HE N(W Z(:aUa*. ^C'"^'"-' jWA-cy vjTrifc ytJ / 1884. NEW Z E A L A N D. MAIN TRUNK LINE, AUCKLAND TO WELLINdTON. (REPORTS ON). Laid on the Table hy the Hon. Mr. Mitchelson, ivith Leave of the Ilgiuc, and ordered to be printed. CENTEAL IIOUTE. Mr. J. EoonroKT to the E^:GI^-EEr,-IX-CH.\::G^;, North Island, WeUington. SiK, — NekouJ'Slh rcbruasv, 1^81. Having i.u:i:|ir :'o,i ihc cxploiiuiuii ioi ;■> l.:i-j ol nuiw.iy bctweeu Marton s.nd Tc Awamutu, I have tho honour to report as foUows : — Starting from Marton the country over which the linu runs is i)rincipaliy open, and presents no difliculty, the Pourewa behig reached by a side-cutting from the terrace of the Eaugitikei almost on a level. The line then follows up the Poiuewa Valley to about three miles beyond Hunter- \-ille, and thence crosses to the Eangitikei. The Pourewa is all Hat bush of good sawing yuality, and the land is good; the river is about 20ft. wide, and, winding much about the ilat,- will have to bo bridged several times in order to run the line straight ; ballast, can be got near. The Eangitikei Valley lies about loOft. below the luvel of the Pourev.a where tho most favourable place for leaving the latter occurs. The Eangitikei Eiver is generally confined between marl (papa) clitls loOft. to 200rt. high, luit there arc occasionally lowbr terraces, a large one occurring at Otairi, where there is a Native settlement. It is free from side gullies of any importance, and the hills which bound the terraces arc generally of very easy slopes. The Makohine, at 30 miles, a detail of which is shown on the section, forms a break in the line of considerable difficulty, owing to its gi-eat depth below the terrace levels ; but, -as the creek itself is- only 301t. wide, and tho opening V-shaped, the deep part of the viaduct would be confined to a short distance, pier founda- tions easily obtained, and any work done built on dry land. On careful survey considerable modifications might be effected. Near the confUuiicc of the Ilautapu {4.i miles) the Lluiis are rather higher, and several spurs run down to the bluffs : tlu-ough one a tunnel of perhaps tw^o chains will be necessary, and the gi'adhig will then run nearly level into the IlauLapu. "^ About three miles of the Eangitikei is optiii grass and fern, the remainder bush of good mill timber — ■ pines, rinm, totara, tawa, and maire-totara. The soil is very good, as the soil usually is overlying marl formations. The Hautapu Valley as far as GG miles is similar in chai-acter, with high marl chffs and teiTaces above, occasionally a spur coming down and ending in a higher bluff on the river, which will cause side-cutting ; at 53 miles there is a limestone outcrop, '.rhese spurs almost invariably widen out into a terrace more or less long near the river, with high blulls, but narrow into a ra.-^or- back ridge behind, often actually of a lower level. The timber and soil are both excellent. There is one old Native clearing, overgrown with scrub, of about twenty acres at the lower end of the river. There are no side gidlies of importance, and no large creeks ; as at the Eangitikei, culverts will generally carry the drainage. The north-east side of the Ilautapu appears to be \-ery consider- ably rougher. Ballast can be got in creeks near the Hautapu couliuencc, but I did not see any between there and the 66 miles. From 66 miles to 79 miles will be side-cuttings and flats about half open ; the side-slopes are easy, and the land very good. I believe that, on sm-vey, the grades will work out umch flatter, as it is a matter of impossibility to judge distances accurately, and to the eye the river appears much flatter than the section shows. All the country towards Euanui and Eaketepauma, lying west and north-west of this, is very good up to the edge of the Murimotu Plain. Turaugarere and the highest point of the Wailiora will both be places of unportauce, the former as the nearest point to Patea, the latter as the probable coimection with Tokaano and Taupo ; and a few miles lower the Murimotu Plains will connect with Wanganui. r>.— 5. 2 From 79 miles to 84 miles the river has open grass and fern flats nearly all along, and lime- stone outcrops occur along the liill-sides about 50ft. above the valley. Above, on the hill-tops, which are generally table-ian.ds, there are considerable totara forests. Near this point (Slth mile) the line foUov.s a small branch of the Hautapu called Yv aiouru, which penetrates clear throiigh the hills on to the Murimotu Plains. The Waionru takes its rise near 86 miles in an extensive swamp of several thousand acres, which is good land. The land may also be considered good three or four miles below this point. The Makioldo and Waitangi have limestone outcrops on the flats. From 88 miles down past Karioi to the beginning of the forest the land is very poor, made so fi-om the large admixture of pumice-sand. It is found that one burning of tussock grass completely takes the life from the soil by destroying the little organic matter there is in it. In two miles from the entrance to the bush, 98 miles, tlie timber is birch, and the soil, although richer than the open land, is poor ; but after that the timber is large and fit for sawing, and the land flat and good for about eighteen or twenty miles. The flat is five to ten miles wde, and all country lying between it and the Wangauui Eiver (some twenty mUes in breadth) is formed of low marl liills, the land good, the timber principally tawa. On the side of the flat next the mountain Ruapehu there is a table-terrace land some fourteen miles long, from Eaitihi to Manganui- a-te-Ao. This table-land is generally poor, but heavily timbered with rimu and kaikawakaroa, and some white pine,maire, and totara ; but the country and timber below it are good to the Wanganui River. A part of this table-land would be traversed by the railway, and the crossings of two of the affluents of the Mauganui-a-te-Ao, called the Manganui-a-te-Ao and Mangatote, are bad, being wide, deep depressions, one 100ft. and the latter 200ft. deep ; but I ascertained, by going up these rivers a short distance, that they could be crossed without any extraordinary engineering work. From T^Iangatote, 119 miles, to 121 miles, where the forest ends, the soil is good ; and from there to about 121 miles are the Waimarmo Plains. These are not better than the Murunotu : the growth is tussock-, my work concerned the railway ouly, and that they v.