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. H2116 Same, and other tales. Lond. [18841. D. H2118 Includes, The sorrow of a secret. One terrible Christmas eve. Lady Carmichael's will. On the line. London pride. Told in New England. Ploughed by moments. Co. Nellie Dunkayne. Kate's en- gagement. All through Arethusa. My first ofl:'er. The heir of Rosscairne. Mrs. Duncan's eccentricity. A sister's story. Alphonzo's ghost.- After the lessons. Kenneth. Penine's choice. Brenda Yorke, and other tales. Lond. [18831. D. H2119 Includes, Bart Bannatyne's city home. One sum- mer month. A midnight meeting. Two hallow eves. A few days. Well done! By the night express. Ricardo's benefit. What our advertisement brought. One winter night. We four. He stoops to conquer. Stop thief ! Larry's hut. Dorothy's venture ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. H2115 Same. Lond. 1888. D. H 2115 For her dear sake ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. H2104 Same. Lond. [18811. U. H 2104 Hidden perils. N. Y. n. d. O. H 2106 Same ; a novel. Lond. n. d. D. H 2105 Into the shade, and other stories. N. Y. 1881. Q. H 2106 Includes, Larry's hut. Stop thief. The house- keeper's story. By and by. He stoops to conquer. A father's story. One winter night. On a monu- ment. What our advertisement brought. Sir Rupert's room. By the night express. Guy New- ton s revenge. Ricardo's benefit. Hamilton broth- ers. We four. Bertha's Christmas box. Locked in. Dolf 's big brother. Lester's secret ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. H2117 Missing. Lond. [1883]. D. H 2120 Inclucks, Under life's key. Back to the old home. A dark inheritance. A shadow on the threshold. Dolf 's big brother. My first offer, and other stories. N. Y. 1881. ' Q. H2107 Includes, Kenneth. Hope deferred. Lost harmony. All through Arethusa. A sister's story. Cut on a gate. At last. Nettie Dunkayne.- The heir of Ross- cairne. Told in New England. Lettice Vere's last Christmas day. Nora's love test. N. Y. 1877. O. H 2108 Same ;& novel. Lond. [1878]. D. H 2108 Old Myddleton's money. N\ Y. n. d. O. H2109 Same ; a novel. Lond. n. d. D. H 2109 Reaping the whirlwind. N. Y. 1878. Tt. H2110 The squire's legacy. N. Y. n. d. O. H 2111 Same ; a novel. Lond. n. d. D. H 2111 Under life's key, and other stories. N. Y. 1881. Q. H2112 Includes, By a leap. A few days. Bart Bannatyne's city house. Through the breakers. The end of a fairy tale. Told in the picture gallery. My only novel. In the Christmas fire-light. Notes from a I german band. One summer month. A midnight meeting. Two hallow eves. Well done. Under the will. Lond. [1884]. D. H 2121 Includes, Reaping the whirlwind. My only novel. By a leap. In the Christmas fire-light.- Notes from a german band. Through the breakers. Told in the picture gallery. The end of a fairy tale. Guy New- ton's revenge. By-and-by. The housekeeper's story. Hamilton brothers. A father's story. Bertha's Christmas box. Locked in. Sir Rupert's room. Victor and vanquished. N. Y. n. d. O. H2113 a novel. Lond. n. d. D. H 2113 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 753 Hayes Herbert, H. W. LITERATITIIE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. 754 Hayes, A: Allen. The Denver express. In Stories by american anthers. S 35 v6 Hays, Helen, 'mrs. W. J. The adventures of Srince Lazybones, and other stories. 111. ". Y. 1885 tl884]. S. Hx 729 Incltules, Phirs fairies. Florio and Florella. Boreas Bluster's Christmas present. Castle Comfort ; a story for children. N. Y. 1885 [18841. D. Hx 728 A domestic neroine ; a story for girls. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. Hx 727 The princess Idleways ; a faiiy story. N. Y. 1880. S. Hx726 Healy, Mary, see Bigot, Mary. Heaton, Ellen Marvin. The octagon club ; a character study. N. Y. 1880. S^. H 2151 Heaton, W: The story of Robin Hood. 111. 4th ed. Lond. n. d. S. Hx 776 Hector, Annie F., born Thomas, {Mrs. Alexander). The admiral's ward ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. H 2209 The executor ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. H 2210 The Freres : a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. H 2207 Her dearest foe. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. H2201 The heritage of Langdale. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1877. S. H 2202 Look before you leap ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. H 2208 Maid, wife or widow ? (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1879. S. H 2203 Ralph Wilton's weird. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y.1875. S. H2204 A second life; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1885. S. H2211 Which shall it be ? (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. H 2205 The wooing o't. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. H2206 Heege, Frau , (Penseroso). Alban und Nanny. Leipz. 1849. 2 v. S. H 2226 Aristokrat und demokrat. Leipz. 1850. 3 v. S. H 2227 Manuelitta Dolores. Leipz. 1847. 3 v. S. H 2228 Heigel, K: Der sangesbruder ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v24 Heimburg, W., pseud., see Behrens, Bertha. Heinem.ann, Friedrich, pseud., see Haberlin, K: L: Heinz, Albrecht. Die herrin von Schwarzenhof . Leipz. 1866. S. H2251 Heller, Isidor. Die alliirten der reaction. Ber- lin. 1852. 2v. S. H2301 Heller, W: Robert. Alhambra ; spanische novel- len. Altenburg. 1838. S. H 2326 Das erdbeben von Caraccas. Altenburg. 1846. 2 V S H 2327 Florian Geyer. Leipz. 1848. 3 v. S. H 2328 Eine neue welt. Altenburg. 1843. 2 v. S. H2329 Novellen aus dem siiden. Altenburg. 1841. 3 V. S. H 2330 Contents, see Deutscher katalo^, p. 69. Der prinz von Oranien ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1843. 6 v. D. H 2331 Das schwarze bret. Altenburg. 1844. 2 v. 8. H2332 Sieben winterabende. Leipz. 1847. 2 v. S. Hellmuth., Ernst, pseud., see Schmidt-'Weissen- fels, E: Hellmuth, Paul, pseud., see Fischer, J. H: L. Helps, Sir Arthur. Casimir Maremma. Bost. 1871. D. H 2401 Ivan de Biron, or The russian court in the middle of the last century. Bost. 1874. D. H2402 Realmah. Lond. 1876. D. H 2403 Hencke, K: L: Daguerreotypen und Chaiisee- gestalten. Leipz. 1841. 2 v. S. H 2451 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 69. Henderson, Frances C. Dunderviksborg, and other tales ; forming an epitome of modern european literature. Phua. 1881. D. H2476 Contents. Henderson, F. C. Priscilla Baker, the freedwoman. Zedritz, C: E: The double wedding at Dunderviksborg-; tr. from the Swedish. Klsfa- ludy, Karoly. Three at once, a farce in 1 act; tr. from the hungarian. Straparola da Caravaggio, Giovanni Francesco. Salardo ; tr. from the Italian. Pushkin, Aleksandr Serg-eievitch . The snow-storm ; from the russian. Palarik, J: Friendship at the harvest-feast, a farce in 3 acts ; tr. from the Slovak. Alarcon, P: Antonio de. Black eyes; tr. f rom the Spanish. Boosselaere, T. S. van. No happiness without virtue, a drama in 3 acts ; tr. from the dutch. Harpiriski, Franciszek. Taxes, a comedy in 3 acts;tr. from the polish. Eckstein, Ernst. Cards for four; tr. from the german. Pflegrer, Gustav. Reveng-e; tr. f rom the czech. Stroobant, Eugeen. Rue de Pierres, no. 60; tr. from the flemish. Twelve Portuguese legends, from theRomanceiro portuguez by V : Eugenio Harding: and the Epopeas moaraba8 by TeoflloBragra. Dequet, Alphonse. Theodore, conte de la vie litteraire; tr. from the french. Milan, N: Amanda, a farce in 1 act; tr. from the Croatian. Bask, Rasmus Kristian. The storm- bride; tr. from the danish Krypow, Dr. . Leka, or Reminiscences of a physician ; tr. from the Ser- bian. Celestin, Fr. Roza, a play in 3 acts; tr. from the Slavonian. Henkel, Friedrika. Die herrin von Ibichstein ; roman. N. Y. 1885. F. H 5161 Same, eng. The mistress of Ibichstein ; a novel. From the german by S. E. Boggs. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1884. S. H 5151 Henning, L: F: Sein guter engel ; erzahlung aus der gegenwart. T. p. w. O. H 2501 Henricus, Bruno. Novellen. Leipz. 1841. S. H2551 Henry, Caleb Sprague. Doctor Oldham at Grey- stones and his talk there. N. Y. 1860. D. H2601 Henty, G. A. The boy knight who won his spurs fighting with king Richard of England ; a tale of the crusades. 111. Bost. 1883. D. Hx816 Hepworth, G: Hughes. ! ! ! N. Y. 1881. S. H2661 Hepworth, Mrs. G: Hughes, {Una Savin). The little gentleman in green ; a fairy tale. 111. Bost. n. d. S. Hx 801 Her crime. (No name ser.) Bost. 1882. S. H 41 Her picture. (No name ser.) Bost. 1882. S. H42 Herbert, H: W:, {Frank Forrester). Chevaliers of France from the crusaders to the marechals of Louis XIV. N. Y. 1853. D. H2701 Contents. Sir Hugues de Coucy; a chivalric legend of the Low Countries.- Eustache de St. Pierre, or The surrender of Paris. The fortunes of the maid of Arc; a superstitious legend of the english wars in France. Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh, or The mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew ; a dark scene in Paris. Ahsahgunushk Numamahtahseng, or The Keed- shaken-by-the-wind. Cromwell ; an historical novel. N. Y. 1838. 2 V. D. H 2702 denotes books specially adapted for children. 755 CI. dl3, Authors. LITEBATUBE FICTION. Herbert, H. W. Heyse. 756 Herbert, H: W:, {Frank Forrester). Continued. The fair puritan ; an historical romance of the days of witclicraft. Phila. 1875. D. H 2703 Wager of battle ; a tale of saxon slavery in Sherwood forest. N. Y. 1855. D. H 2704 Herbert, Johanna, {Egon Fels). Die rose von Delhi ; roman aus der zeit des indischen aufstandes unter Nana Sahib im jahre 1857. Jena. 1866. 2 v. in 1. S. H 2761 Same. N. Y. 1883, 1884. 2 v. F. H 2751 Die weisse frau von Greifenstein ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. H 2752 Herbert, Lucian, ett(Z., see Gundling, Julius. Herchenbach, W: Bruno und Lucy, oder Die wege des Herrn sind wunderbar ; eine er- zahlung fiir volk und jugend. 2te vom ver- fasser revidirte auii. 111. Regensburg. 1869. S. With Glaubrecht, J. Roland von Rolandseck. H 2783 Das eiserne halsband ; eine rittergeschichte fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1872. S. H2776 Der erbe von Sigmundskron ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1874. S. With his Marietta, die romerin. H 2779 Die falschmiinzer ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1865. S. With his Der gespensterseher. H 2777 Flambartin, das gestohlene kind ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1865. S. With his Der gespensterseher. H2777 Die geheimnisse eines alten koffers ; erziihlung fur volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1872. 8. With his Verbrechen und strafe. H2780 Der gespensterseher ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1864. S. H 2777 Marietta, die romerin ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1874. S. H2779 Der piichter vom Moorhofe ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1870. S. With his Die wildschiitzen. S 2782 Die prinzessin vom smaragdengriinen see ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Re- gensburg. 1864. S. With his Die wieder- gefundene tochter. H 2781 Die Schliisselburg ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1875. S. With his Marietta, die romerin. H 2779 Der sohn vom eisenhammer ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1870. S. With his Die wildschutzen. H 2782 "Verbrechen und strafe ; eine geheimnissvolle that ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1^4. S. H 2780 Das versunkene schloss ; erzahlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1869. S. With his Verbrechen und strafe. H 2780 Die wiedergefundene tochter ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensbu^. 1864. Die wildschiitzen ; erziihlung fiir volk und jugend. 111. Regensburg. 1869. S. H 2782 Herculano de Carvalho e Aranjo, Alexandro. Eui-ich, der priester der gothen. Aus dem Eortugiesischen iibers. von G. Heiner. ,eipz. 1847. S. H 2801 HerloBSOlm, G: K:, {originally K: G: Reginald Herloss). Arabella, oder Geheimnisse eines Hoftheaters. Leipz. 1846. 2 v. S. H2861 Same. Leipz. 1873. S. H2861 Herlossohn, G: K: Continued,. Fahrten und abenteuer des M. Gaudelius Enzian ; komischer roman. 3te ausg. Leipz. [1872]. S. H 28618 Same. Leipz. 1843. 2 v. S. H 2862 Hahn und henne ; geschichte zweier thiere. Steausg. Leipz. 71872]. S. H 2863 Die hussiten, oder Bohmen von 1414 1424 ; historisch-romantisches gemiilde. Tabor. 1851. 5v. T. H2864 ' Mein wanderbuch ; humoristischer roman. Leipz. 1872. S. H 2855 Mephistopheles; eine politisch-satyrische phan- tasie. 3te ausg. Leipz. [^1872]. S. H 2856 Die morder Wallensteins ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1847. 3 v. D. H 2857 Phantasiegemiilde ; romantische erziihlungen. Leipz. [1872]. 2 v. in 1. S. H 2858 Contentf, see Deutscher katalog, p. 70. Die sylvesternacht ; novellen und erziihlungen. 3te ausg. Leipz. [18721. S. H 2859 Contents, see Deutscher katalog. p. 70. Die tochter des Piccolomini ; historisch-ro- mantisches gemiilde. Altenburg. 1846. 3 V. S. H 2860 Der venezianer ; historisch-romantisches ge- miilde. Leipz. 1846. 3 v. T. H 2861 Waldblumen ; erziihlungen, novellen, humo- resken und phantasiestiicke. Altenburg. 1847. 2v. 8. H2862 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 70. Eine weihnachtsbescheerung ; roman. 3te ausg. Leipz. [1872]. S. H 2863 Hermann, Eugen, pseud., see Dedenroth, Eugen Hermann. Hesekiel, G: L: Lux et umbra; ein grosser lie- beshandel im 16ten jahrhundert. Aus den hinterlassenen schriften des magisters Ni- colaus Longinus und anderen zuverliissigen mittheilungen. Berlin. 1861. 3 v. D. H2901 Vier junker. Berlin. 1865. 3 v. S. H 2902 Hesslein, Bernhard, {Bernhard Hess). Unter dem schleier der nacht ; sittenbild aus Ber- lins gegenwart. Berlin. 1858. 3 v. S. H2961 Hetherington, W: The seer's cave. Jti Wilson, J:M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 v6 Heyne, C: Traugott, {Heinrich Bourdin, Louis Bourdin). Tiirst Mitternacht ; roman aus den papieren eines verstorbenen. Leipz. 1848. 2 V. S. B 2801 Heyse, Paul J: L: L'arrabiata, and other tales. From the german by Mary Wilson. Leipz. 1867. 8. H 3001 Includes, Count Ernest's home. Blind. Walter's little mother. Barbarossa, and other tales. Leipz. 1874. S. H 3002 Includes, The embroideries of Treviso. Lottka. The lost son. The fair Kate. Geoffrey and Garcinde. The Dead Lake, and other tales. From the german by Mary Wilson. Leipz. 1870. S. H 3003 Contents. A f ortniirht at the Dead Lake. Doomed. Beatrice. Beginning and end. Im Paradiese ; roman in sieben biichern. 7te aufl. Berlin. 1884. 2 v. in 1. D. H 3004 Same, eng. In paradise. N. Y. 1879. 2 v. S. H3004 Kinder der welt; roman in sechs biichei'n. 7te aufl. Berlin. 1880. 2 v. D. H 3005 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. H 3006 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 757 Heyse Hoffinann, E.T. A. LITERATURE FICTION". 01. 813, Authors. 758 Heyse, Paul J: L:- The lonely one. -Contimied. Fi'<7i JohnE., Magdalena. J 908 Novellen ; Isle 13te sammlung. Berlin. 1862- 1881. 13 V. S. H3006-H3018 Contents, see Deutscher katalojr, p. 70. Same, [14te sammlung] . Trobadour-novellen. N. Y. 1883. F. H 3019 Contents. Der lahme engel. Die rache der vizgrii- fln. Die dichterin von Carcasonne. Der monch von Montaudon. Ehre iiber alles. Der verltaufte ge- s&ng. Same, [15te sammlung]. N. Y. 1883. F. H 3020 Contents. Unvergessbare worte. Die eselin. Das gllick von Rothenburg. Getheiltes herz. Higginson, T:Wentworth. Malbone; an Oldport romance. Bost. 1869. D. H 3051 Oldport days. Bost. 1873. D. H 3052 High private, A, pseud., see ftuincy, S: Miller Hilaire, Emile M: (Marco de Saint- Hilaire). Der kleine hund Josephinens und der papagoy Marie Louisens. With Berthet, E. B. Der jungere sohn aus der Normandie. B 1701 Hildebrandt, J: Andreas K: Winter in Spitz- bergen ; a tale of the northland. From the ferman by E. Goodrich Smith. N. Y. n. d. Hx 826 Hildreth, R: Der weisse sklave, oder Denkwiir- digkeiten eines fliichtlings ; eine geschichte aus dem sklavenleben in Virginien u. s. w. Seitenstiick zu Onkel Tom's hiitte. Nach der 17ten amer. aufl. aus dem englischen. Stereotyp-ausg. , 2te aufl. Leipz. 1853. S. H3101 Hillern, Wilhelmine v., born Birch. Ein arzt der seele. N. Y. 1882. Q. H 3154 Same, eng. Only a girl, or A physician for the soul ; a romance. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1877. D. H3154 Aus eigener kraft ; roman, Leipz. 1872. 3 v. inl. D. H3151 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. H 3151 Same, eng. By his own might. From the ger- man. Phila. 1878. D. H 3151 Doppelleben ; roman. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1880. 8v. inl. D. H3152 Same, eng. A twofold life. Phila. 1873. D. H3152 N. Y. 1884. F. H3155 Die Geyer-Wally ; eine geschichte aus den ty- roler alpen. 4te aufl. Berlin. 1881. D. Same. N. Y. 1882. F. H3153 Same, eng. Geier-Wally ; a tale of the Tyrol. From the german. N. Y. 1876. S. H 3153 Only a girl. See above Ein arzt der seele. Hinrich, Albertine, born Roslein, {Paul Stein). Aus Andalusien ; erziihlungen. 2te ausg. Leipz. 1869. 2 v. in 1. S. S 4851 Handwerk und industi'ie. Leipz. 1860. 2 v. D. S 4852 Johannes Gutenberg ; kultur-historischer ro- man. Leipz. 1861. 3 v. S. S 4853 Hitchcock, Ethan Allan. The story of the red bookofAppin. T.p.w.^. Hx851 HOcker, Gustav. Geld und frauen. Jena. 1867. 3 V. in 1. S. H 3201 Sein und nichtsein. Jena. 1867. S. H 3202 Hoey, Frances Sarah Cashel-, born Johnston, formerly mrs. Stewart. All or nothing. N. Y. 1879. Q. H 3251 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 2. D. H 3251 Friedhofs-blume ; novelle. Hoey, Frances Sarah Cashel-. Continued. The lover's creed ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. H3253 The question of Cain ; a novel. N. Y. 1881. Q. H 3252 HOfer, Edmund. Das alte friiulein. Berlin. 1866. H3301 Same, eng. The old countess. From the ger- man by the tr. of " Over yonder," etc. Phila. 1870. i). H 3301 Aus der weiten welt ; geschichten. Stuttg. 1861. 2 V. S. H 3302 C(mtent8, see Deutscher liatalog, p. 71. Aus kriegs- und friedenszeiten ; neue geschich- ten. Breslau. 1869. 2 v. in 1. D. H 3303 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-. p. 71. Bewegtes leben ; geschichten. Stuttg. 1856. S. H 3304 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 71. Erziihlende schriften ; in 12 b. Stuttg. 1865. 12 V. in 4. S. H 3309 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 71. Der grosse baron ; eine geschichte. Wien. 1861. 2 V. T. H 3305 In siinden ; eine familiengeschichte. Wien. 1863. 2 V. T. H 3306 Neue geschichten ; b. 1. Breslau. 1867. D. H3307 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 71. Old countess, The. See above Das alte fniulein. Pap Kuhn ; 'ne geschicht ut de oil plattdiitsch tid. Stuttg. 1878. D. H 3310 Treue siegt -, eine geschichte von der see. Stuttg. 1874. S. H3311 Unter der fremdherrschaft ; eine geschichte von 1812 und 1813. Stuttg. 1863. 3 v. S. H3308 Von ihr und mir ; eine geschichte. Stuttg. 1876. S. H3312 Hoffman, C: Fenno. The man in the reservoir. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 Wild scenes in the forest and prairie, with sketches of american life. N. x. 1843. 2 v. in 1. D. H3326 Contents. V. 1. The sources of the Hudson. The Sacondaga country: The hunting grounds of the Mo- hawks; The flying head ; The last arrow ; The major's story; The ambuscade; The origin of Indian corn; The hues of autumn; A Sacondaga deer hunt; The dead clearing; The stone giants; Rosalie Clare. 2. Nights in an Indian lodge: The ghost-riders ; Nanna- bozho; Waw-o-naisa; Petalasharoo ; A night on the enchanted mountains; The magic gun; The inn of Wolfswald; Queen Meg; The twin-doomed; How to relish a julep; Old things with new faces ; Scenes on the Hudson. The spook-visitor. The missionary bride. Hoffmann, Alexander F: Franz. Buried in the snow. Lond. [1879]. S. Hx 879 The emigrants ; a tale of the last century. 111. [1883]. D. Hx880 The inca's treasure. Adapted from the german by Jessie Young. Lond. [1879]. S. Hx 878 The iron age of Germany. Tr. from the german by Rebecca H. Schively, with a historic sketch of the time by C. P. Krauth. Phila. 1875. S. Hx876 Prince Wolfgang ; an historical narrative. Tr. from the german by J. F: Smith, with a historic sketch. Phila. 1876. S. Hx 877 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus (oriainally W:). Die elixiere des teufels ; nachgelas- sene papiere des bruders Medarus, eines I capuziners. Berlin. 1872. D. H 3351 3t denotes books specially adapted for chUdren. 759 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Hoffinann, E. T. A.-Holtei. 760 Hoffinann, Ernst Theodor Am&deus. Continued. Erzahlungen. Berlin. 1873. 2 v. in 1. D. H3352 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 71. The golden pot. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. 830.1:8 Klein Zaches, genanntZinnober ; ein marchen. Berlin. 1873. D. H 3353 Lebens-ansichten des Katers Murr, nebst frag- mentarischer biographic des kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufalligen makulatur- bliittern. Berlin. 1873. 2 v. in 1. D. H 3354 Meister Floh ; ein marchen in sieben abenteu- ern zweier freunde. With his Seltsame lei- den eines theater-direktors. H 3357 Nachtstiicke. Zwei theile in ein. Berlin. 1872. D. H 3355 Phantasiestiicke inCallol's manier ; blatter aus dem tagebuche eines reisenden enthusiasten, mit einer vorrede von Jean Paul. Zwei theile in ein. Berlin. 1873. D. H 3356 Princess Brambilla ; ein capriecio nach Jacob Callot. With his Klein Zaches. H 3353 The sandman. In Oxenforrf, J:, and C. A. Fieling, Tales from the german. 01001 Seltsame leiden eines theater-direktors. Ber- lin. 1873. D. H 3357 Die Serapions-bruder ; gesammelte erzahlun- gen und marchen. Berlin. 1871. 4 v. in 2. >. H 3358 Weird tales. A new tr. from the german, with a biographical memoir by J7 T. Bealby. Etchings. N. Y. 1885. [1884]. 2 v. D. H3359 Contents. V. 1. The Cremona violin. The ferma- ta. Slffnor Formica. The sand-man. The entail. 2. Arthur's hall. The do^e and dogress. Master Martin the cooper. Mademoiselle de Scuderi. Gambler's luck. Master Johannes Wacht. Hofland, Barbara Wreaks. Decision. Bost. 1848. S. H 3401 Iwanowna, or The maid of Moscow. N. Y. 1816. T. H 3402 Profession is not principle, or The name of a christian is not Christianity. Bost. 1824. 8. H3404 Reflection. Bost. 1851. S. H 3403 The young pilgrim, or Alfred Campbell's re- turn to the east and his travels in Egynt, Palestine, Nubia, Asia Minor, Arabia ' Pe- trjca, etc. New ed. 111. Phila. 1831. T. , Hx901 Hofmeister, Adolf, ( Wladimir). Der liebe wonn' und weh' ; sagen, novellen und skizzen. Altenburg. im. S. "W2451 Hogg, James, the Ettrick aJiepherd. Tales and sketches, including several pieces not be- fore printed. 111. Edinburgh, n. d. 6 v. S. H3451 Contents. V. 1. The brownie of Bodsbeck. The wool-gatherer. The surpassing adventures of Allan Gordon. A tale of Pentland. Ewan M'Gabhar. 2. The bridal of Polmood. Storms.- A shepherd's wed- ding. Country dreams and apparitions: The wife of Lochmaben; Cousin Mattie; Welldean Hall; Tibby Johnston's wraith. A story of good queen Bess. Sound morality. Trials of temper. The Fords of Callum. The Cameronlan preacner's tale. 3. The hunt of Eildon. The adventures of Basil Lee. Adam Bell. Duncan Campbell. An old sol- dier's tale. Katie Cheyne. The long pack. A coun- try funeral. The shepherd's calendar. 4. Shep- herd's calendar, conMntied.- The two highlanders. The watchmaker. A story of the forty-six. A tale of the martyrs. Adam Scott. The baron St. GIo. The mysterious bride. Nature's magic lantern. 6. Private memoirs and confessions of a fanatic- Some remarkable passages in the life of an Edin- Hogg, James, the Ettrick shepherd. Continued. burgh baillle. Julia M'Kenzie. 6. Mary Montgom- ery. The siege of Roxburgh. The adventures of colonel Peter Aston. Gordon the gipsey. Wat Pringle of the Yair. A singular letter from southern Africa. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v5 Holbeach, Henry, pseud., see Rands, W: Brightly. Holland, C: Aspasia. Phila. 1869. D. H 3601 Holland, Josiah Gilbert, {Timothy Titcomb). Arthur Bonnicastle ; an american novel. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. H3651 Same. N. Y. 1882. S. H 3651 The bay path ; a tale of New England colon- ial days. N. Y. 1877. D. H 3652 Miss Gilbert's career ; an american story. N. Y. 1860. D. H3653 Nicholas Minturn ; a study in a story. N. Y. 1877. D. H 3654 Sevenoaks ; a story of today. 111. N. Y. 1876. D. H3655 Hollister, Gideon Hiram. Kinley Hollow ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. H3702 Mount Hope, or Philip, king of the Wampan- sags ; an historical romance. N. Y. 1851. D. H3701 Holm, Saxe, pseud. Hetty's strange history. (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. H3751 Mercy Philbrick's choice. (No name ser.) Bost. 1876. S. H3752 Stories ; 1st and 2d series. N. Y. 1878. 2 v. D. H3753 Contents. V. 1. Draxy Miller's dowry. The elder's wife. Whose wife was she? The one-legged dan- cers. How one woman kept her husband. Esther Wynn's love - letters. 2. A four-leaved clover. Farmer Bassett's romance. My tourmaline. Joe Hale's red stockings.- Susan Lawton's escape. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Elsie Venner ; a ro- mance of destiny. Bost. 1878. D. H3851 The guardian angel. Bost. 1877. D. H 3862 Iris. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v7 Same. With his The professor at the break- fast table. 824.1:48 Holt, Emily Sarah. At ye Greene Griffin, or Mrs. Treadwell's cook ; a tale of the 15th century. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. H 3957 Earl Hubert's daughter, or The polishing of the pearl ; a tale of the 13th century. New ed. Lond. [1880]. D. !eI 3954 Joyce Morrell's harvest, or The annals of ' Selwick Hall : a story of the I'eign of Eliza- beth. 111. N. Y. [1881]. D. H3952 Lady Sybil's choice ; a tale of the crusades. N. Y. [1879]. D. H3951 Lettice Eden, or The lamps of truth and the tale of the last days of " Y. [1877]. D. H3953 Not for him : the story of a forgotten hero. 111. N. Y. [1883]. D. H3959 Red and white ; a tale of the wars of the roses. 111. N. Y. [18821? D. H 3958 Sister Rose, or St. Bartholomew's eve. New ed. Lond. [1880]. D. H 3955 The white rose of Langley ; a story of the court of England in the" olden time. New ed. Lond. [1878]. D. H 3956 Holtei, K: E: V. Haus Treustein ; roman in drei theilen. Breslau. 1866. 3 v. D. H 4001 Noblesse oblige. Prag. 1857. 3 v. T. H 4002 light of heaven : a ta king Henry VIII. N. ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 761 Holtei Howells. LITERATUIIE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 762 Holtei, K: E: v. Continued. Ein Schneider. Breslau. 1858. 3 v. T. H4004 Ein vornehmer herr, oder Zwei freunde. Prag. 1855. T. H4003 Home of Fiesole, The. by the author of " The children of Seeligsberg, " " Madeleine's foi-giveness," etc. N. Y. n. d. Y>. H 51 Hood, T: Tales, romances and extravaganzas. 3d ed. N. Y. 1866. D. H 4026 Contents. Our family. Mr. Witheringr's consump- tion and its cure. The Camberwell beauty. The con- fessions of a phcenix. Mrs. Burrajfe. Mrs. Peck's Eudding. The schoolmistress abroad. The tower of ahneck. Mrs. Gardiner. Mr. Chubb. Hood, Tom. From nowhere to the north pole ; a Noah's arkasological narrative. 111. Lond. 1875. U. Hx 926 Hook, Theodore E: Births, deaths and mar- riages. Phila. 1839. 2 V. D. H4051 Gilbert Giirney. T. p. w. [Lond.] S. H 4052 Maxwell ; rev., corr. and ill. with notes by the author. Lond. [1872]. S. H 4054 Ned Musgrave, or The most unfortunate man in the world. Phila. n. d. O. H 4053 Hooper, Louisa, boi'n Houghton, mrs. W: The tsar's window. (No name ser.) Bost. 1881. S. H4101 Hooper, Lucy Hamilton, born Jones. Under the tricolor, or The american colony in Paris. Phila. 1880. D. H4151 Hope, Ascott R., pseud., see Moncrieflf, Robert Hope. Hope, Stanley. A new Godiva. Phila. 1876. D. H 4201 Hope, T: Anastasius, or Memoirs of a greek, written at the close of the 18th century. Lond. 1836. 2 v. S. H4251 Hopfen, Hans. Brennende liebe ; eine wahre geschichte aus Siidtirol. In Vierteljalirl, mag. V 2 v36 Mein onkel Don Juan ; eine geschichte aus dem vorigen jahrhundert. N. Y. 1881. F. H4276 Hopkins, Alonzo A. Sinner and saint ; a story of the woman's crusade. Bost. 1881. D. H4301 Hopkins, Ellice. Rose Turquand. N. Y. n. d. O. H4351 Hopkins, S: The youth of the old dominion. Bost. 1856. D. H 4401 Hoppin, A:, {C. Auton). A fashionable sufferer, or Chapters from life's comedy. 111. Bost. 1883. D. H 4426 Recollections of Auton house ; a book for children by C. Auton. 111. Bost. 1881. O. Hx951 Two Compton boys. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. Hx 952 Hoppus, Mary A. M. A great treason ; a story of the war of independence. N. Y. 1883. D. H 4602 A story of carnival. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. H 4501 Horn, G: Count Silvius ; a romance. From the german by M. J. Safford. N. Y. 1882. D. H4451 Horn, Otto, pseud., see Bauerle, Adolf. Horn, W. O. v., pseud., see Oertel, Philipp F: W: Hornbook, Adam, pseud., see Cooper, T: Horvath, G. F., pseud., see Dietrich, Ewald Christian Victorin. Hosmer, James Kendall. College theatricals. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v2 The thinking bayonet. Bost. 1865. D. H4601 Howard, Blanche Willis. Aulnay Tower. Bost. 1885. D. H 4654 Aunt Serena. Bost. 1881. S. H 4652 Guenn ; a wave on the Breton coast. 111. Bost. 1884 [18a3]. O. H 4653 One summer. [Anon.] Bost. 1879. T. H4651 Same. Bost. 1884. T. H4651 Howard, E: Der alte commodore, von Kapitiin Marryat. Neu auz dem englischen von C: Kolb. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1857. T. H 4676 Ardent Troughton, oder Abenteuer eines kauf- manns, von kapitan Marryat. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1857. T. H 4677 Rattlin the reefer ; ed. by captain Marryat. [Anon.] Lond. n. d. S. H 4678 Howe, Edgar Watson. The mystery of the locks. Bost. 1885. D. H 4737 The story of a country town. [New issue]. Bost. 1884. D. H 4736 Howe, Mary A. The merchant mechanic ; a tale of "New England Athens." N. Y. 1865. S. H4701 Howe, Maud. A Newport aquarelle. [Anon.] Bost. 1883. D. H4727 The San Rosario ranch. Bost. 1884. S. H4726 Howell, Mrs. Jane L., {Violet Vane). Justine's lovers. [Anon.] N. Y. 1878. O. V 351 Howell, J: The sergeant's tales. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 V6-10 Contents. 1. The palatines. 2. John Square's voy- age to India. 3. The bejrgar's camp. 4. The pack- man's journey to London. 5. The imprudent mar- riage. [Tales.] In "Wilson, J: M. Tales of the bor- ders. W 2202 Contents. The experimenter, v. 3. The fortunes of W : Wighton, v. 2. The laird of Darnick tower, v. 7. A leg-end of Calder Moor, v. 17. Major Weir's coach, v. 5. The man-of-war's man, v. 16. The prisoner of war, v. 18. The Scottish veteran, v. 12. The seven years death, v. 14. The slave, v. 4. Howells, W: Dean. A chance acquaintance. Bost. 1877. D. H4751 Doctor Breen's practice ; a novel. Bost. 1881. D. H 4759 A fearful responsibility, and other stories. Bost. 1881. D. H4753 Includes, At the sign of the savage. Tonelli's mar- riage. A foregone conclusion. Bost. 1877. D. H4754 The lady of the Aroostook. Bost. 1879. D. H4756 A modern instance ; a novel. Bost. 1882. D. H4761 The rise of Silas Lapham. Bost. 1885. D. H 4756 A romance of real life. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 Suburban sketches. New and enl'gd ed. 111. Bost. 1874. D. H 4757 Contents. Mrs. Johnson. Doorstep acquaintance. A pedestrian tour. By horse-car to Boston. A day's pleasure. A romance of real life Scene. Ju- bilee days. Some lessons from the school of morals. Flitting. Their wedding journey. 111. Bost. 1872. D. H4760 denotes books specially adapted for children. 763 01. 813, Authors. LITERATITRE FICTION. Howells Hunt, 764 Howells, W: Dean. Continued. The undiscovered country. Bost. 1880. D. H 4758 A woman's reason : a novel. Bost. 1883. D. H4763 Howitt, Anna Mary, see Watts, Anna Mary. Howitt, Mary, born Both am. Alice Franklin ; a tale ; another part of "Sowing and reaping." N. Y. 1855. S. Hx 1251 Same. N. Y. 1859. S. Hx 1251 The heir of Wast-Wayland. N. Y. 1855. D. Hxl253 Hope on ! hope ever ! or The boyhood of Felix Law. N. Y. 1859. S. Hx 1254 Little coin, much care, or How poor men live ; a tale for young persons. Is. Y. 1857. S. Hx 1255 Note. For continuation, see Work and wages. Love and money ; an every-day talfi. N. Y. 1859. S. Hx2256 My own story, or Autobiography of a child. N. Y. 1861. S. Hxl257 My uncle the clockmaker ; a tale. N. Y. n. d. ' S. Hx 1258 No sense like common sense, or Some passa- ges in the life of C: Middleton, esq. N. Y. 1862. S. Hx 1259 Sowing and reaping, or What will come of it. N. Y. 1862. S. Hx 1260 Note. For continuation, see Alice Franklin. The two apprentices ; a tale for youth. N. Y. 1861. 8. Hx 1261 Which is the wiser ? or People abroad ; a tale for youth. N. Y. 1871. S. Hx 1262 Who shall be greatest ! N. Y. 1855. S. Hx 1263 Same. N. Y. 1862. S. Hx 1263 Work and wages, or Life in service ; a contin- uation of 'Tiittle coin, much care." N. Y. 1859. S. Hx 1264 Howitt, W: The hall and the hamlet, or Scenes and characters of country life. Phila. 1847. 2 v. inl. D. Hxl202 Jack of the mill ; a fireside story. 111. Lond. 1870. S. Hx 1201 Johnny Darbyshire. / Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v9 Same. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 and Mary. Stories of english and foreign life. Lond. 1853. S. H 4801 Contents. Margaret von Ehrenberg, the artist wife. The Meldrum family. Sir Peter and his pigeon. The Woodnook wells, or Neighbors' quarrels. Leaves from the diary of a poor schoolmaster. The Hunnybuns at the sea-side. Some love-passages in the lives of every-day people. The hunt. The two squires.- The poacher's progress. Hudson, Mary, born Clemmer, formerly mrs. Ames. His two wives. N. Y. 1875. D. C 1851 Same. New ed. Bost. 1883. D. C 1851 Hugessen, E: Hugessen KnatchbuU-, baron Brabourne. The mountain sprite's king- dom, and other stories. 111. Lond. 1881. D. Hx 1001 Includes, Black Rolf of Rookstone. The hermit. The Rhine castle. Other stories. 111. Lond. 1881. D. Hx 1005 Contents. Prince Maraflete. Legend of St. Dderfel. Kimmelina and the dwarf .The history of a cat. The grannies of Giddyhorn. Puss-cat Mew. and other stories for my child- ren. N. Y. n. d. D. Hx 1003 Queer folk ; seven stories. 2d ed. 111. Lond. 1874. D. Hx 1004 Contents. The warlock of Coombe. The witch of Hugessen, E: Hugessen Knshtchhnll-. Contin'd. Ballaquoich. The pig-faced queen. Little Grub. The barn elves. The strange city. The old bachelor married. Whispers from fairyland. 111. N. Y. 1875. S. Hx 1002 Contents. The lost prince. The history of a rook. The silver fairies. The witches' island. Harry's dream. The red baron. The two Etonians. Hughes, J. The magic lay of the one-horse chay. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v4 Hughes, T: School-days at Rugby, by an old boy. Bost. 1871. i). ' Hx 1051 Same. Tom Brown's school-days. 111. N. Y. 1882. Q. Hx 1051 The scouring of the white horse, or The long vacation rambles of a London clerk. IIL Cambridge. 1859. D. Hx 1053 Tom Brown at Oxford. New ed., ill. Lond. 1879. D. Hx 1052 ed. G. T. T. Gone to Texas ; letters from our boys. N. Y. 1884. D. Hx 1054 Hughes, W. Hastings. A shilling's worth of sherry, with three ha'p'orth of love thrown in. Cincinnati. 1883 [1882]. S. H 4826 Hugo, V: Marie comte. Claude Gueux. N. Y. 1871. O. H4851 The last day of a condemned man. With his Claude Gueux. H 4851 The man who laughs. Tr. by W: Young. N. Y. 1877. O. H 4852 Same, germ. Der lachende mann. Autorisirte iibersetzung von G. Biichmann. Berlin. 1869. 4 V. S. . H 4852 Les miserables. Lond. n. d. 5 v. in 3. D. H4853 Contents. V. 1. Fantine. 2. Cosette. 3. Marius. 4. St. Denis. 6. Jean Valjean. Same. Tr. from the original french by C: E. Wilbour. N. Y. 1883. 5 v. O. H 4853 Same. N. Y. 1874. O. H 4853 -Same. N. \. 1878. O. H 4853 Same, germ. Die armen und elenden. Deutsch von A. Diezmann. Leipz. 1862. 10 v. T. H4853 Ninety-three. Tr. by Frank Lee Benedict. N." Y. 1874. D. ' H 4854 Same, germ. Dreiundneunzig ; ronian in drei banden. Aus dem franzosischen von L: Schneeganz. Wien. 1875. 3 v. in 1. D. H4854 Notre-Dame, or The bellringer of Paris. 111. Lond. n. d. D. H 4856 The toilers of the sea. N. Y. 1878. O. H 4855 Same, germ. Die meer-arbeiter. Einzig recht- massige, authorisirte deutsche uberset- zung. Berlin, n. d. 8. H 4855 HUlsen, Helene grdfin v., born v. Hiiseler. Nemesis. N. Y. 1883. F. H 1676 Humbracht, Malvine v., {Luise Ernesti). Die aristokratin und der fabrikant. Jena. 1865. 2v. S. H4901 Hundred ministers. A, and how they switched off; some account of the lights and shad- ows of ministerial life. Bost. 1874. D. H91 Hunt, E., mrs. J: The wards of Plotinus. N. Y. 1881. Q. H5001 Hunt, Margaret, boi'u Raine, mrs. Alfred W. Barrington's fate. (No name ser.) Bost. 1883. S: H4954 : denotes books specially adapted for children. 765 Hunt, M. Jackson. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 766 Hunt, Margaret, mrs. A. Yf .Continued. Basildon. N. Y. 1879. Q. H4951 Same. Lond. 1879. 2 v. in 1. D. H4951 The leaden casket. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. H4952 The posy ring. N. Y. 1881. Q. H 4953 Truth triumphant. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v4 Hunt, Thornton. The foster-brother ; a tale of the war of Chiozza, ed. by Leigh Hunt. N. Y. 1858. O. H5051 Hunter, Hay, and Walter Whyte, pseud. The crime of Christmas day ; a tale of the latin quarter by the author of " My ducats and my daughter." [Anon.] N. Y. 1885. Q. M94 Same. N. Y. 1885. D. M 94 My ducats and my daughter ; a novel. [Ano7i.] N. Y. 1884. Q. M 93 Same. New ed. Lond. 1885. D. M 93 Huntington, Faye, pseud., see Foster, Isabella H. Huntingfton, Jedediah Vincent, (John Vincent). Alban, or The history of a young puritan. N. Y. 1853. 2v. D. H 5101 Blonde and brunette, or The gothamite Ar- cady. N. Y. 1858. S. H 5102 Lady Alice, or The new Una. T. p. w. [N. Y.] O. H5183 The pretty plate. 111. N. Y. 1862. S. Hxll51 Huntingiion, Lucius Seth. Professor Conant ; a story of english and american social and political life. N. Y. 1884. D. H 5201 lUustrirtes familienbuch. fiir winterabende ; er- ziihlungen, novellen, u. s. w. V. 8, 1858. T. p. w>. S. II Immermann, K: Lebrecht. Miinchhausen ; eine geschichte in arabesken. Berlin. 1858. 4 V. S. I 101 -Deroberhof. Stuttg. [1881]. D. 1102 Wonders in the Spessart. In Oxenford, J :, and C. A. Fieling, Tales from the german. O 1001 Inchbald, Elizabeth. A simple story. N. Y. 1858. O. ' I 151 Same. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. I 151 Ingelow, Jean. Don John. (No name ser.) Bost. 1881. S. I 201 Fated to be free. Bost. 1875. S. I 202 Mopso the fairy. 111. Bost. 1876. S. Ix 101 Off the Skelligs. Bost. 1872. S. I 203 Poor Matt, or The clouded intellect. Bost. 1866. S. Ix 102 Sarah De Berenger. Bost. 1879. 8. I 204 Sister's bye-hours. Bost. 1878. S. Ix 103 Contents. Prejudice, or The black polyanthus. Laura Richmond. Poor Matt, or The clouded intel- lect. Widow Maclean, or Lending to the Lord. tips and downs of life.- Marked. "Muschachito mio". Stories told to a child. [1st and] 2d series. Bost. 1872, 1874. 2 v. S. Ix 104 Contents. V. 1. The grandmother's shoe. Two ways of telling a story. Little Rie and the rosebuds. Deborah's book. The life of mr. J: Smith. The lonely rock. Can and could. The suspicious Jack- daw. The minnows with silver tails. I have a right. The moorish gold. The one-eyed servant. The golden opportunity. The wild-duck shooter. 2. The ouphe of the wood. The middle ages. The fairy who judged her neighbours. As the crow flies. The bridge. The prince's dream. Anselmo. Night's divining glass. The snowflake. The water-lily. Nineteen hundred and seventy-two. Rocking the cradle. A lost wand. Ingersleben, Emilie v., born v. Loga, {Emmy v. Bothenfels). Eleonore. Milw. 1871. O. 1227 Same, eng. Eleonore. After the german by Frances Elizabeth Bennett. Phila. 1872. I). 1227 Haideblume. 2te aufl. Berlin. [1876]. 3 v. in 1. D. I 226 IngersoU, Ernest. The ice queen. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. S. 1x151 Ingham, Col. Frederic, pseud., see Hale, E: Everett. Inglis, H: D: Rambles in the footsteps of Don Quixote. Phila. 1840. D. 1251 Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud., see Barham, R: Harris. Ingraham, Joseph Holt. The pillar of fire. T. p. w. D. 249 : 20 Irene, the missionary. Bost. 1879. S. I 71 Irving, Fannie Bell. Six girls ; a home story for girls. [New ed.] ni. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. Ix 301 Irving, J: Treat. (John Quad). Harry Harson, or The benevolent bachelor. N. Y. n. d. D. 1351 Irving, Washington, {Geoffrey Crayon, Died- rich Knickerbocker). The Alhambra. N. Y. 1865. S. 1401 Same, germ. Die Alhambra, oder Das neue skizzenbuch. 2te aufl. Frankfurt, a. M. 1847. S. 1401 Same, m\t einer einleitung von L. Proscholdt. Stuttg. [1882]. D. I 401 A book of the Hudson, collected from the various works of Diedrich Knickerbocker, ed. bv Geoffrey Crayon. N. Y. 1849. T. I 402 Contents. Introd. Communlpaw. Guests from Gibbet Island. Peter Stuyvesant's voyage up the Hudson. The chronicle of Beam Island. The legend of Sleepy Hollow. DolphHeyliger. Rip Van Winkle. Wolf ert Webber. Bracebridge Hall, or The humorists ; a medley by Geoffrey Crayon, gent. N. Y. n. d. S. 1403 Chronicle of the conquest of Granada, from the mss. of fray Antonio Agapida. N. Y. 1850. D. I 404 Same, germ. Die eroberung von Granada. Aus dem englischen von Gustav Seelen. Leipz. 1830. 3v. S. 1404 Wolferts rust ; transatlantische skizzen. Aus dem englischen von W. E. Druglein. Leipz. 1855. S. I 405 See also his Works. 820. 1:11 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. Izco, Wenzeslaus Ayguals de, see Ayg^uals de Izco, Wenzeslaus. Jack in the forecastle, or Incidents in the early life of Hawser Martingale. 111. Bost. 1880. D. Jx3 Jackson, Helen Maria, born Fiske, formerly mrs. Hunt, {H. H.). The hunter cats of Con- norloa. Bost. 1884. D. Jx 104 Letters from a cat. 111. Bost. 1880. D. Jx 103 Mammy Tittleback and her family ; a true story of seventeen cats. 111. 6ost. 1881. D. Jx 101 Nelly's silver mine ; a story of Colorado life. Bost. 1883. S. Jx 102 Ramona; a story. Bost. 1884. S. J 161 denotes books specially adapted for children. 767 CI. 813, Authors. LITEB, ATTIRE FICTION. Jacob James, G. P. R. 768 Jacob, P. L., le bibliophile, pseud. ^ see Lacroix, Paul. Jacobi, Mar^ Putnam. A martyr to science. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v2 Jacquot, C: J: Baptiste, {Eugene de Mirecourt). Memoiren der Ninon de L'Enclos. Son- dershausen. 1859. 4 v. T. M 2801 Jager, Hermann. Angelroder dorfeeschichten. Oder Die amerikaner in Deutschland ; eine unterhaltende und lehrreiche erzahlung fiir bauern und bauernfreunde. Weimar. 1856. D. J 101 James, G: Payne Rainsford. Agincourt ; a ro- mance. Lond. n. d. S. J 201 Same, germ. Agincourt. Aus dem engli- schen. Stuttg. 1845. 2 v. T. J 201 Agnes Sorel. N. Y. 1860. O. J 202 Aims and obstacles. N. Y. 1860. O. J 203 The ancient regime. See below Castelneau. Arabella Stuart ; a romance. Lond. n. d. S. J 205 Same, germ. Arabella Stuart. Stuttg. 1844. 2v. T. J 205 Arrah Neil, or Times of old. N. Y. 1858. O. J 206 Same. Lond. n. d. S. J 206 Same, germ. Arrah Neil, oder Alte zeiten. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1844. 2 v. T. J 206 Attila ; a romance. Lond. n. d. S. J 207 Same. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. in 1. S. J 207 Same, germ. Attila. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1846. 2 V. T. J 207 Beauchamp, or The error. Lond. n. d. S. J 208 Same. N. Y. 1860. O. J 208 Same, germ. Beauchamp, oder Der irrthum. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. J 208 The Black Eagle, or Ticonderoga. New ed. Lond. n. d. S. J 243 Same. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1859]. O. J 243 The bride of Landeck. N. Y. 1878. T. J 209 The brigand, or Corse de Leon. New ed. N. Y. n. d. S. J 247 Castelneau, or The ancient regime. Lond. n. d. S. J 204 Same. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. D. J 204 Sam, germ. Das alte regime. Aus dem engli- schen. Stuttg. 1843. 2 V. T. J 204 The castle of Ehrenstein ; a I'omance. Lond. n. d. S. J 240 Same, germ. Schloss Ehrenstein. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. J 240 Charles Tyrrell, or The bitter blood. Lond. n. d. 8. J 248 The convict ; a tale. Lond. n.d. Y>. J 245 Same, germ. Der iiberwiesene. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1847. T. J 245 Darnley, or The field of the cloth of gold. Lond. n. d. S. J 210 Same, germ. Darnley. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1840. 3v. ^. J 210 Delaware, or The ruined family. Lond. n. d. S. J 242 Same. Thirty years since, or The ruined fam- ily. N. Y. 1860. O. J 242 Del'Orme. Lond. n. d. S. J 211 Same, germ. De I'Orme. Aus dem engli- schen. Stuttg. 1846. 2v. T. J 211 The desultory man. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. D. J 244 Sam^, germ. Der tourist. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. J 244 James, G: Payne Rainsford. Continued. The false heir. Lond. . c?. S. J 212 The fate; a tale of stirring times. N. Y. 1873. O. J 255 Forest days, or Robin Hood. Lond. n. d. S. J 214 Same; a romance of old times. N. Y. 1863. O. J 214 The forgery, or Best intentions. Lond. n. d. S. J 213 Same, germ. Die fiilschung, oder Beste absich- ten. Stutttg. 1851. T. J 213 The gentlemen of the old school ; a tale. Lond. n.d. S. J 215 Sam, germ. Der gentleman von der alten schule. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1846. 2v. T. J 215 The gipsy ; a tale. Lond. n. d. ^. J 216 Same. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. D, J 216 Gowrie, or The king's plot. N. Y. 1860. O. J 217 Same. New ed. Lond. n.d. S. J 217 Same, germ. Gowrie, oder Des konigs kom- ?lott. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1853. J 217 Heidelberg. T.p.w. [N. Y. I860]. O. J 218 Same. Lond. n. d. S. J 218 Henry de Ceron, [or The man at arms] . T. p. w. [N. Y.] D. J 219 Same. The man at arms, or Henri de Cerons. Lond. n. d. S. J 219 Same, germ. Heinrich von Cerons. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1843. 2 v. T. J 219 Henry Masterton, or the adventures of a young cavalier. N. Y. 1864. 3 v. in 1. D. J 220 Same. Lond. n. d. S. J 220 Same, germ. Henry Masterton, oder Die erleb- nisse eines jungen kavaliers ; roman. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1844. 2 v. T. J 220 Henry of Guise, or The state of Blois. Lond. n: d. S. J 221 Same. N. Y. 1855. 2v.ini. D. J 221 Henry Smeaton ; a Jacobite story of the reign of" George I. N. Y. 1860. O. J 222 Same, germ. Henry Smeaton ; eine jakobiten- geschichte aus der regierungszeit George 1. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1852. T. J 222 The huguenot ; a tale of the french protes- tants. Lond. n. d. S. J 223 Same, germ. Der hugenotte ; eine erziihlung von den franzosischen protestanten. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1839. 2 v. T. J 223 The jacquerie, or The lady and the page. Lond. n. d. S. J 224 Same. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. D. J 224 Same, germ. La jacquerie, der franzosische bauernkrieg, oder Das friiulein und der )age ; historischer roman. Aus dem eng- - ~ J 224 Lond. n. d. S. J 226 ischen. Stuttg. 1842. 4 v. T. J 224 John Marston Hall, or Little ball o'flre. Lond. Same, germ. Leben und abenteuer John Mar- ston Hall's. Stuttg. 1844. 2 \. T. J 226 The king's highway ; a novel, Lond. n. d. S. J 225 Same. N. Y. 1855. 3 v. in 1. D. J 225 The last of the fairies ; a Christmas tale. N. Y. 1876. S. J 227 Same, germ. Die letzte der feen. Aus dem eng- lischen. Stuttg. 1849. T. J 227 denotes books specially adapted for children. 769 James, G. P. R. Jay. LITEBATUItE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. 770 James, G: Payne Rainsford. Continued. Leonora d'Orco ; a historical romance. Lond. n. d. S. J 249 A life of vicissitudes. N. Y. 1860. O. J 228 The man at arms. Sec above Henry de Ceron. The man in black. Phila. [I860]. O. J 229 Margaret Graham ; a tale. Lond. n.d. S. J 230 Same, germ. Margarethe Graham. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1848. T. J 230 Mary of Burgundy, or The revolt of Ghent. Lond. n. d. S. J 231 Same. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. D. J 231 Same, germ. Maria von Burgund, oder Die em- porung in Gent. Stuttg. 1844. 3 v. T. J 231 Morley Ernstein, or The tenants of the heart. Lond. n. d. D. J 232 My aunt Pontypool ; a novel. Lond. n. d. S. J 250 The Old Dominion ; a novel. Lond. n. d. S. J 251 The old oak chest. N. Y . 1873. O. J 233 Same, germ. Die alte eichenkiste ; erziihlung aus dem hauslichen leben. Aus dem engli- schen. Stuttg. 1853. T. J 233 One in a thousand ; or The days of Henri quatre. Lond. n. d. S. J 234 Same. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. S. J 234 Same, germ. Eine unter tausenden, oder Die tage Heinrich des vierten. Aus dem eng- lischen. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. J 234 Philip Augustus, or The brothers in arms. Lond. n. d. S. J 235 Same, germ. Philipp August, oder Die waffen- briider. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. J 235 Richelieu: a tale of France. Lond. n. d. S. J 236 Same, germ. Richelieu ; eine erziihlung aus der franzosischen geschichte. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1840. 2 v. T. J 236 The robber ; a tale. Lond. n. d. S. J 252 Rosa d'Albret ; a romance. Lond. n. d. S. J 237 Same, germ. Rosa d'Albret, oder Stiirmische zeiten. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1844. 2 v. T. J 252 Russell ; a tale of the reign of Charles II. New ed. Lond. n. d. S. J 238 Same, germ. Russell ; erzahlung aus Karls II. regierungszeit. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1847. 2 V. T. J 238 Sir Theodore Broughton, or Laurel water. N. Y. 1869. O. J 239 Same. Lond. n. d. S. J 239 Same, germ. Sir Theodor Broughton, oder Der gifttrank. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1849. T. J 239 The smuggler. Lond. n. d. S. J 241 Same, germ. Der schmuggler. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. J 241 The step-mother. Lond. n. d. S. J 253 The string of pearls. N. Y. n. d. D. J 256 Thirty years since. See above Delaware. A whim and its consequences. Lond. n. d. S. J 254 The woodman ; an historical romance. Lond. n. d. S. J 246 Same, germ. Der waidmann ; erzahlung aus Richard III. zeiten. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1852. T. J 246 James, H:, [jr.] The american. Bost. 1877. D. J 301 The author of Beltrafiio, [and other stoi-iesl. Bost. 1885. D. J 314 Inchides, Pandora. Georgina's reasons. The path of duty. Four meetings. A bundle of letters. WWi, Ms Diary of a man of fifty. J 303 Confidence. Bost. 1880. D. J 302 Daisy Miller ; a study, and other stories. N. Y. 1883. Q. ^ J 311 Includes, An international episode. The diary of a man of fifty. A bundle of letters. The diary of a man of fifty. N. Y. 1880, Tt. J 303 The europeans. Bost. 1879. D. J 304 A light man. In Stories by american authors. S35 v5 The madonna of the future, and other tales. New ed. Lond. 1880. D. J 309 Includes, Lonf^statf's marriage. Madame de Mau- ves. Eugene Pickering. The diary of a man of fifty. Ben volio. A passionate pilgrim, and other tales. Bost. 1875. D. J 305 Includes, The last of the Valerii. Eugene Picker- ing. The madonna of the future. The romance of certain old clothes. Madame de Mauves. The pension Beaurepas. With Jiis The siege of London. J 312 The point of view. With same. J 312 The portrait of a lady. Bost. 1882. D. J 310 Roderick Hudson. Bost. 1876. D. J 306 The siege of London. Bost. 1883. D. J 312 Tales of three cities. Bost. 1884. D. J 313 Contents. The impressions of a cousin. Lady Bar- berina. A New England winter. Washington square. N. Y. 1881. S. J 307 Watch and ward. Bost. 1878. T. J 308 Jameson, AnnaBrownell, Jorra Murphy. [Tales]. In her Studies, stories and romances. 829.2:17 Contents, see under English literature. Miscellany. Jam.ieson, Frances. Ashford rectory. T. p. w. S. J 351 Jansen, Adam. Die sagen Frankens. Wiirzburg. 1852. S. J 401 Janson, Kristofer Nagel. The spell-bound fid- dler : a norse romance. Tr. from the origi- nal by Auber Forestier [Annie Aubertine Woodward]; with introd. by Rasmus B. Anderson. Chicago. 1880. D. J 451 Janvier, Margaret, {Margaret Vandegrift). The absent-minded fairy ; for boys and girls. 111. Phila. [1884]. O. Vx 104 Clover Beach ; for boys and girls. 111. Phila. 1880. O. Vx 101 Doris and Theodora. Phila. [1885]. D. Vxl05 Holidays at home ; for boys and girls. 111. Phila. [18821. O. Vx 102 The queen's body guard ; a story of american life for girls. Phila. [1883]. D. Vx 103 Janvier, T: A., {Ivory Black). Pancha ; a story of Monterey. In Stories by american authors. ' S 35 vlO Jay, Harriett. Madge Dunraven. [Anon.] N. Y. 1879. Q. j^501 Same; a tale. Lond. 1873. 3 v. in 1. D. J 501 My Connaught cousins ; a novel. [Anon.] N. Y. 1883. Q. J 502 Same. 2d ed. Lond. 1883. 3 v. D. J 502 Jay, W. M. L., pseud., see Woodruff, Julia Louisa Matilda. denotes books specially adapted for children. 771 CI. 813, Authors. lilTEBATUBE nCTION. Jeaffreson Johnson, E. B. 773 Jeaflfreson, J: Cordy. Durch's leben iiberwun- den. Aus dem englischen von Marie Scott. Leipz. 1865. 2v. U. J 551 Olive Blake's good work. N. Y. 1864. O. J 552 Jean Paul, pseud., see Richter, J: Paul F: Jefferies, R: After London, or Wild Enerland. N. Y. 1885. D. J 576 Wood magic: a fable. Lond. 1881. D. Jx 151 Jenkin, Mrs. C: Madame de Beaupre. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1869. S. J 601 A Psyche of to-day. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1868. S. J 603 Skirmishing. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1863. D. Who breaks pays. T.p.w.T). Within an ace. N. Y. 1875. S. Jenkins, E: The devil's chain. N. J 603 J 604 J 605 Y. 1876. S. J 651 Haverholme, or The apotheosis of Jingo ; a satire. N. Y. 1878. Q. J 652 A paladin of finance ; contemporary manners. Bost. 1882. S. J 653 A week of passion, or The dilemma of mr. G: Barton, the younger ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. J 654 Jennings, L: 3. The millionaire ; a novel. [Anon.'] N. Y. 1884. Q. J 676 Same. N. Y. 1884. S. J 676 Jensen, W: Aus Liibeck's alten tagen ; novelle. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1878. T. J 701 Die namenlosen ; roman. Schwerin i. M. 1873. 3 V. in 1. D. J 702 Neue novellen. Stuttg. 1869. D. J 703 Content, see Deutscher katalog, p. 74. Ueber die wolken ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. J 706 Unter heisserer sonne ; novelle. Braunschw. 1869. D. J 704 Versunkene welten ; historischer roman. N. Y. 1881. F. J 705 Jephson, Philippa Prittie. An april day ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. J 726 Jerrold, Douglas W: St. Giles and St. James. Lond. 1851. D. J 751 Jestiiten in New York, Die. Aus dem engli- schen. N. Y. 1857. T. J 1 Jewett, Sarah Orne, {Alice Eliot). Country-by- ways. Bost. 1881. 8. J 803 Consents. River driftwood. Andrew's fortune. An October ride. From a mournful villag'er. An autumn holiday.- A winter drive. Good luck. Miss Becky's pilgrimage. A country doctor. Bost. 1884. D. J 805 Deephaven. Bost. 1878. T. J 801 A marsh island. Bost. 1885. D. J 806 The mate of the Daylight and friends ashore. Bost. 1884 [1883]. S. J 804 Includes, A landless farmer.- A new parishioner. An only son. Miss Derby's neighbors. Tom's hus- band. The confession of a house-breaker. A little traveller. Old friends and new. Bost. 1879. T. J 802 Contents. A lost lover. A sorrowful guest.- A late supper. Mr. Bruce. Miss Sidney's flowers. Lady Ferry. A bit of shore life. Play days ; a book of stories for children. bost.' 1878. S. Jx201 Jewshury, Geraldine Endsor. Constance Herb- ert. N. Y. 1855. O. J 851 Zoe ; the history of two lives. T. p. w. [N. Y. ^ " J 852 John, Eugenie, [E. Marlitt). Amtmanns magd. N. Y. 1881. F. J 901 Same, eng. The bailiif's maid. Fi'om the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1881. Das geheimniss der alten mamselle. 1881. F. Same, eng. The old mamselle's secret. the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. 1879. D. Goldelse. Leipz. n. d. D. Same ; roman. 17te aufl. Leipz. J 901 N. Y. J 903 After Phila. J 903 J 904 [188-]. D. J 904 Same, eng. Gold Elsie. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. n. d. D. J 904 Same. Phila. 1883. D. J 904 Same. Phila. 1881. D. J 904 Das haideprinzesschen; roman. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1878. 2v. inl.D. J 902 Same. 6te aufl. Leipz. [1884]. 2 v. D. J 902 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. J 902 Same, eng. The little moorland princess. Tr. from the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1872. D. J 902 Same. Phila. 1876. D. J 902 Same. Phila. 1883. D. J 902 Im hause des commerzienrathes ; roman. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. D. J 905 Same. 3te aufl. Leipz. [187-]. 2 v. in 1. D. J 905 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. J 905 Same, eng. At the councillors, or A nameless history. Tr. from the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1876. D. J 905 Same. Phila. 1877. D. J 905 Im Schillingshof ; roman. Leipz. [1880]. 2 v. in 1. D. J 906 Bame. 2te aufl. Leipz. [1880]. 2 v. D. J 906 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. J 906 Same, eng. In the Schillingscourt. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1879. D. J 906 Magdalena. Phila. 1877. O. J 907 Over yonder. Phila. 1877. O. J 908 Die reich.sgriifin Gisela. 6te aufl. Leipz. [1880]. 2v.ini. D. J 909 Same. 7te aufl. Leipz. [188-]. 2 v. D. J 909 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. J 909 Same, eng. Countess Gisela. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1877. D. J 909 Same. Phila. 1879. D. J 909 Thiiringer erzahlungen. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1878. D. J911 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 74. Die zweite frau ; roman. 6te aufl. Leipz. [1881]. D. Same. 7te aufl. Leipz. [1884]. 1856]. O. Same. N. Y. 1882. F. Same, eng. The second wife , From the german by mrs. A. L Phila. 1879. D. Same. Phila. 1880. D. Same. Phila. 1883. D. John Barlow's ward. N. Y. 1881. S. Johnson, Ool. . The white fawn; american story. In Edinburgh tales. E426 Johnson, Edwin Rossiter. Phaeton Rogers ; a story of boy-life. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. Jx251 J 912 inl. D. J 912 J 912 romance. Wister. J 912 J 912 J 912 J 31 I, north denotes books speciallyiadapted for children. W3 Jolmson,E.R. JTudson. liiTEBATUHE FIC^TIOif. CI. 813, Authors. 774 Johnson, Edwin Rossiter. Continued. ed. Little classics. Bost. 1875-81. 18 v. S. J 926 Contents. V. 1. Exile. Havrthome, N., Ethan Brand. Griflan, G. The swans of Lir. Greenwood, J. A night in the workhouse. Harte, F. B. The outcasts of Poker Flat. Hale, E: E. The man with- out a country. De Q,uincey, T. Flight of a tartar tribe. 2. Intellect. Bulvrer-Lytton, E: The house and brain. Spofford, H. P. D'outre mort. Poe, E. A. The fall of the house of Usher. Dickens, C: Chops the dwarf. Hawthorne, N. Wakefield. De Q,uin- cey, T: Murder considered as one of the fine arts. Davis, K. H. The captain's story. 3. Tragedy. Poe, E. A. The murders in the rue Morgue. De Forest, J: W: The Lauson tragedy. Mudford, W: The iron shroud. Melville, H. The bell-tower. Judson, E. C. The kathayan slave. Mackenzie, H: The story of La Roche. De Quin- cey, T: The Tision of sudden death, 4. Life. Brovrn, J: Rab and his friends. How^- ells, W: D. A romance of real life. Harte, F. B. The luck of Roaring Camp. Barham, R: H. Jerry Jarvis's wig. Willis, N. P. Beauty and the beast. Haw^thorne, N. David Swan. Smith, A. Dream- thorp. Mitchell, D. G. A bachelor's revery. Taylor, B. F. The grammar of life. Curtis, G : W : My chateau. Lamb, C: Dream children. Hoff- man, C: F. The man in the reservoir. Addison, J. Westminster abbey. Macaulay, T: B. The puri- tans. Lincoln, A. Gettysburg. 5. Laughter. Dickens, C: A Christmas carol. Cooper, K. The haunted crust. Lamb, C: A dis- sertation upon roast pig. Walker. K. K. The total depravity of inanimate things. Hale, E: E. The skeleton in the closet. Miller, H. Sandy Wood's se- pulchre. Holmes, O. W. A visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters, Griffin, G. Mr. Tibbot O'Leary the curious. Carleton, W : Neal Malone. 6. Love. Winthrop, T. Love and skates. Bul- wer-Lytton, E : The m aid of Malines. The story of Ruth, from the Bible. Disraeli, B. The rise of Is- kander. 7. Romance. Holmes, O. W. Iris. Craik, D. M. The rosicrucian. Spofford, H. P. The south break- er. Wilson, J. The snow-storm. Cunningham, A. The king of the peak. 8. Mystery. O'Connor, W. D. The ghost. Ed- w^ards, A. B. The four-flf teen express. Dickens, C: Thesignal-man. Cunningrham, A. Thehaunted ships. Low^ell, R. T. S. A raft that no man made. O'Connor, F. The invisible princess. Crow^e, C. The advocate's wedding day. Hawthorne, N. The birthmark. 9. Ctmedy. Lover, S: Barney O'Reirdon the navigator. Gait, J : Haddad-Ben-Ahab the traveller. Thackeray, W: M. Bluebeard's ghost. Smith, H. The picnic pai-ty. Ferguson, S: Father Tom and the pope. Howitt, W: Johnny Darbyshlre. Lover, S: The gridiron. Keade, C: The box tunnel. 10. C7(i7d7iood. Eame, L. de la. A dog of Flanders. Kuskin, J : The king of the Golden River. Phelps, E. S. The lady of Shalott. Brown, J: Marjorie Fleming. De Kroyft, S. H. Little Jakey. Kings- ley, H : The lost child. Neal, J : Goody gracious ! and the forget-me-not. Spofford, H. P. A faded leaf of history. Dickens, C: A child's dream of a star. 11. Heroism. Ludlow^, F. H. Little Briggs and I. Spofford, H. P. Ray. Taylor, B : F. Three no- vemlier days. Mitford, A. B. The forty-seven i-6nins. Mayo, J. A chance child. Rame, L. de la. A leaf in a storm. 12. Fortune. Poe, E. A. The gold bug. Lover, S. The fairy finder. Edgeworth, M. Murad the unlucky. Hale, E: E. The children of the public Banim, J. The rival dreamers. Hawthorne, N. The threefold destiny. 13. Poems narrative. Goldsmith, O. The deser- ted village. Coleridge, S: T. The ancient mariner. Byron, G: G. N. lord. The prisoner of Chlllon. Norton, C. Bingen on the Rhine. Campbell, T: O'Connor's child. Hogg, J. Kilmeny. Hood, T: The dream of Eugene Aram. Smith, A. Lady Bar- bara. Shelley, P. B. The sensitive plant. Keats, J: The eve of St. Agnes. Moore, T: Paradise and the peri. Poe, E. A. The raven. Longfellow, H : W. The skeleton in armor.- Hood, T: The haunted house. Morris, W: The writing on the image. Burns, R. Tam O'Shanter. Ferguson, S: The forging of the anchor. Tennyson, A. Morte d'Ar- thur. Macaulay, T; B, Horatius. 14. Poems lyrical. 15. Minor poems. 1 6. Authors ; biographical sketches of the authors represented in the series, with a general index. 17. Nature. Warner, C: D. A-hunting of the deer. Hamerton, P. G. Dogs. Burroughs, J: In the hemlocks. Thoreau, H: D: A winter walk. Hawthorne, N. Buds and bird voices.- Kingsley, C : The fens. Why mper, E : Ascent of the Matter- horn.-King, C. Ascent of Mount Tyndall.Ruskin, J: The firmament. 18. Humaji^j/. Stoddard, C: W. Chumming with a savage. Dickens, C: Doctor Marigold. Ludlow^, F. H. A brace of boys.- Thackeray, W: M. George III. Jameson, A. Juliet. Mallock, W: H. Is life worth living? Johnson, S: Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia ; with an intr. by the rev. W: West. [Bayard ser]. Lend. 1875. T. J 951 Same. A facsimile reproduction of the 1st ed. publ. in 1759 ; with an introd. by James Macaulay and a bibliographical list of edi- tions of Kasselas pub. m England and else- where. Lond. 1884. 2 v. D. J 952 Same. In 7ns Works. 820.2+13 vl Johnson, Virginia Wales. An english Daisy Miller. Bost. 1882. D. J 1003 The Fainalls of Tipton. N. Y. 1884. S. J 1004 The image of St. Donato. In Stories by amer- ican authors. S 35 v7 The Neptune vase. N. Y. 1881. Q. J 1001 Two old cats ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. J 1002 Johnston, Alma, born Calder. Miriam's heri- tage ; a story of the Delaware river. N. Y. 1878. O. J 1051 Johnston, R : Malcolm, (Philemon Perch). Dukesborough tales. N. Y. 1883. Q. J 1076 Old Mark Langston ; a tale of Duke's Creek. N. Y. 1884. S. J 1077 Johnstone, Christina Jane. Clan-Albyn ; a na- tional tale. Lond. 1854. S. J 1101 Nights of the round-table, or Stories of aunt Jane and her friends. Phila. n. d. T. J 1102 The sabbath night's supper. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 J6kai, IS/i-ov (germ. Maurus). Achtzehn humoristi- sche erzahlungen. Aus dem ungarischen ijbersetzt von einem landsmanne und ju- fendfreunde des dichters ; mit portrait und iographischer charakteristik Jokai's. 2te ausg. Bremen. 1879. 2 V. S. J 1152 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 74. Die armen reichen ; roman. 8te aufl. Berlin. [1879]. D. J 1161 Hungarian sketches in peace and war ; with a prefatory notice by Emeric Szabad. Edin- burgh. 1854. D. J 1154 Contents. Preface. Dear relations. The Bardy family. Crazy Marcsa. Comorn. Mor Perczel. Gergely Sonkolyi. The unlucky weather-cock. The two brides. The brewer. The Szekely mother. A ball. r Die komodianten des lebens. 2te aufl. Berlin. [1880]. D. J 1153 A modern Midas ; a romance. From the ger- man by mrs. Laura Curtis Bullard and Emma Herzog. N. Y. 1884. D. J 1155 Der piraten-konig. With Tenger, M. Bischof und konig. T 576 Die sphinx ; eine phantasie. In Vieiteljahrl. mag. V2 v21 Jones, Pascal. My uncle Hobson and I, or Slashes at life with a free broad-axe. N. Y. 1845. D. J 1201 Judson, E: Z. C, (Ned BuntUne). Norwood, or Life on the prairie. N. Y. . d. O. J 1251 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 7'75 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATTTRE FlCTlOlf. Hudson Kellogpgi ttQ Judson, Emily, born Chubbuck, {Fanny For- rester). Alderbrook, a collection of Fanny Forrester's village sketches, poems etc. Bost. 1848. 2t. D. J 1301 Allen Lucas ; the self-made man. N. Y. 1848. S. Jx 301 The kathayan slave. In Jolinsoii, E. R. Lit- tle classics. J 926 v3 Juncker, E., pseud., see Schmieden, Else. Junghans, Sophie, see Schuhmann, Sophie. Jiingst, L: Volrad, {Ludwig Bosen). TVerner Thormann. Breslau. 1859. 3 v. S. J 1501 Just his luck. Bost. 1878. D. Jx 89 Justitia, a knownothing, pseud., see Adams, F. Colburn. K., W. V. Laskar Vioresku ; ein moldauisches genrebild. Leipz. 1863. D. K 1601 Kaiser, 'Evust, pseud., see KOnig, Ewald A: Kaler, James Otis, {James Otis). Left behind, or Ten days a newsboy. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. S. 0x505 Mr. Stubbs's brother ; a sequel to Tobv Tyler. N. Y. 1883. S. Ox 502 Raising the Pearl. N. Y. 1884 [18831. S. 0x504 Tim and Tip, or The adventures of a boy and a dog. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. Ox 503 Toby Tyler, or Ten weeks with a circus. 111. N. Y. 1881. S. Ox 501 Kapper, Siegfried. Vorleben eines kiinstlers. Prag. 1855. 2 v. T. K 101 Karl Kiegler, or The fortunes of a foundling. Bost. n. d. S. Kx 3 Cmttents. Karl Kiegler. Don't be too positive, or Frank Shipley and his ducks. Katsch, Gustav Adolf. Under the stork's nest. From the german by Emily R. Steinestel. Phila. 1875. D. K 151 Note. Title-page reads by "A. E. Katsch." KauflFer, E: Der treu'sten frau ; erziihlungen und novellen. Leipz. 1853. D. K 201 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 75. Kaulbach, C. Uriel der teufel ; ein satirischer roman in acht biichern. Stuttg. 1851. 2 v. S. K251 Kavanagh, Bridget and Julia. The pearl foun- tain, and other fairy tales. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. Kx 102 Includes, The silver flsh. The golden hen. Sun- beam and her white rabbit. Redcap's adventures in fairy land. Fire and water. Tipsey's silver bell. Prince Doran.- Fairie and Brownie. Batty. Feather Head. Kavanagh, Julia. Beatrice. N. Y. 1884. 3 v. in 1. D. K 314 Bessie. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. K 301 Daisy Burns. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1875.] D. K 302 Same, germ. Daisy Burns. Aus dem engli- schen. Stuttg. 1853. T. K 302 Dora. Leipz. 1868. 2 v. in 1. S. K 303 Grace Lee. N. Y. 1881. D. K 304 John Dorrien. N. Y. 1875. D. K 305 Madeleine ; a tale of the Auvergne, founded on fact. N. Y. 1873. D. K 306 Nathalie. Leipz. 1851. 2 v. in 1. S. K 307 Same, germ. Nathalie. Aus dem englischen von E. Zoller. Stuttg. 1851. 2 v. T. K307 Queen Mab. Leipz. 1863. 2 v. in 1. S, K 308 Rachel Gray ; a tale founded on fact. N. Y. 1873. D. K309 Seven years, and other tales. N. Y. 1872. D. K310 Includes, The conscript. Gaiety and gloom. The little dancing master. A soiree in a porter's lodge. Kavanagh, Jnlisk Continued. A comedy in a court-yard. The troubles of a quiet man. Young France. Adrien. The mysterious lodger. An excellent opportunity. The experiences of Sylvie Delmare. Silvia. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. K 311 Sybil's second love. N. Y. 1875. D. K 312 T'he three paths ; a story for .young people. 111. Lond. 1848. S. " Kx 101 Two Lilies. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. S. K 313 Kearjr, Annie. Castle Daly ; the story of an irish home thirty years ago. Leipz. 1875. 2 V. iu 1. S. K 351 A doubting heart. N. Y. 1879. Q. K 352 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 2. D. K 352 Oldbury. Phila. n. d. B. K 353 Same. 'Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. D. K 353 A York and Lancaster Rose. Lond. 1876. D. Kxll6 Keddie, Henrietta, {Sarah Tytler). Beauty and the beast ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. K 1653 Citoyenne Jacqueline ; a woman's lot in the great french revolution. Lond. 1881. S. K 1651 Jane Austen and her works. Lond. 1880. D. A 2055 Contents. Jane Austen. Jane Austen's novels. Pride and prejudice. Northanger Abbey. Emma. Sense and sensibility, and Mansfield Park. Per- suasion. Lady Bell ; a story of last century. [New issue]. Chicago. 1884. D. " K 1652 The woman with two words. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. D. Kx 126 Keenan, H: F. Trojan ; the history of a senti- mental young man, with some episodes in the comedy oi many lives' errors ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. D. K 1801 Keene, H. G. Clive's dream before the battle of Plassey. In Tales from Blackwood. T177v5 Keeper's travels in search of his master. Wor- cester. 1847. T. Kx 1 Keller, Gottfried. Der grvine Heinrich ; roman. Neue ausg. Stuttg. 1879. 4 v. in 2. D. K376 Die leute von Seldwyla ; erzahlungen. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1876. 2 v. in 1. D. K 377 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 75. Romeo und Julia auf dem dorfe ; erziihlung. Stuttg. 1876. T. K 378 Sieben legenden. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1872. D. K379 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 75. Ziiricher novellen. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1879. 2 V. in 1. D. K 380 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 75. Kellogg, Elijah. Elm Island stories. 1. Lion Ben of Elm Island. Bost. n. d. D. Kx206 2. Charlie Bell, the waif of Elm Island. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 206 3. The ark of Elm Island. Bost. 1875. S. Kx207 4. The boy farmers of Elm Island. Bost. 1870. D. Kx 208 6. The hard scrabble of Elm Island. Bost. 1871. S. Kx210 The Forest Olen series. 1. Sowed by the wind, or The poor boy's for- tune. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 223 2, Wolf run, or The boys of the wilderness. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 224 denotes books specially adapted for children. m Kellogg Kingsley, C. LiTERATUBE FICTIOIJ*. CI. 813, Authors. 778 Kellogg, Elijah. Continued. 4. Black Rifle's mission, or On the trail. 111. Best. n. d. D. Kx 226 T/ie good old times series. 1. Good old times, or Grandfathei-'s struggle for a homestead. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 201 2. A strong arm and a mother's blessing. 111. Bost. 1881. D. Kx 202 3. The unseen hand, or James Renfrew and his boy helpers. 111. Bost. 1882 [1881]. D. Kx 203 4. The live oak boys, or The adventures of Richai'd Constable afloat and ashore. Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. Kx 204 The Pleasant Cove series. 1. Arthur Brown, the young captain. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 217 2. The young deliverers of Pleasant Cove. 111. Bost. 1871. S. Kx218 The whispering pine series. 1. The spark of genius, or The college life of James Trafton. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx211 2. The sophomores of Radcliffe, or James Traf- ton and his bosom friends. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx212 3. The whispering pine, or The graduates of Radclifte Hall. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 213 4. Winning his spurs, or Henry Morton's first trial. 111. Bost. n.d.T>. ' Kx214 5. The turning of the tide, or Radcliff"e Rich and his patients. 111. Bost. n. d. U. Kx215 6. A stout heart, or The student from over the sea. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Kx 216 Kennedy, J: Pendleton. Horse-shoe Robinson ; a tale of tory ascendency. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1881. D. K403 Quodlibet ; containing some annals thereof, with an authentic account of the origin and growth of the borough, and the say- ings and doings of sundry of the towns- people ; interspersed with sketches of the most remarkable and distinguished char- acters of that place and vicinity, by Solo- mon Secondthoughts, schoolmaster, from original mss. inedited by him, and now made public at the request and under the patronage of the great new-light demo- cratic central committee of Quodlibet. 2d ed. Phila. 1860. D. K 401 Rob of the bowl ; a legend of St. Inigoe's. N. Y. 1854. D. K 402 Kenney, Minnie E. Gypsie. N. Y. 1882. S. K426 Ker, D: From the Hudson to the Neva. 111. Bost. [1883]. D. Kx 376 The lost city, or The boy explorers in central Asia. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884] . S. Kx 377 Kerckhoven, P. F. van. Fernand der seerauber. Aus dem flamischen von Julius Stern. Augsburg. 1846. S. K451 Kerr, Orpheus C, pseud., see Newell, Robert H: Keyserling, Margarethe, born v. Donniges, grdfiji. Die sturmhexe ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. K476 Kieffer, Harry M. The recollections of a drum- mer boy. 111. Bost. 1883. S. Ka? 601 Kielland, Alexander L. Arbeiter ; roman. Au- torisirte iibersetzung aus dem norwegi- schen von C. v. Sarauw, Berlin. 1881. D. K 1703 Kielland, Alexander L.Con^inwecZ. Ausgewiihlte novellen. Aus dem norwegi- schen von Jos. Cal. Poestion. Wien. isfl. D. K 1704 Contents. Grun ist der hofifnung kleid. Von einem sehiffe. Ein affe. Der pfarrhof. Ein diner. Liebe und ehe. Torfmoor. Zwei freunde. Welke blatter. Else ; eine weihnachtsgeschichte. Autorisirte iibersetzung aus dem norwegischen von C. V. Sarauw. Berlin. 1882. D. K 1701 Garman and Worse ; a norwegian novel. Authorized trans, by W. W.' Kettle well. Lond. 1885 [1884]. D.' K 1702 Same, germ. Garman und Worse. Autorisirte iibersetzung aus dem norwegischen von capt. V. Sarauw. Berlin. 1881. D. K 1702 Zwei freunde ; novellette. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v23 Kimball, R: Burleigh. The prince of Kashna. T. p. w. D. K 501 Romance of student life abroad. 2d ed. N. Y. 1853. D. K504 St. Leger. T. p. w. D. K 502 Undercurrents of Wall street. N. Y. 1862. S. K503 Same. T. p. w. S. K 503 Kincaid, Sir J: Random shots from a rifleman. Phila. 1835. D. K 551 King, C: The colonel's daughter, or Winning his spurs. Phila. 1883. D. K 576 Same, germ. Wer wird sie heimfiihren ? aus dem leben auf kalifoi-nischen grenzstatio- nen. Autorisirte iibers. Braunschw. 1885. 2v. inl. D. K576 Kitty's conquest. Phila. 1884. D. K 577 King, E: The gentle savage. Bost. 1883. D. K626 King, H. Brown's peccadillo. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vl2 King, Katherine. The bubble reputation. N. Y. 1878. Q. K601 Off the roll. N. Y. 1875. O. K 602 Our detachment. N. Y. 1875. O. K 603 Kingsley, C: Alton Locke, tailor and poet. T.p.w. D. K651 Same, an autobiography ; with prefatory memoir by T: Hughes and portrait. [Works, V. 3.J New ed. Lond. 1882. U. K651 Hereward the wake, " last of the english". Leipz. 1866. 2 v in 1. S. K 652 Same. [Works, v. 11.] Lond. 1881. D. K 652 Hypatia, or New foes with an old face. Leipz. 1857. 2 V. in 1. S. K 653 Same. N. Y. 1883. D. K 653 Same. Lond. 1883. D. K 653 Same, germ. Hypatia, oder Neue feinde mit altem gesicht. In's deutsche iibertragen von Sophie von Gilsa ; mit einem vorwort von C. K: J. Bunsen. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1878. 2 V. in 1. D. K 653 Two years ago. Lond. 1875. D. K 654 Same. [Works, v. 8.1 Lond. 1879. D. K 654 The water-babies ; a fairy tale for a land baby. 111. Lond. 1879. D. Kx 401 Same, ed. and abridged by J. H. Stickney. [Classics for children. 111.] Bost. 1884. D. Kx 402 Westward ho ! the voyages and adventiires of sir Amy as Leigh, knight, of Burrough in the countj; of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty queen Elizabeth. Bost. 1855. D. K 665 Same. [Works, v. 6.] N. Y. 1883. D. K 655 X denotee books specially adapted for children. tTO dl. 813, Authors. lilTiEJRAttrllE iPICtClON. Kingsley, C Kompert. Kingsley , C .Continued . Yeast ; a nroblem. Lond. 1875. D. K 656 Same. [Works, v. 2.] Lond. 1881. D. K 656 Kingsley, H: The Harveys. Lond. 1872. D. K701 The Hillyars and the Burtons ; a story of two families. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. K 702 Leighton Court ; a country house story. Leipz. 1866. S. K 703 The lost child. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vlO Ravenshoe. Leipz. 1862. 2 v. in 1. S. K 704 The recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn. Leipz. 1864. 2 V. in 1. S. K 705 Reginald Hetherege. Leipz. 1874. 2. v. in 1. S K 708 Silcote of Silcotes. Bost. 1867. O. K 706 Stretton. T. p. w. [Bost.] O. K 707 Same. N. Y. 1869. O. K 707 Kingston, W: H. G. Arctic adventures. 111. Lond. 1882. D. Kx451 Dick Cheveley ; his adventures and misad- ventures. 111. Phila. 1884. D. Kx 457 From powder-monkey to admiral. 111. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. Kx 455 In the eastern seas, or The regions of the bird of paradise ; a tale for boys. Lond. 1872. D. Kx458 In the wilds of Florida ; a tale of warfare and hunting. 111. Lond. 1880. D. Kx 452 The missing ship, or Notes from the log of the " Ouzel" galley. 111. Lond. w. d. D. Kx 459 On the banks of the Amazon, or A boy's jour- nal of his adventures in the tropical wilds of South America. N. Y. 1884. D. Kx 467 Peter Trawl, or The adventures of a whaler. 111. N. Y. 1882. I). Kx 453 Rob Nixon, the old white trapper ; a tale of central british North America. N. Y. 1866. S. Kx 460 Roger Willoughby, or The times of Benbow ; a tale of the sea and land. 111. Lond. 1881. D. Kx 454 The three admirals, and the adventures of their young followers. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. Kx462 The thrde lieutenants, or Naval life in the 19th century. N. Y. n. d. D. Kx 463 Voyage of the "Steadfast." Bost. n. d. D. Kx465 "Will Weatherhelm ; the yarn of an old sailor about his early life and adventures. 111. New enl. ed. >T. Y. n. d. D. Kx 466 Kinkel, J: Gottfried. A family feud. /7^ Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vll Kip, Leonard. Nestlenook ; a tale. N. Y. 1880. S. K 801 "mas has come." In Stories by american authors. S 35 v9 Kirk, Ellen W., horn Olney. Clara and Bebe. Phila. 1879. S. K 851 Fairy gold ; a novel. [Anon.] Phila. 1883. O. K855 A lesson in love. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1881. S. K 854 Love in idleness : a summer story. Phila. 1877. O. K852 A midsummer madness. Bost. 1884. S. K 856 Through winding ways. Phila. 1880. O. K 853 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda, {Mrs. Mary Clavers). Forest life by the author of "Anew home," N. Y. 1842. 2 V. D. K 752 A new home who'll follow ? or Glimpses of western life by Mrs. Mary Clavers, an ac- tual settler. 4th ed., rev. by the author, 111. N. Y. 1850. S. K 751 Western clearings. N. Y. 1848. D. K 753 Kjelland, A. L., see Kielland. Kleinsteuber, Hermann. Ein nordischer Riche- lieu -, historischer original-roman. Jena. 1867. S. K901 Schach dem konig ; historischer roman. Jena. 1867. S. K 902 Kleist, H: V. Michael Kohlhaas. 7% Oxenford, J: Tales from the german. O 1001 Klencke, F: Hermann, (Hermann v. Maltitz). Der adept zu Helmstedt ; historischer ro- man. Leipz. 1851. 4 V. S. K951 Swammerdam, oder Die otfenbarung der na- tur ; ein kultur-historischer roman. Leipz. 1864. S. K 952 Knapp, S: Lorenzo. The bachelors and other tales, founded on american incidents and character. N. Y. 1836. D. K 1001 Tales of the garden of Kosciusko. N. Y. 1834. D. K 1002 KnatchbuU-Hugessen, E: H., see Hugessen, E: H. Knatchbull-. Knickerbocker, Diedrich, jgscud. see Irving, Washington. Knorring, Friherrinnan Sophia Margaretha, horn Zelow. The peasant and his landlord. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N.y. 1855. D. K 1051 Same, germ. Der kiithner und seine familie ; schwedische dorfgegchichten. Aus dem schwedischen iibers, von C: Stein. Stuttg. 1846. 2v. T. K 1051 Skizzen. Aus dem scewedischen von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. in 1. T. K 1052 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 76. Knox, T: Wallace. Hunting adventures on land and sea : 1. The young Nimrods in North America ; 2. The young Nimrods around the world; a booli for boys. N. Y. 1881, 1882. 2 V. O. Kx 501 The voyage of the Vivian to the north pole and beyond ; adventures of two youths in the open polar ^ea. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1885. [1884]. O. Kx502 Kohn, Salomon. Gabriel ; roman. 2te aull. Jena. 1875. 2 v. in 1. D. K 1101 Die silberne hochzeit ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. K 1102 Kompert, Leopold. Bohmische juden. Ham- burg. J866. 2 V. S. K 1201 Same. Prag. 1860. S. K 1201 ContentB, see Deutscher katalog, p. 76. Geschichten einer gasse ; novellen. Berlin. 1865. 2 V. S. K 1202 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 76. Ghetto-geschichten ; novellen. Hamburg. 1866. 2 V. S. K 1203 Same. Neue geschichten aus dem Ghetto. Prag. 1860. 2 v. D. K 1203 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 76. Scenes from the ghetto ; studies of Jewish life. Tr. from the german. Lond. 1882. D. K 1205 The Kandar's Contents. Schlemiel. Old Babele. children. Without authorisation. Eine verlorene. N. Y. 1883. F. K1204 at denotes books specially adapted for children. 781 KOnig La Motte . LITEBATTJHE FICTION . CI. 813, Authors. 782 KOnig, Ewald A:, {Ernst Kaiser). Auf der hahn des verbrechens : roman in 4 b. N. Y. 1881. F. K 1252 Der goldene scliatz aus dem dreissigjiihrigen kriege ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. K 1257 Das grosse loos ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. K 1254 Die hand der Nemesis. N.Y. 1881. F. K 1251 Das kind Bajazzos. N. Y. 1881. F. K 1253 Fine million. N. Y. 1881. F. K 1256 Schuld und suhne ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. K 1258 Um ehre und leben ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. K 1255 KOnig, H: Joseph. Marianne, oder um liebe lei- den. Frankfurt a. M. 1858. 2 v. S. K 1301 KOnig, Theodor. Luther und seine zeit. Leipz. 1861. 8v. S. K 1351 KOstlin, Christian Reinhold, (C Reinhold). Die karfreitags - christen ; novelle. Bremen. 1848. S. K 1376 Die kinder der fremde. Bremen. 1847. S. K 1377 Real und ideal. Bremen. 1847. S. K 1378 Kouns, Nathan Chapman. Arius the libyan ; an idyl of the pi'imitive church. \Anon.'] N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. K 1752 Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. K 1751 Kronhelm, H., see Wilke, H. Kiiline, A:, {Johannes van Bewail). Aus meinen kadettenjahren ; lose blatter. Stuttgart. 1877. D. D 1201 Don Enrique de Ramiro. Breslau. 1877. D. D 1202 Else Hohen thai ; roman. Stuttg. 1878. D. D 1203 Far from home. From the german by Kathrine Hamilton. Bost. [1884]! D. ' " D 1210 Ein friihlingstraum ; roman. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1878. D. D 1204 Der gordische knoten ; roman. 2te auti. Stuttg. 1880. D. D 1205 Graumann ; ein roman aus kleinen kreisen. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1878. 2 v. in 1. D. D 1206 Fine grosse dame ; novelle. Stuttg. 1875. 2 v. in 1. D. D 1207 Same, eng. A great lady. From the german by M. S. Phila. 1874. O. D 1207 Kadettengeschiehten ; erinnerungen aus mei- nen kadettenjahren. Stuttg. 1878. D. D 1208 Der ulan ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. D 1209 Kiiline, F: Gustav. Die freimaurer ; eine fami- liengeschichte aus dem vorigen jahrhun- dert. Frankfurt a. M. 1855. S. K 1451 Kurnberger, Ferdinand. Der Amerika-miide ; amerikanisches kulturbild. Frankfurt a. M. 1855. S. K 1551 Klirschner, Lola, (Ossip Sehubin). Our own set ; a novel. From the german by Clara Bell, rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1884. S. K 1476 Schneeglockchen ; eine novellette. In Vier- teljahrl. mag. V 2 v28 Kurz, Hermann. Schiller's heimatjahre. Stuttg. 1859. 2 V. S. K 1501 Der "sonnenwirth" ; schwiibische volksge- schichte aus dem vorigen jahrhundert. Frankfurt a. M. 1855. D. K 1502 Der weihnachtsfund ; ein seelenbild aus dem schwJibischen volksleben. Frankftirt. a. M. 1856. T. K 1503 L., A. V. Am hofe von Neapel ; historischer ro- man aus der gegenwart. Celle. 1861. 3 v. S. L 101 Am hofe von Rom ; historischer roman aus der neuzeit. Leipz. 1866. 3 v. S. L 102 L., L. E., see Landon, Laatitia Elizabeth. La Bedollidre, Emile Gigault de. The story of a cat. Tr. from the french by T: Bailey Aldrich. 111. Bost. 1879. O. Lx 101 Labor and love ; a tale of english life. Bost. 1853. D LI Laboulaye, E: Rene Lefebvre de. Abdallah, or The four-leaved shamrock. Tr. by Mary L. Booth. Lond. 1878. T. ' L 151 Fairy tales. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. O. Lx 701 Last fairy tales. Authorized trans, by Mary L. Booth. 111. N. Y. 1885 [18841. D. Lx 7052 More old wives' fables. 111. N. Y. 1885 [18841. D. Lx 703 Lacroix, Paul, {P. L. Jacob, le hibliophile). Die beiden hofnarren ; historischer roman. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1848. T. L201 Die katakomben von Rom. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1846. T. L 202 Laffan, May, see Hartley, May. Lakeman, Mary. Ruth Eliot's dream ; a stoi-y for girls. 111. Bost. 1883 [1882]. S. Lx 126 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie L: de. Genevieve, or The history of a servant girl. Tr. from the french by A. R. Scoble. Lond. 1850. D. L301 Same, germ, Genovefa, die magd ; volkserziih- lung. Aus dem franzosischen. Stuttg. 1850. T. L 301 Graziella ; a story of Italian love. Tr. from the french by James B. Runnion. Chicago. 1876. D. L 302 Raphael ; eine liebesgeschichte. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1849. T. L 303 Same. Gedenkbliitter aus dem zwanzigsten jahre. Uebers. von F. Miiller. Stuttg. 1850. S. L303 The stone-mason of Saint Point ; a village tale. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1859. D. L 304 Same, germ. Der steinhauer von Saint Point ; liindliche erzahlung. Leipz. 1859. S. L304 Lamber, Juliette, see Adam, Juliette. La Motte Fouque, F: H: K: haron de. Ausge- wiihlte novellen, erziihlungen, schauspiele undgedichte. Halle. 1841. 4 v. T. L 351 Conterits, see Deutscher katalog, p. 77. The bottle imp. In Popular romances. P2126vl Same, see below The vial-genie. The collier family, or Red-mantle and the merchant. In Miniature romances. M2776 The four seasons. 111. Lond. 1875. D. L 358 Contents. Undine. The two captains. Slntram. Aslauga's knight. Same. Undine, and other tales. Tr. by F. E. Bunnett. Leipz. 1867. S. L 358 Minstrel love ; a romance. 111. Lond. 1877. D. L356 Romantic fiction. 111. Lond. 1876. S. L 357 Contents. The eajfle and the lion. The vow. The unknown patient.- The victor's wreath. Berthold. Rose. Eugenia. The privy councillor.- The lantern In the castle-yard. The prince's sword. The siege of Algiers. Head-master Rhenfried. Sintram und seine gefiihrten. Halle. 1841. T. L352 denotes books specially adapted for children. 783 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. La Motte Lautenschlager. 784 La Motte rouqu6, F: H: K: de. Continued. Thiodolf, the Icelander. From the german. N. Y. n. d. D. L 353 Same. Lond. 1877. S. L 353 Undine, eine erzahlung. N. Y. 1846. S. L 354 Same. Halle. 1841. T. L 354 Sam,e, eng. In Miniature romances. M 2776 Same, see also above The four seasons. The vial-genie and mad farthing. In Minia- ture romances. M 2776 Der zauberring ; ein ritterroman. Braunschw. 1855. 3v.T. L355 Same, eng. The magic ring ; a knightly ro- mance. 111. Lond. 1876. D. L 355 see also Roscoe, T: German novelists. Lander, Meta, pseud. , see Lawrence, Mai-garette Woods. Lander, Sir T: Dick. The story of Farquharson of Inverey. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 Landor, Walter Savage. Pericles and Aspasia. Phila. 1839. 2 v. O. L 426 Same. In his Works. 820.2 : 15 v5 Landt, W. H., ed. Album der erinnerungen; mit beitriigen von Josef Bayer, L: Bowisch, und anderen. 2ter jahrg. Prag. 1856. S. L451 Lang, Andrew. The princess Nobody ; a tale of fairy-land. 111. N. Y. [1884]. O. Lx 601 Lang, Mrs. Andrew. Dissolving views. N. Y. 1884. S. L 401 Langbein, A: F:, see Roscoe, T: German novel- ists. Lange, Ei*nst Philipp, (Philipp Oalen). Andreas Burns und seine familie ; geschichtliches lebensbild aus dem deutsch-danischen kriege in den jahren 18481850. Leipz. 1858. 4 v. S. L 501 Der erbe von Bettys-Ruh. Leipz. 1866. 4 v. S, L502 Der friedensengeL Berlin. 1870. 3 v. S. L503 Fritz Stilling ; erinnerungen aus dem, leben eines arztes. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1858. 4 v. S. L508 Der inselkonig. Leipz. 1857. 5 v. S. L 504 Der irre von St. James ; aus dem reisetage- buche eines arztes. 6te aufl. Leipz. [1878]. 4v. inl. S. L507 Jane, die judin. Berlin. 1867. 3 v. S. L 505 Nach zwanzig jahren. Leipz. 1864. 3 v. S. L606 Der pechvogel, and andere erzilhlungen ; mit einer einleitung von Hans Ziegler. Stuttg. [1883]. D. L509 Includes, Onkel Bispink. Elne partie nach der Suleck. Langer, Anton. Die carbonari in Wien, oder Der mann mit der Weissen leber ; charac- terbild aus dem Wiener leben. Pesth. 1857. 2v. S. L551 Lankenau, H. v. Ein roman aus der vornehmen russischen gesellschaft. N. Y. 1883. F. L2251 Lanza, Clara marchesa, born Hammond. Mr. Perkins' daughter. N.Y. 1881. S. L 601 La Roch^re, Mme. lacomtesse, or Mile. Eugenie, pseud., see Dutheil, Eugenie. Last of the Huggermuggers, The : a giant story. 111. Bost. W. O. Lx 11 Lathrop, G: Parsons. Afterglow. (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. L 651 An echo of passion. Bost. 1882. D. L 654 In the distance , a novel. Bost. 1883. S. L 653 Lathrop, G: Parsons. Continued. Newport. N. Y. 1884. S. L 655 Somebody else. Bost. 1878. T. L 652 True, and other stories. N. Y. 1884. D. L 656 Inchules. Major Barring-ton's marriajfe. "Bad pep- pers." Three bridges. In each other's shoes. Two purse companions. In Stories by ameri- can authors. S 35 v3 Latimer, Mary Elizabeth, born Wormeley. Amabel, or Amor omnia vincit ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. L 676 Latter-day saint, A ; being the story of the conversion of Ethel Jones, related by herself. N. Y. 1884. S. L 9 Lautenschlager, Ottmar. Agathe und Corona, Oder Die frauen vom guten hirten ; eine erzahlung fiir christliche familien.besonders fiir sorgsame eltern, erwachsene tochter, lehrerinnen, iugendfreunde, schulbibliothe- ken, etc. 111. Augsburg. 1858. S. With his Lorenz. L 2305 Amai-anthen ; erzilhlungen fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk. 111. Augs- burg. 1862. D. With Ambach, E. Der menschenhiindler. L 2303 Contents. Der chrlstabend. Das t'rohnleichnams- fest. Ehre vater und mutter ; eine erzahlung iiber das vierte gebot fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk. 111. i^ugsburg. 1858. S. L2301 Die erzilhlungen des priestei's Ottmar fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk ; mit einer vorrede von Franz Seraph Hiigls- perger. 111. 3te aufl. Augsburg. 1852. S. With his Wolfram. L 2304 Contents. Deodats priifungen. Die todtenmesse. Anselni der bettler. Lorenz ; die wege der giittlichen liebe unil gerechtigkeit; eine erziihlung fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk. 111. Augs- burg. 1858. S. L2305 Malven ; erzilhlungen fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk. 2te aufl. 111. Augsburg. 1858. S. With Ids Ptingstrosen. L 2302 Contents. Die christnacht. Die wanderschaft. Mathilde ; aus dem leben eines frommon kindes ; eine erziihlung fiir christliche ju- fend und christliches volk. 111. Augs- urg. 1860. S. With 7iis Ehre vater und mutter. L 2301 Pfingsti-osen ; erzilhlungen fiir christliche ju- fend und christliches volk. 2te aull. 111. ugsburg. 1855. S. L 2302 Contents. Die Bihel, Oder Der welhnachtsabend. Der rosenkranz. oder Die rettung. Der acker im buchenwalde. Verachte niemanden. Der knabc Inlgo. Das christkindlein. Das joliannesfest. Treue vind barmherzigkeit ; eine erziihlung fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk. 3te durcligesenene aufl. Augsburg. 1857. D. With Ambach, E: Der menschen- hiindler. L 2303 Violen ; erzilhlungen fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk. 111. Augsburg. 185;J. D. With Ambach, E: Der menschen hilndler. L 2303 Contents. Das hiiubchen. Rosalie. Das g-erlclit.- Anton und Ferdinand. Wolfram, oder Die wunderbare taufpathin, Cassilda, die mohrenf iirstin von Toledo ; zwei erzilhlungen fiir christliche jugend und christliches volk ; mit einem empfeh- lenden vorwort von Joh. Evang. Stadler. 2tc aufl. 111. Aubsgurg. 1856. S. L 2304 : denotes books specially adapted for children. 785 Lawless Lessmann. LITEBATTJIIE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 786 Lawless, The hon. Emily. A Chelsea house- holder. [Anon.] (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. L 2351 A millionaire's cousin. (Leisure hour ser.) N. 1885. S. L 2352 Lawrence, G: Alfred. Anteros. N. Y. 1874. O. L701 Barren honour. N. Y. n. d. O. L 702 Brakespeare, or The fortunes of a free lance. N. Y. 1877. O. L703 Breaking a butterfly, or Blance Ellerslie's end- ing. 111. Phila. 1875. S. L 704 Guy Livingstone, or "Thorough." N. Y. 1878. Q. L705 Hagarene. N. Y. 1875. O. L 706 Maurice Dering, or The quadrilateral. N. Y. 1876. O. L 707 Sword and gown. Bost. 1860. S. L 708 Lawrence, Margaretta Woods, {Meta Lander). Esperance. T.p.w.D. L 751 Lawrence, Uncle, pseud. Young folks' ideas ; a story. 111. Phila. 1885 [1884]. O. TJx 202 Yoving folks' whys and wherefores ; a story. Phila. 1884. [1883]. O. TJx 201 Lax, L: Bilder aus den Niederlanden. Aachen. 1838. L 576 Lean, Mrs. Francis, see Church, Florence. Leander, R:, pseud., see Volkmann, R: Lebensbilder ; scenen und erzahlungen fiir volk und jugend. Nach dem iranz. 111. Regensb. 1874. S. T2451 Ledyard, Laura W. Very young americans. 111. Bost. 1873. S. Lx 151 Lee, Alice G., pseud., see Haven, Emily. Lee, Eliza, bor7i Buckminster. Parthenia, or The last days of paganism. Bost. 1858. S. L801 Lee, Hannah F., bo7'n Sawyer. Elinor Fulton. Bost. 1837. T. L 826 Lee, Harriet and Sophia. Canterbury tales. N. Y. 1865. 3v. D. L851 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Lee, H. The landlady's tale: Mary Lawson. The friend's tale: Stanhope. The wife's tale: Julia. The traveller's tale: Mont- ford. The poet's tale: Arundel. The old woman's tale: Lothaire, a legend. 2. The german's tale: Kruitzner. The Scotsman's tale: Claudine. The frenchman's tale: Constance. The officer's tale: Cavendish. 3. Lee, S. The clergyman's tale: Pem- broke. The young lady's tale: The two Emilys. Same, v. 2. N. Y. 1857. D. L 851 v2 Lee, Holme, pseud., see Parr, Harriet. Lee, Mary and Catherine. Rosamond Fane, or The prisoners of St. James. 111. Lond. n. d. D. Lx 226 Lee, Mary Susanna, Joint author, see Awdry, Frances. Lee, Sarah, born Wallis, formerly mrs. Bowditch. The african crusoes, or The adventures of Carlos and Antonio. Bost. n. d. D. Lx251 The australian wanderers, or The adventures of captain Spencer, his horse and dog. 111. Bost. 71. d. D. Lx 252 Lee, Vernon, pseud., see Paget, Violet. Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. All in the dark. JST. Y. 1866. O. L 901 Same. New ed. Lond. n. d. D. L 901 The house by the churchyard. N. Y. 1866. 3 V. in 1. D. L 902 The tenants of Malory. T.p.w.O. L 903 Lefebvre, Rene, pseud., see Laboulaye, E: Rene Lefebvre de. Leggett, W: The block-house ; a western story. [Anon.] In Tales of Glauber-Spa. T 186 Leighton, Alexander. The burgher's tales. In "Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 V21-23 Contents. 1. The house in Bell's Wynd. 2. The an- cient bureau. 3. The brownie of the West Bow. The lawyer's tales. In the same. W2202 v21, 23 Contents. 1. The woman with the white mice. 2. Lord Kames's puzzle. 3. The story of Mysie Craig. The old chronicler's tales. Bi the same. W 2202 vl4, 15 Contents. 1. The prince of Scotland. 2. The death of James I. 3. The death of James III. The surgeon's tales. In the same. "W 2202 Contents. V. 2. 1. The cured ingrate. 3. 2. The diver and the bell. 5. 3. The conscience stricken. 6. 4. The somnambulist of Redcleugh. 8. 5. The cherry stone. 6. The hen wife. 7. The artist. 11. 8. The suicide. 12. 9. The three letters. 10. The glassback. 15. 11. The case of evidence. 17. 12. The bereaved. 13. The condemned. 18. 14. The monomaniac. 21. 15. The wager. In the same. W2202 [Tales]. Contents. The abduction, v. 9. The amateur law- yers, V. 7. The amateur robbery, v. 22. The avenger, V. 19. The barley bannock, v. 20. The bride of Bell's Tow. V. 21. The bride of Bramblehaugh, v. 18. Caleb Crabbin, v. 10. Christie of the Cleek, v. 9. The cler- ical murderer, v. 15. The contrast of wives, v. 11. The cradle of Logie, v. 23. The crooked Comyn, v. 10. The detective's tale : The chance question, v. 21. The diamond eyes, v.22. The dominie of St. Fillan's, V. 20. The double-bedded room, v. 5. The droich, v. 7. Duncan Schulebred's vision of judgement, v. 5. - The faithful wife, v. 23. Geordie Willison, v. 6. The girl forger, v. 23. Gustavus Mclver, v. 19. Har- den's revenge, v. 8. Hogmany, v. 17. Hume and the governor of Berwick, v. 17. Kate Kennedy, v. 1. Laird Rorieson's will, v. 18. The legend of fair Kir- connel, v.9. A legend of Holyrood. v. 14. The Linton lairds, v. 4. Lord Durie and Christie's will, v. 2. The maiden feast of Cairnkibbie, v. 4. Mike Maxwell, v. 12. The miser of New-abbey, v. 20. Mr. S: Ramsey Thriven, v. 16. Prescription, v. 1. The romance of the siege of Perth, v. 10. Roseallan's daughter, v. 13. The spoi'tsman of Outfleldhaugh, v. 19. The story of Mary Brown, v. 23. The story of the pelican, v. 23. The ten of diamonds, v. 22. The trials of Menie Dempster, v. 13. The two red slippers, v. 23. Leila-Hanoum, pseud., see Piazzi, Adrienne. Lennep, Jakob van. Charietto, tmd Das sach- sische wesen ; zwei historische novellen. Aus dem holliindischen. Aachen. 1840. S. L951 Die friesen in Rom ; ein historischer roman. Aus dem hollandischen. Aachen. 1840. S. L952 Le Sage, Alain Rene. The adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Tr. from the french by T. Smollett ; prefixed. Memoirs of the author. Hartford. 1847 ; Bost. 1865. 3 v. D. L 1001 Same. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. L 1001 The bachelor of Salamanca. Tr. from the french by J. Townsend. Phila. 1854. 2 v. S. L 1002 Der hinkende teufel. Aus dem franz. von D. Barrasch. Berlin. 1857. D. L 1003 Same. Deutsch von Levin Schiicking. Hild- burgh. 1866. 3 v. in 1. D. L 1003 Same. Mit einer einleitung von Ferdinand Lotheissen. Stuttg. [1881]. D. L 1003 Lessmann, Daniel. Das wanderbuch eines schwermiithigen. [2ter t. , aus den von Dan- iel Lessmann hinterlassenen papieren, fort- fesetzt von A: Ellrich.] Berlin. 1831. 3 v. L 1062 denotes books specially adapted for children. 787 CI. 813, Authors. LMERATTTRE IflCTlOir. Lever Lindau. 788 Lever, C: James. Arthur O'Leary, his wander- ings and ponderings in many lands, ed. by his friend Harry Lorrequer. Leipz. 1847. 3v.ini. S. LllOl Barrington. Leipz. 1863. 2 v. in 1. S. L 1102 The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Leipz. 1868. 2v. ml. S. L 1103 Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon. Leipz. 1848. 3v. in3. S. L 1104 Same. T. p. w. O. L 1104 The confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias. Leipz. 1860. 2 V. in 1. S. L 1105 The Daltons, or Three roads in life. Leipz. 1852. 4v. in2. S. L 1106 Davenport Dunn, or The man of the day. Leipz. 1859. 3 v. in 2. S. L 1107 A day's ride ; a life's romance. Leipz. 1864. 2v.ini. S. L1108 The Dodd family abroad. Leipz. 1854. 3 v. in 2. S. L 1109 The fortunes of Glencore. Leipz. 1857. 2 v. in I. S. LlllO The confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Leipz. 1847. 2v.ini. S. L 1111 Hero worship and its dangers. In Tales from Blackwood. T177v8 Horace Templeton : an autobiography. Phila. II. d. O, L 1112 How Frank Thornton was cured. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vlO Jack Hinton, the guardsman. Leipz. 1849. 2v. inl. S. L1113 The knight of Gwynne ; a tale of the time of the union. Leijpz. 1847. 3 v. in 2. S. L 1114 Lord Kilgobbin ; a tale of Ireland in our own time. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. L 1115 Luttrell of Arran. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. inl. S. L 1116 Same. 111. Lond. 1871. O. L 1116 Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. Leipz. 1861. ^v. inl. S. L 1117 Die Nevilles von Garretstown ; eine erziihlung aus dem jahre 1760. Deutsch von G: Fink. Stuttg. 1846. 2v. T. L 1118 The O'Donoghue, a tale of Ireland fifty years ago. Leipz. 1845. S. L 1119 Same, germ. O'Donoghue ; eine erziihlung aus Irland wie es vor fiinfzig jahren war. Deutsch von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1846. 2 v. S. L1119 One of them. Leipz. 1860. 2 v. in 1. S. L1120 Paul Gosselett's confessions in love, law and the civil service. With Ms St. Patrick's eve. L 1123 A rent in a cloud. Leipz. 1869. S. L 1121 Roland Cashel. Leipz. 1858. 3 v. in 1. S. L1122 St. Patrick's eve. Leipz. 1870. S. L 1123 Same, germ. Der St. Patricks-abend. Deutsch von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1846. T. L 1123 Sir Brook Fosbrooke. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. in 1. S. L 1124 Sir Jasper Carew, his life and experiences. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. S. L 1125 Some one pays. In Tales from Blackwood. T177vl2 That boy of Norcott's. Leipz. 1869. 8. L 1126 Same. New ed., ill. Lond. 1872. D. L 1126 Tom Burke of "ours". 111. N. Y. n. d. D. L 1127 Same, germ. Tom Burke ; ein roman aus der Lever, C: James. Continued. Napoleon'schen zeit. Aus dem englischen von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1845. 5 v. in 3. T. L1127 Tony Butler. Leipz. 1866. 2 v. in 1. S. L 1128 What I did at Belgrade. In Tales from Black- wood. T 177 v6 Lewald, Fanny, see Stahr, Fanny. Lewes, G: H: Ranthorpe. Leipz. 1847. T. L1151 Lewes, Marian, see Cross, Marian. Iiexow, Rudolph. Der rubin ; novelle aus dem New Yorker leben. N. Y. 1872. S. L 1201 Liddell, Catharine Christina, horn Fraser-Tytler. Jonathan. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. T 2301 Margaret. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. . rf. S. T2302 Mistress Judith ; a Cambridgeshire story. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1875. S. T 2303 Lie, Jonas Lauritz Edemil. The barque Future, or Life in the far north. Tr. by mrs. Ole Bull. Chicago. 1879. D. L 1251 Bilder aus Norwegen ; drei erziihlungen. Aus dem norwegiscnen von Philipp Schweitzer. Jena. 1878. D. L 1252 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 79. A norse love story ; The pilot and his wife. Tr. by mrs. Ole Bull. 2d ed. Chicago. 1877. t). L 1253 Liefde, J. B. de. The maid of Stralsund ; a story of the thirty years' war. Lond. 1876. O. L 1276 Lienhart, Fran9ois de. Der vicomte de Launay ; roman aus der zeit der ersten franzosi- schen revolution. Frei nach dem franz. von W. Schottlen. Stuttg. 1846. 3 v. S. L 1301 Lillie, Lucy Cecil. Mildred's bargain, and other stories. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. Lx 301 Includes, Aunt Ruth's temptation. Penelope. Marjorle's new-year's eve. Miss Holsover's "treas- ure". Scrap. -Nan. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. Lx 302 Pi-udence ; a story of aesthetic London. 111. N. Y. 1882. S. L 1326 Lilliput legends, by the author of "Lilliput levee." Lond. 1873. D. Lx 21 Lincoln, Jeanie T., born Gould. Her Washington winter. Best. 1884. D. L 1336 Marjorie's quest. 111. Bost. 1878. D. L 1337 Lindau, H: Gustav Paul. Kleine geschicliten. Leipz. 1873. 3 v. in 1. D. L 1351 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 79. Die kranke kcichin, Die liebe im dativ ; zwei ernsthafte geschichten. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1881. D. li 1352 Mayo; erziihlung. N. Y. 1884. F. L 1354 Wie ein lustpiel entsteht und vergeht. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1877. T. L 1353 Lindau, Rudolph. Erzahlungen und novellen. Berlin, n. d. 2 v. in 1. D. L 1402 Contents, see Deutscher katalog', p. 79. Gordon Baldwin. N. Y. 1878. S. L 1401 The philosopher's pendulum. With his Gordon Baldwin. L 1401 Same. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vlO Robert Ashton ; roman. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1879. 2v. in 1. D. L 1403 Stories and novels. Tr. from the german. Chicago. 1885. D. L 1404 Contents. Hans, the dreamer. All In vain. First love. denotes books specially adapted for children. 789 Linskill Lover . LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 790 Linskill, Mary. Between the heather and the northern sea ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. L 1426 Linton, Eliza Lynn. The atonement of Learn Dumdas. 111. Phila. 1876. O. L 1451 From dreams to waking. N. Y. 1877. O. L1452 lone. Lond. 1883. 2 v. in 1. D. L 1459 Same. lone Stewart ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. L1459 My love. N. Y. 1881. Q. L 1453 Simie. Leipz. 1881. 2 v. in 1. S. L 1453 Patricia Kemball. Phila. 1875. D. L 1454 The rebel of the family. N. Y. 1880. Q. L1455 The true history of Joshua Davidson. Phila. 1873. D. L 1456 Under which lord ? Leipz. 1880. 2 v, in 1. S. L1457 The world well lost. Phila. 1878. O. L 1458 Linz, Amelie, {Amelie Oodin). Mutter und sohn. N. Y. 1882. F. L 1476 Lippard, G: Legenden aus der amerikanischen revolution. Uebers. vou A. Strodtmann. Phila. 1858. O. L 1501 Lippincott, Sara Jane, born Clarke, [Orace Greenwood). History of my pets. 111. Bost. 1871. S. Lx402 Recollections of my childhood, and other stories. Bost. 1863. S. Lx 401 Stories for home-folks, young and old. N. Y. 1884. S. Lx403 Lips, Friederich Wilhelm, pseud., see Oertel, Philipp F: W: Litchfield, Grace Denio. The knight of the Black Forest. 111. N. Y. 1885. S. L 1226 Little sister. (Jfo name ser.) Bost. 1882. 8. L31 Lloyd, D:D. Ogla Moga. Jw Stories by amer- ican authors. S 35 v3 Lobedanz, Edmund Adolph Johannes. Ein neuer glaube ; biographisch-culturhistoi'i- scher roman. Frankfurt a. M. 1859. 3 v. D. L 1551 Lockhart, J: Gibson. Capt. Baton's lament. Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v5 Napoleon. In the same. T 176 vl Reginald Dalton. Edinburgh. 1849. S. L1601 Valerius ; a roman story. Edinburgh. 1856. D. L 1602 Lockhart, Lawrence W. M. Mine is thine. Leipz. 1878. 2v.ini. S. L 1651 A night with the volunteers of Strathkinahan. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v2 Unlucky Tim Griffin. In the name. T 177 v4 LOffler, K: Valentin Immanuel, (Dr. Tornow, De olle nilmdrker). Ut 't dorp ; lustige ver- tellungen van'n oll'n niimarker. Jena. 1868. S. TT2 Logan, Olive, see Sikes, Olive. Logan, Walter. Ellen Arundel. In Wilson, J: G. Tales of the borders. W 2202 v9 The recluse of the Hebrides. In the same. W 2202 v9 The story of Clara Douglas. In the same. W 2202 v4 Lohmann, Johanna Friderike, born Richter. Siimmtlicheerzahlungen; V. 1-5,7-13, 15-18. Leipz. 16 V. S. L 1751 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 79. Longfellow, H: Wadsworth. Hyperion; a ro- mance. Bost. 1855. S. L 1801 Longfellow, H: Wads^worih. Continued. Kavanagh ; a tale. Bost. 1855. D. L 1802 See also his Works. 820. 1:12 Contents, see under English literature. Collected works. Longstreet, A: Baldwin. Georgia scenes ; char- acters, incidents, etc., in tne first half cen- tury of the republic, by a native georgian. 111. N. Y. 1884. Q. &11 Same. T. p. w. [N. Y.] D. G 11 Lorenz, Wilhelmine. Emilie, oder So liebt ein deutsches herz, und Dergefundeneschleier; zwei erziihlungen. Leipz. 1827. S. L 1901 Er kehrt zuruck. Leipz. 1835. S. L 1904 Eine freundin Napoleons. Leipz. 1882. S. L1902 Friedi'ich's II. einzige liebe. Leipz. 1846. S. L1903 Olav, der danenprinz. Leipz. 1843. S. L 1905 Riesen- und Rosenburg ; ein roman aus dem vierzehnten jahrhundert. Leipz. 1838. 2 v. S. L 1906 Rue de Langlade. Leipz. 1848. 8. L 1907 Schloss Tornitz ; romantisches gemalde aus dem siebenzehnten jahrhundert. Leipz. 1841. 2 V. S. L 1908 Des stammes letzter. Leipz. 1851. 3 v.. S. L1909 Der libel grosstes ist die schuld ; wahrheit in romangewande. Leipz. 1839. 2 v. S. L1910 Vor einundfiinfzig jahren und heute. Leipz. 1845. 2v. S. L1911 Lorm, Hieronymus, pseud., see Landesmann, H: Lorrequer, 'Rkrvj, pseud., see "Lever, C: James. Lothar, pseud., see Roscoe, T: German novellists. Lothrop, Harriet Mulford, (Margaret Sidney). Five little peppers, and how they grew. 111. Bost. [1881]. D. Sx2001 A half year at Bronckton. 111. Bost. [1881]. D. Sx 2002 How they went to Europe. 111. Bost. [18841. S. Sx 2005 The Pettibone name ; a New England story. Bost. 1882. D. L 1926 What the seven did, or The doings of the Wordsworth club. 111. Bost. [1884] O. Sx 2004 Who told it to me. 111. Bost. [1883]. O. Sx 2003 Lottie Fames, or " Do your best and leave the rest." 111. N. Y. 1873. S. Lx 41 Lover, S: Barney O'Reirdon, the navigator. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v9 The fair^ finder. In the same. J 926 vl2 The gridiron. In the same. J 926 v9 Handy Andy : a tale of irish life. Phila. n. d. D. L1951 He would be a gentleman. N. Y. 1873. D. L 1952 Legends and stories of Ireland. N. Y. 1877. D. L 1953 Contents. The white horse of the Peppers; a legend of the Boyne. The Shebeen house. The curse of Klshogue. The burial of the tithe. Paddy the piper. The priest's ghost.- New potatoes; an irish melody. Paddy the sport. National minstrelsy. Barney O'Reirdon. King O'Toole and St. Kevin. Lough Corrib Ms. from the cabinet of Mrs. ; a legend of Cong. The battle of the Berrins. Father Roach. The priest's story. The king and the bishop. An es- say on fools. The devil's mill. The gridiron. The fairy finder. The Spanish boar and the Irish bull. Little Fairly.- Judy of Roundwood. Rory O'More. N. Y. 1877. D. L 1964 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 791 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATXTRE-FICTION. Loves Macdonald. 792 Loves of Manasseh and Nicanzo, The ; a tale of the jews. Lend. (l841]. S. L 41 Low, C: R. Cyril Hamilton ; his adventures by sea and land. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884J. D. Lx451 Lowell, Robert Traill Spence. Antony Brade. Bost. 1874. D. L 2001 The new priest in Conception Bay. Bost. 1878. 2 V. S. L 2002 A raft that no man made. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Same. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v8 Lubojatzky, Franz, {Franz Carton). Der alte Dessauer ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1867. 2v. S. C451 Ein ^etheiltes herz, oder Karl Theodor und seine zeit ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1858. 3 V. S. C 452 Johann Georg 1. von Sachsen ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. S. C 453 Der letzte deutsche kaiser nnd seine zeitgenos- sen ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1850. 4 v. S. C 454 Schloss Stolpen, oder Erinnerungen aus dem leben der griifin von Cassel ; historischer roman. Dresden. 1853. 3 v. S. L 2051 Lucy, H: W. Gideon Fleyce ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. L 2026 Ludlow, Fitz-Hugh. A brace of boys. In John- son, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl8 Little Brig^s and I. In the same. J 926 vll Little brother, and other genre pictures. Bost. 1867. D. L 2101 Includeg, Fleeing to Tarshish. Little Brigrgrs and I. A brace of boys. Ludwig, Julie. Mein ^rossoheim, und andre er- zjihlungen ; mit einer einleitung von H. v. Bequignolles. Stuttg. [1884]. D. L 2126 Includes, Das gerlcht im walde. Der schiefe turm. Ludwig, Otto, pseud, see Puttkammer, Emil ^ freifierr v. Lukin, James. The boy engineers, what they did and how they did it ; a book for boys. 111. N. Y. 1878. D. Lx 501 Lyster, Annette. Doctor L'Estrange ; a novel. N. Y. 1881. Q. L 2201 Same. Lond. 1882. 3 v. in 1. D. L 2201 Lytton, Lord, see Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Lytton, also Bulwer-Lytton, E: Robert. MacCallum, M. C, born Stirling, of Invermoy. Lond. 1879. The minister's son ; a novel. A true man. The Grahams t V. inl. D. S6052 N. Y. 1882. Q. S 6051 In Two tales of married life. C2905 McCarthy, Justin. The comet of a season. N. Y. 1881. Q Same. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. Dear lady Disdain. N. Y. 1876. O Donna Quixote. N. Y. 1879. Q. Same. 111. 2d ed. Lond. 1879. 3 v A fair saxon. N. Y. n. d. D. Linley Rochford. N. Y. 1874. O. Maid of Athens ; a novel. N. Y. Same. Lond. 188S Miss Misanthrope. 3 V. in 1. D. Leipz. 1878. Same. N. Y. 1877. O. M108 M108 MlOl M102 . in 1. D. M102 M103 M104 1883. Q. M 109 M109 V. in 1. S. M105 M105 McCarthy, 3\\sWn. Continued. My enemy's daughter. N. Y. 1869. O. M 106 Same. Lond. 1869. 3 v. in 1. D. M 106 Paul Massie. N. Y. n. d. D. M 107 The Waterdale neighbours. Leipz. 1868. 2 v. inl. S. M 110 McClellan, Harriet, born Hare, {Harford Flem- ming). A carpet knight ; novel. Bost. 1885. D. M 152 Cupid and the sphinx. N. Y. 1880. D. M 151 MacConnel, J: L. Talbot and Vernon. N. Y. 1850. D. M 201 McCray, Florine Thayer, and Esther Louise Smith. Wheels and whims ; an etching. [Anon.] 111. Bost. 1884. S. M 226 Macdonald, G: Adela Cathcart. Bost. . d. D. M251 Alec Forbes of Howglen. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. M252 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. Leipz. 1867. 2v. inl. S. M253 Same. N.Y. 1872. D. M 253 Same. T. p. w. D. M 253 Note. For continuation, see The seabord parish. At the back of the north wind. Lond. 1878. D. Mxl51 Same. Lond. 1884. D. Mx 151 David Elginbrod. Leipz. 1871. 2 v. in 1 S. M254 Dealings with the fairies. Lond. n. d. T. Mxl52 Contents. The light princess. The giant's heart. The shadows. Cross purposes. The golden key. Donal Grant. 111. Bost. [1883]. D. M 270 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. M 270 A double story. N. Y. n. d. T. Mx 155 Sam. The wise woman ; a parable. Lond. 1875. D. Mx 155 Guild Court ; a London story. N. Y. 1883. D. . M 271 Malcolm. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. M 255 Same. Phila. 1875. O. M 255 The marquis of Lossie. Leipz. 1877. 2v.ini. S. M256 Mary Marston. N. Y. 1881. D. M 257 Paul Faber, surgeon. Phila. 1879. O. M 258 Phantasies ; a fairy romance for men and women. Bost. n. d. D. M 259 Same. N. Y. n. d. D. M 259 The portent ; a story of the inner vision of the highlanders, commonly called second sight. Bost. n. d. D. M 260 Same. With his Phantastes. M 259 The princess and Curdle ; [a sequel to The princess and the goblins]. Lond. 1883 [1882]. D. Mx 156 The princess and the goblins. Lond. 1872. S. Mxl54 Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. Lond. n. d. S. Mxl53 Robert Falconer. Bost. n. d. D. St. George and St. Michael. N. Y. V. in 1. S. a sequel to M261 n. d. I). M262 M262 "Annals of Lond. 1884. D. M263 Note. For continuation, see The vicar's daughter. Sir Gibbie. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. in 1. S. M 264 Same. Phila. 1879. O. M 264 Thomas Wingfold, curate. N. Y. 1876. D. M265 Leipz. 1876. The seaboard parish a quiet neighbourhood ' denotes books specially adapted for children. 793 Macdonald Mairet. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 794 Macdonald, G: Continued. The vicar's daughter, an autobiographical story ; a sequel to "Annals of a quiet neighborhood " and ' ' The seaboard parish" . Bost. 1872. S. M 266 Same. Leipz. 1872. 2v. in-l. S. 10:266 Warlock o' Glen warlock. Bost. [1881] . D. M267 Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. M 267 Same. J^. t. [Bost. 1881]. O. M 267 Weighed and wanting ; a novel. Bost. [1883] . D. M 269 Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. M 269 Wilfrid Cumbermede ; an autobiographical story. Toronto. 1873. D. M 268 The wise woman, see above A double story. Macdonnell, Agnes. Quaker cousins. N. Y. 1879. Q. M301 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. M 301 McDowell, Katharine Sherwood, born Bonner, {Sherwood Bonner). Dialect tales. N. Y. 1883. O. Iff 326 Contents. The gentleman of Sarsar. On the nine- mile. Hieronymus Pop and the baty. Sister Weeden's prayer. Aunt Annlky's teeth. Dr. Jex's predicament. In aunt Mely's cabin. The case of Elizabeth Bleylock. The bran dance at the Apple settlement. Lame Jerry. Jack and the mountain pink. Suwanee river tales. III. Bost. 1884. S. Mxl76 Macfarlane, C: The romance of history. N. Y. 1832. 2v. D. M351 McGloin, Frank. Norodom, king of Cambodia ; a romance of the east. N. Y. 1882. D. M:376 Mcintosh, Maria Jane. Conquest and self- conquest, or Which makes the hero V N. Y. 1860. 8. Mx201 The cousins ; a tale of early life. N. Y. 1859. S. Mx 202 Evenings at Donaldson Manor, or The Christ- mas guest. N. Y. 1864. D. M 401 The lofty and the lowly, or Good in all and none all-good. N. Y. 1881. D. M 403 Two lives, or To seem and to be. N. Y. 1853. D. M 402 Mackamess, Matilda Anne Planche. The dream chintz. T.p.w. Mx251 McKay, James Thompson. Stella Grayland. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v7 Mackenzie, H: The story of La Roche. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v3 see also Ms Miscellaneous works. 829.2 : 23 McLean, Sarah Pratt. Cape Cod folks. Bost. 1881. D. M 461 Same. [Ist ed.] L Some other folks. Bost. 1884. D. M 453 Contents, Santa Maria. A career. The singular vote of Aut Tilbox. Sam Sperry's pension. Towhead; the story of a girl. Bost. 1883 [18821. D. M452 Macleod, Donald. The bloodstone. N. Y. 1853. D. M551 Pynnshurst ; his wanderings and ways of thinking. N. Y. 1852. D. M 552 Macleod, Norman. Character sketches. N. Y. 1876. S. M501 Contents. Billy Buttons. Our Bob. -Aunt Mary. T. T. Fitzroy, esq. Mr. Joseph Walker. The high- land witch. The old guard. The water-horse. A true ghost story. Job Jacobs and his boxes. Wee Davie. The gold thread ; a story for the young. III. Lond. 1866. S. Mx 276 A highland parish. T.p.w.^. M 502 Macleod, Norman. Uontinued. The old lieutenant and his son. Toronto. 1876. D. M 503 The starling. N. Y. n. d. S. M 504 Macnish, Robert. The metempsychosis. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v2 Macquoid, Katherine S. Beside the river. N. Y. 1881. Q. M 601 Same. Leipz. 1881. 2 v. in 1. S. M 601 Diane. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. M 602 Elinor Dryden. N. Y. 1878. Q. M 603 Same ; new ed. rev. and amended by the author. Lond. 1878. D. M 603 Esau Runswick. N. Y. 1882. S. M 609 Same. A faithful lover. Leipz. 1882. 2 v. in 1. S. M 609 Her sailor love. N. Y. 1883. S. M 610 Louisa ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. 2 v. D. M 611 Miriam's marriage. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. M604 My story. Leipz.'1875. 2v. inl. S. M 605 Patty. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. M 606 Pictures across the channel. Leipz. 1873. 2 V. inl. S. M607 Contents. V. 1. The fisherman of Auge. "Notre Jean". The street-sweeper of St. Roque. The be- ginning of Mimi's love. The Calvary of St. Sebastian. 2. "Poor dear Chuquet". Jeanne Dupont. The widow Merand. Victoire's faith. Madame Gerder's husband. The story of Frangoise. The mother of Jacques. Too soon ; a study of a girl's heart. Leipz. 1874. S. M608 Macy, W. H. There she blows ! or The log of the Arethusa. Bost. n. d. D. Mx 301 Madame Lucas. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1883. S. Ml Madchen von Grenoble, Das ; eine erzahlung aus der ersten halfte des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. Nach dem franzosischen frei umgearbeitet von Julius Glaubrecht. III. Regensburg. 1873. S. With Herchen- hach, W : Die wiedergefundene tochter. H2781 Madoc, Fayr, pseud.'i The story of Melicent. N. Y. 1883. Q. M626 Mag ; a story of today. N. Y. 1878. O. M 6 Maga stories. N. Y.1867. S. P 2801 Contents. Putnam, Mary Corinna. Found and lost. Perkins, F: Beecher. My three conversations with miss Chester. O'Brien, Fitz James. Mrs. Mac- simum's bill. The feast of the cranberries. Quincy, Josiah Phillips. ToUiwotte's ghost and Professor Phantillo. The mormon's wife. Stoddard, R: H: The rich merchant of Cairo. The legend of Goodman Poverty. Perkins, F: B. The double veil. Curtis, L. My husband's mother. Pratt, G. The old woman who dried up and blew away. Bethune, G: Wash. The ambassador in spite of himself. Brigrgs, C: F: Elegant Tom Diller. Yotmgr, W: A toss-up for a husband. Uncle Bernard's story. How I came to be married. Same. Found and lost, and other maga stories. NY. 1868. 8. P2801 Maginn, W: Tom Burke's duel with ensign Brady. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v3 Magruder, Julia. Across the chasm. [Anon.A N. Y. 1885. D. M5051 Maidment, James The cateran of Lochloy. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 v7 The heir of Inshannock. In the same. W 2202 vl2 Mortlake. Inthe.^ame. W 2203 v3 Same. In the same. W 2202 v8 Mairet, Jeanne, psetid., see Bigot, Mary. denotes books specially adapted for children. 795 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATTTRE FICTION. Maitland-Marryat, Fr. 796 Maitland, E :, {Herbert Ainslie). By and by ; a historical romance of the future. N. Y. 1874. D. M 637 Higher law : a romance. N. Y. 1872. D. M:638 The pilgrim and the shrine, or Passages from the life and correspondence of Herbert Ainslie. Lond. 1871. D. M 636 Majendie, Lady Margaret Elizabeth. Gian- netto. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. M:651 A railway journey. In Tales from Black- wood. T 177 v6 Malet, Lucas, pseud., see Harrison, Mrs. W: Mallock, W : Hurrell. The new Paul and Vir- ginia, or Positivism on an island. N. Y. 1878. D. M 701 The new republic, or Culture, faith and phil- osophy in an english country house. N. Y. 1878. b. M 702 Malory, Sir T: Morte d' Arthur ; sir T: Malory's book of king Arthur and of his noble knights of the round table. The original ed. of Caxton rev. for modern use with an introd. by sir E: Strachey. Lond. 1876. D. 813:7 Malot, Hector H: No relations. From the french by May Laffan. Phila. 1880. S. M801 Malser, Hans, pseud., see B-osegger, P. K. Maltitz, Hermann v., pseud., see Klencke, F: Hermann. Mand, J. E., pseud., see Grossheim, Julie. Man's a man for a' that, A. N. Y. 1879. S. M 7 Man proposes. Bost. 1880. D. M 8 Mancini-Pierantoni, Grazia, see Pierantoni, Grazia. Manning, Anne. The chronicle of Ethelfled. [Anon:\ Lond. 1861. D. M 855 Cherry and Violet ; a tale of the great plague. N. Y. 1866. S. M 851 The household of sir Thomas More. [Anon.l 4th ed. with an app. Lond. 1860. S. M853 The maiden and married life of Mary Powell, afterwards mistress Milton. N. Y. 1852. S. M852 Passages in the life of the faire gospeller mis- tress Anne Askew, recounted by ye un- worthie pen of Nicholas Moldwarp, B. A. N. Y. 1866. D. M 854 Manzoni, Alessandro. I promessi sposi, or The betrothed ; a romance of the 17th century. Baltimore. 1861. S. M 901 Same, germ. Die verlobten ; eine mailiin- dische geschichte aus dem 17. jahrhundert aufgefunden uud erneut. Aus dem ita- lienischen iibers. von Emilie Schroder ; eingel. von H. Th. Rotscher. Hildburgh. 1867. 2 V. in 1. D. M 901 Maquet, A: Herzensschulden. Aus dem franz. von G. Fink. S.tuttg. 1857. T. M3451 Marana, Giovanni Paolo. The eight volumes of letters writ by a turkish spy, who lived 45 years undiscovered at Paris ; giving an impartial account to the divan at Constan- tinople of the most remarable transactions of Europe and discovering several intri- gues and secrets of the christian courts, especially that of France, continued from the year 1637 to the year 1682. Written originally in arabick, tr. into italian, from thence into english and now publ. with a large historical preface and index to illus- trate the whole, by the translator of the 1st vol. Lond. 1748. 8 v. 8. M 951 Marbach., Gotthard Oswald, ed. Geschichte von der sch5nen Magelone und dem ritter Peter mit den silbernen'schliisseln. N. Y. 1864. 8. ' M 976 March, Walter, pseud., see Willcox, Orlando B. March, Wenzeslaus, pseud., see Messenhauser, Casar Wenzel. Marggraf, Hermann. Fritz Beutel, eine miinch- hauseniade. Frankfurt, a. M. 1856. D. MllOl Marguerite's journal ; a story for girls with an editorial introd. by Miriam Harris. N. Y. 1875. D. Mx 11 Maria, pseud, see Brentano, Clemens. Marjory Graham ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. S. M 5 Markham, R : Around the yule log ; herein are recorded the doings of live boys and five girls on a visit to the sea at chi'isttnastide, together with many stories and ballads for young patriots. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. Mx 352 On the edge of winter. N. Y. [1881]. O. Mx353 Marlin, Josef. Attila. Pesth. 1847. 3 v. 8. M1151 Jenseits der wJilder ; siebenbiirgische erziih- lungen. Pesth. 1850. 2 v. D. M 1152 Sulamith. Pesth. 1848. 2 v. S. M 1153 Marlitt, E., pseud., see John, Eugenie. Married for fun ; a novel. Bost. 1885. S. M 10 Marryat, Florence, see Church, Florence. Marryat, F: Der arme Jack. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1857. T. M 1201 The children of the New Forest. Leipz. 1848. S. M 1202 Same, germ. Die kinder des Neuwalds. Aus dem englischen iibertragen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1852. T. M 1202 Frank Mildmay, der flottenoffizier. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1857. T. M 1203 Jacob Faithful. Leipz. 1842. S. M 1204 Same, germ. Jacob Erlich. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1843. T. M 1204 Japhet in search of a father. Leipz. 1848. S. M 1205 The king's own. N. Y. 1864. D. M 1206 The mission, or Scenes in Africa ; written for young people. Leipz. 1845. S. M 1207 Same, germ. Die sendung, oder Scenen in Afrika. Neu aus dem englischen von V-. Kolb. Stuttg. 1857. T. M 1207 Mr. midshipman Easy. Leipz. 1869. S. M 1208 Same, germ. Midshipman Easy. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Struttg. 1857. T. MJ1208 Narrative of the- travels and adventures of monsieur Violet in California. Sonora and western Texas. Leipz. 1843. S. M 1209 Newton Forster, or The merchant service. N. Y. 1862. D. M 1218 Der pascha. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1845. T. M 1210 Percival Keene. Leipz. 1842. S. M 1211 Same. N. Y. 1864. D. M 1211 Same, germ. Percival Keene. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1860. T. M 1211 X denotes books specially adapted for children. W Marryat, Fr. Mary. LlTERATtJBE FICTIOU . CI. 813, Authors. 798 Marryat, F: Continued. Peter Simple. Leipz. 1842. S. M 1212 Same, germ. Peter Simpel. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1843. T. M1212 The pirate. N. Y. 1884. Q. M 1213 Same, germ. Uer pirat. T. p. w. T. M 1213 The privateersman one hundred years ago. Leipz. 1846. S. M 1214 Same, germ. Der kaperschiffer vor hundert iahren. Neu aus dem englischen von C: Kolb. Stuttg. 1857. T. M 1214 The settlers in Canada ; written for young people. Leipz. 1844. S. M 1215 Snarleyyow, or The dog flend. N. Y. 1873. D. M 1217 The three cutters. With his The pirate. M1213 Valerie, an authobiography. Leipz. 1849. S. M1216 Marryat, Kapitiin, pseiid., see Howard, E: Marsn, Mrs. . Margaret and her bridesmaids. [Anon.] Bost. n. d. D. M 1226 The queen of the county. [Anon.] Bost. [1864J. D. M 1227 Marsh, J: Hannah Hawkins ; the reformed drunkard's daughter. N. Y. 1844. S. Mx401 Marsh-Caldwell, Anne, bor7i Caldwell. Aubrey. T.p.w. O. M 1251 Castle Avon. Leipz. 1852. 2 v. in 1. S. M1252 Same. T.p.w. [N. Y. 1862]. O. M 1252 Same, germ. Schloss Avon. Aus dem engli- schen von C. Biichele. Stuttg. 1853. S. M1252 The deformed. Phila. n. d. O. M 1253 Emilia Wyndham. N. Y. 1863. O. M 1255 Same, germ. Emilie Wvndham. Aus dem eng- lischen. Stuttg. 1853. 2 V. S. M 1255 Evelyn Marston. Leipz. 1856. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1262 Father Darcy. N. Y. 1863. O. M 1256 The heiress of Haughton, or The mother's secret. Leipz. 1855. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1263 Lettice Arnold. N. Y. 1867. O. M 1257 Mordaunt Hall, or A September night : a novel. Lond. 1853. S. M 1265 Norman's bridge, or The modern Midas. N. Y. 1858. O. M 1258 Same. N. Y. 1863. O. M 1258 Ravenscliffe. Leipz. 1851. 2 v. in 1. S. M1264 Time the avenger. N. Y. 1861. O. M 1259 Same. N. Y. 1864. O. M 1259 The triumphs of time. N. Y. 1857. O. M 1260 Same. N. Y. 1862. O. M 1260 The Wilmingtons. N. Y. 1863. O. M 1261 Marshall, Beatrice. Dolly's charge. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. Mx426 Marshall, Emma, horn Martin, mrs. Hugh Gra- ham. Benvenuta, or Rainbow colors. N. Y. [1882]. D. M1307 Dayspring ; a story of the time of W: Tyndale, reformer, scholar and martyr. 111." N. Y. 1883. D. M 1308 Dewdrops and diamonds. 111. N. Y. [1881]. D. Mx451 Dorothy's daughters. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. M1306 In the east country with sir T: Browne, kt., Shysician and philosopher of the city of forwich. 111. N. Y. [1884]. D. M 1310 Marshall, Emma, born Martin. Continued. Lady Alice, or Two sides of a picture. N. Y. n. d. D. M 1301 Life's aftermath ; a story of quiet people. N. Y. 1876. S. M 1302 Light on the lily, or A flower's message. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. Mx 454 Memories of troublous times ; being the history of dame Alicia Chamber! ayne of Ravens- holme, Gloucestershire. Lond. 1880. D. M 1305 Millicent Legh. Phila. 1867. S. M 1303 Mrs. Willoughby's octave ; a tale. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. M 1309 Now-a-days, or King's daughters. N. Y. 1875. D. M 1304 Poppies and pansies ; a story for children. 111. N^. Y. 1883. D. Mx 453 Rex and Regina, or The song of the river. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Mx 452 A rose without thorns. 111. N. Y. 1880. S. Mx455 Marsham., Clara Catherine, born Paley, the hon. mrs. Robert. Cousin Simon. N. Y. 1880. O. M1351 Same. Lond. 1879. D. M 1351 Martell, W:, pseud., see Pochhammer, W: v. Martin, Mrs. Bell, (Mrs. Martin Bell). Julia Howard. N. Y. 1859. O. M 1366 Martin, ElRe May, born Hand. The alphabet club. 111. Milw. 1884. T. Mx 476 Martin, Mary E., mrs. Herbert. Beauchamp and CO. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v2 Bonnie Lesley. N. Y. 1878. Q. M 1401 For a dream's sake. N. Y. 1879. Q. M 1402 Same. Lond. 1879. 2 v. in 1. D. M 1402 Martin, Kate By am. Belgian days. Chicago. 1882. S. M 1376 Martin, Theodore, {Bon Oaultier). Bon Gaul- tier's tales. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. "W 2202 v4, 9 Contents. 1. Country quarters. 2. Mrs. Humphrey Greenwood's tea party. Martineau, Harriet. The Crofton boys ; a tale. N. Y. 1862. S, Mx551 The hour and the man ; a historical romance. Lond. 1873. S. M 1476 Tales for the middle classes. Lond. 1840. T. Mx552 Weal and woe in Graveloch ; a tale. Bost. 1833. S. Mx553 Martineau des Chesnez, Elizabeth, borti Lair, baronne. Lady Green Satin and her maid Rosette, or The history of Jean Paul and his little white mice. Tr. from the french. Phila. n. d. D. Mx 526 Marvel, Ik, pseud., see Mitchell, Donald Grant. Marx, Theodor. Die erben des wahnsinns ; ro- man. N. Y. 1882. F. M 1426 Mary, Cousin, pseud. Christmas holidays at Chestnut Hill. 111. Bost. n. d. 8. Mx 577 Contents. Chestnut Hill. The lost fourpence. Robin red-breast's picnic Home scenes. The after- noon with mi's. Pratt. Perseverance. Not a genius. ' Do as you would be done by." The adventures of a squirrel. The lonely grave. Who was Santa- Glaus ? Country life, and other stories. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Mx 676 Includes, Childish wishes.- Autobiography of a pin. The little chip-girl. Grace and her pets. The pic- nicLittle Eflfle and the snow-drop. The fCte of flowers. denotes books specially adapted for children. 799 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATTTRE-FICTION. Mason-Maxwell, M. E . Mason, Mary Murdock. Mae Madden ; with an introductory poem by Joaquin Miller. Chicago. 1876. T. M 1451 Mathers, Helen, see Reeves, Helen Buckingham. Mathews, Albert, {P. Siogvolk). Walter Ash- wood ; a love story. N. Y. 1860. D. M 1551 Mathews, Cornelius. Chanticleer ; a thanksgiv- ing story of the Peabody family. 111. NTY. [1856]. D. M1601 Mathews, Joanna H. Fred Bradford's debt. N. Y. [1882]. O. Mx653 Harry Bradford's crusade. N. Y. [1883]. O. Mx652 Miss Ashton's girls. 1. Fanny's birthday gift. N. Y. n. d. S. ^ " ^ Mx 654 2. The new scholars. N. Y. 1883. S. Mx 655 3. Rosalie's pet. N. Y. n. d. S. Mx 656 4. Eleanor's visit. N. Y. n. d. S. Mx 657 5. Mabel Walton's experiment. N. Y. 1883. S. Mx658 6. Elsie's Santa Claus. N. Y. n. d. S. Mx 659 Mathews, Julia A. Bessie Harrington's venture. Bost. 1878. S. Mx 701 Mathews, Margaret Harriet. Dr. Gilbert's daughters ; a story for girls. 111. Phila. [1881]. D. Mx601 Mathews, W: The heir of Vallis. Lond. 1854. 3 v. D. M1651 Matthews, James Brander. Venetian glass. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v3 and H: C. Bunner. In partnership; studies in story-telling. N. Y. 1884. S. M 1501 Contents. Matthews, B., and H. C. Bunner. The documents in the case ; The seven conversations of dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer. Matthews, B. Venetian grlass ; The rival ghosts ; Playing a part. Bunner, H. C. The red silk handkerchief ; A letter and a paragraph ; Love in old cloathes. The documents in the case. In Stories by american authors. S 35 vl Maurice, Walter, pseud., see Besant, Walter. Maxwell, Cecil. A story of three sisters. (Leis- ure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. M 1701 Maxwell, Mary Elizabeth, born Braddon, mrs. J: Asphodel; a novel. Lond. 1881. 8 v. in 1. D. M 1789 Aurora Floyd. Leipz. 1863. 2 v. in 1. S. M1751 Same, germ. Aurora Floyd. Aus dem engli- schen von F. Leybold." Leipz. 1863. 2 v. S. M1751 Barbara, or Splendid misery. N. Y. [1880]. Q. M 1762 Same. The story of Barbara, her splendid misery and her gilded cage ; a novel. Lond." [1880]. 3 v. in 2. D. M 1752 Birds of prey. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1867]. O. M1753 Sam^; a novel. Lond. 1867. 3 v. in 1. D. M1753 Bound to John company, or The adventures and misadventures of Robert Ainsleigh. 111. N. Y. 1869. O. M 1754 Charlotte's inheritance ; a novel. Lond. 1868. 3v. inl.D. M 1755 Same. N. Y. 1878. O. M 1755 The cloven foot. N. Y. 1879. Q. M 1756 Same; a novel. Lond. [1879]. 3v.ini. D. M 1756 Cut by the county ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. S. M 1793 Maxwell, Mary E., born Braddon. Continued. Dead men's shoes. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. Dead Sea fruit. Leipz. 1868. M1757 in 1. S. M1758 The doctor's wife. Leipz. 1864. 2v.ini. S. M 1759 Eleanor's victory. Leipz. 1863. 2v.ini. S. M 1760 Same, eng. Eleanor's sieg. schen von Marie Scott. S. Fenton's quest. Leipz. 1871. Flower and weed ; a novel. Aus dem engli- Leipz. 1853. 2 v. M 1760 2 V. in 1. S. M 1761 N. Y. 1882. Q. M 1785 Same, and other tales. Lond. [1884]. D. M1790 Includes, G: Caulfleld's journey. The clown's quest. Dr. Carrick.- "If she be not fair to me." The shadow in the corner. His secret. Thou art the man. Henry Dunbar, the story of an outcast. Leipz. 1864. 2v inl. S. M 1762 Hostages to fortune. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1763 Same. Lond. [1876]. D. M 1763 In great waters, and other tales. Leipz. 1877. S. M 1764 Includes, Sebastian. Levison's victim. Christmas In possession.- John Granger. Prince Ramji Rowdo- dow. Too bright to last. The scene-painter's wile. Sir Luke's return. Her last appearance. Sir Htiii- bury's bequest. A vex-y narrow escape. My unlucky friend. Ishmael ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. John Marchmont's legacy. Leipz. S. Joshua Haggard's daughter. Lond in 2. D. Same^ Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. S. Just as 1 am. N. Y. 1880. Q. Same. Lond. [1880]. 3 v. in 2. D. Lady Audley's secret. Leipz. 1862. M 1792 1864. 2v. M 1765 1876. 3v. M1766 M 1766 M 1767 M 1767 2 V. in 1. M 1768 Same, germ. Lady Audley's geheimniss. Aus dem englische'n. Leipz. 1863. 3 v. S. M1768 The lady's mile. Leipz. 1866. 3 v. 1 in 1. S. M 1769 Lost for love. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1770 The Lovels of Arden. Leipz. 1871. 2 v. in 1. S. M1771 Lucius Davoren, or Publicans and sinners. Leipz. 1873. 3 v. in 2. S. M 1772 Mount Royal; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. M 1784 Only a clod. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1773 Same; a novel. Lond. n. d. D. M 1773 An open verdict. Leipz. 1873. 3 v. in 2. S. M1774 Phantom fortune ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. M 1786 Run to earth. Leipz. 1869. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1775 Rupert Godwin. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1776 Sir Jasper's tenant. Leipz. 1866. 2v.ini. S. M1777 The story of Barbara, see above Barbara. A strange world. N. Y. 1875. O. M 1778 Same ; a novel. Lond. 1875. 3 v. in 2. D. M 1778 denotes books specially adapted for children. 801 Maxwell-MelviUe, G. J. W. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. Maxwell, Mary E., 6orn Braddon. Continued. Strangers and pilgrims. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. M1779 Taken at the flood. Leip. 1874. 3 v. in 3. S. M1780 Under the red flag ; a novel. N. Y. [18831. Q. MI787 Same. T. p. w. O. Vixen. Lond. 1879. D. M1791 M:1781 Same. Leipz. 1879. 2 v. in 1. S. M 1781 Weavers and weft. Leipz. 1877. S. M 1782 Wyllard's weird ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. M 1788 ed. The mistletoe bough. N. Y. 1878, 1879, 1884. 3 V. Q. M 1783 Maxwell, P. The white woman of Tarras. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 vl2 Maxwell, W: Hamilton. Wild sports of the west. Phila. n.d. O. M 1851 May, Sophie, pscttt^., see Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. May, T: P. A prince of Breffny. Phila. [1881]. D. M 1876 Mayhew, A: Horace and H: The magic of kind- ness, or The wondrous story of the good Huan. 111. N. Y. 1860. S. ' Mx 751 Mayo, Isabella, horn Fyvie, {Edward and RutJi Garrett). At any cost. N. Y. [1884]. S. M 1903 A chance child. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J926vll Family fortunes ; a domestic story. Lond. 1881. D. M 1902 Gold and dross. N. Y. 1874. D. M 1901 Mayo, W: Starbuck. The Berber, or The moun- taineer of the Atlas ; a tale of Morocco. N. Y. 1873. D. M 1951 Kaloolah ; adventures of Jonathan Romer of Nantucket. N. Y. 1873. D. M 1952 Never again. N. Y. 1873. D. M 1953 Romance dust from the historic placer. N. Y. 1851. D. M 1954 Meade, L. T. see Smith, Elizabeth Thomasina. Mechulle-leut', Die ; ein polizeii'oman. Milw. 1867. O. Mil Meding, J: Ferdinand Martin Oskar, {Gregor Samarow). Das haus des fabrikanten ; ein roman aus der wirklichkeit. N. Y. 1882. . M 1980 Die romerfahrt der Epigonen : zeit-roman. N. Y. 1883. F. M 1978 Die saxoborussen ; roman. N. Y. 1885. 2 v. F. M 1981 Der todesgruss der legionen : zeit-roman. N. Y. 1882. F. M 1976 Um den halbmond ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. M1979 Meinhold, J: W: Mary Schweidler, the amber witch ; the most interesting trial for witch- craft ever known ; printed from an imper- fect ms. by her father, Abraham Schweid- ler, the pastor of Coserow in the island of Usedom. Tr. from the german by lady Duff Gordon. N. Y. n. d. O. Bt 2001 Meissner, Alfred. Aus der emigration. Berlin. 1863. 3v. S. M2051 Babel ; roman aus Oesterreich's neuester ge- schichte. Berlin. 1867. 4 v. S. M 2052 Die bildhauer von Worms ; eine geschichte aus dem vorigen jahrhundert. Berlin. 1875. 2 V. in 1. D. M 2064 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Meissner, AHTe6..Continved. Charaktermasken. Leipz. 1862. 3 v. in 1 D. M2067 Contents, see Deutscher katalog. p. 82. Dulder und renegaten. Berlin. 1862. 2 v. S. M2068 Der freiherr von Hostiwin. Prag. 1855. 2 v. T. M 2053 Die kinder Roms. Berlin. 1870. 4 v. S. M 2054 Kleine memoiren. Berlin, n. d. D. M 2065 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 82. Lemberger und sohn. Berlin. 1865. S. M2055 Neueradel. Leipz. 1861. 3 v. S. M 2056 Novellen. Leipz. 1865, 1876. 3 v. 8. M 2057 Contents, see, Deutscher katalog, p. 82. Die opfer der partei. Berlin. 1864. 2 v. S. M2058 Oriola. Berlin. 1874. I). M 2066 Sacro Catino ; historische erziihlung. Berlin. 1868. S. M 2059 Schwarzgelb ; roman aus Oesterreichs letzten 12 jahren : 1. Dulder und renegaten. M 2068 2. Aus der emigration. M 2051 3. Vae victis ! M 2062 4. Die opfer der partei. M 2058 Seltsamegeschichten. Prag. 1859. D. M 2060 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 82. Die sirene ; erziihlung. Berlin, n. d. S. M2061 Va) victis ! Berlin. 1864. 2 v. S. M 2062 Zur ehre Gottes ; eine jesuiten -geschichte. Leipz. 1860. 3 v. S. . M 2063 Meister, F: Der stein des Tiberius ; novelle. With Dahn, F: J. F. Felicitas. D 104 Mellin, Gustaf H: Die blume auf dem Kinne- kulle. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1845. T. M 2101 Der fremdling von Alsen ; erinnerungen vom kriegsschauplatz im jahre 1848. Aus dem schwedischen. Stuttg. 1850. T. M 2102 Eine novelle aus Lappland. Aus dem schwe- dischen von H. Helms. Leipz. 1856. S. M2103 Die ungesehene gattin. Aus dem schwedi- schen. Stuttg. 1836. T. M 2104 Melusine, pseud. Moy O'Brien. N. Y. 1879. Q. M2151 Melville, G: J: Whyte-. Black but comely, or The adventures of Jane Lee. Leipz. 1879. 2 V. in 1. S. M 2201 The Brookes of Bridlemere. Leipz. 1864. 2 V. inl. S. M2202 Cerise ; a tale of the last century. Lond. 1866. S. M2203 Der dolmetscher ; eine kriegsgeschichte. Aus dem englischen von M. Scott. Leipz. 1862. 2 V. D. M 2204 Holmby House ; a tale of old Northhampton- shire. Leipz. 1860. 2 v. in 1. S. M 2205 Kate Coventry; an autobiography. Lond. n. d. S. M 2206 Same, germ. Kate Coventry. Aus dem eng- lischen von M. Scott. Leipz. 1863. D. M2206 Katerfelto ; a story of Exmoor. Phila. n. d. D. M 2207 Die Marien der konigin ; ein roman von Holy- rood. Aus dem englischen. Leipz. 1865. 2 V. D. M 2208 Roy's wife. Leipz. 1878. 3 v. in 1. S. M 2209 803 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Melville Mitchell, D. G. 804 Melville, G: J: Whjte-. Continued. Uncle John. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. S. M2210 The white rose. Leipz. 1868. 3 v. in 1. S. M2211 Melville, Herman. The bell-tower. In John- son, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v3 Israel Potter ; his fifty years of exile. 3d ed. N. Y. 1855. S. M2251 Mardi, and a voyage thither. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. D. M2257 Moby Dick, or The whale. T. p. w. D. M 2252 The piazza tales. N. Y. 1856. D. M 2253 Contents. The piazza. Bartleby. Benito Cereno. The lightning-rod man. The Gncantadas, or En- chanted Islands. The bell-tower. Pierre, or The ambiguities. N. Y. 1852. D. M2254 Typee ; a peep at Polynesian life during a four months' residence in a valley of the Mar- quesas. Rev. ed., with a sequel. N. Y. 1857. D. M 2256 White-Jacket, or The world in a man-of-war. N. Y. 1855. D. M 2256 Mendoza, Don Diego Hurtado de. The life and adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes. Tr. from the Spanish by T: Roscoe. 111. Lond. 1881. D. M2286 Menger, Rudolph. Ein wahlcampagne ; humor- eske. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v33 Mengersen auf Rheder, Joseph Bruno graf v., {J. Bruno). Irma und Nanka. Leipz. 1842. 2 V. O. B 3701 Meredith, G: Diana of the crossways ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. M 2302 The egoist; a comedy in narrative. N. Y. 1879. Q. M 2301 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 2. D. M 2301 Meredith, Owen, pseud., see Bulwer-Iiytton, E: Robert. Merimee, Prosper. Colomba. Tr. from the french. Host. 1846. D. M2361 Merry Andrew. T. p. w. T. Mx 35 Mertens, Elisabeth. Zufall oder fiigung ? novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v33 Merz, Eulalie Therese, born Hoche. Ein see- lengemalde. Konigsberg. 1855. 3 v. S. M2401 M^iy, Joseph Eugfene. Blanka ; eine familienge- schichte. Aus dem franz. von E. O. Schmidt. Weimar, n. d. 2 v. S. M 2451 Through thick and thin. Tr. by O. Vibeur. N. Y. 1874. D. M 2452 Meshtcherskii, Vladimir kniaz. Die realisten der grossen welt ; roman. Aus dem rus- sischen iibers. von F. Leoni. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v36 Messenhauser, Ciisar Wenzel, {Wemeslaus March). Polengraber. Leipz. 1848. S. M1051 Der rathsherr ; ein nationaler roman. Leipz. 1849. 4 V. S. M 2501 Messerer, Theodor. Der alte russliinder ; erziih- lung aus den bayrischen bergen. T. p. w. O. M2551 Messner, Josef. Handwerksburschen ; bilder aus dem volksleben. Prag. 1857. T. M2601 Margarethe Maultasch ; historische erziihlung. Frag. 1855. T. M 2602 Waldgeschichten. Prag. 1857. T. M 2603 Meyer, Bertha Antoinette Henriette, {Bertha v. Werder). Altes lieben, neues hoffen. Leipz. 1847. D. W 1251 Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand. Page Leubelfing ; historische novellen. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v29 Michon, J: Hippolyte, abbS. (?) The confessor, (Le confesseur). Tr. from the french by J. H: Eager. [Anon.] N. Y. 1867. O. M2626 Under the ban. (Le maudit) ; a tale of the 19th century. N. Y. n. d. O. M 2627 Millenkovics, Stephan v., {Stephan v. Milow). Verlorenes gliick ; eine erzahlung. Heidel- berg. 1866. D. M2651 Miller, Annie, born Jenness. Barbara Thayer, her glorious career ; a novel. Bost. 1884. S. M 2676 Miller, Emily Huntington. The royal road to fortune. N. Y. n. d. S. Mx 951 Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner, called Joaquin. '49 ; the gold-seeker of the Sierras. N^. Y. 1884. D. M 2703 The one fair woman. N. Y. 1876. 3 v. in 1. D. M2701 Shadows of Shasta. Chicago. 1881. D. M2702 Miller, Hugh. [Tales.] In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 Contents. Bill Whyte, v. 5. The lykewako, v. 7. Recollections of Burns, v. 3. Recollections of Fergruson, v. 1." The salmon fisher of Udoll, v. 4. The Scottish hunters of Hudson's Bay. v. VZ. Thomas of Chartres, v. 18. Widow of Dunskaith, v. 3. Sandy Wood's sepulchre. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v5 Miller, Joaquin, see Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner. Miller, J: Martin. Siegwart ; eine klosterge- schichte. Stuttg. 1844. 3 v. T. M 2726 Millet, Frank Davis. "Yatil". In Stories by american authors. S 35 vo Mihnan, E. H. Arthur Conway, or Scenes in the tropics. N. Y. 1859. O. M 2751 Milow, Stephan v., pseud., see Millenkovics, Stephan v. Miltenberg, pseud., see Lafontaine, A: H: Julius. Miniature romances from the german, with other prolusions of light literature. Bost. 1841. S. M2776 Contents. I,a Hfotte Fouqu^, F: H: K: de. Un- dine; The vial-jfenie and mad farthinsr; The collier- family, or Red Mantle and the merchant. Table-talk notices of Phantasmion by Sara Colerldg'e, Including Fortunes of fairy lore by W: Hauff. The Almadora ravine. Faithful or false. The fortieth hour. Werter's warning. Maurice, or Away for St. liran- dan's. L'amore an Italian trans, of Coleridge's Love. Mirecourt, Eugbne de, pseud., see Jacquot, C: J: Baptiste. Misasi, Nicola. Kalabrische novellen. Uebers. und eingel. von WoldemarKaden. Autori- sierte ausg. Stuttg. [1884]. D. M 2826 Contents. Brigantaggio. Giovanni. Cola dor wolf. Marco. Andrea. Bruder Thomas der eremit. Neben dem herdfeuer. Eine traurige erinnerung. Die kartause von Serra S. Bruno. Francesco der almosenganger. Miss Toosey's mission. Bost. 1884. S. M 33 Mr. and mrs. Morton; a novel. Bost. 1888. 1). M31 Mitchell, Bianca, born Cogswell. Rigdum Fun- nidos and Antonia. Milw. 1881. D. Mx 1001 Mitchell, Donald Grant, {Ik Marvel). A bachel- or's revery. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 denotes books specially adapted for children. 805 Mitchell, D. G. More. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 806 Mitchell, Donald Grant, {Ik Marvel). Continued. Doctor Johns ; a narrative of certain events in the life of an orthodox minister of Con- necticut. N. Y. 1866. 2 V. S. M 2851 Dream life ; a fable of the seasons. N. Y. 1868. D. M 2852 The lorgnette, or Studies of the town by an opera goer ; v. 3. N. Y. 1853. D. M 2853 Reveries of a bachelor, or A book of the heart. N. Y. 1861. S. M 2854 Same. New ed. N. Y. [1863]. D. M 2854 Seven stories with basement and attic. New ed. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. M 2855 Mitchell, E: P. The ablest man in the world. In Stories by american authors. S 35 vlO The tachypomp. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v5 Mitchell, S: Weir. A draft on the bank of Spain. With Ms Hephzibah Guinness. M 2901 Hephzibah Guinness. Phila. 1880. D. M 2901 In war time. Bost. 1885 [1884] . S. M 2902 Thee and you. With his Hephzibah Guinness. M 2901 Mitford, A. Bertram. The forty-seven ronins. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J926 vll Mitford, Mary Russell. The fresh-water fisher- man, tn Edinburgh tales. E 426 Our village. 111. Lond. 1879. Q. M 295 IP ed. Stories of american life by american writers. Lond. 1830. 3 v. D. M 2952 Contents, V. 1 . Otter-bag-, the Oneida chief. The french village. The country cousin. The sick man cured. Mr. de Villecour and his neighbours. The Esmeralda. The tutor.- The Indian hater. 2. Pete Featherston.- The drunkard. The marriage blunder. A romance of the border. The prhost.- The sea- man's widow. Unwritten philosophy. Scenes in Washington. 3. The catholic Iroquois. The pere- grinations of Petrus Mudd. Unwritten poetry. The captain's lady. The Isle of Shoals. The idle man. Cacoethes scribendi. The fawn's leap. Reminis- cences of New York. The little dutch sentinel of the Manhadoes.- The rifle. See also her Works. 820.2 : 27 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. Moir, D:M. The divinity student /n Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 v5 Moldwarp, Nicholas, pseud., see Manning, Anne. Molesworth, Mary Louisa, born Stewart, (Ennis Graham). Miss Bouverie. N. Y. 1880. Q. M3001 Same. Lond. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. M 3001 MOllhausen, Balduin. Engelid. With Sydow, C. V. Spatsommer. S 6101 Der fliichtling ; erzahlung aus Neu-Mexico und dem angrenzenden Indianergebiet, in an- schluss an den "Halbindianer." Leipz. 1862. 4v. S. M3051 Der halbindianer ; erzahlung aus dem westli- chen Nordamerika. Leipz. 1861. 4 v. S. M3052 Der leuchtthurm am Michigan, und andere er- ziihlungen ; mit einer einleitung von Th. Fontane. Stuttg. 1882. D. M 3058 Incltules, Die auswanderin. Das squattermadchen. Die mandanenwaise ; erzahlung aus den Rhein- landen und dem stromgebiet des Missouri. Berlin, 1855. 4 v. S. M 3056 Der mayordomo ; erzahlung aus dem siidli- chenKalifornien und Mexico. Leipz. 1863. 4v. D. M3053 Das mormonenmiidchen ; eine erzahlung aus der zeit des kriegsziiges der Vereinigten Staaten gegen die "Heiligen der letzten MOllhausen, Balduin. Contintied. tage " im jahre 1857-1858. Jena. 1871. 6 v. inl. S. M3054 Der piratenlieutenant. Berlin. 1870. 4 v. in 2. D. M3057 Reliquien ; erzahlungen und schilderungen aus dem westlichen Nordamerika. Benin. 1865. 3v. S. M3055 Wildes blut ; erzahlung in 2 abth. In Vier- teljahrl. mag. V 2 v38 Contents Abth. 1. Die braut des schleichhiindlers. 3. Dame Freiheit. MoUoy, Joseph Fitzgerald. What hast thou done ? a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. M 3076 Same. Lond. 1883. D. M 3076 Moncrieff, Robert Hope. {Ascott B. Hope.) Home- spun stories. N. Y. 1883. S. Mx 828 Contents Introd. Spinning a story. Playing the fool. My desert island. The black book. Crossing the line. Caught out. A scene from history. The G uisai'ds.- The secret history. The secret society. At the masthead. A night in the Black Forest.- Baby boy. The banshee. The pampas ; a story of adventure in the Ar- gentine Republic. 111. Lond. 1878. D. Mx827 Spindle stories ; new yarns spun from old wool. 111. Lond. 1880. D. Mx 826 Contents. Four-and-twenty blackbirds. Hnmpty- Dumpty. Jack and Gill. Fighting for the crown. Baby Bunting. Boy Blue. 'The mouse on the clock. Monkland, Mrs. . The nabob at home, or the return to England. N. Y. 1864. O. M3101 Montanus, Theodor. Konig Ottokar der stolze, Oder Der bohmer kreuzzug im Preussen- lande ; historisches gemalde der vorzeit. Meissen. 1830. S. M 3151 Montgomery, Florence. Misunderstood. N. Y. n. d. 8. M 3201 Thwarted, or Duck's eggs in a hen's nest ; a story. Phila. 1874. D. M 3202 Montgomery, G: Washington. Bernardo del Carpio ; an historicalnovel of the 8th cen- tury. From the Spanish of don Jorge Montgomery. N. Y. 1834. D. M 3251 Monti, L:, {Samuel Sampleton). Adventures of an american consul abroad, by S: Sample- ton. Bost. 1878. S. M 3301 Leone. (Round-robin ser). Bost. 1882. S. M3302 Montolieu, Jeanne Isabelle Pauline Poller de Bottens, dame de Crousaz, baronne de, joint author, see "Wyss, J: Rudolph. Moore, Frank Frankfort. Daireen ; a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. M 3361 Same. Lond. 1879. 2 v. in 1. D. M 3351 Moore, T: The epicurean. New ed. rev. and corr. by the author, with notes. N. Y. 1846. S. M 3401 More, Hannah. Coelebs in search of a wife. N. Y. 1861. D. M 3501 Same. N. Y. 1857. D. M 3501 Domestic tales and allegories illustrating hu- man life. N. Y. 1862. S. Mx 851 Contents. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Mr. Fantom. The two shoemakers.- Giles the poacher. The servant turned soldier. The general jail de- livery. Rural tales. T. p. to. S. Mx 852 Contents. The two wealthy farmers, or The his- tory of mr. Bragwell. Parley the porter. All for the best. Tom White, the post boy. The pilgrims. The valley of tears. The strait gate and the broad way. denotes books specially adapted for children. 807 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. More Miigge. More, Hannah. Continued. 'Tis all for the best, The shepherd of Salis- bury Plain, and other narratives. Lond. 1861. T. Mx853 Contents. Brief sketch of the life of mrs. Hannah More. 'Tis all for the best. The shepherd of Salis- bury Plain. Parley the porter.- The happy water- man. History of Mary Wood The good mother's legacy. Honest miller of Gloucestershire. Turn the carpet. See also her Works. 820.2 : 28 Contents, see under English literature, Collected works. Morgan, N. D. Geori^e Cardwell, or A month in a country parish. N. Y. 1856. D. M3551 Morgan, Lady Sydney, horn Owenson. Die prinzessin, oder Die beguine. Aus dem englischen von P. Helling. Aachen. 1835. 3 V. S. M 3601 Morgan, Sir T: C. and lady Sydney. The book without a name. N. Y. 1841. 2 v. D. M3626 Morier, James. The adventures of Hajji Baba in Turkey, Persia and Russia. Phila. 1855. D. M3651 Zohrab, the hostage. T. p. w. S. M 3652 MOrike, E: Maler Nolten. Stuttg. n. d. 2 v. S. M3701 Morley, H: Oberon's horn ; a book of fairy tales. 4th ed., ill. Lond. 1881. D. Mx876 Morley, Susan. Aileen Ferrers. N. Y. 1875. O. M3751 Margaret Chetwyad. Phila. 1878. D. M 3752 Throstlethwaite." Phila. 1876. D. M 3753 Morning, Richard, pseud., see Zeising, Adolf. Morse, Clara Frances. Blush roses. N. Y. 1878. O. M 3801 Morshead, A. E. Mary, joint autJwr, see Awdry, Frances. Mortimer, Sir Henry, pseud., see Gardonniere, Almire. Morvell, Dr., pseud., see VoUmer, W: F. A. Mosen, Julius, and J: L: Tieck. Stories trans- lated from the german by G. F. Cross- thwaite. Lond. 1842. D. M 3951 Contents. Mosen, J. Ishmael; The Italian novel; Helena Valisnerla; The picture of the mermaid. Tieck, J : L : Precipitation. Moser, O: Komische bilder aus dem soldaten- leben. Leipz. 1851. S. M 4001 Motley, J : Lothrop. Merry-mount ; a romance of the Massachusetts colony. Bost. 1849. 2v. D. M4051 Morton's hope ; or The memoirs of a provin- cial. N.Y. iaS8. 2v. D. M4052 Moulton, Ellen Louise, born Chandler. Bed- time stories. T. p. w. S. Mx 901 Contents. Margaret's necklace. How the girls got rid of Freddy Coals of flre. What Jess Cortrell did. -Sir Harry. Paying off Jane. A child's tragedy. The little mother. The light in the window. Mr. Turk and what became of him. Just a little bit of Christmas. Benjie. A child's good work. What Blddie did. Jamie Leech's angel. Maud Granger's new dress. Firelight stories. 111. Bost. 1883. S. Mx 904 Contents. Sol Jones's orphans.- The silver locket. The bargee's Johnny. Solomon Girder's customers. Jenny's baby. Roger Faithful's invention. The mortgage on Inglenook. Edith Bowles's new life. How Ituth came home. Sister Lucy. Jenny's val- entine. More bed-time stories. 111. Bost. 1878. S. Mx902 Contents. Against wind and tide. Blue sky and white clouds. The cousin from Boston. Missy. Moulton, Ellen Lovnse. Continued. The head boy of Eaglesheight school. Agatha's lonely days. Thin ice. My lost sister. What came to Olive Haygarth. Uncle Jack. Nobody's child. My little gentleman. Ruthy's country. Job Geld- ing's Christmas. My comforter. My third book ; a collection of tales. N. Y. 1859. D. M 4101 Contents. The pride of Moses Grant. How one woman came to marry. The tenant of the old brown house. Uncle Roger's story and mine. The mist over the valley. Joseph Thorne, his calling. Olive Winchester Wight. My inheritance. Number 101. Leona; a blind man's story. The mountain road. The story of a man of business. The cottage on the hill. Joanna the actress.- The record of a troubled life. Four letters from Helen Hamilton. The phantom face. New bed-time stories. 111. Bost. 1880. S. Mx903 Contents. "All a-growin' and a-blowin' ".My vag- rant. Helen's temptation. The surgeon of the doll's hospital. Pretty miss Kate. A borrowed i-osebud.- Tom's thanksgiving. Finding Jack. Her mother's daughter. My quarrel with Ruth. Was it her moth- er? The lady from over the way. His mother's boy. Dr. Joe's valentine. Some women's hearts. Bost. 1874. S. M 4102 Contents. Fleeing from fate. Brains. Twelve years of my life. Little Gibraltar. Household gods. The judge's wife. A letter and what came of it. Out of Nazareth. Mountford, W: Thorpe, a quiet english town, and life therein. Bost. 1852. D. M4151 Mudford, W: First and last. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v4 The iron shroud, /w Johnson, E: R. Little classics. J 926 v3 Same. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 vl Same, /w Sargent, E. The emerald. S 551 Miigge, Theodor. Afraja ; roman. Frankfurt a. M. 1857. D. M 4201 Same, eng. Afraja, a norwegian and lapland tale, or Life and love in Norway. Tr. from the german by E. Joy Morris. Phila. 1855. D. M4201 Alte und neue welt. Together with Drei freunde. M 4205 Am Marlanger Fjord. With Behrens, B. Im banne der musen. H 2278 Arvor Spang. T. p. w. 2 v. D. M 4202 Cosimo Vinci ; historische erziihlung. Breslau. 1862. D. M 4302 Der doppelgiinger. Berlin. 1857. D. M 4205 Drei freunde. Breslau. 1862. D. M 4205 Erich Randal ; historischer roman aus der zeit der eroberung Finnlands durch die russen im jahre 1808. Frankfurt a. M. 1856. D. M4206 Leben und lieben in Norwegen ; vier novellen aus dem norwegischen volksleben. Frank- furt a. M. 1858. 2 V. D. M 4207 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 83. Neues leben. Prag. 1856. T. M 4208 Der pfarrer vom see ; eine lebensgeschiclite. Berlin. 1858. D. M 4209 Der prophet ; historischer roman aus dem bauernkriege. Leipz. 1861. 3 v. D. M4210 Der propst von Ulensvang, Vater und sohn ; zwei erzahlungen. Breslau. 1862. D. M4211 Romana ; historische erziihlung. Breslau. 1862. D. M4212 Vater und sohn. With Der propst. /tj. M 421 1 Verloren und gefunden. Frankfurt a. M. 1859. 2v. inl. O. M 4213 Der voigt von Silt. Berlin. 1858. T. M 4214 denotes books specially adapted for children. 809 Miihlbach Mundt, C. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 810 Miihlbach, Louise, pseud., see Mundt, Clara. Muhlfeld, Julius, pseud., see ROsler, Robert. Mmr, Allan. Ladfy Beauty, or Charmins: to her latest day. i^. Y. 1883. S. M 4226 Muirhead, Findley. Two plots. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v4 Miiller, Adolf, {Adolf Palm). Im labyrinth der seele : zwei novellen. Leipz. 1873. S. M4251 Miiller, F: Max. Deutsche liebe ; aus den papie- ren eines fremdlings herausg.. mit einem vorwort begleitet von Max Miiller. 5te auti. Leipz. 1877. O. M 4351 Same. With Storm, H. T. W. Hans und Heinz Kirch. S 5603 Same, eng. Memories ; a story of germanlove. Tr. from the german by G: P. Upton. Chicago. 1875. D. M 4351 Miiller, K:, {Olfried Mylius, Franz v. Elling). Am hofe der nordischen Semiramis ; histo- rischer roman. Hannover. 1873. 3 v. in 1. D. M 4301 Drei sinnige erziihlungen fiir alles volk und allezeit. Stuttg. 1861. S. M 4302 Contents, see Deutschor katalog, p. 84. Die frau okonomierath ; eine geschichte. With Miiller von Konigswinter, W. Furioso. M4452 Die geheimnisse der Bastille; historisch-biogra- gnische bilder aus der vergangenheit. tuttg. 1865. 3 V. S. M 4303 Ein meteor der borse. Leipz. 1873. 3 v. 8. M4304 Die weisse frau ; eine hof- und familienge- schichte aus dem achtzehnten jahrhundert. Milw. 1865. O. M 4305 Miiller, O: Andrea del Castagno ; erzahlungen und charakterbilder. Berlin. 1865. S. M4401 Aus Petrarca's alten tagen. Berlin. 1863. 2 v. S. M 4402 Charlotte Ackermann; ein Hamburger theater- roman aus dem vorigen jahrhundert. Frankfurt a. M. 1854. D. M 4403 Ekhof und seine schiiler. Leipz. 1868. 3 v. S. M4404 Erzahlungen und charakterbilder, v. 3: Der museumsweiler. Der delikatessenhiindler. Berlin. 1865. S. M 4412 Die forstersbraut von Neunkirchen ; erziih- lung. Stuttg. 1867. D. M 4405 Georg Volker ; ein roman aus dem jahre 1848. Bremen. 1851. 3 v. D. M 4406 Der klosterhof ; ein familienroman. Frank- furt a. M. 1859. 3 V. D. M 4408 Die liebe im grabe. Berlin. 1865. D. M 4407 Der tannenschiitz ; weihnachts - novelle fur 1851. Bremen. 1853. T. M 4409 Der wildpfarrer ; historischer roman. Berlin. 1866. 3 V. S. M 4410 Die zwei kriiglein ; eine erziihlung. Braun- schweig. 1868. S. M4411 Miiller, W: Debora. N. Y. 1884. F. M 4436 Miiller von Konigswinter, Wolfgang. Furioso ; novelle. Milw. 1863. O. M 4452 Zum stillen vergniigen ; kiinstlergeschichten. Leipz. 1865. 3v.ini. D. M 4461 Contents, see Deutscher katalogr, p. 84. Mulock, Dinah Maria, see Craik, Dinah Maria. Mund, E. D., pseud., see Pechhamm^er, E. v. Mundt, Clara, born Miiller, {Louise Miihlbach). Der alte Fritz und die neue zeit ; histori- scher roman. Jena. 1867. 4 v. S. M 4551 Mundt, Clara, {Loui.^e Miihlbach). Continued. Same, eng. Old Fritz and the new era. Tr. from the german by P: Langley. 111. N. Y. 1868. O. M4551 Andreas Hofer ; an historical novel. N. Y. 1868. O. M4552 Antonio. Altona. 1860. T. M 4553 Berlin und Sans-Souci ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1858. 3 v. S. M 4554 Same, eng. Berlin and Sans-Souci, or Fred- erick the great and his friends. Tr. from the german by mrs. Chapman Coleman and her daughters. 111. N. Y. 1879. O. M4564 Bonners, oder Geschichte eines millionairs. Altona. 1860. 3 v. T. M 4555 Same, eng. The story of a millionaire. Tr. from the german by Nathaniel Greene. N. Y. 1873. D. M 4555 The daughter of an empress. Tr. from the german by Nathaniel Greene. N. Y. 1879. O. M4556 Deutschland gegen Frankreich ; historischer roman. Jena. 1868. 4 v. S. M 4557 Deutschland in stiirm und drang: 1. Der alte Fritz und die neue zeit. M 4551 3. Fiirsten und dichter. M 4566 3. Deutschland gegen Frankreich. M 4557 4. Frankreich gegen Deutschland. M 4562 The empress Josephine. T. p. w. M 4558 Erzherzog Johann und der herzog von Reich- stadt. Berlin. 1863. 3 v. S. M 4559 Erzherzog Johann und Metternich. Berlin. 1860. 3v. S. M4560 Frankreich gegen Deutschland ; historischer roman. Jena. 1868. 5 v. S. M 4562 Franz Rdkoczy ; ungarisches lebensbild. Wien. 1861. 3 v. T. M 4563 Frau meisterin. Berlin. 1859. 3 v. T. M4564 Friedrich der grosse und seine geschwister. Berlin. 1859. 4 v. S. M 4565 Same, eng. Frederick the great and his fam- ily ; an historical novel. Tr. from the german by mrs. Chapman Coleman and her daughters. 111. N. Y. 1878. O. M 4565 Fiirsten und dichter ; historischer roman. Jena. 1867. 4 v. S. M 4566 Goethe and Schiller. Tr. from the german by Chapman Coleman. N. Y. 1869. O. M 4567 Graf von Benjowsky ; historischer roman. Jena. 1865. 4 v. S. M 4568 Der grosse kurfiirst und seine kinder. Jena. 1866. 4v. S. M4569 Der grosse kurfiirst und seine zeit: 1. Der junge kurfiirst. M 4572 3. Der grosse kurfiirst und sein volk. M 4570 3. Der grosse kurf urst und seine kinder. M 4569 Der grosse kurfiirst und sein volk ; histori- scher roman. Jena. 1865. 4 v. S. M 4570 Henry VIII. See below Konig Heinrich VIII. Joseph II and his court. NTY. 1876. O. M4571 Der junge kurfiirst. Jena. 1865. 3. v. 8. M 4672 Kaiserin Claudia, prinzessin von Tirol ; hi- storischer roman. Leipz. 1867. 3 v. S. M4573 Karl II und sein hof ; historischer roman. Berlin. 1859. 3 v. T. M 4674 denotes books specially adapted for children. 811 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Mundt, C Miitzelburg. 813 Mundt, Clara, {Louise MuJilbach). Continued. Konig Heinrich VIII iind sein hof, oder Katharina Parr ; historischer rornan. Ber- lin. 1858. 3 V. T. M 4575 Same., eng. Henry VIII and his court. T. p. w. M 4575 Louisa of Prussia and her times ; an histor- ical novel. Tr. from the german by F. Jordan. 111. N. Y. 1877. O. It 4576 Maria Theresia und der pandurenobrist Trenck : historischer roman. Briinn. 1862. 4v. S. M:4578 Marie Antoinette und ihr sohn ; historischer roman. Jena. 1867. 6 v. D. M 4577 The merchant of Berlin. T. p. w. D. M 4579 Mohammed Ali and his house ; an historical romance. Tr. from the german by Chap- man Coleman. 111. N. Y. 1873. O.' M4580 Napoleon und konigin Louise. Berlin. 1860. 4v. S. M:4581 Same, eng. Napoleon and the queen of Prus- sia. N. Y. 1868. O. M 4581 Napoleon und fiirst Bliicher. Berlin. 1860. 4 V. S. M 4582 Sam^, eng. Napoleon and Bliicher ; an his- torical novel. Tr. from the german by F. Jordan. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. M 4582 Napoleon und der Wiener congress. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1861. S. 114583 Old Fritz, see above Der alte Fritz. Prinz Eugen und seine zeit. M 4584 1. Prinz Eugen, der kleine abbe. Berlin. 1864. 4 V. S. M 4584 vl-4 2. Prinz Eugen, der edle ritter. Berlin. 1864. 4v. S. M4584v5-8 Same, eng. Prince Eugene and his times. Tr. by A. De V. Chaudron. N. Y. 1877. O. M4584 Queen Hortense, a life picture of the napole- onic era ; an historical novel. Tr. from the german by Chapman Coleman. N. Y. 1878. O. M4585 The story of a millionaire. See above Bonners. Zwei lebenswege. Altona. 1860. 3 v. T. BI4586 M\indt, Theodor. Cimaletti ; protestantische bilder aus Bohmen. Leipz. 1847. S. M4651 Count Mirabeau. See below Graf Mirabeau. Czar Paul. M 4652 1. Der grossfurst. Berlin. 1861. 3 v. in 1. D. M 4652 vl-3 2. Czar Paul und sein volk. Berlin. 1801. 3 v. D. M 4652 v4-6 Ein deutscher herzog. Leipz. 1855. D. M 4653 _ Ein franzosisches landschloss. Prag. 1855. T. M4654 Graf Mirabeau. Berlin. 1860. 4 v. S. M 4655 Same, eng. Count Mirabeau ; an histori- cal novel. Tr. from the german by Therfese J. Radford. 111. N. Y. 1868. O. M 4655 Kleine romane. Berlin. 1857. 2 v. D. M4656 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 86. Madonna ; unterhaltungen mit einer heiligen. Leipz. 1835. S. M 4657 Moderne lebenswirren ; briefe und zeitaben- teure eines salzschreibers. Leipz. 1834. S. M4658 Same. Leipz. 1847. S. M 4658 -Robespierre. Milw. 1859, S. M 4659 Munter, Jeremias, pseud., see Fomell, BrorE: Murdoch, D: The dutch dominie of the Cats- kills, or The times of " Bloody Brandt." N. Y. 1861. D. M4751 Murfree, Mary Noailles, (Charles Egbert Crad- dock). Down the ravine. 111. Bost. 1885. S. m:x1051 In the Tennessee mountains. Bost. 1884. D. M4776 Contents. Drifting' down Lost Creek. A-playin' of old sledg-e at the settlemint. The star in the val- ley. Elootioneerln' an Big Injun mounting. The romanne of Sunrise rock. The dancin' party at Har- rison's Cove. Over on the other mounting. The " harnt " that walks Chilhowee. Where the battle was fought. Bost. 1884. D. M4777 Murger, H: Adeline Protat. Aus dem franz. von C. Biichele. Stuttg. 1854. T. M 4801 Murray, C: A: Prarievogel. Uebers. aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1847. 3 v. T. M4851 Murray, D: Chi-istie. By the gate of the sea. N. Y. 1883. D. M 4879 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. M 4879 Hearts ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. M 4880 Joseph's coat. N. Y. 1881. S. M 4877 A life's atonement. N. Y. 1881. Q. M 4876 Val Strange ; a story of the primrose way. N. Y. 1883. Q. M 4878 The way of the world ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. M 4881 Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville, (Trois Etoiles). Strange tales. Leipz. 1878. S. M 4902 That artful vicar ; the story of what a clergy- man tried to do for others and did for him- self. Leipz. 1879. 3 v. in 1. S. M 4903 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. M 4903 Young Brown. 111. Bost. 1874. O. M 4904 Musaus, J: K: A: Deutsche volksmiircheu. Hildburgh. 1843. 3 v. T. M4951 Same. Volksmiircheu der deutschen ; mit ei- ner einleitung und anmerkun^en herausg. von Moritz Miiller. Leipz. 1868. 3 v. in 1. D. M4951 Contents. V. 1. MUller, M., J: K: A: Musiius. Vorbericht an herrn D: Runkel. Die biicher der chronika der drei schwestern.Richilde.- Roland's knappen. Legenden von Riibezahl. Die entfiihrung. 2. Die nymphe des brunnens. Libussa. Der ge- raubte schleier.- Stunime Hebe. 3. Llebestroue. Uhich mit dem biihel. Diimon Amor. Melichsala. Der schatzgriiber. Dumb love. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. 830. 1 : 8 Same. The "dumb lover. In Roscoe, T: German novelists. R 2451 Libussa. In Oxenford, J: Tales from the german. O 1001 The spectre barber. In Popular tales and romances. P 2126 v2 The treasure-seeker. In the same. P 2126 vl Musset, Paul Edme de. The wind-spirit and rain-goddess. Tr. from the german [adap- tation] of M. Schlimpert. In. Bost. 1858. T. MxllOl Miitzelburg, Adolf. Das attentat; historische novelTe aus der geschichte Portugals. Ber- lin. 1865. T. M 5001 Hennig Brabant ; historische novelle aus der stadt Braunschweig. Berlin. 1865. 2 v. T. M5002 Die intriganten ; histoi'ischer roman aus der zeit der ersten franzcisischcn revolution. Berlin. 1867. 5 v. S. M 5003 : denotes books specially adapted for children. 813 Miitzelburg NordhoflF. LITERATTIBE FICTION . CI. 813, Authors. 814 Miitzelburg, Adolt. Continued. Der konak ; eine episode aus dem Kaukasus. Aus den papieren eines amerikaners. Ber- lin. 1865. T. M 5004 Luigia Sanfelice. T.p.w. T. M 5005 Der orang-utang ; eine reise-erinnerung. Aus den papieren eines amerikaners. Berlin. 1865. 4 V. T. M 5006 Robert Clive, der eroberer von Bengalen ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1868. 2 v. S. M 5007 Das schloss an der Ostsee. T. p. w. S. M5008 Der sohn des kaisers ; historische novelle aus der zeit des deutschen bauernkrieges. 2te aull. Berlin. 1865. 4 v. T. M 5009 My marriage. Best. 1880. S. M 91 My trivial life and its misfortunes ; a gossip with no plot in particular by a plain woman. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. S. M 92 Contents. V. 1. Spinsterhood. 2. Meum and tuum. My wife and my wife's sister. (No name ser.) Bost. 1881."S. M90 Mylius, Otfried, pseud., see Miiller, K: Mysteries of Heron Dyke, The ; a novel of in- cident by the author of " In the dead of night", '"'Brought to light," etc. N. Y. 1881. Q. M05 Nachlese in und ausser mir aus den papieren des verfassers der Selbstbekenntnisse, oder Vierzig jahi'e aus dem leben eines oftge- nannten arztes. Leipz. 1856. 4 v. S. N 1 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 85. Nares, E: Thinks - 1 - to - myself ; a serio-ludicro, tragico-comico tale, written by Thinks - 1 - to - myself who. Phila. 1869. 2 v. 1. S. Nxl51 Nas, Abraham and Josef. Unterhaltungen fiir die reifei-e jugend ; zweiter jahrgang. St. Gallen. 1842. D. N 1051 Nature's nobleman, by the author of Rachel's secret. N. Y. 1869. O. N 5 Natiirliche tochter, Die. Hamburger novelle. Hamburg. 1862. S. H4 Naubert, Christiane Benedicte Eugenie, born Hebenstreit. Volksmiirchen der deutschen. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1839. 3 v. S. N 101 Neal, Alice B., see Haven, Alice. Neal, J: Goody gracious ! and the forget-me- not. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J926 vlO Same. In Sargent, E. The emerald. S 551 Neaves, C: lord. How to make a pedigree. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v2 Needell, Mrs. J : H. Lucia, Hugh and another ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. N 176 Nelk, Theophilus, pseud., see Waibel, Aloys Adalbert. Nelly, St., pseud., see Strieker, Karoline. Nelson, H: Loomis. John Ran toul. Bost. 1885. [1884]. D. NllOl Nemmersdorf, Franz v., pseud., see Reitzen- stein, ra,nziska freifrau v. Neumeister, Theodor. Herzog Hans von Sagan, oder Der hungerthurm zu Priebus ; histo- rische original-erzahlung. Neusalza. 1857. 4v. D. N201 Verbrechen und strafe, oder So wie die that, so auch der lohn. Pirna. n. d. O. N 202 Newby, Emma, mrs. C. J. Common sense ; a novel. Leipz. 1866. 2 v. in 1. S. N 226 Newell, C: M. Kamehameha, the conquering king ; the mystery of his birth, loves and conquests ; a romance of Hawaii. 111. N. Y. 1885. D. N 236 Newell, Robert H:, {Orpheus C. Kerr). There was once a man ; a story. N. Y. 1884. I). N252 The walking doll, or The asters and disasters of society. N. Y. 1872. D. N 251 Newman, J: H: Callista ; a sketch of the 3d century. N. Y. 1859. D. N 301 Loss and gain, or The story of a convert. Bost. 1855. D. N 302 Newman, Mrs. M. W. Jean. N. Y. 1875. O. N351 Same. Lond. 1875. D. N351 With costs. N. Y. 1881. Q. N 352 Same ; a novel. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. N352 Newton, W: Wilberforce. The priest and the man, or Abelard and Heloisa ; a novel. [Anon.] Bost. 1883. S. N 376 Nieander, K: A: The renounced treasure. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 NichoUs, Charlotte, born Bronte, (Ourrer Bell). Jane Eyre ; an autobiography. Leipz. 1850. 2v. inl. S. N 401 Same. Phila. n. d. D. N 401 Same, germ. Aus dem englischen von dr. Grieb. Stuttg. 1850. 2 v. T. N 401 The professor. Leipz. 1857. S. N 402 Same ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. N 402 Shirley. Leipz. 1849. 2 v. in 1. S. N 403 Same. ' Phila. n. d. D. N 403 Same, germ. Aus dem englischen von dr. Grieb. Stuttg. 1851. 2 v. T. N 403 Villette. Leipz. 1853. 2 v. in 1. S. N 404 Same, germ. Aus dem englischen von dr. Grieb. Stuttg. 1853. 2 v. T. N 404 Nicholson, Joseph J. The Blemmertons, or Dottings by the wayside. N. Y. 1856. D. N501 Nicolay, pseud., see Scharling, K: H: Niemann, A: Bakchen und thyrsostrager ; ro- man. N. Y. 1883. F. N 551 Nieritz, K: Gustav. The young recruit, or The adventures of a drummer boy ; a story of the russian campaign. Bost. 1866. S. Nx201 Nietschmann, Hermann, {Armin Stein). Count Erbach ; a story of the reformation. From the german by James I. Helm. N. Y. [1882J. D. N576 Noble, Annette Lucille. Eunice Lathrop, spin- ster. N. Y. 1882. S. N602 Uncle Jack's executors. N. Y. 1880. S. N 601 Noble, Lucretia. A reverend idol ; a novel. [Anon.] Bost. 1882. D. N 626 Noe, H: A: Der zauberer des hochgebirges ; er- ziihlung. Berlin. 1874. D. N 651 Noel, Lady Augusta, born Keppel. From gener- ation to generation : a novel. N. Y7 1880. Q. N 701 Same. New ed. Lond. 1880. D. N 701 Norden, Marie, pseud., see Wolfhagen, Friede- rike. NordhoflF, C: Cape Cod and all along shore. N. Y. 1880. Q. N 801 Contents. Captain Tom; a resurrection. What is best? A strugrgrle for lit" e. Elkanah Brewster's temptation. One pair of blue eyes. Mehetable Rogers's cranberry swamp. Maud Elbert's love- match. denotes books specially adapted for children. 815 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Nordhoff-OUphant, M. . 816 NordhofP, C: Continued. Elkanah Brewster's temptation. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Man-of-war life ; a boy's experience in the U. S. navy during a voyage around the world in a siiip of the line. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. Nx251 Same. T. p. w. S. Nx 251 The merchant vessel ; a sailor boy's voyages to see the world. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. Nx252 Stories of the island world. N. Y. 1857. S. Nx254 Whaling and fishing. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. Nx 253 Normand, Hugh de. The brigand captive, or The gipsy queen. Auburn. [1854]. S. N851 Norris, W: E. Adrian Vidal ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1885. Q. N 908 Heaps of money ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. S. N903 The hermit of Saint Eugfene. In Tales from many sources. T 178 vl Mademoiselle de Mersac. N. Y. 1880. Q. N901 A man of his word, and other stories. N. Y. 1885. Q. N 906 IneliuUs, La bella sorrentlna. The man with the red hair. Nils Jensen. The princess Paolini. Count Waldemar. The count Adelcrantz. Miss Van Steen. The old woman of the sea. Matrimony. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S N 902 Same. N. Y. 1884. Q. N 902 No new thing ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883! S. N 904 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. N 904 That terrible man ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. 8. N907 Thirlby Hall ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1884. Q. X905 Nortli, Christopher, pseud., see Wilson, J: Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, sec Stirling- Maxwell, C. E. S. Norton, J : N. Rockford parish, or The fortunes of Mr. Mason's successors. N. Y. 1856. D. N951 Norton Harg^rave, and other sketches ; the second series of Shades of character by the author of Charlie Burton, etc. N. Y. '1851. S. Nx61 Notley, Frances Eliza Millet, born Thomas. Love's crosses. N. Y. 1878. Q. N 1001 Same; a novel. Lond. 1878. Mildred's wedding. T. p. w. O. Olive Varcoe. Bost. n. d. O. Red Riding-Hood ; a novel. N. inl. D. NlOOl N 1002 N 1003 1884. Q. N 1005 Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. N 1005 - Time shall try. N. Y. 1878. Q. N 1004 Novellen - kranz, gewunden aus den schon- sten bliithen der schon-wissenschaftlichen literatur des in und auslandes. Schwiib. Hall. n. d. D. N 1051 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 86. Nursery governess, The, by the author of " The week." Lond. 1845. T. Nx 91 Nyblom, Helfene, born Roed, (H.). Novellen. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von 1. Loren- zen. Bremen. 1879. S. H 101 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, under H., p. 67. Ober, F: Albion. The silver city ; a story of ad- venture in Mexico. 111. Bost. [1883]. O. 0x101 O'Brien, Charlotte G. Light and shade. N. Y. 1878. Q. O 101 Same. Lond. 1878. 2 v. in 1. D. O 101 O'Brien, Fitz James. The diamond lens. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 Same, with other stories ; coll. and ed., with a sketch of the author by W: Winter. New ed. N. Y. 1885. D. O 126 Includes, The wondersmith. Tommatoo. Mother of Pearl. The boheraian. The lost room. The pot of tulips. The golden ingot. My wife's tempter. What was it ? Duke Humphrey's dinner. Milly Dove. The dragon fang. Mrs. Macsimum's bill. In Maga stories. P2801 O'Connor, Francis. The invisible princess. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v8 O'Connor, W: Douglas. The ghost. 111. N. Y. 1867. S. O 151 Same. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v8 O'Flanagan, James Roderick. The Munster circuit ; tales, trials and traditions. N. Y. 1879. Q. 201 O'Hanlon, Alice. A costly heritage. N. Y. 1881. Q. O 251 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 3. D. O 251 Horace McLean ; a story of a search in a strange place. N. Y. 1880. Q. O 252 No proof; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. O 253 Robert Reid, cotton-spinner; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. O 254 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 2. D. O 254 O'Hara family, pseud., see Banim, J: Ohnet, Georges. Lise Fleuron. From the french by lady W: Godolphin Osborne. Lond. 1885. 2 v. D. 276 O'ltzel, E. Die freunde ; historisch - romanti- sches gemillde aus dem griechischen befrei- ungskriege. Leipz. 1834. 2 v. S. O 301 Oelckers, Theodor Hermann. Prinzessin Maria von Oldenhof, oder Der ewige jude. Leip/. 1848. 3v. S. 351 Old corner cupboard, The, or The every-day life of every-day people. Cine. 1856. D. 21 Oldboy, Oliver, pseud. George Bailey ; a tale of New York mercantile life. N.'Y. 1880. S. 401 Oldenburg, Ferdinand A: Janneton und Ama- lie, oder Nicht das verbrechen sondern die tugend macht gliicklich ; cine erzilhlun<;- fiir die reifei'e iugend. Cine. 1855. S. 426 Die wege zum verbrechen ; eine erziililnn*;- fiir die reifere iugend. Cine. 1851. T. With Schmid, J. C. v. Fernando. S 1459 Old-fashioned fairy tales. Original ed., ill. Bost. . d. 2v. S. 0x31 Oliphant, Laurence. Altiora Peto ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. D. O 436 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. O 436 Piccadilly ; a fragment of contemporary bio- graphy. N. Y. 1884. S. O 437 The tender recollections of Irene Macgilli- cuddy. In Tales from Blackwood. T177 vl Oliphant, Margaret O., horn Wilson. Agnes. N. Y. 1866. O. 451 Same. Leipz. At his gates. 1865. 2 V. in 1. N. Y. 1873. O. 451 452 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 817 OUphant, M. O.-Orred. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 818 Oliphant, M. O., born Wilson. Continued. A beleaguered city ; a narrative of certain recent events in the city of Semur, in the department of the Haute Bourgogne ; a story of the seen and the unseen. Lond. 1881. O. O 492 Carita. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. S. O 453 Chronicles of Carlingford. 1. The perpetual curate. O 473 2. Salem cnapel. O 478 3. Miss Majoribanks. O 468 4. The curate in charge. O 454 5. Phoebe jr. O 474 The curate in charge. Leipz. 1876. S. O 454 The days of my life ; an autobiography. N. Y. 1868. D. 455 Same. T. p. w. S. O 455 The doctor's family. With her The rector. 476 For love and life. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. S. 456 The fugitives. N. Y. 1879. O. O 457 The greatest heiress in England. Leipz. 1880. 2v. inl. S. 458 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. O 458 Harry Joscelyn. N. Y. 1881. Q. 459 Same. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. O 459 He that will not when he may. N. Y. 1880. Q. 460 Same. N. Y. 1883. D. O 460 Hester ; a story of contemporary life. N. Y. 1883. D. ^ O 488 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. O 488 Same. N. Y. 1884. Q. O 488 Innocent ; a tale of modern life. Leipz. 1873. 2 V. in 1. S. O 461 It was a lover and his lass ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. O 485 Same. 2d ed. Lond. 1883. 3v.ini. D. 485 Katie Stewart ; eineeinfachegeschichte. Leipz. 1885. S. O 462 The ladies Lindores ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. 486 Same. N. Y. 1883. S. O 486 Lady Jane ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. O 484 The last of the Mortimers. Leipz. 1862. 2 v. in 1. S. O 463 Lucy Crofton. N. Y. 1860. S. O 464 Madam ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. O 490 Same. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. S. O 490 Madonna Mary. N. Y. 1866. O. O 465 Same. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. in 1. S. O 465 May. Leipz. 1873. 2v.ini. S. O 466 The minister's wife. Leipz. 1869. 2 v. in 1. S. 467 Miss Majoribanks. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. 468 Mrs. Arthur. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. S. O 469 An odd couple. Phila. n. d. D. O 470 Ombra. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. O 471 The open door [and] The portrait ; two stories of the seen and the unseen. \Anon.'\ Bost. 1885. S. 493 Passages from the life of Mrs. Margaret Mait- land of Sunnyside, written by herself. Leipz. 1862. S. ' 472 The perpetual curate. N. Y. 1865. O. O 473 Same. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. O 473 Phoebe junior ; a last chronicle of Carling- ford. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. O 474 The primrose path ; a chapter in the annals of the kingdom of Fife. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. inl. S. 476 Oliphant, M. O., born Wilson. Continued. The rector. Leipz. 1870. S. O 476 A rose in June. Leipz. 1874, S. O 477 Salem chapel. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. 478 The secret chamber. In Tales from Black- wood. T 177 vl Self-sacrifice, by the author of Margaret Mait- land. Phila. n. d. D. O 491 Sir Tom ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. O 487 Same. Lond. 1884. D. O 487 A son of the soil. T.p. w. [N. Y. 1865]. O. 479 The story of Valentine and his brother. Leipz. 1875. 2 V. in 1. S. O 480 Same. Edinb. 1875. 3 v. in 1. D. O 480 Whiteladies. Toronto. 1875. D. O 481 Same. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. O 481 Within the precincts. Leipz. 1879. 3 v. in 2. S. O 482 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 2. D. O 482 The wizard's son ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. 489 Young Musgrave. Leipz. 1878. 2v.ini. S. 483 Zaidee ; a romance. Edinb. 1856. 3 v. in 2. D. O 494 Olivet, Fabre d', see Fabre d'Olivet, D. OUe numarker, De, pseud., see LOffler, K: Val- entin Immanuel. Olney, Ellen W., see Kirk, Ellen W. Oelsner-Monmerque, Gustave. Die rothen und die blauen, pariser corruptions-skizzen ; ein tendenz-roman. Bremen. 1850. S. 602 Onkel Adam, pseud, see Wetterbergh, C: A. Opie, Amelia, born Alderson. Works. N. Y. 1835-1838. 6 v. in 5. O. O 653 Contents. V. 1. The fashionable wife and unfash- ionable husband. Madeline's journal. The myste- rious stranger. Appearance is ag'ainst her. The robber. The brother and sister. 2. Adeline Mowbray. Murder will out. The reveng'e. The orphan. The soldier's return. The uncle and nephew. Love and duty. The death-bed. The black velvet pelisse. 3. Illustrations of lying. The father and daughter. The quaker and the young- man of the world. A tale of trials. The confessions of an odd tempered man. The ruffian boy. The welcome home. The mother and son. 4. Lady Anne and lady Jane. Austin and his wife. A woman's love. A wife's duty. The two sons. The opposite neighbor. 6. Love, mystery and superstition. After the ball. Happy faces Temper. 6. Valentine's eve. Same. V. 1. Fhila. n. d. O. 663 White lies. N. Y. 1848. S. O 662 Opiz, G: Emanuel, (Bohemus). Frauengrosse, Oder Der blodsinnige. Stuttg. 1835. 2 v. S, 701 Der irrwisch. Stuttg. 1834. S. O 702 Optic, Oliver, pseud., see Adams, W: Taylor. O'Reilly, Eleanor G., mrs. Robert. Our hero. 111. N. Y. 1885Yl884]. D. Ox 461 Orford, Earl of, see walpole, Horace. Oniiirod, . My intimate enemy. Phila. 1878. S. O 761 Ome, Philip. Simply a love-story. Bost. 1885. D. O 766 Orr, Mrs. Alexander S, The Roseville family ; an historical tale of the 18th century. Lond. 1877. S. O 776 The twins of St. Marcel ; a tale of Paris incen- die. Lond. 1877. S. O 777 Orred, Meta. Honor's worth, or The cost of a vow. N. Y. 1878. O. O 801 Same ; a novel. Lond. 1878. 2 v. D. O 801 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 819 CI. 813, Authors. LITEBATTTltE FICTION. Oertel Parr, H. 820 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (W. 0. v. Horn, Fried- rich Wilhelm Lips). Die eroberung von i^lgier; eine geschichte, der jugend und dem volke erzahlt. With his Der orkan auf Cuba. O 853 Friedel ; eine geschichte aus dem volksleben. N. Y. 1853. T. O 851 Gesammelte erzahlungen. 2te aufl. Frank- furt a. M. 10 V. D. 852 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 87. Der orkan auf Cuba ; eine geschichte, der deut- schen jugend und dem deutschen volke er- ziihlt. 2te aufl. Wiesbaden, n. d. T. O 853 Rheinische dorfgeschichten. Frankfurt a. M. 1854. 4 V. T. O 854 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 87. Wie einer ein wallfischfiinger wurde, und was er dabei erf uhr und erlebte ; eine geschichte, der deutschen jugend und dem deutschen volke erzahlt. With his Der orkan auf Cuba. O 853 Oeser, Rudolph L:, [Otto Olaubrecht). Ein boses jahr ; erziihlung fvir das volk. Frankfurt a. M. 1856. S. O 1051 Oswald, Fj., pseud., see Schulze-Smidt, Bernhai-- dine. Other fools and their doings ; by one who has seen it. N. Y. 1880. S. O 61 Otis, James, pseud., see Kaler, James Otis. Oettinger, E: Maria. Der ring des Nostrada- mus ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1852. T. 901 Schobri, Ungarn's grosster bandit. Leipz. 1843. S O 902 Sophie Arnold. Leipz. 1847. 2 v. S. O 903 Otto, Louise, see Peters, Louise. Ouida, pseud., see Rame, Louise de la. Owen, Robert Dale. Village life in the west. Beyond the breakers ; a story of the present day. Phila. 1878. O. O 951 Oxenford, J: and C. A. Felling, trs. Tales from the german ; comprising specimens from the most celebrated authors. N. Y. 1858. O. O 1001 Contents. Musaus, J. H. Libussa. Schiller, J : C. F: V. The criminal from lost honour. Hauff, W: The cold heart. Immermann, K: The wonders in the Spessart. Hauff, W: Nose, the dwarf. Velde, C. A. van der. Axel ; a tale of the thirty years war. Hoffmann, E. T. W. The sandman. Kleist, H:v. Michael Kohlhaas. P. P., pseud., see Rumohr, Theodor W: Kjerstrup. P s, P. Bendegucz, Gyula Kolompos und Pista Kurtaforint ; eine donquixottiade nach der neuesten mode. Dichtung und wahrheit. Aus dem magyarischen iioers. von L. von Sch. Leipz. 1^41. S. . P 101 Paalzow, Henriette v., born Wach. Godwie- Castle. Aus den papieren der herzogin von Nottingham. Breslau. 1855. 3 v. S. P151 Jacob van der Nees. Breslau. 1855. 3 v. S. P152 Ste. Roche. Breslau. 1855. 3 v. S. P 153 Thomas Thyrnau. Breslau. 1855. 3 v. S. P154 Paddock, Cornelia, mrs. A. G, The fate of madame La Tour ; a tale of Great Salt Lake. N. Y. 1881. S. P 176 Page, T: Nelson. Marse Chan. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v9 Paget, Violet, ( Vernon Lee). Miss Brown ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. P 3151 Palace-prison, A, or The past and the present. N. Y. 1884. S. P 5 Palais Royal, Das ; historischer roman von dem verf'asser des Heinrichs IV, oder die tage der Ligue. Deutsch bearb. von L: Hauff. Stuttg. 1846. S. PI Palfrey, Sarah Hammond, {E. Foxton). Herman, or Young knighthood. Bost. 1866. 2 v. D. P201 Palgrave, W: Gilford. Hermann Agha ; an east- ern narrative. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1872. S. P251 Palm, Adolf, pseud., see Miiller, Adolf. Palmblad, W: F: Aurora Konigsmark und ihre verwandten ; zeitbilder aus dem siebzehn- ten und achtzehnten jahrhundert. Aus dem schwedischen. Leipz. 1848. 6 v. in 2. D. P301 Die familie Falkensward. Aus dem schwedi- schen iibers. von Germanus Metternich. Stuttg. 1845. 2 V. T. P 302 Palmer, H: Vaughan. The younger son. 111. Lond. n. d. O. P 351 Paltock, Robert. The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins ; with a preface by A. H. BuUen. Lond. 1884. 2 v. D. P 376 Pansy, pseud., see Alden, Isabella M. Pardoe, Julia. A life struggle. T.p.w.D. P 401 Parr, Harriet, {Holme Lee). Against wind and tide. New ed. Lond. 1873. D. P 462 Annis Warleigh's fortunes. New ed. Lond. 1873. D. P463 Basil Godfrey's caprice. Leipz. 1868. 2 v. in 1. S. P461 Same. New ed. Lond. 1876. D. P 461 The beautiful miss Barrington. Leipz. 1871. 2v. inl. S. P459 Same. New ed. Lond. 1875. D. P 459 Ben Milner's wooing. Bost. 1877. S. P 451 Same. New ed. Lond. 1884. D. P 451 Country stories, old and new, in prose and verse. New ed. Lond. 1875. D. P 464 Contents. Polly's one offer. Hawkswell Place. Coming into a fortune. By the shore of life. Lady Seamer's long- step.- The grave in the moorland. Rufus Helstone. St. Mark's eve. Under the rose. Lost on the shore. Three nights by Ashpool. The holy well. Too prudent by half. The Chetwynds. The love-test. Sibyl's disappointment. May Mar- garet. The sighing shade. The skeleton in the closet. Sir Ralph and lady Jane. The sanctuary in the mountains. An autumn shadow. Lina Fernie. Shadows. Jenny's vocation. The haunted mere. A winter wedding in the wolds. For richer, for poorer. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. P 460 Hawksview ; a family history of our own times. N. Y. 1860. S. " P 452 Her title of honour. Lond. 1884. D. P 470 Katherine's trial. New ed. Lond. 1875. D. P465 Kathie Brand ; a fireside history of a quiet life. N. Y. 1857. D. P453 Same. New ed. Lond. 1873. D. P 453 Legends from fairy land. 111. Lond. [1877]. S. Px 151 Maud Talbot. New ed. Lond. 1873. D. P 466 Mr. Wynward's ward. New ed. Lond. 1876. D. P 467 Mrs. Denys of Cote. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. in 1. S. P 454 Thorney Hall. Aus dem englischen von C: Miiller. Stuttg. 1857. Straightforward. Leipz. T. 1878. Sylvan Holt's daughter. N. Y. New ed. Lond. 1880. ] Same. N. Y. 1885. Q. P457 inl. S. P455 D. P456 P456 P466 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 831 Parr, H. Payn. LITEBATUIIE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. Parr, Harriet, {Holme Lee). Continued. The vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. Pliila. n. d. D. P458 Warp and woof, or Reminiscences of Doris Fletcher. New ed. Lond. 1878. D. P 468 The Wortlebanlc diary, and some old stories from Kathie Brande's portfolio. New ed. Lond. 1873. D. P 469 Indiudcs, Kester's evil eye. The haunted house. Madame Freschon's. The heir of Hardingrton.- How miss Bootle was photographed. Stories round the yule log-: My brother Robert; Poor Dick; A day of rockonin}?; An immortal poem. At old St. Ann's. From first to last. The devil's mark A sketch from my window.- The lady on the Mall. A governess's soliloquy. Some passages from the diary of mistress Margaret Arden. The poor pensioner. Ashburn rectory. My blind sister. Parr, Louisa. Dorothy Fox. Phila. 1876. O. P501 Robin. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. P502 Partington, Mrs., pseud., see Shillaber, B: Pen- hallow. Parton, Sarah Payson, born Willis, formerly mrs. Etheredge, {Fanny Fern). Fern leaves. Buffalo. 1853. D. P 551 Pastor Ai-nold, oder Die flucht der waldenser ; eine erziihlung aus dem siebzehnten jahr- hundert. Aus dem englischen. Stuttg. 1845. 3 V. T. P 2 Patchin, Calista Halsey. Dorothea. (No name ser.) Bost. 1883. S. P 526 Patrick, Mary. Christine Brownlee's ordeal. N. y. 1878.' Q. P 601 Same. Lond. 1878. 3 v. in 1. D. P 601 Marjorie Bruce's lovers. Lond. 1877. 3 v. in 1. D. P 603 Mr. Leslie of Underwood ; a story with two heroines. N. Y. 1879. Q. P 602 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. P 602 Pauer, F: Neue novellen ; bilder aus der wirli;- lichenwelt. Mannheim. 1832. D. P 651 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 88. Paul, Jean, pseud., see Richter, J: Paul F: Paul, Margaret Agnes. De Cressy. Leipz. 1857. S. P 701 Dorothy. Leipz. 1857. S. P 702 Maiden sisters. Leipz. 1859. S. P 703 Martha Brown the heiress. Leipz, 1861. S. P704 Still waters. Leipz. 1857. S. P 705 Uncle Ralph. Leipz. 1858. S. P 706 Vanessa. Leipz. 1874. S. P 707 Paulding, James Kirke. Child e Roeliffe's pil- grimage ; a travelling legend. [Anon.] In Tales of Glauber Spa. T 186 The dutchman's fireside. N. Y. 1856. D. P751 The old continental, or The price of liberty. N. Y. 1851. 2 V. in 1. D. P 752 Selim the benefactor of mankind. [Anon.] In Tales of Glauber Spa. T 186 Westward hoi T.p.w. D. P 753 Payn, James, (John S. Saiczade). At her mercy. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. S. P 801 The best of husbands. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. in 1. S. P 802 By proxy. N. Y. 1878. O. P 803 Same. L( .eipz. 1878. 2v. inl. S. P803 The canon's ward ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. P 828 Same. Portrait. Lond. 1884. 3 v. in 1. D. P 828 Cecil's tryst. Leipz. 1872. S. P 804 Payn, James. Continued. A confidential agent ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. P805 Same. New ed. 111. Lond. 1881. D. P 805 Fallen fortunes. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. P806 For cash only ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. P824 Same. New ed. Lond. 1883. D. P 824 Found dead. Leipz. 1869. S. P 807 From exile. N. Y. 1881. Q. P 808 Same. New ed. Lond. [1881]. D. P 808 Garret Van Hoi*n, or The beggar on horse- back, by J: S. Sauzade. N. Y. 1863. D. P826 A grape from a thorn ; a novel. N. Y. 1881. D. P 823 Same. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. P 823 Gwendoline's harvest. Leipz. 1870. S. P 809 Halves. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. P 810 High spirits ; being certain stories written in them. 1st and 2d series. Leipz. 1879. 2 v. S. P811 Contents. V. 1. A Mayf air mystery.-The confisca- ted weeds. -Tasbrook's testimonial. A medifeval mistake. A chronological error. An easter holiday. The G. B. C, the tale of a telegram. Finding his level. An office secret. An aunt by marriage. The lord of Harpington. Patient Kitty. My first record- ership. 2. A change of views. Simpson of Bussora. Some tales of white elephants. An adventure in a forest. Capt. Cole's passenger. An independent opinion. An unrequited attachment. A town ven- geance. A modern Delilah. The transfused trans- formed; a tale of blood. Number forty-seven. A very quiet rubber. The fatal curiosity. Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. P 811 In the heart of a hill, and other stories. Leipz. 1873. S. P812 Includes, A very bad night. My financial opera- tion. A treasure of a servant. A night with the fenians. Charley's bet. The toll-bar. Mr. John Stott's difficulty. Hunting extraordiary.- From the rank. On her majesty's service : special. A paper chase. Kit, a memory ; a novel. N. Y. 825 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. P 825 Less black than we're painted. Leipz. 1878. 2 V. in 1. S. P 813 Like father like son. Leipz. 1871. 2 v. in 1. S. P814 Lost sir Massingberd ; a romance of real life. Phila. n. d. D. P 815 The luck of the Darrells ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. S. P830 Married beneath him. Phila. w. c?. D. P 816 Murphy's master. Leipz. 1873. 8. P 817 Not wooed, but won. Leipz. 1871. 2v.ini. S. P818 Patient Kitty. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v4 The talk of the town ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. P829 Thicker than water ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. P827 Same. N. Y. 1883. S. P 827 Under one roof ; an episode in a family his- tory. N. Y. 1879. Q. P 819 Same. New ed. Lond. [1880]. D. P 819 Walter's word. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. P820 What he cost her. Leipz. 1877. 3 v. in 1. S. P821 A woman's vengeance. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. P 822 % : denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITERATTJIIE FICTION. Peacock Phelps. 824 Peacock, T: Love. Headlong Hall. N. Y. 1845. D. P861 Nightmare Abbey. With his Headlong Hall. P851 Peard, Francis Mary. Cartouche. Leipz. 1879. S. P 901 Castle and town. Phila. 1882. D. P 906 Contradictions. Leipz. 1883. 2 v. in 1. S. P907 Mother Molly. N. Y. 1880. S. P 902 One year, or A story of three homes. Leipz. 169. 2 v. in 1. S. P 908 The rose-garden. T. p. w. D. P 903 Thorpe Regis. Bost. 1874. D. P 904 Unawares. Bost. 1872. D. P 905 joint author, see Awdry, Frances. Pearl -fishing; choice stories from Dickens' " Household words." Auburn, n. d. D. D 1326 Contents. The young advocate. The last of a long line. The gentleman beggar. Evil is wrought by want of thought. Bed. The home of Woodruffe, the gardener. The water-drops. An excellent opportunity. Peasant life ; sketches of the villagers and field labourers in Glenaldie. 3d ed. Lond. 1871. D. P 11 Contents. Introd. Muckle .Took. Kate Rose and "her bairns." The dandy drainer. The mason's daughter. The bourtree. The red-tiled cottage. Conclusion. Pechammer, E. v. {E. D. Mund). Erlebnisse eines arztes. Leipz. 1866. 2 v. S. M 4501 Peck, Ellen, {Guy ler Fine). Mary Brandagee ; an autobiography. N. Y. 1865. D. P951 Pelzeln, Franziska v. Der erbe von Weidenhof. N. Y. 1885. F. P 3201 Penciller, Harry, pseud. Rural life, or prose and poetry of the woods and fields. Phila. 1859. S. P 1051 Pennot, The rev. Peter, pseud., see Roxind, W: Marshall Fitz. Penseroso, pseud., see Heege, Frau . Perch, Philemon, pseud., see Johnston, R: Malcolm. Perez Galdds, Benito. Gloria ; a novel. From the Spanish by Clara Bell. Rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1882. 2 v. S. P 976 Marianela. From the Spanish by Clara Bell. Rev. and corr. in the U. S. N". Y. 1883. S. P977 Trafalgar ; a tale. From the Spanish by Clara Bell. Rev. and corr. in the U. S. ' N. Y. 1884. S. P978 Perkins, F: Beecher. The double veil. In Maga stories. P 2801 My three conversations with miss Chester. In the same. P 2801 Same. N. Y. 1877. T. P 1161 Perkins, Mrs. Sue Chestnutwood. Honor bright; a romance. [Anon.'\ Buffalo. 1883. D. P1176 Perkins, W: Blair, ed. Boys' and girls' annual, 1885 ; illustrated stories for young folks. Bost. [1885]. O. Bx 74 Perrier, Amelia. A good match. N. Y. 1873. D. P1201 Perry, Mary Alice. Esther Pennefather. N. Y. 1878. 6. P 1251 Perry, G: B. Corporal Bruce of the Balaklava "six hundred." Bost. [1878]. S. P 1301 Perry, Nora. A book of love stoi'ios. Bost. 1881. S. P 1351 Contents. Dolly. Dick Halliday's wife. Laura and her hero. Christine Perry, Nora. Continued. charmer charmed. After five years. John Eccles- ton's thanksgiving. An heiress. Margaret Freyer's heart. The tragedy of the unexpected, and otlier stories. "Bost. 1880. T. P 1352 Includes, Mrs. Stanhope's last lodger. A foolish girl. Our ice man. In the red room. My Nannie O. In astreet-car. Mrs. F's waiting-maid. The ribbon of honor. Pestalozzi, J: H: Leonard and Gertrude. Tr. ' and abridged by Eva Channing. Bost. 1885. D. P3251 FErzahlungen] . In his Sammtliche werke. 370:1 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 14. Peterkin, Alexander. The pai'sonage. hi Wil- son, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2203 v3 Same. W 2202 v6 Peters, A:, {Elfried von Taura). Zavis von Ro- senberg, genannt von Falkenstein ; histori- scherroman. Prag. 1860. 3 v. T. P 2851 Peters, Louise, horn Otto. Ludwig, der kellntu". Leipz. 1843. 2 v. 8. P 2901 Romisch und deutsch. Leipz. 1847. 4 v. 8. P2902 Die schultheisentcichter ; cultur-historisoher roman. Wien. 1861. 3 v. T. P 2903 Vier geschwister. Dessau. 1852. 2 v. in 1. S. P 2904 Petersen, Marie. Die irrlichter. 34ste ai;fl. Ber- lin. 1881. T. With her Prinzessin Use. P1376 Same, eng. The will-o'-the-wisp. Tr. from the germ, by Charlotte I. Hart. 111. Lond. 1883. D. Px 401 Prinzessin Use ; ein miirchen aus dem Harz- gebirge. 20ste aufl. Berlin. 1879. T. P 1376 Pfannenschmidt, Julie, born Burow. Ein biir- germeister ; geschichtlicher roman. Wien. 1862. 3 V. T. P 1401 Jonannes Kepler ; historische erzahlung. Prag. 1857. 3 V. T. P 1402 Same. Leipz. 1865. S. P 1402 Ein lebenstraum. Leipz. 1855. T. P 1303 Pfeiffer, G. W. Der stadt-hauptmann von Frank- furt ; eine historische novelle aus Frank- furts vorzeit. Frankfurt a. M. 1860. 8. P 1001 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Doctor Zay. Bost. 1882. D. P 1456 Same, germ. Doctor Za ; erzahlung. In Vier- teljahrl. mag. V2 v31 Friends ; a duet. Bost. 1881. D. P 1451 The gates ajar. T. p. w. S. 249:21 The Gypsy series. N. Y. 1876. 4 v. S. Px 501-Px 504 Contents. 1. Gypsy Breynton. 2. Gypsy's cousin Joy. 3. Gypsy's sowing and reaping. 4. Gypsy's year at the Golden crescent. The lady of Shalott. In Johnson, E. R. Lit- tle classics. J 926 vlO An old maid's paradise. Bost. 1885. D. P 1457 Sealed orders. Bost. 1879. D. P 1453 Includes, Old mother Goose.- The lady of Shalott.- The true story of Guonevor. Doherty. The voyage 3rica. Wrecked in port. Running the risk.- Long, long ago. -Since I died.- A woman's of the Amor Mr. and mrs. Meyer. The denotes books specially adapted for children pulpit. Number IJJ. Two hundred and two. Cloth of gold. Saint Caligula. Miss Mildred's friend. Neblitt. The silent partner. 9th ed. Bost. 1884. D. P1454 825 Phelps Postl. LITEBATXTRE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Phelps, Elizabeth iiluart. Continued. The story of Avis. Bost. 1877. D. P 1455 Tiny. Bost. 1866. S. Px 507 The Trotty book. Bost. 1875. D. Px 505 Trotty's wedding tour and story book. 111. Bost. 1874. D. Px 506 Zerviah Hope. In Stories by american auth- ors. S 35 v8 Philleo, Calvin Wheeler. Twice married ; a story of Connecticut life. N. Y. 1855. S. P1501 Phillips, G: Searle, (January Searle). The gypsies of Dane's Dike. T. p. w. S. P 1551 Phillips, S: We're all low people there, and other tales. Lond. 1854. S. P 1601 Indtules, The banking house. Elinor Travis. The freethinker. Piazzi, Adrienne, {Leila-lianoum). A tragedy in the imperial harem at Constantinople. From the french, with notes by R. E. Cols- ton. N. Y. 1883. S. L 926 Pichler, Caroline, born v. Greiner. Die belage- rung Wiens. Wien. 1824. 3 v. T. P 1651 ~ Elisabeth von Guttenstein ; eine familienge- schichte aus der zeit des ostreichischen erbfolgekrieges. Wien. 1835. 3 v. S. P 1652 Friedrich der sti'eitbare. Wien. 1831. 4 v. S. P1653 Henriette von England ; gemahlin des herzogs von Orleans. Wien. 1832. S. P 1654 Kleine erziihlungen ; 2ter und 12ter t. Wien. 1823, 1832. 2 v. S. Zeitbilder. Wien. 1841. 2 v. S. Pichler, Louise, see Zeller, Louise. Pickering, Ellen. Ellen Wareham woman of a certain age. T. p. P1656 P 1657 the single ?. S. P1751 The expectant. T.p.w. O. P 1752 The grandfather. N. Y. 1861. O. P 1753 The squire. Phila. n. d. O. P 1754 Who sliall be heir ? Phila. n. d. O. P 1755 Pierantoni, Grazia, born Mancini. Lydia. Aus dem italienischen iibers. von Helene Lobe- dan. Einzige autorisierte deutsche ausg. Stuttg. [188n. D. P2951 Pigault-Iiebrun, Guillaume C: Antoine. Valen- tins verliebte abenteuer und irrfahrten ; ein komischer roman nach Pigault-Lebrun von Gustav Sellen. Leipz. 1829. 2 v. S. P1776 Pine, Cuyler, pseud., see Peck, Ellen. Pinzer, Frau v., see Binzer, Emilie v. Pipitz, Franz Ernst. Memoiren eines apostaten. Aus dessen papiei'en herausgegeben. Stuttg. 1842. S. P 1851 Pique ; a tale of the english aristocracy. Phila. n.d.D. P21 Pirkis, C. L. Lady Lovelace ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. P 1876 Pise, C: Constantine. Zenosius, or The pilgrim convert. 3d ed. N. Y. [1845]. D. P 1901 Pitawall, Ernst, pseud., see Dedenroth, Eugen Hermann. Planckner, Othello v., {Eginhardt). graf. Altenburg. 1839. S. Liebe, rache, reue. Altenburg. 18< Der erb- E751 3. 2v. 8. E752 1842. 2 V. E763 Neue abendgenossen. Altenburg. Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 89. Plympton, A. G. The Mary Jane papers ; a book for girls. 111. N. Y. 1884. S. Px 526 Poe, Edgar Allan. The fall Usher. In Johnson, E. of the house of R. Little classics. J 926 v2 The gold-bug. In the same. J 926 vl2 The murders in the rue Morgue. In the same. J 926 v3 Seltsame geschichten. Uebers. und eingel. von Alfred Murenberg. Stuttg. [18821. D. P1976 Contents. Der goMkafer. Eine ballonfahrt fiber den Atlantischen ocean. Thatsaehliches fiber die magrnetisirungdos herrn Waldemar. Eine fahrt in den Malstrom. Das verrjitherische herz. Der zwei- fache mord in der rue Morgue. Der fall Marie Roget. Der entwendete brief. [Tales] . In his Works . 820.1:5 Contents, see under English literature. Collected works. Polko, Elise, born Vogel. Flower pictures. Tr. fi-om the german by S. W. Lander. 111. N. Y. 1861. S. Px551 Getrennt ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. P 2006 In der villa Diodati ; aus den erinnerungen ei- nes verstorbenen. Miinster. 1878. T. P2002 Die kleine Marina ; erziihlung. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v31 Neue novellen. Zweite folge. Leipz. 1862. D. P2003 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 89. Phantasien und skizzen. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1859. S. P 2005 Umsonst ; roman. 2te aufl. Breslau. 1880. D. P3001 Versunkene sterne. Leipz. 1867. D. P 2004 PoUok, Robert. Ralph Gemmell, or the banks of the Irvine ; a tale of the Scottish coven- anters. N. Y. 1842. S. Px 601 Ponsonby, Lady Emily Charlotte Mary. Mary Lyndsay. N. Y.'l863. O- P 2051 Poole, J: Phineas Quiddy, or Sheer industry. Lond. 1859. S. P 2101 Popular tales and romances of the northern na- tions. Lond. 1823. 3v. D. P 2126 Contents. V. 1. MusM,us, J: K: A: The treasure- seeker. La Motte Fouque, F: H : K:, baron de. The bottle imp. The sorcerers. Tieck, J: L: The en- chanted castle. Wake not the dead. Tieck, J: L: Auburn Egbert. 2. MusSus, J: K: A: The spectre barber. The magic doUar.-Iia Motte Fouque, F: H: K: de. The collier's family. The victim of priestcraft. Kibitz. 3. Thefleldof terror. Tieck, J: L: Elfln- land. The tale. The fatal marksman. The hoard of the Nibelungen. The erl king's daughter. Porter, Ann Emerson. Cousin Polly's gold mine. N. Y. 1878. O. P2151 Porter, D: Dixon. Allan Dare and Robert Le Diable ; a romance. 111. N. Y. 1885. 2 v. O. P2136 Porter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs. Phila. n. d. D. P2201 Sir Edward Seaward's narrative of his ship- wreck, and consequent discovery of certam islands in the Caribbean sea ; with details of his residence there, and of various ex- traordinary and highly interesting events in his life. Ab. and rev. N. Y. 1860. S. P2202 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Phila. 1873. D. P 2203 Porter, Mary W. Five little southerners. Bost. [1880]. D. Px651 Poor papa. Bost. [1879]. D. P2251 Porter, Rose. The years that are told. N. Y. [1875]. D. P2301 Postl, K:, see Sealsfleld, C: denotes books specially adapted for children. 827 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATUIIE FICTION. Pouvillon Raabe . 828 Pouvillon, Emile. Cesette -, a story of peasant life in the south of France. Authorized trans, from the french by C: W: Woolsey. N. Y. 1882. S. P 2326 Power, Cecil. Philistia ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. P3101 Poynter, E. Frances. Among the hills. (Leisure hourser.) N. Y. 1881. S. P2351 Ersilia. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. P2352 My little lady. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1873. S. P2353 Prairie crusoe, The, or Adventures in the far west ; a story for boys. 111. Bost. n. d. D. Px79 Pratt, Ella, born Farman. The cooking club of Tu-Whit Hollow. Bost. n. d. S. Px 701 A little woman ; a story for other little women. Bost. [1873]. S. Px 702 Mrs. Hurd's niece ; six months of a girl's life. Bost. [18761. S. Px703 A white hand ; a story of noblesse oblige. Bost. 1875. D. P 2401 Pratt, G. The old woman who dried up and blew away. In Slaga stories. P 2801 Pratt, Mary E. Rhoda Thoi'nton's girlhood. 111. fiost. 1874. S. Px751 Prentiss, Elizabeth, born Payson. Aunt Jane's hero. N. Y. [1871]. D. ' P 2451 Avis Benson, or Mine and thine, with othei* sketches. N. Y. 1879. D. P 2452 Includes, Such as I have. Homeward bound. Taking' for granted. Why Satan trembles. Having nothing, yet having all. Success and defeat. On the banks of the river of life. A model servant. Play- ing with sunbeams.- Saved from his friends. The tiower of the family ; a book for girls. N. Y. n. d. S. Px 801 Fred and Maria and me. New ed. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. P2456 The home at Greylock. N. Y. 1876. D. P2453 Nidworth and his three magic wands. N. Y. 1869. S. Px802 Pemaquid ; a story of old times in New Eng- land. N. Y. [18771. D- P 2454 The Percys. N. Y. 1870. D. Px 803 Stepping heavenward. N. Y. 1869. D. P2455 Preston, Harriet Waters. Is that all ? (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. P 2501 Price, Miss . A lost battle. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. inl. S. P2551 Price, A. Who is Sylvia ? a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. P 2576 Same. Lond. [1883]. 3 v. in 1. D. P 2576 Price, Eleanor C. Gerald ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. P 2526 joint author, see Awdry,, Frances. Price, T: Buchanan. Snap ; the ox-train era, early troubles of the border trade. N. Y. [1881.] D. Px851 Prime, W: Cowper. Later years. N. Y. 1863. D. P 2601 The old house by the river, by the author of the Owl Creek letters. N. t. 1862. D. P 2602 Princess Amelie ; a fragment of autobiography. (No name ser.) Bost. 1883. S. P 61 Prior, H. Expiated, by the author of "Behind the veil." Leipz.'l872. 2 v. in 1. S. P 2626 Pritchard, H. Baden. George Vanbrugh's mis- take ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. P 3001 Procter, Bryan Waller, {Barry Cornwall). Essays and tales in prose. 824.2 : 77 Contents, see under English literature. Essays. Professor Biisch. oder Hambui'g vor hundert jahren; Hamburger -novelle. Hamburg. 1857. 8. H5 Proschko, Franz Isidor. Ein bohmischer stud- ent. Wien. 1861. 2v. T. P 2651 Ein deutsches schneiderlein. Prag. 1856. T. P2652 Der Jesuit ; historischer roman aus dem schweden-kriege. Prag. 1857. 2. v. T. P 2653 Pugacew ; geschichtlicher roman. Prag. 1860. 2 V. T. P 2654 Proschko, Hermine Camille, {U. Wittendorf). Der hofkanzler ; historische erzahlung. In Vierteljahel. mag. V 2 v21 Loi'beer und myrthe ; eine historische erzah- lung. In the same. V 2 v23 Pulszky, Ferencz Aurel. Die jacobiner in Ungarn ; histoi'ischer roman. Berlin. 1851. 2v. S. P2701 Pulszky, Terez. Popular tales and traditions of Hungary. N. Y. 1852. D. P 2726 Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergei'evitch. Marie ; a story of russian love. Fi-om the russian by Marie H. de Zielinska. Chicago. 1877. J). P2751 Putlitz, Gustav H: Ganz 7ierr zu. Das frolen- haus ; novelle. With Spielhagen, F: Das skelet im hause. In S 4262 Was sich der wald erziihlt ; ein miirchen- strauss. 40ste aufl. Berlin. 1879. T. P 2776 8ame,eng. Forest voices. Tr. from the germ an, C: A. Smith ed. Albany. 1866. D. P 2776 Putnam, Mary Corinna. Found and lost. In Maga stories. P 2801 Putnam, Mary, born Lowell. Fifteen days ; an extract from Edward Colvil's journal. [Anon.] Bost. 1866. D. P 3051 Puttkammer, Emil freiherr v., {Otto Ludwig), Zwischen himmel und erde. Berlin. 1863. D. L2151 Pyle, Howard. The merry adventures of Robin Hood of great renown in Nottinghamshire. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. Px951 Within the capes. N. Y. 1885. D. P 3076 Pymelle, Louise Clarke. Diddie, Dumps and Tot, or Plantation child-life. N. Y. 1883. S. Px 1001 Quad, John, pseud., see Irving, J: Treat. duednow, A. Aus der schule des lebens. Stuttg. 1843. S. Q2(ri Quillinan, E: The rangers of Connaught. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 Quincy, Josiah Phillips. Professor Phantillo. In Maga stories. P 2801 Tolliwotte's ghost. In the same, P 2801 Qiiincy, S: Miller. The man who was not a colonel, by a high private. [Anon.] Bost. [18771. S. a 201 Quinton, Abel. The nobleman of '89 ; an episode of the french revolution. Tr. from the french by E. Legarde. Baltimore. 1874. D. Q151 auizma. Mil w. 1878. S. 31 Rachel's share of the road. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1883. S. K, 1 Baabe, W:, {Jakob Corvinus). Abu Telfan, oder Die heimkehr vom Mondgebirge ; ein ro- man in drei theilen. 2te aufl. Stuttg. [1870]. D. R l(fl denotes books specially adapted for children. 829 Raabe Raven . LITERATiraE-FICTION . CI. 813, Authors. Raabe, W:, {Jakob Corvinus). Continued. Alte nester ; zwei biicher lebensgeschichten. Braunschw. 1880. D. R 102 Christoph Pechlin ; eine Internationale liebes- geschichte. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. D. R 103 Die chronik der Sperlingsgasse. 2te aiifl. Ber- lin. 1878. D. R 104 Deutscher adel ; eine erzahlung. Braunschw. 1880. D. R 105 Deutscher mondschein ; vier erzahlungen. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1875. D. R 106 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 90. Dreifedern. Berlin. 1865. S. R 107 Ein f riihling. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1873. D. R 108 Feme stimmen ; erzahlungen. Berlin. 1865. D. R109 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 90. Der heilige born ; blatter aus dam bilderbuch des seclizehnten jahrhunderts. Wien. 1861. 2v, in 1. T. R 110 Horacker, Berlin. 1881. S. Rill Der hungerpastor ; ein roman in drei btinden. Berlin. 1864. 3 v. in 1. D. R 112 Die kinder von Finkenrode. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1870. S. R 113 Krahenfelder geschichten. Braunschw. 1879. 3v. inl. D. R114 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 90. Die leute aus dem walde, ihre sterne, wege und schicksale ; ein roman. Braunschw. 1863. D. R 115 Meister Autoi-, oder Die geschichte vom ver- sunkenen garten. Leipz. 1874. D. R 116 Nach dem grossen kriege ; eine geschichte in zw(')lf brief en. Berlin. 1861. S. R 117 Der regenbogen ; sieben erziihlungen. 2te aiifl. Stuttg. [1875]. 2v. inl. D. R 118 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 90. Der schiidderump. Braunschw. 1870. 2 v. in 1. D. R119 Verwoi-renes leben ; novellen und skizzen. Glogau. 1862. S. R 120 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 90. Wunnigel ; eine erzahlung. Braunschw. 1879. D. R 121 Radcliflfe, Anne, born Ward. The romance of the forest. Lond. n. d. D. R 401 Raimund, Golo, pseud., see Frederich, Bertha. Rame, Louise de la, (Ouida). Bebee, or Two little wooden shoes; a story. Phila. 1881. D. R151 Bimbi ; stories for children. Phila. 1882. D. Rxl51 Contents. The Niirnberg' stove. The ambitious rose- tree. Moufflow. Lampblack. The child of Urbino. In the apple-country. Findelkind. Meleagris gallopavo. The little earl. A dog of Flanders. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vlO A leaf in a storm. In tJie same. J 926 vll Same, and other stories. Phila. 1872. O. R156 Contents. A Provence rose. A leaf in a storm. A dog of Flanders. A branch of lilacs. Mouflou. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v2 Wanda countess von Szalras ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. 2 V. D. R 160 Rand, E: A. The bark-cabin on Kearsarge. Bost. [18801. D. Rx 176 Little Brown-Top. 111. Bost. [18831. D. Rxl78 The tent in the notch. Bost. 1881. D. Rx 177 Rand, Mary Abbott. Holly and mistletoe. N. Y. [1881]. O. Rx 101 Randolph, Mrs. . Little Pansy. N. Y. 1881. Q. R251 Reseda. N. Y. 1881. Q. R 252 Wild Hyacinth. Phila. 1876. D. R 253 Rands, W: Brightly, {Henry HolheacJi). Shoe- makers' village. Lond. 1871. 2v.ini. D. R301 Rank, Josef. Achtspannig ; volksroman. Leipz. 1857. 2 V. S. R 351 Aus dem Bohmerwalde ; bilder und erzahlun- gen aus dem volksleben. Erste gesammt- ausgabe. Leipz. 1851. 3 v. D. R 352 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 90. Burgei, oder Die drei wiinsche. T. p. w. S. R353 Ein dorf brutus ; charakterbild. [Nebst einem anhange.] Glogau. 1860. 2 in 1. S. R358 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 90. Das Hofer-Kathchen ; erzahlung. Leipz. 1854. T. R359 Johannes Volkh. Hausmittel der liebe. Ein guter mensch ; drei erzahlungen. Leipz. 1867. S. R354 Eine mutter vom lande. Leipz. 1848. S. R355 Der seelenfanger ; roman. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1878. D. R 360 Sein ideal ; erzahlung. Zwickau. 1856. S. R356 Waldmeister. Leipz. 1846. 3 v. S. R 357 Rare pale Margaret ; a novel, by the author of "The two miss Flemings." ' N. Y. 1878. Q. R9 Raspe, Rudolph Erich, The travels and sur- E rising adventures of baron Munchausen. 11. N. Y. [1885]. D. Rx201 Note. For summary of evidence as to authorship, which is disputed, see Alllbone, Dictionary of auth- ors, 820 : B, 1 v2. Rathbone, Hannah Mary. So much of the diary of lady Willoughby as relates to her domiestic history and to the eventful period of the reign of Charles I, the protectorate and the restoration. [Anon.] Lond. 1873. D. R 426 Some further poi'tions of [the same.] [Anon.] Lond. 1848. O. R 427 Rau, Heribert. Alexander von Humboldt ; cul- turhistorisch-biographischer roman. Leipz. 1860. 7v. D. R451 Beethoven ; historischer roman. Frankfui't a. M. 1859. 4 V. D. R 452 Garibaldi, Italiens held und schwert ; histori- sches lebensbild. Berlin. 1864. 3 v. D. R453 Girandolen. Stuttg. 1841. 2 v. D. R 454 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 91. Jean Paul ; culturhistorisch - biographischer roman. Leipz. 1861. 4 v. D. R455 Mozart ; cultur-historischer roman. Frank- furt a. M. 1858. 6 v. D. R 456 Same, eng. Mozart ; a biographical romance. From the german by E. R. Sill. Bost. 1876. D. R456 Der raub Strassburgs im jahre 1681 ; vaterliin- discher roman. 2te aufl. 3 theile in 1 b. Berlin. [\mb]. D. R 457 Raven, Mathilde, ftor/i Beckmann. Galileo Ga- lilei ; ein geschichtlicher roman. Leipz. 1866. 2 V. D. R 501 Eine rolle gold. Leipz. 1864. S. R 502 denotes books specially adapted for children. 831 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Raymond Reid, M. Raymond, Ross. No laggards we. N. Y. 1881. D. R551 Raymond, Rossiter Worthington, { Bobertson Gray). Camp and cabin ; sketches of life and travel in the west. 111. N. Y. 1880. T. R576 Contents. Thanksgiving' Joe. Agamemnon. Widow Baker. Wonders of the Yellowstone. The ice-eaves of Washington Territory. The ascent of Gray's Peak. Reade, C: Art ; a dramatic tale. With Ms Clouds and sunshine. R 603 The box tunnel. 7 Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v9 Christie Johnstone. Leipz. 1873. S. R 601 Same. With his Peg Woffington. R 622 The cloister and the hearth ; a tale of the mid- dle ages. Leipz. 1864. 2 v. in 1. S. R 602 Clouds and sunshine. Bost. 1855. S. R 603 A good fight, and other tales. N. Y. 1859. D. ^ R604 Includes, Autobiography of a thief. Jack of all trades. Good stories. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. R 621 Contents. The history of an acre. The Knights- bridge mystery. Singleheart and Doubleface. Tit for tat. Rus. Born to good luck. There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. The picture.- What has become of lord Camelford's body. Good stories of man and other animals. The knight's secret. A special constable. Suspended animation. Lam- bert's leap. Man's life saved by fowls and woman's by a pig. Reality.- Exchange of animals. The two Lears. Doubles.-The jilt; a yarn. The kindly jest. An old bachelor's adventure. Good stories of man and other animals. N. Y. 1884. Q. R617 Contents. The knight's secret. A special consta- ble. Suspended animation. Lambert's leap. Man's life saved by fowls and woman's by a pig. Reality. Exchange of animals. The two Lears. Doubles.- The jilt; a yarn. Tit for tat. Rus. Born to good luck. "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip." The picture. What has become of lord Camel- ford's body ? Hard cash ; a matter-of-fact romance. N. Y. n. d. D. R605 Same. Bost. 1874. D. R 605 It is never too late to mend ; a matter-of-fact romance. Leipz. 1856. 2 v. in 1. S. R 606 Same. Bost. 1856. 2 v. D. R 606 Jack of all trades ; a matter-of-fact romance ; being a narrative of the famed elephant Diek and her keeper. N. Y. 1884. S. R618 The Knightsbridge mystery. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v2 Love me little, love me long. Leipz. 1859. S. R607 Multum in parvo ; a series of good stories with no waste of words. N. Y. 1882. Q. R 616 Contents. The history of an acre. The Knights- bridge mystery. Singleheart and Doubleface. Peg Woffington. Leipz. 1872. S. R 608 . Same, Christie Johnstone, and other stories. N. Y. 1877. D. R 622 Includes, Clouds and sunshine. -Ai-t; a dramatic tale. Propria quae rnarlbus. The box tunnel. Jack of all trades. A perilous secret ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. R620 Same. Lond. 1884. 2 v. D. R 620 The picture. N. Y. 1884. S. R 619 Put yourself in his place. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in i: S. R 609 - Same. N. Y. 1871. D. R 609 A simpleton ; a story of today. Leipz. 1874. 2 V. m 1. S. R 610 Reade, C-. Continued. A terrible temptation ; a story of today. Leipz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. R 611 Same. Bost. 1871. O. R611 The wandering heir ; a matter-of-fact romance. Leipz. 1875. S. R 612 Same. Bost. 1873. S. R 612 White lies. N. Y. 1877. D. R 613 A woman hater. N. Y. 1877. D. R 614 and Dion Boucicault. Foul play. N. Y. 1877. D. R615 Reade, Compton. Under which king ? a novel. NY. 1885. Q. R636 Reed, Andrew. No fiction, or The test of friend- ship ; a narrative founded on recent and interesting facts ; with add. Baltimore. 1821. 2 V. S. R651 Reed, I: G. Erring yet noble ; a tale of and for women. Bost. 1865. D. R 701 Reed, Pamelia M. Converse, m,rs. Jos. J. The adventures of Olaf Tryggveson, king of Norway ; a tale of the ioth century show- ing how Christianity was introduced into Norway. Lond. 1865. S. R 751 Reeves, Helen Buckingham, horn Mather, mrs. H: As he comes up the stair. Leipz. 1882. S. R3505 "Cherry ripe." Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. R3501 Same. N. Y. 1878. O. R 3501 Same. N. Y. 1881. O. R 3501 Comin' thro' the Rye. N. Y. 1878. O. R 3502 Eyre's acquittal. Leipz. 1884. 2 v. in 1. S. R3506 Jock O'Hazelgreen. Leipz. 1882. S. With her As he comes up the stair. R 3505 "Land o' the leal." Leipz. 1879. S. R 3503 My lady Green Sleeves. Leipz. 1879. S. R 3504 Sam's sweetheart. Leipz. 1888. 3 v. in 1. S. R3507 "Who maketh the deaf to hear." Leipz. 1882. S. With her As he comes up the stair. R3505 Rehfues, Philipp Joseph. Die belagerung des castells von Gozzo, oder Der letzte assas- sine. Von dem verfasser des Scipio Cicala. Leipz. 1834. 2 v. S. R 776 Reichenbach, Moritz v., pseud., see Bethusy- Huc, Valeska grdfin. Reid, Cliristian, pseud., see Fisher, Frances C. Reid, Mayne. Afloat in the forest ; or a voyage among the tree-tops. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 401 The boy hunters, or Adventures in search of a white buffalo. HI. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 402 The boy slaves. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 408 The boy tar, or The voyage in the dark. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 404 Bruin : the grand bear hunt. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx414 The bush-boys, or The history and adventures of a Cape farmer and his family in the wild karoos of southern Africa. 111." N.Y. 1883. D. Rx406 The cliff climbers, or The lone home in the Himalayas ; a sequel to the "Plant hun- ters." 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 406 The english family Robinson : The desert home, or The adventures of a lost family in the wilderness. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx407 , denotes books specially adapted for children. Reid, M. Richter. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 834 Reid, Mayne. Continued. The forest exiles, or The perils of a peruvian family amid the wilds of the Amazon. 111. Bost.1859. D. Rx408 Same. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 408 The giraffe-hunters. III. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx409 The ocean waifs ; a story of adventure on land and sea. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 410 The plant himters, or Adventures among the Himalaya mountains. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx411 Note. For continuation, see The cliff climbers. Ran away to sea ; an autobiography for boys. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx412 The young yagers, or A narrative of hunting adventures in southern Africa. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx413 Reimar, Reinald, p^ewc?., see Glaser, Adolf. Reinbold, Adelheid, [Franz Berlhold). Irrwisch- Fritze. With Schiicking, L. Die schwester. S 1831 Reinhardt, Luise, {^Ernst Fritze). Caritas ; ro- man in drei biichern. Prag. 1857. 3 v. T. R851 Die erben von Wollun ; novelle. Wien. 1861. T. R 852 Erinnerungsblatter ; aus dem leben eines cri- minalisten. Leipzig. 1857. S. R 853 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 91. Die gebriider Koltrum. Leipz. 1865. S. R854 Idalium ; novelle. Wien. 1862. 2 v. T. R 855 Im kerker geboren ; ein roman. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v24 Schloss Barenberg ; roman. Leipz. 1867. 3 v. 8. R 856 Reinhold, C, pseud., seeKOstlin, Christian Rein- hold. Reinow, M. Idealisten ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. R3401 Reinsberg'-DUring'sfeld, Ida v., see Duringfeld, Ida V. Reinsberg-. Reitzenstein, Franziska /re(/Va^< v., {Franz von Nemmersdorf). Allein in der welt ; roman in vier biichern. Berlin. 1868. 3 v. S. R876 Doge und papst ; historischer roman aus dem siebzehnten jahrhundert in vier biichern. Breslau. 1865. 2 v. D. R 877 Rellstab, L: 1812; ein historischer roman. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1860. 4 v. in 2. D. R 902 Drei jahre von dreissigen. N. Y. 1858. 3 v. D. R901 Neue empfindsame reisen ; post- und see- stiicke, erzstufen, intermezzo's, etc. Leipz. 1837. 2 V. S. R 904 Sommerblumenstriiusse den holden jung- frauen gewidmet. Leipz. 1842. 2v. S. R903 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 91. Retcliffe, Sir John, pseud., see Q-Odsche, Her- mann Ottomar F: Reuter, Fritz. Sammtliche werke. N. Y. 1872. 14 V. in 5. D. R951 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 91. An old story of my farming days, (Ut mine stromtid). From the german by M. W". Macdowell. Leipz. 1878. 3 v. in 2. S. R953 Same. Seed-time and harvest, or "During my apprenticeship." Tr. from the "lit mine stromtid." Phila. 1871. O. R 953 Reuter, Fritz. Continued. In the year 13 ; a tale of Mecklenburg life. Tr. from the platt-deutsch by C: Lee Lewis. Leipz. 1867. S. R 952 Reybaud, Henriette Etiennette Fanny, born Ar- naud, mme.C: Das fraulein von Malepeire. Aus dem franz. von C. W. Bleich. Leipz. 1855. S. R 1001 Uncle Cesar. N. Y. 1879. S. R 1002 Same, germ. Onkel Ciisar. Aus dem franz. von C. Buchele. Stuttg. 1859. T. R 1002 Rice, James, joint author, see Besant, Walter. Richards, T. Addison. Tallulah and Jocasse, or Romances of southern landscape and other tales. Charleston. 1852. D. R 1101 Richardson, James, {Adam Stwin). Eyes right ; a bachelor's talks with his boys. 111. Best. 1878. O. Rx 501 Richardson, J: Hardscrabble, oder Der fall von Chicago ; erziihlung aus dem indianer- kriege. Leipz. 1857. S. R 1151 Richardson, Oliver. [Tales.] / Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 Contents. The angler's tale, v. 16. The dissolved pledge, V. 19. The meeting at St. Boswell's, v. 10. The physiognomist's tales, v. 8. The restored son, v. 14. The Rothesay fisherman, v. 6. The school-fel- lows, V. 11. The sea-storm, v. 13. The story of Tom Bertram, v. 15. Tom Duncan's yarn, v. 9. The two sailors, v. 13. Richardson, S: Clarissa, or The history of a young lady ; comprehending the most im- portant concerns of private life. Lond. 1751. 7 V. D. R 1201 Same. Condensed by C. H. Jones. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. R 1202 The history of sir C: Grandison in a series of letters. 5th ed. Lond. 1766. 7 v. S. R1205 Same. New and abridged ed. by Mary How- itt. Lond. n. d. D. R 1204 Pamela, or Virtue rewarded ; in a series of familiar letters from a beautiful young damsel to her parents, and afterwards in her exalted condition between her and per- sons of figure and quality, upon the most important and entertaining subjects in genteel life. Publ. in order to cultivate the principles of virtue and religion in the minds of the youth of both sexes. 6th ed., corr. 111. Lond. 1742. 4 v. D. R 1203 Richmond, Legh. Annals of the poor; con- taining The dairyman's daughter, The negro servant, and Young cottager, etc. A new ed., enl. and ill., with an intro- ductory sketch of the author by the rev. JohnAvre. Bost. 1829. T. Rx 551 Richter, J: Paul F:, {Jean Paul). Sammtliche werke. 830 : 142 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 21. Flower, fruit and thorn pieces, or The married life, death and wedding of the advocate of the poor, Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkas. Tr. from the german by E: H: Noel, with a memoir of the author by T: Carlyle. Bost. 1863. 2 V. D. R 1251 Hesperus, or Forty-five dog-post days ; a bio- graphy from the german, tr. by C: T. Brooks. N. Y. 1877. 2 v. S. R 1252 The invisible lodge. From the german by C: T. Brooks. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y . 1883. S. R 1256 Titan ; a romance. From the germ., tr. by C: T. Brooks. Bost. 1862. 2 v. D. R 1253 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITERATXJItE FICTION. Richter Robinson, F. W. 836 Sichter, J: Paul F:, {Jean Patd). Continued. Walt and Vult, or The twins. From the ger- nian, tr. by [E. B. Lee] the author of "Life of Jean Paul." N. Y. 1863. 2 v. D. B 1254 Bichter, Moritz. Die familie Crevecoeur ; hi- storischer roman aus den jahren 1806 und 7. Leipz. 1828. S. B. 1301 Siddell, Charlotte Eliza Lawson, born Cowan, mrs. J. H., {F. G. Trafford). Daisies and and buttercups ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. R 1353 Same. Lond. 1882. 3 v. in 1. D. R 1353 George Geith of Fen Court. Bost. 1865. D. R 1351 The race for wealth ; a novel. Lond. [18761. D. R 1356 The senior partner ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. R 1352 R1352 . Y. 1883. R1354 R1354 1884. Q. R1355 R1355 Same. Lond. 1881. 3 v. D. A struggle for fame ; a novel Q Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D Susan Drummond : a novel. N Saim. Lond. 1884. 3 v. in 1. Ridderstad, C: F: Der furst. Aus dem schwe- dischen ubers. 1852. 2 V. T. von (Jottlob Fink. Stuttg. R1401 Das gewissen, oder Geheimnisse von Stock- holm. Aus dem schwedischen fibers, von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1852. 6 v. T. R 1402 Konimn Luise Ulrike und ihr hof. Aus dem schwedischen fibers, von Grottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1856. 3 V. T. R 1403 Der trabant ; geschichtlicher roman. Aus dem schwedischen fibers, von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1852. 4 V. T. R 1404 Vater und sohn. Aus dem schwedischen fibers, von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1854. 3 V. T. R 1405 Riddle, Albert Gallatin. Alice Brand ; a romance of the capital. N. Y. 1875. D. R 1451 Rideing, W: H: Boys coastwise, or All along the shore. HI. N. Y. [1884]. O. Rx 602 Boys in the mountains and on the plains, or The western adventures of Tom Smart, Bob Edge and Peter Small. N. Y. [1882]. O. Rx 601 A little upstart ; a novel. Bost. 1885. D. R1426 Ridley, Annie E. Better than good ; a story for girls. N. Y. 1881. Q. R 1501 Riehl, W: H: Culturgeschichtliche novellen. Stuttg. 1856. S. R 1553 Conteiite, see Deutscher katalog', p. 92. | Neues novellenbuch. 2te ausg. Stuttg. 1873. i D. R1551 ! Contents, see Deutscher katalogr. P- SB. Bang:, Max. Aus dem tagebuche eines Berliner arztes. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. S. R 1601 ' Die chambregamistn ; eine stadtgeschichte. Leipz. 1852. T. R 1602 Christkind-Agnes ; eine stadtgeschichte. Ber- lin. 1852. T. R 1603 i Feine welt; eine stadtgeschichte. Leipz. i ia52. T. R 1604 , Ffirst und musiker. N. Y. 1882. F. R 1610 ( Dergeheimrath ; ein lebensbild. Prag. 1857. T: R1605 Das haus Hillel ; historischer roman aus der i zeit der zerstorvng Jerusalems. N. Y. j 1881. F. R 1606 Uinter den couUssen : Erinneningen und bio- ' Ringr, M9S.. Continued. graphien aus der theaterwelt. Leipz. 1872. 2 V. in 1. S. R 1607 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 93. John Milton und seine zeit ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1871. 4 v. in 1. S. R 1608 Same, eng. John Milton and his times ; an historical novel. Tr. from the germ, bv F.Jordan. IIL N.Y. 1868. O. R 1608 Die Ifigner ; roman aus der modernen gesell- schaft. 2te auli. Stuttg. 1880. 3 v. in 1. D. R 1609 Verirrt und erlost ; roman. Leipz. 1870. 3 v. inl. S. R 1611 Ritchie, Anna Isabella, horn Thackeray. Blue beard's keys, and other stories. N. Y. 1875. O. R 1651 Includes, Riquet a la houppe. Jack and the bean stalk- The white cat. Da capo. N. Y. 1878. T. R 1658 Same, and other tales. Leipz. 1880, S. R1652 Include*, Fina. Across the peat-flelds. Miss Mor- ier's visions. Miss Angel. N. Y. 1875. O. R 1653 Miss Williamson's divagations. N. Y. 1881 Q. R 1654 Contents, Fina. Fina's aunt. Da capo. A post- script from a stare-box. Miss Morier's visions. Across the peat-flelds. Old Kensington. N. Y. 1873. O. R 1655 The story of Elizabeth. N. Y. 1863. S. R1656 The village on the cliff. N. Y. 1867. O. R1657 Ritchie, Leitch. Wearyfoot Common. From Chambers' journal. N. Y. 1854. O. R 1701 Ritter, Ernst, pseud., see Binzer, Emilie v. Ritter Hyneck von Schafgotsch, oder Heldeu- muth und edelsinn ; eine erziihlung aus den zeiten kaiser Karls IV, konig von Bohmen. Meissen. 1836. 2 v. S. B21 Roberts, Margaret. The atelier du lys, or An art student in the reign of terror. [AHon.] Leipz. 1877. 2 v. 1. S. R 1801 Same. Noblesse oblige. (Leisure hour ser.) [Anon]. N. Y. 1876. S. R 1801 Denise. [Anon.] N. Y. 1864. 2 v. D. R 1802 In the olden time. [Anon]. (Leisure hour ser). N. Y. 1883. S. R 1806 Madame Fontenoy. [Anon]. Leipz. 1866. S. R1803 Mademoiselle Mori ; a tale of modem Rome. [Anon]. Leipz. 1862. 2 v. in 1. S. R 1804 On the edge of the storm. [Anon.] Leipz. 1869. S. R 1805 Bobinson, Agnes Mary Frances. Arden ; a novel. N.Y. 1883. Q. B1826 Bobinson, F. Mabel. Mr. Butler's ward ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. S. B 3601 Robinson, F: W: As long as she lived. Lond. 1876. 3 v. in 1. D. R 1851 The black speck ; a temperance tale. N. Y. 1881. Q. R 1852 The courting of Mary Smith ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. R 1860 Coward conscience. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. R 1853 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. R 1853 A fair maid ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. R 1857 N. Y. 1883. Q. R1855 Lazarus in London ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. B1869 The hands of justice ; a novel. X denotes books specially adapted for children. Robinson, F. W. Boscoe. LITEBATUBE FICTION. 01. 818, Authors. Bobinson, F: W: Continued. The man she cared for ; a novel.. N. Y. \SSi. Q. B 1856 Mattie ; a stray ; N. Y. 1874. O. B 1854 "Women are strange, and other stories. X. Y. 1884. Q. B 1858 Bobinson, Jane. The gold-worshippers, or The days we live in ; a future historical novel. \Anon]. Lond. 1851. 3 V. D. B 1901 Die jungfrau von Orleans ; historischer roman. Aus dem englischen von W. Schottlen. Stuttg. 1850. 3 V. T. B 1902 Whitefriars, oder Die tage Karls des zweiten ; ein historischer roman. Stuttg. 184.5. 3 v. T. B 1903 Bobinson, Therese Albertine Louise, bom v. Ja- cob, {Tahj). The exiles. N. Y. 1853. D. B1951 Boche, Regina Maria. The children of the abbey. Phila. 1876. D. B 2001 Bocbefort, V: H: marquis de Rochefort-Lu^ay, called H: Mademoiselle Bismarck. From the french by Virginia Champlin. N. Y. 1881. S. B2051 Bockwell, Reese. A golden inheritance. X. Y. 1884. D. Bx651 Bodenberg, Julius. Die neue sondfluth ; ein ro- man aus dem vorigen jahrhundert. Berlin. 1865. 4v. D. B2151 Von Gottesgnaden ; ein roman aus Cromwell's zeit. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1870. 5 v. in 2. D. B2152 Bodney, Mrs. Minnie Reeves, {Fadette). Inge- misco. \Anon^. N. Y. 1867. D. B 2201 yg'. p. S8. Novellen. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1875. D. B 2404 Contents, gee Deutscber katalo^, p. 93. Die schlangen-konigin. With Schtlckrng', L. Die sch wester. S 1831 Boscoe, T: The german novelists. Tr. from the originals, with critical and biographical notices. (The "Chandos classics"). Lond. n. d. D. B 2451 CotOentg. The pleasant history of Rejmard the fox. Howl^lass the merrr jester. Doctor Faustus. Popular traditioju. Localpopular traditions from the sontfa side of the Hartz : The horseshoe on the cfaurcfa door: Jacob Nimmemuchtern: Lora the jroddess of love. From the Golden Green: The knights' cellar in the KyfThaugen: Peter Klaus the sroatherd. From the north side of the Hartz: The monk of Conradsburgr's tale: Castle Dumburg: The wild hunt- er of Hackelnberjr: The wolf stone. Qottschalk, F: The witch-dance on theBrocken: The meadow dance: The devil's flght in Goslar cathedral: The mouse tower: The castle spectre of Scharzfeld: The kingdom of heaven; The monasterv: The devil- stones; Xotbunra: RitterBodo: The lion flg^ht: The unlucky miser of Questenberg^: The miraculous fish; The prudent princess: The devil's mllL Eberhardt. The bet: Treachery its own betrayer. Bttschin^, J: G. History of count Walter and the lady Helgrunda; Assassination of the empress of Tartary. Grinua, J: L: a;id W: K: Specimens from the " Kinder und haus marchen".- Ix>thar. The arch-rojrue: Castle Christburg. La Motte FouQue, F: H: K: de. The field of terror: The mandrake: Head master Bhen- fried and his family. Popuiar taleg. JKna&ws, J: A: The dumb lover. Schiller, J: C. F: v. Tlie appari- tionist: The sport of destiny; A criminal, or Martyr to lost honour: Fraternal magnanimity: A walk among the linden trees. German nooete. Tieck, J: L: Love magic some centuries mgo: The faithful Eckart and the Tannenhiuser: Tbe TannenhSuser, or Lord of the fir woods: Auburn Egtiert.- Lang- bein,A: F: Marianne Richards; Seven marriages and never a husband: The irreconcilable man; Al- bert Limbach: An hour's instruction in political economv: The ladv's palfrey. Engel, M. K. The anti-speculator; Toby Witt: Lady Elizabeth Hill. The Italian novelists. Tr. fixim the originals with critical and biographical notices. (The "Chandos classics "). Lond. n. d. D. B2452 Contentg. Novelle antiche. Boocaocio. SacchettL Sir Giovanni Fiorentino.- Masuccio Salemitano. Sa- badino degli Arienti. Luigi da Porto. Bernardo Illici- ni.-Alessandro Sozzini. Xiccolo Machiavelli. Agnolo Firenzuola- Pietro Fortini. GentOe Sermini. Gio- vanni Bre\-io. Girolamo Paraboeco. Marco Cade- mosto da Lodi. Giovambattista Giraldi Cinthio. Anton-Francesco Grazzini.-- Ortensio Lando. Giovan- Francesco Straparola. Matteo Bandello. Francesco Sansovlno. Anton - Francesco DonL Sebastiano X denotes books spedallT adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITERATXJIlE-riCTION. Roscoe Russell. 840 Roscoe, T: Continued. Erizzo. Niccolo Granucci. Aseanio Mori da Ceno. Celio Malespini. Salvuccio Salvucci. Novels by anonymous authors. Maiolino Bisaccionl. Michele Colombo. Scipioni Bargagli. Giovanni Bottari. Albergati Capacelli. Francesco Soave. Gianfran- cesco Altanesi. Count Lorenzo Magalotti. Carlo Lodoli. Domenico Maria Manni.Autore Ignoto. Girolamo Padovani. Luigi Sanvitale. Count Carlo Gozzi. Luigi Bramieri. Robustiano Gironi. The Spanish novelists. Tr. from the originals with critical and biographical notices. (The "Chandos classics ") Lond. n. d. D. 112453 Contents. Manuel, Don J: El conde Lucanor. Mendoza, D. H. de. Lazarillo de Tormes. Ale- man, M. Guzman d' Alfarache. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Riconete and Cortadillo; The pretended aunt; El amante liberal. duevedo Vil- legras, Don. Vision of the catchpole possessed: Vision of the last judg-ment.- Paul, the sharper. Montalvan, -Don J : Perez de. The test of friendship; The effect of being: undeceived. -Eslava, A. de. The fountain of truth. Zayas y Soto Mayor, M. de. The miser chastised. Reyes, M. de los. The dumb lover and his physician; The mirror of friends; Love and honour; The king and the min- ister. Lozano, Bon C. Soledades de la vida, etc.; Jealousyof the dead. Guevara, L:Velizde. Modern miracles. Bobles, I. de. The diamond ring; A prodigious adventure. Salorzano, A. del Castillo. The duchess of Mantua; The mask. Bosegger, Petri Kettenfeier, {Hans Malser). An- nonce numraero 99 ; novelette. /y^Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v30 Rosemary and Rue- (Round -robin ser.) Bost. 1881. S. R25 Rosen, luwAvf'ig, pseud., see Jungst, L: Volrad. Rosentlial-Bonin, Hugo v. Der diamantschlei- fer. N. Y. 1881. F. R 2551 Das gold des Orion ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. R2552 Roskowska, Marie. Polnische miitter ; histori- sche novelle. Prag. 1860. T. R 2601 ROsler, Robert, {Julius Miihlfeld). Bis zum schaf- fot ; criminal-no velle. Leipz. 1868. S. R 2626 Ehre ; roman in sechs biichern. Wien. 1862. R2627 Gefangen und befreit ; vaterliindische gemalde aus den jahren 1806 1814. Prag. 1860. T. R2628 Ross, Percy. A misguidit lassie. N. Y. 1883. D. R3561 Rossetti, Christina Georgina. A strange jour- ney, or Pictures from Egypt and the Soudan, by the author of "Common-place". N. Y. 1882. Q. R3451 ROssler, Robert. Mein erster patient ; erziih- lung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v31 Schlas'sche durfgeschichten. 2te auti. Berlin. 1880. D. R2651 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 93. Roth, E: Christus judex; a traveller's tale. Phila. 1864. S. R 2701 Rothenfels, Emmy v., pseud., see Ingersleben, Emilie v. Rotterdam, J: van. Des fischers tochter ; ge- schichte aus den diinen. Aus dem tiJimi- schen von A. Kretzschmar. Leipz. 1856. S. R2801 Rotind, W: Marshall Y\iz,{The rev. Peter Pennot), Achsah ; a New England life study. Bost. 1876. D. R 2851 Child Marion abroad. 111. Bost. 1878. S. Rx901 Rousselet, L: Ralph, the drummer boy ; a story of the days of Washington. Tr. by W. J . " ' " ttx951 Gordon. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. Rowson, Susanna, born Haswell. Charlotte Temple ; a tale of truth. Cine. n. d. T. R 2876 Rudbeck, Thure Gustaf. Stockholms vorzeit ; romantisirte schilderungen aus der ge- schichte Schwedens. Aus dem schwedi- schen von C. F[risch]. Stuttg. 1847. 8 v. in 2. T. R2961 Rudolphi, J: Die freien schiitzen. Leipz. 1848. 2v. S. R3001 ' Rtiflani, Giovanni. Doctor Antonio. Edinb. 1856. S. R3051 Same. Leipz. 1861. S. R3051 Lorenzo Benoni, or Passages in the life of an Italian. N. Y. 1857. D. R 3052 Vincenzo, or Sunken rocks. N. Y. 1863. O. R3053 Ruhland, Marie, pseud., see Calm, Marie. Ruinen von Moncaldo, Die, oder Ferrogand und seine genossen ; eine abenteuerliche ge- schichte vom verfasser der Erscheinungen imschlosse derPyrenaen, etc. Braunschw. 1836. 2v. S. R31 Rumohr, Theodor W: Kjerstrup, (P. P.). Nils Juel, der diinische admiral und seine zeit. [Anon.] Stuttg. 1848. 3 v. T. Nil Runkel, W: M. Wontus, or The corps of ob- servation. Phila. 1874. D. R3151 Ruppius, Otto. Au.sgewahlte erziihlungen. N. Y. 1857. 6 V. D. R 3201 Contents, see Deutscher katalogr, p. 93. Gesammelte werke. Erste gesammt-ausg. Berlin. 1874. 6 v. D. R 3202 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 93. Ruskin, J: The king of the Golden River, or The black brothers ; a legend of Stiria. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. Rx 1001 Same. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vlO Russell, C: Wells. The fall of Damascus ; an historical novel. Bost. 1878. D. R3251 Russell, W: Clarke. Auld lang syne. N. Y. 1878. Q. R3301 Same. Lond. 1878. 2 v. in 1. D. R 3301 Jack's courtship ; a sailor's yarn of love and shipwreck. N. Y. 1884. Q. R 3310 Same. N. Y. 1885 [18841. S. R 3310 John Holdsworth, chief mate ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. R3311 The Lady Maud, schooner yacht ; from the account of a guest on board. N. Y. 1882. Q. R 3306 Little Loo ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. R 3309 My watch below, or Yarns spun when off duty. N. Y. 1882. Q. R 3305 An ocean free lance ; from a privateersman's log, 1812. N. Y. 1881. Q. R 3302 On the fo'k'sle head ; sea stories. N. Y. 1885. Q. R 3312 Round the galley tire. N. Y. [1883]. Q. R 3308 A sailor's sweetheart ; an account of the wreck of the sailing ship " Waldershare", from the narrative of mr. William Lee, second mate. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. R 3303 A sea queen ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. S. R 3307 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. R 3307 A strange voyage ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. R3313 The wreck of the "Grosvenor"; an account of the mutiny of the crew and the loss of the ship while trying to make the Bermudas. N. Y. [187-]. O. R3304 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. R 3304 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 841 Bydberg Sartoris. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. 842 Rydberg, Abraham Viktor. The last athenian. Tr. from the Swedish by W: W. Thomas, jr. Phila. [1879]. D. R3351 S., H. C: Who painted the great Murillo de la Merced. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v3 S., J., of Dale, pseud., see Stimson, F: J: S., M. E. W., pserid., see Sherwood, Mary Eliza- beth Wilson. Sacher-Masoch, Leopold ritier v. Aus dem tagebuche eines weltmaunes ; causerien aus der gesellschaft und der biihnenwelt. 2te aufl. Halle. 1873. D. S 101 Der emissjir ; eine galizische geschichte. Bern. 1877. D. S 102 Galizische geschichten ; novellen. Bern. 1881. D. S 103 Contents, see Deutscher katalogr, p. 93, Kaunitz ; kultur-historischer roman. Bern. 1877. 3v. inl. D. S 104 Der letzte konig der magyaren ; historischer roman. 2te ausg. Jena. 1870. 3 v. in 1. S. S 105 Ein mann wird gesucht ; roman in einem bande. Berlin. 1879. O. S 106 DerneueHiob; roman. Stuttg. 1878. D. S 107 Predigten der frau Ganizka. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v25 Wiener hofgeschichten ; historische novellen. V. 1 : Maria Theresia und die freimaurer. Leipz. 1873. S. V. 2: Das rendezvous zn Hochstadt. Bern. 1877. 2. v. S. S 108 Zur ehre Gottes ! ; ein zeitgemalde. Bern. 1877. D. S 109 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. S 109 Sadlier, Mary Anne, boi'n Madden. Alice Rioi*- dan, the blind man's daughter ; a tale for the young. Bost. 1851. T. Sx 101 Aunt Honor's keepsake ; a chapter from life. N. Y. n.d. S156 Confessions of an apostate. N. Y. 1864. S. S151 The daughter of Tyrconnell ; a tale of the reign of James I. N. Y. 1863. S. S 152 The heiress of Kilorgan, or Evenings with the old Geraldines. N. Y. n. d. S. S 154 The hermit of the rock ; a tale of Cashel. N. Y. n.d. D. S155 The red hand of Ulster. T. p. w. T. S 153 Saint- Aubain, Andreas Nicolai, (Carl Bern- hard). Das gliickskind. Deutsch von K. L. Kannegiesser. Leipz. 1850. S. S 201 Konig Christian der zweite und seine zeit. Deutsch von K. L. Kannegiesser. Leipz. 1847. 4 V. S. S 202 Saint-Hilaire, Marco de, pseud., see Hilaire, Emile Marc. Saint-Mars, Gabrielle Anna, born Cisterne de Courtiras, mcomtesse de, {Comtesse Dash). Die blutige marquise. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1850. T. S 251 Saint Pierre, Jacques H: Bernardin de. The indian cottage. In his Works. 840 : 4 vl Same, germ. Die indische hiitte. With his Paul und Virginie. S 302 Paul and Virginia. Bost. 1879. S. S 301 Same. In his Works. 840 : 4 vl Same, germ. Paul und Virginie ; ein naturge- miilde. Nach dem franzosischen von C. Schuler. Darmstadt. 1851. T. S 301 Uebers. von K: Eitner. Hildburgh. D. S 3l)2 Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface, called. Picci- ola ; the prisoner of Fenestrella, or Cap- tivity captive. Phil. 1848. D. S 361 Woman's whims, or The female barometer. Tr. from the french by Fayette Robinson. N. Y. 1850. D. S 352 Sala, G: A: The seven sons of Mammon. Bost. 1862. O. S 401 The two prima donnas ; a novel of real life. Phila. n. d. O. S 402 Salkeld, Joseph. The belle, the blue and the bigot, or Three fields for woman's influ- ence. Providence. 1844. T. S 451 Buds, blossoms and fruit of the church. N. Y. 1843. S. S 452 Herbert Atherton. T.p.w. ^. S 453 Salvage. (No name ser.) Bost. 1860. S. S3 Samarow, Gregor, pseud., see Meding, J: Ferdi- nand Martin Oskar. Sampleton, Samuel, pseud., see Monti, L: Samuels, Adelaide F. Daisy Travers, or The girls of Hive Hall. Bost. [1876]. S. Sx401 Sand, George, pseud., see Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore. Sandeau, Leonard Sylvain Jules. The house of Penarvan. In FuUerton, Lady G. C. The lilies of the valley. F 1805 Sandham, Elizabeth. The twin sisters ; a tale for youth. N. Y. 1859. S. Sx 501 Sands, Robert C: Boyuca. [Anon.^ In Tales of Glauber Spa. T 186 Mr. Green. In the same. T 186 See also his Writings. 820.1 : 6 Sangster, Margaret E., born Munson. Miss Dewberry's scholars and what they did. N. Y. 1882. D. Sx 551 Sarcey, Francisque. The miseries of Fo Hi, a celestial functionary. From the french by A. R. H. Chicago. 1883. S. S 50'l Sargent, Epes, ed. The emerald ; a collection of graphic and entertaining tales, brilliant poems and essays gleaned chiefly from the fugitive literature of the 19th century. Bost. 1866. D. S561 Contents. Bernard, C: de. The consultation. Alllngrham, W : Invocation. Neal, J : Goody Gracious and the forgot -me -not. Newton, C. Wonderland. Coincidences; a tale of facts. Blood, H: A. A prayer. Smith, H. The picnic party. Kimball, H. M. The guest.- Chalmers, A. Lesson in biography. Aiken, B. Uncrowned kings. Scribe, E. Judith, or The opera - box. Town- shend, C. A. Wait. Evening brings us home. Revelry in british India. A few words on social philosophy. Townshend, C. H. Stanzas. Mud- ford, W: The iron shroud. Addey, H. L. "She is so dear to me." Praed, W. M. Lyrical charades. How I made my fortune. The elopement. Craik, D. M. The double house.- Barbauld, A. L. Life's second morning. Fact and Action.- The youth and m, F: My friend the dutchman. Jenny kissed me. About, E. the sage. Hardman, F: Hunt, J. H: L. Jenc Without dowry. Tennyson, A. The foolish vir- gins. Chambers, K. Indoor games. Brownell, H. H. The burial of the dane. Sargent, G: E. Richard Hunne ; a story of old London. Lond. [1871]. D. S 576 joint author, see Walshe, Elizabeth H. Sargent, Lucius Manlius. The temperance tales. Bost. 1849. 3v. inl. D. S 601 Sartoris, Adelaide, born Kemble. Medusa, and other tales. Lond. 1868. O. S 626 Includes, Madame de Monferrato. Recollections of the life of Joseph Heywood and some of his thoughts about music On words best left unsaid. A week in a french country-house. Lond. 1867. O. S 627 X denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITEBATTJIIE FICTION. Sauer Schmid, H. T. v. 844 Sauer, K: Marquard, {M. Alland). Monsu Max ; roman. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v23 Saunders, J : Isi'ael Mort, overman ; a story of the mine. N. Y. 1876. O. S 651 Martin Pole. N. Y. 1863. O. S 652 A noble wife ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. S 654 The Sherlocks. N. Y. 1879. O. S 653 Saunders, Katherine, see Cooper, Katherine. Sauzade, John S., pseud., see Payn, James. Savage, Marmion W. The bachelor of the Albany. N. Y. 1855. D. S 801 Same. N. Y. 1878. Q. S 801 My uncle the curate. N. Y. 1860. O. S 802 Same. Lond. 1855. S. S 802 Reuben Medlicott, or The coming man. N. Y. 1853. D. S 803 The woman of business, or The lady and the lawyer. N. Y. 1870. O. S 804 Savage, Minot Judson. BlufFton ; a story of today. Bost. 1878. D. S 851 Savin, Una, pseud., see Hepworth, Mis. G: Hughes. Schaick, Cornelis van. Niederliindische dorfge- schichten. Aus dem holhindischen, unter mitwirkung des verfassers, von E: Wege- ner ; mit einer biographischen skizze und dem portrait des verfassers. Leipz. 1850. 4v. S. S951 Scharling, K: H:, {Nicolay). Zwc neujahrszeit im pastorate zu Noddeboe ; erztihlun^ von Nicolay. Nach der 3ten aufl. des diinischen originals, deutsch von W. Reinhardt. 3te aufl. Bremen. 1881. S. S 1001 Schayer, Julia. The story of two lives. In Stories by american authors. S 35 vlO Tiger Lily, and other stories. N. Y. 1883. D. S 106 Includes, Thirza. Molly. A summer's diversion. My friend mrs. Angel. Schefer, Leopold. The artist's married life ; being that of Albert Diirer. Tr. from the german by mrs. J. R. Stodart. Rev. ed. with memoir. N. Y. 1862. D. S 1026 Sch.eflFel, Joseph V: v. Ekkehard ; eine ge- schichte aus dem zehnten jahrhundert. Berlin. 1862. S. S 1051 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. S 1051 Sam^, eng. Ekkehard ; a tale of the 10th cen- tury. Tr. from the german by Sofle DeliFs. Lei'pz. 1872. 2 v. in 1. S. " S 1051 Schellbach, Emma. Veronika ; ein roman. Neubrandenburg. 1853. S. S 1851 Scherr, J: Die jesuiten. Gottlieb Rapfer. Ra- fael Spruhz. Die rothe dame. Alles schon dagewesen. Leipz. 1874. D. S 1107 Michel ; geschichte eines deutschen unserer zeit. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. in 1. D. S 1102 Same. N. Y. n. d. 2 v. D. S 1102 Nemesis; novelle. Leipz. 1874. D. S 1108 Die pilger der wildniss ; historische novelle. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. D. S 1109 Porkeles und Porkelessa ; eine bose geschichte N. Y. 1883. F. S 1110 Der prophet von Florenz ; wahrheit und dich- tung. Stuttg. 1845. 3 v. D. S 1103 Rosi Zurttiih ; eine geschichte aus den Alpen. Prag. 1860. T. S 1104 Die tochter der luft. Prag. 1855. 2 v. T. S1105 Die waise von Wien. Stuttg. 1847. 3 v. 8. S1106 SchifP, Hermann, (Isaak Bernays). Das koschei'e haus. Hamburg, n. d. D. S 1151 Das verkaufte skelett. Nebst anhang : Coro- larienl, von K: Gutzkow. Hamburg. 1866. D. S 1152 Die waise von Tamaris ; eine tanznovelle vom vefasser des "Schief-Levinche" und der "Luftschlosser." Hamburg. 1855. D. S1153 Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. The criminal from lost honour. In Oxenford, J: Tales from the german. O 1001 see also Roscoe, T: German novelists. R2451 See also 7ds collected works, in german, 830 : 143, in english, 830 : 150, 830 : 11153. Schilling, Ernst. Die Ehresburg, oder Der sachsen kampf und bekehrung ; histori- scher roman aus den zeiten konig Karls des grossen und Wittekind, konig der sachsen, in den jahren 772 bis 824. Meis- sen. 1830. D. S 1201 Schirmer, Adolf. Fabrikanten und arbeiter, oder Der weg zum iri-enhavise ; socialer roman. Wien. 1862. 3 v. T. S 1251 Schlagel, Max v. Die griinder ; roman. 2te aufl. Jena. [1880.] D. S 1303 Die helden der arbeit ; roman aus der gegen- wart. Bielefeld. 1871. D. S 1304 Nach uns die siindflutli ! roman aus Frank- reichs jiingster vergangenheit. Leipz. 1872. 4v. S. S1301 Der rothe fashing ; roman aus Frankreichs jiingster vergangenheit. Leipz. 1872. S. S 1302 Schmid, Hermann Theodor v. Almenrausch und edelweiss ; erziihlung aus dem bairischen hochgebirge. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. S. Alte und neue geschichten aus Bayern. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. 7 v. in 2. S. ' S 1402 Contents, see Dcutscher katalog, p. 9.5. Am kamin ; novellen und erziihlungen. 2te aufl. Leipz. [1873]. S. S 1403 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 95. Der bairische Hiesel ; volkserzahlung aus Bayern. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. S. S 1404 Der bergwirth ; geschichte aus den bairischen bergen. Leipz. 1874. S. S 1406 Erzstufen ; novellen und erziihlungen. 2te aufl. Leipz. [1873]. S. S 1406 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 95. Friedel und Oswald ; i-oman aus der tiroler geschichte. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. 3 v. in 1. S. S 1407 Die gasselbuben ; geschichte aus den bairi- schen vorbergen. Leipz. 1873. S. S 1408 Der habermeister ; ein volksbild aus den bairi- schen bergen. Leipz. 1869. S. S 1409 Same. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. S. S 1409 Tm morgenroth ; eine Miinchener geschichte aus der zeit Max Joseph's des dritten. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. S 1410 Der kanzler von Tyrol ; geschichtlicher ro- man. 2te aiifl. Leipz. 1874. 4 v. in 1. S. S1411 Der loder ; geschichte aus den bairischen ber- gen. Leipz. 1874. S. S 1412 Mem Eden ; eine Miinchener geschichte aus den zeiten Karl Theodor's. 2te aufl. Leipz. [1873]. S. S 1413 Das Miinchener kindeln ; erzJihlung aus |der zeit des kurf iirsten Ferdinand Maria. Leipz. 1874. S. S 1414 denotes books specially adapted for children. 845 Schmid.H.T.v.-SchOnberg. LITEBATtmE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Schmid, Hermann Theodor v. Gontimied. Miitze und krone ; roman. Leipz. 1869. 5 v. S. S 1415 Das schwalberl ; ein bauernroman aus dam oberbaierischen gebirg. 2te aufl. Leipz. [1873]. S. S 1416 Suden und norden ; eine bairische dorfge- schichte von 1866. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1873. S. S1417 Tannengriin ; novellen und erziihlungen. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1872. S. S 1418 Die tiirken in Miinehen ; roman. Leipz. 1872. 2v. S. S1419 Die zuwider-wurzen ; gesehichte aus den bairi- schen bergen. Leipz. 1874. S. S 1420 Schmid, J: Christoph v. Angelika. With Bau- berger, W. Das thai von Almeria. B 577 Das blumenkorbchen ; eine erziihlung dem bliihenden alter ^ewidmet von dem ver- fasser der Ostereier. With his Der rosen- stock. S 1455 Der blumenkranz ; eine erzahlung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde nach dem sehauspiele gleichen namens. 111. Regensburg. 1871. D. With his Der kleine kaminfeger. S 1462 Canary bird, The. See below Der kanarienvo- gel. Die christliehe familie, Das alte raubschloss, Das stumme kind ; drei erzahlungen fiir kinder und kindei'freunde. 111. Regens- burg. 1864. D. S 1458 Emma von Finkenstein, oder Gott macht alles gilt ; eine erzahlung fiir die liebe jugend. N. y. 1858. S. With Lautenschlager, O. Lorenz. L 2305 Eustachius ; eine erzahlung fiir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cine. 1855. S. S 1452 Same. With Bauberger, W: Das wunderweib vom Eichbuhl. B 580 Fernando, oder Lebensgeschichte eines jungen grafen aus Spanien. N. Y. 1855. T. S 1453 Same. N. Y. 1864. T. S 1459 Gottfried der junge einsiedler ; eine erzahlung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde. 111. Re- gensburg. 1864. D. S 1460 Gotthold, oder Die wege der vorsehung ; eine moralische erzahlung fiir kinder und kin- derfreunde. 111. Regensburg. 1871. D. TTefAAt* Die kleine lautenspielerin. S 1465 Der gute Fridolin und der bose Dietrich ; eine erzahlung fiir die gesammte edlere lese- welt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cine. 1855. 8. S 1457 Die hopfenbliithen ; eine begebenheit aus dem leben eines armen landschullehrers, er- zahlt fiir kinder und kinderfreunde. 111. Regensburg. 1864. D. S 1461 Das johanniskaferchen. With his Der rosen- stock. S 1455 Same. With his Der kanarienvogel. S 1463 Der kanarienvogel. Wilh his Der rosenstock. S1455 Same, Das johanniskaferchenj Die waldka- gelle ; drei erzahlungen fur kinder und inderfreunde. Regensburg. 1869. D. S1463 Same, eng. The canary bird, and other tales. Tr. by mrs. F. H. Smith. 111. N. Y. [1883] . S. Sx 626 Contents. The canary bird. Easter eggs. The young count. The firefly. Schmid, J: Christoph v. Continued. Der kleine kaminfeger ; eine erzahlung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde nach dem sehauspiele gleichen namens. 111. Resrens- bur^. 1871. D. S 1462 Die kleine lauterspielerin ; eine erzahlung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde nach dem sehau- spiele gleichen namens. Neue, ill. origi- nalaufl. Regensburg. 1871. D. S 1465 Das liimmchen ; eine erzahlung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde. Neue, ill. originalaufl. Regensburg. 1864. D. S 1464 Ludwig, der kleine auswanderer ; eine erzah- lung fiir kinder und kinderfreunde. Neue, ill. originalaufl. Regensburg. 1864. D. S 1466 Mathilde und Wilhelmine, die ungleiciien schwestern ; erzahlung. Neue, in. origi- nalaufl. Regensburg. 1871. D. S 1467 Die nachtigall ; eine interessante erziihlung. With his Heinrich von Eichenfels. S 1456 Die ostereier ; eine erzJihking zum osterge- schenke fiir kinder. With his Heinrich von Eichenfels. S 1456 Pauline, die stifterin einer kleinkinderschule ; erzahlung von dem verfasser der Ostereier. 111. Regensb. 1848. S. S 1469 Rosa von Tannenburg ; eine gesehichte des alterthums. N. Y. 1859. S. S 1454 Same. N. Y. 1864. 8. With his Fernando. S 1459 Same, eng. Rosa von Tannenburg ; a tale. From the german by Lucie Agnes Archer. N. Y. 1884[1883J. D. S 1454 Der rosenstock ; erne interessante erzahlung. N. Y. 1857. D. S 1455 Sieben erzahlungen fiir kinder und kinder- freunde. Neue, ill. originalaufl. Regens- burg. 1864. D. S 1468 C(mtentis. Die kirschen. Die margarethabliimchen. Das vergissmeinnicht. Der kiichen. Die krebse. Das rothkehlchen. Das vogelnestchen. Timotheus and Philemon ; die gesehichte christlicher zwillingsbriider. Neue, ill. originalaufl. Regensburg. 1871. D. With his Der kleine kaminfeger. S 1462 Die waldkapelle. With his Der kanarienvogel. S ll63 Der weihnachtsabend ; eine erzahlung zum weihnachtsgeschenke fiir kinder. With Heinrich von Eichenfels. S 1456 Wie Heinrich von Eichenfels zur erkenntniss Gottes kam. N. Y. 1860. D. S 1456 Schmidt, Maximilian. Johannisnacht ; dorfge- schichte aus den bayerischen vorbergen. N. Y. 1881. F. S 1476 Glasmacherleut' ; kulturbild aus dem bayri- schen walde. Stuttg. [1884]. D. S 1478 Die Miesenbacher ; ein kulturbild aus dem bayrischen hochgebirge, mit einer einleit- ung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [18821. Schmidt - Weissenfels, E:, {Ernst Hellmuth). Apoll von Byzanz. Wien. 1861. 4 v. T. H 2346 Die sohne Barnevelt's ; historischer roman. N. Y. n. d. O. S 1501 Schmieden, Else, {E. Juncker). Margarethe, or Life problems ; a romance. From the ger- man by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1878. D. J 1401 SchOnberg, Henning. Verschlungene wege. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v37 denotes books specially adapted for children. 847 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATXTRE FICTION. Schoppe Schwartz. 848 Schoppe, Marie, oder Liebe bildet. Amalie Emma Sophie, born Weise. Leipz. 1832. S. S 1601 Schrader, A:, pseud., see Simmel, A: Schregel, F. Der fiirstensohn. Prag. 1860. T. S1701 Schroder, W: Hinnerlc Swinegel's lebensloop un onne in'n staate Miiffrika ; eene putzige plattdvidsche historic in d5rtein kappittem. Steaplage. Berlin. 1871. S. S 1751 Kasper Wullkop, de Bremer schippsjung; siene erlewnisse un abentiier bi de eerste nord- pohl-eckspeditschoon, van em siilvst ver- tellt. Schoolmesters reis' nah'r arv- schaft ; eene fahrt mit hindernissen. Ber- lin. 1873. S. S 1752 Snaken un snurren. Berlin. 1872. S. S 1753 De tambur van Waterloo ; eene dorpgeschicht van'n hannoverschen jungen unt'r Liine- borger haide. Tweete aplage. Berlin. 1871. S. S 1754 Schubin, Ossip, pseud., see KUrschner, Lola. Schiicking, Christoph Bernhard Levin Anton Matthias. Eine actiengesellschaft. Han- nover. 1863. 3 V. S. S 1801 Alte ketten ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. S 1830 Annette von Droste ; ein lebensbild. Hanno- ver. 1862. D. S 1802 Aus alter und neuer zeit ; erzahlungen. Leipz. 1865. 2 V. in 1. T. S 1803 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. %. Aus heissen tagen ; geschichten. Stuttg. 1874. D. S1804 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Aus den tagen der grossen kaiserin ; histori- sche novellen. 2te autt. Prag. 1859. S. S1805 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Aus der franzosenzeit ; erzahlungen. Wien. 1863. T. S 1806 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Bruderpflicht [undj Recht und liebe ; zwei erzahlungen. N. Y. 1882. F. Der doppelganger ; roman. Stuttg Same. N. Y. 1881. F. Eine dunkle that. Leipz. 1846 Der erbe von Hornegg ; 1878. 3 V. in 2. D. Etwas auf dem gewissen S1829 1876. D. S1808 S 1808 S1807 Hannover. S1809 mit einer einlei- D roman. tung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [1881] . Filigran. Hannover. 1870, 1872. 2 v. D. S 1810 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Gesammelte erziihlungen und novellen. Han- nover. 1859-1866. 6 v. in 3. D. S 1811 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Die heiligen und die ritter ; roman. Hanno- ver. 1873. 4 V. in 2. D. S 1812 Der held der zukunft ; roman. Prag. 1855. 2 V. T. S 1813 Herrn Didier's landhaus ; roman. Hannover. 1872. 3 V. in 1. D. S 1814 Die konigin der nacht. Leipz. 1852. S. S1816 Die malerin aus dem Louvre ; roman. Han- nover. 1869. 4 V. in 2. D. S 1816 Die marketenderin von Koln ; roman. Leipz. 1861. 3v. D. S 1817 Novellen. Pesth. 1846. 2 v. D. S 1818 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Schiicking, hevin.Gontinned. Novellenbuch. Hannover. 2v.ini. S. S1819 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 96. Paul Bronkhorst, oder Die neuen herren ; ro- man. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1864. 3 v. in 1. S. S 1820 Recht und liebe. Wit7i his Bruderpflicht. S 1829 Die ritterbiirtigen. Leipz. 1846. 3 v. S. S1821 Ein schloss am meer ; roman. Leipz. 1843. 2 V. S. S 1822 Schloss Dornegge ; roman in 4 biichern. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1874. 4 v. in 1. S. S 1823 Die sch wester. N. Y. 1883. F. S 1831 Ein sohn des volkes ; roman. Leipz. 1849. 2 V. D. S 1824 Ein sohn eines beriihmten mannes ; histori- sche erziihlung. Prag. 1856. T. S 1825 Die sphinx; roman. Leipz. 1856. S. S 1826 Verschlungene wege ; roman. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1874. 3v. inl. S. S 1827 Zwischen zwei todsiinden ; novelle. 7 Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v25 Schulze-Smidt, Bernhardine /raw, {E. Oswald). Vain forebodings. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1885. D. S 6251 Schumann, Sophie, born Junghans. Die erbiii wider willen ; mit einer einleitung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [18811 . D. J 1451 Hella Jasmund, und andere .erzahlungen. Stuttg. [1883]. D. J 1452 Includes, Onkel Helraar. Die Howards von Brereton. Schultes, C: Maagela ; kulturhistorische novelle aus mittel-Frankeu ; mit einer einleitung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [1883] . I). S 1876 Schwartz, Marie Sophie, born Birath. Anna's geheimniss ; roman. Aus dem schwedi- schen von Emil J. Jonas. Leipz. 1874. 2 V. in 1. D. S 1910 Arbeit adelt den mann. Aus dem schwedi- schen von C. Biichele. N. Y. n. d. T. S 1901 Gerda, or The children of work. Tr. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Phila. 1874. D. S 1902 Gold and name. Tr. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Phila. 1874. O. S 1903 Same, germ. Gold und name. Aus dem schwedischen von dr. Otto. N. Y. n. d. T. S 1903 Guilt and innocence. Tr. from the swedisli by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Phila. ri. d. O. S 1915 Little Karin. Tr. from the original swedisli ms. by Selma Boi'g and Marie A. Brown. Hartford. 1873. O. S 1914 Das miidchen von Korsika ; roman. Aus dem schwedischen von E. J. Jonas. Leipz. 1876. D. S 1911 Der mann von geburt und das weib aus dem volke ; ein bild aus der wirklichkeit. Aus dem schwedischen von C. Biichele. N. Y. n. d. 2v. inl. T. S 1913 Ein opfer der rache ; erziihlung. Aus dem schwedischen von C. Biichele. N. Y. n. d. T. S 1904 denotes books specially adapted for children. -;!r-^ 849 Schwartz Scott. LITEBATTJRE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Schwartz, Marie Sophie, bornBir&th. Continued. Tlieriglit one. Tr. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Bost. 1871. O. S 1905 Same, germ. Der rechte. Aus dem schwedi- schen von C. Biichele. N. Y. n. d. S 1905 Schwedische lebensbilder ; erziihhingen. Nach dem original-manuscript frei bearbeitet von J. N. Heynrichs. Berlin. 1868. D. S1912 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 97. The son of the organ-grinder. Tr. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. [1883]. D. S 1906 Two family mothers. Tr. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Bost. 1882. O. S 1907 Same, germ. Zwei familienmiitter. Aus dem schwedischen von dr. Otto. N. Y. n. d. T. S1907 The wife of a vain man. Tr. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Bost. 1873. O. S 1908 Die wittwe und ihre kinder. Aus dem schwe- dischen von C. Biichele. N. Y. n. d. T. S 1909 Schwartzkoppen, Klotilde v., born v. Fran9ois. Aquarelle ; mit einer einleitung von Alex- ander baron v. Roberts. Stuttg. [1884]. D. S 1926 Contents. Einleitung. Bin osternovellette. Wie seine grossmutter. Vier treppen. Vor thores- schluss. Schwerin, Alexandrine Franziska grdfin v. Das testament des juden. Konigsberg. 1852. 3 V. D. 6, 6 g^ggj Scott, Sir Walter. Novels, abridged and ed. by M. E. Braddon. Lond. [1881]. D. Sx651 Contents. Waverley. Guy Mannerlng. Rob Roy. Old Mortality. The black dwarf. The bride of Lammermoor. The heart of Midlothian. Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. The fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the Peak. The talisman. The abbot ; being the sequel to The monas- tery. Bost. 1845. 2 V. in 1. S. S 2001 Same. Leipz. 1860. S. S 2001 Same, germ. Der abt, fortsetzung des Klo- sters ; ein histoi'ischer roman. Neu iibers. von F: Funck. Stuttg. 1851. T. S 2001 Anne of Geierstein. Leipz. 1871. S. S 2002 Same. Bost. 1871. D. S 2002 Sams, germ. Anna von Geierstein, oder Die tochter des nebels. Phila. 1852. T. S 2002 The antiquary. Leipz. 1845. S. S 2003 Same. Bost.'w. d. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2003 Same. Bost. 1845. 2 v. in 1. S. S 2003 Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2003 Same, germ. Der alterthiimler. Phila. 1852. T. S 2003 The betrothed. T. p. w. D. S 2004 Same. In his Tales of the crusades. S 2024 Same, germ. Die verlobten. Phila. 1852. T. S2004 The black dwarf. With his Fortunes of Nigel. S2027 Same. Leipz. 1858. S. S 2028 Same. In his Tales of my landlord. S 2029 vl The bride of Lammermoor. Leipz. 1858. S. S2006 Same. Bost. n. d. D. S 2006 Same. Bost. 1857. D. S 2029 v3 Castle Dangerous. Bost. 1845. S. S 2029 v4 Same. With his The surgeon's daughter. S2023 Scott, Sir Waiter. Continued. Chronicles of the Canongate. 1st and 2d ser. Bost. 1845. n. d. 4 v. in 2. D. and S. S 2007 Contents. Ist ser. The highland widow. The two drovers.- The surgeon's daughter. 2d ser. St. Val- entine's day. Count Robert of Paris. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. S2008 Same, germ. Graf Robert von Paris. Phila. 1852. T. S 2008 The fair maid of Perth. Leipz. 1871. S. S2009 Same. 111. Bost. 1879. D. S 2009 The fortunes of Nigel. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. D. S2010 Same. Leipz. 1846. S. S 2010 Same. Bost. 1879. D. S 2027 Same, germ. Nigel's schicksale. Phila. 1852. T. S2010 Guy Mannering, or The astrologer. Bost. 1869. 2v. inl. D. S2011 Same. Leipz. 1846. S. S 2011 Same. N. Y. 1873. S. S 2011 Same, germ. Guy Mannering, oder Der stern- deuter. Hamburg. 1841. S. S 2011 The heart of Mid-Lothian. Leipz. 1858. 2 v. inl. S. S2012 Same. T. p. w. D. S 2012 Same, germ. Der kerker von Edinburg. Neu iibers. von Ernst Susemihl. Stuttg. 1851. T. S2012 The highland widow. With his The betrothed. S2004 Ivanhoe. Leipz. 1845. S. S 2013 Same. T. p. w. D. S 2013 Same. (Waverley novels, ill. lib. ed.) Bost. n. d. D. S 2013 Same, germ. Ivanhoe. Aus dem englischen. Phila. 1852. T. S 2013 Kenilworth. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2014 Same. Leipz. 1845. S. S 2014 Same. (Waverle.y novels, ill. lib. ed.) Bost. n. d. D. S2014 Same, germ. Kenilworth. Phila. 1852. S. S2014 A legend of Montrose. With his Fortunes of Nigel. S 2027 Same. With his The black dwarf. S 2028 Same. With his The bride of Lammermoor. S 2029 v3 The monastery. Leipz. 1859. S. Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. D. Same. Bost. n. d. 2 v. in 1. D. Same. T. p. w. S. Same, germ. Das kloster. S2015 S2015 S2015 S2015 Phila. 1852. T. S2015 Note. For continuation, see above The abbot. Old Mortality. Leipz. 1846. S. Same. Bost. 1869. D. Same. With his The black dwarf. Peveril of the Peak. Leipz. 1860. Same. 2 V. in 1. D. S2016 S2016 S 2029 vl 3v. in 1. S. S2017 S2017 S2017 Phila. 1853. S2017 S2018 S2018 Phila. n. d. T. p. w. D, Same, germ. Peveril vom Gipfel. T. The pirate. Leipz. 1846. S. Same. Bost. 1879. D. Quentin Durward ; a romance. Bost. 1845. 3 V. in 1. S. S 2019 Same. Leipz. 1845. 2 v. in 1. S. S 2019 Same ; ed. especially for this series by Charlotte M. Yonge ; with a hist, introd. [Classics for children]. Bost. 1884. S. Sx 652 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 851 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE PICTION. Scott Seyerin. 852 Scott, Sir Walter. Continued. Redgauntlet. T.p.w. D. S 2020 Same, germ. Redgauntlet. Phila. 1852. T. S 2020 Rob Roy. Bost. 1872. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2021 Same. Leipz. 1846. S. S 2021 Same, germ. Robin der Rothe ; ein historischer roman. Neu iibers. von C. Hermann. Stuttg. 1851. T. S 2021 St. Ronan's well. Bost. 1869. 3 v. in 1. D. S2022 Same. Bost. 1845. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2022 Same. Bost. n. (Z. 3 v. in 1. D. S 2022 Same, germ. St. Ronansbrunnen. Phila. 1852. T. S 2022 The surgeon's daughter. T. p. w. D. S 2023 iVote. Contains also Castle dang-erous and Index, glossary, characters Introduced and principal in- cidents of the whole series of Waverley novels. Tales of my landlord. 1. Black dwarf and Old Mortality. 2. Heart of Midlothian. 3. Bride of Lammermoor and Legend of Mont- rose. 4. Count Robert of Paris and Castle Danger- ous. Tales of the crusades : The betrothed ; The talisman. T. p. w. D. S 2024 The talisman : a tale of the crusaders. N. Y. 1879. Q. S 2027 Waverley, or 'Tis sixty years since. Leipz. 1845. 'S. S2025 Same, germ. Waverley, oder Vor sechzig jahren ; ein historischer roman. Neu iibers. von C. Hermann. Stuttg. 1851. T. S2025 Woodstock. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2026 Scribe, Augustin Eugfene. Judith, or The opera box. /w Sargent, E. The emerald. S 551 Moritz ; modernes zeitbild. T. p. w. S. S2052 Novellen. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1847. T. S2051 Scudder, Horace Elisha. The Bodley books: 1. Doings of the Bodley family in town and country. 111. Bost. 1880. 6. Sx 701 2. The Bodleys telling stories. 111. Bost. 1880. O. Sx 702 3. The Bodleys afoot. 111. Bost. 1880. O. Sx703 4. Mr. Bodley abroad. 111. Bost. 1881. O. Sx 704 Seven little people and their friends. New ed. Bost. 1881. S. Sx 705 Stories and romances. Bost. 1880. D. S 2101 Contents. Left over from the last century. A house of entertainment. Accidentally overheard. A hard bargain. A story of the siege of Boston. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Do not even the publicans the same. Nobody's business. ed. The children's book ; a collection of the best and most famous stories and poems in the english language. Bost. 1881. Q. Sx706 Contents. The book of fables. The book of won- ders. A few songs. The book of popular tales. The book of stories in verse. Stories from Hans Christian Andersen. Tales from the Arabian nights' entertainments. The book of ballads. The book of familiar stories. A voyage to Lilliput. Travels of baron Munchausen. The book of poetry. The book of ancient stories. Same. Sx 706R Scudder, Moses L., jr. Brief honors ; a romance of the great dividable. Chicago. 1877. S. S2151 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Scudder, Vida D., {Bavida Goit). How the rain sprites were freed. 111. Bost. [18831. O. CxOOl Sea breezes. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. Sx 25 Sealsfleld, C: {originally K: Postl). Das cajiiten- buch, Oder Nationale charakteristiken. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1847. 2 V. S. S 2201 Same, eng. The cabin book, or National characteristics. Tr. from the german by Sarah Powell. Lond. 1852. D. S 2206 Lebensbilder aus der westlichen hemisphare. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1846. 5 v. S. S 2202 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 97. Sams, eng. Life in the new world, or Sketches of american society. Tr. from the german by Gustavus C. Hebbe and James Mackay. N. Y. [1844]. O. S2202 Contents. The courtship of G: Howard, esq. The courtship of Ralph Doughby, esq. The life of a planter. Scenes in the southwest. The squatter chief, or The first american in Texas. Der legitime und der republikaner ; eine geschichte aus dem letzten amei-ikanisch- englischen kriege. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1845. 3 V. S. S 2203 Morton, oder Die grosse tour. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1846. 3 V. S. S 2204 Der virey und die aristokraten, oder Mexiko im jahre 1813. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1845. 3 v. S. S 2205 Searle, January, pseud., see Phillips, G: Searle. Secondthoughts, Solomon, pseud., see Kennedy, J: Pendleton. Sedg'wick, Catharine Maria. Hope Leslie, or Early times in the Massachusetts. N. Y. 1873. 3v. D. S2251 Le Bossu. [Anon.] In Tales of Glauber- Spa. T 186 The Linwoods, or "Sixty years since" in Amer- ica. N. Y. 1861. 3 V. S. S 2252 Live and let live, or Domestic service illus- trated. N. Y. 1861. S. S 2253 Means and ends, or Self-training. N. Y. 1860. S. S 2254 The poor rich man and the rich poor man. N . Y. 1861. S. S 2255 Sedgfwick, Susan Ridley. Walter Thornley, or A peep at the past. N. Y. 1859. S. S 2276 Sedley, H: Dangerfield's rest, or Before the storm. T.p.w. D. S 2301 See, Gustav vom, pseud., see Struensee, Gustav K:0:v. SeemtiUer, Anna Moncure, born Crane. Emily Chester. Bost. 1874. D. S 2351 Seg^ur, Sophie, born Rostopchine, comtesse. Fairy tales. Tr. from the french by mrs. Chapman Coleman and her daughters. Phila. [1869]. D. Sx 851 Selchow, pseud., see Lamartine, A: H: Julius. Sellen, Gustav, pseud., see Alvensleben, K: L: F: W. G. V. Semler, H: Ein banditenstreich ; eine mexi- kanische erzahlung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2 v23 Samuels kleiner roman ; eine erzahlung. In the same. V 2 v28 Septch.nes, Jean de, pseud. , see Collin, Jacques A: Simon. Sergeant, Adeline. Beyond recall ; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. S 2516 Severance, M: Sibley. Hammersmith, his Har- vard days. New ed. Bost. 1883. D. S2526 Severin, Justus, pseud., see Mtitzelburg, Adolf. Sewell Simms. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 818, Authors. 854 Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. Cleve Hall. N. Y. 1881. D. S2559 The experience of life. N. Y. 1860. S. S2551 Gertrude ; ed. by W: Sewell. N. Y. 1864. D. S 2552 Hawkstone ; a tale of, and for England in 184. N. Y. 1848. 3 v. D. S 2553 Ivors. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. D. S 2554 Katharine Ashton. N. Y. 1881. D. S 2555 Laneton parsonage. N. Y. 1885. D. S 2558 Margaret Percival. N. Y. 1854. D. S 2556 Same. N. Y.1881. D. S 2556 Ursula ; a tale of country life. N. Y. 1859. 2 V. D. S 2557 Shand, Alexander 1. Wrecked off the Riff coast. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v6 Shaw, Flora L. Hector ; a story. 111. Bost. 1881. S. Sx901 Phyllis Browne. Bost. 1883 [1882]. S. Sx 902 A sea change. Bost. 1884. S. Sx 903 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, born Godwin. Frankenstein, or The modern Prometheus. Phila. 1833. 2 v. D. S 2601 Shelton, F: W: Peeps from a belfry, or The parish sketch book. N. Y. 1855. D. S 2651 The rector of St.Bardolph's, or Superannuated. N. Y. 1853. D. S 2652 Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara, {E. Berger). Charles Auchester. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1875]. O. S2701 Counterparts, or The cross of love. Bost. n. d. O. S 2702 Rumor. Bost. 1864. O. S 2703 Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, (M. E. W. S.). The sarcasm of destiny, or Nina's experi- ence. N. Y. 1878. D. S 2751 Sherwood, Mary Martha. The history of H: Milner. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. D. "S 2801 The lady of the manor ; a series of conversa- tions on the subject of confirmation, in- tended for the use of the middle and higher ranks of young females. N. Y. 1860. 4 v. D. S 2802 Roxobel. N. Y. 1848. 3 v. S. Sx951 Shillaber, B: Penhallow, (Mrs. Partington). The double-runner club, or The lively boys of Rivertown. 111. Bost. 1882 [1881]. S. Sx 1001 Shinn, Milicent Washburn. Young Strong of the "Clarion". In Stories by american authors. S 35 v9 Shipley, Mary Elizabeth. Jessie's work, or Faithfulness in little things ; a story for girls. 111. N. Y. 1873. D. Sxi051 Shorthouse, Joseph H: John Inglesant; a ro- mance. [Anon.] New ed. N. Y. 1881. D. S2826 The little schoolmaster Mark ; a spiritual ro- mance. N. Y. 1883. S. S 2827 The marquis Jeanne Hyacinth de St. Pelaye. In Tales from manysoui'ces. T 178 v3 Shunsui, Tamenaga. The loyal ronins ; histori- cal romance. Trom the Japanese by Shiui- chiro Saito and E: Greey. 111. by Kei-Sai- Yei-Sen of Yedo. N. Y. 1880. O. S 2851 Sidney, Margaret, pseud., see Lothrop, Harriet Sidney, Sir Philip. The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. [With introductory and bio- graphical essay.] Lond. n. d. D. S 2876 Same. 13th ed. With his life and death and a brief table of the principal heads and some other new add. Lond. 1674. Q. 23 :R Contents. Life and death of sir Philip Sidney. Epigrams. The countess of Pembrolce's Arcadia. A sixth book to the countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, by K. Beling. Sonnets. The defence of poesie. Astrophei and Stella. Supplement to the 3d book of Arcadia by Ja. Johnstoun.- A remedie for love. Sikes, Olive, born Logan. Chateau Frissac, or Home scenes in 1 ranee. N. Y. 1865. D. S2901 Get thee behind me, Satan ! a home-born book of home-truths. N. Y. 1872. D. S2902 Silberstein, A: Dorfschwalben aus Oestreich ; geschichten. Miinchen. 1862. U. S 2951 Dorfschwalben aus Oesterreich ; frischer Aug. Breslau. 1881. 2 v. in 1. D. S 2952 Gliinzende bahnen. Milw. 1872. O. S 2953 Hochlandsgeschichten, mit einer einleitung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [1882]. D. S2954 Contents of each of the above, see Deutscher katalojr, p. 98. Simcox, Edith. Episodes in the lives of men, women and lovers. 1st amer. from the last Lond. ed. Bost. 1882. S. S 2976 Contents. In memoriam. Consolations. A diptych. "Someone has blundered." Midsummer noon. At anchor.- Men our brothers. Looking in the glass. Love and friendship.- Eclipse. The shadow of death. Sat est vixisse. Sime, W: Boulderstone, or New men and old populations ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. S2988 Haco the dreamer ; a tale of scotch university life. N. Y. 1884. Q. S 2987 King Capital.. N. Y. 1883. S. S 2986 Simmel, A:, {August Schrader.) Mark Suther- land, Oder Die wege der vorsehung. Leipz. 1857. S. S 1651 Simms, W: Gilmore. Beauchampe, or The Ken- tucky tragedy ; a sequel to Charlemont. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3007 - Same. N. Y. 1856. D. S 3011 Border beagles ; a tale of the Mississippi. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3006 Charlemont. or The pride of the village ; a tale of Kentucky. N. Y. 1882. D. With his Border beagles. S 3006 Same. N. Y. [1856^. D. S 3012 Note. For continution, see Beauchampe. Confession, or The blind heart ; a domestic story. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. With his Beauchampe. S 3007 Eutaw ; a sequel to The forayers, or The raid of the dog-days ; a tale of the revolution. NY. 1856. D. S3004 Same. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3004 The forayers, or The raid of the dog-days. N. Y. 1882. D. With his Woodcraft. S 3003 Note. For continuation, see Eutaw. The golden Christmas ; a chronicle of St. Johns, Berkeley, compiled from the notes of a briefless barrister. Charleston. 1852. D. S3013 Guy Rivers ; a tale of Georgia. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S3006 Katharine Walton, or The rebel of Dorchester. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3002 Mellichampe ; a legend of the Santee. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. With his The partisan. S3001 Same. N. Y. 1853. 3 v. D. S 3014 denotes books specially adapted for children. 855 CI. 813, Authors. MTERATURE FICTION. Simms Smollett. 856 Simms, W: Gilmore. Continued. The partisan ; a romance of the revolution. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3001 Same. N. Y. n. d. D. S 3015 Richard Hurdis ; a tale of Alabama. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. With Ms Guy Rivers. S3005 The scout, or The black riders of Congaree. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. With his Kathar- ine Walton. S 3002 Southward ho ! a spell of sunshine. N. Y. 1882. D. With his The Yemasse. S 3008 Vasconselos ; a romance of the new world. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3010 The wigwam and the cabin. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3009 Contents. Grayling, or Murder will out. The two camps, a legend of the old north state. The last wagrer, or The gamester of the Mississippi. The arm-chair of the Tustenuggee, a tradition of the Catawamba. The snake of the cabin. Oakatibbe, or The Choctaw Sampson. Jocassee, a Cherokee legend. The giant's coffin, or The feud of Holt and Hous- ton. Sergeant Barnacle, or The raftsman of the Edisto.- Those old lunes ! or Which is the madman ? The lazy crow, a story of the cornfield. Caloya, or The loves of the driver. Lucas de Ayllon. Woodcraft, or Hawks about the dove cote ; a tale of the south at the close of the revolu- tion. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3003 The Yemassee ; a romance of Carolina. New ed. N. Y. 1882. D. S 3008 Simon, Emma, born Couvely, {Emma Vely). Am strand des Adria ; novellen. Stuttg. 1878. D. S3051 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 98. Schiffbruch ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2v36 Simpson, M. C. M. Geraldine and her suitors ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. Q. S 3076 Sinclair, Catharine. Lord and lady Harcourt, or Country hospitalities. T. p. w. fPhila. 1857.] D. S3101 Modem accomplishments, or The march of intellect. T.p.w.D. S 3102 Sio^olk, F., pseud., see Mathews, Albert. Skelton, J : The crookit Meg ; a stoi-y of the year one. Lond. 1880. D. " S 3126 Slick, Jonathan, pseud. ? Das leben in New York ; in briefen. Stuttg. 1847. T. S 3151 Slick, Sam, pseud., see Haliburton, T: C. Slip in the fens, A. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1873. S. S21 Smart, Hawley. Courtship in 1720 and 1860 ; romances of two centuries. Phila. 1877. 8. S3201 From post to finish ; a racing romance. 111. N. Y. 1884. Q. S 3202 Tie and trick ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1885. Q. S3203 Smedley, Frank E. Frank Fairlegh, or Scenes from the life of a private pupil ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. S 3226 Lewis Arundel, or The railroad of life. N. Y. 1885. a. S3227 Smidt, H: Marinebilder ; neue seegeschichten. Berlin. 1859. D. S3251 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 98. Smith, Albert. The fortunes of the Scatter- good family. T. p. w. S. S 3301 The Poppleton legacy. T. p. w. O. S 3302 Smith, Alexander. Alfred Hagart's household. Bost. 1866. D. S 3351 Dreamthorp. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics, J 926 v4 Smith, Alexander. Continued. Miss Oona McQuarrie ; a sequel to Alfred Hagart's household. Bost. 1866. D. S3352 Smith, Elizabeth Thomasina, born Meade, mrs. Toulmin-. Scamp and I ; a story of city. by-ways, by L. T. Meade. 111. N. Y. n. d. I). Mx 801 Smith, Hannah, {Hesba Stretton). Carola. N. Y. [1884J. S. S3405 Cobwebs and cables. N. Y. 1881. D. S 3404 The crew of the Dolphin. N. Y. n. d. T. S 3401 In prison and out. N. Y. . d. D. S 3402 Michel Lorio's cross. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v2 Through a needle's eye. N. Y. 1878. D. S3403 Smith, Horace, also called Horatio. Adam Brown, the merchant. N. Y. 1858. O. S 3451 Arthur Arundel ; a tale of the english revolu- tion. N. Y. 1857. O. S 3452 The picnic party. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v9 Same. In Sargent, E. The emerald. S 551 The Tor hill. Cine. n. d. O. S 3453 Same, germ. Der Thurm hill. Nach der zwei- ten auflage des englischen iibers. von Gustav Sellen. Leipz. 1847. 