o LO o Univ. ( f C-.^H NOSTRANFHCIENCE SERIES. i. ./.WATER AND WATER SUPPLY, By PROF. W. H. CORFIELD, M. A., of the University College, London. No. 18. SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE UTILI- ZATION. By PROF. W. H. CORFIELD, M. A., of the University College, Lon- don. No, 19. STRENGTH OF BEAMS UNDER TRANSVERSE LOADS. By PROF. W. ALLEN, Author of " Theory of Arches." With Illustrations. 20. BRIDGE AND TUNNEL CENTRES. By JOHN B. MCMASTKRS, ( 1 . E. With Illustrations. Xo. -21. SAFETY VALVES. By RICHARD H. BUKL, 0. E. With Illustrations. No. 22. HIGH MASONRY DAMS. By JOHN B. MCMASTERS, C. E. With Illustrations. \o. o;>._ THE FATIGUE OF METALS UNDER REPEATED STRAINS, with various I Tables of Results of Experiments. From the German of PROF. LUDWIG SPANGEN- BERG. With a Preface by S. H. SHREVE, A. M. With Illustrations. 24 .__ A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE TEETH OF WHEELS, with the Theo- ry of the Use of Robinson's Odonto- "raph. By S. W. ROBINSON, Prof, of Mechauieal Engineering. Illinois In- dustrial University. No. 25. THEORY AND CALCULATIONS OF CONTINUOUS BRIDGES. By MANS- FIELD MERRIMAN, C. E. AVith Illustra- tions. No. 26. PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS BRIDGES. By CHARLES BENDER, C. E . No. 27. ON BOILER INCRUSTATION AND CORROSION. By F. J. ROWAN. Gninr OIP THE PRESERYATIOH OF TIMBER BY THE USE OF SAMUEL BAGSTER BOULTON, ASSOC. INST. C. E. REPRINTED FROM VAN NOSTRAND'S MAGAZINE. NEW YOKE: I). VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 2B MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS. JOHN S. PRELL Civil & Mechanical Engineer. GIFT 1372- PREFACE. The preservation of wooden structures from decay, or from the ravages of in- sects, is a subject of unfailing interest to- engineers. The fact that this paper was prepared for the Institution of Civil Engineers, and was discussed by prominent mem- bers, is a sufficient guaranty that it pre- sents the facts that are best worth know- ing now in the possession of practical men. Some chemical tables, appended es- says, and a long bibliographical list are omitted in this reprint. M7S6010 S. PRELL Civil & Mechanical Engineer. SAN FilAK CISCO, CAL. THE ANTISEPTIC TREATMENT OF TIMBER. IN January, 1853, a paper upon Timber Preserving was contributed to this Insti- tution* by the author's partner, the late Mr. Henry Potter Burt, Assoc. Inst. C. E. Since that date, the use of Anti- septics for the treatment of timber has largely increased, and is year by year in- creasing. For engineering purposes, the process called creosoting, which consists in the injection of the coal-tar oils, has in this kingdom entirely, and in other countries to a very considerable extent,, displaced the other well-known meth- ods. Concurrently with this development^ a series of remarkable discoveries in chemical science has raised the manufac- tures connected with the residual prod- * Institution of Civil Engineers. nets of gas-making to a position of great and growing importance. It is proposed in the present paper, to give a short account of the history and development of the use of antiseptics for preventing the decay of timber. A reference to the processes employed in coal-tar distillation will be pertinent to the subject, in so far as it will indicate -what are and have been the usual con- stituents of the tar oils used for inject- ing wood. The author proposes to add some results derived from his thirty- four jears' experience in connection with this group of manufactures, together with the outcome of some research, and of a num- ber of experiments specially undertaken Tvith a view to the elucidation of ques- iions referred to in the paper. EARLY HISTORY OF TIMBER PRESERVING. Timber was naturally the first ma- terial employed by man for the purposes of constructive engineering. If it be true that the first models of Grecian architecture were copied from, and re- tained some of the distinctive features of, buildings in wood, then may still be seen accorded, upon the columns of the five great orders of architecture, proofs that the Greeks or their precursors took special expedients to preserve timber from decay. The wooden pillar was placed upon a block of stone to pre- serve it from the humidity of the soil, and it was covered at the top by a slab or tile to throw off the rain. These contrivances are supposed to have been copied in the base and capital of the column, when wood came to be replaced by stone. Scamozzi imagines also, that the mouldings represent metal hoops, placed around the wooden pillars to pre- vent them from splitting. Allusions to various substances em- ployed for preserving timber and other vegetable fibers from decay, are frequent in the writings of the ancients. Tar and pitch were used for painting or smearing wood from periods of the most remote antiquity. Greek and Roman authors narrate, that the astringent portions of 8 the oil expressed from olives (Amurca 16), also oils derived from the Cedar, the Larch, the Juniper and the Nard- Bush (Valeriana) were used for the pres- ervation of articles of value from decay, or from the attacks of insects. The magnificent statue of Zeus by Phidias was erected in a grove at Olympus where the atmosphere was damp ; the wooden platform upon which it stood was there- fore imbued with oil. The famous statue of Diana at Ephesus was of wood. If its origin was believed to be miraculous, no standing miracle was relied on for its preservation. Pliny asserts upon the authority of an eye-witness, Mucianus, that it was kept saturated with oil of Nard by means of a number of small orifices bored in the woodwork. The same author remarks that wood well rubbed with oil of Cedar, is proof aginst wood-worm and decay. The art of ex- tracting and preparing oils, resins, tar and pitch from various trees and plants, and from mineral deposits, is mentioned by Herodotus, and at great length by Pliny. This last author describes in de- tail, the manufacture of no less than fort^eight different kinds of oils. Of the employment of the oxides or salts of metals by the ancients, for wood preserv- ing, there is no direct evidence. EGYPTIAN MUMMIES. Of all the methods employed by man- kind for the artificial preservation of or- ganized substances, there are perhaps none which have equaled in success the processes of the ancient Egyptians. The durable results of these processes are amazing, and although the topic is a hackneyed one, it is nevertheless insep- arably connected with the subject of this paper. The descriptions by co-temporary writers of the Egyptian art of embalming the dead are somewhat conflicting ; moreover, they do not adequately explain the appearances presented by many of the mummies themselves. The bodies are said to have been imbued, either with resinous or odoriferous gums, or more frequently with bitumen or with oil 10 of cedar, or commonly with natrum, and often with several of these sub- stances in succession. So far, these statements are confirmed by modern investigation. By reading Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus, however, it would perhaps seem that the body was first steeped in the natrum for seventy days, and then subjected to the oily or bituminous preparation. In other places it might be gathered that the oily preparation came first, and the steeping in natrum afterwards. Without further explanation, neither of these processes would appear to be practicable. At ordinary temperatures, the steeping in the one preparation would interfere with the absorption of the other. Natrum is supposed to have been a natural sub- stance, obtained from some briny lakes, still existing in the neighborhood of Cairo, and consisting principally of a mixture of sodium-sesqui- carbonate, so- dium-chloride and sodium-sulphate. Rou- yer, who accompanied the army of Napo- leon to Egypt in 1798, expressed his 11 conviction that the mummies had been placed in ovens in order to eliminate moisture, and to facilitate the penetra- tion of the bitumen. But no ancient au- thor mentions any such process, nor is there any record of it amongst the numerous and detailed pictorial repre- sentations which have been discovered in tombs and temples. Pettigrew, in his valuable work on this subject, whilst giving the results of his examination of various mummies, and of analyses of embalming materials, ex- presses his opinion that the bodies must have been subjected to a very consider- able degree of heat, as even the inmost structure of the bones is penetrated by the antiseptics. By some it has been supposed that this was effected by steep- ing the body in a cauldron of heated bitumen. Pettigrew's most striking ex- periment was made with the heart of a mummy, from which he succeeded in withdrawing by maceration the preserva- tive substanceR, when, after 3,000 years of perfect preservation, the heart began at 12 once to putrefy. This is a striking proof, both of the efficacy of the substances employed, and also of the fact, that the immunity from decay was not due to a chemical transformation produced once for all, but that it depended upon the abiding presence of the antiseptic. In recent anatomical practice, carbolic acid has been used for injecting bodies for purposes of dissection. When this is done, however, it is found necessary to renew the process after the lapse of a few weeks, a contrast to the antiseptics em- ployed by the Egyptians. Pettigrew's description showed that the worst pre- served of the mummies are those pre- pared with natrum alone, the most per- fect being those in which solid resins or bitumens remain incorporated. Natrum is frequently found accompanying the bitumen in some of the most successfully preserved specimens. It is probable that some astringent or other substances were also used, the secret of which has hitherto eluded modern investigation. The author has caused some experi- 13 ments to be made with pieces of timber, in order to test a theory which suggested itself to his mind. The wood was first thoroughly impregnated with a mixed solution of the three salts of sodium of which the natrum brine is composed Afterwards the wood was steeped in tar oil, heated to 230 Fahrenheit. The heat of the tar oil volatilized the water of the soda solution, and the oil took the place of the water. The timber remained im- pregnated with the saline particles, and saturated with the tar oil. May not this have been the method used by the Egyp- tians to impregnate both with natrum and oils ? There is no doubt that the ancients had, by observation and experience, ac- quired considerable practical knowledge of antiseptic substances. They were also of opinion that those woods lasted the longest which were most odoriferous, or, in other words, those which contained the greatest quantity of resin. They knew that timber continually kept under water was less liable to decay than when 14 exposed to the atmosphere. They ob- served the ravages of the Teredo navalis upon timber placed in the sea. But it is useless to seek amongst the writings of the elder Classics for any reasonable the- ory in explanation of these phenomena. Growth of theories upon the causes of Putrefaction. It is not until the eight- eenth century of the present era that anything beyond the merest trace can be detected of serious analytical research into the causes of decomposition. After the fanciful dreams of the alchemists had been dissipated, the more solid por- tion of their labors, facts arrived at in the course of their experiments, remained for the uses of science. Investigations were undertaken respecting the phe- nomena of fermentation and of putrefac- tion, animal and vegetable. It was at one time declared that putrefaction was due to the escape of an element called phlogiston, an imaginary substance which was believed in by such eminent chem- ists as Scheele, the discoverer of chlor- ine, and Dr. Priestley, the discoverer of 15 oxygen. Later on Dr. Macbrlde pro- pounded a theory that carbonic acid gas had a special power of promoting cohe- sion, and that putrefaction was due to its being given off. None of these the- ories explained why putrefaction did not attack the tissues until after the vital movement had ceased. By the com- mencement of the present century, how- ever, it began to be generally believed that the putrefaction, at least of vege- table matter, was a species of fermenta- tion, although it was not admitted that ferments of any kind were the products of living organisms. Little by little the similarity of the natural processes con- nected with the fermentation of aliment- ary substances, the decay of vegetable tissues, and the putrefaction of the bodies of animals began to be recog- nized ; and, to the great advantage of scientific progress, these three classes of phenomena have ever since been studied in close connection with each other. In the meantime practice stole a march upon theory. About the year 1770 Sir 16 John Pringle published a list of anti- septics, in which example he was folio wed by Dr. Macbride. Many of the substances proposed by these and other theorists, particularly the alkaline bodies, are abso- lutely injurious to timber. But towards the close of the last century and at the beginning of the present, experiment was greatly stimulated by the wants of the British navy. During the colossal struggles of Great Britain with hosts of adversaries, the very existence of the nation appeared to be staked upon her fleets. The great prevalence of dry- rot in the timbers of British men-of- war assumed the proportions of a na- tional calamity. It was said that a single 70-gun ship required for its construction the oak of 40 acres of forest, and that the supply would fail. It was in 1812 that Lukin tried, in the Woolwich Dockyard, his disastrous experiment with the injection of resinous vapors. More practical suggestions were soon forthcoming, and the use of the salts of various metals began to be recommend- 17 ed. Sir Humphrey Davy suggested cor- rosive sublimate ; Thomas Wade (in 1815), the salts of copper, iron, and zinc. The opinion gained ground that poisons of various kinds were cor- rectives to the decay of timber. From the year 1768 up to the pres- ent time, the records of the Patent Office contain lists of almost every conceivable antiseptic, suitable or un- suitable, for the preservation of wood. Progress during the Railway Era. But it is since the birth and growth of the railway system that the antiseptic treatment of timber may be said to have received its most important development. The stone blocks and other solid sup- ports, at first used for the permanent way of railways, were found to be too rigid, and had to be replaced by a more elastic material. The wooden sleepers which were substituted decayed so rapidly that some artificial method for prolonging their duration began to be considered as an engineering necessity. By the year 1838, four several systems of antiseptic 18 treatment werej fairly before the public, and competingjfor the favor of engineers. These were : Corrosive sublimate, intro- duced by Mr. J. H. Kyan ; sulphate of copper, by Mr. J. J. Lloyd Margary ; chloride of zinc, by Sir William Burnett ; heavy oil of tar (afterwards called creo- sote), by Mr. John Bethell. Corrosive Sublimate, or bichloride of mercury, was successfully used by Hom- berg, a French savant, in 1705, for pre- serving wood from insects. It was rec- ommended by De Boissieu in 1767. In 1730 the Dutch Government tried it upon wood immersed in sea water as a remedy against the Teredo navalis, but for this purpose it failed. In the " Encyclopae- dia Britannica," in 1824, it is recorded that Sir Humphrey Davy recommends its- use for timber. Ryan's first patent, for the employment of corrosive sublimate for wood-preserving was taken out in 1832. His first success was gained by the preservation of the woodwork of the Duke of Devonshire's conservatories. Kyanizing was for a long time by far the 19 most popular of the timber preserving processes in this country, and the name is to this day frequently applied erron- eously to other systems. Used in sea- water, however, by the British Admiralty, this process turned out a failure, as it had done under similar circumstances with the Dutch government a century earlier. Kyanizing has met with a con- siderable amount of success in compara- tively dry situations ; but in water, and particularly in sea-water, it appears to have invariably failed, as have all the salts of metals. Corrosive sublimate is somewhat volatile at ordinary tempera- tures ; it also has the drawback of pro- ducing injurious effects upon the work- men employed in handling it. Sulphate of copper. The use of this and of other salts of copper was recom- mended by De Boissieu and by Borden- ave in 1767, and by Thomas Wade in 1815. In 1837 Mr. Margary took out a patent for the use of sulphate and asce- tate of copper. Sulphate of copper has perhaps been the mo&t successful of all the metallic salts as an antiseptic for timber. Applied in various ways it was popular in France long after it had been given up in this country. It is still in use in France, to a limited extent, for sleepers and telegraph poles. Chloride of zinc. This was recom- mended by Thomas Wade in 1815, and by Dr. Boucherie in 1837 ; and a patent for its application was taken out in this country by Sir William Burnett in 1838. The process of Burnettizing was at one time much patronized by the British Ad- miralty. For railway sleepers it was ex- tensively adopted in France by the au- thor's firm, principally on the railways from Orleans to Bordeaux, and from Caen to Cherbourg. It is no longer used in France, but it is still employed in Hol- land and in Germany. Chloride of zinc is a powerful antiseptic, but its weak point for wood-preserving consists in its extreme solubility in water. Heavy oils of Tar, commonly called Creosote. As early as 1756 attempts were made, both in England and Ameri- 21 ca, as described by Knowles, to inject or impregnate timber with vegetable tars or with extracts therefrom. The first men- tion of the products of the distillation of gas- tar, to be used separately for impreg- nating timber, appears to be by Franz Moll. This inventor took out a patent in 1836 for injecting wood in closed iron vessels with the oils of coal-tar first in a state of vapor, and next with the heated oils in the ordinary liquid state. He rec- ommended the adoption both of the oils lighter than water, and of the oils heavier than water, calling the former " Eupion," and the latter "Kreosot." He relied upon the Kreosot for its antiseptic quali- ties, but proposed to use the light oils separately, at the commencement of the operation, for the purpose of facilitating the absorption of the heavy oil. This plan has never been acted upon, as it would be obviously wasteful and unprac- tical to inject the lighter oils, or crude naphthas, which would immediately evap- orate. The practical introduction of the proc- 22 ess is due to Mr. John Bethell. His now celebrated patent, which is dated July, 1838, does not mention the words " Cre- osote" or " Creosoting." It contains a list of no less than eighteen various sub- stances, mixtures or solutions, oleagi- nous, bituminous, and of metallic salts. Amongst them is mentioned a mixture consisting of coal-tar thinned with from one-third to one-half of its quantity of dead oil distilled from coal-tar. This is the origin of the so-called Creosoting process. Creosote, correctly so called, is the product of the destructive distilla- tion of wood, and coal-tar does not con- tain any of the true Creosote, which has never been used for timber-preserving. But a substance, since called carbolic acid, or phenol, had been discovered in coal-tar ; it was thought by some to be identical with the Creosote of wood, hence the process came to be miscalled, after a time the creosoting process. It is in this popular sense only that the word Creosote is to be understood in the remainder of this paper. The two sub- 23 stances, Creosote and Carbolic acid, are described and contrasted, and their vary- ing properties delineated in Dr. Tidy's "Handbook of Chemistry." * Competition of the Processes Theory of Eremacausis. In addition to the four processes already mentioned, a pat- ent for a fifth was taken out by Mr. Charles Payne in 1846. His plan con- sisted in the injection into the timber, first of a solution of a sulphuret of barium or calcium, and next of a solution of sulphate of iron, the object being to form an insoluble sulphuret in the pores of the wood. This