€> UlSldM irn^ JOTTINGS OF LOUISIANA ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE MOST ILLUvSTRIOUS LANDMARKS OF NEW ORLEANS, And the Only Remaining Buildings of Colonial Days. "They do not only form part of the History of the rnitcd States, l)ut also of Frame an«l Spain." BY WILLIS J. ROUSSEL New Orleans, I.a. (t'opyriKhlcd .laiuiary 3rd, 190-5.) Price, 5U Cents. 1905. Mendola Bros. Publishers, new orleans, la. POETICAL JOTTINGS OF THE HISTORY OF LOUISIANA. — -f -f — BY CH ARLES GAY A R W K The following cjuotaticns are taken from the History of Louisiana b} Charles Gayarre, the eminent writer and historian, and wall no doubt prove to be a very aj^propriate preface to this work, as il will auniit a basis of comparison for "Louisiana as it is to-day." Alter a masterly and graceful preliminary the learned historian said : "I am willing to apply that criterion to Louisiana, considered both physically and historically; I am willing that my native State, which is but a fragrant of what Louisiana formerly was, should stand and fall by that test, and do not fear to a])))roach with her the seat of juilgment. 1 am prepared to show that her history is full of poetry of the highest order, and of the most varied nature. I have studied the subject "con amore," and with such reverential enthusiasm, and I may say with such filial piety, that it has grown upon my heart as well as upon my mind. To support the assertion that the history of Louisiana is eminently poetical, it will be sufficient to give you short graphical descriptions of those interesting events which constitute the annals. Bright gems they are, enriching her l)row. diadem-like, antl worthy of that star which has sprung from her forehead to enrich the American con- stellation in the firmament of Liberty." HERNANDO De SOTO. "On the olst. of May. L539. the Bay of Santa Spiritu, j)resented a curious si)ectacle. Eleven vessels of quaint shape bearing the broad l)anner of Spain, were moored close to the shore; one thousand men of infantry and three hundretl and fifty men ol cavalry, fully equipped, were landing in proud array under the conmiand of Hernando De Soto, one of the most illustrious companions of Pizarro in the concpiest of Peru, and reported one of the best lancers of Spain.'' "Among his followers are gentlemen of the best blood of Spain and of Portugal." "Now he is encamped in the territory of tlie Chickesaws, the most ferocious of the liuhan tribes. And lucky was it that De Soto was as prudent as he was brave, and slept equally i)re))ared for the defence an. to be marricil to the Canadians, and to the other inhabitants of Mobile, in order to consolidate the colony. All the.se f!;irls are industrious, and have received a pious and virtuous education. J-5eneficial results to the colony are ex- pected from their teaching; their useful attainments to the Indian females. In order that none be sent except tho.se of known virtue and unspotted reputation. His .Majesty dirl intrust the F/ishot) of (Quebec with the mission of taking those girls from such establishments, as from their very nature and character, would put them above all suspicions of corrujition. You will take care to settle them in life as well as may be in your power, and to marry them to such men as are capable of providing them with a commo- dious home." :■; :;;;•; ^ ^ •:,: -^^ if. 'Jf. if CONDENSED ITEMS OF INTEREST OF THE EARLY HISTORY. Samolle was the first Clovernor of Louisiana. He die(l in 1701. and was succeeded by Bienville, the second (iovernor. Iberville went to France in 1701. and remained al)S("nt from Louisiana four years. Thirty-five colonists diecl of star\atif)n in 1705. In 1700. the French girls brought tf) the colony were indignant at being fed on corn bread, and threatened to leave the colony on the first opportunity. This is called the "petticoat insurrec- tion." The three most imi)ortant personages in tlic ('otiiuioiiwcalth of Louisiana at that time were Bienville, the governor, who wielded the sword, and was the great executive mover of all; La Salle, the intendant commissary of the crown, who had. therefore, might be called the controlling power; and the Curate de la \'ente. who was not satisfied with mere spiritual influence. The commi^sary iii a letter of the 7th o'' Decmber. 1706, accusetl Iberville, Bien- ville and Chateague. the three brothers, of being guilty of every sort of malfeasances and dela])idations. The curate hackerl La^ Salle. 