-ould be lunatics to sto v>'ay, which would be a benefit to them. After a longkorero they, obtainiugthe consent <-,f .. ,, ■ .'f Pita to Rahui's, allowed me to proceed, and eventually came to work for me, cutting tiie ijij . : then- own district. This may by-and-by be a troublesome question, as they are still pl■aliL..l^ >-.i:a oecuppng part of the block, which, according to Mr. Thorpe's survey, is part of the Government block (Rangataua). These same people are now very anxious for the line to be made, and asked me to get the fact of the Government approval of this line inserted in the Maori newspaper. From ihc jlangawhero (Ohakune) my com-se lay through Wamiarino, near the Hahungatahi, and the country was said to be flat, with but some tv.-enty miles of bush to get thi-ough, but there was a Native track which led to Ruakaka, a Native village some twelve miles below Hahungatahi, on the Mau^anui-a-te-Ao. To save swagging I took the Iior.^es through tliis track to Ruakaka, iutending'^o follow up the River Mangauui-a-te-Ao to Waimaviuo, and cut back to Ohakune. On ai-rivinp "a Ruakaka I was compelled to pitch my camp within the Native village, and found that the Native. Paora Patapu, v.hom Kemp luid promised to send up before me, had not an-ived, and the Natives received my letters fi-om Kemp and Woou with suspicion, alleging, after three days' korero, that if Kemp desired their concurrence he should have sent word up to them before now : I had arrived among them v.-ithout any notice, and they should take me back to Kemp. Accordingly I was marched back to Papatupu, some two miles above the confluence of the Manganui-a-te-Ao with the Wan^anui, and there found about eighty Nati\-es assembled. I was kept there another two or threc^days. The principal men present were : Taumata, Te Kuru Kaanga, Te Peehi, Winiata te Kakai, Manurewa, l^ivehu, Raukawa, Raugihuatau, Te Aui-ere, Huriwaka, Te Whaiti, Eniko, Kaiatua. Rangihuatau spoke in a vacillating v.ay, but said he was a Government man ; Taumata was decidedly averse to the Kailway, and also to any Europeans coming on then- land, and said if I had been taken on his land he should have cut up all my belongings in small pieces, and made slaves of mvself and party ; Te Kuru spoke against any violence, but was decidedly in favour of keeping Eiu-opeaus away. ' All spoke,but Winiata and Te Aurere (who were at heart in favom- of the railway) were afraid to speak out : and eventually letters were written to Kemp, and Mr. Woon, and myself, saying if I returned a second time I should be turned back, and any Maoris who were with me would be killed, and if I returned a tlni-d time I should be killed. Taumata would agi-ee to nothing, and strongly advised keeping us prisoners here ; but several others (iiicluding Te Am-ere, Te Peehi, Te Kmii, Turehu, and Taurere) were more moderate, and said if I could bring letters from Wahauui or Tawhiao they would not obstruct me. Taumata then came over to me and asked if I understood their ultimatuni, at the same tiiuc ohser%-ing, " If you come again, remember you will go to the aroand."' Then he asked me v.hat I thought of his letter to Mr. Woo;i. I replied I had not thought anything about it, but I should take care that a copy oi it found its way to the Govermuent, and they could think whet they Hkod about it. After this seven chiefs were appointed to paddle us dovni to YVanganui. The follcvdng men were fixed on, so that they- might have influence to talk to Maior Keinp : Yviniata te Kakai, Te Kuru Kaanga, Potatau, Te Aurere, Te Peelii, Iko, Patcna. C i the river we called at Pipii-iki, Herui-aj-cma, Koriniti, Pai- ikin o, and Kaiwhaiki, at all of v.' the usual speeches vvere made, and most of the lower-river Natives were in favoui- -\vav. V.'e vvere two and a half days comiiig dov.n. Some of the Native ^illages on the - ^-i River are thickly peojiled ; for instance, at tlerurai-ema and Koriniti there are about IciU 10 ioO at each place. At Herrj-axema there is a Cathohc mission, consisting of the Rev. Fathers S:.,-,!.'.^ ml Marot, two nuns, and a lay sister, Maiia Joseph, long kno\vn in Napier by the old re; '-'--ry hospitably entertained me. There is a school here with sixty-four scholars, and av . . nee fifty-nine. The Natives possess 2,500 sheep, horses, and cattle, besides ■"ilou'-hs, i^c. At Ranana, the site of the celebrated fight' at Moutoa, there is also a large flock of sheep, ar.d a fine wharepuni, 83ft. by 37it. : this is called Huiiwhenua, and is the arena of the labours of Kemp'?; council. o "ival at Upokongaro I f;-?cured the services of Mr. Woon, and a meeting took place ],, y captors and Major Kemp, the result of which I forvviu-ded to you on the 22nd !