process was tried to some extent both in England and in France, but it was a complete failure, and is mentioned only by way of reference. From ]838 to 1853, at which last date the paper of Mr. H. P. Burt was read at this institution, the four processes, Kyan- izing, Margaryizing, Burnettizing and Creosoting had been in active competi- tion. The prevailing theory at that time as to the causes of the decay of timber was shaped by the opinions of the great 24 chemist Liebig. Liebig taught that the processes of fermentation in certain fluids and of the putrefaction or decay of or- ganized bodies, animal and vegetable, were caused by a species of slow com- bustion, to which he applied the term eremacausis. He held that this decom- position could be produced by contact with portions of other bodies already un- dergoing eremacausis. That it required for its ordinary development the pres- ence of moisture and of atmospheric air; that its action was provoked by oxygen, and that its method of action was by a communication of motion from the atoms of the infecting ferment to the atoms of the body infected. He denied that fer- mentation, putrefaction and decomposi- tion were caused by fungi, animalcules, parasites or infusoria, although these or- ganisms might sometimes be present during the processes. But he also stated that the phenomena of decomposition might be suspended by extreme heat or cold, that they were ac- celerated by the action of alkalies, and / 25 retarded by that of acids, and that they might be arrested by the use of certain antiseptics. If, however, the theory of eremacausis be accepted, and if its phe- nomena be due entirely to a communica- tion of molecular motion, and not at all to the action of living germs, does any adequate explanation remain of the ef- fects produced by antiseptics ? With re- gard to timber, theorists were ready with an answer to this question, and they deduced their theories from further teachings of the great German chemist. Liebig, enlarging upon the views of pre- vious investigators, had proclaimed the identity in composition of the animal and vegetable albumens. The blood of ani- mals and the sap of plants are, during life, the circulating media of the vital growth ; after death they are the por- tions of the respective bodies which pu- trefy most rapidly ; both are largely com- posed of albumen. The sap freshly drawn from a tree will commence to pu- trefy within twenty-four hours. It was proclaimed (although probably not by 26 Liebig), that the coagulation of the al- bumen was the true specific against the decay of wood. Corrosive sublimate, sulphate of copper, chloride of zinc, and the tar oils were all powerful agents for that purpose. It was claimed for all four of these processes that they coagu- lated the albumen contained in the wood, and that they formed insoluble compounds therein, thus arresting decay. Prolonged experience has, however, proved that the salts of metals are not so permanent in their effects as the tar oils. The discussion which took place at this institution in January, 1853, upon the occasion of the reading of Mr. Burt's paper, was an interesting one, and was joined in by most of the leading engi- neers of the country. Whilst the other processes were admitted, in many instances, to have done good service, the Creosoting process was generally held, after fifteen years' experience, to have proved the most stable and reliable. In many subsequent discussions, the pro- longed duration of creosoted timber had 27 been a matter of constant and reiterated testimony. Gradually the Creosoting process took the place of the others by a species of "survival of the fittest,'' until in England it entirely extinguished its rivals. The author's last experience of Kyanizing in England was carried out in 1863. In France, the Creosoting process was later in establishing itself, partly owing to the difficulty which at one time existed in procuring Creosote in that country, partly, also, to the popularity of the sul- phate of copper process, enhanced, as it was by the ingenuity of the method em- ployed for its injection by Dr. Boucherie. But it was discovered even in France, and notwithstanding the theories of in- soluble compounds being formed in the timber, that the salts of metals were gradually washed out of the wood in moist situations. In 1861, the French chemist Pay en reported that sulphate of copper could be almost entirely removed from wood by repeated washings with water, and in 1867 he reported that the 28 whole could be so removed. This has been confirmed by the testimony of Max- ime Paulet. The experiments of Mr. Forestier, un- dertaken for the French Government, and the prolonged and exhaustive experi- ments of the Dutch Government, are conclusive as regards the efficiency of creosoting against the ravages of the Teredo navalis, in cases where the tim- ber has been efficiently prepared, and with a suitable kind of creosote. These experiments are referred to in the Min- utes of Proceedings of this Institution, vol. xxvii. The experiments undertaken by Mr. Crepin on Tbehalf of the Belgian Government, and the independent testi- mony of many of the leading engineers of this country, have also from time to time been brought to the notice of this Institution, in confirmation of the success of the Creosoting process against the ravages of marine insects. On the other hand, there are distinct and well authen- ticated instances of failure. An inquiry 29 into the causes of such failures is one of the main objects of this paper. Origin and properties of the Tar Oils. As the tar oils gained in usefulness, their varying qualities became subjects of increasing interest. A brief digres- sion may here be useful, in order to show the process of manufacture by which these tar oils are procured. It will be seen that from coal, as it is carbonized at the gasworks, four well known products are obtained, viz., illuminating gas, am- moniacal liquor, coal-tar, and coke. Gas liquor, or ammoniacal liquor forms the basis of a separate industry ; the ammoniacal products are of no utility for timber preserving. The antiseptic sub- stances are all obtained from the distilla- tion of coal tar, a black, viscous substance of a consistency resembling treacle. The tar is subjected to the heat of a furnace placed beneath the still, the operation be- ing aided sometimes by the injection of steam, sometimes by the application of an exhausting air pump. The prod- ucts of distillation come over very nearly 30 in the order of their respective volatili- ties, those of lightest specific gravity be- ing followed in succession by heavier and yet heavier ones as the heat increases. The temperature during the distillation ranges from 180 to 758 Fahrenheit. This preliminary process, although now carried out with more skill and economy than formerly, has not varied much dur- ing the last fifty years in its main object, which is to break up the tar into three groups of products, viz., oils lighter than water (crude naphthas) ; oils heavier than water, pitch, the residuum of distillation, which last product is run out from the bottom of the still, and solidifies, upon cooling, into a hard, black substance. It is in connection with the component parts of the two groups of oils, and their separate and subsequent treatment, that some of the best known and most bril- liant discoveries of modern industrial chemistry have been developed. The oils lighter than water, however, have no part in the preservation of timber. It is not uncommon to hear inquiries as to 31 whether the discovery of the aniline dyes has not, somehow or other, interfered with the quality of the Creosoting liquor. There exists a singular and unfounded prejudice on this subject. The materials for the aniline dyes are not, and never have been, taken from the Creosoting liquor or heavy oils ; they are taken ex- clusively from the oils lighter than water, which last have never been employed for the Creosoting process, and are value- less for timber-preserving. The benzols, toluols, &c., from which the aniline dyes are produced, are extremely volatile, like alcohol. The heavy oils of tar, or dead oils heavier than water, constitute the " Cre- osote v of the timber yards. They con- tain numerous substances, some of them liquid, some semi-solid, varying consid- erably in their properties, but most of them are now recognized as antiseptics. Formerly, the whole mass of these heavy oils was used for timber -preserving as they were collected from the still, but each portion can, if required, be separ- 32 ated as it comes over, according to its volatility, or the solid matters can be separated by filtering, for subsequent treatment. It has been seen that Mr. Bethell's original patent recommended the use of the mother liquor, or coal tar, thinned with a portion of heavy coal-tar oil. So late as 1849, Bethell's licenses for the use of his patent described the process as " saturating timber with the oils ob- tained by the distillation of gas- tar, either alone or mixed with gas-tar." The author remembers how, in the early days of Creosoting, inspectors frequently refused to allow the thinner and lighter dead oils to be used without being thick- ened with tar. Tar, the mother liquor, necessarily included all the substances contained in the dead oils, plus the naph- thas and the pitch. The reasons for not adopting the tar in its entirety are simply that the crude naphthas are useless as antiseptics, and would immediately evap- orate, whilst the pitch, from its too great solidity, would form an impediment to 33 the injection. The dead oils, therefore, came into use alone, and there crept in- to some of the specifications the contra- dictory prescriptions that the wood was to be Creosoted according to Bethell's patent, but that the Creosote was to be free from adulteration with coal tar. The dead oils made in London, and in all places where the tar is produced from the carbonization of the coal of the Newcastle district, are, as compared with other dead oils, the richest in semi-solid substances (naphthalene, anthracene, py- rene, &c.), and they require a higher temperature to volatilize. They are gen- erally called "London oils." The dead oils of the Midland Districts are lighter, thinner, and more volatile, and contain usually a larger proportion of the ordi- nary tar acids. They are usually called u Country oils/' The Scotch oils are, many of them, still lighter, thinner, and more volatile, sometimes lighter than water. Some Scotch oils, however, have been proved to be of excellent quality. As regards the question of thick or 34 thin oils, there is no doubt as to the opinion and practice of the earlier intro- ducers of the Creosoting process. In January, 1853, Mr. Bethell stated that " the product of Newcastle coal contained a quantity of naphthalene, and that he was an advocate for its use." In Novem- ber, 1864, he said that "the Creosoting process was not, as often described, a chemical process entirely " ; that Creo- sote did coagulate albumen in the sap of the wood ; " but that was not his only idea when he introduced the process : his object was to fill the pores of the wood with a bituminous asphaltic sub- stance, which rendered it waterproof," &c. The late Mr. H. P. Burt, whoselabors in connection with the preservation of tim- ber will be remembered by many of the elder members of the engineering pro- fession, was in the habit, for many years, of using, by preference, the heavy Lon- don oils, mixed at times with a small per- centage of the country oils, the latter as solvents or diluents of the more solid / 35 material. The author, whose connection with Mr. Burt commenced in 1850, re- members, among his first experiences of creosoting, the solid masses of naph- thalene contained in the tanks before heating. When the construction of railways commenced in India in 1850 and 1 851, it was speedily discovered that the tim- ber found in that country was subject to very rapid destruction by decay and by the attacks of insects. A serious difn- culty was encountered by engineers in procuring suitable sleepers, and the ex- periment was tried of sending creosoted Baltic timber from this country. The first consignment of this material was sent out in December, 1851, for the East Indian Railway Company. The results were promising from the first, and the exportation of creosoted sleepers to India continually increased. The Minutes of Proceedings of this In- stitution contain numerous records of the rapid decay of unprepared timber in tropical climates, and also of the very 36 great general success of creosoted timber exposed to the same influences, check- ered, however, with a few instances of partial failure, which should be as in- structive as the successes. It may be interesting to refer to the two papers by Mr. Bryce McMaster, upon Indian Permanent Way materials, one read in 1859, and the second in 1863, in which the success of creosoted timber in India is fully set forth. Mr. Juland Danvers, in his annual report to the Sec- retary of State for India for the year 1863, remarks that it is cheaper to send out creosoted Baltic sleepers than to use those of indigenous wood. The printed report of the East Indian Railway Com- pany for the year 1867 again records the success of creosoted sleepers, after six- teen years' experience of their use. It becomes a matter of interest to as- certain the kind of Creosote which was used for these earlier Indian sleepers. When the exportation first began there was a custom's duty upon the importa- tion of Baltic timber into this country 37 equal to about 20 per cent, on the value of the sleepers. The author's firm made early arrangements for creosoting in bond, and for this reason, and with tri- fling exceptions, all the sleepers sent abroad, although supplied by various contractors, were for many years creo- soted at the works of the author's firm at Rotherhithe and at the Victoria docks. Their books contain accurate records of the origin of all the creosote used. As may be anticipated, by far the greater bulk was London oil, up to 1863 com- paratively little country oil, and in some years none at all being used. In Janu- ary, 1853, Mr. Burt, in describing to this Institution the process which he used, spoke, as a matter of course, of Creosote becoming a hard, compact mass at a tem- perature below 35 Fahrenheit. Ten years later, in February, 1863, speaking with reference to the Creosoting of some sleepers, the success of which in India had just been announced, he described Creosote as becoming solid at a tempera- ture below 40 Fahrenheit, and added that, in consequence, he had introduced a heating apparatus inside the Creosoting cylinder. With the exception of a small experi- mental shipment of larch and Scotch fir, all the sleepers sent to India have been of Baltic fir timber from the Polish and Russian ports. The shipments were of the ordinary kind of wood, such as was in use at first for sleepers in this country, and were mostly of triangular section. Amongst them, for the first three or four years, were considerable quantities of white-wood, a wood somewhat liable to split in hot countries. Subsequently, red- wood was stipulated for, and with good reason, in all Indian specifications. The quantity of Creosote injected into these sleepers was at first from 35 to 40 gal- lons to the load of 50 cubic feet, as com- pared with the 50 and 60 gallons of the present day. At present not only is a larger quantity of Creosote injected, but more care is also expended in the selec- tion of the wood than was formerly the case. If, therefore, the earlier sleepers 39 shipped to India behaved well, it might be assumed that the quality of the Creo- sote, at least, was suited to the climate. Such Creosote, however, as was then used would now be rejected under the requirements of many of the specifica- tions at present in force for the prepara- tion of timber for tropical countries. It is a question for grave consideration whether the change has been for the bet- ter. It is a matter of notoriety, that for many years an increasing demand has arisen for the thinner and lighter Creo- sotes. " Country oil " became more pop- ular, and began to be mentioned in speci- fications. Inspectors preferred these thinner oils ; they were injected with less trouble, and the timber looked cleaner and less " muddy " after the process, especially in the winter, when the Lon- don oils are more solid. Contrary to the opinion of the introducers of Creosot- ing, the thin, light " Country oil " came to be considered by many as the supreme type of excellence. 40 This view was adopted by the late Dr. Letheby, who was further influenced by the growing recognition of the wonder- ful antiseptic powers of carbolic acid. Discovered in coal tar by Runge, a Ger- man chemist, in 1834, carbolic acid had gradually achieved the important position which it still holds as one of the most valuable of antiseptics for sanitiry and surgical puposes. Carbolic acid in vary- ing quantities was present in the tar oils; the other constituents of those oils were imperfectly understood ; some of them, now well known, had not then been dis- covered. The success of the creosoting process was therefore by a priori reason- ing attributed mainly, if not solely, by Dr. Letheby to the presence of the tar acids. In June, 1860, Dr. Letheby pub- lished his views on this subject in the "Journal of the Society of Arts." He considered carbolic acid to be the most effective constituent of the tar oils, and* that the efficiency of the latter in pre- serving timber depended ma ; nly upon the percentage of carbolic acid which 41 they contained. He therefore concluded that the lighter poitions of the dead oils were the best, viz., those portions dis- tilling between 360 Fahrenheit and 490 Fahrenheit, as they contain the tar a^ids in greatest abundance. Naphthalene and para-naphthalene he desired to exclude as much as possible, as he held them to be of no value in the preparation of tim- ber. He had found the proportion of carbolic acid in tar oils to range from 6 per cent, down to as low as 0.5 per cent. In a letter of his in the author's posses- sion, dated 5th June, 1863, he alludes to two samples as containing "unusually large " proportions of tar acids ; the "quantities were respectively 6.4 per cent, and 10.1 per cent. In a lecture at Not- tingham, in 1867, Dr. Letheby described a specification which he had drawn up for an Indian railway. This specifica- tion, dated 1865, contains the following stipulations : The creosote is to have a specific gravity as near to 1,050 as pos- sible, ranging from 1,045 to 1,055. It is not to deposit naphthalene or para-naph- 42 thalene at a temperature of 40 Fahren- heit. It is to contain 5 per cent, of crude carbolic and other coal-tar acids (by the caustic potash test). It is to yield 90 per cant, of liquid oil, when distilled from its boiling point to a temperature of 600 Fahrenheit. From an examination of upwards of seventy timber-preserving specifications in the author's possession, ranging from 1849 to the present year, it is manifest that a new departure was thus inaugur- ated by Dr. Letheby. For the first time a boiling-point is fixed, a certain percent- age of tar acids insisted upon, whilst the use of naphthalene and the heavier dis- tillates is discouraged. This specification has long ceased to be used, but its stipulations have been copied, and in some cases carried to greater lengths, in more modern specifications, 10 per cent, of tar acids being occasionally required. Such specifications exclude the London oils if taken in their entirety as they come from the still. It is to be regret- ted that, at the period mentioned, there 43 is no record of experiments having been made by any English chemists as to the actual effects produced upon timber by the various constituents of the tar oils taken separately. For want of such a test, it would appear that an import- ant element in the question was for some years overlooked in this country. So early as 1848 the French Academie des Sciences received a communication from De Gemini, detailing a series of experiments upon wood prepared with various antiseptics. This investigator endeavored to prove that timber cannot be permanently preserved by the use of antiseptics which are themselves soluble in water, and for that reason he preferred the use of heavy oils, or bituminous substances. The Academie rejected the conclusions of De Gemini, more especial- ly as he denied that solutions of sulphate of copper formed insoluble compounds with woody fiber. In 1862 Mr. Kottier presented a paper to the Academie Royal e de Belgique giv- ing the results of a number of experi- 44 ments as to the effects upon timber of the various constituents of coal-tar oil. He arrived at the conclusion that al- though carbolic acid (L'Acide Phenique) was a very energetic antiseptic, yet that, owing to its volatility, the durable success of the Creosoting process was not due to its agency. He attributed that suc- cess to the heavier and less volatile por- tions which came over at the later periods of the distillation, and consid- ered that the heavier they were the better. Later on this investigation was taken up by Mr. Charles Coisne, who was then, and still is, an engineer in the service of the Belgian Government. In 1863 Mr. Coisne commenced a series of experi- ments, the object being to determine, in a practical manner, which portions of the tar oils best preserved the timber. The results were so instructive, that in 1866 he inaugurated a new series of ex- periments, still more carefully conducted, which lasted until 1870. He procured samples of Creosote from England, Scot- 45 land, Belgium and France. Four of these samples contained, respectively, 15 per cent., 15 per cent., 8 per cent., and 7 per cent, of tar acids by the usual test. The fifth was an oil of heavy specific gravity, specially prepared, and contain- ing no tar acids. Yet this last sample produced better results than any of the others. Each sample was divided into portions. Wood shavings were saturated with these oils in the following different ways : 1st. With the Creosotes as received. 