4 v. S. S3453 Smith, J. F: Abtei Carrow. Frei nach dem englischen von dr. Biichele. Stuttg. 1859. 2v. T. 3501 Ebbe und fluth ; roman aus der gegenwart. Aus dem englischen von C : KoId. Stuttg. 1860. Gv.f. S 3502 Das erbe, oder Die lehren des lebens. Frei nach dem englischen von C. Biichele. Stuttg. 1858. 4 V. T. S 3503 Der junge pratendent, oder Vor 100 jahren. Aus dem englischen von A. v. Schraishuon. Stuttg. 1855. 2 V. T. S 3504 Licht- und schattenseiten des lebens ; volks- roman. Frei aus dem englischen von A. v. Schraishuon. Stuttg. 1858. 5 v. T. S 3505 The story of May Darling. In Wilson, J : M. Talesof the borders. W 2202 vlO Smith, J. Hyatt. Haran the hermit, or The wonderful lamp. Buffalo. 1860. S. Sx 1201 Smith, J. Moyr. The prince of Argolis ; a story of the old greek fairy time. N. Y. 1878. D. S3551 Smith, Joseph Emerson. Oakridge ; an old time story. Bost. 1875. D. S 3601 Smith, Julia B. One little rebel. 111. N. Y. 1884. S. Sxll51 Smith, Mary Prudence, born Wells, (P. Thome). The Browns. 111. Bost. 1884. S. Sx 1302 The great match, and other matches. (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. S 3701 Jolly good times at school, also some times not quite so jolly. Bost. 1884. D. Sx 1301 Smollett, Tobias G: The expedition of Humph- rey Clinker. N. Y. 1873. D. S 3751 Same, germ. Humphrey Clinker's reisen. Aus dem englischen iibers. von H: Diiring. Braunschw. 1848. 3 v. S. S 3751 Same. Aus dem englischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1846! S. S3751 Ferdinand Fathom ; roman. Aus dem eng- lischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1846. S. S3754 denotes books specIaUy adapted for children. s.,7 Smollett Spiller. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 858 Smollett, Tobias G: Continued. Peregrin Pickle's abenteuer, fahrten und scliwiinke ; eio komiseher reman. Nach dem englischen von G. N. Barmann. Braunschw. 1848. 6 v. S. S 3752 Same. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E. Ortlepp. Stuttg. 1846. 3 v. in 1. S. S3752 Abenteuer Roderick Random's. Aus dem englischen iibers. Braunschw. 1848. 4 v. S. S3753 Same. Aus dem englischen iibers. von E: Keller. Stuttg. 1846. 3 v. in 1. S. S 3753 Snieders, A:, der jilngere. Bilder aus dem leben. Aus dem vliimischen iibertragen von K: Arenz. Mainz. 1853. S. S 3801 Contents, sec Deutscher katalog, p. 99. Sola, pseud., see Anderson, Olive San Louie. Sommers, W: Die seherin der hochlande. In's deutsche iibertragen von Leopold Kraft. Leipz. 1845. 3 v. T. S 3851 Soulie, Melchior F: Die memoiren des teufels ; vorliiufer der "Pariser mysterien". Deutsch vonL:Hauff. Stuttg. 1845. 6 v. T. S3901 Southey, Caroline Ann, born Bowles. Devereux Hall. In Tales from Blackwood. T 176 v2 La petite Madelaine. In Tales from Black- wood. , T 176 v3 Souvestre, Emile. An attic philosopher, or A peep at the world from a garret ; being the journal of a happy man. N. Y. 1857. D. S4051 Same. N. Y. 1859. S. S4051 Same, germ. Ein philosoph in der dachstube ; tagebuch eines gliicklichen. Aus dem franzosischen iibers. von G: Schmiele. Leipz. n. d. T. S4051 Der konig der welt, oder Das geld und seine macht ; ein roman der vergangenheit und gegenwart. Deutsch von A. Kretzschmar. Leipz. 1855. 4 V. S. S 4052 The lake shore, or The slave, The serf and The apprentice. Tr. from the french. Bost. 1855. S. S 4053 Same. Norva ; a tale of the roman empire, and other stories. Tr. from the french. Bost. 1857. D. S 4053 Contents. The slave. The serf. The apprentice. Leaves from a family journal. From the french. N. Y. 1855". D. S 4054 Spanish cavaliers, The ; a tale of the moorish wars in Spain. Tr. from the french by mrs. J. Sadlier. N. Y. 1861. S. S 30 Sparhawk, Frances Campbell. A lazy man's work. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. S4101 Spath, Charlotte. Die zwillingsschwestern ; eine erziihlung fiir herrschaften und dienstbo- ten. Stuttg. TO. (?. S. S4151 Spenden auf dem altar der freundschaft und liebe ; ein immortellen - kranz, gewunden aus den beliebtesten novellen und erzah- lungen des in- und auslandes. Schwab. Han. 1848. O. S 31 Spender, Emily. A true marriage. Lond. 1878. 3 V. in 3. D. S 4176 Spender, Litz, mrs. J: Kent. Gabrielle de Bour- danie ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. S 4203 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. S 4203 Jocelyn's mistake. Bost. n. eZ. O. S 4201 Mr. Nobody ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. S 4204 Spender, Litz, mrs. J: Kent. Continued. Till death do us part ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. S4202 Spielhagen, F: Allzeit voran ; roman. 6te autt. Leipz. 1880. D. S 4251 Angela. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1880. 3 v. D. S4268 Same. N. Y. 1881. F. S 4268 Same. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v22 Clara V ere ; novelle. 7te aufl. Leipz. 1878. S. S4256 Sam, eng. Lady Clara de Vere ; a story. N. Y. 1883. S. S 4256 Deutsche pioniere ; eine geschichte aus dem vorigen jahrhundert. Berlin 1871. 1). S4252 Durch nacht zum licht. See below Problema- tische naturen. Hammer und ambos ; roman. 8te aufl. Leipz. 1881. 3 V. in 1. D. S 4253 Hans und Crete ; novelle. N. Y. 1881. F. S4266 Die von Hohenstein. Berlin. 1864. 4 v. D. S4254 Same. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1880. D. S 4254 Same. N. Y. 1883. F. S 4254 In der z wolf ten stunde ; novelle. N. Y. 1883. F. S 4269 In reih' und glied ; roman. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1876. 3 V. in 1. D. S 4255 Same. N. Y. 1883. F. S 4255 Novellen. Leipz. 1880. 3 v. D. S 4257 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 99. Piatt land ; roman. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1881. D. S4258 Problematische naturen ; in zwei abtheilun- gen. [3. abth.: Durch nacht zum licht.l 9te aufl. Leipz. 1880. 3 v. D. S 4269 Same, eng. [1st pt.] Problematic characters. From the germ, by prof. Scheie de Vere. N. Y. 1871. S. S4259vl Same. [3d pt.] Through night to light. From the german by prof. Scheie de vere. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1874. S. S 4259 v2 Quisisana. N. Y. 1881. F. S 4260 Same, eng. Quisisana, or Rest at last. Lond. 1881. D. S4260 Die schonen. amerikanerinnen. N. Y. 1881. F. S4267 Das skelet im hause ; novelle. N. Y. 1883. F. S4262 Same, eng. The skeleton in the house. Tr. from the german by M. J. Safford. N. Y. 1881. S. S4262 Skizzen, geschichten und gedichte. Leipz. 1881. D. S 4261 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 99. Sturmfluth ; roman. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1878. 3 V. in 1. D. S 4263 Through night to light. See above Problema- tische natixren, pt. 8. Uhlenhans ; roman. N. Y. 1884. F. S 4270 Ultimo ; novelle. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1877. D. S4264 Same. With Sacher-Masoch, L. Zur ehre Gottes. S 109 Was die schwalbe sang ; roman. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1877. D. S 4265 Same, eng. What the swallow sang. N. Y. 1873. S. S4265 Spiller V. Hauenschildt, R: G:, see Hauen- schildt, R:G: Spiller v. : denotes books specially adapted for children. 859 CI. 813, Authors. lilTEBATXJRE FICTION. Spindler Stahr . Spindler, C: Alte und neue zeit, oder Die reichs- grafen von Schelack ; drei geschichten aus dem mund des volkes. Tabor. 1851. T. S4301 Der bastard ; eine deutsche sittengeschichte aus dem zeitalter kaiser Rudolph des zwei- ten. Stuttg. 1854. 4 v. in 3. S. S 4302 Bliimlein wunderhold, oder Abenteuer bei dem grossen freischiessen zu Strassburg im jahre 1576; romantische erziihlung. Stuttg. 1854. S. S 4303 Erziihluneren beim licht. Stuttg. 1855. S. S 4304 Eugen von Kronstein, oder Des lebens und der Hebe masken. 2te autl. Stuttg. 1834. 3v.ini. S. S4327 Fridolin Sehwertberger ; biirgerleben und fa- milienchronik aus einer siiddeutschen stadt. Stuttg. 1855. 3 v. S. S 4305 Fiir stadt und land. Stuttg. 1855. 2 v. in 1. S. S 4306 C(yntent8, see Deutscher katalog, p. 99. Der invalide ; historisch-romantische bilder neuerer zeit. Stuttg. 1831. 5 v. in 3. S. S4328 Je langer, je lieber. Stuttg. 1854. S. S 4307 Der Jesuit ; charaktergemiUde aus dem ersten viertel des achtzehnten jahrhunderts. Stuttg. 1854. S. S 4308 Der jude ; deutsches sittengemiilde aus der ersten hiilfte des fiinfzehnten jahrhunderts. Stuttg. 1839. 4 V. in 2. S. S 4300 Kettengneder ; gesammelte erzahlungen. Stuttg. 1854. 3 V. in 1. S. S 4310 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Der konig von Zion ; romantisches gemalde aus dem sechszehnten jahrhundert. Stuttg. 1854. 2 v. S. S4311 Lesereien ; im bade, auf reisen, auf dem lande. Stuttg. 1856. 2 V. in 1. S. S 4312 Contents, see Deutscher katalog:, p. 100. Lustige geschichten fiir ernste zeit ; weltan- sichten, historien und wunderliche be- kanntschaften vom touristen Theophil Langenstrick, genannt "Grand-Fusil". 3te auH. Stuttg. 1852. 2 v. in 1. S. S 4329 Mancherlei. Stuttg. 1855. 2 v. in 1. S. S 4313 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Meister Kleiderleib ; geschichte eines aben- teurers wiihrend einer sommerzeit in Baden-Baden. Stuttg. 1855. 8. S 4314 Mosaik ; erzahlungen. Stuttg. 1856. 2 v. in 1. S. S4315 Contents, sec Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Muntere lebensbilder. (Die erben des steiner- nen gastes). Stuttg. 1855. 8. S 4316 Die nonne von Gnadenzell ; sittengemalde des fiinfzehnten jahrhunderts. Stuttg. 1854. S. S4317 Putsch und comp. ; 1847-1848-1849. Stuttg. 1856. 2 v. S. S 4318 Der schwiirmer ; lebens- und charakterbilder aus vergangener zeit. Stuttg. 1854. S. S4319 Stadte und menschen ; erinnerungen in bunter reihe. Stuttg. 1856. S. S 4320 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Der teufel im bade ; aufzeichnungen eines kurgastes in Homburg. Stuttg. 1856. S. S4321 Der vogelhiindler von Imst, Tirol vor hundert jahren ; volksroman. Stuttg. 1855. 2 v. S. S4322 Spindler, C: Continued. Volksgeschichten. Stuttg. 1855. 2v.ini. S. S 4323 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Winterbuch ; erzahlungen. Stuttg. 1856. 2 v. in 1. S. S 4324 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Winterspenden ; erziihlungen und novellen. Stuttg. 1854. 3 V. in 1. S. S 4326 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Winterzeitvertreib ; erziihlungen. Stuttg. 1855. 3 V. in 1. S. S 4326 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth, born Prescott. The amber gods, and other stories. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. S 4401 Includes, In acellar. Knitting sale-socks. Circunj- stance. Desert sands. Midsummer and may. The south breaker. Azarian. Bost. 1864. S. S 4403 Same. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1881. S. S 4403 D'outre mort. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics J 926 v3 Hester Stanley at St. Marks. Bost. 1883. S. Sx 1351 The marquis of Carabas. Bost. 1883. S. S 4404 A modern Mephistopheles. (No name ser J Bost. 1877. S. S 4403 The mount of sorrow. In Stories by amerl- can authors. S 35 v3 Ray. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J926vll The south breaker. In the same. J 926 y7 SpOrlin, Margaretha. Der alte Eli ; eine ein- fache geschichte aus dem elsassischen volksleben. 3te autl. Basel. 1879. D. S4451 Spragrue, MaryAplin. An eai*nest tritter. [Anon.] Bost. 18^0. S. S 4501 Spring, Gardiner, jr. Giafar al Barmeki ; a tale of the court of Haroun al Raschid. N. Y. 1836. 2v. D. S4551 Spurr, G: G. The land of gold ; a tale of '49, illustrative of early pioneer life in Cali- fornia and founded upon fact. 111. Bost. 1881. D. S6151 Spyri, Johanna. Heidi, her years of wandering and learning ; a story for children una those who love children. From the german by Louise Brooks. Bost. 1885 [1884] . D. ^ Sx 296I Stables, Gordon. The cruise of the Snowbird ; -a story of arctic adventure. 111. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. Sx 1376 Wild adventures in wild places. Lond. n. d. Q. S 4576 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine, born Necker, baronne de. Corinne, or Italy. Tr. by Isabel Hill, with metrical versions of the odes by L. E. Landon. Lond. n. d. D. S 4601 Same, germ. Corinna oder Italien. Aus dem franz. von M. Bock ; mit eiriem vorwort von F: Spielhagen. Hildburgh. 1868. D. S4601 Delphine. Aus dem franzosischen. Leipz. 1847. 3v. S. S4608 Stahr, Fanny, born Lewald. Adele. Braunschw. 18.55. S S4661 Ein armes madchen. Berlin. 1863. S. S 4668 Auf rother erde. With her Clementine. S4666 denotes books specially adapted for children. Stahr stem. LITERATTTIIE-PICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Stahr, Fanny, horn Lewald. Continued. Benedikt." Berlin. 1874. 2 v. in 1. D. S 4653 Benvenuto ; ein roman aus der kiinstlerwelt. Berlin. 1876. 2 v. in 1. D. S 4654 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. S 4654 Clementine, Auf rother erde ; zwei erziihlun- gen. Berlin. 1872. D. S 4655 Deutsche lebensbilder ; erziihlungen. 2te ausg. Berlin. 1865. 4 v. in 1. S. S 4658 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Die dilettanten. Berlin. 1867. S. S 4656 Diogena; roman von Iduna griifin H. H. Leipz. 1847. D. S 4659 Der dritte stand. T.p.w.S. S 4657 Diinen- und berggesehichten ; erziihlungen. Braunschw. 1851. 2 v. in 1. D. S 4660 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 100. Emilie. Berlin. 1859. D. S 4661 Die erloserin ; roman. Berlin. 1873. 3 v. in 2. D. S 4662 Same, germ. Hulda, or The deliverer ; a ro- mance. After the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1874. D. S 4662 Same. Phila. 1883. D. S 4662 Graf Joachim. Berlin. 1859. D. S 4663 Helmar. Berlin. 1880. O. S 4664 Jasch. Berlin. 1868. S. S 4665 Jenny. Berlin. 1872. D. S 4666 Die kammerjungfer ; roman. Berlin. 1864. 2 V. inl. D. S4667 Fine lebensfrage. Berlin. 1872. D. S 4668 Der letzte seines stammes. Berlin. 1864. D. S 4670 Licbesbriefe aus dem leben eines gefangenen ; roman. Braunschw. 1850. D. S 4669 Das madchen von Hela. Berlin. 1860. 2 v. S. S4671 Das madchen von Oyas. With her Vornehme welt. S 4682 Mamsell Philippinens Philipp. With her Der letzte seines stammes. S 4670 Nella ; eine weihnachtsgeschichte. Berlin. 1870. D. S 4672 Neue novellen. Berlin. 1877. D. 8 4673 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Pflegeeltern. Wit7i her Die unzertrennlichen. S4678 Prinz Louis Ferdinand ; ein zeitbild. Berlin. 1859. 3 V. in 1. S. S 4674 Die reisegefahrten ; roman. 2te ausg. Berlin. 1865. 2 V. in 1. D. S 4675 Schloss Tannenburg. Berlin. 1859. D. S 4677 Derseehof. Berlin. 1859. D. S 4676 Stella. From the german by Beatrice Marshall. Leipz. 1884. 2 v. in 1. S. S 4685 Die unzertrennlichen, Pflegeeltern; zwei er- ziihlungen. Berlin. 1871. D, S 4678 Vater und sohn. N. Y. 1881. F. S 4679 Villa Riunione ; erziihlungen eines alten tanz- meisters. Berlin. 1869. 2 v. in 1. S. S4680 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 101. Von geschlecht zu geschlecht. Berlin. 1864. 3 V. S. S 4681 Vornehme welt. Das miidchen von Oyas. Berlin. 1868. S. S 4682 Wandlungen ; roman. 2te ausg. Berlin. 1864. 4 V. in 2. D. S 4683 Zur weihnachten; drei erzahlungen. Berlin. 1880. O. S 4684 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Stanley, H: Morton. My Kalulu, prince, king and slave. N. Y. 1874. D. S 4701 X denotes books specially Stebbins, Sarah Bridges. Annals of a baby; how it was named, how it was nursed, how it was a tyrant and how its nose got out of Joint, also, a few words about its aunties, Its grandfathers, grandmothers and other important relations by one of its slaves. [Anon.] N. Y. 1877. t). S 4751 Stefifens, H: Die familien Walseth und Leith ; ein cyclus von novellen. 3te aufl. Breslau. 1837. 5 V. in 3. S. S 4801 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Gebirgs - sagen. Als anhang: Die trauung, eine sage des nordens. Breslau. 1837. S. S4802 Malkolm, eine norwegische novelle. 2te aufl. Breslau. 1838. 4 v. in 2. S. S 4803 Die vier norweger ; ein cyclus von novellen. Breslau. 1837. 6 v. in 2. S. S 4804 Stein, A., pseud., see WulflE; Margarethe. Stein, Armin, pseud., see Nietschmann, Her- mann. Stein, Paul, pseud., see Hinrich, Albertine. Steinlein, Laura, born Freese, {Arthalis, Artha- lis Freese). Die letzten bliithen. Leipz, 1851. 2 V. S. A 1701 Stengel, Franziska v. Das apulische kind ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1843. D. S4901 Pessimisten ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. S 4902 Stephens, C: Asbury. The camping-out series -. 1. Camping out as recorded by "Kit." 111. Phila. n. d. S. Sx 1404 3. Ott" to the geysers, or The young yachters in Wade." Iceland as recorded by ' 1875. D. 111. Bost. Sx 1406 5. Fox-hunting as recorded by "Raed." 111. Phila. n. d. S. Sx 1408 6. On the Amazons, or The cruise of the "Ram- bler " as recorded by "Wash." 111. Bost. 1874. D. Sx 1409 Knockabout club along shore ; the adventui'es of a party of young men on a trip from Boston to the land of the midnight sun. Bost. 1883 [18821. D. Sx 1402 The knockabout club in the woods ; adven- tures of six young men in the wilds of Maine and Canada. 111. Bost. 1882 [18811. O. Sx 1401 Young Moll's Peevy. In Stories by american authors. S 35 vlO The young moose-hunters ; a backwoods boy's story. Bost. 1882. D. Sx 1403 Stephenson, Eliza, born Tabor. Hope Mei-edith. Lond. 1874. 3 v. in 2. D. T 108 Jeanie's quiet life. N. Y. 1868. O. T 101 The last of her line. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. T 102 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. T 102 Little miss Primrose. Lond. 1880. 3v.ini. D. T 103 Meta's faith. N. Y. 1869. O. T 104 Nine years old. New ed. [Anon.] Lond. 1882. D. Tx 101 The senior songman. [Anon.'] Lond. 1883. 3v. in 2. D. T 107 Same ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. T 107 When I was a little girl ; stories for children. 7th ed. [Anon.] Lond. 1880. S. Tx 102 Sterling, J: The onyx ring ; with a biographi- cal preface by C: Hale. Bost. 1856. D. S5001 Stem, Detlef, pseud., see Strempel, Dora. Stern, Otto, pseud., see Peters, Louise. adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITEltATTTRfi-3?IC*ridll'. Stemberg-Stoddard, C. W. 864 Sternberg, Alexander freiherr von TJngern-. Die beiden schiitzen. Bremen. 1849. D. S5051 Elisabeth Charlotte, herzogin von Orleans ; ein biographischer roman. Leipz. 1861. 3 V. D. S5052 Fortunat ; ein feenmiihrchen. Leipz. 1838. 2 v. D. S 5053 Die gelbe grafln. Berlin. 1848. 2 v. D. S 5054 Die kaiser-wahl. Bremen. 1849. D. S 5055 Kiinstlerbilder. Leipz. 1861. 3 v. S. S 5056 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Novellen. Stuttg. 1834. S. S 5057 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Peter Paul Rubens ; ein biographischer roman. Leipz. 1862. D. S 5058 Die ritter von Marienburg. Leipz. 1853. 3 v. D. S 5059 Die royalisten. Bremen. 1848. D. S 5060 Wilhelm. Berlin. 1849. 2 v. S. S 5061 Stemdale, Robert Armitage. The afghan knife. Lond. 1879. D. S 5101 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. S 5101 Sterne, Lawrence. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. In his Works. 820.2: 20 v2 Same, germ. Yoricks empfindsame reise durch Frankreich und Italien. Aus dem engli- schen iibers. von G. N. Barmann. Brschw. 1848. S. S5153 The story of my uncle Toby, etc., newly ar- ranged by Percy Fitzgerald. [Bayard ser.J N. Y. 1871. T. S 5151 The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gent. In his Works. 820.2 : 20 vl, 2 Same, germ. Tristram Shandy's leben und meinungen. Aus dem englischen von G. N. Biirmann. Brschw. 1848. 4 v. S. S5152 Stevenson, Robert L: New arabian nights. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. S 5176 Contents. The suicide club. The rajah's diamond. The pavilion on the links. A lodgrinfr tor the night. The sire de Maletrolt's door. Providence and the guitar. The pavilion on the links. In Tales from many sources. T 178 vl Treasure Island. 111. Bost. 1884. D. Sx 1426 and Fanny van de Grift. More new arabian nights : The dynamiter. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1885. S. S 5177 Stewart, Agnes M. Grace O'Halloran, or Ire- land and its peasantry ; a tale of the day. Baltimore. 1860. S. Sx 1451 Justice and mercy, or A tale of all-hallows e'en. Baltimore. 1864. T. Sx 1452 Stewart, Elizabeth M. Aubrey Conyers, or The lordship of Allerdale. Lond. 1853. D. S5251 Lady Amabel and the shepherd boy. or The recluse of Byland Forest. N. Y. 1863. 8. S 5252 Stifter, Adalbert. Bunte steine ; ein festge- schenk. 6te aufl. Leipz. 1881. D. S 5301 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Der nachsommer. Pesth. 1857. 3 v. D. S5302 Studien. Pesth. 1856. 3 v. 8. S 5303 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Studien. [Neue folge.] Leipz. [1872]. D. S5304 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 101. Stimson, F: Jesup, {J. S. of Bale). The crime of , Henry Vane; a story with a moral. [Anon.'] i N. Y. 1884. S. S 5203 > Guerndale ; an old story. N. Y. 1882. D. * S 5201 , Mrs. Knollys. In Stories by ameriean auth- ors. S 35 v2 Stinde, Julius, ( Alfred de Valmy, Wilhelmine ' Buchholz). Dreimal zehn jahre ; novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v29 Die familie Buchholz ; aus dem leben der hauptstadt. 34ste aufl. Berlin. 1885. O. S6301 Same ; 2ter theil. 26ste aufl. Berlin. 1885. O. S6302 [Same; 3ter theil:] Buchholzens in Italien; reise-abenteuer von Wilhelmine Buchholz. 24ste aufl. Berlin. 1885. O. S 6303 Prinzess Goldhaar ; eine novelle. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v28 Stirling, A. At daybreak ; a novel. Bost. 1884. S. S 6201 Stirling, M. C, see MacCallum, M. C. Stirling - Maxwell, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah lady, born Sheridan, formerly mrs. Norton. Verloren und gerettet ; roman. Aus dem englischen von F. Seybold. Leipz. 1863. 3 v.in2. D. S5326 Stock, Clara, now frau Weise, {Clara Cron). Adelaide ; ein charakterbild fiir die frauen- welt. 2te aufl. Magdeb. [1877]. D. S5351 Auf und ab ; gesammelte novellen. Neue folge. Magdeb. [1874]. D. S 5352 Regina ; ein charakterbild fiir die frauenwcslt. Magdeb. [1876]. D. S 5353 Rosen und dornen ; gesammelte novellen fiir die frauenwelt. Magdeb. [1873]. D. S 5354 Schloss Wendsheim ; eine erziihlung fiir die frauenwelt. Magdeb. [1877]. D. S 5355 Note. For contents of the collected stories, see Deutscher katalog, p. 103. Stockton, Francis R: The floating prince, and other fairy tales. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. Sx 1501 A jolly fellowship. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. Sx 1503 The lady or the tiger ? and other stories. N. Y. 1884. S. S 5402 Includes, The transferred ghost. The spectral mortgage. Our archery club. His wife's deceased sister. Our story.- The same old 'coon. Mr. Tol- man. On the training of parents. Our flre-scroen. A piece of red calico.- Every man his own letter writer. Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. New ed., ill. N. Y. 1881. O. Sx 1502 Rudder Grange. N. Y. 1879. S. S 5401 The story of Viteau. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. Sx 1508 Tales out of school. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. Sx 1505 Same. N. Y. 1881. O. Sx 1505 Ting-a-ling. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. Sx 1504 The transferred ghost. In Stories by ameri- ean authors. S 36 v2 What might have been expected. N. Y. 1874. S. Sx 1507 Stockton, Louise. Kirby's coals of fire. In Stories by ameriean authors. S 35 v7 Stoddard, C: Warren. Chumming with a sav- age. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 vl8 denotes books specially adapted for children. 865 Stoddard, E. D. Stowe. lilTERATtTRE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. 866 Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew, born Barstow. The Morgesons. N. Y. 1862. S. S 5451 Osgood's predicament. In Stories by ameri- can authors. S 35 v8 Two men. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1865]. 'D. S 5452 Stoddard, R: H: The rich merchant of Cairo. In Maga stories. P 2801 Stoddard, W: Osborn. Among the lakes. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. Sx 1605 Dab Kinzer ; a story of a growing boy. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. Si 1601 Note. For continuation, see The quartet. Esau Hardery ; a novel of american life. N. Y. 1881. D. S 5502 The heart of it ; a romance of east and west. N. Y. 1880. S. S 5501 The quartet ; a sequel to " Dab Kinzer". N. Y. 1881. D. Sx 1602 Saltillo boys. N. Y. 1882. D. Sx 1603 The talking leaves; an indian story. N. Y. 1882. S. Sx 1604 Wrecked? a novel. N. Y. 1883. D. S 5503 Stolle, L: Ferdinand, {originally L: F. Anders). 1813 ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1858. 3 V. S. S5511 NoU. For continuation, see Elba und Waterloo. Camelien ; novellen und erzahlungen. Leipz. 1857, 1858. 2v. S. S 5512 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 102. Deutsche Pickwickier ; komischer roman. Leipz. 1859. 3 v. S. S 5513 Elba und Waterloo. Fortsetzung von " 1813 ". Leipz. 1860. 3 v. S. S 5514 Die erbschaft in Kabul; komischer roman. Leipz. 1858. 2 v. S. S 5515 Je langer, je lieber ; phantasiestiicke und er- zahlungen ; V. 2. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1858. S. S5516 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 103. Der konig von Tauhai'awi ; launiger roman. Prag. 1857. 3 v. T. S 5517 Moosrosen ; novellen und erzahlungen ; 2ter t. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1858. S. S 5518 Contents, see Deutscher katalog', p. 103. Napoleon in Egypten ; historisch-romantisches gemalde. Leipz. 1859. 3 v. S. S 5519 Der neue Casar ; ein seitenstiick zu "1813" und "Elba und Waterloo." Leipz. 1858. 3v. S. S5520 Von Wien nach Vilagos ; historischer roman. Leipz. 1866. 2 v. S. S 5521 Der weltbiirger ; historischer roman aus den jahren 18301832. Leipz. 1857. 3 v. S. S 5522 Storch, L: Der freibeuter. Leipz. 1856. 3 v. S. S5551 Der freiknecht ; historischer roman. Tabor. 1850. 4 V. T. S 5552 Fiir stille abende. Leipz. 1857. 2 v. S. S5553 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 103. Der galeerensklave. With his Orestes. S5558 Der glockengiesser. Leipz. 1855. S. S 5554 Der heideschenke. Leipz. 1855. 3 v, S. S 5562 Die konigsbraut. Leipz. 1856. 2 v. S. S 5555 Kunz von Kauffungen. Leipz. 1855. 3 v. S. S5556 Madeira. Leipz. 1856. S. S 6557 Orestes. Leipz. 1858. S. S 6558 Der stocktischfang. Leipz. 1856. S. S 5659 Vorwerts-Hans. Leipz. 1855. S. S 6660 Waldmeister. Leipz. 1855. S. S 5661 Stories by american authors, no. 1-10 1884, 1885. 10 V. S. N. Y. S36 Contents. V. 1. Taylor, B. Who was she? Matthevrs, J. B., and H: C. Bunner. The docu- ments in the case. Bishop, W: H: One of the thirty pieces. Davis, R. H. Balacchi brothers. Webster, A. An operation in money. 2. Stockton, F. R. The transferred ghost. Jacobi, M. P. A martyr to science. Stimson, F: J. Mrs. Knollys. Eddy, S: A dinner-party. Spofford, H. P. The mount of sorrow. Tincker, M. A. Sister Silvia. 3. Hale, L. P. The spider's eye. Burnett, F. H. A story of the Latin quarter.- Lathrop, G : P. Two purse companions.- Lloyd, D: D. Ogla Mogra. Thaxter, C. A memorable murder. Ma " J. B. Venetian g'lass. [atthevrs, 4. Woolson, C. F. Miss Grief. Bunner, H: C. Love in old cloathes. Willis, N. P. Two buckets in a well. Foots, M. H. Friend Barton's concern. DeForest, J: W: An inspired lobbyist. Brooks, ^ Lost in the fog-. 5. James, H: A light man. Millet, F. D. "Yatil." Benjamin, P. The end of New York. Arnold, G: Why Thomas was discharged. Mitch- ell, E. P. The tachvpomp. 6. Chaplin, H. W. The village convict.- Hayes, A. A. The Denver express. Fairfax, L. R. The misfortunes of brother Thomas Wheatley. Champ- ney, L. W. The heartbreak cameo. Webster, A. Miss Eunice's g'love.- Frederic, H. Brother Sebas- tian's friendship. 7. Thanet, O. The bishop's vagabond. Bell- amy, E: Lost. Stockton, L. Kirby's coals of Are. Floyd, M. Passag'es from the journal of a social wreck. McKay, J. T. Stella Grayland. Johnson, V. W. The image of San Donate. 8. DeForest, J: W: The brigade commander. Beers, H: A. Split zephyr. Phelps, E. S. Zer- viah Hope. Adee, Alvey A. The life magnet. Stoddard, E. D. B. Osgood's predicament. 9. Pag-e, T: N. Marse Chan. G-age, C: S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. Chaplin, H. W. Eli Shinn, M. W. Young Strong of "The Clarion." Coffin, R. T. How old Wiggins wore ship. Kip, L. mas has come. 10. Janvier, T: A. Pancha. Mitchell, E. P. The ablest man in the world. Stephens, C: A. Young Moll's peevy.DeKay, C: Manmat'ha. Boyesen, H. H. A daring fiction. Schayer, J. The story of two lives. Stories from the history of Sweden. N. Y. 1854 T. Sx 86 Contents. The copper-mine. The snow king. The iron king. Fall of the Hats and Caps. Perseverance. The three pictures. Storm, Hans Theodor Woldsen. Hans und Heinz Kirch. N. Y. 1883. F. S 6603 Immensee, or The old man's reverie. Tr. with the permission of the author from the 8th ed. of the german by H. Clark. Mun- ster. 1863. T. S 5602 Neue novellen. Berlin, 1878, 1880. 2 v. in 1. D. S 6601 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 102. Story, W: Wetmore. A modern magician. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v7 Story library. The, v. 2 : The baked head, and other tales. N. Y. 1856. D. P 2802 Includes, The wolf in sheep's clothing. Elkanah Smithers, jr. Infatuation. An ordeal. A royal whim. A story of Sweden. Major O'Shaughnessey's adventure on the Duke's Moor. A cock-fight In Havana. Angelica Staggers. The fall of the janis- saries. Leaves from the diary of a law clerk. The golden guillotine. Edward Drysdale. The story of the unfinished picture. Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, born Beecher, (Ghris- topher Crowquill). Agnes of Sorrento. 11th ed. Bost. 1878. D. S 6651 Same. 17th ed. Bost. 1884. D. S 5661 A dog's mission, or The story of the old Avery 111. N. Y. [1881]. house, and other stories. D. Sx 1701 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITEBATUBE FICTION. Stowe Sue. Stowe, Harriet B., boi'n Beecher. Continued. Dred. See below Nina Gordon. Little Pussy Willow. Best. 1875. D. Sx 1703 The Mayflower, and miscellaneous writings. Bost. 1875. D. S 5652 The minister's wooing. Bost. 1879. D. S5653 My wife and I, or Harry Henderson's history. N. Y. 1873. D. S 5654 Note. For continuation, see We and our neighbors. Nina Gordon ; a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Bost. 1874. 3 v. in 1. D. S 5655 Same. Bost. 1885. D. S 5655 Same, germ. Dred ; eine erziihlung aus dem Grossen Dismal-Sumpfe. Bost. 1856. 3 v. S. S 5655 Oldtown folks. Bost. 1869. D. S 5656 Pink and white tyranny ; a society novel. Bost. 1874. S. S 5658 Poganuc people, their loves and lives. 111. N. Y. 1878 D. S 5659 Queer little people. [New ed.] N. Y. 1881. D. ^ ^ ^ Sxl702 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. Bost. 1879. S. S5660 Contents. The ghost in the mill. The Sullivan look- ing glass. The minister's housekeeper.- The widow's bandbox. Captain Kidd's money " Mis' Elderkin's pitcher". The ghost in the cap'n Brown house. Colonel Eph's shoe-buckles. The bull-flght. How to flghtthe devil. Laughin' in meetin'. Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly. Bost. 1874. D. S 5661 Same. New ed. with ill., and a bibliography of the work by G: Bullen, together with an introductory account of the work. Bost. 1879. D. S 5661 Same. Bost. 1884. D. S 5661 Sam^e, germ. Sclaverei in dem lande der frei- heit, Oder Das leben der neger in den scla- venstaaten Nord-Amerikas. Nach der 15ten aufl. von Onkel Tom's Cabin. Leipz. 1853. 4v. 8. S5661 We and our neighbors, or The records of an unfashionable street ; sequel to "My wife and I". N. Y. [1875]. D. S' 5662 and others. Six of one by a half a dozen of the other. Bost. 1867. S. S 5663 Note. Written conjointly by H. B. Stowe, F. W. lioring:, A. D. T. Whitney, F. B. Perkins, L. P. Hale and E. B. Hale. Stratford-by-the-sea ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. S. S37 Streckfuss, Adolph. Castle Hohenwald. After the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1879. D. S 5701 Sams. Phila. 1884. D. S 5701 Quicksands. From the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1884.1). S 5703 Too rich. Phila. 1878. D. S 5702 Strempel, Dora, {Detlef Stern). Hypatia ; reman aus dem modernen Konstantinopel. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v31 Stretton, Hesba, pseud., see Smith, Hannah. Strieker, Karoline v., {St. Nelly). Bliithen aus Tetschens goldenen auen. Leipz. 1843. 3 V. S. S 5776 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 102. Das haus der nichte. Leipz. 1845. 3 v. S. S 5777 Strickland, Agnes. Alda the captive. N. Y. 1841. T. Sx 1801 Strubberg, F: A:, {Armand). In Mexico. Han- nover. 1865. 4 V. S. S 5801 Strubberg, F: A:, (Armand). Continued. Saat und ernte. Leipz. 1866. 5 v. S. S 5804 Sclaverei in Amerika, oder Schwarzes blut. Hannover. 1863. 3 v. in 1. S. S 5802 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 102. Der sprung vom Niagarafalle. Hannover. 1864. 4 V. in 3. S. S 5803 Struensee, Gustav K: O: v., {Oustav mm See). ': Arnstein. Breslau. 1868. 3 v. S. S 5851 Erzahlungen eines alten herrn. Breslau. 1860. S. S 5852 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 102. Grafin und marquise ; roman. Wien. 1864. 4 V. in 3. T. S 5857 Nose. For continuation, see Ost und west. Das majorat. Hannover. [18751. 3v.ini. S. S5853 Neue novellen. Hannover. 1869. S. S 5854 Ost und west ; des romans "Grafin und mar- quise" zweite abtheilung. Breslau. 1865. 4v. in 3. T. S 5855 Valerie ; roman. Breslau. 1869. 4 v. S. S5858 Zwei gnadige frauen. Breslau. 1860. 3 v. D. S 5856 Strussenfelt, Ulrika Sophia v. Ein pfarrhaus auf dem lande ; em familiengemalde von D. J. W. E. Aus dem schwedischen iibers. von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1846. T. E 101 Stuart, Esme. How they were caught in a trap ; a tale of France in 1803. Lond. 1880. D. Sx 1851 Sturgis, Julian Russell. Dick's wandering. Bost. 1883. D. S 5876 A disappointing boy. In Tales from Black- wood. T 177 vll Lord Richard and I. In Tales from many sources. T 178 v'l My friends and I. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1884. 8. S 5877 Contents. Michael and I. Lord Richard and I. My poor wife. Stwin, Adam, pseud., see Richardson, James. Suberwick, Mme. ., (M. V. de Fereal). Die ge- heimnisse der inquisition. Aus dem fran- zosischen von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1846. 4 v. S. F451 Sue, Marie Joseph, called Eugfene. Der ewige jude. Uebers. von A. Diezmann. Leipz. 1846. 6v. T. S5901 Same, eng. The wandering jew. 111. Lond. n. d. D. S 5901 Die familie Jouffroy. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1854. 3 v. T. S 5902 Die familiensohne. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1856. 5 v. T. S 5903 Die fanatiker der Cevennen. Aus dem franz. von L. HaufF. Stuttg. 1844. 3 v. T. S5904 Fernand Duplessis, oder Denkwiii'digkeiten eines ehemannes. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1851. 4 v. T. S 5905 Gilbert und Gilberte. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1853. 3 v. T. S 5906 Johanne und Louise, oder Die familien der de- portirten. Deutsch von Julius Werner, Stuttg. 1853. T. S 5907 Die kinder der liebe. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1850. T. S 5908 Martin der findlmg, oder Denkwiirdigkeiten eines kammerdieners. Nach dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1847. 4 v. T. S5909 denotes books specially adapted for children. Sue Tales. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 870 Sue, Marie Joseph, called Eughne. Continued. Mathilde ; memoiren einer jungen frau. Deutsch von L. Meyer. Leipz. 1844. 5 v. T. S5910 Miss Mary, oder Die erzieherin. Aus dem franz. von A. Zoller. Stuttg. 1851. T. S5911 Der teufel als arzt. Aus dem franz. von A: Zoller. Stuttg. 1855. 2 v. T. S 5912 Therese Dunoyer. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1844. T. S 5913 Die verschworung, oder Ludwig der XIV und sein hof. Deutsch von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1847. 3 V. T. S 5914 Sue-Sand fils, Alexander, pseud., see Hamley, E:B. Superior woman, A. (No name ser.) Bost. 1885. S. S81 Sutro - Schiicking, Kathinka. Die erlebnisse einer schutzloseu. N. Y. 1882. F. S 5952 In beiden hemisphiiren ; ein lebensbild. N. Y. 1881. F. S5951 Suttieres, S. de, see Sarcey de Suttieres, Fran- cisque. Swift, A: M. Cupid, M.D.; a story. N. Y. 1882. S. S 5976 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's traA^els into several remote nations of the world ; with a life of the author by J: Mitford and copious notes by W. C. Taylor. Phila. 1880. D. Sx 1901 Same. In Ms Works. 820.2 : 21 v2 Sydow, Clara v. Spiitsommer. N. Y. 1883. F. S6101 Sylvan queen, A ; a novel by the author of "Rachel's secret." K Y. 1880. Q. T 106 Synge, W. W. Follett. Tom Singleton, dragoon and dramatist. Lond. 1879. 3 v. in 1. D. S6001 Same a novel. N. Y. 1880. Q. S 6001 Tabor, Eliza, see Stephenson, Eliza. Talcot, Mrs. Hannah B., formerly mrs. Goodwin. Christine's fortune. Bost. 1881. S. T 151 Dr. Howell's family. Bost. 1881. S. T 152 One among many. 111. Bost. 1884. S. T 154 Sherbrooke. N. Y. 1866. S. T 153 Tales from Blackwood ; [first series.] Edinb. [I860]. 13 V. S. T 176 Contents. V. 1. Aytoun, W: E. The Glenmutch- kin railway. Vanderdecken's message home. The floating: beacon. Colonna the painter. Lockhart, J: G. Napoleon. Hamley, E. B. A legend of Gibraltar. Mudford, W. The iron shroud. 2. Hamley, E. B. Lazaro's legacy. A story with- out a tale. Faustus and queen Elizabeth. Aytoun, W: E. How I became a yeoman. Southey, C. A. Devereux Hall. Macnish, R. The metempsychosis. College theatricals. 3. A reading party in the long vacation. Fer- gruson, S: Father Tom and the pope. Southey, C. A. La petite Madelaine.-Magrinn, W: Bob Burke's duel with ensign Brady. The headsman; a tale of doom. Gait, J. The wearyful woman. 4. Aytoun, W: E. Howl stood for the Dreep- daily Burghs.- Mudford, W. First and last. The duke's dilemma; a chronicle of Neisenstein. The old gentleman's teetotom. "Woe to us when we lose the watery wall." My college friends. Charles Rus- sell, the gentleman commoner. Hugrhes, J. The magic lay of the one-horse chay. 5. Adventures in Texas. Aytoun, W: E. How we got possession of the Tuileries. liOckhart, J: G. Capt. Paton's lament. Arbouville, S. de Bazan- court, cfmnteas d'. The village doctor. Hog's-, J- A singular letter from southern Africa. 6. Hardmann, F: My friend the dutchman. Leicester, H. My college friends, no. 2. Aytoun, W: E. The emerald studs. Hardmann, F: Chris- tine, a dutch story. The man in the bell. 7. Hardmann, F: My english acquaintance. Doubleday, T. The mui-derer's last night. Nar- Tales from Blackwood. Continued. ration of certain uncommon things that did former- ly happen to me, Herbert Willis, B. D. The wags. The wet wooing, a narrative of '98. Ben-na-groich. 8. Aytoun, W: E. The surveyor's tale. The Forrest-race romance. Edwards, C. Di Vasari; a tale of Florence. Sigismund Fatello. The boxes. 9. Rosaura, a tale of Madrid. Adventure in the north-west territory. Harry Bolton's curacy. The Florida pirate. The pandour and his princess. The beauty draught. 10. Antonio di Carara. The fatal repast. The vision of Cagliostro.- The first and last kiss. The smuggler's leap. The haunted and the hauntersi The duellists. 11. The natollan story-teller. The first and last crime. John Rintoul. Major Boss. The premier and his wife. 12. Tickler among the thieves. The bridegroom of Barna. The involuntary experimentalist. Le- brun's lawsuit. The snowing up of Strath Lugas. A few words on social philosophy. Same ; new series. Edinb. [1879]. 12 v. S. T177 Contents. V. 1. Oliphant, L. The tender recol- lections of Irene Macgilllcuddy. Walford, L. B. Nan; a summer scene. The bells of Botreaux. Hamley, E. B. A recent confession of an opium- eater; Shakespeare's funeral. Lockhart, L. W. M. A night with the volunteers of Strathkinahan. The philosopher's baby. Oliphant, M. O. The secret chamber. 2. Chesney, G: The battle of Dorking. Late for the train. Aytoun, W: E. The congress and the Agapedome. Maga's birthday. Francillon, R. E: Grace Owen's engagement. Aytoun, W: E. The raid of Arnaboll. Neaves, Lord. How to make a pedigree. 3. S., H. C: Who painted the great Murillo de la Mei-ced? J-nes, Mr. A parochial epic A military adventure in the Pyrenees. AUardyce, A. The Pundrapore residency. Falsely accused. Witch- Hampton Hall. 4. The romance of Ladybank. Metamorphoses. Sue-Sands fils, Alexander. The last french hero. Lockhart, L. W. M. Unlucky Tim Griffln. Wil- son, A. The spectre of Milaggio. 5. The autobiography of a joint stock company [limited]. Walford, L. B. Bee or Beatrix. The night wanderer of an afghan fort. Macleod, N. Ayrshire curling song. Hamley, C: The light on the hearth. How to boil peas. Keene, H. G. Clive's dream before the battle of Plassey. 6. Lever, C: What I did at Belgrade. Shand, A. I. Wrecked off the Riff coast. Dollie and the two Smiths. Majendie, L(ul%i M. A railway journey. Francillon, R. E: A dog without a tail. Hamley, C: Wassail. 7. Cousin John's property. Story, W: W. A modern magician. AUardyce, A. Edgar Wayne's escape. The lost secret of the Cocos group. The two mrs. Scudamores. Bates's tour. 8. The devil's frills.-Francillon, R. E: A story of Eulenburg. The shadow of the door. W., F. The wreck of the Strathmore. Lever, C: Hero-worship and its dangers. Annie and her master. W., H. D. A feuilleton. 9. Q-regr, P. Guy Neville's ghost. Hardmann, F: The great unknown. The caster ochlophobists, by one of themselves. Ajrtoun, W: E. Rapping the question. My after-dinner adventures with Peter Schlemihl. Aunt Ann's ghost stoiy. The blue dragoon WinchelseajBarl of. Lord Hatton. 10. The missing bills, an unsolved mystery. Cheadle, W. B. My hunt of the silver fox. Narra- tive of prince Charlie's escape, by one of his com- panions. A fenian alarm. Lindau, R. The philo- sopher's pendulum. Walford, L. B. Lady Adelaide. Witcherley ways. Lever, C: How Frank Thorn- ton was cured. Walker, A. L. In life and in death. 11. The haunted Enghenio.Veley, M. Milly's first love. Mrs. Beauchamp's vengeance. Kinkel, G. A family feud.- Sturgris, J. The disappointing boy. The cottage by the river. A ride for life. A sketch from Babylon. B,., W. J. M. The engine driver to his engine; The coachman of the Skylark. 12. Francillon, R. E. Left-handed Elsa.- The great earthquake at Lisbon. Lever, C: Some one pays. H., E. B. Tray, an arthurian legend. Whiltlebridge. Nenuphar, a fancy. Whist at our club. My investment in the far west.- King:, H. Brown's peccadillo. denotes books specially adapted for children. 871 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Tales Thackeray. 872 Tales from many sources. N. Y. 1885. 4 v. D. T 178 Contents. V. 1. Hardy, T: The three strangers. O-uthrie, F. A. The black poodle. Sturgris, J. Lord Richard and I. Stevenson, R. L. The pavil- ion on the links. Norris, W. B. The hermit of Saint Eugene. Mattie. 2. G-erard, E. D. My Paris masters. Bame, L. de la. Mouflou. Martin, M. E. Beauchamp and CO. Beade, C. The Knightsbridge mystery. Arch- deacon Holden's tribulations. Smith, H. Michel Lorio's cross. Argrles, M. In durance vile. 3. The professor and the harpy. Shorthouse, J. H. The marquis Jeanne Hyacinth de St. Pelaye. The rock scorpions. Black, W. Queen Tlta's wager. King Pepin and sweet Olive. Gierke, E. M. A film of gossamer. The lay figure. The count de Rochmont. 4. Besant, W., and J. Bice. The ten years' ten- ant. Hunt, M. Truth triumphant. Doyle, A. C. Bones. Muirhead, F. Two plots. Collins, W. She loves and lies. Daudet, A. The siege of Ber- lin. Pavn, J. Patient Kitty. Tales of Glauber Spa. N. Y. 1856. 3 v. in 1. D. T 186 Contents. V. 1. Sedg-wick, C. M. Le Bossu. Paulding-, J. K. Chllde Roelifife's pilgrimage. Bryant, W: C. The skeleton's cave; Medfleld. 2. liegrerett, W: The block-house. Sands, H. C. Mr. Green. Paulding, J. K. Selim. Sands, R. C. Boyuca. Tallman, G: D., jr. Innocents from abroad. N. Y. 1878. D. T 201 Talvj, pseud., see Robinson, Therese Albertine Louise, horn v. Jakob. Tamow, Franziska Christiane Johanne Friede- rike, called Fanny. Auswahl aus [iiiren] schriften ; v. 1, 3-15. Leipz. 1830. 14 v. S. T251 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 103. Taubert, Emil. Die zwillingsschwester ; no- velle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v37 Taura, Elfried v., pseud., see Peters, A: Tautphoeus, Jemima, born Montgomery, bar- onin. At odds. Phila. 1876. D. T 351 Cyrilla. Leipz. 1853. 3 v. in 1. S. T 352 The initials ; a story of modern life. Phila. n. d. D. T 353 /Same, germ. Die anfangsbuchstaben. Aus dem englischen von C: Biichele. Stuttg. 1854. 2 V. S. T 353 Quits; a novel. Phila. 1874. 3 v. in 1. D. T 354 Same. Leipz. 1858. 2 v. in 1. S. T 354 Tayler, C: B: Arthur and his mother, or The child of the church ; a book for children. N. Y. 1853 S. Tx 151 Earnestness; the sequel to "Thankfulness." N. Y. 1858. S. T 401 A fireside book, or The account of a Christmas spent at Old Court. 1st amer. ed. Bost. 1832. S. Tx 153 Lady Mary, or Not of the world. T. v. w. [Phila.] D. T402 Thankfulness, a narrative ; comprising pas- sages from the diary of the rev. Allan Temple. N. Y. 1848. S. T 403 Taylor, Bayard. Boys of other countries ; stories for american boys. 111. N. Y. 1877. D. Tx201 Contents. The little post boy. The pasha's son. Jon of Iceland. The two herd bovs. The young serf. Friend Eli's daughter. In Atlantic tales. Hannah Thurston ; a story of american life. N. Y. 1878. D. T451 John Godfrey's fortunes, related by himself ; a story of american life. N. Y. 1877. D. T452 ; d^Boteg books specially adapted for children. Taylor, Bayard . Continued . The story of Kennett. T. p. w. D. T 453 Who was she ? In Stories by american authors. " S 35 vl Taylor, B: Franklin. The grammar of life. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 Three november days. In the same. J 926 vll Taylor, Elizabeth. Blind pits ; a story of Scot- tish life. [Anon.] N. Y. 1873. D. T 501 Quixstar. [Anon.] N. Y. 1873. D. T 502 Taylor, George, pseud., see Hausrath, Adolph. Taylor, Ida Ashworth. Venus's doves ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. T 526 Teetzel, Frances, born Grant. The dynamite cartridge. Bost. 1885. D. Tx 226 Telman, Konrad, pseud., see Zitelmann, E. O.K. Temme, Jodocus Donatus Hubertus. Adel ; ro- man in drei abth. Glasen. 1860. 2 v. S. T551 Anna Jogszis. Leipz. 1856. . 4 v. S. T 552 Damen auf reisen ; criminal-geschichte. Ber- lin. 1863. S. T 553 Der dieb und sein kind ; criminal-geschichte. Berlin. 1864. S. T 554 Die freiherren von Falkenburg ; criminal-ge- schichte. T. p. w. [Berlin, 1864.] S. T 555 Gleich und ungleich ; reman. Breslau. 1881. 3 V. in 1. D. T 562 Eine kirchmessnacht ; criminal - geschichte. Berlin. 1864. S. T 556 Die klosterruine ; criminal-geschichte. Berlin. 1863. S. T 557 Die miihle am Schwarzen Mohr. Berlin. 1864. S. T 558 Der Pfeifenhannes ; criminal-geschichte. Ber- lin. 1864. S. T 559 Die schwarze Mare ; bilder aus Lithauen. Leipz. 1854. 3 v. D. T 560 Siihnung. With his Eine verhaftung. T 561 Eine verb aftung : criminal-geschichte. Berlin. 1861. S. T 561 Temple, G: Lancelot Ward, M. P. ; a love story. N. Y. 1884. Q. T2351 Tenger, Mariam, pseud. Bischof und kcinig ; historische novelle aus Friedrich des gros- sen zeit. N. Y. 1881. F. T 576 Terhune, Mary Virginia, born Hawes, {Marion Harland). Alone. N. Y. 1875. D. T 601 At last. N. Y. 1870. D. T 602 The empty heart, or Husks. N. Y. 1880. 1). T603 For better for worse. With her The empty heart. T 603 From my youth up. N. Y. 1875. D. T 604 Handicapped. N. Y. 1881. D. T 605 Husbands and homes. N. Y. 1878. D. T 606 Jessamine. N. Y. 1875. D. T 607 Judith; a chronicle of old Virginia. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. T 613 Miriam. N. Y. 1880. D. T 608 Moss-side. N. Y. 1857. D. T 614 My little love. N. Y. 1876. D. T 609 Nemesis. N. Y. 1881. D. T 610 Same. N. Y. 1884. D. T 610 Ruby's husband. N. Y. 1878. D. T 611 Sunnybank. N. Y. 1870. D. T 612 Terry, Rose, see Cooke, Rose. Thackeray, Anna Isabella, see Ritchie, Anna Isabella. Thackeray, W: Makepeace, {Micliael Angela Tit- marsh, Samuel Titmarsh). The adventures of Philip on his way through the world, showing who robbeu him, who helped him 873 Thackeray Tieck. LITEBATTTRE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 874 Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Continued. and who passed him by. Leipz. 1862. 2 v. inl. S. Same. N. Y. 1875. O. Bluebeard's ghost. In Johnson, classics. Catherine ; a story. Leipz. 1870. Denis Duval. Leipz. 1867. S. The great Hoggarty diamond. T651 T651 E. R. Little J 926 v9 S. T 652 T653 N. Y. 1877. O. T654 , germ. Geschichte von Samuel Titmarsh und dem grossen Hoggarty'schen diamant. Stuttg. 1850. T. T 654 The history of Henry Esmond, esq., colonel in the service of her majesty queen Anne, writ- ten by himself . Leipz. 1852. 2 v. inl. S. T655 Same, germ. Geschichte Henry Esmonds, esq., obristen in diensten ihrer majestat der konigin Anna, verfasst von ihm selbst. Deutsch von C. F. Grieb. Stuttg. 1853. 2 V. T. T 655 The history of Pendennis, his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy. Leipz. 1849. 3 v. in 2. S. T 656 Same. N. Y. 1850. O. T 656 Same. (Household ed.) N. Y. n. d. D. T 656 Same, germ. Pendennis. Uebers. von L. Tafel. Stuttg. 1851. 4 V. T. T 656 Jeames's diary. N. Y. 1853. S. T 657 The Kickleburys abroad. N. Y. 1867. T. T658 A legend of the Rhine. With his Jeames's diary. T 657 Same. With his The Kickleburys abroad. T658 Lovel the widower. T. p. w. [N. Y. 18601. O. T659 Same. With 7iis The four Georges. 923.21 : 20 Men's wives. T. p. w. S. T 660 - Miscellanies ; prose and verse. Leipz. 1849 1857. 8 V. in 4. S. T 665 Contents. V. 1 . The great Hoggarty diamond. The book of snobs. 2. The Kickleburys abroad. A legend of the Rhine. Rebecca and Rowena. The second funeral pf Napoleon. The chronicle of the drum. 3. The tremendous adventures of major Gahagan. The fatal boots. Ballads. 4. The memoirs of mr. Charles J. Yellowplush. The diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, esq. Cox's diary. 5. Sketches and travels in London. Novels by eminent hands. Character sketches. 6. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. 7. A little dinner at Timmins's. The Bedford Row conspiracy. The Pitz-Boodle papers. A shabby genteel story. 8. Men's wives: Mr. and mrs. Frank Berry; Dennis Haggarty's wife; The Ravenswing. The Newcomes ; memoirs of a most respect- able family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq. (Household ed.)' 111. N. Y. ?i. d. D. T661 Same. Leipz. 1855. 4 v. in 2. S. T 661 Same, germ. Die Newcomes ; denkwiirdigkei- ten einer hochst achtungswerthen familie. Aus dem englischen iibers. von O. Biichele. Stuttg. 1855. 3 V. T. T 661 Same. Stuttg. 1845. 4 v. S. T 661 Rebecca and Rowena. N. Y. 1853. S. With his Jeames's diary. T 657 Same. With his The Kickleburys abroad. T658 A shabby genteel story, and other tales. N. Y. 1853. S. T662 hidvdes. The prof essor. The Bedford Row con- spiracy. A little dinner at Timmins's. Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Continued. Vanity fair ; a novel without a hero. 111. by the author. (Household ed.) ^.Y.n.d. D. T663 Same. Leipz. 1848. 3 v. in 2. S. T 663 Same. Bost. 1870. S. T 663 Same, germ. Der jahrmarkt des lebens. Stuttg. 1850. 4 V. T. T 663 The Virginians -, a tale of the last century. Leipz. 1858. 4 v. in 2. S. T 664 Thanet, Octave, pseud., see French, Alice. Thaxter, Celia, born Leighton. A memorable murder. In Stories by american authors. S35 v3 Therese, pseud., see Liitzow, Therese v. Theuriet, Andre. Gerard's marriage. N. Y. 1877. D. T 701 The godson of a marquis. N. Y. 1878. D. T702 Young Maugars. N. Y. 1879. D. T 703 Thiusen, Ismar, pseud. The Diothas, or A far look ahead. N. Y. 1883. S. T 726 Thomas, Annie, see Cudlip, Annie. Thomas, Bertha. Ichabod ; a portrait. N. Y. 1885. Q. T 2401 Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil ; a boy's experi- ence in the western army during the war of the rebellion. N. Y. 1884. D. Tx 251 Thompson, J. W. Der jude von Wien ; eine histo- rische erzahlung aus dem I'evolutionsjahre 1848 fiir volk und jugend. Aus dem hol- landischen iibers. von A. Steinbach, autori- sirte vibersetzung. 111. Regensburg. 1872. S. T 2451 Thompson, Daniel Pierce. Centeola, and other tales. N. Y. 1864. D. T 751 Includes, The starving settlers. The unfathomable mystery. The rustic financiers. The counterfeiter. Locke Amsden, or The schoolmaster ; a tale. Bost. 1848. D. T 762 Thompson, Maurice. At love's extremes. N. Y. 1885. D. T777 His second campaign. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1883. S. T 778 A Tallahassee girl. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1882. S. T 776 Thomson, G. The lost heir of Elphinstone. In Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders. W 2202 v20 Thoresen, Anna Magdalene, born Kragh. Dorf- geschichten aus Norwegen. Frei nach dem norwegischen von Walter Reinmar. Ber- lin. 1878. 2 V. in 1. D. T 901 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 104. Thome, P., pseud., see Smith, Mary Prudence. Thomet, Teresa A. Kate Comerford, or Sketches of garrison life. Phila. 1881. D. T 801 Thornton, M. Jacqueline. Di Gary. N. Y. 1879. O. T851 Thorpe, Kamba, pseud., see Bellamy, Elizabeth Whitfield. Thousand and one nights, The : The arabian nights' entertainments, hond. n. d. D. T 1 Same, germ. Tausend und eine nacht ; arabi- sche erzahlungen. Deutsch von Alexander Konig. Berlin, n. d. 7 v. T. T 1 New arabian nights ; select tales not included by Galland or Lane. ITr. and ed. by W. F. Kirby]. 111. Phila. 1883 [1882]. D.' T 2 Tieck, J: L: Auburn Egbert. In Popular tales and romances. P 2126 vl X denotes books specially adapted for children. 875 01. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Tieck Trafton. 876 Tieck, J: L: Continued. Elfinland. Intheaame. P 2126 v3 Same. The elves. 7 Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. 830. 1 : 8 Same. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 The enchanted castle. In Popular tales and romances. P2126vl Gesammelte novellen. Berlin. 18441854. 12 V. D. T951 Contents, see Deutseher katalog, p. 104. Precipitation. In Stories from the german. ^ M3951 see also his Schriften 830 : 148 (Deutseher katalog, p. 32), and also'Roscoe, T: German novelists, R 2451. Tiernan, Mrs. M. F. Homoselle. (Round-robin ser.) Bost. 1881. S. T 1001 Tilton, Theodore. Tempest-tossed. N.Y. [1874]. D. T 1051 Tincker, Mary Agnes. By the Tiber. [Anon,] Bost. 1881. S! T 1101 The house of Yorke. N. Y. 1872. O. T 1102 The jewel in the lotos ; a novel. 111. Phila. 1884 11883]. D. T 1104 Signor Monaldini's niece. (No name ser.) Bost. 1879. S. T 1103 Sister Silvia. In Stories by american authors. S35 v2 Tip Cat, by the author of Miss Toosey's mission and Laddie. N. Y. 1884. D. T 20 Tissot, V:, and Constant Amero. The exiles ; a russian story. From the french by G: D. Cox. Phila. [1881]. S. T 1126 Titcomb, Timothy, pseud., see Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Titmarsh, Michael Angelo, pseud., see Thacke- ray, W: Makepeace. Titmarsh, Samuel, pseud.,' see Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Together. N. Y. 1865. D. T 41 Tolstoi, G^m/Leo Nikolai'evitch. The cossacks ; a tale of the Caucasus in 1852. Tr. from the russian by E. Schuyler. N. Y. 1878. S. T1151 Tomlinson, Lizzie Joj'ce. Our laddie. N. Y. 1880. S. Tx451 Tommaseo, Nicolo. Der herzog von Athen. Aus dem italienischen. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. T 1201 Treue und schonheit. Aus dem italienischen. Stuttg. 1845. T. T 1202 Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth, born Brown, {Char- lotte Elizabeth). Conformity. N. Y. 1860. S. Tx501 Derry ; a tale of the revolution. New ed. Lond. 1882. D. T 1226 Falsehood and truth. With her Conformity. Tx5bl The flower-garden, or Chapters on flowers. N. Y. 1864. S. Tx 504 Topelius, Zachris. Snowdrops ; Finland idyls for children. Tr. from the Swedish by Albert Alberg. Lond. 1881. D. Tx 601 The surgeon's stories : 1. Gustave Adolf and the thirty years' war ; an historical novel. Tr. by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. N. Y. 1872. D. T 1251 Same. Times of Gustaf Adolf. Tr. from the original Swedish. Chicago. 1883. D. T1251 Same, germ. Des feldschers erzahlungen : ler cyclus: Gustav Adolf und der dreissig- Topelius, Zachris. jahrige krieg. Leipz. 1880. D. Continued. Aus dem sdhwedischen. i.eipz. l8U. u. T 1251 2. Times of battle and rest. Tr. from the original Swedish. Chicago. 1883. S. T 1252 3. Times of Charles XII. From the origi- nal Swedish. Chicago. 1884 [1883]. D. T1253 4. Times of Frederick I. From the original Swedish. Chicago. 1884. D. T 1254 5. Times of Linnajus. From the original Swedish. Chicago. 1884. D. T 1255 6. Times of alchemy. From the original Swedish. Chicago. 1884. D. T 1256 Whisperings in the wood ; Finland idyls for children. Tr. from the Swedish by Albert Alberg. Lond. 1881. D. Tx 602 TOpffer, Rodolphe. Das pfarrhaus. Vollstiindige deutsche ausg. [aus dem franzosischenj . Leipz. 1852. 4 v. D. T 1301 Rosa und Gertrud ; eine Genfer novelle. Aus dem franzosischen iibertr. von K: Eitner. Hildburgh. 1865. D. T 1302 Torelli-Torriani, Maria, (La marchesa Colombi). The wane of an ideal ; a novel. From the Italian by Clara Bell, rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1885. S. C 4001 Tomow, Dr., pseud., see LOffler, K: Valentin Immanuel. Toulmin - Smith, Elizabeth Thomasina, see Smith, Elizabeth Thomasina, mrs. Toul- min-. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, {Henry Ohurton). Bricks without straw ; a novel. 111. N. Y. [18801. D. T 1351 Figs and thistles ; a western story. N. Y. [1879]. S. T 1352 A fool's errand, by one of the fools. N. Y. 1880. S. T 1353 Hot plowshares ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1883. 8. T 1356 John Eax and Mamelon, or The south with- out the shadow. N. Y. 1882. S. T 1355 Toinette. N. Y. 1874. D. T 1354 Toussaint, Anna Luize Geertruide, now mevrouw J : Bosboom. Das haus Lauernesse ; ein historischer roman. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. T 1401 Kleine novellen. Nach dem hollandischen. Stuttg. 1847. T. T 1402 Contents, see Deutseher katalog, p. 106. Towne, Belle Kellogg. Around the ranche. Bost. [1883]. D. Tx 626 Townsend, Vii-ginia Frances. But a philistine. Bost. 1884. D. T 1456 The Deerings of Medbury. Bost. 1871. O. T 1451 Lenox Dare. Bost. 1881. D. T 1452 The mills of Tuxbury. Bost. [1871]. D. T 1453 One woman's two lovers, or Jacqueline Thayne's choice. Phila. 1875. D. T 1457 Only girls. Bost. 1872. S. Tx 701 Six in all. Bost. [1872]. D. T 1464 That queer girl. Bost. 1874. S. Tx 702 A woman's word and how she kept it. Bost. 1879. D. T 1455 Trafford, F. G., pseud., see Riddell, Charlotte E.L. Trafton, Adeline. His inheritance. Bost. 1878. D. T 1501 Katherine Earle. 111. Bost. [1874]. D. T 1502 denotes books specially adapted for children. f 877 Trebor TroUope . LITERATXJRE FICTIOU. CI. 813, Authors. 878 Trebor, pseud., see Davis, Robert E. Trois Etoiles, pseud., see Murray, Eustace Claire Grenville. TroUe, H: af. Royalists and republicans, or The victims of the revolution ; a historical novel. Tr. from the Swedish by C: G. C. Lagervall. Cleveland. 1883. D. T 1552 Das testament des konigs Gustav III von Schweden ; historisch-romantische zeitbil- der. Frei nach dem schwedischen bearb. von Emil J. Jonas. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. D. T1551 TroUope, Anthony. The american senator. Leipz. 1877. 3 v. in 1. S. T 1601 Same. N. Y. 1877. O. T 1601 Ayala's angel. Lond. 1881. 3 v. in 1. D. T1602 Barchester Towers. Leipz. 1859. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1603 The Belton estate. Leipz. 1866. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1604 The Bertrams ; a novel. New ed. Lond. n. d. D. T 1605 Same. Leipz. 1859. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1605 Can you forgive her ? Leipz. 1865. 3 v. in 2. S. T 1606 Castle Richmond. Leipz. 1860. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1607 Same. Lond. n. d. D. T 1607 The Claverings. Leipz. 1867. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1608 Same. N. Y. 1875. O. T 1608 Cousin Henry. Leipz. 1879. S. T 1609 Same. Lond. 1879. D. T 1609 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. T 1609 Doctor Thorne. N. Y. 1874. O. T 1610 Same. Leipz. 1858. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1610 Doctor Wortle's school ; a novel. Lond. 1881. 2v. D. T 1611 Sam^. N. Y. 1880. Q. T 1611 The duke's children ; a novel. Lond. 1880.3 V. in2. D. T1612 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. T 1612 The Eustace diamonds. Lond. 1873. 3 v. in 1- D. T 1641 An eye for an eye. Leipz. 1879. D. T 1613 Same. New ed. Lond. 1879. D. T 1613 Same. N. Y. 1879. D. T 1613 The fixed period ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. T 1636 Framley parsonage. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. S. T1614 The Golden Lion of Grandpere. Leipz. 1872. S. T1615 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil ; a tale of austra- lian bush life. Leipz. 1874. S. T 1616 He knew he was right. Leipz. 1869. 3 v. in 2. S. T1617 Is he Popenjoy ? a novel. Lond. 1878. 3 v. in 1. D. T 1618 Sam^. Leipz. 1878. 3 v. in 1. D. T 1618 John Caldigate. Leipz. 1879. 3 v. in 1. S. T1619 Same. Lond. 1879. 3 v. D. T 1619 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. T 1619 Kept in the dark ; a novel. Lond. 1882. D. T 1638 Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. T 1638 Lady Anna. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1620 The last chronicle of Barset. 111. N. Y. 1867. O. T 1621 /Same. Leipz. 1867. 3 v. in 1. S. T 1621 X denotes books specially TroUope, Axitlxovij. Continued. Marion Fay; a novel. Lond. 1882. 3 v. in 1. D. T 1635 Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. T 1635 Miss Mackenzie. 5th ed. Lond. n. d. S. T 1622 /Same. New ed. Lond. n. d. 8. T 1622 Mr. Scarborough's family ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. T 1639 Same. Lond. 1883. 3 v. in 1. D. T 1639 An old man's love ; a novel. Lond. 1884. 2 v. in 1. D. T 1640 Same. N. Y. 1884. Q. T 1640 Orley Farm. Aus dem englischen von C. Marggraff. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. S. T 1623 Phineas Finn, the irish member. Leipz. 1869. 3 V. in 2. S. T 1624 Same. N. Y. 1869. O. T 1624 Phineas Redux. 111. N. Y. 1874. O. T 1625 The prime minister. Leipz. 1876. 4 v. in 2. S. T1626 Same. N. Y. 1876. O. T 162'6 Rachel Ray. Leipz. 1863. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1627 Ralph the heir. Leipz. 1871. 2 v. in 1. S. T 1628 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. Leipz. 1861. S. T 1629 Same. Bost. n. d. D. T 1629 The small house at Allington. Leipz. 1864. 3 V. in 3. S. T 1630 The struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson, by one of the firm. N. Y. 1864. O. T 1631 Same. N. Y. 1862. O. T 1631 The vicar of Bullhampton. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. inl. S. T 1632 The warden. N. Y. 1861. S. T 1633 Same. Leipz. 1859. S. T 1633 The way we live now. Leipz. 1875. 4 v. in 2. S. T 1634 /Same. N. Y. 1875. O. T 1634 Why frau Frohmann raised her prices, and other stories. Lond. 1882. D. T 1637 Includes, The lady of Launay. Christmas at Thomp- son Hall. The telegraph girl. Alice Dugdale. Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. T 1637 Note. Several of the political novels are con- nected in the following series: 1. The warden. 3. Barchester Towers. 3. Doctor Thorne. 4. Framley parsonage. 5. The small house at Arlington. 6. The last chronicle of Barset. 7. Can you forgive her? 8. Phineas Finn. 9. The Eustace diamonds. 10. Phin- eas Redux. 11. The prime minister.- 13. The duke's children. TroUope, Frances, born Milton. Leben und abenteuer Michael Armstrongs, des fabrik- jungen. Nach dem englischen von A. freiherr v. T. Stuttg. 1841. 5 v. S. T 1701 Petticoat government. N. Y. 1862. O. T 1702 Der vikar von Wrexhill. Aus dem englischen von O. V. Czarnowski. Aachen. 1837. 3 v. S. T 1703 TroUope, Frances Eleanor, born Tiernan. Among aliens. N. Y. 1878. Q. T 1751 Black spirits and white. N. Y. 1877. O. T1752 Like ships upon the sea ; a novel. Lond. 1883. 2 V. in 1. D. T 1754 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. T 1754 The sacristan's household ; a story of Lippe- Detmold. N. Y. 1869. O. T 1753 TroUope, T: Adolphus. Diamond cut diamond ; a story of tuscan life. N. Y. 1874. D. T1801 adapted for children. 879 CI. 813, Authots. lilTERATUBE FICTION. Trowbridge Turgenief. Trowbridge, J: Townsend 1. The old battle-ground the The Brighthope ser.: N. Y. n. d. D. Tx 815 Ironthorpe, the pioneer preacher. N. Y. n.d.B. Tx816 3. Father Brighthopes, or An old clergyman's vacation. N. Y. n. d. D. Tx 817 4. Burrcliff, its sunshine and its clouds. N. Y. n. d. D. Tx818 5. Hearts and faces, or Home-life unveiled. N. Y.n.d. D. Tx819 Coupon bonds, and other stories. Bost. 1884. D. T 1852 Includes, Madam Waldoborough's carriage. Fes- senden's. Archibald Blossom, bachelor. In the ice. Nancy Blynn's lovers.- Mr. Blazay's experience. Preachmg- for Selwyn. The romance for a glove. The man who stole a meeting-house. Cudjo's cave. Bost. 1884. D. T 1853 The drummer boy. Bost. 1884. D. T 1854 Farnell's Folly. "Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. T 1858 Jack Hazard series: 1. Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Phila. n. d. S. Tx 805 2. A chance for himself, or Jack Hazard and his treasure. Phila. n. d. S. Tx 806 3. Doing his best. Phila. n. d. S. Tx 807 4. Fast friends. Phila. n. (Z. S. Tx 808 5. The young surveyor, or Jack on the prairies. Phila. n. d. S. Tx 809 6. Lawrence's adventures among the ice-cut- ters, glass-makers, coal-miners, iron-men and ship-builders. Phila. n. d. S, Martin Merivale his X mark. Bost, Tx810 1884. D. T 1855 T1856 T 1857 Neighbor Jaekwood. Bost. 1884. D Neighboi's' wives. Bost. 1884. D. Phil and his friends. 111. Bost. 1884 [1883]. S. Tx803 The silver medal series: 1. His own master. Ill Bound in honor, or A Bost. n. d. D. Bost. 1882. D. Tx811 harvest of wild oats. Tx812 Bost. 1880. D. Tx813 4. The silver medal. 111. Bost. 1881. D. Tx814 Bost. 1882 [1881]. S. Tx801 Bost. 1883 [1882] Young Joe, and other boys. 5. The pocket rifle. 6. The Jolly Rover. S. Tx802 T 1851 T 1851 Bost. 1884 Tx804 The three scouts. Bost. 1869. D. Same. Bost. 1884. D. The Tinkham brothers' tide-mill [1883]. S. Trueba y Cosio, Telesforo de. Der kastilianer. Aus dem englischen. Leipz. 1829. 3 v. S. T 1901 Tschabusclmigg, Adolf ritter v. Der moderne eulenspiegel -, roman. Pest. 1846. 2v.ini. D. T 1951 Tucker, Charlotte Maria, (4. L. 0. E.). Exiles in Babylon, or Children of light. [111.] Lond. 1864. S. Tx 901 Parliament in the play-room. Lond. 1865. S. Tx902 Rescued from Egypt. N. Y. 1866. S. Tx 903 The shepherd kmg, or A sick minister's lec- tures on the snepherd of Bethlehem and the blessing that followed them. 111. Bost. n. d. S. Tx 904 True heroism. N. Y. 1868. T. WithJier Walter Binning. Tx 905 Tucker, Charlotte Maria, (^. L. O.E.). Contin'd. Walter Binning, the adopted son. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1863]. T. Tx905 Wings and stings ; a tale for the young. With her Walter Binning. Tx 905 Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly. The partisan leader ; secretly printed in Washington [in 1836] by Duflf Green for circulation in the southern states, but afterwards suppressed. N. Y. 1861. D. T2001 Tucker - Macbetta, Blanche Roosevelt, born Tucker. Stage-struck, or She would be an opera-singer. N. Y. 1884. D. R 2376 Tugendkranz ; erziihlungen fiir die ^esammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Cine. 1860. S. With Marbach, G. O., ed. Geschichte von der schonen Magelone. M 976 Contents. Grafln Itha von Toggenburg. Schatze auch den geringsten.- Der kleine spanier. Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Heart ; a social no- vel. N. Y. 1849. D. With his The twins. T2051 The- twins; a domestic novel. N. Y. 1849. D. T2051 Tixrgenief, Ivan Sergeievitch. Annals of a sports- man. Tr. from the authorized french, ed. by Franklin Pierce Abbott. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1885. S. T2114 Annouchka ; a tale from the french of the author's own trans., by Franklin Abbott. Bost. 1884. D. T2113 The diary of a superfluous man. With his Mumu. T2111 Dimitri Roudine. Tr. from the french and german versions. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1873. S. T 2101 Erziihlungen eines alten mannes. Aus dem russischen von Adolf Gerstmann. 2te aufl. Berlin. [1878]. D. T 2108 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 105. Fathers and sons. Tr. from the russian with the approval of the author by Eugene Schuyler. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1872. S. T2102 8am.e, germ. Vater und sohne ; roman. Aus dem russischen von Adolf Gerstmann. Berlin. [1878]. D. T 2102 Sam^. Uebei's. von Claire v. Gliimer ; mit einer einleitung von Robert Boxberger. Stuttg. [1883]. D. T2102 A Lear of the steppe. From the french by W: Hand Browne. With his Spring floods. T2106 Liza ; a russian novel. Tr. by W. R. S. Ral- ston. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1872. S. T2103 Mumu. From the russian by H: Gersoni. N. Y. 1884. D. T2111 Die neue generation ; roman. Deutsch von W: Lange. Berlin. 1877. 2 v. in 1. O. T2109 On the eve. Tr. from the russian by C. E. Turner. Am. ed. with amendments. (Lei- sure hour ser.) N. Y. 1873. S. T 2104 Smoke; a russian novel. Tr. from the autli- or's french version by W: F. West. (Leis- ure hour ser.) N. Y. 1872. S. T 2105 Same, germ. Dunst ; roman. Aus dem rus- sischen frei bearb. von H. v. Lankenau. 3te aufl. Berlin. 1878. D. T 2105 Same. Ranch ; roman. Uebers. und (;ingel. von C. B. Stuttg. [18841. D. T 2105 denotes books specially adapted for children. 881 Turgenief Verne. LITfiRATTTRfi FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. Ttirgenief, Ivan SergeleYitch. Continued. Spring floods. Tr. from the russian by Sophie Michell Butts. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1874. S. T2106 Eine ungliickliche ; erziihlung. Aus dem rus- sischen. 3te aufl. Berlin. [18771. D. T2110 Virgin soil. Tr. with the author's sanction from the f ranch version by T. S. Perry. (Leisure hour ser,) N. Y. 1877. S. T 2107 Same, germ. Neixland ; roman. Aus dem russischen. 3te aufl. Berlin. [18791. D. T2107 Turnbull, Charlotte. The Lawrences -, a twenty years' history. N. Y. [1872]. D. T 2151 Turner, Bessie. A woman in the case. N. Y. 1875. D. T 2201 Tuthill, Louisa Caroline, born Huggins. Roman- tic Belinda. T. p. w. S. Tx 1001 A strike for freedom, or Law and order ; a book for boys. 14th ed. Bost. [1850]. S. Tx 1002 Twain, Mark, pseud., see Clemens, S: Lang- horne. Twells, Julia Helen. The mills of the gods. Phila. 1875. D. T2251 Two miss Flemings, The, by the author of "Rare pale Margaret." N. Y. 1879. Q. T 81 Two russian idyls : Marcella ; Estira. N. Y. 1880. S. T82 Two tales of married life : Hard to bear, by Georgiana M. Craik ; A true man, bv M. C. Stirling. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. C 2905 Tytler, Ann Eraser. Leila in England ; a con- tinuation of "Leila, or The island." 111. Bost. 1870. S. Tx 1202 Mary and Florence at sixteen. T.p.w. [Bost. 18701. S. Txl205 Tytler, C. C. Eraser, see Liddell, Catharine Christina. Tytler, Margaret Eraser-. The deformed. In Edinburgh tales. E 426 Tytler, Sarah, pseud., see Keddie, Henrietta. Ueclitritz, F: v. Eleazar; eine erzahlung aus der zeit des grossen jiidischen krieges im ersten jahrhundert nach Christo. Jena. 1867. S. IT 101 XJlbach, L: Madame Gosselin. N. Y. 1878. D. TT151 Under the lime-trees, or Grandmamma's stories at Hurst farm by the author of "Aunt An- nie's stories", etc. N. Y. 1868. O. Ux51 Underwood, Francis H: Lord of himself; a novel. Bost. 1884. S. U 301 Ungern - Sternberg, Alexander freiherr v., see Sternberg, Alexander /reiAerr v. Ungern-. Unter dem schleier der nacht ; Hamburger no- velle. Hamburg. 1859. S. H 6 Up from the Cape ; a plea for republican simplici- ty. 111. Bost. 1883. S. U 3 Urania; taschenbuch. Neuefolge; 2. 10. iahrff. Leipz. 18401848. 9 v. S. U 1 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 106. v., Mile. Fanny de. Marie, oder Der engel auf erden ; eine erziihlung fiir die gesammte edlere lesewelt, besonders fiir die reifere jugend. Aus dem f ranzosischen von Robert della Torre. Cine. 1856. S. With Mar- bach, G. O., ed. Geschichte von der scho- nen Magelone. M 976 denotes books specially adapted for children Vahey, J: W: Julia, or Sister Agnes. Milw. 1875. S. V201 Vale, Eerna, pseud., see Hallett, E. V. Valmy, Alfred de, pseud., see Stinde, Julius. Vandegrift, Margaret, pseud., see Janvier, Margaret. Van Dyke, Theodore S. Flirtation camp, or The rifle, rod and gun in California, a sporting romance. N. Y. 1881. D. V 301 Vane, Violet, pseud., see Howell, Mrs. Jane L. Van Loon, Elizabeth. Under the willows, or The three countesses. Phil. [18791. D. V401 VambUler, Theodor v. Buchenheim. N. Y. 1881. E. V426 Varra, Owen. Eddies round the rectory. First issued in America in Littell's livmg age. N. Y. 1858. O. V451 Velde, C: Franz van der. Axel; a tale of the thirty years' war. In Oxenford, J: Tales from the german. O 1001 Veley, Margaret. " For Percival ". Phila. 1879. O. V 501 Milly's first love. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vll Mitchelhurst Place ; a novel. N. Y. 1884. Q. V503 Rachel's inheritance, or Damocles ; a novel. N. Y. 1882. O. V 502 Same. Damocles. Lond. 1882. 4 v. in 1. D. V602 Vely, Emma, pseud., see Simon, Emma. Verne, Jules. Adventures in the land of the behemoth. 111. Bost. 1874. D. V 561 Note. Same as Meridiana helow. Around the world in eighty days. Tr. by G. M. Towle. Bost. 1874. I). V 656 Same, germ. Reise um die erde in achtzig tagen. N. Y. 1882. Q. V 556 The blockade runners. With his A floating city. V 564 The child of the cavern, or Strange doings underground. Tr. by W: H: G. Kingston. Lond. 1877. D. Vx 303 The desert of ice, or The further adventures of captain Hatteras. Tr. from the french. 111. Phila. n. d. D. V 559 A floating city. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1875. O. V 564 From the earth to the moon direct in ninety- seven hours and twenty minutes, and a trip round it. Tr. from the french by L: Mercier and Eleanor E. King. 111. N. Y. 1874. D. V 552 Same, germ. [Ister t.l Von der erde zum mond. N. Y. 1882. F. V 552 vl Same, germ. [2ter t.] Reise um den mond. N. Y. 1882. F. V 552 v2 The fur country, or Seventy degrees north latitude. Tr. from the french by N. D'Anvers. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. V 563 The giant raft: 1. Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. Tr. by W. J. Gordon. N.Y. 1881. D. Vx 301 vl - 2. The cryptogram. Tr. by W. J. Gordon. N. Y. 1882. D. Vx 301 v2 Godfrey Morgan ; a California mystery. Tr. by W. J. Gordon. 111. N. Y. [1883]. D. V558 Hector Servadac. Tr. by Ellen E. Frewer. 111. N. Y. 1882. O. V 555 Same. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1878]. O. V 555 CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION". Verne Voss. Verne, Jules. Gontiniced. A journey to the centre of the earth ; contain- ing a complete account of the wonderful and thrilling adventures of the intrepid subterranean explorers, prof, von Hard- wiffg, his nephew Harry and their Icelandic guide Hans Bielke. Tr. from the french. 1. N. y. n. d. O. V 554 Same, germ. Reise nach dem mittelpunkt der erde. N. Y. 1882. F. V 554 Meridiana; the adventures of three english- men and three russians in South Africa. Tr. from the french. 111. N. Y. 1874. D. V561 Same. See Adventures above. Michael Strogoflt", or The courier of the czar. Chicago, n. d. S. V 551 Off on a comet ; a journey through planetary space; a sequel to "To the sun." From the french by E: Roth. 111. Phila. 1878. D. V560 The steam house : 1. The demon of Cawn- pore. Tr. from the french by A. D. Kings- ton. 111. N. Y. 1881. D. Vx 304 vl 2. Tigers and traitors. Tr. from the french by A. D. Kingston. N. Y. 1881. D. Vx 304 v2 The tribulations of a chinaman in China. From the french by Virginia Champlin. Bost. 1880. S. V 562 Twenty thousand leagues under the seas, or The marvellous and exciting adventures of Pierre Adronnax, Conseil, his servant, and Ned Land, a Canadian harpooner. 111. N. Y. n. d. O. V 557 Same, germ. Zwanzig tausend meilen unter'm meer. N. Y. 1882. Q. V 557 Very young couple, A. N. Y. 1874. S. V 6 Victor, Metta Victoria. Passing the portal, or A girl's struggle ; an autobiography. N. Y. 1876. D. V 601 Vierteljalirliches magazin der modernen litera- tur ; V. 21-25, 28-31, 33, 35-38. Milw. 1881- 85. 14 V. O. V2 Contents. V. 21. Protar, F. Belm "wursf'-direc- tor; humoreske. Collins, W: W. Isabel's tochter. Jokai, M. Die sphinx. Proschko, H. B. Derhof- kanzler. Bayer, K: R. E. v. Die Spatlauber. Bertigmy, S. v. Wahnsinnig auf befehl. 22. Glograu, B. Im kopfe der anderen. Zitel- mann, E. O. K. Das jiing-ste gericht. Spielhagren, F: Angela. Wenzel, M. Bine bose nacht. Hainau, K: W. Bin schlimmer augenblick. 23. Enders, M. A. Steevenbord. Proschkow, H. C. Lorbeer und myrthe. Sauer, K: M. Monsu Max. Vollinar, A. Mein wille geschehe.Kj el- land, A. L. Zwei freunde. Wichert, E. Bine vor- nehme schwester.- Semler, H : Bin banditenstreich. Winterfeld, A. v. Die diamantknopfe. Grothe, R: Kunslerelend. 24. Ebner-Eschenbach, M. v. Lottl, die uhr- macherin. Bach, O. Des vaters schuld. Rein- hardt, L. Im kerker geboren. Heigrel, K: Der sangesbruder. Winterfeld, A. v. Das ungethiim. 25. AugTisti, B. Das bildniss.-Wildenbruch, E. V. Vor den schranken.- Enders, M. A. Trauten- heim. Grossheim, J. Von schrltt zu schritt. Schiickingr, L. Zwischen zwei todsiinden. Fischer, L. V. Am weg zum kloster. Villamaria, pmiid. Der pathe Hinkefoot. Qlograu, B. Sitzen geblieben. -Bin ex-pirat; episode aus dem leben. Wilden- bruch, E. v. Mein onkel aus Pommern. "Winter- feld, A. V. Zwei alte freunde. Sacher-Masoch, L. V. Predigten der frau Ganizka. 28. Semler, H: Samuels kleiner roman. Win- terfeld, A. V. Der dolmetscher. Ktlrschner, L. Schneeglockchen. Demmler, B: Die tochter des tahrmanns. Porstenheim, A. Prinz Tantalus. Stinde, J. Prinzess Goldhaar. Fischer, L. V. Zur rechten zeit bankerott. Fischer, W : Paul. 29. Freudenbergr, R: Boca del Drago. Stinde, J. Dreimal zehn jahre. Winterfeld, A. v. Des konigs ordre. Meyer, C. F. Page Leubelflng. 30. Bbers, G: M. Bin wort. Wartenburgr, K: F: A. Die dame, die er liebte, nannt' er nicht. Dahn, F. Felicitas. Bosegrger, P. K. Annonce nummero 99. Elster, Chr. Bin fremder vogel. Dincklagre-Campe, E. v. Unsere patriarchen. 31. Strempel, D. Hypatia. Bergrer, W: Das letzte gliick. KSssler, R. Mein erster patient. Phelps, E. S. Doctor Za. Dincklagre-Campe, B. v. Joseph und seine briider. Polko, E. Die kleine Marina. Anzengrruber, L: Hartinger's alte Sixtin. 33. Wachenhusen, H. Magnetische inclination. Mengrer, R. Bine wahlcampagne. Mertens, E. Zufall Oder ffigung ? Calm, M. Onkel hauptmann. Villinger, H. Der andere ist's. Rodt-Calkum. Echt conservativ. Wachenhusen, H. Siinders kind. 35. BShlau, H. Der schone Valentin. Wil- brandt, A. Der wille zum leben. Q-rosse, J. Bin Mrgerlicher Demetrius. Winterfeld, A. v. Der todte onkel; Der pantoffelheld. Simon, B. Schiff- bruch. 36. Hopfen, H. Brennende liebe. Habicht, L: Die poesie der prosa. Meshtcherskii, V. Uniaz. Die realisten der grossen welt. Frenzel, K: Geld. Fischer, W: Eine denkwiirdige vorladung. 37. SchSnbergr, H. Verschlungene wege. Franzos, K: E. Die i-eise nach dem schicksal. Wichert, E. Mutter und tochter. Taubert, E. Die zwillingssch wester. Roanette, O: Der kobold. 38. MSllhausen, B. Wildes blut. Vigny, Alfred V: comte de. Cinq-Mars, oder Eine verschworun^ gegen Richelieu. Nach der 9. aufl. des originals verdeutscht von dr. Scherr. Stuttg. 1847. 2 v. T. V 701 Villamaria, pseud. Der pathe Hinkefoot ; eine dorfgeschichte. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2 v25 Villinger, Hermine, {H. Willfried). Der andere ist's ; erziihlung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2v33 Die livergnas ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. W 1926 Vincent, Jacques, x>seud., see Dussaud, Mme. . Vincent, John, pseud., see Huntington, Jedediah Vincent. Volckhausen, Ad. v. Why did he not die ? or The child from the EbrJiergang. After the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1875. D. V801 VoUmar, Agnes. Mein wille geschehe ; erziih- lung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V2 v23 VoUmer, W. F. A., {Dr. Morvell). Erzahlungen und phantasiestiicke. Stuttg. 1836. 2 v. S. V901 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 107. Furchtlos und treu ; historischer roman aus den zeiten des dreissigjiihrigen krieges. Stuttg. 1836. 3 V. S. V 902 Voltaire, Frau9ois Marie Arouet, called de. Ro- mances. Tr. from the french ; new ed., ill. N. Y. 1885. D. V 1051 Contents. The white bull; a satirical romance. Zadig, or Fate. The sage and the atheist. The princess ot Babylon. The man of forty crowns. The Huron, or Pulpit of nature. Mieromegas. The world as it goes The black and the white. Memnon, the philosopher. Andre des Touches at Siam. Bababec. The study of nature. A conversation with a Chinese.- Plato's dream. Pleasure in having no pleasure. An adventure in India. Vomehmen proletarier, Die ; Hamburger no- velle. Hamburg, n. d. S. H 7 Vosmaer, C: The amazon. Tr. by E. J. Irving ; preface by G: Ebers. N. Y. 1884. S. V 951 Voss, R: San Sebastian ; mit einer einleitung von Joseph Kiirschner. Stuttg. [18831. I). V 1001 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 885 W. Warner, C. D. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. W., A. M. Molly Carew ; an autobiography. 111. N. Y. 1885. S. W3051 W., F. The wreck of the Strathmore. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v8 W., H. D. A feuilleton. In Tales from Black- wood. T 177 v8 "Wachberg, H: Theist und atheist. Wien. 1863. 3v. T. WlOl Wachenhusen, Hans. Die bleiche griitin ; ro- man. [2te aufl.] Berlin. 1865. 2 v. in 1. D. W151 Dame Orange ; roman. N. Y. 1881. F. W 160 Gelebt vtnd gelitten ; roman. Berlin. 1882. 2v. inl. D. "W 152 Die griifin von der nadel ; roman. [2te auli.] Berlin. 1865. D. W 153 Der heiduck ; erziihlung aus dem russisch- tiirkischen kriege. N. Y. 1881. F. W 159 Helene ; roman. N. Y. 1882. F. W 162 Die iunge frau ; roman. Berlin. 1877. 3 v. D. W158 Des konigs ballet ; roman. [2te aufl.] Berlin. 1865. 3 V. in 1. D. W 154 Magnetische inclination ; erzahlung. In Vier- teljahrl. mag. V 2 v33 Ein neuer Polykrates. Berlin. 1859. 3 v. D. W 155 Rom und Sahara ; roman. [2te aufl.] Berlin. 1865. 4v. in 2. D. W 156 Rouge et noir. Berlin. 1865. 2 v. in 1. D. W157 Der schweden-schatz ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. W 163 Vom armen egyptischen mann ; fellah-leben. N. Y. 1882. F. W 161 Wachsmann, C: Adolf v. Denksteine ; histori- sche erzahlungen und novellen. Leipz. 1847. 2v. S. W201 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 107. Epheuranken ; historische erzahlungen und novellen. Leipz. 1849. 3 v. S. W 202 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 107. Erzahlungen und novellen ; dritte folge. Leipz. 1844. 7 v. S. "W 203 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 108. Erzahlungen \ind novellen ; 4te folge. Leipz. 1846. 4 V. S. W 204 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 108. Wieben - Peter ; historische erzahlung. With Spindler, C: Alte und neue zeit. S 4301 Waibel, Aloys Adalbert, ( TheopMlus Nelk). Blumenbeet kleiner lehrreicher geschich- ten, vorziiglich der jugend gewidmet. Wurzburg. 1838. S. N 126 Waldau, Max, pseud., see Hauenschild, R: G: Spiller V. WaldmuUer, Robert, pseud., see Duboc, C: E: Waldow, Ernst v., pseud., see Blum, Ludoiska v. Walford, Lucy Bethia, born Colquhon. The baby's grandmother; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1884. S. W 256 Bee or Beatrix ? In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v5 Cousins. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1879. S. W251 Dick Netherby. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882 [18811. S. W 255 Lady Adelaide. In Tales from Blackwood. T177vl0 Mr. Smith; apart of his life. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1875. S. W 252 Nan ; a summer scene. In Tales from Black- wood. T 177 vl Walford, Lucy B., born Colquhon. Continued. Pauline. (Leisure hour ser.) T. p. w. S. W253 Troublesome daughters. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. W 254 Walker, A. L. In life and in death. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 vlO Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur ; a tale of the Christ. N. Y. 1880. S. W 301 The fair god, or The last of the 'Tzins ; a tale of the conquest of Mexico. 15th ed. Bost. 1884. D. W302 Same. 17th ed. Bost. 1885. D. W 302 Wallis, J: Calvin. A prodigious fool. Phila. 1881. D. W351 Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. The castle of Otranto ; a gothic story. Phila. 1854. S. W401 Walshe, Elizabeth H., and G: E. Sargent. With- in sea walls, or How the dutch kept the faith. Lond. [1880]. D. W426 Walter Seyton. T. p. w. S. Wx 15 Indudes, The shooting festival. Walworth, Jeannette R., born Hadermann, mrs. Douglas. Dead men's shoes. Phila. 1872. D. W 476 Forgiven at last. Phila. 1870. D. W 477 Walworth, Mansfield Tracy. Delaplaine, or The sacrifice of Irene. N. Y. 1871. D. W451 Warburton, Eliot Bartholomew G: Darien, or The merchant prince ; a historical ro- mance. N. Y. 1862. O. W 501 Ward, James. Adolphe Renouard, or Peasant life and political clubs in France. Lond, 1852. S. W551 Ward, Robert Plumer. De Vere, or The man of independence. N. Y. 1831. 2 v. D. W 601 Warden, Florence. At the world's mercy. [Anon.-] N. Y. 1884. D. W 626 Deldee, the ward of Waringham, [or The iron hand] ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. D. W 628 The house on the marsh. [Anon.] N. Y. 1884. D. W 627 Ware, W: Aurelian, or Rome in the 3d cen- tury. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. D. W 651 Same. Probus, or Rome in the 3d century ; in letters of Lucius M. Piso from Rome to Fausta, the daughter of Gracchus, at Pal- myra. Bost. 1838. 2 V. D. W 653 Julian, or Scenes in Judea. N. Y. 1859. 2 v. in 1. S. W652 Zenobia, or The fall of Palmyra ; a historical romance in letters of L. Manlius Piso from Palmyra to his friend Marcus Curtius at Rome. N. Y. 1848. 2 v. S. W 654 Warfield, Catherine Anne, born Ware. A double wedding, or How she was won. Phila. [1875]. D. W701 The romance of the green seal. N. Y. n. d. O. W 702 Warner, Anna B. A bag of stories. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. Wx 126 Dollars and cents. Phila. 1883. D. W 802 Miss Tiller's vegetable garden and the money she made by it. N. Y. [1873]. S. W 80i joint author, see Warner, Susan B. Warner, Beverley Ellison. Troubled waters ; a problem of to-day. Phila. 1885. D. W 751 Warner, C: Dudley. Being a boy. 111. Bost. 1880. S. WxlOl joint author, see Clemens, S: L. denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Authors. LITERATURE FICTION. Warner, S. "Wettertoergh. "Warner, Susan, {Elizabeth Wetherell). Daisy. Phila. 1874. D. W 826 Diana. N. Y. 1879. D. W 827 The end of a coil. N. Y. 1880. D. W 828 The hills of the Shatemuc. Phila. 1883. D. "W 829 The letter of credit. N. Y. 1882 [1881]. D. W835 Mr. Rutherford's children. N. Y. 1874. S. W^x 212 My Desire. N. Y. 1879. D. W 830 Nobody. N. Y. 1883 ri882]. D. W 836 The old helmet. N. Y. n. d. D. W 834 Pine needles. N. Y. 1881. D. Wx 207 Queechy. Phila. 1868. 2 v. in 1. S. W 831 Same. Phila. 1874. 2v. inl. S. W831 Same. Phila. 1885. D. W 831 A red wall-flower. N. Y. 1884. D. W 833 The say and do series: 1. The little camp on Eagle Hill. N. Y. 1880. S. Wx 201 2. Willow Brook. N. Y. 1878. S. Wx 202 3. Scepters and crowns. N. Y. 1875. S. Wx203 4. The flag of truce. N. Y. 1878. S. Wx 204 5. Bread and oranges. N. Y. 1875. 8. Wx 205 6. The rapids of Niagara. N. Y. 1880. S. Wx206 Stephen, M. D. N. Y. 1883. D. W 837 A story of small beginnings: 1. What she could. N. Y. 1878. S. Wx 208 2. Opportunities. N. Y. 1878. S. Wx 209 3. House in town. N. Y. 1876. S. Wx 210 4. Trading. N. Y. 1881. S. Wx211 The wide, wide world. New ed. Phila. 1872. D. W 832 Same. Phila. 1885. D. W 832 Same, germ. Die weite, weite welt. Aus dem englischen. Leipz. 1856. S. W 832 and Anna B. The gold of Chickaree. N. Y. n. d. D. W 876 Say and seal. Phila. 1883. D. W 877 Wych Hazel. N. Y. 1883. D. W 878 Warren, S: Passages from the diary of a late physician. N. Y. n. d. 3 v. S. W 902 Ten thousand a year. Phila. n. d. D. W 901 Warriner, E: A. Victor LaTourette, by a broad churchman. Bost. 1875. D. W951 Wartenburg, K: Die dame, die er liebte, nannt' er nicht ; erinnerung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v30 Deutsche opfer. Leipz. 1866. S. W 1001 Neue propheten. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. S. W 1002 Waters, Clara, born Erskine, formerly mrs. Cle- ment. Eleanor Maitland : a novel. Bost. 1881. S. C1826 Watson, H: C. Camp-flres of the revolution, or The war of independence ill. by thrilling events and stories by the old continentfH soldiers. 111. N. Y."l865. O. W 1026 The old bell of independence, or Philadelphia in 1776. 111. Phila. n. d. S. Wx 301 Six nights in a block-house, or Sketches of border life ; embracing adventures among the Indians, feats of the wild hunters ana exploits of Boone, Brady, Kenton, Whet- zel, Fleehart, and other border heroes of the west. 111. Phila. [1851]. D. Wx 302 Watts, Anna Mary, born Howitt. A school of life. Bost. 1855. D. W 1051 Webb, Mrs. J. B., afterwards mrs. Peploe. Ben- aiah ; a tale of the captivity. Dl. Lond. [1871]. D. *- J' W1102 s deoQtes boojfs specially Webb, Mrs. J. B. Continued. Naomi, or The last days of Jerusalem. Phila. 1871. S. W 1101 Oliver Wyndham ; a tale of the great plague. [Anon.] Lond. 1881. D. W 1103 Webber, C: W. Old Hicks the guide, or Adven- tures in the Camanche country in search of a gold mine. N. Y. 1868. D. W 1126 Weber, Karl, psevd., see Miitzelburg, Adolf. Webster, Albert. Miss Eunice's glove. In Stories by amei'ican authors. S 35 v6 An operation in money. In the same. S 35 vl Weed, Ella. A foolish virgin ; a novel. N. Y. 1883. Q. W2951 Wegener, Fedor Alexander. Der entscheidende augenblick ; socialer roman. Berlin. 1850. S. W 1201 Weill, Alexandre. Sittengemalde aus dem elsas- sischen volksleben ; novellen, mit einem vorwort von H: Heine. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1847. 2v. D. W1151 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 108. Weinzierl, L. A. Die herrin von Orla ; eines alten mannes erzJihlung. With Frenzel, K: Ein alter mann. F 1551 Wendell, Barrett. The duchess Emilia ; a ro- mance. Bost. 1885. S. W 1216 Wenzel, Max. Eine bose nacht ; eine erziihlung aus dem soldatenleben. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v22 Humor und ernst aus dem soldatenleben ; mit einleitendem vorwort von A. v. Winterfeld. Jena. n. d. 2 v. S. W 1226 Contents. V. 1. Aus der wachtstube. Bine tiger- jagd In Pommern. Eine bose nacht. 2. Eine braut- werbung Bliicher's. Vei'loren. Werder, Bertha, pseud., see Meyer, Bertha An- toinette Henriette. Werner, E., pseud., see Biirstenbinder, Elisa- beth. Werner, Gustav. Die rache ; denkwiirdigkeiten aus dem leben des ministers Battista Salani. Meissen. 1832. S. W 1301 Werner, Julian, (Karl Dilthey). Henriette Son- tag ; bliithen und dornen am baume eines kunstlerlebens. N. Y. 1872. S. W 1351 Westall, W: The old factory ; a Lancashire story. N. Y. 1885. D. W 1376 Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud., see Warner, Susan. Wetterbergh, C: Anton, {Onkel Adam). Das al- targemiilde ; ein genrebild. Aus dem schwedischen von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1852. 2 V. T. W 1401 Daheim ! ; ein genrebild von Onkel Adam. Aus dem schwedischen von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1859. T. W 1402 Drei genrebilder. Aus dem schwedischen von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1855. T. W 1403 Contents, see Deutscner katalog, p. 109. Das fideicommiss von Waldemarsburg ; episo- den, gegenstiick zu Simon Sellner's reich- thiimer. Aus dem schwedischen von Gott- lob Fink. Stuttg. 1855. T. W 1404 Gold und arbeit ; genrebild. Aus dem schwe- dischen iibers. von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1850. T. W1406 Genrebilder aus dem alltagsleben, von Onkel Adam. Aus dem schwedischen von C. F. Frisch. Stuttg. 1844. 2 v. T. W 1406 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 109. Das hauschen am gitterthore bei Nygard. Aus dem schwediscnen von C. F. Friscli. Stuttg. 1850. T. W 1407 adapted for children. Wetterbergh "Williams. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Authors. I Wetterbergh, C: A., {Onkel Adam). Continued. Herrn Simon Sellner's reichthiimer; episodep. aus dem alltagsleben. Aus dem schwedi- schen ubersetzt. Stuttg. 1854. T. W 1408 Der holzerne loffel ; erziihlung von Onkel Adam. Aus dem schwedischen von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1854. T. W 1409 Liebe und ban del ; genrebild von Onkel Adam. Aus dem schwedischen von G. Fink. Stuttg. 1854. T. W 1410 Ein name ; genrebild. Aus dem schwedischen von C. Y. Stuttg. 1846. T. W 1411 Neue genrebilder aus dem alltagsleben von Onkel Adam. Aus dem schwedischen von C. F. Stuttg. 1845. 5 V. T. W 1412 Contents, see Deutsehei- katalog, p. 109. Olga ; eine erzahlung. Aus dem schwedischen iibersetzt von Gottlob Fink. Stuttg. 1852. T. W 1413 Der pfarradjunkt, genrebild ; ein seitenstiick der Gouvernante. Aus dem schwedischen von C. F. Stuttg. 1846. T. W 1414 Whelpley, James Davenport. The Denslow palace. In Atlantic tales. A 1876 "WTiite, C. H., pseud., see Chaplin, Heman D. White, R: Gi-ant. The fate of Mansfield Humph- reys ; with the episode of "Mr. Washington Adams in England", and an apology. Bost. 1884. D. W 1426 White witch, The ; a novel. N. Y. 1885. Q. W 9 Whitney, Adeline Dutton, born Train. Boys at Chequasset, or "A little leaven." Bost. 1863. S. Wx601 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Bost. 1880. D. W1451 Same. T.p.w. D. W 1451 The Gayworthys ; a story of threads and thrums. Bost. [1865]. D. W 1452 Same. Bost. 1880. D. W 1452 Hitherto. Bost. 1880. D. W 1453 Odd or even ? Bost. 1880. D. W 1454 The other girls. Bost. 1880. D. W 1455 Patience Strong's outings. Bost. [18681. D. W 1456 Real folks. Bost. 1879. D. W 1457 Same. Bost. 1884. D. W 1457 Sights and insights ; Patience Strong's story of over the way. Bost. 1876. 2 v. D. W 1458 Same. 13th ed. Bost. 1884. 2 v. D. W 1458 A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. 111. Bost. 1879. D. W 1459 Same. Bost. 1880. D. W 1459 We girls ; a home story. Bost. 1874. D. W1460 Same. Bost. 1880. D. W 1460 Zerub Throop's experiment. Bost. 1871. S. W1461 JVote. Several of these novels are connected in the following series: 1. Leslie Goldthwaite. 2. We girls. 3. Real folks. 4. The other girls. Whittaker, F: The cadet button ; a novel of american army life. N. Y. 1878. D. W1501 Whitty, E: Michael. The bohemians of Lon- don ; with a notice of the author by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Phila. n. d. D. W1551 Wichert, Ernst Alexander A: G: The green gate. Tr. from the german by mrs. A. L. Wister. Phila. 1875. D. W 1601 Ein kleines bild. Jena. 1876. D. W 1602 Mutter und tochter ; eine littauische ge- schichte. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v37 Wichert, Ernst Alexander A: G: Continued. Rauschen; ein strand-idyll. Leipz. 1881. D. W1603 Schuster Lange. Jena. 1876. D. W 1604 Storungen. With his Schuster Lange. W1604 Eine vornehme schwester ; eine erziihlung. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v23 Wickede, Julius v. Herzog Wallenstein in Meck- lenburg ; historischer roman. Jena. 1865. 4v. D. W 1651 Ein husarenofficier Friedrichs des grossen ; nach den eigenhandigen aufzeichnungen Hans Leberecnt von Bredow's. Jena. 1866. 3v. in2. S. W 1653 Der lange Isaack ; historischer roman aus der zeit des deutschen befreiungskrieges. Leipz. 1863. 3 v. D. W 1652 Widdem, Marie, pseud., see Brandmp, Marie. Wiederkehr, Die ; eine novelle, herausgegeben von dem einsiedler bei St. Johannes. Leipz. 1843. 3v. D. W 11 WikoflF, H: My courtship and its consequences. N. Y. n. d. D. W 1751 Wilhrandt, Adolf. Fridolin's mystical marri- age ; a study of an original, founded on reminiscences of a friend. From the german by Clara Bell, rev. and corr. in the U. S. N. Y. 1884. S. W 1776 Der wille zum leben ; novelle. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v35 Wildenbruch, Ernst v. Mein onkel aus Pom- mern ; humoreske. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v25 Vor den schranken ; eine criminal - novelle. In the same. V 2 v25 Wildermuth, Ottilie, born Rauschiitz. Auguste ; ein lebensbild. Stuttg. 1858. T. W 1801 Bilder und geschichten aus Schwaben. 3te aufl. Stuttg. 1857. 3 v. S. W 1802 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 110. Die heimath der frau. Stuttg. 1859. S. W 1803 Wilford, Frances, joint author, see Awdry, Frances. Wilke, H., born Kronhelm. Fuga9e, oder Die abenteuer im schlosse Saviedro ; eine ro- mantische riiubergeschichte. Braunschw. 1827. 2 V. D. K 1401 Schloss Glenton, oder Die sohne der nacht. Braunschw. 1827. 2 v. D. K 1402 Wilkins, W. A. The Cleverdale mystery, or The machine and its wheels ; a story of american life. N. Y. 1882. D. W 1826 Willcox, Orlando B., {Walter March). Shoepac recollections ; a wayside glimpse of ameri- can life. N. Y. 1856. D. W851 Wille, Eliza, born Sloman. Felicitas ; ein ro- man. Leipz. 1850. 2 v. D. W 1901 Willfried, H., pseud., see Villinger, Hermine. Williams, G: F. Bullet and shell ; war as the soldier saw it, camp, march and picket, battle-field and bivouac, prison and hospi- tal. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. W 3001 Williams, H: L. The boys of the Bible. 111. N. Y. 1866. S. Wx951 Williams, Robert Folkestone. The Luttrells, or The two marriages. N. Y. 1855. O. W 1951 The secret passion. N. Y. n. d. O. W 1952 Shakespeare and his friends, or The golden age of merry England. N. Y. n. d. O. W1963 denotes books specially adapted for children. Gl. 813, Authors. lilTERATUB-E FICTION. "Williams, R. F. Wilson. Williams, Robert Folkestone. Continued. The youth of Shakespeare. N. Y. n. d. O. W 1954 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Prose writings ; se- lected by H: A. Beers. N. Y. 1885. I). W2004 Contents. The lunatic's skate. Love in the library. Trenton Falls. Tom Fane and I. F. Smith. The gypsy of Sardis. A log: in the Archipelago. A dinner at lady Blessington's. A breakfast with C: Lamb.- female ward. Pasquali, the tailor of Venice. The lie mgto A week at Gordon castle. Lady Ravelgold. The in- let of peach-blossoms. Letters from under a bridge. Kate Crediford. The ghost-ball at congress hall. Ephemera. Beauty and the beast. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v4 Inklings of adventure. N. Y. 1836. 3 v. D. W2001 Contents. V. 1. Pedlar Karl. Niagara. Lake On- tario. The St. Lawrence. The Cherokee's threat. F. Smith. Edith Linsey. Scenes of fear: The dis- turbed vigil; The mad senior; The lunatic's skate. Incidents on the Hudson. 2. The gipsy of Sardis. Tom Fane and I. Larks in vacation. A log in the Archipelago. Miscellaneous papers. The revenge of signer Basil. Love and diplomacy. The mad- house of Palermo. Minute philosophies. Life here and there, or Sketches of society and adventures at far apart times and places. N. Y. 1850. D. W 2002 People I have met, or Pictures of society and people of mark drawn under a thin veil of fiction. N. Y. 1850. D. W 2003 Two buckets in a well. In Stories by ameri- can authors. S 35 v4 Willis the pilot, a sequel to the Swiss family Robinson, or Adventures of an emigrant family wrecked on an unknown coast of the Pacific ocean, interspersed with tales, incidents of travel and illustrations of natural history. Bost. n. d. D. Wx 41 111. Bost. 1875. 3 V. D. Wx 41 Willkomm, Ernst Adolf. Dichter und apostel. Frankfurt a. M. 1859. 2 v. D. W 2051 Im bann und zauber von leidenschaft und wahn, von ernst und scherz ; licht- und nebelbilder. Leipz. 1863. 3 v. in 1. S. W2052 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 110. Moderne siinden. Nordhausen. 1861. 3 v. D. W 2053 Die tochter des Vatican. Leipz. 1860. 3 v. D. W2054 Wilson, Alexander. The spectre of Milaggio. In Tales from Blackwood. T 177 v4 Wilson, Augusta J., born Evans. Beulah. N. Y. 1883. D. W2101 Inez ; a tale of the Alamo. N. Y. 1876. D. W^ 2102 Same. N. Y. 1879. D. W 2102 Infelice. N. Y. 1878. D. W 2103 8ame. N. Y. 1879. D. W 2103 Macaria. N. Y. 1879. D. W 2104 Same. N. Y. 1878. D. W 2104 St. Elmo ; a novel. N. Y. 1881. D. W 2105 Vashti, or "Until death do us part." N. Y. 1870. D. W 2106 Same. N. Y. 1878. I). W2106 Wilson, F. T., {Saul Wright). Surf; a summer pilgrimage. N. Y. [1881]. S. W 2851 Wilson, J:, (Christopher North). The Foresters. Edinb. 1853. S. W2151 The snow-storm. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v7 The trials of Margaret Lyndsay. Edinb. 1854. S. W2152 Wilson, J: Mackay, ed. Tales of the borders, and of Scotland ; historical, traditionary and imaginative. New ed., rev. by Alex- ander Leighton. Edinb. [1857]. 34 v. in 13. S. W2202 Contents. V. 1. Wilson, J: M. The vacant chair; The f aa's revenge. Leighton, A. Kate Kennedy. Miller, H. Recollections of Ferguson. Campbell, A. The disasters of Johnny Armstrong. Gillespie, T: The prof essors tales : The mountain storm ; The fair maid of Cellardykes. Leighton, A. Prescrip- tion. Campbell, A. The countess of Winstonbury. Wilson, J: M. Midside Maggie. 2. Wilson, J: M. A wife or the wuddy. Leigh- ton, A. Lord Durie and Christie's will. Miller, H. Recollections of Burns. Gillespie, T: The profes- sor's tales : The convivialists ; Philips Grey. Campbell, A. Donald Gorm. Leighton, A. The surgeon's tales: The cured ingrate. Howell, J: The fortunes of W : Wighton. Wilson, J: M. My black coat. 3. Miller, H. Widow of Dunskaith. Wilson, J : M. The Whitsome tragedy. -Leighton, A. The sur- geon's tales: The diver and the bell. Campbell, A. Autobiography of Willie Smith. Gillespie, T: The professor's tales: Pheebe Fortune. Wilson, J : M. The royal bridal. Leighton, A. The royal raid. Howell, J: The experimentei-.- Bethune, A. The young laii-d. Campbell, A. The rival night- caps. 4. Wilson, J: M. The solitary of the cave. Leighton, A. The maiden feast of Cairnkibbie. Gillespie, T: The prof essor's tales : Early recollec- tions of a son of the hills ; The suicide's grave. Miller, H. The salmon-flsher of UdolL Leighton, A. The Linton lairds. Martin, T. Bon Gaultier's tales: Country quarters. Campbell, A. The monk of St. Anthony. Logan, W. The story of Clara Douglas. Wilson, J: M. The fair. Howell, J: The slave. Campbell, A. Thekatheran; The monks of Dryburgh. 5. Wilson, J: M, Bill Stanley. - Leighton, A. The surgeon's tales : The conscience stricken. Campbell, A. Rattling, roaring Willie. Miller, H. Bill Whyte. Gillespie, T: The professor's tales : The last of the pedlars. Leighton, A. Duncan Schulebred's vision of judgment. Wilson, J: M. Archy Armstrong. Logan, W. The double-bedded room. Campbell, A. The highland boy. How^ell, J: Major Wier's coach. Moir, D: M. (Delta). The divinity student. 6. Wilson, J: M. The guidwife of Coldingham. Leighton, A. The surgeon's tales: The somnam- bulist of Redcleugh. Richardson, O. The Rothe- say fisherman. Wilson, J: M. Leaves from the diary of an aged spinster. Leighton, A. Geordie Willison. Campbell, A. The snow storm of 1825. Guilty or not guilty. How^ell, J: The Serjeant's tales: The palatines. Peterkin, A. The parsonage. Hetheringrton, W : The seer's cave. Wilson, J : M. The laidly worm of Spindleston Heugh ; The sabbath wrecks. 7. Wilson, J: M. Judith the egyptian. Leigh- ton, A. The drolch. Miller, H. The lykewake. Campbell, A. The penny wedding. Leighton, A. The amateur lawyers. Gillespie, T: The profes- sor's tales : Family incidents ; Home and the gipsy maid ; The return. Wilson, J: M. The poor scholar. Howell, J: The laird of Darnick Tower. Wil- son, J. M. The broken heart. Maidment, J. The cateran of Lochloy. Howell, J: The Serjeant's tales: John Square's voyage to India. 8. Wilson, J: M. The doom of the Soulis. Leighton, A. Harden's revenge. Bichardson, O. The physiognomist's tale. Campbell, A. The good man of Dryfleld. Leighton, A. The surgeon's tales: The cherry stone ; The hen-wife ; The artist. Wilson, J: M. The bride ; The henpecked man. Maidment, J. Mortlake. Howell, J : The Serje- ant's tales: The beggar's camp. Campbell, A. Leein Jamie Murdieston ; Duncan McArthur. 9. Wilson, J: M. The cripple. Leighton, A. The legend of fair Helen of Kirconnel. Richardson, O. Tom Duncan's yarn. Gillespie, T: The profes- sor's tales: The three brethren; The mistake recti- fied; Dura Den. Campbell, A. The laird of Lucky's How. Leighton, A. The abduction. Wilson, J: M. SirPatrickHume. Howell, J: The Serjeant's tales : The packman's journey to London. Wilson, J: M. Charles Lawson. Martin, T. Bon Gaultier's tales : Mrs. Humphrey Greenwood's tea-party. Logan, W. The recluse of the Hebrides ; Ellen ; denotes books specially adapted for children. "Wilson, J. M. LITERATXJItE FICTION". dl. dl3. Authors. "Wilson, J: Mackay, ed. Continued. Arundel. Campbell, A. Chatelard. Xieighton, A. Christie of the Cleek. 10. Wilson, J: M. The first-foot. Lieigrh ton, A. The romance of the siege of Perth. Q-illespie, T: The professor's tales : Peat-casting time ; The medal. Richardson, O. The meeting' of St. Boswell's. Smith, J. F. The story of May Darling. Wilson, J: M. I canna be fashed. ConoUy, M. F. Tales of the east neuk of Fife: The castle of Crail; The le- gend of the church of Abercrombie; The romance of the may. Leigrhton, A. Caleb Crabbin. Howell, J: The Serjeant's tales: The Imprudent marriage. Bethune, J. The bewildered student. Leighton, A. The crooked Comyn. 11. Wilson, J: M. The dominie's class. lieigh- ton, A. The contrast of wives. Gillespie, T: The professor's tales: The social man. Campbell, A. The two comrades; The surtout. Leiffhton, A. The surgeon's tales: The suicide. Bethune, A. The ghost of Howdy Craigs; The ghost of Gairyburn. Wilson, J: M. The smuggler. Kichardson, O. The schoolfellows. Wilson, J: M. The Red Hall. 12. Miller, H. The Scottish hunters of Hudson's Bay. Gillespie, T: The professor's tales: The wedding. Leig'hton, A. Mike Maxwell. Wilson, J: M. Reuben Purves.- Richardson, O. The sea storm. Maidment, J. The heir of Inshannock. Campbell, A. The moss - trooper ; The forger. Leigrhton, A. The surgeon's tales: The three letters; The glass back. Wilson, J : M. We'll have another. Howell, J: The Scottish veteran. Max- well, P. The white woman of Tarras. 13. Wilson, J: M. The unknown. I.eig:hton, A. The trials of Menle Dempster. Gillespie, T: The professor's tales: The natural history of idiots. Campbell, A. The Floshend inn. Wilson, J: M. Lottery Hall. Wilson, J. The dominie and the souter. Lei^hton, A. Roseallan's daughter. Richardson, O. The two sailors. Campbell, A. The dream. 14. Wilson, J: M. The covenanting family. Leighton, A. The old chronicler's tales: The prince of Scotland. Campbell, A. Retribution. Gilles- pie, T: The professor's tales: The enthusiast; Trees and burns; Kirkyards. Wilson, J: M. Polwarth on the green; The festival. Leighton, A. A legend of Holyrood. Richardson, O. The restored son. Campbell, A. The skean dhu. Howell, J: The seven year's dearth. Wilson, J: M. The order of the garter. 15. Wilson, J: M. Recollections of a village patriarch. Leigrhton, A. The old chronicler's tales : The death of James I. Campbell, A. The curate of Govan. Gillespie, T: Gleanings of the coven- ant. Richardson, O. The story of Tom Bertram. The cottar's daughter. Ijeigrhton, A. The sur- geon's tales: The case of evidence. Bethune, A. The warning. Wilson, J: M. Grizzel Cochrane; Squire Ben. The battle of Dryfife Sands. Leig'hton, A. The clerical murderer. 16. Wilson, J: M. The leveller. Leigrhton, A. The old chronicler's tales : The death of James III. Gillespie, T: Gleanings of the covenant. Camp- bell, A. The countess of Cassilis. The happy con- clusion. Leig'hton, A. Mr. Samuel Ramsay Thri- ven. Howell, J: The man-of-war's man. Rich- ardson, O. The angler's tale. Wilson, J: M. Perse- verance; The Irish reaper. Campbell, A. Grace Cameron. The mysterious disappearance. 17. Wilson, J: M. Roger Goldie's narrative. Leighton, A. Hogmanay. Gillespie, T: Glean- ings of the covenant. Campbell, A. The recluse; A highland tradition. Leig'hton, A. The surgeon's tales: The bereaved; The condemned Wilson, J; M. The unbidden guest; The simple man is the beg- gar's brother. ConoUy, M. F. Tales of the east neuk of Fife : The robbery at Pitten weem ; Story of C : Gordon. Howell, J: A legend of Calder Moor. Leighton, A. Hume and the governor of Berwick. 18. Miller, H. Thomas of Chartres. Wilson, J: M. The fugitive. Leighton, A. The bride of Bramblehaugh. Gillespie, T: Gleanings of the covenant. Leighton, A. The surgeon's tales: The monomaniac Campbell, A. The foundling at sea; The assassin. Ho'well, J: The prisoner of war. Wilson, J: M. Willie Wastle's account of his wife. Campbell, A. The stone-breaker. Leighton, A. Laird Rorieson's will. 19. Leighton, A. Gustavus Mclver. Wilson, J: M. The first and second marriage. Richardson, O. The dissolved pledge. Campbell, A. The Hawick spate. Leig:hton, A. The avenger. Campbell, A. "Wilson, J: Mackay, ed. Continued. The lord of Hermitage. Gillespie, T: Gleanings of the covenant. Campbell, A. The curse of Scotland. Wilson, J: M. Leaves from the life of Alexander Hamilton. Leighton, A. The sportsman of Out- fieldhaugh. The sea-fight. 20. Leighton, A. The dominie of St. Fillan's. Wilson, J : M. Peter Paterson. Leighton, A. The heroine. Campbell, A. The barley bannock. Gil- lespie, T: Gleanings of the covenant. Thomson, G. The lost heir of Elphinstone. Wilson, J: M. Trials and triumphs. Leighton, A. The miser of Newabbey. The sea-skirmish. 21. Leighton, A. The burgher's tales: The house in Bell's Wynd. Wilson, J: M. The prodigal son. Leighton, A. The lawyer's tales: The woman with the white mice. Gillespie, T: Gleanings of the covenant. Leighton, A. The detective's tales: The chance question. Campbell, A. The merchant's daughter. Leighton, A. The bride of Bell's Tower. Campbell, A. Doctor Dobbie. Wilson, J: M. The seeker. Leighton, A. The surgeon's tales: ' The wager. 22. Wilson, J: M. Ups and downs. Leighton, A. The burgher's tales: The ancient bureau. Campbell, A. Lady Rae. Leighton, A. The dia- mond eyes.- David Lorimer. The convict. Leigh- ton, A. The amateur robbery. Wilson, J: M. The procrastinator. Leighton, A. The ten of diamonds. 23. Leighton, A. The lawyer's tales: Lord Kames's puzzle. Wilson, J: M. The orphan. Leighton, A. The burgher's tales: The brownie of the West Bow. Gillespie, T : Gleanings of the cove- nant. Leighton, A. The story of Mary Brown. Wilson, J : M. Tibby Fowler. Leighton, A. The cradle of Logic. Wilson, J: M. The death of the chevalier de la Beaute. Leighton, A. The story of the pelican.- Wilson, J: M. The widow's son. Leighton, A. The lawyer's tales: The story of Mysie Craig. Wilson, J : M. The twin brothers. Leigh- ton, A. The girl forger; The two red slippers ; The faithful wife. 24. The minstrel's tales: Wilson, J: M. Edmund and Helen. Leighton, A. The romaunt of sir Peregrine and the lady Etheline; The legend of Allerley Hall; The legend of lady Katherine; The legend of the fair Emergilde; The romaunt of St. Mary's Wynde; The legend of Mary Lee; The ballad of age and youth; The legend of Craigullan. Wil- son, J: M. The hermit of the hills.- Leighton, A. The ballad of the rumbollow; The legend of the burning of mrs. Jamphray; The ballad of Ballogie's daughters; The legend of Dowlelee; The ballad of maid Marion; The ballad of Roseallan Castle; The ballad of the tournay ; The ballad of golden counsel; The ballad of matrimony; The song of Rosalie; The ballad of the world's vanity. Wilson, J. M. The siege; a dramatic tale. G., W. Farewell to a place on the borders. Glossary. General index. Same, v. 3. T. p. w. O. "W 2203 Contents. The raid of Roxburgh. Mary Middleton; a tale of the dear years. The cruise of the Pibroch. Hume and the governor of Berwick. Sandy Mur- ray, the legacy-hunter. The snuff-miller's daughter. The parsonage. The simple man is the beggar's brother. Mike Maxwell of Gretna. The dream. The provost of Starvieston. Recollections of Fergu- son. Red Eric and Lord Delaval. A chronicle of the death of James III. The apparition of Flodden Field. The cherry stone. Christie of the Cleek. The Eskdalemuir story.- The maiden feast. Roseallan's daughter. The lykewake. The faithful wife. Roger Goldie's narrative. The writer's daughter. Mo rt- lake ; a legend of Merton.- Marry for love, and work for money. The bewildered student. The free- booter of Coldstream. Kinaldy. Donald Gorm. Leaves from the life of Alexander Hamilton. Tips and downs, or David Stuart's account of his pilgrim- age. The festival. The wife or the wuddy. The fugitive. The unknown. The Whitsome tragedy. The unbidden guest, or Jedburgh's regal festival. Trials and triumphs. Edmund and Helen. Madeline of Roecleugh. 'The thriftless heir. The foundling, or The heiress of Castle Gower.- The fatal secret. The outlaw, or The maiden of Lednlck. The black- smith of Plumtrees.- The lord of Hermitage. Same, germ. Romantische erziihlungen aus der geschichte und den iiberlieferungen des schottischen grenzlandes. Braunscnw. n. d. S. W 2201 Contents. Die rothe halle, Oder Berwick In 1236. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 895 CI. 813, Authors. LlfERATtTRE MICTION. Wilton Wister. Grisilde Cochrane Des faa-konig-s rache. Der un- gebetene gast. Midside Maggy. Die sabbath-ver- letzung. Der hosenband-orden.- Lord Soulis. Die abtei Coldingliam. Der geplagte wahler. Das ge- brochene herz. Die covenanter-familie. Sir Patrick Hume. Archy Armstrong. Wilton, T. Mongrels. Lond. 1883. 3v.ini. D. W2276 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. W 2276 Winter, J: Strange. Houp-La ; novelette. 111. N. Y. 1885. S. W 2227 Mignon, or Bootles's baby ; a novelette. 111. N. Y. 1885. S. W 2226 Winterfeld, Adolf v. Die diamantknopfe ; skizze. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v23 Der dolmetscher ; eine soldatengeschichte. In the same. V 2 v28 Die ehefabrikanten ; komisch-socialer roman. Leipz. 1866. 2 v. D. W2251 Der fiirst von Montenegro ; komischer roman. N. Y. 1882. F. W 2256 Geheimnisse einer kleinen stadt ; komischer roman. Jena. [1880]. D. W 2252 Same. N. Y. 1882. F. W 2252 Ein gemeuchelter dichter ; komischer roman. K Y. 1883. F. W 2259 Der konig der luft ; komischer roman. N. Y. 1882. T. W 2255 Des konigs ordre ; eine soldatengeshichte. In Vierteljalirl. mag. V 2 v29 Modelle. N. Y. 1883. F. W 2258 Neue garnisongeschichten Jena. n. d. 11 v. S. soldaten-humor. W2260 Contents. V. 1. Reservist und reservistin. Der premier-lieutenant von Drenkenberg. 2. Die flote des grafen Schwulenberg. 3. Die dicke trompete. Mein vetter aus Stettin. 4. Excellenz will heirathen. 5. Ein geheimnissvoller grenadier. 6. Der alte major Knollen. Ein eingebildeter lieutenant. Zu befehl, herr rittmeister. 7. Wie mein freund Dum- bart sein examen machte. Die preussischen farben. Ein rasender Roland. 8. Ein wettrennen. Der verwechselte graf . Der doppelte regiments-com- mandeur. 9. Der grosse weisse und die kleine braune. Der marsch gegen den feind. Zwei per- riicken. 10. Das schiefe gesicht. Die ungarin. Bratenjager. Spleen. 11. Die bremse. Die letzte ihres stammes. Invalide im kopf. Brief des kiiras- sier Heinrich WoUkopf an seine eltern. Antwort auf den brief des kiirassier Heinrich WoUkopf. Neue humoristische soldaten- geschichten. Jena. n. d. 6 v. S. W 2261 Contents. V. 1. Das ungethum. Der junge vater und der alte sohn. Ein marsch-quartier. Der pflau- menschmeisser. Die blodsichtigen. Der hut des herrn von Schlawen. Mourmellieux und Carbonel. 2. Zwei alte freunde. Die hosen des unterofliciers Bartmann. Die kegelbahn. Etwas fiber pferde. Die volksversammlung in Loitz. Theodor's geheim- niss.- Eine kadettengeschichte aus alter zeit. 3. Der kleine graf. Der rittmeister bei den garde-kiirassie- ren. Des konigs ordre. 4. Das examen zur kriegs- schule. Die statue. Die schlacht bei Schleswig.- Wie ich meine kleine garnison wiedersah.- Der dol- metsch. Der alte Hannemann. Flensburg. Jiit- land. Schloss Glucksburg. 6. Driickende verhalt- nisse. Der herr oberst. Eine kleine garnison. Marsch durch die mark. Lauenburg. 6. Der sach- sische ordonnanz-offlcier. Bivouac bei Satrup. Mein urgrossvetter. Die stiefel von nummer 10. Die urlaubsreise. Der iiberfall und die letzte pa- trouille. Eine besohreibung der schlacht bei Water- loo. Holstein. Der pantoffelheld ; humoristische novelle. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v35 Das spukehaus ; komischer roman. N. Y. 1882. F. W 2257 Der todte onkel ; eine soldatengeschichte. In Vierteljahrl. mag. V 2 v35 Das ungethum ; eine humoristische soldaten- gescnichte. In the same. V 2 v24 at denotes books specially adapted for children. Winterfeld, Adolf v. Continued. Die wohnungssucher ; komischer roman. N. Y. 1882. F. W 2254 Die zigeunertochter, Nach dem schwedischen original des kammerjunker Kullberg frei bearbeitet. Jena. [1877] . S. W 2253 Zwei alte freunde ; humoreske. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v25 tr. Unheimliche geschichten in deutscher be- arbeitung nach A. B. Edwards und Edgar Allan Poe. Jena. n. d. 4 v. S. W 2262 Contents. V. 1. Zusammengeschmiedet. Eine gei- stergeschichte. Der spieler. Auf dem courirzuge. Brudermord. 2. Unterhaltung mit einer mumie. Der goldkaf er. Lebendig begraben. Merkwiirdige wirkungen des mesmerismus, beobachtet an einem sterbenden. Im malstrom. 3. Zwischen himmel und erde. Im feurigen ofen. Die geisterkutsche. Die fluth. Zwei neujahrstage. Die diamantknopfe. 4. Die morde in der Morgue-strasse. Hans Pfaals hochst wundersames abenteuer. Winthrop, Theodore. The canoe and saddle ; adventures among the northwestern rivers and forests. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. W 2305 Cecil Dreeme ; with portrait and biog. sketch of the author by G: W: Curtis. (Leism-e hour ser.) N. Y! 1876. S. W 2301 Edwin Brothertoft. N. Y. 1876. S. W 2302 Isthmiana. With his Canoe and saddle. W 2305 John Brent. T. p. w. S. W 2303 Love and skates. In Johnson, E. R. Little classics. J 926 v6 Wirth, Maximilian. Die flucht von der Harz- burg ; historische novelle aus dem lebon kaiser Heinrichs des vierten. Schwab. Hall. 1849. D. W 2326 Wise, H: A:, {Harry Oringo). Captain Brand of the "Centipede", a pirate of eminence in the West Indies ; his loves aud exploits, together with some account of the singular manner by which he departed this life. 111. N. Y. 1885. Q. W 3001 Wister, Annis Lee, born Furness, translator of Behrens, B., {W. Heimburg). A penniless girl. H 2279 Betnusy-Huc, V. grdfin, (Moriizv. Reichenbach). The Eichhofs. B 801 Biirstenbinder, E., {E. Werner). Banned and blessed. B 4358 Frederich, B., (Oelo Baimund, Oeorg Dannen- berg). A new race. D 203 Gliimer, C. v. A noble name. G 1326 Hackliinder, F: W: Enchanting and enchant- ed. H 314 Harder, L: A family feud. H 5351 Hartner, E. Severa! H 1626 Hillern, W. v. Only a girl. H 3154 John. E., (E.Marlitt). At the councillor's. J 905 The bailiff's maid. J 901 Countess Gisela. J 909 Gold Elsie. J 904 In the Schillingscourt. J 906 The little moorland princess. J 902 The old mam'selle's secret. J 903 The second wife. J 912 Schmieden, E., {E. Juncker). Margarethe. J 1401 Schulze-Smidt, B., ( E. Oswald). Vain fore- bodings. S6251 Stahr, F.. born Lewald. Hulda. S 4662 Streckfuss, A. Castle Hohenwald. S 5701 Quicksands. S 5703 Too rich. S 5702 Wichert, E. The green gate. W 1601 Witt Woolsey. LITERATUIIE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. Witt, Henriette de, born Guizot. A french country family. Tr. by Dinah Mulock Craik. N. Y. 1868. D. Wx 1001 Tales of three centuries : 16th, A huguenot family; 17th, The pilgrim fathers; 18th, The desert, or The church under the cross. Tr. from the french by Emily Millard and Mary Archer. Bost. 1881. D. W 2351 Witt, Pauline de, born Guizot. An only sister. 111. N. Y. 1873. S. Wx 1002 Wittendorf, C, pseud., see Proschko, H. C. Witzleben, Charlotte v., {Charlotte Wollmar). Agnes Falser ; erzJihlung in brief en. Ell- wangen. 1828. S. W 2501 Witzleben- Wendelstein, Ferdinand v. Die hof- dame der erzherzogin ; roman. N. Y. 1883. F. W 2401 Wladimir, pseud., see Hofineister, Adolf. Wolf at the door, The. (No name ser.) Bost. 1877. S. W41 Wolfhagen, Friederike, {Marie Norden). Astolfo Vardonnas ; gemiilde aus der jiingsten ver- gangenheit Spaniens. Leipz. 1844. 3 v. S. N751 Columbus und seine zeit ; historischer roman. Wien. 1861. 4 v. T. N 752 Deutsche lebensbilder. Leipz. 1851. 3 v. S. N753 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 86, under Nor- den. Erzahlungen. Leipz. 1848. 3 v. S. N 754 Feldblumen. Leipz. 1847. 3 v. S. N 755 Ilmhorst ; eine skizze aus der vorzeit Ham- burgs. Leipz. 1846. 3 v. S. N 756 Paris und Berlin ; roman aus der neuesten zeit. Leipz. 1849. 3 v. S. N 757 Wollmar, Charlotte, pseud., see Witzleben, Charlotte v. Wolzogen, Friederike Sophie Caroline Auguste v., bor7i V. Lengefeld. Agnes yon Lnien ; Ro Cordelia. mit einer einleitung von Robert Boxberger. Stuttg. [1884]. D. W2527 " " \Anon.} Leipz. 1840. 3 v. D. W2526 Wood, C: Buried alone ; a story by a new writer. [Anon.] Leipz. 1869.' S. W 2901 Wood, Ellen, born Price, mrs. H: Adam Grain- ger. Leipz. 1876. S. W 2551 Anne Hereford. Leipz. 1869. 3v.ini. S. W2552 Bessy Rane. Leipz. 1870. 8 v. in 1. S. W2553 The Channings. Leipz. 1863. 3v.ini. S. W2554 Same, germ. Die Channings. Aus dem eng- lischen von A. Kretzschmar. Leipz. 1863. 4v. S. W2554 Dene Hollow. Leipz. 1871. 3 v. in 1. S. W2555 East Lynne. Leipz. 1861. 3 v. in 3. S. W2556 Same. Leipz. 1861. 3 v. S. W 2556 Same. Chicago. 1883. D. W 2556 Same. N. Y. n. d. D. W 2556 Edina. Leipz. 1876. 3 v. in 1. S W 2557 Elster's folly. Leipz. 1866. 3 v. in 1. S. W2558 The foggy night at Offbrd. Leipz. 1873. S. W2559 George Canterbury's will. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. inl. 8. W2560 Lady Adelaide's oath. Leipz. 1867. 3 v. in 1. S. W2561 Wood, Ellen, mrs. H: Continued. A life's secret. Leipz. 1867. S. W 2562 A light and a dark Christmas. Phila. n. d. O. W2563 Lord Oakburn's daughters. Leipz. 1864. 3 v. in 1. S. W 2564 Same. Phila. [1865]. S. W 2564 Martyn Ware's temptation. With her The foggy night at Offord. W 2559 Mildred Arkell. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. W2565 Mrs. Haliburton's troubles. Leipz. 1863. 8 v. in 1. S. W 2566 The night walk over the mill stream. With her The foggy night at OiFord. Leipz. 1873. S. "W 2559 Orviile college. Leipz. 1867. S. W 2567 Oswald Cray. Leipz. 1865. 2 v. in 1. S. W2568 Pomeroy Abbey. Leipz. 1878. 3 v. in 1. S. W2569 The Red Court farm. Leipz. 1868. 3 v. in 1. S. W 2570 Roland Yorke. Leipz. 1869. 3 v. in 1. S. W2571 St. Martin's eve. Leipz. 1866. 3 v. in 1. S. W2572 The shadow of Ashlydyat. Leipz. 1863. 8 v. in 3. S. W2573 Same, germ. Der schatten von Ashlydyat. Aus dem englischen von A. Kretzchmar. Leipz. 1864. 3 v. S. W 2573 Told in the twilight. Leipz. 1875. 3 v. in 1. S. W2574 ipz. W2575 V. in 3. S. W2576 Within the maze. Leipz. 1873. 8 v. in 1. S. W2577 Wood, G: Future life, or Scenes in another world. N. Y. 1858. S. W 2601 JVote. Also published under the title of The gates wide open. Modern pilgrims ; showing the improvements in travel and the newest methods of reach- ing the eternal city. Bost. 1855. 3 v. D. W 2602 Peter Schlemihl in America. Phila. 1848. D. W2603 Wood, Mrs. H:, see Wood, Ellen. Woodruff, Julia Louisa Matilda, (W. M. L. Jay). Holdenwith cords. N. Y. 1877. D. W^ 2651 Shiloh, or Without and within. N. Y. 1874. D. W2652 Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey, {Susan Coolidge). Cross Patch, and other stories, adapted from the myths of Mother Goose. 111. Bost. 1881. S. Wx 1201 Includes, Little Tommy Tucker. Hark, hark ! Miss Jane. The old woman who lived in a shoe. Simple Simon. Eyebright ; a story. 111. Bost. 1879. S. Wx 1203 For summer afternoons. Bost. 1876. T. W2701 Contents. Lotta's missionary field. An easter-egg. Under the sea. Edson's mother. Martin. One may day. The Gibraltars. Meta's wedding-. Bay- berry Bi-ook. A camp-meeting idyl. Blue-beard.- An aloe blossom.- Polly's pies. A Guernsey Lily, or How the feud was healed; a story for boys and girls. Bost. 1881. O. Wx 1204 1864. S. Verner's pride. Leipz. denotes books specially adapted for children. 01. 813, Authors. LITEBATURE FICTION. "Woolsey Yonge . 900 Woolsey, S. C, {Susan CooUdge). -Continued. Mischief's thanksgiving, and other stories. 111. Best. 1879. S. Wx 1205 Includes, Little Roger's night in the church. The world within the wall. How the umbrella ran away with EUie. Girls of the far north. Nanny's substi- tute. On top of the ark. Ricket's valentine. Christie. The new-year's bargain. Bost. 1878. S. Wx 1206 A round dozen. 111. Bost. 1883. S. Wx 1202 What Katy did ; a story. 111. Bost. 1879. S. Wx 1207 What Katy did at school. 111. Bost. 1884. D. Wx 1208 Woolson, Constance Fenimore. Anne ; a novel. 111. N. Y. 1882. S. W 2753 Castle Nowhere ; lake-country sketches. Bost. 1875. D. W 2751 Includes, Peter the parson. Jeannette. The old agency. Misery Landing. Solomon. Wilhelmina. St. Clair flats. The lady of Little Fishing. For the major ; a novelette. 111. N. Y. 1883. S. W 2754 Miss Grief. In Stories by american authors. S 35 v4 Rodman the keeper ; southern sketches. N. Y. 1880. D. W2752 Includes, Sister St. Luke. Miss Elizabetha. Old Gardiston. The south devil. In the cotton country. Felipa. "Bro". King David. Up in the Blue Ridge. Wright, Frances, see Arusmont, Frances d'. Wright, Henrietta Christian. Little folk in freen ; new fairy stories. 111. N. Y. 1883. 1883]. D. Wxl351 Wright, J. Hall. Ocean- work, ancient and modern, or Evenings on sea and land. N. Y. 1859. S. Wx 1301 Wright, Paul, pseud., see Wilson, F. T. Wulflf, Margarethe, {A. Stein). Little Anna ; a story for pleasant little children. Tr. from thegerman. Bost. n. d. S. Wx 1451 Wylde, Katherine. A dreamer. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. S. W 2801 Wyss, J: Rudolph, and Jeanne Isabelle Pauline Poller de Bottens dame de Crousaz ba- ronne de Montolieu. The swiss family Robinson, or Adventures of a father and mother and four sons in a desert island. 111. Phila. n. d. D. Wx 1501 Same. Phila. 1878. D. Wx 1501 Sam^; ed. for the use of schools by J. H. Stickney. [Classics for children.! Bost. 1885. D. Wx 1502 Note. For sequel, see Willis the pilot. Yates, Edmund Hodgson. Black sheep. Lond. 1872. D. ^ Y 101 Broken to harness ; a story of english domes- tic life. Chicago. 1883. D. Y 108 Dr. Wainwright's patient. N. Y. 1873. O. X.. . Y102 Kissm^ the rod. N. Y. 1866. O. Y 103 Pages in waiting; a novel. Lond. [18841. D. YllO Contents. Told in the twilight. Broad awake. Dreaming. -Two rocks.- From generation to genera- tion. Aged forty. Over pipes and palettes. On re- latives and connections. Summer days. Lady Greatheart's store.- Amusing "Mossoo". Our neigh- borhood. Invited and declining. On kicking up one s heels.-Put to the test. The houseless poor. The social position of actors.- My convict experi- ences. Then, and now. A righted wrong. Lond. 1871. D. Y 104 The rock ahead. Lond. 1869. D. Y 106 ac denotes books specially adapted for children. Yates, Edmund Hodgson. Continued. Running the 2;auntlet. Bost. n. d. D. Y 106 Same. Bost. 1866. D. Y 106 A silent witness. Leipz. 1875. 2 v. in 1. S. Y 109 The yellow flag. Bost. n. d. O. Y 107 Yelverton, Maria Theresa, born Longworth. Zanita ; a tale of the Yosemite. N. Y. 1872. D. Y 151 Yesterday ; an american novel. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1882. S. Y 11 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. The armourer's 'pren- tices ; [a novel of the early Tudor daysl. N. Y. 1884. D. Y 224 Beechcroft. N. Y. n. d. D. Y 201 Note. For continuation, see below The two sides of the shield. Ben Sylvester's word. With her The little duke. Yx 303 The caged lion. N. Y. 1870. D. Y 202 The castle builders. N. Y. 1855. D. Y 225 The chaplet of pearls, or The white and black Ribaumont. Lond. 1878. D. Y 203 The clever woman of the family. Leipz. 1865. 2 V. in 1. S. Y 204 The daisy chain, or Aspirations ; a family chronicle. N. Y. 1871. 2 v. D. Y 205 Same. N. Y. 1878. 2 v. D. Y 205 Note. For continuation, see The trial. The Danvers papers. Leipz. 1867. S. Y 206 The dove in the eagle's nest. Leipz. 1866. 2 V. inl. S. Y207 Same. T.p.w. Y 207 Dynevor Terrace, or The clue of life. Leipz. 1857. 2v. S. Y208 Heartsease, or The brother's wife. Leipz. 1855. 2 V. in 1. S. Y 209 Same. T. p. w. 2 v. D. Y 209 The heir of Redclyffe. Leipz. 1855. 2 v. in 1. S. Y210 Same. Lond. 1882. D. Y 210 N. Y. 1882. D. Y210 yerm. Der erbe von Redcliffe. Nach dem englischen. 2te aufl. Gotha. 1875. 2 V. inl. S. Y210 - Hopes and fears, or Scenes from the life of a spinster. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. S. Y 211 Kenneth, or The rear guard of the grand army. N. Y. 1855. D. Y 212 Lady Hester, or Ursula's narrative. Leipz. 1874. S. Y214 The lances of Lynwood. 111. N. Y. 1856. S. Yx304 The little duke, or Richard the fearless. Leipz. 1861. S. Yx 303 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. 111., new ed. Lond. 1881. S. Yx 301 Love and life ; an old story in 18th century costume. N. Y. 1880. D.* Y 215 Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. Y 215 Magnum bonum, or Mother Carey's brood. N. Y. 1880. D. Y 216 The mouth of the Leamy. Leipz. 1874. S. Y214 My young Alcides ; a faded photograph. N. Y. 1876. D. Y 217 Pickle and his page-boy, or Unlooked for ; a story. 111. N. Y. 1883. T. Yx 302 The pillars of the house, or Under wode, under rode. 111. Lond. 1882. 2 v. D. Y 218 Same ; 2d v. T. p. w. Y 218 The prince and the page. WitJi her The Dan- vers papers. Y 206 901 Yonge Zschokke . LITERATUIIE FICTION. CI. 813, Authors. 902 Yonge, Charlotte Mar j. Continued. Stray pearls ; memoirs of Margaret de Ribau- mont, viscountess of Bellaise. N. Y. 1883. D Y 233 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. . Y 223 The three brides. Lond. 1883. D. Y 219 The trial ; more links of " The daisy chain." 111. Lond. 1877. D. Y 220 The two sides of the shield; [a sequel to Beech- croft]. N. Y. 1885. D. Y 226 Unknown to history ; story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland, i^^. Y. 1883. D. Y 222 Same. N. Y. 1888. Q. Y 222 The young step - mother, or A chronicle of mistakes. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. 8. Y 221 joint author, see Awdry, Frances. Yorke, Stephen. Cleveden. N. Y. 1878. Q. Y251 Young, Betty. Ein vierteljahrhundert ; roraan. N. Y. 1882. F. Y351 Young, W: A toss up for a husband. In Maga stories. P 2801 Zacone, P: Zelle no. 7; roman in 3 b. N. Y. 1881. F. Z351 Zeising, Adolf, {Richard Morning). Joppe und crinoline. Leipz. 1865. D. Z 101 Zeller, Louise, horn Pichler. Bei lampen- und sternenschein ; erzahlungen. 2te ausg. Leipz. 1868. 2 v. in 1. S. Z 401 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 111. The red mantle. From the german by K. E. Heyser. Phila. [1884]. S. Px 1051 Ziehen, E: A: Philipp, {Edward Ellersherg). Ge- schichten und^ tsilder aus dem wendischen volksleben. Hannover. 2 v. in 1. D. Z 152 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 111. Wendische weiden ; erzahlungen aus dem wendischen volksleben. Frankfurt a. M. 1854. D. Z 151 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 111. Ziemssen, L: Bartolomaus von Brusehaver, Muss ma cussalin ; zwei historische novel- len. N. Y. 1888. F. Z 177 Umwege zum gliick ; roman mit einer einlei- tung von Hans Ziegler. Stuttg. 1888. D. Z176 Zitelmann, Ernst O: Konrad, {Konrad Telmann). Das iUngste gericht ; novelle. In Viertel- jahrl. mag. V 2 v22 Zitz, Kathinka Therese Pauline Modesta. born Halein. Erzahlungen und novellen; fremd und eigen. Niirnberg. 1845. 2 v. S. Z 201 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 111. ZOUner, Caroline v., born Grape, {Caroline v. Gohren). Die brautschau. Berlin. 1856. 2 V. S. G 1451 Frauenliebe und kiinstlerberuf. Hamburg. 1856. 2 V. S. G 1452 Zschokke, J: H: Daniel. The goldmakers' vil- lage. Tr. from the german. N.Y. 1857. S. Z310 Grossere novellen. Berlin. [1877]. 3v.ini. D. Z309 Note. For contents of this and following collec- tions, see Deutscher katalog, p. 111. Historische novellen. Berlin. [1877] . 3 v. in 1. D. Z 306 Humoristische novellen. Berlin. [18771. 3 v. in 1. D. Z 307 Incidents of social life amid the european Alps. Tr. from the german by L: Strack. N.Y. 1844. S. Z301 Kleinere novellen. Berlin. 1877. 3v. inl. D. Z308 Leaves from the journal of a poor vicar in Wiltshire. In Hedge, F: H: Prose writ- ers of Germany. 830.1 : 8 Novellen und dichtungen ; in 17 bandchen. lOte ausg. V. 6-17. Aarau. 1857. 11 v. S. Z302 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 111. The princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbiittel, and other tales. From the german by M. A. Faber. Leipz. 1867. S. Z 303 Includes, A new-year's eve adventure. The inn at Cransac. A Sylvester night's adventure. Tr. by H. B. W. Cine. 1884. D. Z 311 Der todte gast. With Kompert, L. Eine verlorene. K 1204 Same, eng. The dead guest ; a tale. Tr. from the german. N. Y. 1840. D. Z 312 Veronica, or The free court of Aarau. Tr. from the german bv the author of ' 'Giaf ar al Barmeki." N. X. 1858. O. Z 305 2. Titles. Note. The titles of short stories, forming part of collections which were entered in the german catalogue of 1882, are not repeated here. A. Gordon Pym. E. A. Poe. Abbe Constantine. L. Halevy. Abbe Tigrane, The. F. Fabre. Abbot. The. Sir W. Scott. Abdallah. E. de Laboulaye. Abduction, The. A. Leighton. in 1:5 v4 H476 FlOl S2001 li 151 in W 2202 v9 Ablest man in the world. The. E. P. Mitchell. in S 35 vlO About magnanimous Incident literature. S. L. Clemens. in C 1802 Abraham's offering. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. in-E 1205 Absent-minded fairy. The. M. Janvier. Vx 104 Absentee, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 405 Abstraction. The. T.Hood. in 820.2: 6 Abt, Der. Sir W. Scott. S 2001 Abtei Carrow. J. F. Smith. S 3501 Abu Telfan. W. Raabe. R 101 Accidentally overheard. H. E. Scudder. wS2101 Accompanied on the flute. F. A. Guthrie. in A 1328 Accursed race. An. E. C. Gaskell. in 0-411 Ace of clubs. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Achor. Mrs. S. R. G. Clark. C 1526 Achsah. W. M. F. Bound. B 2851 Achtspannig. J. Bank. B 351 Achtzehn humoristische erzahlungen. M. Jokai. J 1152 1812. L. Rellstab. B, 902 1813. L. F. StoUe. S5511 1830. J. Gundling. G3051 Acker im buchenwalde, Der. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2302 Across the chasm. J. Magruder. M 5051 Across the peat-fields. A. I. Ritchie. in R 1652 Same. in B. 1654 Actiengesellschaft, Eine. L. Schucking. S 1801 Adah. A. M. Gray. a 2101 Adam Bede. M. Cross, (George Bfiot). C 3151 Adam Bell. J.Hogg. in H 345 lv3 Adam Brown. H.Smith. S 3451 Adam Grainger. B. P. Wood. W 2551 Adam Scott. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v4 Adel. J. D. H. Temme. T551 Adela Cathcart. G. Macdonald. M 251 Adelaide. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Adelaide. C. Stock. S 5351 Adele. F. Stahr. S4651 Adelina Mowbray. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 653 v2 Adeline Pro tat. H. Murger. M 4801 denotes books specially adapted for children. 903 01. 813, Titles. I in R 622 Christie of the Cleek. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v9 Same. in W 2203 v3 Christine. L. Ernault. E 1301 Christine. F. Hardman. in T 176 v6 Christine. N.Perry. in P 1351 Christine Brownlee's ordeal. M.Patrick. P601 Christine Van Amberg. 8. d'ArbouvIUe. in A 1451 Christine's fortune. Mrx. H. B. Talcot. T 151 Christinens ralssgrlff. D. M. Cralk. C 2854 Christkind Agnes. M. Ring. R 1603 Christkindlein, Das. O. Lautenschlager. in L, 2302 Christliche familie. Die. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1458 Christmas at Thompson Hall. A. Trollope. in T 1637 Christmas banquet. The. N. Hawthorne, in H 2054 v2 Christmas books. C.Dickens. D 1322 Christmas carol, A. C. Dickens. in J 926 v5 Same. iii D 1303 Same. , in D 1322 Christmas day and all the year. F. B. Ames, comp. Ax 701 Christmas eve in war times. E. P. Poe. in R 2313 Christmas gift that came to Rupert, The. F. B. Hurte. in H 1554 Christmas guest. The. J. Hawthorne. i7i H 2006 Christmas holidays. Cousin Mary. Mx 577 Christmas in Narragansett. B. E. Hale. H 463 Christmas in possession. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1764 Christmas stories. C. Dickens and ot/iers. D 1323 Christmas waits in Boston. E. E. Hale. in H 452 Christnacht, Die. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2302 Christoph Pechlin. W. Raabe. R 103 Christowell. R. D. Blackmore. B 2307 Christus Judex. E. Roth. R 2701 Christy Carew. M.Hartley. L 251 Chronicle of Beam Island, The. W. Irving. in 1 402 Chronicle of Etheltted, The. A.. Manning. M 855 Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. W. Irving. I 404 Chronicle of the drum. The. W. M. Thackeray, in T 658 Chronicles of Carlingford. See Oliphant, M. O. Chronicles of the Canongate. Sir W. Scott. S 2007 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. E. Charles. 953 Chronicles of the Stlmpcett family. A. M. Diaz. Dx 458 Chronik der Sperlingsgasse, Die. W. Raabe. R 104 Chronological error, A. J. Payn. in P 811 vl Chumming with a savage. C. W. Stoddard, in J 926 vl8 Church Clavering. W. Gresley. iri 204: 16 Churchyard watch. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Cimaletti. T. Mundt. M 4651 Cinq-Mars. A. V. de Vigny. V 701 Circuit rider, The. E. Eggleston. E 651 Circumstance. H. P. Spofford. in S 4401 Citizen Bonaparte. E. Erckraann and A. Chatrian. E 1204 v4 Citoyenne Jacqueline. H. Keddie. K 1651 City of burlesque. The. C. H. Clark. in C 1476 Clan-Albyn. C.J.Johnstone. J 1101 Clara and Bebe. E. W. Kirk. K851 Clara Douglas, The story of. W. Logan, in W 2202 v4 Clara Vaughan. R. D. Blackmore. B 2302 Clara Vere. F. Spielhagen. S 4256 Clarimonde. T. Gaultier. in G 604 Clarinette. L. Bechstein. B 852 Clarissa. S.Richardson. R 1201 Same. (Condensed by C. H. Jones.) R 1202 Clarissa's choice. M. Argles. in A 1483 Claude Gueux. V.Hugo. 114851 Claudia. A. M. Douglas. D 1801 Claudier, Die. E. Eckstein. E 308 Claudlno. M. E. B. Bx 126 Claudino. H. Loo. in L. 851 v2 Claverings, The. A. Trollope. T 1608 Clear shining after rain. C. G. Hamilton. H 851 Clementine. F. Stahr. S 4655 Cleomenes. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Clergyman's tale. The. S. Lee. in L> 851 v3 Clerical murderer. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl5 Clerk of Porthwick. The. G. M. Fenn. F 352 Clove Hall. E. M. Sewell. S 2559 Clovedon. S. Yorko. Y251 Clover woman of the family. The. C. M. Yonge. Y 204 Cleverdale mystery. The. W. A. Wilkins. W 1826 Cliff-climbers, The. M. Reid. Rx 406 Clique of gold. The. E. Gaboriau. G 101 Clive's dream before the battle of Plassey. H. G. Kocno. in T 177 v5 Cloister and the hearth. The. C. Reade. R 602 Cloth of gold. E. 8. Phelps. in P 1453 Clouds and sunshine. C. Reade. R 603 Same. in R 622 Clough Flonn. J. Banlm. B 302 Cloven foot. The. M. E. MaxwelL 1*11756 Clover Beach. M.Janvier. Vx 101 Clovernook children. A. Cary. Ox 151 Clown's quest. The. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1790 Clytia. A. Hausrath. H 1876 Col M. C. Hay. in H 21 14 Same. in H 2118 Cobwebs and cables. H. Smith. S 3404 Cock-flght In Havana, A. in P 2802 Coelebs in search Of a wife. H. More. M 3501 Same. in 820.2 : 28 v2 Coincidences. in S 551 Cola der wolf. N. MIsasl. in M 2826 denotes books specially adapted for children. 91'? Cold Crooked. LlTERATtJRE-PICtlON. 01. 813, titles. 918 Cold heart, The. W. Haufl. mH1852 Same. in O 1001 Same, The marble heart. in Hx 553 Same, The stone-cold heart, in Hx 552 Colestine. J. Chowanetz. C 1351 College theatricals. J. K. Hosmer. in T 176 v2 Collegians, The. G. Griffln. G 2551 vl Collier family. The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. ,inM2776 Same. inP2126v2 Colomba. P. Merimee. M 2351 Colonel Dunwoddie. W.M.Baker. B 153 Colonel Enderby's wife. Mrs. W. Harrison. M 677 Colonel Eph's shoe-buckles. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 Colonel Peter Aston. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v6 Colonel's daughter. The. C. King. K 576 Colonel's opera cloak. The. C. C. Brush. B 3801 Colonic, Die. F. Gerstiicker. G710 Colonna, the painter. inl 176 vl Coloured scrap, A. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v2 Columbus. F. Wolfhagen. N 752 Comedy in a court-yard, A. J. Kavanagh. m K 310 Comet of a season, The. J. McCarthy. M 108 Cometh up as a flower. K. Broughton. B 3451 Comin' thro' the Rye. H. Reeves. R 3502 Coming into a fortune. H. Parr. in P 464 Coming race. The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4004 Common sense. E. Newby. N 226 Communipaw. W. Irving. in I 402 Comorn. M. Jokai. in J 1 1 54 Compensation. A. H. M. Brewster. B 3201 Con Cregan. C. Lever. L 1105 Condemned, The. A. Leighton. mW2202vl7 Confession. W. G. Simms. S 3007 Confession of a house breaker. The. S. O. Jewett. in J 804 Confession of a fair saint. J. W. v. Gothe. m 830.1: 8 Confessions of a frivolous girl. The. R. Grant. G 1976 Confessions of a phoenix. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2: 36 Confessions of an apostate. M. A. Sadlier. S 1 5 1 Confessions of an odd tempered man, The. A. Opic. in O 653 v3 Confessions of Con Cregan, The. C. Lever. L 1105 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt, The. F. Church. C1402 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, The. C Lever. Lllll Confessor, The. J. H. Michon. M 2626 Confidence. E.E.Hale. in H 451 Confidence. H. James, jr. J 302 Confidential agent, A. J. Payn. P 805 Confiscated weeds. The. J. Payn. in P 81 1 vl Conformity. C. E. Tonna. Tx 501 Congress and the Agapedome, The. W. E. Aytoun. in T 177 v2 Conquering and to conquer. E. Charles. C 954 Conquest and self-conquest. M. J. Mcintosh. Mx 201 Conrad Hagen's mistake. O. Roquette. R 2401 Conscience stricken. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v5 Conscript, The. H. Conscience. C 2251 Conscript, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1209 Conscript, The. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Consolations. E. Simcox. in S 2976 Constable de Bourbon, The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 564 Constable of the Tower, The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 565 Constance. H.Lee. inli851v2 Constance Herbert. G. E. Jewsbury. J 851 Constance Sherwood. G. C. Fullerton. F 1801 Consuelo. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2156 Consultation, The. C. de Bernard. in S 551 Contarini Fleming. B. Disraeli. D 1502 Contentment better than wealth. A. Haven. Hx601 Contes bizarres. L. A. v. Arnim. A 1577 Contrast, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 403 Contrast of wives. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl 1 Contrasts. M. R. Grendel. G 2301 Conversion of Northumbria, The. E. Charles, in C 955 Conversion of St. Vladimir. C 4 Convict, The. in W 2202 v22 Convict, The. G. P. R. James. J 245 Convicts and their children. The. B. Auerbach. A 1955 Convivialists, The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v2 Cooking club. The. E. Pratt. Px 701 Coquette's conquest, A. Basil. B 4653 Corinna, geim. A. L. G. de Stael-Holstein. S 4601 Corinne. A. L. G. de Stael-Holstein. S 4601 Cordelia. F. S. C. A. v. Wolzogen. W 2526 Corporal Bruce. G. B. Perry. P 1301 Corsar, Der. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2157 Corsican brothers. The. A. Dumas. D 2257 Corsische familie, Eine. A. Dumas. D 2257 Cosimo Vinci. T. Mugge. M 4203 Cossacks, The. Gra/ L. Tolstoi. T 1151 Costly heritage, A. A. O'Hanlon. O 261 Cottage by the river. The. in T177 vl 1 Cottage fireside. The. H.Duncan. Dx751 Cottage on the hill. The. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Cottagersof Glenburnie, The. E.Hamilton. Hx401 Cottar's daughter, The. in W 2202 vl5 Cotter, The. in T> 2401 Count Adelcrantz. W. E. Norris. in N 906 Count de Rochmont. in T 1*78 v3 Count Erbach. H. Nietschmann. N 5'7e Count Ernest's home, P. Heyse. in H 3001 Count Hugo. H. Conscience. C 2252 Count Kostia. V. Cherbuliez. C 1151 Count Mirabeau. T. Mundt. M 4655 Count of Monte-Cristo, The. A. Dumas. D 2258 Count Robert of Paris. Sir W. Scott. S 2008 Count Silvius. G.Horn. H4451 Count Waldemar. W. E. Norris. in N 906 Counterfeit presentment, A. W. D.Howells. 822.1:23 Counterfeiter, The. D.P.Thompson. in T 751 Counterparts. E. S. Sheppard. S 2702 Countess Gisela. E. John. J 909 Countess of Cassilis, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vie Countess of Charny, The. A.Dumas. D 2278 Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, The. Sir P. Sidney. S2876 Same. 23 : R Countess of Rudolstadt, The. A. L. A. Dudevant. D2161 Countess of Wmstonbury, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl Countess's ruby, The. J. Hawthorne. in H 2005 vl Country by-ways. 8. O. Jewett. J 803 Country doctor, A. S. O. Jewett. J 805 Country dreams and apparitions. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Country funeral, A. J.Hogg. in H 3451 v3 Country in danger. The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1204 v2 Country life. Cousin Mary. Mx 576 Country quarters. T. Martin. in W 2202 v4 Country stories. M. R. Mitford. in 820.2:27 Country stories. H. Parr. P 464 Coupon bonds. J. T. Trowbridge. T 1852 Court in Schoharie, The. P. Doming. in D 902 Courting of Mary Smith, The. F. W. Robinson. R1860 Courtship in 1730 and 1860. H. Smart. S 3201 Courtship of George Howard, The. C. Sealsfleld. in a 2202 Courtship of Ralph Doughby, The. C. Sealsfleld. in S 2202 Cousin from India, The. G. M. Cralk. Cx 726 Cousin Grace. R. S. Clark. Cx 454 Cousin Henry. A. Trollope. T 1609 Cousin John's property. in T 177 v7 Cousin Mattie. J.Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Cousin Phillis. E. C. Gaskell. G401 Cousin Polly's gold mine. A.E.Porter. P2151 Cousin Simon. C. C. Marsham. M 1351 Cousins. L. B. Walford. W 251 Cousins, The. Mrs. Eraser. in E 426 Cousins, The. M. J. Mcintosh. Mx 202 Covenanting family. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl4 Coward conscience. F.W.Robinson. R 1853 Cox's diary. W. M. Thackeray. in T 665 v4 Cradle of Logic, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Cradock Nowell. R. D. Blackmore. B 2303 Cranford. E. C. Gaskell. G 402 Craque-o'-doom. M. H. Catherwood. C 726 Crater, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2454 Cravens of Beech Hall, The. F. Guise. G 3001 Crazy Mar csa. M. Jokai. in J 1154 Cremona violin, The. E. T. A. Hoffmann.. in H 3359 vl Crew of the Dolphin. The. H. Smith. S 3401 Crichton. W. H. Ainsworth. A 566 Cricket on the hearth. The. C. Dickens. D 1303 Same. in D 1322 Crime of Christmas day, The. Hay Hunter and Walter White. M 94 Crime of Henry Vane, The. F. J. Stlmson. S 5202 Criminal from lost honour. F. Schiller. in O 1001 Same. in 830: R 153 v3 Same. in R 2451 Cripple, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v9 Cripps the carrier. R. D. Blackmore, B 2308 Crof ton boys, The. H. Martineau. Mx551 Cromwell. H. W. Herbert. H 2702 Crooked and straight. M. E. Berry. Bx 658 denotes books specially adapted for children. 919 CI. 813, Titles. LMERATtritE ]PlCTlOlJr. Crooked Deutsche. 920 in Ot 409 inW2202vlO S3126 GlOOl M. Craik. in C 2868 Wx 1201 in A 1483 F851 C2204 C3 Ax 553 Ax 552 in W 2203 v3 Crooked branch, The. E. C. Gaskell. Crooked Comyn, The. A. Leighton. Crookit Meg, The. J. Skelton. Cross of Berny, The. D. de Girardin. Cross on the Snow mountains, The. D. Cross Patch. S. C. Woolsey. Cross purposes. M. Argles. Cross purposes. C. Findlay. Crossed path, The. W. Collins. Crudest wrong of all. The. Cruise of the Canoe club. W. L. Alden. Cruise of the Ghost. W. L. Alden. Cruise of the Pibroch, The. Cruise of the Snowbird, The. G. Stables. Sx 1376 Cryptogram, The. J. De Mille. D 851 Cryptogram, The. J. Verne. Vx 301 v2 T 1853 B, 1553 Ax 504 M 151 S5976 454 i7iW2202vl5 E901 m 820.2: 28 vl C2801 in W 2202 v2 in C 1802 rypt iidjc Cudjo's cave. J. T. Trowbridge Culturgeschichtliche novellen. W. H. Riehl Cupid and Chow-Chow. L. M. Alcott. Cupid and the sphinx. H. McClellan. Cupid, M. D. A. M. Swift. Curate in charge, The. M. O. Oliphant, Curateof Govan, The, A.Campbell. Curates' discipline. The. E. Eiloart. Cure for melancholy, A. H. More. Cure manque, Le. E. de Courcillon. Cured ingrate. The. A. Leighton. Curious experience, A. S. L. Clemens. Curse of Scotland, The. A.Campbell. inW2202vl9 Curse of the Catafalques, The. F. A. Guthrie. in A 1328 Curse of the village. The. H. Conscience. C 2253 Cut by the county. M. E. Maxwell. M 1793 Cut on a gate. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Cyril Hamilton. C. R. Low. Lx451 Cyril Thornton. T.Hamilton. H951 Cyrilla. J. M. Tautphoeus. T 352 Czar Paul. T. Mundt. M 4652 Da capo. A. I. Ritchie. R 1658 Same. to R 1654 Same. to 111652 DabKinzer. W.O.Stoddard. Sx 1601 Daguerreotypen. K. L. Hencke. H2451 Dahcotah. M. H. Eastman. E 202 Daheim. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1402 Daily bread. E. E. Hale. in H 460 Daireen. F. F. Moore. M 3351 Daisies and buttercups. C. E. L. Riddell. B 1353 Daisy. S. Warner. W 826 Daisy Burns. J. Kavanagh. K 302 Daisy chain, The. C. M. Yonge. Y 205 Daisy Miller. H.James, Jr. J 311 Daisy Travers. A. F. Samuels. Sx 401 Daisy's necklace. T. B. Aldrich. A 751 Daltons. The. C. Lever. 1.1106 Dame, die er liebte, nannt' er nlcht, Die. K. F. A. War- tenburg. inV 2 v30 Dame in schwarz. Die. H 1 Dame Orange. H. Wachenhusen. W 160 Dame von stande, Eine. H 2 Damen auf reisen. J. D. H. Temme. T 553 Damen's ghost. E. L. Bynner. B 4501 Damocles. M. Veley. V 502 Damon Amor. J. K. A. Musaus. to M 4951 Dancin' party at Harrison's Cove, The. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Dandy drainer, The. m P 11 Dangerfleld's rest. H. Sedley. S 2301 Dangerous virtue, A. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2856 Dangerous wooing, A. B. Bjornson. in B 2160 Daniel Deronda. M. Cross. C 3152 Danvers papers. The. C. M. Yonge. Y 20Q Darien. E. B. G. Warburton. W 501 Daring fiction, A. H. H. Boyesen. in 3 35 vlO Dark days. F. J. Fargus. F 2002 Dark inheritance, A. M. C. Hay. in TL 2120 Dark maid of Illinois, The. J. Hall. in H 701 Dark night's work, A. E. C. Gaskell. Gt 403 Same. to 0-411 Darning-needle, The. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 754 Darnley. G. P. R. James. J 210 Daughter of an empress. The. C. Mundt. M 4556 Daughter of Bohemia, A. F. C. Fisher. F 952 Daughter of Heremon, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Daughter of Heth, A. W. Black. B 2202 Daughter of night. The. S. W. Fullom. F 1861 Daughter of the Philistines, A. H. H. Boyesen. B 2857 Daughter of the stars. The. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 Daughter of Tyrconnell, The. M. A. Sadlier. S 152 Davenport Dunn. C. Lever. L 1107 David Armstrong. D 1 X denotes books specially David Copperfleld. C. Dickens. David Elginbrod. G. Macdonald. David Lorimer. David Swan. N. Hawthorne. Same. Day in Venice, A. B. W. Procter. Day of late, A. E. P. Roe. Day of reckoning, A. H. Parr. Days of Bruce, The. G. Aguilar. D 1304 M254 in W 2202 v22 in H 2057 vl in J 926 v4 TO 824.2: 77 vl R2302 in P 469 A 401 Days of my life. The. M. O. Oliphant. O 455 Day's pleasure, A. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Day's ride, A. C. Lever. I, 1108 Dayspring. E.Marshall. M 1308 Deacon Crankey. G. Guirey. G 2901 Deacon's week. The. R. Cooke. C 2402 Dead alive, The. W. Collins. C 2205 Same. in C 2208 Same. in C 2228 Dead guest, The. J. H. D. Zschokke. Z 312 Dead lake, The. P. Heyse. H 3003 Dead man's face, A. F. J. Fargus. in F 2004 Dead men's shoes. J. R. Walworth. W 476 Dead men's shoes. M. E. Maxwell. M 1757 Dead-sea fruit. M. E. Maxwell. M 1758 Dead secret. The. W. Collins. C 2206 Dealings with the fairies. G. Macdonald. Mx 152 Dean's daughter. The. C. G. F. Gore. G 1661 Dean's watch. The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. inE 1205 Dean's wife. The. E. Eiloart. E 902 Dear lady Disdain. J. McCarthy. M 101 Dear relations. M. Jokai. in J 1 154 Dearly bought. C. L. Burnham. B 4303 Death-bed, The. A. Opie. in O 663 Same. in O 653 v2 Death of James L A. Leighton. inW2202vl5 Death of James IIL A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl6 Death of Samuel Pickwick, The. W. Besant and J. Rice. inB 1762 Debonham's vow. A. B. Edwards. E 502 Debit and credit. G. Freytag. F 1605 Death of the chevalier de la Beaute, The. in W 2202 v23 Debora. W. Miiller. M 4436 Decameron, The. G. Boccaccio. B 2486 Decision. B. W. Hofland. H 3401 De Cressy. M. A. Paul. P 701 Deep waters. A. H. Drury. D 1951 Deephaven. S. O. Jewott. J 801 Deer-slayer, The. J. F. ('ooper. C 2455 Deerings of Medbury, The. V. F. Townsend. T 1451 Deformed, The. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1263 Deformed, The. M. F. Tytler. in E 426 Delaplaine. M.T.Walworth. W451 Deldee. F. Warden. W 628 Deleware. G. P. R. James. J 242 Delicia. B. M. Butt. B 4401 De I'Orme. G. P. R. James. J 21 1 Delphine. A. L. G. de Stael-Holstein. S 4602 Dely'scow. R.T.Cooke. in C 2401 Democracy. D 2 Demon of Cawnpore. The. J. Verne. Vx 304 vl Dene Hollow. E. P. Wood. W 2555 Denis Donne. A. Cudlip. C 3302 Denis Duval. W. M. Thackeray. T 663 Denise. M. Roberts. R 1802 Denksteine. C. A. v. Wachsmann. W 201 Denkwiirdigc vorladung, Eine. W. Fischer, in V2 v36 I'ennis Haggarty's wife. W. M. Thackeray. in T 660 Same. in T 665 v8 Dennis O'Shaughnessy. W. Carleton. in C 654 Denounced, The. J. Banim. B 303 Denslow palace. The. J. D. Whelpley. in A 1876 Denver express. The. A. A. Hayes. in S 35 v6 Deodand. W. H. Bishop. in B 2104 Deodat's priifungen. 0. Lautenschlager. in L 2304 De profundis. W. Gilbert. G851 Der mit dem bann belegte. T. G. Rudbeck. B 2951 Derry. C. E. Tonna. T 1226 Descent into the maelstrom. E. A. Poe. in 820. 1 : 6 v3 Desdemona. M. ('. Clarke. in C 1651 vl Desert, The. H. de Witt. in W 2351 Desert of ice. The. J. Verne. V 559 Desert sands. H. P. Spofford. in S 4401 Desmond hundred. The. J.G.Austin. A 2104 Desperate remedies. T. Hardy. H 1201 Desultory man. The. G. P. R. James. J 244 Detective's tale. The. A. Leighton. in W 2222 v21 Detmold. W. H. Bishop. B 2101 Deutsch und slavisch. J. Gundllng. G 3057 Deutsche abende. B. Auerbach. A 1956 Deutsche Icbensbilder. F. Stahr. 8 4658 Deutsche lebensbilder. F. Wolfhag-en, N 768 adapted for childreo. 921 Deutsche Dorfgeschicliten. LITERATTTRE FICTION". CI. 813, Titles. 022 Deutsche llebe. F. M. Muller. M 4351 Same. in 8 6603 Deutsche Michael, Der. A. E. Brachvogel. B 2903 Deutsche opfer. K. Wartenburg. W 1001 Deutsche Pickwickler. L. F. Stolle. S 5513 Deutsche ploniere. F. Spielhagen. S 4252 Deutsche schiitzen-, turner- und lieder-bruder. D 3 Deutsche volksmarchen. J. K. A. Musaus. M 4951 Deutschen auswanderei-, Die. F. Gerstacker. in G 723 Deutseher adel. W. Raabe. R 105 Deutscher herzog, Bin. T. Mundt. M 4663 Deutseher mondschein. W. Raabe. R 106 Deutsches schneiderlein, Bin. F. I. Proschko. P 2652 Deutschland gegen Frankreich. C. Mundt. M 4557 Deutschland in sturm und drang. See Mundt, C. Deutschlands ehre. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1526 DeVere. R.P.Ward. W601 Devereux. B. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4006 Devereux Hall. C. A. Southey. in T 176 v2 Devil in manuscript, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2069 Devil in the belfrey, The. B. A. Poe. fn820.1:5v3 Devil's chain, The. E.Jenkins. J 651 Devil's frills. The. in T 177 v8 Devil's mark. The. H. Parr. in P 469 Devil's portrait. The. A. G. Barrili. B 628 Dewdrops and diamonds. E.Marshall. 11x451 DiCary. M.J.Thornton. T 851 DiVasari. C.Edwards. mT176v8 Dialect tales. K. S. McDowell. M 326 Diamantknopt'e, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. in V 2 v23 Diamantschleifer, t)er. H. v. Rosenthal-Bonin. B 2551 Diamond cut diamond. T. A. Trollope. T 1801 Diamond eyes, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v22 Diamond lens. The. F. J. O'Brien. in A 1876 Same. in O 126 Diana. S. Warner. W 827 Diana, lady Lyle. W.H.Dixon. D 1601 Diana of the crossways. G. Meredith. M 2302 Diana von Lys. A. Dumas, flls. D 2351 Diane. K. S. Macquoid. M 602 Diane Cory val. D 17 Diary of a late physician. S. Warren. W 902 Diary of a man of fifty, The. H. James ,jr. J 303 Same. in J 309 Same. mJ311 Diary of a superfluous man. The. I. S. Turgenief. T2111 Dice, The. T. De Quincey. m 330: 14 Dichter und apostel. E. A. Willkomm. W2051 Dichter und kaufmann. B. Auerbach. A 1967 Dick Cheveley. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 457 Dick Halliday's wife. N.Perry. mP1361 Dick Netherby. L. B. Walford. W 255 Dicke trompete. Die. A. v. Winterfeld. to W 2260 v3 Dick's wandering. J. Sturgis. S 58'j'6 Did he take the prince to ride? E. E. Hale. in H 460 Diddie, Dumps and Tot. L. C. Pyrnelle. Px 1001 Dieb und sein kind, Der. J. D. H. Temme. T 563 Dilemma, The. M. Argles. in A 1483 Dilemma, The. T. Hood. in 820.2 : 36 Dllettanten, Die. F. Stahr. S 4666 Dimitri Roudine. I. S. Turgenief. T 2101 Diner, Bin. A. L. Kielland. in K 1704 Dingy house at Kensington, The. D 19 Dinner-party, A. J. Bddy. in S 36 v2 Dinner speaking. B. B. Hale. in H 460 Diogena. F. Stahr. S 4669 Diothas, The. Ismar Thiusen. T 726 Diptych, A. B. Simcox. in S 2976 Disappointing boy, A. J. Sturgis. rnT177vll Disarmed. M. B. Betham-Edwards. 13 566 Disasters of Johnny Armstrong, The. A. Campbell. mW2202 vl Discovery. The. T.Hood. in 820.2: 36 Dishonest farmer. The. H. D. in D 2401 Disowned, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4006 Dissolved pledge. The. O.Richardson. mW2202vl9 Dissolving views. Afrs. A. Lang. Li401 Distracted young preacher. The. T. Hardy. H 1202 Disturbed vigil, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Diver and the bell. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v3 Divinity student. The. M. M. Moir. in W 2202 v5 Do not even the publicans the same. H. E. Scudder. in S 2101 Doctor Antonio. G. Rufflni. R 3051 Doctor Ben. D 21 Doctor Breen's practice. W. D. Howells. H 4769 Dr. Bullivant. N. Hawthorne. in H 2061 Dr. Carrick. M. B. Maxwell. in M 1790 Doctor Claudius. F. M. Crawford. C 3027 Doctor Dobbie. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v21 Doctor Faustu 8. j?iR2451 Dr. Gilbert's daughters. M. H. Mathews. Mx 601 X denotes books specially Doctor Grattan. W. A. Hammond. H 1077 Doctor Grlmshawe's secret. N. Hawthorne. H 2058 Dr. Heidegger's experiment. N. Hawthorne. in H 2067 vl Dr. Howell's family. H. B. Talcot. T 162 Doctor Jacob. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 652 Dr. Jex's predicament. K. S. McDowell. in M 326 Doctor Johns. D. G. Mitchell. M 2851 Doctor L'Estrange. A. Lyster. L 2201 Doctor Marigold. C.Dickens. in J 926 vl8 Doctor Marigold's prescriptions. C. Dickens and others. D 1324 Doctor Oldham. C.S.Henry. H2601 Doctor papa. R. S. Clarke. Cx 470 Dr. Sevier. G. W. Cable. c 104 Doctor Thorne. A. Trollope. T 1610 Doctor Vandyke. J. B. Cooke. C 2361 Dr. Wainwright's patient. E, H. Yates. Y 102 Dr. Wortle's school. A. Trollope. T 1611 Doctor Za, germ. B. S. Phelps. in V 2 v31 Doctor Zay. E. S. Phelps. P 1456 Doctor's daughter. The. R.S.Clarke. Cx478 Doctor's family. The. D. M. Craik. in C 2856 Doctor's family, The. M. O. Oliphant. in O 476 Doctor's wife. The. M. B. Maxwell. M 1769 Documents in the case. The. J. B. Matthews and H. C. Bunner. in S 36 vl Same. in M 1501 Dodd family abroad. The. C. Lever. li 1109 Dodge club. The. J. De Mille. D 852 Dog of Flanders, The. L. de la Rame. in R 156 Same. in J 926 vlO Dog without a tail, A. R. E. Francillon. in T 177 v6 Doge and dogess, The. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 v2 Doge und papst. F. v. Reitzenstein. R 877 Dog's mission A. H. B. Stowe. Sx 1701 Doherty. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Doing his best. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 807 Doings of the Bodley family. H. B. Scudder. Sx 807 Doktor Melchior. F. Stahr. S 4684 Dokument, Bin. C. Bauer. B 652 Dolf's big brother. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Some. in H 2120 Dollars and cents. A. B. Warner. W 802 Dollie and the two Smiths. in T 1'77 v6 Dolliver romance. The. N.Hawthorne. in H 2051 Dolly. F.H.Burnett. B4251 Dolly. N.Perry. in P 1351 Dolly's charge. B. Marshall. Mx 426 Dolmetsch, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v4 Same. in V 2 v28 Dolmetscher, Der. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 2204 Dolph Heyliger. W. Irving. in I 402 Domain of Arnheim, The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Dombey and son. C. Dickens. D 1306 Dombey und sohn. C. Dickens. D 1305 Domestic heroine, A. H. Hays. Hx 727 Domestic stories. D. M. Craik. C 2855 Domestic tales. H. More. Mx851 Domestic tragedy, A. C. V. Hamilton. in H 903 Dominie and the souter. The. J. Wilson. in W 2202 vl3 Dominie of St. Fillan's, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v20 Dominie's class. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202;vl 1 Don Enrique de Ramiro. A. Kiihne. D 1202 Don John. J. Ingelow. I 201 Don Quixote. M. de Cervantes-Saavedra. C 801 Same. Cx 176 Donagh, The. W. Carleton. in C 554 Donal Grant. G. Macdonald. M 270 Donald and Dorothy. M. M. Dodge. Dx 552 Donald Gorm. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v2 Same. in W 2203 v3 Donna Quixote. J. McCarthy. M 102 Doom of the Grifliths, The. E. C. Gaskell. in G 41 1 Doom of Soulis, The. J. M. Wilson. iji W 2202 v8 Doomed. P. Heyse. in H 3003 Doorstep acquaintance. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Doppelganger, Der. T. Mugge. M 4204 Doppelgiinger, Die. L. Schiicking. S 1808 Doppelleben. W. v. Hillern. h:3152 Doppelte regiments-commandeur, Der. A. v. Winter- feld. in W 2260 v8 Dora. J. Kavanagh. K 303 Dora Darling. J.G.Austin. A 2105 Dorcas. G. M. Craik. C 2902 Dorcas. N. C. Kouns. K 1751 Dorchester polytechnic academy. J. DeKoven. D 776 Dorfbrutus, Bin. J. Rank. R 358 Dorfgeschichten aus Norwegen. M. Tboresen. T 901 adapted for children. 923 Ci. 613, Titled. litTfiBATtjiliJ FICTION. JDorfsciiwalben felfln . 9^4 Dorfsehwalben aus Oesterreich. A. Silberstein. S2951, S2952 Doris. M. Argles. A 1485 Doris and Theodora. M.Janvier. Vx 105 Dorothe. W. Hiiring. H 1252 Dorothea. C. H. Patchin. P 526 Dorothy. M.A.Paul. P 702 Dorothy Forster. W. Besant. B 1760 Dorothy Fox. L. Parr. P 501 Dorothy's daughters. E. Marshall. M 1306 Dorothy's venture. M. C. Hay. H 21 15 Dosia. A. Durand. D 2552 Dot and line alphabet. The. E. E. Hale. in H 452 Dotty Dimple. R. S. Clarke. Cx 456 Double-bedded room, The. W. Logan. in W 2202 v5 Double house, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2853 Same. in S 551 Double play. W.Everett. Ex 301 Double-runner club. The. B. P. Shillaber. Sx 1001 Double story, A. G. Macdonald. Mx 155 Double veil, The. P. B. Perkins. in P 2801 Double wedding, A. C. A. Warfleld. W 701 Doubles. C. Reade. mB,617 Same. in R 621 Doubt, A. F. C. Fisher. in F 953 Doubting heart, A. A. Keary. K 352 Dournof. A. Durand. D 2553 D'outre mort. H. P. Spotford. in J 926 v2 Dove in the eagle's nest, The. C. M. Yonge. Y 207 Down the ravine. M. N. Murfree. Mx 1051 Draft on the bank of Spain, A. S. W. Mitchell. in M 2901 Dragon fang. The. F. J. O'Brien. in O 126 Dragonnades, The. E. Gilliat. G 926 Draxy Miller's dowry. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 vl Drayton. D 4 Dreadful ghost, A. D. M. Craik. in C 2870 Dream, The. A.Campbell. wW2202vl3 Same. in W 2203 v3 Dream chintz, The. M. A. P. Maekarness. Mx 251 Dreamland by daylight. C Chesebro'. C 1201 Dream life. D. G. Mitchell. M 2852 Dream-woman. The. W. Collins. in C 2208 Dreamer, A. K. Wylde. W 2801 Dreamthorp. A. Smith. in J 926 v4 Dred. H. B. Stowe. S 5655 Dreifedern. W. Raabe. 11107 Drei frauen in Smaland. C. J. L. Almquist. A 901 Drei freunde. T. Miigge. M 4205 Drei genrebilder. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1403 Drei jahre von dreissigen. L. Rellstab. R 901 Drei kiisse. D. v. Gerhard. G- 676 Drei musketiere. Die. A.Dumas. D 2292-D 2294 Drei sinnige erzahlungen. K. Miiller. M 4802 Drei starke manner. A. Dumas, fiU. D 2355 Dreimal zehn jahre. J. Stinde. in V 2 v29 Dreiundneunzig. V. Hugo. H 4854 Drift from two shores. F. B. Harte. 111551 Drifting down Lost Creek. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Drifting round the world. C.W.Hall. 3x251 Drink, my brother. G. Griffln. in G 2555 Same. inG2551v5 Drinkers of ashes. C. V. Hamilton. in H 903 Dritte stand, Der. F. Stahr. S 4657 Driven back to Eden. E. P. Roe. Rx 676 Droich, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v7 Drowne's wooden image. N. Hawthorne, in H 2054 v2 Druckende verhiiltnisse. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v5 Drummer boy. The. J. T. Trowbridge. T 1854 Duchess Emilia, The. B.Wendell. W 1216 Duchess of Mazarin, The. D 5 Duke Humphrey's dinner. F.J. O'Brien. in 126 Duellists, The. in T 176 vlO Due de I'Omelette, The. E. A. Pee. in 820.1: 5 v3 Duke of Monmouth, The. G. GrifiHn. G 2552 Same. G 2551 v6 Duke's children, The. A. TroUope. T 1612 Duke's dilemma. The. in T 176 v4 Dukesborough tales. R. M. Johnston. J 1076 Dulder und renegaten. A. Meissner. M 2068 Dumb love. J. K. A. Musiius. in 830.1 : 8 Same, The dumb lover. in R 2451 Dun, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 403 Duncan Campbell. J.Hogg. in H 3451 v3 Duncan McArthur. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v8 Duncan Schulebred's vision of judgement. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v5 Dunen- und berggeschichten. F. Stahr. S 4660 Dunkelgraf, Der. L. Bechstein. B 853 Dunklethat, Eine. L. Schiicklng. S 1807 Dunklethaten. C. F. Grieb. G2451 Dunst. I. S. Turgenief. T 2105 Dura Den. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v9 Durch arbeit frei. M. Calm. in H 2501 Durch die zeitung. E. A. S. v. Dincklage-Campe. D1401 Durch nacht zum licht. F. Spielhagen. S 4259 Durch's leben iiberwunden. J. C. Jeaffreson. J 551 Dust. B. Bjornson. in B 2159 Dust. J. Hawthorne. H 2007 Dutch dominie, The. D. Murdock. M 4751 Dutchman's fireside. The. J.K.Paulding. P751 Dwarf's nest. The. F. W. Hacklander. in H 314 Dynamite cartridge. The. F. G. Teetzel. Tx 226 Dynevor Terrace. C. M. Yonge. Y 208 Each and all. J. Andrews. Ax 801 Eagle and the Hon, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in L, 357 Eagle's nest. The. B. Bjornson. in B 2160 Earl Hubert's daughter. E. S. Holt. H 3954 Early dawn. The. E. Charles. C 955 Early friendships. E. Copley. Cx 651 Early recollections of a son of the hills. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v4 Earnest trifler. An M. A. Sprague. S 4501 Earnestness. C. B. Tayler. T401 Earth's holocaust. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 v2 East Lynne. E. P. Wood. W 2556 Foster egg. An. S. C. Woolsey. i7) W 2701 Easter holiday. An. J. Payn. in P 81 1 vl Easter trip of two ochlophobists. The. in T 177 v9 Ebb tide. F. C. Fisher. F 953 Ebbe und fluth. J. F. Smith. F 3502 Ebon Jackson. R. F. Cooke. in C 2401 Echo of passion. An. G. P. Lathrop. L 654 Echoing and re-echoing. L H. Foster. Fx 601 Echt conservativ. Rodt-Calkum. in V 2 v83 Eclipse. E. Simcox. in S 2976 Eddies round the rectory. O. Varra. V 451 Edelweis. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1762 Edelweiss. B.Auerbach. A 1958 Edgar Wayne's escape. A. Allardyce. in T 177 v7 Edict, The. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Edina. E. P. Wood. W 2557 Edith Linsey. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Edmund Dantes. D 2259 Edson's mother. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Edward Drysdale. in P 2802 Edward Fane's rosebud. N; Hawthorne, in H 2057 v2 Edward Meyers. J. F. Cooper. C 2466 Edward Randolph's portrait. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Edwin Brothertoft. T. Wlnthrop. W 2302 Edwin Drood. C. Dickens. D 1313 Egoist, The. G.Meredith. M 2301 Egotism. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 v2 Egyptian princess, An. G. Ebers. E 251 Ehefabrikanten, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. ^"2251 Ehre. B. Riisler. R 2627 Ehre vater und mutter. O. Lautenschlager. L 2301 Ehresburg, Die. F. Schilling. S 1201 Eichofs, Die. V. griifln Bethusy-Huc. R 801 Eichofs, The. V. graftn Bethusy-Hue. R 801 Eight cousins. L. M. Alcott. Ax 508 Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. J. Verne. Vx301 vl Eigne und fremde welt. F. W. Hacklander. H 301 Ein friihllng. W. Raabe. R 108 Eine unter tausenden. G. P. R. James. J 234 Ein wort. G. Ebers. E 258 Eingebildeter lieutenant, Ein. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v6 Eingemauerte madchen, Das. A. Bauerle. B 701 Eiserne halsband, Das. W. Herchenbach. H 2776 Ekhof und seine schiiler. O. Miiller. M 4404 Ekkehard. J. V. v. Schetfel. S 1051 ElFureidis. M.S. Cummins. C 3451 Elba und Waterloo. L. F. StoUe. S 5514 Elder's wife. The. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 vl Eleanor Maitland. C. E. Waters. C 1826 Eleanora. E. A. Poe. in 820. 1 : 5 v3 Eleanor's sieg. M. E. Maxwell. M 1760 Eleanor's victory. M. E. Maxwell. M 1760 Eleanor's visit. J. H. Matthews. Mx 657 Eleazar. F. v. Uechtritz. U 101 Electioneerin' an Big Injun mounting. M. N. Murfr(!0. in M 4776 Elective affinities. J. W. v. Gothe. G 1651 Same. in G 1652 Elegant Tom Dillar. C. F. Briggs. in P 2801 Eleonore. E. v. Ingersleben. I 227 Eleventh commandment. The. A. G. Barrili. B 627 Elfln tree, The. F. W. Hacklander. in H 314 ; denotes books epeclally adapted for children. 925 Elflnland-Europaisches. LITERATTJBE FICTION. CI. 813, Titles. Elflnland. J. L. Tieck. in 830.1 : 8 Same. in E 426 Same. in P 2126 v3 Elfriede. H. W. Hanke. H 1103 Eli. H. W. Chaplin. in S 35 v9 Eliane. P. Craven. C 3004 Elinor Dryden. K. S. Macquoid. M 603 Elinor Fulton. H.F.Lee. L 826 Elinor Travis. S.Phillips. i)iP1601 Elisabeth. 8. R. Cottin. C 2651 Elisabeth. A. Dorle. D 1751 Elisabeth Charlotte. A. v. Sternberg. S 5052 Elisabeth von Guttenstein. C. Pichler. P 1652 Elisabeth von Oestrelch. C. Dorlem. D 251 Elisabetta Sirani, The story of. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Elise. Ferdinand*** F401 Elixiere des teufels, Die. E. T. A. Hoffmann. H 3351 Elixir of life. The. N. Hawthorne. H 2056 Elizabeth. S. Cottin. C 2651 Elizabeth Bleylock, The case of. K. S. McDowell. in M 326 Elizabeth von Guttenstein. C. Pichler. P 1652 Elkaiiah Brewster's temptation. C. Nordhoff. in N 801 Same. in A 187 Q Elkanah Smithers, jr. in P 2802 Ellen Arundel. W. Logan. in W 2202 v9 Ellen Middleton. G. C. Fullerton. F 1802 Ellen Wareham. E.Pickering. P 1751 Ellice Quentin. J. Hawthorne. H 2005 Elm Island stories. E. Kellogg. Kx 205-Kx 210 Else. A. L. Kielland. K 1701 Else Hohenthal. A. Kiihne. D 1203 Elsie Dinsmore. M. Finley. Fx 252 Elsie Venner. O. W. Holmes. H 3851 Elsie's children. M. Finley. Fx 257 Elsie's girlhood. M. Finley. Fx 254 Elsie's motherhood. M. Finley. Fx 256 Elsie's Santa Claus. J. H. Matthews. Mx 659 Elsie's womanhood. M. Finley. Fx 255 Elspeth Grant. G. M. Craik. mi C 291 1 Elster's folly. E. P. Wood. W 2558 Elves, The. J. L. Tieck. in E 426 Same. inP2126v3 Same. in 830.1 -.8 Embroideries of Treviso, The. P. Heyse. in H 3002 Emerald, The. E. Sargent, ed. S 551 Emerald studs, The. W. E. Aytoun. in T 176 v6 Emigrants, The. F. Hoffmann. Hx 880 Emilia Wyndham. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1255 Emilie. W. Lorenz. L 1901 Emilie. F. Stahr. S4661 Emilie De Coulanges. M. Edgeworth. in E 405 Emilie Wyndham. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1255 Emily Chester. A. M. Seemiiller. S 2351 Emissar, Der. L. Sacher-Masoch. S 102 Emma. J.Austen. A 2051 Same, [condensed]. in A 2055 Emma von Finkenstein. J. C. v. Schmid. in L 2305 Emmeline. M. Brunton. B 3751 Emperor, The. G. Ebers. E 254 Emperor's picture. The. W. Haufif. in H 1852 Empress, The. G. J. Bennett. B 1401 Empty heart. The. M. V. Terhune. T 603 Emsland-bilder. E. A. S. v. Dincklage-Campe. D 1402 Encantadas, The. H. Melville. tu M 2253 Enchanted beauty. The. W. Elder. E 951 Enchanted castle. The. J. L. Tieck. in P 2126 vl Enchanting and enchanted. F. W. Hackliinder. H 314 Encounter with an interviewer, An. S. L. Clemens. inC 1802 End of a coil. The. S. Warner. W 828 End of a fairy tale, The. M. C. Hay. in H 2 1 1 2 Same. iiH2121 End of New York, The. P. Benjamin. in S 35 v5 End of the world. The. E. Eggleston. E 652 Endicott and the red cross. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Endyraion. B.Disraeli. D 1503 Engelid. B. MoUhausen. in S 6101 English Daisy Miller, An. V. W. Johnson. J 1003 English family Robinson, The. M. Reid. B,x407 Ennui. M. Edgeworth. in E 403 Entail, The. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 vl Entfiihrung, Die. J. K. A. Musaus. in M 4951 Enthusiast, The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 vl4 Entangled. E. F. Byrrne. B 4802 Entscheidende augenblick, Der. P. A. Wegener. W1201 Entwendete brief, Der. E. A. Poe. in P 1976 Epheuranken. C. A. v. Wachsmann. W 202 Epicurean, The. T.Moore. M 3401 Episode of Fiddletown, An. F. B. Harte. in H 1556 Episodes in the lives of men, women and lovers. E. Simcox. S 2976 Er kehrt zuriick. W. Lorenz. li 1904 Erbe, Das. J. F. Smith. S 3503 Erbe von Betty's Ruh, Der. P. Lange. L 502 Erbe von Hornegg, Der. L. Schiicking. S 1809 Erbe vonMartella, Der. H. Dohm. D 1726 Erbe von Redclyffe, Der. C. M. Yonge. Y210 Erbe von Sigmundskron, Der. W. Herchenbach. in a 2779 Erbe von Weidenhof , Der. F. v. Pelzeln. P 3201 Erben des steinernen gastes. Die. C. Spindler. S 4316 Erben des wahnsinns. Die. T. Marx. M 1426 Erben von Wollun, Die. L. Reinhardt. R 852 Erbgraf, Der. A. Becker. B 953 Erbgraf, Der. O. v. Planckner. E 751 Erbin von Red Dog, Die. F. B. Harte. H 1559 Erbin wider willen, Die. S. Schumann. J 1451 Erbschaft in Kabul, Die. L. F. Stolle. S 5515 Brdbeben von Caraccas, Das. W. R. Heller. H 2327 Ereigniss aus dem leben des herrn John Oakhurst. F. B. Harte. H 1558 Erema. R. D. Blackmore. B 2304 Erfiillte verspi-echen, Das. J. Frey. in- M 4436 Eric. F. W. Farrar. Fx 151 Eric Dering. M. Ararles. in A 1483 Erich Randall. T. Miigge. M 4206 Erinnerungs-bliitter aus dem leben eines criminalisten. L. Reinhardt. R 853 Eritis sicut Deus. E. Canz. C 301 Brl-king's daughter. The. in P 2126 v3 Erlebnisse einer schutzlosen, Die. K. Sutro-Schiicking. S5952 Erlebnisse eines arztes. E. D. Mund. M 4501 Erlebtes. F. W. Hackliinder. H 303 Erlebtes und getraumtes. E. v. Bibra. B 1851 Erloserin, Die. F. Stahr. S 4662 Erma's engagement. E 1 Ernest Maltravers. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4007 Same, pt. 2. B 4001 Ernst Adair. C. S. Brooks. B 3427 Ernst Maltravers. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4007 Eroberung von Algier. P. F. W. Oertel. in O 853 Eroberung von Granada, Die. W. Irving. I 404 Erotion. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Erring, yet noble. I. G. Reed. R 701 Ersilia. E. F. Poynter. P 2352 Erste raub an Deutschland, Der. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1527 Erstgeburtsrecht, Das. C. G. F. Gore. G 1552 Erziihlungen beim licht. C. Spindler. S 4304 Erziihlungen des priesters Ottmar, Die. O. Lautenschla- ger. in I, 2304 Erzahlungen eines alten herrn. G. K. O. v. Struensee. S 5852 Erziihlungen eines alten mannes. I. S. Turgenief . T2108 Erzherzog Johann und der herzog von Reichstadt. C. Mundt. M 4559 Erzherzog Johann und Metternich. C. Mundt. M 4560 Rrzstufen. H. T. v. Schmid. S 1406 Es geht an. C. J. L. Almquist. A 902 Esau Hardery. W. O. Stoddard. S 5502 Esau Runswick. K. S. Macquoid. M 609 Escape, The. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Esflra. T 82 Eskdale herd-boy, The. M. Blackford. Bx 751 Eskdalemuir story, The. in W 2203 v3 Esperance. M.W.Lawrence. L 751 Estelle Russell. E 2 Ester Ried. I. M. Alden. A 701 Esterka Regina. K. E. Franzos. in F 1903 Esther. F. S. Compton. C 3951 Esther Hill's secret. G. M. Craik. C 2903 Esther Pennefather. A.Perry. P 1251 vl Esther Wynn's love-letters. Saxc Holm, in H 3753 vl Ethan Brand. N. Hawthorne. in J 926 vl Same. in H 2059 Ethel Churchill. L. E. Landon. in 820. 2 : 20 Ettore Fieramosca. Marcliesa d'Azeglio. A 2202 Etwas auf dem gewissen. L. Schiicking. S 1828 Etwas liber pferde. A. v. Wlnterfeld. . in W 2261 v2 Eugen Aram. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4008 Eugen Stillfried. F. W. Hackliinder. H 302 Eugen von Kronstein. C. Spindler. S 4327 Eugene Aram. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4008 Eugene Pickering. H. James, jr. in J 309 Same. in J 305 Eugenia. F. H. K. de la Motte Fouqu. in L 357 Eugenie. B. M. Butt. ^ 4402 Eunice Lathrop. A.L.Noble. ^ 602 Eurich, der prlester der gothen. A. Herculano. H 2801 Europiiisches sklavenleben. F. W. Hacklander. H 304 denotes books specially adapted f qr cUUdreu. 927 CI. 813, Titles. LITERATURE FICTION. Europeans Father's . 928 Europeans, The. H. James, .jr. J 304 Eustace diamonds. The. A. TroUope. T 1641 Eustachius. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1452 Same. in B 580 Eustis. E. A. Boit. B 2601 Eutaw. W. G.Simms. S 8004 Eva. E. G. B. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4009 Eva Effingham. J. F. Cooper. C 2458 Evangeliste, L'. A. Daudet. D 459 Evelina. F. d'Arblay. A 1402 Evelyn Marston. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1262 Evenings at Donaldson Manor. M. J. Mac Intosh. m:401 Evenings at home. J. Aikin and A. L. Barbauld. Ax 401 Every man his own letter-writer. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Every string broken. C.V.Hamilton. in H 903 Evil is wrought by want of tdought. in D 1326 Ewan M'Gabhat. J. Hogg. in H 3451 vl Ewige jude, Der. E. Sue. S 5901 Examen zur kriegsschule, Das. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v4 Excellent opportunity, An. in D 1326 Excellent opportunity. An. J. Kavanagh. tnK310 Excellenz will heirathen. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v4 Exchange no robbery. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 355 Exchange of animals. C. Reade. tnR617 Same. in 11621 Executor, The. A. F. Hector. H:2210 Exiles, The. T. A. L. Robinson. B 1951 Exiles, The. V. Tissot a)id C. Amero. T 2126 Exiles in Babylon. C. M. Tucker. Tx 901 Expectant, The. E. Pickering. P 1752 Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, The. T. G. Smollett. S 3751 Experience of life. The. E. M. Sewell. S 2551 Experiences of Sylvie Delmare, The. J. Kavanagh. mK310 Experimenter. The. J. Howell. in W 2202 v3 Expiated. H. Prior. P 2626 Extracts from the diary of brother Bartholomew. E. Charles. in C 960 Eye for an eye, An. A. Trollope. T 1613 Eyebright. S.C. Woolsey. Wx 1203 Eyre's acquittal. H. B. Reeves. R 3506 F. Grant and co. G. L. Chaney. Cx 201 F. Smith. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Same. in W 2004 Paa's revenge. The. J. M. Wilson. W 2202 vl Fabled stories from the zoo. A. Alberg. Ax 451 Fabrikanten und arbeiter. A. Schirmer. S 1251 Face illumined, A. E. P. Roe. R 2303 Face to face. R. E. Francillon. F 1506 Fact and Action. L. M. Child. C 1302 Facts concerning the recent carnival of crime in Con- necticut, The. S. L. Clemens. in C 1802 Facts in the case of M. Valdemar, The. E. A. Poe. m820.1:5v3 Faded leaf of history, A. R. H. Davis. in J 926 vlO Fahrt in den Maelstrom, Fine. E. A. Poe. in P 1976 Fahrten eines musikanten. L. Bechstein. B 854 Fahrten und abenteuer. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2852 Fainalls of Tipton, The. V. W. Johnson. J 1004 Fair, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v4 Fair barbarian, A. F. H. Burnett. B 4252 Fair country maid, A. E. F. Byrrne. B 4801 Fair god, The. L. Wallace. W 302 Fair Helen of Kirconnel. A. Lelghton. in W 2202 v9 Fair Kate, The. P. Heyse. in H 3002 Fair maid, A. F. W. Robinson. R 1857 Fair maid of Cellardykes, The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 vl Fair maid of Perth, The. Sir W. Scott. S 2009 Fair philosopher, A. Mrs. E. H. Hammond. H 1026 Fair puritan. The. H. W. Herbert. H 2703 Fair saxon, A. J. McC^arthy. M 103 Faire gospeller. The. A. Manning. M 854 Fairies' warning. The. J. Brougham. in 927.1: 7 Fairport nine. The. N. Brooks. Bx 902 Fairy book. R. S. Clarke. Cx 455 Fairy book. The. D. M. Craik. Cx 701 Fairy-flnder, The. 8. Lover. , in J 926 vl2 Fairy gold. E. W. Kirk. K 855 Fairy of the moonbeam. The. Mrs. E. T. Corbett. Cx686 Fairy tale, A. J. W. v. Gothe. in Gr 1652 Fairy tales. H. C. Andersen. Ax 763 Fairytales. Comt68e d'AuInoy. Ax 951 Fairy tales. E. Laboulaye. Lx 701 Fairytales. E. Segur, Sx851 Fairy tankard. The. F. W. Hacklander. in H 314 Faith and unfaith. M. Argles. A 1478 Faith Gartney's girlhood. A. D. T. Whitney. W 1451 Faith Unwin's ordeal. G. M. Craik. C 2904 Faithful Eckart, The. J. L. Tieck. in R 2451 Faithful lover, A. K. S. Macquoid. M 609 Faithful servant. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Faithful wife, The. A. Lelghton. in W 2202 v23 Same. in W 2203 v3 Falconberg. H. H. Boyesen. B 2851 Falkenberg. M. P. R. S. Blaze de Bury. B 2426 Falkland. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4010 Same. in B 4011 Same, germ. m B 4002 Fall Marie Roget, Der. E. A. Poe. in P 1976 Fall of Damascus. C.W.Russell. B 3251 E. A. Poe. in J 926 v2 in 820.1: 5 v3 in P 2802 P806 C2207 B3676 in H 2777 J 213 J 212 in 829.2: 17 inTx 501 iti T 177 v3 R 1301 Fall of the house of Usher, The, Same. Fall of the janissaries, The Fallen fortunes. J. Payn. Fallen leaves, The. W. Collins. Falsche wege. I. B. Brun. Falschmiinzer, Die. W. Herchenbach. Fiilschung, Die. G. P. R. James. False heir, The. G. P. R. James. False one. The. A. Jameson. Falsehood and truth. C. E. Tonna. Falsely accused. Familie Crevecoeur, Die. M. Richter. Pamilie Falkensward, Die. W. F. Palmblad. Familie H., Die. F. Bremer. Pamilie Joufifroy, Die. E. Sue. Familie SchoUer. A. Glaser. Familie Schonberg-Cotta, Die. E. Charles. Familien Walseth und Leith, Die. H. Stoffens Familiensohne, Die. E. Sue. Familienvermachtniss, Das. leben. Family feud, A. L. Harder. Family feud, A. G. Kinkel. Family feud. The. T. Cooper. Family fortunes. I. F. Mayo. Family in love, A. i). M. Craik. Family incidents. T. Gillespie. Family of the cold feet, The. J K. L. F. W. G. Family secret, A. F. Andrews. Family secret. The. W. Collins. Famous victory, A. Fanatiker der Cevennen, Die. E. Sue. Fanchette. Fanchon. A. L. A. Dudevant. Fancy's Showbox. N. Hawthorne. Fanny's birthday gift. J. H. Matthews. Fanshawe. N. Hawthorne. Fantine. V. Hugo. Far from home. A. Kiihne. Far from the madding crowd. T. Hardy, Farewell appearance, A. F. A. Guthrie. P302 B3152 S5902 GllOl C953 . S4801 S5903 V. Alvens- S2451 H5351 inT 177 vll C2498 M 1902 in C 2853 W 2202 v7 and M. Banim . in B 307 A 1201 in C 2220 F 1 S5904 F5 D2158 in H 2057 vl Mx654 H2051 H4853 vl D 1210 H1203 in A 1328 Farmer Bassett's romance. Saxe Holm, in H 3753 v2 Farnell's Folly. J.T.Trowbridge. T 1858 Farquharson of Inverey. Sir T. D. Lauder. in E 426 Fascinating woman, A. J.Adam. A 176 Fashionable sufferer, A. A. Hoppin. H 4426 Fashionable wife, The. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 653 vl Fast friends, J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 808 Fatal bath. The. T.Hood. in 820.2: 36 Fatal boots. The. W. M. Thackeray. in T 665 v3 Fatal cradle, The. W. Collins. in C 2228 Fatal curiosity. The. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Fatal fortune. W. Collins. in C 2228 Fatal marksman. The. in P 2 1 26 v3 Fatal marksman. The. T. Do Quincoy. in 330: 14 Fatal repast. The. in T 176 vlO Fatal secret. The. inW 2203 v3 Fatality. J. Brougham. in 927.1:7 Fate, The. G. P. R. James. J 255 Fate of madame La Tour, The. C. Paddock. P 176 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys, The. R. G. White. W 1426 Fated to be free. J. Ingelow. I 202 Father, The. B. Bjornson. inB 2160 Father and daughter. F.Bremer. B3151 Father and daughter, The. A. Opie. i( O 653 Same. in O 653 v3 Father Brighthopes. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 817 Father Darcy. A. C. Marsh-('aldwell. M 1256 Father Tom and the pope. S. Ferguson. i^i J 926 v9 Same. inT 176 v3 Fathers and sons. L 8. Turgenief. T2102 Father's story, A. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in H 2121 denotes books specially adapted for children. 929 Faustus Fotmd. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Titles. Faustus and queen Elizabeth. in T 176 v2 Fearful responsibility, A. W. D. Howells. H 4753 Feast of cranberries, The. in P 2801 Feathertop. N. Hawthorne. H 2054 vl Feinewelt. M. Ring-. 111604 Feldblumcn. F. WolfhaRen. N 755 Feldrain und waldweg. L. Anzengruber. A 2251 Feldschers erziihlung-en, Des. Z. Topellus. T 1251 Felicia. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 553 Felicitas. F. Dahn. D 104 Same. in V 2 v30 Felicitas. E. Wille. W 1901 FelinadeChambure. A.Dumas. D 2260 Felipa. C. F. Woolson. in W 2752 Felix Holt. M. Cross, {Gmrae Eliot). C 3153 Female ward, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2004 Fenian alarm, A. in T 177 vlO Fenton's quest. M. E. Maxwell. M 1761 Ferdinand Fathom. T. G. Smollett. S 3754 Ferdinand Fitzroy. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in 824.2: 18 v4 Fermata, The. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 vl Fern leaves. S. P. Parton. P 551 Fernand Duplessis. E. Sue. S 5905 Fernand, der seerauber. P. F. v. Kerckhoven. K 451 Fernando. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1453 Same. S 1459 Feme stimmen. W. Raabe. R 109 Fessenden's. J.T.Trowbridge. wT1852 Festival, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2203 vl4 Same. in W 2203 v3 Fettered for life. L. D. Blake. B 2351 Feuerreiter, Der. E. Ambach. in A 952 Feuerspritze, Die. E. Eckstein. E 304 Feuilleton, A. H. D. W. in T 177 v8 Few days, A. M. C. Hay. i?i H 21 12 Sam. in H 2119 Few days in Athens, A. F. d'Arusmont. A 1801 Few words on social philosophy, A. in T 176 vl 2 Fldeicommiss von Waldemarsburg, Das. C. A. Wetter- bergh. W 1404 Fidelity. B. Bjornson. in B 2160 Field of terror. The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in R 2451 Sam.e. in P 2126 v3 Fifteen days. M. L. Putnam. P 3051 Fight for him, A. F. W. Robinson. in R 1858 Fight for a wife, A. W. Black. in B 2209 Fighting the air. F. Church. C 1403 Figs and thistles. A. W. Tourgee. T 1352 Fi-ho-ti. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in 824.2 : 18 v3 File no. 113 E. Gaboriau. G 102 Filigran. L. Schucking. S 1810 Film of gossamer, A. E. M. Gierke. in T 178 v3 Flna. A. I. Ritchie. in R 1652 Same. in R 1654 Fina's aunt. A. J. Ritchie. in R 1654 Finden's tableaux. M. R. Mitf ord. in 820.2 : 27 Finding his level. J. Payn. in P 81 1 vl Finette. M. E. Ropes. Rx 701 Finglash und Maria Stormont. F. Gleich. 0-1251 Fire worship. N. Hawthorne. in 2564 v 1 Firelight stories. L. C. Moulton. Mx 954 Fireside book, A. C. B. Tayler. Tx 153 First and last. W. Mudford. in T 176 v4 First and last crime. The. in T 176 vl 1 Firsc and second marriage. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl9 First-foot, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vlO First impressions. S.S.Ellis. Ex 251 First love. R. Lindau. in L, 1404 First love is best. M. A. Dodge. D 1651 First violin. The. J. Fothergill. F 1401 Fisehermadchen, Das. B. Bjornson. B 2151 Fischer's tochter. Das. J. van Rotterdam. R 2801 Fisher-maiden, The. B. Bjornson. B 2151 Fisherman of Auge, The. K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Fitz-Boodlo papers. The. W. M. Thackeray. in T 665 v7 Five little peppers. H. M. Lothrop. Sx 2001 Five little southerners. M. W. Porter. Px 651 Five o'clock in the morning. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Fixed period. The. A. TroTlope. T 1636 Flag of truce, The. S. Warner. Wx 204 Flambartin. W. Herchenbach. iyi H 2777 Flatternde blatter. E. Eckstein. E 305 Flaxie Frizzle. R. S. Clarke. Cx 469 Flaxie Frizzle stories. R. S. Clarke. Cx 469-Cx 474 Flaxie growing up. R. S. Clarke. Cx 474 Fleeing from fate. L. C. Moulton. in M 4102 Fleeing to Tarshish. F.H.Ludlow. id L 2101 Flegeljahre. J. P. F. Rlchter. 830: 142 v20, 21 Flensborg. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v4 Fleurange. P. Craven. C 3002 Fleurette. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 Fliegende holliinder. Her. A. E. Brachvogel. B 2905 Fliehende hollander, Der. A. v. Sternberg. S 5057 Flight of a tartar tribe. T.DeQuincey. in 824.2: 34 vl Same. in J 926 vl Flip. F. B. Harte. H 1566 Flirtation camp. T. S. Van Dyke. V301 Flitch of bacon. The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 567 Flitters, Tatters and the counsellor. M. Hartley. L 253 Floating beacon. The. in T 176 vl Floating city, A. J. Verne. V 664 Floating prince. The. F. R. Stockton. Sx 1501 Florence. M. E. Hammond. H 1051 Florian and Crescence. B. Auerbach. i7iA1066 Florian Geyer. W. R. Heller. H 2328 Florida pirate. The. in T 176 v9 Floshend inn. The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl3 Flote des grafen Schwiilenberg, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v2 Flower and weed. M. E. Maxwell. M 1785 Same. M 1790 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. J. P. F. Rlchter. R 1251 Flower garden. The. C. E. Tonna. Tx 504 Flower of doom. The. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 559 Flower of the family. The. E. Prentiss. Px 801 Flower pictures. E. Polko. Px 551 Floyd Grandon's honor. A. M. Douglas. D 1812 Flucht von der Harzburg, Die. M. Wirth. W 2326 Fliichtling, Der. B. MiiUhausen. M 3051 Flussplraten des Mississippi, Die. F. Gerstacker. G711 Fo Hi, The miseries of. F. Sarcey. S 501 Foe in the household. The. C. Chesebro'. C 1202 Foggy night at Ofiford, The. E.P.Wood. W 2559 Following on to know. F 3 Fool of Five Forks, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1556 Foolish girl, A. N. Perry. in P 1352 Foolish virgin, A. E. Weed. W2951 Fool's errand, A. A. W. Tourgee. T 1353 Foot-prints on the sea-shore. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 " For a dream's sake." M. E. Martin. M 1402 For better, for worse. M. V. Terhune; in T 603 For cash only. J. Payn. P 824 For her dear sake. M. C. Hay. H!2104 For lack of gold. C. Gibbon. G- 807 For love and life. M. O. Oliphant. O 456 " For Percival." M. Veley. V 501 For richer, for poorer. H. Parr. P 460 For summer afternoons. S. C. Woolsey. W 2701 For the king. C. Gibbon. GSIO For the major. C. F. Woolson. W 2754 Forayers, The. W. G. Simms. S 3003 Forbidden fruit. F. W. Hacklander. H 305 Fords of Galium, The. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Foregone conclusion, A. W. D. Howells. H 4754 Forest days. G. P. R. James. J 214 Forest exiles. M. Reid. Rx 408 Forest Glen series. E. Kellogg. Kx 223, Kx 224, Kx 226 Forest life. G. M. Kirkland. K 752 Forest voices. G. H. G. zu Putlitz. P 2776 Foresters, The. B. Auerbach. A 1959 Foresters, The. J.Wilson. "W2151 Forever and ever. F. Church. C 1404 Forger, The. A. Campbell. inW2202vl2 Forgiven at last. J. R. Walworth. W 477 Forrest-race romance. The. in T 176 v8 Forresters. M. Edge worth. i7i E 401 Forstersbraut, Die. O. MGUer. M 4405 Forsthaus, Das. A. Bolte. B 2651 Forsthaus, Das. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1207 Fortnight at the Dead Lake, A. P. Heyse. in H 3003 Fortunate island. The. C. H. Clark. C 1476 Fortunat. A. v. Sternberg. S 5053 Fortune's fool. J. Hawthorne. H 2008 Fortune's marriage. G. M. Craik. C 2916 Fortunes of Fairylore, The. W. Haufl". in M 2776 Fortunes of Glencore, The. G. Lever. L 1 1 10 Fortunes of Nigel, The. Sir W. Scott. S 2010 Same. in 3 2027 Fortunes of Rachel, The. E. E. Hale. H 462 Fortunes of the Scattergood family. The. A. Smith. S3301 Fortunes of William Wighton, The. J. Howell. in W 2202 v2 Forty-five guai-dsmen. The. A. Dumas. D 2261 49. C. H. Miller. M 2703 Forty-seven renins. The. A. B. Mitford. in J 926 vl 1 Foster-brother, The. T. Hunt. H 5051 Foul play. G. Reade and D. Boucicault. R 615 Found and lost. M. G. Putnam. in P 2801 denotes books specially adapted for children. 931 CI. 813, Titles. IiITERATTJIlE FICTION. Found Gefangen. 932 Found at Blazing Star. P. B. Harte. in H 1566 Found dead. J. Payn. P 807 Foundling-, Tiie. in W 2203 v3 Foundling at sea, The. A. Campbell, in "W 2202 vl8 Fountains, The. S.Johnson. in 820.2: 13 vl Four-flfteen express. The. A.B.Edwards. in E 510 Same. in J 926 v8 Four-leaved clover, A. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 v2 Four Macnicols. W. Black. Bx 727 Four meetings. H. James, jr. in J 313 Four seasons. The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. L 358 Frage, Eine. G. Ebers. E 252 Fox-hunting. C. A. Stephens. Sx 1408 Framley parsonage. A. Trollope. T 1614 Francesca Carrara. L. E. Landon. in Ij 401 Same. in 820.2: 26 Francesco der almosenganger. N. Misasi. in M 2826 Franctireurs, Die. F. Gerstaeker. in P 1951 Frank Fairlegh. F, E. Smedley. S 3226 Frank Finnegan. W. Carleton. i?i C 555 Frank Mildmay. F. Marryat. 111203 Fi-ank Hedclifife. A. Daunt. Dx 126 Frank Warrington. M Harris. H 1351 Frankenstein. M. W. Shelley. S 2601 Frankreich gegen Deutschland. C. Mundt. M 4562 Franz Rakoczy. C. Mundt. M 4563 Franz Sternbald's wanderungen. J. L. Tieck. 830:148 vl6 Franzosen in Hamburg, Die. H 5 Franzosisches landschloss, Ein. T. Mundt. M 4654 Fraternal magnanimity. F. v. Schiller. in R 2451 Frau biirgermeisterin. Die. G. Ebers. E 257 Frau des gesandten. Die. C. G. F. Gore. G 1553 Frau des ministers, Die. F. Friedrich. F 1701 Frau hammerschmiedin. Die. A. Silberstein. S 2952 Frau in weiss, Die. W. Collins. C 2226 Frau meisterin. C. Mundt. M 4564 Frau bkonomierath, Die. F. Elling. in M 4452 Frau von Stael. A. Bolte. B 2652 Frauengrosse. G. E. Opiz. O 701 Frauenkrieg, Der. A. Dumas. D 2262 Frauenleben. A. Dumas, ^fs. D 2352 Frauenliebe und kiinstlerberuf. C. v. Zollner. G- 1452 Frauenraub, Der. T. G. Rudbeck. B 2951 Fraulein von Malapeire. H. E. F. Reybaud. R 1001 Fraulein v. St. Amaranthe, Das. K. R. v. Gottsehall. a 1676 Fred and Maria and me. E. Prentiss. P 1456 Fred Bradford's debt. J. H. Mathews. Mx 653 Frederick the groat. C. Mundt. M 4554 Frederico und Alfonso. F. Bourier. B 2826 Free, yet forging their own chains. M. A. Roe. 112351 Freebooter of Coldstream, The. in W 2203 v3 Freedom Wheeler's controversy with Providence. R. T. Cooke. in W 2401 Free thinker, The. S. Phillips. in P 1601 Freibeuter, Der. L. Storch. S 5551 Freien schutzen. Die. J. Rudolphi. R 3001 Freiherr von Hostiwin, Der. A. Meissner. M 2053 Freiherren von Falkenberg, Die. J. I). H. Temme. T555 Freiknecht, Der. L. Storch. S 5552 Freimaurer, Die. F. G. Kiihne. K 1451 Fremde, Die. C. V. Le P. d'Arlincourt. A 1551 Fremder vogel, Ein. C. Elster. in V 2 v30 Fremdling von Alsen, Der. G. H. Mellin. M 2102 French country family, A. H. de Witt. Wx 1001 French prisoner in Russia, The. F 4 French spy, The. G. Courtilz de Sandras. C 2826R Frenchman's tale. The. H. Lee. in L 851 v2 Freres, The. A. F. Hector. H 2207 Fresh-water fisherman. The. M. Mitford. in E 426 Fround Wispermann. K. Zitz-Halein. Z 201 Freunde, Die. E. O'ltzel. O 301 Freundin Napoleons, Eine. W. Lorenz. L 1902 Freundinnen, Die. H. W. Hanke. H 1 104 Fridolin. C. Spindler. S 4305 Frldolln's mystical marriage. A. Wilbrandt. W 1776 Friedel. P. P. W. Oertel. O 851 Friedel und Oswald. H. T. v. Schraid. S 1407 Friedensengel, Der. P. Lange. I, 503 Frledensstorer, Ein. V. Bluthgen. B 726 Friedhofs-blume. W. v. Hillern. H3155 Friedrich der grosse und seine geschwister. C. Mundt. 114565 Friedrich der streltbare. C. Pichlor. P 1653 Friedrich von Zollorn. C. F. Griesinger. in G- 2501 Friedrich's II. einzige liebo. W. Lorenz. L 1903 Friend and lover. I. D. Hardy. H 1151 Friend Barton's concern. M. IL Foote. in S 35 v4 Friend Eli's daughter. B.Taylor. in A 1876 Friend Fritz. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1202 Friend of my youth, The. T. B. Aldrich. in A 752 Ax 206 in D 2401 P1461 A 1752 in H 460 in L, 861 vl Friend or foe. H. C. Adams. Friendly farmer. The. Friends. E. S. Phelps. Friends and neighbors. T. S. Arthur. Friends' meeting. E. E. Hale. Friend's tale, The. H. Lee. Friesen in Rom, Die. J. van Lennep. L 96S Fritz Beutel. H. Marggraff. M 1101 Fritz Stilling. P. Lange. I, 508 Frohnleichnamsfest, Das. O. Lautenschlager. in li 2308 Frolenhaus, Das. G. H. G. zu Putlitz. in S 4262 From a back window. F. B. Harte. in H 1568 From a mournful villager. S. O. Jewett. in J 808 From dreams to waking. E. L. Linton. L 1462 From exile. J. Payn. p 808 From first to last. H. Parr. in P 469 From generation to generation. E.Yates. in Y 110 From generation to generation. Lady A. Noel. N 701 From hand to mouth. A. M. Douglas. D 1802 From hay-time to hopping. Afiss Coulter. C 2751 From jest to earnest. E. P. Roe. R 2304 From my youth up. M. V. Terhune. "T 604 From nowhere to the north pole. T. Hood. Hx 926 From post to finish. H. Smart. S 3202 From powder-monkey to admiral. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx455 From the earth to the moon. J. Verne. V 552 From the Hudson to the Neva. D. Ker. Kx 376 From the rank. J. Payn. i;fP812 From the wings. B. H. Buxton. B 4455 Frozen deep, The. W. Collins. C 2208 Same. in C 2228 Friihlingsbotn. E. Biirstenbinder. B 4356 Friihlingstraum, Ein. A. Kiihne. D 1204 Fuga^e. H. Wilke. K 1401 Fugitive, The. G. Aguilar. i A 403 Fugitive, The. J.M.Wilson. in W 2202 vl8 Same. in W 2203 v3 Fugitives, The. M. O. Oliphant. Q 457 Fiinfte frau. Die. E. A. S. v. Dincklage-Campe. D 1403 Funke, Ein. B. E. Fornell. M 4701 Fur country. The. J. Verne- V 563 Fiir stadt und land. C. Spindler. S 4306 Fiir stille abende. L. Storch. S 5553 Furchtlos und treu. W. F. Vollmer. V 902 Furioso. W. Miiller von Konigswinter. M 4452 Fiirst, Der. C. F. Ridderstad. R 1401 Fiirst Mitternacht. C. T. Heyne. B 2801 Fiirst und musiker. M. Ring. R 1610 Fiirst von Montenegro, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. W 2256 Fiirsten und dichter. C. Mundt. M 4566 Fiirstenhaus, Das. L. T. Bernhardi. B 1551 Fiirstensohn, Der. F. Schregel. S 1701 Fiirstentag, Der. L. Bechstein. B 855 Future life. G.Wood. W 2601 G. B. C, The. J. Payn. G. T. T. T. Hughes, ed. Gabriel. S. Kohu. Gabriel Conroy. F. B. Harte. Gabriel Lambert. A. Dumas. Gabrlele. E. H. Dedenroth. in P 811 vl Hx 1054 K 1101 H 1552 in D 2257 P 1951 Gabrlele Mlmanso. C. J. L. Almquist. A 904 Gabrielle. A. Durand. D 2554 Gabriello de Bourdanie. Mrs. J. K. Spender. S 4203 Gaiety and gloom. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Galeei-ensklave, Der. L. Storch. in S 5558 Galileo Galilei. M. Raven. R 501 Galizische goschichten. L. Sacher-Masoch. S 103 Gambler's luck. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 v2 Game hen. The. M. Hartley. in L 253 Garden party, A. D. M. Craik. in C 2870 Garibaldi. H. Rau. R453 Garman and Worse. A. L. KioUand. K 1702 Garman und Worse. A. L. Kielland. K 1702 Gartenlaubenbliithen. E. Biirstenbinder. B 4353 Garret van Horn. J. Payn. P 826 Garter, The. H. Neele. in 820.2 : 17 Garth. J. Hawthorne. H 2002 Gasselbuben, Die. H. T. v. Schmld. S 1408 Gates ajar. The. E. S. Phelps. 249 : 21 Gathered fragments. J.A.Clarke. C 1601 Gaudelius Enzian, Fahrten und abenteuer des M. (J. K. Horlossohn. H 2852 Gawk, The. B. Auerbach. in A 1965 Gayworthys, The. A. D. T. Whitney, W 1452 Gebannt und erlost. E. Biirstenbinder. B 4358 Gebirgs-sagen. H. Steffens. S 4802 Gebriider Koltrum, Die. L. Reinhardt. R 854 Gedenkbliitter aus dem zwanzlgsten Jahre. A. de Ia\- martlno. * L 303 Gofangen und bcfrelt. R. Resler. R 2628 denotes books speclaliv adapted for children. Geheime Goldkafer. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Titles. 1)34 Geheime geschichten der lieblinge der fursten. G- 1 Geheimniss der alten mamsell, Das. E.John. J 908 Geheiinniss der stadt. Das. F. W. Hackliindor. H 312 Geheimniss von Deadwood, Das. F. B. Harte. H 1560 Geheimnlsse der Bastille, Die. A. Gardonni^re. M3851 Gehcimnissc der Bastille, Die. K. Miiller. M 4303 Geheimnissc der inquisition. Afrrie. Suberwick. F 451 Geheimnisse einor kloinen stadt. A. v. Wintert'eld. W2252 Geheimnisse elnes alten koffers, Die. W. Herchenbach. in H 2780 Geheimnissvoller grenadier, Ein. A. v. Wintert'eld. in W 2260 v5 Geheimnissvolle sangerin, Die. C. Bauer. B 653 Geheimrath, Der. M. Ring. R 1605 Geheimsecretar, Der. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2160 Geier-Wally. Die. W. v. Hillern. H3153 Geisterhaus in New York, Das. M. F. Anneke. A 1301 Gelbe grafln. Die. A. v. Sternberg. S 5054 Geld. K. Frenzel. in V 2 v36 Geld und arbeit. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1405 Geld und t'rauen. G. Hooker. H:3201 Geld und herz. J. Chowanetz. C 1352 Geldkrlsis, Die. H 3 Geldverleiher, Der. C. G. F. Gore. O- 1554 Gelebt und gelitten. H. Wachenhusen. W 152 Gemeuchelter dichter, Ein. A. v. Winterfeld. W 2259 Gemini. E. Fox. F 1451 Gemsjagd in Tyrol. Eine. F. Gerstiicker. in G 714 General Franco. F. Gerstiicker. Q- 712 Geneva's shield. W. M. Blackburn. B 2236 Genevieve. A. de Lamartine. L 301 Genovefa. A. de Lamartine. L 301 Genrebilder. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1403, W 1406, W 1412 Gentle belle, A. F. C. Fisher. F 954 Gentle boy, The. N.Hawthorne. mH2057vl Gentle savage. The. E. King. K 626 Gentleman beggar, The. in D 1326 Gentleman of leisure, A. E. Fawcett. F 202 Gentleman of Sarsar, The. K. S. McDowell, in M 326 Gentleman of the old school. The. G. P. R. James. J 215 Gentleman von der alten schule, Der. G. P. R. James. J215 Geoffrey and Garcinde. P. Heyse. in H 3002 Geoffrey Hamlin. H. Kingsley. K 705 Geography of an irish oath. W. Carleton. in C 554 Geordie Willison. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v6 Georg Volker. O. Miiller. M 4406 George Bailey. Oliver Oldboy. O 401 George Canterbury's will. E. P. Wood. W 2560 George Cardwell. N. D. Morgan. M 3551 George Caulfleld's .iourney. M. E. Maxwell, in M 1790 George Geith. C. E. L. Riddell. R 1351 George Howard, esq. C. Sealsfleld. in S 2202 George Julian. H. Cockton. C 2001 George Silverman's explanation. C. Dickens. tnD 1313 George Van Brugh's mistake. H. B. Pritchard. P 3001 Georgia scenes. A. B. Longstreet. Q- 1 1 Georgians, The. Mrs. E. H. Hammond. H 1027 Georgina's reasons. H. James, jr. in J 313 Gerald. E.C.Price. P 2526 Gerald Estcourt. F. Church. C 1402 Geraldine and her suitors. M. C. M. Simpson. S 3076 Geraldine Hawthorne. B. M. Butt, B 4404 Gerard's marriage. A. Theuriet. T 701 Geraubte arm, Der. W. J. Bergsoe. B 1452 Geraubte schleier, Der. J. K. A. Musaus. in M 495 1 Gerda. M. S. Schwarz. S 1902 Gergely Sonkolyi. M. Jokai. in J 1154 Gericht, Das. O. Lautensch lager. in Ii 2303 Gericht im walde. Das. J. Ludwig. in L 2126 Germaine. E. About. A 101 German novelists. The. T. Roscoe. R 245 1 German popular tales. J. L. and W. K, Grimm. Gx 201 Germania. G 2 German's story. The. R. C. Sands. in 820.1 : 6 v2 German's tale. The. H. Lee. in L 851 v2 Gertrude. E. M. Sewell. S 2552 Gertrude Amburger. A. v. d. Decken, in D 2651 Geschichte eines todten. A. Dumas. D 2257 Geschichte von der schonen Magelone. G. O. Marbach, ed. M 976 Geschichten aus dem Emslande. E. A. 8. v. Dincklage- Campe. D 1404 Geschichten einer gasse. L. Kompert. K 1202 Geschichten und bilder aus dem wendischen volksleben. E. A. P. Ziehen. Z 152 Geschwister, Die. G. Freytag. F 1611 Geschwisterleben. F. Bremer. B 3161 Geslcht im mond. Das. P. W. Hacklander. in H 308 Gespenst der Sierras, Ein. F. B. Harte. H 1561 Gespensternovellen. W. J. Bergsoe. B 1452 Gespensterseher, Der. W. Herchenbach. in H 2777 Gesprengte fesseln. E. Burstcnblnder. B 4357 Get thee behind me, Satan! O. Sikes. S 2902 Gethelltes herz. Ein. F. Lubojatzky. C 452 Getrennt. E. Polko. p 2006 Gewissen, Das. C. F. Ridderstad. R 1402 Ghetto-geschichten. L. Kompert. K 1203 Ghost, The. W. D. O'Connor. 151 Sarm. in J 926 v8 Ghost-ball at congress hall, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2004 Ghost-hunter, The. J. Banim. B 304 Ghost in a satin sacquc, A. A. Cudllp. in C 3312 v3 Ghost in the cap'n Brown house. The. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 Ghost in the mill, The. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 Ghost of Gairyburn, The. A. Bethune. in W 2202 vl 1 Ghost of Howdy Craigs, The. A. Bethune. fnW2202vll Ghost of the Sierras, A. F. B. Harte. in H 1561 Ghost-seer, The. F. v. Schiller. in 830: R 153 v3 Giaf ar al Barmeki. G. Spring, jr. S 455 1 Gianetto. iodj/ M. E. Majendie. M 651 Giant of the north. B. M. Ballantyne. Bx 251 Giant raft. The. J. Verne. Vx 301 Giant's coffin. The. W. G. Simms. in S 4009 Giant's robe. The. F. A. Guthrie. A 1327 Gibraltars, The. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Gideon Fleyce. H. W. Lucy. L 2026 Gil Bias. A. R. Le Sage. L 1001 Gilbert Gurney. T. E. Hook. H 4052 Gilbert und Gilberte. E. Sue. S 5906 Gilberte. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2150 Gilded age. The. S. L. Clemens and C. D. Warner. C 1801 Giovanni. N. Misasi. in M 2826 Gipsy, The. G. P. R. James. J 216 Gipsy of Sardis, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 v2 Giraffe hunters. The. M. Reid. Rx 409 Girandolen. H. Rau. R 454 Girl forger. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Give me thine heart. A. S. Roe. R2251 Gliinzende bahnen. A. Silberstein. S 2953 Giasmacherleut. M. Schmidt. S 1478 Glassback, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl2 Gleanings of the covenant. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 V 15-23 Gleich und ungleich. J. D. H. Temme. T 562 Glen of silver birches. The. E.Casey. C 651 Glenmutchkin railway. The. W. E. Aytoun. inT 176 vl Glockengiesser, Der. L. Storch. S 5554 Gloria. B. Perez Galdos. P 976 Glorious fortune, A. W. Besant. inB 17'70 Gluck auf ! E. Burstenbinder. B 4354 Gliickliche familie, Die. W. J. Bergsoe. B 1452 Gluckskind, Das. A. N. Saint Aubain. S 201 God and the man. R. Buchanan. B 3853 Godfrey Helstone. G. M. Craik. C 2917 Godfi-ey Morgan. J. Verne. V 558 Godolphin. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 401 1 Godson of a marquis. The. A. Theuriet. T 702 Godwie-Castle. H. v. Paalzow. P 151 Goethe and Schiller. C. Mundt. M 4567 Gold! F. Gerstacker. G713 Gold and dross. I. F. Mayo. M 1901 Gold and name. M. S. Schwartz. S 1903 Gold-bug, The. E. A. Poe. in J 926 vl2 Same. in 820.1: 5 v3 Gold des Orion, Das. H. v. Rosenthal-Bonin. R 2552 Gold Elsie. E. John. J 904 Gold of Chickaree, The. S. and A. B. Warner. W 876 Gold thread. The. N. Macleod. Mx 276 Gold und arbeit. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1405 Gold und name. M. S. Schwartz. S 1903 Gold-worshippers, The. J.Robinson. R 1901 Goldelse. E. John. J 904 Golden butterfly. The. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1763 Golden Christmas, The. W. G. Simms. S 3013 Golden grain. B. L. Farjeon. F 152 Golden guillotine. The. in P 2802 Golden ingot. The. F. J. O'Brien. in O 126 Golden inheritance, A. B.Rockwell. Rx651 Golden lion of Grandpere, The. A. Trollope. T 1615 Golden pot. The. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in 830.1: 8 Golden shaft. The. C. Gibbon. G 805 Golden tress. The. F. Du Boisgobey. D 2102 Goldene schatz aus dera dreissigjahrigen kriege, Der. E. A. Konlg. K 1257 Goldkafer, Der. E. A. Poe. in P 1976 denotes books specially adapted for children. 935 CI. 813, Titles. lilTERATUBE-FICTION. Goloshes Hand. 936 Goloshes of fortune, The. H. C. Andersen, in Ax 759 Gonzalvo's daughter. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Good aunt. The. M. Edge worth. in E 401 Goodflght, A. C. Keade. B 604 Good-for-nothing, A. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2855 Good french governess. The. M. Edgeworth. m E 402 Good government. B. Auerbach. in A 1965 Good hater, A. F. Boyle. B 2876 Good luck. S. O. Jewett. in J 803 Good man of Dryfleld, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v8 Good match, A. A. Perrier. P 1201 Good-natured pendulum. The. B. E. Hale. in H 460 Good old times. E. Kellogg. Kx 201 Good old times series. E. Kellogg. Kx 201-Rx 204 Good society. Mrs. E. C. Grey. G 2401 Good society. E. E. Hale. in H 460 Good stories of man and other animals. C. Keade. 11617 Same. in R 621 Good women. The. J. W. v. Gothe. in 1652 Good-bye sweetheart. R. Broughton. B 3457 Goody gracious ! and the forget-me-not. J. Neal. in J 926 vlO Same. in S 551 Gordian knot. The. C. S. Brooks. B 3426 Gordische knoten, Der. A. Kuhne. D 1205 Gordon Baldwin. R. Lindau. L. 1401 Gordon the gipsy. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v6 Gorilla hunters. The. R. M. Ballantyne. Bx 252 Gothenwiek. O. Roquette. in R 2405 Gottesurtheil, Bin. E. Biirstenbinder. B 4359 Gottfried. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1460 Gotthold. J. C. v. Schmid. in S 1465 Gottlieb Bapfer. J. Scherr. in S 1107 Gott und teufel. A. Dumas. D 2263 Governess's soliloquy, A. H. Parr. in P 469 Gowrie. G. P. R. James. J 217 Grace Cameron. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl6 Grace Lee. J. Kavanagh. K 304 Grace O'Halloran. A.M.Stewart. Sx 1451 Grace Owen's engagement. R. E. Francillon. inT 177 v2 Graf Hugo von Craenhove. H. Conscience, in M 976 Graf Joachim. F. Stahr. S 4663 Graf Mirabeau. T. Mundt. M4655 Graf Robert von Paris. Sir W. Scott. S 2008 Graf von Benjowski. C. Mundt. M 4568 Graf von Bragelonne. A. Dumas. D 2294 Graf von der Liegnitz, Der. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1528 Griifln Helene. F. M. v. Bodenstedt. B 2503 Grafln und marquise. G. K. O. v. Struensee. S 5857 Grafln von Charny, Die. A. Dumas. D 2278 Grafln von der nadel. Die. H. Wachenhusen. W 153 Grafln von Rudolstadt, Die. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2161 Grahams of Invermoy, The. M. 0. MacCallum. S 6052 Grammar of life, The. B. F. Taylor. in J 926 v4 Grandfather, The. E. Pickering. P 1753 Grandissimes, The. G. W. Cable. C 101 Grantley Manor. G. C. Fullerton. F 1803 Grape from a thorn, A- J. Payn. P 823 Grateful negro. The. M. Edgeworth. in E 403 Graumann. A. Kiihne. D 1206 Gray and the blue. The. E. R. Roe. R 2327 Gray champion. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Grayling. W. G. Simms. in S 3009 Graziella. A. de Lamartine. L 302 Great carbuncle, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Great earthquake at Lisbon, The. in T 177 vl 2 Great expectations. C.Dickens. D 1306 Great Grenfell gardens. B.H.Buxton. B4451 Great heiress, A. R. E. Francillon. P 1504 Great Hoggarty diamond, The. W. M. Thackeray. T654 Same. in T 665 vl Great lady, A. A. Kiihne. D 1207 Great match. The. M. P. W. Smith. S 3701 Great Porter square. B. L. Farjeon. F 154 Great revolution in Pltcairn, The. S. L. Clemens. in C 1802 Great stone face. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Great treason, A. M. A. M. Hoppus. H 4502 Great unknown, The. F. Hardmann. in T 177 v9 Greatest heiress in England, The. M. O. Oliphant. 458 Greatness and decline of Cesar Birotteau, The. H. de Balzac. B 251 Green gate, The. E. Wichert. W 1601 Green hand. The. G. Cupple. C 3601 Green Mountain traveller's entertainment, J. Barnes. B461 Green pastures and Piccadilly. W. Black. B 2203 i Gridiron, The. S. Lover. in J 926 v9 | X denotes books specially Grif. B.L. Farjeon. F 153 Grillchen auf dem herde. Das. C. Dickens. D 1 303 v4 Grille, Die. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2158 Grimmenthal. L. Bechstein. B 856 Grizzel Cochrane. J.M.Wilson. in W 2202 vl5 Gronliindische prozesse. J. P. F. Richter. 830: 142 v9 Grosse baron, Der. B. Hofer. H 8305 Grosse dame, Eine. A. Kiihne. D 1207 Grosse kurfurst und seine kinder, Der. C. Mundt. M4569 Grosse kurfiirst und sein volk, Der. C. Mundt. M 4570 Grosse loos, Das. B. A. Konig. K 1254 Grosse weisse und die kleine braune, Der. A. v. Winter- feld. in W 2260 v9 Grossen Hoggartyschen diamant, Geschichte von dem. W. M. Thackeray. T 654 Grossfiirst, Der. T. Mundt. M 4652 Group of immortals, A. M. B. Betham-Edwards. in E 559 Group of sculpture. The. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Griin ist der hoffnung kleid. A. L. Kielland. in K 1704 Griinder, Die. M. v. Schlagel. S 1303 Griine Heinrich, Der. G.Keller. K 376 Grunes reis unterm schnee. L. Anzengruber. A 2251 Guardian angel, The. O. W. Holmes. H 3852 Guenn. B. W. Howard. H 4653 Guerndale. F. J. Stlmson. S 5201 Guernsey Lily, A. S. C. Woolsey. Wx 1204 Guests from Gilbert Island. W. Irving. in I 402 Guidwife of Coldingham, The. J. Wilson, in W 2202 v6 Guild Court. G. Macdonald. M 271 Guilt and innocence. M. S. Schwartz. S 1915 Guilty or not guity. in W 2202 v6 Gulliver's travels. J. Swift. Sx 1901 Gunnar. H. H. Boyesen. B 2852 Gustav Adolf. Z. Topelius. T 1251 Gustav Lindonn. E. Carlen. C 502 Gustavus Lindorm. E. Carlen. C 502 Gustavus Mclver. A. Leigbton. in W 2202 vl9 Gute Fridolin, Der, und der bose Dietrich. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1457 Gute versorgung, Eine. A. Bolte. B 2653 Guy Fawkes. W. H. Ainsworth. A 556 Guy Livingstone. G. A. Lawrence. L. 705 Guy Mannering. Sir W. Scott. S 201 1 Guy Neville's ghost. P. Greg. in T 1'77 v9 Guy Newton's revenge. M. C. Hay. i7iH2106 Same. in H 2121 Guy Rivers. W. G. Simms. S 3005 Guzman d'Alfarache. M. Aleman. in M 2286 Gwendoline's harvest. J. Payn. P 809 Gypsie. M. E. Kenney. K 426 Gypsies of Dane's Dike, The. G. S. Phillips. P 1551 Gypsy Breynton. E. S. Phelps. Px 501 Gypsy of Sardis, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2004 Gypsy's cousin Joy. E. S. Phelps. Px 502 Gypsy's sowing and reaping. E. S. Phelps. Px 503 Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. B. S. Phelps. Px504 H. family. The. F.Bremer. B 3152 Habermeister, Der. H. T. v. Schmid. S 1409 Haco the dreamer. W. Sime. S 2987 Haddad-Ben-Ahab. J. Gait. in J 926 v9 Hagarene. G. A. Lawrence. L 706 Hahn und henne. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2853 Haideblume. E. v. Ingei-sleben. I 226 Haideprinzesschen, Das. E. John. J 902 Hainsterne. L. Bechstein. B 857 Haiji Baba, The adventures of. J. Morier. M 3651 Halbindianer, Der. B. Mollhausen. M 3052 Half a life-time ago. E. C. Gaskell. in G 4 1 1 Half-brothers, The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Half-brothers, The. E. C. Gaskell. i?t G 41 1 Half-caste, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Half -life. A, and half a life. E. H. Appleton. in A 1876 Half -sir. The. G. Griffin. in G 2551 v2 Half year atBronckton. H. M. Lothrop. Sx 2002 Hall and the hamlet. The. W. Howitt. Hx 1202 Hall of fantasy. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 vl Hall of the castle. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Halllg, The. J. C. Biernatzki. B 1901 Hallig, Die. J. C. Biernatzki. B 1901 Halloran the peddler. A. Jameson. in 829.2 : 17 Halves. J. Payn. P810 Hamilton brothers. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in H 2121 Hamlet. A. B. Brachvogel. B 2906 Hammer und arabos. F. Spielhagen. S 4253 Hammersmith. M. S. Severance. S 2626 Hand and glove. A. B. Edwards. E 503 Hand and ring. A. K. Green. G 2206 Hand and word, The. G. Griflin. in G 2551 v3 Same. in G 2666 adapted for children. 937 Hand Hephzibah. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Titles. Hand der Nemesis, Die. E. A. Konlg. E 1261 Hand of Ethelberta, The. T. Hardy. H 1204 Handel und wandel. F. W. Haeklander. H 306 Handelshaus in den scheeren, Bin. E. Carlen. C 503 Handicapped. M. V. Terhune. T 605 Hands of justice, Tlie. F. W. Robinson. R 1855 Handsome Lawrence. A. L. A. i)udevant. D 2162 Handwerlc und industrie. P. Stein. S 4852 Handworker, Der. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2163 Handwerksburschen. J. Messner. M 2601 Handy Andy. S. Lover. L 1951 Hannah. 1). M. Craik. C 2856 Hannah Hawkins. J.March. Six 401 Hannah Thurston. B.Taylor. T451 Hans Hrinker. M. M. Dodge. Dx 551 Hans Pfaalls hochst wundersame abenteuer. E. A. Poe. in W 2262 v4 Hans Pf all. The adventures of one. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Hans the dreamer. R. Lindau. in T, 1404 Hans und Grete. F. Splelhagen. S 4266 Hanz und Heinz Kirch. H. T. W. Storm. S 5603 Happiest man in England, The. T. Hood, in 820.2 : 36 Happiness of being- rich, The. H. Conscience. C 2254 Happy accident at Brighton, A. F, Church, in C 1417 Happy boy, A. B. Bjornson. B 2158 Happy conclusion. The. in W 2202 vl6 Happy faces. A. Ople. in O 653 Same. in O 653 v3 Happy-go-lucky. M. Harris. H 1352 Haran. J. H. Smith. Sx 1201 Hard bargain, A. H. E. Scudder. in S 2101 Hard cash. C. Reade. It 605 Hard heart, A. B. Frederlch. D 208 Hard knot, A. C. Gibbon. 812 Hard scrabble of Elm Island, The. E. Kellogg. Kx210 Hard times. C. Dickens. D 1307 Hard to bear. G. M. Craik. C 2905 Harden's revenge. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v8 Hardscrabble. J.Richardson. B,1151 Hardy tin soldier. The. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 755 Harehound and the witch. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 " Harnt " that walks Chllhowee, The. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Harold. E. G. B. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4012 Harrington. M. Edgeworth. in E 409 Harry Blount. P. G. Hamerton. Hx 351 Harry Bolton's curacy. in T 176 v9 Harry Bradford's crusade. J. H. Mathews. Mx 652 Harry Harson. J.T.Irving. 1351 Harry Heathcote. A. Trollope. 11616 Harry Joscelyn. M. O. Oliphant. O 459 Harry Lorrequer, Confessions of. C. Lever. L 1 1 1 1 Hartes herz. Bin. B. Frederich. D 202 Hartinger's alte Sixtin. L. Anzengruber. in V 2 v31 Harvest of wild oats, A. F. Church. C 1405 Harveys, The. H. Kingsley. K701 Harwood. J. G. A. Coulson. C 2'701 Hase meines grossvaters, Der. A. Dumas. D 2264 Hattie's romance. P. Doming. i7i D 902 Hau-kiou-choan. H 10 Haubchen, Das. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2303 Haunted and the haunter. The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer- Lytton. in T 176 vlO Haunted crust. The. K. Cooper. in J 926 v5 Haunted Enghenio, The. in T 17'7 vl 1 Haunted hotel. The. W. Collins. C 2209 Haunted house. The. C. Dickens and others, in D 1323 Haunted house. H. Parr. in P 469 Haunted man. The. C. Dickens. D 1303 Haunted mind, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Haunted ships, The. A. Cunningham. in J 926 v8 Haunters and the haunted. The. B. G. E. L. Bulwer- Lytton. in T 176 vlO Same. in J 926 v2 Haus, Das. F. Bremer. B 3154 Haus der nichte. Das. K. Strieker. S 5777 Haus des fabrikanten. Das. J. F. M. O. Meding. M:1980 Haus Dusterweg, Das. W. Haring. 3 1253 Haus Hillel, Das. M. Ring. 111606 Haus Lauernesse, Das. A. L. G. Toussaint. T 1401 Haus Treustein. K. v. Holtei. H 4001 Hauschen am gitterthore bei Nygard. C. A. Wetter- bergh. W 1407 Haverholme. E. Jenkins. J 652 Having nothing, yet having all. B. Prentiss. i>i P 2452 Hawick spate. The. A.Campbell ' Hawkstone. E. M. Sewell. Hawksview. H. Parr. Haworths. F. H. Burnett. He knew he was right. A. Trollope. in W 2202 vl 9 S2553 P452 B4253 T1617 He stoops to conquer. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Ho that will not when he may. M. O. Oliphant. O 460 He would bo a gentleman. 8. Lover. Li 1952 Head of Medusa, The. J. Fletcher. F 1051 Head of the family. The. I). M. Craik. C 2857 Headlong Hall. T. L. Peacock. P 851 Head-master Rhenf ried. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in L 357 Same. in R 2451 Head waiter. The. F. W. Robinson. in R 1858 Headsman, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2456 Headsman, The ; a tale of doom. in T 176 v3 Heaps of money. W. E. Norris. N 903 Heart-histories. T. S. Arthur. A 1753 Heart of it. The. W. O. Stoddard. S 5501 Heart of Mid-Lothian, The. Sir W. Scott. S 2012 Heart of steel, A. F. C. Fisher. F 957 Heartbreak cameo. The. L. Champney. in S 35 v6 Hearts. D. C. Murray. M 4880 Hearts and faces. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 819 Hearts' delight. C. Gibbon. G811 Heart's problem, A. C. Gibbon. Qt 803 Heartsease. C. M. Yonge. Y 209 Hector. F. L. Shaw. Sx 901 Hector Servadac. J. Verne. V 555 Hedge school, The. W. Carleton. in C 554 Heidabenteuer. A. v. d. Decken. in D 2651 Heidelberg. G. P. R. James. J 218 Heidenkind, Das. F. B. Harte. H 1562 Heidenmauer, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2457 Heideschenke, Die. L. Storch. S 5561 Heidi. J. Spyri. Sx2051 Heiduck, Der. H. Wachenhusen. W 159 Heilige born, Der. W. Raabe. R 110 Heiligon und die ritter. Die. L. Schiicking. S 1812 Heimath derfrau, Die. O. Wildermuth. W 1803 Heimath-geschichten. E. A. S. v. Dincklage-Campe. D 1405 Heimkehr. O. Wildermuth. W 1803 Heimliche gast, Der. K. E. R. Bayer. B 726 Heimliche und unheimliche geschlchten. F. Gerstacker. in a 701 Heinrich Falk. O. Roquette. R 2402 Heinrich IV. A. Dumas. D 2265 Heinrich von Cerons. G. P. R. James. J 219 Heinrich von Eichenfels. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1456 Heir of Hardington, The. H. Parr. in P 469 Heir of Inshannock. J. Maidment. in W 2202 vl2 Heir of Redclyfife, The. C. M. Yonge. Y210 Heir of Rosscairne, The. M. C. Hay, in H 2107 Same. in H 2118 Heir of VaUis, The. W. Mathews. M 1651 Heir of Wast-Wayland, The. M. Howitt. Hx 1253 Heiress, An. N. Perry. i?( P 1351 Heiress of Haughton, The. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1263 Heiress of Kilorgan, The. M. A. Sadlier. S 154 Held der zukunft, Der. L. Schiicking. S 1813 Helden der arbeit, Die. M. v. Schlagel. S 1304 Helen. M. Edgeworth. E 410 Helen Lincoln. C. Capron. C 351 Helen Morton's trial. A. Haven. Hx 602 Helen Troy. C. C. Harrison. H 1401 Helena. M. C. Clarke. in C 1651 vl Helena Mathewson. W. Collins. in C 2206 Helena Vallisneria. J. Mosen. iii M 3951 Helena's household. J. De Mille. D 853 Helene. F. Tarnow. T 251 Helene. H. Wachenhusen. W 162 Helen's babies. J. Habberton. H 202 Hell und dunkel. F. Gerstiicker. a714 Hella Jasmund. S.Schumann. J 1452 Helmar. F. Stahr. S 4664 Helen. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Hen-wife, The. A. Leighton. iyi W 2202 v8 Hennig Brabant. A. Miitzelburg. Ill 5002 Henpecked man. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v8 Henrietta Temple. B.Disraeli. D 1504 Henriette. E. Daudet. D 476 Henriette Sontag. J.Werner. W 1351 Henriette von England. C. Pichler. P 1654 Henry VIII. C. Mundt. M 4575 Henry de Ceron. G. P. R. James. J 219 Henry Dunbar. M. E. Maxwell. M 1762 Henry Esmond. W. M. Thackeray. T 655 Henry Esmond's geschichte. W. M. Thackeray. T 655 Henry Masterton. G. P. R. James. J 220 Henry Mllner, The history of. M. M. Sherwood. S 2801 Henry of Guise. G. P. R. James. J 221 Henry St. John. J. E. Cooke. C 2355 Henry Smeaton. G. P. R. James. J 222 Henry Vane. F. J. Stlmson. S 5202 Hephzibah Guinness. S. W. Mitchell. M 2901 denotes books specially adapted for children. 939 CI. 813, Titles. LITERATURE FICTION. Her House. 940 Her crime. H41 Her dearest foe. A. F. Hector. H 2201 Her father's name. F. Church. C 1406 Her first appearance. M. Argles. in A 1483 Her friend Laurence. F. L. Benedict. B 1301 Her last appearance. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v3 Her last appearance. M.E.Maxwell. in M 1764 Her lord and master. F. Church. C 1407 Her picture. H 42 Her sailor love. K. S. Macquoid. M 610 Her title of honour. H. Parr. P 470 Her Washington winter. J. L. Lincoln. L 1336 Her world ag-ainst a lie. F. Church. C 1408 Herbert Atherton. J. Salkeld. S 453 Herbert Willis, B. D. in T 176 v7 Hereward the wake. C. Kingsley. K 652 Heritage of Langdale, The. A. F. Hector. H 2202 Heritiers du majorat, Les. L. A. v. Arnim. in A 1577 Herman. S. H. Palfrey. P 201 Hermann Agha. W. G. Palgrave. F 261 Hermit of Saint-Eugene, The. W. E. Norris. in T 178 vl Hermit of the rock. The. M. A. Sadlier. S 155 Hero Trevelyan. G. M. Craik. C 2906 Hero-worship and its dangers. C. Lever. in T 177 v8 Heroine, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v20 Herr Lorenz Stark. J. J. Engel. E 1 126 Herr oberst, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v5 Herrenhaus im Eschenwalde, Das. F. M. v. Bodenstedt. B2502 Herrin von Ibichstein, Die. F. Henkel. H 5151 Herrin von Orla, Die. L. A. Weinzerl. P 1551 Herrin von Schwarzenhof, Die. A. Heinz. H 2251 Herrn Didier's landhaus. L. Schiicking. S 1814 Herrn Simon Sellner's reichthiimer. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1408 Hertha. F. Bremer. B 3153 Herzensschulden. A. Maquet. M3451 Herzog Hans von Sagan. T. Neumeister. N 201 Herzog von Athen, Der. N. Tommaseo. T 1201 Herzog Wallenstein in Mecklenburg. J. v. Wickede. W1651 Hesperus. J. P. F. RIchter. 8S0:142v5-8 Same, eng. R 1252 Hester. B. M.Butt. in H 1202 Hester. M. O. Ollphant. O 488 Hester Stanley at St. Mark's. H. P. Spofford. Sx 1351 Hester Wilmot, The history of. H. More. in 820.2: 28 vl Hetty's strange history. Saxe Holm. H 3751 Hexe. Die. E.Ziehen. Z 152 Hexen von Lancashire, Die. W. H. Ainswoi-th. A 557 Hay wards, The. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v 1, 2 Hiawatha, The myth of . H.R.Schoolcraft. S 1551 Hidden perils. M. C. Hay. H 2105 Hide and seek. W.Collins. C 2210 Hieronymus Pop and the baby. K. S. McDowell. in M 326 High mills. The. K. Cooper. S 702 High spirits. J. Payn. P811 High-watermark. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Higher law. E. Maitland. M 638 Highland boy. The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v5 Highland parish, A. N. Macleod. M 502 Highland tradition, A. A. ('ampbell. in W 2202 vl7 Highland widow. The. Sir W. Scott. in S 2007 vl Highland witch. The. N. Macleod. in M 501 Highlands of the city. The. W. Black. in B 2206 Hilary St. Ives. W. H. Alnsworth. A 568 Hlldegard. L. v. Blum. W 226 Hills of the Shatemuc, The. 8. Warner, W 829 Hillyars and the Burtons, The. H. Kingsley. K 702 Hinkende teufel, Der. A. R. Le Sage. I, 1003 Hinnerk Swinegel's lebensloop un enne in'n staate Muffrika. W. Schroder. S 1751 Hinter den coulissen. M. Ring. 111607 Hlrtentochter, Die. E. Ziehen. Z 151 His inheritance. A. Trafton. T 1501 His level best. E.E.Hale. H451 His little mother. D. M. Craik. C 2858 His majesty myself. W. M. Baker. B 154 His own master. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 811 His second campaign. M. Thompson. T 778 His secret. M. B. Maxwell. in M 1790 His sombre rivals. E. P. Roe. B2310 His triumph. M. A. Denison. D 1054 His two wives. M. Hudson. C 1851 His wife's deceased sister. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 His young lordship. D. M. Craik. in C 2870 Historische novellen. A. E. Brachvogel. B 2907 Historlsche novellen. J. H. D. Zschokkc. Z 306 History of an acre, The. C. Reade. in K 616 Same. in B 621 X denotes books specially History of Fidelia. H. Chapone. in 824.2 : 100 History of Henry Esmond, The. W. M. Thackeray. T655 History of Henry Milner, The. M. M. Sherwood. S 2801 History of mr. Bragwell, The. H. More. in 820.2: 28 vl History of my pets. S. J. Lippincott. Lx 402 History of Pendennis, The. W. M. Thackeray. T 656 History of Sanford and Merton, The. T. Day. Dx 201 Hitherto. A. D.T. Whitney. W 1453 Hoard of the Nibelungen, The. in P 2126 v3 Hochlandsgeschichten. A. Silberstein. S 2954 Hofdame der erzherzogin, Die. F. v. Witzleben-Wendcl- stein. W 2401 Hofcr-KSthchen. J. Rank. R 359 Hof kanzler. Der. H. E. Proschko. in V 2 v2 1 Hogan, M. P. M. Hartley. L 252 Hogmanay. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl7 Hohenstein, Die von. F. Splelhagen. S 4254 Holden with cords. J. L. M. Woodruff. W2651 Holiday romance. C.Dickens. i?i 1)1313 Holidays at home. M.Janvier. Vx 102 Holidays at Roselands. M. Finley. Fx 253 Hollow of three hills. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Holly and mistletoe. M. A. Rand. Rx 101 Holmby House. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 2205 Holstein. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v6 Holzerne lotfel, Der. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1409 Home. S. S. Ellis. E 1051 Home, The. F. Bremer. B 3154 Home and the gipsy maid. T. Gillespie, in W 2202 v7 Home as found. J. F. Cooper. C 2458 HomeatGreylock. The. E.Prentiss. P 2453 Home influence. G. Aguilar. A 402 Home nook. A.M.Douglas. D 1803 Home of Fiesole, The. 1151 Home of Woodruffe the gardener, The. in D 1326 Home scenes and heart studies. G. Aguilar. A 403 Home stories. A. Haven. Hx 603 Homespun stories. R. H. Moncrieff. Mx 828 Homeward bound. .T. F. Cooper. C 2459 Homeward bound. E. Prentiss. in P 2462 Homo sum. G. Ebers. E 253 Homoselle. Mrs. M. F. Tiernan. T 1001 Honest Davie. F.Barrett. B 616 Honest farmer. The. in D 2401 Honor bright. S. C. Perkins. P 1176 Honorable surrender. An. M. Adams. A 2'76 Honor's worth. M. Orred. O 801 Hoodlum band. The. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Hoosier schoolboy, The. E. Eggleston. Ex 176 Hoosier school-master, The. E. Eggleston. E 653 Hope deferred. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Hope Leslie. C.M.Sedgwick. S 2251 Hope Meredith. E.Stephenson. T 108 Hope mills. A.M.Douglas. D 1804 Hope on! hope ever ! M. Howitt. Hx 1254 Hopeless case, A. E. Fawcett. F 201 Hopes and fears. C. M. Yonge. Y 2 1 1 Hopfenbliithen, Die. J. C. v. Schmld. S 1461 Horace. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2164 Horace Leicester. in T 176 v6 Horace McLean. A. O'Hanlon. O 252 Horace Templeton. C. Lever. L 1112 Horacker. W. Raabe. Rill Horatio Howard Brenton. Sir E. Belcher. B1161 Horoscop, Das. A.Dumas. , D 2266 Horse-shoe Robinson. J. P. Kennedy. K 403 Horton's, The. I). B. (lasseday. C 676 Hosen des herrn von Bredow, Die. W. Hiiring. H 1254 Hosen des unterofflcier Bartmann, Die. A. v. Winter- feld. in W 2261 v2 Hospital Christmas, A. L. M. Alcott. in A 652 Hospital sketches. L. M. Alcott. A 652 Hostages to fortune. M. E. Maxwell. M 1763 Hostile brothers. The. B. Auerbach. in A 1965 Hot plowshares. A. W. Tourgee. T 1356 Houp-La. J. S. Winter. W 2227 Hour, An. L. M. Alcott. in A 652 Hour and the man, The. H. Martineau. M 1476 House by the churchyard, The. J. S. Le Fanu. L 902 House and the brain, The. E. O. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in J 926 v2 Same. The haunters and the haunted. inT 176 vlO House in Bell's Wynd, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v21 House In town. S. Warner. "Wx 210 House of a merchant prince, The. W. H. Bishop. B2103 House of entertainment, A. H. E. Scudder. in S 2101 t House of Lys, The. W. G. Hamley. H 1001 House of Penarvan, The. J. Sandeau. in F 1806 adapted for children. 941 House Incidents. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Titles. House of seven gables, The. N. Hawthorne. H 2062 Same. in H 2059 House of Yorke, The. M. A. Tlncker. T 1102 House on the marsh, The. F. Warden. W 627 Household gods. L. C. Moulton. in M 4102 Household of sir Thomas More, The. A. Manning. Mses Household wreck. The. T. De Quincey. in 824.2: 34 vl Housekeeper's story. The. M. C. Hay. tnH2106 Same. in H 2121 How Prank Thornton was cured. C. Lever. inT 177 vlO How I became a yeoman. W. E. Aytoun. in T 176 v2 How I came to be married. in P 2801 How I made my fortune. S 551 How I met Alphonzo's ghost. M. C. Hay. in H 2102 How I stood for the Dreepdally Burghs. W. E. Aytoun. in T 176 v4 How miss Bootle was photographed. H. Parr, in P 469 How mr. Frye would have preached It. E. E. Hale. in H 460 How mr. Storm met his destiny. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2853 How old man Plunkett went home. F. B. Harte. inS. 1556 How old Wiggins wore ship. R. T. Coffin. in S 35 v9 How one woman came to marry. E. L. Moulton. in M 4101 How one woman kept her husband. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 vl How Santa Clans came to Simpson's Bar. F. B. Harte. inH 1554 How she came Into her kingdom. C. M. Clark. C 1501 How Snooks got out of it. M. Argles. in A 1483 How the old love fared. W. Collins. in C 2206 How the rain sprites were freed. V. D. Scudder. Cx901 How they went to Europe. H. M. Lothrop. Sx 2005 How they were caught In a trap. E. Stuart. Sx 1851 How to boll peas. in T 177 v5 How to fight the devil. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 How to make a pedigree. Lord Neaves. in T 177 v2 How we got possession of the Tuileries. W. E. Aytoun. in T 176 v5 Howards von Brereton. S.Schumann. i?iJ1451 Howe's masquerade. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Howleglass the merry jester. in R 245 1 Huckleberry Finn. S. L. Clemens. Cx 503 Huguenot, The. G. P. R. James. J 223 Huguenot family, A. H. de Witt. in W 2351 Huguenotte, Der. G. P. R. James. J 223 Hume and the governor of Berwick. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl 7 Same. in W 2203 v3 Humor und ernst aus dem soldatenleben. M. Wenzel. W 1226 Humoristische novellen. J. H. D. Zschokke. Z 307 Humoristischer hausschatz. E. Eckstein, ed. E 306 Humoristischer hausschatz, neue folge. E. Eckstein, ed. E307 Humphrey Clinker. T. G. Smollett. S 3751 Humphrey Clinker's reisen. T. G. Smollett. S 3*751 Hundred ministers, A. H 91 Hungarian sketches. M. Jokai. J 1154 Hungerpastor, Der. W. Raabe. 11112 Hunnybuns at the sea-side. The. W. and M, Howitt. in H 4801 Hunt, The. W. and M. Howitt. in H 4801 Hunt of Eildon, The. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v3 Hunted down. C. Dickens. D 1308 Hunter cats of Connorloa, The. H. M. Jackson. Jx 104 Hunting adventures. T. W. Knox. Kx 501 Hunting extraordinaryr J. Payn. in P 812 Huron, The. Voltaire. in V 1051 Husarenoflicier Friedrichs des grossen, Ein. J. v. Wickcdo. W 1653 Husbands and homes. M. V. Terhune. T 606 Husks. M. V. Terhune. T 603 Hussiten, Die. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2864 Hut des herrn von Schlawen, Der. A. v. Wintcrl'eld. in W 2261 vl Hypatia. C. Kingsley. K 653 Hypatia. D. Strempel. i7i V 2 v3 1 Hyperion. H.W.Longfellow. L 1801 I canna be fashed. C.M.Wilson. in W 2202 vlO "I say no." W.Collins. C 2227 Ice maiden. The. H. C. Andersen. Ax 766 Same. in Ax "757 Ice queen, The. E. Ingersoll. 1x151 Ich und meine companie. O. Roquette. in B. 2406 Ichabod. B. Thomas. T 2401 Ida Craven. H. M. Cadell. C 161 Ida von Salmandingen. C. T, Grieslnger. G- 2502 Idalie. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Idalium. L. Reinhardt. R 856 Idealisten. M. Reinow. R 3401 Idolatry. J. Hawthorne. H 2003 Idyl of Red Gulch, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1 663 If she be not fair to me. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1790 If, yes, and perhaps. E. E. Hale. H 462 Ihr einziger bruder. B. Behrens. H 2277 Ike's wife. P. Deming. in D 901 Iliad of Sandy Bar, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1554 Ilka on the hill-top. H. H. Boyesen. B 2863 111 got, ill gone. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Ill-omened marriage. The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in B 4009 Illustrations of lying. A. Opie. in O 663 v3 Illustrirtes famillenbuch. I 1 Ilmhorst. F. Wolfhagen. N 756 Im bann und zauber von leidenschaft nnd wahn. E. A. Willkomm. W 2052 Im banne der musen. B. Behrens. H 2278 Imbusch. F. Gerstacker. Q 715 Im hause des commerzlenrathes. E. John. J 905 Im kerker geboren. L. Reinhardt. in V 2 v24 Im kopfe der anderen. B. Glogau. in V 2 v22 Im labyrinth der seele. A. Miiller. 114261 Im morgenroth. H. T. v. Schmid. S 1410 Im paradlese. P. Heyse. H 3004 Im Schillingshof. E. John. J 906 Im Strom der zeit. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1529 Im walde von Carquinez. F. B. Harte. H 1567 Image of San Donato, The. V. W. Johnson, in S 36 v*? Immensee. T. Storm. S 5602 Immortal poem. An. H. Parr. in P 469 Imp of the pei-verse. The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1 : 6 v3 Impressions of a cousin. The. H.James. in J 313 Improvisator, Der. H. C. Andersen. A 1002 Improvisatore, The. H. C. Andersen. A 1002 Imprudent marriage. The. J.Howell, in W 2202 vlO In a cellar. H. P. Spofford. in S 4401 In a street-ear. N. Perry. in P 1352 In an apple-orchard. A. Cudllp. in C 3312 v3 In aunt Mely's cabin. K. S. McDowell. in M 326 In beiden hemispharen, K. Sutro-Schiicking. S 5951 In Dalekarlien. F. Bremer. B 3155 In der Villa Diodati. E. Polko. P 2002 In der zwblften stunde. F. Splelhagen. S 4269 In doors and out. W. T. Adams. A 326 In durance vile. M. Argles. in T 178 v2 In each other's shoes. G. P. Lathrop. in L 666 In extremis. S. D. Greenough. Ot 2262 In great waters. M.E.Maxwell. M 1*764 In his name. E. E. Hale. H 463 In honour bound. C. Gibbon. G808 In life and in death. A. L. Walker. in T 177 vlO In luck at last. W. Besant. B 1771 In memorlam. E. Simcox. in S 29'76 In Mexico. F. A. Strubberg. S 5801 In one short year. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 In paradise. P. Heyse. H 3004 In partnership. J. B. Matthews and H. C. Bunner. M1501 In prison and out. H. Smith. S 3402 In reih' und glied. F. Splelhagen. S 4255 In silk attire. W. Black. B 2204 In siinden. E. Hofer. H 3306 In Sweden. H. C. Andersen. Ax 753 In the Carquinez woods. F. B. Harte. H 1667 In the Christmas flre-llght. M. C. Hay. in H 2 1 1 2 Same. in 3.2121 In the confessional. A. B. Edwards. in E 510 In the cotton country. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 In the days of my youth. A. B. Edwards. E 504 In the distance. G. P. Lathrop. L 663 In the east country. E. Marshall. M 1310 In the eastern seas. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 458 In the heart of a hill. J. Payn. P 812 In the ice. J. T. Trowbridge. in T 1862 In the olden time. M.Roberts. R 1806 In the ranks. A. M. Douglas. Dx 657 In the red room. N.Perry. in P 1352 In the ring. D. M. Craik. in C 2870 In the Schillingscourt. E. John. J 906 In the Tennessee mountains. M. N. Murfree. M 47*76 In the west countrie. M. Crommelin. C 3102 In the wilds of Florida. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 462 In the year '13. F. Renter. R 952 In trust. A. M. Douglas. D 1805 In trust for Shandy. F. W. Robinson. in R 1868 In war time. S.W.Mitchell. M 2902 Inca's treasure. The. F. Hoflfmann. Hx 8*78 Incidents of social life. J. H. D. Zschokke. Z 301 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Titles. LITERATURE FICTION. Incidents Jocelyne. 944 Incidents on the Hudson. N. P. Willis, in W 2001 vl Incognito, The. F. A. Schulze. in 330: 14 Independent opinion, An. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Indian hater. The. J.Hall. in H 701 Indian mother. The. A.Jameson. in 829.2: 17 Indiana. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2165 Indische hiitte. Die. J. H. B. de Saint-Pierre, in S 302 Inez. A. J. Wilson. W 2102 Infatuation. in P 2802 Infelice. A. J. Wilson. W 2103 Infidel, The. R. M. Bird. B 2002 Ingemisco. M. B. L. Rodney. R 2201 Ingenue. A. Dumas. D 2267 Ingham papers. The. E. E. Hale. H 460 Ingo. G.Freytag. F 1607 vl Ingraban. G. Freytag. F 1607 v2 Ingo und Ingraban. G. Freytag. F 1607 Initials, The. J. M. TautphcBus. T 353 Inklings of adventure. N. P. Willis. W 2001 Inlet of peach-blossoms. The. N. P. Willis, in W 2004 Inn at Cransac, The. J. H. D. Zschokke. in Z 303 Innocent. M. O. Oliphant. O 461 Innocent maiden. An. D. Havers. H 1905 Innocents from abroad. G. D. Tallman. T 201 Inselkonig, Der. P. Lange. Ii 504 Inselwelt. F. Gerstacker. G716 Inside. W. M. Baker. B 155 Inspired lobbyist. An. J. W. De Forest. S 35 v4 International episode, An. H. James, jr. in J 311 Into the shade. M. C. Hay. H2106 Intriganten, Die. A. Miitzelburg. M 5003 Invalide, Der. C. Spindler. S 4328 Invalide im kopf . A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 vl 1 Invasion, The. G. Griflin. O 2553 Same. in Ot 2551 v9 Invasion of France in 1814, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1206 Invisible eye, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. in E 1205 Invisible lodge. The. J. P. F. Richter. Invisible princess. The. F. O'Connor. Involuntary experimentalist. The. lone Stewart. E. L. Linton. Irene. Mrn. B. F. Baer. Irene Macgillicuddy. L. Oliphant. Irene the missionary. Iris. O. W. Holmes. R 1256 in J 926 v8 inT 176 vl2 L 1459 B 101 inT 177 vl 171 in J 926 v7 in 824.1: 48 Irish lord-lieutenant, The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Irish reaper. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl6 Irliindische hiitte. Die. W. Bauberger. B 578 Irma und Nanka. J. B. Mengersen auf Rheder. B 3701 Iron age of Germany. The. F. Hoffmann. Hx 876 Iron hand. The. A. Dumas. D 2268 Iron hand. The. F. Warden. W 628 Iron shroud, The. W. Mudford. in J 926 v3 Same. Same. Ironthorpe. J. T. Trowbridge. Irre von St. James, Der. P. Lange. Irreconcilable man, The. A. F. Langbein, Irrlichter, Die. M. Petersen. Irrwisch, Der. G. E. Opiz. Irrwisch-Fritz. A. Reinbold. I've been thinking. A. S. Roe. Ivo, the gentleman. B. Auerbach. Ivors. E. M. Sewell. Ivy. P. Greg. Iwanowna. B. W. Hofland. R2253 in A 1965 S2554 G2276 H3402 Is he Popenjoy ? A. Trollope. Is that all ? H. W. Preston. Isa. C. Chesebro*. Isaac Laquedem. A. Dumas. Isabel of Bavaria. A. Dumas. Isabella Orsini. F. D. Guerrazzi. Isabella the votaress. M. C. Clarke, Isabelle d':6gypte. L. A. v. Arnlm. Isabel's tochter. W. Collins. Isegrimm. W. Hiiring. Iseulte. C. L. H. Dempster. Ishmael. M. E. Maxwell. Ishmael. J. Mosen. Isidore und Teverino. A. L. A. Dudevant, Island of the fay. The. E. A. Poe. Isolde. A. L. A. Dudevant. Israel Mort. J. Saunders. Israel Potter. H. Melville. Isthmlana. T. Winthrop. ' ' C. Reade. inT 176 vl in S 561 Tx816 L507 in B 2451 inP 1376 O702 in a 1831 T1618 P2501 C 1203 D2269 D2270 2802 inC 1651 v2 in A 1577 in V 2 v21 H 1255 D1002 M1792 in M 3951 D2166 in 820.1: 5 v3 D2167 S651 Iff 2251 in W 2305 It is never too late to inend." C. Reade. H, 606 It is the fashion. C. v. Cosel. C 2601 It was a lover and his lass. M. O. Oliphant. O 485 Italian legends and sketches. J. W. Cumraings. C 3401 Italian novel. The. J. Mosen. Itt 3951 Italians, The. F.Elliot. E 1001 Italian's daughter. The. D. M. Cralk. in 2855 Ivan de Biron. Sir A. Helps. H 2402 Ivanhoe. Sir W.Scott. S 2013 Ivar. E. Carlen. C 504 Ja in Neapel. W. Haring. H 1256 Jack. A. Daudet. D 45 1 Jack and Jill. L. M. Alcott. Ax 510 Jack and the bean-stalk. A.I.Ritchie. in 111651 Jack and the mountain pink. K. S. McDowell. i7i M 326 Jack Hazard. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 805 Jack Hazard series. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 805 Tx 810 Jack in the forecastle. Jack Hinton. C. Lever. Jack of all trades. C. Reade. Same. Same. Jack of the mill. W. Howltt. Jack Sheppard. W. H. Ainsworth. Jack Tier. J.F.Cooper. Jackanapes. J. H. Ewing. Jack's courtship. W. C. R Jacob Bhrlich. F. Marryat. Jacob Faithful. F. Marryat. Jacob van der Nees. H. v. Paalzow. Jacob's insurance. P. Denning. Jacobiner in Ungarn, Die. F. A. Pulszky. Jacqueline of Holland. T. C. Grattan. Jacqueline Thayne's choice. V. F. Townsend, Jaequemin der f reimaurer. J. A. S. Collin. Jacquerie, La. G. P. R. James. Jacques. A. L. A. Dudevant. Jahrmarkt des lebens, Der. W. M. Thackeray, James I, The death of. A. Leighton. ' James III, The death of. A. Leighton Same. James Montjoy. A. S. Roe. Jan of the windmill. J. H. Ewing. Jane die jQdin. P. Lange. Jane Eyre. C. Nlcholls. Jane Morton. E. H. Jane Talbot. C. B. Brown. Janet. R. S. Clarke. Janet's repentance. M. Cross, {George Eli^)t). Janneton und Amalie. F. A. Oldenburg. Japhet in search of a father. F. Mai-ryat. Jasch. F. Stahr. Jasper Leech. J. Brougham. Javotte's geheimnisse. L. C. A. de Musset. Je langei-, je lieber. C. Spindler. Je langer, je lieber. L. F. Stolle. Jeames's diary. W. M. Thackeray. Jean. Mrs. M. W. Newman. Jean ah Poquelin. G. W. Cable. Jean Paul. H. Rau. Jean Teterol's idea. V. Cherbuliez. Jeanette. C. M. Woolson. Jeanie's quiet life. E. Stephenson. Jeanne Dupont. K. S. Macquoid. Jenifer. A. Cudlip. Jenny. F. B. Harte. Jenny. F. Stahr. Jenny's vocation. H. Parr. Jenseits der walder. J.Martin. Jericho road. The. J. Habborton. Jerry Jarvls's wig. R. H. Barham. Jersey centenarian, A. F. B. Harte. Jessamine. M. V. Terhune. Jessie's work. M. E. Shipley. Jesuit, Der. F. I. Proschko. Jesuit, Der. C. Spindler. Jesuiten, Die. J. Scherr. Jesuiten in New York, Die. Jet. A. Edwardes. Jettatrice. P. Craven. Jewel in the lotos. The. M. A. Tincker, Jews of Barnow, The. K. E. Franzos. Jezebel's daughter. W. Collins. Jill. E. A. Dlllwyn. Jilt, The. C. Reade. Same. Jimmy Brown. W. L. Alden. Jimmy-Johns, The. A. M. Diaz, Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore. Jinnie. C. H. Clark. Jinny. F. B. Harte. Joan. R. Broughton. Joan the maid. E. Charles. Joanna the actress. L. C. Moulton. Job Jacobs and his boxes. N. Maclood Jocassee. W. G. Simms. Jocelyne. M. Argles. Jx3 Ii 1113 R618 in R 604 in R 622 Hx 1201 A 569 C2460 Ex 357 R3310 M 1204 m 1204 P 152 in D 902 P2701 G2051 T 1457 S2501 J 224 D2168 T663 in W 2202 vl5 in W 2202 vl6 in W 2203 v3 R2253 Ex 351 1,505 N401 in D 2401 B3502 Cx477 in C 3158 426 M 1205 S4665 in 927.1 -.7 C508 S4307 S5516 T657 N351 inC 103 R455 C 1152 in W 2751 T 101 in M 607 C3311 inH 1551 S4666 in P 464 M 1152 H203 in J 926 v4 inH 1556 T607 Sx 1051 P2653 S4308 S1107 Jl E453 C3003 T 1104 F 1903 C2211 D 1376 in R 617 in R 621 Ax 554 Dx454 L. M. Alcott. Ax 506 in C 1476 inH 1651 B3452 C 966 in M 4101 in M 601 in a 3009 in A 1483 denotes books specially adapted for children. 945 Jocelyn's Kibitz. LrrERATUIlE FICTIOir. CI. 813, Titles. Jocelyn's mistake. Mrs. J. K. Spender. S 4201 Jack o'Hazolgreen. H. B. Reeves. in B 3505 Joe Baldwin. P. Deming'. m D 901 Joe Hale's red stockings. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 v2 Johann Georg I. von Sachsen. F. Lubojatzky. C 453 Johanna. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2169 Johanna d'Arc. A.Dumas. D 2271 Johanne und Louise. E. Sue. S 5907 Johannes Gutenberg. P. Stein. S 4853 Johannes Kepler. J. Pfannenschmldt. P 1402 Johannes Volkh. J. Rank. E, 354 Johannesfest, Das. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2302 Johanniskaferchen, Das. J. C. v. Schmid. in S 1455 Same. in 8 1463 Johannisnacht. M. Schmidt. S 1476 Johannisrelse, Die. F. Bremer. B 3156 Johannlter, Die. E. Ambach. in A 953 John Barlow's ward. J 31 John Brent. T. Wlnthrop. W 2303 John Caldigate. A. Trollope. T 1619 John Chinaman. F. B. Harte. m 111553 John Doe and Crohoore of the bill-hook. J. Banim. B305 John Doe and Richard Roe. E. S. Gould. a 1701 John Dorrien. J. Kavanagh. K 305 John Eax. A. W. Tourgee. T 1355 John Eccleston's thanksgiving. N.Perry. ijz P 1351 John Godfrey's fortunes. B. Taylor. T 452 John Granger. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1764 John Halifax. D. M. Craik. C 2859 John Holdsworth. W.C.Russell. K.3311 John Inglefleld's thanksgiving. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 John Inglesant. J. H. Shorthouse. S 2826 John Jago's ghost. W.Collins. i?i C 2208 John Law. W. H. Ainsworth. A 570 John Marchmont's legacy. M. E. Maxwell. M 1765 John Marston Hall. G. P. B. James. J 226 John Marston Hall's leben und abenteuer. G. P. R. James. J 226 John Milton. M.Ring. 111608 John Needham's double. J. Hatton. H 1753 John Oakhurst. F. B. Harte. m H 1556 John Paul Jones. S. S. A. Grabowski. Qt 1901 John Rantoul. H. L. Nelson. N 1 101 John Rintoul. in T 176 vl 1 John Square's voyage to India. J. Howell. in W 2202 v7 John Woodburn. C. Castle. C 701 John Worthington's name. F. L. Benedict. B 1302 Johnny Armstrong, The disasters of. in W 2202 vl Johnny Dai-byshire. W. Howltt. in J 926 v9 Same. in E 426 John's trial. P. Deming. in D 901 Jolly fellowship, A. F. R. Stockton. Sx 1053 Jolly good times at school. M. P. W. Smith. Sx 1301 Jolly rover. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 802 Jonathan. C. C. Liddell. T 2301 Joppe und crinoline. A. Zeising. Z 101 Josef Kaiser. E. Breier. B 3101 Joseph Haywood. A. Sartorius. in S 626 Joseph II and his court. C. Mundt. M4571 Joseph Andrews. H. Fielding. F 801 Joseph im schnee. B. Auerbach. A 1960 Joseph in the snow. B. Auerbach. A 1960 Joseph Nolrel's revenge. V. Cherbuliez. C 1153 Joseph Thorne. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Joseph und seine briider. E. v. Dincklage-Campe. in V 2 v31 Josephine. G. Aguilar. A 404 Joseph's coat. D. C. Murray. M 4877 Joshua Davidson. E. L. Linton. L 1456 Joshua Haggard's daughter. M. E. Maxwell. M 1766 Journey to the centre of the earth. J. Verne. V 554 Joy. M. Crommelin. C 3103 Joyce Morrell's harvest. E. S. Holt. H 3952 Jubilee days. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Jude, Der. C. Spindler. S 4309 Jude von Wien, Der. J. W. Thompson. T 2451 Judge's wife. The. L. C. Moulton. in M 4102 Jiidin, Die. G. Aguilar. A 408 Judith. E. Scribe. in S 551 Judith. M. V. Terhune. T613 Judith Shakespeare. W. Black. B 2218 Judith, the egyptian. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v7 Julia. H.Lee. in I. 851 vl Julia. J. W. Vahey. V 201 Julia de Roubigne. H. Mackenzie. in 829.2 : 23 Julia Howard, ilfrs. B. Martin. B 1201 Julia McKenzie. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v5 Julian. W. Ware. W 652 Julian Home. F. W. Farrar. Fx 152 Julian Vanneck. F. J. Fargus. in F 2004 Juliet. M. C. Clarke. in C 1651 v2 Junge frau, Die. H. Wachenhusen, W 158 Junge kurfiirst, Der. C. Mundt. M 4572 Junge pratendent, Der. J. F. Smith. S 3504 Junge vater und der alte sohn, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. inW2261vl Junge wittwe m Nordland. L. Brunlus. J2 Jiingere sohn, Der. E. B. Berthet. B 1701 Jungfrau von Orleans, Die. J.Robinson. R 1902 Jiingste gerlcht. Das. E. O. K. Zltelmann. in V 2 v22 Jury room. The. G. Griffin. in Or 2555 Same. in G 2551 v5 Just as I am. M.E.Maxwell. M 1767 Just his luck. Jx 89 Justice and mercy. A. M. Stewart. S 1452 Justice in the by-ways. F. C. Adams. A 201 Justine's lovers. J.L.Howell. V351 Jutland. A. V. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v4 Kabbalist, Der. A. Becker. B 952 Kadettengeschichte aus alter zeit, Eine. A. v. Winter- feld. in W 2261 v2 Kadettengeschichten. A. Kiihne. D 1208 Kainszeichen, Die. F. W. Hacklander. H 307 Kaiser, Der. G. Ebers. E 254 Kaiser-wahl, Die. A. v. Sternberg. S 5055 Kaiserin Claudia. C. Mundt. M 4573 Kalabrische novellen. N. Misasi. M 2826 Kaloolah. W. S. Mayo. M 1952 Kaltenborn. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1530 Kamehameha. C. M. Newell. N 236 Kammerer Lassman. E. Carlen. C 505 Kammerjungfer, Die. F. Stahr. S 4667 Kampf um Rom, Ein. F. Dahn. D 103 Kampf um's recht, Ein. K. E. Franzos. F 1902 Kampfende herzen. F. Dahn. D 101 Kanarienvogel, Der. J. C. v. Schmid. in S 1455 Same. in S 1463 Kanzler von Tyrol, Der. H. T. v. Schmid. S 141 1 Kaperschiffer, Der. F. Marryat. M 1214 Karf reitags-christen. Die. C. R. Kostlin. K 1 376 Karl der kiihne. A. Dumas. D 2272 Karl II und sein hof . C. Mundt. M 4574 KarlXGustav. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1531 Karl Kiegler. Kx 3 KarlMathy. G. Freytag. F 1604 Kartause von Serra S. Bruno, Die. N. Misasi. in M 2826 Kasper Wullkop. W.Schroder. S 1752 Kastilianei-, Der. T. de Trueba y Cosio. T 1901 Katakomben von Rom, Die. P. Lacroix. L 202 Kate. C. Barnard. in B 401 Kate Comerford. T. A. Thornet. T 801 Kate Coventry. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 2206 Kate Crediford. N.P.Willis. in W 2004 Kate Kennedy. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl Kate Rose. in P 1 1 Katerfelto. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 2207 Katers Murr, Lebens-ansichten des. E. T. A. Hoffmann. H3354 Kate's engagement. M. C. Hay. in H 21 14 Same. in H 2118 Katharina and Bianea. M. C. Clarke. in C 1651 v2 Katharine Ashton. E. M. Sewell. S 2555 Katharine Walton. W. G. Simms. S 3002 Kathayan slave, The. E. C. Judson. in J 926 v3 Katheran, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v4 Katherine Earle. A. Trafton. T 1502 Katherine's trial. H. Parr. P 465 Kathie Brand. H. Parr. P 453 Kathie stories. A. M. Douglas. Dx 663-Dx 658 Kathleen. F. H. Burnett. B 4254 Kathner und seine familie, Der. S. v. Knorring. iC 1051 Katie Cheyne. J.Hogg. inH3451v3 Katie Stewart. M. O. Oliphant. O 462 Kaunltz. L. v. Sacher-lMasoch. S 104 Kavanagh. H. W. Longfellow. L 1802 Keeper's travels. Kx 1 Kegelbahn, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v2 Keine politik. I. Frick. F 1652 Kelverdale. W. Cuffe. C 3351 Ken Hall. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v3 Kenelm Chillingly. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4013 Kenilworth. Sir W.Scott. S 2014 Kenneth. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Same. in H 2118 Kenneth. C. M. Yonge. Y213 Kept in the dark. A. Trollope. T 1638 Kerker von Edinburg, Der. Sir W. Scott. S2012 Kester's evil eye. H. Parr. i7i P 469 Kettenglieder. C. Spindler. S4310 I Kibitz. in P 2126 v2 denotes books specially adapted for children. 947 CI. 813, Titles. LrrERATUBE FICTION. Kackleburys Laird. 948 Kickleburys abroad. The. W. M. Thackeray. T 658 Same. in T 665 v2 Kildhurm's oak. J. Hawthorne. in H 2005 v2 Kilmeny. W. Black. B 2205 Kilrogan cottage. M. Despard. D 1151 Kin-ku-ki-kuan. E. Grisebach. Gt 2676 Kinaldy. in W 2203 v3 Kind Bajazzo's, Das. E. A. Konigr. K 1253 Kinder der fremde, Die. C. R. Kostlin. K 1377 Kinder der liebe, Die. E. Sue. S 5908 Kinder der welt. P. Heyse. H 3005 Kinder der wittwe, Die. E. Ambach. A 951 Kinder der zeit. A.Bernhardt. B 1601 Kinder des Neuwalds, Die. F. Marryat. M 1202 Kinder Roms, Die. A. Meissner. M 2054 Kinder von Finkenrode, Die. W. Raabe. B. 1 13 Kindly jest, The. C. Reade. in E, 621 King Candaules. T. Gautier. in Q 604 King Capital. W. Sime. S 2986 King David. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 King Grimalkum and Pussyanita. A. M. Diaz. Dx 457 King of clubs. The, and the queen of hearts. L. M. Al- cott. in A 652 King of Hayti, The. T. De Quincey. in 330: 14 King of the Golden River, The. J. Ruskin. Rx 1001 Same. in J 926 vlO King of the peak. The. A. Cunningham. in J 926 v7 King Pepin and sweet Olive. in T 178 v3 King Pest. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 King Tolv. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 King's highway. The. G. P. R. James. J 225 King's men. The. B.. Grant arid others. G 1978 King's own. The. F. Marryat. M 1206 Kingsdene. M. G. Fetherstonhaugh. F 601 Klnley Hollow. G. H. Hollister. H 3702 Kirby's coals of fire. L. Stockton. in S 35 v"? Kircheinweihung von Hammarby, Die. E. Carlen. C506 Kirch messnacht, Eine. J. D. H. Temme. T 556 Kirkyards. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 vl4 Kismet. J. Fletcher. F 1052 Kissing the rod. E. H. Yates. Y 103 Kit, a memory. J. Payn. P 825 Kit Cobb, the cabman. J. Brougham. in 927. 1 : 7 Kith and kin. J. Fothergill. F 1405 Kitty leen. R. S. Clarke. Cx 473 Kitty's class-day. L. M. Alcott. Ax 518 Kitty's conquest. C. King. K 577 Klein Dorrlt. C.Dickens. D 1309 Klein Zaches. E. T. A. Hoffmann. H 3353 Kleine erzahlungen. C. Pichler. P 1656 Kleine Fadette, Die. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2158 Kleine garnison, Eine. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v5 Kleine geschichten. P. Lindau. L 1351 Kleine graf, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v3 Kleine hund Josephlnens, Der. E. M. Hilaire. in B 1701 Kleine kaminfeger. Der. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1462 Kleine lautenspielerin. Die. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1465 Kleine Marina, Die. E. Polko. in V 2 v31 Kleine memoiren. A. Meissner. M 2065 Kleine narren welt. Die. K. F. Gutzkow. 3101 Kleine romane. T. Mundt. M 4656 Kleinere novellen. J. H. D. Zschokke. Z 308 Kleines bild. Bin. E. Wichert. W 1602 Kloster, Das. Sir W. Scott. S 2015 Klosterheim. T. De Quincey. DllOl Same. in 824.2: 32 v2 Klosterhof , Der. O. Muller. M 4408 Klosterruine, Die. J. D. H. Temme. T 557 Klytia. A. Hausrath. H 1876 Knabe Inigo. Der. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2302 Knapsack, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 402 Knight of Dannebrog, A. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2863 Knight of Gwynne, The. C. Lever. L 1 1 14 Knight of the Black Forest, The. G. D. Litchfield. L1226 Knight of the nineteenth century, A. E. P. Roe. 112305 Knight of the sheep, The. G. Griffln. in Q 2551 v3 Same. in Qt 2556 Knight without reproach. The. G. Griffln. in G 2555 Same. in G- 2551 v5 Knights of the horse-shoe. The. W. A, Caruthers. ^ . ^ C 626 Knights of to-day. C. Barnard. B 401 Knight's secret. The. C. Reade. in B 617 Same. in R 621 Knlghtsbridge mystery, The. C. Reade. in 11616 Same. in R 621 Same. in T 178 v2 Knitting sale socks. H. P. Spofford. in 8 4401 Knockabout club alongshore. C. A. Stephens. Sx 1402 Knockabout club in the woods. C. A. Stephens. Sxl401 Kobold, Der. O. Roquette. in V 2 v37 Komet, Der. J. P. F. Rlehter. 830: 142 v28,29 Komische bilder. O. Moser. M 4001 Komodianten des lebens, Die. M. Jokai. J 1153 Konak, Der. A. Miitzelburg. M 5004 Konig Christian der zweite. A. N. Saint- Aubain. S 202 Konig der luft, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. W 2255 Konig der welt, Der. E. Souvestre. S 4052 Konig Heinrich VIII. C. Mundt. M 4575 Konig Karl XI und seine giinstlinge. C. D. Arfvedsoii. K 11 Konig Ottokar. T. Montanus. M 3 1 5 1 Konig von Tauharawi, Der. L. F. Stolle. S 5517 Konig von Zion, Der. C. Spindler. S4311 Konigin Bertha. J. Bischoff. B 2051 Konigin der nacht. Die. L. Schiicking. S 1815 Konigin juwelenschmuck, Der. C. J. L. Almquist. A 903 Konigin Luise Ulrike. C. F. Ridderstad. B 1403 Konigin Margot. A. Dumas. D 2273 Konigs ballet, Des. H. Wachenhusen. "W 154 Konigs ordre, Des. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v3 Same. in V 2 v29 Konigsbetrug, Der. T. G. Rudbeck. R2951 Konigsbriiut, Die. L. Storch. S 5555 Koschere haus. Das. H. Schiff. S 1151 Kriihenfelder geschichten. W. Raabe. R 1 14 Kranke kochin. Die. P. Lindau. L 1352 Kreuzfahrer, Die. F. Dahn. D 105 Krin. M. Argles. in A 1483 Krintzner. H.Lee. in 1, 851 v2 Kronenwachter, Die. L. A. v. Arnim. A 1576 Kiinstlerbilder. A. v. Sternberg. S 5056 Kunstlerelend. R. Grothe. in V 2 v23 Kunstreiter, Der. F. Gerstacker. G 717 Kunz von Kauffungen. L. Storch. S 5556 Labor and love. Li 1 Lachende mann, Der. "V. Hugo. H 4852 Ladder of life. The. A. B. Edwards. E 505 Ladies Lindores, The. M. O. Oliphant. O 486 Lady Adelaide. L. B. Walford. in T 177 vlO Lady Adelaide's oath. E. P. Wood. W 2561 Lady Alice. J. V. Huntington. H 5103 Lady Alice. E.Marshall. M 1301 Lady Amabel. E. M. Stewart. S 5252 Lady Anna. A. Trollope. T 1620 Lady Anne and lady Jane. A. Opie. in O 653 v4 Lady Audley's geheimniss. M.E.Maxwell. M 1768 Lady Audley's seci-et. M. E. Maxwell. M 1768 Lady Barberlna. H. .Tames, jr. ix J 313 Lady Beauty. A. Muir. M 4226 Lady Bell. H. Keddie. K 1652 Lady-bird. G. C. Fullerton. F 1804 Lady Carmlchael's will. M. C. Hay. in H 21 18 Lady Clara De Vere. F. Spielhagen. S 4256 Lady Eleanor's mantle. N. Hawthorne, in H 2057 v2 Lady Ferry. S. O. Jewett. in J 802 Lady Greatheart's store. E.Yates. ixYllO Lady Green Satin. E. Martineau des Chesnez. Mx 256 Lady Gresham's f6te. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Lady Hester. C. M. Yonge. Y214 Lady Jane. M. O. Oliphant. 484 Lady Kitty. W. Besant amd J. Rice. in B 1762 Lady Lovelace. C. L. Pirkis. P 1876 Lady Mary. 0. B. Tayler. T 402 "Lady Maud," The. W. C. Russell. R 3306 Lady of Launay, The. A. TroUone. in T 1637 Lady of Little Fishing, The. C. F. Woolson. i?i H 2751 Lady of Shalott, The. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Same. in J 926 vlO Lady of the Aroostook, The. W. D. Howells. H 4755 Lady of the ice. The. J. De Mille. D 854 Lady of the manor. The. M. M. Sherwood. S 2802 Lady on the mall. H. Parr. in P 469 Lady or the tiger, The. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Lady Rae. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v22 Lady Ravelgold. N.P.Willis. i7iW2004 Lady Seamer's long step. H. Parr. in P 464 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart. W. Black. B 2206 Lady Sweetapple. G. W. Dasent. D 301 Lady Sybil's choice. E.S.Holt. H3951 Lady Willoughby, The diary of. H. M. Rathbone. R426 Same. Further portions. R 427 Lady's mile. The. M.E.Maxwell. M 1769 Laidley worm of Spindleston Heugh, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v6 Laird of Darnick Tower, The. J. Howell, in W 2202 v7 Laird of Lucky's How, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v9 denotes books specially adapted for children. 949 Laird Letzte. LITERATURE FICTION. 01. 813, Titles. 950 in W 2202 vl8 in W 2001 vl S4053 3 1076 in B, 617 in R 621 in M 326 Laird Rorieson's will. A. Leighton. Lake Ontario. N. P. Willis. Lake shore. The. E. Souvestre. Lai. W. A. Hammond. Lamberts leap. C. Reade. Same. Lame Jerry. K. S. McDowell. Lame Jervas. M. Bdgeworth. m IS 40JJ Lame tailor of Marcel, The. G. GrifiBn. in Ot 2555 Same. in G 2551 v5 Liimmchen, Das. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1464 Lamplifrhter, The. M. S. Cummins. C 3452 Lancashire witches, The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 557 Lancelot Ward, M. P. G. Temple. T 2351 Lances of Lynwood, The. C. M. Yonge. Yx 304 "Land o' the leal." H. Reeves. B 3503 Land of gold. The. G. G. Spurr. S 6151 Land of the sky. The. F. C. Fisher. F 955 Landhaus am Rhein, Das. B. Auerbach. A 1967 Landidylle, Bine. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2170 Landlady's tale. The. H. Lee. in L 851 vl Landless farmer, A. S. O. Jewett. in J 804 Landolin. B. Auerbach. A 1961 Landor's cottage. E. A. Poe. in 820.1 : 5 v3 Landprediger von Wakefield, Der. O. Goldsmith. GH501 Laneton parsonage. E. M. Sewell. S 2558 Lange Isaack, Der. J. v. Wickede. W 1652 Lantern in the castle-yard. F. H. K. de LaMotte Fouque. in L 357 Laodicean, A. T. Hardy. H 1209 Lapsed, but not lost. E. Charles. C 957 Larks in vacation. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 v2 Larry M'Farland's wake. W. Carleton. in C 554 Larry's hut. M. C. Hay. toH2106 Same. in H 2119 Laskar Vioresku. W. v. K. K 1601 Last athenian. The. V. Rydberg. R 3351 Last chronicle of Barset, The. A. Trollope. T 1621 Last day of a condemned man. The. V. Hugo. in H 4851 Last days of a king. The. M. Hartmann. H 1601 Last days of Pompeii, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B4014 Last fairy tales. E. Laboulaye. Lx 702 Last trench hero. The. E. B. Hamley. in T 177 v4 Last house in C street. D. M. Craik. in C 2862 Last of a long line. The. in D 1326 Last of her line, The. E. Stephenson. T 102 Last of the barons, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B4015 Last of the fairies. The. G. P. R, James. J 227 Last of the Florida, The. E. E. Hale. in H 452 Last of the Huggermuggers, The. Lx 1 1 Last of the Mohicans, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2461 Last of the Mortimers, The. M. O- Oliphant. O 463 Last of the pedlars. The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v3 Last of the Ruthvens, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Last of the storm. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Last of the Valerii, The. H. James, jr. in J 305 Last voyage of the Resolute, The. E. E. Hale, in H 452 Last wager. The. W . G. Simms. in S 3009 Late for the train. in T 177 v2 Late miss Hollingford, The. in D 1329 Late supper, A. S. O. Jewett. in J 802 Later years. W. C. Prime. P 2601 Laternenmann, Der. M. S. Cummins. C 3452 Latter-day saint, A. Li 9 Lauenburg. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v5 Laughln' in meetin'. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 Laughing mill. The. J. Hawthorne. H 2006 Laura and her hero. N. Perry. in P 1351 Laurel bush. The. D. M. Craik. C 2860 Lauson tragedy. The. J. W. De Forest. in J 926 v3 Lauterbacher, The. B. Auerbach. in A 1965 Lavengro. G. Borrow. B 2751 Law and the lady. The. W.Collins. C 2212 Lawrences, The. C. Turnbull. T2151 Lawrence's adventures. J.T.Trowbridge. Tx810 LawrieTodd. J. Gait. G 151 Lawyer's tales, The. A. Lelghton. in W 2202 v21, 23 Lay figure. The. in T 178 v3 Lazarillo de Tormes. D. H. Mendoza. M 2286 Lazaro's legacy. E. B. Hamley. in T 176 v2 Lazarus in London. F. W. Robinson. B 1869 Lazy crow, The. W. G. Simms. in S 3009 Lazy man's work, A. F. C. Sparhawk. S 4101 Le Bossu. C. M. Sedgwick. in T 186 Leaden casket, The. Mrs. A. W. Hunt. H 4952 Leaf in a storm, A. L. de la Rame. in B 156 Same. in J 926 vll Leaguer of Lathom, The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 571 Leah. A. Edwardes. B 454 LeamDundas. E.L.Linton. Li 1451 Lear of the steppe, A. L S. Turgenief . in T 2106 Leavenworth case. The. A. K. Green. O- 2201 Leaves from a family journal. E. Souvestre. S 4054 Leaves from the diary of a law clerk. in P 2801 Leaves from the diary of a poor schoolmaster. W. amd M. Ho Witt. in H 4801 Leaves from the diary of an aged spinster. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v6 Leaves from the journal of a poor vicar in Wiltshire. J. J. H. D. Zschokke. in 830.1: 8 Leaves from the life of Alexander Hamilton. J. M. Wil- son, in W 2202 vl9 Same. in W 2203 v3 Leben in New York, Das. Jonathan Slick. S 3151 Leben und lieben in Norwegen. T. Miigge. M 4207 Lebende bilder aus Amerika. C. T. Griesinger. Ot 2503 Lebensbilder. I. Braun. B 3051 Lebensbilder. K. Engelhard. E 1151 Lebensbilder aus der westlichen hemisphare. C. Seals- field. S 2202 Lebensfrage, Eine. F. Stahr. S 4668 Lebenstraum, Ein. J. Pfannenschmidt. P 1403 Lebrun's lawsuit. in T 176 vl2 Led-Horse claim. The. M. H. Foote. P 1226 Leein Jamie Murdlston. A. Campbell, in W 2208 v8 Left behind. J. O. Kaler. Ox 505 Left-handed Elsa. R. E. Francillon. in T 177 vl2 Left out on Lone Star mountain. F. B. Harte. in H 1568 Left over from the last century. H. E. Scudder. in S 2101 Legend of Calder Moor, A. J. Howell, in W 2202 vl7 Legend of fair Helen of Kirconnel, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v9 Legend of Gibraltar, A. E. B. Hamley. in T 176 vl Legend of Goodman Poverty. in P 2801 Legend of Holyrood, A. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl4 Legend of Montrose, A. Sir W. Scott. in 3 2027 Same. ' in S 2028 Same. in S 2029 v3 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The. W. Irving. in I 402 Legend of the church of Abercrombie, The. M. P. Conolly. in W 2202 V 1 Legend of the Rhine, A. W. M. Thackeray. in T 657 Same. in T 658 Sam,. in T 665 v2 Legend of Thomas Didymus, The. J. P. Clarke. 249: 19 Legenden aus der amerikanlschen revolution. G. Lip- pard. li 1501 Legenden vom Riibezahl. J. K. A. Musaus. in TS. 4951 Legends and stories of Ireland. S. Lover. L 1953 Legends and tales. F. B. Harte. in BE 1554 Legends from fairyland. H. Parr. Px 151 Legends of the province house. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Legitime und die republikaner, Der. C. Sealsfield. Leibschneider der zwerge, Der. F. W. Hacklander. in H 308 Leiden der frauen. A. M. Hall. H 553 Leighton Court. H. Kingsley. K 703 Leila. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4016 Leila in England. A. F. Tytler. Tx 1202 Lelia. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2171 Lemberger und sohn. A. Meissner. M 2055 Lenox Dare. V. F. Townsend. T 1452 Leona. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Leonard and Gertrude. J. H. Pestalozzi. P3251 Leone. L. Monti. M 3302 Leone Leoni. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2172 Leonora. M. Edgeworth. in E 407 Leonora d'Orco. G. P. R. James. J 249 Lesereien. C. Spindler. S 4312 Leslie Goldthwaite. A. D. T. Whitney. W 1459 Leslie Tyrrell. G. M. Craik. C 2907 Less black than we're painted. J. Payn. P813 Lesson in biography. A. Chalmers. in S 551 Lesson in love, A. E. W. Kirk. K 854 Lester's secret. M. C. Hay. H2117 Letter and a paragraph, A. H. C. Bunner. in M 1501 Letter and what came of it, A. L. C. Moulton. in M 4102 Letter of credit. The. S. Warner. W 835 Letters from a eat. H. M. Jackson. Jx 103 Lettice Arnold. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1257 Lettice Eden. E. S. Holt. H 3953 Lettice Vere's last christmas-day. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Letzte Aldinl, Die. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2173 Letzte baron, Der. E. G. B. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4015 denotes books specially adapted for children. 951 01. 813, Titles. LITERATURE FICTION. Letzte Lord. 952 Letzte der Abenceragen, Der. R. F. A. de Chateaubri- and, in C 1051 Letzte der feen, Die. G. P. R. James. J 227 Letzte deutsche kaiser, Der. F. Lubojatzky. C 454 Letzte gluck, Das. W. Berger. inV2v31 Letzte konig der magyaren, Der. L. v. Sacher-Masoch. S 105 Letzte Montmorency, Der. E. W. Ackermann. Letzte novellen. F. W. Haekliinder. Letzte seines stammes, Der. F. Stahr. Letzten bliithen, Die. L. Steinlein. Letzten tage Pompejis, Die. E. G. Letzten zeiten der Gravenitz, Die. Leuchtthurm am Michigan, Der. B Leute aus dem walde. Die. W. Raabe Leute von Seldwyla, Die. G. Keller. Leveller, The. J. M. Wilson. Levison's victim. M. E. Maxwell. Lewis Arundel. F. E. Smedley. Lianhan shee, The. W. Carleton. Libussa. J. K. A. Musaus. Sa/me. Licht- und schattenseiten des lebens. Llchtenstein. W. Haufif. Lida Ann. P. Deming. Liebe am Bhein, Die. F. L. August. Liebe im grabe. Die. O. MuUer. Liebe, rache, reue. O. v. Pliinckner. Liebe und ehe. A. L. Kielland. Liebe und handel. C. A. Wetterbergh Liebe wonn' und weh', Der. A. Hofmeister. Liebesbriefe aus dem lelien eines gef angeuen. A 151 H313 S4670 A 1701 E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B4014 C. T. Griesinger. G2504 Mollhausen. ]y[3058 B 115 K377 mW2202 vl6 in M 1764 S3227 in C 554 inO 1001 mM4951 Smith. S3505 inH 1853 inD 901 A 2001 M4407 E752 id K 1704 W1410 W2451 J. F. Liebestreue. J. K. A. Musaus. Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Same. Sanw. Life episode, A. D. M. Craik. Life for a life, A. D. M. Craik. Life, here and there. N. P. Willis. Life in Dalecarlia. F. Bremer. Life in the iron-mills. R. H. Davis. Life in the new world. C. Sealsfleld. Life magnet, The. A. A. Adee. Life of a planter. The. C. Sealsfleld. Life of vicissitudes, A. G. P. R. James. Life struggle. J. Pardee. Life's aftermath. E. Marshall. Life's atonement, A. D. C Murray. Life's secret, A. E. P. Wood. Lifted veil. The. M. Cross, {George EW)t). Ligeia. E. A. Poe. Light and a dark Christmas, A. E. P. Wo Light and shade. H. N. W. Baker. Light and shade. A. H. Drury. Light and shade. C. G. O'Brien. Light man, A. H. James, jr. Light on the hearth, The. C. Hamley. Light on the lily. E. Marshall. Lightning-rod man. The. H. Melville. Lights and shadows of the early dawn. Like a gentleman. M. A. Denison. Like father, like son. J. Payn. Like ships upon the sea. F. E. TroUope. Lilliput legends. Lilies of the valley. The. G. C. Fullerton Lily's quest,The. N. Hawthorne. Limerick gloves, The. M. Edgeworth. Llna Fernie. H. Parr. Lindsay's luck. F. H. Burnett. Links in Rebecca's life. I. M. Alden. Linley Rochford. J. McCarthy. Linton lairds, The. A. Leighton. Linwoods, The. C. M. Sedgwick. Lion Ben. E. Kellogg. Lion of Flanders, The. H. Conscience. Lionel Lincoln. J. F. Cooper. Lionizing. E. A. Poe. Little Anna. M. Wulff. Little Annie's ramble. N. Hawthorne. Little aversion, A. M. C. Hay. Little Barbara. G. M. Craik. Little barefoot, The. B. Auerbach. Little brother. F. H. Ludlow. Little Briggs and I. F. H. Ludlow. Same. Little Brown-Top. B. A. Rand. ini F. Stahr. S4669 in M 4951 D. Defoe. Dx252 Dx251 20.2: 8 v7 in C 2868 C2861 W2002 B3165 in A 1876 S2202 in S 35 v8 in S 2202 J 228 P401 M1302 M4876 W2562 C3154 in 820.1: 5 v3 jod. W 2563 Bxl50 D 1962 O 101 in S 35 v5 in T 177 v5 Mx454 in M 2253 E. Charles. in C 955 D 1055 P814 T 1754 Iix21 F 1805 in H 2057 v2 in E 402 in P 464 B4255 A 702 M 104 in W 2202 v4 S2252 Kx205 C2262 C2462 in 820.1: 5 v3 Wx 1451 in H 2057 vl inH 2102 in C 2911 A 1958 L2101 in L 2101 in J 926 vll Bxl78 Little camp on Eagle Hill, The. S. Warner. Wx 201 Little coin, much care. M. Howitt. Mx 1255 Little DafCydowndilly. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Little dancing master. The. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Little dinner at Timmins's, A. Same. Little Dorrit. C. Dickens. Little duke, The. CM. Yonge. Little folk in green. H. C. Wright. Little folk life. M. A. Dodge. Little folks astray. R. S. Clarke. Little gentleman in green. Mrs. G W. M. Thackeray. in T 662 in T 665 v7 D 1309 in Yx 303 Wx 1351 Dx502 Cx463 vl H. Hepworth. Hx801 in'. Little Gibraltar. L. C. Moulton. in M 4102 Little good-for-nothing. The. A. Daudet. D 452 Little Gordon, The. F. Church. in C 1411 Little grandfather. R. S. Clarke. Cx 467 Little grandmother. R. S. Clarke. Cx 466 Little Jakey. fe. H. De Kroyft. in J 926 vlO Little Joanna, The. E. W. Bellamy. B 1276 Little Karin. M. S. Schwartz. S 1914 Little lame prince, The. D. M. Craik. Cx 702 Little Loo. W. C. Russell. B, 3309 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. C. M. Yonge. Yx 301 Little match girl. The. H. C. Andersen. Ax "754 Little men. L. M. Alcott. Ax 511 Little messenger birds. The. C. H. Butler. Bx 1051 Little miss Primrose. E.Stephenson. T 103 Little Mook. W. Hauff. Hx 552 Little moorland princess. The. B. John. J 902 Little Pansy. Mrs. Randolph. B. 25 1 Little pitchers. R. S. Clarke. Cx 471 Little Prudy series. R. S. Clarke. Cx 451-Cx 456 Little Prudy's Fly-away series. R. S. Clarke. 0x463 Cx 468 Little Pussy Willow. H. B. Stowe. Sx 1703 Little Rudy. H. C. Andersen. Ax 768 Little schoolmaster Mark, The. J. H. Shorthouso. S2827 Little sister. Little stepson, A. F. Church. Little Sunshine's holiday. D. M. Craik. Little traveller, A. S. O. Jewett. Little upstart, A. W. H. Rideing. Little violinist, The. T. B. Aldrlch. Little woman, A. E. Pratt. Little women. L. M. Alcott. Live and let live. C. M. Sedgwick. Live oak boys. The. E. Kellogg. Livergnas, Die. H. Villinger. Living too fast. W. T. Adams. Liza. I. 8. Turgenief. Lizzie Leigh. E. (1. Gaskcll. Locke Amsden. D. P. Thompson. Locked in. M. C. Hay. Same. Loder, Der. H. T. v. Schmid. Lodging for the night, A. R. L. Stevenson Lofty and the lowly, The. M. J. Mcintosh Log in the Archipelago, A. N Lois the witch. E. C. Gaskell. Lola. A. Griffiths. London pride. M. C. Hay. Same. Lonely one. The. P. Heyso. Lonely ride, A. F. B. Harte. Long, long ago. E. S. Phelps. Long Look house. E. Abbott. Long pack. The. J. Hogg. Longest hour of my life. T. Hood. Longstaff's marriage. H. James, jr. Look before you leap. A. F. Hector. Look to the end. 8. 8. Ellis. Looking glass for the mind. The. A. Berquin. Bx 601 Looking in the glass. E. Slmcox. in S 2976 Lootse. Der. J. F. Cooper. C 2468 Lorbeer und myrthe. H. C. Proschko. in V 2 v23 Lord and lady Harcourt. C. Sinclair. S 3101 Lord Brackenbury. A. B. Edwards. E 506 Lord Durie and Christie's will. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v2 Lord Erlistoun. D. M. Craik. C 2862 Lord Kames's puzzle. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Lord Kilgobbin. C. J. Lever. 1. 1 1 1 5 Lord mayor of London, The. W. H. Ains worth. A 572 Lord Oakburn's daughters. E. P. Wood. W 2564 Lord of Harjjington, The. J. Payn. in P 81 1 vl Lord of Hermitage, The. A.Campbell, in W 2202 vl9 Same. in W 2203 v3 Lord of himself. F. H. Underwood. TJ 301 Lord Richard and I. J. Sturgls. in S 5877 Sarm. in T 178 vl Ii31 C 1409 Cx703 in J 804 R 1426 in A 756 Px702 Ax 501 S2253 Kx204 W 1926 A 327 T2103 G411 T752 inH 2106 inH 2121 S 1412 S5176 M403 P. Willis, in W 2001 v2 in G 409 a 2601 inH 2102 inH 21 18 in J 908 inH 1553 in P 1453 Ax 101 171 H 3451 v3 in 820.2: 36 in J 309 H2208 E 1052 X denotes books specially adapted for children. I 953 liOrd Magric. lilTEB-ATUItE FICTION. CI. 813, Titles. 954 Lord Roldan. A. Cunningham. C 3501 Lorelei. O. Roquette. in R 2405 Lorenz. O. Lautenschlager. L 2305 Lorenzo Benonl. G. Rufflni. E, 3052 Lorgnette, The. D.G.Mitchell. M 2853 Lore ley and Reinhard. B. Auerbach. A 1962 Lorna Doone. R. D. Blackmore. B 2305 Losing to win. T. Davies. D 501 Loss and gain. J. H. Newman. N 302 Lost. E. Bellamy. fn S 35 v7 Lost. P. Deming. in D 901 Lost and won. G. M. Craik. C 2908 Lost at sea. G. M. Craik. in C 291 1 Lost battle, A. Miss Price. P2551 Lost bride. The. T. S. Arthur. A 1754 Lost casket. The. F. Du Boisgobey. D 2101 Lost child. The. H. Kingsley. in J 926 vlO Lost city. The. D. Ker. Kx 377 Lost for love. M.E.Maxwell. M 1770 Lost harmony. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Lostheir ofBlphinstone, The. G. Thompson. in W 2202 v20 Lost in a great city. A.M.Douglas. D 1806 Lost in the fog. N. Brooks. in S 35 v4 Lost lover, A. S. O. Jewett. in J 802 Lost room. The. F. J. O'Brien. in O 126 Lost secret of the Cocos group. The. in T 177 v7 Lost sir Massingberd. J. Payn. P815 Lost son, The. P. Heyse. in H 3002 Lothair. B. Disraeli. D 1505 Lothaire. H. Lee. in L, 851 vl Lotta's missionary field. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Lottery, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 402 Lottery hall. J.M.Wilson. mW2202vl3 Lotti, die uhrmacherin. M. v. Bbner-Eschenbach. in V 2 v24 Lottie Eames. Lx 4 1 Lottie of the mill. B. Behrens. H 2276 Lottka. P. Heyse. in H 3002 Louie's last term at St. Mary's. M. Harris. Hx 501 Louis Napoleon. E. H. Dedenroth. P 1952 Louisa. G.Meredith. M611 Louisa of Prussia. C. Mundt. M4576 Louisiana. F. H. Burnett. B 4256 LoukisLaras. D. Bikelas. B 1951 Love and a lantern. C.Barnard. in B 401 Love and diplomacy. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 v2 Love and duty. A.Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 653 v2 Love and friendship. E. Simcox. ui, S 2976 Love and Life. C. M. Yonge. Y 215 Love and loyalty. L. M. Alcott. in A 652 Love and manuscript. M. B. Betham-Edwards. in E 559 Love and mirage. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 558 Love and money. M. Howitt. 11x1256 Love and skates. T. Wlnthrop. in J 926 v6 Love finds the way. W. Besant and J. Rice, in B 1762 Love, honour and obey. I. D. Hardy. H 1 152 Love in idleness. E. W. Kirk. K 852 Love in old cloathes. H. C. Bunner. in M 1501 Same. in S 35 v4 Love in the library. N. P. Willis. in W 2004 Love magic some centuries ago. J. L. Tieck. in R 2451 " Love me little, love me long." C. Reade. R 60'7 Love, mystery and superstition. A. Opie. O 653 v5 Love that lived. The. E. Eiloart. E 903 Love the debt. Basil. B 4651 Loveday's history. L. E. Guernsey. G 2776 Level the widower. W. M. Thackeray. T 659 Same. in 923.21: 80 Levels of Arden, The. M.E.Maxwell. M 1771 Lover in spite of himself, A. J. Hawthorne. in H 2005 vl Lover's creed. The. P. S. Hoey. H 3253 Love's conflict. F. Church. C 1410 Love's crosses. F. E. M. Notley. N 1001 Love's harvest. B. L. Farjeon. F 155 Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton. S. L. Clemens. in C 1802 Loves of Manasseh and Nicanzo, The. L 41 Low marriage, A. D. M. Craik. in C 2853 Loyal renins, The. T. Shunsui. S 2851 Loys lord Beresford. M. Argles. A 1483 Lucas de Ayllon. W. G. Simms. in S 3009 Lucia, Hugh and anothei-. Mrs. J. H. Needell. N 176 Lucius Davoren. M. E. Maxwell. M 17'72 Luck of Roaring Camp, The. F. B. Harte. H 1553 Same. in J 926 v4 Luck of the Darrells, The. J. Payn. P 830 Lucky disappointment, A. F. Church. C 1411 Lucretia. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4017 Lucrezia Floriani. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2174 X denotes books specially Lucy. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Lucy Crofton. M. O. Oliphant. O 464 Lucy Hardinge. J. F. Cooper. C 2464 Ludwig der kellner. L. Peters. P 2901 Ludwig, der kleine auswanderer. J. C. v. Schmid. S1466 Luginsland. O. Roquette. R 2405 Liigner, Die. M. Ring. R 1609 Luigia. A. Miitzelburg. M 5005 Lunatic's skate. The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Same. in W 2004 Liineburger geschichten. A. v. der Decken. D 2661 Lustige geschichten. C. Spindler. S 4329 Lataniste of St. Jacobi's,The. C.Drew. D 1826 Luther und seine zelt. T. Konig. K 1351 Luttrell of Arran. C. Lever. L 1 1 16 Luttrells, The. R. F. Williams. W 1951 Lux et umbra. G. L. Hesekiel. H 2901 Lydia. M. Argles. in A 1483 Lydia. G. Pierantoni. P2951 Lykewake, The. H. Miller. in W 2203 v3 Same. in W 2202 v7 Mabel and I. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2853 Mabel Howard. Dame Durden, pseml. Dx 801 Mabel Vaughan. M. S. Cummins. C 3453 Mabel Walton's experiment. J. H. Matthews. Mx 658 Macaria. A.J.Wilson. W2104 McEneiry. G. Griffin. in Ot 2555 Same. in Ot 2551 v5 Mclntyre's false face. W. H. Bishop. in B 2104 Macleod of Dare. W. Black. B 2207 Mad Dumaresq. F. Church. C 1412 Mad-house of Palermo, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 v2 Mad Monkton. W. Collins. C 2220 Mad senior. The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Madam. M. O. Oliphant. O 490 Madam Waldoborough's carriage. J. T. Trowbridge. inT 1852 Madame. F. L. Benedict. B 1303 Madame de Beaupre. Mrs. C. Jenkin. J 601 Madame de Fleury. M. Edgeworth. in E 405 Madame de Mauves. H. James, jr. in J 309 Same. in J 305 Madame de Monferrato. A. Sartoris. S 626 Madame de Stael. A. Bolte. B 2652 Madame Delieieuse. G. W. Cable. in C 103 Madame Delphine. G. W. Cable. C 102 Madame Fontenoy. M. Roberts. R 1803 Madame Freschon's. H. Parr. in P 469 Madame Gerder's husband. K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Madame Gosselin. L. Ulbach. TJ 151 Madame La Tour, The fate of. Mrs. A. G. Paddock. P 176 Madame Lucas. M 1 Madame Therese. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 120^ Madcap Violet. W. Black. B 2208 Madchen aus dem volke, Ein. K. F. Gutzkow. Q- 3102 Madchen des pensionats. Die. E. Eckstein. E 303 Madchen von Hela, Das. F. Stahr. S 4671 Madchen von Korsika, Das. M. S. Schwartz. S 1911 Madchen von Oyas. P. Stahr. i/i S 4682 Made or marred. J. Fothergill. i?i F 1404 Madeira. L. Storch. S 5557 Madeleine. J. Kavanagh. K 306 Madeline. A. Opie. in O 653 Madeline of Roecleugh. in W 2203 v3 Madeline's journal. A. Opie. in O 653 vl Madelon Lemoine. Mrs. L. Adams. A 251 Mademoiselle Bismarck. H. Rochefort. R2051 Mademoiselle de Mersac. W. E. Norris. N 901 Mademoiselle de Scuderi. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 v2 Mademoiselle Mori. M. Roberts. R 1804 Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski. T. B. Aldrich. in A 752 Same. in A 756 Mademoiselle Panache. M. Edgeworth. in E 402 Madge Dunraven. H. Jay. J 501 Madonna. T. Mundt. M 4657 Madonna Mary. M. O. Oliphant. O 465 Madonna of the future. The. H. James, jr. J 309 Same. in J 305 Mae Madden. M. M. Mason. M 1451 Mag. M 6 Maga stories. P 2801 Magdalena. E. John. J 907 Magic lay of the one-horse chay, The. J. Hughes. in T 176 v4 Magic dollar. The. in P 2 1 2 6 v2 Magic of kindness, The. H. A. and H. Mayhew. Mx 751 adapted for children. 955 CI. 813, Titles. LITEBATUItE FICTION. Magfic Marrjdng . 956 Magic ring, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. L 355 Magnetische inclination. H. Wachenhusen. in V 2 v33 Magnhild. B. Bjornson. B 2156 Magnum bonum. C. M. Yonge. Y216 Maha Guru. K. F. Gutzkow. 0-3103 Maia and Cleon. E. Charles. in C 960 Maid Ellice. D. Boulger. H 1901 Maid of Athens. J. McCarthy. M 109 Maid of honor, The. C. G. F. Gore. in E 426 Maid of Killeena, The. W. Black. B 2209 Maid of Malines, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in J 926 v6 Maid of Stralsund, The. J. B. de Liefde. L 1276 Maid, wife or widow. A. F. Hector. H 2203 Maiden all forlorn, A. M. Argles. A 1488 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell, The. A. Man- ning. M 852 Maiden feast of Cairnkibbie, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v4 Same. in W 2203 v3 Maiden sisters. M. A. Paul. P 703 Maigela. C. Shultes. S 1876 Main-street. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Maitland Smith. in D 2401 Major Barrington's marriage. G. P. Lathrop. in Ii 656 Major Dunwoody's leg. C. H. Clarke. in C 1476 Major Molineux. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Major O'Shaughnessy's adventure on the duke's moor. in P 2802 Major Ross. in T 176 vl 1 Major Weir's coach. J. Howell. in W 2202 v5 Majorat, Das. G. K. O. v. Struensee. S 5853 Making haste to be rich. T. S. Arthur. A 1755 Making of a man. The. W. M. Baker. B 157 Malbone. T. W. Higginson. H 3051 Malcolm. G. Macdonald. M 255 MalerNolten. B. Morike. M 3701 Malerin aus dem Louvre, Die. L. Schiicking. S 1816 Malkolm. H. Steffens. S 4803 Malven. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2302 Mamelon. A. W. Tourgee. T 1355 Mammv Tittleback. H. M. Jackson. Jx 101 Mammon. C. G. F. Gore. Qt 1555 Mamselle Philippinens Philipp. F. Stahr. - in S 4670 Man and wife. W. Collins. C 2213 Man at arms. The. G. P. R. James. J 219 Man from Solano, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Man-hunter, The. B. W. Procter. in 824.2: 77 vl Man in black, The. G. P. R. James. J 229 Man in the bell. The. in T 176 v6 Man in the reservoir. The. C. F. Hoffman, in J 926 v4 Man's a man for a' that, A. M 7 Man of adamant, A. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Man of feeling. The. H. Mackenzie. in 829.2 : 23 Man of forty crowns, The. Voltaire. V 1051 Man of his word, A. W. B. Norrls. N 906 Man of honor, A. G. C. Eggleston. E 701 Man of no account. The. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Man of the world. The. H. Mackenzie. in 829.2 : 23 Man on the beach, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Man-of-war life. C. Nordhoff. Nx 251 Man-of-war's man. The. J. Howell. in W 2202 vl6 Man proposes. M 8 Man she cared for. The. F. W. Robinson. R 1856 Man who burned John Rogers, The. R. C. Sands. in 820.1: 6 v2 Man who laughs. The. V. Hugo. H 4852 Man who lost his name. The. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2855 Man who married a voice. The. F. W. Robinson. inB. 1858 Man who stole a meeting-house, The. J. T. Trowbridge. in T 1852 Man who was like Shakspeare, The. W. Black. in B 2206 Man who was not a colonel. The. S. M. Quincy. Q, 201 Man whose yoke was not easy, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Man with the broken ear, The. E. About. A 102 Man with the nose. The. R. Broughton. in B 3456 Man with the red hair. The. W. E. Norris. in N 906 Man without a country. The. E. E. Hale. H 454 Same. in H 452 Same. in A 1876 Same. in J 926 vl Manchester marriage. The. E. C. Gaskell. in Or 409 Manchester rebels. W. H. Ainsworth. A 573 Man's life saved by fowls. C. Reade. in 11617 Same. in 11621 Man's story, A. M. A. Barker. in B 376 Mancherlei. C. Spindler. S4313 Mandanenwaisc, Die. B. Mollhausen. M 3056 Mandrake, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. inB 2451 Manfred. F. D. Guerrazzi. G 2803 Manmat'ha. C. De Kay. iJiS35vlO Mann aus dem volke, Ein. E. Bichholz. E 801 Mann von geburt and das weib aus dem volke, Der. M. S. Schwartz. S 1913 Mann wird gesucht. Bin. L. v. Sacher-Masoch. S 106 Manceuvering. M. Edgeworth. in E 404 Manor-house farmer's Vefela. B. Auerbach. in A 1965 Mansfield Humphreys. R. G. White. Mansfield Park. J. Austen. Same, Lcondensed]. Manuel Venegas. P. A. de Alarcon. Manuela Paredes. W. Chamberlain. Manuelitta Dolores. Frau Heege. Manufacturers, The. M. Edgeworth. Ms. found in a bottle. E. A. Poe. Manuscripte Peter Schlemihl's, Die. W 1426 A 2052 in A 2055 A 626 C901 H2228 in E 403 in 820.1: 5 v3 L. Bechstein. B858 B426 H2053 T82 G3251 H 308 iHM:2826 G3301 F 1610 C2454 M:2257 T2302 M 1226 in P 469 M3752 in P 1351 J 230 W2152 472 S2556 Maple Range. E. A. Barnard. Marble faun. The. N. Hawthorne. Marcella. Marchen. R. A. Gustafsson. Marchen. F. W. Hacklander. Marco. N. Misasi. Marco Visconti. T. Grossi. Marcus Konig. G. Freytag. Marcus-riff, Das. J . F. Cooper. , Mardi. H. Melville. Margaret. C. C. Liddell. Margaret and her bridesmaids. Mrs. Marsh. Margaret Arden. H. Parr. Margaret Chetwynd. S. Morley. Margaret Freyer's heart. N. Perry. Margaret Graham. G. P. R. James. Margaret Lindsay, The trials of. J. Wilson. Margaret Maitland. M. O. Oliphant. Margaret Percival. B. M. Sewell. Margaret von Ehrenberg. W. and M. Howitt. in H 4801 Margarethe. E. J. Schmieden. J 1401 Margarethe Graham. G. P. R. James. J 230 Margarethe Maultasch. J. Messner. M 2602 Margarethe von Valois und ihre zeit. I. v. Reinsborg- Duringsfeld. D 2601 Margret Howth. R. H. Davis. D 601 Marguerite's journal. Mx 1 1 Maria Antonia. A. Bolte. B 2654 Maria Regina. I. Hahn-Hahn. H 403 Maria Theresia und der panduren-obrist Trenck. C. Mundt. M 4578 Maria von Burgund. G. P. R. James. J 231 Marianela. B. Perez Galdos. P 977 Marianne. H. J. Konig. K 1301 Marianne Richards. A. F. Langbeln. in R 2451 Marie. A. S. Pushkin. P 2751 Marie. A. E. S. Schoppe. S 1601 Marie. F. de V. in M 976 Marie Antoniette und ihr sohn. C. Mundt. M 4577 Marie, die spanierin. W. Ayguals de Izco. I 451 Marie Meluck Blainville. L. A. v. Arnim. in A 1577 Marien der konigin, Die. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 2208 Marietta, die romerin. W. Herchenbach, Marinebilder. H. Smidt. Marlon Fay. A. TroUope. Marius. V. Hugo. Marjorie Bruce's lovers. M. Patrick. Marjorie Daw. T. B. Aldrich. Same. Marjorie Fleming. J. Brown. H2779 S3251 T 1635 H4853 v3 P603 A 752 A 756 B3551 i(iJ926 vlO L1337 B3276 D676 M5 Cx727 S 1651 S1817 D2555 G201 H801 Marjorie's quest. J. T. Lincoln. Marjory. Mrs. C. Brock. Marjory. M. Deane. Marjory Graham. Mark Dennison's charge. G. M. Craik. Mark Sutherland. A. Simmel. Marketenderin. Die. L. Schiicking. Markof. A. Durand. Marmaduke Herbert.. M. Gardiner. Marmone. P. G. Hamerton. Marquis de Villemer, The. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2175 Marquis Jean Hyacinthe do St. Pelaye, The. J. Ff . Short- house. inT 178 v3 Marquis of Carabas, The. IF. P. Spofford. S 4404 Marquis of J^ossie. The. G. Macdonald. M 256 Marriage. 8. E. Ferrier. F 501 Marriage in high life, A. O. Feuillet. F 652 Marriage in high life. A. Mrs. E. C. Grey. G- 2402 Marriage of Moira Fergus, The. W. Black, in B 2206 Married beneath him. J. Payn. P 816 Married for fun. M 10 Marry for love and work lor money. in W 2203 v3 Marrying off a daughter. A. Durand. D 2556 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 957 Mar's Mike. LITERATURE FICTIOIT. CI. 813, Titles. 958 Mar's white witch. Lady G. G. Douglas. D 2851 Marsch durch die Mark. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v5 Marsch gegen den feind, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v9 Marsch-quartier, Ein. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 vl Marse Chan. T. N. Page. in S 35 v9 Marsh island, A. S. O. Jewett. J 806 Marsh king's daughter. H. C. Andersen. Ax 755 Martha Brown. M. A. Paul. P "704 Martha Guinness and her son. C. Crowe. in E 426 Martin. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Martin Chuzzlewit. C.Dickens. D 1310 Martin der flndling. E. Sue. S 5909 Martin Merivale. J.T.Trowbridge. T 1855 Martin Pole. J.Saunders. S 652 Martin, the skipper. J. F. Cobb. Cx 526 Martin Ware's temptation. E. P. Wood. in W 2559 Martyr to science, A. M. P. Jacobi. in S 35 v2 Martyrs of Spain, The. E. Charles. C 958 Mary and Florence. A. F. Tytler. Tx 1 205 Mary Anerley. R. D. Blackmore. B 2306 Mary Barton. E. C. Gaskell. G 404 Mary Bell. J. Abbott. Ax 168 Mary Brandagee. E. Peck. P 95 1 Mary Brown, The story of. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Mary Jane papers, The. A. G. Plympton. Px 526 Mary Lawson. H. Lee. in L 851 vl Mary Lindsay. E. C. M. Ponsonby. P2051 Mary Marston. G. Macdonald. M 257 Mary Middleton. in W 2203 v3 Mary Montgomery. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v6 Mary of Burgundy. G. P. R. James. J 231 Mary Powell. A. Manning. M 852 Mary Schweidler. J. W. Meinhold. M2001 Mary Smith, The courting of. F. W. Robinson. R 1860 Mary Wilson. C. S. in D 2401 "mas has come." L. Kip. in S 35 v9 Masonic secret. The. T. Hood. in 820.2 : 36 Mason's daughter. The. in P 1 1 Masque of the Red Death, The. E. A. Poe. in 820. 1 : 5 v3 Master Bieland. B. Auerbach. A 1970 Master Humphrey's clock. C.Dickens. D 1311 Master Humphrey's wanduhr. C.Dickens. D 1311 Master Johannes Wacht. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 v2 Master Martin, the cooper, E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 v2 Mate of the Daylight, The. S. O. Jewett. J 804 Mathilde. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2301 Mathilde. E. Sue. S 5910 Mathilde und Wilhelmine. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1467 Matilda princess of England. S. Cottin. C 2652 Matrimonial infelicities. R. B. Coffin. C 2101 Matrimony. W. E. Norris. N 902 Matrimony. Mrs. Caustic. C 751 Matter-of-fact girl, A. D. Boulger. H 1902 Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. H. C. Scudder. mS2101 Mattie. mT178vl Mattie. a stray. F. W. Robinson. R 1854 Maud Elbert's love match. C. Nordhoff. m N 801 Maude Talbot. H. Parr. P 466 Mauprat. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2176 Maurice Dering. G. A. Lawrence. Zi 707 Maurice Tiernay. C. J. Lever. L 111"? Maxwell. T. E. Hook. H 4054 May. M. O. Oliphant. O 466 May Darling, The story of. J. F. Smith. in W 2202 vlO May-pole of Merry Mount, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Mayfair mystery, A. J, Payn. m P 81 1 vl Mayflower. The. H. B. Stowe. S 5652 Mayo. P. Lindau. L 1354 Mayordomo, Der. B. Mollhausen. M 3053 Means and ends. C M. Sedgwick. S 2254 Mechulle-leut'. Mil Medal. The. T, Gillespie. mW2202vlO Medfleld. W. C. Bryant. in T 186 Medifeval mistake, A. J. Payn. t?i P 81 1 vl IMedusa. A. Sartoris. S 626 Meer-arbeiter, Die. V. Hugo. H 4855 Meeting at St. Boswell's, The. O. Richardson. mW2202vlO Meg and Alice. M.C.Clarke. in C 1651 vl Meg Hartley's cure. F. Church. in C 141 1 Mehetable Roger's cranberry swamp. C. Nordhoff. iuN 801 Mein eden. H. T. v. Schmid. S 1413 Mein erster patient. R. Rossler. in V 2 v31 Mein grossoheim. J. Ludwig. L 2126 Mein onkel aus Pommern. E. v. Wildenbruch. . in V 2 v25 Mem onkel don Juan. H. Hopfen. H 4276 Mein urgrossvetter. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v6 Mein vetter aus Stettin. A. v. Winterfeld. TO W 2260 V 3 Mein wanderbuch. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2855 Mein wille geschehe. A. Vollmar. in V 2 v23 Melne novelle. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4018 Meines bruders leben. C. J. H. Bagger. B 126 Meister Adam, der calabrese. A. Dumas. D 2274 Meister Autor. W. Raabe. R 116 Meister Floh. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3357 Meister Kleiderleib. C. Spindler. S 4314 Meldrum family, The. W. and M. Hewitt. in H 4801 Melichsala. J. K. A. Musiius. in M 4951 Mellichampe. W. G. Simms. ,S 3001 Same. s 3014 Memnon the philosopher. Voltaire. in V 1051 Memoiren der Ninon de L'Enclos. C. J. B. Jacquot. M2801 Memoiren des teuf els. Die. M. F. Soulie. S 3901 Memoiren eines apostaten. F. E. Pipitz. P1851 Memorable murder, A. C. L. Thaxter. in S 35 v3 Memories. F. M. Miiller. M4351 Memories of troublous times. E. Marshall. M 1305 Memoirs of a femme de chambre. M. Gardiner. G 202 Memoirs of a physician. A. Dumas. D 2275 Memoirs of a physician series. A. Dumas. D 2275-D 2277 Memoirs of a water drinker. W. Dunlap. B 2451 Men, our brothers. E. Simcox. in S 2976 Menie Dempster, The trials of. A. Leighton. mW2202 vl3 Men's wives. W. M. Thackeray. T 660 Same. in T 665 v8 Menschenhandler, Der. E. Ambach. L 2303 Mephistopheles. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2856 Meraner-novellen. P. Heyse. H 3010 Mercedes of Castile. J. F. Cooper. C 2463 Merchant mechanic. The. M. A. Howe. H 4701 Merchant of Antwerp, The. H. Conscience. C 2261 Merchant of Berlin, The. C. Mundt. M 4579 Merchant vessel. The. C. Nordhoff. Nx 252 Merchant's daughter, The. A. Campbell. mW2202 v21 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Saxe Holm. H 3752 Mere caprice, A. M. Bigot. B 1926 Meridiana. J. Verne. V 561 Merry adventures of Robin Hood, The. H. Pyle. Px951 Merry Andrew. Mx 35 Merry-mount. J.L.Motley. M4051 Mervyn Clitheroe. W. H. Ainsworth. A 574 Mesmeric revelation. E. A. Poe. in 820.1 : 5 v3 Message from the sea, A. C. Dickens and otlier. inH 1323 Meta Holdenis. V. Cherbuliez. C 1154 Metamorphoses. in T 177 v4 Meta's faith. E. Stephenson. T 104 Meta's wedding. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Metempsychosis, The. R. Macnish. w T 1'76 v2 Meteor der borse. Ein. K. Miiller. M 4304 Methodist, The. M.Fletcher. FllOl Metzengerstein. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Mice at play. C. Floyd. F 1201 Michael and I. J. Sturgis. in S 5877 Michael Armstrong's leben und abenteuer. F. Trollope. T 1701 Michael Kohlhaas. H. v. Kleist, in O 1001 Michael Strogotf. J.Verne. V551 Michel. J. Scherr. S 1102 Michel Lorio's cross. H. Smith. in T 178 v2 Micromegas. Voltaii-e. i?iV1051 Mid pleasures. M. C. Hay. in H 2114 Middlemarch. M. Cross, (Georflie EJiot). C 3155 Middy and ensign. G. M. Finn. Fx 202 Midnight mass, The. W. Carleton. in C 554 Midnight meeting, A. M. C. Hay. in H 21 12 Same. in H 2119 Midnight sun. The. F.Bremer. B 3156 Midshipman Easy, Mr. F. Marryat. M 1208 Midside Maggie. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v2 Midsummer and May. H. P. Spofford. in S 4401 Midsummer eve. A. M. Hall. H 551 Midsummer madness. A. E. W. Kirk. K 856 Midsummer noon. E. Simcox. in 3 2976 Miesenbacher, Die. M. Schmidt. S 1477 Miggles. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Mignon. J. S. Winter. W 2226 Mike Maxwell. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl2 Same. in W 2203 v3 denotes books specially adapted for children. 959 CI. 813, Titles. LITERATTTBE PICTION. STildred Mistress . Mildred. G. M. Craik. Mildred Arkell. E. P. Wood. Mildred's bargain. L. C. Llllie. Mildred's wedding. F. E. M. Notley. Miles Wallingf ord. J. F. Cooper. C2910 W2565 lixSOl N 1002 C2464 Miles Wallingford's abenteuer. J.F.Cooper. C 2451 Military adventure in the Pyrenees, A. in T 177 v3 Mill on the Floss, The. M. Cross. (Georye Eliot). C 3156 Miller's daughter, The. A. Beale. B 801 Millicenl Legh. E. Marshall. M 1303 Million, Eine. E. A. Konig. K 1256 Millionaire, The. L. J. Jennings. J 676 Millionaire's cousin. E. Lawless. L 2352 Mills of the gods, The. J. H. Twells. T 2251 Mills of Tuxbury, The. V. F. Townsend. T 1453 Milly Dove. P. J. O'Brien. in O 126 Milly's first love. M. Veley. in T 177 vl 1 Mine host Gansendonck. H. Conscience. in C 2258 Mine is thine. L. W. M. Lockhart. L 1651 Mine and thine. E.Prentiss. in P 2452 Mingo. J. C. Harris. H 1326 Miniature romances. M 2776 Ministering children. M. L. Charlesworth. Cx251 Same, Sequel. Cx 252 Minister's black veil. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Minister's family. The. S. S. Ellis. Ex 252 Minister's son. The. M. C. MacCallum. S 6051 Minister's story, The. A. S. Roe. in B 2252 Minister's wife. The. M. O. Oliphant. O 467 Minister's wooing. The. H. B. Stowe. S 5653 Minor trials. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Minstrel love. F. H. K. de La Motto Fouque. L 356 Mirage. J. Fletcher. F 1053 Miriam. N. Hawthorne. H 2053 Miriam. M. V. Terhune. T 608 Miriam CofHn. J. C. Hart. H 1451 Miriam's heritage. A. Johnston. J 1051 Miriam's marriage. K. S. Maequoid. M 604 Mirror of truth, The. E. Haraerton. Hx 361 Mis' Elderkin's pitcher. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 Mischief's thanksgiving. S. C. Woolsey. Wx 1205 Miser, The. H. Conscience. in C 2251 Miser of New Abbey, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v20 Miserables, Les. V. Hugo. H 4853 Miseries of Fo Hi, The. F. Sarcey. S 501 Miser's daughter. The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 575 Misery Landing. C. M. Woolson. in W 2751 Misfortunes of bro' Thomas Wheatley, The. L. K. Fair- fax, in S 35 v6 Misguldit lassie, A. P. Ross. K 3551 Miss Anderson's colors. F. W. Robinson. in R 1858 Miss Angel. A. 1. Ritchie. B 1653 Miss Ashton's girls. J. H. Matthews. Mx 654-Mx 659 Miss Becky's pilgrimage. S. O. Jewett. in J 803 Miss Beulah's bonnet. R. T. Cooke. in C 2401 Miss Bouverie. M. L. Molesworth. M 3001 Miss Brown. V.Paget. P3151 Miss Calderon's german. W. H. Bishop. in B 2104 Miss Carew. A. B. Edwards. E 507 Miss Derby's neighbors. S. O. Jewett. in J 804 Miss Dewberry's scholars. M. E. Sangster. Sx551 Miss Dorothy's charge. F. L. Benedict. B 1304 Miss Elizabetha. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 Miss Eunice's glove. A. Webster. in 8 35 v6 Miss Gilbert's career. J. G. Holland. H 3653 Miss Grief. C. F. Woolson. in S 35 v4 Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress. Mrs. Hart. H 1476 Miss Inglesby's sister-in-law. F. C. Fisher. in F 953 Miss Letty's experiences. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Miss Lucinda. R. T. Cooke. in C 2401 Some. in A 1876 Miss Ludington's sister. E.Bellamy. B 1261 Miss Mackenzie. A. Trollope. T 1622 Miss Majoribanks. M. O. Oliphant. O 468 Miss Mary. E.Sue. S5911 Miss Mehetable's son. T. B. Aldrich. in A 752 Same. in A 756 Miss Mildred's friend. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Miss Misanthrope. J. McCarthy. M 105 Miss Molly. B. M. Butt. B 4403 Miss Morier'8 visions. A. I. Ritchie. in R 1652 Same. in R 1654 Miss Oona McQuarrle. A. Smith. S 3352 Miss or mrs. ? W. Collins. C 2214 Sam. in C 2228 Miss River's revenge. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 Miss Sydney's flowers. S. O. Jewett. in J 802 Miss Oliistledown. R. 8. Clarke. Cx 468 Miss Tiller's vegetable garden. A. B. Warner. W 801 Miss Tommy. D. M. Craik. C 2873 Miss Toosey's mission. M 33 Miss Van Kortland. F.L.Benedict. B 1305 Miss Van Steen. W. E. Norris. in N 906 Miss Williamson's divlgations. A. I. Ritchie. R 1654 Missing. M. C. Hay. H 2120 Missing bills, The. in T177vl0 Missing ship. The. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 459 Mission, The. F. Marry at. M 1207 Mission Dolores. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Mississippi-bilder. F. Gerstacker. G- 718 Mist over the valley, The. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Mistake, The. G. Griffin. in G 2555 Same. in G 2551 v5 Mistake rectified. The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v9 Mr. and mrs. Frank Berry. W. M. Thackeray, in T 660 Same. in T 665 v8 Mr. and mrs. Meyer. N. Perry. in P 1351 Mr. and mrs. Morton. M 31 Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. C. S. Sage. in S 35 v9 Mr. Blazay's experience. J. T. Trowbridge, in T 1852 Mr. Bodley abroad. H. B. Scudder. Sx 704 Mr. Bruce. S. O. Jewett. in J 802 Mr. Butler's Avard. F.M.Robinson. R 3601 Mr. Chubb. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2 : 36 Mr. de Vielleeour and his neighbors. R. C. Sands. in 820.1:6 v2 Mr. Fantom. H. More. in 820.2: 28 vl Mr. Gilfll's love-story. M. Cross, {George Eliot), in C 3158 Mr. Green. R. C. Sands. ii T 186 Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Mr. Isaacs. F. M. Crawford. C 3026 Mr. John. C. V. Hamilton. in H 903 Mr. John Oakhurst. F. B. Harte. in H 1556 Mr. John Stoll's difficulty. J. Payn. id P 812 Mr. Joseph Walker. N. Macleod. in M 501 Mr. Leslie of Underwood. M. Patrick. P 602 Mr. Midshipman Easy. F. Marryat. M 1208 Mr. Nobody. Mrs. J. K. Spender. S 4204 Mr. Oldmixon. W. A. Hammond. H 1078 Mr. Pei-kins' daughter. C. Lanza. L 601 Mr. Robert Bolton. C.Dickens. in D 1312 Mr. Rutherford's children. S.Warner. Wx212 Mr. Samuel Ramsay Thriven. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl 6 Mr. Scarborough's family. A. Trollope. T 1639 Mr. Smith. L. B. Walford. W 252 Mr. Stubbs's brother. J. O. Kaler. Ox 502 Mr. Thompson's prodigal. F. B. Harte. in H 1554 Mr. Tibbot O'Leary. G. Griffln. in J 926 v5 Same. in G 2555 Same. in G 2551 vl Mr. Toby's wedding journey. P. Deming. in D 902 Mr. Tolman. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Mr. Vaughan's heir. F.L.Benedict. B 1306 Mr. W. Wellington Hurst. in T 176 v6 Mr. Washington Adams in England. R. G. White. in W 1426 Mr. Withering's consumption and its cure. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2: 36 Mr. Woosey's great trouble. F. W. Robinson. inR 1858 Mr. Wynward's ward. H. Parr. P 467 Mistletoe bough. The. M. E. Maxwell, M 1783 Mrs. Allonby. A. Cudllp. in C 3312 v3 Mistress and maid. D. M. Craik. C 2864 Mrs. Arthur. M. O. Oliphant. O 469 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. J. G. Austin. A 2101 Mrs. Beauchamp's vengeance. in T 177 vl 1 Mrs. Bullfrog. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 vl Mrs. Burrage. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2 : 36 Mrs. Denys of Cote. H. Parr. P 454 Mrs. Duncan's eccentricity. M. C. Hay. in H 21 18 Mrs. Duncan's will. M. C. Hay. in H 21 14 Mrs. F's waiting maid. N. Perry. in P 1352 Mrs. Flint's married experience. R. T. Cooke. in C 2401 Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. J. Hawthorne. in H 2006 Mrs. Gardiner. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. i7i 820.2 : 36 Mrs. Geofl'rey. M. Argles. A 1479 Mrs. Gerald's niece. G. C. Fullerton. F 1806 Mrs. Gordon's confession. C. V. Hamilton. in H 903 Mrs. Grinling's hampers. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v2 Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. E.P.Wood. W 2566 Mrs. Humphrey Greenwood's tea-party. T. Martin. in W 2202 v9 Mrs. Hurd's niece. E. Pratt. Px 703 Mrs. Johnson. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Mistress Judith. C. C. Llddell. T 2303 denotes books specially adapted for children. 9G1 Mrs. My first. LITERATTJIIE FICTION. CI. 818, Titles. Mrs. Keith's crime. M 41 Mrs. Knollys. P. J. Stlmson. in S 35 v2 Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. C. Dickens and others, in D 1328 Mrs. Lirriper's lodsrlnjrs. C. Dlckcfns arid others. D 1328 Mrs. Lorimer. Mrs. W. Harrison. M 676 Mrs. Macsinium's bill. F. J. O'Brien. in P 2801 Mrs. McWllllams and the lightning:. S. L. Clemens. inC 1802 Mrs. Merrlam's scholars. E. E. Hale. H 455 Mistress of Ibichstein. The. F. Henkel. H 5151 Mrs. Overthcway's remembrances. J. H. Ewing. Mrs. Peck's pudding. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2: 36 Mrs. Podg-ers' teapot. L. M. Alcott. in A 652 Mrs. Skaggs's husbands. F. B. Harte. H 1554 Mrs. Stanhope's last lodger. N. Perry. in P 1352 Mrs. Willoughby's octave. E.Marshall. M1309 Misunderstood. F. Montgomery. M 3201 Mit eiserner hand. J. D. mD701 Mitchelhurst Place. M. Veley. V 503 Miz-maze, The. F. Awdry and others. A 21*76 Mliss. F.B. Harte. in H 1553 Moby-Dick. H.Melville. M 2252 Model servant, A. E. Prentiss. in P 2452 Modelle. A. v. Winterfeld. W 2258 Modern accomplishments. C.Sinclair. S3102 Modern Cinderella, A. L. M. Alcott. in A 652 Modern Delilah, A. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Modern Griselda, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 405 Modern Hagar, The. C. M. Clark. C 1503 Modern instance, A. W. D. Howells. H 4761 Modern magician, A. W. W. Story. in T 177 v7 Modern Mephistopheles, A. H. P. Spoflford. S 4403 Modern Midas, A. M. Jokai. J 1 155 Modern pilgrims. G. Wood. W 2602 Modern Sinbad, The. E. E. Hale. in H 451 Moderne Eulenspiegel, Der. A. v. Tschabuschnlgg. T 1951 Moderne lebenswirren. T. Mundt. IVI 4658 Moderne siinden. E. A. Willkomm. W 2053 Moderne titanen. H. L. R. Giseke. Q- 1051 Mohammed All and his house. C. Mundt. M 4580 Mohicans, The. J.F.Cooper. C 2481 Mohicans of Paris, The. A.Dumas. D 2281 Mohikaner von Paris, Die. A.Dumas. D 2281 Molchko von Parma. K. E. Franzos. F 1901 Molly. J. Schayer. in S 1016 Molly Bawn. M. Argles. A 1480 Molly Carew. A. M. W. W3051 Monaldi. W. Allston. A 851 Monarch of Mincing-Lane, The. W. Black. B 2210 Monastery, The. Sir W. Scott. S 2015 Mongrels. T. Wilton. W 2276 Monikins, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2465 Same, germ. C 2465 "' ' " A.Campbell, in W 2202 v4 A. Campbell, in W 2202 v4 W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1764 Monomaniac, The. A. Lelghton. in W 2202 vl8 Monos and Daimonos. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in824.2:18 v3 Monsieur du Miroir. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 vl Monsieur Maurice. A. B. Edwards. E 508 Monsieur Violet. F. Marryat. M 1209 Monsu Max. K. M. Sauer. in "V 2 v23 Monte-Cristo, The count of. A. Dumas. D 2258 Montford. H. Lee. in I, 851 vl Moods. L. M. Alcott. A 651 Moonfolk. J. G. Austin. Ax 901 Moonstone, The. W. Collins. C 2215 Moosrosen. L. F. Stolle. S 5518 Mopsa the fairy. J. Ingelow. Ix 101 Mor Perczel. M. Jokai. in J 1 1 54 Moral pirates. The. W. L. Alden. Ax 551 Moralische novellen. M. de Cervantes-Saavedra. C 802 Morder Wallenstein's, Die. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2857 More bed-time stories. Jv. C. Moulton. Mx 902 More old wives' fables. E. Laboulaye. Lx 703 Morella. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Monk of St. Anthony, The. Monks of Dryburgh, The. Monks of Thelema, The. Morgesons. E. D. B. Stoddard. Moritz. E. Scribe. Morley Ernstein. G. P. R. James. Mormonenmadchen, Das. B. Mollhausen, Mormon's wife, The. Morning dream. The. J. Brougham. Morning-glories. I... M. Alcott. Morte d'Arthur. Sir T. Malory. Mortlake. J. Maidment. .Same. Morton. C. Sealsfleld, Morton's hope. J. L. Motley. Mosaik. C. Spindler. Mosaikarbeiter, Die. A. L. A. Dudevant. Mossdale. A. M. De Jongh. Mosses from an old manse. N. Hawthorne. Moss-side. M. V. Terhune. Mosstrooper, The. A. Campbell, Mother and son, The. A. Opie. Same. Mother Molly. F. M. Peard. Mother of Jacques, The. K. S. Macquoid Mother of Pearl. F. J. O'Brien. Mother's recompense. The. G. Aguilar. Mouflou. L. de la Rame. Mount Hope. G. H. Hollister. Mount of sorrow. The. H. P. Spofford. Mount Royal. M. E. Maxwell. Mountain road. The. L. C. Moulton. Mountain sprite's kingdom. The. E. Hugessen. Mountain storm, The. T. Gillespie. Mountain's face. The. H. H. Boyesen Mourmellieux und Carbonel. A ~ Mouse and lion. B. E. Hale. Mouth of the Leamy, The. C. M. Yonge Moy O'Brien. Melusine. Mozart. H. Rau. Much coin, much care. A. Jameson. Muckle Jock. Mudfog papers, The. C. Dickens. Mugby Junction. C. Dickens and others. Miihle am schwarzen moor. Die. J. D. H. Temme. Miiller von Angibault, Der. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2178 M4062 S4316 D2177 D801 H2054 T614 in W 2202 vl2 in O 653 in O 653 v3 P902 in M 607 inO 126 A 405 in T 178 v2 H 3701 in S 35 v2 M1784 in M 4101 H. KnatchbuU- Hx 1001 in W 2202 vl in B 2856 Winterfeld. in W 2261 vl in H 451 Y214 M2151 11456 in 829.2: 17 inPll D1312 D1324 11616 in a 604 T2111 S1414 1101 O201 S4316 in J 926 vl 2 in E 403 Multum in parvo. C. Reade. Mummy's foot. The. T. Gautier. Mumu. I. S. Turgenief. Miinchener kindeln. Das. H. v. Schmid. Miinchhausen. K. L. Immermann. Munster circuit. The. J. R. O'Flanagan. Muntere lebensbilder. C. Spindler. Murad, the unlucky. M. Edgeworth. Same. ^_ ^ ^^^ Murder considered as one of the fine arts. T. De Quincey! in J 926 v2 Murder of the archbishop of Paris, The. W. Collins. in C 2206 Murder will out. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in Q 653 v2 Murderer's last night. The. T. Doubleday. in T 176 v7 Murders in the rue Morgue, The. E. A. Poe. in J 926 v3 Same. in 820.1: 5 v3 Murphy's master. J. Payn. P817 Musikalische marchen, phantasien und skizzen. E. Polko P2005 Z 177 B654 G729 C2255 Iil476 in V 2 v37 R355 S1415 Muss ma cussalin. L. Musste es sein ? C. Bauer. Mutter, Eine. F. Gerstacker. Mutter Hiob. H. Conscience. Mutter und sohn. A. Linz. Mutter und tochter. E. Wichert. Mutter vom lande, Eine. J. Rank. Miitze und krone. H. T. v. Schmid. My after-dinner adventures with Peter Schiemihl. in T 177 v9 My aunt Pontypool. G. P. R. James. My black coat. J. M. Wilson. My blind sister. H. Parr. My bonnie lass. C. V. Hamilton. My boys. L. M. Alcott. My brother Robert. H. Parr. My brother's wife. A. B. Edwards. My chateaux. G. W. Curtis. My college friends. My Connaught cousins. H. Jay. My conti'aband. L. M. Alcott. My coui'tship and its consequences. My cousin Nicholas. R. H.Barham. B351 My cousin's clients. W.Clarke. in C 1676 My daughter Elinor. F. L. Benedict. B 1307 My Desire. S. Warner. W 830 My double and how he undid me. E. E. Hale, in H 452 Same. in A 1876 My ducats and my daughter. Hay Hunter and Walter J 250 in W 2202 v2 in P 469 H902 Ax 502 in P 469 E509 in J 926 v4 in T 176 v4,6 J 502 in A 652 H.Wikoff. ^"1751 S5451 S2052 J 232 M:3054 in P 2801 in 927.1: 7 Ax 517 813:7 in W 2202 v8 in W 2203 v3 S2204 denotes books specially adapted for children. Whyte. M ! My enemy's daughter. J. McCarthy. M 106 My english acquaintance. F. Hardman. in T 176 v7 My financial operation. J. Payn. in P 812 My first client. P. J. Fargus. in F 2003 My first offer. M. C. Hay. H 2107 Same. in 21 18 CI. 813, Titles. LITEBATUBE FICTION. My first-New England. 964 My first recordership. J. Payn. inPSllyl My triend, mrs. Angel. J. Schayer. i?iS1016 My friend the dutchman. F. Hardman. in T 176 v6 Same. ^",^,55} My friend the tramp. F. B. Harte. tHH1551 My friends and I. J. Sturgis. S 5877 My girls. L. M. Alcott. -^^9? My heart's in the Highlands. M. M. Grant. O- 1951 My hunt of the silver fox. W. B. Cheadle. in T 177 vlO My husband's mother. L. Curtis. in P 2801 My inheritance. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 My intimate enemy. Ormirod. 751 My investment in the far west. in T 177 vl2 My Kalulu. H. M. Stanley. S 4701 My lady Green Sleeves. H. Reeves. B, 3504 My lady Ludlow. E. C. Gaskell. G- 405 Same. *"^^Ji My lady's money. W.Collins. 2216 My little girl. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1765 My little lady. E. F. Poynter. P 2353 My little love. M. V. Terhune. T 609 My love. E. L. Linton. L 1453 My marriage. _ i'L?! My miscellanies. W.Collins. 2217 My mother and I. D. M. Craik. 2864 My Nannie O. N.Perry. in P 1352 My novel. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4018 My only novel. M. C. Hay. in H 21 12 Same. in H 2121 "My own child." F. Church. 1413 My own experience. W. Besant and J. Rice, in B 1762 My own story. M. Howitt. Hx 1257 My Paris masters. E. D. Gerard. in T 178 v2 My poor wife. J. Sturgis. in S 5877 My sister Jeannie. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2179 Mv spinsters. W.Collins. in O 2217 Same. in O 2223 My story. K. S. Macquoid. M 605 My third book. L. C. Moulton. Iff 4101 My three conversations with miss Chester. F. B. Per- kins. P1151 Sam. in P 2801 My tourmaline. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 v2 My trivial life. M 92 My uncle Hobson and I. P.Jones. J 1201 My uncle, the clockmaker. M. Howitt. Hx 1258 My uncle, the curate. M. W. Savage. S 802 My uncle Toby. L. Sterne. S 5151 My unlucky friend. M. E. MaxwelL in M 1764 My watch below. W. C. Russell. R 3305 My wife and I. H. B. Stowe. S 5654 My wife and my wife's sister. M 90 My wife's tempter. F.J. O'Brien. in O 126 My window. W. Collins. in C 2206 My young Alcides. C. M. Yonge. Y 217 Myddleton Pomfret. W. H. Ainsworth. A 676 Mysie Craig, The story of. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Mysteries of Heron Dyke, The. M 95 Mysterious bride. The. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v4 Mysterious disappearance. The. in W 2202 vl6 Mysterious lodger. The. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Mysterious sketch. The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. inE 1205 Mysterious stranger. The. A. Opie. in O 653 vl Mystery, A. A. Cudlip. in0 3312v2 Mystery of Edwin Drood. C.Dickens. D 1313 Mystery of Joe Morgan, The. W. Besant and J. Bice. in B 1762 Mystery of Marie Roget, The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Mystery of Metropolisville, The. E. Eggleston. E 654 Mystery of the locks, The. E. W. Howe. H4737 Nabob at home, The. Mrs. Monkland. M 3101 Nabob, The. F. Daudet. D 453 NachAmerika. F. Gerstiicker. G-719 Nach dem grossen kriege. W. Raabe. R 117 Nach der ersten liebe. K. Frenzel. P 1554 Nachderflut. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1532 Nach der natur. R. G. S. v. Hauenschild. H 1802 Nach uns die siindfluth. M. v. Schliigel. :S 1301 Nach zwanzig jahren. P. Lange. L 506 Nachbarn, Die. F. Bremer. B 3157 Nachlese in und ausser mir. N 1 Nachsommer, Der. A. Stifter. S 5302 Nacht und morgen. E. G. E. L. Bnlwer-Lytton. B 4019 Nachtigal, Die. J. C. v. Sohmid. in 8 1456 Nachtstiicke. E. T. A. Hoffmann. H 3355 Name, Bin. C. A. Wetterbergh. W1411 Nameless graves. K. E. Franzos. in F 1903 Nameless nobleman, A. J. G. Austin. A 2101 Namenlose geschichten. F. W. Hacklander. H 309 Namenlosen, Die. W. Jensen. Nan. S. C. F. HallowelL Nan. L. C. Lillie. Nan. L. B. Walford. Nancy. R. Broughton. Nancy Blynn's lovers. J. T. Trowbridge Nanette and her lovers. T. Gwynne. Naomi. Mrs. J. B. Webb. Napoleon. J. G. Lockhart. Napoleon und Bliicher. C. Mundt. Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. Napoleon in Egypten. L. F. Stolle. Napoleon und der Wiener congress. J 702 Hx301 Lx302 inT 177 vl B3463 inT 1852 a3151 WllOl in T 176 vl SI 4582 C. Mundt. M 4581 S5519 C. Mundt. M4583 Napoleon und furst Bliicher. C. Mundt. M 4582 Napoleon und konigin Louise. C- Mundt. M 4581 Narration of certain uncommon things that did formerly happen to me, Herbert Willis, B. D. in T 176 v7 Narrative of prince Charlie's escape. in T 17'7 vlO Narrow escape, A. A. Cudlip. 3303 Natalie. E. V. Hallett. V251 Nathalie. J. Kavanagh. K 307 Nathalie Marsh. M. A. Fleming. F 1501 Natolian story teller. The. in T 176 vl 1 Natural history of idiots. The. T. Gillespie. tnW2202 vl3 J. Hogg. Nature's magic lantern. Nature's nobleman. Nature's serial story. E. P. Roe. Naturliche tochter. Die. Neal Malone. W. Carleton. Near to nature's heart. E. P. Roe. Nearer and dearer. E. Bradley. Neben dem heerdfeuer. N. Misasi. Neblitt. E. S. Phelps. Necklace of princess Fiorimonde, The. Ned Geraghty. J. Brougham. Ned McKeown. W. Carleton. Ned Musgrave. T. E. Hook. Neighbors, The. F. Bremer. Neighbors of an old Irish boy. W. Clarke. Neighbors' wives. J. T. Trowbridge. Nell. B. H. Buxton. Nella. F. Stahr. Nellie's memories. B. N. Carey. Nelly Brooks. F. Church. Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. A. M. Douglas Nelly's silver mine. H. M. Jackson. Nemesis. H. v. Hiilsen. Nemesis. J. Scherr. Nemesis. M. V. Terhune. Nona Sahib. H. O. F. Godsche. Nenuphar, a fancy. Neptune vase. The. V. W. Johnson. Nest dor zaunkonige. Das. G. Freytag. Nostlenook. L. Kip. Nettie Dunkayne. M. C. Hay. Same. Neue abendgenossen. O. v. Planckner. Neue Casar, Der. L. F. Stolle. Neue empflndsame reisen. L. Rellstab. Neue garnisongeschichten. A. v. Winterfeld Neue generation. Die. I. S. Turgenief. Neue geschichten. E. Hofer. Neue geschichten. L. Kompert. Neue Hiob, Der. L. v. Sacher-Masoch. Neue huraoristische soldatengeschichten. A fold. Neue novellen. A. E. Brachvogel. Neue novellen. W. Jensen. Neue propheten. K. Wartenburg. Neue siindfluth. Die. J. Rodenberg. Neue welt, Eine. W. R. Heller. Neuer adel. A. Meissner. Neuer Fallstatf, Ein. A. E. Brachvogel. Neuer glaube, Ein. E. A. J. Lobedanz. Neuer Polykrates, Ein. H. Wachenhusen. Neues leben. B. Auerbach. Neues leben. T. Miigge. Neues novellenbuch. W. H. Rlehl. Neuland. I. S. Turgenief. Never again. W. S. Mayo. Never too late. C. Burdette. Nevilles von Garretstown, Die. C. Lever. New Abelard, The. B. Buchanan. New Adam and Eve, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 v2 New arabian nights. R. L. Stevenson. S 5176 New bed-time stories. L. C. Moulton. Mx 903 New boy at Styles's, The. W. Collins. in 2206 New Endymion, The. J. Hawthorne. in H 2005 v2 New England winter, A. H. James. in J 313 in H 3451 v4 N5 R2312 in J 92ev5 R2306 B3001 in M 2826 inP 1453 M. D. Morgan. Dx326 in 927.1: 7 in 554 H4053 B3157 inC 1676 T 1857 B4452 S4672 401 O 1414 Dx652 Jx 102 H 1676 S 1108 T610 Q1376 in T 177 vl2 J 1001 F 1608 K801 in H 2107 in H 21 18 E753 S5520 R904 W2260 T2109 H3307 K 1203 S 107 V. Wintor- W2261 B2908 J 703 W 1002 R2151 H2329 M2056 B2904 L 1551 W 155 A 1963 M4208 R 1551 T2107 M 1953 Bx951 L, 1118 B3855 denotes books specially adapted for children. J 965 ITevrGodiva OldctiriOBity. lilTJiIKATUBE FICTION". 01. 813, Titles. New Godlva, A. S. Hope. New Kraft on the family tree, A. Now home, A. C. M. Kirkland. New lodg-er, The. T. Hood. New Mag-dalen, The. W. Collins. New moon, The. J. Hall. New nobility. The. J. W. Forney. New parishoner, A. 8. O. Jewett. H4201 M. Alden. A 703 K761 in 820.2: 86 C2218 in H 701 F1251 in J 804 New Paul and Virginia, The. W. H. Mallock. M 701 New priest in Conception Bay, The. R. T. S. Lowell. L.2002 New purchase, The. B. E. Hall. H 602 New race, A. B. Frederich. D 203 New republic. The. W. H. Mallock. M 702 Now scholars. The. J. H. Matthews. Mx 656 New sketches of every-day life. F. Bremer, in B 3168 New Timothy, The. W. M. Baker. B 156 New-year's bargain. The. 8. C. Woolsey. Wx 1206 New year's eve adventure, A. J. H. D. Zschokke. in Z 303 New York. G. G. Forster. F 1361 Newcomes, Die. W.M.Thackeray. T 661 Newcomes, The. W. M. Thackeray. T 661 Newport. G. P. Latbrop. L 666 Newport aquarelle, A. M. Howe. H 4727 Newton Forster. F. Marryat. M 1218 Niagara. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Niccolo di Lapi. M. T. dell' Azeglio. A 2201 Nicholas Minturn. J. G. Holland. H 3654 Nicholas Nickleby. C.Dickens. D 1314 Nicolaus Nickleby. C.Dickens. D 1314 Nidworth. E.Prentiss. Px 802 Niederliindischedorfgeschichten. C. van Schaik. S 951 Niels Klim's wallfahrt in die unterwelt. L. F. v. Hol- herg. 898.3:2 Nigel's schicksale. Sir W.Scott. S 2010 Night and morning. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B4019 Night at sea, A. G. Griffin. in O- 2654 Same. inG2561v7 Night at the Mermaid, A. H. Neele. in 820.2 : 17 Night in a workhouse, A. J. Greenwood, in J 926 vl Night on the borders of the Black Forest. A. B. Edwards. E510 Night sketches. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Night-walk over the mill-stream. E. P. Wood. in W 2569 Night-wanderer of an afghan fort, The. in T 177 v5 Night with the fenians, A. J. Payn. in P 812 Night with the spirits, A. J. Brougham. in 917. 1 : 7 Night with the volunteers of Strathkinahan, A. L. W. M . Lockh art. in T 1 77 v 1 Nightmare Abbey. T. L. Peacock. in P 861 Nights of the round table. C. J. Johnston. J 1 102 Nihilist princess, A. L. Gagneur. G 126 Nils Jensen. W. E. Norris. in N 906 Nils Juel. T. W. K. Rumohr. Nil Nimrod of the sea. W. M. Davis. Dx 151 Nina. F. Bremer. B 3159 Nina Gordon. H. B. Stowe. S 5666 Nine days' wonder, A. H. Aide. A 461 Nine years old. E. Tabor. Tx 101 Ninety-three. V. Hugo. H 4854 Ninon de L'Enclos, Memoiren der. C. J. B. Jacquot. M2801 Nip-cheeked Toney. B. Auerbach. in A 1965 No alternative. A. Cudlip. C 3304 No fiction. A. Reed. B 651 " No gentlemen." C. L. Burnham. B 4301 No intentions. F. Church. C 1416 No laggards we. R.Raymond. B 561 No medium. A. Cudlip. C3313 No name. W.Collins. C 2219 No new thing. W. E. Norris. N 904 No proof. A. O'Hanlon. O 253 No relations. H. Malot. M 801 No sense like common sense. M. Howitt. Hx 1269 No thoroughfare. C. Dickens and W. Collins. D 1329 Noble blood. J.Hawthorne. H2011 Noble life, A. D. M. Craik. C 2866 Noble name, A. C. v. Glumer. a 1326 Noble sister, A. M. A. Denison. Dx361 Noble wife, A. J. Saunders. S 664 Nobleman of '89, The. A. Quinton. 0,161 Noblesse oblige. K. v. Holtei. H 4002 Noblesse oblige. M. Roberts. R 1801 Nobody. S.Warner. W836 Nobody's business. H. E. Scudder. in S 2101 Nonne von Gnadenzell, Die. C. Splndler. S4317 Nora. C. Bauer. B 665 Nora's love test. M. C. Hay. H 2108 Nordischer Richelieu, Ein. H. Kleinsteuber. K 901 Norman's bridge. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1258 Norodom, king of Cambodia. F. McGloin. M 376 Norseman's pilgrimage, A. H. H. Boyesen. B 2854 North and south. E. C. Gaskell. Ot 412 North country maid, A. Mrs. H. L. Cameron. C 176 Northanger Abbey. J. Austen. in A 2053 Same, [condensed]. in A 2056 Northern lights. 8. Borg and M. A. Brown. Bx 851 Norton Hargrave. Nx61 Norva. E. Souvestre. S 4063 Norwood. H. W. Beecher. B 1101 Norwood. E. Z. C. Judson. J 1251 Nose, the dwarf. W. Hauflf. in O 1001 Not for him. E. 8. Holt. H 3969 Not like other girls. R. N. Carey. C 404 Not wisely, but too well. R. Broughton. B 3454 Not wooed, but won. J. Payn. P 818 Notary's nose. The. E. About. A 103 Notes by flood and field. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Notes from a german band. M. C. Hay. in H 21 12 Same. in H 2121 Notre Dame. V. Hugo. H 4866 " Notre Jean." K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Novelle. J. W. v. Gbthe. in 830.1 : 8 Novelle aus Lappland, Eine. G. H. Mellin. M2103 Novellen aus dem siiden. W. R. Heller. H 2330 Novellen-kranz. N 1051 Novellen und phantasiebluthen. L. Bechstein. B 869 Novellen und phantasiegemalde. L. Bechstein. B 860 Novellenbuch. K. F. Gutzkow. 3104 Novellenbuch. L. Schiicking. S 1819 Now-a-days. E.Marshall. M 1304 Numa Pompilius. J. P. Claris de Florian. C 3861 Numa Roumestan. A. Daudet. D 456 Number forty-seven. J. Payn. i)i P 81 1 v2 Number 101. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Number 13. E. 8. Phelps. in P 1453 Nuna the bramin girl. H. W. French. F 1951 Nur ein geiger. H. C. Andersen. A 1004 Nurse Eva. M. Argles. in A 1488 Nursery governess. The. Nx 91 Nymphe des brunnens, Die. J. K. A. Musans. in M 4951 O. T. H. C. Andersen. A 1003 Oak openings. The. J. T. Cooper. C 2483 Oakatibbee. W. G. Simms. in S 3009 Oakfleld. W. D. Arnold. A 1601 ' Oakridge. J. E. Smith. S 3601 Oberhof, Der. K. L. Immermann. I 102 Oberon's horn. H. Morley. Mx 876 Oblong box. The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 O'Bryan's luck. J. Brougham. in 927.1:7 Ocean free lance. An. W. C. Russell. R 3302 Ocean waifs. M. Reid. Rx410 Ocean-work. J.H.Wright. Wx 1301 Octagon club. The. E. M. Heaton. 112161 October ride. An. S. O. Jewett. in J 803 Odd couple. An. M. O. Oliphant. O 470 Odd or even ? A. D. T. Whitney. W 1454 O'Dearmid's ride. J. Brougham. in 927.1 : 7 Odhin's trost. F. Dahn. D 102 O'Donoghue. C. Lever. Iilll9 Of high degree. C. Gibbon. Q 804 Off on a comet. J. Verne. V 560 Off the roll. K.King. K 602 Off the Skelligs. J. Ingelow. I 203 Off to California. H. Conscience. C 2263 Off to the geysers. C. A. Stephens. Sx 1406 Off to the wilds. G. M. Fenn. Fx201 Office secret. An. J. Payn. in P 81 1 vl Office seeker. The. F. B. Harte. in H 1561 Officer's tale. The. H. Lee. in I. 851 v2 Ogilvies, The. D. M. Craik. C 2866 Ogla Moga. D. D. Lloyd. in S 36 v3 Olaf Tryggveson. P. M. C. Reed. R 751 Olav. W. Lorenz. L 1905 Old agency. The. C. M. Woolson. iii W 2751 Old and the new, face to face. The. E. E. Hale, in H 452 Old apple dealer, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 v2 Old Babele. L. Kompert. in K 1205 Old bachelor's adventure. An. C. Reade. in R 621 Old battle-ground. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 815 Old bell of independence. The. H. C. Watson. Wx 301 Old caravan days. M. H. Catherwood. Cx 176 Old chronicler's tales. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 V14.16 Old church bell. The. H. C. Andersen. Ax 767 Old continental. The.* J. K. Paulding. P 762 Old corner cupboard. The. O 21 Old countess. The. E. Hofer. H 3301 Old Court. W. H. Ainsworth. A 677 Old Creole days. G. W. Cable. C 103 Old curiosity shop. C.Dickens. D 1316 Same. D1311vl,2 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Ca. 813, titles. liMERATtTRE FlClMOir. Old Dominion Out of. 968 Old Dominion, The. G. P. R. James. J 251 Old factory, The, W. Westall. W 1376 Old-fashioned fairy-book, The. C. C. Harrison. Hx 526 Old-fashioned fairy tales. Ox 3 1 Old-fashioned girl, An. L. M. Alcott. Ax 512 Old-fashioned thanksgiving. An. L. M. Alcott. Ax 507 Old fogy. An. C. H. Clark. in C 1476 Old four-poster, The. W. Besant and J. Bice, in B 1762 Old friends and new. S. O. Jewett. J 802 Old Fritz. C. Mundt. M4551 Old Gardiston. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 Old gentleman's teetotum, The. in T 176 v4 Old guard. The. N. Macleod. in M 501 Old helmet, The. S.Warner. W 834 Old Hicks the guide. C. W. Webber. "W 1 126 Old house by the river, The. W. C. Prime. P 2602 Old Kensington. A. I. Ritchie. R 1655 Old lieutenant and his son, The. N. Macleod. M 503 Old life boat. The. G. M. Craik. in C 291 1 Old maid's paradise. An. E. S. Phelps. P 1457 Old mamseile's secret, The. E. John. J 903 Old man's love. An. A. TroUope. T 1640 Old manse. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 vl Old Mark Langston. R.M.Johnston. J 1077 Old mathematician, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Old Mortality. Sir W. Scott. S 2016 Same. in S 2029 vl Old Mother Goose. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Old Myddleton's money. M. C. Hay. H2109 Old news. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Old oak chest. The. G. P. R. James. J 233 Old, old story. An. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1762 Old Saint Paul's. W. H. Ainsworth. A 558 Old scotch love story. An. D. M. Craik. in C 2870 Old Slip warehouse. M. A. Denison. D 1051 Old soldier's tale, An. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v3 Old story of my farming days, An. F. Renter. R 953 Old Ticonderoga. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Old Whitey's Christmas trot. A.O.Hall. Hx 201 Old woman of the sea. The. in N 906 Old woman who dried up and blew away, The. G. Pratt in P 2801 Old woman who lived in a shoe, The. A. M. Douglas. 1)1811 Old woman's tale. An. N.Hawthorne. in H 2051 Old woman's tale, The. H. Lee. in L 851 vl Oldbury. A. Keary. K 353 Oldportdays. T. W. Higginson. H 3052 Oldtown folks. H. B. Stowe. S 5656 Olga. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1413 Olive. D. M. Craik. C 2867 Olive Blake's good work. J. C. Jeaffreson. J 552 Olive Lacey. A. Argyle. A 1501 Olive Varcoe. F. E. M. Notley. N 1003 Olive Winchester Wight. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Oliver Twist. C.Dickens. D 1316 Oliver Wyndham. Mrs. J. B. Webb. W 1 103 Ombra. M. O. Oliphant. O 471 Omphale. T. Gautier. in a 604 On a margin. J. Chambers. C 926 On a monument. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 On and off the line. M. C. Hay. i?iH2114 On both sides of the sea. E. Charles. C 959 On guard. A. Cudlip. C 3305 On her majesty's service special. J. Payn. in P 812 On the Amazons. C. A. Stephens. Sx 1409 On the banks of the Amazon. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx467 On the banks of the river of life. E. Prentiss. ^ , in P 2452 On the edge of the storm. M. Roberts. R 1805 On the edge of winter. R. Markham. Mx 353 On the eve. I. S. Turgenief. T 2104 On the fo'k'sle head. W.C.Russell. R3312 On the frontier. F. B. Harte. H 1568 On the Goodwin. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1762 On the heights. B. Auerbach. A 1952 On the line. M. C. Hay. in H 21 18 On the nine mile. K. S. McDowell. in M 326 On the training of parents. F. R. Stockton, in S 5402 On the wings of the wind. H. Frith. Fx651 One among many. H. B. Talcot. T 154 One fair woman. The. C. H. Miller. M 2701 One false, both fair. J. B. Harwood. H 1653 One in a thousand. G. P. B. James. J 234 One-legged dancers. The. Saxe Holm, in H 3753 vl One little rebel. J. B. Smith. Sx 1 161 One may day. M. M. Grant. Gt 1954 One may day. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 One new year's eve. M. Argles. in A 1488 One of Cleopatra's nights. T. Gautier. O 604 One of the thirty pieces. W. H. Bishop. in B 2104 "'"" in S 86 vl X denotes books specialiy One of them. C. Lever. One of three. J. Fothergill. One pair of blue eyes. C. Nordhoff. One summer. B. W. Howard. One summer month. M. C. Hay. Same. li 1120 P 1404 in N 801 H4651 iuH2112 in H 21 19 One terrible Christmas eve. M. C. Hay. in H 2114 Same. in H 21 18 One winter day. M. C. Hay. in H 2102 One winter night. M. C. Hay. in H 2 1 06 Same. in H 21 19 One woman's two lovers. V. F. Townsend. T 145'7 One year. F. M. Peard. p 908 Onkel Bispink. P. Lange. in L 509 Onkel Casar. H. E. F. Reybaud. R 1002 Onkel haupcmann. M. Calm. in V 2 v33 Onkel Helmar. S.Schumann. in J 1451 Onkel Tom's hutte. H. B. Stowe. S 5661 Only a butterHy. G. M. Craik. C 291 1 Only a clod. M. E. Maxwell. M 1773 Only a fiddler. H.C.Andersen. A 1004 Only a girl. W. v. Hillern. H 3 1 54 Only girls. V. F. Townsend. Tx 701 Only herself. A. Cudlip. C 3306 Only sister. An. P. de Witt. Wx 1002 Only son, An. S. O. Jewett. in J 804 Only son. The. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Onyx ring. The. J.Sterling. S 5001 Open door. The. M. O. Oliphant. O 493 Open verdict, An. M.E.Maxwell. M 1774 Opening of a chestnut burr. The. E. P. Roe. R 2307 Operation in money. An. A. Webster. in S 35 vl Opfer der partei. Die. A. Meissner. M 2058 Opf er der rache, Ein. M. S. Schwartz. S 1 904 Opfernden gotter. Die. I. Frick. F 1653 Ophelia. M. C. Clarke. in C 1651 v2 Ophelia. H. v. Lankenau. L 2251 Opportunities. S. Warner. Wx 209 Opposite neighbor, The. A. Opie. in O 653 v4 Orang-utang, Der. A. Miitzelburg. M 5006 Orange Lily. M. Crommelin. C 3101 Ordeal, An. in P 2801 Ordeal for wives, The. A. Edwardes. E 455 Order of the garter, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v 14 Orestes. L. Storch. S 5558 Original belle. An. E. P. Roe. S 2314 Oriola. A. Meissner. M 2066 Orkan auf Cuba. Der. P. F. W. Oertel. O 853 Orley Farm. A. Trollope. T 1623 Ormington. C. G. F. Gore. G 1556 Ormond. C. B. Brown. B 3503 Ormond. M. Edgeworth. in^ E 409 Orphan, The. A. Opie. in O 653 v2 Orphan, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v 23 Orville college. J. M. Wood. W 2567 Osgood's predicament. E. D. Stoddard. iji S 35 v8 Oskar Kleinert. E. v. Binzer. P 1826 Ost und west. G. K. O. v. Struensee. S 5855 Ostereier, Die. J. C. v. Schmid. in S 1456 Osternovellette, Eine. K. v. Schwarzkoppen. in S 1926 Oswald Cray. E. P. Wood. W 2568 Other fools. 61 Other giris. The. A. D. T. Whitney. W 1455 Other people's children. J. Habberton. H 204 Other people's money. E. Gaboriau. G 103 Other stories. E. H. KnatchbuU-Hugessen. Hx 1005 Ought we to visit her ? A. Edwardes. E 456 Our archery club. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Our baseball club. N. Brooks. Bx 903 Our Bob. N. MacLeod. in M 501 Our chi'istmas in a palace. E. E. Hale. H 461 Our detachment. K. King. K 603 Our family. T. Hood. in H 4026 Our flre-screen. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Our Helen. R. S. Clarke. Cx 479 Our hero. E. G. O'Reilly. Ox 451 Our ice man. N.Perry. i?iP1352 Our laddie. L. J. Tomlinson. Tx451 Our last walk. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 Our mutual friend. O.Dickens. D 1317 Our new crusade. E. E. Hale. H 456 Our new neighbors at Ponkapog. T. B. Aldrich. in A 756 Our own set. L. Kiirschner. K 1476 Our set. A. Cudlip. C 3312 Our story. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Our village. M. R. Mitford. in 820.2 : 27 Same. in M 2957 P Our year. I). M. Craik. Cx 704 Out doors at Long Look. E.Abbott. Ax 102 Out from the shadows. E. A. Giles. G 901 Out of debt, out of danger. M. Edgeworth. in E 402 adapted for children. 969 Out of Peveril. LITERATURE FICTIOIT. CI. 813, Titles. 970 Out of Nazareth. L. C. Moulton. in M 4102 Out of the question. W. D. Howells. 822.1 : 24 Outcasts of Poker Flat, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Same. in J 926 vl Outlaw, The. in W 2203 v3 Outpost. J. G. Austin. A 2106 Oval portrait, The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1 : 5 v3 Over on the other mounting. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Over the sea with a sailor. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1767 Over yonder. E. John. J 908 Overland. J. W. De Forest. D 751 Ovingdean Grange. W. H. Ainsworth. A 578 Owney and Owney-napeak. G. Griffin. in G 2551 v3 Same. in G 2556 P's correspondence. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 v2 Pachter vom Moorhofe, Der. W. Herchenbach. in H 2782 Packman's journey to London, The. J. Howell. in W 2202 v9 B566 A. Dumas. D2282 in V 2 v29 Ax 276 Y 110 H1205 P5 J 653 PI in W 2202 v6 R1203 M:x827 in S 35 vlO in J 313 inT 176 v9 in V 2 v35 C 1353 H3310 in P 812 F1552 N757 B4020 Pagans, The. A. Page des herzogs von Savoyen, Der. Page Leubelflng. C. F. Meyer. Page, squire and knight. W. H. D. Adams Pages in waiting. E. Yates. Pair of blue eyes, A. T. Hardy. Palace-pi'ison, A. Paladin of finance, A. E. Jenkins. Palais Royal, Das. Palatines, The. J. Howell. Pamela. S. Richardson. Pampas, The. R. H. Moncrieff. Pancha. T. A. Janvier. Pandora. H. James, jr. Pandour and his princess. The. Pantoffelheld, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. Paolo. J. Chowanetz. Pap Kuhn. E. Hbfer. Paper chase, A. J. Payn. Papst Ganganelli. K. Frenzel. Paris und Berlin. F. Wolt'hagen. Parisians, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Parliament In the play-room. The. C. M. Tucker. Tx902 in T 177 v3 F351 in W 2202 v6 in W 2203 v3 B3155 Parochial epic, A. Mr. J-nes. Parson o' Dumford, The. G. M. Fenn Parsonage, The. A. Peterkin. Same. Parsonage of Mora, The. F. Bremer. Parthenia. E. B. Lee. L 801 Partie nach der Suleck, Eine. P. Lange. in L. 509 Pfc-tisan, The. W. G. Simms. S 3001 ^me. S 3015 Partisan leader. The. N. B. Tucker. T 2001 Party fight and funeral. The. W. Carleton. in C 554 Pascha, Der. F. Marryat. M 1210 Pasquali. N. P. Willis. in W 2004 Passage in the life of Mr. John Oakhurst. F. B. Harte. inH 1556 Passages from a relinquished work. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 v2 Passages from the diary of a late physician. S. Warren. W902 Passages from the diary of a social wreck. M. Floyd. in 8 35 v7 Passages from the life of mrs. Margaret Maitland. M. O. Oliphant. O 472 Passages in the life of the f aire gospeller. A. Manmng, Passauer in Prag, Die. G. E. Haas. Passing the portal. M. V. Victor. Passionate pilgrim, A. H. James, jr. Passive crime, A. A. M. Argles. Pastor Arnold. Pastor's recollections, A. F. G. Dashiell Path of duty. The. H. James, jr. Pathfinder, The. J. F. Cooper. Pathe Hinkefoot, Der. Villaraaria. Patience Strong's outings, Patient Kitty. J. Payn. Same. Patient Susy. J. K. Bloomfield. Patient waiting, no loss. A. Haven Patricia Kemball. E. L. Linton. Patronage. M. Edge worth. Patronage. T. Hood. Patty. K. 8. Macquoid. Patty's perversities. Paul. W. Fischer. Paul and Persis. M. E. Brush. M854 H151 V601 J 305 in A 1488 P2 D401 in J 313 C2467 in V 2 v25 A. D. T. Whitney. W 1456 in P 81 Ivl inT 178 v4 B776 Hx604 L 1454 E 407-E 408 in 820.2 : 36 M606 P8 in V 2 v28 Bxll51 Paul and Virginia. J. H. B. de Saint-Pierre. S 301 Same. in 840:4 vl Paul Bronckhorst. L. Schucking. S 1820 Paul Clifford. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 402 1 Paul Crew's story. A. C. Carr. C 616 Paul Faber. G. Macdonald. M 258 Paul Jones and Denis Duval. E. E. Hale. in H 460 Paul Knox. J. B. Harwood. H 1651 PaulMassie. J. McCarthy. M 107 Paul und Virginie. J. H. B. de Saint-Pierre. S 301 Same. s 302 Paul Vargas. F. J. Fargus. in F 2004 Pauline. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2181 Pauline. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1469 Pauline. L. B. Walford. W 253 Pausanias. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4022 Pavilion on the links, The. R.L.Stevenson, in S 5176 Same. inT 178 vl Pearl fishing. C. Dickens and ofTiers. D 1326 Pearl fountain. The. B. and .T. Kavanagh. Kx 102 Pearl shell necklace. J.Hawthorne. in H 2012 Pearla. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 557 Peasant and his landlord. The. S. v. Knorring. K 1051 Peasant girl's love, A. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Peasant girl's love, A. W. Carleton. in C 555 Peasant life. p 1 1 Peat-casting time. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 vlO Pechvogel. Der. A. Dumas. D 2283 Pechvogel, Der. P. Lange. L, 509 Peculiar people, A. W. S. Balch. B 176 Pedestrian tour, A. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Pedlar Karl. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Peep o' day. The. J. Banim. B 305 Peeps from a belfry. F. W. Shelton. S 2651 Peg Wofflngton. C. Reade. R 608 Same. in R 622 Pelham. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4023 Pemaquid. B. Prentiss. P 2454 Pembroke. S. Lee. in L 851 v3 Pendennis. W. M. Thackeray. T 656 Penine's choice. M. C. Hay. in H 2102 Same. inH 21 18 Pennant family. The. A. Beale. B 802 Penniless girl, A. B. Behrens. H 2279 Penny wedding. The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v7 Pension Beaurepas, The. H. James, jr. in J 312 People I have met. N. P. Willis. W 2003 Percival Keene. F. Marryat. M 1211 Percy the prophet. W. Collins. in C 2216 Percys, The. E. Pi-entiss. Px 803 Pere Antoine's date palm. T. B. Aldrich. in A 752 Same. in A 756 Peregrin Pickle's abenteuer. T. G. Smollett. S 3'752 Perez family, The. G. Aguilar. i7i A 403 Perfect Adonis, A. M. Harris. H 1353 ; Pericles and Aspasla. W. S. Landor. L 426 I Same. in 822.2: 15 v5 I Peril. J. Fothergill. F 1406 Perilous secret, A. C. Reade. B 620 Perlen. H. W. Hanke. H 1112 Perpetual curate. The. M. O. Oliphant. O 473 Perseverance. J.M.Wilson. in W 2202 vl6 Perseverance Island. D. Frazar. F 2051 Persuasion. J. Austen. in A 2054 Same, [condensed]. in A 2055 Pessimisten. F. v. Stengel. S 4902 Pet. H. R.Haweis. Hx 651 Pete Featherton. J. Hall. in H 701 Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Peter of the castle. J. Banim. B 306 Peter Paterson. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v20 Peter Paul Rubens. A. v. Sternberg. S 5058 Peter Schlemihl in America. G. Wood. W 2603 Peter Schlemihl, The wonderful adventures of. A. v. ! Chamisso. i7i830.1:8 Peter Schlemihl's wundersame geschichte. A. v. Cha- i misso. i?i830:133v2 Peter Simpel. F. Marryat. M 1212 Peter Simple. F. Man-yat. M 1212 Peter Stuyvesant's voyage up the Hudson. W. Irving. in I 402 Peter the parson. C. M. Woolson. in W 2751 Peter Trawl. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 453 Peter Wilkins. R.Paltock. P 376 Peterkin papers. The. L.P.Hale. Hx 151 Petite Madelaine, La. C. A. Southey, in T 176 v3 Petronel. F. Church. C 1416 Pettibone name. The. H. M. Lothrop. L. 1926 Petticoat government. F. Trollope. T 1702 Petty cash. F.W.Robinson. in 111858 Peveril of the Peak. Sir W. Scott. S 2017 PeverilvomGlpfel. Sir W.Scott. S 2017 : denotes books specially adapted for children. 971 CI. 813, Titles. LITEItATUIlE riCTION". Pfadfinder Pray. 972r Pfadfinder, Der. J. F. Cooper. C 2467 Pfarradjunkt, Der. C. A. Wetterbergh. W 1414 Pfarre und schule. F. Gerstacker. Or 720 Pfarrer vom see, Der. T. Muggej M 4209 Pfarrer von Ashbourn, Der, A. Dumas. D 2284 Pfarrer'B tochter, Des. E. C V. Dietrich. D 1353 Pfarrhaus auf dem lande, Ein. U. S. v. Strussenfelt. ElOl Pfarrhaus, Das. R. Topfifer. T 1301 Pf arrhof, Der. A. L. Kielland. in K 1704 Pfefferkorns reiseerinnerungen. C. A. Wetterbergh.' W 1403 Pfeifenhannes, Der. J. D. H. Temme. T 559 Pflngstrosen. O. Lautenschlager. L 2302 Pflaumenschmeisser, Der. A, v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 vl Pflegeeltern. F. Stahr. in S 4678 Phaeton Rogers. R. Johnson. Jx 251 Phantasiegemiilde. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2858 Phantasien und skizzen. E. Polko. P 2005 Phantasiestiicke. E. T. A. Hoffmann. H 3356 Phantasmion. S. Coleridge. C 2151 Phantastes. G. Macdonald. M 259 Phantom face. The. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Phantom fortune. M. E. Maxwell. M 1786 Pheebe Fortune. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v3 Phelim O'Toole's courtship. W. Carleton. in C 554 Phil and his friends. J.T.Trowbridge. Tx 803 Phil Purcell. W. Carleton. in C 554 Philip Armitage. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Philip Augustus. G. P. R. James. J 235 Philip Earnscliffe. A. Edwardes. E 457 Philip Nolan's friends. E. E. Hale. H 457 Philipp August. G. P. R. James. J 235 Philips Grey. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v2 Philistia. C.Power. P3101 Philomene's marriages. A. Durand. D 2557 Philosoph in der dachstube, Ein. E. Souvestre. S 4051 Philosopher's baby. in T 177 vl Philosopher's pendulum. R. Lindau. L 1401 Same. inT177vlO Philothea. L. M. Child. C 1303 PhineasFinn. A. Trollope. T 1624 Phineas Quiddy. J.Poole. P 2101 Phineas Redux. A. Trollope. T 1625 Phoebe. M. Harris. H 1358 Phoebe, junior. M. O. Oliphant. O 474 Phosphorus Hollunder. L. v. Francois. F 1526 Phyllida. F. Church. C 1423 Phjllls. M. Argles. A 1481 Phyllis Brown. F. L. Shaw. Sx 902 Physiognomist's tale. The. O. Richardson. rnW2202v8 Piazza tales. The. H. Melville. M 2253 Piccadilly. L. Oliphant. 437 Plccinino, Der. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2182 Picciola. J. X. B. Saintine. S 351 Pickle and his page-boy. C. M. Yonge. Yx 302 Pickwick papers. The. C. Dickens. D 1318 Picnic papers. The. C. Dickens and others. D 1327 Picnic party, The. H.Smith. in J 926 v9 Same. in S 551 Picture, The. C. Reade. in K 617 Some. B 619 Same. in B 621 Picture-book without pictures. H. C. Andersen. Ax 766 Picture of Christ, The. K. E. Franzos. in F 1903 Picture of the mermaid. The. J. Mosen. in M 3951 Pictures across the channel. K. S. Macquold. M 607 Piece of land, A. J. C Harris. in H 1326 Piece of red calico, A. F. R. Stockton. in S 6402 Piece of possible history, A. E. E. Hale. in H 452 Pierre. H. Melville. M 2254 Pilger der wildniss. Die. J. Scherr. S 1 109 Pilgerzug nach Mekka, Der. F. W. Hacklander. H 310 Pilgrim and the shrine, The. E. Maitland. M 636 Pilgrim fathers, The. H. de Witt. in W 2351 Pilgrim in the shadow of the Jungfrau alp. The. G. B. Cheever. in H 701 Pilgrim Sorrow. Elisabeth of Rumania. E 976 Pilgrims of the Rhine, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B4024 Same. in B 4009 Pillar of Are, A. J. H. Ingraham. 249: 20 Pillars of the house. The. C. M. Yonge. Y 218 Pillone. W. J. BergsSe. B 1453 Pilot, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2468 Pilot and his wife. The. J. Lie. L. 1253 Pine needles. S. Warner. Wx 207 Pink and white tyranny. H. B. Stowe. S 5658 Pioneers, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2469 Pipe of war. The. B. Auerbach. *w A 1965 Pique. P 21 Pirat, Der. F. Marryat. M 1213 Pirate, The. F. Marryat. M 1213 Pirate, The. Sir W. Scott. S 2018 Piraten-konig, Die. M. Jokai. in T 576 Piratenlieutenant, Der. B. Mollhausen. M 3057 Pit and the pendulum. The. E. A. Poe. iTi820.1:5v3 Pity of it. The. M. Argles. in A 1483 Plant hunters, The. M. Reid. 11x411 Planter, The. B. W. Procter. in 824.2 : 77 vl Piatt land. F. Spielhagen. S 4258 Play days. S. O. Jewett. Jx 201 Played out. A Cudlip. C 3307 Playin' of old sledge, A-. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Playing a part. B.Matthews. in M 1501 Playing the mischief. J. W. DeForest. D 752 Playing with sunbeams. E. Prentiss. in P 2452 Pleasant Cove series. The. E. Kellogg. Kx217, Kx218 Plot in private life, A. W. Collins. C 2220 Ploughed by moments. M. C. Hay. iji H 21 14 Same. in H 2118 Ploughed under. Judge Harsha. H 1426 Plucked from the burning. F. Church. in C 1417 Plucky boys. D. M. Craik and others. Cx 766 Poacher's progress. The. W. and M. Howitt. in H 4801 Pocket rifle. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 801 Poesie der prosa. Die. L. Habicht. V 2 v36 Poet and peer. H. Aide. A 452 Poet of Sierra Flat, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1554 Poet's tale. The. H. Lee. in L> 851 vl Poganuc people. H. B. Stowe. S 5659 Point of view. The. H. James, jr. in J 3 1 2 Poison tree. The. B. C. Chatterjee. C 1076 Poison of asps. The. F. Church. C 1417 Poisoned meal. The. W. Collins. C 2217 Same. C 2223 Polengraber. C. W. Messenhauser. M 1051 Polish jew. The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrlan. E 1212 Poll Jenning's hair. R.T.Cooke. in C 2401 Polly Cologne. A. M. Diaz. Dx 456 Polly Mariner. R.T.Cooke. in C 2401 Polly's one offer. H. Parr. in P 464 Polly's pies. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Polnische miitter. M. Roskowska. R 2601 Polwarth on the green. J. M. Wilson, in W 2202 vl4 Pomeroy Abbey. E. P. Wood. W 2569 Poor Christine. G. M. Craik. in C 2913 Poor Claire, The. E. C. Gaskell. in G 41 1 "Poor dear Chuquet." K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Poor Dick. H. Parr. in P 469 Poor gentleman, The. H. Conscience. C 2256 Poor Matt. J. Ingelow. 1x102 Poor miss Finch. W.Collins. C2221 Poor nobleman. The. H. Conscience. C 2258 Poor papa. M.W.Porter. P2251 Poor pensioner. The. H. Parr. in P 469 Poor pretty Bobby. R. Broughton. in B 3456 Poor Prin. D. M. Craik. in C 2858 Poor rich man. The. C. M. Sedgwick. S 2255 Poor scholar, The. W. Carleton. C 555 Same. i)i C 564 Poor scholar. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v7 Poplar grove. The. E. Copley. Cx 652 Poppies and pansies. E. Marshall. Mx 453 Poppleton legacy. The. A. Smith. S 3302 Popular tales and romances of the northern nations. P2126 Popular tales and traditions of Hungary. T. Pulszky. P 2726 Porkeles und Porkelessa. J. Scherr. S 1110 Portent, The. G. Macdonald. M 260 Same. in M 259 Portia. M. Argles. A 1482 Portia. M. C. Clarke. in C 1651 vl Portrait, The. M. O. Oliphant. O 493 Portrait of a lady, The. H. James, jr. J 3 10 Portrait on my uncle's snuff-box, The. B. W. Procter. i?^ 824.2: 77 vl "Posson Jone." G. W. Cable. in C 103 Postman's daughter. The. D. M. Craik. in C 2858 Postscript from a stage box, A. A. I. Ritchie. in B. 1664 Posy ring. The. Mrs. A. W. Hunt. H 4963 Pot of tulips. The. F. J. O'Brien. in O 126 Poultry Meg's family. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 760 Poverina. O. Cantacuzene-Altlerl. C 251 Poverty corner. G. M. Fenn. F 353 Prairie, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2470 Prairie Crusoe. The. Px 79 Prarievogel. C. A. Murray. M 486 1 Pray employ major Namby 1 W. Collins. in C 2223 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. 973 Preacher Bace . LITERATXrRE FICTION. CI. 813, Titles. 974 Preacher and the king, The. L, L. F. Bungener. B4126 Preaching for Selwyns. J. T. Trowbridge, in T 1852 Precaution. J.F.Cooper. C 2471 Precipitation. J. L. Tieck. in M 3951 Predigten der frau Granizka. L. v. Sacher-Masocli . in V 2 v25 Pre-historic world, The. E. B. Berthet. B 1702 Premature burial, The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1 : 5 v3 Premier and his wife. The. in T 176 vl 1 Premierlieutenant von Drenkenberg, Der. A. v. Win- terleld. in W 2260 vl Prescription. A. Leighton. inW2202vl President's daughters, The. F.Bremer. B 3159 Preston flght. W. H. Ainsworth. A 579 Pretty little countess Zina. A. Durand. D 2559 Pretty miss Bellew. U. Boulger. H 1903 Pretty miss Neville. B. M. Croker. C 3901 Pretty plate. The. J. V. Huntington. Hx 1151 Pretty Polly Pemberton. F. H. Burnett. B 4257 Preussischen farben. Die. A. v. Winterfold. in W 2260 v7 Price she paid, The. F. L. Benedict. B 1 3 1 Pride and prejudice. J. Austen. A 2053 Same, [condensed]. in A 2055 Pride of Moses Grant. The. L. C. Moulton. i)(M4101 Priest and the man, The. W. W. Newton. N 376 Prima donna. Die. F. L. Biihrlen. B 3901 Prime minister. The. A. Trollope. T 1626 Primrose path. The. M. O. Oliphant. O 475 Prince and the pauper. The. S. L. Clemens. Cx 502 Prince Eugene and his times. C. Mundt. M 4584 Prince Hal. F.Andrews. A 1202 Prince Hugo. M. M. Grant. Ot 1952 Prince l^azybones. H. Hays. Hx 729 Prince of Argolis. The. J. M. Smith. S 3551 Prince of Brefifny, A. T. P. May. M 1876 Prince of Kashna, The. K. B. Kimball. K 501 Prince of Scotland, The. A. Leighton. toW2202v14 Prince Ramji Kowdedow. M.E.Maxwell. 1/1111764 Prince Saroni's wife. J.Hawthorne. H 2012 Prince Wolfgang. F. Hoffmann. Hx 877 Prince's sword. The. F. H. K. de l>a Motte Fouque. in L 357 Princess Am^lie. P 61 Princess and Curdie, The. G. Macdonald. Mx 156 Princess and the goblins, The. G. Macdonald. Mx 154 Princess Bob, The. F. B. Harte. mH1554 Princess Brambilla. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3353 Princess Idleways. H. Hays. Hx 726 Princess Morgana, The. F. W. Hacklander. ih H 314 Princess Nobody, The. A. Lang. Lx 601 Princess of Babylon, The. Voltaire. in V 1051 Princess of Brunswick - Wolf enbfittel, The. J. H. D. Zschokke. Z 303 Princess of Thule, A. W. Black. B 221 1 Princess Ogherof , The. A. Durand. D 2559 Princess Paolini, The. W. E. Norris. in N 906 Prinz Eugen und seine zeit. C. Mundt. M 4584 Prinz Louis Ferdinand. F. Stahr. S 4674 Prinz Tantalus. A. Forstenheim. in V 2 v28 Prinz von Oranien, Der. W. R. Heller. H2331 Prinzess Goldhaar. J. Stinde. in V 2 v28 Prinzessin, Die. Ladjj S. Morgan. M 3601 Prinzessin Use. M. Petersen. P 1376 Prinzessin Maria von Oldendorf . T. H. Oelckers. O 351 Prinzessin Schnee. M. Widdern. W 1702 Prinzessin von Oldenhof. T. H. Oelckers. O 351 Prinzessin von smaragdengriinen see. Die. W. Herchen- bach. in H 2781 Prison-breaker, The. B. W. Procter. in 824.2 : 77 vl Prisoner of war. The. J.Howell. in W 2202 vl8 Prisoners of Australia, The. C. Anley. A 1251 Private memoirs and confessions of a fanatic. J. Hogg. inH 3451 v5 Private secretary. The. G. Chesney. C 1226 Privateersman, The. F. Marryat. M 1214 Privy-councillor, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in L. 357 Probation. J. Fothergill. F 1402 Problem of life, A. B. Bj5rnson. in B 2160 Problematic characters. F. Spielhagen. S 4259 vl Problematische naturen. F. Spielhagen. S 4259 Probus. W. Ware. W 653 Procession of life. The. N. Hawthorne, in H 2054 vl Procrastinator, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v22 Prodigal son, A. D.Cook. C 2301 Prodigal son. The. J.M.Wilson. in W 2202 v21 Prodigious adventures of Tartarin of Tarascon. The. A. Daudet. D 454 Prodigious fool, A. J. C. Wallis. W351 Profession is not principle. B. W. Hoffmann. H 3404 Professor, The. C. Nicholls. N 402 Professor and the harpy. The. in T 178 v3 Professor, The. W. M. Thackeray. in T 662 Professor Busch. h 5 Professor Conant. L.S.Huntington. H 5201 Professor Phantillo. J. P. Quincy. in p 2801 Professor's tales. The. T.Gillespie, in W 2202 vl-14 Progress and prejudice. C. C. F. Gore. G 1557 Promessi sposi, I. A. Manzoni. M 901 Prophecy, The. G. Griffln. in Or 2555 Sawie. in a 2551 v5 Prophet, Der. T. Mugge. M4210 Prophet von Florenz. Der. J. Scherr. S 1103 Pi-ophetic pictures. The. N. Hawthorne, in H 2057 vl Propria qua? marlbus. C Reade. R 622 Propst von Ullensvang, Der. T. Mugge. M 42 1 1 Prose and poetry of the woods and fields. P 1051 Prosper. V. Cherbuliez. C 1155 Proverb stories. L. M. Alcott. Ax 513 Provence rose, A. L. de la Hame. in R 156 Providence and the guitar. R. L. Stevenson, in S 5176 Provost of Starviestown, The. in W 2203 v3 Prudence. L. C. Lillie. L 1326 Prudence Palfrey. T. B. Aldrich. A 753 Prudy keeping house. R. S. Clarke. Cx 464 Prueandl. G.W.Curtis. C 3651 Prusias. E. Eckstein. E 309 Prussian vase. The. M. Edgeworth. in E 401 Psyche of today, A. Mrs. C. Jenkin. J 602 Public life of mr. Tulrumble. C Dickens. inH 1312 Publican's dream. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Pucelle, La. K. Frenzel. F 1553 Pugacew. F. I. Proschko. p 2654 Pulverthurm, Der. E. Ambach. in A 953 Punch, brothers, punch. S. L. Clemens. in C 1802 Pundrapore residency. The. A. Allardyce. in T 177 v8 Puritan and the quaker. The. R. G. Beach. B 751 Purloined letter. The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Pursuit of knowledge under dilHculties, The. M. A. Dodge. in A 1876 Puss-cat Mew. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen. Hx 1003 Put off is not done with. H. C. Andersen. Ax 756 Put to the test. E. Yates. in Y 1 10 Put yourself in her place. C. Barnard. in B 401 Put yourself in his place. C. Reade. B, 609 Putsch und comp. C. Spindler. S 4318 Pynnshurst. D. Macleod. M 552 Quaker and the young man of the world. The. A. Opie. in O 653 v3 Quaker cousins. A. Maedonnell. Quartet, The. W. O. Stoddard. Queechy. S. Warner. Queen Hortense. C. Mundt. Queen Mab. J. Kavanagh. Queen of Bohemia, The. J. Hatton. Queen of California, The. E. E. Hale. Queen of Denmark, The. C. G. F. Gore Queen of hearts. The. W. Collins. Queen of Sheba, The. T. B. Aldrich. Queen of the county. The. Mrs. Marsh, Queen of the meadow. C. Gibbon. M301 Sx 1602 W831 M4585 K308 H1752 id H 451 GH558 C2222 A 754 M1227 G801 Jueen of the red chessmen. The. L. P. Hale, in A 1876 Queen Tita's wager. Same. W. Black. Queen Titania. H. H. Boyesen. Queenie's whim. R. N. Carey. Queen's bodyguard. The. M. Janvier. Queen's necklace. The. A. Dumas. Queen's revenge, A. W. Collins. Same. Same. Queer folk. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen. Queer Lttle people. H. B. Stowe. Queer stories. E. Eggleston. Quentin Durward. Sir W. Scott. Same, [abbreviated]. Question, A. G. Ebers. Question of Cain, The. F. S. Hoey. Quicksands. A. Streckfuss. Quinnebasset girls. R. S. Clarke. Quintus Claudius. E. Eckstein. Quisisana. F. Spielhagen. Quite so. T. B. Aldrich. Same. Quits. J. M. Tautphoeus. Quits at last. R. E. Francillon. Quixstar. E. Taylor. Quizma. Quodlibet. J. P. Kennedy. in B 2209 inT 178 v3 B 2856 C402 Vxl03 D2276 in C 2206 in C 2223 in C2217 Hx 1004 Sx 1702 Ex 177 S2019 Sx652 E252 H3252 S5703 Cx476 E308 S4260 in A 752 in A 756 T354 F 1503 T502 a3i K401 Bab and his friends. J. Brown. in J 926 v4 Rabbi vermachtniss, Des. A. Becker. B 951 B 953 Race for wealth. The. C. E. L. Riddell. B 1356 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 975 01. 813, Titles. LITEBATTJRE FICTION. Bache Richelieu . 976 Baehe, Die. G. Werner. Rachel Gray. J. Kavanagh. Rachel Ray. A. TroUope. Rachel's inheritance. M. Veley. W1301 K309 T1627 V502 Rachel's share of the road. R 1 Radulf 8 buche. O. Roquette. in R 2405 Rafael Spruhz. J. Scherr. in S 1 107 Baft that no man made, A. R. T. S. Lowell, in A 1876 Same. in J 926 v8 Rag-man and the rag-woman, The. E. E. Hale. in H 460 Raid of Arnaboll, The. W. E. Aytoun. in T 177 v2 Raid of Roxburgh, The. in W 2203 v3 Railroad and the churchyard. The. B. Bjornson. mB2159 Railway journey, A. Lady M. Majendie. in T 177 v6 Raising the Pearl. J. O. Kaler. Ox 504 Rajah's diamond, The. R.L.Stevenson. in S 5176 Ralph Doughby, esq. C. Sealsfleld. in S 2202 Ralph Gemmell. R. Pollok. P 601 Ralph the drummer boy. L. Rousselet. Rx951 Ralph the heir. A. TroUope. T 1628 Ralph Wilton's weird. A. F. Hector. H 2204 Rambles in the footsteps of don Quixote. H. D. Inglis. 1251 Bambling story. A. M. C. Clarke. C 1652 Ramona. H.M.Jackson. J 151 Ran away to sea. M. Reid. Rx 412 Randar's children. The. L. Kompert. in K 1205 Random shots from a rifleman. Sir J. Kincaid. K 551 Rangers of Connaught, The. E. Quillinan. in E 426 Ranthorpe. G.H.Lewes. Ij 1151 Raphael. A. de liamartine. L 303 Rapids of Niagara, The. S. Warner. Wx 206 Rappaccini's daughter. N. Hawthorne, in H 2054 vl Rapping the question. W. E. Aytoun. in T 177 v9 Rare good luck. R. E. Francillon. Fl 501 Bare pale Margaret. R 9 Raritatenladen, Der. C.Dickens. D 1311 Rasender Roland, Ein. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v7 Rasselas. S. Johnson. J 951 Sarm. in 820.2: 13 vl Rathsherr, Der. C. W. Mossenhauser. M 2501 Rattlln, the reefer. E. Howard. H 4678 Rattling, roaring Willie. A. Canipbell. in W 2202 v5 Raub Strassburgs im jahre 1681, Der. H. Rau. R 457 Bauch. I. S. Turgenief. T2112 Bauschen. E. Wichert. W 1603 Baven's nest. The. G. Griffin. in Gr 2555 Same. in G 255 1 v5 Bavensclifife. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1264 Bavenshoe. H. Kingsley. K 704 Bavensnest. J. F. Cooper. C 2473 Bavenswing, The. W. M. Thackeray. in T 660 Same. in T 665 v8 Bay. H. P. Spofford. in J 926 vl 1 Beading-party in the long vacation, A. in T 176 v3 Beady-money Mortiboy. W. Besant and J. Bice. B 1761 Beal folks. A. D. T. Whitney. "W 1457 Beal queen, A. B. E. Francillon. F 1505 Beal und ideal. C. R. KostUn. K 1378 Bealisten der grossen welt. Die. V. fejiiaz Meshtcherskii. in V 2 V 36 Bealisten und idealisten. K. J. Braun. C 1001 Beality. C. Reade. in R 617 Same. in R 621 Realniah. Sir A. Helps. H 2403 Reaping the whirlwind. M. C. Hay. H 21 10 Same. in H 2121 Reata. E. D. Gerard. G 651 Rebecca. C. E. Corbin. C2501 Bebecca and Bowena. W. M. Thackeray. in T 657 Same. in T 658 Same. in T 665 v2 Bebel of the family, The. E. L. Linton. L 1455 Bebuke amid roses. The. M. B. Betham-Edwards. in E 559 Eecent confession of an opium-eater, A. E. B. Hamley. inT 177 vl Becht und liebo. L. Schiicking. S 1829 Bechte, Der. M. S. Schwartz. S 1905 Becluse, The. A.Campbell. in "W 2202 vl7 Becluse of the Hebrides, The. W. Logan. in W 2202 v9 Becollections of a drummer-boy. The. H. M. Kieffer. Ex 601 Becollections of a rambler. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Recollections of a village patriarch. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl5 Recollections of Auton house. A. Hoppin. Hx 951 Becollectione of Burns. H. Miller. in W 2202 v2 Recollections of Ferguson. H. Miller, in W 2202 vl Same. in W 2203 v8 Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn, The. H. Kingsley, K706 Recollections of my childhood. S. J. Lippincott. lix 401 Record of a troubled life. The. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Recreations of the german emigrants. The. J. W. v. Gothe. in G 1652 Becruit, The. H. Conscience. in C 2258 Bector, The. M. O. Oliphant. Q 476 Rector of St. Bardolph's. F. W. Shelton. S 2652 Bed and white. E. S. Holt. H 3958 Bed Cloud. W. F. Butler. Bx 1076 Bed Court farm. The. E. P. Wood. W 2570 Bed Eric and lord Delaval. in W 2203 v3 Bed hall. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl 1 Red hand of Ulster, The. M. A. Sadlier. S 153 Red-letter days in Applethorpe. M. A. Dodge. Dx 503 Red mantle. The. L. Zeller. Px 1051 Red Rose villa. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Red rover. The. J. F. Cooper. C 2472 Red shoes. H. C. Andersen. Ax 758 Red silk handkerchief. The. H. C. Bunner. in M 1501 Bed Biding-Hood. F. E. M. Notley. N 1005 Bed sky of the morning, The. J. Hall. in H 701 Bed-tiled cottage. The. in P 1 1 Bed wall-flower. A. 8. Warner. "W 833 Bedgauntlet. Sir W. Scott. S 2020 Bedmond count O'Hanlon. W. Carleton. C 556 Bedskins, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2473 Beel in a bottle, A. H. T. Cheever. C 1 101 Eeflection. B. W. Hofland. H 3403 Begenbogen, Der. W. Eaabe. R 118 Begicide's daughter. The. W. H. Carpenter. C 601 Begina. C. Stock. S 5353 Reginald Dalton. J. G. Lockhart. L 1601 Reginald Hetherege. H. Kingsley. K 708 Register, The. W. D. Howells. 822.1:21 Begulatoren in Arkansas, Die. F. Gerstacker. G721 Beichsgriifln Gisela, Die. E. John. J 909 Reiso nach dem mittelpunkt der erde. J. Verne. V 554 Reise nach dem schicksal. Die. K. E. Franzos. F 1904 Same. in V 2 v37 Reise um den mond. J. Verne. V 552 v2 Reise um die erde in achtzig tagen. J. Verne. "V 556 Reisegofahrton. Die. F. Stahr. S 4675 Roiseskizzen und novellen. E. v. Blbra. B 1852 Reliquion, Die. B. MoUhausen. M 3055 Remarkable history of sir Thomas Upmore, The. B. D. Blackmore. B 2309 Bemorse. M. T. Blanc. B 2401 Bene. B. F. A. de Chateaubriand. in C 1051 Benounced treasure. The. K. A. Nicander. in E 426 Rent in a cloud, A. C. Lever. I. 1121 Rescued from Egypt. C. M. Tucker. Tx 903 Reseda. Mrs. Randolph. R 252 Resignation. S. d'Arbouville. in A 1451 Reservist und reservistin. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 vl Restored son. The. O. Richardson. in W 2203 vl4 Betiring from business. T.S.Arthur. A 1756 Betrlbution. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl4 Return, The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v7 Return of Agamemnon, The. F. A. Guthrie, in A 1328 Return of the native. The. T. Hardy. H 1206 Return of the princess, The. Afme. Dussaud. V '751 Reuben Davidger. J. Greenwood. G 2266 Reuben Medlicott. M. W. Savage. S 803 Reuben Purves. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl2 Bevenge, The. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 653 v2 Bevenge of signer Basil, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 v2 Beverend idol, A. L. Noble. N 626 Beveries of a bachelor. D. G. Mitchell. M 2854 Reverses. in S 551 Revoltof man. The. W. Besant. B 1768 Bex and Begina. E. Marshall. Mx 452 Beynard the fox. in R 2451 Bhelnische dorfgeschichten. P. F. W. Oertel. O 854 Rhoda Thornton's girlhood. M. E. Pratt. Px 751 Rhyme? and reason? C. L. Dodgson. Dx 603 Ribbin of honor. The. N. Perry. in P 1352 Ricardo's benefit. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in H 2119 Rich merchant of Cairo, The. R. H. Stoddard. in P 2801 Richard Hunne. G. E. Sargent. S 576 Richard Hurdis. W. G. Simras. S 3005 Richard Vandermarck. M. Harris. H 1354 Richelieu. G. P. R. James, J 236 denotes books specially adapted for children. O*?? Ricliilde Royal. littfiRAltTJRE FICTION. Cl. 8 13, titles. 976 Eichilde. J. K. A. Musaus. in M 4951 vl Ride for life, A. in T 177 vl 1 Rienzi. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4026 Riesen- und Rosenburg. W. Lorenz. L 1906 Rig-dum Funnidos. B. Mitchell. Mx 100 IB Rigrht at last. E. C Gaskell. G 409 Right eye of the commander. The. F. B. Harte. in H 1653 Right one. The. M. S. Schwartz. S 1905 Righted wrong, A. E. H. Yates. Y 104 Rill from the town pump, A. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Ring, Der. H. W. Hanke. H 1105 Ring des Nostradamus, Der. E. M. Oettinger. O 901 Ring of Amasls. E. R. Bulwer-Lytton. B4051 Rip Van Winkle. W. Irving. in I 402 Riquetalahouppe. A.I.Ritchie. in R 1661 Rise of Iskander, The. B. Disraeli. in J 926 v6 Ritter Hyneck von Schafgotsch. R 21 Ritter vom geiste. Die. K. F. Gutzkow. 0-3105 Ritter von Marienburg, Die. A. v. Sternberg. S 5069 Ritterbiirtigen, Die. L. Schiicking. S 1821 Rittmeister bei den garde-kiirasieren, Der. A. v. Win- terfeld. in W 226 lv3 Rival dreamers. The. J. Banlm. in J 926 vl2 Same. in B 307 Rival ghosts, The. B. Matthews. in M 1501 Rival night-caps. The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v3 Rivals, The. J. Clemens. C 1751 Rivals. The. G. Griffin. in Qt 2561 v4 River driftwood. S. O. Jewett. in J 803 Rivermouth romance, A. T. B. Aldrich. in A 762 Same. in A 756 Rob Nixon. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 460 Rob of the Bowl. J. P. Kennedy. K 402 Rob Roy. Sir W.Scott. S 2021 Robber, The. G. P. R. James. J 252 Robber, The. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 663 vl Robbery at Pittenween, The. M. F. Conolly. in W 2202 vl7 Robert Ashton. R. Lindau. I, 1403 Robert Clive. A. Miitzelburg. M 6007 Robert der waisenknabe. C. Guernante. in B 880 Robert Falconer. G. Macdonald. M261 Robert Ord's atonement. R. N. Carey. C 405 Robert Reid, cotton-spinner. A. O'Hanlon. O 264 ilobespiorre. T. Mundt. M 4659 Robin. L. Parr. P 502 Robin der rothe. Sir W. Scott. S 2022 Robin Gray. C. Gibbon. a 809 Robin Hood. W. Heaton. Hx 776 Robin Hood. H. Pyle. Px OXl Robinson Crusoe. D. Defoe. D 726 Same. Dx 262 Same. in 820.2: 8 v7 Rock ahead. The. E. H. Yates. Y 106 Rock of the candle. The. G. Griffin. in G 2551 v3 Same. in Q 2656 Rock scorpions. The. in T 178 v3 Rockford parish. J.N.Norton. N951 Roderick Hudson. H. James, jr. J 306 Roderick Randoms abenteuer. T. G. Smollett. S 3753 Rodman the keeper. C. F. Woolson. W 2752 Roger Catron's friend. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Same, german. H 1663 Roger Goldie's narrative. J. M.Wilson, in W 2202 vl7 Same. in W 2203 v3 Roger Malvin's burial. N. Hawthorne, in H 2064 v2 Roger Willoughby. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 454 Rogers. S. L. Clemens. in C 1802 Rogue's life, A. W. Collins. C 2224 Roland Cashel. C. Lever. 1^1122 Roland von Rolandseck. J. Glaubrecht. H 2783 Roland Yorke. E. P. Wood. W 2571 Rolle gold, Eine. M. Raven. R 502 Rolling stone, A. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2183 Rollo series. J. Abbott. Ax 151 Ax 164 Rom und Sahara. H. Wachenhusen. W 166 Roman aus der vornehmen russischen gesellschaft, Ein. H. V. Lankenau. L 2251 Roman merchant. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Roman singer, A. F. M. Crawford. C 3029 Romana. T. Miigge. M:4212 Romance and reality. J. Brougham. in 927.1 : 7 Romance and reality. L. E. Landon. in 820.2 : 26 Romance dust. W. S. Mayo. M 1954 Romance for a glove. The. J. T. Trowbridge, in T 1862 Romance of certain old clothes, The. H. James, jr. in J 306 Romance of history. The. C. Macfarlane. M 351 Romance of Lady bank, The. in T 177 v4 Romance of MadroHo Hollow, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1554 Romance of real life, A. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Same. in J 926 v4 Romance of student life abroad. R. B. Kimball. K 504 Romance of Sunrise rock. The. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Romance of the forest. The. A. RadcUffe. R401 Romance of the green seal, The. C. A. Warfleld. ^ W702 Romance of the may. The. M. F. Connolly. in W 2202 vlO Romance of the mummy. The. T. Gautier. G 602 Romance of the republic, A. L. M. Child. C 1304 Romance of the siege of Perth, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vlO Romances and realities. A. E. Barr. B 501 Romantic adventures of a milkmaid, The. T. Hardy. H1211 Romantic Belinda. L. C. Tuthill. Tx 1001 Romantic Action. P. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. L 367 Romantic tales. D. M. Craik. C 2868 Romantische erzahlungen. J. M. Wilson. W 2201 Romany Rye, The. G. Borrow. B 2762 Romeo und Julia auf dem dorfe. G. Keller. K 378 Romerfahrt der Epigonen, Die. J. F. M. O. Meding. TO.: 1978 P2902 C3157 C3701 A 659 C 1419 H903 li 1964 J 237 T1302 S1454 in S 1459 in lu 2303 ]M:x656 inC 1661 v2 Ex 601 I.X226 in E 402 inT 176 v9 in L 357 in A 1488 P993 Ax 509 477 Gx262 F 1807 Romisch und deutsch. L. Peters. Romola. M. Cross, (George Eliot). Romuald. A. de Custine. Rookwood. W. H. Ainsworth. Root of all evil. The. F. Church. Ropes of sand. C. V. Hamilton. Rory O'More. 8. Lover. Rosa d'Albret. G. P. R. James. Rosa und Gertrud. R. TBpffer. Rosa von Tannenburg. J. C. v. Schmid. Sanie. Rosalie. O. Lautenschlager. Rosalie's pet. J. H. Matthews. Rosalind and Celia. M. C. Clarke. Rosamond. M. Edgeworth. Rosamond Fane. M. and C. Lee. Rosanna. M. Edgeworth. Rosaura. Rose. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouqu^. Rose distill'd, A. M. Argles. Rose-garden, The. F. M. Peard. Rose in bloom. L. M. Alcott. Rose in June, A. M. O. Oliphant. Rose-leaves. R. A. Gustafsson. Rose Leblanc. G. C. Fullerton. Rose Mervyn. A. Beale. B 803 Rose of Tuolumne, The. F. B. Harte. in H 1656 Rose, thistle and shamrock. The. M. Edgeworth. in E 408 Rose Turquand. E.Hopkins. H:4351 Rose von Delhi, Die. J.Herbert. H 2761 Rose without thorns, A. E. Marshall. Mx 456 Roseallan's daughter. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl3 Same. in W 2203 v3 Rosemary and Rue. R 26 Rosen und dornen. L. T. Becker. B 1001 Rosen und dornen. C. Stock. S 5364 Rosenkranz, Der. O. Lautenschlager. in L. 2302 Rosenstoek, Der. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1466 Roseville family. The. Mrs. A. S. Orr. O 776 RosiZurfluh. J. Scherr. S 1104 Rosicrucian, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Same. in J 926 v7 Rossmoyne. M. Argles. A 1484 Rothe dame. Die. J. Scherr. in S 1107 Rothe fasching, Der. M. v. Schlagel. S 1302 Rothen und die blauen, Die. G. Oelsner-Monmerque. 601 Rothesay fisherman. The. O. Richardson. in W 2202 v6 Rothmell. M. A. Denison. D 1052 Roue, Der. S. Beazley. B 826 Rouge etnoir. H. Wachenhusen. W 167 Round about Rio. F. D. Y. Carpenter. C 576 Round dozen, A. S. C. Woolsey. Wx 1202 Round the galley Are. W. C.RusseU. R 3308 Round the sofa. E. C. Gaskell. in G 41 1 Round the world in a hack. E. E. Hale. in H 460 Roundhearts. M. Harris. Hx 602 Rovings on land and sea. H. E. Davenport. Dx 101 Roxobel. M. M. Sherwood. Sx 961 Roxy. E. Eggleston. E 656 Royal highlanders. The. J. Grant. G 1927 Royal raid. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v3 Royal road to fortune. E.H.Miller. Mx 951 Royal whim, A. in P 2802 denotes books specially adapted for children. 979 01. 813, Titles. lilTEBATUB-E FICTION. Royalisten Schoolboy. 980 Royalisten, Die. A. v. Sternbergr. S 6060 Royalists and republicans. H. af TroUe. T 1662 Roy's wife. G. J. Whyte-Melvllle. M 2209 Rube Jones. P. Deming. in D 902 Rubin, Der. R. Lexow. L 1201 Ruby's husband. M. V. Terhune. T 611 Rudder Grange. F. R. Stockton. S 6401 Rue de Langlade. W. Lorenz. L 1907 Ruffian boy. The. A. Opie. in O 663 v3 Rufus Helstone. H. Parr. in P 464 Ruinen von Moncaldo, Die. R 31 Rule of the monk. The. G. Garibaldi. a 301 Rumor. E. S. Sheppard. S 2703 Run to earth. M.E.Maxwell. M1776 Running the gauntlet. E. H. Yates. Y 106 Running the risk. B. S. Phelps. in P 1463 Running to waste. G. M. Baker. Bac 101 Rupert Godwin. M.E.Maxwell. M 1776 Rural life. Harry Penciller. P 1061 Rural tales. H. More. Mx 862 Rus. C. Reade. in R 617 Same. in R 621 Russell. G. P. R. James. J 238 Russische hofgeschichten. K. L. Haberlin. H261 Russische hofgeschichten, neue folge. K. L. Haberlin. H 262 Russische idyllen. C. Bauer. B 667 Russische novellen. N. Gogol. G 1426 Rustic financiers. The. D.P.Thompson. in T 761 Ruth. E. C. Gaskell. Gt 406 Ruth Elliot's dream. M. Lakeman. Lx 126 Rutherford. E. Fawcett. F 206 Rutledge. M. Harris. H 1366 Saat und ernte. F. A. Strubberg. S 6804 Sabbath night's supper. The. C. J.Johnstone, in E 426 Sabbath wrecks. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v6 Sabine's falsehood. O. Cantacuzfene-Altieri. C 262 Sable cloud. The. N. Adams. A 301 Sachsische ordonnanz-offlcier, Der. A. v. Wlnterfeld. in W 2261 v6 Sachsische wesen. Das. J. van Lennep. in L 961 Sacristan's household. The. F. E. Trollope. T 1763 Sacro Catino. A. Meissner. M 2069 Sad fortunes of the reverend Amos Barton, The. M. Cross, {Oeorge Eliot). in C 3 1 68 Sage and the atheist, The. Voltaire. in V 1061 Sage aus Sammstadt, Elne. F. B. Harte. H 1664 Sagen Frankens, Die. A. Jansen. J 401 Sailor's sweetheart, A. W. C. Russell. R 3303 Saint Caligula. E. S. Phelps. in P 1463 St. Clair flats. C. F. Woolson. in W 2761 Saint Denis. V. Hugo. H 4863 v4 St. Elmo. A.J.Wilson. W2106 St. Lawrence, The. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Sanctuary In the mountains. The. H. Parr. Sand-hills of Jutland, The. H. C. Andersen. in P 464 Ax 767 St. George and St. Michael. G. Macdonald St. Giles and St. James. D. W. Jerrold. Saint James. W. H. Ainsworth. St. Leger. R. B. Kimball. St. Leon. W. Godwin. St. Martin's eve. E. P. Wood. St. Martin's summer. A. H. M. Brewster. St. Patrick's-abend, Der. C. Lever. St. Patrick's eve. C. Lever. St. Phillips. M. Harris. St. Ronan'8 well. Sir W. Scott. St. Ronansbrunnen. Sir W. Scott. St. Simon's niece. F. L. Benedict. Saint Valentine's day. Sir W. Scott. St. Vladimir, The conversion of. St. Winifred's. F. W. Farrar. Ste. Roche. H. v. Paalzow. Saints and sinners. V. Cherbuliez. Salathlel. G. Croly. Salem chapel. M. O. Oliphant. Sally Williams. E. D. Cheney. Salmon fisher of Udoll, The. H. Miller. Salteador, El. A. Dumas. Saltillo boys. W. O. Stoddard. Salvage. Salvator. C. G. v. Berneck. Salvator. A. Dumas. Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. H Sam Slick. T. C. Haliburton. Sam Sperry's pension. S. P. McLean. Sam's sweetheart. H. B. Reeves. Samuel Brohl and company. V. Cherbuliez. Samuel Titmarsh. W. M. Thackeray. Samuel's kleiner roman. H. Semler. San Rosario ranche, The. M. Howe. San Sebastian. R. Voss. Sanctuary, The. G. W. Nichols. M262 J 761 A 680 K602 O1401 W2672 L. 1123 L1123 H 1366 S2022 S2022 B1308 in a 2007 v2 C4 Fx 163 P163 C1158 C3061 478 0x301 in W 2202 v4 D2286 Sx 1603 B 1633 D2286 }. Stowe. S6660 H601 in M 463 R3607 C 1166 T664 in V 2 v28 H4726 VlOOl N461 Sand-man, The. E. T. W. Hoffmann. in O 1001 Same. in H 3359 Sandford and Merton. T. Day. Dx 201 Sandy Murray. in W 2203 v3 Sandy Wood's sepulchre. H. Miller. in J 926 v6 Sane lunatic, A. C. L. Burnham. B 4302 Sangesbruder, Der. K. Helgel. in V 2 v24 Sanitary measure, A. C. Barnard. in B 401 Santa Claus land. A. M. Douglas. Dx 659 Santa Maria. S. P. McLean. in M 453 Sarah De Berenger. J. Ingelow. I 204 Sarah Walker. F. B. Harte. in H 1569 Sarcasm of destiny. The. M. E. W. Sherwood. S 2751 Sat est vixisse. E. SImcox. in S 2976 Satanstoe. J. F. Cooper. C 2474 Saved from his friends. E. Prentiss. in P 2452 Saxoborussen, Die. J. F. M. O. Medlng. M 1981 Saxon and norman. E. Charles. in C 955 Saxon ministers and missions. E. Charles. in C 955 Saxon schools and homes. E. Charles. in C 955 Say and do series. S.Warner. Wx201-Wx206 Say and seal. S. and A. B. Warner. W 877 Scamp and I. E. T. Toulmln-Smith. Mx 801 Scarlet letter. The. N. Ha%vthorne. H 2055 Same. H 2060 Scene. W. D. Howells. in H 4757 Scene painter's wife. The. M. E. Maxwell, in M 1764 Scenes at Washington. R. C. Sands. in 820. 1 : 6 v2 Scenes from the ghetto. L. Kompert. K 1205 Scenes in the south-west. C. Sealsfield. in S 2202 Scenes of clerical life. M. Cross, (George Eliot). C 3158 Scenes of fear. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 vl Scepters and crowns. S. Warner. Sceptre aad ring. B. H. Buxton. Schach dem konig. H. Kloinsteuber. Schatten von Ashlydyat, Der. E. P. Wood. Schatzgriiber, Der. J. K. A. Musaus. Schatzkastlein des gevattersmanns. Wx203 B4454 K902 W2573 in M 4951 B. Auerbach. A 1964 Schiefe geslcht, Das. A. v. Wlnterfeld. in W 2260 vlO Schiefe thurm, Der. J. Ludwig. in L 2126 Schiffbruch. E. Simon. in V 2 v35 Schiller's heimathjahre. H. Kurz. K 1501 Schlacht bel Schleswig, Die. A. v. Wlnterfeld. in W 2261 v4 Schlacht von Benevent, Die. F. D. Guerrazzi. G 2803 Schlafende braut. Die. H. Stefifens. Schlangen-konigin, Die. L. Schiicking. Schlas'sche durfgeschlchten. R. Rossler. Schlemiel. L. Kompert. Schlimmer augenblick, Ein. K. W. Hainan. Schloss am meer, Ein. L. Schiicking. Schloss an der Ostsee, Das. A. Miitzelburg. Schloss Avon. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. Schloss Barenberg. L. Reinhardt. Schloss Bucha. A. v. Donop. Schloss Chive rtoii. W. H. Ainsworth. Schloss Dornegge. L. Schiicking. Schloss Ehrensteln. G. P. R. James. Schloss Elkrath. B. Frederlch. Schloss Glenton. H. Wilke. Schloss Gliicksburg. A. v. Wlnterfeld. Schloss Griinwald. C. Flelt. Schloss Kuckernese. L. Goldammer. Schloss Schwelgern. F. W. Hacklander Schloss Stolpen. F. Lubojatzky. Schloss Tannenburg. F. Stahr, Schloss Teufelslager. V. H. J. Schloss Tornltz. W. Lorenz. Schloss von Oedenweller, Das. S4802 in R 2405 R2651 inK 1205 in V 2 v22 S 1822 M5008 M 1252 R856 C 1701 A 560 S 1823 J 240 D204 K 1402 in W 2261 v4 F776 C 1476 in H 308 L, 2051 S4677 Brahain-Ducange. D2051 L 1908 A. L. A. Dudevaut. D2185 Schloss Wendshelm. C. Stock. S 5356 Schlusselburg, Die. W. Herchenbach. in H 2779 Schmuck, Der. H. W. Hanke. H 1106 Schmuggler, Der. G. P. R. James. J 241 Schneeglockchen. L. Kurschner. in V 2 v28 Schneewoche, Elne. O. Roquette. in R 2406 Schneider, Ein. K. v. Holtel. H 4004 Schobrl. E. M. Oettlnger. O 902 SchonSynnov. B. Bjornson. B 2152 Schonberg-Cotta family. E. Charles. C 953 Schone frauen. R. E. Hahn. H 376 Schiine Valentin, Der. H. Biihlau. in V 2 v35 Schonen amerlkanerinnen. Die. F. Splelhagen. S 4267 School-days at Rugby. T. Hughes. Hx 1051 School for fathers, 'The. T. Gwynne. G 3 152 School-girls. A. Carey. Cx 101 School-master's trunk, The. A. M. Diaz. D 1251 School of life, A. A. M. Watts. W 1061 Schoolboy honour. H. C. Adams. Ax 204 z denotes books specially adapted for children. 981 Schoolfellows Silver pitchers. LITEIIATUIIE FICTION. 01. 818, Titles. Schoolfellows, The. O.Richardson. in W 2202 vll Schoolmesters reis' nah'r arvschaft. W. Schroder. S1752 Schoolmistress abroad, The. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2: 36 Schubert und seine zeltgenossen. A. E. Brachvogel. ^ QOQQ Schiidderump, Der. W. Raabe. B, 119 Schuld und suhne. E. A. Konlg. K 1258 Schultheissentochter, Die. L. Peters. P 2903 Schuster Lange. E. Wichert. W 1604 Schutzgeist, Der. A. W. Bngelen. A 1351 Schutzlos, aber nicht hiilflos. J. A. Brokel. B 3301 Schwiigerinnen, Die. H. W. Hanke. H 1107 Schwalberl, Das. H. T. v. Schmid. S 1416 Schwarmer, Der. C. Spindler. S4319 Schwarze bret. Das. W. R. Heller. S 2332 Schwarze Mare, Die. J. D. H. Temme. T 560 Schwarze tulpe, Die. A. Dumas. D 2287 Schwarze und weise. G. Oelsner-Monmerque. O 602 Schwarzwalder dorfgeschichten. B.Auerbach. A 1965 Schweden-schatz, Der. H. Wachenhusen. W 163 Schwedische lebensbilder. M.S.Schwartz. S 1912 Schwester, Die. H W. Hanke. H 1108 Sch wester. Die. L. Schiicking. S 1831 Schwestern, Die. G. Ebers. E 255 Scientific vagabond, A. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2855 Sclaverei in Amerika. F. A. Strubberg. S 5802 Sclaverei in dem lande der freiheit. H. B. Stowe. S 5661 Scotch story, A. M. A. Barker. in B 376 Scotsman's tale. The. H. Lee. in L 851 v2 Scottish chiefs. The. J. Porter. P 2201 Scottish hunters of Hudson's Bay, The. H. Miller. in W 2202 vl2 Scottish orphans. The. M. Blackford. Bx 752 Scottish veteran. The. J. Howell. in W 2202 vl2 Scouring of the white horse, The. T. Hughes. Hx 1053 Scout, The. W. G. Simms. S 3002 Sculptor of Bruges, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Sea breezes. Sx 25 Sea change, A. F. L. Shaw. Sx 903 Sea fight. The. in W 2202 vl 9 Sea lions. The. J.F.Cooper. C 2475 Sea queen, A. W. C. Russell. II 3307 Sea skirmish. The. in W 2202 v20 Sea storm. The. O. Richardson. in W 2202 vl2 Sea-totaller, A. T. Hood. in 820.2 : 36 Seaboard parish. The. G. Macdonald. M 263 Sealed orders. E. S. Phelps. P 1453 Seamy side. The. W. Besantand J. Rice. B 1766 Seaward's narrative, Sir Edward. J. Porter. P 2202 Sebastian. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1764 Sebastian. K.Cooper. S 701 Sebastian Strome. J. Hawthorne. H 2004 Second life, A. A. F. Hector. .H2211 Second marriage, The. C. Burdett. B 4201 Second thoughts. R. Broughton. B 3455 Second wife. The. E. John. J 912 Secret chamber. The. M. O. Oliphant. in T 177 vl Secret of the Andes. The. F. Hassaurek. H 1701 Secret of the Stradivarius, The. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 Secret passion. The. R. F. Williams. W 1952 Seed-time and harvest. F. Renter. R 953 Seehof, Der. F. Stahr. S 4676 Seeker, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v21 Seelenfanger. Der. J. Rank. E. 360 Seelengemiilde, Ein. E. T. Merx. M 2401 Seelowen, Die. J. F. Cooper. C 2475 Seer's cave. The. W. Hetherington. in "W 2202 v6 Seherin der hochlande. Die. W. Sommers. S 3851 Sein guter engel. L. F. Henning. H 2601 Sein ideal. J. Rank. B 356 Sein Oder nichtsein. H. C. Andersen. A 1005 Sein und nichtsein. G. Hocker. H 3202 Selbst. C. G. F. Gore. a 1560 Select party, A. N. Hawthorne. in H 2054 vl Self-devotion. H. Campbell. C 201 Self-sacrifice. M. O. Oliphant. O 491 Self-seer, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Selim. J. K. Paulding. inT 186 Seltsame geschichten. A. Meissner. M 2060 Seltsame geschichten. E. A. Poe. P 1976 Seltsame leiden eines theater-direktors. E. T. A. Hoff- mann. H 3357 Semi-detached house. The. E. Eden. E 351 Sendung, Die. F. Marryat. M 1207 Senior partner. The. C. E. L. Riddell. R 1852 Senior songman. The. E. Stephenson. T 107 Sennor Aguilar. F. Gerstacker. Gt 722 Sense and sensibility. J. Austen. A 2064 Same, [condensed]. in A 2066 Sentimental journey, A. L. Sterne, in 820.2: 20 v 1,2 Septlmius Felton. N. Hawthorne. H 2056 Same. in 914.2: 26 Serapions-briider, Die. E. T. A. Hoffmann, H 3358 Serapis. G. Ebers. E 259 Serf, The. E. Souvestre. in S 4053 Sergeant Barnacle. W. G. Simms. in S 3009 Serjeant's tales, The. J. Howell. in W 2202 Servant girl of the period. The. C. Chamberlain. C 851 Settlers in Canada, The. F. Marryat. M 1215 Seven conversations of dear Jones and baby Van Rensse- laer. B. Matthews and H. C. Bunner. in M 1601 Seven daughters. A. M. Douglas. Dx 661 Seven little people. H. B. Scudder. Sx 706 Seven marriages. A. F. Langbein. in B. 245 1 Seven sons of mammon. The. G. A. Sala. S 401 Seven stories. D. G. Mitchell. M 2855 Seven to seventeen. M.M.Bell. Bx 551 Seven vagabonds. The. N. Hawthorne, in H 2057 v2 Seven years. J. Kavanagh. K 310 Seven years' dearth. The. J. Howell, in W 2202 vl4 Sevenoaks. J. G. Holland. H 3655 Severa. E. Hartner. H 1626 Shabby genteel story, A. W.M.Thackeray. T 662 Same. in T 665 v7 Shadow in the corner. The. M. E. Maxwell, in M 1790 Shadow of a crime. The. T. H. Caine. C 167 Shadow of Ashlydyat, The. E.P.Wood. W 2573 Shadow of death. The. E. Simcox. in S 2976 Shadow of Moloch mountain. The. J. G. Austin. A 2103 Shadow of the door, The. in T 177 v8 Shadow of the sword. The. R. Buchanan. B 3852 Shadow on the threshold, A. M. C. Hay. in H 2120 Shadowed perils. M.A.Avery. A 2151 Shadows of Shasta. C. H. Miller. M 2702 Shaker bridal, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2067 v2 Shakspeare and his friends. R. P. Williams. W 1963 Shakspeare. The youth of. R. F. Williams. W 1964 Shakspeare's funeral. E. B. Hamley. in T 177 vl Shandon bells. W. Black. B 2216 Shane Fadh's wedding. W. Carleton. in C 654 Shawl-straps. L. M. Alcott. Ax 503 She's all the world to me. T. H. Caine. C 166 She loves and lies. W. Collins. in T 178 v4 Shepherd of Salisbury plain, The. H. More. in 820.2: 28 vl Shepherd-king, The. C. M. Tucker. Tx 904 Shepherds all and maidens fair. W. Besant and J. Rice. inB 1769 Shepherd's calendar. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v3, 4 Shepherd's wedding, A. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Sherbrooke. H. B. Talcot. T 153 Sherlocks, The. J. Saunders. S 653 Sherringham's wife. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v3 Shilling's worth of sherry, A. W. H. Hughes. H 4826 Shiloh. J. L. M. Woodruff. W 2662 Ship of '49, A. F. B. Harte. in H 1569 Shirley. C. Nicholls. N 403 Shoemaker's village. W. B. Rands. B 301 Shoepac recollections. O. B. Willcox. W 1851 Short mystery, A. B. W. Procter. in 824.2 : 77 vl Shylock of Barnow, The. K. E. Pranzos. in F 1903 Sibyl's disappointment. H. Parr. in P 464 Sidonie. A. Daudet. D 456 Sieben erzahlungen. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1468 Sieben legenden. G. Keller. K 379 Sieben winterabende. W. R. Heller. H 2333 Siege of Algiers, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in li 367 Siege of Berlin, The. A. Daudet. in T 178 v4 Siege of London, The. H. James, jr. J 312 Siege of Roxburgh, The. J. Hogg. in H 3461 v6 Siegwart. J.M.Miller. M 2726 Sieur George. G. W. Cable. in C 103 Sights and insights. A. D. T. Whitney. W 1468 Sights from a steeple. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Sigismund. G. Gnffln. in G 2555 Same. in G 2551 v5 Sigismund Fatello. in T 176 v8 Signal man. The. C. Dickens. in J 926 v8 Signer Formica. E. T. A. Hoffmann. in H 3359 vl Signer Monaldlnl's niece. M. A. Tincker. T 1103 Silas Marner. M. Cross, (Georoe Bliot). C 8159 Silberne hochzeit. Die. S. Kohn. K 1102 Silcote of Silcotes. H. Kingsley. K 706 Silent partner. The. E. S. Phelps. P 1454 Silent witness, A. E. Yates. Y 109 Silver caSon, The. G. M. Fenn. Fx 203 Silver city. The. F. A. Ober. Ox 101 Silver cord. The. C. S. Brooks. B 3427 Silver medal. The. J.T.Trowbridge. Tx814 Silver pitchers. L. M. Alcott Ax 514 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Titles. LITERATUBE FICTION. Silver Sorrowful. 984 Silver shilling. The. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 758 Silvia. J. Kavanagrh. K311 Silvia's freier. E. C. Gaskell. Gt 407 Simon. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2184 Simon Sellner's reichthumer, Herrn. C. A. Wetterberph. W 1408 Simon Turchi. H. Conscience. C 2257 Simple man is the beggar's brother. The. J. M. Wilson. mW2202vl7 Same. in W 2203 v3 Simple story, A. E. Tnchbald. 1151 Simple tale, A. R. C. Sands. in 820.1: 6 v2 Simple tales. A. Opie. in O 653 Simpleton, A. C. Reade. B 610 Simplicity and fascination. A. Beale. B 804 Simplicius Simphcissimus. H. J. C v. Grimmelshausen. in 880: 152 v33, 34 Simply a love-story. P. Orne. O 766 Simpson of Bussora. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Since I died. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Singleheart and Doubleface. C. Reade. in B, 616 Same. in B, 621 Singular letter from southern Africa, A. J. Hogg. in T 176 v5 Singular vote of Aut Tilbox, The. S. P. McLean. in M 453 Sinner and saint. A. A. Hopkins. H 4301 Sintram. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouqu6. in L 358 Same. in M 2776 Sintram und seine gefahrten. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. Z. 352 Sir Amyas Leigh, Voyages of. C. Kingsley. K 655 Sir Andrew Wylie. J. Gait. 0-152 Sir Brook Fossbrooke. C. Lever. L 1124 Sir Charles Grandison. S. Richardson. B 1205 Same, [abridged]. B 1204 Sir Bowling O'Hartigan. G. Griffin. in <3t 2555 Sir Edward Seaward's nari-ative of his shipwreck. J. Porter. P 2202 Sir Gibbie. G. Macdonald. M!264 Sir Guy D'Esterre. S. Bunbury. B 4101 Sir Hanbury's bequest. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1764 Sir Harry Hotspur. A. Trollope. T 1629 Sir Jasper Carew. C. Lever. Li 1125 Sir Jasper's tenant. M. B. Maxwell. M 1777 Sir Jocelyn's cap. W. Besant and W. H. Pollock. in B 1770 Sir John. C. J. Douglas. D 2701 Sir Luke's return. M.E.Maxwell. in M 1764 Sir Marcus's choice. F. Church. in C 1411 Sir Patrick Hume. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v9 Sir Peter and his pigeon. W. and M. Howitt. in H 4801 Sir Roger de Coverley. J. Addison. A 351 Sir Rupert's room. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in H 2121 Sir Theodore Broughton. G. P. R. James. J 239 Sir Thomas More, The household of. \. Manning. M 852 Sir Tom. M. O. Oliphant. O 487 Sire de Maletroit's door. The. B. L. Stevenson. in S 5176 Siren, The. F. A. Guthrie. in A 1328 Sirene. I. Frick. F 1654 Sirene, Die. A. Meissner. Te.20Ql Sister Johanna's story. A. B. Edwards. in E 510 Sister Rose. E. S. Holt. H 3955 Sister St. Luke. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 Sister Silvia. M. A. Tincker. in 3 35 v2 Sister Susy. R. S. Clarke. Cx 452 Sister Weeden's prayer. K. S. McDowell. in M 326 Sister years. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Sisters, The. G. Ebers. E 255 Sister's bye-hours. J. Ingelow. Ix 103 Sister's story, A. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Same. in H 2118 Sittengeraalde aus dem elsassischen volksleben. A. Weill. W1151 Sitzen geblieben. B. Glogau. in V 2 v26 Six girls. F. B. Irving. Ix 301 Six in all. V..F. Townsend. T1454 Six nights in a block-house. H. C. Watson. Wx 302 Six of one, by half a dozen of the other. H. B. Stowe and others. S 5663 Six to sixteen. J. H. Ewing. Ex 353 Six years later. A. Dumas. - D 2277 Skean Dhu, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl4 Skelet Im hause. Das. F. Spielhagen. S 4262 Skeleton in the closet. The. E. E. Hale. in H 452 Sarm. in J 926 v6 Skeleton in the closet. The. H. Parr. in P 464 Skeleton in the house, The. P. Spielhagen. S 4262 Skeleton's cave. The. W. C. Bryant. in T 186 Sketch from Babylon, A. in T 177 vl 1 Sketch from my window, A. H. Parr. in P 469 Sketches by Boz. C. Dickens. D 1319 Sketches from memory. N.Hawthorne. in H 2051 Same. in H 2054 v2 Sketches from the history of the reformation in Italy. E. Charles. in C 960 Sketches of the United brethren of Bohemia and ^lora- via. E. Charles. in C 960 Skirmishing. Mrs. C. Jenkin. J 603 Skizzen. S. v. Knorring. K 1052 Skizzen aus Calif ornien und Siidamerika. F. Gerstackor. G 723 Skizzen aus dem Londoner alltagsleben. C. Dickens. D1319 Skizzen, geschichten und gedichte. F. Spielhagen. S4261 Skutsjunge, Der. E. Carlen. C 504 Slave, The. J. Howell. in W 2202 v4 Slave, The. E. Souvestre. in S 4053 Sleeping-car, The. W. D. Howells. 822.1 : 22 Sleeping-car experience, A. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Slip in the fens, A. S 21 Small house at Allington, The. A. Trollope. T 1630 Smoke. I. S. Turgenief . T2105 Smuggler, The. G. P. R. James. J 241 Smuggler, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl 1 Smuggler's leap, The. in T 176 vlO Snake of the cabin. The. W. G. Slmms. in S 3009 Snaken un snurren. W.Schroder. S 1753 Snap. T. B. Price. Px 851 Snarleyyow. F. Marryat. M 1217 Snow image. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Snow man. The. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 756 Snow queen. The. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 753 Snow-storm, The. J. Wilson. in J 926 v7 Snow storm of 1825, The. A. Campbell, in W 2202 v6 Snowberries. A. Cary. Cx 152 Snowdrops. Z. Topelius. Tx 601 Snowflakes. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Snowing up of Strath Lugas, The. in T 176 vl 2 Snuff-miller's daughter, The. in W 2203 v3 So they were married. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1756 Social man. The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 vl 1 Sohn des kaisers, Der. A. Miitzelburg. M 5009 Sohn des volkes. Bin. L. Schiicklng. S 1824 Sohn eines beriihmten mannes, Bin. L. Schucking. S 1826 Sohn vom eisenhammer, Der. W. Herchenbach. in H 2782 Sohne Barnevelt's. Die. B. Schmidt- Weissenf els. S1501 Soiree in a porter's lodge, A. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Soldier's bullet, The. J. ajid M. Banim. in B 307 Soldier's return, The. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 653 v2 Solitary of the cave, The. J. M. Wilson, in W 2202 v3 Soil und haben. G. Freytag. F 1605 Solomon. C. M. Woolson. in W 2751 Some love passages in the lives of overy-day people. W. dndM. Howitt. in H 4801 Some one else. B. M. Croker. C 3902 " Some one has blundered." B. Simcox. in S 2976 Some one pays. C. Lever. iji. T 177 vl2 Some other folks. S. P. McLean. M 453 Some passages from the diary of mistress Mavgaiot Arden. H. Parr. in P 469 Some rambling notes of an idle excursion. S. L. Clemens. inC 1802 Some remarkable passages in the life of an Edinburgh baillie. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v5 Some tales of white elephants. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Some women's hearts. L. C. Moulton. M4102 Somebody else. G. P. Lathrop. L. 652 Somebody's luggage. C. Dickens and others. D 1328 Somebody's neighbors. R. T. Cooke. C 2401 Somorville Hall. S. S. Ellis. Ex 253 Something for everybody. B. R. Hall. H 601 Sommerblumenstrausse. L. Rellstab. B 903 Sommerreise. F.Bremer. B 3156 Somnambulist of Redcleugh, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v6 Somosierra, Die. C. E. Duboc. D 2001 Son of the organ grinder. The. M. 8. Schwartz. S 1906 Son of the soil, A. M. O. Oliphant. O 479 Sonia. A. Durand. D 2560 "Sonnenwirth", Der. H. Kurz. K 1502 Sooner or later. C. S. Brooks. B 3428 Sophie Arnold. E. M. Oettinger. O 903 Sophie Printems. A. Dumas.^lfe. D 2354 Sophomores of Radclitfe, The. E. Kellogg. Kx 212 Sorcerers, The. in P 2126 vl Sorrow of a secret. The. M. C. Hay. in H 21 18 Sorrowful guest, A. S. O. Jewett. in J 802 ; denoteB books specially adapted for children. 985 Sorrows Story of. LITERATTntE FICTION. 01. 813, Titles. 986 Sorrows of young Werther, The. J. W. v. G6the. in a 1662 Sound morality. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 South ainerican editor, The. E. B. Hale. mi H 452 South breaker, The. H. P. Spofford. in 3 4401 Same. in J 926 v7 South devil. The. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 Southward ho ! W. G. Simms. S 3008 Sowed by the wind. E. Kellog-g-. Kx 223 Sowing and reaping. M. Howitt. Hx 1260 Spanish cavaliers. The. S 30 Spanish fairy tales. C. Arrom. Ax 851 Spanish match. The. W. H. Alnsworth. A 581 Spanish nun. The. T. De Quincey. in 824.2 : 34 vl Spanish student. The. B. W. Procter, in 824.2 : 77 vl Spark of genius, The. E. Kellogg. Kx 211 Spatlauber, Die. K. R. E. v. Bayer. in V 2 v21 Spiitsonuner. C. v. Sydow. S 6101 Special constable, A. C. Reade. in R 617 Same. m It 621 Spectacles, The. E. A. Poe. in 820. 1 : 5 v3 Spectral mortgage. The. F. R. Stockton. in 3 5402 Spectre barber. The. J. K. A. Musaus. in P 2126 v2 Specti e of Milagglo, The. A. Wilson. in T 177 v4 Speculative spirit. The. F. J. Fargus. in F 2003 Spell-bound. A. Dumas. D 2289 Spell-bound fiddler, The. K. Janson. J 451 Spcnden auf dem altar der freundschaft und llebe. Spendthrift, The. W. H. Alnsworth. A 582 Sphinx, Die. L. Schiicking. S 1826 Spider's eye. The. L. P. Hale. in 3 35 v3 Spindle stories. R. H. Moncrleff. Mx 826 Spinning-wheel stories. L. M. Alcott. Ax 518 Spinoza. B. Auerbach. A 1966 Spirit of night. The. G. Aguilar. t?i A 403 Spirit-rapper, The. O. A. Brownson. B 3602 Spirite. T. Gautier. Ot 603 Spirit's entreatv. The. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Spleen. A. v. Wlnterfeld. mW2260vl0 Split zephyr. H. A. Beers. in 3 35 v8 Spoiled child. The. D. mD2401 Sport of destiny, The. F. v. Schiller. in R 2451 Same. i/i 830 : B 1 53 v3 Sportsman of Outfleldhaugh, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl 9 Spring comedies. M. A. Baker. B 376 Spring Hoods. I. S. Turgenief. T2106 Sprung vom Nlagarafalle, Der. F. A. Strubberg. S 5803 Spukehaus, Das. A. v. Wlnterfeld. W 2257 Spy, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2476 Squatter chief. The. G. Sealsfield. in 3 2202 Squire, The. E. Pickering. P 1754 Squire Ben. J.M.Wilson. inW2202vl5 Squire Palne's confession. R. T. Cooke. in C 2401 Squire's legacy, The. M. C. Hay. H2111 Stiidte und raenschen. C. Spindler. S 4320 Stadthauptmann, Der. G. W. PfelfCer. P 1001 Stage struck. B. Tucker-Machetta. B, 2376 Staire manor. M. C. Hay. in H 2114 Stammes letzter, Des. W. Lorenz. li 1909 Standish the puritan. Eldred Grayson, esq. G2151 Stanhope. H.Lee. mli851vl Stanley Thorn. H. Cockton. C 2003 Star and a heart, A. F. Church. C 1420 Star chamber. The. W. H. Alnsworth. A 561 Star In the valley, The. M. N. Murfree. in M 4776 Starling, The. N. Macleod. M 504 Starting out. A.Clark. Cx351 Starving settlers, The. D.P.Thompson. in T 751 States general. The. E. Erckmann arid A. Chatrian. inS 1204 vl Station, The. W. Carleton. in C 554 Statue, Die. A. v. Wlnterfeld. in W 2261 v4 Stauntons, The. B. W. Procter. in 824.2 : 77 vl Steam-house, The. J. Verne. Vx 304 Steevenbord. M. A. Enders. in V 2 v23 Stein des Tiberias, Der. F. Melster. in D 104 Steinhauer von Saint-Point, Der. A. fle Lamartlne. 1^304 Stellvertreter, Der. E. Carlen. C 507 Stella. F. Stahr. S4685 Stella Grayland. J. T. McKay. in 3 35 v7 Step-mother, The. G. P. R. James, J 253 Stephen Dane. A. M. Douglas. D 1807 Stephen, M. D. 8. Warner. W 837 Stepping heavenward. E. Prentiss. P 2455 Sternkammer, Die. W. H. Alnsworth. A 561 Steven Lawrence, yeoman. A. Edwardes. E 458 Stlef el von nummer 10, Die. A. v. Wlnterfeld. in W 2261 ve Still waters. M. A. Paul. P 705 Stllle f reund, Der. A. v. d. Decken. Stillwater tragedy. The. T. B. Aldrich. Dei " " in D 2651 _ . A 755 Stockflschfang, Der. L. Storch. S 5559 Stockholms vorzelt. T. G. Rudbeck. R 2951 Stolen sheep. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Stolen white elephant, The. S. L. Clemens. C 1802 Stone-breaker, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl8 Stone-cutter's boy of Possagno, The. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Stone-mason of Saint Point, The. A. de Lamartine. Ii304 Stop thief ! M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in H 2119 Stories and romances. H. E. Scudder. S 2101 Stories and tales. H. C. Andersen. Ax 752 Stories by ameriean authors. S 35 Stories for home folks. S. J. Lippincott. Lx 403 Stories from the german. J. Mosen and J. L. Tieck. M3951 Stories from the history of Sweden. Sx 82 Stories of ameriean life. M. R. Mltford, ed. M 2955 Stories of engllsh and foreign life. W. and M. Howitt. H4801 Stories of Henry and Henrietta. A. Dufresno. Dx 701 Stories of the island world. C. NordhofiP. Nx 254 Stories told to a child. J. Ingelow. 1x104 Storms. J.Hogg. inH3451v2 Storungen. E. Wlchert. in W 1604 Story-book, A. A. M. Diaz. Dx 455 Story of a bad boy, The. T. B. Aldrich. Ax 601 Story of a cat. E. G. de LaBedolllere. Lx 101 Story of a country town, The. E. W. Howe. H 4736 Story of a man of business. The. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Story of a millionaire. The. C. Mundt. in M 4555 Story of a mine. The. F. B. Harte. H 1555 Story of a peasant, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. 1204 Story of a royal favorite. The. C. G. F. Gore. G 1559 Story of a scar. The. F. C. Fisher. in F 953 Story of a sugar prince. The. F. A. Guthrie, in A 1328 Story of an honest man. The. E. About. A 104 Story of an outcast, The. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2855 Story of Avis, The. E. S. Phelps. P 1455 Story of carnival, A. M. A. M. Hoppus. H 4501 Story of Charles Gordon, The. M. F. Conolly. in W 2202 vl7 Story of Clara Douglas, The. W.Logan, in W 2202 v4 Story of Don Quixote. M. Cervantes-Saavedra. Cx 176 Story of Ellsabetta Slrani, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Story of Elizabeth. The. A.I.Ritchie. 111656 Story of Eulenburg, A. R. E. Francillon. in T 177 v8 Story of Farquharson of Inverey, The. Sir T. D. Lauder. in E 426 Story of Pran5olse, The. K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Story of good queen Bess, A. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Story of Helen Troy, The. C. C. Harrison. H 1401 Story of Hyas, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2868 Story of Iris, The. O. W. Holmes. in 824.1 : 48 Story of Kennett, The. B. Taylor. T 453 Story of La Roche, The. H. Mackenzie. in J 926 v3 Same. in 829.2: 23 Story of Martha Guinness and her son, The. C. Crowe. in E 426 Story of Mary Brown, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Story of May Darling, The. J. F. Smith. in W 2202 vlO Story of Melicent, The. Fayr Madoc. M 626 Story of my uncle Toby, The. L.Sterne. S 5151 Story of Mysie Craig, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Story of Robin Hood, The. W. Heaton. Hx 776 Story of Salome, The. A.B.Edwards. in E 510 Story of small beginnings, A. S. Warner. Wx208-Wx211 Story of Sweden, A. in P 2802 Story of the back-room window, The. B. W. Procter. in 824.2: 77 v2 Story of the baked head. in P 2802 Story of the forty-six. The. J.Hogg. in H 3451 v4 Story of the Latin quarter, A. F. H. Burnett. in 3 35 v3 Story of the lollards, A. E. Charles. in C 955 Story of the pelican, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Story of the plebiscite, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chat- rian. in E 1211 Story of the red book of Appln, The. E. A. Hltchcook. Hx861 Story of the siege of Boston, A. H. E. Scudder. in 3 2101 Story of the unfinished picture, The. in P 2802 denotes books specially adapted for children. 987 CI. 813, Titles. LITERATUItE PIOTION". Story of Tales. Story of three sisters, A. C. Maxwell. M 1701 Story of Tom Bertram, The. O. Richardson. in W 2202 vie Story of two lives, The. J. Schayer. in 8 35 vlO Story of Valentine and his brother, The. M. O. Oli- phant. O 480 Story of Viteau, The. F. R. Stockton. Sx 1508 Story teller at fault, The. G. Griffin. in O- 2551 v5 Same. in Q 2555 Story without a tale, A. in T 176 v2 Stout heart, A. E. Kellogg. Kx 216 Strafende burggeist, Der. K. L. P. W. G. v. Alvensle- ben. C 1951 Straightforward. H. Parr. P 455 Stranded ship, A. L. C. Davis. D 551 Strange adventures of a phaeton, The. W. Black. B 2212 Same. i?iB2211 Strange disappearance, A. A. K. Green. Q- 2202 Strange house of Loch Suainabahl, The. W. Black. in B 2206 Strange journey, A. C. G. Rossetti. R 3451 Strange stories. E. Erekmann and A. Chatrian. E 1205 Strange story, A. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4026 Strange tales. E. G. C. Murray. M 4902 Strange voyage, A. W.C.Russell. 113313 Strange world, A. M. E. Maxwell. M 1778 Strangers and pilgrims. M. E. Maxwell. M 1779 8tratford-by-the-sea. S 37 Stray pearls. C. M. Yonge. Y 223 Street-sweeper of St. Roque, The. in M 607 Streit und frlede. F.Bremer. B 3160 Stretton. H. Kingsley. K 707 Strife and peace. F. Bremer. B 3158 Strike for freedom. L. C. Tuthill. Tx 1002 String of pearls. The. G. P. R. James. J 256 Stroke of diplomacy, A. V. Cherbuliez. C 1157 Strong arm, A. E. Kellogg. Kx 202 Struenseee. A. J. F. Arnould and L. P. N. Fournier. S41 Struggle for fame, A. C. E. L. Riddell. B 1354 Struggle for life, A. T. B. Aldrich. in A 752 Same. in A 756 Struggle for life, A. C. Nordhoff. in N 801 Struggle for Rome, A. F. Dahn. D 103 Struggle in Ferrara, The. W. Gilbert. Q 852 Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson, The. A. Trol- lope. T 1631 Studien. A. Stifter. S 5303 Studien, neue folge. A. Stifter. S 5304 Stumme kind. Das. J. C. v. Schmid. inS 1458 Stumme Hebe. J. K. A. Musaus. in JO. 4951 Stupid story, A. M. A. Barker. in B 376 Sturmfluth. F. Spielhagen. S 4263 Sturmhexe. Die. M. Keyserling. K 476 Sturmvogel, Die. J. G. F. W. Andrea. A 1 151 Substitute. The. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Suburban sketches. W. D. Howells. H 4757 Success and defeat. E. Prentiss. in P 2452 Such a good man. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1769 Such as I have. E. Prentiss. in P 2452 Suden und norden. H. T. v. Schmid. S 1417 Siihnung. J. D. H. Temme. in T 561 Suicide, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl 1 Suicide club. The. R.L.Stevenson. in S 5176 Suicide's grave. The. T. Gillespie. i7i W 2202 v4 Suil Dhuv. G. Griffin. in Gt 2651 v2 Sulamith. J. Marlin. M 1153 Sullivan looking-glass, The. H. B. Stowe. in S 5660 Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life, A. A. D. T. Whit- ney. W 1459 Summer's diversion. A. J. Schayer. in S 1016 Sun-maid, The. M. M. Grant. Q 1963 Sunday school. The. H. More. in 820.2 : 28 vl Sunday at home. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Siinden ernte, Der. H. O. F. Godsche. G 1376 v3 Siinders kind. H. Wachonhusen. in V 2 v33 Sunnybank. M. V. Terhune. T 612 Sunrise. W. Black. B 2213 Superior woman, A. S 81 Surf. F.T.Wilson. W 2851 Surgeon's daughter. The. Sir W. Scott. S 2023 Same. in 3 2007 vl Surgeon's stories, The. Z. Topellus. T 1251 T 1256 Surgeon's tales. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 Surtout, The. A. Campbell. in W 2202 vl 1 Surveyor's tale. The. W. E. Aytoun. in T 176 v2 Susan Drummond. C. E. L. Riddell. R 1355 Susan Fielding. A. Edwardes. E 459 Susan Lawton's escape. Saxe Holm. in H 3753 v2 Suspended animation. C. Reade. in R 617 Same. in R 621 Sutherlands, The. M. Harris. H 1357 Suwanee river tales. 8. McDowell. Mx 176 Swammerdam. F. H. Klencke. K 952 Swans of Lir, The. G. Griffin. in Ct 2555 Same. tnG2551vl Same,. in J 926 vl Sweet is true love. M. Argles. in A 1483 Sweet Mace. G. M. Fenn. F 354 Sweet Nelly, my heart's delight. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1753 Same. ~ in B l767 Swiss family Robinson. J. R. Wyss and Barannc de Montolieu. Wx 1501 Sam. Wx 1502 Sword and gown. G. A. Lawrence. 1, 708 Sword of Damocles, The. A. K. Green. G 2203 Sybil. B.Disraeli. D 1506 Sybil's second love. J. Kavanagh. K312 Sydney. G. M. Craik. C 2915 Sydnie Adriance. A.M.Douglas. D 1808 Sylph Etherege. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Sylvan Holt's daughter. H. Parr. P 456 Sylvan queen, A. T 106 Sylvester night's adventure, A. H. Zschokke. Z311 Sylvesterglocken. Die. C. Dickens. D 1303 v3 Sylvesternacht, Die. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2859 Sylvestres, The. M. B. Betham-Edwards. E 554 Sylvia's choice. G. M. Craik. C 2918 Sylvia's freier. E. C. Gaskell. G 407 Sylvie Delmare, The experience of. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Synnove Solbakken. B. Bjornson. B 2 1 62 Szekely mother, The. M. Jokai. in J 1154 T. T. Fitzroy, esq. N. Macleod. in M 50^^ Tachypomp, The. E. P. Mitchell. in S 35 v5 Tactics. J.H.Gray. G2126 Tagebuch. F.Bremer. B 3158 Tahiti. F. Gerstacker. G 724 Taken at the flood. M. E. Maxwell. M 1780 Taking for granted. E. Prentiss. in P 2452 Talbot and Gaynor. W. Carleton. iri C 555 Talbot and Vernon. J. L. Mac Connel. M 201 Tale, The. in P 21 26 v3 Tale of a salamander, A. E. E. Hale. in H 461 Tale of blood, A. J. Payn. P 81 1 Tale of Florence, A. G. M. Craik. in C 2913 Tale of Kosem Kesamim, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lyt- ton. in 824.2: 18 v4 Tale of Pentland, A. J. Hogg. in H 3461 vl Tale of terror, A. T. Hood. in 820.2 : 36 Tale of the martyrs, A. J. Hogg. in H 3461 v4 Tale of the Ragged Mountains, A. E. A. Poe. in 820.1:6 V 3 Tale of trials, A. A. Opie. in O 653 v3 Tale of two cities, A. C.Dickens. D 1320 Tales and ballads. C. Gilraan. G 951 Tales and sketches. J.Hogg. H 3451 Tales and sketches of christian life. E. Charles. C 960 Tales for Christmas eve. R. Broughton. B 3456 Tales for the middle classes. H. Martineau, Mx 652 Tales from the german. J. Oxenford and C. A. Fieling. O 1001 Tales from two hemispheres. H. H. Boyesen. B 2855 Tales of english life. W. F. Collier. Cx 626 Tales of fashionable life. M. Edgeworth. E 404, E 405 Talcs ot flemish life. H. Conscience. C 2268 Tales of Glauber-Spa. T 186 Tales of my landlord. Sir W. Scott. S 2006 Tales of old Thul6. J. M. Smith. S 3552 Tales of the Argonauts. F. B. Harte. H 1556 Tales of the borders. J. M. Wilson, ed. "W 2202 Same, v. 3. W 2203 v3 Tales of the caravan, Inn and palace. W. Haulf. Hx553 Tales of the crusades. Sir W. Scott. S 2024 Tales of the east Neuk of Fife. M. F. Conolly. in W 2202 Talcs of the five senses. G. Griffin. G2551v7 Same. G 2664 Tales of the garden of Kosciusko. S. L. Knapi). K 1002 Tales of the jury-room. G. Griffin. G 2551 v 6 Same. G 2666 Tales of the Munster festivals. G. Griffin. G2561 vl-4 Same. G 2666 Tales of the Scottish peasantry. H. Duncan and others. D2401 Tales of three centuries. H. de Witt. W 2361 Tales of three cities. H. James, jr. J 313 Tales out of school. F. R. Stockton. Sx 1506 Tales, romances and extravaganzas. T.Hood. H 4026 Same. in 820.2:86 ; denotes books specially adapted for children. Talis Tip. LITERATURE FICTION" . 01. 813, Titles. Talis qualis. G. Griffin. Ot 2561 v5 Talisman, Tiie. Sir W.Scott. S 2027 Same. in 3 2024 Talk of the town, The. J. Payn. P 829 Talking leaves, The. W. O. Stoddard. Sx 1604 Tallahassee girl, A. M. Thompson. T 776 Tallulah and Jocasse. T. A. Richards. K. 1101 Tambur van Waterloo, De. W.Schroder. S 1754 Tancred. B. Disraeli. D 1507 Tang-lewood tales. N. Hawthorne. Hx 702 Tanneng-riin. H. T. v. Schinid. S 1418 j Tannenhiiuser, The. J. L. Tieck. wB,2451 ! Tannenschiitz, Der. O. Miiller. M 4409 I Tarantella. M. Blind. B 2466 Tartarin of Tarascon. A. Daudet. jp 454 Tasbrook's testimonial. J. Payn. in P 81 1 vl Taube, Die. A. Dumas. D 2290 Tausend und ein gespenst. A. Dumas. D 2291 Tawney Rachel. H. More. in 820.2 : 28 vl Tebaldo. E. Dutheil. L, 626 Telegraph girl, The. A. TroUope. in T 1637 Telemachus, The adventures of. F. S. de La Mothe Fe- nelon. F 301 Tell-tale heart. The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Temper. A. Opie. m0 653v5 Temperance tales. L. M. Sargent. S 601 Tempest-tossed. T. Tilton. T 1051 Ten nights in a bar-room. T. S. Arthur. A 1757 Ten of diamonds. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v22 Ten thousand a year. S.Warren. W 901 Ten times one is ten. E. E. Hale. H 458 Ten years' tenant. The. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1767 Same. in T 178 v4 Tenant of the old brown house. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Tenants of Malory, The. J. S. Le Fanu. L 903 Tender recollections. The, of Irene Macgillicuddy. L. Oliphant. in T 177 vl Tennesee's pardner. F. B. Harte. in H 1553 Tent in the notch. The. E. A. Rand. E.x 177 Terrible temptation, A. C. Heade. B 6 1 1 Terry Magra's Leprechaun. J. Brougham, in 927.1 : 7 Test of blood. The. J. Brougham. in 927.1: 7 Testament des juden. Das. A. F. v. Schwerin. S 1951 Testament des konigs Gustav III- H. af Trolle. T 1551 Testament Peter des grossen. Das. J. Gundling. 3053 Tested. A. Cudlip. in C 3312 v2,3 Toufel als arzt, Der. E. Sue. S 5912 Teufel im bade, Der. C. Spindler. S 4321 Teufelssumpf, Der. A. L A. Dudevant. D 2174 Teutobog. E.G. V. Dietrich. H4551 Thaddeus of Warsaw. J. Porter. P 2203 Thai von Almeria, Das. W. Bauberger. B 577 Thane's daughter. The. M. C. Clarke. in C 1651 vl Thankful Blossom. F. B. Harte. H 1557 Thankfulness. C, B. Tayler. T 403 Thanksgiving Joe. R. W. Raymond. in B. 576 That artful vicar. E. C. G. Murray. M 4903 That beautiful wretch. W. Black. B 2201 That boy. W. H. Daniels. D 151 That boy of Norcotts'. C. Lever. 1. 1 126 That husband of mine. M. A. Denison. D 1053 That lass o' Lowries. F. H. Burnett. B 4258 That last rehearsal. M. Argles. A 1483 That queer girl. V. F. Townsend. Tx 702 That same old 'coon. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 That terrible man. W. E. Norris. N 907 That wife of mine. M. A. Denison. D 1056 Thatsachliches iiber die magnetisierung des herrn Walde- mar. E. A. Poe. in P 1976 Thee and you. S. W. Mitchell. in M 2901 Their wedding journey. W. D. Howells. H 4760 Theist und atheist. H.Wachberg. W 101 Theo. F. H. Burnett. B 4259 Theo Leigh. A. Cudlip. C 3308 Theodor's geheiraniss. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v2 Theodosia und Wunibald. F. J. Gruber. Gt 2701 Theology in romance. H. W. N. Baker. Bx 151 Theophrastus Paracelsus. D. Fabre d'Olivet. 551 There she blows! W. H. Macy. Mx 301 There was once a man. R. H. Newell. N 252 "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip"'. C. Reade. in R 617 Same. in H 621 Theresa. G. M. Craik. in C 2918 Therese Dunoyer. E. Sue. S 6913 Thicker than water. J. Payn. P 827 Thilo von Trotha. T. Drobisch. D 1851 Things by their right names. A. L. Barbauld. Bx 301 Thinking bayonet. The. J. K. Hosmer. H 4601 Tbinkg-I-to-myself. E. Nares. Nx 151 Thlodolf, the Icelander. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. Ii358 Thirlby Hall. W. E. Norris. N 905 Thirty years since. G. P. R. James. J 242 Thirty-nine men for one woman. H. E. Chevalier. C 1251 Thirza. J. Schayer. in S 1016 This son of Vulcan. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1768 Thomas Didymus. J.F.Clarke. 249:19 Thomas of Chartres. H. Miller. in W 2202 vl8 Thomas Thyrnau. H. v. Paalzow. P 154 Thomas Wingfold, curate. G. Macdonald. M 265 Thorn fortress. The. M. Bramston. Bx 876 Thorney Hall. H. Parr. P 457 Thorpe. W. Mountford. M4151 Thorpe Regis. F. M. Peard. P 904 Those children. B. A. Brooks. B 4701 Those old lunesl W. G. Simms. in S 3009 Thou art the man. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1790 Thousand-and-second tale of Scheherazade. The. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Three brethren. The. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 v9 Three brides. The. C. M. Yonge. Y 219 Three bridges. G. P. Lathrop. in L, 656 Three courses and a dessert. W.Clarke. C 1676 Three cutters. The. F. Marryat. in M 1213 Three feathers. The. W. Black. B 2214 Three foolish little gnomes, The. W. S. W. Anson. Ax 826 Three generations. S.A.Emery. E 1101 Three guardsmen, The. A. Dumas. D 2292 Three guardsmen series. A. Dumas. D 2292 D 2294 Three letters. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl2 Three lieutenants. The. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 463 Three nights by Ash-pool. H. Parr. in P 464 Three november days. B. F. Taylor. in J 926 vl 1 Three paths. The. J. Kavanagh. Kx 101 Three recruits. J. Hatton. H 1751 Three scouts. The. J. T. Trjwbridge. T 1851 Three souls. The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1205 Three strangers. The. T. Hardy. in T 178 vl Three Sundays in a week. E. A. Poe. in 820.1 : 5 v3 Three tales. S. d'Arbouville. A 1451 Three tales. W. Hauff. H 1852 Three tasks. The. W. Carleton. in C 554 Three thanksgiving kisses. E. P. Roe. in R 2313 Three years at Wolverton. Tx31 Threefold destiny. The. N. Hawthorne, in H 2057 v2 Same. in J 926 v2 Thriftless heir. The. in W 2202 v3 Thrond. B. Bjornson. i)i B 2160 Throstletwaite. S. Morley. M 3753 Through a needle's eye. H. Smith. S 3403 Through night to light. K. F. Gutzkow. G 3106 Through night to light. F. Spielhageu. S 4259 v2 Through one administration. F. Burnett. B 4260 Through the breakers. M. C. Hay. i7( H 21 12 Same ' in H 2121 Through the looking-glass. C. L. Dodgson. Dx 602 Through thick and thin. J. Mery. M 2452 Through winding ways. E. W. Kirk. K 853 Thiiringer erzahlungen. E.John. J 911 Thurm Hill, Der. H. Smith. S 3453 Thwarted. F. Montgomery. M 3202 Tibby Fowler. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v23 Tibby Johnston's wraith. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Tickler among the thieves. in T 176 vl2 Ticonderoga. G. P. R. James. J 243 Tie and trick. H. Smart. S 3203 Tiefes geheimniss, Ein. W. Collins. C 2206 Tiger-Lily. J. Schayer. in S 1016 Till death do us part. Mrs. J. K. Spender. S 4202 Tim and Tip. J. O. Kaler. Ox 503 Time shall try. F. E. M. Notley. N 1004 Time, the avenger. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1259 Times of alchemy. Z. Topelius. T 1256 Times of battle and rest. Z. Topelius. T 1252 Times of Charles XII. Z. Topelius. T 1253 Times of Frederick I. Z. Tqijelius. T 1254 Times of Gustaf Adolf . Z. Topelius. T 1251 Times of Linnffius. Z. Topelius. T 1256 Timias Terrystone. O. B. Bunce. B4116 Timotheus und Philemon. J. C. v. Schmld. in 8 1462 Tinder-box, The. H. C. Andersen. Ax 759 Ting-a-ling. F. R. Stockton. Sx 1502 Tinkham brothers' tide-mill. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx804 Tinkling cymbals. E. Fawcett. F 204 Tinted Venus, The. F. A. Guthrie. A 1329 Tintomara. C. J. L. Almquist. A 906 Tiny. E. S. Phelps. ^^^^1 Tip Cat. T 20 X denotes books specially adapted for obUdren. CI. 813, Titles. lilTERATlTKjJ i'lCTlONf. 'Tis Two captains. 'Tie all for the best. H. More. in 820.2: 28 vl Same. in Mx 853 'Tis useless trying-. D. M. Craik. in C 2855 Tit for tat. C. Reade. -in R 617 Same. in B. 621 Titan. J. P. r. Richter. R 1253 Tltania's farewell. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1762 Tite Poulette. G. W. Cable. in C 103 To leeward. P. M. Crawford. C 3028 To love and to be loved. A. S. Roe. B 2252 Tobias Wilson. J. Clemens. C 1752 Toby Tyler. J. O. Kaler. Ox 501 Tochter der luft, Die. J. Scherr. S 1105 Tochter des fiihrmanns, Die. B. Demmler. in V 2 v28 Tochter des kunstreiters, Die. F. v. Brakel. B 2951 Tochter des Piccolomini, Die. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2860 Tochter des pietisten, Die. H. W. Hanke. H 1 109 Tochter des prasidenten, Die. P. Bremer. B 3159 Tochter des Vatican, Die. E. A. Willkomm. W 2054 Tod des biirgermeisters Hooft, Der. A. L. G. Toussaint. T1402 Todesgruss der legionen, Der. J. P. M. O. Meding. M 1976 Todfeinde, Die. T. G. Rudbeck. R 2951 Todte gast, Der. J. H. D. Zschokke. in K 1204 Todte hand. Die. J. Gundllng. O- 3054 Todte onkel, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. in V 2 v35 Todtenmesse, Die. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2304 Tog-ether. T 41 Tollers of the sea. The. V. Hugo. H 4855 Toinette. A. W. Tourgee. T 1354 Told by a comprador. M. C. Hay. in H 21 14 Told in New England. M. C. Hay. in H 2107 Same. in H 21 18 Told in the picture-gallery. M. C. Hay. in H 21 12 Same. in H 2121 Told in the twilight. E. P. Wood. W 2574 Told in the twilight. E. Yates. in Y 1 10 Toll-bar, The. J. Payn. in P 812 Toll-gatherer's day. The. N. Hawthorne, in H 2057 vl Telle Hans, Der. A. Streckfuss. S 1501 Tolllwotte's ghost. J. P. Quincy. in P 2801 Tom Bertram, The story of. O. Richardson. in W 2202 vl 5 Tom Brown at Oxford. T.Hughes. Hx 1052 Tom Brown's school-days. T. Hughes. Hx 1051 Tom Burke. C. Lever. L1127 Tom Burke's duel. W. Maginn. in T 176 v3 Tom Duncan's yarn. O. Richardson. in W 2202 v9 Tom Pane and I. N. P. Willis. in W 2001 v2 Same. in W 2004 Tom Jones. H. Pielding. F 802 Tom Sawyer. S. L. Clemens. Cx 501 Tom Singleton. W. W. P. Synge. S 6001 Tom Tiddler's ground. C. Dickens and others. inD 1323 Tom White, The history of. H. More, in 820.2 : 28 vl Tomklns and other folks. P. Doming. D 902 Tommatoo. P. J. O'Brien. in 126 Tommy Upmore. R. D. Blackmore. B 2309 Tomorrow. M. Edgeworth. in E 403 Tom's husband. S. O. Jewett. in J 804 Tonelli's marriage. W. D. Howells. in H 4753 Tony Butler. C. Lever. L 1128 Too bright too last. M. E. Maxwell. in TO. 1764 Too prudent by half. H. Parr. in P 464 Too rich. A. Streckfuss. S 5702 Too soon. K. S. Macquoid. M 608 Too strange not to be true. G. C. PuUerton. P 1808 Tor Hill, The. H.Smith. S 3453 Torfmoor. A. L. Kielland. in K 1704 Toss up for a husband, A. W.Young. in P 2801 Tourist, Der. G. P. R. James. J 244 Tower of Lahneck, The. T. Hood. in H 4026 Same. in 820.2: 36 Tower of London, The. W. H. Ainsworth. A 562 Tower of Percemont, The. A. L. A. Dudevant. D 2186 Towhead. S. P. McLean. M 452 Town vengeance, A. J. Payn. P 81 1 v2 Toy tragedy, A. P. A. Guthrie. in A 1328 Trabant, Der, C. P. Ridderstad. B, 1404 Tracy's ambition. G. Griffin. in Q 2551 v4 Trading. S. Warner. Wx211v4 Trafalgar. B. Perez Galdos. P 978 Tragedy in the imperial harem at Constantinople, A. A. Piazzi. L 926 Tragedy in the palazzo Bordello, The. A. B. Edwards. in E 510 Tragedy of the unexpected. The. N. Perry. P 1352 Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. W. Carleton. 554 Trajan. H. F. Keenan. K1801 Tralinnan. F.Bremer. in B 3152 Transferred ghost. The. F. R. Stockton. in S 5402 Same. in S 35 v2 Transfused transformed. The. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Traurige erinnerung, Eine. N. Misasi. in M 2826 Trautenheim. M. A. Enders. iii V 2 v25 Trauung, Die. H. Steffens. S 4802 Traveler's tale. The. H. Lee. in I, 851 vl Treasure Island. R. L. Stevenson. Sx 1426 Treasure of a servant, A. J. Payn. u; P 812 Treasure-seeker, The. J. K. A. Musaus. i7)P3126vl Trees and burns. T. Gillespie. in W 2202 vl4 Tremendous adventures of major Gahagan, The. W. M. Thackeray. in T 665 v3 Treue siegt. E. Hofer. II 3311 Treue und barmherzigkeit. O. Lautenschlager. in Z. 2303 Treu'sten frau, Der. E. Kaufifer. K 201 Trevlyn Hold. E. P. Wood. W 2575 Trial, The. C. M. Yonge. Y 220 Trials and triumphs. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v20 Same. in W 2203 v3 Trials of Margaret Lindsay, The. J. Wilson . W 2 1 52 Trials of Menie Dempster, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 vl3 Trials of temper. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Tribulations of a chinaman, The. J. Verne. V 562 Trina. K. Groth. O 2687 Trip eastward, A. E. Abbott. Ax 103 Triple E., The. Mrs. S. B. G. Clark. 1527 Tristram der Rothe. A. Dumas, jftJs. D 2353 Tristram Shandy. L. Sterne. in 820.2: 20 vl.2 Same, german. S 5 1 52 Triumph of love. The. G. Aguilar. in A 403 Triumphs of time. The. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1260 Trotty book. The. E. S. Phelps. Px 505 Trotty's wedding journey. E. S. Phelps. Px 506 Troubadour-novellen. P. Heyse. H 3019 Troubled waters. B.E.Warner. W 751 Troubles of a quiet man. The. J. Kavanagh. iri K 310 Troublesome daughters. L. B. Walford. W 254 True. G. P. Lathrop. L. 656 True blue. Mrs. L. C. Bell. Bx 501 True ghost story, A. N. Macleod. in M 501 True heroism. C. M. Tucker. Tx 906 True legend of a billiard club. The. W. Blaek. in B 2209 True man, A. M. C. MacCallum. in C 2905 True marriage, A. E. Spender. S 4176 True ordeal of love, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in 824.2: 18 v3 True stories. N. Hawthorne. Hx 705 True story of Guenever, The. E. S. Phelps, in. P 1453 True tales for my grandsons. Sir S. W. Baker. Bx 202 Truls the nameless. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2855 Trumpet major. The. T. Hardy. H 1207 Trumps. G. W. Curtis. C 3652 Truth of it. The. P. J. Fargus. in T 2003 Truth triumphant, The. M.Hunt. iJiT178v4 Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The. R. Broughton. in B 3456 Tsar's window. The. L. Hooper. H4101 Tubber Derg. W. Carleton. in C 554 Tiirken in Miinchen, Die. H. T. v. Schmld. S 1419 Turkish spy. The. G. P. Marana. M 951 Turning of the tide. The. E. Kellogg. Kx 215 Tutti frutti. E. Carl^n and others. C 508 'Twas In Trafalgar's Bay. W. Besant and J. Rice. B1769 Twelve years of my life. L. C. Moulton. i?iM4102 Twenty thousand leagues under the seas. J. Verne. V557 Twenty years after. A. Dumas. D 2293 Twice defeated. K.Edwards. E 601 Twice lost but saved. J. and M. Banim. in B 307 Twice married. C. W. Philleo. P 1501 Twice taken. C. W. Hall. H 651 Twice-told tales. N. Hawthorne. H 2057 Twin brothers. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v23 Twin cousins, The. R. S. Clarke. Cx 472 Twin sisters, The. E. Sandham. Sx 501 Twins, The. M. P. Tupper. T 2051 Twins of Saint-Marcel, The. Mrs. A. S. Orr. O 777 Twixt hammer and anvil. F. L. Benedict. B 1309 Two admirals. The. J. F. Cooper. C 2477 Two apprentices. The. M. Howitt. Hx 1261 Two baronesses. The. H. C. Andersen. A 1006 Two brides. The. M. Jokai. in J 1 1 54 Two buckets in a well. N. P. Willis. in S 35 v4 Two camps. The. W. G. Simms. in 8 3009 Two captains. The. F. H. K. de La Motto Fouque. Ii354 Same. in "L 368 Same. in M 2776 denotes books specially adapted for children. 993 Two circuits -Vasconselos. LITERATURE FICTION. CI. 813, Titles. Two circuits, The. G. M. Craik. Two Compton boys. A. Hoppin. Two comrades, Tlie. A. Campbell. Two destinies, The. W. Collins. Two drovers, The. Sir W. Scott. Two Emilys, The. S.Lee. C2961 Hx962 in W 2202 vl 1 C2225 in a 2007 vl i?i,Li851 v3 Two family mothers. M. S. Schwartz. S 1907 Two hallow-eves. M. C. Hay. i?t H 21 12 Same. wH2119 Two higrhlanders, The. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v4 Two homes, The. D. M. Craik. in C 2856 Two hundred and two. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Two Lears, The. C. Reade. in B 617 Sanw. in B, 621 Two Lilies. J. Kavanag'h. K313 Two little tinkers. D. M. Craik. in C 2858 Same. in C 2860 Two lives. M. J. Mcintosh. M 402 Two marriages. D. M. Craik. C 2869 Two martyrs of Ve^-ulam. E. Charles. in C 955 Two men. E. D. Stoddard. S 5452 Two miss Flemings, The. T 81 Two mrs. Scudamores, The. in T 177 v7 Two old cats. V. W. Johnson. J 1002 Two on a tower. T. Hardy. H 1210 Two plots. F. Muirhead. in T 178 v4 Two prima donnas. The. G. A. Sala. S 402 Two purse companions. G. P. Lathrop. in S 35 v3 Two red slippers. The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v23 Two russian idyls. T 82 Two sailors. The. O. Richardson. in W 2202 vl3 Two saints of the foot-hills. F. B. Harte. in H 1 55 1 Two saviours of the people. K. E. Franzos. in F 1903 Two shoemakers. The. H. More. in 820.2 : 28 vl Two sides of the shield. C. M. Yonge. Y 226 Two soldiers. The. B. W. Procter. in 824.2 : 77 vl Two sons. The. A. Opie. in O 653 v4 Two squires. The. W. and M. Howitt. in H 4801 Two supercargoes, The. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 464 Two tales of married life. G. M. Craik aiid M. C. Stirling. Two tinkers. The. D. M. Craik. in C 2860 Two vocations, The. E. Charles. C 961 Two women. G. M. Craik. C 2912 Two years ago. C. Kingsley. K 654 Twofold life. A. W. v. Hillern. H 3152 Typee. H.Melville. M 2255 Tyrannen der erde, Die. H. O. F. GiJdsche. GH376vl Tzarogy. E. v. Bibra. B 1853 Uarda. G. Ebers. E 256 Uebel grosstes ist die schuld, Der. W. Lorenz. L 1910 Ueber die wolken. W. Jensen. J 706 Ueberfall und die letzte patrouille, Der. A. v. Winter- feld. in W 2261 v6 Ueberwiesene, Der. G. P. R. James. J 245 Uhlenhans. F. Spielhagen. S 4270 Ulan, Der. A. Kuhne. D 1209 Ulrich mit dem buhel. J. K. A. Musaus. in M 4951 Ultimo. F. Spielhagen. S 4264 Same. in S 109 Um den halbmond. J. F. M. O. Meding. M 1979 Um ehre und leben. E. A. Konig. K 1255 Umeinherz. C. Falk. F 126 Um hohen preis. C. Biirstenbinder. B 4351 Umsonst. E. Polko. P 2001 Unawares. F. M. Peard. P 905 Unbidden guest, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl7 Same. in 2203 v3 Uncle and nephew. A. Opie. in O 653 Same. in O 653 v2 Uncle Bernard's story. in P 2801 Uncle Cesar. H. E. P. Reybaud. B 1002 Uncle Jack. W. Besant. B 1770 Uncle Jack's executors. A. L. Noble. N 601 Uncle John. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 2210 Uncle Josh. R.T.Cooke. in C 2401 Uncle Ralph. M. A. Paul. P 706 Uncle Roger's story. L. C. Moulton. in M 4101 Uncle Tom's cabin. H. B. Stowe. S 5661 Uncommercial traveller. The. C.Dickens. D 1321 Same. in D 1308 Under green apple boughs. H. Campbell. C 226 Under high pressure. C. Barnard. in B 401 Under life's key. M. C. Hay. H 21 12 Under one roof . J. Payn. P819 Under Slieve-ban. R. E. Francillon. F 1502 Under the ban. J. H. Mechon. M 2627 Under the cloak. R. Broughton. in B 3456 Under the glacier. H. H. Boyesen. in B 2853 Under the greenwood tree. T. Hardy. H 1208 Under the lilacs. L. M. Alcott. Ax 515 Under the lilies and roses. F. Church. 1424 Under the lime-trees. Ux 51 Under the meteor flag. H. Collingwood. C2176 Under the red flag. M. E. Maxwell. M 1787 Same. M 1791 Under the sea. S. C. Woolsey. in W 2701 Under the stork's nest. G. A. Katsch. K 151 Under the tricolor. L. H. Hooper. H4151 Under the will. M. C. Hay. H 2121 Under the willow tree. H. C. Andersen. in Ax 761 Under the willows. E. Van Loon. "V401 Under which king ? C. Readc. B 636 Under which lord ? E. L. Linton. L 1457 Undercurrents of Wall-street. R. B. Kimball. K 503 Undergraduate's aunt. An. F.A.Guthrie, in A 1322 Undine. F. H. K. de LaMotte Fouque. L 354 Same. in L 358 Same. in JUL 2776 Undiscovered country. The. W. D. Howells. H 4'758 Unexpected result. An. E. P. Roe. B 2313 Unfathomable mystery, The. D. P, Thompson. in T 751 Ungarin, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 vlO Ungesehene gattin. Die. G. H. Mellin. M 2104 Ungethiim, Das. A. v. Winterfeld. iJiW2261vl Same. in V 2 v24 Ungliickliche, Eine. L S. Turgenief. T2110 Unheimliche geschichten. E. A. Poe and A. B. Edwards. W^ 2262 Unkind word. The. D. M. Craik. C 2870 Unknown, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl3 Same. in W 2203 v3 Unknown patient. The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in L 357 Unknown to history. C. M. Yonge. Y 222 Unlosliche bande. C. Bauer. B 658 Unlucky Tim GrifBn. L. W. M. Lockhart. in T 177 v4 Unlucky weathercock. The. M. Jokai. in J 1154 Unrequited attachment. An. J. Payn. in P 811 v2 Unseen hand. The. E. Kellogg. Kx 203 Unssere patriarchen. E. v. Dincklage-Campe. in V2 v30 Unspotted from the world. Mrs. G. W. Godfrey. GH351 Unter dem aquator. F. Gerstacker. G "726 Unter den penchuenchen. F. Gerstacker. G '725 Unter dem schleier der nacht. H 6 Unter dem schleier der nacht. B. Hesslein. H 2951 Unter der fremdherrschaft. E. Hofer. H 8308 Unter der harten hand. E. Diethoflf. D 2801 Unter heisserer sonne. W. Jensen. j 704 Unterm krummstab. C. E. Duboc. D 2002 Unter palmen und buchen. F. Gerstacker. G 727 Until the day break. A. E. Bartlett. B 551 Uniiberwindliche machte. H.Grimm. G2651 Umwege zum gliick. L. Ziemssen. Z 176 Unzertrennlichen, Die. F. Stahr. S 46'78 Up from the Cape. U 3 Up in the Blue Ridge. C. M. Woolson. in W 2752 Upon the waters. M. C. Hay. in H 2102 Upper ten thousand. The. C. A. Bristed. B 3251 Ups and downs. E. E. Hale. H 459 Ups and downs. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v22 Same. in W 2203 v3 Urban sketches. F. B. Harte. in H 1554 Uriel der teufeL C. Kaulbach. K 251 Urlaubsreise, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2261 v6 Ursula. M. L. Bekenn. Bx 426 Ursula. E. M. Sewell. s 2557 Usurper, The. J. Gautier. G551 Ut mine stromtid. F. Renter. B 953 Ut 't dorp. K. V. I. Loffler. XJ 2 Utter impossibility. An. F. Church. in C 1420 Vacant chair. The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl Vge victis. A. Meissner. M 2062 Vagabond heroine, A. A. Edwardes. E 460 Vain forebodings. B. Schulze-Smidt. S 6251 Val Strange. D. C. Murray. M 4878 Vale of Cedars, The. G. Aguilar. A 406 Valentine and his brother. M. O. Oliphant. O 480 Valentine McClutchy. W. Carleton. C 553 Valentine the countess. C. Bauer. B 659 Valentine Vox. H. Cockton. C 2002 Valentine's eve. A. Opie. in O 653 v6 Valentines verliebte abenteuer und irrfahrten. G. C. A. Pigault-Lebrun. p 1776 Valerie. F. Marryat. M 1216 Valerie. G. K. O. v. Struenseo. S 5858 Valerie Aylmer. F. C. Fisher. F 956 Valerius. J. G. Lockhart. L 1602 Vanderdecken's message home. in T 176 vl Vanessa. M. A. Paul. p 707 Vanity fair. W. M. Thackeray. T 663 Vasconselos. W. G. Simms. S 3010 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Titles. LITERATURE FICTION. Vashti Walter's. 996 Vashti. A.J.Wilson. Vater und sohn. T. Mu/rge. Vater und sohn. C. F. Ridderstad. Vater und sohn. F. Stahr. Vater und sohne. I. S. Turjrenief. Vaters sehuld, Des. O. Bach. w2ioe in M 4211 B 1405 S4679 T2102 Ml V 2 v24 Velvet cushion. The. J. W. Cunningham. Cx 801 Venetia. B.Disraeli. D 1508 Venetian glass. J. B. Matthews. in M 1501 Same. i/i S 35 v3 Venezianer, Der. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2861 Vengeance of a jew, The. C. Guenot. a2751 Venus's doves. I.A.Taylor. T 526 Verachte niemanden. O. Lautenschlager. L 2302 Verbrechen und strafe. W. Herchenbach. H 2780 Verbrechen und strafe. T. Neumeister. N 202 Verhaftung, Eine. J. D. H. Temme. T 561 Verirrt und erlost. M. Ring. R 1611 Verkaufte skelett, Das. H. Schitf. S 1152 Verlobte, Der. C. E. Duboc. D 2003 Verlobten, Die. A. Manzoni. M 901 Verlobten, Die. Sir W. Scott. S 2004 Verloren und gef unden. T. Mugge. M 4213 Verloren und gerettet. C. E. S. Stirling-Maxwell. S5326 Verlorene, Eine. L. Kompert. K 1201 vl Same. K 1204 Verlorene handschrift. Die. G. Freytag. F 1606 Verlorenes gluck. S. v. Millenkovics. M2651 Verner's pride. E.P.Wood. W 2576 Veronica. J. H. D. Zschokke. Z 305 Veronika. E. Schellbach. S 1851 Veronique. F. Church. C 1421 Verriitherische herz. Das. E. A. Poe. in P 1976 Verschlungene wege. H. Schonberg. in V 2 v37 Verschlungene wege. L. Schucking. S 1827 Verschworung, Die. E. Sue. S 5914 Verstossenen, Die. A. Snieders, der jiingere. S 3801 Versunkene schloss, Das. W. Herchenbach. in H 2780 Versunkene sterne. E. Polko. P 2004 Versunkene welten. W. Jensen. J 705 Vervehmt. A. Becker. B 954 Verwechselte graf, Der. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v8 Verworrenes leben. W. Raabe. K 120 Very bad night, A. J. Payn. in P 812 Very cool customer, A. F. W. Robinson. in R 1858 Very hard cash. C. Reade. K 605 Very narrow escape, A. M. E. Maxwell. in M 1764 Very quiet rubber, A. J. Payn. in P 81 1 v2 Very young americans. L. W. Ledyard. Lx 151 Very young couple, A. V 6 Vestigia. J. Fletcher. T 1054 Vesuv und seine opfer, Der. A. Dumas. in D 1703 Vial-genie and mad farthing, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. i7i M 2776 Sanw. The bottle imp. in P 2126 vl Vicar of Bullhampton, The. A. Trollope. T 1632 Vicar of Wakefield, The. O. Goldsmith. 1501 Vicar's daughter. The. G. Macdonald. M 266 Vicar's people, The. G. M. Fenn. P 355 Vice versa. F. A. Guthrie. A 1326 Vicissitudes in a lawyer's life. B. W. Procter. in 824.2: 77 vl Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax, The. H. Parr. P 458 Vicorate de Launay, Der. F. deLienhart. L 1301 Victim of priestcraft. The. in P 2 1 26 v2 Victoire's faith. K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Victor and Jacqueline. C. Chesebro'. in A 1876 Victor and vanquished. M. C. Hay. H 2113 Victor La Tourette. E. A. Warriner. W 951 Victor Lescar. M. M. Grant. G 1955 Victor's wreath. The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in L. 357 Vier geschwister. L. Peters. P 2904 Vier junker. G.L. Hesekiel. H 2902 Vier norweger, Die. H. Steffens. S 4804 Viertreppen. K. v. Schwarzkoppen. in S 1926 Vierteljahrhundert, Ein. B.Young. Y351 Vikar von Wrexhill. Der. F. Trollope. T 1703 Villa on the Rhine, The. B. Auerbach. A 1967 Villa Riunione. F. Stahr. S 4680 Village convict. The. H. W. Chaplin. in S 35 v6 Village doctor, The. S. d'Arbouville. in A 1451 Same. in T 176 v5 Village inn-keeper, The. H. Conscience. C 2259 Village on the cliff. The. A.I.Ritchie. B 1657 Village ruin. The. G. Griffin. in & 2551 v3 Same. in O- 2556 Village uncle. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 Villette. C. Nicholls. N 404 Vincenzo. G. Rufflni. B 3053 Vlneta. E. Burstenbinder. B 4355 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Vlolen. O. Lautenschlager. in T, 2303 Virey und die aristokraten, Der. C. Sealsfleld. S 2205 Virgin soil. I. S. Turgenief. T2107 Virginia bohemians. The. J. E. Cooke. C 2352 Virginia comedians. The. J. E. Cooke. C 2353 Virginians, The. W. M. Thackeray. T 664 Virtuoso's collection. A. N. Hawthorne, in H. 2054 v2 Vision of Cagliostro, The. in T 176 vlO Vision of sudden death, The. T. De Quincey. in J 926 v3 Vision of the fountain. The. N. Hawthorne. inH2057vl Vision of Theodore, the hermit of Teneritfe, The. S. Johnson. in 820.2: 13 vl Visited on the children. D. Boulger. H 1904 Vitalien-briider, Die. A. Gorling. G 1601 Viteau. F.R.Stockton. Sx 1508 Vivian. M. Bdgeworth. in E 404 Vivian Grey. B.Disraeli. D 1509 Vivian the beauty. A. Edwardes. E461 Vivienne. M. Argles. in A 1488 Vixen. M. E. Maxwell. M 1781 Vogelhandler von Imst, Der. C. Splndler. S 4322 Voigt von Silt, Der. T. Mugge. M4214 Volksgeschichten. C. Splndler. S 4323 Volksmiirchen der deutschen. J. K. E. Musaus. M4951 Volksmiirchen der deutschen. C. B. E. Naubert. N 101 Volksversammlung in Loitz, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. inW 2261 v2 Von armen egyptischen mann. H. Wachenhusen. W161 Von der erde zum mond. J. Verne. V 552 vl Von der Piazza del Popolo. W. J. Bergsoe. B 1454 Von der prinzessin Morgana. F. W. Hackliinder. in H 308 Von einem schiffe. A. L. Kielland. in K 1704 Von geschlecht zu gcschlecht. F. Stahr. S4681 Von Gottes gnaden. J. Kodenberg. B 2152 Von ihr und mir. E. Hiifer. H3312 Von Kempelen and his discovery. E. A. Poe. in 820.1: 5 v3 Von schritt zu schritt. J. Grossheim. in V 2 v25 Von Wien nach Vilagos. L. F. Stolle. S 5521 Vor den schranken. E. v. Wildenbruch. in V 2 v25 Vor einundfunfzig jahren und heute. W. Lorenz. L 1911 Vor thoresschluss. K. v. Schwarzkoppen. in S 1926 Vorleben eines kiinstlers. S. Kapper. K 101 Vornehme welt. F. Stahr. S 4682 Vornehmen proletarier. Die. H 7 Vornehme schwester, Eine. E. Wichert. in V 2 v 23 Vornehmer herr, Ein. K. v. Holtei. H 4003 Vorwerts-Hans. L. Storch. S 5560 Vow, The. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. in X, 357 Voyage of the America, The. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Voyage of the Steadfast, The. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx465 Voyage of the Vivian, The. T. W. Knox. Kx 502 Wager. The. A. Leigh ton. in W 2202 v21 Wager of battle. The. H. W. Herbert. H 2704 Wags, The. in T 176 v7 Wahlcampagne, Eine. R. Menger. in V 2 v33 Wahnsinu und liebe. M. K. Baldamus. B 201 Wahnsinnig auf befehl. 8. v. Bertigny. in V 2 v21 Waidmann, Der. G. P. R. James. J 246 Waise von Tamaris. Die. H. Schiflf. S 1153 Waise von Unterlachen, Die. C. V. Le P. d'Arlincourt. A 1552 Waise von Wien, Die. J. Scherr. S 1106 Wake not the dead. in P 2126 vl Wakefield. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Same. in J 926 v2 Waldblumen. G. K. Herlossohn. H 2862 Waldemar Klein. E. Carlen. C 509 Waldfried. B. Auerbach. A 1968 Waldgeschichten. J. Messner. M 2603 Waldkapelle. Die. J. C. v. Schmid. in S 1463 Waldliiufer, Die. E. L. G. de F. de Bellemarre. B 1286 Waldmeister. J. Rank. B 357 Waldmeister. L. Storch. S 5561 Walking doll. The. R. H. Newell. N251 Wally's garten. H. W. Hanke. H 1 1 10 Walseth und Leith, Die familien. H. Steffens. S 4801 Walt and Vult. J. P. F. Richter. B 1254 Walter Ashwood. A.Mathews. M 1551 Walter Binning. C. M. Tucker. Tx 905 Walter Goring. A. Cudlip. C 3309 Walter Seyton. Wx 16 Walter Thornley. 8. R. Sedgwick. S 2276 Walter's little mother. P. Heyse. in H 3001 Walter's word. J. Payn. P 820 997 Wan Wide. LH^EBATITRE FICTION'. CI. 813, Titles. Wan Lee the pagan. F. B. Harte. to H 1556 Wanda, countess von Szalras. L. de la Ram^. B 160 Wanderbuch eines schwermuthlgen, Das. D. Lessmann. L. 1052 Wandering heir, The. C. Reade. I161S Wanderinar jew. The. E. Sue. S 5901 Wanderschaft, Die. O. Lautenschlager. in L 2302 Wandlungen. F. Stahr. S 4683 Wane of an ideal. The. M. Torelli-Torriani. C 4001 War belt, The. J.Hall. otH701 Warden, The. A. Trollope. T 1633 Wards of Plotinus, The. E.Hunt. H 5001 Warlock o' Glenwarlock. G. Macdonald. M 267 Warning, The. A. Bethune. in W 2202 vl5 Warp and woof. H. Parr. P 468 Was die schwalbe sang. F. Spielhagen. S 4265 Was Elizabeth right? G. M. Craik. in C 2911 Was sich der wald erzahlt. G. zu Putlitz. P 2776 Washington square. H. James, jr. J 307 Washington winter, A. M. V. Dahlgren. D 126 Wassail. C.Hamley. inT177v6 Wassernixe, Die. J. F. Cooper. C 2478 Wat Pringle. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v6 Watch and pray. A. Haven. Hx 605 Watch and ward. H. James, jr. J 308 Watchers on the Longships, The. J. F. Cobb. C 1977 Watchmaker, The. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v4 Water babies, The. C. Kingsley. Kx 401 Same, [abridged]. Kx 402 Water cure. The. D. M. Craik. in C 2862 Water-drops, The. in D 1326 Water-horse, The. N. Macleod. in M 501 Water talk. E. E. Hale. in H 451 Water-Witch, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2478 Waterdale neighbors, The. J. McCarthy. MHO Waterloo. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E 1210 Waters of Hercules. The. E. D. Gerard. G 653 Waverley. Sir W. Scott. S 2025 Way of the world. The. W. T. Adams. A 328 Way of the world, The. D.C.Murray. M4881 Way we live now. The. A. Trollope. T 1634 Ways of providence. The. T. S. Arthur. A 1758 Ways of the hour, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2479 Wayward woman, A. A. Griffiths. Q- 2602 We and our neighbors. H. B. Stowe. S 5662 We and the world. J. H. Ewing. Ex 355 We four. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in "H 2119 We girls. A. D. T. Whitney. W 1460 We're all low people there. S. Phillips. P 1601 We Von Arldens. C. L. Burnham. B 4304 Weal and woe in Garveloch. H. Martineau. Mx 553 We'll have another. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl2 Wealth and welfare. A. Bitzius. B 2076 Wearing of the green. Basil. B 4652 Wearyfoot common. L.Ritchie. K 1701 Wearyful woman. The. J. Gait. in T 176 v3 Weavers and weft. M. E. Maxwell. M 1782 Wechsel des lebens, Der. F. W. Hacklander. H311 Wedding, The. T.Gillespie. mW2202vl2 Wedding knell. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 vl Wedding story, A. M. A. Barker. in B 376 Wee Davie. N. Macleod. in M 501 Weeds. M. L. Hartley. in L 253 Week in a trench country house, A. A. Sartoris. S627 Week of passion, A. E. Jenkins. J 654 Wege zum verbrechen. Die. F. A. Oldenburg, in S 1459 Wehrwolf, Der. E. B. Berthet. B 1703 Weighed and wanting. G. Macdonald. M 269 Weihnachtsabend, Der. J. C. v. Schmid. S 1456 Weihnachtsbescheerung, Eine. G. K. Herlossohn. H2863 Weihnachtsfund, Der. H. Kurz. K 1503 Weihnachtsmarchen. F. W. Hackliinder. in H 308 Weird tales. E. T. A. Hoffmann. H 3359 Weisse frau, Die. K. Miiller. M 4305 Weissefrau vonGreifenstein, Die. J.Herbert. H 2752 Weisse rosen. T. Drobisch. D 1851 Weisse sklave, Der. R. Hildreth. H3101 Weite, weite welt. Die. S. Warner. W 832 Welcome home. The. A. Opie. O 653 v3 Welke blatter. A. L. Kielland. in K 1704 Well done. M. C. Hay. in H 2 1 1 2 Same. iH:2119 Welldean Hall. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Wellflelds, The. J. Fothergill. F 1403 Weltbiirger, Der. L. F. Stolle. S 5522 Wenderholme. P. G. Hamerton. H 802 Wendische weiden. E. A. P. Ziehen. Z 151 Wept of the Wish-ton-wish. J. F. Cooper. C 2480 Wer wird sie heimfiihren. C. King. K 576 Werner Thormann, L. V. Jiingst. J 1501 Wernyhora. M. Czaykowski. C 3751 Werther, The sorrows of young. J. W. v. Gothe. Gt 1652 West country chronicles. W.Clarke. in C 1676 Western clearings. C. M. Klrkland. K 753 Westward ho ! C. Kingsley. K 655 Westward ho ! J. K. Paulding. P 753 Wet wooing, The. in T 176 v7 Wetherel affair. The. J. W. De Forest. D 753 Wettrennen, Ein. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v8 Whaling and fishing. C. Nordhoff. Nx 253 What a mad world it is, my masters. M. Argles. in A 1483 What can she do ? E. P. Roe. B 2309 What Fide remembers. I. H. Foster. Fx 602 What has become of lord Camelford's body? C. Reade. in K 617 Same. in 11621 What hast thou done ? J.F. Molloy. M 3076 What he cost her. J. Payn. p 821 What I did at Belgrade. C. Lever. in T 177 v6 What is best. C. Nordhofl'. in N 801 What Katy did. S. C. Woolsey. Wx 1207 What Katy did at school. S. C. Woolsey. "Wx 1208 What might have been expected. F. R. Stockton. Sx 1507 What our advertisement brought. M. C. Hay. in H 2106 Same. in H. 2119 What phe could. S. Warner. Wx 208 What the seven did. H. M. Lothrop. Sx 2004 What the swallow sang. F. Spielhagen. S 4265 What-to-do-club, The. H. Campbell. C 227 What was it ? F. J. O'Brien. O 126 What will he do with it ? E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B4027 Wheels and whims. F. T. McCray and E. L. Smith. M226 When I was a little girl. E. Tabor. Tx 102 When the ship comes home. W. Besant and J. Rice. in B 1762 Where the battle was fought. M. N. Murfree. M 4777 Whereunto is money good. M. C. Hay. in 3 2102 Which is the wiser. M. Howitt. Hx 1262 Which shall it be ? A. F. Hector. H 2205 Whim and its consequences, A. G. P. R. James. J 254 Whimsical wooing, A. A. G. Barrili. B 526 Whispering pine series. The. E. Kellogg. Kx211-Kx216 Whisperings in the wood. Z. Topelius. Tx 602 Whispers from fairyland. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen. Hx 1002 Whist at our club. in T 177 v 12 White boy, The. A. M. Hall. H 552 White bristol. The. M. and J. Banim. in B 307 White bull. The. Voltaire. in V 1051 White cat. The. A. I. Ritchie. in E, 1651 White fawn. The. CoJ. Johnston. i?i E 426 White hand, A. E. Pratt. P 2401 White-Jacket. H. Melville. M 2256 White lies. A. Opie. O 652 White lies. C. Reade. K 613 White old maid. The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2057 v2 White rose. The. G. J. Whyte-Melville. M 221 1 White rose of Langley, The. E. S. Holt. H 3956 White wings. W. Black. B 2215 White witch, The. W 9 White woman of Tarras, The. P. Maxwell. in W 2202 vl 2 Whitefriars. J.Robinson. B 1903 Whiteladies. M. O. Oliphant. O 481 Whitsome tragedy. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v3 Whittle-bridge. in T 177 v2 Who breaks pays. Mrs. C. Jenkin. J 604 Who is Sylvia ? A. Price. P 2576 Who maketh the deaf to hear. H. B. Reeves, in B, 3505 Who painted the great MurlUo de la Merced ? H. C. S. in T 177 v3 Who shall be greatest ? M. Howitt. Hx 1263 Who shall be heir ? E. Pickering. P 1755 Who told it to me. H. M. Lothrop. Sx 2003 Who was my quiet friend? F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Who was she ? B. Taylor. in S 35 vl Whom Kathie married. A. M. Douglas. D 1810 Whose wife was she ? Saxe Holm. in H 3753 vl Why did he not die ? A. v. Volckhausen. V 801 Why frau Frohmann raised her prices. A. Trollope. T1637 Why not? A. Cudllp. .in C 3312 vl Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. C. Clive. C 1901 Why Satan trembles. C. Prentiss. in P 2452 Why Thomas was discharged. G. Arnold. in A 1876 Same. in S 35 v6 Wide, wide world. The. S. Warner. W 838 denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 813, Titles. LlTERATtTRfi-i'ICTlOlf. Widow Wracked. 1000 Widow Baker. E. W. Raymond. in B, 576 Widow Leroug-e, The. E. Gaboriau. Q 104 Widow Merand, The. K. S. Macquoid. in M 607 Widow of Dunskaith. H.Miller. in W 2202 v3 Widow of Windsor, A. A. Gaskeli. 0-351 Widow's ae son, The. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 v23 Wie ein lustspiel entsteht und versreht. P. Lindau. L1353 Wie einer ein wahlflschfanger wurde. P. F. W. Oertel. in O 853 Wie ich meine kleine Karnison wiedersah. A. v. Winter- feld. in W 2261 vl Wie mein freund Dumbart sein examen machte. A. v. Winterf eld. in W 2260 v7 Wie seine grossmutter. K. v. Schwartzkoppen. in S 1926 Wieben-Peter. C. A. v. Wachsmann. mi S 4301 Wiedergef undene tochter, Die. W. Herchenbaeh. H2781 Wiederkehr, Die. W 1 1 Wieland. C. B. Brown. B 3504 Wiener hofgeschichten. L. v. Sacher-Masoch. S 108 Wife of a vain man. The. M. S. Schwartz. S 1908 Wife of Lochmaben, The. J. Hogg. in H 3451 v2 Wife or the wuddy, A. J.M.Wilson. in W 2202 v2 Same. in W 2203 v3 Wife's tale. The. H. Lee. in L 851 vl Wigwam and the cabin, The. W. G. Simms. S 3009 Wild adventures in wild places. G. Stables. S 4576 Wild Hyacinth. Mrs. Randolph. 11253 Wild scenes in the forest and prairie. C F. Hoffmann Wild sports of the west. W. H. Maxwell. H 1851 Wild swans. The. H.C.Andersen. Ax 761 Wild woods life. C. A. J. Farrar. Fx 177 Wilddieb, Der. P. Gerstacker. G- 728 Wilderness and warpath. J.Hall. H 701 Wildes blut. B. Mbllhausen. in V 2 v38 Wildfeuer. C. G. v. Berneck. B 1534 Wildpfarrer, Der. O. Miiller. M 4410 Wildschiitzen, Die. W. Herchenbaeh. H 2782 Wilfrid Cumbermede. G. Macdonald. M 268 Wilhelm. A. v. Sternberg. S 5061 Wilhelm Meister. J. W. v. Gothe. G 1653 Wiihelmina. C. M. Woolson. in W 2751 Will, The. M. Edgeworth. in E 402 Will Denbigh, nobleman. E. Fox. F 1452 Will-o'-the wisp. The. H. C. Andersen. Ax 760 Will-o'-the wisps. The. M. Petersen. Px 401 Will Weatherhelm. W. H. G. Kingston. Kx 466 Wille zum leben. Der. A. Wilbrandt. in V 2 v35 William Henry and his friends. A. M. Diaz. Dx 452 William Henry letters. The. A. M. Diaz. Dx 451 William Hogarth. A. E. Brachvogel. B 2910 William Wighton, The fortunes of. in W 2202 v2 William Wilson, E. A. Poe. in 820. 1 : 5 v3 Willie. P. Doming. in D 901 Willie Smith, Autobiography of. A. Campbell. in W 2202 v3 Willie Wastle's account of his wife. J. M. Wilson. in W 2202 vl 8 Willis the pilot. Wx 41 Willow Brook. S. Warner. Wx 202 Wilmingtons, The. A. C. Marsh-Caldwell. M 1261 Winborough bojs, The. H.C.Adams. Ax 205 Wind-spirit and rain-goddess. The. P. E. de Musset. MxllOl Windsor Castle. W. H. Ainsworth. A 563 Windsor Schloss. Das. W. H. Ainsworth. A 563 Wing-and-Wing, The. J. F. Cooper. C 2481 Wings and things. C. M. Tucker. in Tx 905 Winifred. L. E. Guernsey. G 2777 Winifred Bertram. E. Charles. C 962 Winifred's wooing. G. M. Craik. C 2913 Winning his spurs. E. Kellogg. Ex 214 Winning his way. C. C. Coffin. Cx 601 Winter drive, A. S. O. Jewett. in J 803 Winter in Bpitzbergen. C. Hildebrandt. Hx 826 Winter wedding, A. H. Parr. in P 464 Winterbuch. C. Spindler. S 4324 Winterspenden. C. Spindler. S 4326 Winterzeitvertreib. C. Spindler. S 4326 Wise woman. The. G. Macdonald. Mx 155 Witch Hampton Hall. in T 177 v3 Witcherley ways. in T 17*7 vlO Witching hour. The. M. Argles. in A 1483 With costs. Mrs. M. W. Newman. N 352 With Cupid's eyes. P. Church. C 1425 With fate against him. A. M. Douglas. D 1809 With harp and crown. W. Besant and J. Rice. B 1754 With the entrees. F. B. Harte. in H 1551 Within an ace. Mrn. C. Jenkin. J 605 Within an inch of his life. E. Gaboriau. Q 105 X denotes books specially Within sea-walls. E. H. Walshe and G. B. Sargent. W 426 Within sound of the sea. C. L. H. Dempster. D 1003 Within the capes. H. Pyle. p 3076 Within the clasp. J. B. Harwood. H 1654 Within the maze. E. P. Wood. M 2577 Within the precincts. M. O. Oliphant. Q 482 Without a home. E. P. Roe. B 2308 Without authorisation. L. Kompert. in K 1205 Without dowry. E. About. in S 551 Without kith or kin. G. M. Craik. C 2914 Wittwe und ihre kinder. Die. M. S. Schwartz. S 1909 Wittwen, Die. H. W. Hanke. H 1 1 1 1 Wives and daughters. E. C. Gaskeli. Q 408 Wives of the dead, The. N. Hawthorne. in H 2059 Wizard's son. The. M. O. Oliphant. O 489 "Woe to us when we lose the watery wall", in T 176 v4 Wohnungssucher, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. W 2254 Wolf at the door. The. W41 Wolf in sheep's clothing, The. in P 2802 Wolf run. E. Kellogg. Kx 224 Wolfert's Rust. W. Irving. i 405 Wolfert Webber. W. Irving. in I 402 Wolflnnen von Machecoul, Die. A. Dumas. D 2295 Wolfram. O. Lautenschlager. L 2304 Wolfsfiihrer, Der. A. Dumas. ' D 2296 Woman-hater, A. C. Reade. R614 Woman in the case. A. B. Turner. T 2201 Woman in white. The. W. Collins. C 2226 Woman of business, The. M. W. Savage. S 804 Woman of honor, A. H. C. Bunner. B 4751 Woman to the rescue. T. S. Arthur. A l'J'59 Woman who saved him. The. F. W. Robinson. inB, 1858 Woman with the white mice, The. A. Leighton. in W 2202 v21 Woman with two words. The. H. Keddie. Kx 126 Woman's friendship. G. Aguilar. A 407 Woman's kingdom. The. I). M. Craik. C 2871 Woman's love and a wife's duty, A. A. Opie. in O 653 v4 Woman's pulpit, A. E. S. Phelps. in P 1453 Woman's reason, A. W. D. Howells. H 4763 Woman's story, A. C- V. Hamilton. in H 903 Woman's vengeance, A. J. Payn. P 822 Woman's whims. J. J(. B. Sa.ntlne. S 352 Woman's word, A. V. F. Townsend. T 1455 Women are strange. F. W. Robinson. R 1858 Won. B. H. Buxton. B 4453 Wonder-book. N. Hawthorne. Hx 701 Wonder stories. H.C.Andersen. Ax 751 Wonderful glass, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatriaii. ill !E 1205 Wonderful history of Peter Schlemihl, The. A. v. Chamisso. in 830. 1 : 8 Wonders in the Spessart, The. K. Immermann. inO 1001 Wondersmith. The. F. J. O'Brien. in O 126 Wontus. W.M. Runkel. 113151 Wood magic. R. Jefferies. Jx 151 Woodcraft. W. G. Simms. S 3003 Woodland notes. R. A. Gustafsson. Gx 253 Woodman, The. G. P. R. James. J 246 Woodnook wells. The. W. a7td M. Howitt. in H 4801 Woodstock. Sir W. Scott. S 2026 Wooed and married. R. N. Carey. C 403 Wooing of the water-witch, The. E. Daldorne. Dx 901 Wooing o't. The. A. F. Hector. H 2206 Wool-gatherer, The. J.Hogg. in H 3451 v4 Word, only a word, A. G. Ebers. E 258 Work. L. M. Alcott. Ax 516 Work and wages. M. Howitt. Hx 1264 Workman and soldier. J.P.Cobb. C 1976 World as it goes, The. Voltaire. in V 1051 World as it is, The. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. in 824.2: 18 v3 World she awoke in. The. L. Alldridge. A 802 World we live in. The. O. Crawfurd. C 3201 World well lost. The. E. L. Linton. L 1458 Worst boy In town. The. J. Habberton. Hx 102 Wort, Ein. G. Ebers. E 258 Same. in "V 2 v30 Worth and wealth. Cousin Angle. Ax 726 Wortlebank diary. The. H. Parr. P 469 Wraith of Barnjum, The. F.A.Guthrie. in A 1328 Wreck of the "Grosvenor", The. W. C. Russell. R3304 Wreck of the Pioneer, The. C.Barnard. in B 401 Wreck of the Red Bird, The. G. C. Eggleston. Ex 154 Wreck of the Strathmore, The. F. W. in T 1 77 v8 Wrecked. W.O.Stoddard. S 5503 Wrecked in port. E. 8. Phelps. iv P 1463 Wrecked off the Riff coast. A. I. Sband. in T 177 v6 adapted for children. J 1001 Writer's Zwisclien. LiTERATtJBE-S'ICTlOW. CI. did, titles. 1002 Writer's daughter. The. Written in the Are. F. Church. Wunderjahr, Das. H. Conscience. Wunderweib vom Eichbiihl, Das. W Same. Wunnigel. W. Raabe. Wiirjrer von Paris, Die. A. Belot. Wuthering Heights. E. Bronte. Wyandotte. J. F. Cooper. Wych Hazel. S. and A. B. Warner. Wyllard's weird. M. E. Majswell. Wyncote. Mrs. T. Ei-skine. X. Y. Z. A. K. Green. Xenie's inheritance. A. Durand. in W 2203 v3 C 1422 C2260 Bauberger. B 579 B580 R 121 B4601 B8861 C2482 W878 M 1788 E 1251 2204 D2561 " Yatil." F. D. Millet. in 8 35 v5 Year of wreck, A. G. C. Benham. B 1351 Year one of the republic. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. E1204v3 Years that are told. The. R. Porter. Yeast. C. King-sley. Yellow flag-, The. E. H. Yates. Yellow plush papers. W. M. Thackeray. Yellow tiger. The. W. Collins. Yeraasse, The. W. G. Simms. Yesterday. Yolande. W. Black. Yoricks empflndsame reise. L. Sterne. Yoi-k and a Lancaster Kose, A. A. Keary, Young advocate. The. Young artist. The. M. Blackford. Young Brown. E. C. G. Murray. Young Ccelebs. P. Fitzgerald. Young Crusoe, The. Dr. H. Young deliverers. The. E. Kellogg. Young desperado, A. T. B. Aldrich. P2301 Ke56 Y107 in T 665 v4 in C 2206 S3008 Yll B2217 S5153 Kx 116 inH 1326 B 2251 ]yi:4904 F976 Hx451 Kx218 in A 752 D 1510 TJx202 Young duke. The. B. Disraeli. Young folks' ideas. Uncle Lawrence. Young folks' Robinson Crusoe. E. W. Farrer. Fx 101 Young folks' whys and wherefores. Uncle Lawrence. Ux201 Young France. J. Kavanagh. in K 310 Young girl's wooing, A. E. P. Roe. R 231 1 Young Goodman Brown. N. Hawthorne. mH2054 vl Young Joe. J.T.Trowbridge. Tx 813 Young lady in gray. The. F. W. Robinson, in R 1858 Young lady's tale, The. S. Lee. in L. 851 v3 Young laird, The. A. Bethune. in W 2202 v3 Young lord Penrith. J. B. Harwood. H 1652 Young man at Tootle's, The. F. W. Robinson. in E 1858 Young Maugars. A. Theuriet. T 703 Young mrs. Jardine. D. M. Craik. C 2872 Young Moll's peevy. C. A. Stephens. in S 35 vlO Young moose-hunters. The. C. A. Stephens. Sx 1403 Young Musgrave. M. O. Oliphant. O 483 Young nimrods. T. W. Knox. Kx 501 Young pilgrim. The. B. W. Hofland. Hx 901 Young recruit, The. K. G. Nieritz. Wx 201 Young step-mother. The. C. M. Yonge, Y221 Young Strong. M. W. Shinn. in S 35 v9 Young surveyor. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Tx 809 Young west indian. The. M. Blackford. in B 752 Young yagers. The. M. Reid. Bx413 Younger son, The. H. V. Palmer. P 351 Youth of Jefferson, The. J. E, Cooke. C 2354 Youth of Shakespeare, The. R. F. Williams. W 1954 Youth of the Old Dominion, The. 8. Hopkins. H 4401 Zadig. Voltaire. in V 1051 Zanita. T. Yelverton. Y 151 Zanonl. E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. B 4028 Zara. M. Argles. in A 1488 Zauberer des hochgebirges, Der. H. A. Noe. N 651 Zauberer von Rom, Der. K. F. Gutzkow. Q-3107 Zauberkrug, Der. F. W. Hacklander. in H 308 Zauberring, Der. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouque. Ii355 Za vis von Rosenberg. A.Peters. P 2851 Zeitbilder. C. Pichler. P 1657 Zelle der leiden, Die. A. Doric. D 1752 Zelleno.7. P. Zacone. Z 351 Zenobia. W. Ware. W 654 Zenosius. C. C. Pise. p 1901 Zerub Throop's experiment. A. D. T. Whitney. W 1461 Zerviah Hope. E. S. Phelps. in S 35 v8 Zigeunertochter, Die. A. v. Winterfeld. W 2253 Zoe. G. E. Jewsbury. J 852 Zohrab. J. Morier. M 3652 Zu befehl, herr rittmeister. A. v. Winterfeld. in W 2260 v6 Zu fiissen des monarchen. L. v. Fran5ois. in F 1526 Zu weihnachten. F. Stahr. Zufall Oder tiigung ? E. Mertens. Zum stillen vergniigen. W. Miiller. Zur ehre Gottes. A. Meissner. Zur ehre Gottes! L. v. Sacher-Masoch. Zurneujahrszeit. K. H. Scharling. Zur rechten zeit bankerott. L. v. Fischer Zur " wald- und wasserfreude." H S4684 in V 2 v33 M4451 M2063 S109 SlOOl in V 2 v28 T. W. Storm. S5601 Keller. K 380 Graf A. Baudissin. B 601 " " - s 1420 Ziiricher novellen. G Zustande in Amerika. Zuwider-wurzen, Die. H. T. v. Schmid. Zwanzig jahre nachher. A. Dumas. Zwanzig tausend meilen unter'm meer. Zwei alte freunde. A. v. Winterfeld. Same. Zwei baronessen. Die. H. C. Andersen. Zwei familienmiitter. M. S. Schwartz. Zwei freunde. A. L. Kielland. Same. Zwei gniidige frauen. G. K. O. v. Struensee. Zwei kreuzherren. J. Gundling. Zwei kriiglein, Die. O. Miiller. Zwei lebenswege. C. Mundt. Zwei menschenalter. B. Frederich. Zwei nachte. F. W. Hacklander. Zwei perriicken. A. v. Winterfeld. Zwei stadte. C. Dickens. Zweimal vermahlt. B. Frederich. Zweite frau. Die. E. John. Zweif ache mord in der rue Morgue, Der. D2293 J. Verne. V557 in W 2261 v2 in V 2 v25 A 1006 S1907 in K 1704 in V 2 v23 S5856 3056 M4411 M4586 D205 in M 4436 in W 2260 v9 D 1320 D206 J 912 E. A. Poe. in P 1976 in H 308 in V 2 v37 S4151 Zwergenest, Das. F. W. Hacklander. Zwillingsschwester, Die. E. Taubert. Zwillingsschwestern, Die. C. Spath. Zwischen himmel und erde. E. v. Puttkammer. L 2151 Zwlschen leben und sterben. J. Gundling. Q- 3055 Zwischen vater und sohn. C. Bauer. B 659 Zwischen zwei todsiinden. L. Schiicking. in V 2 v25 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Historical novels. Admirable notes on the various epochs of history, and lists of historical novels relating to each, will be found in the Classlist for english prose Action in the Lower hall of the Boston public library (3:Li), and in the following separate publications: Bowen, H. C. Descriptive catalogue of historical novels and tales (16: L 823); Allen, W: F. Reader's guide to english history, with supplement on general history (16:Ij and 942:39). The Bulletin of the Mercantile library of Philadelphia for Oct. 1, 1885, contains the beginning of such a list, which promises to be fuller than any heretofore existing. Select lists of novels will be found in the supplement to the St. Louis public school library bulletin, no. 38 (3:L). Books for the young' are described in the last-mentioned place, and in the following publications: Hewins, C. M. Books for the young (16:L), continued in the Literary news (805:M); Books for young readers in the Buffalo Y. M. library (3:Ii); :i8th report of theSup'tof public instruction of Indiana, pp. 89-126 (879:7); Theden, D. Fiihrer durch die jugendliteratur (16: L); Rathgeber bei der auswahl von jugendschriften, 1883 (16:Ij). Classes 814819. ^ee col. 515518. 1003 CI. 860 LITEBATUUE EN(>LISH, GENERAli. 1004 5. English literature a, G-eneral. 1. History and criticism. (See also Essays, class 834.) Jli s tory General. AUibone, S: Austin. A critical dictionary of english literature and british and american authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the 19th century ; containing 30,000 biographies and literary notices, with 40 indexes of subjects. Phila. 1859-77. 3 v. Q. 820:111 Contents. V. 1. A-J. 2. K-S. 3. T-Z.-Indexes. Adams, W: Davenport. Dictionary of english literature ; a comprehensive guide to eng- lish authors and their works. 3d ed. Lond. 1878. O. , 820 : R2 Chambers, Robert. History of the english language and literature. Added, a history of american contributors to the english language and literatui-e by Royal Rob- bins. Hartford. 1837. D. 820.4:32 Reed, H: Lectures on english literature from Chaucer to Tennyson. 5th ed., rev. Phila. 1866. S. 820.4 : 10 Contents. Introductory; Principles of literature- Application of literary principles. The english languaf?e. Early english literature. Literature of the 16th century. Literature of the 17th century with incidental suggestions on Sunday reading. Literature of the mh and 18th centuries. Literature of the 19th century. Contemporary literature. Tragic and elegiac poetry. Literature of wit and humor. Literature of letter-writing. Underwood, Francis H: A hand-book of english literature, intended for the use of high schools, as well as a companion and guide for private students, and for general read- ers : British authors. Bost. 1879. O. 820.4 : 14 Same : American authors. Bost. 1879. O. 820.4 : 15 "Welsh, Alfred Hix. Development of english literature and language. Chic. 1882. 2 v. O. 820.4 : 37 Kellogg, Brainerd. A text-book on english literature, with copious extracts from the leading authors, english and american, with full instructions as to the method in which these are to be studied. N. Y. 1882. D. 820.4:19 Shaw, T: Budd. Outlines of english literature. New amer. ed., with a sketch of amer. literature by H: T. Tuckerman. N. Y. n.d.D. 820.4:13 English and american literature : Shaw's new history of english lit.; together with a history of english literature in America by Truman J. Backus. N. Y. 1884. D. 820.4 : 38 Scherr, Johannes. A history of english litera- ture. From the german by MTV. N. Y. 1882. D. 820.4 : 27 Engel, E: Geschichte der englischen litteratur von ihren anfiingen bis auf die neueste zeit ; mit einem anhange : Die amerikani- sche litteratur. (Geschichte der weltlit- teratur in einzeldarstellungen ; b. 4.) Leipz. [1883]. O. 820.4:36 History English authors. Chambers, Robert, ed. Cyclopaedia of english literature ; a history, critical and biograph- ical, of british authors. Edinb. 1844. 2 v. Q. 820.4+1 Craik, G: Lillie. Sketches of literature and. learning in England. [1st ser.] From the norman conquest to the age of Elizabeth, with specimens of the principal writers. Lond. 1844. 2 v. in 1. T. 820.4: 17 vl, 2 Same. 2d ser. From the accession of Eliza- beth to the revolution of 1688. Lond. 1845. 2v. T. 820.4: 17 v3,4 Same. 3d ser. From the revolution of 1688 to the present day. Lond. 1845. 2v.ini. T. 820.4: 17 v5, 6 A compendious history of english literature and of the english language, from the norman conquest ; with numerous speci- mens. N. Y. 1863. 2 V. O. 820.4 : 33 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. History of english literature. Tr. by H: Van Laun ; with a pref . prepared expressly for this tr. by the author. N. Y. 1872. 2 v. O. 820.4 : 4 . Contents. V. 1. Introd. Book 1, The source: The saxons; The normans; The new tongue. Hook 3, The renaissance: The pagan renaissance; The the- atre; Ben Jonson; Shakspeare; The christian re- naissance; Milton. Book 8, The classic age: The restoration. 2. Book 3, cTittnt(ed: Dryden; The re- volution; Addison; Swift; The novelists; The poets. Book 4, Modern life: Ideas and productions; Lord Byron; The past and the present. Book 5, Modern authors: Introd. note; The novel, Dickens, Thack- eray; Criticism and history, Macaulay; Philosophy and history, Carlyle; Philosophy, Stuart Mill; Poetry, Tennyson. Index. Hart, J: Seely. A manual of english literature ; a text book for schools and colleges. Phila. [1872]. D. 820.4 : 7 Morley, H: A manual of english literature; thoroughly rev., with an entire re-arrange- ment of matter, and with numerous re- trenchments and additions, by Moses Coit Tyler. N. Y. 1879. O. 820.4 : 9 Coppee, H: English literature, considered as an interpreter of english history ; designed as a manual of instruction. 7th ed. Phila. 1881. D. 820.4 : 5 Richardson, Abby Sage. Familiar talks on eng- lish literature ; a manual, embracing the great epochs of english literature, from the english conquest of Britain, 449, to the death of Walter Scott, 1832. Chicago. 1881. D. 820.4 : 11 Buokland, Anna. The story of english litera- ture [to 1850]. N. Y. 1883. D. 820.4 : 31 NicoU, H: J. Landmarks of english literature. N. Y. 1883. D. 820.4 : 29 Contents. Introd. The dawn of eng. lit. The eliza- bethan era. The elizabethan dramatists. The suc- cessors of the elizabethans.- The restauration. The wits of queen Anne's time. Our first great novelists. Dr. Johnson and his contemporaries. The new era in poetry. Sir "Walter Hcott and the prose lit. of the early part of the 19th century. Our own times. Periodicals, reviews and encyclopaedias. Brooke, Stopford. English literature [to 18371. (Literature primer, ed. by J: R: Green). N. Y. 1879. S. 820.4 : 18 LITERATTJHE ENGLISH, GENERAL. CI. 820 1006 Chateaubriand, Fran9ois A: Rene vieomte de. Sketches of english literature, with con- siderations on the spirit of the times, men and revolutions. 2a ed. Lond. 1837. 2 v. O. 820.4-1-3 Metcalfe, F: Old enfflish literature. In his The englishman and the Scandinavian. 898 : 3 Brink, Bernhard ten. Early english literature, to Wiclif, from the german by Horace M. Kennedy, tr. rev. by the author. N. Y. 1883. D. 820.4 : 26 Yonge, C: Duke. Three centuries of english li- terature, [from Shakspere to Dickens; with extracts and specimens]. N. Y. 1879. D. 820.4 : 16 Hettner, Hermann. Geschichte der englischen literatur von der wiederherstellung des kiinigthums bis in die zweite hiilfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, 16601770. (Literaturge- schichte des 18. jahrh., ler theil.) 4te verb, auli. Brschwg. 1881. O. 809 : 9 vl Perry, T: Sergeant. English literature in the 18th century. N. Y. 1883. D. 820.4 : 30 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. The liter- ary history of England in the end of the 18'th and beginning of the 19th century. K Y. 1882. D. 820.4 : 28 Brandes, G: Der naturalismus in England. In his Hauptstromungen, etc. 809 : 6 v4 Contents. Die Seeschule. Byron und seine gruppe. Morley, H: Of english literature in the reign of Victoria, with a glance at the past. Tauch- nitz ed. v. 2000. [Containing facsimiles of the signatures of authors in the Tauchnitz ed., photographed from their correspon- dence and agreements with baron Tauch- nitz.] N. Y. 1882. S. 820.4 : 20 Contents. A glance at the past, from the beg'inning to the reign of Victoria. Of those who were old at the beginning of the reign ; and of the poets. Woods- worth, Southey, Landor. Journalists of the elder generation, essayists and poets. Of women who wrote in the early part of the reign. Of those by whom cheap literature was made useful; and of the earlier life of T: Babington Macau lay. Of writers Avho were between 50 and 60 years old at the begi nn- ing of the reign. Men of the next decade of years. Of T: Carlyle; and of divines and wits- Onward battle. The best vigour of the time; and what re- mains of it. Minto, W: A manual of english prose literature, biographical and critical ; designed mainly to show characteristics of style. New ed. Edinb. 1881. D. 820.4 : 25 Contents. Introd.: Elements of style : Qualities of style; kinds of composition. De Quincey, Macaulay, Carlyle. Prose writers in historical order. Disraeli, I: Amenities of literature ; consisting of sketches and characters of english litera- ture. 4th ed. K Y. 1847. 2 v. D. 820.4 : 6 Contents. V. 1. The druidieal institution. Britain and the britons. The name of England and the eng- lish.- The anglo-saxons.- Casdinon and Milton. Beo- wulf ; the hero-life. The anglo-normans. The page, the baron and the minstrel. Gothic romances. Ori- gin of the vernacular languages of Europe. Origin of the english language. Vicissitudes of the english language. Dialects. Mandeville, our first traveller. Chaucer. Go wer. Piers Ploughman. Occleve, the scholar of Chaucer. Lydgate, the monk of Bury. The invention of printing. The first english printer. Early libraries.- Henry VII. First sources of mo- dern history.- Arnolde's chronicle. Henry VIII, his literary character. Books of the people. The dilH- cultles experienced by a primitive author. Skelton. The Ship of fools. The psychological character of sir T: More. The earl of Surrey and sir T: Wyatt. The spoliation of the monasteries. A crisis and a re- action; Robert Crowley. Primitive dramas. The re- former bishop Bale and the romanist J. Haywood, the court jester .Roger Ascham. 2. Public opinion. Orthography and orthoepy. The ancient metres in modern verse. The origin of rhyme. Rhyming dic- tionaries. The Arte of english poesie. The Discov- erie of witchcraft. The first Jesuits in England. Hooker. Sir Philip Sidney. Spencer. The Faery queen. Allegory. The first tragedy and the first comedy. The predecessors and the contemporaries of Skakespeare. Shakespeare. The "Humors" of Jon- son. - Drayton. The psychological history of Raw- leigh. The occult philosopher, dr. Dee. The rosa- crusianFludd. Bacon. The first founder of a public library. Early writers, their dread of the press; the transition to authors by profession. The age of doc- trines. Pamphlets. The Oceana of Harrington. The author of The grounds and reasons of monarchy. Commonwealth. The True intellectual system of the universe. Difficulties of the publishers of con- temporary memoirs. The war against books. Hatton, Joseph. Journalistic London ; a series of sketches of famous pens and papers of the day. Rep., with add. from Harper's magazine. Lond. 1882. O. 820.4 : 203 History American authors. Duyckinck, Evert A: and G: Long. Cyclo- paedia of american literature ; embracing personal and critical notices of authors and selections from their writings, with portraits, autographs and other ill. N. Y. 1856. 2 V. Q. 820.4-1-2 Same. Supplement, in(?l. obituaries of auth- ors, continuations of former articles, and notices of earlier and later writings omit- ted in previous ed. N. Y. 1866. Q. 820.4-1-2 v3 Knapp, S: Lorenzo. Lectures on american lit- erature, with remarks on some passages of american history. N. Y. 1829. O. 820.4:24 Hart, J : Seely. A manual of american litera- ture ; a text-book for schools and colleges. Phila. [1872]. D. 820.4:8 Lawrence, Eugene. A primer of american lit- erature. (Harper's half-hour ser.) N. Y. 1880. T. 820.4 : 21 Richardson, C: Francis. A primer of ameri- can literature. Bost. 1880. T. 820.4:22 Same. New and rev. ed. Portr. Bost. 1883. T. 820.4 : 22 Nichol, J: American literature ; an historical sketch, 16201880. Edinb. 1882. O. 820.4:34 Tyler, Moses Coit. A history of american lit- erature. N. Y. 1878. 2 V. O. 820.4 : 23 Contents. V. 1. 1607 16T6. 2. 16771765. Hudson, F: Journalism in the U. S., from 1690 to 1872. N. Y. 1873. O. 820.4:201 Warner, C: Dudley. The american newspaper ; an essay read before the social science assoc. at Saratoga Springs, sept. 6, 1881. Bost. 1881. Tt. 820.4 : 202 North, S. N. D. History and present condition of the newspaper and periodical press of the U. S.; with a catalogue of the publica- tions of the U. S. Maps. In U. S. tenth census, 1880, v. 8. n 317 : D Contents. Ist period, 1639 1783. 2d per., 1783-1835. 3d per., 1835 1880. App. Statistical tables; Cata- logue of periodical pub's; Chronological history of the newspaper press of the U. S.; Bound files of amer. newsp. in the possession of the American anti- quarian society, Worcester, Mass. General index. 1007 CI. 820 LITERATURE ENGLISH, GENERAL. 1008 Gr itici sm and E s s ay s. Baldwin, James. Introd. to the study of eng- lish literature and literary criticism ; de- signed for the use of schools. V. 1, Poetry; V. 2, Prose. Phila. [1882-83]. 2 v. D. 820.5:19 Bayne, P: Essays in biography and criticism ; 1st and 2d series. Bost. 1857-58. 2 v. D. 820,5:1 Contents. V. 1. Thomas DeQuincey and his works. Tennyson and his teachers. -Mrs. Barrett Brown- ing. Glimpses of recent british art. Ruskin and his critics.- Hugh Miller. The modern novel: Dick- ens; Bulwer; Thackeray. Currer Bell: Ellis, Acton, Currer. 2. Notice of the author. C: Kingsley. T: Babington Macaulay. Sir Archibald Alison. S: Taylor Coleridge. Wellington. Napoleon Bona- parte. Plato. Characteristics of christian civiliza- tion. The modern university. The pulpit and the press." The testimony of the rocks," a defence. Lessons from my masters ; Carlyle, Tennyson and Ruskin. N. Y. 1879. D. 820.5 : 2 Benton, Joel. Emerson as a poet. [Portrait.] N. Y. 1883. D. 820.5 : 22 Ch.asles, Victor Euphemion Philarfete. Anglo- american literature and manners. From thefrench. N. Y. 1852. D. 820.5:3 Coan, Titus Munson, ed. Studies in literature. (Topics of the time, no. 3). N. Y. 1883. D. 820.5:21 Contents. American literature in England. Leif- child, r. Hamlet, a new reading. Shorthouse, J. H: The humorous in literature. Stokes, G: T. The Bollandi^s. Arnold, M. Isaiah of Jerusalem. Wrig-ht, T: Concerning the unknown public. DeQ,uincey, T: Essays on the poets and other english writers. ' Bost. I8i3. D. 820.5 : 24 Contents. The poetry of Wordsworth. Shelley. ^ Keats. Goldsmitn. Pope. Godwin. Foster. Haz- lltt. Landor. Eminent men and popular books ; from "The times." Lond. 1859. S. 820.5:4 Contents. G: Stephenson. Macaulay's History of England. Sydney Smith. Westward, ho! Tom Moore. Thackeray's miscellanies. Gainsborough. Charlotte Bronte. Dred. James Boswell. Herodo- tus. Montalembert on England. Essays from the London times ; 2d ser. N. Y. 1852. 8. 820.5 :5 Contents. Captain Peel in the nubian deserts. Memoirs of lord Langdale. Alfred Tennyson, the poet of sorrow. History of Spanish literature. Arctic expeditions. The life of Sterling by T: Car- lyle. Lord chancellor Clarendon and his friends. Dickens and Thackeray. Grote's History of Greece. Our antipodes. Lord Holland and his foreign reminiscences. The autobiography of a chartist [Alton Loekel.-Uncle Tom's cabin. The Blithedale romance. Fields, James T: Yesterdays with authors. Bost. 1873. D. 820.5 :6 Contents. Pope. Thackeray. Hawthorne. Dick- ens.- Wordsworth. Miss Mitford. Gilfillan, G: Sketches of modern literature and eminent literary men ; a gallery of literary portraits. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. in 1. D. 820.5:7 Contents. V. 1. Jeffrey. Godwin. Hazlitt. Hall. Shelley.- Chalmers.- Carlyle. De Quincey. Foster. Wilson. Irving and the preachers of the day. 2. Landor. Campbell. Brougham. Coleridge. Emer- son.- Wordsworth. Pollok. Lamb and the rural poets. Elliot. Keats. Macaulay. Alrd. Southey. Lockhart. Modern literature and literary men ; a 2d gal- lery of literary portraits. 4th amer. ed. N.Y. 1860. D. 820.5:8 Contents. Milton. Byron. Crabbe. Foster. Hood. Macaulay. Croly.- Bulwer-Lytton. Emer- son. Dawson. Tennyson.-Nichol.-Mrs. Hemans.- Mrs. Browning. Mrs. Shelley. Cobbett. Mont- gomery. Smith. Anderson. Hunt. Taylor. Longfellow. Bailey. Sterling. Moore. Hazeltine, Mayo Williamson. Chats about books; poets and novelists. N.Y. 1883. D. 820.5 : 20 Lowell, James Russell. Among my books. [1st and] 2d series. Bost. 1870, 1876. 2 v. D. 820.5:10 Contents. 1st ser. Dryden. Witchcraft. Shakes- peare once more. New England two centuries ago. Lessing. Rousseau and the sentimentalists. 2d ser. Dante. Spencer. Wordswoi'th. Milton. Keats. Conversations on some of the old poets. 2d ed. Cambridge. 1846. S. 820.5:11 Contents. Chaucer. The old dramatists: Chapman; Ford. Ossoli, Sarah Margaret, marchesa d', born Fuller. Papers on literature and art. N. Y. 1846. 2 V. inl. D. 820.5 : 23 Contents. V. 1. A short essay on critics.- A dia- logue. The two Herberts. The prose works of Milton. Life of sir James Mackintosh. Modern british poets. The modern drama. Dialogue. 2. Poets of the people. Miss Barrett's poems. Brown- ing's poems. Lives of the great composers; Haydn, Mozart, Handel, Bach, Beethoven. Washington Allston. American literature. Swedenborgianism. Methodism at the fountain. App. : The tragedy of witchcraft. Smith., G: Barnett. Poets and novelists; a series of literary studies. N. Y. 1876. D. 820.5 : 12 Contents. W: M. Thackeray. E. B. Browning. T: Love Peacock. N. Hawthorne. The Brontes. H: Fielding.- Robert Buchanan. English fugitive poets. Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a library; 1st 8d series. N. Y. and Lond. 1875-79. 3 v. D. 820.5 : 13 Contents. V. 1. De Foe's novels. Richardson's novels. Pope as a moralist. Mr. Elwin's ed. of Pope. Some words about sir Walter Seott. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Balzac's novels. De Quincey. 2. Sir T: Browne. Jonathan Edwards. W: Law. Horace Walpole. Dr. Johnson's writings. Crabbe's poetry. W: Hazlitt. Mr. Disraeli's novels. 3. Massinger. Fielding's novels. Cowpei-'and Rousseau.- The first Edinburgh reviewers. Wordsworth's ethics. Land- er's Imaginary conversations. Macaulay. Charlotte Bronte. C: Kingsley. "Washburn, Emelyn W. Studies in early eng- lish literature. N. Y. 1882. D. 820'.5 : 18 i Whipple, Edwin Percy. Essays and reviews. 3ded. Bost. 1853. 2 v. S. 820.5:14 Contents. V. 1, Macaulay. Poets and poetry of America: Sprague; Dana; Bryant; Percival; Hal- leck; Longfellow; Holmes; Whittier; Maria Brooks. Talfourd. Words. James's novels. Sydney Smith. Daniel Webster. Neal's History of the puri- tans. Wordsworth.- Byron. English poets of the 19th century: Shelley; Scott; Coleridge; Southey; Moore; Campbell; Tennyson; Proctor; Keats; Elliott; Miss Barrett [mrs. Browning]; Bailey. South's sermons. Coleridge as a philosophical critic. 2. Old english dramatists: Marlowe; Ben Jon- son; Decker; Webster; Marston; Heywood; Chap- man; Middleton; Tourneur; Beaumontand Fletcher; Massinger; Ford. Romance of rascality. The croakers of society and literature. British critics: Jeffrey; Mackinfosh; Sir W: Hamilton; Gififord; Hazlitt; Hunt. Rufus Choate. Prescott's histories. Prescott's Conquest of Peru. Shakspeare's critics: Verplanck; Schlegel; Ulrici; Hudson. R: Brinsley Sheridan.- H: Fielding. Dana's poems and prose writings.- App.: T: Hood; Leigh Hunt's poems; T: Carlyle as a politician; Novels of the season. The literature of the age of Elizabeth. Bost. 1880. D. 820.5 : 15 Contents. Characteristics of the elizabethan litera- ture. Marlowe. Shakespeare.- Ben Jonson. Minor elizabethan dramatists. Beaumont and Fletcher, Massinger and Ford. Spenser. -Minor elizabethan poets.- Sidney and Raleigh. Bacon. Hooker. 1009 LITERATXnaE ENGLISH, GENERAL. CI. 820 1010 Wilkinson, W: Cleaver. A free lance in the field of life and letters. N. Y. 1874. D. 820.5:16 Contents. The literary and ethical quality of George Eliot's novels. Lowell's poetry. Lowell's "Cathe- dral."- Lowell's prose.- Bryant's poetry. Bryant's Iliad. The christian commission as a part of church history. The character and the literary influence of Erasmus. "Wilson, J:, (Christopher North). Specimens of the british critics. Phila. 1846. D. 820.5:17 Contents. Dryden. Dryden and Pope. Dryden on Chaucer. Supp. to same. MacFlecnoe and the Dunciad. Supp. to same. Note. See also names of individual writers in the Index of Biography, at the end of the catalogue. 2. Collected works. Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, ed. Con- tributions to early english literature, de- rived chiefly from rare books and ancient inedited mss. from the 15th to the 17th century. Lond. 1849. Q. 820.2 :B-29 Contents. The suddaine turne of fortune's wheel by J : Taylor, the water poet. The life of St. Katha- rine; The tale of the knight and his wife, and an ac- count of the magical manuscript of dr. Caius. The tale of the smyth and his dame, and the book of Ro- bin Conscience, from the unique black-letter tract in the Bodleian library. Band, Ruffe and Cuffe, a cos- tume shew. Newes out of Islington. A Derbyshire mummer's play. Ballads and poems respecting Hugh of Lincoln, a boy alleged to have been murdered by the jews in 1235. The interlude of youth; from the rare black-letter ed., printed by Waley about 1554. The litei-ature of the 16th and 17th centuries, illustrated by reprints of very rare tracts. Lond. 1851. Q. 820.2 : RSI Contents. Harry White his humour. Two italian gentlemen. Tailors travels from London to the Isle of Wight. Wyl Bucke his testament. The booke of meery riddles. All for money. Wine, beere, ale and tobacco. A new booke of new conceits, by T: John- son. Loue's garland. Five centuries of the english language and liter- ature ; vol. 500 of the Tauchnitz ed. with a preface by the ed. Leipz. 1860. S. 820.2 : 1 Contents. Preface, [missing]. Wy cliff e, J: St. John's gospel. Chaucer, G. Canterbury tales: The story of patient Grisilde. Hawes, 8. The pastime of pleasure. More, Sir T : The descripcion of Rich- ard III. Spenser, E. The faerie queene. Jonson, B. The alchemist. liOcke, J. Some thoughts con- cerning education. Gray, T: Poems. Beers, H: Augustin, ed. A century of american literature, 17761876. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. D. 820.1 : 1 Ascham, Roger. English vporks with notes and observations, and the author's life by James Bennet. Lond. 1761. Q. 23 : R Contents. A report of the affairs of Germany, and the emperor Charles' court. Toxophilus. The school-master. Letters to queen Elizabeth and others. Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam and mscount St. Albans. Works ; with a life of the author by Basil Montagu. Phila. 1857. 3 v. Q. 820.2+2 Contents. V. 1. Life. Essays. Meditationes sa- crae.- Of the colours of good and evil. Miscellaneous tracts upon human philosophy. Apothegms. Orna- menta rationalia. Collection of sentences. Notes for conversation. Essay on death. The advance- ment of learning. New Atlantis. The wisdom of the ancients.-Civil history. Biography: Queen Eli- zabeth ; Julius Caesar ; Augustus Cwsar ; Prince Henry. Miscellaneous tracts. 2. Sylva sylrarum, or A natural histoir. Tracts relating to Scotland. Tracts relating to Ireland. Tracts relating to Spain. Tracts relating to England. Speeches. Charges. Papers relating to the earl of Essex. Theological tracts. Miscellaneous. Judicial charges and tracts. Miscellaneous.- Miscellaneous tracts, tr. from the latin. 3. Letters from the Cabala. Letters from the Resuscitatio. Letters from the Baconiana. Letters from Stephens. Letters from Birch.- Letters from the British museum. Letters from the Lambeth library. Letters from Mallet. Letters from Stephens. Letters from Matthews. Miscellaneous letters. Law tracts. The great instauration. Mis- cellaneous tracts, tr. from the latin. Berkeley, G: Works. Added, an account of his life and several of his letters to T: Prior, dean Garvais, mr. Pope, etc. Lond. 1820. 3 V. O. 820.2 : 3 Contents. V. 1. Life. Letters etc. Of the prin- ciples of human knowledge. Three dialogues be- tween Hylas and Philonous. An essay toward a new theory of vision. Alciphron, or The minute philo- sopher. 2. Sarm, continued. Passive obedience. Arithraetica absque algebra autEuclide demonstrata. Miscellanea mathematica. De motu. The analyst. 3 . A defence of free-thinking in mathematics. An app. concerning Walton's vindication of sir I: New- ton's principles of fluxions. Reasons for not reply- ing to Walton's full answer. Essay toward prevent- ing the ruin of Great Britain. Discourse addressed to magistrates and men in authority. A word to the wise. Letter to the roman catholics of the dioces of Cloyne. Maxims concerning patriotism. The querist. Proposal for the better supplying of churches in our foreign plantations and for convert- ing the savage americans to Christianity. Verses on the prospect of planting arts and learning in Ame- rica. Sermon before the Soc. for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. Siris. Letter on the virtues of tar water. Further thoughts on tar water. Second letter on tar water. Browne, Sir T: Works ; incl. his unpub. cor- respondence and a memoir, ed. by Simon Wilkin. Lond. 1846. 4 v. O. 8S20.2 : 4 Contents. 1. Memoirs. Domestic correspondence, journals, etc. Miscellaneous correspondence. 2. Religio medici. Pseudodoxia epidemica, books 1-4. 3. Pseudodoxia epidemica, books 4-7. The garden of Cyrus. Hydriotaphia. Brampton urns. 4. Reper- torium. A letter to a friend. Christian morals. Certain miscellany tracts, also miscellanies. Unpub- lished papers. Index. Bryant, W: Cullen. Prose writings; ed. by Parke Godwin. N. Y. 1884. 3 v. O. 820.1+9 Contents. V. 1. Literary essays : Lectures on poetry; Early american verse; On trisyllabic verse in iambic measure ; No8tradamu8'sProvenal poets; Moriscan romances; Female troubadours; Oldham's poems; Abraham Cowley; Poets and poetry of the english language. JVarraMt)es; The whirlwind; The Indian spring; The marriage blunder; The skeleton's cave; A story of Cuba. Commemorative discourses: James Fenimore Cooper; Washington Irving; Fitz-Greene Halleck ; Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. 2. Sketches of travel: Illinois fifty years ago; A tour in the old south; The early northwest; Glimpses of Europe; Cuba and the cubans; A visit to Mexico. Occasional addresses. Editorial comments and criticisms. Bums, Robert. Works, [ed. with notes by W: Scott Douglas]. Edinb. 1877-79. 6 v. O. 820.2+P33 Butler, S: General remains in prose and verse, published from the original mss., formerly m the possession of WT Longueville, with notes by R. Thayer. Lond. 1759. 2 v. O. 820.2 : 6 Contents. V. 1. Miscellanies in prose and verse. 2. Characters. Thoughts on various subjects. Channing, W: Ellery. Works. 7th ed., with an introd. Bost. 1847. 6 v. D. 820. 1 : 2 Contents. V. 1. Introductory remarks. Character and writings of Milton. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Character of the writings of Fenelon. Moral argu- ment against Calvinism. Remarks on national litera- 1011 CI. 820 LITERATXJBE ENGLISH, GENERAL. 1012 ture. Remarks on associations. The union. Re- marks on education. 2. Slavery. The abolitionists. Annexation of Texas to the U. S. Letter on Catho- licism. Letter on creeds. Address on temperance. Address on self culture. 3. Preaching Christ. War. Unitarian Christianity. Evidences of revealed religion.- Demands of the age on the ministry. Uni- tarian Christianity most favorable to piety. The great purpose of Christianity. Likeness to God. Christian ministry. The duties of children. Honor due to all men. Evidences of Christianity. 4. Char- acter of Christ. Christianity a rational religion. Spiritual freedom. Self denial. Imitableness of Christ's character. Evil of sin. Immortality. Love to Christ. The future life. War. Ministry for the poor. Christian worship. The Sunday school. The philantropist. 5. Remarks on the slavery question. Lecture on war. Lectures on the elevation of the laboring portion of the community. Discourse oc- casioned by the death of the rev. dr. Follen. Charge, on preaching the gospel to the poor, at the ordination of C. Barnard and F. T. Gray, as ministers at large. Charge for the ordination of rev. R. C. Waterston as minister at large. Charge at the ordination of rev. J. S. Dwight. Miscellanies. App. 6. Emancipation. Discourse on the life and character of the rev. J. Tuckerman. The present age. The church. Duty of the free states. Address delivered at Lennox, aug. 1st 1842, being the anniversary of emancipation in the british West Indies. Churchill, C: 4v. D. "Works. 5th ed. London. 1774. 820.2 : 6 Contents. V. 1. The Rosciad. The apology. Night. An epistle to W : Hogarth. The ghost. 2. Same, continued. The conference. The author. The duellist. 3. Gotham. The candidate. The fare- well. The times. Independence. The journey. 4. Sermons on the Lord's prayer. Clark, Willis Gaylord. Literary remains, ed. by Lewis Gaylord Clark. 4th ed. N. Y. 1859. O. 820.1:3 Contents. Memoir, by L. G. Clark. Ollapodiana. Prose miscellanies. The spirit of life. Miscellane- ous poems. Coleridge, S: Taylor. Complete works ; with an introd. essay upon his philosophical and theological opinions, ed. by prof. Shedd. N. Y. 1854. 7 v. O. 8{i0.2 : 7 Contents. V. 1. Aids to reflection.- Statesman's manual. 2, The friend. 3. Biographia llteraria. 4. Lectures upon Shakspeare and other dramatists. 5. Literary remains. 6. On the constitution of church and state. 7. Poetical and dramatic works. Dana, R: H: Poems and prose writings. N. Y. 1850. 2v. D. 820.1 :4 Contents. V. 1. Poems. The idle man: Tom Thornton; Edward and Mary; PaulFelton; The son; Kean's acting; Letters from town; Domestic life; Musings. 2. Essays: Old times; The past and the present; Law as suited to man. Reviews: AUston's Sylphs of the seasons; Edgeworth's Readings on poetry; Hazlitt's Lectures on the english poets; The sketch book ; Radcliflfe's Gaston de Blondeville ; The novels of C: Brockden Brown; Pollok's Course of time; Natural history of enthusiasm; Memoir of H: Martyn. De Foe, Daniel. Novels and miscellaneous works ; with prefaces and notes, incl. those attributed to sir Walter Scott. Lond 1854-82. 7 V. D. 820.2 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Life, adventures and niracies of captain Singleton. Life of colonel Jack. 2. Memoirs of a cavalier. Memoirs of captain Carleton. Dickory Cronke. Everybody's business is nobody's business. 3. Moll Flanders. History of the devil. 4. Roxana. Mrs. Christian Davies. 6. History of the plague of London: -Historical narrative of the great and terrible Are of London. The storm. Poetical essay on the storm. The true-born english- man. 6. Life and adventures of mr. Duncan Camp- bell. A new voyage round the world. Political tracts relatmg to the Hanoverian succession. 7. Robinson Crusoe. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. [Complete works.] New and rev. ed. Bost. 1884 [1883]. 11 v. D. 820.1:8 Contents. V. 1. Nature, addresses andlectures. Nature. The american scholar. Address delivered before the senior class in divinity college, Cambridge. Literary ethics. The method of nature Man the reformer. Lecture on the times. The conservative. The transcendentalist. The young american. 2. Essays, 1st ser. History. Self-reliance. Compensa- tion. Spiritual laws. Love. Friendship. Pru- dence. Heroism. The over-soul. Circles. Intel- lect. Art. 3. Essays, 2d ser. The poet. Experience. Character. Manners.- Gifts. Nature. Politics. Nominalist and realist. New England reformers. 4. Representative men. Uses of great men. Plato, or the philosopher. Plato ; new readings. Swedenborg, or the mystic. Montaigne, or the skeptic. Shakespeare, or the poet. Napoleon, or the man of the world. Goethe, or the writer. 5. Eng-lish traits. First visit to England. Voyage to England. Land. Race. Ability. Manners. Truth. Character. -^ Cockayne. Wealth. Aristocracy. Universities.-Religion.- Literature. The " Times". Stonehenge. Personal. Result.-Speech at Man- chester. 6. The conduct of life. Fate. Power. Wealth. Culture. Behaviour. Worship.- Consider- ations by the way. Beauty. Illusions. 7. Society and solitude. Society and solitude. Civilization. Art. Eloquence. Domestic life. Farming. Work and days. Books. Clubs. Courage. Success. Old age. 8. Iistters and social aims. Poetry and imagination. Social aims. Eloquence. Re- sources.- The comic Quotation and originality. Progress of culture. Persian poetry. Inspiration. Greatness. Immortality. 9. Poems. 10. Ijec- tures and biographical sketches. Demonology. -Ai'istocracy. Perpetual forces. Character. Edu- cation. The superlative. The sovereignty of ethics. The preacher. The man of letters. The scholar. Plutarch. Historic notes of lite and letters in New England. The Chardon street convention. Ezra Ripley. Mary Moody Emerson. Samuel Hoar. Thoreau. Carlyle. 11. Miscellanies. The Lord's supper. Historical discourse in Concord. Address at the dedication of the soldiers' monument in Con- cord. Address on emancipation in the british West Indies. War. The fugitive slave law. The assault upon mr. Sumner. Speech on affairs in Kansas. Remarks at a meeting for the relief of John Brown's family. John Brown. Theodore Parker. American civilization. The emancipation proclamation. Abra- ham Ivincoln. Harvard commemoration speech. Editors' address. Woman. Address to Kossuth. Evelyn, J: Miscellaneous writings, now first collected, with occasional notes by W: Upcott. Lond. 1835. Q. 820.2 :R9 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenasum, V. 2, p. 946. Gibbon, E: Miscellaneous works, with memoir of his life and writings composed by him- self, ill. from his letters, with occasional notes and narrative by John lord Sheffield. Lond. 17961815. 3 v. Q. 820.2 : R25 Goldsmith, Oliver. Works, with a life and notes; v. 1, 3, 4. Lond. 1845. 3 v. S. 820.2:10 Contents. V. 1. Life. Poems. Plays: The good- natured man; She stoops to conquer. Letters. 2. Missing. 3. Citizen of the world. 4. An Inquiry into the present state of polite learning. The bee The history of Cyrlllo Padovano. The life of dr.. Parnell. Lif e of lord Bolingbroke. Prefaces and introd. App. Works. New ed., containing pieces hitherto uncollected, and a life of the author, with notes from various sources by J. W. M. Gibbs ; in 5 v., v. 1-4. Lond. 1884, 1885. 4 V. D. 820.2:30 Contents. V. 1. Bohn, H: Life of Goldsmith. - Vicar of Wakefield. Essays.- Letters. 2. Poems. Plays. The bee. The Cock-lane ghost. 3. The citizen of the world. Polite learning in Europe. 4. Biographies. Criticisms. Later collected essays. 1013 LITERATURE ENGLISH, GENERAL. CI. 820 1014 Hallam, Arthur H: Remains in prose and verse ; with a preface and a memoir. Bost. 1863. D. 820.2 :11 Contents. Pref. Memoir of Arthur H: Hallam. Memoir of H : Fitzmaurice Hallam. Meditative f ragr- ments in blank verse. Timbuctoo. Sonnets. Stanzas. [Various poems]. Sonnets. Scene at Rome. On sympathy. On the influence of Italian works of imagination on the same class of composi- tions in England. The philosophical writings of Cicero. Remarks on prof. Rossetti's Disquisizioni sullo spirito antipapale. Extract from a review of Tennyson's poems. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. [Complete works; with introd. notes by G: Parsons Lathrop and ill. with etchings by Blum, Church, Diel- man, Gifibrd, Shirlow and Turner. River- side ed.l Bost. 1883-85. 12 v. D. 820. 1 : 10 Contents. V. 1. Twice-told tales. 2. Mosses from an old manse. 3. The house of seven gables. The snow-image, and other twice-told tales. 4. A wonder- book. Tanglewood tales. The whole history of grandfather's chair. 5. The scarlet letter. The Blithedale romance. 6. The marble faun. 7. Our old home. Passages from the english note-books. 8. Passages from the english note-books, continued. 9. Passages from the american note- books. 10. Passages from the french and Italian note-books. 11. The Dolliver romance. Fanshawe.Septimius Felton.- App.: The ancestral footstep. 12. Tales and sketches.- Biographical stories. Biographical sketches. Alice Doane's appeal. Chiefly about war matters. Life of Franklin Pierce. Ijathrop, G : P. Biographical sketch of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In- dex. Herbert, W: "Works, excepting those on botany and natural history ; with additions and corrections by the author. Lond. 1842. 3 V. O. 820.2:32 Contents. "V. 1 . Horae scandicae, or Works relating to old Scandinavian literature. Hora3 pieriae, or Poetry on various subjects. 2. Horse pedestres, or Prose works, excepting those on botany and natural history. Attila: Supplement. 3. Attila, or The triumph of Christianity; a poem. Hobbes, T: English works ; now first coll. and ed. by sir W : Molesworth. Lond. 1839-45. 11 V. "0. 820.2 : 12 Contents. V. 1. Elements of philosophy: Pt. 1, Logic; pt. 2, The first grounds of philosophy; pt. 3, The proportions of motions and magnitudes; Physics or the phenomena of nature. 2. Philosophical rudi- ments concerning government and society : Of lib- erty; Of dominion; Of religion. 3. Leviathan, or The matter, foi-m and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil: 1st pt., Of man; 2d pt.. Of commonwealth; 3d pt.. Of a christian common- wealth; 4th pt.. Of the kingdom of darkness. 4. Tripos: Human nature; De corpore politico, or The elements of law; Of liberty and necessity. An answer to bp. Bramhall's book, called "The catching of the leviathan." An historical narration concern- ing heresy and the punishment thereof .Considera- tions upon the reputation, loyalty, manners and religion of T: Hobbes. Answer to sir W: Davenant's preface before " Gondibert." Letter to E: Howard. 5. The questions concerning liberty, necessity and chance, clearly stated and debated between dr. Brarahall and T: Hobbes. 6. A dialogue between a philosopher and a student of the common laws of England. Behemoth; the history of the causes of the civil wars of England. The whole art of rhetoric. The art of rhetoric, plainly set forth with pertinent examples for the more easy understanding of the same. The art of sophistry. 7. Seven philosophi- cal problems. Decameron physiologicum. Propor- tion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant. Six lessons to the savilian professors of the mathe- matics. Stigmai, or Marks of the absurd geometry, etc., of dr. Wallis. Extract of a letter from H: Stubbe. Three papers presented to the Royal so- ciety against dr. Wallis. Consideration on the an- swer of dr. Wallis. Letters and other pieces. 8, 9. Thucydides. The history of the grecian war, tr. by T: Hobbes. 10. Hozaer. The Iliads and Odys- sey, tr. by T: Hobbes. 11. Index and plates. Hood, T: Prose works. 111. N. Y. 1878. 2 y. inl.D. 820.2:36 Contents. V. 1. Whims and oddities.- Comic mis- cellany. Autobiographical papers. From Hood's own. From Hood's magazine. App.: editorial notes. 2. Up the Rhine. Romances and extrava- ganzas. Irving, Washington. Works ; Geoffrey Crayon ed. 111. N.Y. n.d. 27y. O. 820.1 :ill Contents. V. 1. Warner, C: Dudley. Washington Irving; a biographical and critical study. Knicker- bocker's New York. 2. The sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. 3. Bracebridge Hall, or The humor- ist; a medley by Geoffrey Crayon, gent. 4. Tales of a traveller. 5. The Alhambra. 6. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada; from the mss. of fray An- tonio Agapida. 7. The Crayon miscellany : A tour on the prairies; Abbotsford; Newstead abbey. 8. The adventures of capt. Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky mountains and the far west; digested from his journal and illustrated from various other sources. 9. Oliver Goldsmith; a biography. 10-12. The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus; added, those of his companions. 13. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky moun- tains. 14, 15. Mahomet and his successors. 16. Salmagundi, or The whimwhams and opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, esq., and others. 17. Wolfert's Roost. The birds of spring. The Creole village. Mountjoy. The Bermudas. The widow's ordeal. The knight of Malta. "A time of unexampled pros- perity."- Sketches in Paris in 1825. A contented man. Broek, the dutch paradise.- Guests from Gib- bet Island. The early experiences of Ralph Ring- wood. -The Seminoles. The count van Horn. Don Juan ; a spectral research. Legend of the engulphed convent. The phantom island. Recollections of the Alhambra. 18. Spanish papers: The legend of don Roderick; Legend of the subjugation of Spain; Le- gend of count Julian and his family; The legend of Pelayo; Abderahman, founder of the dynasty of the Oramiades of Spain ; Chronicle of Fernan Gonzales, count of Castile; Chronicle of Fernando the saint; Spanish romance. 1 9. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent. Biographical sketches : Capt. James Law- rence ; Lieut. Burrows ; Com. Perry ; Capt. D : Por- ter; T: Campbell; Washington Allston; Conversa- tions with Talma; Margaret Miller Davidson. Re- views and miscellanies : Robert Treat Paine ; Edwin C. Holland; Wheaton's History of the northmen; Conquest of Granada; Letter to the editor of "The knickerbocker " ; Sleepy Hollow; National nomen- clature; Desultory thoughts on criticism; Conspiracy of the cocked hats; Letter from Granada; The Cats- kill mountains. 20-24. Life of G: Washington. 25-27. The life and letters of Washington Irving, by his nephew, Pierre M. Irvingr. [Works.] Chicago, n. d. 10 v. D. 820.1 :13 Contents. V. 1. Thelifeand voyages of Christopher Columbus. 2. Abbotsford. Newstead abbey. The conquest of Granada. 3. The sketch book of Geof- frey Crayon, gent. Moorish chronicles. 4. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains. A tour of the prairies. 5. A history of New York, from the beginning of the world to the end of the dutch dynasty, by Diedrich Knicker- bocker. The Alhambra. 6. The adventures of captain Bonneville. Spanish voyages of discovery. 7. Bracebridge Hall, or The humorists. Wolfert's Roost. Sleepy Hollow. Birds of spring. Recollec- tions of the Alhambra. Abencerrage. Enchanted island. Adelantado of the seven cities. National nomenclature. Desultory thoughts on criticism. Spanish romance. Legend of don Munio Sancho de riinojosa. Communipaw. The Bermudas.- Pelayo and the merchant's daughter. Knight of Malta. Legend of the engulphed convent. Count van Horn. 8, The Crayon papers: Mount Joy; The great Mis- sissippi bubble; Don Juan, a spectral research; Broek, or the dutch paradise; Sketches in Paris, 1828; American researches In Italy; The taking of the veil; The charming LetoriSres; The early ex- periences of Ralph Ringwood; The Seminoles; Let- ter from Granada; Abderahman, founder of the dynasty of the Ommiades in Spain; The widow's ordeal; The Creole village; A contented man. 9. Tales of a traveller: Strange stories by a nervous gentleman; Buckthorne and his friends ; The Italian banditti; The monev-diggers. The life of Oliver Goldsmith. 10. Mahomet and his successors. 1015 Cl. 8^6 Lll?UBAl!tJRl!-i:NaLISH:, GENERAL. Johnson, S: Works; with an essay on his life and ffenius by Arthur Murphy. 3d amer. ed. %. Y. 1846. 2 V. O. 820.2+13 Contents. V. 1. Life and genius, by A. Murphy. The rambler. The adventurer. The idler. Rasselas. 7'ales of the Imagination: The vision of Theodore the hermit of Teneriffe. The fountains; a fairy tale. Letters, selected from the collection of mrs. Piozzi and others.- Irene; a tragedy in 6 acts. Miscellane- ous poems. 2. Lives of the poets. Lives of eminent persons: Father Paul Sarpi ; Boerhaave; Blake; Sir Francis Drake; Barretier; Morin; Burman; Syden- ham; Cheynel; Cave; King of Prussia; Browne; Ascham. Political tracts. Philological tracts, etc. Miscellaneous tracts, etc. Dedications. Opinions on questions of law. Reviews and criticisms. Journey to the western islands of Scotland. Prayers and meditations. Lamb, C: Works ; with a sketch of his life and final memorials by sir T: Noon Talfourd. N. Y. 1847, 1857. 2 v. D. 820.2 : 14 Contents. V. 1. Letters, with a sketch of his life. Poetical works: Poems; Sonnets; Blank verse; John "Woodvil, a tragedy; Miscellaneous poems; Trans- lations; The wife's trial, or The intruding widow, a dramatic poem. 2. Essays of Elia. Popular fal- lacies. Rosamund Gray. Recollections of Christ's Hospital. Essays: On the tragedies of Shakspeare; Characters of dramatic writers contemporary with Shakspeare; Specimens from the writings of Fuller; On the genius and character of Hogarth; On the poetical works of G : Wither. Letters under as- sumed signatures. Curious fragments. Mr. H ; a farce in 2 acts Poetical works. Note. V. 1 belongs to Harper's ed. of 1847 and v. 2 to Derby and Jackson's ed. of 1857; hence the repe- tition of the Poetical works at the end of each vol. Works. New ed. N. Y. 1883. 5 v. in 3. D. 820.2 : 14 Contents. V. 1,2. Letters, with a sketch of his life by sir T: Noon Talfourd. 3. Elia. The last essays of Elia. Popular fallacies. 4. Rosamund Gray. Essays. Letters under assumed signatures pub. in '' The reflector." Curious fragments ex- tracted from a common-place book which belonged to Robert Burton. Mr. H ; a farce in 2 acts. Poems. Album verses, with a few others. 5. Essays and sketches. The pawnbroker's daughter; a farce. The adventures of Ulysses. Tales. Poems. Letters. Landon, Lajtitia Elizabeth, {L. E. L.; Mrs. Mac- lean). Complete works. Bost. 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 820.2 : 26 Contents. V. 1. Romance and reality. Francesca Carrara. Traits and trials of early life. 2. Ethel Churchill. The book of beauty. Poetical works. Landor, Walter Savage. Works and life. Lond. 1876. 8 V. O. 820.2 : 16 Contents. V. 1 . Forster, J : Walter Savage Lan- dor; a biography. 2. Classical dialogues, greek. Same, roman. Citation and examination of W: Shakespeare for deer-stealing. 3. Dialogues of sov- ereigns and statesmen. The pentameron. 4. Dia- logues of literary men. 6. Same, continued. Dialogues of famous women. Pericles and Aspasia. Minor prose pieces: Opinions on Caesar, Crom- well, Milton and Buonaparte; Inscription for a statue at S. Ives; Sir Robert Peel and monuments to public men; To Cornelius at M unlch ; The quarterly review; A story of Santander; The death of Hofer; A vision; The dream of Petrarca; Parable of Asabel; Jeribohaniah. 6. Miscellaneous dialogues. 7. Poems: Gebir; Acts and scenes; Hellenics. 8. Mis- cellaneous poems. Criticisms : Idyls of Theocritus ; Poems of Catullus; Francesco Petrarca. Index. Longfello-w, H: Wadsworth. Poetical works. 111. Bost. [1880]. 2 V. F. 820.1:1112 Contents. V. 1 . Voices of the night. Earlier poems. Translations. Ballads and other poems. The children of the Lord's supper.- Miscellaneous. Poems on slavery. The Spanish student. The belfry of Bruges and other poems. Evangeline ; a tale of Acadie. The seaside and the fireside. The blind girl of Cast^l Cuille. A Christmas carol.- The song of Hiawatha. The courtship of Miles Standish.- Birds of passage.- Tales of a wayside Inn. 2. Tales of a 1016 ,1 ice. r; Pt.fl tras^n insla- I liOng^ellow, H: Wadsworth. Gontinued. wayside inn, pt. 3, continued. Flower-de-luce. j Christus, a mystery: Pt. 1, The divine tragedy; pt. 2, The golden legend ; pt. 3, The New-England traar- edies. Judas Maccabeus. A handful of transla- tions. The masque of Pandora. The hanging of the crane. Morituri salutamus. A book of sonnets. Keramos.- Birds of passage; flight the fifth.- Trans- lations. Seven sonnets and a canzone from the Italian of Michael Angelo. Ultima Thule. Notes. Index. Complete prose works, with his later poems ; with a biographical sketch by Octavius B. Frothingham. 111. Bost. [1883]. F. 820.1:B12v3 Contents. In the harbor. Michael Angelo. Outre- mer. Hyperion; a romance. Kavanagh; a tale. Drift-wood. Frothingrham, O. B. H: Wadsworth Longfellow; a sketch. Notes on the illustrations. Lyttleton, G:, 1st baron Lyttleton. Works, for- merly printed separately and now first col- lected, together with "some other pieces never before printed, pub. by G: E: Ays- cough. 3d ed., with index. Lond. 1776. 3 V. O. 820.2 : 16 Contents. V. 1. Observations on the life of Cicero. Observations on the roman history.- Observations on the present state of our affairs at home and abroad. Letters from a persian in England to his friend at Ispahan. Two essays from " Common sense." 2. Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul. Dialogues of the dead. 3. Speeches. Poems. Letters. Mitford, Mary Russell. Works. T. p.w. O. 820.2:27 Contents. Our village ; sketches of rural character and scenery.- Belford Regis; sketches of a country town. Country stories. Extracts from Finden's Tableaux. Poetical works : Foscari, a tragedy ; Julian, a tragedy; Rienzi, a tragedy. Charles I; an historical tragedy. More, Hannah. Works. 1st complete amer. ed. N. Y. 1843. 2 V. O. 820,2 : 28 Contents. V. 1. fMiscel. poerasl. Epitaphs. Bal- lads and tales [in verse]. Hymns. Ballads.-Bible rhymes.- Sacred dramas : The introd. ; Moses ; David and Goliath; Bellshazzar; Daniel. Reflections of Hezekiah. Search after happiness. Ode to charity. Stories for persons of the middle rank : Mr. Fan- tom, or The history of the new fashioned philosopher and his man William; The history of rar. Bragwell, or The two wealthy farmers; 'Tis all for the best; A cure for melancholy; The Sunday school. Al- legories: The pilgrims; The valley of tears; The strait and the broad way; Parley the porter. Tales: The shepherd of Salisbury Plain; The two shoe- makers; The history of Tom White, the postboy; The history of Hester Wilmot; The grand assizes, or General jail delivery, an allegory; The servant man turned soldier, an allegory; The history of Betty Brown, the St. Giles orange girl; Black Giles the poacher; Tawney Rachel, or The fortune teller. Thoughts on the manners of the great. An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. Strictures on the modern system of female education.- Prac- tical piety. Tragedies : Pref.; The inflexible captive; Percy; The fatal falsehood.-Poems. 2. Hints for forming the character of a young princess Christ- ian morals.- An essay on the character and practical writings of St. Paul. Coelebs in search of a wife. Foreign sketches. Domestic sketches. Reflections on prayer. Spirit of prayer. Essays on various sub- jects. Moriana. Neele, H: Literary remains ; consisting of lec- tures on english poetry, tales and otliiu- miscellaneous pieces in prose and verse. N. Y. 1829. O. 820.2 : 17 Contents. Lectures on english poetry. Original tales, poems, etc.: The garter, a romance of english history; Blanche of Bourbon, a romance of Spanish history; Shakspeare's supernatural characters; A night at the Mermaid; The Trekschult; Poems. Mfecellaneous prose and poetry. 1017 LITERATXTRE ENGLISH, GENERAL. 01. 820 1018 Perkins, James Handasyd. Memoir and writ- ings ; ed. by W: H: Channing. Bost. 1851. 2 V. D. 820. 1 : 7 Contents. V. 1. Sketches of the life of J. H. Per- kins. Verses. Tales. Melanchthon and Luther. Lord Ossory. Dora McCrae. The hypochondriac A week among the 'knobs'*. The judge's hunt. The murderer's daughter. The kindness that kills. Charity in the counting house and out of it. Life in Cincinnati in 1840. The lost child. The hole in my Socket. The one true convert. 2. Historical sketches. [ohammed. Gregory VII and his age. St. Louis of France. The founder of the Jesuits. Early french travellers in the west. English discoveries in the Ohio valley. The pioneers of Kentucky. Border war of the revolution. Settlement of the North- western Territory. Fifty years of Ohio. The french revolution. A glimpse of Australia. Poe, Edgar Allan. Works. N. Y. 1876. 4 v. D. 820.1:5 Contents. V. 1 . Ingram, J. H. Memoir. liOAxrell, J. R., and N. P. Willis. Notices of his life and genius. Moran, J. J. Memoranda of the death of Poe. Editorials on his life and character. Cere- monies of monumental dedication. Poems and essays. Poems written in youth. Eureka. The rationale of verse. The philosophy of composition. Marginalia.- Fifty suggestions. 2. Autography. The literati. 3. TaUx. The adventures of one Hans Pfall. The gold bug. The balloon hoax. Von Kempelen and his discovery. Mesmeric revelation. The facts in the case of M. Valdemar. The thousand and second tale of Scheherazade. Ms. found in a bottle. Descent into the Maelstrom. The murders of the rue Morgue. The mystery of Marie Roget. The purloined letter. The black cat. The fall of the house of Usher. The pit and the pendulum.- The premature burial. The masque of the red death. The cask of amontillado. The imp of the perverse. The island of the fay. The oval portrait. The assig- nation. The tell-tale heart. The domain of Arn- heim. Lander's cottage. William Wilson. Bere- nice. Eleonora.Ligeia.Morella.Metzengerstein. A tale of the Ragged mountains. The spectacles. The due de I'Omelette. The oblong box. King Pest. Three Sundays in a week. The devil in the belf rey. Lionizing. 4. Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. Miscellanies. Works ; v. 3, 4. N. Y. 1850, 1856. 2 v. D. 820.1:5 v3,4 Contents. V. 3. Memoir of the author by Rufus Wilmot Qriswold. The literati. 4. Marrative of A. Gordon Pym. Miscellanies. Pope, Alexander. Works, complete, with his last corrections, additions and improve- ments . . . ; with the commentaries and notes of mr. Warburton. Lond. 1751. 9 v. O. 820.2 : 24 Contents. V. 1 . Preface. Recommendatory poems. Pastorals. Messiah. Windsor forest. Ode on St. Cecilia's day and other pieces for music Essay on criticism. The rape of the lock. Elegy. Prologue to Addison's tragedy of Cato. Epilogue to Rowe's Jane Shore. 2. Translations and imitations. Ovid: Sappho to Phaon ; an epistle. Eloisa to Abelard ; an epistle. The temple of Fame. Chaucer: January and May; The wife of Bath. Statins : First book of Thebais. Ovid : The fable of Dryope; Vertumnus and Pomona. Imitations. 3. Brown, J. Essay on satire. Essay on man. 3foral essays. Of the knowl- edge and character of men. Of the characters of women. Of the use of riches.- To mr. Addison, oc- casioned by his dialogues on medals. 4. Epistle to dr. Arbuthnot. Satires and epistles of Horace imi- tated. Satires of dr. J: Donne versified.- Epilogus to the satires. To the lady Frances Shirley. 5. Let- ter to the publisher.- Prolegomena and illustrations to the Dunciad, with the hypercritics of Aristarchus. Dunciad, book 14. App. 6. Imitations of Horace. Epistles. Epitaphs. Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerius. Art of sinking in poetry. Virgilius res- tauratus. Specimen of Scriblerius's reports. Mem- oirs of P. P. clerk of this parish. Of the poet laure- ate. Guardians. Preface to Homer's Iliad. Preface to the works of Shakespear. 7-9. Letters. Sands, Robert C: Writings in prose and verse, with a memoir of the author. N. Y. 1834. 2v. O. 820.1:6 Contents. V. 1, Memoir. Historical notice of Her- nan Cortes. Domestic literature. Isaac; a type of the Redeamer. The Caio-Gracco of Monti. The garden of Venus. Yamoyden ; a tale of the wars of king Philip. 2. Association. The german's story. The man who burned John Rogers. A simple tale. Boyuca. Thoughts on hand-writing. Mr.De Ville- cour and his neighbors. Scenes at Washington, 1, 2. Ghosts on the stage. The stranger in Weehawk. Hoboken. John Brown.- John Smith. Police litera- ture-Letter from Orange county. Dream of Pa- pantzin .-Poems. St. Joh.n, H:, viscount Bolingbroke, {Humphrey Oldcastle). Works, with a life prepared for this ed., containing add. information relative to his personal and public char- acter, selected from the best authorities. Phila. 1841. 4 v. O. 820.2 : 18 Contents. V. 1. Life. Letter to sir W: Windham, 1717. Secret letter from the earl of Stair. Reflec- tions upon exile. The occasional writer, no. 1-3. The first vision of Camilick. An answer to the Lon- don journal of sat., dec. 21, 1728. An answer to the defence of the inquiry into the reasons of the con- duct of Great Britain. Remarks on the history of England. A final answer to theRemarks of the crafts- men's vindication. On luxury. Remarks on a late- pamphlet entitled "Observations on the conduct of Great Britain," etc, 1729. On good and bad minis- ters. On the policy of the athenians. On the power of the prince and the freedom of the people. 2. A dissertation upon parties. Letters on the study and use of history. 3. A letter occasioned by one of archbp. Tillotson's sermons. Letters or essays ad- dressed to Alex. Pope: Concerning the nature, ex- tent and reality of human knowledge; On the folly and presumption of philosophers; On the rise and progress of monotheism; Concerning authority in matters of religion. 4. Concerning authority in mat- ters of religion, continued. Fragments or minutes of essays. Index. Sidney, Sir Philip. The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. 13th ed.; with his life and death, and a brief table of the principal heads and some other new additions. Lond. 1674. Q. 23 : R Contents. Life and death of sir Philip Sidney. Epigrams on Ihim].- The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. A sixth book to the countess of Pem- broke's Arcadia [by R.Beling]. Sonnets.- The de- fense of poesie. Astrophel and Stella. Supplement to the 3d book of Arcadia by James Johnstoun. A remedie for love. Smith, Uapt. J: Works, 16081631 ; ed. by E: Arber. (The english scholar's library.) Birmingham. 1884. D. 820.2 : 34 Contents. Preface. Introd. Bibliography. A true relation, etc. A map of Virginia, etc, pt. 1. Sim- monds, W., Same, pt. 2. A description of New Eng- land. New England trials. The general historic of Virginia. An accidence for young seamen. The true travels, etc. Advertisements for the unex- perienced planters of New England, or anywhere, etc. The last will and the epitaph of J: Smith. Smith, Sydney. Works. 3 v. in 1. Phila. 1845. O. 820.2+19 Contents. Articles originally publ. in the Edinburgh review. Dr. Parr. Dr. Rennel. J: Bowles. Dr. Langford. Archdeacon Nares. M. Lewis. Austra- lia. Fievee's Letters on England. Edgeworth on bulls. Trimmer and Lancaster. Parnell and Ire- land. Methodism. Indian missions. Catholics. Methodism. Hannah More. Professional education. Female education. Public schools. Toleration. C: Fox. Mad Quakers. America. Game laws. Botany Bay. Chimney sweepers. America. Ire- land. Spring guns. Prisons.- Persecuting bishops. Botany Bay. Game laws. Cruel treatment of un- tried prisoners. America. Bentham on fallacies. Waterton. Man traps and spring guns. Hamilton's method of teaching languages. Counsel for prison- ers. Catholics- Neckar's last views. Catteau, Tableau des etats danois. Thoughts on the residence of the clergy. Travels from Palestine. Letter on the curates' salary bill. Proceedings of the Society for the suppression of vice. Characters of Fox. Observations on the historical work of C: J. Fox. Disturbances at Madras. Bishop of Lincoln's charge. Mme. d'Epinay. Poor laws.- Public characters of 1019 01. 820, 821 LITERATTTBE ENGtLISH, GENERAL. 1020 1801, 1802. Anastasius Scarlett's poor bill Memoirs of capt. Rock. Granby.- Island of Ceylon. Del- phine. Mission to Ashantee. Wittman s travels. Speeches. On the catholic claims.- At the Taunton reform meeting. At a meetinjr to celebrate the ac- cession of William IV. At Taunton in 1831 on the reform bill not being passed. Respecting- the re- form hm. Miscellaneous. The ballot. Letters to archdeacon Singleton. On the character of sir James Mackintosh. To lord J: Russell.- Sermon on the duties of the queen. The lawyer that tempted Christ; a sermon. The judge that smites contrary to the law ; a sermon. Letter to the electors on the catholic question. Sermon on the rules of christian charity. Peter Plymley's letters. Sterne, Lawrence. Works, with a life of the author written by himself. Lond. 1819. 4 V. O. 820.2 : 20 Contents. V. 1. Memoirs. Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gent. 2. Same, contimied. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. 3, 4. Sermons. Swift, Jonathan. Works ; with copious notes and add., and a memoir of the author by TiRoscoe. l^.Y.n.d. 6 v. D. 820.2 : 21 Contents. V. 1. Roscoe, T: Life and poetical works. Poetical works. 2. Gulliver's travels. A tale of a tub. The history of Martin. The battle of the books. A discourse concerning the mechanical operations of the spirit. The Drapier's letters. Memoirs of capt. J : Creichton. 3. Journal to Stella. Memoirs relating to that change which happened in queen Anne's ministry in 1710. A discourse of the contests and dissensions between the nobles and the commons in Rome. The examiner. A short char- acter of Thomas earl of Wharton. Some remarks upon a pamphlet, entitled A letter to the seven lords of the committee appointed to examine Gregg. A new journey to Paris, with some secret transactions between the french king and an english gentleman. Some advice humbly offered to the members of the October club. 4, 6. Miscellaneous. 6. A complete Swift, Jonathan. Continued. collection of genteel and ingenious conversation. Directions to servants. Remarks on the first fifteen psalms of David, tr. into lyric verse. The address of the house of lords to the queen. The answer of W: Pulteney to sir Robert Walpole. Letters. Same ; v. 3-6. N. Y. 1859. 4 v. D. 820.2 : 21 Taylor, Jane. Writings. Bost. 1832-35. 3 v. O. 820.2:22 Contents. V. 1. Memoirs and correspondence. Poetical remains. Essays in rhyme on morals and manners. 2. Contributions of Q. Q. : pt. 1, Religious and didactic pieces; pt. 2, Miscellaneous pieces. 3. Correspondence between a mother and her daughter at school, by Mrs. and Jane Taylor. Original poems for infant minds, by the Taylor family. Display; a tale. Temple, -Sir W: Works; prefixed, the life and character of the author. New ed. Lond. 1757. 4 V. O. 820.2 : 23 Contents. V. 1. Life and character. Essay upon the origin and nature of government. Observa- tions upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Letters written by [him] and other ministers of state, containing an account of the most important transactions that passed in Christendom from 166.5 to 1772. 2. Same, continued. Survey of the constitu- tions and interests of the empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France and Flanders, with their rela- tion to England in 1671. Letter to the duke of Or- mond, 1673. Memoirs from 16721679. Memoirs, 1679, 1680. 3. An essay upon the advancement of trade in Ireland. Of popular discontents. An Introd. to the history of England. Of gardening. An essay upon the cure of gout by moxa. Of health and long life. Of heroic virtue. Of poetry. An essay upon antient and modern learning.- Thoughts upon reviewing that essay.-Of the excesses of grief. Of the different conditions of life and fortune. Heads of an essay on conversation. Poetry. 4. Letters.- Index. 5. English literature b, Poetry. 1. History and criticism. (See also Essays, class 824.) "Warton, T: History of english poetry from the 12th to the close of the 16th century ; with a pref. by R: Price and notes variorum, ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt, with new notes and other add. by sir F: Madden, T: Wright, W. Aldis Wright, Walter W. Skeat, R: Morris, F. J. Furnival and the ed., with indexes of names and subjects. Lond. 1871. 4v. O. 821.4+1 Contents. V. 1. Hazlitt, W: C. Preface to pres- ent ed. Author's pref ace. Price, R: Preface. Dissertations : Of the origin of romantic fiction in Europe; On the Lais of Marie de France; On the introd. of learning into England; On the Gesta romanorum; Wrigrht, T: On the seven sages. 2. Sweet, H: Sketch of the history of anglo-saxon poetry. Through Chaucer. 3. Through Skelton, 1629. 4. 16th century. Hazlitt, W: Lectures on the english poets. From the 3d Lond. ed., ed. by his son. N. Y. 1845. D. 821.5 : 2 Same. With his Lectures on the english comic writers. in 828.5 : 1 Contents. Introductorv; On poetry in general. Chaucer and Spenser. Shakspeare and Milton. Dry- den and Pope. Thomson and Cowper. Swift, Young, Gray. Collins, etc. On Burns and the old english ballads. On the living poets. App.: On Milton's Lycidas. On the character of Milton's Eve. On Wordsworth's Excursion. Pope, lord Byron and mr. Bowles. Minto, W: Characteristics of english poets from Chaucer to Shirley. Edinb. 1874. D. 821.5:10 Heed, H: Lectures on the british poets. Phila. 1858. 2v. D. 821.5 :4i Contents. V. 1 . On poetry. Chaucer. Spenser and the minstrelsy. Shakspeare.-Milton.-Minor poetry of the 17th century. The age of the restora- tion: Dryden. The age of queen Anne: Pope. Poets of the latter part of the 18th century : Cowper. 2. Burns, with noticesof Johnson's Lives of the poets. Contemporary literature. Coleridge. Southey, with notice of C: Lamb. Byron. Wordsworth. Eng- lish sonnets. Poems of Hartley Coleridge. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Victorian poets. Bost. 1876. D. 821.5:5 Contents. The period. Landor. Hood. Arnold. Procter. Mrs. Browning. Tennyson.- Tennyson and Theocritus. The general choir. Browning. Latter-day singers: Buchanan; Rossetti; Morris; Swinburne. Index. Tuckerman, H: Theodore. Thoughts on the' poets. N. Y. 1846. S. 821.5 :7r Contents. Petrarch. Goldsmith. Gray. Collins.- Pope. Cowper. Thomson.-Young Alfleri Crabbe. Shelley. Hunt Byron. Moore. Rogers.-Burns. Campbell. Wordsworth. Coleridge. Keats. Barry Cornwall. Mrs. Hemans. Tennyson. Miss ' Barrett. Drake. Bryant. Brooke, Stopford A: Theology in english poets ; Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns, N. Y. 1875. D. 821.5 : 1 Holland, F: May. Stories from Robert Brown- ing ; with* an introd. by mrs. Sutherland i Orr. Lond. 1882. 8. 881.6:181 1021 LITERATURE ENGLISH, POETRY. 01. 821 Wilson, J: The genius and character of Burns. Phila. 1854. D. 821.5:15 Carpenter, Stephen Haskins. English of the 14th century, illustrated by notes, gramma- tical and philological, on Chaucer's Pro- logue and Knight's tale ; designed to serve as an introd. to the study of english liter- ature. Bost. 1873. D. 821.5:12 Owen, Frances M. John Keats ; a study. Lond. 1880. D. 821.5 :3 Warton, Joseph. An essay on the genius and writings of Pope. 5th ed. corr. [with] in- dex. Lond. 1806. 2 V. O. 821.5+14 Todhunter, J : A study of Shelley. Lond. 1880. D. 821.5:6 Hart, J: Seely. An essay on the life and writ- ings of Edmund Spenser, with a special exposition of the Fairy queen. N. Y. 1847. O. 821.5+8 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen. Spenser's' poems, entitled Colin Clouts come home againe, explained, with remarks upon the Amo- retti sonnets, and also upon a few of the minor poems of other early english poets. N. Y. 1865. D. 821.5:9 Dawson, S. E. A study, with critical and ex- planatory notes of Alfred Tennyson's poem The princess. Montreal. 1883.' S. 821.5:11 Hudson, H: Norman. Studies in Wordsworth ; Culture and acquirement, Ethics of trag- edy, and other papers. Bost. 1884. D. 821.5:16 Contents. Studies in Wordsworth. Science, cul- ture, acquirement. Ethics of trag-edy. Parting ad- dress. The church and civil society. 2. Collections. Durfee, C: A., comp. A concise poetical con- cordance to the principal poets of the world ; embracing titles, first lines, char- acters, subjects and quotations. N. Y. 1885. D. 811:R11 Incliides the following eng-lisJi and american poets: Edwin Arnold. W: E. Aytoun.Mrs. E. B. Browning. W: C. Bryant. Robert Burns. iord Byron. T: Campbell. G. Chaucer. S. T. Coleridge. W: Cowper. G: Crabbe. J: Dryden. George Eliot. R. W. Emerson. Oliver Goldsmith. iVfrs. F. D. Hemans. G: Herbert. O.W. Holmes. T: Hood. Jean Inge- low. J: Keats. H: W. Longfellow. J. R. Lowell. T. B. Macaulay. Owen Meredith.- J: Milton. Ossian. E. A. Poe. Alex. Pope. Adelaide Procter. S: Rogers.- D. G. Rossetti. Sir W. Scott. W: Shake- speare. P. B. Shelley. Edmund Spenser. H : Taylor. Alfred Tennyson.- James Thomson. C: Wesley. H: K. White. J: G. Whittier. N. P. Willis. W: Wordsworth. Bryant, W: Cullen, ed. A library of poetry and song ; choice selections from the best poets, with an introduction. N. Y. 1873. O. 821 :1 A new library of poetry and song. 111. N. Y. [1877]. Q. 821:R19 Dana, C: Anderson, ed. The household book of poetry. N. Y. 1858. O. 821+2 Same. 11th ed. N. Y. 1882. O. 821+2 Elmo, pseud. Illustrated home book of poetry and song ; choice selections from the poets of all lands and ages. Chicago. [1884]. O. 821+18 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, ed. Parnassus. Bost. 1875. O. 821 : 6 Hervey, T: Kibble, ed. The english Helicon. Lond. 1841. O. 821 : 4 Johnson, Edwin Rossiter, ed. Famous single and fugitive poems. N. Y. 1880. D. 821 :9 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda, born Stansbury. The school-girl's garland ; a selection of poetry in four parts. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. S. 821 :11 Linton, W: James, and R: H: Stoddard, eds. Eng- lish verse. N. Y. 1883. 5 v. D. 821 : 14 Contents. V. 1. Chaucer to Burns. 2. Lyrics of the 19th century. 3. Ballads and romances. 4. Dramatic scenes and characters. 5. Translations. Sargent, Epes, ed. Harpei-'s cyclopaedia of british and american poetry. N. Y. 1881. O. 821:R13 Whittier, J: Greenleaf, ed. Songs of three cen- turies. Bost. 1876. D. 821 : 7 Waddington, S:, ed. English sonnets by living writers, selected and arr., with a note on the history of the "sonnet". Lond. 1881. 8. 821 :12 Qriswold, Rufus Wilmot. The sacred poets of England and America for three centuries. 111. N. Y. 1849. O. 821+3 Croke, J. Greenbag, pseud. Lyrics of the law ; a recital of songs and verses pertinent to the law and the legal profession, selected from various sources. San Francisco. 1884. S. 821 : 16 Farton, James, ed. The humorous poetry of the english language, from Chaucer to Saxe. Narratives, satires, enigmas, burlesques, parodies, travesties, epigrams, epitaphs, translations, including tne most celebrated comic poems of the Anti-Jacobin, Rejected addresses, the Ingoldsby legends, Black- woods magazine, Bentley's miscellany, and Punch, with more than 200 epigrams, and the choicest humorous poetry of Wolcott, Cowper, Lamb, Thackeray, Praed, Swift, Scott, Holmes, Aytounj Gay, Burns, Southey, Saxe, Hood, Prior, Coleridge, Byron, Moore, Lowell, etc., with notes, explanatory and biographical. 12th ed. Bost. 1875. O. 821 : 6 British authors. Adams, W: Davenport, ed. Songs from the novelists from Elizabeth to Victoria ; with an introd. and notes. Lond. 1885. O. 821.2:251 Bethune, G: Washington. The british female poets ; with biographical and critical notices. Phila. [1848]. O. 821.2:7 Book of the poets, from Chaucer to Beattie. Lond. 1843. O. 821.2 : 2 Campbell, T:, ed. Specimens of the british poets; with biographical and critical notices and an essay on english poetry. New ed., rev. and with add. notes. Phila. 1855. O. 821.2+4 Farrar, F: W:, comp. With the poets ; a selec- tion of english poetry. N. Y. [1883]. D. 821.2 :222 Halleck, Fitz Greene. Selections from the british poets. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 8. 821.2:0 Hunt, James H: Leigh. Imagination and fancy, or Selections from the english poets, illus- trative of those first requisites of their art ; with markings of the best passages, critical CI. 821 LITERATUBE ENGLISH, POETRY. 1024 notices of the writers, and [an essay in answer to the question "What is poetry". N. Y. 1848. D. 821.2 : 10 Main, D: M. A treasury of english sonnets, ed. from the original sources with notes and ill. N. Y. 1881. O. 821.2 : 8 Motherwell, W: Minstrelsy, ancient and mod- ern, with an historical introd. and notes. Bost. 1846. 2v. D. 821.2:11 Palgrave, Francis Turner, eomp. The golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems "in the english language, sel. and arr. with notes. Lond. 1881. S. 821.2 : 195 Select works of the british poets, in a chronol- ogical series from Southey to Croly ; with biographical and critical notices, designed as a continuation of dr. Aikin's British poets. Phila. 1848. O. 821.2+5 Ward, T: Humphrey. The english poets ; se- lected with critical introd. by various writers, with a general introd. by Matthew Arnold. Lond. 1880. 4 v. D. 821.2:6 Contents. V. 1. Early poetry; Chaucer to Donne. 2. The seventeenth century; Ben Jonson to Dryden. 3. The eighteenth century; Addison to Blaise. 4. The nineteenth century; Wordsworth to Dobell. Percy, T:, ed. Reliques of ancient english poetry; consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets, together with some few of later date, and a copious glossary. Lond. 1859. O. 821.2+1 Ellis, G: Specimens of the early english poets ; prefixed, an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the english poetry and language. Lond. 1801. 3 v. D. 821.2:253 Contents. V. 1. Introd. remarks on languagre. On the poetry of the anglo-saxons. Specimens of saxon poetry. Account of norman poets in England. Specimens of Wace's Brut. -State of our language and poetry in the reign of Henry II and Richard I, exemplified by an extract from Layamon's trans, of Wace. Conjectures concerning the period at which the anglo-norman or english language began to be formed. Early specimens of english poetry from Hickes's Thesaurus. Robert of Gloucester. Vari- ous small poems, apparently written during the latter part of the 13th century. Robert de Brunne. -Edward II to Henry VII. 2. Henry VIII to Eliza- beth. 3. James I to Charles II. Conclusion. Specimens of early english metrical ro- mances, chiefly written during the early Eart of the 14th century ; prefixed, an istorical introd. intended to illustrate the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and England. 3d ed. Lond. 1811. 3v. D. 821.2 :3 Contents. V. 1. Introd. App. 1. Analysis of the work of Alphonsus De clericall disciplina. App. 2. Tr. of the Lays of Marie. Romances relating to Ar- thur; Merlin, pt. 1; Merlin, pt. 3: Morte Arthur. 2. Saxon romances: History of Guy Warwick; History of Sir Bevis Anglo-norman romance: History of Richard Coeur de lion. Romances relating to Charle- magne: Introd.; History of Roland and Ferragus; History of sir Otuel; ]Iistory of sir Ferumbras. 3. Romances of oriental origin: History of the seven wise masters. Miscellaneous romances : Florice and Blauncheflour: Robert of Cysille; Sir Isumbras; Sir Triamour; The lyfe of Ipomydon; Sir Eglamour of Artois; Lay le fraine; Sir Eger, sir Grahame and sir Gray-steel; Sir Degord; Roswal and Lillian; Amys and Amylion. Same. New ed., rev. by J. C. Halliwell. Lond. 1848. D. 821.2:3 Hindley, C:, ed. The Roxburghe ballads. Lond. 1873. 3v. O. 821.2:223 S[iug, R: J:, ed. Selections from the early bal- lad poetry of England and Scotland. Lond. 1842. S. 821.2 : 231 Child, Francis James, ed. English and Scottish ballads. Bost. 1857. 8 v. S. 821.2:12 Aytoun, W: Edmondstoune, ed. The ballads of Scotland. 2d ed. Edinb. 1859. 2 v. D. 821.2:13 Buchan, P:, ed. Ancient ballads and songs of the north of Scotland, hitherto unpublished, with explanatory notes. Repr. from the original ed. of 1828. Edinb. 1875. 2 v. D. 821.2:15 Hayes, E:, ed. The ballads of Ireland; coll. and ed. with notes, historical and biographical. 5th ed. Dublin, n. d. 2 v. D. 821.2 : 16 Ritson, Joseph, ed. Robin Hood ; a collection of poems, songs and ballads, relative to that celebratea english chief. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 821.2 : 235 "Wright, T:, ed. Political poems and songs re- lating to english history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. Ill to that of Ric. Ill; pub. by the authority of the lords commissioners of.her majesty's treasury, under the direction of the master of the rolls. Lond. 1859, 1861. 2 v. Q. 821.2+224 Morley, H:, ed. The king and the commons; cavalier and puritan songs sel. and arr. [Bayard ser.] N. Y. 1869. S. 821.2 : 128 Richardson, Abby, born Sage, formerly mrs. Mc- Farland. Stories from old english poetry. Bost. 1881. D. 821.2 : 17 Contents. Chaucer, G. The two noble kinsmen; The pious Constance; The knight's dilemma; Three unknown poets; The story of Candace. Spenser, E. Adventures of the fair Florimel; Campaspe and the painter; Friar Bacon's brass head; Margaret, the fair maid of Fresingfleld. Shakespeare, W: The story of Perdita; The story of king Lear and his three daughters; The witty Portia, or The three caskets; The story of Rosalind, or As you like it; Macbeth, ig of Scotland ; The wondei - - - Pericles, prince of Tyre; The tempest. king of Scotland; The wonderful adventures of American authors. American poems : Longfellow, Whittier, Bry- ant, Holmes, Lowell, Emerson ; with bio- graphical sketches and notes. Bost. 1880. S. 821.1 : 161 Bryant, W: Cullen. Selections from the ameri- can poets. N. Y. 1860. S. 821.1 : 6 Griswold, Rnfus Wilmot. The poets and poetry of America, with an historical introd. 8th ed. 111. Phila. 1847. O; 821.1-1-1 Read, T: Buchanan. The female poets of Ame- : rica ; with portraits, biographical notices * and specimens of their writings. 6th ed. rev. and enl. Phila. 1855. O. 821.1+212 ' Rider, G: T:, ed. Lyra americana ; or Verses of praise and faith from american poets. N. Y. 1865. D. 821.1 :4i Matthews, James Brander, comp. Poems of ' american patriotism. N. Y. 1882. D. 821.1 : 186 Spooner, Mrs. Z. H., comp. Poems of the i)il- grims. Bost. 1881. S. 821.1 : 170 Moore, Frank, ed. Songs and ballads of the american revolution ; with notes and ill. N. Y. 1856. D. 821.1 :3 Strodtmann, Adolph, ed. Amerikanische antho- 1 logic ; dichtungen der amerikanischen li- teratur der gegenwart in den versmassen der originale iibers. Hildburgh. 1870. D^ 821i* '*' .1 : giri 1025 IJTERATXXRE EXQLISH, POETRY. CI. 821 1026 White, R: Grant. Poetry, lyrical, narrative and satirical, of the civil war. N. Y. 1866. D. 821.1:2 Coggeshall, "W : T. The poets and poetry of the west, with biographical and critical notices. Columbus, 1860. O. 821.1-4-162 Same. Columbus. 1861. O. 821.1-|-162 Outcropping's ; selections of California verse. San Francisco. 1866. S. 821.1 : 5 Masque of poets, A ; incl. Guy Vernon, a novel- lette in verse. (No name series). Bost. 1878. S. 821.1:7 Fo r y oung pe op I e . (Including- individual works.) Johnson, Helen Kendrick. Illustrated poems and songs for young people. 111. N. Y. [1884]. O. x821 : 16 Morrison, Mary J., co7np. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. N. Y. 1884. D. x 821 : 17 Patmore, Coventry Kearsey Dighton. The children's garland from the best poets, sel. andarr. Lond. 1882. S. x821.2:196 Stevenson, Robert L: A child's garden of verses. N. Y. 1885. D. X 821.2 : 245 Thaxter, Celia, bo7-n Leighton. Poems for chil- dren. Bost. 1884. [18831. D. X 821.1 : 199 Whittier, J : Greenleaf . Child life ; a collection of poems, with ill. Bost. [1871]. D. x821 :8 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes ; a collection of alphabets, rhymes, tales and jingles. 111. Lond. w. d. 6. X 821.2 : 191 Carleton, Will. Young folks' centennial rhymes. 111. N. Y. 1876. D. X 821.1: 173 Dodge, Mary Elizabeth, bornMaves. Rhymes and jingles. N. Y. 1881. D. x 821.1 : 174 Hewitt, Mary, born Botham. Songs of animal life ; poems. 111. Lond. [1880]. S. [ X 821.2: 197 With the birds ; poems. 111. Lond. [1880]. S. x821.2:198 With the flowers ; poems. 111. Lond. [1880]. S. X 821.2: 199 Lamb, C:, and Mary. Poetry for children. Added, Prince Dorus and some uncol- lected poems by C: Lamb. Ed., prefaced and annotated by R: Heme Shepherd. Lond. 1878. D. ' x 821.2 : 192 Larcom, Lucy. Childhood songs. 111. Bost. 1875. D.' X 821.1: 175 Bands, W: Brightly. Lilliput levee ; poems of childhood, child - fancy and child - like moods. [Anon.] Lond. 1878. T. X 821.2: 194 Percy, T: The boy's Percy; being old ballads of war, adventure and love fromT: Percy's "Reliquesof ancient en^lish poetry," to- gether with an app. contaming two ballads from the original Percy folio ms.; ed. for boys, with an introd. by Sidney Lanier. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. X 821.2 : 14 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer for children ; a golden key by mrs. H. R. Haweis. 111. New ed., rev. N. Y. 1882. Q. X 821.2: 209 Canterbury chimes, or Chaucer tales retold for children by Francis StoiT and Hawes Turner. Lond. 1878. S. x 821.2: 201 Contents. Introd. The knight's tale ; Palamon and Arcite. The man of law's tale; Constance. Nun's priest's tale; The cock and the fox. The squire's tale; Canace. The franklin's tale; Dorigen. Chau- cer's tale; Gamelyn. Spenser, Edmund. Spenser for children by M. H. Towry. 111. Lond. 1878. O. X 821.2: 202 3. Individual works. Adams, J: Quincy. Poems of religion and so- ciety, with notices of his life and character by J: Davis and T: H. Benton. Auburn. 1853. D. 821.1:8 Addison, Joseph. Poetical works ; prefixed, an essay on his life and writings by T: Bab- ington Macaulay. N. Y. 1860. D. 821.2 : 18 Contents. Editor's preface. Macaulay, T : B. lord. On the life and writings of Addison. Tickell, T: Preface; To the earl of Warwick. Translations. Poems on several occasions.- The campaign. Mis- cellaneous poems. Dramas: Rosamond; The drum- mer; Cato. Poemata. Akenside, M: Poetical works; ed., with a life, by Alexander Dyce. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:19 Alcott, Amos Bronson. Sonnets and canzonets. Bost. 1882. D. 821.1: 181 Aldrich, T: Bailey. Poems. Bost. 1865. T. 821.1 :13 Poems ; ill. by the Paint and clay club. Bost. 1882. D. "821.1 :P187 The ballad of babie Bell, and other poems. N. Y. 1859. D. 821.1:9 Cloth of gold, and other poems. Bost. 1874. D. 821.1:10 The course of true love never did run smooth. N. Y. 1858. D. 821.1 : 11 Mercedes, and later lyrics. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. 821.1 : 197 Pampinea, and other poems. N. Y. 1861. D. 821.1 : 12 AUerton, Ellen Palmer, Annabel and other poems. N. Y. 1885. D. 821.1 : 216 AUingham, W: Poems. 1st amer. ed. Bost. 1861. T. 821.2 :20 AUston, Washington. Poems. In his Lectures on art. 701 : 4 Arnold, Edwin. Poems. Bost. 1880. D. 821.2 :22 The light of Asia, or The great renunciation, Mahabhinishkramana ; the life and teach- ing of Gautama, prince of India and founder of buddhism, as told in verse by an indian buddhist. Bost. 1879. D. 821.2 : 21 Pearls of the faith, or Islam's rosary ; being the ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah, AsmS-el-husna, with comments in verse from various oriental sources, as made by an indian mussulman. Bost. 1883 [1882]. S. 821.2 : 205 The secret of death, from the Sanskrit ; with some collected poems. Bost. 1885. D. 821.2 : 241 Arnold, Q: Poems grave and gay. Bost. 1867. S. 821.1 : 15 Drift ; a sea-shore idyl, and other poems. Bost. 1866. S. 821.1 : 14 Arnold, Matthew. Poems. Bost. 1856. D. 821 2 24 New poems. Bost. 1867. D. 821^2 : 23 Poems. 2 v. N. Y. 1888. D. 821.2 : 221 Contents. V. 1. Early poems. Narrative poems. Sonnets. 2. Lyric, dramatic and elegiac poems. 1027 CI. 821 LITERATTmE ENGLISH, POETRY. 1028 Aytoun, W: Edmonstoune. The book of ballads, ed. by Bon Gaultier and ill. 6th ed. Edinb. 1859. D. 821.2 : 25 Bothwell ; a poem in six parts. Bost. 1856. D. 821.2 :26 Bailey, Philip James. Festus, apoem. 8tli amer. ed. Bost. 1849. D. 821.2 : 27 Banim, J: The celt's paradise, in four duans. N. y. 1869. D. 821.2 : 28 Barlow, Joel. The Columbiad, a poem. Lond. 1809. O. 821.2 : 29 Bamaval deKerlerec, L: Love poems; ed. with an introd. by C: De Kay. N. Y. 1883. D. 821.1 : 194 Note. Generally attributed to mr. DeKay himself, the story of Barnaval being- considered a myth. Beach, Elizabeth T. Porter. Pelayo, an epic of the olden moorish time. N. Y. 1864. D. 821.1 : 16 Beattie, James. Poetical works, with the me- moir of the author by Alexander Dyce. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2 : 30 Beowulf; an anglo-saxon poem ; [a^so] The fight at Finnsburg. Tr. by James M. Garnett, with fac-simile of the unique ms. in the British museum, Cotton. Vitellius AXV. Bost. 1882. D. 821.2 : 203 Bickersteth, E: H: Yesterday, to-day, and for ever. N. Y. 1873. D. 821.2 : 31 Blackie, J: Stuart. Songs of religion and life. K Y. 1876. S. 821.2:32 Bloede, Gertrude, {Stuart Sterne). Giorgio and other poems. Bost. 1881. T. 821.1:17 Bloomfield, Robert. The farmer's boy ; a rural poem. 4th ed. Lond. 1801. S. 821.2:33 Boker, G: H: Poems of the war. Bost. 1864. D. 821.1 :18 Booth, Mary H. C. Wayside blossoms among flowers from german gardens. Milw. 1864. T. 821.1:19 Contents. Wayside blossoms. Flowers from ger- man gardens: L: Uhland; M. F. Anneke; J. G. Fischer; Anastasius Griin; F: Hebbel; H: Heine; G: Herwegh. Botta, Anne Charlotte, born Lynch. Poems. N. Y. 1882. D. 821.1 : 183 Bowring', J: Matins and vespers; with hymns and occasional devotional pieces. Bost. 1861. T. 821.2:34 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Idyls of Norway, and other poems. N. Y. 1882. S. 821.1:179 Brainard, J: Gardner Calkins. Literary re- mains, with a sketch of his life by J : G. Whittier. Hartford. [1832]. O. 821.1:20 Brook, C: Timothy. Poems, original and trans- lated ; with a memoir by C: W. Wendte ; sel. and ed. by W. P. Andrews. Portr. Bost. 1885. S. 922.18:18 Brough, Robert B. A cracker bon-bon for Christ- mas parties ; consisting of Christmas pieces for private representation, and other sea- sonable matter in prose and verse. Lond. 1852. S. 821.2:185 Brownell, H: Howard. War- lyrics, and other poems. Bost. 1866. D. 821.1:21 Browning, Elizabeth, born Barrett. Poetical works. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. D. 821.2:38 Same. N. Y. 1884. 5 v. D. 821.2 : 38 Aurora Leigh. N. Y. [185-] . S. 821 .2 : 35 Last poems ; with a memorial by Theodore Tilton. N. Y. 1862. T. 821.2:36 Napoleon HI in Italy ; and other poems. N. yi860. D. 821.2:37 Browning, Robert. Poems. Bost. 1856. 2 v. D. 821.2:43 Aristophanes' apology ; incl. a transcript from Euripides, being the last adventure of Balaustion. Bost. 1875. D. 821.2:39 Dramatis persona?. Bost. 1864. D. 821.2 : 40 Ferishtah's fancies. Bost. 1885 [1884] . S. 821.2:237 Fifine at the fair, and other poems. Bost. 1872. D. 821.2:41 The inn album. Bost. 1876. D. 821 .2 : 42 Jocoseria. Bost. 1883. S. 821.2:214 Red cotton night-cap country, or Turf and towers. Bost. 1873. D. 821.2:44 Sordello, Straff"ord, Christmas-eve and Easter day. Bost. 1864. D. 821.2:45 Orr, A., mrs. Sutherland. A handbook to the works of Robert Browning. Lond. 1885. S. 821.5:17 Bryant, W: Cullen. Poems, coll. and arr. by the author ; in 1 v. Phila. 1849. O. 821.1:22 Poems, coll. and arr. by the author ; in 3 v. N. Y. 1878. 3v. D. 821.1:23 Thirty poems. N. Y. 1864. D. 821.1 : 24 Alden, Joseph. Studies in Bryant ; a text- book, with an introd. by W: Cullen Bryant. N. Y. 1878. S. 821.1:25 Buchanan, Robert W: Poems. Bost. 1866. S. 821.2:48 Idyls and legends of Inverburn. Lond. 1865. S. 821.2:46 London poems. Lond. 1867. D. 821.2 :47 Undertones. Lond. 1863. S. 821.2:49 Buck, James Smith, {Ichabod). An address with which Ichabod explains his post-centennial position. 821.1 :Pam Carriers' address, Milwaukee daily news, Jan. 1,1877,1879. 821.1 :Pam Bulwer-L3rtton, E: G: Earle Lytton, 1st baron Lytton. King Arthur. Leipz. 1849. 2 v. in 1. S. 821.2 :50 Same. N. Y. 1871. D. 821.2:50 The lost tales of Miletus. Leipz. 1866. S. 821.2:51 Same. N. Y. 1866. D. 821.2 : 51 The new Timon ; a romance of London. 3d ed. Lond. 1846. D. 821.2 : 52 Same, and St. Stephens ; a poem. Leipz. 1860. S. 821.2:52 Bulwer - Lytton, E: Robert, 1st earl of Lytton, {Owen Meredith). Poetical works. House- hold ed. Bost. 1875. D. 821.2:55 Poems, in 2 v.; v. 2. Bost. 1864. T. 821.2 : 56 New poems. Bust. 1868. 2 v. S. 821.2:54 Lucile, and other poems. Bost. 1879. O. 821.2+53 Glenaveril, or The metamorphoses ; apoem in six books. N. Y. 1885. S. 821.2 : 240 Buntling ball. The ; a graeco - american play, being a poetical satire on New York so- ciety. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 821.1 : 210 Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works, with an original memoir by W: Gunny on. Phila. n.d.i. 821.2:57 Lieder und balladen. Deutsch von K: Bartsch. Hildburgb. 1865. 2 v. in 1. D. 821.2:57 See also his Works. 820.2+P33 Rival rhymes in honour of Burns ; with cui-i- ous illustrative matter, coll. and ed. by Ben Trovato. Lond. 1859. S. 821.2 : 184 t029 LITEB-ATTJItE ENGLISH, POETRY. CI. 821 1030 Butler, S: Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 2 v. S. 821.2 :58 Butler, W: Allen. Nothing to wear ; an episode of city life. From Harper's weekly. 111. N.Y.1857. S. 821.1 : 26 Two millions. N. Y. 1858. D. 821.1 : 27 Byron, G: Gordon Noel, 6th baron Byron. Poeti- cal works, with copious illustrative notes and a memoir of his life. Phila. n. d. (). 821.2:59 Contents. Memoir. Hours of idleness. Transla- tions and imitations. Fugitive pieces. Critique ex- tracted from the Edinburgh review. English bards and scotch reviewers.- The curse of Minerva. The prophecy of lante. The ago of bronze. The vision of judgment. Waltz. The lament of Tasso.- He- brew melodies. Miscellaneous poems. Hints from Horace. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. The giaour. The bride of Abydos. The corsair. Lara. Morgante Maggiore. The siege of Corinth. -Parisina.- The prisoner of Chillon.Beppo.Mazeppa. The island. The two Foscari. Werner. The deformed trans- formed. Cain. Sardanapalus. Manfred. Marino Faliero. Heaven and earth. Don Juan. Sammtliche werke. Ins deutsche iibers. von mehreren. 3te aufl. ^tinzlich umgearb., verb, und vervollstiindigt von Franz Kot- tenkamp. Stuttg. 1856. 11 v. in 10. 8. 821.2:61 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 23. Poetry of Byron, chosen and arr. by Matthew Arnold. N. Y. 1881. Q. 821.2 : 60- Csedmon. Exodus and Daniel ; ed. from Grein by Theodore W. Hunt. (Lib. of anglo- saxon poetry.) Bost. 1883. D. 821 .2 : 225 Calverly, C: Stuart. Fly leaves, with add. from the author's earlier volume of " Verses and translations." 3d ed. with a new poem. N. Y.J1873]. S. 821.2:62 Campbell, T: Poetical works. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:63 Carey, Alice. Lyra, and other poems. N. Y. 1852. D. 821.1:28 Carleton, Will. City ballads. 111. N. Y. 1886 [18851. O. 821.1:218 Farm ballads. N. Y. 1873. O. 821.1+29 Farm legends. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. 821.1 : 31 Farm festivals. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. 821.1:30 Carpenter, Joseph E:, ed. Songs ; sacred and devotional. Lond. 1866. S. 821.2 : 64 Caswall,E: Poems. Lond. 1861. S. 821.2:65 Challen, James. Igdrasil, or The tree of ex- istence. Phila. 1859. D. 821.1:32 Chamberlain, Mrs. M. H., ( Carrie Carlton). Wayside flowers. Milw. 1862. D. 821.1:33 Chapman, G: W. A tribute to Kane, and other poems. N. Y. 1860. D. 821.1 : 34 Charles, Emily Thornton. Hawthorn blossoms. Phila. 1876. D. 821.1:35 Chatterton, Henrietta Georgiana lady. Leonore, a tale ; and other poems. Lond. 1864. S. 821.2:66 Chatterton, T: Poetical works, with notices of his life, a history of the Rowley contro- versy, a selection of his letters, notes criti- cal and explanatory and a glossary. Bost. 1857. 2v. S. 821.2:67 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Poetical works, with an essay on his language and versification and an introd. discourse, together with notes and a glossary by T: Tyrwhitt. Lond. 1847. O. 821.2+68 Contents. Preface. An essay on the language and versification of Chaucer. An mtroductory discourse on the Canterbury tales. The Canterbury tales.- The Chaucer, Geoffrey. Continued. romaunt of the rose. Troilus and Creseide. The court of love. The complaint of pity. Of queen Annelida and the false Arcite. The assembly of f owles. The complaint of the black knight. Chau- cer's A. B. C The booke of the duchess. The house of fame. Chaucer's dream. The flower and the leaf. The legend of good women. The complaint of Mars and Venus. Of the cuckoo and the nightingale. Minor poems. Glossary. Poetical works ; appended, poems attributed to Chaucer, ed. by Arthur Gilman. Bost. 1880. 3v. D. 821.2 : 193 Contents. V. 1. The times and the poet, by the editor. On reading Chaucer. Astrological terms and divisions of time. -Biblical reference. -The Canter- bury tales. 2. The Canterbury tales. Minor poems. 3. Minor poems. Poems attributed to Chaucer. Index. The parlament of foules ; ed. with introd. notes and glossary by T. R. Lounsbury. Bost. 1880. D. 821.2 :200 Canterbury geschichten. Uebers. in den vers- massen der urschrif t und durch einleitung und anmerkungen erlautert von W: Hertz- berg. Hildburgh. 1866. D. 821.2 : 193 Churchill, C: Poetical works, with copious notes and a life of the author by W. Tooke. Bost. 1854. 3v. 8. 821.2.: 69 Clough, Arthur Hugh. Poems ; with a memoir by C: Eliot Norton. Bost. 1862. T. 821.2 :70 Coelebs the younger in search of a wife, or The drawing-room troubles of Moody Robinson, esq. Lond. n. d. D. 821.2 : 71 Coleridge, S: Taylor. Christabel and the lyrical and imaginative poems of C, arr. and introd. by Algernon C: Swinburne. Lond. 1875. T. 821.2 : 72 Collins, W: Poetical works. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2 : 73 Colman, G:, the younger. Poetical works, now first collected. 1st amer. ed. Phila. 1834. D. 821.2 : 74 Cook, Ebenezer. The sot-weed factor, or A voy- age to Maryland ; a satyr in which is des- cribed the laws, government, courts and constitutions of the country and also the buildings, feasts, frolicks, entertainments and drunken humours of the inhabitants of that part of America ; in burlesque verse. [Shea's early southern tracts, no. 2.1 Lond. 1708 [1865]. "O. 821.2:75 Cooke, Rose, born Terry. Poems. Bost. 1861. D. 821.1:36 Cowper, W: Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 3 v. S. 821.2:76 Contents. V. 1. Table talk. 2. The task. Miscel- laneous poems. 3. Hymns. Tr. from the french of madame de la Mothe Guion. Tr. of the latin and Italian poems of Milton. Tr. from Vincent Bourne. Minor poems. Tr. of greek verses. Epigrams tr. from the latin of Owen. Tr. from the fables of Gay. Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. Christian ballads, with corr. and add. 13th ed. Phila. 1864. T. 821.1:37 Crabbe, G:, and others. Poetical works of Crabbe, Heber and Pollok ; complete in 1 v. Phila. 1857. O. 821.2:77 Craik, Dinah Maria, born Mulock. Poems. Leipz. 1868. S. 821.2:78 Cranch, Christopher Pearse. The bird and the bell, with other poems. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1:38 Croly, G: Poetical works, embellished with twenty etchings by Dagley from antique gems, liond. n. d. 3 v. D, 821.2:79 1031 CI. 821 LITEItATURE ENGLISH, POETRY. 1033 Cross, Marian, born Evans, formerly mrs. G: H: Lewes, {Oeorge Eliot). Poems. N. Y. 1883. S 821.2:220 -Poems. HI. N. Y. [1884]. O. 821.2+236 How Lisa loved the king. Bost. 1869. S. 821.2:80 The legend of Jubal, and other poems, old and new. With her Theophrastus Such. 821 2 : 249 The Spanish gypsy. Bost. 1868. D. 821.2:81 Same. With her Theophrastus Such. 821.2:249 Dagley, R: Taliings, or The life of a collegian ; a poem. 111. [Also, Miscellaneous observa- tions on the ludicrous in art.] Lond. 1821. O. 821.2:82 Davidson, Lucretia Maria. Poetical remains, coll. and arr. by her mother ; with a bio- graphy by miss Sedgwick; Bost. 1864. D. With Davidson, M. M. Biography and poetical remains. inS^l.l : 39 Davidson, Margaret Miller. Biography and Eoetical remains, by Washington Irving. LY. 1864. D. 821.1:39 Davidson, Margaret, born Miller. Selections from the writings of the mother of Lucretia Maria and Margaret M. Davidson ; with a Bref. by miss Cm. Sedgwick. Phila. 1843. I. 821.1:40 Davis, T: Poems; [aUo Literary and historical essays], and an introd. by J: Mitchel. N. Y. 1876. D. 821.2:83 DeKay, C: The vision of Nimrod. N. Y. 1881. D. 821.1:41 The vision of Esther ; a sequel to " The vision of Nimrod ". N. Y. 1883. D. 821 .1 : 185 See also Barnaval, L: De Vera, Aubrey T: Poems. Lond. 1855. S. 821.2:85 May carols, and hymns and poems. N. Y. 1866. S. 821.2 :84 Dobson, Austin H: Vignettes in rhyme, and other verses ; with introd. by E. C. Sted- man. N. Y. 1880. D. 821.2 : 254 At the sign of the lyre. N. Y. 1885. D. 821.2:243 Donne, J: Poetical works, with a memoir. Bost. 1855. S. 821.2:86 Dorward, Bernard I: Cristofero Colombo. [Anon.] n. t. [Milw. 1885]. D. 821.1 :214 Wild flowers of Wisconsin ; poems, ed. by his son. Milw. 1873. D. 821.1:42 Doyle, R:, and James Robinson Planche. An old fairy tale told anew in pictures and verse. Bost.,??.. d. O. 821.2:87 Drake, Joseph Rodman. The culprit fay. N. Y. 1859. D. 821.1 : 43 Drummond, W: Poetical works ; ed. by W: B. TurnbuU. Lond. 1856. D. 821.2:88 Dryden, J: Works in verse and prose, with a life by J: Mitford. N. Y. 1847. 3 v. O. 821.2+90 Contents. V. 1. Life. Poems. Epistles. Elefries and epitaphs. Songs, odes and a masque. Prologues and epilogues.- Tr. from Theocritus, Lucretius and Horace. Tales from Chaucer. Tr. from Boccace. Tr. from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Epistles, Art of love. From Juvenal.- From Persius. From Homer. Art of poetry Hymn for St. John's eve. On the marriage of mrs. Anastasia Stafford. To Matilda. 2. Tr. from Virgil: Pastorals, Georgics, Aeneis. Essay of dramatic poesy. Heads of an answer to Rymer. Life of Plutarch. Dedication of Plutarch's Lives. Tr. of the History of the league. Parallel of Dryden, J: Continued. poetry and painting. Observations on the art of painting. Judgment of C: Alphonse du Fresnoy.- Character of M. St. Evremont. Character of Poly- bius. Life of Lucian. Dryden's letters. Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 4 v. S. 821.2 : 89 Contents. V. 1 . Upon the death of lord Hastings. To his friend J : Hoddesdon. Heroic stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell. Astrsea redux. To his sacred majesty. To the lord chancellor Hyde. Satire on the dutch. To her royal highness, the du- chess. Annus mirabilis, the year of wonders, 1666. An essay upon satire. Absalom and Achitophel, pt. 1. 2. Absalom and Achitophel, pt. 2. The medal, a satire against sedition. Religio laici. Threnodia augustalis.- Verses to J. Northleigh. The hind and the panther. Britannia rediviva. MacFlecknoe. Epistles. 3. Songs, odes and a mask. Prologues and epilogues. Translations from Theocritus. Lu- cretius and Horace. To his grace the duke of Or- mond. Preface prefixed to the fables. To her grace the duchess of Ormond. Palamon and Arcite, bks. 1, 3, 3. The cock and the fox. 4. The flower and the leaf .The wife of Bath. The character of a good parson. Tr. from Boccace. Tr. from Ovid's Metamor- phoses. Dudley, Marion Vienna, born Churchill. Poems. Milw. 1885. S. 821.1:11219 Duganne, Augustine. The mission of intellect ; a poem, delivered at Metropolitan hall. New York, dec. 30, 1853. N. Y. 1853. S. 821.1 : 44 Dutt, Torn. Ancient ballads and legends of Hin- dustan ; with an introductory memoir by Edmund W. Gosse. Lond. 1883. S. 821.2 : 217 Eliot, George, pseud., see Cross, Marian. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Poems. Bost. 1860. D. 821. 1 :46 Same. In his Works. 820. 1 : 8 v9 May-day and other pieces. Bost. 1867. D. 821.1:45 Falconer, W: Poetical works, with a life by J: Mitford. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:91 Ferguson, Robert. Works ; ed. with the life of the author and an essay on his genius and writings by A. B. G. Lond. 1851. D. 821.2 :92 Freneau, Philip. Poems relating tothe americiin revolution ; with an introd. memoir and notes by Evert A. Duyckinck. N. Y. 1865. O. 821.1 :47 Gascoigne, G: Complete poems ; now lirst col- lected and ed. from the early printed co- pies and from mss., with a memoir and notes by W: Carew Hazlitt. [Roxburghe library.] [Lond.] 1869. 3 v. O. 821.2:252 Gay, J: Poetical works ; with a life of the au- thor by dr. Johnson. Bost. 1854. 3 v. S. 821.2 : 93 Contents. V. 1 . Fables, pt. 1, 3. Rural sports. Trivia. 2. The fan. The shepherd's week. Aeis and Galatea. Epistles. Eclogues. Elegies. Tales. Gondibert. Miscellaneous. Geraldine, a souvenir of the St. Lawrence. Bost. 1883. S. 821.1 : 177 Gilbert, W: Schwenck. The "Bab" ballads , mvich sound and little sense. 111. N. Y. [1884]. D. 821.2 : 234 Gilder, R: Watson. The new day, a poem in songs and sonnets. N. Y. 1876. D. 821.1 :48 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical works, ed., with a life, by J: Mitford. Bost. 1853. S. 821.2:94 Goodrich, S: Griswold, {Peter Parley). Poems. N. Y. 1851. D. 821.1:49 1033 LITEBATXTRE ENGLISH, POETRY. CI. 821 1034 Grant, Anne, born M'Vicar. The highlandei's, and other poems. 2Dd ed. Lond. 1808. S. 821.2:95 Gray, D: Poems; with a memoir of his life. Bost. 1864. D. 821.2:96 Gray, T: Poetical works; ed. with a life by J: Mitford. Bost. 1853. D. 821.2:227 Green, Anna Katherine. The defence of the bride, and other poems. N. Y. 1882. S. 821.1 :189 Greene, W: Batchelder. Three vows. N. Y. 1881. S. 821.1:163 Griffin, Gerald. Poetical works. N. Y. n. d. D. 821.2:97 Halleck, Fitz Greene. Poetical works, now first coll. 111. 2d ed. N. Y. 1848. O. 821.1:51 Fanny, with other poems. N. Y. 1839. D. 821.1:50 Young America ; a poem. N. Y. 1865. D. 821.1:52 Halpine, C: Graham, {Miles O'Beilly). Poetical woi'ks, consisting of odes, poems, sonnets, epics and lyrical effusions which have not lieretofore been coll. together, ed. by Rob- ert B. Roosevelt. N. Y. 1869. O. 821.1 :53 Harbaugh, H: Poems. Phila. 1860. D. 821.1:54 Hart, Mrs. . Mrs. Jerningham's journal. [Anon.] N. Y. 1876. D. 821.2 : 109 Harry, by the author of "Mrs. Jerningham's journal." [Anon.] N. Y. 1877. S. 821.2:110 Harte, Francis Bret. Echoes of the foot-hills. \ Bost. 1875. D. 821.1:55 Hay, J: Pike county ballads, and other pieces. | Bost. 1871. S. 821.1:56 ! Heber, Reginald. Poetical works. WithCraMbe, G: Poetical works. w 821.2: 77 Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, 6or Browne. Poeti- cal works, with memoii'. Phila. 1840. O. i 821.2:98 Contents. Pref. Memoir. -The forest sanctuary. Lays of many lands. The siege of Valencia. The vespers of Palermo. The league of the Alps. The restoration of the works of art to Italy. Tales and historic scenes.- The sceptic Stanzas to the mem- ory of the late king-.- Modern Greece. Dartmooi-. Meeting of Wallace and Bruce. Greek songs. Songs of the Cid. Records of woman. Songs of the affec- tions. Hymns on the works of nature. Translations from Camoens and other poets. Miscellaneous poems. Scenes and hymns of life. National lyrics and songs for music Miscellaneous poems. Herbert, G: Poetical works, with a memoir of the author and notes by Robert Avis Will- mott. Bost. 1855. S. 821.2:99 The temple ; sacred poems and pi'ivate ejacu- lations, with The priest to the temple, or The country parson. Halifax. 1860. T. 821.2:212 Herrick, Robert. Hesperides, or The works, both humane and divine. Bost. 1856. 2 v. S. 821.2:100 Hirst, H: B. Endymion ; a tale of Greece. Bost. 1848. D. 821.1:57 Hogg, James. Poetical works of the Ettrick she|)herd, with an autobiography and illus trative engr., chiefly from original draw- ings, by D. O. Hill. 'Glasgow, n. d. 5 v. D. 821.2:101 Holbrook, Edwin A. Life-thoughts, poetry and prose. Watertown, N. Y. 1875. O- 821.1:58 Holland, Josiah Gilbert, {Timothy Titcomb). Bitter-sweet ; a poem. 15th ed. N. Y. 1863. D. 821.1 : 59 Same. 30th ed. N. Y. 1877. D. 821.1 : 59 Kathrina ; her life and mine in a poem. N. Y. 1867 D. 821.1 : 60 Same 50th ed. N. Y. n. d. T>. 821.1 : 60 The marble prophecy, and other poems. N. Y. 1872. D. 821.1 : 61 The mistress of the manse. N. Y. 1874. D. 821 1 62 Same. 26th thousand. N. Y. 1877. D. ' 821.1:62 The puritan's guest, and other poems. N. Y. 1881. 8. 821.1 : 168 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Poems. New and enl. ed. Bost. 1849. D. 821.1 : 204 Poetical works. Bost. 1881. 2 v. T. 821.1 : 64 The iron gate, and other poems. Bost. .1881. D. 821.1:63 Songs of many seasons, 1862 1874. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1 : 65 Hood, T: Poetical works. N. Y. 1879. 2 v. in 1. D. 821.2:250 Poetical works, with some account of the author ; v. 2, 4. Bost. 1854, 1856. 2 v. S. 821.2:102 Whims and waifs. N. Y. 1860. D. 821.2 : 103 Hopper, E: The fire on the hearth in Sleepy Hollow ; a Christmas poem of the olden time. N, Y. 1865. S. 821.1 : 66 Hosmer, W: H: Cuyler. Poetical works. N. Y. 1854. 2v. D. 821.1 : 67 Houghton, G: Niagara, and other poems. Bost. 1882. T. 821.1 :182 Howard, H:, earl of Surrey. Poetical works, with a memoir. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2 : 104 Howe, Julia, born Ward. Later lyrics. Bost. 1866. D. 821.1 :68 Howells, W: Dean. Poems. With Piatt, J: James. Poems. 821.1:213 Howitt, Mary, born Botham. Ballads and other poems. N. Y. 1854. D. 821.2 : 105 Hoyt, Ralph. Sketches of life and landscape. N. Y. 1862. D. 821.1 : 69 Hudson, Mary, born Cleramer, formerly mrs. Ames. Poems of life and nature. Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. 821.1 : 180 Hunt, James H: Leigh. Poetical works ; finally collected, rev. by himself, and ed. by his son Thornton Hunt. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 821.2:230 Huntington, Jedediah Vincent. Poems. N. Y. 1843. D. 821.1 :70 Hutchinson, Pollen Mackay. Songs and lyrics ; with a frontispiece from a painting by G: H. Bough ton. Bost. 1881. S. 821.1 :"l71 Ingelow, Jean. Poems. Bost. 1864. D. 821.2:106 Poems of the old days and the new. Bost. 1885. S. 821.2:247 The shepherd lady, and other poems. Bost. 1876. O. 821.2-fl07 A story of doom, and other poems. Bost. 1867. D. 821.2 : 108 John Jerningham's journal. N. Y. 1876. D. With'H.&rt, Mrs. , Mrs. Jerningham's jour- nal, m 821.2: 109 Johnson, Edwin Rossiter. Idler and poet. Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. 821.1 : 178 Joyce, Robert Dwyer. Deirdrfe. (No name ser.) Bost. 1876. S. 821.1 : 71 1035 CI. 821 lilTERATXJBE ENGLISH, POETRY. 1036 Judd, Sylvester. Philo ; an evangeliad. Bost. 1850. D. ,?21.1:72 Keats, J: Poetical works, with a life. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:111 Contents. Life. Eadymion. Lamia. -Isabella, or The pot of basil. The eve of St. Agnes. Hyperion. Miscellaneous poems. Epistles. Sonnets. Post- humous poems. Poetical works ; given from his own editions and other authentic sources, and collated with many mss., ed. by Hai'ry Buxton For- man. Lo'nd. 1884. D. " 821.2:111 Keble, J: The christian year ; thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays throughout the year. 3d "amer. ed. Phila. 1843. S. 821.2 : 112 Lyra innocentium ; thoughts in vei'se on chris- tian children, their ways, and their privile- ges. N. Y. 1850. D. 821.2 : 113 Kemble, Frances Anne, formerly mrs. Butler. Poems. Bost. 1859. D. 821.2 : 114 Kingsley, C: Poems, incl. The saint's tragedy, Andromeda, songs, ballads, etc. [Works, V. 11. Lend. 1883. D. 821.2 : 213 Kormak ; an Icelandic romance of the tenth cen- tury, in six cantos. Bost. 1861. D. ^ 821.1:73 Lang, Andrew. Ballades and verses vain. N. Y. 1884. D. 821.2:226 Helen of Troy. N. Y. 1883. S. 821.2 : 210 Rhymes k la mode. Lond. 1885. S. 821.2 : 238 Lanier, Sidney. Poems ; ed. by his wife, with a memorial by W: Hayes "Ward. Portrait. N. Y. 1884. D. 821.1 : 207 Larcom, Lucy. Poetical works. Household ed. Portrait. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. 821.1 :205 Lazarus, Emma. Songs of a semite : The dance to death, and other poems. N. Y. 1883. O. 821.1+184 Leland, C: Godfrey. Hans Breitmann's ballads. Complete ed! Portrait. Phila. [18841. D. 821.1:202 Legends of the birds. 111. Phila. 1864. O. 821.1:74 and others. English-gipsy songs ; in rommany with metrical english, by C: G. Leland, E. H. Palmer and Janet Tuckey. Phila. 1875. S. 821.2 : 115 Lindsay, Walter M. Poems. N. Y. 1856. D. 821.1:75 Lippincott, Sara Jane, born Clarke, (Crace Green- wood). Poems by Grace Greenwood. Bost. 1860. D. 821.1 : 76 Locke, D: Ross, {Petroleum V. Nasby). Hannah Jane. Bost. 1883 [1881]. O. 821.1 : 172 Longfellow, H: Wadsworth. Poems. Bost. 1850. 3v. D. 821.1 : 84 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : R12 Contents, see col. 10151016. Aftermath. Bost. 1873. D. 821.1 : 77 The courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Bost. 1859. D. 821.1 : 78 The divine tragedy. Bost. 1873. D. 821.1:79 Evangeline ; ein amerikanisches gedicht. In's deutsche iibers. von Frank Siller. Milw. 1879. D. 821.1 : 80 The golden legend. Bost. 1856. U. 821.1:81 The hanging of the crane. 111. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1 :82 Longfellow, H: Wadsworth. Continued. The masque of Pandora, and other poems. Bost. 1875. D. 821.1 : 83 Tales of a wayside inn. Bost. 1863. S. 821.1 : 86 Contents. Prelude ; The wayside Inn. The land- lord's tale; Paul Revere's ride. The student's tale : The falcon of sir Federlgo. The Spanish Jew's tale; The legend of Rabbi Ben Levi. The Sicilian's tale ; King Robert of Sicily. The musician's tale; The saga of king Olaf. The theologian's tale; Torquemada. The poet's tale; The birds of Killingworth. Finale. Birds of passage, flight the second. Ultima Thule. Bost. 1880. S. 821.1:87 Same, pt. 3: In the harbor. Bost. 1883. S. 821.1 : 87 v2 Lover, S: Poetical works. N. Y. 1875. D. 821.2 : 116 Lowell, James Russell. Poems. Bost. 1853. 3 v. D. 821.1:91 Meliboeus-Hipponax ; the Biglow papers, ed. with an introd., notes, glossary and copious index by Homer Wilbur. 1st and 8nd ser. ' Cambridge. 1848, 1867. 3 v. S. and D. 821.1 :88 The cathedral. Bost. 1870. D. 821.1 : 89 A fable for critics, or better A glance at a few of our literary progenies from the tub of Diogenes, etc. ' N. Y. 1848. D. 821.1 : 90 Under the willows, and other poems. Bost. 1869. D. 821.1 : 92 Lowell, Robert Traill Spence. Fresh hearts that failed three thousand years ago. Bost. 1860. D. 821.1:93 Macaulay, T: Babington, 1st baron Macaulay. Poetical works. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1878. D. 821.2:117 McCaflfery, Michael J. A. The sie^e of Spoleto; a camp-tale of Arlington Heights. N. Y. 1864. D. 821.1:94 Macdonald, G: Within and without. N. Y. 1873. D. 821.2:118 McGee, T: D'Arcy. Poems, with copious notes, also an introd. and biographical sketch. N. Y. 1869. D. 821.2:119 Mackay, C: Voices from the mountains and from the crowd. Bost. 1853. S. 821.2 : 120 Macpherson, James, see Ossian. Martenze, Claes. Cannon flashes and pen dashes. N. Y. 1866. D. 821.1:95 Marvell, Andrew. Poetical works ; with a memoir of the author. N. Y. 1857. S. 821.2:228 Massey, Gerald. Poems. 8th ed. Bost. 1874. S. 821.2:121 A tale of eternity, and other poems. Bost. 1870. S. 821.2:122 Mathews, Cornelius. Poems on man, in his various aspects under the american repul)- lic. N. Y. 1843. D. 821.1:96 May, Caroline. Poems. N. Y. 1865. U. 821.1:97 Mayers, C: G: Mendota ; the spirit of the lake. Madison. 1881. D. 821.1 : 192 Melville, Herman. Battle pieces and aspects of the war. N. Y. 1866. D. 821.1 : 98 Menken, Adah Isaacs. Infelicia. Phila. 1869. T. 821.1:99 Meredith, Owen, pseud., see Bulwer-Lytton, E: Roljert, 1st earl of Lytton. Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner, called Joaquin. The ship in the desert. Bost. 1875. D. 821.1:100 Songs of the sun-lands. Bost. 1873. D. 821.1: 101 1037 lilTERATURE ENGLISH, POETRY. CI. 821 1038 Milnes, R: Monckton, 1st baron Houghton. Poems of many years. Bost. 1846. 13. 821.2:123 Milton, J: Poetical works, with notes and a life of the author. Bost. 1845. 2 v. O. 821.2fl24 Contents. V. 1 . Life of Milton. Paradise lost, books I-X. 2. Paradise lost, books XI, XII. Para- dise regained . Samson Agonistes. Comus. Lycl- das. II penseroso.L' allegro. Arcades. Miscella- neous poems. Sonnets. Psalms. Eleg'ies. Epi- grams. Paradise lost ; a poem in 13 books. N. Y. n.d. S. 821.2:189 Same, germ. Das verlorene paradies ; episches fedicht. Uebers. von K: Eitner. Hild- urgh. 1867. D. 821.2 : 189 Montgomery, James. Select poetical works. Bost. 1857. D. 821.2:125 Moore, T: Poetical works, collected by himself, with a memoir. Bost. 1856. 6 v. S. 821.2:127 Cimtents. V. 1. Memoir. Odes of Anacreon. Epigrams from Anthologia. Juvenile poems. 2. Poems rel. to America. Corruption and intolerance. Sceptic Two-penny post-bag. Satirical and hum- orous poems. Political and satirical poems.^Fudge family in Paris. Fables for the holy alliance. 3. Satirical and humorous poems. Fudges in England. 4. Preface. Letter to the marchioness dowager of Donegal. Irish melodies. National airs. Sacred songs. Sets of glees. Ballads, songs, miscellaneous poems. 5. Evenings in Greece. Legendary ballads. Melologue upon national music Summer fete. Songs from the M. P. Misc. poems. Songs from the greek Anthology. Unpublished songs.- Rhymes on the road. Alciphron. Fragments from the Epi- curean. 6. LallaRookh. Loves of the angels. Lalla Rookh. Bost. 1855. S. 821.2 : 126 Same. N. Y. 1868. D. 821.2 : 126 Morris, W: The earthly paradise. Bost. 1871. 3v. D. 821.2:129 Contents. V. 1. Prologue : The wanderers. Pt. 1, Spring. March: Atalanta's race ; The man born to be king. April: The doom of king Acrisius; The proud king. May: The story of Cupid and Psyche ; The writing on the image. Pt. 2, Summer. June : The love of Alcestis; The lady of the land. July: The son of Croesus ; The watching of the falcon. August: Pygmalion and the image; Ogier the dane. 2. Pt. 3, Autumn. September: The death of Paris ; The land east of the sun and west of the moon. Oc- tober : The story of Accontius and Cydippe ; The man who never laughed again. November: The story of Rhodope; The lovers of Gudrun. 3. Pt. 4, Winter. December: The golden apples; The foster- ing of Aslaug. January : Bellerophon at Argos; The ring given to Venus. February: Bellerophon in Lycia; The hill of Venus. Epilogue. L'envoi. The story of Sigui-d the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs. Bost. 1879. D. 821.2:130 Munby, Arthur Joseph. Dorothy; a coiintry story in elegiac verse. [Anon.] Bost. 1882. S. 821.2:206 Newell, Robert H:, {Orpheus C. Kerr). The palace beautiful, and other poems. N. Y. 1865. D. 821.1 :102 Nichols, Charlotte, born Bronte. Poems. N. Y. 1882. S. 821.2:219 O'Reilly, J: Boyle. The statues in the block, and other poems. 2d ed. Bost. 1881. S. 821.1 :104 O' Sheridan, Mary Grant. Conata ; a collection of poems. Madison. 1881. D. 821.1:193 Ossian. Poems, tr. by James Macpherson ; pre- fixed, a preliminary discourse and disserta- tion on the sera and poems of Ossian. Bost. 1849. D. 821.2:132 Palgrave, Francis Turner. The visions of Eng- land. Lond. 1881. D. 821.2 : 190 Pamell, T: Poetical works ; with a life by Oliver Goldsmith. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:133 Parsons, T: W: Poems. Bost. 1854. D. 821.1 :105 Patmore, Coventry Kearsey Dighton. The angel in the house : pt. 1, The betrothal ; pt. 2, The espousals. Bost. 1856, 1860. 2 v. D. 821.2:134 Faithful forever. Bost. 1861. D. 821.2:135 The victories of love. Bost. 1862. D. 821.2:136 Percival, James Gates. Poetical works ; with a biographical sketch. Bost. 1860. 2 v. T. 821.2:137 Peterson, F: Poems and Swedish translations. Buffalo. 1883. D. 821.1 : 196 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Poetic studies. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1 :106 Songs of the silent world, and other poems. Portrait. Bost. 1885 [1884]. S. 821.1 : 209 Piatt, J: James, and W : Dean Howells. Poems of two friends. Columbus. 1860. D. 821.1:213 Piatt, Sarah Morgan, born Bryan. An Irish gar- land. Bost. 1885. D. 821.1:215 Pierpont, J. Airs of Palestine ; a poem. Bait. 1816. O. 821.1 :107 PoUok, Robert. The course of time ; a poem in ten books. 3d amer. from 3d Edmb. ed. Bost. 1828. D. 821.2:138 Same ; with enl. index, a memoir of the author and an analysis prefixed to each book. Rev. ed. Bost. 1843. S. 821.2:138 Same. With Grabbe, G: Poetical works. in 821.2: 77 Pope, Alexander. Poetical works. Prefixed, the life of the author by dr. Johnson. New ed. Phila. 1847. O. 821.2:229 Poetical works ; with a life by Alexander Dyce. Bost. 1854. 3v. S. 821.2:139 Contents. V. 1. Memoir. Plan of an epic poem. The will of Pope. Preface. Pastorals. 2. Essay on criticism. Essay on man. Universal prayer. Moral essays. Imitations of english poets. 3. Epistle to dr. Arbuthnot, being the prologue to the satires. Satires, epistles and odes of Horace imitated. Satires of dr. J: Donne, versified.- Epitaphs. The Dunciad. Poetical works, in 3 v. complete, with his last corr., add. and improvem.; together with all his notes as the.^ were delivered to the ed. a little before liis death, together with the commentary and notes of mr. Warbur- ton ; V. 1. Portr. Phila. 1819. D. 821.2:211 Contents. Pref . Recommendatory poems. Dis- course on pastoral poetry. -Pastorals.- Messiah. Windsor-forest. Ode on St. Cecilia's day. Two chor- uses to the tragedy of Brutus. Solitude. The dying christian to his soul.- Essay on criticism. The rape of the lock. Elegy to the memory of an unfortunate lady. Prologue to mr. Addison's tragedy. Epilogue to Jane Shore. Sappho to Phaon. Eloisa to Abelard. The temple of fame. January and May. The wife of Bath.- The first book of Statius's Thebais.-The fable of Dryope. Vertumnus and Pomona. Praed, Winthrop Mackworth. Poetical works. N. Y. 1860. 2 V. D. 821.2 : 140 Preston, Margaret, born Junkin. Cartoons. Bost. 1875. D. 821.1 : 108 Prior, Matthew. Poetical works ; with a life by J:Mitford. Bost. 1854. 2 v. S. 821.2 : 141 Procter, Bryan Waller, {Barry Cornwall). Eng- lish songs, and other small poems. Bost. 1851. S. 821.2 : 142 CI. 821 LITERATTTRE EHTGIilSH, POETRY. 1040 Proctor, Edna Dean. Poems. N. Y. 1866. S. 821.1 : 109 Quarles, Francis. Emblems, divine and moral, with a sketch of the life and times of the author. Lond. 1859. S. 821.2 : 143 Raymond, G: L. Haydn, and other poems. N. Y. 1870. D. 821.1 : 110 Read, T: Buchanan. The house by the sea ; a poem. Phila. 1856. D. 821.1 : 111 Sylvia, or The last shepherd ; an eclogue, and other poems. Phila. 1857. D. 821.1 : 112 The wagoner of the Alleghanies ; a poem of the days of seventy-six. Phila. 1863. D. 821.1 : 113 Richmond, Elizabeth Yates. Poems of the west- ern land. Milw. 1878. O. 821.1 : 114 Richmond, James Cook. Metacomet ; a poem of the north american Indians. Lond. 1851. S. 821.1 : 115 Rogers, S. Complete poetical works ; with a biographical sketch and notes, ed. by Epes Sai;gent. Bost. 1854. D. 821.2 : 144 Roscoe, W: Poetical works, 1st coll. ed. 1857. S. 821.2 : 145 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Poems. New ed. Bost. 1882. S. 821.2 : 204 Ballads and sonnets. Bost. 1882 [1881]. S. 821.2 : 187 Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Poems. Bost. 1866. D. 821.2 : 146 A pageant, and other poems. Bost. 1881. S. 821 2 188 Ruskin, J: Poems. N. Y. 1882. D. 821.2:207 Savage, J: Eva; a goblin romance in 5 parts. N. Y. 1865. D. 821.1 : 117 Faith and fancy. N. Y. 1864. D. 821.1 : 118 Saxe, J : Godfrey. Poems. 5th ed. Bost. 1854. D. 821.1 : 122 The flying dutchman, or The wrath of Herr Vonstoppelnoze. 111. N. Y. 1862. D. 821.1 : 119 Leisure-day rhymes. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1:120 The masquerade, and other poems. Bost. 1866. S. 821.1 : 121 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works, with a memoir of the author. Bost. 1857. 9 v. S. 821.2 : 148 Contents. V. 1. Lay of the last minstrel. 2. Mar- mion. 3. The lady of the lake. 4. Hokeby. Vision of don Roderick. 5. Lord of the isles. 6. Imitations of ancient ballads. Ballads, trans, or imitated from thegerman. Songs. Miscellaneous poems. 7. Misc. poems. Poems printed in Lockhart's biography. Lyrical pieces, mottoes etc. from the Waverley novels. 8. Bridal of Triermaln. Harold, the dauntless. The Held of Waterloo. Halidon Hill. MacDufif's cross. 9. The doom of Devorgoil. Auchindrane, or The Ayrshire tragedy. The house of Aspen. Goetz of Berlichenden. Poetical woi-ks. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. S. 821.2 : 149 Contents. V. 1. The lay of the last minstrel. Mar- mion. The lady of the lake. 2. The vision of don Roderick. Hokeby.- The lord of the isles. Songs, Lyrical pieces. Miscellaneous poems. Ballads. The lady of the lake. Lond. 1873. T. 821.2:147 Same; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolf e. 111. Bost. 1883. S. 821.2:216 Same ; ed. by Edwin Ginn. [Classics for chil- dren]. Bost. 1885. D. X 821.2 : 246 Same, germ. Das frJiulein vom see ; romanti- sche dichtung. Uebers. von H: Viehott". Hildburgh. 1865. D. 821.2 : 147 Scott, Sir WaMer. Continued. Marmion ; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 111. (Students' ser.) Bost. 1885. S. 821.2:242 Shea, J: A: Poems collected by his son. N. Y. 1846. D. 821.1 :123 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works ; ed. by mrs. Shelley, with a memoir ; v. 2, 3. Best. 1855. S. 821.2 : 150 Poetical works ; ed^ with an introd. memoir and ill. by W: B. Scott. Lond. n. d. D. 821.2 : 151 Ausgewiihlte dichtungen. Deutseh von Adolf Strodtmann. Hildburgh. 1866. 2 v. in 1. D. 821.2:151 Shenstone, W: Poetical works -, with life, criti- cal dissertation and explanatory notes, by G:Gimilan. N. Y. 1854. O. 821.2+152 Sigoumey, Lydia Howard, born Huntley. The western home, and other poems. Phila. 1854. D. 821.1:124 Simms, W: Gilmore. Atlantis ; a story of tlie sea. Phila. 1848. D. 821.1:125 Skelton, J: Poetical works ; principally ac- cording to theed. of Alexander Dyce. Bost. 1856. 3v. S. 821.2:153 Smith, Albert H. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk and scenes in the west ; a national poem in six cantos, embracing an account of the life and exploits of this celebrated chieftain, the Black Hawk war, a legend of the Illinois tribe of Indians, showing the manner in which they became extinct, a succinct description of the Wis- consin and Lake Supei'ior countries and their I'ich minerals, the massacre of Chicago and other deeply interesting scenes in the west ; by a western tourist. N. Y. 1848. I). 821.1: 211 Smith, Alexander. Poems. Bost. 1854. D. 821 2 * 155 Edwin of Deira. Bost. 1861. D. 821.2 : 154 Smith, Horace and James. Rejected addresses, or The new theatrum poetarum. Bost. 1851. D. 821.2:156 Same. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. S. 821.2:156 Smith, Mary Ann, (Rusco). Teone, or The magic maid." Milw. 1862. S. 821.1 : 116 Smith, Walter Chalmers. Ohig Grange ; ed. by Hermann Kiinst. philol. professor. [Anon.'l Bost. 1872. D. 821.1:103 Southey, Robert. Complete poetical works, coll. by himself. A new ed., incl. "Oliver Newman, and other poems," now first pub. 111. N. Y. 1848. O. 821,2+157 Spenser, Edmund. Works ; with observatit)ns on his life and writings. New ed. Lond. 1846. O. 821.2+158 1 Poetical works ; the text carefully i-ev. and ill. with notes, original and selected, by Francis J. Child. Bost. 1881. 3 v. D. 821.2:159 Contents. V. 1,2. The faerie queen. 3. Miscel- lanies. App. Sperry, H. T. Country love vs. city flirtation, or Ten chapters fi'om the story of a life, reduced to rhyme for convenience sake. NY. 1865. D. 821.1 : 126 Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth, born Prescott. Poems. Bost. 1882 [1881]. S. 821.1 : 167: Sprague, C: Poetical and prose writings. Newed. N. Y. 1850. D. 821.1:127 1041 lilTEBATtrtliJ ENGLISH, POETRY. Cl. 821 1043 Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Poetical works. Host. 1873. D. 821.1:128 Stirling - Maxwell, Lady Caroline Eliz;abeth Sarah, born Sheridan, formerly mrs. Nor- ton. The dream, and other poems. Phila. 1841. D. 821.2:131 Stoddard, R: H: Poems. Complete ed. N. Y. 1880. O. 821.1 :130 Abraham Lincoln ; an horatian ode. N. Y. [1865]. O. 821.1:129 Story, "W: Wetmore. He and she, or A poet's portfolio. Bost. 1884 [1883]. S. 821.1:198 Street, Alfred Billing. Frontenac, or The alo- tacho of the Iroquois ; a metrical romance. N. Y.1849. D. 821.1:131 Swift, Jonathan. Poetical works ; with a life by J: Mitford; v. 3, 3. Bost. 1854. 2 v. S. 821.2:160 Swinburne, Algernon C: A century of roundels. N. Y. 1883. D. 821.2:215 Tristram of Lyonesse, and other poems. N. Y. 1882. D. 821.2 : 208 A midsummer holiday, and other poems. N. Y. 1885. D. 821.2:244 Symonds, J: Addington. Vagabunduli libellus. Lond. 1884. D. 821.2 : 239 Tannahill, Robert. Poems and songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect ; prefixed, a notice res- pecting the life and writings of the author. N. Y. 1819. D. 821.2 : 161 Taylor, Bayard. Poetical works. Household ed. Bost. 1880. D. 821.1 : 134 Home pastorals, ballads and lyrics. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1:132 The picture of St. John. Bost. 1866. S. 821.1 : 133 The poet's journal. Bost. 1863. D. 821.1 : 135 Taylor, B: Franklin. Old time pictures and sheaves of rhyme. 2d ed. Chicago. 1874. D. 821.1:136 Tennyson, Alfred, baron Tennyson. Poems ; v. 2. Bost. 1859. D. 821.2 : 167 Poetical works. Bost. 1875. 2 v. O. 821.2 : 166 Same. Complete ed. from the author's text. 111. N. Y. [1885]. O. 821.2:11255 Ballads and other poems. Bost. 1880. D. 821.2 : 162 Gareth and Lynette. 111. Bost. 1872. D. 821.2 : 163 The holy grail, and other poems. Bost. 1870. D. 821.2 : 164 Idyls of the king. Bost. 1859. D. 821,2 : 165 The princess ; a medley, ed., with notes, by W:J. Rolfe. [Student's ed.] 111. Bost. 1885. [1884]. S. 821.2 :233 [Explanatory study] by S. E. Dawson. 821.5:11 Select poems ; ed. with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. S. 821.2:232 Ausgewahlte dichtungen. Deutsch von Adolf Strodtmann. Hildburgh. 1867. D. 821.2 : 167 Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Complete poems. N. Y. 1883. S. 821.2 : 218 Ballads. Bost. 1856. D. 821.2 : 168 Thomas, Edith M. A new year's masque, and other poems. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. 821.1 :208 Thompson, Maurice. Songs of fair weather. Bost. 1883. D. 821.1 : 200 66 Thomson, James. Poetical works, [with memoir by sir Harris Nicolas]. Bost. 1854. 2 v. S. 821.2 : 169 Tickell, T: Poetical works, with a life by dr. Johnson. Bost. 1854. S. lFi77tPamell, T: Poetical works. 821.2 : 133 Tilton, Theodore. Swabian stories. N. Y. 1883. D. 821.1 : 188 Trench, R: Chenevix. Poems. N. Y. 1862. D. 821.2 : 170 Poems. New ed. Lond. 1885. 