- Te Kuru Kaanga firmly opposed my returning, sayiug they did not want the railway ; ii- I and Eauka v. a privately told me to wait, their tongues were tied now, but by-and-by thLV ' I to Wellington to seek the advice of the Native Minister, and, if possible, get 1, _ :i and Tawhiao. During my stay in Wellington overtures were made by Kemp t^ 1, which resulted in a more amicable understanding with the Govcrmnent, and ; leHon. the Native Minister and Major Kemp: after which the latter renewed his p- ice, and advised my attendance at a large Native meeting at Rauana, and orovideU a cruiu,^ and men for my return. The meeting w'as largely attended, and included four or live chiefs of Manganui-a-te-Ao, who were con-anced by ?dajor Ke-i and Wahanui, who informed me that Mr. Bi-yce was coming in a week's time, and that I must wait till then, when it would be settled satisfactorily. This I did, and in the meantime Wahanui seat and brought all the men who had stopped ine out to Kihikihi, including the principal in Mofiatt's murder. The meeting which took place was satisfaetoiy in its result, ^and I have since completed the exploration; and the last words of Eewi (Manga) were, " Tell Mr. Bryce to hasten on the railway : I am an old man now, and I should like to ri'de in the railway before I die." ' Johx Rochfost. D.— 5. 6 EASTERN ROUTE. Mr. G. P. Williams to the Engineee-in-Chief, Wellington. SiE,— Public Works Office, Wellington, May, 1884. I have the honour to make the following final report upon the proposed trunk line of railway from Hastings, on the Welhngton-Napier line, to Te Awamutu, the present terminus of the southern line from Auckland. I have completed the reconnaissance survey of the country through which such a line would pass, and I attach to this report general plan and sections of the line. For the purpose of comparing this route with others that have been proposed for the trunk line I have indicated upon the general section the probable lengths of the principal stretches of gradients that are as steep or steeper than 1 in 50, and the probable dimensions of any important bridges and tunnels. The length of the line is estimated at 170 miles. The chief difficulties on the line are in the Hawke's Bay portion, between 16 miles and 68 miles. The ranges which lie all along the south and east bank of the Mohaka Eiver are a formidable barrier for a line running westwards from the coast. The coach-road goes over the Titiokura Hill, which is some 500ft. higher than the saddle at the Puketitiri Bush, where the line would go, and which is the only feasible gap in the range for railway purposes. The Mohaka cuts the general sloj)e of the country into two, and, after the line has dropped down with a sharp descent to its bed, the main watershed has still to' be surmounted. To do this the proposed line follows up the Eepia, which runs into the Mohaka, and has a good general direction, cutting down deeply through very high and broken country, covered with bush. The roiite described by Mr. Ellman as being peculiarlj' favom-able for railway pm-poses, an account of which appeared in the Hawke's Bay Herald, is only adapted for a road, though it is siiggested that it woiild answer equally well for railway purposes. I except the portion up the Eepia, where for a great length the difficulties for a railwaj' are probably no greater than they would be for the construction of a road. " The long ridge separating the waters of the Manga- houhou from those of the Mangaone," along which the present road goes to Patoka Station, rises far too steeply for ordinary railway gradients, and falls and rises aga,in without any advantage of level being gained ; it is also too narrow and crooked for railwaj^ cur\^es. Further on in the account of the route mentioned the line is described as going from the Anawhenua "flats [which are really only a few broken terraces] by light cuttings to the south-west bank of the Makahu." Now the Anawhenua, before joining the Makahu, enters into a very narrow gorge with steep slopes, about f to 1, and several hundred feet high, so that neither a road nor railway could follow it down ; and the line must therefore pass over or tunnel through a saddle which rises 270ft. above the creek at 39i miles on section, while on the other side of the saddle the Mohaka Eiver runs about three miles off and 700ft. below it. Yet, in spite of this very rapid descent do\vn to the ilohaka, it is stated, in the description of the bridge site at the Mohaka, that "up to this point the whole road has been almost a gradual rise." This is misleading, as is also the description of the Eepia, which is treated as if it were an ordinary valley, any exceptional difficulties being ignored, although for at least eight miles of its length it can only be utilized by means of works of the hea^^est description. I do not wonder, however, that the Eepia was not fully understood, as I found that no one had ever been right through it before I went. For six miles its slopes are covered vrfth dense bush, ]3rincipally Fagus, and this had prevented any passage between its upper and lower ends, until I had a rougli foot-track cut through it ; though there was an old disused Maori track, now grown over, which led over the hill-tops out of sight of the gorge. I vcill now describe the route wliich is in my opinion tlT) most practicable, x^remising that, on account of the great summit-levels to be sm-mouuted, loilg stretches of steep gi'adients are unavoid- able, and that, in order to make them as even as possible, certain river-courses must be followed, the country generally being much too broken up by confused spurs and gulhes to adroit of gi'ading being ciirried out otherwise. After lea^ng Hastings the line passes tlu-ough easy country to the crossing of the present channel of the Ngaruroro Eiver, at about 5 miles on section. Tliis river has a shingle-bed similar to those in Canterbury, and can be crossed at a height of 15ft. above the bed, with seven or eight spans of 40ft., riearlj- opposite Mr. Douelly's house. The line would then strike through easy open country, Native laud, to the Tutaikuri Eiver, wliich it would follow up on its south bank, and, commencing to rise at a point opposite where the road strikes off to Eissiugton on the north bank, it v.