2d. With the Creosotes, supplemented by additional quantities of tar acids. 3d. With the Creosotes, supplemented by some of the heavier portions of the same oils distilling over at a temperature exceeding 320 Centigrade (628 Fahren- heit). 4th. With the original Creosotes di- vided into the lightest, the medium, and the heaviest portions, with each of which the shavings were separately sat- urated. A putrefying pit (pourrisoir) was pre- 46 pared, in which the shavings were placed on the 10th of November, 1866, together with other shavings not pre- pared. After four years' sojourn in the pourrisoir, they were removed and ex- amined on the 16th November, 1870. The results were strikingly in favor of the heavier oils, and adverse to the tar acids, which last bodies appeared to have been wholly ineffective. The shavings which had been prepared with the light- est portions of the oils, although they had contained the largest portions of the tar acids, were, nevertheless, in the worst condition. Those prepared with the oils somewhat heavier were in most cases better preserved. Best of all were the shavings prepared with the heaviest oils, procured by distilling at the higher tem- peratures even when containing no tar acids ; these last were all perfectly sound. The un-creosoted shavings were all rotten. Mr. Coisne believed that the best portions of the oils were the " green oils," distilling at high temperatures. These experiments are recorded at 47 length in the in fact, there should be nothing left that was worth more than the proverbial 2d. He did not appear to see the difference in our color between the two pennies and the two sovereigns. The difference in the town-made tar and the country tar did not arise so much from the difference of coal used as from the degree of heat used in making the gas. In London it was desired to obtain a harder coke that would do for engines, .and for that purpose a much higher 107 temperature was used, and the most lumi- nous portion of the gas fiist formed was- decomposed on coming into contact with the sides of the red-hot retort, the result being gas charcoal, naphthaline, and a gas of less illuminating power. With re- gard to Dr. Letheby's specification, that very specification was advocated and rec- ornmended'by Messrs. Burt and Boulton, but then carbolic acid had not become so- valuable when separated. Now the speci- fication recommended was drawn up by Dr. Tidy, and if the author could get his- views adopted there would soon be a very tidy specification to work from. The au- thor had mentioned some experiments of Dr. Tidy's with naphthaline injected into wood, but he had given no facts or data,, merely expressing his own opinion. Again, the experiment was not similar to the exposure of creosoted sleepers, which were not subjected to a temperature of 150 Fahrenheit in a closed vessel. He would give the results of two experiments- that he had made in 1882, one with coun- try oil, condemned by the author, and 108 one with Mr. Boulton's own oil, full of naphthaline. He took a piece of wood (deal), 3 inches by 3 inches by 8 inches, and dried at 230 Fahrenheit, until it lost no more weight, so that there was no water left in it to cause loss. He then kept it in a vessel containing the author's London creosote, heated to 180 Fahren- heit, having a weight on the wood to keep it under the creosote. It took up 1,020 grains, after being wiped from excess of creosote outside. It was then, on Feb- ruary 7th, 1882, placed on a mantelshelf, where the temperature was never above 70 Fahrenheit, and generally between 40 and 50. It was repeatedly weighed, and the loss was constant until June 5th, 1882, when it had lost 487 grains, equal to 47.75 per cent, of the creosote put in. Now, as there were only 10 per cent, of crude tar acids in the creosote, what was it that made up the 47.75 per cent, loss? Water there was none. The loss arose chiefly from evaporation of the naphtha- line. At the same time he treated a simi- lar piece of wood, 3 inches by 3 inches 109 by 6 inches 2 inches shorter dried at the same temperature, until it ceased to lose weight. It was then immersed in country oil, specific gravity 1,045, and kept under the oil by a weight, but with- out applying heat. It absorbed 1.788 grains of the creosote, so that the wood, which was a quarter smaller, took up, actually, in cold, more than double the quantity that the other piece did of the author's oil at 180 Fahrenheit. The piece was placed side by side with the other on the mantelshelf, and in four months it had lost 575 grains, or 42.33 per cent, of the oil taken up. But that was not fair to the second piece of wood, for it was so saturated that some of the oil drained out on the mantelshelf, and of course contributed to the loss of weight, although it was not by evapora- tion. The oil contained about 20 per cent, crude tar acids. Those were plain facts, and showed that the author's contention "that country oils are not good for creosoting timber because of their instability" was contrary to fact. 110 The beautiful white substance, naphtha- line, was liable to sudden changes. It might at one moment be a black dirty- looking substance, and, by the applica- tion of a moderate heat, it became volatil- ized and condensed into a lustrous sub- stance. The author, by Dr. Tidy's experiments, had tried to make out that it was not volatile. Camphor, although it could not be volatilized by heat with- out decomposition, yet it was well known that a piece of camphor, even when wrapped in paper or any porous mate- rial, would soon pass away by evapora- tion ; and it was so with the naphtha- line. Many attempts had been made to prepare tar colors, &c., from naphthaline, but as yet without success ; it was worth nothing (except in small quantities in the albo-carbon gas-burners) when separated from the creosote ; and that was the rea- son why it was so valuable, according to the author, in the creosote. But if ever, by chemical research, naphthaline became as valuable as carbolic acid, it would then become so volatile as to escape from the Ill creosote altogether, and chemists would be asked to reconsider their creosoting specifications. As to the solubility of car- bolic acid in water and alkaline solutions, which the author said was a disadvantage, he maintained that it was an advantage, for it enabled the acid gradually to dis- solve in the water and sap, and thus get into the substance of the wood and pre~ vent decay, while the other portion of the creosote remained like beauty, only skin-deep. To say that because carbolic acid could not be found in creosoted sleepers after twenty or thirty years, and that therefore it had nothing to do with stopping decay, was absurd. It might as well be said that a few days after a large fire only one or two policemen were found and no fire-engines, and that there- fore the policemen put out the fire and not the engines. Carbolic acid was an oxidizable substance, and would protect the wood from oxidation or decay. It instantly prevented decomposition, and destroyed the life of the germs which caused decay, being also poisonous to 112 most insects. Dr. Tidy had mentioned the number of analyses he had made, and how long his experience had lasted. Mr. Bamber might therefore be allowed to state that he had tested samples of creosote for the last twenty-five years, and had practical experience in the proc- ess of creosoting. It was his opinion that to creosote timber properly the creosote tank must not be only the " waste tub " for distilling works. It was easy to get good country oil with 18 to 25 per cent, crude tar acids, yielding no deposit of that volatile substance, naphthaline. He had met with some samples of so-called creosote that con- tained nearly half their bulk of filth, con- sisting of charred oil, &c., he presumed the residues from anthracene manufac- ture, yet when the creosote was rejected every effort was made to induce the be- lief that it was some of the best creo- sote. Dr. Albert J. Berneys said that no one could doubt the conclusion that the sub- stances preferred should be germ ex- 113 cinders as well as germicides, and those contained in the oils which were heavier than water. His contention would be to retain, at least in part, and to the extent of 2 per cent., the carbolic acid as well as the naphthaline and the alkaloids. The arguments in favor of carbolic acid were very strong. Where the creosoted timber was covered up in the ground the solubility in water assisted in diffusing it somewhat in the earth, and thus extended its sphere of action. Nor should that solubility be exaggerated. In a dry soil the loss could only be by heat, and that would also affect other ingredients. It said much for the durability of carbolic acid that, in spite of the employment of heavier types of tar-creosote in early days, it was distinctly present in many cases recorded in the experiments of Mr. Greville Williams. In one specimen wood creosoted thirty years, distilled with water, a distinct reaction of phenol was obtained in a case where most of the oil and all the naphthaline had disap- peared. In another, creosoted thirty-two 114 years, the phenol reaction was very distinct. In a third, creosoted twenty- nine years, the phenol reaction was very strong when distilled with acid, but was also distinctly present in a free state ; whereas there was no naphthaline and very little oil. In cases where no free phenol was found, it was discoverable in combination. The power possessed by phenol for coagulating albumen could not be exaggerated. He would not de- scribe his own experiments ; but in his hospital work he was very familiar with the high antiseptic power of carbolic acid. The experiments of Mr. Greville Williams with the white and yolk of an egg only showed that the alkaloids of the tar-creosote, weight for weight, were equal to the carbolic acid as germicides, but certainly no more; and that the .__i_th part of phenol bore no relation to the amount of albumen present. If all the albumen had been coagulated it would not have putrefied. For Mr. Williams further stated that 1 per cent, of phenol and 1 per cent, of alkaloidals 115 were of equal value. He believed in the coagulation theory by phenol of the albumen of the wood, but unless enough was used it was as with disinfectants. If he had a quantify of hydrogen sulphide in the air of a room, and he only used enough chlorine to unite with one-half of the hydrogen present, where would the disinfection be? It was the worst of disinfectants that generally they could not be used in sufficient quantities. The benefit of them was (as Miss Nightin- gale had said) that it was necessary to open the window when they were used. It was the same with phenol. If he did not coagulate the albumen, of which there was but little in the wood, he failed. But the phenol had the property and the additional advantage of volatil- ity. It took a long time for even the free phenol to evaporate, so much was it protected and shut up by the oil and naphthaline in the tar-creosote. And he believed that not only was carbolic acid more potent as an antiseptic than any other constituent of the tar-creosote, but 116 that it was present in larger quantities than the alkaloids which, according to Mr. Williams, were equal to it weight for weight. Mr. W. Foster regarded the question brought forward by the author, as to the value of alkaloidal substances, as a very important one. In a paper which he had recently read before the Institution, he had remarked on the possibility of some of the nitrogen, which he was then in search of, being in tar in the condition of alkalodial bodies. The author had men- tioned five or six of those nitrogenous bodies, and there were probably others. The recent investigations of chemists had shown that pitch itself contained an appreciable amount of nitrogen. Acridine, of which an example had been given in the table, contained the lowest percent- age of nitrogen, and had the highest boiling-point. Having regard to the pitch, it was possible that there were other nitrogenous bodies which had a still higher boiling-point, and a lower percentage of nitrogen than in the case 117 of acridine. The quantity of those alkaloidal substances in the tar was very small. There was no information as to their relative proportions ; and as the percentage of nitrogen varied from 17.7 to 7.8, it would not be wise to specify how much of those bodies was present in the tar. He thought he might say that there was not more than from 3 to 4 per cent. If, therefore, they had any value in the preservation of wood, their effect must be very powerful. He was inclined to look at the question of the preserva- tion of wood by the aid of some facts which were a little outside the subject. He might be pardoned for referring to the corrosion of iron. Iron could remain permanent in dry oxygen, in pure water, or in pure carbonic acid gas ; in any two of those it remained permanent ; it was only by the conjoint influence of the three that corrosion was effected. Pitch, he believed, was the best preservative of iron that was to be had, and if applied to a clean surface free from oxide (rust), it was impossible to say when the surface 118 of pitch would fail to protect the iron. He was of course speaking of the con- tinuity of surface being preserved. Pitch was a substance of a most permanent character, being almost destitute of any chemical attributes ; if, therefore, the cel- lular structure of the wood could be thoroughly permeated by it, as long as the continuity was perfect, it would be preserved. Of course, that could never be fully realized in practice. In the case of green wood, the question arose as to the coagulation of albuminous matter. No need to go far afield to get plenty of instances showing that if water and im- pure air could be kept out, the preserva- tion would be prolonged. The author had referred to the experiments of Petti- grew ; but the inference he had drawn was not the only one. If albuminous matter was dried, it could be kept as a horny substance for an indefinite length of time. A piece of glue could be pre- served intact in the same way. If white of egg or glue were moistened and ex- posed for a certain time, it putrefied. 119 The inferences deducible from Petti- grew's experiments could, he thought, be traced to the removal of water from the muscle (the heart), which had been the subject of the experiments. The whole thing might be summed up in the grave- digger's reply to Hamlet, "Water is a sore destroyer of the dead body." Mr. W. Carruthers thought that the botanical aspect of the question should be at the basis of the inquiry ; for with- out a proper appreciation of the circum- stances under which vegetable tissues were destroyed, it was impossible rightly to appreciate the means by which that destruction could be prevented. While he agreed with much that had been said, he felt bound to differ from a great deal that he had heard. He acknowledged the great importance of pitch for preserv- ing the external surface of wood. But wood decayed not only from chemical agents, air and water ; but much more from the action of parasites. He could easily see that if a body was entirely pro- tected externally by pitch, it would be 120 preserved from chemical changes, but not from the more injurious and dangerous attacks of fungal parasites. They were developed from spores, and the attack might be made through a flaw or crack in the wood. When the wood was exposed to the desiccation of the air, flaws con- tinually appeared, and wherever a spore could get access, there would begin de- velopment of the mycelium or root of the fungus, which penetrated the wood wher- ever nutritious materials were supplied through its whole course ; so that unless the wood was preserved by some sub- stance which would prevent the life of fungi, its destruction was certain. He exhibited a specimen of wood the date of the creosoting of which was not known, but it had been used in a hurdle for at least ten years. The lower creosoted por- tion, embedded in the earth, did not show the slightest injury ; but the upper part, exposed to the air, and cracked, had been attacked from the outside by minute veg- etation. Some of the spores had obtained access to the interior, which had not been 121 antiseptically preserved, the fungi had enormously developed, and the interior had been destroyed by them. The same thing had occurred in the case of two specimens of telegraph poles. The ex- terior of the specimen which he exhibited had been fairly preserved, but the interior had been destroyed. It was remarkable that the interior was colored by the in- jection of what he supposed he must call creosote ; but it had not been sufficient to serve as an antiseptic, as it had permitted the free growth of fungi, which ramified through the base of the pole and com- pletely destroyed the cellulose or lignine, leaving it a fragile skeleton. It appeared to him that what was needed was a suffi- cient impregnation of the wood with creo- sote, and with that element in it which was destructive to vegetable life. He did not know from experiments what that element was, but he did know that there was an element in crude creosote that was extremely destructive to vegetable life, viz., carbolic acid. Not, however, in all strengths, for Koch, a distinguished 122 German mycologist, had found that certain liquids, with 5 per cent, of carbolic acid, would support fungi; so that the pres- ence of a small percentage was not de- structive to vegetable life. That was ex- tremely important in relation to the ob- servations of Prof. Voelcker. Another specimen from a telegraph pole had been completely destroyed by a fungus (He- ticularia). There was on one side a yellowish dust, consisting entirely of the spores of the plant. But in a specimen from a hurdle, which had been in use since 1861, when it was creosoted, the ex- terior, although it had no coating of tar, still exhibited the minutest marks of the tools employed upon it, and the interior, which was completely saturated with a brown substance, was as good and fresh as if it had been creosoted yesterday, without a particle of fungus. There was a little greenish vegetation on the outside, but it was epiphytic, and not injurious to the wood ; there was no fungal vegeta- tion whatever. The wood had been enor- mously increased in weight, and he had 123 ascertained microscopically that there was no deposit in the interior of the cells. The whole of the lignine and of the sec- ondary deposits had been colored by that material, so that the tissue had been com- pletely altered. It appeared to him that there had been a new combination through the injected material, producing an an- tiseptic condition of the wood which was fatal to the fungi. There was a little free carbolic acid crystallizing in the in- terior of the cells, but it did not seem to him that that