6 After an existance of nine years; the population of the cokjuy did not exceed 279 persons. Its principal wealth consisted in 50 cows, 40 calves, 4 l^ulls. 8 oxen, 1400 hogs and 200 hens. In 1709 famine re-a]jpeared in the colony, and tlif» iidiabitants were reduced to live on acorns. The scarcity of provisions had l)ecome such, that in 1710. Bienville informeil his government that he had scattered the greatest nart of his men aaiong the Indians, upon whom he had quartered them for food. In 1712, Anthony Crozat obtained from the King of France the exclusive jn-ivilege. for fifteen years, of trading in all that immense territory which, with its undefined limits, France claimed as her own under the name of Louisiana. The charter of concessions virtually matle Crozat the Suju'eme Lord and blaster of Louisiana. In 17LS Cadillac is made governor of Louisiana. The famous banking company of the Indies, with John Law at its head, was started in 1717. .John Law was born in Edin- burgh. Scotland, in 1671. Bienville was ap])ointed governor of Louisiana, the second time, in 1718, and foimded the city of New Orleans, the same year. In 1724 the white population of New Orleans amounted to 1700 souls, and the black population to 3300. In Xew Orleans, there were about lOOO souls including ti'oops, and the jK'rsons employed by the government. In the beginning of 1727. the spot where now stands Xew Orleans, not being protected by a levee, was subject to annual inundation, and presented no l">etter aspect than that of a vast sink or sewer. Mosipiitoes buzzed, and ent)rmous frogs croaked incessantly in concert with other indescribable sounds; tall reeds, and grass of every variety gn^w in the street, and in the yards, so as to interrupt cominunication. and offered a safe retreat, and places of concealment to venomous reptiles, wild beasts, and malefactors. who. prot(H'ted by these impenetral)le jungles, committed with imj)unity all sorts of e^•il deeds. In 1729 the French at Xatch(>z were massacred by \hc ln(hans. The Indians captured and spared about 300 women and children whom they intended to make slaves of. In 1733 the French Colony in Louisiana was scourged by snudl pox and famine. .\ companion of F.ienxiUe wrote: "Our planters and nuM'hanics are dying of hunger. The colony is on the eve of being depopulated. The colony is in such a stat(> of indigence that, last year, the people were obliged, for more than three months, to ViYv on the seeds and grains of ree(ls." On the lotli. of Api-il. 17.v"). I^icinilk" wrote on tlie state of the colony : "One hundred thousand pounds of tobacco are made at Pointe Coupee; two women raise silk worms for amusement and succeed very Avell; eggs should be sent by the government to the Ursulines, who would teach this industry to the orphans whose education is entrusted to them. The cultivation of cotton is advantageous, but the planters experience great difficulty in cleaning it from the seeds. Pitch and tar are made in some abundance." In 1736 the colony turned its attention to the cultivation of indigo. But little was made from silk through ignorance of the business. The Balize Pass, in 1728, had sixteen feet and a half, and which Bienville represents as filling up rapidly, is known in our days as Southeast Pass. The Marcjuis de \'audreuil was api)ointed governor of Louisiana in place of Bienville, in 1743. De VaudreuiL in 1744, commanded the ])lanters to have their levee made under penalty of forfeiting their lands to the crown. The Mar(}uis de N'audreuil marked the l)egiiining of his admin- istration by following the old and nefarious custom of granting monopolies. In 1744 the white population of New Orleans was 800 souls, not including 500 soldiers, and the women and children. A few ^f the houses were brick, and the greater portion were wooden Iiuildings, or were bricked up between posts. There were 25 inhabitants whose property were worth from one hundred thous- and to three hundred thousand livres. Almost all the colonists were married. The most considerable one of them was Mr. Dubreuil, who owned 500 negroes, several plantations, l)rick- kilns and silk factories. At the German coast, there were 100 white inhabitants, and 200 negroes. Occupations, gardening and grazing. Pointe Coupee, 200 whites and 400 negroes. Occupa- tion, the cultivation of tobacco and the raising of provisions. Natchitoches, 60 whites and 200 ])lacks. Productions, cattle, rice, corn and tobacco. The available force for defending Louisiana in 1746 was 400 white men, 500 to 600 Indians, and from 200 to 300 negroes. A terrible hurricane in 1746, like that of 1740, destroyed the crops of the colony, and would have reduced the inhabitants nearly to starvation had it not been for the boats from Illinois that annually supphed them with Flour. 8 In 1751 the Jesuits sent some sugar-canes from Hispaniola to the Jesuits of Louisiana, and some negroes who were used to the cultivation of this plant. The experiment was abortive, and though cane continued to be cultivated successfully, it was only in 1795 that the manufacture of sugar was successful. On boartl the same ships which brought the first sugar-cane, sixty girls were transported to Louisiana at the expense of the King. The girls were married to such soldiers as had distinguished themselves for good conduct, and who, in consideration of their marriage, were discharged from service. Such is the humble origin of many of our most respectable and wealthy families. On the 23rd. of September, 1752, the Intendant Commissary, JMichael de la Roubillere, made a favorable report on the state of agriculture in Louisiana. "The