-ould continue, without any difficulty but a few small cuttings, up to the terrace opposite Scale's homestead, at the junction of the Mangaone with the Tutaikm-i River near 15 miles. Now, to reach the Puketitiri Bush the natural course would be to follow up the Tutaikuri to the mouth of the Mangatutu, and then all the way up ihe Mangatutu ; but this is inipracticable, as the featm'es of the banks of the Tutaikuri arc on too largo a scale, consisting often of impa reef-terraces two or three hundred feet in height, intersected by deep ravines, or of steep spm's running down from adjacent hills. I propose therefore to follow up the Waihau Creek, whose banks are on a smaller scale, from above its junction with the Maugahouhou up to its source ; and, although to follow it i;p would involve hea\'y cuttings along its whole distance, yet, by keeping about 100ft. above its bed, in ground sloping on an average between 2 to 1 and 3 to 1, a line may be got follo\ring generally on the south-west side. The Mangahoul'.on is worse, if anything, and besides by going more to the north the line would be approacliing too near- the high country about the Patoka Hill, where the gradients would be inadmissible. In order to get to the Waihau from the river junction at 15 miles the line must go round one side of Mount Cameron. The Waihau and the Maugahouhou after their junction form one stream called the Wai-iti, which flows in a deep broken gorge on the north and east of Mount Cameron, and this would be too difficult to follow. I propose therefore to keep the hue on the south-west side, and, crossing the Tutaikm-i at a favourable site near 16 miles, at a height of about 60ft., to rise on to the terrace on the north bank, making use of the channel of 7 D.— 5. a small creek which has worn down the terrace ; and then, after gi-adiug up through some slopes of from 2i to 1 to 2 to 1, to tunnel through some of the precipitous spurs of Mount Cameron, a lime- stone hill, and, crossing in one 120ft. span a deep chasm with perpendicular |)(7jjft sides, above the Ardlussa Station, to come out on the Ardlussa Downs and strike the Waihau at about 21 miles on section. Then, following up the Waihau, as before described, to its source, the line would cut tlu-ough the low saddle, where a road has been formed, on the watershed of the Mangatutu, and cross that stream at the site indicated on plans at 30J- miles. Then, skirting round behind Groom's old station and through another small saddle, the line follows up the Mangatutu Stream, principally on its western side, as far as the Puketitiri Bush. As the gi'ade has to be kept high from 31 miles to 33 miles, the bridges at the crossings would have to be excessively large, so that it is better to keep on the one side if possible in limestone-rock cutting. From 34 miles to the summit the work will be of a lighter character. The level of the saddle in the bush is 2,070ft. There is another way of reaching the Puketitiri Bush shown on plans, viz., by recrossing the Mangatutu at 31^ miles, and following up the Mauaroa Creek to its head, from which a fairly good line coi;ld be got b)' skirting round some downs and through the Puketitiri Bush. The Manaroa is much easier to follow than the Mangatutu, being nearly straight, and having sloping sides of 2 or 3 to 1 ; but the gradient would be even worse, and the deviation would make an extra length of 2|- miles of line. After leaving the bush (which is mostly on a flat, and contains some fine trees of black and white pine, rimu, and a little totara) the hue descends on the right bank of the Anawhenua, through fairly good ground for benching, to the saddle at 39i miles, where a tunnel 25 chains long is required. As mentioned before, this' creek is blocked in, and escapes thi'ough an unpracticable gorge. From the tunnel there will be some very thfficult grading or sideling of from 1^ to 1 to 3 to 1, in order to drop dow^l to the Mohaka Bridge site at 43 miles 10 chains. This is one of the worst portions of the line : it must be kept well up on the hill-side on the left bank at about the height above the creek indicated on section. The slopes of the railway banks will require rubble-pitching to diminish their length. The Mohaka Bridge site is the same as described in Mr. Ellnian's report, and is about 20 chains above some old Maori whares. The banks are about 80ft. apart, and the Ime for rail level would be at about 40ft. above the river. Also, abetter gi-ade is got by going to this site and back again down the river, with an ascending grade on the north side reaching the Eepia by a cutting through a high terrace and some more sideling work. In the Repia the line soon enters a deep gorge, and for at least eight miles — viz., from 46 miles to 54 miles — it is necessary to cross and recross the stream at an average of five times to the mile. The outer edge of each bend is usually perpendicular rock for perhaps a hundred feet, then there is a slope of about i- to 1 for another hundred feet or two, and above that again from 1 to 1 to 3 to 1 for a total height of say a thousand feet, sometinaes nutcli higher. On the inner edge of the bends, which the water does not wear into, the slopes arc about 1 to 1, terminating usually at the foot in a flatter spin- of from 2 to 1 to 3 to 1. By keeping the line at an average of 40ft. or 50ft. above the stream these spurs may be cut through or timnelled. Small stretches of flat may occasionally be tttilized, but heavy rock- cuttings will be the rule. The bush consists chiefly of Fagus, the so-called black and red birch. The