was the explanation of it. He should be glad if those who were con- versant with the chemical aspect of the subject, would inquire into the real na- ture of the change which had produced the discolored and altered condition of the lignine. In his opinion nothing had been introduced for preserving timber that could compare with the creosote used in the specimen he had exhibited, which had been exposed to the air nearly twenty years, and yet the ragged edges of the chips on the outside had not even 124 been touched by atmospheric or other destructive agents. Mr. Henry Maudslay observed that, in the case of Old London Bridge, the decay of the timber piles of the piers varied ac- cording as they were constantly under water, or exposed to water, air, and sun ; or exposed especially to salt water or to fresh water on the rise and fall of the tide. There were many combinations of circumstances that tended practically to destroy timber, and it was therefore most desirable to ascertain the exact position that would be occupied by a solid pile driven into the earth to support a struc- ure whether it was to be exposed to the constant action of the water below in the earth, or to a change in the rise and fall of the tide, or to the influence of moisture gradually attacking it above the highest spring-tide level. On the Arran and Snowdon mountains he had been lately excavating soil in order to form a reser- voir, and had come across some of the largest roots of red pine timber that he had seen in that locality. There were no 125 trees on the mountains at the present time, and it must have taken many years for the timber to have grown at that ele- vation 1,200 to 1,500 feet above the level of the sea. The timber was of a mag- nificent character ; these roots had been submerged perhaps centuries. The roots had been found in situ covered with a layer of disintegrated earth saturated with water from the copper mines. They had been preserved in that way by nature, but now that they were being exposed to the air, they were in some cases begin- nin to crumble away. The props and supports in old workings of copper mines were preserved, and would burn with great difficulty. Since the Royal George had sunk in 1782, all the timber had be- come saturated with sea-water, which was so destructive to the cast-iron cannon, that they were made as soft as plumbago ; but salt water had a great effect upon the preservation of the oak wood, making it quite green. The timber was so hardened that all the pores seemed to have been filled with some material that was suit- 126 able to its preservation. It still retained that quality, as shown in the case of a billiard table made for Her Majesty, and by another now in his late father's house at Norwood. This table had been made by Thurston in 1860, from the wreck which was raised in 1841. With regard to the decay of iron, he might be permitted to mention that Queen Anne's statue at St. Paul's cathedral, was one of the finest of London specimens of decay of iron that engineers could examine. It consisted of cast iron, wrought iron, lead, and stone, all of which were mouldering away by the action of nature, the character of the air, and the water. The whole of the iron work was a magnificent specimen of age and deterioration. If chemists would ex- amine the question as to effects produced upon timber subjected to the continual action of water and its components, or to the rise and fall of the tide, whether salt or fresh, or only to the effects of a certain amount of moisture, as in the case of rail- way sleepers afterwards dried by the ac- tion of the sun, the practical results of 127 their investigations would be of great value. Mr. E. A. Cowper said he understood that an examination of the old pieces of timber successfully creosoted that had been exhibited, showed they were not at present protected by tar acids, and if they had had any in them in the first in- stance, it had long ago evaporated. The unsuccessful telegraph pole exhibited by Mr. Carruthers, from which a specimen had been taken, had evidently not been put into a creosoting cylinder, for it had a mere slight covering of creosote out- side. Hop-poles were often put into an iron pan with a fire under it and made hot, and there could be no doubt that steam came out from the water evaporat- ing, and the very action of which the au- thor had spoken took place to a slight extent. The piece of wood that was cut to a taper had a little creosote in its end, but on its sides the creosote did not go in jig- of an inch, it was merely paint on the outside; where the mortise-holes had been put through the post the spores had 128 entered and attacked the inside. The ef- fect of a spore getting into a piece of timber that had been preserved only on the outside surface was no argument against the preservation of timber by creosote. The piece from the Victoria Dock fence, which had been well creo- soted, had been preserved, and was as sound as it was twenty-nine years ago, when it was put down. The creosote had gone to the middle of the wood and protected it. The other specimen had not been preserved, and, therefore, it was rotten. A very extensive series of ex- periments had been carried out by Mr. Charles Coisne, and they were of a very instructive character. Samples of creo- sote had been taken from England, Scot- land, Belgium and France, showing 15, 15, 8 and 7 per cent, of tar acids, and there was a fifth specimen of heavy oil without any tar acid. Other mixtures were made by putting in an extra quan- tity of tar acids, except in the case of the one kept without acid, and the result showed that where the heavy oil was 129 used, the wood was preserved in the best manner, whilst those samples of wood preserved with creosote, having an extra dose of acid, were not so well preserved, and that which was unpreserved was en- tirely rotten. He had gone to Silver- town to examine the apparatus to which reference had been made. There were a number of pipes in the bottom of the creosote cylinder with superheated steam in them. When the timber had been put into the cylinder and warm creosote run in upon it, the temperature was grad- ually got up, and the water was as effect- ually driven out of the wood by evapora- tion as would be the case if water was put in a boiler with a fire under it and kept without any fresh supply of water. A temperature of 220 or 230 would evaporate every particle of moisture out of the wood, more especially when a vacu- um was put on. He might mention that the vacuum should not be turned on sud- denly, otherwise the creosote, steam, and water would all boil over. Water was deposited in a vessel in connection with 130 the condensing pipe, together with some light hydro-carbons. The creosote sup- plied to the creosoting vessel being heavy oil, would not commence to boil until about 392. London creosotes contained about 4 to 7 per cent, of tar acids. He had himself tried some ex- periments in coagulating and precipitat- ing albumen, and he found that consid- erably less than 2 per cent, of carbolic acid in the creosote would precipitate the largest amount of albumen found in wood, so that there was amply sufficient carbolic acid in the London creosote for that purpose. Not only was the albu- men coagulated by the two per cent, of carbolic acid, but by the mere fact of its being boiled. If an egg was boiled for a short time the white would set, and in an hour or two it would be very hard. After the vacuum had been on for a suf- . ficient time, and the whole of the water and moisture withdrawn from the timber, the cock was turned, and the pressure put on with pumps up to 120 Ibs. to the square inch. Not only did the pumps 131 put on the pressure and force the creo- sote into the wood, but directly the tem- perature was lowered a little, steam con- densed, and there was a vacuum in every pore of the wood. The whole of the wood was made a condenser; in every pore that had previously contained water there was a vacuum, so that the creosote went in, and, besides that, there was the pressure of 120 Ibs. to the square inch. At the works he saw a whole range of tanks, following one after the other. He thought the method was a very practical and mechanical one. There could be no doubt about the creosote thoroughly en- tering the timber. He thought the thanks of the members were due to the author for the admirable way in which he had developed the subject. The only thing wanted was a sort of skeleton specification for their guidance in the future. Mr. W. H. Preece said that as the be- havior of certain of Her Majesty's tele- graph posts had been called in question, he ought to say something in their be- 132 half. For the past thirty years he had devoted all the attention and skill that he could command to the inquiry as to the best modes of preserving timber. In the telegraph service of the country many millions of poles had been pre- served in various ways, and one of the methods that explained by the author had proved to be the survival of the fit- test. A great deal had been said as to the various causes of decay. Reference had been made to chemical and physio- logical causes, but there was a third cause, which might be called mechanical, of the decay existing at the " wind and water" line, or the ground line, where the timber was exposed to incessant changes of moisture and temperature. A careful microscopic examination showed that the process of decay was a purely mechanical one, that the wood disinte- grated by a process of bursting. The fibers appeared to be minute boilers, and the change of temperature produced evaporation, minute explosion, and rapid deterioration. It was a simple thing to 133 meet the chemical cause by the insertion of salts of various kinds, and it was pos- sible to meet the physiological cause by antiseptic treatment ; but the mechanical cause could only be obviated by coating the fibers of the wood with waterproof material, and filling them with a thick, viscous mass like creosote in its best form. In 1844 the first line of telegraph was constructed between London, South- ampton and Gosport, and the posts were made of the best Memel timber, preserved by the burnettizing process, simply impregnating the wood with zinc chloride. In 1857 he made a personal observation of a great part of the line in different grounds, and found that in sand about 40 per cent, of the posts had gone, in clay about 33 per cent., and in chalk about 28 per cent. In 1860 he found that the proportion was much greater, and in 1871 they had all failed, so that they had to be removed. The burnett- izing process materially added to the life of the pole without rendering it inde- structible. Kyanizing was tried to a 134 small extent, but the poisonous charac- ter of the salt deterred him from carry- ing it further. The favorite process about twenty years ago was that of boucherizing. The authorities had pur- chased whole forests, and in the middle of them established the boucherizing process, by which they had succeeded in lengthening the life of timber consider- ably. While the life of an average tele- graph pole unprepared was about seven years, the. life of a boucherized pole was about fifteen years. In 1848 a line of poles was erected from Fareham to Ports- mouth, a distance of about 20 miles, and all the poles, three hundred and eighteen in number, were creosoted by Mr. Beth- ell. It 1861 he examined them all in situ, and only two showed the slightest trace of decay, and they had begun to decay at the top. In 1874 he had them again examined, and every pole was sound. Last year, owing to the require- ments of the service, and the necessity of increasing the number of the wires, the line of poles had to be taken down, 135 and although they had been put up in 1848, they were as sound as when they were first erected. About the year 1861 the question of the proper mode of pre- serving timber was one of great conse- quence. The authorities were not satis- fied as to which was the best, boucher- izing or creosoting, and consequently, as the Yeovil and Exeter line of the Lon- don and South- Western Kailway Com- pany the poles were put up alternately : first a plain pole, next a boucherized pole, and next a creosoted pole, the line ex- tending about 40 miles. In 1870 he had them carefully examined, and it was found that of the plain poles that had been up ten years not one existed, all having decayed; while of the boucher- ized poles 30 per cent, had gone, and of the creosoted poles not one had decayed. The result was that the Government had decided for years past to creosote al] their poles. He did not remember the exact specification thut was used. At present the millions of poles existing in the country were all creosoted. It was 136 true that some of them had failed, but, as Mr. Carruthers had pointed out, there was creasote and creosote. There were unreliable firms, and others in whom con- fidence could be placed ; there were in- spectors who could be trusted, and others who could not. There were poles about the country supposed to be creosoted that were rotten ; and it had been found that those particular poles had not been in- spected, and that they had been hastily and improperly impregnated. He could state, as the result of thirty years' experience, that he had never seen a case of a prop- erly creosoted pole showing the slightest sign of decay. The reply of Mr. Boulton upon the Discussion and Correspondence is given at the end of the Correspondence. . CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. A. Bouissou, of the Western Rail- ways of France, stated that in 1859, on the line from Rouen to Dieppe, sleepers creosoted by the Bethell process had been adopted for the first time. These 137 sleepers were of beech. They had been creosoted in England in the works of the author's firm, and when an examination of them was made twenty years later, on the occasion of the Paris Exhibition of 1878, it was shown that not a single one of them bore the slightest trace of decay. Since 1864, the railway company of which he was engineer of the permanent way, had adopted creosoting for their sleep- ers, and from that date they had ap- plied it to about five million sleepers, of which at least three million and a-half were of beech wood. In these latter, as in the trial sleepers of 1859, no sign of decay has as yet been distinguished, and the lasting powers of the sleepers seemed only to be limited by the wear and tear to which the materials were exposed. Beech wood placed in the ground, with- out having been prepared, completely de- cayed at the end of two or three years, which rendered impossible the use of that wood unprepared in the form of sleepers. Also sulphating, employed for a long time for beech sleepers, not having 138 given the good results expected, had been abandoned by all the French railway companies. The employment of creosote for the preservation of sleepers had given every satisfaction, and its use had only been limited at certain periods by the difficulty sometimes experienced in procuring a sufficient quantity of creosote. As re- garded the quality of the creosote, he simply required that it should contain 5 per cent, of phenic acid. Mr. W. A. Brown remarked that a pre- serving process, of which much had been said and a great deal expected by engin- eers a few years ago, had been referred to in the latter part of that portion of the paper devoted to "Apparatus for Timber Preserving." This process was Mr. Blyth's system of " Thermo- Carbol- ization," which had been carried out by Messrs. Conner & Co. at their works at Mill wall, when a large number of sleep- ers had been prepared for some of our railways, together with telegraph poles for them and for the Post Office. It be- 139 X came his duty, about four years ago, to inquire into the subject, and he made an investigation into the different stages of the process at Messrs. Conner & Co.'s works, which led him to the following conclusions : 1st, that the strength of the wood was impaired through some of the celluloise and its incr listing materials being carried off in the form of pyroligneous acid by the superheated steam. 2d, that the peculiar " Creosote mix- ture " used as part of the process, con- tained so large a proportion of water that it was not at all likely to act as a pre- servative of the sleepers to which it was applied. It would be interesting to hear now how the sleepers and poles thus pre- pared had actually lasted in this country. In Austria the experience of Mr. Seidl, and in France that of the author, as re- corded in the paper, appeared to confirm the conclusions at which Mr. Brown ar- rived in the course of his investigations ; but so far as he was aware, there were 140 no published results as to the process in England. Mr. John Cleminson observed that the question of preparing timber against de- cay was occupying more attention now than formerly. It was therefore to be regretted that the author had not referred in detail to many good proc- esses with the above object in view, namely, that of Sir John MacNeill, Gardner, Beer, Blythe, and others. The author's remarks in reference to carbolic acid as an antiseptic would lead to the idea that it was necessary the acid should remain when injected ; such was not the case, nor was it necessary. The mere fact of its presence (the most powerful antiseptic known), with super- heated steam, was all that was required to produce coagulation of the albumen, and so to render preservation practically complete. With the old process of creo- soting, .the surface exteriorly only was preserved, the interior if unsound decayed uninterruptedly. All depended upon the selection of the timber. No amount of 141 creosote would avail to save its destruc- tion ultimately, if the interior was not sound. Where sleepers were adzed, the greater part, and in many instances the whole of the part, penetrated by the creosote was cut away, thus leaving the interior open to destruction from damp and other causes. The same disadvantage was experienced in the case of piles, when the ends were pointed for receiving shoes after creosoting. With carbolic acid once in contact with the albumen, and in the event of any interior unsoundness, the coagulation arrested decay, and pre- vented it from spreading, by entirely en- closing the defective part or parts. Com- bined when necessary with an outer ap- plication of creosote, thorough soundness and preservation internally and external- ly were thus secured. Blythe's process was a double process. The object, pres_ ervation internally and externally, in the case of sleepers and piles, was most ef- fectually obtained by carbolizing the in- terior, and creosoting the exterior. A re- sult had been obtained that had placed 142 this process foremost with French en- gineers for several years, and it was now largely used by them. In England where used it had met with much favor. The author of the paper was employing this process in France. Mr. Richard Cowper remarked that the value of creosote for preserving timber dspended partly on the mechanical effect which it had in excluding from the pores of the wood air and water, and the germs of destruction which they con- tained, and partly on the power possessed by certain of its constituents of destroy- ing those germs. For the purposes of germ- exclusion, it was generally admitted that the heavier portions of the creosote, from the less degree of solubility and volatility which they possessed, and their property of solidifying at ordinary tem- peratures, were the more efficacious. As regarded the germ-destroyers, the phe- nols and the alkaloids alone need be con- sidered. Phenols, namely carbolic, cre- sylic, and other acid bodies occurring in creosote, had long been known to possess 143 remarkable antiseptic properties, but they were easily soluble in water, and com- paratively volatile. Much stress had been laid upon their power of coagulat- ing albumen, but it had been shown that no stable chemical compound was formed, and that the albumen thus coagulated might be freed from the phenol by wash- ing with water, when it would decay. It had been shown by the experiments of Coisne, Greville Williams, and the author of the paper, on pieces of old creosoted timber, that in many well preserved speci- mens no phenol can be detected by the ordinary test, whilst in most cases they had found naphthaline, and in all cases oils of the heaviest character in consider- able quantity. It had been shown by Mr. Greville Williams that all the old timbers examined by