Cultivation of the wax-tree," says he, "has succeeded admirably. Mr. Dubreuil alone has made six thousand pounds of wax. Some went to the seashore where the wax tree grows wild, in order to use it in its natural state. It is the only luminary used here by the inhabitants, and it is exported to other parts of America, and to France. In the last three years forty five brick houses were erected in New Orleans and several fine new plantations were established." In 1753 Kerlerec took possession of the government of Louisiana. In 1755 the Acadian settlement at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia, was broken up by the English, under command of General Winslow, and the inhabitants, 1923 persons were taken prisoners, and most of them transported to different states. Their houses and barns were burned by the English, and their property confiscated to the crown. On \hv 3r(l. of November, 1762, Louisiana was ceded to Spain. In 17()5. there was a considerable immigration to Louisiana from the Alabamons and Illinois districts, which had been ceded to the I^nglish, antl from the province of Acadia and Nova Scotia. About 650 Acadians arrived at New Orleans, and they were sent to form settlements in Attakapas and Opclousas, under the command of Andry. riloa, the new Spanish Governor, arrived in New Orleans on the 5th. of March, 1766, and in Fel)ruary of the same year 216 Aca- dians arrived. riloa at once ordered the census of the whole population of Louisiana to be taken, and tiie result was found to l)e: 1,893 men able to carry arms; L944 women, married or unmarried; 1,240 female children; 1,375 male children; total 6,452. The blacks were about as numerous as the whites. But the poi)ulation was somewhat reduced by an epidemic closely resembling yellow fever. A conspiracy was formed against the Spanish Govornment of Louisiana in 1768 and a general insurrection followed. O'Reilly's administration under Sjianish domination, contiiuied orte vear to 1769. I'nzaga's administration from 1770 to 1776; Galvez's 1777 to 1784; Miro's 1785 to 1789; Carondelet's, 1789 to 1792; Gavoso's, 1793 to 1797; Ca.sacalvo's. 1798 to 1799, Salcedo's, 1801 to i803. A century has now glided over the ocean of time, since Louisiana was tran.sferred to the United States, and the American flag was first unfurled before the large assembly of people which had congregated at the Place D'Armes, (Jackson Square) on the 20th. of December. 1803. The Treaty with France was consummated by Robert R. Li\dngston and James Monroe, representing the United States, upon the 30th. of April, 1803. when the entire Louisiana possessions became the ))ropertv of the United States, for the modest sum of $15,000,000.00. ^S^ 10 THE ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL. Xamecl in honor of Louis XI\', King of France. A brick and adobe structure was erected upon the space of ground reserved by Jean Baptiste Lemoyne de Bienville, the founder of Xew Orleans and governor of the French Colony, for the erection of a Roman Catholic Church of which in 1721 there remained but a shed — in 1723, a wooden church, which was replaced by a brick structure, in 1725 — in 1793 a handsome Cathedral was built which still remains up to the present day. The latter edifice was the gift of the great ])hilanthropist, Don Andres Almonaster y Roxas. This brief statement covers a period of over 75 years and illus- trates the several periods of construction, destruction and recon- struction of the Roman Catholic Church, now known as the 8t. Louis Pathedral. which has been a silent witness of countless calamities, ages of famines, pestilence, fire and flood experienced l)y the colonists until the present da}'. And its chimes nestling in the lofty steeples of brick and stucco, have never ceased to sing out in sweet metallic tones the victories gained by the christian colonists of the old colonial days. The site where stands the present edifice was consecrated to the service of God nearly two centuries ago. Upon this space numerous churches have succeeded one another. The first struc- ture was in 1723 destroyed by a hurricane, the second was entirely consumed by a conflagration in 1788 which almost comj)letely devastated the city. This entire edifice was destroyed with numerous valuable records. The last structure which is the St. Louis Cathedral of to-dav was begun in 1792 and completed in 1 794. How much historical importance can be attacluMl to this solemn edifice which has witnessed the lapse of ages since its construction, up to the present time, the reader can naturally conceive. Don Andres AlmonasttM- y Roxas who was the founder of the St. Louis Cathedral, whicli he had erected at his own expense, was an Andalusian of noble t)ii-th. who came to Louisiana when it was under the Si)anish liule. He filled many imjiortant pul)lic positions. He succeeded by judicious ventures in ama.ssing a very large fortune*, of which he made very liberal u.se; for besides the St. Louis Cathedral he also caused the erection of a Charity Hospital then located in