line emerges from it at 53 miles and follows the creek to 54 miles, when it begins to rise up to a terrace flat, which it reaches at 57 miles and continues along on the sofith-west side of the creek, the work being easier as the volume of the stream diminishes, until the smnniit-level of 2,680ft. (or about 2,600ft. for fomiation-level) is reached at 64 miles 10 chains. This point is on the watershed between Hawke's Bay and the Bay of Plenty, and is a conveniently low saddle above Lake Pouarua, whence the Eangitaiki River issues. The line skirts round and through some low pumice downs, and drops down on to the open pumice plains at 66i miles, following near the Rangitaiki to the Taupo Road, and then in the general direction of the road over the watershed of the Rangitaiki and the Waikato Rivers, at a height of 2,445ft., until the small village of Opepe is reached ; then, skirting round Mount Tauhara, a contintious grade of 1 in 50 will enable the line to drop down to the Waikato, crossing near the Huka Falls. To obtain sufiicient length of line to get a imiform grade, it may be necessary, in surveying the line, to skirt round with a wider sweep and with more curves than I have indicated on plans, but the country is sufficiently open to admit of this. Instead of following up the Repia it was proposed to take the line up the Mohaka to where the Taharua runs into it, and then to follow up the Taharua to its head on the open pumice j^lains, as shown in Drawing No. 4. I do not think that any advantage would be gained by this route, for the following reasons: The banks of the Mohaka are, on the whole, quite as difficult for a line as in the Repia, on account of the abrupt spurs froni the Kaweka on the west and from Te Matai and Big Ben on the north-east side, which rise precipitously above the river. The length of the line up the Mohaka, froiii the proposed bridge-site to the junction of the Taharua, would be about sixteen miles of very difficult work ; but in the Repia a distance of fifteen miles from the same point is sufficient to take the line out of any difiBculties, excepting the cuttings at the head, at 64 miles. On the other hand, after traversing equally difficult ground in the Mohaka for sixteen miles, there are two miles of bad ground at the lower end of the Taharua. The bridges in the Mohaka would be at least as nitmerous as in the Repia, but larger and much more expensive : on account of the big boulders there would be a difliculty in constntcting piers by driving piles, so that a single span of 120ft. would often be necessary, instead of one of 60ft. or 80ft., as in the Repia. On accotmt of its larger drainage area the floods in the Mohaka are much worse than those in the Eepia, and piers would interfere mtli the passage of trees in flood-time. The level of the junction of the Taharua with the Mohaka is 1,935ft., and the open watershed at its head 2,475ft., or 200ft. lower than that of the Repia ; so that the Taharua gradients would be somewhat better. The total length of the two routes would be about the same. On arriving at the Waikato River the line might cross in one span of 40ft. above the Huka Falls, where the level of the bed of volcanic rock through which the water has cut a channel is 1,110ft. ; the line would then have to bench up the terraces on north-west bank, but, as these are i).— 5. ^ here very steex? and broken, I have shown the hue descending on the south-east bank on the skew with the river, in sideHng of 2 or 3 to 1, principally pumice, and about half a mile further do^Mi the river, and then crossing, with two bridges of 60ft. and 100ft. s^Jan, at a height of 70ft. above the river ; at this site there is an island about eight chains in length, and there is just room for a reverse curve ; the line would then rise in cuttings up to the terrace at So miles, near the junction of the Wairakei Creek but above it, on its south-west bank. A detailed survey, ^^ith cross sections, will be required to fix wliich of the two modes of crossing would be the cheaper. At Wairakei there will be some bad ground for working in near the hot springs, but I think the line can be kept above the worst i^ortion, and the creek followed to its head near the crossing of the Main North Eoad, about 30 chains beyond wliicli is a small watershed near Oruanui, where some heavy cutting will be required in volcanic rock. In descending to the Ongarahu there is a long dry gully, which may be made use of to assist the cutting ; and I think on reaching near the mouth of this the line should bend round sharply to the left (possibly requiring a few chains of tunnel through a rocky spur), and then grade down to the bed of the Ongarahu through some gently-sloping ground. The Ongarahu may be easily followed to near Pukemoremore, the banks being low, and its course being through a tolerably open valley, consisting of shallow swamps and low hillocks of pumice. At 107 miles a low ridge at the foot of Pukemoremore divides the Ongarahu from the Waipapa Creek, and here a choice of two routes can be made. I will first mention the one marked on plans and section as " Deviation." Tlris line would follow down the Waipapa Creek to the Waikato River, where an expensive bridge, of probably 200ft. span, would be required; but after crossing the river it may be followed down on its right bank for fourteen miles, without any very heavy work, on terrace fiats, which are not inter- sected by any very bad gullies. From 121 miles to 122 miles, on " de-\T[ation," the spurs from Whakamaru rise abruptly over the river, but with occasional rock-cuttings there is room to get round them, and the terrace flats open out again for a ■\\-idth of a quarter of a mile, and present no difficulty up to 129 miles on