him contained a consider- able amount of alkaloids, and his experi- ments proved not only that these alka- loids were powerful germicides, but that they were more powerful than phenol. They were at the same time much less soluble and volatile. Evidently if creo- 144 sote containing a high percentage of phenol were required, it could not con- tain so high a percentage of the heavier constituents, which were those possessing the greatest value as germ-excluders. At the same time, some of the alkaloids which had been shown to be of more value than phenol as germicides would be removed. Mr. W. Langdon remarked that in 1874 a paper by him upon the subject had been read before the Society of Telegraph En- gineers, in which he warmly advocated the employment of creosote in preference to any other preservative for timber, and he had since seen no reason to alter the views expressed on that occasion. Of late years, however, the appearance of the timber so treated had suggested the belief that the oils now employed did not contain that amount of tar or other heavy compounds which was apparently possessed by the creosote supplied in the earlier eays. His attention in the appli- cation of creosote to timber had been more in the direction of telegraph poles 145 than otherwise, which class of timber was much more exposed to the weather than were railway sleepers, and which might in consequence be accepted as affording a more complete test of the value of the oil than did railway sleepers. These to a great extent were buried in the soil, and had but one side exposed to the influence of the atmosphere. Of late years numbers of the poles had presented anything but the appearance of a well creosoted pole. The surface had become partially or wholly. bleached, and almost white. This generally occurred on that portion of the pole subject to the sun's rays; but it was also equally marked upon that side of the pole exposed to prevailing winds and wet weather. It would therefore seem as if the bleaching was the result both of the influence of the sun and of the weather ; in fact that the creosote disappeared from the surface of the pole under the influ- ence of the sun and of wet. If telegraph poles creosoted many years back were examined, as a rule the surface of those poles would be found covered with a 146 pitchy compound, and that mainly on the side of the pole exposed to the sun. There was no washing out from the weather. This he thought was easy of explanation. The warm atmosphere would always exercise an extractive influence upon any oil injected into wood or other like substance ; its tendency would be to bring it to the surface, where the lighter portions would be evaporated, and the heavier portions congealed. Creosote no doubt was a strong antiseptic, but where timber when felled was decayed, it could not give fresh life to the decayed portion. Timber, if properly seasoned, would last many years if not exposed to the vicissi- tudes of wind and weather, as in the in- stance of many articles of furniture made from the very same wood from which telegraph poles and railway sleepers were obtained, and which seemingly never de- cayed indoors. It was here that the cre- osote process enabled, an equally long life to be obtained for it when employed out of doors, and he imagined that the heavier oils played a much higher part in 147 procuring this immunity from decay than the creosote oil, inasmuch as it was to these heavier oils that the exclusion of moisture from the timber was due. A telegraph pole, or a railway sleeper, free from disease, if properly seasoned, and encased in such a manner as to prevent moisture getting into its fiber, was prac- tically indestructible from rot or decay. The coating given to it by the injection of these heavier oils into the fiber to a depth of from 1 to 2 inches afforded the timber this coating, excluded moisture, and thereby secured its duration. Mr. C. De Laune Faunce De Laune re- marked that the author had attempted to prove that only a very small quantity of carbolic acid was necessary in creosote for the preservation of wood. He approached the subject with diffidence, as he lay claim to no scientific knowledge, merely discussing it from the purely practical side ; and because he had been instru- mental in extending the use of creosote among landowners and farmers. The author referred to his having used creo- 148 sote too hot, and thereby having dam- aged the wood, much in the same way as if he had taken a warm bath too hot. He certainly stated to the author that he had used a material called creosote which contained a very small percentage of carbolic acid, and that the wood had failed to be satisfactorily impregnated with it in an open tank, even when sub- mitted to a great heat ; but he scarcely anticipated that he would infer that it was his general custom to use extreme heat, as he only wished it to be under- stood that even under such conditions the creosote did not perfectly penetrate into the wood. The process of injec- tion, in the case of telegraph poles, might preserve them to an indefinite period, but such a course was frequently im- practicable to the former, and in the case of hop-poles impossible ; wherefore an open tank was indispensable. For the last twenty years he had used creosoted wood, and the process had always been performed in an open tank. The wood was first cut to the required shape, -and 149 then immersed in the creosote which had previously been liquefied and warmed by a furnace built underneath the tank. No thermometer had ever been used to regulate the heat, and the only precau- tion taken was to prevent the creosote from boiling over, though it was suffi- ciently heated to make a few bubbles ap- pear on the surface. Wood of all kinds had been used, and no difficulty in ap- plying the creosote was at first experi- enced, but he believed that the creosote had gradually been becoming worse and worse, and so he submitted it to Dr. Voeck- ler for analysis, and got the following reply: "Your creosote has a specific gravity of 1.103, and on being subjected to distillation yields only 61 per cent, of volatile oils, of which 4 per cent, are car- bolic acid." My experience in creosoting timber, small as it is when compared with that of public companies, is large for a private individual, as I have at this time 46 miles of fences where creosoted wood is used ; and whereas the system, when employed some years 150 ago, was satisfactory, the present results are as much the contrary. The pieces of creosoted wood exhibited by Mr. Car- ruthers were creosoted by me in 1866, and, as was pointed out by him, are per- fect in their preservation. Unfortunately I have no analysis of the creosote then used, for such an analysis would prove that a material of the same constituents would be suitable for preserving wood in an open tank. It was obvious, there- fore, that a creosote was formerly used that could and did preserve inferior wood in an open tank perfectly, and which could be used so easily that no particular precautions as to the dryness of the wood were necessary, and it was in the hope of ascertaining the component parts of the creosote which he once used with such admirable results, that he ventured on these remarks ; for the creosote that he formerly used for preserving wood was as valuable as that which he was now us- ing was useless and worthless, and all he asked of manufacturers was to give him material like what he had before. 151 Mr. W. Lawf ord wished to inquire how it was that, in the face of such undoubt- ed proofs of the value of the creosot- ing process, some of the large railway companies, and notably the Midland, had given up creosoting their sleepers ? He considered it the duty of every one who used timber largely to adopt either this or some other antiseptic treatment, since large encroachments were annually made upon the timber-growing districts of the world, without an adequate sup- ply of timber-producing trees being planted for the use of posterity. Mr. C. Lowe, in reference to the con- stituents of the creosotes employed for " pickling" or preserving timber, was disposed to attribute to the tar acids only a very small amount of the effective results obtained by the application of the creosote, for the following rea- sons : 1. Carbolic and cresylic acids were both completely volatile even at an aver- age summer temperature in England, and in hot climates could not long re- 152 main present (except as traces) in any timber to which they had been ap- plied. 2. Both these acids were readily solu- ble in water, and would consequently be rapidly removed from the timber in case the latter, previously saturated with them, was subjected to the action of water in motion. He regarded the ac- tion of coal-tar creosote in preserving timber as presenting a two-fold char- acter ; firstj a mechanical action, by which the wood was rendered waterproof from the filling up of the cellular tissue with matter insoluble in water ; second, a chemical or antiseptic action, due chiefly to the presence of the tar acids. These tar acids were roughly divisible into the readily volatile acids soluble in water (carbolic and cresylic), and the heavy, almost non-volatile, acids insoluble in water. The latter class had not been thoroughly studied, but it was known to be powerfully antiseptic, and anti-para- sitic. He therefore considered the creo- sote best adapted for the " pickling " of 153 . timber to be a creosote containing suf- ficient solid hydrocarbon, such as naph- thaline, to be solid at a temperature slightly above the average climatic or other temperature to which the timber was to be ultimately exposed ; at the same time, to prevent the attacks of parasitic insects, etc., the heavy tar acids should be present. No reliance should be placed on carbolic and cresylic acids for pickling timber, seeing they were so readily removed by the action of water and climatic heat. It was well known that their albuminous combinations were readily broken up by simple washing with water; as germicides and anti- septics, when retained in situ, these acids were invaluable for surgical use and disinfection, and to these purposes* they should be relegated. Mr. T. E. M. Marsh exhibited speci- mens of timber used by the late Mr. Brunei in 1839. These were fair samples of the bulk of the timber of the ribs of the skew bridge over the River Avon, at the Bath station on the Great West- 154 ern Railway. The timber was cut from Memel balk, and was kyanized. It was quite sound after forty years' service. The kyanjzing process had been em- ployed extensively by the late Mr. Brunei in the early works of the Great Western Railway. The permanent-way timbers were thus prepared, and gave excellent results as to preservation from decay, as was shown by specimens cut from various parts of the line, between Lon- don and Bristol, after having been laid from fifteen to twenty years. Mr. Marsh had gained much experience in the prep- aration and uses of creosoted timber, both while acting for Mr. Brunei, and subsequently up to the present time. In the early days of the process, the tar from which creosote was prepared was not subjected to the extraction of so many chemical ingredients as was now the case, and the naphthaline, or salt precipitated was comparatively small, and considered of little value. No diffi- culty was then experienced in getting a good admixture of light and heavy oil in 155 a fluid state, of satisfactory color, con- sistency and taste, and complying with the rough and ready tests adopted. Mr. Brunei adopted the process extensively from its early introduction by Mr. Bethell, in bridges and permanent way, and much of those timbers and struc- tures remained in use at the present day. It was, however, soon discovered that it was of great importance the tim- ber should be well seasoned and dry, and that it was worse than useless to creosote unseasooed, damp or wet tim- ber. Some alarming cases of internal decay had been discovered, attributable to these causes. Of late years, on ac- count of the greater demands on the timber merchants, and for other reasons, the preparation of creosoted timber had not always had such careful considera- tion. The processes were often carried on, not only not under cover, but water in variable quantities was generally found in the tanks from which the oil was pumped into the pressure-cylinders, and solid salts and a mixture of mud and 156 the residuum and drainage of objection- able matter from the timber of preceding charges, accumulated in the tanks and returned again, to the detriment of sub- sequent charges. It not unfrequently happened that timber coming from the pressure-cylinders might be found with some portions presenting no trace what- ever of creosote even on the surface, but showing only signs of the contact of dirty water, when the quantity of creo- sote injected was supposed to have been 50 gallons to the load. Such facts, Mr. Marsh asserted, were sufficient to ac- count for many reported failures, with- out reference to the chemical questions as to the relative values of the constitu- ent parts of the oil. Mr. Marsh's in- structions to his inspectors for the prep- aration and pickling of timber, where thorough efficiency was desired, were based on his own personal observa- tions, and were as follows : "The state of the tanks from which the creosote is being drawn while the pressure progresses, and before any 157 creosoting is done, must be examined, and if found to contain salty or muddy sediment at the bottom, or water at the top, or the nature of the creosote other- wise bad, its use must be protested against. Samples must be taken by a tube dipped to test the liquid at various depths, particularly the upper and lower portions of about 12 inches of the top, and the same at the bottom. This must be strictly attended to. No steam shall be let into the creosote anywhere. The numerous pipes used for heating, and sometimes hoses and joints, may give the means of mixing in steam during the process, and hence the condensed water, which must not be permitted under any circumstances. Sometimes the appear- ance of the timber after creosoting will show that water has been in contact with it. The thorough good creosoting must also be checked by a chisel at the sound hearty parts of the timber, and the penetration checked by weighing trial sticks with each charge (these should not be open sappy timbers, and they 158 should be the least dry rather than those to favor absorption more than the bulk in the same charge). A good percent- age, over 50 glallons to the load, must be injected so as to allow for outside drain- age when drawn out of the cylinder. In weighing, 50 gallons may be reckoned as 550 Ibs. If the timber be not quite sat- isfactory and perfectly dry, and immedi- ate delivery is urgently wanted, then a considerable extra quantity must be in- jected, as much as 10 per cent., or fur- ther drying, and under Cover, must be insisted upon, but in no case must posi- tively wet or damp timber be allowed to go into the pressure-cylinders." Mr. Benjamin Nickels observed that he was much gratified in noting that the author had drawn special attention to the compound acridine, pointing out, at the same time, its high antiseptic value as a con- stituent of creosoting materials. It would appear that his impressions had been based on certain marked properties ex- hibited by this peculiar substance, no- 159 tably its intense pungency, acridity, and high antiseptic value, also its immunity from loss by evaporation and the solvent action of water. As little beyond a mere reference to the compound had been made, it might be of interest to state what had been done in other directions, and so far as it might corroborate the views advanced by its author. In the year 1882 he was induced to take out a patent for a composition to be used as an insecticide, and for the coating of ships' bottoms and other submerged surfaces, and in which acridine played an import- ant part. He had, during a previous ex- perience, met with many opportunities of observing the painfully irritating action of the heavier tar oils, arising from hand- ling during the treatment and purifica- tion of anthracine, due to the presence of acridine, and as an outcome of the ob- servation it had occurred to him that this substance should constitute an effective " antifoul," inasmuch as it would be al- most impossible for animal life to remain in contact with it. Experiment in nu- 160 merous directions fully supported the idea ; but the question arose, would the acridine resist the prolonged solvent ac- tion of water, and remain effective for a lengthened period, and in the thin coat- ing of any composition that could be aP- plied as a paint to a ships' side? Opin- ion varied considerably as to ultimate success when attempted on a practical scale, although laboratory trials had shown that such composition was unacted upon in still water. The first experiment of any importance was made on a small iron, barque (the "Cordova") which sailed from London for the Falkland Islands about the end of January, 1882, return- ing at the end of October, after an ab- sence of nine months, during which her hull had been constantly submerged. Previous to sailing, portions of her plates towards the lower part of the vessel, and where subjected to the greatest wash, had been coated in the ordinary way of applying a ship's paint with acridine composition, prepared in conformity with the patent referred to. He was present 161 on her return to England, and upon the vessel being docked for repainting and repair, he made a close inspection of the portion that had been originally coated with the composition. He found that the paint had remained intact, presenting a smooth and unbroken surface ; it had adhered most tenaciously to the iron plates, completely protecting them from the action of the sea. There was no ad- hesion of barnacle or weed, and the evi- dence of contained acridine was very manifest on applying the tongue to por- tions of the composition scraped from the side of the vessel. Subsequent ex- amination showed that there had been little or no loss of acridine, and that the prolonged and be.iting action of swiftly- running and boisterous seas had failed in removing or washing out the acridine originally incorporated in the paint ap- plied. Since the date of this experiment many others had been made, and were still on hand, with vessels on long sea- voyages, and, as far as he was enabled 162 to state, the results obtained had been of a satisfactory charactei\ It would be difficult, perhaps, to cite more complete illustrations of the indif- ference of a substance to severe water ac- tion ; and the author might, he thought, rest well assured that his statements concerning this singular tar product were in nowise overrated or exaggerated. As regarded the antiseptic character of acri- dine, he might mention that it was of high value, extremely small quantities be- ing sufficient to arrest the change in many organic substances prone to rapid decomposition. Mr. Martin F. Roberts wished to di- rect attention to a point which had in- fluenced engineers in their preference for the so-called " Country oil," viz., that of economy. Engineers would be aware that in drawing up specifications it was usual to stipulate for a certain quantity of creosote to be injected into a cubic foot of timber, usually 6, 8 or 10 Ibs., the contractor's price for creosoting be- ing regulated according to the quantity 163 specified ; and it thus became necessary for engineers to consider whether, say 8 Ibs. per cubic foot of the thick, heavy, London creosote penetrated as far into the timber as 8 Ibs. of the thinner coun- try oils. He was sure all engineers would agree that it would not ; and from his own experience he was able to say that, with telegraph poles, in many places where 8 Ibs. of London creosote per cu- bic foot had been injected, it had not penetrated more than half through the sap- wood, whereas a similar quantity of coun- try oil would have penetrated completely to the heartwood, although, of course, the country oil would not leave as large a de- posit of solid substances in the pores of the timber. It was, therefore, desirable to consider whether it was better to have the sap wood completely injected with thin oil at a certain price, or the outer portion only injected with thick oil at the same cost, and his experience led him to prefer the complete injection by the thin oil. His ground for arriving at this conclusion was