f'^'mtniTaiTTrrr titttiini'iiiiiit g t , ,1, THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ELIMINATION BETWEEN TWO UNKNOWN EQUATIONS WITH TWO UN- KNOWN QUANTITIES, BY MEANS OF THE GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR. ALSO, ANALYSIS OP CURVES, WITH AN APPLICATION TO AN EQUATION OF THE FOURTH. DEGREE. rt" FRANCIS H. SMITH, A. M., Superintendent and Professor of Mathematics in the Virginia Military Institute. NEW-YORK: WILEY AND PUTNAM. 1842. RESOLUTION, &c. Resolution of two equations with two unknown quantities. — Elimination by the Greatest Common Divisor. 1. The most general equation of the mih. degree, be- tween two unknown quantities x and y, contains all the terms in which the sum of the exponents of x and y does not ex- ceed m. Its form may then be represented by the equation 3.^ + Vx^-^ -f Qa;"*-2 -I- Ra;'"-3 . . . . -\- Tx + u = 0, in which P, Q, R, &c. are functions of y, as follows : P represents a polynomial of the first degree in y of the form a + by Q, represents a polynomial of the second degree in y of the form c + dy + ey^ R represents a polynomial of the third degree in y of the form f ■\- gy -{- hy'' + ly\ &c. &c, &c. the last co-efficient u, containing all the powers of y, from zero to m. 2 J^ JffiAn equation thus formed is said to be a complete equa- 148/ r50\« dx' ^ 48 it becomes _ . Vis/ h' — 1 5 = ± ^'^^^ V ^^^ + &C. 7^ 1-2.3 48 which shows that the branch of the curve touched by the straight line AL, which corresponds to the positive value of 57 -^, is above the straight line on the side of the positive ab- scissas ; and below it, on the side of the negative abscissas. The reverse takes w^ith respect to the tangent AL'. Hence each branch of the curve undergoes an inflexion at the point A. 13. If in the 2nd differential equation 3fdy^+y3d^y—'^a^di/—48ah/(Py4-b0aPdx^-\-50a^xiPx—33^dx^—x3(Pz = o, we make x = o, and y = ± v^QGa' and -7- = o, we have ^ = — (± V96ay — 48a2 x ± ^/96a^ which gives a negative value for — ^ for the value of y, cor- dx^ responding to the point D, and a positive value for D', which shows that at D, the ordinate is a maximum, while at D' it is a mitiimum. The ordinate at D' is regarded as a mini- mum, because every increment to a negative ordinate is equivalent to a decrement with respect to positive ordinates. 14. To find the points at which the tangents are perpen- dicular to the axes of a;, we must put ^ = 6, or what is dx equivalent to it, place the denominator of its value equal to zero. This gives 58 y" — 48a'y = o, from which we obtain y = o y = ± s/48a2. The first value substituted in the equation of the curve gives lOOaV— a;* = o. Hence X = ±0 X r= ± 10a. The roots x = ± o indicate the multiple point A, the two others belong to the points I and I'. The values y = ± V48a'' correspond to the points whose abscissas are X = ±6a X = ± 8a. One of these results makes known the points F, F', the other the points H, H'. At each of these points the tangent is perpendicular to the axis of a:, and as there are no points of the curve between these limits, we can readily see in what direction the curve is turned towards its tangents. 59 15. We might continue this discussion, and by analogous means ascertain the singular points belonging to the branches represented by the equations (3) and (4) ; but as we have already seen that these curves are in every respect identical with those just discussed, the number and character of the singular points may be regarded as known. J. p. Wright, Printer, 18 New Screet, N. T. THE LIBRARY UNP/ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-8, '46 (9852)444 A^ (jy (A^ — \ Enginearing & tes Library (IS -f JBRARY Jiped below. L LA \^' it^ Aa/ M^A^iZ^tZ^C^ l^i^^^ ^^it.'f^ '€ ^ .' i=- / .. ^^iMaAAnuM* II u Ml 11 Hi ililn III! fHilliiliiilitiiiiiiu«MHti . uiiiiiHtuiiiiitmiuituiiiiiiiiiiimiiuniiiiutinuiiiiiiii! |iii»u(iiuii(iiumuuiiitiuuHiiiiUituuimihitMt(ttituk iiiti(itiiniitit!i!)iiiiiiiimi!i{iiriiiii(iiiti!i!iiititiiiiiitiii