deviation near the Kopokorahi Stream, after which there w-ould be some heavy cutting in sideling. Besides the bridge being probably costly, the objection to the deviation would be that it is three miles longer than the line as laid down on maps. The line as laid down on plans, instead of branching down the Waipapa at 107-^- miles, crosses the Waipapa Creek at the junction of two small streams, and rises with moderate gradients in the direction of the Waipapa Bush, as far as about 112 miles, through some swamps of no great depth, and among hillocks of from 50ft. to 150ft. high covered wnth poor tussock grass. There are several good patches of bush in this locality growing on higli flats and ridges, the position of which is marked upon the plans ; they contain a large proportion of totara trees, and there is a noticeable improvement in the soil where the bush is ; there is less depth of pumice, which has probably been washed down at some period hito the lower-lying lands. At 112 miles the line bends sharply to the left, still rising towards the saddle at a break in the liills called Ngatakurua, at about 113 miles. Through this pass the Maori track leads to Kihikihi. The line would then descend quickly to the Potangotango Creek, and down the banks of it to near the Whakakaho, a very prominent hill with broken angular outlines. In following this creek some heavy cuttings would be necessary, principally in pumice, and the lino should be kept at about 40ft. above the creek, utihzing occasional terraces. At 121 miles, at a level of about 750ft., the line leaves the creek and slopes with a more gentle descent to the Mangakino Creek, which contains a considerable volume of v.-ater, but may be crossed with two spans, of a total length of 120ft., at a height of about 100ft. above the water, and at about 10 chains from the junction of the Waikato Eiver. On my first journey through this country I kept entirely on the western side of the Waikato, with a view of seeing if a line could be got without crossing and recrossing that river. I found the gi-ound pretty fair as far as the next big creek (also called Waipapa), but beyond this there is a narrow range or ridge rising abruptly some 500ft. above that creek, and called Moetahanga : it reaches down to the Waikato ; and further on there is a higher range, of wliich the principal hill is called Wharepuhunga. This whole range is covered with bush, and extends down to the Waikato. On its northern slopes it is intersected by deep ravines, especially one called the Waipare. The difficulties caused by these obstructions would be too great for the location of a line entirely on the western side of the Waikato ; so that I propose to follow the Wadcato River closely on its right or eastern bank, crossing over to it at about 127 miles, at the spot shown on plans. The river here goes over a fall of about 15ft., and above this again there are several rapids. I think the river can be crossed just above the fall by a bridge of 160ft. in length, and that a pier could be built into the rocky bed of the river in order to divide the bridge into two spans. The country on the eastern side now consists of liigh fern downs broken up by volcanic action, and unsuitable for a line ; but the watershed on these downs runs nearly parallel with the river and only a few miles back from it, and the water reaches the Waikato, from the eastern side of this ridge, only by running northwards for some miles beyond the Waotu. Consequently there are few stream-channels intersecting the eastern bank of the river, which consists iisually of a cliff of volcanic rock about 100ft. high, with a slope of about 2 to 1 of loose rock and pumice below the cliff; or else a terrace-flat, at a height of about 20ft. to 80ft. above the river, is to be found at the foot of the clifl'. There are several spurs of volcanic rock which would probably require short tunnels, not exceeding, I think, a total of 40 chains in length. There would be a good deal of heavy rock- cutting in places, but the ground would be all solid and free from slips, and the long stretches of narrow flats would allow the cost of the work on this portion to be reduced to an ordinary average. Near the Waotu the hills rise to a considerable height at a mile from the river, but the flats on the river-bank below are well adapted for a line. I think the river can be recrossed by one span of 160ft. at a point about a mile and a half above the old pa opposite Mangere Creek. There is a small island on the west side of the river, just above site of bridge. The line would commence to rise after crossing the river, and, cutting into the slopes of the rising ground at the edge of the river-flats, it might be some 80ft. or 90ft. above the river at the 9 D.— 5. mouth of the Mangere — a small creek with a deeply-cut bed, which should be followed up so far as it would serve to take the place of cutting. There is a flat, with some large swamps in it,"estending for a mile or two back from the river on this side, and about 200ft. above it. A small ridge west of this flat forms the watershed between the Waikato and the Puniu, and the saddle is only 300ft. above the former river. From the saddle some careful laying-out will be required for two miles, in order to locate the line among some gullies at the head of the Wairaka Creek, which can afterwards be followed without difficulty from 152 miles to its junction with the Puniu at about 157| miles. There are some small swamps to cross, but they can easily be drained. The southern side of the valley is, on the whole, the Ijetter one. Below the junction with the Puniu I should prefer to keep on the northern side, but a few crossings are unavoidable. This river has a shingle-bed, and flows with a moderate