Rampart Avenue, and the buildings on each side of the Cathedral, one being known as the Cabildo, now the Su|)reme Court of Louisiana, and the other the Presbytery of the Catliedral, now the Civil District Courts. He also had constructcij th(> Chapel of Lazarists and th(> Frsulines Conv(>nt. 11 Don Almonaster y Roxas was married in 1787 to Miss Louise de Laronde, daughter of Pierre Denis Delaronde, from which vmion was ])orn on the 6th., of November, 1795 an only child, Micaela Leonarda Antonia, who married Joseph Xavier Celestin Delfau de Pontall)a, in iSll. and she became the Baroness dc Pontallja. This notable event which took place at the St. Louis Cathedral was attended by the most distinguished personages of the Colony. Col. Bernard Marigny de Mandeville stood sponsor for the bride, and Chevalier de Macarty; Lasalle de St. Avid. Ignacio Delmo de Chalmet, and Mme. De Verges St. Laiu'ent. signed the marriage records as witnesses. This union recalls a bit of romantic histoiy in which a young Scotch-Irish youth was made to feel the humble origin of his birth. John McDonogli. whose memory is revered by every Orleanian, had not like the lovely Micaela Almonaster inherited a title of nobility from his ancestors, nevertheless, he loved and wooed this charming maiden. He was a gentleman of wealth and nol)ility of character with a grandeur of heart, and justly felt that this was sufhcient to tleserve the hand of the daughter of the proud Don Almonaster. He sought the privilege to ask her hand in marriage from her father, but the proud old Spanish nobleman indignantly rejected the suit, exclaiming: "That a daughter of his noble race would never be allied to a poor plel)ian tradesman." McDonogh was stung to the heart with grief and mortification, and swore, "he would labor until he would accunudate more wealth than all the Almonasters put together: and his name would live to posterity when their proud titles would be cast into oblivion." John McDonogh was of Scotch-Irish Ijirth, and a native of Baltimore. He was well educated. And in 1800 he came to Xew Orleans where he engaged in commercial pursuits. At the time of his sentimental aspirations he was a gay young man, and a favorite in social circles. He lived at the corner of Chartres and Toulouse streets, where he was surrounrled by luxuries, and attended by a retinue of slaves. After the failure of his suit to wed the lovely Micaela, he at once determined to change his mode of living and habits. In his anger he sold the contents of his magnificent residence, and moved to a small house on his planta- tion in McDonoghville on the opposite side of the river, where for half a century he led the life of a measley, coldhearted miser, whose only ambition in life was the amassing of large wealth. Wherever he passed he was pointed out as an old miser. He died in 1850, leaving his entire fortune to be divided share and share alike, between the cities of New Orleans and Baltimore. This princely legacy whicli has been exclusively devoted to the building and repair of public schools, amounts now, with accumulated interests, to a fund of over a million dollars. As to his prophecy it certainly fulfilled his fondest wishes. Over thirty school buildings constructed from this fund are scat- tered in almost every district of the city, and all bear the simple inscription of his name "McDonogh." No condition was attachetl to the legacy, except that the little children of the public schools should come once a year and strew his grave with flowers. However, his remains have been removed to his native city, Baltimore, according to his desire; but "Mc- Donogh Day" has been sacredly kept throughout all the public schools, where the children annually participate in memorial exercises in his honor, while the handsome statue erected in the park, opposite the City Hall, from the mite contributions of the school children, as well as the various bust statues of the great philanthropist, to be found in every jnil^lic school are decorated with handsome floral offerings. Don Almonaster's titles of nobility and name have vanished, but the virtues and name of "^IcDonogh," will live forever. Don Andres Almonaster y Roxas died in New Orleans, on the 26., of April, 1798, at the age of 73 years. He was interred within a crypt, to the right of the Cathedral, directly in front of the altar of St. Anthonv. Over his last resting place appears an imposing marble slab upon which is inscribed his Coat of Arms, and in Spanish the record of his life, titles and services, which translated reads as follows: HKRE LIE THE REMAINS of DON ANDRP:S ALMONASTER y ROXAS. A Native of M arena. In the Kingdom of Andalusia. He Died in the City of New Orleans. On the 26th. day 'of April, 1798. Being 73 years of age. A Knight of the Roval and Distinguished Order of Carlos III. Colonel of the Militia of this Dei)artment. Alderman and Royal LicMitenant of this Corporation. Founder and Donor of this Holy Cathedral. Founder of the 1-loyal Hospital of St. Charles and of its Clnu'ch, Founder of the Hospital for Lepers. Founder of the School for the Education of Ciirls. Founder of the Court House. All of which he hafl built at his own expense in this Citj'. Requiescat in Pace. 13 To the left side of the church are also buried under the marble floor before the altar of "Lady of Lourdes," three illustrious Knifihts of the old repme. {'\)un the marble slab covering; their remains is inscribed in French the following epitaphs which translated reads: FRANCOIS PHILIPPE de MARIGXY de MANDKVILLE. A Knight of the Royal and Military Order of Ht. Louis, and Port Commandant of New Orleans. Born at Hayeux in Normandy, died in this City. Nov. 1. 