2 v. D. 821.2 :248 Trowbridge, J : Townsend. The emigrant's story, and other poems. Bost. 1875. S. 821.1 :137 A home idyl, and other poems. Bost. 1881. D. 821.1 : 165 The vagabond, and other poems. New ed. Bost. 1881. D. 821.1 : 166 Trumbull, J: Poetical works, containing M'Fingal, a modern epic poem, rev. and corr. with copious explanatory notes ; The progress of dulness ; and a collection of poems on various subjects written before and during the revolutionary war. Hart- ford. 1820. 2 V. in 1. O. ' 821.1 : 138 Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Proverbial philos- ophy ; a book of thoughts and arguments, originally treated. Two ser. in 1 v. N. Y. 1849. D. 821.2:171 Vandenhoff, G: Common sense ; a dash at do- ings of the day, a social satire in verse. Bost. 1858. D. 821.1 : 139 Vaughan, H: Sacred poems and private ejacu- lations ; with a memoir by H. F. Lvte. Bost. 1856. S. 821.2:172 Very, Jones. Poems ; with an introd. memoir by W: P. Andrews. Bost. 1883. S. 821.1 :191 "Wallace, W: Ross. Meditations in America, and other poems. 2d ed. N. Y. 1851. D. . 821.1:140 "Ward, T: Englands reformation, from the time of king Henry VIII, to the end of Dates's plot ; a poem in four cantos with large marginal notes, according to the original. Lond. 1716. D. 821.2:173 Watts, I: Horas lyricas and divine songs ; with a memoir by Robert Southey. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:174 Weeks, Robert Kelley. Poems. N. Y. 1881. D. 821.1 :169 Wesley, C: Finer and less familiar poems. N. Y. 1867. S. 821.2:176 White, G: Home ballads ; devotional, senti- mental, humorous. Chicago. 1878. D, 821.1 :143 White, H: Kirke. Poetical works ; with a memoir by sir Harris Nicolas. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2:176 Whitman, Walt. Leaves of grass. Bost. 1881- 82. D. 821.1 :P164 Whitney, Adeline Button, born Train. Mother Goose for grown folks. Bost. [1870]. D. 821.1 :144 Whittier, J: Greenleaf. Poetical works. Bost. 1872. 2v. S. 821.1 : 153 Poetical works. Household ed. Bost. 1874. D. 821.1:152 The Bay of Seven Islands, and other poems. Bost. 1883. D. 821.1 : 201 The chapel of the hermits, and other poems. Bost. 1853. D. 821.1:145 1043 01. 82 i LiTEBATTJRE ENGLISH, POETRY. 1044 "WTiittier, J: Gveenleaf. Continued. Hazel blossoms. Bost. 1875. D. 821.1 : 146 Home ballads and poems. Bost. 1861. D. 821.1 : 147 In war time, and other poems. Bost. 1864. D. 821.1:203 The kinif's missive, and other poems. Bost. 1881. T). 821.1:148 Mabel Martin ; a harvest idyl. 111. Bost. 1876. S 821.1:149 National lyrics. Bost. 1865. S. 821.1 : 154 The panorama, and other poems. Bost. 1856. D. 821.1 :150 The Pennsylvania pilgrim, and other poems. Bost. 1872. D. 821.1:151 Snow-bound ; a winter idyl. Bost. 1866. D. 821.1 :155 Songs of labor, and other poems. Bost. 1856. D. 821.1:156 The tent on the beach, and other poems. Bost. 1867. D. 821.1 :157 Wilcox, Ella, born Wheeler. Maurine. Milw. 1876. D. 821.1:141 Poems of passion. Chicago. 1883. S. 821.1:190 Same. 821.1 :R190 Shells. Milw. 1873. D. 821.1 : 142 Wilde, Oscar. Poems. Bost. 1881. D. 821.2:186 Wilkinson, W: Cleaver. Webster ; an ode, 1782-1852. N. y. 1882. Q. 821.1+176 Williams, I: The cathedral, or The catholic and apostolic church in England. Oxford. 1841. S. 821.2 :177 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Poems, sacred, pas- sionate and humorous. N. Y. 1859. S. 821.1 :158 Wilson, J: Poetical works. Edinb. 1858. D. 821.2:178 Wilson, W: Poems, ed. by Benson J: Lossing. Poughkeepsie. 1869. J). 821.1 : 159 Wordsworth, W: Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 7v. S. 821.2:180) Contents. V. 1. Poems written In youth. Poems referring to the period of childhood. Poems founded I on the affections. 2. Poems on the naming of ( places. Poems of the fancy. Poems of the imaginar tion. Miscellaneous sonnets. 3. Memorials of a tour r in Scotland, 1803. Memorials of a tour in Scotland, 1814. Poems dedicated to national independence and I liberty. Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820. Memorials of a tour in Italy, 1837.- The river Dud- don. Yarrow revisited, and other poems. 4. The' white doe of Rylstone. Ecclesiastical sonnets: pt. 1, From the introduction of Christianity in- to Britain to the consummation of the papalii dominion; pt. 2, To the close of the troubles in the^ reign of Charles I; pt. 3, From the restoration to the present time. Evening voluntaries. Poems > composed or suggested during a tour in the summer' of 1833. Poems of sentiment and reflection Son- nets dedicated to liberty and order. Sonnets upon the punishment of death. 5. Miscellaneous poems.. Inscriptions. Selections from Chaucer, modern- ized.- Poems referring to the period of old age. Epitaphs and elegiac pieces. App. 6. The excur-i sion. 7. The prelude, or growth of a poet's mind. App. Poems. Lond. 1847. O. 821.2+179B Contents, see Poetical works, v. 1-6. Wright, Robert W., {Quevedo Bedimvus Jr.) The- vision of judgment, or The south church -, ecclesiastical councils viewed from celes- tial and Satanic stand-points, by Quevedo Redivivus jr. N. Y. 1867. D. 821.1 : 160(1 Wyatt, Sir T: Poetical works ; with a memoir. Bost. 1854. S. 821.2 :18H 7. English literature c, Drama. 1. History and criticism. {See also Essays, class 824.) Ward, Adolphus W: A history of english dra- matic literature, to the death of queen Anne. Lond. 1875. 2 v. O. 822.4 : 1 Haalitt, W: Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. Phila. 1848. D. 822.5:1 Contents. General view of the subject. On the dra- matic writers, contemporary with Shakspeare, Lyly, Marlowe, Heywood, Middleton and Rowley. On Mar- ston. Chapman, Decker and Webster.- On Beaumont and Fletcher, Ben Jonson, Ford and Massinger.- On single plays, poems, etc.. The four P's, the Return from Parnassus, Gammer Gurton's needle, etc. On miscellaneous poems, F. Beaumont, P.Fletcher, Dray- ton, Daniel, etc., sir P. Sidney's Arcadia and sonnet?. Character of lord Bacon's works, compared as to style with sir T: Browne and Jeremy Taylor. On the spirit of ancient and modern literature. On the ger- man drama contrasted with the age of Elizabeth. Symonds, J: Addington. Shakspere's predecess- jli ' -'- 1-_I 822.4:2 ors in the english drama. Lond. 1884. O. Coleridge, S: Taylor. Lectures upon Shakspeare and other dramatists. In his Complete works. 820.2: 7 v4 Lectures and notes on Shakspere and other enfflish poets ; now first coll. by T. Ashe. Lond. 1884. D. 822.3:87: Contents. Lectures on Shakspere and Milton, 1811- 12. The lectures and notes of 1818: Introd.; Poetry, the drama and Shakspere : Order of Shakspere s plays; Notes on Shakspere's plays from english his- tory; Notes on some other plays of Shakspere; Jon- son, Beaumont, Fletcher and Massinger; Notes on Ben Jonson; Notes on Beaumont and Fletcher. Lec- tures on Shakspere and Milton at Bristol, 1818-14. App. Baker, D: Erskine. Biographia dramatica, oi' Companion to the playhouse ; containinfl) historical and critical memoirs and original anecdotes of british and Irish dramatics writers from the commencement of oun theatrical exhibitions, among whom are some of the most celebrated actors, also ar alphabetical account and chronologica lists of their works, the dates when prmtec and observations on their merits, together with an introductory view of the rise anc progress of the british stage. Originallj compiled to the end of 1764 by D: Erskine Baker, continued thence to 1782 by I' Beed and brought down to the end of no vember 1811, with add. and imp., by Stepher Jones. Lond. 1812. 4 v. O. 822.4 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Introd: A brief view of the rise and progress of the english stage. [Index o: authorsl A-H. 2. I-Y. 8. [Index of plays] A-Li 4. MZ. Latin plays by english authors. Oratorios -App. 1045 LITERATURE ENGLISH, DRAMA. CI. 822 1046 2. Shaksperiana. (For works of Shakspere, see col. 594-598; and see also references in the Index to biography at the end of the catalogue.) Shakespeariana, v. 1, 2; noy. 1883 dec. 1885. Phila. [1884-85]. Q. 822.3 : M Morgan, Horace H. Topical Shakespeariana, or 1 A collection of english shakespeariana, ex- ' elusive of editions, arr. under headings, to facilitate reference to special subjects of in- vestigation. St. Louis. 1879. O. 822.3 : 41 Clarke, Mary Cowden-, born Novello. The complete concordance to Shakspere ; a ver- bal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet. New and rev. ed. Bost. 1860. Q. 822.3 :R30 Clarke, C: and Mary Cowden-. The Shakespeare key ; unlocking the treasures of his stj^le, elucidating the peculiarities of his construc- tion, and displaying the beauties of his ex- pression ; forming a companion to The complete concordance to Shakespeare. Lond. 1879. O. 822.3 : R31 Arnold, Cecil. An index to Shakespearian thought ; a collection of passages from the plays and poems of Shakespeare, classified under appropriate headings and alphabet- ically arr. Lond. 1880. O. 822.3 : 28 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. 3d ed. Lond. 1883. O. 822.3:71 An historical account of the New Place, Strat- ford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare. Lond. 1864. F. 822.3 :R72 Norris, J. Parker. The portraits of Shakespeare. [Bibliography, p. xv xxviii.] Phila. 1885. b. ^ ^ "^ 822.3 :R89 Guizot, Francois P: Guillaume. Shakspeare and his times. N. Y. 1855. D. 822.3 : 34 Dowden, E: Shakspere. (Literature primer.) N. Y. 1879. S. 822.3:32 Shakspere ; a critical study of his mind and art. 5th ed. Lond. 1880. D. 822.3:33 Swinburne, Algernon. A study of Shakespeare. N. Y. 1880. D. 822.3 : 44 Hudson, H: Norman. Lectvires on Shakspeare. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. D. 822.3 : 38 Shakespeare, his life, art and characters, with an historical sketch of the origin and growth of the drama in England. 4th ed., rev. Bost. 1882. 2 v. D. 822.3 : 68 "WTiite, R: Grant. Studies in Shakespeai-e. Bost. 1886 [1885]. O. 822.3 : 93 Contentn. On reading Shakespeare. Narrative ana- lysis: The lady Gruach's husband ; The case of Ham- let the 'younger ; The florentine arithmetician; The tale of the forest of Arden. Miscellanies: The Hacon-Shakespeare craze ; King Lear, the text, plot, and personages ; Stage Rosalinds ; On the acting of lago. Expositors: Glossaries and lexicons ; Note on W. S. Walker's Critical examination of the text. Riimelin, Gustav. Shakespearestudien. 2te aufi. Stuttg. 1874. O. 822.3 : 94 Contents. Die stellung der englischen biihne zu Shakespeares zeit. Shakespeares stellung zu seinen zeitgenossen. Die mangel der Shakespearekritik. Fiir wen dichtete Shakespeare ? Shakespeares eigen- thiimlichkeiten in der charakteristik dor personen und in der motivirung der dramatischen handlung. Die motivirung der handlung in Lear, Mass fiir mass, Cymbeline, Romeo, Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet. Zu den englischen historiendramen. Zu den dramen iiber stoffe des classischen alterthums. Zu den lust- spielen. Shakespeares Individualitiit und bildungs- gang. Shakespeares lebensansichten. Die deutsche Shakespearecultus und vergleichung Shakespeares init Schiller und Goethe. Giles, H: Human life in Shakespeare ; with in- trod. by J: Boyle O'Reilly. New ed. Bost. 1882. S'. 822.3:55 Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. Characteristics of [Shakspere's] women, moral, poetical and historical. Bost. 1859. T. 822.3 : 39 Barr, Amelia E. The young people of Shakes- peare's dramas, for youthful readers. N. Y. 1882. D. x822.3:53 Bucknill, J: C: The mad folk of Shakespeare; psychological essays. 2d ed. rev. Lond. 1867. D. 822.3:85 Kellogg, A. O. Shakspeare's delineations of in- sanity, imbecility and suicide. N. Y. 1866. D. 822.3 : 40 Field, B: Rush. Medical thoughts of Shakes- peare. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Easton, Pa. 1885. O. 822.3+90 Campbell, J:, baron Campbell. Shakespeare's legal acquirements considered in a letter to J. P. Collier. N. Y. 1859. D. 822.3 : 29 Heard, Franklin Fiske. Shakespeare as a law- yer. Bost. 1883. D. 822.3 : 74 Dyer, T: Firminger Thiselton. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. O. 822.3:77 Phipson, Emma. The animal-lore of Shaks- peare's time, incl. quadrupeds, birds, rep- tiles, fish and insects. Lond. 1883. D. 822.3 : 78 Wordswortli, C: Shakspeare's knowledge and use of the Bible. 3d ed., with app. con- taining add. ill. and tercentary sermon. Lond. 1880. D. 822.3:46 Rushton, W: Lowes. Shakespeare illustrated by old authors. Lond. 1867. D. 822.3 : 84 Shakespeare illustrated by the lex scripta, pt. 1. Lond. 1870. D. With the same. m 822.3: 84 Shakespeare's euphuism. Lond. 1871. D. With the same. w 822.3: 84 Shakespeare's testamentary language. Lond. 1869. D. With the same. m 822.3 : 84 Lamb, C: Specimens of english dramatic poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare, with notes ; pts. 1, 2. N. Y. 1845. D. 822.2:4 Green, H: Shakespeare and the emblern writ- ers ; an exposition of their similarities of thought and expression ; preceded by a view of emblem-literature down to a. d. 1616. 111. Lond. 1870. O. 822.3+81 Collier, J: Payne, ed. Shakespeare's library; a collection of the romances, novels, poems and histories used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his dramas, now first coll. and printed from original ed. with introd. notices. Lond. [1843]. 2 v. O. 822.3:79 Contents. V. 1. Greene's Pandosto, the story on which is founded the Winter's tale. Lodge's Kosa- lynd, the novel on which is founded As you like it. The historic of Hamblet, on which the tragedy of Hamlet is constructed. Apollonius, prince of Tyre, from which the incidents of the play Pericles are derived. 2. Romeus and Juliet, a poem by Arthur Brooke. Rhomeo and Julietta from Paynter's Pal- ace of pleasure. Giletta of Narbona, on which is founded All's well that ends well, from Paynter's Palaee of pleasure. The story of The two lovers of Pisa, which Shakespeare employed in his Merry wives of W^lndsor.- The historic of Apollonius and Silla, containing part of the play of Twelfth night, repr. from Rich's Farewell to military profession, 1606. The historic of Promos and Cassandra, closely resembling the plot of Measure for measure, from X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1047 01. 822, 823 LITERATXTBE-ENGLISH, POETRY. 1048 Whetstone's Heptameron of civil discourses, 1582. Novels more or less resembling The merchant ot Venice: The adventures of Giannetto, from the Pecoroneof sir Giovanni Fiorentino; Of a jew who would for his debt have a pound of the flesh of a christian, from the Orator of Alex. Silvayn. tr. by A. Munday, 1598; The story of the choice of three caskets, from the Gesta romanorum, tr. by Robin- son. The story of a moorish captain, on which is founded the tragedy of Othello, from the Heccato- raithi of Cinthio. Queen Cordila, a poem by J: Hig- gins, from the Mirror for magistrates, 1587. The story of The paphlagonian unkind king, on which is founded the episode of Gloster and his sons in King Lear, from sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, L591. The history of Makbeth, from Holinshed's chronicle. The story of the shepherdess Felismena, from which Shakespeare is said to have taken the plot of the Two gentlemen of Verona, from the Diana of Monte- mayor, tr. by B. Young, 1.598. The story told by the fishwife of stand on the green, the incidents of which are similar to some of those in Cymbeline, from Westward for smelts, 1620. Snider, Denton Jaques. S.ystem of Shakes- peare's dramas. St. Louis. 1877. 2 v. D. 822.3 : 42 Stokes, H: Paine. An attempt to determine the chronological order of Shakespeare's plays. (The Harness essay, 1877). Lond. 1878. S. 822.3 : 43 Gervinus, G: Gottfried. Shakespeare commen- taries. Tr. under the author's superin- tendence by F. E. Bunnfett. New ed., rev. Lond. 1883." O. 822.3:80 Hazlitt, W: Charactei-s of Shakspeare's plays. Bost. 1818. D. 822.3 : 36 Same. Phila. 1848. D. With Ms Dramatic literattire. in 822.5 : 1 Hamilton, N: Esterhazy Stephen Armytage. An inquiry into the genuineness of the manuscript corrections in mr. J. Payne Collier's annotated Shakspere folio, 1632, and of certain Shaksperian documents like- wise pub. by mr. Collier. Lond 1860. O. 822.3:35 Kemble, Frances Anne. Notes upon some of Shakespeare's p.ays. Lond. 1882. O. 822.3:86 Contents. Introd. Macbeth. Henry VIII. The tempest. Romeo and Juliet. Leighton, W: The subjection of Hamlet; an essay toward an explanation of the motives of thought and action of Shakespeare's prince of Denmark, with an introd. by Joseph Crosby. Phila. 1882. D. 822.3:54 Vining, E: P. The mystery of Hamlet ; an at- tempt to solve an old problem. Phila. 1881. S. 822.3 : 51 Wilson, Daniel. Caliban; the missing link. Lond. 1873. D. 822.3:45 Holmes, Nathaniel. The authorship of Shake- speare. N. Y. 1866. D. 822.3 : 37 Morgan, Appleton. The Shakespearean myth ; William Shakespeare and circumstantial evidence. Cine. 1881. O. 822.3 : 52 Some Shakespearean commentators. Cine. 1882. D. 822.3 : 56 Wilkes, G: Shakespeare from an american point of view; incl. an inquiry as to his religious faith and his knowledge of law, with the Baconian theory considered. 3d. ed., rev. and corr. N. Y. 1883. O. 822.3 : 73 Note. For illustrations of the similarity between Bacon's expressions and those of Shakspere, see Bacon, F. Promus of formularies, 829.2+44. .^.^ Lamb, C: T.ales from Shakspeare, designed for the use of young people. Lond. n. d. D. X 822.3: 50 Same. Ed. for the use of schools. [Classics for children.] Bost. 1885. D. x 822.3 : 88 Seamer, Mary. Shakespeare's stories simply told. Loud.n.d.D. x 822.3: 95 denotes books specially adapted for children. 3. Individual works. See Class-list of drama, col. 519614. 8. English literature d, Romance. 1. History, Criticism, etc. (See also Essays, class 824.) Lanier, Sidney. The english novel and the principle of its development. N. Y. 1883. D. 823.2:4 Masson, D: British novelists and their styles ; a critical sketch of the history of british prose fiction. Bost. 1859. D. 823.2 : 1 Tuckerman, Bayard. History of english prose fiction, from sir T: Malory to George Eliot. N. Y. 1882. D. 823 : 1 Pellew, G: Jane Austen's novels ; Bowdoin prize dissertation. Bost. 1883. O. , 823.2 : 6 Canning, The hon. Albert Stratford G: Philos- ophy of the "Waverley novels. Lond. 1879. D. 823.2 : 2 Pierce, Gilbert A. The Dickens dictionary ; a key to the characters and principal incidents in the tales of C: Dickens, with add. by W: A. Wheeler. 111. Bost. 1879. D. 823.2 : 3 rs. May. The Waverley dictionary ; an alphabetical arrangement of all the char- acters in sir Walter Scott's Waverley novels, with a descriptive analysis of each character and illustrative selections from the text. Chicago. 1879. D. 823.2:6 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. An analytical index to [his] works, with a sketch of his life. [Libr. .] Bost 1882. D. 823.1 :1 ed. 2. Individual works. See Class-list of prose Action, col. 657 1049 LITERATURE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. CI. 824, 836 1050 9. English literature e, Essays and Oratory. (See also Miscellany, class 829, and Political essays and speeches, class 329.) Dobson, H: Austin, ed. Eighteenth century es- says, selected and annotated. [Parchment ser.] N. Y. 1883. T. 824.2 : 96 Cnntents. Introd. Mr. Bickerstaff visits a friend; The trumpet club, by R: Steele. The political upholsterer; Tom Folio; Ned Softly, the poet, by J. Addison. Recollections of childhood, by R: Steele. Adventures of a shillins'; Frozen voices: Stajre lions; Meditations in Westminster abbev: The exer- cise of the fan; Will Wimble, by J. Addison. Sir Roj^er de Coverley's ancestors, by R: Steele. Sir Roger de Coverley hare-hunting, by E. Budgrell. The citizen's journal; The fine ladv's .iournal; Sir Roger de Coverley at the plav, by J. Addison. A dav's ramble in London; DickEstcourt. by R: Steele. Death of sir Roarer de Coverley; The tory fox- hunter, by .T. Addison. A modern conversation, by lord Chesterfield. The squire in orders, by G: Colman and B. Thornton. Country congregations, by W: Cowper. Dick Minim, the critic, by S: John- son. Art-connoisseurs, by sir J. Reynolds. The man in black; Beau Tibbs; Beau Tibbs at home; Beau Tibbs at Vauxhall. bv O. G-oldsmith. A country dowager, by H: Mackenzie. 111. notes. Tatler, The, or Lucubrations of Isaac Bicker- staff, esq., [Sir R: Steele, apr. 13, 1709 to Jan. 2, 1711]. Lond. 1776. 4 v. D. 824.2:116 Same. With notes and a geaeral index. Lond. 1839. O. 824.2 : 84 Note. Numerous essays were contributed by Joseph Addison. Spectator, The; [march 1. 1711 dec. 6, 1712, and June 18 to dec. 20, 1714]. Lond. 1753. 8v. S. 824.2:1 Note. 274 papers are ascribed to Joseph Addison, 240 to Sir R: Steele, 137 to Eustace Budgrell, and 11 to J: Hugrhes. Addison's contributions are signed with a C, L, I, or O, forming the woi-d Clio ; v. 8 was pub. two years after the other vols, by Addison alone. Guardian, The ; [march 12 to oct. 1, 1713]. Lond. 1775. 3v. S. 824.2:115 Same. With notes and a general index. Lond. 1829. O. 824.2:115 JVote. Written chiefly by sir R: Steele and Joseph Addison. Intelligencer, The. Printed at Dublin, repr. at Lond. 1729. D. 824.2 : 85 .Note. In 19 numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7 and part of 8, 9. 10, 15, 19 were written by Jonathan Swift, the rest by T: Sheridan. Rambler, The ; a periodical paper, published in 1750, 1751, 1752byS: Johnson; [march 20, 1750 to march 10, 1752]. Lond. 1826. O. 824.2:118 Same. 11th ed. Dublin. 1785. 4 v. S. Note. No. 30 is by miss Catharine Talbot; no. 97 by S: Kichardson; nos. 44, 100 by Eliz. Carter. Adventurer, The, by J: Hawkesworth and others; [nov. 7, 1752 to march 9, 1754]. Lond. 1777. 4 v. S. 824.2 : 117 Same. Lond. 1839. O. 824.2 : 117 Note. Written by .1: Hawkesworth, S: Johnson, T: Warton, D. Bathui-st and Hester Chapone. Connoisseur, The, by mr. Town, critic and cen- sor general ; [Jan. 31, 1754 to sept. 23, 1756]. Lond. 1826. O. 824.2 : 92 Note. Nos. 14, 17, as. 40 were by J: Boyle earto/ Cork ami Orrenj; 119, 134, 13 and probably 111, 115 by W: Cowper; 62, 64 by J: Duncombe, the remainder by G: Colman the elder, and Bonnell Thornton. Idler, The, by S: Johnson ; ['aprillS, 1758toapril 6, 1760]. Lond. 1836. 0. 824.2 : 100 Note. Nos. 33, 93, 96 were by T: Warton; nos. 76, 79, 82 by sir Joshua Reynolds. Observer, The ; 1785-90. See Cumberland, R:, below. Papers from the Quarterly review. [Anon.] N. Y. 1852. S. 824.2 : 93 Contents. Head, Sir F. B. The printer's devil. Hayward, A. Gastronomy and gastronomers. James, T. The honey-bee. Music Art of dress. Essays on social subjects, from the Saturday re- view. Bost. 1865. D. 824.2 :105 Contents. Busy people. Snubbing. Ignorance. Foolish things. False shame. Fluency. Contempt. Dulness as a sensation. Mistakes in life. Scenes. Acquaintances and friends. Saying disagreeable things. On being understood. Study of character. Prejudices. Shirking. Constancy. Reserve. Ex- planations. Hugger-mugger. Attention. Strong wills. Talking of self. Folly. Time past. Allovs. The uses of pathos. Choice. One's own way. Want of money. About babies, Good looking people, and other " Maga social papers". N. Y". 1867. D. 824.1 : 96 Contents. Tomes, R. Are we a good looking people ? Brown, Mrs. A. A. The proper sphere of men. Storrow, T. W. The art of eating. Osborne, J. D. The gambling houses of Paris. Kirkland, C. M. Boarding-schools. The Zay-nis of Yan-ky. Mitchell, A. Natural diplomatists. The history of a cosmopolite LVincent NolteJ. Higrg'inson, T: W. African proverbial philosophy. Kip, L. Household skeletons. Perkins, F: B. The compensation office. Warner, C: D. Our new Atlantis. About babies. '.The St. Nicholas and the Five Points. Trux, J. J. Negro minstrelsy, ancient and modern. Rice, Allan Thorn dyke, ed. Essays from the North american review. N. t. 1879. O. 824.1 : 105 Contents. Prescott, W: H. Sir Walter Scott. Cushin?, C. Social condition of woman. Emerson, R. W. J: Milton. Bancroft, G: Last moments of eminent men. Motley, J: L. Peter the great. Irvingr, W. The norsemen. Adams, C: F. The earl of Chesterfield. Longfellow, H: W. Defence of poetry. Curtis, G: W: Nathaniel Hawthorne. Parkman, F. James Fennimore Cooper. Lowell, J. R. Shakespeare once more. Holmes, O. W. Mechanism of vital action. Alcott, Amos Bronson. Concord days. Bost. 1872. S. 8i24.1 : 99 Alison, Sir Archibald. Essays, political, histori- cal and miscellaneous. Edinb. 1850. 2 v. O. 824.2 : 124 Contents. V. 1. The reform bill. Military treason and national guards. The french revolution of 1830. The british peerage. The fall of the constitution. Negro emancipation. Ireland. The commercial crisis of 1837. Colonial government and the West India question. Lessons from the past. Free trade and protection. Thirty years of liberal legislation. Fall of the throne of the barricades. The navigation laws. The crowning of the column and the crushing of the pedestal. Crime and transportation. Free trade at its zenith. 2. Montesquieu. Homer, Dante and Michael Angelo. The greek drama. The roman republic Mirabeau. The british school of painting. TheTyrol.- Hannibal. Napoleon. Partition of the kingdom of the Netherlands. The athenian demo- cracy. Robert Bruce. National monuments. The crusades. The carlist struggle in Spain. The copy- right question. The decline of Turkey. Lamartine. The Roman Campagna. France in 1833. The Af- ghanistan expedition. The old Scottish parliament. Ships, colonies and commerce. 3. Chateaubriand. Virgil, Tasso and Raphael. Guizot. The romantic drama.-Wellington. Humboldt. The british school of architecture. Sismondi. Poland. The year of revolutions.- British history during the 18th century. Mme. de Stael. M. de Toequevllle. Autobio- 1051 CI. 824, 825 LITERATURE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 1052 Miscellaneous essays. Alison, Sir Archibald. Continued. >rraphv.-Michelet's France. -The fall of Rome. - Kararasin's Russia.- The historical romance. -The british theatre.- Direct taxation.- Macaulay.-Free- trade reform and finance. The royal progress. Phila. 1845. O. 824.2 : 2 Contents. Chateaubriand. Napoleon. Bossuet. Poland. Mme. de Stae I. National monuments. Marshal Ney. - Robert Rruce. - Paris m 1814. - The Louvre in 1814. Tyrol. France m 1833. Italy. Scott, Campbell and Byron. :The copyright question. Michelet's France. Military treason and civic sol- diers.-Arnold's Rome.-Mirabeau.-Bulwer s Athens. -The reign of terror.-The f rench revolution of 1830. The fall of Turkey. The Spanish revolution ot 1830. Partition of the kingdom of the Netherlands. Ka- ramsin's Russia.- Effects of the f rench revolution of 1830. Desertion of Portugal. Carlist struggle in Spain. Wellington. The Afghanistaun expedition. The future. Guizot. Homer. Dante and Michael An- gelo. Arnold, Matthevsr. Culture and anarchy ; an essay in political and social criticism. N. Y. 1883. D. 824.2:112 Contents. Introd. On sweetness and light. Doing as one likes. Barbarians, philistines, populace. Hebraism and hellenism. Porro unum est necessa- rium. Our liberal practitioners.- Conclusion. Discourses in America. Lond. 1885. D. 824.2 : 125 Contents. Numbers, or The majority and the rem- nant. Literature and science. Emerson. Essays in criticism. Bost. 1865. D. 824.2 : 3 Contents. The function of criticism at the present time. The literary influence of academies. Maurice de Guerin.-^ Eugenie de Guerin. H: Heine. Pagan and medifeval religious sentiment. Joubert. Spi- noza. Marcus Aurelius. On translating Homer. A french Eton. Friendship's garland ; being the conversations, letters and opinions of the late Arminius baron von Thunder-ten-Tronckh, collected and ed., with a dedicatory letter to Adoles- cens Leo, esq., of the "Daily telegraph." With his Culture and anarchy. in 824.2 : 112 Irish essays, and others. Lond. 1882. D. 824.2 : 110 Contents. The incompatibles. An unregarded Irish grievance. Ecce, convertimur ad gentes. The fu- ture of liberalism. A speech at Eton. The french play in London. Copyright Prefaces to poems. Mixed essays. N. Y. 1879. D. 824.2 : 4 Contents. Democracy. Equality. Irish catholic- ism and british liberalism. Porro unum est neces- sarium. A guide to english literature.- Falkland. A french critic [Edmond H : Adolphe Scherer] on Mil- ton. A french critic [Scherer] on Gothe. George Sand. Bacon, Francis, baron Veridam, viscount St. Al- bans. Essays, or Counsels civil and moral, and the two books of the Proficience and advancement of learning, divine and hu- man. New ed., with memoir and notes by W. C. Taylor. Lond. 1840. D. 824.2 : 5 Bain, Alexander. Practical essays. N. Y. 1884. D. 824.2:91 Contents. Common errors on the mind. Errors of suppressed correlatives. The civil service examina- tions. The classical controversy. Metaphysics and debating societies.- The university ideal, past and present. The art of study. Religious tests and sub- scriptions. Procedure of deliberative bodies. Baker, G: A., Jr. The bad habits of good so- ciety. N. Y. 1876. S. 824.1 : 2 Ballantyne, T:, ed. Essays in mosaic. [Bayard ser.] Lond. 1875. T. 824.2 : 6 Contents. The art of reading. The art of thinking. The art of conversation. Gentlemanliness. Good manners and good breeding. Concentration and method. Statesmanship. Pococuranteism, cynic- ism, scepticism. The uses of adversity.- Solitude and retirement. Sympathy with nature. Friendship. The gospel of labour. Too much brain-work. The gospel of rest. ^ . ,, Bancroft, G: Literary and historical miscellan- ies. N. Y. 1855. O. 824.1+3 Contents. Essays. The doctrine of temperaments. Ennui. The ruling passion in death. Studies in ger- man literature. General characteristics. The revival of german literature. Men of science and learning. The age of Schiller and Gothe. Translations. Studies in Mstory. Economy of Athens. Decline of the roman empire. Russia.-The wars of Russia and Turkey. Occasional addresses. A word on Calvin the reformer. The ofBce of the people in art, govern- ment and religion. In memory of W : EUery Chan- ning. Oration commemorative of Andrew Jackson. The necessity, the reality and the promise of the progress of the human race. Barron, Alfred, (" <>"). Foot notes, or Walking as a fine art. Wallingford, Conn. 1875. D. 824.1:4 Bartol, Cyrus A: The rising faith. Bost. 1874. D. 824.1:5 Contents. The seeker. The seer .The secret power. Sincerity. Sex. Teaching. Training. Forms. Values. Validity. Personality. Prayer. Unity. Survival. Signs. Ideas. Birrell, Augustine. Obiter dicta. [Anon.'l N. Y. 1885. S. 824.2:36 Contents. Carlyle. On the alleged obscurity of mr. Browning's poetry. Truth-hunting. Actors.- A rogue's memoirs. The via media. Falstaff. Black, Jeremiah Sullivan. Essays and speeches; with a biographical sketch by Chauncey F. Black. N. Y. 1885. O. " 824.1-f8 Contents. Black, C. F. Biogr. sketch. Miscellan- eous: Address before the agric. soc. of Somerset CO.; Religious liberty; Political preaching; Answer tolngersoll; Legislative oath; A great law-suit and a field fight; The character of mr. Seward; Speech at the centenary of Grattan's declaration of Irish in- dependence; Railroad monopoly. Flu logics: Life and character of Jackson; Death of judge Gibson; Death of senator Carpenter. Political essays and letters: Observations on territorial sovereignty; Letter to judge Hoar; Letters to H: Wilson; Open letter to gen. Garfield; The great fraud; Letter to mr. Stoughton; The third term; Gen. Grant and strong government; The electoral vote of Louisiana. Forensic : Ableman vs. Booth ; Fossatt vs. the U. S. ; Pierce vs. the U. S. ; Pi'ovidence rubber company vs. the Goodyears' executor et al.; In defense of the right to trial by jury; TJ. S. vs. Blyew et al.; State of Missouri ex rel.; Frank J. Bowman vs. E. A. Lewis et al. ; The McGarrahan claim; Federal jurisdiction in the territories; The South Carolina case. Blackwood, Sir F: Temple Hamilton-Temple-, earl oj Dufferin. Speeches and addresses ; ed. by H: Milton. Lond. 1883. O. 825.2:11 Bowen, Francis. Gleanings from a literary life, 1838-1880. N. Y. 1880. O. 824.1 : 6 Contents. Education. Prefatory notes. The con- test between the ancients and the moderns. Classi- cal and utilitarian studies; App. The abuse of the study of grammar. Political economy. A minority report on the silver question. The perpetuity of na- tional debt. The financial conduct of the war. The utility and the limitations of the science of political economy. Philosophy. Dualism, materialism or idealism. The idea of cause. The latest form of development theory. Diseases and malformations not hereditable. The physical effects of etherization. Buckle's History of civilization. J: S. Mill's Ex- amination of sir W: Hamilton's philosophy. The human and the brute mind. Malthueianism, darwin- ism and pessimism.- Blaise Pascal. Essays and re- views; the Oxford clergymen's attack on Christian- ity. Restoration of the text of Shakespeare; the battle of the commentators. Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson. The recreations of a country parson. [1st and] 2d series. [Anon.] fiost. 1861, 1863. 2 v. D. 824.2:101! 1053 lilTERATXTRE ENGLlSfi, ESSAYS. CI. 824, 825 1054 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson. Con^era-wed. Leisure hours in town. [Anon.] Bost. 1862. D. 824.2 : 103 The everyday philosopher in town and coun- try, by the author of The recreations of a country parson. [Anon.] Bost. 1863. D. 824.2 : 102 The autumn holidays of a country parson. [Anon.] Bost. 1865. D. 824.2 : 104 Boyle, F: Legends of my bungalow. Loud. 1882. D. 824.2 : 122 Brewer, J: Sherren. English studies, or Essays in english history and literature ; ed. , with a prelatory memoir, by H: Wace. Lond. 1881. O. 824.2:7 Contents. Memoir. List of mr. Brewer's publica- tions. A sermou. New sources of english history. Green's Short history of the eng-lish people. Hatfield house. The Stuai-ts. Shakspeare. The study of Shakspeare. The royal supremacy. Passages from the life of Erasmus. The study of history. The study of english history. Ancient London. Brown, J: Spare hours; 1st and 2d ser. Bost. 1864,1866. 2v. D. 824.2:8 Contents. 1st ser. Rab and his f riends. " With brains, sir." The mystery of black and tan. Her last half-crown. Our dogs. Queen Mary's child- garden. Presence of mind and happy guessing. My father's memoir. Mystifications. "Oh, I'm Wat, Wat! " Arthur H. Hallam. Education through the senses. Vaughan's poems. Dr. Chalmers. Dr. G: Wilson. St. Paul's thorn in the flesh. The Black Dwarf's bones. Notes on art. 2d ser. J: Leech. - Marjorie Fleming.- Jeems the door-keeper. Minch- moor. The Enterkin. Health. The duke of Athole. Struan. Thackeray's death. Thackeray's literary career. More of our dogs. Plea for a dog home. " Bibliomania."" In clear dream and solemn vis- ion." A Jacobite family. Brydges, /S^r S: Egerton. The ruminator ; con- taining a series of moral, critical and sen- timental essays. Lond. 1813. 2 v. S. 824.2:9 Buchanan, Robert W: A poet's sketch-book-, selections from [his] prose writings. Lond. 1883. D. 824.2 : 13 Contents. The poet or seer. David Gray. Liter- ary sketches Nature sketches. Buckle, H: T: Essays, with a biographical sketch of the author. Portrait. K. Y. 1863. D. 824.2 : 10 Contents. Biog. sketch. Mill on liberty. The in- fluence of women on the progress of knowledge. Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Lytton, 1st baron Lytton. Caxtoniana ; a series of essays on life, literature and manners. Leipz. 1864. 2 v. inl. D. 824.2:17 Contents. V. 1. Essay 1. On the increased atten- tion to outward nature in the decline of life. 2. On the differences between the urban and rural temper- ament. 3. On monotony in occupation as a source of happiness. 4. On the normal clairvoyance of the imagination. 5. On intellectual conduct as distinct from moral: the "superior man". 6. On shyness. 7. On the management of money (addressed chiefly to the young). 8. On rhythm in prose, as conducive to precision and clearness.- 9. On style and diction. 10. Hints on mental culture. 11. On the moral ef- fect of writers. 13. On the destinction between active thought and reverie. 13. On the spirit in which new theories should be received. 14. On essay-writing in general, and these essays in particu- lar. 15. The sanguine temperament. 16. The organ of weight. 17. The sympathetic temperament. 18. Kaith and charity, or The union, in practical life, of sincerity and conciliation.- 19. Upon the efficacy of ])raise, in supp. to the preceeding essay. 20. On self- control. 21. The modern misanthrope. 2. Essay 22. Motive power. 23. On certain principles of art in works of imagination. 24. Posthumous reputation. 25. On some authors in whose writings knowledge of the world is eminently displayed. 26. Readers and writers.- 27. On the spirit of conservatism.- L'envoi. Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Ijjtton. Continued. Miscellaneous prose works. Leipz. 1868. 4 v. in 2. S. 824.2:18 Contents. V. 1. The reign of terror; its causes and results.- Oliver Goldsmith. C: Lamb and some of his companions. Gray's works. Sir T: Browne. Pitt and Fox. 2. Same, continued. Fym vs. Falk- land. The life of Schiller. 3. Essays written in youth, or The student. On the difference between authors and the impression of them conveyed by their works. Monos and Daimonos. On the de- parture of youth. The world as it is. Knebworth. The choice of Phylias. Lake Leman and its associa- tions. The true ordeal of love. On the want of sympathy. Arasmenes, the seeker. On ill health and its consolations. On satiety.- Chairolas. On in- fidelity in love. Fi-ho-ti, or The pleasures of reputa- tion; a Chinese tale. The knowledge of the world in men and books. 4. The tale of Kosem Kesamim the magician. Many-sidedness and self-completion. Ferdinand Fitzroy, or Too handsome for anything. Juliet's tomb in Verona. Conversations with an ambitious student in his last illness. The influence of love upon literature and real life. Der gelehrte ; aus meinen papieren. Aus dem englischen von L: Lax. Aachen. 1835. 2 v. S. 824.2:19 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 35. Bunce, Oliver Bell. Bachelor Bluff, his opinions, sentiments and disputations. N. 1. 1881. D. 824.1:11 Contents. Introducing mr. Bluff. Domestic bliss. Theory of poetry. Ideal of a house. Feminine tact and intuitions. Realism in art. The country and kindred themes. The privileges of women. Modern Action.- Mr. Bluff's political notions. As an arith- metician. Meditations in an art gallery. On me- lancholy. Morals in literature and nudity in art. As a critic on dress. Sundry topics. Experiences of holidays. Burritt, Elihu. Ten minute talks on all sorts of topics ; with autobiography of the author. Bost. 1874. D. 824.1 : 12 Contents. Autobiography. Incidents and observa- tions. Glimpses by the wayside of history. Social and artistic science. Industrial and financial ques- tions. Political questions. National and inter- national questions. Burroughs, J: Fresh fields. 2d ed. Bost. 1885 [1884]. S. 824.1 : 9 Contents. Nature in England. English woods; a contrast. In Carlyle's country. A hunt for the nightingale. English and american song-birds. Impressions of some english bii-ds.-In Wordsworth's country. A glance at british wild flowers. British fertility. A Sunday in Cheyne Row. At sea. Locusts and wild honey. Bost. 1879. S. 824.1 :13 Contents. The pastoral bees. Sharp eyes. Straw- berries. Is it going to rain ? Speckled trout. Birds and birds. A bed of boughs. Birds' nesting. The halcyon in Canada. Pepacton. Bost. 1881. S. 824.1 : 14 Contents. Pepacton, a summer voyage. Springs.- An idyl of the honey-bee. Nature and the poets.- Notes by the way. Foot-paths. A bunch of herbs. Winter pictures. Winter sunshine. N. Y. 1876. S. 824.1 : 15 Contents. Winter sunshine. Exhilarations of the road. The snow-walkers. The fox. A march chron- icle. The apple. An October abroad. Bushnell, Horace. Literary varieties. N. Y. 1864, 1881. 3v. U. 824.1 : 16 Contents. V. 1. Work and play. Work and play. The true wealth or weal of nations. The growth of law. The founders great in their unconsciousness. Historical estimate of Connecticut. Agriculture at the east. Life, or the lives. City plans. The doc- trine of loyalty. The age of homespun. The day of roads. Religious music. 2. Moral uses of dark things. Of night and sleep. Of want and waste. Of bad government. Of oblivion, or dead history. Of phys- ical pain. Of physical danger. Of the conditions of solidarity. Of non-intercourse between worlds. Of winter, Of things unsightly and disgustful. Of 1055 ei. 824, 826 LITERAttJBte-fiNGLISH, ESSAYS. lO.-.i; plague and pestilenee.-Of Insanity.-Of the animal infestations. Of distinctions of color.-Of the muta- bilities of life. Of the sea. 3. Building eras m religion. Buildingr eras in religion. The new educa- tion. -Common schools. -The christian trinity, a practical truth. Spiritual economy of revivals of religion. Pulpit talent. Training for the pulpit manward. Our gospel a gift to the imf^nation. Popular government by divine right. Our obliga- tions to the dead. Letter to Gregory XVI. Christian comprehensiveness. Carlyle, T: Critical and miscellaneous essays. N. Y. 1876. 4v. D. 824.2:21 Contents. V. 1. Richter. State of german litera- ture. Life and writings of Werner. Goethe s Helena. Goethe. Burns. Life of Heyne. German playwrights. App. 1. Pref. and introd. to "German romance"; Musaus; Fouque; Tieck; Hoffmann; Bichter; Goethe. 3. Fractions: Tragedy of the night-moth; Cui bono; Four fables; The sowers song; Adieu; The beetle; To-day; Fortuna. 2. Voltaire. Novalis. Signs of the times. Richter n.-ofr. nil Viictr.i'v T.nthpr's nsnlm. Schiller. The again. On history. Luther' Nit " .. - ^ ^. psalm. Schiller. The .ribelungen-lied. German literature of the 14th and 15th centuries. Taylor's Historic survey of german poetry. App. Richter's review of mme. de Stael's Allemagne. 3. Characteristics. Goethe's portrait. Biography. Boswell's Life of Johnson. Death of Goethe. Goethe's works. Corn-Jaw rhymes. On history again. Diderot. Count Cagliostro. Death of Edward Irving. Novelle. Schiller, Goethe and mme. de Staijl. The tale. 4. The diamond necklace. Mirabeau. Parliamentary history of the french revolution. Sir Walter Scott. Varnhagen v. Ense's memoirs. Petition on the copyright bill. On the sinking of the Vengeur. Baillie the covenanter. An election to the long parliament. 2.50 years ago. The opera. Project of a national exhibition of Scot- tish portraits. The Prinzenraub. Index. On heroes and hero-worship, and the heroic in history ; six lectures reported, with emend- ations and add. N. Y. 1849. D. 824.2 : 22 Contents. The hero as divinity: Odin; Paganism; Scandinavian mythology. The hero as prophet: Mahomet; Islam. The hero as poet: Dante; Shaks- peare. The hero as priest: Luther; Reformation; Knox; Puritanism. The hero as man of letters: Johnson; Rousseau; Burns. The hero as king: Cromwell; Napoleon; Modern revolutionism. Sum- mary and Index. Same. Lectures on heroes, 1840. With his Sartor resartus. in 824.2 : 20 Latter-day pamphlets. Bost. 1850. D. 824,2 : 23 Contents. The present time. Model prisons. Downing street. The new Downing street. Stump orator. Parliaments.-Hudson's statue. Jesuitism. Past and present. Lond. n. d. S. 824.2 : 24 Contents. Proem. The ancient monk. The mod- ern worker. Horoscope. Index. Sartor resartus, 1831. Lond. 1858. D. 824.2:20 Ausgewahlte schriften. Deutsch von A. Kretzschmar. Leipz. 1855. 6 v. in 3. O. 824.2:25 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 35. Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth. George Eliot's poetry, and other studies. N. i. 1885. D. 824.1 : 7 Includes, Reciprocity. Altruistic faith. History.- Studies in the middle ages: Old Rome and new France; Charlemagne; The monastery; Chivalry: Joan of Arc. Clinton, De Witt. An introductory discom*se, delivered before the Literary and philo- sophical society of New York on 4th may 1814. N. Y. 1815. O. 825.1+1 Cobbe, Frances Power. Darwinism in morals, and other essays, reprinted from the The- ological and Fortnightly reviews, Eraser's and Macmillan's magazines and the Man- chester friend. Bost. 1883. D. 824.2 : 107 Contents. Darwinism in morals. Hereditary piety. The religion of childhood. An englieh broad Cobbe, Frances Power. Continued. churchman. A french theist. The devil. A pre- historic religion. The religions of the world. The religions of the east. The religion and literature of India. Unconscious cerebration. Dreams, as illus- trations of involuntary cerebration. Auricular con- fession in the church of England. The evolution of morals and religion. Hours of work and play. Phila. 1867. D. 824.2:11 Contents. Public morality and its teachers. The indigent class. The Brahmo samaj. The fallacies of memory. The fenian idea. A day at Adelsberg. A lady's adventure in the great pyramid. The diablerets. The state vault of Christ church. The shadow of death. Alured. The spectral rout. The humour of various nations. The fenians of Bally- bogmucky. Re-echoes. Leipz. 1877. S. 824.2 : 12 Coleridge, S: Taylor. Miscellanies, aesthetic and literary ; added. The theory of life ; col- lected and arr. by T. Ashe. "Lond. 1885. D. 824.2 : 123 Contents. Essays on the fine arts. On the Pro- metheus of Aeschylus. Fragments and notes, main- ly from the lectures of 1818: The middle ages; Cer- vantes; Wit and humour; Dante; Mythology, imagi- nation and superstition; Style. Miscellaneous pieees.-Miscellaneous notes on books and authors. The theory of life. Congdon, C: Tabor. Tribune essays; leading articles contributed to the New York tribune from 1857 to 1863, with an introd. by Horace Greeley. N. Y. 1869. D. 824.1:18 Cook, Joseph. Occident, with preludes on cur- rent events. (Boston Monday lectures.) Bost. 1884. D. 824.1:112 Contents. Advanced thought in England. Ad- vanced thought in Germany. Delitzsch on the new criticism of the old testament Prof ZSllner's views on spiritualism. Opponents of Prof. Zollner's views on spiritualism. Advanced thought in Italy and Greece. New departures in and from orthodoxy. Does death end probation ? The future of civil ser- vice reform. The vanguards of christian missions. Amer. and foreign temperance creeds. Probation at death. App : The decline of rationalism in the german universities; Theodore Christlieb and ger- man church life; The new house and its battlement, or The relations of the temperance reform to civil liberty; Reply to prof. Smyth of Andover; Anight on the Acropolis. Cooper, Susan Fenimore. Rural hours by a lady. [Anon.'] 3d ed. N. Y. 1851. D. 824.1 : l7 ' Cowley, Abraham. Essays ; with life by the editor, notes and ill. by dr. Hurd and oth- ers. [Bayard ser.l Lond. 1868. T. 824.2:141 Contents. Essay introductory and biographical. Of liberty. Of solitude. Of obscurity .Of agricul- ture. The garden. Of greatness. Of avarice. The dangers of an honest man in much company. The shortness of life and uncertaintyof riches. The dan- ger of procrastination. Of myself. A discourse, by > way of vision, concerning the government of Oliver r Cromwell. The author's preface to Cutter of Cole- man street. A proposition for the advancement of i experimental philosophy. Cozzens, F: Swartout. The sayings of dr. Bush- whacker and other learned men. N. Y. 1867. D. 824.1:191 Contents. A talk about tea. Journey around tapioca pudding. The radiant dinner castor. Choco- late and cocoa. Notables and potables. A peep intoi a salad bowl. Madame Follet. Old phrases.- Art. Accidental resemblances. Sitka. Phrases and Al- berts.- Does queen Victoria speak english? Thai! noses of eminent men. Up the Rhine. The flrsti oyster-eater. A literary curiosity. The race be- tween the hare and the hedgehog. What is the cause of thunder ? A french breakfast. Dainty hints ton epicurean smokers. Was champagne known to the' ancients ? German wines and a wine cellar. cbrlBtmas piece. Oxyporian wine. A\ 1057 LITEItATTJIlE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. CI. 824, 825 1058 Crafts, Wilbur F., {Uncle Will, V. M.) Child- hood ; the text-book of the age, for par- ents, pastors and teachers, and all lovers of childhood. Bost. 1875. D. 824.1:20 Craik, Dinah Maria, born Mulock. Plain-speak- ing. N. Y. 1882. Q. 824.2+95 Conunts. The tide at the flood. Victims and vlc- tlmizers. " Odd " people. A little music.- Conies. Decayed gentlewomen. On novels and novel-makers. Light in darkness. An island of the blest. How she told a lie. A ruined palace. Sermons out of church. Toronto. 1876. S. 824.2 : 15 Contents. What is self-sacrifice ? Our often in- flrmitles. How to train up a parent in the way he should go. Benevolence or beneficence ? My broth- er's keeper. Gather up the fragments. Same. Leipz. 1875. S. 824.2 : 15 Studies from life. Leipz. 1867. S. 824.2 : 16 Contents. Old stories.- Silence for a generation. Going out to play. Want something to read. War- sparkles. An old soldier's coming home. Poor people'schildren. Travelling companions. Through the powder-mills. Brother Jonathan's pet. Liter- ary ghouls. About mothers-in-law. Our lost cat. My babes in the woods, The man of men. Lost. Cross, Marian, 6or Evans, formerly mrs. G: H: Lewes, ( George Eliot). The essays of George Eliot complete ; coll. and arr. w^ith an introd. on her "Analysis of motives," by Nathan Sheppard. N."Y. [1883]. D. 824.2:114 Contents. George Eliot's Analysis of motives. Carlyle's life of Stirling.- Woman in France. Evan- gelical teaching. German wit. Natural history of german life. Silly novels by lady novelists. World- liness and other- worldliness. The Influence of rationalism. The grammar of ornament. Felix Holt's address to woi-klngmen. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. N. Y. 1879. D. 824.2:26 Contents. Looking inward. Looking backward. How we encourage research. A man surprised at his originality. A too deferential man. Only temper. A political molecule. The watch-dog of knowledge. A half-breed. Debasing the moral cur- rency. The wasp credited with the honey-comb. "So young! "How we come to give ourselves false testimonials and believe in them. The too ready writer. Diseases of small authorship. Moral swindlers. Shadows of the coming race.- The mod- ern hep ! hep ! hep ! Same. Chicago, 1885. D. 821.2 : 249 Cumberland, R: The observer; a collection of moral, literary and familiar essays. 4th ed. [Anon.] Lond. 1791. 5 v. D." 824.2:40 Davy, Sir Humphrey. Consolations in travel, or The last days of a philosopher ; with a sketch of the author's life and notes by Jacob Green. Phila. 1830. T. 824.2 : 27 De duincey, T: The avenger, a narrative ; and other papers. Bost. 1859. D. 824.2 : 28 Contents. The avenger; a narrative. Additions to the Confessions of an opium-eater: De Quincey; J_ Barbara Lewthwaite; The daughter of Lebanon. The essenes; supplementary. Aelius Lamia. China. Traditions of the rabbins. r Essays on the philosophical writers, and other I men of letters. Bost. 1854. 2 v. D. i 824.2 : 29 Contents. V. 1. Sir W: Hamilton. Sir James Mackintosh.- Kant in his miscellaneous essays.- Herder. J : Paul F : Rlchter. Analects from Richter. Lessing. 2. Bentley. Parr. I Historical and critical essays. Bost. 1853. 2 V. D. 824.2 : 30 Contents. V. 1. Philosophy of roman history. The essenes. Philosophy of Herodotus. Plato's Republic- Homer and the homeridse. 2 . Cicero. Style. Rhetoric-Secret societies. 67 De Quincey, T: Continued. Letters to a young man, and other papers. Bost. 1858. D. 824.2 : 31 Contents. Letters to a young man. Theory of greek tragedy. Conversation. Language. French and english manners. Calif ornia and the gold mania. Ceylon. Presence of mind. Memorials, and other papers. Bost. 186Q. 2 V. D. 824.2 : 32 Contents. V. 1. The orphan heiress. Oxford. The pagan oracles. The revolution of Greece. 2. Klosterhelm. The sphinx's riddle. The templars' dialogues. Miscellaneous essays. Bost. 1851. D. 824.2 : 33 Contents. On the knocking at the gate, in Macbeth. Murder considered as one of the fine arts. Second paper on murder. Joan of Arc The english mall- coach. The vision of sudden death. Dinner, real and reputed. Orthographic mutineers. Narrative and miscellaneous papers. Bost. 1859. 2 V. D. 824.2 : 34 Contents. V. 1. The household wreck. The Span- ish nun. Flight of a tartar tribe. 2. System of the heavens as revealed by lord Rosse's telescopes. Modern superstition. Coleridge and opium eating. Temperance movement. On war. The last days of Emmanuel Kant. The note book of an english opium-eater. Bost. 1860. D. 824.2 : 35 Contents. Three memorable murders. True rela- tions of the Bible to merely human science.- Literary history of the 18th century. The Antigone of Soph- ocles. The marquess Wellesley. Milton vs. Southey and Landor. Falsification of english history. A peripatetic philosopher. On suicide. Superficial knowledge. English dictionaries. Dryden's hexa- stich. Pope's retort upon Addison. Dickens, C: J: Huflfam. Speeches, 18411870; ed. and prefaced by R: Heme Shepherd, with a new bibliography, rev. and enl. Lond. 1884. D. 825.2 :2 Dix, W: Giles. The deck of the Crescent City; a picture of american life. N. Y. 18.53. D. 824.1:21 Dodge, Mary Abigail. Skirmishes and sketches by Gail Hamilton. Bost. 1865. S. 824.1:10 Contents. Child-power. "Glory hallelujah". A folly in Israel. A landmark removed. Doubtful arguments. Christ as a preacher. Nathaniel Em- mons of Franklin.- Brain and brawn. Glorying in the goad. Pictures and a preface.- A suggestion.- A court crime. Mob patriotism. Ellen. A word to the inconsiderate. Drunkenness and drinking. Language. Christ in Carolina. Eddykny-Mur-r-phy. Magazine literature. Words for the way. "Out in the cold". Interruption. Anno Domini. A ramble in the old paths. A countercharm. A new school of biography. Pictor ignotus. My book. Doran, J: Knights and their days. N. Y. 1864. D. 824.2 : 37 Contents. A fragmentary prologue. The training of pages. Knights at home. Love in chevaliers and chevaliers In love. Duelling, death and burial. The knights who "grew tired of it". Female knights and Jeanne Dare The champions of Christendom. Sir Guy of Warwick and what befell him. Garterl- ana. Foreign knights of the garter. The poor knights of Windsor and their doings. The knights of the Sainte Ampoule. The order of the Holy Ghost. Jacques de Lelaing. The fortunes of a knightly family. The record of Ramboulllet. Sir John Falstaff. Stage knights. Stage ladies, and the romance of history. The kings of England as knights, from the Normans to the Stuarts. " The institution of a gentleman". The kings of England as knights, the Stuarts. The Spanish match. The kings of England as knights from Stuart to Bruns- wick. Recipients of knighthood. Richard Carr Page and Guy Faux, esq. Ulrich von Hutten. Sham- knlghts. Pieces of armor. Table traits and something on them. N. Y. 1859. D. 824.2 : 38 1059 01. 824, 825 LITEBATXJRE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 1060 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Miscellanies ; embrac- ina; Nature, Addresses and lectures. Bost. 1857. D. 824.1:22 Contents. Nature. The american scholar. An address to the senior class in Divinity college, Cam- bridge. Literary ethics. The method of nature. Man the reformer. Introductory lecture on the times. The conservative. The transcendentalist. The young american. . Same. New rev. ed. Bost. 1884. D. In his Works. 820.1: 8 vl Essays ; 1st and 2d ser. Bost. 1854, 1858. 3 v. D. 824.1 : 24 Contents. V. 1. History. Self -reliance.-Compen- sation. Spiritual laws. Love. Friendship. Prud- ence. Heroism. The over-soul. Circles. Intellect. Art. 2. The poet. Experience. Character. Manners. Gifts. Nature. Politics. Nominalist and realist.- New England reformers. Same. New rev. ed. Bost. 1879. 2 v. T. 824.1 :24 Same. Bost. 1884. D. In Ms Works. 820:1: 8 v2,3 Fortune of the republic ; lecture del. at the Old south church, march 30, 1878. Bost. 1879. S. 824.1 :25 Letters and social aims. Bost. 1876. D. 824.1 : 26 Contents. Poetry and imagination. Social aims. Eloquence. Resources. The comic Quotation and originality. Progress of culture. Persian poetry. Inspiration. Greatness. Immortality. Same. New rev. ed. Bost. 1884. D. In his Works. 820. 1 : 8 v8 Society and solitude ; twelve chapters. Bost. 1879. T. 824. 1 : 27 Contents. Society and solitude. Civilization. Art. Eloquence. Domestic life. Farming. Work and days. Books. Clubs. Courage. Success. Old age. Same. New rev. ed. Bost. 1884. D. In his Works. 820.1 : 8 v7 Everett, E: The Mount Vernon papers. N. Y. 1860. D. 824.1 :28 Contents. [Introductory]. Christmas.- The house of Franklin. A safe answer. The comet. An incur- sion into the Empire State. The parable against persecution. Washington's diary. Robertson's miniatures of gen. and mrs. Washington.- Washing- ton's diary, pt. 2. Louis Napoleon. Washington's diary. Abbotsford visited and re-visited. The 4th of march, 1789. Abbotsford visited and re-visited, pt. 2. The court of France, 18]8. Lord Erskine's testi- mony to Washington. The financial distress of 1857. Travelling in former times. Travel in Europe. Havre and Rouen. Will there be a war in Europe ? Another vol. of Washington's diary. Washington's southern tour. -- Adams' express and the express system of the U. S. At Paris in 1818. The illustrious dead of 1859: Prescott; Bond; Hallam; v. Humboldt. Italian nationality. The light-house. Prince Met- ternich. Seven critical occasions and incidents in the life of Washington. Fontainebleau, Burgundy, Autun. Talleyrand. Lyons. From Lyons to Geneva. Excursion from Geneva to Chamouni, Mont Blanc. The Montauvert, the Sea of Ice, and the Green Garden. Geneva, Perney, Lausanne. From Lau- sanne to Freyburg. Berne. 19th of april 1775. From Berne to Sachseln. Stanz, Lucerne, Tell. Goldau, Aloys Reding, Grutli, the Tellensprung. Altorf, the valley of the Reuss, the Valais. Daniel Boon. The New York ledger. Orations and speeches on various occasions. Bost. 1853-79. 4 v. O. 825.1+2 Contents. V. 1 . (3d ed.) The circumstances favor- able to the progress of literature in America. The first settlement of New England. The first battles of the revolutionary war. The principle of the amer. constitutions. Adams and Jefferson. The history of liberty. Monument to Harvard. Speech at Nash- ville. Speech at Lexington, Ky. Speech at the Yel- low Springs in Ohio. The settlement of Mass. Im- portance of scientific knowledge to practical men and the encouragement to its pursuit.- The working- men's party.- Advantage of scientific knowledge to workingmen. Colonization and clvilizatioa of Africa. Education in the western states. The Bunker Hill monument. Temperance. The seven years' war, the school of the revolution. The educa- tion of mankind. Agriculture. Eulogy on Lafay- ette. The battle of Lexington. The youth of Wash- ington. Education favorable to liberty, morals and knowledge. The battle of Bloody Brook. 2. (3d ed.) The boyhood and youth of Franklin. Fourth of July at Lowell. American manufactures. Anec- dotes of early local history. The western railroad. Anniversary of the settlement of Springfield.- The Importance of the militia. The 17th of June at Charlestown. Harvard centennial anniversary. The settlement of Dedham. The cattle show at Dan- vers. The Irish charitable society.- Improvements in prison discipline. Superior and popular educa- tion. The Boston schools. The importance of the mechanic arts. Reception of the Sauks and Foxes. Dr. Bowditch. 4th of July, 1838. Education the nurture of the mind. Festival at Exeter. Accumu- lation, property, capital, credit. Importance of edu- cation in a republic The settlement of Barnstable. Normal schools. Opening of the railroad to Spring- field. The Scots' charitable society. J: Lowell, jr., founder of the Lowell institute. Dr. Robinson's medal. British association at Manchester. L'niver- sity of Cambridge. The Royal agricultural society at Bristol. Agricultural society at Waltham. York minster. Loi-d mayor's day. The Geological society of London. The Royal academy of art. Royal liter- ary fund. The Agricultural society at Derby. Re- ception at Hereford. Saffron Walden agricultural society. Scientific association at Cambridge. The pilgrim fathers. University education. The new medical college. The famine in Ireland. Aid to the colleges. Eulogy on J: Quincy Adams. The Cam- bridge high school. Second speech on aid to col- leges. American scientific association. The depart- ure of the pilgrims. Cattle show at Dedham. The 19th of april- at Concord. The Bible. 3. Battle of Bunker Hill. Opening of the Brattle house. Cam- bridge high school.- The Ottoman empire. The birth- day of Washington. Conditions of a good school. Beneficial influence of railroads. The husbandman, mechanic and manufacturer. Treatment of animals. -Effects of immigration. Festival of the alumni of Harvard. Education and civilization. Dinner to T: Baring. Progress of agriculture.- Thedeath of Dan- iel Webster. The colonization of Africa. Abdul Rahaman. Discovery of America. Stability and progress. The pilgrim fathers. New Hampshire- Vice-president King. P: Chardon Brooks. Dor- chester in 1630, 1776 and 1855. Boston school festival. Launch of the Defender. Abbott Lawrence- Obituary notice of Abbott Lawrence. Vegetable and mineral gold. Daniel Webster as a man. Reception at Philadelphia. Mr. Dowse's library. The uses of astronomy. G : Pcabody. Obituary notice of mr. Dowse.- Memorial of the Franklin family. Acade- mical education. The statue of Warren. The im- portance of agriculture. Charitable institutions and charity. Dedication of the public library. Dedication of Crawford's Washington. Presentation of the cane of Washington. Recollections of Tur- key. Washington abroad and at home. The 4th of July. 4. The character of Washington. Cattle show at Springfield. The New York state inebriate asylum.- Agricultural society at Danvers. Minot's Ledge light-house. Eulogy on T: Dowse. Franklin the Boston boy. W: Hickling Prescott. H: Haliam. Latin school prize declamation. Powers's statue of Webster.- Alex. v. Humboldt. Rufus Choatc Daniel Webster union meeting in Faneuil hall. Washington Irving. Birthday of Washington Irv- ing. Eliot school-house. H: D. Gilpin. American expedition to the Arctic sea. Sanitary convention. Vindication of american institutions. Inaugura- tion of president Felton. Everett school-house Flag-raising in Chester square. The call to arms. Daniel Drury Barnard. The questions of the day. "E pluribus unum." Nathan Appleton. 50th anni- versary of graduation. lath Mass. regiment. Agri- culture as affected by the war. Dinner to prince Napoleon. The causes and conduct of the civil war. Cornelius Conway Felton. The army of the Potomac Opportunities of Harvard students. Fe- male education The duty of crushing the rebellion. The demand for reinforcements.- The Irish regi- ments. Nathan Hale. Inauguration of the Union club. U. S. naval academy. Harvard college in the war. The education of the poor. National cemetery at Gettysburg. Aid to east Tennessee. The navy in the war. Russia and the U. 8. Josiah Qulnoy. The 1061 LITERATURE-ENGLISH, ESSAYS. CI. 824, 825 1063 , Everett, E : Continued . administration of president Qulncy. The duty of supporting the government. The sailors' home. Reception of capt. Winslow. President Lincoln. Mass. electoral college of 1864. The relief of Savan- nah. Note. For special index, alphabetical arrange- ment, see Catalogue of the Brooklyn library, p. 461. The great issue now before the country ; an oration del. at the New York academy of music, July 4, 1861. N. Y. 1861. D. 825.1:4 Fay, Theodore Sedgwick. Dreams and reveries of a quiet man ; consisting of The little genius and other essays, by one of the eds. of the New York mirror. " N. Y. 1832. 2 v. D. 824.1:29 Fields, James T: Underbrush. Bost. 1877. T. 824.1:30 Contents. My friend's librai-y. A peculiar case- Familiar letter to house-breakers.- Our village dog- matist. A watch that "wanted cleaning." Bother- some people. Pleasant ghosts. The Pettibone line- age. Getting home again. How to rough it. An old-time scholar. Diamonds and pearls. The author of " Paul and Virginia." If I were a boy again. Fiske, J: Darwinism, and other essays. Lond. 1879. D. 824.1:31 Contents. Darwinism verified.- Mr. Mivart on dar- winism. Dr. Bateman on darwinism.- Dr. Biichner on darwinism. A crumb for the modern symposium. Chauncey Wright. What is inspiration? Dr. Ham- mond and the table-tippers. Mr. Buckle's fallacies. Postscript on mr. Buckle. The races of the Danube. A librarian's work. Excursions of an evolutionist. Bost. 1884. D. 824.1:107 Contents. Europe before the arrival of man. The arrival of man in Europe. Our aryan forefathers. What we learn from old aryan words. Was there a primeval mother tongue ? Sociology and hero- worship. Heroes of industry. The causes of perse- cution. The origins of protestantism. Evolution and religion. The meaning of infancy. A universe of mind-stuff. In memoriam C: Darwin. The unseen world, and other essays. Bost. 1876. D. 824.1 : 32 Contents. The unseen world. "The tomorrow of death." The Jesus of history. The Christ of dogma. A word about miracles. -Draper on science and religion. Nathan the wise. Historical difflculties.- The famine of 1770 in Bengal. Spain and the Nether- lands. Longfellow's Dante. Paine's "St Peter." A philosophy of art. Athenian and american life. Index. Flagg, Wilson. Studies in the field and forest. Bost. 1857. O. 824. 1 : 33 Halcyon days. Bost. 1881. D. 824. 1 : 102 Foster, J: Biographical, literary and philoso- pliical essays ; contributed to the Eclectic review. N". Y. 1844. D. 824.2 : 39 Contents. Chalmers' astronomical discourses. J : Home Tooke. Coleridge's Friend. Fox's James II. Edgeworth's Professional education. British statesmen. Loi'd Kames. Defence of the stage. B : Franklin. James Beattie. Fashionable life. Hugh Blair. D: Hume. Philosophy of nature. Ire- land. Epic poetry. Superstitions of the highland- ers. Ecclesiastical biography. Spain. Modern egyptians. Essays, in a series of letters. 5th amer. ed. Bost. 1833. S. 824.2:41 Contents. On a man's writing memoirs of himself. On decision of character. On the application of the epithet romantic On some of the causes by which evangelical religion has been rendered unacceptable to persons of cultured taste. Proude, James Anthony . Historical and other sketches ; ed. with an introd. by D: H. Wheeler. N. Y. [1883]. D. 824.2 : 113 Contents. A siding at a railway station.- The Nor- way fjords. A Cagliostro of the 2d century. Social condition of England In the 16th century. Corona- Froude, James Anthonj. Contimted. tion of Anne Boleyn. J: Bunyan. Leaves from a south african .lournal. A day's fishing at Cheneys. T: Carlyle and his wife. Political economy of the 18th century. Beynard the fox. Short studies on great subjects. N. Y. n. d. 4 V. D. 824.2 : 42 Contents. V. 1. The science of history. Times of Erasmus and Luther. The influence of the reforma- tion on the Scottish character. The philosophy of Catholicism. A plea for the free discussion of theo- logical difficulties. Criticism and the gospel history. The book of Job. Spinoza. The dissolution of the monasteries. England's forgotten worthies. Homer. The lives of the saints. Representative men. Reynard the fox. The cat's pilgrimage. Fables. Parable of the bread-fruit tree. Compensation. 2. Calvinism. A bishop of the 12th century. Father Newman on "The grammar of assent." Condition and prospects of protestantism. England and her colonies. A fortnight in Kerry, pt. 1, Reciprocal duties of state and subject. The merchant and his wife. On progress. The colonies once more. Edu- cation. A fortnight in Kerry, pt. 2. England's war. The eastern question. Scientific method applied to history. 3. Annals of an english abbey. Revival of romanisra. Sea studies. Society in Italy in the last days of the roman republic. Lucian. Divus Csesar.- On the uses of a landed gentry. Party poli- tics. Leaves from a south african journal. 4. Life and times of Thomas Becket. The Oxford counter- reformation. Origen and Celsus. A Cacrliostro of the 2d century. Cheneys and the house of Russell. A siding at a railway station. Gibbons, Phebe Earle. "Pennsylvania dutch," and other essays. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Phila. 1882. D. 824.1 : 101 Contents. Pennsylvania dutch. An Amish meeting. Swiss exiles. The dunker love-feast. Ephrata. Bethlenem and the moravians. Schwenkfelders. A friend. Cousin Jemima. The miners of Scranton. Irish farmers. English. App. Giles, H: Illustrations of genius in some of its relations to culture and society. Bost. 1854. D. 824.1 : 35 Contents. Cervantes. Don Quixote. The scarlet letter. Fiction. Public opinion. The philantropic sentiment. Music. The cost of a cultivated man. Conversation. Wordsworth. Robert Burns. T: De Quincey. Gleig, G: Robert. Essays, biograp)hical, histor- ical and miscellaneous'; contributed chiefly to the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews, Lond. 1858. 2 v. O. 824.2 : 43 Contents. V. 1. Dr. Chalmers. Our defensive ar- mament. Natural theology. Military bridges. The war of the Punjaub. 2. The puritans. General Miller. India and its army. The Madchenstein. Military education. Goodale, Elaine. Journal of a farmer's daughter. N. Y. 1881. S. 824.1 : 36 Greene, G: Washington. Biographical studies. N. Y. 1860. D. 824.1 : 37 Contents. Cooper. Personal recollections of Coo- per. Cole. Crawford. Irving's works. Irving's Washington. Historical studies. N. Y. 1850. D. 824.1 : 38 Contents. Petrarch. Machiavelli. Reformation in Italy. Italian literature in the first half of the 19th century. Manzoni. The hopes of Italy. Historical romance in Italy. Libraries. Verrazzano. Charles Edward. Supplement to The hopes of Italy. Contri- butions for the popes. Hall, Gi-anville Stanley. Aspects of german cul- ture. Bost. 1881.' D. 824.1 : 39 Contents. Religious opinion. The vivisection ques- tion. The passion play. Some recent pessimistic theories. The newcultus war. Ferdinand Lassalle. The graphic method. The Leipzig "messe." A pom- eranian watering place Emperor Wilhelm's return. Hermann Lotze. Is {esthetics a science ? The ger- man science. Are the german universities declining? Fowler's Locke and german psychology. Spiritual- ism in Germany. Recent studies on hypnotism. Popular science in Germany. A note on Hegel, his followers and critics. Hartmann's new system of 1063 CI. 824, 836 LITERATURE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 1064 pessimistic ethics The latest german philosophical literature Democrltus and Heraclitus The muscu- lar perception of space. Laura Brid!?eman. Ihe perception of color. A note on the present condition of philosophy. First impressions on returning from Germany. Halpine, C: Graham. Baked meats of the funer- ral ; a collection of essays, poems, speeches, histories and banquets by private Miles O'Reilly. N. Y. 1866. D. 824.1 : 40 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Human intercourse. Bost. 1884. D. 824.2 : 120 The intellectual life ; with a portr. of Leonardo da Vinci etched by Leopold Flameng. Bost. 1877. D. 824.2 : 44 Contents. The physical basis. The moral basis. Of education. The power of time.- The influences of money. Custom and tradition. Women and marri- age. Aristocracy and democracy. Society and soli- tude.-Intellectual hygienics. Trades and profes- sions. Surroundings. Hayward, Abraham. Sketches of eminent states- men and writers, with other essays ; reprin- ted from the Quarterly review, with add. and corr. Lond. 1880. 2 v. O. 824.2 : 45 Contents. V. 1. Thiers. Bismarck. Cavour. Metternich.- Charles comte de Montalembert. Lord Melbourne. The marquess Wellesley. 2. Mme. de Sevigne. Saint-Simon. Mme. Du Deffand and her correspondents. Holland House. Strawberry Hill. Byron and Tennyson. The republic of Venice ; its rise, decline and fall. Selected essays. N.Y. 1879. 2 v. D. 824.2:46 Contents. V." 1. The rev. Sidney Smith; his life, character and writings. S: Rogers. F: v. Gentz. Maria Edgeworth ; her life and writings. The coun- tess Hahn-Hahn. De Stendhal, H : Beyle. Alexander Dumas. 2. The british parliament, its history and eloquence. The pearls and mock pearls of history.- Vicissitudes of families, english, scotch, Irish ' and continental nobility. England and France ; their na- tional qualities, manners, morals and society. Lady Palmerston. Lord Landsdowne. Lord Dalling and Bulwer. Whist and whist-players. Hazlitt, W: The round table. [Bayard ser]. Lond. 1869. T. 824.2 : 47 Contents. The love of life. Classical education. The Tatler. Modern comedy. Posthumous fame. Hogarth's marriage a-la-mode. Milton's versifica- tion. Manner. The tendency of sects. Causes of methodism. The Midsummer night's dream. The Beggar's opera. Patriotism. Beauty. Imitation. Gusto. Pedantry. Character of Rousseau. Differ- ent sorts of fame. Character of John Bull. Good- nature. Character of Milton's Eve. Observations on mr. Wordsworth's poem : The excursion. A day by the flre. Religious hypocrisy. The literary char- acter. Common-place critics. Actors and acting. The spirit of the age, or Contemporary por- traits. 1st amer. ed. Phila. 1848. D. 824.2 : 48 Contents. Bentham. Godwin. Coleridge. E : Ir- ving. Home Tooke. Scott. Byron. Sovithey. Wordsworth. Mackintosh. Malthus. Gifford. Jeffrey.- Brougham. Sir F. Burdett. Lord Eldon. Mr. Wllberforce. Cobbett. Campbell. Crabbe. Moore. Hunt. Elia. Geoffrey Crayon. Table talk; opinions on books, men and things. [1st and] 2d series. Phila. 1848. 2 v. D. 824.2 : 49 Contents. V. 1, pt. 1. On the pleasure of painting. On the past and future. On people with one idea. On the ignorance of the learned. On will-making. On a landscape of Nicolas Poussin. On going a jour- ney. Why distant objects please. On corporate bodies. On the knowledge of character. On the fear of death. On application to study. On the old age of artists.- On egotism. On the regal character. Pt. 3: On the look of a gentleman. On reading old books. On personal character. On vulgarity and af- fectation. On antiquity. On the conduct of life, or Advise to a school-boy. The Indian jugglers. On the prose-style of poets. On the conversation of au- thors.- My first acquaintance with poets. Of persons one would wish to have seen. Shyness of scholars. On old english writers and speakers. 2, pt. 1. On the feeling of immortality in youth. On the want of money. On sitting for one's picture. Whether geni- us is conscious of its powers. On londoners and country people. On living to one's self. On genius and common sense. Hot and cold. On thought and action. Portrait by Vandyke. On dreams. On envy ; a dialogue. On the difference between writing and speaking. On inconsistencies in sir Joshua Reynold's discourses. On qualifications necessary to success in life. Madame Pasta and mademoiselle Mars. Sir Walter Scott, Racine, and Shakespeare. Pt. 2. On the spirit of monarchy. The Vatican. On Mil- ton's sonnets. On coffee-house politicians. On the aristocracy of letters. On criticism. On great and little things. On familiar style. On effeminacy of character. Whether actors ought to sit in the boxes. On the disadvantages of intellectual superiority. On patronage and puffing. On the picturesque and ideal. The main chance. On reason and imagina- tion. On respectable people. On novelty and fami- liarity. Head, Sir Francis Bond. Descriptive essays, contributed to the Quarterly review. Lond. 1857. 2 V. O. 824.2 : 50 Contents. V. 1. Cornish miners in America. Eng- lish charity. Locomotion by steam. British policy. The printer's devil. The red man. 2. The air we live in. Memorandum on the battle of Waterloo. The London and northwestern railway. The electric telegraph. The Britannia bridge. The London post office. Helps, Sir Arthur. Essays, written in the inter- vals of business ; added, an essay on orga- nization in daily life. Bost. 1871. D. 824.2:51 Contents. On practical wisdom. Aids to content- ment. On self -discipline. On our judgments of other men. On the exercise of benevolence. Domestic rule. Advice. Secrocy. On the education of a man of business. On the transaction of business. On the choice and management of agents. On the treatment of suitors. Interviews. Of councils, commissions and, in general, of bodies of men called together to counsel or to direct. Party-spirit.- An essay on or- ganization of daily life. Higginson, T: Wentworth. Out-door papers. Bost. 1863. D. 824.1 : 41 Contents. Saints and their bodies. Physical cour- age. A letter to a dyspeptic. The murder of the innocents. Barbarism and civilization. Gymnastics. A new counterblast. The health of our girls. April days. My out-door study. Water-lilies. The life of birds.- The procession of the flowers. Snow. Holland, Josiah Gilbert, {Timothy Titcomb). Every-day topics ; a book of briefs. N. Y. 1876." D. 824.1:42 Contents. Culture. Literature and literary men. Criticism. The popular lecture. Personal dangers. Personal development. Preachers and preaching. Christianity and science. Revivals and reforms. Christian practice. The church of the future. The common moralities. Woman. Woman and home. Amusements. The temperance question. Social intercourse. Town and country. The rich and the poor. Politics and political men. American life and manners. Same. 2d ser. N. Y. 1882. S. 824.1 : 42 Lessons in life ; a series of familiar essays, by Timothy Titcomb. 15th ed. N. Y. 1874. D. 824.1 : 43 Contents. Moods and frames of mind. Bodily im- perfections and impediments. Animal content. Reproduction in kind. Truth and truthfulness. Mistakes of penance. The rights of woman. Ameri- can public education. Perverseness. Undeveloped resources. Greatness in littleness. Rural life. Repose. The ways of charity. Men of one idea. Shying people. Faith in humanity. Sore spots and sensitive spots. The influence of praise.- Unneces- sary burdens. Proper people and perfect people. The poetic test. the 'food of life. Half-finished work. Plain talks on familiar subjects ; a series of popular lectures. N. Y. 1866. D. 824.1:46 Contents. Self-help. Fashion.- Work and play. 1065 LITEBATXTBE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 01. 824, 826 1066 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Continued. Working and shirking. High life and low life. The national heart. Cost and compensation.- Art and life. The popular lecture. Same. N. Y. 1873. S. 824.1 : 46 Titcomb's letters to young people, single and married. N. Y. 1874. S. 824.1 : 44 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The autocrat of the breakfast-table ; every man his own Bos- well. [Anon.] Bost.'l871. D. 824.1:46 The poet at the breakfast-table ; his talks with his fellow-boarders and the reader. [Anon.] Bost. 1873. D. 824. 1 : 47 The professor at the bi*eakfast-table. [Anon.] Bost. 1879. D. 824.1:48 Pages from an old volume of life ; a collection of essays, 1857 1881. Bost. 1883. O. 824.1 :104 Contents. Bread and the newspaper.- My hunt after "the captain" The inevitable trial. The physiology of walking. The seasons. The human body and its management. Cinders from the ashes. Mechanism in thought and morals. The physiology of versiflca- tion. Crime and automatism. Jonathan Edwards. The pulpit and the pew. Soundings from the Atlantic. Bost. 1864. D. 824.1 :49 Contents. Bread and the newspaper. My hunt after " the captain". The stereoscope and the stereograph. Siin-painting and sun-sculpture; with a stereoscopic trip across the Atlantic. Doings of the sunbeam. The human wheel, its spokes and fellows. A visit to the autocrat's land-lady. A visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters. The great Instrument.- The inevitable trial. Howells, W:Dean. Three villages. Bost. 1884. S. 824.1:111 Cmitents. Lexington ; [a typical New England vil- lage]. Shirley; [the Shaker community].- Gnaden- hiitten; [Moravian village]. Howitt, IMary, born Botham, ed. Pictorial calendar of the seasons ; exhibiting the pleasui'es, pursuits and characteristics of country life for every month in the year, and embodying the whole of Aikin's Calendar of nature. 111. Lond. 1854. D. 824.2 : 62 Howitt, W: The rural life of England. From the 3d Lond. ed. corr. and rev. Phila. 1854. 2 V. D. 824.2 : 63 Hudson, Mary, born Clemmer, formerly mrs. Ames. Outlines of men, women and things. N. Y. 1873. D. 824.1 : 1 Contents. Arlington in may. Northern Vermont in august.- Newport in September. Indian summer In Virginia. Charles Sumner's home. Grand duke Alexis in New York. A rainy morning In the country. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. A trench journalist. Fanny Fern. Horace Greeley and Edwin Forrest. Lola Monlez. Things gone by. The fallen man. Physi- cal basis of statesmanship. Instinctive philosophers and statesmen. Pin-money. Breadmaklng. Our kitchens.- Caste in sex. Woman suffrage.- Una and her paupers. Let us live. Hueffer, Francis. Italian and other studies. Lond. 1883. O. 824.2 : 121 Contents. The poets of young Italy. A literary friendship of the 14th century [Boccaccio and Petrarch]. The renaissance in Italy. Exhibitions of Rossetti's pictures. Troubadours, ancient and mod- ern.- Music and musicians.- The literary aspect of Schopenhauer's work. Musical criticism. Mr, Pepys. the musician. Hunt, James H: Leigh. A day by the fire, and other papers hitherto uncollected. Bost. 1870. D. 824.2 : 64 Contents. A day by the fire. On common place people. A popular view of the heathen mythology. On the genii of the greeks and romans. On the genii of antiquity and the poets. Fairies. Genii and fairies of the east, the Arabian nights, etc. The satyr Hunt, James H: Leigh. Continued. of mythology and the poets. Tritons and men of the sea. On giants, ogres and cyclops.- Gog and Magog, and the wall of Dhoulkarnein Aeronautics, real and fabulous On the talking of nonsense.- A rainy day. The true enjoyment of splendor. Retrospec- tive review. The murdered pump. Christmas eve and Christmas day. New year's gifts. Sale of the late mr. West's pictures. Translation from Milton into welsh. The bull-flght. Love and will. Men, women "and books; a selection of sketches, essays and critical memoirs from his uncollected prose writings. N. Y. 1847. 2 V. U. 824.2 : 66 Contents. V. 1. Fiction and matter of fact. The inside of an omnibus The day of disasters of Carf- ington Blundell, esq. A visit to the zoological gardens. A man Introduced to his ancestors. A novel party. Beds and bedrooms. The world of books. Jack Abbott's breakf ast.-On seeing a pigeon make love. The month of may. The Giuli tre. A few remarks on the rare vice called lying. Criticism on female beauty. Of statesmen who have written verses. Female sovereigns. 2. Social morality. Pope in some lights, in which he is not usually re- garded. Garth, physicians and love letters.- Cowley and Thomson. Bookstalls and "Galateo". Book- binding and "Heliodorus". Ver-Vert. or The parrot of the nuns. Specimens of british poetesses. Duchess of St. Albans and marriages from the stage. Lady Mary Wortley Montague. Life and african visit of Pepys. Life and letters of mme. de Sevigne. The seer, or Common-places refreshed. Bost. 1856. 2v. D. 824.2:66 Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. Memoirs and essays, illustrative of art, literature and social morals. N. Y. 1846. D. 824.2 : 67 Contents. The house of Titian. Adelaide Kemble and the lyrical drama. The xanthian marbles. Washington Allston. "Woman's mission" and woman's position. On the relative social position of mothers and governesses. Sketches of art, literature and character. Bost. 1859. T. 824.2 : 68 Contents. Pt. 1, in three dialogues: 1. A scene in a steamboat. A singular character. Gallery at Ghent. The prince of Orange's pictures. A female gambler. Cologne; the Medusa. Prof . Wallraf. Schlegel and mme. deStael. Story of archbp. Gerard. Heidelberg; Elizabeth Stuart. 2. Frankfort. The theatre; Mme. Haitsinger. The versorgung-haus. The Stadel museum. Dannecker, memoir of his life and works. German sculpture; Ranch, Tieck, Schwanthaler. 3. Goethe and his daughter-in-law.- The german women. German authoresses. German domestic life and manners. German coquetterie and german romance. The story of a devoted sister. Pt. 2. Memoranda at Munich, Nuremberg and Dres- den. JefFeries, R: The life of the fields. Lond. 1884. D. 824.2 : 69 Contents. The fleld-play. Bits of oak bark. The I)ageant of summer. Meadow thoughts. Clematis ane. Nature near Brighton. Sea, sky and down. January in the Sussex woods. By the Exe. The water-coUey. Notes on landscape painting. Village miners. Mind under water. Sport and science. Nature and the gamekeeper. The sacrifice to trout. The hovering of the kestrel. Birds climbing the air. Country literature. Sunlight on a London square. Venice in the East end. The pigeons at the British museum. The plainest city in Europe. Round about a great estate. Bost. 1880. S. 824.2 : 60 The story of my heart ; my autobiography. Bost. 1883. S. 824.2:111 Wild life in a southern county. [Anon.] Bost. 1879. S. 824.2:61 Jenyns, Soame. Disquisitions on several svib- jects. Lond. 1822. S. 824.2 : 99 Contents. On the chain of universal being. On cruelty to inferior animals. On a pre-existent state. On the nature of time. On the analogy between things material and intellectual. On rational Chris- tianity. On government and civil liberty. On relig- ious establisnments. 1067 01. 824, 836 LITERATURE ENaLISH, ESSAYS. 1068 King, T: Starr. Patriotism, and other papers; with a biographical sketch by R: Frothing- ham. Bost. 1864. D. 824.1:50 Contents. Patriotism. Washington, or Greatness. Beauty and religion. Great principles and small duties. Plato's views of immortality. Thought and things.- True greatness. Indirect influences. Life more than meat. Inward resources.- Natural and spiritual providence. Philosophy and theology. Natural and revealed religion. The idea of God and the truths of Christianity. The harmony of opposite qualities in the Saviour's character and teachings. The chief appeal of religion. Kingsley, C: Literary and general lectures and essays. [Works, v. 20j. Lond. 188i' D. ^ ^ 82//.2:62 Contents. The stage as it was once. Thoughts on Shelley and Byron. Alexander Smith and Alexander Pope. Tennyson. Burns and his school. The poetry of sacred and legendary art. On english composi- tion. On english literature. Grots and groves. Hours with the mystics. F: Denison Maurice, in memoriam. Phaethon, or Loose thoughts for loose thinkers. Prose idylls, new and old. [Works, v. 15]. Lond. 1882. D. 824.2:63 Contents. A charm of birds. Chalk-stream studies. The fens. My winter-garden. From ocean to sea. North Devon. New miscellanies. Bost. 1860. D. 824.2 : 64 Contents. "A mad world, my masters."- Chalk- stream studies. Alex. Smith and Alex. Pope. Thoughts on Shelley and Byron. Mansfield's Para- guay, Brazil and the Plate. The agricultural crisis. The water supply of London. Speech in behalf of the Ladies' sanitary association, 1859. Great cities and their influence for good and evil. On the study of natural history. Thoughts in a gravel pit. J: Tauler.- H: Brooke and the Fool of quality.- Pil- grim's progress, ill. Sir Walter Raleigh and his time, with other papers. Bost. 1859. D. 824.2:65 Contents. Sir Walter Kaleigh and his time. Plays and puritans. Burns and his school. Hours with the mystics. Tennyson. The poetry of sacred and legendary art. North Devon. Phaethon. Alex- andria and her schools. My winter-garden. England from Wolsey to Elizabeth. Kirkland, Caroline Matilda, ( Mary Glavers). The evening book, or Fireside talk on morals and manners, with sketches of western life. N. Y. 1853. D. 824.1 : 51 Contents. Hospitality. Conversation. The house- hold. The toilet. The log school house. Courting by proxy. The country funeral. Lackland, T: Homespun, or Five and twenty years ago. N. Y. 1867. D. 824.1 : 52 Lamb, C: Eliana ; hitherto uncollected writings. N. Y. 1865. D. 824.2 : 66 Contents. Essays and sketches. The pawnbrokers daughter. The adventures of Ulysses. Talcs. Poems. Letters. Lanman, C: Essays for summer hours. 3d ed., rev. N. Y. 1853. 8. 824.1 : 53 Contents. Summer morning. Night musings. Old Louis Olmstead. The poet's pilgrimage. An evening in the city. Lilly Larnard. Afternoon in the woodlands.- Sabbath evening reflections. The unhappy strangers.- Something about bells.- The re- turn. The primeval forests. A music rhapsody. The early called. The old academy. Wilderness poetry. Mirth and sadness. Summer evening twi- light. Thoughts on literature. - The dying year. A song of memory. Leland, C: Godfrey. Sunshine in thought. N. Y. 1863. 8. 824.1 : 54 Lowell, James Russell. My study windows. Bost. 1879. D. 824.1:55 Contents. My garden acquaintance. A good word for winter. On a certain condescension in foreigners. A great public character. Carlyle. Abraham Lincoln. The life and letters of James Gates Perci- val. Thoreau. Swinburne's tragedies. Chaucer. Library of old authors. Emerson, the lecturer. Pope. Macanlay, T: Babington, baron Macaulay. Ci*i- tical and miscellaneous essays. N. x . 1880. 7v.in5. D. 824.2:67 Contents. V. 1. Milton. Machiavelli. Dryden. History. Hallam's Constitutional history. 2. Crok- er's ed. of Boswell's Life of Johnson. Lord Nugent's Memorials of Hampden. Nares's Memoires of lord Burghley. Dumont's Recollections of Mirabeau. LordMahon's War of the succession. Walpole's Let- ters to sir Horace Mann. Thackeray's History of the earl of Chatham. Lord Bacon. 3. Mackintosh's History of the revolution in England in 1688. Sir John Malcolm's Life of lord Clive. Life and writ- ings of sir W: Temple. Church and state. Ranke's History of the popes. Cowley and Milton. On Mit- ford's History of Greece.- On the athenian orators. 4. Comic dramatists of the restauration. The late lord Holland; Warren Hastings. Frederick the great. 5. Mme. D'Arbley. Life and writings of Addison. Barere's memoirs. Mr. Rob. Montgom- ery's poems. Civil disabilities of the jews. Mill's Es- say on government. Bentham's Defence of Mill. Utilitarian theory of government. The earl of Chatham. Speech on his installation as lord rector of the university at Glasgow. Speech on retiring from political life. 6. Biographical and historical sketches. App. Pompeii ; The battle of Ivry. 7. Fragments of a roman tale. On the Royal society of literature. Scenes from "Athenian revels." Criti- cism on the principal Italian writers. Some account of the great law suit between the parishes of St.Dennls and St. George-ln-the-water. Conversation between mr. Abraham Cowley and mr. John Milton touching the great civil war. A prophetic account of a grand national epic poem, to be entitled "The Welllng- toniad," and to be published a. d. 3824, Sadler's Law of population. Sadler's refutation refuted. Mira- beau. William Pitt. Miscellaneous poems, inscript- ions, etc. Same ; v. 1, 2, 4-6. N. Y. 1857. D. 824.2 : 67 Contents same as above except that v. 4 has, in addi- tion, The lays of ancient Rome. Macdonald, G: The imagination, and other es- says. Bost. [1883]. D. 824.2 : 98 Contents. The imagination ; its functions and its culture. A sketch of individual development. St. George'sday, 1564 [Shaksperel .The art of Shakspere as revealed by himself. The elder Hamlet. On polish. Browning's 'Christmas eve." "Essays on some of the forms of literature." "The history and heroes of medicine." Wordsworth's poetry. Shelley. A sermon. True greatness. Mathews, W: Getting on in the world, or Hints on success in life. Chicago. 1879. D. 824.1 : 106 Contents. Success and failure. Good and bad luck. Choice of a profession. Physical culture. Con- centration or oneness of aim. Self-reliance. Origlnal- lity in alms and methods. Attention to details. Practical talent. Decision. Manner. Business habits.- Self-advertising.- The will and the way. Re- served power. Economy of time. Money, its use and abuse. Mercantile failures. Overwork and un- der-rest. True. and false success.- Index. The great conversers, and other essays. 7th ed. Chicago. 1877. D. 824.1 : 57 Contents. The great conversers. Literary clubs. Epigrams. Popular fallacies. Faces. Compulsory morality. The power of trifles. A peep into literary workshops. French traits.- Pleasantry in literature. Our dual lives. Merry saints. One book. Pulpit oratory. Originality in literature. Is literature ill- paid ? Curiosities of criticism. Timidity in public speaking. Noses. The battle of Waterloo (with map). Index. Hours with men and books. Chicago. 1878. D. 824.1 :56 Contents. T: De Quincey. - Robert South. C: H. purgoon. Recollections of judge Story. Moral Grabamisra. Strength andTiealth. Professorships of books and reading. The morality of good living. The illusions of history. - Hoinllies on early rising. Literary triflers. Waiting for the press. The study of modern languages. Working by rule- Too much speaking. A forgotten wit. Are we anglo- eaxon V A day at Oxford. An hour at Christ's hos- pltal. Book-buying'. A pinch of snuff. LITERATURE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. CI. 824, 825 1070 Mathews, W: Continued. Literary style, and other essays. Chicago. 1881. D. 824.1 : 58 Contents. Literary style. The duty of praise. Periodical literature.-" The blues" and their remedy. The modesty of genius. Sensitiveness to criticism. The ideal and the real. Pat vs. lean. Memory and its marvels. Fools. Angling. Intellectual playful- ness. A plea for the erring. The secret of longevity. The season of travel. Hot-house education. Orig- inality .The art of listening. Who are gentlemen ? Offlce-seeklng.Americanisms. Index. Mathias, Gr. H. D. En avant, messieurs ! a tutor's counsel to his pupils. Phila. 1867. 8. 824.2 : 69 Mill, J: Stuart. Dissertations and discussions; political, philosophical and historical. Bost. 1865. 4 V. D. 824.2 : 70 Contents. V. 1. The contest in America.-The right and wrong of state interference with corporation and church property. The currency juggle. A few observations on the french revolution. Thoughts on poetry and its varieties. Prof. Sedgwick's dis- course on the studies of the university of Cambridge. Civilization. Aphorisms; a fragment. Armand Carrel. A prophecy. Writings of Alfred de Vigny. Bentham. App. 2. Coleridge. De Tocqueville on Democi-acy in America. Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of vision. Michelet's History of France. The claims of labor. Guizot's essays and lectures on history. Early grecian history and legend. 3. Vindi- cation of the french revolution of febr. 1848. -En- franchisement of women. Dr. Whewell on moral philosophy. Grote's History of Greece. A few words on non-intervention. The slave power. Utilitarianism. 4. Thoughts on parliamentary re- form. Recent writers on reform. Bain's Psychol- ogy. A few words on non-intervention. The contest in America. Austin on jurisprudence. Plato. Inaugural address. Miller, Hugh. Essays ; historical and biograph- ical, political, social, literary and scientific, ed., with a preface, by P: Bayne. Bost. 1865. D. "824.2:71 Contents. Historical and biographical. The new year. Royal progresses, recent and remote. The infant prince. Remains of Napoleon. Jean d'Acre. The Cromwell controversy. The third french re- volution. The duke of Wellington. Earl Grey. Lord Jeffrey. Fire at the Tower of London. The centenary of "the forty-flve". The half century. The echoes of the world. Glen tilt tabooed. Edin- burgh an age ago. The Burns festival and hero worship. Political and social. Our working classes. Peasant properties. The franchise. A five-pound qualification. The strikes. The cottages of our hinds. The bothy system.- The Highlands. The scotch poor-law. Pauperism. Pauper labor. The crime-making laws. Is game property ? The felons of the country. The legislative court. The peace meetings. Literature of the people. Literary and scientific. Parting impressions of the great exhibi- tion. Criticism for the uninitiated.- Geology vs. astronomy. The spaces and the periods. Unity of the human races. Norway and its glaciers. The amenities of literature. A strange story, but true. The idealistic school. The poesy of intellect and fancy. The untaught poets. Our "novel literature. Eugene Sue. The Abbotsford baronetcy. Mitchell, Donald Grant, (Ik Marvel). Bound to- gether ; a sheaf of papers. N. Y. 1884. D. 824.1 :109 Contents. Washington Irving. Titian and his times. Procession of the months. Beginnings of an old town. Two college talks. In-doors and out of doors. Wet days at Edgewood with old farmers, old fardeners and old pastorals. [Anon.] N. '. 1865. D. 824. 1 : 59 Mivart, St. G: Contemporary evolution ; an essay on some recent social changes. N. Y. 1876. D. 824.2 : 72 ContentH. Introductory. Political evolution. Three ideals. Scientific evolution, Philosophic evolution.- Aesthetic evolution. Mog:ridge, G: Old Humphrey's observations. [Anon,] 3d ed. N. Y. 1841. S. 824.2 : 73 Montez, Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna Porris y, born Gilbert, countess of Landsfeld, called Lola Montez. Lectures of Lola Montez, countess of Landsfeld, including her auto- biography. N. Y. 1858. D. 824.1 : 60 Miiller, F: Max. Chips from a german work- shop. N. Y. 1876-81. 5 v. D. 824.2 : 74 Contents. V. 1. Essays on the science of re- ligrion. Lecture on the Vedas, or the sacred books of the brahmans, 1865. Christ and other masters, 1858. The Veda and Zend-Avesta, 1853. The Aitareya- Brahraa?ia, 1864. On the study of the Zend-Avesta in India, 1863. Progress of Zend scholarship, 1865. Genesis and the Zend-Avesta, 1864. The modern Parsis, 1862. Buddhism, 1862. Buddhist pilgrims, 1857. The meaning of Nirvana, 1857. Chinese trans- lations of Sanscrit texts, 1861. The works of Con- fucius, 1861. Popol Vuh, 1862.-Semitic monotheism. 1860. 2. Essays on mythology, traditions and customs. Comparative mythology, 1856. Greek mythology, 1858. Greek legends, 1867. Bellerophon, 1855. The norsemen in Iceland, 1858. Folk-lore, 1863. Zulu nursery tales, 1867. Popular tales from the norse, 1859. Tales of the west Highlands, 1861. On manners and costums, 1865. Our figures. 1863. Caste, 1858. Index. 3. Essays on literature, biogrraphy and an- tiquities. German literature, 1858. Old german love-songs, 1858. Ye schyppe of fooles, 1858. Life of Schiller, 1859. W: Miiller, 18.58. On the language and poetry of Schleswig-Holstein, 1864. Joinville, 1866. The Journal des savants and the Journal de'Trevoux, 1886. Chasot, 1856. Shakespeare, 1864. Bacon in Germany, 1857. A german traveller in England, a. d. 1598, 1857. Cornish antiquities, 1867. Are there jews in Cornwall? 1867. The insulation of St. Michael's Mount, 1867. Bunsen, 1868. Letters from Bunsen to Max Miiller in 1848-.59. 4. Essays, chiefly on the science of lang'uag-e. Inaugural lecture: On the value of comparative phil- ology as a branch of academic study, 1888. Rede lecture, pt. 1, On the stratification of language, 1888; pt. 2, On Curtius' chronology of the indo-germanic languages, 1875. Lecture on the migration of fables, 1870. Lectures on the results of the science of language, 1873. Lecture on missions, 1873. Address on the importance of oriental studies, 1874. Life of Colebrooke, 1872. Reply to mr. Darwin, 1875. In self-defense. Index to v. 3, 4. 5. Miscellaneous later essays. On freedom, 1879. The philosophy of mythology, 187L On false analogies in comparative theology, 1870. On spel- ling, 1876. On Sanskrit texts discovered in Japan, 1880. Nadal, Ehrman Syme. Essays at home and elsewhere. N. Y. 1883. J). 824.1 : 61 Contents. The old Boston road. Artemus Ward. Byron. Thackeray's relation to english society. The conditions of dandyism. Mr. Matthew Arnold. A day or two in Sussex. Two poems of Collins. W : Cullen Bryant. A trip to a political convention. A recollection of the south. Journalism as ex- emplified by Walter Bagehot. Newspaper literary criticism. Newman, J: H: Historical sketches. Lond. 1876-81. 3 V. D. 824.2 : 75 Contents. V. 1. [4th ed.] The turks in their rela- tion to Europe. Marcus Tullius Cicero. Apollonius of Tyana. Primitive Christianity. 2. The church of the fathers. St. Chrysostom.- Theodoret. Mission of St. Benedict. Benedictine schools. 3. Rise and progress of universities.- Northmen and normans in England and Ireland. Medieval Oxford. Convo- cation of Canterbury. Same ; v. 1. 3d ed. Lond. 1876. D. 824.2 : 76 vl Norton, James. Australian essays on subjects golitical, moral and religious. Lond. 1857. . 824.2 : 76 Contents. 1st pt. England and her colonies.- Port Jackson and the city of Sydney. The genius of Australia. The press of Australia. The new con- stitution.- Railways and telegraphic dispatch. Rail communication In Australia. Prospects of Ireland. 1071 01. 824, 826 LITERATTJItE-ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 1072 The memory-Beauty. Vestiges of creation.-A history of failures. 2d pt. Bishop Broughton.- Charity.- The shortness of human life. Time. Eternlty.-The physical sufferings of Christ. The agency of the devU.-The detlnltion of mysteries. Baptism. The burial service. Apostolical succes- sion. Repentance of necessity progressive. Idle words. Prisoners of hope. The resurrection of the body. Further observations on the resurrection.- The redemption, a vision.- The after -state of the wicked, a vision.- The joy of the righteous, a vision. Oseood, S: Mile stones in our life journey. N. y! 1860. D. 824.1 : 62 Ossoli, Sarah Margaret, born Fuller, marchesa d'. Life without and life within, or Reviews, narratives, essays and poems ; ed. by her brother, Arthur B. Fuller. Bost. 1860. D. 824.1 :63 Contents. Reviews: Menzel's view of Goethe; Goethe; T: Hood; Letters from a landscape painter; Beethoven; Brown's novels; Edgar A. Poe; Alfleri and Cellini; Italy; Gary's Dante; American facts; Napoleon and his marshals; Physical education; F: Douglass; Philip van Artevelde; U. S. exploring ex- pedition; Story books for the hot weather; Shelley's poems; Festus; French novelists of the day; The new science, or The philosophy of mesmerism or animal magnetism; Deutsche schnellpost; Oliver Cromwell; Emerson's essays; Capital punishment. Miscellaneous: First of January; New year's day; St. Valentine's day; Fourth of July; First of august; Thanksgiving; Christmas; Morlana; Sunday medita- tions; Appeal for an asylum for discharged female convicts; The rich man; The poor man; The celestial empire; Klopstock and Meta; What fits a man to be a voter; Discoveries; Politeness too great a lux- ury to be given to the poor; Cassius M. Clay; The magnolia of Lake Ponchartrain; Consecration of Grace church; Late aspirations; Fragmentary thoughts; Farewell to New York. Poems. Parker, Theodore. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 3d ed. Bost. 1856. D. 824.1:65 Contents. A lesson for the day. German litera- ture. The life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Truth against the world. Thoughts on labor. A discourse on the transient and permanent in Christianity. The Pharisees. On the education of the laboring class. How to move the world. Primitive Chris- tianity .-Strauss's Life of Jesus.- Thoughts on theo- logy. Parr, Harriet, {Holme Lee). In the silver age ; essaj's, "that is, dispersed meditations." New ed. Lond. 1877. D. 824.2 : 68 Contents. Round about home in the spring-time. Village life, quiet llf e. Old familiar places, old familiar faces.- From day to day. Summer holidays. River scenery In the workaday world. In har- vest time. In the fall of the leaf .By the fireside.- Within and without. Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, ed. Aesthetic pa- pers. Bost. 1849. O. 824.1 : 64 ContenU. Ward, S. G. Criticism.- Dwigrht, J. S. Music- Emerson, R. W. War. aodwin, P. Or- ganization. Reed, 8. Genius. Peabody, E. P. The dorian measure, with a modern application. Wilk- inson, J. J. G. Correspondence. Hawthorne, N. Main-street. Perkins, S. H. Abuse of representa- tive government. Thoreau, H. D. Resistance to civil government. Peabody, E. P. Language. Vegetation about Salem, Mass., by an english resi- dent. Poetry: Peabody, E. P. Crawford's Orpheus. A spirit's reply. Hymn of a spirit shrouded. Med- itations of a widow. The twotold being. The fav- orite. Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lectures and let- ters. Bost. 1880. D. 826.1:3 Contents. The murder of Lovejoy. Woman's rights. Public opinion. Surrender of Sims.- Sims' anniversary.- Philosophy of the abolition movement. Removal of judge Loring. The Boston mob. The pilgrims. Letter to judge Shaw and president walker. Idols. Harper's Ferry. Burial of John Brown. Lincoln's election. Mobs and education. Dlsunlon.Progress. Under the flag. The war for the union. The cabinet.- Letter to the Tribune. Toussalnt L'Ouverture. A metropolitan police. The state of the country. Phillips, Wendell. Continued. Same. With a biographical sketch. Bost. 1884. D. 825.1 : 3 The scholar in a republic ; address at the cen- tennial anniversary of the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard college, June 80, 1881. Bost. 1881. O. 824.1 :100 Prescott, W: Hickling. Biographical and criti- cal miscellanies. N.i7l845. O. 824.1-1-66 Contents. C: Brockden Brown. Asylum for the blind. Irving's Conquest of Granada. Cervantes. Sir Walter Scott. Chateaubriand's English litera- tureBancroft's United States. Mme. Calderon's Life in Mexico. Moliere. Italian narrative poetry. Poetry and romance of the Italians.- Scottish song. Da Ponte's observations. Procter, Bryan Waller, {Barry Cornwall). Es- says and tales in prose, by Barry Cornwall. Bost. 1853. U. 824.2 : 77 Contents. V. 1. Memoir and essay on the genius of Shakspere. The death of friends. The Spanish student. A short mystery. The portrait on my uncle's snuff box. A day in Venice. The Stauntons. A chapter on portraits. The prison-breaker. The elanter. Vicissitudes in a lawyer's life. The man- unter. The two soldiers. 2. The story of the back-room window. A chapter of fragments. The usher.- M. de Beam. The nappy day. On english tragedy. On english poetry. A defence of poetry. Four dramatic scenes. Putnam, E. The bridle of vanity, or Knowledge, progress, liberty and equality considered in tneir verity and their fallacy. Bost. 1862. D. 824. 1 : 67 Contents. Of knowledge, or Charlemagne, his scholarship. The tyranny of progress. The fact of liberty. The limitations of equality. The consent of the governed. duincy, Josiah Phillips. The protection of majorities, or Considerations relating to electoral reform ; with other papers. Bost. 1876. D. 824.1:68 Contents. Introductory. The protection of major- ities. Coercion in the later stages of education. The function of town libraries. The abuse of read- ing. The better Samaritan. Bands, W: Brightly. Lilliput lectures by the author of 'l^illiput levee." Lond. 1871. D. X 824.2 : 97 Cfmtente. Introd. The world. -The sky. Cities. Science and philosophy. Art and artists. Trade. The family. Thoughts of God. Government. Char- acter. Justice, mercy, charity. In church. Biussell, Addison Peale. Characteristics ; sketches and essays. Bost. 1884 [1883]. U. 824:1:113 Contents. The conversation of Coleridge. Sarah Slddons. Dr. Johnson. Lord Macaulay. Lamb. Burns. The Christianity of Woolman. J: Randolph and J: Brown. The audacity of Foote. Habit. The habit of detraction. The art of living. Library notes. N. Y. 1875. D. 824.1 : 69 Contents. Insufficiency. Extremes. Disguises. Standards. Rewards. Limits. Incongruity. Muta- tions. Paradoxes. Buskin, J: Sesame and lilies; three lectures. Rev. and enl. ed. N. Y. 1875. O. 824.2 : 78 Contents. Of kings' treasuries. Of queens' gar- dens.- Of the mystery of life. The true and the beautiful in nature, an-t, mor- als and religion, selected from [his] works with a notice of the author by mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N. Y. 1859. D. 842.2 : 79 Sargent, Lucius Manlius. Dealings with the dead, by a sexlon of the old school. Bost. 1856. 2v. O. 824.1 : 71 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1073 LITEBATTTIIE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 01. 824, 825 1074 Sargent, M. E., mrs. J: T., ed. Sketches and reminiscences of the Radical club of Chest- nut street. Bost. 1880. D. 824.1:70 Savage, Minot Judson. The modern sphinx and some of her riddles. Bost. 1883. D. 824.1 : 103 Contents. Pref. The modern sphinx. The chief end of man. What is business for ? What are brains for ? The newspaper; its good and its evil. A true republic. Progress and poverty. Religious transi- tion. The reign of the dead. Shedd, W: Greenough Thayer. Literary essays. N. Y. [1878]. D. 824.1 : 73 Contents. The true nature of the beautiful and its relation to culture. The inliuence and method of english studies. The ethical theory of rhetoric and eloquence. The characteristics and importance of a natural rhetoric The relation of language and style to thought. Scientific and popular education. In- tellectual temperance. The puritan character. The af rican nature. Coleridge as a philosopher and theo- logian. The confessions of Augustine. Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorp ; a book of es- says written in the country. Bost. 1864. D. 824.2 : 106 Contents. Dreamthorp. On the writing of essays. Of death and the fear of dying. W : Dunbar. A lark's flight. Christmas. Men of letters. On the im- portance of a man to himself. A shelf in my book- case. Geoffrey Chaucer. Books and gardens. On vagabonds. Smith, Goldwin. Lectures and essays. N. Y. 1881. O. 824.2+94 Contents. The greatness of the romans. The great- ness of England. The great duel of the I7th century. The lamps of fiction. An address to the Oxford school of science and art. The ascent of man. The proposed substitutes for religion. The labour move- ment. What is culpable luxury ? A true captain of industry. A wirepuller of kings. The early years of the conqueror of Quebec. Falkland and the puri- tans. The early years of Abraham Lincoln. Alfre- dus rex fundator. The last republicans of Rome. Austen. Leigh's memoir of Jane Austen. Pattison's Milton. Coleridge's Life of Keble. Smith, Sidney. Essays. Authorized ed. Lond. n.d. D. 824.2: 88 Contents, see Works, col. 1018, "Articles from the Edinburgh review." Southey, Robert. The doctor, etc.; ed. by his son-in-law, J: Wood Warter. Lond. 1848. O. 824.2 : 80 Spalding, Martin J: Miscellanea; comprising reviews, lectures and essays on historical, theological and miscellaneous siibjects. 3d ed. Louisville. 1858. O. 824.1+75 Contents. Introductory address. Church history: The early ages ; The middle ages ; Since the reformation. Literature and arts in the middle , ages. Literature and the catholic clergy; Lib- k' raries. Schools and universities in the "dark" ages. Influence of catholicity on civil liberty. Age of pope Gregory VII; The deposing power. The great schism of the west ; Rome and Avignon. John Huss and the hussites ; The council of Constance. The Spanish inquisition ; Prescott's J view. The reformation in Switzerland ; Bernese in- ; trlgues. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico : Character ' of the conqueror's ; The religious point of view of the conquest. Early catholic missions in the north- west: Bancroft's account ; The Huron mission; Fath- ers De Brebeuf and Lallement. Webster's Bunker Hill speech. Our colonial blue laws : Union of church and state ; Heretics, quakers and witches. The spirit of the age. The charge of Idolatry. The catholic doctrine of satisfaction. The confessional. Catholic and protestant countries. England and France; ' Holland and Belgium ; Germany and Italy; England as she is and was ; Ireland and the Irish ; Italian so- ciety : Brazil and the brazillans. The oriental churches. Rome. The papal government. The Philadelphia riots.- A chapter on mobs. Spencer, Herbert. Essays, moral, political and jeshetic. N. Y. 1865. D. 824.2 : 81 Contents. The philosophy of style. Over-legisla- Spencer, Herbert. Continued. tion. The morals of trade. Personal beauty. Re- presentative government. Prison-ethics. Railway morals and railway policy. Gracefulness. State- tamperings with money and banks. Parliamentary reform ; the dangers and safeguards. Illustrations of universal i^rogress ; a series of discussions. N. Y. 1864. D. 824.2 : 82 Contents. Progress; its law and cause. Manners and fashion. The genesis of science. The physiolo- gy of laughter. The origin and function of music. The nebular hypothesis. Bain on The emotions and The will. Illogical geology. The development hypo- thesis. The social organism. Use and beauty The sources of architectural types. The use of anthro- pomorphism. Recent discussions in science, philosophy and morals. N. Y. 1871. D. 824.2 : 83 Contents. Morals and moral sentiments. Origin of animal worship. The classification of the sciences. Postscript replying to criticisms. Reasons for dis- senting from tbe philosophy of Comte. Of laws in general, and the order of their discovery. The gene- sis of science. Stevenson, Robert L: Familiar studies of men and books. Lond. 1882. D. 824.2 : 108 Contents. Pref. Victor Hugo's romances. Some aspects of Robert Burns. Walt Whitman. H: D: Thoreau ; his character and opinions. Yoshida- Torajiro. Francois Villon, student, poet and house- breaker. Charles of Orleans. Pepys. J: Knox and women. Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. Loud . 1881. D. 824.2 : 109 Contents. Virginibus puerisque. Crabbed age and youth. An apology for idlers. Ordered south. ^s triplex. El Dorado. The english admirals. Some portraits by Raeburn. Child's play. Walking tours' Pan's pipes. A plea for gas lamps. Storrs, R: Salter. Manliness in the scholar. N. Y. [1883]. S. 824.1 : 108 Story, Joseph. Miscellaneous writings ; literary, critical, juridicial and political, now first coll. Bost. 1835. O. 824.1+77 Contents. Literary discourses. Biographical sket- ches: S: Dexter ; J: Marshall ; R. Trumble ; B. Wash- ington; I: Parker; W:Pinkney; T: A. Emmet. Re- views. Juridicial discourses and arguments. Poli- tical papers. Swing, D : Club essays. 2d ed. Chicago. 1881. S. 824.1:76 Contents. Augustine and his mother. A roman home. Parlez-vous frangais ? The history of love. The greatest of the fine arts. Symonds, J: Addington. Sketches and studies in southern Europe. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. D. 824.2 : 86 Contents. V. 1. The Cornice. Ajaccio. Florence and the Medici. The debt of english to Italian litera- ture. Popular Italian poetry of the renaissance. The Orfeo of Poliziano. Siena. Perugia. Popular songs of Tuscany. Orvieto. Thoughts in Rome about Christmas.- Antinous. Lucretius. Amalfi, Paestum, Capri. 2. Palermo. Syracuse and Girgenti. Aetna. Athens. Rimini. Ravenna. Canossa. Parma. Fornovo. Two dramatists of the last cen- tury [Goldoni and Alfieri]. Crema and the crucifix. Bergamo and Bartolommeo Colleoni. Como and IlMedeghino.- Lombard vignettes. Monte Generoso Love of the alps. Old towns of Provence. App.: Blank verse ; Note on the Orfeo ; Eight sonnets of Petrarch. Talfourd, T: Noon. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 2d amer. ed. with add. articles. Phila. 1846. O. 824.2+87 Contents. On british novels and romances. Macken- zie. The author of Waverley. Godwin. Maturin. Rymer on tragedy. Colley Gibber's Apology for his life. John Dennis's works. Modern periodical liter- ature. On the genius and writings of Wordsworth. North's Life of lord Guilford. Hazlitt's Lectures on the drama. Wallace's Prospects of mankind, nature and providence. On pulpit oratory. Recollections of Lisbon. Lloyd's poems. Mr. Oldaker on modern improvements. A chapter on "time." On the pro- 1075 CI. 824, 825 LITERATXniE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. 1076 fession of the bar The wine cellar. Destruction of the Brunswick theatre by fire. First appearance of miss Fanny Kemble. The melodi-amas against gambling. On the intellectual chai-aoter of the late W: Hazlitt. The late dowager lady Holland. Address of the anniversary of the Manchester athenaeum. Lord Eldon and lord Stowell. Speech for the defen- dant in the prosecution of the queen vs. Moxonfor the publication of Shelley's works. Speeches on copyright. The Westminster play. Taylor, Bayard. Critical essays and literary notes. N. Y. 1880. D. 824.1 : 78 Contents. Tennyson. Hugo. The german Burns. F: Ruckert. The author of '-Saul." Thackeray. Autumn days in Weimar. Weimar in June. Notes on books and events. Thompson, Maurice. N. Y. 1885. D. By-ways and bird notes. 824.1:117 Contents. In the haunts of the mocking-bird. A red-headed family. Tangle-leaf papers. The thresh- old of the gods. Browsing and nibbling. Out-door influences in literature. A fortnight in a palace of reeds. Cuckoo notes. Some minor song-birds. Birds of the rocks. Thoreau, H: D: Eai-ly spring in Massachusetts, from [his] journal. Bost. 1881. D. 824.1 : 79 Excursions. Bost. 1863. D. 824.1 : 80 Contents. Biog. sketch. Natural history of Massa- chusetts. A walk to Wachusett. The landlord . A winter walk. The succession of forest trees. Walk- ing. Autumnal tints. Wild apples. Night and moonlight. Summer ; from [his] journal, ed. by H. G. O. Blake. Map. Bost. 1884. D. 824.1 : 110 Walden, or Life in the woods. Bost. 1854. D. 824.1 :81 Contents. Economy. Where I lived, and what I lived for. Reading. Sounds. Solitude. Visitors. The bean-field. The village. The ponds. Baker farm. Higher laws. Brute neighbors. House- warming. Former inhabitants ; and winter visitors. Winter animals. The pond in winter. Spring. Conclusion. A week on the Concord and Merrimac rivers. Bost. 1862. D. 824.1 : 82 Tuckerman, H: Theodoi'e. The criterion, or The test of talk about familiar things ; a series of essays. N. Y. 1866. D. 824.1:83 Contents. Inns. Authors. Pictures. Doctors. Holidays. Lawyers. Sepulchres.- Actors. News- papers.-Preachers. Statues. Bridges. Essays, biographical and critical, or Studies of character. Bost. 1857. O. 824. 1 : 84 Contents. Washington, the patriot. Chesterfield, the man of the world. Boone, the pioneer. Southey, the man of letters. Digby, the modern knight. La- fltte, the financier. Kean, the actor. Korner, the youthful hero. Fulton, the mechanician. Constable, the landscape painter. Chateaubriand, the poet of the old regime. Jeffrey, the reviewer. Williams, the tolerant colonist. Savage, the literary adventurer. Clinton, the national economist. Jenny Lind, the vocalist. Berkeley, the christian philosopher. Leo- pardi, the sceptical genius. De Foe, the writer for the people. Audubon, the ornithologist. Sterne, the sentimentalist. D'Azeglio, the literary states- man. Smith, the genial churchman. Brown, the supernaturalist. Wllkie, the painter of character. Addison, the lay preacher. Morris, the american Pellico, the Italian martyr. Campbell, statesman. the popular poet. sopher. Franklin, the american phllo- The optimist. N. Y. 1850. D. 824.1 : 85 Contents. New England philosophy. Travel. Mu- sic-Conversation. Art and artists.- Lyric poetry. Social life. Costume. Walking. A chapter on hands. The New York colonists. Eye-language. Humor. The gold fever. The profession of litera- ture. Hair. A presidential inauguration. The weather. Manner. Flowers. Broad views. The ra- tionale of love. Wallace, Horace Binney. Literary criticism^ and other papers. "Phila. 1856. D. 824.1:86 Contents. Literary criticisms: The prose writers of America by R. W. Griswold ; Forest leaves and other poems, by Lydla Pearson ; Memoir of Philip Syng Physic, by J. Randolph ; Poems of Pitz-Greene Halleck ; Memoirs of the administrations of Wash- ington and Adams, by Oliver Wolcott; Washington Irving, his works, genius and character ; The female poets of America, by R. W. Griswold; Letters on the study and use of history, by lord Bolingbroke ; The authorship of "The doctor;" Von Raumer on Amer- ica ; The prose works of J : Milton ; Memoirs of George III, by H. Walpole ; Letters of the earl of Chesterfield; Spence's Anecdotes of books and men ; Dr. Arnold's Lectures on modern history ; Wiley and Putnam's Lib. of choice reading; S: Warren, Law studies; Life of Blanco White ; Sydney Smith's Ser- mons; Carlyle's essays; Gilfillan's Literary portraits; M. F. Tupper; Rubio's Rambles in the U. S.; Undine; The rosicrucian philosophy; Legal rights of woman; Fanny Forrester ; Noui'se's Legacies of the past. Literary portraits; G: P. Morris ; R. W. Griswold. Fragmental literary disquisitions. Miscellaneous pieces. Dramatic criticisms. "Warner, C: Dudley. Backlog studies. 111. Bost. 1873. S. 824.1:87 Baddeck and that sort of a thing. Bost. 1874. T. 824.1 : 88N Calvin ; a study of character. With his My summer in a garden. 824.1 : 90' In the wilderness. Bost. 1878. T. 824.1:89" Contents. In the wilderness: How I killed a bear; Lost in the woods ; A fight with a trout; A-hunting of the deer; A character study; Camping out. How spring came in New England. My summer in a garden. Bost. 1872. D. 824.1:90 Same. [2d ed.] Bost. 1885. S. 824.1:90 Webster, Noah. A collection of papers on poli- tical, literary and moral subjects. N. Y. 1843. O. 824.1+98^ Contents. Revolution in France. The rights of neutral nations. -On the supposed change of tem- perature in modern winters. Origin of the first bank in the U. S. Letter from Washington respect- ing the last campaign in the revolution. Corre- spondence with mr. Madison respecting the origin of the present constitution. Origin of the copy-right laws of the U. S. Vindication of the treaty witbi Great Britain in 1795. Origin of Amherst coUego.- Addresson agriculture. -Letter to Daniel Webster. Answer of the house of rep. of Mass. to the gov- ernor's message. Letter to S: Lee. Reply to a let- ter of D: McClure. Letter to a young gentleman commencing his education. Form of association foi young men. Modes of teaching the engiish lan- guage. Origin of the Hartford convention in 1814.- Brief history of political parties.- State of englisk philology. Wells, Kate Gannett. About people. Bost 1885 [1884]. T. 824.1 : 114 Contents. Average people. Individuality. Strlv ing. Loyalty and liberality. Transitional woinan.- Personal influence. Who's who. Caste in americai society. Wheeler, D: Hilton. By-ways of literature, oi Essays on old things and new in the cus toms, education, character, literature anc language of the english-speaking people N. Y. [1883]. I). ^ "^ 82^.1 : lie Contcnis. A I4th century book for women. Eng lish girls and boys in the old times. Old cducatioi and modern. The Robin Hood ballads.- The; legend of king Arthur. The founders' age in our literature Shakespeare on greatness. Englishmen. Ihol language and countries.- A grammatical revolution Our spoken engiish. Whipple, Edwin Percy. Character and char acteristic men. liost. 1866. D. 824.1 : 91' Contents. Character. Eccentric character. In tellectual character. Heroic character. The amer can mind.- The engiish mind. Thackeray. Nathan 1077 LITERATUBE ENGLISH, ESSAYS. CI. 824-826 1078 Whipple, Edwin Percy. Continued. iel Hawthorne. E: Everett. T: Starr Kinfr. Agas- siz. Washington and the principles of the revolu- tion. Success and its conditions. Best. 1879. D. 824.1 :92 Contents. Young men in history. The ethics of popularity. Grit. The vital and the mechanical.- The economy of invective, The sale of souls. The tricks of imagination. Cheerfulness. Mental and moral pauperism. The genius of Dickens. Shoddy. J: A. Andrew. Literature and life. Enl. ed. Best. 1882. D. 824.1:93 Contents. Authors in their relations to life. Novels and novelists; C: Dickens. Wit and humor. The ludicrous side of life. Genius. Intellectual health and disease. Use and misuse of words. Words- worth. Bryant. Stupid conservatism and malignant reform. Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Rural letters and other records of thought at leisure, Mrritten in the intervals of more hurried literary labor. N. y. 1853. D. 824. 1 : 97 Contents. Letters from under a bridge. The four rivers. Letter to the unknown purchaser and next occupant of Glenmary.Glenmary poems. Open-air musings in the city. Invalid rambles in Germany. Letters from watering-places. A plain man's love. Willmott, Robert Aris. A journal of summer- time in the country. N. Y. 1853. S. 824.2:89 Wilson, J:, (Christopher North). The recreations of Christopher North. Phila. 1845. O. 824.2:90 Contents. Christopher in his sporting jacket. A tale of expiation. Morning monologue. The field of flowers. Cottages. An hour's talk about poetry. Inch-Cruin. A day at Windermere.- The moors. Highland snow-storm. The holy child. Our parish. May-day. Sacred poetry. Christopher in his aviary. Dr. Kitchener. Soliloquy on the seasons. A few words on Thomson. The snowball bicker of Pedmount. Christmas dreams. Our winter quarters. Stroll to Grassmere. L'envoy. Wirt, W: The letters of the british spy. 10th cd., rev. and corr.; prefixed, a biographi- cal sketch of the author. N. Y. 1848. D. 824.1 :94 Woolson, Abba Goold. Browsing among books, and other essays. Bost. 1881. S. 824.1 : 95 Contents. Browsing among books. Cats. The humdrum aspect of life. Smoking. The morality of amusements. Duds. Boston common on a Sep- tember afternoon. The selection of gifts.- Good- will towards men. Old-fashioned flowers.- College commencements. Luxuries. Small-talk as one of the fine ai-ts. Our modern winters. Spring, as seen from a city window. Taking a turkish bath. Our minor rights.- The trials of visiting. An evening's adventure at the Deacon house. 10. Englisli literature f, Letters. (Note. For collections of letters illustrating special subjects, periods of history or lives of individuals, see History, Biography, and other classes.) Scoones, W. Baptiste, ed. Four centuries of english letters ; selections from the cor- respondence of 150 writers from the period of the Paston letters to the present day. N. Y. 1880. O. 826.2 : 10 Richardson, Abby, born Sage, formerly mrs. McFarland, ed. Old love letters, or Letters of sentiment, written by persons eminent in English literature and history. Bost. 1883 [1882]. T. " 826:2 Parker, Matthew. Correspondence, comprising letters written by and to him from a. d. 1535 to his deatli, a. d. 1575 ; ed. for the Parker society by J: Bruce and T: Thoma- son Perowne. Cambridge. 1853. O. 826.2:17 Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. ^ Lettx-es, instruc- tions et memoires ; publics sur les originaux et les manuscrits du State paper office de Londres et des principales archives et bibliothfeques de I'Europe et accompa^nes d'un resume chronologique par le pnnce Alexandre Labanoif. Lond. 1845. 7 v. O. 826.2:32 Letters, now first pub. from the originals, coll. from various sources, private as well as public, with an introd. and notes by Agnes Strickland. New ed. Lond. 1844. 2 V. D. 826.2 : 25 Howel, James. Epistola? Ho-Eliana3 ; familiar letters, domestic and forren, divided into 4 books, partly historical, political, philos- ophical!, upon emergent occasions. Lond. 1678. D. 826.2:30 Williams, Roger. Letters, 16321682 ; now first coll., ed. by J: RusselJ Bartlett- Providence. 1874. O, 826.1-t-lO Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches, incl. the supp. to the Isted.; with elucidations by T: Carlyle. N. Y. 1856. 2 v. D. 826.2:20 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley-, born Pieri'cpont. Letters and works, ed. by her great grand- son, lord Wharncliflfe. Paris. 1837. 2 v. O. 826.2 : 7 Contents. V. 1. Memoir, by J. Dallaway. Intro- ductory anecdotes. Account of the court of George I at his accession. On the state of party at the acces- sion of George I, by mr. Wortley. Letters, written before 1717. The enchiridion of Epictetus. Letters during mr. Wortley's embassy. To the countess of Mar. To lady Pomf ret. 2 . Letters to mr. Wortley during her second residence abroad, 1739-61. During residence abroad, 1746-57.- To mrs. Hewet. To Hen- rietta, countess of Oxford and Mortimer. To sir James and lady Frances Steuart. Essays. Poems. App. Index. Russell, Lady Rachel, born Wriothesley, formerly lady Vaughan. Letters. Phila. 1854. D. 826.2:21 Atterbury, Francis. Private correspondence of dr. Francis Atterbury and his friends in 1725, never before pub., printed in the year 1768. With Brown, J: Dissertation on poetry and music. in 23 : R Russell, J:, 4th duke of Bedford. Correspon- dence, sel. from the originals at Woburn Abbey with an introd. by lord J: Russell. Lond. 1842-46. 3 v. O. " 826.2 : 14 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Chesterfield. Works, incl. his letters to his son, etc. Pre- fixed, an original life of the author. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1859. O. 826.2+12 Contents. Life. Speech of the stage licensing bill. Speeches on the gin act. Letters to his son, with several other pieces on various subjects. 1079 CI. 826 LITERATUItE ENGLISH, liETTEBS. 1080 Warburton, W: Letters from a late eminent prelate to one of his friends. 2d ed. Lond. 1809. O. 826.2 : 15 Carter, Elizabetli, and Catherine Talbot. A series of letters, 17411770 ; added, letters from mrs. Carter to mrs. Vesey, 17631787, pub. from the original mss. in the posses- sion of Montagu Pennington. Lond. 1809. 4v. D. 826.2:1 Junius. [Letters] ; including letters by the same writer upder other signatures ; added, his confidential correspondence with mr. Wilkes, and his private letters to mr. H. S. Woodfall ; a new and enl. ed., with new evidence as to the authorship, and extracts from an analysis by sir Harris Nicolas, by J: Wade. Lond. 1850, 1881. 2 v. D. 826.2 : 4 Griffin, F: Junius discovered. Bost. 1854. D. 826.5:1 Note. A full review of the evidence as to the authorship of these letters, by Albert R. Frey, will be found in Cushingr, W: Initials and pseudonyms, (14 :L), pp. 145-156. George III. Correspondence with lord North, from 1768 to 1783 ; ed. from the originals at Windsor, with an introd. by W. Bodham Donne. Pub. by pei-mission of the queen. Lond. 1867. 2 v. O. 826.2:29 Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Letters ; incl. numerous letters now first pub. from the original mss. Phila. 1842. 4 v. O. 826.24-13 Letters to the earl of Hertford during his lord- ship's embassy in Paris, to which are added mr. Walpole's letters to the rev. H: Zouch. Lond. 1825. Q. 826.2:1119 Grant, Anne, born Macvicar. Letters from the mountains -, the real correspondence of a lady between 1773 and 1807. 5th ed. Lond. 1813. 3v. D. 826.2:3 Adams, J: Letters, addressed to his wife ; ed. by his grandson C: Francis Adams. Bost. 1841. 2v. D. 826.1 :1 and Abigail. Familiar letters, during the re- volution ; with a memoir of mrs. Adams by C: Francis Adams. N. Y. 1876. D. 826.1:2 Adams, Abigail, born Smith. Letters ; with an introd. memoir by her grandson C: Francis Adams. 4th ed", rev. and enl. with an app. containing the letters addressed by J: Q. Adams to his son, on the study of the Bible. Bost. 1848. D. 826.1:3 Smith, Abigail, born Adams. Correspondence ; ed. by her daughter [mrs. C. A. De Windt]. T.p.w.Y). 826.1:4 Washington, G: Official letters to the honor- able american congress, written during the war between the United Colonies and Great Britain. Bost. 1795. 2 v. D. 826.1:11 Reprint of the original letters from Washing- ton to Joseph Reed dui'ing the american revolution, referred to in the pamphlets of lord Mahon and mr. Sparks, by W: B. Reed. Phila. 1853. O. 826.1:5 Butterfield, Consul Willshire, ed. The Wash- ington-Crawford letters ; the correspon- dence between G: Washington and W: Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning western lands ; with an app. containing later letters of Washington on the same subject, and letters from Valentine Craw- ford to Washington, written in 1774 and Washington, G: Continued. 1775, chronologically arr. and carefully an- notated. Cine. 1877. O. 826.1+7 The Washington-Irvine correspondence ; the official letters which passed between Wash- ington and brig.-geu. W: Irvine and be- tween Irvine and others, concerning mili- tary affairs in the west from 1781 to 1783, arr. and annotated, with an introd. con- taining an outline of events occuring pre- viously in the trans-Alleghany country. 111. Madison, Wis. 1882. O. 826.1-1-6 Cowper, W: Private correspondence with several of his most intimate friends now first pub. from the originals in the possession of his kinsman J: eJohuson. 1st amer. ed. Phila. 1824. O. 826.2:16 Bums, Robert. The correspondence between Burns and Clarinda ; with a memoir of mrs. M'Lehose (Clarinda). arr. and ed. by her grandson, W. C. M'Lehose. Edinb. 1843. D. 826.2:26 [Letters]. / /ws Works. 820.2-t-P33 Napier, Macvey. Selection from [his] corre- spondence ; ed. by his son, Macvey Napier. Lond. 1879. O. " 826.2:8 Austen, Jane. Letters ; ed. with an introd. and critical remarks by Edward, lord Bra- bourne. Lond. 1884. 2 v. O. 826.2 : 33 More, Hannah. Letters to Zachary Macaulay containing notices of lord Macaulay's youth, now first pub.; ed. and arr. by 'Arthur Roberts. N. Y. 1860. S. 826.2 : 24 Keats, J: Letters to Fanny Brawne, written in 1819 and 1820 and now given from the orig- inal mss., with introd. and notes by Harry Buxton Forman. N. Y. 1878. D. 826.2 : 5 Lamb, C: Literary sketches and letters, being the final memorials of C: Lamb, never be- fore pub., by T: Noon Talfourd. 2d ed. N. Y. 1849. D. 826.2 : 23 Hunt, James H: Leigh. Correspondence; ed. by his eldest son. Portr. Lond. 1862. 2 V. D. 826.2:31 Southey, Robei-t, and Caroline Anne Southey, 6or?4 Bowles. Correspondence ; added, cor- respondence with Shelley and Southey's Dreams ; ed. with an introd. by E: Dowden. Dublin. 1881. O. 826.2 : 34 Scott, Sir Walter. Paul's letters to hi.s kinsfolk. [Anon.} Edinb. 1816. O. 826.2:11 Lockhart, J: Gibson, {Peter Morris). Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1820. O. 826.2:6 Channing, W: Ellery, and Lucy Aikin. Cor- respondence, from 1826 to 1842; ed. by Anna Letitia Le Breton. Bost. 1874. D. 826 : 1 L'Estrange, Alfred Guy Kingham, ed. Friend- ships of Mary Russell Mitfonl, as re(U)r(lod in letters from her literary corresi)()ii(lctits. N. Y. 1882. D. 826.2 : 18 Same N. Y. 1882. Q. 826.2+18 Webster, Daniel. Private correspoiulence ; ed. by Fletcher Webster. Bost. 1857. 2 v. O. 826.1+8 Disraeli, B:, earl of Beaconsfield. Home letters, written in 1830 and 1831. 111. N. Y. 1885. 8. 826.2 : 36 Note. Written from Gibraltar, Spain, Malta, the Ionian Islands, Egypt, etc. 1081 LITEIIATTJIIE ENGLISH, LETTERS. CI. 826 1083 Dickens, C: J: Huifam. Letters; ed. by his sister-in-law [Georgina HogarthJ and his eldest daughter [Mamie Dickens]. N. Y. 1879-1881. 3 V. D 826.2:2 Contents. V. 1. 18331856. 2. 18571870. 3. 1836 1870. Carlyle, Jane, born Welsh. Letters and memo- rials ; prepared for publication by T : Carlyle, ed. by James Anthony Froude. Authorized ed. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. in 1. D. 826.2 : 27 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. 826.*2-f 27 Carlyle, T:, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Cor- respondence, 1834-1872. Bost. 1883. 2 v. D. 826:3 Ruskin, J: Arrows of the chace ; a collection of scattered letters, pub. chiefly in the daily newspapers, 1840-1880, and now ed. by an Oxford pupil, with pref. by the author. N. Y. 1881. 2 v. in 1. O. 826.2 : 9 Contents. V. 1. Letters on art and science. Let- ters on art: Art criticism and art education; Public institutions and the national gallery ; Pre-raphaelit- ism; Turner; Pictures and artists; Architecture and restoration.- Letters on science: Geological; ?lis- cellaneous. 3. Letters on politics, economy and miscellaneous matters. On politics and war. On political economy. Miscellaneous letters: The man- agement of railways ; Servants and houses; Roman inundations; Education for rich and poor; Women, their worlt and dress; Literary criticism. App. Epilogue. Chronological list of letters in both vols. Index. Thirlwall, Connop. Letters to a friend ; ed. by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. Bost. 1883. D. 826.2:28 Child, Lydia Maria, born Francis. Letters; with a biographical introd. by J: G. Whittier and an app. by Wendell Phillips. Bost. 1883 [1882]. S. 826.1:9 Rogers, H: The Greyson letters ; selections from the correspondence of R. E. H. Grey- son, [pseud, for Rogers himself]. Bost. 1857. D. 826.2 : 22 Gordon, C: G: Letters from the Crimea, the Danube and Armenia, aug. 18, 1854 to nov. 17, 1858; ed. by Demetrius C. Boulger. Loud. 1884. D. 826.2:36 11. English literature g, Satire and Humor. 1. Satire and parodies. Hamilton, Walter. Parodies of the works of english and american authors collected and annotated, v. 1, 2. Lond. 1884-85. O. 827:1 Contents. V. 1. Alfred lord Tennyson. H: Wads- worth Longfellow. Bret Harte. T: Hood. C. Wolfe. 2. Alfred lord Tennyson. H: Wadsworth Longfellow. Bret Harte. T: Hood. Edgar Allan Poe. Ann Taylor. Shakespeare's plays.- 1: Watts. J: Milton. Matthew Arnold. J: Dryden. Ashton, J: English caricature and satire on Napoleon 1. 111. N. Y. 1884. 2 v. O. 827.2:5 Bates, Arlo. Mr. Jacobs ; a tale of the drum- mer, the reporter and the prestidigitateur. [Anon.] Bost. 1883. T. 827.1:10 Note. A parody on Mr. Isaacs by F. M. Crawford. Buck, James Smith. The chronicles of the land of Columbia, commonly called America, from the landing of the pilgrim fathers to the second reign of Ulysses I, a period of 252 years, by the prophet James. Milw. 1876: O. 827.1:1 Cooke, C: Wallwyn RadcliflFe, {Angelina Gush- ingion). Thoughts on men and things. N. Y. 1872. D. 827.2:2 Coverdale, Sir Heni\y Standish, pseud. The fall of the threat republic, 1886-88. Bost. 1885. S. 827.2:6 Curtis, G: W: The Potiphar^ papers. N. Y. 1858. D. 827.1 : 7 Harte, Francis Bret. Condensed novels. 111. Bost. 1871. D. 827.1:2 Contents. Handsome is as handsome docs, by Ch-s R-de. Lothaw, by Mr. Benjamins. Muck-a-Muck, after Cooper. Terence Denville, l)y Ch-l-s L-v-r. Selina Sedilia, by miss M. E. B-dd-n and mrs. H-n y W-d. The ninety-nine guardsmen, by Al-x-d-r D-m-s. The dweller of the threshold, by sir Ed-d L-tt^n B-lw-r. The haunted man, by Ch-r-sD-ck-ns. Miss Mix, by Ch-l-tte Br-nte. Guy Heavystone, by the author of "Sword and gun." Mr. Midshipman Breezy, by Captain M-rry-t, R. N. John Jenkins, by T. S. A-th-r. Jenkins, E: Ginx's baby, his birth and other misfortunes ; a satire. [Anon.] N. Y. 1872. D. 827.2:1 Lord Bantam ; a satire by the author of "Ginx's baby." N. Y. 187-. D. 827.2:7 Locke, D: Ross, {Petroletcm Vesuvius Nasby). Nasby ; divers opinions and prophecies of yoors trooly Petroleum V. Kasby. 111. 6th ed. Cine. 1867. D. 827.1 : 6 "Swingin I'ound the cirkle" by Petroleum V., Nasby, late pastor of the church of the new dispensation, chaplain to his excellency the president and P. M. at Confederate X roads, Kentucky ; his ideas of men, yjolitics and things as set forth in his letters to the public press during the year 1866. 111. Bost. 1867. D. 827.1 : 12 Ekkoes from Kentucky by Petroleum V. Nas- by ; bein a perfect record uv de ups, downs, and experiences uv the democrisy, doorin the eventful year 1867, ez seen by a natur- alized kentuckian. 111. by T. Nast. Bost. 1868. D. 827.1 :6 Mahan, Milo. The comedy of canonization ; in four scenes. [Anon.] 3d thous. N. Y. 1868. D. 827.1 : R4 Marshall, T: W: M. The comedy of convoca- tion in the English church, in two scenes ; ed. by archdeacon Chasuble. N. Y. 1868. D. 827.1 : 3 Peace parliament. The, or The reconstruction creed of Christendom. Bost. [1871)1. S. 827 2 3 Reed, S: Rockwell. The war of 1886 between the U. S. and Great Britain ; the surprising experience, the military and financial situ- ation of our beloved country, capture of the lake, seaboard and Mississippi river ci- ties and the capital, the british terms of peace, the military and financial recon- struction. 2ded. Cine. 1882. I). 827.1:8 Strong, G: A. [Marc Anthony Henderson.) The song of Milkanwatha ; tr. from the original Feejee. 111. by Frank Beard. 3ded. Albany. 1883. S. 827.1 : 11 1083 CI. 827, 828 LITERATURE ENGLISH, SATIRE. 1084 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world ; withintrod. and explan. notes by Kobert Mackenzie. Facsimiles of the original maps etc. of the work and ill. Lond. 1883. D. 827.2 : 4 Same. In Ms Works. 820.2: 21 v2 2. Wit and humor. Hazlitt, W: Lectures on the English comic writers. Phila. 1848. D. 828.5:1 ContentH. Introductory; On wit and humour. Shakspeare and Ben Johnson. Cowley, Butler, Suckling, Etheredge, etc. Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrug-h and Farquhar. The periodical essayists. The english novelists. The works of Hogarth. The comic writers of the last century. Hazlitt, W: Carew, ed. Shakespeare jest-books ; reprints of the early and very rare jest- books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare, ed. with introd. and notes. Lond. 1864. 3 v. D. 828.2 :P20 Contents. V. 1. A hundred mery talys; from the and qu from the rare ed. of 1567. 2. Merie tales of Skelton. only known copy. Mery tales and quicke answeres Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of newes. Tarloton's jests. Merrie conceited jests of George Peele. Jacke of Dover. 3. Merie tales of the mad men of Gotham. XII mery jests of the widow Edyth. Pas- quils jests, with mother Bunches merriments. The pleasant conceits of old Hobson. Certayne con- ceits and jeasts.- Taylors wit and mirth. Conceits, chnches, flashes and whimsies. Ashton, J:, comp. Humor, wit and satire of the 17th century ; collected and ill. N. Y. 1884 [18831. D. 828.2 : 19 Adams, W: Davenport, ed. Quips and quid- dities ; a quintessence of quirks, quaint, quizzable and quotable. Lond. 1881. S. 828:2 Burton, W: Evans. The cyclopaidia of wit and humor ; containing choice and character- istic selections from the writings of the most eminent humorists of America, Ire- land, Scotland and England. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 828+1 Same. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. in 4. Q. 828 : Rl Sanborn, Kate, ed. The wit of women. N. Y. 1885. D. 828 : 3 Enchiridion, The, of wit ; the best specimens of english conversational wit. Phila. 1884. O. 828.2:21 Comic almanack, The ; an ephemeris in jest and earnest, containing merry tales, humorous poetry, quips and oddities by Thackeray, Albert Smith, Gilbert A'Beckett, the broth- ers Mayhew. 111. by G: Cruikshank and other artists. 1st ser. 18351843 ; 2d ser. 18441853. Lond. n. d. 2 v. D. 828.2 : 18 Anstey, J:, (John Surrebutter, esq.) The pleader's guide, a didactic poem, containing the conduct of a suit at law, with the argu- ments of counsellor Bother'um and counsel- lor Bore'um, in an action betwixt John-a- Gull and John-a-Gudgeon, for assault and battery. Amer. ed. by James L. High, with notes. Chicago. 1871. D. M^A Beckett, G. A. A', Comic Blackstone. in 828.2 : 1 Arbuthnot, J: Miscellaneous works ; with an account of the author's life. Lond. 1770. 2 V. S. 828.2 : 2 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenaeum, v. 1, p. 124. Beckett, Gilbert Abbott A'. The comic Black- stone. 111. Chicago. 1871. D. 828.2 : 1 Browne, C: Farrar, (Artemus Ward). Artemus Ward his travels : pt. 1, Miscellaneous ; pt. 2, Among the mormons. 111. N. Y. 1865. D. 828.1 :3 Artemus Ward in London, and other papers. 111. N. Y. 1867. D. 828.1 : 2 Bumand, Francis Cowley. Happy - thought Hall. 111. Bost. 1872. D. 828.2 : 4 Happy thoughts. Bost. 1878. S. 828.2 : 3 Carleton, G: W. Our artist in Peru, 50 drawings on wood ; leaves from the sketch-book of a traveller during the winter of 1865-6. N. Y. 1866. D. 828.1 : 33 Clemens, S: Langhorne, {Mark Twain). Mark Twain's sketches, new and old. Hartford. 1875. O. 828.1 :19 Roughing it. 111. Hartford, Conn. 1878. O. 828.1:29 Cozzens, F: Swartout. The Sparrowgrass pa- Bers, or Living in the country. N! Y. 1856. . 828.1:4 Derby, G: Horatio, (John Phoenix). Phtienixiana, or Sketches and burlesques by John Phcr- nix. 12th ed. N. Y. 1863. D. 828.1 : 5 Halpine, C: Graham, {Private Miles CBeilly). The life and adventures, songs, services and speeches of private Miles O'Reilly. 111. N. Y. 1864. D. 828.1 :' 6 Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings ; the folk-lore of the old plantation. 111. N. Y. 1884. D. 828.1 : 7 Nights with Uncle Remus ; myths and legends of the old plantation. Bost. 1883. D. 828.1 :8 Holley, Marietta. My opinions and Betsey Boli bet's; designed as a beacon light to guide women to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but which may be read by mem- bers of the sterner sex "without injury to themselves or the book. [Ano7t.] Hart- ford. 1883. O. 828.1:31 Hood, T: [Our family, and other writings.] T. p.w. D. 828.2:6 Contents. Our family. Comic miscellany. Auto- biographical poems. Whim.sicalities. 111. N. Y. 1852. D. 828.2 : 7 Irving, Washington. A history of New York from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty . . . , by Diedricli Knickerbocker. Author's rev. ed. N. Y. 1856. S. 828.1 : 9 " Containing, among many surprising and curious matters, the unutterable pondorings of Walter the doubter, the disastrous projects of William the testy, and the chivalrous achievements of Peter the head- strong, the three dutch governors of New Amster- dam, being the only authentic history of the times that ever hath been or ever will be published." Same. In his Works. 820.1 : 13 v6, 820.1 : Pll vl Jerrold, Douglas W: Cakes and ale. 7'. j). w. [Lond. 1852]. 8. 828.2:8 Fireside saints, Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk, and other papers ; now first coll. Bost. 1873. S. 828.2 : 9 Men of character. Lond. 1851. D. 828.2 : 10 Punch's letters to his son. Lond. 1853. S. 828.2:11 Punch's complete letter writer. With his Punch's letters to his son. in 828.2 : 11 Sketches of the english. With his Punch's let- ters to his son. }'n 828.2: 11 1085 LITEBATimE ENGLISH, HTJMOR. CI. 828 1086 Kingsbury, J: H. Kingsbury sketches ; a truth- ful and succinct account of the doings and misdoings of the inhabitants of Pine Grove, their private trials and public tribulations. N. Y. 1875. D. 828.1:10 Landon, Melville D., {Eli Perkins). Saratoga in 1901, by Eli Perkins. 111. N. Y. 1872. O. 828.1:11 Iieland, H: Perry. The grey-bay mare, and humorous american SKetches. 111. Phila. 1861. D. 828.1 : 12 Iiewis, C: B., {M. Quad, the Detroit free press man). Quad's odds ; anecdote, humor and pathos and other things, a book never offered to the public before. 111. Detroit. 1875. O. 828.1:34 Locke, D: Ross, {Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby.) Eastern fruit on western dishes : The morals of Abou Ben Adhem. Bost. 1875. D. 828.1 :13 Meadows, Kenny. Heads of the people, or Por- traits of the english, drawn by Kenny Mea- dows, with original essays by Douglas Jerrold, W: Thackeray, Laman Blanchard, S: Lover, Leman Rede, Leigh Hunt, mrs. Gore, mrs. S. C. Hall, W: Howitt and others. Lond. 1864. 2 v. O. 828.2:12 Mitchell, Donald Grant, {Ik Marvel.) Fudge doings ; being Tom Fudge's record of the same in forty chapters, by Ik Marvel. N. Y. 1855. 2v. D. 828.1:14 Morford, H: Sprees and splashes, or Droll re- collections of town and country ; a book for railroad rides and odd half -hours. N. Y. 1863. D. 828.1 : 15 Morris, James W., {Jacques Maurice). K. N. pepper and other condiments, put up for general use. N. Y. 1859. D. 828.1 : 16 Neal, Joseph Clay. Charcoal sketches, or Scenes in a metropolis. 111. Phila. [1843]. D. 828.1 : 32 Newell, Robert H: {Orpheus C. Kerr). The Or- pheus C. Kerr papers ; a complete contem- poraneous military history of the Mackerel brigade, its unparalleled strategetical ex- ploits on land and water, and unpreceden- ted struggles for the union and its presi- dency, in the war with the southern con- federacy. N. Y. 1871. 2 V. in 1. D. 828.1 : 17 Peck, G: Wilbur. Peck's fun ; extracts from the La-Crosse sun, and Peck's sun, Milwau- kee . . . ; conip. by V. W. Richardson. Cliicago. 1880. D. 828.1 : 30 Prentice, G: Denison. Prenticeana, or Wit and humor in paragraphs, by the editor of the Louisville journal. N. Y. 1860. D. 828.1 :20 Riley, H. H. The Puddleford papers, or Humors of the west. 111. Bost. 1883. D. 828.1 :27 Russell, M. C. Uncle Dudley's odd hours ; the vagaries of a country editor. Also, as an app., J. Proctor Knott's famous speech on Duluth. Duluth, Minn. 1882. S. 828.1 :28 Sherwood, J: D. The comic history of the U. S. New ed. Boston. 1881. D. 828.1 : 26 Shillaber, B: Penhallow, {Mrs. Partington). Par- tingtonian patchwork. Bost. 1873. D. 828.1 :21 Contents. Blifkins the martyr; the domestic trials of a model husband. The modern syntax; dr. Spooner's experiences in search of the delectable. Partington papers ; strippings of the warm milk of human kindness. New and old dips from an unam- bitious inkstand. Smith, C: H., {Bill Arp). Bill Arp's peace pa- pers. 111. N. Y. 1873. D. 828.1 : 18 Smith, Horace, {Paul Chatfield, M. D.) The tin trumpet, or Heads and tales for the wise and waggish. New amer. ed. with altera- tions and add. N. Y. 1859. D. 828.2 : 5 Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Mr. Brown's letters to a man about town, with The proser and other papers. N. Y. 1853. S. 828.2 : 14 Contents. Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town: Introductory; On tailoring and toilettes in general; The influence of lovely woman upon so- ciety; Some more words about the ladles; On friend- ship; Mr. Brown the elder takes mr. Brown the youn- ger to a club ; A word about balls in season ; A word about dinners; On some old customs at the dinner table; Great and little dinners; On love, marriage, men and women; On friendship; Out of town. The proser: On a lady in an opera box; On the pleasures of being a fogy ; On the benefits of being a f ogy. Miscellanies: Child's parties; The story of Koom- panee Jehan; Science at Cambridge; A dream of Whitefriars; Mr. Punch's address to the great city of Castlebar; Irish gems; The Charles II ball; The Georges; Death of the earl of Kobinson. Same. [Bound with the following]. 828.2 : 15 Punch's prize novelists. The fat contributor, and Travels in London. N. Y. 1853. S. With his Mr. Brown's letters. *a828.2 : 15 Contents. Punch's prize novelists: G : De Barnwell ; Phil. Fogarty; Barbazure; Lords and liveries; Cod- lingsby. The fat contributor: Brighton; Meditations over Brighton; A Brighton night entertainment: Brighton in 1847; Travelling notes; Punch in the east. Travels in London : The curate's walk; A din- ner in the city; A club in an uproar; Waiting at the station; A night's pleasure. Going to see a man hanged. Sketches and travels in London ; Novels by eminent hands; Character sketches. T.p. w. 828.2 : 16 Contents. Same as Mr. Brown's letters and Punch's prize novelists, with character sketches; Captain Rook and Mr. Pigeon; The fashionable authoress; The artists. Thackerayana, notes and anecdotes ; depicting humorous incidents in his school Jife and favourite scenes and characters in the books of his e very-day reading. New ed. 111. Lond. n. d.D. ' 828.2: 17 Thompson, Mortimer N., {Q. K. Philander Doe- sticks, P. B.) Plu-ri-bus-tah, a song that's by no author, a deed without a name per- Setrated by Q. K. Philander Doesticks. .Y. 1856. D. 828.1:22 The witches of New York as encountered by Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P. B. N. V. 1859. S. 828.1:23 Whitcher, Frances Miriam, horn Berry. The widow Bedott papers ; with an introd. by A. B. Neal. New add. N. Y. 1883. D. 828.1:26 1087 CI. 829 LITERATURE ENGLISH, MISCELLANY. 1088 12. English literature h, Miscellany. 1. Collections. Waller, J: Francis. Pictures from english litera- ture. 111. Lond.n.d.O. 829.24-27 Contents. Chaucer, G. Griseld. -Spenser, E. Una. Shakespeare, W : Falstaff. Milton, J : 1 he lady in Comus. Addison, J. Sir Roger de Coverley. Fielding-, H: Sopliia Western. Sterne, L. Tlie Shandies. - Sheridan, R. S. The rivals. - Gold- smith, O. The vicar of Wakefield. Cowper, W: John Gilpin. -Burns, R. Tam O'Shanter.-Colman, G:, jr. The heir-at-law. Scott, Su- W. Jeanie Deans Coleridge, S: T. The ancient mariner. Campbell, T: Gertrude of Wyoming-. Byron, Lord. Haidee. Lytton, Lord. Nydia. Thackeray, W: M. Colonel Newcome. Dickens, C: Pecksniff. Tennyson, A. Dora. Hunt, James H: Leigh, ed. A book for a corner, or Selections in prose and verse from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment, with comments on each and a general introd. 2 ser. in 1. N. Y. 1852. D. ^ 829.2 : 16 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenaeum, V. 3, p. 1474. - Same. 2d ser. N. Y. 1852. D. 829.2 : 16 v2 Jerrold, W: Blan chard, ed. The best of all^ood company. 1st series : C: Dickens, Walter Scott, W. M. Thackeray, Douglas Jerrold. 111. Boston. 1875. O. 829.2 : 67 Ashton, J: Chap-books of the 18th century, with fac-similes, notes and introd. Lond. 1882. D. 829.2 : 50 Small books on great subjects ; v. 1-3. [Anon.] Phila. 1847. S. 829.2:48 Contents. V. 1. Corn-wallis, C. P. Philosophical inquiries and philosophical experience by a pariah. Barlo-w, J: The connection between physiology and intellectual philosophy. Barlow, J: On man's power over himself to prevent or control insanity. Corn-wallis, C. P. An introduction to practical organic chemistry. 2. Corn-wallis, C. P. A brief view of greek philosophy up to the age of Pericles. Corn-wallis, C. P. A brief view of greek philosophy from the age of Socrates to the coming of Christ. Corn-wallis, C. P. Christian doctrine and practice in the 2d century. Cornwallis, C. P., {Thomas Brown redivivxis). An exposition of vulgar and com- mon errors adapted to 1845. 3. An introduction to vegetable physiology with references to De Candolle, Lindley, etc. On the principles of criminal law. Corn-wallis, C. P. Christian sects in the 19th cen- tury. Com-wallis, C. P. The general principles of grammar. Aikin, J:, and Anna Lsetitia Barbauld. Even- ings at home, or The juvenile budget opened. Rev. ed. from the 15th Lond. ed. 111. N. Y. 1855. D. X829.2 : 65 Chambers, W: and Robert, eds. Miscellany of instructive and entertaining tracts. New and rev. ed. Edinb. 1869-72. 20 v. D. 829.2:4 Contents. V. 1. Life of G: Stephenson. Maurice and Genevieve. Picciola, or The prison flower. Abyssinia and Theodore. Cases ot circumstantial evidence. The last earl of Derwentwater. Home plants, water animals, and the aquarium. Anec- dotes of dogs. The heroine of Siberia. Poems of the domestic affections. 2. Lord Dundonald. Journal of a poor vicar. Blanche Raymond. Romance of geology. Laroche- jaquelein and the war in La Vendee. Anecdotes of the horse. Story of Peter Williamson. Curiosities of vegetation. Children of the wilds. Select poems on love for flowers. 8. Life of Nelson. The goldmakers' village. Story of the Indian mutiny. Story of Silvio Pelllco. William Tell and Switzerland. The herring and X denotes books specially adapted for children. the whale. Scottish traditionary stories. Selections from american poetry. ^ 4. Wallace and Bruce. The village mayor. Anecdotes of ants. Shipwi-eck of the Medusa. His- M tory of Poland. Arctic explorations. Plora Mac-a donald. It's only a drop. Select poems from Cow- per. 5. Louis Napoleon, emperor of the french. Love m is power. Anecdotes of spiders. Adventures of Robert Drury. Account of the borders. The plague in London. Mutiny of the Bounty. Select poetry of Scott. 6. Captain Cook. Earthquakes and volcanos. A tale of Norfolk island. The two beggar boys.- The widow's son. Anecdotes of the deaf, dumb, and blind. Story of R: Palconer. Byron's narrative of the loss of the Wager. History of the mormons. The Scottish adventurers. Walter Ruysdael. Poems on kindness to animals. 7. Joan of Arc, maid of Orleans. Annals of the poor. Gold and gold-diggers. Traditionary tales of Tweeddale. There is no hurry ! Abby's year in Lowell. Anecdotes of elephants. The russian cam- paign. The ancient mariner, and other poems. 8. Life of Washington. Hinduism. Intelligent negroes. Visit to Shetland. Story of Lavalette. Religious impostors. Wonders and curiosities of architecture. Time enough. Chevy chase. 9. William, prince of Orange. Anecdotes of the cat and the rat. The sun. Story of Colbert. Happy families of animals. The story of Valentine Duval. The moors in Spain. The man with the iron mask. Visit to Vesuvius and Pompeii.- The hermit of Warkworth, etc. 10 . Life of sir Walter Scott. Wonders and curios- ities of civil engineering. Life assurance. Passion and principle. The ancient cave-men of Devonshire. Life of a sailor boy. Madame Roland. The nor- man conquest. Selections from Shakspeare. 11. Life of Peter the great. The stranger's visit to Edinburgh. Wonders of the microscope. The story of De la Tude. Mrs. Macclarty. The persecu- tions in Scotland. The Christmas holiday. Be just before you ai-e generous. The heir of Linne, and other ballads. 12. Life of Columbus. Stories of aims and ends. A lord provost's holiday. Story of a french pris- oner of war in England. H: Arnaud and the wald- enses. Heroism in humble life. Prince Le Boo. Sir Stamford Raffles and the Malayan Archipelago. Poems by G: Crabbe. 13. Life of Henry IV of Prance. Anecdotes of serpents. Story of Alexander Andrayne. Helen Gray. France ; its revolutions and misfortunes. The Montyon prizes. Three ways of living. The childe of l^Ue, and other ballads. 14. Life of Howard. Names of persons. The magiC flute. Why the sea is salt.- Account of the gipsies. Elizabeth Stuart and the palatinate. The Camisards. Women's trials in humble life. Selec- tions from french and german poetry. 1 5. Life of W : Hutton. The deserters. Pearls and pearl fisheries. Moral tales from the french. Gustavus Adolphus and the thirty years' war. The sister of Rembrandt. Eminent astronomers.- Poems on birds. 16. Life of W: Penn. Do you think I'd inform? The schoolmaster's dream. The crusades. Anec- dotes of shoemakers. Monuments of unrecorded ages. Speculative manias. Valerie Duclos. Selec- tions from Byron. 17. Life of James Watt. The little captive king. The pilgrim fathers. History of the Bastille. Anecdotes of the early painters. Life of Alexander Selkirk. The wooden spoon. The Tintoretto. His- tory of Will and Jean. 18. Sir W: Jones, etc. Excursion to the Oregon. The friendly arrest, a tale. The british conquest of India. The old witchcrafts. Conquest of Mexico. The stranger's visit to London. Poems on insects. 19. Life of Oberlin. Scenes from peasant life in Norway. Quintin Matsys.- Lif e and travels of Burck- hardt. Leon Gondy; a legend of Ghent. Rob Roy and the clan McGregor. Toussaint L'Ouverture and Hayti. Jim Cronln. Songs of homo and fatherland. 20. Count Rumford. The guerilla. History of the jews in England. Arnold and Andre. African discovery. The hope of Leascombe. Spectral illu- sions. Selections from the Elizabethan poets. 1089 LITEBATUIIE ENGLISH, MISCELLANY. CI. 829 1090 .ambers, W:, ed. Miscellany of useful and en- tertaining knowledge ; v. 1 4, 6 8, 10. Bost. 11. d. 8 V. S. 829.2 : 5 Contents. V. 1. The life of Louis Philippe, king of the f rench. A tale of Norfolk Island. Story of Col- bert. Happy family of animals. The employer and employed. Time enough; a tale by mrs. S. C. Hall. My native bay. Manual for infant management. Picciola, or The prison flower. Life in the bush. William Tell and Switzerland. The two beggar boys. The widow's son, by Mrs. Stone. Select poems of the domestic affections. Life of Grace Darling, etc. Volney Beckner. James Maxwell. Story of Maurice and Genevieve. Religious impostors. Anecdotes of dogs. La Kochejaquelein and the war in La Vendee. Journal of a poor vicar. Blanche Raymond; a Pari- sian story. The romance of geology. History of the slave trade. Story of Walter Ruysdale, the watch- maker. Chevy Chase. Beggar's daughter of Bethnal Green. 2. Life of Lord Nelson. The temperance movement. Story of P: Williamson. Joan of Arc, maid of Orleans. Annals of the poor. Slavery in America. A visit to Vesuvius, Pompeii and Hercu- laneum. Story of Baptiste Lulli, the boy musician. Select poems of kindness to animals. William Wal- lace and Robert Bruce. Cases of circumstantial evi- dence. Story of R. Falconer. Byron's narrative of the loss of the Wa(/er. The goldmaker's village. The last earl of Derwentwater. The heroine of Siberia. Domestic flour culture. Insurrections in Lyons. The hermit of Warkworth, and other ballads. 3. Lifeofcapt.JamesCook. Anecdotes of the horse. William of Orange and the Netherlands. Passion and principle ; atale from the trench. Life insurance, a familiar dialogue. Excursion to the Oregon. Mrs. Maeclarty; scenes from the "Cottagers of Glenbur- * nie." The little captive king. Children of the wilds. Select poems on love for flowers. Life of Flora McDonald. Cleanliness, bathing, ventilation. Anec- dotes of the deaf, dumb and blind. Sir Stamford Raflles and the Spice Islands. The sister of Rem- brandt; a flemish story. Anecdotes of the cat. It's only a drop; an irish tale by mrs. S. C. Hall. Tous- saint L'Ouverture and the republic of Haytl. Curio- sities of vegetation. The ancient mariner, and other poems by Coleridge. 4. Life of Washington. Anecdotes of ele- phants. The story of Lavalette. Intelligent negroes. A visit to Madeira and Teneriffe. The life of a sailor boy. Hindoo superstitions. The story of Valentine Duval. The history of Will and Jean; a ballad. Life of W: Hutton. Spectral illu- sions. Prince Le Boo. The Tintoretto. History of Poland. The Scottish adventurers. A visit to Shet- land. Story of baron Trenck. The heir of Linne, and other ballads. 6. Life of Chi-istopher Columbus. Narrative of the russian campaign. Love is power. The story of Alexander Andrayne. Anecdotes of spiders. The village mayor by Zschokke. The story of Fritz Korner. The bird catcher and his canary. An account of the borders. Select poetical pieces of W : Cowper. Life of Peter the great. The story of De la Tude. The moors of Spain. The Montyon prizes. Curiosities of ai-t, 1: Architecture. The persecutions in Scotland. The three ways of living. The child of Elle, and other ballads. 7. Life of J : Howard, the philanthropist. Curio- sities of art, 2: Mechanics, Manufactures. The Camisards. Anecdotes of shoemakers. Story of a f rench prieoner of war in England. Rob Roy and the clan MacGregor. There is no hurry; a tale of life as- surance, by mrs. S. C. Hall. Abby's year in Lowell; a tale of self-denial. Selections from american poets. Gustavus Adolphus and the thirty years' war. The stranger's visit to Edinburgh. Narrative of the mutiny of the Bounty. The Ettrick shepherd. History of the plague in London. Schools of in- dustry. Quintin Matsys, the blacksmith of Antwerp. Selections from Shakspeare. 8. Life of W: Penn. "Do you think I'd inform ?" by mrs. S. C. Hall. The schoolmaster's dream, by mrs. S. C. Hall. Treasures of the earth, 1: Miner- als. The man with the iron mask. The norman con- quest. Life and travels of Burckhardt. The Christ- mas holiday. Be just before you are generous. Selections from f rench and german poetry. Life of James Watt. Pictures of war. Stories of alms and ends. Account of the gipsies. Life of Alexander Selkirk. ~ Account of the Highlands. African dis- covery. Select poems on insects. 10. Life of count Rumford. The crusades. Women's trials In humble life. Overland journey to India. Moral tales, from the f rench. History of the Bastille. Pearls and pearl fisheries.- Selections from Byron. Eminent astronomers. Hints to workmen. The guerilla; a story of the peninsular war. Spe- culative manias. Four months in Cape Colony. A selection of english and scotch proverbs. Wonders of the telescope. Jim Cronin; an irish tale, by mrs. Hoare. Songs of home and fatherland. Dickens, C: J: Huffam, ed. Household words ; Lreprinted]. Leipz. 1851-56. 36 v. in 18. S. 829.2 : 62 Timbs, J: Things not generally known, famili- arly explained ; a oook for old and young. Lond. 1880. 12 v. S. 829.2 : 64 Contents. 1st series. Marvels of the heavens. The earth, its surface and interior. The sea. The at- mosphere. Sight and sound. Geographical discov- ery. Life and death. Animal kingdom. Trees and plants. Natural magic. Domestic manners. The calendar. Laws and customs. Church and state. Parliament. Nationalities. Dignities. Science, the arts and manufactures. Money. Art-terms. Lan- guage and books. 2d series. Old english manners, ceremonies and customs. Olden meals and house-wifery. Punch and Judy, old plays, pageants and music. English laws, legal customs, privileges and dignities. Money, weights and measures. Olden herbs and fruit. Phenomena and life. Funeral customs and cere- monies. Home proverbs, sayings and phrases. Weather-wisdom. Pictures and the care of them. Inventions and discoveries. [3d series] . Curiosities of science; v. 1. Introd. Physical phenomena. Sound and light. Astrono- my. Geology and paleontology. Meteorological phenomena. Physical geography of the sea. Phe- nomena of heat. Magnetism and electricity. The electric telegraph. Miscellanea. r4th series]. Curiosities of science ; v. 2. Alchemy and chemistry. Modern chemistry. Chemistry of metals. Poisons. Hippocrates. Physiological chemistry. Chemistry of food. The laboratory. Chemical manufactures. General sci- ence. A chapter on chloroform. App. [5lh series]. Curiosities of history. The saci-ed story. Greece and Rome, Babylon and Carthage, etc. Legendary and fabulous. Voyages, travels and adventures. Modern history. British history. The seven wonders of the world. Historic say- ings and origins. Ensigns, laws and government. Historic doubts. Miscellanea. [6th series]. Popular errors explained. Errors respecting the economy of man. Erroneous views of natural phenomena. Errors In the progress of society. Errors In science, art and invention. Er- roneous and traditional history. Errors in natural history. Fabulous animals. Superstition and cre- dulity. Erroneous laws and customs. Errors in domestic history. Miscellanea. [7th series]. Notable thing's of our own time. Introd. Marvels of the universe. Geological pi-o- fress. Seas, lakes and rivers. Antiquity of man. tudy of man and his monuments. New countries. Animal life. Trees and plants. Science applied to the arts. Mining and working in metals. The railway. The electric telegraph. Operations of war. Diamonds. Life, health and death. Historic jottings. Great exhibition. Miscellaneous. [8th series]. Thingrs to be remembered in daily life. Time. Life and length of days. The school of life. Business life. Home traits. The spirit of the age. World knowledge. Conclusion. [9th series] . A garland for the year. Something: for everybody. Pall Mall; the game and the street. Whitebait. Personal recollections of Bram- bletye. Domestic arts and customs. Glories of a garden. Early gardeners and writers on gardening. Lord Bacon, J: Evelyn and sir W: Temple. A day at Hatfield. London gardens. Pope at Twickenham. Celebrated gardens. Curiosities of bees. Prompt remedies and small services. [10th series]. Knowledgre for the time. Histo- rico-political Information. Progress of civilization. Dignities and distinctions. Changes in laws. Measure and value. Progress of science. Life and health. Religious thought. [1 1th series.] Mysteries of life, death and fu- turity. Life and time. Nature of the soul. Spiri- ual life. Mental operations. Belief and scepticism. 1091 CI. 82d LlTEBATtrRE ENGLISH, MISCELLANY. 1092 What is superstition ? Premature interment. Phenomena of death. Sin and punishment. The crucifixion of our Lord. The end of the world fore- told. Man after death. The intermediate state. The christian resurrection. The future states. The recog-nition of each other by the blessed. Adver- saria. The pilgrim's progress. App. Literary his- tory of madmen. [12th series]. Predictions realized. Days and numbers. Prophesying almanacs. Omens. Histo- rical predictions. Predictions of the f rench revo- lution. The Bonaparte family. Discoveries and inventions anticipated. Scriptural prophecies. Mis- cellaneous. Gifts of genius ; a miscellany of prose and poetry by amei'ican authors. N. Y. [18591. D. 829.1:17 Stauffer, F. H. The queer, the quaint, the quiz- zical ; a cabinet for the curious. N. Y. 1883. O. 829.1:55 Harper's Christmas, 1882. N. Y. 1882. F. 829. 1 : 1150 Note. A remarkable specimen of modern wood- engraving, with descriptive letter-press. American nights' entertainments ; consisting of numerous stories, tales, adventures, biographies and papers in natural history, geography, astronomy, etc. by Julian Haw- thorne and others, ill. N. Y. ti. d. O. X 829.1 :64 Worthington's annual ; a series of interesting stories, biographies, papers on natural history for the young. 111. N. Y. [1883, 18841. 2v. O. X 829.1 : 62 Appleton's summer book, for the seaside, the forest, the camp, the train, the steamboat, the arbor and the watei-ing- place. N. Y. 1880. O. 829.1+1 Contents. Bunce, O. B. Our summer pleasure- places. Wonders of the shore. Trout-flshing. Bird- shooting on the coast of New Jersey. Air-painting. Cooper, G: The hunter's return. A miniature marine aquarium. How to make an herbarium. Phillips, B. About fishing. Jones, C. H. A trip up the Hudson. Englishman, An. The Thousand Isles. Ing'ersoll, E. The birds of the brookside.- Bide- ing', W. H. Vacations in Colorado. Stedman, E. C. The strawberry-pickers. How to preserve autumn leaves. Ferris, G: T. New Haven sketches. P., E. T. Witch-hazel. Mountain-climbing. Bunce, O. B. Summer pictures. Montgrommery, G : E. The skies. Bowker, K. K. Camping out. RUckert, F: Alone by the sea. McKay, J. T. Blake's Ferry. Street, A. B. The pine-root fence. Rideing, W. H. Holidays off the beaten path. Robinson, N. How I dined on the Boulevard des Italiens. Crad- dock, C: E. Taking the blue ribbon at the county fair. Jones, C. H. A western adventure. Life on a California ranch. Lady, A. Dogs I have known and loved. Fifth avenue on an august night. New York at the seaside. 2. Individual authors. Addison, Joseph. Miscellaneous works in verse and prose ; consisting of such as were never before printed in twelves, with some ac- count of the life and writings of the author by mr. Tickell. Lond. 1746. 3 v. 8. 829.2 : 61 Contents. V. 1. Tickell, T: Preface. Poems on several occasions. Rosamond; an opera. Poems on several occasions. 2. Cato ; a tragedy. To sir God- frey Kneller. Poemata. The drummer, or The haunted house ; a comedy. The trial and conviction of count Tariff. The whig-examiner. 3. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals. The present state of the war. Of the christian religion. Albert, Francis C: A: Albert Emmanuel von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, prince consort of England. Prince Albert's golden precepts, X denotes books specially adapted for children. or The opinions and maxims of his royal highness the prince consort, selected from his addresses, etc., some now for the first time coll. and carefully arr., with an index. New ed. [Bayard ser".] Lond. 1873. T. 829.2 : 1 Allen, C: Grant. Colin Clout's calendar; the record of a summer, april October. N. Y. 1883. D. 829.2 : 56 Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam and viacount St. Albans. The Promus of formularies and elegancies, being private notes circa 1594, hitherto unpub.; ill. and elucidated by pas- sages from Shakespeare by mrs. H: Pott, with a pref. by E. A. Abbott. Bost. 1883. O. 829.2+44 Barham, R: Harris, {Thomas Ingoldsby). The Ingoldsby legends, or Mirth and marvels by T: Ingoldsby; with a memoir of the author. 111. Pfiila. 1860. 2 v. D. 829.2 : 63 Beecher, H: Ward. Eyes and ears. Bost. 1862. D. 829.1:2 Star papers, or Experiences of art and nature. N. Y. 1858. D. 829. 1 : 3 Blackwell, Robert. Original acrostics on all the states and presidents of the U. S., and various other subjects, religious, political and personal. 111. Nashville, Tenn. 1861. O. 829.1:114 Blanchard, Laman. Sketches from life ; ed. with a memoir of the author by sir E: Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. in 1. D. 829.2:2 Contents. V. 1. Memoir. A quarrel with some old acquaintances. Suggestion for the celebration of Shakespeare's birthday. Anonymous. Quotations. . s. d. The last book. Public dinners. Content or not content. Some account of the Inconsolable society. The blunders of the remarkably skilful. Eccentricities of affectation. Speech-making after dinner. 2. Keeping secrets. Advice gratis. -Et- cetera. April fool's day all the year round. How to make a long day. "Faults on both sides." On con- sidering oneself horsewhipped. Confessions of a going out. Mj The flower-stealers. keyhole. Just going out. My Christmas dinner. Bowles, T: Gibson. Flotsam and jetsam ; ;i yachtsman's experiences at sea and ashore. N. Y. [18831. D. 829.2 : 57 Buckle, H: T: Miscellaneous and posthumous works ; ed. with a biographical notice by Helen Taylor. Lond. 1872. 3 v. O. 829.2:31 Contents. V. 1. Biographical notice. Introd. Miscellaneous works: The Influence of women on the progress of knowledge; Mill on Liberty; Letter respecting Pooley's case. Posthumous works: The reign of Elizabeth; Fragments. 2. Common place books. 3. Same, continued. 16th century. Manners * In the 17th century. Notes for english history. Indexes to v. 2, 3. Burritt, Elihu. Thoughts and things at home and abroad ; with a memoir by Mary Hovv- itt. Bost. 1856. D. 829.1:5 Child, Lydia Maria, born Francis. The fr{>ed- men's book. Bost. 1865. D. 829.1 : 6 Looking toward sunset ; from sources old and new, original and selected. Bost. 1865. 1). 829.1 :7 Clark, Lewis Gaylord. Knick-knacks from an editor's table. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1852]. I). 829.1 :8 Colton, C: Caleb. Lacon, or Many things in few words, addressed to those who think. Rev. ed., with a life of the author. N. Y. 1860. D. 829.2:6 LITERATUKE ENGLISH, MISCELIiANY. CI. 829 1094 Colton, Walter. The sea and the sailor, Notes on France and Italy, and other literary remains ; with a memoir by H: T. Cheever. N. Y. 1854. D. 829.1:54 Contents. The sea and the sailor. A tale of the sea; a poem. Notes on France and Italy. Rodieker's youth; a poem. Aphorisms, maxims and laconics.- An unfinished satire. Selections from editorials. In the pulpit. Memoir. Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3d earl of Shaftesbury. Characteristicks of men, manners, opin- ions, times. 4th ed. 1727. 3 v. D. 829.2:47 Contents. V. 1. A letter concerning' enthusiasm. Sensus communis ; an essay on the freedom of wit and humour. Soliloquy, or Advice to an author. 2. An inquiry into virtue and merit. The moralists; a philosophical rhapsody. 3. Miscellaneous reflec- tions.- A notion of the tablature, or Judgment of Hercules. Cornish, T. H. The volume of the affections, or Bridal offering. Lond. 1836. D. 829.2 : 63 Croly, Jennie, born Cunningham, {Jennie June). Jennie juniana ; talks on woman's topics. Bost. 1864. D. 829.1 : 10 Cross, Marian, born Evans, formerly mrs. G: H.- Lewes, {George Eliot). Wit and wisdom of George Eliot. Bost. 1878. T. 829.2 : 7 Character readings from George Eliot ; se- lected and arr. by Nathan Sheppard. N. Y. 1883. Q. 829.2+45 Disraeli, B:, earl of Beaconsfield. Wit and wis- dom of B: l)israeli, earl of Beaconsfield; coll. from his writings and speeches [by H:G:Calcraft]. N.Y.1881.D. 829.2:413 Dodge, Mary Abigail, ( Oail Hamilton). A battle of the books, recorded by an unknown writer for the use of authors and publish- ers ; to the first for doctrine, to the second for reproof, to both for correction and in- struction in righteousness. Cambridge. 1870. D. 829.1 : 12 ' Country living and country thinking. Bost. 1863. S. 829.1 :13 Contents. Moving. The bank. My garden. Men and women. My birds. Tommy. Boston and home again. Brown-bread cakes. A complaint of friends. Dog-days. Summer gone. Winter. My flower- bed. Lights among the shadows of our civil war. Gala-days. Bost. 1863. 8. 829.1:14 Contents. Gala-days. A call to my countrywomen. A spasm of sense. Camilla's concert. Cheri. Side glances at Harvard class-day. Success in life. Happiest days. Summer rest. Bost. 1866. D. 829.1 : 15 Contents. Orchard talk. A prose Henrlade. Larva lessons. Fancy farming. A council about a coun- cil. GilflUan's Sabbath. The kingdom coming. King James the first.- Well done. Twelve miles from a lemon. N. Y. 1874. D. 829.1 : 16 Contents. Twelve miles from a lemon. Lemon- drops. Hemlock poison. The wonders and wisdom of carpcTitry. Science pure and practical.- Ameri- can inventions.- The pleasures of poverty. To Tudlz by railroad. The higher laws of railroads. Holidays. Conference wrong' side out. Country character. Autumn voices. On social formula and social freedom. The fashions. Sleep and sickness. Dinners. Forbes, Archibald. Glimpses through the can- non-smoke ; a series of sketches. Bost. 1881. D. 829.2:8 Contents. Matrimony among the bomb-shells.- An evening party among the navvies. The parade of the commissionaires. Christmas night in very com- mon lodgings. How I "saved France". The In- verness character fair. Miss Priest's bridecake. The Cawnpore of today. Christmas presents by post. On the line of march. George Martell's bundobust. Keverencing the golden feet. Christmas day on a Forbes, AvGh.ih?i\d..Gontimied. "growler". The Lucknow of today. Railway Llzz. A hill story. Soldiering and scribbling ; a series of sketches. Leipz. 1872. S. 829.2 : 9 Contents. A penny a day. At the Christmas cattle- market. Soldiers' wives. In a military prison. German war prayers. Flogged. A Sunday after- noon at Guy's. Butcher Jack's story. Bummarees. A deserter's story. Lions and lion taming. Cat's- meat. Army crimes and punishment. The story of the Megara. A march on Brighton. Furs. Christ- mas in a cavalry regiment. Christmas in the fore- posts, 1870. Workhouse and Christmas depravity, 1871. Christmas among the beggars. Souvenirs of some continents. N. Y. 1885. S. 829.2 : 66 Contents. Skobeleflf . How I became a war cor- respondent. The emperor and his marshal. Social Australia. Macgahan, the american war correspon- dent.- Where was Villlers ? Wolseley, a character sketch. The american gentleman with the moist eye. Interviewed by an emperor. Some society aspects of America. Doughton scrip.- A poet waif. Christmastide in Khyber Pass. Same. Lond. 1885. D. 829.2 : 66 Foster, J: John Foster; his life and thoughts by W. W. Everts. N. Y. 1883. O. 829.2 : 58 Garfield, James Abram. Garfield's words ; sug- gestive passages from [his] public and grivate writings, comp. by W: Ralston alch. Bost. 1881. T. ' 829.1:48 Gestrin, C: E: H. Vacation labors, by C. E. H. G. Montpelier, Vt. 1879. D. 829. 1 : 65 Contents. Glimpses of the old world and the new: 1, The Immigrant; 2, Old country education and free country education. Kan't be kured. A Swedish country minister and his house 100 years ago. Greenwood, James, {The amateur casual). In strange company ; the experiences of a roving correspondent. 2d ed., with much add. matter. Portr. Lond. 1883. D. 829.2 : 49 Hare, Julius C: and A: W: Guesses at truth by two brothers. From the 5th Lond. ed. Bost. 1861. D. 829.2 : 10 Hawes, W: Post, {J. Cypress, jr.). Sporting scenes and sundry sketches ; the miscel- laneous writings of J. Cypress, jr., ed. by Frank Forrester. N. Y.1842. 2 v. D. 829.1 :11 Helps, Sir Arthur. Brevia ; short essays and aphorisms, by the author of "Friends in council", [with index]. Bost. 1871. D. 829.2:11 Companions of my solitude, [with index]. Bost. 1878. D. 829.2 : 12 Friends in council ; a series of readings and discourse thereon. [Anon.] N. Y. 1885. 2 V. in 1. D. 829.2 : 13 vl Contents. V. 1. Truth. Conformiiy. Despair. Recreation. Greatness. Fiction. On the art of living with others. Education. Unreasonable claims in social atfections and relations.- Public im- provements. History. Reading. On giving and taking criticism. On the art of living. 2. Improve- ment of the condition of the rural poor. Govern- ment. Slavery. -- Same. V. 1. Bost. 1853. S. 829.2 : 13 vl Same; New series. New rev. ed. N. Y. 1885. 2v. inl. D. 829.2:13 v2 Contents. V. 1. Address to the reader. Introd. Worry. War. A love story. Criticism.-Biog-raphy. Proverbs. On the arts of self-advancement. 2. Ellesmere's plan for a new essay. On the miseries of human life. Life not so miserable after all. On pleasantness. Conversation on pleasantness.- Lov- ers' quarrels. Rowing down the river Moselle. On government. Despotism. The farm -yard. Chiefly showing the need for tolerance. Social pressure. Bost. 1875. D. 829.2 : 14 1095 01. 829 LITEItATTJBE ENGLISH, MISCELIiANY. 1096 Howe, W. W. The Pasha papers ; epistles of Mohammed Pasha, rear admiral of the turkish navy, written from New York to his friend Abel Ben Hassen ; tr. into anglo- american from the original mss. Added, sundry other letters, critical and explana- tory, laudatory and objurgatory, from gratilied or injured individuals in various parts of the planet. N. Y. 1859. D ^ 829.1 oo Hunt, James H: Leigh. Mirror of the months. Lond. 1836. D. 829.2:59 Table-talk. Added, Imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift. New ed. Lond. 1883. S. 829.2:60 Irving, Washington. The Crayon miscellany. Author's rev. ed. N. Y. 1849. D. 829.1 :18 Contents. A tour on the prairies. Abbotsford. Newstead abbey. Spanish papers, and other miscellanies, hither- to unpuD. or uncoil.; arr. and ed. by Pierre M. Irving. N. Y. 1866. 3 v. D. 829.1 : 19 Contents. V. 1. The legend of Don Roderick. Legend of the subjugation of Spain. Legend of count Julian and his family. Abderahman, the founder of the dynasty of the Ommiades in Spain. Chronicle of Fernan Gonzalez, count of Castile. Chronicle of Fernando the saint. Spanish romance. a. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent. Biouraphical sketches: Capt. James Lawrence; Lieut. Burrows; Commodore Perry; Capt. D: Porter; T: Campbell; Washington Allston; Conversations with Talma; Margaret Miller Dsividson. Reviews and miscellanies: Robert Treat Paine; Edwin C. Holland; Wheaton's History of the northmen ; Conquest of Granada; Let- ter to the ed. of "The knickerbocker" ; Sleepy Hollow; National nomenclature ; Desultory thoughts on crit- icism; Communipaw; Conspiracy of the Cocked Hats; Letter from Granada; The Catskill mountains. The sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. (Stratford ed.) N. Y. n. d. D. 829.1 : 20 Contents. The author's account of himself. The voyage. Roscoe. The wife. Rip Van Winkle. English writers on America. Rural life in England. The broken heart. The art of book-making. A royal poet. The country church. The widow and her son. A Sunday in London The Boar's Head tav- ern, Eastcheap. The mutability of litei-atui'e. Rural funerals. The inn kitchen. The spectre bridegroom. Westminster abbey. Christmas.-The stage coach. Christmas eve. Christmas day. The Christmas dinnei-, London antiques. Little Britain. Stratford-on- Avon. Traits of Indian character. Philip of Pokanoket.- John Bull. The pride of the village. The angler. The legend of Sleepy Hollow. L'envoy. App. Christmas in England ; papers from the "Sketch-book." 111. N. Y. 1867. O. 829.1+22 See also Ms Works. 820.1 : 13, 820.1 : Pll Contents, see col. 1014. Jackson, Helen Maria, born Fiske, formerly mrs. Hunt, {H. H.) Bits of talk, in verse and prose, for young folks by H. H. Bost. 1879. T. X 829.1: 49 Contents. The parable of St. Christopher. A christ- mas-tree tor cats. The legend of St. Nicholas. My ant's cow. St. Martin's cloak. Runna Rig. The ?ialace of Gondoforus. The ant's monday dinner. 'he nest. The festival of San Eustachio in Rome. Colorado snow-birds The water-works of Heilbrun. Morning-glory. Children's preaching in the church of Ara Cceli in Rome. "The penny ye meant to gie". A parable. My broken-winged bird Cheery people. A short catechism. The expression of rooms. By stage to Boston.- Good temper. Lizzy of La Bourget. Kicking against pricks. My first voyage round the world. "A good time". X denotes books specially adapted tor children. Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. Studies, stories and memoirs. Bost. 1869. T. 829.2 : 17 Contents. Studies. The tragedy of Correggio.- German actresses. Goethe's Tasso, Iphigenia, and Clavigo. Music and musicians On the female char- acter. Goethe and Ekermann Goethe's last love. Goethe's table-talk. Goethe's ideas on the position of woman. Lord Byron. Schiller. Historical skep- ticism. The supernatural.- Ghost stories. Detached thoughts. HotCmann. Rfickert. Grillparzer's Sap- pho and Medea. Sternberg's novels. Don Carlos. Tales. The false one. Halloran the peddler. The Indian mother. Much coin, much care. Memoirs illustrative of art. The house of Titian. Wash- ington Allston. Adelaide Kemble. Same. Bost. 1875. T. 829.2 : 17 Keddie, Henrietta, (Sarah Tytler). Papers for thoughtful girls ; witli sketches of_ some girls' lives. 111. 6th ed. Lond. 1865. S. 829.2:43 Ker, J: Bellenden. An essay on the archjeology of our popular phrazes and nursery rhymes. New ed. Lond. 1837. 3 v. S. 829 : 2 King, W: Political and literary anecdotes of his own times. Bost. 1819. D. 829.2:19 Iiandor, Walter Savage. Selections from [his] writings ; ed. by G: Stillman Hillard. Bost. 1856. D. 829.2 : 20 Lippincott, Sarah Jane, born Clarke, {Grace Greenwood). Records of five years. Bost. 1867. D. 829.1 : 21 Contents. In peace. The baby in the bath-tub. The baby in the prison. Our little daughter's cab. Words spoken in prison. Pictures of town and country. In war. The northern uprising. A few plain words, addressed to certain english friends. Lights of the war cloud. -A taste of camp life. Bon voyage. Macaulay, T: Babine^ton, baron Macaulajj. Se- lections from [his] writings ; ed. with oc- casional notes by G: O: Trevelyan. N. Y. 1877. O. 829.2:21 Contents. Historical scenes. The battle of Sedge- more, and the fate of Monmouth. Landing of the Prince of Orange. The siege of Londonderry. Kil- liecrankie. The battle of the Boyne. The battle of La Hogue. The battle of Landen. The black hole of Calcutta, and the battle of Plassey. The impeach- ment of Warren Hastings. Historical portraits. Charles II. William ot Orange.- Judge Jeffreys. The junto. Sir W: Temple. Lord Chatham's elo- quence. S: Johnson. Frederic the great. Horace Walpole. Historical sketches. The church of Rome. The puritans. Unpopularity of the puritans after the restoration. The Jesuits. The revolution. Death of queen Mary. -Fire at Whitehall, and visit of Peter the great to England. Montague's unpopu- larity. The advantages of the alternations of party government. Death of William III. Lord Chatham as a war minister. Literary criticism. Milton's poetry. The Pilgrim's progress. The controversy about the epistles of Phalaris.- Addison's poem of the campaign. The Spectator. Horace Walpolo's writings.- Lord Byron. The historian. Lord Mac- aulay's feelings with regard to great authors. Mis- cellaneous. Manners of the 17th century. Travel- ing in the 17th century. The country gentleman of the 17th century. The towns of England in the reign of Charles 11.- Civilization and its effect on the mass of the people. The highlands of Scotland. State of ! the currency in the 17th century.- JeremyCollier and the english stage.- The court life of miss Burney. The duty of the state with regard to education. Poetry. The battle of Moncontour. The armada. Ivry. -Epitaph on a jacobito. Virginia. Mackay, C: The gouty philoso|>h(!r, or Tlie friends, acquaintances, opinions, whims and eccentricities of John Wagstaffe, escj., of Wilbye (irange, J. P. and ex M. P. 'id ed. Lond. 1864. D. 829.2 : 22 Mackenzie, H: Miscellaneous works. M ed. N. Y. 1847. D. 829.2 : 23 Contents. Memoir, by sir W. Scott. Man of ffil- ing. Papers from the Lounger. Man of the worlil. JuliadeRoubigne. Papers from the Mirror. f 1097 lilTERATUItE ENGLISH, MISCELLANT. CI. 829 Mackenzie, Robert Shelton. Bits of blarney. N. Y. [1854]. D. 829.2:55 Contents. Legends: Blarney Castle; Con O'Keefe and the golden cup; Legends of Finn MacCoul. Irish stories: The petrified piper; The Geraldine; Captain Rock; A night with the Whiteboys; Buck English. Eccentric characters: The bard O'Kelly; Father Prout; Father Prout's sermon; Irish dancing masters; Charley Crofts. Irish publicists: H: Grat- ta.n; Daniel O'Connell. Maginn, W: Fraserian papers, annotated, witli a life of the author, by R. Shelton Mac- kenzie. N. Y. 1857. D. 829.2 : 24 The Odoherty papers, annotated by Shelton Mackenzie. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. D." 829.2:25 Milbum, W: H: The pioneer preacher, or Rifle, axe and saddle-bags, and other lectures ; with an introd. by J. McClintock. N. Y. 1860. D. 829.1 : 23 Milner, G: Country pleasures ; the chronicle of a year, chieily in a garden. Bost. 1881. S. 829.2:41 More, Sir T: A selection from his works, as well in prose as in verse, forming a sequel to "Life and times of sir T: More" by W. Jos. Walter. Baltimore, n. d. S. 829.2 : 26 Contents. Utopia ; a political romance. History of Richard III. Apology. Controversial writings: The supplication of souls; The refutation of Tindal and Barnes ; On general councils ; Treatise on those words of scripture, "Remember thy latter end and thou shallneversin." Devotional. Letters. Apothegms, etc .Poet ry . Postscri pt. Murdoch, James E: Patriotism in poetry and prose ; selected passages from lectures and patriotic readings, also poems by T: Bucha- nan Reed, G: H. Boker, Francis De Haes Janvier and other american authors, com- memorative of the gallant deeds of our noble defenders on land and sea. Phila. 1865. D. 829.1 : 24 Osgood, S : American leaves ; familiar notes of thought and life. N. Y. 1867. D. 829.1:25 Contents. Little children. Our old pew. School influences.- American boys. American girls. For- tune. The flag at home. Learning statesmanship. Off-hand speaking. Art among the people. Ameri- can nerves. The ethics of love. Garden philosophy. Easter flowers. Toward sunset. Overbury, Sir T: Miscellaneous works in prose and verse, now first coll.; ed. with notes and a biographical account of the author by E: F. Rimbault. Lond. 1856. S. 829.2 : 52 Contents. Inti'od. Life. The wife. Characters. The first and second part of the Remedy of love. Observations upon the 17 provinces as they stood a. d. 1609. Crumms fal'n from king James table. Parton, Sara Payson, born Willis, formerly mrs. Eldridge, (Fanny Fern). Ginger-snaps by Fanny Fern. N. Y. 1871. D. 829.1 : 26 Prime, S: Irena^us. Under the trees. N. Y. 1874. O. 829.1:27 Prime, W: Co wper. I go a-fishing. N. Y. 1873. O. 829.1 :28 Rands, W: Brightly, (Henry Holbeach). Henry Holbeach, student in life and philosophy; a narrative and a discussion. [Anon.] Lon- don. 1865. 2 V. D. 829.2 : 15 Contents. V. 1. First words by the editor. Sfiwito in life, literature and philosophy- A study of an obscure puritan colony. The puzzles of a puritan boy. The profitableness of unprofitable servants. Cavaliers and roundheads. The game of tradition. The weigh- ing of the pig. Self-love. Truth and honour. The mountains and their shadows. The terrors of the Lord. To one who feels that a principle may be pushed too far. Women's movements. To a young lady about to write a novel. To a young man about to become acritic Intermediate words by the editor. 2. Controversial letters. To J: Stuart Mill; The sphere of law. To the rev. F. D. Maurice ; The sphere of love. To T: Carlyle; Mights and rights. To the rev. H: L. Mansel; Reason and faith. To the rev. J: H: Newman; Authoritative truth. To G: H: Lewes; Science and philosophy. To Alex. Bain ; The study of character. To Arthur Helps; A man's property in himself. To Matthew Arnold; Applica- tion of ideals. Last words from the editor. App. Rice, Harvey. Nature and culture. Bost. 1875. D. 829.1:29 Contents. Nature and her lessons. Woman and her sphere. Education audits errors. America and her future. Life and its aspirations. Mission monu- ment and its dedication. Richmond, James Cook, (Admonish Crime, anagram). A midsummer's day dream libellous, or A little book of the vision of Shawmut, by Admonish Crime. Milw. 1859. S. 829.1 :R30 Rogers, S: Recollections of [his] table talk. Added, Porsoniana. N. Y. 1856. I). 829.2:54 Rush, R: Occasional productions, political, dip- lomatic and miscellaneous ; including a glance at the court and government of Louis Philippe and the french revolution of 1848 ; ed. by his executors, with an index. Phila. 1860. O. 829.1+57 Sala, G: A: Breakfast in bed, or Philosophy be- tween the sheets ; a series of indigestible discourses. Bost. 1863. D. 829.2:29 Living London ; being "Echoes" re-echoed. Lond. 1883. O. 829.2 :51 Note. A collection of the "Echoes," that appeared in the London illustrated news during the year 1882. Looking at life, or Thoughts and things. Lond. 1860. D. 829.2:30 Saunders, F: Pastime papers. [Anon.] N. Y. 1885. D. 829.1:67 Contents. The apology. Notes on names. Letters and letter-writing. The old masters. Touching tail- oi'S.- Genius in jail. The marvels of memory. Con- cerning cobblers. Coffee and tea. Printers of the olden time. Salad for the social. [Anon.] N. Y. 1856. D. 829.1 :31 Contents. Introductory.- Bookcraft. The modern Moloch. The toilet and its devotees. The mysteries of medicine. The cycle of the seasons. The humors of law. The mute creation. Pulpit peculiarities. The larcenies of literature. A stray leaf. Salad for the solitary, by an epicui-e. N. Y. 1856. D. 829.1 : 32 Contents. Dietetics. The talkative and the taci- turn. Facts and fancies about flowers. A monolo- gue on matrimony. Curious and costly books. Something about nothing. Pastimes and sports. Dying words of distinguished men. The poetry of plants. Infelicities of the intellectual. Citations from the cemeteries. The shrines of genius. The selfish and the social. Pleasures of the pen. Sleep and its mysteries. Selden, J: Table talk ; being [his] discourses, or his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence, relating especially to religion and state. New ed. Lond. 1777. S. 829.2:31 Smith, Horace. Gaieties and gravities. N. Y. 1852. D. 829.2 : 32 Smith, Sidney. Wit and wisdom ; selections from his writings and passages of his letters and table-talk ; with a biographical me- moir and notes by Evert A. Duyckinck. N. Y. 1856. D. ' 829.2 : 33 Same; a selection of the most memorable Sassages in his writings and conversation, lew ed. Lond. n. d. D. 829.2 : 33 CI. 829 IjITEBATXJBE ENGLISH, MISCELLANY. 1100 Soane, G: New curiosities of literature, and book of the months. 2d ed. Lond. 1849. 2v. O. 829.2:35 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Chesterfield. Letters, sentences and maxims ; with a critical essay by C: A. Sainte Beuve. 4th ed. [Bayard ser]. Lond. 1878. T. ^ -^ 829.2:34 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, born Beecher, {Christo- pher Crowfield). The chimney corner, by Christopher Crowfield. Bost. 1868. D. ^ 829.1:33 Contents. What will you do with her, or The woman question. Woman's sphere. A family talk on reconstruction. Is woman a worker? The transition. Bodily religion, a sermon on good health. How shall we entertain our company ? How shall we be amused ? Dress, or who makes the fashions ? What are the sources of beauty in dress. The cathedral. The new year. The noble array of mar- tyrs. Taylor, Bayard. The echo club, and other liter- ary diversions. Bost. 1876. T. 829.1 : 61 Contents. The echo club. The battle of the bards. A review. Paradise discovered. Taylor, B: Franklin, January and June. N. Y. 1864. D. 829.1 : 34 Taylor, Lute A. Chip basket ; choice selections from [his] lectures, essays, addresses, edi- torials and public and social correspon- dence ; comp. and ed. by H. A. Taylor. Hudson, Wis. 1874. S. 829.1 : 35 Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Early and late pa- pers, hitherto uncollected. Bost. 1867. D. 829.2 : 36 Contents. Memorials of gormandizing-. Men and coats. Bluebeard's ghost. Dickens in France. John Leech's pictures of life and character. Little travels and road-side sketches. On men and pict- ures. Picture gossip. The anonymous in periodical literature. Goethe. A leaf out of a sketch-book. The last sketch." Strange to say, on club paper." Autour de mon chapeau On a peal of bells.- On some carp at Sans Souci. Dessein's.- On a pear tree. On a medal of George IV. On alexandrines. The notch on the axe. De flnibus. Roundabout papers. [Reprinted from the Cornhill magazine.] Leipz. 1869. 2 v. in 1. D. 829.2:37 Contents. V. 1, On a lazy idle boy. On two child- ren in black. On ribbons. On some late great vic- tories. Thorns in the cushion.- On screens in din- ing-rooms. Tunbridge toys. De juventute. On a joke I once heard from the late T: Hood. Round- about the Christmas tree. On a chalk-mark on the door. On being found out. On a hundred years hence. Small - beer chronicle. Ogres. On two Roundabout papers which I intended to write. A Mississippi bubble. On Letts's diary. 2. Notes of a week's lioliday. Nil nisi bonum. On half a loaf. The notch on the axe; a story a la mode. De flnibus. On a peal of bells. On a pear-tree. Dessein's. On some carp at Sans Souci. Autour de mon cha- peau. On alexandrines. On a medal of George IV. " Strange to say, on club paper." The last sketch. -Same. 111. N. Y. 1863. D. 829.2: 37 vl Contents, same asv. 1, above. Stray moments with Thackeray, his humor, satire and characters ; selections from his writings, prefaced with a few biographical notes by W: H. Rideing. N. Y. 1880. 8. 829.2 : 28 Tilton, Warren, and W: A. Crafts. Trifleton papers, by Trifle and the editor. Bost. 1856. D. 829.1:9 Townsend, E: Clouds and sunshine. [Anon.] \2 .] 4th ^ N. Y. 1859. D. ^ 829.1:36 N. Y. 1853. D. 829.1 : 4J Fancies of a whimsical man. [Anon.] 4th ed. Fun and earnest. [Anon.] N. Y. 1853. D. 829.1 :37 Townsend, F: Continued. Ghostly colloquies. [Anon.] N. Y. 1856. D. 829.1:38 Contents. Cadmus-Columbus. Sophocles-Gray. Salvator Rosa- Byron. Hortensius- Beckford. Jason-Raleigh. Tacitus-Gibbon. Apicius - Vattel. Sejanus-Richard III. Marcus Brutus-J: Adams. Praxiteles-Canova. Petronius-D'Orsay. Germani- cus-Rienzi. Glimpses of Nineveh, b. c. 960. [Anon.] N. Y. 1857. D. 829.1 : 39 Letters from Rome, a. d. 138. [Anon.] N. Y. 1854. D. 829.1:40 Musings of an invalid. 2d ed. [Anon.] N. Y. 1852. D. 829.1:41 Spiritual visitors. [Anon.] N.Y. 1854. D. 829,1:43 Contents. Alcibiades - Sheridan. H : Dandolo-P: Stuyvesant. Rubens-Cole. Pindar-Drake. Dio- genes-Rabelais.- Aristides-Jay. Chrysostom-Chan- ning. Amphion-Bellini. Roscius-Kemble.- Archi- medes-Fulton. Aurelius- Howard. Corinna-Lady Jane Grey. Ben Jonson-Sam Johnson. Julius Caesar-Zachary Taylor. Timon-Swift. J: Smith- Sidney Smith. Lucian-Lamb. Father Nile-Father Mississippi. Pericles-Hamilton. Phidias-Raphael. Watterson, H:, ed. Oddities in southern life and character. 111. Bost. 1883 [1882]. S. 829.1:51 Webb, C: H:, (John Paul). Sea-weed and what we seed ; my vacation at Long Branch and Saratoga. N. Y. 1876. D. 829.1:59 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st dioke of Wellington. The words of Wellington ; collected from his despatches, letters and speeches, with anec- dotes, etc., compiled by Edith Walford. [Bayard ser.] Lond. 1869. T. 829.2 : 38 Whitman, Walt. Specimen days and Collect. Phila. 1883. D. 829.1:52 Whittier, J: Greenleaf. Literary recreations and miscellanies. Bost. 1854. D. 829.1:60 Contents. Utopian schemes and political theorists. Peculiar Institutions of Massachusetts. T: Carlyle on the slave question. England under the last Stuart. The two pi'ocessions. Evangeline. A chap- ter of history. Fame and glory. Fanaticism. The border war of 1708. The great Ipswich fright. Lord Ashley and the thieves. Mirth and medicine. Pope night. The better land. The poetry of the north. The boy captives. The black men in the revolution and war of 1813. My summer with dr. Singletary. Charms and fairy faith. Magicians and witchfolk. The agency of evil. The little iron soldier. The city of a day. Patucket falls. Hamlet among the graves. Yankee gypsies.- The world's end. Swed- enborg. First day in Lowell. Taking comfort. The beautiful. The lighting up. The Scottish reformers. The training. Willis, Nathaniel Parker. The convalescent. N. Y. 1859. D. 829.1 : 44 Hurry-graphs, or Sketches of scenery, cele - brities and society taken from life. 2d ed. N. Y. 1851. D. 829.1:45 Out-doors at Idlewild, or The shaping of a home on the banks of the Hudson. N. Y. 1855. D. 829.1 : 46 The rag-bag ; a collection of ephemera. N. Y. 1855. D. 829.1 : 47 Wilson, J:, {Christopher North). Dies borealis, or Christopher under canvas. Phila. 1850. D. 829.2:39 The Noctes ambrosianse of " Blackwood. " Phila. 1843. 4 v. D. 829.2 : 40 Winthrop, Theodore. Life in the open air. and other papers. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1876. 8. 829.1 : 63 Contents. Life in the open air; Katahdin and the Penobscot. Love and skates. New York 7th regi- ment; Our march to Washington. Washington as a camp. Fortress Monroe. Brightly's orphan. "The heart of the Andes." '-b:p 1101 lilTERATTTRE-GERMAN, GENERAL. CI. 830 ^^fol 13. G-erman literature a, G-eneral. 1. History and criticism. (See also Essays and Miscellany, cl. 834, 839.) Tn general. Stern, Adolf. Lexikon der deutschen national- literatur ; die deutschen dichter und pro- saiker aller zeiten, mit beriicksichtigung der hervorragendsten dichterisch behan- delten stoffe und motive. Leipz. 1883. D. 830.1 : R6 KOnig, Robert. Deutsche literaturgeschichte. Steauti. Bielefeld. 1880. O. 830.1+2 Kurz, H: Geschichte der deutschen literatur, mit aus^ewiihlten stiicken aus den werken der voi'ziiglichsten schriftsteller. 7te aufl. 111. and portr. Leipz. 1874-76. 4 v. Q. 830.1+1 Contents. V. 1-3. Von den altesten zeiten bis zu Gothe's tod, 1832. Register. 4. Die neueste litera- tur, von 1830 bis auf die gegrenwart [1866]. Register. and F: Christian Paldamus. Deutsche dich- ter und prosaisten. nach ihi'em leben und wirken geschildert. Neue ausg. Portr. Leipz. 1867. 4 v. S. 830.1 : 16 Contents. V. 1. Niklas von Wyle.-H: Steinhowel. jVlbrecht von Eyb. J: Geiler von Kaisersberg. Sebastian Brant. T: Murner. -Johannes Aventinus. Ulrich von Hutten. Martin Luther. Burkard Waldis. Sebastian Franck. Aegidius Tschudi. Hans Sachs. Johannes Fischart. F: Spee. Martin Opitz. J: Valentin Andrea. J: Lauremberg. F: v. Logau. Paul Fleming. Andreas Gryphius. Hans Jakob Christoffel v. Grimmelshausen. 2. Klopstock. Michael Denis. K: F: Kretschmann. H: W: v. Gerstenberg. Christian F: Daniel Schubart. Salo- mon Gessner. Christoph Martin Wieland. J: Bap- tist V. Alxinger. Aloys Blumauer. Gottfried A: Biirger. J: H: Voss.-L: H: Christoph Holty.-^J: Martin Miller. H: Christian Boje. F: Leopold graf V. Stolberg. Matthias Claudius. F: W: Gotter. Leopold F: Giinther v. Gockingk. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Justus MOser. J: Joachim Winkelmann.- Christian Gottlob Heyne. 3. J : Gottfried v. Herder. J: G: Hamann. J: H: Jung, genannt Stilling. J: Wolfgang V. Gothe. G: Forster. F: Maximilian Klinger. Albrecht Haller. J: G: Zimmermann. J: H: Merck. Johannes Miiller. F: v. Schiller. J: Caspar Lavater. Immanuel Kant. A: W: Iffland. 4. Christian Fiirchtegott Gellert. Gottlieb W: Rabener. J: Ellas Schlegel. Abraham Gotthelf Kastner. Ewald Christian v. Kleist. Christian Felix Weisse. J: L: W: Gleim. J: P: Uz. Anna Louise Karschin. Just F: W: Zacharia. K: W: Ramler. Moses Mendelssohn. Christoph F: Nicolai. Jacob Michael Reinhold Lenz. Theodor Gottlieb v. Hippel. J: Jacob W: Heinse. Moritz A: v. Thummel. A: F: Ferdinand v. Kotzebue. J: Paul F: Richter. Hosmer, James Kendall. Short history of german literature. St. Louis. 1879. O. 830.1:9 Koberstein, A: K: Grundriss der geschichte der deutschen nationalliteratur. V. 1, 6te ; v. 2-5, 5te umgearb. auti. von K: Bartsch. Leipz. 1872-84. 5 v. O. 830.1+15 Contents. V. 1. Bis zura ende des IBten jahrhun- derts. 2. Bis zum zweiten viei-tel des 18teu jahr- hunderts. 3-5. Bis zu Gothe's tod, 1832. General- register. Vilmar, A: F: Christian. Geschichte der deut- schen national-literatur [bis 18821. 19te aufl. Marburg. 1879. O. 830.1+3 Menzel, Wolfgang. German literature. Tr. from the german by C. C. Felton. (Speci- mens of foreign standard literature, ed. by G: Ripley, v. 7-9.) Bost. 1840. 3 v. D. 880.1:10 Moschzisker, Franz Adolph. A ^uide to german literature, or Manual to facilitate an ac- quaintance with the german classic authors. Lond. 1850. 2 v. S. 830.1:11 Note. Contains extracts and specimens in the original,- with biographical and literary notes and commentaries in english. Hirsch, Franz W: Geschichte der deutschen litteratur von ihren anfiingen bis auf die neueste zeit ; b. 1, 2. (Geschichte der welt- litteratur in einzeldarstellungen, b. 5, 6.) Leipz. [1884-85]. 2 v. O. 830.1 : 14 Contents. V. 1. Das mittelalter. 2. Von Luther bis Lessing. Soiling, Gustav. A review of the literary history of Germany, from the earliest period to the beginning of the 19th century. Lond. 1859. O. 830.1:12 Perry, T: Sergeant. From Opitz to Lessing -, a study oi pseudo-classicism in literature. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. 830.2 : 6 Schmidt, Julian. Geschichte des geistigen le- bens in Deutschland, von Leibnitz bis auf Lessing's tod. Leipz. 1862-64. 2 v. O. 830.1 : 19 Contents. V. 1. Von Leibnitz bis auf Klopstock, 1681 1T50. 2. Von Klopstock bis auf Lessing's tod, 1750-1781. Geschichte der deutschen literatur seit Les- sing's tod. 5te durchweg umgearb. und verm. aufl. Leipz. 1866, 1867. 3 v. O. 830.1 :5 Contents. V. 1, Das classische zeitalter, 1781 1797. 2. Die romantik, 17971813. 3. Die gegenwart, 18141867. Hettner, Hermann. (Tcschichte der deutschen literatur im 18. jahrhundert [1648-1832]. 3te umgearb. aufl. (Literaturgeschichte des 18. jahrh., 3er theil.) Brschwg. 1879. 3 V. in 4. O. 809 : 9 v3-6 Contents. [3.] les buch. Vom westfalischen frie- den bis zur thronbesteigung Friedrichs des grossen, 16481740. [4.1 2es hiich. Das zeitalter Friedrichs des grossen. [5.] 3es hueh. Das klassische zeitalter der deutschen literatur: le abth.. Die Sturm- und drangperiode. [Q.} 2e abth., Das ideal der humani- tat. Hillebrand, Joseph. Die deutsche nationallite- ratur im 18. und 19. jahrhundert historisch und ilsthetisch - kritisch dargestellt ; 3te aufl., durchgesehen und vervollstiindlgt vom sohne des verfassers. Gotha. 1875. 3 V. O. 830.1 :17 Contents. V. 1. Die deutsche nationalliteratur im 18. jahrhundert bis auf Gothe und Schiller: Zustand der deutschen nationalliteratur in der ersten hiilfte des 18. jahrh. bis auf Lessing; Die nationallitera- rische reformation unter Lessing; Die nationallite- ratur in der sturm- und drangperiode. 2. Die deut- sche nationalliteratur im letzten viertel des 18. jahrh.: Gothe und Schiller; Die deutsche national- literatur um die bliithezeit Gothe's und Schiller's. 3. Die deutsche nationalliteratur im 19. jahrh.: Die neue romantik; Die nationalliteratur indem zweiten und dritten viertel des 19. jahrh. Hillebrand, K: German thought, frora the seven years' war to Goethe's death ; six lectures del. at the Royal institution of Great Britain, may and June 1879. N. Y. 1880. D. 830.2:4 Haym, Rudolph. Die romantische schule ; ein beitrag zur geschichte des deutschen gei- stes. Berlin. 1870. Q. 830.1+18 1108 01. 830 LITEB.ATTJBE GERMAN, GENERAL. 1101 Heine, H: The romantic school. Tr. by S. L. Fleishman. N. Y. 1883. D. 830.1 : 7 Includes, The suablan mirror. Introduction to an edition de luxe of Don Quixote. Brandes, G: Die romantische schule in Deutsch- land. In his Hauptstromungen der litera- tur des 19. jahrh. 809 : 6 vl,2 Gottschall, K: Rudolf v. Die deutsche national- litteratur des 19. jahrhunderts ; litterar- historisch und kritisch dargestellt. 5te verm, und verb. aufl. Breslau. 1881. 4 v. O. 830.1:20 Contents. V. 1. Die klassiker. Die roraantiker. 2. Die modernen: 1, Deutsche originalgeister und die jungdeutsche sturra- und drang-periode. 3, Die moderne philosophic. 3, Litteratur, wissenschat't und leben. 3. Die modernen: 4. Die moderne zeit. 5, Das moderne drama. 4. Same, c(mtintied.-6, Der moderne roman. Salomon, L: Geschichte der deiitschen national- literatur des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. Portr. Stuttg. 1881. O. 830.1+4 Taylor, Bayard. Studies in german literature ; with an introd. by G: H. Boker. N. Y. 1879. D. 830.2 : 5 Contents. Introd. Earliest german literature. The minne-sing-ers.- The mediajval epic The Nibel- ungrenlied. The literature of the reformation. The literature of the 17th century. Lessin^.Klopstock, Wleland and Herder. Schiller. Goethe. Goethe's Faust. Richter. Lindau, H: Gustav Paul. Gesammelte aufsatze ; beitriige zur literatur-geschichte der gegen- wart. Berlin. 1875. D. 830.2 : 2 Goltz, Bogumil. Zur geschichte und charac- teristik des deutschen genius ; eine ethno- graphische studie. 2te aufl. von "Die deutschen". Berlin. 1864. 2v. inl. D. 830,2 : 3 Sp ecial classes. Hedge, F: H: Prose writers of Germany. Portr. Phila. 1848. O. 830.14-8 Contents. Luther, M. On education ; Concei-ning God the Father ; Concerning: angels ; How to pray ; Prayer at the diet of Worms; Selections from letters. Boehme, J: E. Extracts from the "Compendious view of the grounds of the teutonic philosophy"; Concerning the supei-sensual life; Extract from "The threefold life of man"; Extract from "The way to Christ." Abraham a Sancta Clara. On envy. M3ser, J. Letter from an old married woman to a sensitive young lady; The moral advantages of pub- lic calamities. Kant, J. [Introductory remarks, by J. E. Cabot]; From the "Critique of the judgment"; From the "Plan for an everlasting peace" ; Supposed beginning of the history of man. Lessing', J: G. E. From "Laocoon"; From "The education of the human race" ; Fables. Hendelssohn, M. Letter to J. C. Lavater; On the sublime and naive in polite litera- ture. Hamann, J : G : The merchant. Wieland, C. M. Philosophy as the art of life and the healing artof the soul; Letter to a young poet; On the rela- tion of the agreeable and the beautiful to the useful; From the Dialogues of the gods.- MusS,us, J: C: A: Dumb love. Claudius, M. Dedication to friend Hain; Advertisement for subscribers; Speculations on new year's day; The sorrows of young Werther; On prayer; A correspondence; On Klopstock's odes. Lavater, J. C. On the nature of man, which is the foundation of the science of physiognomy. Jacobi, F:H: From the "Flying leaves"; Learned societies, their spirit and aim. Herder, J: G. v. Love and self; Tlthon and Aurora; Metempsychosis. -Goethe, J: W. v. The vicar of Wakefield; From "Elective affinities"; From Wilhelm Meister, The confessions of a fair saint. Indenture, The exequies of Mignon; Extracts from Wilhelm Meister's travels; Novelle: The tale. Schiller, J : C. F: v. Upon naive and sentimental poetry. Fichte, J: G. The desti- nation of man. Richter, J: P. F: Home, from "The titan"; From "Flower, fruit and thorn pieces"; From "Qulntus Fixlein"; Thoughts. Schlegrel, A: W: v. Lectures on dramatic literature.- Schleiermacher, F: E. D. Discourse IV, on the social element in reli- gion. Hegrel, G: W: F: Introd. to the philosopln of history; Who thinks abstractly ? Zschokke, .l': H: D. Leaves from the journal of a poor vicar in Wiltshire. Schlegel, F: v. Lectures on the philo- sophy of history. Hardenberg:, F. v., {NovaliK\. From Heinrich von Ofterdingen; From the Frim- ments. Tieck, J: L: The elves. Schelling-, F: \V: J. V. On the relation of the plastic arts to nature. Hoffmann, E. T. A. The golden pot. Chamisso, L: C: A. V. The wonderful history of Peter Sclilc- miehl. GOdeke, K: Grundrisz zur geschichte der deut- schen dichtung, aus den quellen. Hanover. 1859-81. 3 V. in 4. O. 830.1 : L Contents. V. 1. Buch 14. "Von der altesten /.lit bis zum 30jiihr. kriege. 2. Buch 56: Vom BOjiihr. kriege bis zum weltkriege. Register. 3, in 2 ptg. Buch 7: Zeitdes weltkrleges. Buch 8: Vomweltfrii- den bis auf die gegen wart, lerabschnitt: Vom krit'K^c^ bis zur f ranz. revolution 1830. Register. Same, lev band: Das mittelalter. 2te gaiiz neu bearb. aufl. Dresden. 1884. O. 830.1 : Lvl Gervinus, G: Gottfried. Geschichte der deut- schen dichtung. 5te voUig umgearb. aull. Leipz. 1871-74. 4 v. O. 830.1 : 13 Note. V. 3 5 ed. by K: Bartsch; V. 5 contains a genei'al index. Ends with Schiller and Goethe, ami a short review of the romantic school. TThland, L: Schriften zur geschichte der dit-li- tung und sage. Stuttg. 18G5-73. 8 v. O. 830.1:21 Contents. V. 1, 2. Geschichte der altdeutscliiii poesle [bis zu dem 16. jahrh.] 3. Alte hoch- iiiui niederdeutsche volkslieder, mit abhandlung uinl anmerkungen: Abhandlung. 4. Same: Annicr- kungen. Ueber das altfranzosische epos. 5. Walthci von der Vogelweide. Der minnesang. Ueber dii aufgabe einer gesellschaft fiir deutsche sprachc. Zur geschichte der freischiessen. Ueber die sai^i vom herzog Ernst. 6. Sagenforschungen: Dn mythus von Thor, nach nordischen quellen; Odin 7. Sagengeschichte dor germanischen und roniani schen vSlker. 8. Schwabische sagenkunde, lor li. Suevisch-alamannische vorzeit. Abhandlungen aii> Pfeiffers Germania. Nachtrage. Wilken, E. Geschichte der geistlichen si)i('l( in Deutschland. Gottingen. 1872. O. 832.1 :2 KOstlin, Christian Reinhold, {G. Rcinhold). Die dramatische literatur und das theater dci deutschen im 19. jahrh., nach ihren histn rischen voraussetzungen betrachtet. T. p w. D. 832.1 : 1 BOrne, L: Dramaturgische blatter. N. Y. ls,)S 2 v. D. 832.1 : Genee, Rudolph. Das deutsche theater und dii reform-frage. In Deutsche zeit- und strcit fragen. 304 : 15 v'; Minckwitz, Johannes. Die entwicklung ciiie; neuen dramatischen styls in Deutschhind In Deutsche zeit- und s'treit-fragen. 304: 15 vlf Special authors. (See also names of individual authors in the Index t( biography, at the end of the catalogue.) Biedermann, Gustav Woldemar freiherr \ Goetheforschungen. Frankfurt a. M. \XV. O. 830.2 : ' Contents. Zwei gedlchte Goethe's.- Quollcn mi anliisse Goethe'scher dramen. Dramatische entwial Goethe's. Goethe mit zoitgenossen. Vermischtes. Berichtigungen und nachtriige. Reichlin-Meldegg, K: Alexander freiherr \ Faust ; an exposition of (loethe's Fausl From the german by R: H. Chittender; N. Y. [1864]! D. 832.2 : 1105 LITERATTJIIE GERMAN, GENERAL. CI. 830 1106 I Vischer, F: Theodor. Goethe's Faust ; neue bei- triige zur kritik des gedichts. Stnttg. 1875. O. 831:115 Note. For a defense of the author's views, see his Altes unci neues, 834:17 v3. Lasswitz, Emil. Goethe's Faust-tragodie. Milw. 1877. O. 832.2 :Pain Gottsched, J: Christoph. Gottsched und seine /eit ; aiisziige aiis seinem briefweehsel zusammengestellt und erlautert von Theo- dor W: Danzel. Anhang: Daniel W:Tril- lers anmerkungen zu Klopstocks Gelehr- tenrepublik. 2te ausg. Leipz. 1855. O. 830.1 :22 Jung, Jakob F: Alexander. Briefe iiber Gutz- kow's Ritter vom geiste. Leipz. 1856. S. 830.2 : 1 iFrey, Adolf. Albrecht von Haller und seine bedeutung fiir die deutsche litei-atur. Leipz. 1879. O. 830.1:24 KSpke, Rudolph. Die alteste deutsche dichterin fHrosuitha]; kulturgeschichtliches bild aus dem zehnten jahrhundert. Berlin. 1869. D. 830.1 :23 2. Collected works. Kiirschner, Joseph, ed. Deutsche national-lit- teratur ; historisch kritische ausgabe, unter mitwirkung von [mehreren gelehrten ] herausgegeben. 111. Berlin und Stuttg. [1882-85]. 57 v. D. 830 : 152 < '(intents of volumes published: I. Die alteste deutsche litteratur bis um das jahr 1050; bearb. von Paul Piper, [mit worterverzeichnis]. 6. Kudrun; herausg. von K: Bartsch, [mit glos- sar]. II. Narrenbuch, herausg. und erlautert von Felix IJobertag. Der pf arrer vom Kalenberg. Peter Leu. Neithart Fuchs. Salomon und Markolf . Bruder Ifausch. 13. Deutsches leben im volkslied um 1.530, her- ausg. von Kochus freiherrn v. Liliencron. Einleit- ung [iiber die volkspoesie]. Volkslieder, mit musik. 20,21. Sachs, Hans. Werke, herausg. von dr. [Bernhardl Arnold. 1. Einleitung. Chronologische iibersicht der spruchgedichte. Disputation zwisch- en einen chorherren und schuchmacher. Stro- phisohe gedichte. Einfache spriche. 2. Dramatische spriche. Wortregister. 26. Albertinus, Aegidius. Lucifers konigreich und seelengejaidt; herausg. von Kochus /re^ftenn v. Liliencron. 28. Fleming-, Paul. Poetische walder; Oden; Sonette. liOgrau, F: v. Sinngedichte. Olearius [originally Oelschliiger], Adam. Neue orientalische reisebeschreibung. Herausg. von [H.] Oesterley. 29. Erste schlesische schule, 4 : Qryphius, Andreas. Werke, herausg. von Hermann Palm. Einleitung. Leo Armenius, trspl. Cardenio und Celinde, Oder Ungliicklieh verliebte; trspl. Absurda Comica, Oder Herr Peter Squentz; schimpffspiel. Horribilicribri- fax, deutsch; schertz-spiel. Die gelibte Dornrose; schertz-spiel .Gedichte . 30. Erste schUsische schule, 5: Dach, Simon, seine freunde [Robert Bobertin, H: Albert, Christoph Kaldenbach, Andreas Adersbach], und J: Boling-; herausg. von H. OesterleJ^ Gedichte. 32. Moscherosch, Hans Michael. Gesichte Phi- landers von Sittewald; herausg. von Felix Bobertag. 33-35. Grimmelshausen, Hans Jacob Chri- stoffel V. Werke, herausg. von Felix Bobertag. 1,2. Einleitung: L'eber den deutschen roman vor Grim- melshausen. Der abentheurliche Slmplicius Simpli- cissimus. 3. Simplicianische schriften: Trutz Sim- ])lex, Oder . . . Die ertzbetriigerin und landstcirtzerin Courasche; Aus dem Seltsamen Springinsfeld; Das wunderbarliche vogel-nest; Das rathstiibel Plutonis; Aus dem Ratio status. 37. Zweite schlesiscJie schule, 2: Zig-ler und Klip- hausen, H: Anselm v. Asiatische Banise; nebst proben aus der romanprosa des 17. und 18. jahrh., herausg. von Felix Bobertag. 88, 39. Die gegner der zweiten schlesischen schule, herausg. von L: Fulda: 1. Qtlnther, J: 70 Christian. Gedichte. 2. Weise, Christian. Biiuri- scher Machiavellus; Comodie von der biisen Catha- rine. Brookes, Barthold, H : Gedichte. Canitz, F: Rudolf L: freiherr v. Gedichte. Neukirch, B: Gedichte. Wernike, Christian. Epigramme. 40. Abraham a S. Clara, [Ulrich Megerle]. Ju- das der ertzschelm, auswahl; herausg. von Felix Bobertag. 41. i?i2a/f)t., herausg. von Adolf Frey: 1. Gess- ner, Salomon. Werke, auswahl: Die nacht; Daph- nis; Idyllen, Iste folge; Der Tod Abels; Vermischte gedichte; Der erste schiffer; Idyllen, 2te folge; Brief iiber die landschaftsmalerei. 2. Haller, Albrecht v. Versuch schweizeriecher gedichte; Usong,le8buch. Salis-Seewis, J: Gaudenz V. Gedichte; Anhang. Wortregister. 42. Gottsched, J: Christoph. und die schweizer J: Jakob Bodmer und J: Jakob Breitinger; her- ausg. von Johannes Criiger. Einleitung, [mit der geschichte und bedeutung ihres streites]. Bodmer und Breitinger's Discourse der mahlern. Gottsched's Sterbender Cato, trspl. Bodmer's Gottsched. trspl' in versen, oder Der parodirte Cato. Ein kapitel aus Breitinger's kritischer dichtkunst. Bodmer's Eache der schwester; die erste neuhochdeutsche umarbei- tung der Nibelungen. Abschnitt aus Bodmer's Ho- meriibersetzung. Gottsched, Luise Adelgunde Vic- torine, born Kulm. Das testament, Ispl. 46 (in 2 pte.)-48. Klopstock, F: Gottlieb. Werke; herausg. von R: Hamel. 1. Einleitung. Der Mes- sias; 1-7 gesang. 2. Der Messias; 8-20 gesang. 3. Oden. Geistliche lieder. Epigramme. 4. Her- manns schlacht; ein bardlet. Anhang: Das barden- wesen des 18. jahrh. Denis, J: Nepomuk Cosmas Michael, Gedichte; Gerstenbergr, H:W:v.. TJgolino, Gedichte, Ariadne auf Naxos, Der skalde; Kretsch- mann, K:F:, Gedichte. Der gesang Rhingulphs des Barden. Worterverzeichnis. 52-54. Wieland, Christoph Martin. Werke, 2er-4erteil; herausg. von H: Prohle. 2. Oberon. Verschiedene erziihlungen und marchen in versen: Geron der adelige; Das wintermarchen; Das som- mermarchen; Hann und Gulpenbeh; Pervonte; Die wasserkufe; Der vogelgesang; Gandalin; Schach Lolo. 3. Geschichte der abderiten. 4. Aristipp ; les und 2es buch. 58-60 (vt. 1), 64 lin 2 pts.). Lessingr, J : Gotthold Ephraim. Werke; herausg. von R. Boxberger. 1. Lieder. Oden. Gereimte fabeln und erzahlungen. Sinngedichte. Epigrammata; mit iibers. des herausg. Fragmente. Fabeln in prosa. Jugenddramen, [Iste abt.]: Der junge gelehrte, Ispl in 3 aufz.; Die .iuden, Ispl in 1 aufz. Register zu den Gedichten und Fabeln. 2. Jugenddramen, 2te abt.: Der freigeist, Ispl in 5 aufz. ; Der schatz, Ispl in 1 aufz. ; Der miso- gyn, Ispl in 3 aufz.; Miss Sara Sampson, trspl in 5 aufz.; Philotas, trspl. Dramatische meisterwerke, Iste abt.: Minna von Barnhelm, oder Das soldaten- gliick, Ispl in 5 aufz.; Emilia Galotti, trspl in 5 aufz. 3, Iste abt. Dramatische meisterwerke, 2te abt.: Na- tan der weise, dramatisches gedicht in 5 aufz. An- hang; Jugenddramen, die Lessing in seine schriften nicht aufgenommen : Damon, oder Die wahre f reund- schaft, Ispl in 1 aufz.; Die alte jungfer, Ispl in 3 aufz. 4, Iste abt. Recensionen und anderes aus zeitschrif- ten; 1747-1751. 2te abt.: Das neueste aus dem reiche des witzes, als eine bcilage zu den Berlinischen staats- und gelehrten zeitungen, apr.-dez. 1751. Dra- maturgische zeitschriften. 1, Beitriige zur historic und aufnahme des theaters: Abhandlung von dem leben und den werken des Marcus Accius Plautus; Die gefangenen, ein Ispl aus dem latein. des Plautus iibers.; Kritik iiber "Die gefangnen." 72. Lessings jugendfreunde, herausg. von Jacob Minor. Weisse, Christian Felix. Richard III, trspl in 5 aufz.; Die verwandelten weiber, oder Der teutel ist los, komlsche oper in 3 aufz. Cronegrk, J: F: v. Olint und Sophronia, trspl: Roschmann's fortset- zung. Brawe, Joachim W: v. Brutus, trspl in 5 aufz. Nicolai, Christoph F: Abhandlung vom trauerspiele; Freuden des jungen Werthers, Leiden und freuden Werthers des mannes, ein gesprach. 73. Fabeldichter, satiriker und popularphiloso- Ehen des 18. jahrh., herausg. von Jacob Minor, lichtwer, Magnus Gottfried. Aesopische fabeln. PfefFel, Gottlieb Konrad. Fabeln. Kastner, Abra- ham Gotthelf . Sinngedichte. GiJcking-k, Leopold F: Giinther. Episteln. Aus den liedern zweier lie- benden. Mendelssohn, Moses. Phadon, oderUeber die unsterblichkeit der seele. Zimmermann, J: G: Ueber die einsamkeit. Wortregister. 76. Herder, J: Gottfried V. Werke, Serteil; her- ausg. von Hans Lambel. 2. Der Cid: Einleitung; Ge- 1107 dl. 836 LITEBATUBE d^EB.MAN, GENERAL. 1108 schichte des don Ruy Diaz, grafen von Bivar, nach spanischen romanzen. Paramythien. Blatter der vorzeit, und Judische parabeln Legenden. Adme- tus haus, der tausch des sehicksals ; drama mit gesan- gen. Gediehte. 78. BUrger, Gottfried A: Gediehte, herausg. von A: Sauer, [mit biogr. und litterarhistorischer einlei- tung und register]. 79-81. Stiirmer und driinger; herausg. von A: Sauer. 1. Die sturm- und drangperiode. Klmger, F: Maximilian v. Die zwillinge, trspl In 5 autz.; Sturm und drang, sspl; Der verbannte gotter-sohn, eine unterhaltung; Gediehte; Fausts leben, thaten und hollenfahrt. liSisewitz, J: Anton. Julius von Tarent, trspl. 2. Lenz, Jacob Michael Relnhold. Der hofmeister, Oder Vorteile der privaterziehimg, komodie; Die soldaten, komodie; Pandaemonium germanicum, skizze; Leopold Wagner, matinee; Tantalus, dramolett; Der waldbruder [ein pendant zu Werther's lelden]; Gediehte. Wagner, H: Leopold. Die kindermorderin, trspl; Prometheus, Deukalion und seine reeensenten. 3. MUller, F: ca!?ed Maler. Golo und Genoveva, sspl in 5 aufz.; Situation aus Fausts leben; Der faun, idylle; Der erschlagene Abel, skizze; Die schaaf-schur, pfalzische idylle; Das Heidelberger schloss; Kreuznach ; Gediehte. Schubert, Christian F: Daniel. Gediehte. 82, 83, 86-88, 93, 114. Qbthe, J: Wolfgang v. Werke. 1, 2, 5. Gediehte, herausg. von H: Diintzer: Lieder; Gesellige lieder; Balladen; Elegieen; Epl- steln; Epigramme; Weissagungen des Bakis; Vier jahreszeiten. Sonette; Kantaten; Vermischte ge- diehte; Aus Wilhelm Meister; Antiker foi-m sich na- hernd; Kunst; Parabolisch; Gott, gemiit und welt; Sprichwortlich ; Epigrammatisch. Hermann und Do- rothea; Achilles; Der ewige jude; Keineke Fuchs. 6, 7. Dramen, herausg. von K.J. Schroer: B. ], Uber- sicht und anordnung. Bekenntnisse: Die laune des verliebten, schat'erspiel in 1 akte; Diemitschuldigen, Ispl in 3 akt. ; Stella, trspl in 5 akt. ; Die geschwister, trspl in 1 akt. Puppenspiele und fastnachtspiele: Neuerofifnetes moralisch - politisches puppenspiel, Kiinstlers erdewallen, Des kiinstlers vergotterung, Kiinstlers apotheose. Das jahrmarktsfest zu Plun- dersweilen; Das neueste von Plundersweilen ; Ein fastnachtsspiel von Pater Brey; Satyros, Oder Der vergotterte waldteufel; Hanswursts hochzeit, oder Der lauf der welt. Satiren : Prolog zu den Neuesten offenbarungen gottes verdeutscht durch dr. K: F: Bahrdt; Gotter. helden und Wieland; Der triumph der empflndsamkeit; Die vogel, nach dem Aristopha- nes. B. 3. Singspiele: Erwin und Elmire. Claudine von Villa Bella. Lila.Jery und Bately. Die flsche- rin. Scherz. list und rache. Die ungleichen hausge- nossen. Der zauberfiote zweiter teil. 12. Faust, herausg. von H: Diintzer. 33. Naturwissenscbaft- liche schriften, ler band, herausg. von Rudolf Stel- ner, mit einem vorworte von K. J. Schroer. Vorwort. Uebersicht und anordnung. Einleitung: Die ent- stehung der metamorphosenlehre ; Die entste- hung von Goethes gedanken iiber die bildung der tiere; Ueber wesen und bedeutung von Goethes schriften iiber organische bildung ; Ueber die mor- phologischen hefte. Bildung und umbildung orga- nischernaturen: Zurmorphologie; Verfolg; Anhang. Register. 120, 121, 124. Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. Werke; 8, 4, 7 teil, herausg. von R. Boxberger. 3. Die rauber; sspl in 5 akt. Same [theater-ausgabe]. Die verschworung des Fiesco zu Genua; republlkani- sches trspl in 5 akt. Same [theater-ausgabe]. 4. Einleitung [mit iibers. von abb6 Cesar Vischard de St.-Reals "Don Carlos, nouvellehistorique"].- Kabale und liebe; biirgerl. trspl. Don Karlos, infant von Spanien; dramatisches gedicht. Same; ersterdruck aus der Thalia. Same; trspl in 5 aufz., |biihnen-bear- beitung]. 7. Uebersetzungen und bearbeitungen fremder lustspiele: Turandot, prlnzessin von China, traglkomisches marchen nach [C:] Gozzi; Der para- sit, Oder die kunst sein glUck zu machen, Ispl nach dem franz., [Mediocre et rampant von L: B. Picard] ; Der netfe als onkel, Ispl in 3 aufz. aus dem franz., [Encore des M^nechmes] des Picard. Biihnenbear- beitungen fremder stiicke: Goethes Egmont; Les- sings Nathan der weise; Shakespeares Othello, [fragment]. 130. Kichter, J : Paul F: Jean Pauls werke, her- ausgeg. von Paul Nerrlicb. 1. Einleitung: Biogra- phie und charakteristik; Verzeichnis der werke. Klelne schriften zur philosophic und religion. -Sati- ren und idyllen : 1, Mein aufenthalt in der Nepomuks- kirche wiibrend der belagerung der reicbsfestung Ziebingen; 2, Des amts-vogts Josuah Freudel klagll- bell gegen seinen verfluchten damon; 3, Des feldpre- digers Schmelzle reise nach Flatz mit f ortlaufenden noten, nebst der Beichtedes teufelsbei einem staats- manne; 4, Des rektors Florian Falbels und seiner primaner reise nach dem Fichtelberg; 5, Die wenig erwogene gefahr, die beiden herrschaften Walchern und Lizelberg in der verlosung am 3(). juni dieses jahrs zu gewinnen, in einem briefwechsel zwischen dem rektor Seemaus und mir; 6, Leben des vergniig- ten schulmeisterleins Maria Wuz in Auenthal. 140. Kortum, C: Arnold. Die Jobsiade, ein ko- misches heldengedicht; herausg. von F. Bobertag. 142 (in 2 pts.). Hebel, J: P: Werke, herausg. von O. Behaghel. ler t. Einleitung, mit bibliographic. Allemannische gediehte. 2er t. Schatzkiistlein des Rheinischen haustreundes. 144, ieabt. Tieck, J:L: Werke, ler t. ; herausg. von Jacob Minor. Der gestietelte kater; kindermar- chen in 8 akten. Wundersame liebesgeschichte der schonen Magelone und des grafen Peter aus der Pro- vence. Leben und tod der neiligen Genoveva, trspl. 149, 2e abt. Kleist, H: v. Siimmtliche werke, Stert.; herausg. von Theophil Zolling. Der zerbro- chene krug, Ispl. Fragment aus dem trspl Robert i Gulskard, herzog der normanner. Amphitryon; Ispl nach MoUcre. Penthesilea. trspl. 61. Das schicksalsdrama, herausg. von Jacob Minor. Werner, Zacharias. Martin Luther, Oder Die weihe der kraft, tragodie; Dieweiho dcrunkraft, ein erganzungsblatt zur Deutschon hiiustafcl: Der; vierundzwanzigste februar, tragodie in 1 akt. MUll- ner, Adolf. Der neunundzwanzigste ftbruar, trspl in 1 akt; Die schuld, trspl in 4 akten. Houwald, Christoph Ernst freiherr v. Der leuchtturm, trspl in 2 akten. Register. Familien-bibliothek der deutschen classiker; eine authologie in 100 biinden und 30 siip- plementb. [a large number of wliich are missing]. Hildburghausen. 1841-46. 65 v. S. 830:8-130 Contents of the volumes on hand: 8. Heity, L: H: Christoph. Gediehte; mit biogr. und portr. Starke, Gotthelf W: Christopher. Aus- gewahlte gediehte und erzahlungen. 9. Leisewitz, J : Anton. Julius von Tarent; ein trauorspiel in 5 akten. Classische gediehte von ver- gessenen; aus den Gottlnger Musenalmanachen von 17751784. 13-15. Seume, J: Gottfried. Selbstbiographie und Si)azi('rKang nach Syrakus. 3 v. 18. Hebel, J: P: Zwei kriinze aus [seinen] schrif- ten: ler kianz. 19. Haller, Albrecht v. Sammtliche gediehte; mit dor biogr. des dichters. 21,22. Sturz, Hellrich P: Beste schriften; mit lebensbeschieibung und portr. des verf. 2 v. 24, 27. Musftus, J: K: A: Deutsche volksmiihr- chen; mit der biogr. und portr. des verf., b. 1,4. 28. Ausgewiihite werke. 30. Licht-wer, Magnus Gottfried. Fabeln. 31, 32. Claudius, Mathias, {Der WandHhether Bote). Auswahl des besten und schonsten aus Claudius' schriften. 2 v. 33. Kleist, H:v. Kiithchen von Heilbronn, rit- terschau spiel ; mit der biogr. des dichters. 43, 44. Klopstock, F: Gottlieb. Briefwechsel. 2v. 62. Neuffer, Christian L: Gediehte; mit der biogr. und dem portr des verf. 60 63. Epigrammen-dlchter; b. 3-6. 66, 67. Richter, J: Paul F: Anthologie; mit biogr. vorwort. 2 v. 68. Collin, H: Joseph edler v. Anthologie aus [seinen] werken. 69. Hegulus; eine tragJidio in 5 aufz. 74. Kosegarten, L: Theobul. Anthologie aus [seinen] gedichten. 76. Mathisson, F: v. Anthologie aus [seinen] gedichten. Salis-Seewis, J: Gaudenz freiherr v. Gediehte; anthologie. 76, 77. Rotteck, C: v. Geist aus [seinen] samm^ lichen werken ; mit biogr. und portr. 2 v. 78. Eberhard, A: Gottlieb. Geist aus [seinen] siimmtlichen werken. 79. VoBS, J:H: Anthologie aus [seinen] schrif- ten ; mit biogr. und portr. Deutsche freiheltslieder von VoHS und andern. 82, 83. Zschokke, J: H: Daniel. Anthologie aus [soincn] werken. 3 v. 1109 LITERATURE GERMAN, GENERAL. CI. 830 1110 84. Stolbergr, F: Leopold and Christian grafen zu. Antholo(?ie aiis den f^edichten von den gebriidern grafen zu Stolberg-; mit bioRT. imd portr. 85. liichtenbergr, G : Christopii. Ideen; mitbiogr. und portr. 86. 87. Qleim, J : W: L: Antholog'ie aus [seinen] siimmtlichen werken; mit bir>Ki*- 2 v. 89. Schlegrel, A: VV: and K: W: F: v. Anthoiogie aus [ihren] werken; mit biographien und A: W: [v.] Sch level's portr. 93. Qarve, Christian. Anthologie aus [semen] samnitlichen werken. 94. Baggresen, Jens, and Adam Gottlob Oenlen- schlag'er. Antholojrie aua [ihren] gedichten; mit biogr. und Uaggesen's portr. 95. Pichler, Caroline, Ixrm Greiner. Anthologie aus [ihren] sammtlichen werken; mit biogr. und portr. 96. Hagedorn, F: v. Anthologie aus [seinen] gedichten; mit biogr. und portr. 99. Kind, J: F: Anthologie aus [seinen] gedich- ten: mit biogr. und portr. 102. Miiller, Johannes v. Anthologie aus [sei- nen] werken; mif biogr. und portr. 103. Conz, C: Philipp. Anthologie aus [seinen] gedichten. 105. Gookingk, Leopold F: Giinther v. Antho- logie aus [seinen] gedichten; mit biogr. und portr. 106. Horn, Franz Christoph. Geist aus [seinen] siimmtlichen werken. 108. Kleist, Ewald Christian v. Anthologie aus [seinen] gedichten. Krug: v. Nidda, F: Ausge- wahlte poetisch-prosaische schriften. 109. Mbser, Justus. Patriotische phantasien. im auszuge; mit portr. und biogr. Anhang: Za- charia, Justus F: W : Ausgewahlte gedichte. 111. Hanso, J: Kasper F: Anthologie aus [seinen] schriften; mit biogr. und portr. Hubert, L: Ferdinand. Ausgewahlte erzahlungen. 112. Winkler, K: Gottfried Theodor, {Tlieodor Hell). Ausgewiihlte gedichte; mit portr. und biogr. Ortlepp, Ernst. Ausgewahlte gedichte. 113. Wessenberg, Ignatz H: K: freihert- v. Anthologie aus [seinen] gedichten. 115. Wagner, J: Ernst. Genius [aus seinen werken]. 117. Aus den iiltern deutschen dichtern, von den zeiten der minnesanger bis auf Gryphius; mit Luther'sportr. 119. Haug, F:, and F: Kiickert. Anthologie aus [ihren] gedichten. 120. Dusch, J: Jakob. Moralische brief e. Kastner, Abraham Gotthelf . Epigramme ; mit portr. Uz, J: P: Ausgewahlte gedichte. 121. Weisflog, C: Biographische spittelfreuden des abgesetzten privatschreibers Jeremias Katzlein; eine erziihlung. Gotter, F: W: Ausgewahlte ge- dichte. 124. Ramler, K: W:, Max v. Schenkendorf and Valerius W: Neubeck. Anthologie aus [ihren] wer- ken. 125. Benzel-Sternau, Christian Ernst graf v. Geist aus [seinen] werken; mit poi-tr. und biogr. 127. Schulze, Ernst Konrad F: Anthologie aus [seinen] werken. 128. Cramer, J: Andreas, and K: H: Heiden- reich. Anthologie aus [ihren] gedichten. 129. Brachmann, Karoline Marie Louise, and Gotthelf A: freilierr v. Maltitz. Anthologie aus [ihren] gedichten. 130. Kling'er, F:Maxv. Anthologie aus [seinen] werken. Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 20. Bbrne, L: Gesammelte schriften. Milw. 1858. 5v. D. 830:131 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 19. BUchner, G: Nachgelassene schriften. T. p. w. S. 830 : 132 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 19. Campe, Joachim H: Kinderbibliothek : durch- gesehen und herausg. von C. Michael. 13te rechtmassige avisg. Braunschw. 1881. 6 t. inl V. S. X 830: 157 Chamisso, L: C: Adelbert v. Werke. 6te aufl. Berlin. 1874. 4 v. in 2. S. 830 : 133 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 19. X denotes books specially adapted for children. Contessa, C: W: Salice-. Schriften; heransg. von E. V. Houwald ; b. 2-5, 7-9. Leipz. 1826. 7v. D. 830:134^ Contents, sec Deutscher katalog, p. 19. Gaudy, Franz Bernhard H: W: freiherr v. Poe- tische und prosaische werke ; herausg. von Arthur Muller. Berlin. 1853, 1854. 8 v. in 2. S. 830 : 135 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 19. GOthe, J: "Wolfgang V. Sammtliche werke. Voll- stiindige ausg. Stuttg. 1854, 1855. 6 v. O. 830:R136 Werke. Erste ill. ausg. mit erlauternden ein- leitungen [von G. Wendt und E. Hermann]. 9te aufl. Berlin. 1876-81. 34 v. in 17. D. 830 : 137 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 20. [Works.] Cambridge ed., ed. and rev. by F. H. Hedge and L. Noa. Bost. 1882. 10 v. O. 830:151 Contents. V. 1, Poems, tr. in the original metres by E. A. Bowring. W. E. Aytoun, Theodore Martin, G. H. Lewes, E: Chawner, Leopold Noa, T: Carlyle, J. S. Dwight, A. J. W. Morrison, H. W. Longfellow, C: J. Sprague, H: Dale. 2. Faust: pt. 1, ed. and an- notated by F. H. Hedge, metrical version by miss Swanwick; pt. 2, tr. by miss Swanwick. 3. Faust; a prose translation by A. Hay ward. Clavigo. Eg- mont. The wayward lover. 4, Iphigenia in Tauris, tr. by A. Swanwick. Torquato Tasso, tr. by A. Swan- wick. Goetz von Berlichingen, tr. by sir W. Scott. The fellow culprits, tr. by E. A. Bowinng. 5. Sor- rows of Werther.- Elective aflHnities. A tale. 6. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship, tr. by T: Carlyle. 7. Same, contuitied. Meister's travels, or The re- nunciants. The recreations of the german emi- grants. 8. Letters from Switzerland. Travels in Italy, tr. by A. .T. W. Morrison. 9, 10. Autobio- graphy, tr. by J: Oxenford. Hartmann, Moritz. Gesammelte werke ; mit portr. Stuttg. 1873, 1874. 10 v. D. 830 : 138 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 20. Heine, H: Sammtliche werke. Hamburg. 1876. 18 V. in 9. S. 830 : 139 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 30. Herder, J: Gottfried v. Werke ; nach den besten quellen revidirte ausgabe, herausg. und mit anmerkungen begleitet vonH:Diintzer, [b. 4. 5, von Anton Edmund Wollheim da Fon- seca]. Berlin. [1879] . 24 v. in 13. S. 830 : 154 Contents. V. 1. Gedichte; nebst einer biographic des dichters. 2. Legenden. Dramatische stiicke und nenien : Admetus' haus, der tausch des schick- sals ; Ariadne-Libera, melodrama; Der entfesselte Prometheus, scenen; Aeon und Aeonis, allegoric ; Philoktet, scenen; Brutus, drama; Eloise. Pro- saische dichtungen : Paramythien ; Ob malorei oder tonkunst eine grossere wirkung gewahre; Voraus- sicht undzuriicksicht; Verstand und herz; Das fest der grazien; Kalligenia; Mandeville's Bienenfabel. 3. Terpsichore [nach Jakob Balde]. Uebersetzun- gen aus Campanella, Sarbievius, Faustina Zappi, Swift und Young. 4. Der Cid; nach spanischen romanzen. 5. Stimmen der volker in liedern: Vor- rede; Lieder aus dem hohen nord; Aus dem siid; Nordwestliche lieder; Nordische lieder; Deutsche lieder; Lieder der wilden. Anhang: Ueber Ossian und die lieder alter volker; Von ahnlichkeit der mitt- lern englischen und deutschen dichtkunst. 6. Mor- genliindische literatur. 7. Griechische literatur. 8. Romische literatur, mit anhang: Bemiihungen des vergangenen jahrh. in der kritik; Herculanum, Win- ckelmann's Geschichte der kunst. 9-12. Ideen zur philosophic der geschichte der menschheit. 13. Brief e zur beforderung der humanitat. 14. Adra- stea : Begebenheiten und charaktere des vergangenen jahrh.; Friichte aus den sogenannten goldnen zeiten des 18. jahrh.; Wissenschaften, ereignisse und cha- raktere des vergangenen jahrh.; Unternehmungen des vergangenen jahrh. zur beforderung eines geisti- gen reiches; Nachlese. 15. Zerstreute bliitter. Die seelenwanderung. Liebe und selbstheit. G. E. Les- nil Cl. 830 LITERATXTRE GERMAN, GENERAL. 1113 sinff. Bild, dichtung und fabel. Persepolis Die Dienschlicne unsterblichkeit. Denkmale der vorwelt. Tithon und Aurora ParabelnwridEinifre vaterlan- dische gesprache [von J: Valentin Andrea] .Anden- ken an einige altere deutsche dichter. Cacllia, Denkmal Ulrich's von Hutten. Das land der seelen. Paling-enesle. Wissen und nichtwissen der zu- kunft. WiBsen, abnen, wiinschen, hoffen und glau- ben. 16. Schulreden; nebst hodeg-etischen vortra- gen und padagog-ischen aufsatzen. 17. Gesammelte abhandlungen, aufsiitze, beurtheilungen und vor- reden aus der Weimarer zeit. Wirkung der dicht- kunst auf die sitten der volker in alten und neuen zeiten Elniluss der regierung auf die wissenschaf- ten und der wissenscbaften auf die regierung. Ein- fluss der schonen in die hohern wissenschaften. Erkennen und empflnden der menschlichen seele; bemerkungen und traume. Plastik; einige wahr- nehraungen iiber form und geatalt aus Pygmalion's bildendem traume. Aus dem "Teutschen merkur", 1776-83. Aus Schiller's "Horen". 179.5-96. Aus der "Neuen deutschen monatsschrift", 179.5. Aus Her- der's naeblass: Zn K: v. Dalberg's Betraehtungen iiber das universum; Eine muthmassung iiber die siindfluth; Persenolitanisehe briefe. Entwiirfe zu abhandlungen. Recensionen.Vorreden. 18. Gott; einige gesprache iiber Spinoza's system; nebst Shaf- tesbury's Naturhymnus. Metakritik zur kritik der reinen vernunft. Kalligone: Vom angenehmen und schonen; Von kunst und kunstrichterei ; Vom er- habnen und vom ideal. 19. Fragmente iiber die neuere deutsche literatur: 1, Vorrede; Einleitung; Fragmente von abhandlungen; Beschluss. 2, Vor- lauflger discours; Einleitung; Vergleichung unserer orientalischen dichtkunst mit ihren originalen; Von der griechischen literatur in Deutschland; Nach- schrift. 3, Aussicht iiber die neuere rfimlsche litera- tur; Vom neuern gebrauch der mythologie; Von einigen nachbildungen der romer; Nachschrift. Abanderungen und zusatze. 20. Kritisehe walder: TJeber Lessing's Laokoon; Ueber einige Klotzische schx-iften; Ueber Riedel's Theorie der schiinen kiinste.- Ueber T: Abbt's schriften. 21. Kleinere schriften aus der vor-Weimarer zeit. Haben wir noch jetztdas publicum und vaterland der alten? Ueber den ursprung der sprache. Auch eine philo- sophic der geschichte zur bildung der menschheit. Ursachen des gesunknen geschmacks bei den ver- schiedenen volkern, da er gebliiht. 22, 23. Aus zeitschriften und saramelwerken vor der Weimarer zeit: 1, Aus den Konigsbergschen gelehrten und politischen zeitungen, recensionen; Aus den Rigi- schen gelehrten beitriigen. 2, Aus Nicolai's Allge- meiner deutscher bibliothek, recensionen; Aus dem Wandsbecker boten; Aus den Frankfurter gelehrten anzeigen; Aus der sammlung von deutscher art und kunst. Shakespeare; Aus der Lemgoer Auserlesenen bibliothek der neuesten deutschen literatur. 24. Nachlass der vor-Weimarer zeit: Kcinigsberg und Riga; Wahrend des aufenthaltes in Frankreich; Biickebui-g. Nachtriige. Lessing', J: Gotthold Ephraim. Wei'ke ; nebst bioffraphie des dichters. Berlin. [1868 1877]. 20 V. in 13. S. 830 : 155 Contents. V 1. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; eine biographische skizze. Gedichte und fabeln, 2. Minna von Barnhelm. Miss Sara Sampson. Philotas. 3. EmiliaGalotti. Nathan der weise. 4. Derjunge gelehrte. Die juden. Der misogyn. 5. Der frei- geist. Der schatz. Damon. Die alte jungfer. 6. Laokoon. 7. Hamburgische dramaturgic.- Namen- und sachregister zu derselben, nebst literaturge- schichtlichen erganzungen von G: Zimmermann. 8. Das neueste aus dem reiche des witzes, und Die kritischen briefe von 1753; herausg. und mit anm. begleitet von Robert Pilger. Namen- und sach- register. 9. Briefe, die neueste literatur betreffend; herausg. und mit anm. begl. von C: Christian Red- lich. Register. 10. Abhandlungen iiber die fabel und Anmerkungen iiber das epigramm; herausg. und mit anm. begl. von C: C. Redlich. 11 {in 2 abth.). Kleinere schriften zur dramatischen poesie: 1, Bei- trage zur historic und aufnahme des theaters; Theatralische bibliothek; Vorrede zu Thomson; Sophokles; 2, Das theater des herrn Diderot; Dra- matische entwiirfe, plane und fragmente aus Les- sing's nachlass. Kleinere schriften zur fabel. Al- phabetisohe iibersicht. 12. Kleinere schriften zur modernen literatur und sprache: herausg. und mit anm. begl. von C: C. Redlich. Alphabet, iibersicht. 13. Classische literatur; herausg. und mit anm. begl. von Emil Grosse. Bildende kiinste; herausg. Lessing, J: Gotthold Ephraim. Continued. und mit anm. begl. von Alfred SchSne.- Register. 14- 17. Theologische schriften; herausg. und mit anm. begl. von Christian Gross. 18. Philosophische schrif- ten ; herausg. und mit anm. begl. von Chr. Gross. Register zu 14-18. 19, herausg. und mit anm. begl. von C: Chr. Redlich. Zur geschichte und gelehrten- geschichte. Vermischtes. Nachtrage. Lessing- bibliothek [bibliographie]. Register zu 1-19. 20, herausg. und mit anm. begl. von C: Chr. Redlich: Iste abth., Briefe von Lessing; 2te abth., Briefe an Lessing. Aus^ewahlte werke. Leipz. 1867. 6 v. S. 830 : 140 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 20, 21 . Platen-Hallermiinde, A.: graf v. Gesammelte werke. Stuttg. 1853. SV. S. 830:141 Co7itents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 21. Richter, J: Paul F:, {Jean Paid). Siimratliehe werke. 3te aufl. Berlin. 1860-62. 34 v. in 16. S. 830:142 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 21. Siimmtliche werke ; b. 54, 55. Berlin. 1828. 2 V. inl. D. 830:142 v54,55 Contents. V. 54. Leben Fibel's, des verfassers der Bienrodischen flbel. 55. Ueber die deutschen dop- pelworter. ScMUer, J: Christoph F: v. Siimmtliche werke. Leipz. 11. d. 12 v. in 4. S. 830 : 143 Siimmtliche werke. Neiie, mit gedichten und einer umfassenden biogr. vermelirte, nach den ersten drucken verb, aufl.; b. 2, 5, 7-9. 11-18. Stuttg. 1837. S. 830 : 144 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 31. Works. Tr. from the german. Lond. 1853-80. 6 V. D. 830 : 150 Contents. V. 1. History of the thirty years' war. ti'. by A. .1. W. Morrison. History of the revolt of the Netherlands, to the confederacy of the Gueux, tr. bv A. J. W. Morrison. 2. History of the revolt of the Netherlands, continued. Trials of counts Eg- mont and Horn. Siego of Antwerp. Wallenstein's camp, tr. by James ChurchiH.- The Piccolomini ; Death of Wallenstein, tr. by S: T. Coleridge. Wilhelm Tell. tr. by Theodore Martin. 3. Don Carlos, tr. by R. D. Boylan. Mary Stuart, tr. by Joseph Mellish. The maid of Orleans, tr. by Anna Swan wick, The bride of Messina, tr. by A. Lodge. 4. tr. by H: G: Bohn. The robbers. Fiesco.- Love and intrigue. Demetrius. The ghost-seer. The sport of destiny. 5. Poems, tr. by E. A. Bowring. 6. Essays, aesthe- tical and philosophical, including the dissertation on the " Connexion between the animal and spiritual in man". The works of Schiller ; with a biographical introd. by HjalmarH. Boyesen. Special ed. 111. Phila. 1884, 1885. 3 v. Q. 830 : R153 Contents. V. 1. Poems. Semele. The robbers; a tragedy. The conspiracy of Fiesco at Genoa; a re- Sublican tragedy. Love and intrigue; a tragedy. 2, on Carlos; a dramatic history. The misanthrope; a fragment. Wallenstein, a dramatic history: Wal- lenstein's camp; Piccolomini; The death of Wallen- stein. Mary Stuart; atragedy. The maid of Orleans; a romantic tragedy. 3. The bride of Messina; a tragedy with chorus. William Tell; a play. Frag- ments: Warbeck; Themaltese; The children of the house; Demetrius. Prosaic wt-itings. The criminal from lost honor. The sport of destiny; a fragment of true history. The ghost-seer.- The revolt of the United Netherlands. The thirty years' war. Schlegel, A: W:v. Siimmtliche werke, herausg. von E: B()cking. Leipz. 1846, 1847. 12 v. S. 830:145 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 21, 23. Schubart, Christian F; Daniel. Gesammelte schriften und schicksale. Stuttg. 1839-40. 8 V. in 4. S. 830 : 146 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 22. Seume, J: Gottfried. Prosaische und poetische werke. Berlin, n. d. 10 v. in 4. S. 830 : 147 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 22. I 1113 LITERATTTKE- GERMAN, GENERAL. CI. 830, 831 1114 Tieck, J: L: Sohriften. Berlin. 1828-43. 16 v. 830 : 148 Contents, see Deutscher katalog-, p. 33. Werke ; mit einer einleitung von L. H. Fischer. V. 1. Berlin. [1885]. D. 830 : 156 Contents. V. 1. Das test zu Kenel worth. Dichter- leben. Wagner, W: R: Gesammelte schriften und dich- tungen. Leipz. 1871-73. 8 v. O. 780:20 Contents, see under Muslc3, Collected works, col. 491. Wieland, Christoph Martin. Werke, herausg. von H: Kurz. Kritiscli durcligesehene ausg. Leipz. n. d. 3 v. S. 830 : 149 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 33. 14. G-erman literature b, Poetry. 1. Collections. {Sec also Romance, col. .514515.) Durfee, C: A. Poetical concordance. 811 : Rll Note. For full title, see col. 1031. Includes refer- ences to the poems of Goethe and Schiller. Schwab, Gustav, ed. Funf biicher deutselier lie- der und gedichte, von A. v. HalJer bis auf die neueste zeit ; cine raustersammlung. 5te neu verm, anfl , besorgt von Michael Bernays. Leipz. 1871. D. 831:69 Taylor, W: Historic survey of german poetry ; with various translations. Lond. 1830. 3 V. O. 831 :117 Baskerville, Alfred. The poetry of Germany ; selections from upwards of seventy of the most celebrated poets tr. into english verse, with the orig. text on the opposite page. 12th ed. Phila. 1882. D. 831 : 97 Brooks, C: Timothy, ed. Songs and ballads, tr. from Uhland, Korner, Biirger and other german lyric poets, with notes. (Specimens of foreign standard literature, ed. by G: Kipley ; v. 14.) Bost. 1842. D. 831 : 110 In chides Ilo\ty, Schiller, Goethe, Riickert, Klopstock, l-olkMi, Arndt, Herder. Richter, Pfeffel. Stolbergr, ("Uiiulius, Gleim, Schmidt, Langbein. Gellert, Kerner, Miihlmann, Tieck, Brunn, Kosegarten, Krummacher, Novalis, and miscellaneous writers collected under the divisions of Songs of life. Songs of nature, Home and liberty. tr. German lyrics. Bost. 1853. D. 831 : 90 Contains ti-anslations from Anastasius Griin. Riick- ert, Uhland, Freiligrath. W: Miiller, Langbein. Cha- misso. Gellert, Seidl, Kerner, Nathusius, Geibel, Platen, Lenau, Wiirkert, Claudius and miscellaneous writers. Campbell, J: James, tr. The song of the bell, and other poems from the german of Goethe, Schiller, Burger, Matthisson and Salis. Edinb. 1836. S. 831:91 Winkworth, Catherine, tr. Lyra germaniea ; 2d ser., The christian life. Tr. from the germ. N. Y. 1863. S. 831 : 112 Dulcken, H. W., ed. The golden harp ; hymns, rhymes and songs for the young, adapted [from the woi-ks of german poets]. 111. Lond. 1864. D. 831 : 92 Simrock, K: Joseph, ns adapted for schools and colleges. N. Y. 1847. O. 930 : 12 Shuckford, S: The sacred and profane history of the woi-ld connected, from the creation of the world to the dissolution of the assy- rian empire at the d(!ath of Sardanapalus, and to the declension of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. New ed. rev. with notes and analyses by J. Talboys Wheeler. Lond. 1858." 2 V. O. 930 : 10 Bussell, Michael. A connection of sacred and profane history, from the death of Joshua to the decline of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Intended to complete the works of Shuckford and Prideaux. New ed., rev. with notes and analyses by J. Talboys Wheeler. Lond. 1865. 2 v. O. 930 : 9 Prideaux, Humphrey. The old and new testa- ment connected in the history of the jews, and neighboring nations, from the deelen- sion of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. 15th amer. from tlie 20th Lond. ed. Prelixed, the life of the authoi", containing some letters which he wrote in defence and ill. of certain parts of his connexions. Maps and plates. N. Y. 1860. 2v. O. 930+8 Niebuhr, Barthold G: Lectures on ancient his- tory, from the earliest times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus ; com))nsing the history of the asiatic nations, the egyp- tians, greeks, macedonians and cartliagi- nians. Tr, from the germ. ed. of Marcus iir,5 HIST. AND GEOGR. ANCIENT. CI. 912, 930-932 1166 Niebuhr by Leonhard Schmitz, with add. and corr. from his own ms. notes. Phila. 1853. 3 V. O. 930 : 32 Thalheimer, Maiy Elsie. A manual of ancient history. Cine. n. d. O. 930 : 29 Rawlinson, G: A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the western empire ; comprising the history of Chaldea, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Ly'dia, Phamicia, Syria, .Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Parthia and Rome. N. Y. 1884. D. 930 : 23 Smith, Philip. A history of the world, from the earliest records to the present time. N. Y. 1865-83. 3 V. O. 930+11 Contents. V. 1. Ancient history: From the crea- tion to b. c. 360. 2. B.C. 359 129. 3. B. c. 133 a. d. 476. The ancient history of the east, from the ear- liest times to the conquest by Alexander the great; incl. Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Me- dia, Persia, Asia Minor and Phoenicia. 111. (The students ancient history). N. Y. 1883. D. 930:24 Keary, Annie. The nations around [Palestine] . Lond. 1875. D. 930 : 17 lienormant, Fran9ois. The beginnings of history, according to the Bible and the traditions of oriental peoples, from the creation of man to the deluge. From the 3nd french ed., with an in trod, by Francis Bowen. N. Y. 1883. D. 930 : 19 and E. Chevallier. The student's manual of oriental histoiy ; a manual of the ancient history of the east to the commencement of the median wars. New ed. Phila. 1871. 3 V. D. 930 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Israelites. Egyptians. Assyrians. Babylonians. 2. Medes and Persians. Phoenici- ans. Arabians. Duncker, Max Wolfgang. Geschichte des alter- thums. 5te auil. Leipz, 1875-78. 4 v. O. 930: 1 Contents. V. 1. Die agypter. Die semiton. 2. Die grriindung- der macht Assyrlens und die staaten und stadte der syrer. Die machthohe Assyrlens, die wiedererhebungAejryptensund Babyloniens. 3. Die arier am Indus und Ganges. liuddhismus und brah- manenthum. 4. Die arier Ostirans. Die herrschaft der meder und das reich der perser. Same, eng. The history of antiquity. From the german by Evelyn Abbott. Lond. 1877. 6 V. O. 930 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Eg-ypt. The Semitic nations. 2. Assyria, PhcEnicia, Israel. 3. Assyria, Israel, Egypt, Babylon, Lydia. 4. The arians on the Indus and the Ganges. Buddhists and brahmans. 5. The arians of eastern Iran. The empire of the medes and pcrslans. 6. Same, continued. Sayce, Archibald H: The ancient empires of the east. N. Y. 1884. D. 930 : 31 Fresh light from the ancient monuments ; a sketch of the most striking confirmations of the Bible fi'om recent discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Palestine, Babylonia, Asia Minor. 3d ed. (By-paths of Bible knowl- edge, no. 3). Lond. 1884. D. 930 : 33 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Volkerbilder ; fur schule und haua gesammelt und bearb. 111. Ham- burg. 1868. 3 V. Q. 930+34 Contents. V. 1. Heroenzeltalter der griechen. Aus der geschichte der aegypter. Chinesen, mongo- len, tataren. Aus der geschichte der israeliten. Meder und perser. Aus der geschichte der griechen vor den perserkriegen.- Die perserkriege. Athens bliithezelt. Die zeit der inneren kampfe, oder vom X denotes books specially adapted for children. peloponnesischen kriege bis zur macedonischen herr- schaft. Dichter, kiinstler und weise der letzten zeit Griechenlands. Die macedonischen reiche. 2. Kom. Yonge, Charlotte Maria. Landmarks of history: Ancient history ; from the earliest times to the mahometan conquest. 1st amer. from the 5th eng. ed. [ed. by Edith L. Chase]. Phila. 1865. S. x 930 : 13 Same. 5th ed. i-ev. N. Y. n. d. D. X 930: 13 True stories from ancient history ; chron. arr., from the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne, by a mother, author of Always happy, etc. Phila. n. d. S. x930:18 Bucke, C: Ruins of ancient cities ; with general and particular accounts of their rise, fall and present condition. [Harpers family lib.] N. Y. 1845. 3 v. S. 930 : 14 Buckley, Theodore Alois. The great cities of the ancient world in their glory and their desolation. New ed. ill. Lond. [1856]. D. 930 : 15 Contents. Introd. Babylon. Nineveh. Thebes. Memphis and Heliopolis. Persepolis. Damascus. Baalbek or Baalgad. Palmyra. Tyre. Petra. The rock-hewn cities of India. Peking. Jerusalem. Smyrna. Ephesus. Sardis. The ruins of american civilization. Athens. Corinth. Ells. Mycenic- Veii.- Rome. Scandinavia. The seven wonders of the world, with their as- sociations in art and history. 111. Lond. [1869]. D. 930: 16 Content*. Pyramids. The temple, walls and hang- ing gardens of Babylon. Statue of Jupiter. Temple to Diana at Ephesus. The mausoleum. The Pharos at Alexandria. The colossus of Rhodes. 2. Egypt. Wilkinson, Sir J : Gardner. The manners and customs of the ancient egyptians. New ed. rev. and corr. by S: Birch! 111. Lond. 1878. 3 V. O. 932+P9 A popular account of the ancient egyptians, rev. and abr. from his larger work. 111. N. Y. 1854. 3 V. D. 932 : 4 Oppel, K: Das alte wunderland der pyramiden ; feographische, geschichtliche vmd kultur- istorische bilder aus der vorzeit, der periode der bliite sowie des verfalls des alten Aegyptens. 4te umgearb. und verm, aufl. IlL Leipz. 1881. O. 932 : 13 Shairp, S: The history of Egypt, from the earliest times till the conquest by the arabs, a. d. 640. 6th ed. Lond. 1876. " 3 v. D. 932:5 Rawlinson, G: History of ancient Egypt. Lond. 1881. 3v. O. 932:3 BrvLgBch- Bey, H: A history of Egypt under the pharaohs, derived entirely from the monu- ments. Tr. from the german by H: Danby Seymour, completed and ed. by Philip Smith. Added, a memoir on the exodus of the Israelites and the egyptian monu- ments. Lond. 1879. 3 v. O.' 932 : PI The true story of the exodus of Israel ; to- gether with a brief view of the history of monumental Egypt ; ed. with an introd. by Francis H. Underwood. Bost. 1880. D. 932:2 Birch, S: Egypt to b. c. 300. (Ancient history fi'om the monuments.) N. Y. 1875. D. 932 : 6 1167 01. 912, 932-933 HIST. AND GEOGB. ANCIENT. 1168 Harkness, M. E. Egyptian life and history ac- cording to the monuments. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, no. 6.) Lond. 1884. D. 932:11 Osbom, H: S. Ancient Egypt in the light of modei'n discoveries. Map. Cine. 1888. D. 932:8 Poole, Reginald Stuart. The cities of Egypt. Lond! 1882. D. 932 : 7 Pickering, C: On the Gliddon mummy case in the museum of the Smithsonian institu- tion. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : 113 vl6 King, James. Cleopatra's needle ; a history of the London obelisk with an exposition of the hieroglyphics. 3d ed. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, no. 1.) Lond. 1884. D. 932 : 10 Note. For further descriptions of the obelisks and pyramids see also Modern E>?ypt, cl. 916.3. Bawlinson, G: Egypt and Babylon, from sacred and profane sources. N. Y. 1885. D. 932:12 Palmer, H: Spencer. Sinai from the 4th egyptian dynasty to the present day. (Ancient history from the monuments.) Lond. n. d. S. 939 : 4 3. Israel, (incl. modem history). (See also the Bible, col. 83-88, and Judaism, col. 139.) Josephus, Flavins. Flavii Josephi vom Krieg i der Juden und der Zerstorung Hieru- | salem Siben Biicher nach den Griechiscen | Exem- Klaren restituiert und gebessert | im jar [. D. XXXV. I Sampt einer Vorred in welcher die History diser biicher | aufts kiirtzest verstendig und hell begriifen ist, und Teiitschland ab frembden schaden | gewarnet wird | Im Jar M. D. XXXV [1535] . [Strassburg, Balthasar Beck] . F. 23:11 Josephi des hoch- | beriimpten und fast niitz- lich- I en histori beschreibers. | Zwentzig biicher von den altcn geschichten | nach den alten Exemplaren fleissig corrigiert und gebessert. | Siben biicher von dem Jiidischen krie^ und der zerstorung Hieru- salem, | nach dem Griechischen Exempla- ren besichtigt und verstendigergemacht. | Zwey biicher wider Appionem Grammati- cum durch zusatz etlicher blet- | ter auss Griechischen biichern gemeert und gebes- sert. I Von meisterschaflft der vernunfft, Oder von den Machabeern ein buch | durch den Hochgelerten D. Erasmum vom Ro- terodam im Latein wider | besichtigt. | Zum Leser. | Hie findestu iiber erzolten inhalt fast niitzliche vorrede yeder biicher dar I zu Scholien und erklerungen etlicher schurren capitel, yetz newlich hinzu- | truckt sampt dem entscheyd viler sententz Chaldaischer, Hebreischer und | Griechi- scher etc. worter, dem leser hoch dienst- lich. Auch die jarzal durch | die geburten vo anfang der welt biss auf Christum mit erzolungj der regenten Hortzogen, Rich- ter, Kiinig in Israel Juda | un Ben Jamin, frembder Kiinig, viler Heroden, Ro | mi- scher landpfleger von den Keysern in Judeam I gesant. Item das leben F. Jo- sephi v6 Euse- I bio Hieronimo Suida vn Volaterans verzeychnet unnd diser ding Josephus, Flavius. Continued. al- I ler zwey reiche und rich- | tige Re- gister. Strassburg. M. D. XXXIX 11539]. Works. Tr. from the original greek, ac- cording to Havercamp's ed., with notes and observ. by W: Whiston. Phila. 1847. 3 V. O. 933 : 3 Co7itents. V. 1. Jewish antiquities. 2. Seven books of the Jewish war. The iife of Josephus. Three dissertations. Josephus against Apion. Our yoting folks' Josephus ; the antiquities of the jews and the Jewish wars, simplified by W: Shepard. 111. Phila. 1884. O. X 933 : 14 The story of the last days of Jerusalem, from Josephus, by Alfred J: Church. Lond. 1881. D. x933:2 Lewis, T: Origines hebrseas, the antiquities of the hebrew republick. Lond. 1774, 1775. 4 V. D. 933 : 5 Contents. V. 1 . The origin of the hebrews. Their civil frovernment. The constitution of the Sanhe- drim. Forms of trial in courts of justice. 2. The ecclesiastical government. 3. Places of worship. 4. The religion of the hebrews. Mills, Abraham. The ancient hebrews; with an introd. essay concerning the world be- fore the flood. N. Y. 1856. D. 933 : 6 Alexander, Archibald. History of the israelit- ish nation, from their origin to the destruc- tion of Jerusalem by the romans. Phila. 1853. O. 933+1 Conder, Claude Reignier. Judas Maccabeus, and the Jewish war of independence. [The new Plutarch]. N. Y. 1879. D. 933 : 4 Wise, 1: M. History of the hebrews' second commonwealth, with special reference to its literature, culture, and the origin of rabbinism and Christianity. Cine. 1880. D. 933 : 10 Delitzsch., Franz. Jewish artisan life in the time of Jesus, according to the oldest sources. Tr. from the 3a rev. ed. by B. Pick. N. Y. [1883]. D. 933 : 11 Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth, born Brown, {Char- lotte Elizabeth). Judasa capta. N. Y. 1864. S. X 933 : 12 Note. Is a history of the capture and destruction of Jerusalem. Ewald, H: G: A: The history of Israel. Tr. from the german. Lond. 1883-85. 7 v. O. 933 : 9 Contents. V. 1. Introd. and preliminary history, ed. by Russell Martineau; 4th ed. rev. and corr. 2. History of Moses and the theocracy, ed. by Russell Martineau; 4th ed. rev. and corr. 3. The rise and splendour of the hebrew monarchy, ed. by J. Estlin Carpenter; 3d ed. 4. From the disruption of the monarchy to Its fall, ed. by J. Estlin Carpenter; 3d ed. 6. The history of Ezra and of the haaflocracy in Israel to the time of Christ, ed. by J. Estlin Carpen- ter; 3d ed. 6. The life and times of Christ. Tr. by J. P: Smith. 7. The apostolic age. Tr. by J. F: Smith. Milman, H: Hart. The history of the jews, from the earliest period to the present time. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1843. 3 v. S. 933 : 7 Same. Repr. from the newly rev. and corr. Lond. ed. N. Y. 1881. 3 v". in 3. D. 933 : 8 Gratz, H: Geschichte der juden von den iilte- sten zeiten bis auf die gegenwart ; aus den quellen bearb. Leipz. 18711883. 11 v. O. 933 : 16 Contents. V. 1. Vorwort. Einleitung. Die vor- exilisc ho blblischo zeit, 1600977: Iste epoche, Die an- X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1169 HIST. AND GEOGR. ANCIENT. CI. 912, 933-937 1170 fange; 2teepoche, Diebluthezelt. 2. Vom tode ko- nigs Salomo, bis zum babylonischen exile, 586. Vom babylonlschen exile, bis zum tode des Juda Makkabi, 160. 3. Von dem tode Juda Makkabl's, bis zum un- tergrang des judalschen staates, a. d. 70. 4. Vomun- tergan^re des jiidischen staates bis zum abschluss des Talmud, 500. 5. Vom abschluss des Talmud, bis zum aut'bliihen der jiidisch-spanischen cultur, 1027. 6. Vom aufbliihen der jiidisch-spanischen cultur, bis Maimuni's tod, 1205. 7, 8. Von Maimuni's tod bis zur verbannung^ der juden aus Spanien und Portu- gal, 1496. 9. Von der verbannungder juden aus Spa- nien und Portugal, bis zur dauernden ansiedlung der Marranen in Holland, 1618. 10. Von der dauernden ansiedlung der Marranen in Holland, bis zum beginne der Mcndelssohn'schen zeit, 1750. 11. Vom beginn der Mcndelssohn'schen zeit bis in die neueste zeit, 1848. Hudson, Elizabeth Harriot. A history of the jews ia Rome, b. c. 160 a. d. 604. Lond. 1882. O. 933 : 15 Wright, W: The empire of the Hittites ; with decipherment of Hittite inscriiDtions by A. H. bayce, a Hittite map by sir C: Wilson and capt. Conder, and a complete set of Hittite inscriptions, rev. by W. H. Rylands. N. Y. 1884. O. 933-1-13 4. Other asiatic nations. (For Troy and the greek colonies in Asia Minor, see Ancient greek history.) Bawlinson, G: The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or The history, geography and antiquities of Chalda3a, As- syria, Babylon, Media and Persia, coll. and ill. from ancient and modern sources. 2d ed. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1873. 3 v. O. 935:2 Contents. V. 1. Chaldasa. Assyria. 2. Assyria, conc!iIcd. Media. Babylonia. 3. Babylonia, con- cliuied. Persia. The sixth great oriental monarchy, or The geograpny, history and antiquites of Par- thia, coll.and ill. from ancient and modern sources. N. Y. 1882. O. 935:3 The seventh great oriental monarchy, or The geography, history and antiquities of the Sassanian or New persian empire. Lond. 1876. O. 935:4 Brown, Francis. Assyriology ; its use and abuse in Old testament study. N. Y. 1885. D. 935:9 Smith, G: Assyria, from the earliest times to the fall of Nineveh. (Ancient history from the monuments.) N. Y. 1876. D. 935 : 5 The history of Babylonia ; ed. by A. H. Sayce. (Ancient history from the monuments.) Lond. n. d. S. 935 :7 Budge, Ernest A. Wallis. Babylonian life and history. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, no. 5.) Lond. 1884. D. 935 : 8 Vaux, W: Sandys W. Persia, to the arab con- quest. (Ancient history from the monu- ments.) N. Y. 1876. D. 935 : 6 Xenophdn. The Cyropoedia, or Institution of Cyrus. Tr. from the greek by the hon. Maurice Ashly Cooper. [Harper's family library]. N. Y. 1842. S. 935 : 1 Geiger, W: Civilization of the eastern iranians in ancient times ; with an introd. on the Avesta religion. Tr. from the german, with a prei., notes and a biogr. of the author by Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjfina. Lond. 1885. O. 935 : 10 Contents. V. 1 . Ethnography and social life. Mitra, Riijendralala. Indo - aryans ; contribu- tions towards the elucidation of their ancient and mediaeval history. Lond. 1881. 2 V. O. 934 : 1 Contents. V. 1, Origin of indian architecture. Principles of indian temple architecture. Indian sculpture. Dress and ornament in ancient India. Furniture, domestic utensils, musical instruments, arms, horses and cars in ancient India. Beef In ancient India. Spirituous drinks in ancient India. A picnic in ancient India. 2. An imperial coronation. On human sacrifices. Funeral ceremony. On the supposed identity of the greeks with the yavanas of the Sanskrit writers. On the Pala and the Sena dynasties of Bengal. On the peculiarities of the gatha dialect On the Kishya of the Altareya brahmana. On the origin of the hindi language, and its relation to the urdu dialect. Vestiges of the kings of Gwalior. Bohja raja of Dhar and his homonyms Eai-ly life of AscSka. The primitive aryans. Origin of the Sanskrit alphabet. App.: On human sacrifice among the athenians; On the indian Styx and its ferriage. See also in the Index to ^biography Artaxerxes Dareios-Kyros Xerxes. 3. Ancient world b, Classical. 1. In general. {See also Mythology, col. 13.5; and History of civilization, col. 151, 153). Smith, W:, ed. Dictionary of greek and roman anticjuities. III. 3d amer. ed. rev. and con- taining numerous add. articles relative to the botany, mineralogy and zoology of the ancients. " N. Y. 1847. O. 903 : 114 A new classical dictionary of greek and ro- man biogranhy, mytholojEjy and geography, partly basea upon the Dictionary of greek and roman biography and mythology. Rev. with corr. and add. by C: Anthon. N. Y. 1857. O. 903 : R5 Rich, Anthony. A dictionary of roman and greek antiquities, with nearly 2000 engr. on wood from ancient oi'iginals, ill. of t!he in- dustrial arts and social life of the greeks and romans. 3d ed., rev. and impr. N. Y. 1881. O. 938:21 Seyffert, Oskar. Lexikon der klassischen alter- tumskunde ; kulturgeschichte der griechen und romer, mythologie und religion, litte- ratur. kunst und altertiimer des staats- und privatlebens. HI. Leipz. 1882. D. 903 : US Salkeld, Joseph. Classical antiquities, or A compendium of roman and grecian anti- quities, with a sketch of ancient mythology. N. Y. 1844. S. 937:34 Bojesen, Ernst F: Christian. A manual of gre- cian and roman antiquities. Tr. from the german ; ed., with occasional notes and a complete series of questions, by T: Kerche- vor Ai-nold. Rev., with add. and corr. 2d ed. N. Y. 1848. D. 937 : 52 Fustel de'Coulanges, Numa Denis. The ancient city ; a study on the religion, laws and in- stitutions of Greece and Rome. Tr. from the latest french ed. by Willard Small. Bost. 1874. O. 937 : 23 1171 CI. 912, d37-d3d HIST. AUD GEOGHl. ANCIENT GREECE. 117^ Gvibl, Ernst, andW: Koner. Das leben dergrie- chen und romer ; nach antiken bildwerken dargestellt. 4te aufl. Berlin. 1876. O. ^ 938 : 1 Same, eng. The life of the greeks and ro- mans ; described from antique monuments. Tr. from the 3d german ed. by F. Hiifter. 111. N. Y. 1876. O. 938 : 1 Falke, Jakob v. Greece and Rome ; their life and art. Tr. by W: Hand Browne. N. Y. 1882 [1881]. F. 938:R29 GOU, Hermann. Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rom. 3te berichtigte und verm. aufl. Leipz. 1880. 2 v. O. 938 : 39 Weisser, L: Lebensbilder aus dem klassischen alterthum, mit erlaut. text von Hermann Kurz. Stuttg. 1864. Plates, 1 v. F. ; Text, Iv. O. 938 :P2 Hertzberg, Gustav F: Geschichte von Hellas und Rom. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellungen ; Iste auptabth., 5ter th.) HI. und karten. Ber- lin. 1879. 2 V. O. 909+19 v5 Contents. V. 1. Hellas. 2. Rome, bis zum unter- gang der republik, b. c. 29. 2. Greece. Antiquities. (For excavations and antiquarian researches, see Modern Greece, cl. 914.93.) Felton, Cornelius Conway. Greece, ancient and modern ; lectures del. before the Lowell institute. Bost. 1879. 2 v. in 1. O. 938 : 19 Conteiits. V. 1. The greek language and poetry. The life of Greece. 2. Constitutions and orators of Greece. Modern Greece. Sch.5nmann, G: F: The antiquities of Greece. Tr. from the german by E. G. Hardy and J. S. Mann. [V. 1,] The state. Lond. 1880. O. 938 : 22 Hermann, C: F: A manual of the political anti- quities of Greece, historically considered. From the german. Oxford. 1836. O. 938+45 Heeren, Arnold Hermann L: Ancient Greece. Tr. from the german by G: Bancroft. New and impr. ed. Lond. 1847. O. 938:30 Contents. Geographical view. Earliest condition of the nation; and its branches. Original sources of the culture of the greeks. The heroic age; the trojan war. The period following the heroic age; migra- tions; origin of republican forms of government and their character. Homer; the epic poets. Means of preserving the national charactei-.- The persian wars and their consequences. Constitutions of the gre- cian states. The political economy of the greeks. The judicial institutions.- The army and navy. Statesmen and orators. The sciences and Poetry and the arts in connexion with the state. Causes of the fall of Greece. Wagner, W: Hellas ; das land und volk der al- ten griechen, bearb. fur freunde des klassi- schen alterthums, insbesondere fiir die deut- sche jugend. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1877. 2 v. O. 938:3 St. John, James A: The hellenes ; the history of the manners [and customs] of the anci- ent greeks. New ed. Lond. 1844. 3 v. in 1. O. . 938:33 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer; an account of the life, customs and habits of the greeks during the homeric period. N. Y. 1885. S. 938 : 43 Mahaflfy, J: Peytland. Old ^reek life. [History primers: classical antiqxiities, 1]. N. i. 1879. S. 938:25 Social life in Gi-eece from Homer to Menander. 4th ed., rev. Lond. 1879. D. 938 : 31 Becker, W: Adolph. Charikles ; bilder altgrie- chischer sitte, zur genaueren kenntniss des griechischen privatlebens, neu bearb. von Hermann G611. Berlin. 1877, 1878. 3 v. D. 938:4 Same, eng. Charicles, or Illustrations of the private life of the ancient greeks; with notes and excursuses. From the germ., tr. by F: Metcalfe. 5th ed. Lond. 1880. D. 938 : 4 Note. A novel in form, embodying the conclusions of modern critical research in the social condition of the ancient world. Bartlielemy, J: Jacques abbe. Travels of Ana- charsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the 4th century before the chris- tian a3ra. Tr. from the french. 2d ed. Lond. 1794. Text, 7 v. O. Atlas, 1 v. Q. 938 : 49 Note. Fictitious incidents, but presents a vivid and truthful picture of the condition of Greece, its antiquities, manners, customs, religious ceremonies, laws, arts and literature, at the period of its greatest splendor, immediately before the macedonian con- quest. Jannet, Claudio. Les institutions sociales et le droit civil a Sparte. 2e ed., rev. et augm. Paris. 1880. O. 938 : 37 Stuart, James, and N: Bevett. The antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. Plates. 3ded. Lond. 1881. D. 938:36 ArchaBOlog-ical institute of America ; American school of classical studies at Athens. Papers ; v. 1, 18821883. [HI.] Bost. 1885. O. 906+15 Contents. Sterrett, J. R. S., ed. Inscriptions of Assos; Inscriptions of Tralleia. Wheeler, .J. R. The theatre of Dionysius. Bevier, L: The Olvmpieion at Athens. Fowler, H. N. The Brechtheion at Athens. aoodwin, W: W. The battle of Salamis. Hi story. (See also Modern Greece, cl. 949.3.) In general. Cox, Sir (r: W: A general history of Greece, from the earliest period to the death of Alexander the great, witli a sketch of the subsequent history to the present time. N. Y. 1876. D. 938:10 Timayenis, T. T. A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the' present. Ma])s and ill. N. Y. 1881. 2 V. O. 938 : 18 Contents. V. 1. The mythological age. Tlu; dawn of history. The persian wars. -Athenian supremacy. The peloponnesian war. Hegemony of Sparta. 2. Theban supremacy. Macedonian hellenism. The successors.- The roman supremacy. Byzantine hell- enism. Modern hellenism. Index. Schmitz, Leonhard. A history of (xreece for junior classes; with an" app., giving a sketch of the history from the roman con- auest to the present day, by A. Grennadios. f. Y. [1874]. S. X 938: 28 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Young folks' history of Greece [to the present time]. Bost. [1878J. S. X 938: 24 Bonner, J. A child's history of (Greece. 111. N. Y. 1878. 2 V. S. x 938 : 26 ContentH. V. 1. Greece, b. c. 500. Stories and le- gends. History, to b. c. 449. 2. History, to the pi-ca- ent time. denotes books specially adapted for children. 1173 HIST. AND QEOGR. ANCIENT GREECE. CI. 912, 937-939 1174 Willson, Marcius, and Robert Pierpont Willison. Mosaics of ^reciaa history ; the historical narrative, with numerous illustrations, poe- tic and prose selections ; a popular course of reading in grecian history and litera- ture. N. Y. 1883. D. 938 : 32 Note. Continued to the present time. Ctirtius, Ernst. The history of Greece. Tr. by Adolphus W: Ward. N. Y. ymiQ]. 5 v. D. 938:5 Contents. V. 1 . The greeks before the dorian mi- gration. From the dorian migration to the persian wars. 2. Same, continued. Yrovn the termination of the ionian revolt to the outbreali of the peloponnes- ian war. 3. The peloponnesian war. 4. Sparta supreme in Greece. Thebes the great power of Greece. 5. Macedonia and Greece [to b. c. 337]. General index. Grote, G: History of Greece. N. Y. 1861. 13 v. D. 938:6 Contents. V. 1. Legendary Greece. 2. Same, con- tinued. Gener&l geography and limits of Greece. Peloponnesus. 3. Corinth, Sikyon and Megara. Age of the despots. Ionic portion of Hellas. Athens before Solon. Solonian laws and constitution.- Euboea. Cyclades. Asiatic colonies. Lydians. Medes. Cimmerians. Scythians. Phenicians.-As- syrians.-Babylon. Egyptians. Decline of the phen- icians. Carthage. Western colonies of Greece. Epirus. Akarnians. Epirots. 4. lUyrians, Mace- donians, Pteonians. Thraeians. Kyrene, Barka, Hesperides Pan-Hellenic festivals. Lyric poetry. The seven wise men. Peisistratus and his sons. Establishment of democracy at Athens. Rise and growth of the persian empire. Demokedes. Darius invades Scythia. Ionic revolt. From the ionic re- volt to the battle of Marathon. Ionic philosophers. 5. 490445 b. c. Constitutional and judicial changes at Athens under Perikles. 6. 44.5431 b. c. 7. 431 413b. c. 8. 413-404b.c The drama. Rhetoric and dialectics. The sophists. Sokrates. 9. Retreat of the ten thousand.-404-387 b. c. 10. 387-359 b. c- Sicilian affairs, 413-394 b. c. H. 359-336 b. c. 12. Alexander the great. Grecian affairs to b. c. 294. Sicilian and Italian greeks. Agathokles. Outlying hellenic cities : In Gaul and Spain ; On the Euxine. Index. Smith, W: A history of Greece, from the earl- iest times to the roman conquest ; with supp. chapters on the histoi'y of literature and art. Rev., with an app., by G: W. ' Greene. 111. N. Y 1861. D. 938 : 9 Mitford, W: The history of Greece [to the death of Alexander], with his final add. and corr. ; prefixed by a brief memoir of the author by his brother, lord Redesdale, rev. by W: King. Lond. 1838. 8 v. O. 938 7 Same. V. 2-8. Bost. 1823. 7 v. O. 938 ': 7 Thirlwall, Connop. A history of Greece. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. O. 938+8 Contents. V. 1 . To b. c. 387. 2. To b. c. 146. Keightley, T: The history of Greece [to the roman conquest]; added, a chronol. table of contemporary history by Joshua Toul- min Smith. Bost. 1839. O. 938+27 Fyflfe, C: Alan. History of Greece. [History primers]. N. Y. 1878. S. 938:17 Harrison, James Albert. The story of Greece. (The story of the nations.) [111.] N. Y. 1885. U. X 938: 44 Note. Ends with the death of Alexander. Stacke, L: Christian. Er/iihlunj^en aus der griechischen geschichte in biographischer form. Karte. 22ste anil. Oldenb. 1885. D. 938 : 46 at denotes books specially adapted for childreu. By periods. Cox, Sir G: W: A history of Greece. New ed. Lond. 1878. 2 v. O.' 938 : 34 Contents. V. 1. To the end of the persian war. 2. From the formation of the confederacy of Delos to the close of the peloponnesian war. Duncker, Max Wolfgang. History of Greece, from the earliest times to the end of the persian war. Tr. from the germ, by S. F. Alleyne. V. 1. Lond. 1883. O. 938:11 Conterks. V. 1. The greeks in ancient times. Conquests and migrations. Index. Vaux, W: Sandys W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. (Ancient history from the monuments.) Lond. 1877. S. 939 : 3 Benjamin, S: Green Wheeler. Troy ; its legend, history and literature, with a sketch of the topography of the Troad in the light of recent investigation. (Epochs of ancient history.) N. Y. (1880). S. 938 : 12 Muller, C: Ottfried. The history and antiquities of the doric race. Tr. from the german by H: Tufnell and G: Cornewall Lewis. Maps. Oxford. 1830. 2 v. O. 938 : 40 Contents. V. 1 . Introd. History from the earliest times to the end of the peloponnesian war. Religion and mythology. App. 2. Political institutions.- Domestic institutions, arts and literature. App. Hertzberg, Gustay F: Die geschichte der mes- senischen kriege, nach Pausanias erzahlt. 3te durchgesehene aufl. Halle. 1875. D. 938 : 48 Die geschichte der perserkriege, nach den quellen erzahlt. Halle. 1877. D. 938 : 47 Cox, Sir G: W: The greeks and the persians. 2d ed. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1877. S. 938 : 14 The athenian empire. 2d ed. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1877. S. 938 : 15 Bulwer-Lytton, E: G: Earle Lytton, 1st baron Lytton. Athens ; its rise and fall, with views of the literature, philosophy and social life of the athenian people. N. Y. 1847. 2 V. D. 938 : 20 Same. [Tauohnitz ed.] Leipz. 1843. 2 v. in 1. S. 938:20 Lloyd, W: Watkiss. The age of Pericles ; a history of the politics and arts of Greece, from the persian to the peloponnesian war. Lond. 1875. 2 v. O. 938 : 35 Tliukydides, {lat. Thucydides). History of the peloponnesian war. A new and literal version from the text of Arnold, collated with Bekker, Goller and Poppo, by H: Dale. Lond. 1853, 1855. 2 v. D. 938 : 23 The history of the grecian war, tr. by T: Hobbes. In Hobbes, T: English works. 820.2 : 12 v8,9 Xenophdn. The expedition of Cyrus into Persia and the retreat of the ten thousand greeks. Tr. from the original greek by E: Spelman. Lond. 1812. O. 938+41 Ainsworth, W: Francis. Travels in the track of the ten thousand greeks ; a geographical and descriptive account of the expedition of Cyrus and the retreat of the ten thousand greeks, as related by Xenophon. Lond. 1844. O. 911 :6 Sankey, C: The spartan and theban suprem- acies. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1877. S. 938 : 13 Ciirteis, Arthur M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. (Epochs of ancient history). N. Y. [1880]. S. 938 : 16 1175 CI. 912, 937-939 HIST. AND GEOGR. -ANCIENT GREECE. 1176 Arrianos. History of the expedition of Alexan- der the great and conquest of Persia. Tr. from the original greek by mr. Rooke and now corr. and enl. with add. Lond. 1812. 0. in 938+41 Droysen, J: Gustav. Geschichte des hellen- ismus. Gotha. 1877, 1878. 3 v. O. 938 : 38 Contents. V. 1. Geschichte Alexanders des grossen. 2. Geschichte der Diadochen. 3. Geschichte der Epigonen. Anhang: TJcbcr die hellenischen stadte- griindungen. Freeman, E: A: History of the greek federa- tions, from the foundation of the Achaian League. In his History of federal govern- ment. 324 : 1 vl See also in the Index to biography Agresilaos Agis Alexandres- Alkibiades AratosAris- tagoras Aristeide s D emetrios D emosthene s Dion Eumenes Gelon Kimon Kleome- nes Lykurgos Lysandros Miltiades Ni- kias Pausanias Peisistratos Pelopidas Perikles Philopoimen- Polykrates Pyrrhos Solon Themistokles Theseus Thukydides Timoleon. 3. Rome. Antiquities. (For excavations and antiquarian researches, see Modern Italy, cl. 914.5.) Thierry, Amedee Simon Dominique. Tableau de I'empire romain, depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'a la fin du gouvernement im- perial en Occident. 6e ed. Paris 1872. O. 937 : 43 Contents. Introd. Formation de la societeroniaine. Marche du monde remain vers I'unite politique ct administrative. Marche du monde romain vers I'unite par les idees sociales; par le droit; par la reli- gion. Du monde barbare. Becker, W: Adolph, and Joachim Marquardt. Handbuch der romischen altertliiimer ; nach den quellen bearb. Leipz. 1843. 5 v. in 9. O. 937 : 45 Contents. Becker, W : A. V. 1 . Diie quellen. Topo- graphic der stadt; mit vergleichendem plane der stadt und vier anderen tat'eln. S.lsteabth. Die stadtverfas- sung. 2te abth. Die republik. Marquardt, J. 3te abth. Die republik, /orteeteitriff." Die volksversamm- lungen. 3. Iste abth. Italien und die provinzen. 3te abth. Der staatshaushalt. 4. Der gottesdienst. 5. Romische privatalterthfimer. Marquardt, Joachim, and Theodor Mommsen. Handbuch der romischen alterthiimer ; b. 1, 2, 4-7. 2te auii. Leipz. 1876-85. 6 v. O. 937:46 Contents. V. 1 , 2. Hommsen, T. Romisches staats- recht: b. 1, Die magistratur; 3, le abth., Die eln- zelnen maglstraten. 4-6. Harquardt, J. Romische staatsverwaltung. : b. 1, Organisation des romischen reichs; 3, besorgtvon H. Dessau und A. v. Domas- zewski. Das flnanzwesen, Das Militarwesen ; 3, besorgt vonG: Wissowa, Das sacralwesen. 7. Marquardt, J. Dasprivatleben der romer: b. 1, Die t'amilie. Lange, L: Romische alterthiimer. B. 1, 3te ; b. 2-3, 2te auti. 1867-76. Berlin. 8 v. O. 937 : 1 Contents. V. 1 . Elnleitung. Der staatsalterthii- mer ler theil. Register. 2. Der staatsalterthiimer 2er theil. 3. Der staatsalterthiimer 3er theil, le abth. [bis zur befestigung der alleinherrschaft des Octavianus]. Register. Mendelssohn, L: Regi- ster, b. 13, (pound at the end of v. 2). Wilkins, A: S: Roman antiq^uities. [History S rimers: Classical antiquities, 21. 111. N. '. 1878. S. 937 : 28 Creuzer, F: Zur romischen geschichte und al- terthumskunde. Leipz. 1836. O. 937 : 41 Contents. Blicke aut die sklaverei im alten Rom; mit erklarung einiger unedirten inschriften.- Gallie- nus und Salonina; zur kritik der romischen kaiser- geBcUicbte. Buschmann, H. Bilder aus dem alten Rom. Leipz. 1883. O. 937 : 48 Herbermann, C: G. Business life in ancient Rome. [Harper's half hour ser]. N. Y. 1880. T. 937 : 24 Church, Alfred J : Roman life in the days of Ci- cero ; sketches drawn from his letters and speeches. III. Lond. 1884. D. 937 : 40 Becker, W: Adolph. Gallus, or Roman scenes of the time of Augustus, with notes and ex- cursuses, ill. of the manners and customs of the romans. Tr. by F: Metcalfe. 5th ed. Lond. 1876. D. " 937 : 20 See note under his Charicles, col. 1173. Dyer, T: H: A history of the city of Rome, its structures and monuments, from its foun- dation to the end of the middle ages. Lond. 1865. O. 937 : 22 .fl"^ story. In oeneral. Duruy, V: History of Rome and of tlie roman people from its origin to the establishment of the christian empire. Tr. by M. M. Ripley and W. J. Clarke, ed. by J. P. Ma- hafly ." [Edition de luxe] . V. 1-4. " Bost. 1884, 1885. 4 v. in 8. F. 937 : R50 Contents. V. 1. Introd.. The pre-roman epoch. Rome under the kings, 753510 b. c; formation of the roman people. Rome under the patrician con- suls, 509 367 b. c; struggles within, weakness with- out. War of Italian independence, or conquest of Italy, 843365 b. c The punic wars. 364301 b. c. 2. Same, continued. Conquest of the world, 301133 b. c. The Gracchi, Marius and Sylla, 13379 b. c.; efforts at reform. 3. Same, continued. The triumvirates and the revolution, 7930 b. c. 4. Same, continued. Augustus, or the foundation of the empire, 30 b. c. 14 a. d. The Caesars and the Flavii, 1496 a. d,; con- spiracies and civil wars. Keightley, T: The history of Rome ; added, a chronol. table of contemporary history by Joshua Toulmin Smith. N. Y. n. d. t). 937:33 History of the Roman Empire, from the acces- sion of Augustus to the end of the empire of the west ; a continuation of The history of Rome, ed. by Joshua Toulmin Smitli. With his History of Rome. 937 : 33 Merivale, C: A general history of Rome from the foundation of the city to the fall of Augustulus, b. c. 753 a. d. 476. (The stud- ent's Merivale). N. Y. 1883. D. 937 : 39 Leighton, R. F. A history of Rome. Maps, plans and ill. (Anderson's hist, ser.) N.Y. 1883. D. 937 : 36 Wagner, W: Rom ; anfang, fortgang, aus- breitung und verfall des weltreicnes dcu- romer, liir freunde des klassischen alter- thums, insbesondere fiir die deutsche jugend bearb. 3te aufi. Leipz. 1876, 1877. 3v. O. 937:4 Creighton, Mandell. History of Rome. [History primers]. N. Y. 1878. S. 937 : 27 Shepard, W: Our young folks' history of the roman empire. 111. Phila. 1886 [18851. O. / x937: 11/ Bonner, J: A child's history of Rome. N. Y. 1880. 2y. S. X 937: 33 Contents. V. 1. Rome, b. c. 283. Stories and U- gends. The republic. 2. The civil wars. The em- J perors. Index. I X denotes books specially adapted for ohildrou. 1177 HIST. AND GEOGR. ANCIENT ROME. CI. 912, 937-939 1178 Yonge, Charlotte Maria. Avint Charlotte's stories of roman history for the little ones. Lond. 1877. S. x 937 : 26 Stacke, L: Christian. Erziihlungen aus der romischen geschichte in biographischer form. 19te aufi. Karten. Oldenb. 1884. D. 937:12 Vertot d'Aubeuf, Rene Aubert abbe de. The liistory of the revolutions that happened in the government of the roman republie. Written in freuch, english'd by mr. Ozell from the original, newly printed at Paris, with amendments and add. by the author. 3d ed. Loud. 1731. 3 v. D. 937 : 19 Note. Extends from the beginning of Kome to the reign of Augustus. Regal and republican Rome. Donaldson, J: W: Varronianus ; a critical and historical introd. to the ethnography of ancient Italy 3d ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1860. O. 470 : 1 Lewis, Sir G: Cornewall. An inguii'y into the ci'cdibility of early roman history. Lond. 1855. 3 V. O. 937 : 49 Contents. V. 1. Introd. On the sources of roman history during the last two centuries of the republic. On the sources and oral traditions of roman his- tory, the public records and memorials of the roman state, the private memorials and historical poems of Rome, for the period before the war with Pyrrhus. On the treatment of the early roman history by the extant historians of antiquity. On the pi'imitive his- tory of the nations of Italy. .lEneas in Italy. The Alban kingdom and the foundation of Rome. The seven kings of Rome. 2. History of Rome, from the expulsion of the kings to the burning of the city by the gauls. History of Rome, from the rebuilding of the city to the landing of Pyri-hus in Italy. General results of the preceding inquiry; Comparison with the corresponding period of greek history. Livius Patavinus, Titus. The romane historic written by T. Livius of Padva -, also the breviaries of L. Florus, with a chronologic to the whole historic and the topographic of Rome in old time. Tr. out of the latine into english by Philemon Holland. Lond. 1600. F. 937:R51 The history of Rome ; literally tr. with notes and ill." Lond. 1850-54. 4 v. D. 937:6 Contents. V. 1. Books 1-8, tr. by D. Spillan. 2. Books 9-26, tr. by D. Spillan and Cyrus Edmonds. 3. Books 27-36, tr. by Cyrus Edmonds. 4. Books 37 to the end, with the epitomes and fragments of the lost books, tr. by W: A. M'Devitte. Stories from Livy, by Alfred J: Church. Lond. 1883. D. X 937 : 35 Machiavelli, Niccolo. Discourse on the first ten books of Titus Livius. In his Writings. 850-1-1 v2 NiebTihr, Barthold G: Romische geschichte fbis zum ersten punischen kriegej. Neue ausg. von M. Isler, [mit einem ausfiihrlichen register]. Berlin. 1873, 1874. 3 v. D. 937:3 JVofe. V. 3 was issued after the author's death, from his papers, by J. Classen. Same, eng. The history of Rome. V. 1, 3 tr. by Julius C: Hare and Connop Thirlwall ; V. 3 tr. by W: Smith and Leonhard Schmitz. New ed." Lond. 1851. 3 v. O. 937 : 3 Arnold, T: The history of Rome. N. Y. 1846. 3 v. in 3. O. 937 : 8 Contents. V. 1. 1 (o/ I/on*jn ed.). Early history to the burning of Rome by the Gauls. 2, From the end of the gaulish invasion to the end of the first punic war, [to a. u. c. 450]. 2- Same, continued. 3, From the end of the first to the end of the second punIc war. Mommsen, Theodor. Romische geschichte. 6te auti. Berlin. 1874, 1875. 3 v. O. 937:2 Contents. V. 1. Bis zur schlacht von Pydna, b. c. 168. 2. Bis auf Sulla's tod, b. c. 68. 3. Bis zur schlacht von Thapsus, b. c. 46. Index, 1-3. Same, eng. The history of Rome. Tr., with the author's sanction and add. by W: P. Dickson, with a pref . by Leonhard Schmitz. New ed. N. Y. [1808].' 4 v. D. 937 : 2 Contents. V.I. To the union of Italy. 2. To the battle of Pydna. 3. To the death of Sulla. 4. To the battle of Thapsus. Index. Ihne, W: The history of Rome. English ed. Lond. 1871-83. 5 v. O. 937 : 5 Contents. V. 1. The regal period. The early history of the republic. Conquest of Italy. 2. Struggle for the ascendancy in the west, to 201 b. c. 3. The wars for the supremacy in the west, to 133 b. c. 4. The constitution, laws, religion and magist- rates of the roman people. Expansion of the re- public into an empire, [to the death of C. Gracchus]. 5. Same, continued [to the death of Sulla, 78 b. c.]. General index. Early Rome, from the foundation of the city to its destruction by the gauls. 3d ed. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1877. S. 937 : 13 Schwegler, Albert F: K: Franz. Romische ge- schichte. Tiibingen. 1867. 3 v. O. 937:44 Contents. V. 1. Im zeitalter der kiinige. 2. Im zeitalter des kampfs der stande: Von der griindung der republik bis zum decemvirat. 3. Im zeitalter des kampfs der stiinde: Vom ersten decemvirat bis zu den licinischen gesetzen; nach des verf. tod herausg. von F. F. Baur. 4. Clason, Octavius. Fortsetzung: Seit der verwustung Roms durch die gallier [bis zum ersten samniterkriege]. Newman, Francis W: Regal Rome ; an introd. to roman history. N. Y. 1853. D. 937 : 25 Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills. Phila. [1873]. S. x 937 : 29 The heroes of the seven hills. Phila. [1870]. S. X 937: 30 The conquests of the seven hills. Phila. [1875] . S. X 937: 31 Smith, Reginald Bos worth. Carthage and the Carthaginians. Lond. 1878. D. 939 : 2 Rome and Carthage ; the punic wars. (Epochs of ancient history.) N. Y. [1881]. S. 937:14 Beesly, A: H: The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1877. S. 937:16 Sallustius Crispus, Caius. C. Crispi Salustii de L. Sergii Catilinae coniuratione, ac bello lugurthino historian. Ex castigatione loan. Riuij Atthendoriensis, cum annotationib. marginialib. D. Philip. Melanth. Adie- cimus nunc primum in omnia Sallustij, quae hodie , extant fragmenta, Henrici Glareani Helueti^" poetac laureati annota- tiones ; Cum quibusdam alijs in Catilin. & lu^urth. Salust. Tacobi Bononiensis an- notatiunculis. Coloniae. 1544. 8. 23 :R - Sallust, Florus and Velleius Paterculus ; liter- ally tr. , with copious notes and a general index, by J: Selby Watson. N. Y. 1877. D. 937 : 7 Contents. Sallust. Conspiracy of Catiline. The Jugurthine war. Fragments of the history of Sal- lust. Two epistles to Julius Ctesar on the govern- ment of the state, ascribed to Sallust. A declamation against Sallust, falsely attributed to Cicero. Lucius Annicus Florus. Epitome of roman history. Vel- leius Paterculus. Remains of his compendium of the history of Rome. denotes books specially adapted for chUdrea. 1179 CI. 912, 937-939 HIST. AND GEOGB. ANCIENT ROME. 1180 Csesar, Cains Julius. Commentaries on tlie gallic and civil wars ; with the supp. books attributed to Hirtius, incl. the alexandrian, african and Spanish wars. Literally tr. with notes and index. Lond. 1882. D. 937:10 Merivale, C: The roman triumvirates 2d ed. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1877. 8. ' ^ 937 : 15 The fall of the roman republic ; a short history of the last century of the common- wealth [b. c. 137-39]. New ed. Lond. 1874. D. 937:47 Imperial Rome, and the barbaric invasion. Merivale, C: History of the romans under the empire. [New ed.] Lond. 1862. 7 v. O. 937+9 Contents. V. 1,2. From the first triumvirate to thefallofJuliusCffisar, b. c. 88 44. 3. To the estab- lishment of the monarchy by Augustus, b. c. 4427. 4, 5. From Augustus to Claudius, b. c. 37 a. d. 54. 6. From the reign of Nero to the destruction of Je- rusalem, a. d. 5470. 7. The Flavian era, to the death of Antoninus, a. d. 180. Zosimus, Comes. The history of count Zosimus. Tr. from the original greek, with the notes of the Oxford ed. Lond. 1814. O. in 938-1-41 Note. Comprises a history of the decline of Rome, from the beginning of the empire to a. d. 410. Hertzberg, GustavF: Geschichte des romischen kaiserreiches. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemei- ne geschichte in einzeldarstellungen ; 3te hauptabth., ler th.) Berlin. 1880. O. 909-1-20 vl De Quincey, T: The c^esars [from Augustus to Dioclesian]. Bost. 1851. D. 937:21 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Works. Oxford tr., rev. with notes. N. Y. 1881, 1883. 3 v. D. 937 : 38 Contents. V. 1. The annals [from the death of Augustus to within two years of Nero's death, ex- cept Caligula and the first five years of Claudius]. 2. The history, a. d. 6870. A treatise on the manners of the germans. Life of Cnajus Julius Agricola. Dialogue concerning oratory, or The causes of cor- rupt eloquence. Index. Capes, W: Wolfe. Roman histor;^ ; the early empire, from the assassination of Julius Cjiesar to that of Domitian. Maps. (Epochs of ancient history.) N. Y. n. d. S. 937 : 37 The roman empire of the 3nd century, or The age of the Antonines. (Epochs of ancient history.) Lond. 1876. S. 937 : 18 Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman history, dur- ing the reigns of the emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian and Valens. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. 1863. D. 937 : 42 Simonde de Sismondi, J: C: Leonard. History of the fall of the Roman Empire, compris- ing a view of the invasion and settlement of the barbarians. Phila. 1835. O. Note. A general history of the nations concerned in the dissolution of the roman empire, both in Eu- rope aud Asia, from the fourth century to the year Montesquieu, C: de Secondat, baron de la Brede et de. Grandeur and decline of the Roman Empire. In his Complete works. 340 : 6 v3 Gibbon, E: The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; with notes by H. H. Milman. Maps. N. Y. 1847. 4 v. O. 937.1 : 1 The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; with notes of Milman, Guizot and W: Smith. N. Y. 1880. 6 v. O. 937.1 :4 Note. "The period embraced extends fiom the middle of the second century of our era to the fall of Constantinople, in 1453. The author did not pursue a strict chronological order, but massed his materials and ari-anged them in accordance with their moral and political significance. The completed work, there- fore, has somewhat the appearance of a succession of monographs, each one of which is perfect, or nearly perfect, in itself." It comprises the political and religious history of all the peoples and kingdoms more or less intimately connected with the roman ' world during this long and turbulent period. The student's Gibbon : The history of the de- cline and fall of the Roman Empire, abrid- ged, incorporating the researches of recent commentators, by W: Smith. 111. N. Y. 1863. D. 937.1 :2 Hodgkin, T: Italy and her invaders, 376476. Oxford. 1880." 3 v. O. 937.1 : 6 Contents. V. 1. The visigothic invasion. 2. The \ hunnish invasion.- The vandal invasion and the her- ulean mutiny. Causes of the fall of the western em- pire. Index. Kingsley, C: The roman and the teuton ; a se- ries of lectures del. before the university of Cambridge. New ed. with pref. by F: Max MuUer. [Works, v. 10]. Lond. 1881. D. 937.1:5 Contents. Pref ace. The forest children. The dying empire. The human deluge. The gothic civilizer. Dietrich's end. The nemesis of the goths. Paulus Diaconus.The clergy and the heathen. The monk a civilizer. The lombard laws. The popes and the lombards. The strategy of providence. App. The limits of exact science, as applied to history. Sheppard, J: G. The fall of Rome and the rise of the new nationalities ; a series of lec- tures on the connection between ancient and modern history, [to the death of Char- lemagne]. Lond. 1861. D. 937.1 : 7 Curteis, Arthur M. History of the Roman Em- pire from the death of Theodosius the great to the coronation of Charles the great, a. d. 395800. Maps. [Hist, handbooks]. Lond. 1875. S. 937.1 :8 Same. Phila. 1875. S. 937.1:8 Bryce, James. The holy roman empire [to its end in 1806]. 7th ed. Lond. 1884. I). 937.1:9 See aim in tlw Index to biography Agrrippina AntoninuBAntoniuB Attila Brutus Ceesar Camillus Cato Cicero Coriolanus Cras- susFabius riamininus Galba Gracchus- Hannibal Jovianus LncuHus Marcellus Marius Nero Numa Otho Paulus Pom- peius Publicola Romulus Scipio- Sertorius Sulla- Theodosius. 1181 HIST. AND QEOGB. MODERN GEOGR. CI. (910-)913 1182 4. Modern geography in general. (For General modern history. Universal history, el. 900-909, col. 1151-1156.) 1. Geography, proper. {See also Physical ReoKr., cl. 551, col. 333; Ethnology, cl. 572, col. 350; Statistics, cl. 310, col. 155.) Dictionaries. Williams, Edwin. The new universal gazetteer, or Geographical dictionary, derived from the latest and best authorities ; pt. 2 of The treasury of knowledge and library of refer- ence. N. Y. 1832. S. 910 : 8 Murray, Hugh, and others. The encyclopaedia of geography, comprising a complete de- scription of the earth, physical, statistical, civil and political, exhibiting its relation to the heavenly bodies, its physical struc- ture, the natural history of each country, and the industry, commerce, political in- stitutions and civil and social state of all nations. 111., with maps. Rev. with add. by T: G. Bradford. Phila. 1847. 3 v. O. 910:117 McCuUoch, J: Ramsay. Universal gazetteer ; a dictionary, geographical, statistical and historical, of the various countries, places and principal natural objects in the world ; the articles relating to the U. S. multiplied, extended and adapted by Daniel Haskell. N. Y. 1852. 2v. O. 910:B,6 Thomas, Joseph, and T: Baldwin, eds. Lippin- cott's pronouncing gazetteer; a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world. Phila. 1856. O. 910+5 Same. Rev. ed. with app., containing 10,000 new notices and the census of 1870. Phila. 1878. O. 910 : 5 Same. New ed., thoroughly rewritten, rev. and greatly enl. Phila. 1880. Q. 910 : 115 Same. Supplementary tables of population ; a complement to Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer of the world. Phila. 1883 [18821. Q ^ 910 : R5 Hoifmann, S: F: W:, ed. Encyklopiidie dererd-, v()lker- und staatenkunde ; eine geogra- phisch - statistische darstellung der erd- theile, lander, meere, inseln, gebirge, berge, vorgebirge, buchten, hiifen, misse, seen, vol- ker, staaten, stJidte, llecken, dcirfer, bader, berg- und hiittenwerke, leuchtthiirme, kaniile, eisenbahnen u. s. w., nebst den geographisch-astronomischen bestimmun- gen der lage der orte. Leipz. 1864-69. 8 v. Q. 913 : R3 , K: Emil. Lexikon der handelsgeographie; handels- und industrieverhiiltnisse aller staaten, mit den neuesten ausweisen iiber aus- und einfuhr. pi-oduktion, verkehr und zahlreichen statistischen tabellen ; mit einer karte des weltverkehrs. Leipz. 1882. D. 913:R14 Tr e atis e s and essays. Malte-Bnin, originally Mai the Conrad Bruun, known as Conrad. Universal geography, Jung, or A description of all parts of the world on a new plan, accordins^ to the great natural divisions of the globe; accompanied with analytical, synoptical and elementary tables, improved by the add. of the most recent information, derived from various sources. Phila. 1827-32. 6 v. O. 910-f 12 Mitchell, S: A: Accompaniment to Mitchell's map of the world on Mercator's projection. Phila. 1838. O. 913:5 Van Waters, G: The poetical geography; made to accompany any of the common school atlases. Milw. 1848. D. 910 : 14 Morse, Jedidiah. The american universal geog- raphy, or A view of the present state of all the kingdoms, states and colonies in the known world. Added, an abridgement of the last census of the U. S., a chronol. table of remarkable events from the creation to this time, a list of ancient and modern learned and eminent men and an index. 6th ed. Bost. 1812. 2 v. O. 913 : 10 Stein, Christian Gottfried Daniel, and Ferdinand HOrschelmann. Handbuch der geogra- phic und statistik f iir die gebildeten stiinde ; neu bearbeitet, unter mitwirkung mehrerer gelehrten, von J: E: Wappiius. 7te aufl. Leipz. 1855-71. 9v.O. 910:15 Contents. [V. 1.] Ir h., le u. 2e ahth. Wappaus, J: E: AUg'emeine geographie und statistik; Nord- amerika. 1855. [2. J lrh.,3eahth. Wappaus, .1: E: Das ehemalig-e spanische Mittel- und Siid-Amerika, nebst den eiiropiiischen besitzungen [und Patago- nien]. 1863-70. [3.] lrh.,4eabth. Wappaus, J: E: Das kaiserreich Brasilien. 1871. Delitsch, O: West- indien und die Siidpolar-lander. 1871. [4.] 2r b., le u. 2e ahth. Gumprecht, Thaddaus E: Afrika. mit nachtriig-en und ergiinzungen von O: Delitsch. Meinicke, C: E: Australien. 1866. [5.] 2e h., 3e ahth. Brauer, J: Hartwig, and J: H: Platn. Asien. 1864. [6.] 3r h., le ahth. WappSus, J: E: Allge- meine iibersicht von Europa. Ost- und Nord-Europa: PoBsart, Fedor, Das Russische reich; Brachelli, Hugo Franz, Das Osmanische reich nebst den drei Donaufiirstenthiunern, Das turstenthum Montene- gro, Das konigreich Griechenland, und Die republik der lonlschen Inseln; Frisch, C: P:, Das konigreich Diinemark, Die konigreiche Schweden und Norwe- gen; Bavenstein, Ernst G., Das Britische reich; Baumhauer, M. M. v.. Das konigreich der Nieder- lande. Nachtriige und verbesserungen. ia58-63. [7.1 3rb.,2eahth. West- und Siid-Europa: Willkomm, H: Moritz, Das pyrenaische halbinselland; Block, Maurice, Das kaiserthum Frankreich; Heuschlin^, Philippe Francois Xavier Theodose, Das konigreich Belgien; Brachelli, Hugo Franz, Die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Die italienische halbinsel. Nach- trage zu Spanien, Portugal, Frankreich und Belgien. 1862-71. [8.] 4rh.,leabth. Brachelli, Hugo Franz, Der deutsche bund im allgcmeinen; Das kaiserthum Oesterreich. 1867. Ocsterrcichisch-ungarische mo- narchic, 1871. [9.] 4r h., 2e ahth. Brachelli, Hugo Franz, Das konigreich Preussen und die deutschen mittel- und klein-staaten; mit einer statistischen skizze des Nord-deutschon bundes, der Siid-deutschen staaten, des grossherzogthums Luxemburg und des deutschen zoll- und handelsvereins, 18C8. J864-68. Hoftmann, K: F: Vollrath. Die erde und ihre bewohner ; ein hand- und lesebuch fiir alle stiinde: 1, Allgemeiner theil, bearbeit. von H: Borghaus und Daniel Volter ; 2, Spe- cieller theil, bearb. von Daniel Viilter. Stuttg. 1867. 2 V. O. 913+2 1188 CI. (910)913 HIST. AND GEOGK.. MODERN GEOGR. 1184 Daniel, Hermann Adalbert. Handbuch der geo- graphic. 4te auii. Leipz. 1874. 4 v. O. Contents. V. 1. AUgemeine geographie. Die aussereuropiiisehen erdtheile. 2- Die europaischen lander ausser Deutschland. 3. Deutschland, physi- sche g-eographle. 4. Deutschland, politische geo- graphie. TJngewitter, Franz H: Neueste erdbeschrei- bungundstaatenkunde, oderGeographisch- statistisch-historisches handbuch ; mit be- sonderer beriicksichtigung der neuesten gestaltung Deutsohlands. 5te aufl. 3te ausg., durch einen ausfiihrlichen nachtrag bis auf die neueste zeit vervoUstiindigt und berichtigt ; unter benutzun^ amtlicher quellen und der sonst zuverlassigsten unter- lagen bearb. von G: W: Hopf. Dresden. 1879. 2 V. O. 913+4 Reclus, J: Jacques Elisee. The earth and its inhabitants. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1883-85. 9 V. O. 913:1111 Contents. Europe, 5 v. V. 1. Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania, Servia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain and Portugal. 2. France and Switzei'land. fi. Aus- tria, ikungary, Germany, Belgium and the Nether- lands. 4. The British Isles. 5. The north-oast At- lantic, Islands of the north Atlantic, Scandinavia, European islands of the Arctic ocean, Russia in Europe. Asia, 4 V. ed. tty E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. V. 1. Asiatic Russia: Caucasia, Aralo-casp- ian hasin, Siberia. 2. East Asia: Chinese empire, Corea and Japan. 3. India and Indo-China. 4. South-western Asia: General survey; Afghanistan; Balauchistan ; Persia; Asiatic Turliey; Lower Kurdi- stan, Mesopotamia. Irak-Arabi; Asia Minor; Cyprus; Syria, Palestine, Sinai; Arabia; Statistical tables; Index. Grube, A: W:, ed. Geographische charakter- bilder in abgerundeten gemalden aus der lander und volkerkunde ; nach muster- darstellungen der deutschen und auslilndi- schen litteratur fiir die obere stufe des geographischen unterrichts in schulen, so- wie zu einer bildenden lektiire fiir freunde dererdkunde iiberhaupt. Leipz. 1881. 3 v. O. 913+12 Grove, G: Geography. [History primers] . N. y. 1877. S. 910:9 Mortimer, Mrs. T: Far off: pt. 1, Asia des- cribed ; pt. 3, Oceanica, Africa and America described ; with anecdotes and ill. New ed. rev. [by L. C. Meyer] and enl. Lond. 1881, 1883. 2 V. S. 913 : 8 Colange, Leo de, ed. The picturesque world, or wcenes in many lands ; picturesque views from all parts of the world, comprising mountain, lake and river scenery, parks, palaces, cathedrals, churches, castles, abbeys and other views selected from the most noted and interesting parts of the world, with original and authentic descrip- tions by the best authors. Bost. 1879. 3 v. Q. 913:R12 Contents. V. 1. Rome.- Tlvoli. Paris and its en- virons. St. Petersburg and its environs. Novgorod. Moscow. Siberia. Chateaux and churches of Franco. Belgium. Meissen. Treves. Zeeland and Holland. Strasburg. the Black Forest and Heidel- berg. Wurtemburg. Bavaria. Down the Danube. Transylvania and the turkish principalities. Mount Athos and Athens. Sicily and the Lipari Islands. The temples of Pa38tum. Siena. Vmti- raiglia. Spain. 2. Northern provinces of Portugal. Northern Africa. The Nile. Eastern Africa. Mauritius. Constantinople and Asiatic Turkey. Ni- niveh and Babylon. Persia. India. Indo-China. Australia. China. Japan. Sandwich Islands. Cali- fornia and the Rocky Mountains. Mexico. Cuba. 910+10 Guiana and Brazil. Peru. Norway. Denmark. Poland. The German Empire. Down the Rhine. Great Britain. The United States. Brown, Robert. The countries of the world ; a popular description of the various conti- nents, islands, rivers, seas and peoples of the globe. Lond. [1877-80]. 5 v. Q. 913+7 Contents, V. 1. Introd. The arctic regions in gen- eral. The fur countries of North America. The Do- minion of Canada. The commerce of the forest. The United States. 2. Same, continued. Mexico. The West Indies. 3. Central America. South Ame- rica. 4. Oceania. New Zealand. Tasmania. Au- stralia. The Malay Archipelago. The Japanese em- pire. 5. Siberia.- The Chinese empire. Burmah. Siam. Cambodia. Anam. Cochin-China. India. Afghan Turkestan, and the other central asiatic states. Russian Central Asia. Persia. 6. The Tur- kish empire. Africa. Oceanic islands. Europe, [ex- cept Great Britain]. General index. Hodder, Edwin. Cities of the world ; their origin, progress and present aspect. 111. Lond. 1883-11884] . 3 v. Q. 913.1+60 Contents. V 1. Introd. Constantinople.- Sw^eet- ser, M. F. New York. Alexandria. Venice.- Am- sterdam. Melbourne and the great towns of Victoria. Paris. Rotterdam. Sw^eetser, M. F. Boston. Vienna. 2. Sw^eetser, M. F. San Francisco. Rouen. Madrid. Cairo. Sweetser, M. F. Toronto and Quebec Marseilles. Calcutta and the cities of the Ganges. Munich and Nuremberg. St. Peters- burg. Pekin. Lyons. Sweetser, M. F. Chicago. 3. Jerusalem.- Brussels and the cities of Belgium. Athens. Sweetser, M. F. Philadelphia.- Moscow. Rome. Berlin. The cities of New Zealand. Geneva. Scandinavian cities. Floi-ence. Whjonper, F: The sea; its thrilling story of adventure, peril and heroism. 111. Lond. 1878-80. 4 V. Q. Contents. V. 1. Men-of-war. -Men of peace. The men of the sea. Perils of the sailor's life. Round the world on a man-of-war. The service ; OfBcers' life on board. The reverse of the picture; Mutiny. The history of shins and shipping interests. 2. Same, continued. Tne lighthouse and its history. The breakwater. The greatest storm in english history. "Man the life-boat!"- "Wrecking" as a profession. "Hovelling" vs. wrecking. Ships that "pass by on the other side." The ship on Are I, Swamped at sea. Early steamship wrecks and their lessons. 3. The pirates and bucaniers. The pirates of the I8th cen- tury. Paul Jones and De Soto. Our arctic expedi- tions.- Cruise of the Pandora. The Albert and Dis- covery. The first arctic voyages. Early arctic expe- ditions. The voyages of Barents. Voyages of Hud- son and his successors. Expeditions in the 18th cen- tury. The expeditions of Ross and Parry.-The mag- netic pole; A land journey to the polar sea. Voyage of the Terror. Franklin's last voyage. The Franklin search. Kane's expedition. Hayes' expedition. Swedish expeditions. The second german expedi- tion. Hall's expedition; The austro-hungarian ex- E edition; Nordenskjbld. The Antarctic regions. eclslve voyages in history: Diaz; Columbus; Vasco da Gama. The companions and followers of Colum- bus. 4. The great Atlantic ferry. Ocean to ocean; the connecting link. The Pacific ferry. Woman at sea. Davy Jones's locker and its treasures, and those who dive into it. The ocean and some of its pheno- mena. Submarine cables. The ocean and its living wonders. Ocean life; the harvest of the sea. Monsters of the deep. By the sea-shore. Sketches of [the englishl coasts. The art of swimming: Feats of natation ; Life savers. The haven at last; home in the Thames. What poets have sung of the sea, the sailor and the ship. General index. Bastian, Adolf. Geographische und ethnologi- sche bilder. Jena. 1873. O. 910 : 1 Contents, sec Deutscher katalog, p. .TO. Peschel, Oscar Ferdinand. Abhandlungen zur crd- und volkerkunde; herausg. von J. Liiwenbcrg. Leipz. 1877, 1878. 2 v. G. i ^ ' 910.21 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 37. ' 118,': HIST. AND GEOGR. MODERN GEOGR. CI. 913 1186 Deming', Clarence. By-ways of nature and life. N. Y. 1885. S. 913.1 : 66 Contents. The Bowery of London. Curiosities of zoology. A british election-day. England's gun- foundry. London in a fog. Waterloo to-day. The giant tides of Fundy. Newfoundland and the cod- flshers. Seal-hunting on the ice-fields. Heart's Con- tent and the ocean cables. Deep fishing in tropic seas. Shadows in Cuba. The Bahama sponge-fishers. Down in a coal-mine. The buried forests of New Jersey. Petrolia and its marvels. A yankee town- meeting.- On black ice. The old college ball-ground. An historic meeting-house. Oddities of flshcraft. Among the maniacs. Silver spring. Catching the grayling. A yankee coon-hunt. Lofeing in Michigan wilds. The father of waters. The shoestring dis- trict. The southern planter. The negro of the Mis- sissippi bends. Negro rites and worship. Negro songs and hymns. Reid, Mayne. The man-eaters and other odd people ; a popular description of singular races of man. 111. N. Y. 1882. D. 913 : 6 ContentK. Man-eaters of the Feegee islands. Mun- drucus or beheadcrs. The centaurs of the "Gran Chaco." IJosjesmon or Bushmen. The amazonian indians. The water-dwellers of Maracaibo. The Es- quimaux. The Tongans or Friendly islanders. The Turcomans.- The Ottomacs or dirt-eaters. The Com- anches or prairie indians. The Pehuenches or Pam- pas indians. The Yamparicos or root-diggers. The Guaraons or palm-dwellers. The Laplanders. The Andamaners, or mud-bedaubors. The Patagonian giants. The Fuegian dwarfs. Same. Odd people. N. Y. 1860. S. 913.1 : 6 Children of all nations ; their homes, their schools, their playgrounds. 111. N. Y. [1884]. O. x913: 15 Atl ases and Feriodic alt Colton, G: Wool worth. (leneral atlas of the world, accom])anied by geographical, sta- tistical and historical letter-press descrip- tions. N. Y. 1878. F. 910 : R4 Black, Adam and C: General atlas of the world. Amer. ed., embracing the latest discov(^ries, new boundaries and other changes, accom- panied by introd. letter-press and index. Edinb. 1879. F. 910 :R3 Stieler, Adolf. Hand-atlas iiber alle theile der erde und iiber das weltgebiiude. 95 karten. [Neu bearb. von A: Petermann, Hermann Berghaus und C: Vogel]. Gotha. [1884]. F. 913:R13 Rand, McNally and co. Indexed atlas of the world ; containing large scale maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the globe, together with historical, statistical and descriptive matter relative to each. Chicago. 1884. F. 910:R12 Petermann's, Dr. A., mittheilungen aus Justus Pertlies' geographischer anstalt ; herausg. von E. Behm ; v. 27-31. Gotha. [1881-85]. Q. 905.1 :M: iVote. From oct. 1884 ed. by A. Supan. Same. Ergiinzungsband 14-17. Gotha. 1881- 85. Q. m 905.1 :M Contents. 14, 1880-81. Rivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella. Behm, E., and H. Wagner. Die bevolke- rung der erde, pt. 6. Mohn, H : Die norwegische Nordmeer-expedition. Fischer, T. Die dattelpalme. Berlepsch, H. A. Die Gotthard-bahn. 15,1881-83. Sohreiber, P. Die bedeutung der windroscn. Blumentritt, F. Ethnographic der Philippinen. Berndt, G. Das Val d'Ahniviers und das Bassin de Sicrre. Behm, E., and H. Wagmer. Die bevOlke- rung der erde, pt. 7. Baybergrer, F. Der Innglet- scher von Kuf stein bis Haag. 16, 1883-84. Stein, X denotes books specially adapted for children. 75 F. v. Die russischen kosakenheere. Schuver, .1: M. Reisenim oberen Nilgobiot. Schumann, C: Kriti- sehe untersuchungen iiber die Zimtliinder. Drude, O. Die florenreiche der erde. Lendenfeld, R. v. Der Tasman-gletscher. 17, 1884-8.5. Hegel, Fritz. Die entwickelung der ortschaften im Thiiringerwald. Stolze, F., and F. C. Andreas. Die handelsver- haltnisse Persiens. Fritsche, H. Ein beitrag zur geographic und lehre vom erdmagnetismus Asiens und Europas. Mohn, H: Die stromungen des euro- paischen nordmeeres. Boas, Franz. Baffin-Land; geographische ergebnisse einer in 1883 und 1884 aus- gefiihrten forschungsreise. Ocean highways ; the geographical review, ed. by Clements R. Markham. New ser., v. 1. 111. Lond. 1874. Q. 905.1 : M Geographical magazine, The, ed. by Clements R. Markham ; v. 1-5, apr. 1874 nov. 1878. 111. Lond. 1874-78. Q. 905.1 :M Royal geographical society. Proceedings and monthly record of geography ; pub. under the authority of the council and ed. by the assistant sec. New monthly ser., v. 1-6. Lond. 1879-84. O. " 906. 1 : Rl 2. Oollected travels. Knox, T: Wallace. How to travel; hints, advice and suggestions to travellers by land and sea all over the globe. N. Y. 1881. T. 913.1:3 Embacher, F: Lexikon der reisen und ent- deckungen, in 2 abth.: 1, Die forschungs- reisenden aller zeiten und liinder ; 2, Ent- deckungsgeschichte der cinzelnen erd telle. Leipz. 1882. D. 910:R11 Harris, J: Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca, or A complete collection of voyages and travels ; consisting of above 600 of the most authentic writers, begin- ning with Hackluit, Purchass, etc., in eng- lish, Ramusio, Alamandini, Carreri, etc., in italian, Thevenot, Renaudot, Labat, etc., in french, De Brye, Grynajus, Masseus, etc., in latin, Herrera, Ovideo, Coreal, etc., in Spanish, and the voyages under the di- rection of the East India company in Hol- land, in dutch, together with such other histories, voyages, travels, or discoveries as are in general esteem, whether pub. in english, latin, french, italian, Spanish, Portuguese, high and low dutch, or in any other european language; containing what- ever has been observed worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa and America in re- spect to the extent and situation of em- pires, kingdoms, provinces, etc., the cli- mate, soil and produce, whether animal, vegetable or mineral of each country, like- wise the religion, manners and customs of the several inhabitants, their government, arts, sciences, publick buildings, mount- ains, rivers, harbours, etc., ill. by proper charts, maps and cuts ; to which is pre- fixed a copious introd., comprehending the rise and progress of the art of naviga- tion and its successive improvements, to- fjether with the invention and use of the oad stone and its variation ; carefully rev., with add., incl. pai*ticular accounts of the manufactures and commerce of each coun- try. Lond. 1744. 2 v. F. 23 : R Contents, see Catalogue of the library of the Boston athenteum, v. 2, p. 1343. 1187 01. 913 AlST. AND GEOGR. MODERN GEOGR. 1188 Pinkerton, J: A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world ; many of which are now first tr. into english, digested on a new plan. 111. Lond. 1808. 17 v. Q. 913.1 :R53 Contents. V. 1. Willouehby, Sir H., and others. Voyages to the northern parts of Russia and Siberia. lst-3d voyages of the dutch to the north of Europe. Pontanus, J: I: On the north-east passage. Re&nard, J. F. Lapland. Mauportuis, P. L- M. de. Journey to the polar circle. Onthier, R. voy- age to the north. Bhrenmalm, A. Travels mto the western Nordland. Leems, K. Account of danish Lapland. Allison, T. Voyage from Arch- angel. A new account of Samoiedia and the sainoie- des. Journal of seven seamen left at Spitzbergen. Phipps, C. J. Voyage to the north pole. L.e Roy, P. L. Narrative of four russian sailors cast upon the island of East Spitzbergen. Bacstrom, S. Voy- age to Spitzbergen. Troll, U. v. Letters on Ice- land. Kerguelen, Y. J. de. Voyage to the north. Clifford, G., 3d earl of Cumberland. Voyage to the Azores. Baleigrh, Sir W. Engagement near the Azores. Chaste. Voyage to Tecera. 2. O-onzalez, M. Voyage to England and Scot- land. Shaw, S. Tour to the west of England in 1788. Bray, W: Tour into Derbyshire and York- shire. Ferber, J. J. Oryctography of Derbyshire. Moritz, C: P. Travels through several parts of England. Skrine, H: Two tours through Wales.- Malkin, B. H. Tour through Wales. Hassel, J. Tour of the Isle of Wight, 1790. Heath, R. Account of the islands of Scilly. Robertson, D: Tour through the Isle of Man; Review of the Manks his- 3. Pennant, T: Tours in Scotland. Qamet, T. Account of the Drosacks. Martin, M. Description of the western islands of Scotland; Voyage to St. Kilda. Mackenzie, Sir G: Account of Hirta and Rona. Brand, J : Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth and Caithness. Youngr, A. Tour in Ireland, 1776-1779. 4. Lister, M. Journey to Paris, 1698. Youngr, A. Travels In France, 1787-1789. Saussure, A. de. Attempts to attain the summit of Mont Blanc, 1786. Ramond, L. F. E. Journey to the summit of Mont Perdu. 5. Spallanzani, L. Travels in the two Sicilies. Dolomieu, D. de. Earthquakes in Calabria Ultra in 178:!. Bourgrsanne, J. F. Travels in Spain. Coxe, W: Travels in Switzerland. 6. Biesbeck, C. baron. Travels through Ger- many. Coxe, W: Travels in Denmark; In Norway. Portia de Piles, A. T. J. A. M. M. Travels In Sweden. Coxe, W: Travels in Russia. 7. Benjamin, of Thideki, Rabbi. Travels through Europe, Asia and Africa, from Spain to China, 1160 1173. Rubruquis, or De Ruysbroek, G. Travels, particularly into Tatary and China. Marco Polo. Voyages and travels through a great part of Asia. Renaudot, E., tr. Travels of two mohammedans through India and China in the 9th century. Nieu- hoff, J: The embassy of P: de Goyer and Jacob de Kcyzler from the I>utch East India company to the emperor of China in 16.55. Bell, J : Travels from St. Petersburg to various parts of Asia in 1716, 1719, 1722, etc. Hamel, H: Travels of some dutchmen in Korea. Description of Tibet. Goez, B. Travels from Lahor to China, 1602. Missioners. Travels through Tibet. Caron, F. Account of Japan. Delboe, S., H. Gibben and W: Ramsden. Diary on the coast of Japan, 1673. Kempfer, E. History of Japan. 8. Roe, Sir T: Journal of embassy to India. Bernier, F. Voyage to the East Indies.- Taver- nier, J. B. Extract from voyages; diamond mines and jrecious stones. Hamilton, A. Account of the East Indies.- Lord, H: Discovery of the Bani- ans and Persees. Buchanan, F. Journey from Madras through Mysore, Canara and Malabar. 9. Valle, P: della. Extracts from travels in Persia. Chardin, Sir J: Travels by way of the Black Sea, through Circassia, Mingrelia, the country of the Abcas. Georgia. Armenia and Media into Per- sia proper. Description of Persia. Francklin, W: Tour from Bengal to Persia, 178(i, 7. Forster, G: Northern i)art8 of Persia. Accounts of indei)endent Tatary. Jenkinson, A. Travels from Russia to Boghar or Bokhara, 1557. Balbi, G. Voyage to Pegu. Fitch, R. Voyage to Orraus and East India, 1583-1591. Symes, M. Embassy to Ava, 1795. Turpin, F. R. History of Siani. Baron, S. De- scription of Tonqueen. Richard, J. History of Tonquin. Borri, C. Account of Cochin-China. 10. Niebuhr, C. Travels in Arabia. Blount, H: Voyage into the Levant, 1634. Dandini, J. Voyage to Mount Libanus, ete.- Maundrell, H : Jour- ney from Aleppo to Jei-usalem, 1697, cfc. Clayton, R., tr. Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, written by the prefetto of Egypt. Pococke, R: De- scription of the east. 11. Dampier, W. Account of the Philippines. Quigrnes, C. L. J. de. Philippine islands and the Isle of France. Beeckman, D. Voyage to Borneo, etc. Stavorinus, J: S. Account of Java and Ba- tavia; Account of Celebes, Amboyna, etc. Pigra- fetta, A. Voyage i-ound the world, 15191522; Treat- ise on navigation. Brosus, C. de. Australasia; introd. observations. Pelsart, F. Voyage to Aus- tralasia. Tasman, A. J. Voyage for the discovery of southern countries, 1642. Dampier, W : Account of New Holland and the adjacent islands. Cook, J. Abstract of voyages. Peron, F. Voyage for the i discovery of southern lands. 12. Colon, F. History of Christopher Colon and , his discovery of the West Indies. Discoveries and settlements of the english in America. Hall, C. Frobisher's Ist voyage to the north-west. Settle, D. Frobisher's 2d voyage. Ellis, T. Frobisher's 3d and last voyage unto Meta Incognita. Voyages to and settlements in Virginia by the english. earth- ier, J. Relation of New France. 13. Smith, Crtpt. J: History of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles.- Lahontan, J. N. Travels in Canada. Memoirs of North Amei-ica.- Kalm, P: Travels into North America. Burnaby, A. Travels through the middle settlements in North America, 1759, 1760.-Thiery de Menonville, N : J. Travels to Guaxaca. 14. Beta^h, W. Obsei-vations of Peru. Ovalle, A. de. Historical relation of Chile. La Condamine, C: M. de. Travels through the interior of South America. Bougruer, P. Voyage to Peru. UUoa, G: J: and A. de. Voyage to South America. Nieu- hoff, J: Voyages and travels into Brazil. 15. Lobo, J. Voyage to Abyssinia. Poncet, C: J. Journey to Abyssinia. Browne, E. Journey to Dar-Fur. Pococke, R: Travels in Egypt. Addi- son, L. Account of west Barbai'y.- Windhus, J: Journey to Mequinez. Shaw, T: Travels in Uar- . bary. Lempriere, W: Tour to Morocco. Abd- el-latif. Relation respecting Egypt. 16. Thunbergr, C: P: Account of the Cape of Good Hoi)C. Angrelo, M.. a)id 1). de. Carli. Voyage to Congo, l(i66, 16- sala and Stockholm. Julin and Wisby. Venice. Florence. Pisa and Genoa. Rouen. Paris. Lon- don. York. Winchester. Oxford. Toledo. Yustc. Granada. Cologne. Nuremberg. Hamburgh. Malta. Bagdad. By periods. Dahn, F: Julius Felix. Urgeschichte der gcrma- ni.schen undromanischenvolker. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzel- darstellungen; 2te hauptabth., 2ter th.) 111. und karten. Berlin. 1881. 2 v. O. 909 : 20 v2 Church, R: W: The beginning of the middle ages. (Epochs of modern history). N. Y. [18771. S. 940 : 15 Ozanam, Antoine F: History of civilization in the 5th century. Tr., by permission, from the french by Ashley C."Glyn. Phila. 1W(h. 2 v. D. 940 : 56 Johnson, Arthur H: The normans in europe. (Epochs of modern history). Maps. Host. 1877. S. 940 : 17 Note. A history of the Scandinavian exodus from abt. 800 to 1066. Sybel, H: v. The history and literature of tlic crusades. From the german, ed. by lady Duff Gordon. Lond. 1861. D. 940:59 Saint Maurice, C: R. E. de. Die geschichte der kreuzziige. Nach dem franz. von J. H. G. Heusinger. (Allg. historische taschenbi- bliothek, 7ter th.) Dresden. 1826. 3 v. in 1. S. 940 : 62 Michaud, Joseph Fran9ois. The history of tiie crusades. Tr. by. W: Robson ; new ed., with pref. and supp. chapter by Hamilton W. Mabie. N. Y. 1881. 3 v. D." 940 : 9 Proctor, G: History of the crusades ; their rise, progress and results. 111. Phila. 1800. O. 940 : 6 Cox, Sir Q:W: The crusades. (Epochs of mod- ern history). N. Y. 1874. S. 940 : 16 Kugler, Bernhard. Geschichte der kreuzziige. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine gescliichte in einzeldarstellungen ; 2te hau])tabth, 5ter th.) 111. und karten. Berlin. 1880. O. 909+20 v5 Pears, Edwin. The fall of Constantino])l(! ; tlie story of the 4th crusade. N. Y. 188(i [18851. O. 940:66 1201 HIST. AND GEOGB. EUROPE. 01. 914, 940 Sutherland, Alexander. Achievements of the knights of Malta. Phila. 1846. 3 v. in 1. D. 940:7 James, G: Payne Rainsford. The history of chivalry. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1845. S -'940:11 Mills, C: The history of chivalry, or Knight- hood and its times. Phila. 1844. O. With his History of the crusades. 274 : 1 Doran, J: Knights and their days. 824.2 : 37 Contents, see under English literature, Essays, col. 1058. Bohn, H: G:, ed. Chronicles of the crusades ; contemporary narratives of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf, and of the crusade of St. Louis by lord J: de Join- ville ; with ill. notes and index. Lond. 1848. D. 940 : 14 Froissart, Sir J : Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Tr. from the french, with variations and add. from many celebrated mss. byT: Johnes. Pre- fixed, life of the author, an essay on his works, and a criticism on his history with an original introd. essay on the character and society of the middle ages by J: Lord. N. Y. I860". O. 940+1 The boys' Froissart ; being sir John Froissart's Chronicles of adventure, battle and custom in England, France, Spain, etc., ed. for boys with an introd. by Sidney Lanier. III. N. Y. 1879. O. X 940 : 2 Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Chronicles ; con- taining an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Bur- gundy, of the possession of Paris and Norniandy by the english, their expulsion thence and of other memorable events that happened in the kingdom of France, as well as in other countries ; a history of fair example and of great profit to the french, beginning at the .year 1400, where that of sir J: Froissart finishes, and ending at the year 1467, and continued by others to the year 1516. Tr. by T: Johnes. Lond. 1867. 3v. O. 940+3 Contents. V. 1. Dacier, M. The life of Monstrelet, with an essay on his chronicles. Observations on the chronicle by M. Foncamag-ne. 13801435. 2. ] 435-1516. Jones, Meredith. Stories of the olden time, from De Joinville and Froissart. Lond. [1880] . D. X 940 : 38 S., E. L. Belt and spur ; stories of the knights of the middle ages from the old chronicles. 111. Lond. 1883. D. x 940 : 50 Mo d er n . (For the period of the reformation, see also cl. 374, col. 121-134.) Dyer, T: H: Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople to the establishment of the german empire, 1453 1871. 2d ed. rev. and continued. Lond. 1877. 5 v. O. 940 : 53 Contents. V. 1. 1453-1530. 2. 1531-1598. 8. 159- 1731. 4. 1714-1796. 5. 1794-1871. Duruy, V: Histoire des temps modernes, depuis 1458 jusqu'a 1789. 9e ed. Paris. 1881. D. 940 : 55 Michelet, Jules. Modern history [14581789]. From the french, with an introd. by A. Potter. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1846. S. 940 : 8 Yonge, C: Duke. Three centuries of modern history, [1494-1821]. N. Y. 1878. D. 940 : 36 Yong-e, Charlotte Mary. Landmarks of history ; in 3 pts.: Pt. 3, Modern history from the beginning of the reformation to" our times. 4th amer. ed., rev. and enl. N. Y. n. d. D. X 940 : 33 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Geschichten der ro- manischen und germanischen volker von 1494 bis 1514. 2te aufi. Leipz. 1874. 2 v. inl. O. 904:36 v33, 34 Baumer, F: L: G: v. Geschichte Europas seit dem ende des 15ten jahrh. Leipz. 1832-50. 8v. O. 940:44 Contents. V. 1. Italien, Portugal, Spanien und Deutschland bis zum tode Karls V, 149415.58. 2. Danemark. Norwegen, Schweden, Frankreich und England bis zum tode Christians III, 1559, Gustavs T, 1560, Heinrichs IV, 1610. und Elisabeths, 1603. 3. Die Niederlande, Danemark, Schweden und Deutschland vom tode Karls V, bis zum Westphalischen frieden, 1648. 4. Frankreich, 1610-1661, und England, 1603-^ 1660. 5. Same, amtinued. Schweden und Dane- mark, 1632 1660. Die vereinigten Niederlande, 1631- 1661. Spanien und Portugal wahrend der regierun- gen Philipps III und Philipps IV. 6. Das siidwest- liche Europa, 16611715. 7. Das nordliche Europa von 1660 bis 1740, und das sudwestliche Europa vom Utrechter frieden bis 1740. 8. Geschichte Frank- reichs und der f ranzosischen revolution, 17401795. Heeren, Arnold Hermann L: A manual of the history of the political system of Europe and its colonies, from its formation at the close of the 15th century to its re-establish- ment upon the fall of Napoleon. Tr. from the 5th german ed. Lond. 1846. O. 940 : 45 By periods. Seebohm, F: The era of the protestant revolu- tion. 2d ed., with notes on books in eng- lish relating to the reformation by G: P. Fisher. (Epochs of modern history.) N. Y. 1875. S. 940 : 18 Hausser, L: The period of the reformation ; ed. by W: Oncken. Tr. by mrs. G. Sturge. Newed. N. Y. [1884]. t). 940:49 Fischer, K: Geschichte der auswartigen politik und diplomatic im reformations-zeitalter, 14851556. Gotha. 1874. O. 940 : 57 Maxwell, SirW: Stirling-. Don John of Austria, or Passages from the history of the 16th century, 15471578. 111. Lo'nd. 1883. 2 v. Q. 940+51 Philippson, Martin. Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II, Elisabeth und Heinrich IV. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellungen ; 3te hauptabth., 2ter th.) Portr., ill. und karten. Berlin. 1882. O. 909+21 v2 Tillotson, J: Stories of the wars, 15741658, from the rise of the Dutch Republic to the death of Oliver Cromwell. 111. Lond. [1865]. D. X 940 : 35 Praet, Jules van. Essays on the political history of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries ; ed. by sir Edmund Head. Lond. 1868. O. 940 : 60 Contents. Introd. Charles V. Philip II and William the silent. Cardinal Richelieu. The first English re- formation.-William III. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1308 CI. 914, 940 HIST. AND GEOGR. EUROPE. 1204 Noorden, C: v. Europaische geschichte im 18ten iahrhundert, Ite abth: Der spanische erb- folgekrieg. Leipz. 1870-82. 3 v. O. 940+58 Gerard, James W. The peace of Utrecht ; a historical review of the great treaty of 1713-14 and of the principal events of the war of the Spanish succession. N. Y. 1885. O. 940 : 66 Russell, J:, 1st earl Russell. Memoirs of the af- fairs of Europe, from the peace of Utrecht. Lond. 1824. 2 v. Q. 940+P46 Schlosser, F: Christoph. History of the 18th century and of the 19th, till the overthrow of the "french empire, with particular refer- ence to mental cultivation and progress. Tr. with a pi-ef. and notes by D. Davidson. Lond. 1843. 8 v. O. 940 : 52 Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe from the commencement of the french revolu- tion in 1789 to the restoration of the Bour- bons in 1815. N. y. 1847. 4 v. O. 940+22 History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. Edinb. 1854-59. 9 V. (). 940+23 Fyflfe, C: Alan. A history of modern Europe, v. 1 ; From the outbreak of the revolutionary war in 1792 to the accession of Louis XVIII in 1814. Maps. N. Y. 1881. O. 940 : 24 Vane, C: W: Stewart, 1st earl Vane and 3d mar- quis of Londonderry. Narrative of the war m Germany and 1 ranee in 1813 and 1814. Phila. 1831." D. 940:29 Miiller, W: Politische geschichte der neuesten zeit, 1816 1875, mit besonderer beriicksich- tiffung Deutschlands. 3te auii. Stuttg. 1875. O 940 : 42 Same, eng. Political history of recent times, 1816 1875, with special reference to Ger- many ; rev., and enl. by tlie author. Tr., with an app. covering the period from 1876 to 1881, by J: P. Peters. N. Y. 1882. D. 940 : 42 Mackenzie, Robert. The 19th century ; a history. N. Y. 1880. Q. 940+25 Present state of Europe, The ; explaining tlie in- terests, connections, political and commer- cial views of its several powers, compre- hending also a clear and concise history of each country, so as to show the nature of their present constitutions. 6th ed. rev., corr. and continued by the author. Lond. 1861. O. 940 : 19 2. Description. Geography . Rudler, F. W., and G: G. Chisholm. Europe; ed. by Sir Andrew C. Ramsay, with ethno- logical app. by A. H. Keane. (Stanford's compendmm of geograjjhy and travel, based on Hellwald's "Die ei'de und ihre volker".) Maps and ill. Lond. 1885. O. 914:114 Kohl, J: G: Die volker Europa's ; cultur- und charakterskizzen der europiiischen volker. 2te auti. Hamburg. 1872. O. 914+5 Taylor, Bayard, ed. Picturesque Europe ; a de- lineation by pen and pencil of the natural features and the picturesque and historical places of Great Britain and the continent. 111. N. Y. [187.5-79]. 3 v. Q. 914 :R116 Contents. V. 1. Windsor. Eaton. North Wales. Warwick and Stratford. The south coast from Mar- gate to Portsmouth. The forest scenery of Great Britain. The dales of Derbyshire. Edinbursrh and the south lowlands. Ireland. Scenery of the Thames. The south coast from Portsmouth to the Lizard. English abbeys and churches. The Land's End. Old english homes. The west coast of Ireland. Border castles and counties. Cathedral cities. The Grampians. Oxford. Scotland from Loch Ness to Loch Eil. The west coast of Wales. The lake coun- try. 2. Cambridge. The south coast of Devonshire. South Wales. North Devon. The Isle of Wight. Normandy and Brittany. The Italian lakes. The passes of the Alps. The Cornice road. The forest of Fontainebleau. The Rhine. Venice. The Channel islands. The Pyrenees. Rome and its environs. The Bernese Oberland. The Rhine, from Boppai-t to the Drachenf els. Spain, the north and Old Castile Auvergne and Dauphine. Old german towns. Naples. 3. Norway. Spain, New Castile and Estremadura. The Lake of Geneva. The frontiers of France, east and south. North Italy. -Norway, the Sogne Fjord, Nord Fjord, Ramsdal. Spain, Cordova, Seville and Cadiz. The frontiers of France, west and north. Calabria and Sicily. The Black Forest. Sweden. - The Tyrol. Gibraltar and Ronda. Dresden and the Saxon Switzerland. Eastern Switzerland. Constan- tinople. Belgium. The high Alps. Granada and the east coast of Spain. Russia. The Jura. Athens and its environs. Holland. The Danube. Fetridge, W. Pembroke, ed. Harper's, handbook for travellers in Europe and the east ; a fuide through Great Britain and Ireland, ranee, Belgium, Holland, Germany. Italy, Egypt, Syi'ia, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Tyrol, Spain, Russia, Denmark, Norway. Sweden, United States and Canada. 22d year. Maps and plans. N. Y. 1883. 3 v. D. 914 : 98 Loomis, Lafayette C. The index guide to travel and art-study in Europe ; compendium of geographical, historical and artistic infor- mation for the use of americans, alphab. arr.; with plans and catalogues of the chief art galleries, tables of routes, maps and ill. N. Y. 1882. S. 914:95 Mortimer, E., mrs. T: Near home, or The coun- tries of Europe described; with anecdotes and numerous ill. [Anon.] N. Y. 1882. S. x914:81 Tr a V e I s . In general. Hiinnewell, James F. The lands of Scott. Bost. 1880. D. 914:47 Note. Contains descriptions of and visits to the places in Scotland, England, Franco, Spain, Belgium, the valley of the Rhine, Switzerland and the east, in which the scenes of Scott's writings are laid, and also incidents of Scott's life and work. Heine, H: Reisebilder. In his SJimmtliche werke. 830 : 139 vl, 2 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 20. Englisehe fragmente. In the same. 830 : 139 v3 Same, eng. Pictures of travel. Tr. from the german by C: Godfi'ey Leland. 9th rev. ed. Phila". 1882. D. ' 914:119 Contents. The homeward journey, 1833-24. The Hartz journey, 1834. The North Sea, 1835-26. Ideas. A new spring. Italy, 1828. English fragments, 1838. liOngfellow, H: Wads worth. Outre mer ; a pil- grimage beyond the sea [1833]. 7th ed. Bost. 185,5. D. 914:53 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : R12 v3 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1305 HIST. AND GEOGR. ETJROPE. CI. 914, 940 1206 Vane, C: W: Stewart, 1st earl Vane and 3d mar- quis of Londonderry . A steam voyage to Constantinople by the Rhine and Danube, in 1840-41, and to Portugal, Spain, etc., in 1839. Annexed, the author's correspon- dence with pi'ince Metternich, lords Pon- sonby, Palmeiston, etc. Lond. 1842. 2 v. O. 914:76 Andersen, Hans Christian. A poet's bazaar ; a picturesque tour in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the orient, [1840-41 J. Author's ed. Bost. 1879. D. 914:1 Pictures of travel, in Sweden, among the Hartz mountains and in Switzerland, with a visit to C: Dickens' house, [1849-51]. Author's ed. Bost. 1880. D. 914:82 Channing', Walter. A physician's vacation in Europe, [1852J. Bost! 1856. O. 914:21 Bremer, Fredrika. Life in the old world, or Two years in Switzerland and Italy, [1856- 58]. "Tr. by Mary Howitt. Phila. [I860]. 2v. D. 914:117 Leben in der alten welt ; tagebuch wiihrend eines vierjahrigen aufentlialts im siiden und im orient. Aus dem schwed. Leipz. 1861. 16 V. S. 914:3 Contents. V. 1-6. Die Schweiz und Italien. 7-11. Die Turkei und Palastina. 12-16. Grlechenland und dessen inseln. Venedlg und Malland. In Deutsch- land. In Schweden. Hacklander, F: W: Tagebuch-bliitter. Stuttg. 1861. 2 V. S. 914:4 Contents. V. 1. Venedig, Paris, 1851. 2. London, 1851. Ungarn In 1857. Die teste In Russland In 1846. Eartmann, Moritz. Reisebriefe. In his Sammt- liche werke. 830 : 138 v3 Contents. Brlefe aus Dublin, 1850. Tagebuch aus Lang-uedoc und Provence, 1851. Wanderungen durch celtlsches land. BUder aus Danemark, 1859. Taylor, Bayard. By-ways of Europe, [aboiit 1862].' Household ed. N. Y. 1878. D. 914:69 Contents. A familiar letter to the reader. A cruise on Lake Ladoga. Between Europe and Asia. Winter-life in St. Petersburg. The little land of Ap- penzell. From Perpignan to Montserrat. Balearic days. Catalonian bridle-roads. The republic of the Pyrenees. The Grande Chartreuse. The Kyffehau- ser and its legends. A week on Capri. A trip to Ischia. The land of PaolL The island of Maddalena, with a distant view of Caprera. In the Teutoberger forest. ULsLCgregOT, J: A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe on rivers and lakes of Europe, [1865]. 111. and map. 7th ed. Bost. 1871. S. 914:56 The voyage alone in the yawl Rob Roy, from London to Paris, and by Havre across the channel to the Isle of Wight, south coast, etc. [1867]. 4th ed. Lond. 1880. S. 914:55 Clemens, S: Langhorne, {Mark Twain). The in- nocents abroad, or The new pilgrims' pro- gress ; being some account of the steamship Quaker City's pleasure excursion to Europe and the Holy Land ; with descriptions of countries, nations, incidents and adven- tures, as they appeared to the author. 111. Hartford, Conn. 1878. O. 914 : 23 Same. Hartford. 1884. O. 914 : 23 A tramp abroad. 111. Hartford. 1880. O. 914 : 24 Moore, Joseph, Jr. Outlying Europe and the nearer orient ; a narrative of recent travel. Phila. 1880. O. 914 : 59 Contents. Pt. 1. A winter in the south. Pt. 3. A summer in the north. On the Rhine, and other sketches of european travel. Phila. 1881. O. 914+44 Contents. Murphy, Lady B. Down the Rhine. Trollope, T. A. Baden and Allerheillgen. Wister, 5. B. Why do we like Paris ? Catlin, G: L. Among the biscayans. liOjeune, L. Trouville. Mcljeod, R. A. The Italian lakes. B,., W. D. Easter on the Riviera. Bacon, A. T. A month in Sicily. Harri- son, J. A. Glimpses of Sweden. Sikes, O. Try Norway. Kingr, E: Hungarian types and austrlan pictures; Old corners of Austria; Along the Danube. Segfuin, L. G. A picturesque tour in pictures- que lands ; France, Spain, Germany, Switz- erland, Holland, Belgium, Tyrol, Italy, Scandinavia. Lond. 1882. F. i914:Rli3 Stoddard, J: L. Red-letter days abroad. 111. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. 914 : 103 Contents. Travels In sunny Spain. The passion play at Ober-Ammergau in 1880. The cities of the czar: St. Petersburg; Moscow. Pitman, Marie J., born Davis, {Margery Deane). European breezes. Bost. 1882. S. 914 : 120 Contents. North Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland. Aldrich, T: Bailey. From Ponkapog to Pesth. Bost. 1883. D. 914 : 99 Eddy, Daniel Clarke, {Rupert Van Wert). Rip Van Winkle's travels in foreign lands. N. Y. [1881]. O. X 914: 76 Hale, E: Everett and Susan. A family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. Bost. [1881]! O. x 914 : 40 Butter-worth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in classic lands, or Tommy Toby's trip to Mount Parnassus. Bost. 1881. "O. X 914: 15 Zigzag journeys in Europe ; vacation rambles in historic lands. [111.] Bost. 1881. O. X 914: 14 Zigzag journeys in the orient, the Adriatic to the Baltic ; a journey of the Zigzag club from Vienna to the Golden Horn, the Euxine, Moscow and St. Petersburg. 111. Bost. 1882 [1881]. O. x914 : 16 Zigzag journeys in northern lands ; the Rhine to the Arctic ; a summer trip of the Zigzag club through Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 111. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. X 914: 101 Abbott, Jacob. Rollo's tour in Europe. N. Y. [1858]. 10 V. S. X 914 : 83-x 914 : 92 Contents. V. 1. On the Atlantic, x 914: 83. 2. In Paris. X 914: 84. 3. In Switzerland, x 914: 8.5. 4. In London, x 914: 86. 5. On the Rhine, x 914:87. 6. In Scotland, x 914: 88. 7. In Geneva, x 914 :89. 8. In Holland, x 914:5(0. 9. In Naples, x 914: 91. 10. In Rome, x 914:93. Florence's return. (The Florence stories.) N. Y. 1864. S. X 914: 110 West and south. Burnet, Gilbert. Some letters containing an account of what seem'd most remarkable travelling thro' Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, etc., in 1685 and 1686. Added, an app. containing some remarks on Switzerland and Italy, by a person of quality and communicated to the author. Lond. 1724. D. 914:13 Moore, J: A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland and Germany ; with anecdotes relating to some eminent char- acters. 7th ed. Lond. 1789. 2 v. O. 914 : 60 X denotes books specially adapted for childi-en. 1207 CI. 914, 940 HIST. AND GEOGR. EUROPE. GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Reisen. In his Werke. ^ ^ 830:137v25 Contents. Campagne in Frankreich, 1792. Bela- gerung- von Main Schweiz, 1797. rerung- von Mainz, 1793. Aus einer reise in die Berrian, W: Travels in France and Italy in 1817 and 1818. N. Y. 1821. O. 914.5 : 4 Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine. Letters from Europe ; comprising the iournal of a tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy and Switzerland in 1825 1827. N. Y. 1827. 2 v. O. 914+19 Ptickler-Muskau, Hermann L : H : fiirst v. Tour in England, Ireland and France, in 1826 1829 ; with remarks on the manners and customs of the inhabitants and anecdotes of distinguished public characters, in a series of letters by a german prince. [Anon.] Phila. 1833. O. 914 : 63 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Pencillings by the way, 1832-34. T. p. w. S. 914 : 79 Dewey, Orville. The old world and the new, or A journal of reflections and observa- tions made on a tour in Evirope, [1833-34]. N. Y. 1836. 2v. D. 914:31 Humphrey, Heman. Great Britain, France and Belgium ; a short tour in 1835. Amherst. 1838. 2v. D. 914:46 Bechstein, L: Die reisetage ; aus meinem leben. Mannheim. 1836. 2 v. S. 914 : 2 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 37. Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson. Memoranda of foreign travel ; containing notices of a pilgrimage through some of the principal states of western Europe, [1836-371. Bait. 1845. 2 V. D. 914 : 10 risk, Wilbur. Travels on the continent of Europe ; in England, Ireland, Scotland, France. Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. 111. N. Y. 1838. O. 914:36 Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. Letters from abroad to kindred at home, [1839-40]. N. Y. 1845. 2v. D. 914:65 Contents. V. 1. London, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland. 2. Italy. Hall, Basil. Patchwork. Phila. 1841. 2 v. D. 914:41 Contents. V. 1. Switzerland, France, Italy. 2. Italy. On the improvements which have been in- troduced into the arts of seamanship and navigation of late years. Catlin, G: Notes of eight years travels [from 1839] and residence in Europe with his nortn american Indian collection ; with anecdotes and incidents of the travels and adventures of three different parties of american indians whom he introduced to the courts of England. France and Belgium. 111. 2d ed. Lond. 1848. 2 v. O. 914 : 20 Durbin, J: Price. Observations in Europe, principally in France and Great Britam, [1842]. 9th ed. N. Y. 1848. 2 v. D. 914:32 Colman, H: European life and manners ; in familiar letters to friends, [1843-48]. Bost. 1850. 2v. D. 914:25 Contents. V. 1. Great Britain. 2. Great Britain, France, Italy, Up the Bhine. Taylor, Bayard. Views a-foot, or Europe seen with knapsack and staff, [1841-46]. House- hold ed., rev. N. Y. 1879. D. 914 : 70 Same. Kennett ed., rev. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 914 : 70 Corson, J: W. Loiterings in Europe, or Sketches of travel in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain an(i Ireland , with an app. containing observa- tions on european charities and medical institutions, [1846]. 2d ed. N. Y. 1848. D. 914:18 Mitchell, Donald Grant, {Ik Marvel). Fresh gleanings, or A new sheaf from the old fields of continental Europe, by Ik Marvel. N. Y. 1847. D. 914:58 Contents. First step toward the continent [to Paris]. The country towns and inns of France. A galloi) through southern Austria. A pipe with the dutch- men. Lee, Edwin. Continental travel ; with an app. on the influence of climate, the remedial advantages of travelling, etc. Lond. 1848. O. 914:54 Stahr, Fanny, born Lewald. Erinnerungen aus dem iahre 1848. Brschw. 1852. 2 v. in 1. D. 914:7 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 39. Earkland, Caroline Matilda. Holidays abroad, or Europe from, the west. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. D. 914:50 Calvert, G: H: Scenes and thoughts in Europe ; 1st and 2d series. [1840-43,1850]. New ed. Bost. 1863. 2 V. D. 914:17 Clarke, James Freeman. Eleven weeks in Europe and what may be seen in that time. [1849]. Bost. 1852. D. 914:22 BuUard, Mrs. Anna T. Jones. Sights and scenes in Europe ; a series of letters from England, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, in 1850. St. Louis. 1852. D. 914 : 12 Cop-way, G:, or Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. Running sketches of men and places in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Scotland. 111. N. Y. 1851.D. 914:26 Silliman, B: A visit to Europe, in 1851. N. Y. 1854. 2v. D. 914:66 Murray, N:, {Kirwan). Men and things as I saw them in Europe [1851], by Kirwan. N. Y. 1854. D. 914:61 Greeley, Horace. Glances at Europe in a series of letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, etc., during the summer of 1851 ; incl. notices of the great exhibition or world's fair. N. Y. 1851. D. 914 : 37 Tappan, H: Philip. A step from the new world to the old and back a^ain ; with thoughts on the good and evil m both. N. Y. 1852. 2v. D. 914:68 Contents. V. 1. England, Scotland, Holland. 2. The Rhine, Switzerland, Belgium, France. Cox, S: Sullivan. A buckeye abroad, or Wander- ings in Europe and in the orient. N. Y. 1852. D. 914:27 Le Vert, Octavia, born Walton. Souvenirs of travel, [1852-55]. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. S. 914:52 Tripp, Alonzo. Crests from the ocean-world, or E.xperiences in a voyage to Europe, princip- ally in France, Belgium and England, [1853] ; comprising sketches in the minia- ture worlds, Paris, Brussels and London, by a traveller and teacher. Bost. 1864. 1). 914:73 Felton, Cornelius Conway. Familiar letters from Europe, [1853-54]. Bost. 1865. D. 914 : 35 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, born Beeclier. Sunny memories of foreign lands. HI. Bost. 1854. 2v. D. 914:97 1209 HIST. AND GEOaR. EUROPE. CI. 914, 940 1210 Haskins, G: Foxcroft. Travels in England, France, Italy and Ireland, [1854]. Bost. 1856. D. 914 : 43 Leland, C : Godfrey. Meister KarPs sketch book. Phila. 1855. D. 914 : 51 De Forest, J: W: European acouaintance ; be- ing sketches of people in Europe. N. Y. 1858.0. 914:30 Bryant, W: Cullen. Letters of a traveller; 2d series. N. Y. 1859. D. 914:11 Fairbanks, C: Bullard. Aguecheek. [Anon]. Bost. 1859. D. 914 : 33 Contents. Sketches of foreijrn travel. Essays: Street life; Hard up in Paris; The old corner ; Sacred to the memory of Theatre alley; The old cathedral; The philosophy of suffering; Boyhood and boys; Girlhood and girls; Shakespeare and his commenta- tors; Memorials of mrs. Grundy: The philosophy of life; Behind the scenes; The philosophy of cant. Field, H: Martyn. Summer pictures from Co- penhagen to Venice. N. Y. 1859. D. 914 : 34 Hale, E: Everett. Ninety days' worth of Europe, [1859]. Bost. 1861. D. 914:39 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the french and italian note-books, [18581862]. Bost. 1879. 2v. inl. D. 914.5:17 Rodenberg, Julius. Verschollene inseln ; sand- imd seebilder. Berlin. 1861. D. 914.96 : 1 Contents. Die matrosen von St. Pauli in Hamburg. Die dune von Helgoland. Stilleben auf Sylt. Die insel Thanet. Jersey und Guernsey. Schlusswort. Haven, Gilbert. The pilgrim's wallet, or Scraps of travel, gathered m England, France and Germany. N. Y. 1866. D. 914 : 96 Meissner, Alfred. Unterwegs ; reisebilder. Leipz.1867. D. 914:6 Contents. From Bregenz to Scotland over Belgium. Bellows, H: Whitney. The old world in its new face ; impressions of Europe in 18671868 ; V. 1. N. Y. 1868. D. 914:8 Note. Contains principally Switzerland and Ger- many. Urbino, Lavinia Buoncore. An american woman in Europe ; the journal of two years and a half sojourn in Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy. Bost. 1869. D. 914 : 74 Jackson, Helen Maria, born Fiske, formerly mrs. Hunt, (H. H.). Bits of travel. Bost. 1872. T. 914:48 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman's experiences in Europe, incl. England, France, Germany and Switzerland. N. Y. 1872. D. 914 : 77 Warner, C: Dudley. Saunterings. Bost. 1872. T. 914 : 104 Contents. Misapprehensions corrected. Paris and London. The low countries and Rhineland. Alpine notes. Bavaria. Looking for warm weather. Ra- venna. A high day in Kome. Vesuvius. Sorrento days. Holiday rambles in ordinaiy places, by a wife with her husband. Repr. from the "Spec- tator". Lond. 1880. D. 914:45 Contents. A wife on her travels, 1867 : The Engadin ; The Bernese Alps. Rambles of a working man in search of rest, 3868: The Jura, etc. Letters of an english woman in difficulties, 1870: The Ammergau play; The Oetzthal and Hochjoch ; The war. A holi- day in Yorkshii-e, 1874. A summer driving-tour, 1875: Winchester; The New Forest; Stonehenge. A drive in Devonshire, 1876: Lyme Regis and Dartmoor. Voulton, Ellen Louise, born Chandler. Random rambles. Bost. 1881. T. 914:118 James, H: Portraits of places. Bost. 1884. D. 914:112 Contains cMpters on Venice. Turin. Genoa. Flo- rence. Paris. Rhcims.Chartrcs.- Rouen. Etretat. Normandy. English life. Saratoga, Newport, James, H: Continued. Quebec, Niagara, in 1371. All except Venice, are among the author's earlier efforts, publ. in various periodicals. Transatlantic sketches. Bost. 1875. D. 914 : 49 Contents. Chester. Lichfield and Warwick. North Devon. Wells and Salisbury. Swiss notes. From Chambery to Milan. From" Venice to Strasburg. The Parisian stage. A roman holiday. Roman brides. Roman neighborhoods. The after-season in Rome. From a roman note-book. A chain of cities. The St. Gothard. Siena. The autumn in Florence. Florentine notes. Tuscan cities. Ravenna. The Spliigen. Homburg reformed. Darmstadt. In Hol- land. In Belgium. Trafton, Adeline. An american girl abroad. 111. Bost. 1875. D. 914 : 72 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. A painter's camp. Bost. 1876. D. 914 : 42 Contents. England. Scotland. France. Terhune, Mary Virginia, born Hawes, {Marion Harland). Loiterings in pleasant paths. N. Y. 1880. D. 914 : 71 Warner, C: Dudley. A roundabout journey. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. 914 : 111 Contents. France, Spain, Italy, 1881. Croffut, W: A. A midsummer lark. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1883. S. 914 : 100 Note. A story of travel in rhymed prose. Champney, Lizzie, born Williams. Three Vas- sar girls abroad ; rambles of three college girls on a vacation trip through France and Spain for amusement and instruction, with their haps and mishaps. 111. Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. 914:93 North and east. Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel W: A tour through some of the northern parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm and Petersburgh, in a series of letters. 2d ed., corr. Lond. 1775. O. 914:80 Coxe, W: Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark, [1784-85]. 111. with charts and engr. 5th ed. Lond. 1802. 5 v. O. 914:29 Contents. V. 1. Poland. Russia. 3. Russia, con- timted.App. 3. Russia, coiifmited. App. 4. Swe- den. App. 5. Norway. Sweden. Denmark. App. Index. Grosvenor, Elizabeth Mary, marchio7icss of West- minster. Diary of a tour in Sweden, Nor- way and Russia, in 1827, with letters Lond. 1879. O. 914.8:29 Tietz, F: St. Petersburgh, Constantinople .and Napoli di Romania, in 1833 and 1834 ; a characteristic picture, drawn during a residence there. N. Y. 1836. D. 914.7 : 16 Stephens, J: Lloyd. Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, [1835]. SAnon.] Map and ill. 7th ed. N.Y. 1845. 2v. D. 914:67 Maxwell, J: S. The czar, his court and people ; incl. a tour in Norway and Sweden. N. Y. 1848. D. 914.7:6 Taylor, Bayard. Travels in Greece and Russia ; with an excursion to Crete, [1857-58]. N. Y. 1868. D. 914.93:11 Macgregor, J: The Rob Roy on the Baltic ; a canoe cruise through "Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Sleswig Holstein, the North Sea and the Baltic, [1866]. 111., maps and music. 3ded. Bost. . rf. i>. 914:57 1211 CI, 914, 940-941 HIST. AND GEOGK.. EUROPE. 1213 Atkinson, J. Beavington. An art tour to north- ern capitals of Europe, [1870] . Lond. 1873. O. 914:115 Contents. Copenhagen. Thorwaldsen.-Christiania. Stockholm. Abo, Helsingfors and Wiborg. St. Petersburg: The Hermitag-e ; The picture galleries In the Hermitage; The Kertch antiquities and the miscellaneous collections in the Hermitage. Russian artists. The imperial manufactoi-y of mosaics at St. Petersburg. Landscape painting in Russia. Moscow. Art-education in Moscow. Kief, the city of pilgrimage. Relation between the religious arts, the russian church and the russian people. App. Index. Brassey, Anna, born Allnutt, lady. Sunshine and storm in the east, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. 111. N. Y. 1880. 914:9 Contents. Constantinople, Ionian Islands, 1874. Cyprus, Constantinople, 1878. App. Index. Cox, S: Sullivan. Arctic sunbeams, or From Broadway to the Bosphorus by way of the North Cape. N. Y. 1882. D. 914 : 94 Note. For continuation, see his Orient sunbeams. Mediterranean countries. (See also col. 1194-1196.) Beckford, W:. Italy, Spain and Portugal, with an excursion to the monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.5 :3 Dix, J: Adams. A winter in Madeira, and a summer in Spain and Florence. 4th ed. N. Y. 1851. D. 914.6:28 Colton, Walter. Ship and shore in Madeira, Lisbon and the Mediterranean. Rev. from the "Journal of a cruise in the frigate Constellation", by H: T. Cheever. N\ Y. 1860. D. 914.6:9 Miller, W: Wintering in the Riviera with notes of travel in Italy and France, and practical hints to travellers. 111. Lond. 1879. O. 914.5:25 Black, C. B. The Riviera, or The coast from Marseilles to Leghorn, incl. Carrara, Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia and Florence. Maps and plans. Edinb. 1884. S. 914.5 : 71 6. Europe b, G-reat Britain and Ireland. 1. Irish history. (See also British domestic relations, col. 172.) O'Grady, Standish. History of Ireland, critical and philosophical : v. 1. Lond. 1881. O. 941 : 18 Contents. V. 1. Pre-hlstoric Ireland; testimony of rock and cave. Classical references to Ireland. Introduction to the bardic history of Ireland. Pre- decessors and progenitors of the Irish gods. Classic gods of ethnic Ireland. Natural mythology of the Irish. Pre-historic kings of Ireland, being chief personPB of ancient heroic cycles. Approach of the great Red Branch cycle. Tara and her kings. Ossian and the ossianic heroes. Irish military predomin- anceVerification of the Irish bardic history; how far reliable, doubtful and mythical. Mac-Geoghegan, Jacques. The history of Ire- land ancient and modern, taken from the most authentic records ; with a continua- tion from the treaty of Limerick to the present time, by J: Mitchel. N. Y. [1868]. McCarthy, Justin Huntly. An outline of irisb history from the earliest times to the present day. N. Y. 1883. Q. 941+29 Same. Baltimore. 1883. D. 941 : 29 Contents. Tlie legends. Christianity. The norman conquest. Elizabeth. The Cromwellian settlement. The restoration; William of Orange. The eighteenth century. Emmet ; O'Connell. Young Ireland ; Fenianism.- The land question; Home rule; The land league. Giraldus de Barri Camhrensis. Historical works ; containing the Topography of Ireland, and the History of the conquest of Ireland, tr. by T: Forrester; the Itinerary through Wales, and the Description of Wales, tr. by sir R: Colt Hoare. Rev. and ed., with add. notes by T: Wright. Lond. 1863. D. 941 : 1 Moore, T: The history of Ireland, commencing with its earliest' period, to the great ex- pedition against Scotland in 1545. Phila. 1843. 2 V. O. 941-f 17 "Walpole, C: G: A short history of the kingdom of Ireland, from the earliest times to the union with Great Britain. N. Y. 1883. U. 941 : 26 Same. N. Y. 1882. Q. 941+26 Taylor, W: Cooke. History of Ireland from the anglo-norman invasion till the union of the country with Great Britain ; with add. by W: Sampson. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1847. 2 V. S. 941 : 20 ConUnts. V. 1. 11691649. 2. 1649-1801. McGee, T: D'Arcy. A popular history of Ire- land, from the earliest period to the emancipation of the catholics, [1829]. N. Y. 1864. 2v. D. 941 : 15 Bagwell, R: Ireland under the Tudors ; with a succinct account of the earlier history. [Maps.] Lond. 1885. 2 v. O. 941:45 Froude, James Anthony. The english in Ireland in the 18th century. N. Y. 1873-75. 3 v. D. 941 : 25 Contents. V. 1, Preliminary. Insurrection of 1641. The revolution. Opening of the penal era. First attempt at union. Protestant administration. Irish ideas. The smugglers. Efforts of the Irish parliament. Progress of anarchy. 2. The revival of the colts. Lord Townshend's administration. Lord Harcourt and colonel Blaquiere. The beginn- ings of retribution. The constitution of 178:i. The convention. Whiteboys, high and low. 3. The united irishmen. The Fltzwilliam crisis. The f rench at Bantry. The succession of the opposition.- The eve of '98. The rebellion. Lord Cornwallis and the union. Savage, J: '98 and '48; the modern revolution- ary history and literature of Ireland. N. Y. 1856. D. 941 : 19 Duffy, Sir C: Gavan. Young Ireland ; a frag- ment of irish history, 18401850. N. Y. 1881. D. 941 : 23 Four years of irish history ; 18451849. N. Y. [1^83]. O. 941 :30 Witherow, T: The Boyne and the Aghrim, or The story of some famous battl(;lields in Ireland. ' Lond. 1879. D. 941 : 21 Flatley, P. J. Ireland and the land league ; key to the irish question, with an introd. by Wendell Phillips. Bost. 1881. S. 941 : 24 King, D: Bennett. The irish question. N. Y. 1882. D. 914.1 :3 Carey, Matthew. Vindicise hibernica), or Ire- land vindicated ; an attempt to develop and expose a few of the multifarious errors HIST. AND GEOGB. GREAT BRITAIN. CI. 014, 941-942 1214 and falsehoods respecting Ireland in the histories of May, Temple, Whitelock, Bor- lase, Rushworth, Clarendon, Cox, Carte, Leland, Warner, Macaulay, Hume and others, particularly in the legendary tales of the conspiracy and pretended massacre of 1641. Phila. 1819. O. 941 : R33 Cudmore, P. The ii'ish republic ; a historical memoir on Ireland and her oppressors. St. Paul. 1871. O. 941 : 22 Bagenal, Philip H. The american Irish, and their inliuence on Irish politics. Author's ed. Bost. 1882. S. 941 : 28 See also in the Index to biosraphy Burke Emmet Flood GrattanO'Connell. 2. Scottish history. Sinclair, Sir J: Analysis of the statistical ac- count of Scotland ; with a general view of the history of that country and discussions on some important branches of political economy. Edinb. 1831. 2 pts. in 1 v. O. 941 : 12 Contents. Pt. 1. Introd. History to 1824. Popula- tion, agriculture, manufactures and commerce. Pt. 3. Ecclesiastical establishment, plans of education and management of the poor. Halsey, Leroy W. Scotlands influence on civi- lization." Phila. [1885]. D. 941:44 Mackintosh, J: The histoiy of civilization in Scotland. Lond. 1878. 2 v. O. 941 : 38 Contents. V. 1. To the end of the 15th century. S. The 16th century. Ramsay, E: Bannerman. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. From the 7th Edinb. ed. Bost. 1861. D. 941 : 8 Same. 2d ser. Edinb. 1861. D. 941 : 8 v2 Same. From the 7th Edinb. ed. N. Y. 1880. D. 941 : 8 v2 Maclagan, Robert Craig. Scottish myths ; notes on Scottish history and tradition. Edinb. 1882. O. 941+34 Historians of Scotland, The. [Maps]. Edinb. 1871-1880. 10 V. O. 941 : P43 Contents. V. 1. Johannis dc Fordun Chronica gentis scotorum ; ed. by W: F. Skene. 2, 3. An- drew of Wyntoun. The orygynale cronykil of Scot- land, V. 1, 2; ed. by D: Lang. 4. John of Fordun. Chronicle of the Scottish nation. Tr. from the latin text by Felix J. H. Skene; ed. by W: F. Skene, 5. Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern, compiled in the 12th century ; ed. from the best mss. by Alexander Penrose Forbes. 6. Adamnan. The life of saint Columba, founder of Hy; ed. by W: Keeves. 8. Innes, T : A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland; con- taining an account of the romans, of the britains be- twixt the walls, of the Caledonians or picts, and parti- cularly of the scots, with an app. of ancient manus- cript pieces; reprinted from the original ed. pub. in 1729, with a memoir byG: Grubb. 9. Andrew of Wyntoun. The orygynale cronykil of Scotland, v. 3; ed. by D: Lang. 10. The book of Pluscarden, v. 2 ; ed. by Felix J. H. Skene. Letter from the nobility, barons and commons of Scotland, in tlie year 1320, yet extant under all the seals of the nobility, directed to pope John. Tr. from the original in latine, as it is insert by sir G: Mackenzie of Rosehaugh in his Observations on prece- dency, etc. Edinb.; repr. in the year 1689. N. Y. 1861. D. 941:R27 Burton, J: Hill. The history of Scotland from Agricola's invasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection, [8417451. New ed. rev. Edinb. n. d. 9 v. D. 941 : 39 Contents. V. 1. To 1174. 2. 1189-1460. 3. 1460 1560. 4. 1560-1578. 5. 15B9-1625. 6. 160:^-1649. 7- 1649-1699. 8. 1700-1745. 9. Index. Taylor, James, and others. The pictorial history of Scotland from the roman invasion to the close of the Jacobite rebellion, a. d. 79 1746. 111. N. Y. n. d. 2 v. Q. 941+35 Contents. V. 1. Geology of Scotland. History to 1566.-App. 2. 1566-1746.-App.-Index. Scott, Sir Walter. The history of Scotland [to 1603]. [Harper's family' lib.] N. Y. 1845. 2v. S. 941 : 11 History of Scotland [to 1746] : Tales of a grand- father, with notes; lst-3d ser. (111. lib. ed.) Bost. 1870. 6 V. in 3. D. 941 : 6 Same. Tales of a grandfather ; stories taken from Scottish history; 2d ser. [16031707]. Parker's ed. Bost. 1845. 2 v. S. 941 : 6 v3, 4 Same. 3d ser. [17071746]. Bost. n. d. 2 v. inl. D. 941: 6 v5, 6 Tales of a grandfather ; the historv of Scot- land from the earliest period to the close of the reign of James the fifth ; abr. and ed. by Edwin Ginn. [Classics for children] . V. 1. Boston. 1885. D. x 941 : 42 Macarthur, Mai-garet. History of Scotland [to 1843]; ed. by E: A: Freeman. Ed. adapted for amer. students. [Freeman's historical course]. N. Y. 1874. S. 941 : 5 Lindau, W: Adolf. Die geschichte Schottlands. 2te verb. aufl. (Allg. historische taschen- bibliothek, 3er th.) Dresden. 1827. 4 v. in 1. S. 941:40 Buchanan, G: The history of Scotland. Tr. from the latin, with notes and a continua- tion to the union in the reign of queen Anne, by James Aikman. Glasgow. 1827. 4 v. O. 941:3 Contents. V. 1. Life of Buchanan. To 1329. 2. 13291572. 3. 15721639. 4. 1640-1707. Buchanan's work ends with the 2d vol. Tytler, Patrick Eraser. The history of Scotland, from the accession of Alexander III. to the union. Edinb. 1864. 4 v. D. 941 : 14 Contents. V. 1. 1139-1390. 2. 1390-1542. 3. 1542- 1573. 4. 1573-1603. Robertson, W: The history of Scotland during the reigns of queen Mary and of king James VI, till his accession to the crown of Eng- land, with a review of the Scottish history previous to that period, and an app. con- taining original letters. N. Y. 1844. O. 941 : 10 Ross, J : Merry. Scottish history and literature to the period of the reformation ; ed. with a biographical sketch by James Brown. Glasgow. 1884. O. ' 941+41 Contents. Brown, J. Biogr. sketch. The Scottish nationality. The lives of the early saints. The war of independence and its minstrels. History and lite- rature of the 14th and 15th centuries. King James, Henryson and Dunbar. The earlier half of the 16th century. Gavin Douglas.- Sir D: Lindsay. Index. Chambers, Robert. Domestic annals of Scot- land from the reformation to the revolution. 2d ed. Edinb. 1859. 2 v. O. 941 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Introd. 1561-1625. 2. 16251688. Index. Burnet, Gilbert. The memoires of the lives and actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, etc. ; in which an account is given of the rise and progress of the civil wars in Scotland, with other great transactions, both in England and Germany, from the year 1625 to the year 1652, together with many letters, instruc- X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1215 CI. 914, 941-942 HIST, AND GEOGK.. GREAT BRITAIN. 1216 tions and other papers written by king Charles I, never before pub., all drawn out of or copied from the originals. In 7 books. Lond. 1677. F. 23:11 Lippincott, Sara Jane, born Clarke, {Grace Oreenwood). Bonnie Scotland ; tales of her history, heroes, and poets. 111. Bost. 1865. S. X 941 :37 Historical tales of the wars of Scotland, and of the border raids, forays and conflicts ; v. 1, 3, 4. Edinb. n. d. 3 v. S. 941 : 7 Browne, James. A history of the Highlands and of the Highland clans ; with an exten- sive selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart papers. New ed. 111. Edinb. 1852- 55. 4 V. O 941-KP2 Contents. V. 1. Pref. and Dissertation. Catalogue of fraelic and irish mss. History of the Highlands to 1646. 2. 1646-1745. App. 3. 1745-1788 App. 4. App. Military service of the Highland regiments. History of the Highland clans. Macleay, K. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor ; incl. original no- tices of lady Grange ; with an introd. sketch ill. of the condition of the Highlands prior to 1745. Edinb. 1881. D. 941 : 36 Logan, James. The Scottish gael, or Celtic man- ners as preserved among the highlanders : being an historical and descriptive account of the inhabitants, antiquities and national peculiarities of Scotland, more particularly of the northern or gaelic parts of the coun- try, where the singular habits of the origi- nal celts are most tenaciously retained. Lond. 1831. 2 v. D. 941 : 9 History of the abbey and palace of Holyrood. Edinb. n.rf. S. 941 :31 History and antiquities of Melrose, old Melrose and Dryburgh abbeys, with a description ot Abbotsford, Eildon Hills, etc. Melrose, 1869. S. 941 : 32 See also in the Index to biography Campbell James Magrdalene Marg-aret Robert Bruce. 3. English history. (See aUo History of the English constitution and politics, col. 161-163.) General. Allen, W: Francis. The reader's guide to eng- lish history. [wit7i supplement] . Bost. 1882, 1883. Obl.'T. 942:39 Contents of supp. Ancient history; modern history of Europe; American history. Same. 16:Ij Low, Sidney J., and F. S. Pulling, eds. The dictionary of english history. N. Y. 1884. O. 942:R56 Gardiner, S: Rawson, fflwcZ James Bass MuUinger. Introduction to the study of english history. Lond. 1881. O. 942 : 13 Contents. Pt. 1. Gardiner, S: R. Introd. to english history [from the earliest times to 1881]. -Pt. 2. Mul- ling-er, J. B. [Lists and critidal estimates of] author- ities. Index. Bodin, Felix. Die geschichte Englands. 2te aufs neue dunHigesehene und ervveiterte aufl. von J. H. G. Heusinger. (Allg. histo- rische taschenbibliothek, 2ter th.) Dres- den. 1837. 2 V. in 1. S. 942 : 53 Bright, James Franck. A history of England. Maps and plans. Lond. 1880. 3 v. S. 942 : 48 Contents. V. 1. Mediseval monarchy, 4491485. 2. Pergonal monai'chy, 1485 1688. 3. Constitutional monarchy, 16891837. Each vol. has an index. Chambers, W: a7id Robert, eds. History and present state of the British empire. Edinb. 1856. S. 942 : 25 Gardiner, S: Rawson. English history for young folks, b. c. 55 a. d. 1880. Rev. ed. for amer. students. N. Y. 1881. S. X 942 : 12 Green, J: R: History of the english people. - 94 Maps. N. Y. 1878-80. 4 v. O. )42:4 Contents. V. 1. Early England, 449 1071. England under foreign kings, 1071 1314. The charter, 1304 1391. The parliament, 13071461. 2. The monarchy, 1461 1540. The reformation, 15401603. 3. Puritan England, 1603-1660. The revolution, 1660-1688. 4. The revolution, 1683 1760. Modern England, 1760- 1815. A short history of the english people. N. Y. 1877. O. 942 : 3 Guest, M. J. Lectui-es on the history of Eng- land. Lond. 1879. D. ' ' 942 : 15 Note. A continuous history from the earliest times to the battle of Waterloo. Guizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. A popular his- tory of England from the earliest times to the accession of Victoria. [Added]-. From the accession of Victoria 18371874, ed. b.\' madame Guizot De Witt, from notes and documents by M. Guizot. Tr. by M. M. Ripley. 111. Bost. 1877-81. 5 v. O. 942+5 Contents. V. 1. Roman dominion to Henry V, h. v. 551432. 2. Henry VI to Charles I and his govern- ment, 1423 1643. 3. Charles I and his government to William and Mary, 1642-1694. 4. William III to Will- iam IV, 1694-18:17. 5. The reign of Victoria, 1837- 1874.-lndex. Hume, D: The students' Hume: A history of England from the earliest times to tlu; revolution in 1688 ; based on the history of D: Hume, incorporating the corr. and re- searches of recent historians ; continued to the treaty of Berlin in 1878. New ed. rev. and corr. by J. S. Brewer, with an app. bv an amer. ed. 111. N. Y. 1880. D. 942 : 1 Keightley, T: The history of England, from the earliest period to' 1839. From the '^M Lond. ed., with notes by the amer. ed. [Harper's family lib.] N". Y. 1845. 5 v. (S. 942:6 Contents. V. 1. 55 b. C.-1377 a. d. 2.1377-1558. 3. 15581644. 4. 1644-1685. 6. 168.51837. Knight, C: The popular history of England. 1st amer. ed. N. Y. 1878. 8 v. D. 942 : 7 Contents. V. 1. From the invasion of Cicsar to tlic end of the reign of Henry IV. 2. Prom the reign ol Henry V to the reign of Mary. 3. From the rtit;n of Elizabeth to the commonwealth. 4. From llm commonwealth to the reign of William and Mary. 5. From the reign of William III to George II. 6. From the defence of the country by foreign troops, 1756, to the assassination of Marat by Charlotte Corday,1793. 7. From the war of 179:5 to the nuUorial progress of British India, 183(i. 8. From the iidmin- Istration of lord Goderich, 1837, to I ho final (;.\tiiution of the corn-laws, feb. 1849.- App. of annals, 1849-1867. Index. Knox, Isa, born Craig, mrs. J: The little folks' history of England. 111. 7th ed. Lond. [1874]. S. X 942: 34 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1317 HIST. AND GEOGR. (JREAT BRITAIN, CI. 914, 942 1218 Rapin de Thoyras, Paul. The history of Eng- land from the earliest periods ; newly tr., corr. and rev. and continued to the pres- ent time, with illustrative annotations, his- torical, political and statistical, from pri- vate collections and from public records deposited in the British museum, the Tower of London, etc., presenting a hirninous ex- position of every political, military and commercial event relating to the British empire and its colonial possessions in the East and West Indies and on the continents of Africa and America, a general view of the freneh revolution and its consequent wars throughout Europe, accounts of voy- ages and discoveries, and of the progress of literatui'c, science and the polite ai*ts, and biogr. sketches of the most distin- guished oritish legislators, warriors, poets, divines and others who have rendered themselves conspicuous in the history of their country, by H: Robertson. Lond. 1813, 1816. 2 V. F." 23 : R Thompson, Edith. History of England, ed. by E: A: Freeman. [Freeman's historical course for schools]. N. Y. 1880. S. X 942 : 22 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Young folks' history of England. Bost. [1879]. D. x 942 : 29 Long p erio ds . Hume, D: The history of England from the in- vasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688. Phila. 1836. 2 v. O. 942 : 2 Same. New ed., with the author's last corr. and impr.; prefixed, a short account of his life, written by himself ; v. 2-4. Phila. 1821, 1822. 3 V. O. 942 : 2 Smollett, Tobias G: The history of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George II ; designed as a continuation of mr. Hume's history. New ed., with the author's last corr. and impr. Phila. 1822. 2v. O. 942.5:6 Same. Phila. 1836. O. 942.5 : 6 Miller, J. R. The history of Great Britain from the death of George II to the coronation of George IV; designed as a continuation of Hume and Smollett. Phila. 1836. O. 942.5+7 Mackintosh, Sir James, W : Wallace and Rob- ert Bell. The history of England. (Lard- ner's cabinet eye.) tond. 1830-40. 10 v. D. 942 : 58 Contents. Mackintosh, Sir J. V. 1. British and roinan yieriod to Henry VI. 2. Henry VI, continued, to Marv, 14221558. 3. Accession of Elizabeth, 1568 1588. Wallace, W: 4. 15881624. 5. 16251645. 6. 1645-16(;i. 7. 1661-1684. 8. 16a5 1689. 9. 16901713. Bell, R. 10. 1714-1760.-Index. Same. V. 1-3. N. Y. 1856. S. 942 : 58 vl-3 Lingard, J : The history of England from the first invasion of the romans to the acces- sion of William and Mary in 1688. 6th ed. rev. and enl. Dublin. 1874. 10 v. D. 942 : 9 Contents. V. 1. 55b.c. llOOa.d. S. 11001307. 's. 13071422. 4. 14221532. 5. 15321655. 6. 15551603. 7. 16031642. 8. 1642-1660. 9. 16601680. 10. 1680 1689. -. Same. 5th ed., in 8 v. ; v. 1, 8-6, 8. Paris. 1840. 6 V. O. 942 : 8 Dickens, C: J: Huffam. A child's history of England [to 1688J. Phila. n. d. D. ' X 942: 11 Same. Also A holiday romance, and other pieces. 1871. "D. x 942 : 11 Contents. A child's history of England. Holiday romance. George Silverman's explanation. Sketches of young couples. New uncommercial samples. Raumer, F: L: G: v. The political history of England during the 16th, 17th and "l8th centuries. Lond. 1837. 2 v. O. 942:51 Contents. V. 1. From the accession of Henry VIT, 1.528, to the troubles in Scotland, 1637. 2. From the breaking out of the scotch troubles to the restora- tion of Charles II, 1637-1660. Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Englische geschiohte, vornehmlich im 17. jahrhundert. 3te autl. Leipz. 1870-72. 9 v. O. 904 : 36 vl4-22 C. 914.2 : 13 Sigourney, Lydia Howard, born Huntly. Pleas- ant memories of pleasant lands, [1840^1]. 2d ed. Bost. 1844. D. 914.2 : 40 Lester, C: Edwards. The glory and the shame of England. N. Y. 1841. 2 v. D. 914.2:32 Tyng, Stephen Higginson. Recollections of England, [1842]. Lond. 1848. D. 914.2:45 Palmer, Francis Paul, and Alfred H: Forrester, {A. Crowquill). The wanderings of a pen and pencil. Lond. 1846. O. 914.2+36 Wayland, Jane. Recollections of real life in England ; with an introd. by Francis Way- land. N.Y. 1848. S. 914.2:46 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. English traits, [1847- I 48]. 7ththous. Bost. 1857. D. 914.2:15 Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. Impressions of Eng- land, or Sketches of english scenery and society, [1851]. N. Y. 1856. D. 914.2 : 14 Tuckerman, H: Theodore. A month in Eng- land. N. Y. 1853. D. 914.2:44 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from [his] eng- lish note -books. [1853-58]. (Libr. ed.) Bost. 1879. 2 V. in 1. D. 914.2 : 24 Our old home ; a series of english sketches. Bost. 1863. S. 914.2:25 Same. (111. lib. ed.) Bost. 1878. D. 914.2 : 26 Hawthorne, Sophia, born Peabody, mrs. Nath- aniel. Notes in England, [Scotland] and Italy, [1857]. N. Y. 1878. D. 914.2 : 64 Miller, Hugh. First impressions of England and its people. Bost. 1859. S. 914.2 : 33 Hoppin, James Mason. Old England ; its scenery, art and people. N. Y. 1867. S. 914.2:27 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Notes on England. Tr. with an introd. chapter by W. F. Rae. Portr. N. Y. 1876. O. 914.2:42 Chandler, Alfred D. A bicycle tour in England and Wales, made in" 1879 by the presi- dent, Alfred D. Chandler, and capt. J: C. Shai'p, jr., of the Suffolk bicycle club of Boston, Mass.; with an app. on the use of the bicycle, both in Europe and the U. S. Maps and ill. Bost. 1881. S. 914.2 : 10 White, R: Grant. England without and within, [from observations during a journey in 18761. Bost. 1881. D. 914.2:48 "Winter, W: The trip to England [in 1877]. 2d ed., rev. and enl. 111. by Joseph Jefferson. Bost. 1881. D. 914.2 : 50 English rambles, and other fugitive pieces in prose and verse. Bost. 1884 [18831. D. 914.2:76 Contents. English rambles, 1883. In memory of Longfellow. Wanderers ; poems. Champney, Lizzie, born Williams. Three Vas- sar girls in England ; a holiday excursion of three college girls through the mother country. 111. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. 914.2:67 1235 CI. 914, 943 HIST. AND GEOGB. GREAT BRITAIN. 1236 Scudder, Horace Elislia. The english Bodley family. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. x 914.2 : 68 Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth Robins. A Can- terbury pilgrimage ; ridden, written and ill. by "[the authors]. N. Y. 1885. O. 914.2:88 Hassard, J: R. G. A Pickwickian pilgrimage. Bost. 1881. T. 914.2:60 Includes aUo A boat-voyajre on the Wye. Rimmer, Alfred. About England with Dickens. 111. Lond. 1883. D. 914.2 : 73 London. Knight, C:, ed. London. 111. Lond. 1841-44. ^6^. Q. 914.2+37 Note. A collection of papers by C: Knight, G. L. Craik, J. Saunders, W. Weir, J. C. Piatt and others. Thombury, Walter, and E: Walford. Old and new London ; a narrative of its history, its people and its places. 111. Lond. n. d. 1 V. Q. 914.2+79 Contents. V. 1, 2. Thombury, W. East of Tem- ple Bar. 3, 4. Walford, E: Westminster and the western suburbs. 5. Walford, E: The western and northern suburbs. 6. Walford, E: The south- ern suburbs. Index. 7. Maps. Walford, E: Greater London ; a narrative of its history, its people and its places ; v. 1, 2. 111. N. Y. [1884]. 2v. Q. 914.2+82 JVote. The district included extends about 15 miles in all directions from Charing Cross. Thombury, Walter. Haunted London ; ed. by E: Walford. 111. by F. W. Fairholt. Lond. 1880. D. 914.2 : 59 "Deals less with the London of the ghost-stories, than with the London consecrated by manifold tradi- tions." Pre/ace. Grant, James. The great metropolis, by the author of "Random recollections of the lords and commons." 2d ed. N. Y. 1837. 2v. inL D. 914.2:18 Coghlan, Francis. Pocket picture of London and its environs, alphabetically arr. New ed., rev., corr. and enl. by Alexander Cooper Lee. Lond. 1847. T. 914.2:31 Grillparzer, Franz. London, 1836. in 832 : 35 vlO Kalisch, L: Paris und London ; v. 2: l.,ondon. Frankfurt a. M. 1851. S. 914.2 : 2 Saunders, F: Memoirs of the great metropolis, or London from the Tower to the Crystal palace. N. Y. 1852. D. 914.2:39 Rodenberg {originally Levy), Julius. AUtags- leben in London ; ein skizzebuch. Berlin. 1860. D. 914.2 : 3 London, Reduced ordnance map ; index, show- ing the new postal divisions, railway sta- tions, etc., containing references to 16,000 streets, squares, postal districts, cab fares, etc., and a list of the principal exhibitions and places of amusement. Lond. n. d. S. 914.2:76 Nadal, Ehrman Syme. Impressions of London social life ; with other papers suggested by an english residence. N. Y. 1875. D. 914.2:35 Contents. Impressions of London social life. English Sundays and London churches. Two visits to Oxford. The britlsh upper class in Action. Pre- sumption. English court f estivities.- English tradi- tion and the english future.- Childhood and english tradition. The dancing school in Tavistock square. Contrasts of scenery. New York and London win- ters. The evening call. Our latest notions of re- publics. English conservative temper. English and american newspaper-writing. Americans abroad. Society in New York and fiction. X denotes books specially adapted for children. Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Walks in London. N. Y. 1876. 2 V. in 1. D. 914.2 : 7 Amicis, Edmondo de. Jottings about London. From the Italian by Robert S. Minot. Bost. 1883. D. 914.2:69 Society in London, by a foreign resident. N. Y. 1885. S. 914.2:86 Vasili, Count Paul, pseud. The world of Lon- don, (La societe deLondres); [expurgated]. N. Y. 1885. S. 914.2 : 87 See note under Berlin society, col. 1247. Mayhew, H: London labour and London poor, a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings .of those that will work, those that cannot " work and those that will not work ; the London street folk, comprising street sel- lers, street buyei's, street finders, street per- formers, street artizans, street labourers. 111. Lond. 1861. 3 v. O. 914.2 : 58 London charactei-s ; ill. of the humour, Eathos and peculiarities of London life. ond. 1874. D. 914.2 : 57 Same. New ed., ill. [The wanderer's lib.]. > Lond. 1881. D. 914.2 : 57 Greenwood, James. The wilds of London. New ed. [The wanderer's lib.] Lond. 1881. D. 914.2:55 Sadler, L. R., (Jacob Larwood). The story of the London parks, by Jacob Larwood. New ed., with ill. [The wanderer's lib.]. Lond. 1881. D. 914.2 : 56 Tower of London, Sketch of, as a fortress, a pri- son and a palace ; also a guide to the ar- mories. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 914.2 : 71 , The, its armouries and regalia, a hand-book ! guide for visitors. [111.]. Lond. w. d. D. i in 914.2 : 71 Westminster abbey, A historical description of ; its monuments and cui'iosities. Lond. n.d.^. 914.2:72 Other localities. Irving, Washington. Abbotsford. Newstead abbey. In his Works. 820.1: 13 v2; 820.1 :Pllv7 Same, germ. In his Alhambra. I 401 Bavies, G. Christopher. Norfolk broads and rivers, or The water-ways, lagoons, and de- coys of East Anglia. New ed. 111. Edinb. 1884. D. 914.2:85 Hicklin, J: Guide to Eaton Hall, near Chester. Chester, n. d. D. 914.2:77 Isle of Wight, The ; its history, topography, and antiquities. New and rev. ed., with maps and plans. N. Y. 1882. D. 914.2 : 83 Wise, J: R. The New Forest ; its history and its scenery. 3d ed. 111. Lond. 1880. O. 914.2:62 Collins, W: Wilkie. Sights a-foot [through Corn- wall, in 1850]. Phila. w. (Z. 0. 914.2:11 Craik, Dinah Maria, born Mulock. An unsenti- mental iourney through Cornwall. 111. N. Y. 1884. Q. 914.2+84 Evans, T: Walks through north and south Wales ; containing a topographical and sta- tistical description of the principality ; pre- fixed, a travelling guide exhibiting the di- rect and principal cross roads, inns, dist- ances of stages and noblemen's and gentle- men's seats. 4th ed. Maps and ill. Lond. n. d. S. 914.2 : 16 Rodenberg (originally Levy), Julius. Ein herbst in VVales ; land und leute, marchen und lio- der. Hannover. 1858. D. 914.2:4 1237 HIST. AND GEOGR. GERMANY, AtJSTRIA. CI. 914, 943 1238 7. Europe c, G-ermany and Austria. 1. General history. (See also Constitutional history, col. 213.) Brosien, Hermann. Lexikon der deutschen ge- schichte ; die vcilker, lander, historischen personen und stiitten Deutschlands, mit einsehluss der germanischen stiimme Oesterreichs, Burgunds, der Niederlande und der Schweiz bis zu ihrer abtrennung. Leipz. 1882. D. 943 :.R78 Dunham, S: Astley. A history of the germanic empire. [Lardner's cabinet eycir] Lond. 1834, 1835. 3 V. D. 943 : 62 Conteiits. V. 1. Political and civil history during the middle ages, 7.521373. 2. Same, continued, 1273 1487. Religious and intellectual history of the ger- manic church during the middle ages, 7521493. Modern history, political, civil and religious, 1437 1519. 3. Same, corjtniM^'d, 1.519 1792. Pflster, J : Christian. Geschichte der teutschen ; nach den quellen. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert.] Hamburg. 18291836. 6 v. O. 943 : 65 Contents. V. 1. Von den altesten zelten bis zum abgange derKarollnger. 2. Von der wahlKonrads I bis nach dem untergange der Hohenstaufen. 3. Von der herstellung des reiches nach den Hohen- staufen bis zu kaiser Maximilians I tod. 4. Von der kirchenreformation bis zum westphalisehen frieden. 5. Vom westphallschen frieden bis zur auflosung des reiches [1806]. [6.] MSller, J. H. Register. Biilau, F: Geschichte Deutschlands von 1806 1830 ; zugleich als fortsetzung von Pfisters Geschichte der teutschen. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert.] Hamburg. 1842. O. 943 : 66 Menzel, Wolfgang. The history of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time. Tr. from the 4th german ed. by mrs. G: Horrocks. Lond. 1849-82. 3 v. I). 943 : 16 Contents. V. 1. To 1250. 2. To 1710. 3. To 1842. Kohlrausch, H:F: Theodor. A history of Ger- many from the earliest period to the pre- sent time. Tr. from the last german ed. by James D. Haas. Index. N. Y. 1847. O. 943+14 Sime, James. History of Germany ; ed. by E: A. Freeman. [Freeman's historical course]. N. y. 1875. S. 943 : 17 Taylor, Bayard. A school history of Germany, from the earliest period to the establish- ment of the German Empire in 1871. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1882. D. 943 : 35 Zimxneimann, W: Illustrirte geschichte des deutschen volkes. Stuttg. 1873. 3 v. Q. 943+3 Contents. V. 1. Von der heidnischen urzeit bis 911. 2. 911-1273. 3. 1273-1871. Same, eng. A popular history of Germany from the earliest period to the present day. Tr. by Hugh Craig. N. Y. [1878] . 4 v. Q. 943+3 Contents. V. 1. To768. 2.768-1024. 3.1034-1516. 4. 1516-1871. Stacke, L: Christian. Deutsche geschichte ; in verbindung mit anderen von L. Stacke. Leipz. 1880. 1881. 2 v. O. 943+P2 Contents. V. 1. Von deralteren zelt bis zu Maxi- milian I. 2. Von Maximilian I bis zur neuesten zeit [1871]. Lewis, Charlton T. A history of Germany, from the earliest times ; founded on D: Miiller's "History of the german people". N. Y. 1874. O. 943 : 15 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Young folks' history of Germany. Bost. [1878]. D. x 943 : 18 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. The political, social and literary history of Germany, from the commencement to the present day. Lond. 1881. D. 943:13 Note. Has numerous dynastic tables, a table of the Imperial wives, and one of men of mark from the earliest time to the present. y periods. Dahn, F: Julius Felix. Geschichte der deutschen urzeit ; Iste halfte bis a. 476. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren, F. A. Ukert und W. v. Giese- brecht.] Gotha. 1883. O. 943 : 71 Arnold, W: Deutsche geschichte. Gotha. 1881. O. 943 : 57 v2 Contents. V. 2. Friinkische zeit, erste halfte; 481 814. Lindner, Theodor. Geschichte des Deutschen reiches vom ende des 14ten jahrh. bis zur I'eformation ; Iste abth. : Geschichte des Deutschen reiches unter konig Wenzel, [13781400]. Brschw. 1875. 2 v. in 1. O. 943+44 Geiger, L: Renaissance und humanismus ... in Deutschland. in 909+20 v8 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Deutsche geschichte im zeitalter der reformation. 4te auli. Leipz. 1867-68. 6 v. O. 904 : 36 vl-6 Contents. V. 1. Einleitung : Ansicht der friiheren deutschen geschichte. 1486-1531. Beilage. 2. 1521- 1528. Bellagen. 3. 1528-1535. '4. 1535-1547. 5. 1547-1558. Beilagen. 6. Analekten: Urkunden, auszuge undkritlsche bemerkungen. Register, 1-6. Zur deutschen geschichte ; vom religionsfrie- den [zu Augsburg, 1555] bis zum 30jahrigen krieg. Leipz. 1868. O. 904 : 36 v7 Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. Geschichte des dreissigitihrigen krieges. In his Sammtli- che werke. 830 : 144 vl4, 15 ; 830 : 143 v9 Same, eng. History of the thirty years' war. Tr. from the german, by A. J. W . Morrison. N. Y. 1846. D. 943 : 21 Same. In his Works. 830 : 150 vl Same. The thirty years' war. In his Works. 830:R153v3 Gardiner, S: Rawson. The thirty years' war, 16181648. (Epochs of modern history). N. Y. 1875. S. 943 : 23 Gindely, Anton. History of the thirty years' war. Tr. by Andrew Ten Brook, with an introductory and a concluding chapter by the tr. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1884. 2 v. D. 943 : 41 Contents. V. 1. 1618-1639. 2. 1630-1648. Geschichte des dreissigjahrigen krieges. Prag. 1869-80. 4 V. O. 943 : 39 Contents V. 13. Erste ahth. Geschichte des boh- mischen aufstandes von 1618. 4. Zweite abth. Die straf dekrete Ferdinands II, und der pfalzische krieg. X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1239 CI. 914, 943 HIST. ANi) GE0G&.-6EIIM:ANY, AtTSTRIA. 1240 Naylor, Francis Hare. The civil and military history of Germany, from the landing of GustaVus to the conclusion of the treaty of Westphalia. In 2 v.; v. 1 [to the death of Gustaviis Adolphusl. Lond. 1816. 1 v. in 2. O. 943:76 Biedermann, F: K: Deutschland im achtzehn- ten iahrhundert. Leipz. 1880. 4 v. O. 943 : 43 Contents. V. 1. Politische, materielle und sociale zustande, 2te aufl. 2.-4. Geistige, sittliche und ge- selligezustande. Generalregister. Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Die deutschen machte und der fiirstenbund ; deutsche geschichte von 1780 bis 1790. 2te ausg. Leipz. 1875. 2 V. in 1. O. 904 : 36 v31, 32 Hausser, L: Deutsche geschichte vom tode Friedrichs des grossen bis zur griindung des Deutschen bundes. 4te auC Berlin. 1869. 4 V. O. 943 : 37 Contents. "V. 1. Einleitung; von demwestfalischen frieden bis zum tode Friedrichs des grossen. 1786 1795. 2. 1795-1806. 3. 1807-1813. 4. 18131816. Treitschke, H: Gotthard v. Deutsche geschichte im 19ten jahrhundert. 3te aufl. [Staaten- geschichte der neuesten zeit]. Leipz. 1882. 2 V. O. 943+60 Contents. V.l. Bis zum zweiten Pariser frieden, 1815. 2. Bis zu den Karlsbader beschliissen, 1819. Beilagen. Droysen, J: Gustav. Carl August und die deut- sche politik, ein festgruss zum 3. sept. 1857. Jena. 1857. O. 943 : 81 Kliipfel, K: Geschichte der deutschen einheits- bestrebungen bis zu ihrer erfiillung, 1848 1871. Berlin, 1872, 1873. 2 v. O. 943 : 50 Contents. V. 1. 1848-1865. 2. 1865-1871. Schmidt, Ferdinand. Deutsche kriege 1864, 1866, 1870-71. Kreuznach. [1883J. 2 v. S. 943 : 85 Hozier, H: M. The seven weeks' war ; its ante- cedents and its incidents, based upon letters reprinted from "The times." Phila. 1867. 2 V. O. 943 : 38 Blume, W: Campaign 18701871. The opera- tions of the german armies in France from Sedan to the end of the war, from the jour- nals of the head-quarters staff. Tr. by E. M. Jones ; with maps and app. Lond. 1872. O. 355.3:2 JVote. For other works on the f ranco-prussian war. see History of France, cl. 944.6; ami Military science, col. 232. jB y topics. Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Germanische alter- thiimer ; mit text, iibers. und erklarung von Tacitus Germania von Adolf Holtzmann, herausg. von Alfred Holder. Leipz. 1873. O. 943 : 4 Same. A treatise on the manners of the ger- mans. In his Works. 937 : 38 Arnold, W: Ansiedelungen und wanderungen deutscher stamme; zumeist nach hessischen ortsnamen. 2te unveriinderte ausg. Mar- burg. 1881. O. 943+56 F reytag, Gustav. Bilder aus der deutschen ver- gangenheit. lite aufl. Leipz. 1877-79. 4 V. in 5. D. 943 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Ausdemmlttelalter. 2. Isteabth. Vom mittelalter zur neuzelt. 2te abth. Aus dem jahrhundert der reformation. 3. Aus dem jahrhun- dert des grossen krleges. 4. Aus neuer zeit. Pictures of german life in the 18th and 19th centuries ; 2d series. Tr. from the original by mrs. Malcolm. Lond. 1863. 2 v. in 1. D. 943 : 61 Scherr, Johannes. Germania; zwei jahrtau- sende deutschen lebens, kulturgeschicht- lich geschildert. 111. Phila. [1883]. O. 943+P34 Deutsche kultur- und sittengeschichte. 309 : 2 Wessely, J. E. Deutschlands lehriahre. 309 : 20 Kriegk, G: L: Deutsches bvirgerthum im mittel- alter ; nach urkundlichen forschungen und mit besonderer beziehung auf Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt a. M. 1868, 1871. 2 v. O. 943 : 49 Balcke, Theodor. Bilder aus der geschichte der deutschen landwirthschaft. Berlin. 1876, 1877. 3 V. in 2. D. 943 : 53 Contents. V. 1. Von den altesten zeiten bis zum ende des bauernkrieges. 2. Von der kirchlichen bis zur wlrthschaftlichen reformation. 3. Aus dem al- ten In das neue relch. Vehse, K: E: Geschichte der deutschen hcife seit der reformation. Hamburg. 1851-60. 48 V. in 45. S. 943 : 5 Contents. V. 1-6. le abth. Geschichte des preussi- schen hofs und adels und der preussischen diploma- tie. 7-17. 2e abth. Geschichte des ostreichischen hofs und adels und der iistreichischen diplomatic. 18-22. 3e abth. Geschichte der hiife des hauses Braunschweig, Deutschland und England ; die hof- haltungen zu Hannover, London und Braunschweig. 23-27. 46 abth. Geschichte der hofe der hiiusor Baiern, Wiirtemberg, Baden und Hessen. 28-34. 5e abth. Geschichte der hiife des hauses Sachsen. 36^8. 6'e abth. Geschichte der klelnen deutschen hofe. Malleson, G: Bruce. The battle fields of Ger- many, from the outbreak of the thirty years' war to the battle of Blenheim, [16311704]. Maps and plan. Lond. 1884. O. 943 : 80 Schlosser, L: W: Gottlob. Erlebnisse eines siicli- sischen landpredigers in den kriegsjahren von 1806 bis 1815. Leipz. n. d. S. 943 : 9 Mandler, F: Erinnerungen aus meinen feldzii- gen in Oesterreich, Tyrol, Russland, Sach- sen und Frankreich, 18091815, und episo- den aus meinem garnisonsleben. Nach dessen tode herausg. von Franz Joseph Adolph Schneidawind. Niirnberg. 1854. S. 943 : 8 Krasinski, Hrabia Waleryi. Panslavism and germanism. Lond. 1848. D. 943 : 82 Treitschke, H: Gotthard v. Zehn jahre deut- scher kiimpfe ; schriften zur tagespolitik. 2te aufl., fortg. bis zum jahre 1879. Berlin. 1879. O. 304:20 Contents. 1865. Die losung der schleswigholstei- nlschen f rage. Herr Biedermann und die annexion. Die partelen und die herzogthiimer. Herr v. Bciist und die Preussischen jahrbiicher. 1866. Der krioj? und die bundesreform. -Politische correspondenz. Die zukunft der norddeutschen mittelstaaten. Rein- hold Paull und minister Qolther. 1867. Zum jah- resanfang. Die verl'assung des Norddeutschen bun- des. Die schone gleichheit der franzosen. 1868. Altpreussen und die deutsch-russischen Ostsee-pro- vinzen. 1869. Zum jahreswechsel. 1870. Badcns elntrltt In den bund. Das strafgesetzbuch vor dem relchstage. An den briefschreiber der Weser-zci- tung. Ein lied vom schwarzen adler. Die feuei- probe des Norddeutschen bundes. Was fordern wir von Frankreich ?Friedenshoffnungen. Luxemburg- und das Deutsche Reich. Die vertrage mit den siid- staaten. 1871. Oesterreich und das Deutsche Reich. 1872. Die aufgaben des neuen cultusministers. 1873. Das zweikammersystem und das herrenhaiis. Die letzte scholle welflscner erde. Die maigesetzc und ihre folgen. 1874. Das reichs-miiitiirgesetz. Der sociallsmus und seine giinner. Bund und Reich. Ein wort uber russlsche kirchenpolltlk. 1876. Die 1241 HIST. AND (JEOGB.-&EIIMANY, AUSTHtA. 01. &14, 943 1242 gerechte vertheilunc- der guter. Libera chlesa iu Ilbero stato, 1. 1876. Same, 2, 3. Die Turkel und die grossmachte. Deutschland und die orlentalische frage. 1877. Das ergebniss der letzten wahlen. Noch eln wort zur arbeiterfrage. Die europalsche lage am jahresschlusse. 1878. Zum jahresanfang. Zur lage. Der sociallsmus und der meuchelmord. 1879. Zur lage. Der reichstag und die flnanzre- form. TJnsere ansichten. Gould, Sabine Baring-. Germany, present and past. Lond. 1879. 2 v. D. 943 : 12 Contents. V. 1. The upper nobility. The lower nobility. The laws of succession. Peasant proprie- tors. Marriage. Women. Forest royalty. Educa- tion. The universities. The army. 2. The stage. Music The kulturkampf. Protestantism. The la- bour question.- Social democracy. Culture. Archi- tecture. The stove. App. [bibliography]. Index. White, Andrew Dickson. Neu - Deutschland. Aus dem engl. von. W: Ruprecht. Gottin- gen. 1883. O. 943 : 32 2. History of special states. Austria, and the old German emp ire. Bryce, James. The holy roman empire [from Augustus to Francis II]. 7th ed. Lond. 1884. D. 937.1 : 9 Giesebrech.t, W: v. Geschichte der deutschen kaiserzeit ; mit einer vibersichtskarte von H. Kiepert. Braunschweig. 1875-81. 5 v. O. 943+51 Contents. V. 1. Grundung des kalserthums. 5te auli. 2. Bliithe des kalserthums. 4te aufl. 3. Das kaiserthum im kampfe mit dem papstthum. 4te autl. 4. Stauter und Welfen. 2te bearb. 5. Die zelt kaiser Frledrichs des Rothbarts. Raumer, F: L: G: v. Geschichte der Hohenstau- fen und ihrer zeit. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1878. 6 V. O. 943 : 59 Contents. V. 1. 395-1152. 2. 11.52 1209. 3. 1209 1241. 4. 1241- J370. 5. Alterthumer des staats- und privatrechts. Landwirthschaft, gewerbe, handel. Miinzwesen, mass und gewicht. Abgaben, zollen und regallen. Krlegs- und seewesen. 6. Klrchllche alterthumer. Wlssenschaft und kunst. Hausliche verhaltnlsse, sitten, gebriiuche. Verzelchniss der quellen. Register. Schmidt, Ferdinand. Die Hohenstaufen und ihre zeit. Berlin. [1885]. 2 v. in 1. S. 943 : 88 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The empire of Aus- tria ; its rise and present power, [1232 1792]. (The monarchies of continental Europe). 3d ed. N. Y. 1859. O. 943 : 79 Mailath Szekhelyi, J: Nepomuk Jozsef grof. Geschichte des ostreichischen kaiserstaa- tes. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert.J Hamburg. 1834-50. 5 v. O. 943 : 67 Contents. V. 1. 1218-1526. 2. 1527-1619. 3. 1619- 1648. 4. 1648-1740. 5. 1740-1849. - Moller, J. H. Register. Coxe, W: History of the house of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rho- dolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leo- pold II, 1218 to 1792. 3d ed. Lond. 1847. 3 V. D. 943 : 28 Kelly, Walter Keating. History of the house of Austria, from the accession of Francis I to the revolution of 1848, in continuation of the history written by archdeacon Coxe. Added, Genesis, or Details of the late austrian revolution by an ofiicer of state, [Franz graf y. Hartig], tr. from theger- man. Lond. 1853. D. 943 : 28 v4 Robertson, W: The history of the reign of the emperor Charles V. New ed. Glasgow. 1817. 4 V. D. 943 : 10 Contents. V. 1. A view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the roman empire to the beginning of the 16th century. Proofs and Illustrations.- Index. 2. Charles V, to 1527. 8. 1527 1548. 4. 1549 1556. Index, v. 2-4. Same ; with A view of the progress of society in Europe to the beginning of the 16th cen- tury. Added, questions for the examina- tions of students by J. Frost. N. Y. 1843. O. 943 : 10 Same. Abridged ed. [School dist. lib.] N.Y. 1844. S. 943 : 10 Same ; with an account of the emperor's life after his abdication by W: IT Prescott. Phila. 1869. 3 v. O. 943:11 Contents. V. 1. A view, etc. 1502 1520. 2. 1520- 1549. 3. ]549-1558.-Index. Maiden, H: Elliot. Vienna, 1683; the history and consequences of the defeat of the turks before Vienna, sept. 12, 1683, by John Sobieski, king of Poland, and Charles Leopold, duke of Lorraine. Lond. 1883. D. 943 : 33 Arneth, Alfred ritter v. Geschichte Maria Theresias. Wien. 1863-79. 10 v. O. 943+42 Contents. V. 1-3. Maria Theresias erste regie- rungsjahre. 4. Maria Theresia nach dem erbfolge- kriege. 5, 6. Maria Theresia und der slebenjah- rlge krieg. 7-10. Maria Theresia' s letzte regie- rungszeit. Wolf, Adam, and Hans v. Zwiedineck-Suden- horst. Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia, Josef II und Leopold II, 1740 1792. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellungen ; 3te hauptabth., 9ter th.) 111. und portr. Berlin. 1884. O. 909+21 v9 Adair, Sir Robert. Historical memoir of a mis- sion to the court of Vienna in 1806, with a selection from his despatches. Lond. 1844. O. 943 : 30 Beer, Adolf. Zehn jahre osterreichischer politik, 18011810. Leipz. 1877. O. 943 : 52 Springer, Anton. Geschichte Oesterreichs seit dem "Wiener' frieden, 1809. [Staatenge- schichte der neuesten zeit.] Leipz. 1863, 1865. 2v. O. 943+48 Contents V. 1. Der verfall des alten reiches. 2. Die osterreichlsche revolution. Fiister, Anton. Memoiren vom miirz 1848 bis juli 1849 ; beitrtige zur geschichte der Wiener revolution. Frankfurt a. M. 1850. 2 V. S. 943 : 6 Klapka, Gyorgy. Memoirs of the war of in- dependence in Hungary. Tr. from the original ms. by O: Wenckstern. Lond. 185D. 2 V. O. 943 : 83 Levitschnigg, H: ritter v. Kossuth und seine bannerschaft ; silhouetlen aus dem nach- marz in Ungarn. Pesth. 1850. 2 v. S. 943:7 Kossuth, L: Memories of my exile. Tr. from the original hungarian by Ferencz Jausz. N. Y. 1880. O. 943 : 27 SchrOer, K: Julius. Die deutschen in Oester- reich-Ungarn und ihre bedeutung fiir die monarchic ; vortrag gehalten im Deutschen verein in Wien, den 16. Jan. 1879. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 16 v8 1243 CI. 914, 943 HIST. AND GEOGR. GERMANY, AUSTRIA. 1244 miner, Emanuel. Schwabische kolonisten in Ungarn ; vortrag gehalten am 7. feb. 1879 im museum zu Tubingen. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v9 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, ed. Crimes of the house of Austria against mankind ; collec- ted from accredited history. N. Y. 1852. D. 943 : 29 Schneller, Julius Franz. Geschichte von Boh men. (Allg. historische taschenbibliothek, 18ter th.) Dresden. 1827. 2 v. in 1. S. 943:76 See alo in the Index to biography Eugrene Franz Josef Friedrich Heinrich Joseph Karl Liatour Leopold Maria Theresia mettemioh Otto Rudolf Waldstein. Prussia, and thenew German empire. POlitz, K: H: L: Die geschichte Preussens. (Allg. historische taschenbibliothek, 14ter th.) Dresden. 1827. 4 v. in 1. S. 943 : 73 Heinel, E: F: R: Geschichte Preussens ; bearb. und vom jahre 1867-71 fortgefiilirt von C. F. Laudien. 7te aufl. Karte. Konigsberg. 1876. O. 943 : 46 Eberty, Felix. Geschichte des preussischen staats. Breslau. 1867-73. 7 v. in 6. D. 943 : 66 C-1525.-Pedl{rree of the house of Hohenzollern, till the accession of Frederick VI, burgrave of Nuremberg, to the rank of kurfiirst of Brandenburg. The early history of Nurembei'g and other leading imperial cities of Ger- many. Tuttle, Herbert. History of -Prussia to the ac- cession of Frederick the great, 1134 1740. Map. Host. 1884 [1883]. D. 943 : 36 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Zwiilf biicher preussi- scher geschichte. Leipz. 1874. 5 v. in 3. O. 904 : 36 v25-29 Contents. [V. 26, 26] 1, 2. Genesis des preussi- schen staates [bis 1716]. Analekten. [27, 28] 3, 4. 1715 1742. Analekten. [29] 5. 1742 1755. Register, 15, {bound with vol. 30)- Same, eng. Memoirs of the house of Branden- burg and history of Prussia during the 17th ancTlSth centuries. Tr. from the german by sir Alexander and lady Duff Gordon. Lond. 1849. 3 v. O. 943 : 63 Note. This is a translation of the first ed. of the german work, pub. In 1847 and entitled ''Neun biicher preussischer geschichte." In the new german ed., the "first book" has been extended to four under the collective title of "Genesis des preussischen staates." Stenzel, Gustav Adolf Harald. Geschichte des preussischen staats. [Geschichte der euro- paischen staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert]. Hamburg. 1830- 51. Gotha. 1854. 5 v. O. 943 : 68 Contents. V. 1. Von den altesten zeiten bis 1640. 2. 1640-1688. 3. 1688-1739. 4. 1739-1756. 6. 1756- 1768.-MOUer, J. H. BeKJster. Schmidt, Ferdinand. Oranienburg und Fehr- bellin ; ein historisches gemiilde aus der re- gierungszeit des grossen kurfiirsten. 5te aufl. 111. Kreuznach. [1882]. S. 943:84 Duncker, ]VIax Wolfgang. Aus der zeit Fried- richs des grossen und Friedrich Wilhelms III ; abhandlungen zur preussischen ge- schichte. Leipz. 1876. O. 943 : 47 Oncken, W: Das zeitalter Friedrichs des gros- sen. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine ge- schichte in einzeldarstellungen ; 3te haupt- abth., 8ter th.) Portr., ill. und karten. Ber- lin. 1881, 1882. 2v. O. ' 909-1-21 v8 Frederick the great, his court and times ; with an introd. by T: Campbell. 2d ed. Lond. 1845. 2 V. D. 943 : 19 Friedrich II the great, king of Prussia. [Posthu- mous works]. Tr. from the french by T: Holcroft. Dublin. 1791. 4 v. in 2. O. 943 : 20 Contents. V. 1. History of my own time. 2, 3. The history of the seven years' war. 4. Memoirs, from the peace of Hubertsburg to the partition of Poland, and of the bavarian war. Broglie, Jacques Victor Albert due de. Fred- erick II and IVIaria Theresa ; from hitherto unpub. documents, 1740 1742. From the french by rars. Cashel Hoey and J: Lillie. N. Y. 1883. Q. 943-1-25 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Zur geschichte von Oesterreich und Preussen zwischen den friedensschliissen zu Aachen [1748] und Hubertsburg [1763J. Leipz. 1875. O. 904 : 36 v30 Contents. Maria Theresia, Ihr staatund ihrhof Im jahre 1755 ; aus den papieren des grosskanzlers Fiirst. Der ursprung des siebenjahr. krleges. Analekten. Anslcht des siebenjahr. krleges. Longman, F: W. Frederick the great and the seven years' war. (Epochs of modern history.") N. Y. [1881]. S. 943:24 Schafer, Arnold. Geschichte des siebenjiihrigen kriegs. Berlin. 1867-74. 2 v. in 3. O. 943 : 46 Contents. V. 1. Der ursprung und die ersteii zciton des krleges bis zur schlacht bel Leuthen. 2. Vom anfange des jahres 1758 bis zur erotfnung des feld- zuges von 1760. 3. Die drel letzten kriegsjahre und die friedensschliisse. Register. Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Hardenberg und die geschichte des preussischen staates von 17931813. 2te aufl. der in dem werke " Denkwiirdigkeiten des staatskanzlers fiirsten von Hardenberg" den eigenhiindi- fen memoiren Hardenberg's beigegebenen istorischen darstellung des herausgebers. Leipz. 1879-81. 3 v. O. 904 : 36 v46-48 Contents. [V. 46] 1. [K: A: /wsf v.] Hardenberg bis zu seinem eintritt in den preussischen dienst. 1793-1795.-1796-1806, lerabschnilt. [47] 2. Same, 2er abschnitt. 1806-1813. Notiz Tiber die memoiren des grafen von Haugwitz. [^48] 3. 1806-1813.-Denk8chril't Hardenberg's: Ueber die reorganisation des preussi- schen staates, 1807. Oncken, W : Das Deutsche Reich im jahre 1872 ; zeitgeschichtliche skizzen, 1, 2. In Deut- sche zeit- und streitfragen. 304 : 15 v2 Contents. 1. Die krone Preussen im Deutschcn reich. Die rettung der deutschen volksschule in Preussen. Die neugriindung der universitiit Strass- burg. Die jesuitendebatte. 2. Der innere ausbau des reichs.- Das verbot des jesuitenordens und der eplscopat. Die drelkaiser-zusammenkunft und das verhiiltnlss zu Frankreich. Die neue kreisordnung in Preussen und das herrenhaus. Martin, Theodor. Verfassung und grundgesetze des Deutschen Reiches ; zum praktischen gebrauch fiir richter, anwiilte, buiger- 1245 HIST. AND aEOGR. GERMANY, AUSTRIA. CI. 914, 943 1246 meister und polizeibeamte zusammenge- stellt nach autnentischen quellen. Mit an- hang : Die verfassungsurkunde fiir das Deutsche Reich. 2te ausg. Jena. 1872. O. 342.3:9 See also in the Index to biography Bismarck Blttcher DBrfling: Friedrica Friedrich Qneisenau Hohenlohe Moltke Scharnhorst -Stein-Wilhelm-York. Other states. Sartorius, G: F: Christoph, freiherr von Walters- hausen. Geschichte desHanseatischen bun- des. Gottingen. 1802-8. 3 v. O. 943:40 Contents. V. 1. Einleitung. Von der entstehunjr der deutschen Hanse im 13. jahrh. bis zum frieden mit Woldemar III, 1370. Beylagen: Quellen; Ver- zeichniss der urliunden und acten-stiiclie. 2. "Von dem frieden mit Danemark, 1370, bis zu dem allge- meineu deutschen landfrieden. 149,5. Beylagen : Quellen; Ueber die zu dem bunde gehorigren com- munen; Urliunden. 3. Von dem allg-emeinen deut- schen landfrieden bis nach dem 30jahrigen kriege. Beylage: Verziechniss der urkunden. Schafer, Dietrich. Die Hansestiidte und konig Waldemar von Diinemark ; hansische ge- schichte bis 1376. Jena. 1879. O. 943-f 54 Francke, W: Die nachfolge in Bi-aunschweig als frage des rechts ; mit 4 stammtafeln. In Deutsche zeit- und streitfx'agen. 304:15 vl3 BOttiger, C: W:, and Th. Flathe. Geschichte des kurstaates und konigreiches Sachsen. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert.] Hamburg. 1830, 1831. Gotha. 1873. 4 v. O. 943 : 69 Contents. V. 1. BSttiger, C: W: Von den friihern zeiten bis zur mitte des 16. jahrh. 2. 1653-1831. 3. Flathe, Th. 1806-1866. [4.] Moller, J. H. Register. POlitz, K: H: L: Die geschichte des konigreiches Saclisen. (Allg. historische taschenbiblio- thek, lOter th.) Dresden. 1826. 2 v. in 1. S. 943 : 72 Die geschichte der staaten des Ernestinisehen hauses Sachsen ; des grossherzogthums Weimar-Eisenach, und der herzogthiimer Altenburg, Meiningen - Hildburghausen - Saalfeld, und Coburg-Gotha. (Allg. histo- rische taschenbibliothek, 17ter th.) Dres- den. 1827. S. 943 : 74 Regel, Fritz. Die entwickelung der ortschaften imThuringer wald, nordwestliches undzen- trales gebiet ; ein beitrag zur siedelungs- lehre Thiiringens. Karte. Gotha. 1884. Q. In Petermann's mittheilungen, Ergiin- zungsb. 17. 905.1 :M Riezler, Sigmund. Geschichte Baierns. [Ge- schichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren, F. A. Ukert und W. v. Giesebrecht.] Gotha. 1878, 1880. 2 v. O. 943 : 64 Contents. V. 1. Bis 1180. 2. Bis 1847. Stalin, Paul F: Geschichte Wiirttembergs ; Ister b., Iste htilfte, bis 1268. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Hee- ren, F. A. Ukert und W. v. Giesebrecht.] Gotha. 1882. O. 943 : 70 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Bilder aus dem Elsass ; mit der ansicht des Strassburger miinsters. Bremen. [18761. 2 v. in 1. S. 943 : 87 Contente. V. 1 . Von der altesten zeit bis zum mit- telalter. 2. Vom mittelalter bis zur neueren zeit. . Bilder aus der geschichte Lothringens ; mit der ansicht der Metzer kathedrale. Bre- men. [1876]. S. With his Bilder aus dem 943 : 87 2. Description. General. Daniel, Herrmann Adalbert. Deutschland, nach seinen physischen und politischen verhalt- nissen geschildert. 5te aufl. Leipz. 1878. 2 V. O. 914.3 : 1 Same. In his Handbuch der geographic. 913 : 1 v3,4 Contents. V. 1. Physische geographic. 2. Pollti- sche geographic. Neumann, Gustav. Geographisches lexikon des Deutschen Reichs ; mit Ravensteins spezialatlas von Deutschland, vielen stadte- planen, statistischen karten, tabellen und mehi'cren hundert abbildungen deutscher staaten- und stadtewappen. Leipz. 1883. O. 914.3 :R53 Ravenstein, L: Atlas des Deutschen Reichs ; zehn blatter im masstab 1:850,000, mit vollstiindigem register aller auf der karte enthaltenen namen, nebst drei statistischen karten der bevolkerungsdichtigkeit, kon- fessionen und gewerbthiitigkeit in Deutsch- land. und 16 produktionskiirtchen iiber bodenkultur, tierzucht, und nutzbare mineralien, mit ausfiihrlichen statistischen iibersichtstabellen. Leipz. [1883]. F. 914.3 :R54 Gabler, E: Special-atlas der grossten stadte des Deutschen Reichs, nebst ihren umge- bungen ; 26 karten in gleichen massstabe von 1:125000 der natvirlichen lange. Leipz. - Neustadt. [1885]. O. 914.3 :R58 Gould, Sabine Baring-. Germany. [Foreign countries and british colonies]. 111. Lond. 1883. S. 914.3:45 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine, born Necker, baronne de. Germany ; with notes and app. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1859. 2 v. D. 914.3:47 Contents. V. 1. Pref. Of Germany and the man- ners of the germans. On literature and the arts. 2. Same, continw^d. Philosophy and ethics. Relig- ion and enthusiasm. App.: Mllller, Max, General survey of germ, literature to the close of the 18th century; Hegel and recent germ, philosophy; Recent germ, theology. Johnson, Anna C. Peasant life in Germany. N. Y. 1858. D. 914.3:25 Schwarz, Agnes Sophie, born Becker. Vor hun- dert jahren ; Elise von der Reckes reisen durch Deutschland, 1784-86, nach dem tagebuche ihrer begleiterin Sophie Becker, herausg. und eingel. von G. Karo und M. Geyer. Stuttg. [1884]. D. 914.3:51 Spencer, Edmund. Sketches of Germany and the germans, with a glance at Poland, Hungary and Switzerland, 1834 1836, by an englishman resident in Germany. 2d ed. In 2 v.; v. 2. Lond. 1836. O. 914.3:28 Shelley, Mary Wolstonecraft, born Godwin. Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842 and 1843. Lond. 1844. 2 v. D. 914.3:27 Kttnig, H: Stationen. Frankfurt a. M. 1846. 8. 914.3:9 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 38. Strickland, H: Travel thoughts and travel fancies. Lond. 1854. D. 914.3:29 Calvert, G: H: First years in Europe. Bost. 1866. D. 6l4.3 : 21 Note. Antwerp, G5ttingen, Weimar and Edinburgh. 1247 CI. 914, 943 HIST. AND GEOGR. GERMANY, AUSTRIA. 1248 Browne, J: Ross. An american family in Ger- many. 111. N. Y. [1866] . D. 914.3:55 Braun, K: An den grenzen des Deutschen Reiches. In his Aus der mappe. 304 : 2 vl Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 14. Lindau, H: Gustav Paul. Vergniigungsreisen ; gelegentliche aufzeichnungen. Stuttg. 1876. S. 914.3:11 Contents, see Deutscher katalog. p. 38. Howard, Blanche Willis. One year abroad, by the author of "One summer." Bost. 1878. S. 914.3:24 Chetwynd, Julia Bosville, born Davidson, the hon mrs. H: Weyland. Life in a german village. 2d ed. " Edinb. 1880. D. 914.3:49 Ruggles, H: Germany seen without spectacles, or Random slietches of various subjects, penned from different standpoints in the empire. Bost. 1883. O. 914.3:42 North Germany. Tolderlund, HotherHakon Viggo, {Dr. H.) Ein sommer in Schleswig ; sKizzen und bilder von dr. H. Aus dem diinischen von H. Helms. Leipz. 1855. S. 914.3 : 6 Rodeuberg (originally Levy), Julius. Stillleben auf Sylt. 3aufl. Berlin. 1876. D. 914.3 : 13 Heinemann, O. v. Das konigreich Hannover und das herzogthum Braunschweig, darge- stellt in malerischen originalansichten ih- rer interessantesten gegenden, merkwiir- digsten stiidte, badeorte, kirchen, burgen und sonstigen baudenkmaler alter und neuer zeit. 111. Darmstadt. 1853. O. 914.3+19 Lander, Sarah W. Berlin. (Spectacles for young eyes, no. 6). N. Y. n. d. S. 914.3 : 48 Vizetelly, H: Berlin under the new empire ; its institutions, inhabitants, industry, monu- ments, museums, social life, manners and amusements. 111. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 914.3:30 Vasili, Qraf Paul, pseud. Die Berliner gesell- schaft. N. Y. 1884. O. 914.3+56 Same, eng. Berlin society. From the french by J. Loder. N. Y. 1^84. D. 914.3 : 56 Note. "The original author was the German em- press's former french reader, Gerard, who used to write regularly to Gambetta. These letters were found amang Gambetta's papers by his literary exe- cutor, mme. Edmond Adam. For effect, certain per- sonal sketches made by an alsatian named Weiss were worked in, while the editor, with the aid of a former secretary of legation, Otto von Loe, harmonized the parts and gave the whole literary finish. "JVatfon. Mayhew, H: German life and manners as seen in Saxony at the present day ; with an ac- count of village life, town life, fashionable life, school and university life, etc., of Ger- many at the present day. 111. with songs and pictures of the student customs at the university of Jena. Lond. 1862. 2 v. O. 914.3:26 Hawthorne, Julian. Saxon studies. Bost. 1876. D. 914.3:22 Contents. Dresden environs. Of Gambrinus. Sidewalks and roadways. Stone and plaster. Dres- den diversions. Types, civil and uncivil. Mountain- eering In miniature. White, Walter. A July holiday in Saxony, Bo- hemia and Silesia. Lond. 1857. D. 914.3:31 Diezmann, A: Leipzig ; skizzen aus der vergan- genheit und gegenwart. Leipz. 1856. S. 914.3:2 Th e Ji h i n e. Hugo, V: Marie comte. The Rhine. N. Y. 1845. S. 914.3:3 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (W. 0. von Horn). Der Rhein ; geschichte und sagen seiner burgen, abteien, kloster und stJidte. 2te aufl. 111. Wiesbaden. 1875. O. 914.3 : 12 Stieler, K:, Hans Wachenhusen and F: W: Hacklander. The Rhine from its source to the sea. Tr. by G. T. C. Bartley. 111. Lond. [1877]. F. 914.3": R43 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Aus einer reise am Rhein, Main und Neckar in 1814 und 1815. In Iiin Werke. 830 : 137 v26 Cooper, James Fenimore. Excursion up the Rhine, 1833. m 914.4: 5 Murphy, Lady Blanche Elizabeth Mary Annun- ciata, born Noel. Down the Rhine. With Whymper, E: Scrambles amongst the Alps. 914.92:11 Same. In On the Rhine. 914 : 44 Hill, Lucy A. Rhine roamings. 111. Bost. 1880. O. 914,3:23 Kinkel, J: Gottfried. Die Ahr; landschaft, ge- schichte und volksleben ; zugleich ein fiih- rer fiir Ahrreisende. 111. Leipz. 1846. S. 914.3:8 Head, Sir Francis Bond. Bubbles from tlie brunnen of Nassau, by an old man. N. Y. 1845. D. 914.3:41 Same. Bubbles from some brunnens of Ger- many, by an old englishman. N. Y. 1848. T. 914.3:20 Heyner, C. Erinnerungen an Frankfurt ; fiihrer durch Frankfurt a. M. und seine umge- bungen ; nebst kui'zem wegweiser zu aus- fliigen in den Taunus und die Bergstrasse fiir fremde und einheimische. 5te aulL, ill. Frankfurt a. M. [187 j . Tt. 914.3 : 52 EUhne, F. Gustav. Von Coin bis Worms und Speyer ; rheinische stiidte und landschaf- ten." Leipz. 1856. S. 914.3:10 Riehl, W: H: Die pfiilzer ; ein rheinisches volks- bild. 2te auH. Stuttg. 1858. O. 914.3 : 18 "Waring, G: Edwin, j>. 'rhc bride of the Rhine ; 200 miles in a Mosel row-boat. Added, a paper on the latin poet Ausonius and his poem "Mosella" by C: T. Brooks. Rei)r. with add., from Sc'ribner's monthly. Bost. 1878. S. 9i4.3:40 South Germany. Lee, Katharine. In the alsatian mountains ; a narrative of a tour in the Vosges. 111. Lond. 1883. D. 914.3:50 Wood, C: W. In the Black Forest. [111.] Lond. 1882. D. 914.3:44 Griesinger, K: Theodor. Humoristische bilder aus Schwaben. Stuttg. 1844. S. 914.3:5 Silhouetten aus Schwaben. Stuttg. 1843. S. 914.3:4 Watts, Anna Mary, born Howitt. An art-student in Munich. 2d ed. Lond. 1880. 2 v. D. 914.3:32 Steub, L: Aus dem bayrischen hochlunde. Munchen. 1850. D. " 914.3 : 17 Seguin, L. G. The country of the pas.sion- )lay ; the highlands aiad highlanders of Waria. Lond. [1880]. D. 914.3:38 Bt 1349 HIST. AND GEOGR. GERMrANY, AUSTRIA. CI. 914, 943 1250 Austria- JETu ng ary . Kay, D: Austria - Hungary. Maps and ill. i Foreign countries and british colonies]. ,ond. 1880. S. 914.3:33 White, Walter. On foot through Tyrol, in the summer of 1855. Lond. 1856. D. 914.3:39 Rasch, Gustav. Hochlandsfahrten. Berlin. 1861. S. 914.3 : 14 Note. Tyrol, the Satzkammergut, etc. Edwards, Amelia Blandford. Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys ; a midsummer ramble in the Dolomites." Leipz. 1873. S. 914.3:36 Busk, Miss B. H. The valleys of Tirol, their traditions and customs," and how to visit them. 111. and maps. Lond. 1874. D. 914.3:59 Grohman, W: A. Baillie-. Gaddings with a primitive people ; a series of sketches of tyrolese life and customs. (Leisure hour ser.) N. Y. 1878. S. 914.3:37 Haring, W:, {Wilibald Alexis). Wiener bilder. Leipz. 1833. 2 v. S. 914.3 : 7 SchlOgl, F: "Wiener blut " ; kleine culturbilder aus dem volksleben der alten kaiserstadt an der Donau. 4te aufl. Wien. 1875. O. 914.3:15 SchlOgl, : Continued. "Wiener luft"; kleine culturbilder aus dem volksleben der alten kaiserstadt an der Donau. Neue folge von "Wiener blut." 2te aufl. Wien. 1876. O. 914.3 : 16 Quin, Michael Joseph. A steam voyage down the Danube ; with sketches of Hungary, Wallachia, Servia, Turkey, etc. 1st amer. from 3d Lond. ed. N. Y. 1836. D. 914.3:34 Pardee, Julia. The city of the magyar, or Hungary and her institutions in 1839-40. Portr. Lond. 1840. 3 v. O. 914.3 : 57 Brace, C: Loring. Hungary in 1851 ; with an experience of the austrian police. N. Y. 1852. D. 914.3 : 35 " Magyarland " ; the narrative of our travels through the highlands and lowlands of Hungary, by a fellow of the Carpathian society. HI. Lond. 1881. 2 v. in 1. O. 914.3+46 Note. The author is a lady. Paton, Andrew Archibald. [Hungary, Transyl- vania, Dalmatia and Croatia.] In Jiis Ke- searches on the Danube. 914.94 : 27 8. Europe d, France. 1. History. (See also Constitutional history, col. 212-213.) In general. Dareste de la Chavanne, Antoine Elisabeth Cleophas. Histoire de France, depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours. 2e ed. Paris 1874. " ----- V. O. 944+21 Contents. V. 1. Depuis les origines jusqu'aux croisades. 2. Depuis les eroisades jusqu'i Charles VI. 3. Depuis Charles VI jusqu'a Francois I. 4. Depuis Francois I jusqu'a Henry IV. 5. Louis XIII et Louis XIV, jusqu'a la palx de Eyswiek. 6. Depuis la paix de Ryswick jusqu'a Louis XVI. 7. Louis XVI et la revolution, jusqu'a la paix de Bale en 1795. 8. Directoire, consulat et empire. 9. La restauration. Les gouvernements depuis 1830. Duruy, V: Histoire de France. Nouvelle ed., ill. Paris. 1883. 2 v. D. 944:22 Contents. V. 1. Introd.: Description geographique de la France. 1600 b.c.-1559 a. d. 2. 15.59-1815. Re- sume des evenements de 1815 a 1888. Martin, Bon L: H: Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculcs jusqu'en 1789. 4e ed. Paris 1878. 17 v. O. 944+19 Contents. V. 1, Origines, jusqu'en, 511. 2. Sanw, 511-843. Feodalite, 843-987. 3. 987-1206. 4. 1206- 1328. 6. 1328-141.5. 6. 1415-1465. 7. 1465-1522. 8. 1522-1.5.59. 9. 1559-1585. 10. 1586-1610. 11. 1610- 1643. 12. Mouvement intellectuel et morale. 1643- 1661. 13. 1661-1683. 14. 1683-1715. 15. 1715-1763. 16. Les philosophes. 1763-1789. 17. Table analy- tique. Note. For an english translation of v. 13-16, see 944.4-t-l. Histoire de France depuis 1789 jusqu'it nos jours. 2e ed. Paris. 1878. 6 v. O. 944+20 Contents. V. 1. 1789-1793. 2. 1793-1797. 3. 1797- 1812. 4. 1812-1831. 5. 1831-1849. 6. 1849-1869. Note. For an english translation, see 944-|-3. 79 Quizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. A popular history of France, from the earliest times [to 1789]. Tr. by Robert Black. HI. Bo5t. 1876. 6v. O. 944+2 Contents. V. 1. To 1099. 2. 1099-1380. 3. 1380- 1515. 4. 1515-1589. 5. 1589-1711. 6. 1711-1789. Outlines of the history of France, from the earliest times to the outbreak of the re- volution ; an abridgement of [his] Popular history of France, with chronological index, histoncal and genealogical tables, portr., etc., by GustaveMasson. Bost. [1881]. D. 944:4 and Henriette de Witt, born Guizot. The history of France from the earliest times to 1848. Tr. by Robert Black. HI. N. Y. 1885. 8 V. O. 944 : 6 Contents. V. 1. To 1270. The Isingship in France. 2. The communes and the third estate. 1328-1514. 3. 1515-1610. 4. 1610-1715. 5. 1715-1789. 6. 1789- 1799. 7. 1799-1813. 8. 1813-1848. Index. Bodin, Felix. Die geschichte Frankreichs. 2te aufs neue durchgesehene und erweiterte aufl. von A. L. Herrmann. (Allg. histori- sche taschenbibliothek, Ister th.) Dresden. 1827. 2v.ini. S. 944:26 Schmidt, Ernst Alexander. Geschichte von Frankreich. [Geschichte der europ. staa- ten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert.] Hamburg. 1835-48. 4 v. O. 944 : 25 Contents. V. 1. Bis 1328. 2. 1328-1559. 3. 1559- 1643. 4. 1643-1774.-Meiler, J. H. Register. Wachsmuth, Ernst W: Gottlieb. Geschichte Frankreichs im revolutionszeitalter. [Ge- schichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert.] Ham- burg. 1840-44. 4 V. O. 944.5 : 29 Contents. V. 1. 1774-1792. 2. 1793-1798. 3. 1798- 1813. 4. 1810-1830.-Mailer, J. H. Register. 1251 01. 914, 944 HIST. AND GEOGR. FRANCE. Hillebrand, K: Geschichte Frankreichs von der thronbesteigung Louis Philipps bis zum falle Napoleon's III. Gotha. 1877, 1879. 2 V. O. 944.6:21 Contents. V. 1. 1830-183T. 2. 1830-1848. Crowe, Eyre Evans. History of France. Phila. 1835. 3v. S. 944:27 Same. N. Y. 1844. 3 v. S. 944 : 27 Contents. V. 1. To 1610. 2. 1610-1792. 3. 1792- 1814. Index. White, James. History of France to 1848. Edinb. 1875. D. 944:18 Jervis, H. W. The student's France ; a history of France from the earliest times to the establishment of the 2d empire in 1852. [Anon.] m. N. Y. 1879. D. 944 : 8 Stephen, Caroline Emilia, (Sarah Brook). French history for english children. Maps. Lond. 1881. b. X 944 : 13 Same. Rev. and ed. by G: Gary Eggleston. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1882. S. x 944 : 13 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. History of France ; ed. by E: A: Freeman. [Freeman's histori- cal course.] N. Y. 1879. S. x 944 : 12 Aunt Charlotte's stories of french history for the little ones. Lond. 1877. S. x 944 : 14 Same. Young folks' history of France [to 1871]. Bost. [1879]. D. x 944 : 14 Lacombe, Paul. The growth of a people ; a short study in french history. A tr. of the Petite histoire du peuple francais by L: A. Stimson. N. Y. 1883. S. 944 : 16 Iiaurent, Francois. Etudes sur I'historie de I'humanite. 309 : 22 Contents, see col. 151. Bonnem^re, Eugfene. Histoire des paysans de- puis la fin du moyen Sge jusc[u'a nos jours, 12001850; prdcedee d'une introd., an 50 avant J. C 1200 aprfes J. C. Paris. 1856. 2 V. O. 944 : 23 Contents. V. 1. Introd. 13e-16e si^cle. 2- 17e- ]9e slecle. Stephen, Sir James. Lectures on the history of France. N. Y. [18511. O. 944+11 Contents. Decline and fall of the romano-gallic province. Decline and fall of the Merovingian dynasty.- Character and Influence of Charlemagne. Decline and fall of the Carlovingian dynasty. Anti- feudal Influence of the municipalities of France; of the eastern crusades; of the alblgensian crusades. Influence of the judicial on the monarchical system of France. Influence of the privileged orders on the monarchy of France. States-general of the 14th, 15th and 16th century. Sources and management of the revenues of France. Power of the purse In France. The reformation and the wars of religion. Power of the pen in France. Absolute monarchy, as administered by Henry IV and by Richelieu; during the minority of Louis XIV; by Colbert and Louvols; by Louis XIV in person. Growth of the french and the english monarchies compared. B-eeve, H: Royal and republican France; a series of essays, repr. from the Edinburgh, Quarterly and British and foreign reviews. Lond. 1872. 2 v. O. 944:24 drntents. V. 1. Louis XIV. Saint-Simon. Mira- beau. Marie Antoinette. Beugnot. Mollien. 2. Chateaubriand. Louis Philippe. Alexis de Tocque- vllle. Agricultural France. France in 1870. Com- munal France. Epilogue. Jackson, Catherine Charlotte lady. Old Paris ; its court and literary salons, [16101715]. N. Y. 1880. D. 944.4:4 The old regime ; court, salons and theatres, [17151774]. Lond. 1880. 2 v. O. 944.4 : 5 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Jackson, Catherine Charlotte lady. Continued. The french court and society ; reign of Louis XVI and the first empire, [1774-1815]; Lond. 1881. 2 v. O. 944.4 : 6 The court of the Tuileries, from the restora- tion to the flight of Louis Philippe, [1815' 1848]. Lond. 1883. 2 v. O. 944.6 : 20 Same. N. Y. 1884. Q. 944.6+20 Davenport, R: Alfred. The history of the Bastile and of its principal captives. Phila. 1846. S. ^ ^ ^ 944:9 Ritchie, Leitch. The romance of history : France. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 944 : 15 To the revolution of 17 89. Michelet, Jules. History of France. Tr. by G. H. Smith. N. Y. 147, 1848. 2 v. O. 944+1 Contents. V. 1. To 1880. 2. 1380-1483. Daniel, Gabriel. The history of France, from the time the french monarchy was estab- lish'd in Gaul, to the death of Lewis XIV. Written originally in french, and now tr. ig. L Contents, v. 1. An historical preface. 4861370. mto eng. 'igmall Lond. 1726. 5 V. D. 944:7 . 12701461. 3. 14611560. 4. 15601610. 5. An historical journal of the reign of Lewis XIII, and Lewis XIV, 1610-1715. Scott, Sir Walter. Tales of a grandfather, 4th ser. : Stories taken from the history of France, [to 14131. Parker's ed., in 2 v. Bost. 1845. 2 V. in 1. D. 944 : 10 Same. Bost. n. d. 2 v. in 1. D. 944 : 10 Godwin, Parke. The history of France. V. 1 : Ancient Gaul, [to 843]. N. Y. 1860. O. 944.1+1 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. Histoire des institutions polit^ques de I'ancienne France, le partie : L'empire romain ; Les germains ; La royaute merovingienne. 2e ed. Paris. 1877. O. 944.1:3 Thierry, Am^dee Simon Dominique. Histoire des gaulois depuis les temps les plus re- cules jusqu'a I'entifere soumission de la Gaule a la domination romaine. lOe ed. Paris. 1881. 2 v. D. 944.1 :4 MasBon, Gustave. Early chroniclers of Europe : France. Lond. n. d. D. 944. 1 : 2 Thierry, Jacques N: Augustin. Narratives of tne Merovingian era, or Scenes of the 6th century, [a. d. 561583]. With Ms Histori- cal essays. in 904+37 Palgrave, Sir Francis. The history of Nor- mandy and of England. Lond. 1857-78. 4 V. O. 944 : 5 Contents. V. 1. Introd.: General relations of mediaeval history. Carlovingian Normandy ; 741913. 2. Same, continued. The three first dukes of Nor- mandy; Rollo, Guillaume-Longue-Bp^e, and Richard- Sans-Peur.- The Carlovingian line supplanted by the Capets. 3. Richard Sans-Peur. Richard Lo-Bon. Richard III. Robert Le-Diable. William the Con- queror. 4. William Rufus. Accession of Henry Beauclerc. Guizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. Charlemagne and the Carlovingians ; ed. from Guizot's History of France, with notes and genea- logical, historical and other tables by Gustave Masson. (Episodes of french his- tory, 1.) Lond. 1880. S. 944.2 : 2 St. Louis and the 13th century ; ed. fi'om Guizot's History of France, with notes and genealogical, historical and other tables by Gustave Masson. (Episodes of french his- tory, 2.) Lond. 1880. S. 944.2:3 J 1253 HIST. AND GEOQB. FRANCE. CI. 914, 944 1254 Wallon, H: Alexandre. Saint Louis et son temps. 2e ed. Paris. 1876. 2 v. O. 944.2:5 "Willert, Paul Ferdinand. The reign of Louis XL Map. [Hist, handbooks]. Lond. 1876. S. 944.2 : 4 Comines, Philippe de, sieur d'' Argenton. Memo- irs ; containing the histories of Louis XI and Charles Vfll, kings of France, and of Charles the bold, duke of Burgundy. Ad- ded, The scandalous chronicle, or secret history of Louis XI by J: de Troyes. Ed. with life and notes, by Andrew R. Scoble. Lond. 1855, 1856. 2 v. D. 944.2 : 1 Guizot, Franyois P: Guillaume. Francis I and the 16th century ; ed. from Guizot's His- tory of France, with notes and genealo- gical, historical and other tables, by Gustave Masson. (Episodes of frencn history, 3.) Lond. 1881. 2 v. S. 944.3 : 2 Contents. V. 1 . Francis I and the emperor Char- les V. 2. Francis I and the renaissance. Mignet, Fran9ois A: Alexis. Rivalite de Fran9ois I et de Charles V. 2e ^d. Paris. 1876. 2 v. D. 944.3 : 5 White, H: The massacre of St. Bartholomew, preceded by a history of the religious wars in the reign of Charles IX. 111. N. Y. 1868. O. 944.3 : 4 Ranks, Franz Leopold v. Franzosische ge- schichte, vornehmlich im 16. und 17. janr- hundert. Leipz. 1868-70. 6 v. O. 904 : 36 v8-13 Contents. [V. 8] 1. Friihere epochen der franz. geschichte. Politik und kriejr in der zweiten halfte des 15. und der ersten des 16. jahrh. Eraporkom- men kirchllcher reformbestrebungen. 15621594. [9] 2. 1594-1642. [10] 3. 1643-1686. [11] 4. 1687 abt. 1756. [12] 5, umgearb. und vermehrt. Analec- ten: Ueber Davila's Geschichte der franz. burger- kriege ; Venetianische relationen vom ausgang des 15. bis gegen ende des 16. jahrh.; Mittheilungen aus franz. hss. und kritische bemerkungen ; Aus den spatern venetianischen relationen; Ueber die ver- sammlung der franz. notabeln, 1787. [13] 6. Aus den brief en der herzogin von Orleans, Elisabeth Char- lotte, an die kurfurstin Sophie von Hannover. JRe- gister, 1-6. - Civil wars and monarchy in France, in the 16th and 17th centuries; a history of France, principally during that period. Tr. by M. A. Garvey. N. y: 1853. D. 944.13 : 3 Contents. The earlier epochs of f rench history. Politics and war from 14501550. Appearance of ef- forts for ecclesiastical reform in France. Fifteen years of religious civil war. Henry III and the League. Henry IV in contest with the League, to 1594. Davila, Enrico or Arrigo Cattarino. The his- tory of the civil wars of France, [1559 1598]. Written in Italian, tr. out of the original. 2d impression, whereunto is added a table. Lond. 1678. F. 23 : R Sixlly, Maximilien de Bethune, due de. IMem- oirs ; annexed, the trial of Francis Ravail- lac for the murder of Henry the great. Tr. from the frnch. New ed. Lond. 1812. 5 v. D. 944.3 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Memoirs, 15701594. 2. 15941601. 3. 16021605. 4. 1605-1610. 5. 1610 1611. Discussion of the political scheme commonly called the great design of Henry IV. Supp. to the life of the duke of Sully, after his retreat. Trial of Ravaillac.- In- dex. Cheruel, P: Adolphe. Histoire de France pen- dant la minorite de Louis XIV. Paris. 1879- 80. 4v. O. 944.4:11 Contents. V. 1. Introd. 1642 1644. App. 2.1644 1648. 3. 1648 1650. App. 4. 1650 1651. Conclusion: Fin de la Fronde, 1651-53; Eetour de Mazarin, son administration interleure, 1653-61; Politique exteri- eure de Mazarin, 1653-61. Martin, Bon L: H: History of France from the most I'emote period to 1789. Tr. from the 4th Paris ed. by IVIary L. Booth. V. 13-16. Bost. 1865, 1866. 4 v. O. 944.4-|-l Contents. V. 13, 14. The age of Louis XIV. 15, 16. Decline of the monarchy. No more translated. The original work will be found in 944+19. Philippson, Martin. Das zeitalter Ludwigs XIV. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine ge- schichte in einzeldarstellungen: 3te haupt- abth., 5ter th.) 111. and portr. Berlin. 1879. O. 909-1-21 v5 Pardee, Julia. Louis XIV, and the court of France in the 17th century. N. Y. 1848. 2 v. D. 944.4 : 8 Contents. V. 1. 1615-1658. 2. 1659-1715. Lacroix, Paul, {Le Mbliof)hile Jacob). The 18th century ; its institutions, customs and cost- umes: France, 17001789. 111. Lond. 1876. Q. 944.4 :R2 Poole, Reginald Lane. A history of the hugue- nots of the dispersion at the recall of the edict of Nantes. Lond. 1880. D. 944.4 : 10 Broglie, Jacques Victor Albert due de. The kinj^'s secret ; the secret correspondence of Louis XV with his diplomatic agents, from 1752 to 1774. Lond. n. d. 2 v. O. 944.4 : 3 Contents. V. 1. Origin of the secret diplomacy. Change of the system of the political alliances of France; The role of secret diplomacy subsequent to that change. The secret diplomacy opposed to the russian army in Poland, 1756-58. The secret diplom- acy with the army, 1758-62. 2. The secret diplomacy in exile, 1762-63. The secret diplomacy in England; the chevalier d'Eon, 1764-66. The polish succession, 1764r-70. The partition of Poland, 1771-73. Secret diplomacy in the Bastille, 1773-74. Conclusion, 1774 Vizetelly, H: The story of the diamond neck- lace told in detail for the first time, by the aid of contemporary memoirs, original let- ters, and official and other documents, and comprising a sketch of the life of the coun- tess de La IVIotte, pretended confidant of Marie-Antoinette, with particulars of the careers of the other actors in this remark- able drama. 3d ed., rev. Lond. 1881. O. 944.4 : 9 Collier, Sir G: France on the eve of the great revolution: France, Holland and the Neth- erlands a century ago ; ed. by his grand- daughter, mrs. C: Tennant. Lond. 1865. O. 944.5:27 From 17 8 9 to the present time. Martin, Bon L: H: A popular history of France, from the first revolution to the present time ; with concl. chapters by F: Martin. Tr. by IMary L. Booth and A. L. Alger. 111. Bost. 1876, 1882. 3 v. O. 944+3 Contents. V. 1. 1789-1795. 2. 17951832. 3. 1832 1861. Martin, F: 1861-1881. Note. The original work will be found in 944-1-20 Laiin, H: van. The f rench revolutionary epoch; a history of France from the beginning of the first french revolution to the end of the second empire. Lond. [1878]. 2 v. O. 944.5 : 28 ConUnts. V. 1. 1789-1804. 2. 1804-1870. Adams, C: Kendall. Democracy and monarchy in France, from the inception of the great 1255 CI. 914, 944 HIST. AND GEOGB. FRANCE. 1256 revolution to the overthrow of the second empire. N. Y. 1874. O. 944 : 17 Contents. Introd. The philosophers of the revo- lutioa. The politics of the revolution. The rise of napoleonism. The restoration. The ministry of Guizot. The revolution of 1848. From the second republic to the second empire. Universal suffrage under the second empire. The decline and fall. Index. Doniol, J: H: Antoine. La revolution francaise et la feodalite. 3e ed. Paris. 1883. O. 944.5:22 Contents. Pref. L' abolition en France. L' aboli- tion dans les autres etats du continent. L'abolitlon en Angleterre. The revolution and first empire. Tocqueville, Alexis C: H: Clerel de. The old regime and the revolution. Tr. by J: Bon- ner. N. Y. 1856. D. 944.6 : 6 Blanc, J: Joseph L: History of the french revo- lution of 1789. Tr. from the french. V. 1. Phila. 1848. D. 944.5 : 8 Contents. Origin and causes of the revolution. The two revolutions, [to aug. 1789]. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. The origins of con- temporary France, tr. by J:Durand. [Pt. IJ The ancient regime. N. Y. 1876. O. [Pt. 2,] The french revolution. N. Y. 1876- 81. 3 V. O. 944.5 : 5 Contents. V. 1 . The structure of societj^.- Habits and characters. The spirit and the doctrine. The propagation of the doctrine. The people. Index. 2. Spontaneous anarchy. The constituent assembly, and the result of its labours. The application of the constitution. 3. The jacobin conquest. 4. Estab- lishment of the revolutionary government. The ja- cobin programme.- The governors. The governed. The end of the revolutionary government. Index, v.ZA. Sybel, H: K: Ludolf v. History of the french revolution, [17851799]. Tr. from the 3d ed. of the original german vi^ork by Walter C.Perry. Lond. 1867. 4 v. O. 944.5 : 21 Contents. V. 1. Breaking out of the revolution. First effects of the revolution on Europe. Abolition of royalty in France. 2. Campaign in Champagne.- Commencement of the war between England and France. Second partition of Poland. 3. Interrup- tion of the coalition war. Reign of terror in France. Victories of the french republic. 4. Third parti- tion of Poland. Treaty of Basle.- End of the french national convention. Abbott, J : Stevens Cabot. The french revolution of 1789 [to 1799J, as viewed in the light of republican institutions. N. Y. 1859. 0. 944.5+7 Hausser, L: Geschichte der franzosischen revo- lution, 17891799; herausg. von W: Oncken. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1877. O. 944.5 : 1 Carlyle, T: The french revolution; a history. N. Y. 1871. 2v. D. 944.5:9 Contents. V. 1. Death of Louis XV. The paper age. The parlement of Paris. States-general.- The third estate. Consolidation. The insurrection of women. The feast of pikes. Nanci. The Tuileries. Varennes. 2. Parliament first. The marseillese. September.- Regicide. The girondins. Terror. Terror the order of the day. Thermidor. Vende- maire. Geschichte der franzosischen revolution von 1789 ; zusammengestellt aus den werken v(m [Francois A: Alexis] Mignet, [Jules Abel] Hugo, [T:] Carlyle. 2te aufl. Chi- cago. 1858. D. 944.5 :2 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine baronne de. Considerations on the principal events of the french revolution ; posthumous work of the baroness de Stael, ed. by the duke de Broglie and the baron de Stael, Tr. from the original ms. N. Y. 1818. 2 v. O. 944.5 : 13 Contents. V. 1. 17741799. 2. 1799-181,5. Consider- ations on the history and character of the english. Index. Smyth, W: Lectures on the history of the french revolution. New ed., with the author's last corr. and an add. lecture. Lond. 1855. 2 V. D. 944.5 : 12 Contents. V. 1, Louis XIV to June 30, 1793. 2. June 30, 1793, to the fall of Robespierre. Supp. lec- tures: Dumont; Prelim, lectures, 1833, 1835; America; General summary. Index. Michelet, Jules. Histoire de la revolution fran- 9aise. Paris. 1876. 6 v. O. 944.5:30 Contents. V. 1. Introd.: De la religion du movon age; De I'ancienne monarchie.Avril 1789-14 jufllct 1790. 2. Juillet 1790 - sept. 179L 3. Oct. 1791- so))t. 1792. 4. Sept. 1793 - avrll 1793. 5. Avril-dec. I?.):!. 6. Dec. 1793 - 39 juillet 1794. Croker, J: Wilson. Essays on the early period of the french revolution ; reprinted from the "Quarterly review", with add. and corr. Lond. 1857. O. 944.5 : 26 Contents. Thiers' histories. Louis XVI and Mario Antoinette. The journey to Varennes and Brussels, June 1791. On the 30th June and 10th august 1793. The captivity in the Temple. Robespierre. The re- volutionary tribunals. The guillotine. K-anke, Franz Leopold v. Ursprung und beginn der revolutionskriege, 1791 und 1792. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1879. O. 904 : 36 v45 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie L: de. History of the Girondists, or Pei'sonal memoirs of the patriots of the french revolution from un- published sources, with a biogr. sketch of the author. Tr. by H. T. Ryde. N. Y. 1847-49. 3 V. D. " 944.5 : 19 Contents. V. 1. April 1791 -July 1793. 2. Aug. 1792 may 37, 1793. 3. Memoir of Lamartine. May 38, 1793 July 28, 1794.-Index. Berriat Saint-Prix, C: La justice revolution- naire, aovlt 1792 prairial an HI [mai 1795] ; d'aprfes des documents originaux, la plupartinedits. 2e ed. Paris. 1870. O. 944.5-1-23 Mignet, Fran9ois A: Alexis. History of the french i*evolution, from 1789 to 1814. Lond. 1846. D. 944.5 : 10 Thiers, L: Adolphe. The history of the french revolution. Tr. with notes and ill. from the most authentic sources by F: Shoberl. New ed. Lond. w. d. 5v. D. 944.5:3 Contents. V. 1. To aug. 1792. 2. Sept. 1793 -may 1793. 3. June 1793 - July 1794. 4. Aug. 1794 - feb. 1797. 6. Feb. 1797 - nov. 1799.-Index. Same. 3d amer. ed. in 4 v.; v. 3, 4, [apr. 1794- - nov. 1799]. Auburn, N. Y. 1846. 2 v. O. 944.5:3 Same : Atlas ; dressd par Th. Uuvotenay. Paris, n. d. Q. 944.5+3 i History of the consulate and the empire of France under Napoleon ; a sequel to The history of the french revolution. Tr. from the french by D. Forbes Campbell and H. W. Herbert. ' Phila. 1855-63. 5 v. O. 944.5+4 Contents. V. 1. Nov. 1799- aug. 1805. 2. Aug. 18U5- July 1808. 3. May 1808 -may 1811. 4. March 1811- nov. 1813. 5. Nov. 1813-1821. Same, germ. Geschichte des consulats und I kaiserreichs. Deutsch von W: -Joi'dnn. Leipz. 1845. 24 v. in 6. T. 944.5 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Die vorfassung des j ah res X'lll.- Innere verwaltuner. Ulm und Genua. - MaroiiRo. 2. Heliopolis. Waflfenstillstand. Hohenlinden. Hollenmaschlne. Die neutralen. Riiumung Aegyi' tens. 8. Allgemeiner frlede. Konkordat. Dus 1257 HIST. AND GEOGR. FRANCE. CI. 914, 944 1358 Thiers, L: Adolpho. Continued. tribunat. Lebenslangliches konsulat. Die sakulari- sationen. 4. Bruch des friedens von Amiens. Kiistunjren. Die royalislenverschworunsr. Das kai- serthum. 5. Die kronung. Dritte koalition. Ulm und Trafalgar. 6. Austerlitz. Der Rheinbund. Jena. Eylau, bis 1809. Same. Atlas, dresse et dessinc sous la direc- tion de M. Thiers par A. Dufour et [Th.] Duvotenay. Paris. 1875. Q. 944.5-|-4 Barni, Jules. Napoleon et son historien, M. Thiers. Paris, n. d. U. 944.5 : 24 Morris, W: O'Connor. The french revolution and first empire ; an historical sketch, with an app. upon the bibliography of the subject and a course of study by Andrew D. White. (Epochs of modern history.) N. Y. [1875]. S. 944.5:11 Pardee, Julia. Episodes of french history dur- ing the consulate and first empire. N. Y. 1859. D. 944.5 : 17 Headley, Joel Tyler. The imperial guard of Napoleon from Marengo to Waterloo. N. Y. 1861. D. 944.5 : 18 Williams, Helen Maria. A narrative of the events which have taken place in France, from the landing of Napoleon Bonaparte, on the 1st of march 1815, till the restora- tion of Louis XVIII, with an account of the present state of society and public opinion. Lond. 1815. O. 944.6 : 5 Sibome, W: History of the war in France and Belgium in 1815 ; containing minute de- tails of the battles of Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre and Waterloo. 1st amer. ed. Phila. 1845. O. 944.5:14 Gardner, Dorsey. Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo ; narrative of the campaign in Belgium 1815. Bost. 1883. O. 944.5:20 Gleig, G: Robert. Story of the battle of Water- loo. N. Y. 1860. i). 944.5 : 15 Jomini, Antoine H: baron de. The political and military history of the campaign of Water- loo. Tr. from the french 1by S. V. Benet. N. Y. 1860. D. 944.5 : 16 Simpson, James. A visit to Flanders and the field of Waterloo, in 1815. in 914.4 : 36 From the restoration. Browning, Oscar. Modern France, 18141879. [Harper's half-hour ser.] N. Y. 1880. T. 944.6 : 13 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L: de. The history of the restoration of monarchy in France. N. Y. 1851-53. 4 V. D. " 944.6 : 1 Contents. V. 1. 18131815. 2. 18141815. 3. 1815 1831. 4. 1821-1830. Same, germ. Geschichte der restauration. Aus dem franz. von Theodor Roth. Stuttg 1851-53. 8 V. S. 944.6 : 1 Blanc, J: Joseph L: The history of ten years. 18301840. Lond. 1844. 3 v. O. 944.6 : 6 Contents. V. 1. 1830-1833. 2. 1832-1840. Cass, Lewis. France ; its king, court and gov- ernment, by an american. N. Y. 1840. O. 914.4:3 Heine, H: Franzosische zustande, 18331848. In his Siimmtliche werke. 830 : 139 v8-10 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L: de. Historv of the french revolution of 1848. Tr. by Francis A. Durivage and W: 8. Chase. 1st amer. ed. Bost. 1860. 3 v. in 1. D. 944.6 : 4 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L: de. Continued. The past, present and future of the republic [of 18481. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1850. D. 944.6 : 2 Same, germ. Die vergangenheit, gegenwart und zukunft der franzosischen republik. Aus dem franz. von P. Meyer. Stuttg. 1850. S. 944.6 : 2 St. Jolin, Percy Bolingbroke. French revolu- tion in 1848 : The three days of february 1848 : with sketches of Lamartine, Guizot, etc. N. Y. 1848. S. 944.6 . 8 Phipps, Constantine H:, 1st marquis of Nor- manhy. A year of revolution ; from a jour- nal kept in Paris in 1848. Lond. 1857. 3 v. 0. 944.6 : 25 Mitchell, Donald Grant, {Ik Marvel). The battle summer ; transcript from personal obser- vation in Paris, during 1848, by Ik Mar- vel. N. Y. 1850. D. 944.6 : 7 Meissner, Alfred. Revolutionilre studien aus Paris, [1849]. Frankfurt a. M. 1849. 3 v. in 1. D. 944.6 : 3 Senior, Nassau W: Journals kept in France and Italy from 1848 to 1853, with a sketch of the revolution of 1848 ; ed. by his daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. Lond. 1871. 3 v. O. 944.6 : 15 Contents. V. 1 . Sketch of the revolution of 1848. Journal in Prance, 1848 oct. 1850. 2. Journal in Italy, dec. 1850 apr. 18.51; in Paris, may 1851 Jan. 1853. Conversations with M. Thiei's, M. Guizot and other distinguished persons during the second empire ; ed. by his daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. Lond. 1878. 3 v. O. 944.6 : 16 Contents. V. 1. 1852-1854. 2. 1855-1860. Conversations with distinguished persons dur- ing the second empire, from 1860 to 1863 ; ed. by his daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. Lond." 1880. 3 v. O. 944.6 : 17 Contents. V. 1. 18601861. 2. 18611863. Tenet, P: Paul Eugfene. Paris in december 1851, or The coup d'etat of Napoleon III. Tr. from the 13th french ed., with many origi- nal notes, by S. W. Adams and A. H. Bran- don. N. Y.1870. p. 944.6:10 Maupas, Charlemagne Emile de. The story of the coup d'etat. Freely tr. with notes by Albert D. Vandam. N. Y. 1884. D. 944.6 : 19 Hugo, V: Marie comte. The history of a crime ; the testimony of an eye-witness. 111. N. Y. 1878. O. 944.6 : 9 Note. The story of the coup d'6tat of Napoleon in 1851. Delord, Texile. Histoire du second empire. Paris. 1869-76. 6 v. O. 944.6 : 18 Contents. V. 1. Introd.: Comment I'empire s'est fait.-1853-1856. 2. 1856-18.59. 3. 1860-1864. 4. 1865 1866. 5. 18671869. 6. 1870. Conclusion. Deutsch-franzbsische krieg, Der, 1870-71 ; redi- girt von der kriegsgeschichtlichen abthei- lung des Grossen generalstabes : ler t., Ge- schichte des krieges bis zum sturz des kai- serreichs ; 3ter t., Geschichte des krieges gegen die republik. Berlin. 1874-81. 5 v. text ; 3 V. maps. O. 944.6+22 Contents. V. 1. Vom beginn der feindseligkeiten bis zurschlachtvon Grave'otte. 2. Vender schlacht bei Gravelotte bis zum sturz des kaiserreichs. 3. Von der einschliessung; von Paris bis zur wiederbe- setzung von Orleans durch die deutschen. 4. Die er- eig-nisse im norden Frankreichs von ende november, im nordwesten von anf anir dezember und die belage- rung von Paris von anfang dezember bis aum waffen- CI. 914, 044 HIST. AND QEOGB. FRANCE. stillstand. Die operatlonen im sadosten von mitte no- vember bis mitte januar. 5. Die erelgnisse im sud- osten Frankreichs von mitte januar bis zur beendi- gung der f eindseligrlseiten. Ruckwartige verbindun- gen. Der waffenstillstand. Kuckmarscli und okku- pation. Riickbllcke. 6-8. Maps. Oilier, Edmund. Cassell's history of the vsrar be- tween France and Germany, 18701871. London. 1871, 1873. 2 v. Q. 944.6+11 Forbes, Archibald. My experiences of the war between France and Germany. Leipz. 1871. 2 V. in 1. S. 944.6 : 14 Vizetelly, H:, ed. Paris in peril. Lond. 1882. 2 Y.6. 944.6:23 Note. Comprises a history of life in Paris, during the siege of 1870-71. Simon, Jules, originally Jules Fran9ois Simon Suisse. The government of M. Thiers, from 8th february 1871 to 24th may 1873. From the french. N. Y. 1879. 2 v. O. 944.6 : 12 Jerrold, W: Blanchard. At home in Paris. Lond. 1884. 2 v. D. 944.6 : 24 Cojitente. V. 1. The gavroche party; literary esti- mates of the fall of the second empire, 18681870. The observations of monsieur Chose. The Montreux goat-herd. Goodman Misery. Supping men of Ro- ger de Beauvoir's time. His excellency M. Hougon. Citizen Gugusse at play. 2. The art of alms in France. App. See rtteo in the Index to biography Alton-Shee Anne Bayard Bonaparte Bourbon Brog- lie Charles Chevreuse Coligny Conde Corday Danton Dare Eugenie Ferry Fouche Foy Fran9oi8 Gambetta Gravy Henri Hortense Joseph Bonaparte Jose- Shine LaFayette Lamballe Louis Mac [ahon Maintenon Marie Antoinette Mira- beau Napoleon Ney Orleans Remusat Retz Richelieu Robespierre Roland Saint- Simon Soult Talleyrand Thiers Turenne. 2. Description. In general. Boberts, Margaret. France, by the author of "The atelier du lys" etc. [Foreign coun- tries and british colonies]. Lond. 1881. S. 914.4:29 Bulwer, Sir H: Lytton Earle, baron Dalling and Bulwer. France, social, literary, political. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.4 : 21 Hillebrand, K: France and the french in the 2d half of the 19th century. Tr. from the 3d germ. ed. Lond. 1881. O. 914.4 : 30 Marshall, F: French home life. Repr. from Blackwood's mag. [Anon.] N. Y. 1874. D. 914.4:9 Contents. Servants.- Children.- Furniture.- Food. Manners. Language. DresB.-Marriage. Field, Mrs. H: Marty n. Home sketches in France, and other papers ; with some no- tices of her life and character. N. Y. 1875. D. 914.4:8 Contents. The last illness. Kind words spoken of the dead. Home sketches in France. The author of Adam Bede in her own home. The author of the SchJinberg-Cotta family. The advantages of country life for women. The dignity of labor for woman. Training-school for nurses. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Round my house ; notes of rural life in France in peace and war. Bost. 1876. D. 914.4:11 Blouet, Paul, {Max O'Rell). The dear neighbours! Lond. [1885]. D. 914.4 : 66 Young, Arthur. Travels during 1787, 1788 and 1789 ; undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the eultivationj wealth, resources and national prosperity of the kingdom of France. 2d ed. Lond. 1794. 2 V. Q. 914.4+38 Bray, Anna Eliza, born Kempe, formerly mrs. C : Stothard. Letters written during a tour through Normandy and Brittany and other parts of France, "in 1818 ; incl. local and historical descriptions, with remarks on the manners and character of the people, by mrs. C: Stothard. 111. Lond. 1820. Q. 914.4 :R25 Willard, Emma. Journal and letters from France and Great Britain. Troy. 1833. D. 914.4:28 Cooper, James Fenimore. Residence in France ; with an excursion up the Rhine and a second visit to Switzerland. Paris. 1836. O. 914.4:6 Allies, T: W: Journal in France in 1845 and 1848 ; with letters from Italy in 1847, of things and persons concerning the church and education. Brussels. 1850. T. 914.4:1 Barren, G:, jr. The pedestrian in France and Switzerland. N. Y. 1853. D. 914.4:2 Floyd, M. Travels in France, 1855. in 914.2 : 17 Gundling, Julius, {Lucian Herbert). Aus Frank- reich ; federzeichnungen aus dem Frank- reich Napoleon's 111. Leipz. 1861. S. 914.4:13 Jerrold, W: Blanchard. On the boulevards, or Memorable men and things drawn on the spot, 1853 1866 ; together with trips through Normany and Brittanny. Lond. 1867. 3v. D. 914.4:35 Note. The greater part of v. 2 contains Through Normandy and Brittany. Craik, Dinah Maria, born Mulock. Fair France ; inrpressions oi a traveller, by the author of "John Halifax, gentleman." Leipz. 1872. S. 914.4:6 Galienani's new Paris guide, for 1873. Paris. [18731. S. 914.4 : 49 Logerot, A:, ed. Paris actuel en 20 arrondise- ments, dans un rayon de 7 kilometres. Paris. 1868. S. 914.4:48 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Paris in old and present times ; with especial reference to changes in its architecture and topography. 111. Bost. 1885. O. 914.4:63 Simpson, James. Paris after Waterloo ; notes taken at the time and hitherto unpub., incl. a rev. ed., 10th, of A visit to Flanders and the field. Edinb. 1853. D. 914.4 : 36 Contents. Visit to Waterloo, 1815. Reflections written in 1815; in 1852. Paris in 1815. App. Grillparzer, Franz. Tagebuch aus dem jahre 1836: Paris und London. In his Siimmt- liche werke. 832 : 36 vlO Thackeray, W: Makepeace. The Paris sketch- book. [Pub. in 1840]. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. in 1. S. 914.4:43 Same. With portr. Leipz. 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. 914.4:43 Janin, Jules Gabriel. The american in Paris, or Heath's picturesque annual for 1843. 111. Lond. 1843. O. 914.4:20 Same, Jrench. Unhiver aParis. 2e od. Pans. 1844. Q. 914.4 : K,20 1261 HIST. AND GEOGR. FBANCK CI. 914, 944945 Gutzkow, K: Ferdinand. Brief e aus Paris, 1842. Pariser eindriicke, 1846. Frankfurt a. M. 1846. D. 914.4: 12 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 37. Gardner, A: Kingsley. Old wine in new bottles, or Spare hours of a student in Paris. N. Y. 1848. D. 914.4 : 10 Kalisch, L: Paris und London: Paris. Frank- furt a. M. 1851. D. 914.4:14 Goodrich, Frank Boott. Tricolored sketches in Paris, during 18511853. N. Y. 1855. D. 914.4:34 St. John, Bayle. Purple tints of Paris ; char- acter and manners in the new empire. N. Y. 1854. 2 V. in 1. D. 914.4 : 40 Marguerrites, Julie de. The ins and outs of Paris, or Paris by day and night. Phila. 1855. S. 914.4:39 Wachenhusen, Hans. Das neue Paris. Leipz. 1855. S. 914.4 : 18 Piatt, Louisa Kirby. Bell Smith abroad. 111. N. Y. 1859. S." 914.4 : 22 Rodenberg (originally Levy), Julius. Pariser bilderbuch. Brschw. 1856. S. 914.4 : 16 Contents. Album-blatter. Studien. Farbenskiz- zen. Lyrische stiicke. ed. Paris bei sonnenschein und lampenlicht ; ein skizzenbuch zur weltausstellung. 2te auft. Leipz. 1867. D. 914.4 : 15 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 38. Tuckerman, H: Theodore. Maga papers about Paris. N. Y. 1867. D. 914.4 : 37 Contents. Across the Channel. Tints and tones of Paris life. Art. History. A ball at the Tuileries. Character.- App. The great exposition of 1867. j Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Notes on Paris. Tr. with notes by J: Austin Stevens. N. Y. 1875. O. 914.4 : 42 Sala, G: A: Paris herself again in 1878-9. 3d ed. 111. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 914.4 : 41 Amicis, Edmondo de. Studies of Paris. Tr. from the Italian by W. W. C. N. Y. 1879. D. 854 : 1 Contents see under Italian literature, col. 1132. Zolling:, Theophil. Reise um die Pariser welt. Stuttg. [1881]. 2 V. D. 914.4: 19 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 39. Houssaye, Ars^ne. Life in Paris ; letters on art, literature and society. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.4:46 Bacon, H: A parisian year. 111. by the author. Bost. 1882. S. 914.4 : 45 The provinces . Collins, C: Allston. A cruise upon wheels ; the chronicle of some autumn wanderings among the deserted postroads of France. 2d ed. Lond. 1863. D. 914.4 : 4 James, H: A little tour in France. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. 914.4:51 Stevenson, Robert L: Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. Bost. 1879. S. 914.4 : 24 Tomes, Robei't. The champagne country. N. Y. 1867. D. 914.4:27 Blackburn, H: Normandy picturesque. 1st amer. from 2d Lond. ed. 111. Bost. 1873. T. 914.4:54 Macquoid, Katharine S. Through Normandy. 111. 2ded. N. Y. w. d. D. 914.4:32 Macquoid, T: and Katharine S. Pictures and le- gends from Normandy and Brittany. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.4:33 Blackburn, H: Breton folk, an artistic tour in Brittany. 111. by R. Caldecott. Bost. 1881. S. 914.4:31 Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Pictures of travel in the south of France. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 914.4:7 Venedy, Jakob. Das siidliche Frankreich. Frankfurt a. M. 1846. 2 v. O. 914.4 : 17 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. A tour through the Pyrenees. Tr. by J. Satford Fiske. N. Y. 1874. O. 914.4:26 Vincent, Marvin Richardson. In the shadow of the Pyrenees ; from Basque-land to Car- casonne. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1883. D. 914.4:47 Monte Carlo and public opinion : ed. by a visitor ' " "1. D. to the Riviera. 111. Lond. 1884. Note. For the Riviera, see also col. 1213. 914.4:52 9. Europe e, Italy. 1. History. Ge L Sforzosi, L. A compendious history of Italy. Tr. from the original Italian by Nathaniel Greene. [Harper's family lit).] N. Y. 1842. S. 945 : 4 Note. From the foundation of Rome to 1881 a. d. Spalding, W: Italy and the Italian islands, from the earliest ages to the present time. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1843. 3 v. S. 945 : 6 Contents. V. 1. Ancient Italy to a. d. 476: Politi- cal history; Literature, art and character; Topo- graphy. 2. Same, continued: Character, literature. art and topography of early Christianity. Italy in the dark and middle ages. Modern Italy: Political history to 1789; Literature and art in the 16th, mh and 18th centuries. 3. Same: Political history to 1840; Topography of modern Italian cities; Literature and art in the 19th century; National character and habits; Natural history, resources and industry; il Statistics of the 19th century. Hunt, W: History of Italy, [476-1870]; ed. by E: A: Freeman. Ed. adapted for amer. students. [Freeman's historical course]. N. Y. 1875. S. 945 : 5 Bosco, Giovanni. A compendium of Italian his- toi-y from the fall of the roman empire. Tr. from the Italian and completed to the present time by J. D. Morell. Lond. 1881. Q. 945+34 Leo, H: Geschichte der italienischen staaten. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert]. Hamburg. 1829-32. 6 v. O. 945 : 37 Contents. V. 1. 568-1125. 2. 1125-1268. 3, 4. 1268 1493. 5.14921830. [6.] MBller, J. H. Register. Macfarlane, C. The romance of history: Italy. Lond. n. d. D. 945 : 20 Balzani, Ugo. Early chroniclers of Europe: Italy. Lond. 1883. D. 945:21 Simonde de Sismondi, J: C: Leonard. A his- tory of the Italian republics ; being a view CI. 914, 945 HIST. AND GEOGR. -ITALY. 1264 is; of the rise, progress and fall of Italian freedom. New ed. N. Y. 1847. S. 945 : 19 Geiger, L: Renaissance xind humanismus in Italien und Deutschland. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldar- stellungen ; 2te hauptabth., 8ter th.) 111. und facsimile-beilagen. Berlin. 1882. O. 909+20 v8 Symonds, J: Addington. Renaissance in Italy: )t. 1]. The age of the despots; [pt. 2.] ^he revival of learning. N. Y. 1881. 2 v. O. 945:7 [Pt. 3]. The fine arts. 709 : 5 [Pts. 4, 51^ Italian literature. 850. 1 : 2 Wrightson, R: Heber. A history of modern Italy, from the first french revohation to 1850. Lond. 1855. O. 945 : 32 Botta, C: Guiseppe Guglielmo. History of Italy during the consmate and empire of Napo- leon Buonaparte. Tr. from the Italian by the author of " The life of Joanna, queen of Naples." Lond. 1828. 2 v. O. 945+41 Pacca, Bartolommeo. Historical memoirs, fl808 18141. Tr. from the Italian by sir G: Head. Lond. 1850. 2 v. O. 945 : 9 Probyn, J : Webb. Italy ; from the fall of Na- poleon I in 1815 to the death of Victor Emmanuel in 1878. N. Y. 1884. O. 945 : 40 Beuchlin, Hermann. Geschichte Italiens von der griindung der regierenden dynastien bis zurgegenwart. [Staatengeschichte der neuesten zeitl. Leipz. 1859-70. 3 v. in 2. O. 945+30 Contents. V. 1. Bis zum jahr 1848. 2. Vom jan. 1848 bis zum tode Karl Alberts. 3. Die reaktlonszeit und die nationale erhebunK Italiens von derbekUmp- funjT der romischen republik Im friihjahr 1849 bis zum letzten ministerium Cavours Im jan. 1860. Whiteside, James. Ital.y in the nineteenth cen- tury, contrasted with its past condition. Lond. 1848. 3 v. O. 946 : 39 Contents. V. 1. Tuscany. 2. Rome. 8. Naples and Rome. Hacklander, F: W: Bilder aus dem soldaten- leben im kriege. Stuttg. 1860. 2 v. S. 945:3 Note. Pictures of the austrian campaign of 1849 in Italy. Arthur, W: Italy in transition ; public scenes and private" opinions in the spring of 1860, ill. by oftieial documents from the uapal archives of the revolted legations. N. Y. 1860. D. 945 : 14 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Italy and the war for italian independence ; containing a bri(!f narrative of all the most interesting events in the past history of the kingdom, and an account of the causes and results of tlie recent struggle for italian unity, incl. a biograph. sketch of pope Pius IX, and a recital of the political complications with which the cabinets of Europe are now agi- tated. Bost. 1871. O. 945:12 Gallenga, Antonio. The pope and the king; the war between the church and state in Italy. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 945 : 17 litther, Franz v. Das neue Italien. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragon. 304 : 15 vll See nlfo in the index to bionrraphy Alberoni Alessandre Cavour Clemens XIV Fran- cesco Garibaldi Giovanno Leo Machia- velli Medici Pasolini Pepe Pius Rienzi Vittorio Emanuele. Ve mc e, G< noa. etc, Yriarte, C: Emile. Venice ; its history, art, in- dustries and modern life. Tr. from the french by F. J. Sitwell. 111. Lond. 1880. F. 945 : R22 Hazlitt, W: Carew. History of the Venetian republic; her rise, her greatness and her civilization. [Maps and ill.] Lond, 1860. 4 V. O. 945 : 10 Contents. V. 1. 409-1301. 2. 1203-1809. 3. 1310- 1418. 4. 1414-1457. Smedley, E: Sketches from Venetian history. [Anon.] [Harper's family libr.] N. Y. 1846. S. 945:11 Ruskin, J: St. Mark's rest ; the history of Venice, written for the help of the few travellers who still care for her monu- ments. N. Y. 1884. D. 945 : 27 S., E. L. The city in the sea ; stories of the deeds of the old Venetians from the chron- icles, by the author of "Belt and spur". 111. Ldnd. 1884. D. 945 : 24 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Zur venezianischen geschichte. Leipz. 1878. O. 904 : 36 v42 Contents. Venedlg- im 16. jahrh. und Im anfang' des 17. Die verschworung' gegen Venedlg', 1618. Die venezianer in Morea. Hasse, F: Christian A: Die geschichte der Lombardei. (AUg. historische taschen- bibliothek, 12ter th.) Dresden. 1826. 2 v. in 1. S. 945 : 38 Bent, J. Theodore. Genoa ; how the republic rose and fell. 111. Lond. 1881. O. 945 : 8 Florence and Tuscany. Napier, H: E: Florentine history to the acces- sion of Ferdinand III, grand duke of Tus- cany. Lond. 1846. 6 v. D. 945 : 25 Contents. V. 1. 17-13:J6. 2. 1336-1402. 3. 1402- 1500. 4. 1500-1533. 6. 15;}3-1737. 6. 1737-1815. Perrens, Fran9ois Tommy. Histoire de Florence depuis ses origines jusqu'jl la doniiniUion des M(:'dicis. Paris. 1883. 6 v. O. 945 : 26 Contents. V. 1. Jusqu'en 1260. 2. 13C1-1300. 3. 1300-1319. Les arts ct metiers ; les conditions socialcs. La vie priv^e. Los belles-lettres. Les boaux-arts. 4. 1313-1358. 6. ia58-1383. Les belles-lettres. - Les beaux arts. 6. i;J82~1435. La regime ^conomique au 14. et au 15. sii^cle. Machiavelli, N: The history of Florence and of the aftairs of Italy, from the earliest times < to the death of Lorenzo the magnificent [1492] ; together with The prince and vari- ous historical tracts. New tr. Lond. If'^ni. D. 945 : 1 Same. In his Writings. 850+1 vl Same, germ. Florentinischegeschichton, iibers. von Alfred Ileumont. Leipz. 1846. 2 v. S. 945 : 1 1 Contents. V. 1. Bis 1435. 2. 1435-1493. TroUope, T: Adolphus. A history of the com- monwealth of Florence from the earliest independence of the commune to the fall of the republic in 1531. Lond. 1865. 4 v. O. 945: 38 i Contents. V. 1. 1107-1328. 2. 1828-1428. 3. 1438- ' 1492. 4. 1492-l.'>Jl.App. Index. apponi, Gino marchese. Geschichte der Floren- tinischen rejiublik. Aus dem italienischeni iibers. von Hans Diitschke. Leipz. 1H76. 2 V. inl. O. 945:201 Contents. V. 1. Ursprung von Florenz. 1050 14.34. < 2. 1434-1532. 1265 HIST. AND GEOGR. ITALY. CI. 914, 945 Beumont, Alfred v. Geschichte Toscana's seit dem ende des Florentinischen freistaats. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren, F. A. Ukert iind W. V. Giesebrecht.] Gotha. 1876, 1877. 2 v. O. 945 : 36 Contents. V. 1. Die Medici, 1530-1737. 2. Haus Lothring-en-Habsburg:, 1737-1859. Yriarte, C; Emile. Florence, its history; the Medici, the humanists, letters, arts. Tr. by C. B. Pitman. 111. Lond. 1882. F. 945 : B23 Scheffer-Boichorst, Paul. Florentiner studien. Leipz. 1874. O. 945 : 28 Contents. Die geschichte der Malespini eine fSl- schung. Die chronik des Dino Compagni eine fiil- schung. Gosta florentinorum. Oliphant, Margaret O., boi'7i "Wilson. Makers of Florence. 920.5+Pl Papal states, Home. Brosch, Moritz. Geschichte des Kirchenstaates. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heei-en, F. A. Ukert und W: V. Giesebrecht.] Gotha. 1880, 1882. 2 v. O. 945:35 Contents. V. 1. Das IC. und 17. jahrhundert. 2. 1700-1870. Register. Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf. Geschichte der stadt Rom im mittelalter vom 5ten bis zum 16ten jahrh. 3te verb. auti. Stuttg. 1875- 81. 8 v. O. 945:31 Contents. V. 1. Vom anfange des 5. jahrh. bis zur einrichtung des exarchats in Ravenna, 568. 2. 568- 800. 3. Von der kaiserkriinung Carl's bis zum ende des 10. jahrh. 4. Das 11. und 13. jahrh. 5. Das 13. jahrh. bis 1305. 6. 130.5 1420. 7. Das 15. jahrh. 8. Die ersten drei decennien des 16. jahrh. Wiseman, N: Patrice Stephen. A vindication of Italy and the papal states. From the Dublin review for oct. 1856. [Anon.] Cine. n. d. S. 945 : 16 Maguire, J: Francis. Rome; its ruler and its institutions. N. Y. 1858. U. 945 : 18 About, Edmond Fran9ois Valentin. The roman question. Tr. from the french by mrs. Annie T. Wood; ed., with an introd., by E. N. Kirk. Bost. 1859. D. 945 : 13 British, and amer. archaeol. society, Rome. Proceedings, season 1875-6. Rome. 1876. O. 906 : Pam Nap I e s . Coletta, P: History of the kingdom of Naples, 17341825. lY. from the italian by S. Horner; with a supp. chapter 18251856. Edinb. 1857. 2 v. O. 945 : 2 Same, germ. Geschichte des konigreichs Nea- pel. 2te aufl. Cassel. 1854. 3 v. T. 945 : 2 Platen-Hallermiinde, A: graf v. Geschichten des konigreichs Neapel, 11301443. In his Gesammelte werke. 830 : 141 v5 Oertel, Philinp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Zwei ausbriiche des Vesuv's, dargestellt fiir die jugend und das volk. 2te aufl. 111. Wies- baden. 1876. 8. 945 : 42 2. Description. In general. Italy ; from the Alps to Mount Etna. 111. Lond. n.d. F. 914.5 :R70 Contents. Stieler, K: From the Alps to the Arno. Paulus, E: From the Arno to the Tiber. Kaden, Woldemar. From the Tiber to Etna. Badeker, K: Italy ; handbook for travellers. 3d ed. rev. and augm. Coblenz. 1870-72. 3v. S. 914.5:65 Contents. V. 1. Northern Italy and Corsica. 2. Central Italy and Rome. 3. Southern Italy, Sicily and excursions to the Lipari Islands, Tunis, Sardinia, Malta and Athens. Moore, J: A view of society and manners in Italy, with anecdotes relating to some emi- nent characters. 5th ed., corr. London. 1790. 2v. O. 914.5:27 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Italienische reise, 1786 -87. In his Werke. 830 : 137 vl5, 16 Same, eng. Travels in Italy. In his Works. 830 : 151 v8 Seume, J : Gottlieb. Spaziergang nach Syrakus in 1802. In his Werke. 830 : 147 v4 Same. With his Selbstbiographie. 830: 13-15 Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on antiquities, arts and letters, during an excursion in Italy in 1802 and 1803. 4th ed. Lond. 1835. D." 914.5:15 Cooper, James Fenimore. Excursions in Italy. Paris. 1838. O. 914.5 : 12 Gaudy, Franz Bernhard H: W: freiherr v. Mein romerzug. In his Werke. 830:135 v2, 3 Portogalli ; reise- undlebensbilder aus Ilalien, 1838. In the same. 830 : 135 v7 Baumer, F: L: G: v. Italy and the Italians. Lond. 1840. 2 v. O. 924.5 : 29 Shelley, Mary Wolstonecraft. Rambles in . . . Italy, 1840-43. m 914.3 : 27 Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise Sophie Friede- rike Gustave grilfin. Jenseits der berge. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1845. 2 v. S. 914.5 : 7 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 38. Heeringen, Gustav v. Mein sommer. Leipz. 1844. 2v. S. 914.6:8 Contents. V. 1. Genf. Lausanne. Lyon. Mar- seille. Genua. Livorno.Civita Vecchia. 2. Nea- pel. Rom. Dickens, C: J: Huflfam. Pictures from Italy, [1844-45] . With his Great expectations. in D1306 Same. In Cruisings and adventures. 914.5:14 Gould, W: M. Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily, 1846. N. Y. 1852. D. " 914.5 : 34 Allies, T: W: Letters from Italy in 1847. in 914.4 : 1 Kemble, Frances Anne, formerly mrs. Butler. A year of consolation, by Mrs. Butler. N. Y. 1847. 2v.ini. D. 914.5:5 Hillard, G: Stillman. Six months in Italy, [1847-48]. 4th ed. Bost. 1854. 2 v. D. 914.5:18 Townsend, G: Journal of a tour in Italy in 1850 ; with an account of an interview with the pope at the Vatican. Lond. 1850. O. 914.5:30 Lester, C: Edwards. My consulship. N. Y. 1853. 2 V. D. 914.5 : 24 Note. At the end of v. 2, is an examination of the consular system. Diiringsfeld, Ida/reww v. Beinsberg-. Aus Ita- lien. Bremen. 1851. S. 914.5 : 6 Honan, Michael Burke. The personal adven- tures of "our own correspondent" in Italy. N. Y. 1852. D. 914.5 : 16 Contents. Lisbon. At sea; Gibraltar. The gulf of Lyons. Italia, Italia ! Milan. Turin. Genoa. Milan: the revolution. The war. Valeggio. The war. The retreat. Milan. The austrians at Milan, Turin. Leghora. Florence. CI. 914, 945 HIST. AND GEOGR.-ITALY. Norton, C: Eliot. Notes of travel and study in Italy, [1855]. Bost. 1860. D. 914.6 : 28 Hawthorne, Sophia, born Peabody. Notes in Italy, 1857. 914.2:64 Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. The diary of an ennuyee. Bost. 1860. T. 914.5:22 Mxrndt, Theodor. Italienische zustlinde. Berlin. 1859. 4v. D. 914.5 : 10 Contents. V. 1. Skizzen aus Piemont und Rom. 2. Rom und Pius IX. 3, 4. Rom und Neapel. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Italy [1863] : Rome and Naples. From the freneh, by J. Du- rand. 4th ed. with corr. and an index. N. Y. 1877. O. 914.5 : 42 CMitents. The route and the arrival. Naples. Rome. Villas, palaces and churches. Society. Florence and Venice. From the freneh, by J. Durand. 4th ed. N. Y. 1877. O. 914.5:41 Cmitents. Perugia and Assisi. Florence. The flo- rentine school of art. From Florence to Venice. Venice. Venetian art. Lombardy. Alford, H: Letters from abroad, [1861]. 3d ed. Lond. 1865. D. 914.5:1 Arnold, Howard Payson. European mosaic. Bost. 1864. D. 914.5 : 2 Howells, W: Dean. Italian journeys. N. Y. 1872. D. 914.5 : 20 Castelar y Bissoll, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy, (Recuerdos de Italia). Tr. by mrs. Arthur Arnold. N. Y. 1873. D. 914.5:43 Contents. Arrival in Rome. The great ruin. The roman catacombs. The Sistine chapel. The Campo Santo of Pisa. Venice. On the lagunes. The god of the Vatican.- The ghetto. The great city. Par- thenope. Amicis, Edmondo de. Military life in Italy; sketches. Tr. by Wilbelinina "W. Cady. N. Y. 1882. D. 914.5:56 Contents. A midsummer march. The orderly. The olflcer of the guard. The wounded sentinel.- The mother. The son of the regiment. The con- script.- A bunch of flowers.- A nocturnal march. Carmela. -That day. The sentinel.- The camp. The disabled soldier.- A medal. An original orderly. At twenty. Departure and return; reminiscences of 1866. Dead on the fleld of battle. The Italian army during the cholera of 1867. Benson, Eugene. Art and nature in Italy. 1882. S. 914.5 : 67 Symonds, J: Addington. [Sketches in Italy]. rn his Sketches and studies. 824.2 : 86 Contents, see under English literature. Essays, col. 1074. Italian by-ways. N. Y. 1883. D. 914.5 : 61 Jarves, James Jackson. Italian rambles ; studies of life and manners in new and old Italy. N. Y. 1883. 8. 914.5 : 60 Bianciardi, Mm. E. D. R. At home in Italy. Bost. 1884. D. 914.5:^7 Contents. Italy as a residence. The city of the winds.- A mountain excursion in the province of Siena. Summer days in Perugia An Italian water- ing-place. A week in northern Italy. An april day on the Consuma pass.- A florentine family in the 15th century. Camaldoli.Vallombrosa. Sala, G: A: A journey due south ; travels in search of sunshine. 111. Lond. 1885. O. 914.5:74 Champney, Lizzie, born Williams. Three Vas- sar girls in Italy ; a holiday excursion of three college girls through the classic lands. 111. Bost. 1886 [1885]. O. 914.5 : 73 Channing, Barbara H. Sunny skies, or Adven- tures in Italy. Bost. n. d. S. x 914.6 : 54 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Northern and central. {For the Riviera, see col. 1212.) Hare, A: J: Cutbbert. Cities of northern and central Italy. N. Y. 1876. 3 v. D. 914.5:44 Contents. V. 1. On the Rivleras and in Lombardy and Piedmont. 2. In Venetia, Parma, the Emilia, the Marche and northern Tuscany. 3. Florence, Siena and other towns of Tuscany and Umbria. Venice. 111. and map. N. Y. [1884]. D. 914.5:69 Howells, W: Dean. Venetian life, [1866]. New and enl. ed. Bost. 1874. D. 914.6 : 21 Brown, Horatio F. Life on the lagoons. Lond. 1884. D. 914.6:72 Freeman, E: A: Sketches from the subject and neighbor lands of Venice. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.6:40 Contents. The Lombard Austria. Trieste to Spa- lato. Spalato and its neighbours.- Spalato to Cat- taro. Venice in the footsteps of the normans. Yoiing, Arthur. Lombardy in 1789. In his Travels. 914.4+38 v2 Crawford, Mabel Sharman. Life in Tuscany. N. Y. 1859. D. 914.5 : 13 Janin, Jules Gabriel. Sketches of Genoa, Pisa and Florence, with a description of the cathedral of Milan. Tr. from the freneh by mrs. M. Harrison Robinson. Phila. 1854. D. 914.6 : 23 Story, W: Wetmoi-e. Vallombrosa. Edinb. 1881. D. 914.5:31 Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Florence. 111. and map. N. Y. [1884]. D. 914.5 : 68 Howells, W: Dean. Tuscan cities. 111. Bost, [1885]. O. 914.6+77 Home. Lumisden, Andrew. Remarks on the antigui- ties of Rome and its environs ; a classical and topographical survey of the ruins of that celebrated city. 111. 2d ed. Lond. 1812. Q. 914.6 : B50 Eaton, Charlotte A. Rome in the 19th century ; containing an account of the ruins of the ancient city, the remains of the middle ages and the monuments of modern times, with remarks on the fine arts, the museums of sculpture and painting, the manners, customs and religious ceremonies of the modern romans. 5th ed. Lond. 1852. 2 V. D. 914.5: 47. Parker, J: H: The archeology of Rome. Pts. 1, 4-12. Oxford. 1876-79. 9 v. O. 914.5 :63 Contents. [V. 1] Pt. 1, The primitive fortifications, 3d ed. [4] Pt. 4, The egyptian obelisks. [51 Pt. 5, Forum romanum et magnum. [6] Pt. 0, The via sacra, 2d ed. Excavations in Rome, 1438-1882. 17] Pt. 7, The Flavian amphitheatre commonly called the Colosseum. [8] Pt. 8, The aqueducts. [9] Pt. 9, Tombs in and near Rome. Pt. 10, Sculptures. [10] Pt. 11, Church and altar decorations and mosaic pictures. [11] Pt. 12, The catacombs. Burn, Robert. Rome and the Campagna ; an historical and topographical description of the site, buildings and neighbourhood of ancient Rome. App. and add. plan, illus- trating recent excavations. Lond. 1876. Q. 914.6 :B66 Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Walks in Rome. Sd; amer. ed. N. Y. 1873. D. 914.5 :46S 1269 HIST. AND GEOGR. ITALY. CI. 914, 945-946 1270 Story, W: Wetmore. Roba di Roma. 7th ed. [Portr.] Lend. 1875. D. 914.5:53 Castle St. Angelo, and The evil eye ; being additional chapters to "Roba di Roma". [111.] Lond. 1877. O. 914.5:62 Rydberg, Abraham V: Roman days. From the Swedish by Alfred Corning Clark ; with a sketch of Rydberg by H. A. W. Lindehn. Authorized tr. IlL i^. Y. 1879. D. 914.5:52 Contents. Biogr. sketch of V. Rydberg. The roman emperors in marble: Julius Cassar and Augustus; Tiberius; Caligula; Claudius; Nero. Antique statues: The Aphrodite of Melos; Antinous.- Roman tradi- tions of Peter and Paul: Paul in Naples; Paul in Rome; The ascension of Simon the sorcerer; Prisca and Pudentiana; Nero and his love; Lord, whither goest thou ? The death of the apostles. Pencil sketches in Rome: Ecclesiastical Rome and Italian; The carnival ; The Colosseum ; La Campagna di Roma; The beggars in Rome. Butler, Clement Moore. Inner Rome ; political, religions and social. Phila. 1866. D. 914.5:58 Grillparzer, Franz. Reise - erinneiningen an Rom und Neapel in 1819. In his Siimmt- liche werke. 832 : 35 vlO Schiicking:, Christoph Bernhard Levin Anton Matthias. Eine romerfahrt. Coblenz. 1848. D. 914.5:11 Kip, W: Ingraham. The Christmas holydays in Rome. N. Y. 1856. D. 9i4.5 :48 Neligan, W: H. Rome, its churches, its chari- ties and its schools. N. Y. 1858. D. 914.5:51 Leland, H: Perry. Americans in Rome. N. Y. 1883. D. 914.5:49 Lander, Sarah W. Rome. (Spectacles for young eyes.) N. Y. n. d. S. 91415 : 64 Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Days near Rome. 111. Phila. 1875. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.5 : 45 Davies, W: The pilgrimage of the Tiber from its mouth to its source ; with some account of its tributaries. 2d ed. rev. Lond. 1875. O. 914.5 : 75 Naples and Sicily. Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. 111. N. Y. [1883]. D. 914.5:59 Stamer, W: J: Alexander. Dolce Napoli ; Naples, its streets, people, fetes, pilgrimages, en- virons, etc. Lond. 1878. O. 914.5:76 Dyer, T: H:, ed. Pompeii, its history, buildings and antiquities ; an account of the destruc- tion of the city, with a full description of the remains, and of the recent excavations, and also an itinerary for visitors. 111. New ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1875. D. 914.5:37 Gell, Sir W:, and J: P. Gandy. Pompeiana ; the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii. 3d ed. Lond. 1852. O. 914.5:38 Monnier, M: The wonders of Pompeii. Tr. from the original french. [111. lib. of wonders.] N. Y. 1870. D. 914.5 : 39 Adams, W: H: Davenport. Pompeii and Hercu- laneum, the buried cities of Campania; their history, their destruction and their remains. 111. Lond. 1881. D. 914.5 : 55 Pompeii illustrated. N.Y. [1885]. D. 914.5:78 Hoare, Sir R: Colt. A classical tour through Italy and Sicily, tending to illustrate some districts, which have not been described by mr. Eustace in his Classical tour. 2d ed. Lond. 1819. 2 v. O. 914.5 : 19 Contents. V. 1. From Siena to Rome and Naples. 2. Sicily and Malta in 1790. Moens, W. J. C. English travellers and Italian brigands ; a narrative of capture and cap- tivity. Map and ill. N. Y. 1866. D. 914.5:26 Spielhagen, F: Von Neapel bis Syrakus. In his Skizzen. ' S 4261 Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf. The island of Capri. Tr. from the germ., by the author's permission, by Lilian Clarke. Bost. 1879. S. 914.5:36 Brydone, Patrick. A tour through Sicily and Malta ; in a series of letters to W: Beck- ford. N. Y. 1813. D. 914.5 : 33 Tuckerman, H: Theodore. Sicily; a pilgrim- age. N. Y. 1852. D. 914.5:35 Hoist, Hans Peter. Sicilianische novellen und skizzen. Deutsch von Henrik Helms. Leipz. 1855. S. 914.5:9 Other islands. Forrester, T: Rambles in the islands of Corsica and Sardinia ; with notices of their history, antiquities and present condition. 2d ed. Lond. 1861. O. 914.95+4 Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf. Corsica, pic- turesque, historical and social; with a sketch of the early life of Napoleon, and an account of the Bonaparte, Paoli, Pozzo di Borgo, and other principal families, suggested by a tour in 1852. Tr. from the germ, by E:' Joy Morris. Phila. 1855. D. 914.95:5 10. Europe, f, Spain and Portugal. 1. History. Dunham, 8: Astley. History of Spain and Por- tugal. [Anon.] [School dist. lib.] N. Y. 1840. 5 V. S. 946 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Under the romans, 218 b. c 409 a. d. Under thegoths, 409 711. Mohamme- dan Spain, 7111080. 2. Same, 10311492. Christian Spain: The Asturias, Leon and Castile, 718 1516. 3. Same: Navarre, 8861513; Counts of Barcelona, 801 11B3; Aragon, 1035-1516; Portugal, 10951521. 4. Po- litical, civil and religious state of the peninsula dur- ing the domination of the raohammedans: Moham- medan Spain ; Christian Spain. 5. The Spanish mo- narchy, 1516 1788. The Portuguese monarchy, 1521 1788. Glance at the decline of the Spanish monarchy under the house of Austria, and its restoration under the house of Bourbon. Index. BoUaert, W: The wars of succession of Portu- gal and Spain, from 1826 to 1840; with re- sume of the political history of Portugal and Spain to the present time. Maps and ill. Lond. 1870. 2 v. O. 946 : 20 Contents. V. 1. Portugal; with accounts of the siege of Oporto, 1832-3. 2. Spain; with account of the flight of Isabella II, in sept. 1868. 1271 CI. 914, 946 HIST. AND GEOGR. SPAIN, PORTUGAL. 1272 S p ai n . Harrison, James Albert. Spain. [Lothrop's librai-y of entertaining history, ed. by Ar- thur Gilman.] 111. Host. [1881]. D. 946:2 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The romance of Spanish history. 111. N. Y. 1869. D. 946 : 14 Trueba y Cosio, Joaquin Telesforo de. The ro- mance of history: Spain. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 946 : 16 Rabbe, Alphonse. Die geschichte Spaniens. Frei bearb. von Belmont. (Allg. historische taschenbibliothek, 6terth.) Di'esden. 1826. 3 V. in 1. S. 946 : 23 Lembke, F: W:, and H: Schafer. Geschichte von Spanien. [Geschichte der europiiischen staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert] . Hamburg. 1831-44 ; Gotha. 1861-81. 4v. O. 946:22 Contents. V. 1. Ijembke, F: W: Die zeiten von der vollstandig'en eroberunar durch die riimer bis ge- en die mitte des 9ten jahrn. 2. Schafer, H: Von den ersten jahrzehnten des 9ten jahrh. bis zum an- fang des 12ten. 3. Geschichte des siidostlichen Spa- niens, Insbesondere seiner inneren zustande, Im rait- telalter. 4. Geschichte Castiliens iin 12. und 13. jahrh. Conde, Jose Antonio. History of the dominion of the arabs in Spain. Tr.from the Spanish by mrs. Jonathan Foster. Lond. 1854, 1855. 3v. D. 946:3 Cmtents. V. 1. To 983. 2.983-1160. 8.11601492. Index. Coppee, H: History of the conquest of Spain by the arab-moors ; with a sketch of the civili- zation which they achieved and imparted to Europe. Bost. 1881. 2 v. D. 946 : 4 Contents. V. 1. To 731. 2. 732-1492.-Arabian ci- vilization In Spain. Yonge, Charlotte Mary. The story of the christ- ians and moors of Spain. Lond. 1879. S. 946:6 Souihey, Robert. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish. 1st amer. ed. Lowell. 1846. 0. 946+7 Note. "Is wholly translation, but it is not the trans- lation of any single work. The three following have been used: Chronica del famoso cavallero Old RuydiezCainpeador, 1593; Las quatro partes enteras de fa Cronica de EspaHa, que mando componer el se- renissimo rey Don Alonso; Poema del Cid." Preface. The chronicle of the Cid, [condensed from Southey's work]; ed. with an introd. and app, by R: Markham. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 946 : 25 Herder, J: Gottfried v. Der Cid ; geschichte des don Ruy Diaz, grafen von Bivar, nach spa- nischen romanzen. In his Werke. 830 : 152 v75 -Same. In his Werke. 830 : 154 v4 Jaime I, king ofAragon. The chronicle of James 1, kingof Aragon, surnamed the conqueror, written by himself. Tr. from the Catalan by J : Forster ; with an histor. introd., notes, app., glossary and general index, by Pas- cual de Gavangos. Lond. 1883. 2 v. O. 946+17 Prescott, W: Hickling. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the catholic. 10th ed. N. y. 1848. 3 v. O. 946+8 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Die Osmanen und die Spanische monarchic im 16. und 17. jahr- hundert. 4te, erweiterte aufl. des werkes : Fiirsten und viilker von Siid-Europa. Leipz. 1877. 2 V. in 1. O. 904:36 v35, 36 Contents. Osmanen. Die spanische monarchie. Carl V, Philipp II, Phillpp III. Zur geschichte der weltstellung der spanisehen monarchic. Analecten. Prescott, W: Hickling. History of the reign of PhiliplI, king of Spain, fiost. 1856. 3 v. O. 946+9 Gayarre, C: E. Arthur. Philip II, of Spain ; with an introd. letter by G: Bancroft. N. Y. 1866. O. 946 : 10 Watson, Robert. The history of the reign of Philip II, king of Spain. 5th ed. l^ond. 1794. 3v. O. 946: 11 arf W: Thomson. The history of the reign of Philip III. 3d ed. Lond. "1793. 2 v. O. 946 : 12 Dunlop, J: Memoirs of Spain, during the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II, from 1621 to 1700. Edinb. 1834. 2 v. O. 946 : 19 Baumgarten, Hermann. Geschichte Spaniens vom ausbruch der franzosischen revolution bis auf unsere tage. [Staatengeschichteder neuesten zeit]. Leipz. 1865-71. 3 v. O. 946+18 Cnntmts. V. 1. 1788-1814. 2. 1814-1825. 3. 18:25 1840. Napier, Sir W: Francis Patrick. History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France from 18071814. 111. N. Y. 1882. 5 V. D. 946 : 16 Contents. V. 1. 18071809. 2. 18091810. 3. 1810- 1812. 4. 18121813. 5. 1813-1814. Controversial pieces. Index. Southey, Robert. History of the peninsular war. Lond. 1823-32. 3 V. Q. 946:R13 Irvine, Washington. Spanish papers. 829.1 :19vl Contents, see under English literature, miscellany, col. 1095. See also in the Index to biography Castelar Cid Felipe Q-onsalvo Is abella . Portugal. MUnch, Ernst. Die geschichte von Portugal. (Allg. historische taschenbibliothek, 10t(!r th.) Dresden. 1827. 3 v. in 1. S. 946 : 24 Schftfer, H: Geschichte von Portugal. [(Je- schichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukertl. Ham- burg. 1836-52. Gotha. 1854. 5 v. 0. 946:21 Contents. V. 1. Von der entstehung des staates bis zum erloschen der echton burgundisehen linie, 138;}. 2. Vom erloschen der ochteu burgundisehen linie bis zum schlusse des mittelalters, 1495. 3. Vom rc- gierungsantritt des kiinigs Manuel bis zur veroiiii- gung mit Spanien, 1680. 4. Von der vereinigung Por- tugals mit Spanien bis zur absotzung des kijnigs A 1- fonso VI, 1667. 6. Von der absctzung Alfonso's VI bis zum ausbruch der revolution, 1820. MSUer, J. H. Kegister. See also in the Index to biography, Almeida. 2. Description. Twiss, R: Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773. Plates and app. Lond. 1775. O. 914.6:23 March, C: W. Sketches and adventures in Ma- deira, Portugal and the Andalusias of Spain, by the author of "Daniel Wc^bstcr and his contemporaries." N. Y. 1856. D. 914.6:29 Andersen, Hans Christian. In Spain and a visit to Portugal, [1866]. Author's ed. Bost. 1879. D. 914.6 : 12 1273 HIST. AND QEOGB.-SPAIN, PORTUGAL. 01. 014, 946 1274 Gallenga, Antonio. Iberian reminiscences ; fif- teen years' travelling impressions of Spain and Portugal. Lond. 1883. 2 v. O. 914.6:39 Contents. V. 1. Queen Isabella, 1865-66. Don Juan Prim, 1868-69. Don Carlos, 1874 - 75. 2. King Alfonso, 1874-75. A Spanish tour, 1879-82. jS p a i n. Davillier, J: C: baron. Spain ; ill. by Gustave Dore. Tr. by J . Thomson. Lond. 1881. F. 914.6 : 1134 Young, Arthur. Spain in 1789. In his Travels. 914.4+38 v2 Merimee, Prosper. Reisebriefe aus Spanien, 1831. In his Gesammelte werke. 840 : 1 v6 Gushing, Caleb. Reminiscences of Spain, its country, its people, history and monu- ments. Bost. 1833. 2 V. D. 914.6 : 10 Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell. A year in Spain. 5th ed. N. Y. 1847. 3 v. D. 914.6 : 17 Spain revisited, by the author of a " Year in Spain." N. Y. 1836. 2 v. D. 914.6 : 18 Rosen, Gustav v. Bilder aus Sj^anien und der fremdenlegion ; nebst einem anhang, enthaltend: Die unternehmung Muna- gorris. Kiel. 1843, 1844. 2 v. D. 914.6 : 8 Poco Mas, pseud. Scenes and adventures in Spain, from 1835 to 1840. Phila. 1846. S. 914.6:21 Borrow, G: The Bible in Spain, or The jour- neys, adventures and imprisonments of an englishman in an attempt to circulate the scriptures in the peninsula. 13th ed. N. Y. 1847. O. 914.6:3 The zincali, or An account of the gypsies of Spain ; with an original collection of their songs and poetry. N. Y. 1847. O. With /ii The Bible in Spain. 914.6:3 Ford, R: The Spaniards and their country. N. Y. 1847. 2 pts. in 1 v. D. 914.6:11 Ozanam, Alphonse Frederic. A pilgrimage to the land of the Cid, [1852]. Tr. from the french by P. S. N. Y. 1875. S. 914.6 : 20 Gautier, Theophile. Wanderings in Spain. 111. Lond. 1853. D. 914.6 : 13 Wallis, Severn Teackle. Spain, her institutions, politics and public men ; a sketch. Bost. 1853. D. 914.6 : 22 Eenyon, Arthur. Letters from Spain, to his nephews at home. Lond. 1853. S. X 914.6: 38 Mackie, J: Milton. Cosas de Espana, or Going to Madrid via Barcelona. {Anon.'\ N. Y. 1855. D. 914.6:19 Calderon de la Barca, Mme. Frances Erskine Inglis. The attache in Madrid, or Sketches of the court of Isabella II. Tr. from the german. {Anon.] N. Y. 1856. D. 914.6:6 Bryant, W: Cullen. Letters of a traveller; 2d series, [Spain, 1857]. N. Y. 1860. D. 914.6:4 Hacklander, F: W: Ein winter in Spanien. Stuttg. 1860. 3v. S. 914.6 :7 Byrne, Mrs. W: Pitt. Cosas de Espana, illustra- tive of Spain and the Spaniards, as they are. Lond. 1866. 2 v. D. 914.6 : 5 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Hay, J: Castilian days. Bost. 1872. D. 914.6:15 Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Wanderings in Spain. 3ded. Lond. 1873. U. 914.6:32 Same. N. Y. [1885]. S. 914.6 : 32 Baxley, H: Willis. Spain, art-remains and art- realities, painters, priests and princes ; notes of things seen and of opinions formed, during nearly three years' resi- dence and travels in that country. N. Y. 1875. 2v. D. '914.6:2 Harrison, James Albert. Spain in profile ; a summer among the olives and aloes. Bost. 1879. S. 914.6 : 14 Amicis, Edmondo de. Spain. Tr. fx'om the Italian by Wilhelmina W. Cady. N. Y. 1881. D. "914.6:1 Edwardes, E. C. Hope-. Azahar ; extracts from a journal in Spain in 1881-82. Lond. 1883. D. 914.6:35 Lathrop, G: Parsons. Spanish vistas. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 914.6+30 Day, H: From the Pyrenees to the pillars of Hercules ; observations on Spain, its his- tory and its people. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 914.6:31 Downes, W: Howe. Spanish ways and by-ways; with a glimpse of the Pyrenees. 111. Bost. 1883. O. 914.6:37 Hale, E: Everett. Seven Spanish cities and the way to them. Bost. 1883. S. 914.6:33 Hale, Susan. A family flight through Spain. Bost. [1883]. O. 914.6:36 Patch, Olive, pseudf Sunny Spain, its people and places ; with glinipses of its history. [111.] Lond. 1884. 0. 914.6+42 Irving, Washington. The Alhambra. I 401 See col. 766. J*o rtttgal and the Azores . Murphy, James. Travels in Portugal, through the provinces of Entre Douro e Minho, Beira, Estremadura and Alem - Tejo. in 1789 and 1790 ; consisting of obsei'vations on the manners, customs, trade, public buildings, arts, antiquities, etc., of that kingdom. 111. Lond. 1795. Q. 914.6 :R24 Jackson, Catherine Charlotte lady. Fair Lusi- tania. 111. Lond. 1874. O. 914.6+P43 Crawford, Oswald J : F:, {John Latouche). Travels in Portugal. 3d ed. Map and ill. Lond. [1878]. D. 914.6 : 40 Portugal, old and new. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1880. O. 914.6:27 "Weeks, Lyman H. Among the Azores. Bost. 1882. S. 914.6:25 Baker, Charlotte Alice. A summer in the Azores ; with a glimpse of Madeira. Bost. 1882. T. 914.6 : 26 Berjamin, S: Green Wheeler. [The Azores and Madeira]. In his Atlantic islands. 552.2:1 1275 CI. 914, 947 HIST. AND GEOQR. RUSSIA, POLAND. 1276 11. Europe g, Russia and Poland. (Sec also Russia in Asia, cl. 915.7.) 1. Russian history. In g eneral . Strahl, Philipp, and Ernst Herrmann. Ge- schichte des russischen staates. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren iind F. A. Ukert] . Hamburg. 1832- 53. Gotha. 1860-66. 7 v. O. 947 : 19 Content*. Strahl, P. V. 1. Zum jahre 1224. 2. 1224 - 1.505. Herrmann, E. 3. 1505 - 1682. 4. 1682 - 1741. 6. 1742 - 1775. 6. 1775 - 1792. [7.] ErgSnzungs- haml. Diplomatische correspondenzen aus der revo- lutionszelt, 1791-1797. Herrmann, A: L. Die geschichte Russlands. (Allg. historische taschenbibliothek, 9ter th.) Dresden. 1826. 4 v. in 1. S. 947 : 20 Bemhardi, Theodor v. Geschichte Russlands und der europiiischen politik in den jahren 1814 bis 1831 . [Staatengeschichte der neues- ten zeit.] Leipz. 1863-77. 3 v. O. 947-|-18 Contents. V. 1. Vom Wiener congress bis zum zweiten Pariser frieden. 2. Elnleitung, LGeschlchte Rosslands bis zum Wiener congress..] 3. Vom zweiten Pariser frieden bis zu dera congress zu Aachen. Tyrrell, H : History of the Russian empire ; from its foundation by Ruric the pirate, to the accession of the emperor Alexander n. 111. Lond. n. d. Q. 947+21 Kelly, Walter Keating, cornp. The history of Russia, from the earliest period to the present time ; compiled from the most authentic sources, incl. the works of Ka- ramsin, Tooke and Segur. Lond. 1854. 2 v. D. 947 : 2 Contents. V. 1. To 1782. 2. 1762 - ia54. Index. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The monarchies of continental Europe : The empire of Rus- sia, from the remotest periods to the pres- ent time. [1855]. N. Y. 1860. D. 947 : 3 Bambaud, Alfred. The history of Russia, from the earliest times to 1877. Tr. by Leonora B. Lang. 111. Lond. 1879. 2 v. O. 947+1 Contents. V. 1. To 1700. 2. 1700 - 1877.-Bibllogra- phical notes. Index. Same; from the earliest times to 1880; ed. and enl. by Nathan Haskell Dole, incl. a history of the turko-russian war of 1877-78, from the best authorities by the ed. 111. Bost. 1879-82. 3 v. O. 947+1 Contents. V. 1. To 1682. 2. 1682-1825. 3. 1825- 1881. -index. Dole, Nathan Haskell. Young folks' history of Russia. Bost. 1881. D. x 947 : 4 Bodenstedt, F: Martin v. Der Kreml in Moskau, als triiger und mittelpunkt der russischen geschichte. Peter der grosse. In his Aus ost und west. 834 : 2 By periods . Orahame, F. R. The archer and the steppe, or The empires of Scythia ; a history of Rus- sia and Tartary, from the earliest ages till the fall of the Mongul power in Europe in the middle of the 16th century. Lond. n. d. D. 947 : 6 Contents. From the earliest authentic history of X denotes books specially adapted for children. Scythia to the conquests of the mongul tartars. From the conquests of the monguls to the rise of Tim ur. The history of Timur and his successors. Continuation of the history of Russia to the flual extinction of the mongul power in Europe. Russell, Frank Shirley. Russian wars with Turkey. Maps. Lond. 1877. D. 947 : 13 Briickner, Alexander. Peter der grosse. (Oncken, W:. ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellungen ; 3te hauptabth., eterth.) Portr. Berlin. 1879. O. 909+21 v6 Manstein, Christoph Hermann v. Contem- porary memoirs of Russia, from the year 1727 to 1744. First ed. in eng. by D: Hume, and now re-ed., compared witli the origi- nal french, and ill. with brief notes by a Hertfordshire incumbent. Lond. 1856. I). 947:12 Briickner, Alexander. Katharina II. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzel- darstellungen ; 3te hauptabth., lOter th.) Portr. und ill. Berlin. 1883. O. 909+21 vlO S6gTir, Philippe Paul comte de. History of the expedition to Russia, undertaken by the emperor Napoleon in 1812. [Harper's fam- ily lib.] N. Y. 1845. 2 v. S. 947 : 7 Porter, Sir Robert Ker. A narrative of the campaign in Russia, during the year 1813. Added, a narrative of the events which fol- lowed Buonaparte's campaign in Russia to the period of his dethronement, byW: Dunlap. Hartford. 1815. O. 947:6 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. <). v. Horn). Der brand von Moskau ; ein geschichtsbild, dargestellt fiir die deutsche jugend und das volk. 5te aufl. "Wiesbaden, n. d. S. 947 : 23 Russell, W: Howard. The british expedition to the Crimea. A rev. ed. with numerous emend, and add. 111. Lond. 1858. O. 947:9 Einglake, Alexander W: The invasion of the Crimea ; its origin and an account of its f>rogress down to the death of lord Rag- an. V. 1-3, N. Y. 1868-75. D. V. 4. jv. 6 of eng. ed.l, Edinb. 1880. 4 v. O. 947 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Transactions which brought on the war. Invasion of the Crimea to the battle of Alma. 2. Same, continued, to the battle of Balaclava. 3. Battle of Inlierman. 4. The winter troubles. Maynard, Felix, ed. Recollections of a zouave before Sebastopol. Tr. from the french by mrs. M. Harrison Robinson. Phila. 18.56. D. 947 : 10 Oler, Gen.. Reminiscences of an officer of zouaves. Tr. from the french. [Anon]. N. Y. 1860. D. 947:11 Greene, Francis Vinton. The russian army and its campaigns in Turkey, in 18771878. N. Y. 1879. 2 V. O. 947+14 Note. For other accounts of the war see Turkish history, cl. 949.3. -r ,r Sketches of army life in Russia. N. Y. 1880. D. 914.7 : 24 Contents. The tsar. The russian soldier. Shipka pass.- Plevna. The winter campaign. Russian gen- erals.- War correspondents. Constantinople. St. Petersburg, The eastern question. HIST. AND OEOGR. RUSSIA, POLAND. 01. 914, 947 1278 Noble, Edmund. The russian revolt ; its causes, condition and prospects. Bost. 1885. D. 947 : 22 Contents. Nomadic survivals. Apolism. Environ- ment. Old russian life. Byzantlnlsm and the three unities. Domestic slavery. The rellffious protest. Western enlightenment. First fi-uits. Mysticism and pessimism. The dynamic period. Personal characteristics. Modern irritations. Europe and the revolt, the future. Seume, J: Gottfried. Historische aufsiitze. In his Werke. 830 : 147 v9 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p- 43. See also in the Index to biography Aleksandr Menshikof Nikolai-Piotr-Shamyl Skobelef Suvorof. 2. Polish history. Dunham, S: Astley. The history of Poland, [560 1830]. [Lardner's cabinet cycL] Lond. 1831. D. 949.5 : 8 Fletcher, James. The history of Poland, from the earliest period to the present time ; with a narrative of the recent events, ob- tained from a polish patriot nobleman. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1846. S. 949.5:2 Oppeln-Bronikowski, Alexander A: Ferdinand V. Die geschichte Polens. (Allg. histori- sche taschenbibliothek, 13ter th). Dresden. 1827. 4 V. in 1. S. 949.5 : 10 ROpell, R:, and Jacob Care. Geschichte Polens. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. UkertJ. Hamburg. 1840. Gotha. 1863-75. 4 v. O. 949.5 : 9 Contents. BSpell, R: V. 1. Einleitung. Die mo- narchie der Piasten, 8,501138. Der karapf um die monarchic und deren giinzliche auflosung, 11401300. Caro, J. 2. 1800 138e. 3. 138614:50. 4. 1430-1455. BOpell, R: Polen um die mitte des 18. jahrhun- derts. Gotha. 1876. O. 949.5 : 6 Beer, Adolf. Die erste theilung Polens. Wien. 1873. 2v. O. 949.5+4 ed. Same: Documente. Wien. 1873. O. 949.5+4 v3 BrUggen, Ernst freiherr v. der. Polens auflo- sung ; kulturgeschichtliche skizzen aus den Istzten jahrzehnten der polnischen selb- stiindigkeit. Leipz. 1878. O. 949.5 : 5 Moltke, Heimuth C: Bernhard graf v. Poland ; an historical sketch. Authorized tr., with a biogr. notice by Emma S. Buchenheim. Lond. 1885. D. 949.5 : 11 Note. Originally pub. in 1832. Hordynski, Jozef. History of the late polish revolution, and the events of the campaign. 2d ed. Bost. 1833. O. 949.5+1 Allen, Julian. Autocrasy in Poland and Russia, or A description of russian misrule in Po- land, and an account of the surveillance of russian spies at home and abroad, incl. the experience of an exile. N. Y. 1854. O. 947 : 15 Day, W. A. The russian government in Poland; with a narrative of the polish insurrection of 1863. Lond. 1867. O. 949.5:7 See also in the Index to biography Jan Sobieski Kosciuszko Pulaski. 3. Description. Custine, Astolphe marquis de. La Russie en 1839. 3e ed. rev., corr. et augm. Paris. 1846. 4v. D. 914.7:47 Lacroix, F : Geheimnisse von Russian d ; ein poli- tisches sittengemalde des russisehenreichs. Aus dem franz. Mwo/i.] 2te ausg. Regens- burg. 1848. 2 v. D. 91477 : 9 Contents. V. 1. Der despotismus. Der kaiser und seine f amilie. Die geheimen gesellschaf ten und die verschworung im jahre 1825. Portrat und character der russen. Bitten und gebrauche; St. Petersburg. Religion und geistlichkeit. 2. Politische organisa- tion; Regierung, verwaltung, polizei. Gesetzge- bung; Justlz; Gefangnlsse; Sibirien. Der adel; der mitteistand und die lelbeigenen. Das heer. Die ma- rine. Nationalreichthum. Russlands polltlk gegen besiegte und unteriochte volker. Schluss. Kohl,. J: G: Russia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, Riga, Odessa, the german pro- vinces on the Baltic, the steppes, the Cri- mea, and the interior of the empire. Lond. 1844. O. 914.7:7 Gurowski, Adam comte de. Russia as it is. 3d ed. N.Y. 1854. D. 914.7:5 Lagny, Germain de. The knout and the russi ans, or The muscovite empire, the czar and his people. Tr. from the french by J: Bridgeman. N. Y. 1854. D. 914.7:17 Dixon, W: Hepworth. Free Russia. Leipz. 1872. 2v. inl. S 914.7:4 Celestin, F: J. Russland seit aufhebung der leibeigenschaft. Laibach. 1875. O. 914.7:35 Wallace, Donald Mackenzie. Russia. N. Y. 1877. O. 914.7 : 1 Muiray, Eustace Clare Grenville. The russians of to-day. Leipz. 1878. S. 914.7:25 Edwards, H. Sutherland. The russians at home and the russians abroad ; sketches, unpo- litical and political of russian life tinder Alexander II. Lond. 1879. 2 v. D. 914.7:27 Contents. V. 1. Russians at home; unpolitical sketches. 2. Russians abroad. The reform period in Russia. Serf -emancipation and self-government. Some practical effects of serf -emancipation. Nihi- lism. A nihilist conspiracy. An unpolitical secret society. Panslavonianism. A panslavonian agent in eastern Galicia. The russians in Poland. The russians in central Asia. Russian expeditions tow- ard India. App. Index. MorfiU, W:R. Russia. 111. [Foreign countries and british colonies]. Lond. 1880. S. 914.7:3 Geddie, J: The Russian empire ; historical and descriptive. N. Y. 1882. D. 914.7 : 18 Lankenau, H. v., and L. v. d. Oelsnitz, ed. Das heutige Russland : bilder und schilderun- gen aus alien theilen des europjiischen zarenreichs. 2e wohlf. ausg. [111. biblio- thek der lander- und volkerkunde]. Leipz. 1881. O. 914.7:20 Same,eng. Russiapast and present. Adapted from the german by Henrietta M. Chester. N.Y. 1882. D. 914.7:19 Eckardt, Julius. Modern Russia. Lond. 1870. O. 914.7:37 Contents. Russia under Alexander II. Russian communism. The greek orthodox church and its sects.- The Baltic provinces of Russia. Von Nicolaus I zu Alexander III; St. Peters- burger beitriige zur neuesten russischen geschichte. Leipz. 1881. D. 914.7:38 Contents. Aus der "Dritten abtheilung, 49. DiePe- traschewskische verschworung, 18481849. Die rus- sische emigration in London, 1852 bis 1864. Feldmar- schall Paskewitsch und M. D. Gortschkow.- Eine rus- sische geheime denkschrift von 1864. Same. 1868, 69. Zwei neue aktenstiicke zur geschichte des polnischen aufstandes von 1868. Der ausgang Alexanders II. Nach dem 113. marz. 1279 CI. dl4, 947 'HIST. AND 6E0GR. RUSSIA, POLAND. 1280 Tissot, V: Russes et allemands. 1884. D. Eckardt, Julius. Continned. Russland voi' und nach dem kriege ; auch "Aus der Petersburgei- gesellschaft." [Anon.] 2te aufl. Leipz. 1879. O. 914.7 : 23 Aus der Petersburger gesellschaft. [Ano7i.] Leipz. 1880, 1881. 2 v. D. 914.7 : 36 Contents. V. 1. 5te verm, bis auf die gegenwart fortg. aufl. Aus den tagen des kaisers Nikolaus. Die grossfiirstin Helene. Graf P. Schuwalow. Die grafln Antoinette Bludow. Die grafen Adlerberg. Die bruder Miljutin. Die drei Turgenjew. Graf Pro- tassow. P. A. Walujew. Unsere unterrichtsmlni- ster. Fiirst Gortschakow. Schriftsteller und jour- nalisten. General Ignatjew. 2, Neuefolge. 3te verm, bis auf die gegenwart fortg. aufl. Die nationallta- ten. Kaiserliche briider und sohne. Furst Bismarck in St. Petersburg. Literatur und presse unter dem kaiser Nikolaus. Puschkin und Dantes. Wassily Ostrow und die Akademie der wissenschaften. Das hohere beamtenthum. Die umgebung kaiser Alex- ander's II. Stepniak, S., pseud. Underground Russia ; re- volutionary profiles and sketches from life ; with a preface by P: Lavrofl. Tr. from the Italian. N. Y. 1883. D. 914.7:26 Russia under the tzars. Rendered into eng. by W: Westall. N. Y. 1885. Q. 914.7+39 Same. Authorized ed. N. Y. 1885. D. 914.7:39 Note. Attributed to Mikhail Dragomanoflf, ap- parently contradicted, however, by the pref. ed. Paris. 914.7:84 Contents. Les pi-res du nlhillsme. De I'^ducatlon des femmes en Kussle. Les universites russes. La decadence des moeurs. Qu'est-ce que la Russie? L'armee russe. La nouvelle Allemagne et la nou- velle Russie. Les allemands en Russie. Le soclal- isme allemand et I'^tat moral de Berlin. Hare, A: J:Cuthbert. Studies in Russia. 111. N. Y. [1885]. D. 914.7:42 Contents. Introd. St. Petersburg. Excursions round St. Petersburg. Novogorod the great. Mos- cow. The monasteries near Moscow. The new Jerusalem. Kieff. A glimpse of Poland. Index. Colange, Leo de. Picturesque Russia and Greece. 111. Troy. 1886. Q. 914.7:1146 General travels. Ritchie, Leitch. Russia and the russians, or A journey to St. Petersburg and Moscow through Courland and Livonia ; with char- acteristic sketches of the people. Phila. 1836. D. 914.7:8 McGonnick, R: C. A visit to the camp before Sevastopol. 4th thous. N. Y. 1855. D. 914.7:16 Poole, Sophia Lane-. The englishwoman in Russia ; impressions of the society and manners of the russians at home, by a lady ten years resident in that country. 111. N. Y. 1856. D. 914.7:11 Sala, G: A: A journey due north ; notes of a residence in Russia. Bost. 1858. S. 914.7 :14 Moltke, Helmuth C: Bernhard graf v. Brief e aus Russland, [1856]. 2te aufl. Berlin. 1877. O. 914.7:44 Proctor, Edna Dean. A russian journey. Bost. 1872. D. 914.7:12 Oautier, Theophile. A winter in Russia. N. Y. 1874. D. 914.7 : 18 Galleng^a, Antonio. A summer tour in Russia. Lond. 1882. O. 914.7 : 33 Sp ecial localities . Jemnann, E: Pictures from St. Petersburg. Tr. from the original german by F: Hard- man. N. Y. 1852. D. 914.7:22 Lander, Sarah W. St. Petersburg. (Spectacles for young eyes, no. 2.) N. x . n. d. S. X 914.7: 30 Moscow. (Spectacles for young eyes, no. 4.) N. Y. n. d. S. x'914.7:31 Hoffinan, Wickham. Leisure hours in Russia. Lond. 1883. D. 914.7:41 Contents. St. Petersburg. Russian superstitions. " id.- - " Runebergr, J: L. Nadeschda.-r-Finland.- The Kale- vala. Runeberg', J: L. Dobeln at Jutas; Lieut. Zieden; The cloud's brother; "Our land". liindemann, Moritz v. Finnland und seine be- wohner ; eine historisch - geographische skizze, mit einem vorwort von R: Andree. Leipz. 1855. S. 914.7 : 10 ' Brown, J: Croumbie. Finland; its forest and forest management. Edinb. 1883. D. 914.7:32 Note. For travels in Finland and Lapland, see also Sweden and Norway, cl. 914.8. Tromholt, Sophus. Under the rays of the aurora borealis ; in the land of the lapps and kvaens ; ed. by C: Siewers. Map, ill., portr., diagrams, etc. Bost. 1885. 2 v. O. 914.7:43 Rae, E: The land of the north wind, or Travels among the laplanders and the samoyedes. Lond. 1875. D. 914:7:29 The White Sea peninsula ; a journey in russian Lapland and Karelia. Maps and ill. Lond. 1881. O. 914.7:28 Seebohm, H: Siberia in Europe ; a visit to the valley of the Petchora, in north-east Russia, with descriptions of the natural history, migration of birds, etc. Map and ill. Lond. 1880. O. 914.7:2' Hamel, Josef. Early english voyages to north- ern Russia ; comprising tlie voyages of John Tradescant the elder, sir Hugh Wil- loughby, R: Chancellor Nelson and others. Tr. by J: Studdy Leigh. Lond. 1857. O. 914.7+46 Browne, J: Ross. A visit to the salt-mines of Wieliczka. in 914.3 : 55 Koch, K : H : Emanuel. The Crimea, from Kert cli to Perekop, with a visit to Odessa ; incl. a chapter on the climate, soil and vegetation of the Crimean south coast and southern Russia. HI. Lond. 1855. S. 914.7:21 Marvin, C: The region of the eternal fire ; an account of a journey to the petroleiim region of the Caspian in 1883. Lond. 1884. O. 914.7:40 Wanderer, sew(Z. Notes on the Caucasus. Lond. 1883. O. 915.7: 91; Contents. Introd. Caucasian mountaineers.- De- scription of Tlflis.- Rambles in Georgia. The tartars and the Karyas steppe. Kutais.Batoum.Imeritia. Mingrelia. Sport in Circassia and the Caucasus in general. Russian character, civil and military. denotes booke specially adapted for children. 1281 filST. And GEOGR. SCANDINAVIA. CI. 914, 948 12. Europe h, Scandinavia. 1. History. In general. Mallet, Paul H: Northern antiquities, or An historical account of the manners, cus- toms, religion and laws, maritime expedi- tions and discoveries, lanj^uasje and litera- ture of the ancient scandmavians, (danes, swedes, norwegians and Icelanders), with incidental notices respecting our saxon an- cestors. Tr. from the french by bishop Percy. New ed., rev. and enl., with a tr. of the prose Edda from the original old norse text, and notes critical and explana- tory, by I. A. Blackwell ; added, an abstract of the Eyrbyggja saga by sir Walter Scott. Lond. 1847. D. 948 : 1 Crichton, Andrew, and H: Wheaton. Scandi- navia, ancient and modern ; a history of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, comipre- hending a description of these" countries, an account of the mythology, government, laws, manners and institutions of the early inhabitants and of the present state of society, religion, literature, arts and com- merce, with ill. of their natural history. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1846. 3 v. S. 948 : 3 Contents. V. 1. Tol523. 2.1523-1837. Damham, S: Astley. Denmark, Sweden and . Norway. [Lardner's cabinet cycl.l Lond. 1839-40. 3 V. D. 948 : 6 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Denmark, b. c. 40-a. d. 1014. Sweden, b. c. 70 - a. d. 1001. Norway, about 70 b. c. - a. d. 1030. Maritime expeditions of the north- men during: the pagan age: England. France and Ireland. 2. Same: The Orkneys, Hebrides, Ice- land, Greenland, North America. Russia, etc., 795- 1026. Cosmogony and religion of Scandinavia. In- troduction of Christianity into Denmark and Sweden Denmark, 1014 - 1387. Norway, 1080- 1887. Sweden, 1001 - 1389. -App. : St. Canute. 3. The three scan- dmavian kingdoms, 1387 - 1523. Denmark and Nor- way, 1523 - 1699. Sweden, 1523 - 1697. Denmark, Nor- way and Sweden, 1697 - 1814. Binding, Poul Christian. History of Scandi- navia, from the early times of the north- men and vikings to tlie present day, [18521 5th ed. Pittsburgh. 1862. D. ' 948:5 Note. Is, properly speaking, a history of Denmark. Otte, Emily C. Scandinavian history. Lond. 1874. D. -^ 948:4 Sweden and iVo rw ay . Geijer, Eric Gustaf. The history of the swedes. Tr. from the Swedish, with an introd. and notes by J. H. Turner. The first portion, comprising the first 3 v. of the original, from the earliest period to the accession of Charles X. Lond. w. d. O. 948.1:1 JVote. V. 1-3 of the following is the same work in germ an. and F: Ferdinand Carlson. Geschichte Schwedens, [v. 1-3] aus der schwed. hs. des verf. iibers. von Swen P. Leffler ; [v. 4, 5] aus dem schwed. hs. des verf. iibers. von J. E. Petersen. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren nnd F. A. Ukert.] Hamburg. 1832-36. Gotha 1855, 1875. 5 V. O. 948 1 -2 Contents. O-eijer, E. G. V. 1. Bis 1520. 2 1520- 5.^1-680^:1697'" Carlson, F: F.' 4. 1654-16^0. Starback, C: G: Smd berattelser ur svenska historien for barn. 7de uppl. Stockholm. 1874. D. X 948.1 :5 Vertot d'Aubeuf, Rene Aubert abbe de. The history of the revolution in Sweden, oc- casioned by the changes of religion and alteration of the government in that king- dom, [1350-15601. Tr. from the french. Glasgow. 1750. S. 948.1 : 3 Alberg, Albert. Gustavus Vasa and his stirring times ; scenes from history told for youth- ful readers. Lond. n.d. D. x 948.1:4 Snorri Sturluson. The heimskringla, or Chron- icle of the kings of Norway. Tr. from the Icelandic, with a preliminary dissertation byS:Laing. Lond. 1844. 3 v. O. 948.2 :P2 Carlyle, T: The early kings of Norway ; also an essay on the portraits of John Knox. N. Y. 1875. D. 948.2 : 1 See also in the Index to biography Christina Qustar Harald Karl Olaf. Denmark and Iceland. Dahlmann, F: Christoph. Geschichte von Dan- nemark. [Geschichte der europ. staaten herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F A Ukert. J Hamburg. 1840-43. 3 v. O. 948.3:4 Contents. VI. Von den anfangen der staatsbil- dung bis aut den grossen Waldemar.- Das zeitalter der Waldemare, 1134 - 1360. 2. lie union der dre^ nordischen kronen: 1361-1400; Blick auf die ire- schichte Norwegens, Islands anfange, bis 1000: Nor- wegen, 1000-1263; Island, gerichtswesen, dichtkunst, etc. ; Grundzuge der verf assung und verwaltung von Norwegen, bis auf Magnus den gesetzbesserer; Nor- wegen, 1268-1397. 3. Same, continued: Adel und bauern in Diinnemark; Geschichte, 1397 - 1533. An- Gosch, C: A: Denmark and Germany since 1815 Maps. Lond. 1862. O. 948.3:3 NicoU, James. An historical and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe islands. [Anon.] [Harper's fam- ily hb.] N. Y. 1846. S. 948.3 : 1 Maurer, Konrad. Island, von seiner ersten entdeckung bis zum untergange des frei- staats. Munchen. 1874. O. 948.3+2 2. Description. In general. Baird, Robert. Visit to northern Europe, or Sketches descriptive, historical, political and moral, of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland, and the free cities of Ham- burg and Lubeck ; containing notices of the manners and customs, commerce, man- ufactures, arts and sciences, education, literature and religion of those countries and cities. Map and ill. N. Y. 1841 2v I^ 914.8:3 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1263 CI. 914, 948 fiClST. AND GEOGR.-SCANDINAVIA. 1284 Taylor, Bayard. Northern travel ; summer and winter pictures, Sweden, Denmark and Lapland, [1857J. N. Y. 1881. D. ^ 914.8:14 - Same. N. Y. 1880. D. 914.8 : 14 Mugge, Theodor. Nordisches bilderbuch ; reise- bilder. Frankfurt a. M. 1857. S. 914.8:12 Browne, J: Ross. The land of Thor. 111. N. Y. 1867. D. 914.8:4 Note. Russia, Sweden, Norway, Iceland. Vincent, Frank, jr. Norsk, lapp and finn, or Travel tracings from the far north of Eu- rope. Map and ill. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.8:7 Note. Includes also Denmark and Sweden. Tyler, Katharine E. The story of a Scandinavian summer. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.8:13 Note. Principally Norway. Hare, A: J:Cuthbert. Sketches in . . . Scandina- , via. in 914.91 : 14 Stone, Mrs. Mary Amelia. A summer in Scan- dinavia. [111.] N. Y. [1885]. D. 914.8:28 Scudder, Horace Elisha. The viking Bodleys ; an excursion into Norway and Denmark. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. x 914.8 : 26 Sweden and Norway . {For Lapland, see also under Russia, col. 1280.) Woods, Francis H. Sweden and Norway. 111. [Foreign countries and british colonies]. Lond. 1882. S. 914.8:22 Contents. Geotrr. description. Fauna and flora, greolofry, etc. Origin of the Scandinavian Itingdoms. Histor. sketcli of Sweden and Norway. Lanjfuage, literature and art. Occupations, industries, etc. Religrion, grovernment, institutions, etc. Habits, characters, etc. Towns, etc. Lapps and Anns. App. Index. Acerbi, Joseph. Travels througli Sweden, Fin- land and Lapland to the North cape in 1798 and 1799. 111. Lond. 1802. 2 v. Q. 914.8+26 Cwitents. V. 1. Sweden. Finland. 2. Lapland. Pfeiffer, Ida Laura, born Reyer. A journey to Iceland, and travels in Sweden and Nor- way, [1845]. Tr. from the germ, by Char- lotte Fenimore Cooper. N. Y. 1852. D. 914.8:10 Kent, S. H. Within the arctic circle ; experien- ces of travel through Norway to the North cape, Sweden ana Lapland. Lond. 1877. 2v. D. 914.8:5 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. The land of the mid- night sun ; summer and winter journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland and X denotes books specially adapted for children. northern Finland. N. Y. 1882 O. [1881]. 2 914.8 Laing, S: A tour in Sweden in 1838; comprising observations on the moral, political and economical state of the Swedish nation. Lond. 1839. O. 914.8 : 16 Colton, Robert, {Sylvanus). Rambles in Sweden and Gottland, with etchings by the way- side. Lond. 1847. O. 914.8 : 6 Marryat, Horace. One year in Sweden ; incl. a visit to the isle of Gotland (sic). Map and ill. Lond, 1862. 2 V. D. 914.8:23 Lloyd, Llewellyn. Peasant life in Sweden. 111. Lond. 1870. O. 914.8 : 2 Wood, C:W. Round about Norway. 111. Lond. 1880. O. 914.8: 17 Three in Norway, by two of them ; with a map and numerous ill., engr. on wood by G. H. Ford, from original sketches. Phila. [1882]. D. 914.8:15 D enmark and Iceland . Go\ild, Sabine Baring-. Iceland ; its scenes and sagas. 111. and map. Lond. 1863. Q. 914 . 8 P24 Contents of app. Newton, A. Ornithologry of Iceland. E.., J. W. Advice to sportsmen. List of Icelandic plants. List of Icelandic published sagas. E.xpenses of tour. Burton, R: Francis. Ultima Thule or A summer in Iceland ; with historical introd., maps and ill. Lond. 1875. 2 v. O. 914.8 : 19 Contents. "V. 1. Of Thule.- Physical geogr. Hist- orical notes. Political geog-r.- Anthropology. Edu- cation and prof esslons. Zoological notes, etc. Tax- ation, etc. Catalogue of modern travels. Travels. 2. Travels, continued. App. on sulphur in Iceland and elsewhere.- Index. Headley, Phineas Camp. The island of fire, or A thousand years of the old northmen's home, 8741874. Bost. 1875. D. 914.8:8 Miles, Pliny. Eine nordfahrt ; streifziige in Is- land. Aus dem engl. von W. E. Dnigulin. Leipz. 1855. S. 914.8: 11 PaijkuU, K: Vilhelm. A summer in Iceland. Tr. by M. R. Barnard. 111. Lond. 1868. O. 914.8:27 Taylor, Bayard. Iceland, in 1874. m 913.1:33 Watts, W: Lord. Snioland, or Iceland, its jiikulls and fjiills. Lond. 1875. D. 914.8:20 Across the Vatnajtikull, or Scenes in Iceland ; a descriprion of hitherto unknown regions. Lond. 1876. D. 914.8:21 De Fonblanque, C. A. Five weeks in Iceland. Lond. 1880. D. 914.8:9 Oswald, E. J. By fell and fjord, or Scenes and studies in Iceland. 111. Edinb. 1882. (). 914.8:18 13. Europe i, The Netherlands. 1. History. Young, Alexander. History of the Netherlands, Holland and Belgium." 111. Bost. 1884. O. 949.1 :14 Note. To 1688, with an outline of the later history. Grattan, T: CoUey. The history of the Nether- lands, [b. c. 50-a. d. 1815] . N. Y. 1843. S. 949.1:6 Kampen, N: Godfried v. Geschichte der Nie- derlande. [Geschichte der europ. staaten herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A, Ukert.] Hamburg. 1831, 1833. 3 v. O. 949.1:13 Contents. V. 1. Von den altesten zeitcn bis zum jahre 1609. 2. 1609 - 1816. [3.] M811er, J. H. Regi- ster. Wenzelburger, K. Th. Geschichte der Nieder- lande, b. 1. [Geschichte der europ. staa- 1285 HIST. AND GEOGB. NETHERLANDS. CI. 914, 949 1286 ten, herausff. von A. H. L. Heeren, F. A. Ukert und W. v. Giesebrecht.J Gotha. 1879. O. 949.1 : 13 Contents. V. 1 . Die romer und f ranken in den Nie- derlanden. -Holland unter den grafen aus dem hol- landischen, hennegauischen und baierischen hause. Flandern und Brabant; Joiiann von Liittich und Jacoba von Baiern; Das haus Burgund und seine politik. Geldern, Friesland und Groningen. Utrecht. Die Niederlande unter Karl V. Ashley, "W : J. James and Philip van Ai'tevelde. (Lothian prize essay for 1882). N. Y. 1883. D. 949.1:9 Hutton, James. James and Philip Van Arte- veld ; two episodes in the history of the 14th century. N. Y. 1883. Q. 949.1+8 Schiller, J: Christoph F: v. Geschichte des abf alls der veremgten Niederlande von der spanischen regierung. In his Siimmtliche werke. 830:143 v8; 830:144 vl2, 13 Contents. Einleitung. Friihere geschichte der Nie- derlande bis zum leten jahrh. Geschichte bis 1567. Beilagen: Process und hinrichtung der grafen v. Egmont und V. Hoorn; Belagerung von Antwerpen durch den prinzen von Parma in 1684 und 1685. Same, eng. History of the revolt of the Neth- erlands to the confederacy of the Gueux. J7i his Works. 830 : 150 vl, 2 Same. The revolt of the United Netherlands. In his Works. 830 : Rl 53 v3 Motley, J: Lothrop. The rise of the Dutch Re- public ; a history. N. Y. 1856-75. 3 v. O. 949.1+1 Contents. V. 1. Histor. introd. Philip II in the Netherlands, 1555 15,59. Administration of the duchess Margaret, 15891566. 2. Same, continued, 1566 1567. Alva, 15671.573. Administration of the grand commander, 1573 1574. 3. Same, continued, 1574-1576. Don John of Austria, 1576-1578. Alex- ander of Parma, 1578 1684. Index. History of the United Netherlands, from the death of William the silent to the synod of Dort ; with a full view of the english- dutch struggle against Spain, and the origin and destruction of the Spanish ar- mada. N. Y. 1861-71. 4v. O. 949.1+2 Contents. V. 1. 1584- 1586. 2.1586-1590. 8.1690- 1600. 4. 1600 - 1609. Index. The life and death of John of Bai-neveld, ad- vocate of Holland ; with a view of the primary causes and movements of the thirty years' war. N. Y. 1874. 2 v. O. 949.1+3 Contents. V. 1. 1609-1614. 2. 1614-1623. Albert, Mary. Holland and her heroes to the year 1585 ; an adaptation of Motley's "Rise of the Dutch Republic." Lond. 1878. S. X 949.1: 4 Nutting, Mary O., {Mary Barrett). The story of William the silent and theNetherland war, 15551584. Bost. [1869]. S. x949.1:7 Geddes, James. History of th6 administration of John De Witt, grand pensionary of Hol- land ; V. 1, 16231654. N. Y. 1880. O. 949.1 :5 See also in the Index to biography Arteveld Evertsen Ruyter Tromp Willem de Witte. .Belgium. Histoire de Belgique depuis tnitifs jusqu'^ la fin du rfegne Juste, Theodore les temps primitifs jusqu Juste, Theodore. Contimted. de Leopold I. HI. Bruxelles. 1868. 3 v. Q. 949.1+10 Contents. V. 1. 7e siecle av. J. C 1383. 2. 1884- 1716. 3. 1715 - 1865. La revolution beige de 1830, d'aprfes des docu- ments inedits. Bruxelles. 1872. 2 v. O. 949.1 : 11 2. Description. JTo Hand. Lax, L : Bilder aus den Niederlanden ; v. 2 : Briefe. Aachen. 1838. S. 914.91 : 4 Havard, H: The heart of Holland. Tr. by mrs. Cashel Hoey. N. Y. 1880. Q. 914.91+2 Amicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people. Tr. from the Italian by Caroline Tilton. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.91 : 1 Same. Holland. Tr. from the Italian by Maurice Saltire. Lond. 1883. 2 v. D. 914.91 :13 Bird, F: Spencer. The land of dykes and wind- mills, or Life in Holland , with anecdotes of noted persons and historical incidents in connection with England. Lond. 1882. D. 914.91:11 Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. [HI.] N. Y. [18851. S. 914.91 :14 Broughton, G: H: Sketching rambles in Hol- land. HI. by the author and E. A. Abbey. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. O. 914.91 : 12 Scudder, Horace Elisha. The Bodley grand- children and their journey in Holland. Bost. 1882. O. X 914.91 : 9 Belgium. Terrier de Tourettes, Alexandre. Belgium, historical and picturesque. From the french by H. R. Addison. Lond. [1838]. S. 914.91:8 Tennent, 6'> James Emerson. Belgium. Lond. 1841. 2 V. O. 914.91:6 TroUope, W: Belgium since the revolution of 1830 ; comprising a topographical and anti- quarian description of the country, and a review of its political, commercial, literary, religious and social relations, as affecting its present condition and future prospects. Lond. 1842. O. 914.91:7 KOnig', H: Eine fahi't nach Ostende. Frank- furt a. M. 1845. S. 914.91 : 3 Stevenson, Robert L: An inland voyage. Bost. 1883. S. 914.91 : 10 Macquoid, Katharine S. In the Ardennes. HI. Lond. 1881. D. 914.91:6 In Deutsche 304:15v9 Gantier, V: Das heutige Belgien. zeit- und streit-fragen. Jagemann, Eugen v. Die stellung der nieder- deutschen, vlaamen, in Belgien. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v5 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1287 CI. 914, 949 HIST. AND GEOGR. SWITZERLAND. 14. Europe j, Switzerland. 1. History. Wilson, J: The history of Switzerland from b. c. 110 to a. d. 1830. [Anon]. New ed. N. Y. 1840. S. 949.2:2 Zschokke, J: H: Daniel. The history of Switzer- land. Tr. by Francis G. Shaw. N. Y. 1875. D. 949.2 : 3 Contents. Zschokke, H: 100 b. c 1833 a. d. Zschokke, Emil. 18341848. Mackenzie, Harriet D. S. Switzerland. [Loth- rop's library of entertaining history, ed. by Arthur Gilraan]. Best. [1^1]. D. 949.2 : 1 Baumgarten-Crusius, Detlef K: W: Die ge- schichte der Schweiz. (Allg. historische ta- schenbibliotheii, 5ter th.) Dresden. 1826. 2 V. in 1. S. 949.2:7 Daguet, Alexandre. Histoire de la Confedera- tion Suisse. 7e ed. refondue et augmentee. Genfeve. 1879. 2 v. O. 949.2+5 Contents. V. 1. Depuis un temps immemorial jus- qu'enl520. 2. De 1520 a 1874. Morin, Antoine. Precis de I'histoire politique de la Suisse, depuis I'origine de la confedera- tion jusqu'a nos jours. Genfeve. 1856-75 5v i' 949.2:4 ContenU. V. 1. Jusqu'en 1803. 2. 1803-1856.- Pieces justiflcatives. 3. App. question de Neucha- tel. Table chronolo^que et analytique. 4. Tntrod. La question de Savoie. Traites et modifications con- Btitutionelles, 1866-72. La Suisse pendant la guerre d'Autriche et la guerre franco-allemande; D^velop- pement interleur. Suite de la revision constitutio- nelle. 187-74. 6. Les cantons de 1857 k 1874. La question religrieuse et confessionelle k Geneve et dans la Confederation. App. La representation propor- tionelle. Brochholz, Ernst L: Tell und Gessler in sage und geschichte, nach urkundlichen quellen. Heilbronn. 1877. O. 949.2 : 6 2. Description. Kaden, Woldemar. Switzerland, its mountains and valleys. 111. Lond. 1878. F. 914.92 :B12 Byers, S: Hawkins Marshall. Switzerland, by an american resident. [Anon. 111.] Ziirich. 1875. O. 914.92 : 18 Dixon, W: Hepworth. The switzers. 3d ed. Lond. 1872. O. 914.92 : 16 GOthe, J: "Wolfgang V. Briefe aus der Schweiz. In 7us Werke. 830 : 137 vl4 Same, eng. Letters from Switzerland. In Ma Works. 830: 151 v8 Cooper, James Fenimore. Second visit to Switz- erland. 1832. in 914.4 : 5 DUringsfeld, Ida freiin v. Reinsberg-. Aus der Schweiz. Bremen. 1850. S. 914.92 : 2 Barrel!, G:, jr. The pedestrian in . . . Switzer- land, 1851. m 914.4: 2 Johnson, Anna C. The cottages of the Alps, or Life and manners in Switzerland, by the author of "Peasant life in Germany." N. Y. 1860. D. 914.92:7 Prime, S: Irenasus. Letters from Switzerland. N. Y. 1860. D. 914.92:8 Ring, Max. In der Schweiz ; reisebilder und novellen. Leipz. 1870. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.92 :3 Havergal, Frances Ridley. Swiss letters and Alpine poems, ed. by J. Miriam Crane. N. Y. 1882. D. 914.92:5 Berlepsch, Herrmann Alexander [v.]. Die Al- pen in natur- und lebensbildern. Jena. 1871. O. 914.92: 1 Tyndall, J: Hours of exercise in the Alps. N. Y. 1871. D. 914.92 : 10 Whymper, E: Scrambles amongst the Alps. 111. Phila. [1883.]. O. 914.92+11 Bumaby, Elizabeth A. F., born Hawkins-Whit- shed, mrs. Fred. The high Alps in winter, or Mountaineering in search of healtli. Lond. 1883. D. 914.92 : 13 Smith, Albert. The story of Mont Blanc. N. Y. 1853. D. 914.92 : 9 Cheever, G: Barrell. Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc. N. Y. 1846. D. 914.92:6 The pilgrim in the shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. N. Y. 1846. D. With his Wanderings of a pilgrim. 914.92:6 Butler, S: Alps and sanctuaries of Piedmont and the canton Ticino ; (op. 6). 111. Lond. 1882. O. 914.92 : 16 Stahr, Fanny, horn Lewald. Sommer und win- ter ana Genfersee ; ein tagebuch. Berlin. 1872. D. 914.92:4 Lander, Sarah W. Zurich. (Spectacles for young eyes, no. 5.) N. Y. n. d. S. 914.92 : 14 15. Europe k, Modern G-reece. 1. History. (See also Ancient Greece, col. 11721173.) Finlay, G: A history of Greece from its con- quest by the romans to the present time, b. c. 146 a. d. 1864. New ed. rev. and in part re-written, with considerable add. by the author, ed. by H. F. Tozer. Oxford. 1877. 7v. O. 949.3:1 Contents. V. 1. Greece under the romans, b. c. 146 a. d. 716. 2. The Byzantine empire; pt. 1. 716 1057. 3. Sa?ne,-pt. 2, 1057-1453. 4. Mediasval Greece and the empire of Trebizond, 12041461. 6. Greece under othoman and Venetian domination, 14531821. 6. The prreek revolution, 18211827. 7. Establish- ment of the greek kingdom, 18271843. Supplemen- tary, 1844-1864. Index. LUdemann, G: W: v. Geschichte Griechenlands und der Tiirkei. (Allg. historische taschen- bibliothek, 15ter th.) Dresden. 1837. 4 v. in 1, S. 949.3:6 Contents. V. 1. Die alte geschichte von Griochoii- land. 2. Geschichte des Byzantinischen reiches. 3. Geschichte des Osmanischen reiches bis 1774. 4. Gi- schichte der osmanen und griechen, 17741827. Hertzberg, Gustav F: Geschichte Griechen- lands seit dem absterben des antiken le- bens bis zur gegenwart. [Gescliichte der HIST. AND GEOGR. MODERN GREECE. 01. 914, 949 1290 europ. staaten, herausff. von A. H. L. Hee- ren, F. A. Ukei't und W". v. Giesebrechtj. Gotha. 1876-79. 4 v. O. 949.3:5 Contents. V. 1. Von kaiser Arcadius bis zum la- teinischen kreuzzuge, 3951204. 2. 12041470. 3. 14701821. 4. 1821 1878. Rejrister. Comstock, J: L. History of the g:reek revolution; compiled from official documents of the greek government, Sketches of the war in Greece by Philip James Green, and the recent publications by mr. Blaquiere, mr. Humphrey, mr. Emerson, count Pecchio, col. Stanhope, The modern traveller and other authentic sources. Map and ill. N. Y. 1838. D. 949.3 : 3 Stanhope, Leicester. Greece in 1833 and 1834 ; a series of letters and other documents on the greek revolution, written during a visit to that counti-y. 111. with facsimiles ; added, the life of Mustapha Ali. Lond. 1834. O. 949.3 : 4 Strong, F: Greece as a kingdom, or A statisti- cal description of that country, from the arrival of king Otho, in 1833, to the present time ; drawn from official documents and other authentic'sources. Lond. 1842. D. 949.3 : 2 Clark, Edson L. The modern greeks. In his Races of european Turkey. 949.4 : 2 2. Description. (See also The orient, col. 11941196.) Sergeant, Lewis. Greece. 111. [Foreign coun- tries and english colonies]. Lond. 1880. S. 914.93 : 10 Wordsworth, Christopher. Greece, pictorial, descriptive and historical, with engr., ill. of the scenery, architecture, costume and fine arts of that country and a histoi'y of the characteristics of greek art by" G: Scharf. New ed. rev., with notices of re- cent discoveries, by H. F. Tozer. Lond. 1882. Q. 914.93 :R16 Colange, Leo de. Picturesque . . . Greece. m 914.7 :R45 Gell, Sir W: The itinerary of Greece, contain- ing one hundred routes in Attica, Boeotia, Phocis, Locris and Thessaly. Lond. 1819. O. 914.93:5 Itirerary of the Morea ; a description of the routes of that peninsula. Lond. 1817. D. 914.93:6 Bui war, Sir H: Lytton Earle, baron Dulling and Bulwer. An autumn in Greece; comprising sketches of the character, customs and scenery of the country, with a view of the present critical state,' in letters addressed to C. B. Sheridan. Subjoined, Greece to the close of 1835 by a resident with the greeks. Lond. 1826." O. 914.93 : 4 Pericardis, G. A. The Greece of the greeks. N. Y. 1845. 3 V. D. 914.93 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Continental Greece and the islands. 2. Morea. Baird, H: Martyn. Modern Greece ; a narrative of a residence and travels in that country, with observations on its antiquities, litera- ture, language, politics and religion. 111. N. Y. 1856. D. 914.93 : 2 About, Edmond Fran9oi8 Valentin. Greece and the greeks of the present day. N. Y. 1857. D. 914.93:1 Tuckerman, C; K. The greeks of to-day. 2d ed. rev. and corr. K Y. 1878. D. 914.93 : 12 Mahaffy, J: Peytland. Rambles and studies in Greece. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. 1878. D. 914.93 : 15 Jebb, R: Claverhouse. Modern Greece ; twp lectiu'es del. before the Philosophical insti- tution of Edinburgh, with papers on ''The Erogress of Greece" and "Byron in Greece." ond. 1880. D. 914.93 : 7 Snider, Denton Jaques. A walk in Hellas, or The old in the new. Bost. 1883. O. 914.93:13 Colton, Walter. [Athens]. In his Land and lee. 914.94:5 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Walter in Athens. (Wal- ter's tour in the east, v. 6). N. Y. n. d. D. X 914.93: 14 Schliemann, H: Mycenae ; a narrative of re- searches and discoveries at Mycenas and Tiryns. Preface by W. E. Gladstone. Maps, plans and other ill. N. Y. 1878. Q. 914.93+P9 Tiryns : The prehistoric palace of the kings of Tiryns ; the results of the latest excava- tions ; the pref. by F. Adler and contribu- tions by W : Dorpfeld. Map, plans and ill. N. Y. 1885. Q. 914.93+P17 denotes books specially adapted for children. 16. Europe 1, Turkey and the Danubian states. 1. History. Zinkeisen, J: W: Geschichte des Osmanischen reiches in Europa. [Geschichte der europ. staaten, herausg. von A. H. L. Heeren und F. A. Ukert]. Hamburg. 1840-63. 7 v. O. 949.4 : 12 Contents. V. 1. Urgeschichte und wachsthum des reiches bis zum jahre 14.53. 2. 1453-1574. 3. Das innere leben und anprehender verfall des reiches bis zum jahre 1623. 4. Zunehmender verfall und neuer aufschwung- des reiches bis zum frieden von Vasvar und dem falle von Candia in 1664 und 1669. 5. 1669 - 1774. 6. 1774 - 1802. 7. 1802 - 1812. - Mailer, J. H. Register. Hammer - Purgstall, Joseph freiherr v. Ge- schichte des Osmanischen reiches, gross- tentheils aus bisher unbeniitzten hand- schriften und archiven. Pest. 1837. 10 v. O. 949.4:11 Contents. V. 1. 1300- 1453. 2.1453-1520. 3.1520- 1574. 4. 1574 - 1623. 5. 1623 - 1656. 6. 1656 - 1699. 7. 1699-1739. 8. 1739-1774. 9. Schlussrede und iiber- sichten. 10. Verzeichnisse, hauptregister und an- hang-. Creasy, Sir E: Shepherd. History of the otto- man turks ; from the beginning of their empire to the present time ; chiefly founded on von Hammer. Lond. 1856. 2 v. O. 949.4:3 Contents. V. 1 . 1250 - 1640. 2. 1640 - 1839.- App.- Index. Hertzberg, Gustav F: Geschichte der Byzan- tiner und des Osmanischen reiches bis 1291 01. 914, 949 HIST. AND GEO&R. EUROPEAN TURKEY. 1392 gegenende des 16ten jahrh. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldar- stellungen ; 2te hauptabth., 7ter th.) 111. Berlin. 1883. O. 909+20 v7 Neale, F: Arthur. Islamism ; its rise and pro- gress, or The present and past condition of the turks. Lond. 1854. 2 v. O. 949.4 : 7 Freeman, E: A: The history an,d conquests of the saracens ; six lectures del. before the Edinburgh philosophical institution. 3d ed., with new pref. Lond. 1876. D. 949.4:6 Contents. The world at the coming of Mahomet. Mahomet and his creed. The undivided caliphate. The saracens in the east. The saracens in the west. The later dynasties of Persia and India. The ottoman power in Europe ; its nature, its growth and its decline. Maps. Lond. 1877. D. 949.4:6 liOper, F. K. Die tiirken im kampfe mit dem christlichen Eui'opa ; in historischen ge- mjilden vorgestellt. Meissen. 1829. 2v. D. 949.4 : 4 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Die tiirken vor Wien ; ein historisches gemalde, fiir jun^ und alt erziihlt. eteaufl. 111. Kreuznaeh. [1882]. S. 949.4 : 13 Chesney, Francis Rawdon. The russo-turkish campaigns of 1828 and 1829 ; with a view of the present state of affaii's in the east, [and] an app. containing the diplomatic corresp. between the four powers and the secret corresp. between the russian and english governments. N. Y. 1854. D. 949.4:8 Sandwith, Humphrey. Geschichte der belage- rung von Kars und des sechsmonatlichen widerstandes der tiirkischen garnison unter general Williams gegen die rnssi.sche armee ; nebst einer beschreibung von rei- sen und abenteuern in Armenien und Laz- istan, mit bemerkungen iiber den gegen- wiirtigen zustand der Tiirkei. Aus dem eng. von Reinhard Otto. Braun.sch. 1856. D. 956:4 Oilier, Edmund. Cassell's illustrated history of the russo-turkish war. Lond. [1879, 1880]. 2 v. Q. 949.4:14 Contents. V. 1. To the fall of Plevna, incl. an his- torical sketch of the Russian and Turkish empire. 2. From dec. 1878 to the ratification of peace, Incl. a history of Cyprus, and of the Afg'han war. War correspondence of the Daily news, 1877 ; with a connecting narrative, forming a con- tinuous histoi'y of the war between Russia and Turkey to the fall of Kars, incl. the letters of A. Forbes. J. A. MacGahan and many other special correspondents in Europe and Asia. Leipz. 1878. 3 v. in 2. S. 949.4 : 10 Bsiker-pacha, Valentine. War in Bulgaria ; a narrative of personal experiences. Lond. 1879. 2v. O. 949.4:9 Williams, C: The armenian campaign ; a diary of the campaign of 1877, in Armenia and Koordistan. Lond. 1878. D. 956:5 Note. See also The eastern question, col. 172. Servia, Rumania, etc. Clark, Edson L. The races of european Tur- key, their history, condition and prospects; Clark, Edson h. Continued. in three parts: pt. 1, The Byzantine em- pire ; pt. 2, The modern greeks and the albanians ; pt. 3, The turkish Slavonians, the wallachians, and the gypsies. N. Y. 1878.0. 949.4:2 Same. N. Y. [1878]. O. 949.4 : 2 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Serbien und die Tiir- kei im 19. jahrhundert. Leipz. 1879. 2 v. in 1. O. 904:36 v43, 44 Contents. Geschichte Serbiens bis 1842; 3te aufl. Bosnien in seinem verhaltniss zu den reformen des sultans Mahmud II. 1820 - 1832. Verflechtung' dor orientalischen und der occidentalischen angrelegen- helten, 1839 - 1841. Das fiirstenthum Serbien unter der einwirkunjr der europaischen machte seit 1842 [bis 1868]. Analecten: Zur altern geschichte und geo- graphie von Serbien; Ueber die allmahliche ab- nahmeder christlichen bevolkerung in der Tiirkei; Zur orientalischen politik des fiirsten Metternieh. A history of Servia and the Servian revolu- tion ; from the original mss. and docu- ments. Tr. from the german by mrs. Alexander Kerr. Lond. 1847. O. 949.5 : 3 Note. A tr. of the 1st ed. of the original. Samuelson, James. Roumania, past and pres- ent. Maps, portraits and ill. Lond. 1882. O. 914.9:3 Contents. Roumania to-day. History, about 335 b. c. - 1881 a. d. App.-Index. 2. Description. (See also Turkey in Asia, cl. 915.6.) General geography and tr avels . Bess6, Alfred v The turkish empire ; its histor- ical, statistical and religious condition, also its manners, customs, etc. Tr., rev. and enl. from the 4th germ, ed., with me- moirs of the reigning sultan, Omer Pacha, the turkish cabinet, etc., by E: Joy Morris. Phila. 1854. D. 949.4 : 1 Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield. Turkey and the turks. Bost. 1854. D. 914.94 : 14 Oscanyan, Christopher. The sultan and his people. 111. N. Y. 1857. D. 914.94 : 13 Aristarchi bey, (Charikles). Tijrkische skizzen in briefen an eine freundin, 1876. In Deut- sche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 v6 Baker, James. Turkey. [Maps]. N. Y. 1877. O. 914.94:3 Contents. The voyage out. The bulgarians. Tiic Bosphorus and Black Sea. Ottoman-greek subjects. En voyage. From Burgas to Yanboli. The turks. Turkish government. The fall of the Byzantine empire. Modern turkish history. En route again. i Across the Balkan. Ottoman slaves. Turkey's army j and navy. Turkey as a military power. From | Troyan to Samakov. The albanians. From Rilo to Salonica. The Macedonian plains.- A second visit j to Turkey. Taxation, etc. Agriculture. Turkey as \ a field for emigration. The Crimean tartars. App. Hellwald, F: v., and L. C. Beck. Die heutigo Tiii-kei ; schilderung von land und leutcn des Osraanisohen reiches in Europa, vor und nach dem kriege von 18771878. 2t() aufl. Leipz. 1878. O. 914.94 : 1 Contents. Hellwald, F: v. Elnleitung: Geogr. iibersicht; Ethnogriiphio und geschichte; TiirkisclH' zustiinde. Beck, L. C. Rumanien, Serbien uml Montenegro. Hellwald, F: v. Bulgarien. -^ Beck, L. C. Bosnien und die Herzogowlna. Beck, L. C. Die europaische Tiirkei: Albanien; Theasalicn und Makedonien; Thrakien. Beck, L. C. Der kriegund seine folgen. ' 1^93 Hist. ANtt geOgb. European turkey. ci. 914, 94d 1364 Blunt, Mrs. J: Elijah. The people of Turkey ; twenty years' residence among bulgarians, greeks, albanians, turks, and armenians, by a consul's daughter and wife, ed. by Stanley Lane Poole. [Anon.] Lond. 1878. 3 V. O. 914.94 : 26 Same. N. Y. 1878. Q. 914.94+26 Sutherland, D: A tour up the straits from Gi- braltar to Constantinople, with the leading events in the present war between the au- strians, russians and the turks, to the com- mencement of the year 1789. Lond. 1790. O. 914.94 : 16 'MacFarlane, C: Constantinople in 1838 ; a re- sidence of 16 months in the turkish capital and provinces with an account of the present state of the naval and military power and of the resources of the Ottoman empire. 3d ed.; added an app. containing remarks and observations to the autumn of 1829. Lond. 1829. 2 v. O. 914.94+19 DeKay, James E. Sketches of Turkey, in 1831 and 1832, by an american. N. Y. 1833. O. 914.94:6 Moltke, Helmuth C: Bernhard grqf v. Brief e iiber zustiinde und begebenheiten in der Tiirkel aus den jahren 1835 bis 1839. 4te aufl. Portr. Berlin. 1882. O. 914.94:30 MacFarlane, C: Turkey and its destiny; the result of journeys made in 1847 and 1848 to examine into the state of that country. Phila. 1850. 2 V. D. 914.94:4 Kismet, or The doom of Turkey. Lond. 1853. D. 914.94:9 Smyth., Warington Wilkinson. A year with the turks, or Sketches of travel in the european and asiatic dominions of the sultan. N. Y. 1854. D. 914.94 : 15 Colton, Walter. Land and lee in the Bos- phorus and ^gean, or Views of Constan- tinople and Athens ; ed. from the notes and ms. of the author by H: T. Cheever. N. Y. 1860. D. 914.94 : 5 Prime, E: Dorr Griffin. Forty years in the turkish empire ; a memoir of W: Goodell by his son-in-law. N. Y. 1876. O. 914.94:8 Dwight, H: O. Turkish life in war time. N. Y. 1881. D. 914.94:7 Constantinople. Hornby, Emelia Bythinia ladi/. In and around Stamboul. Phila. . d.D. 914.94:23 Constantinople, during the Crimean war. 111. Lond. 1863. Q. 914.94+20 Gautier, Theophile. Constantinople. From the french by Robert Howe Gould. Amer. ed. rev. N. Y. 1875. D. 914.94 : 22 Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople. Tr. from the 7th itallan ed. by Caroline Tilton. N. Y. 1878. O. 914.94:21 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Walter in Constantinople. (Walter's tour in the east, v. 5.) N. Y. n. d. D. 914.94:29 R ania, Servia, etc Urquhart, D: The spirit of the east, ill. in a journal of travels through Roumeli during an eventful period. Phila. 1839. 3 v. D. 914.94 : 18 O'Brien, Patrick. Journal of a residence in the Danubian principalities, in the autumn and winter of 1853. Lond. 1854. O. 914.94:12 Wachenhusen, Hans. Von Widdin nach Stam- bul ; streifziige durch Bulgarien und Ru- melien. Leipz. 1855. S. 914.94:2 Noyes, James O. Roumania, the border land of the christian and the turk ; adventures of travel in eastern Europe and western Asia. NY. 1858. S. 914.94:11 Paton, Andrew Archibald. Researches on the Danube and the Adriatic, or contributions to the modern history of Hungary and Transylvania, Dalmatia and Croatia, Ser- via and Bulgai'ia. Leipz. 1861. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.94:27 Contents. V. 1. Servia. Highlands and islands of the Adriatic. 2. The goth and the hun. The bul- garian, the turk and the german. App. More, Robert Jasper. Under the Balkans ; notes of a visit to the district of Philippopolis in 1876. Map and ill. Lond. 1877. D. 914.94:10 Sebright, Georgina Mary lady, born Muir- Mackenzie, and A. P. Irby. Travels in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey-in-Enrope, by G. Muir-Mackenzie and A. P. Irby ; with a pref. by the right hon. W. E. Gladstone. 2d ed. rev. Lond. 1877. 2 v. O. 914.94:25 Evans, Arthur J. Through Bosnia and the Her- zegovina on foot, during the insurrection aug. and sept. 1875, witn an historical re- view of Bosnia ; rev. and enl., and aglimpse at Croats, Slavonians and the ancient re- Eublic of Ragusa. Map and ill. 2d ed. ond. 1877. O. 914.9+6 Wright, Alfred. Adventures in Servia, or The experiences of a medical free lance among the bashi-bazouks, etc.; ed. by A. G. Far- qubar-Bernard. 111. Lond. 1884. O. 914.9:4 Chirol, Valentine. 'Twixt greek and turk, or Jottings during a journey through Thes- saly, Macedonia and Epirus, in the autumn of 1880. Frontispiece and map. Edinb. 1881. O. 914.94:24 The islands. Mariti, Giovanni. Travels through Cyprus. 915.6: 28 vl LOher, Franz v. Cyprus ; historical and descrip- tive from the earliest times to the present day. Adapted from the germ., with much add. matter by mrs. A. Batson Joyner. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1878. O. 914.95 : 3 Cesnola, L: Palma Di. Cyprus, its ancient ci- ties, tombs and temples ; a narrative of re- searches and excavations during ten years' residence in that island. Maps and ill. 2d ed. N. Y. 1878. O. . 914.95+2 Dixon, W: Hepworth. British Cyprus. Lond. 1879. O. 914.95 : 1 1295 CI. 914, 949 JSIdT. AKD aEOGIl.-GIPSl}ld. 1296 17. Dispersed nationalities. 1. The jews. See under Ancient history of Israel, col. 11681169. 2. The gipsies. Leland, C: Godfrey. The gypsies. Bost. 1882. D. 949 : 1 Contents. Introd. Russian gypsies. Austrian gyp- sies.- Welsh gypsies. American gypsies. Gypsies in the east. Gypsy names and family characteristics. Gypsy stories in romany, with translation. The ori- gin of the gypsies. A gypsy magic spell. Shelta, the tinkers' talk. Simson, Walter. A history of the gipsies, with specimens of the gipsy language ; ed. with preface, introd. and notes and a disquisi- tion on the past, present and future of gip- sydom by James Simson. N. Y. 1866. D. 949: 2 Contents. Pref . Introd. Continental gipsies. English gipsies. Scottish gipsies down to 1715. Lin- lithgowshire gipsies. Fife and Stirlingshire gipsies. Tweed-dale and Clydesdale gipsies. Border gip- sies. Marriage and divorce ceremonies. Language. Present condition and number of the gipsies in Scotland. Disquisition. Index. Morwood, Vernon S. Our gipsies in city, tent and van ; an account of their origin and strange life, fortune-telling practices, etc., specimens of their dialect, and anecdotes of gipsy kings, queens and other notabili- ties, ill. Lond. 1885. O. ~" Groome, Francis Hindes. Edinb. 1881. D. 914.2:89 In gipsy tents. 2d ed. 914.2:19 English gipsy-songs ; in rommany with metrical english, by C: G. Leland, E. 'H. Palmer and Janet Tuckey. Phila. 1875. S. 821.2:115 Borrow, G: The zincali. or an account of the gypsies of Spain ; with an original collec- tion of their songs and poetry. N. Y. 1847. O. in 914.6 : 3 Contents. The gypsies. The zincali. Poetry of the anguage of the gitanos. On robber Vocabulary of the language of the zin- gitanos. On the language of the gitanos, language " ' ' - call. Clark, Edson L. [The gypsies], of European Turkey. In his Races 949.4:2 18. Asia a, G-eneral and Eastern. 1. General. Keane, A: H. Asia, with ethnological appen- dix ; ed. by sir R: Temple. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel, based on Hellwalcrs "Die "erde und ihre viilker".) Maps and ill. Lond. 1882. O. 915:21 Goodrich, S: Griswold. Lights and shadows of asiatic history. [Youth's library of history.] Bost. [1844]. S. X 950": 1 Miller, Olive Thorne. Little people of Asia. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. O. x 915 : 18 Polo, Marco. Travels; emended and enl. from early mss. recently pub. by the french society of geography and in Italy by count Baldelli Boni, with notes, ill. the' routes and observations of the author and com- paring them with those of more recent travellers, by Hugh Murray. Maps. N. Y. 1845. T. 915 : 10 Towle, G: Makepeace. Marco Polo, his travels and adventures. (Young folks' heroes of history.) Bost. 1880. D. x 915 : 11 Knox, T: Wallace. The travels of Marco Polo for boys and girls ; with explanatory notes and comments. 111. N. Y. 1885. O." x916-f26 Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the world, particularly China aud the East- Indies, intermix'd with an account of the manners, government, civil and religious ceremonies, natural history and curiosities of the several nations visited by those fathers. Tr. from the celebrated "Lettres ^difiantes et curieuses, eciites des missions (trangferes, par les missionaires de laCom- pagnie de Jesus". 111. Prefixed, an ac count of the Spanish settlements in Ameri- ca, with a general index to the whole work by [J:] Lockman. 2d ed. corr. Lond. 1762. 2v. D. 915:9 Buchanan, C: Christian researches in Asia; with notices of the tr. of the scri])tures into the oriental languages. Added, Mel- ville Home's sermon, preached in London, June 4, 1811. Bost. 1811. D. 915:6 Taylor, Bayard. A visit to India, China and Japan, in 1853. N. Y. 1855. D. 915 : 13 Scherzer, K: v., ed. Die k. u. k. (isterreichisch- ungarische expedition nach Indien, China, Siam und Japan, 18681871, zur erfor- schung der handels- und verkehrsverhiilt- nisse dieser lander, mit besonderer riick- sicht auf den (isterreichischen handel. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1873. O. 915-|-2 Knox, T: Wallace. The boy travellers in the far east ; adventures of two youths in a Journey to Japan and China. N". Y. 1880 [1879]. O. x915 :14 Same, pt. 2 : Adventures of two ;youths in a journey to Siam and Java with descrip- tions of Cochin-China, Cambodia, Sumatra and the Malay archipelago. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. X 915: 16 Same, pt. 3 : Adventures of two youths in a journey to Ceylon and India ; with descrip- tions of Borneo, the Philippine Islands and Burmah. N. Y. 1882 [1881J. O. x 915 : 16 Same, pt. 4 : Adventures of two youths in a journey to Egypt and the Holy Land. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. O. X 915: 19 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1297 HIST. AND GEOGR. ASIA. CI. 915, 950-961 Myers, Philip Van Ness. Remains of lost em- Sires; sketches of the ruins of Palmyra, ineveh, Babylon and Persepolis, with some notices on India and the Cashmerian Himalayas. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 915 : 20 * * * Thomson, J: The straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China, or Ten years' travels, adven- tures and residence abroad. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 915.1+14 Johnston, James D. China and Japan ; a nar- rative of the cruise of the U. S. steam- frigate Powhattan in 18571860, incl. an account of the Japanese embassy to the U. S. 111. Phila. 1861. D. 915.1 :9 United States. Exploring expedition to the China seas and Japan. Narrative of the expe- dition of an american squadron to the China seas and Japan, 18521854, under commodore M. C. Perry, by order of the govt, of the U. S. 111. Wash. 1856. " 915 :.:% Note. V. 1 contains the general report and was compiled from the original notes and journals of com. Perry and his officers, by Francis L. Hawks. V. 2 contains special reports on explorations, agri- culture and products of various countries visited, by D. S. Green and others ; papers on natural history by J: Cassin, Asa Gray and others; facsimile and trans, of the treaty with Japan, etc., with maps and ill. V. 3 has separate title: Jones, G: Observations on the zodiacal light, with conclusions thus obtained. 2. China. History. Boiilger, Demetrius C: History of China. Lond. 1881-84. 3 V. O. 951 : 1 Contents. V. 1 . From the earliest ages to the de- cline of the mongols, about 1360. 2. From the ex- pulsion of the mongols to the end of Keen Lung's reign, 1796. 3. From the reign of Kiaking to 1881. Chronological table. App. Index. Douglas, Robert K. China ; [ed. by Arthur GilmanJ. 111. Bost. [1885]. D. 951 : 8 Gray, J: H: China ; a history of the laws, man- ners and customs of the people ; ed. by W: Gow Gregor. Lond. 1878. 2 v. O. 951 : 7 DuHalde, J: Baptiste. The general history of China, containing a geographical, histori- cal, chronological, political and physical description of the empire of China, Chinese Tartary, Corea and Thibet, incl. an exact and particular account of their customs, manners, ceremonies, religion, arts and sciences. Maps and plates. 3d ed. corr. Lond. 1741. 4 v. D. 951:3 Gutzlaff, C: F: A: A sketch of Chinese history, ancient and modern, comprising a retro- spect of the foreign intercourse and trade with China. N. Y^ 1834. 2 v. D. 951 : 4 Davis, J: Francis. The Chinese ; a general de- sci-iption of the empire of China and its inhabitants. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1845. 2v. S. 951:2 MacFarlane, C: The Chinese revolution ; with details of the habits, manners and customs of China and the Chinese. Lond. 1858. S. 951 :6 Gallery, J. M., and Melchior Yvan. History of tne insurrection in China ; with notices of the Christianity, creed and proclamations of the insurgents. Tr. from the french, with a supp. chapter, narrating the most recent events, by J: Oxenford. N. Y. 1853. D. 951:6 Scott,^ James G:, {Shway Foe). France and Tongking ; a narrative of the campaign of 1884 and the occupation of Further I^dia. Map and plans. Lond. 1885. O. 951:9 See also in the Index to biography Jing-hiz-khan Tal-pingr-wangr. Descri ption. "Williams, S: Wells. The middle kingdom ; a survey of the geography, government, education, social life, arts, religion, etc., of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. 2ded. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. D. 915.1:15 The middle kingdom ; a survey of the geo- graphy, government, literature, social life, arts and history of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. Rev. ed., with ill. and anew map. N.Y. 1883. 2 v. O. 915.1-f23 Richthofen, Ferdinand Paul W: Dieprand frei- herr v. China ; ergebnisse eigener reisen und darauf gegriindeter studien. 111. and maps. Berlin. 1877. 2 V. Q. 915.1:1129 Contents. V. 1. Einleitender theil. Vorerlauterun- gen. China und Central- Asien. Entwickelung der kentniss von China. Index. 2. Das nordliche China. Tcheng-Ki-Tong. The Chinese painted by them- selves. Tr. from the french by James Millington. Lond. [1885]. D. 915.1:32 Martin, Robert Montgomery. China, political, commercial and social ; in an official re- port to her majesty's government. Lond. 1847. 3 V. O. 915.1 : 18 Martin, W: A. P. The Chinese ; their educa- tion, philosophy and letters. N. Y. 1881. D. 915.1:11 Doolittle, Justus. Social life of the Chinese ; with some account of their religious, gov- ernmental, educational and business cus- toms and opinions, with special, but not exclusive, reference to Fuhchau. 111. N. Y. 1865. 2v. D. 915.1 :5 Bridgman, Eliza J. Gillett. Daughters of China, or Sketches of domestic life in the celestial empire. N. Y. 1853. S. 915.1:4 Moule, Arthur E., ed. and tr. Chinese stories for boys and girls, and Chinese wisdom for old and young. 111. Lond. 1880. D. X 915.1: 33 Contents. A letter of introd. Chinese children at home. Chinese stories for young and old. Chinese proverbs, grave and gay. The story of a Chinese girl. * * * Barrow, Sir J: Travels in China ; containing de- scriptions, observations and comparisons made and collected in the course of a short residence at the imperial palace of Yuen- Min-Yuen, and on a subsequent journey through the country from Pekin to Canton, in which it is attempted to appreciate the rank that this extraordinary empire may be considered to hold in the scale of civ- ilized nations. 111. Lond. 1804. Q. 915.1:113 Gutzlaff, C: F: A: Journal of three voyages along the coast of China in 18311833, with notices of Slam, Corea and the Loo-Choo islands. Prefixed, an introd. essay on the policy, religion, etc., of China by W. Ellis. 2ded. Lond. 1834. O. 915.1:7 X denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 915, 951-952 HIST. AND GEOQR.-CHINA. 1300 Abeel, D: Journal of a residence in China and the neighboring countries ; with a prelim, essay on the commencement and progress of missions in the worid. 3d ed. N. Y. 1836. D. 915.1 : 1 Ball, B. L. Rambles in eastern Asia, incl. China and Manilla, during several years' residence ; with notes of the voyage to China, excursions in Manilla, Hong-Kong, Canton, Shanghai, Ningpoo, Amoy, Fou- chow and Macao. Bost. 1855. D. 915. 1 : 2 Hue, l]variste Regis. Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet and China, dur- ing 18441846. N. Y. 1852. 3 v. S. 915.1:28 A journey through the Chinese empire. N. Y. 1855. 2v. D. 915.1 : 8 Milne, W:C. Life in China. Maps. Lond. 1857. D. 915.1:12 Nevius, Helen S. C. Our life in China. N. Y. 1869. S. 915.1:21 Wheeler, Lucius N. The foreigner in China ; with introd. by W. C. Sawyer. Chicago. 1881. D. 915.1:13 Frencli, Harry Willard. Our boys in China ; the thrillmg story of two young americans, Scott and Paul Clayton, wrecked in the China sea, on their return from India, and their strange adventures in China. 111. Bost. 1883. O. X 915. 1:24 Lander, Sarah W. Pekin. (Spectacles for young eyes). N. Y. . d. S. x 915. 1:26 Gray, Mrs. J: H: Fourteen months in Canton. 111. Lond. 1880. D. 915.1:6 Colq\ih.oun, Archibald Ross. Across Chrys6 ; the narrative of a journey of exploration through the south China border lands from Canton to Mandalay. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1883. 2v. O. 916.1 : 20 GUll, W: J: The river of golden sand ; the nar- rative of a journev through China and eastern Thibet to Burmah ; condensed by E: Colborne Baber, ed. with a memoir and introd. essay by col. H: Yule. Portr., map and ill. Lond.' 1883. D. 915.1:30 Shaw, Robert. Visits to High Tartary, Yfirkand and Kfishgar, formerly Chinese Tartary and return journey over the Karakoram pass. Map and ill. Lond. 1871. O. 915.1+22 Piassetskii, P. Russian travellers in Mongolia and China, [18741. Tr. by J. Gordon-Cam- ming. Lond. 1884. 2 v. D. 915.1 : 27 Gilmour, James. Among the mongols. Map and ill. N. Y. [1883]. D. 915. 1 : 26 3. Oorea. McLeod, J: Narrative of a voyage in h. m. s. Alceste to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of Corea and through its numerous hither- to undiscovered islands to the island of Lewchew, with an account of her ship- wreck in the straits of Gaspar. Phila. 1818. O. 915.1 :10 Hall, Basil. Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo-Choo island ; with an app., contaming charts and various hydrographical and scientific notes, and a vocabulary of the Loo-Choo language by H. J. Clifford. Lond. 1818. Q. 916.1 :B16 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Oppert, Ernest. A forbidden land ; voyages to the Corea ; with an account of its geogra- phy, history, productions and commercial capabilities, etc. Charts and ill. N. Y. 1880. O. 915.1 :17 QriMs, W: Elliot. Corea, the hermit nation: 1, Ancient and mediaeval history ; 3, Politi- cal and social Corea ; 3, Modern and re- cent history. N. Y. 1883. O. 915.1 : 19 Corea without and within ; chapters on cor- ean history, manners and religion, with Hendrik Hamel's Narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated. [111., map]. Phila. [1885]. S. 915.1:31 4. Japan. Reed, /Sir E: James. Japan; its history, tradi- tions and religions. Map and ill. Lond. 1880. 3v. O. 915.2: 11 Contents. V. 1. Introd. The land and Its Inhabit- ants. Relig-ions. History. 2. Description ol travels. Griffis, W: Elliot. The mikado's empire. N. Y. 1876. O. 915.2: 1 Contents. Book 1. History of Japan, b. c. 660 a. d. 1872. Book 2. Personal experiences, observations and studies in Japan, 18701874. Manners and customs of the Japanese in the 19th century, from the account of recent dutch residents in Japan, and from the german work of Ph. Fr. v. Siebold. [Har- per's family lib.] N. Y. 1841. S. 915.2 : 3 Hildreth, R: Japan, as it was and is. Bost. 1855. D. 952:3 Alcock, Sir Rutherford. The capital of the ty- coon ; narrative of a three years residence in Japan. Map and ill. N. Y. 1863. 3 v. 1). 915.2:2 Taylor, Bayard, ed. Japan in our day. (111. lib- rary of travel.) N. Y. 1873. D. 915.2 : 7 Same.' N. Y. 1881. D. 915.2 : 7 Mossman, S: Japan. 111. [Foreign countries and english colonies]. Lond. 1880. S. 915.2:6 Black, J: R. Young Japan. Yokohama and Yeddo ; a narrative of the settlement and the city from the signing of the treaties in 1858, to the close ol the year 1879, with a glance at the progress of Japan during a Seriod of 21 years. Yokohama. 1880. 3 v. I. 952+1 Wemich, Agathon. Ueber ausbreitung und 1)(- deutung der neuen culturbestrebungcn in Japan. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen . 304 : 15 v6 House, E: H. Japanese episodes. Bost. 1881. T. 916.2:9 Bishop, Isabella L., born Bird. Unbeaten tracks in Japan ; an account of travels on horse- back m the interior, incl. visits to the abor- igines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikko and Ise se. Map and ill. N. Y. 1881. 2 v. O. 916.2:5 Dixon, W: Gray. The land of the morning, an account of Japan and its people, based on a four years' residence in tnat country, incl. travels into the remotest parts of the in- terior. Map and ill. Edinb. 1883. D. 915.2:15 Crow, Arthur H. Highways and byways in Ja- pan ; the experiences of two pedestrian tourists. Lond. 1883. D. 615.2:12 1301 HIST. AND GEOGR.-JAPAN. 01. 915, 952-954 1302 Rein, Johannes Justus. Travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the prussian gov- ernment. From the german. 2d ed. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1884. O. 915.2 : R14 Contents. The physiography of Japan. The Japa- nese people: History: Ethnography: Topography. Dresser, Christopher. Japan ; its architecture, art and art manufactures. Lond. 1882. O. 748+16 Greey, E: Young americans in Japan, or The adventures of the Jewett family and their Greey, E: Contimied. friend, Oto Nambo. Bost. 1882 [18811. O. X 916.2: 8 The wonderful city of Tokio, or Further ad- ventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo. Bost. 1883 [1882]. O. X 915.2: 10 The bear-worshippers of Yezo and the island of Karafuto (Saghalin), or The adventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. x 915.2 : 13 X denotes books specially adapted for children. I 19. Asia b, Sontlierii. 1. Hither India. History . Wheeler, J: Talboys. A short history of India and of the frontier states of Afghanistan, Nipal and Burma. Maps and tables. Lond. 1880. D. 954 : 10 Trotter, Lionel James. History of India ; from the earliest times to the present day. Lond. [1874]. D. 954 : 2 Feudge, Fannie Roper. India ; [ed. by Arthur Oilman]. Bost. 1880. D. 954 : 1 Wheeler, J: Talboys. The history of India from the earliest ages. Lond. 1847-81. 4 v. in 5. O. 954:R15 Contents^ V. 1. The Vedic period and the Mahd Bharata: Introd.; The MahaBharata; Episodes in the Maha Bharata; Index. 2. The Rainayana. The brahmanic period. Index. 3. Hindu, buddhist and brahmanical: Retrospect of Vediclndia; Retrospect of brahmanic India; Life and teachings of Gotama Buddha, b. c 623-543; Greek and roman India; Bud- dhist India, b. c. 300 to a. d, 645; The hindii drama; The Rajpoots; The brahmanical revival, a. d. 600 1600; Portuguese india, a. d. 1500 1600. App. Index. 4. Musselmanrule: Pt. 1, Islam before the conquest of India, a. d. 570 to 977 ; Sunni conquest of the Pun- jab and Hindustan, a. d. 1001 to 1526; Shiah revolt in the Dekhan, a. d. 1347 to 1565; The Moghul empire, 15051658. Pt. 2, Moghul empire under Aurangzeb, a. d. 1658 to 1707 ; Decline and fall, a. d. 1707 to 1761; Civilisation, a. d. 1600 to 1764; Provincial history, Ben- al, a. d. 1700 to 1756. App. The Shah nameh of Fir- usi ; Hindii annals compiled from the Mackenzie mss. Index. Mill, James. The history of British India. 5th ed., with notes and a continuation, by Ho- race Hayman Wilson. Lond. 1858. 6 v. D. 954 : 13 Contents. Mill, J. V. 1. Pref. Glossary. From the commencement of the british intercourse with In- dia to 1708. Of the hindus. 2. Same, continued. The mohammedans. 3. 17081774. 4. 17751784. 5. 1785 1793. 6. 17931805. Wilson, H. H. 7. 18051812. 8. 18131823. 9. 18231833. 10. Index, 1-6. Index, 7-9. Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of the possessions of the honorable East India company. [British col. lib., v. 8, 91. Lond. 1837. 2 V. S. 954 : 12 Gaunter, Horace. The romance of history: In- dia. 111. Lond. n. d. D. 954 : 9 Robertson, W: An historical disquisition con- cerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India, and the progress of trade with that country, prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope, with an app. containing observations on the civil policy, the laws and judicial pro- ceedings, the arts, the sciences and re- II ligious institutions of the Indians. N. Y. 1844. O. With his History of Scotland. 941 : 10 Erskine, W: A history of India under the two lirst sovereigns of the house of Taimur, Bdber aud Humdyun, [15191556]. Lond. 1854. 2 V. O. 954 : 3 Murray, Hugh, and others. Historical and des- criptive account of British India, from the most remote period to the present time ; incl. a narrative of the earlv Portuguese and english voyages, the revolutions in the Mogul empire and the origin, progress and establishment of the british power, with ill. of the zoology, botany, climate, geology, and mineralogy, also medical observations, an account of the hindoo astronomy, the trigonometrical survevs and the navigation of the Indian seas. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1844. 3 V. S. 954:4 Capper, J: The three presidencies of India ; a history of the rise and progress of the bri- tish Indian possessions, from the earliest records to the present time, with an ac- count of their government, religion, man- ners, customs, education, etc. 111. Lond. 1853. O. 954 : 5 Malleson, O: Bruce. The founders of the Indian empire, Clive, Warren Hastings and Wel- lesly: Clive. Portr. and maps. Lond. 1882. O. 954:11 Malcolm, Sir J: The political history of India from 1784 to 1823. Lond. 1826. 3 v. O. 954 : 14 ConUnts. V 1. The history, 17841823. 2. India Company's progress to political power. Observations and reflections on the general administration of the Indian government in England. Local government of India. App. Dodd, G: The history of the Indian revolt and of the expeditions to Persia, China and Ja- pan, 18561858. 111. [Anon.] Lond. [1859]^ Valbezen, Eugfene de, (Major Fridolin). The english and India ; new sketches. Tr. from the french, with the author's permission by a diplomate. Lond. 1883. O. 954 : 6 Bellew, H: Walther, (?) Invasions of India from central Asia. Lond. 1879. O. 954 : 8 Contents. Pref. The turkish invasion of India un- der sultan Baber, in 1525. The perslan invasion of India under Nadir Shah, in 1739. The english invasion of Kabul, In 1839. App. Edwards, H: Sutherland. Russian projects against India, from the czar Peter to gen- eral Skobeleff. Map. Lond. 1885. O. 954:16 1303 01. 915, 053-966 HIST. AND GEOGB. INDIA. 1304 Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of the british possessions in the Indian and At- lantic oceans ; comprisingCeylon, Penang, Malacca, Sincapore, the Falkland islands, St. Helena, Ascension, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Cape Coast Castle, etc. [Brit. col. lib., V, 10]. Lond. 1837. S. 959 : 4 Description. Heber, Reginald . Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1834, 1835 ; with notes upon Ceylon, an account of a journey to Madras and the southern provinces, 1835, and let- ters written in India. Phila. 1839. 3 v. D. 915.4:4 Roberts, Emma. Scenes and characters of Hindostan ; with sketches of anglo-indian society. Phila. 1836. 3 v. D. 915.4 : 13 Tucker, S. South indian sketches ; containing a short account of some of the missionary stations, connected with the church mis- sionary society in southern India, in letters to a young friend. Pt. 1, Madras and Mayaveram. 3d ed. Lond. 1843. S. 915.4:14 Ward, Ferdinand DeWard. India and the hin- doos ; a popular view of the geography, history, government, manners, customs, literature and religion of that ancient people, with an account of christian mis- sions among them. N. Y. 1850. D. 915.4:15 Russell, W: Howard. My diary in India, in 1858-9. 111. Lond. 1860. 3 v. D. 915.4:28 Hmnphrey, Mrs. E. J. Six years in India, or Sketches of India and its people, as seen by a lady missionary ; given in a series of letters to her mother. 111. N. Y. [1866]. S. 915.4:5 Gumming, W: Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts, or Scenes in camp and jungle. (111. lib. of travel.) N. Y. 1873. D. 915.4 : 29 Williams, Monier. Modern India and the Indi- ans : a series of impressions, notes and es- says. 3ded. Lond. 1878. O. 915.4:3 Kennedy, James. Life and work in Benares and Kumaon, 1839 1877 ; with an introd. note by sir W: Muir. 111. Lond. 1884. D. 915.4:33 Dutt, Shoshee Chunder. India, past and present ; with minor essays on cognate subjects. Lond. 1880. O. 915.4:1 Contents. India past and present. Minor essays: Taxation In India; The indian statute book; British opium policy and its results. Half - hours with nature: Introd.; The foot-prints of the deity; The attributes of the deity; Human life; Our duties; The intermediate future; Good and evil; Futurity, heaven and hell. Temple, Sir R: India in 1880. Lond. 1880. O. 915.4:2 Men and events of my time in India, [1847 1881]. Lond. 1883. O. 915.4:35 Baxter, "W: E: Winter in India. Map. N. Y. [1883]. D. 916.4:31 Frencll, Harry Willard. Our boys in India ; the wanderings of two young americans in Hindustan, with their adventures on the sacred rivers and wild mountains, etc. Bost. 1883 [1883]. O. x 916.4 : 26 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Bradbury, James. India, its condition, religion and missions. Lond. 1884. D. 915.4:34 Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon-. In the Himalayas and on the indian plains. 111. Lond. 1884. O. 915.4:38 Leonowens, Anna Harriette. Life and travel in India : recollections of a journey before the days of railroads. [111.] Phila. [188J . D. Hornaday, W: T. Two years in the jungle ; the experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, the Malay peninsula and Borneo. Map and ill. N. Y. 1885. O. 915.4:42 Robinson, Philip. Under the sun ; with a pref . by Edwin Arnold. Bost. 1883. D. 915.4 : 24 Contents. Indian sketches: In my indian garden; Visitors in feathers; Visitors in fur and others. The indian seasons. Unnatural history: Monkeys and metaphysics; Hunting: of the soko; Elephants; The elephants' fellow-countrymen; Cats and spai-rows; Bears, wolves, dogs, rats; Some sea-folk. Idle hours under the punkah: The man-eating tree; Eastern smells and western noses ; Gamins; On tailors; The hara-kiri; My wife's birds; The legend of the blame- less priest. Williams, Arthur Lukyn. Famines in India; their causes and possible prevention ; the Cambridge university Le Bas prize essay, 1875. Lond. 1876. D. 915.4:16 Hi malay an regions. Schlagintweit-Saklinltinski, Hermann v. Rei- sen in Indien und Hochasien ; cine darstel- lung der landschaft, der cultur und sitten der bewohner, in verbindung mit klimati- schen und geologischen verhjiltnissen. Basirt auf die resmtate der wissenschaft- lichen mission von Hermann, Adolph und Robert von Schlagintweit, ausgefiihrt in 18541858. 111. und karten. Jena. 1869-80. 4v. O. 915:3 Contents. V. 1. Indien. Register. 2. Hochasien: 1, Der Himalaya von Bhutan bis Kashmir. 3. Same: 2, Tibet, zwischen der Himalaya- und der Karakorum- kette. 4. Same: 8, Ost-Turkistan und umgebungen; nebst wissenschaftlichen zusammenstellungen iiber die hohengebiete und iiber die thermlschen verhalt- nisse. Wilson, Andrew. The abode of snow ; observa- tions on a tour from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the upper val- leys of the Himalaya. N. Y. 1875. D. 915.4:17 Lambert, Cowley. A trip to Cashmere and Ladfik. 111. Lond. 1877. D. 915.4:7 Aynsley, Harriett Georgina Maria Murray-, born Sutton. Our visit to Hindostiln, Kashmir and Ladakh. Lond. 1879. O. 915.4:32 Inglis, James, (Maori). Sport and work on the Nepaul frontier, or Twelve years' sporting reminiscences of an indigo-planter by "Maori". N. Y. 1879. Q. 916.4+6 Oliphant, Laurence. A journej^ to Katmandu, the capital of Nepaul, with the camp of Jung Bahadoor, incl. a sketch of the ne- paulese ambassador at home. N. Y. 1853. S. 915.4:12 Cooper, T. T. The Mishmee hills ; an account of a journey made in an attempt to penet- rate Thibet'from Assam to open new routes for commerce. 111. Lond. 1873. U. 916.4:11 f 1305 HIST. AND GEOail. INDIA. 01. 916, 953-966 Taylor, Bayard, ed. Central Asia; travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet and Central Asia. (111. lib. of travel). N. Y. 1881. D. 916:12 Ceylon. Baker, Sir S: White. Eight years' wanderings in Ceylon. 111. Phila. 1877. D. 915.4:9 The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. 111. Phila. 1877. D. 915.4:10 Hackel, Ernst H: A visit to Ceylon. Tr. by Clara Bell. Bost. 1883. D. 916.4:30 [ 2. Farther India. (For the Malayan archipelago, see Oceanica, cl. 991, 992, and 919.1. 919.2.) In general. Raynal, GuillaumeT:Fran9ois a&&^. History of the settlements ... of the europeansin the East . . . Indies. 382 : 3 See col. 256. Vincent, Frank, jr. The land of the white elephant ; sights and scenes in southeastern Asia ; a personal narrative of travel and adventure in Farther India, embracing the countries of Burma, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin-China, 1871-2. Maps, plans and ill. N. Y. 1874. O. 915.4:22 Hellwald, F: v. Hinterindische lander und vol- ker ; reisen in den flussgebieten des Irra- waddy und Mekong, in Birma, Annam, Kambodscha und Siam, unter besonderer beriicksichtigung der neuesten zustiinde in Bii-ma bearbeitet. 2e vermehrte aufl. [111. bibliothek der lander- und vdlkerkunde] Leipz. 1880. O. 915.4:27 Colquhon, Archibald Ross. Amongst the shans; with an historical sketch of the shans by Holt S. Hallett, preceded by an introd. on the Cradle of the shan race by Terrien de Lacouperie. N. Y. 1885. O. 915 : 8 See also his Across Chryse, 915.1 : 20. ^urrna. Palmer, J: Williamson. The golden dagon, or Up and down the Irrawaddi ; passages of adventure in the Burman empire, by an american. N. Y. 1856. D. 915.4 : 21 Same. New ed. N. Y. 1859. D. 915.4 : 21 Fytche, Albert. Burma, past and present, with Eersonal reminiscences of the country. 111. ond. 1878. 2 v. O. 915.4:19 Scott, James George, {Shway Yoe, subject of the great queen). The burman ; his life and notions. Lond. 1882. 2 v. D. 915.4:26 Neale, F: Arthur. Narrative of a residence in Siam. Lond. 1852. I). 915.4:20 Leonowens, Anna Harriette. The english gov- erness at the Siamese court ; recollections of six years in the royal palace at Bang- kok. 111. Bost. 1871. O. 915.4:41 The romance of the harem. 111. Bost. 1873. O. 915.4:39 Bacon, G: B., ed. Siam, the land of the white elephant, as it was and is. (111. lib. of travel). N. Y. 1878. D. 915.4:18 Bock, C: Temples and elephants ; the narrative of a journey of exploration through upper Siam and Lao. Map and ill. Lond. 1884. O. 915.4:36 Malay peninsula. McNair, F: Perak and the Malays: Sfirong and Kris. 111. Lond. 1878. O. 915.9:6 Bishop, Isabella L., born Bird. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither. 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 915.9:8 Note. Travels in Sungei Ujong, Selangor and Perak. Lowe, J. Eleanor. Ten days in the jungle [of Pgrak], by J. E. L. Bost. 1885 [18847. D. 915.9:9 Loftus, Arthur J: Notes of a journey across the isthmus of Kra, made with the french government survey expedition, jan. april 1883 ; with explanatory map and sections, and app. containing reprint of report to the Indian government by captains Fraser and Forlong, in 1863. Lond. 1883. O. 915.4:40 3. Persia. JTi story . (See also Ancient Persia, col. 11691170). Eraser, James Baillie. Historical and descrip- tive account of Persia from the earliest ages to the present time ; with a detailed view of its resources, government, popula- tion, natural history, and the character of its inhabitants, particularly of the wander- ing tribes, incl. a description of Afghanis- tan and Beloochistan. 111. [Harper's fam- ily lib.] N. Y. 1845. S. 955 : 1 Piggot, J: Persia, ancient and modern. Lond. 1874. D. 955 : 3 See also in the Index to biography Nadir. Karaka, Dosabhai Framji. History of the parsis, incl. their manners, customs, relig- ion and present position. HI. Lond. 1884. 2 V. O. 955 : 2 Contents. V. 1. Historical sketch. The zoroas- trians in Persia. The zoroastrlans in India; their manners and customs. Internal government and laws. Education. 2. Distinguished parsis of Gu- jarat; of Bombay. Zoroaster. The parsi creed. Monotheism and flre-reverence. Progress and pres- ent position. App. Description. Wagner, Moriz F: Reise nach Persien und dem lande der kurden. Leipz. 1852. 2 v. D. 915.5:1 Contents. V. I. Vorlaufer: Denkwiirdigkeiten von der Donau und vom Bosporus. Von Trapezunt nach Erzerum und dem tiirkisch - persischen hochlande. 2. Persisch-Kurdistan. Schlussbetrachtungen [uber die central-asiatische frage]. Anhang: Beitrage zur ethnogi-aphie des orients; zur naturgeschichte Vor- derasiens. Shepherd, W: Ashton. From Bombay to Bushire and Bussora. incl. an account of the pres- ent state of Persia and notes on the persian war. Lond. 1857. D. 915.5 : 3 Ballantine, H: Midnight marches through Persia; with an introd. by J. H. Seelye. Maps and ill. Bost. 1876. O. 915.5 : 6 Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by caravan. N. Y. 1877. D. 915.6:2 1307 01. 016, 963-966 HIST. AND GEOGB. PERSIA. 1308 Stack, E: Six months in Persia. N. Y. 1883. 2 V. D. 916.5 :4 Willis, C: J. In the land of the lion and sun, or Modern Persia ; experiences of life in Persia during a residence of 15 years in various parts of that country, from 1866 to 1881. N. Y. 1883. O. 916.6:6 Blunt, Lady Anne Isabella Noel. Our persian campaign. In her Pilgrimage to Nejd. ^ ^ 915.3: 11 v3 Stolze, F., and F. C. Andreas. Die handels- verhaltnisse Persiens ; mit besonderer be- riicksichtigung der deutschen interessen. Karte. In Petermann's mitteilungen, Er- ganzungsb. 17. 905.1 :M 4. Arabia. Si story . {See also under Turkey, col. 12891291.) Cricliton, Andrew. The history of Arabia, an- cient and modern. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1842. 2 v. S. 953:1 Contents. V. 1. Introd. view of arabian history. Description of Arabia. Primitive inhabitants. An- cient kings.- Character, manners and customs of the ancient arabs. Life of Mohammed. The Koran. Conquest of the saracens. Wars of the caliphs. Conquest of Africa and Spain. 2. The Abassides. or caliphs of Bagdad. Caliphs of Africa, Egypt and Spain. Literature of the arabs. Civil history and government of Arabia. Hejaz, or holy land of the moslem. The mohammedan pilgrimage. History of the wahabees. Social state of the arabs. Natural history of Arabia. MuUer, A: Der islam im morgen- und abend- land ; b. 1, Die araber. (Oncken, W:, ed. Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellun- gen ; 2te hauptabth., 4ter th.) 111. und kar- ten. Berlin. 1885. O. 909+20 v4 Ockley, Simon. The history of the saracens ; comprising lives of Mohammed and his successors to the death of Abdalmelik, the eleventh caliph [705], with an account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, re- volts, etc., coll. from authentic sources, especially arable mss. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1847. D. 953 : 4 Muir, SirW: The life of Mahomet, from ori- ginal sources. New ed., abr. from the 1st ed. in 4 v., with an index. Lond. 1878. O. 953:2 Annals of the early caliphate, from original sources, [632680]. Map. Lond. 1883. O. 963 : 3 Kremer, Alfred v. Culturgeschichte des orients unter den chalifen. Wien. 1875, 1877. 2 v. O. 963+6 Hutton, Barbara. Tales of the saracens. 111. Lond. 1871. D. x 953 : 6 See also in the Index to biography Har Syrien und der wuste. Aus dem franz. libers, von Amadeus Theodor Heinze. Leipz. 1842. 2 v. S. 915.6:81 Millard, D: A journal of travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrcea and the Holy Land during : 1841-2. 3d ed. N. Y. 1847. D. 915.6 : 29' Lowthian, J: Narrative of a recent visit to Jerusalem and several parts of Palestine, in 1843-44. 3d thous. Lond. n. d. S. 915.6:27 Willan, Robert. A narrative of journeyings in : the land of Israel, [1847-48]. Lond. n. d. D. 916.6:431 Lynch, W: F. Report to the sec. of the navy of! an examination of the Dead Sea, in 1848. Maps. (U. S. 30th cong. 2 sess. Sen. ex. doc. V. 4, no. 34). Wash. n. d. O. m 916.6 :Dt Contents. Report. Cassin, J : Ornithological re- Sort. Botanical report. Latitudes and longitudes.- [eteorol. observ. Narrative of the U. S. expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. Maps and ill. 7th ed. rev. Phila. 1850. O. 915.6 : 67 Saulcy, L: Felifcien Joseph Caignart de. Narra- tive of a iournej round the Dead Sea and in bible lands in 1850 and 1851 ; incl. an account of the discovery of the sites of Sodom and Gomorrah ; ed. by count E: de Warren. New ed. Phila. 1854. 2 v. D. 915.6:38^ Curtis, G: W: The Howadji in Syria. N. Y. 1852. D. 916.6: 16; Contents. The desert.- Jerusalem,- Damascus. 1313 HIST. AND GEOGB. ASIATIC TURKEY. CI. 915, 956-957 1314 Robinson, E : Later biblical researches in Pal- estine and in the adjacent regions ; a jour- nal of travels in 1852, by E. Robinson, E. Smith and others, drawn' from the original diaries, with historical ill. Maps and plans. Bost. 1856. O. 915.6+37 Johnson, Sarah Barclay. Hadji in Syria, or Thi'ee years in Jenisalem. Phila. [1858]. S. 915.6:23 Bovet, Felix. Egypt, Palestine and Phoenicia ; a visit to sacred lands, [1858]. Tr. by W. H. Lyttleton, with a biogr. sketch of the author by F. Godet. N. Y. 1883. D. 915.6:69 Prime, W: Cowper. Tent life in the Holy Land. N. Y. 1859. D. 915.6:36 Note. A continuation of his Boat-life in Egypt and Nubia, 916.2:9. Charles, Elizabeth, born Rundle. Wanderings over bible lands and seas, by the author of the "Schonberg-Cotta family." N. Y. 1866. S. 915.6:14 Porter, Josias Leslie. The giant cities of Bashan and Syria's holy places. N. Y. 1866. D. 915.6:48 Burton, Isabel. The inner life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy Land, from my private jour- nal. Map and ill. Lond. 1875. 2 v. O. 915.6:13 Macgregor, J: The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea and Gennesareth, etc. ; a canoe cruise in Palestine and Egypt and the waters of Damascus. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1875. O. 915.6:64 Appleton, T: Gold. Syrian sunshine, [1875]. Bost. 1877. S. 915.6:9 Hunt, Mrs.W: Holman. Children at Jerusalem-, a sketch of modern life in Syria.. Lond. n. d. D. 915.6:22 Field, HtMartyn. Among the holy hills. Map. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. ' 915.6:73 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Walter in Jerusalem. (Walter's tour in the east, v. 2). N. Y. n. d. D. 915.6:70 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Continued. Walter in Samaria. (Walter's tour in the east, V. 3). N. Y.n.d. D. 915.6:71 Walter in Damascus. (Walter's tour in the east, V. 4). N. Y. n. d. D. 915.6 : 72 * * * Tristram, H: Baker. The land of Moab ; travels and discoveries on the east side of the Dead Sea and the Jordan ; with a chapter on the Persian palace of Mashita by Jas. Fergus- son. Map and ill. N. Y. 1878. "O. 915.6:81 Oliphant, Laurence. Tlie land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon. N. Y. 1881. O. 915.6:45 Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan ; a record of travel and observation in the countries of Moab, Gilead and Bashan. during the years 18751877; with introd. by Roswell D. Hitchcock. N. Y. 1881. O. " 915.6:46 Palmer, E: H: The desert of the exodus ; jour- neys on foot in the wilderness of the forty years' wanderings, undertaken in connec- tion with the oi'dnance survey of Sinai and the Palestine exploration fund. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1872. O. 915.3:4 Bartlett, S:Colcord. From Egypt to Palestine through Sinai, the wilderness and the south country ; observations of a journey made with special reference to the history of the Israelites. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1879. O. 915.6: 11 Trumbull, H: Clay. Kadesh-Barnea ; its impor- tance and probable site, with the story of a hunt for it, incl. studies of the route of the exodus and the southern boundary of the Holy Land. 111. and maps. N. Y. 1884. [1883]. O. 915.6+74 Field, H: Marty n. On the desert; with a brief review of recent events in Egypt. Map. N. Y. 1883. O. 915.3:9 Ebers, G: Durch Gosen zum Sinai ; aus dem wanderbuche und der bibliothek. Leipz. 1872. O. 916.2 : 14 21. Asia d, Russian and Central. 1. Siberia. Coxe, W: Account of the russian discoveries be- tween Asia and America ; added, the con- quest of Siberia and the history of the trans- actions and commerce between Russia and China. 4th ed. enl. Lond. 1803. O. 957:1 Lankenau, H. v., and L. v. d. Oelsnitz, eds. Das heutige Russland ; bilder und schilde- rungen aus alien theilen des zarenreichs in Asien. 2te wohlf. ausg. [111. bibliothek der lander- und volkerkundel. Leipz. 1881. O. 915.7:2 Eohn, Albin, and R: Andree. Sibirien und das Amurgebiet ; geschichte und reisen, land- schaft und voTker zwischen Aral und Be- ringsstrasse. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. O. 915.7:1 Contents. V. 1. Kohn, A. Sibirien. 2. Andree, R. Das Amurgebiet. Atkinson, T: Witlam. Oriental and western Si- beria ; a narrative of seven years' explora- tions and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and Atkinson, T: Witlam. Continued. part of central Asia. Map and ill. N. Y. 1858. O. 915.7+3 Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor and the russian acquisitions on the confines of India and China ; with adven- tures among the mountain kirghis, and the manjours, manyargs, toun^ous, touzemts, goldi and gelyaks, the hunting and pastor- al tribes. Map and ill. N. YT 1860. O. 915.7:4 Collins, Perry McDonough. A voyage down the Amoor," with a land journey through Sibe- ria and incidental notices "of Manchooria, Kamschatka and Japan. N. Y. 1860. D. 915:7 Same. Overland explorations in Siberia, northern Asia and the great Amoor river country ; incidental notices of Manchooria, Mongolia, Kamschatka and Japan, with map and plan of an overland telegraph around the world, via Behring's strait and asiatic Russia to Europe. N. i, 1864. D. 915:7 1315 01. 015, 967-959 HIST. AND GEOQIt. -ASIATIC RTTSSIA. 1316 Eden, C: H. Frozen Asia ; a sketch of modern Siberia, together with an account of tlie native tribes inhabiting that region. Lond. [18791. D. 915.7:6 Kennan, G: Tent life in Siberia and adventures among the koraks and other tribes in Kamtchatka. Map. N. Y. 1877. D. 915.7:7 Landsell, H: Through Siberia. Newed.inl V. Map and ill. Bost. 1882. O. 915.7:8 Dostoyefskii, Fiodor Mikhailovitch. Buried alive, or Ten years of penal servitude in Siberia. Tr. from the russian by Marie v. Thilo. N. Y. 1881. D. 915.7:5 2. Central Asia. (For Cashmere.Ladak and Yarkand, see col. 1304.) Marvin, C: Reconnoitering central Asia; pio- neering adventures in the region lying be- tween Kussia and India. [111. and maps]. Lond. 1884. O. 915:27 Contents. Arminlus Vamtoery's journey in disguise to the khanates of central Asia. Captain Marsh s ride from the Caspian to India. Col. Valentine Baker's visit to the perso-turcoman frontier. J. A. MacGahan's chase of gen. Kaufmann's army. Capt. Napier's secret mission.-Col. C. M. Macgregor's sur- vey of Khorassan. Capt. Burnaby's ride to Khiva. Gen. Petrusevitch and the turcomans. Capt. Butler, the secret english agent. Pashino, the secret rus- sian agent. Grodekoff's ride to Herat. O'Donovan's dash to Merv. Col. Stewart's watch over Skobeleff's army. Lieut. Alikhanoflf's journey with a russian caravan to Merv. Lessar's discovery of the easy road to India. The past and future of pioneering in central Asia. Wood, J: A personal narrative of a journey to the source of the river Oxus, bv the route of the Indus, Kabul and Badakshan, per- formed under the sanction of the supreme governm.ent of India, in 18361838. Lond. 1841. O. 915.9:3 Wolff, Joseph. Narrative of a mission to Bok- hara in 18431845, to ascertain the fate of col. Stoddart and capt. ConoUy. N. Y. 1845. q. 915.9+5 V&,mb6ry, Armin. Travels in central Asia ; account of a journey from Teheran across the Turkoman desert on the eastern shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara and Samarcand, performed in 1863. N. Y. 1865. O. 915-1-4 History of Bokhara from the earliest period down to the present ; composed for the first time after oriental knewn and un- known mss. 2d ed. Lond. 1873. O. 959:1 MacGahan, J: A. Campaigning on the Oxus and the fall of Khiva. Map and ill. N. Y. 1874. O. 915.9:2 Scliuyler, Eugene. Turkistan ; notes of a jour- ney in russian Turkistan, Khokand, Buk- hara and Kuldja. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1877. 2v. O. 915.9:4 Contents of appendices: V. 1. A sketch of the his- tory of Khokand in recent times. Grigrorief, V. Review of Vambery's History of Bukhara. Mediaeval travellers in central Asia. 2. Grigrorief, V. The russian policy regarding central Asia; an historical sketch. Russia and Khiva. Index. Bumaby, F: Gustavus. A ride to Khiva; trav- els and adventures in central Asia. Maps and app.; containing among other infor- mation, a series of march-routes from a russian work. N. Y. 1878. D. 915.9 : 1 Hellwald, F: v. The russians in central Asia ; a critical examination down to the present time of the geography and history of cen- tral Asia. Tr. from the german by Theo- dore Wirgman. Lond. 1874. O. 959 : 2 Centralasien ; landschaften und viilker in Kaschgar, Turkestan, Kaschmir und Tibet ; mit besonderer beriicksichtigung auf Russ- lands bestrebungen und seinen kulturberuf. [111. bibliothek der lander- und volker- kunde]. Leipz. 1875. O. 915:1 Same ; unter beriicksichtigung der jiingsten ereignisse in Afghanistan und von Russ- lands bestrebungen und kulturberuf. 2te verm, und verb, ausgabe. Leipz. 1880. O. 915:1 Lansdell, H: Russian central Asia ; including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv [witli app. on the fauna and flora of russian Turkistan, and on the bibliography of the region]. Map and ill. Bost. 1885. 2 v. O. 915.7:10 O'Donovan, Edmond. The Merv oasis ; travels and adventures east of the Caspian during the years 18791881, incl. Ave months' resi- dence among the tekkes of Merv. Portr., maps and facsimiles of state documents. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. 2 v. O. 915.9 : 7 Marvin, C: Merv, the queen of the world, and the scourge of the man-stealing turcomans; with an exposition of the Khorassan ques- tion. Maps. Lond. 1881. O. 915.9 : 10 The russian advance towards India ; conver- sations with Skobeleff", Ignatief and other distinguished russian generals and states- men on the central-asian question. Lond. 1882.0. 957:3 The russians at Merv and Herat, and their power of invading India. Lond. 1883. O. 957:2 The russians at the gates of Herat. Maps and portr. N. Y. 1885. D. 957 : 4 Same. Maps and iU. N. Y. 1885. Q. 957+4 Vambery, Armin. The coming struggle for India ; an account of the encroachments of Russia in central Asia, and of the diffi- culties sure to arise therefrom to England. Lond. 1885. D. 957 : 5 Boulger, Demetrius C: Central asian ques- tions ; essays on Afghanistan, China and central Asia. Portr. and maps. Lond. 1885. O. 915:26 Contents. Russia's empire in central Asia.- Peter the great and the policy of Russia. England's policy toward Afghanistan. Ought we to hold Candahar. Herat and the turcomans.- Why Candahar should be retained. Lord Lawrence and masterly inactivity. Subsidising the ameer. Merv! what next V The future of China. The raongols.- The Chinese in cen- tral Asia. Russia and China. The french in Anam and Tonquin China and foreign powers. Franco and China. Foreigners in China.- Tibet and the way thither. Tso Tsung Tang. The late Yakrtab Bog of Kashgar. The history of the opium traffic Three Chinese generals.- The Chinese art of war. Reflec- tions on Chinese history with reference to the pres- ent situation of affairs. The russian railway east of the Caspian. Index ^f subjects. 3. Afghanistan. Fraser, James Baillie. [Description of Afghan- istan and Beloochistan] . In his Persia. 955 :1 1317 HIST. AND GEOGR. CENTRAL ASIA. 01. 916, 958-961 1318 Bellew, H: Walther. Afghanistan and the afghans ; a brief review of the history of the country, and account of its people, with a special reference to the present crisis and war with the amir Sher Ali Khan. Lond. 1879. D. 958 : 1 Ashe, Waller, ed. Personal records of the Kandahar campaign by officers engaged 22. Africa. 1. In general. Goodrich, S: Griswold. Lights and shadows of african history. [Youth's lib. of history]. Bost. 1844. S. X 960 : 1 Johnston, Alexander Keith, ed. Africa. (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel, based on Hellwald's Die erde und ihre volker) ; ed. and extended by Keith Johnston, with ethnological app. by A. H. Keane. Maps and ill. Lond. 1878. O. 916:1 Jameson, Robert, and others. Narrative of dis- covery and adventure in Africa from the earliest ages, with ill. of the geology, min- eralogy and zoology. Map and ill. [Har- per's fam. lib.] N. Y. 1846. S. 916 : 3 Jones, C : H. Africa ; the history of explora- tion and adventure as given in the leading authorities from Herodotus to Livingstone. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 916:2 IngersoU, L. D., ed. Explorations in Africa by dr. D: Livingstone and othei's ; an ac count of the Staiuey-Livingstone expedition of search under the patronage of the New York herald, as furnished by dr. Living- stone and mr. Stanley ; with a biogr. sketwi of dr. Livingstone, mr. Stanley and others connected with the discoveries in Africa, and an epitome of historical and geograph- ical information in regard to the continent inhabited by the black man. Maps and ill. Chicago. 1872. O. 916:4 Reade, W: Winwood. Savage Africa ; being the narrative of a tour in equatorial, south- western and northwestern Africa, with notes on the habits of the gorilla, on the existence of unicorns and tailed men, on the slave trade, on the origin, char- acter and capabilities of the negro, and on the future civilization of western Africa. 111. and map. N. Y. 1864. O. 916 : 5 Knox, T: Wallace. The boy travellers in the far east, pt. 5: Adventures of two youths in a journey through Africa. 111. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. O. x916:6 McCabe, James D. Our young folks in Africa ; the adventures of a party of young ameri- cans in Algeria and in south central Africa. Phila. 1883 [1882]. O. x 916 : 7 2. Barbary and Sahara. General and western. Russell, Michael. History and present condi- tion of the Barbary states ; comprehending a view of their civil institutions, antiqui- ties, arts, religion, literature, commerce, X denotes books specially adapted for children. therein ; ed. and annotated, with an introd. Lond. 1881. O. 958 : 2 Rodenbough, Theophilus F. Afghanistan and the anglo-russian dispute. Maps and ill. N. Y. im. D. 958 : 3 Malleson, G: Brace. Herat, the granary and garden of central Asia ; with an index and map. Lond.^^0^^ ^ -^V^g^^J* ' ^ prjIVERSITY)) agriculture, and natural productions. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1842. S. 961 :1 Paddock, Judah. A narrative of the shipwreck of the ship Oswego on the coast of south Barbary, and of the sufferings of the mas- ter and the crew while in bondage among the arabs ; interspersed with remarks upon the country and its inhabitants and con- cerning the peculiar perils of that coast. N. Y. 1818. O. 916.1:1 Riley, James. Narrative of the loss of the american brig Commerce, wrecked on the western coast of Africa in aug. 1815, with an account of the sufferings of the surviv- ing officers and crew, who were enslaved by the wandering arabs on the african desert or Zahahran, and observations his- torical, geographical, etc., made during the travels of the author, while a slave to the arabs, in the empire of Morocco. Preceded by a brief sketcn of the author's life, and containing a description of the famous city Tombuctoo, and of another larger city, far south of it, on the same river, called Was- sanah, narrated to the author at Mogadore by Sidi Hamet, the arabian merchant. Rev., and life continued by the author in Jan. 1828. N. Y. 1839. O. 916.1 : 2 Same. N. Y. 1859. S. 916.1 : 2 Robbins, Archibald. A journal comprising an account of the loss of the brig Commerce of Hartford, Conn., James Riley, master, upon the western coast of Africa, aug. 28tli 1815, also of the slavery and sufferings of the author and the rest of the crew, upon the desert of Zahara, in 18151817, with accounts of the manners, customs and habits of the wandering arabs, also a brief historical and geographical view of the continent of Africa. Hartford. 1851. D. 916.1:3 Campbell, T: Letters from the south, written during a journey to Algiers, etc. Phila. 1836. D. 916.1:4 Rohlfs, Gerhard. Adventures in Morocco, and journeys through the oases of Draa and Tafilet. With an introd. by Winwood Reade. Lond. 1874. O. 916.1:5 Amicis, Edmondo de. Morocco ; its people and places. Tr. by C. Rollin Tilton. Lond. [1879]. Q. 916.1+P6 Richardson, James. Travels in the great desert of Sahara, in 1845 and 1846 ; containing a narrative of personal adventures during a tour of nine months through the desert, amongst the touaricks and other tribes of saharan people ; incl. a description of the oases and cities of Ghat, Ghadames and Mourzuk. Lond. 1848. 2 v. O. 916.1:7 1319 CI. 916, 961-962 HIST. AND GEOGR.-AFRICA. Mackenzie, Donald. The flooding of the Sahara ; an account of the proposed plan for open- ing central Africa to commerce and civili- zation from the north-west coast, with a description of Soudan and western Sahara, and notes on ancient mss. Lond. 1877. D. 916.1 :8 Eastern. Prus, Mme. . A residence in Algeria. Lond. 1853.0. 916.1:9 Cooke, G: Wingrove. Conquest and colonisation in north Africa ; the substance of a series of letters from Algeria, pub. in the "Times", with introd. and supp., contain- ing the most recent french and other in- formation on Morocco. Edinb. 1860. D. 916.1 :10 Ditson, G: L. Adventures and observations on the north coast of Africa, or The crescent and the french crusaders. N. Y. 1860. D. 916.1:11 Same. The crescent and the french crusaders. N. Y. 1859. D. 916.1 : 11 Cruisings and adventures in Italy and Africa. -N.Y.n. d. D. 914.5:14 Contents. Dickens, C: Pictures from Italy. [The french in Algiers:] Lainping', Clemens, The soldier of the foreign legion; France, A. de. The prisoners of Abd-el-Kader, or Five months' captivity among the arabs. Browne, J: Ross. A whirl through Algeria. w 914.3: 55 Blackburn, H: Artists and arabs, or Sketching in sunshine. 111. Bost. 1874. T. 916.1 :12 Dumerg^ue, E: The chotts of Tunis, or The great inland sea of north Africa in ancient times. Lond. 1883. D. 916.1 : 13 Bae, E: The country of the moors, a journey from Tripoli in Barbary to the city of Kairwan. Map and ill. Lond. 1877. D. 916.1:14 Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst v. Tunis, the land and the people. 111. Lond. 1882. O. 916.1 : 15 Boddy, Alexander A. To Kairwan the holy ; scenes in muhammedan Africa. 111. Lond. 1885. D. 916.1 : 16 Davis, Nathan. Carthage and her remains ; an account of the excavations and researches on the site of the phcenician metropolis in Africa and other adjacent places, conducted under the auspices of her majesty's govern- ment. Lond. 1861. O. 916.1-fl7 3. "Egypt and Abyssinia. Egypt. (See al80 Ancient history, col. 11661167). Buckingham, James Silk. Notes on the Buck- ingham lectures ; embracing sketches of the geography, antiquities and present con- dition of Egypt and Palestine, compiled from [his] oral discourses, together with a sketch of liis life by James Hildreth. N. Y. 1838. S. 916.2 : 3 Lane, E: W: An account of the manners and customs of the modern egyptians ; written in Egypt during 1833-35, partly from notes made during a former visit to that country jn 1825-28. 5th ed. with add. and imp. from Lane, E: W: Continued. a copy annotated by the author, ed. by his nephew E: Stanley Poole. Lond. 1871. 2 v. D 916.2:13 Same, germ. Sitten und gebrauche der heuti- gen egypter. Aus dem eng. iibers. von Ju- lius Theodor Zenker. 2te ausg. Leipz. n. d. 3v. T. 916.2:13 Russell, Michael. View of ancient and modern Egypt ; with an outline of its natural his- tory. 111. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1842. S. 962 : 2 Poole, Stanley Lane-. Egypt. 111. [Foreign coun- tries and english colonies.] Lond. 1881. S. 916.2:8 Ebers, G: Moritz. Egypt ; descriptive, historical and picturesque. ' From the german by Clara Bell, with introd. and notes by S. Birch. N. Y. [1882]. 2 V. Q. 916.2 : B,2 McCoan, James Carlile. Egypt as it is. Map. 2ded. N. Y. [1882]. O. 916.2:29 Waters, Clara, born Erskine, formerly mrs. Cle- ment. Egypt. [Lothrop's library of enter- taining history, ed. by Arthur Gilman.] Bost. tl880]. D. 962:1 De Leon, Edwin. Egypt under its khedives, or The old house of bondage under new mas- ters. 111. N. Y.1882. Q. 916.2+21 Wallace, Donald Mackenzie. Egypt and the egyptian question. Lond. 1883. O. 916.2:32 Loring, W: W. A confederate soldier in Egypt. Portr. and ill. N. Y. [1884]. O. 916.2 : 33 Contents. Pt. 1. Egypt. Pt. 2. Military experien- ces in Abyssinia. Towle, G: Makepeace. England in Egypt (Timely topics.) Maps. Bost. 1886 ^ ~~ ^ S. 962 Broadley, A. M. How we defended Arabi and his friends ; a story of Egypt and the egyp- tians. 111. Lond. 1884. O. 962 : 4 Long, C: Chaille. The three prophets ; Chinese Gordon, Mohammed-Ahmed el Maahdi, Arabi Pasha ; events before and after the bombardment of Alexandria. N. Y. 1884. S. 962 : 3 Burleigh, Bennet. Desert warfare ; the chro- nicle of the eastern Soudan campaign. Maps. Lond. 1884. O. 963 : 2 Buchta, R: The true history of the rebellion in the Soudan, bv one who knows the Mahdi personally. Tr. from the german by mrs. R. W. Felkin. Map. Lond? w. d. O. 963:3 See also British foreign relations, col. 173. Paul, Ewald. Egypten in handelspolitischer hinsicht. In "Deutsche zeit- una streitfra- fragen, 304 : 15 vl2 Travels . (See also Palestine, col. 13101313.) Denon, Dominique Vivant. Voyages dans la basse et la haute Egypte, pendant les cam- pagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799. Ed. ornee de 109_planches en tailledouce. Londres. 1807. Text, 2 v. Q. Plates, 1 v. F. 916.2:111 Minutoli, Wolf ardine Auguste Louise Menu frei- herrin v. Recollections of Egypt. Pnila. 1827. O. 916.2:6 1321 HIST. AND GEOOR. AFRICA. 01. 916, 962-963 Atkins, Sarah. Fruits of enterprize, exhibited in the adventures of [Giovanni Battista] Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia ; with an ac- count of his discoveries in the pyramids, among the ruins of cities and in the anci- ent tombs. Newed., rev., with add. N.Y. 1842. S. 916.2 : 24 Poole, Sophia, born Lane. The english-woman in Egypt, letters from Cairo during a resi- dence there in 18421844 with E. W. Lane, by his sister. Phila. 1845. S. 916.2 : 5 Warburton, Eliot Bartholomew G: The cres- cent and the cross, or Romances and reali- ties of eastern travel. New ed. N. Y. 1848. D. 916.2:17 Goltz, Bogumil. Ein kleinstadter in Aegypten ; reise, [1849-501. 3te aufl. Berlin. [1877]. S. 916.2:11 St. John, Bayle. Two years' residence in a le- vantine family. Lond. 1850. D. 916.2 : 15 Village life in Egypt ; with sketches of the Said. Bost. 1853. 2 v. D. 916.2 : 16 Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield. A pilgrim- age to Egypt; embracing a diary of explora- tion on the Nile, with observations of the manners, customs and institutions of the people and of the present condition of the antiquities and ruins. 111. Bost. 1852. D. 916.2:10 Prime, W: Cowper. Boat life in Egypt and Nu- bia, [1855-56.]. N. Y. 1877. D. 916.2 : 9 Note. For continuation of the journey, see his Tent life in the Holy Land, 915.6 : 36. Paine, Caroline. Tent and harem ; notes of an oriental trip. N. Y. 1859. D. 916.2 : 7 Warner, C: Dudley. My winter on the Nile, [1875]. Newed., rev. Bost. 1881. D. 916.2:18 Note,. For continuation of the journey, see his In the Levant, 915.6 : 8. Edwards, Amelia Blandford. A thousand miles up the Nile. Leipz. 1878. 2 v. in 1. S. 916.2:4 liOftie, W. J. A ride in Egypt, from Sioot to Luxor, in 1879 ; with notes of the present state and ancient history of the Nile valley, and some account of the various ways of making the voyage out and home. Lond. 1879. D. 916.2:35 Edwardes, E. C. Hope-. Eau-de-Nil; a chronicle. Lond. 1882. O. 916.2:30 Warren, W: Wilkins. Life on the Nile in a da- habeeh and excursions on shore between Cairo and Assouan ; also a tour in Syria and Palestine in 1866-67. 3ded. Bost. 1883. S. 916.2:25 Oliphant, Laurence. The land of Khemi ; up and down the middle Nile. 111. 2d ed. Edinb. 1882. D. 916.2:31 Contents. The arsinoite home. The labyrinth and the lakes. Old and new. Society in the pi'ovinces. Excavations at Isembheb. Stuart, Villiers. Egypt after the war ; being the narrative of a tour of inspection, under- taken last autumn, incl. experiences among the natives, with descriptions of their homes and habits, in which are embodied notices of the latest archajological discov- eries, and a i-evised account of the funeral canopy of an egyptian queen, with interest- ing add. 111. Lond. 1883. Q. 916.2+38 Gumming, Constance Frederiea Gordon-. Via Cornwall to Egypt. Lond. 1885. O. 916.2:39 Eddy, Daniel Clarke. Walter in Egypt. (Wal- ter's tour in the east, v. 1.) N. Y. n. d. D. 916.2:28 Whately, Mary L. Letters from Egypt. 111. N. Y.n.d. S. X 916.2: 22 Hale, E: Everett and Susan. A family flight over Egypt and Syria. Bost. [1882] . O. X 916.2: 23 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the Levant, with a talmudist story-teller ; a spring trip of the Zigzag through Egypt to the Holy Land. 111. Bost. 1886 [1885]. O. X 916.2:41 Pyramids and obelisks . Hawks, Francis Lister. The monuments of Egypt, or Egypt a witness for the Bible. 111. 2d ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1850. O. 916.24-19 Seiss, Joseph A: A miracle in stone, or The great pyramid of Egypt. 2d ed. Phila. [1878]. D. 916.2:27 Proctor, R: Anthony. The great pyramid, ob- servatory, tomb and temple. ' N. Y. 1883. D. 916.2:26 Contents. The great pyramid. The origin of the week. Saturn and the sabbath of the jews.- Astro- nomy and the Jewish festival. The history of sun- day. Astrology. Smyth, C. Piazzi. Our inheritance in the great pyi-amid, 4th ed., incl. all the most import- ant discoveries up to the time of publica- tion. With 25 explan. plates, giving maps, plans, elevations and sections of all crucial parts of the structure. Lond. 1880. O. 916.2:20 Totten, C: A. L. An important question in me- trology, based upon recent and original discoveries ; a challenge to the metric sys- tem, and an earnest word with the english- speaking people on their ancient weights and measures. Diagrams. N. Y. 1884, O. 916.2-1-36 Barnard, F: A: Porter. The imaginary metrolo- gical system of the great pyramid of Gizeh; from tne proceedings of the Amer. metrolo- gical society, presented to the society dec. 9, 1883. Repr. from the School of mines ouarterly of Jan., march and may 1884. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 916.2:34 Gorringe, H: H. Egyptian obelisks. 111. N.Y. [1882]. F. 916.2 : R37 iVw bia , Aby s sinia. {See also Upper Nile region, col. 1335.) Russell, Michael. Nubia and Abyssinia ; com- prehending their civil history, antiquities, arts, religion, literature and natural his- tory. 111. [Harper's family lib.]. N. Y. 1843. S. 963 : 1 Harris, Sir W: Cornwallis. Adventures in Africa, during a tour of two years through that country. T. p. w. [Phila.] O. 916.3:6 Same. The highlands of Ethiopia. From 1st Lond ed. N. Y. n. d. O. 916.3 : 6 Note. A record of an embassy to Abyssinia, in 1841-43, by way of Aden and the Red Sea. Pallme, Hynek (lat. Ignatius). Travels in Kor- dofan ; embracing a description of that province of Egypt and some of the bordering X. denotes books specially adapted for children. CI. 916, 962-966 HIST. AND GEOGR. AFRICA. 1824 countries, with a review of the present state of the commerce in those countries, of the habits and customs of the inhabitants, as also an account of the slave-hunts taking place under the government of Mehemed Ali ; from notes coll. during a residence of nearly two years in Kordofan. Lond. 1844. O. 916.2:40 Gobat, S: Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia. Preceded by an introd., geo- graphical and historical, on Abyssinia, tr. from the french by Sereno D. Clark, ac- companied with a biogr. sketch of bishop Gobat by Robert Baird! N. Y. 1850. D. 916.3:2 Taylor, Bayard. A journey to central Africa, or Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Nile. Map 916.3:7 negro kingdoms of the White Nile. Mar and ill. N. Y. 1854. D. Same. N. Y. 1878. D. 916.3 : 7 Parkyns, Mansfield. Life in Abyssinia ; notes coll. during three years' i-esidence and travels in that country. 111. N. Y. 1854. 2v. O. 916.3:4 Baker, Sir S: White. The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran arabs. 5th ed. Phila. 1869. D. 916.3:1 Jonveaiiz, Emile. Two years in east Africa ; adventures in Abyssinia and Nubia, with a journey to the sources of the Nile. Maps and ill. Lond. 1875. S. 916.3:3 Klunzinger, C: B: Bilder aus Oberagypten, der wiiste und dem Rothen Meere ; "mit einem vorwort von G: Schweinfurth. 2te aufl. Stuttg. 1878. O. 916.2 : 12 James, Frank L. The wild tribes of the Soudan ; account of travel and sport, chiefly in the Base country, personal experiences and adventures during three winters spent in the Soudan. Maps and ill. N. Y. [18831. O. 916.3+8 Winstanley, W. A visit to Abyssinia; an ac- count of travel in modern Ethiopia. Lond. 1881. 2v. D. 916.3:5 Schuver, Juan Maria. Reisen im oberen Nilge- biet ; erlebnisse und beobachtungen auf der wasserscheide zwischen Blauem und Weissem Nil, und in den agyptisch-abes- sinischen grenzlandern 1881 und 1882. Karte. Gotha. 1883. In Petermann's mit- teilungen, Erganzungsb. 16. 905. 1 : M 4. Western Soudan and Guinea. Bridge, Horatio. Journal of an african cruiser ; comprising sketches of the Canaries, the Cape de Verds, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone and other places of interest on the west coast of Africa, by an officer of the U. S. navy, ed. by Nathaniel Hawthorne. N. Y. 1848. D. 916.5 : 1 Cames, J. A. Journal of a voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa, with a full de- scription of the manner of trading with the natives of the coast. Bost. 1852. D. 916.5:2 Foote, Andrew Hull. Africa and the american flag. N. Y. 1854. D. 916.5 : 3 Hale, Sarah Josepha, ed. Liberia, or Mr. Pey- ton's experiment. N. Y. 1853. D. 916.6 : 4 Park, Mungo, Life and travels of ; with supp. chapter, detailing the results of recent dis- covery. Edinb. 1864. D. 916.5 : 5 Steger, F:, ed. Mungo Park's reisen in Afrika von der westkiiste zum Niger. Leipz. 1856. D. 916.5:6 Lauder, J: and R: Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger, with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination, [1830-311. Maps and ill. [Harper's fam. lib.] N. Y. 1858. 2 V. S. 916.5:7 Allen, W:, and T: R: Hey wood Thomson. Nar- rative of the expedition sent by her ma- jesty's government to the river Niger in 1841 under the command of capt. H. D. Trotter. Pub. with the sanction of the col- onial office and the admiralty. Lond. 1848. 2v. O. 916.5:8 Barth, H: Travels and discoveries in north and central Africa ; being a journal of an ex- e edition undertaken under the auspices of [. B. M.'s government in 18491855. N. Y. 1857-59. 3v. O. 916.5+9 Richardson, James. Narrative of a mission to central Africa performed in 1850-51, under the orders and at the expense of her ma- jesty's government. Lond. 1853. 2 v. D. 916.5:10 Campbell, Robert. A pilgrimage to my mother- land ; an account oi a journey among the egbas and yorubas of central Africa, in 1859-60. N. Y. 1861. D. 916.5:11 Rohlfs, Gerhard. Quer durch Afrika ; reise vom Mittelmeer nach dem Tschad-see und zum Golf vom Guinea, [1865-67]. Leipz. 1874. 2 V. in 1. O. 916.5 : 12 Stanley, H: Morton. Coomassie and Magdala ; the story of two british campaigns in Africa. 111. N. Y. 1874. O. 966+1 Burton, R: Francis, antiVerneyLovett Cameron. To the Gold Coast for gold ; a personal nar- rative. Lond. 1883. 2 V. O. 916.5:13 Contents. V. 1. Lisbon to Sierra Leone, by way of Madeira and Grand Canary. 2. Sa Leone to Axlm and the gold mines. App.: The Ashanti scare; The labour-question In western Africa; Gold-digging in n. w. Africa; Lists of birds and plants collected. Index. Oberlander, R:, ed. Westafrika vom Senegal bis Bengufcla ; reisen and schilderungen ausSenegambien, Ober- und Niederguinea, mit besonderer riicksicht auf die deutsche expedition an die Loangokiiste und deren ausgang. 3te ergjinzte aufl. [111. bibliothek der lilnder- und volkerkundej. Leipz. 1878. O. 916.6:13 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Explorations and ad- ventures in equatorial Africa ; with ac- counts of the manners and customs of the people and of the chace of the gorilla, crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus and other animals. Map and ill. Lond. 1861. O. 916.7:1 A journey to Ashango-land and further pene- tration into equatorial Africa. Map and ill. N. Y. 1871. O. 916.7+7 Stories of the gorilla country, narrated for young people. 111. N. Y. 1867. D. X 916.7: 2 Wild life under the equator, narrated for young people. 111. N. Y. [1868]. D. x916.7:3 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1325 HIST. AND GEOGR. AFRICA. CI. 916, 964-967 1326 Du Chaillu, Paul BeWoni. Continued. Lost in the jungle, narrated for young people. 111. N. t. [1869]. D. X 916.7: 4 My Apingi kingdom, with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the " "" N. Y. [1870]. D. x916.7:5 111. N. Y. [1871]. x9l6.7:6 ostrich, hyena, etc. 111. The country of the dwarfs. D. 5. Upper Nile region. (See also Nubia and Abyssinia, col. 1333.) Geddie, J: The lake regions of central Africa ; a record of modern discovery. N. Y. 1881. D. 916.4:1 Contents. Introductory and historical. The Nile. The Cong-c The Zambesi. Taylor, Bayard, ed. The lake regions of central Africa ; comp. and arr. Map and ill. (111. lib. of travel). N. Y. 1881. D. 916.4 : 2 Note. Comprises the travels of Burton, Spelie and Balier. Krapf, J: L: Travels, researches and mission- ary labors during an eighteen years resi- dence in eastern Africa, together with jour- neys to Jagga, Usambara,Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia and Khartum and a coasting voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado. With an app. respecting the snow-capped mountains of eastern Africa, the sources of the Nile, the languages and literature of Abessinia and eastern Africa, etc., and an account of geographical researches in east- ern Africa up to the discovery of the Uyen- yesi by dr. Livingstone, by'E. J. Raven- stein. Bost. 1860. O. 916.4 : 3 Biirton, R: Francis. The lake regions of central Africa ; a picture of exploration. N. Y. 1860. O. 916.4:4 Speke, J: Hanning. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. Map, portr. and ill. N. Y. 1864. O. 916.4 : 5 Baker, Sir S: White. The Albert Nyanza, great basin of the Nile and explorations of the Nile sources. Maps, ill. and portr. Lond. 1866. O. 916.4:6 Ismaili'a, a narrative of the expedition to cen- tral Africa for the suppression of the slave trade, organized by Ismail, khedive of Egypt. Maps, portr. and ill. N. Y. 1875. O. 916.4+7 Schweinfurth, G: A: The heart of Africa ; three years' travels and adventures in the unex- plored regions of central Africa from 1868 to 1871. Tr. by Ellen E. Frewer ; with an introd. by Winwood Reade. Maps and ill. N.Y. 1874.2 V. O. 916.4+8 Hill, G: Birbeck, ed. Colonel Gordon in central Africa, 18741879 ; with a portr. and map of the country, prep, under col. Gordon's supervision. From original letters and do- cuments. Lond. 1881. O. 916.4 : 9 "Wilson, C: T., and R. W. Felkin. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. Lond. 1882. 2 v. D. 916.4:10 Contents. V. 1. Wilson, C: T. Narrative. Fel- kin, R. W. Narrative. App. : Wilson, C:T. On trade, List of plants, Itinerary, Vocabularies. Ba- venstein, E. G. Wilson a)id Pelkin's meteorological and hypsometrical observ. Index. 2. Felkin, R. W. Narrative, conMnMed. App. : Felkin, R. W. Anthro- pological notes and measurements. Itinerary; Cas- par!, R. Analysis of Iron ore from Madi and Dar- four; G-errard, A. W. Report on water from hot springs, Busi. Index. Maps. 1101X1:, C: Chaille. Central Africa, naked truths of naked people ; an account of the expe- ditions to the lake Victoria Nyanza and the Makraka-Niam-Niam, west of the Bahr- el-Abiad (White Nile). 111. N. Y. 1877. O. 916.4 :11 Thomson, Joseph. To the central african lakes and back ; the narrative of the Royal geo- graphical society's East central afi'ican ex- pedition, 1878-80 ; with a short biogr. notice of Keith Johnston. Portr. and map. 2d ed. Bost. 1881. 2 v. D. 916.4: 12 Through Masai land ; a journey of explora- tion among the snow-clad volcanic moun- tains and strange tribes of eastern equator- ial Africa, the narrative of the Royal geo- graphical society's expedition to Mount Kenia and lake Victoria Nyanza, 18831884. 4th ed. Bost. 1885. O. 916.4 : 13 Cameron, VerneyLovett. Across Africa. Leipz. 1877. 2 V. in 1. S. 916.4 : 14 6. South central region. Livingstone, D: Missionary travels and re- searches in south Africa, incl. a sketch of 16 years' residence in the interior of Africa and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast, thence across the continent down the river Zambesi to the eastern ocean. Portr., maps and ill. 25 ed., with index. N. Y. 1870. O. 916.6:1 Same. N. Y. 1858. O. 916.6 : 1 andC: Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries and of the dis- covery of the lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 18581864. Map and ill. N. Y. 1866. O. 916.6:2 Last journals in central Africa from 1865 to his death ; continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings obtained from his faithful servants Chuma and Susi, by Ho- race Waller. Portr., maps and ill. N. Y. 1875. O. 916.6+3 Barth, Hermann v. David Livingstone, der Afrikareisende : Ostafrika vom Limpopo bis zum Somalilande ; erforschungsreisen im osten Af rika's, mit besonderer rucksicht auf leben, reisen und tod von David Living- stone ; auf grund des neuesten standpunk- tes der ostafrikanischen volkerkunde be- arb. An stelle der vierten aufl. von "Liv- ingstone, der missionar"; 2te ausg. ver- mehrt durch einen auszug aus D: Living- stone's hinterlassenen tagebiichern. Leipz. 1876. O. 916.6-h4 Stanley, H: Morton. How I found Livingstone ; travels, adventures and discoveries in cen- tral Africa ; incl. four months residence with dr. Livingstone. 111. and maps. 2d ed. Lond. 1872. O. 916.6:6 Through the dark continent, or The sources of the Nile around the great lakes of equator- ial Africa and down the Livingstone river to the Atlantic ocean. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1878. 2 V. O. 916.6 : 6 Both, R: Stanleys reise durch den dunkeln welttheil ; fiir die jugendbearb. Karteund ill. Stuttg. n. d. 8. x 916.6 : 7 at denotes books specially adapted for children. 1327 01. 916, 966-968 HIST. AND GEOGR.- AFRICA. 1328 Ohambliss, J. E., comp. The lives and travels of Livingstone and Stanley, covering their entire career in southern and central Africa. 111. and maps. Phila. [1881]. O. 916 : 6+8 Toung, E:D. Nyassa; a journal of adventures whilst exploring lake Nyassa, central Afri- ca, and establishing the settlement of "Livingstonia," rev. by Horace Waller. 2d ed. Maps. Lend. 1877. D. 916.6 : 9 Elton, James F: Travels and researches among the lakes and mountains of eastern and central Africa; ed. by H. B. Cotterill. Maps and ill. Lond. 1879. O. 916.6 : 10 Ser^a Pinto, Alexandre Alberto da Rocha. How I crossed Africa from the Atlantic to the Indian ocean, through unknown countries, discovery of the great Zambesi affluents, etc. Tr." from the author's ms. by Alfred Elwes. Maps and ill. Phila. 1881. 2 v. O. 916.6:11 Cmtents. V. 1. The king's rifle. 2. The Coillard family. Monteiro, Joachim J: Angola and the river Congo. Map and ill. N. Y. 1876. D. ^ 916.7:9 Capello, Hermenigildo C: de Brito-, and Roberto Ivens. From Benguella to the territory of Yacca ; description of a journey into cen- tral and west Africa, comprising narratives, adventures and important surveys of the sources of the rivers Cuuene, Cubango, Luando, Cuanza and Cuango, and of great part of the course of the two latter, to- gether with the discovery of the rivers Hamba, Cauali, Sussa and Cugho and a detailed account of the territories of Qui- teca, N'bungo, Sosso, Futa and Yacca. Ex- pedition organized in 18771880. Tr. by Alfred Elwes. Maps and ill. Lond. 1882. 2v. O. 916.6: 12 Johnston, H. H. The river Congo, from its mouth to B616b6 ; with a general descrip- tion of the natural history and anthropology of its western basin. 111. 2d ed. Lond. 1884. O. 916.7:8 Stanley, H: Morton. The Congo and the found- ing of its free state ; a story of work and exploration. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1885. 2 V. O. 916.7:10 7. fcJouth Africa. Hi s t o r y . Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of south- ern Africa ; comprising the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Seychelles, etc. 2d ed. [British colonial lib., v. 3]. Lond. 1843. S. 968 : 3 Greswell, W: Our south african empire. [Map.] Lond. 1885. 2 v. O. 968 : 6 Contents. V. 1. Introd. The dutch occupation. The english occupation. Native races: The bushmen and hottentots ; The kaflrs.- Kaflr wars. The dutch republics: The Free State; The Transvaal. South African Confederation.- The Frere administration. 2. Same, conMnwed. The late sir Bartle Frere; re- view of his work and life. Basutoland. Forms of government in south Africa. The Afrikaner Bond. A colonial question; the germans in south Africa. Imperial federation. Some social blots in Cape life. Education at the Cape. The education of the south african tribes. Lucas, T: J. The zulus and the british frontiers. Lond. 1879. O. 968 : 8 Vijn, Cornelius. Cetshwayo's dutchman; the f)rivate journal of a white trader in Zulu- and during the british invasion. Tr. from the dutch and ed. with a pref. by J. W. Colenso. Portr. of Cetshwayo. Lond. 1880. D. 968 : 4 Colenso, Frances Ellen. History of the zulu war and its origin, [the author] assisted in those portions of the work which touch upon military matters by lieut.-col. E: Durnford. Lond. 1880. O. 968:1 Same. 2d ed. Lond. 1881. D. 968:1 The ruin of Zululand ; an account of british doings in Zululand since the invasion of 1879 ; a sequel to The history of the zulu war by Frances Ellen Colenso and lieut.- col. E: Durnford. Portr. of bp. Colenso and Cetshwayo. Lond. 1884, 1885. 2 v. O. 968:5 Nixon, J: The complete story of the Transvaal ; from the "great trek" to the convention of London ; with app. comprising ministerial declarations of policy and official docu- ments. Lond. 1885. O. 968 : 7 Description and travels. Taylor, Bayard, comp. Travels in south Africa. (111. lib. of travel.) N. Y. 1872. D. 916.8:18 Note. Principally Livingstone's and Andersson's journeys. Steedman, Andrew. Wanderings and adven- tures in the interior of southern Africa. 111. Lond. 1835. 2 v. O. 916.8:17 Moflfat, Robert. Missionary labours and scenes in southern Africa. 3'd ed. N. Y. 1843. D. 916.8:20 Hatfield, Edwin F. St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope, or Incidents in the missionary life of James McGregor Bertram ; with an introd. by G: B. Cheever. N. Y. 1852. D. 916.8:11 Fleming', Francis. Southern Africa ; a geogra- phy and natural history of the country, colonies and inhabitants from the Cape of Good Hope to Angola, with notices of their origins, manners, habits, customs, tradi- tions, superstitions, religious usages, lan- guages, past and present conditions, manufactures, weapons, etc. Lond. 1856. D. 916.8:8 Andersson, C: J: Lake Ngami, or Explorations and discoveries during eight years wander- ings in the wilds of south western Africa ; with an introd. letter by J: C: Fremont. 111. N. Y. 1857. O. 916.8 : 3 The Okavango river ; a narrative of travel, exploration and adventure. 111. and map. N. Y. 1861. O. 916.8+4 Notes of travel in south-western Africa. N. Y. 1875. D. 916.8 : 2 Gumming, Roualeyn Gordon. Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of south Africa ; with notices of the native tribes and anecdotes of the chase of the lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhino- ceros, etc. N. Y. 1874. 2 v. D. 916.8 : 7 Cunynghame, Sir Arthur Thurlow. My com- mand in south Africa, 18741878 ; conapris- ing experiences of travel in the colonies of south Africa and the independent states. Maps. 2dthous. Lond. 1879. O. 916.8:6 1829 HIST. AND GEOGR.-AFRICA. 01. 916, 968-969 1330 TroUope, Anthony. South Africa. Leipz. 1878. 2v. inl. S." 916.8:19 Contents. V. 1. South Africa; history. The Cape Colony. Natal. 2. The Transvaal. Griqualand West. The Orange Free State. Native territories. Conclusion. Nixon, J : Amon^ the boers, or Notes of a trip to south Africa in search of health, [1877- 78]. 111. Lond. 1880. O. 916.8:22 Aylward, Alfred. The Transvaal of to-day ; war, witchcraft, sport and spoils in south Africa. Edinb. 1878. O. 916.8:5 Hutchinson, Mrs. Louisa. In tents in the Trans- vaal. Lond. 1879. O. 916.8 : 13 Montague, W: E. Campaigning in south Africa ; reminiscences of an officer in 1879. Edinb. 1880. O. 916.8:21 Gillmore, Parker, (Ubique). The great thirst land ; a ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal and Kalahri desert. 111. Lond. n. d. O. 916.8 : 9 A ride through hostile Africa, with adventures among the boers. 111., new ed. Lond. 1881. O. 916.8:23 Holub, Emil. Seven years in south Africa ; travels, researches and hunting adven- tui-es, between the diamond-fields and the Zambesi, 1873 1879. Tr. by Ellen E. Frewer. 111. and map. Bost. 1881. 3 v. O. 916.8:13 Grout, Lewis. Zulu-land, or Life among the zulu-kafirs of Natal and Zulu -land, south Africa. Map and ill. Phila. [1864]. D. 916.8:10 Barker, Mary Anne lady, now mrs. F: Napier Broome. A year's housekeeping in south Africa. Leipz. 1877. S. 916.8 : 1 Note. Zululand and Natal. 8. Madagascar. Ellis, W: Three visits to Madagascar, during the years 185318541856 ; mcl. a journey to the capital, with notices of the natural history of the country and the present civilization of the people. 111. N. Y. 1859. O. 916.9+1 liittle, H: W: Madagascar, its history and people. Map. Edinb. 1884. O. 916.9:2 Madagascar and France ; with of t ' Shaw, G: A. some account of the island, its people, its resources and development. 111. and map. Lond. 1885. O. 969 : 2 Oliver, S: Pastield. The true story of the french dispute in Madagascar. Map. Lond. 1885. O. 969 : 1 23. North America a, In general. 1. Discovery and History. ITi story in general. Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical his- tory of America ; v. 2-4. Bost. 1885. Q. 970+1122 Contents. V. 2. Spanish explorations and settle- ments in America, from the 15th to 17th century. Winsor, J. Documentary sources of early spanish- amer. history; Columbus and his discoveries, with critical essay and notes; The earliest maps of the Spanish and Portuguese discoveries. Gay, Sidney Howard. Amerigo Vespucci. Winsor, J. Notes on Vespucius and the naming of America; Bibliography of Pomponius Mela, Solinus, Vadianus and Apianus. Channing:, E : The companions of Columbus, with critical essay. Winsor, J. The early cartography of the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent parts. Shea, J : G. Ancient Florida, with critical essay. Ellis, G: E. Las Casas, and the relations of the Spaniards to the Indians, with critical essay and editorial note. Win- sor, J. Coi'tes and his companions, with critical essay and notes ; Discoveries of the Pacific coast of North Amer. Haynes, H: W. Early explorations of New Mexico, with critical essay and editorial note. Markham, Clements R. Pizarro, and the conquest and settlement of Peru and Chili, with editorial notes. Winsor, J. The Amazon and Bldoi-ado. Hale, E: E. Magellan's discovery, with critical essay. Index. 3. English explorations and settlements in North America. 1497 - 1(>89. Editor's note. Deane, C: The voyages of the Cabots, with critical essay. Hale, E: E. Hawkins and Drake, with critical essay on Drake's Bay. Winsor, J. Notes on the sources of information. Smith, C: C. Explorations to the north-west, with critical essay. Winsor, J. The Zeno influence on early cartography ; Frobisher's and Hudson's voyages. Henry, W: Wirt. Sir Walter Ralegh; Settlements at Roanoke and voyages to Guiana, with critical essay. Brock, Robert A. Vir- ginia, 1606 - 1689, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Notes on the maps of Virginia, etc. De Costa, B: r. Norumbega and its english explorers, with criti- cal essay. Winsor, J. Earliest english publications on America and other notes. Ellis, G: E. The re- ligious element in the settlement of New England; puritans and separatists in England, with critical essay. Dexter, Franklin B. The pilgrim church and Plymouth colony, with critical essay.- Deane, C: New England, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Bibliographical notes; early maps of New England. Stevens, J: Austin. The english in New York, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Notes. White- head, W: A. The english in east and west Jersey, 1664 - 1689, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Note. Keen, Gregory B. Note on New Albion. Stone, F: D. The founding of Pennsylvania, with critical essay. Brantly, W: T. The english in Maryland, 1632 - 1691, with critical essay. Index. 4. French explorations and settlements in North America, and those of the Portuguese, dutch and swedes, 1500-1700. Shaler, Nathaniel S. Physiogra- phy of North America. Dexter, G: Cortereal, Ver- razano, Gomez, Thevet, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Maps of the eastern coast of North America, 150(1- 1535. De Costa, B : F. Jacques Cartier and his suc- cessors, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Cartogra- phy of the northeast coast of North America, 1535- 1600. Slafter, Edmund P. Champlain, with critical essay.- Smith, C: C. Acadia, with critical essay. Winsor, J. Notes. Neill, E: D. Discovery along thegreat lakes, with critical essay and editorial note. Winsor, J. Joliet, Marquette and La Salle; Father L: Hennepin; Baron La Hontan. Shea, J : G. The .iesuits, recollects, and the Indians, with critical es- say. Winsor, J. The Jesuit relations. Stewart, G:,jr. Frontenac and his times, with critical essay and editorial notes.- Winsor, J. General atlases and charts of the 16th and 17th centuries; Maps of the 17th century showing Canada. Fernovr, Berthold. New Netherland, or The dutch in North America, with critical essay and editorial notes. Keen, Gre- gory B. New Sweden, or The swedes on the Dela- ware, with critical essay. Index. Note. The contents of the other volumes, when completed, will be as follows: 1, America before Co- lumbus. 5, The french and english in North Ame- rica, from the english revolution to the peace of Paris, 1689-1763. 6, The american revolution, 176:$ 178;j. 7, The U. S.. 1783-1850. 8, Canada and the american outgrowths of continental Europe, depen- dent and independent, in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1331 CI. 917, 970 HIST. AND GEOGR.-NORTH AMERICA. 1333 Robertson, W: The history of America. Lond. 1824. 3 V. D. 970:12 Contents. V. 1. Catalogue of Spanish books and rass. Review of navigation and discovery before Columbus. Voyages and discoveries of Columbus. Discoveries of the immediate successors of Colum- bus. View of America, when first discovered, and of the manners and policy of its uncivilized inhabitants. 2 . Same, continued. HiBtory of the conquest of New Spain by Cortes. History of the conquest of Peru by Pizarro. 3. View of the institutions and mannei'S of the mexicansand Peruvians. View of the interior government, commerce, etc., of the Spanish colonies. History of Virginia to 1688. History of New Eng- land to 1653. Index. Same ; with an account of his life and writings. Added, questions for the examination of students. N. Y. 1843. O. 970 : 12 Same, abridged ; with a memoir of the author from that by Dugald Stewart. [Harper's family lib.] " N. Y. 1844. S. 970 : 23 Holmes, Abiel. The annals of America, from the discovery by Columbus, in 1492, to 1826. 2d ed. Cambridge. 1829. 3 v. O. Contents. V. 1. European discoveries and settle- ments. 1492-1607. British american colonies, 1607-1733. 2. Same, 1733-1776. The U. S. of Amer., 1776-1826.- Index. Mackenzie, Robert. America ; a history [to the present time]. N. Y. 1883 [1881]. D. 970:6 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. 970+6 Contents. United States. Dominion of Canada. South America, etc. Index. Ooodrich, S: (iriswold. Lights and shadows of american history. [Youth's lib. of history.] Bost. [1844]. S. x970:9 Yonge, Charlotte Mary, and Horatio Hastings Weld. Aunt (Charlotte's stories of ameri- can history. HI. N. Y. [1883]. S. X 970 : 13 Wright, Henrietta Christian. Children's stories in american history. 111. N. Y. 1885. I). X 970 : 21 Discovery. {See also History of the U. 8. and of Mexico.) Leland, C: Godfrey. Fusang, or The discovery of America by Chinese priests in the nth century. Lond. 1875. D. 970 : 1 Contents. The narrative of Hoei-Shin, with com- ments by C: F: Neumann. Remarks on the text of prof. Neumann. Letter from col. Barclay Kennon on the navigation of the north Pacific ocean. Ameritan antiquities, with their relation to the old world. The advocates and opponents of the narra- tive of Hoei-Shin. The latest discussion of Fusang. Vining, E: P. An inglorious Columbus, or Evidence that Hwui Shan and a party of buddhist monks from Afghanistan "dis- covered America in the fifth century. N. Y. 1885. O. 9704-17 Copenhagen. Kongelige nordiske oldskrift-sel- skab. Antiquitates americanae sive sci-ip- tores septentrionales rerum ante-Colum- bianorum in America : Saraling af de i nordens oldskrifter indeholdte efterretnin- ger om de gamle nordboers opdagelses- reiser til America fra det lOde til det 14de aarhundrede; edidit Societas regia antiqua- riorum septentrionalium [by C: Christian Rafn]. Hafniae. 1837. F. " 970:R19 Contents. Prefatio. Conspectus codicum mem- branearum in quibus terrarum americanarum men- tio fit.- America discovered by Scandinavians in tho 10th century. Narrationes de Eiriko Rufo et Grren- landle. Historia Thorflnni Karlsefnii et SnorrilThor- brandi filii. De inhabitatione Groenlandiae. De Ario Maris filio. De Bjorne Breidvikensium athleta. De Gudleivo Gudlcegi Alio. Excerpta ex annalibus islandorum. De mansione groenlandorum in locis borealibus. Excerpta egeographicis scriptis veterum Islandorum.- Carmen Fferiiicum in quo Vinlandiae mentio fit. Adami Bremensis relatio de Vinlandia. Monumenta europaja in oris GronlandiiE. Monu- mentum vetustum in Massachusetts. Monumenta vetusta in Rhode Island. Annotationes geogra- phicie. Smith, Joshua Toulmin. The discovery of America by the northmen in the ' 10th century ; comprising translations of all the most important original narratives of tliis event, together with a critical examin- ation of their authenticity ; added, an examination of the comparative merits of the northmen and Columbus. 3d ed. Maps and plates. Lond. 1843. D. 970 : 18 Anderson, Rasmus B. America not discovered by Columbus ; an historical sketch of the discovery of America by the norsemen in the 10th century; with an app. on the historical, linguistic, literary and scientific value of the Scandinavian languages. New ed. Chicago. 1877. D. 970 : 10 Weise, Artliur James. The discoveries of America to 1535. N. Y. 1884. O. 970+20 Campe, Joachim H: Die entdeckung von Ame- rika; ein unterhaltungsbuch fiir kinder und junge leute. Brschw. 1853. 3 v. T. X 970 : 7 Contents. V. 1. Kolumbus. 2. Kortes. 3. Pizarro. Bell, N. R. E., {N. D^Anvers). Heroes of ameri- can discovery. 111. Lond. 1884. 1). 970 : 15 Note. Comprises the voyages and expeditions from Columbus, to the U. 8. and Canada boundary com- mission, continued to 1880. Fox, (i. V. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the new world. Maps. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1880. in 622 : 1) Eohl, J: (i: History of discovery and explora- tion on the coasts of the U'. S. In U. 8. Coast survey report, 1884. in 622 : D Contents. Atlantic coast. -Gulf of Mexico. Pacific coast. See also in the Index to biography Colombo Cort68 Pizarro Ralegrh Vespucci. iVe w Fra nee. (See also Louisiana, cl. 974.6; Canada, cl. 976.) Charlevoix, P: Fran9ois Xavier de. History and general description of New France.' Tr., with notes by J: Gilmary Shea. N. Y. 1866. 6v. Q. 970+P3! Contents. V. 1. Preface. Chronological tables of! the new world, and of the colonies planted there by europeans. Critical list of authors. Canada and l Florida, 1504-1814. 2. Quebec and New France. 1(509- 1656. 3. Same, 16.57-188. 4. Same, incl. La Salle's < expedition to the Mississippi, lfi88-16. App. Life ' and death of some Indian christians. 5. New France, , 16!6-1735. 6. Louysiana, 1700-173B. Index. Le Clercq, Chretien. First establishment of the faith in New France. Now first tr., with i notes by J: Gilmary Shea. [Mississippi ser., no. 2.] N. Y. 1881". 3 v. O. 917:P10i Contents. V. 1. Sketch of father Le Clercq. From i the first discoveries of New France to abt. 1660. 2. From abt. 1660 to 1690. Index. Hennepin, L: A description of Louisiana. Tr. from the ed. of 1683 and compared with the Nouvelle decouvert, the La SaJle documents denotes books specially adapted for children. 1333 HIST. AND OEOQH. NOKTH AMEBIC A. CI. 917, 970 1334 and other contemporaneous papei's, byJ: Gilmary Shea. [Mississippi series, no. 1]. N. Y. 1880. O. 917.1 : P45 Freytas, Nicolas de. The expedition of don i)iego Dionisio de Peualosa, governor of New Mexico, from Santa Fe to the river Mischipi and Quivira in 16G2 ; with an ac- count of Penalosa's projects to aid the french to conquer the niining country in northern Mexico ; and his connection with Cavelier de La Salle. [Mississippi ser. no. 3.] N. Y. 1883. O. 917.1+P46 Parkman, Francis, jr. France and England in North America ; a series of historical nar- ratives. Bost. 1880-84. 7 v. D. and O. 970:4 Contents. Pt. 1. Pioneers of France in the new world. 17th cd. 2. The Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 14th ed. 3. La Salle and the dis- covery of the great west. 13th ed., rev. 4. The old regime in Canada. 8th ed. 5. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 7th ed. 6. nut pub. 7. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v. Same. Pts. 1, 3. Bost. 1865, 1879. 2 v. O. 970 : 4 History of the conspiracy of Pontiac and the wars of the north amer. tribes against the english colonies after the conquest of Canada. Bost. 1851. O. 970-(-5 Same. 9th ed., with add. Bost. 1880. 2 v. D. 970:5 Historic handbook of the northern tour : Lakes George and Champlain Niagara, Montreal, Quebec. [Maps and ill.] Bost. 1885. D. 970 : 16 Baird, C: W. History of the hugenot emigration to America. N. Y. [1885]. 2 v. O. 970+14 Contents. V. 1. Pref. Attempted settlements in Brazil and Florida. Under the edict: Acadia and ('anada. New Netherland. The Antilles. Approach of the revocation. The revocation: Flight from La Kochelle and Aunis. App. 2. The revocation: Flight from Saintonge, Poitou, Touraine, the north- ern provinces, the eastern and southern provinces. The refuge: England. The emigration: On the high seas. The settlement: Boston; Oxford; Rhode Island ; Connecticut. App. Index. See also in the Index to biography Champlain LaSalle. JVe w Sp a in. See Mexico, cl. 977; Central America, cl. 978; West Indies, cl. 979; South America, cl. 980989. Archeolo gy , essays and periodi- cals. (See aUo Prehistoric America, col. 348-349.) Haven, S: Foster. Archajology of the U. S., or Sketches, historical and bibliographical, of the progress of information and opinion respecting vestiges of antiquity in the U. S. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v8 Archseological institute of America. American series ; Papers. Bost. 1881. O. 906+13 Contents. 1. Bandelier, A. F. Historical introd. to studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico. 2. Bandelier, A. F. Report on the ruins of the pueblo of Pecos. American antiquarian and oriental journal, The; ed. by Stephen D. Peet ; v. 1 -7, april 1878 dec. 1885. Chicago. 1878-85. O. 905 :M Note. Title-page of v. 1, 2 reads "a quarterly .jour- nal devoted to early american history, ethnology and archaeology." Magazine of american history, The, with notes and queries ; v. 514, July 1880 dec. 1885. 111. N. Y. 188085. O. 905 : M Magazine of western history, ill.; ed. by W: W. Williams ; v. 1, 2, nov. 1884 oct. 1885. Cleveland. 1885. O. 905 : M American historical association. Papers. N. Y. 1885. O. 906+10 Contents. V. 1. Adams, H. B. Report of the or- ganization and proceedings, Saratoga, sept. 9, 10, 1884. White, A. D. On studies in general history and the history of civilization. Knight, G : W. History and management of land grants for education in the Northwest Territory (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michi- gan, Wisconsin). -Robertson, C. F. The Louisiana purchase in its influence upon the american system. Johns Hopkins university. Studies in histori- cal and political science ; Herbert B. Adams, ed. Bait. 1882-85. 8 v. O. 904+32 Contents. V. 1. Ist series: Local institutions. 1. Freeman, E: A: An introduction to american insti- tutional history. 2. Adams, H. B. The germanic origin of New England towns; read before the Har- vard hist, soc, may 9, 1881, and Notes on cooperation in university work. 3. Shaw, A. Local government in Illinois; repr. from the Fortnightly review. Oould, E. R. L. Local government in Pennsylvania; read before the Pennsylvania hist, soc, may 1, 1883. 4. Adams, H. B. Saxon tithing-men in America; read before the Amer. antiqu. soc, oct. 21, 1881. 5. Bemis, E: W. Local government in Michigan and the northwest; read before the Amer. social science assoc, sept. 7, 1882. 6. Ing-le, E: Parish institutions of Maryland, with ill. from parish records. 7. John- son, J: Old Maryland manors, with the records of a court leet and a court baron. 8. Adams, H. B. Norman constables in America, read before the New England hist, geneal soc, feb. 1, 1883. 9-10. Adams, H. B. Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem, from the hist, collections of the Essex institute. 11. Johnston, A. The genesis of a New England state, Connecticut; read before the Histor. and polit. sci- ence assoc. apri) 13, 18a'}. 12. Ramag'e, B. J. Local government and free schools in South Carolina, 1st pt., read before the Hist. Soc of S. C, dec. 15, 1883. 2. 2d series: Institutions and ecoiwmics. 1, 3. Adams, H. B. Methods of historical study. 3. Ely, R: T. The past and present of political economy. 4. Hosmer, J. K. S: Adams, the man of the town- meeting. 5, 6. Adams, H: C. Taxation in the U. S. 17891816. t.^Macy, J. Institutional beginnings in a western state. 8,9. Weeden, W: B. Indian money as a factor in New England civilization. 10. Chan- ning', E: Town and county government in the eng- lish colonies of North America. 11. Johnson, J: Rudimentary society among boys. 13. Shinn, C: H. Land laws of mining districts. 3. 3d series: Maryland, Virginia a7id Washington. 1. Adams, H. B. Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the U. S., with minor papers on G : Wash- ington's interest in western lands, the Potomac com- pany and a national university. 3, 3. Ing'le, E: Local institutions of Virginia. 4. Ely, R: T. Recent american socialism. 5-7. Wilhelm, L. W. Local institutions of Maryland. 8. Scott. A. The influ- ence of the proprietors in founding tne state of New Jersey. 9, 10. Davis, H. American constitutions; the relations of the three departments as adjusted by a century. 11.12. Porter, J: Addison. The city of Washington ; its origin and administration. 2. The aborigines. (See also Folk-lore, col. 143144; Indian biography, class 920.1; and The United States, particularly The far west, In cl. 975.) Drake, Francis S: Indian history for younff folks. 111. and map. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. O X 970.1+20 Frost, J: Indian wars of the U. S.; from the earliest period to the present time. 111. N. Y. 1860. O. 970.1 : 19 Drake, S: Gardner. Tragedies of the wilder- ness, or Narratives of captives, who have X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1335 CI. 917, 970 HIST. AND GEOGR. NORTH AMERICA. been carried away by the Indians from the various frontier settlements of the U. S., from the earliest to the present time. Bost. 1846. D. 970:8 "Walker, Francis Amasa. The Indian question. Bost. 1874. D. 970.1 :9 Manypenny, G: W. Our Indian wards. Cine. 1880. O. 970.1+8 Jackson, Helen Maria, born Fiske, formerly mrs. Hunt, {H. H.) A century of dishonor ; a sketch of the U. S. government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. N. Y. 1881. D. 327.1:4 Same. New ed., enlarged by the add. of the report of the needs of the mission Indians of Cal. Bost. 1886. D. 327.1 : 10 See also American state papers, col. 174175. * * * Goodrich, S: Griswold. The manners, customs and antiquities of the indians of North and South America. [Youth's library of his- tory]. Bost. [1843]. S. X 970.1 : 12 History of the indians of North and South America. [Youth's library of history]. Bost. [1844]. S. X 970.1 : 13 Ellis, G: E. The red man and the white man in North America, from its discovery to the present time. Bost. 1882. O. 970.1 : 16 earlier. A: Histoire . . . [des] rapports avec les indiens . . . jusqu' en 1776. 971.1 : 16 Schoolcraft, H: Rowe. The red race of America. N. Y. 1848. O. 970.1 :4 Contents. Personal reminiscences. Scenes and ad- ventures in the Ozark mountains, 1818 and 1819. Per- sonal incidents and impressions of the Indian race. Tales of a wigwam. Mythology, religion, manners and customs. Ethnology, alpnab. arr.; Letter A. Language, 3 (1 and 2 will be found in 917.5: 43). Pic- ture writing. Antiquities of the western country. Settlement of Detroit. Cartier's voyages. Influence of ardent spirits on the condition of the north amer. indians. Indian policy of the government. Nursery, cradle and war songs. Algic researches. 299 : 9 See col. 143. Personal memoirs of thirty years with the in- dian tribes. " 917.6 : 43 Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the the U. S., collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian affairs, per act of congress of march 3d 1847. 111. rub. by authority of congress. Phila. 1853- 56. 5v. Q. 970.1 :R3 Contents. General history: V. 1. Earliest tra- ditions of the indians respecting their origin and the cosmogony of the earth. Summary of the beliefs of the various tribes. 2. First interview with the tribes of Va., N. Y. and N. E., at the close of the 16th and commencement of the 16th century. General ethno- graphy. 3. Spanish discoveries in Fla., Ala., La., Miss., Tenn., Mo. and Arlt. Expeditions of D'Allyon, Narvaez and De Soto. Discovery of the Miss, river. 4. Discovei-ies on the Gila, Colorado and Rio del Norte. Expedition of Coronado in 1542, and con- (luest and founding of New Mexico. First excursions into the present area of western Texas and Ark. 5. Origin of the Indian race, and summary view of the Indian character.- Effect on the Indian of the con- tiguous civilization of the white man. App. Cusic, D: Sketches of the ancient history of the six na- tions; Sketch of the earliest explorations of the french in Cantfda and the valley of the Mississippi. 6. (See at the end of the contents.) Manners and customs: V. 2. Generic view. The constitution of the Indian family. Forest teach- ings. Art of hunting. Sugar-making. War and its incidents. The wigwam and its mates. Birth and its incidents. Death and its incidents. Games of X denotes Ijoolw speciftUy adapted for children. Schoolcraft, H: Rowe. Continued. chance. The Indian on his hunting-ground. Miscel. traits. 3. Generic traits of mind. Traces of foreign origin. Distinctive phases of the hunter state. Costume. Accoutrements. 4. Social state of the indians. Manners and customs: Winnebagoes; Dacotahs; Moqui and Navajo tribes of New Mexico. Hunting the buffalo on the western prairies. 5. Resume and examination of the manners, customs, rites and religion of the Indian tribes, to determine whether they are of foreign origin. Generic con- clusions. App. Kern, E: M. Indian customs of Cal. ; Irvin, S. M. A scene on the prairies; Alvord, B: Manners and customs of the indians of Oi'egon. Antiauities : V. 1. General archeology. An- tique skill in fortification. Erection of tumuli, or altars of sacrifice. Evidences of fixed cultivation at an antique period. The state of arts and miscellan- eous fabrics. Attempts in mining and metallurgy. Ossuaries. Archaeological evidences of the continent having been visited by a people having letters, prior to the era of Columbus. 2. Floridian teocalli or elevated platform residences of the native rulers and priests.- Antiquities of Lake Erie. Archseologi- cal relics from S. C. and western N. Y. Aboriginal embankments and excavations at lake Vioux Desert on the boundary of Wis. and Mich. 3. Schoolcraft, H. R. Pictographic inscription on the banks of the Hudson; Pottery from minor mounds on the coasts of Fla. and Ga.; Colored earthenware from the Rio Gila, N. M.; Erie inscription of the Kekeewin; Me- tallic plates exhibited in annual dances among the Muscogees. 4. Sketch of the antiquities of the U. S. Essay on the Congaree indians of S. C New ele- mentary facts in the current discovery of amer. archeology. 5. Considerations of the mound-period of the Miss, valley, and on the general state of Indian art prior to the discovery. Traits and comparison of american antiquities. App. Gilliss, G. M. Peru- vian antiquities; Iioughridge, R. M. Antique Mus- cogee brass plates; Locke, J: Ruins of an ancient fortress in Ohio; Gibbs, G: No antiquities in Ore- gon; Woods, J: Antique copper implements from the Miami valley; Haxwell, T: Aboriginal anti- quities and history of western N. Y. Physical geography: V. 1. Geographical mem- oranda respecting the discovery of the Mississippi river. Gold deposits of California. Mineralogical and geographical notices, denoting the value of aboriginal territory. Existing geological action of the american lakes.- Antique osteology of the mon- ster period. The Oneida stone. Minnesota. 2. Nicollet, N. J. Natural caves in the Sioux country, on the left bank of the upper Miss, river. Whipple, A. W. Physical data, respecting the southern part of Cal. included in the line of boundary between San Diego and the mouth of the river Gila; with inci- dental notices of Diegunos and Yuma Indian tribes. 3. Indian territories of the U. S. Series of saline strata in Onondaga county. Gibbs, G : Journal of the expedition of col. Redick M'Kee, U. S. Indian agt., through northwestern California, in 1851. 4. Area of the U. S. still possessed by the Indian tribes and its ultimate division into states and territories. Sectional view of the great lake basin, being the ancient seats of the Algonquin and Iroquois power, and their striking position between the Atlantic and Miss, valley tribes. The sources of the Miss, a suita- ble position as a refuge for the Chippewas. 5. Pres- ent geographical position of the Indian tribes of the U.S. Tribal organization, history and govern- ment: V. 1. Prelim, remarks. Shoshonee or Snake nation. Wyeth, N. J. Tribes of Oregon, etc. Burnet, D. G. Comanches and other tribes of Texas. Bent, C: Tribes of New Mexico. William- son, T: S. Dacotas of the Mississippi.- The small- pox a scourge to the aborigines. Tribes on the Santa Fe trail and at the foot of the Rocky mountains. History of the Creeks or Muskogees.- Massachusetts Indians.- Former Indian population of Kentucky. History of the Menomonies and Chippewas. Misco- tins and Assigunaigs.- Origin and history of the Chickasaws. 2. The Naiini or Comanches of Texas. Oral traditions resp. the history of the Ojibwa nation. Prescott, P. Contributions to the history, customs and opinions of the Dacota tribes. 3. Schoolcraft, H. R. History of the Iroquois repub- lic; Origin of the Mandan tribe, and its stock of atriliation; Migrations of the lowas; Hochungara family of the Dacotah group; Ancient Bries; His- tory, language and archieology of the Pimos of the river Gila, N. M.; Moqui tribe of New Mexico. Em- 1337 HIST. AND GEOGR. NORTH AMERICA. 01. 917, 970 1338 Schoolcraft, H: Rowe. Continued. mons, G. F. Indian tribes of Oregon and Cal. Prescott, P. Dacotaii tribes, continual: Sioux or Dacotali proper. Irvin, S. M., and W: Hamilton. History of the Iowa or Sac tribes. Fletcher, J. E. Winnebagoes. Carolina ms. respecting the origin of the Catawbas. 4. Schoolcraft, H. R. Slsetch of the ancient Eries, conWuited. Shea, J: G. Inquiries respecting the lost neutral nations; Brief researches in the missionary authors, respecting the Mascoutins of the trench era. Backus, E. Account of the Navajoes of N. M. Eaton, J. H. Description of the true state and character of the N. M. tribes. John- ston, A. Manners, customs and history of the Root- diggers and other Cal. tribes. Fletcher, J. E. Origin, history, and traits of the Winnebagoes, cmi- tinued. 5. Tribal influence and general character: Alleghans, Delawares, Chippewas, Oneidas, Ononda- gas, Kenistenos, Athapascas, Blackfeet, Pillagers or Mukkundwas, Michigamies, Utahs, Apachees, Cali- fornia tribes, Pennacooks. App. Perley, G. H. Indians of New Brunswick; JUL. Moravians in Dutch- ess CO., N. Y., during the early part of the 18th cent. ; Parker, W : B. Indians of s. w. Texas; Mitchell, D. D. Blackfeet Indians; Henry, T. C. Apachees; Origin and history. Intellectual capacity and character: V. 1. Mythology and oral traditions. Indian pictography or symbolic writing. 2. Numeration. Art of picto- graphy. Aboriginal alphabetical notation. Oral imaginative legends. 3. Oral Actions. Poetic de- velopment of the Indian mind. 4. Indian picto- graphy. Oral traditions and Actions from the wig- wam. Indian shrewdness and business talent in public speaking. 5. The indian mind. Topical history: V. 2. Mandans. Pontiac ms.; journal of the events of the siege of Detroit by the confederated indians in 1763. Anacoana, queen of the Caribs. 3. Madison, James. Upper posts of Canada in 1778. Brantz, Lewis. Western America beyond the Alleghanies in 1785; memoranda of a jour- ney. Perrault, J : Baptiste. Indian life in the n.-w. regions of the U. S. in 1783; voyages and adventures of a merchant voyager. 4. Duane, W. Diary of Matthew Clarkson, west of the Alleghanies, In 1766. Schoolcraft, H. R. Passages of a tour in the coun- try of the Osages in Miss., Mo. and Ark., traversed by De Soto in 1.542. Wiser, Conrad. Narrative of a journey from Tolpehocken in Pa. to Onondaga, in 1737. Franklin, B. Remarks concerning the sav- ages of North Amer. Tyler, A. Traditions of the Senecas respecting the battle of Oriskany and the massacre of Wyoming; Brant exonerated. 5. Sw^an, C. Position and state of manners and arts in the Creek nation, in 1791. Ethnologry: V. 1. Generic views of the mental type of the indian race. 4. Prelim, remarks to Some considerations on the geographical position occupied by the various stocks of tribes in the present area of the U. S., at the close of the 15th century, and their subsequent migrations. Physical type: V. 2. Morton, S: G: Physical cTiaracteristics.- Phillips, J. S. Admeasurements of crania of the principal groups of indians of the U. S. 3. Unity of the human race. Bro-wne, P: A. Examination and description of the hair of the head of the north-amer. indians, and its comparison with that of other varieties of men. 4. Remai'ks on the means of obtaining information. Forrey, S: Con- siderations of the distinctive characteristics of the amer. aborig. tribes. 5. The aboriginal features and physiognomy. Langruagre : V. 1. Vocabularies: Natic or Massa- chusetts; Shoshonee; Yuma. 2. Schoolcraft, H. R. Indian languages of the U. S. Lieber, Francis. Plan of thought of the amer. languages. Schoolcraft, H. R. Essay on the grammatical structure of the Algonquin lang. Worcester, S. N. Remarks on the principles of the Cherokee lang. Vocabularies : Al- gonquin group: Iroquois group ; Miscellaneous. 3. ClassiAcation of the indian languages. Principles of the indian languages: Analysis of the pronominal and verbal forms; Gibbs, G. Observ. on some of the indian dialects of northern Cal.; New vocabularies of various dialects and languages. 4. Observ. on the manner of compounding words in the indian lang. Hurlbut, T: Memoir of the inflections of the Chip- pewa tongue.- Remarks on the Iowa lang. John- son, Adam. Languages of California; with vocabu- laries. 5. Chippewa language: Conjugation. App. Lane, W: C. Letter on the aflSnities of dialects in Schoolcraft, H: Rowe. Continued. N. M.; Kidder, F: Examples of Passamaquoddy lang. ; Band, S. T. Milicite numerals. State of indian art: V. 1. Ancient art. 2. Modern art: Existing handicraft skill. 3. Same: Handicraft skill in arts of first necessity. 4. Same: Earthenware of the pueblo indians of N. M.; Domes- tic handicraft of Moqui and Navajo tribes; Making blankets: Spinning and weaving of the Navajoes. Antique indian art: Its generic type of architecture; Arts at the era of the discovery of Amer. 5. Synop- tical sketch of indian art. App. Swan, C. Arts and mfrs. of Creek indians in 1791. S. Embalming by the Oregon indians. Belig'ion and mythology: V. 1. Medaism or indian priestcraft. 4. Schoolcraft, H. R. Aborig- inal idea of religion. Pond, G. H. Power and in- fluence of Dacota medicine-men. 5. The indian elysium. The mythology of the Vesperic tribes, and its influences on their social state. Dsemonolog'y, magic and witchcraft: V. 1. Exhibition of magic in indian life. 3. Schoolcraft, H. R. Introd. remarks; Magical dances of the On- tonagons; Invulnerability and invisibility from magic influences; Genii worship. Eastman, S. Gods of the Dacotahs; The giant's feast and dance. Magical pictographs from Utah. 4. Schoolcraft, H. R. Evidences of the unity of belief in the necro- mancy and demon worship of the ancient pop. of Asia and the present indian tribes in North Amor. Eastman, S. Demoniacal observances of the tribes of the Dacotahs, upper Mississippi. 5. Remarks on the practice of sorcery and medical magic by the indian priesthood. Medical know^ledg-e: V. 1. Remarks on the medical and surgical knowledge of the Dacotahs. 3. Practice of medicine among the Winnebagoes. 4. Prelim, remarks on the indian notions of ana- tomy and medicine. Pitcher, Z. Medicine, or Some account of the remedies used by the amer. indians in the cure of diseases, and treatment of injuries to which they are liable, and their methods of admin- istering and applying them. 5. The indian as a physician. Condition and prospets: V. 1. Tables of in- quiries. 2. Schoolcraft, H. R. Importance of the pastoral state on races of men. Johnston, J : Means of melioration. Lowry, D. Moral questions relative to practical plans for educating and civilizing the aborig. Angrel, W. P. Present geogr. position, number and means of the Iroquois. 3. Lowry, D. Education, Christianity and the arts. 4. School- craft, H. R. Plan of colonization, and present condition of the tribes; Discouragements to educa- tion arising Irom hunter habits; Necessity of a government of some Axed form. 5. Summary sketch of the policy of the U. S. respecting the In- dians. App. Hartley, A. J. Pleasing prospects of the Chickasaws; Henry, T. C. Hopeless prospects of the Apachees; Rigg's, R. Education among the Dakotahs; Native churches. Statistics and population: V. 1. General re- marks. Census returns of the indian tribes of the U. S., with their vital and industrial statistics. Tables of the tribes within the newly acquired states and territories. 2. Period of 1850. Period of 1830. Lands purchased from the indians. 3. Comparison of the number of Aghting men in the northern and western tribes in the U. S. and Canada, as estimated at various periods from 1736 to 1812. Boquet, Col. Indians in the english colonies in 1764. Madison, J. Indian force on the breaking out of the amer. rev. in 1778. Pike, Z. M. Indian pop. of the upper Miss, in 1806. Lewis anrt Clark. Indian pop. of the Colum- bia valley in 1806. Monroe, James. Plan of indian colonization west of the Miss, in 1825; with a state- ment of the ditferent tribes then within the U. S. and land claimed by them. Porter, P: B. Names and situations of indian tribes in 1829. Position and pop. of the indian tribes on lakes Huron and Superior and the upper Miss, in 1832. Cass, Lewis. Tribes west of the Miss, under treaty stipulations, and also those with whom the U. S. have no relations. Official estimates of the indian pop. of the U. S. in 1836. Sioux pop. in 1836. Indian pop. of Mich, in 1840. Census and statistics in 1846. Estimate of the indian fop. of the Missouri valley in 1850. Dart, Anson, ndian pop. of western Oregon in 1851. Calhoun, J. S. Pop. of the pueblos of N. M. M'Kee, R. In- dian pop. of n.-w. Cal. Stem, Jesse. Indian pop. of Texas in 1851. 4. Mlscel. statistics as to expenditures for the indians, and the census of different tribes at 1339 CI. 917, 970 HIST. AND GEOGR. NORTH AMERICA. 1340 Schoolcraft, H: Rowe. Continued. various periods; incl. Population of the Iroquois confederacy, from 1T78 to 1853. 5. Synopsis of statistics ; progress of the census, and means recom- mended for its completion. App. Statistics of Indi- ans in Oreg., W. T., etc. Biography: V. 4. Logan, Cayuga. 5. Skenan- doah, Oneida. Occum, Mahican. Adario, Wyandot. Waul) Ojeeg, Chippewa. - Peshkewah, Miami. Waubunsee, Pottawattamie. Literature of the indian langxiagres, by H. R. Schoolcraft. V. 3. Plan of a system of geograph- ical names for the IT. S.. derived from the aborig. lang. Indian nomenclature; a critical dictionary of indian names in the history, geography and myth- ology of the U. S.: Letter A. 4. Bibliogi-aphical catalogue of books, translations of the scriptures and other publications into the indian tongues of the U. S. Indian nomenclature: Letter B. 6. List of anglo-indian words incorporated into the eng. lang. Philosophy of utterance. Comparisons of the lang. of the ancient Pampticos and Waccoas of N. Carolina with the Algonquin and Catawba. Original words of indian songs, literally transl. A lexicon of of the Algonquin lang. : Pt. 1, Chippewa, letter A. Indian nomenclature: Letter C. Vocabularies of the Apachee and the Micniac The Lord's prayer in several Algonquin dialects. Indian etymology. Some data resp. the principles of the Chippewa and Mahican lang., in a series of letters, written 1832-1837. Names based on the indian vocabularies, suggested for new subdivisions of the public domain. App. Bonneville, B. L. E. Etymology of the word Ore- gon; Marcy, K. B. Specimens of the Caddo and Witchita lang.; S- Indian numerals. Same. Pt. 6: History of the indian tribes of theU. S.; their present condition and pros- pects, and a sketch of their ancient status. Pub. by order of congress, under the dir. of the dep. of the interior, Indian bureau. 111. Phila. 1857. Q. 970.1 : R3 v6 OmtentH. V. 6. Pref. A condensed view of the post-Columbian or modern Indian history: Introd. considerations; First euronean acquaintance with the indian tribes; Contention of France and Spain for the occupation of Florida; The euglish element of civilization in Amer.; The littoral tribes of the north Atlantic, within whose terr. the colonies were flanted; Synopsis of ihe history of the N. E. tribes; ndian tribes of Md.; Occupancy of N. Y. by the eng- lish, and stMiuel to the indian wars of N. E.;Lenno Lenapi of Pa., and (3liicora tribes of the Carolinas; Progressive intercourse with the tribes during HOO - 1750; Momentous period of Indian history, procediug the conquest of ('anada; From the conquest of Can- ada to the commencement of the amer. revolution; HisUjry of the indian tribes during the amer. revolu- tion; Events from the definitive treaty of peace in 1783 to the close of Washington's administration; Perturbed state of the tribes and their political re- lations during the growth and expansion of the Union westward, 1800 - 1835; Elfects of the expansion of the population westward and of the creation of new states out of the exhausted indian hunting- grounds of the Mississippi valley; The political cul- mination of the Indian history; The first decade of the colonization plan, 1831 - 1841; Hostile attitude of the southern tribes, previous to their final removal; Consumation of the gov. policy of removal; Princi- ples contended for by the Indians during throe cen- turies; Present condition and prospects of the tribes.- Economy and statistics, capacity of indus- trial and social development and national position, ill. by some notices of the mental character of the hunter race and their ancient status and archn'ology: Causes of decline of the indian tribes: Indicia from their ancient status and archicol., from manners and customs, from mythology and religion, from language; Statistics, tribal and general. Index to v. 6. Drake, S: Gardner. The aboriginal races of America; comprising biographical sketches of eminent individuals, and an historical account of the different tribes, from the first discovery of the continent to the pre- sent period, with a dissertation on their origin, antiquities, manners and customs, illustrative narratives and index. 15th ed., rev. with add. by J. W. O'Neill. Phila. 1859. O. 970.1+6 Catlin, G: Illustrations of the manners, customs and condition of the north american Indi- ans ; with letters and notes, written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing. 111. Lond. 1876. 2 v. Q. 970.1+2 Same. 8th ed.; v. 2. Lond. 1851. O. 970.1 : 2 Life among the Indians. Lond. n. d. S. 970.1: 15 Last rambles among the Indians of the Rocky mountains and tne Andes. 111. Lond. n. d. S. 970.1:14 Drake, Francis S:, ed. The indian tribes of the U. S.; their history, antiquities, customs, religion, arts, language, traditions, oral le- gends and myths. Phila. 1884. 2 v. Q. 970.1 :R18 Note. A compilation of that part of Schoolcraft's work which is of general interest, with add. to the present time. Content)!. V. 1. Introd. Origin, traditions, phy- sical and mental type. Language, literature and pic- tography. Indian art, industry and medical knowl- edgeAntiquities. Religion and magic. Manners and customs. The tribes; ethnological distribution, organization, government. 2. European discovery and exploration. Early european settlements. War of races ; early colonial history. France and England contend for the possession of the Ohio valley. The amer. revolution.- Post-revolutionary. Removal of the tribes west of the Mississippi. Indian affairs since the ac(iui8ition of New Mexico and California. Snuthsonian institution. Bureau of ethnology. 1st 3d annual reports to the secretary of the Smithsonian institution, by J. W. Pow- ell ; 1879-82. Wash. 1881-84. 3 v. Q. 970.1 :D Omtenta. V. 1. Powell, ,T. W. Report of the di- rector; On the evolution of language ; Sketch of the mythology of th sept. 2; pt. 3, Correspondence. 12. Oper. in n. Va., W. Va., and Md., mar. 17 sept. 3, 1862: Pt. 1, Reports mar. 17 june 25; pt. 2, Reports june 26 sept. 2; pt. .3. Correspondence. 13. Oner, in Mo., Ark,, Ks.. I. T., , and the dep't of the nortnwest, apr. 10 nov. 20, 1863, 14. Oper. on the coast of S. C, Ga., and middle and east Fla., apr. 12, 1863 june 11, 1863. Congress. Report of the joint committee on the conduct of the war. (37th cong. 3d sess.; Senate rep. no. 108.) Wash. 1863. 3 V. O. w 328.1 :D Contents. V. 1. Army of the Potomac. 2. Bull Run and Ball's Bluff. 3. Dep't of the west or Missouri. Miscellaneous. Same. (38th cong. 2d sess.; Sen. rep. no. 142.) Wash. 1865. 3 v. O. in 328.1 : D Contents. V. 1. Army of the Potomac Battle of Petersburg. 2. Red River expedition. Fort Fisher expedition. Heavy ordnance. 3- Sherman-John- ston. Lis-ht-draft monitors. Massacre of the Chey- enne Indians. Ice contracts. Rosecrans's cam- paigns. Miscellaneous. -Same, Supp. (39th cong. 1st sess.) Wash. 1866. 2 V. O. w 328.1 :D Contents. V. 1 . Reports of W. T. Sherman, G : H. Thomas. 2. Reports of J: Pope. J. S. Foster, A. Pleasanton, E. A. Hitchcock, P. H. Sheridan, J. B. Ricketts. Communication and memorial of Norman Wiard. Guernsey, Alfred H., and H: Mills Alden. Har- per's pictorial history of the great rebel- lion. 111. Chicago. [1868]. 2 v. F. 971.4:11103 Pictorial battles of the civil war, The. 111. N. Y. 1884-85. 2v. F. 971.4 :R108 Contents. V. 1. Government. Our national govern- ment. The confederation. Confederation of the original 13 states. The seat of government at dif- ferent periods. Declaration of independence. Names of the signers. Articles of confederation and perpetual union between the states. Names of the signers. Constitution of the U. S. Names of the signers. Amendments to the constitution. Dates of ratification. La Bree, B:, ed. History of the civil war. The emancipation proclamation. Corps badges of the U. S. army. Battles of the civil war alphab. arr. Naval battles of the civil war alphab. arr. 2. Most important battles of the civil war. Chronological history of the civil war. Number of men called for by the president, and number furn- ished by each state, territory and District of Colum- bia from april 15, 1861, to close of war. Organizations mustered into the service of the U. S Military divi- sion of the U. S. forces. Principal armies of the U. S., 1861-1865. Strength of the army at various dates. Honors conferred by the congress of the U. S. in public acts. Statement of the casualties in the military forces of the U. S.- National cemeteries, total interments, etc. Union military prisons. Losses in killed, wounded and missing. Cost of the civil war. Principal battles of the revolution; Indian wars; War of 1813; Mexican war. Length and cost of american wars. Federal prisons at Andersonville, Ga. Chief commanders of the army. Naval history of the U. S. Map and roster of all the union and confederate corps, divisions, brigades, and regi- ments of infantry, cavalry and artillery engaged, and officers killed in the battle of Gettysburg. Porter, D: D. The use of a navy. General officers U. S. army and their record during the civil war, 1861-1865. Wright, Marcus J. Roster of the general officers of the confederate army, 1861-186.5. Officers of the U. S. navy, 1861-186.5. Casualties of the U. 8. navy. Officers of the (Confederate States navy. List of vessels of the U. S. navy, 1861-1865. List of vessels of the U. S. navy, 1886. List of vessels of the Con- 1355 CI. d 17, 971 HIST. AND GEOGB. UNITED STATES. 1856 federate States navy and their commanders, 1861-1865. The confederate government. Sheridan, P. H. The last days of the rebellion. Organizations of the union and confederate armies. Songs of the soldiers. Presidents of the continental congress and con- gress of the confederation, 1774-1788. Presidents and vice-presidents of the U. S. Cabinet officers of the administrations.- First and last events of the civil war. Beath, R. B. Historical sketch of the G. A. R. Confederate veterans' assoc. General Grant, his battles and victories in war and peace. Union side. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The history of the civil war in America ; comprising a full and impartial account of the origin and progress of the rebellion, of the various naval and military engagements, of the heroic deeds performed by armies and in- dividuals, and of touching scenes in the field, the camp, the hospital and the cabin. 111. N. Y. 1866, 1873. 2 v. O. 971.44-1 Same, germ. Geschichte des biirgerkrieges in Amerika. T. p. w. 2 v. O. 971.4+1 Boynton, C: B. History of the navy during the rebellion. III. N. Y. 1868. 2V. O. 971.4:18 Champlin, J: Denison, jr. Young folks' history of the war for the Union. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. X 971.4: 14 Cheney, C. Emma. Young folks' history of the civil war. Bost. 1884 [1883]. D. X 971.4: 97 Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. A bird's-eye view of our civil war. Maps and charts. Bost. 1883. O. 971.4-f93 Draper, J: W: History of the american civil war. N.Y. 1867-76. 3 v. O. 971.4+7 Omtentg. V. 1. The causes of the war and the events preparatory to it up to the close of president Buchanan's administration. 2. The events from the inauguration of president Lincoln to the proclama- tion of emancipation of the slaves. 3. To the end of the war. Duyckinck, Evert A: Geschichte des krieges fiir die Union, politisch und militiirisch nach offiziellen und andern authentischen dokumenten beschrieben. Deutsch bearb. von F: Kapp. 111. N. Y. n. d. Q. 971.4+2 Giddings, Joshua Reed. History of the rebel- lion ; its authors and causes. N. Y. 1864. O. 971.4+9 Greeley, Horace. The amer. conflict ; a history of the great rebellion in the U. S. of America, 1860-64, its causes, incidents and results, intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases, with the drift and progress of araer. opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the war for the union. Hartford, 1865, 1866. 3v. O. 971.4+13 Lossing:, Benson J: Pictorial histoiy of the civil war in the U. S. of America. Phila. 1866-68. 3v. O. 971.4+4 Moore, Frank, ed. The rebellion record ; a diary of american events, with documents, nar- ratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc., with an introd. address on the causes of the struggle and the great issues before the country. N. Y. 1861-68. 11 v. O. 971.4:115 Paris, L: Philippe Albert d'Orleans comte de. History of tne civil war in America ; v. 1-3. Tr. by L: F. Tasistro. Maps and ill. Phila. 1875-t83]. 3v. O. 971.4:6 Contents. V. 1 . The american army. Secession. The first conflict. The first autumn. The first winter. 2. Richmond. The naval war. Maryland. Kentucky. Tennessee. Virginia. Politics. 3. The war on the Rapidan. The Mississippi. Pennsyl- vania. The third winter. App. Thayer, W: Makepeace. A youth's history of the rebellion, from the battle of Murfrees- boro' to the massacre at Fort Pillow. Bost. 1865. S. X 971.4: 12 Tomes, Robert, and B: G. Smith. The great civil war , a history of the late rebellion, with bio^r. sketches of leading statesmen and distinguished naval and military com- manders, etc. N. Y. [18761. 3 v. O. 971.4+68 * * * Moore, Frank, ed. Anecdotes, poetry and in- cidents oi the war, north and south ; 1860- 65. N. Y. 1882. O. 971.4+94 Townsend, E: Davis. Anecdotes of the civil war in the U. S. N. Y. 1884 [1883] . D. 971.4:95 Porter, D: Dixon. Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war. N. Y. 1885. D. 971.4:111 Davis, Washington. Camp-fire chats of the civil war; the incident, adventure and wayside exploit of the bivouac and battle held, as related by members of the Grand army of the republic ; embracing the tragedy, ro- mance, comedy, humor and pathos in the varied experience of army life. Contain- ing a history and other information for members of the G. A. R. Fond du Lac. 1884. D. 971.4:100 Pry, James B. New York and the conscription of 1863 ; a chapter in the history of the civil war. N. Y. 1885. D. 971.4:105 Pr6mont, Jessie, born Benton. The story of the guard. Bost. 1863. D. 971.4 : 30 ' Note. The guard was a cavalry corps, known as "Fremont's body-guard", dissolved in nov. 1861. Confederate side. Davis, Jefferson. The rise and fall of the con- federate government. N. Y. 1881. 2v. O. 971.4+8! Contents. V. 1. Introd.- -The constitution. Seces- sion and confederation. The war. App. 2. The war, continued. Poote, H: Stuart, War of the rebellion, or Scylla and Charybdis ; consisting of observations upon the causes, course and consequences of the late civil war in the U. S. N. Y. 1866. D. 971.4:29 Pollard, E: A. Southern history of the war ; first, second, third year. N". Y. 1863-65. 3;! V. O. 971.4:111 .dpp. V. 3: Jail-journal In Fort Warren. Campaigns and battles. (See also articles in the Century, beginning nov. 1884.) j Union side. Campaigns of the civil war : 1. Nicolay, J: G. The outbreak of rebellion. N. Y. 1881. D. 971.4:70 2. Porce, Manning F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. N. Yri881. D. 971.4": 71 3. Webb, Alexander S. The peninsula ; Mc- Clellan's campaign of 1862. N. Y. 1881. 1). 971.4:72 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1357 HIST. AND GEOGR, UNITED STATES. 01. 917, 971 Campaigns of the civil way .Gontinued. 4. Ropes, J: Codman. The army under Pope. N. Y. 1881. D. 971.4:73 5. Palfrey, Francis Wiuthrop. The Antietam and Fredericksburg. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4:74 6. Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4 : 75 7. Cist, H: Martyn. The army of the Cum- berland. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4 : 76 8. Greene, Francis Vinton. The Mississippi. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4:77 9. Cox, Jacob D. Atlanta. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4:78 10. Cox, Jacob D. The march to the sea ; Franklin and Nashville. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4:79 11. Pond, G:E: The Shenandoah valley in 1864. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4: 80 12. Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson. The Vir- ginia campaign of 18(>4 and '65 ; the army of the Potomac and the army of the James. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4:81 Supp.: Phisterer, F: Statistical record of the armies of the U. S. N. Y. 1883. D. 355.1 :4 Navy in the civil war, The: 1. Soley, James Russell. The blockade and the cruisers. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4 : 82 2. Ammen, Daniel. The Atlantic coast. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4:83 3. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The gulf and in- land waters. N. Y. 1883. D. 971.4 : 84 Swinton, W: The twelve decisive battles of the war ; a history of the eastern and western campaigns, in relation to the actions that decided their issue. N. Y. n. d. O. 971.4:66 Contents. Bull Run. Donelson.Shiloh. Antietam. Murfreesborough. The monitor and the Merrimac. Vicksburg. Gettysburgr. Wilderness. Atlanta. Nashville. Five Tories. Glazier, Willard. Battles for the union ; com- prising descriptions of many of the most stubbornly contested battles in the war of the great rebellion, together with incidents and reminiscences of the cam]3, the march and the skirmish line, embracing a record of the privations, heroic deeds, and glori- ous triumphs of the soldiers of the repub- lic. Hartford. 1878. D. 971.4:31 Doubleday, Abner. Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-61. N. Y. 1876. D. 971.4:26 Anderson, T: M. The political conspiracies pre- ceding the rebellion, or True stories of Sumter and Pickens. N. Y. 1883. O. 971.4:86 Parton, James. Gen. Butler in New Orleans ; history of the administration of the de- partment of the Gulf in the year 1863, with an account of the capture of New Orleans and a sketch of the previous career of the general, civil and military. Bost. 1871. O. 971.4:69 Swinton, W: Campaigns of the army of the Po- tomac ; a critical history of operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the commencement to the close of the war, 1861-5. N. Y. 1866. O. 971.4+52 Military hist, society of Mass. [Publications:] The peninsular campaigns of gen. McClel- lan in 1863 ; papers read before the society in 1876, 1877, 1878 and 1879. Bost. 1881. O. 971.4+44 Contents. Kopes, J: C, Gen. McClellan's plans for the campaign of 1862, and the alle>?ed interference of the government with them . Palfrey , J: C, The siege of Yorktown. Palfrey, F. W., The period which elapsed between the fall of Yorktown and the seven days battles ; The seven days battles to Malv- ern Hills; The battle of Malvern Hill. Whittier, C: A., Comments on the peninsular campaign. McClellan, G: Brinton. Report on the organi- zation and campaigns of the army of the Potomac ; added, an account of tlie cam- paign in western Virginia, with plans of battlefields. N. Y. 1864. O. 971.4+62 Joinville, Fran9ois Ferdinand Philippe L: Ma- rie d'Orleans prince de. The army of the Potomac ; its organization, its commander and its campaign. Tr. from the french, with notes, by W: H: Hurlburt. N. Y. 1863. O. 971.4:40 Gordon, G: H. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain in the war of the great rebellion, 1861-63. Maps. Bost. 1883. D. 971.4:92 History of the campaign of the army of Vir- ginia, under John Pope, from Cedar Moun- tain to Alexandria, 1863. Bost. 1880. O. 971.4+58 Cox, Jacob D. The second battle of Bull Run, as connected with the Fitz-John Porter case ; paper read before the Society of ex- army and navy officers of Cine, feb. 28, 1883. Cine. 1883. D. 971.4:87 Gillmore, Quincy A. Official report of the siege and reduction of Fort Pulaski, Ga., 1862. in 623 : D Rosecrans, W: Starke. Report on the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. Map. (U. S. 37th cong. spec. sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 2). Wash. 1863. O. m 971.4 :D Stevenson, Alexander F. The battle of Stone's river, near Murfreesboro, Tenn., dec. 30, 1862 to Jan. 3, 1863. Maps and plans. Bost. 1884. O. 971.4+104 Military hist, society of Mass. [Publications:] The campaign of Chancellorsville, by Theodore A. Dodge. Bost. 1881. O. 971.4+45 Huey, Pennock. A true history of the charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania cavali-y, at Chancellorsville. Phil. "1883. D. 971.4:98 Van Home, T: B. History of the army of the Cumberland, its organization, campaigns and battles, written at the request of maj.- gen. G: H. Thomas, chiefly from his private military journal and official and other do- cuments, furnished by him. Maps, comp. by E: Ruger. 2 v. and atlas. Cine. 1875. 3 Y. O. 971.4+89 Reed, S: Rockwell. The Vicksburg campaign and the battles about Chattanooga under the command of gen. U. S. Grant in 1862 63 ; an historical review. Cine. 1883. O. 971.4:88 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson. From Gettys- burg to the Rapidan ; the army of the Potomac, July 1863 to april 1864. Maps. N. Y. 1883. U. 971.4:91 Note. Intended as an introd. to vol. 13 of the Cam- paigns of the civil war, 971.4: 81. 01. 917, 971 HIST. AND GE0aB..-X7NITED STATES. 1360 Conyngham, D: P. Sherman's march through the south, with sketches and incidents of the campaign. N. Y. 1865. D. 971.4: 24 Nichols, G: Ward. The story of the great march, from the diary of a staff officer. 111. 6th ed. N. Y. 1865. D. 971.4:47 Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Report of the armies of the U. S., 1864-65. N. Y. 1866. O. 971.4 63 Confederate side. Battlefields of the south, from Bull Run to Fredricksburgh ; with sketches of confed- erate commandei-s, and gossip of the camps. N. Y. 1864. O. 971.4+16 Owen, W: Miller. In camp and battle with the Washington artillery of New Orleans ; a narrative of events during the late civil war from Bull Run to Appomatox and Spanish Fort, comp. by the adjutant from hia diary and from authentic documents and orders. 111. Bost. 1885. O. 971.4:110 Allan, W: History of the campaign of gen. T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah valley of Virginia, from nov. 4, 1861, to June 17, 1862. Maps. Phila. 1880. O. 971.4:67 Johnston, Joseph Eccleston. Narrative of mil- itary operations directed, during the late war between the states, by [him]. N. Y. 1874. O. 971.4+10 Early, Jubal A. A memoir of the last year of the war for independence in the Confeder- ate States of America, containing an ac- count of the operations of his commands in 1864, 1885. New Orleans. 1867. O. 971.4:27 Personal w ar narratives. Union side. Hale, E: Everett, ed. Stories of war, told by soldiers. Bost. 1880. S. x 971.4: 36 Contents. Introd. Life at Little Crastis. The first Bull Run. Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Gen. McClellan and the Peninsula. West Virginia. Antietam. Pittsburgh Landing. Vicksburg. Gettysburg. ("hickamauga and Chattanooga. Grant's advance on Kichmond. The Wilderness. Sheridan's ride. Sherman's great march Nash- vllle. Siege of Richmond. The last week. The end. Beatty, J: The citizen soldier, or Memoirs of a volunteer. Cine. 1879. D. 971.4:17 Bradley, G: S. The star corps, or Notes of an army chaplain, during Sherman's famous march to the sea. Maw. 1865. D. 971.4:19 Brownlow, W: Gannaway. Sketches of the rise, progress and decline of secession ; with a narrative of personal adventures among the rebels. Phila. 1862. D. 971.4 : 20 Castleman, Alfred L. The army of the Poto- mac behind the scenes; a diary of un- written history, from the organization of the army by gen. G: B. McClellan, to the close of "the campaign in Va. about the first day of Jan., 1863. Milw. 1863. D. 971.4:21 Coffin, C: Carleton, (Carleton). The boys of '61, or Four years of fighting ; record of per- sonal observations witn the army and navy from the first battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. [New issue] . Bost. 1881. O. X 971.4: 61 denotes books specially adapted for children. Coffin, C: Carleton, {Carleton). Continued. Following the flag from aug. 1861 to nov. 1862, with the army of the Potomac. [111.] Bost. 1865. S. 971.4:22 My days and nights on the battletield. Bost. 1881. D. 971.4:23 Glazier, Willard. Three years in the federal cavalry. 111. N. Y. 1872. D. 971.4:33 Gordon, G: H. A war-diaiy of events in the war of the great rebellion, 18681865. Bost. 1882. D. 971.4:85 Gurowski, Adam comte de. Diary from march 4, 1861 to oct. 18, 1863. Bost. 1862, 1864. 2 V. D. 971.4:34 Hazen, W: Babcock. A narrative of military service. Bost. 1885. O. 971.4:109 Hepworth, G: Hughes. The whip, hoe and sword, or The Gulf - department in '63. Bost. 1864. D. 971.4:37 Higginson, T: Wentworth. Army life in a black regiment. Bost. 1882. D. " 971.4:65 Hosmer, James Kendall. The color-guard ; a corporal's notes of military service in the 19th army corps. Bost. 18(34. D. 971.4:39 Kennedy, J: Pendleton. Mr. Ambrose's letters on the rebellion. N. Y. 1865. S. 971.4 : 41 Nott, C: C. Sketches of the war; a series of letters to the North Moore street school of New York. 4th ed. N. Y. 1865. D. 971.4:48 Noyes, G: F. The bivouac and the battlefield, or Campaign sketches. N. Y. 1863. D. 971.4:59 Pittenger, W: Capturing a locomotive; a his- tory of secret service in the late war. Phila. 1882. D. 971.4:50 Taylor, B: Franklin. Pictures of life in camp and field. Chicago. 1875. D. 971.4:53 Townsend, G: Alfred. Cam])aigns of a non- combatant, and his romaunt abroad dur- ing the war. N. Y. 1866. D. 971.4 : 56 Confederate side. Bullock, James D. The secret service of the Confederate States in Europe, or How the confederate cruisers were equipped. N. Y. 1883. 2v. O. 971.4:96 Estvan, B. War pictures from the south. N. Y. 1864. D. 971.4 : 28 Gilmor, Harry. Four years in the saddle. N. Y. 1866.D. 971.4:64 Hood, J : Bell. Advance and retreat ; personal experiences in the U. S. and confederate armies. New Orleans. 1880. O. 971.4 : 38 Lady, A. My cave life in Vicksburg ; with let- ters of trial and tra\^el. N. Y. 1864. D. 971.4:46 Putnam, Sarah A., born Brock. Richmond dur- ing the war ; four years of personal obser- vation by a Richmond lady. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1867]." D. 971.4:60 Taylor, R: Destruction and reconstruction ; ])ersonal experiences of the late war. N. Y. 1879. O. 971.4: 54 Figg, R. W. Where men only dare to go, or The story of a boy company, C. S. A., by an ex-boy. [Portraits]. Richmond, Va. 1885. D. 971.4 : 106 1361 HIST. AND GEOGK.. XTNITED STATES. CI. 917, 971 Prison narratives. Union side. Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the south at Rich- mond, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Col- umbia, Charlotte, Raleigh, Goldsborough and Andersonville during 1864 and 1865. 111. N. Y. 1865. S. 971.4:15 Arnold, Joseph. Belle Island. In Domschcke, B. Zwanzig monate, ete. 971.4:3 Davidson, H. M. Fourteen months in southern prisons ; a narrative of the treatment of federal prisoners of war in the rebel mili- tary prisons . . . Milw. 1865. D. 971.4 : 25 Domschcke, Bernhard. Zwanzig monate in kriegsgefangenschaft, erinnerungen; nebst einem anhang. Milw. 1865. D. 971.4 : 3 Drake, J. Madison. Fast and loose in Dixie ; unprejudiced narrative of personal expe- rience as a prisoner of war at Libby, Ma- con, Savannah and Charleston. N. Y. [1880]. D. 971.4:67 Harris, W: 0. Prison-life in the tobacco ware- house at Richmond, by a Ball's Bluff pris- oner. Phila. 1862. D. 971.4:36 Hobart, Harrison Carroll. Capture, imprison- ment and escape. With Beatty, J: The citi- zen soldier. 971.4 : 17 McElrojr, J: Andersonville; a story of i*ebel military prisons, fifteen months a guest of the so-called southern confederacy ; a pri- vate soldier's experience in Richmond, Andersonville, Savannah, Milieu, Black- shear and Florence. Toledo. 1879. O. 971.4:99 Spencer, Ambrose. A narrative of Anderson- ville, drawn from the evidence elicited on the trial of Henry Wirz, the jailer, with the argument of col. N. P. Chipman, judge advocate. N. Y. 1866. D. 971.4:51 Wallber, Albert. Die flucht aus dem Libby- gefiingniss. In Domschcke, B. Zwanzig monate, etc. 971.4 : 3 Confederate side. Lawrence, G: Alfred. Border and bastille, by the author of "Guy Livingstone." N. Y. 1863. D. 971.4:42 Mahony, D. A. The prisoner of state. N. Y. 1863. D. 971.4:43 Medical and hospital service. H , Mrs. Three years in field hospitals of the army of the Potomac. Phila. 1867. D. 971.4:55 U. S. sanitary commission. 361 : 5 See col. 235. Boynton, C: B. History of the great western sanitary fair. 361 : 6 See col. 236. Medical and surgical history of the war. in 610 : D See col. 393. Political history; Reconstruc- tion^ etc . (See col. 167, 171.) Blankenburg, H: Die innern kiimpfe der nord- amerikanischen Union bis zAir priisidenten- wahl von 1868. Leipz. 1869. O. 324.1 : 58 Contents. Die ursachen des Innern conflicts und dessen entwlckelung bis zum abfall der sudstaaten. per secessionskneg-. Die politlschen karapfe nach beendlguug' des secessionskriegrs. Anhanir: Verf as- sung der v. S. Barnes, W: H. History of the 39th congress of the U. S. Portr. N. Y. 1868. O. 324.1+66 Blaine, James Gillespie. Twenty years of con- gress, from Lincoln to Garfield ; with a re- view of the events which led to the political revolution of 1860 ; v. 1. Norwich, Ct. 1884. O 324.1-f57 Contents. V. 1. Review, etc. - 1860-1864. - Appen- dices of tables and statistics. Map. * * * King, C: The 5th cavalry in the Sioux war of 1876 : Campaigning with Crook. Milw. 1880. O. 971.5 :2 See also in fhe Index to biography Brown, J- Burnside Cleveland Custer Dahlgren 2*71^, "I ^i^~ Ericsson Farragmt -Fremont O-arfleld Grant- O-reeley Hancock Hayes Jackson, T: J. Lee Lincoln Log-an McClel- lan Seward Sheridan Sherman Stephens- Sumner Thomas Wheeler "Wilson . 6. General description. (See also Statistics, col. 157-158.) Gazetteer s , guides, etc. Darby, W:, and Theodore Dwight, Jr. A new gazetteer of the U. S. of America ; con- taining a copious description of the states, territories, counties, etc.. commerce, manu- factures, agriculture and the arts generally, of the U. S. ; with the population of 1830. Rev. ed. Hartford. 1836. O. 917.1 :R1 Sears, Robert, ed. A new and popular pictorial description of the U. S.; containing an ac- count of the topography, settlement, his- tory, revolutionary and other interesting events, statistics, progress in agriculture, manufactures and population, etc., of each state in the union. 111. 2d ed. N. Y. 1848. ^ , O. 917.1+34 Colange, Leo de, ed. The national gazetteer ; a geographical dictionary of the U. S., com- piled from the latest official authorities and original sources, embracing a comprehen- sive account of every state, territory, coun- ty, city, town and village throughout the union, with populations from the last na- tional census, information pertaining to railroads, navigation, lakes, rivers, canals, mountains, valleys, as well as the physical and statistical geography of the countrv Phila. [1884]. O. 917.1 : R69 Tenner, Armin, ed. Amerika : der heutige stand- punkt der kultur in den Vereinigten Staa- ten ; monographieen aus der feder hervor- ragerider deutsch-amerikanischer schrift- steller gesammelt und herausg. Anhang : Tenners Deutsch-amerikanisches vademe- cum ; kurzgefasste erliiuterungen amerika- nischer eigenthiimlichkeiten in sprache und leben. N. Y. 1884. O. 917.1 : 85 Contents. Vorwort. auterbock, Bernhard. Der hal'en von New York. Klemm, L: R: Das schulwe- sen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Mttller, W- Die biihne in den Vereinigten Staaten. Douai, K : Daniel Adolf. Die lage der lohnarbeiter in Amerika. Brachvogrel, Udo. Die deutsche presse in den Ver- einigten Staaten. Bothe, Etnil. Das deutsche ele- ment in Amerika. Jiingrst, W: Die landwirth- schaftlichen und industriellen verhaltnisse in den Vereinigten Staaten. Liebhart, H. Der amerika- nische sonntag und die t.emperenzfrage. Rttmelin, 1363 CI. 917, 971 HIST. AND GEOGR. UNITED STATES. C : Das eisenbahnwesen in den "Verelnlgten Staaten ; Das postwesen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Nach- trapre und berichtigungen. Alphabetisches namen- und saehregister. Bryant, W: Cullen, ed. Picturesque America, or The land we live in ; a delineation by pen and pencil of the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, water-falls, shores, caQons, valleys, cities and other picturesque fea- tures of our country. 111. N.Y.n.d. 2 v. Q. 917.1:1112 Contents. V. 1. Bunce, O. B. On the coast of Maine. Thorpe, T. B. St. John's and Oclilawaha rl- vei-s, Florida. -- Runkle, L. J. G. Up and down the Columbia. Bunce, O. B. Lookout mountain and the Tennessee. Thoiiipson, J. R. Richmond, scenic and historic Cooke, J : E. Natural bridge, Virginia. Ringrwalt, J. E. Delaware watei'-gap. Bunce, O. B. Maueh-Chunk. Thompson, W. V. On the Savannah. Fontaine, F. G. de. The French Broad. Carter, S. N. The White mountains. Bunce, O. B. Neversink highlands. Carter, R. St. Augus- tine, Florida. Bunce, O. B. Charleston and its sub- urbs. Brock, S. A. Weyer's Cave, Virginia. Bunce, O. B. Scenes on the Brandywine. Fon- taine, F. G. de. Cumberland gap. Bunce, O. B. Watkins glen ; Scenes in eastern Long Island. Thorpe, T. B. The lower Mississippi. - Woolson, C F. Mackinac. Bunce, O. B. Our great national park. Carpenter, .T. C. Harper's Ferry. Bag'by, G. W. Scenes in Virginia. Clarke, T. M. Newport. Strother, D. H. West Virginia. Woolson, C. F. Lake Superior. G-arczynski, R. E. Northern Cali- fornia: Niagara; Trenton falls. Smilley, J. D. The Yosemite falls. Clarke, T. M. Providence and vi- cinity. "Woolson, C. F. South shore of Lake Erie. Q-arczynski, R. E On the coast of California. 2. Burlingrame, E. L. Highlands and palisades of the Hudson. Gardette, C. D. Philadelphia and its suburbs. Williams, W. F. Northern New Jersey. Richards, W- C. Valley of the Connecticut. Carpenter, .1. C. Baltimore and environs. Brovm, H:A. The Catskills. Garczynski, R. E. The Jua- nita. Woolson, C. F. On the Ohio. Burlingame, E. L. The plains and the Sierras. Garczynski, R.E. The Susquehanna. Towle, G. M. Boston. Bunce, O. B. Lake George and Lake Champlain. Johnson, R. Mount Mansfield. Richards, W. C. Valley of the Housatonic Garczynski, R. E. The upper Mis- sissippi. Ward, W. S. Valley of the Gennesee. Rideing:, W. H. St. Lawrence and the Saguenay. Towle, G. M. Eastern shore. Carter, R. The Adirondack region. Richards, W. C. The Connec- ticut shore of the Sound. Rideing-, W. H. Lake Memphremagog. Garczynski, R. B. The Mohawk, Albany and Troy. Rideingr, W. H. The upper Dela- ware; Water-falls at Cayuga lake; The Rocky moun- tains. Colburn, J. E. The caHonsof the Colorado. Bunce, O. B. Chicago and Milwaukee. Rideing-, W. H. A glance at the northwest; The Mammoth cave. Bunce^. B. New York and Brooklyn. Towle, G. M. Washington. Flint, Timothy. The history and geography of the Mississippi valley ; appended, a con- densed physical geography of the Atlantic U. S., and the whole amer. continent 2d ed. Cine. 1883. 2 v. in 1. O. 917.1 : 2 Young, J. H. Mitchell's travellers' guide through the U. S.; a map of the roads, distances, steam boat and canal routes, .etc. Phila. 1833. T. 917.1:55 Phelps's travellers' guide through the U. S. N. Y. 1847. T. 917.1 : 64 Appletons' general guide to the U. S. and Ca- nada; rev. each year to date of issue. 111., maps, plans and tables. N. Y. 1885. S. 917.1 :84 Disturnell, J : The great lakes or inland seas of America ; embracing a full description of Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario ; Rivers St. Mary, St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara, and St. Lawrence ; com- merce of the lakes, etc.; together with a guide to the upper Mississippi river, giv- ing a description of cities, towns, etc., form- ing altogetner a guide for the pleasure traveler and emigrant. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1868. S. 917.1:16 Sweet, O. P. Amusement directory and travel- ers' guide from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Rochester. 1870-71. O. 917.1+49 Glazier, Willard. Peculiarities of amer. cities. 111. Phila. 1884. D. 917.1:65 Maps, atlases, etc. United States. Census office. Statistical atlas of the U. S. based on the results of the 9th censxis, 1870 ; with contributions from many eminent men of science and several depart- ments of the government, compiled under authority of congress by Francis A. Walker. n.p. 1874. F. 317:112 Contents. Memoirs and discmmms. Walker, F. A. Preface and introd. Whitney, J. D. The physical features of the U. S. Brewer, W: H. The wood- lands and forest systems of the U. S. Hitchcock, C: H., andW: P. Blake. Geological map of the U. S. and territories. Raymondjit. W. The gold and silver mines of the west. Hitchcock, C: H. The coal measures of the U. S. Stocking-, S. W. The political divisions of the U. S. Galpin, S. A. The minor political divisions of the U. S. walker, F. A. The progress of the nation. Elliott, E. B. Popula- tion 1780-1880; An approximate life table for the U. S. Walker, F. A. Relations of race and nationality to mortality in the U. S. Maps and charts. Pt. 1, Physical features of the U. S. : River systems; Wood- lands; Rain-fall; Storm centres; Temperature; Iso- bars; Hypsometric sketch; Coal measures; Geologi- cal formations. Pt. 2, Population, social and in- dustrial statistics: Area and political divisions; Den- sity of population; Constituent elements of popula- tion; Colored population; Foreign population; Illi- teracy; Church accommodations; Occupations of the people; Wealth; Debt, state and local; Taxation, state and local; Fiscal chart; Crops; Pacific coast maps. Pt. 3, Vital statistics: Predominating sex; Age and sex ; Birth rate ; Deaths ; The afflicted Hewes, Fletcher W., and H: Gannett. Scrib- ner's statistical atlas of the U. S.; showing by graphic methods their present condition and their political, social and industrial development. N. Y. [1883]. F. 317 :R3 Contents. Physical geography. Political history. Progress. Population. Mortality. Education. Re- ligion. Occupations. Finance and commerce. Agriculture. Live stock and products. Manufac- tures. Miscellaneous. General index. Rand, McNally and co.'s new indexed business atlas and .shii)per.s' guide ; containing large scale maps of the Dominion of Canada, old Mexico, Central America, Cuba and the several states and territories of the U. S., with a reference map of the world, accom- panied by a new and original compilation and ready reference index of 175,000 ])laces, showing in detail the entire railroad system of North America, the express company doing business over each road and locating all cities, towns, post offices, railroad sta- tions, villages, counties, parishes, islands, lakes, rivers, mountains, etc., on the conti- nent. The special features of this ed. are naming the nearest mailing point of all local places in the U. S. and the full census returns of 1880. Chicago. 1881. F. 917 : R3 United States. Coast survey. List of geographi- cal positions determined. In Report 1851, 53, 55, 57, 59, 64. 65,68. in 622 : D Geographical positions of prominent places in the U. S., determined astronomically or geodetically. Tn Report 1874. in 622 : D 1365 HIST. AND GEOGR. UNITED STATES. CI. 917, 971 Smiley, C: W. List of 1817 of the principal lakes of the U. S., with a designation of their lo- cations, and List of the principal rivers of the U. S., which empty into the Atlantic ocean, Pacific ocean and Gulf of Mexico, with their tributaries. In U. S. fish com. report, v. 10. in 639 : D Tr a V el s , etc. Tuckerman, H: Theodore. America and her commentators ; with a critical sketch of travel in the U. S. N. Y. 1864. O. 917.1 :3 Contents. Introd. Early discoverers and explorers. French missionary explorations. French travel- lers and writers. Brltisn travellers and writers. English abuse of America. Northern european writ- ers. Italian travellers.- American travellers and writers. Conclusion. Index. Chastellux, Fran9ois J: de. Voyages dans 1' Amerique septentrionale dans 17801782. Paris. 1786. 3 v. D. 917.1:87 Same, eng. Travels in North America in 17801782. Tr. from the french by an eng- lish gentleman who resided in America at that period, with notes by the tr. Lond. 1787. 2v. O. 917.1:87 Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington city, in 1829. Columbus, O. 1831. S. 917.1 :P57 Hamilton, T: Men and manners in America, by the author of Cyril Thornton, etc. Edinb. 1833. 2 v. D. 917.1 : 56 Power, Tyrone. Impressions of America dur- ing 18331835. 2d amer. ed. Phila. 1836. 2v. D. 917.1 :29 \ Kemble, Frances Anne. Journal [in America]. i Phila. 1835. 2v.ini. D. 917.1:11 ! Reed, Andrew, and James Matheson. A nar- rative of the visit to the amer. churches by the deputation from the Congregational union of England and Wales. Lond. 1835. 2v. O. 917.1+32 Martineau, Harriet. Society in America. N. Y. 1837. 2v. D. 917.1 : 25 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Politics. Economy. 2. Same, contintted.- Civilization. Religion. App. Retrospect of western travel. N. Y. 1838. 2 v. D. 917.1 :26 Gilman, Caroline. The poetry of travelling in the U. S.; with add. sketches by a lew friends, and A week among autographs by S. Gilman. N. Y. 1838. D. 917!l : 18 Marryat, F: Diary in America ; with remarks on its institutions ; 1st and 2d series. Phila. 1840. 2v. D. 917.1:24 Dickens, C: J: Huffam. American notes. T. p. [Pub. 18421. O. 917.1 : 15 [Pv m Same. With hi Great expectations. in D 1306 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from [hisj amer. note -books, [1835-43]. (Lib. ed.) Bost. 1878. D. 917.1:44 Silliman, A: E. A gallop among amer. scenery, or Sketches of amer. scenes and military adventure. N. Y. 1843. D. 917.1 : 35 Gerstacker, F: Streif- und jagdziige durch die Vereinigten Staaten Nord-Amerikas, mit einem vorworte von Tr. Bromme. Dres- den. 1844. 2v. S. 917.1 :6 Same. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1856. 2 v. S. 917.1 :6 Same. 3te aufi. Jena. w. rf. S. 917.1:6 Lyell, Sir C: Travels in North America, in 1841-2, with geological observations on the U. 8., Canada and Nova Scotia. N. Y. 1845. 2v.ini. D. 917.1:21 A second visit to the U. S. of North America, [1845-46]. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. D. 917.1 : 22 Raumer, F: L: G: v. America and the amer. ?eople. Tr. from the germ, by W: W. 'urner. N. Y. 1846. O. 917.1:31 Note. Contains a review of the history, and the political, social, educational, religious and economi- cal condition of the TJ. S., with short extracts from letters describing personal Incidents of travel. Sigourney, Lydia Howard, born Huntley. Scenes in my native land. Bost. 1845. D. 917.1 :88 Note. Sketches and poems of various places in the east. Wortley, Lady Emmeline Stuart. Travels in the U. S., etc., during 1849 and 1850. N. Y. 1851. D. 917.1:37 Cooper, James Fenimore. The travelling bach- elor, or Notions of the americans. New ed. N. Y. 1852. 2 V. in 1. D. 917.1:14 Bunn, Alfred. Old England and New England, in a series of views taken en the spot. Phila. 1853. 2 V. in 1. D. 917.1:10 Pulszky, Ferencz Aurdl and Tercz. White, red and black ; sketches of amer. society in the U. S. during the visit of their guests. N. Y. 1853. 2 V. D. 917.1 : 30 Bremer, Fredrika. The homes of the new world; impressions of America. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. D. 917.1:5 Same, germ. Die heimat in der neuen welt ; ein tagebuch in briefen, geschi'ieben wah- rend zweijilhr. reisen in Nordamerika und auf Cuba. Aus dem schwed. Leipz. 1854. 9v. S. 917.1:5 Hohbach, F: W., ed. Aus Amerika, gesammelt von [ihm]. Leipz. 1856. S. 917.1 : 7 Beauvallet, Leon. Rachel and the new woi'ld ; a trip to the U. S. and Cuba. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1856. D. 917.1 : 9 Mackay, C: Life and liberty in America, or Sketches of a tour in the U. S. and Canada, in 1857-8. 111. Lond. 1859. 2 v. D. 917.1 :23 TroUope, Anthony. North America. N. Y. 1862. D. 917.1:36 Laboulaye, E: Rene Lefebvre. Paris in Amer- ica by Ren<^ Lefebvre. Tr. by Mary L. Booth. N. Y. 1863. D. 917.1 : 20 Russell, W: Howard. My diary, north and south, [march 1861 apr. 1862]. N. Y. 1863. O. 917.1-1-33 Dodgre, Mary Abigail. Wool-gathering, by Gail Hamilton. Bost. 1867. D. 917.1 : 17 Note. Journeys west and south'. Dixon, W: Hepworth. New America. 111. Phila. 1867. D. 917.1:89 Note. Descriptions of the Indians of the west, Utah and mormonism, position of woman in Amer- ica, shaker communities, perfectionists of Oneida, characteristics of " young America," etc. White conquest. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. S. 917.1:90 Note. V. 1 contains descriptions of Jesuit mission- aries and Indians in the west, polygamy, communism, Indian wars, condition of the Indian Territory, Texas and its feuds of races, Louisiana and its political complications in 1875. V. 2 continues the history of the Kellogg government in New Orleans, discusses Georgia and the negro question, Washington, Phil- adelphia, the Chinese question in America, temper- ance, illiteracy and education. iM'! CI. 91*r, 971 HIST. AlTD GEOdR. tJlrtTSD STATES. 1368 Kirchlioff, Theodor. Reisebilder und skizzen aus Amerika. Altona. 1875, 1876. 2 v. D. 917.1:83 Contents. V. 1. Vorwort 1500 meilen In der stage- kutsOhe. Eine fahrt mit dem " hotelzuge " der Paciflcbahh. Bilder aus dem goldland. Bilder aus dem siiden, 1866 - 1870. 2. Nach Oregon. Strelfzuge im nordwesten. Ratzel, F: Stadte- und culturbilder aus Nord- amerika. Leipz. 1876. 2 v. in 1. D. 917.1 :82 Contents. V. 1. Neuyork. Der Hudson. Saratoga. Boston. Cambridge. Philadelphia. Washington. 2. Siidliche stadte. Richmond. Charleston. Colum- bia. Savannah. Ansiedelungen und curorte in Florida. Durch Georgia und Alabama. Neuorleans. Mississippi und Ohio. Die drei hauptstadte des westens: Cincinnati, Saint-Louis, Chicago. Denver. Reise auf der Paclflcbahn. San -Francisco. Ruinen. Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. Voyage of the pa- per canoe ; a geographical journey of 2500 miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, during 1874-5. Bost. 1878. O. 917.1:39 Four months in a sneak-box ; a boat journe;^ of 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and along the Gulf of Mexico. Bost. 1879. O. 917.1 :38 Saunders, W: Through the light continent, or The U. S. in 1877-8. 2d ed. Lond. 1879. O. 917.1 :41 Campbell, Sir G: White and black ; the out- come of a visit to the U. S. N. Y. 1879. O. 917.1 :40 Contents. A bird's-eye view of the U. S. The man- agement of coloured races. Black and white in the southern states.- Some of the contents of my jour- nal. State constitutions. Marshall, "W. G. Through America, or Nine months in the U. S. Lond. 1881. O. 917.1 :42 Note. Principally Utah and California. Holyoake, G: Jacob. Among the americans, and A stranger in America. Chicago. 1881. D. 917.1:43 Contents. Sea ways and sea society. Courtesies of N. Y. The republican convention at Saratoga. Propagandist uses of interviewing. Men of action In Boston. City of Holyoke. Wanderings in five great cities.- American orators. Famous preachers. Co-operation in the new world. State socialism in America. Co-operative emigration. Wayside inci- dents. Manners and opinions in America. Emi- grant education. A stranger in America. Bodenstedt, F: Martin v. Vom Atlantischen zum Stillen ocean. Leipz. 1882. O. 917.1 : 48 Sala, G: A: America revisited; from the bay of New York to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Lake Michigan to the Pacific. 111. Lond. 1882. 2 v. O. 917.1 : 80 Freeman, E: A: Some impressions of the U. S. N. Y. 1883. D. 917.1:52 Blake, Mary E., {M. E. B.) On the wing ; ram- bling notes of a trip to the Pacific. Bost. 1883. 8. 917.1 :63 B>obinson, Philip. Sinners and saints ; a tour across the states and around them, with three months among the mormons. Bost. 1883. D. 917.1 :54 FaithfuU, Emily. Three visits to America. N . Y. [1884].D. 917.1:67 Note. Throughout my three visits I had one object specially before me, namely, to supplement the ex- perience gained during twenty years of practical work in England, in regard to the changed position of women in the nineteenth century, by ascertaining how America is trying to solve the most delicate and diflScult problem presented by modern civilization.- Preface. Hardy, Iza Duffus. Between two oceans, or Sketches of american travel. Lond. 1884. O. 917.1:70 Griffin, /SiVLepel H: The great republic. Lond. 1884. D. 917.1 :79 Note. An arraignment of american institutions and society. SchOnhof, Jacob. Deutsche urtheile iiber Ame- rika. In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 304 : 15 vlO Oberlander, R: Von ozean zu ozean ; kultur- bilder und naturschilderungen aus dem fernen westen von Amerika, nach eigenen beobachtungenundreisestudien. 111. Leipz. 1885. O. 917.1:68 Contents. Zur see. New York. Eisenbahnen in den V. S. Der grosse nordwesten. Der paclflsche nordwesten. Kallfornien. Der neue siidwesten. Register. Neide, C: A. The canoe Aurora ; a cruise from the Adirondacks to the Gulf. N. Y. 1885. D. 917.1:81 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the Occident, the Atlantic to the Pacific ; a summer trip of the Zigzag club from Boston to the Golden Gate. Bost. 1883 [1882]. D- X 917.1 :50 Bromfield, E: T., ed. Picturesque journeys in America of the Junior united tourist club. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. O. x 917.1 : 51 Hale, E: Everett and Susan. A family flight around home. 111. Bost. [1884]. O'. X 917.1 :66 Abbott, Jacob. Marco Paul's voyages and travels : In New York. 111. N. Y. w. d. S. x 917.1: 58 On the Erie Canal. 111. N. Y. n. d. 8. X 917.1 :59 In the forests of Maine. 111. N. Y. . d. S. X 917.1 :60 In Vermont. 111. N. Y. . (Z. S. x 917.1: 61 At the Springfield armory. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. X 917.1 :63 American adventure by land and sea ; remark- able instances of enterprise and fortitude among americans, shipwrecks, adventures at home and abroad, Indian captivities, etc., in 2 v.; v. 2. N. Y. 1843. T. 913.2:26 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 25. North America c, U. S., East and South. 1. New England. In general. Palfrey, J: Gorham. History of New England. Bost. 1858-82. 4 v. O. ' 9724-3 Content*. V. 1. History of N. E. during the Stuart dynasty; Lpreflxed, an account of the physical geo- graphy, natural history, aborlglnes.and early voyages and explorations]. 2. Same: Confederacy of the four colonies. 3. Same: Final relations with the Stuart kings.- Index, v. 1-3. 4. History of N. E. from the revolution of the 17th century; Progress in the reigns of king William III and queen Anne; Progress under the first two Hanoverian kings. HIST. AND GEOQU. U. S., EAST. CI. 017, 972 1370 ElUott, C: Wyllys. The New England history, from the discovery of the continent by the northmen, a. d. 986, to the period when the colonies declared their independence, a. d. 1776. N. Y. 1857. 3 v. O. 972 : 1 Contents. V. 1. To 1091. 2. 1691-1776. App. West- minster Shorter catechism; Body of liberties; Ar- ticles of confederation; Mass. slave laws; Census; Signers of declaration of independence; Chronology. Winthrop, J: The history of New England from 1630 to 1649, from fiis original mss.; with notes to illustrate the civil and ecclesiasti- cal concerns, the geography, settlement and institutions of the country, and the lives and manners of the principal planters by James Savage. New ed. Bost. 1853. 2 3. O. 9724-4 Josselyn, J: An account of two voyages to New-England, made during the years 1638, 1663. Bost. 1865. O. 917.2:22 New England's rarities discovered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents and plants of that country; with an introd. and notes by E: Tuckerman. Bost. 1865. O. 917.2": 23 Caverly, Robert Boodey. History of the indian wars of New England, with Eliot the apostle in the midst of them. Bost. 1883. 2 V. in 1. D. 972 : 5 Note. V. 2 has a separate title as follows: Life and labors of John Eliot, the apostle among the indian nations of New England; together with an account of the Eliots in New England. Bost. 1882. Whitefield, Edwin. The homes of our fore- fathers ; a selection of the oldest and most interesting buildings, historical houses and noted places in Massachusetts, from orig- inal drawings made on the spot. 3d ed. Bost. 1880. 0. 917.2 :Rlvl Same. 2d series : Rhode Island and Connecti- cut. Bost. 1883. O. 917.2: III v2 Carter, Robert. A summer cruise on the coast of New England. Bost. 1864. D. 917.2 : 3 Rollins, Ellen Chapman, born Hobbs, (E. E. Arr). New England bygones. Phila. 1880. D. 917.2 : 5 Old-time child-life. Phila. 1881. D. 917.2 ': 6 Jackson, Helen Maria, born Fiske, formerly mrs. Hunt, {H. H.). New England, in 917.5 : 28 Brake, S: Adams. Nooks and corners of the New England coast. 111. N. Y. 1875. O. 917.2:4 New England legends and folk-lore, in prose and poetry. 111. Bost. 1883. O. 972 : 6 Gibson, W: Hamilton. Pastoral days, or Memor- ies of a New England year. N. Y. 1881 [18801. Q. 917.2:112 Fellows, H: Parker. Boating trips on New Eng- land rivers. 111. and map. Bost. 1884. D. 917.2:24 Pidgeon, Daniel. Old-world questions and new- world answers. Lond. 1884. D. 917.2:25 Same. N. Y. 1885. S. 917.2 : 25 Contents. Americans and americans. New Eng- land; Ansonia. dockland. Wlnsted; A temperance town. Among the Berkshire hills; Great Barring- ton. Common schools; A town meeting. Pittsfleld; Dalton; An industrial pioneer. A shaker village; Communism. North Adams; An industrial battle; Willlamstown. The Hoosac tunnel; Deerfleld; Holy- oke. The regicide judges; Birds and traps; The higher education of women. Hartford; Silk; A creamery. The Willimantic thread company; Ben- evolent mill-owning.- Lowell, past and present. The factory system. Labour, wages and the tariff. Boston. The Hudson river. Lakes George and Champlain.- Canada, present and past. Ma i ne . Maine historical society. Collections. V. 1-6, 8, Portland. 18311881 ; v. 7, Bath. 1876. 8v. O. 906-fP6 Contents. V. 1-7. See Catalogue of the library of the Boston athenaeum, pt. 3, p. 1841. 8. Washburn, Israel, jr. The north-eastern boundary. Goold, W: Col. Arthur Noble of Georgetown. Champlin, J. T. Educational Institutions in Maine while a district of Massachusetts.- Richardson, H. W. The Pemaquid country under the Stuarts. Goold, W : Fort Halifax, its projectors, builders and garrison; Col. Vaughan of Matinicus and Damariscotta. Godfrey, J : E. Norambega. Memoirs and biogr. sketches. Poor, J : A., Reuel Williams. Smith, E. B., E: Emerson Bourne. Washburn, Israel, Ether Shepley. Talbot, G: P., G: T. Davis. Godfrey, J: E., E: Kent. Everett, C: C, Leonard Woods. [Collections, 2d ser.] Documentary history of the state of Maine ; [v. 1, 21 ed. by W: Wil- lis. Portland. 1869, 1884 ; Cambridge. 1877. 3 V. O. 906 : P7 Contents. V. 1. Kohl, J: G: History of the dis- covery of Maine; with an app. on the voyages of the Cabots by M. d'Avezac. 2. Hakluyt, R: A dis- course on western planting written in 1584; with a pref. and introd. by Leonard Woods, ed. with notes in the app. by C: Deane. 3. The Trelawney papers; ed. and ill. with historical notes by James Phinney Baxter. New Sweden, Maine. Celebration of the decen- nial anniversary of the founding of New Sweden, July 23, 1880. [PortlandT 1881. O. 972.1 :1 Ballard, E: Geographical names on the coast of Maine. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1868. in 622 : D Boardman, S: L. The climate, soil, physical re- sources and agricultural capabilities of the state of Maine, with special reference to the occupation of its new lands. (U. S. dep. of agr. Miscel. special rep. no. 4.) Wasn. 1884. O. m630:D Martin, Mrs. Clara Barnes. Mount Desert on the coast of Maine. Map. and ill. 5th ed. Portland. 1880. D. 917.2 : 17 Hubbard, Lucius L. Woods and lakes of Maine; a trip from Moosehead lake to New Bruns- wick in a birch- bark canoe ; added, some indian place-names and their meanings, now first pub. 111. Bost. 1884. D. 917.2:20 Springer, J : S. Forest life and forest trees ; comprising winter camp-life among the loggers, and wild-wood adventure, with descriptions of lumbering operations on the various rivers of Maine and New Brunswick. N. Y. 1856. D. 917.2:12 Thoreau, H: D: The Maine woods. Bost. 1864. D. 917.2:8 Contents. Ktaadn. Chesuncook. The Allegash and East branch. App. Steele, T: Sedgwick. Canoe and camera ; a two hundred mile tour through the Maine forests. [New ed.] Bost. 1882. D. 917.2:14 Paddle and portage from Moosehead lake to the Aroostook river, Maine. Bost. 1883. D. 917.2:15 Bishop, W: H: Fish and men in the Maine islands. 111. N. Y. 1885. S. 917.2 : 26 JVew Hampshire and Vermont. Belknap, Jeremy. The history of New Hamp- shire. Bost. 1784-93. 3 v. D. 972.2:1 Contents. V. 1. Comprehending the events of one complete century from the discovery of the river 1371 CI. 917, 972 HIST. AND GEOGR. XT. S., EAST. 1372 Piscataqua. 2. 1715-1790. 3. Geographical descrip- tion of the state; with sketches of its natural his- tory, productions, improvements and present state of society and manners, laws and government. Williams, S: The natural and civil history of Vermont. 2d ed., enl. and corr. Burling- ton. 1809. 2 V. O. 972.3 : 1 Farmer, J:, and Jacob Bailey Moore. A gazet- teer of the state of New Hampshire. 111. Concord. 1823. D. 917.2 : 10 Drake, S: Adams. The heart of the White Mountains ; their legend and scenery, with ill. by W: Hamilton Gibson. Tourist's ed. N. Y. 1882. O. 917.2+16 Ma ssachusetts. (See also Witchcraft delusion, col. 54-55.) Barry, J: Stetson. The history of Massachusetts. Bost. 1855-57. 3v. O. 972.4:11 Contents. V. 1. The colonial period. 2. The pro- vincial period. 3. The commonwealth period. Hutchinson, T: The history of Massachtisetts. from the first settlement thereof in 1628 until 1750. 3d ed., with add. notes and corr. Bost. 1795. 2 v. O. V. 3. History of the province of Massachusetts Bay from 1750 until June 1774. Lond. 1828. O. 972.4 : 8 Minot, G: Richards. Continuation of the history of the province of Massachusetts Bay from 1748 ; with an introd. sketch of events from its original settlement. Pub. according to act of congress. Bost. 1798, 1803. 2 v. O. 972.4:13 Bradford, Alden. History of Massachusetts from 1764 to July 1775, when gen. Washington took command of the amer. army. Bost. 1822. O. 972.4+1 History of Massachusetts from July 1775, when gen. Washington took command of the amer. army at Cambridge, to 1789 inch, when the federal government was estab. under the present constitution. Bost. 1825. O. 972.4+12 Oliver, P: The puritan commonwealth ; an historical review of the puritan govern- ment in Massachusetts, in its civil and ecclesiastical relations, from its rise to the abrogation of the first charter, together with some general reflections on the eng- lish colonial policy, and on the character of Puritanism. Bost. 1856. O. 972+2 Bradford, W: History of Plymouth plantation. Now first printed from the original ms. for the Mass. historical society ; pub. at the charge of the Appleton fund. Bost. 1856. O. 972.4+15 Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the first glanters of the colony of Massachusetts ay, from 1623 to 1636 ; now first coll. from original records and contemporaneous mss., and ill. with notes. Bost. 1846. O. 972.4+14 Massachusetts state. Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England ; printed by order of the legislature of the common- wealth of Massachusetts, [v. 1-8, ed. by Nathaniel B. Shurtleflf, v. 9-12 ed. by 13: Pulsifer.] Bost. 1855-61. 12 v. in 10. Q. 972.4:1117 Contents. V. 1. Court orders, 1633-1640. 2. Same, 1641-1661. 3. Same, 1651-1661. 4. Same, 1661-1668. 6, /Same, 1668-1678. 6. Some, 1678-1691. 7. Judicial acts, 1636-1692. 8. Miscellaneous records, 1633-1689. 9. Acts of the commissioners of the United Colonies of New England, V. 1. 1643-1651. 10. Same, v. 3, 1653- 1679. 11. Laws, 1623-1682. 12. Deeds, etc., v. 1, 1620-1651. Book of Indian records for their lands. Walcott, C: H. Concord in the colonial period ; a history of the town of Concord, Mass., from the earliest settlement to the over- throw of the Andros government. 1635 1689. Map. Bost. 1884. O. 972.4+16 Hallowell, R: Price. The quaker invasion of Massachusetts. Bost. 1883. D. 972.4 : 10 SpofFord, Jeremiah. A gazetteer of Massachu- setts ; containing a general view of the state, with an historical sketch of the prin- cipal events from its settlement to the pre- sent time, and notices of the several towns, alphab. arr. Newburyport. 1828. D. 917.2:11 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. History of westei-n Massachusetts ; the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire, em- bracing an outline or general history of the section, an account of its scientific aspects and leading interests, and separate histories of its 100 towns. Springfield. 1855. 2 v. D. 972.4 : 9 Massachusetts historical society. Collections : 5th series, v. 2, 3. Bost. 1877. 2 v. O. 906+9 Contents. V. 2. Officers of the society, elected april 1876. Members. Corresp. between Jeremy Belknap and Ebenezer Hazard, pt. 1. 3. Same, pt. 2. Letters and documents relating to slavery in Mass. Old colony historical society. Collections ; pa- pers read before the society. Taunton. 1879-85. O. 906+4 Contents. No. 1. Emery, S. H. Historical sketch. Algrer, A. M. Hiographical sketch. Tarbox, I. N. Pilgrims and puritans. Sproat, T: O. Value of a historical society. 2. Beed, C: A. The province of Massachusetts Bay in the 17th century with a sketch of capt. T: Coram, founder of the Foundling hospital in London. Williams, H: Was Elizabeth Pool the first purchaser of the territory and foun- dress of Taunton ? 3. Fuller, W:E. Obituary pa- per. Blake, M. Taunton north purchase. Brigr- nam, C: H. Historical sketch of Taunton, England. Leland, P. W. Algonquin or Indian terms as ap- plied to places and things. Brigham, C: H. Des- cription of the ras. dictionary of the Bible in the In- dian language. Peirce, E. W. The original owners and early settlers of Freetown and Assonet. Hall, J. W. D. Ancient iron works In Taunton. Weymouth historical society. (No. 1:) The oi-iginal journal of gen. Solomon Lovell, kept during the Penobscot expedition, 1779, with a sketch of his life by Gilbert Nash ; together with the proceedings of the society for 1879-80. Weymouth, Mass. 1881. O. 906+5 Thoreau, H: D: Cape Cod. Bost. 1865. S. 917.2:7 Boston. Winsor, Justin, ed. The memorial historj' of Boston, incl. Suffolk county, Mass., 1630 1880. Bost. 1880-82. 4 v. Q". 972.4 :B2 Contents. V. 1. The colonial period. 2. The pro- vincial period. 3. The revolutionary period, The last hundred years, pt. 1. 4. The last hundred years, pt. 2. Special topics. General index. dtuncy, Josiah. A municipal history of the town and city of Boston, during two cen- turies, from sept. 17, 1630 to sept. 17, 1830. Bost. 1852. O. 972.4+3 1373 HIST. AND GEOGR. U. S., EAST. CI. 917, 972-973 1374 Wheildon, W: W. Curiosities of history: Boston, sept. 17th 1630-1880. Bost. 1880. D. 972.4 : 4 Contents. Topography of Boston. The public ferries. The Bostonlcornflelds. Puritan erovernment. Narrajyansett indians. Names of places, streets, etc. Persecution of the quakers. First newspaper in America. Curious Boston lectures. Remarkable proclamations. Popular puritan literature. Revolu- tionary proclamations. Curiosities of the mai-ket. Drake, S: Adams. Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston. III. Bost. 1875. D. 917.2:19 Around the Hub ; a boys' book about Boston. Bost. 1881. D. X 972.4 : 6 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Young folks' history of Boston. 111. Bost. 1881. D. x 972.4 : 5 Scudder, Horace Elisha. Boston town. Bost. 1881. O. X 972.4: 7 Lander, Sarah W. Boston. (Spectacles for young eyes, no. 1.) N. Y. n. d. S. X 917.2: 18 Bostonian society. Proceedings at the annual meeting, Jan. 8, 1884. Bost. 1884. O. 906 : Pam Same ; Jan. 13, 1885. Bost. 1885. O. 906 : Pam See also in the Index to biography Belling'hain Bradford Bradstreet Carver Dudley Endi- cott Haynes Hinckley Hutchinson Lev- erett Prince Standish Strongr-Vane-Wins- low Winthrop. Rhode Is land. Arnold, S : Greene. History of the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations. N. Y. 1859, 1860. 2 V. O. 972.5+1 Contents. V. 1. 1636-1700. Index, 2. 17001790. Index. Greene, G: Washington. A short history of Rhode Island. Providence. 1877. O. 972.5: 2 Mason, G: Champlin. Reminiscences of New- port. 111. Newport, R. 1, 1884. O. 972.5 : 3 Newport, Rhode Island. Map of Newport and vicinity. N. Y. n. d. T. 917.2 : 21 Austin, Jane Goodwin. Nantucket scraps ; being experiences of an ofF-islander, in season and out of season, among a passing people. Bost. 1883 [1883]. S. 917.2 : 13 See also in the Index to biography Williams. Connecticut. Peters, S : General history of Connecticut, from its first settlement under George Fenwick to its latest period of amity with Great Britain prior to the revolution, incl. a des- cription of the country and many curious and interesting anecdotes ; with an app. pointing out the causes of the rebellion m America, together with the particular part taken by the people of Conn, in its promo- tion. By a gentleman of the province. London.' 1781. Added, additions to app., notes and extracts from letters, verifying many important statements made by the authorby S: Jarvis McCormick. N. Y.' 1877. D. 972.6:2 Trumbull, B: A history of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical, from the emigration of its first planters from England in 1630 to 3c denotes books specially adapted for children. 1764, and to the close of the Indian wars. New Haven. 1818. 2 v. O. 972.6 : 3 App. V. 1 : The original patent of New England. Dwight, Theodore, jr. The history of Connecti- cut, from the first settlement to the present time. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1845. S. 972.6 : 1 See also in the Index to biography Trumbull. 2. Middle States. iVe w Yo r k . New York state. The documentary history of the state of New York, arr. under dir. of the hon. Christopher Morgan by E. B. O'Callag- han. Albany. 1850-51. 4 v. Q. 973.1 : Rl Contents. V. 1. Iroquois and other Indian tribes. First settlement at Onandaga and the discovery of the salt springs at Salina. De Courcelles and De Tracy's exped. airainst the Mohawk indians. 1665-66. Reports on the province of N. Y., ]669-78. De la Barre's exped. to Hungry Bay. Gov. Dongan's re- port on the state of the province, 1687. Denonville's exped. to the Genessee country and Niagara, 1687. Names of the male inhabitants of Ulster co., 1689. Invasion of N. Y. and the burning of Schenectady by the f rench, 1690. Civil list of the province of N. Y., 1693. Frontenac's exped. against the Onondagoes, 1696. N. Y. army list, 1700. Census of the counties of Orange, Dutchess and Albany, 1703, 1714, 1730. Cad- wallader Colden on the lands of N. Y. 1733. Susque- hanna river, 1683 1757. Ogdensburgh, 1749. Oswego. The Oneida country and Mohawk valley, 1756, 1757. French seigniories on Lake Champlain. Boundary line between the whites and the indians, 1765. City of N. Y. Long Island. Statistics of population, 1647 1774. Statistics of revenue, imports, exports, etc., 1691 1768. Trade and manufactures, 17051757. Re- port of gov. Tryon on the state of the province, 1774. 2. Papers relating to It. gov. Liesler's administra- tion. Early rate lists of Long Island. Mss. of sir W: Johnson. Early steam navigation. Western New York. 3. Champlain's expeditions to northern and western N. Y., 1609, 1615. First settlement of N. Y. by the dutch. Restoration of N. Y. to the english and the charges against capt. Manning for its previ- ous surrender to the dutch, 1674, 1675. State of reli- gion in the province, 16571713. King's county, L. I. Churches in Queen's county. Suffolk county. City of N. Y. The palatines. Manor of Livingston, in- cluding the first settlement of Schoharie, 16801795. Census of slaves, 1756. Albany and adjacent places. Westchester county. Ulster and Dutchess coun- ties. Quakers and moravians. Rev. Gideon Haw- ley's journey to Oghquaga, Broome county, 1753. State of the anglo-american church in 1776. Prices of land in the state of N. Y., 1791. Report of a com. ap- pointed to explore the western waters in the state of N. Y., 1793. Journal of rev. J : Taylor's missionary tour through the Mohawk and Black river countries in 1803.- Rectors of St. Peter's church, Albany. App. Medals and coins. Miscellany. 4. Journal of New Netherland, 16411646. Jo- g'ues, I: Description of New Netherland. Tien- hoven, C. van. Information for taking up land in New Netherland, 1650. Kreg'ier, M. Journal of the second Esopus war, 1663.- Extracts from the Breeden raedt, 1649. Montanus, A. Description of New Netherland, 1671. Trijal for witchcraft in N. Y. 1665. Assessment roll of the five dutch towns on L. I., 1675. State of the province of N. Y. in 1738. Reasons in support of triennial elections in the province of N. Y. Journal of sir W: Johnson's scouts, 1755, 1756. Papers relating to the six nations. The erection of Fort Stanwix, 1758. The difficulties between N. Y. and N. H. Memoir of James Delancey. lieut. gov. of the prov. of N. Y. Miscellanies. Memoir of hon. James Duane. Proclamation of the last royal gover- nors of N. Y. Ing-lis, C: Memorial concerning the Iroquois. Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York, procured in Hol- land, England and France, by J : Romeyn Brodhead, agent, under and by virtue of an act of leg., may 2, 1839, pub. under and 1375 CI. 917, 973 HIST. AND GEOGII.-U. S., EAST. 1376 by virtue of an act of leg. inarch 30, 1849, and an act, passed april 12, 1856 ; ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan, with a general in trod, by the agent. Albany. 1853-61. 11 v. Q. 973.1:113 Contents. V. 1. General Introd. Holland docu- ments, 16031656. 2. Same, 16571678. 3. London do- cuments, 16141693. 4. Same, 16931706. 5. Same, 17071733. 6. Same, 1734-1755. 7. Sam^, 17561767. 8. Same, 17681782. 9. Paris documents, 1631-1744. 10. Same, 17451774. [H]- Generalindex. New York historical society. Collections ; 2d series, v. 3, pt. 1 . N. Y. 1857. O. 906+3 Contents. Vries, D. P. de. Voyages from Holland to America, a. d. 1633 to 1644; tr. by H: C. Murphy. Short sketch of the Mohawk indians, by J. Megapo- lensis, jr. The Jogues paper. Extract from Cas- tell's Discoverie of America, 1644. Broad advice to the United Netherland provinces. Extract from Wagenaar's Beschryving van Amsterdam, relating to New Amstel.- The seven articles from the church of Leyden. Negotiations between New England and Canada, 1648 - 16.51. Proceedings of the first assembly of Virginia, 1619. Brodhead, J: Roineyn. History of the state of New York ; 1st period, 16091664. 2d ed. N. Y. 1859. O. 973.1+3 O'Callaghan, Edmund Burke. History of New Netherland, or New York under the dutch. N. Y. 1846, 1848. 2 v. O. 973.1+6 Contents. V. 1, 1492- 1646. App. Index. 2.1646- 1664. App. I ndex . See aim in the Index to biography Stuyvesant. Miller, J: A description of the province and city of New York ; with plans of the city and several forts, as they existed in the year 1695. New ed., with an introd. and historical notes by J : Gilmary Shea. [Gow- an's Bibliotheca amer., 3.] N. Y. 1862. O. 973.1+4 Wooley, C: A two years' journal in New York and part of its territories in America, [1701]. A new ed. with an introd. and his- torical notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. [Gow- an's Bibliotheca amer., 2.1 N. Y. 1860. O. 973.1+13 Barber, J: Warner. Pictorial history of the state of New York ; a general collection of the most interesting facts, biogr. sketches, varied descriptions, etc., relating to the past and present, with geogr. descriptions of the counties, cities and principal vil- lages throughout the state. Cooperstown, N. Y. 1846. O. 973.1 :5 Hammond, Jabez D. The history of political parties in the state of New lork to 1840. 4th ed. corr. and enl., with add. notes by gen. Root. Syracuse. 1852. 2 v. O. 973.1:9 Contents. V. 1. 1783 - 1821. 2.1821-1840. Same ; v. 3, jan. 1841 jan. 1847; incl. the life of Silas Wright. Syracuse. 1848. O. 973.1: 9 v3 Kapp, F: Die deutschen im staate New York wiihrend des 18ten jahrh. (Geschichts- blatter, hrsg. von C: Schurz, ler b.) N. Y. 1884. O. 973.1 :12 Booth, Mary L. History of the city of New York. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 973.1+10 New York Mercantile library association. New York city during the revolution ; a collec- tion of original papers, now first pub. from the mss. in possession of the M. L. A. of New York city. N. Y. 1861. Q. 973.1 : B.7 Contents. Introd. : New York city in 1767. The stamp act riot. New York In 1770. Col. Marlnus Wlllett's narrative. The Hlckey plot. New York correspondence. The battle of Harlem plains. New York loyalists of 1776. Preparations for evacua- tlon. Statement of W : Butler, esq. Sir Harry Clin- ton's defence. Lamb, Martha Joan Reade, bor7t Nash. Wall street in history. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 973.1+11 Francis, J: Wakefield. Old New York, or Rem- iniscences of the past sixty years ; with a memoir of the author by H: T. Tucker- man. N. Y. 1866. O. 973.1:8 Dayton, Abram C. Last days of knickerbocker life in New York. N. Y. 1882. S. 917.3 : 7 Note. Descriptions of life in N. Y. about 1830. Mayo, Amory Dwight. Symbols of the capital, or Civilization in New York. N. Y. 1859. D. 917.3:5 Lander, Sarah W. New York. (Spectacles for young eyes, no. 8). N. Y. n. d. S. X 917.3: 13 Letters about the Hudson river and its vicinity, written in 18351837. 3d ed., ill. N. Y. 1837. S. 917.3:4 Curtis, G: W: Lotus-eating ; a summer book. 111. N. Y. 1852. D. 917.3 : 1 Contents. The Hudson and the Rhine. Catskill. Trenton. Niagara. Saratoga. Lake George. Na- hant. Newport. Wise, Daniel. Summer days on the Hudson ; the story of a pleasure tour from Sandy Hook to the Saranac lakes, incl. incidents of travel, legends, historical anecdotes, sketches of scenery, etc. 111. N. Y. 1876. D. 917.3:6 Searing, A. E. P. The land of Rip Van Winkle ; a tour through the romantic parts of the Catskills ; its legends and traditions. 111. N. Y. 1884. Q. 917.3:1114 Nelson's guide to Lake George and Lake Cham- plain. 111. Lond. 1866. T. 917.3:10 Headley, Joel Tyler. The Adirondack, or Life in the woods. N. Y. 1849. S. 917.3 : 3 Murray, W: H: Harrison. Adventures in the wilderness, or Camp-life in the Adiron- dacks. 111. Bost.n.d.S. 917.3:9 Hammond, S: H. Hills, lakes and forest streams, or A tramp in the Chateaugay woods. N. Y. 1854. D. 917.3 : 2 Kurtz, D. Morris. Ithaca and its resources ; an historical and descriptive sketch of the Forest city . . . , Cornell university and the frincipal inanuf . and commercial interests. 11. Ithaca, N. Y. 1883. O. 917.3 :Pam Allen, H. T. Tunis' illustrated guide to Niagara, rev. Niagara Falls. 1877. S. 917.3 : 11 Ife w Jer sey . Smith, S: The history of the colony of Nova- Csesaria, or New Jersey ; containing an account of its first settlement, ])rogressive improvements, the original and present constitution and other events to 1721, with some particulars since and a short view of its present state. Burlington. 1765. [Tren- ton. 1877]. O. 973.2:2 New Jersey historical society. Documents re- lating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey ; ed. by W: A. Whitehead ; V. 1-8. Newark. 1880-85. 8 v. O. 973.2 : 1 Contents. V. 1 . 1631 - 1687. 2.1687-1703. 3.1703- 1709. 4. 1709 - 1730. 6. 1730 - 1737. 6. 17SJ8 - 1747. 7. 1746 - 1751. 8. 1751 - 1757. 1877 HIST. AND GEOGB. TT. S., EAST. CI. 917, 973-974 1378 Pennsylvania and Delaware. Watson, J: Fanning. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time ; a col- lection of memoirs, anecdotes and inci- dents of the city and its inhabitants, and of the earliest settlements of the inland part of Pennsylvania, from the days of the founders. Pliila. 1850. 2 v. O. 973.3+1 Philadelphia and its environs. Phila. 1876. O. 917.3+8 Campbell, Helen, and others. A sylvan city, or Quaint corners in Philadelphia. (Our con- tinent lib.) 111. N. Y. 1883. D. 917.3 : 12 Contents. Campbell, H. A quaker soldier; The city of a dream. Stockton, L. "CasapJpina". the story of a mother church. Robins, E. Old St. Josephs. Stockton, L. The old Philadelphia library. Campbell, H. Quaker and tory. Barber, E. A. The Philadelphia post-office. Bobins, E. Shop windows. Turner, E. S. Public schools. Camp- bell, H. A master builder; Early abolitionists; Medical education. Stockton, L. The bettering- house and other charities. Leach, F. W. The right to bear arms. Stockton, L. Stephen Girard. Peck, G: Wyoming; its history, stirring in- cidents and romantic adventures. 111. 3d ed. N. Y. n. d. D. 973.3:4 Same. N. Y. 1872. D. 973.3 : 4 Stone, W: Leete. The poetry and history of Wyoming; containing Campbell's Gertrude of'Wyommg. T.p.w.T). 973.3:2 Wyoming, The valley of; the romance of its history and its poetry, also specimens of Indian eloquence, compiled by a native of the valley. N. Y. 1866. D. 973.3 : 3 Pennsylvania historical society. [Memoirs, vol. 11.] A history of New Sweden or the settlements on the river Delaware by Israel Acrelius. Tr. from the Swedish with an introd. and notes by W: M. Reynolds. Phila. 1876. O. 97*3.3+5 Seidensticker, Oswald. Bilder aus der deutsch- pennsylvanischen geschichte. (Geschichts- bliitter, hrsg. von C: Schurz, 2er b.) N. Y. 1885. D. 973.3:6 Contents. Die erste deutschc einwanderung in Amer. und die griindunjr von Germantown, 1683. J: Kelpius, der einsiedler am Wissahickon. Die bei- den Christoph Saur in Germantown. Bphrata; eine amerikanische klostergeschichte. Die deutschen im frieden und im kriege. See atso in the Index to biography Penn. 3. Southern states. In general. Eeatherstonhaugh, G: W: Excursion through the slave states, from Washington on tne Potomac to the frontier of Mexico, with sketches of popular manners and geologi- cal notices. Lond. 1844. 2 v. O. 917.4:10 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. South and north, or Impressions received during a trip to Cuba and the south. N. Y. 1860. D. 917.4 : 19 Olmsted, F: Law. A journey in the sea-board slave states ri856j ; with remarks on their economy. [Our slave states, 1.] N. Y. 1861. D. 917.4:7 Contents. Washington. Va. The economy of Va. The political experience of Va. N. C S. C. and Ga. Rice, and its culture. Experimental political economy of S. C. and Ga. Ala. Economical ex- perience of Ala. La. Olmsted, F: Law. Contintied. A journey through Texas, or A saddle-trip on the s6uthwestern frontier ; with a statistical app. [Our slave states, 2.] N. Y. 1857. D. 917.4:8 A journey in the back country. [Our slave states, 3.] N. Y. 1860. D. 917.4:9 Contents. The valley of the lower Miss. The property aspect of slavery. A trip Into a part of northern Miss.- The interior cotton districts. The Piedmont cotton districts. The highlanders. Patri- archal life In Va., and In general. Slavery extension ; Southern commerce and cotton supply; Present con- dition and character of the citizens of the south; The causes and the remedy. Character and manners.- The danger of the south. Index, 1-3. Mackie, J: Milton. From Cape Cod to Dixie and the tropics. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1864.] D. 917.4:1 Note. Sketches, written befoi-e the war. Gilmore, James Roberts, {Edmund Kir ke). Down in Tennessee and back by way of Rich- mond, by Edmund Kii-ke. N. Y. 1864. D. 917.4:5 Trowbridge, J: Townsend. A picture of the desolated states and the work of restora- tion, 1865-1868. Hartford. 1868. O. 917.4:16 Somers, Robert. The southern states since the war, 1870-1. Map. Lond. 1871. O. 917.4:33 King, E: The great south ; a record of journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North CaroRna, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. 111. Hart- ford. 1875. Q. 917.4:32 Nordhoff, C: The cotton states, in the spring and summer of 1875. N. Y. 1876. O. 327.1+6 Brown, W: Wells. My southern home, or The south and its people. Bost. 1880. D. 917.4:2 Hardy, Mary, born McDowell, lady T: Duffus. Down south. Lond. 1883. O. 917.4 : 30 Ma r y I a n d . Scharf, J. T: History of Maryland, from the earliest period to the present day. Bait. 1879. 3v. O. 974.1+3 Contents. V. 1. Colonial period, 1600-1766. 2. The struggle for liberty, 1766-1812. 8. The development of Maryland, 1813-1880. Index. I, J: Leeds. The history of Maryland, from its first settlement in 1633 to the restoration in 1660 ; with introd. and notes and ill. Bait. 1837. 2 v. in 1. O. 974.1+4 Browne, W: Hand. Maryland ; the history of a palatinate f^to 1783]. (Amer. common- wealths.) Map. Bost. 1884. D. 974.1:5 McSherry, James. A history of Maryland, from its settlement in 1634 to 1848 ; with an ac- count of its first discovery and the various explorations of Chesapeake bay anterior to its settlement ; added, a copious app. for the use schools. Bait. 1852. D. 974.1 : 2 Maryland historical society. Fund publication no. 18. The foundation of Maryland, and the origin of the act concerning religion of april 21, 1649 ; prep, and partly read by Bradley T. Johnson. Bait. 1883. O. 906+8 1379 CI. 917, 974 HIST. AND GEOGR. tr. S., SOUTH. 1380 Shea, J:Gilmary. Early southern tracts. [Lond.l Repr. Bait. 1865. O. 974.1:1 Contents. V. 1. A relation of the successful! be- ginnings of the lord Baltemore's plantation in Mary- land; being an extract of certaine letters written from thence by some of the adventurers to their friends in England, anno domini 1634. Bothrock, Joseph Trumbull. Vacation cruising in Chesapeake and Delaware bays. Phila. 1884. D. 917.4:25 See also in the Index to biography Calvert, tord BaUinwre. IV a shington city . Staples, O. G. A descriptive sketch and ffuide book to all points of interest in Wasning- ton. Wash. . rf. S. 917.4:39 Hudson, Mary, horn Clemmer, formerly mrs. Ames. Ten years in Washington ; life and scenes in the national capital, as a woman sees them. 111. Hartford. 1873. O. 917.4:13 Gemmill, Jane Wilson. Notes on Washington, or Six years at the national capital. Phila. 1884. D. 917.4:24 Vi r ginia. Cooke, J: Esten. Virginia; a history of the geople. Maps. (Amer. commonwealths.) ost. 1883. S. 974.2 : 3 Howison, Robert R. A history of Virginia from its discovery and settlement by europeans to the present time. Phila. 1846, 1848. 2 v. O. 974.2-1-4 Contents. V. 1. History of the colony, to the peace of Paris in 1763. 2 . History of the colony and of the state from 1763 to the retrocession of Alexandria in 1847, with a review of the present condition. Index. Campbell, C: Historj of the colony and ancient dominion of Vii-ginia [to the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781]! Phila. 1860. O. 974.2:1 Cooke, J: Esten. Stories of the Old Dominion, from the settlement to the end of the revo- lution. N. Y. 1879. D. X 974.2: 2 Contents. The adventures of captain John Smith. Why Virginia was called the "Old Dominion." The great rebellion in Virginia. The Knights of the gold- en horseshoe. George Washington, the young sur- veyor. Washington in the wilderness. Braddock and his sash. Point Pleasant and the death of Corn- stalk. Patrick Henry, " the man of the people." T: Jefferson, "the pen of the revolution." A ball at the capitol. Lord Dunmore and the gunpowder. Elizabeth Zane, the story of a brave girl. The fate of col. Rogers.- The capture of Vincennes. - John Marshall, the chief justice. John Randolph of Koanoke.-Rosewell, and Selim the algerlne. Mor- gan, "the thunderbolt of the revolution." Corn- wallis and "the boy" Lafayette. The surrender at Yorktown. Grigsby, Hugh Blair. The Virginia convention of 1776 ; a discourse del. before the Vir- ginia Alpha of the Phi beta kappa society in the chapel of William and Mary college, Williamsburg, July 3d 1855. Richmond. 1855. O. 342.14+201 Jefferson, T: Notes on the state of Virginia ; ill. with a map, incl. the states of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Newed. prepared by the author, contain- ing notes and plates never before pub. Richmond. 1853. O. 917.4-f-34 Howe, H: Historical collections of Virginia ; a collection of the most interesting facts, 3C denotes books specially adapted for children. traditions, biographical sketches, anec- dotes, etc., relating to its history and an- tiquities, with geographical and statistical descriptions. Appended, An historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Col- umbia, ni. Charleston. 1849. O. 974.2-1-5 Virg^inia historical register and literary adver- tiser, The; ed. by W: Maxwell. V. 1-6, Jan. 1848 oct. 1853. Richmond. 1848-53. 6 v. in 3. D. 905 :M Note. Title-page of v. 8, 4 altered by substitution of "note book" for "advertiser"; v. 5, 6 substitutes " companion " for " note book" Strother, D: H:, {Porte Crayon). Virginia illus- trated ; containing a visit to the Virginia canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins. N. Y. 1857. O. 917.4-hll New Virginians, The ; by the author of Junia, Estelle Russell. The" private life of Galileo, etc. Edinb. 1880. 2 v. O. 917.4 : 27 See also in the Index to biography Dale Gates- Lee Smith West, lord DeJrtwarr- Yeardley. Carolinas and Georgia: Wheeler, J: H. Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851 ; compiled from original records, official documents and traditional statements, with biogr. sketches of her distinguished statesmen, jurists, law- yers, soldiers, divines, etc. HI. Phila. 1851. 2 V. in 1. O. 974.3 : 6 Contents. V. 1 . The colony. The state. 2. Separ- ate counties. Index. Hawks, Francis Lister. History of North Car- olina. 3d ed. Maps and ill. Fayetteville, N. C. 1859. 2v. O. "974.3-^4 Contents. V. 1. Early colonization, 1584 - 1591. 2. Proprietary government, 1663 - 1729. Simms, W: Gilmore. The history of South Carolina from its first european discovery to its erection into a republic ; with a supp. book, bringing the narrative down to the present time. New and rev. ed. N. Y. 1860. D. 974.3:3 - Same. N. Y. 1866. D. 974.3 : 3 Ramsay, D: History of South Carolina, from its first settlement in 1670 to 1808. New- berry, S. C. 1858. O. 974.3 : 2 Rivers, W: James. A sketch of the history of South Carolina to the close of the proprie- tary government by the revolution of 1719 ; with an app. containing many valuable records, hitherto unpub. Charleston. 1856. O. 974.3 : 1 Stevens, W: Bacon. A history of Georgia, from its first discovery by europeans to the adoption of the present constitution in 1798. N. Y. 1847. 2 V. O. 974.4 : 1 Contents. V. 1. To 1760. 2. 1760-1798.-Index. Kemble, Frances Anne. Journal of a residence on a Georgia plantation, in 1838-1839. N. Y. 1868. D. 917.4:3 Andrews, Sidney. The south since the war, as shown by fourteen weeks of travel and ob- servation in Georgia and the Carolinas. Bost. 1866. D. 917.4 : 14 Carpet-bagger, A. Recollections of the inhabi- tants, localities, superstitions and Ku-klux 1381 HIST. AND GEOGH. U. S., SOUTH. CI. 917, 974 1383 outrages of the Carolinas, by a carpet- bagger who was born and lived there. [Cleveland, O.] 1880. O. 917.4 : 20 Leigh, Frances, born Butler, the lion. mrs. James Wentworth. Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. Lond. 1883. O. 917.4:21 Florida. Lanier, Sidney. Florida, its scenery, climate and history ; with an account of Charles- ton, Savannah, Augusta and Aiken, a chapter for consumptives, various papers on fruit-culture and a complete hand-book and guide. 111. Phila. 1876. D. 917.4:16 Barbour, G: M. Florida for tourists, invalids and settlers ; containing practical informa- tion i-egarding climate, soil, productions ; cities, towns and people ; the culture of the orange and other tropical fruits ; farm- ing and gardening ; scenery and resorts ; sports ; routes of travel, etc. N. Y. 1882 [1881]. D, 917.4:18 Carse, G: B. Florida ; its climate, soil, produc- tions and agricultural capabilities. Wash. 1882. O. In U. S. dep. of agr.; [Special rep., v. 9.] in 630 : D Saunders, W: Observations on the soils and products of Florida. (U. S. dep. of agr.; Special rep., no. 62.) Wash. 1883. O. in 630 : D Drew, C. New map of the state of Florida showing the progress of the U. S. surveys, the completed and projected railroads, the different railroad stations and growing I'ailroad towns, the new towns on the rivers and interior and the new counties up to the year 1870. Jacksonville. 1870. T. 917.4:22 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, born Beecher. Pal- metto-leaves. 111. Bost. 1873. S. 917.4:17 Henshall, James A. Camping and cruising in Florida. 111. and map. Cine. 1884. D. 917.4:26 Dewhurst, W: W. The history of Saint August- ine, Florida ; with an introd. account of the early Spanish and french attempts at exploration and settlement in the territory of Florida, together with sketches of events and objects of interest connected with the oldest town in the U. S. Added, a short description of the climate and advantages of Saint Augustine, as a health resort. N. Y. 1881. D. 974.6:1 Reynolds, C: B. Old Saint Augustine ; a story of three centuries. [111.] St. Augustine, Fla. 1885. D. 974.5 : 2 St. Augustine, Florida ; sketches of its history, objects of interest and advantages as ' a resort for health and recreation, by an english visitor; with notes for northern tourists on St. John's river, etc. N. Y. 1869. S. 917.4:23 Bloomfield's illustrated historical guide, em- bracing an account of the antiquities of St. Augustine, Floi'ida, with map. Added, A condensed guide of the St. John's, Ocklawaha, Halifax and Indian rivers, distance tables to points on the above- mentioned rivers and principal cities, north, east and west. St. Augustine. 1883. D. 917.4 : 28 Mi ddle Gulf states. Hurt, A. B. Mississippi ; its climate, soil, pro- ductions, and agricultural capabilities. (U. S. dep. of agr. Miscel. Special rep. uo. 3). Wash. 1883. O. in 630 : D Louisiana, old and new. French, B: Franklin, ed. Historical collections of Louisiana ; embi'acing many rare and valuable documents relating to the natural, civil and political history of that state ; compiled, with historical and biographical notes and an introd. N. Y. 18461852. 4 V. O. 974.6+P2 Contents. V. 1. BuUard, H: A. Discourse, del. before the Historical society of Louisiana, jan. 18, 1836. Memoir of Robert Cavelier de La Salle, on the necessity of fitting' out an expedition to take possession of Louisiana. Letters patent to the sieur de La Salle. Memoir of the sieur de La Salle, re- porting- to M. de Seifjnelay the discoveries made by him. Account (proces verbal) of the taking posses- sion of Louisiana by M. de La Salle. Will of M. de La Salle. Memoir sent in 1693, on the discovery of the Mississippi and the neighboring' nations by M. de La Salle from 1678 to the time of his death, and by the sieur de Tonty to 1691.- Chevalier Tonty's petition to the king. Chevalier de Tonty's account of the route from the Illinois by the river Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Joutel's historical journal of M. de La Salle's last voyage to discover the river Mis- sissippi. Account of the discovery of the river Mis- sissippi and the adjacent country by father L: Hen- nepin. Account of M. de La Salle's undertaking to discover the river Mississippi by way of the Gulf of Mexico. 2. An account of the Louisiana historical society. BuUard, H: A. Life, writings and character of Francois Xavier Martin. Forstall, E. J. An analyt- ical index of the whole of the public documents re- lative to Louisiana deposited in the archives of the department " De la marine et des colonies" et " Bi- bliotheque du roi" at Paris. A translation of the original letter of Hernando de Soto on the conquest of Florida. A translation of a recently discovered ms. journal of the expedition of Hernando de Soto Into Florida by Luis Hernandez de Biedma. A nar- rative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida by a gentleman of Elvas, pub. at Evora 1557; tr. from the Portuguese by R: Hackluyt, London 1609. Coxe, Daniel. A description of the english province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Florida and by the french La Louisiane, as also of the great and famous river Meschacebe or Mississippi, the five vast navigable lakes of fresh water and the parts adjacent, with an account of the commodities of the growth and production of the said province. An account of the discovery of some new countries and nations in North America in 1673 by pere Marquette and sieur Joliet; tr. from the french. 3. Memoir of H: A. BuUard. La Harpe, Benard de. Historical journal of the establishment of the french in Louisiana; tr. from the french. Charle- voix, P: Frangois Xavier de. Historical journal in letters addressed to the dutchess of Lesdeguieres; tr. from the french. Coppie d'vne lettre venant de la Floride, enuoyee a Rouen et depuis au seigneur d'Eueron; ensemble le plan et portraict du fort que les franoi8 y ont faict, 1564.- Histoire memorable du dernier voyage aux Indes. lieu appele la Floride, Nouuelle France, fait par le capitaine Jean Ribault, 1565. Journal historique de I'etablissement des f ran- cais A la Louisiane par M. de Sauvole. Memoire de M. de Richebourgr sur la premiere guerre des Natchez. The New Orleans free library. [4]. Shea, J: Gilmary. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley ; with the original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin and Ana- staceDouay; with a facsimile of the newly-discovered map of Marquette. - [Same, v. 5.] Historical memoirs of Louisiana Irow tbe first settlement of the colony to 01. 917, 974 HIST. AND GEOGB,. TJ. S., SOUTH. 1384 French, B: Franklin, ed. Continued. the departure of governor O'Reilly in 1770 ; with historical and biographical notes. N. Y. 1853. O. 974.64-P2 v5 Contents. Butel-Dumout, G: Marie. History of Louisiana; tr. from [iiis] historical memoirs. Cham- pieny, J : chevalier de. Memoir of the present state of Louisiana; tr. from the french.-^App. of historical documents and elucidations. [Savie, V. 6, 7.1 Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida; incl. translations of original mss. relating to their discovery and settlement, with numerous historical and biographical notes. N. Y. 1869, 1875. 2 V. O. 974.6+P2 v6,7 Contents. V. 6. New series. Bemonville, M. de. Memoir addressed to count de Pontchartrain on the importance of establishing a colony in Louisiana. Le Moyne d'lberville, P: Narrative of the voyage made in 1698 to take possession of Louisiana. Fenicaut, M. Annals of Louisiana, from the estab- lishment of the first colony under M. d'lberville to the departure of the author to France in 1723; incl. an account of the manners, customs and religion of the numerous Indian tribes of that country. X.audonni^re, Rene Goulaine de. History of the first attempt of the f rench (the huguenots) to colon- ize the newly discovered country of Florida; History of Jean Ribault's first voyage to Florida. 7. Introd. La Salle, Robert Cavalier sieur de. Memoir addressed to M. de Seignelay of the dis- coveries made by him. -Narrative of the expedition of M. Cavalier de La Salle to explore the (Mississippi) Colbert river and take possession of Louisiana under the orders and letters patent of Louis XIV in lfW2. Historical journal or narrative of the expeditions made by order of Louis XIV to colonize Louisiana under the command of M. P: Le Moyne d'lberville; incl. an account of his explorations of the Colbert or Mississippi river from its mouth to the Natchez nation, of the physical features of the country, and of the manners and customs of the numerous Indian tribes he visited. Memoir sent by the king to M. de Denonville, explanatory of the f rench possessions in North America, especially the south part of Acadia from Pantagouet to the Kennebeck river, of the Iroquois and Hudson's Bay, done at Versailles, 8th march 1668. Historical collections relating to the first discovery and settlement of Florida; with his- torical and critical notes: Introd.; Proclamation of Pamfllo de Narvaez to the inhabitants of the countries and provinces from Rio de Palmas to the Cape of Florida, 1.527; Narrative of the first voyage of J : de Ribault, made in the reign of Charles IX of France under the orders and instructions of Gaspard de Coligny, to make discoveries and found a colony of f rench protestants, huguenots, in Florida, 1.562; Kendoza Q-rajales, Francisco Lopez de. Memoir of the happy result and prosperous voyage of the fleet commanded by P: Menendez de Aviles, which sailed from Cadiz on the morning of thursday, June 28th for the coast of Florida and arrived there on the 28th of august 1565; Escalante Fontanedo, Hernando d'. Memoir of the country and ancient Indian tribes of Florida. App. : La reprinse de la Floride par le cappitaine Qourgrue ; Memoria de.1: de la Vandera en que se hace relacion de los lugares y tlerra de la Florida por donde el capitan Juan Pardo entro & descubrlr camino para Nueva Espafia por los aflos de 1566, 1567 ; Carta en que se da noticia de un viaje hecho a la bahia de Espirito Santo, Tejas (Texas), y de la poblacion que tenian ahi los fran- ceses, 1689; Historical notice of works pub. on the Indian languages of Florida and Texas. Shea, J: Gilmary. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley ; with the original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin and Anastase Douay. N. Y. 1852. O. 976+7 Contents. History of the discovery of the Missis- sippi valley. Life of father Marquette. Notice on the Bieur Jolliet. Dablon, Claudius. Relation of the voyages, discoveries and death of father James Marquette and the subsequent voyages of father Claudius Allouez. Bibliographical notice of the "Etabllssement de la foi" by father Christian Le Clercq. Narrative of the first attempt by M. Cavelier de La Salle t explore the Mississippi, drawn up from Shea, J: Gilm&ry. Continued. the mss. of father Zenobius Membre by father Chre- tien Leclercq. Bibliographical notes of the works of father L: Hennepin. Hennepin, L: Nai-rative of the voyage to the Upper Mississippi; from his "Des- cription de la Louisiane." membre, Zenobius. Narrative of the adventures of La Salle's party at Fort Crevecoeur, in Illinois, from feb. 1680 to June 1681; Narrative of La Salle's voyage down the Missis- sippi. Le Clercq, Christian. Account of La Salle's attempt to reach the Mississippi by sea and of the establishment of a f rench colony in St. Louis Bay. Douay, Anastasius. Narrative of La Salle's attempt to ascend the Mississippi in 1687- Recit des voyages et des decouvertes du P. Jacques Marquette en I'anne 1673 et aux suivantes. Unfinished letter of father Marquette to father Claude Dablon, contain- ing a journal of his last visit to the Ilinois. La Sal- le's patent of nobility* Same. N. Y. 1852. O. In French, B. F. Historical collections of Louisiana. 974.6+P2 v4 Monette, J:W. History of the discovery and settlement of tlie valley of the Mississippi, by the three great european powers, Spain, France and Great Britain, and the subse- quent occupation, settlement and extension of civil government by the U. S. until 1846. N. Y. 184G. 2 V. O. ' 975+6 Contents. V. 1. Early explorations of the spani- ards.-France, 1)8-1764. -Great Britain. 17571782. Spain, 176:{ 1804. 2. United States, 17701846. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana, from its lirst discovery and settlement to the present time. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1842. S. 974 : 1 Gayarre, C: E. Arthur. History of Louisiana. N. Y. 1854-66. 3 v. O. 974+3 Contents. [Pt. 1.] The f rench domination, 1539 1769. 2 V. in 1. [2. J The Spanish domination, 1769 180:i. [3.] The american domination, 1803 1861. Same. [Pt. 1, v. 1:] Louisiana; its colonial history and romance. N. Y. 1851. O. 974+2 Cable, G: Washington. The Creoles of Louisi- ana. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 974.6 : 1 Marcy, Randolph B., assisted by G: B. McClel- lan. Exploration of the Red River of I.,ouisiana in 1852. Maps and ill. (U. S. 32d cong. 2dsess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 54). Wash. 1854: O. m 917.4 :D ('optenti*. Report. Meteorol. observations. Tables of courses and distances. Shepard, C: Upham. Mineralogy. Geology. Palreontology. Zoology. Botany. Ethnology: Vocabulary of the Comanches and Witchitas, by R. B. Harcy. (The principal sci- entific reports have been entered In their proper places in this catalogue). Milbum, W: H: The pioneers, preachers and people of the Mississippi valley. N. Y. 1860. D. 975 : 3 Clemens, S: Lan^horne, {Mark Twain). Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain. 111. Bost. 1883. O. 917.6:84 Hall, Abraham Oakey. The manhattaner in New Orleans, or "Phases of "Crescent city" life. N. Y. 1851. D. 917.4:4 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. [New Orleans in 1852]. In his Health trip. 917.9 : 6 T e X a s . Yoakum, H. History of Texas, from its first settlement in 1685 to its annexation to the U. S. in 1846. N. Y. 1856. 2 v. O. 974.9 : 2 Contents. V. 1. 1685-1835. - App. 2. 18351846. App. Index. 1385 HIST. AND GEOOR. U. S., SOUTH. 01. 917, 974-476 Green, T: J. Journal of the texiau expedition against Mier ; subsequent imprisonment of the author, his sufterings and final escape from the castle of Perote, with reflections upon the present political and probable fu- ture relations of lexas, Mexico and the U. S. 111. N. Y. 1845. O. 974.9+1 Viele, Theresa. "Following the drum"; a glimpse of frontier life [in Texas]. N. Y. 1858. D. 917.4:12 In terior states . Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Kentucky ; a pio- neer commonwealth. Bost. 1885 [18841. S. 974.7 : 2 Hall, James. Events in the early histoi-y of Kentucky. In his Sketches. 975 : 4 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. [Travels in Kentucky and description of Mammotli cave, 1852]. In his Health trip. 917.9 : 5 See aim in the Index to biog-iapliy, Boone. Ramsey, J. G. M. The annals of Tennessee to the end of the 18th century ; comprising its settlement as the Watauga association from 1769 to 1777, a part of North Carolina from 1777 to 1784, the state of Franklin from 1784 to 1788, a part of North Carolina from 1788 to 1790, the Territory of the U. S. south of Ohio from 1790 to 1796, the state of Tennessee from 1796 to 1800. Charleston. 1853. O. 974.7-f 1 Hughes, T: Rugby, Tennessee ; some account of the settlement founded on the Cumber- land plateau by the Board of aid to land ownership, limited, a company incorp. in England and authorised to hold and deal in land by act of the legislature of Tennes- see ; with a report on the soils of the pla- teau by F. W. Killebrew. N. Y. 1881. D. 917.4:6 Davis, Walter Bickford, and Daniel S. Durrie. An illustrated history of Missouri, compri- sing its early recoi'd, and civil, political and military history from the first exploration to the present time. St. Louis. 1876. O. 974.8+1 Waterhouse, Sylvester. The resources of Mis- souri. St. Louis. 1867. O. 917.4 :Pam 26. North America d, U. S., West. 1. The northwest. In general. (See also Louisiana, col. 1383.) Tuttle, C: R., and A. C. Pennock. The centen- nial northwest ; an ill. history of the north- west, being a civil, political and military history of this great section of the U. S. from its earliest settlement to the present time ; comprising a general and condensed history of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, etc., includ. Kansas and Nebraska, the whole forming a complete encyclopaedia of the great north- west. Madison, Wis. 1876. O. 975+6 Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the early settlement of the Northwestern Territory! N. Y. 1847. O. 975+2 Butterfield, Consul Willshire. History of the discovery of the northwest by J: JiTicolet in 1634 ; with a sketch of his life. Cine. 1881. D. 975 : 10 Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conoiiests of the north-west, with the history of Chicago. Wheaton. 1881. O. 975+1 Hall, James. Letters from the west ; containing sketches of scenery, manners and customs, and anecdotes, connected with the first settlement of the western sections of the U.S. Lond. 1828. O. 917.5:23 Note. Pittsburgh and down the Ohio river. Sketches of history, life and manners in the west. Phila. 1835. 2 v. in 1. S. 975 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Intercourse of the amer. people with the indians. History of the french settlements. Events in the early history of Ky. 2. Same, continued. Military operations in the North- western Terr. Civil institutions of the territories and new states.App. Hoftman, C: Fenno. A winter in the west, by a New Yorker. N. Y. 1835. 2 v. D. 917.5 :33 Note. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michi- gan, Wisconsin, the Mississippi to St. Louis, the Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia. McConnel, J: L. Western characters, or Types of border life in the western states. 111. N. Y. 1853. D. 917.5 : 71 Contents. Introd. The Indian. The voyageur. The pioneer. The ranger. >-- The regulator. The justice of the peace. The peddler. The school- master. The schoolmistress. The politician. Strickland, W: P. The pioneers of the west, or Life in the woods. III. N. Y. 1868. D. 976:9 Kinzie, Juliette A., mrs. J: H. Wau-bun, the "early day" in the north west, [18301833]. 2d ed'., ill". Chicago. 1857. O. 975 : 8 Schoolcraft, H: Rowe. Narrative of an expedi- tion through the upper Mississippi to Itasca lake, the actual source of this river ; em- bracing An exploratory trip through the St. Croix and Burntwood or Broule rivers in 1832. LMaps]. N. Y. 1834. O. 917.5+42 Contents. Narrative, etc. Exploratory trip, etc. App. 1. Natural history. App. 3. Indian language: Lectures on the Chippewa substantive; A vocabulary of words and phrases in the Chippewa language, A- B. App. 3. Official reports. Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the anaerican frontiers, with brief notices of passing events, facts and opinions, 1812 1842. Phila. 1851. O. 917.5:43 Ossoli, Sarah Margaret, born Fuller, marchesa d'. Summer on the lakes in 1843. [111.] Bost. 1844. D. 917.6:20 Bradford, W: J. Alden. Notes on the north west, or valley of the upper Mississippi. N. Y. 1846. D. 917.5 : 70 dmtents. Introd. Physical geogr. History. Po- phy, etc. Society, Indians; monuments. App. Lanman, C: A summer in the wilderness ; em- bi-acing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. N. Y. 1847. D. 917.5:34 Featherstonhaugh, G: W: A canoe .voyage up the Minnay Sotor ; with An account of the lead and copper deposits in Wisconsin, of pulation, political gov., topography, etc. laws, public lands, etc. '""' 1387 CI. 917, 76 HIST. AND GEOGR. U. S., WEST. the gold region in the Cherokee country and sketches of popular manners, etc. Lond. 1847. 2 v. O. 917.5 : 18 Foster, J: Wells. The Mississippi valley ; its physical geography, incl. sketches of the topography. Botany, climate, geology and mineral resources and of the progress of development in population and material wealth. Maps and sections. Chicago. 1869. O. 917.5+2 Ohio and In d i ana. Rice, Harvey. Pioneers of the Western Reserve. Bost. 1883. D. 975.1:3 Eilboum, J: The Ohio gazetteer, or Topograph- ical dictionary, describing the severalcoun- ties, towns, villages, canals, roads, rivers, lakes, springs, mines, etc. in the state of Ohio. 10th ed., rev., enlarged and corr. Columbus. 1831. S. 917.5:29 Young, J. H. The tourist's pocket map of the state of Ohio, exhibiting its internal im- provements, roads, distances etc. Phila. 1843. T. 917.5 : 1178 Reid, Whitelaw. Ohio in the war ; her states- men, her generals and soldiers. [111.1 Cine. '""3. 2v. Q. 975.1+7 Contents. V. 1. History of the state during the rar. Lives of her generals. 2. Histor ments and other military organizations. Studer, Jacob H. Columbus, Ohio ; its history, resources and progress, with ill. Colum- bus. 1873. D. 917.5 : 30 See aUo in the Index to biography Calvert, L. Jl I i n o i s . Blanchard, Rufus. History of Illinois, to ac- company an historical map of the state. Chicago. 1883. O. 975.1 : 6 Breese, Sidney. The early history of Illinois, from its discovery by the french in 1673 un- til its cession to Great Britain in 1768, incl. the narrative of Marquette's discovery of the Mississippi, with a biogr. memoir by Melville W. Fuller, ed. by T: Hoyne. Chi- cago. 1884. O. 975.1+5 Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois; containing a series of sketches relating to events tnat occurred previous to 1813, also narratives of many thrilling incidents connected with the early settlement of the west, drawn from history, tradition and personal remi- niscences. Chicago. 1882. D. 975.1:2 Ford, T: A history of Illinois, from its com- mencement as a state in 1818 to 1847 ; con- taining a full account of the Black Hawk war, the rise, progress and fall of mormo- nism, the Alton and Lovejoy riots, and other events. Chicago. 1854. O. 975. 1+1 Fergus historical series ; nos. 124 in 4 v. Chi- cago. 18761884. 4 v. O. 975.1 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Balestier, Joseph N. Annals of Chicago; a lecture before the Chicago lyceum, jan. 31, 1840. Repub. from the original ed. of 1840, with an Introd. written by the author in 1876; and also a re- view of the lecture, pub. in the Chicago tribune in 1873. 2. Fergus, Robert., armv. Fergus" directory of the city of Chicago, 1839: with city and county officers, churches, public buildings, hotels, etc.; also lists of sheriffs of Cook county and mayors of the city since their organization, together with the poll-list of the first city election, (may 3, 1*37); Lists of purchasers of lots in Fort Dearborn addition, the no. of the lots and the prices paid, etc. 3. Caton, J : Dean. The last of the Illinois, and a sketch of the Pottawato- mies; read before the Chicago hist, soc, dec. 13, 1870; and Origin of the prairies, read before the Ottawa academy of natural science, dec. 30. 186P. 4. Brovm, W: H. An historical sketch of the early movement in Illinois for the legalization of slavery; read before the Chicago hist, soc, dec. 5, 1864. 5. Bushnell, W: H. Biographical sketches of early settlers of Chi- cago, pt. 1: S. Lisle Smith. G: Davis, Dr. Philip Max- well. J: J. Brown. R: L.Wilson. Col. Lewis C. Ker- chival, U.P.Harris, H: B. Clarke and sheriff S: J. Lowe. 6. Same, pt. 3: \V: H. Brown, B: W. Ray- mond. J. Young Scammon, C: Walker, T: Church. 7. Wenthvrorth, J: Early ('hicago; a lecture at McCormick's hall, may 7, 1876. with supplemental notes. (3d lecture). 8. Wenthworth, J: Early Chi- cago; a lecture at McCormick's hall, april 11, 1875, with supplemental notes. (1st lecture). 9. Brown, H: Present and future prospects of Chicago; an ad- dress before the Chicago lyceum, jan. 30, 1846. Marshall, J. A. Rise and progress of Chicago; an address before the Centennial library asso., march 31, 1876. - Martineau, Harriet. Chicago in 1836; "strange early days." 10. Addresses read before Chicago hist, soc, by J. Young Scammon, I: N.Ar- nold. W: Hickling. col. G. S. Hubbard and Hiram W. Beckwith; sketches of col. J: H. Kenzie, by his wife, Juliette A. Kenzie; Judge G: Manierre. Luther Ha- ven, and other early settlers; also Billy Caldwell and Shabonee, and the "Winnebago scare," July 1837, by Hiram W. Beckwith, and other matter connected with "Early Chicago." 11. Hyde, James Nevins. Early medical Chicago; an historical sketch of the first practitioners of medicine, with the present fac- ulties and graduates sine? their organization of the medical colleges of Chicago. 12. Mason, E: G. Illinois in the 18th century: Kaskaskia and its par- ish recoi-ds; read before the Chicago hist, soc, dec. 16, 1879; and Old Fort Chartres; read before the Chi- cago hist, soc, June 16, 1880; and Col. John Todd's record-book; read before the Chicago hist, soc, feb. 15, 1881. 13. Gillespie, Joseph. Recollections of early Illinois and her noted men; read before the Chicago hist, soc, march 16, 1880; with portraits. 14. Porter, Jeremiah. The earliest religious history of Chicago; read before the Chicago hist. soc. in 1859. Brow^n, W: H. Early history of Illinois; a lecture before the Cnicago lyceum, dec 8. 1840. Patterson, Robert W. Early society in southern Illinois; an address before the Chicago hist. soc. oct. 19, 1880. Arnold, I: N. Reminiscences of the Illinois bar forty years ago: Lincoln and Douglas as orators and lawyers; read before the Illinois bar assoc. Spring- field, .Ian. 7. I881.-The first murder trial in Iroquois county for the first murder in Cook county. 16. Arnold, I: N. Abraham Lincoln; read before the Royal hist. soc. London. June 16. 1881. Sheahan, J. W. Stephen Arnold Douglas; an eulogy, del. before the Chicago univer8lt.v, Bryan hall. .1uly 3, 1861. 16. Wentworth. J: Early Chicago: Fort Dearbon ; an address read at the unveiling of a tablet on the Fort site, under the auspices of the Chicago hist, soc, may 21, 1881 ; (id paper). Portr. and indexes to mr. Wentworth's 1st and 3d lectures, and "Calumet club reception." 17. Arnold, I: N. William B. Ogden and early days in Chicago; read before the Chicago hist. soc. dec. ao 1881. Scammon, J. Y. Sketches of William B. Ogden. 18. Fergus, R., comp. Chl- cairo river-and-harbor convention, july 5. 6 and 7, 1847: an account of its origin and proceedings, by W: Mosley Hall. J: Wentworth, S: Lisle Smith, Horace Greeley, Thurlow Weed; list of delegates, together with statistics concerning Chicago, by Jesse B. Thomas and James L.Barton. 19. Cleaver, C: Rem- iniscences of early Chicago (1833). 20. Hoffman, C: Fenno. A winter in the west, [printed in] Lon- don. 18a5; reprint, with add. notes. 21. Fergus, Robert. Biographical sketch of John Dean Caton. 22. Arnold, I: N. Recollections of early Chicago and the Illinois bar; read .June 10, 1880. Conkling, James C. Recollections of the bench and bar of central Illinois; read Jan. 13. 1881. Hoyne, T: The lawyer as a pioneer; read at Fairbank hall, feb. 10, 1881. 23. Ackerman, W: K. Early Illinois rail- roads; a paper read before the Chicago hist, soc, feb. :'0. 188iJ; notes b.v .1: Wentworth. also an app. with the Breese-Douglas corresp. 24. Wentworth, .1: Congressional reminiscences; sketches of J: Quincy Adams. T: H. Benton. J: C. Calhoun. H: Clay and Daniel Webster; an address read before the Chi- cago hist. soc. at Central music hall, march 16, 1883; with app, and index. HIST. AND GEOGR. XT. S., WEST. CI. dl7, 976 1390 Blanchard, Rufus. History of Chicago. in 975+1 Land, Jno. E. Chicago, the futui'e metropolis of tlie new world ; her trade, commerce and industries, mfg. advantages, business and transportation facilities, together with sketches of the leading business houses and mfg. concerns in tiie "Garden city"; historical and descriptive review. Chicago. 1883. F. 917.5-1-88 Marquis's hand-book of Chicago ; a complete history, reference book and guide to the city. III. Chicago. 1885. D. 917.5 : 103 See also in the Index to biography Coles. M i c h i g a n . Cooley, T: Mclntyre. Michigan ; a history of govei-nments. (Amer. commonwealths). Bost. 1885. D. 975.2:6 Lanman, James H. History of Michigan, from its earliest colonization to the present time. [Harper's fam. lib.] N. Y. 1843. S. 975.2:1 Campbell, James V. Outlines of the political history of Michigan. Detroit. 1876. O. 975.2+2 Farmer, Silas. The history of Detroit and Mich- igan, or The metropolis illustrated ; a clironolo^ical cyclopaedia of the past and present, incl. a full record of territorial days in Michigan and the annals of Wayne county. [111.] Detroit. 1884. Q. 975.2+4 Hamlin, Marie Caroline Watson. Legends of le Detroit. 111. Detroit. 1884. D. 975.2:3 Everett, Franklin. Memorials of the Grand river valley. Chicago. 1878. O. 975.2+5 Strickland, W: P. Old Mackinaw, or The fort- ress of the lakes and its surroundings. Phila. 1860. D. 917.5 : 69 King, J: Lyle. Trouting on the Brule river, or Lawyers' summer-wayfaring in the north- ern wilderness. Chicago. 1879. D. 917.5:97 Morley, F: Michigan and its resources; sketches of the growth of the state, its industries, agricultural productions, institutions, and means of transportation, descriptions of its soil, climate, timber, financial condition and the situation of its unoccupied lands, and a review of its general characteristics as a home. Compiled under authority of the state, by the comm. of immigration. 2d ed. Lansing. 1883. O. 917.5+74 Wi s constn. General hint or y. Tuttle, C: R. An ill. history of the state of Wis- consin ; a complete, civil, political and mil- itary history of the state from its first ex- ploration down to 1875 ; incl. a cyclopasdia of legislation during the administration of each governor ; from the organization of the territorial government down to gov- ernor Taylor, with historical and descrip- tive sketches of each county in the state separatelj^, embracing interesting narra- tives of pioneer life, incl. an account of the commercial, agricultural and educational growth of Wisconsin. Bost. 1875. O. 976.3:2 Smith, W: Rudolph. The history of Wisconsin, in three parts, historical, documentary and descriptive ; compiled by direction of the legislature of the state ; v. 1, 3. Madison. 1854. 2 V. O. 976.3+1 Contents. Pt. 1, Historical, v. 1 : From the earliest discoveries in the Mississippi valley to april 1836; with notes. 2, not published. Pt. 2, Documentary, V. 3: Jesuit relations. Black Hawk war. Capture of the Halls. Battle of Pecatonica. Release of the Halls. Battle of Wisconsin Heig-hts.- Battle of Bad Axe. Memorial of the miners of the lead region. Earth works. Carver's grant; examination of its validity. Indian deed, from Green Bay records. Annals of the legislature. First convention; mem- bers.- Second convention; members. Siege of De- troit in 1712. Early adventure: W: Farnsworth, W: S. Hamilton. Early mail carriers, J: Halpln. Lead trade with the Indians. Attack at Rock Island, 1812. Red Bird's disturbances. Indian lead furnaces. Milwaukee and Rock river canal; its history. Strong, Moses McCure. History of the territory of Wisconsin from 1836 to 1848; preceded by an account of some events during the period in which it was under the dominion of kings, states or other territories, previ- ous to 1836. Madison. 1885. O. 976.3 : 7 Sketches of the west, or The home of the badg- ers ; comjjrising an early history of Wis- consin, with, a series of familiar letters and remarks on territorial character and characteristics, etc. Milw. 1847. O. 976.3+P6 Love, W: DeLoss. Wisconsin in the war of the rebellion ; a history of all regiments and battalions the state has sent to the field, and deeds of her citizens, governors and other military officers and state and na- tional legislators to suppress the rebellion. Chicago. 1866. O. 975.3+4 Quiner, E. B. The military history of Wiscon- sin ; a record of the civil and military patriotism of the state in the war for the union, with a history of the campaigns in which Wisconsin soldiers have been con- spicuous, regimental histories, sketches of distinguished officers, the roll of the illus- trious dead, movements of the legislature and state officers, etc. 111. Chicago. 1866. O. 975.3 : 6 Note. For report of the adjutant-general, see col. 233. Wisconsin state historical society. The charter and revised statutes relating to [the so- ciety], also The constitution and by-laws of the society. Madison. 1884. O. 906 : Pam Annual reports [1st 28th] and collections. Madison. 1854-82. 9 v. D. 906 : Rl Contents. V. 1. Whittlesey, C: Green Bay in 1726. Gorrell, J. Journal in Green Bay. Biddle, J. W. Recollections of Green Bay in 1816-17. Whit- tlesey, C: Recollections of a tour through Wis. in 1832. Haskins. R. W. Legend of the Winnebagoes. Tenney, H. A. Early times in Wis. Cammuck, T: Sketch of Calumet county. Brunson, A. Wis. geographical names. Hathaway, J. Indian names. Calkins, H. Indian nomenclature of northern Wis.; with a sketch of the manners and customs of the Chippewas. Pratt, A. F. Reminiscences of Wis. Objects of coll. desired by the society. 2. Eulogies on Wright, McLane and Sully. Baird, H. S. Early history and condition of Wis. Liockw^ood, J. H. Early times and events in Wis. Shaw, J. Personal narrative. Brunson, A. Memoir of T: P. Burnett. Parkison, D. M. Pio- neer life in Wis. Bracken, C:,and P: Parkison, jr. Pekatonica battle controversy. Parkison, P: Stric- tures upon gov. Foi'd's History of the Black Hawk war. Bracken, C: Further strictures on Ford's History of the Black Hawk war. Ellis, A. G. Some 1391 CI. 917, 976 HIST. AND GEOGR.-TJ. S., WEST. 1392 Wisconsin state hist, soc Continued. account of the advent of N. Y. Indians into Wis. liOthrop, J. A sketch of the early history of Ken- osha CO. and of the Western emigration company. Taylor, S. Wisconsin, its rise and progress; with notices of Mineral Point and Richland co. Robin- son, C: D. Legend of the Red Banks. Edwards, T. O. Progress, condition and prospects of Wis. 3. Introd. Calkins, E. A., and H. Bublee. Eulogies on J. G. Percival. Notices of W: A. White. Law, J. Jesuit missionaries in the northwest. Shea, J: G. The indian tribes of Wis.-The Cass manuscripts, tr. by C: Whittlesey. Brnnson, A. Ancient mounds or tumuli in Crawford co. Barry, W: Antiquities of Wis. Grignon, A. Seventy-two years' recollections of Wis. Witherell, B. F. H. Reminiscencesofthenortb-west. Morse, R: E. The Chlppewas of Lake Superior. Frank, M. Early his- tory of Kenosha. Mygatt, W: Some account of the first settlement of Kenosha. Stewart, J. W. Early history of Green co. Leonard, J. A. Sketch of Whitewater. Ellis, A. G. The upper Wisconsin country. G-ibbs, O., jr., and C. E. Youngr. Sketch of Prescott and Pierce co. Hall, T. D. Hudson and Its tributary region.-Liaw^son, A. J. New London, and surrounding country. Quiner, E. B. Re- sources of north-eastern Wis. Wis. and her internal navigation. McBride, D. The Lemonwcir river. The Baraboo valley, a dairy region. Cruzat, F. Mes- sage to the Sauks and Foxes. Draper, L. C. Statis- tics of Wis. public libraries. 4. Introd. Smith, J. Y. Origin of the amer. Indians. Childs, E. Recollections of Wis. since 1820. Baird. H: S. Recollections of the early his- tory of northern Wis.-Brunson, A. Early history of Wis. -Holton, E: D., and nthem. Commercial his- tory of Milwaukee. Commuck, T: Sketch of the Brothertown Indians. Marsh, (". The Stockbridges. Konkapot, L., jr. The last of the Mohicans. Death of .1: W. Quinney.-Q,uinney, J: W. Speech on Stockbridge traditionary history, and Memorial to congress. Rublee, H. Early times in Sheboygan CO. Chapman, C. B. Early events In the Four Lake country. Vinton, S: F. North-eastern boundary of Wis.- Lapham, I. A. On the public land surveys, and The latitude and longitude of places in Wis.; On the man -shaped mounds of Wis. Branson, A. Death of Tecumseh. Kingston, J : T. Death of Te- cumseh.- Ballou, D.W., .//. First grave In the city of Watertown. McMillan, M. Early settlement of La Crosse and Monroe co. Graham, J. D. On the latitude and longitude of Milwaukee, Prairie du Chlen, Racine and Madison, Wis. 6. Carr, E. 8. and J. P. Atwood. Eulogies on .1. W. Hunt. Atwood, D: Eulogy on L: P. Harvey. Canadian documents. Snellina-, W: J. Early days at Prairie du Chien. Indian honor. Cass, L. On the Winnebago outbreak. -Dodg-e, (iM. H. Let- ter to gen. H. Atkinson. Edwards, A. A western reminiscence. Pinney, S. I'. Eulogy on gen. H: Dodge. McKenney, T: L. The Winnebago war of 1827. Fonda, .1: H. Early reminiscences of Wis. Reminiscences of Black-Hawk and the Black-Hawk war. Whitford, W. C. Early history of education in Wis., and History of school supervision in Wis.- Ellis, Q. G. Life and public services of J. D. Doty. Clark, J. T., and othem. Reminiscences of Hole- In-the-day. Gen. Caas at St. Marie in 1820. e. Introd. Atwood, D: Life and services of B: F. Hopkins.-Hastings, S: I). Memoir of G. De W. El wood. Hunter, E: M. The civil life, services and character of W: A. IJarstow. Calkins, E. A. Sketch of W: A. Barstow's military services. Frank, M. Events in the llfeofC:Durkee. Draper, L. C. and H. A. Tenney. Life, services and character of G: Hyer. Storrow, S: A. The north-west in 1817. Forsyth, T: Journal of a voyage from St. Louis to the falls of St. Anthony, in 1819. Durrie, D. S. Captain Jonathan Carver and "Carver's grant." Meeker, Moses. Early history of the load region of Wis. -Palmer, 8. M. Western Wis. in iaS6. Smith, J: Y. EleazerWilliams and the lost prince. Reminiscences of the first house and first resident family of Madison. Naming of Madison and Dane county, and the location of the capital. Michel St. Cyr. Salisbury, A. Green co. pioneers. Smith, I: T. Early settlement of Rock co. Janes, H: F. Early reminiscences of Janesville.- Neyon de Villiers. 7. Introd. - Butler. J. D. Pre-historic Wis. ; Westphallan medal, 1648.-Shea, J: G. The dlsoov- Wisconsin state hist. soc. Continued. ery of the Mississippi. Tasse, J. Memoir of C: de Langlade. Draper, L. C. Notice of Match-e-ke-wis. Doty, J. D. Northern Wis. in 1820. Ellis, A. G. Fifty-four years' recollections of men and events in Wis.-The fur trade and factory system at Green Bay, 1816-21. E: D. Beouchard's vindication. Kingston, J : T. Early western days.- La Bonde, J:T. de. Personal narrative. Merrill, H: Pioneer life in Wis. Sketch of officers at Fort Winnebago in 1834, and subsequently. De Peyster, A. 8. Lang- lade's movements in 1777. Noonan, J. A. Recollec- tions of Wis. in feb. iSSr.-Trowbridge, C. C. Note on Eleazer Williams. Matson, N. Sketch of Shau- be-na. Durrie, D. S. Memoir of G : Gale. Ellis, E. H. Memoir of H: 8. Baird. Braley, A. B. Mem- oir of J: Catlin. Durrie, D. 8. Sketch of the life and services of J: Y. Smith.- Draper, L. C. Wis- consin necrology, 1874-75. 8. Inti'Od. In memoriam, 8. H. Carpenter. In memoriam, G: B. Smith. Hougrhton, J. Ancient copper mines of Lake Superior. Slafter, E. F. Pre-historic copper implements. Draper, L. C, andothcra. Ancient copper implements, how fabri- cated. Brown, E: Pictured cave of La Crosse val- ley. Rice, J. A. Add. notes on the La Crosse cave. -Suite, B: Notes on J: Nicolet. Butler, J. D. Early historic relics of the north-west. Tradition of the Fox Indians, 1730. Langlade papers, 1737 - 1800. Schoolcraft, H. R. Incident of Chegoimegon, 1760. Porlier, L. J. Capture of Mackinaw. 1763. Moran, E., and others. Green Bay and the frontiers, 1763-65. Strong, M. M. Indian wars of Wis.-Tan- ner, E: Wis. in 1818. Bristol, Mrs. M. A. B. Rem- iniscences of the northwest. Clark, 8. Early times at Fort Winnebago. Ellis, A. G. Recollec- tions of Eleazer Williams. Draper, L. C. Add. notes on Eleazer Williams. Kingston, J: T. Early exploration and settlement of Juneau co. Luch- sinarer, J: The swiss colony of New Glarus. Tscnudy, J. J. Add. notes on New Glarus. Drap- er, L. C. Wis. necrology, 1876-78. 9. Peet, S. D. Emblematic mounds in Wis. Dean, C. K. A mound near Boscobel. Butler, J. D. Portraits of Columbus; Early historic relics of the north-west. Lake Sakaogan; its identity.- Ander- son, T: G. Personal narrative; Journal, 1814. Prairie du Chlen documents. 1814-15. Traditions and recollections of Prairie du Chien. as related by B. W. Brisbois and noted down by Lyman C. Draper. Baird, Mrs. H. 8. Indian customs and early recol- lections. In memoriam, hon. C. C. Washburn. Draper, L. C. Sketch of C. H. Larrabee. Thomas, J. E. Pioneer settlement of Sheboygan co. Martin, M. L. Sketch of W: Farnsworth; Sketch of Moses Hardwick. Fifield, S. S. Sketch of H. D. Barron. Hastings, S. D. Sketch of C. H. Purple. Calkins, E. A. Two men of note: W: Hull and Sat Clark. Braley, A. B. Character of L. B. Vilas. Draper, L. C. Necrology of Wis. 1878-81. 3yth-31st annual reports, submitted at the annual meetings, jan. 3d 1883, 1884, 1885. 906 : Pam Thomas, G: Francis, (George Francis). Legends of the land of lakes, or History, traditions and mysteries gleaned from years of ex- perience araon^ the pioneers, voyageurs and Indians ; with descriptive accounts of the many natural curiosities met with from l^ake Huron to the Columbia river, and the meaning and derivation of names of rivers, lakes, towns, etc. of the northwest. Chi- cago. 1884. O. 917.6:93 Contents. [Pt. 1]. Lake Superior and surround- ings. [Pt. 2]. Wisconsin. Tenney, H. A., and D: Atwood. Fathers of Wisconsin. 920.1:9 See under Biography. G eneral description. Carver, Jonathan. Travels in Wisconsin. 917:2 See col. 1343. 1393 HIST. AND GEOGR.-U. S., WEST. CI. 917, 975 1394 Smith, W : Rudolph. Observations on the Wis- consin territory ; chiefly on that part called the Wisconsin" land district, with a map exhibiting; the settled parts of the territory, as laid off in counties by act of the leg. in 1837. Phila. 1838. D. 917.51 :3 Plumbe, J:, jr. Sketches of Iowa and Wiscon- consin, taken during a residence of three years in those territories. St. Louis. 1839. h. 917.51:2 Lapham, Increase Allen. A geographical and topographical description of Wisconsin, with brief sketches of its history, geology, mineralogy, natural history, population, soil, productions, government, antiquities, etc. Milw. 1844. S. 917.51:6 Wisconsin, its geography and topography, history, geology and mineralogy, together with brief sketches of its antiquities, natural history, soil, production, popula- tion and government. 3d ed. Milw. 1846. D. 917.51:6 Wisconsin ; a sectional map, with the most recent surveys by I. A. Lapham, 1849. Milw. T. 917.51:1111 Hunt, J: Warren. Wisconsin gazetteer, con- taining the names, location and advan- tages of the counties, cities, towns, vil- lages, post-offices and settlements, together with a description of the lakes, water- courses, prairies and public localities, alphab. arr. Madison. 1853. O. 917.51 : 1 Chapman, Silas. Hand book of Wisconsin. 2d ed. enl. and improved. Milw. 1855. T. 917.51:4 Gregory, J: Industrial resources of Wisconsin. Milw. 1855. S. 917.51:5 Ritchie, James S. Wisconsin and its resources ; with Lake Superior, its commerce and navigation, incl. a trip up the Mississippi and a canoe voyage on the St. Croix and Brule rivers to Lake Superior ; appended, the constitution of the state, with the routes of the principal railroads, lists of post-offices, etc. 111. 3d rev. ed. Phila. 1858. D. 917.51:8 State of Wisconsin, The ; embracing brief sket- ches of its history, position, resources and industries, and a catalogue of its exhibits at the centennial at Phila. 1876. Madison, Wis. 1876. O. 917.51:9 Wisconsin state gazetteer and business direc- torv ; V. 1-5, 1876-1886. Milw. and Chicago. 1876-86. 5v. O. 917.51+RlO Snyder, Van Vechten and co. Historical atlas of Wisconsin ; embracing complete state and county maps, city and village plats, with separate state and county histories ; also, special articles on the geology, educa- tion, agriculture and other important in- terests of the state. 111. Milw. 1878. F. 917.51 :R13 Milwaukee county. Buck, James Smith. [History of Milwaukee.] Milw. 1876-84. 3 v. O. 975.32+1 Contents. V. 1. Pioneer history, from the first ameriean settlement in 18,33 to 1841, with a topo- jfraphical description as it appeared in a state of nature, ill. with a map. 3. Same, 1840-1848. 8. Mil- wauliee under the charter, from 1847 to 1853 incl. Same. 975.32 :R1 Wheeler, Andrew C. The chronicles of Mil- waukee ; being a narrative history of the town from its earliest period to the pres- ent. Milw. 1861. D. 975.32 : 2 Western historical society. History of Milwau- kee, Wisconsin, from pre-historic times to the present date, embracing a summary sketch of the native tribes and an exhaus- tive record of men and events for the past century, describing the city as it now is, its commercial, refi^ious, educational and benevolent institutions, its government, courts, press and public affairs, its musi- cal, dramatic, literary, scientific and social societies, its patriotism during the late war, its development and future possibilities, and incl. biogr. sketches of pioneers and citizens. 111. Chicago. 1881. Q. 975.32 :R3 Koss, Rudolph Alexander. Milwaukee. Milw. 1871. O. 975.32:4 Contents. Die zeit der sage. Die alte zeit. bis 1843. Die alten deutschen, 1844 - 1848. Deutsch- Athen, 1848 - 1854. Personal-index. Bleyer, Julius and Herman. Burning of the Newhall house. [Milw.] 1883. D. 975.32:5 Dupre, .lulius V: Quarter-sectional atlas of the city of Milwaukee, drawn and compiled from the records of Milwaukee co. 2d and rev. ed., 1884. Milw. 1884. F. 917.52 : R4 Harger, C: B., comp. Milwaukee and its promi- nent points oi interest. 111. [Milw. 1877]. O. 917.52 :Pam Chapman, Silas, pub. In and around Milwau- kee in 1880, arr. alphab.; with a map. Milw. 1880. S. 917.52 : Pam Milwaukee city. Directory of the city of Mil- waukee for the years 1847-48 ; containing an epitomized history, etc., by Julius P. Bolivar MacCabe. Milw, 1847. Eepr. in Edwards' Directory for 1865. 917.52 : Rl Same, for 1848-49. 2d year. Milw. 1848. O. 917.52 :R1 Milwaukee city directory and business adver- tiser, ... J. M. Van Slyck, pub. ; 1854-55, 1856-57. Milw. 1854, 1856. 2 v. D. 917.52 :R1 Erving, Burdick & co.'s Milwaukee city direc- tory for 1857-58. V. 1, new ser. Milw. [1857]. O. 917.52 :R1 Milwaukee city directory . . . comp. by Smith, DuMoulin & co. Milw. 1858. O. ' 917.52 :R1 Savie, for 1859-60, comp. by Franklin E. Town. Milw. [18591. O. 917.52 :R1 Directory of the city of Milwaukee . . . pub. annually [by Starr & son]. 1860-61. Milw. 1860. O." 917.52 :R1 Milwaukee city directory for 1862, 1863, comp. by A. Bailey. Milw. 1862, 1863. 2 v. O. 917.52 :R1 [R:] Edwards' annual directory to the . . . city of Milwaukee for 1865, 1866. Milw. 1865, 1866. 2v. O. 917.52 :R1 Milwaukee city directory for 1868-69, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1873-74, 1875-76. . . comp. and pub. by J: Thickens. Milw. 1868-74. 7v. O. 917.52 :R1 Same, v. 8-18, for 1875-76, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. Milw. 1875-85. 11 v. O. 917.52 : Rl Bailey's, A., Milwaukee almanac and business directory for 1863. Milw. 1862. O. 917.53 :R8 1395 01. 917, 976 HIST. AND GEOGR. U. S., WEST. 1396 Bailey, A. Continued. Milwaukee business directory, city guide and almanac for 1867 . . . Milw. 1867. O. 917.53 :R2 Other localities. Western historical society. The history of Col- umbia county, Wisconsin ; containing an account of its settlement, growth, develop- ment and resources, etc. 111. Chicago. 1880. O. 976.31+2 The history of Fond du Lac county ; its early settlement, growth, development, re- sources, etc.; a sketch of its cities, their improvements, industries, manufactories, churches, schools, societies, etc., war record, biogr. sketches, portr. of promi- nent men and early settlers, etc.; also his- tory of Wisconsin, constitution of the U. S. and of Wis., condensed abstract of laws of Wis., miscellaneous, etc. 111. Chicago. 1880. O. 976.31+1 Durrie, Daniel Steele. A history of Madison, the capital of Wisconsin ; incl. the Four Lake country to July 1874, with an app. of notes on Dane county and its towns. Madi- son, Wis. 1874. D. 975.33+1 Madison city directory and business mirror. The ; containing the names of the citizens, a business directory, state and city record and an app. Milw". 1858. D. 917.61 : 7 Bandall, T: E. History of the Chippewa val- ley ; a faithful record of all prominent events, incidents and circumstances that have transpired in the valley of the Chip- pewa, from its earliest settlement by white people, Indian treaties, organization of the territory and state ; also of the counties embracmg the valley, senatorial, assembly and congressional districts, etc., also a brief bio^. sketch of the most prominent persons m the settlement of tne valley. Eau Claire, Wis. 1875. O. 976.3 : 3 Mi nnesota and Dakota. Neill, E: Duffield. The history of Minnesota from the earliest french explorations to the present time. Phila. 1858. O. 976.6 : 1 Minnesota liistorical society. Collections, v. 1 ; a repub. of the original parts issued in 18.50-53, 56. St. Paul. 1872. O. 906+2 ConteiUs. Preface. Sketch of the society. Charter. OflRcers and committees. Objects of coll. desired. Keill, E: D. The french voyageurs to Minn, during: the 17th century. Sibley, H. H. Description of Minn., ia50. Ramsey, A. Our field of historical research. Organization of Minn, territory. Sibley, H. H. Speech. Choodrioh, A. A. Early courts of Minn. Baker, D. A. J. Early schools of Minn. Hobart, C. Religious movements in Minn. Biarg^s, S. R. The Dakota language. Schoolcraft, H : R. History and physical geography of Minn. Mather, W. W. Letter. - Neill, E: D. Letter of Mesnard. Ptillerton, T. M. The St. Louis river. Pond, G. H. Iowa Indians and mounds.- Alton, J. F. Stone heaps of Red Wing. Rifirgra, 8. R. Moundsof Minn, valley. BoutwelL W. T. ^hoolcraft's exploring tour of 1&52. N^ill, E: D. Battle of Lake Pokeguma. Sibley, J5. H. Memoir of Jean N. Nicollet.- NeiU, E: D. A sketch of Joseph Renville.- Belcourt. G. A. Department of Hudson's Bay. Neill, E : D. Obituary of James M. Goodhue; Dakota land and Dakota life. Williamson, T. S. Who where the first men ? Louis Hennepin, the franciscan. Sieur Du Luth. Le Sueur. D'iberville. The Fox and Ojibway war. Capt. Jonathan Carver and his explor. Pike's explor. In Minq. Mgrrison, W; Who discovered Itaska Lake. Early days at Fort Snelling.- Snellingr, W: J. Running the gauntlet. Sibley, H. H. Reminis- cences, historical and personal. Keating, W: H. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Win- nepeek. Lake of the Woods, etc. in 1823, under command of Stephen H. Long ; comp. from the notes of major Long, messrs. Say. Keating and Colhoun. Phila. 1824. 2v.O. 917.5+98 Note. This is major Long's 2d exped.; for his 1st -Ja exped.. see col. 1397, under . Contents of app. in v. 2. Long', S. H. General description of the country traversed by the expedi- tion, designed as a topographical report to the war dep't. Say, T: Zoology. Schweinitz, L: D. de. Botany. Colhoun, J. B: Astronomical obs. and calculations. Lovell, Joseph. Meteorol. register for 1822. Vocabularies of Indian languages. McClung, J. W. Minnesota as it is in 1870 ; its general resources and attractions for im- migrants, invalids, tourists, capitalists and business men, principally from official authorities, with special descriptions of all its counties and towns, their topographer, population, nationalities, products, busi- ness, wealth, social advantages and in- ducements to those in quest of homes, health or pleasure. [St. Paul.] 1870. D. 917.5:35 Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Boots and saddles, or Life in Dakota with general Custer. N. Y. 1885. D. 917.5:100 Rowbotham, Francis Jameson. A trip to prairie- land ; a glance at the shady side of emigra- tion. In 2 pts : pt. 1, The life on the prairie ; pt. 2, The farming prospects of northern Dakota. Lond. 1885. D. 917.5:105 Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska. Parker, Nathan Howe. Iowa as it is in 1855 ; a gazetteer for citizens and a handbook for immigrants, embracing a full description of the state of Iowa. Chicago. 1855. D. 917.5:39 Hale, E: Everett. Kansas and Nebraska; the history, geographical and physical char- acteristics, and political position of those territories, an account of the emigrant aid companies, and directions to emigrants. Bost 1854. D. 917!5:73 Spring, Leverett W. Kansas ; the prelude to the war for the union. (Amer. common- wealths.) Bost. 1885. D. 975.6:1 Brewerton, G: Douglas. The war in Kansas ; a rough trip to the border among new homes and a strange people. N. Y. 1856. D. 917.6:7 2. The far west in general. (See also Geology, col. 338-343; Pacific railroad surveys, col. 422-423.) Biddle, N: History of the expedition under the command of Lewis and Clarke to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean, performed during 1804-1806, by order of the gov. of the U. S. Prepared for the press bv Paul Allen; rev. and abr., with introd. and notes by Archibald McVickar. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1847. 2 v. S. 917.6:3 1397 HIST. AND GEOGB. XT. S., WEST. 01. 917, 975 1398 Coue, Elliott. An account of the various publi- cations relating to the travels of Lewis and Clarke, with a commentary on the zoological results of their expedition. In U. S. geol. survey of the terr., Hayden ; Bulletin, v. 1. in 557.5 : D Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. An account of ex- peditions to the sources of the Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana, to tlie sources of the ArKansaw, Kans, La Platte and Pierre Jaun rivers ; performed by order of the government of the U. S., during 1805-1807, and a tour through the interior parts of New Spain, when con- ducted througli the provinces by order of the capt.-gen., in 1807. Maps and charts. Phila. 1810. O. 917.1:28 James, Edwin. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains in 1819, 1830, under maj. S. H. Long ; comp. from the notes of major Long, T: Say and other gentlemen of the party. Lond. 1828. 3v. O. 917.5:99 NoU. For major Long's 3d exped. see col. 1396, under Keating:. Irving, Washington. [Captain] Bonneville's adventures, [1831-18351. N. Y. 1856. S. 917.5:27 Bame. In his Works. 820.1 : 13 v6 Same. The adventures of capt. Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky mountains and the far west ; digested from his journal and ill, from various other sources. In his Works. 820.1 :P11 v8 Fremont, J: C: Report of the exploring ex- pedition to the Rocky mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and north California in 1843-44. Maps and ill. (U. S. 28th cong. 2d sess. House ex. doc. no. 166.) Wash. 1845. O. in 917.5 : D Contents. Report on an exploration of the country lying between the Missouri river and the Rocky mountains on the line of the Kansas and Great Platte rivers. Catalogue of plants collected. Report of the exploring expedition to Oregon and north California. Geological formations. Organic re- mains. Note concerning plants collected. Astron. observations. Meteorol. observ. made during the exped. of 1843-44. Astron. observ. made during the exped. to the Rocky mountains in 1842. Meteorol. observ. Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains, in 1^2, and to Oregon and north California in 1M3-44. Rep. from the official copy. Syracuse. 1846. D. 917.5:19 Carvalho, S. N. Incidents of travel and ad- venture in the far west, with Fremont's last expedition across the Rocky moun- tains, incl. three months' residence in Utah and a perilous trip across the great amer. desert to the Pacific. N. Y. 1860. D. 917.5:9 Emory, W: Helmsley. Notes of a military recon- noissance from Ft. Leavenworth in Mis- souri to San Diego in California, incl. part of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila rivers; made in 1846-47 with the advanced guard of the army of the west. Maps and ill. (U. S. 30th cong. 1 sess. House ex. doc. no. 41.) Wash. 1848. O. m 917.5 :D Contents. Emory, W. H. Notes etc. App. [Ethnol- ogical and botanical notes] ; Meteorol. and astron. observ. ; Abert, J. W. Report on natural history. Abert, J. W. Report of his examination of New Mexico, in 184ft-47. Cooke, P, St, G: Report of his march from Santa Fe, N. M., to San Diego, upper Cal. Johnston, capt. A. R. Journal. Parkman, Francis. The Oregon trail ; sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life [in 1846]. 7th ed., rev. Bost. 1880. D. 917.5:66 Bryant, Edwin. What I saw in California ; journal of a tour by the emigrant route and South pass of the Rocky mountains across North America, the great desert basin and through California, in 1846, 1847. 7th ed., with an app., containing accounts of the gold mines, various routes, outfit, etc. N. Y. 1849. D. 917.5 : 55 Heap, Gwinn Harris. Central route to the Pacific from the valley of the Mississippi to California ; journal of the expedition of E. F. Beale and Gwinn Harris Heap from Missouri to California, in 1853, Phila, 1854. O. 917.5:25 Domenech, Emmanuel abb^. Seven years' resi- dence in the great deserts of North America. 970.1:22 Contents, see col. 1841. Froebel, Julius. Travel in , , . the far west of the U. S. in 917.8 : 3 MOllhausen, Balduin. Diary of a journey from the Mississippi to the coasts of the Pacific with a U. S. gov. expedition ; with an introd. by Alexander v. Humboldt. Tr. by mrs, Percy Sinnett. Ill, Lond. 1858. 2v. O. 917.5:106 Note. This expedition was the one under command of lieut. A. W. Whipple, for the exploration of a Pacific r, r, route, in 1853-54. Hall, E: H. The great west; emigrants', sett- lers' and travellers' guide and hand-book to the states of California and Oregon and the territories of Nebraska, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Washington; with an account of their climate, sou, re- sources, and products, accompanied by a map showing the several routes to the gold fields, and a complete table of distances. N. Y. 1864. S. 917.5 : 24 Greeley, Horace. An overland journey from New York to San Francisco in the summer of 1859. N. Y. 1860. D. 917.5 : 22 Marcy, Randolph B. Thirty years of army life on the border ; comprising descriptions of the Indian nomads of the plains, explora- tions of new territory, a trip across the Rocky mountains in the winter, descrip- tions of the habits of different animals found in the west and the methods of hunt- ing them, with incidents in the life of dif- erent frontier men. 111. N. Y. 1866. O. 917.5:36 Burton, R: Francis. The city of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. 111. N. Y. 1862. O. 917.5+8 Bowles, S: Across the continent; a summer's journey to the Rocky mountains, the mor- mons and the Pacific states, with speaker Colfax. Springfield, Mass. 1865. D. 917.5:5 Seymour, Silas. Incidents of a trip through the Great Platte valley to the Rocky mountains and Laramie plains, in the fall of 1866, with a synoptical statement of the vai'ious Pacific railroads and an account of the great Union Pacific excursion to the 100th meridian. N. Y. 1867, D, 917.5:44 CI. 917, 976 HIST. AND GEOGR. U. S., WEST. 1400 Van Tramp, J: C. Prairie and Rocky mountain adventures, or Life in the west ; added, a view of the states and territorial regions of our western empire, embracing history, statistics and geography, and descriptions of the chief cities of the west. Columbus. O. 1870. 1 V. in 2 pts. O. 917.5 : 47 Busling-, James F. Across America, or The great west and the Pacific coast. N. Y. 1874. D. 917.5:41 Dodge, R: Irving. The plains of the great west and their inhabitants ; a desci'iption of the plains, game, Indians, etc., of the great north amer. desert ; with an introd. by W: Blackmore. 111. N. Y. 1877. O. 917.5:81 Jackson, Helen Maria^ 6or Fiske, formerly mrs. Bl at home, by H. H. Bost. 1878. S. 917.5 : 28 Hunt, (H. H.). Bits of travel at home, bj Contents. California. New England. Colorado. Codman, J: The round trip by way of Panama, through California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Colorado ; with notes on rail- roads, commerce, agriculture, mining, scenery and people. N. Y. 1879. D. 917.5:11 Holton, E: Dwight. Travels with jottings, from midland to the Pacific ; letters written for, and publ. chieliy as souvenirs to personal acquaintances and friends. Portr. Milw. 1880. O. 917.5+26 Dall, Caroline, born Healey. My first holiday, or Letters home from Colorado, Utah and California. Bost. 1881. D. 917.5 : 13 Rupert, A. E. D. de. Californians and mormons. N. Y. 1881. D. 917.5:86 Gleed, C: S. From river to sea ; a tourists' and miners' guide from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, via Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Chi- cago. 1882. D. 917.5:85 Aldridge, Reginald. Life on a ranch ; notes in Kansas, Colorado, the Indian Territory and northern Texas. III. N. Y. 1884. S. ' 917.5:96 3. Rocky mountain region. No r t h er n . ftuin, Sir Windham T: Wyndham-, 4th earl of Dunraven. The great divide ; travels in the upper Yellowstone in the summer of 1874. 111. Lond. 1870. O. 917.5 : 17 Murphy, J: Mortimer. Rambles in north-west- ern America from the Pacific ocean to the Rocky mountains ; a description of the physical geography, climate, soil, produc- tions, industrial and commercial resources, scenery, population, educational institu- tutions, arboreal botany, and game ani- mals of Oregon, Washington territory, Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. Lond. 1879. O. 917.5:38 Richardson, James, ed. Wonders of the Yellow- stone. Npw ed., with map and ill. [111. lib. of travel]. N. Y. 1882. D. 917.5 : 75 Note. For full descriptions of the Yellowstone national park, see 12th annual report of the U. 8. geol. survey of the territories, col. 340. Mi d d I e. Sitgreaves, Lorenzo, Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. Maps and ill. (U. S. 32d cong. 2d sess.; Sen. ex. doc. no. 59.) Wash. 1854. O. in 917.5 :D Contents. Report. Tables of distances, ffeographi- cal positions and meteorol. observ. Rep. on natural history. Woodhouse, S. W. Medical report. (The scientific reports have been entered in their proper places in this catalog-ue). Stansbury, Howard. An expedition to the val- ley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah ; incl. a description of its geography, natural his- toi-y and minerals, and an analysis of its waters, with an authentic account of the mormon settlement, also a reconnoissance of a new route through the Rocky moun- tains. Maps and ill. (U. S. 32d cong. spec. sess.; Sen. ex. doc. no. 3.) Phila. 1855. O. irt 917.5 :D Contents. Report. App. : Measured distances, g-eo- srraphical positions, etc. ; Zoology; Botany; Geology and pahcontology; Q-ale, L. D. Chemical analysis of the mineral waters and other specimens collected; Meteorol. observations. (The scientific papers have been entered in their proper places in this catalogue.) Simpson, James H. Report of explorations across the great basin of the territory of Utah, for a direct wagon-route from Camp Floyd to Genoa in Carson valley, in 1859. Maps and ill. (Engineer dept., U". S. army.) Wash. 1870. Q. in 917.5 : D Contents. Introd.: History of the explorations within the great basin from 1776, and a general description of the country. Report and journal. Itineraries of wagon-routes. Astron. observ. and geographical positions. -Engrelmann, H: Astron. and meteorol. observ., and computation of altitude therefrom. Table of distances, altitudes and grades. Magnetic observ. and results. Railroad routes from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Engrel- mann, H: Geology of the country between Fort Leavenworth, Ks., and the Sierra Nevada, near Carson valley. Meek, F. B. Report on the palae- ontological collections.- Baird, Spencer F. Ornith- ology; a list of birds collected on the oxped. by C: S. McCarthy. O-ill, Theodore. Report on the ichthy- ology ot the exped. Engelmann, G: Report on the botany of the exped.-Hurt, Garland. Popula- tion and resources of the terr. of Utah; Indians of Utah. Collins, C. R. Languages of the different tribes of Indians, inhabiting the terr. of Utah. Kern, E: M. Journal of an explor. of Mary's or Humboldt river, Carson lake, and Owens river and lake, in 184.5. Harry, Philip. Journcyings of father Escalanto from Santa Fe to Utah lake and the Moqul villages in 1778; with map. Ives, Joseph Christmas. Report upon the Color- ado river of the west, explored in 1857-8 under the direction of the ottice of explora- tions and surveys, by order of the sec. of war. Maps and ill. 'Wash. 1861. Q. m 917.5 :D Contents. General rep. Hydrographic rep. Nevr- berry, J. S. Geological rep. Gray, A., and atJwrs. Botany. Baird, 8. F. Zoology. App. Astron., barometric and meteorol. observations, etc. Powell, John Wesley. Report of the exploration of the Colorado river of the west and its tributaries, explored in 1869-72, under the dir. of the sec. of the Smithsonian institu- tion. Map and ill. Wash. 1875. Q. in 917.5 :D Contents. Pt. 1. History of the exploration of the caHons of the Colorado. Pt. 3. On the physical features of the valley of the Colorado. Pt. 3. Coues, E. Zoology. Bishop, Isabella L., born Bird. A lady's life in the Rocky mountains. 111. N. Y. 1879-80. D. 917.5:4 King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 6th ed., with maps and add. Bost. 1879. D. 917.5:77 1401 HIST. AND aEOGR.-TT. S., WEST. CI. 917, 975 1402 Oroliman, W: A. Baillie-. Camps in the Rockies ; being a narrative of life on the frontier and sport in the Rocliy mountains, with an ac- count of the cattle ranches of the west. Map. N. Y. 1882. D. 917.5 : 76 IngersoU, Ernest. Knocking round the Rockies. N.Y. 1883 [1882]. O. 917.5:79 The crest of the continent ; a record of a sum- mer's ramble in the Rocky mountains and beyond. [Map and ill.] Chic. 1885. O. 917.5 :104 Hayes, A: Allen, jr. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. 111. N. Y. 1880. O. 917.5+52 Fossett, Frank. Colorado, its gold and silver , mines, farms and stock ranges and health and pleasure resorts ; tourist's guide to the Rocky mountains. 2d ed. N. Y. 1880. D. 917.5:51 Pabor, W: E. Colorado, as an agricultural state ; its farms, fields and garden lands. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. D. 917.5 : 80 Th e southwest. Gregg, Josiah. Commei'ce of the prairies, or The journal of a Santa Fe trader during eight expeditions across the great western prairies and a residence of nearly nine years in northern Mexico. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1844. 2v. D. 917.5:1 Same, germ. Wanderungen durch die prarien und das nordliche Mexiko. Aus dem eng. iibertr. von Gottlob Fink. 2te ausg. Stuttg. 1851. 2v. S. 917.5:1 Anderson, Alexander D. The silver country, or The great south-west ; a review of the mineral and other wealth, the attractions and material development of the former kingdom of New Spain, comprising Mexico and the mexican cessions to the U. S. in 1848 and 1853. N. Y. 1877. O. 917.5 : 49 Davis, W: Watts Hart. El gringo, or New Mexico and her people. N. Y. 1857. D. 917.5:57 Cozzens, S: Woodworth. The marvellous coun- try, or Three years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches' home ; comprising a description of this wonderful country, its immense mineral wealth, its magnificent mountain scenery, the ruins of ancient towns and cities found therein, with a history of the Apache tribe and a descrip- tion of the authors guide, Cochise, the great Apache war chief, the whole inter- spersed with strange events and adven- tures. 111. Bost. 1873. O. 917.5:50 Bishop, W: H: [Journey in southern California and Arizona.] w 917.7 : 15 Roberts, Edwards. With the invader ; glimpses of the southwest. [111.] San Francisco. 1885. S. 917.5:102 Bourke, J: G. The snake-dance of the Moquis of Arizona ; a narrative of a journey from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the villages of the Moqui Indians of Arizona ; with a de- scription of the manners and customs of this peculiar people, and especially of the revolting religious rite, the snake-dance ; added, a brief dissertation upon serpent- worship in general, with an account of the tablet dance of the pueblo of Santo Do- mingo, New Mexico, etc. N. Y. 1884. O. 917.5:96 4. Pacific states. S^i story. Greenhow, Robert. The history of Oregon and California, and other territories on the north-west coast of North America ; ac- companied by a geographical view and map of those countries and a number of documents as proofs and ill. of the history. 3ded. N. Y. 1845. O. 975.8+1 Soule, Frank, J: H. Gihon and James Nisbet. The annals of San Francisco ; containing a summary of the history of the first dis- covery, settlement, progress and present condition of California, and a complete history of all the important events con- nected with its great city ; added, biogr. memoirs of some prominent citizens. N. Y. 1855. O. 975.8:2 Norman, Lucia. A popular history of California from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time. 2d ed. rev. and enl. by T. E. 111. San Francisco. 1883. S. 975.8:7 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific states of North America:' California, v. 1-3. San Francisco. 1884-85. 3 v. O. 975.8+4 Contents. V. 1 . 1542 - 1800. 2.1801-1824. 3.1835- 1840. The northwest coast, v. 1, 2. San Francisco. 1884. 2v. O. 975.8+5 Contents. V. 1. 1543-1800. 2. 1800-1846. Leonard, H. L. W. Oregon territory ; contain- ing a brief but authentic account of Span- ish, english, russian and american discov- eries on the northwest coast of America, also the different treaty stipulations con- firming the claim of the U. S. and over- land expeditions to the Columbia river, with incidents of peril and adventure con- nected with their history, etc. Cleveland. 1846. D. 975.8:6 Barrows, W: Oregon ; the struggle for pos- session. Maps. (Amer. commonwealtns). Bost. 1884 [1883]. S. 975.8 : 3 Description. Davidson, G: Directory for the Pacific coast of the U. S. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1858. in 622 : D Same. Revised ed. In the same, 1862. in 622 : D California. Colton, Walter. Three years in California. 111. N.Y. 1850. D. 917.5:56 B-evere, Joseph Warren. A tour of duty in Cal- ifornia ; incl. a description of the gold re- gion and an account of the voyage around Cape Horn, with notices of Lower Cali- fornia, the Gulf and Pacific coasts, and the principal events attending the conquest of the Californias ; ed. by Joseph N. Balestier. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1849. D. 917.5 : 62 Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado, or Adventures in the path of empire, comprising a voyage to California, via Panama, life in San Francisco and Monterey, pictures of the gold region and experiences of mexican travel, [1849]. 4th ed. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. in 1. D. 917.5:66 1463 CI. 917, 976 HIST. AND GEOGR. TT. S., WEST. 1404 Borthwick, J. D. Three years in California, [18511854]. 111. Edinb. 1857. O. 917.5:64 Marryat, Frank. Mountains and molehills, or Recollections of a burnt journal. 111. N. Y. 1855. D. 917.5:37 Famham, Eliza W., born Burhaus. California, in-doors and out, or How we farm, mine and live generally in the golden state. N. Y. 1856. D. 917.6:68 Palmer, J: Williamson. New and old, or Cali- fornia and India in romantic aspects. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1859]. D. 917.6 :60 Browne, J: Ross. Sketches of adventure in California and Washoe. With his Crusoe's island. 919.7:6 Contents. A dang-erous journey, 1849. Observations in office: My offlciai experiences; The great Port Townsend controversy; The Indians of California. A peep at Washoe, 1860. Brace, C: Loring. The new west, or California in 18671868. N. Y. 1869. D. 917.5 : 6 Taylor, B: Franklin. Between the gates. 111. Chicago. 1878. D. 917.6:46 Nordhoff, C: California for health, pleasure and residence ; a book for travellers and settlers. N. Y. 1873. O. 917.5:53 Same. New ed., thoroughly rev., giving de- tailed accounts of the culture of the wine and raisin gra]5e, the orange, lemon, olive and other semi-tropical fruits, colony set- tlements, methods of irrigation, etc. N. Y. 1882. O. 917.6:63 Stevenson, Robert L: The Silverado squattei's. III. Bost. 1884. D. 917.5 : 90 All about Santa Barbara, Cal., the sanitarium of the Pacific coast. Santa Barbara. 1878. O. 917.5:72 Oregon, Washington Terr. Irving, Washington. Astoria, or Notes of an enterprise laeyond the Rocky mountains. Author's rev. ed. N. Y. 1883. S. 917.6:31 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : 13 v4 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : Pll vl3 Franchere, Gabriel. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast of America in 1811 1814, or The first american settlement on the Pacific. Tr. and ed. by J. V. Hunting- ton. N. Y. 1854. D. 917.5:69 Bulfinch, T: Oregon and Eldorado, or Romance of the rivers. Bost. 1866. D. 917.6 : 63 Note. Pt. 1, Oregon, is principally a relation of Lewis and Clarke's expedition along the Columbia river; pt. 2, Eldorado, is a narrative of explorations on the Amazons. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia river ; incl. the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky mountains among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, together with a iourney across the american continent. N. Y. 1833. O. 917.6:12 Same. The Columbia river, or Scenes and adventures during a residence of six years, etc. 2ded. Lond. 1833. 2 v. O. 917.'5 : 12 Parker, S: Journal of an exploring tour be- yond the Rocky mountains, under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. in 1835 1837; containing a description of the geo- graphy, geology, climate, productions of the country, and the numbers, manners and customs of the natives. Map of Ore- gon, aded. Ithaca. 1842. D. 917.6:40 Hines, Gustavus. Life on the plains of the Pa- . cific: Oregon; its history, condition and prospects, containing a description of the geography, climate and productions, with personal adventures among the Indians during a residence of the author on the plains bordering the Pacific, while con- nected with the Oregon mission, embrac- ing extended notes of a voyage around the world. Buffalo. 1851. D. 917.6 : 64 Swan, James G. The northwest coast, or Three years' residence in Washington territory. 111. N. Y. 1857. D. 917.5 : 45 NordhoflF, C: Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands. N. Y. 1874. O. 917.6 :61 Symons, T: W. Report of an examination of the upper Columbia river and the territory in its vicinity, in sept, and oct. 1881, to de- termine its navigability and adaptability to steamboat transportation ; made by dir. of the commanding general of the dep. of the Columbia, m. (U. S. 47lh cong. 1 sess. Sen. ex. doc. no. 186). Wash. 1883. Q. w 917.5 :D Nash, Wallis. Two years in Oregon. N. Y. 1883. D. ' 917.6:83 Leighton, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound ; with sketches of travel in Washington ter- ritory, British Columbia, Oregon and Cal- ifornia, 18651881. Bost. 1884. D. 917.6:91 5. Alaska. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific states of North America: " Alaska, 1730 1885. San Francisco. 1886. O. 975.9-|-l Davidson, G: Report relative to the resources and the coast features of Alaska territory. In U. S. coast survey rep. 1867. in 622 : D Contents. General report. Directory of the coast. -List of geographical positions. Aids to navii tion. Blake, Theodore A. Geology. Harford, G. W. Zoology. Vocabularies of the Kadiak, Un- alaska, Kenai and Sitka languages. Meteorology. Kellog'g:, Albert. Botany. Comparative alaskan vocabulary. Whymper, F: Travel and adventure in the ter- ritory of Alaska, formerly Russian Amer- ica, now ceded to the U. S., and in various Sarts of the north Pacific. Map and ill. [. Y. 1869. O. 917.5 : 68 Morris, W: Gouverneur. Report upon the cus- toms district, public service and resources of Alaska territory. Wash. 1879. O. 917.5+82 Same. (45th cong. 8d sess.; Sen. doc. 59). Wash. 1879. O. w 328.1 :D Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska, and missions on the north Pacific coast. 111. N. Y. [1880]. D. 917.5:67 Petroff, Ivan. Report on the population, in- dustries and resources of Alaska. Maps and ill. In U. 8. tenth census, 1880, v. 8. m317:D Contents. Statistical view by geographical divis- ions. Resources. Geography and topography. Historical sketch. Notes on alaskan ethnology. Elliott, H: W. Report on the seal islands of Alaska. 111. In U. S. tenth census, 1880, v. 8. m317:D 1405 HIST. AND GEOGR. XT. S., WEST. CI. 917, 976-976 1406 "Wright, Julia McNair. Among the alaskans. Map and ill. Phila. [1883]. S. 917.5 : 89 Pierrepont, E: Fifth avenue to Alaska. Maps by Leonard Forbes Beckwith. N. Y. 1884. D. 917.6:92 Wardman, G: A trip to Alaska ; a narrative of what was seen and heard during a summer cruise in Alaska waters. Bost. 1884. D. 917.6:94 Scidmore, Miss Eliza Ruhamah. Alaska; its southern coast and the Sitkan archipelago. Maps and ill. Bost. [1885]. D. 917.6 : ibl 27. North America e, British and Mexican. 1. British America. In g ener al. Murray, Hugh. An historical and descriptive account of British America, comprehending Canada, Upper and Lower, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas and the fur countries, their history from the earliest settlement, their statistics, topography, commerce, fisheries, etc., their social and political condition, and also an account of the manners and present state of the aboriginal tribes. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1845. 3 V. S. 976 : 1 Buckingham, James Silk. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the other british provinces in North America ; with a plan of national colonization. Lond. [1843]. O. 917.6:1 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyage from Mon- treal on the river St. Lawrence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans, in the years 1789 and 1793 ; with a prelim, account of the rise, progress and present state of the fur trade of that country. 111. with maps. Lond. 1801. Q. 917.6 :R6 Rae, W: Eraser. Newfoundland to Manitoba, through Canada's maritime, mining and prairie provinces. N. Y. 1881. D. 917.6:18 East and north. Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton,' the Sable Islands, New Brunswick. Prince Edwai-d Island, the Bermudas, Newfoundland, etc. [Brit- ish col. lib., V. 4.] Lond. 1844. S. 976 : 6 Hepworth, G: Hughes. Starboard and port; the "Nettie" along shore. N. Y. 1876. D. 917.6:19 Benjamin, S: Green Wheeler. The cruise of the Alice May in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and adjacent waters. Repr. from the Century magazine. 111. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. O. 917.6:31 Norton, C: Ledyard, and J: Habberton. Canoe- ing in Kanuckia, or Haps and mishaps afloat and ashore of the statesman, the editor, the artist and the scribblei-, re- corded by the commodore and the cook. 111. N. Y. 1878. D. 917.6:10 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France ; a summer's jour- ney of the Zigzag club through the historic fields of the early french settlements of America. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. X 917.6: 29 z denotes books specially adapted for children. Haliburton, T: Chandler, {Sam Slick). Histori- cal and statistical account of Nova Scotia. Map and ill. Halifax. 1829. 2 v. O. 976:3 Contents. V. 1 . History. 2. Statistical account. Smith, Philip H. Acadia ; a lost chapter in american history. 111. Pauling, N. Y. [18841. O. 976:7 Cozzens, F: Swartwout. Acadia, or A month with the blue noses. N. Y. 1859. D. 917.6:2 Chase, Eliza Brown . Over the border ; Acadia, the home of Evangeline, by E. B. C. 111. Bost. 1884. O. ' 917.6:26 Lyell, Sir C: Travels and observations in Nova Scotia. in 917.1 : 21 Hatton, Joseph, and M. Harvey. Newfound- land ; its history, its present condition and its prospects in the future. Rep. from the eng. ed., rev., corr. and enl. 111. Bost. 1883. O. 917.6:24 MuUaly, J: A trip to Newfoundland, its scen- ery and fisheries ; with an account of the laying of the submarine telegraph cable. Hi. N. Y. 1855. D. 917.6:8 Noble, L: L. After icebergs with a painter; a summer voyage to Labrador and around Newfoundland. N. Y. 1861. D. 917.6:9 Steams, Winfrid Allen. Labrador; a sketch of its peoples, its industries and its natural history. Bost. 1884. D. 917.6:30 Robinson, H: M. The great fur land, or Sketches of life in the Hudson's Bay ter- ritory. 111. N.Y. 1879. D. 917.6:11 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Hudson Bay, or Everyday life in the wilds of North Amer- ica, during six years' residence in the ter- ritories of the hon. Hudson Bay company. 111. Lond. 1882. D. 917.6 : 20 Butler, W: Francis. The wild north land; being the story of a winter journej, with dogs, across northern Noi'th America. 111. and route map. 8th ed. Lond. 1881. D. 917.6:22 Tytler, Patrick Eraser. Historical view of the progress of discovery on the more north- ern coasts of America, from the earliest period ; with descriptive sketches of the natural history of north american regions, by James Wilson. Add. an app., contain- ing remarks on a late memoir of Sebas- tian Cabot, with a vindication of R: Hak- luyt. Map and ill. [Harper's fam. lib.] N: Y. 1846. S. 917.6 : 17 The Canadas . (See also New France, col. 1332.) Martin, Robert Montgomery. History, statistics and geography of Upper and Lower Can- ada. [British col, lib., V. 1.] 2d ed. Lond. 1838. S. . 976 : 6 1407 01. 917, 976-977 HIST. AND GEOQR.- BRITISH AMERICA. 1408 Gameau, Fran9ois Xavier. History of Canada, from the time of its discovery till the uilion, 1840-41. Tr. from L'histoire du Canada, and accompanied with ill. notes, etc., by Andrew Bell. 3d ed., rev. Mon- treal. 1866. 2 V. O. 976 : 2 Contents. V. 1 . 1493 - 1758. 2.1759-1841. "Warburton, G: The conquest of Canada, by the author of "Hochelaga." N. Y. 1855. 2 v. D. 976:4 Scadding, H:, and J: C: Dent. Toronto; past and present, historical and descriptive ; a memorial volume for the semi-centennial of 1884. Pub. by authority of the Citizens' semi-centennial committee. Toronto. 1884. F. 976+8 * * * Campbell, J: G: E: H: Douglas Sutherland, mar- quess of Lome. Canadian pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. 111. N. Y. [1884]. Q. 917.6-1-28 Moore's handbook of Canada ; with a tariff of rates and the hours of arrival and depart- ure of the railway trains and steamers, rates of postage, coinage and other useful information. 2d ed. Montreal. 1860. T. 917.6:26 Sansom, Joseph. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descriptive ; with the auth- or's recollections of the soil and aspect, habits and religious institutions of that isolated country during a tour to Quebec in July 1817. N. Y. 1817. D. 917.6 : 13 Silliman, B: Remarks on a short tour made between Hartford and Quebec in the autumn of 1815), by the author of A journal of travels in England, Holland and Scot- land. N. Y. 1820. D. 917.6 : 14 Talbot, E: Allen. Five years' residence in the Canadas, incl. a tour through part of the U. S. of America in 1823. Lond. 1824. 2 v. O. 917.6:15 Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada. N. Y. 1839. 2 v. D. 917.6:4 Lanman, C: A tour to the river Saguenay in Lower Canada. Phila. 1848. D. 917.6:6 Moodie, Susanna, born Strickland. Roughing it in the bush, or Life in Canada. N. Y. 1852. 2v. D. . 917.6:7 Russell, W: Howard. Canada,' its defences, con- dition and resources ; a second and concl. vol. of " My diary, north and south" [917.1+33]. fiost. 1865. D. 917.6 : 12 Thoreau, H: D: A yankee in Canada, with anti- slavery and reform papers. Bost. 1866. D. 917.6:16 Omtents. A yankee in Canada. Anti-slavery and reform papers: Slavery in Mass.; Prayers; Civil disobedience; A plea for capt. J: Brown; Paradise, to be regained; Herald of freedom; T: Carlyle and his works; Life without principle; Wendell Phillips before the Concord lyceum; The last days of John Brown. Geikie, Cunningham. The backwoods of Can- ada. 4th ed. Lond. 1881. D. 917.6:21 Fleming, Sandford. England and Canada ; a summer tour between old and new West- minster, with historical notes. Montreal. 1884. I). 917.6 : 27 Ritchie, James Ewing. To Canada with emi- grants ; a record of actual experiences. 111. Lond. 1885. D. 917.6:32 Th e west . Hind, H: Youle. Narrative of the Canadian Red river exploring expedition of 1857 and of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan ex- ploring expedition of 1858. 111. Lond. 1860. 2 V. O. 917.6 : 3 Contents. "V. 1. The Canadian Red river explor. exped. Assiniboine and Saskatchewan explor. exped. 2, Same, continued, Geology of the basin of Lake Winnipej?. Climate of the southern part of Rupert's Land. App. Fitzgibbon, Mary. A trip to Manitoba. Lond. 1880. O. 917.6:23 2. Mexico. History . Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific states of North America : History of Mexico, vols. 1-5. San Francisco. 1883-85. 5 V. O. 977+12 Contents. V. 1. 1516-1521. 2. 1521-1600. 3. 1600- 1803. 4. 1804-1834. 6. 1824-1861. North Mexican states, v. 1, 15311800. San Francisco. 1883. (). 977-^13 Ober, F: Albion. Young folks' history of Mexico. (Young folks' history ser.) Bost". 1883 [1882]. S. 9'77:11 Witter, Marina, (y/i. Armin). Das alte Mexiko und die ei'oberung Neuspaniens durch Fer- dinand Cortez; nach W: [H.] Prescott und Bernal Diaz, sowie unter benutzAing der schriften von Alexander v. Humboldt, des abbe Brasseur, des abt F. X. Clavigero imd anderen. Leipz. 1865. O. 977 : 1 Das heutige Mexiko ; land und volk unter Spaniens herrschaft, sowie nach erlangter selbststiindigkeit bis zum tode des kaisers Maximilian ; unter benutzung der neuesten und zuverliissigsteu quellen herausg. 2te auli. Leipz. 1868. O. 977 : 2 Mayer, Brantz. Mexico, aztec, Spanish and republican ; a historical, geographical, political, statistical and social account of that country from the period of the in- vasion by the Spaniards to the present time ; with a view of the ancient Aztec empire and civilization, a historical sketch of tlie late war, and notices of New Mexico and California. Hartford. 1853. 2 v. O. 977+7 Contents. V. 1. History to 1850. 2. Description: In general; The mex lean states and territories; The territory of New Mexico and the state of California, as parts of the U. 8. Frost, J: Pictorial history of Mexico and the mexican war ; comprising an account of the ancient Aztec empire, the conquest by Cortes, Mexico under the Spaniards, the mexican revolution, the republic, the texan war, and the recent war with the U. S. Phila. 1856. O. 977 : 4 Solis y Rivadeneira, Antonio de. The history of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into eng. from the original Spanish by T: Townsend. 111. Dublin. 1727. 2 v. S 977 : 9 Prescott, W: Hickling. History of the conquest of Mexico, with a prelim, view of the ancient mexican civilization and the life of the conqueror, Hernando Cortds. 8th ed. N. Y. 1847. 3v. O. 977:8 Contents. V. 1. Introd.: View of the aztec civili- sation. Discovery of Mexico. - March to Mexico. 1409 HIST. AND GEOGR. MEXICO. 01. 917, 977 1410 Prescott, W: Hickling. Continued. 2. Same, continued. Residence in Mexico. Ex- pulsion from Mexico. 3. Siege and surrender of Mexico. Conclusion; Subsequent career of Cortes. App.: Origin of the mexican civilization, analogies with the old world; Original documents. Index. Same. [New popular ed.] ; ed, by J: Foster Kirk. Phila. n. d. 3 v. D. 977 : 8 Helps, Sir Arthur. [Conquest of Mexico.] In Ms The Spanish conquest in America. 977 : 5 Contents, see under South and Central America. Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Die er- oberung von Mexiko durch Hernando Cor- tez ; der deutschen jugend und dem volke erziihlt. 3te aufl. 111. Wiesbaden. 1874. S. 977 : 14 Cortes, Hernando. Despatches to Charles V, during the conquest. Tr. with introd. and notes by G. Folsom. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1843.] D. 977:3 Eloin, Paula, born grdfin Kollonitz. The court of Mexico. Tr. by J. E. Ollivant. 4th ed. Lond.1868. O. 977:6 Mayer, Brantz. Observations on mexican his- tory and archaeology, with a special notice of Zapotec remains as delineated in mr. J. G. Sawkin's drawings of Mitla. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v9 Archaeological institute of America. Papers : American series, 2. Report of an archaeol- ogical tour in Mexico in 1881. 2d ed. Bost. 1885. O. 906+13 Contents. From Tampico to the City of Mexico. Notes about the City of Mexico. Studies about Cholula and its vicinity. An excursion to Mitla. See also in the Index to biography Cortes Juarez Maximilian Montezuma. D e s c ri p t i o n . Humboldt, F: H: Alexander /mAerr v. Politi- cal essay on the kingdom of New Spain. Tr. frorn the original french by J: Black. N. Y. 1811. 2v. O. 917.7:3 Containing Researches relative to the geography of Mexico, the extent of its surface and its political division into intendancies, the physical aspect of the country, the population, the state of agi'iculture and manufacturing and commercial interests, the canals projected between the South Sea and Atlantic ocean, the crown revenues, the quantity of the precious metals which have flowed from Mexico into Europe and Asia since the discovery of the new continent, and the military defence of New Spain ; with physical sections and maps, founded on astron- omical observations, and trigonometrical and baro- metrical measurements.- TitJe-poflfe. Modem traveller, The ; a popular description, geographical, historical and topographical, of the various countries of the globe : [v. 25, 26.] Mexico and Guatimala. Lond. 1825. 2 v. T. 917.7 : 5 Emory, W: Helmsley. Report on the U. S. and Mexican boundary survey, made under the dir. of the sec. of the interior. (U. S. 34th cong. 1 sess.; House ex. doc, no. 135.) Maps and ill. Wash. 1857-59. 2 v. in 3. Q. 917.7 :D Contents. V. 1. General report. 2. pt. 1. Botany of the boundary; pt. 2. Zoology of the boundary. Note. The contents of v. 2 have been entered in their proper places, in this catalogue. Garcia Cubas, Antonio. The republic of Mexico in 1876 ; a political and ethnographical ac- count of the population, character, habits, costumes and vocations of its inhabitants. Garcia Cubas, Antonio. Continued. Wi-itten in Spanish, tr. by G: F. Hepderson. 111. Mexico. 1876. O. ' 917.7-|-12 Cuadro^ ^eognifico, estadistico, descriptivo e historico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. [111.] Mexico. 1884. O. 917.7:18 Brocklehurst, T: Unett. Mexico to-day; a country with a great future, and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 917.7+11 Ober, F: Albion. Mexican resources ; a guide to and through Mexico. Map. 111. Bost. 1884. O. 917.7+17 Ramirez, Santiago. Noticia historica de la riqueza minera de Mexico y de su actual estado de explotacion ; escrita por dispo- sicion de la Secretaria de fomento. Mexico. 1884. O. 628 : 41 Conkling, Alfred R. Appleton's guide to Mexico; incl. a chapter on Guatemala and a com- plete english-spanish vocabulary. N. Y. 1884 [1883]. D. 917.7:16 Latrobe, C: Joseph. The rambler in Mexico, 1834. N. Y. 1836. D. 917.7:4 Ferry, Gabriel. Vagabond life in Mexico. N. Y. 1856. D. 917.7:1 Wise, H: A: Los gringos, or An inside view of Mexico and California, with wanderings in Peru, Chili and Polynesia. N. Y. 1857. D. 917.7:10 Haven, Gilbert. Our next-door neighbor ; a winter in Mexico. N. Y. 1875. O. 917.7:2 Oswald, Felix Leopold. Summerland sketches, or Rambles in the backwoods of Mexico and Central America. 111. Phila. 1880. O. 917.7:7 Conkling, Howard. Mexico and the mexicans, or Notes of travel in the winter and spi'ing of 1883. N. Y. 1883. D. 917.7:14 Bishop, W: H: Old Mexico and her lost pro- vinces ; a journey in Mexico, southern Cali- fornia and Arizona, by way of Cuba. N. Y. 1883. D. . 917.7:15 Stephens, C: Asbury. The Knockabout club in the tropics ; the adventures of a party of young men in New Mexico, Mexico and Central America. 111. Bost. 1884 [1883]. O. X 917.7: 13 Yu c at an . (See cdso Central America.) Fancourt, C: St.' J: The history of Yucatan, from its discovery to the close of the 17th century. Lond. 1854. O. 977 : 10 Norman, B: Moore. Rambles in Yucatan, or Notes of travel through the peninsula, incl. a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi and Uxmal. 111. N. Y. 1843. O. 917.7+6 Stephens, J : Lloyd. Incidents of travel in Yu- catan. N. It. 1848. 2 V. O. 917.7+8 Tempsky, Gustav Ferdinand v. Mitla; a nai*- rativeof incidents and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala and Salvador in 1853 to 1855, with observations on the modes of life in those countries ; ed. by J. S. Bell. Lond. 1858. O. 917.7 : 9 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1411 CI. 917, 978-979 HIST. AND GEO GR. CENTRAL AMERICA. 1412 28. Central and South America, West Indies. 1. In general. Helps, Sir Arthur. The Spanish conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and the government of colonies. N. y. 1856. 3 V. D. 977 : 5 Contents. V. 1 . Prince Henry of Portugral. Columbus. Ovando. The dominicans. Ojeda and Nicuesa. Vasco NuBez de Balboa. Cuba. Las Casas as a colonist and a reformer. 2. Las Casas. Hernando Cortez. The siege of Mexico. 3. The administration of Cortez. Nicaragua. Encomien- das. Guatemala. The conquest of Peru. Bates, H: Walter, ed. Central America, the West Indies and South America ; with ethnological app. by A. H. Keane. (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel, based on Hellwald's " Die erde und ihre volker".) Maps and ill. Lond. 1878. O. 918:1 Wilkes, C: U. S. exploring expedition. in 919 :Ti Contents, see under Oceanica. Trollope, Anthony. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Leipz. 1860. S. 917.9 : 12 Contents. Introd. Jamaica. Cuba. Bi-itish Gui- ana. Barbados. Trinidad. St. Thomas. New Granada and the isthmus of Panama. Central America. The Bermudas. Conclusion. Bazley, H: Willis. What I saw on the west coast of South and North America and the Hawaiian Islands. N. Y. 1865. O. 918-|-2 2. Central America. (See also Mexico, col. 1408; and Canals, col. 423-424.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific states of North America : Central America ; V. 1, 2. San Francisco. 1883. 2 v. O. 978+2 Contents. V. 1. 1501-1530. 2- 1530-1800. Stephens, J: Lloyd. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 12th ed. 111. N. Y. 1863. 2 v. O. 917.8-1-6 Froebel, Julius. Seven years' travel in Central America, northern Mexico and the far west of the U. S. 111. Lond. 1859. O. 917.8:3 Pictures of travel in far-off lands ; a companion to the study of geography : Central Amer- ica. 111. Lond. 1881. S. x 917.8 : 1 Habel, Simeon. The sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala ; with an account of travels in Central America and on the western coast of South America. In Smithsonian contributions. 506 : R3 v22 Oibbs, Archibald Robei'tson. British Honduras ; an historical and descriptive account of the colony from its settlement, 1670. Comp. from original and authentic sources. Lond. 1883. D. 978 : 3 Soltera, Maria, pseud. A lady's ride across Spanish Honduras. 111. Edinb. 1884. O. 917.8:10 Wells, W: Vincent. Explorations and adven- tures in Honduras, comprising slietches of travel in the gold regions of Dlancho, and z denotes books specially adapted for children. a review of the history and general re- sources of Central America. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1857. O. 917.8-1-8 Scherzer, C: v. Wanderungen durch die mit- tel-amerikanischen freistaaten Nicaragua, Honduras und San Salvador ; mit hinblick auf deutsche emigration und deutschen handel. Maps. Brschw. 1857. O. 917.8:12 Squier, Ephraim G: Notes on Central America, Sarticularly the states of Honduras and an Salvador; their geography, topogra- phy, climate, population, resoui'ces, pi'o- ductions, etc., and the proposed Honduras inter-oceanic railway. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1855. O. 917.8+5 Nicaragua ; its people, scenery, monuments and the proposed inter-oceanic canal. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. O. 917.8+4 Contents. V. 1. Introd.: Central America; Nicara- gua. Narrative. 2. Same, conftmted. Interocoanic canal. Aborigines of Nicaragua. Outline of politi- cal history. Wells, W: Vincent. Walker's expedition to Nicaragua ; a history of the central-amer- ican war and the Sonora and Kinney ex- peditions, incl. all the recent diplomatic corresp. Map and portr. of Walker. N. Y. 1856. D. 917.8 : 7 Walker, W: The war in Nicaragua. Map. N. Y. 1860. D. 978 : 1 Belt, T: The naturalist in Nicaragua ; a nar- rative of a residence at the gold mines of Chontales, journeys in the savannahs and forests, with observations on animals and plants, in I'cference to the theory of evolu- tion of living forms. Map and ill. Lond. 1874. D. 917.8 : 9 Squier, Ephraim G:, {Samuel A. Bard). Waikna, or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, by Samuel A. Bard. 111. N. Y. 1855. D. 917.8:2 Headley, Joel Tyler. Darien exploring expedi- tion under command of lieut. I: C. Strain ; repr. from Harper's magazine. N. Y. 1885. Q 917.8+11 3. West Indies. In general. Baynal, Guillaume T: Fran9oisrt66^. History of the settlements ... of the europeans in the . . . West Indies. 382 : 3 See col. 256. Eden, C: H. The West Indies. [English colonies and foreign countries.] Lond. 1880. S. 917.9:1 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Health trip to the tropics. N. Y. 1854. D. 917.9 : 5 App.: Coronation of Soulouquo as emperor of Hayti. , ,,^ Kingsley, C: At last ; a Christmas in the West Indies. 111. [Works, v. 14.] Lond. 1882. D. 917.9:13 Brassey, Anna, born Allnutt, lady. In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties. [111.] N. Y. 1885 [1884]. O. 917.9 : 16 Contents. England to Madeira. Madeira. Trinidad. Venezuela. .Jamaica. Bahamas. llermuda. Azores. App. Index. 1413 HIST. AND GEOGR. WEST INDIES. CI. 917, 979 1414 Drysdale, W: In sunny lands ; out-door life in Nassau and Cuba. 111. N. Y. 1885. Q. 917.9+18 C u h a . TurnbuU, D: Travels in the west: Cuba; with notices of Porto Rico and the slave trade. Lond. 1840. O. 917.9 : 10 Humboldt, F: H: Alexander Jreiherr v. The island of Cuba. Tr. from the Spanish, with notes and a prelim, essay by J: S. Thrasher. N. y. 1856. D. 917.9:9 Dana, R: H: To Cuba and back ; a vacation voyage. Bost. 1859. D. 917.9 : 6 Howe, Julia Ward. A trip to Cuba. Bost. 1860. D. 917.9:7 Gibbes, Robert Wilson. Cuba for invalids. N. y. 1860. D. 552.2:7 Gallenga, Antonio. The pearl of the Antilles. Lond. 1873. O. 917.9 : 14 O'Kelly, James J. The Mambi-land, or Advent- ures of a Herald correspondent in Cuba. Phila. 1874. D. 917.9:8 Steele, James W. Cuban sketches. N. y. 1881. D. 917,9:11 Ballou, Maturin Murray. Due south, or Cuba, past and present. Bost. 1885. D. 917.9:20 H ay t i . Philippi, K: Ferdinand. Geschichte des frei- staats von St. Domingo, Hayti. (Allg. historische taschenbibliothek, liter th.) Dresden. 1826. 3 v. in 1. S. 979 : 2 Fabens, Joseph Warren. In the tropics, by a settler in Santo Domingo ; with an introd. notice by R: B. Kimball. [Anon.] 5th ed. N. y. 1863. D. 917.9:3 United States. Dominican republic: report of the commission of inquii-y to Santo Dom- ingo, with the introd. message of the pres., special reports made to the commission, state papers furnished by the Dominican government and the statements of over 70 witnesses. Commissioners B. F. Wade, A. D. White, S. G. Howe ; A. A. Burton, sec, F. Douglass, ass't. Wash. 1871. O. in 917.9 : D Hazard, S: Santo Domingo, past and present ; with a glance at Hayti. Maps and ill. N. y 1873. D. 917.9:19 Bird, M. B. The republic of Hayti and its strug- gles ; from historical notes, issued under the auspices of the Haytian government. Lond. n. d. D. 979 :3 St. John, Sir Spenser. Hayti, or The black re- public. Lond. 1884. O. 917.9 : 17 Other islands. Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of the West Indies. [British col. lib., V. 5, 6]. Lond. 1836-37. 2 v. S. 979 : 1 Contents. V. 1. Jamaica. Honduras. Trinidad. Tobago. Grenada. The Bahamas. The Virgin Isles. 2. British Guiana. Barbadoes. St. Vincent's.- St. Lucia. Dominica. Montserrat. Antigua. St. Christopher's or St. Kitt's, Nevis, Anguilla. Con- clusion. Ives, C: The isles of summer, or Nassau and the Bahamas. 111. ed. New Haven. 1880. D. 917.9:2 Dorr, Julia Caroline, born Ripley. Bermuda; an idyl of the summer islands. Maps. N. y. 1884. S. 917.9:15 Ober, P: Albion. Camps in the Caribbees ; ad- ventures of a naturalist in the Lesser An- tilles. Bost. 1880. O. 917.9 : 4 4. South America. In general. Juan y Santacilia, Jorge, and Antonio de "Olloa. A voyage to South America, describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, etc., on that extensive continent; inter- spersed throughout with reflexions on whatever is peculiar in the religion and civil policy, in the genius, customs, man- ners, dress, etc., of the several inhabitants, whether natives, Spaniards, Creoles, Indi- ans, mulattoes or negroes ; together with the natural, as well as commercial history of the country, and an account of their gold and silver mines, undertaken by com- mand of the king of Spain. Tr. from the Spanish. 111. Lond. 1760. 2 v. O. 918 : 7 Humboldt, F: H: Alexander /mAerr v. Travels in the equinoctial regions of America, dur- ing 17991804. 508 : 1 For full title, see col. 295. Gerstacker, F: Achtzehu monate in Siid-Amer- ika und dessen deutschen colonien ; ler th. Leipz. 1863. 3 v. S. 918 : 10 Contents. V. 1. Ausfahrt. Ecuador. Peru. 2. Same, continued. Chile. 3. Same, continued. TJth- guay and La Plata. Brasilien. Same, and Aus meinem tagebuch ; gesammelte erziihlungen. 2te aufl. Jena. n. d. 2 v. S. 918:10 Coritents, same as the preceding; v. 3 begins with Uruguay. Tschudi, J: Jakob v. Reisen durch Siidamer- ika. 111. und karten. Leipz. 1866-69. 5 v. O. 918:11 Contents. V. 1 . Von Hamburg nach Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Petropolis.-Von Petropolis nach Ouro-Preto. 2. Von Ouro-Preto nach Diamantina. Diamantina. Von Diamantina nach den ui'wiildern des Mucury. Aufenthalt in Philadelphia. Riickreise nach Rio de Janeiro. 3. Nach der provinz Espiritu Santo.-Durchdie provinz Rio de Janeiro. Besuch der parcerie colonien in der provinz Sao Paolo. Besuch ' der colonien in der provinz Santa Catharina. 4. Besuch der provinz Rio Grande do Sul. Kiistenreise von Rio de Janeiro nach Sfto Pedro do Rio Grande. Von Rio Grande do Sul nach Rosario. Von Rosario nach Catamarca. 5. Von Catamarca uber die Cor- dillera und durch die wiiste von Atacama nach Co- bija. Von Cobija nach Tacna. Von Tacna nach Are- quipa. Von Arequipa nach Southampton. Dahlgren, Madeleine, born Vinton, formerly mrs. Goddard. South sea sketches ; a nar- rative. Bost. 1881. D. 918 : 8 Note. Travels along the western coast, from Callao to Valparaiso, in 1867. Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon, or Across the continent of South America. Map and ill. N. Y. 1870. D. 918:5 Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. The pampas and Andes: A thoi^.sand miles' walk across South America ; with an introd. by E: A. Samuels. 3d ed. 111. Bost. n. d. D. 918:3 Same. Bost. 1875. S. 918 : 3 Price, Sir Rose Lambart. The two Americas ; an account of sport and travel, with notes of men and manners, in North and South America. 111. Phila. 1877. O. 918 : 6 1415 CI. 918, 980-989 HIST. AND GEOGB. SOUTH AMERICA. 1416 Gallenera, Antonio. South America. Lond. 1^0. O. 918 : 13 Contents. Introd. The isthmus. Peru. Bolivia. Chili.-The strait. Region of the Plate. Paraguay. Brazil. Mxilhall, Marion. Between the Amazon and the Andes, or Ten years of a lady's travels in the pampas, Gran Chaco, Paraguay and Matto Grosso. Maps and ill. Lond. 1881. O. 918:9 Pictures of travel in far-off lands ; a companion to the study of geography: South Amer- ica. 111. Lond. 1881. S. x918:12 Champney, Lizzie, born Williams. Three Vassar girls in South America -, a holiday trip of three college girls through the southern continent, up the Amazon, down the Madei- ra, across the Andes and u]) the Pacific coast to Panama. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. 918:14 Knox, T: Wallace. The boy travellers in South America; adventures of two youths in a journey through Equador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentine Republic and Chili, with descriptions of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego and voyages upon the Amazon and La Plata i-ivers. 111. N. Y. 1886 [1885]. O. X 918: 15 Th e Amazons and Brazil. Bulflnch, T: Eldorado. In his Oregon, etc. 917.5:63 Contents. Discovery of the Amazon. Orellana's adventure. Sir Walter Raleigh. The french phil- osophers.- Madame Godin's voyage. Herndon's ex- pedition. Latest explorations. The naturalist on the Amazon. Animated nature. Hemdon, W: Lewis, and Lardner Gibbon. Ex- ploration of the valley of the Amazon, made under the direction of the navy dep't. 111. (U. S. 32d cong. 2d sess.; Sen. ex. doc, no. 36). Maps. Wash. 1853, 1854. 2 v. O. w 918.1 :D C(mtent8. V. 1. Report of Herndon, with maps. 2. Report of Gibbon, with maps. "Warren, J: Esaias. Para, or Scenes and ad- ventures on the banks of the Amazon. N. Y. 1851. D. 918.1:6 Ewbank, T: Life in Brazil, or A journal of a visit to the land of the cocoa and the palm ; with an app. containing ill. of ancient south amer. arts in recently discovered implements and products of domestic in- dustry and works in stone, pottery, gold, silver, bronze, etc. 111. N. Y. 1856. O. 918.1:3 Codman, J: Ten months in Brazil ; with inci- dents of voyages and travels, descriptions of scenery and character, notices of com- merce and productions, etc. Bost. 1867. U. 918.1:2 Agassiz, L: J: Rudolphe, and Elizabeth Cabot, born Cary. A journey in Brazil, [1865-66. 9th ed.] Bost. 1875. O. 918.1 : 1 App. : The Gulf stream ; Flying fishes ; Resolutions passed on board the Colorado; Dom Pedro Segundo railroad; Permanence of characteristics In different human species; Sketches ot separate journeys under- taken by different members of the expedition. Bates, H: Walter. The naturalist on the river Amazons ; a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the equa- X denotes books specially adapted for children. tor, during eleven years of travel. 4th ed. 111. Lon(L 1875. D. 508 : 4 Fletcher, James Cooley , and Daniel Parrish Kid- der. Brazil and the brazilians, portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. 111. 9th ed. rev. and brought down to date. Bost. 1879. O. 918.1:4 Brown, C: Barrington, and W: Lidstone. Fif- teen thousand miles on the Amazon and its tributaries. Map and ill. Lond. 1878. O. 918.1:8 Smith, Herbert H. Brazil: The Amazons and the coast. 111. N.Y. 1879. O. 918.1:5 App.: Geology and physical geography of the Amazons valley. "Wither, T: P. Bigg-. Pioneering in South Bra- zil ; three years of forest and prairie life in the province of Parana. Maps and ill. Lond. 1878. ,2 V. O. 918.1:7 Xa Plata states . Page, T: Jefferson. La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay ; being a nar- rative of the exploration of the tributaries of the river La Plata and adjacent coun- tries during 18531856, under the orders of the U. S. government. Map and ill. N. Y. 1859. O. 918.2+2 Washburn, C: A. The history of Paraguay; with notes of personal observations and reminiscences of diplomacy under difficul- ties. Bost. 1871. 2 V. O. 989-f 1 Uruguay, South America, The republic of ; its geography, history, rural industi'ies, com- merce and general statistics. Issued by authority ot the consulate - general of Uruguay. Maps. Lond. 1883. O. 918.9 : 5 King, J. Anthony. Twenty-four years in the Argentine Republic ; embracing its civil and military history and an account of its political condition before and during the administration of gov. Rosas ; his course of policy, the causes and character of his in- terference with the government of Monte- video, and the circumstances which led to the interference of England and France. N. Y. 1846. D. 982 : 1 Napp, R:, and others. The Argentine Republic. Written in germ., for the central Argentine commission on the centenary exhibition at Philadelphia. Maps. Buenos Aires. 1876. O. 918.2:1 Pat a gonia. Bourne, B: Franklin. The captive in Patagonia, or Life among the giants ; a personal nar- rative. 111. Bost. 1874. D. 918.9 : 1 Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Patagonia, or Life among the ostrich-hunters. (Lei- sure hour ser.) N. Y. 1879. S. 918.9 : 2 Coan, Titus. Adventures in Patagonia ; with an introd. by H: M. Field. N. Y. 1880. D. 918.9:3 Dixie, Lady Florence Caroline, born Douglas. Acros.s Patagonia. 111. N. Y. 1881. O. 918.9:4 Chili and Peru. "Wise, H: A: Wanderings in Peru and Chili. In his Los gringos. 917.7 : 10 1417 HIST. AND GEOGR. SOUTH AMERICA. CI. 918, 980-989 1418 Gilliss, James Melville. Chile ; its geography, climate, earthquakes, government, social condition, mineral and agricultural re- sources, commerce, etc. Maps and ill. (U. S. naval astron. exped. report, v. 1). Wash. 1855. Q. in 508 : D Smith, Edmond Reuel. The Araucanians, or Notes of a tour among the indian tribes of southern Chili. N. Y. 1855. D. 918.3 : 1 Rivero, Mariano E: de, and J: Jakob v. Tschudi. Peruvian antiquities. N. Y. 1855. D. 985:5 Reiss, W:, and Alphons Stiibel. Peruvian anti- quities: The necropolis of Ancon in Peru ; a series of ill. of the civilisation and in- dustry of the empire of the Incas ; the re- sults of excavations made on the spot. With the aid of the gen. administration of the Royal museums of Berlin. Berlin. [1881-85]. 13 pts. F. 985 : R3 Prescott, W : Hickling. History of the conquest of Peru ; with a prelim, view of the civiliza- tion of the Incas. N. Y. 1847, 1848. 2 v. O. 985-1-1 Same, ed. by J: Foster Kirk. Phila. 2 v. D. 985 : 1 Contentg. V. 1 . Introd. ; view of the civilization of the Incas. Discovery of Peru. Conquest of Peru. 2. Same, continued. Civil wars of the conquerors. Settlement of the country. App.: Original docu- ments. Trueba y Cosio, Telesforo de. History of the conquest of Peru by the Spaniards. Phila. 1846. D. 985 : 2 Adams, W: H: Davenport. The land of the Incas and the city of the sun ; the story of Francisco Pizarro and the copquest of Peru. 111. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. 985:4 Markham, Clements Robert. The war between Peru and Chili, 1879-82. N. Y. 1883. D. 983 : 1 Peru. [English colonies and foreign coun- tries], ni. Lond. 1880. S. 918.5:2 Tschudi, J: Jakob v. Travels in Peru ; on the coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the primeval forests. Tr. from the germ, by Thomasina Ross. Newed. N. Y. 1854. I). 918.5:4 Squier, Ephraim G: Peru ; incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas. 111. N. Y. 1877. O. 918.5M-3 Cole, G: Ralph Fitz-Roy. The peruvians at home. Lond. 1884. D. 918.5:5 JVo rt hern states. Hassaurek, F: Four years among Spanish amer- icans [of Ecuador, 1861-1865]. 3d ed. Cine. 1881. D 918.6:1 Spence, James Mudie. The land of Bolivar, or War, peace and adventure in the republic of Venezuela, [18711872]. 2d ed. Maps and ill. Lond. 1878. 2 v. O. 918.7 : 1 Contents of app., v. 2: Ancient history of Vene- zuela. Ernst, A. List of plants obs. in Los Roques. Sclater, P. L., a)id O. Salvin. On some Venezue- lan birds, coll. by J. M. Spence. Ernst, A. Sertu- lum naiguatense; notes on a coll. of alpine plants from the summit of Naiguata. Plant, J: Descrip- tion of minerals and ores. Exhibition of curiosities from Venezuela, Manchester. Ernst, A. Orchideae venezuelanie. Letter on the ascent of the Naiguata. Axon, W: E. A. The Spanish poetry of S. Amer. Cajigal, J : M. Ascent of the Silla de Caracas. First Venezuelan line arts exhibition. Decree constituting the islands of the republic into a territory .Work- ing of the coal mines of the Naricual. Extraction of mineral phosphates. List of public works in pro- gress in Venezuela, dec. 1873. Select list of books, pamphlets, maps and mss. relating to Venezuela. Plant, J: Neolithic stone implements. The church of Rome in Venezuela. Index. Whetham, J: WhethamBoddam-. Roraima and British Guiana ; with a glance at Bermuda, the West Indies and the Spanish Main. Lond. 1879. O. 918.8 : 1 Thum, Everard F. im. Among the Indians of Guiana ; being sketches, chiefly anthropo- logic, from the interior of British Guiana. Map and ill. Lond. 1883. O. 918.8 : 2 29. Oceanica. 1. In general. Wilkes, C: Narrative of the U. S. exploring ex- pedition during 18381842. Maps and ill. Phila. 1845. 5 v. and Atlas. Q. 919 : D Contents. V. 1. Introd. Madeira. Rio Janeiro. Political state of Brazil. Rio Negro. Terra del Fuegro. Southern cruise. Chili-Peru. Paumotu group. App. 2. Tahiti. Eimeo.Samoan Islands. New South Wales. Antarctic cruise. New Zealand. App. 3. Hapai or Friendly Isles.- Feejee group. Honolulu. App. 4. Hawaiian Islands. Cruise of the "Porpoise ' to the Paumotu group and Penrhyn island. NisQually and Columbia river. Willamette valley. Wallawalla.Puget Sound and Okanagan. Indian tribes of the interior of Oregon. De Fuca's Straits and loss of the " Peacock" App. 5. Bow- ditch Island. Ellice's and Kingsmill group. Colum- bia river. California. Southern Oregon. San Fran- cisco to Manilla. Manilla. Sooloo.Singpore.-Cape of Good Hope. Currents and whaling. App. Gen- eral index. [6]. Atlas. Same. Phila. 1845. 5 v. O. 919 : 4 See Jenkins, J: S., below. Reynolds, J: N. Pacific and Indian oceans, or The South sea surveying expedition, its inception, progress and objects. N. Y. 1841. O. 919:2 Jenkins, J: S. U. 8. exploring expeditions : Voyage of the U. S. exploring sqfuadron, commanded by eapt. C: Wilkes in 1838 1842 ; together with explorations and dis- coveries made by admiral d'Urville, capt. Ross and other navigators and travellers, and an account of the expedition to the Dead Sea under lieut. Lynch. 111. Auburn. 1850. O. 919 : 3 Wallace, Alfred Russel, ed. Australasia ; with ethnological app. by A. H. Keane. (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel, based on Hellwald's " Die erde und ihre volker".) Maps and ill. Lond. 1879. O. 919:1 Contents. Australasia. Australia. The Malay archipelago. Melanesia. Mikronesia. New Zea- land. App. 2. Malaysia. Earl, G: Windsor. The eastern seas, or Voyages and adv^entures in the Indian archipelago in 18321834 ; comprising a tour of the island of Java, visits to Borneo, the Malay 1419 CI. 919, 990-996 HIST. AND aEOGR. OCEANICA. 1420 peninsula, Siam, etc., also an account of the present state of Singapore, with ob- servations on the commercial resources of the archipelago. Lond. 1837. O. 919.1 : 2 G-ibson, Walter M. The prison of Weltevreden, and a glance at the East Indian archipelago. 111. N. Y. 1855. D. 919.1 :3 Wallace, Alfred Russel. The Malay archipel^o, the land of the orang-utan and the bircTof paradise ; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. N. Y. 1869. O. 919.1:4 Contents. Physical g-eogr. Indo-^lalay Islands, oup. The Celebes group. The cas. App. on crania and languages. Index. The Timor group. Tt Adams, W: H: Davenport. The eastern archi- pelago ; description of the scenery, animal and vegetable life, people and physical wonders of the islands in the eastern seas. [Anon.] N. Y. 1880. D. 919.1 : 1 Contents. Introd.; General view. The Asiatic- Malay islands. -The Australo-Malay islands.- The Philippine islands. Forbes, H: O. A naturalist's wanderings in the eastern archipelago ; a narrative of travel and exploration from 1878 to 1883 ; with ill. from the author's sketches and descriptions by J: B. Gibbs. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1885. d. 919.1:5 Contents. In the Cocos-Keeling islands. In Java. In Sumatra. In the Moluccas and in Timor-Laut. In the island of Burn. In Timor. App., Language and natural history. Index. Keppel, H: The expedition to Borneo of h. m. s. Dido for the suppression of pira^, with extracts from the journal of James Brooke. NY. 1846. D. 919.2:2 Burbridge, F: W. The gardens of the sun, or A naturalist's journalon the mountains and in the forests and swamps of Borneo and the Sulu archipelago, [with app. on the ferns and avifauna of the region]. 111. Lond. 1880. O. 919.2 : 1 Bock, C: Alfred. The head-hunters of Borneo; a narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito ; also journeyings in Sumatra, [with app. on language and natural history]. 111. Lond. 1881. O. 919.2+P3 Homaday, W: T. [Travels in Borneo.] In his Two years in the jungle. 915.4 : 42 3. Australasia. Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of Austral- Asia ; comprisiug New South Wales, Van Diemen's island, Swan river. South Austra- lia, etc. 3d ed. [British colonial lib. V. 2]. Lond. 1839. S. 993 : 1 Fitzgerald, J: Foster Vesey. Australia. 111. and map. [Foreign countries and british colon- ies.) Lond. 1881. S. 919.4 : 5 Oberlander, R:, ed. Australien ; geschichte der entdeckung und kolonisation, bilder aus dem leben der ansiedler in busch und stadt, urspriinglich herausg. von Fr. Christmann. 2te autl., unter beriicksichtigung der neue- sten gewerbe- und verkehrsverhaltnisse bearb. [111. bibliothek der lander- und vcilkerkunde.] Leipz. 1880. O. 919.4:8 Eden, C: H. Australia's heroes ; a slight sketch of the most prominent amongst the band of gallant men who devoted their lives and energies to the cause of science and the development of the fifth continent. 4th ed. rev. Lond. 1883. D. 919.4 : 7 Pridden, W: Australia, its history and present condition ; containing an account both of the bush and of the colonies with their respective inhabitants. 2d ed. Lond. 1845. S. 994 : 1 Sidney, S: The three colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Austra- lia ; their pastures, copper mines and gold fields. 111. Lond. 1852. O. 919.4 : 3 Peck, G: W. Melbourne and the Chincha islands, with sketches of Lima and a voyage round the world. N. Y. 1854. D. 919.4 : 9 Eldershaw, F. Australia, as it really is in its life, scenery and adventure ; with the habits and "customs of its aboriginal in- habitants, and the prospects and extent of its gold fields. Lond. 1854. S. 919.4 : 1 Howitt, W: Land, labor and gold, or Two years in Victoria ; with visits to Sydney and Van Diemen's Land. Bost. 1855. 2 v. D. 919.4:2 Warburton, P: Egerton. Journey across the western interior of Australia ; with an introd. and add. by C: H. Eden, ed. by H. W. Bates. 111. and map. Lond. 1875. O. 919.4:6 Keid, G. H. An essay on New South Wales, the mother colony of the Australias. Sydney. 1876. O. 919.4+10 TroUope, Anthony. Australia and New Zea- land. Leipz'. 1873. 3 v. in 2. S. 919.4 : 4 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Queensland. New South Wales. App. 2. Victoria. Tasmania. Western Australia. App. 3. South Australia. Australian institutions. New Zealand. App. Barker, Mary Anne lady. Station life in New Zealand. Leipz. 1876. S. 919.3 : 1 NichoUs, James H: Kerry-. The King country, or Explorations in New Zealand ; a narra- tive of 600 miles of travel through Maori- land. 111. and map. N. Y. 1884. O. 919.3:4 Albertis, L: Maria d'. New Guinea ; what I did and what I saw. 3d ed. Bost. 1881. 2 v. O. 919.5+Pl Contents. V. 1 . My voyage of 1871-72-73.- A voy- age to Yule island in 1875. Notes and summary of observations. Catalogue of birds coll. in 1873. 2. First exploration of the Fly river, 1875. Second exploration, 1876; 1st voyage of the "Neva". Third exploration, 1877; 3d voyage of the "Neva". Sum- mary of observations. Vocabularies. Plants and birds collected. Stone, Octavius C. A few months in New Guinea. N. Y. 1879. Q. 919.5-[-2 Powell, Wilfrid. Wanderings in a wild country, or Three years among the cannibals of New Britain. '111. Lond. 1884. D. 919.3 : 3 4. Polynesia. In general. Russell, Michael. Polynesia, or An historical account of the principal islands in the South .sea, incl. New Zealand ; the introd. of Christianity, and the actual condition of the inhabitants in regard to civilization, commerce, and the arts of social life. [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1845. S. 996:1 Christmann, F:, and R: Oberlander. Ozeanien, die inseln der siidsee ; illtere und ne uere erfoi'schungsreisen im gebiete der insel . ginippen des Stillen ozeans, mit besonderer riicksicht auf leben, sprache und sitten der 1421 HIST. AND GEOGR. OCEANIC A. CI. 919, 996-998 1422 aussterbenden naturvolker jener eilande. till, bibliothek der lander- nnd volker- ;unde.] Leipz. 1873. O. 919.6 : 10 Fomander, Abraham. An account of the Poly- nesian race. 572 : 12 See col. 361. Montgomery, James. Journal of the voyages and travels by Daniel Tyerman and G: Bennet, deputed from the London mis- sionary society, to visit their various sta- tions in the South sea islands, China, India, etc., between 1831 and 1829, comp. from original documents. From the 1st Lond. ed., rev. by an amer. ed. Bost. 1832. 3v. D. 919.6:4 ^llis, W: Polynesian researches, during a resi- dence of neai'ly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. N. Y. 1838. 4 v. D. 919.6:2 Wise, H: A: Wanderings in Polynesia, 1846-48. /w As Los gringos. 917.7:10 Note. Sandwich, Marquesas and Society Islands. Perkins, E: T. Na Motu, or Reef-rovings in the South seas ; a narrative of adventures at the Hawaiian, Georgian and Society Islands. Maps, ill. and app. relating to the resources of Polynesia. N. Y. 1854. O. 919.6:5 South Pac ifi c . Coote, Walter. The western Pacific ; a descrip- tion of the groups of islands to the north and east of the aiistralian continent. Map and ill. Lond. 1883. S. 919.6 : 13 Barrow, Sir J: A description of Pitcairn's Island and its inhabitants, with an authen tic account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty, and of the subsequent fortunes of the mutineers. [Anon.] [Harper's family lib.] N. Y. 1840. S. 919.7:4 Belcher, Diana lady. The mutineers of the Bounty and their descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands. Map and ill. N. Y. 1871. D. 997:2 Wallis, Mr-f. M. D. Life in Feejee, or Five years among the cannibals, by a lady. Bost. 1851. S. 919.6:8 Williams, T:, and James Calvert. Fiji and the fijians ; ed. by G: Stringer Rowe. N. Y. 1859. O. 919.64-9 Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon-. At home in Fiji. Map and ill. 2d ed. Edinb. 1881. 2v. 0. 919.6:7 Cumming, C. F. Gordon-. Continued. A lady's cruise in a french man-of-war. Map and ill. Edinb. 1882. 2 v. O. 919.6 : 11 Cnntents. V. 1, To n^a. Samoa. Taliiti. 2. Tahiti; with slietches of the Marquesas and Paumotus. Brassey, Anna, born Allnutt, lady. Tahiti ; a series of photographs taken by col. Stuart Wortley, with letterpress by lady Brassey. Lond. 1882. O. 919.6 : l2 Browne, J: Ross. Crusoe's island, a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk [in 1849] -, with sketches of adventure in Cali- fornia and Washoe. N. Y. 1875. D. 919.7:5 North Pacific. Jarves, James Jackson. History of the Hawa- iian or Sandwich Islands ; embracing their antiquities, mythology, legends, discovery by europeans in the 16th century, re-dis- covery by Cook, with their civil, "religious and political history, from the earliest traditionary period to the present time. 2d ed. Bost. 1844. D. 997 : 1 Stewart, C: S: A residence in the Sandwich Islands. 5th ed., enl.; incl. an introd. and notes by W: Ellis. Bost. 1839. D. 919.7:3 Cheever, H: Theodore. The island world of the Pacific ; the personal narrative and results of travel thi'ough the Sandwich or Hawaiian Island.s, and other parts of Polynesia. 111. N. Y. 1851. D. 919.6:1 Bates, G: W. Sandwich Island notes, by a Huole. N. Y. 1854. D. 919.7:2 Anderson, Rufus. The Hawaiian Islands ; their progress and condition under missionary labors. Bost. 1864. D. 919.7:6 Nordhoff, C: [The Sandwich Islands]. m 917.5: 61 Bishop, Isabella L., horn Bii*d. The Hawaiian archipelago ; six months among the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. 2d ed. 111. Lond. 1876. D. 919.7:1 Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon-. Fire fountains ; the kingdom of Hawaii, its vol- canoes and the history of its missions. 111. and maps. Edinb. 1883. 2 v. O. 919.7:7 Fomander, Abraham. Ancient history of the hawaiian people to the times of Kameha- meha I. in f!il^ : 12 See col. 351. 30. Polar regions. 1. In general. Hartwig, G: The polar world ; a popular de- scription of man and nature in tne arctic and antarctic regions of the globe. 2d ed. 111. Lond. 1874. O. 919.8:3 Royal society of London. Manual of the natural history, geology and physics of Greenland and the neignbourin^ regions ; prepared for the use of the arctic expedition of 1875, under the dir. of the Arctic committee of the Royal society, and ed. by T. Rupert Jones ; together with instructions sug- gested by the Arctic committee of the Royal society, for the use of the expedition. Pub. by the authority of the lords com- missioners of the admiralty. Lond. 1875. O. 919.8:25 Howgate, H: W. Polar colonization ; memorial to congress and action of scientific and commercial associations. Wash. n. d. O. 919.8:9 Barrow, Sir J:, ed. Voyages of discovery and reseai'ch within the arctic regions, from 1818 to the present time ; under the com- mand of the several naval officers em- ployed, by sea and land, in search of a northwest passage from the Atlantic to 1423 01. 919, 998-999 HIST. AND GEOGR.-POLAR BEQIONS. 1424 the Pacific, with two attempts to reach the north pole, abr. and arr. from the official narratives with occasional remarks. N. Y. 1846. D. 919.8:2 Leslie, Sir J:, and others. Narrative of discov- ery and adventure in the polar seas and regions, with ill. of their climate, geology and natural history, with an account of the whale-fishery. N. Y. 1843. S. 919.8:28 Tillotson, J: Adventures in the ice ; a compre- hensive summary of arctic exploration, discovery and adventure ; incl. experiences of captain Penny, the veteran whaler, now first pub. 111. Lond. [1865]. D. x919.8:38 Sargent, Epes, ed. Arctic adventure by sea and land from the earliest date to the last ex peditions in search of sir John Franklin. Map and ill. Bost. 1867. D. 919.8 : 42 Adams, W: H: Davenport. Recent polar voy- ages ; a record of discovery and adventure, from the search after Franklin to the Brit- ish polar expedition, 18751876. [Anon.] Lond. 1880. D. 919.8:39 Nourse, Joseph E., ed. American explorations in the ice zones ; prepared chiefly from official sources. Maps and ill. Bost. [18841. O. 919.8:45 2. Special voyages. Northwes t . Ellis, H: A voyage to Hudson's Bay by the Dobbs galley and California in 1746 and 1747, for discovering a northwest passage ; with an accurate survey of the coast and a short natural history of the country, with a fair view of the facts and arguments from which the future finding of such a passage is rendered probable. Prefixed, an historical account of the attempts hith- erto made for the finding of a passage that way to the East Indies. Chart and ill. Lond. 1748. D. 919.8 : 6 Parry, W: E: Journals of the 1st, 2d and 3d voyages for the discovery of a northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 18191825, in his majesty's ships Hecla, Griper and Fury. Plates. Lond. 1828. 5 v. ^ in3. T. 919.8:30 Same. Three voyages for the discovery of a northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and narrative of an attempt to reach the north pole. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. S. 919.8:30 Franklin, Sir J: Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar sea in 18191822. 