fall through a fine open valley well adapted for a line ; and the soil is a rich loam. The line would leave the bank of the river near 167 miles, and, rising for about three miles through some undulating downs, would reach the Te Awamutu terminus at 170 miles. With regard to the capabilities of the country generally for supporting a line passing through it, I am afi-aid I cannot speak favourably. For the first sixteen miles the line passes through good agricultural country ; but it is already fairly well served with roads leading to the railway to Napier. I think it probable that a branch line so far would be a success. For the next ten miles the country is so broken that only a small proportion of it can be considered agricultural land ; and beyond this to 66 miles the line passes for forty miles through very rough country, which is coated frequently with pumice, and will apparently only bear very thin stocking. The line will open up about 120,000 acres of similar country belonging to the Crown in Hawke's Bay. For the next eighty miles the line passes through purely pumice country, which is so sterile that sheep will not thrive on it, and it is doubtful whether it is capable of being put to any profitable use. Afterwards for ten miles the country would take grass with surface-sowing ; and the last fifteen miles of line run through good agricultural country. In examining the Maori country between Taupo and Te Awamutu, and west of Lake Taupo, I found that the work occupied twice as much time as it should have done, owing to the dilatory habits of the Natives and the difficulty of moving about anywhere without constant long talks with them. The country west of the Waikato being unsurveyed, I was obliged to employ Maoris as guides. Although several times ordered to go back, I managed to prosecute my work without any active resistance ; and found that the letters with which I was provided from the Hon. Mr. Bryce to the different chiefs were always received with great respect. With regard to a possible combination of the Waikato line with a central route from the Wanganui District, I found, on travelling inland round the west side of Lake Taupo, that the country between the Hurakia Eange and the lake consists of high flats, terminating in precipitous cliffs from 100ft. to 300ft. high ; and the country is intersected with enormous ravines, the creek-beds in which are about 600ft. below the average level of the country, and consequently no practicable line could be got for railway purposes. Along the eastern side of the lake, however, a capital beach line could be constructed at moderate cost, partly by low embankment through shallow swamps, and partly in shallow water under the pumice clifi's, but nowhere meeting with any great difficulty. A good line could be got down the Upper Waikato Eiver from Lake Eotoaira, which is at a level of 1,900ft., and round the southern shore of this lake, to join with any practicable Hne from the south. In order to fix my position by compass bearings I had to ascend several hills which wore hitherto ta2}u, and had not been ascended by any European — notably the remarkable hill called " Titiraupenga," the northern smimiit of the Hurakia Eange : its height is 3,450ft. I have calculated all the levels given herein from barometrical observations carefully taken, and, in most cases, checked by repeated observations, and they were all corrected by simultaneous observations taken at stations of well-ascertained levels. Wherever possible the levels were referred to the calculated heights of trig, stations. In concluding my report, I am glad to have the opportunity of thanking Mr. Horace Baker, Chief Surveyor of Hawke's Bay, for his kind assistance, as well as the several station-owners along the line of my route. My thanks are also due to Major Scannell, in command of the Armed Con- stabulary at Taupo, and to the two Maori chiefs, Hitiri Paerata and Eewi, or Manga, of the Ngatimaniapoto. An approximate estimate of the cost of this line of railway, including formation, rails, rolling-stock, and stations, amounts to £1,200,000. The cost of land is not included in this estimate, I have, &c.. The Engineer-in-Chief, Wellington. George Phipps Williams, M.Inst.G.E. 2— D. 5. D.— 5. 10 WESTEEN ROUTE. Mr. E. W. Holmes to the Engineee-in-Chief, Wellingtou. SiE,— New Plymouth, 26th May, 1884. I havo the honour to report as follows on the proposed line of railway between Stratford and its junction v.ith Mr. Eochfort's line (known as the central route), about six miles to the north of Te Uira. To Uira is a small Native settlement about four miles in an easterly direction from Te Kuiti, and about thirty miles to the south of Te Awamutu. Starting from Sti-atlord, the line runs through flat country as far as the Toko Eiver, about seven and a half miles. There is a descent of about 400ft., owing to Stratford being situated on the slope of Mount Egmont : this gives a general grade of 1 in 99, but, owing to sundry depressions, 1 in 50 will probably be required for short distances, making the balance flatter. Between 7^ and 10 miles the line passes over a low ridge which separates the Toko and Makuri Elvers : 1 in 66 or a flatter grade can be employed here. At 3^ miles the Kakouri Eiver is crossed. Before proceeding further, I wish to draw your attention to the position of Stratford with regard to the general direction of the [,line beyond 10 miles. It will be seen that the line takes a large bend at 10 miles, Stratford being situated too far to the north, so that a more suitable position for the junction station would be about two miles south of Ngaire, whore a good station-site can be obtained. Tliis would save about six miles on the through line between Wellington and