172S. ANTOINF PHILIPPE de MARKLW de .MA\DE\ILLE. A Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis, and Captain of Infantry in the service of France. Porn in Mobile. February 28th.. 1752. died in New Orleans. November 6. 1770. PIERRE PHILIPPE de MARIGNY de MANDEVILLE, A Knight of the Royal and .Military Order of St. Louis. Captain of Infantry under the Spanish Government. P>orn in this City on June 18. 1757. and died in IsOO. The Marignys de Mandeville were very wealthy and influential < luring l)oth the French and Spanish regime. In the center aisle, at the foot of the stairway leading to the main altar designatefl by a large cross of slate colored marlile slabs imljeded in the flooring: also beyond the railing in the center of the sanctuary, at the foot of the central altar, are subterranean vaults in which have been buried the most deserving dignitaries of the Chiu'ch. such as bishops, archbishops, etc. The last to be interred there was Reverend Archbishop Francis Jansens. He was buried in the vault situated in the sanctuary. The archives of the St. Louis Cathedral which are kept in a large fire-proof vault, located on the ground floor of the Rectory in St. Anthony Alley, also presents curios in docmiientary specie. Some of them are so old that they are crumbling with age. We find therein that the first marriage performed within its sacred walls was that of Pierre Sinton to Nicole Daulunay. which occurred on July 1st.. 1720. and the first Christening tliat of Catherine DePerrier on January 1st. 1731. The interior of the St. Lcuis Catheilral is ornamented with Ijeau- tiful fresco paintings by the eminent artist Casanova, whose name has been handed down to posterity, and the artistic execution has caused this work to be classed as masteri)ieces. which with the flight of time have been .sacredly preserved up to this present day. 14 Some few figures, however, were replaced by new subjects more in keeping with the ideas of the nineteenth century, while others were retouched by the artist Erasme Huml)recht. the colors having become faint with age. Among the most interesting pictures ornamenting the walls of this edifice is the tableau just above the central altar, representing "St. Louis announcing the Crusade." Over the center of the main aisle is "St. Peter receiving the Shepherd's Staff from Our Lord." There are four medallions in which are painted the Evangelists. St. John. St. Mark, St. Luke and St. Matthew, while between each of the twelve arches are one of the Apostles, ^^ Over the choir appears the "Archangel Michael," while at the other extremity is pictured "The Holy Family." Over the sanc- tuary is pictured "The Sacrifice of the Divine Lamb." While symbolic figures of the old and new testament appear in the arched vault. Another very impressive pictiu'e. is that over the altar of the Sacred Heart representing "The agony of Our Lord" — while over the altar of "Our Lady of Lourdes" situated upon the left is rep- resented the "Annunciation." There the Mrgin and Angel Cnibriel, are shown in the most natural manner and the expression depicted upon the angel's lips seem to inspire the respectful salutation "Ave Maria, gratia plena. Dominus tecum, etc." The altar of "Our Lady of Lourdes is also a masterpiece of construction and coloring. There is found a true and life-like representation of the apparition of the Holy \'irgin to the little j)easant Bernatlette, who is kneeling upon the rocky i)ath in rev- erence and jirayer, while the limjiid waters from the spring which had spontaneously emerged from the rocks trickle down: and its murmurings mingle in unison with whisperings of the sinners, as they kneel in prayer for the salvation of their souls. Another very impressive tableau which confronts the visitor as he is about to retire is a painting of St. Cecilia, the jiatron saint of Music. She appears floating upon a canopy of clouds, and in her flight she is followed by angels which are scatteretl around licr. This i)ainting is situated right over the organ. The coloring of walls, arches and colonnades are also artistically matched, and the entire work is fully deserving the highest of jn-aise. 15 THE CABILDO. There is not a structure which stands tc)-(hxy upon the American Continent from the Pacific Slope to the Alleghenies, and from the Athmtic Coast to the Gulf of Mexico, which offers more attraction to the World at large, than this e