that, although he 164 had met with many samples of creosoted timber in which a portion of the sap- wood had decayed where the creosote had not penetrated, he had never met with a piece of timber having decayed where the creosote had penetrated, except in one instance in a Government tele- graph pole, referred to in the discussion ; and even in this case he thought it well to ask if the decay had taken place before or after creosoting. Engineers acquaint- ed with red fir timber would remember that what was called a " foxey pole " was occasionally found, in which, although the outer portion or all of the sapwood might be quite sound, some of the inner portion of the pole had decayed before felling ; and it was often a difficult mat- ter, even for an experienced inspector, to detect such a pole. It would easily be conceived that in such a case the decay might be, and often was, attributed to a defective quality of creosote having been used, instead of to the fact that a por- tion of the pole was rotten when treated. The remarks made by the author un- 165 der the heading of " The Conflicting Theories of Putrefaction," in which he spoke of the " gaping orifice of a crack produced by the sun in a piece of tim- ber," would appear to specially point to the necessity for the use of a thin, pene- trating oil, as timber would crack after long exposure in the sun, even if it had been creosoted with the thickest London oil ; and in these cases the oil which had penetrated the deepest would be more ef- fective, as it was the most likely to have genetrated beyond the depths of the crack. If it were the practice to com- pletely saturate the entire mass of tim- ber with creosote, and if it were found possible to do so in all cases, there would then be no objection to the use of Lon- don oils ; but as the question of cost had to be considered, and the smallest quan- tity of creosote per cubic foot which was found to answer the purpose was there- fore specified for, the thinner country cre- osote was preferred, owing to its greater penetration, weight for weight. In Mr. Coisne's experiment with shavings, the 166 conditions were so totally different to those met with in ordinary practice, that too much reliance should not be placed in them. It was obviously an easy mat- ter to completely saturate shavings either with thick or thin creosote, but with telegraph poles and railway timber the creosote never penetrated completely through the timber, and it could not be con- tended that the exclusion of germs alone prevented putrefaction, as, if so, a coating of tar would prevent decay. What was necessary was that the germs of decay in the timber should also be destroyed, and this could only be accomplished by bring- ing all that portion of the timber more liable to decay viz., the sapwood under the influence of a creosote of consider- able penetrating power. If evidence in support of this assertion were needful, it would only be necessary to refer to the fact that engineers strictly barred the use of whitewood timber for telegraph poles and other purposes, owing to its being found impossible in practice to in- ject creosote into whitewood to a greater 167 depth than J or f of an inch from the surface, and whitewood timber so pre- pared, either with London or country creosote, was found to decay rapidly. It would appear that the best system of creosoting would consist in first in- jecting the timber with thin "country oil," then running the thin oil off and filling the cylinder with London creosote, which, being forced in by increased pressure, would drive the thinner oil fur- ther into the timber, and the thicker cre- osote would hermetically seal the outer pores of the timber. Failing this proc- ess, owing to its increasing the cost, it would appear advisable to use thin creo- sote, and if it was considered that thin oil did not sufficiently fill the outer pores of the timber, the process, at a trifling cost, could be siipplemented by giving the timber a coat of hot tar. Mr. Greville Williams stated that he regarded the paper as the most valuable and exhaustive contribution yet made to the literature of the subject. He agreed with Dr. Meyrnott Tidy and the author in 168 considering that the value of the carbolic acid in creosote oils had been overrated. He believed that an oil from which the carbolic acid had been removed would sterilize wood, if thoroughly impregnated with it, partly by virtue of the organic alkaloids present, and partly by the pro- tective influence of the heavier oils them- selves. He had satisfied himself by care- ful experiments that the alkaloids exer- cised a potent influence in preventing the development of bacteria, mould, and mi- croscopic fungi in vegetable infusions. He thought, moreover, that where wood had to be exposed to the action of sea- water, it would be advantageous to use a creosote containing a high percentage of the alkaloids ; this could easily be attained by well-known methods. Although the minute quantities of carbolic acid remain- ing in old creosoted timbers were too small to account for their preservation, he con- sidered it right to say that, by a suffi- ciently delicate method of manipulation, he had rarely failed in getting evidence of its presence even thirty years after the 169 -wood had been creosoted. He found traces of it in eleven out of fourteen specimens which had been creosoted from twenty- five to thirty-two years before. The organic alkaloids, however, which re- mained, were sufficient to allow quantita- tive estimation. He thought that no chem- ist, who had examined very old sleepers for carbolic acid, could come to any other conclusion than that the traces remaining were insufficient for their protection. A point, moreover, of great importance for the proper comprehension of the subject, was involved in this almost entire disap- pearance of the carbolic acid. If the co- agulation of the albumen by the carbolic acid were the cause of the preservation of the timber, how was it that this acid almost entirely disappeared? The in- stability of the compound, of albumen with carbolic acid, was well known to those chemists who had minutely exam- ined it ; nothing more conclusively proved this instability than the disappearance of the carbolic acid. With regard to the naphthaline, he thought it significant that 170 it was only absent from two of the sleep- ers he had examined. There could, he considered, be no question that naphtha- line, although perhaps feeble as a germi- cide, properly so called, was very valuable as a sterilizer ; it was insoluble in water, and once in the wood, clung to it tena- ciously. He was also most decidedly in favor of the removal of all restrictions as to maximum boiling-point, and considered that, if the oils were fluid at the temper- ature of injection (say 100 to 120 Fahrenheit), that was all that was need- ful. On the whole question, he found himself able to thoroughly indorse the conclusions of the author and Dr. Tidy, and he considered that specifications which excluded the use of London oils were framed under a misapprehension of the true nature of the condition requisite to afford a good creosote. Mr. Boulton had been obliged to be very brief in his verbal reply at the close of the discussion, and as some of the points then raised involved matters of considerable detail, which had also been 171 alluded to in the correspondence, he thought that unnecessary repetition would be avoided if he were to connect his re- plies to both series of communications in a continuous form. He was gratified at the valuable support which his main propositions had received. The remarks made by Dr. Tidy, and the views expressed by that gentleman in his recent report to the Gaslight and Coke Co. were in principle in accordance with the views expressed in the paper. The author, however, believed with Dr. Armstrong that Dr. Tidy, who had been somewhat conservative on the subject of tar acids, would be led by the logic of facts to accept a much lower proportion than 8 per cent. The "London creo- sotes " as they came from the still, honest creosotes which had done excellent work, and which constituted probably about one half of the total supply of this king- dom, did not contain so large a percent- age. Some misapprehension still existed on this subject, which the statement of a few facts might remove. In July, 1863, 172 the author sent to Dr. Letheby a sample of the usual London creosotes, which he was then largely using. Dr. Letheby found it contained only 4.37 per cent, of tar acids. Later on, and during one period of seven years especially, nearly the whole of the tar of the great London Gas Companies, as well as tar from other sources, was contracted for and distilled by the author's firm. The quantity was probably larger than had ever been treated up to that time by any one firm or cor- poration, and it therefore formed a suf- ficiently broad basis for estimation. He would give the quantities during three ^consecutive years 1877 Gallons of tar distilled.... 14,735,404 1878 " " " .... 15,839,819 1879 " '" " .... 12,690,029 or an average of between fourteen and fourteen and a half million of gallons per annum. He had found, as stated in the paper, that the heavy oils distilled from this mass of tar contained on an average from 4 to 7 per cent, of total tar acids. More recent experiments which he had 173 made upon a large number of London tars one series in May, 1882, another in August, 1882, and a third since this paper had been read gave similar results. Latterly, the largest of the English gas companies, the Gaslight and Coke Co.,, had erected works at Beckton, at which they distilled their own tar. It had been assumed that the list of analyses ap- pended to Dr. Tidy's printed report rep- resented the percentage of tar acids which the London creosotes in their natural condition contained. This, however, was not the case. The samples analyzed by Dr. Tidy contained from 8.2 to 10.2 per cent, of tar acids, but they had been spe- cially treated to "meet the market," cre- ated by the modern type of specification by removing from the creosote some of its least volatile parts, those parts con- taining little or none of the volatile tar acids. The Gaslight Co.'s creosotes as they came from the still contained on an average 6 per cent, of total tar acids by the ordinary caustic alkali test. The au- thor had been enabled to clear up this. 174 matter, of which experts would readily detect the importance, owing to the court- esy of the Board and Secretary of the Gaslight and Coke Co. He agreed with Dr. Armstrong in the importance of M. Pasteur's experiment upon sawdust, which was recorded in the Comptes Kendus of the Academic des Sciences for 1863. It is remarkable as an early demonstration of the application of the germ theory to the phenomena ac- companying the decay of woody fiber. Dr. Armstrong had alluded to the dis- tinction between wood creosote and tar creosote. Both contained tar acids, some of which might be identical, or if not identical, isomeric. But tar creosote, if it could be so called, was a complex body ; some of the tar acids it contained differed essentially from either carbolic or cresylic acid, being less volatile, and less soluble in water than either phenol or cresol. There is evidently room for much further investigation in this connection ; also for a more complete comparison between the 175 " tar acids of the coal-tar oils and similar bodies contained in other oils." In relation to the remarks of Mr. W. Foster, the author must express the hope that that gentleman would continue the very interesting researches of which he had so recently given an account to the Institution in his valuable paper on " The Composition of Coal." Authentic Tables as to the varying products derived from different kinds of coal, and at different temperatures, were becoming matters of the first necessity in various branches of industry. Mr. Foster had referred to the experiment of Pettigrew, alluded to in the paper. Pettigrew had removed the embalming material from the heart of the mummy by steeping it in alcohol ; after which, upon exposure to the atmos- phere, putrefaction took place. What the author desired to point out was that the previous immunity from decay had not been the result of any chemical com- bination between the antiseptic and the tissue. A jarring note had been struck by Mr. 176 Barnber, who had represented "the whole secret of the paper" to consist in "the author's idea that nothing should be left in the creosote which it would pay him better to take out ;" an object foreign to the declared aim and intention of the paper. The author had not approached the subject from the commercial point of view a fact which the President had so gracefully recognized. It might, how- ever, be opportune to state that he was not at present commercially interested in any manufacture which caused carbolic .acid to be "taken out" of the creosote oils, although he was largely interested in the success of prepared timber as an engineering material, and therefore in the choice of the best antiseptics for that purpose, whether obtained from the creo- sote oils or from other sources. Mr. Bam- ber's figures as to the comparative com- mercial values of creosote oils and car- bolic acid, recalled to memory the well- known comparison between the value per ton of iron ore and of steel watch springs. The manufacture of pure carbolic acid was . 177 a long and costly process, of which the first cost of the crude material formed an altogether insignificant item. Nor was so low a price as 2d. per gallon for creo- sote either "proverbial" or usual. But it would be found in the long run that the consumer had to pay the commercial value for everything which the creosote contained, and it was therefore best to discuss upon scientific and practical grounds the substances which the engin- eer should require it to contain. It was one of the main objects of the paper openly to point out by diagrams and detailed de- scriptions the principal substances con- tained in the coal-tar oils, to draw atten- tion to their properties, and to state their uses for various manufactures, so that for the purposes of timber-preserving, engin- eers might be in a position to " prove all things, hold fast that which is good." Mr. Bamber was mistaken as to facts in his allusion to Dr. Letheby's specification, and that of Dr. Tidy. Dr. Letheby's specification, drawn up under instructions from Mr. Meadows Kendel, M. Inst. C.E., 178 in 1865, for the use of the East Indian Railway Company, stipulated that the creo- sote was to yield to a solution of caustic potash, not less than 5 per cent, of crude carbolic, and other tar acids. Dr. Letheby never increased that quantity. Dr. Tidy had increased, and not as Mr. Bamber supposed, diminished the percentage of tar acids mentioned by Dr. Letheby. Mr. Bamber complained that no facts or data had been given respecting Dr. Tidy's experiments on naphthaline. But the paper contained a reference to a printed report of Dr. Tidy, deposited in the library of the Institution, wherein was a full account of these experiments. They were also recorded and approved of by Dr. Lunge, of Zurich, in his learned work upon "The Distillation of Coal Tar." Amongst other authorities who after in- vestigation differed from Mr. Bamber in admitting naphthaline as an ingredient in the timber-preserving oils, were the late Mr. Bethell, Mr. Burt, Prof. Sir Frederick Abel, Mr. Forestier, for the French Gov- ernment, Mr. Coisne, for the Belgian Gov- 179 eminent, &c. Mr. Bamber had once stated to an eminent engineer, in a report upon a creosote highly charged with naphtha- line, that timber impregnated with such an oil would, " within a very short time of the timber being in India, lose 5 Ibs. out of every 10 Ibs. put into the timber here merely by escape of naphthaline.'' Dr. Tidy's experiments with timber in- jected wholly with naphthaline, and sub- jected to a temperature of 130 Fahren- heit, proved that these apprehensions were unfounded. But it was now related by Mr. Bamber that in his own experi- ment a piece of wood impregnated with a creosote of the type which he preferred, and containing 20 per cent, of tar acids, lost in four weeks 42.33 per cent, of the oil taken up. Mr. Bamber' s record of his own experiment was very instructive. He tried two kinds of creosote against each other. One, which might be called speci- men A, was "full of naphthaline," but the percentage of that body was not stated. It contained 10 per cent, of tar acids. Specific gravity not named. With this- 180 oil a piece of deal 3 inches by 3 inches by 8 inches was impregnated. The other, which might be called specimen B, was a ".country oil," specific gravity 1.045, con- taining 20 per cent, of tar acids. "With this oil a piece of deal 3 inches by 3 inches by 6 inches was impregnated. Specimen A was alluded to as " Mr. Boulton's own oil " and " the author's London creosote ;" but to these appella- tions he demurred, as he never used a 10 per cent, creosote unless required to do so by specification, and the London oils did not in their natural state contain 10 per cent, of tar acids. Therefore A, al- though it might come from his works, would be a mixture of London and Coun. try oils. But, although in the author's judgment too volatile, yet the 10 per cent, specimen would be less volatile than the 20 per cent. Therefore, the author pre- ferred A to B. Where a large issue was staked upon a single minute experiment, accuracy of result should be ensured by the most minute precautions. It was not explained why the two pieces of deal were 181 not cut to the same size, a circumstance which affected the conditions both of ab- sorption and of evaporation. Nor were the specific gravities of the two pieces of wood stated. Of two pieces cut from the same log, one piece of wood would fre- quently absorb, under the same condi- tions, a very much larger quantity of fluid than the other. However, the results as stated might be calculated as follows : A. Piece of wood, capacity 72 cubic inches, absorbed 1,020 grains of creosote =3.49 Ibs. per cubic foot. B. Piece of wood, capacity 54 cubic inches, absorbed 1,785 grains of creosote =8.17 Ibs. per cubic foot. But no pressure was used, and engin- eers would recognize that the experiment failed to reproduce the conditions of the ordinary creosoting cylinder. It was well known that without pressure, light oils penetrated timber more easily than heavy oils. In like manner the adulterating substance, bone oil, penetrated more readily than creosote; solutions of me- tallic salts more readily still ; and water 182 more readily than all. But it was " light come, light go ; " those which penetrated most readily were generally the least permanent. The main object of the en- gineer was not to select the fluid which gave the contractor the least trouble to inject. He desired to select the antisep- tic which was likely to be the most effi- cacious and the most permanent, and he required the contractor to provide effi- cient apparatus, and to inject under pressure a stipulated quantity by weight. Sleepers and large logs of timber were injected without difficulty with creosotes of a heavier type than either of Mr. Bamber's samples, and to the extent of 10 Ibs. and 12 Ibs. per cubic foot. Small pieces of wood could be easily gorged with creosotes. The author had recently injected some fir paving blocks 6 inches by 6 inches by 3 inches, with 22 Ibs. per cubic foot of ordinary heavy London cre- osote, containing about 5 per cent, of tar acids. Mr. Batnber exposed his speci- mens to evaporation on a mantelshelf at a- temperature never above 70 Fahren- 183 heit, and generally between 40 Fahren- heit and 50 Fahrenheit. In four months A had lost 47.75 per cent., and B had lost 42.33 per cent, of the creosote put in. If this could be taken as a normal result, engineers would hesitate as to em- ploying either type of creosote. No doubt both were too volatile. But it should also be borne in mind that the injection was imperfect ; to use Mr. Bamber's " ex- pression, it was only " skin deep." As regarded the comparative evaporation of the two specimens, hpwever, the result was extremely valuable. It is well-known that the evaporation of fluids (except when in a state of ebullition) was in pro- portion to the surface exposed, and not to the bulk of the fluid. This point Mr. Bamber appeared to have forgotten ; he had exposed A, the creosote he disliked, to a wider evaporating surface than that to which he had exposed B, the creosote which he preferred. The position on the mantelshelf in which the pieces of wood were placed was not stated. But sup- posing them to have been suspended, say 184 by a thread, so that all the surfaces were exposed to evaporation equally, the re- sults might thus be calculated : A. Piece of wood, the sum of whose superfices was 114 square inches, lost 487 grains = 4.29 grains per square inch of exposed surface. B. Piece of wood, the sum of whose superfices was 90 square inches, lost 575 grains =6. 