2d ed. Lond. 1824. 2 v. O. 919.8 : 10 Koss, Sir J: Narrative of a second voyage in search of a northwest passage and of a residence in the arctic regions during 1829 1833 ; incl. the reports of capt. James Clark Ross and the discovery of the north- ern magnetic pole. Lond. 1835. Q. 919 8 1133 Same. Paris. 1835. O. 919.8:33 Back, Sir G: Narrative of the arctic land ex- pedition to the mouth of the Great Fish river and along the shores of the Arctic ocean, in 18331885. Map. Phila. 1836. O. 919.8:1 z denotes books specially adapted for children. Simpson, T: Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America ; efl'ected by the officers of the Hudson's Bay company dur- ing 18361839. Lond. 1843". O. 919.8 : 34 Bicliardson, Sir J: Arctic searching expedi- tion ; a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic sea, in search of the discovery ships under the command of sir J: Franklin ; with an app. on the physical geography of North America. N. Y. 1852. D. 919.8:11 Osbom, Sherard. Stray leaves from an arctic journal, or Eighteen months in the polar regions, in search of sir John Franklin's expedition, in 1850-51. N. Y. 1850. D. 919.8:29 Kane, Elisha Kent. Grinnell expedition in search of sir John Franklin. 111. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1854]. O. 919.8-fl2 Arctic explorations ; the second and last U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of sir John Franklin ; with a biogr. sketch of the author by C: W. Shields. 111. Hartford. 1871. O. 919.8 : 14 Same, germ. Kane, der nordpolfahrer ; ark- tische fahrten und entdeckungen der zwei- ten Grinnell - expedition zur aussuchung sir John Franklins. 1853, 1854 und 1855, unter Elisha Kent Kane, beschrieben von ihm selbst. 6te aufi. Leipz. 1879. D. 919.8:14 Contents of Elnleitung': Die entdeckungsreisen im norden. Die nordwestliche durchfahrt und der mensch im nordpolarkroise. Kent Kane. Die natur Dr. Elisha Die Grinnell-expedition nach dem Arctischen oceaUj 1853, 1854 und 1855, zur aussuchung des sir John Franklin unter dem com- mando des dr. Elisha Kent Kane, von der Ver. Staaten navy. Phila. 1857. O. 919.8:13 Hayes, I: Israel. An arctic boat journey, in the autumn of 1854. Bost. 1860. D. 919.8 : 7 McClintock, Sir Francis Leopold. The voyage of the Fox in the arctic seas ; a narrative of the discovery of the fate of sir John Franklin and his companions. Maps and ill. Bost. 1860. D. 919.8:15 Same. 4th ed. Lond. 1875. D. 919.8 : 15 Hall, C: Francis. Arctic researches and life among the esquimaux ; the narrative of an expedition in search of sir John Frank- lin in 1860-1862. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1865. O. 919.8:17 XoTirse, Joseph E. Narrative of the 2d arctic expedition made by C: Francis Hall; his voyage to Repulse Bay, sledge journeys to the straits oi Fury and Hecla and King William's Land, and residence among the eskimos during 1864-69 ; ed. under the orders of the sec. of the navy. Maps and ill. (U. S. naval observatory.) Wash. 1879. Q. m 919.8 :D Hayes, I: Israel. The open polar sea ; a narra- tive of a vojyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner United States. N. Y. 1867. O. 919.8:43 Davis, C: H: Narrative of the north polar ex- pedition, U. 8. ship Polaris, capt. C: Francis Hall commanding; ed. under the dir. of G. M. Robeson, sec. of the navy. (U. S. naval observatory.) Wash. 1876. O. w 919.8 :D 1425 HIST. AUTD GEOGUt. POIiAR REGIONS. 01. 919, 999 1426 Blake, E. Vale, ed. Arctic experiences ; con- taining capt. G: E. Tyson's wonderful drift on the ice-floe, a history of the Polaris ex- pedition, of the cruise of the Tigress and the rescue of the Polaris survivors ; added, a general arctic chronology. N. Y. 1874. O. 919.8+37 MacGahan, J: A. Under the northern lights. 111. Lond. 1876. O. 919.8:48 Note. A record of the expedition down Peel Strait in 1875, under capt. Allen Young. Nares, Sir G: Strong. Narrative of a voyage to the Polar sea during 1875-6 in h. m. ships Alert and Discovery ; with notes on the natural history, ed. 'by H. W. Feilden. 4th ed. Lond. 1878. 2 v. O. 919.8 : 21 Gilder, W: H: Schwatka's search ; sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin records. N. Y. 1881. O. 919.8+24 Boas, Franz. Baffin-Land ; geographische er- gebnisse einer in 1883 und 1884 ausgefiihr- ten forschungsreise. Karten. In Peter- mann's mitteuungen, erganzungsb. 17. ^ ^ " 905.1 :M United States. Treasury depH. Cruise of the I'evenue-steamer Corwin in Alaska and the n. w. Arctic ocean in 1881 ; notes and memoranda, medical and anthropological, botanical, ornithological. 111. Wash. 1883. Q. in 919.8 : D Contents. Bosse, Irving C. Medical and anthropol- notes on Alaska. Muir, J: Botanical notes on Alaska. Nelson, E. W. Birds of Bering sea and the Arctic ocean. Bean, Tarleton H. List of fishes known to exist in the Arctic ocean north of Bering Strait. Greenland. Cranz, D : The history of Greenland ; contain- ing a description of the country and its in- haTbitants, and particularly a relation of the mission carried on for above these 30 years by the unitas fratrum at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels in that country. Tr. from the high-dutch and ill. with maps and other copper-plates. Lond. 1767. 2 v. O. 998 : 1 Kink, H: Johannes. Danish Greenland; its geople and its products; ed. by Robert irown. 111. by the Eskimo and map. Lond. 1877. D. 919.8 : 26 Hayes, I: Israel. The land of desolation ; being a personal narrative of observation and adventure in Greenland. 111. N. Y. 1872. D. 919.8:36 Pictures of arctic travel : Greenland. N. Y. 1881. D. 919.8 : 8 JVo rtheast. Wrangell or Wrangel, Baron Ferdinand Petro- vitch. Narrative of an expedition to the Polar sea, in 18201823 ; [ed. in german from his mss. and notes by G. Engelhardt, prep, for press by C. Ritter. Eng. ed. edited by E: Sabine.] [Harper's fam. lib.] N. Y. 1845. S. 919.8:36 Blackwood, Sir F: Temple Hamilton-Temple-, earl of Dufferin. A yacht voyage : Letters from high latitudes ; some account of a voyage in the schooner yacht "Foam" 85 0. M. to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen, in 1856. Bost. 1859. D. 919.8:5 Lament, James. Seasons with the sea-horses, or Sporting adventures in the northern seas [round Spitzbergen]. N. Y. 1861. O. 919.8+27 Recent expeditions to eastern polar seas ; voy- age of the Hansa and Germania, voyage of the Tegethoff. 111. and maps. Lond. 1882. D. 919.8:46 Koldewey, K: The german arctic expedition of 1869-70, and narrative of the wreck of the Hansa in the ice. 111., maps and portr. Tr. and abr. by L. Mercier, and ed. by H. W. Bates. Lond. 1874. O. 919.8+P19 Payer, Julius. New lands within the arctic circle ; narrative of the discoveries of the austrian ship Tegetthoft", 18721874. Tr. from the german with the author's ap- probation. Maps and ill. N. Y. 1877. O. 919.8:31 Leslie, Alexander. The arctic voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiold, 1858 1879. 111. and maps. Lond. 1879. O. 919.8+22 Nordenskiold, Friherre Nils Adolf Erik. The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Eu- rope ; with a historical review of previous journeys along the north coast of the old world. Tr. by Alexander Leslie. Portr., maps and ill. Lond. 1881. 2 v. O. 919.8 : 23 Hovgaard, Andre. Nordenskiold's voyage round Asia and Europe ; a popular account of the northeast passage of the Vega, 1878-80. Tr. from the danish by H. L. Brsekstad. Maps. 111. Lond. 1882." O. 919.8 : 49 Loll, E : Von Schweden nach Japan : Die nord- polfahrten Adolf Erich von Nordenskiold's. 111. Wien. n.d.S: 919.8 : 50 Markham, Albert H. A polar reconnaissance ; the voyage of the Isbjorn to Novaya Zem- lya in 1879. Maps and ill. Lond. 1881. O. 919.8:20 De Long, G: W. The voyage of the Jeannette ; the ship and ice journals of lieut. -com- mander G: W. DeLong, ed. by his wife Emma DeLong. Portr. and maps. Bost. 1882. 2 V. O. 919.8+44 Danenhower, J: Wilson. Narrative of the Jeannette. Bost. 1882. D. 919.8 : 40 Gilder, W: H: Ice-pack and tundra ; an ac- count of the search for the Jeannette, and a sledge journey through Siberia. N. Y. 1883. O. 919.8-1-41 Harber, Giles B. Report of his search for the missing people of the Jeannette expedition, and the transportation of lieut. -com. De- Long and companions to the U. S. 111. (U. S. 48th cong. 1st sess.; House ex. doc. no. 163). Wash. 1884. O. 919.8 : Pam Melville, G: W. In the Lena delta ; a narrative of the search for lieut. - commander De- Long, followed by an account of the Greely relief expedition and a proposed method of reaching the north pole ; ed. by Melville Philips. Maps and ill. Bost. 1885 [1884]. O. 919.8 : 47 XI. BIOGRAPHY. 1. In general. les ouvrasres conaamnes au leu, hub a i luuex ou saisis par la police, ainsl que sur les ecrits couronn^s par les academies et les societies savantes, et sur les pamphlets, libelles, satires, pasquilles etc., en- 1. Universal dictionaries. Oettinger, E: Marie. Bibliographic biographi- que universelle ; dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs a I'histoire de la vie publique et privee des personaages celfebres de tous les temps et de toutes les nations, depnis le commencement du monde jusqii'a nos jours. Paris. 1866. 2 v. Q. 16 : L Contenant, 1 La desigmation clironologrlQue de tou- tes les monographies biographiques, 2 L'enumera- tion de leurs diverses editions, reimpressions et tra- ductions, 3 Les dates exactes de la naissance et de la mort des personnages mentionnes, 4 La date de I'avenement des souverains et celle du mariage des relnes et des princesses, 5 L'lndication des portraits joints aux ouvrages cites, 6 Des reseigneraents sur les bibliotheques publiques ou se trouvent les bio- graphies indiqu^es, T Des notes historiques et litteraires sur les auteurs et les ecrits curieux, sur les ouvrages condamn^s au feu, mis k I'lndex ou laisisparlai 3ar les acad Famj du repertoire des bio-bibliographies generales, nationales et speciales. Trt/e-pot/e. Phillips, Lawrence B. The dictionary of bio- graphical reference ; containing 100,000 names, together with a classed index of the biographical literature of Europe and America. Lond. 1871. O. 920 : 113 Same. 2d ed., with an app. continuing the work by an addenda of necrology olemi- nent persons for the last ten years. Phila. 1881. O. 920 :L Bayle, P: A general dictionary, historical and critical ; in which a new and accurate translation of that of mr. Bayle is included, the whole containing the history of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations, particularly those of Great Britain and Ireland, distinguished by their rank, actions, learning and other accomplish- ments, with relictions on those passages of mr. Bayle which seem to favour scepti- cism and "the manichee system by J: P: Bernard, T: Birch, J: Lockman and other hands. Lond. 1734. 10 v. F. 920 : B66 Gorton, J: A general biographical dictionary. New ed.; in 3 v.; v. 2. 3. Lond. 1841. O. 920 : Be Hawks, Francis Lister, ed. Appleton's cyclo- paedia of biography ; embracing a series of original memoirs of the most distin- guished persons of all times, written for this work by sir Archibald Alison and oth- ers. 111. N. Y. 1863. Q. 920 : R4 Hoefer^ J: Chrdtien Ferdinand, ed. Nouvelle biographie universelle depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'il nos jours ; avoc les renseignements bibliographiques et I'indication des sources il consulter. Paris. 1852-67. 46 v. in 23. O. 020 : Rl Godwin, Parke. The cyclopaedia of biography ; a record of the lives of eminent persons, with a supp., brought down to aug. 1877. N. Y. 1878. O. 920 : 115 Oettinger, E: Maria. Moniteur des dates: Bio- graphisch-genealogisch - historisches welt- register, enthaltend die personal-akten der menschheit, d. h. den heimaths- und ge- burts-schein, den heirathsakt und todestag von mehr als 100,000 geschichtlichon per- siinlichkeiten aller zeiten und nationen von erschaffung der welt bis auf den heutigen tag ; mit zahlreich ein^estreuten noten ans alien zweigen der curiositiit. Leipz. 1869- 82. 9 v. in 3. F. 920 : 1158 Contents. V. 1. A C. 2. D-Holmes. 3. Holm- gren-Meal. 4. M^an R. 6. S Wiebeking. 6. Wic- bel Z. Moniteur des faits. 7. Supplement, ed. par Hugo Schramm Maodonald. A L. 8. M-Witzs. 9. Witzt-Z. Anhang, A-Z. Thomas, Joseph. Universal pronouncing dic- tionary of biography and mythology. Phila.' 1878. Q. 920 :L2 Same; new ed., thoroughly rev. and enl. Phila. 1886 [1885J. Q. 920 : R2 Vapereau, L: (Justave. Dictionnaire universel des contemporains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des f>ays ctrangers. . .redige et tenu Jliouravec e concours d'ccrivains de tous les pays. Seed.; cntiferement refondue et considt ra- blement augm. Paris. 1880. Q. 920 : R7 Men of the time, The, or Sketches of living notables, authors, architects, artists, com- posers, demagogues, divines, dramatists, engineers, journalists, ministers, mon- archs, novelists, philanthropists, i)oets, politicians, preachers, savans, statesm(!n, travellers, voyagers, warriors. N. Y. 1852. D. ' -y f- 920:34 Cooper, Thompson, ed. Men of the time ; a dictionary of contemporaries, containing biogr. notices of eminent characters of both sexes. 10th ed., rev. Lond. ISTU. 1). 920 : R8 Same. 11th ed., rev. Lond. 1884. D. 920 : R8 2. OoUections. General. Duyckinck, Evert A: Portrait gallery of emi- nent men and women of Europe and Amer- 1429 BIOGRAPHY. UNIVERSAL. CI. 920 1430 ica ; embracing history, statesmanship, naval and military life, philosophy, the drama, science, literature and art, with biographies. 111. N. Y. [1872]. 2 v. Q. 920 : R54 Great men and great women of history ; their portr. from the rare and authentic collec- tion in the Munich pinakothek, with biogr. sketches. Authorized ed. N. Y. [18851. F. 920 : R70 Wood, Wallace, ed. The hundred greatest men; portraits of the one hundred greatest men of history, reprod. from steel-engr. 111. N. Y. 1884. O. 920+63 Coan, Titus Munson, ed. Studies in biography. (Topics of the time, no. 2). N. Y. 1883. D. 920 : 53 Contents. Harrison, F: Leon Gambetta. Jona- than Swift. Christie, M. E. Miss Burney's own story. Dasent, Sir G. W. Samuel Wllberforce. Trail, H. D. Lord Westbury and bishop Wilber- force; a Luelanic dialogue. Correspondence de Georg-es Sand. Literary bohemians. Cooke, Frances E. Three great lives. 111. Lond. 1884. D. 920 : 65 Contents. Savonarola. Sir T: Moore. Latimer. Distinguished men of modern times. N. Y. 1845. 2 V. T. 920 : 33 Contents. V. 1. Dante. Wielif. Chaucer. Eras- mus. Copernicus. Cortez. Loyola. Tasso.Cer- vatites. Shakspeare. Raleigh. Bacon. Kepler. Coke. Gustavus Adolphus. Galileo. Hampden. Grotius. Descartes. Harvey. Pascal. De Witt. Milton. Hale. 2. Sobieski. Bossuet. Locke. Fenelon.Penn. Newton. Defoe. Handel. Chat- ham. Linnaeus. Euler. Buffon. De L'Epee. Mozart. Sir W. Jones. Burke. Schwartz. Cowper. Pitt. Fox. Kosciusko. Jenner. Cuvier.-Walter Scott. Wilberforce. Drake, S: Adams, erf. Our great benefactors; short biographies of the men and women most eminent in literature, science, philan- thropy, art, etc. Portr. Bost. 1884. O. 920 : 62 Emerson, Ralph "Waldo. Representative men ; twelve lectures. New rev. ed. Bost. 1883. T. 920:12 Contents. Uses of great men. Plato, or The phil- osopher. Swedenborg, or The mystic Montaigne, or The sceptic. Shakespeare, or The poet. Na- poleon, or The man of the world. Goethe, or The writer. Same. J?i /m Complete works. 820.1: 8 v4 Entertaining biography ; from Chambers's re- pository. Lond. 1855. S. 920 : 46 Contents. Sir J : Sinclair. Mme. de Sevigne ; her life and letters. Arnold and Andre. H: Arnaud and the waldenses. Elizabeth Stuart and the Palatinate. Cap. J: Smith. M. de Cervantes. Louisa, queen of Prussia. W: Cobbett. Mme. de Stael-Holstein; her life and works.- C: J. Fox. Christina, queen of Sweden. Lord Clive. Field-marshal Suvorov. The moravian brethren; Count Zinzendorf. Story of the dauphin, commonly called Louis XVII. Friswell, James Hain. Footsteps to fame ; a book to open other books. New ed. 111. Lond. 1881. D. 920 : 43 Gottschall, K: Rudolph v., ed. Der neue Plu- tarch ; biographien hervorragender charak- tere der geschichte, literatur und kunst. Leipz. 1874-85. 11 v. D. 920 : 78 Contents. V. 1. Rlickert, H:, Martin Luther. Pauli, Eeinhold. Oliver Cromwell. Philippson, Martin. Konig Heinrich IV von Frankreich. Ro- senkranz, K:, Voltaire. 2. Gottschall, K: Kudolphv. Maximilian Robes- pierre. Beer, Adolf. Maria Theresia. Speyer, O:, Camillo graf v. Cavour. 3. Philippson, Martin. Konig Philipp II von Spanien. Althaus, F: C:, James Fox. Gottschall, K: Rudolf V. F: v. Schiller. 4. Prutz, Hans. Ulrich v. Hutten. TJhde, Her- mann. Konrad Ekhof. Gottschall, K: Rudolf v. Lord Byron. 5. Kog'g'e, Walter. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. Brockerhoff, Ferdinand. J: Jacques Rousseau. Beer, Adolf. Fiirst Clemens Metternich. 6. Erdmannsdorffer, Bern hard. Der grosse kurfiirst. Pauli, Reinhold. Arthur herzog v. Well- ington. BSrenbach, F: V. J : Gottfried v. Herder. Althaus, F:, Graf J: Russell. 7. Kleinschmidt, Arthur. Napoleon I. Car- riers, Moriz. P: Cornelius. 8. Prutz, Hans. Franz von Sickingen. Althaus, F:, Admiral Nelson. Reissmann, A:, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 9. Prutz, Hans. Moritz v. Sachsen. Beer, Adolf. Joseph II. Althaus, F:, B: D'Israeli, lord Beaconsfleld. 10. Kugrler, Bernhard. Wallenstein. Speyer, O:, Torquato Tasso. Gottschall, K: Rudolf v. Na- poleon III. 11. Philippson, Martin. Friedrich II, konig von Preussen. Schmidt, Julian. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Grube, A: W: Biographi'sche miniaturbilder ; zur bildenden lektiire f iir die reifere jugend verfasst. 6te verm, und- verb. auii. 111. Leipz. 1884. 2 v. in 1. O. ' 920+79 Contents. V. 1. Raphael Santi. P: Paul RubenS. Galileo Galilei. I : Newton. Paskal. Fenelon. Boerhave. Linne. Cuvier. Franz Arago. Abra- ham Gottlob Werner. Fraunhofer. James Watt. G: Stephenson. Garrik. K: Seydelmann. Chris- tian Gottlob Heyne. Der alte Helm.- Bertel Thor- waldsen. Christian Ranch. L: van Beethoven. Felix Mendelssohn - Bartholdy. N: Lenau. L: Uhland. Lord Byron. Walter Scott. 2. Johannes Kepler. Immanuel Kant. J: Jakob v. Moser. Jus- tus Moser. Philipp Jakob Spener. J : Kaspar Lava- ter. W: Penn. B: Franklin. Washington. W: Pitt. Nelson. Wellington. Talleyrand. Palaf ox. Romana. Joachim Nettelbeck. F: Perthes. Fer- dinand V. Schill. Andreas Hofer. Joseph Speck- bacher. Joachim Haspinger. Erzherzog Karl. K: Theodor Korner. Freiherr v. Stein. Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louise de. Me- moirs of celebrated characters. N. Y. 1854, 1856. 3 V. D. 920 : 19 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Nelson. Heloise. Chris- topher Columbus. Bernard de Palissy, the potter. Roostam. Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2. Socrates. Jacquard. Joan of Arc Cromwell. Homer. Gut- enberg. Fenelon. 3. William Tell. Madame de Sevigne. Milton. Antar. Bossuet. Maccall, W: Foreign biographies. Lond. 1873. 2v. O. 920:59 Contents. V. 1. Joseph de Maistre.- S: Vincent.- Vincent de Paul. Paul L: Courier. Vauvenargues. The abbe de Saint-Pierre. St. Francis of Assisi. Ulrich V. Hutten. Benedict Spinoza. 2. Godfrey W: Leibnitz. L: Claude de Saint-Martin. Giordano Bruno. Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Alexander of Russia. P: d'Aubusson. Martin Behaim. Cardinal Alberonl. President Boyer. Francis d'Almeida. G: Cadoudal. Lazarus Carnot. Mott, A., comp. Biogr. sketches and interesting anecdotes of persons of color ; added, a selection of pieces in poetry. N. Y. [18391. D. t- t- 920:21 Parton, James. Illustrious men and their achievements, or The people's book of biography ; short lives of the most interest- ing persons of all ages and countries and containing sketches of the lives and deeds of the most eminent philanthropists, in- ventors, authors, poets, discoverers, sold- iers, adventurers, travellers, politicians and rulers that have ever lived. N. Y. n. d. O. 920+55 Pictures of heroes and lessons from their lives. Phila. n. d. D. 920 : 64 Contents. An Imperial convert [Constantine]. The moslem's dream, or The crescent on the Loire [Charles Martel] . King Alfred, or A thousand years ago. Frederic Barbarossa, or The "Red-beard" of 1431 CI. 920 BIOGRAPHY. UNIVERSAL. 1432 the Rhine Brother John of Vicenza. Northern lights [Gustaf VasaJ. The "snow-king" [Gustaf Adolf]. Scenes in the life of William the silent The polish wizard [Jan Sobieskil. Innsbriick and its echoes, or The rescue, the run, the bribe and the ruin. Pursmt of knowledge under difficulties; its pleasures and rewards, illustrated by me- moirs of eminent men. N. Y. 1847. 2 v. S. 920 : 35 Q., pseud. You have heard of them. N. Y. 1854. D. 920 : 24 C(mtent8. Horace Vernet. Fanny Cerito. Men- delssohn. Lady Bulwer. T: Moore. Giulia Grisi. Hector Berlioz. H: Clay. B: Disraeli. Hans Chris- tian Andersen. Lablache. G: P. Morris. Lola Montez. Eonconi. Berryer. J: Oxenford. Cath- erine Hayes. B: Haydon. Carlotta Grisi. W: Vin- cent Wallace. Ary Scheffer. C: Kean. Jules Janin. Gaetano Donizetti. Edwin Landseer. Dion Bouci- cault. -Jenny Lind. Bayard Taylor. M. W. Balfe. Mark Lemon. Vidocq. Charlotte Cushman. Eman- uel Geibel. Lady Blessington.- Gudln. L: Julllen. Mrs. TroUope. Gavarni. Leopold der Meyer. Walter Savage Landor. T: Hood. Guizot. Vlvler. Kenny. Smiles, S: Brief biographies. Portr. Bost. 1861. D. 920:26 Contents. J. Watt. R. Stephenson. Dr. Arnold. H. Miller. B: Cobden. Sir E: Bulwer Lytton. F. Jeffrey. E. Elliott. G: Borrow. J: J. Audubon. W: Magillivray. Lord J: Russell. B: Disraeli. W: E. Gladstone.- N. Hawthorne. T: Carlyle. J: Sterl- ing.- Leigh Hunt. H. Coleridge. Dr. Kitto. E. A. Poe. T. Hook. Dr. A. Combe. R. Browning. E. Chadwick. R. NicoU. S: Bamford. J: Clare. G. Massey. E. B. Browning.- F. Brown. S. M. Fuller. S. Martin. H. Martlneau.- Mrs. Chisholm. Spamer, J: Gottlieb Christian Franz O:, {Franz Otto), ed. Wohlthiiter der menschheit ; vorbilder des hochsinns, der duldung und menschenliebe, herausg. in verbindung mit Th. Armin, E: Grosse, C. F. Lankhard, K. L. F. Mezger, K. Roth, M. Schlimpert, und in neuer aufl. der jugend und dem volke vorgefiihrt von Franz Otto. 2te verb, aufl., ill. Leipz. 1876. O. 920 : 74 Contents. Grosse, E: Der edle bischof Las Casas. Statzner, H. E., F: v. Spec und Christian Thoma- sius. Grosse, E:, A: Hermann Francke. StCtzner, H. E. Abbe de I'Epee, S: Heinicke und Valentin Hauy. Grosse, E:, J: H: Pestalozzi und Christian Gotthilf Salzmann. Schlimpert, M., Christian Fiirchtegott Gellert. Mezger, K. L. F., Ernst L: Helm. Schuhmann, B., W : Wllberforce. Spamer, O:, and W: Roth. F: W: A: Frobel; F: Adolf W: Dlesterweg. Spamer, O:, Gottlob Nathuslus; Sir Dschamsidtschi Dschischibhoj. StBtzner, H. E. G: Peabody; Gustav Werner.- Armln, Th., and E. Statzner. Elisabeth Fry, Sarah Martin, Miss Car- penter, Amalie Sieveking, Florence Nightingale. Whittier, J: Greenleaf. Old portraits and mod- ern sketches. Bost. 1850. D. 920 : 30 Contents. J: Bunyan. T: Ellwood. James Nayler. Andrew Marvell. J: Roberts. 8: Hopkins.- R: Baxter. W: Leggett. Nathaniel P. Rogers.- Robert DInsmore. Special periods. Houssaye, Arsfene. Men and women of the 18th century. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. D. 920 : 16 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Dufresny.- Fontenelle.- Marivaux. Plron. The abbe Prevost. Gentll-Bern- ard.-Florian.Boufflers.Rivarol. -Chevalier de la Clos.-Gretry.-Dlderot.-Boucher.-Lantara.- Louis XV. Mile, de Camargo. Mile. Guimard, a goddess of the opera. Sophie Arnould. Marie- Antoinette. 2. Crebillon, the tragic. Creblllon, the gay. La Motte, an innovator of the 18th century. Button.- Cardinal de Bernls.-- Vade. Dorat. Abbe Trublet, one of the forty. Dehle, a philosopher. Watteau and Lancret. The Vanloos. Greuze.- Madame de Pompadour. Three pages from the life of Dancourt. Mme. de la Popeliniere. Mile. Clairon. A prom- en ade in the Palais-royal. Houssaye, Arsfene. Continued. Philosophers and actresses. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. D. 920 : 16 Contents. V. 1. The house of Scarron. Voltaire. Voltaire and mile, de Livry. The republic of Plato. Mademoiselle Gaussin.- Jacques Callot. Kaoul and Gabrielle. The hundred and one pictures of Tardif , the friend of Gillot. Mademoiselle de Marivaux. La Tour. The whims of the marchioness. A ro- mance of the banks of the Lignon. 2. Chamfort. Three pages from the life of madame de Parabere. Abelard and Heloise.- The death of Andre Chenier. The marquis of Sainte-Aulaire. CoUe. The daughter of Sedaine. Prudhon. Blangini. An unknown sculptor. Vandyck. A lost poet. Hands full of roses, full of gold and full of blood. The mistress of Cornelius Schut. Marie de Joysel. The tree of knowledge. Brougham, H:, baron Brougham and Vaux. Lives of men of lettei's and science, who flour- ished in the time of George III. [1st series.] Paris. 1845. O. 2d series. Phila. 1846. D. 920 : 45 Contents. 1st series. Voltaire. Rousseau. Hume. Robertson. Black. Watt. Priestley. - Cavendish.- Davy. Simson. 2d series. Johnson.- Adam Smith. Lavoisier.- Gibbon. Sir Joseph Banks. D'Aleni- bert. Add. note on sir Joseph Banks Note on the lives of Cavendish, Watt and Black. Ooodrich, S: Griswold, {Peter Parley). Famous men of modern times, by the author of P: Parley's tales. Bost. 1844. S. 920 : 41 Contents. Sir W. Scott. Lord Byron. Napoleon Bonaparte. Goethe. Robert Burns. Edmund Burke. S: Johnson. J: Milton. W: Shakspere. Lord Bacon. Cervantes. Field, Maunsell Bradhurst. Memories of many men and some women ; personal recollec- tions of emperors, kings, queens, princes, presidents, statesmen, authors, and artists, at home and abroad, during the last thirty years. N. Y. 1874. D. 920 : 13 I Boyd, M: Reminiscences of flfty years. N. Y. ' 1871. D. 920 : 48 Gutzkow, K: Ferdinand. Oeff"entliche charak- tere. Frankfurt, a. M. 1845. D. 920 : 18 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 43. Spragne, W: Buell. Visits to european celebri- ties. Bost. 1855. D. 920 : 27 Pressense, Edmond Marcellin Dehault de. Con- temporary portraits. Tr. by Annie Har- wood Holmden. N. Y. 1880. D. 920 : 23 Contents. Thiers.- The antecedents of the Vatican council. Strauss and Voltaire. The culturkampf in j Germany. Arnaud de TArifige. Dupanloup, bishop i of Orleans. Adolph Monod. Alexandre Vinet. Verny and Robertson. Parton, James, ed. Some noted princes, authors and statesmen of our time, by canon Far- rar, James T. Fields, Archibald Forbes, K. P. Whipple, James Parton, Louise Chand ler Moulton and others. N. Y. 1885. O. 920+71 MUller, F: Max. Biographical essays. N. Y. 1884. D. 920 : 60 Contents. Rajah Hammohun Roy, 1774-1883. Keshub Chunder Sen, 1838-1884. Dayananda Sarasvati, 1837- 1883. Bunyin Nanjio, 1849. Konjiu Kasawara, 1851- 1883. Julius Mohl, 1800-1876.-Klng8ley, 1820-1875. Morals, H: S: Eminent Israelites of the lOtli century ; a series of biogr. sketches. Phila. 1880. O. 920 : 20 Wo men. Hale, Sarah Josepha, born Buell. Woman's record, or Sketches of all distinguished women, from the creation to a. d. 1808, arr. in four eras, with selections from authoresses of each era. 111. 3d ed. rev. N. Y. 1874. Q. 920 :B9 1433 BIOORAPHY. UNI VERSAIi . CI. 920 1434 James, G: Payne Rainsford, ed. Memoirs of celebrated women. 111. Lond. 1876. D. 923:7 Contents. Joan of Arc Margaret of Anjou. Lady Jane Grey. Anna Comnena. France d'Aubigrne, marchioness de Malntenon. Queen Elizabeth. Donna Maria Pacheco. Jenkins, J: Stilwell. The heroines of history. Auburn. [1851]. D. 923 : 9 Contents. Cleopatra. Isabella of Castlle.-^Joan of Arc Maria Theresa. Josephine. Elizabeth of Eng- land. Mary of Scotland. Catherine of Russia. Marie Antoinette. Madame Roland. Hewitt, Mary Elizabeth, ed. Heroines of history. 111. N. Y. 1859. D. 923:6 Contents. Semiramls. Nictorls \sic, Nitocris]. Zenobia. Boadicea. Berengaria. Laura. Joan of Arc. Isabella of Castile. Beatrice Cenci. Ann Boleyn. Lady Jane Grey. Leonora d'Este. Cather- ine Alexiewna. Maria Theresa. Charlotte Corday. Josephine. Note. Principally taken from mrs. Jameson's Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. Watson, H: C. Heroic women of history, com- prising some of the most remarkable examples of female courage, disinterested- ness and self-sacrifice of ancient and mod- ern times. Phila. n. d. D. 923 : 20 Higgins, Sophia Elizabeth, born Bernard, mrs. Joseph Napier. Women of Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Lond. 1885. 2 v. O. 923 : 32 Contents. "V. 1. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc.: Margaret of Denmark; Elizabeth of Holstein; Ingegerd, Canute's daughter; Elizabeth of Bruns- wick; Philippa of Lancaster; Katherine of Saxony; Ingeborg of Holstein; Katharine, Charles's daughter. Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, etc: Eudoxia of Suzdal; Anna of Masovia; Juliana of Olszany; Sophia of Lithuania; Daughters of Louis the great, king of Hungary and Poland; Mary of Hungary, Hedwlg of Hungary; Anna of Poland; Hedwig of Poland; Elizabeth of Pilcza; Sophia of Olszany; Alexandra of Lithuania. 2. Germany and Hungary: Sophia of Bavaria; Barbara of Cilly; Elizabeth of Luxemburg. Germany: Elizabeth of Nuremberg; Blanche of Lancaster; Margaret of Bavaria; Maud of Savoy; Henrietta of Montbeliard; Anna of Wirtemberg; Margaret of Berg; Anna of Schwarz- burg; Katharine of Brunswick; Margaret of Schwangau; Sabina Jager; Anna of Brunswick; Agnes Bernauer. Parton, James. Noted women of Europe and America, authors, artists, reformers and heroines, queens, princesses and women of society, women eccentric and peculiar, from the most recent and authentic sources. Hartford. 1883. D. 920 : 31 Eminent women of the age ; narratives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present generation, by James Parton, etc. 111. Hartford. 1868. O. 920 : 50 Contents. Florence Nightingale, by James Parton. Lydia Maria Child, by T: W. Hlgglnson. Fanny Fern, Mrs. Parton, by Grace Greenwood. Lydia H. Sigourney, by E. B. Huntington. Frances Anne Kemble, by James Parton. Eugenie, empress of the f rench, by J : S. C. Abbott. Grace Greenwood, Mrs. Llppincott, by Joseph B. Lyman. Alice and Phebe Cary, by Horace Greeley. M. F. Ossoli. by T: W. Higginson. Gail Hamilton, Miss Dodge, by Fanny Fern. E. B. Browning, by E: Y. Hincks. Jenny Lind Goldschmidt, by James Parton. Our pioneer educators, Mrs. Emma Willard, Mrs. Marianne P. Dascomb. H. B. Stowe. by E. P. Parker.- Mrs. E. C. Stanton, by Theodore Tilton. The women's rights movement and its champions in the U. S., by E. C. Stanton: Sarah and Angelina Grimke; Abby Kelley; Mary Grew; Anne Greene Phillips; Lucretia Mott; Caroline M. Severance; Frances D. Gage; Abby Hutchinson; Antoinette Brown; Lucy Stone; Mrs. C. H. Dall; Mrs. C. I. H. Nichols; Susan B. Anthony; Olympia Brown. Victoria, queen of England, by James Parton, Eminent women of the drama, by W: Winter: Adelaide Rlstori; Euphrosyne Parepa Rosa; Ellen Tree, mrs. C:Kean; Clara Louisa Kel- logg; Kate Bateman. mrs. G: Crowe; Helen Faucit, mrs. Theodore Martin. Anna E. Dickinson, by E. C. Stanton. Woman as a physician, by H. B. Elliot: Mrs. C. S. Lozler; Elizabeth Black well; Harriot K. Hunt; Mrs. Hannah E. Longshore; Ann Preston.- Camilla Urso, by M. A. Betts. Harriet G. Hosmer, by R. B. Thurston. Rosa Bonheur, by James M. Hoppin. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, by Mrs. Lucia Gilbert Calhoun. Hays, Frances. Women of the day ; a bio^. dictionary of notable contemporaries. Phila. 1885. D. 920 : 1168 Crosland, Camilla, born Toulmin. Memorable women ; the story of their lives. 111. Bost. 1857. D. 920 : 52 Contents., Rachel Wriothesly, lady Russell. Madame d'Arblay and Mrs. Piozzi. Mary L. Ware. Mrs. Hutchinson and Lady Fanshawe. Margaret Fuller, marchesa Ossoli. Lady Sale. Starling, Elizabeth. Noble deeds of woman, or Examples of female courage and virtue. 9th ed., ill. Lond. 1879. D. 920 : 42 Gray, E. Conder. Wise words and loving deeds ; a book of biographies for girls. N. Y. 1881. D. 920 : 14 Contents. Mary Somerville. Lady Duff Gordon. Sarah Martin. Ann Taylor. Charlotte Elliott. Madame Feller. Baroness Bunsen. Amelia Sieve- king. Mary Carpenter. Catherine Tait. Maria Louisa Charles worth. Belloc, Bessie RaynerParkes. Vignettes; twelve biogr. sketches. Lond. 1866. D. 920 : 22 Contents. Mme. Swetchine. La sceur Rosalie. Mme. Pape-Carpantier. Mme. de Lamartlne. Mme. Luce of Algiers. Gov. Winthrop's wife. Cornelia Knight. Bianca Milesi Mojon. Mrs. Delany. Har- riot K. Hunt. Miss Bosanquet. Mrs. Jameson. HoUoway, Laura Carter. The mothers of great men and women, and some wives of great men. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. 920+57 Child, Lydia Maria, born Francis. Biographies of good wives. 6th ed., rev. N. Y. 1855. D. 920 : 49 Contents. Mme. Lavater. Mrs. Lucy Hutchinson.- Lady Biron. Mrs. Fletcher. Lady Fanshawe.- Mrs. Flaxman. Mrs. Blake. Mme. Luther. Mme. Ober- lln. Mme. Grotius. Mrs. Howard. Gertrude von der Wart. Panthea. Chelonis. Calphurnla. Mme. Klopstock. Mme. WIeland. Mme. Huber. Queen Mary. Queen Anne. Countess of Dorset. Selina, countess of Huntingdon. Mrs. Ross.- Lady Harriet Ackland. Baroness Riedesel. Mrs. Judson. Mrs. Experience West. Lady Arabella Johnson. Mrs. Winthrop. Mme. Reiske.- Arria. Eponina. Mme. Lafayette. Countess Segur. Mme. Lavalette. Countess of Nithsdale. Mme. Spurzheim. Lady Collingwood. Mme. Schiller. Self-made men. Seymour, C: C. B. Self-made men. N. Y. n. d. D. 920:26 Contents. Andrew Jackson.- Jacob Leisler. Daniel Webster. Elihu Burritt. Alexander Murray. Matthew F. Maury. Christian Gottlob Heyne. Robert Burns. G: Fox. Amos Lawrence. Hans Christian Andersen.- Anthony Wayne. Immanuel Kant J: Gottlieb Fichte. D: Rittenhouse. Carsten Nlebuhr. H: Clay. J: Ledyard. Stephen Girard. Sir W: Phlpps. Daniel Boone. Joseph Bramah. James Hargraves or Hargreaves. Alexander Wilson. Edmund Cartwright. B : Thompson, count Rum- ford. T: Posey. Israel Putnam. J: Prideaux. Roger Williams.- W: Hutton. J: Paul Jones. W: Falconer. Sir Humphrey Davy. Robert Dodsley. Antonio Canova. Philip Vayrlnge.- -Nathaniel Bow- ditch. Valentine Jamerai Duval. C: Dickens.- Sir T: Lawrence. W: Gitford. B: West. J: Fitch. Patrick Henry. Eli Whitney.- B: Franklin. Oliver Evans. Roger Sherman. Robert Fulton. Sir W: Jones. Capt. J: Smith. James Brlndley. T: Hol- croft. Robert Bloomfleld.R: Arkwright. H: Kirke White. James Watt. W: Cobbett. Amos Whitte- more. Capt. James Cook. O: Stephenfiou. 1435 CI. 920 BIOGRAPHY. UNIVEBSAL. 1486 Cobb, James F. Stories of success, as ill. by the lives of humble men, who have made them- selves great. Lond. [1872]. D. x 920: 44 Contents. Alexander MenschikofT. J: Anton Knecht. St. Vincent de Paule. J: Bart. Franz Plstek. Corporal Weltsch. Sebastian de Carvalho. Antolne Drouot. Antonln Careme. Guiseppe Mez- zot'antl. G : Huebner. Bertel Thorwaldsen. Gas- pard Deguerry. Parton, James. Captains of industiy, or Men of business who did something beside making_money ; a book for young ameri- cans. Tortr. Bost. 1884. D. 920 : 61 Spamer, J: Gottlieb Christian Franz O:, (Franz Otto). Helden der arbeit : Miinner eigener kraft ; lebensbilder durch hochsinn, that- kraft und selbsthiilfe gehobener manner, hervorra^ender kiinstler, dichter, werk- leute, kriegshelden, etc., der jugend und dem volke m verbindung mit gleichgesinn- ten zur aneiferung vorgefiihrt von Franz Otto. 2te verb, und verm, aufl., ill. Leipz. 1881. O. 920:76 Contents. Einfuhrung-. Joseph Haydn. Robert Burns.^Albert Bartholomaus (Bertel) Thorwaldsen. Robert Bloomfleld und T: Edward. H: Zschokke. Prinz Helnrich von Preussen. Graf A: Neithardt V. Gnelsenau. Sir H: Havelock. W: Kaulbach. Joseph Ressel.- James Nasmyth.- Sir James Brook. Manner eigener kraft : "Hilf dir selbst ! " le- bensbilder durch selbsthiilfe und thatkraft emporgekommener manner, gelehrte und forscher, erfinder, techniker, werkleute ; der jugend und dem volke in verbindung mit gleichgesinnten zur aneiferung vorge- fiihrt von Franz Otto. 2te verm, und verb, aufl., ill. Leipz. 1881. O. 920 : 77 Contents. J: Waiter. F: Koniff und Andreas F: Bauer. Alois Senef elder. K : v. Linne. Franz Arago. Sir Humphrey Davy. Michael Faraday. R: Arkwright. G : Stephenson. Sir Isambert Maurice Brunei. Elias Howe. Matthias Niif. W: Sattler. R: Hartmann. Elihu Burritt. Of an d for children. Ooodrich, S: Griswold, (Peter Parley). Lives of benefactors. [Youth's library of biogr.l Bost. [1844]. S. X 920: 39 Contents. Washington. Jay. Henry. Franklin. La Fayette. Kosciusko.- W: Tell. Howard. Jen- ner. Oberlin. Guttenberg. Hargraves. Ark- wright. Whitney. Fulton. Copernicus.- Galileo. Linnaeus. Bowditch.Huber.Herschel. Davy. Lives of celebrated women. [Youth's library of biogr.] Bost. [1845]. S. x 923 : 25 Contents. Lucretia and Margaret Davidson. Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Washington. Madame de Stael. Lady Hester Stanhope. Hannah More. Mrs. Barbauld. Madame de Genlis.- Josephine. Marie Antoinette. Madame Roland. Madame de Sevigne. Mary, queen of Scots. Elizabeth, queen of England. Isabella of Spain. Joan of Are. Curiosities of human nature. [Youth's library of biogr.l Bost. [1845] . S. x 920 : 40 Japp, Alexander Hay, (H. A. Page). Leaders of men ; a book of biographies, specially written for youth by H. A. Page. N. Y. 1881. D. X 920: 17 Contents. The prince consort Robert Dick, baker and geologist. Commodore Goodenough. G: Moore. J: Duncan, weaver and botanist. S: Greg. Dr. J: Wilson. Dr. Andrew Reed. Lord Lawrence. Edgar, J: G: Footprints of famous men; de- signed as incitements to intellectual in- dustry. 111. N. Y. 1878. S. X 920: 11 Contents. Men of action: Washington; Burke; Necker; Pitt; Lord Erskine; Lord Colllngwood; Lord Teignmouth. JMen of letters: Dean Milner; D: Edgar, 3 -.Gr-. Continued. Hume; Southey; Moore. Artiste: Sir Joshua Reyn- olds; Sir Francis Chantrey; Sir Christopher Wren. Men of science: Dr. W: Hunter; Black; Brindley; Watt; Adam Smith. The boyhood of great men, intended as an example to youth. N. Y. [1853]. S. X 920 : 10 Contents. Sir Walter Scott. Pope. Gibbon. Sir James Mackintosh. Dr. Johnson. Lord Jeffrey. Canning. Webster. Lord Mansfield. Lord Eldon. Wilberforce. Sir T: Fowell Buxton. Galileo. Ferguson. Sir I : Newton. Gassendi. Franklin. Pascal. D' Alembert. Cavendish. Sir Humphrey Davy. Lord St. Vincent. Nelson. Duke of Marl- borough. Bonaparte. Handel. Mozart. Sir T. Lawrence. Sir D: Wilkie.Canova. Thorwaldsen. Sir W: Jones. Dr. Arnold. Bishop Ken. Dr. Parr. Dr. Chalmers. J: Hunter. Sir Astley Cooper. Sir Joseph Banks. Audubon. Famous boys and famous men. 111. N. Y. 1878. D. X 920: 32 Contents. D. Webster. S: Drew.-B: Franklin. R. Burns. E. K. Kane. H: Clay. J: Leyden. J. Mont- gomery. N. Bowditch H: Havelock. D: Living- stone.- O. Evans.- S: T. Coleridge. R. Fulton.- J: Kitto. H. Davy. A. Lawrence. S. Girard. S: Crompton. T: Chalmers. J. Laffltte. J: J. Audu- bon. W: Jay. R. Sherman. Brooks, Elbridge S. Historic boys ; their en- deavors, their achievements and their times. N. Y. 1885. O. x 920 : 72 Contents. Marcus of Rome. Brian of Munster. Olaf of Norway. William of Normandy. Baldwin oi Jerusalem. Frederick of Hohenstaufen. Harry ol Monmouth. Giovanni of Florence. Ixtlil of Tex- cuco. Louis of Bourbon. Charles of Sweden. Van Rensselaer of Rensselaerswyck. Bolton, Sarah, born Knowles. Lives of poor boys who became famous. Portr. N. Y. [1885]. D. 920:73 Contents. G: Peabody. Bayard Taylor. James B. Eads. James Watt. Sir Josiah Mason. Bernard Palissy.- Bertel Thorwaldsen. Wolfgang Mozart.- S: Johnson. Oliver Goldsmith. Michael Faraday. Sir H: Bessemer. Sir Titus Salt. Joseph Marie Jacquard. Horace Greeley. W: Lloyd Garri- son. J: Paul Richter. Leon Gambetta. D: G. Farragut. Lieut.-gen. Sheridan. T: Cole. Ole Bull. Meissonier. G: W. Childs. Dwight L. Moody. Abraham Lincoln. Bussell, W: Extraordinary men : their boyhood and early life. Lond. n. d. D. 920 : 37 Contents. Michael Angelo. Martin Luther. Shaks- pere. Oliver Cromwell. Moliere.- Blaise Pascal. Duke of Marlborough. Peter the great. Franklin. Mirabeau. Mozart. Sir S: Romilly. Nelson. Robert Burns.- Sir T: Lawrence.- Wilkie. Napoleon Bonaparte. Lord Byron. Duke of Wellington. Sir Robert Peel. Louis Philippe.- Dr. W: Ellery Chan- ning. W: Cobbett. Sheridan. J: Paul Richter. Extraordinary women ; their girlhood and early life. Lond. n. d. D. 920 : 38 Contents. The maid of Orleans. Mrs. Fry. -The empress Josephine. Madame Roland. Christinii, queen of Sweden. Elizabeth Woodville. Mrs. Hutchinson. Queen Elizabeth. Madame de Sevigne. Isabella of Castile. Anne Boleyn. Lady Jane Grey. Mary, queen of Scots.- Lady Mary Wortlcy Montague. Marie-Antoinette. Mrs. Siddons. Mmc. de Stacl-Holstein. Charlotte Corday. Madame Ro- camier. Margaret Fuller. Lady Hester Stanhope. Mine, de Genlis. Catherine II, empress of Russia. Mrs. Opie. Maria Theresa. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Child-life and girl- hood of remarkable women ; a series of chapters from female biogr. Lond. 1883. D. 920 : 66 Spamer, J: Gottlieb Christian Franz O:, (Franz Otto), ed. Das buch merkwiirdiger kinder ; lebensbilder aus der iugendzeit und den denkwiirdiger men- entwickelungsjahren denotes books specially adapted for children. 1437 BIOGRAPHY. UNIVERSAIi. CI. 920 1438 schen, herausg. in verbindung mit M. Schlimpert, B. Schuhmann, W.Wagner u. a. 5te verb, aufl., ill. Leipz. 1884. O. 920 : 75 ContenU. Konradin von Hohenstaufen. R: Whlt- tin^on. Jeanne d'Arc. Die sachsische prinzen- raub. Die sohne konisr Eduards IV von England. Alexander Menschikoff. Valentine Duval. Der kleine Heineken. Raphael Meng's. J: M. Georg'. J: G. Seume. G. Mezzofanti. Der sohn liUdwigs XVI von Frankreich. Casar Ducornet. Der konig von Rom. Kaspar Hauser. Masson, A: Michel Benoit Gaudichot-, known as Michel. Celebrated children of all ages and nations. Tr. from the french by mrs. L. Burke. 111. Lend. 1867. D. x 920 : 36 Contents. Royal children. The children of Edward rv. Eudocia, empress of the east. Lady Jane Grey. Ivan VI, emperor of Russia. Joash, king of Israel. Louis XVII. Napoleon II. Edward VI, the last of the Tudors. Martyr children. N: Ferry. Nicolette de Foix.Gaspar Hauser. The Maccabees.- Marciali, called the man with the iron mask. H: of Nemours. The sons of Ugolino. Children celebrated prr their filial affection. Appius. Elizabeth Gazette. Fi-ken. Hal-mehi. Prascovia Lopoulofif, or The exiles of Siberia. Laborious children. Valentine Jameray Duval. P: Laramee, or Ramus. C: Linnseus.- Mich- ael Verino. Courageous children. Silvina d'Auben- court. Ambrose de Boufflers. David. Matthew Gofltin. Joan of Arc. Frances Marlette. Volney Bekner. Poet children. Frances de Beauchateau. Milton. Lucretia Davidson. Metastasio. Lucius Valerius. Learned children. James Crichton. Gio- vanni Pico della Mirandola. Vincenzio Viviani. AHist children. Adrian Brauwer. Antonio Canova. The two Lazzaroni. Lesueur. J : Baptiste Lulli. Marcilia Euphrosine. Peter of Cortona. The Raisin family. J : Philippe Rameau. 3. National biographies. Americ an. Allen, W : The american biographical diction- ary ; containing an account of the lives, characters and v^ritings of the most emi- nent persons deceased in North America from its first settlement. Bost. 1857. Q. ^ , 920.1 :R1 Drake, Francis S: Dictionary of american bio- graphy, incl. men of the time ; containing nearly 10,000 notices of persons of both sexes, of native and foreign birth, who have been remarkable, or j^rominently con- nected with the arts, sciences, literature, politics or history of the amer. continent ; giving also the proniinciation of many of the foreign and peculiar amer. names, a key to the assumed names of writers, and asupp. Bost. 1872. O. 920.1 :R2 Duyckinck, Evert A: National portrait gallery of eminent americans ; incl. orators, states- men, naval and military heroes, jurists, authors, etc., from original paintings by Alonzo Chappel, with biogr. and histori- cal narratives. N. Y. [1862]. 2 v. Q. 920.1 :R3 Sparks, Jared. The library of american bio- graphy. [1st series]. N. Y. 1845-1848. 10 V. b. 923.1:21 Contents. V. 1. Everett, E:, J: Stark. Prescott, W: H., C: Brockden Brown. Armstrong-, J: R- Montgomery.- Sparks, J., Ethan Allen. 2. Pea- body, W: B. O., Alexander Brown. Hillard, G: S Capt. J: Smith. 3. Sparks, J., Benedict Arnold. 4. Armstrong, J:, Anthony Wayne. Upham, C: W bir H: Vane. 5. Francis, C, J: Eliot. 6. Wheaton, H:, W: Plnkney. Channing', E- T ^= Eller.y-Peabody, W: B. O., Cotton Mather! X denotes books specially adapted for children. Sparks, J&re&.Continvsd. 7. Bowen, F., Sir W: Phips.- Peabody, O. W. B., Israel Putnam. Sedgnwick. C. M., L. M. Davidson. Renwick, J., D: Rittenhouse. 8. Miller, S:, Jonathan Edwards. Peabody, W: B. O.. D: Brain- erd. 9. Bowen, F., Baron Steuben. Hay ward, C:, jr., Sebastian Cabot. Felton, C. C, W: Eaton. 10. Benwick, J., Robert Fulton. Everett, A. H., Joseph H. Warren. Cleveland, H: R., H: Hudson. Sparks, J., Father Marquette. List of lives.- In- dex to the 10 V. 2d series. Bost. 1844-48. 15 v. S. 923.1 : 22 Contents. V. 1. Sparks, J., Robert Cavelier de La Salle. Everett, A. H., Patrick Henry. 2. Bowen, F., James Otis. Peabody, W: B. O., James Ogle- thorpe. 3. Peabody, O. W. B.. J: Sullivan. Hoff- man, C: F., Administration of Jacob Leisler. Ware, W:, Nathaniel Bacon. Ellis, G: E., J: Maron. 4. G-ammell, W:, Roger Williams. Sprague, W: B., Timothy Dwight. Sparks, J., Count Pulaski. 5. Renwick, J., Count Rumford. Whiting, H :, Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Mackie, J: M., S: Gorton. 6. Kingsley, J. L., Ezra Stiles. Whittlesey, C:, J: Fitch. EUis, G: E., Anne Hutchinson. 7. Sparks, J., J: Ribault. Francis, C, Sebastian Rale. Palfrey J: G., W: Palfrey. 8. Sparks, J., C: Lee. Reed, H:, Joseph Reed. 9. Burnap, G: W., Leonard Calvert. Gammell, W:, S: Ward. Hall, J., T: Posey. 10. Greene, G: W., Nathaniel Greene. 11. Mackenzie, A. S., Stephen Decatur. 12. Sabine, L., E: Preble. Ellis, G:E., W: Penn. 13. Peck, J: M., Daniel Boone. Bowen, F., B: Lincoln. 14. Sparks, J., J:Ledyard. 15. Hubbard, F. M., W: Richardson. liOthrop, S: K., S: Kirkland. New England historic genealogical society. Memorial biographies: Towne memorial fund. Bost. 18801883. 3 v. O. 923.1 :R16 Muzzey, Artemas B. Reminiscences and me- morials of men of the revolution and their families. Portr. and ill. Bost. 1883. O. 920.1 :8 EUet, Elizabeth Fries, born Lummis. The wo- men of the amer. revolution. 5th ed. N. Y. 1852, 1853. 3 v. D. 920.1 : 11 Carroll, Howard. Twelve americans ; their lives and times. N. Y. 1883. D. 920.1 : 10 Contents. Horatio Seymour. C: F. Adams. P: Cooper. Hannibal Hamlin. J: Gilbert. Robert C. Schenck. F: Douglass. W: Allen. Allen G. Thur- man. Joseph Jefferson.- E. B. Washburne. A. H. Stephens. Parton, James. Famous americans of recent times. Bost. 1881. O. 920.1:6 Contents. H: Clay. Daniel Webster. J: C. Cal- houn. J: Randolph. Stephen Girard, and his college. James Gordon Bennett, and the New York herald. C: Goodyear. H: Ward Beecher and his church. Commodore Vanderbllt. Theodosia Burr. J : Jacob Astor. Bolton, Sarah, born Knowles. How success is won. Portr. Bost. [18851. S. 920.1 : 13 Contents. P: Cooper. J: B. Gough. J: G. Whit- tier. J: Wanamaker. H : M. Stanley. Johns Hop- kins. W: M. Hunt. Elias Howe, jr. Alexander H. Stephens. T: A. Edison. W: G. T. Morton. J: H. Vincent. HoUoway, Laura Carter. Famous amei'ican fortunes and the men who have made them; a series of sketches of many of the notable merchants, manufacturers, "capitalists, rail- road presidents, bonanza and cattle kings of the country. Portr. Phila. 1884. O. 920.1+14 Bonney, Catharina, born Van Rensselaer. A legacy of historical gleanings, compiled and arr. by mrs. C. V. k,. Bonney. 111. and autographs. Albany. 1875. 2 v. O. 920.1+7 Anthony, H: Bowen. Memorial addresses on several occasions del. in the senate of the U. S. Providence. 1875. Q. 920.1+12 1439 01. 920 BIOGBAPHT. - NATIONAL . 1440 Ellet, Elizabeth Fries, born Lummis. Pioneer women of the west. N. Y. 1852. D. 920.1 : 4 Frost, J: Heroic women of the west ; compris- ing narratives of the pioneer mothers of the western country. T. p. w. [Phila. 1854]. S. 920.1:6 Tenney, Horace A., and D: Atwood. Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin; sketches of the lives and career of the members of the constitutional conventions of 1846 and 1847-8, with a history of early settlement in Wisconsin. Madison. 1880. "O. 920.1 : 9 American biogx. pub. company. The U. S. biographical dictionary and portrait gal- lery of eminent and self-made men : Wis- consin volume. Chicago. 1877. Q. 920.1:1115 American Indians . Thatcher, B: Bussey. Indian biography, an historical account of those individuals who have been distinguished among the north american natives as orators, warrioi's, statesmen and other remarkable charac- ters. N. Y. 1845. 2 V. 8. 920.1 : 102 Ooodrich., S: Griswold. Celebrated american Indians. [Youths' library of biogr.] Bost. [1844]. S. X 920.1 :101 Contents. Manco Capac Mayta Capae. Huayna Capac.Atahualpa.-Caupolican.Ychoalay. Tupac Amaru. Quetzalcoatl. Xolotl. Acamapitzln. Montezuma I. Donna Marina. Montezuma II. Cof achiqui. Tascaluza. Vltachuco. Pocahontas. Philip .Pontlac Logan . Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of king Philip, incl. the early history of the sett- lers of New England. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. 920.1 :112 Eggleston, G: Gary. Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek indians of Alabama. (Fam- ous amer. indians). N. Y. 1878. D. 920.1:111 and Lillie Eggleston Seelye. Montezuma, and the conquest of Mexico. (Famous amer. indians). N. Y. 1880. D. 920.1 : 109 Pocahontas ; incl. an account of the early settlement of Virginia, and of the adven- tures of capt. J: Smith. (Famous amer. indians). N. Y. [1879]. D. 920.1 : 110 Brant and Red Jacket ; incl. an account of the early wars of the six nations and the border warfare of the revolution. (Fam- ous amer. indians). N. Y. 1879. D. 920.1 : 106 Stone, W: Leete. Life of Joseph Brant, incl. the border wars of the amer. revolution, and sketches of the indian campaigns of gens. Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne, and other matters connected with the indian relations of the U. S. and Great Britain, from the peace of 1783 to the indian peace of 1790. Cooperstown. 1846. 2 v. O. 920. 1 : 104 Life and times of Red Jacket ; with a memoir of the author by his son. Albany. 1866. O. 920.1 : 106 Uncas and Miantonomoh ; a historical dis- course, del. at Norwich, Conn., on the 4th of July 1842, on the occasion of the erection of a monument to the memory of Uncas. N. Y. 1842. S. 920.1:113 Hubbard, J. Niles. An account of Sa-go-ye- wat-ha, or Red Jacket and his people, 1750-1830. Albany. 1886. O. 920.1:116 Drake, B: Life of Tecumseh and his brother the prophet, with a historical sketch of the Shawanoe indians. Cine. 1841. D. 920.1:107 Eggleston, E:, and Lillie Eggleston Seelye. Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet ; incl. sketches of G: Rogers Clark, Simon Ken- ton, W: H: Harrison, Cornstalk, Black- hoof, Bluejacket, the Shawnee Logan, and others famous in the wars of Tecumseh's time. (Famous amer. indians). N. Y. [1878]. D. X 920.1 :114 Copway, G: Kah-ge-ga-gah - bowh. Life, let- ters and speeches. N. Y. 1850. D. 920.1 :115 Beckwourth, James P. Life and adventures, written from his own dictation by T. D. Bonner. N. Y. 1856. D. 920.1 : 103 Howard, Oliver O. Nez Perce Joseph ; an ac- count of his ancestors, his lands, his con- federates, his enemies, his murders, his war, his pursuit and capture. Bost. 1881. O. 920.1:108 Great Britain and Ir eland. Biographia britannica, or The lives of the most eminent persons who have nourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the earl- iest ages down to the present times ; col- lected from the best authorities, both printed and ms., and digested in the man- ner of mr. Bayle's historical and critical dictionary. Lond. 17471766. 6 v. F. 920.2 : R2 Stephen, Leslie, ed. Dictionary of national bio- graphy. N. Y. 1885-86. 5 v. O. 920.2:1115 Contents. V. 1. A Anne. 2. Annesley- Baird. 8. Baker- Beadon. 4. Beal Biber. 6. Blcheno Bottisham. Ward, T: Humphrey, ed. Men of the reign ; a biographical dictionary of eminent per- sons of british and colonial birth who have died during the reign of queen Victoria. Lond. 1885. D. 920.2 : R19 Lodge, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain, with biogr. and historical memoirs of their lives and actions. Lond. 1849, 1850. 8 v. D. 923.2:1 Contents. V. 1. Elizabeth of York. T: Stanley, earl of Derby. Margaret of Lancaster, mother of Henry VII. Cardinal Wolsey.- W: Warham, archbp. of Canterbury. Sir J: More. Sir T: More. Anne Bullen. Jane Seymour Sir N: Carew. T: Crom- well, earl of Essex. Margaret Tudor. C: Brandon, duke of Suffolk. Cardinal Beatoun. H: Howard, earl of Surrey. Henry VITI. Catharine Parr. T: lord Seymour of Sudeley. Sir Anthony Denny. E: Seymour, duke of Somerset. Edward VI. J: Dudley, duke of Northumberland. T: Howard, duke of Norfolk. Lady Jane Grey. H: Grey, duke of Suffolk.- J: Husseli, Ist earl of Bedford. N: Ridley, bishop of London. T: Cranmer, archbp. of Canter- bury. E: Courtenay, earl of Devonshire. Cardinal Pole. 2. Mary, queen of England. W : Ist lord Paget. B: 1st lord North. H: Stuart, lord Darn ley. James Stuart, earl of Murray.- J: Knox. T: Howard, 4th duke of Norfolk. W: Powlett, marquis of Winches- ter. Sir W: Maitland. James Hamilton, earl of Arran.- Matthew Parker, archbp. of Canterbury. Walter Devereux, earl of Essex. Sir N: Bacon. Sir X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1441 BIOOBAPHY.-NATIONAL. 01. 920 1442 T: Gresham. H: Fitzalan, earl of Arundel. James Douglas, earl of Morton. T: Radclyffe, earl of Sussex. E: Clinton, earl of Lincoln. Sir Philip Sidney. Mary Stuart. Robert Dudley, earl of Lelces- ter. Ambrose Dudley, earl of Warwick. Sir Francis Walsingham. Sir Christopher Hatton. Cardinal Allen. Sir Francis Drake. Philip Howard, earl of Arundel. J: 1st lord Maitland. W: Cecil, lord Burghley. Robert Devereux, earl of Essex. 3. Elizabeth. John, 1st marquis of Hamilton. G: Clifford, earl of Cumberland. C: Blount, baron Montjoy and earl of Devonshire. T: Sackville, earl of Dorset. Sir T: Bodley. Robert Cecil, earl of Salisbury. Henry, prince of Wales. H: Howard, earl of Northhampton. Lady Arabella Stuart. T: Bgerton, viscount Bi-ackley.- Sir Walter Raleigh Mary Sydney, countess of Pembroke. T: Cecil, 1st earl of Exeter. H: Wriothesley, earl of Southhamp- ton. James, 2d marquis of Hamilton. C: Howard of Effingham, earl of Nottingham. Lodowick Stuart, duke of Richmond. Francis Bacon. T: Howard, earl of Suffolk. E : Somerset, earl of Worcester. Lucy Harington, countess of Bedford. G: Villiers, duke of Buckingham. Fulke Greville, lord Brooke. G : Carew, earl of Totnes. W : Herbert, earl of Pem- broke. Sir Hugh Middleton. H: Percy, earl of Northumberland. G: Abbot, archbp. of Canterbury. R: Weston, earl of Portland. 4. Walter, Ist lord Aston. Frances Howard, duchess of Richmond. Sir H: Wotton. Thomas, lord keeper Coventry. Francis Russell, earl of Bed- ford. T: Wentworth, earl of Strafford. Robert Bertie, earl of Lindsey. Robert Greville, lord Brooke. Spencer Compton, earl of Northhampton. Robert Dormer, earl of Caernarvon. W: Villiers, viscount Grandison. W: Fielding, earl of Denbigh. H: Spencer, earl of Sunderland. Lucius Carey, vis- count Falkland. H: Danvers, earl of Danby. W: Laud, archbp. of Canterbury. Lionel Cranfield, earl of Middlesex. H: Somerset, 1st marquis of Worces- ter. T: Howard, earl of Arundel and Surrey. Robert Devereux, earl of Essex. Arthur, lord Capel. Charles I. Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbury. James, 1st duke of Hamilton. Blanch Somerset, baroness Arundell of Wardour. H: Rich, earl of Holland. G: Gordon, marquis of Huntley. George, lord Goring. James Graham, marquis of Montrose. Philip Herbert, earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. 5. William, 3d duke of Hamilton. James Stanley, earl of Derby. Francis, lord Cottington. Ralph, lord Hopton. E: Sackville, 4th earl of Dorset. J: Selden. James Stuart, duke of Richmond. Robert Rich, earl of Warwick. Oliver Cromwell. Dorothy Percy, countess of Leicester. W : Seymour, marquis of Hertford. Lucy Percy, countess of Carlisle.- Archibald Campbell, marquis of Argyll. Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia. Charlotte de La Tremoiiille, countess of Derby. Sir Kenelm Digby. Montague Bertie, earl of Lindsey. E: Somerset, 2d marquis of Worcester. T: Wriothesley, earl of Southhampton. Algernon Percy, earl of Northumberland. Henrietta Maria. G : Monk, duke of Albemarle. E : Montagu, earl of Manchester. Anne Hyde, duchess of York. E: Montagu, earl of Sandwich. Thomas, lord Clif- ford of Chudleigh. B: Hyde, earl of Clarendon. J: Powlett, marquis of Winchester. Anne Clifford, countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery. W: Kerr, earl of Lothian. 6. W : Cavendish, duke of Newcastle.-Sir Matthew Hale. G: Digby, earl of Bristol.- W: Howard, vis- count Stafford. J: Leslie, duke of Rothes.- Prince Rupert. J : Maitland, duke of Lauderdale. Heneage Finch, earl of Nottingham. D: Leslie, 1st lord Newark. Dorothy Sidney, countess of Sunderland. W:, lord Russell. Algernon Sidney. Anne Carre, countess of Bedford. King Charles II. James Scot, duke of Monmouth. H: Bennet, earl of Arlington. Francis North, lord Guildford. Archibald Campbell, earl of Argyll. James Butler, duke of Ormond. J: Graham, viscount of Dundee. Elizabeth Cecil, countess of Devonshire.- The hon. Rober Boyle. J: Tillotson.- W:, Ist earl of Craven. W: Russell, duke of Bedford. Robert Spencer, earl of Sunderland. Frances Theresa Stewart, duchess of Richmond. Archibald Campbell, 1st duke of Argyll. J: Locke.- Catherine of Braganza. 7. W: Cavendish, 1st duke of Devonshire. Sidney Godolphin, earl of Godolphln. T: Osborne, Ist duke of Leeds. Queen Anne. Gilbert Burnet. John, Ist lord Somers. C : Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury. J: Churchill, duke of Marlborough. Rachel Wriothes- ley, lady Russell. Robert Harley, earl of Oxford. 91 Sir I: Newton. Francis Atterbury. C: Mordaunt, 3d earl of Peterborough. J: Campbell. 3d duke of Argyll. Sarah Jennings, duchess of Marlborough. James Butler. 2d duke of Ormond. Robert Walpole, Ist earl of Orford. C: Seymour, 6th duke of Somer- set. J: Montagu, 3d duke of Montagu. H: St. John, 1st viscount Bolingbroke. R: Boyle, earl of Burling- ton. Horatio, 1st lord Walpole. W: Pulteney, earl of Bath. Philip Yorke, 1st earl of Hardwicke. T: Pelham Holies, duke of Newcastle. J : Manners, marquis of Granby. J : Russell, duke of Bedford. H:Fox, 1st lord Holland. Robert, lord Clive. W: Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham. 8. Admiral lord Hawke. C: Watson Wentworth, 2d marquis of Rockingham. Admiral viscount Kep- pel. G: A: Elliott, lord Heathfleld. Admiral lord Rodney. F: North, lord Guildford. J: Stuart, earl of Bute. Lord chief justice Mansfield.- Lord Chan- cellor Camden. Sir W: Jones.- Horace Walpole, earl of Orford. Jeffrey, 1st lord Amherst. Admiral earl Howe. Sir Ralph Abercromby. Francis Russell, duke of Bedford. Admiral viscount Duncan. Ad- miral viscount Nelson. C:, 1st marquis Cornwallis. William, 1st marquis of Lansdowne.- W: Pitt. C: James Fox. Admiral viscount Bridport. Admiral viscount Hood. Princess Charlotte. Sir Joseph Banks. Admiral the earl of St. Vincent. Robert Bank Jenkinson, earl of Liverpool. Sir Walter Scott. Admiral viscount Exmouth. Arthur Wellesley. duke of Wellington. "Walford, E: Tales of our great families. Lond. 1877. 2 V. D. 920.2 : 17 Same. 2d series. Lond. 1880. 2 v. D. 920.2 : 18 NicoU, H: J. Great movements and those who achieved them. N. Y. 1882. D. 920.2:11 Contents. Prison reform: J: Howard. The abolition of the slave-trade: W: Wilberforce. The ameliora- tion of the criminal code: Sir S: Romilly. Popular education: Lord Brougham. Cheap literature: Con- stable, Chambers, Knight and CasselL Penny post- age: Sir Rowland Hill. The repeal of the corn-laws: R: Cobden, J: Bright and C. P. Villiers. The repeal of the fiscal restrictions upon literature and the press: T: Milner Gibson and others. The introduc- tion of gas: Murdoch, Wlnsor, Clegg and others. The steam-engine and its application to locomotion by land and water: Watt, Stephenson, Fulton and Bell. The electric telegraph: Cooke, Wheatstone and others. Index. Lives of Englishmen in past days ; v. 1. Lond. [1845]. S. 920.2:9 Contents. Alfred the great. Sir T: More. J: Eve- lyn J. Kettlewell. H. Hammond. Bp. Wilson. W. Mompesson. J. Bold. Gardiner, S: Rawson. Historical biographies. (English history reading books.) Lond. 1884. S. X 923.2: 7 Contents. Simon de Montfort. The black prince. SirT: More. Sir Francis Drake. Oliver Cromwell. William III. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Lives of old english worthies before the conquest. 111. Lond. 1877. D. X 920.2 : 3 Contents. Alfred the great. Dunstan. Harold. Stigand. Warrior, priest and statesman, or English heroes in the 13th century. Edinb. 1873. D. X 920.2 : 6 Contents. Thomas A'Becket. Stephen Langton. Simon de Montfort. Sword and pen, or English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth. Lond. 1877. D. X 920.2 : 4 Contents. Raleigh. Hawkins. Gilbert. T: Caven- dish. Drake. Sidney. Shakespeare. Gillow, Joseph. A literary and biographical history, or Bibliographical dictionary of the english catholics, from the breach with Rome in 1534 to the present time ; v. 1, A-C. Lond. [1885]. O. 16 : L X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1443 01. 920 BIOGRAPHY. NATIONAL. 1444 Georgian era, The ; memoirs of the most eminent gersons who have flourished in Great ;ritain from [1714 to 1828]. Lond. 1833, 1834. 4 V. D. 920.2 : 7 Contents. V. 1. The royal family. The pretenders and their adherents. Churchmen. Dissenters. Statesmen. 2. Military and naval commanders. Judges and barristers. Physicians and surgeons. 3. Voyages and travellers. Philosophers and men of science. Authors. 4. Political and rural econ- omists.- Painters, sculptors, architects and engrav- ers. Composers. Vocal, instrumental and dramatic performers. Taylor, W: Cooke. The modern british Plutarch, or Lives of men distinguished in the recent history of England for their talents, virtues or acliievements. N. Y. 1846. D. 920.2 : 8 Contents. R: Arkwright. Edmund Burke. Robert Burns. Lord Byron. G: Canning. Earl of Chat- ham. Adam Clarke. Lord Clive. Capt. Cook. W: Cowper. G: Grabbe.- Sir Humphrey Davy. Lord Eldon. Lord Erskine. C: James Fox. B: Franklin. Oliver Goldsmith.-H: Grattan. Earl Grey. War- ren Hastings.-Bishop Heber. J: Howard. Dr. Jen- ner. Sir W: Jones. Sir James Mackintosh. H: Martyn. Sir J: Moore. Lord Nelson.- W: Pitt. Sir S: Romilly.-Sir Walter Scott.-R: Brinsley Sheri- dan. J: Smeaton. James Watt. Marquis of Wel- lesley.- W: Wilberf orce.- Sir D: Wilkie. Duke of Wellington. Stewart, Diagald. Biographical memoirs of Adam Smith, W: Robertson, T: Reid ; ed. by sir W: Hamilton. Prefixed, A memoir of Dugald Stewart, with sel. from his cor- respondence by J: Veitch. Edinb. 1877. O. 191+8 vlO Bagehot, Walter. Biographical studies ; ed. by R: Holt Hutton. Lond. 1881. O. 920.2 : 1 Contents. The character of sir Robert Peel. Lord Brougham. Mr. Gladstone. W: Pitt. Bollngbroke as a statesman. - Sir G: Cornewall Lewis. Adam Smith as a person. Lord Althorp and the reform act of 18.32. Addenda: The prince consort; What Lord Lyndhurst really was; The tribute at Hereford to sir G. C.Lewis; Mr. Cobden: Lord Palmerston ; The earl of Clarendon; Mr. Lowe as chancellor of the ex- chequer; M. Guizot; Prof. Cairnes; Mr. Disraeli as a member of the house of commons. Bogers, S: Recollections. Bost. 1859. D. 920.2:6 Contents. C: James Fox. Edmund Burke. H: Grattan. R: Porson. J: Home Tooke. Prince Tal- leyrand. T: Erskine. Sir Walter Scott. Lord Gren- ville. Duke of Wellington. Paul, C: Kegan. Biographical sketches. Lond. 1883. D. 920.2 : 12 Contents. E: Irving. J: Keble. Maria Hare. Rowland Williams. C: Kingsley. George Eliot. J: H: Newman. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Women of fashion and representative women in letters and society ; a series of biogr. and critical studies. Lond. 1878. 2 v. D. 920.2 : 14 Contents. V. 1. Lady Mary Wortley Montague. The duchess of Marlborough. Lady Morgan. Miss Berry. 2. Madame d'Arblay. Mrs. Elizabeth Inch- bald. The countess of Blessington. Charlotte Bronte. Harriet Martineau. Fortunes made in business ; a series of original sketches, biographical and anecdotic from the recent history of industry and com- merce, by various writers. Lond. 1884. 2 V. O. 920.2 : 16 Contents. V. 1. The story of I: Holden. Mr. S. C. Lister and the story of "silk waste". The Low Moor company. Sir Josiah Mason. The romance of in- vention: Sir H: Bessemer. Sir J: Brown. The Salts, and the discovery of alpaca. The Peases of Darling- ton. The Fisons and Forsters of Burley-in-Wharfe- dale. The Fieldens of Todmorden. 2. The Fosters of Queensbury. Hornby castle. The fortunes of the Gladstone family. The fortunes of the Bright family. The Fairbairns of Manchester and Leeds.- The revolutions of industry; W. H. Perkin. The Cunai'd steamship company. Messrs. T: Wilson, sons and co., the Hull shipowners. Messrs. Bass and the Burton breweries. Irving, Joseph, comp. The book of Scotsmen eminent for achievements in arms and arts, church and state, law, legislation and literature, commerce, science, travel and philanthropy. Paisley. 1881. O. 920.2 :R13 Webb, Alfred. A compendium of irish biogra- phy ; comprising sketches of distinguislied irishmen and of eminent persons, con- nected with Ireland by office or by their writings. Dublin. 1878. O. 920.2 : BIO 0th o d MUnch.en. Konigliche akademie der wissen- schaften; historische commission. Allge- meine deutsche biographic ; [Rochus freiherr y. Liliencron and Franz Xaver Wegele, ed.] Leipz. 1875-85. 22 v. O. 920.3:111 Note. V. 22 ends with Munchhausen. Spamer, J: Gottlieb Christian Franz O:, {Franz Otto). Deutsche dichter, denker und wis- sensfiirsten im 18. und 18. iahrh.; in lebens- bildern fiir jugend und volk, in verbindung mit O: Banck, H. Birnbaum, G. Hocker, K: Miiller von Halle, K. Schroder, A: Werner, in 2ter sehr verm. aufl. herausg. von Franz Otto. 111. Leipz. 1877. O. 920.3:2 Contents. Heroen des deutschen schriftthuins: Banck, O:, Winckelmann, Lessing; Werner, A:, Klopstock, Herder; H(5oker, G., Wieland; Spamer, O:. Goethe, Schiller. Die alt- und grossmeister der ghilosophie: Werner, A:, Leibnitz, Kant, Fichte. eutsche wissensfiirsten im 18. und 19. jahrh.: MUl- ler von Halle, K:, Albrecht v. Haller; Mohl, M. ()., Alexander v. Humboldt; Steinhard, S., Leopold v. Buch; Birnbaum, H., K: RItter. * Lom^nie, L: Leonard de. Sketches of conspicu- ous living characters of France. Tr. by R. M. Waish. Phila. 1841. D. 920.4 : 2 Contents. Preface. Thiers. Chateaubriand. Laffltte. Guizot. Lamartine.Soult. Berryer.Dc la Mennais. Victor Hugo. Dupln. B^ranger. Odillon Barrot.Arago. George Sand. The duke de Broglie. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Modern frenchmen ; five biographies. Bost. 1878. D. 920.4 : 1 Contents. Victor Jacquemont. H: Perreyve. Fran50i8 Rude. J: Jacques Ampere.- H: Kegnault. Daudet, Ernest, and others. French celebrities as seen by their contemporaries ; a series of brief biographies of the foremost french- men of our day. Tr. by Francis W. Potter. N. Y. 1883. 2 V. D. 920.4 : 3 Contents. 1st ser. Daudet, E.. Marshal do Miu- Mahon. Depasse, H., L^on Gambetta. Dela- brosse, L., Jules Grevy. Bdmond, C:, L: Blanc. Depasse, H., C: de Freycinot. Claretie, J., Victor Hugo. Pinard, A., Ferdinand de Lessops. 2d ser. Sylvin, E:, Jules Ferry. Pelletin, C, G: Clemen- ceau. Bourget, P., Ernest Renan. Bazlre, E., H: Rochefort. Depasse, H., Challemel-Lacour. Daudet, E., Jules Simon. Claretie, J., Erckmann- Chatrian. Depasse, H., Paul Bert. Claretie, J., Alphonse Daudet. * * Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. The makers of Florence ; Dante, Giotto, Savo- narola and their city. Portr. of Savonarola and ill. Lond. 1877. O. 920.6+Pl 1445 BIOGRAPHY. NATIONAL. CI. 920 1446 Aa, Abraham Jacob van der, K. J. R. van Harderwijk, G. J. D. Schotel, and others. Biographisch woordenboek der Neder- landen ; bevattende levensbeschrijvingen van zoodani^e personen die zich op eeni- gerlei wijze m ons vaderland hebben ver- maard gemaakt. Haarlem. 1852-78. 21 v. in 20. O. 920.5:114 Macedo, Joaquim Manoel de. Brazilian bio- graphical annual. Rio de Janeiro. 1876. 3 V. O. 920.5:2 Lanman, C: Leading men of Japan ; with an historical summary of the empire. Bost. [1883]. D. 920.5:3 Ancient . Smith, W:, ed. Dictionary of greek and roman biography and mythology. Bost. 1859. 3 v. O. 920.6:111 GOU, Hermann. Die weisen und gelehrten des alterthums ; leben und wirken der hervor- ragendsten forscher und entdecker auf dem gebiete der wissenschaft bei den grie- chen und romern. Leipz. 1876. O. 920.6 : 3 Plutarchos. Plutarch's lives -, the translation called Dryden's, corr. from the greek and rev. by A. H. Clough. Bost. 1885. 5 v. O. 923.6:31 Contents. V. 1. Pref. and life of Plutarch. The- seus. Romulus. Lycurgus. Numa Pompillus. Solon. Popllcola. Themistocles. Camillus. Peri- cles. Fabius. App. 2. Alcibiades. Coriolanus.- Timoleon.- AemlliusPaulus.- Pelopidas. Marcellus. Aristldes. Cato the elder. Philopcemen.riam- Plutarchos . Continued. ininus. App. 8. Pyrrhus. Marlus. Lysander.- Sylla. Cimon. Lucullus. Nicias. Crassus. Serto- rius. Eumenes. App. 4. Agesilaus. Pompey. Alexander. Caesar. Phocion. Cato the younger. Agis. Cleomenes. Tiberius Gracchus. Caius Gracchus. App. 5. Demosthenes. Cicero. Dem- etrius.- Antony. Dion. Marcus Brutus.- Aratus. Artaxerxes.-Galba.-Otho.-App. Index of proper names. Pronunciation of proper names. Same. Tr., with notes and a life of the author, by J: and W: Langhorne. T. p. w. [N. Y. n. d.} O. 923.6 : 16 Contents, same as above, with the add. of Tables of coins, weights, measures, etc., and Chronological table. Our young folks' Plutarch ; ed. by Rosalie Kaufman. 111. Phila. 1883. O. X 923.6: 29 The boys' and girls' Plutarch ; parts of the " Lives of Plutarch " ed. for boys and girls, with an introd. by J: S. White.' 111. N. Y. 1883. O. X 923.6: 30 Lives of illustrious greeks ; for schools and fam- ilies. Lond. [1849]. D. 923.6:17 Contents. Theseus. Lycurgus. Solon. Aristeides. Themistocles. Cimon. Pericles. Nicias. Alci- biades. Lysander. Agesilaus. Pelopidas.- Timo- leon. Demosthenes.- Phocion. Eumenes.- Aratus. Agis. Cleomenes. PhilopcBmen. Goodrich, S: Griswold. Famous men of ancient times. [Youths' library of biogr.] Bost. [1844]. S. X 920.6: 4 Contents. Mohammed. Belisarius. Attila. Nero. Seneca. Virgil. Cicero. Julius Caesar.-Hannibal. Alexander. Aristotle. Demosthenes.- Apelles. Diogenes. Plato. Socrates. Alcibiades. Demo- critu s .-Pericles. Thayer, W: Makepeace. Soldiers of the Bible. T. p. w. S. X 920.6 : 7 denotes books specially adapted for children. 2. Philosophy and Religion. 1. Philosophy. Collective biogr. Fenelon, Fran9ois de Salignac de la Mothe. Lives of the ancient philosophers. Tr. from the french, with notes and a life of the author by J: Cormack. N. Y. 1846. S. 921.6:1 Denslow, Van Buren. Modern thinkers, princi- pally upon social science ; what they think and why, with an introd. by Robert G. Ingersoll. Chicago. 1880. D. 921 : 1 Contents. Pref. Introd. Sketch of the life of Swedenborg. Emanuel Swedenborg and the origin of the christian ideas of heaven, hell and virtue. Sketch of the life of Adam Smith. Adam Smith, founder of the school of the economists. Sketch of the life of Jeremy Bentham. Jeremy Bentham, the apostle of law reform, and of utilitarianism in mor- als.- Sketch of the life of T: Paine. T: Paine, the apostle of chronic revolution, in his relations to the declaration of independence and democracy in Amer- ica. Sketch of the life of Fourier. C: Fourier, the philosopher of passional harmony and co-operative association. Sketch of the life of Spencer. Herbert Spencer, a review of his theories of evolution and of morals. Sketch of the life of Haeckel. Ernst Haeckel, the demonstrator of the doctrine of evolu- tlon. Auguste Comte, founder of the positive phil- osophy and pontiff of the religion of humanity, includ. a sketch of his life. The authorship of Jun- ius, a sequel to the critique on T: Paine. Wealth, a sequel to the critique on Adam Smith. Morris, G: S. British thought and thinkers ; introd. studies, critical, biogr. and phil- osophical. Chicago. 1880. D. 921.2:1 Contents. General philosophical attitude of the english mind. Mediteval anticipations of the mod- ern english mind: John of Salisbury; Roger Bacon; . Duns Scotus; William of Occam. Englishmen of the renaissance: Edmund Spenser; Sir J: Davies; R: Hooker. W: Shakespeare. Francis Bacon. T: Hobbes. J: Locke. G: Berkeley. D: Hume. -Sir W: Hamilton. J: Stuart Mill. Herbert Spencer. Indivi dual biogr. Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Berkeley. [Phil, classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1881. S. 921.2:2 Mill, J: Stuart. Berkeley's life and writings. With his Three essays on religion. 204 : 30 Collins, W: Lucas. Butler. [Phil, classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1881. S. 921.2:3 Mahaflfy, J: Peytland. Descartes. [Phil. classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1881. S. 921.4:1 Conway, Moncure Daniel. Emerson at home and abroad. Bost. 1882. D. 921.1 : 2 Cooke, G: Willis. Ralph Waldo Emerson ; his life, writings and philosophy. Bost. 1881. D. 921.1:1 1447 CI. 91^1 BIOGRAPHY. PHILOSOPHY. 1448 Guernsey, Alfred H. Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher and poet. [Appleton's new handy vol. ser.] K Y. 1881. S. 921.1 : 4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ralph Waldo Emer- son. (Amer. men of letters.) Portr. Bost. 1885 [1884]. S. 921.1:6 Ireland, Alexander. Ralph Waldo Emerson ; his life, genius and writings, a biogr. sketch ; added, personal recollections of his visits to England, extracts from unpub. letters and miscellaneous characteristic records. 2d ed. augm. Portr. Lond. 1882. D. 921.1:3 Sanborn, Franklin B:, ed. The genius and char- acter of Emerson ; lectures at the Concord school of philosophy. Portr. and ill. Bost. 1885 [1884]. D. 921.1:5 Adamson, Robert. F i c h t e . [Phil, classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1881. S. 921.3 : 1 Fichte, Immanuel Hermann. J: Gottlieb Fichte's leben und briefwechsel von seinem sohne. 2te sehr verm, und verb. aufl. Portr. Leipz. 1862. 2 v. O. 921.3+6 Schmidt, Ferdinand. J: Gottlieb Fichte ; ein lebensbild fiir jung und alt. 4te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1883]. S. 921.3:9 Huxley, T: H: Hume . [Eng. men of letters]. N. Y. [1879]. D. 921.2:4 "Wallace, W: Kant. [Phil, classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1882. D. 921.3:3 Brandes, G: Morris Cohen. Soren Kierke- gaard; ein literarisches charakterbild. Autorisierte deutsche ausg. Leipz. 1879. D. 921.5:1 Merz, J : Theodore. Leibniz. [Phil, classics for eng. readers]. Portr. Phila. 1884. D. 921.3:5 Mackie, J: Milton. Life of Godfrey W: v. Leib- nitz ; on the basis of the germ, work of G[ottschalk] [Eduard] Quhrauer. Bost. 1845. D. 921.3:2 Bourne, H. R. Fox. Life of J: L o c k e . N. Y. 1876. 2 V. O. 921.2 : 6 Fowler, T: Locke. [Eng. men of letters]. N. Y. 1880. D. 921.2:6 King, P:, 7th baron King. Life and letters of J: Locke ; with extracts from his journals and common-place books. New ed., with index. Lond. 1858. D. 921.2:7 Bain, Alexander. James Mill: a biography. N. Y. 1882. D. 921.2 : 10 Mill, J: Stuart. Autobiography. N. Y. 1875. O. 921.2:8 Bain, Alexander. John Stuart Mill; a criti- cism, with personal recollections. N. Y. 1882. D. 921.2:9 Heath, R: Edgar Q u i n e t ; his early life and writings. [Eng. and foreign phil. classics]. Bost. 1881. O. 921.4:2 Gwinner, W: Schopenhauer's leben ; 2te um^earb. und vielfach verm. aufl. der schrift : Arthur Schopenhauer, aus per- scinlichem umgange dargestellt. Portr. Leipz. 1878. O. 921.3:7 Schopenhauer und seine freunde ; zur beleuch- tung der Frauenstadt-Lindner'schen ver- theidigung Schopenhauer's, sowie zur er- ganzung der schnft: Arthur Schopenhauer, aus personlichen umgange dargestellt. Leipz. 1863. O. 921.3:8 Xenophdn. Memoirs of Socrates for eng- lish readers ; a new tr. from Xenophon's Memorabilia, with ill. notes by E: Levien. [Bayard ser.] Lond. 1872. S. " 921.6:2 Martineau, James. A study of S p i n o z a . 2d ed., rev. Portr. Lond. 1883. D. 921.5 : 2 Knight, W:, ed. Spinoza ; four essays by Land, Kuno Fischer, J. van Vloten and Ernst Renan. Lond. 1882. O. 921,3:4 Contents. Land, J. In memory of Spinoza; a lec- ture del. on the occasion of the bicentenary of Spinoza to the class of philosophy at Leyden, feb. 24th 1877. Tr. by Allan Menzies. Fisher, Ernst Kuno Berthold. The life and character of Baruch Spinoza; a lecture. Tr. by Frida Schmidt. Vloten, J. van. Spinoza, the glad hei-ald to mankind of tho good news of its majority; an oration del. on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue at the Hague, sept. 18th, 1880. Tr. by Allan Menzies. Benan, Joseph Ernest. Spinoza, 1677 and 1877; address at the unveiling of the monument at the Hague on the 31st of feb. 1877. Hamley, E: B. Voltaire. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1878. S. 921 .4 : 4 Morley, J: Voltaire. N. Y. 1878. O. 921.4:5 Parton, James. Life of Voltaire. Bost. 1881. 2v. O. 921.4:3 Strauss, D: F: Voltaire; sechs vortriige. 4t' aufl. Bonn. 1877. O. 921.4:6 2. Collective religious biogr. Foxe or Fox, J: History of the lives, sufferings and triumphant deaths of the primitive as well as the protestant martyrs from the commencement of Christianity to the latest periods of pagan and popish persecution ; originally composed by J: Fox. Added, an account of the inquisition, the Barth- olomew massacre, the massacre in France and general persecution under Louis XIV, the massacres of the irish rebellion in 1641, and the recent persecutions of protestants in the south of France. III. ed. Bost. 1848. D. 922 : 1 Note. This is an abbreviation of the "Acts and monuments," 272-1-6, for which see col. 119. Baillie, J : Life studies, or How to live ; illus- trated in the biogr. of Bunyan, Tersteegen, Montgomery, Perthes and mrs. Winslow. N. Y. 1857. S. 922 : 2 Favourite passages in modern christian bi()<^- raphy. Lond. n. d. D. 922 : 3 Contents. R: Cecil. Andrew Fuller. Adolphe Mo- nod. F: W: Krummacher. Robert Hall. J: Foster. T: Arnold. W: Arphor Butler. T: Ohalmers.H: Martyn. J: Wllliaras.^Robert Murray M'Cheyne. .1: Mackintosh.- H : Havelock. Hedley Vicars. .Tames Wilson.- Patrick Frazer Tytler. Portraits of the principal reformers of the 16th century; with a narrative of the reforma- tion of religion. N. Y. 1836. S. 922 : 5 TuUoch, J: Leaders of the reformation : Luthei-, Calvin, Latimer, Knox ; the representative men of Germany. France, England and Scotland. Bost. "1860. D. 922 : 7 Wittenmyer, M7's. Annie. The women of the reformation ; with an introduction by mrs. Kate Brownlee Sherwood. [111.] N.Y. 188.1. D. 922 : 12 Contents. Joan, mother of Richard IT of England. Anne of Bohemia, queen of Richard TT. The refor- mation In Bohemia. Marguerite of Valois. Rcni'c, duchess of Ferrara. Jeanne d'Albret. Charkiltc dc Bourbon, princess of Orange. Louise de (OliRiiy, princess of Orange. The reformation In Enffliiiid Anne Boleyn Catherine Parr. Lady Jane (;i. W: Veitch. Mrs. J: Livingstone. Lady Anne Lindsay, duchess of Rothes. Lady Mary John- ston, countess of Crawford. Barbara Cunningham, lady Caldwell. Lady Colvill. Catherine Rigg. lady Cavers.- Isabel Alison.- Marion Harvey. Helen Johnston, lady Graden. Lilias Dunbar, mrs. Camp- bell. Margaret M'Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson. Lady Anne Mackenzie, countess of Balcarres, after- ward countess of Argyll. Henrietta Lindsay, lady Campbell of Auchinbreck. Grlsell Hume, lady Baillie of Jerviswood. Lady Catharine Hamilton, duchess of AthoU. App. Roman-catholic. [Instructive biography.] Lond. 1842. 8. 922.22 ' o Cfmtents. William of Wykeham, by J: Chandler. Histories of the bishops of the ancient church. Stories from Bede, with a sketch of his life.- Life of G : Herbert. Milman, H: Hart. Life of Thomas h Becket. N. Y. 1860. S. 922.22:4 Piiis a Sp. Sancto, Father. Life of father Ig- natius of St. Paul, passionist ; comp. chiefly from his autobiogr., journal and letters. Dublin. 1866. D. 922.22 : 3 Magruire, J: Francis. Father Mathe w; a bio- graphy. N.Y. 1864. D. 922.22:1 Newman, J: H: Apologia pro vita sua ; a reply to a pamphlet entitled "What, then, does dr. Newman mean V " 3d ed. N. Y. 1865. O. 922.22 : 2 Pro t 68 tant-ep i s cop al. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Life and correspond- ence of T: Arnold. 3d amer. ed. Bost. 1860. 2 V. D. 922.23 : 1 Worboise, Emma Jane. Life of T: Arnold. 2(1 ed. Lond. 1865. S. 922.23 : 2 Atterbury, Francis. Memoirs and correspond- ence ; with notices of his distinguished contemporaries, comp., chiefly from the Atterbury and Stuart papers by Folkestone Williams. Lond. 1869. 2 v. in 1. O. 922.23:29 Southey, Robert and C: Cuthbert. Life of dr. Bell; comprising the history of the rise and progress of the system of mutual tuition. Lond. 1844. 3 v. O. 922.23 : 3 Bickersteth, J: Lang. Memoir ; with a pref. by J, Bickersteth. Lond. . d. T. 922.23 : 4 Brett, Robert. The doctrine of the cross, as ex- hibited in the faith and patience of a humble follower of Christ. {Anon.^ Lond. 1843. S. 922.23 : 5 Cartwright, T: Diary, aug. 1686 to oct. 1687; now first printed from the original ms. in the possession of Joseph Hunter. [Camden soc. pub. no. 22.1 Lond. 1843. O. 922.23:26 Fuller, Mori-is. The " life, times and writings " of Thomas Fuller, the church historian, 1608-1661. Lond. 1884. 2v. D. 922.23:31 Gobat, S: S: Gob at, of Jerusalem, his life and work ; a biogr. sketch drawn chiefly from his own journals ; pref. by the earl of Shaftesbury. Portr. and ill. 'N. Y. 1885. D. 922.23:33 Haslam, W: From death unto life, or Twenty years of my ministry. N. Y. 1880. D. 922.23:6 Bobinson, T: Last days of bishop H e b e r . N. Y. 1831. D. 922.23:7 Hodgson, James T. Memoir of the rev. Francis Hod g s o n, scholar, poet, and divine ; with numerous letters from lord Byron and others, by his son. Lond. 1878. 2 v. D. 922.23:8 Housman, Robert Fletcher. Life and remains of Robert Housman; slightly abr. N. Y. 1846. D. 922.23:9 Morton, J: N. Life of archbishop L aud. Bost. 1864. D. 922.23 : 10 Caswall, H: The martyr of the Poiigas ; a memoir of Hamble James L e a c o c k. N. Y. 1857. D. 922.23:11 Bell, C: Dent. Henry Martyn. [Heroes of christian history!] N. Y."l881. D. 922.23:28 Sargent, J: Memoir of H: Martyn. From the 10th Lond. ed. Phila. 1831. D. 922.23: 12 Maurice, F:, ed. The life of F: Denison Mau- rice, chiefly told in his own letters, od. by his son. KY. 1884. 2v. D. 922.23:27 Mozley, T: Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel col lege and the Oxfoi'd movement. Bost. 1882. 2v. D. 922.23:13 Pattison, M: Memoirs. Lond. 1885. D. 922.23:34 Cornell, W: Mason. Life of Robert Raikes. Bost. . rf. T. 922.23:23 Reed, Andrew. Martha ; a memorial of an only and beloved sister. N. Y. 1835. D. 922.23 : 14 Qrimshawe, T. 8. Memoir of Leigh Rich- mond; abr. by W: Patton. N. Y. 1829. D. 922.23 : 16 Ridley, Glocester. The life of Nicholas Rid- ley, sometime bp. of Londijn ; showing the plan and progress of tlie reformation, in which he was a principal insti'ument and suffered martyrdom for it in the reign of queen Mary. Lond. 1763. Q. 922.23 :R19 1457 bioquaphy. -theology. 01. 022 1458 Brooke, Stopford A: Life and letters of F: W. Robertson. Bost. 1865. 2 v. D. 922.23 : 16 Holland, Saba, born Smith, lady. A memoir of Sydney Smith by his daughter; with a selection from his letters, ed. by mrs. Austin. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. D. 922.23 : 17 Same. Lond. n. d. D. 922.23 : 17 -Same. N. Y. 1880. Q. 922.23+17 B-eid, Stuart J. A sketch of the life and times of Sydney Smith ; based on family docu- ments and recollections of personal friends. Portr. and ill. N. Y. 1885 [1884]. O. 922.23:30 Bradley, G: Granville. Recollections of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, late dean of West- minster ; three lectures del. in Edinb. nov. 1882. N. Y. 1883. D. 922.23:24 Oliver, Grace Atkinson, born Little, formerly mrs. Ellis. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley ; his life, work and teachings. Portr. Bost. 1885. D. 922.23:32 Heber, Reginald. Life of Jeremy Taylor; with a critical examination Of his writings. Hartford. 1832. D. 922.23:18 Douglas, Mrs. Stair. The life, and selections from the correspondence ofW: Whewell, late master of Trinity college, Cambridge. Portr. Lond. 1881. O. 922.23 :20 Ashwell, A. R., and Reginald G. Wilberforce. Life of Samuel Wilberforce, lord bp. of Oxford, and afterward of Winchester ; with selections from his diaries and corres- ?ondence, abr. from the eng. ed. 111. N. . 1883. O. 922.23:25 Stoughton, J: William Wilberforce. (He- roes of christian history). N. Y. 1880. D. 922.23:21 Bateman, Josiah. The life of Daniel Wilson, bp. of Calcutta. El. Bost. 1860. O. 922.23+22 Pre 8 byterian. Boyle, G: D: Richard Baxter. (Heroes of christian history). N. Y. 1884. D. 922.24:17 Carlyle, Alexander. Autobiography ; contain- ing memorials of the men and events of his time. Bost. 1861. D. 922.24:1 Anderson, J : Reminiscences ofT:Chalmers. Edinb. 1851. D. 922.24 : 2 Eraser, Donald. T: Chalmers. (Heroes of christian history). N. Y. 1882. D. 922.24:3 Hanna, W: Memoirs of the life and writings of T: Chalmers by his son-in-law. N. Y. 1855. 3v. D. 922.24:4 Harsha, D: Addison. Life of Philip Dod- dridge; with notices of some of his con- temporaries and specimens of his style. Albany. 1865. O. 922.24:5 Stanford, C: Philip Doddridge. (Heroes of christian history). N. Y. 1880. D. 922.24 : 6 Lundie, Mrs. . Memoir of Mary Lundie Dun- can; recollections of a daughter by her mother, abr. N. Y. n. d. S. 922.24 : 7 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. The life of Edwardl r v i n g , minister of the nation- al scotch church, London ; ill. by his jour- nals and corresp. N. Y. 1862. O. 922.24+8 Henry, Philip. Diaries and letters; ed. by Matthew H: Lee. Lond. 1882. D. 922.24:21 McCrie, T: Life of J: Knox, containing illus- trations of the history of the reformation in Scotland ; with biogr. notices of the principal reformers, and sketches of the progress of literature in Scotland during a great part of the 16th century ; subjoined, an app., consisting of letters and other papers hitherto unpub. 2d ed., corr. and enl. Edinb. 1813. 2 V. O. 922.24:9 Little, J: Conversion and death-bed experience of mrs. Jessie Little. N. Y. w. d. S. 922.24 : 10 Macleod, Norman. The earnest student ; me- morials of J: Mackintosh. Lond. 1863. D. 922.24:11 Macleod, Donald. Memoir of Norman M a c - leod. N. Y. 1877. 2 v. in 1. O. 922.24:12 Scott, J: Life of T: Scott; incl. a narrative drawn up by himself and copious extracts of his letters. Phila. 1823. O. 922.24 : 13 Taylor, 1: Memoirs and corresp. of Jane Tay- lor. N.Y. 1847. S. 922.24:i4 Buddensieg, Rudolf. John Wiclif, patriot and reformer ; life and writings. Quincen- tenary ed. Lond. 1884. T. 922.24:18 Burrows, Montagu. Wiclifs place in history ; three lectures del. before the university of Oxford in 1881. New and rev. ed. Lond. 1884. D. 922.24 : 20 Coxe, Margaret. Life of Wycliffe. Columbus, Ohio. 1840. S. 922.24:16 LeBas, C: Webb. Life of Wyclif. N. Y. 1832. S. 9d2.24 : 15 Loserth, J: Wiclif and Hus. From the ger- man, tr. by M. J. Evans. Lond. 1884. 0. 922.24 : 19 Wilson, J: Laird. J: Wycliffe, patriot and re- former, " the morning star of the reforma- tion" ; a biogr. N. Y. 1884. D. 922.24:23 B aptist. Froude, James Anthony. B u n y a n . [Eng. men of letters!. N". Y. 1880. D. 922.26 : 1 Carey, Eustace. Memoir of W: Carey; with an introd. essay by Francis Wayland. Bost. 1836. D. 922.26 : 2 Culross, James. W: Carey. (Heroes of chris- tian history). N. Y. 1882. D. 922.26 : 8 Phillips, D: Memoir of the life, labors and ex- tensive usefulness of Christmas Evans; extracted from the Welsh memoir. N. Y. 1843. D. 922.26:3 Byland, Jonathan E:, ed. Life and corresp. of J: Foster; with notices of mr. Foster as a preacher and a companion by J: Shep- pard. Bost. 1860. 2 v. in 1. D. 922.26 : 4 Morris, J: Williams. Memoirs of the life and writings of Andrew Fuller. 1st amer. ed., ed. by Rufus Babcock, jr. Bost. 1830. O. 922.26 : 5 Hood, Edwin Paxton. Robert Hall. (Heroes of christian history). N.Y. 1881. D. 922.26 : 6 Sketch of the life and ministry of C: H. S p u r - g e o n ; from ori^nal documents, incl. anecdotes and incidents of travel, biogr. notices of former pastors, historical sketch 14.59 CI. 922 BIOGRAPHY. THEOLOGY. of Park-st. chapel and an outline of mr. Spiirgeon's articles of faith. N. Y. 1858. D. 922.26:7 Me thodist. Knight, Helen C, eomp. Lady Huntington and her friends, or The revival of the work of God in the days of Wesley, Whitefield, Ro- maine, Venn and others in the last cen- tury. N. Y. [1853]. D. 922.27:2 Clarke, Adam. An account of the infancy, re- ligious and literary life of Adam Clarke, written by one who was intimately ac- quainted with him from his boyhood to the 60th year of his age [by himself! ; ed. by J. B. B. Clarke. N. Y. 1833. 2 v. D. 922.27 : 1 Adams, C: The poet preacher [C: Wesley]; a brief memorial. HI. N. Y. n. d. S. 922.27:4 Southey, Robert. The life of W e s 1 e y and rise and progress of methodism ; notes by S : T. Coleridge and remarks on the life and character of J: Wesley by Alexander Knox. Ed. by C: Cuthbert Southey. 2d amer. ed., with notes, etc., by Daniel Curry. N. Y. 1858. 2 V. D. 922.27 : 5 Taylor, I: Wesley and methodism. N. Y. 1852. "^ D 922.27:7 Watson, R: Life of J: Wesley. N. Y. 1831. D. 922.27 : 6 Whiteliead, J: Life of J: Wesley; collected from his private papers and printed works, and written at the request of his executors. Prefixed, some account of his ancestors and relations, with the life of C: Wesley, collected from his private journal and never before pub. Tne whole forming a history of methodism in which the pi'inci- ples and economy of the methodists are unfolded. Auburn, w. rf. D. 922.27:8 Wesley, J: Journal. Lond. 1827. 4 V. in 2. O. 922.27:3 Kirk, J: The mother of the Wesleys ; a biogr. Cine. 1865. D. 922.27 : 9 Gillies, J : Memoirs and sermons of G: W h i t e field. Rev. and corr. with add. and impr., with an introd. by C. E. Stowe. Phila. 1854. O. 922.27+11 Philip, Robert. Life and times of G: Whitefield. N. Y. 1838. D. 922.27 : 12 Whitefield, G: Continuation of [his] journal from his arrival at London to his depart- ure from thence on his way to Georgia. 3d ed. Lond. 1789. O. 922.27 : 10 Quaker. Bickley, A. C. (x: Fox and the early quakers. Lond. 1884. O. 922.28:4 Janney, S: M. The life of G: Fox ; with disser- tations on his views concerning the doc- trines, testimonies and disciplme of the christian church. Phila. 1878. D. 922.28: 1 AccOTint, An, of the life, ministry and travels of that ancient servant of Jesus Christ, John Richardson. Phila. 1867. D. 922.28:2 Woolman, J: Journal; with an introd. by J: G. Whittier. Bost. 1882. D. 922.28 : 3 5. Other modem religious biogr. erman an d Swis Sister Augustine, an old catholic, superior of the sisters of charity in St. Johannis hospi- tal at Bonn. Authorized tr. from the german Memorials of Amalie v. Lasaulx. K. Y. 1881. D. 922.3 : 1 Montalembert, C: Forbes de Try on, comte de. Life of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Tr. by Mary Hackett ; introd. tr. by mrs. J. Sadlier. N. Y. 1863. D. 922.3 : 2 Gillett, Ezra Hall. Life and times of J: Huss, or The bohemian reformation of the 15tli century. 2d ed. rev; Bost. 1864. 2 v. O. 922.3:3 Mears, J: W. Heroes of Bohemia; Huss, Jerome and Zisca. Phila. [1879]. D. 922.3:4 Jung-Stilling', J: H: Autobiography. Tr. from the german by S. Jackson. N. Y. 1844. O. 922.3: 11 Kettlewell, S: Thomas aKempis and the brothers of common life. N. Y. 1882. 2 v. O. 922.3:12 Bunsen, Christian C: Josias freiherr v. Life of Martin Luther; with an estimate of Luther's character and genius by T: Car- lyle and an app. by sir W: Hamilton. N. Y. 1861. T. 922.3 : 5 Froude, James Anthony, Luther ; a short bio- graphy. Repr. from the Contemporary re- view. N. Y. 1884. D. 922.3 : 17 KOstlin, Julius. Life of Luther. From the germ. N. Y. 1883. O. 922.3 : 13 Michelet, Jules. Life of Martin Luther, gath- ered from his own writings. Tr. by G. H. Smith. N. Y. 1846. D. 922.3:6 Rae, J: Martin Luther; student, monk, re- former. 111. Lond. 1884. O. 922.3 : 19 Rein, W: The life of Martin Luther. N. Y. [1883]. D. 922.3:15 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Martin Luther ; ein le- bensbild. Neue ausg. Berlin. [1880]. S. 922.3:23 Seiss, Joseph A: Luther and the reformation ; the life - springs of our liberties. Phila. [1884]. D. 922.3 : 16 Tischer, J: F: W: Life of Martin Luther. Added a selection from the most celebrated ser- mons of Luther. [Phila.] 1841. O. 922.3 : 7 Treadwell, J: H. Martin Luther and his work. [New Plutarch ser.] N. Y. 1881. S. 922.3:8 Whately, E. Jane. ed. The story of Martin Luther. N. Y. 1867. S. 922.3 : 9 Mayhew, H: The boyhood of Martin Lutlier, or The sufferings of the heroic little beggar- boy who afterwards became the great german reformer. 111. N. Y. 1864. S. X 922.3: 14 Ledderhose, C: F: Life of Philip Melanch- t h o n. Tr. from the germ, by G. F. Krotel. Phila. 1855. D. 922.3 : 10 Schmidt, C: W: Adolf. Philipp Melanchthon ; leben und ausgewahlte schriften. Elber- feld. 1861. O. 922.3+22 denotes books specially adapted for children. 14G1 BIOGRAPHY. THEOLOGY. CI. 922 1463 Bost, J: Augustin. Letters and biography of Felix Neff. Tr. from the french by Margaret Anne Wyatt. Lond. 1843. D. 922.5:16 Gilly, W: Stephen. Memoir of Felix Neff. Bost. 1833. D. 922.5 : 13 Schenkel, Daniel. F: Sehleiermacher, ein lebens- und charakterbild ; zur erinnerung an den 31. no v. 1768 fiir das deutsche volk bearb. Elberfeld. 1868. O. 922.3+21 Zeisberger, D: Diary amon^ the indians of Ohio. Tr. from "the original german and ed. by Eugene F. Bliss. Cine. 1885. 3 v. O. 922.3+20 Grob, J : The life of Ulric Z w i n g 1 i. From the germ. N. Y. 1883. D. 922.5 : 22 S V} e d i s h . Worcester, B: The life and mission of Emanuel Swedenborg. Bost. 1883. D. 922.5:19 F r e n c h . Wiglit, Orlando Williams. Lives and letters of Abelard and Heloise. N. Y. 1861. S. 922.4:1 Kichardson, Abby, born Sage, formerly mrs. McFarland, ed. Abelard and Heloise, a media3val romance ; with the letters of Heloise. Bost. 1884 [1883]. S. 922.4:11 Ratisbonne, Marie Theodore. Life and times of St. Bernard. Tr. from the french ; with a pref. by H: E: Manning. N. Y. 1863. D. 922.4:2 James, J: Angell. Memoir of Clementine Cuvier [by M: Wilks], with reflections by J: A. James. N. Y. n. d. S. 922.4 : 3 Digby, Kenelm H: The chapel of St. John, or A life of faith in the 19th century [Jane MaryDigbyJ. Lond. 1861. D. 922.4:4 Bausset, L : Fran 901s de. Life of F e n e 1 o n. Tr. from the french by W: Mudford. Lond. 1810. 3v. O. 922.4:5 Butler, C: Life of Fenelon. Bait. 1811. S. 922.4:6 Upham, T: C. Life and religious opinions and experience of mme. Guyon ; with some ac- count of the personal history and religious opinions of Fenelon. N. Y. 1849. 3 v. D. 922.4 : 7 Lear, H. L. Sidney. Henri Dominique Lacor- d a i r e ; a biogr. sketch. Lond. 1883. D. 922.4:9 Montalembert, C: Forbes de Tryon, comte de. Memoir of the abbe Lacordaire. Author- ized tr. Lond. 1863. O. 922.4 : 8 Marteilhe, J: The huguenot galley-slave ; the autobiogr. of a french protestant con- demned to the galleys for the sake of his religion. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1867. D. 922.4:10 Monod, Sarah. Life and letters of Adolphe M o n o d , by one of his daughters. [Anon. ] Authorised tr. abr. from the original. Lond. 1885. D. 922.4 : 12 Italian and Spanish. Artaud de Mentor, Alexis Fran9ois. The lives and times of the roman pontiffs from St. Peter to Pius IX. Tr. from the french and ed. by dr. Neligan. N. Y. [1865]. O. 922.6+2 Villemain,. Abel Fran9ois. Life of Gregory VII ; preceded by a sketch of the papacy to the 11th century. Tr. by James Baber Brock- ley. Lond. 1874. 3 v. O. 922.5:21 Roscoe, W: Life and pontificate of Leo X. 5th ed. rev. by T: Roscoe. Lond. 1846. 3 v. D. 922.5:9 Hiibner, Joseph Alexander freiherr v. The life and times of Sixtus V; from unpub. diplom- atic corresp. in the state archives of the Vatican, Simancas, Venice, Paris, Vienna and Florence. Tr. from the original french by Hubert E. H. Jerningham. Lond. 1873. 3 V. O. 922.5 : 1 Clement XIV. Interesting letters. Prefixed, anecdotes of his life. Tr. from the french ed. 5th ed. Lond. 1781. 3 v. S. 922.5:6 Wiseman, N: Patrice Stephen. Recollections of the last four popes and of Rome in their times. Bost. 1858. D. 922.5 : 3 Contents. Pius VII. - Leo XII. - Pius VIII. - Gregory XVI. Hassard, J: R. G. Life of Pius IX. N. Y. 1878. S. 922.5 : 14 Legge, Alfred Owen. Pius IX ; the story of his life to the restoration in 1850 ; with glimpses at the national movement in Italy. Lond. 1875. 3v. O. 922.5 : 23 Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise Sophie Friederike Gustave grdfin. Vier lebensbilder : ein Sapst, ein bishof, ein priester, ein Jesuit, [ainz. 1861. D. 922.2 : 5 Contents, see Deutscher katalog, p. 48. Upham, T: Cogswell. Life of mme. Catherine A d o r n a ; incl. some leading facts and traits in her religious experience, together with explanations and remarks tending to ill. the doctrine of holiness. 3d ed. Bost. 1847. 8. 922.5:4 FuUerton, Georgiana Charlotte lady. Life of St. Frances of Rome, [also] Of blessed Lucy of Narni, of Dominica of Paradiso, and of Anne de Montmorency ; with an introd. essay on the miraculous life of the saints, by J. M. Capes. N. Y. n. d. D. 922.5:7 Bartoli, Daniel. History of the life and institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola. Tr. by the author of Life in Mexico. N. Y. 1856. 3 v. D. 922.5:8 Helps, Sir Arthur. The life of Las Casas, the apostle of the Indies. 3d ed. Lond. 1873. D. 922.5:17 Ripa, Matteo. Memoirs during 13 years' resi- dence at the court of Peking in the service of the emperor of China ; with an account of the foundation of the college for the education of young Chinese at Naples. Selected and tr. from the Italian by Fortunato Prandi. N. Y. 1846. D. 922.5 :15 Alexander, Frances, {Francesco). The story of Ida ; epitaph on an etrurian tomb, ed. with a pref. by J: Ruskin. Portr. N. Y. 1883. D. 922.5 : 20 Bigelow, J: Molinos, the quietist. N. Y. 1883. D. 922.5 : 18 Mohammedan. Bush, G: Life of Mohammed. N. Y. 1847. S. 922.5 : 10 1463 CI. 922 BIOGRAPHY. THEOLOGY. 1464 Gibbon, E: Life of Mohammed. With notes by H: Hart Milman and W: Smith. [Biogr. series.! Bost. 1881. T. 922.5 : 12 Mmr, Sir W: Mahomet and islam ; a sketch of the prophet's life from original sources and a brief outline of his religion. Map and ill. Lond. [1885]. D. 922.5:26 Irving, Washington. Mahomet and his succes- sors. N. Y. 1850. 2 V. D. 922.5 : 11 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : 13 vlO - Same. In his Works. 820.1 : PI 1 vl4, 15 6. Ancient religious biogr. Spring, Gardiner. The contrast between good and bad men, illustrated by the biogi aphy and truths of the Bible. N. Y. 1855. 2 v D. 922.6:17 Old testament. Blunt, H: Lectures on the history of Abraham, Jacob and Elisha. Phila. 1^51. D. 922.6 : 1 Cuxnming, J: The last of the patriarchs, or Lessons chiefly from the liie of Joseph. Phila. 1856. D." _ 922.6 : 4 Schupp, Ottokar. Joseph in Agypten ; ein le- bensbild der deutschen jugend und dem volke dargestellt. Wiesbaden. 1883. S. 922.6 : 23 Taylor, W. Mackergo. Moses, the law-giver N. Y. 1879. D. 922.6 : 5 David, king of Israel ; his life and its lessons. N. Y. 1883. Q. 922.6+20 Gallaudet, T: H. Scripture biography for the young ; with critical ill. and practical re- marks : David, incl. the life of Saul. N. Y. n. d. S. 922.6 : 21 Krummacher, F: W: Elijah the Tishbite. Tr. from the germ. N. Y. [18381. S. 922.6 : 2 Elisha. Tr. from the germ. Phila. 1840. D. 922.6:3 N e w testament. (For the life of Christ, see col. }-94.) Adams, Nehemiah. The friends of Christ in the New testament. Bost. 1864. D. 922.6:9 Baldwin, G: C. Representative men of the New testament. N. Y. 1860. D. 922.6 : 10 Contents. John the Baptist. Herod. Peter. Judas. John. Thomas. Nlcodemus. Ananias. Stephen. The nameless moral young man. Agrippa. The Jailor. Paul. Chapin, Edwin Hubbell. Characters in the gospels, illustrating phases of character at the present day. N. Y. 1852. D. 922.6 : 12 Charles, Elizabeth. Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. [Anon.] N.Y. 1865. D. 922.6:18 Renan, Joseph Ernest. The apostles. Tr. from the original french. [Origins of chi-istian- ity, 2.] N. Y. 1866. D. 922.6 : 13 Saint Paul. Tr. from the original french by Ingersoll Lockwood. [Origins of Christian- ity, 3.] N. Y. 1869. D. 922.6 : 7 Conybeare, W: J:, and J: Saul Howson. The life and epistles of St. Paul. 7th ed. N. Y. 1864. 2 V. O. 922.6+6 Farrar, F: W: The life and work of St. Paul. N. Y. 1880. O. 922.6 : 22 Blunt, H: Lectures on the history of St. Paul and St. Peter. 3d amer. from the 7th Lond. ed. Phila. 1851. D. 922.6:8 Early christians. Cave, W: Biographia ecclesiastica, or The lives of the most eminent fathers of the christian church, who flourished in the first four centuries, and part of the fifth ; with a discourse concerning the state of religion during those ages. yAnon.'] Portr. Lond. 1704. 2v. inl. D. 922.6:11 Contents. V. 1. S. Stephen. Philip. Timothy. Titus. - Dionysius.- Clement. Simeon. Ignatius. Polycarp. Quadratus. Justin. Melito. Theo- philus.IreniBus. Pantteus. Clemens.- Tertullian, Orlgen.-Babylas. Cyprian. Gregory. Dlonysius. Eusebius. S. Athanasius. 2. Hilary. Basil. Gregory Naziauzen. Ambrose. Epiphanlus. Chrysostom. Jerom. Augustin.- State of religion during the first ages of Christianity. Wilson, W: The popular preachers of the ancient church ; their lives, their manner and their work. 111. Lond. [1859]. S 922.6 : 16 Contents. The christian philanthropist, Cyprian of Carthage. The faithful minister, Ambrose of Milan. The homely preacher, Augustine of Hippo. The fearless bishop, Basil the great. The genial theol- ogian, Gregory Nazianzen. The "golden mouthed" orator, Chrysostom of Byzantium. Kingsley, C: The hermits. 111. [Works, v. 12.1 N. Y. 1882. D. 922.6 : 19 Augfustinus, Aurelius, St. St. Augustin's confes- sions, or Praises of God, in 10 books. Newly tr. from the original latin. N. Y. n.d. S. 922.6:14 Schaff, Philip. Life and labors of St. Augustine. Tr. from the germ, by T. C. Porter. N. Y. ' 1854. D. 922.6 : 16 3. Sociology a, Grovernment. 1. Presidents of the U. S. Collective biogr. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Lives of the presi- dents of the U. S. of America ; a narrative of events in the career of each president; added, the centennial jubilee, showing the hundred years' progress of the republic. 111. Bost. 1876. O. 923.11 :1 Fiske, J : The presidents of America ; a series of original steel engr. taken from paintings and photographs by distinguished artists in the possession of relatives and family friends, by H. W. Smith ; with biogr. sketches and an introductory essay by J: Fiske. Bost. 1879. F. 923.11 :R 61 In dividual biogr. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. G: Washington, or Life in America 100 years ago. [Amer. pio- neers and patriots.] N. Y. n. d. D. 923.11:4 Bancroft, Aaron. Life of Washington. Bost. 1860. 2 v. inl. O. 928.11 :5 1465 BIOGRAPHY. SOCIOLOGY, RULERS. CI. 923 1466 Brown, E. E. Young folks' life of Washington. 111. andportr. Bost. [1883]. D. X 923.11 :62 Everett, E: Life of G: Washington. N. Y. 1860. D. 923.11:6 Girault, A. N. Vie de George Washington. Phila. 1836. S. x 923.11 : 63 Guizot, rran9ois P: Guillaume. Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the revolution of the U. S. of America. Tr. from the french. 2d ed. Bost. 1851. D. 923.11 :7 Habberton, J: George Washington, 1732-1799. (Lives of amer. worthies.) N. Y. 1884. S. 923.11 :64 Hyde, Anna M. The american boy's life of Washington. N. Y. n.d. D. x 923.11: 51 Irving, Washmgton. Life of George Washing- ton. [Knickerbocker ed.] N. Y. n. d. 5 v. D. 923.11:8 Same. N. Y. 1855-57. 4 v. O. 923.11:8 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : PI 1 v20-24 Same, condensed. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 923.11 :57 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda, {Mary Clavers). Memoirs of Washington. 111. ]N. Y. 1857. - D. 923.11:9 Marshall, J: Life of G: Washington ; compiled under the inspection of the hon. Bushrod Washington, from original papers be- queathed to him by his deceased relative. 2d ed. rev. and corr. by the author. Phila. 1846. 2v. O. 923.11 : 10 Oertel, Philip F: W:, (IT. 0. v. Horn). Der lebensgang George Washingtons, des be- griinders der freiheit der Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerika's ; der jugend und dem volke erzJihlt. 2te aufl., ul. Wies- baden. 1871. S. 923.11:72 Paulding, James Kirke. A life of Washington. N.Y. 1845. 2v. S. 923.11:11 Sparks, Jared. The life of G: Washington. Bost. 1843. O. 923.11+12 Washington, G: Diary from 1789 to 1791 ; em- bracing the opening of the first congress and his tours througb New England, Long Island and the Southern states, together with his journal of a tour to the Ohio in 1753 ; ed. by Benson J. Lossing. N. Y. 1860. D. 923.11:2 Political legacies ; annexed, an app. contain- ing an account of his illness, death and the national tributes of respect paid to his memory, with a biogr. outline of his life and character. Bost. 1800. O. 923.11:3 Contents, see Catalogue of the Boston athenaeum, pt. 5, p. 3359. Conkling, Margaret C. Memoirs of the mother and wife of Washington. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Auburn. 1850. S. 923.11:15 Morse, J: Torrey, jr. John Adams. (Amer. statesmen.) Bost. 1885 [1884]. S. 923.11:67 Thomas Jefferson. (Amer. statesmen.) Bost. 1883. S. 923.11:55 Parton, James. Life of T: Jefferson. 1880. O. 923.11:16 Pierson, Hamilton Wilcox. Jefferson at Monti- cello ; private life from entirely new ma- terials. N.Y. 1862. O 923.11+17 Randall, H: Stephens. Life of T: Jefferson. N. Y. 1858. 3 V. O. 923.11 : 18 X denotes books specially adapted for children. Randolph, Sarah Nicholas. Domestic life of T: Jefferson.; comp. from family letters and reminiscences by his great granddaughter. N.Y. 1871. D. 923.11 : 19 Tucker, G: Life of T: Jefferson : with parts of his corresp. never before pub. and notices of his opmions on Questions of civil gov- ernment, national policy and constitutional law. Phila. 1837. 3 V. O. 923.11+20 Gay, Sydney Howard. James Madison. (Amer. statesmen.) Bost. 1884. S. 923.11:65 Rives, W: Cabell. History of the life and times of James Madison. Bost. 1859, 1866. 2 v. O. 923.11+21 Gilman, Daniel Coit. James Monroe in his rela- tions to the public service during half a century, 1776-1826. (Amer. statesmen.) Bost. 1883. S. 923.11 : 56 Adams, J: Quincy. Memoirs, comprising por- tions of his diary from 1795 to 1848 ; ed. by C: Francis Adams. Phila. 1874-77. 12 v. O. 923.11+22 Morse, J: Torrey, jr John Quincy Adams. (Amer. statesmen.) Bost. 1882. " D. 923.11 :49 Gluincy, Josiah. Memoir of the life of J: Quincy Adams. Bost. 1859. O. 923.11+23 Seward, W: H: Life and public services of J: Quincy Adams ; with tne eulogy del. before the legislature of N. Y. Auburn. 1849. D. 923.11 :24 Cobbett, W: Life of Andrew Jackson. N.Y. 1834. S. 923.11:25 Frost, J: Pictorial life of Andrew Jackson. Hartford. 1847. O. 923.11:26 Goodwin, Philo A. Biography of Andrew Jack- son. Hartford. 1832. D! 923.11:27 Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson. N. Y. 1861. 3 V. O. 923.11 : 28 Sumner, W: Graham. Andrew Jackson, as a Eublic man ; what he was, what chances he ad and what he did with them. (Amer. statesmen.) Bost, 1882. D. 923.11:54 Jenkins, J: Stilwell. James Knox Polk, and a history of his administration, embracing the annexation of Texas, the difficulties with Mexico, the settlement of the Oregon question, and other important events. Auburn. [1850J. D. 923.11:29 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Life of Franklin Pierce. Bost. 1852. D. 923.11:30 Curtis, 6: Ticknor. Life of James Buchanan. [Portr.] N.Y. 1883. 2 v. O. 923.11:59 Arnold, I: Newton. History of Abraham Lin- coln, and the overthrow of slavery. Chi- cago. 1866. O. 923.11+31 The life of Abraham Lincoln. 3d ed. Portr. Chicago. 1885. O 923.11:69 Bartlett, D: W. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln ; added, a biqgr. sketch of Hannibal Hamlin. Portr. NT Y. 1860. D. 923.11:32 Foster, Ernest. Abraham Lincoln. (The world's workers.) [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.11 :71 Hanaford, Phebe A. Abraham Lincoln ; his life and public services. J'Famous americans, 2dser.] Bost. [1881]. D. 923.11:33 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. Springfield, Mass. 1866. O. 923.11:52 1467 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY. SOCIOLOGY, RTTLERS. I4r)8 Leland, C: Godfrey. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in theU. S. [New Plu- tarch.] N. Y. 1879. D. 923.11:34 Hudge, Zachariah A. The forest boy ; a sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln for young people. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. x923.l'l : 50 Raymond, H: Jarvis. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln ; together with his state papers, incl. his speeches, addresses, messages, letters and proclamations, and the closing scenes connected with his life and death. Added, anecdotes and personal reminiscences of pres. Lincoln by Frank B. Carpenter. Portr. and ill. N. Y. 1865. 0. 923,11+36 Stoddard, W: Osborn. Abraham Lincoln ; the true story of a great life, showing the inner growth, special training and peculiar fit- ness of the man for his work. Portr. and ill. N. Y. 1884. O. 923.11 : 66 Sumner, C: The promises of the declaration of independence ; eulogy on Abraham Lin- coln, del. before the municipal authorities of the city of Boston, June 1, 1865. Bost. .1865. O. 923.11+36 Morris, B. F., comp. Memorial record of the na- tion's tribute to Abraham Lincoln. "Wash. 1865. O. 923.11+37 Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Personal memoirs; v. 1. N. Y. 1885. O. 928.11+70 Badeau, Adam. Military history of Ulysses S. Grant, from april 1861 to april 1865. N. Y. 1868-81. 3v. O. 923.11+38 Coppee, H: Grant and his campaigns; a military biography. N. Y. 1866. O. 923.11:39 Headley, Joel Tyler. Life and travels of gen. Grant. 111. Springfield, Mass. 1879. O. 923.11:40 Headley, Phineas Camp. Fight it out on this line ; the life and deeds of gen. U. S. Grant. [Heroes of the rebellion.] Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. x 923.11 : 63 Larke, Julian K. Gen. Grant and his cam- paigns. Portr. and ill. N. Y. 1864. D. 923.11:41 Howells, W: Dean. Sketch of the life and char- aracter of Rutherford B. Hayes. N. Y. 1876, D. '923.11 : 42 Balch, W: Ralston. The life of James Abram Garfield, late pres. of the U. S. Hartford. [1881]. D. 923.11 :43 Blaine, James Gillespie. James A. Garfield ; memorial address pronounced in the hall of representatives, leb. 27, 1882, before the departments of the gov. of the U. S., in re- sponse to an invitation from the two houses of congress. Wash. 1882. Q. 923.11+60 Bundy, J. M. The life of gen. James A. Gar- field. N. Y. 1880. S. 923.11 : 44 The nation's hero: In memoriam; life of James Abram Garfield, 20th pi-esidentof the U. S; with an account of the president's death and funeral obsequies. N. Y. 1881. D. 923.11 :46 Gilmore, James R.. (Edmund Kirke). The life of James A. Garfield; with extracts from his speeches by Edmund Kirke. N. Y. 1880. Q. 923.11+46 Hins dale, Burt A. President Garfield and edu- cation ; Hiram college memorial. Bost. 1882 [1881]. D. 923.11:47 Hoar, G: F. Eulogy upon the life, character and public services of James Abram Garfield ; del. at the invitation of the city council of Worcester, Mass., in Mechanics' hall. dec. 30, 1881. Worcester. 1881. O. 923.11 : 58 Thayer, W: Makepeace. From log-cabin to the White House ; life of James A. Garfield, boyhood, youth, manhood, assassination, death, funeral. Bost. 1881. D. X 923.11: 48 King, Pendleton. Life and public services of Grover Cleveland. Portr. N. Y. 1884. S. 923.12: 101 2. Royalty in general. Lamb, Lady . Warrior kings, from Charle- magne to Frederick the great. 111. N. Y. 1883 [1882]. D. 923 : 27 Contents. Charlemagne. William the conqueror. Frederick Barbarossa. Richard Coeur de Lion. Ed- ward I. Robert Bruce. Henry V. Francis I. Henry IV. Gustavus Adolphus. Charles XII of Sweden. Frederic the frreat. Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. Memoirs of cele- brated female sovereigns. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. S. 923 : 8 Conteyits. V. 1. Semiramis. Cleopatra. Zenobia. Joanna I. Joanna II. Isabella of Castile. Mary, queen of Scots. Elizabeth. 2. Christina. Anne. Maria Theresa. Catherine. Ingn^'am, J: H. Claimants to royalty. Lond. 1882. O. 923 : 5 Contents. Introd. The false Smerdis of Persia. The false Antiochus of Syria. The false Alexander Balas of Syria. The false Philip of Macedon. The false Alexander of Jerusalem.- The false Nero of Rome. The false Clotaire II of France. The false Clovis III of France. The false Suatocopius of Mo- ravia. The false Henry V of Germany. The false Alexis, emperor of the east. The false Baldwin of Flanders. The false Frederick II of Germany. The The false Voldemar II of Brandenburg. The false Richard II of England. The false Mustaphaof Tur- key. The false Edward VI of Eng-land. The false Richard IV of England. The false Mustapha II of Turkey. The false Sebastian of Portugal. The false Demetrius of Russia. The false Demetrius the younger of Russia. The false Zaga Christ of Abys- ' slnla. The false Ibrahim of Turkey. The false Ma- homet Bey of Turkey. The false Hercules D'Este of Modena. The false Charlotte of Russia. The false Peter III of Russia. The false herdltary prince of Baden. The false Dauphins. The false princess of Cumberland. The false counts of Albany. Doran, J: Monai-chs retired from business. N. Y. 1857. 2 V. D. 923 : 26 Contents. V. 1. The king. Of some script\ire kings and eastern monarchs. Of some sovereigns of the olden time. The canonized ex-kings.~Ihitain: Dethroned british and saxon kings; Deposed kings from the conquest to James II; James II at St. (Jer- mains; Deposed monarchs of Scotland; Ireland; Wales and Mann. France: The Merovingian race and the "lazy kings"; The Carlovingians and Charles the fat; The house of Capet and Louis the saint; King John In the Savoy; The Bourbons and Charles X; Louis Philippe. Cfr8fca: Theodore of Corsica; A family of MngB. Holland: William Frederick, or all for love. T/ie Oerman empire: Charles the fat; Henry IV ; Charles V ; Ferdinand I of Austria. Bohemia: The winter king. Hungary: The four deposed kings of Hungary. Bavarto: Ludwig the lover. Poland: The early abdications; John Casi- mlr V; Stanislaus Leczlnski; Stanislaus Ponlatowskl. 2. Rome: Incidents in the lives of retired moU' archs down to the death of Valerian; Diocletian; Maximian to Romulus Augustus. r?ie eastern em- pire: Grave or cloister; The Byzantine cresars of the Iconoclastic period ; The Basflian dynasty; Mon- archs among the monks; The Comnenl; More ten- ants for Studion; The Baldwins; The most chrlstliin king; The papal dynasty. The three Pli.-Rwxiii: The czars; Ivan \t. Sardinia: Victor Amadeus I; denotes books specially adapted for children. BIOGRAPHY. SOCIOLOGY, RULERS. 01. 923 1470 Three crownless kings. Scandinavia: Denmark, Eric IX; Christian If; Sweden, The story of Eric XIV, Christina, Gustavus IV. Spain: Preliminary remarks; Philip V; Charles IV. Portttaoi: Historic sketch; Sancho II; Alphonso VI. Turfcey: Historic sketch; The two Bajazets.- Conclusion. Stern, Adolf. Vier titularkonige ini 18. jahrh- undert. Dresden. 1860. D. 923 : 18 Contents, see Deutscher katalog. p. 44. 3. Great Britain. Kings and ^^ protector s''\ Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Kings of England ; a history for yonng children . [AnonA Lond . 1882. T. X 923.21 : 43 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the bachelor kings of England. Lond. 1861. D. 923.21 : 55 Contents. William Rufus. Edward V. Edward VI. App. Abbott, Jacob. History of Alfred of England. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. 923.21 : 1 Hughes, T: Alfred the great. New ed. Lond. 1874. D. 923.21:2 Pauli, G: Reinhold. The life of Alfred the great. Tr. from the german ; appended, Alfred's anglo-saxon version of Orosius, with a literal eng. tr. and an anglo-saxon alphabet and glossary by B. Thorpe. Lond. 1853. D. 923.21:59 Abbott, Jacob. History of William the con- queror. 111. N. Y". n. d. S. 923.21 :3 Roscoe, T: Life of William the conquei'or. Now first pub. from official records and other authentic documents. Phila. 1846. D. 923.21:4 Abbott, Jacob. History of king Richard I of England. 111. N. Y. . d. S. 923.21:5 James, G: Payne Rainsford. History of the life of Richard Coeur-de-lion. New ed. Lond. 1854. 2 V. D. 923.21 : 6 Abbott, Jacob. History of king Richard II of England. 111. N. Y. 1877. S. 923.21 : 7 History of king Richard III of England. 111. N. Y. n.d. S. 923.21:8 Halsted, Caroline Amelia. Richard III, as duke of Gloucester and king of England. Phila. 1844. O. 923.21 : 9 Abbott, Jacob. History of king Charles I of En^and. 111. N. Y. . d. S. 923.21:12 Hawks, Francis Lister. Life of Oliver Crom- well. T. p. w. [N. Y. 18571. S. 923.21:15 Headley, Joel Tyler. Life of Oliver Cromwell. NY. 1848. D. 923.21:16 Hood, Edwin Paxton. Oliver Cromwell ; his life, times, battlefields and contemporar- ies. N. Y. 1883. D. 923.21:49 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L: de. Life of Oliver Cromwell. [Biogr. series]. Bost. n. d. T. 923.21:42 Merle d'Aubigne, J: H: The protector, a vin- dication. N. Y. 1850. D. 923.21 : 13 Picton, James Allanson. Oliver Cromwell ; the man and his mission. Portr. N. Y. [18831. O. 923.21:50 Russell, Michael. Life of Oliver Cromwell. N. Y. 1844. 2v. S. 923.21:17 Abbott, Jacob. History of king Charles 11 of England. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. 923.21 : 19 Barker, C: Character and anecdotes of Charles II. Lond. 1853. S. With Cavendish, G: Cardinal Wolsey. m 923.22 : 51 Croly, G: Life and times of George IV ; with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years. New ed. N. Y. 1846. S. 923.21 :21 Fitzgerald, Percy. Life of George IV; incl. his letters and opinions, with a view of the men, manners, and politics of his reign. ~ ~ 923.21:22 111. N. Y. 1881. O Same. N. Y. 1881. Q, 923.21+22 Queens . Hall, Mrs. Matthew. Lives of the queens of England before the norman conquest. Bost. 1859. O. 923.21:25 Contents. Cartismandua, queen of Cymheline. Boadicea, "the warlike", queen of Arviragus. Gwenissa the fair, second queen of Arviragus. Julia "domina," empress of Severus. Victoria, Viturgia and Humila, empresses of Bonosus and Proculus. St. Helena, queen of Constantius Chlorus. Cartandis, queen of Eugenius I. Helena ap Eudda, empress of Maximus. Rowena, second queen of Vortigern. Guenever I, II, III, queens of Arthur. Bertha, queen of Etelbert. Ethelburga " the silent" and Enfleda, queens of Edwin "the great" and Oswy. St. Ebba, Quenburga surnamed "Bebba," and Saxburga, queens of Cwichelme, Kynigil and Cenwalch. Ostrida and Werburga, queens of Ethel- red and Ceolred. Quenburga, Quenswitha and Al- fleda, queens of Alfred, Penda and Peada. Heres- wytha, Sexburga, Etheldreda, Ermenberga and Ermenllda, queens of Anna, Ercombert, Egfrid and Wulphere. Domneva, queen of Merowald. Ethel- burga and Fridogitha, queens of Ina and Ethelard. Quendrida-PetronlUa, queen of Ofifa "the proud." Eadburga, Elfleda, queens of Bertric and Wlmond. Quendrida II. Osburga and Ethelswrytha, queens of Ethelwulf and Burhred. Judith of France, secoud queen of Ethelwulf. Elswitha, queen of Alfred the great and Ethelfleda. "lady of Mercia." Egwina, Elfleda, Edgifa and Elfgifa, queens of Ed- ward " the elder " and Edmund " the pious." Ethel- glva, queen of Edwy "the fair." Eltrida, queen of Edgar "the peaceable." Emma of Normandy, sur- named "the pearl," queen of Ethred "the unready" and Canute " the great." Editha the "good," queen of Edward "the confessor." Editha "the fair," queen of Harold II. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of Eng- land, from the norman conquest. New ed. Lond. 1872-80. 6 v. D. 923.21 : 26 Contents. V. 1. Introd. Matilda of Flanders. Matilda of Scotland. Adelicia of Louvaine. Matilda of Boulogne. Eleaiiora of Aquitaine. Berengaria of Navarre. Isabella of Angouleme. Eleanor of Provence. Eleanora of Castile. Marguerite of France. Isabella of France. Philippa of Hainault. Anne of Bohemia.- Isabella of Valois. Joanna of Navarre. Katherine of Valois.- Margaret of Anjou. 2. Elizabeth Woodville. Anne of Warwick. Eliza- beth of York. Katherine of Arragon. Anne Boleyn. Jane Seymour. Anne of Cleves. Katherine How- ard. Catherine Parr. Mary. S.Elizabeth. 4. Anne of Denmark. Henrietta Maria. Catharine of Bra- ganza. Mary Beatrice of Modena. 5. Same, con- tinued. M&ry II. 6. Same, continued. Anne. Same. Abridged by the author ; rev. and ed. by Caroline G. Parker. [Students' histo- rical series]. N. Y. 1873. D. 923.21 : 27 The queens of England ; abridged, adapted and continued by Rosalie Kaufman. (Young folks' history.) ill. Bost. 1883 [1882] 1884. 3v. S. X 923.21 :48 Contents. V. 1. Matilda of Flanders to Katherine Parr. 2. Mary I to Anne. 3. Sophia Dorothea of Zell to Victoria. Lives of the queens of Scotland and english princesses connected with the regal succes- sion of Great Britain. N. Y. 1851-59. 8 v. D. 923.21:35 Contents. V. 1. Introd. pref. Margaret Tudor, queen of James IV. Magdalene of France, Ist queen denotes books specially adapted for children. 1471 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY.- SOCIOLOGY, BULERS. 1473 of James V. Mary of Lorraine, 3d queen of James V. 2. Same, amttnimi. Lady Margaret Douglas, countess of Lennox. 8-7. Mary Stuart. 8. Eliza- beth Stuart, Ist princess royal of Great Brltam. Sophia, electress of Hanover. Smith, J. P. Romantic incidents in the lives of the queens of England. [1st series.] N. Y. 1853 D. 923.21:28 Contents. Elizabeth Woodville. Eleanora of Aqui- taine. ?latilda of Flanders. -Matilda Atheling. Doran, J: Lives of the queens of England of the house of Hanover. N. Y. 1865. 3 v. O. 923.21 :33 Contents. V. 1. Sophia Dorothea of Zell, wife of George I. Caroline Wilhelraina Dorothea, wife of George II. 2. Charlotte Sophia, wife of George III. Caroline of Brunswick. Abbott, Jacob. History of Margaret of Anjou. 111. N. Y. 71. d. S.' 923.21 : 29 Hookliam, Mary Ann. The life and times of Margaret of Anjou, queen of England and France, and of her father, Rene "the good", king of Sicily, Naples and Jeru- salem ; with memoirs of the houses of Anjou. Portr. and ill. Lond. 1873. 3 v. O. 923.21 : 68 Dixon, W: Hepworth. History of two queens; Catharine of Aragon ; Anne Boleyn. Leipz. 1873, 1874. 6 v. in 4. D. 923.21 : 30 Du Boys, Albert. Catharine of Aragon and the sources of the en^lish reformation ; ed, from the french, with notes by Charlotte M. Yonge. Lond. 1881. 3 v. D. 923.21:31 Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn. From the 3d Lond. ed., with a memoir of the author by miss Aikin. Phila. n. d. D. 923.21 : 32 Friedmann, Paul. Anne Boleyn ; a chapter of english history, 1537-36. Lond. 1884. 3 v. O. 923.21 : 60 Abbott, Jacob. History of queen Elizabeth. 111. N.Y. 1878. S. 923.21 : 10 Townsend, Virginia Frances. Elizabeth Tudor ; the queen and the woman. 111. N. Y. 1878. 8. X 923.21: 39 Abbott, Jacob. History of Mary, queen of scots. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. 923.21 : 36 Bell, H: Glassford. Life of Mary, queen of scots. N.Y. 1846. 3v. S. 923.21:37 Headley, Phineas Camp. Life of Mary, queen of scots. Bost. n. d. D. 923.21 : 40 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L. de. Life of Mai-y Stuart, queen of scots. [Biogr. series .J Bost. n. d. T. 923.21 : 41 Nau, Claude. The history of Mary Stewart, from the murder of Riccio until her flight into England ; now first printed from the original mss. with ill. papers from the secret archives of the Vatican and other collections in Rome, ed. with historical pref. by Joseph Stevenson. Edinb. 1883. O. 923.21 :61 Tytler, W:, (Lucretius). An inquiry, historical and critical, into the evidence against Mary, queen of scots, and an examination of the histories of dr. Robertson and mr. Hume, with respect to that evidence. 3d ed. with add. and a postscript. Edinb. 1773. O. 923.21 :38 liippincott, Sarah Jane, born Clarke, {Grace Chreenwood). Queen Victoria, her girlhood and womanhood. (Exemplary women ser.) 111. NY. 1883. D. X 923.21: 63 Oliphant, Margaret O., born "Wilson. The queen, [Victoria]. N. Y. 1880. Q. 923.21+23 Princes and princesses. Green, Mary Ann Everett, born Wood. Lives of the princesses of England, from the nor- man conquest. Lond. 1850-55. 6 v. D. 923.21:47 Contents. V. 1. Daughters of William the con- queror: Caecilia; Adeliza; Matilda; Constance; Adela; Gundred, supposed daughter. Matilda, daughter of Henry I. Matilda, daughter of king Stephen. Mary, daughter of king Stephen. Daughters of Henry II: Matilda; Eleanora; Joanna. Daughters of king John : Joanna. 2. Same, con- tinued: Isabella; Eleanora. Daughters of Henry III: Margaret; Beatrice; Katherine. Daughters of Ed- ward I: Eleanora; Joanna; Margaret; Berengaria; Mary. 3. Same, continued: Elizabeth; Eleanora. Daughters of Edward II: Eleanora; Joanna. Daughters of Edward III : Isabella; Joanna; Blanche; Mary; Margaret. Daughters of Henry IV : Blanche; Philippa. Daughters of Edward IV: Mary; Cecilia; Margaret. 4- Same, continued: Anne; Catherine; Bridget. Daughters of Henry VII: Margaret; Eliza- beth. 5. Same, continued: Mary; Catherine. Daughters of James I: Elizabeth. 6. Same, con- tinued: Elizabeth, continued; Sophia. Daughters of Charles I: Mary; Elizabeth; Anne; Catherine; Hen- rietta Anne. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Tudor princes- ses, incl. lady Jane Gray and her sisters. Lond. 1868. 0. 923.21 : 56 Contents. Princess Mary Tudor, queen of France, duchess of Suffolk. Lady Jane Gray, wife of lord Guildford Dudley. Lady Katharine Gray, countess of Hertford. Lady Mary Gray, wife of Thomas Keyes.- Lady Eleanor Brandon, countess of Cumber- land. Lady Margaret Clifford, countess of Derby and queen in Man. Lady Arabella Stuart, wife of W: Seymour. Alice, Maud Mary, grand duchess of Hesse, princess oj Great Britain and Ireland. Biographical sketch and letters. Portr. N. Y. 1884. O. 923.21 : 57 Creighton, Louise. Life of Edward the black Erince. Maps and plans. [Hist, biogr.] ,ond. 1877. S. 923.21 : 44 Jones, Meredith. The story of Edward the black grince : a book for boys. 111. Lond. 1881. X 923.21: 46 Ewald, Alexander C: The life and times of prince Charles Stuart, count of Albany, commonly called the young pretender, from the state papers and other sources. Newed. Lond. 1883. D. 923.22:59 Fitzgerald, Percy. The royal dukes and princes- ses of the family of George III ; a view of court life and manners for seventy years, 17601830. Lond. 1883. 3 v. O. 923.22 : 61 Neale, Erskine. Life of Edward, duke of Kent, with extracts from his correspondence and original letters never before pub. 8d ed. wit^ corr. and add. Lond. 1850. O. 923.21:46 Martin, Sir Theodore. The life of the prince consort. Portr. and views. N. Y. 1875-80. 5v. O. 923.21 :62 Grey, The hon. C: The early years of the prince consort, compiled under the direction of her majesty tne queen. N. Y. 1867. D. 923.21 : 241 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1473 BIOGRAPHY-SOCIOLOGY, RULERS. CI. 923 1474 4. Germany and Austria. EgizLhard. Life of Charlemagne. Tr. from the text of the "Monumenta germanica" by S: Epes Turner : with notes and a map. N. Y. 1880. Tt. 923.3:64 Oertel, Hugo. Karl der grosse, der begriinder des deutschen kaiserthums ; der deutschen jugend und dem deutschen volke geschil- dert. 111. Wiesbaden. 1875. S. 923.3:65 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Karl der grosse ; ein le- bensbild. Wittenberg. 1878. D. 923.3:66 Oertel, Hugo. Heinrieh I ; ein fiirstenbild aus deutscher vorzeit, fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk gezeichnet. 111. Wiesbaden. 1877. S. 923.3 : 37 Otto 1, der grosse ; ein kaiserbild aus deut- scher vorzeit, fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk gezeichnet. 111. Wies- baden. 1877. S. 923.3 : 38 Otto II; ein kaisei'bild aus Deutschlands gros- ser vorzeit, fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk gezeichnet. 111. Wies- baden. 1877. S. 923.3:39 Otto III ; ein lebensbild aus Deutschlands gros- ser vorzeit, fiir die deutsche jugend una das deutsche volk gezeichnet. 111. Wiesbaden. 1878. S. 923.3 : 40 Friedrich I Barbarossa ; ein kaiserbild aus deutscher vergangenheit, fiir die jugend und das volk gezeichnet. 111. Wiesbaden. 1875. S. 923.3:57 Friedrich II ; ein lebensbild aus Deutschlands grosser kaiserzeit, fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk gezeichnet. 111. Wiesbaden. 1879. S. 923.3:58 Rudolph von Habsburg ; ein fiirstenbild aus Deutschlands vorzeit, fiir die deutsche ju- Send und das deutsche volk dargestellt. \. Wiesbaden. 1879. S. 923.3:36 Karl V of Oermany. Correspondence of the emperor Charles V and his ambassadors at the courts of England and France ; from the original letters in the imperial family archives at Vienna ; with a connecting nar- rative and biogr. notices of the emperor and of some of the most distinguished offi- ers of his army and household, together with the emperor's itinerary from 1519-1551; ed. by W: Bradford. Lond. 1850. O. 923.3 : 17 Oertel, Philip F : W :, ( TT. O . v. Horn). Das leben der kurfiirstin Dorothea von Brandenburg, genannt die liebe Dorel, und der frommen landgriitin Elizabeth von Thiiringen. 3te aufl. Wiesbaden. [1877]. S. 923.3:49 Ernst der fromme, herzog von Gotha ; ein le- bensbild aus den zeiten des dreissigjjihrigen krieges. der jugend und dem volk erztihlt. 111. Wiesbaden. [1875]. S. 923.3:35 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Aus der Jugendzeit des grossen kurfiirsten ; ein historisches ge- malde. 5te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [18831. 8. 923.3:60 Schupp, Ottokar. Friedrich Wilhelm, der grosse kurf iirst, der bahnbrecher fiir Preus- sens und Deutschlands grosse ; ein lebens- bild, der jugend und dem volke dargestellt. 111. Wiesbaden. 1873. S. 923.3 : 41 Friedrich Wilhelm I, konig von Preussen ; ein lebensbild, fiir die jugend und das volk bearb. 111. Wiesbaden. 1874. S. 923.3:33 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of Frederick the great. 111. N. Y. 1871. Q. 923.3+18 Brackenbury, C: Booth. Frederick the great. [New Plutarch.] N. Y. 1884. S. 923.3 : 20 Carlyle, T: History of Friederich II. N. Y. 1859-68. 6v. D. 923.3: 1 Same, germ. Geschichte Friedrichs des zwei- ten, konigs von Preussen, genannt Friedrich der grosse. Deutsch von I. Neuberg. Ber- lin. 1858-69. 6 V. O. 923.3 : 1 Ellis, G: James Wei bore Agar, 2d viscount Clif- ton. Life of Frederick II of Prussia, by lord Dover. N. Y. 1844. 2 v. 8. 923.3 :3 Macaulay, T: Babington baron. Life of Freder- ick the great. N. Y. 1859. T. 923.3 : 2 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, ( TT. O.v. Horn). Der alte Fritz, der held und liebling des deutschen volkes ; fiir die jugend und das volk dar- gestellt. 3te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden. 1877. S. 923.3:55 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Friedrich der grosse bis zu seiner thronbesteigung ; ein historisches femiilde. 7te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1882]. 923.3:45 Thiebault, Paul C: Fran9ois Adrien H: Dieu- donne. Original anecdotes of Frederick the great, king of Prussia, and of his family, his court, his ministers, his aca- demies and his literary friends, collected during a familiar intercourse of twenty years with that prince. Tr. from the french. Phila. 1806. 2 v. O. 923.3 : 23 Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, markgrdfin von Baireuth. Autobiography: Memoirs; with an essay by W: D. Howells. Bost. 1877. 2 V. S. 923.3:6 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Die kaiserin Maria Theresia ; ein lebensbild, der jugend und dem volke dargestellt. 2te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden. 1875. 8. 923.3 : 56 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Kaiser Joseph II ; ein le- bensbild. 3te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1883]. S. 923.3:67 Konigin Luise ; ein lebensbild. 111. Glogau. [1877]. D. 923.3 : 42 Kluckhorn, A: Louise, queen of Prussia; a memorial. Tr. from the german by Eliza- beth H. Denio. Cambridge. 1881. D. 923.3:16 Schupp, Ottokar. Louise, konigin von Preussen ; ein lebensbild fiir die jugend und das volk bearb. 111. 2te aufl. Wiesbaden. 1878. S. 923.3:62 Miiller, W: Kaiser Wilhelm. 17971877. 3te aufl. Portr. Berlin. 1877. O. 923.3 : 29 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Kaiser Wilhelm ; ein buch fiir schule und haus. Portr. Leipz. [1882]. S. 923.3:44 6. Prance. White, G: Queens and princesses of France. Bait. 1861. T. 923.4 : 5 Joinville, J: sire de. Saint Louis, king of France. Tr. by James Hutton. 2d ed. [Bayard ser.] Lond. 1869. T. 923.4 : 49 Kirk, J:Forster. History of Charles the bold, duke of Burgundy. Phila. 1864, 1868. 3 v. O. 923.4+40 Weitzel, Sophie Winthrop. Renee of France, duchess of Ferrara. N. Y. [18831. D. 123.4 : 76 1475 01. 923 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, RULERS. 1476 Aumale, H: Eugfene Philippe L: d'Orleans, due d\ History of the princes de Conde in the 16th and 17th centuries. Tr. from the french by Robert Brown Borthwick. Lond. 1873. 2V. O. 923.4:80 Stanhope, Philip H:, 5th earl Stanhope. Life of Louis, prince of Conde. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. in 1. D 923.4 : 54 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of Henry IV of France. 111. N. Y. n. d. S. 923.4 : 45 James, G: Payne Rainsford. Life of Henry IV of France. N. Y. 1847. 2 v. D. 923.4 : 46 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of Louis XIV. N. Y. 1871. S. 923.4 : 50 James, G: Payne Rainsford. Life and times of Louis X'lV. New ed. Lond. 1851. 2 v. D. 923.4:52 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of Marie Antoinette. 111. N. Y. . \i. Account of the origin of the collection of portr. in the gallery and a descriptive catalogue of the pictures. Bae, W: Eraser. Willies, Sheridan, Fox; the opposition under George III. N. Y. 1874. D. 923.22:49 Francis, G: H: Orators of the age ; comprising portraits, critical, biographical and de- scriptive. N. Y. 1847. S. 923.22:4 ConUnts. Sir Robert Peel. Lord J: Russell.- T: B. Macau lay. Lord Stanley.- Lord Palmerston.- Lord Lyndhurst. Earl Grey. Sir James Graham. Lord Morpeth. The duke of Buckingham. Earl of Rad- nor. The duke of Richmond. Mr. Bright. Mr. Shell. Lord G: Bentinck.-Mr. Villiers. Mr. T. Milner Gibson.- Mr. Wakley. Dr. Bowring. Mr. T. S. Dun- combe. Mr. Wyse. Mr. Hawse. Mr. Ward. Mr. Roebuck. Sir T: Wilde. Lord Sandon. Rev. Hugh M'Nelle. Higginson, T: Wentworth. Brief biographies : English statesmen. N. Y. 1875. D. 923.22 : 5 Contents. Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Disraeli. Mr. Bright. -Earl Russell. Earl Granville. The duke of Argyll. Mr. Disraeli's ministry: Lord Cairns; The duke of Richmond; The earl of Derby; The marquis of Salis- bury; Sir Stafford Northcote; Mr. Gathorne Hardy. Candidates for the liberal leadership: The marquis of Hartington; Mr. Forster: Mr. Lowe; SirW:Har- court; Mr. Goschen; Mr. Chllders. Hinton, R: J. Brief biographies : English radical leaders. N. Y. 1877. D. 923.22 : 6 Contents. The independent members: Sir C: W. Dilke; P: A. Taylor; Sir J: Lubbock; Joseph Cowen; R. M. Carter. The labor agitation and its friends: T: Hughes; A. J. Mundella; Alex. Macdonald; T: Bras- sey; S: Morley. Parliamentary agitators: S: Plim- soll; SirW.Lawson; E: Miall; H: Richards.- Popular leaders: G: J. Holyoake; Joseph Arch; C: Brad- laugh; G: Odger; J. Chamberlain. Davidson, J. Morrison. Eminent english liberals in and out of parliament. Bost. 1880. D. 923.22 : 1 Contents. Eminent liberals in parliament. W: E. Gladstone. J: Bright. P: A. Taylor. Sir C: W. Dilke. Joseph Cowen. Sir W. Lawson. H: Fawcett. Joseph Chamberlain. T: Burt. H : Richard. Leonard H: Courtney. A. J: Mundella. C: Brad- laugh. Eminent liberals out of parliament. J: Morley. B. W: Dale. J. Arch. E: S.Beesly. C: H.Spurgeon. J. Beal. M. D. Conway. J. A. Picton. F:A: Maxse. The hon. A. Herbert. E: A: Freeman. Thomson, Katherine, born Byerley. Memoirs of the iacobites of 1715 and 1745. [Portr.l Lond. 1845, 1846. 3 v. O. 923.22+77 Contents. V. 1. Introd. J: Erskine, earl of Mar. James Radcllflfe, earl of Derwentwater. The master of Sinclair. Cameron of Lochlel. 2. W: Maxwell earl of Nithisdale. W : Gordon, viscount Kenmurct 1491 01. 923 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, STATESMEN. 1492 W: Murray, marquis of TuUibardlne. Sir J: Mac- lean. Rob Roy Macgregor Campbell. Simon Eraser, lord Ixjvat. 3. Lord G: Murray. James Drummond, duke of Perth. Flora Macdonald. W: Boyd, earl of Kilmarnock. C : Radcliffe. Fitzpatrick, W: J: The sham squire and the informers of 1798, with a view of their con- temporaries ; added, jottings abont Ireland 70 years ago. Bost. 1866. S. 923.22 : 9 Lecky, W: E: Hartpole. The leaders of public opinion in Ireland ; Swift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connell. N. Y. 1872. D. 923.22 : 7 Indi vi dual bio g r. McCrie, T: Memoirs of sir Andrew Agnew. 2d ed. Edinb. 1852. O. 923.22 : 11 Paget, Violet, {Vernon Lee). The countess of Albany. (Famous women ser.) Bost. 1884. S. 923.22 : 71 Eden, W:, Ist baron Auckland. Journal and correspondence, with a pref . and introd. by fRobert J: Eden, lord Auckland]. Lond. 1861. 2 V. O. 923.22:12 Barring^ton, Sir Jonah. Personal sketches of his own times. N. Y. 1854. D. 923.22 : 13 Brandes, G: Morris Cohen. Lord Beacons- field; a study. Authorized tr. by mrs. G: Sturge. N."Y. 1880. D. 923.22 : 19 Hitchman, Irancis. Public life of the rt. hon. the earl of Beaconslield. 2d and rev. ed. Lond. 1881. D. 923.22 : 20 O'Connor, T. P. Lord Beaconsfield, a biogra- phy. 2d ed. Lond. 1879. D. 923.22 : 21 For 2d v., see Fogrero, A. Benjamin Disraeli. Foggo, Algernon. Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield, v. 2. Lond. [18811. D. 923.22 : 22 For v.l,8ee O'Connor, T. P. Lord Beaconsfleld. Towle, G: Makepeace. Beaconsfield. [Apple- ton's new handy-vol. ser.l N. Y. 1879. S. 923.22 : 23 Life, The, of the right hon. B: Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield. N. Y. 1878. Q. 923.22+25 Political adventures of lord Beaconsfield. N. Y. 1878. S. 923.22 : 24 Bloomfield, Georgiana, born Liddell, baroness. Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life. [111.] Lond. 1883. 2 v. O. 923.22 : 73 B>obertson, W: Life and times of the right hon. J:Bright. N.Y. [1884]. O. 923.22:63 Smith, G: Barnett. Life and speeches of the rt. hon. John Bright. N. Y. 1881. 2 v. in 1. O. 923.22 : 14 Burke, P: Public and domestic life of Edmund Burke. Lond. 1853. D. 923.22:16 Morley, J: Burke. [Eng. men of letters.] N.Y. 1879. D. 923.22 : 17 Prior, James. Memoir of the life and character of the rt. hon. Edmund Burke ; with speci- mens of his poetry and letters, ana an estimate of his genius and talents, com- pared with those of his great contempo- raries. 3d ed. Lond. 1839. O. 923.22 : 15 Bell, Robert. Life of G: Canning. N. Y. 1846. S. 923.22 : 54 Hyde, E:. 1st earl of Clarendon. Life, con- tainmg, I, An account of the chancellor's life from his birth to the restoration in 1660 ; II, A continuation of the same and of his history of the grand rebellion, from the restoration to his banishment in 1667, written by himself. Printed from his orig. mss. given to the university of Oxford by the heirs. Oxford. 1760. 2 v. O. 923.22 : 26 Lister, T: H: Life and corresp. of lord Claren- don ; with original corresp. and authentic papers never before pub. Lond. 1837, 1838. 3v. O. 923.22:27 Waters, Robert. How to get on in the world as demonstrated by the life and language of W:Cobbett. "Portr. N. Y. 1883. D. 923.23:4 Gowing, R: R: Cobden. (The world's work- ers.) [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.23 : 5 McGilchrist, J: R: Cobden, his political career and public services ; a biography. N. Y. 1865. S. 923.23 : 1 Morley, J: The life of Richard Cobden. Bost. 1881. O. 923.23 :2 Davies, Lady Lucy Clementina, born Drum- mond. Recollections of society in France and England. Lond. 1872. 2 v. D. 923.22:67 D'Ewes, Sir Simonds. Autobiography and cor- resp. during the reigns of James I and Charles I ; ed. by James Orchard Halliwell. Lond. 1845. 2 v. O. 923.22 : 60 Dodington, G: Bubb, baron Mclcombe. Diary ; from march 8, 1749 to feb. 6, 1761 ; with an app., containing some curious and intei'est- ing papers which are either referred or alluded to in the diary. New ed. by H: Penruddocke Wyndham. Salisbury. 1784. O. 923.'22 : 70 Forster, J: Sir John Eliot; a biography, 1592- 1632. 2d ed. Lond. 1872. D. 923.22 : 62 Teale, W: H: The life of Lucius Gary, viscount Falkland. Flemington, N. J. 1844. O. In The churchman's library. 204 : 16 Fanshawe, Anne, 6oni Harrison, ZarZy. Memoirs, written by herself ; with extracts from the corresp. of sir R: Fanshawe. New ed . Lond. 1830. O. 923.22 : 28 Fox, C: James. Memorials and corresp.; ed. by lord J: Russell. Phila. 1853. 2 v. D. 923.22:30 Trevelyan, G: O: Early history of C: James Pox. N. Y. 1880. O. 923.22:29 Jones, C: H. Short life of W: E. Gl adsto ne ; with extracts from his speeches and writ- ings. [Appleton's new handy-vol. ser]. NY. 1880 S. 923.22:31 Ritchie, James Ewing. The life of W: Ewart Gladstone. 111. Lond. [1884]. D. 923.22 : 74 Evelyn, J: Life of Mrs. Go dolphin. Now first pub. and ed. by Samuel, lord bishop of Oxford. N. Y. 1847. D. 923.22 : 32 Grenville, G: Nugent Temple, baron Nugent. Memorials of J: Hampden, liis party and his times. 4th ed., with a memoir of the writer and index. 111. Lond. 1860. D. 923.22 :33 Hill, Sir Rowland and G: Birbeck. The life of sir Rowland Hill, and the history of pen- ny postage by sir Rowland Hill and his nephew, G: Birbeck Hill. Lond. 1880. 2 V. O. 923.22:34 Horner, Francis. Memoirs ; with selections from his corresp. Edinb. 1849. I). 923.22 : 36 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, STATESMEN. CI. 923 1494 Keith, Sir Robert Murray. Memoirs and corresp. official and familiar; with a memoir of queen Caroline Matilda of Denmark, and an account of the revolution there in 1773; ed. by mrs. Gillespie Smyth. Lond. 1,849. 2v. O. 923.22:36 Knighton, Dorothea, born Hawkes, lady. Mem- oirs of sir W: Knighton ; including his corresp. Lond. 1838. 2 v. O. 923.22+37 Thiers, L: Adolphe. The Mississippi bubble; a memoir of J: Law. Added, authentic accounts of the Darien expedition [from the Encyclopaedia britannica] and the South sea scheme [from Mackay's Memoirs of extraordinary delusions]. Tr. by F. S. Fiske. T.p. w. [N. Y. 1859]. D. 923.23 :3 Smith, Reginald Bosworth. Life of lord Law- rence. N. Y. 1883. 2v. O. 923.22:58 Martin, Sir Theodore. A life of lord Lynd- hurst; from letters and papers in posses- sion of his family. Lond. 1883. O. 923.22 : 65 Mackintosh, Sir James. Memoirs ; ed. by his son, Robert James Mackintosh. From the 2d Lond. ed. Bost. 1853. 2 v. O. 923.22+38 Harris, Sir James Howard, 3d earl of Malmes- bury. Memoirs of an ex-minister. New ed. Lond. 1885. D. 923.22 : 72 Thomson, Katherine, born Byerley. Memoirs of Sarah, duchess of Marlborough, and the court of queen Anne. Lond. 18H9. 2 v. O. 923.22 : 18 Torrens, W: Torrens McCullagh. Memoirs of the right hon. William, second viscount Mel- bourne. Portr. 2ded. Lond. 1878. 2 V. O. 923.22 : 69 Guizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. Memoirs of George Monk, duke of Albemarle. From the french, tr. and ed. with add. notes and ill. by J. Stuart Wortley. Lond. 1838. O. 923.22 : 64 Creighton, Louise. Life of Simon de Mont- fort. Maps. [Hist, biogr]. Lond. 1877. S. 923.22:55 Cusack, Mary Frances, {The nun of Kenmare). Daniel O'Connell, the liberator ; his life and times, political and social. (Ken- mare publ.) N. Y. 1872. O. 923.22 : 56 Same. [Lond.] n. d. 2 v. O. 923.22+56 Vale, G. Life of T: Paine, with critical and explan. observ. on his writings ; with an app. containing his letters to Washington, suppressed in Tiis works at present pub. in this country. N. Y. 1853. O. 923.22:39 Bulwer, Sir H: Lytton Earle, baron Balling and Dulwer. Life of H: J: Temple, viscount Palme rston, with selections from his diaries and corresp. Leipz. 1871. 3 v. in 2. D. 923.22:46 Smith, G: Barnett. Sir Robert Peel. [Eng. political leaders] . Lond. 1881. D. 923.22 :40 Pepys, S: Life, journals and correspondence; incl. a narrative of his voyage to Tangier, deciphered from the shorthand mss. in the Bodleian library by the rev. J: Smith. Now first pub. from the originals. Lond. 1841. 2v. O. 923.22:42 Diary and correspondence in the reigns of Charles II and James II ; the diary deci- phered by the rev. J. Smith, from the orig- inal shorthand mss. in the Pepysian library, Pepys, ^.Continued. with a life and notes by R: lord Braybrooke. 1st amer. from the S'th Lond. ed. Phila. 1855. 4v. O. 923.22:41 Diary and correspondence ; from his ms. cy- pher in the Pepysian library, with a life and notes by Richard lord Braybrooke, deci- phered with add. notes by Miynors Bright. Portr. from the collection in the Pepysian library, printed in permanent woodbury type. Lond. 1875. 6 v. O. 923.22 : R4i Wheatley, H: B. S: Pepys and the world he lived in. 2ded. Lond. 1880. D. 923.22:81 Wilson, James Grant, {Allan Orant). Mr. secre- tary Pepys, with extracts from his diary. N. Y. 1867. S. 923.22:43 Walpole, Spencer. The life of the rt. hon. Spencer Perceval, incl. his corresp. with numerous distinguished persons, by his grandson. Lond. 1874. 2 v. O. 923.22:66 Macaulay, T: Babington, baron Macaiilay. Life of W: Pitt. [Biogr. series]. Bost. 1881. T. 923.22:53 -Same. N. Y. w. cZ. T. 923.22:53 Beresby, Sir 3: Memoirs and travels, the former containing anecdotes and secret history of the courts of Charles II and James H, the latter, now first pub., exhibiting a view of the governments and society in the princi- pal states and courts of Europe during the time of Cromwell's usurpation. Lond. 1813. Q. 923.22+52 Rossa, O'Donovan. Irish rebels in english pris- ons ; a record of prison life. N. Y. 1882. O. 923.22:57 Ptilling, F. S. The life and speeches of the mar- quis of Salisbury. Lond. 1885. 2 v. D. 923.22:76 Crossley, James. Sir Philip Sidney and the Arcadia. Lond. 1853. S. With Cavendish, G: Cardinal Wolscy. 923.22:51 Madden, R: Robert. Memoirs of the lady Hes- ter Stanhope, as related by herself in conversation with her physician ; compris- ing her opinions and anecdotes of some of the most remarkable persons of her time. [Anon.^ Lond. 1846. 3 v. D. 923.22:78 Travels of lady Hester Stanhope, narrated by her physician. [Anon.] Lond. 1846. 3 v. D. 923.22:79 Thomson, Katherine, born Byerley. Memoirs of the court and times of king George II and his consort, queen Caroline ; incl. nu- merous private letters of the most celebra- ted persons of the time, addressed to vis- countess S u n d o n , mistress of the robes to the queen, and her confidential adviser ; exhibiting much of the secret, political, re- ligious and literary history and a variety of particulars not mentioned by our histori- ans, now first pub. from the originals. Portr. Lond. 1850. 2 v. D. 923.22:80 Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his contempo- raries ; incl. numerous original letters chiefly from Strawberry Hill, ed. by Eliot Warb'urton. Lond. 1852. 2v. D. 923.22:47 Horace Walpole and his world ; select passa- f;es from his lettei's, ed. by L. B. Seeley. 11. after sir Joshua Reynolds and sir T: Lawrence. 923.22:44 1495 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, STATESMEN. 1496 Cooper, Elizabeth. The life of Thomas W e n t - worth, earl of Strafford and lord- lieutenant of Ireland. Lond. 1874. 2 v. O. 923.22 : 68 Besant, Walter, and James Bice. Sir R: Whittington, lord mayor of London. N. Y. 1881. S. 923.22:48 Gait, J: Life of Cardinal W o 1 s e y. 3d ed. with ill. Lond. 1846. D. 923.22 : 50 Cavendish, G: Cardinal Wolsey ; his rise and fall. Lond. 1855. S. ' 923.22:51 4. Other modem countries. Germany. Tuttle, Herbert. Brief biographies : German political leaders. N. Y. 1876. D. 923.3 : 16 Contents. The chancellor: Prince Bismarck. Min- isters: Dr. Falk; President Delbruck; Herr Camp- hausen. The diplomatic service: Prince Hohenlohe; Count V. Arnim. The parliamentarians: Herr v. Bcnniersen; Dr. Simson. The party leaders: Herr Lasker; Herr Windthorst; Dr. Lowe; Herr Schulze- Delltzsch; Herr Jacoby; Herr Hasselmann; Herr Sonnemann. The scholars In politics: Prof. Gneist; Prof. Virchow; Prof. Treitschke; Prof. v. Sybel. Hesekiel, G: L: Life of Bismarck, private and political ; with descriptive notices of his ancestry. Tr. and ed. with an introd., explan. notes and app. by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie. 111. N. Y. 1870. O. 923.3-f5 Busch, Moritz. Our chancellor ; sketches for a historical picture. From the german by W: Beatty-Kingston. N. Y. 1884. D. 923.3:21 Bismarck in the franco-german war, 18701871. Authorized tr. from the german. N. Y. [1879]. 3v. U. 923.3 :4 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Fiirst Bismarck ; ein le- bensbild. 111. Glogau. 1878. S. 923.3:61 Holtzendorff, Joachim W: Franz Philipp v. J. C. Bluntschli und seine verdienste um die staatswissenschaften ; mit dem bildniss B's. In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 304.16 :vll Corvin-Wiersbitzki, O: Julius Bernhardt v. Aus dem leben eines volkskiimpfers. Amster- dam. 1861. 3 V. D. 923.3 : 9 Brandes, G: Morris Cohen. Ferdinand Las- s a 11 e ; ein literarisches charakterbikl . Aus dem diinischen autorisirte iibers. Berlin. 1877. D. 923.3 : 19 Freytag, Gustav. K: Math 5;; geschichte sei- nes lebens. 2te aufl. Leipz. 1872. O. 923.3:28 Mettemich-Winneburg, Clemens Wenzel Nepo- muk Lothar reichfffilrat v. Memoirs ; ed. by prince R: Metternich, the papers classified and arr. by M. A. de Klmkow- strom. Tr. by mrs. Alexander Napier. N. Y. 1880. 5 v. O. 923.3:8 Nettelbeck, Joachim Christian, burger zu Col- berg ; eine lebensbeschreibung von ihm selbst aufgezeichnet, mit einer einleitung vonK. Koberstein. Berlin. [1885]. 2 v. D. 923.3:63 Amdt, Ernst Moritz. Meine wanderungen und wandelungen mit dem reichsfreiherrn H: K:F:v. Stein. 3er abdruck. Berlin. 1869. D. 923.3:30 Pertz, G: H: Das leben des ministers freiherr vom Stein. Berlin. 18491855. 6 v. in 7. O 92S 3 26 Contents. V. 1. 17571807. 2. 18071813. s! 1812- 1814. 4. 1814, 1815. 5. 1815-1833. 6, in 3. 1833-1831. Schupp, Ottokar. Der freiherr vom Stein, des rechtes grundstein, des unrechtes eckstein, des deutschen volkes edelstein ; der jugend und dem volke erziihlt. 2te autl.. ill. Wies- baden, n. d. S. 923.3 : 47 Seeley, J: Robert. Life and times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age. Bost. 1879. 2 v. O. 923.3 : 13 Stockmar, Ernst Alfred Christian freiherr v. Memoirs of baron Stockmar, by his son. Tr. from the german by G. A. M.; ed. by F. Max Midler. Lond. 1873. 2 v. D. 923.3 : 46 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, ( TT. O.v. Horn.) Der alto V i n c k e ; ein lebensbild fiir das volk und die jugend dargestellt. 2te auti., ill. Wies- baden. 1877. S. 923.3:51 F r a n c e. King, T: Brief biographies : French political leaders. N. Y. 1875. D. 923.4 : 2 Contents. V. M. Hugo. L: A. Thiers. Leon Gain- betta. Jules Simon. Marshal MacMahon. M. Du- panloup. Jules Grevy. E: Laboulaye. Eufreiio Ronher. E. K. Duval. The due de Broglle. - L: J. Buffet. The due d' Audifret-Pasquier. J. A. S. Du- I'auro. E. OUivicr. Jules Favre. The comte do Cham bord. The due d'Aumale. The comte de Paris. Ernest Plcard. H: Rochefort. Gasimir Perier. Jules Ferry. Cormenin, L: Marie La Haye, vicomte de, ( Timon). The orators of 1 ranee by Timon. Tr. by a member of the N. Y. bar from the 14th Paris ed.; with an essay on the rise of french revolutionary eloquence and the orators of the girondists by J. T. Headley. Ed. by G. H. Colton, with notes and biogr. addenda. 111. N. Y. 1847. S. 923.4:1 Contents. Constituent assembly: Mirabeau. The convention: Danton. The empire: Najioleon Bona- parte. The restoration: De Serro; Gen. Foy; B: Constant; Royer-Collard ; Manuel. Revolution of July : Garnier-Pa>fes ; Casimir-Perier ; Sauzet ; La- fayette; Odillon-Harrot; Dupin; Herryer; Lamar- tine; Guizot; Thiers; O'Connell. Bioj?r. addenda: Mirabeau; Danton; B: Constant; Royer-Collard; La- martine; Guizot; Thiers. Cousin, V: Secret history of the french court under Richelieu and Mazarin, or Life and times of madame deChevreuse. Tr. by Mary L. Booth. N. Y. 1859. D. 923.4:41 Hamilton, Antoine comte. Memoirs of count G r a m m o n t ; ed. , with notes by sir Wal- ter Scott. New ed. with portr. Lond. 1876. O. 923.4:74 Gviizot, Fran9oi8 P: Guillaume. Memoirs t( il- lustrate the history of my time. Lond. 1858-61. 4 V. O. 923.4:79 Witt, Henriette de, born Guizot. Monsieur Guizot in private life ; 17871874, by his daugliter. Tr. by M. C. M. Simpson. Bost. 1881. O. 923.4:44 Harcourt, Cesarine Charlotte Laure Sidonie, born de Choiseul-Pra.slin, duchesse d'. Memoir of the duchess of Orleans, by the marquess de H ; with biogr. souvenirs and original letters, coll. by G. H. de Sclmbcrt. Tr. from the french. N. Y. 1860. D. 923.4:61 1497 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, STATESMEN. CI. 923 1498 Cousin, V: The youth of madame de L o ng u e- ville, or New revelations of court and convent in the 17th century. From the french by F. W. Ricord. N. Y. 18.54. D. 923.4:48 Miot, Andre Fran9ois, comie de Melito. Memoirs; ed. by general Fleischman. From the french by mrs. Cashel Hoey and J: Lillie ; with notes and an index, prepared espe- cially for the amer. ed. N. Y. 1881. O. 923.4 : 60 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. Memoir of count de Montalembert; a chapter of recent french history. Leipz. 1873. 3 v. in 1. S. 923.4 : 59 Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, mar- quise de. Secret memoirs ; col. and arr. by Jules Beauioint. Lond. 1885. O. 923.4:91 Bemusat, Claire Elisabeth Jeanne de, born Gra- vier de Vergennes. Memoirs, 1803-1808 ; with a pref. and notes by her grandson, Paul de Remusat. N. Y. 1880. 3 v. O. 923.4:37 Retz, J: Fran9ois Paul de Gondi, cardinal de. Memoirs ; containing the particulai's of his own life, with the most secret transac- tions of the french court and the civil wars. Tr. from the french. Phila. 1817. 3 v. O. 923.4 : 62 Bobson, W: Life of Richelieu. 111. Lond. n.d. S. 923.4:77 Lewes, G: H: Life of Robespierre. T. p. w. D. 923.4:63 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of madame Roland. 111. N. Y. w.d. S. 923.4:64 Saint-Simon, L: de Rouvroy, due de. The mem- oirs of the duke of Saint Simon on the reign of Louis XIV and the regency. Tr. from the french by Bayle St. John. Lond. n.d. 187G. 3v. O". 923.4:66 Collins, Clifton Wilbraham. Saint Simon. [For- eign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1880. S. 923.4:65 McHarg, C: K. Life of pi'ince Talleyrand; with extracts from his speeches and writ- ings. N. Y. 1857. D. 923.4 : 67 Le Goff, Fran9ois. Life of L: Adolphe Thiers. Tr. from the unpub. ms. by Theodore Stanton. N. Y. 1879. D. 923.4 : 68 Italy and Spain. Mazade, C: de. Life of count C a v o u r . From the french. N. Y. 1877. O. 923.5 : 8 Villari, Pasquale. Niccol5 Machiavelli and his times. Tr. by Linda Villari. Lond. 1878. 4v. D. 923.5:50 Orsi, Gonte Giuseppe. Recollections of the last half century. Lond. 1881. D. 923.5 : 15 Pasolini, P: Desidei'io. Memoir of count Giu- seppe P a s o 1 i n i , late president of the senate of Italy, b. 1815, d. 1876, compiled by his son. Tr. and abridged by the dowa- ger countess of Dalhousie. Portr. Lond. 1885. O. 923.5 : 60 Pepe, Gu^lielmo. Memoirs ; comprising the principal military and political events of modern Italy, written by himself. Lond. 1846. O. 923.5:62 Miraflores, Don Manuel Pando Fernandez de Pinedo Alava y Davila marques de. Denk- wiirdigkeiten. Deutsch von L. Starkhof. 3te ausg. Leipz. 1851. 3 v. S. 923.5 : 12 Ponte, Lorenzo da. Memoiren ; von ihm selbst in New York herausg. Aus dem italien. Stuttg. 1847. 3 V. T. 923.5 : 13 R ussia an d D. 'k. Pietzker, M. A., tr. From peasant to prince ; the life of Alexander Menschikoflf, freely tr. from the russian. 111. Lond. n. d. S. X 923.5: 43 Miinter, Balthasar. A faithful narrative of the conversion and death of count Struensee, late prime minister of Denmark ; with let- ters of his parents to him and also a letter of his own wherein he relates how he came to alter his sentiments of religion. Added, [Hee, Jorgen,] The history of count Ene- vold Brandt from the time of his imprison- ment to his death ; with two anonymous letters found in his pocket-book, wherein he was forewarned of what happened to him four months after, and likewise an exact copy of his sentence. The whole tr. from the original german [by F: A: Wende- born]. Portr. Lond. 1773. D. 923.5:59 Hindustan. Lutfu'llah. Autobiography of Lutfullah, a mo- hamedan gentleman, "and his transactions with his fellow-creatures ; interspersed with remarks on the habits, customs and character of the people with whom he had to deal; ed. by E: B. Eastwick. 3d ed. Lond. 1858. D. ' 923.5:33 6. Ancient world. Cox, G: W: Lives of greek statesmen; So- lon Themistokles. N. Y. 1885. S. 923.6 : 28 Schafer, Arnold. Demosthenes und seine zeit. Leipz. 1856-58. 3 v. O. 923.6 : 26 Bredif, L. Political eloquence in Greece: De- mosthenes ; with extracts from his orations and a critical discussion of the " Trial on the crown." Tr. by M. J. MacMahon. Chicago. 1881. O. 923.6:18 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life and letters. Lond. 1854. O. 923.6+11 Contents. Life, by Conyers Middleton. Cicero's letters to several of his friends, tr. by W : Melmoth. Cicero's letters to Atticus, tr. by dr. Heberden. TroUope, Anthony. Life of Cicero. N.Y. 1881. 3v. D. 923.6: 12 Hamilton, Elizabeth. Memoirs of the life of Agrippina, the wife of Germauicus. 2d ed. Lond. 1811. 3 V. O. 923.6:13 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1499 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, SOLDIERS. 1500 5. Sociology c, Army and navy. 1. In general. Wilson, James Grant. Sketches of illustrious soldiers. N. Y. 1880. D. 923:19 Contents. Gonsalvo of Cordova. The chevalier Bayard. The constable Bourbon. Prince of Orange. Dulte of Parma. Prince Wallenstein. Gustavus Adolphus. Oliver Cromwell. Marshall Turenne. The great Conde. Duke of Marlborouffh. Prince Eugene. Charles XII. Marshal Saxe. Fredericls the great. Marshall Suwarrow. General Washington. Duke of Wellington. Napoleon Bonaparte. Gen- eral Scott. Lord Clyde. Marshal Moltke. General Lee. General Sherman. General Grant. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Eminent soldiers ; a series of biographical sketches of great military commanders, english and foreign. Lond. 71. d. D. x 928 : 1 Contents. Wallenstein, duke of Friedland. Mar- shall Turenne. John Churchill, duke of ?tarl- borough. Arthur, duke of Wellington. Napoleon, emperor of the french. General sir Charles Napier. General Grant. Field-marshal count Moltke. Ouizot, Fran9ois P: Guillaume. Monk and Washington ; historical studies. Lond. 1851. S. 923:4 book for boys. ings am III. N. Y. 1868. S. , J: G: Sea-kings and naval heroes ; a 18. S. X 923.25: 3 Contents. Hollo the norman. Hasting. Sweyn, king of Denmark. Harold Hardrada. Sir Robert Morley. The earl of Pembroke. The duke of Bed- ford. Sir Andrew Wood. Sir Francis Drake. Sir Walter Raleigh. The earl of Cumberland. Admiral Drake. Prince Rupert.- Sir Cloudesley Shovel. Ad- miral lienbow. Lord Rodney. Earl Howe. Earl St. Vincent. Lord Duncan. Lord Nelson.- Lord Col- lingwood. 2. United States. Collective b i o g r . Glazier, Willard. Heroes of three wars ; com- l)rising a series of biogr. sketches of the most distinguished soldiers of the war of the revolution, the war with Mexico, and the war for the union, who have contri- buted by their valor to establish and yjer- petuate'the republic of the U.S. Phila. 1880. D. 923.16:2 Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Washington and the fenerals of the american revolution. 111. hila. 1847. 2 v. D. 923.15:69 Contents. V. 1. Washington.- Greene. Wayne. Putnam. Gates. W: earl of Stirling. Schuyler. 8u Hi van. Mercer. Armstrong.-Knox.- Arnold . Smallwood. DeHaas.- St. Clair. Elbert. Irvine. Weedon. Varnum. Woodford. Williams. Moy- lan.McDougall. Glover. Mclntosh.-Thompson. Nixon. Gist.-Wooster.- Spencer. Poor. Moore. Patterson. Reed. Pomroy. Sumner. 2. Stark. Mou Itrie. Reed. G reaton. Morgan .Marion .Lee. Mifflin. Parsons. Lincoln. Montgomery. Whit- corab. Cadwalader. Heath. Thomas. G : Clinton. Ja. Clinton. Larned. Lafayette. Deborro. Count Pulaski. Russell. Ducoudray. -De la Neu- ville. Baron Steuben. Baron De Woedtko. Kos- ciusko.- Tufln. Duportail. - Roche de Fermoy. Conway. Baron de Kalb. Gadsden. Hogan. Huger. Hazen. Wilkinson. Sumter. Scott. Pinckney. Howe Frye. Ward. Rufus Putnam. -Nash. Stephen. Dayton. Hand. Muhlenberg. Ivcwls. Huntington. Maxwell. z denotes books specially adapted for children. Headley, Joel Tyler. Washington and his gen- erals. N. Y. 1861. 2 V. D. 923.15 : 70 Contents. V. 1. Washington.-Putnam .Montgom- ery .Arnold. Stark. Schuyler. Gates. Steuben. Wayne. Conway and Mifflin. Ward and Heath. 2. Greene. Moultrie. Knox. Lincoln.- Lee. Clin- ton. Sullivan. St. Clair. Marion. Stirling. La- fayette. DeKalb. Thomas and McDougall. Woos- ter, Howe and Parsons. Commodore Paul Jones. The brigadier generals. Morgan. Peterson, C: J. The military heroes of the war of 1812, with a narrative of the war. 10th ed. Phila. w. rf. O. 923.15+3 Contents. The war of 1813. The heroes of the war of 1813: W: Hull; James Winchester; Zebu Ion Mont- gomery Pike; H: Dearborn; James Wilkinson; J: Armstrong; G: Crohan; W: H: Harrison; R: M. Johnson; I: Shelby; Jacob Brown; Eleazer W. Rip- ley; James Miller; Nathan Towson; T: S. Jessup; Edmund Pendleton Gaines; P: B.Porter; Alexander Macomb; S: Smith; Andrew Jackson. The military' heroes of the war with Mexico ; with a narrative of the war. 10th ed. Phila. n. d. O. 923.15+1 Contents. The war with Mexico. The heroes of the war with Mexico: Zachary Taylor; S: Ringgold; C: May; W: O. Butler; W: J. Worth; J: B. Wool; Stephen W. Kearney; J: C. Fremont; A. W. Doni- phan; S: H.Walker; Winfleld Scott; D: E. Twiggs; Joseph G. Totten; Robert Patterson; Persifer F. Smith; James Shields; James Duncan; Bennett Riley; J: A. Quitman; Joseph Lane; Gideon J. Pil- low; G: Cadwalader; W: S. Harney; Franklin Pierce; Roger Jones. Shea, J : Gilmary, ed. The fallen brave ; a bio- graphical "memorial of the amer. officers who have given their lives for the preser- vation of the union. N. Y. 1861. Q. 923.15 :R4 Contents. Col. E. E. Ellsworth. Lieut. J. T. Greble. -Capt. S. A. Ward. Col. N. L. Farnham.- Col. J. Cameron. Col. J. S. Slocum. Lieut.-col. J. Hag- garty. Brig.-gen. N. Lvon. Lieuts. L. L. Jones and C. S. Pratt. Lieut. W. Shipley. Capt. H. H. Aldcn. Maj. J. S. Gavitt.-Curtis, G : W: Maj. T. Winthrop. Maj. S. Ballon.- Capt. L. Tower. Bates, A. J. Capt. E. W. Jonos.-Tilling-hast, J. S. Capt. O. H. Tillinghast. - Craigr, J. N. Lieut. P. O. Craig. McCook, D. C^apt. C. McCook. Liowe, T. O. Col. J. W. Lowe. - Wilkes, G. Col. E. D. Baker. Clarke, J. F. Lieut. W. L. Putnam. Cutter, E. Lieut. J. W. Grant. Headley, Joel Tyler. Farragut and our naval commanders. N. Y. 1867. O. 923.15+48 Contents. Farragut. Wilkes. Stringham. Du- pont. Foote. Boggs. Goldsborough. EUet. Bailey. Davis. Blake. Wlnslow. Porter. Rowan. Lee. Jenkins. Thatcher. Porter. Dahlgren. Paulding. Palmer. Worden. Bell. Smith. Rog- ers. Craven. Bell. Pearson. Godon. Lander. Gregory Radford. Walke.Alden. Drayton. Koore, Frank. Women of the war ; their hero- ism and self-sacrifice. 111. Hartford. 1866. O. 923.15:59 Hamersly, Lewis R. The records of living offic(!rs of the U. S. navy and marine corps, compiled from official sources. 3d ed., with add. Phila. 1878. O. 923.15 : R61 In dividual biogr. DePuy, H: Walter. Ethan Allan and the Green-Mountain heroes of '76. N. Y. 1860. D. 923.15:46 Same. N. Y. 1872. D. 923.15 : 46 1501 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, SOLDIERS. CI. 923 1502 Arnold, I: Newton. The life of Benedict Ar- nold; his patriotism and his treason. Chicago. 1880. O. 923.15 : 5 Hill, (t: Canning. Benedict Arnold ; a bio- graphy. [Amer. biogr.] Phila. 1875. S. X 923.15: 45 Poore, BrPerley. The life and public services of Ambi'ose E. Burnside, soldier, citi- zen, statesman ; with an introd. by H: B. Anthony. Maps and ill. Providence. 1882. O. 923.15:58 Memorial addresses on the life and character of Ambrose C. Burnside, del. in the senate and house of rep., 47th cong., 1st sess., Jan. 23, 1882 ; with the proceedings connected with the funeral of the deceased. Wash. 1882. Q. 923.15+57 Renwick, James. Life of DeWitt Clinton. N. Y. 1845. S. 923.15:6 Cheever, H: Theodore. The autobiography and memorials of capt. Obadiah C o n g a r . N. Y. 1851. S. 923.15:7 Whittaker, F: A popular life of gen. G. A. Custer. N. Y. [1876]. O. 923.15:49 Dahlgren, Madeleine, born Vinton, formerly mrs. Goddard. Memoir of J: A. Dahl- gren, rear-admiral U. S. N., hy his widow. Portr. and ill. Bost. 1882. 0. 923.15+55 Claiborne, J: F. H. Life and times of S: Dale . 111. N. Y. 1860. D. 923.15 : 8 Dix, Morgan. Memoirs of J: Adams Dix; compiled by his son. 111. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. O. 923.15:60 Farragut, Loyal 1. Life of D: Glasgow Farra- gut, embodying his journal and letters, by his son. Portr., maps and ill. N. Y. 1879. O. 923.15+9 Headley, Phineas Camp. Old Salamander ; life and naval career of David Glascoe Farra- gut. [Heroes of the rebellion.] Bost. 1883 [1882]. D. X 923.15: 52 Upham, C: Wentworth. Life, explorations and public services of J: C: Fremont. Bost. 1856. S. 923.15 : 10 Owens, J: Algernon. Sword and pen ; ventures and adventures of Willard Glazier. Phila. 1880. D. 923.15:11 Greene, G: Washington. The life of Nathaniel Greene. N. Y. 1871. 3 v. O. 923.15:65 Simms, W: Gilmore, ed. Life of Nathaniel Greene. N. Y. 1861. D. 923.15 : 12 Caldwell, C: Memoirs of the life and campaigns of Nathaniel Greene. Phila. 1819. O. 923.15+13 Junkin, D. X., and Frank H. Norton. Life of Winfield Scott Han cock ; personal, mili- tary and political. HI. N. Y. 1880. D. 923.15:14 Southworth, Alvan S. Life of Wintield Scott Hancock ; with an introd. by T: F. Bayard, embracing also original contributions from C: Francis Adams, Wade Hampton, Abram S. Hewitt, Roger A. Pryor, D: Davis, D: Dudley Field, Algernon S. Sullivan, J: Kelly. Authorized ed. N. Y. 1880. S. 923.15:16 Campbell, Maria, born Hull. Revolutionary services and civil life of gen. W: Hull; prepared from his mss. by his daughter ; together with the history of the campaign of 1812, and the surrender of the post of Detroit, by his grandson James Freeman Clarke. N. Y. 1848. O. 923.15+16 Addey, Markinfield. Stonewall Jackson; life and military career. Portr. N. Y. 1863. D. 923.15:19 Cooke, J: Esten. Stonewall Jackson ; a military biography. Portr. and maps. N. Y. 1866. O. 923.15:17 Randolph, Sarah Nicholas. Life of T: J. Jack- son. 111. Phila. 1876. O. 923.15:18 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. The life and ad- ventures of rear - admiral John Paul Jones, commonly called Paul Jones. (Amer. pioneers and patriots.) 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 923.15:21 Sherburne, J: Paul. Life and character of Paul Jones. Wash. 1825. O. 923.15:20 Kapp, F: The life of John Kalb, major-gen- eral in the revolutionary army. N. Y . 1884. D. 923.15:66 Keyes, Erasmus D. Fifty yeai's' observation of men and events, civil and military. N. Y. 1884. D. 923.15:67 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Captain WrKidd, and others of the pirates or buccaneers who ravaged the seas, the islands and the continents of America two hundred years ago. (Amer. pioneers and patriots). 111. NY. 1876. D. 923.15:31 Leake, I: Q. Memoii's of the life and times of gen. J: Lamb and his corresp. with Washington, Clinton, Patrick Henry and other distinguished men of his time. Alba- ny. 1850. O. 923.15+22 Cooke, J: Esten. Life of Robert E. Lee. N. Y. 1871. O. 923.15:24 Taylor, Walter H. Four years with gen. Lee ; a summary of the niore important events touching [his] career in the war between the states, together with an authoritative statement of the strength of the army which he commanded in the lield. N. i . 1858. O. 923.15+25 Hartley, Cecil B. Lives of H: Lee and T: Sum- ter. 111. Phila. 1859. D. 923.15:23 Hillard, G: Stillman. Life and campaigns of G: B. M c C 1 e 1 1 a n . Phila. 1864. D. 923.15 :26 Hartley, Cecil B. The life of gen. Francis M a- rion; also lives of gens. Moultrie and Pickens, and gov. Rutledge, with sketches of other distinguished hei'oes and patriots who served in the revolutionary war in the southern states. 111. Phila. [1867]. D. 923.15:47 Headley, Phineas Camp. Old stars ; life and military career of maj.-gen. Ormsby M. Mitcliel. [Heroes of the rebellion]. Bost. 1883. [1882]. D. x 923.15 : 54 Graham, James. Life of gen. Daniel Morgan, with portions of his correspondence ; com- giled from authentic sources. N.Y. 1859. '. 923.15:27 Crawford, J^: Marshall. Mosby and his men ; a record'of the adventures of J: S. Mosby , incl. the exploits of Smith, Chapmain, Richards, Montjoy, Turner, Russell, Glass- cock, and the men under them. N. Y. 1867. D. 923.15:28 Parker, W: Harwar. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-1865. N. Y. 1883. D. 923.15:63 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1503 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY- SOCIOLOGY, SOLDIERS. 1504 Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. S. 923.15:29 Pickering, Octavius, and C : Wentworth Upham, The life of Timothy Pickering. Bost. 1867-73. 4v. O. 923.15+64 Cutter, W: Life of Israel Putnam ; compiled from the best authorities. 3d ed. IS. Y. 1847. D. 923.15:30 Hill, G: Canning. Gen. Israel Putnam, "Old Put"; a biography. [Amer. biogi'l. Phila. 1875. S. X 923.15: 44 Lossing, Benson J: The life and times of Philip Schuyler. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. D. 923.15:62 Same. Vol.1. N. Y. [18601. D. 923.15:62 Headley, Joel Tyler. Life of Winfield Scott. NY. 1861. D. 923.15:32 Mansfield, E: Deering. Life of Winfield Scott. N.Y. 1846. O. 923.15:33 Scott, Winlield. Memoirs, written by himself. N.Y. 1864. 2v. D. 923.15:34 Headley, Phineas Camp. Fighting Phil ; the life and military career of lieut.-gen. Philip H: Sheridan. [Heroes of the rebellion]. Bost. 1880 [1882]. D. X 923.16: 51 Facing the enemy ; the life and military career of gen. W: Tecumseh Sherman. [Heroes of the rebellion]. Bost. 1883 [18821. D. X 923.15: 50 Sherman, W: Tecumseh. Memoirs, by himself. N. Y. 1875. 2 V. O. 923.15 : 35 Armstrong, W. C Life and adventures of capt. J : Smith; comprising the account of his travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and Ameri- ca, also the early history of Virginia and New England, incl. sketches of Pocahon- tas, Powlatan, Opechancanough and other distinguished characters. Principally com- piled from his own work. Hartiord. 1865. D. 923.15:37 Hill, G: Canning. Capt. John Smith ; a biogra- phy. [Amer. biogr.] Phila. 1875. S. X 923.15: 43 Simms, W: Gilmore. Life of capt. J: Smith. 3ded. N.Y. n. d. D. 923.15:36 Warner, C: Dudley. Capt. John Smithy 1579- 1631, sometime gc)vernor of Virginia and admiral of New England ; a study of his life and writings. [Lives of amer. wor- thies]. N.Y. m. S. 923.15:38 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Miles S t a n d i s h , the puritan captain. 111. [Amer. pioneers and patriots!. N.Y, 1873. D. 923.15:39 Kapp, F: Life of F: W: V. S teuben ; with an introd. by G: Bancroft. 2d ed. N. Y. 1859. D. 923.15:40 Johnson, R: W. Memoir of general G: H. Thomas. Phila. 1881. O. 923.15:41 Van Home, T: B. The life of maj.-gen. G: H. Thomas. N. Y. 1882. O. 923.15 : 56 Michie, P. S. The life and letters of Emorv Upton, colonel of the fourth reg. of artill- ery, and brev. maj.-gen. U. S. army; with an introd. by James Harrison Wilson. N. Y. 1885. D. 923.15:68 Moore, H. N. Life and services of gen. Antho- ny Wayne; founded on documentary and other evidence furnished by his son, I: Wayne. 111. Phila. n. d. S. 928.16:42 3. Great Britain. Collective b I oqr Phillips, E. O. Sir H: Havelock and Colin Campbell, lord Clyde. (The world's work- ers.) [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.25 : 37 Bartlett, D: The heroes of the indian rebellion. Columbus, Ohio. 1859. D. 923.25:2 Contents. Pref. Capt. Hodson. Havelock. Kev. mr. Polehampton. A lady's escape from Gwalior. The story of Cawnpore. The chaplain's narrative of the siege of Delhi. The adventures of judge Ed- wards in Rohilcund, Futtehg-hur and Oude. SirH: Lawrence and the defence of Lucknow. Greathcd and Campbell after the fall of Delhi. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Eminent sailors ; a series of biographies of great naval com- manders ; incl. an historical sketch of the british navy from Drake to Collingwood. N. Y. 1882 [1881]. D. x 923.25 : 1 Mackenzie, C: Naval biography; comprising memoirs of the most distinguished com- manders of Great Britain. iJond. 1846. T. 923.25 : 4 Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier ; incl. an introductory view of the earlier discoveries in the J^outh sea, and the history of the buccaniers. Portr. N. Y. 1846. S. 923.25 : 5 In dividual biogr. Sargent, Winthrop. Life and career of major John Andre. Bost. 1861. D. 923.25": 6 Dixon, W: Hepworth. Robert Blake, admiral and general at sea ; based on family and state papers. Lond. 1852. O. 923."25 : 7 Ware, J. Redding, and R. K. Mann. The life and times of colonel Fred. Burn a by. Lond. [1885]. D. 923.25 : 36 Towle, G: Makepeace. Drake; the sea-king of Devon. 111. Bost. 1883 [1882 1. S. X 923.25 : 30 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Franz Drake, der mann der uns die kartotteln gebracht hat ; der jiigend und dem volke aargestellt. Anhang, cap. 5 : Geschichte der einfiihrung der Tcartoffeln in Europa. 3te autt. Wiesbaden. [1878]. S. 923.25 : 38 Allen, Joseph. Life of T: Cochrane, earl of Dundonald. Lond, 1861. S. 923.25:10 Cochrane, T:, 10th earl of Dundonald. The autobiography of a seaman. 2d ed. Lond. 1860. 2v. O. 923.25:11 Gleig, G: Robert. Der leichte dragoner. Aus dem engl. Stuttg. 1845. T. 923.25 : 12 Forbes, Archibald. Chinese Gordon; a suc- cinct record of his life. 111. and map. N. Y. 1884. Q. 923.25+32 8ame. N. Y. 1884. S. 923.25 : 32 Hake, A. Egmont. The story of Chinese Gordon. Portr. and maps. N. Y. 1884. O. 923.25 : 31 Mossman, S: General Gordon in China; the story of the "ever victorious army". 111. Lond. [18751. D. 923:25 : 33 Gordon, C: G: Journals at Kartoum ; urinted from the original mss., introd. ana notes by A. Egmont Hake, Portr., maps and ill. Bost. 1885. D, 923.25 : 34 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1505 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, SOLDIERS. 01. 923 1506 Headley, Joel Tyler. The life of gen. H. Have- lock. 111." N. Y. 1859. D. 923.25:13 Hodson, W: Stephen Raikes. Twelve years of a soldier's life in India ; extracts from [his] letters, incl. a personal narrative of the siege of Delhi and capture of the king and princes, ed. by his brother G: H. Hodson. From 3d and enl. eng. ed. Bost. 1860. D. 923.25 : 14 Hutchinson, Lucy, born Apsley. Memoirs of the life of colonel Hutchinson, with original anecdotes of many of the most distingiiished of his contemporaries and a summary review of public affairs, written by his widow. From the original ms. by the rev. Julius Hutchinson ; prefixed, the life of mrs. Hutchinson written by herself. 5th ed., added, an account of the siege of Lathom House, defended by the countess of Derby against sirT: Fairfax. Lond. 1846. D. 923.25 : 15 Same. Memoirs of the life of colonel Hutchin- son by his widow ; ed. from the original ms. by the rev. Julius Hutchinson ; added, the letters of col. Hutchinson and other papers, rev., with add. notes by C. H. Firth. Portr. N. Y. 1885. 2 v. O. 923.25 : 35 Stone, W: Leete. Life and times of sir W: Johnson. Albany. 1865. 2 v. O. 923.25+16 Alison, Sir Archibald. Military life of John duke of Marlborough." N. Y. 1848. D. 923.25 : 9 Coxe, W: Memoirs of the duke of Marlborough ; with his original corresp., coll. from the family records at Blenheim and other authentic sources. New ed. rev. by J: Wade. Lond. 1847, 1848. 3 v. D. 923.25 : 8 Creighton, Louise. Life of John Churchill, duke of Marlborough. Portr., maps and plans. [Hist. biogr.J N. Y. 1879. S. 923.25 : 28 Gleig, G: Robert. Life of sir T: Munro ; with extracts from his corresp. and private papers. Lond. 1830. 3 v. O. 923,25:17 Southey, Robert. The life of Nelson; with biographical notice of the author. N. Y. 1843. S. 923.25 : 18 Same. [New issue.] Phila. 1883. D. 923.25:18 Creighton, Louise. Life of sir Walter Raleigh. [Hist, biogr.] Lond. 1877. S. 923.25:27 Thomson, Katherine, born Byerley. Memoirs of the life of sir Walter R'alegh ; with some account of the period in which he lived. Phila. 1831. D. 923.25:20 Towle, G: Makepeace. Ralegh, his exploits and voyages. [Young folks' heroes ol history.] Bost. 1882 [1881]. S. 923.25 :21 Warburton, Eliot Bartholomew G: Memoirs of prince Rupert and the cavaliers, incl. their private correspondence; now first pub. from the original mss. Portr. Lond. 1849. 3v. O. 923.3:31 Marsh, C'atherine. Memorials of captain Hedley Vicars, by the author of "The victory won". N. Y. 1856. D. 923.25 : 22 Paterson, James. Wallace, the hero of Scot- land. Edinb. 1881. D. 923.25:29 Bonar, Andrew R. Life of the duke of Wel- lington. Halifax. 1847. Tt. 923,25:23 McFarlane, C: Memoir of the duke of Welling- ton ; in 4 books, with a concl. chapter by T. A. Buckley. Lond. 1858. S. 923.25 : 24 "Wilson, J: Marius. A memoir of field-marshal the duke of Wellington ; with interspersed notices of his principal associates in council and companions and opponents in arms. Lond. 7i. (i. 3v. O. 923.25+25 Waite, Rosamond. Life of the duke of Welling- ton. Portr. , map and plans. [Hist, biogr.] N. Y.1879. S. 923.25 726 4. Other countries. Germany. Scherr, Johannes. Bliicher, seine zeit und sein leben. 3te ausg. Leipz. 1882. 3 v O 923.3 : 25 Contents. V. 1. Die revolution, 1740-1790. 2. 18D0- 1813. 3. 181B-1819. Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (W. 0. v. Horn). Das buchlein von dem feldmarschall Blucher ; fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk. 5te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden, n. d. S. ^ , 923.3:48 Das leben des feldmarschalls Derff linger ; der deutschen jugend und dem deutschen volke erzahlt. 4te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden. 1876. S. 923.3:34 Eickemeyer, Rudolph. Denkwvirdigkeiten des generals Eickemeyer, ehem. kurmainz. mgenieur - oberstlieutenant , sodann im dienste der franzosischen republik, her- ausg. von H: Konig. Frankfurt a. M. 1845. S. 923.3 : 10 Oertel, Philipp F: Wr, (TT. 0. v. Horn). Prinz E u g e n 1 u s , der edle ritter ; eine ge- schichte, der deutschen jugend und dem deutschen volke erzahlt. 6te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden. 1877. S. 923.5 : 67 Oertel, Hugo. Georg von Fru ndsb erg, "der frommen landsknechte liber vater"; ein lebensbild, fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk erzahlt. 111. Wiesbaden. 1882. S. 923.3:59 Schupp, Ottokar. Der feldmarschall graf Neit- hardt v. Gneisenau, der kriegmeister deutscher freiheit ; fiir die jugend und das volk. 111. Wiesbaden. 1870. S. 923.3 : 32 Klippel, G: H: Das leben des generals v. Scharnhorst; nach grosstentheils bis- her unbenutzten quellen dargestellt. Portr. Leipz. 1869-71. 3 v. in 2. O. 923.3+54 Contents. V. 1. 1755-1793. 2. 1793-1801. 3. 1801- 1813. Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (TT. O.v. Horn). Scharn- horst ; ein lebensbild aus den zeiten schwe- ren druckes und lebensfrischer erhebung gegen fremde gewalt, der jugend und dem volke dargestellt. 2te aufl., ill. Wiesba- den. 1879. S. 923.3 : 53 Schmidt - Weissenfels, E: Scharnhorst; eine biographic. Leipz. 1859. D. 923.3:11 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (W. O. v. Horn). Von dem fnschen und muthigen S e y d 1 i t z ; ein lebensbild, fiir das volk und die jugend dargestellt. 3te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden. 1873. S. 923.3 : 52 Ranke, Franz Leopold v. Geschichte W a 1 1 e n- steins. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1872. O. 904 : 36 v23 1507 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, SOLDIERS. 1508 Droysen, J: Gustav. Das leben des feldmar- schalls grafen York von Wartenburs:. 9te aufl. Portr. and maps. Leipz. 1884. 2 V. in 1. O. 923.3+27 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Das leben und thaten Hans Joachim v. Zie- tens; der jugend und dem volke erziihlt. 3te aufl.. ill. Wiesbaden. 1877. S. 923.3 : 50 I<^r a n c e . Headley, Joel Tyler. Napoleon and his mar- shals. 111. N. Y. 1883. 2 V. in 1. D. 923.4:19 Contents. V. 1. Napoleon. Berthier.Augereau. Davoust. St.Cyr. Lannes. Moncey. Macdonald. Mortier. Soult. 2. Murat. Let'ebre. Massena. Marinont. Victor. Bru ne. Oudinot. Bessieres. Jourdan. Bernadotte. Suchet. Poniatowskl. Grouchy. Ney. -yame;v. 1. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1848]. D. 923.4 : 19 vl Kindersley, E: Cockburn. The very joyous, pleasant and I'efresbing history of the good knight without fear and without re- f (roach, the gentle lord de Bayard, set orth in english. N. Y. 1884. O. X 923.4+83 [Mailles, Jacques de.] History of Bayard, the good chevalier sans peur et sans reproche, compiled by the loyal serviteur. Tr. into english from the french of Loredan Larchey. 111. Lond. 1883. Q. 923.4 :P76 Spotless and fearless ; the story of the che- valier Bayard from the french of the loyal servant, M. de Berville and others ; with notes and introd. by the ed. 5th ed. [Bay- ard ser.] Lond. 1875. T. 923.4 : 38 Ideville, H: comte d\ Memoirs of mai-shal B u g e a 11 d from his private corresp. and original documents, 1784 1849. Ed. from tiie french by Charlotte M. Yonge. Lond. 1884. 2v. O. 923.4:81 Besant, Walter. Gaspard de C o 1 i g n y . [New Plutarch.] N. Y. 1879. S. 923.4:42 Bersier, Eugfene. Coligny ; the earlier life of the great huguenot. Tr. by Annie Har- woouHolmden. Lond. 1884." O. 923.4 : 85 Doisy de Villargennes, Adalbert J. Reminis- cences of army life under Napoleon Bona- parte. Cine. 1884. D. 923.5 : 56 Michelet, Jules. Joan of Arc, or The maid of Orleans; from [his] history of France. [Biogr. series.] Bost. 1882. T. 923.4 : 70 Tuckey, Janet. Joan of Arc, "the maid". [New Plutarch] N. Y. 1880. 8. 923.4:47 Wallon, H: Alexandre. Jeanne d'Arc. 5e ed. Paris. 1879. 2 v. D. 923.4 : 78 Headley, Phineas Camp. The life of gen. Lafayette. Bost. w. d. D. 923.4:69 Ward, Robert D., comp. An account of general La Fayette's visit to Virginia in the years 1824-25. Portr. Richmond, Va. 1881. O. 923.4 : 71 Italy. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Life, written by himself ; with sketches of his companions in arms. Tr. [and continued] by T. Dwight, jr. T. p. w. [N. Y. 1859.] D. 923.6 : 9 Garibaldi, G. Continued. Same, ger. Garibaldi's denkwiirdigkeiten nach handschriftlichen aufzeichnunger desselben, und nach authentischen quel len bearb. und herausg. von Elpis Mcleni [pseud, for Esperance v. Schwarzl. Ham burg. 1861. 2 v. in 1. D. 923.5 :( Bent, J. Theodore. The life of Giuseppe Gari baldi. Portr. Lond. 1881. D. 923.5 : 1( Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. 923.5+l( M u s s I a . Novikoff, Olga, born Kireef, {O. K.). Skobelel and the Slavonic cause by O. K. Lond 1883. O. 923.5:4! Nemirovitch.-Dantchenko, V. I. Personal n miniscences of general Skobeleft". Tr. fror the russian by E. A. Bray ley Hodgetti Portr. Lond. 1884. O. " 923.5+5 Mackie, J: Milton. Life of Schamyl, the cii cassian chief, and narrative of tlie circai sian war of independence against Russij Bost. 1856. D. 923.5:3 Ho Hand. Liefde, Jacob de. The great dutch admiral 4th ed., ill. Lond. [1880]. D. x 923.5 : 4 Contents. Jacob van Heemskerk. Plot Heln. Marten irarperts Tromp. Witte Cornells de With. Mlchlel Adrianszoon de Ruyter.Johan Evcrtsen. Cornells Tromp. Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Der a< i miral ae Ruiter ; lebensbild eines seehe den, fiir die jugend und das volk darg stellt. 2te aufl., ill. Wiesbaden. 1875. S. 923.5:6 China. Mackie, J: Milton. The rebel chief, or Tl Chinese insurrection. N. Y. 1860. D. 923.5:4 Ancient. Herbert, H: W: The captains of the roman i public, as compared with the gi'cat mode strategists ; their campaigns, cliaracti and conduct from the punic wars to t death of Caesar. N. Y. 1854. D. 923.6 : Contents. Publius Cornelius Sciplo, Africanus Titus Quinctlus Flamjnlus. Lucius ^milius Paull Calus Marlus, of Arplnum. Lucius Cornel: Sylla. Calus Julius Caesar. Abbott, Jacob. History of Julius Cassar. N. 1878. S. 923.6 Froude, James Anthony. Ca3sar, a sketch. Y. 1879. O. 923.6 Same. N. Y. 1881. Q. 923.6- Napoleon III. History of Julius Cassar. N. 1865. 2v. O. 923.6+ Abbott, Jacob. History of Hannibal. 111. N. n. d. S. 923.6:: Arnold, T: Life of Hannibal. [Biogr. se' Bost. 1881. T. 923.6:1 X denotes books specially adapted for oblldron. 509 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, LAWYERS. 01. 923 1510 6. Sociology d, Miscellaneous classes. 1. The law. JJn ited States . Panders, H: The lives and times of the chief justices of the supreme court of the U. S. Phila. 1855, 1858. 2 v. O. 923.14+2 Contents. V. 1. Igt aeries. J: Jay. J: Rutledge. 2. 2d series. W: Gushing. Oliver Ellsworth. J: Marshall. Tan Santvoord, G: Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the chief justices of the supreme court of the U. S. "N. Y. 185G. O. 923.14:3 Contents. J: Jay. J: Rutledge. Oliver Ellsworth. -J: Marshall. Roger B. Taney, teed, Parker McCobb. The bench and bar of Wisconsin ; history and biography. Portr. Milw. 1882. O. 923.14+9 lower, Frank A. Life of Matthew Hale Car- penter ; a view of the honors and achieve- ments that, in the american republic, are the fruits of well-directed ambition and persistent industry. Madison. 1883. O. 923.14+11 owley, C: Leaves from a lawyer's life afloat and ashore. Lowell, Mass. 1879. D. 923.14:12 rnited States. Exercises at the cei'cmony of unveiling the statue of J: Marshall, chief justice of the U. S., in front of the capitol, Washington, may 10, 1884 ; with the address of mr. chief justice Waite and the oration of W : H : Rawle ; with the proceedings of the Philadelphia bar relating to the monu- ment to chief justice Marshall. Wash. 1884. Q. 923.14+13 arsons, Theophilus, Jr. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons ; with notices of some of his con- temporaries, by his son. Bost. 1859. D. 923.14:4 (Taddell, James D., ed. Biographical sketch of Linton Stephens, containing a sel. of his letters, speeches, state papers, etc. At- lanta, Ga. 1877. O. 923.14:5 itory, W: Wetmore, ed. Life and letters of Joseph Story ; ed. by his son. Bost. 1851. 2v. O. 923.14+6 pyler, S: Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney. 2d rev. and enl. ed. Baltimore. 1876. O. 923.14+10 jEemorial, A, of James A. Van Dyke, pub. by the Are department of the city of Detroit. For private cii'culation. Detroit. 1856. O. 923.14:7 * * * loss, Christian K. The father's story of Char- ley Ross, the kidnapped child. T. p. w. [fhila. 1876]. D. 923.14:8 Great Britain. Jampbell, J :, baron Campbell. The lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England from the earliest times till the reign of king George IV. Phila. 1847, 1848. 7 V. D. 923.24 : 1 Contents. V. 1-8. 1st ser. to 1638. (V. 1), Introd. on the origin, fuactlons and jurisdiction of the oBce Campbell, J:, haron Campbell. Continued. of lord chancellor in England. Under the anglo- saxon kings. lYom the conquest to Henry II. Thomas k Becket. Till the appointment ot queen Eleanor as keeper of the great seal Queen Eleanor. Through the reign of Richard III. J'rom the accession of Henry VII to the appointment of archbp. Warham. Life of archbp. Warham. Wol- sey. Sir T: More. Audley. Wriothesley. (2), Life of sirW: Paulet. Rich. Goodrich. Stephen Gardy- ner. Heath. -Sir N: Bacon. Sir T: Bromley .-Sir Cph. Hatton. Sir J: Puckering. Lord Ellesmere. Lord Bacon. Ld. keeper Williams. Ld. keeper Cov- entry. Ld. keeper Pinch. Ld. keeper Littleton. Ld. keeper Lane. (3), Under the commonwealth. Ld. keeper Herbert. Clarendon. Ld. keeper Bridge- man. Shaftesbury. Nottingham. Ld. keeper Guil- ford. Jeffreys. 4, 5. 2d ser. to 1806. (4), Lord com- missioners of the great seal on the accession of William and Mary. Life of Id. commissioner May- nard. Ld. com. Trevor. Lord Somers. Ld. keeper Wright. Lord Cowper. Lord Harcourt. Lord Macclesfield.- King. Lord Talbot. (5), Lord Hard- wicke. Lord Northington. Lord Camden. C: Yorke. Lord Bathurst. Lord Thurlow. 6, 7. 3d ser., to the reign of Oeorge IV. (6), Lord Lough- borough. Lord Erskine. (7), Lord Bldon. Post- script. Chronological and alphabetical tables of chancellors. The lives of the chief justices of England, from the Norman conquest till the death of lord Mansfield [v. 3 to the death of lord Tenterdenl. 2d amer. ed. Phila. 1853, 1857. 3v. O. 923.24:2 Contents. V. 1. Odo. W: Fitz-Osborne. W: de Warren ne and R: de Benefacta. W: de Carilefo. Plambard. Roger, bp. of Salisbury. Ralph Basset. Prince Henry. R: de Luei. Robert, earl of Leices- ter. Ranulfus de Glanville. Hugh Pusar, bp. of Durham. W: Longchamp. Walter Hubert, ai-chbp. of Canterbury. Geoffrey Fitzpeter. P: de Rupibus. Hubert de Burgh. Stephen le Segrave. Hugh Bigod. Hugh le Despencer. Philip Basset. H: de Bracton. Robert de Bruce. Ralph de Hengham. De Wayland. De Thornton. Roger le Brabagon.- H: le Scrope. H: de Staunton. Sir Robert Par- nyng. Sir W: de Thorpe. - Sir W: Shareshall. Sir H: Green. Sir J: Knyvet. Sir J: de Cavendish. Sir Robert Tresilian. Sir Robert Belknappe. Sir W : Thirnynge. Sir W: Gascoigne. Sir W : Hankf ord. Sir J: Fortescue. Sir J: Markham. Sir T: Billing. Sir J: Hussey.- Sir J : Fineux. Sir J: Ktzjames. Sir E: Montagu. Sir James Dyer. Sir Robert Catlyne. Sir Christopher Wray. Sir J: Popham. Sir T: Flem- ing. Sir E: Coke. Sir H: Montagu. Sir James Ley. SirRandolf Crewe. Sir N: Hyde. Sir T: Richard- son.- Sir J: Brampston. Sir Robert Heath. Rolle. Glyn. Newdigate. Oliver St. John. Bradshaw. Sir Robert Foster. Sir Robert Hyde. Sir J : Kelynge. Sir Matthew Hale. 2. Sir R: Raynsford. Scroggs. Sir Francis Pemberton. Sir Edmund Saunders. Jeffreys. Sir E: Herbert. Sir Robert Wright. Sir J: Holt. Sir T: Parker. Sir J : Pratt. Ld. Raymond. -Ld. Hardwicke.-Sir W: Lee.-Sir Dudley Ryder. Sir J: Willes. Wilmot. Ld. Marshfleld. 3. Ld. Kenyon. Ld. Ellenborough. Ld. Tenterden. Index. Amotild, Sir Joseph. Memoir of Thomas, first lord Denman. formerly lord chief justice of England. Lond. 1873. 2 v. O. 923.24 : 14 Campbell, J:, baron Campbell. Atrocius judges ; lives of judges infamous as tools of tyrants and instruments of oppression, compiled from [his] judicial biographies, with an app. containing the case of rassmore Will- iamson ; ed. with an introd. and notes by R: Hildreth. N. Y. 1856. D. 923.24 : 4 Contents. Introd. Roger le Br abancon. Robert Tresiliad. T: Billing. J: Fitzjames. T: Fleming. N: Hyde. J: Brampston.- Robert Heath. Robert 1511 CI. d23 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, LAWYERS. 1512 Foster. Robert Hyde J: Kelynge W: Scroggs.- Francis North. Edmund Saunders. G: Jeffreys.- Robert Wright. Foss, E: Memories of Westminster hall ; a col- lection of interesting incidents, anecdotes and historical sketches relating to West- minster hall, its famous judges and law- yers and its great trials, with an historical introd. V. 1. Bost. 1874. O. 923.24:3 Boscoe, H: Lives of eminent british lawyers. Phila. 1841. 2 v. D. 923.24 : 8 Contents. V. 1. Sir E: Coke. J: Selden. Sir Mat- thew Hale. Lord Guildford. Lord Jeffries. Lord Somers. -Lord Mansfield. 2. Sir J. E. Wilmot. Sir W. Blackstone. Lord Ashburton.- Lord Thur- low. Sir W. Jones. Lord Erskine. Sir S: Romilly. Shell, R: Lalor. Sketches of the irish bar ; with memoir and notes by R. Shelton Macken- zie. N. Y. n. d. 2 V. D. 923.24 : 5 O'Flanajgran, J. Roderick. The irish bar ; com- prising anecdotes, bon-mots and biogr. sketches of the bench and bar of Ireland. N. y. 1878. Q. 923.24+6 Ballantine, W: Some experiences of a barris- ter's life. New rev, ed. from the 6th Lon- don ed., with add., corr. and a new pref., written by the author in America. Phila. 1883. D. 923.24:20 Cockbum, H: T: Memorials of his time. N. Y. 1856. D. 923.24:11 Curran, W: H: Life of J: Phil pot Curran ; with add. and notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie. N. Y. 1855. D. 923.24 : 12 Phillips, C: Curran and his contemporaries. N. Y. 1851. D. 923.24 : 13 Twiss, Horace. Public and private life of lord Eldon ; with selections from his corresp. Phila. 1844. 2 v. O. 923.24 : 15 Hadden, R: Robert. Life and times of Robert Emmet; with notes and add. N. Y. 1868. D. 923.24:16 Hughes, T: Memoir of a brother. Bost. 1875. D. 923.24 : 17 Woolrych, Humphrey W. Life of judge Jef- freys. Buffalo. 1856. D. 923.^4 : 18 Robinson, H: Crabb. Diary, reminiscences and corresp.; sel. and ed. by T: Sadler. Bost. 1869. 2v. D. 923,24:19 Campbell, W: W. An historical sketch of Robin Hood and captain Kidd. N. Y. 1858. D. 923.24 : 10 Other countries. Trenck, Y.freiherr v. der. Merkwiirdige lebens- feschichte, von ihm selbst als ein lehr- uch fiir menschen, die wirklich ungliick- lich sind, oder noch gute vorbilder f iir alle fjille zur nachfolge bediirfen ; mit einer einleitung von O: Henne am Rhyn. Stuttg. [1883]. D. 923.3:14 Same, eng. Life [by himself] ; containing his adventures and cruel and excessive suffer- ings during an imprisonment of 10 years, in the fortress of M.agdeburg. Phila. 1848. S. 923.3 : 14 Sanson, H:, ed. Seven generations of execu- tioners ; memoirs of the Sansons, 1688- 1847. Newed. Lond. 1881. D. 923.4:61 Same, germ. Mysterien vom schaffot ; denk- wiirdigkeiten der scharfrichter-familie Sanson. Aus dem franz. von C. Biichele. N. Y. n.d. 2v. T. 923.4:61 Galotti, Antonio. Memoiren von Anton Galotti, drei mal zum tode verutheiltem italieni- schen oftizier. In franz. sprache herausg. und mit historischen aktenstiicken belegt durch S. Vecchiarelli. Aus dem franz. ubers. Meissen. 1833. 2v. S. 923.6:11 2. Philanthropy. Blaikie, W: Garden. Leaders in modern phi- lanthropy. Portr. N. Y. [1885]. D. 923.26:10 Contents. Introd. J: Howard. W: Wilberforce. Elizabeth Fry. T: Chalmers. Zaehary Macaulay. Stephen Grellet. Joseph Sturge. Andrew Reed. T: Guthrie. D: Livingstone. W: Burns. J: Patterson. Titus Salt. G : Moore. Agnes Jones. Kirton, J: W: Dr. Guthrie, Father Matthew, Elihu Burritt, Joseph Livesey. (The world's workers). [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.26:11 AUdridge, Lizzie. Florence Nightingale, Fran- ces Ridley Havergal. Catherine Marsh, Mrs. Ranyard ("L. N. R."). (The world's workers). [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.26:12 Pitman, Emma Raymond. G: Miiller and Andrew Reed." (The world's workers). [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.26:13 Elizabeth F r y . (Famous women ser.) Bost. 1884. S. 923.26:6 Ryder, E:, comp. Elizabeth Fry ; life and la- bors of the eminent philanthropist, preacher and prison reformer, comp. from her journals and other sources. Portr. N. Y. 1883. O. 923.26 : 5 Gough, J: B. Autobiography. Bost. 1877. S. 923.16:2 Sunlight and shadow, or Gleanings from my life work; comprising personal experiences and opinions, anecdotes, incidents and reminiscences gathered from 37 years' ex- perience on the platform and among the people at home and abroad. 111. Hart- ford, Ct. 1881. O. 923.16:1 Aikin, J: View of the character and public services of J : H o w a r d . Lond. 17J)2. D. 923.26 : 1 Dixon, W: Hepworth. J: Howard, and the prison world of Europe ; from original and authentic documents. N. Y. 1869. S. 923.26 : 2 Stoughton, J: Howard, the philanthro))ist, and his friends. Lond. 1884. O. 923.26 : 8 Weston, James. Sir Moses Montefiore; the story of his life. Lond. [1885]. S. 923.26:9 Wolf, Lucien. Sir Moses Montefiore ; a centen- nial biography, with selections from his letters and journals. N. Y. 1884. Q. 923.26+7 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (TT. O. v. Horn). Graf Auget de Monty on , einer der edelsten sohne Frankreichs ; der jugend und dem volke erziihlt. 111. Wiesbaden. [1876]. S. 923.4:89 More, Martha. Mendip annals, or A narrative of the charitable labours of Hannah and Martha More in their neighborhood ; be- ing the journal of Martha More, ed. with add. matter by Arthur Roberts. N. Y. 1859. S. 928.26 : 3 1513 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, JPHlLAlfTROPlSTS. 01. d23 1514 Packard, F: Adolphus. Life of Robert Owen. [Anon.] Phila. 1866. D. 923.26:4 Hanaford, Phebe A. The life of George P e a - body ; . . . with an introd. by Joseph H. Hanaford. Bost. [1882]. D. 923.16:3 Oertel, Hugo. William Wilberforce, der sklavenfreund ; ein lebensbild, fiir die deutsche jugend und das deutsche volk gezeiehnet. HI. Wiesbaden, 1885. S. 923.26 : 14 * * * Hendrickson, H: Out from the darkness ; an autobiography, unfolding the life-stoty and singular vicissitudes of a Scandinavian Bartimeus. Chicago. 1879. D. 923.5 : 31 3. Education. Sedg^wick, Catharine Maria. Memoir of Joseph Curtis, a model man. N. Y. 1858. S. 923.17:1 liange, Wichard, ed. Aus Fr 6b el's leben und erstem streben ; autobiographic und kleinere schriften, herausg. Portr. Ber- lin. 1862. O. 923.3:43 ShirrefiF, Emily. A sketch of the life of F: Frobel ; together with a notice of madame V. Marenholtz Biilow's " Personal recollec- tions of F. Frobel". Pub. for the Frobel society. Lond. 1877. D. 923.3:22 Hitchcock, E:, and others. The power of chris- tian benevolence, as ill. in the life and labors of Mary Lyon. 12th ed. North- hampton. 1860. D. 923.17 : 2 Thayer, W: Makepeace. The good girl and true woman, or Elements of success, drawn from the life of Mary Lyon and other similar characters. N. Y. li. d. S. x923.17:5 Mann, Mary, born Peabody. Life of Horace M an ri , by his wife. Bost. 1865. O. 923.17:3 Kriisi, Hermann. Pestalozzi; his life, work and influence. Cine. 1875. O. 923.5:40 Schmidt, Ferdinand. H: Pestalozzi ; ein lebens- bild fiir jung und alt. 3te aufl., ill. Kreuznach. [1883], S. 923.5:64 Seyfifarth, L. W. J: H: Pestalozzi ; nach seinem leben und seinen schriften dargestellt. 4te aufl. Leipz. 1873. D. 923.5 : 61 Pestalozzi, H: Sem leben und wirken einfach und getreu erzahlt fiir das volk, herausg. von der Ziircherischen schulsynode zum hundertsten geburtstage Pestalozzi's. 2te aufl. Ziirich. 1846. D. 923.5 : 41 Platter, T: Leben ; herausg. von H: Diintzer. Stuttg. [1882]. D. 923.3 : 24 Lloyd, Harriet, born Raymond, ed. Life and letters of J: Howard Raymond. NY. 1881. O. 923.17:4 4. Commerce. American merchants. Hunt, Freeman, ed. Lives of american mer- chants. N. Y. 1856, 1858. 2 v. O. 923.18:1 Contents. "V. 1. Introd. essay by G: K. Bussell. T: Handasyd Perkins, by T: G. Gary. T: Pym Cope, by Joseph K. Chandler. P : Chardon Brooks, by E: Everett. James Gore Kinpr, byC: Kingr. ' Brown. Stephen Glrard.-S: Ward, by C: King:.- Mathew Carey. T: Eddy. Jonathan Goodhue. Jo- seph Peabody, by G: Atkinson Ward.- Jacob Lorlll- ard, by W: Berrian.- Gideon Lee, by C: M. Leupp. Walter Restored Jones, by W: A. Jones. S: Apple- ton, by Ephraim Peabody. Joseph May. S: Slater, by J: L. Blake. Alexander Henry, by S. Austin Allibone. Jonas Chickering, by J : L. Blake. Asa Clapp. Patrick Tracy Jackson, by J : A. Liowell. 2. Ellas Hasket Derby, by E. H. Derby. Sir W : Pep- perell, by Usher Parsons. Stephen Allen, by W: M. Allen. Maj. S: Shaw, by Amos Law^rence. Ab- bott Lawrence, by Nathan Appleton. W : Lawrence, API by S: Kirkland Lothrop.- J: Jacob Astor, Ralph Jaques. Judah Touro, by Ale: er. J: Bromfleld, by Josiah Q,uincy. Harry R. W. t. by D: Walk- Hill, by W. R. Kingr. James Brown, by G: Stillman Hillard. J: Hancock, by G. 'Mountfort. Robert Morris. Scoville, Joseph A., (Walter Barrett). The old mei-chants of New York city by Walter Barrett, clerk. 1st, 3d-4th series. N. Y. 1863-66. 3 v. D. 923.18:7 Parton, James. Life of J. J. Astor; append- ed, a copy of his last will. N. Y. 1865. D. 923 18 * 2 Oertel, Philipp F: W: {W. O. v. Horn). Joh'an Jacob Astor ; ein lebensbild aus dem volke, fiir das volk und die jugend bearb 2te aufl. Wiesbaden. 1877. S. 923.18:10 Bristed, C: Astor. A Letter to the hon. Horace Mann. 2d ed. N. Y. 1850. S. 923.18:3 Note. A criticism of Mann's opinion of J: Jacob Astor, expressed in his "Thoughts for a young man." Ingram, H: Atlee. The life and character of Stephen Girard of Philadelphia in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, mariner and merchant ; with app. descriptive of the Girard college at Phila. 111. Phila. 1884. D. 923.18:9 Hoyne, T: In memoriam: Sketch of the life and character of T: Hoyne; with the proceedings of public bodies on the occa- sion of his death and memorial addresses. [Chicago. 1886]. O. 923.18+11 Lawrence, W: R., ed. Extracts from the diary and corresp. of Amos Lawrence; with a brief account of some incidents in his life, ed. by his son. Bost. 1856. D. 923.18:4 Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence ; with an app. 2d ed. Bost. 1884. O. 923.18-f-6 Thayer, W: Makepeace. The poor boy and merchant prince, or Elements of success, drawn from the life of Amos Lawrence and other similar characters. N. Y. n. d. S. X 923.18: 5 English merchants. Bourne, H. R. Fox. Famous London merchants; a book for boys. 111. N. Y. 1869. S. X 923.28: 5 Contents. Sir R: Whittington, 1353-1433. Sir T: Gresham, 1519-1579. Sir E: Osborne, 1530-1591. Sir W : Herrick, 1557-1653. Sir T: Smythe, 1560-1625. Sir H: Garway, 1570-1645. -Sir Dudley North, 1641-1P91. T: Guy, 1644-1734. W: Beckf ord,:i708-l770.H : Thornton, 1763-1815. Nathan Meyer Rothschild, 1776-1836. S: Gurney, 1786-1856. G : Peabody. Burnley, James. Sir Titus Salt and G: Moore. (The world's workers). [Portr.] Lond. 1885. D. 923.28:4 Iiackington, James. Memoirs of the first 45 years of [his] life, written by himself in a series of letters to a friend. Lond. n. d. O. 923.28:1 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1615 CI. 923 BI0GIIA1HY SOCIOLOGY, MERCHANTS. 1516 Smiles, S: The successful merchant ; the story of the life of G: Moore, merchant and phi- lanthropist. Lond.n.d.D. 923.28:3 Somerville, Alexander. Life of Roger Mow- bray. Lond. 1853. S. 923.28 : 2 5. Exploration and travel. Collective biogr. Verne, Jules. The exploration of the world. 111. and maps. N. Y. 18791881. 3 v. O. 913.1:5 Contents. V. 1. Famous travels and travel- lers. Celebrated travellers before the christian era. From the Ist to the 9th centuries. Between the 10th and 13th centuries: Benjamin of Tudela; Plon de Carpin or Carpini; Kubruquis. Marco Polo, 1253- 1324. Jean de Bethencourt. 13:-1425. Christopher Columbus, 1436-1.506. The conquest of India and of the spice countries. The conquerors of Central America. The first voyage round the world. The polar expeditions and the search for the north-west passage. Voyatres of adventure and privateering warfare: Drake; Cavendish; De Noort; Walter Kaleigh. Missionaries and settlers.- Merchants and tourists.-The great corsair; W: Dampier. The pole and America. 2. The ^reat navigrators of the 18th century. Astronomers and cartographers. Voyages in the 18th century. Captain Cook's predecessors. Cook's l8t-3d voyages. French navigators. African ex- plorers. Asia and its inhabitants.- The two Ameri- cas. 3. The great explorers of the 19th century. The dawn of a century of discovery. The explora- tion and colonization of Africa. The oriental scien- tific movement and american discoveries. Voyages round the world and polar expeditions. French circumnavigators. Polar expeditions. The north pole. St. John, James A: The lives of celebrated travellers. N. Y. 1844. 3 v. S. 923 : 11 ContentH. V. 1. W: de Kubruquis. Marco Polo. Tbn Batiita. Leo Africanus. P: della Valle. J: B. Tavernler.- F. Bernier.-Sir J:Chardln. E. Kampfer. -H: Maundrell. 2. J. P. de Tournefort. T: Shaw. F: Hasselquist. Lady Wortley Montague. R: Po- cocke. J: Bell. J: Ledyard. G: Forster. J. Bruce. J. Hanway. Antonio de Ulloa. 3. MungoPark. P: S. Pallas.- C.Niebuhr. Choiseul-Gouffler. J: L. Burckhardt. Volney. E: D. Clarke. -F. Le Valllant. Belzoni. D. V. Denon. R. Heber. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Some heroes of travel, or Chapters from the history of Geographical aiscovery and enterprise, lap. Lond. 1880. I). 923 : 12 Cfmtentis. Sir Marco Polo, the Venetian, and his Travels in Asia. G: F. Ruxton, and his Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. Dr. Barth and Central Africa. T: Wltlam Atkinson, and his Ad- ventures in Siberia and Central Asia. AlexinaTinn^, and her Wanderings in the Soudan. J. A. MacGahan, and C'ampaigning on the Oxus. Egerton Warburton, and Exploration in west Australia. Major Burnaby, and A ride to Khiva. Sir S: Baker, and The sources of the Nile. Mossman, 8: Heroes of discovery : Livingstone, Park, Franklin, Cook, Magellan. New ed. Edinb. 1877. D. 923 : 13 Markham, Clements Robert. The sea fathers ; a series of lives of great navigators of former times. N. Y. 1B84. D. 923 : 31 Contentg. Prince Henry, the navigator. Columbus. Sebastian del Cano. The dutch navigators. Sebastian Cabota and Sir Francis Drake. Rise of the East India company. Hudson and Baffin.- W: Dampier. Cook, Scoresby and Dance. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Shore and sea, or Stories of great vikings and sea captains. Lond. 1883. 1). x 923 : 14 Contents. The northmen in America: Erik the red; BlarnlLelfr the lucky; Thorwald; Karlsefni. The norse sea-kings: Harald Haarfagr; Hakon the good ; St. Olaf ; Harald Hardrada; Olaf the tranquil; Sigurd the crusader. An early english discoverer; Sebastian Cabot. A Spanish sea-king; How de Soto conquered Florida. The early colonizers of Vii-ginia: Raleigh; Amadas and Barlow; J: White. Sir Francis Drake, a new biography. The story of H: Hudson, his deeds and sufferings.- Sir H: Morgan, the last of the great buccaneers. Monarclis of ocean : Columbus and Cook ; two narratives of maritime discovery. Edinb. n. d. 8. 923 : 15 Frost, T: Modern explorers. 2d ed. 111. N. Y. 1883. O. X 923: 16 Oberlander, R:, ed. Beriihmte reisende, geogra- {>hea und landentdecker im 19ten iahrh.; ebensbilder. 111. Leipz. 1880. D. 923 : 17 Contents. K: Ritter, der vater der neueren erd- kunde. H: Barth. Deutschlands grosster ent- deckungsreisender. Elisha Kent Kane, der welt- fahrer. D: Livingstone, der missionar and land- entdecker. Stanley, der Bismarck der Afrika- forschung. Adams, W: H: Davenport. Celebrated women travellers of the 19th century. Lond. 1883. D. 923 : 22 Contents. Countess Dora D'Istria. The princess Beliojoso. Mme. Hommaire de Hell. Mme. L^onie d'Aunet. Miss Fredrika Bremer. Mile. Alexina Tinne. Mme. Ida Pfeiffer. Mme. de Bourboulon. Lady Hester Stanhope. Lady Brassey. Lady Morgan. Mrs. Trollope. -Miss Harriet Martineau. Miss Isabella Bird. Lady Florence pixie. Miss Gordon Gumming.- Florence and Rosamond Hill. Lady Barker." Magyar land ". Bourne, C E. The heroes of african discovery and adventure. Lond. n. d. 2 v. D. 923 : 23 Contents, V. 1. To the death of Livingstone. 2. From the death of Livingstone to 1882. Manning", Anne. Heroes of the desert ; the story of the lives and labours of Moffat and Livingstone, by the author of "Mary Powell". Xond. 1880. D. 923.29 : 3 Individual biogr. Head, Sir Francis Bond. The life and adven- tures of [James] Bruce. N. Y. 1846. S. 923.29:4 Buckingham, James Silk. Autobiography; incl. his voyages, travels, adventures, specula- tions, successes and failures, interspersed with characteristic sketches of public men, with whom he had intercourse during more than tifty years. Portr. Loncf. 1855. 2 V. O. 923.29 : 1 MUller, K:, ed. Cook, der weltumsegler: Le- ben, reisen und ende des kapitan James Cook, nebst einem blick auf die heutige /Aistiinde der Siidsee-inselwelt ; urspriing- lich herausg. von K: Miiller, in den spiit- eren auttagen bearb. von der " Redaktion des Buchs der reisen." 3te verm. auti. ill. Leipz. 1882. O. 923.29:2 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). James Cook ; leben und thaten des weltberiihm- ten seefahrers und erdumseglers, der ju- gend und dem volke erziihlt. 2te aufl. ill. Wiesbaden. 1875. S. 923.29:6 Beesly, A: H. Sir J: Franklin. [The new Plutarch.] [Maps]. N. Y. 1881. D. 923.29:6 Hall, Basil. Aus dem seeleben ; [selbstbio- graphie]. Aus dem engl. von W. E. Drugulin. Leipz. 1855. S. 923.29 : 7 X denotes books specially adapted for children. 1517 BIOGRAPHY SOCIOLOGY, TRAVELERS. CI. 923 1518 Towle, G: Makepeace. The voyages and adven- tures of Vasco da G a m a . (Young folks' heroes of history). Bost. [1878]. D. X 923.5:23 Elder, W: Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Phila. 1858. O. 923.19:4 Love life of dr. Kane, The ; containing the cor- resp. and a history of the acquaintance, engagement and secret marriage between Elisha K. Kane and Margaret Fox. Fac- similies of letters and her portr. N. Y. 1866. D. 923.19:5 Adams, H. G. David Livingstone; the weaver boy who became a missionary. Lond. 1881. D. 923.29:8 Blaikie, W: Garden. The personal life of D: Livingstone ; chiefly from his unpublished journal and correspondence in the posses- sion of his family. Portr. and map. N. Y. 1881. O. 923.29+9 Roberts, J: 8. The life and explorations of D: Livingstone ; incl. extracts from Living- stone's Last journal by E. A. Manning. Bost. [1881].!). 923.29:10 Towle, G: Makepeace. Magellan, or The first voyage around the world. (Young folks' heroes of history.) Bost. 1880. D. X 923.5: 39 Life and travels of Mungo Park, The ; the ac- covmts of his death from the journal of Isaaco,the substance of later discoveries relative to his lamented fate, and the term- ination of the Niger. N. Y. 1847. 8. 916.5:14 See also col. 1334. Me Ilraith, J : Life of Sir John Richardson. Lond. 1868. D. 923.29: 11 Simpson, Alexander. The life and travels of T: Simpson, the arctic discoverer, by his brother. [Portr. and maps]. Lond. 1845. O. 923.29:12 Rowlands, Cadwalader. Henry M. Stanley, the story of his life, from his birth in 1841 to his discovery of Livingstone, 1871. 111. Lond. 11872]. D. 923.19 : 11 Wells, W: The heroine of the White Nile, or What a woman did and dared ; a sketch of the remarkable travels and experiences of miss Alexandrine T i n n e . 111. N. Y. 1881. S. X 923.5 : 69 Vambery, Armin. Arminius Vambdry; his life and adventures, written by himself. Popular ed., portr. and ill. N. Y. [1884]. D. 923.3:68 American discoverers. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Life of Christopher Columbus. (Amer. pioneers and patri- ots.) 111. N.Y. 1875. D. 923.5:70 Alden, W: L. Christopher Columbus, 1440-1506; the first american citizen, by adoption. (Lives of amer. worthies). N". Y. 1881. 8. 923.5:71 Cubitt, G: Columbus, or The discovery of America. [Discoverers and conquerors.] Bost. 1881. D. 923.5 : 72 Helps, Sir Arthur. The life of Columbus, the discoverer of America. 7th ed. Lond. 1881. D. 923.5 : 73 Irving, Washington. A history of the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. N. Y. 1838. 3 v. O. 923.5 : 74 Irving, Washington. Continued. The life and voyages of Christopher Colum- bus ; added, those of his companions. Author's rev. ed. N. Y. 1849. 3 v. D. 923.5:74 Same. In his Works. 820.1 : 13 vl Same. In his Works. 820.1 : Pll vlO-12 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L: de. Life of Colum- bus. [Biogr. series.] Bost. 1881. T. 923.5 75 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (W. O. v. Horn). Von dem manne, der uns den we^ nach Ameri- ka gewiesen hat ; ein biichlein f iir die ju- gend und das volk geschrieben. 4te aufl., m. Wiesbaden. [18781. S. 923.5:76 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. History of Hernando Cortez. 111. N.Y.w.d. S. 923.5:24 Allen, Fred H., ed. Cortes, or The discovery and conquest of Mexico. [Discoverers and conquerors]. Bost. [1881]. D. 923.5:25 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Adventures of the chevalier de LaSalle and his compan- ions in their explorations of the prairies, forests, lakes, and rivers of the new world and their interviews with the savage tribes 300 years ago. (Amer. pioneers and pa- triots). 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 923.4 : 43 Allen, Fred H., ed. P i z a r r o , or The discov- ery and conquest of Peru. [Discoverers and conquerors]. Bost. [1881]. D. 923.5:26 Helps, Sir Arthur. The life of Pizarro ; with some account of his associates in the con- quest of Peru. 2d ed. Lond. 1869. D. 923.5:27 Towle, G: Makepeace. Pizarro ; his adventures and conquests. [Young folks' heroes of history]. Bost. 1879. D. x 923.5 : 77 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Ferdinand de S o t o ; the discoverer of the Mississippi. 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 923.5 : 78 Lester, C: Edwards, and Andrew Foster. The life and voyages of Americus V e s p u c i u s ; with illustrations concerning the naviga- tion and discovery of the new world. N. Y. 1846. O. 923.5 : 79 Santarem, Manoel Francisco de Barros y Souza, visco7ide de. Researches respecting Ameri- cus Vespucius and his voyages. Tr. by E. V. Childe. Bost. 1850. D." 923.5 : 6 American pioneers. Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky. 111. (Amer. pioneers and patriots). 111. N. Y. n. d. D. 923.19:1 Hill, G: Canning. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky ; a biography. [Amer. biogr.] Phila. 1875. 8. x923.1&:2 Burnett, P: Hardeman. Recollections and opin- ions of an old pioneer. N. Y. 1880. D. 923.19:6 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. Christopher Car- son, familiarly known as Kit Carson. (Amer. pioneers and patriots). 111. N. Y. n.d. D. 923.19:9 Peters, Dewitt C. Pioneer life and frontier adventures ; an authentic record of the romantic life and daring exploits of Kit Carson and his companions, from his own narrative. Bost. 1881. O. 923.19:3 denotes books specially adapted for children. 1519 CI. 923 BIOGRAPHY- SOCIOLOGY, PIONEERS. 1520 Abbott, J: Stevens Cabot. David Crockett; his life and adventures. 111. (Amer. pio- neers and patriots). N. Y. n. d. D. 923.19:8 Crockett, D: Life [by himself] ; his early his- tory, his bear hunting and other adven- tures, his services in the Creek war, his electioneering speeches and career in con- gress, with his triumphal tour through the northern states and services in the texan war. Added, an account of his glorious death at the Alamo while fighting in de- fence of texan independence. 111. Phila. n.d. D. 923.19:10 Leith, J: Leith's narrative; a short bio- graphy, with a brief account of his life among the indians. A reprint with ill. notes by C. W. Butterfleld. Cine. 1883. O. 923.19+7 6. Society. Ellet, Ellen Fries, born Lummis. The queens of american society. 3d ed. N. Y. 1868. O. 923.1:5 HoUoway, Laura Carter. The ladies of the White House, or In the home of the presi- dents ; a complete history of the social and domestic lives of the presidents from Washington to Hayes, 17891880. 111. Phila. 1881. O. 923.1:7 Thom^son, Katherine, born Byerley, and J: Cock- burn Thomson, (Orac'e and Philip Whar- ton). The queens of society. N. Y. 1861. D. 920 : 28 Contents. Sarah duchess of Marlboroufirh. Mme. Roland. Lady Mary Wortley Montagru. Georgiana, Thomson, K. and J: C. Continued. duchess of Devonshire. Letitia Elizabeth Landon. Mrne. de Sevl|?ne. Sidney lady Morgan. Jane duchess of Gordon. Mme. Recamier. Lady Hervey. Mine, de Stael. Mrs. Thrale-Piozzi. Lady Caroline Lamb. Anne Seymour Damer. La marquise du Deffand Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu. Mary countess of Pembroke. La marquise de Maintenon. The wits and beaux of society. 111. N. Y. 1861. D. 920:29 Omtents. G: VlUiers, 3d duke of Buckingham. Count de Grammont, St. Evremond and lord Roches- ter. Beau Fielding. On certain clubs and club-wits under Anne. W: Congreve. Beau Nash. Philip, duke of Whai-ton. Lord Hervey. Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl of Chesterfield. The Abbe Scar- ron.- Francois due de la Rochefoucault and the due de Saint-Simon. G: Selwyn. R: Brlnsley Sheridan. Beau Brummell. Theodore E: Hook. Sidney Smith. G: Bubb Dodington, lord Melcombe. Jameson, Anna, born Murphy. Memoirs of the beauties of the court of Charles II. T. p. w. D. 923.2:4 Contents. Catherine of Braganza. Barbara duch- ess of Cleveland. La belle Hamilton, countess de Grammont. Emilia countess of Ossory.- Lady Den- ham. Nell Gwynn. Elizabeth duchess of Somerset. Frances duchess of Richmond. Mrs. Lawson. Elizabeth countess of Chesterfield. Henrietta countess of Rochester. Miss Bagot. Mrs. Nott. Anne countess of Southesk. Susan lady Bellasys.- The countess of Sunderland. Mrs. Middleton. The countess of Northumberland. The duchess of Portsmouth. The duchess of Devonshire. Mrs. Jennings. Jesse, W: The life of G: Brummell, esq., com- monly called beau Brummell. Rev. and annotated ed. from the author's own inter- leaved copy. Portr. N. Y. 1886 [1885]. 2 V. O. 923.2:8 7. Philology and Science. 1. Philology. Pdkel, W. Philologisches schriftsteller-lexikon. Leipz. 1882. O. 924 : Rl Scudder, Horace Elisha. Noah Webster. [Amer. men of letters]. Bost. 1882. D. 924.1 : 1 Haym, Rudolph. W: v. Humboldt; lebensbild und characteristik. Berlin. 1856. O. 924.3:1 Scherer, W: Jacob Grimm ; zwei artiicel der Preussischen jahrbiicher, aus deren 14.. IT). und 16. bandebcsonders abgedruckt. Ber- lin. 1865. O. 924.3-f2 2. Natural science. In general. Arago, Dominicjue Fran9oi8 J: Gedachtnissre- den und biographieen. In his SJimmtliche werke. 500 : 3 vl-3 Contents, see Deutscher katalog. p. 15. Same, eng. Biographies of distinguished sci- entific men. Tr. by W. H. Smyth, Baden Powell and Robert Grant. 1st and 2d series. Bost. 1855). 2 V. D. 926 : 1 Contents. Ist ser. The history of my youth; auto- biography.- Ballly. Herschel. Laplace. Fourier. 2d ser. Carnot.- Malus. Fresncl. T: Young. Watt. Arago, Dominique Fran9ois J . Continued. Biographi(^en der bedeutendsten astronomen Tvon Hipparch bis Laplace]. In his Siimmtliche werke. 500 : 3 v3 Brewster, Sir D: The martyrs of science, or The lives of (Jalileo, Tycho Brahe and Kep- ler. N. Y. 1844. S. 926:2 Diincan, P: Martin. Heroes of science : botan- ists, zoologists and geologists. Lond. 1882. D. 926:4 Contents. The infancy of the knowledge of the science of plants. The rise of the science of plants: J: Ray; .Joseph de Tournefort. Llnmeus. Consoli- dation of the science of plants: DeCandolle; The natural system. Heroes of zoology. Butfon, Pen- nant and Lamarck. Cuvier. Heroes of geology. Hutton. W: Smith. Murchlson.Lyell. J. C. Heroes of science: astrono- N. Y. 1883. D. 925 : 6 Morton, E mers. Contents. Ancient astronomy. Copernik and his system.- Tycho Brahe and his observations. Kepler and his laws. Galileo and the laws of motion. New- ton and the discovery of the law of gravitation. Newton's 'Princlpia'. Newton and his followers. , Lagrange and Laplace. Herschel and the distribu- tion of the stars.- Modern astronomy. Mmr, Matthew M. Pattisou. Heroes of science: chemists. Lond. 1883. D. 926:6' Brightwell, Cecilia L. Romantic inci^' 1553 BIOGRAPHY lilTERATURE . CI. 928 1554 Jeaflfreson, J : Cordy . The real Shelley; new views of the poet's life. Lond. 1885. 2 v. O. 928.2:219 Smith, G: Barnett. Shelley ; a critical bio- graphy. Edinb. 1877. D. 928.2 : 124 Symonds, J: Addington. Shelley. [Eng. men of letters]. N. Y. 1881. D. 928.2 : 121 Shelley, Jane, horn Gibson, Jormerly mrs. St. John, lady. Shelley memorials ; from authentic soui'ces ; added, an essay on Christianity by Percy Bysshe Shelley, now first printed. Bost. 1859. D. 928.2:123 Trelawney, E: J: Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron. Bost. 1858. D. 928.2 : 122 Records of Shelley, Byi'on and the author. Lond. 1878. 3 v. D. 928.2 : 125 Moore, T: Memoirs of the life of R: Brinsley Sheridan. Phila. 1826. 2 v. in 1. S. 928.2 : 126 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. Sheridan. [Eng. men of letters.] N. Y. 1883. D. 928.2 : 178 Sherwood, Mary Martha, horn Butt. Life, chiefly autobiographical, with extracts from mr. Sherwood's joi;rnal during his imprisonment in France and residence in India ; ed. by her daughter, Sophia Kelly. Lond. 1857. O. 928.2 : 127 Davis, Mrs. S. M. Life and times of sir Philip Sidney. [Anon.] 3d ed. Bost. 1859. D. 928.2 : 128 Furnivall, F: J. Teena Rochfort-S m i t h ; a memoir with three, woodbury-types of her, one each of Robert Browning and F. J. Furnivall, and memorial lines by Mary Grace Walker, n.p. 1883. O. 928.2+199 Browne, C:T. Memoirs of Robert Sou they, poet-laureate. New ed. Lond. n. d. S. 928.2:131 Dowden, E: Southey. [Eng. men of letters]. N. Y. 1880. D. 928.2 : 129 Southey, C: Cuthbert, ed. The life and corresp. of Robert Southey ; ed. by his son. N. Y. 1851. O. 928.2+130 Cottle, Joseph. Reminiscences of Robert Southey. m 928.2: 44 Church, R:W: Spenser. [Eng. men of let- ters]. N. Y. 1879. D. 928.2:132 Carlyle, T: Life of J: Sterling. 2d ed. Bost. 1832. D. 928.2:133 Traill, H: D. Sterne. [Eng. men of letters]. N. Y. 1882. D. 928.2 : 163 Stephen, Leslie. Swift. [Eng. men of let- ters]. N. Y. 1882. D. 928.2 : 162 Taylor, Sir H: Autobiography. Portr. N. Y. 1885. 2v. D. 928.2:218 Taylor, J: Records of my life. N. Y. 1833. O. 928.2+134 Jennings, H: J. Lord Tennyson; a biogr. sketch. Portr. Lond. 1884." D. 928.2:207 Wace, Walter E. Alfred Tennyson ; his life and works. Edinb. 1881. D. 928.2:210 Hotten, J: Camden, ( Theodore Taylor). Thack- eray, the humorist and man of letters; the story of his life and literary labors, incl. a selection from his characteristic speeches now for the first time gathered together by Theodore Taylor. Added, In memoriam by C: Dickens,* and a sketch by Anthony Trollope. Portr. and ill. N. Y. 1864. D'. 928.2 : 135 Trollope, Anthony. Thackeray. [Eng. men of letters.] N. Y. 1879. D. 928.2 : 136 Same. N. Y. 1879. Q. in 928.2+10 Tonna, Lewis Hypolytus Joseph. Life of Char- lotte Elizabeth [Tonna], as contained in her personal recollections ; with explana- tory notes and a memoir, embracing the period from the close of personal recollec- tions to her death. N. Y. 1864. S. 928.2 : 138 Some account of the life and writings of mrs. Trimmer ; with original letters, and meditations and prayers, selected from her journal. 2d ed. Lond. 1816. 2 v. O. 928.2 : 147 Trollope, Anthony. Autobiography. N. Y. 1883. D. 928.2:176 Same. N. Y. 1883. Q. 928.2+176 Watts, Alaric Alfred. Alaric Watts; a nar- rative of his life, by his son. Portr. Lond. 1884. 2 v. D. 928.2:211 Gordon, Mary, born Wilson. Christopher North; a memoir of J: Wilson, com- piled from family papers and other sour- ces by his daughter, with an introd. by R. Shelton Mackenzie. N. Y. 1863. O. 928.2: 139 Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. Life of Mary Wollstonecraft. (Famous women). Bost. 1884. S. 928.2:206 Myers, F: W: H: Wordsworth. [Eng. men of letters]. N. Y. 1881. D. 928.2 : 141 Phillips, G: Searle, {January Searle). Memoirs of W: Wordsworth ; compiled from au- thentic sources, with numerous quotations from his poems, ill. of his life and charac- ter. Lond. 1852. D. 928.2 : 142 Symingiion, Andrew James. William Words- worth ; biogr. sketch, with selections from his writings in poetry and prose. Bost. [1881]. 2v. S. 928.2: 143 Wordsworth, Christopher. Memoirs of W: Wordsworth ; ed. by H: Reed. Bost. 1851. 2 V. D. 928.2 : 140 Yates, Edmund Hodgson. Fifty years of Lon- don life ; memoirs of a man "of the world. N. Y. 1884. 2 V. Q. 928.2+201 4. German authors. Collective biography. Kiirschner, Joseph, ed. Deutscher litteratur-ka- lender, 1884, 1885. 1886. 6ter-8ter jahrg. Berlin. [1884 1886]. 3 V. T. 928.3 :R4V Eurz, H:, and F: Christian Paldamus. Deut- sche dichter und prosaisten. 830.1 : 16 Contents, see col. 1101. Briimmer, Franz. Deutsches dichter-lexikon ; biogi-aphische und bibliographische mit- theilungen iiber deutsche dichter aller zei- ten, unter besonderer beriicksichtigung der gegenwart f iir freunde der literatur zusam- mengestellt. Eichstadt. 1876. 2 v. O. 928.3 : R42 Gross, H: Deutschlands dichterinnen und schriftstellerinnen ; eine literarhistorische skizze. 2te ausg. Wien. 1882. O. 928.3+43 1555 CI. 928 BIOGRAPHY LITERATURE . Oostwick, Joseph. German poets ; a series of memoirs and translations. Portr. by C. Jager. N. Y. n. d. O. 928.3 : R41 Contents. The poets of the Hohenstaufen time. The master-singers and their times. Klopstock. Wieland. Lessing. Herder. Goethe Schiller. Jean Paul. Korner. Chamisso.- Ruckert. Uhland. Heine. Japp, Alexander Hay. German life and litera- ture, in a series of biographical studies. Lond. [1880]. O. 928.3:8 Contenta. Introd. Lessing. Winckelmann. Mo- ses Mendelssohn.- Herder. Goethe. L: Tieck. F: V. Hardenberg (Novalis). The romantic element in german lit. German philosophy and political life. App. : Christian Tobias Damm ; Hamann; F:v. Logau. Schr(}der, Hans. Lexikon der hambur^schen schriftsteller bis zur gegenwart ; im auf- trage des Vereins fiir hamburgische ge- schichte ausg. Hamburg. 1851-83. 8 v. in 7. O. 928.3 :R49 Contents. V. 1. A-Daffovius. 2. Daffovius Gun- ther 3. Gunther Kleye. 4. Cropp, F: A: and C: R. W:Klose. Klincker - Lyser. 6. Klose, C: R. W:. Maack-Pauli.. 6. Klose, C: R. W:. Pauli- Schofif. 7. KellinKhusen. A. H., Scholvin West- phalen. 8. Kellingrhusen, A. H., Westphalen Zylius. Gleim, J: W: L: Lessing, Wieland, Heinse ; nach den hand.schriftlichen quellen in Gleims nachlasse dargestellt von H: Prohle. 2te ausg. Berlin. 1879. O. 928.3 : 74 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Goethe and Schiller ; their lives and works, incl. a commentary on Goethe's Faust. N. Y. 1879. D. 928.8 : 10 1 71 dividual hiogr. Langenberg, E. Ernst Moritz Arndt; sein leben und seine schrlften. Neue wohlfeile ausg. Bonn. 1869. D. 928.3:90 Scfbmidt, Ferdinand. Ernst Moritz Arndt ; ein lebensbild. Gteaull., ill. Kreuznach. [18851. 8. 928.3 : 96 Schupp, Ottokar. Das buchleiu vom vater Arudt, dem .siinger deutscher freiheit und dem propheten deutscher gnisse und ein- heit ; der iugend und dem volke gewidmet. 111. Wiesbaden. 1872. S. 928.3 : 102 f^iogrrapliisehe skizze von] E: v. Bauern- feld. Cassel. w. d. T. 928.3:1 Qutzkow, K: Ferdinand. Borne's leben ; aus Borne's ungedrucktem nachlasse reich ver- mehrt. Frankfurt a. M. 1845. S. 928.3 : 6 PrOhle, H: Christoph Ferdinand. Gottfried A: B ii rg e r ; sein leben und seine dichtungen. Leipz. 1856. O. 928.3 : 68 Fiilda, K: Chamisso und seine zeit. Portr. Leipz. 1881. D. 928.3:79 MOnckeberg, C : Matthias Claudius ; ein beitrag zur kirchen- und litteraturge- schichte seiner zeit, mit einem facsimile. Hamburg. 1869. O. 928.3 : 63 Oertel, Hugo. Matthias Claudius, der Wands- becker Bote ; ein lebensbild, fiir die deut- sche iugend und das deutsche volk gezeich- net. ill. Wiesbaden. 1884. S. 928.3 : 106 Creuzer, F: Aus dem leben eines alten profes- sors ; mit literarischen beilagen und dem portrat des verf. Leipz. 1848. O. With Ma Zur romischen geschichte. in 937 : 41 Bucliner, W: Ferdinand Freiligr a th ; ein dichterleben in briefen. Lahr. 1882. 2 y. O. 928.3:51 [Biographische skizze von]_ Franz freiherr Gaudy. Cassel. 1853. T. 928.3:2 Leimbach, C: L. Emanuel Geibel; des dich- ters leben, werke und bedeutung fiir das deutsche volk. Wolfenbiittel. 1877. S. 928.3:94 [Biographische skizze von] Emanuel Geibel. Cassel. 1852. T. 928.3 : 3 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, {W. 0. v. Horn). Chris- tian Fiirchtegott G e 1 1 e r t ; ein lebensbihl fiir Deutschlands jugend und volk. 3te autl. Wiesbaden. 1875. S. 928.3 : 103 Schmidt, Ferdinand. Gellert ; ein lebensbild. 5teaull. 111. Kreuznach. n. d. S. 928.5 : 95 KOrte, W: J: W: L: Gl e ims leben ; aus seinen briefen und schriften. Halberstadt. 1811. D. 928.3:101 DUntzer, J: H: Joseph. Gothe's leben. ^Mc durchgesehene, mit neuen abbildungen und einem register verm. autl. 111. Leipz. IBN."). D. 928.3 : 46 Same, eng. Life of Goethe. Tr. by T: W. Lyster. 111. Lond. 1883. 2 v. D. 928.3 : 46 Talk, J: Daniel, called Joh&nnes, (Johannes von der Ostsec). Goethe aus niiherm personli chen umgange dargestellt ; ein nachgelas- senes wenc. 3te aufl. Leipz. 1856. 1). 928.3:53 GOthe, J: Wolfgang v. Aus meinem lebcni : wahrheit und dichtung. In his Werke. 830:137 V17-19 Same, eng. Truth and poetry from my own life, or The autobiography' of Goethe ; cd. by Parke Godwin. N. Y. 1850. 2 v. D. 928.3 : 9 Grimm, Herman. Goethe ; vorlesungen geliiil- ten an der Kgl. universitat zu Berlin. 81 c durchg. aufl. Berlin. 1882. O. 928.3:11 Same, eng. Life and times of Goethe. Tr. by Sarah Holland Adams. Bost. 1880. O. 928.3: 11 Hayward, Abraham. Goethe. [Foreign el as sics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1878. S. 928.3 : 12 Lewes, G: H: Life and works of Goethe ; with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from pub. and unpub. sources. Bost. 185(1. 2v. D. 928.3: 14 The story of Goethe's life. Abridged from his Life and works of Goethe. Bost. 1879. 1). 928.3 : 7 Same, germ. Goethe's leben. Autorisirle deutsche ausg., iibers. von J: v. Sydow. 2te autl. Berlin. 1878. D. 926.3 : 7 Biemer, F: W: Mittheilungcn iiber Goethe ; aus mundlichen und schriftlichen, ., Mme. de Girardin. Jacquot, E. (': .1: B., Arsiiie Hoiissaye; George Sand Musset, P. j E. de, Alfred de Musset. Jacquot, E. C: J: B.. Vie- i tor Hugo. Q-autier, T., Paul de Kouk; Alphonse de Lamartine; Gavarni; C: Baudelaire; Honore de Bal- ! zac; Beranger. Jacquot, E. C:J:B., Brizeux; H: j Monnier. Fitzgerald, P., Alexandre Dumas. ! Arnold, M., Maurice de Gu^rin.-Morley, J:, Denis j Diderot. Jean de La Fontaine. T/LtLvaiB, Maurice, marchesedi Galenzano. French men of letters. [Appleton's new handy-vol. I ser.] N. Y. 1880. S. 928.4:2 I Contents. Victor Hugo. Alfred de Musset. Theo- Shlle Gautier.- H : Murger. Sainte-Beuve. Gerard d(! erval. A. Dumas, flls. Emile Angler. Octave Feulllet. Victorien Sardou. Emile Zola. Alphonse Daudet. James, H:, Jr. French poets and novelists. Lond. 1878. D. 928.4 : 1 Contents. Alfred de Musset. Theophile Gautier. C: Baudelaire. Honore de Balzac. Balzac's letters. G : Sand. C: de Bernard and Gustave Flaubert. Ivan Turgeniefif. The two Amperes. Mme. de Sa- bran. Merlmee's letters. The Theatre f ranais. Castelar V KissoU, Emilio. [Sketches of french authors]. In his Life oif lord Byron. 928.2 : 28 Contents, see col. 1547. Sainte-Beuve, C: A: Portraits of celebrated women. Tr. from the french by H. W. Preston. Bost. 1868. D. 928.4 : 3 Contents. Mme. de S^vignd. Mme. de La Fayette. Mme. de Souza. Mme. Roland. Mme. de Stael. Mme. deDuras. Mme. de Remusat.- Mme. de Kru- dener. Mme. Guizot. Stoddard, R: H:, ed. Bric-a-brac series : Prosper Mdrimce's letters to an incognita, with re- collections by Lamartine anaGeorge Sand. N. Y. 1874. S. 9^8.4 : 4 Contents. Preface. Prosper Merini^e, Letters to an Incognita. Alphonse de Lamartine, Twenty-flve years of my life. George Sand, Recollections. 1561 BIOGRAPHY LITERATtJRE. CI. 928 1562 TroUo^e, H: M. Corneille and Racine. [For- eign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1881. S 938.4:13 Individual hiogr. Saltus, Edgar Evertson. Balzac. Portr. Bost. 1884. D. 928.4:39 Lomenie, L: Leonard de. Beaumarchais and his times ; sketches of french society in the 18th century from unpub. documents. Tr. by H: S. Edwards. N. Y. 1857. D. 928.4:5 Guizot, Francois P: Guillaume. Corneille and his times. N. Y. 1855. D. 928.4 : 6 Sainte-Beuve, C: A: Memoirs of Mme. Des- bordes-Valmore ; with a selection from her poems. Tr. by Harriet W. Pres- ton. Bost. 1873. D. 928.4 : 7 Morley, J: Diderot and the encyclopjedists. Newed. N. Y. 1878. O. ' 928.4:8 Borel, T: Count Agenor de Gas par in. Tr. from the french by O. O. Howard. N. Y. 1881. D. 928.4:9 Querin, Eugc'nie de. Journal ; ed. by G. S. Trc- butien. Lond. 1865. D. 928.4 : 14 Barbou, Alfred. Gi*eat citizens of France : Victor Hugo; his life and his works. From the french by Frances A. Shaw. Chicago. 1881. S. 928.4: 15 Victor Hugo and his time. Tr. from the french by Ellen E. Frewer. 111. Lond. 1882. Q. 928.4+40 Same. N. Y. 1885. Q. 928.4+40 Hugo, J. Adfele, born Foucher. Victor Hugo, by a witness of his life. Tr. from the original french by C: Edwin Wilbour. N. Y. 1864. O. 928.4+16 Smith, G: Barnett. Victor Hugo ; his life and work. Portr. Lond. 1885. D. 928.4 : 42 Collins, W: Lucas. La Fontaine and other french fabulists. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1882]. S. 928.4:35 Lacretelle, H: de. Lamar tine and his friends. Tr. from the french by Maria E. Odell. N. Y. 1880. D. 928.4 : 10 Lamartine, Alfonse Marie L: de Memoirs of my youth. N. Y. 1860. O. 928.4 : 11 Same, germ. Enthiillungen. Aus dem franz. von P. Meyer. Stuttg. 1850. 2 v. S. 928.4:11 D*imont, P: Etienne L: Recollections of M i r a- b e a u and of the lirst two legislative as- semblies of France. 2d ed., rev. Lond. 1832. O. 928.4:17 Smith, J: Stores. Mirabeau ; a life-history. Phila. 1848. D. 928.4 : 18 Mahrenholtz, R: Molifere's leben und wer- ke, vom standpunkt derheutigenforschung. Heilbronn. 1881. O. 928.4 : 43 Oliphant, Margaret O. born Wilson, and F. Tarver. Molifere. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1878. S. 928.4 : 19 Collins, W : Lucas. Montaigne. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1879]. 15. 928.4:20 Musset, Paul Edme de. Biography of Alfred de M u s s e t. Tr. from the french by Harriet W. Preston. Bost. 1877. D. 928.4 : 34 Haussonville, Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cleron, vicomte d'. The salon of madame Necker. Tr. from the french by H: M. Trollope. N. Y. 1885. Q. 928.4:41 Bright-well, Cecelia Lucy. P a 1 i s s y the potter, or The huguenot, artist and martyr, a true narrative. N. Y. n. d. S. x 928.4: 21 Morley, H: Palissy the potter ; [his] life, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines and a tr. of illustrative selections from his works. Bost. 1853. 2 V. D. 928.4:22 TuUoch, J: Pascal. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1878]. S. 928.4 : 23 Jacqueline Pascal, or A glimpse of convent life at Port Royal, irom the french of Victor Cousin, Prosper Faugfere, M. Vinet and other sources, tr. by H. N.; with an introd. by W. R. Williams. N. Y. 1860. D. 928.4 : 24 Besant, Walter. Rabelais. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1880.] S. 928.4:25 Bcamier, Jeanne Fran9oise Julie Adelaide, born Bernard. Memoirs and corresp. Tr. from the french and ed. bylsaphene M. Luyster. 5th ed. Bost. 1867. S. 928.4 : 26 Renan, Joseph Ernest. Recollections of my youth. Tr. by C. B. Pitman. N. Y. 1883. 8. 928.4 : 37 Brockerhoff, F. J : Jacques Rousseau; sein leben und seine werke. Leipz. 1863-74. 3 v. in 2. O. 928.4:44 Contents. V. 1. Genf-Paris, 1712 - 1741. Paris, 1741 - 1756. 2. La Chevrette, 1756 - 1757. Montmor- ency, 1757 - 1762. 3. Montmorency, 1757 - 1762, schluaa. Sehweiz-England, 1762 - 1767. Frankreich, In der provinz. Parls-Eremonville, 1768 - 1778. Graham, H: Grey. Rousseau. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1883. S. 928.4 : 33 Morley, J: Rousseau. Lond. 1873. 2 v. O. 928.4+27 Rousseau, J: Jacques. Bekenntnisse. Leipz. 1854. 4 V. T. 928.4 : 12 Thomas, Bertha. George Sand. (Famous women). Bost. 1883. S. 928.4 : 36 Ritchie, Anna Isabella, born Thackeray. Ma- dame de S e V i g n e . [Foreign ' classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1881]! S. 928.4:28 Stevens, Abel. Madame de S t a e 1 ; a study of her life and times, the first revolution and the first empire. N. Y. [1880]. 2 v. D. 928.4 : 30 Child, Lydia Maria. Memoirs of mme. de Stael and mme. Roland. New ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. 1854. S. 928.4 : 29 Tocqueville, Alexis C: H: Clerel de. Memoirs, letters and remains. Tr. from the french by the tr. of Napoleon's corresp. with king Joseph ; with add. Bost. 1862. 2 v. D. 928.4:31 1563 CI. 928 BIOGRAPHY LITERATURE . ir)64 6. Other literatures. Italian. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, and others. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy. Phila. 1841. 2 v. D. 928.5 : 24 Contents. V. 1. Dante. Petrarch. Boccaccio. Lorenzo de' Medici. Bojardo. Berni. Ariosto. Machiavelli. 2. Galileo. Guicciardini. Vittorla Colonna. Guarini. Tasso. Chiabrera. Tassoni. Marini. Filicaja. Metastasio. Goldoni. Alfleri. Monti. Ugo Foscolo. Stebbing, H: Lives of the italian poets. 2d ed.. with add. Lond. 1832. 3 v. D. 928.5:2 Contents. V. 1. Dante. Petrarch. Boccaccio. Lorenzo de' Medici. Angiolo Poliziano. The Pulci. Burchiello. Girolamo Benlvieni. Seraflno Aqui- lano. Antonio Tibaldeo. Giusto de' Conti. Antonio Fulgoso. Antonio Cornazzani dal Borzetti. Gas- paro Visconti. Francesco Cieco. 2. Boiardo. Sannazzaro.- Ariosto. Bern bo. - Vittoria Colonna. Pietro Aretino. Bernardo Tasso. Giovan-Giorgrio Trissino. Francesco Berni. Luigi Alainanni. Battista Guarini. Marco Girolamo Vida. Giro- lamo Fracastoro. .Tacopo Sadoleto. 3. Torquato Tasso.-Chiabrera. Tassoni. Giambattista Marini. Marini and Murtola. Marini and Stigliani. Achillinl and Preti. Fulvio Testi. Metastasio. Apostolo Zeno. Filicaia. Alexander Guidi. Frugroni. Giuseppe Parlnl. Vittorio Alfleri. Melchior Cesa- rotti. Ippollto Pindemonte. Vincenzo Monti. Ugo Foscolo. Alfleri, V: conte. Autobiography ; with an by W:D. Howells. Bost. 1877. S. 928.5:3 Azeglio, Giuseppe Maria Gerolamo RafFaele Massimo Taparelli, marchese d'. Recol- lections. Tr. with notes and an introd. by count Maflfei. Lond. 1868. 2 v. D. 928.6:18 Trollope, T: Adolphus. Life of Vittoria Co- lonna. [Biogr. ser.] N. Y. 1877. T. 928.5 : 16 Balbo, Cesare. Life and times of Dante Ali- fhieri. Tr. from the italian by F. J. Bun- ury. Lond. 1852. 2 v. D. 928.5 : 4 Church, R: "W: Dante ; an essay. Added, a trans, of De monarchia by F. J. Church. Lond. 1879. D. 928.5 : 5 Oliphant, Margaret O., born Wilson. Dante. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. [1878]. S. 928.5 : 6 "Wegele, Franz Xaver. Dante Alighieri's leben und werke in zusammenhange dargestellt. 3te theilweise verjinderte und verm. aufl. 111. Jena. 1879. O. 928.5+22 Gallenga, Antonio, {Luigi Mariotti). Episodes of my second life ; american and english ex- periences. Phila. 1885 [1884]. D. 928.5:21 Goldoni, C: Autobiography: Memoirs, tr. from the original french by J: Black ; with an essay by W: D. Howells. Bost. 1877. S. 928.5:7 Pellico, Silvio. Le mie prigioni My imprisonments ; memoirs. memorie : Tr. from the italian by T: Roscoe. eng.] Parigi. 1837. O. Campbell, T: Life of Petrarch. [In ital. and 928.5:8 Phila. 1841. O. 928.5+9 Reeve, H: Petrarch. [Foreign classics for eng. readers.] Phila. [1878]. B. 928.5 : 10 KOrting, Gustav. Petrarca's leben und werke. Leipz. 1878. O. 928.5 : 23 Benson, Eugene. Gaspara Stampa ; with a selection from her sonnets, tr. by G: Flem- ing [Miss Julia Fletcher]. Bost. 1881. S. 928.5 : 11 Hasell, E. J. Tasso. readers]. Phila. [Foreign classics for eng. [1882]. S. 928.5:17 S p a n i s h . Hasell, E. J. Calderon. [Foreign classics for eng. readers]. Phila. 1880. 8. 928.5:19 Trench, R: Chenevix. Calderon ; his life and fenius. with specimens of his plays. N. . 1856. D. 928.5 : 12 Oliphant, Margaret O., 6or Wilson. Cervantes. [Foreign classics for eng. readers] . Phila. [1881]. S. 928.5:14 Fox-Vassall, H: R:, 5rf baron Holland. Some ac- count of the life and writings of Felix Lope da Vega. Lond. 1806. O. 928.5 : 13 Scandinavian and Dutch. Nyerup, Rasmus, and Jens E. Kraft. Alminde- ligt litteratur-lexicon for Danmark, Norge ' 15 : li Norsk forfatter-lexikon, 1814- 15:L og Island See col. 20. Halvorsen, J. B. 1880. See col. 20. Erslew, T: Hansen. Almindeligt forfatter-lexi- con for kongeriget Danmark, 1814-1853. 15 : I4 See col. 20. Andersen, Hans Christian. The story of my life. Now first tr. into eng., and contain- ing chapters add. to those pub. in the dan- ish ed., bringing the narrative down to the Odense festival of 1867. Author's ed. Bost. 1880. D. 928.5 : 25 Same. With his In Sweden. Ax 753 Reiseskizzen. Leipz. n. d. S. 928.5 : 1 Contents. Reiseschatton, In Schweden. Das miir- chen melnes lebens. Bremer, Fredrika. Life, letters, and posthu- mous works, ed. by her sister, Charlotte Bremer. Tr. from the Swedish by F: Mi- low ; [some of] the poetry tr. by Emily Nonnen. N. Y. 1880. D. 928.5 : 20 Butler, C: Life of Hugo Grotius, with brief min- utes of the civil, ecclesiastical and literary history of the Netherlands. Lond. 1826. O. 928.5 : 15 1565 BIOGRAPHY GENEALOGY. 01. 929 1566 10. G-enealogy and heraldry. 1. Onomatology. Arthur, W: An etymological dictionary of fam- ily and christian names, with an essay on their dei'ivation and import. N. Y. 1857. D. 929 : 2 Yong-e, Charlotte Mary. History of christian names. New ed., rev. N. Y. 1885. D. 929:6 Wilkinson, W: Francis. Personal names in the Bible, [interpreted and ill.] Lond. 1866. D. 929.6 : 1 Lower, M: Anthony. English surnames ; an es- say on family nomenclature ; historical, etymological and humorous, with several illusti-ative app. 3d ed. enl. Lond. 1849. 2v. O. 929.2:8 Bardsley, C : Wareing. English surnames ; their sources and significations. 3d ed., rev. and enl. Lond. 1875. D. 929.2 : 7 Curiosities of puritan nomenclature. N. Y. 1880. D. 929.2 : 6 [Norman names, Lists and derivations of.] In The norman people. 942 : 10 2. Heraldry and insignia. Barrington, Archibald. A familiar introduc- tion to heraldry ; explaining, in a series of lectures, the principles of tlie science, and showing its application to the study of history and architecture. 111. Lond. 1848. S. 929 : 3 Whitmore, W: H: The elements of heraldry ; containing an explanation of the principles of the science and a glossary of the tech- nical terms employed ; with an essay upon the use of coat-armor in the U. S. N. Y. 1866. O. 929-f4 Jones, W: Crowns and coronations; a history of regalia. 111. Lond. 1883. D. 929:5 Orden, wappen und iiaggen, Die, aller regenten und staaten in originalgetreuen abbildvin- gen. Leipz. 1880. Q. 929 : Rl Macgeorge, A. Flags ; some account of their history and uses. [111.] Lond. 1881. O. 929 : 7 United States. Bureau of navigation. Flags of maritime nations ; from the most authentic sources, prepared by order of the sec. of the navy. 5tn ed. (U. S. 47th cong. 1 sess. House misc. doc. no. 48.) Wash. 1882. Q. in 929 : D Preble, G: H: History of the flag of the U. S. of America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals and arms and principal national songs of the U. S., with a chron- icle of the symbols, standards, banners, and flags of ancient and modern nations. 2d rev. ed. 111. Bost. 1880. O. 929.1-|-P2 Hamilton, Schuyler. History of the national flag of the U. S. of America. Phila. 1852. D. 929.1 : 1 3. Special countries. Un ited States . Hotten, J: Camden, ed. The original lists of persons of quality, emigrants, religious exiles, political rebels, serving men sold for a term of years, apprentices, children stolen, maidens pressed, and others who went from Great Britain to the american plantations, 16001700 ; with their ages, the localities where they formei'ly lived in the mother country ; the names of the ships in which they embarked, and other interesting particulars. From mss. pre- served in the state paper department of her majesty's public record ofiice, England. Lond. 1874. Q. 929.1 :R3 Farmer, J: A genealogical register of the flrst settlers of New England ; containing an alphabetical list of the governours, deputy- governours, assistants or counsellors, and ministers of the gospel in the several colonies from 1620 to 1692, representatives of the general court of Massachusetts from 1634 to 1692, graduates of Harvard college to 1662, members of the ancient and honor- able artillery company to 1662, freemen admitted to the Massachusetts colony from 1630 to 1662, with many other of the early inhabitants of New England and Long Island, N. Y., from 1620 to 1675. Added, various genealogical and biographical notes collected from ancient records, manuscripts and printed works. Lan- caster, Mass. 1829. 0. 929.1 : B,5 Savage, James. A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England, showing three generations of those, who came be- fore may 1692, on the basis of Farmer's Register! Bost. 1860-62. 4 v. Q. 929.1 :I14 Durrie, Daniel Steele. Bibliographia genealogica americana ; an alphabetical index to amer- ican genealogies and pedigrees, contained in state, county and town histories, printed genealogies and .kindred works. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Albany. 1878. O. 929.1:11 Slocum, C: Elihu. A short history of the Slo- cums, Slocumbs and Slocombs of America, genealogical and biographical ; embracing eleven generations of the first-named fam- ily from 1637 to 1881, with their alliances and the descendants in the female lines so far as ascertained, also the etymology of those surnames, an account of some re- searches in England concerning their an- cestors who bore the parent surname, Slo- combe, etc. Syracuse. 1882. O. 929.1+12 Tenney, Horace A. Genealogy of the Tenney family, more particularljy of the family of Daniel Tenney and Sylvia Kent, his wife, from 1634 and 1638 to 1875. Madison. 1875. O. 929.1+10 1567 CI. 929 BIOGRAPHY- HERALDRY . 15(5S Great Britain. Dodd, C: Roffer. A manual of dignities, privi- lege ana precedence, incl. lists of the great public functionaries from the revolution to the present time. Lond. 1843. S. 929.2 : 5 Burke, Sir J: Bernard. The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales ; comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time ; with a supp. Lond. 1883. Q. 929.2 : R12 Fairbaim, James. Crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland, compiled from the best authorities, rev. by Lawrence But- ters. Edinb. w. rf. 2 V. O. 929.2: RIO Burke, Sir J: Bernard. A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 19th ed. Lond. 1857. Q. 929.2 :R1 Same, ; together with memoirs of the privy counsellors and knights. 41st ed. Lond. 1879. Q. 929.2 :R1 Same. 46th ed. Loud. 1884. Q. 929.2 :R1 Burke, Sir J: Bevni^rd. Continued. A genealogical history of the dormant, abey- ant, forfeited and extinct peerages of the British empire. New ed. Lond. 1883. Q. 929.2 :R4 A genealogical and heraldic history of tlic landed gentry of Great Britian and Ireland. 6th ed., with' supp. Lond. 1883. 2 v. Q. 929.2 :R3 Vicissitudes of families. New ed. Lond. 1888. 2 V. D. 929.2: 11 Scott, Sir Walter. Description of the regalin of Scotland. Edinb. 1877. D. 929.2 : 9 Germany. Gothaisches genealogisches taschenbuch der griillichen hiiuser. Gotha. 1883. T. 929.3:1 Gothaisches genealogisches taschenbuch d(n- freiherrhchen hauser, 1883, 1883. Gotha. 1883, 1883. 2 v. T. 929.3 : 2 Almanach de Gotha. See col. 156. 310:13 XII. INDEX TO BIOGRAPHY. Abailard or Abelard, P:, {latin Petrus AbiBlardus), frerich phU- ompher and theologian, 1079-1142. Kichardson, A. S. 922.4:11 Wight. O.W. 922.4:1 Abbott, C:,lst lord Tenterden, chief justice of England, 1763-1833. Campbell, J. in 923.24 : 2 v3 Abel, Niels H:, nnrwegian mathe- matician, 1803-1829. Arago, D. F. J. in 500 : 3 v3 Abelard , see Abailard, P: Abernethy, J :, english surgeon, 1764 -1831. Macilwain, G. 926.2 : 2 Abrantes, Laure, horn Permon, mme. Junot, duchesse d', french author, 1784-1838. Memoirs. 923.4 : 14 Achilliui, Claudio, itofia>i poet, 1574 -1640. Stebbing-, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Ackland or Acland, Christina Har- riet Caroline lady, 17.50-1815. Child, L. M. in 920 : 49 Adams, Abigail, born Smith, wife of J: Adams, pres. U. S., 1744-1818. Adams, C. F. in 826.1 : 2 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : B,54 vl Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Adams, C : Francis, amer. statesman, b. 1807. Carroll, H. fn 920.1: 10 Adams, J:, 2dpresident of the U. S., 1735-1826. Adams, C. F. 329.1 : 1 vl-3 Cook, C. m 923.12: 66 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Morse, J. T., jr. 923.1 1 : 67 Parker, T. in 923.1 : 27 Adams, J : Quincy, 6th president of the U. 8., 1767-1848. Memoirs. 923.11:22 Child, D.L. in 923.12:66 Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Morse. J. T., jr. 923.1 1 : 49 Quincy, J. 923.11:23 Seward, W.H. 923.11:24 Adams, S:, amer. statesman, 1733- 1803. Hosmer, J. K. 923.12:103 Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Wells, W.V. 923.12:1 Addison, Joseph, english essayist and poet, 1673-1719. Aikin, L. 928.2:12 Anton, P. in 928. 2 : 208 Courthope, W. J. 928.2: 194 Johnson, S. in 928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2: 67 v5 Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 Adelicia of Louvaine, 2d queen of Henry I of England, 1103 i'-115l ?. Strickland, A. 923.21 : 27 vl Adomi, Catherina, born Fieschi, called iSt. Catherine of Genoa, 1447-1510. Upham, T. C. 922.5:4 Aemilius Paulus, see Paulus. Aeschylus, see Aischylos. Aesopus, fee Aisopos. 93 Africanus, Leo, see Leo, J: Agassiz, L: J: Rudolphe, swiss- amer. naturalist, 1807-1873. Agassiz, E. C, ed. 925.1 : 8 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R54 v2 Whipple, E. P. i?i 824.1: 91 Agresilaos II, Jang of Sparta, d. b. c. 361? Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v4 Agris IV, king of Sparta, d. b. c. 340. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6:31 v4 Agnew, Sir Andrew, scotch baronet, 1793-1849. McCrie, T. 923.22:11 Agroult, born de Flavigny, Marie Catherine Sophie, comtesse d', (Daniel Stern), french author. 1805 -1876. Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v4 Agrrippina, ivife of Ucesar Oermani- cus, d. a. d. 31. Hamilton, E. 928.6:18 Aikin, Anna Lsetitia, see Bar- bauld, A. L. Aikin, J:, english physician and author, 1747-1833. Aikin, L. 928.2:13 Aird, T:, scotch poet, 1803-1876. Gilflllan, G. in 820.5: 7 vl Aischylos, greek poet, b.t;. 53.5-4.56. Copleston, R. S. 882 : 4 Aisopos, greek fabulist, b. c. 619 ?- .564 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Akenside, M:, english poet, 1731- 1770. Dyce, A. in 821.2:19 Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2: 4 v4 Alamanni, L:, Italian poet, 1495- 15.56. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Albany, Louise Maximiliane Caro- line Emanuel countess of, born prinzessln von Stolberg- Gedern, wife of Charles Edward, the pre- tender, 1753-1834. Paget, V. 923.22:71 Albemarle, Duke of, see Monk, G : Alberg-ati - Capacelli, Francesco marchese, Italian author, 1728-1804. Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v5 Alberoni, Giulio, Italian cardinal, 1664-1752. Maccall, W. in 920 : 59 v2 Smith, G.B. i)i923:28 Albert, Francis Albert A : C : Em an- uel of Saxe-Conurg-Gotha, prince consort of Victoria of England, 1819-1861. Bagehot, W. ii 920.2 : 1 Duyckinck, E. A. i7i 920: R54 v2 Gladstone, W. E. in 329.2 : 9 vl i/i 329.2:11 Grey, C. . 923.21:24 Martin, Sir T. 923.21 : 52 Albery, James, english dramatist, living. Archer, W. in 928.2:183 Alboni, Marietta, comtesse de Pepoll, Italian singer, b. 1824. Clayton, E.G. in 927: 5 Ferris, G.T. in 927: 6 v2 Alcibiades, see Alkibiades. Aldegrever, H:, german painter and engraver, 1503-a&<. 1,563. Scott, W. B. in 927.3 : 1 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Italian natur- alist, 1.523-1605. Naturalist's library. in 590: 58 v8 Aleksandr I Pavlovitch, emperor of Russia, 1777-1835. Maccall, W. in 920 : 59 v2 Aleksandr TI Nikolaievitch, em- peror of Russia, 1818-1881. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: 1154 v2 Aleksandr HI Aleksandrovitch, emperor of Russia, b. 1845. Towle, G. M. in 923: 10 Alembert, J: le Rond d', french philosopher, litterateur and mathe- matician, 1717-1783. Brougham, H. lord, in 920 : 45 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 Alessandro Parnese, duke of Parma. 1546-1.593. Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Alexander of Greece, see Alex- andros. Alexander of Russia, see Alek- sandr. Alexander, Archibald, amer. pres- byterlan clergyman, 1772-1851. Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Alexander, W:, styled earl of Stir- ling, amer. general, 1726-1783. Griswold,R. W. in 923.15:69 vl Headley, J. T. in 923.15:70 v2 Alexandros the great, king of Mace- donia, b. c. 356-333. Abbott, J. 923.6:19 Curtius Ruf us, Q. 923.6 : 20 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v4 Williams, J. 923.6:21 Alexandra of Lithuania, duchess of Masovla, 1364-1433. Higgins, S. E. in 923 : 32 vl Alexis, Willibald, pseud., see HSr- ingr, G: W: H: Alflleri, V: conte, Italian poet, 1749- Autobiography. " W. in 928.5: 24 v2 ^ _. 928.5:3 Shelley,^. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Alfred the great, king of England, 849-901. Abbott, J. 923.21:1 Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 3 Hughes, T. 923.2:2 Lives of englishmen, in 920.2 : 9 Lord. J. in 904: 31 v2 Smith. G. in 824.2-1-94 Alice, Cousin, pseud., see Haven, Alice. Alison, Sir Archibald, scotch judge and historian, 1793-1868. Bayne, P. in 820.5 : 1 v2 Alison, Isabel, scotch covenanter, executed 1681. Anderson, J. in 922.2 : 1 15Q9 Alk-Ark BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1570 Alkibiades, greek statesman and general, b. c. 450 ?-404. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Plutarchos. in 9236:16 in 923.6: 31 v2 Allan, D:, scotch painter, 1744-1796. Cunninifham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v5 Allan, James, scotch clergyman, d. 1858. Steel, R. in 922 : 6 Alleine, Joseph, english theologian and loriter, 1633-1668. Steel, R. in 922: 6 Allen, Ethan, am^r. colonel, 1737- 1789. DePuy, H. W. 923.15:46 Sparks, J. in 923.1 : 21 vl Alien, J:, english author and states- man, 1770-1843. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 in 923: 2 v3 Allen, Moses, amer. clergyman, 1748 -1779. Headley, J.T. in922.1:2 Allen, Stephen, amer. merchant, 1767 -1853. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Allen, T:, amer. clergyman, 1743-1810. Headley, J.T. in 922.1: 2 Allen, W : . amer. statesman. 1806-1879. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Allin^ham, Helen, born Paterson, engllfh painter, b. 1848. Ruskin, J. in 766: 8 Allston, Theodosia, born Burr, 1788 -1812. Parton, J. in 920.1: 6 Allston, Washington, amer. painter and poet, 1779-1843. Jameson, A. in 824.2 : 67 Sweetser, M. F. 927.1:17 Tuckerman, H. T. in 927. 1:16 Ware. W. 766:1 Alma-Tadema, Lauronz, dutch- english artist, b. \.y&. Buskin. J. in 766: 8 Almeida, Dam Francisco de, lirst Portugese viceroy of India, d. IhlO. Maccall. W. in 920: 69 v2 Altdorfer, Albrecht, german pain- ter and engraver, 1488 loIW. Scott, W. B. in 927.3 : 1 Althorp, Viscount, see Spencer, J : C : id earl Spencer. Alton- Shee de Lig'n^res, Ed- xnandicomie i922:6 Baker, Sir S: White, english trav- eler, b. 1821. Adams, W.H. D. in 923:12 Balboa, Vasco NuBez de, Spanish navigator and discoverer, 1475- 1517. Maccall, W. in 920 : 59 v2 Balcarres, Countess of, see Camp- bell, Lady Anne. Balde, Jakob, german latin poet, 1608-1668. Herder, J . G. v. in 830 : 1 54 v3 Baldvrin, see Baudouin. Balfe, Michael W:, irish composer, 1808-1870. Kenney, C. L. 927.2:39 in 920: 24 in 927:12 english serjeant-at- Keddie, H. Ballantine, W: law, b. 1812. Some experiences. 923.24 : 20 Baltimore, Lord, see Calvert, Cecil. Balzac, Honore de, french novelist, 1799-1850. Gautier, T. Hillebraud, K. James, H., jr. Saltus, E. E. Stephen, L. Surville, L. de. in 928.4: 38 in 834: 22 v4 in 928.4:1 928.4:39 in 820.5:13 vl in 846:12 vl 1573 Barn-Bel BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1574 Bamford) S:, english writer and poli- tician, 1788-1872. Smiles, S. fn920:26 Bancroft, G:, amer. historian, b. 1817. Homes of amer. authors. iw 928. 1:64 Bangrs, Nathan, amer. methodist minuter, 1778-1862. Stevens, A. 922.17:1 Banks, -Sir Joseph, english natural- ist, 1743-1820. Brougham. H. lord, in 920 : 45 v2 Edgar, J. G. m x 920:10 Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v28 Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, amr. general and statesman, b. 1816. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Banks, T:, english sculptor, 1735- 1805. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v3 Flaxman, J. m 731:1 Baratier, J : Philippe, french enfant celebre, philologtsl, 1721-1740. Johnson, J. in 8202:13 v2 Barbara of Cilly, empress, queen of Hungary and Bohemia, 1392-1451. Higfrins. S. E. in 923: 32 v2 Barbarelli, see Giorgione. Barbauld, Anna Ltetitia, born Aikin, enylish author, 174;}-125. Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 26 Oliver, G. A. 928.2:16 Kitchie, A. I. in 928.2 : 1 75 Barbiano de Belgiojoso di Este, Cristina, born Trivulzio, jmn- cipessa, italian traveler andiiatriot Adams, w'. H. D. in 923 : 22 Barclay, J:, scotch anatomist and zoologist, 1758-1828. Jardine, -Sir W. in 590: 68 vl2 Barendsz, W:, dutch fiavigator, d. 1.597. Markham, C. H. in 923: 31 Barere de Vieuzac, Bertrand, french demagogue, 17.5.5-1841. Macau lay, T. B. lord. in 824.2: 67 v6 Barham, R: Harris, english clergy- man and author, 1788-1845. Barham, K. H. D. in 928.2: 6 in 829.2: 63 vl Barker, Fordyce, New York physi- cian, b. 1819. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 Barker, Mary Anne, lady, now mrs. F: Napier Broome, english trav- eler and author, liviuy. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Barlow, Joel, amer. clergyman, IIS^ 1812. Headley, J.T. in 922.1: 2 Barnes, Albert, amer. presbyterian clergyman, 1798-1870. Life. 922.14:1 Barnum, Phineas Taylor, am^r. showman and speculator, b. 1810. Struggles and triumphs. 927.1:14 Barretier, see Baratier, J: Philippe. Barrington, Sir Jonah, Irish lawyer and writer, 1767-1834. Personal sketches. 923.22:13 Barrot, Camille Hyacinthe Odllon, french statesman, 1791-1873. Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4: 2 Barry, James, Irish painter, 1741- 1806. Carr, J. C. in 766: 8 Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v2 Bart, 3 -..french admiral, 1651-1702. Cobb, J. F. in z 920: 44 Barth, H:, german explorer, 1821- 1865. Adams, W. H. D. in>928:12 Oberiander, R., ed. in 923 : 17 Barth^lemy, J: Jacques, french author, 1716-1795. Life. in B 4351 Bartholdy, see Hendelssohn- Bartholdy. Bartolomeo, Fra, di San Marco, called also Baceio della Porta and II Frate, italian painter, 1469- 1517. Baxter, L.E. 927.5:6 Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Barton, Bernard, english poet, 1784- 1849. Barton, L., ed. 928.2:17 Bascom, H: Bidleman, amer. mefh. clergyman, 1796-1850. Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Basedow^, J: Bernhard, german theologian and author, 17:.'3-1790. Quick, R.H. in 371:15 Basilios, (,eng. Basil), St., the great, about 329-379. Wilson, W. in 922.2:16 Bassano, Giacomo da Ponte called, italian painter, 1510-1.592. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Bates, E:, amer. statesman, 1793- J. in 923.1: 20 Bates, Joseph, atner. sabbath-keei>er. Autobiogr. 922.18:10 Early life. 922.18:11 Bathurst, H:. 2d earl Bathurst, 'lord chancellor of England, 1714- Campbell.J. 923.24:1 v5 Batuta, Muhammad Ibn Abdillah. called Ibn, moorish traveler, 14th century. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 vl Baudelaire-Dufays, C: P:, french author, 1821-1867. Gautier. T. in 928.4 : 38 James, H., jr. in 928.4 : 1 Baudouin III of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, 1130-1163. Brooks, E. S. in x 920 : 72 Bauer, Andreas F:, german jnechan- ician, 178;}-1860. Spamer. O., ed. in 920 : 77 Bauer, Karoline, german actress, 1808-1877. [Memoirs]. 927.3:32 Bauernfeld, E: v., german author, b. 1802. Biogr. skizze. 928.8:1 Baxter, R:. english divine. 1615-1691. Boyle, G.D. 922.24:17 Tulloch,:j. in 922.2: 6 Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Whittier, J. G. in 920 : 30 Bayard, .Tames Ashton, a?ner. states- man, 1767-1815. Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Bayard, Lewis Pintard, amer. episc. clergyman. 1791-1840. Brown, J. W., ed. 922.13:1 Bayard, P: du Terrail chevalier, french warrior, 147.5-1524. History. 923.4: P76 Spotless and fearless. 923.4:38 Kindersley, E. C. x 923.4-H83 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Bayard, T: Francis, amer. senator, b. 1828. Spencer, E. 923.12:85 Bayne, P:, scotch critic, b. 1830. Notice of. in 820.6:1 v2 Bazaine, Francois Achille, mari- chal de France, b. 1811. Forbes, A. in 829.2 : ej3 Beaconsfield, Earl of, see Dis- raeli, B: Beal, James, english politician, b. 1829. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22:1 Be ales, J: C:, New Fork physician, b. 1804. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 Beattie, James, english poet, 1735- 1803. Gary, H. F. in 928.2: 2 Dyce, A. 821.2:30 Foster, J. in 824.2: 39 Beauclerk, Harriot, born Mellon, duchess of St. Albans, english ac- tress, d. 1837. Hunt, J. H. L. in 824.2: 56 v2 Beaumarchais, P: A: baron de, french dramatist, 1733-1799. Lomenie, L. L. de. 928.4: 5 Beaumont, Francis, english dra- matic poet, 1686-1615. Coleridge, S. T. in 820.2 : 7 v4 Darlev, G. in 928.2:1 Hazlitt, W. in 822.5:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 1 5 Beaumont, Sir G: Howland, eng- lish painter, 1753-1827. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v5 Becket, T: a, see Thomas a Becket. Beckford, W:, english wnter, 1760- 1844. Tuckerman, H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Beckwourth, James P., chief of the Croiv indians, b. 1798. Bonner, T. D. 920.1:103 Bede, The venerable, ecclesiastical historian, dTZ-ISl). Instructive biogr. 922.22 : 5 Bedell, Gregory Townsend, atner. episc. clergyman, 1793-18:34. Tyng, S. H. 922.13:2 Bedford, Duke of, see Plantage- net, J: Bedford, 4th duke of, see Russell, Beecher, H: Ward, amer. clergyman, b. 1813. Abbott, L. 922.15:14 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 v2 Parton, J. io 920.1: 6 Beecher, Lyman, atner. clergyman, 1775-1863. Beecher, C, ed. 922.14:2 Waterbury. J. B. in 922 ; 8 Beesly, E: Spencer, english author and teacher, b. 1831. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Beethoven, L: van, german compo- ser, 1770-1827. Barnard, C. in x 927:15 Crowest, F in 927:18 Ferris, G. T. U\ 927.3 ; 5 Grube, A. W. in 920-h79 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Nohl, L. 927.3:6 Ossoli, S. M. in 824.1: 63 Beethoven, Maria Magdalena, born Keverich, formerly mrs. Laym, mother ofL: varuHeethoven, d. 1787. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Behaim or Behem or Boehm, Mar- tin, german navigator, 14;?6-1506. Maccall, W. in 920 :59 v2 Beham or Bochem, Barthel, ger- man painter, 1502-1540. Scott, W.B. in 927.3:1 Beham, Hans Sebald, german engra- ver, 1,500-1550. Scott, W. B. in 927.3:1 Behmen, J., ee BBhme, Jakob. Behnes, W:, english sculptor, 1800- 1864. Palgrave, F. T. in 704: 4 Belgiojoso, Princess of, see Barbi- ano de Belgiojoso, Cristina. Belisarius, byzantine general, 505- .5a5. Goodrich, 8. G. in:x. 920.6:4 Belknap, W: W., amer. general and politician, b. 1831. Impeachment trial, see col. 223. Bell, Acton, pseud., see Bronte, Anne. Bell, Andrew, english divine and edu- cator, 17.53-1832. Southey, R. and C. C. 922.23:3 Bell, Currer, pseud., see Nicholls, Charlotte. Bell, Ellis, pseud., see Bronte, Emi- ly Jane. Bell, J:, scotch traveler, 1690-1780. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Bell, J:, amer. statesman, 1797-1869. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Bellasys, Susan, lady, d. 1713. Jameson, A. in 923.2: 4 Bellingham, R:, Mh governor of Massachusetts, 15!r2-1672. Moore, J. B. in 923.1:15 1675 BlOGRAtH'y-IirDEX. Bel-Boa 1576 Bellini, QentUe, italian painter, 1421 -1501. Jameson, A. in 927.5: 3 Bellini, Giovanni, Italian painter, 1433-1512. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Bellini, Vincenzo, Sicilian composer, 1803-1885. Ferris, G. T. in 927.5: 34 Keddie, H. m 927:12 Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, Italian traveler, 1778-1823. ; St. John, J. A. in 923:11 v3 ! Taylor. B., ed. in 913.14-4 Bembo, P:, italian cardinal andpoet, , 1470-1547. Stabbing-, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 j Benbow, J:, british admiral, 1650- | 1703. I Edgar, J. G. in x. 923.25 : 3 Benedict, Abner, amer. clergyman, 1740-1818. Headley.J. T. in 922.1 -.2 Benedict, Sir Julius, qerman com- poser, conductor and pianist in Ennland, b. 1804. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Benivieni, Girolamo, italian poet, 1453?-1543. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 Bennett, James Gordon, amer. journalist, 1800-1873. i Memoirs. 928.1:4 Parton, J. in 920.1: 6 ! Bennett, Timothy, english shoema- \ ker, d. 1756. Distineruished shoemakers. i in 926: 3 \ Bennett, ^S'tr W : Sterndale, english \ composer and pianist, 1816-1875. I Keddie, H. in 927:12 Bennigsen, Rudolph v., german statesman, b. 1834. Tuttle, H. in 923 3:15 Bentham, Jeremy, english jurist and philosopher, 1748-1832. Denslow, V. B. in 92 1 : 1 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2: 48 Mill, J. S. in 824.2: 70 vl Bentley, R:, english critic and clas- sical scholar, 1663-1743. DeQuincey.T. in 8242: 29 v2 Jebb, R.C. 928.2:159 Bentinck, W: G: F: Cavendish lord, english political leader, 1802- 1848. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Benton, T : Hart, amr. senator, 1783 -18.58. Magoon, E.L. in 923.1:14 Thirty years' view. 324.H-11 Benzel-Sternau, Christian Ernst graf v., german statesman and au- thor, 1767-1850. Konig, H. in 914.3:9 Berang-er, J: P: de, french poet, 1780-1857. Gautier, T. in 928.4: 38 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4 : 2 Berengraria of Navarre, queen of Richard I, d. 1233. Hewitt, M. E. in 923 : 6 Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Beriot, C: A: de, belgian violinist, 1803-1870. Ferris, G.T. in 927: 7 Berkeley, Elizabeth, born Bago, countess of Falmouth, d. 1684. Jameson, A. in 923.2: 4 Berkeley, G:, english bishop and metaphysician, 1684-1753. Fraser, A. C. 921.2:2 McCosh, J. in 1 04 : 7 v2 Mill, J. S. in 204: 30 Morris, G.S. in 921.2:1 Stock, J. in 820.2: 3 vl Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1: 84 Berlioz, L: Hector, french composer. in 927.4:10 in 927:12 in 920: 24 Apthorp. W. F. Keddie, H. Bernard, St., founder andUt abbottf of Clairvaux, 1091-1158. Lord, J. in 904: 31 v2 Parker, T. in 824. 1 : 65 Ratisbonne, M. T. 922.4:2 Bernard, C: Bernard Dug-rail de la Villette, called C: de, french novelist, 1805-1850. James, H.. jr. in 928.4:1 Bernard, P: Joseph, called Gemi\- Bernard, french poet, 1710-1775. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 vl Bernauer, Agnes, married to Albert duke of Bavaria, 1410-1435. Higgins, S. E. in 923 : 32 v2 Berni, Francesco, italian poet, 1610^ 1673. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 vl Stebbing. H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Bernier, Francois, french traveler, about 1624-1688. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 vl Bernis, Frangois Joachim de Pierre de, french cardinal and diplom- atist, 1715-1794. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 v2 Berry, Mary, english author, 1762- Adams, W. H. D. in 920.2:14 vl Berryer, Antoine P:, french orator and politician, 1790-1868. Coi-menin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4:1 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4: 2 Q. in 920: 24 Bersot, P: Ernest, french litterateur, b. 1816. Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v6 Bert, Paul, french physiologist and politician, b. 1833. Depasse, H. in 920.4 : 3 v2 Bessemer, /Sir H:, english inventor, b. 1813. Bolton, S. K. in 920: 73 Hale.E. E. in x 926:17 Jeans. W.T. in 926.2: 23 Bethell, B.:,lst baron Westbury, eng- lish judge, 1800-1873. Traill, H.D. in 920: 53 Beugnot, Jacques Claude comte de, french statesman, 1761-1833. Reeve, H. in 944 : 24 vl Bewick, T:, english engraver, 1753- 1838. Dobson, H. A. 927.2:38 Turner, W. in 590:58vl9 Beyle, Marie H:, (Stendhal), french aufJior, 1783-1842. Hayward, A. in 824.2 : 46 vl Biard, Leonie, born A' Aunet, french author and traveler, 1820-1879. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Biarne Heriulfson, icelandic vi- king 10th century. Belknap, J. in 923. 1 : 8 vl Bickersteth, E:, english divine, 1786 -1850. Steel, R. in 922 : 6 Bickersteth, H:, 1st baron Lang- dale, english judge, 1783-1851. Essays from the London times. in 820.5: 5 Bickersteth, J: Lang, son of H: Bickersteth, esq., 1833-1847. Memoir. 922.23 : 4 Biddle, C:, amer. politician, 1745- 1831. Autobiography. 923.12:90 Billing, T:, english judge, d. 1483. Atrocious judges. in 923.24: 4 Billington, Elizabeth, born Weich- sel, english singer, 1770-1818. Clayton, E.C. in 927: 5 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 vl Binck, Jacob, german artist, about 1490-1568. Scott, W. B. in 927.3 :1 Bird, E:, english painter, 1773-1819. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v2 Bird, Isabella L., ee Bishop, I. L. Birou, Margaret, hnni Fitzwiliiam, wife of sir J: Biron. Child, L. M. in 920:49 Bishop, Sir H : Rowley, english com- poser, 1780-1855. Keddie, H. in 921 -.12 Bishop, Isabella L., horn Bird, eng- lish traveler, living. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Bishop, J:, english mmician, h. 1817. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Bismarck, O: E: Leopold filrst v., chancellor of the German Empire, b. 1813. Bush, M. 923.3:4 923.3:21 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R54 v2 Hayward, A. in 824.2 : 45 vl Hesekiel, J. G. L. 923.3:5 Schmidt, F. 923.3:61 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Towle, G. M. in 923:10 Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Black, Jeremiah Sullivan, amer. jnrigt, 1810-1883. Black, C.F. in 824. 1-H8 Black, Joseph, scotch chemist, 173&- 1799. Brougham. H. lord, in 920 : 45 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 1 Blackmore, Sir R:, english poet, 1650-1739. Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2 : 4 v3 Blackstone, Sir W:, english judge and law writer, 1723-1780. Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 v2 Black-well, Elizabeth, wife of Alex. Blackwell, english herbalist, 18th century. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Blaine, James Gillespie, amer. statesman, b. 1830. Twenty years of congress. 324.1-^57 Balestier, C. W. 923 . 1 2 : 98 Buel, J. W., and W. E. S. Whit- man. 923.12:99 Blair, Hugh, scotch clergyman, 1718- 1800. Foster, J. in 824.2 : 89 Blake, Katherine, wife of W: Blake. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Blake, Robert, english admiral, 1599 -1657. Dixon, W.H. 923.25:7 Edgar, J. G. in x 923.25 : 8 Johnson, S. in 820.2:13 v2 Blake, W:, english artist and poet, 1757-1828. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v2 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Blanc, J: Joseph L:, french author and politician, 1811-1883. Choie^ki, C : E. in 920.4 : 3 vl Blanchard, T:, amer. mechanic and inventor, 1788-1864. Howe, H. in 926: 2 Blanche of Lancaster, duchess of Bavaria, 1393-1409. Higgins, S. E. in 923 : 32 v2 Blangini, Giuseppe Marco Maria Felice, italian composer, 1781-1841. Houssaye, A. in 920: 16 v2 Blennerhasset, Harman, english settler in America, associate of Aaron Burr, 1770-1831. Journal. in 329.1+83 Safiford, W. H. 923.12:2 Bloomfield, Georgiana, bom Lid- dell, baroness, maid of Junior to queen Victoria, b. 1833. Reminiscences. 923.22:73 Bloomfield, Robert, english poet, 1766-1833. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926: 3 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 76 BlUchen v. Wahlstadt, Gebhard Lebrecht furst, prussian field- marshal, 1742-1819. Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3:48 Scherr, J. 923.3:25 Boadicea, queen of the Iceni, d. 62. Hewitt, M. E. in 923 : 6 15W Boa-Brd BIOGRAPHY INDEX . 1578 Boardman, Timothy, amer. farmer, 1751-1837. Boardman, S. W. 971.1:19 Boccaccio di Certaldo, Giovanni, italian noveMst, 1313 1375. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 vl Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Bbdtcher, L: Adolph, danis/i poet, 17*3-1874. Gosse, E. W. in 804 :'2 Boerhave, Hermannus, dutch phy- sician, 1668-1738. Grube, A. W. in 920-1-79 Johnson, S. in 820.2:13 v2 B6hl de Faber, Cecilia, see Arrom, Cecilia. BShme, Jakob, german mystic, 1.575- 1624. Distinguished shoemakers. m926:3 Bohorques, Maria de, Spanish mar- tyr, d. 1559. Chapman, W. in 922:13 Boiardo or Bojardo, Matteo Ma- ria, conte di Scandino, italian poet, 1430-1494. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 vl Stebbingr. H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Boieldieu, Fran90i8 Adrien, french composer, 1775-1834. Ferris. G. T. in 927.6 : 34 Boileau-Despreaux, N:. french poet and satirixt, 1636 1711. Shelley, M. W. in 928.4 : 45 vl Bojardo, sec Boiardo. Bol, Ferdinand, ilutr)i painter, 1611- 1681. Gower, Lord H. C. in 927.5: 27 Bold, J:, eitylish clergyman, 1679- 17.51. Lives of englishmen, in 920.2: 9 Boleyn, Anne, see Anne Boleyn. Bolingrbroke, Viscount, see St. John, SirH: Bolton, Duchess of, see Paulet, La- vinia. Bonaparte, Elizabeth, horn Patter- son, amer. wife of Jerome Bona- parte, 1785-1879. Didier.E. L. 928.1:6 Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Cani- 7i(>. 177.5-1840. Memoirs. 923.4:27 Bonaparte, Marie Letitia, bom Ramolino, mother of Napol&m 1, 17.50-1836. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 67 Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napo- leon. Bonaparte family. Lester. C.E. 923.4:6 Bond, W: Cranch, amer. ctstrono- mer, 1789-1859. Everett, E. in 824.1 : 28 Bonheur, Rosalie called Rosa, french painter, b. 1822. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R54 v2 Hoppin, J.M. in 920: 50 Bonington, R: Parkes, english painter, 1801-1828. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Boone, Daniel, pioneer and early settler in Kentucky, 1735-1822. Abbott, J. 8. C. 923.19:1 Everett, E. in 824. 1 : 28 Hill, G.C. X 923.19:2 Peck, J.M. ne Alfred, french general, 182;j-1883. Coan, T. M., ed. in 904 : 24 Chapin, Edwin Hubbell, am,er. uni- rersalist clergyman, 1824-1880. Ellis, S. 922.18:14 fr Hoi Chapman, G:, english poet, 1557- 1634. Hazlitt, W. in 822.5:1 Lowell, J. R. in 820.5:11 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 1 5 Chapman, J : Gadsby, amer. artist, b. 1808. Tuckerman. H. T. in 927.1 : 16 Chardin, Sir J:, english traveler, 1643-1713. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 vl Charlemag-ne, see Karl the great. Charles I of England, 1600-1649. Abbott, J. 923.21:12 Bayne, P. i?i 942.4: 18 Charles II of England, KW-um. Abbott, J. 923.21:18 Barker, C. in 923.22: 51 Bayne, P. in 942.4:18 Charles I of France, see Karl the great. Charles VIII of France, 1470-1498. Comines. P. de. in 944.2 : 1 Charles V, emperor of Germany, see Karl V. Charles XII of Sweden, see Karl XII. Charles the bold, duke of Burgundi/, 1433-1477. Freeman. E. A. in 904: 10 Kirk. J. F. 9234:40 Charles de Valois, due d' Orleans, french prince and poet 1391-1465. Stevenson. R. L. in 824.2: 108 Charles Edward Stuart, called the young pretender, 1720-1788. Ewaldi A. C. 923.22:59 Greene, G. W. in 824. 1 : 38 Charles\^fe of Kleombrotos of Sparta. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Chenier, Andre Marie de, french poet, 1763-1T94. Houssaye, A. tii 920:16 v2 Cherbuliez, V:, french writer, b. 1838. Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Cherubini, Maria L: C: Zenobi Salvatore, Italian composer, 1760- 1842. Ferris, G. T. in 927.5 : 34 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Chesterfield, Countess of, see Stan- hope, Lady E. Chesterfield, -Ith earl of, see Stan- hope, P. D. Chevallier, Sulpice Guillaume, {Paul Gavai-ni), french caricatur- ist, 1801-1866. Gautier, T. in 928.4 : 38 Q. in 920:24 Chevreuse, Marie ducliesse de, born de Kohan, formerly duchesse de Luijnes, french intriguer, 1600- 1679. Cousin, V. 923.4:41 Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 vl Cheynell, Francis, enylish iwncon- formist divine and writer, 1608- 1665. Johnson, S. in 820.2:13 v2 Chiabrera, Gabriello, italian poet, 1553-1637. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Chickering:, Jonas, amer. piano- firrte maker, 1798-18.53. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Child, Lydia Maria, horn Francis, amer. author and philanthropist, 1803-1880. Higginson, T. W. in 920: 50 Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley, english statesman, b. 1837. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22 :5 Childs, G: W., amer. publisher, b. 1839. Bolton, S. K. in 920: 73 Chisholm, Caroline Jones, english philanthropist, 1810-1877. Smiles, 8. in 920: 26 Choate, Kufus, amer. lawyer and oratm; 1799-1859. Brown, S.G. in 329.1: 6 vl Whipple, E. P. in 820.5: 14 v2 Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Florent A: comte de, french dip- lomat and traveler, 1753-1817. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v3 Chopin, Francois F:, polish compo- ser, 1809-1849. Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Ferris, G. T. in 927.3 : 5 i7i 927 : 7 Karasowski, M. 927.5 : 44 Liszt. F. 927.5 : 38 Keddie, H. in 927: 12 Chorley, H: Fothergill, english avr tlwr, 1808-1873. Personal reminiscences. in 928.2:42 Christina, qtieen of Sweden, 1626- 1689. Entertaining biography. in 920: 46 Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 v2 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Chrysostomos, J: {eng. St. John Chrysostom), greek church father, 350-407. Lord, J. i}i904:31vl Wilson, W. in 922.6:16 Churchill, J:, Ist duke of Marl- borough, 1650-1732. Adams, W. H. D. in 942 : 32 v2 Alison, Sir A. 923.25 : 9 Coxe, W. 923.25:8 Creighton, L. 923.25 : 28 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 10 Lord, J. in 904: 31 v5 Russell, W. in 920:37 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Churchill, Sarah, born Jennings, duchess of Marlborough. 1660-1744. Adams, W. H. D. in 920.2:14 vl Lord, J. in 904: 31 v5 Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 v2 Thomson, K. 923.22:18 and J. C. in 920 : 28 Cibber, Caius Gabriel, german sculp- tor in England, 1630-1700. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v3 Cicero, Marcus TuUius, roman philosopher, orator and statesman, b. c. 106-43. Collins, W.L. 875:3 De Quincey, T. in 824.2 : 30 v2 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Lord, J. m 904: 31 vl Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 vl Middleton, C. 923.6:11 Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v5 Trollope. A. 923.6:12 Cid, Rodrigo or Ruy Diaz de Bi- var, called the Cid, Spanish war- rior, 1036 or 4.5-1099. Dobson, W. T. in 811: 3 Markham, R., ed. 946 : 25 Southey, R. 9464-7 Cieco, Francesco, Italian poet, loth century. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Cimabue, Giovanni, italian paint- er, 1340-1300. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Cimarosa, Domenico, italian com- poser, 1749-1801. Ferris, G.T. ^ in 927.5: 34 Cimon, see Kimon. Clairon, Claire Joseph Hippolyte Iiegrris de Latude, called mile., french actress, 1723-1803. Houssaye, A. in 920: 15 v2 Clapp, Asa, amer. merchant, 1762- 1848. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Clare, J:, english poet, 1793-1864. Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Clarendon, 1st earl of, see Hyde, E : Claris de Florian, J: P:, french author, 1755-1794. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 15 vl Clark, Jonas, amer. clergyman, 17.30- 1805. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 -.2 Clark, Rush, amer. congressman, 1834-1879. Memorial addresses. 923.12:12 Clark, Willis Gaylord, amer. atdhor, 1810-1841. Clark, L.G. in 820.1: 3 Clarke, Adam, wesleyan commenta- tor and oriental scholar, 1760-1833. Life by himself. 922.27 : 1 Taylor, W.C. in 920.2: 8 Clarke, E: Daniel, english traveler, mineralogist and writer, 1769-1833. Otter, W. 925.2: 1 St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v3 Claudius, Matthias, der Wands- becker Bothe, german poet, 1740- 1815. Monckeberg, C. 928.3 : 63 Oertel, H. 928.3:106 Claverhouse, see Graham, J :, Ist viscount of Dundee. Clavers, Mrs. Mary, pseud., see Kirkland, C. M. Clay, H:, amer. statesman, 1777-18.52. Colton, C. 329.1: 6 vl-3 923.12:13 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Famous boys. in x920 : 32 Greeley, H. in 923. 12:66 Magoon. E. L. in 923.1 :14 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 v2 Parton, J. in 920.1: 6 Q. in 920: 24 Seymour, ('. C. B. in 920: 26 Clayton, Charlotte, born Dyves. visamntess Sundon, mistress of the robes of Caroline of Branden- burg-Anspach, d. 1742. Thomson. K. 923.22 : 80 Clemenceau, G: B: Eugene, /enc/( politician, h. 1841. Pelletan. C. C. in 920.4 : 3 v2 Clemens XIV, (Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Q-ang'anelli), pope, 1705-1774. Schubart, C. F. D. in 830 : 146 v7 Clemens, S: Langhorne, (Mark Twain), amer. humorist, b. 1835. Haweis, H. R. in 928.1 : 66 Clement, Joseph, english mechan- ician, 1779-1844. Lewis, T. C. in 926.2 : 5 Smiles, S. in 926.2:1 dementi, Muzio, italian piano-forte player, 1753-1833. Ferris, G.T. in 927: 7 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Cleomenes, see Kleomenes. Cleopatra, see Kleopatra. Cleveland, Duchess of, see Pal- mer, Barbara. Cleveland, Stephen Grover, 22d president of the U. S., b. 1837. King, P. 923.12:101 Clifford, G:,3ii earl of Cumberland, english naval commander, 1558- 1605. Edgar, J. G. inx. 923.25 : 3 Clifford, Lady Margaret, wife of lord Strange, countess of Derby and queen in Man, 1540-1596. Strickland, A. in 923.21: 56 Clifford, W: Kingdon, english sci- entist, 1845-1879. Porter, N. in 104: 6 Clinton, DeWitt, amer. statesman, 1769-1828. Beck, T. R. in 923. 12 : 66 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Renwick. J. 923.15:6 Seward, W. H. in 329.1 :15 v4 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1: 84 Clinton, G:, amer. general, 1739- 1813. Grlswold, R. W. in 923.16: 69 v2 Clinton, James, amer. general, 1736 -1813. Grlswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923. 1 6^: 70 v2 Clisthenes, see Kleisthenes. Clive, Robert, 1st baron Clive, 1735- 1774. Adams, W. H. D. in 942 : 32 v2 Entertaining biogr. in 920 : 46 Macaulay, T. B. lirrd. in 824.2: 67 v3 Malleson, G. B. 954:11 Taylor, W. C. " in 920.2 : 8 Clougrh, Arthur Hugh, english poet, 1819-1861. Norton, C. E. in 82 1 .2 : 70 Waddington, S. 928.2:181 Clyde, Lord, see Campbell, Sir Colin. Cobb, Howell, amer. statesman, 1815 -1868. Savage, J. in 923. 1 : 20 Cobbett, W:, english economist and political wHter, 1762-1835. Bulwer,rSir H. L. E. in 923 :3 v2 Entertaining biogr. i?) 920: 46 Gilflllan. G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Lodge, H.C. in 904:35 Russell, W. in 923:37 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Cobden, R:, english poUtieian and political economist, 1804-1865. Ashworth, H. 337:17 Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R64 v2 Coc-Cor BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Gowlng.R. 923.23:5 McGilchrist, J. 923.23:1 Moiley, J. 923.23 : 2 Smiles, S. i)i920:26 Cochrane, J: Ttund&sJnitUli naval officer, "the pedestrian traveler", 1780-1825. Taylor, B.. ed. in 913.1+4 Cochrane, T:, 10th earl of Dundon- akl, engmh admiral, 1775-1860. Autobiogrraphy. 923.26:11 Allen. J. 923.25:10 Cockburn, H:T:, lord of sessitm in Scotland, 1779-1854. Memorials. 923.24:11 Coke, Sir ^z, chief justiceof England and anthfyr, 1552-16;w. Campbell. J. in 923.24: 2 vl Disting-uished men. in 920:33 vl Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 vl Coke, T:, welsh clergyman, 1747-1814. Steel, R. in 922: 6 Cole, T:, amer. painter, 1801-1847. Bolton, S. K. in 920 : 73 Greene. G. W. in 824.1 : 37 Tuckerman, H. T. in 927. 1:16 Colebrooke, H: T:, englvsh orien- talifit, 1765-1837. Muller, F. M. in 824.2 : 74 v4 Coleridg'e, Hartley, english author and poet, 1796-1849. Beed.H. in 82 1.5: 4 v2 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Coleridgre, S: Taylor, english poet, majyisf, etc., 1772-1834. Bayne, P. [in 820.5 : 1 v2 Brooke, S. A. in 821.5:1 Cottle. J. 928.2 : 44 Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Gilflllan. G. in 820.5 : 7 vl Hazlitt, W. in 824 2:48 Mason, E.T., ed. in 928.2 :215vl Mill, J. 8. in 824.2 : 70 v2 Reed, H. in 821.6: 4 v2 Rossettl, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Russell. A. P. in824.1:113 Shedd. W. G. T. in 824. 1 : 73 Traill, H. D. 928.2 : 202 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5:7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Coleridsre, Sara, horn Coleridgre, mrs. H : Nelson Coleridge, english author, 1803-1852. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 in 928.2: 21 v2 Colerldfire, E., ed. 928.2 : 46 Coles, E:, 2d governor of Illinois, 1786-1868. Washburne, E. B. 923.12:14 Coligny, Gaspard de, froich ad- miral, 1517-1572. Bersier, E. 923.4:86 Besant, W. 923.4:42 Stephen, C. E. in 923 : 30 Coligny, see also Chatillon. CoUey, R:, 2d earl of Mornim/lon, marqids Wellesley, 1760-1842. Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 CoUkigrwood, Cuthbert, baron Vol- lingwood, english admiral, 1750- 1810. Edgar, J. G. in jc 920:11 - in X 923.25: 3 CoUins-virood, Patience, ludy wife of Cuthbert lord Collingwood. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Collins, W:, english poet, 1730-1756. Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 iH 821.6: 2 Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 - in 928.2: 4 v4 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Colombo, Cristoforo, Italian discov- erer of America, 1435-1506. Abbott. J. S. C. 923.5:70 Alden. W. L. 923.5:71 Cubitt. G. 923.5:72 Belknap. J. in 923.1 : 8 v 1 Helps, Sir A. 923.5:73 Irving, W. 923.6:74 820.1:P11 vlO-12 820.1 :13vl Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920: 19 vl 923.6:75 Markham, C. R. in 923 : 3 1 Monai'chs of ocean. 923 : 15 Oertel, P. F. W. 926.5:17 Colonna, Vittoria. marchesa di Pes- cara, italian poet, 1490-1547. Harford. .T. S. in 927.6 : 16 Stebbing, H. in 928. 5 : 2 v2 Trollope. T. A. 928.5:16 Colton, C: Caleb, english divine, d. 1832. Biogr. sketch. in 829.2 : 6 Columbus, Christopher, see Co- lombo. Colville, Elizabeth, lady Culross, d. about 1650. Anderson. J. in 922.2 : 1 Colville, Margaret, lady, born We- myss, scotch covenanter. Anderson. J. in 922.2: 1 Combe, Andrew, scotch physician, 1797-1847. Smiles, S. iu920:26 Comenius, see Komensky, J: Amos. Comte, Isidore A: Marie Francois Xavier. french philosopher, 1798- 1857. Caird. E. 194:6 Denslow. V. in 921:1 Lewes, G. H. 194:1 Mill, J. S. 194:3 Cond^, Claire Clemence de Bour- bon, born Mallle-Breze, rincee de. wife of the great Condi. Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 vl Conde, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de, called T)ie great Conde; french general, 1621-1686. Stanhope, P. H. earl. 923.4: 54 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Condorcet, Marie J: Antoine N: Caritat, marquis de, french mathematician, 1743-1794. Shelley, M.W. in 928.4:45v2 Cone, Spencer Houghton, amer. baptist clergyman, 1785-18.55. Cone, E. W. and S. W. 922. 1 6 : 1 Confucius, sec Kong-Fu-Tse. Congrar, Obadiah, amer. sea-captain, 1768-1848. Cheever, H. T. 923.15:7 Conerreve, W :, ngrJwApo<, 1672-1729. Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 Hunt. J. H. L. in 928.2:1 Johnson, 8. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2: 67 v4 Thackeray. W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Consalvi, Ercole, cardinal, 1757- 1824. Ranke, F. L. v. in 904 : 36 v40 Constable, Archibald, scotch pub- lisher, 1776-1826. Constable, T. in 928.2 : 46 Constable, i:, english painter, 1776- 1837. Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 Constant de Bebecque, H: B:, french orator and statesman, 1767 -1830. Cormenin, L. M. vicomf.eAe. in 923.4:1 Constantinus, Flavius Valerius Aurelius. the great, emperor of Rome, 272-837. Lord, J. in 904: 31 vl Conti, Giusto de', italian poet, 15th century. Stebbing, H. in 928.6 : 2 vl Conway, Moncure Daniel, amer. author, b. mfZ. Davidson. J. M. in 923.22:1 Conway, T:, irish-am^r. general, b. ird. Griswold, R.W. in 923.16:69 v2 Cook, Eliza, english poet, b. 1817. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: S54 v2 Cook, Capt. James, english circum- navigator, 1728-1779. Kippis, A. 913.1:49 Markham, C. R. in 923 : 3 1 Monarchs of ocean. 923 : 15 Mossman, S. in 923 : 1 3 Miiller, K. 923.29:2 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.29 : 5 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Coombe, T:, am^r. loyalist clergy- man, 1747-1833. Headley, J. T. in 922.1: 2 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Shaftesbury, lord chancellor of England, 1621-1683. Campbell, J. in 923.24 : 1 v3 Cooper, Anton Ashley, lid earl of Shaftesbury, english philosopher, 1670-1713. Fowler, T. 192:9 Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, english surgeon, 1768-1841. Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 Cooper, James Fenimore, amer. novelist, 1789-1851. Greene, G. W. in 824.1 : 37 Homes of amer. authors. i?i 928.1: 64 Lounsbury, T. R. 928.1:48 Parkman, F. in 824.1 : 105 Powell, T. in 928.1: 3 Wilson, J. G. in 928. 1 : 78 Cooper, P:, am^r. philanthropist, 1791-1883. Bolton, 8. K, in 920.1:13 Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Cope, T: Pym, atner. merchant, 1768- 1854. Hunt, F. in 923. 18 :lvl Copernik, N:, polish astronomer, 1473-1548. Distincuished men. in 920: 33 vl Goodrich, 8. G. in x 920 : 39 Morton, E. J. C. in 925: 5 Copley, J: Singleton, amer. painter, 1787-1815. Amory, M. B. 927.1:22 Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1 :16 Copley, J: Singleton, baron Lynd- hurst, english lord chancellor, 1772- 1863. Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Francis, G. H. in 928.22 : 4 Martin, Sir T. 923.22 : 65 Copway, G:. see Kah-gre-g'a-g'ah- bow^k. Corday d'Armans, Mariane Char- lotte de. known as Charlotte Cor- day, french fanatic, assassinator of Marat, 1768-1793. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R64 vl Hewitt, M.E. iji923:6 Russell, W. i?i920:38 Coriolanus, Caius Marcius, roman general, flow ished b. c. 490. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v2 Comazzani dal Borzetti, An- tonio, italian poet, Wh century. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Corneille, P:, french dramatist, 1606-1684. Guizot, F. P. G. 928.4: 6 Shelley, M. W. in 928.4 : 45 vl Trollope, H. M. 928.4 : 1 3 Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, h. c. 189-110. Holloway, L. C. i?t920:57 Cornelius, P:, german painter, 1787- 1867. Carriere, M. in 920 : 78 v7 Cornell, Ezra, founder of Cornell university, 1807-1874. Bolton, S. K. in 920: 73 Cornw^all, Barry, pseud., e Proc- ter, Bryan Waller. Corradi, see Ghirlandajo. Correegio, Antonio Allegri, called II. Italian painter, 1494-15.34. Heaton, M. C. 927.5:42 Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 1591 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Oor-Cyr Cort, H:, english iron worker, 1740- 1800. Smiles, S. in 926.2:1 Cortes, Hernando, Spanish con- queror of Mexico, 1485-1547. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.5 : 24 Allen, F. H., ed. 923.5 : 25 Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 vl Cortes, J: Donoso, marques de Val- degamas, see Valdegramas. Corvin- Wiersbitzki, O: Julius Bernhardt v., german revolution- ist and author, b. 1813. Aus dem leben eines volkskJim- pfers. 