39 grains per square inch of exposed surface. If, however, each piece of wood had been placed with one of its sides in con- tact with the mantelshelf, so that one surface was protected from evaporation, the calculation became slightly modified, so that A would have lost 5.41 grains, and B 7.98 grains per square inch ex- posed. If the specimens had been placed on end, then A showed a loss of 4.64 grains and B of 7.09 grains per square inch. Mr. Bamber had therefore been mistaken as to the comparative volatili- ties of naphthaline and the tar acids, as proved by his own experiment. B, the creosote with 20 per cent, of tar acids, 185 had lost about 50 per cent, more than A, the creosote with 10 per cent, of tar acids and " full of naphthaline." Had it been otherwise, every chemical treatise describing the properties of these bodies, would have to be re-written. The state- ment that part of the loss of specimen B was due to the fact that some of the oil drained out of it, which it was said u was not fair " to that specimen, gave rise to the rejoinder, was it quite fair to a tim- ber-preserving process that a type of an- tiseptic should be recommended which " drained out " with so little provocation ? This part of the discussion might almost appear trivial, were it not for the fact, confirmed by many special instances in the author's experience, that whenever these light oils had been used exclusively, whether for marine work or for railways, complaints invariably arrived, sooner or later. Oils of so light and volatile a na- ture lost a large portion of their bulk, which evaporated or drained out in the creosoting yard, on the export ship, and on the permanent way in India and else- 186 where. An experiment, easy to carry out without any laboratory apparatus, may be tried by any one interested in this sub- ject. Take three saucers or shallow dishes ; place in one saucer 200 grains of pure carbolic acid (crystallized), in the second 200 grains of pure cresylic acid, and in the third 200 grains of pure naphthaline. Expose them side by side in any room, and at any ordinary tem- perature. The crystals of carbolic acid would liquefy in a few minutes-, owing to the avidity with which that body absorbed moisture from the atmosphere. In a few weeks' time (varying with the temperature) the carbolic acid would have entirely disappeared by evaporation. By that time the cresylic acid would have lost about half its bulk. When the whole of the cresylic acid had also evaporated. The naphthaline in considerable bulk, at least one-half of the original weight would still remain, an easy victor in the trial of endurance.* The evaporation was * This experiment was carried out on a mantelshelf at the Institution of Civil Engineers in August, 1884, with the result indicated by Mr. Boulton. '187 greatly retarded by the incorporation of those bodies with the less volatile oils, and by their being driven into the cells of the timber. But the evaporation must necessarily take place in proportion to the respective and recognized volatilities. Allusion had been made by Mr. Bamber to " charred oil," and he presumed that it was a residue of anthracene manufac- ture. The author in the course of his experience had never met with " charred creosote," except indeed as a result of over-heating in a laboratory experiment ; nor was he acquainted with any ordinary process of manufacture by which it could be produced. Creosote oils were distil- lates ; whatever the heat in the still, the residuum might become carbonized, but not the substances" which came over in the form of vapor. Anthracene or para- naphthaline had been denounced by the creosote specifications of the theorists at a time when it was considered worthless for any purpose ; it was taken out of the creosote by every tar-distiller in England, whether in London or country, and was 188 now of value for the manufacture of ali- zarine. The removal was effected by a simple process of filtration ; the resulting oils were the green oils, the best part of creosote for timber-preserving, fluent and rich in alkaloids. How could they become " charred oils ? " In the illustration, drawn from a fire- engine, it was forgotten that a fire might break out a second time, and that if a fresh supply of water were not available, the building would be consumed. Car- bolic acid evaporated rapidly from timber, and it had been proved that it left no permanent effects behind. When the sleeper was placed in the permanent way the supply of the antiseptic could not be renewed, and the timber would rot if more stable antiseptics were not present in the shape of the heavier oils. As regarded naphthaline colors Mr. Bamber was also mistaken. They were very successful as a manufacture, and their use was largely increasing. He accused the. author of "condemning country oils," and of saying that they 189 " were not good for creosoting timber." In the paper the exact contrary was stated. The author advocated the use of both London and country oils, and he habitually used large quantities of both. What he condemned was the use of oils, whether London or country, which were so manipulated as to contain a large pro- portion of volatile substances at the ex- pense of the more durable, and therefore for this purpose more valuable antisep- tics. Were Mr. Bamber's theories carried into practice, about one-half of the creo- sote manufactured in England, the enor- mous bulk of the "London oils," would be excluded from use by the timber-pre- server. Nevertheless they were precisely the creosotes which had given the most unmistakably good results, whether, as in the case of the early Indian sleepers, and of the sleepers of the Chemin de Fer de 1'Ouest, the percentage of tar-acids had been proved to be small, or whether, as was the practice of the Belgian Gov- ernment, the tar-acids had been altogeth- 190 er and avowedly struck out of the speci- fication. In reply to Prof. Yoelcker, lie desired to state that he had purposely abstained from connecting the names of administra- tive bodies with the questions of contro- versy. He was not aware of any specifi- cation officially issued by the War Office which bore on this subject; but it was known that the distinguished chemist of that department had been consulted by various administrations, who could have had no other object in view than to obtain the best engineering material. The views of Sir Frederick Abel on all the most important points of a creosote spe- cification were substantially the same as those of Dr. Tidy and of the author. And what the author considered to be the most important points were, 1st, that the presence in considerable volume of the heavier and least volatile distillates, i. e., those distilling at or above 600 Fahren- heit, must not merely be tolerated but insisted upon. That naphthaline, and the other usual semi-solid constituents, 191 should be admitted, provided they were completely fluid at the temperature to which the creosote was raised when in- jected into the wood. It was known that these views had not been adopted by the Crown agents for the colonies, but he hoped that this discussion might be the means of clearing away many misconcep- tions. Respecting the point which he considered subsidiary to the other two, although not unimportant, viz., the per- centage of tar acids, Sir Frederick Abel, as well as Dr. Tidy, had recently recom- mended a reduction, and the last word had not been said on this question. Prof. Yoelcker was mistaken in thinking that Dr. Tidy had recommended 8 per cent, of carbolic acid. The 8 per cent, was of total tar acids, including carbolic, cresylic, and all other tar acids which could be re- moved by a specified solution of caustic soda. Dr. Tidy, in his report to the Gas- light Co., mentioned his reasons for not stipulating for a fixed quantity of carbolic acid. Whenever any stated quantity of this body had been mentioned in specifi- 192 cations by English engineers, it had been fixed at one-half of the total tar acids. Hence the quantity had varied from 2-J per cent, to 5 per cent., the latter being the largest quantity of crude carbolic acid which the author had ever known to be required by any specification issued in this country. He might be permitted to express his satisfaction that Dr. Voelcker had recently joined the ranks of investi- gators into the properties of creosote oils, but he was sure that so distinguished a chemist would be the last to depreciate the experiments and experience of the numerous chemists and practical men who had placed the results of their labors on record. It could surely have only been by some misconception that Dr. Yoelcker recommended an entirely new departure by asking for 10 per cent of carbolic acid in creosotes used for young timber or sap-wood, although he admitted the prob- able superiority of the heavier oils for timber intended for railway sleepers and other engineering purposes. Dr. Yoelcker had not produced the results of any orig- 193 inal experiments in support of his views. The typical experiments which he asked for had been tried and recorded ; they proved that carbolic acid and the lighter tar acids were not reliable as durable antiseptics for timber. Engineers were familiar with the preparation of young wood and sap-wood as well as with that of older timber. The same creosotes were always used for both, and with com- plete success. It had been clearly estab- lished that the heavy oils preserved sap- wood from decay. It would be remem- bered by many members of the Institu- tion that the late Mr. Bethell had even advocated the use of young wood in pref- erence to older timber, because the sap- wood absorbed the creosote so readily, and that Mr. (now Sir John) Hawkshaw had combated this idea, not from any doubt of the preservation of young wood, but upon the ground that the engineer must choose for many purposes the kind of timber best adapted for resisting im- pact or heavy strains. Amongst the nu- merous successful specimens of creosoted 194 wood which had been exhibited at the Institution during the discussion, and which f had been taken from various rail- ways after periods of endurance varying from sixteen to thirty- two years, nothing was more striking than the perfect pres- ervation of the sap-wood, although careful analysis had shown that the heavy oils, and not the tar acids, were the enduring agents of preservation. The allusion of Dr. Voelcker to telegraph poles had elic- ited much practical information. Nothing could be more conclusive than the evi- dence of Mr Preece as to the behavior of the young timber, surrounded by its girdle of sap-wood, which was used for telegraph poles in this country. The au- thor had been responsible for the creo- soting of a large portion of the poles al- luded to by Mr. Preece ; these had as a rule been prepared with the usual Lon- don oils. But it was only right that he should state another circumstance. He believed that the success of the poles, creosoted for the Post-office Telegraph Department, was largely influenced by the 195 care taken by that department in the seasoning of the timber. The date of de- livery of the poles, landed and stacked at the creosoting yard, was a matter of con- tract, but there was no fixed date for the creosoting. On the contrary, the engi- neer did not allow them to be creosoted until he pronounced them to be dry, and ready for the process. Sixteen years ago, at a meeting of the Institution, he had urgently recommended the adoption of some* such method for ensuring the proper seasoning of timber. The very interest- ing and satisfactory evidence of Mr. Bouissou, the Engineer of the West of France Railways, confirmed the experi- ence of Mr. Preece, both as to the satis- factory results of creosoting, and also as to the great importance of seasoning be- fore creosoting; the precautions adopted for the latter purpose by the French company being substantially the same as those of the English administration. With reference to the preparation of telegraph poles, a very valuable paper had been contributed by Mr. William Langdon, 196 M. Inst. C. E., to the Society of Telegraph Engineers, on the 25th of March, 1874. Mr. Langdon had also contributed to this discussion, and had confirmed by his ex- perience many of the views entertained by the author. With regard, therefore, to the observations of Dr. Yoelcker as to green or unseasoned timber, the author would add the results of his own long and varied experience in this and other countries, by saying that the attempt should never be made to inject creosote, or any other oily substance, without pre- viously, or at the time of the operation, expelling watery moisture. Timber should not be felled whilst the sap was in it. As regarded the effects of living organ- isms, and the introduction of their spores through cracks in the wood, the views of Mr. Carruthers entirely agreed with those expressed by the anthor. But what was the remedy ? The botanical aspect of the question had not been lost sight of, from the days when Dean Buckland and others discussed at this Institution the question of timber preparation from that important 197 standpoint, and it had not been overlooked in the modern systems of injection. Exo- genous trees, whose annual growth took place by the formation of concentric layers of vascular tissue added externally, fur- nished the timber with which engineers had almost exclusively to deal. The softer and younger wood, containing the greatest portion of albumen, was on the outside ; it was more liable to decay than the harder portions. It was the chief merit of the system of injecting under pressure that it precisely met this diffi- culty. The softer parts absorbed more of the antiseptic than the rest, the press- ure followed the line of least resistance, the antiseptic fluid gorged the sap-wood, and penetrated to all cracks or shakes. There was but little analogy between this method and the application of a surface coating of pitch, as although he recom- mended by preference oils of a heavy character, and containing semi-solids, the whole of these bodies were perfectly liquid at 100 Fahrenheit, the tem- perature to which they were usually 198 subjected at the time of injection. On cooling, they solidified, not on the surface merely, but within the pores of the tim- ber, which they sealed up against the in- cursion of the agents of decay. Mr. Carruthers had referred to the experi- ments of the celebrated Dr. Koch. The researches of Koch, and of other German scientific investigators, were very damag- ing to the claims of carbolic acid as a germicide, and as a coagulator of albu- men. In his treatise "Ueber Desinfec- tion," Dr. Koch deduced from his careful and laborious experiments minutely de- scribed, that the value of carbolic acid was greatly limited as a germicide, and that for the destruction of spores it was altogether useless, being almost without action ; but that it could be used to de- stroy micro-organisms free from spores. This was when used in a watery solution ; still stronger was his opinion as to an oily solution. He stated that in solutions of oil or alcohol, carbolic acid did not ex- hibit the slightest antiseptic action. To this, the remarks of Dr. Sansom had al- 199 ready pointed. It must be remembered that it was in an oily solution, i.e., dis- solved in the tar oils, that carbolic acid was applied to timber. G. "Wolff hugel and G. v. Knorre followed up Koch's in- vestigations, and spoke of the inactivity of an oily solution of carbolic acid ; of its inferior powers of penetration into porous solids, and of its inferiority in the de- struction of fungi. F. Boillat, who fol- lowed up the experiments of Koch in the laboratory of Professor Nencki at Bern, found that albumen, when completely co- agulated with an excess of carbolic acid, formed no permanent combination there- with. He was able to wash out on a fil- ter the whole of the carbolic acid from the albumen precipitate, after which, upon exposing it to the atmosphere dur- ing forty-eight hours, the albumen be- came putrid. Mr. Carruthers had spoken of the presence of free crystallized car- bolic acid in the cells of a small piece of a wooden hurdle. But carbolic acid would not crystallize out of the oils hold- ing it in solution ; it could only be ob- 200 tained in that state of purity by a long and complicated chemical process, and the crystals would immediately liquefy when exposed to the atmosphere. The minute particles seen by Mr. Carruthers were probably naphthaline, or one of the other semi-solids of the higher distillates of coal-tar. The condition of this hurdle corresponded exactly with that of enor- mous masses of successfully creosoted timber as typified by the samples exposed during this discussion, and the author thought that the final question of Mr. Carruthers had been fully answered by many authorities quoted in the paper. In reply to Mr. C. de Laune, the au- thor would remark that his paper had a much wider object in view than the mere question of carbolic acid; the presence or absence of that body would not explain Mr. de Laune's difficulty. No honest creosote made from coal-tar, whether " London" or "country" oil, whether with much or little tar acid, contained any ingredient which could injure timber ; the only question was, which of those in- 201 gradients was most efficacious and most durable. The question as to which was the easiest to put into the timber was of much less importance. Some small pieces of hurdles, &c., had been shown during the discussion, and alluded to by Dr. Voelcker, Mr. Carruthers, and Mr. de Xiaune ; Mr. E. A. Cowper had detected the reason why one had succeeded and the other failed. The first had had plen- ty of creosote put into it ; the others but very little. Mr. de Laune had made a detailed statement to the author, which was briefly as followed: That he had been in the habit of preparing different kinds of timber of various densities, and frequently in a wet or unseasoned state by boiling the wood in creosote in open tanks and without a thermometer; and that he did not keep the timber in the tanks more than twelve hours, as a long- er operation rendered it brittle a very significant fact. He said that he had not latterly superintended these operations personally, and that he did not regard the process as a scientific one, but thought 202 that it could be carried out by odd hands, old men, or boys. A good many years ago, the author had had considerable ex- perience in preparing timber in open tanks with corrosive sublimate, sulphate of copper, and also with creosote. The time for leaving the timber in the tank, to be injected by the metallic salts in watery solution, which penetrated more readily than creosote, was generally cal- culated at about twenty-four hours 1'or every inch in thickness of the wood. With the creosoting process it was essen- tial that the water in the timber should be first got rid of ; the presence of the water prevented the entrance 6f the cre- osote oils. Even with the cylinder-proc- ess, where the oil was driven in under pressure, engineers insisted upon the timber being dry, and they weighed it- before and after the operation, to check the quantity of creosote injected. "With the open- tank system more care, and not less care, was necessary than with the superior apparatus. But soft young timber, if properly seasoned and then 203 subjected to creosote at a moderate heat, could without difficulty be made to im- bibe a sufficient quantity of creosote of any kind manufactured in this country. But if the timber was wet, it was not amenable to treatment by creosote in open tanks at a moderate temperature, and if the creosote was raised to a tem- perature even approaching to its boiling- point, which was about 400 Fahrenheit, it would cause the timber immersed in it to become as brittle as a carrot. Timber should not, under any circumstances, be subjected to a higher temperature than 250 Fahrenheit. It would, therefore, ap- pear that Mr. de Laune's difficulties were to be explained by his methods of oper- ation. He had told the author that he had for many years procured all his creo- sote from the same works, a small local manufactory, where the tars of the dis- trict were distilled. It had been ascer- tained that the creosotes manufactured at the works in question had not essentially varied in type, whilst even as regarded carbolic acid, if the analysis quoted by 204 Mr. de Laune was correct, the quantity contained in the sample was considerably above the average, although this was a point to which the author attributed but little importance. He was surprised to find, in the report accompanying the an- alysis alluded to, a statement to the ef- fect that "good creosote should yield quite 75 per cent, of volatile oils (sic) containing 10 to 15 per cent, of crude carbolic acid." No creosotes used for timber-preserving, under any specifica- tion, had ever been required to contain more than from 2^ to 5 per cent, of crude carbolic acid. The recommendation of " volatile oils " was a mistake which was obvious to all experts ; but it might have a bad effect in encouraging the use of some of the worst adulterants, substances sold as creosote which were not derived from coal tar at all. The report, although issued from the laboratory of the Royal Agricul- tural Society, was signed for, but not by, Dr. Voelcker. The author had un- derstood that Dr. Voelcker was at the time absent owing to illness ; he would 205 not therefore have alluded to it but for the fact that this report had been brought so prominently into notice by Mr. de Laune, and that extracts from it had been published in an agricultural journal. The author had used creosoting for farm purposes, for fences, hurdles, and for many years also, for piles and fences for his wharves. He always used for him- self the type of creosote he recommended to others, and it had proved invariably successful in his own case. The author was asked by Mr. Clemin- son why he had not alluded to the proc- ess of Mr. Blythe. If by Blythe's process was meant the attempt to introduce the creosote oils, or any part of them into timber in the form of vapor, the subject had been fully treated in the paper. For the operations described as having been carried out for the Compagnie des Che- mins cle Fer de 1' Quest, the apparatus u'sed was supplied by Mr. Blythe. The experiments of Mr. Seidl were described by him as having been carried out by "Blythe's process." Engineers in Eng- 206 land had recently had an opportunity of witnessing similar experiments at the works of Messrs. Connor, at Millwall. After the dismantling of these works, the author had purchased the greater part of the machinery for the purpose of adapt- ing it to his own processes, so that he had again had an opportunity of studying the question. By slow evaporation, fluids gradually volatilized at temperatures much below their boiling-points. But pressure from their vapors could only be obtained at temperatures exceeding their boiling- points. Thus water gradually evaporated even from a frozen surface, but no tension of its vapor could be produced except at a temperature exceeding its boiling-point, 212 Fahrenheit. The boiling point of the creosote oils ranged from about 400 to 760 Fahrenheit, that of carbolic acid when separated from these oils being 360 Fahrenheit, and of cresylic acid 390 Fahrenheit. Now, it was well known that timber for the purposes of the en- gineer was injured and rendered brittle and unsafe at a temperature much ex- 207 s ceeding 250 Fahrenheit. How then could those tar products be introduced under pressure into the timber as vapor, whether accompanied or not by super- heated steam, without injuring the tim- ber? Either the temperature must be raised above danger point for the wood, or nothing but the vapor of water would be driven into it. This applied to the first part of the process. Of course, if it was followed up by an injection of the creo- sote oils in the usual manner, this second part of the process covered the deficien- cies of the first operation. The presence of any of the components of the tar-oils could be detected in the timber by chem- ical tests. When specimens of wood had been produced, which had been prepared by the injection of tar-oil vapors in suffi- cient quantity to have a practical value in the preservation of timber, and at a tem- perature not exceeding 250 Fahrenheit, the author would be very glad again to give his best attention to this part of the subject. He was glad to be able to reply to the 208 question of Mr. Lawford, with regard to the Midland Railway Company. In 1866, at a meeting of the Institution, Mr. Cross- ley, the engineer of that company an- nounced that, although he admitted that creosoting stopped decay, he had given up that process from a calculation of economy based on the assumption, that with very heavy traffic like that which prevailed over the lines of his company, the sleepers were worn out by hard work before they had time to decay. The au- thor would suggest that incipient decay of unprepared sleepers often set in at a very early period of their service, especi- ally through cracks and bolt-holes ; the fastenings of the chairs thereupon became loosened, and the mechanical destruction of the sleepers hastened. But Mr. Law- ford would be glad to hear that the Mid- land Railway Company had again adopted creosoting ; they had had large quantities of sleeper creosoted during the last few years. In reply to Mr. Roberts, the author had never found any difficulty in com- 209 pletely saturating the sap-wood with the London oils where the timber had been sufficiently dry. Mr. Coisne's experience with shavings were for the purpose of as- certaining what kind of creosote lasted best, and he effected a complete satura- tion both with the thin oils and with thick oils. The thinnest oils did not pre- serve the woody fiber from rotting, even with so good an injection, whilst the heavier oils did. A fortiori, the thinner oils would be, by themselves, still more unreliable with the inferior injection car- ried out in practical operations with tim- ber. It must also be borne in mind that Mr. Coisne did not stop at these experi- ments, but had confirmed them by twenty years' subsequent treatment of timber on a very large scale, for the Belgian State Railways. The chapter in Mr. Coisne's 1871 pamphlet, upon the choice of creo- sote oils was a most interesting and prac- tical one. With reference to the author's process for removing water from the timber at the time of creosoting, the following ex- 210 perinaent had been carried out at his works since the paper had been read. Six square fir-sleeper blocks, each 8 feet 11 inches by 10 inches by 10 inches, saturated with moisture, were cut into 10 inches by 5 inches sleepers. One sleeper, A, from each block was prepared by the new method, the corresponding sleeper, B, from the same block, by the old meth- od, so that in each instance the results with the two halves of the same log could be contrasted. Care was taken to choose -blocks having the heart in the center, and with the texture of the two halves as nearly as possible similar. From the six sleepers, A, water was withdrawn by the new process to the ex- tent, ascertained by weighing the water, of 120 Ibs. ; yet the sleepers, when with- drawn from the cylinder after the process was completed, weighed 155 Ibs. more than when put in, thus showing that they had absorbed 275 Ibs. of creosote. As their total cubic contents were 18.57 cubic feet, their average loss of water was 6.45 Ibs. per cubic foot ; their aver- 211 age gain of creosote was 14.8 Ibs. per cubic foot. The six sleepers, B, were creosoted by the ordinary process. Being, like the others, very wet, and having no moisture extracted from them, the results of their being weighed before and after creosot- ing showed an absorption of 116 Ibs. of creosote only, or an average of 6.29 lbs per cubic foot. The separate absorp- tions of these six sleepers were as fol- lowed : 9.04 Ibs., 4.52 Ibs., 2.9 Ibs., 6.13 Ibs., 9.36 Ibs., and 5.49 Ibs. per cubic foot respectively, thus illustrating the uncertain results of creosoting timber when too wet by the ordinary method. They were placed in the cylinder with a charge of ordinary dry sleepers, which took up on the average rather more than 10 Ibs. of creosote per cubic foot. The result with sleepers A was inter- esting, as it showed that by the new process wet timber could have its mois- ture at once removed, and a large quan- tity of creosote injected without difficulty. All twelve sleepers, both A and B, were 212 afterwards cross-cut at 6 inches, 9 inches, 12 inches, and at 4 feet 6 inches from their ends, the corresponding section of A and B being constrasted and photo- graphed. The sleepers A were found not only to have absorbed a large quantity of creosote, but the creosote was much more evenly distributed than was the case with sleepers B. Might the author be permitted to sum up the evidence which had been produced during the discussion as to the best class of antiseptics for timber? Both engi- neers and chemists would probably agree with him that after forty-five years' dis- cussion of this engineering problem the time had gone by for dogmatic assertion, unsupported either by experiment in the laboratory or by recorded experience in engineering works. In the paper he had called the germ theory a severe but salutary test for these antiseptics. As a matter of fact, the subject had received valuable elucidation from the labors and discoveries of a number of eminent men, who had studied the physi- 213 ology of the bacteria. In the application of the remedies, however, the operations of the timber-preserver diverged from those of the physician to the human body. In combating those terrible enemies the bacteria, which were pathogenic to ani- mal life, the great difficulty was that many of the remedies effectual against the bacteria intefered with the vital func- tions of the patient. On the other hand, the physician could repeat remedies when- ever the malignant symptons reappeared. Therefore antiseptics, more or less vola- tile, were sometimes more useful to the physician than others of a more perma- nent character, because they did not accu- mulate in the system of the patient. In preserving timber, the problem differed materially. The vital functions of the plant had ceased ; stronger poisons, and substances which clogged up the cells and tissues, could be employed, provided al- ways that they were of such a nature as not to injure the structure of the wood. But the remedy must be applied once for all. In the majority of cases where tim- 214 ber was once placed in engineering works the supply of the antiseptic could not be renewed. Therefore the very first condi- tion was that the antiseptic should be of a permanent constitution. Let this rule be applied to the evidence offered during the discussion. Antiseptics for timber had been described: 1st, as coagulators of albumen ; 2d, as germicides ; 3d, as sterilizers, rendering the cells of the wood unfit for the development of fungi or bacteria ; 4th, as germ-excluders, closing the entrances against the intrusions of the enemy. Was not too much value still attached by some to the coagulation of the albu- men in wood ? Albumen formed an ex- tremely small portion of the wood ; in fir it varied from 0.5 to 0.9 per cent. Those parts of timber containing the smallest portions of albumen were nevertheless liable to decay ; the mere coagulation of the albumen did not protect the bulk of the timber from destruction. Did coagu- lation preserve even the albumen itself from destruction? Sansom, Angus Smith, 215 and other authorities found that it did not. The author took a hard-boiled egg, a very complete specimen of coagulated albumen, removed the shell, and exposed it to the sea breezes on a high point of the Atlantic shore of the island of Mull. In a few days signs of putrefaction were visible; in eight days the albumen was coated with various species of micrococ- cus, cromogenes and other agents of de- struction. The egg had become a mass of corruption. Coagulation had not pro- tected albumen from putrefaction. What was the result when coagulation was pro- duced, not by heat, but by the action of an antiseptic body 1 ? Did not the result depend mainly, if not altogether, upon the germicide properties of the antiseptic, and upon its abiding presence ? Or, thus produced, did coagulation per se effect a new combination with permanent results I In the case of carbolic acid, a host of in- vestigators said, No. Their experiments appeared to prove that carbolic acid was volatile in the air, soluble in the water, and that its compounds were not stable. 216 Boillat, in his experiments, realized the extreme conditions desired by those the- orists who thought that carbolic acid had a permanent effect upon timber ; he pro- duced a perfect coagulation of albumen with an excess of carbolic acid. Yet a mere washing with water removed the whole of the carbolic acid, and the albu- men putrefied on exposure to the air. Carbolic acid, therefore, would appear to have had no permanent effect upon albu- men. The author agreed with Dr. Ber- nays that if coagulation by carbolic acid were desirable, 2 per cent, of that body might be retained ; but having in view the foregoing evidence, what was the value of the coagulation theory at all as applied to timber-preserving ? There had been some idea that carbolic acid lin- gered in the timber in some unrecognized form. The author had had occasion to test sleepers a few weeks after creosoting ; if this were done before the carbolic acid had time to evaporate, it could be found in the wood by the ordinary tests, and a quantitative analysis made. On the other 217 hand, Dr. Tidy, who was not unwilling to find it in combination, had searched for it after twelve months, and had not found it by the ordinary tests, that is, in sufficient quantity to have any practical result. But whenever it was present there were tests subtle enough to detect it, even in such infinitesimal quantities as to have no practical value, as was evidenced by the experiments of Mr. Greville Williams. Notwithstanding theories and experi- ments, did carbolic acid, when put into timber, do any good there ? Mr. Coisne, Mr. Greville Williams, and the author, not only never found it to have contrib- uted to the success of old creosoted tim- ber, but Mr. Coisne's experiments went further still. He injected woody fiber with light oils and an excess of tar acids, and the woods rotted, whilst the woods creosoted with heavy oils, and without any tar acids, were preserved. There was one point respecting which there had been a consensus of opinion on the part of all who had taken part in the discussion, namely, that for the prepara- 218 tion of timber, creosoting had been un- deniably more successful than corrosive sublimate, sulphate of copper, or chlor- ide of zinc. Could this be at all due to carbolic acid? How was this possible, when a host of authorities proved that carbolic acid was less permanent in its effects than the three metallic salts al- luded to, and very considerably less pow- erful as a germicide than corrosive sub- limate or sulphate of copper. In a valu- able work upon bacteria by Magnin and Sternberg there was a long list of anti- septics, with a statement as to their com- parative potency as germicides, compiled from the latest authorities. Carbolic acid. was low in the scale. Dr. Sternberg gave the strength of solutions of differ- ent kinds which had been found efficacious in preventing the development of the septic micrococcus, the following amongst many others : Corrosive sublimate. . .1 part in 40,000 Sulphate of copper. .. .1 " 400 Chloride of zinc 1 " 200 Carbolic acid 1 " 200 219 These were in watery solution. To this must be added the statements that in oily solution the antiseptic power of carbolic acid was diminished, according to San- som and Angus Smith ; altogether it was nil according to Koch. It was evident that there was a vast accumulation of sci- entific evidence in confirmation of the continually reiterated statements of those practical men, who had had the largest and longest experience in preparing tim- ber, to the effect that it was not to car- bolic acid, but to other substances con- tained in the tar oils, that the superiority of the creosoting process over the other three methods was due. Mr. Lowe was well known as one of the highest scien- tific and practical authorities upon the tar acids, and he had given much valu- able information in his communication to the Institution. On the other side, the absence of evidence was even more re- markable than many of those interested in this subject would perhaps have an- ticipated. No chemist had brought for- ward even a laboratory experiment in 220 proof of any permanent effect of carbolic acid upon albumen. No practical man had produced a proof that that substance had had any lasting effect upon timber. The author submitted that the claims of carbolic acid as an antiseptic for timber had not been proven. What, then, were the substances in the creosote oils which had insured the supe- riority of that process over the others? If the author were asked the question, he would remark that the object being the prolonged preservation of timber, antiseptics should be chosen which re- mained longest in the timber. That the different constituents of the creosote oils, showed a gradation from the lightest and most volatile bodies at the carbolic, or left-hand end of the scale, up to the least volatile and most permanent bodies at the right-hand end. Divide the bulk of the oils roughly in half. Would the con- stituents of the right-hand half of them- selves insure the preservation of the tim- ber? Yes, excellently well. They con- tained germicides and solidifying mate- 221 rials ; they were both sterilizers and germ-excluders ; they would not evapo- rate, except at an enormously high tem- perature. Nevertheless in their united bulk they were perfectly fluid at a tem- perature of 100 Fahrenheit ; they were insoluble in water ; they could be injected into timber, in quantity exceeding the maximum which any engineer had as yet required. Would the other, or left-hand part of the group, taken by themselves, preserve timber? Much less perfectly, as they were more volatile. "Would a still further fractioning to the left, if it were practicable, insure a better result ? Not so, but a worse one still ; for the lightest oils, which contained the greatest portion of the tar acids, were, like the tar acids themselves, the most volatile portions of all. The author trusted that he had made clear his reasons for specially objecting to large percentages of tar acids. Take an honest heavy cresote, free from adul- teration, free from mutilation, containing, say, 5 per cent, of tar acids. If this 222 sample were refused because it did not contain 8 or 10 per cent., the tar-distiller was induced to remove a large portion of the heavier constituents of the bodies to the right hand of the scale, in order to make the proportion of tar acids larger in the portion remaining. He believed that those heavier portions were the best. He thought that, provided the oils were sufficiently fluid at the temperature at which they were injected, there should be no restriction as to maximum specific gravity or maximum boiling-point. If larger and stronger doses of germicides were desired, it would be far better to put them into the wood in the shape of corrosive sublimate or sulphate of copper, in addition to the heavy oils. This could be done by a double process of prepara- tion, with respect to which he had been lately experimenting. Timber preserved by antiseptic treat- ment was an engineering material com- peting with other materials, both as to price and durability. Members of the Institution would appreciate the endeav- 223 ors of the author to emancipate an im- portant industry from the effects of any theories which, themselves unproven, might stand in the way of improvement, either as to diminished cost or increased efficiency. * Any book in this Catalogue sent free by mail on receipt of price. VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY D. VAN NOSTRAND, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET, N. Y. ADAMS (J. W.) Sewers and Drains for Populous Districts. Embracing Rules and Formulas lor the dimensions and construction of works of Sanitary Engineers. Second edi- tion. 8vo, cloth $2 50 ALEXANDER (J. H.) 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