923.3:9 Corvrin, T:, awer. statesman, 1794- 1865. Magoon, E. L. iu 923.1:14 Russell, A. P. 923.12:15 Cosimo de Medici, ste Medici, Cosimo de. Costa, Sir Michael, swiss - english composer, 1810-1884. Keddie, H. w 927:12 Costa de Beaureg-ard, Joseph H : de, marquis de Savoyard, french historian and general, 1753-1834. Hildebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v5 CosAway, R: english painter, 1740- 1831. Cunningham, A. in 927-2 : 1 v5 Cotta, Ursula, german ivoman oj reformation period. Chapman, W. in 922 : 1 3 Coudray, P. C: J: B. T. du, see Du Coudray. Courier, Paul L:, french author, 1773-1835. Maccall, W. 920:59vl Courtney, Leonard H:, english po- litician, b. 18;?3. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Coventry, 6''JrT:, iord keeper of the great seal of England, 1578-1640. Campbell, J. in 923.24: 1 v2 Covren, Joseph, english radical, b. 1831. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Hinton, R. J. in 923.22 : 6 Cowley, Abraham, englifh poet, 1618-1667. Gosse, E. W. i)i 928.2:213 Hazlitt, W. id 828.5: 1 Hunt, J. H. L. in 824.2 : 55 v2 Johnson, S. in 928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 vl Cowper, Anne, born Donne, mother of W: Cowper, 1703-1737. Hollo way, L. C. i(i920:57 Cowper, W : lord, lord chancellor of England, 1664-1723. Campbell. J. in 923.24 : 1 v4 Co-vrpex, W :, english poet, 1731-1800. Brooke, 8. A. in 821.5:1 Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Hayley, W. 928.2 : 50 Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 1/(821.5:2 Reed, H. i 821.5:4 vl Rossetti. W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Smith, G. 928.2:48 ()i 928.2+11 Southey, R. 928.2:49 Stephen, L. in 820.5 : 13 v3 Taylor, T. 928.2:51 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5:7 Crsibloe, G:, english poet and prea- cher, 1754-1833. Crabbe, G., jr. 928.2:146 Gilfllian, G. in 820.5: 8 v2 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Stephen, L. in 820.5 : 1 3 v2 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Cramer, J : Baptist, english musi- cian, 1771-ia58. Keddie, H. i/i 927:12 Cranbrook, Viscount, see Hardy, (J. Crane, Cenas. nmer. paper manu- facturer, 1777-1845. Smith.J. E. A. 926.1-1-13 Craniuer, T: 1489-1556. archJbp. of Canterbury, Forster, J., and T. P. Courtenay. in 923.22: 2 vl Crashaw, R:, english poet, 1613- 1649. Gosse, E. W. in 9282 : 218 Crassus, Marcus Licinlus, roman triumvir, b. c. 108-53. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v3 Crawford, Countess of, see Lind- say, Lady Mary. Crawford, T:, amer. sculptor, 1814- 1857. Greene, G.W. in 824.1: 37 Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot de, french tragic poet, 1674-1763. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 v2 Crebillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de, french novelist, 1707-1777. Houssaye. A. in 920:15 v2 Crispin, St., patron sa\nt of shoe- makers, d. 300. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926 : 3 Crittenden, J : Jordon, a7ner. states- man, 1786-1863. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Crockett, D:, amer. soldier and hunter, 1786-1836. Life by himself. 923.19:10 Abbott, J. S. C. 923.19:8 Croft, W:, english composer, 1677- 1727. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Crog-han, G:, amer. general, 1791- 1849. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15: 3 Croker, J: Wilson, irish political writer, 1780-1857. Corresp. and diaries. 928.2: 204 Croly, G:, english poet, 1780-1860. Gilfllian, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Crompton, S:, english artisan, Yts^ 1837. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Lewis, T.C. in 926.2: 5 Cromwell, Oliver, lord protector of England, 1599-16.58. Adams, W. H. D. in 942 : 32 vl Bayne P. Bisset, A. Carlyle, T. Forster, J. iu 942.4:18 in 904: 34 in 824.2:20 in 824.2:22 iH923.22:2v6,7 iH 923.22: 3 v4,5 Gardinei-, S. R. in x 923.2 : 7 Guizot, F.P. G. 942.4:25 Hawks, F.L. 923.21:15 Headley, J.T. 923.21:16 Hood, E. P. 923.21:49 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 v2 923.21:42 Merled'Aubigne.J.H. 923.21:13 " in 824.2:7! Miller, H. Pauli, R. Picton, J. A. Russell, M. Russell. W. Smith, G. Tulloch, J. Wilson, J. G. in 920: 78 vl 923.21:50 923.21:17 in 920:37 in 923.22:8 iu 922.2: 6 in 923:19 Cromwell, R:. lord protector of England, 1626-1713. Guizot, F. P. G. 942.4:26 Cross, Marian, born Evans, formerly mrs. G: H: Lewes. {George Eliot), english novelist, 1815J-1880. Adams, W.H.D. i( 928.2:212 Ames, C. G. Blind, M. Cleveland, R. E. Cooke, G. W. Cross, J. W. Dowdon, E. Lord, J. Paul, C. K. Schmidt, J. Wilkinson, W. C. 928.2:221 928.2:172 iu 824.1:7 928.2: 188 928.2:205 928.2+205 in 804:1 in 904:31 v5 in 920.?: 12 in 834: 20 vl in 820.5:16 Croswell, W :, o of dr. Harry Cros- well, protestant-eplscopal clergy- man, 1804-1851. Croswell, H. 922.13:4 Crouch, Anna Maria, english singer, 1763-1805. Clayton, E.G. in 927: 6 Crow^e, Kate, horn Bateman, amer. actress, b. 1843. Winter, W. in 920: 50 Cruikshank, G:, english artist, 1792-1878. Jerrold, W. B. 927.2:30 Cruvelli, originally Cruwell, Je- anne Sophie Charlotte, comtesse Vigier, german singer, b. 183<). Clayton, E. C. in 927: 5 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 v2 Cud worth, Ralph, english philoso- pher, 1617-1688. Lowrey, C. E. 110:8 Cumberland, 3d earl of, see Clif- ford, G: Cumberland, R:, english dramatist, 1732-1811. Memoirs. 928.2:52 Cummingr, Constance Frederica Gordon-, scotch traveler, living. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Cummingrs, C:, amer. clergyman, 1733-1813. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 : 2 Cummins, G: D:, Ist bishop of the reformed episc. church, 1823-1876. Cummins, A. M. 922.13 : 13 Cunniug-ham, Allan, scotch poet and critic, 1784- 1843. Gilfllian, G. in 820.5 : 7 vl Curran, J: Philpot, irish advocate, orator and politician, 1750-1817. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 :2 v2 Curran, W. H. 923.24: 12 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R54 vl Phillips, C. 923.24:13 Curtis, B: Bobbins, nmer. jurist, 1809-1874. Curtis, G. T. 923.12: 16 vl Cartis, Joseph, amer. philanthro- pist, 1783-1856. Sedgwick, C. M. 923.17:1 Curw^en, S:, amer. merchant and loyalist, 1716-1803. Journal and letters. 923.12: 17 Cushing', Caleb, amer. jurist, 1800- 1879. Savage, J. in 923. 1 : 20 Cushing, W:, c/)i/ justice of the U. S., 1733-1810. Flanders, H. in 923.14:2 v2 Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, amer. actress, 1816-1876. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Q. in 920 : 24 Stehbins, E. 927.1:8 Waters, C.E. 927.1:15 Cushman, Robert, one of the found- ers of New Plymouth, 1580-1635. Belknap, J. in 923.1 : 8 v3 Custer, G: A., amer. general, 1839- 1876. Whittaker, F. 923.15: 49 Cuvier, G: Leopold Chretien F: Da- gobert baron, french naturalist, 1769-1832. Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Duncan, P.M. in 925: 4 Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Naturalist's library, in 590:68 v3 Cuvier, Sophie Laure Clementine, daughter of baron Cuvier, d. 1838. James, J. A. 922.4: 3 Cuzzoni, Francesca, afterwards mme. Sandmii, italian singer, 1700 -1770. Clayton, E.C. 927:6 Cymburga of Mitsiwla, ducliess of Anshia. 1393-1429. Higgins, S. E. in 923 : 32 vl Cyprianus, Thaseius Ciecilius, St., Imhop of Carthage, aht. 200-358. Wilson, W. in 922.6:16 Cyrus, secKyros. Dag-Des BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1594 Da??et, Naphthali, amer. clergy- man, 1727-1780. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 : 2 Dahlgrren, J: Adolphus Bernard, amer. admiral, 1809-1870. Dahlgren, M. 920.15:55 Dale, Robert W:, english independent minister and politician, b. 1829. Davidson, J. M. in 929.22:1 Dale, S:, amer. general, 1773-1841. Claiborne. J. F. H. 923.15: 8 Dale, Sir T:, governor of Virginia, d. 1620. Belknap, J. in 923.1 : 8 v2 Dallas, G: Mifflin, amer. statesman, 1793-1804. Savage, .T. in 923.1 : 20 Dalling and Bulwer, Baron, see Bulwer, H: Lytton Earle. Damer, The hon. Anne Seymour, english sculptor, 1748-1838. Cunningrham, A. in 927.2:1 v3 Tliomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Damoreau, Laure Cinthie Monta- lant, french singer, 1801-1863. Clayton, E.G. i?i 927: 5 Dampier, W:, english navigator, 16.53 -1711. Life and voyages. in 923.25: 5 Markhain. C. R. / 923 : 31 Dana, R: H:, amer. poet and essay- ist, 1787-1879. Homes of amer. authors. .11928.1:64 Powell, T. i 928.1: 3 Whipple. E. P. i( 820.5:14 vl,2 Wilson, .7. G. in 928.1: 78 Danby, 1st earl of, see Osborne, T:, 1st duke of I^eds. Dance, <9ir Nathaniel, english com- modore, b. 1748. Markham, C. R. in 923 : 3 1 Dancourt, Florent Carton, french dramatist, 16(11 1736. Houssaye, A . in 920 : 1 5 v2 Danican, Francois Andre, {Phlli- dor), french composer and dust- player. 1727-17!*5. Allen. G. 927.4:4 Daniel, S:, english poet, 156^-1619. Whipple, E. i*. f?i820.5:15 Dannecker, J: H:, germxin sculptor, 1758-1841. Jameson, A. in 824.2: 58 Dante Alishieri, ilalian poet, 1265- Alison. Sir A. {n 824.2: 2 . 824.2:124 v2 Balbo, V. 928.5:4 CarJyle, T. < 824.2:20 iu 824.2: 22 Church. R. W. 928.5:5 Colerldgre, 8. T in 824.2:123 Distinguished nen. tn920:33vl Dobson, W. T. in 811: 3 Lowell, J. R. ii 820.5:10 v2 Oliphant, M. O. 928.5:6 m 920.5: PI Shelley. M. W. fn 928.5: 24 vl Stebbing. H. fn928.5:2 vl Wegele. F. X. 928.5+22 Danton, G: Jacfiues. frencli levnln- tUinary lender, 1759-1794. Brougham. H. h)rd. in 923 : 2 v2 Dare or D'Arc. Jeanne, the maid of Orleanx. 1413-1431. Adams. W. H. D. Cleveland. R. E. De Quincey, T. Goodrich, S. G. Hewitt, M. E. James. G. P. R. Jenkins. J. S. in 920: 66 fn 824.1: 7 in 824.2: 33 in X 923: 25 in 923 : 6 in 923 : 7 in 923: 9 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 v2 Lord. J. Michelet, J. Russell. W. Spamer, O., fd. Tuckey, J. in 904: 81 v5 923.4:70 in 920: 38 in 920: 75 923.4:47 Dareios I, (.lat. Darius Hytaspls), king of Persia, d. h. c. 48,5. Abbott, J. 923.6:5 Darwin, Charles Robert, english scientist, 1809-1883. Fiske,J. ill 824.1:107 Memorial notices. 925.2 : 20 Proctor, R. A. in 520:18 Darwin, Erasmus, c>i(/li,s/i p}njsiciaii and poet, 1731-1802. Cary, H. F. in 928.2 : 2 Krause, E. L. 925.2:2 Dascomi}, Marianne, horn Parker, amer. edueatiyr, h. 1810. Huntington, E. B. in 920: 50 Daudet, Alphonse, french novelist, h. 1840. ( laretie, J. in 920.4 : 3 v2 Mauris, M. in 928.4: 2 Schmidt. J. in 834: 21 David, Felicien Cesar, french com- poser, 1810-1876. Keddie. H. in 927:12 Davidson, Lucretia Maria, amer. poet, 1808-183.5. Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Sedgwick. C. M. in 923.1 : 21 v7 Davidson, Margaret Miller, amer. poet, 1833-18:^7. Goodrich. S. G. in x 923 : 25 Irving. W. in 821.1: 39 Davie, W : Richardson, amer. lawyer, sUjtesman and soldier, 17.5<)-1820. Hubbard. F. M. in 923.1 : 22 vl5 Davies, Sir J:, english poet and judge, 1.570-1626. Morris, G.S. in 921.2:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.6:16 Davies, Liuij/ liUcy Clonientina. Iiorn Dfumniond, h. 1797. Recollections. 923.22:67 Davis, H: Winter, ani;r. lawyer and statesman, 1817-188,5. Cresswell, J. A. J. in 329. 1 : 24 923.12:18 Davis, Jefferson, president of the Confederate States of Amer^ica, h. 1808. Oaven, J. J. 923.12:19 Savage. J. in 923.1: 20 Davy, Sir Humphry, english chem- ist, 1778-1825). Brougham, H. htrd. in 920: 45 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 I Famous boys. in x 920: 32 I Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 39 Green, J. in 824.2: 27 Mayhew, H. x 925.2:17 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Spamer, ()., exl. in 920: 77 Taylor, W.C. in 920.2: 8 Dawson, G:. engliah lecturer, 1831- ' 1876. j Gimilan. G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 ! Dayton, Ellas, ame-r. general, 1737- 1 1807. [ Grlswold.R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Dayton, W: Lewis, amer. states- man, 1807-1854. j Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 I Dearborn, H:, amer. general, 1751- 1839. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15: 3 Deas, C:, amer. painter, h. 1818. ! Tuckerman. H. T. in 927.1:16 ! DecandoUe, Alphonse L: P: Py- I ramus, swings hotanlst, h. 1806. I Duncan. P.M. in 926: 4 Decatur, Stephen, amer. naval offi- cer, 1779-1820. Mackenzie, A.S. 923.1: 22 vll Decker, T:. english dramatist, d. 1638. Hazlitt. W. in 822.6:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 in 820.6:15 Defoe, Daniel, engliMh autlurr, 1663- 1731. Chad wick. W. 928.2:64 Distinguished men. in 920:33 v2 Minto. W. 928.2:63 Stephen, L. in 820.5:13 vl Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 DegTzerry, Gaspard, french clergy- man, 1797-1871. Cobb, J. F. in 920: 44 De Haas, J: Philip, amer. general, 17^5-1794. Griswold, H.W. in 923.15: 69 vl Dehon, Theodore, amer, protestant- episcopcd. bishop, 1776-1817. Gadsden, C. E. 922.13 : 5 De Kalb, J:, see Kalb, J: de. Dekker, T:, see Decker, T: Delafield, E:,ttier. ^^/lysicimi, 1794 -1875. Francis, S. W. in 926 .1:2 Delany, Mary, born Granville, j)re- viously mrs. Pendarves, eiMjlish artist and wrUer, 1700-1788. Autobiography. 928.2:155 Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Belloc, 15. R. in 920:22 Delaroche, Hippolyte, called Paul, french painter, 1797-1856. Rees. J. Ruutz-. in 927.4 : 5 Delawarr, 3d haron, see West, T: DelbrUck, Martin F: Rudolph, ger- man statesman, h. 1817. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Demetrios Poliorketes, king of Macedim, b. e. 3:^5-383. Plutarchos. in 923.6: 16 in 923.6: 31 v6 Demokritos, greek phih)sopher, h. b. c. 490 or 460. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6: 4 De Montfort, Simon, see Mont- ^ fort, Simon de. Demosthenes, greek orator, b. c. 385 ;J33. Bredif,L. 923.6:18 Brodribb, W. J. 885 : 2 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v5 Schiifer, A. 923.6:26 Denham, Lady, wife of sir J :, 1640- 1667. Jameson, A. in 923.2 : 4 Denham, Sir J :. english poet, 1615- 1668. Johnson, S. in 928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 vl Denman, T:, 1st haron Denman, Un-d chief justice of Kngland, 1779 -ia54. Arnould, Sir J. 923.24:14 Denon, Dominique Vivant, french artist and statesman, 1747-1836. St John, J. A. in 923:1 lv3 De duincey, T:, english. autlujr, 1785 -1859. Autobiogr. sketches. 928.2 : 56 Confessions. 928.2:56 Anton, P. in 928.2 : 208 Bayne, P. in 820.5:1 vl Giles. H. in 824.1: 35 Gllflllan. G. in 820.5 : 7 vl .Tapp, A. H. 928.2:57 Mason, E.T.,ii. in 928.2:215 v2 Masson, D. 928.2:58 Mathews. W. in 824. 1 : 56 Stephen. L. i)i 820.5 : 13 vl Derby, Earls of, see Stanley. Derby, Ellas Hasket, amer. mer- chant, 1789-1799. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Derfftinger or D5rfling, G : reichs- frelherr v.. germun general, 1606- 1695. Doran. J. in 646: 6 Oertel. P. F. W. 923.3 : 34 Derwentwater, Earl of, see Bad- cliffe, James. Derzhaviu, Gavrlil Romanovltch, russian poet, 1743-1816. Turner. C.E. in 897: 7 Desbordes, Marcellne, see Val- more, M. Descartes, Rene, french philoso- pher, 1.596-1650. Distinguished men. in 920: 38 vl Mahaffy.J. P. 921.4:1 1505 BlOGBAtHf INBE^ . i)es-l)ud 15^ Desmoulins, Camille, french dem- ocrat, 1762-1794. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 . in 923: 2 v3 Despreaux, Marie Madeleine, born Guimard, french dancer, 1743- 1810. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 vl Devereux, Robert, 2d earl of Essex, lord high admiral of England, 1567-1601. Criminal trials. in 345.2 : 3 vl Devonshire, Countess, duchess or duke of, see Cavendish. Devrient, Wilhelmina Schroder-, see Schrbder-Devrient, W. D'Ewes, Sir Simonds, enghsh anti- quary, 1603-1650. Autobiography. 923.22 : 60 DeWitt, 3:, see Witt, J: de. Dexter, S:, amer. jurist, 1761-1816. Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Story, J. in 824.1: 77 Diaz de Bivar, Ruy, see Cid, The. Dick, Robert, baker of Thurso, geo- logist and botanist, 1811-186.5. Smiles, S. 925.2 : 3 Dickens, C: J: Huflfam, english nov- elist, 1812-1870. Bayne, P. in 820.5 : 1 vl Buchanan, R. in 824.2:13 Clarke, C. C. and M. C. in 928.2 : 47 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: B54 v2 Fields, J. T. in 820.5: 6 Hanatord, P. A. 928.2:168 Jones, C.H. 928.2:59 Mason, E. T., ed. in 928.2: 215 v4 Pierce, G. A. 823.2:3 Rimmer, A. 914.2:73 Sala, G. A. in D 1313 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 in 834: 21 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Stoddard, R. H., erf. 928.2:137 Ward, A. W. 928.2:158 Whipple, E. P. in 824. 1 : 92 Dickens, Elizabeth, born Barrow, mother of C: Dickens, d. 1863. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth, amer. orator and reformer, b. 1843. Stanton, E. C. in 920 : 50 Dickinson, Daniel Stevens, amer. statesfnan, 1800-1866. Savage, J. in 923.1 : 20 Dickinson, J:, amer. statesman, 1733 -1808. Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Diderot, Denis, french philosopher, 1713-1784. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 vl Morley, J. 928.4:8 in 928.4: 38 Diesterwegr, F: Adolf W:, german teacher, 1790-1866. Spamer, O., and W. Roth. in 920: 74 Digrby, Jane Mary, born Dillon, wife of Kenelm H: Digby, k. H. 922.4:4 Digrby, Sir Kenelm, english author, 1603-1665. Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Dilke, Sir C: Wentworth, english author and politician, b. 1843. Davidson. J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Hinton, R. J. in 923.22: 6 Dillon, Wentworth, Mh earl of Ros- common, english poet, 1633-1684. Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2: 4 vl Dinsmore, Robert, am^r. poet, 1757- Whittier, J. G. in 920 : 30 Diogenes of Sinope, cynic philoso- pher, d. b. c. 333 Goodrich, S. G. inx. 920.6 : 4 Dion of Syracuse, patriot and ruler, b. c. 410-354. Plutarchos. in 923.6 : 16 in 923.6: 31 v5 Disraeli, B:. earl of Beaconsfield, english author and statesman, 1804 -1881. Althaus, F. in 920 : 78 v9 Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Brandes, G. M. C. 923.22:19 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Foggo, A. 923.22 : 22 Higginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 Hitchman, F. 923.22 : 20 O'Connor, T. P. 923.22: 21 Political adventures. 923.22:24 Q. in 920: 24 Shepard, W. in 804 : 5 v3 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Stephen. L. iu 820.5:13 v2 Towle, G. M. in 923:10 923.22:23 Disraeli, I:, englisli author, 1766- 1848. Disraeli, B:, earl of Beacniwfleld. in 819: 2 vl Disraeli, Mary Anne, horn Evans, wife of B: Disraeli, previously mrs. Wyndham Lewis, d. 1873. Holloway, L. C. in 920: 57 Dix, J: Adams, amer. general and author, 1798-1879. Dix, M., comp. 923.15: 60 Dixie, Lady Florence Caroline, horn Douglas, english traveler and author, living. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Doane, G: Washington, amer.prot- cstant episcopal bislmp, 1799-1859. Doane, W. C. in 200:4 vl Doddridgre, Philip, english non-con- formist divine, 1703-1751. Harsha.D. A. 922.24:5 Stanford, C. 922.24: 6 Dodgre, Mary Abigail, (Oail Hamil- ton), amer. author, h. 1838. Parton, S. P. in 920: 50 Dodingrt;on, G: Bubb, baron Mel- combe, english politician, 1691- 1763. Diary. 923.22:70 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Dodsley, Robert, english author and bookseller, 1709-1764. Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Doisy de Villargrennes, Adelbert 3., former vice-consul of Italy at Cincinnati, h. 1788. Reminiscences. 923.5:56 Doniphan, A. W., amer. soldier, h. 1807. Peterson, C. J. in 923:15-f-l Donizetti, Gaetano, italian compo- ser, 1798-1848. Ferris, G. T. Keddie, H. Donne, J:, english man, 1573-1631. Walton, I. in 922.2:7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5: 15 Donoso Cortes, J: F. M. de la Sa- lud, see Valdegramas. Dora d'Istria, see Koltzoff-Mas- salsky, Helena Ghika, princess. Dora, Sister, see Pattison, Doro- thy Wyndlow. Dorat, Claude Joseph, french poet, 1734-1780. Houssaye, A. in 920: 15 v2 Dore, L: A: Gustave, french artist, 1833-1888. Tucker-Machetta, B. R. 927.4+14 DSrflingr, see Derffling-er, G : Dorothea von Brandenburg, "die liebe D(yrel." Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3 : 49 Dorr, T: Wilson, amer. politician, 1895-1854. King, D. 923.12:20 Dorset, earl of, see Sackville, C: Dou, Gerard, dutch painter, 1613- 1675. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.6: 27 in 927.5: 34 in 920: 24 in 927: 12 )et and clergy- Doudan, Ximenes, french intimate of the de Broglies, b. 1800. Hlllebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v4 Doug'las, Lady Anne, duchess of Hamilton, daughter of James Hamilton, 3d marquess and 1st duke of Hamilton, 1630-1716. Anderson, J. in 922.2:1 Wittenmyer, A. in 922 : 12 Douglas, Catherine, lady Cavers, scotch covenanter. Anderson, J. in 922.2 : 1 Doug'las, Lady Margaret, see Campbell, M. Douglas, Lady Margaret, see Stu- art, Margaret. Doug-las, Stephen Arnold, amer. statesman, 1813-1861. Savage, J . in 923 . 1 : 20 Sheahan, J. W. in 975.1 :4 ptl5 Douglass, F:, amer. orator, origi- nally a. slave, b. 1817. Life and times. 923.12: 68 Carroll, H. in 920. 1 : 1 Downing, Andrew Jackson, amer. horticulturist, 1815-18.53. Curtis, G.W. in 710:1 Drake, Sir Francis, english naval hero, 1540-1595. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 4 in X 923: 14 Edgar, J. G. in x 923.25 : 3 Gardiner, S. R. in x 923.2 : 7 Life and voyages. in 923.25: 5 Johnson, S. in 820.2 : 1 3 v2 Markham, C. R. in 923 : 3 1 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.25 : 38 Payne, E.J. in 913.1: 39 Drake, Joseph Rodman, amer. poet, 1795-1820. Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5 : 7 Wilson, J. G. in 928.1 : 78 Draper, J:W:, amer. chemist and, ptiysiologist. 1811-1883. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 Drayton, Michael, english poet, 1563 -1631. Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 1 5 Drayton, W: H:, amer. judge and patriot, 1743-1779. Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Drew, S:, english writer, 176,5-1833. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Drouot, Antoine, french general, 1774-1847. Cobb. J. F. in 920: 44 Drunxmond, James, styled duke of Perth, scotch Jacobite, 1713-1746. Thomson, K. in 923.22 :77 v3 Drury, Dru, english naturalist, 1735 Naturalist's library, in 590 :58 vl Dryden, J:, enfifiis/i poet, 1631-1701. Hazlitt, W, Lowell, J. R. Macaulay, T. Mitford, J. Reed, H. Rossetti, W. J Saintsbury, G Skelton, J. Wilson, J. Duche, Jacob, 1738-1790. Headley, J. T. in 828.5:1 in 821.5: 2 in 928.2: 4 in 928.2: 4 v2 in 820.5:10 vl B.lord. in 824.2: 67 vl in 821.2: 90 in 821.5: 4 vl in 928.2:5 928.2:61 in 904: 25 in 820.5:17 amer. clergyman. in 922.1: 2 Ducomet, L : Cesar Joseph, french painter, 1806-1856. Spamer, O., eud-Eli BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1598 Dudevant, Armandine or Aman- tlne Lucile Aurore, bam Dupin, haronne, {George Sand), french auihor, 1804-1876. Correspondenca. in 920 : 53 Recollections. in 928.4 : 4 Arnold, M. in 824.2:4 Jacquot, E. C. J. B. in 928.4: 38 Lomenle, L. L. de. in 920.4 : 2 Schmidt, J. i7i834:21 Thomas. B. 928.4:36 Dudley, Dudley, english iron-mas- ter, metallurgist and author, 1590- 1684. Smiles, S. in 926.2:1 Dudley, Lady Jane, horn Grey, ffiieen of England, 15.37-1.5.54. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Hewitt, M. E. in 923 : 6 James. G. P. R. in 923 : 7 Russell, W. m 920: 38 Strickland, A. in 923.2 1:56 Wittenmyer, A. iJi 922: 12 Dudley, Joseph, 0th governor of Massachusetts, 1647-1730. Moore. J. B. i?i 9231:15 Dudley, T:, 2d governor of Maxna- cMmettH, 1576-16.')3. Moore, J. B. iu 923.1:15 Dufaure, Jules Armand Stanislas, . french titatesman, h. 1798. Kinfr, E. in 923.4: 2 Duff, Mary Ann, bwn Dyke, iHh actrexH. d. 1832. Ireland, J.N. 927.1:19 Duff-Oordon, Lucy ktdy, see G-or- don. Duffield, G:, amer. rlergi/man, 17:}S- 1790. Headley, J.T. in 922.1: 2 Dufresny, or Dufresnoy, C: Ri- viere, french dranuitixt, 1648 17li4. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 6 v 1 Duke, R:, english poet, 1655-1711. Johnson, 8. in 928.2:4 iu 928.2:4 v2 Dumas, Alexandre Davy, french dramatist and nwelitt, 1803-1870. Castelar y Rissoll, E. in 928.2: 28 Fitzgerald, P. in 928.4 : 38 Hay ward, A. in 824.2 : 46 vl Schmidt, J. in 834: 20 v2 Dumas, Alexandre, fits, french nov- elist, h. 1824. Mauris, M. in 928.4: 2 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Dunbar, Wf:, scotch poet, 1460?-1.520. Smith, A. in 824.2: 106 Duncan, Adam, 1st visamnt Dun- can, haron Camperdftwn, Irritish admiral, 1731-1804. Edgar, J. G. in x 923.26 : 3 Duncan, James, amer. colonel, 1810- 1849. Peterson, C. J. in 923.16+1 Duncan, Mary, honi Lundle, uHfe of a scotch minister, 1815-1840. Lundle, Mm 922.24:7 Duncombe, T: Slingsby, english politician, 1796-1861. Francis, G . H. in 923.22 : 4 Dundas, H:. 1st viscfmnt MeMUe, enylish statesman, 1740-1811. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Dundee, Lrn-d, see G-raham, J : Dundonald, Earl of, see Cochrane, T: Dunninar, J:, 1st haron Ashhurton, eiiolish lawyer and politician, 1731- Roscoe, H. in 923.24: 8 v2 Duns, J :, "Duns Scotns", actitch di- vine, 1264V-1308. Morris, G.S. in 921.2:1 Dunstable, J:, english composer, 1400-1458. Keddie. H. in 927: 12 Dunstan, St., english prelate and statemnan. l5-988. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 3 I Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Phi- lippe, french hishoi) of Orleans, 1803-1878. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Pressense, E. de. in 920 : 23 Dupin, Andre Marie J: Jacques, french juiist and magistrate, 178.3- 1865. Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4: 1 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4: 2 Durand, Asher Brown, amer. pain- ter and eniiraver, 1796-1874. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927. 1:16 Duras, see Durfort-Duras. Dlirer, Albrecht, german painter and engraver, 1471-1528. Cheney, E. D. in 704: 2 Eastlake, E. lady. i>i 927.5: 47 v2 Heath, R. F. 927.3 : 2 Sweetser, M. F. 927.3 : 3 Thausing, M. . 927.34-4 Durfort-Duras, Claire, horn Le- chat de Kersaint, duchesse de. french antlior, 1778-1839. Sainte-Beuvo, C: A. In 928.4:3 Durham, Margaret, horn Mure, scotch covenanter, 1618-1693. I Anderson, J. in 922.2: 1 ! Dutt, Torn, hindu poet, 18.56-1877. I Gosse.E. W. in 821.2:217 j Duval, Edgar Raoul, french politi- I ciau, b. 1832. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Duval, Valentine Jameray, french antiquary, 1695-1775. Seymour. C. C. B. in 920: 25 I Spamer, O., c(i. in 920: 75 Dwigrht, Timothy, amer. clergyman, 1753-1816. Headley, J.T. in 922.1: 2 1 Sprague, W. B. in 923.1 :22v4 I Waterbury, J. B. in 922: 8 Dyce, Alexander, english autlior, 1798-1869. Forster, J. /n708:2 i Dyce, W:, english painter, 1806-1864. Pal grave. F. T. in 704: 4 , Dyck fw Dijck, Anthony van. fle- I mish artist in England, 1.5!>-1641. Head, P. R. 927.5:32 Houssaye, A. in 920: 16 v2 1 Dyer, J :, english poet, 1700-1758. Johnson, 8. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2: 4 v4 Bads, James Buchanan, amer. en- gineer, b. 1820. Bolton, S.K. in 920: 73 Corthell, E. L. 627+1 Eaton, S:, amer. clergyman, 1763- 1832. Headley, J. T. in 922. 1 : 2 Eaton, W:, am^r. soldier, 1764-1811. Felton, C. C. in 923.1 : 21 v9 Eckford, H:,amr. shipbuilder, Vilft- Howe. H. in 926 : 2 Eddy, T:, am^r. merchant and phil- anthropist, 1758-1837. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Eden, 'W:,lst baron Auckland, 1750- 1814. Journal. 923.22:12 Edsreworth, Maria, english novel- ist, 1767-1849. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: B54 vl Hayward, A. in 824.2 : 46 vl Oliver, G. A. 928.2:173 Ritchie, A. I. in 928.2:175 Zimmern, H. 928.2:190 Edgrevrorth, R: Lovell. english author and philosopher, 1744-1817. Hale, E. E. in x 926:17 Edison, T: Alva, amer. Inventor, 0. Bolton, S. K. in 920.1 :13 Edmonds, Fi-ancis W., amer. banker and artist, 1806-1860. Tuckerman. H. T. in 927.1 : 16 Edward 1, king of England, 1239- 1307. liamb, iMdy . in 923 : 27 Edward III, king of England, 1313- 1377. Longman, W. 942.2: 20 Edward "V, king of England, 1470- 1483. Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 75 Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 55 Edward VI, king of England, 1538- 1553. Strickland, A. in 923.21: 55 Edward, Prince of Wales, called The black prince, 1330-1376. Adams, W. H. D. in 942 : 32 vl Creighton, L. 923.21 : 44 Gardiner, S. R. in x 923.2: 7 Jones, l>t. X 923.21: 46 Edward A\igustus, duke of Kent, father of Victoria of England, 1767-1830. Neale, E. 923.22:10 Edward, T:, "Banff naturalist", b. 1814. Smiles, S. 925.2:4 Spamer, O., rf. in 920: 76 Edwards, Jonathan, amer. clergy- man and metaphysician, 1703-17.58. Fisher, G. P. in 204: 21 Miller, 8. in 923.1: 21 v8 Steel, R. in 922:6 Stephen, L. in 820.5:13 v2 Waterbury, J. B. in 922:8 Edwards, Justin, amer. clergyman, 1787-ia53. Hallock, W. A. 922.15 : 4 Esrerton, T:, 1st viscount Brackley, 1st baron Ellesmere, lord chancel- lor, 1640-1617. Campbell, T. in 923.24:1 v2 Ekhof, Hans Konrad Dieterich. qerman actor, 1730-1778. Uhde, H. in 920: 78 v4 Elbert, 8:, amer. general, 1740-1788. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15 : 69 vl Eldon, 1st earl of, see Scott, J : Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of Henry II, 1133-1303. Smith, J. P. in 923.21: 28 Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Eleanor of Castile, 1st queen of Ed- ward I, d. 1390. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Eleanor of Provence, queen of Henry III, abb'it 1222-1391. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 vl Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Eleonora d'Este, princess of Fer- rara, 1.537-1581. Hewitt, M.E. in 923: 6 Eliot, George, see Cross, Marian. Eliot, J:, apostle of the Indians, 1604 -1689. Francis, C. 923.1 : 21 v6 Yonge. C. M. in 922: 11 Eliot, 8lr J:, enqlish statesman, 1590- 16!}3. Forster, J. in 923.22 : 2 v2 in 923.22 : 3 vl in 923.22: 62 Elisabeth, St., landgrntin von Thii- rlngen, queen of Hunqan/, 1307- 1231. Montalembert, C. F. comie de. 922.3:2 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3 : 49 Elisabeth, electress of Brandenburg^ born princess of Denmark, 1485- 1545; Chapman, W. in 922:18 Wittenmyer, A. in 922 : 12 Elisabeth of Brunswick, duchess of Schleswig, 1371-1431. Higgins, S. E. in 923 : 32 vl Elisabeth, princess of Hennetterg born princess of Brandenburg, 1510 -1558. Chapman, W. in 922 : 1 8 Wittenmyer, A. in 922:12 Elisabeth of Holsteln, abbess of Elten, 1339-1403. Higgins, 8. E. in 923 : 32 vl 15!)9 BIOGRAPHY INDEX . Eli-Fen 1600 Elisabeth of Luxemburg, queen of the Romans and of Hungaru, 1409 -1442. Higrglns. S. E. in 923 : 32 v2 Elisabeth of NUrnherg, queen of the romans, ia58-1411. Higg-ins, S. E. in 923 : 32 v2 Elisabeth, nee also Elzbieta. Elizabeth, queen of England, 1533- ims. Abbott, J. 923.21:10 Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 vl Jenkins, J. S. tn 923 : 9 Lord, J. in 904: 31 v5 Russell, W. in 920 : 38 Strickland, A. 923.21: 27 v3 Townsend, V. F. x 923.2 1:39 Wittenmyer, A. in 922:12 Elizabeth, princess, daughter of Charles I, ^'" Entertaining biography. m 920: 46 Strickland. A. in 923.21 :35 v8 Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Ed- ward IV, 1435-1493. Russell, W. in 920 : 38 Smith, J. P. in 923.21: 28 Strickland, A. 923.21 : 27 v2 Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry VII, 1466-1503. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 v2 Ellenborougrh, Earl of, see Law, E: Ellery, W :, amer. signer of the decla- ratUm of independence, 1737-1830. Channing, E. T. in 923.1 : 21 v6 Elliott, Charlotte, english poet, 1789 -1870. Gray, E.G. in 920:14 Elliott, Ebenezer, english corn-law rhymer, 1781-1849. Gilflllan. G. in 820.5: 7 vl Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5: 14 vl Ellsworth, Oliver, chief justice of the U. S.. 1745-1807. Flanders, H. in 923.14: 2 v2 Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Van Santvoord, G. in 923.14: 3 EUwood, T:, english quaker author, 1639-1713. Autobiography. 928.2 : 1 54 Whittier, J. G. in 920 : 30 Elzbieta of Pilcza, queen of Poland, 1373-1430. Higgins, S.E. in 923: 32 vl Emerson, Ralph Waldo, amer. phi- losopher and author, 1803-1883. Arnold, M. in824.2:125 Benton, J. 820.5:22 Cooke, G. W. 921.1:1 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5 : 7 vl in 820.5: 8 v2 Guernsey, A. H. 921.1 : 4 Holmes, O. W. 92 1 . 1 : 6 Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Ireland, A. 921.1:3 Lowell, J. R. in 824. 1:55 Powell, T. in 928.1: 3 Sanborn, F. B. m 928.1-|-P1 ed. 921.1:5 Stedman, E. C. in 82 1 .5 : 1 8 Emmet, Robert, Irish patriot, 1780- 1803. Madden, R. R. 923.24:16 Emmet, T: Addis, Irish lawyer, 1764 -1827. Madden, R. R., and C. G. Haines. in 923.24:16 Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Story, J. in 824.1: 77 Endicott, J:, eth governor of Massa- chuseUs, 1588-1655. Moore, J . B. in 923. 1 : 1 5 Eon, C: Genevieve L: A: Andre Timothee de Beaumont d', called Chevalier d'Eon, french di- plomatist, 1738-1810. .Smith, G.B. in 923: 28 Epee, li', see L'Epee. 101 Epikuros (Int. Epicurus), greek phi- losopher, b. c. 343-370. Hedge, P. H. in 104: 8 Eponina, wife of Julius Sdhinus, d. a. d. 78. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Erasmus Roterndamus, Deside- rius, dutch scholar aiul philoso- pher, 1465-1536. Distinguished men. in 920:33 vl Froude, .1. A. in 824.1 : 19 vl Wilkinson, W. C. in 820.5:16 Erckmann, Emile, french novelist, h. 1833. Claretie. J. in 920.4 : 3 v2 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 vl in 834: 21 Ericsson, Capt. J:, swed'sh-amer. engineer, b. 1803. Headley, P. C. in x 926.1:12 Ernst der fromnw., herzog von Sachsen-Ootha, 1601-1675. Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3 : 35 Ernst, H: W:. german violinist and atmposer, 1814-1865. Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Erskine, J:, 11th earl of Mar, scotch Jacobite, 1675-1732. Thomson, K. in 92322: 77 vl Erskine, T:, 1st baron Erskine, lord- high chancellor of England, 17.50- 18'3;5. Brougham. H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Campbell, J. in 923.24: 1 v6 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 1 Rogers, S. in 920.2 : 6 Roscoo, H. in 923.24 : 8 v2 Taylor, W.C. in 9202: 8 Escher von der Linth, Hanns Conrad, siciss geologist, 1768-1833. Oertel, P. F. W. 925.5:2 Essex, Countess of, see Capell, Catherine. Essex, Earl of, see Devereux, Robert. Este, Eleonora d', see Eleonora d'Esto. Etheregre or Etheridge. Sir G:, english wit and dram'ttist, 1638- 1690. Gosse. E. W. id 928.2:213 Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 Eudoxia, see Evdokiya. Eug:ene Franois, prince of Savoy, commander in the austHan armv, 1663-1736. Oertel, P. F. W. 923.5 : 67 Rogge, W. 920:78v5 Wilson, J. G. in 923: 19 Eugrenie Marie de Montijo, ex- empress of the french, b. 1826. Abbott, J. S. C. in 920: 50 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: 1154 v2 Euler, Leonard, swiss mathemati- cian, 1707-1783. Brewster, D. in 530 : 5 Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 v2 EumenSs, officer under Alexander, b- c. 360-316. Plutarchos. in 923.6: 16 in 923.6: 31 v3 Euripides, greek tragic poet, b. c. 480-406. Donne, W.B. 882:6 Evans, Christmas, welsh clergyman, 1766-1838. Phillips. D. 922.26:3 Evans, Israel, amr. clergyman, 1748 -1807. Headley, J. T. in 922.1:2 Evans, Oliver, amer. inventor, 1755 1819. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Howe, H. t 926:2 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Evdokiya {St. Eudoxia) of Suzdal, grand-princess of Russia, 1351-1407. Higgins, S. E. in 923 : 32 vl Evelyn, J:, english author, 1630-1706. Diary. 928.2 :R195 Lives of englishmen, in 920.2 ; 9 Everett, E :, amer. orator, 1794-1865. Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Magoon.B. L. in 923.1:14 Savage. J. in 923.1 : 20 Tuckerman, H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Whipple, E. P. in 824. 1:91 Evertsen, J:, dutch admiral, 1600- Liefde, J. de. in 923.5 : 42 Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Quintus, called Cunctator, roman consul, d. b. c. 203. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 vl Fairbairn, W:, english civil engin- eer and mechanician, 1787-1874. Smiles, S. in 926.2:1 Falcon, Marie Cornelie, french singer, h. about 1815. Clayton, E. C. in 927: 5 Falconer, W:, scotch poet, 1735-1769. Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Falk, "Adalbert, german statesman, b. 18^7. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Falkland, Viscount, see Gary, Lucius. Falmouth, Coimtess of, see Berke- ley, E. Fanshawe, Anne, horn Harrison, wife of sir R:, 162.5-1680. Memoirs. 923.22 : 28 Adams. W.H.D. iu920:66 Child, L.M. iH 920:49 Crosland, C. in 920 : 52 Faraday, Michael, english chemist and physicist, 1791-1867. Bolton, S. K. in 920 : 73 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Gladstone, J. H. 925.2:5 Nicholls, J. B. in 504:14 Spamer, O., ed. in 920:77 Tyndall,J. 925.2:6 Farnese, Alexander, see Alessan- dro J'arnese. Farquhar, G:, irish dramatist, 1678- 1707. Hazlitt. W. in 828.5:1 Hunt, J. H. L. in 928.2:1 Farragrut, D: Glascoe, amer. admi- ral, 1801-1870. Bolton, S.K. in 920: 73 Duyckinck. E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Farragut, L. 923.15:9 Headley. P. C. x 923. 15:52 Farrar, Eliza Ware, born Rotch, amer. author, 1792-1870. Recollections. 928.1:10 Faucit, Helen, see Martin, He- lena. Favre, Jules Claude Gabriel, french politician, 1809-1880. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Fawcett, H:, english political ec 'no- mist, 1833-1884" Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Hinton, R. J. in 923.22 : 6 Fearing:, Paul, amer. lawyer, 1763- 1832. Campbell, J. W. in 923.1: 4 Fechter, C: Albert, english actor, 1834-1879. Field. K. 927.1:18 Felipe II, king of Spain, 1527-1.598. Van Praet, J. in 940 : 60 Feller, Henrietta, born Odin, swiss missionary, 1800-1868. Gray, E.G. in 920:14 Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe, archnp. of cam- bray, french politician and author, 1651-1715. Bausset, L. F. de. 922.4:5 Butler, C. 922.4:6 Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Hassard, J. R. G. in 242 : 8 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920: 19 v2 Sainte-Beuve. C. A. in 844 : 2 Shelley, M. W. in 928-4 : 45 vl, 1603 Fen-Fra BIOGRAPHY INDEX . 1604 Fenton, Elijah, english poet, 1683- 1730. Johnson, S. i>i 928.2 : 4 *)i928.2:4v3 Fenton, Lavinla, see Paulet, Lavl- nla. Ferguson, James, scotch antrono- mer and mechanician, 1710-1776. Edgar. J. G. mx920:10 Fern, Fanny, pseud., see Parton, S. P. Terrier, James F:, scotch metaphy- sician, 1808-1864. Skelton. J : in 904 : 26 Ferry, Jules Fran9oi8 Camille, french statesman, h. 1833. Kin)?, E. in 923.4: 2 Sylvin, E. in 920.4: 3 v2 Feuerbach, L: Andreas, german philosopher, 1804-1872. Schmidt, J. in 834:21 Feuillet, Octave, french dramatist and novelist, b. 1821. Mauris, M. in 9284: 2 Feydeau, Ernest Alme, french writer, 1831-1873. Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Fichte, J: Gottlieb, german philoso- pher, 1762-1814. Adamson, H. 921-3:1 Everett. C.C. 142:6 Fichte, I. H. 921.3+6 Schmidt, F. 921.3:9 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 26 Werner. A. m 920.3: 2 Field, J:, called Russian Field, irlsh mmidan, 1782-1837. Keddie. H. in 927: 12 Fielding;, Anthony Vandyke Cop- ley, english artist, 1757-1855. Ruskin, J. in 766: 3 Fielding, H:, english novelist, l7Cr:~ 1764. Dobson, A. 928.2:170 Hlilebrand, K. in 834 :22 v3 Smith, G. B. in 820.6 : 12 SteiJhen, L. in 820.6: 13 v3 Thackeray. W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 Fielding, Robert, called Heau Kield- ing, 17th century. Doran, J. in 646 : 6 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Fields, James T:, am^. poet and publisher, 1817-1881. UioKraphical notes. 928.1:111 Fiesole, Giovanni da, see Ange- lico. Filicaja, Vlncenzo, italian poet, 1643-1707. Shelley, M. W . in 928.8 : 24 v2 Stebblng, H. in 928.6 : 2 t3 Fillmore, Millard, 13th president of the U. S., 1800-1874. Savage. J. in 923.1 : 20 Finch, Henea^e, ari of Nottingham, lord chancellor of England, 1631- 1(8. Campbell, J. in 923.24: 1 v3 Finch. Sir J:, lord Finch of Ford- ivich, lord keener of the great seal of England, imi-im. Campbell, J. in 923.24: 1 v2 Fitch, J:, amer. inventor, 1748-179H. Howe, H. in 926:2 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 26 Westcott, T. 926.1:4 Whittlesey, C. in 923.1 : 22 ve Fitzjames, J:, english chief Justice, d. 1.539. Atrocious judges. in 023.24: 4 Flagg, G: Whiting, amer. painter, h. IH16. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1 : 16 Flamininus or Flaminius, Titus Quintius, roman general, d. b. c. 180. Herbert, H.W. in 923.6: 6 Plutarchos. in 923.6: 16 in 983.6: 31 v2 Flandrin, J: Hippolyte, french painter, 1809-1864. Palgrave, F. T. in 704 : 4 Flaubert, Gustave, french novelist, 1821-1880. James. H., Jr. in 928.4: 1 Schmidt, J. in 834: 21 in 834: 20 v2 Flaxnaan, Ann, borji Denman, wife of J:, d. 1820. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Flaxman, J:, english sculptor, 175.5- 1836. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 Biographical sketch. in 731 : 1 Fleming, T:, english judge, 1544- 1613. Atrocious iudges. in 923.24 : 4 Fletcher, Elizabeth, born Dawson, scotch lady, 1770-1858. Autobiography. 928.2:62 Fletcher, Giles, english poet, 1588- 1633. Whipple, E. P. in 820.6 : 13 Fletcher, J:, english dramatist, 1576- 1635. Darley, G. in 928.2:1 Whipple, E. P. ^ in 820.6 : 16 Fletcher or Flechere, Mary, born Bosanquet, eimU^h philanthro- pist, 1739-1815. Belloc, B. R. in 922: 22 Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Fletcher, Phineas, english poet, 1584 -1650. Hazlitt, W. in 822.6 : 1 Whipple, E. P. in820.e:16 Flood, H :, tmA orator, 1733-1791. Lecky, W. E. H. in 923.22 : 7 Florian, J: P: Claris de, sex Claris de Florian. Floto^s', F: Ferdinand Adolf frei- herr v., german composer, 1813- Keddie, H. in 927: 12 Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bouyer or Le Bovier de, french author, 16.57 1757. Houssaye, A. in 920: 16 vl Foote, S:, english comedian, 1730- 1777. Russell, A. P. in 824.1: 113 Ford, J:, english dramatist, 1586-10.39. Coleridge. H. in 928.2:1 Hazlitt, W. in 822.6 : 1 Lowell, J. R. in 820.6 : 1 1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.6: 16 Forrest, Edwin, amer. tragedian, 1806-1872. Barrett, L. 927.1:9 Forrester, Fanny, pseud., see Jud- son, Emily. Forrester, Frank, pseud., see Her- bert, H: W: Forster, J :, english author, 1812-1876. Morley, H. in 708: 2 Forster, J : G: Adam, german natur- alist and physician, 1754-1794. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Forster, W: E:, english statesman, b. 1818. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22: 6 Fortuny, Mariano Jose - Maria Bernardo, Spanish artist, 18;i8- 1874. Davilller, J. C. baron. 927.6:48 Foscolo, Ugo, italian author, 1778- 1827. Shelley, M. W. in 928.6: 24 v2 Stebblng, H. in 928.6 : 2 v3 Foster, J:, english essayist, 1770-1843. De Quincey, T. in 820.6 : 24 Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Gimilan, G. in 820.6:7 vl in 820.6: 8 v2 Byland, J. E. 922.26:4 Foster, Sir Robert, english judge, 1.589-1663. Atrocious judges, in 923.24 : 4 Fouch6, Joseph, due d''Otrante, fiench statesman, ]76;i-1820. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v3 in 923 : 2 v2 Fouqud, see La Motte Fouque. Fourier, Francois C: Marie, french philosopher, 1772-1837. Denslow, V. B. in 921 :1 Fourier, J: Baptiste Joseph, french mathematician and philosopher. 1768-ia30. Arago, D. F. J germ. Fox, Caroline, 1871. Memories. Fox, in 926:1 vl 600:3 vl english lady, 1819- ^ ^ 928.2:63 C: James, english orator and statesman, 1749-1806. Althaus, F. in 920 : 78 v3 Brougham. H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 824.2: 18 vl, 2 Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 v2 Entertaining biogr. in 920 : 46 Lodge, H. C. in 904: 35 Memorials. 923.22:30 Rae, W. F. in 923.22: 49 Rogers, S. in 920.2:6 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Trevelyan, G. O. 923.22:29 Fox, G:, founder of the Society of friends, 1624-1690. Bickley, A.C. 922.28:4 Distinguished shoemakers. in 926: 3 .Tanney, S. M. 922.28:1 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Fox-Vassall, H: R:. 3d baron Hol- land, english statesman, 1773-1840. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 in 923 : 2 v3 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2 : 67 v4 Foy, Maximllien Sebasticn, french general and statesman, 1775-1825. Cormenin, L. M. vlcomte de. in 923.4:1 Fracastoro, Girolamo, italian au- thor, 1483-1553. Lessmann, D. in 839 : 8 v3 Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Francesca, St., (eng. St. Prances), of Borne, 1.S84-1446. FuUerton, G. C. lady. 922.6 : 7 Francesco Alessandro Sf'orza, duke of Milan, 1401-1465. Urquhart, W. P. 923.6 : 7 Francesco d'Asslsl, St., (eng. St. Francis of Asslsi), founder of the order of franclscans, 1183-1336. Maccall, \V. in 920: 69 vl Francia, 11, see Baibolini, Fran- cesco. Francia, Jose Gaspardo Rodriguez de, doctor, dictator of Paraguay, 17.56-1840. Carly le, T. in 824.2 : 2 1 v4 Francis of France, see Fran9ois. Francis Joseph of Austria, see Franz. Francis, Sir Philip, reputed author of the letters of Junius, 1740-1818. Brougham, H. iorflf. in 923: 2 v2 Francke, A: Hermann, german divine, 166;j-1727. Grosso, E. in 920: 74 Fran9ois 1, king of France, 1494- 1547. Lamb, Lady -. in 923 : 27 Franklin, B:, amer. statesman, 1706- 1790. Autobiography, ed. by J. Bigolow. 923.12:88 923.12:22 ed. by H. H. Weld. 923.12:23 Memoirs. 923.12:21 Abbott, J. 8. C. 923.12:24 Briggs, C. F. 7/1023.12:66 Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Duyckinck, E. A. in 020 :B,54 vl Edgar, J. G. i*ix 020:10 Famous boys. in x 020 : 32 Foster, J. in 824.2 : 30 Goodrich, 8. G. in x 920: 39 Grube, A. W. in 920-f^79 Hale, E. E. in x 926:17 Howe, H. in 926: 2 1605 BIOGRAPHY-INDEX. Pra-Gar 1606 Mayhew. H. 923.12:69 Mlgnet. F. A. 923.1 : 47 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.12:108 Parker, T. in 923. 1 : 27 Parton, J. 923.12:25 Russell. W. in 923 : 37 Schmidt, F. 923 . 1 2 : 1 07 Seymour, C. C. B. i>(920:25 Sparks, J. 923.12:26 329.1 :7vl Taylor, W. C. in 920.2: 8 Tomkinson, B. M. 923.12:106 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Franklin, Sir J:, english arctic ex- plorer, 1786-1847. Beesly, A. H. 923.29:6 Mossman, S. iri 923:13 Franz Josef I. Carl, emperor of Austria, b. 1830. Towle, G. M. in 923:10 Franz, Robert, german composer, b. Ferris, G. T. in 927.3 : 5 Fraser, Simon. i2th baron Lovat, scotch Jacobite, 1667-1747. Thomson. K. in 923.22 : 77 v2 Fraunhofer, Joseph v., german optician, 1787-1826. Grnbe. A. W. in 920-1-79 Frederick of Germany, see Fried- rich. Freeman, E: A:, english author, b. 1823. Davidson, .7. M. in 923.22 : 1 Freeman, James E:, am^. painter, 181.5-1884. Tuckerman, H. T. ir? 927.1:16 Freilifirrath, Ferdinand, german author, 1810-1876. Buchner, W. 928.3:61 Fremont, J: C:. am^. general and explorer, b. 1813. Peterson, C. J. in 923.154-1 in 923.15:3 Ravage, J. in 923.1 : 20 Upham, C. W. 923.15:10 Fresnel, Augustin J:, trench en- gineer and (X^erimental philoso- pher, 1788-1827. Arago. D. F. J. in 925 : 1 v2 germ. in 500: 3 vl Freycinet, C: L: de Saulces de, french politician, b. 1828. Depasse, H. in 920.4 : 3 vl Friedland, Duke of, see Wald- stein. Friedrica Sophia Wilhelmina, mar- gravine of Baireuth. daughter of 'FriedricH Wilhelm I of Prussia, 1709-1758. Autobiography. 923.3:6 Friedrich I Rothbart or Barbarossa, emperor of Oermany, 1121-1190. Freeman, B. A. in 904:10 | Lamb. Lady . in 923 : 27 i Oertel. H. 923.3:57 Friedrich II, emperor of Germany, 1194-1250. Brooks, B. S. in x 920 : 72 Freeman, E. A. in 904 : 10 Oertel, H. 923.3:58 Friedrich II the great, king of Prussia, 17J2-1786. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.34-18 Brackenbury, C. B. 923.3:20 Brougham. H. lord, in 923: 2 vl Campbell. T., d. 943:19 Carlyle, T. 923.3:1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: 1154 vl Ellis, G. J. W. A., viscount Clifton. 923.3:3 Johnson, S. in820.2:13v2 Lamb, Lady . in 923 : 27 Macaulay, T. B. lord. 923.3 : 2 in 824.2: 67 v4 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3 : 65 Philippson, M. in 920 : 78 vl 1 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 844 : 2 Schmidt, F. 923.3 : 45 Thiebault, P. C. F. A. H. D. Friedrich Wilhelm, elector of Brandenburg, der grosse kurfurst. Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Brdmannsdorfer, B. in 920: 78 v6 Schmidt, F. 943 : 84 923.3:60 Schupp. O. 923.3:41 Friedrich Wilhelm I, king of Prussia, 1713-1740. Schupp. O. 923.3:33 FrBbei, F: W: A:, german teacher, 1782-1852. Lange. W. 923.3:43 Shirreff, B. 923.3 : 22 Spamer, O., and W. Roth. in 920 : 74 Frobisher, Sir Martin, english navigator, d. 1594. Payne, E. J. in 913.1 : 39 Fromentin, Eugene, french painter. 1819-1876. Gonse, L. 927.4:13 Frondsbergr, G: v., see Frunds- bergr, G: v. Frost, T:, english author, b. 1821. Forty years' recollections. 928 2 *1 98 Frugroni, Carlo Innocenzio, Italian poet, 1692-1768. Stebbing. H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Frundsberg-, G : v., german general, 1475-1528. Oertel. H. in 923.3 : 59 Fry, Elizabeth, born Gurney, english philanthropist, 1780-1845. Blaikie, W. G. in 923.26 : 10 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :R54 vl Pitman, Mrs. B. R. 923.26: 6 Russell. W. in 920 : 38 Ryder, E. 923.26:5 Witter, M., and B. Stotzner. in 920: 74 Frye, Joseph, amer. general, 1711- 1794. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Fuca, J: de, Spanish navigator, d. 1632. Belknap, J. in 923.1 : 8 v2 FuIroso, Antonio, Italian poet, 15th century. Stebbing, H. in 928.5: 2 vl Fuller, Andrew, english baptist cler- gyman, 1754-1815. Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Fuller, A. C. in 200: 5 Morris, J. W. 922.26 : 5 Fuller, Margaret, see Ossoli, Sa- rah Margaret. Fuller, T:. english clergyman, royal- ist and historian, 1608-1661. Fuller, M. 922.23:31 Rogers, H. in 204 : 33 Fulton, Robert, amer. inventor of the steamboat, 1765-1815. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : 1154 vl Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Goodrich. S. G. in x 920 : 39 Hale, B. E. in x 926:17 Howe, H. in 926: 2 Renwick, J. in923.1 : 21 vlO Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 Fuseli, J: H:, swiss painter in Eng- land, 1738-1835. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v2 Knowles, J. 704:19 vl Gabotto, Sebastiano, see Cabot, Sebastian. Qabrielli, Caterina, italian singer, 1730-1796. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 5 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 vl Qade, Niels W:, danish composer, b. 1817. Keddie, H. in 927:12 G-adsden, Christopher, amer. states- man and general, 1724-1805. Griswold, R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, amer. general, 1777-1849. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15:3 Gainsborougrh, T:, english painter, 1727-1788. Arnold. G. M. Brock-. 927.2:'3 Carr, J. C. in 756: 8 Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 Eminent men. in 820.5 : 4 Galba, Servius Sulpicius, emperor of Rome, b. c. 8 a. d. 69. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v5 Galiani, Ferdinando, abbate, italian political economist, 1728-1787. Sainte-Beu ve, C. A . in 844 : 2 Galilei, Galileo, italian mathemati- cian and natural philosopher. 1564 -1642. Brewster, Sir D. in 925 : 2 Distinguished men. in 920:33 vl Edgar, J.G. in x920:10 Gebler, K. V. 925.5 1 Goodrich, S. G. in-x. 920 : 39 Grube, A. W. in 9204-79 Morton, E. J. C. in 925 : 5 Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 Gallatin, Abraham Alfonse Al- bert. amr. statesman. 1761-1849. Adams. H. 923.12:27 Lodge. H. C. in 904 : 35 Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 v2 Stevens, J. A. 923.12:86 Gallengra. Antonio, (Lui^iMariotti), italian-english author, b. 1810. Eoisodes. 928.5:21 Galotti, Antonio, participant in the revolutionary agitations in Naples of 1820 to 1828. Memoiren. 923.5:11 Gait, J :. scotch author, 1779-1889. Autobiography. 928.2:64 Gama, Vasco da, Portuguese naviga- tor, d. 1524. Towle, G. M. X 923.5 : 23 Gambetta, Leon Michel, french statesman. 1838-1882. Bolton, S. K. in 920: 73 Depasse, H. in 920.4: 3 vl Harrison, P. in 920 : 53 King. E. in 923 4:2 Towle, G.M. in 923: 10 Gano, J:, amr. clergyman, 1780-1804. Headley. J. T. in 922.1:2 Garcia, Marie Felicita, see Mali- bran. Garcia, Michelle Ferdinande Pau- line, see Viardot, M. F. P. Gardiner, Allen F., english naval officer and missionary, 1794-1851. Yonge, C. M. in 922:11 Gardiner, Margaret, born Power, formerly mrs. Farmer, countess of Blessington, english author, 1789- 1849. Adams, W. H. D. in 920.2:14 v2 Madden, R.R. 928.2:18 Q. in 920: 24 Patmore, P. G. in 28.2:7 Gardiner, Stephen, bishop of Win- chester and statesman, 1483-1555. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v2 Gardner, A: Kinsley, awier. physi- cian, b. 1821. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 Garfield, Eliza, born Ballou, mother of James A. Garfield. Holloway. L. C. in 920 : 57 Garfield, James Abram. 20th presi- dent of the U. S., 1831-1881. Balch, W. R. 923.11:43 Blaine, J.G. 923.11:60 Bundy.J. M. 923.11:44 923.11:46 Hinsdale, B. A. 923.11:47 Hoar, G.F. 923.11:58 Thayer, W.M. x 923.1 1:48 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, italian pat- riot and general, 1807-1882. Denkwiirdigkeiten. 923.5:9 Life. 923.5:9 Bent, J. T. 923.5:10 Bolton, S. K. in 920 : 73 Duyckinck. B. A. in 920 : R54 v2 im Gar-Gol BlOaRAl>HY INDEX. 1608 Qamier-Pag-es, :6tienne Joseph L:, french statesman, 1801-1841. Cormenin, L. M. viccmte de. in 923.4:1 Garrick, D:, <7JiA actor, poet and dramatist, 1716-1779. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 vl Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Garrison, W: Lloyd, amer. aboli- tionist, 1805-1879. Bolton, S.K. 171920:73 Garrison, W. P. and F. J. 923.12+104 Johnson, O. 923.12:28 Garth, Sir S:, english poet, 1673-1719. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Gascoyne-Cecil, R. A. T., see Cecil, R. A. T. Gascoyne-. Gasparin, Agenor :6tienne comte de, french politician and author, 1810-1871. Borel, T. 928.4:9 Gassendi, P:, french philosopher and astronomer, 1592-1655. Edgar, J. G. in x 920: 10 Gaston, W:, amer. statesman and Jurist, 1778-1844. Moore. F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Gates, Horatio, am^. general, 1728- Grisw'old. R. W. in 923.16:69 vl Headley, J. T. in 923.15: 70 vl Gates, SirT:, leader of the puritan emigrants to Virginia, 1609. Belknap, J. in 923.1: 8 v2 Gaussin, Jeanne Catherine Marie Madeleine, french actress, 1711- 1767. Houssaye, A. in 920:16 vl Gautier, Theophile, french author, 1808-1872. James, \i.,jr. in 928.4: 1 Mauris, M. in 928.4:2 Sainte Beuve, C. A, in 928. 4: 38 Gavarni, Paul, pseud., see Cheval- lier, S. G. Gay, Delphine, see Girardin, Del- phine. Gay, J:, english poet, 1688-17;}3. Johnson, 8. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Gay-Liussac, Joseph L:, french chemist, ]778-ia50. Arajfo, D. F. J. in 500:3 v3 Geer, FriherreQ: de, Swedish natura- list, 1720-1778. Naturalist's library, in 690: 68 v34 Geibel, Emanuel, gemian poet, 1815- 1884. Biojrraphische skizze. 928.3 : 3 Leimbach, C. L. 928.3 : 94 Q. in 920: 24 Gelee, Claude, called Claude Ijoi- rainG, french painter, 1600-1682. Sweetser, M. F. 927.4: 1 Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott. ger man poet, 1715-1769. Oertel, P. F. W. 928.3 : 103 Schlimpert, M. in 920: 74 Schmidt, F. 928.3:95 Galon I, king of Syracuse, d. b. c. 478. Cox, Sir O. W. in 923.6: 28 Gensrhis-Khan, see Jinghiz-Khan. Genlis, Stephanie F61icite Ducrest de St. Aubin, comtesse de, french author, 1746-1 8;. Goodrich. S. G. in x 923 : 26 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Geutz, F: v., Prussian statesman and political writer, 1764-lSB. Hayward, A. in 824.2: 46 vl Geoffrin, Marie Th^rese, born Ro- det, ]6!)9-1777. Sainte- Beuve, C. A. in 844 : 2 Georg-, J: Michael, german jurist, 1740-1796. Spamer, O., ed. in 920: 76 Georgre III, W: F:, king of England, 1738-1820. Brougham, H. lord. In 923 :2 vl Georgre IV, A: F:, king of England, 1762-1830. Brougham, H. iorrf. i?i923:2v2 Croly, G. 923.21:21 Fitzgerald, P. 923.21 : 22 Gerard de Nerval, Gerard La- brunie, called, french author, 1808-1855. Mauris, M. in 928.4: 2 Gervinus, G: Gottfried, german historian and politician, 1805-1871. Hillebrand, K. in 834: 22 v2 Schmidt, J. in 834: 20 v3 Gesner, Conrad, swiss philosopher and naturalist, 1516-1565. Naturalist's library. in 590: 58 vl3 Ghiberti, Lorenzo, florentine sculp- tor. 1378-1455. Jameson, A. in 927.6: 3 Ghirlandajo, Domenico Corradi called, ilallan painter, 1451-1''95. Jameson. A. i?i927.6:3 Gibbon, E:, english historian, 1737- 1794. Brougham, H. lord, in 920:46 v2 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R64vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 Morison, J. C. 928.2 : 66 Gibbons, Grinllng, english sculptor, 1618-1721. Cunningham, A. in 927-2:1 v3 Gibbons, Orlando, english compo- ser, 1583-1625. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Gibbs, Alfred Seymour, amer. phy- sician. 18:-1879. Cook, C. in 836 : 6 Gibbs, Sir Vicary, english chief-jus- tice, 1751-1820. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 vl Gibson, T: Milner, english politi- cian, 1807-1884. Francis, G. H. in 923.22:4 Giddingrs, Joshua Reed, amr. statesman, 1795-1864. Buoll, W. 923.12:81 Garfield. J. A. i)i 329.1 : 41 vl Gifford, W : , english author and critic, 1757-1826. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926 : 3 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2: 48 Seymour, C. C. B, in 920: 26 Whipple. E. P. in 820.6 : 14 v2 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, englishnav- igator, 1589-1584. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 4 Belknap, J. in 923.1: 8 vl Payne, E.J. in 913.1: 39 Gilbert, J: Gibbs, am^r. actor, b. 1809. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Gilbert, W : Schwenck, english dra- matist, b. 1886. Archer, W. in 928.2:183 Giles, W: Branch, amer. statesman, 1763-1830. Moore. F. in 329.1: 32 v2 Gill, W: J:, english soldier and ex- plorer, 1843-1883. Yule, H. in 916.1: 30 Gillies, Robert Pearce, scotch au- thor, b. abt. 1790. Personal reminiscences. in 928.2: 46 Giorgione, G: Barbarelli, called, Italian painter, 1477-1611. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Giotto or Ambrogiotto Bordone, Italian painter, 1376-1886. Jameson, A. in 927-6 : 3 Oliphant, M. O. 920.6 : PI Quilter, H. 927.6:8 Giovanna I, queen of Naples, 1837- 1383. Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 vl Giovanna II, queen of Naples, d. 1485. Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 vl Girard, Stephen, amer. merchant and banker, 1750-1831. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Hunt, F. in 923-18:1 vl Ingram, H. A. 923.18:9 Parton, J. in 920.1: 6 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Girardin, Delphine, born Gay, mme. Emile de, 1804-1855. Imbei-t-Salnt-Amand, A. L. in 928.4: 38 Girardin, Emile de, french author, 1806-1881. Castelar y Rissoll, E. in 928.2 : 28 Gist, Mordecai, amer. general, 1743- 1792. Griswold, R. W. in 923-15: 69 vl Gladstone, W : Ewart, english states- man, b. 1809. Apology. 923.22:75 Bagehot,W. in 920-2:1 Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 :1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B,54v2 Higginson. T. W. in 923.22 : 5 Jones, C.H. 923.22:31 Ritchie, J. E. 923.22 : 74 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Towle, G. M. in 923 :10 Glazier, Willard, am^r. soldier and author, b. 1841. Owens, J. A. 923.16:11 Gleigr, G : Robert, scotch divine and author, b. 1795. Der leichte dragoner. 923-26 : 12 Gleim, J: W: L:, german poet, 1719- Korte", W. 928-3:101 Glover, J:, amer. general, 1732-1797. Griswold, R.W. in 923-15: 69 vl Gluck, Christoph Willibald ritter v., german composer, 1714-1787. Crowest. F. in 927:18 Ferris, G.T. in 927.3: 6 Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Gneisenau, A ; Neithardt graf v., Prussian field-mar shall, 1760-1881. Schupp, O. 923.3:32 Spamer. O., ed. in 920 : 76 Gneist, Rudolf, german author and statesman, b. 1816. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Gobat, S:, anglican bishop of Jeru- salem, 1799-1879. Life. 922.23:33 Godolphin, Margaret, born Blagge, maid of honor to Catherine of Bra- gama, 1653-1678. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Evelyn, J. 923.22:32 Godwin, Mary, born Woll stone- craft, english author, 1759-1797. Pennell, E. R. 928. 2 : 206 Godwin, W:, english novelist, 1756 -1836. De Qulncey, T. in 820.5 : 24 Gilflllan. 6. in 820.5 : 7 vl Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Talfourd. T. N. in 824.2 : 90 Tuckerman, H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Gogol, N : Vasllievltch, russian au- thor, 1810-1852. Turner, C.E. in 897:7 Goldoni, C:, Italian author, 1707-1793. Autobiography. 928. 6 : 7 Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 Goldschmidt, Jenny, born Llnd, Swedish singer, b. 1831. Clayton, E.G. in 927 -.6 Duyckinck. E. A. in 920: R64 v2 Ferris, G.T. in 927: 6 v2 Parton, J. in 920: 50 Q. in 920: 24 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1: 84 Willis, N. P. 927.6:87 Goldsmith, Oliver, iHsh poet, 1728- 1774. Black, W. 928.2:68 Bohn,H. G. in 820.2: 30 vl in 820.2:10 vl Bolton, S.K. in 920: 73 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 824.2: 18 vl Cary, H. F. in 928.2: 2 1609 BldGBAPHY-INDEX . Oron-Otre 1610 De Quincey, T. in 820. 5 : 24 Duyckinck, E. A. in920:R54 vl Forster, J. 928.2:67 Irving, W. 928.2:69 928.2:70 820.1 : PI lv9 Mitford, J. in 82 1 .2 : 94 Prior. J. 928.2:66 Kossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Taylor, W.C. m 920.2:8 Thackeray, W. M. in 928. 2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acuna, conde de, Spanish ambas- dor in the reign of James I. Smith, G. B. in 923 : 28 Gonsalvo or Qonzalo Hernandez y Agfuilar, known as Gonsalvo de Cordova, il gran capitan, Spanish warrior, 1443-1515. Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Gonzua, Anne de, princess Palatine, 1616-1684. Menzies, S. in 923 :29 vl Goodell, W:, amer. missionary, 1792- 1867. Prime, E. D. G. 914.94:8 Goodhue, Jonathan, amer. mer- chant, 1783-1848. Hunt. F. in 923.18:1 vl Goodrich, S: Griswold, (Peter Par- ley), amer. author and publisher, 1798-1860. Recollections. 928. 1:12 Goodrich, T:, bishop of Ely, lord chancellor, 1480-1554. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v2 Goodyear, C:, amer. inventor, 1800- 1860. Parton, J. in 920.1: 6 Gordon, C: G:, called Chinese Qar- dun, english general, 1830-1885. Journals. 923.26:34 Forbes, A. 923.25 : 32 Hake, A. E. 92325:31 Hil],G. B., ed. 916.6:25 Long, C. C. 962:3 Gordon, Jane, horn Campbell, vis- countess Kenmure, d. about 1672. Anderson, J. in 922.2 : 1 Gordon, Jane, born Maxwell, duch- ess of, d. 1812. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Gordon, Lucy lady Duff-, born Austin, english author and trave- ler, 1821-1869. Gray, E. C. m 920:14 Gordon, W:, 6th viscount Kenmure, scotch Jacobite, d. 1715. Thomson, K. in 923.22: 77 v2 Gore, Christopher, amer. statesman, 1758-1827. Moore, F. in 829.1 : 32 vl Gorg-es, Sir Ferdinando, english colonist, d. 1647. Belknap, J. in 923.1: 8 v2 Gorton, S:, amer. colonist, 1600-1677. Mackie, J. M. in 923.1 : 22 v5 GSschen, G: Joachim, english finan- cier and statesman, h. 18131. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 Gosnold, Bartholomew, english voyager and colonist, d. 1607. Belknap, J. in 923.1: 8 v2 GOthe, Catharine Elisabeth, bom Textor, GoetJie' smother, 1731-1808. Gibbs, A. S. in 836:5 HoUoway, L. C. in 920 : 57 GBthe, J: Wolfgang v., germanavr thor, 1749-1832. [Autobiographie. J in 830 :R1 36 v4 in 830:137 V17-19 [Autobiography.] 928.3:9 Arnold, M. in 824.2: 4 Boyesen, H. H. 928.3:10 Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 21 vl De Quincey, T. in 928 : 2 Duntzer, H. 928.3 : 46 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 vl Eckermann, J. P. 928.3 : 1 5 928.3 : 54 Emerson, R. W. in 920:12 Falk, J. D. 928.8:53 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920: 41 Gostwick, J. 171 928.3 : 1141 Grimm, H. 928.3:11 Hay ward, A. 928.3:12 Lewes, G. H. 928.3:7 d2S 3*14 Ossoli, S. M. in 824.1 :'e3 Schmidt, F. 928.3:93 Spamer, O. in 920.8 : 2 Taylor, B. in 830.2: 5 Viehott, H. 928.3:84 Gottschalk, L: Moreau, amer. pi- anist and composer, 1828-1869. Notes. 927.1:12 Ferris, G.T. in 927 -.7 Gottsched, J: Christoph, yerman author, 1700-1766. Danzel, T. W., ed. 830. 1 : 22 Gougrh, J: B., amer. temperance lecturer, 1817-1886. Au tobiography . 923.16:2 Sunlight and shadow. 923.16:1 Bolton, S. K. in 920.1 : 13 Gounod, C: Francois, french com- poser, b. 1818. Ehlert, L. ii780:29 Ferris, G. T. in 927.5 : 34 Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Govrer, Granville G : Leveson-, 2d earl of Ch-anville, b. 1816. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 Govrer, JLorii Ronald C: Sutherland- Leveson-, english M. P. and au- thor, b. 1845. Reminiscences. 927.2:32 Gozzoli, Bennozzo, Italian painter, 1400-1478. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Gracchus, Cains Sempronius, ro- man tribune, b. c. 159-121. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v4 Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius, roman tribune, b. e. 168-133. Plutarchos. in 923.6: 16 in 923.6: 31 v4 Graham, James, 5th earl and 1st marquis of Montrose, 1612-1650. Bayne, P. in942.4:18 Skelton.J. in 904: 25 Graham, Sir James Robert G:, english statesman, 1792-1861. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Graham, J:, 1st viscount Dundee, called Claverhou^e, 1650-1689. Skelton, J. in 904 : 25 Graham, T:, scotch chemist, 1805- 1869. Cooke, J. P. in 507:1 Grammont, see Gramont, Phili- bert comte de. Gramont, Elizabeth comtesse de, bom Hamilton, d. 1707. Jameson, A. M. in 923.2 : 4 Gramont, Philibert comte de, french wit and courtier, 1621-1707. Hamilton, A. comte. 923.4: 74 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Grant, Asahel, amer. missionary, 1807-1844. Laurie. T. 922.15:5 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, amer. gen- eral and ISth president of the U. S., 1822-1885. Memoirs. 923.1H-70 Badeau, A. 923.11:38 Coppee, H. 923.11:39 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :R54 v2 Headley, J.T. 923.11:40 Headley. P. C. x 923. 1 1 : 53 Larke, J. K. 923.11:41 Wilson, J. G. in 923: 19 Grant, Sir W:, scotch orator and judge, 1754-1832. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Granville, Karl, see Govrer, Gran- ville G: Granville, G :, viscount Lansdfjwne, english poet. 1667-1735. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v8 Gras, Julie Aim^e Dorus mme., french singer, b. 1804. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 5 Grassini, Giuseppa, italian singer, 1773-1850. Clayton, E.G. in 927: 5 Grattan, H:. irish oratm-and states- man, 1750-1820. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Duyckinck, E. A. i7i920:Il54vl Lecky, W. E. H. in 923.22:7 Mackenzie, R. S. i7i 829.2 : 55 Rogers, S. in 920.2 : 6 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Gray, T:. english poet, 1716-1771. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 8242:18 vl Gosse, E. W. Hazlitt, W. Johnson, 928.2:160 in828.5:l in 821.5:2 in 928.2: 4 928.2:4 v4 in 928.2: 5 in 821.5: 7 Rossetti, W. M. Tuckerman, H. T. Graydon, Alexander, amer. soldier and author, 1752-1818. Memoirs. 923.12:29 Greaton, J:, amer. general, 1741- 1784. Griswold, R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Greeley, Horace, amer. journalist, 1811-1872. 928.1:13 in 920:73 928.1:45 928.1:14 928.1: 15 amer. physician, in 926.1: 2 Recollections. Bolton, S. K. Cornell, W. M. Parton, J. Green, Horace, 1802-1866. Francis, S.W. Greenaway, Kate, english artist, b. abt. 1855. Buskin, J. in 756: 3 Greene, Nathaniel, amer. general. 1742-1786. Caldwell, C. 923.15:13 Greene, G. W. 923. 1 5 : 65 923.1: 22 vlO Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 vl Headley, J.T. in 923.15:70 v2 Simms, W. G., ed. 923.15:12 Greenwood, Grace, pseud., see Lippincott, S. J. Gregrorios Nazianzenos, (eng. Gregory Nazianzen), greek father, abt. 338-389. Wilson, W. Gregorius VII, pope, 1015-10a5. Lord, J. Perkins. J. H- Villemain, A. F. Gregrorius ^Y.^' lari), pop^; ^^6 Wiseman, NP. Jn 922.2: 16 (Hildebrand), in 904: 31 v2 in 820.1 :7v2 922.5:21 (Mauro Capel- f65-1846. 922.5:3 Grellet, Stephen, minister of the society of friends, 1773-1855. Blaikie, W. G. in 923.26:10 Grenvilie, SirR:, english navigator, 1540-1591. Belknap, J. in 923. 1 : 8 vl Grenvilie, Sir R: Plantagenet Temple - Nugent- Brydges-Chan- dos-, 2d duke of Buckingham and Cliandos, 1797-1861. Memoirs. 9425:11 Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Grenvilie. W: Wyndham, baron Grenvilie, 1759-1834. Brougham, H., lord. i?i 923:2 vl Rogers, S. iti920.2:6 Gretry, Andre Joseph, french au- thor, 1774-1826. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 vl Greuze, J : Baptiste, french painter^ 1726-1805. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 v2 Greville, C: Cavendish Fulke, eng- lish author, 1794-1865. Memoirs. 942.6:7 alrridged. 942.6:8 leii Q-re-Sam BIOGHtAPHY INDEX. 1613 Oreville, H: W:, english diplomat and courtier, 1801-1873. Diary. 942.6:11 Qrevy, Fran50is Paul Jules, french statesman, president of the repub- lic, b. 1807. Delabrosse, L. in 920.4: 8 vl King-,E. in 923.4: 2 Q-rey, C:,2d earl Grey, english states- man, 1764-1845. Miller, H. in 824.2: 71 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 G-rey, H: G:, 3d earl Grey, english statesman, b. 1802. Francis, G. H. in 92322 : 4 Grey, Lady Jane, see Dudley, Lady Jane Grey. Grey, Lady Katharine, countess of Hertford, d. 1570. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 56 Grey, Lady Mary, wife of Martin Keys, d. 1578. Strickland. A. in 923.21: 56 Griffin, E: Dorr, amer. congregati- onal clergyman, 1770-1837. Waterbury, J. B. in 922: 8 Griffin, Gerald, irish novelist, 1808- 1840. Griffin, D. 928.2:71 G2551vl0 Grillparzer, Franz, german poet, 1791-1873. Frank], L. A. 928.3:78 Grimke, Angelina, see Weld, An- frelina. Grimke, Sarah, amer. abolitionist and women's rights advocate, 1792 -187;^. Birney, C. H. 923.1:30 Grimm, F: Melchlor/rei/ierr v.,(;e7-- rnrtn litterateur and critic, 1733- 1807. Hillebrand, K. in 834: 22 v5 Grimm, Herman, german author, b. 1838. Schmidt, J. in 834: 20 v3 Grimm, Jakob L: K:, german jui-ist and philologist, 1785-1863. Scherer, W. 924.3+2 Griscom, J: Hoskins, amer. physi- cian, b. 1809. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 Gh:i8i, GiuUa, italian singer, 1810- 1869 Clayton, E.G. 927:5 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 v2 Q. in 920: 24 Griswold, Alexander Viets, amer. bishop, 176ft-1843. Stone, J. S. 922.13:6 Gri8\(rold, Kufus Wilmot, amer. aidhor, 1815-1&57. Wallace. H.B. in 824.1: 86 Groot, Hujfo de, (latin Grotius), dutch historian, 1583-1645. Butler, C. 928.5:15 Distinguished men . in 920 :33 vl Groot, Maria de. boi-n Keygrers- burgh, wife of Hugo. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Grotius, Hugo, see Groot, H. de. Grundtvig, Nikolai F: Sevei'in, danish poet, ]78;j- 1873. Gosse, E. W. in 804: 2 Grundy, Sydney, english dramatist, living. Archer, W. in 928.2 : 188 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, italian poet, 1537-1613. Shelley, M, W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 SteDbing. H. in 928.5: 2 v2 Gudin, J : Antoine Theodore, french painter, 1803-1880. Q. in 920:24 Guerin, Eugenie de, french author, 1805-1848. Journal. 928.4: 14 Adam8,W. H. D. in 920: 66 Arnold, M. in 824.2: 3 Guerin du Cayla, G: Maurice de, french poet, 1811-1839. Arnold, M. in 824.2:3 in 988.4 88 Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico, italian litterateur and statesman, 1805-1873. Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v2 Guicciardini, Francesco, italian historian, 1483-1540. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 Guidi, C: Alessandro, italian poet, 1683-1713. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Guido Beni, italian painter, abt. 1575-1643. Sweetser, M. F. 927.5:9 Guilford, Baron, see North, Fran- Guilford, Earl of, see North, F: Guizot, Elisabeth Charlotte Pau- line, bom de Meulan, french au- thor, 1773-1827. Hudson, M. in 824.1:1 Guizot, Francois P: Guillaume, french statesman aiul histirrian, 1787-1874. Memoirs. 923.4:79 Alison. Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 in 824.2: 124 v3 Bagehot, W. in 920.2:1 Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 928.4:1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v6 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4: 2 Q. in 920: 24 Sainte Beu ve. C. A. in 844 : 2 Witt, H. de. 923.4:44 GUnther, J : Christian, german poet, 1695-1733. Roquette, O. 928.3: 52 GuBtaf I Vasa, king of Sweden, 1496 -1560. Gustavus Vasa. 923.5:49 Gustaf II Adolf the great, king of Sweden, 1594-1633. Chapman, B. 9235: 28 Distinguished men. in 920: 38 vl Harte, W. 923.5:65 Lamb, Lady . in 928 : 27 Stevens, J. L. 923.5:56 Wilson, J. G. in 923: 19 Gustaf III, king of Sweden, 1746- 1793. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 vl Gutenberg', J:, originally Gans- iieisch, mventor of printing, 1400- 1468. Goodrich, S. G. in z 920: 39 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920: 19 v2 Oertel, H. 926.3:2 Guthrie, James, amer. statesman, 1793-1869. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Guthrie, Jane, bom Ramsay, scotch covenanter, 17th century. Anderson, J. in 922.2 : 1 Guthrie, T:, scotch divine, 1803-1873. Blaikie, W. G. in 923.26: 10 Kirton,J.W. in 923.26:11 Gutzkow, K: Ferdinand, german dramatic poet, 1811-1878. , Schmidt, J . in 834 : 20 v2 Guyon, Jeanne Marie, bom Bouvier de la Motte, french mystic, 1648- 1717. Upham, T. C. 9224:7 G'wynn, Eleanor or Nell, english actress, d. 1687. Jameson, A. M. in 928.2 : 4 Haas, J: Philip de, see De Haas, J: P. Ha,ckel, Ernst H:, german scientist, b. 1834. Denslow, V. B. in 921 :1 Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise Sophie Friedrike Gustavo grajin, german author, 1805-1880. Hay ward, A. in 824.2 : 46 vl Hale, D:, amer. jovrvaliKf, 1791-1849. Thompson, J. P. 922.15:6 Hale, Sir Matthew, chief justice of England, 1609-1676. Campbell, J. in 923.24: 2 vl Distinguished men. in 920: 33 vl Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 vl Hales, T:, called Dhele, english dramatist, 1740-1780. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 v2 Halevy, originally Levy,, Jacques Francjois Fromental Elie, french Jewish composer, 1799-1863. Ferris, G.T. in 927.5: 34 Keddie, H. in 927: 12 Halifax, JEarl of, see Montague, C: Hall, Basil, scotch naval officer, 1788- 1844. Aus dem seeleben. 923.29 : 7 Hall, James, am^r. clergyman, 1744- 1826. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 : 2 Hall, Joseph, english bishop and author, 1574-1666. Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:15 Hall, Robert, english baptist clergy- man, 1764-1831. Favourite passages. in 922: 3 Foster, J. in 204: 23 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5: 7 vl Gregory, O. in 204 : 23 Hood, E. P. 022.26:6 Waterbury, J. B. in 922: 8 Hallam, Arthur H:, english critic and essayist, 1811-18*3. Brown, J. in 824.2: 8 vl Hallam, H:, english historian, 1777- 1859. Everett, E. in 824. 1 : 28 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, amer. poet, 1790-1867. Powell, T. in 928.1: 3 Whipple. E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Wilson, J. G. 928.1:17 in 928.1: 78 Haller, Albrecht v., swiss poet, 1708 -1777. Frey, A. 880.1:24 Naturalist's library. in 590: 58 v23 Miiller, K. iJt 920.3:2 Hals, Frans, dutch painter, 1684 ?- Head," P. R. in 927.5 : 82 Halm, Friedrich, pseud., see MUnch-Bellinghausen, E. F. J. freiherr v. Hamerling-, Robert, austrian poet, b. mm. Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Hamilton, Alexander, amer. states- man, 1757-1804. Carter, J. C. in 923.12: 66 Hamilton, J. C. 971 + 12 Lodge, H. C. 923.12:77 in 904: 35 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Morse, J. T., jr, 923.12:87 Renwlck, J. 923.12:36 Shea, G. 928.12:31 Smucker, S. M. 923.12:80 Hamilton, Lady Anne, born Cun- ningham, wife of James, 2d mar- quis of Hamilton, d. 1647. A nderson, J. in 922.2 : 1 Wittenmyer, A. in 922:12 Hamilton, Anne duchess of, see Doug^las, Lady Anne. Hamilton, Gail, pseud., see Dodge, Mary Abigail. Hamilton, Patrick, scotch reformer, ]503-l.')36. Steel, R. in 922: 6 Hamilton, Sir W:, scotch metaphysi- cian, 1788-1856. DeQuincey, T. in 824.2 : 29 vl Mill, J. S. 191:3 Monck, W. H. S. 191:5 Morris, G. S. in 921.2:1 Veitch, J. 191:6 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 1613 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Ham-Haz 1614 Hamlin, Hannibal, amer. statesman, b. 1809. Bartlett, D.W. in 923. 11:62 Carroll, H. ii 920.1:10 Hamlin, Henrietta Anna Loraine, born Jackson, atner. missionary, 1811-1850. Lawrence, M. W. 922.15: 7 Hammond, H:, english divine, 1605- 1660. Lives of englishmen, in 920.2: 9 Hammond, James, english poet, ]7l0-174a. Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Hammond, James Hamilton, amer. politician, 1807-1864. Savage, J. in 923.1 : 20 Hammond, W: Alexander, amer. physician, b. 1838. Francis, S.W. in 926.1: 2 Hampden, J:, english statesman, 1594-1643. Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 vl Forster, J. in 923.22 : 2 v3 Ml 923.22: 3 v2 Grenville, G. N. T., baron Nugent. 923.22:33 Macaulay, T. B. lord. w 824.2: 67 v2 Hancock, J:, amer. statesman, 1737- 1793. Hildreth, R. in 923.12: 66 Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Hancock, Winfleld Scott, amer. general. 1838-1886. Junkin, D. X., and F. H. Norton. 923.15:14 Southworth, A. S. 923.15:15 Hand, E:, amer. general, 1744-1802. Griswold, R. 923.15: 69 v2 Handel, G: F:, german composer in, England, 1685-1759. Barnard, C. in x 927 : 14 Crowest, F. in 927 : 1 8 Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 Ferris, G. T. in 927-3 : 5 Keddie, H. iu 927:12 Marshall, Mrs. J. 927.3 : 20 Reissmann, A. 927.3 : 35 Rockstro, W. S. 927.3 : 22 Schoelcher, V. 927.3 : 8 Hannibal or Annibal, carthagenian gneral, b. c. 347-183. Abbott, J. 923.6:22 Alison, -S-ir A. in 824.2:124 v2 Arnold, T. 923.6:24 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Hanway, Jonas, english traveler, 1713-1786. St. John. J. A. in 923:11 v2 Harald III Hardrade, king of Nor- way, d. 1066. Edgar, J. G. in x 923.25 : 3 Harcourt, Simon lord, lord chancel- lor of England, 1660-1733. Campbell, J . in 923.24 : 1 v4 Harcourt, Sir W: G: Granville Venables Vernon, english states- man, b. 1837. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 Hardenbergr, F: L: freiherr v.. (Novalis), german philosopher and mystic, 1773-1801. Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 2 1 v2 Hardenbergr, K: A: fiirst v., Prus- sian statesman, 1750^1832. Ranke, F. L. v. 904 : 36 v46-48 Hardwicke, Earl of, see Yorke, Philip. Hardy, Gathorne, viscount Cran- brook, english politician, b. 1814. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22: 5 Hardy, T:, english political reformer, 1750-1832. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926: 3 Hare, Maria, born Leycester, wife of A: iyar, 1798-1870. Hare, A.J. C. 928.2:72 Paul, C. K. in 920.2:12 Hargrreaves, James, english inven- tor of the spinning-Jenny, d. 1770. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 39 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Haring, G: W: H:. {Wilibald Alexis), german author, 1797-1871. Schmidt. J. in 834 : 20 v3 Harley, Robert, 1st earl of Oxford and of Mortimer, english states- man, 1661-1734. Smith, G.B. in 923: 28 Harlow, G: H:, english painter, 1787 -1819. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Harness, W:, english clergyman and poet, 1790-1869. L'Estrange, A. G. in 928.2 : 6 Harney, W: Selby, amer. general, b. 1798. Peterson, C. J. in 923.154-1 Harold II, king of England, d. 1066. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 3 in 942: 32 vl Harold, see also Harald. Haroun alrashed, see Harun ar-rashid. Harper, Robert Goodloe, amer. statesman, 1765-1836. Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Harris, James, 1st earl of Malmes- bury, english statesman, 1746-1820. Smith, G. B. in 923: 28 Harris, James Howard, 3d earl of Malmes'yury, b. 1807. Memoirs. 923.22:72 Harrison, W: H:. 9th president of the U. S., 1773-1841. Peterson, C. J. in 923. 15:3 Harte, Francis Bret, amer. poet and novelist, b. 1837. Haweis, H. R. in 928.1 : 56 Hartingrton, Marquis of, see Cav- endish, S. C. Hartley, D:, english physician and philosopher, 1705-1757. Bower, G.S. 192:2 Hartmann, K : Robert E : v., german philosopher, b. 1843. Hedge, F. H. in 104:8 Hartmann, R:, german mechanician, 1809-1878. Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 77 Hartridge, Julian, amer. politician, 1831-1879. Memorial addresses. 923.12-f-32 Harun ar-rashid, caliph, 766-809. Palmer, E.H. 923.5:37 Harvey, Marion, scotch covenanter, executed 1681. Anderson. J. in 922.2 : 1 Harvey, W:, english anatomist, 1578 -1657. Distinguished men. in 920: 33 vl Willis, R. 612:36 Haslam, W:, english clergyman, liv- ing. [Autobiography.] 922.23 : 6 Haspinger, Joachim, tyrolese pa- triot, 1776-1858. Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Hasse, Faustina, see Bordoni, F. Hasselmann, W:, german socialist, b. 1844. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Hasselquist, :, Swedish naturalist, 1723-1753. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 v2 Hasting: or Hastings, norman pirate, 9th cent try. Edgar, J. G. in x 923.25 :3 Hastings, J:, 2d earl of Pembroke, english hero, d. 1375. Edgar, J. G. in x 923.25 : 3 Hastings, Selina, born Shirle.y, countess of Huntingdon, 1707-1791. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Knight, H.C. 922.27:2 Hastingrs, Warren, english governor of India, 1733-1818. Burke, E. Impeachment. 329.2:2 V8-12 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2: 67 v4 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Hatton, Sir Christopher, english lord chancellor, 1540-1591. Campbell. J. in 923.24 : 1 v2 Hauser, Kaspar, the Nuremberg foundling, 1812-1838. Spamer, O., ed. in 920:75 Hauy, Valentin, french e'iucator of the blind, 1745-1833. Stiitzner, H. E. in 920:74 Havelock, Sir H :, english general, 1795-1857. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Headley, J. T. 923.25:13 Phillips, E. C. 923.25:37 Spamer, O., ed. in 920:76 Haven, Alice, originally Emily Gordon, born Bradley, previously mrs. Joseph C. Neal, (Cousin Alice ; Alice G. Lee), amer. author, 1838-1863. Memoir. 928.1:44 Havergal, Frances Ridley, english poet, 1836-1879. Alldridge, L. in 923.26:12 Hawes, Sir B:, english statesman, 1797-1863. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Hawkins, Sir 3:, english navigator , 1520-1595. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 4 Hawkwood, Siri:, english soldier- of -fortune, d. 1394. Doran,J. in 646:6 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, amer. au- thor, 1804-1864. Curtis, G.W. in 824.1:105 Fields, J. T. in 820.5: 6 Hawthorne, J. 928.1:71 Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 James, H., jr. 928.1:18 Lathrop. G. P. 928.1:19 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Smith, G.B. in 820.5:12 Stephen, L. in 820.5:13 vl Whipple, E. P. in 824.1: 91 Haydn, Franz Joseph, german composer, 1732-1809. Barnard, C. in x 927:14 Crowest. F. in 927 : 1 8 Ferris, G. T. in 927-3 : 5 Hacker, F. 9273:24 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Nohl, L. 927-3:7 Spamer, O., ed. in 920: 76 Townsend, P. D. 927.3 : 3 1 Haydon, B : Robert, english painter, 1786-1846. Correspondence and table-talk. 927.2-^45 Q. in 920: 24 Stoddard. R. H., ed. 927.2 : 5 Taylor, T., ed. 927-2 : 6 Hayes, Catherine, afterwards mrs. Bushnell. Irish singer, 1830-1861. Clayton, E.C. in 927: 5 Q. in 920: 24 Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 19th president of the U. S., b. 1833. Howells, W. D. 923- 11 : 42 Hayley, W:, english poet, 1745-1830. Cary, H. F. in 928.2 : 2 Hayne, Robert Young, amer. states- man, 1791-1839. Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 v2 Haynes, J:, 3d governor of Massa- chusetts, d. 1654. Moore, J. B. in 923.1:15 Haynes, Lemuel, negro preacher, Cooley, T. M. 922.15:8 Hazen, Moses, amer. general, 1733- 1808. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Hazlitt, W:, english author, 1778- 1830. DeQuincey, T. in 820.5 : 24 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5: 7 vl 1615 Hea-Hof BIOGRAPHY INDEX . 1616 Mason, E. T., ed. w 928.2: 215 vl Patmore, P. G. in 928.2: 7 Stephen, L. in 820.5:13 v2 Talf ourd, T. N. in 824.2 : 90 Tuckerman, H. T. in 804: 3 v2 Heart, Jonathan, amer. soldier, 1748 -1791. Butterfleld, C. W. 971.2:25 Heath, N:, archbishop of York, d. 1566. Campbell. J. in 923. 24 :lv2 Heath, Robert, english chief justice, 1.575 1649. Atrocious judsres. in 923.24 : 4 Heath, W:, amer. general, 1737-1814. Griswold.R.W. m 923.15: 69 v2 Heavysegre, C:, en^glish poet me- chanic, b. 1816. Taylor. B. id 824.1: 78 Hebel, J: Pugerman poet. 1760-;826. Lang^in, G. 928.3:89 Taylor. B. iu 824.1: 78 Heber, Reg-inald, english bishop of Calcutta and poet, 1783-1826. Robinson. T. 922.23:7 St. John. J. A. iH 923:11 v3 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Yonge. C. M. i;i 922:11 Hedwig:, see Jadwigra. Heemskerk, Jacob van, dutch ad- miral, 1567-1607. Liefdc, J. de. in 923.5 : 42 Hegrel, G:W: F:, german philoso- pher, 1770-1831. Caird, E. 193:4 Heim, Ernst L:, german physician, 1747-1834. Grube, A. W. in 920-h79 Mezjrer, K. L. F. in 920 : 74 Hein, P: Pieterszoon, callcAl Piet, dutch admiral, 1578-1629. Liefde. J. de. in 923.5: 42 Heine, H:, german poet, 1799-1856. Memoirs. 928.3:28 Arnold, M. 928.3:16 tu 824.2: 3 Evans, T.W. 928.3:28 Go8twlck,J. in 928.3 :R41 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Selden. C. 928.3:50 Stigrand, W. 928.3:18 Strodtmann, A. H. 928.3 : 82 Heineken, Christian H:, the boy of Lubexik, 1721-1725. Spamer, O.. ed. in 920 : 76 Heinicke, S:, german educator of deaf-mutes, 1729-1790. Stotzner. H. E. in 920 : 74 Heinrlch I, emperor of Germany, 876-936. Oertel, H. 923.3:37 Heinrich, Friedrich Heinrlch Lud- wig, pnisstan prince, brother of Frederick the great, 1726-1802. Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 76 Heinse, J: Jacob W:, german au- thor, 1748-1803. Gleim, J. W. L. in 928.3 : 74 Schober. J. N. 928.3:85 Heldne, Louise Elisabeth, see Or- leans, Duclicsse d". Helmer, C: Downes, amer. clergy- man, 1827-1879. Helmer, S. R. 922.15:9 'ELeloise, french abbess, 1101-1164. Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 vl Lord, J. in 904: 31 v5 Richardson, A. S. 922.4:11 See also Abailard. Heist. Bartholomeus van der, dutch painter, 1613-1670. Gower, L)rd R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, born Browne, english poet, 1794-1835. Chorley, H. F. 928.2:73 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 vl Gilflllan. G. in 820.5: 8 v2 Owen, H. M. 928.2:74 Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Slgrourney, L. H. in 928.2: 74 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5 : 7 Hendrickson, H:, blind norwegian in America, b. 1848. [Autobiography.] 923.5:31 Henley, Robert, 1st earl of North- ington, lord chancellor of England^ 1708-1772. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v5 Henri IV, king of France, 1553-1610. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4:45 James, G. P. R. 923.4: 46 Lamb, Lady. in 923 : 27 Philippson, M. in 920 : 78 vl Henri C: Ferdinand Marie Dieu- donne d'Artois, du^ de Bordeaux, titular king of France as Henri V, called comte de Chambord, 1820- 1883. King. E. in 9234: 2 Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I, 1609-1669. Bayne, P. in 942.4:18 Strickland, A. in 923.2 1 : 27 v4 Henry I. king of England. 1068-1135. Cobbe. T. in 942.2: 21 Henry V, king of England, 1388-1422. Adams, W. H. D. in 942 : 32 vl Brooks. E. S. in x 920 : 72 Lamb, Lady. in 923: 27 Henry, prince of Wales, eldest son of James I, 1594-1612. Bisset. A. in 904: 34 Henry of France, see Henri. Henry of Germany, see Heinrich. Henry, Alexander, amer. merchant, 1768-1847. Hunt, F. in 923. 18 :lvl Henry, Joseph, amer. scientist, 1797- 1878. Memorial. in 506: R4v21 Memorial. 925.1:6 Henry, Patrick, amer. orator ami statesman, 1736-1799. Arnold, S.G. 923.12:34 Everett, A. H. in 923.1:22 vl Goodrich, S. G. in x 920: 39 Johnston, E. W. in 923.12: 66 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Wirt, W. 923.12:33 Henry, Philip, english nonconf(rr- mist divine, 163'-196. Diary. 922 24:21 Herbert, The hon. Auberon E: W: Molyneux, english liberal, b. 1838. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Herbert, E:, 1st baron Herbert of Chcrhurji, english philosopher, a. 1648. Autobiofrraphy. 928.2:164 Herbert, Sir E:, lord keeper of the great seal of England, d. 1657. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v3 Herbert, Sir's,:, chief justice of Eng- land, d. 1698. Campbell, J. in 923.24: 2 v2 Herbert, G:, english clergyman and author, 1593-1633. Adams, W. H. D. in 922.2 : 3 Walton, I. in 922.22: 7 abridged. in 922.22 : 5 Whipple. E. P. in 820.6:15 Herbert, H: W:, {Frank Forrester), amer. aidhor and sportsman, 1807 -ia58. Pond, F. E. in 799:1 Herbert, Mary, born Sidney, coun- tess of Pembroke, 15,50-1621. Adams, W. H. D. in920:66 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Herder, J: Gottfried v., german philosopher and poet, 1744-180:3. Barenbach, Gostwlck, J. Haym, R. Schmidt, F. Taylor, B. Werner, A. in 920: 78 v6 in 928.3 :K41 928.3-H83 928.3:98 in 830.2: 5 in 920.3: 2 Herezuelo, Leanor, born de Cisne- ros, Spanish martyr, 1.535-1.567. Chapman, W. iji 922: 13 Herodes (enf/. Herod) the great, king of Judea, b. c. 72 - a. d. 4. James, G . P. R. in 904 : 28 Herodotos Herodotus), greek historian, b. c. 484-406. Eminent men. in 820.5 : 4 Swayne, G. C. 889:1 Herrick, Robert, english poet and clergyman, 1591-1674. Gosse, E. W. in 928.2: 213 Herschel, Caroline Lucretia, ger- man astronomer in England, 17.50 -1848. Adams, W.H.D. in 920: 66 Herschel, JVfrs. J. 925.2:7 Herschel, Sir F: W:, german astro- nomer in England, 1738-1822. Arago, D. F. J. in 925 : 1 vl . germ. in 500 : 3 v3 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920: 39 Holden, E. S. 925.2:8 Herschel, Sir J: F: W:, english astronomer, 1792-1871. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Proctor, R. A. in 520: 10 Hertford, Countess of, see Q-rey, Lady Katherine. Hertford, Marquis of, see Sey- mour, W: Hervey, J:, baron Hervey of Ick- worth, 1696-1743. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Hervey, Mary, born Leppell, lady Hervey of Ickworth, 1700-1768. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Hesiodos {eng. Hesiod), greek poet, about 9th century, b. c. Davies.J. 884:2 Heyne, Christian Gottlob. german scholar and critic, 1729-1812. Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 21 vl Grube, A. W. in 920-|-79 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Heyse, Paul J: L:, german author, b. 1830. Schmidt, J. in 834: 20 vl Heywood, T:, english actor and dramatist, 17th century. Hazlitt, W. in 822.5:1 Whipple, E. P. in820.5:15 Hieronymus Pragensis, (english Je- rome, bohemian Jarolim), bohe- mlan reformer, d. 1416. Moars, J. W. in 922.3: 4 Hildebrand, see O-regrorius VII. Hill, Harry R. W., amer. merchant, 1797-18.5.3. Hunt,F. in 923.18:1 v2 Hill, Rowland, english methodist di- vine, 1744-18;. Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Hill, Sir Rowland, english postmas- ter-general, 1795-1879. Hill, G. B. 923.22:34 Hiller, Ferdinand, german compo- ser, 1811-1885. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Hillhouse, James, amer. statesman, 17.54-18:^2. Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Hinckley, T:, 6th governor of Ply- mouth, 1621-1708. Moore, J. B. in 923.1:15 Hobart, J: H:, amer. bishop, 1775- 18:50. McVicar.J. 922.13:7,8 Hobart, 8:, amer. engineer. Fulton, J. D. 926.1:11 Hobbes, T:, english philosopher, 1.588-1679. Bisset, A. in 904 : 34 xMorris, G. S. in 921.2:1 Hodgre, C:, amer. clergyman and au- thor, 1797-1878. Hodge A. A. 922.14:8 Hodgrson, Francis, english clergy- man and author, 1781-1852. Hodgson, J. T. 922.23 : 8 Hofer, Andreas, tyrolese patriot, 17ti7-1810. Grube, A. W. in 920-|-79 Hoffman, Virginia Havisido, bm-n Hale, amer. missionary, 18.H2-1856. Cummins, G. I). 922.13: 9 1617 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Hof Hun lfil8 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Ama- deus (originally Wolfgang), ger- man author, 1776-1823. Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 21 vl Hograrth, W:, english painter, 1697- 1764. Cunningham, A. /n 927.2:1 vl Dobson, A. 927-2:7 Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2: 8 Hogg', James, tJie Ettrick shepherd, scotch poet and romance writer, 1772-1835. Mason, E. T..ed. in 928.2:215 v2 Hohenlohe -Waldenburg-Schil- lingsfiirst, Clodwig K: V:, prinz von liatibor und Corvay, filrst, german statesman, b. 1819. Tattle, H. w 923.3:15 Holbein, Hans, german painter, 1197 -1554 or 1,543. Cundall.J. 927-3:39 Woltmann, A. 927.3+38 Holcroft, T:, english dramatist and romance writer, 1745-1809. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926 : 3 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Holland, Lord, see Fox-Vassall, H: R: Holland, Sir H:, english physician, 1788-1873. Recollections. 926.2 : 7 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, amer. \ physician and author, b. 1809. i Brown, E. E. 928.1 : 68 Haweis. H. R. in 928.1 : 56 Kennedy, W. S. 928.1 : 68 Sanborn. F. B. m928.1-t-Pl Stedman, E. C. in 82 1 .5 : 1 8 Holt, air J :, chief justice of England, 1642-1710. Campbell, .T. in 923.24:1 v2 Holyoake, G: .lacob, english radi- cal, b. 1817. Hinton, R. J. in 923.22 : 6 Home, Daniel Douglas, amer. s/nrit- valist,b. \mi. Incidents of my life. 922.18:13 Home, H:, lord Karnes, scotch phil- osopher and jurist, 1696-1782. Foster, J. in 824.2 : 39 Homeros {eng. Homer), greek poet, about 1000 b. c. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 1(1824.2:124 v2 Arnold, M. in 824.2: 3 Bonltz. H. 883.2:1 Coleridge, H. N. in 881.2:1 Collins, W.L. 883:3 DeQuincev, T. in 824.2 : 30 vl Dobson, W.T in 811: 3 Fronde, J. A. i;t 824.1 :19 vl Geddes. W. D. 883.2:3 Gladstone, W. E. 883.2:2 Goodrich, S G. in x 920 6:4 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. tn 920:19 v2 Hommaire de Hell, Ad^le, Jrench traveler, b. 1819. Adams, W.H.D. in 928: 22 Honthorst, Gerard van, dutch painter, 1590-16.56. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Hooch, P: de, dutch painter, 1632?- 1681? Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Hood, T:, english poet, 1798-1845. Broderipp, F. F. 928.2 : 76 Gllflllan, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Mason, E. T., ed. in 928.2:215 v4 Ossoli, S. M. id 824.1: 63 Q. iii 920: 24 Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Stedman, E. C. in 821.5: 6 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 v2 Hook, Theodore E:, english journal- ist, 1788-1841. Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 102 Hooker, R:, english clergyman, 1554- 1600. Morris, G. 8. in 921.2:1 Walton, T. in 200 : 6 vl in 922.2:7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.6:16 Hopkins, Johns, amer. merchant, 1795-1873. Bolton, S.K. ii 920.1:13 Hopkins, S:, am^r. clergyman, 1721- Whittier, J. G. in 920: 30 Hopper, I: T., quaker philanthropist, 1771-1852. Child, L.M. 923.12:35 Hoppner, J:, english painter, 1759- 1810. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v4 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus, (eng. Horace), latin lyric poet, b. c. 65-8. Martin, 6'ir T. 871:3 Horn, W. O. v., pseud., see Oertel, PhilippF: W: Horner, Francis, scotch political- economist, 1778-1817. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Memoirs. 923.22:35 Hortense Eugenie de Beauharnais, queen of Holland, mother of Na- poleon ill, 1783-1837. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4 : 36 Lagarde, A. conUe de. 923.4 : 33 Hosmer, Harriet G., am^r. sculptor, b. 1830. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R54 v2 Thurston. R. B. in 920: 60 Houdin, Robert J: Eugene, french conjurer, 1805-1871. Memoirs. 927.4:9 Housman, Robert, english clergy- man, 1759-18;^. Housman, R. F. 922.23 : 9 Houssaye, Arsene, french author, b. 1815. Jacquot, E. C. J. B. in 928.4 : 38 Houston, S:, am^. general, 1793- 1863. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Howard, Bronson, am^r. dramatist, living. Archer, W. in 928.2 : 183 Howard, Harriet, born Leeds, wife of J: Howard, 1726-1765. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Howard, H:, english painter, 1769- 1847. Howard, F. in 750: 5 Howard, J:, english philanthropist, 1736-1790. Aikin, J. 923.26:1 Blaikie, W. G. in 923.26:10 Dixon, W. H. 923.26:2 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 39 Stoughton, J. 923.26 : 8 Taylor, W.C. in 920.3: 8 Howard, T:, Mh duke oj Norfolk, executed 1573. Criminal trials. in 345.2 : 3 vl Howe, Elias, amer. inventor, 1819- 1867. Bolton, S.K. in 920.1:13 Spamer, O., ed. in 920 :77 Howe, Julia, born Ward, amer. poet and reformer, b. 1819. Calhoun, L. C. in 920 : 50 How^e, R:, tst earl Howe, english ad- miral, 1725-1799. Edgar, J. G. in x 923.26 : 3 Howe, Robert, amer. general, d. 1787. Griswold.R.W. i?i 923.16: 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923 . 1 6 : 70 v2 Hoyne, T:, Chicago lawyer, 1817-1883. Inmemoriam. 923.18+11 Hrolf, see Rollon. Hrotsvith, german poetess, 10th century. Kfipke, R. 830.1:28 Hubbell, Levi, amer. judge, 1808-1876. Impeachment trial, in 346. 15:D Huber, Francois, swiss naturalist, 1750-1830. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 39 Naturalist's llbr. in 550 : 58 v39 Huber, Marie Alraee, bom Lullln, wife of Francois Huher. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Hiibner, G:, austrian woodcutter and engineer, 17.55-1833. Cobb, J. F. in x 920 : 44 Hudson, H:, english navigator, 1.550- 1611. Adams, W. H. D. in x 923 : 14 Cleveland, H. R. in 9231 : 21 vlO Huger, I:, amer. general, 1742-1797. Griswold.R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Hughes, G : E., brother of T: Hughes, 1831-1872. Hughes, T. 923.24:17 Hughes, J:, english poet, 1677-1730. Johnson, S. in 928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Hughes, J:, amer. archbishop, 1797- 1864. Hassard. J. R. G. 922.12:1 Kehoe, L. in 200:7 vl Hughes, T:, english author and economist, b. 1823. Hinton, R. J. in 923.22 : 6 Hugo, V: Marie vlcomte, french au- thor, 1802-1885. Amicis, E. de. in 854:1 Barbou, A. 928.4:15 928.4:40 Buchanan, R. in 824.2:13 Castelar y Rissoll, E. in 928.2: 28 Claretie, J. in 920.4 : 3 vl Dowden, E. in 804:1 Hugo, J. A. 928.4:16 Jacquot, E. C. J. B. in 928.4: 38 King, E. in 923.4: 2 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4 : 2 Mauris, M. in 928.4 : 2 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Smith. G.B. 928.4:42 Stevenson, R. L. in 824.2:108 Taylor, B. in 824. 1:78 Towle, G. M. in 923:10 Hull, W:, amer. general, 1753-1825. Campbell. M. 923.15:16 Peterson, C. J. in 923.15: 3 Humboldt, F: H: Alexander frei^- herr v., german scientist, 1769- 1859. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 1 24 v3 Bruhns, K., ed. 925.3+6 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 vl Everett, E. in 824. 1 : 28 Klencke, P. F. H. 923.5 : 2 Macgillivray, W. 508:7 MohT,M. O. in 920.3: 2 Naturalist's libr. in 690 : 68 v33 Schmidt, F. 925.3 : 6 Tuckerman. H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Humboldt, K:W: freiherrv., ger- man philologist and statesman, 1767-1835. Haym. R. 924.8:1 Schlesier, G. in 926.3: 2 Humboldt, Marie Elisabeth v., horn Colomb, formerly baroness V. HoUwede, mother of Alex. v. Humboldt, d. 1796. HoUoway, L. C. in 920: 67 Hume, D:, scotch philosopher and historian, 1711-1776. Bisset, A. in 904: 34 Brougham, H. lord, in 920 : 46 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 1 Foster, J. in 824.2 : 39 Huxley, T.H. 921.2:4 McCosh,J. 104:7pt6 ; Morris, G.S. in 921.2:1 ! Hume or Home, Helen, bom \ Johnston, lady Gh-aden, scotch I covenanter, d. about 1707. Anderson, J. in 922.2:1 Hummel, J: Nepomuk, german I composer, 1778-1837. I Keddie, H. in 927:12 Hunt, Harriot Kesia, amer. physi- cian and author, 1805-1875. Glances and glimpses. 926.1:6 j Belloc, B. R. in 920: 22 Hunt, James H: Leigh, english poet \ and essayist. 1784-1859. I Autobiography. 928.2:76 1619 Hun-Jea BIOGRAPHY INDEX . 1630 Clarke, C. and M. Cowden. fn 928.2: 47 GilflUan. G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Mason. B. T., ed. in 928.2 :215 vl Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5: 14 v2 Hunt, W:, englUh painter, 1790-1864. Palgrave, F. T. in 704: 4 Hunt, W: Holman, english artit, b. 1827. Ruskin. J. in 756: 3 Hunt, W: Morris, amer. painter, 1834-1879. Bolton, S.K. in 920.1:13 Hunter, J:, scotc/i anatomist, 1728- 1793. Edirar, J. G. in-x. 920 : 10 Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v5 Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, amer. statesman, h. 1809. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Hunter, W:, scotch anatomit and physician, 1715-1783. Edg-ar, J. G. in ac 920:11 Hunter, W :, amer. statesman, 1774- 1849. Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Huntingdon, Countess of, see Has- tings, Selina. Huntingrton, Daniel, amer. pain- ter, b. 1816. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927. 1:16 Huntingrton, Jedediah, amer. gen- eral, 1743-1818. Griswold, R. W. 923.15:69 v2 Huntsman, B:, english artisan, 1704-1776. Smiles, S. in 926.2:1 Hurst, J :, amer. clergyman, time of the revolutiini . _ . _ Headley, J. T. in 922.1: 2 Hub or Huss, J:, boliemian re- former, 1373-1414. Gillett,E. H. 922.3:3 Mears, J. W. in 922.3 : 4 Hutcheson, Archibald, english phi- losopher and political wiiter, d. 1740. , ^ Fowler, T. 192:9 Hutchinson, Anne, english relig- ious eiMiusiast, 1600-1648. Ellis, G. E. in 923. 1 : 22 v6 Hutchinson, J:, english puritan and reiiicide, 1616-166t. , ^ Hutchinson, L. 923.25:16 923.25:35 Hutchinson, Lucy, horn Apsley, wife of col. J:, english author, 1620-1659. ^ ^^ Adams, W.H.D. in 920: 66 Child, L. M. in 920: 49 Crosland, C. i?i920:52 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Hutchinson, T:, governor of Mas- sacJiuseUs, 1711-1780. Hutchinson, P. O. 923.12 : 97 Hutten, Ulrich v., german tJwtU)- gian and autlior, 1488-152.?. Maccall, W. in 920: 59 vl Prutz, H. f n 920 : 78 v4 Strauss, D. F. 928.3 : 77 Hutton, James, scotch mineralogist, 1726-1797. ^^^ ^ Duncan, P.M. in 925: 4 Hutton, W:, english antiquary and author. 1723-1815. Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Huxley, T:H:, englinh scientist, b. 1825. McCosh, J. 104:7pt6 Hyde, E:. 1st earl of Clarendon, english statesman and author, 1608 -1674. Life, by himself. 923.22 : 26 Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Bayne,P. in 942.4:18 Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v3 Lister, T.H. 923.22:27 Hyde, Lady Henrietta, countess of Rochester, 1645-1687. Jameson, A. M. in 923.2 : 4 Hyde, N:, english judge, d. 1681. Atrocious judges, in 923.24 : 4 Hyde, Robert, english jitdge, d. 1665. Atrocious judges. in 923.24 : 4 rbn-Batuta, see Batuta. Ibsen, H:, norwegian poet, b. 1838. Gosse, E. W. in 804: 2 Lord, H. F. in 898.2: 2 Igrnatius of St. Paul, Father, see Spencer, G : Inchbald, Elizabeth, born Simpson, english actress and author, 1753- 1831. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 in 920.2:14 v2 B. in I 151 Inman, H:, amer. painter, 1801-1846. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1:16 Irvine, W:, ame". general, 1741-1804. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 vl Irvingr, E:, scotch clergyman, 1793- lf34. Gilflllan, G. in 820.5: 7 vl Hazlitt, W. in 824.2: 48 Oliphant. M. O. 922.24:8 Paul, C. K. in 920.2:12 Irving, originally Brodribb, J: H:, english actor, b. 1888. Austin, L. 927.2:37 Hatton, J. 927.2:36 Public life. 927.2:31 Irving', Washington, amer. author, 1783-1859. Bryant, W. C. Duyckinck, E. A. Greene, G. W. Haweis, H. R. Hazlitt, W. Hill, D. J. 928.1:26 in 928.1: 25 920:R54v2 in 824.1: 37 in 928.1: 56 in 824.2 : 48 928.1:22 Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Irving, P. M. 928.1:24 820.1 : PI lv25-27 Irvinglaua. 928.1:23 Putnam, G. P. in 928. 1 : 25 Shepard, W. in 804 : 5 v3 Warner, CD. 928.1:21 in 928.1: 25 in 820.1: PI 1 vl in820.1:Pll v27 Wilson, J. G. ^ in 928. 1 : 78 Isabella of Angouleme, queen of John of England, 1185-1346. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Isabella of France, queen of Edward II, 139.5-1358. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Isabella of Valois, 2d queen of Rich- ard II, 1387-1410. Strickland, A. 923.21 : 27 vl Isabella I of Castile, queen of Spain, 14.50-1504. Goodrich, S. G. in x 923: 25 Hewitt, M. E. in 923: 6 Jameson, A. in 923: 8 vl Jenkins, J. S. in 923: 9 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Istria, Dora d', pseud.. s^eKoltzoff- Massalsky, Helena Ghika, princess. Ixtlilochitl, king of Texcuco, 16th century. Brooks, E. S. in x 920: 72 Jackson, Andrew, "tth president of the U. S., 1767-1845. Bancroft, G. in 824.1 : 3 Black, J. S. in 824.1+8 Cobbett, W. 923.11:25 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R54 vl Frost, J. 923.11:26 Godwin, P. in 923.12:66 Goodwin, P. A. 923.11:27 Parton, J. 923.11:28 Peterson, C. J. in923.15:3 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Sumner, W. G. 923. 1 1 : 54 Jackson, J:, english painter, 1778- 1831. Cunningham, A. 927.2:1 v5 Jackson, Julia, see Woodson, Julia. Jackson, Patrick Tracy, amer. m,er- chant, 1780-1847. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Jackson, T: Jonathan, amer. cofi- federate general, called Stonewall, 1824-1863. Addey, M. 923.15:19 Cooke, J. E. 923.15:17 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R54 v2 Randolph, S. N. 923.15:18 Jackson, W:, amer. clergyman, 1793 -1844. Jackson, W. M. in 204: 26 Jacoby, J:, german politician, 1805- 1877. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Jacotot, J: Joseph, french teacher, 1770-1840. Quick, R. H. in 371:15 Jacquard, Joseph Marie, french weaver, 17.52-1834. Bolton, S. K. in 920: 73 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 v2 Jacquemont, V:, french traveler and naturalist, 1801-1833. Hamerton, P. G. in 920.4:1 Jago, R:. english poet, 171.5-1781. Gary, H. F. in 928.2: 2 Jahn, F: L:, called Vater Jahn, ger- man author, 1778-18.53. Euler, C. 928.3:59 James I. king of England, (James VI, of Scotland), 1566-1625. Bayne, P. in 942.4:18 James, G: Payne Rainsford, english novelist, 1801-1860. Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 vl James, J: Angell, english clergyman, 1785-1859. Steel, R. in 922: 6 Jameson, Anna Brownell, born Murphy, Irish author, 1797-1860. Belloc, B. R. in 920: 22 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :R54v2 Macpherson, G. 928.2:180 Jamesone, G :, scotch painter, 1586- 1644. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Jan III Sobieski, king of Poland, 1639-1696. Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Jane Grey, Lady, see Dudley, Lady Jane. Jane Seymour, 3d queen of Henry VIII, d. 1537. Strickland. A. in 923.21 : 27 v2 Janin, Jules Gabriel, french author, 1804-1873. Q. in 920: 24 Janney, S: M., amer. quaker author, 1801-1880. Memoirs. 922.18:12 Jansz van Ostade, Adriaan, dutch painter, 1610-1685. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Jansz van Ostade,!:, dutch painter, 1621-1649. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Jasper, J:, amer. negro preacher, h. 1813. Randolph, E, A. 922.16:8 Jay, J:, amer. statesman and chief Justice of the U. S., 174.5-1839. Flanders, H. in 923.14: 2 vl Goodrich, S. G. i/ix 920: 39 Moore, F. in 329.1 :32vl Renwick, H. B. 923.12: 36 Thayer, W. S. in 923.12: 66 Van Santvoord, G. iu 923.14: 3 Jay, Sarah Van Brugh, born Living- stone, mrs. J :, 17,57-1803. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 vl Jay, W :, english clergyman, 1769-1863. Famous boys. in x 920 ; 32 Jeanne d'Albret, queen of Navarre, 1538-1573. Wittenmyer, A. in 922: 12 1621 BIOGBAPHY INDEX . Jef-Ean Jefferson, Joseph,, aiwer. actor, b. 1829. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Jefferson, T:, 3d president of the U. S., 1743-1826. Brougham. H. /orrf. in 923: 2 v3 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 vl Godwin. P. in 923.12:66 Morse, J. T., jr. 923.11:55 Parker, T. m 923.1: 27 Parton, J. 923.11:16 Pierson, H. W. 923.11:17 Randall, H.S. 923.11:18 Randolph, S. N. 923.11:19 Tucker. G. 923.11:20 Jefferson family. Winter. W. 9271:10 Jeffrey, Francis lord, scotch author, 1773-1850. Cockburn, H. T. lord. 928.2 : 77 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 Gilflllan. G. in 820.5:7 vl Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Mason, E. T., ed. OT 928.2: 215 v2 Miller. H. in 824.2:71 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 v2 Jeffreys, G: lord, judge and lord- chancellor of England, 1648-1689. Atrocious judges, in 923.24: 4 Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v3 in 923.24: 2 v2 Roscoe, H. in 923.24: 8 vl Woolrych, H. W. 92324:18 Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee, parsi merchant and philanthropist, 1783- 1859. Spamer, O. in 920 : 74 Jenkinson, Sir Robert Bankes, 2d earl of Liverpool, english states- man, 1770-1828. Brougham. H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Jenner, E:, english physician, 1749- 1823. Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 v2 Goodrich. S. G. in x 920: 39 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2:8 Jerdan, W:, scotch author, 1782-1869. Personal reminiscences. in 928.2: 106 Jerome of Prague, see Hierony- xnus Pragensis. Jerrold, Douglas W:, 7?gittsAAior- ist, 1803-1857. Clarke, C. and M. Cowden-. in 928.2: 47 Jerrold. W.B. 928.2:78 Mason, E.T., cd. in 928.2:215 v4 Jervis, J:, 1st earl of Saint Vincent, english admiral, 1734-1823. Brougham, H. lord in 923 : 2 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 in X 923.25: 3 Jessup, T: Sidney, amtr. general, 1788-1860. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15: 3 Jesus Christ, see class 232, col. 93. Jinghiz- (Chinese Ching-sze) Kahn, Jemutshin called, mongol empe- ror, 1162-1227. Abbott, J. 923.5:36 Joan Plantagenet, the fair maid of Kent, wife of Edward the black prince, 1828-1885. Wittenmyer, A. in 922:12 Joan or Joanna, see Giovanna. Joan of Arc, seDarc, Jeanne. Joan of Navarre, see Jeanne d'Al- bret. Joanna of Navarre, queen of Henry IV of England, 1370-1437. Strickland, A. 923.21 : 27 vl John of Austria, see Juan, J)on. John of Salisbui-y, english scholastic philosopher, 1120-1180. Morris, G. 8. in 921.2:1 John Sobieski, see Jan IllSobies- ki. Johnson, Andrew, nth president of the U.S., 1808-1875. Impeachment trial, see col. 223. Moore, F. in 329.1: 29 Savage, J. in 923. 1 : 20 Johnson, Elizabeth, born Jervis, formerly mrs. Porter, ^oife of S.- Johnson, 1688-1752. Holloway, L. C. in 920: 57 Johnson, R: Mentor, amer. politi- cian and soldier, 1781-1850. Peterson. C. J. in 923.15: 3 Johnson, S:, english lexicographer, philologist and author, 1709-1784. Bolton. S. K. in 920: 73 Boswell, J. 928.2:79 Brougham, H. lord. in 920: 45 v2 Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 20 in 824.2: 22 Cary, H. F. in 928.2: 2 Croker, J. W., d. 928.2:84 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 vl Edgar, J. G. inx 920:10 Goodrich, S. G. iux 920:41 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2 : 67 v2 Mason, E. T., rf. 928.2:83 Murphy. A. in 820.2:13 vl Page, W. P..6?. 928.2:81 Russell, A. P. in 824.1:113 Russell, J. F. 928.2:82 Stephen. L. 928.2:80 i?i 820.5: 13 v2 Waller. J. F. 928.2:85 Johnson, Sarah, born Ford, m ther of S: Johns n, 1689-1759. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Johnson, Sir W:, english general, 1715-1774. Stone, W.L. 923.25:16 Joinville, Francois Ferdinand Philippe L: Marie d'Orleans, prince de. b. 1818. Miiller. F. M. in 824.2 : 74 v3 Jones, Agnes E., Irish nurse, d. 1868. Blaikie, W. G. in 923.26:10 Jones, E: Burne-, english artist, liv- ing. Ruskin. J. in 756: 3 Jones, H. A., english dramatist, liv- ing. Archer, W. in 928.2 : 183 Jones, J : Paul, commodore In the amer. navy, 1747-1792. Headley, J. T. in 923.15:70 v2 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Sherburne, J. P. 923.15: 20 Jones, Roger, amer. general, 1789- 1853. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15+1 Jones, Walter Restored, amer. mer- chant. 1793-1855. Hunt, F. in 923. 18 :lvl Jones, Sir W :, english poet, 1746-1794. Cary, H.F. in 928.2: 2 Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Edgar. J. G. in x 920 : 10 Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 v2 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Jonson or Johnson, B:, english poet and dramatist, 1574-1637. Coleridge, S. T. in 820.2 :7 v4 Gifford, W. in 928.2:1 Hazlitt, W. in 822.5:1 in 828.5:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 v2 in 820.5:15 Joseph, Jewish patriarch, abt. 1525 b. c. Schupp, O. 922.6:3 Joseph II, emperor of Germany, 1741-1790. . Beer, A. in 920:78 v9 Brougham, H. lord, in 922 : 3 vl Schmidt, F. 923.3:67 Joseph Bonaparte, successively king oj Naples and of Spain, 1768-1844. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4 : 28 Woodward, E. M. 923.4 : 26 Josephine, Marie Joseph Rose Tascher de laPagrerie, empress of the french, wife of Napoleon I, 1763-1814. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4:29 Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Headley, P. C. 923.4:30 Hewitt. M. E. in 923 : 6 Jenkins, J. S. in 923 : 9 LeNormand, M. A. A. 923 4:32 Memes, J. S. 923.4:31 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Joubert, Joseph, french moralist, 1754-1824. Arnold. M. in 824.2: 3 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 844 : 2 Jovianus, Flavius Claudius, empe- ror of Rome, 331-364. La Bletterie. J. P. R. de. in 880: 1 v2 Juan, Don, of Austria, Spanish gen- eral, 1546-1578. Maxwell. Sir W. Stirling-. 940: 51 Juarez, Benito, mexican statesman and president of the republic, 1807- 1872. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Judas Iscariot, the traitor, d. 34. DeQuincey. T. in 204:18 v2 Judson, Adoniram, amer. missio- nary, 1788-1850. Conant, H. C. 922.16:3 Wayland, F. 922.16:2 Judson, Ann, born Hasseltine, amer. missionary, 1789-1826. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Knowles. J. D. 922.16:4 Judson, Emily, born Chubbuck, (Fanny Forrester), amer. missio- nary, 1817-1854. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1164 v2 Kendrick, A. C. 928.1:25 Judson, Sarah, born Hall, previously mrs. Boardman, amer. poet, 1803- 1845. Judson, E. C. 922.16:6 Judson family. Yonge. C. M. in 922:11 Jukofskii, see Zhukofskii. Julianus, Flavius Claudius, called the apostate, emperor of Pome, 331 -363. Neander. J. A. W. 923.6 : 15 Julius Csesar, see Ceesar, Caius Julius. Jullien, L: G: Antoine Jules, french compose? and conductor, 1812-1860. Q. in 920: 24 Jungr-Stillingr, J: H:, german au- thor, 1740-1817. Autobiography. 922.3:11 Jugend. jiinglingsjahre. wander- schalt. 928.3:44 Junot, Laure mm^., see Abrant^s, Duchesse d'. Juvenalis (.eng. Juvenal), Decimus Junius, latin poet, 40-125? Walford, E. 877:2 Kah-ge-gra-grah-bowk, G: Cop- way, Ojibuay chief. Life. 920.1:116 Kalb, J:, called baron de, general In the amer. revolution, 1721-1780. Griswold, R. W. in923. 16:69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923. 16 : 70 v2 Kapp, F. 923.15:66 Karnes, Lord, see Home, H : Kampfer, Engelbrccht, german bo- tanist and traveler, 1651-1716. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 vl Kane, Elisha Kent, amer. explorer, 1820-1857. Elder, W. 923.19:4 Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Love-life. 923.19:5 Kant, Immanuel, german philo- sopher, 1724-1804. De Quincey, T. in 824.2 : 29 vl in 824.2 : 34 v2 Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Hedge, F.H. in 104:8 Eau-Eoc BIOGRAPHY INDEX. McCosh, J. Morris, G. S. Seymour, C. C. B. Wallace, W. Watson, J. Werner, A. in 104:7 v2 142:4 i?i920:25 921.3:3 142:3 in 920.8: 2 Kantemir, Antiokl, russian author, 1708-1744. Turner, C. E. in 897: 7 Karamzin, N: Mikhallovitch, rtw- sian author. 1766-1836. Turner, C. E. in 897 : 7 Karl T the great, called Charle- laagne, king of France and em- peror of the west, 742-814. Cleveland, R. E. in 824. 1 : 7 De Quincey. T. in 204 : 1 8 v2 Efrinhard. 9233 : 64 Lamb, Lady . in 923 : 27 Lord, J. in 904: 31 v2 Oertel, H. 928.3:66 Schmidt, F. 923.3:66 Karl V, emperor of Germany, 1600- 1558. Correspondence. 928.3:17 Robertson, W. 948:10 948 : 1 1 VanPraet. J. in 940: 60 Karl XII, king of Sweden, 1682-1718. Brooks, E. S. in x 920:72 Lamb, Lady . in 928 : 27 Oscar n. 928.5:29 Voltaire. F. M. A. de. 923.5 :30 AVilson, J.O. in 928:19 Karl, archduke of Austria, 1771-1847. Grube, A. W. in 920-1-79 Kasa-wrara, Kenjiu, Japanese bud- dhist priest, 1851-1883. Miiller. F. M. in 920:60 Katherine of Valois, queen of Henry V, 1401-1438. Strickland, A. 923.21 :27 vl Katherine Howard, 5th queen of Henry VI II, about 1521-1542. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 v2 Katherine Parr, 6th queen of HenrV VIII, 1509-1548. Strickland, A. 923.21: 27 v8 Wittenmyer. A. in 922:12 Katherine, see also Catherine. Kaufmann, Jakob, yerman author, d. 1871. Schmidt, J. in 834: 20 v8 Kaulbach, W:, german painter, 1805 -1874. Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 76 Kean, C: J:, english actor, 1811-1868. Cole, J. W. 927.2:20 Q. m 920:24 Kean, Edmund, english actor, 1787- 1833. Procter, B.W. 927.2:22 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 Kean, Ellen, bom Tree, mrt. C:, english actress, 1805-1868. Winter, W. in 920: 60 Kearny, Stephen Watts, amer. gen- eral, 1794-1848. Peterson, C. J. fn928.15-f-l Keary, Annie, irish author, 1825- 1879. Keary, E. 9282:166 Keats, J:, english poet, 1795-1831. Clarke, C. and M. Cowden-. in 928.2: 47 De Quincey, T. in 820.6 : 24 Glimian, Gl. in 820.6 : 7 vl Lowell, J. R. in 820.6 : 10 v2 Mason, E. T., ed. in 928.2: 215 v8 Milnes, R. M. lord. 928.2 : 86 Owen, F. M. 821.5:8 Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Tuckerman, H.T. in 821.6: 7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.6:14 vl Keble, J:, english clergyman and poet, 1792-1866. Paul.C.K. in 920.2:12 Keese, J:, amer. auctioneer and toit, 1805-1856. Keese. W. L. 928.1:69 Keith, Sir Robert Murray, scotch diplomatist, 1730-1795. Memoirs. 928.22:36 Smith. G.B. in 923: 28 Kelly, Michael, irish composer and tenor, 1763-1826. Personal reminiscences. in 9272:17 Kellogrgr, Clara Louisa, amer. singer, b. 1842. Winter, W. in 920: 50 Kellogrgr, E:, amer. political-econo- mist, 1790-1858. Putnam, M. in 321: 21 Kelyngre, J:, english chief justice, d. 1671. Atrocious judjres. in 928.24:4 Kemble, Adelaide, s^-e Sartoris, A. Kemble, Frances Anne, called Fan- ny, english actress and writer, b. 1811. Records of a girlhood. 927.2 : 23 Records of later life. 927.2 : 24 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 v2 Jameson. A. in 824.2 : 58 Parton, J. in 920: 50 Kemble, J: Philip, english actor, 1767-1823. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 vl Kempis, Thomas a. see Thomas a Kempig. Ken, T:, bishop of Bath and Wells, 1687-1711. Adams, W.H.D. 922.2:3 Edgar, J. G. insc 920:10 Kenmure, Viscount, see O-ordon, W: Kenmure, Viscountess, see Gordon, Jane. Kenney, James, english dramatist, 1770-1849. Q. in 920: 24 Kennedy, J:, scotch clergyman, 1771 -1841. Steel, R. in 922: 6 Kennedy, J: Pendleton, amer. statesman and author, 1795-1870. Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Kent, Duke of, see Edward Au- grustus. Kenyon, Lloyd lord, chief justice of England, 1732-1802. Campbell. J. in 923.24 : 2 v8 Kepler or Keppler, J :, german an- tronomer, 1571-1680. Brewster. Sir D. in 925: 2 Distinffuished men. in 920:33 vl Grube, A. W. in 9204-79 Morton. E. J. C. in 926 : 6 Ker, Nathan, amr. clergyman, Itm- 1804. Headley, J.T. in 922.1:2 Keroualle, Louise Renee de Per- rencourt de, duchess of Ports- mouth, 1647-1734. Jameson, A. in 923.2:4 Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 v2 Kettlewell, J :, english clergyman and vrriter, 1653-1695. Lives of englishmen, in 920.2: 9 Keyes, Erasmus Darwin, am^r. general, b. 1811. Mfty years' observation. ,923.16:67 Kierkegraard, Soren Aby, danish philosopher and author, 1813-1866. Brandes, G. M. C. 921.6:1 Kilmarnock, Earl of, see Boyd, W: Kimon, (lat. Cimon), athenian gen- eral, b. c. 610-449. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 928.6: 31 v3 Kine, James Gore, amer. merchant, 1791-1853. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl King:, P: lord, lord chancellor of England, 1669-17;M. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v4 King-, P: lord, english economical writer, 1775-1833. BrouRham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Kingr, Rufus, amer. statesman, 1755- 1827. King, C. in 923.12:66 Moore. F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 King:, T: Starr, am^r. clergyman and author, 1824-1864. Frothinjrham, R. 922.18:4 in 824.1: 50 Whipple, E. P. in 824.1 : 91 King', W:, english poet, 1663-1712. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Kingr, W: Rufus, amr. statesman, 1786-1853. Obituary addresses. 92312:73 King'sley, C:. english clergyman and author. 1819-1875. Bayne, P. in 820.6 : 1 v2 Hughes, T. in K 651 Kingsley. F. E., ed. 928.2: 87 Muller. F. M. in 920: 60 Paul.C.K. in 920.2:12 Schmidt, J. in 834: 21 Stephen. L. in 820.5:13 v3 Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline Matilda. born Stansbury. {Mrs. Mary C'lavers), amer. author, 1801-1864. Powell. T. in 928.1: 8 Kirkland, S:, amr. clergyman, 1741- 1808. Headley, J.T. in 922.1 -.2 Lothrop. S. K. in 923. 1 : 22 vl5 Kirwan, pseud., see Murray, N: Kitto, J:, english theological writer, 1804-1854. Famous boys. in x 920: 82 Smiles. S. in 920: 26 Kleist, H: v., german poet and nov- elist. 1776-1811. Wilbrandt. A. 928.3 : 69 Kleisthenes (lat. Clisthenes), greek statesman, abt. .500 b. c. Cox, Sir G. W. in 923.6: 28 Kleomenes III, king of Sparta, d. 222 b. c. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v4 Kleopatra, queen of Egypt, b. c. 69- 80. Abbott, J. 923.6:2 Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 vl Jenkins, J. S. in 928 : 9 Lord, J. ira904:31v5 Kling:er, F: Maximilian v., german author, 17.53-1831. Rieger, M. 928.3 : 65 Klopstock, F: Gottlob, german au- tlor, 1728-1804. Gostwick, J. in 928.8 : B41 Strauss, D. F. 928.8:73 Taylor, B. in 830.2: 6 Werner, A. in 920.3 : 2 Klopstock, Margaret called Meta, born Moller. wife of F: O. Klop- stock, 1728-1768. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Knecht, J: Anton freiherr v., secre- tary to Joseph II, 1741-1810. Cobb, J. F. in 920: 44 Knig:ht, Cornelia, enylish author, 17.57-1837. Personal reminiscences. in 928.2:162 Belloc, B. R. in 920 -.22 Knighton, Sir W:, physician and keeper of the privy purse of Oeorge IV, 1776-1886. Knighton, D. lady. 928.22 : 87 Knox, H:, amer. statesman and general, 1750-1806. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15 : 69 vl Headley, J.T. in 923.16: 70 v2 Knox, J:, scotch reformer. 1,50.5-1572. Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 20 in 824.2: 22 McCrie, T. 922.24:9 Stevenson, R. L. in 824.2 : 108 Taylor, W.M. 922.24:22 Tu]loch,J. in 922:7 Kock, C: Paul de, trench author, 1794-1871. Gautler, T. in 928.4:39 1625 B10GIIA1HY INDEX. Kol-Lat Koltzoff-Massalsky, Princess He- lena, horn Gbika, {Dora d'Mria), rumanian author, b. 1839. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Komenskl (lot. Comenius), J: Amos, moravian friar and gram- marian, 1593-1671. Laurie, S. S. 922.5:4 Quick, R. H. in 371:15 Kongr - Fu - Tse (lat. Confucius), Chinese philosopher; b. c. 551-479. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Legge, J. 299:3 KtSnigr, F:. german inventor of steam- press, 1775-1833. Spamer, O., ed. in 920:77 Konrad III, emperm-of Oermany, 1093-1153. Spamer, O., ed. in 920:75 KSmer, K : Theodor, german poet, 1791-1813. Biogrraphische skizze. 928.3 : 5 Gostwick, J. i7i928.3:K41 Grube, A. W. in 920-1-79 Oertel, H. 928.3:107 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, polish pa- triot, 1750-1817. Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 39 Griswold, R.W. in 923. 15: 69 v2 Krilof, Ivan Andreievitch, russian author, 17fi8-1844. Turner. C.E. in 897:7 Krombalgrh, Maria Tesselschade, born VIsscher, dutch poet, 1594- 1649. Gosse, B. W. in 804 : 2 Krummacher, F: W:, german au- thor, 1796-1868. Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Kryloff, see Krilof. Kyros (lat. Cyrus), king of Persia, d. b. c. 639. Abbott, J. 923.6:3 L. E. L., pseud., see Ijandon, L. E. Liablache, L:, Italian singer, 1794- 1858. Q. ^ ii920:24 Liaboulaye, E: Rene Lefebvre, french author and statesman, 1811 -1883. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Liabruuie, Gerard, see Gerard de Nerval. Lacep^de, Bernard Germain Eti- enne de La Ville-sur-Illon conite de. frenc/i naturalist, 1756-1835. Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v7 Liacking'ton, James, english book- seller, 1746-1816. Memoirs. 923.28:1 Distinguished shoemakers. in 926: 3 liaclos, P: Ambroise Francois Choderlos de, french author, 1741-1803. Houssajj^e, A. in 920:15 vl Lacordaire, J: Baptiste H: Do- minique ahbi, french priest, 1803- 1861. Lear, H. L. S. 922.4:9 Montalembert, C. F. comte de. 922 4: 8 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 La Fayette, Marie Adrienne Fran- 50i8e, bom Noailles, mme. de, wife of marquis de La Fayette, d. Child,' L.M. in 920:49 La Fayette, Marie J : Paul Booh Ives Gilbert Metier, marquis de, french general and statesman, 1757-1834. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Corraenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4:1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : K54 vl Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 39 Griswold, R. W. in 923.1 5: 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923.16:70 v2 Headley. P. C. 923.4:69 La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Plo- che de la Vergne, comtesse de, french novelist, 1634-1683. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 928.4: 3 Laffitte, Jacques, french financier and politician, 1767-1844. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4 : 2 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824.1 : 84 La Fontaine, J: de, french poet, 1631-1695. Anon. i?i 928.4: 38 Shelley, M. W. in 928.4:45 vl Lagrrang'e, Joseph L:, french geome- trician, 1736-1813. Morton, E. J. C. in 925 : 5 Lamarck, J: Baptiste P: Antoine de Monet, chevalier de, french naturalist, 1744-1839. Duncan, P. M. in 925 : 4 Jardine, -Sir W. in 590: 58 v38 Lamartine, Alix de, born Des Roys, mother of Alphonse de La- martine, d. 1829. Holloway, L. C. in 920: 57 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie L: de, french author, 1790-1869. Memoirs of my youth. 928.4:11 35 years of my life, in 928.2 : 1 37 Alison, -Sir A. in 824.2:124 v2 Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4:1 Gautier. T. in 928.4 : 38 Lacretelle, H. de. 928.4:10 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4 : 2 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Lamartine^ Eliza Marianna, born Birch, wife of A. M. L. de Lamar- tine, 1819-1863. BellocB.R. in 920: 22 La Maupin, see Maupin. Lamb, Lady Caroline, born Ponson- by, wife of sir W: Lamb, after- ward lord Melbourne, english au- thor, 1785-1828. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Lamb, C:, english author, 1775-1834. Ainger, A. 928.2:157 Anton, P. in 928.2 : 208 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 824.2:18 vl Clarke, C. and M. Cowden- in 928.2 : 47 De Quincey, T. in 928 : 2 Gilflllan. G. in 820.5 : 7 vl Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Hazlitt, W. C, ed. 928.2 : 89 Mason, E. T.. ed. in 928.2 :215 vl Patmore. P. G. in 928.2 : 7 Procter, B.W. 928.2:88 Reed, H. in 821.5: 4 v2 Russell, A. P. in 824.1 : 1 13 Lamb, Elizabeth, born Field, mother of C: Lamb, 1732-1796. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Lamb, J :. amer. general, 1735-1800. Leake, LQ. 923.15:22 Lamb, Mary Anne, english author, 1764-1847. Gilchrist, A. 928.2:179 Hazlitt, W. C, ed. 928.2 : 89 Lamb, W:, 3d viscount Melbourne, english statesman, 1779-1848. Hayward, A. in 824.2 :45 vl Torrens, W. T. M. 923.22 : 69 Lamballe, Marie Therese Louise de Savoie-Carignan princesse de, 1748-1792. Memoirs. 923.4:3 La Slennais, HuguesFeliclte Rob- ert de, french terite?', 1782-1854. Dowden, E. in 804 : 1 Lomenie, L. L. de. in 920.4 : 2 La Uotte, Antoine Houdart de, french poet, 1672-1731. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 v2 La Motte Fouqu^, F: H: K: baron de, german poet and novelist, 1777- 1843. Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 21 vl Lancret, N:, french poet, 1690-^^i3 Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 v2 Landon, Letltia Elizabeth, after ward mrs. Maclean, (L. E. L.), english poet. 1802-1838. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Thomson K. and J . C. in 920 : 28 Lander, Walter Savage, english au- thor, 177,5-1864. Colvin, S. 928.2:90 De Quincey, T. in 820.5 : 24 Dowden, E. in 804 : 1 Forster, J. 820.2:15 vl Gilflllan, G. in 820.5 : 7 vl Mason, E. T., ed. in 928.2:215 v3 Q. in 920: 24 Stedman, E. C. in821.5:5 Stephen. L. in 820.5:13 v3 Landseer, -Sir Edwin, english pain- ter, 1803-1873. Q. in 920: 24 Stephens, F. G. 927.2:9 Sweetser, M. F. 927.2 : 8 Lane, Joseph, am,er. general and polUician, 1801-1881. Peterson, C. J. in 923. 15-(-l Savage, J. in 923. 1 : 20 Lane, Lunsford, amer.freedman. Hawkins. W. G. 923 . 1 2 : 37 Lane, Sir R:. lord keeper of the great seal of England, 1590-1650. Campbell, J. 923.24:1 v2 Langdale, Lord, see Bickersteth, Langton, Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, d. 1228. Adams, W.H.D. in x 920.2: 5 in 922.2 : 3 Lanier, Sidney, amer. poet, 1842-1881. Ward, W. H. in 821.1: 207 Lansdowne, Marquess of, see Pet- ty, H: Lansdowne, Viscount, see Gran- ville, G: Lantara, Simon Mathurin, french painter, 1739-1778. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 vl Lapham, Increase Allen, amer. sci- entist, 1811-1875. Sherman, S. S. 925.1:4 Laplace, P: Simon marquis de, french geometrician and astrono- mer, 1749-1827. Arago, D. F. J. in 925 : 1 vl german. iH500:3'v3 Morton, E. J. C. in 925 : 5 Lamed, Sylvester, amer. presbyte- rian clergyman, 1796-1830. Waterbury, J. B. in 922:8 La Rochefoucauld, Francois, due de, prince de Marsillac, french moralist and courtier, 1618-1680. Shelley, M. W. in 928.4 : 45 vl Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 La Salle, Robert Cavelier, sieur de, french explorer, 1635-1687. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4 :'43 Sparks, J. in 923.1 : 22 vl Lasaulx, Amalie v., known as Sis- ter Augustine, superior of the sis- ters of charity at St. Johannis hos- pital, Bonn, 1815-1872. Sister Augustine. 922.3 : 1 Las Casas, Bartolome, Spanish missionary, 1474-1566. Helps, -Sir A. 922.5:17 Spamer, O. in 920 : 74 Lasker, E:, grwmaw statesman, 1S29^ 1884. Tuttle,H. in 923.3:16 Lassalle, Ferdinand, german social- ist and author, 1825-1864. Brandes, G. M. C. 923.3:19 Hall, G.S. 824.1:39 Latimer, Hugh, english reformer, 1473-1555. Adams, W.H.D. in 922.2:3 Cooke, F.E. in 920: 65 Tulloch,J. in 922: 7 La Tour, Maurice Quentin de, french painter, 1704-1788. loussaye, A. in 920:16 vl fr Hoi 1627 Lat-Lin BIOGRAPHY INDEX . Liatour, Theodor Baillet graj v., belglan lield-marshal in austrian service, 1780-1848. Kelly. W.K. 943:28v4 Latreille, P: Andr^, french ento- mologist and author, 1763-18.33. Naturalist's library. in550:58v40 Laud, W:, archbishop of Canterbury, 1578-1673. Adams, W. H. D. in 922.2 : 3 Bayne, P. in 942.4:18 Norton, J.N. 922.23:10 Laura of Vaucluse, see Noves, Laii- rede. Ijaurence, French, english author, d. 1809. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 v2 La Valette, Emilie Louise, born de Beauharnais, conUefse de, wife of Antoine Marie Chamans comte de La Valette, d. 185,5. Child, L.M. {?t920:49 Lavater, J : Caspar, swiss clergyman and physiognomist, 1741-1801. Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Lavater, Mme., wife of J: Caspar Lavater. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, french chemist, 1748-1794. Brougham, H. lord, in 920:45 v2 Law, E:, 1st earl of Ellenborough, chief justice of England, 1750-1818. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Campbell. J. in 923.24:2 v3 Law, J:, scotch financier, 1671 1739. Thiers, L. A. 923.23:3 Law, W:, englih author and clergy- man, 1686-1761. Stephen, L. in 820.6:13 v2 Lawrence, Abbott, amer. merchant and philanthropist, 1792-1&55. Hill, H. A. 923.18+6 Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Law^rence, .\mo8, amer. merchant andphUanthropist, 1786-1852. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Lawrence, W. R., ed. 923.18:4 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 26 La^^rence, J: Laird Mair, barmi Lawrence, viceroy and yovermiv- general of India, 1811-1879. Smith, K.B. 923.22:68 Lawrence, Sir T:, english painter, 1769-1830. Cunningham, A. in 927-2:1 v5 Edjrar,J. G. in x 920:10 Russell, W. in 923 : 37 Seymour, C. C B. iii 920: 26 Lawrence, W:, amer. merchant, 178!} -1848. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, english liberal, b. 1829. Davidson, J. M. in 92322 : 1 Hinton, R. J. in 923 .22 : 6 Leacock, Hamble James, english missionary, 1795-1856. Caswall, H. 922.23:11 Le Brun, Marie Louise Elisabeth, born Vigee, french painter, 175.5- 1842. Souvenirs. 927-4:6 Ledyard, J:, companion of capt. Cook, 1751-1788. . St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Sparks, J. 923.1: 22 vl4 Lee, Alice G., pseud., see Haven, Alice. Lee, C:, amer. general, I7;n-1783. Griswold, R. W. in 923.1 6 : 69 v2 Headley, J-T. in 923.15:70 v2 Sparks, J- in 923.1: 22 v8 Lee, Gideon, amer. merchant, 1778- 1841. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Lee, H:, am^. general, governor of Virginia, 1756-1816. Hartley, C.B. 923.16:28 Moore F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Lee, R: H:, amer. statesman, 1733- 1794. Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl Lee, Robert, scotch clergyman, 1804 1868. Skelton, J. iH904:25 Lee, Robert E:, amer. confederate general, 1808-1870. Cooke, J. E. 923.15:24 Duyekinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Taylor, W.H. 923.15:25 Wilson, J. G. i)i923:19 Lee, Sir W:, chief justice of England, 1688-1753. Campbell, J. in 923.24: 2 v2 Leech, J:, english caricaftirist, 1817- 1864. Brown, J. in 824.2 : 8 v2 Ruskin, J. in 756: 3 Leeds, I>uke of, see Osborne, T: Lefebvre, E: Rene, see Labou- laye, E: R. L. Legrerett, W:, am^r. politician and author, 1803-1840. Whlttler, J. G. in 920 : 30 Leibniz, Gottfried W: freiherr v., german philosophy, 1646-1716. Hedge, F. H. in 104: 8 Maccall, W. in 920 : 59 v2 Mackie. J. M. 921-3:2 Merz, J.T. 921.3:5 Werner, A. in 920.3 : 2 Leicester, Earl of, see Montfort, Simon de. Leigrh, Elizabeth Medora, niece of lord Byron, b. 1815. Mackay. C. 928.2:91 Leigrhton, Sir F:, english artist, b. 1830. Ruskin, J. in 756: 3 Leighton, Robert, scotch bishop, 1618-1684. Aikman, J. in 200 : 9 Leisler, Jacob, am^. political ad- venturer, d. 1691. Hoffman, C. F. in 923.1 : 22 v3 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Lemon, M:, english journalist and humorist, 1809-1870. Q. in 920: 24 Lenaiu N:, pseud., see Niembsch V. Strehlenau, N : Lennox, Countess of, see Stuart, Margaret. Lennox, Sir C: Gordon-, 5th duke of Richmond, 6th duke of Gordon, 1791-1860. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Lennox, Sir C: H: Gordon-, (Sth duke of Richmond, 7th duke of Len- nox, english statesman, b. 1818. Higginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 ,eol the great, St., pope, 390-461. Lord, J. in 904: 31 vl Leo X, (Giovanni de Media), pope, 1475-1531. Brooks, E. S. i7i x 920 : 72 Roscoe, W. 922.6: 9 Leo XII, (Annibale della Q-enga), pope, 1760-1839. Wiseman, N. P. S. in 922.6 : 3 Leo, J:, called Africanus, moorish traveler, abt. 1486-1.540. St. John, J. A. in 923 :llvl Leonard, J: Edwards, am^r. con- gressman, 184.5-1878. Memorial addresses. 923.12:99 Leonardo da Vinci, see Vinci, Leo- nardo da. Leonora Christina, see Ulfeldt, L. C. Leopardi, Giacomo conte, Italian poet and philologist, 1798-1887. Gladstone, W. E. in 329,2: 9 v2 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Leopold TI, emperor of Germany, I of Tuscany, 1747-1793. Hillebrand, K. in 834: 22 v4 L' ^p^e, C: Michel abbe de, french philanthropist, 1712-1789. Distinguished men. in 920:33 v2 L' Epine, Francesca Margarita de, afterwards mrs. Pepusch, Italian vocalist, d. 1740. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 6 Lermontof, Mikhail Yurievitch, russian poet, 1814-1840. Turner, C. E. in 897:7 Le Rochois, Marthe, french actress and vocalist, d. 1728. Clayton, E.C. in 927: 5 Leslie, Anne, duchess of Rothes, daughter of J: Lindsay, 1st earl of Lindsay and 15th earl of Crawford, scotch covenanter, d. 1700. Anderson, J. in 922.2: 1 Wittenmyer. A. in 922 : 12 Leslie, C: Robert, am^r. painter, 1794-1859. Autobiography^- 927-2:10 Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1:16 Lesseps, Ferdinand vicomte de, french diplomatist and engineer, b. Pinard, A. in 920.4 : 3 vl Lessing, Eva Katharina, born H&hn, formerly frau Konig, 1736- 1777. Thiele, R. 928.3:62 Lessing, J: Gotthold Ephraim, ger- man author, 1739-1781. Banek, O. in 920.3 : 2 Danzel, T. W., andG. E. Guhrauer. 928.3:61 De Quincey, T. in 824.2 : 29 vl Diintzer, H. 928.3:58 Glelm. J. W. L. in 928.3 : 74 Gostwick, J. in 928.3 :R 41 Lowell. J. R. in 820.5 : 10 vl Schmidt, F. 928.3:92 Schmidt, J. in 920 : 78 vl 1 Sime, J. 928.3:19 Taylor, B. in 830.2: 5 Zimmern, H. in 832: 61 vl Leutze, Emanuel, amer. painter. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927-1 : 16 Le Vaillant, Francois, french. trav- eler and naturalist, 1754-1834. Crichton, A- in 590: 58 v21 St. John, J. A. in 923:1 lv3 Leverett, J:, 7th governor of Matui- achuseits, 1616-1679. Moore, J. B. in 923.1 :16 Lewald, Fanny, see Stahr, Fanny. Lewis, Andrew, amer. general, 1730 -1780. Griswold, R.W. in 923.16: 69 v2 Lewis, Sir G: Cornewall, english statesman and historian, 1806- 1863. Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Lew^is, Matthew Gregory, english novelist and dramatist, 1775-1818. Wilson, M. C. B. 928.2:93 Ley den, J:, scotch poet, 1776-1811. Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Lieber, Franz, german pMJosopher and publicist in America, 1800- 1873. Perry, T. S., ed. 9283:43 Liebig, Justus freiherr v., gemutn chemist, 1803-1878. Duyekinck, E. A. in 920 : R64 v2 Ligne, C: Joseph prince de, aiis- trian author in french, 1785-1814. Doran, J. in 646: 6 Lilly or Lyly, J:, english drama- tist, about 1553-1601. Hazlitt, W. in 822.6:1 Lincoln, Abraham, 16th president of the U. S., 1809-1865. Arnold, L N. 923.11:31 923.11:69 in 976.1: 4 no. 15 Bartlett, D. W. 923.11 : 32 Bolton, S.K. in 920: 73 Duyekinck, E. A. in 920: R64 v2 Foster, E. 92311:71 Garfield, J. A. in 329.1 : 41 v2 Hanaford, P. A. 923.1 1 : 33 Holland, J. G. 923.11:52 Leland, C. G. 923.11:34 Lowell, J. R. it 824.1: 66 1629 BIOGRAPHY INDEX . Lin-Lye Morris, B. F., comp. Raymond, H. J. 923.11:37 324.1:10 923.11:35 ()i 824.2+94 923.11:66 923.11:36 genernl, 1733- Smlth, G. Stoddard, W. O. Sumner, C. Xjincoln, B:, amer. 1810. Bowen, F. in 923.1: 22 vl3 Grlswold, R. W. in 923.15 : 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923.15: 70 v2 liincoln, Nancy Hanks, mother of Abraham Lincoln, d. 1818. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 liind, Jenny, see G-oldschmidt, Jenny, liindsay, Lady Mary, countess of Crawford, wife of W: i6th earl of Crawford and 2d earl of Lind- say, scotch covenanter, d. 1682. Anderson, J. in 922.2 : 1 liinne, C: v., pr-eviously liiunseus, C:, Swedish naturalist. 1707-1778. Distinguished men. 920 : 33 v2 Duncan, P. M. in 925 : 4 Goodrich, S. G. inx 920 : 39 Grube, A. W. in 920-^79 Naturalist's libr. in 590 : 58 vl4 Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 77 liippi, Fra Filippo, itdlian painter. Jameson, A. Lippincott, Sarah in 927.5: 3 ,i,^^x,vv, .-.c Jane, horn Clarke, (Grace Greenwood), b. 1823. Lyman, J. B. in 920: 50 liisIet-Geoffroy, J: Baptiste, mu- latto geographer, 1755-1836. Arago. D. F. J. i)) 5O0 : 3 v3 Liszt, Franz, hungarian musician, b. 1811. Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 7 Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Nohl.L. 927.3:27 Iiittle, Jessie, born Gumming, wife of a scotch clergyman, 1834-1843. Little, J. 922.24:10 liittleton, Sir E:, lord keeper of the great seal, and lord chancellor- of England, 1589-1645. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v2 Liverpool, Earl, see Jenkinson, Robert Bankes. Liverseegre, H:, english painter, 1803-1833. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v6 Liivesey, Joseph, english philan- thropist. Kirton, J. W. in 923.26 : 1 1 Liivin^ston, E:, amer. jurist and statesman, 1764-1836. Hunt, C. H. 923.12:38 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 v2 Livingrston, Robert R., amer. judge, 1719-1775. Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 vl liivingrston, W:, amer. statesman, 173.^1790. Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Sedgwick, T., jr. 923. 1 2 : 39 Livingstone, D:, english traveler aiid missionary to Africa, 1817- 1873. Adams, H.G. 923.29:8 Blaikie, W. G. 923.29+9 iu 923.26:10 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R54 v2 Famous boys. in x 920 : 32 Manning, A. in 923.29 : 3 Mossman, S. i/i 923:13 Roberts, J. S. 923.29:10 Living-stone, Janet, b(jm Fleming, scotch covenanter, d. about 1679. Anderson, J. in 922.2:1 Livius PataviniLs, Titus, latin his- torian, d. a. d. 17. Capes, W. W. 879:1 Collins. W.L. 879:2 Locke, J:, english philosopher, 1633- 1704. Bourne. H. R. F. 921.2:5 Distinguished men. i?i920:33v2 Fowler, T. 921.2:6 King, P. tord. 921.2:7 McCosh, J. in 1 04 : 7 v2 Morris, G. S. in 92 1 .2 : 1 Quick, R.H. in 371:16 Lockhart, J: Gibson, scotch critic, novelist and poet, 1794-1854. Gilflllan. G. in 820.5 : 7 vl Lodge, T:. english poet and dramxtr tist, 1555-1635. Gosse, E. W. in 928.2:213 Logan, J: Alexander, amer. gen- eral, b. 1836. Balestier, C. W. 923.12:98 Buel, J. W. anrtW. E. S. Whitman. 923.12:99 Lomonosof, Mikhail Vasilievitch, russian author, 1711-1765. Turner, C. E. in 897 : 7 Londonderry, Marquis, see Ste- wart, Robert. Longfellow, H : Wadsworth, amer. poet, 1807-1883. Austin. G.L. 928.1:69 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : 1154 v2 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5: 8 v2 Homes of amerlcan authors. in 928.1: 64 Longfellow, S., ed. 928.1 : 80 Powell, T. i)) 928.1: 3 Rossettl, W. M. in 928.2: 5 Stedman, E. C. in 821.5:18 Stoddard, R. H. 928.1 : 57 iu 928.1+Pl Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 vl Longueville, Anne Genevieve de Bourbon-Conde, duchesse de, 1619 -1679. Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 vl Lope de Vega, see Vega y Carpio, Lope Felix de. Lopez, Gregorio, Spanish missionary to America, 1543-1596. Losa, F. 922.12:2 Lorenzo I il magniflco, see Medici, Lorenzo de'. Lorillard, Jacob, amer. merchant, 1774-1839. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Lorraine, Claude, see G-elee, Claude. Loughborough, Lord, see Wed- derburn, Alexander. Louis IX. St. Louis, king of France, 1315-1370. Perkins, J. H. in 820.1 :7 v2 Louis XI, king of France, 1423-1483. Comlnes, P. de. in 944.2 : 1 Louis XIV le grand, king of France, 1688-1715. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4:50 Brooks, E. S. in x 920 :72 James, G . P. R. 923.4 : 52 Reeve. H. in 944 : 24 vl Salnte-Beuve, C. A. in 844 : 2 Louis XV, king of France, 1710-1774. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 vl Louis XVI, kiyig of France, 1754- 1793. Croker, J. W. in 944.5 : 26 Louis XVII, king of France, 17a5~ 1795. Beauchesue, A. H. de. 923.4: 55 923.4:56 Entertaining biogr. in 920:46 Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 75 See also Williams, Eleazar. Louis Philippe, king of France, 1773-1850. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4:53 Reeve, H. in 944: 24 v2 Russell, W. in 923: 37 Louisa, tfuee/i of Prussia, secLuise. Louisa Juliana of Orange, electress Palatine, 1576-1644. Chapman, W. iu 922 : 1 3 Louise de Coligny, 4th wife of Wil- lem I of Orange, 1555-1620. Wittenmyer, A. iu 922 : 12 Louverture, Francois Dominique Toussalnt, liberator of Hayti, 1748 -1803. Beard, J. R. 923.5:38 Phillips, W. iu 825.1: 8 Lovat, Lord, see Fraser, Simon. Lovell, Solomon, amer. general, 1732 Nash, G. 906+5 Lover, S:, Irish autlior, 1797-1868. Symington, A. J. 928.2 : 94 Lowe, Robert, viscount Shcrbrooke, english statesman, b. 1811. Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Hlgginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 L8we, W :, gcrman statesman, b. 1814. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Low^ell, James Russell, amer. poet, b. 1819. Haweis, H. R. in 928.1: 56 Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Sanborn, F. B. in 928.1+Pl Stedman, E.C. in 821.5:18 Underwood, F. H. 928.1 : 46 Wilkinson, W. C. in 820.5:16 Loyola, Ignatius de, Spanish founder of the order of the Jesuits, 1491-1556. Bartoll, D. 922.5:8 Distinguished men. t7i 920 : 33 vl Perkins, J. H. in 820.1 :7v2 Taylor, I. 271:4 Lubbock, Sir J:, english naturalist, b. 1834. Hlnton, R. J. iu 923.22 : 6 Luce, Eugenie Berlau mme.,/aunder of a school at Algiers, h. 1804. Belloc, B. R. in 920: 22 Lucianus, see Lukianos. Lucretius Carus, Titus, latin poet, b. c. 95-51. Mallock, W. H. 874:5 Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, roman consul, b. c. 116-49. Plutarchos. in 9236:16 in 923.6: 31 v3 Luise, Auguste Wilhelmlne Ama- lle, of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, queen of Prussia, 1776-1810. Entertaining biogr. in 920 : 46 Schmidt, L. 923.3:42 Schupp, O. 923.3:62 Lukianos (eng. Lucian), greek writer, aho%it 130-300. Collins, W.L. 887:4 Froude, J. A. in 824.1 :19 v3 Lutfu'Uah, mohammedan, b. 1803. Autobiography. 923.5 : 33 Luther, Catharina. />oru v. Bora, wife of Luther, 1499-1552. Chapman, W. in 922:13 Child, L.M. iu 920: 49 Wittenmyer, A. in 922:12 Luther, Margaretha, Itorn Llnde- mann, mother of Martin Luther, d. 1531. Holloway, L. C Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Bunsen, C. C. J. freiherr iu920:57 german reformer. Carlyle, T. Chalmers, A. Froude, J. A. iu Kostlln, J. Michelet, J. Rae, J. Rein, W. Rogers, H. Ruckert, H. Russell. W. Schmidt. F. Scott, J. Seiss, J. A. Tischer, J. F. W. Treadwell, J. H. Tulloch, J. Waterbury, J. B. Whately, E. J., ed Lyell, Sir C:, scotch geologist, 1797- 1875. Duncan, P. M. iu 925 : 4 Lyell, Mrs.-. 925.2:12 922.3:5 in 824.2: 20 iu 824.2: 22 iu 204: 28 iu 824.1: 19 vl 922.3:17 922.3:13 922.3:6 922.3:19 922.3:12 7! 204 : 33 (20:78 vl t 920:37 922.3:23 274:7 922.3:16 922.3:7 922.3:8 922:7 iu 922: 8 922.3:9 1631 Lyk-Mar BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1632 Lykurgros (lot. Lycurgns^ spartan law-giv>er, 9th centunj t)- c. Goodrich, S. G. i x 920.6: 4 Plutarchos. in 923.6 : 16 in 923.6:31 vl Lyly, J:, see Lilly, J: Liyndhurst, Loi-d, see Copley, J : S. Lyon, Mary, fminder of Mt. Holyoke seminary, 1T97-1849. Hitchcock, E. 923.17: 2 Thayer, W.M. x 923.17: 5 Lyon, Nathaniel, amer. general, 1819-1861. Sketch. in 329.1: 31 Lysandros (lat. Lysander), spai-Uin general, d. b. c. 895. Plutarchos. in 923. 6 : 1 6 in 923.6: 31 v3 Lyttleton, George lord, english poet, 1709-1773. Johnson, 8. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2:4 v4 Macaulay, T: Babington, 1st baron, english author, 1800-]a59. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2:124 v3 Bayne,P. in 820.5:1 v2 Canning, Thehon. A. S. G. 928.2: 184 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Francis, G. H '""" "" " Gilflllan. G. Gladstone, W. E. H 923.22:4 in 820.5:7 vl in 820.5 ; 8 v2 in 329.2:9 v2 in 329.2:11 928.2:96 Jones, C. H. Mason, E. T., ed. in928.2 215 v4 More, H. in 826.2: 24 Russell, A. P. .((824.1:113 Shepard, W. in 804: 5 v3 Skelton. J. in 904:25 Stephen, L. in 820.5 : 1 3 v3 Trevelyan, G. O. 928.2 : 96 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 vl .__ iti 820.5:14 v2 Ma-'aulay, Zachary, english phllan- i\ropUt, 1768-1838. Blaikie. W.G. in 923.26: 10 MacCalla, Daniel, amer. clergyman, 1748-1809. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 -.2 McCheyne, Robert Murray, clergyman and author, 1813-1843. Favou rite passages. in 922 : 3 Steel, H. in 922: 6 McClellan, G : Brinton, amer. gen- eral, IH2.')-]H8.5. Hiliard, G.S. 923.16:26 MaccleBfield, Earl, see Parker, T: MacDonald, Alexander, englUh radical, h. about 1826. Hiiuon, K. J. in 923.22: 6 Hacdonald, Flora, scotch Jacobite heroine, 1722-1790. Thomson, K. in 923.22:77 v8 DEacDougall, Alexander, amer. general. 1750-1786. Griswold, R.W. in 923.15: 69 vl Headley. J. T. in 923.16:70 v2 KacDume, G :, amr. statesman, 1788 -1851. Magoon, E. L. in 923. 1:14 MacFarren, Sir G : Alexander, eng- lish composer, b. 1813. Keddie, H. in 927:12 MacGahan, J: A., amer. war cor- respondent, 1846-1878. Adams, W. H. D. in 923:12 Forbes, A. in 829.2 : 66 MacQ-illivray, W:. engllsh natural- ist, 1796-1852. Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Macareeror Campbell, Robert, called Bob Roy, scotch adventurer and Jacobite, 16(50?-1743. Thomson, K . in 923.22 :77 v2 Machiavelli, N: di Bernardo de, Ualian statesman and writer, 1469- Gree'iie, G. W. 824.1:38 Hlllebrand, K, in 884 : 22 v4 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2: 67 vl Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 vl Villari, P. 923.5 : 50 Macintosh, Lachlan, am^r. general, 1725-1806. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15 : 69 vl Mackenzie, C: Frazer, english mis- sionary bishop, 1825-1862. Yonge, C. M. in 922 : 1 1 Mackenzie, H:, scotch author, 1745- 1831. Scott, Sir W. in 829.2 : 23 Talfourd, T. N. in 824.2 : 90 Mackintosh, Sir James, scotch statesman and historian, 1765-1832. Memoirs. 923.22:38 Bulwer. Sir H. L. E. in 923 : 3 v2 De Quincey, T. in 824.2 : 29 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2: 48 Taylor, W.C. in 920.2:8 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 Mackintosh, J:, scotch clergyman, 1822-1851. Macleod, N. 922.24: 11 Favourite passages. in 922: 3 M'Lauchlan, Margaret, scotch cov- enanter, executed 1685. Anderson. J. in 922.2:1 Maclean, Sir J:, scotch Jacobite, 1673 -1716. Thomson, K. in 923.22:77 v2 McLean, J:, amer. statesman and jurist, 17a'>-186l. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Macleod, Norman, scotch clergyman, 1812-1872. Gladstone. W. E. in 329.2 : 9 v2 Macleod, D. 922.24:12 MacMahon, Marie Edrno Patrice Maurice de, ducde .Magenta, mare- chal de France, president of the Blench republic, b. 1808. Daudet, E. in 920.4: 3 vl King, E. in 923.4: 2 MacNeile, Hugh, engllsh clergyman and author, 1795-1879. Francis, G. H. in 92322 : 4 Macomb, Alexander, amer. general, 1782-1841. Peterson. C. J. in923.15:3 Macpherson, James,( Ossian), scotch poet, 1738-1796. Buchanan. R. in 8242:13 Macready, W : C:, english actor. 1793 Reminiscences. 927.2:21 MacWhorter, Alexander, am^r. clergyman, 1734 1807. Headley. J. T. in 922.1: 2 Madeleine of France, see Magda- lene. Mahdi, El, see Muhammad Ah- med. Madison, Dorothy, born Payne. mrs. Todd, afterward wife of James Madison, 17721849. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 vl Madison, James, 4th president of the U. S., 1751-18:16. Gay, 8. H. 923.11:65 Johnston, E. W. in 923. 12 : 66 Moore. F. in 329.1: 32 vl Rives, W.C. 923.11:21 Madoc or Madog, welsh prince and navigator, U. about 1170. Belknap, J. in 923.1: 8 vl Maes, N:, dutchpalnter, 1682-1693. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.6 :27 Magalhaens, Fernando, (eng. Ma- gellan), Portuguese navigator, 1470 1521. Mossman, S. in 923:13 Towle, G. M. X 9235: 24 Magdalene or Madfileine of France, queen of James V of Scot- land, 1520-1536. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 35 vl Magellan, see Magalhaens . Mahomet, tee Muhammad. Maillefer, "S :, french sculptor, 1760- 1840. Houssaye, A. in 920: 16 v2 Maintenon, Franoise, born d'Au- bigne, mme. Scarron, afterward marquise de, 1685-1719. Houssaye, A. in 920:16 vl James, G. P. R. in 923 : 7 Lord, J. in 904: 31 v5 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920 : 28 Mainville, Josephine Fodor mme. french singer, h. 1793. Clayton. E.G. in 927:5 Maistre, Joseph Marie comte de, french author and philosopher, 1754-1821. Maccall, W. in 920 : 59 vl Maistre, Xavier de, french romance wrUer, 1763-1852. Atwell, H. in 849: 4 Makart, Hans, german artist, 1840- 1884. Ehlert, L. in 780:29 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Malbone, E: G., am^r. painter, 1777- 1807. Tuckerman, H.T. in 927.1 :16 Malibran, Marie Felicita mme., born Garcia, after-ward mme. de Beriot, french singer, 1808-1836. Clayton. E. C. in 927: 5 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 v2 Mallet, D:, english poet, 1700-1765. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2 : 4 v4 Malmesbury , Earls of, see Harris. Malthus, T: Robert, engUsh politi- cal-economist, 1766-1884. Bonar. J. 312:4 Hazlitt. W. in 824.2 : 48 Malus, Etienne L:, french physi- cist and poet. 1775-1812. Arago. D. F. J. in 926 : 1 v2 german. in 500 : 3 v3 Manin, Daniele. itaUa)i statesman, 1804-1857. Castelar y Rissoll, E. in 928.2 : 28 Mann, Horace, amer. lawyer and eAlucational writer, 1796-1859. Mann. M. 923.17:3 Manning, James, amer. clergyman, 17:58-1791. Guild, R. A. 922.16:7 Mansfield, Earl of, see Murray, Mansfield, E: Deering, amer. law- yr and autJior, 1801-1880. Personal memories. 928.1 : 27 Mantegna, Andrea, italian pairiter and engraver, 1431-1506. Cartwright. J. 927.5:12 Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Manuel, Jacques Antolne, french orator and statesman, 1775-1827. ('ormenin, L. M. vicomte de. 923.4:1 Manzoni, Alessandro, italian ro- mance writer, 1784-1878. Greene, G. W. in 824.1 : 38 Hlllebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v2 Tuckerman, H. T. in 804: 3 v2 Mar, Earl of, see Erskine, J : Mara, Gertrude Elizabeth, /xnn Schmaling. german singer, 1749- Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 6 Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, ro- man consul and general, d. b. c 2;j. Plutarchos. in 928.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v2 Marco Polo, see Polo, Marco. Margaret of Anjou, i/itccn of Henry Vl, 1429-1482. Abbott, J. 923.21:29 Hookham, M. A. 923.21 : 68 James, G. P. R. in 923 : 7 Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Margaret of France, 2d queen of Edward I, 1282-1817. Strickland, A. in 923.21: 27 vl 1633 BIOGRAPHY INDEX . Mar-Maz 1634 Margraret, queen of James IV of Scotland, daughter of Henry VII of England, 1489-153;^. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 35 vl Marguerite of Valois, queen of Na- varre, 149^-1549. Chapman, W. m 922:13 Wittenmyer, A. in 922:12 Maria Theresia, empress of Germa- ny, wife of Franz I, 1717-1780. Arneth, A. ritter v. 943+42 Boer, A. fn920:78v2 Hewitt, M.E. i?i923:6 Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 v2 Jenliins, J. S. in 923 : 9 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3 : 56 Russell, W. m 920: 38 Marie, see also Mary. Marie Antoinette de Lorraine, Jo- sephe Jeanne, of Austria, queen of Louis XVI, 1755-1793. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4 : 57 Campan, J. L. H. 923.4 : 82 Croker, J. W. in 944.5 : 26 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 vl Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Houssaye. A. in 920:15 vl Jenkins, J. S. in 923 : 9 Keddie, H. 923.4:73 Reeve, H. m944:24vl Russell, W. m 920: 38 Yong-e. CD. 923.4:58 Marie LiOuise, Leopoldine Fran- ^oise Therese Josephine Lucie of Austria, empress of the french, 2d wife of Napoleon I. Smith, G. B. in 923 : 28 Mariui, Giambattista, Italian poet, 1569-1625. Shelley, M.W. in 928.5: 24 vl Stebbing-, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Marion, Francis, amer. general, 1733 -1795. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Hartley, C. B. 923. 15:47 Headley, J. T. in 923.15: 70 v2 Mariotti, Lui^i, pseud., see Gallen- ga, Antonio. Marius, Caius, roman general, b. c. 157-86. Herbert, H. W. in 923.6 : 6 Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v3 Marivaux, P: Carlet de Cham- blain de,french author, 1688-1763. Houssaye. A. id 920:15 vl Marlborougrh Duchess of, see Churchill, S. Marlborough, Duke of, see Churchill, -J. Marlowe, Christopher, english dra- matist, 1564-1587. Hazlltt, W. in 822.5:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 in 820.5:15 Marquette, Jacques, french mis- sionary, d. 1675. Sparks, J. in 923.1 : 21 vlO Marry at, F:, english novelist, 1792- 1848. Lean, born Marryat, F. 928.2: 97 Marsden, S:, first missionary to New Zealand, 1764-1888. Yonj?e, C. M. in 922:11 Marsh, Catherine, english vjriter and philanthropist, b. 1815. Alldridge, L. in 923.26:12 Marsh, J:, amer. temperance refor- mer, 1788-1860. Temperance recollections. 922.16:11 Marshall, J :, chief justice of the U. 6'., 1755-1835. Flanders, H. in 923.14: 2 v2 Griswold, R. W. i7i 923.12: 66 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 v2 Story, J. in 824.1: 77 Van Santvoord, G. in 923.14: 3 Marshman, Joshua, english orien- talist and missionary, 1767-1887. Yonge, C. M. in 922:11 103 Marston, J:, english dramatist, d. 1634. Hazlltt, W. in 822.5:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:15 Marten, H:, british statesman, 1603- 1680. Forster. J. in 923.22 : 2 v3,4 Martin, Helena, born Faucit, tvife of sir Theodore, english actress, b. 1816. Winter, W. in 920: 50 Martin, J:, english school-mister and poet, 1846-1876. Craik, D. M. 928.2:98 Martin, Luther, am^r. lawyer, 1745- isa.-j. Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Martin, Sarah, english philanthro- pist, 1791-1843. Gray, E. C. in 920:14 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Witter, M. and E. Stotzner. in 920: 74 Martineau, Harriet, english author, 1802-1876. Autobiography. 928.2 : 99 Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 in 920: 66 in 920.2:14 v2 in 928.2: 212 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Miller, F.F. 928.2:216 Shepard, W. in 804: 5 v3 Smiles, S. in 920:26 Martyn, H:, english clergyman and orientalist, 1781-1812. Bell, CD. 922.23:28 Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Sargent, J. 922.23:12 Taylor. W. C in 920.2 : 8 Yonge, CM. in 922:11 Marvell, Andrew, english patriot and author, 1630-1678. Rogers, H. iJi 204: 33 Whittier, J. G. in 920: 30 Mary, see also Marie. Mary I, queen of England, called Bloody Mary, 1516-15,58. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 v2 Mary II, queen of England, 1663-1694. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Strickland, A. in 923.21 :27 v5,6 Mary Beatrice Eleonora d'Esto, of Modena, queen of James II of England, 1658-1718. Strickland, A. 923.21 : 27 v4,5 Mary of Guise or of Lorraine, queen of James V of Scotland, 1515-1560. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 35 vl Mary Stuart, queen of scots, 1543- 1587. Abbott, J. 923.21:36 Bell, H. G. 923.21:37 Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Headley, P. C 923. 21 : 40 Jameson, A. in 923 : 8 vl Jenkins, J. S. in 923 : 9 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. 923.21:41 Nau, C 923.21:51 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Strickland, A. in 923.21 :35 v3-7 Tytler, W. 923.21:38 Mary, daughter of Henry VII, queen of Louis XII of France, afterward duchess of Suffolk, 1497-1534. Strickland, A. in 923.21: 56 Masaccio, T: Guidi called, Italian painter, 1401-1443. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Mason, Capt.J:, amer. settler, 1600- 1673. Belknap, J. in 923 . 1 : 8 v2 Ellis, G.E. in 923.1: 22 v3 Mason, J: Mitchell, amer. presbyte- rian clergyman, 1770-1839. Waterbury. J. B. in 922 : 8 Mason, Sir Josiah. english steel-pen manufacturer, 1795-1881. Bolton, 8. K. in 920: 73 Mason, W:, english poet, 1735-1797. Cary. H.F. in 928.2: 2 Massey. Gerald, english poet, b. 1828. Smiles,' S. in 920: 26 Massillon, J : Baptiste. french pre- late and author, 1663-1742. Sainte-Beuve, C A. in 844 : 2 Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Massinger, Philip, english dramat- ist, 1584-1640. Coleridge. H. in 928.2 : 1 Hazlitt, W. in 822.5:1 Stephen, L. in 820.5 : 1 3 v3 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:15 Mather, Cotton, amei-. theologian, 1663-1728. Peabody,W. B.O. in 923.1:21 v6 Mathe-w, Theobald, father. Irish priest and temperance apostle, 1790 -1856. Kirton, J. W. in 923.26 : 1 1 Maguire, J. F. 922.22 : 1 Mathews, C:, english comedian, 1776 -1836. Mathews, A. 927.2:25 Mathy, K:, german financier and statesman, 1807-1868. Freytag, G. 923.3:28 Matilda of Boulogne, queen of Stephen, d. 1151. Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Matilda of Flanders, queen of Wil- liam the conqueror, about 1031-1083. Smith. J. P. in 923.21: 28 Strickland, A in 923.21 : 27 vl Matilda of Scotland, 1st queen of Henry I, about 1079-1118. Smith, J. P. in 923.21: 28 Strickland, A. in 923.21 : 27 vl Matthews, Robert, {Matthias), amer. fanatic, b. 1790. Stone, W.L. 922.18:9 Matthias, see Matthews, Robert. Maturin, C: Robert, Irish poet, 1782 -1834. Talfourd, T. N. in 824.2 : 90 Maud, see Matilda. Maudsley, H:. rt(7iiA artisan and inventor, 1771-1831. Lewis, T.C. in 926.2:5 Smiles. S. in 926.2:1 Maundrell, H:, english traveler, about 16.50-1710. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 vl Maupin, or La Maupin, mme. french actress and singer, 1673-1707. Clayton, E.C. 927:5 Maurice, J: F: Denison, english clergyman, 180.5-1873. Maurice, F., ed. 922.23 : 27 Maury, Matthew Fontaine, amer. naval officer, astronomer and hy- drographer, 1806-1873. Seymour, C C B. in 920: 25 Maximilian I, Ferdinand Joseph, emperor of Mexico, 1833-1867. Hall, F. 923.3:7 Maxse, F: A:, english admiral and radical, b.l%Z% Davidson, J. M. in 923.22:1 Maxwell, Sir James Clerk, english scientist, 1881-1879. Campbell, L., and W. Garnett. 925.2:18 Maxwell, W:, amer. general, d. 1798. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Maxwell, W:,5th earl of Nithsdale, scotch Jacobite, d. 1744. Thompson, K. in 923.22 :77 v2 Maxwell, Winifred, born Herbert, fe of W: Maxwell, 5th earl of itfisdale. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 May, C:, amer. soldier, ft. 1813. Peterson, C J. in 923.15-|-1 May, Joseph, am^r. merchant, 1760- 1841. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Maynard, Sir 3:, lord commissioner of the great seal of England, 1603- 1690. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v4 Mazzola, Mazzuola or Mazzuoli, see Parmigiano, II. wife Nith Med-Mit BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1636 Medici, Cosimo de', tfie great, grand duke of Tuscany, 1519-1574. Ranke, F. L. v. in 904 : 36 v40 Medici, Lorenzo de', il magniflco, prince of Florence, 1448-1492. Hildebrand. K. in 834: 22 v2 Reumont, A. V. 923.5:1 Roscoe, W. 928.5:4 Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 vl Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Medingr, J: Ferdinand Martin Os- kar, {(jfregor Samarow), german author, b. 1839. Memoiren. 928.3:86 Meer, Jan ver, of Delft, dutch pain- ter, 1632-1696. Govfer,Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Mehul, Etienne N:,french composer, 1763-1817. Ferris, G. T. in 927.5 : 34 MeifTS, Return Jonathan, amer. ju- rist and statesman, 1766-1835. Campbell, J. W. t>i923.1:4 Meissonier, J: L: Ernest, french painter, b. 1812. Bolton. S.K. in 920:73 MoUett, J. W. 927.4:2 Melanchthon or Melanthon, origi- nally/ Schwarzerd, Philipp, ger- man reformer, 1497-1560. Ledderhose, C. F. 922.3:10 Schmidt, C. W. A. 922.3-1-22 Melbourne, Lord, see Lamb, VV: Melcombe, Lord, see Dodingrton, G: Bubb. Melito, Andre Franoi8Miot,Cf>m(e de, xee Miot, A. F. Melvill, H:, english clergyman, 1798 -1871. Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Melville, Vic(iunt, xee Dundas, H : Mencius, see Mengr-Tse. Mendelssohn, Moses, german phil- osopher, 1739-1786. Schmidt, F. 928.3:100 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Jacob L: Felix, german composer, 1809- 1847. Barnard, C. inx927:13 Cro west, F. in 927 : 1 8 Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Ferris, G.T. in 927.3: 5 Grube, A. W. in 920-1-79 Hiller, F. 927.3:9 Keddle, H. in 927:12 Lampadius, W. A. 927.3:10 Q. in 920: 24 Reissmann, A. 927.3 : 36 Rockstro, W. S. in 927.3 : 26 Mendelssohn - Bartholdy, Leah, 1)orn Salomon, mottier of Felix Moulelssohn, 1777-1842. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 67 Mendelssohn family. Hensel, S. 927.3:11 Mengrs, Raphael, german painter, 1738-1779. Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 76 Mengr-Tse {latin Mencius), Chinese phiUmmher, aiwut 370 b. c. Legrtre, J. 299:11 Menshikof, AleksandrDanilovitch kniaz, russian. statesman, 1670- 1729. Cobb. J. F. in 920: 44 Pietzker, M. A., tr. x 923.6 : 43 Spamer, O., ed. in 920: 75 Mercer, Hugh, amer. general, 1721- 1777. Griswoid. R. W. in 923.15: 69 vl Merian, Mms. Marie Sybllle, swiss artist and naturalist, 1647-1717. Jardine, Sir W. in 690 : 58 v37 Mdrim^e, Prosper, french author, 1803-1870. Hillebrand. K. in 834 : 22 v2 James, H., jr. in 928.4 : 1 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v2 Meritt, Paul, english play-writer, livirifi. Archer, W. in 928.2:183 Merivale, Herman C:, english dra- matist, b. 1839. Archer, W. in 928.2:183 Metsu, Gabriel, dutch paiAter, 1630 -1667. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Metastasio, P: Antonio Domenico Bonaventura Trapassi, italian poet, 1698-1793. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 Stebbing-, A. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Metternich - Winneburgr, Clem- ens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar filrst v., aust7-ian statesman, 1773 -1859. Memoirs. 923.3:8 Beer, A. in 920 : 78 v5 Everett, E. in 824.1 : 28 Hay ward, A. in 824.2 : 45 vl Hillebrand. K. in 834 : 22 v5 Smith, G.B. in 923: 28 Meyerbeer, Giacomo, {orininally Jacob Mayer-Beer), german-jew- ish composer, 1794-1864. Ferris, G. T. in 927.5 : 34 Keddie. H. in 927:12 Mezzofanti, Gaspare Guiseppe, italian linguist, 1771-1849. Cobb, J. F. in X 920: 44 Spamer, O., ed. in 920 : 75 Miall, E:, english radical, 1809-1881. Hinton, R.J. in923.22:6 Miantonomo, sachem of the Narra- gansetts, d. 1M3. Stone, W.L. in 920.1:113 Michael Angrelo, see Buonarroti. Michelet, Jules, french historian, 1798-1874. Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v2 Michelet, Mme. Jules, born Miala- Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Mickle, W: Julius, english poet, 1734 -1788. Cary. H. F. in 928.2: 2 Middleton, Mrs., born Needham, english beauty, d. about 1685. Jameson. A. in 923.2:4 Middleton, T:, english dramatist, 1.570-1637. Hazlitt, W. in 822.6:1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:15 Middleton, T: Fanshawe, bishop of Calcutta, 1769-1822. Yongre, C. M. in 922: 11 Mieris, Frans van, dutch painter, 16;J5-1681. Gower, iord U. C. in 927.5: 27 Mifllin, T:, amer. general, 1744-1800. Griswoid, R. W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Milburn, W: H:, melhodist preacher, blind, b. 1833. Ten years of preacher life. 922.17:3 Mill, James, scotch Iiistorian and po- litical-economist, 1773 1830. Bisset, A. in 904: 34 Bower, G.S. 192:2 Mill, J: Stuart, english political-econ- omist, 1806-1873. Autobiography. 921.2:8 Morris, G.S. in 921.2:1 Porter, N. in 104: 5 Wright, C. in 104:4 Miller, Hugh, scotch geologist, 1803- 1856. Autobiography. 925.2:9 Agassiz. L. J. R. in 550:18 Bayne.P. 925.2:11 in 820.5:1 vl Brown, T.N. 925.2:10 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Miller, James, amer. general, 1776- 1851. Peterson, C. J. in 923.16: 3 Miller, W :, english general in the ser- vice of Peru, b. 1795. Gleig, G. R. in 824.2 : 43 v2 Miller, W: Hallowes, english miner- alogist and physicist, 1801-1880. Cooke, J. P. in 507:1 Millet, J: Francois, french painter, 1815-1875. Sensier, A. 927.4:3 Milner, I:, dean of Carlisle, english savant, 1751-1820. Edgar, J. G. in x 920:11 Milner, James, amer. clergyman, 1773-1844. Stone, J. S. 922.13:10 Miltiades, greek statesman, d. b. c. 489. Cox, Sir G. W. in 923.6 : 28 Milton, Catherine, born Woodcock, 2dvAfe of J: Hilton, d. 1658, Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Milton, Elizabeth, born Minshull, 3d wife of J: Hilton. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Milton, J:, english i)oet, 1608-1674. Arnold, M. in 824.2: 4 Bayne.P. i)( 942.4:18 De Quincey, T. in 204 : 18 v2 Distinguished men. in 920: 33 vl Dobson, W. T. ni811:3 Emerson, R. W. in 824.1:105 GilfiUan, G. in 820.5: 8 v2 Goodrich. S. G. in x 920: 41 Hazlitt, W. iu 828.5:1 /()821.5:2 Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v4 Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 vl Lamartine. A. M. L. de. in 920:19 v3 Lowell, J. R. in 8205 : 10 v2 Macau lay, T. B., lord. in 824.2: 67 vl Masson, D. (6 vol.) 928.2:100 (1vol.) 928.2: 156 Pattison, M. 928.2:101 in 928.2+11 Quick, B. H. in 371:15 Reed, H. in 821.5: 4 vl Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2: 5 Tulloeh.J. in 922.2:6 Milton, Mary, born Powell, Ist wife of J: Milton, 1626-1653. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Mingrotti, Caterina, somerim^s called ttegina, Uallan singer, 1728-1807. Clayton, B.C. in 927: 5 Minot, G : Richards, amer. judge and author, 1758-1803. Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 vl Miot, Andre Francois, comte de Me- lito, french statesman, 1763-1841. Memoirs. 923.4:60 Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel de Ri- quetti, comte Ae, french statesman and orator, 1749-1791. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2:124 v2 Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 2 1 v4 Corinenin, L. M., vicomfe de. in 923.4:1 Dumont, P. E. L. 928.4:17 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 8242: 67 v2 Reeve, H. in 944 : 24 vl Russell, W. in 923: 37 Shelley, M. W. in 928.4: 45 v2 Smith, J. S. 928.4:18 Mirabeau family. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 :2 v2 Miraflores, Bon Manuel Pando Fernandez de Pinedo Alava vDa- vila, marques de, Spanish diploma- tist and politician, 1793-1873. Denkwiirdigkeiten. 923.5:12 Miramion, Marie dame de, born Bonneau de Rubelles, wife of J: .Tacques de Beauharnais, seigneur de Miramion, founder of a religi- ous order, 1639-1696. Adams, W. H. D. in 920: 66 Mitchel, Ormsby Macknight, am^r. general and astronomer, 1810-1863. Hcadley.P. C. x 923.15: 64 Mitford, Mai-y Russell, english au- thor, 1787-1855. Recollections. 928.2:102 Adams, W. H. D. in 920: 66 in 928.2: 212 1637 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Mod-Mos Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Fields, J. T. in 820.5: 6 L'Bstrange, A. G., /. 928.2:182 Modjeska, Helena, born Benda, notv hrabina Bozenta-Chla- powska, polish actress, b. 1844. Altemus, J. T. 927.5 : 45 IHofFat, Robert, scotch missionary, 1793-1883. Manning-, A. in 923.29: 3 Mohammed, see lluhammad. Mohl, Julius v., oejtnan orientalist, 1800-1876. Muller, F. M. m 920: 60 Hojon, Bianca Milesi, italian artist and litterateur, 1790-1849. BelJoc, B. R. in 920: 22 Moliere, J: Baptiste Poauelin called, french dramatist. 1623-1673. Mahrenholtz, R. 928.4:43 Oliphant, M. O., and F. Tarver. 9284:19 Prescott. W. H. in 824. 1 : 66 Russell, W. in 920 : 37 Shelley, M. W. in 928.4 : 45 vl Molinos, Mijruel, the quietist, Span- ish theologian, 1627-1696. Bis-elow, J. 922.5 :18 Mollien, N: Franois comte de, french statesman, 1758-18.50. Reeve, H. in 944 : 24 vl Moltke, Helmuth C: Bernhard (traf v.. Prussian field-marshal, h. 1800. Buchheim, E. S. in 949.5 : 1 1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :R54v2 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Mompesson, W:, english clergy- man, 1640-1708. Lives of englishmen, in 920.2 : 9 SEongre, Gaspard, comte de Pdluse, french geometrician, 1746-1818. ArajfO, D. F. J. in 500 : 3 v2 SEonica, St. , mother of St. Augustine, Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Monk, 6 :, dtike of Albemarle, english general, 1608-1670. Gulzot, F. P. G. 923.22 : 64 923 : 4 Monnier, H: Bonaventure, french artist and author, 1799-1877. Jacquot, E. C. J. B. in 928.4: 38 Monod, Adolphe L: F: Theodore, french protestant pastor, 1803-1856. Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Monod, S. 922.4:12 Pressense, E. de. in 920: 23 Monroe, James, Bth president of the U. S., 1758-1831. Gllman, D. C. 923.11:56 Montagru. C:, 1st earl Halifax, eng- lish statesman and poet, 1661-1715. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2 : 4 v2 Montasru, Elizabeth, bom Wrio- thesTey, formerly countess of Nm-thumberland, 1647-1690. Jameson. A. in 923 .2 : 4 Montagru, Elizabeth, bom Robin- son, english author, 1720-1800. Doran, J. W. 928.2:186 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley-, born Plerrepont, english author. Adams, W. H. D. in 920.2:14 vl in 920: 66 Hunt, J. H. L. in 824.2 : 55 v2 Russell. W. in 920 : 38 St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, french philosopher and moralist, 1533-1592. Collins, W.L. 928.4:20 Emerson, R. W . in 920 : 1 2 Hazlitt,W. in 840: 2 vl Quick, R.H. in 371:15 St. John, B. in 840 : 2 v4 Shelley, M. W. in 928.4: 45 vl Vinet, A. R. 204:41 Montalembert, C: Forbes Rene comte de, french statesman and au- thor, 1810-1870. Hay ward, A. in 824.2:45 vl Oliphant, M. O. 923.4: 59 Month azon, Marie de Kohan, du- che:se de, born 6.' Avmxgour, french intriguer, b. 1612. Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 vl Montefiore, Sir Moses Halm, eng- lish philanthropist, 1784-1885. Weston, J. 923.26:9 Wolf, L. 923.26-H7 Montesquieu, C: de Secondat, baron de la Brede et die, french author, 1689-1755. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 1 24 v2 Hillebrand, K. in 834: 22 v5 Montezuma I, mexican monarch, d. 1471. Eggleston, E., and L. E. Seelye. 920.1:109 Montfort, Simon de, earl of Lei- cester, english statesman, 1206-1265. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2: 5 in 942:32 vl Creighton, L. 923.22:55 Gardiner, S. R. in x 923.2 : 7 Montgromery, James, scotch poet, 1771-1854. Baillie, J. in 922:2 Famous boys. in x 920: 32 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Knight, H. C. 928.2:103 Montgromery, R:, amer. general, 1736-1775. Armstrong, J. in 923.1 : 21 vl Griswold, R. W. in 923. 1 5 : 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923.15:70 vl Montgromery, Robert, english poet, 1807-1855. Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2: 67 v5 Monti, Vincenzo, italian poet, 1758- 1828. Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 v2 StebbiDg, H. in 928. 5 : 2 v3 Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, duchessede, called Made- moiselle, 1627-1693. Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 v2 Montrose, Marquis of, see Graham, James. Monts, P: du Guast, sieur de, french traveler. 1560-1611. Belknap, J. in 923.1: 8 v2 Montyon or Monthyon, J: Baptiste Robert Aug-et, ftarow de, french philanthropist, 1733-1820. Oertel, P. F. W. in 923.4: 89 Moody, Dwight Lyman, amer. revi- valist, b. 1837. Bolton, S.K. in 920:73 Clark, R.W. in 269: 2 Moore, G:, english philanthropist, 1806-1876. Blaikie, W. G. in 923.26: 10 Burnley, J. 923.28:4 Smiles, S. 923.28:3 Moore, James, amer. general, d. 1776. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 vl Moore, (Sir J:, scotch general, 1761- 1809. Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Moore, T:, irishpoet, 1779-1852. Memoii-s. 928.2:104 Personal reminiscences. in 928.2:106 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B64 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:11 Eminent men. in 820.6 : 4 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Mason, E. T., ed. in 928.2: 215 v3 Q. in 920:24 Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Symington, A. J. 928.2:105 Tuckerman, H. T. i?i 82 1 .5 : 7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 vl More, Hannah, english novelist and essayist, 1746-1838. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :R 54 vl Goodrich, 8. G. in x 923 : 25 Lord, J. in 904 : 3 1 v5 Roberts, W. 928.2:108 More, Margaret, see Roper, Mar- garet. More, Sir T:, english historian and lord chancellor, 1480-1535. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 vl Cooke, F.E. in 920: 65 Gardiner, S. R. in x 923.2 : 7 Lives of englishmen, in 920.2: 9 Mackintosh, Sir J. in 923.22:2 vl Morgran, Daniel, amer. general, 1736 -1802. Graham, J. 923.15:27 Griswold, R. W. in 923. 1 5 : 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923. 1 5 : 70 v2 Morgan, Sir H:, welsh buccaneer, 1687-1690. Adams,W. H. D. in x 923: 14 Morgan, Sidney, lady, born Owen- son, irish author, 1783-18.59. Autobiography. 9282:109 Adams. W. H. D. in 920 : 66 in 920.2: 14 vl in 923 : 22 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Thomson. K. and 3. C. in 920: 28 Morgan, W:. amer. recreant free-ma- son, 1775-1826. Huntington, P. C. 366 : 5 Morin, L:, french physician, 163.5- 1715. Johnson, S. in 820.2:13 v2 Morison, J:, scotch clergyman, 1791- 1859. Steel, R. in 922 : 6 Moritz, elector of Saxony, 1521-1553. Prutz, H. in 920 : 78 v9 Moritz von Sachsen, seeSaxe, Her- mann Maurice comte de. Morland, G:, english painter, 1763- 1804. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v2 Morley , i :, english author and liberal, b. 1838. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22:1 Morley, Sir Robert, english admiral, d. 1360. Edgar, J. G. in x 923-25 : 3 Morley, S:. english radical, b. 1809. Hinton, R. J. in 923.22 : 6 Mornington, fJarl of, see Welles- ly, R: Colley. Morpeth, G :, 6ih earl of Carlyle, 1775 -1848. Francis. G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Morris, G: P.. amer. poet and jour- nalist, 1802-1864. Q. in 920: 24 Wallace. H. B. iii 824.1 : 86 Morris, Gouverneur. amer. states- man and orator, 1752-1816. Moore. F. in 329.1: 32 vl Sparks. J. 923.12:91 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Morris, Robert, amer. financier and statesman, 1733-1806. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 v2 Morris, W:, english poet, b. 1834. Stedman, E. C. in 821.5: 5 Morse, S: Finley Breese, amer. pain- ter and electrician, 1791-1872. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Memorial. 925.1-f-3 Tuckerman, H. T. in 927. 1:16 Mortimer, J: Hamilton, english painter, 1741-1779. Cunningham, A. in 927.2: 1 v4 Morton, W: T: Green, amer. physi- cian, discoverer of anaisthetic ether- ization, 1819-1868. Bolton, S. K. i?i 920. 1 : 1 8 Mosby, J: Singleton, amer. confe- derate general, b. 1833. Crawford, J. M, 923.15:28 Moscheles, lgna.z,german-bo/iendan musician, 1794-1870. S Diaries and corresp.] 927.3:12 i'erris, G. T. in 927: 7 Keddie, H. in 927: 1 Btos-Net BIOGRAPHY INDEX . 1640 Moser, J: Jakob v., german states- man, 1701-1781. Grube, A. W. in 920+79 MSser, Justus, german autJuyr, 1720- Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Moses, hebrew law-giver and prophet. Lord, J. in 904:31 vl Motley, J : Lothrop, amer. historian, 1814-1877. Holmes, O.W. 928.1:28 Mott, James, amer. quaker, 1788- 1868. Hallowell, A. D. 922.18:17 Mott, Lucretia, ftwn Coffin, preacher of the Society of friends, 1793-1880. Hallowell, A. D. 922.18:17 Hollo way, L. C. in 920 : 57 Mott, Valentine, amer. nurgeon, 1785 -1865. yrancis, S. W. 926.1:6 Motte La, see La Motte. Moultrie, W:, amer. general, 1731- 1805. Giiswold.R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 92315:70 v2 Mowatt, Anna Cora, see Ritchie, A. C. Moylan, Stephen, amer. general, 1734-1811. Griswold. R. W. in 923.16: 69 vl Mozart, J: Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadous U>r Theophllus, origi- nally Gottlieb), german composer, 1756-1791. Barnard. C. in x 927 : 13 Bolton, S. K. in 920: 73 Crowest, F. in 927:18 Distinguished men. in 920: 33 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 Ferris, G.T. i?i 927.3:5 Gehring, F. 9273 : 20 Holmes, E. 9273:14 Jahn. O. 927.3:30 Keddie, H. m 927:12 Nohl, L. 927.3:13 Reissniann, A. in 920 :78 v8 Russell, W. in 923 : 37 Muhammad, (-W2a. Holloway, L. C. in 920: 67 Napoleon I Bonaparte, emperor of the french, 1769-1821. Abrantes, L.dMC?ie88ed'. 923.4:14 Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 in 824.2:124 v2 Ashton. J, 827.2:6 Bayne, P. in 820.6:1 v2 Brougham, H. lord, iti 923 : 2 v2 Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 20 11)824.2:22 Cormenin, L. M. vicomtedc. in 923.4:1 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B64 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:10 Emerson, R.W. in 920:12 Fauvelet de Bourrienne, L. A. 923.4:9 923.4:84 923.4:15 i?/. X 920:41 923.4:10 923.4:11 in 834: 22 v6 923.4+87 in 920:78 v7 Forsyth, W. Goodrich, S. G. Hazlitt, W. Headley, P. C. Hillebrand. K. Home. R. H. Kleinschmldt, A. Lanfrey, P. 923.4: P86 Las Cases, E. A. D. M. J. m?qui8 de. 923.4:16 Lockhart, J. G. 923.4:12 Montholon-Semonville, C. T. mar- quis de. 923.4:17 O'Meara, B. E. 923.4:18 Russell, W. in 923 : 37 Scott, Sir W. 923.4:13 Smith, G.B. ii 923: 28 Spamer, O., ed. in 920 :75 Strahlheim. C, ed. 923.4: 25 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Napoleon III, C : L : Napoleon Bo- naparte, emp7 or of the french, 1808-1873. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4 : 20 Everett, E. in 824.1: 28 Gottschall, R. v. in 920:78 vlO Jerrold, W. B. 923.4: 21 Orsi, G. wnte. 923.5:16 Smucker . S. M. 923.4:22 Wikotr, H. 923.4:23 Nash, Francis, amer. general, d. 1777. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Nash, K:, called Beau Nash, english adventurer, 1674-1761. Doran, J. in 646: 6 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Nasmyth, James, scotch engineer and inventor, b. 1808. Autobiography. 926.2:22 Hale. E. E. in x 926:17 Lewis. T.C. in 926.2: 6 Smiles. S. in 926.2:1 Spamer. O., ed. in 920 : 76 Nathusius, Gottlob, german manu- facturer. 1760-1835. Spamer. O. in 920: 74 Nayler, James, english quaker, 1616- 1660. Whittler, J. G. in 920: 30 Neal, Alice B., see Haven, Alice. Neaves, C: lord, scotch lawyer aitd judge, 1800-1876. Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Necker, Jacques, swiss statesman and financier in France. 1782-1804. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Edgar, J. G. in^ 920 : 1 1 Necker, Louise Suzanne. ?)or7T Cur- chod, /rencTi litterateur. 1737-1794. Haussonville, G. P. O. vicomtc d'. 928.4-H41 Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Neff, Felix, swiss pastor, 179H-I82ti. Bost, J.A. 922.5:16 Gilly, W. S. 922.5:13 Neilson, James Beaumont, scotch iron worker, 1793-1865. Smiles, S. in 926.2:1 Nekrasof, N: Alekseievitch, rM- 8ian poet, 1821-1877. Turner, C.E. in 897: 7 Nelson, Horatio, viscount Nelson, tn-itish admiral, 1758-1805. Althaus, F. in 920 : 78 v8 Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 vl Edgar, J . G . in x 920 : 1 in X 923.25: 3 Grube, A. W. in 920+79 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 vl Russell. W. in 923 : 37 Southey, R. 923.25:18 Taylor, W.C. in 920.2: 8 Nero, Lucius Domitius, roman em- peror, 37-68. Abbott, J. 923.6:14 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Nerval, Gerard de, see Qerard de Nerval. Netscher, Caspar, dutch painter, 1639-1684. Gowor, Lord R. C. in 927.6 : 27 Nettelbeck, Joachim Christian, ci- tizen of Colberg, 1738-1824. Lebensbeschreibung. 923.3 : 63 Grube, A. W. in 920+79 1641 BIOGRAPHY-INDEX. Net-Owe Nettleton, Asahel, amer. evangelist, 1783-1844. Steel, R. in 922:6 Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Nevins, W:, amer. clergyman, 1797- 1835. Winslow, O. in 200:11 Nevrman, J: H:, english cardinal, b. 1801. Apolojria pro vita sua. 922.22: 2 Paul, C. K. in 920.2:12 Nevrport, Christopher, english na- vigatcrr, flourished 1606. Belknap, J. in 928.1 : 8 v2 Ne'wrton, Sir I:, etiglish philos(ypher, 1642-1727. Brewster, Sir D. 925 2:13 925.2:14 Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 v2 Edgar, J. G. mx920:10 Grube, A. W. in 920-h79 Morton, E. J. C. m 925 : 5 Proctor, R. A. in 520 : 1 8 Newton, T:, bishop of Bristol, 1704- 1782. Autobiography, in 922.2: 8 v2 Ney, Michel. ducd'Elchingen, prince de la Moskowa, marechal de France, 1769-1815. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 Nicholas of Russia, see Nikolai. NichoUs, Charlotte, bom Bronte, (Currer Bell), english novelist, 1816 -1855. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 in 920.2:14 v2 in 928.2: 212 Bayne, P. in 8205:1 vl Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 v2 Eminent men. in 820.5 : 4 Gaskell, E. C. 928.2:20 Holloway, L. C. 928.2:193 Mason, E. T., ed. in 928.2:21 5 v4 Reid, T. W. 928.2:19 Shepard, W. in 804 : 5 v3 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Smith, G.B. in 820.5:12 Stephen, L. in 820.5:13 v3 Nioias, see Nikias. Nicoll, Robert, scotch poet and jour- nalist, 1814-1837. Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Nicollet, Joseph N :, french astrono- mer and expwrer, 1786-1848. Sibley, H.H. in 906: 2 vl Niebuhr, Barthold G:, german his- tm-ian, 1776-1831. Classen, J. 928.3:76 Winkworth, S. 928.3 : 27 Niebuhr, Carsten, german traveler, 1733-1815. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v3 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Niembsch edler v. Strehlenau, called Lienau, N :, german-hunga- rian poet. 1802-1850. Grube, A. W. in 920-|-79 Nigrhting'ale, Florence, englishphi- lanthropist, b. 1820. Alldridge, L. in 923.26:12 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 v2 Parton, J. in 920: 50 Witter, M., and E. Stotzner. in 920:74 Nikias, athenian general, d. b. c. 414. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v3 Nikolai I Pavlovitch, emperor of Russia, 1796-1855. Beaumont- Vassy, E. F. vicomte de. 923.5:21 Smucker, S. M. 923.5 : 22 Nisbet, C:, scotch-amer. cJergifman, 1786-1804. Miller, S. 922.14:4 Nithsdale, Countess of, see Max- well, Winifred. Nithsdale, Earl of, see Maxwell, W: Nitokris, queen of Assyria. Hewitt, M.E. in 928: 6 Nixon, J:, amer. general, 1725-1815. Griswold, R. W. in 923. 15:69 vl Nollekens, Joseph, english sculptor, 1737-1823. Cunningham, A. in 927-2 : 1 Norfolk, Duke of, see Howard, T: North, Christopher, pseud., see Wilson, J : North, Francis, 1st baron Guilford, lord keeper of the great seal of England, 1637-1685. Atrocious judges, in 923.24: 4 Campbell. J. in 923.24 : 1 v3 Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 vl North, F:. 2d earl of Guilford, eng- lish statesman, 1732-1792. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 vl Northcote, James, english painter, 1746-1831. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 :lv5 Northcote, Sir Stafford H-., english statesman, b. 1818. Higginson, T. W. in 928.22 : 5 Northumberland, Countess of, see Montagru, Elizabeth. Nottingrham, Earl of, see Finch, Heneage. Novalis, pseud., see Hardenberg:, F: Jj: freiherrv. Novello, Clara Anastasia, contessa Gigliucci, english singer, b. 1818. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 5 Noves, Laura de, of Vaucluse. sub- ject of Petrarch' 8 sonnets, 1308-1848. Hewitt. M.E. in 928: 6 Numa Pompilius, 2dkinaof Rome. Plutarchos . in 92 3 . 6 : 1 6 in 923.6: 81 vl Oberlin, J: F:, french pastor and philanthropist, 1740-1826. Goodrich. S. G. in x 920 : 89 Oberlin, Madeleine Salome, bom Witter, wife of J: F: Oberlin, d. 1784. Child, L.M. in 920: 49 Occam or Ockham, W:, english philosopher, d. 1347. Morris, G. S. in 921.2:1 O'Connell, Daniel, irish orator and agitator, 1775-1847. Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 928.4:1 Cusack, M. F. 923.22:56 Duyckinck. E. A. in 920:K54 v2 Lecky, W. E. H. in 923.22:7 Mackenzie, R. S. in 829.2 : 55 Od^er, G:, english radical, b. 1829. Hinton, R. J. in 928.22: 6 Odillon - Barrot, Camille Hya- cinthe, french statesman, 1790- 1850. Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4:1 Odo or Odon de Conteville, half- brother of William the conqueror, french i relate, 1032-1097. Campbell, J. in 928.24: 2 vl Offenbach, Jacques, german com- poser in France, 1819-1880. Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Ogrden, W: B., early Chicago settler, 1805-1877. Arnold, I.N. in 975.1 : 4 no. 17 Og-lethorpe, James E:, english gen- eral, founder of the state of Geor- gia, 1698-1785. Peabody.W. B. O. in 928.1 : 22 v2 O'Keeffe, J:, irish dramatist, VHI- 1833. Personal reminiscences. in 927.2:17 Olaf II, king of Norway, St. Olaf, 997-1030. Brooks, E. 8. in x 920 :72 Clin, Stephen, amer. clergyman, 1797-1861. Life and letters. 922.17: 4 Ollivier, Olivier :6mile, french statesman, b. 1825. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Opie, Amelia, bom Alderson, eng- lish author, 1769-1853. Ritchie, A. I. in 928.2:175 Russell, W. in 920: 88 Opie, J:, english painter, 1761-1807. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v2 Opitz, Martin, german poet, 1597- 1639. Weinhold, K. 928.3:72 Orange, William I of, see Willem Orford, Ist earl of, see Walpole, Robert. Orford, 4th earl of, see Walpole, Horace. Origrenes {eng. Origen), early chris- tian father, d. 253. Froude, J. A. in 824. 1 : 42 v4 Orleans, Helene Louise ^^lisabeth de Mecklenburg - Schwerin, duch- esse d', french princess. 1814-1858. Harcourt, Dnc/iessed'. 928.4:61 Orr, James Lawrence, amer. law- yer and politician, 1822-1873. Savage, J. in 923. 1 : 20 Orsi, Giuseppe conte, Italian adhe- rent of Napoleon III. Recollections. 923.5:15 Oertel, Philipp F: W:, (W. O. v. Horn), german author, 1798-1867. Lebensbild. 928.8:104 Osborne, T:, 1st duke of Leeds, eng- lish statesman, 1631-1712. Courtenay, T. P. in 923.22: 2 v5 Osgood, Frances Sargent, bom Lock, amer. poet, 1811-]8.')0. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Powell, T. in 928.1:3 Ossian, see Macpherson, James. Ossoli, Sarah Margaret, bom Ful- ler, marchesa d', amer. author, 1810-1850. Crosland, C. in 920: 52 Duyckinck. E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Emerson, R. W., and others. 928.1:29 Higginson, T. W. 928. 1 : 67 i>(920:50 Howe, J. W. 928.1:61 Hudson, M. in 824.1:1 Powell, T. i*i 928.1:3 Russell, W. in 920 : 38 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Ostade, Adrian and I: van, see Jansz. Otho, Marcus Salvius, emperor of Rome, 32-69. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v5 Otho, german emperors, see Otto. Otis, Harrison Gray, amer. states- man, 1765-1848. Moore, F. in 329.1:32 vl Otis, James, amer. orator and pat- Hot, 1725-1783. Bowen, F. 923.1:22 v2 Moore. F. in 829.1:32 vl Otto I the great, emperor of Germa- ny, 912-973. Oertel, H. 928.3:38 Otto II, emperor of Germany, 955- 983. Oertel, H. 923.3 : 89 Otto III, emperor of Germany, 980- 1002. Oertel, H. 928.3 : 40 Otway, T:, enfifiisfo dramatist, 1651- 1685. Gosse, E. W. in 928.2: 218 Johnson, S. in 928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 vl Overbury, Sir T:, english author, 1581-1613. Amos, A. 845.2:5 Bisset, A. in 904 : 84 Rimbault, E. F. in 829.2 : 52 Ovidius Naso, Publius, (engf.Ovid), roman poet, b. c. 43 - a. d. 18. Church, A.J. 874:3 Owen, Robert, scotch philanthro- pist, 1771-1868. Packard, F. A. 928.26:4 1643 Owe-Pep BIOGHIAPHY INDEX. 1644 Owen, Robert Dale. amer. author ana politician, 1801-1877. Threading my way. 928.1:80 Owen, W:, english painter, 1769- 1825. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Ozenford, J:, english dramatist and translator, 1812-1877. Q. m 920: 24 Oxford, Earl of, see Harley, Rob- ert. Pacheco, Maria, see Padilla, Bona Maria. Padilla, Dofia Maria born Pacheco, wife of J: Lopez de Padilla, 16th century. James, G. P. R. m923:7 Pagranini, N:. italian violinist, 1784- 1840. Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 7 Paine, Martyn, amer. physician, 1794-1877. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 'Pa,inB,'T:, english political and deis- tical writer, 1737-1809. Denslow, V. B. m 921:1 Vale, G. 923.22:39 Paisiello, Giovanni, italian compo- ser, 1741-1815. Ferris. G. T. in 927. 5 : 34 Palafox y Melzi, Jose, Spanish general, 1780-1847. Grube, A. W. in 920-f-79 Palestrina, Giovanni P: Aloysio (or Pierluigi) Sante, called da, italian composer, 1514 (?)-1594. Ferris, G. T. in 927.6 : 34 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Palfrey, W:, amer. patriot, b. 1741, lost at sea 1780. Palfrey, J. G. in 923. 1 : 22 v7 Palissy, Bernard, f7-ench potter, 1506 Bolton, S.K. in 920: 73 Hale, E. E. in x 928: 17 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. in 920:19 vl Morley, H. 928.4:22 Pallas, P: Simon, german naturalist, 1741-1811. Jardine, Sir W. in 690: 68 vlO St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v3 Palmer, Barbara, born Villlers, countess of Castlemalne, duchess of Cleveland, d. 1709. Jameson, A. in 923.2 : 4 Palmer, E: H:, english orientalist, 1840-1882. Besant. W. 928.2:177 Palmerston, Viscount, see Temple, H: J: Paludan-M tiller, F:, danish poet, 1809-1876. Gosse. E. W. in 804 : 2 Panizzi, Sir Antonio, italian, libra- rian of the British museum, 1797- 1879. Fasran, L. 928.2:110 Hillebrand, K. in 834: 22 vO Panthea, wife of Abradatas, king of the Suslans. Child, L. M. in 920:49 Pape-Carpantier, Marie mme., french author, 1815-1878. Belloc, B. R. in 920: 2Z Parepa-Bosa, Euphrosyne, born Parepa de Boyesku. vAfe of V: Rosa, scotch singer, 1836-1874. Winter. W. in 920: 60 Parini, Giuseppe, Italian poet, 1729- 1799. Stebbing. H. in 928.6 : 2 v3 Paris, L: Albert Philippe d' Orle- ans, comte Ag, french prince and author, b. 1838. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Park. Mungo, scotch explorer, 1771- Llfe and travels. MoBsman, 8. 8t, John, J. A. 916.6:14 916.6:6 in 923:13 in 928:11 v3 Steger, F., ed. 916.5 : 6 Parker, I:, amer. jurist, 1768-1880. Story, J. in 824. 1:77 Parker, Theodore, amer. clergyman, 1810-1860. Cooke, F.E. 922.18:16 Weiss, J. 922.18:6 Parker, T:, 1st earl of Macclesfield, lord chancellor of England, 1666- 1732. Campbell. J. 923.24:1 v4 Parker, W: Harwar, am^. naval officer, b. 1847. Recollections. 923.16:63 Parley, Peter, jiseud, see Goodrich, Parmig-iano, Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola, called II, italian painter, 1508-1540. Jameson, A. in 9275: 3 Parnell, T:, english poet, 1679-1717. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Parr, S:, english scholar and critic, 1747-1825. De Quincey, T. in 824.2 : 29 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x. 920 : 10 Parsons, S: Holden, am,er. general, 1737-1789. Griswold, R. W. Jn923.16: 69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923.16:70 v2 Parsons, Theophilus, amer. jurist, 1750-1813. Parsonp, T.,jr. 923.14:4 Parton, Sarah Payson, born Willis. formerly mrs. Farrington, (Fanny Fern), amer. author, 1811-1872. Hudson, M. in 824.1: 6 Lippincott, S. J. in 920: 60 Pascal, Blaise, french philosopher and mathematician, 1628-1662. Bowen, F. in 824.1: 6 Distinguished men. in 920: 88 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920: 10 Grube, A. W. in 920-|-79 McCrie, T. in 282: 16 Rogers, H. in 204 : 33 Russell, W. in 920: 37 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 844: 2 Shelley, M.W. in 928.4: 45 vl Tulloch, J. 928.4:23 Pascal, Jacqueline, french religleuse, 1625-1661. Cousin, v., and oi646:6 Hunt, J. H. L. in 824.2 : 55 v2 Stevenson, R. L. in 824.2 : 108 Wheatley, H. B. 923.22 : 81 Wilson, J. G. 923.22:43 Perceval, Spencer, ensliah minister 0/8 tote, 1763-1813. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Walpole, S. 923.22:66 Percival, James Gates, amer. poet, 1795-1856. Lowell, J. R. in 824. 1:55 Ward, J. H. 928.1:32 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 vl Ferikles, athenian statesman, d. b. e. 429. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6: 4 Plutarchos. tn 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 vl Perkins, Jacob, amer. inventor, 1766 -1849. Howe, H. in 926:2 Perkins, James Handasyd, amer. author, 1810-1849. Channinjf, W. H. in 820.1:7 vl Perkins, T: Handasyd, amer. mer- chant, 1764-1854. Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Peron, Francois, french naturalist, 1775-1810. Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v9 Perrey ve, H :, frenchpriest and ora- tor, 1831-1865. Hamerton, P. G. in 920.4:1 Perry, Oliver Hazard, amer. com- modore, 1785-1819. Mackenzie. A. S. 923.15: 29 Persiani, Fanny, horn Tacchinar- di. italian singer, 1812-1867. Clayton, E.G. in 927: 5 Ferris, G.T. in 927:6 v2 Perth, Duke of, see Drummond, James. Perthes, F: Mathlas, firermanffteolo- gian, 1800-1859. Baillie, J. in 922 : 2 Grube, A. W. in 920-1-79 Perug-ino, P: Vannucci, called II, italian painter, 1446-1524. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Pestalozzi, J: H:, swiss educator, 1746-1827. Grosse, E. in 920:74 Krnsi, H. 923.5:40 Leben und wirken. 923.5: 41 Quick, R.H. in 371:15 Schmidt. F. 923.5:64 Seyttarth, L. W. 923.5 : 61 Peter the great, see Piotr I. Peterborougrh, Countess of, see Robinson, Anastasia. Petigrru, James L:. amer. lawyer and statesman, 1789-1863. Gravson, W. J. 923.12:43 Petbfl, originally Petrovics, San- dor, hungarian poet, 1823-1849. Lomnitz, H. M. v. in 897:11 Petrarca {cng. Petrarch). Frances- co, itofian poet, 1304-1374. Campbell. T. 928.5:9 Greene, G.W. in 824.1:38 Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v2 Korting, G. 928.5:23 Landor, W. S. in 820.2 : 1 5 v8 Reeve, H. 928.5:10 Shelley, M. W. in 928.5 : 24 vl Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5:7 Petty, H:, 3d manniess of Lans- downe, 1780-1883. Havward, A. in 824.2 : 46 v2 Pfeiflfer, Ida Laura, born Reyer, german traveler, 1797-1858. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Pheidias (lat. Phidias), greek sctdp- tor, about b. c. 485-432. Lord, J. in 904: 31 vl Philidor, pseud., see Danican, Francois Andre. Philip of Spain, see Felipe. Philip, Ki7ig, Metacom, sachem, of Pokanoket, d. 1676. Abbott, J. S. C. 920.1:112 Philippa of Hainault, queen of Ed- ward III, d. 1369. Strickland, A. in 923.21:27 vl Philips, Ambrose, english poet, 1671 -1749. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2 : 4 v4 Philips, J:, english poet, 1676-1708. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 vl Philips, Katherine, born Fowler, called The matchless Orinda, eng- lish poet. 1631-1664. Adams, W. H. D. in 920: 66 Gosse, E. W. in 928.2: 213 Phillipps, Adelaide, amer. singer, 1833-1883. Waterston, A. M. 927.1:23 Phillips, Wendell, amer. orator and reformer. 1811-1884. Curtis, G.W. 923.12:96 Philopoimen (lat. Phllopoemen), greek general and statesman, about b. c. 252-182. Plutarchos. in 928.6 : 16 in 928.6: 31 v2 Phips, Sir W:, amer. magistrate, 1651-1695. Bowen, F. in 923.1 : 21 v7 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Phiz, pseud., see Bro-wTie, H. K. Phlipon, Manon. see Roland, Mme. Phokion (lat. Phocion), athenian statesman and general, about b. c. 402-317. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v4 Picard, L: Joseph Ernest, french statesman, 1831-1877. King, E. in 923.4: 2 Piccini, N:, Italian composer, 1738- 1800. Ferris, G.T. in 927.5: 34 Piccolomini, Marietta, afterwards marchesa Gaetani, italian singer, b. 1884. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 5 Pichier, Caroline, born v. Greiner, german author, 1769-1843. Denkwurdigkeiten. 928.3:21 Pickering-, J:, amer. jurist, 1777- 1846. Sumner, C. in 329. 1 : 36 v2 Pickering-, Timothy, amer. states- man, 1745-1839. Lodge, H. C. in 904: 35 Pickering, O., and C.W. Upham. 923.15:64 Picton, Sir James Allanson, english author and liberal, b. 1806. Davidson, J. M. in923.22:l Pierce. Franklin, 14th president of the U. S.. 1804-1869. Hawthorne, N. 923.11:30 Peterson, C. J. in 923. 15-}-l Pierson, Hamilton Wilcox, amer. methodist clergyman, living. In the brush. 922.17:5 Pike, Zebu Ion Montgomery, amer. general, 1779-1813. Peterson, C J. in 923.15: 3 Whiting, H. in 923. 1 : 22 v5 Pilkington, Lsetitla, born Van Lewen. irisTi author, 1713-1750. Adams, W.H.D. in 920: 66 Pillow, Gideon Johnson, amer. con- federate general and politician, 1806-1878. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15+1 Pinckney, C:, amer. statesman, 1758-1824. Moore, F. in 329. 1: 32 vl Pinckney, C: Cotesworth, amer. general and statesman, 1746-1825. Griswold, R.W. in 928.15:69 v2 Pindaros, {eng. Pindar), greek poet, about b. c. 520-442. Morice, F. J). 884:4 Pindemonte, Ippolito, ttalian poet, 1753-1828. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Pinero Arthur W., english actor and dramatist, living. Archer, W. in 928.2 : 1 83 Pinkney, W:, amer. lawyer and statesman, 1764-1822. Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Story, J. in 824. 1:77 Wheaton, H. in 923.1:21 v6 Piotr I Alekseievitch the great, em- peror of Russia, 1672-1725. Abbott, J. 928.5:19 Cobb, J. F. X 923.5:44 Motley, J. L. 923.5:20 in 824.1:105 Russell, W. in 920: 37 Schuyler, E. 923.5-|-51 Wight, O. W., ed. 928.5:13 Piozzi, Hester Lynch, born Salus- bury, /omerfj/mr3. Thrale, eng- lish author, 1739-1821. Autobiography. 928.2:111 Crosland, C. in 920 : 52 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Piron, Alexis, french poet anddra- matist, 1689-1773. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 vl Pisaronl, Rosamunda Benedetta, italian singer, 1793-1873. Clayton, B.C. in 927: 5 Pisistratus, see Peisistratos. Pistek, Franz, bohemlan prelate, 1785-1842. Cobb, J. F. in x 920 : 44 Pitt, Christopher, english poet, 1699- 1748. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v4 Pitt, Vf:,l8t earl of Chatham, english statesman, 1708-1778. B-e, J. in 928.22: 53 Bagehot, W. in 920.2 : 1 Brougham, H. lord, in 923:2 vl Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 824.2:18 vl, 2 Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 1 Macaulay, T. B. lord. in 824.2 : 67 v2 in 824.2 : 67 v5 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Smith, G. in 923.22: 8 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Pitt, W:, the younger, 2d son of the 1st earl of Chatham, english states- man, 1759-1806. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Distinguished men. in 920: 83 v2 Macaulay, T. B. lord. 928.22: 53 Taylor. W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Pius VII, (Gregorio Barnaba L: Chiaramonte), pope. 1743-1838. Wiseman, N. P. S. in 922.5 : 3 Pius VIII, (France- CO Xaverio Castig-lioni), pope, 1761-1830. Wiseman. N. P. S. in 922.5 : 3 Pius IX, (Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti), pope, 1792-1878. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Hassard, J. R. G. 922.5 : 4 Legge, A. O. 922.5:23 Pizarro, Francisco, Spanish conque- ror of Peru, abt. 1475-1.541. Allen, F. H., ecf. 928.5:26 Helps, Sir A. 928.5 : 27 Towie, G. M. 923.5:77 Planche, James Robinson, english dramatist, 1796-1880. Personal reminiscences. i 928.2:42 Plantagenet, J:, 1st dvke of Bed- font, english commander and regent of France. i:W9-14;i5. Edgar, J. G. in x 928.25 : 8 1647 Pla-Qiii BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1648 Flaton (eng. Plato), greek philoso- pher, about b. c. 439-347. Bayne, P. in 820.5 : 1 v2 Collins, W.L. 888:2 Emerson, K. W. in 920:12 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920.6 : 4 Platter, T:,8wiss teacher, 1499-1.582. Diintzer, H., ed. 923.3 : 24 Plautus, Titus Maccius, romanpoet, born about h. c. 254 or 324. Collins. W.L. 872:3 Plimsoll, S:, english radical, b. 1824. Hinton, R. J. in 923.22: 6 Plinius Secundus, Caius, (eng. Pliny the elder), roman naturalist, a. d. 23-79. Church, A. J., and W. J. Brodribb. 876:2 Crichton, A. in590:58vl8 Pocahontas, indian princess, mar- ried to J: Rolfe, d. 1617. Efirc-leston, E., andlj. E. Seely. 920.1:110 Pocock, E:, english clergyman and orientalist, 1604-1691. T wells, L. in 922.2: 8 vl Pococke, R:, english traveler, 1704- 1765. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Poe, Edgar Allan, amer. poet, 1811- 1849. Gill, W. F. 928.1:34 Griswold, R. W. f7i820.1:5v3 Injrram,J. H. 928.1:33 Powell. T. in 928.1: 3 Shepard. W. in 804 : 6 v3 Smiles, S. in 920: 26 Stedman, E. C. in 821.5:18 Woodberry, G. E. 928.1 :74 Poisson, Simeon Denis, french ma- thematician, 1781-1840. Arajro. D. F. J. in 500 : 3 v2 Poliziano, Antrelo, Italian poet, 1454 -1492. StebbinK, H. hi 928.5 : 2 vl Polk, James Knox, lUh president of the U. S.. 1795-1849. Jenkins, J. S. 923.11:29 PoUok, Robert, english poet, 1798- 1827. Gilflllan. G. in 820,5 : 7 vl Polo, Marco, Venetian traveler, about 1252-1324. Adams. W.H.D. in 923:12 St. John. J. A. in 923 :llvl Towle, G.M. X 916:11 Polykrates, greek statesman, d. b. c. CoT,' Sir G. W. in 923.6: 28 Poxnbal, Sebastiano Joz^ de Car- valho, marqtiez de, Portuguese states/nan, 1699-1782. Cobb. J. F. in X 920: 44 Pomeroy, B:, amer. clergyman, 1704- Headley, J. T. in 922.1: 2 Pomeroy, Seth, amer. general, d. 1777. Griswold. R. W. in 923.16: 69 vl Pomfret, J:, english poet, 1667-1703. Johnson, S. in 928.2:4 in 928 2: 4 vl Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de, french fa- vorite of Louis XV, 1721-1764. Houssay e, A. in 920 : 1 6 v2 Pompeius magnus, Cneius, (eng. Pompey the great), roman consul and general, b. c. 106-48. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 9236: 31 v4 Ponte, Lorenzo da, italianpoet, 1749 -18,S8. Memoiren. 928.5:13 Poor, Enoch, am^. general, 1736- 1780. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 vl Pope, Alexander, english poet, 1688- 1744. De Quincey, T. in 820.5 : 24 ir, J. G. in 928 : 2 in X 920:10 Fields, J. T. in 820.5: 6 Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 in 821.5: 2 Hunt, J. H. L. in 824.2 : 55 v2 Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928 2:4 v4 Lowell, J. R. in 824. 1:55 Reed, H. in 8215: 4 vl Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Stephen, L. 928.2:112 in 928. 2-h 11 in 820.5:13 vl Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5:7 Wilson. J. in 820.5:17 Poplicula, see Publicola. Porson, R:, english greek scholar, 1759-1808. Rogers, S. in 920.2 : 6 Porter, P: Buel. amer, politician and soldier, 1773-1844. Peterson, C. J. in 923 . 1 5 : 3 Porter, W : T., awr. journalist, 1806 -1858. Brinley. F. 928.1:35 Porteus, Beilby. english prelate, 1731 Hodgson, R. in200:12vl Portsmouth, DecA*"***)/, eKerou- alle, L. R. Posey, T:, amer. general, 17-50-1818. Hall. J. in 923.1: 22 v9 Seymour. C. C. B. in 920: 25 Potter, Philip Cipriani Hambly, english musician, 1793-1871. Keddie, H. in 927: 12 Pounds, J:, english philanthropist, 1766-1839. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926 : 3 Po'well, Mary, see Milton, Mary. Powers, Hiram, am^r. sculptor, 1805 -1873. Duyckinck. E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Pratt, C:, 1st earl of Camden, english .juige and statesman, 1714-1794. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v6 Pratt, Sir J:, chief justice of Eng- land, d. 1725. Campbell, J. in 923 .24 : 2 v2 Preble, E:, amer. commodore, 1761- 1807. Sabine, L. in 923.1 : 22 vl2 Prentiss, Soargent Smith, amer. lawyer and orator, 18(18-1850. Memoirs. 923.12:44 Moore, F. in 329.1 : 32 v2 Prescott, W: Hickling, amer. histo- rian. 1796-18.59. Everett. E. in 824.1: 28 Homes of amerlcan authors. in 928.1: 64 Powell, T. in 928.1: 3 Ticknor, G. 928.1:36 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 Preston, W: Campbell, amer. states- man, 1794-1860. Magoon, E. L. in 923.1 : 14 Preti, Girolamo, italian poet, 1.582- 1626. Stcbbing. H. in 928.5:2 v3 Prevost d'Exiles, Antoine Fran- cois, french author, 1697-1763. Houssaye, A. in 920:16 vl Prideaux, J:, english clergyman, 1.578-16.50. Seymour. C. C. B. in 920: 26 Priestley, Joseph, english chemist and philosopher, 1733-1804. Brougham, H. lord, in 920:45 vl Prime, Ebenezer, amer. clergyman, 1700-1779. Headley,J.T. in 922.1 .2 Prince or Prence, T:, 4th governor of New Plymouth, 1600-1673. Moore, J. B. in 923.1:15 Prince, T:, amer. clergyman, 1687- 1758. Whitman, W. H., in Catalogue of the Prince library. 3 : Ii Pringrle, Siri:, scotch physician, 1707 -1782. Gilflllan, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Prior, Margaret, born Barrett, for- merly mrs. Allen, amer. methodist, 1773-1842. Ingraham, S. R. 922.17:6 Prior, Matthew, english poet, 1764- 1821. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Procter, Bryan Waller, (Barry Cornwall), english poet, 1790-1874. Mason, E. T.. ed. in 928.2:21 5 vl Stedm an, E. C. in 82 1 . 5 : 5 Tuckerman, H. T. in 82 1.5: 7 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Procter, Adelaide Anne, english poet, 1835-1864. Adams, W.H.D. in 928.2: 212 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius, ro- man poet, b. about 50 b. c. Davies, J. 874:4 Prud'hon, P: Paul, french painter, 1758-1823. Houssaye, A. in 920:16 v2 Publicola, Publius Valerius, ro- man consul, d. b. c. 498. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 vl Puckering:, Sir J-., lord keeper of the great seal of England, 1544-1596. Campbell, J. i7i 923.24:1 v2 Pllckler - Muskau, Hermann L: H: fiir)itv.,german oitt/i or, 1785 1871. Schmidt, J. in 834: 21 Spencer, E. in 839:11 Pugrin, A:, english architect, 1769- 1882. Ferry, B. 927.2:27 Puin, A: Northmore Wolby, eng- lish architect, 1811-18.52. Ferry. B. 927.2:37 Pulaski, Hrabia Kazimierz, polish patriot, 1748-1779. Griswold. R. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Sparks, J. in 923.1 : 22 v4 Pulci, L:, italian poet, 1431-1487. Stebbing. H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Purcell, H:, english composer, 1658- 1695. Cummings, W. H. 927.2 : 4 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergo'i'ovitcii, russian poet, 1799-1837. Turner, C.E. in 897: 7 Putnam, Israel, amer. general, 1718- 1790. Cutter, W. 923.15:30 Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 vl Headley, J. T. in 923.15: 70 vl Peabody, O.W. B. in 923.1 :21 v7 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Putnam, Rufus, amer. general, 1788 -1824. Campbell, .L W. in 923.1 : 4 Dawes, B.C. 971.120 Griswold, R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Pym, J:, english statesman, 1.584 1(')43. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 824.2:18 v2 Forster, J. in 923.22 : 3 v2,3 Smith, G. in 923.22: 8 Pyne, Louisa Fanny, afterward mme. Bodda-Pyne, english singer, b. 1832. Clayton, B.C. in 927: 5 Pyrrhos, king of Epirus, about b. c. 318-273. Abbott, J. 923.6:23 Plutarchos. in 923.6 : 1 6 in 923.6: 31 v3 Q,u6roualle, see Keroualle. Cluincy, Josiah, jr., amer. orator and patriot, 1744-1775. Moore, F. i?i 329. 1 : 32 v 1 Quincy, .Tosiah, 3d, amer. statesman ana scholar, 1773-1864. Lowell, J . R. in 824. 135 Quincy, E. 923.12:46 Hi4! BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Qui-Rie 1650 Quinet, Edgar, french author and philosopher, 1803-1875. Dowden, E. w 804:1 Heath, R 921.4:2 Quitman, J: Anthony, amer. gen- eral and politician, 1799-1858. (Claiborne, J. F. H. 923.12: 46 Peterson, C. J. i>i 923.15+1 Rabelais, Francois, french satirist, 149.'i-155;5. Besant, W. 928.4:26 Hillebrand, K. in 834 :22 v4 Rachel, Elisabeth Rachel Felix, called mademoiselle, french actress, 1821-ia58. B , Mm. de. 927.4 : 8 Beauvallet, L. 917.1:9 Racine, J:, french dramatist, 16;59- 1699. Trollope, H. M. 928.4:13 Radcliffe, C:, scotch jacolnte, 1695- 1746. Thomson, K. in 923.22 : 77 v3 Radcliffe, James, 3d earl of Der- wentwater, scotch jacoMte, 1689- 1716. Thomson, K. in 923.22 : 77 vl Radnor, Earl of, see Bouverie, SirVf: Pleydell-. Raeburn, Sir H:, english painter, 1765-1828. Cunningham, A. 927.2:1 v4 Raffaello (eng. Raphael) Santi or Sanzio, italian painter, 1483-1520. Alison, 35. Quick, R. H. iii371:i5 Rauch, Christian Daniel, german sculptor, 1777-1857. Eggers. F. and K. 927.3+33 Ray wWray (Kri?w, J:, enalinh naturalist, 1628-1704. Duncan, P. M. in 925 : 4 Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v35 Raymond, J: Howard, amer. tea- cher, 1814-1878. Lloyd, H. 923.17:4 Raymond, Robert lord, chief jus- tice of England, I672-17;J3. Campbell. J. in 923.24: 2 v2 Raynsford, .Sir K:, chief juMice of England, 1604-1679. Campbell. J. in 92324:1 v32 Read, J: Meredith, amer. lawyer, 1797-1874. Savage, J. i/i 923.1:80 Recamier, Jeanne Franoise Julie Adelaide, born Bernard, french beauty and wit, 1777-1849. Memoirs. 928.4:26 Lord, J. in 904: 31 v5 Russell, W. iff 920:38 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Red Eagle, .lee Weathersford, W : Red Jacket, .'5. Hay ward, A. in 824.2 : 46 vl Mason, E. T.. ed. in 928.2 : 2 15 v3 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Roland de la Platiere, Marie Jeanne, born Phllpon, mme., french republican, 1754-1793. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.4:64 Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Child, L. M. 928.4:29 Goodrich. S. G. in x 923 : 25 Jenkins, J. S. in 923 : 9 Russell. W. in 920: 38 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 928.4: 3 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 28 Rollon or Raoul, (norse Hrolf), 1st duke of Normandy, about 860-930. Edgar, J. G. inic 923.25 : 3 Romano, Enotrlo, pseud., see Car- ducci, Giosue. Romilly, Sir S:, english lawyer and statesman, 1757-1818. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 vl Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 v2 Russell. W. in 920: 37 Taylor, W.C. in 920.2: 8 Romney, O-: english painter, 1734- 1803. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Romulus, mythical founder of Rome. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 vl Ronconi, Giorgio, italian singer, b. 1810. Q. in 920: 24 Rondelet, Gulllaume,/r/icA natur- alist, 1507-1586. Jardine. Sir W. in 590: 58 v31 Roper, Margaret, daughter of sir T: More, ISth century. Adams. W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Rosa, Salvator, italian painter, 1615 1673. Morgan, S. lady. 927.5 : 36 Rosalie, Sa-ur, see Rendu, J. M. Roscommon, Harl of, see Dillon, W. Ross, Mrs., wife ofcapt. Boss, british army, 1734-1779. Child, L. M. in 920: 49 Ross, C: Brewster, am^r. kidnapped cfiild. Ross, C. K. 923.14:8 Ross, J: Merry, scotch author and teacher, 1833-188-. Brown, J. in 941-)-41 Rossa, O'Donovan, irish agitator. Prison life. 923.22:57 Rossburgrh, J:, am^r. revol. clergy- man. Headley, J. T. in 922.1:2 Rossetti, Dante C : Gabriel, english painter and poet, 1838-1883. Caine. T. H. 928.2:185 Carr, J. Comyns. in 756 : 8 Ruskin, J. in 756: 3 Stedman, E. C. in 821.5: 5 Rossi, Oomtesse de, see Sontagr, H. Rossini, Gioachhio Antonio, italian composer, 1793-1868. Crowest, F. in 927: 18 Edwards, H. 8. 927.5:35 Ferris. G.T. in 927.5: 84 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Rosslyn, Earl of, see Wedder- burn, A. Roswitha, see Hrotsvith. Roubillac or Roubillac. L: Fran- <;oi8, trench sculptor, 1695-1763. Cunningham, A. in 927.2 : 1 v3 Rouher, Eugfene, french statesman. 1814-1884. King, E. in 928.4: 2 Rousseau, J : Jacques, swiss philoso- pher, 1713-1778. Bekenntnisse. 928.4: 12 Brockerhoff, F. 928.4: 44 Brougham, H. lord, in 920 : 45 vl Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 20 m 824.2: 22 Graham, H. G. 928.4: 33 Lowell, J. R. in 820.5:10 vl Morley, J. 9284:27 Quick, R. H. in 371:15 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 844: 2 Stephen, L. in 820.5 : 1 3 v3 Rowe, Elizabeth, born Singer, eng- lish author. 1674-1737. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 Rowe, ^:, english poet, 1673-1718. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Rowlands, S:, oiylish poet, 17th century. Gosse, E. W. in 928. 2: 213 Rowley, W:, encftw/i dramatist, time of James I. Hazlltt, W. in 822.5: 1 Roy, Raramohun, rajah, Indian scholar, 1774-1833. Miiller, P. M. in 920: 60 Royer-Collard, P: Paul, french statesman, 1763-1845. Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4: 1 Rubens, P: Paul, flemish painter, 1577-1640. Kett, C. W. 927.5:31 RubruQuis, G. de, see Ruysbroek. RUckert, :,' german poet. 178'.)-]860. Beyer, C. 928.3:70 Gostwlck, J. in 928.3 : B41 Taylor, B. in 824.1 : 78 Rude, Francois, french sculptor, 1784-1855. Hamerton, P. G. in 920.4 : 1 Rudolf von Habshurg, emperor of Germany, 1218-1391. Oertel, P. F. W. 923.3 : 36 Ruiter, Admiral de, see Ruyter. Rumford, Count, see Thompson, B . Runciman, Alexander, scotch pain- ter, 1736-1785. Cunningham, A. in 927.2:1 v4 Runeberg-, J: L:, Swedish poet, 1804-1877. Gosse, E. W. in 804: 2 Rupert, Prince, see Ruprecht. Ruprecht, prim ivm Bayer n, ger- man warrit)r, 1619 1683. Edgar, J. G. in x923.25 : 3 Warburton, E. 923.3:31 Rush, B:, amer. physician and states- man, 1745-1813. Moore, F. in 329.1:32 vl Ruskin, J :, english artist and author, h. 1819. Bayne, P. in 820.5: 1 vl in 820.5: 2 Tuthill, L. C. in 824.2: 79 Russell, J:, 4th duke of Bedford, english statesman, 1710-1771. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 in 923 : 2 v3 Russell, J: 1st earl KusscU, english statesman, 1813 187H. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Hlgginson, T. W. in 923.22 : 5 Smiles, 8. in 920: 26 Russell, Rachaol lady, born Wrio- thosley, wife of lord Vaughan, and afterivards of lord W: Russell, eng- lish author, 1836-1723. Crosland, C. in 920: 52 Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Russell, W:, general in the amer. revolutionary war. Grlswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Rustam, persian hero, alxiut 600 b. c. Lamartine, A. de. in 920: 19 vl Rutledgre, J:, chief justice of the U. S., 1789-1800. Flanders, H. in 923.14: 2 v2 Moore, F. i7i 329.1 : 32 vl Van Santvoord, G. in 923.14: 3 1653 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. Rux-Sch 1654 Buxton, G: F:, english traveler, 1820 -1848. Adams, W. H. D. m 923: 12 Ruysbroek, Guillaume de, flemish traveler and missionary, 1315-1356. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 vl Ruyter, Mlchiel Adriaanszon de, dutch admiral, 1(507-1676. Liefde, J. de. in 923.5: 42 Oertel, P. F. W. 923.5 : 63 Kyan, R:, the tlieatrical tailor. Doran, J. in 646: 6 Ryder, Sir Dudley, chief justice of England, 1691-17.'i6. Campbell, J. i 923.24: 2 v2 Ryn, Rembrandt van, see Rem- brandt. Sabina Jiigrer, see Haussmann, S. Sabran, Garsinde comtesse de, ajter- ward mme. de Boufflers, french letter-ivriter, 1750-1827. James, il.,Jr. in 928.4:1 Sachs, Hans, gertnan poet, 1494-1576. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926: 3 Sackville, C:, Gth earl of Dorset, english poet, 1637-1706. Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 tn928.2:4vl Sadoleto, Jaoopo, Italian cardinal aud author, 1477-1547. Stebbing-, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Sa-g-o-ye-wat-ha (eng. Keeper- Awake) or Red Jacket, chief of the Senecas, about 1759-1830. Egg-leston. E., and L. E. Seelye. 920.1:105 Hubbard, J. N. 920.1:116 Moore, F. in 329.1:32 vl Stone, W. L. 920.1 :106 St. Albans, Duchess of, see Beau- clerk, H. Saint Clair, Arthur, amer. general, 1735-1818. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69vl Headley, J.T. in 923.15: 70 v2 Smith, W. H. 329.1:40 Saint ilvremond, C: Margruetel de Saint Denis, sieur de, french author, 1613-1703. DesMaizeaux, P. in 840: 3 vl Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 St. Huberty, Anne Antoinette Ce- cile Clavel, afterward comtesse d'Entraigues, /rwcA actress and singer, 1756-1812. Clayton, E.G. in 927 -.6 St. John, Sir H:, viscount Boling- tyroke, english author, statesman and orator, 1678-1751. Bagrehot, W. in 920.2:1 Brougham, H. lord, in 923 :2 v2 in 923 :2v3 Life. tn 820.2: 18 Skelton, J. in 904: 25 Saint- Just, Antoine L: Leon de. french revolutionist, 1767-1794. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 :2 v2 in 923: 2 v3 Samt-Martin, L: Claude marquis de, french mystic, 1743-1803. Maecall, W. in 920: 59 v2 Saint-Pierre, C: Irenee Castel de, french priest and author, 1658-1743. Maceall, W. in 920: 69 vl Saint-Simon, L: de Rouvroi, due Ae, french writer and statesman, 1675-1755. Memoirs. 923.4:66 Collins, C.W. 923.4:65 Hayward, A. in 824.2 : 45 v2 Reeve, H. in 944 : 24 vl Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Saint-Vincent, Eari of, see Jer- vis, J : Sainte-Beuve, C: Augustin,/re/ic/i author, 1804-1869. Hillebrand, K. in 834 :22 v6 Jaequot, E. C. J. B. in 928.4:38 Mathews, W. in 844 : 2 Mauris, M. in 928.4 : 2 Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v 1 Sale, Florentia lady, heroine of Af- ghan war of 1838-42, d. 1853. Crosland, C. in 920: 52 Salisbury, Earl of, see Cecil, R. Salisbury, Marquis of, see Cecil, R. A. T. Sallet, F: v., german poet, 1812-1843. Biographische skizze. 928.8 : 23 Salm-Salm, Agnes, horn Leclerq, died a mrs. Heneage, prinzessin zu, 1840-1878. Ten years of my life. 923.3:12 Salviani, Ippolito, italian ichthyol- ogist, 1514-1573. Jardine, Sir W. in 590: 68 v29 Samarow, Gregor, pseud., see Me- dingr, J:F. M. O. Sand, George, pseiul., see Dude- vant, A. L. A. Sanderson, Robert, english author and bishop, 1.587-1663. Walton, I. in 922.2: 7 Sandford, D:, amer. clergyman, 1737-1810. Headley. J.T. in 922.1:2 Sands, Robert C:, amer. essayist and poet, 1799-1832. Memoir. in 820.1:6 vl Sandwith, Humphry, english phy- sican, 1823-1881. Ward, T. H. 926.2:27 Sankey, Ira D:, amer. revivalist, b. 1840. Clark, R.W. in 269: 2 Sannazaro, Jacopo, italian poet, 1458-1530. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Sansons, /renc?i executioners, 1688- 1847. Sanson, H. 923.4:61 Santi or Sanzio, see Raffaello Santi. Sarasvati, Dayananda, indian scholar and reformer, 1827-1888. Miiller, F. M. in 920:60 Sardou, Victorien, french dramatic author, b. 1831. Mauris, M. in 928.4: 2 Sarpi, P:. hnown as Fra Paolo, ital- ian author and theologian, 1552- 1623. Johnson, S. in 820.2:13 v2 Sarto, Andrea Vannucchi, called Andrea del, italian painter, 1488 -1530. Baxter, L. E. in 927. b : 6 Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Sartoris, Adelaide, birrn Kemble. english actress and author, 1816- 1879. Jameson, A. in 824.2 : 67 Saunders, Sir Edmund, chief jus- tice of England, d. 1683. Atrocious judges, in 923.24 : 4 Campbell, J. in 923.24: 2 v2 Saurin, Jacques, french protestant divine, 1677-1730. Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Sauzet, J: P: Paul, french atates- man, 1800-1876. Cormenin, L. M. vicomte de. in 923.4:1 Savagre, R:, english poet, 1697-1743. Johnson, S. in928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Tuckerman, H.T. in824.1:84 Savonarola, Glrolamo M: Fran- cesco Matteo, italian dominican reformer, 1452-1498. Cooke, F. E. in 920 : 65 Harford, J. S. in 927.5 : 1 6 Lessmann, D. in 839 : 8 v2 Oliphant, M. O. 920.6 : PI Ranke, F. L. v. in 904:36v40 Saxe, Hermann Maurice comtc de, marechal de France, 1696-17.50. Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Scarlatti, Alessandro, italian mu- sician, 1659-1725. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Scarlatti, Domenico, italian mxtsi- cian, 1684-1757. Keddie, H. in 927:12 Scarron, Paul abbe, french author, 1610-1660. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920:29 Schamyl, see Shamyl. Scharnhorst, Gerhardt J: D: v., Prussian general, 1756-1813. Schmidt-Weissenfels,E. 923.3 :1 1 Schenck, Robert Gumming, amer. general, b. 1809. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 SchefFer, Ary, dutch painter, 179,5- 1858. Q. in 920: 24 Schelling:, F: W: Joseph v., german philosopher, 1775-1854. Watson, J. 141:2 Schiller, Charlotte v., born v., Lengefeld, wife of F: v. Schiller, 1766-1826. Child, L.M. in 920:49 Schiller, J: Christoph F: v., gtr- man poet, 1759-1805. Boyesen, H. H. 928.3:10 in830:R153vl Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. in 824.2: 18 v2 in 831:109 Carlyle, T. in 824.2: 21 v2 De Quincey, T. in 928 : 2 Doring, H. 928.3:25 Duntzer, H. 928.3 : 45 Duyckinck, E. A. i920:B54vl Gostwick, J. in 928.3 : R41 Miiller, F. M. in 824.2 : 74 v3 Scherr.J. 928.3:24 Taylor, B. in 830.2: 5 Schlegrel, K: W: F: v., german au- thor, 1772-1829. Robertson, J. B. in 901 : 2 Schleiermacher, F: Ernst Daniel, german theologian, 1768-1^34. Schenkel, D. 922.3:21 Schnaase, C:, german art-critic, 1798-1875. Liibke, W. in 7094-23 v8 Schomburgrk, Sir Robert Her- mann, british consul at St. Do- mingo, naturalist and geographer, 1804-1865. Jardine. Sir W. in 590: 58 v30 Schopenhauer, Arthur, german philosopher, 1788-1860. Gwinner, W. 921.3:7 921.3:8 Hedge, F.H. in 104: 8 Hillebrand, K. in 834 :22 v2 SchrBder-Devrient, Wilhelmina. born Schroder, wife of K: A: Devrient, german singer, 1804-1860. Clayton, E.C. in 927: 5 Ferris. G. T. in 927 : 6 v2 Schubart, Christian F: Daniel, german author, 1739-1791. Strauss, D. F., ed. 836:16 Schubert, Franz P:, german com- poser, 1797-1838. Crowest, F. in 927:18 Ferris, G. T. in 927.3 : 5 Frost, H.F. 927.3:15 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Kreissle v. Heilborn. H. 927.3 :29 Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann, ger- man politician and reformer, 1808 -1883. Tuttle. H in 923.3:15 Schumann, Robert Alexander, german composer, 1810-1856. Crowest, F. in 927 : 1 8 Ehlert. L. in 780: 29 Ferris, G.T. in 927: 7 in 927.3: 5 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Maitland, J. A. F. 927.3 : 28 Wasielewski, W. J. v. 927.3 : 37 Schuyler, Catharine, born Van Rensselaer, wife of general Philip, 1735-180;}. Grant, A. 923.12:49 Schuyler, Philip, amer. general, 1733 -1804. Griswold, R.W. in 923.15: 69 vl Headley, J.T. in 923.15:70 vl Losslng, B.J. 923.15:62 1655 Sch-She BIOGRAPHY INDEX . 165(5 Schvrab, Gustav, german theologian and poet, 1792-1850. [Biographischeskizze.l 928.3:36 Schwartz, Christian F:, german missionary, 17261798. Distinguished men. in 920 : 33 v2 Yonge, C. M. in 922: 11 Scipio, Publius Cornelius, Afri- canus, roman commander, b. c. Herbert, H. W. in 923.6: 6 Scott, C:, amer. soldier and states- man, 1733-1820. Griswold, R. W. rn 923.15: 69 v2 Scott, D:, scotch painter, 1806-1849. Cheney, E. D. in 704 : 2 Scott, J:. 1st earl of Eldon, lord chancellor of England, 1751-1838. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 ; 2 v2 Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v7 Edgar, J. G. wx920:10 Hazlitt. W. w 824.2:48 Talfourd. T. N. in 824.2 : 90 Taylor. W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Twiss, H. 923.24:15 Scott, T:, evglish clergyman, 1747" 1821. Scott, J. 922.24:13 Scott, Sir Walter, scotch novelist and poet, 1771-1832. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 Allan. G. 928.2:119 Bisset, A. m 904: 34 Canning. A. S. G. 823.2: 2 Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 2 1 v4 Cunningham. A. 928.2:120 Distinguished men. in 920:33 v2 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R54 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920 : 41 Hazlitt. W. (/( 824.2:48 Hogg, J. 928.2:117 Hunnewell, .T. F in 914: 47 Lockhart. .1. G. 928.2:116 Macleod. X. D. 928.2 : 1 1 8 Mason, E.1\,ed. in 928.2 :215v2 Prescott, W. H. in 824.1:66 in 824.1:105 Rogers, S. in 920.2 : 6 Hossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Schmidt, J. 834:20vl Stephen. L. in 820.5:13 vl Talfourd. T. M. in 824.2 : 90 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2: 8 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Scott, Sir W:, baron Stowell. english jurist, 1745-1836. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Talfourd, T. N. in 824.2 : 87 Scott, Winfleld, amer. general, 1786- 1886. Memoirs. 923.16:34 Headley. J. T. 923.15:32 Mansfield, E. D. 923.16:33 Peterson, C. J. in 923.154-1 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Scrogrgrs, Sir W:, chief justice of England, d. 1683. Atrocious judges, in 923.24 : 4 Campbell, J. in 923.24: 2 v2 Scudder, D: Coit.rtmer. missionary, 1835-1862. Scudder, H.E. 922.15:12 Sedgw^ick, Catharine Maria, amer. author, 1789-1867. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: B64 v2 Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1:64 Selden, J:, english lawyer and states- man, 1584-1654. Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 vl Sel"wryn, G: H:, english wit and poli- tician, 1719-1791. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Semiramis, gueen of Assyria, about 1250 b. c. Hewitt, M.E. in 923:6 Jameson, A. in 923: 8 vl Sen, Keshub Chunrter, Indian re- former, 1838-1884. Miiller, F, M. in 920: 60 Seneca, Lucius Annasus, roman stoic philosopher, b. c. 5-a. d. 65. Goodrich. S. G. in x 920.6: 4 Sequard.C : E : Brown-, see Brown- Seauard . Scrgreant, J :, amer. jurist and states- man, 17T9-1852. Moore, F. in 329.1:32 v2 Serre, P: Fran5oi8 Hercule comte de. french orator and statesman, 1776-1824. Cormenin, L. M. vicomtede. in 923.4:1 Sertorius, Quintus, roman general, d. b. c. 72. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6:31 v3 Seton, Eliza Ann, founder of the sisters of charity in the IT. S., 1774- 1821. White, C.J. 922.12:3 Settembrini, L:, Italian author, 1812-1876. Hillobrand, K. in 834 : 22 v6 Sevigne, Marie, born de Rabutln- Chantal, mar guise de. french beau- ty and author, 1626-1696. Entertaining biogr. in 920 : 46 Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 : 25 Hayward. A. in 824.2 : 45 v2 Hunt, J. H.L. in 824.2: 55 v2 Lamartine, A. de. in 920:19 v3 Ritchie, A. I. 928.4:28 Russell, W. in 920:38 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 928.4: 3 Thomson, K. and J. ('. in 920: 28 Tuckerman. H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Sewall, S: amer. judge, 16.52 1730. Lodge. H.C. in 904: 35 Seward, W: H:, amer. statesman, 1801-1S72. Autobiography. 329.1 :15 vl Baker, G.E.. cri. 923.12:50 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 v2 Savage. J. in 923.1:20 Sowai-d memorial. 923.12:94 Seymour, Elizabeth, 1to7-n Percy, duchess of Somerset, 1665-1722. Jameson, A. in 923.2 : 4 Seymour, Horatio, amer. states- man. 1811-1886. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Savage, J. in 923.1:20 Seymour, W:, Ist marquis of Hert- fin-d, afterward duke of Somerset, d. 1660. Lewis, Lady M.T. in 923.2:6 v2,3 Sforza, Francesco Alessandro, see Francesco. Shaftesbury, Earl of, see Cooper, A. A. Shakspere, Anne, born Hathaway, wife of Shakspere, 1556-162:3. Holloway, L. C. in 920: 57 Shakspere, Mary, born Arden. mother of Shakspere. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Shakspere, W:, english dramatist, 1.564-1616. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 4 Arnold, C. 822.3:28 Barr, A. E. x 822.3: 53 Bowen, F. in 824.1:6 Campbell. J. 8223:29 Campbell. T. in 928.2:1 Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 20 in 824.2: 22 Clarke, C. and M. Cowden -. 822.3 :B31 Clarke, M. Cowden-. 822.3 : 1130 Coleridge, S. T. in 820.2 : 7 v4 Collier, J. P., ed. 822.3 : 79 De Quincey, T. in 928 : 2 Distinguished men. in 920:33 vl Dowden, E. 822.3 : 32 822.3:33 Dyer, T. F. T. 822.3 : 77 Emerson, R. W. i7i 920:12 Giles, H. 822.3:66 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920:41 Guizot, F. P. G. 822.3 : 34 Halliwell-Phllllpps, .T.O. 822.3 :71 822.3 :R72 Hamilton, N. E. S. A. 822.3 : 35 Hazlitt, W. 822.3:36 in 822.5:1 in 828.5:1. in 821.5:2 Heard, F.F. 822.3:74 Holmes, N. 822.3:37 Hudson, H.N. 822.3:38 822.3:68 Jameson, A. 822.3:39 Kellogg, A. O. 822.3:40 Lamb, C. x 8223: 50 Leighton, W. 822.3:54 Lowell, J. R. in 820.5 : 10 vl -- in 824.1: 105 Macdonald, G. in 824.2:98 Morgan, A. 822.3:52 822.3:56 Morgan, H.H. 822.3:41 Morris, G. S. in 921.2: 1 Muller, F. M. in 824.2 : 74 v3 Phipson, E. 822.3:78 Procter. B. W. in 824 2 : 77 vl Reed. H. in 821.5: 4 vl Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Riimelin, G. 822.3:94 Russell, W. in 920 : 37 Snider, D.J. 822.3:42 Stokes, H. P. 822.3:43 Swinburne. A. C. 822.3 : 44 Vining, E. P. 822.3:51 Vischer, F. T. in 834 : 25 vl Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 v2 in 820.5: 15 White, R. G. 822.3 : 93 Wilkes, G. 822.3:73 Wilson, D. 8223:45 Wordsworth, C. 822.3 : 47 Shaw, S:. amer. soldier and mer- chant. 1754-1794. Hunt, F. in 923. 18 : 1 v2 Shamyl-c^endi, Ben-Mohammod, Circassian warrior, 1796-1871. Mackie. J. M. 923.5:35 Shaw, T:, english clermiman and traveler, 1692-1751. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Sheffield, J:, 1st duke of Bticking- hamshirc, engliah poet, 1649-1721. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 - in 928.2: 4 v2 Shell, R: Lalor, irish orator and patriot, 1793-1861. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 MacNevin, T. in 329.2:19 Shelby, I:, amer. statesman and soldier, 1750-1826. Peterson. C. J. in 923.15: 3 Shelley, Mary WoUstonecraft, horn Godwin, english author, 1797-1851. Gilflllan. G. in 820.5: 8 v2 Shelley, Percy Bysshc, english poet, 1792-1822. De Quincey, T. in 820.5 : 24 Gilflllan, G. in 820.5: 7 vl Jeatfreson, J. C. 928.2:219 Macdonald. G. in 824.2 : 98 Mason, E.T.,efl. in 928.2: 215 v3 Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2 : 5 Shelley. J. Jrtdy. 928.2:123 Smith, G. B. 928.2:124 Symonds, J. A. 928.2:121 Todhunter, J. 821.5:6 Trelawne.y, E. J. 928.2: 125 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Whipple. E. P. in 820.5:14 vl Shenstone, W:, cnglixh poet, 1714- 1763. Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2 : 4 v4 Sherbrooke, Viscount, see Low^e, Robert. Sheridan, Frances, horn Chamber- laine, mother of R: B. Sheridan, 1724-1766. Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Sheridan, Philip H:, amer. general, b. 1831. Headley, P. C. x 923.16: 51 Sheridan, R: Brinsley Butler, irisli oratm- and dramatist, 1751-1816. Brougham, H. Und. in 923 : 2 vl Moore, T. 928.2:126 1657 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. She-Sou 1658 Oliphant, M. O. 928.2:178 Kae, W. F. in 923.22: 49 Russell, W. i;i923:37 Taylor, W.C. in 920.2: 8 Thomson, K. mid J. C. in 920: 29 Whipple, E. P. w 820.5:14 v2 Sherman, Rogrer, nmcr. statesman, 1731-1793. Distinguished shoemakers. 17(926:3 Famous boys. r/i x 920:32 Seymour, C. C. 13. (h920:25 Sherman, W: Teoumseh, anvr. general, b. 1830. Memoirs. 923.15:35 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 : R54 v2 Headley, P. C. x 923.15: 50 Wilson, J. G. m 923:19 Sherwood, Mary Martha, born Butt, english author, 1775-1851. Kelly, S. 928.2:127 Shields, James, amer. general and politician, 1810-1879. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15-1-1 Shore, J:, 1st baron Teignmouth, gov- ernor-general of India, 1751-1834. Edgar, J.G. in x 920:11 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, english ad- miral, 1650-1707. Distinguished shoemakers. in 926: 3 Edgar, J. G. in x 923.25 : 3 Sibbald, Sir Robert, scotch physi- cian and naturalist, 1641-fl!6<. 1733. Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v22 Sibylla of Cleves, electress of Saxony, 1510-1554. Chapman, W. in 922 : 1 3 Siddons, Sarah, born Kemble, eng- lish actress, 1755-1831. Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 vl Jameson, A. in 824.2 : 58 Russell, A. P. i)i 824.1:113 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Sidney, SirPhilip, english gentleman, soldier and author, 1554-1586. Adams, W. H. D. in x 920.2 : 4 Crosley, J. Davis, Mrs. S. M. Hazlitt, W. Whipple, E. P. Siemens, Sir W: 183:5-1883. Jeans, W. T. Sieveking:, Amalia Wilhelmine, german philanthropist, 1794-1859. Gray, E. C. in 920: 14 Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph comtede, known as abbe Sieyes, french states- man, 1748-1836. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 in 923 : 2 v3 Signorelli, Luca, Italian painter, 1440-1531. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Sigourney, Lydia Howard, born Huntley, am^r. author, 1791-1865. Letters of life. 928.1:37 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :B,54 vl Huntington, B. B. in 920 : 50 Silliman, B:, omer. scientist, 1779- 1864. Fisher, G. P. 925.1:5 Simms, W: Gilmore, amer. author, 1806-1870. Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Simon, Jules Francois Suisse, called Jules, irench statesman and a%i- thor,b.'ldU. Daudet, E. in 920.4 : 3 v2 King, E. in 923.4: 2 Simonde de Sismondi, J: C: Leonard, swiss historian, 1773- 1842. Alison, -Sir A. in 824.2:124 v3 Roscoe, T. in 850.1 :1 vl Simpson, T:, englith arctic discoverer, 1808-1840. Simpson, A. 923.29:12 Sims, G: Robert, english dramatist, b. 1847. Archer, W. in 928.2:183 in 923.22: 51 928.2:128 in 822.5:1 in 820.5:15 english scientist, in 926.2 : 33 Sims, James Marion, amer. surgeon and writer, 1813-1883. Story of my life. 926. 1 : 3 Simson, Martin E:, german jurist and statesman, b. 1810. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Simson, Robert, scotch mathemati- cian, 1687-1768. Brougham, H./ord. in 920: 46 vl Sinclair, J:, called master of Sin- clair, scotch Jacobite, d. 1750. Thomson, K. in 923.22 :77 vl Sinclair, Sir J :, scotch statesman and philanthropist, 1754-1835. Sinclair, C. in 920: 46 Sismondi, see Simonde de Sis- mondi. Skelton, Philip, Irish clerqyman and author, 1707-1787. Burdv, S. in 922.2 : 8 v2 Skobelef, Mikhail Dmitriyevitch, russian general, 1843-1883. Forbes, A. in 829.2 : 66 Nemirovitch-Dantchenko, V. I. 923.5:58 Novikof, O. 923.5:48 Slater, S:, amer. cotton manufac- turer, 1768-1835. Howe, H. in 926 : 2 Hunt, F. in 923. 1 8 : 1 vl White, G.S. 926.1:7 Slidell, J:, am^r. lawyer and politi- cian, 1793-1871. Savage, J. in 923.1: 20 Sloane, Sir Hans, irish botanist, phy- sician and traveler, 1660-1752. Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v6 Slocum, Slocumb or Slocomb fa- mily. Slocum, C. E. 929.1-1-12 Smallvrood, W:, amer. general, d. 1793. Griswold,R.W. in 923.15: 69 vl Smeaton, J:, english civil engineer and mechanic, 1734-1793. Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Smiee, Alfred, english surgeon and scientific writer, 1818-1877. Odling, E. M. 925.2:15 Smellie, W:, scotch naturalist, 1740- 1795. Jardine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v24 Smith, Adam, scotch political-econo- mist, 1733-1790. Bagehot, W. i?i 9202:1 Brougham, H. lord, in 920: 45 v2 Denslo w, V. B. in 92 1 : 1 Edgar, J. G. injc 920 : 1 1 Farrer, J. A. 192:5 Stewart. D. in 191-F8 vlO Smith, Cotton Mather, amer. clergy- man, 1731-1806. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 .2 Smith, Edmund, english poet, 1688- 1710. Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2 : 4 v2 Smith, Gerrit, amer. philanthropist, 1797-1874. Frothlngham, O. B. 923.12:61 Smith, Capt. J :, founder of Vir- ginia, 1579-1681. Armstrong, W. C. 923.15:37 Entertaining biogr. in 920 : 46 Hillard, G. S. in 923.1 : 21 v2 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Simms, W.G. 923.15:36 Warner, CD. 923.15:38 Smith, Mary Lilian Hochfort-, eng- lish Shakspere-scholar, 1861-188i!. Furnival, F. J. 928.2:199 Smith, Persifor Frazer, amer. gene- ral, 1798-1858. Peterson. C. J. in 923.15-fl Smith, S. Theyre, english dramatist, living. Archer, W. in 928.2: 183 Smith, S:, amer. general, 1753-1839. Peterson, C. J. ii 923.15: 3 Smith, Sydney, english clergyman, wit and author, 1771-1845. Eminent men. in 820.5 : 4 GllflUan, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Hayward, A. in 824.2 : 46 vl Holland, S. /adj^. 922.23:17 Mason.E.T.,rf. in 928.2: 215 v4 Reid, S.J. 92223:30 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920 : 29 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1:84 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5: 14 vl Smith, Sir T:, english statesman and scholar, 1513-1577. Belknap, J. in 923.1 : 8 v2 Smith, W:, english geologist, 1769- 1839. Duncan, P. M. in 925 : 4 Smithson, JamesLewis Macey, eng- lish chemist and scientific writer, d. 1829. Irby, J. R. McD. in 506 :B4 v21 Johnson, W. R. in same. Rhees. W. J. in same. Smollett, Tobias G :, english histori- an, novelist and critic, 1731-1771. Gary, H. F. in 928.2 : 2 Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Smyth, Anne, born Jiechev, former- ly mrs. Thackeray, mother of W: M. Thackeray, b. 1793. Holloway, L. C. in 920: 57 Snelus, G: James, english iron-wor- ker, b. 1837. Jeans, W. T. in 926.2 : 23 Sobieski, John, see Jan Sobieski. Sokrates (lat. Socrates), greek phi- losopher, about b. c. 470-399. Goodrich, 3. G. in x 920.6: 4 Lamartine, A. de. in 920: 19 v2 Lord, J. in 904: 31 vl Xenophon. 921.6:2 Solon, atheman law-giver, about b. c. Cox, -sir G. W. in 923-6 : 28 Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 vl Somers, Sir G:, english sailor, d. 1610. Belknap, J. in 923.1 : 8 v2 Somers, J:, baron Somers of Eve- sham, lord-chancellor of England, 16.50-1716. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v4 Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 vl Somerset, Duchess of, see Sey- mour, E. Somerset, Buke of, see Seymour, W: Somerville, Mary, born Fairfax, formerly ?nrs. S: Greig, scotch scientist, 1780-1872. Adams, W. H. D. in 920 : 66 in 928.2: 212 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920 :R54 v2 Gray, E.G. in 920:14 Johnson, S. in 928.2: 4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Sonnemann, Leopold, german poli- tician, b. 1831. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Sontag', Henriette, afterwards com- tesse de Rossi, german singer, 1805- 1854. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 6 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 vl Sophia Dorothea of Zell, queen of Otorge I, 1666-1736. Doran, J. W. i?i 923.21:33 vl Sophia, see also Sofiya and Zosia. Sophie, electress of Hanover, 1630- 1714. Strickland, A. in 923.21 :36 v8 Sophokles (lat. Sophocles), greek tragic poet, b. c. 495-405. Campbell, L. 882:8 Collins, C.W. 882:7 Soto, Hernando de, Spanish explorer, 1.500-1543. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.5:78 Adams, W.H.D. in x 923:14 Belknap, J. in 923.1:8 vl Shipp, B. 971.1:1 Soult, N: J: de Dieu, due de Dalma- tie, marechal de France, 1769-1851. Lomenie, L. L. de. 920.4:2 Sou-Str BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1660 South, Robert, english clergyman, 1633-1716. Mathews, W. in 824.1:56 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Southampton, Earls of, see Wri- othesly. Southesk, Countess of, see Carne- g-ie, A. Southey, Robert, english poet, 1774- 184.S. Browne, C. T. Cottle, J. Dowden, E. Ed^ar, J. G. Gilflllan, G. Hazlltt, W. 928.2:131 928.2:44 928.2:129 1HX 920:11 1)1820.5:7 vl m 824.2: 48 Mason, B.T.,ed. /i 928.2:215 v3 Reed. H. ih 821.5:4 v2 Southey, C.C. 928.2:130 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Whipple. E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Souza-Botelho, Adelaide Marie Emilie. born Filleul, marquise de. french novelist, 17(51-] 836. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. mi 928.4 : 3 Sparks, Jared, amer. historian, 178it Powell. T. m 928.1:3 Speed, J:, english historian, 1.").50- 1629. Doran, J. lu 646 : 6 Spencer, Anne, horn Dijfby, coun- tess of Sunderland, d. 1715. Jameson, A. M. in 923.2 : 4 Spencer, G:, Father Ignatius of St. Paul, english roman - catholic priest, superior of the order of passionists, 1799-1864. -pius. Father. 922.22:3 Spencer, Herbert, english philoso- pher and writer, b. 1830. Denslow, V. R. in 921 :1 McCosh,.!. fjjl04:7v2 Morris, G.S. m 921.2:1 Quick, R. H. in 371: 15 Spencer, J: C:,:idearl Spencer, eng- lish statesman, 1782-1845. Bagehot, W. in 920.2:1 Spencer, .Joseph, am^r. general, 1714 -1789. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 vl Spenser, Edmund, english poet, ].55.'i -1599. 928.2:132 (i811:3 821.5:8 m 828.5:1 tn 821.5:2 821.5:9 m 820.5:10 v2 in 921.2:1 m 821.5:4 vl in 928.2: 5 i7i 820.5:15 german author, b. in 834: 20 v3 Church. R. W. Dobson, W. T. Hart, .1. S. Hazlitt. W. Hitchcock, E. A Lowell. J. R. Morris, G. S. Reed, H. Rossetti, W. M. Whipple, E. P. Spielhagren, F:. 1839. Schmidt, J. Spinoza, originally Espinoza, Ba- ruch (latin lienedictus) de, dutch philosop/ier, 1633-1677. Arnold, M. in 824.2: 3 Froude, J. A. in 824.2 :42 vl Knight. W.. d. 921.3:4 Maccall. W. in 920: 59 vl Martineau, J. 921.5:2 Spohr, L:, german composer, 1784- 1859. Ferris, G.T. in 927: 7 Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Spontini, GasparoL: Paciflco. Ital- ian composer, 1774-18.51. Ferris, G. T. in 9275 : 34 Keddie, H. in 927:12 Spra^ue, C:, amer. poet, 1791-1875. Whipple, E. P. in 820.5 : 14 vl Sprat, T:, english poet, 1636-1718. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v2 Spring:, Gardiner, am^r. clergyman and author, 1785-1873. Personal reminiscences. 922.14:6 Spring:, S:, amer. clergyman, 1746- 1819. Headley, J. T. in 922.1:2 Spurg:eon, C: Haddon, english prea- cher, b. 1834. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22 : 1 Mathews, W. in 824. 1:56 Sketch. 922.26:7 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Gcr- maine, born Necker, baronne de, french author, 1766-1817. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 in 824.2:124 v3 Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Child, L.M. 928.4:29 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: R54 vl Entertaining biogr. in 920: 46 Goodrich, S. G. in x 923 :25 Lord. J. in 904: 31 v5 Russell. W. in 920: 38 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. in 928.4 : 3 Stevens, A. 928.4: 30 Stahr, Fanny, horn Lowald, german author, b. 1811. Meinc lebensgcschichte. 928.3 :37 Stampa, Gaspara, Venetian poet, 153:5-15.5;^. Benson. E. 928.5:11 Standish, Uai)t. Miles, puritan sol- dier, about 1584-1656. Abbott, J. S.C. 923.15:39 Belknap, J. in 923.1:8 v3 Stanhope, iMdy Elizabeth, born Dormer, countess of Chesterfield, 1640-1665. Jameson, A. M. in 923.2 : 4 Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy, eng- lish traveler, 1776-18;j9. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Goodrich, 8. G . in x 923 : 25 Madden, R. R. 923.22:78 Russell, W. in 920: 38 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of (Jliester field, english statesman and author, 1694-1773. Adams, C. F. in 824.1 :106 Life. in 826.2:12 Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Tuckerman, H. T. in 824. 1 : 84 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, english rteriiyman, 181.5-1881. Bradley, G.G. 922.23:24 Oliver. G. A. 922.23:32 Stanley, E: Geoffrey, 14th earl of Derby, english statesman, orator and author, 1799-1869. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Mackenzie, R. S. in 883 : 2 Stanley, E: H:. 15th earl of Derby, english statesman, b. 1836. Higkinson. T. W. in 923.22 : 6 Stanley, H: Morton, (originally ,1 -. Rowlands), arner. traveler in Afri- ca, b. 1840. Bolton, S. K. in 920.1 : 13 Rowlands. C. 923. 19:11 Stanton, Elizabeth, born Cady, amer. reformer, b. 1816. Tilton,T. in 920: 50 Stark, J:, amer. general, 1738-1833. Everett, E. in 923.1:21 vl Griswold, R.W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Headley, J . T. in 923. 1 5 : 70 vl Steele, SirK-., Irish essayist and dra- matist, 1671-1739. Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Steen, J : Havicksz, dutch painter, 1626-1679. Gower, Lord R. C. in 927.5 : 27 Stein, Charlotte Albertine Ernes- tine v., born v. Schardt, 1743-1837. Diintzer, J. H. J. 928.3 : 67 Stein, H: F: K: reichsfreiherr von und zu, Prussian statesman, 1757- 1831. Arndt, E. M. 923.3:30 Pertz, G. H. 923.3: 26 Soeley, J. R. 923.3:13 Stendhal, pwi^rf., see Beyle, M. H: Stephen, Adam, amer. general, d. 1791. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, amer. statesman, 1813-1883. Bolton, S. K. in 920. 1:13 Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Cleveland, H. 923.12 : 52 Johnston, R. M.,awd W. H. Browne. 923.12:93 Savage, J. in 923.1:20 Stephens, Catherine, see Capell, Catherine. Stephens, Linton, amer. judge, 1833- 1873. Waddell, J. D.. ed. 923. 14 : 5 Stephenson, G:, english engineer, 1781-1848. Clarke. F. L. x 926.2 : 26 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 vl Eminent men Lewis, T. C. Seymour, C. C. B. Smiles, S. Stephenson, Robert, 7ie)-, 180;M859. Smiles, S. Stepney, G ; Johnson, S )/( 820.5: 4 in 926.2 : 5 in 920: 25 926.2:13 english engi- Sterlingr, J: Carlyle, T. Gilflllan, G. Hale, C. Smiles, S. in 920: 26 emli^h pix't. ir)(i3-1707. in 928.2:4 iJi928.2:4 vl english poet, 1806-1844. in 928.2: 133 in 820.5: 8 v2 in S 5001 in 920: 26 Stern, Daniel, pseud., see Ag:oult, Comtesse d'. Sterne, Lawrence, irish humorist and author, 1713-1708. Hillebrand, K. in 834: 22 v3 Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2 : 8 Tuckerman, H. T. i)i 824.1: 84 Steuben, P: W: A : freiherr v., prus- sia7i general in the amer. revolu- tion, 17;}0-1794. Bo wen, F. in 923.1: 21 v9 Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 v2 Headley. J. T. in 923.15: 70 vl Kapp, F. 923.15:40 Stevens, Thaddeus, amer. states- man, 1793-1868. Callendor, E. B. 923.12: 82 Memorial addresses. 923.12: 53 Stewart, Dugald, scotch phiJoso- t)her, 1753-1838. Veitch, J. in 191+8 vlO Stewart, Ferdinand Campbell, amer. physician, h. 1815. Francis, S. W. in 926. 1 : 2 Stewart, Robert, 2d marquis of Londonderrij, british statesman, 1769-1833. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Stig:and, saxon prelate, d. 1069. Adams. W. H. D. x920.2 : 3 Stiles, Ezra, amer. clerguman, 1737- 1795. Headley, J. T. in 922.1 : 2 Kingsley, J. L. in 923.1:22 v6 Stirling:, Lord, see Alexander, W : Stockmar, Christian V: freiherr v., german physician atul statesman, 1787-186;}. Smith, G. in 824.2 -F94 Storace, Anna Selina, called Nancy, english singer, 1766-1817. Clayton, E.C. in 927 -.6 Story, Joseph, amer. jurist, 1779- 1845. Howland, F. Mathews, W. Moore, F. Story, W. W. Sumner, C. in 923.12: 66 in 824.1:56 in 329.1: 32 v2 923.14:6 in 329.1:36 v2 Stow, J:,cn(jlih antiquary, 1535 1()0.'>. Doran, J. (/( 646 : 6 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth, liorn Beecher. nmer. author. Ii. 1S12. Duyckinck. E. A. in 920 : 1154 v2 Parker. E. P. in 920 : 50 Stowell, Baron, see Scott, W : Stradella, Alessandro, Italian composer, 1645-1679. Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Strafford, Earl of, see Went- worth, T: 1661 B10GRA1HY INDEX . Str-Ter Strauss, D : F: , german Oieologian, 1808-1874. Pressense, E. de. in 920 : 23 Vischer, F. T. in 834 : 25 v2 Zeller.E. 928.3:48 Strongr, Caleb, governor of Massa- cfimetts, 1745-1819. Lodge, H.C. in 904:35 Strozzi, rilippo,/lore7itM?e8ta(esman and general, 1488-1538. Ranke, F. L. v. in 904 : 36 v40 Struensee, Greve J: F:, danish statesman, 1737-1773. Munter. B. 923.5:59 Stuart, Lady Arabella, daughter of C: earl of Lennox, wife of W: Sey- mour marquis of Hertford, 1575- 1615. Strickland, A. in 923.21:56 Stuart, C: E:, see Charles Ed- wrard Stuart. Stuart, Frances Theresa, horn Stu- art, duchess of Richmond, d. 1702. Jameson, A. M. in 923.2 : 4 Stuart, Gilbert C:, amer. painter, 1754-1828. Tuckerman, H . T. in 937. 1:16 Stuart, James, earl of Murray, 1535 -1570. Stephen, C. E. in 923 : 30 Stuart, Margaret, Tiom Doug-las, wife of the 4th earl of Lennox, 1515 -1577. Strickland, A. in 923.21:35 v2 Stuyvesant, P:, dutch governor of New York, 1602-1682. Abbott, J. S. C. 923.12:54 Suckling, Sir J:, cnglish poet, about 1608-1642. Hazlitt, W. i?i 828.5:1 Sue, Marie Joseph, called Eugene, french novelist, 1804-1857. Miller, H. i/i 824.2: 71 Sueno, see Svend. Suffolk, Duchess of, see Brandon, Catharine. Sulla or Sylla, Lucius Cornelius, roman general, b. c. 188-78. Herbert. H. W. in 923.6 : 6 Plutarchos. i?i 923.6:16 in 923.6: 31 v3 Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour, english composer, h. 1842. Keddle, H. in 927: 12 Sullivan, J:, amer. general, 1740- 1795. Griswold, K. W. in 923.15: 69 vl Headley, J.T. in 923.15: 70 v2 Peabody, O. W. B. in 923.1 : 22 v3 Sully, T:, amer. painter, 1783-1873. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1: 16 Sumarokof, Aleksandr Piotro- vltch, russian author, 1718-1777. Turner, C E. in 897 : 7 Summerfield, J:, methodist clergy- man, 1798-1825. Waterbury, J. B. in 922 : 8 Sumner, C:, amer. statesman, 1811- 1874. Pelrce, E. L. 923.12:55 Sumner, Jethro, amer. revolution- ary general. Griswold, R. W. in 923 . 1 5 : 69 v 1 Sumter, T:, amer. general, 1734-ia32. Griswold, R. W. in 928.15 : 69 v2 Hartley, C. B. in 923.15: 23 Sunderland, Countess of, see Spen- cer, A. Suvorof-Rimnikskii, P: Alexei Vasilievitch graf, kuiaz Italiikil, russian general, 1729-1800. Entertaining biogr. in 920 : 46 Wilson, J. G. in 923: 19 Svend I Tveskioig, king of Denmark and England, d. 1014. Edgar. J. G. in x923.25 : 3 Svetchin, Anna Soflya, born Soi- monof, russian author, 1782-1857. Belloc, B. R. in 920: 22 Pontmartin, A. de. in 928.4 : 38 Swammerdam, Joannes, dutch nat- uralist and physician, 1637-1680. Naturalist's libr. in 590: 58 v34 Swedenborg:, Emanuel, Swedish naturalist and thcosophist, 1688- 1773. Denslow, V. B. in 921: 1 Emerson, R. W. i/i 920:12 Worcester, B. 922.5:19 Svretchine, S., see Svetchin. S-weyn, see Svend. S-wift, Jonathan, Irish dean and satirist, 1667-1745. Coan, T. M., ed. Hazlitt, W. Johnson, S. i)i920:53 in 828.5:1 in 821.5: 2 in 928.2:4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Lecky, W. E. H. in 923.22 : 7 Roscoe, T. in 820.2: 21 vl Thackeray, W. M. in 928.2: 8 Swinburne, Algernon C:, cnglish poet. b. 1837. Lowell, J. R. in 824. 1 : 55 Stedman, E. C. in 82 1 .5 : 5 Swisshelm, Jane Grey, txirn Can- non, amer. author and reformer, 1816-1884. Half a century. 928. 1 : 47 Sybel, H: v., german historian, b. 1817. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Suydenham, T:, english physician, 1634-1689. Johnson, S. in 820.2 : 13 v2 Sylla, see Sulla. Tacitus, Caius Cornelius, roman historian, b. about 55. Donne, W. B. 879:3 Tadema, L. Alma-, see Alma-Ta- dema, L. Tai-Ping-Wangr, see Tien-Te. Talne, Hippolyte Adolphe, french author, b. 1828. Hillebrand, K. in 834:22 v4 Tait, Catherine, born Spooner, wife ofarchbp. rai<, 1819-1878. Gray,E. C. in 920:14 Talbot, C:, lord chancellor of Eng- land, 1684-1737. Campbell, J. in 923.24 : 1 v4 Talbot, Frances, born Jennings, afterward countess Hamilton duch- ess of Tyrconnel, 1648-1730. Jameson, A. in 923.2: 4 Talfourd, T: Noon, english dramat- ist, essayist and lawyer. 1795-1854. Tuckerman, H. T. in 804: 3 v2 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 vl Talleyrand-Perigrord, C: Maurice de, prince de Benevent, french statesman, 1754-1838. Brougham, H. l/nxl. in 923 : 2 v2 Bulwer, Sir H. L. E. in 923 : 3 vl Everett, E. in 824. 1 : 28 McHarg, C. K. 923.4:67 Rogers, S. in 920.2 : 6 Smith, G. B. in 923 : 28 Taney, Roger Brooke, chief justice of the U. S., 1777-1864. Tyler, S. 923.14:10 Van Santvoord, G. in 923.14: 3 Tasso, Bernardo, italian poet, 1493- 1569. Stebbi ng, H . in 928 . 5 : 2 v2 Tasso, Torquato, italian poet, 1544- 1595. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2: 124 v3 Distinguished men. in 920:33 vl Dobson,W. T. Ui 811:3 Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v4 Tassoni, Alessandro, italian poet and critic. 1565-1635. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v3 Tausig:, C:, german composer, 1841- 1871. Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Tavemier, J: Baptiste, frcnchtrav- eler, 1603-1686. St. John, J. A. in 923:11 vl Taylor, Ann, english author, d. 18;%). Gray, E. C. in 920: 14 Taylor, Bayard, amer. traveler and poet, 1835-1878. Conwell.R. H. 928.1:38 Q. in 920: 24 Stedman, E. C. in 821.5:18 Taylor, M., and H. E. Scudder. 928.1:70 Taylor, Sir H:, english author, b. 1800. Autobiography. 928.2:218 Taylor, I:, english author, 1787-1865. Gilflllan, G. in 820.5 : 8 v2 Taylor, 1: E., amer. physician, ft. 1813. Francis, S. W. in 926.1:2 Taylor, Jane, english author, 1783- 1824. Taylor, I. 922.24:14 Taylor, Jeremy, english bishop and author, 1613-1667. Adams, W. H. D. in 922.2 : 3 Heber, R. 922.23:18 Rogers, H. in 200:14 vl Taylor, J:, english writer. 1666-1733. Records of my life. 928.2:134 Personal reminiscences. in 927.2:17 Taylor, P: Alfred, english liberal politician, b. 1819. Davidson, J. M. in 923.22:1 Hinton, R. J. in 923.22 : 6 Taylor, Zachary, 12th president of the V. S., 1784-1850. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15-1-1 Tecumseh, chief of the Shawnees, about 1770-1813. Drake,]?. 920.1:107 Moore, F. in 329. 1 : 32 v2 Teig-nmouth, Baron, see Shore, J: Tell, W:, Swiss mythical hero, d. 1350. Goodrich, S. G. in x 920: 39 Lamartine, A. de. in 920 : 1 9 v3 Rochholz, E. L. 949.2:6 Temple, Emily Mary, born Lamb. ividow of 5th earl Cowper, wife of M viscount Palmerston, i922.2:3 Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 vl Froude, J. A. in 824. 1 : 42 v4 Lord, J. in 904: 31 v2 Milman.H. H. 922.22:4 Thomas a Kempi^, (germ. Homer- ken or Hammerlein, latin Mal- leolus), german canon, abbot andauthrrr. 1880-1471. Kettlewell, S. 922.3:12 Thomas Affuinas, St., scholastic teacher, about 1225-1374. Lord, J. in 904: 31 v2 Thomas, C: L: Ambrolse, french composer, b. 1811. Keddie, H. in 927 -.12 Thomas, G: H:, amer. general, 1816 -1870. Garfield, J. A. in 329.1 :41 vl Johnson, K.W. 923.15:41 Van Home, T. B. 923.15:56 Thomas, J:, amer. general, 1735- Griswold, K. W. in 923.15:69 v2 Headley, J. T. in 923.15: 70 v2 Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist, english metallurgist, b. 1850. Jeans, W. T. in 926.2 : 23 Thompson, B:, count Rumford, amer. statesman and natural- philosopher, 1753-1814. Kenwick, J. in 923.1:22 v5 Seymour, C C. B. in 920:25 Thompson, W:, amer. general, d. 178 i. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15: 69 vl Thomson, James, english poet, 1700- 1748. Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 in 821.5: 2 Hunt, J. H.L. in 824.2:55 v2 Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2:4 v4 Nicolas. Sir H. in 821.2 : 169 Rossetti, W. M. in 928.2:5 Tuckerman, H. T. in 821.5: 7 Thorburn, Grant, amer. seedsman and author, 1773-1863. Forty years. 928.1:40 Thoreau, H: D:, amer. naturalist and author, 1817-1863. ChanniuK, W. E. 928. 1:39 Lowell, J. R. i)i 824.1:55 Stevenson, R. L. in 824.2 : 1 08 Thorwaldsen, Albert called Ber- tel, danish sculptor, 1770-1844. Cobb, J. F. in x920 : 44 Edgar, J. G. in x920 : 1 Palgrave, F. T. in 704 : 4 Plon. E. 9275:33 Thrale, Mrs., see Piozzi, H. L. Throckmorton or Throgmorton, Sir N:, english diplomatist, 1513- 1571. Criminal trials. in 345.2 : 3 vl Thukydides Hat. Thucydides), greek historian and general, b. c. 471-401. Collins, W.L. 889:2 Thurlovr, E:. 1st baron Thurlow, english lord-chancellor, 17;K-1806. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 vl Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 v5 Roscoe, H. in 923.24 : 8 v2 Thurman, Allen G., amr. statesman, b. 1818. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Tibaldeo, Antonio, italian physi- cian and poet, 1456 or 146:1-1587. Stebbing:, H. in 928.5 : 2 vl Tibullus, Albius, roman poet, b. c. 5.5-18. Davies, J. 874 : 4 Tickell, T:, english poet, 1686-1740. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v3 Ticknor, G :, amer. scholar and au- thor, 1791-1871. Hillard, G. S., ed. Life. 928.1 : 41 Tieck, J: L:, german poet and nov- elist, 1773-1853. Carlyle, T. in 824.2: 21 vl Friesen, H. frelherr v. 928.3 : 60 Tien-Te or Tai-Ping-Wang, Chinese rebel chief. 1813-1864. Mackie, J.M. 923.5:45 Tierney, G:, english statesman, 1761- 1830. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 v2 Tietjens or Titiens, Theresa Jo- hanna Caroline, hungarian singer, 1834-1877. Clayton, E. C. in 927: 6 Ferris, G.T. in 927: 6 v2 Timoleon, tyrant of Syracuse, about b. c. 400-337. Plutarchos. in 923.6:16 923.6: 31 v2 Tindale, W:, see Tyndale, W: Tinne, Alexandrine Petronella Francina, dutch traveler, iaS,5-]869. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 :22 in 923:12 Wells, W. x923.5:e9 Tintoretto, Giacomo Bobusti, called, italian painter, 1512-1594. Jameson, A. in 927.6 : 3 Osier, W.K. 927.6:21 Titian, see Tiziano. Titiens, Theresa, see Tietjens. Tiziano Vecelli or Vecellio, ital- ian painter, 1477-1576. Crowe, J. A., and G. B. Cavalca- selle. 927.5:49 Eastlake, E. kidy. in 927.5 : 47 Heath. R.F. 9275:22 Jameson, A. in 824.2 : 57 in 927.5:3 Sweetser, M. F. 927.5 : 23 Tocqueville, Alexis C : H : Clerel Ae. french statesman and author, 1805-1859. Memoirs. 928.4:31 Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 1 24 v3 Reeve, H. in 944 :24 v2 Todd, J :. amer. clergyman. 1800-1873. Todd, J. E., ec?. 923.15:13 Tofts, Katherine, afterwards mrs. Smith, english vocalist, d. 1770. Clayton, E.C. in 927: 5 Tomes, Robert, amer. physician, b. 1816. My college days. 926.1:8 Tommaseo, N :, italian writer and revolutionist, 1803-1874. Hillebrand, K. in 834 : 22 v2 Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth, born Brown, english author. 1792-1846. Tonna, L. H. J. 928.2:138 Tooke, J : Home, eiiglish %)hilnlogist and politician, 1786-1812. Brougham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Foster, J. in 824.2 : 39 Hazlitt, W. in 824.2 : 48 Rogers, S. in 920.2: 6 Tuckerman, H. T. in 804 : 3 v2 Totten, Joseph Gilbert, amer. gen- eral, 1788-1864. Peterson, C.J. in 923. 15-f-l Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, french botanist, 1656-1708. Duncan, P. M. in 925 : 4 St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Touro, Jiulah, (unn: merchant and phiUnitln-opist, 1765-1854. Hunt. K. in 923.18:1 v2 Toussaint Liouverture, .sec Lou- verture. Towson, Nathan, amer. general, 1784-1854. Peterson. C. J. in 923.15: 3 Tracy, Uriah, amer. statesman, 1755 -1807. Moore, F. in 329.1:32 vl Treitschke, Hermann Gotthard v., german liistorian, li. liSU. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Trenck, F: freiherr v. der, pmsxian officer, 1726-1794. Lebensgeschlchte. 923.3:14 Life. 923.3:14 Tresilian, Robert, english chief- justice, d. 1816. Atrocious judges. in 923.24:4 Trimble, Robert, amer. jurist, 1777- 1828. Story. J. in 824.1: 77 Trimble, W: A., amr. soldier and senator, 1T86-1821. Campbell, J. W. in 923.1:4 Trimmer, Sarah, born Kirby, eng- lish author, 1741-1810. Life. 928.2:147 Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio, Italian poet and diplomatist, 1478-1.550. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Trollope, Anthony, english novelist, 1815-1883. Autobiography. 928.2:176 Trollope, Frances Eleanor, born Milton, english author, 1779-1803. Adams, W. H. D. in 923 : 22 Holloway, L. C. in 920 : 57 Q. in 920: 24 Tromp, Cornells Martenszoon, dutch admiral, 1629-1691. Liefde, J. de. in 923.5:42 Tromp, Marten Harpertzoon, dutch admiral, 1597-1653. Liefde, J. de. in 923.6 : 42 1665 BIOGRAPHY INDEX . Tru-Wag Trublet, N:C: Joseph, trench au- thor, 1697-1770. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 v2 Trumbull, B:, armr. clergyman, 1735 1820. Headley, J. T. m 922.1:2 Trumbull, J:, amer. colonel and painter, 1756-3843. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1: 16 Trumbull, Jonathan, sen., governor of Connecticut, 1710-1785. Stuart, I. W. 923.12:57 Truro, Baron, see Wilde, Sir T: Tullibardine, Marquis of, see Mur- ray, W: Turenne, H: de La Tour d'Au- vergrne, vicfrmte de, marechal de France, 1611-1675. Wilson, J. G. in 923: 19 Turgrenief, Ivan Sergeievitch, rus- sian author, 1818-1883. James, H:, jr. in 928.4:1 Schmidt, J. in 834:20 vl Turner, Joseph Mallord W:, ena- lish painter, 1775-1851. Hamerton, P. G. 927.2:13 Monlihouse, W. C. 927.2:14 Sweetser, M. F. 927.2:15 T-wrain, Mark, pseud., see Clemens, S:L. Twesten, K:, german jurist, 1820- 1870. Schmidt, J. in 834:20 v2 Twig-grs, D: Emanuel, amer. gene- ral, 1790-1862. Peterson, C. J. in 923. 15-f-l Tycho Brahe, see Brahe, Tygo. Tyndale, W:, english reformer and martip; about 1480-1536. Adams, W. H. D. in 922.2 :3 Tyrconnel, Ducliess of, see Talbot, F. Tytler, Patrick Fraser, scotch his- torian, 1791-1849. Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Uhland, J: L:, german poet, 1787- 1862. Gostwiok, J. in 928.3 : 1141 Mayer, K. F. H. 928.3 :57 Vischer, F. T. in 834: 25 v2 TJhlich, Lebrecht, german theolo- gian, 1799-1872. Schmidt, J. in 834 : 20 v3 TJlfeldt, Orevinde Leonora Christi- na, 1621-1698. Memoirs. 923.5:47 XJlloa, Antonio de, Spanish states- man, 1716-1795. St. John, J. A. in 923 : 1 1 v2 Tineas, chief of the Mohcgans, d. about 1680. Stone, W.L. 920.1:113 TJrslns, Marie Anne de la Tremou- ille princesse des, 1637-1722. Menzies, S. in 923 : 29 v2 XJrso, Camilla, french violinist, b. 1842. Barnard, C. 927.4:7 Betts, M. A. in 920 : 50 Vade, J: Joseph, french author, 1719-1759. Houssaye, A. in 920 : 1 5 v2 Vaillant, seeLe Vaillant. Valdegramas, J : Francisco Maria de la Salud Donoso Cortes, marques de, Spanish author and diphtmatist, 1809-1853. Castro, G. E. de. in 282 :3 Valle, P: della, called II Pellegrino, italian traveler, 1586-16.52. St. John, J. A. in 923 :llvl Valmore, Marceline Fellcite Jo- sephe, bom Desbordes, french poet, 1786-1859. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. 928.4 : 7 Vanbrugrh, Sir J:, english drama- tist, 1666-1726. Hazlitt, W. in 828.5:1 Hunt, J. H. L. in 928.2:1 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, New York capitalist, 1794-1877. Parton, J. in 920.1:6 105 Van der Lyn, J:, am.r. painter, 1776-18.52. Tuckerman, H. T. in 927.1: 16 Vandyke, Anthony, see Dyck. Van Dyke, James Adams, am^r. lawyer, 1813-1855. Memorial. 923.14:7 Vane, Sir H:, english statesman, 4th governor of Massachusetts, 1612- 1662. Bayne, P. in 942.4: 18 Forster, J. in 923.22 : 2 v4 in 923.22: 3 v3 Moore, J. B. in 923.1: 15 Uphara, C.W. in 923.1: 21 v4 Varnhagren v. Ense, K: A: L: Philipp, german author, 1785-18.58. Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 21 v4 Varnum, James Mitchell, amer. general, 1749-1789. Griswold, R. W. in 923.15 :69 vl Vassall, H: R: Fox-, see Fox-Vas- sall, H:R: Vaughan, H:, british poet, 1621- 1695. Lyte, H. F. in 821.2:172 Vauvenargrues, Luc de Clapiers, marquis de, french moral-philoso- pher, 1715-1747. Maccall. W. in 920 : 59 vl Vayringre, Philip, english mechani- cian, 1684-1746. Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Vegra y Carpio, Lope Felix da, spanishpoet, 1562-1638. Fox-Vassall, H. R., lord Holland. 928.5:13 Veitch, Marion, born Fairlie, scotch covenanter, 1638-1722. Anderson, J. in 922.2:1 Velasquez or Velazquez de Silva, Diego Rodriguez, Spanish pain- ter, 1599-1660. Stowe,E. 927.5:26 Verdi, Fortunio Giuseppe Frances- co, italian composer, b. 1814. Ferris, G.T. in 927.5: 34 Keddie, H. in 927 12 Vergrilius Maro, Publius, {eng. Virgil), latin poet. b. c. 70-19. Alison, Sir A. in 824.2:124 v3 Collins, W.L. 873:3 Goodrich, S, G. in x 920.6: 4 Nettleship, H. 873 : 2 Vernet, J: Bmile Horace, french painter, 1789-1863. Q. in 920: 24 Rees, J. Ruutz-. 927.4: 5 Verny, E:, french protestant pastor, d. 1854. Pressense, E. de. in 920 : 23 Veronese, Paolo Cagrllari, called Paolo, italian painter, 1530-1588. Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Verrazzano, Giovanni da, floren- tine discoverer, b. about 1485. Greene, G. W. in 824.1:38 Vespucci, Amerigo, italian explo- rer, 1451-1512. Lester, C. E., and A. Foster. 923.5:79 Santarem, M. F. de Barros y. 923.5:6 Viardot, Michelle Ferdinande Pau- line, born Garcia, french singer, b. 1821. Clayton, E. C. in 927 : 5 Ferris, G. T. in 927 : 6 v2 Vicars, Hedley Shafts Johnstone, english captain, 1826-1855. Favourite passages. in 922 : 3 Marsh, C. 923.25:22 Vice, Giovanni Battista, italian phi- losopfier, 1668-1743. Flint, R. 195:1 Victor Emmanuel, see Vittorio Emanuele II. Victoria, Alexandrina, queen of England, b. 1819. Adams, W. H. D. in 928.2: 212 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920: 1154 v2 Oliphant, M. O. 923.21+23 Parton, J. in 920:50 Vida, Marco Girolamo, italian poet, 1486-1566. Stebbing, H. in 928.5 : 2 v2 Vidocq, Eugene Fran90is, french chief of police, 1775-1850. Q. in 920: 24 Viezin, Dlonisli Ivanovitch v., rus- sian dramatist, 1744-1792. Turner, C. E. in 897 : 7 Vigree Le Brun, Afme., see Le Brun, M. L. E. Vigny, Alfred Victor comte de, french poet, 1799-1863. Mill, J. S. in 824.2: 70 vl Villiers, C: Feiham, english states- man, b. 1802. Francis. G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Political memoir, in 337: 21 vl Villiers, G:, 2d duke of Buckingham, english courtier. 1627-1688. Thomson, K. and J. C. in 920: 29 Villon, Francois, french poet, 1431- abt. 1485. Stevenson, R. L. in 824.2 : 108 Vincent, Jacques L: S:, french thcr)U>gian, 1787-1837. Maccall, W. in 920:59 vl Vincent, J : Hyle, amer. clergyman, founder of theC. L. S. C, b. 1832. Bolton, S.K. iw 920.1: 13 Vincent de Paul, St., french re- former and benefactor, 1576-1660. Cobb, J. F. in X 920:44 Maccall, W. in 920 : 59 vl Vinci, Leonardo da. italian painter, scidptor and architect, 14.52-1519. Eastlake, E. lady, in 927.5 : 47 vl Jameson, A. in 927.5 : 3 Richter, J. P. F. 927.5:11 Sweetser, M. F. 927.5 : 10 Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe, swiss pastor and author, 1797-1847. Pressense, E. de. in 920 : 23 Viotti, Giovanni Battista, italian musician, 1755-1824. Ferris, G.T. in. 927: 7 Virchow, Rudolph, german physi- cian and poUtician, b. 1821. Tuttle, H. in 923.3:15 Virgril, see Verg-ilius. Visconti, Gasparo, italian poet, 1461-1499. Stebbing, H. in 928.5: 2 vl Visscher, Maria Tesselschade, see Krombalgrh, M. T. Vittorio Emanuele II, fcin^f of Italy. 1820-1878. Dicey, E. 923.5:16 Duyckinck, E. A- in 920 : R4 v2 Godkin. G. S. 923.5:14 Vivier, Eugene, french musician, b. 1821. Q. in 920: 24 Vogrl, J: Nepomuk, german author, 1802-1866. Biographische skizze. 928.3 : 38 Volkmann, F: Robert, german com- poser, b. 1815. Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Volney, Constantin Fi-an^ois de Chasseboeuf, comte de, french author, 1757-1820. St. John, J. A. in 923 :llv3 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet, called de, french philosopher and author, 1694-1778. Brougham, H. iord. in 920:45 vl Carlyle, T. in 824.2 : 21 v2 Hamley, E. B. 921.4:4 Houssaye, A. in 920:16 vl Parton, J. 921.4:3 Pressense, E. de. in 920: 23 Strauss, D.F. 921.4:6 Vondel, Joost van der, dutch poet, 1587-1679. Gosse, E.W. in 804:2 Wagmer, W: R:, german composer and poet, 18]-1888. Ehlert, L. in 780: 29 Ferris, G. T. in 927.3 : 5 Gautier, J. 927.3:19 Glasenapp, C. F. 927.3 : 34 1667 Wak-Wes BIOGRAPHY INDEX. 1668 Gurney , E . in 704 : 1 2 Hueffer, F. 927.3:16 Nohl. L. 927.3:23 Keddie.H. in 927:12 Schmidt, J. In 834 : 20 v2 in 834: 21 Wakley, T:, english surgeon, 1795- 1863. Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 Waldstein, Albrecht Wenzeslaus Eusebius graf v., herzog v. Fried- land, known as Wallensteiri, german general, 158^-1634. James, G. P. R. in 904: 28 Kanke, F. L. v. 904 :36 v23 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Walker, J:, scotch naturalist, 1731- 1804. Jai-dine, Sir W. in 590 : 58 v25 Walker, S: Hamilton, amer. soldier, 1815-1847. Peterson, C. J. in 923.15+1 Wallace, SirVf:, scotch hero, about 1270-1305. Paterson, J. 923.25:29 Wallace, W: Vincent, irish compo- ser, 1815-1865. Q. in 920: 24 Wallenstein, see Waldstein. Waller, Edmund, english poet, 1605- 1687. Johnson, 8. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2 : 4 vl Walpole, Horace. 4th earl of Or- ford, english author and antiquary, 1717-1797. Hayward, A. (Strawberry Hill.) in 824.2:45 v2 Stephen, L. in 820.5:13 v2 Thomson. K. and J. C. in 920:29 Warburton, E., ed. 923.22 : 47 Walpole, Sir Robert, 1st earl of Or- Jord, english statesman, 1676-1745. Broug-ham, H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 in 923 : 2 v3 Walsh, W:, english poet, 1633-1709. Johnson, S. in 928,2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 vl Walther von der Vogelweide, german poet, 1170-1235. Gosse, E. W. in 804: 2 Wilmanns, W. F. 928.3: 71 Wanamaker, J:, Philadelphia mer- chant, b. 18:18. Bolton, S.K. in 920.1:13 Warburton. P: 'E^gerton, english ex- plorer, living. Adams, W. H. D. in 923:12 Ward, Artemas, am^. general, 1724- 1850. Griswold, R. W. in 923.16 :69 v2 Ward, Artemus, pseud., see Browne, C: F. Ward, Genevieve, amer. actress, liv- ing. Gustafson, Z. 927.1 : 21 Ward, S:, amer. merchant, 1786-1839. Gamraell, W. in 923.1: 22 v9 Hunt, F. in 923.18:1 vl Ware, H:, amer. unitarian clergy- man, 1794-1848. Ware, J. 922.18:7 Ware, Mary, born Lovell, amer. au- thor, 1798-1849. Crosland, C. in 920: 52 Hall, E. B. 922.18:8 Warham, W :, archbp. of Canterbury, lord high chancellor, 1460-1.5.33. Campbell, J. in 923.24:1 vl Warner, W:, english poet, 1.5.58 1609. Whipple. E. P. in 820.5:15 Warren, Joseph, amer. physician and general, 1741-1775. Everett, A. H. in 923.1 : 21 vlO Frothinjfham, R. 923. 12:58 Moore, F. in 329.1: 32 vl Warton, Joseph, english poet, 1722- 1800. Gary, H. F. in 928.2: 2 Warton, T:, english poet, 1728-1790. Gary, H. F. in 928.2: 2 Washburne, Elihu B:, amer. states- nMn, b. 1816. Carroll, H. in 920.1:10 Washington, Bushrod, amer. jur- ist, 1762-1829. Story, J. in 824.1: 77 Washingrton, G:, 1st president of the U. 8., 1733-1799. Diary. 923.11:2 Bancroft, A. 923.11:5 Brougham. H. lord, in 923 : 2 v2 Brown, E.E. x 923.11:62 Duyckinck. E. A. in 920:R54 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:11 Everett, E. 923.11:6 in 824. 1:28 Goodrich, S. G. in x 920: 39 Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 vl Guizot, F. P. G. 923.11:7 923:4 Habberton, J. 923.1 1 : 64 Headlev, J. T. in 923.15: 70 vl Hyde, A.M. x 923.11: 51 Irving, W. 923.11:8 820.1:P11 V20-24 condensed. 923.11:57 King, T.S. in 824.1: 50 Kirkland, C. M. Marshall, J. Moore, F. Parker, T. Paulding, J. K. Sparks, J. Tuckerman, H. T, 923.11:9 in 923.12: 66 923 11:10 in 329.1: 32 vl in 923.1: 27 923.11:11 in 329.1:17 vl in 824.1: 84 Whipple. E. P. in 824. 1:91 Wilson, J. G. iJi 923:19 Washingrton, Martha, born Dan- dridge, formerly mrs. Custis, wife of O: Washington, 1732-1802. Conkling, M. C. 923.11:15 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:1154 vl Goodrich, S. G. in x 923: 25 Washingrton, Mary, born Ball, mo- ther nf O: Washington, 1706-1789. Conkling, M. C. 923.11:15 Holloway. L. C. in 920 : 57 Watson. Elkanah, amer. agricultur- ist and author, 1768-181-2. Memoirs. 923.1:24 Watt, James, scotch engineer, 1736 1819. Arago, D. F. J. in 925 : 1 v2 german. in 500: 3 vl Brougham, H. lord, in 920:45 vl Edgar, J. G. in x 920:11 Lewis, T.C. in 926.2: 5 Muirhead, J. P. 926.2:14 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920 : 25 Smiles, S. i?i920:26 Taylor, W. C. in 920.2 : 8 Watteau, J: Antoino, french pain- ter, 1684-1721. Houssaye, A. in 920:15 v2 Watts, Alaric Alexander, english author and editor, 1797-1864. Watts, A. A. 928.2:211 Watts, G: F., english artist, b. 1830. Ruskin, J. in 756: 3 Watts, I:, english author, 1674-1748. Johnson, S. in 928.2 : 4 in 928.2: 4 v4 Southey, R. in 821.2:174 Wayne, Anthony, amer. general, 1745-1796. Armstrong, J. in 923.1 :21 v4 Griswold, R. W. in 923.15:69 vl Headlev, J. T. in 923.15:70 vl Moore, H.N. 923.15:42 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Weathersford, W:, Red Eagle, chief of the Creeks, d. 1834. Eggleston. G. C. 920.1:111 Weber, C: Maria P: Ernst freiherr v., german composer, 1786-1836. Benedict, Sir J. 927.3:17 Crowest, F. in 927:18 Ferris, G. T. in 927.3 : 5 Keddio, H. in 927: 12 Webster, Daniel, amer. statesman, lawyer and orator, 1782-18,53. Banvard, J. 92312:74 Curtis, G.T. 923.12:89 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:B54 v2 Edgar, J. G. in x 920 : 1 Everett, E, in 329.1 : 18 vl Famous boys. in x 920: 32 Harvey, P. 923.12:60 Homes of amer. authors. in 928.1: 64 Lanman, C. 923.12:59 Lodge. H.C. 923.12:83 in 904: 35 Magoon. E. L, in 923.1:14 Moore, F. in 329.1 :32 v2 Parton, J. in 920. 1 : 6 Seymour, C. C. B. in 920: 25 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5: 14 vl in 820.5:15 Webster, J: , english dramatist, 17th century. Gosse, E. W. in 928.2:213 Hazlitt, W. in 822.5 : 1 Whipple, E. P. in 820.5:14 v2 in 820.5:15 Webster, Noah, amer. philologist, 1758-1853. Scudder, H. E. 924.1:1 Webster, R:, amer. clergyman and author, 1811-1856. Van Rensselaer, C. in 284: 6 Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st earl of Rosslyn,, lord chancellor of Eng- land, 1788-1805. Brougham, H. ?ori. in 923: 2 vl Campbell, J. in 923.24 : 1 v6 Weed, Thurlow, amer. journalist and politician, 1797-1883. Weed, H. A., and T. W. Barnes. 923.12:84 Weir, Robert Walter, amer. painter, b. 1803. Tuckerman. H. T. in 927.1 :16 Weld, Angelina, born Grimke, amer. abolitionist and woman's rights advocate, 1805-1879. Birney, C. H. 923.1:30 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st duke of Wel- lington, english general and states- man, 1769-1852. Adams, W. H. D. in 942 : 32 v2 Alison, Sir A. in 824.2 : 2 in 824.2:124 v3 Bayne, P. in 820.5 : 1 v2 Bonar, A. R. 923.25:23 Duyckinck, E. A. in 920:R54 vl Francis, G. H. in 923.22 : 4 McFarlano, C. 923.25 : 24 Miller, H. in 824.2: 71 Rogers, S. in 920.2: 6 Russell, W. in 923: 37 Taylor, W, C. i 920.2:8 Waite, R. 923.25:26 Wilson, J. G. in 923:19 Wilson, J. M. 923.25:25 Wellesley, R: Colley, 2d earl of Mornington, afterward marqiess Wellesley, english statesman, 1760- 1842. Brougham, H. lord, in 923: 2 v2 De Qulncey, T, in 824.2 : 35 Hayward, A. in 824.2 : 45 vl Wellington, Duke of, see. Welles- ley, A. Welsh, Elizabeth, born Knox, 1.568- 1625. Wittenm.ver, A. in 922:12 Wentworth, T;, 1st earl of Straf- ford, english statesman, 1.593-1641. Cooper, E, 923.22 : 68 Forster, J. in 923.22: 3 vl in 923.22 :2v2 Werner, Abraham Gottlob, german mineralogist, 1750-1817. Cu vier. Baron. in 590 : 58 v36 Wesley, C:, english clergyman, 1708- 1788. Adams, C. 922.27:4 Whitehead, J. in 922.27 : 8 Wesley, J:, english clergyman, foun- der of metho'dism, 1703-1791. Journal. Southey. R. Taylor, I. Watson, R. Whitehead, J. 922.27:3 922.27:5 922.27:7 922.27:6 922.27:8 BIOGRAPHY INDEX. "Wes-Win 1670 Wesley, Susanna, born Annesley, mother of the Wesleys, 1669-1743. HoUoway, L. C. in 920: 57 Kirk, J. 922.27:9 Wesi, 820-914.4 CliASSIFICATION. 20 English Literature. 853 Italian Romance. 890 minor Literatures. . 1 American authors . 854 " Essays. 891 Chinese, Japanese. .2 British authors. 855 " Oratory. 892 Egyptian. .4 History. 856 Letters. 893 Semitic. .5 Criticism. 857 Satire. 894 Indian. (Same sub-sections for all sec- tions of Eng-lish literature.) 858 " Humor, 895 Iranian. 821 English Poetry. 859 " Miscellany. 896 Keltic. 822 " Drama. 1 Quotations. 897 Slavic. . 3 Shakspere. 60 Spanish , Portu - 898 Scandinavian. 823 " Romance. g-uese Literatures. 1 History. 3 CHticism. .1 Swedish. 824 " Essays. .2 Norwegian. 825 " Oratory. (Same sub-sections for all the .3 Danish. 826 " Letters. sections 861-868.) 899 Other languages. 827 " Satire. 861 Spanish Poetry. .1 DutcJi, Flemish. 828 " Humor. 862 Drama. 829 " Miscellany. 863 " Romance. History. . 3 Quotations. 864 865 866 " Essays. " Oratory. " Letters. 900 History. 8 30 German Litera- ture. 901 Philosophy. .1 History. 867 Satire. 902 Compends, chrono- iog.y- .2 Criticism. 868 " Humor. 903 Dictionaries and cy- (Same sub-sections for all the sections 831-838.) 869 " Miscellany. clopedias. 831 German Poetry. 832 " Drama. 1 Quotations. 904 Essays, miscellany. 70 Latin Literature. 905 Periodicals. 888 " Romance. 1 History. .1 Geography. 834 " Essays. 835 " Oratory. .2 Criticism. (Same sub-sections for all sec- tions of Latin literature.) .2 .3 Biography. Ancient history. 836 " Letters. 871 Latin Poetry. .4 Europe. 887 " Satire. 872 Dramatic. .5 Asia. 888 " Humor. 873 Epic. .6 Africa. 839 " Miscellany. 874 Lyric and .7 North America. . 1 Quotations. other. .8 South America. 40 French Literature. 875 " Oratory. .9 Oceanica and Po- .1 History. . 2 Criticism. 876 " Letters. lar regions. 877 " Satire. 906 Societies. (Same sub-sections for all the 878 " Philosophy. .1 Geography. sections 841-848.) 879 " History. .2 History. 841 French Poetry. Greek Literature. 907 Education. 842 " Drama. 848 " Romance. 1 History. 908 Charts. 844 " Essays. 845 ' Oratory. 2 Criticism. 909 Universal histories. (Same sub-sections for all sec- tions of Greelc literature.) 910 Geoifraphy and 1>eserlntion. 846 " Letters. 881 Greek Poetry. 911 Historical. 847 " Satire. 848 " Humor. 882 883 884 Dramatic. Epic. Lyric and other. 912 Ancient, medieval. 849 " Miscellany. .1 Quotations. 913 .1 Modern. General travels. 850 Italian Literature. 885 " Oratory. .2 Adventures. . 1 History. 886 " Letters. 914 Europe. .2 Criticism. 887 " Humor and .1 Scotland, Ireland. (Same sub-sections for all the sections 861-858.) miscellany. .2 England and Wales. 851 Italian Poetry. 888 " Philosophy. .3 Germany, Austria. 852 " Drama. 889 " History. .4 France. (10) CfLASSmCATION. 914.5-929 914.5 Italy. 918.7 Venezuela. 929.29 Non-christian. .6 Spain, Portugal. .8 Ouiana. .3 German. .7 Russia. .9 Other countries. .4 French. .8 Scandinavia. 919 Oceanica. .5 Other modern. .9 Minor countries. .1 Malaysia. .6 Ancient. .91 Holland, Belgium. 2 Sunda, Borneo, 923 Of sociology. .93 Switzerland. Celebes. .1 American. .93 Greece. .3 Australasia. .11 Presidents. .94 European Turkey. .4 Australia. .12 Statesmen, politi- .95 Southern islands. .5 New Guinea, New cians, etc. .96 Northern islands. Zealand. .13 Bankers, capital- 915 Asia. .6 Polynesia. ists, financiers. .1 .2 .3 .4 China. Japan. Arabia. India. .7 Isolated islands. .8 Polar regions. . 9 Antarctic regions. 920 Bio^rapby. .14 .15 .16 Lawyers, iudges, criminals. Soldiers, sailors. Philanthropists. .1 American. .17 Educators. .5 Persia. 2 British. German. French. Other modern. Ancient. .18 Merchants, R. R. .6 Asiatic Turkey. .3 .4 .5 .6 officials. .7 Asiatic Russia. .19 Travelers, society. 1 .8 .9 Afghanistan, Beloo- chistan. Other countries. .2 .21 British. Kings, queens, rulers. 916 Africa. 921 Of philosophy. .22 Nobles, statesmen, .1 Barbary. .1 American. politicians. 2 .3 Egypt. Nubia and Abys- .2 .3 British. German. .23 Bankers, capital- ists, financiers. sinia. .4 French. .24 Lawyers, iudges, criminals. .4 Nile sources. .5 Other modern. .25 Soldiers, sailors. .5 .6 Niger region. South central. .6 922 Ancient. Of theology. .26 .27 Philanthropists. Educators. .7 Congo. .1 American. .28 Merchants, R. R. .8 South Africa. .11 Oriental. officials. , .9 Islands. .12 Roman catholic. .29 Travelers, society. 917 North America. .13 Protestant episco- .3 German. .1 United States. pal. .4 French. .2 Eastern states. .14 Presbyterian. .5 Other modern. .3 Middle states. .15 Puritan, Congre- .6 Ancient. .4 .5 Southern states. Western and Pa- .16 gational. Baptist. 924 .1 Of philology. cific states. .17 Methodist. xxillK^l blyi^iflb. .51 Wisconsin. .18 Unitarian, ZTnivcr- .2 British. .52 Milwaukee. salist and other. .3 German. .6 British America. .19 Non-christian. .4 French. .7 Mexico. .20 British. .5 Other modern. .8 Central America. .21 .22 Oriental. Roman catholic. .6 Ancient. (Same sub-sections for all suc- .9 West Indies. .23 Anglican church. ceeding sections of Biogra- phv.) 918 South America. Brazil. Argentine Republic. Chili. .24 Presbyterian. 925 Of science. .1 .2 .3 .25 .26 Ptiritan, Congre- gational. Baptist. 926 927 Of useful arts. Of tine arts. .4 Bolivia. .27 Methodist. 928 Of literature. .5 Peru. .28 Unitarian, Univer- 929 Genealogy, Her- .6 Ecuador, Colombia. salist and other. aldry. m) 930 - 999 CL^ .SSIFICATIOIT. 930 Ancient History. 953 Arabia. 974.8 Missouri, Arkansas. 931 Chinese. 954 India. .9 Texas, Indian Ter- 932 Egyptian. 955 Persia. ritory. 933 Jewish. 956 Asiatic Turkey. 975 Western and Pacific 934 Indian. 957 Asiatic Russia. states and terri- 935 Persian. 958 Afghanistan, Beloo- chistan. tories. 936 Keltic. .1 Ohio, Indiana, Il- 959 Other countries. linois. 937 Roman. .1 Barbaric invasions. 960 Africa. | .2 Michigan. 938 Greek. 961 Barbary states. .3 Wisconsin. 939 Minor countries. 962 Egypt. .31 Separate counties . 963 Nubia, Abyssinia. .32 Milwaukee. 940 Europe. 964 Nile sources. .33 Other cities. 941 Scotland and Ireland. 965 Niger region. .4 Iowa. 942 England and Wales. 966 South central. .5 Minnesota. .1 1st period, to 1066. 967 Congo country. .0 Missouri valley .2 2dpeno(i, 1066-1485. 968 South Africa. states and terri- .3 SdperiodM'^-^^^- 969 Islands. tories. .4 4th period, 1603- 970 :\ortli America. .7 Rocky mountain 1688. .1 American indians. states and terri- .5 5th period, 1688- 1820. 6th period, 1820. 971 United States. tories. .6 .1 .2 1st period, to 1776. 2d period, 1776- .8 Pacific coast states and territories. 943 Germany, Austria. 1789. .9 Alaska. 944 France. .3 3d period, 1789- 1860. 976 British America. .1 1st period, to 752. 977 Mexico. .2 2d period, 752-1498. .4 4th period, 1860- 1865. 5th period, 1865-. Eastern states. 978 Central America. .3 .4 3d period, 1498- 1610. 4th period, 1610- .5 972 979 West Indies and other. 1789. .1 Maine. 980 South America. .5 5th period, 1789- .2 New Hampshire. 981 Brazil. 1815. .3 Vermont. 982 Argentine Republic. .6 eth period, 1815-. .4 Massachusetts. 983 Chili. 945 Italy. .5 Rhode Island. 984 Bolivia. 946 Spain and Portugal. .6 Connecticut. 985 Peru. 947 Russia. 973 Middle states. 986 Ecuador, Colombia. 948 Scandinavia. .1 New York. 987 Venezuela. .1 Sweden. .2 New Jersey. 988 Guiana. .2 .3 Norway. Denmark. .3 Pennsylvania. 989 Other countries. .4 Delaware. 990 Oceanica. 949 Minor European states. Holland, Belgium. 974 Southern states. 991 Malaysia. .1 .1 Maryland. 992 Sunda, Boi'neo, Ce- .2 Switzerland. .2 Virginia, West Vir- lebes. .3 Byzantine Empire, Modern Greece. .3 ginia. North and South Carolina. 993 994 Australasia. Australia. .4 European Turkey. .4 Georgia. 995 New Ouifica, New .5 Other countries. .5 Florida. Zealand. 950 Asia. .6 Alabama, Missis sippi, Louisiana. 996 997 Polynesia. Isolated islands. 951 China. .7 Kentucky, Tennes- 998 Polar regions. 952 Japan. see. 999 Antarctic regions. (12) SUBJECT-INDEX. Abbeys, architeeturo 726 history 271 Abbreviations...421, 431, etc., 653 Aberration 132 Abolition 326 Aborigines of America 970. 1 Abortion 618 Absenteeism 333 Absolutism 321 Abyssinia, history 963 travel and description 916.3 language 493 Academies 378 of science 506 Academy, Platonist 184 Acadie 976 Accidents 616 Accounts 657 Acoustics 534 Acrostics 819, 829, 839, etc- Acting 792 Actors, Lives of 927 Acts and resolves. American statutes 343.1 English statutes 343.2 Acts of the Apostles 226 Addresses 815, 825, 835, etc. political 329 Administration 350 to 359 Administrative law 348 Admiralty law 346 Adulterations 614, 643 Adultery 176, 345 Advent, second 236 Adventists 289 Adventures 913.2 Advertising 50, 380 Aerolites 523, 552 Aeronautics 533 Esthetics 701 Ethiopia, ancient 939 Affections 167 Afghanistan, history 968 travel and description .... 9 1 5.8 Africa, botany 686 customs and costumes 896 ecclesiastical history 276 geography 916 geology 656 history 960 to 969 travels and description 916 Agnosticism 149 Agricultural chemistry 63 1 implements 631 Agriculture 630 to 638 Air 533, 552, 697 Alabama, history 974.6 travel and description. . . . 917.4 Alabama claims 327.1 Alaska, description 917.5 history 975.9 Albertypes 774 Albigenses 272, 944 Albion, see England. Alchemy 133, 540 Alcohol 178, 615, 663 Ales 663 Algae 651.2, 582 Algebra 612 Algiers, history 961 travel and description 916.1 Alhambra, architecture 723 description 914.6 history 946 Alkalies 546, 66 1 Allegories 8 19,. 829, etc. religious 249 Allopathy 616 Alloys 669,671 Almanacs 528 statistical 310to319 Alms 339 Almshouses 839, 361 Alphabets 41 1,421, etc. ornamental 745 to 748 Alsace-Lorraine, history 943 travel and description. . . . 914.3 Amateur theatricals 792.1 Ambassadors 327, 341 Ambrotype 772 America, discovery 970 America, North 970 antiquities 571, 970 botany 537 customs and costumes 897 ecclesiastical history 277 geography 917 geology 567 history 970 to 979 statistics 317 travel and description 917 America, South 980 botany 538 customs and costumes 398 ecclesiastical history 278 geography 913 geology 653 history 980 to 989 statistics 313 travel and description 918 American biography 920.1. 921.1, etc. languages 499 literature 820. 1 , 82 1 . 1 , etc. painting 753 philosophers 191 Americanisms 427 Amphibians 697.1 Amputation 317 Amusements 790. 799 ethics 176 Anoesthetics 616 Analogy of religion 239 Analysis, chemical 543 qualitative 544 quantitative 545 spectrum 636, 644 Analytical geometry 513 Anam, history 954 travel and description. . .. 916.4 Anatomy, art 743 comparative 601 human 61, 107 The numbers refer to classes. (13) SUBJECT-INDEX, Ancient architecture 722 customs and costumes 391 Sreography 912 history 930 to 939 philosophies 180 to 189 sculpture 732 Anecdotes 819, 829, etc. Angels 286 Anglican church 283 Angling 799.1 Anglo-Saxon history 942.1 language 429 Angola 916.6 Animal kingdom 590 to 599 magnetism 134 AnimalculfP 593 Animals 690 to 599 domestic 636 Annuals, historical 905 scientific 606 statistical 310 Annuities 382, 368 Anonyms 14 Antarctic regions, history 999 travels 919.9 Anthologies 81 1,821, etc- Anthropology, ethnology 672 mental 180 religious 233 Anthropometry 673 Antilles, history 979 travel and description. . .. 917.9 Anti-slavery 326 Antiquities, see special countries. biblical 220.7, 221.7, etc. classical 903, 937, 938 Antiquity of man 671 Aphorisms 819, 829, etc. Apocalypse 228 Apocrypha 229 Apologetics 239 Apostles, acts 226 creed 273 lives 922.6 Apostolic church 270 succession 262 Apothegms 819, 829, etc- Apparitions 133 Apples 684 Apprenticeship 331 Aquariums 690 Aquatint engraving 766 Aqueducts 626, 628 Arabia, history, ancient 939 modern 953 travel and description ...916.3 Arabic language 493 literature 893 philosophy 189 Arabs in Spain 946 Aracbnidae 696 Aragon 946 Arbitration, international 341 labor 331 Arboriculture 633.1, 716 Arbors 717 Archeology, prehistoric 671 Archery 796 Arches, architecture 72 1 engineering 620 Architects' lives 927 Architectural drawing 744 Architecture 720 to 729 house-building 690 to 698 ship-building 699 Arctic regions, history 998 travels 919.8 Argentine Republic, history.. .982 travel and description .... 9 1 8 .2 Arianism 273, 281 Aristocracy 322 Arithmetic 611 Arizona, history 976.7 travel and description. . . .917.6 Arkansas, history 974.8 travel and description.. ..917.4 Armada, Spanish 942.3, 946 Armenia, history 956 travel and description .... 9 1 5.6 Armenian church 281 Armies 365 Arminianism 273, 287 Armor 366 ships' 869, 623 Arms, coats of 929 Arrow heads, ancient 671 inscriptions 419 Art anatomy 743 decorative 746, 748 education 707 embroidery ...745 to 748, 793 galleries 708 history 709 prehistoric 571, 970.1 schools of 753 to 766 Artesian wells 628 Articulates, paleontology 665 zoology 696 Artillery 358, 623 Artisans' lives 926 Artists' lives 927 Arts, fine 700 to 799 useful 600 to 699 Aryan languages, in general. . .410 primitive 494 special branches, see names of each. Aryan nations, ancient.934 to 938 modern, see special nationalities. Ashanteo, history 965 travel and description 916.6 Asia, botany 585 customs and costumes 395 ecclesiastical history 275 geography 915 to 915.9 geology 555 to 555.9 history 950 to 959 religions, non-ehristian 294 to 297, 299 statistics 915 travel and description 915 Asia Minor, history, ancient. . . . 939 modern 956 travel and description 915. 6 Assassination 345 Assassins, history 955 criminals 923 Assaying 668 Assent 163 Associations 360 to 369 co-operative 331 educational 370 library 6 musical 780 Assurance 368 Assyria, history 935 exploration, etc 916.6 Assyrian language 493 records 916.6, 893 Asteroids 523 Astrology 133 Astronomers' lives 925 Astronomy 520 to 529 Asylums and hospitals 361 inebriate 178 Athanasian creed 273 Atheism 146, 211 Athletic sports 796 to 799 Atlases, anatomical 611 astronomical 624 biological 670 ethnological 572 geographical 910 to 919 geological 564 to 559 historical 911,912 physical 600, 651 physiological 612 zoological 590 Atmosphere 633, 662 Atomic theory 641 Atonement 232, 234 Aurora borealis 525, 637, 561 Australasia, history. . . . 993 to 995 travel and description 919.8 to919.5 Australia, history 994 travel and description. . . .919.4 Austria, history 943 travel and description. . . . 914.3 Authors' lives 928 Autobiography 920 to 928 Avesta Zend, religion 296 The nxunbers refer to classes. - (14) StTBJECT-lNDEX. AZORES CAMBRIA Azores, history- 946 travel and description. .914.6 Aztecs 977,978 Babylon, history 935 exploration 915.6 Backgammon 795 Bacteria 578, 698, 616 Baden, history 943 travel and description 914.3 Bahamas, history 979 travel and description. ..917.9 Ball playing 797 Ballads, music 784 poetry 811,821,e