Auckland, though the actual length to be constructed would be the same ; it would also save a considerable portion of the rise aud fall to and from Stratfor.;!. I have not been over the country between Ngaire and 10 miles, so I cannot say that the alteration would save any expense. I am nearly certain the line could be constructed this way, so I draw your attention to the direction, as I consider it quite worth running a trial line through. The line from 10 to 12J miles follows up the Makuri Valley ; grades nearly level, and cross section flat. The construction from Stratford to this point will be very easy. At 12f miles the line coumiences to ascend with & 1 in 66 grade to 14^ miles, where the ridge between the Makuri and Mangaotuku Elvers is passed through with a tunnel 10 chains in ength. The line then descends to 16 miles with a 1 in 66 grade. The work of construction, with the excep- tion of tunnel, will be moderate. The tunnel at this place could be dispensed with by running long grades of 1 in 50 and rising to top of ridge, thereby lengthening the sideling work about a mile on each side, maldng the works over cross gulhes very much heavier, probably costing more, and rising an unnecessary height of about 130ft. From 16 to 28 miles the hue follows up the Mangaotuku Valley ; cross section flat, grades easy, and work of construction light. The creek might have to be bridged in a few places to straighten the line. Between 28 and 32 miles the line ascends with a 1 in 66 grade, passes through a ridge with 5 chains in length of tunnel, and descends to the Makatiu Valley vnth a 1 in 66 grade. A tunnel is shown here for similar reasons to preceding one. The work of construction along sidings will be moderate. From 32 to 34 miles the line follows down the Makatiu and up the Pohokura Valley ; cross section level, and construction easy. From 34 to 35i miles the line rises with 1 in 50 grade to a tunnel 16 chains long, through the Patea-Wanganui watershed. Tliis tunnel cuts 300ft. off ridge, and is actually necessary. It then descends with a grade of 1 in 66 to 39 miles. This grade is shown 1 in 66 on section, but it might be found advisable to employ a 1 in 50 grade to lessen cost of construction. From 34 to 39 miles the construction-works will be heavy, principally on account of steep cross section and deep cross gulUes. Between 31 and 36 miles an alternative line was explored to endeavour to shorten the distance, and save fall and rise ; but it would require an additional 25 chains of tunnel, and much heavier work throughout, and is altogether impracticable. From 39 to 42i miles the line follows up the Wangamomona Valley : cross section level, and construction-works easy. The "Wangamomona will probably require crossing a few times to straighten line. From 42i miles the line rises with a 1 in 50 grade to 44i miles : this grade may probably be eased. At 44i miles a short tunnel 4 chains in length is required, but it may be found advisable to lengthen it to ease work on the preceding grade. Between 44^ and 45i miles the line runs along sideling ground without cross spurs — grade level ; then through a 6-chain length of tunnel. Falling then to 46f miles, with a 1 in 66 grade (but a 1 in 50 grade may possibly be required), the line runs level along sideling to 47f miles ; work moderate. From 47-J- to 50J miles the line rises with a 1 in 50 grade to a tunnel 5 chains in length through a ridge, and falls with another 1 in 50 grade into the Waingangara Valley. This portion will require rather heavy construction-works. It then continues down the Waingarara Valley, with easy grades and work, to its junction with the Tangarakau at 51 miles. From Stratford to about 12 miles the character of the country is flat, being on the slope of Mount Egmont, and consisting of volcanic earths. The rivers are very rapid, with boulder-beds, with a low terrace on each side, forming the river valley. At about 12 miles the character of the country changes altogether, the volcanic earths giving place to jJO'P'^ rock and clay liable to shps in places : the rivers, after a rapid descent for a short distance from their sources, run very slowly, the fall in them being by short rapids or low falls, with long reaches of comparatively still water between. The valleys are narrow at bottom, and are formed by ranges of lulls with sharp ridges, ranging in height from 300ft. to SOOfc. above the valleys : this style of country continues to the Tangarakau Eiver, at 51 miles. 11 D.— 5. From 51 to 67} miles the line continues up the Tangarakau Gorge with an easy grade, a con- .siderable distance being saved by cutting off two long bends by passing over low saddles, as shown on section. On each side of the Tangarakau Eiver there are from 2 to 10 chains of easy sideling ground, then a perpendicular chff of about 300 feet in height of ^0;pa rock, and sideling ground up to aj height varying from 600ft. to 1,000ft. above river. The tops of the ridges are generally covered with black-birch, alllFagus fusca, with good barrels. The piece of comparatively-flat ground along base of cliffs will enable the Hue to be constructed without exceptional work or sharp curves. It will be necessary to bridge the river in three, and possibly in five, places. At 57 1- miles the line commences to ascend by a 1 in 50 grade to 59-| miles, and then by a flatter grade to the saddle in the Tangarakau Eange at 60J miles. At 57^- miles the line enters a small creek-gorge, which rises rapidly to 59^ miles, the sides being very steep, which will make the work heavy. From 59^ to 60J- miles the creek runs slowly, the sides being much flatter, and the work of construction will consequently be very much easier. In consequence of the creek falling so slowly at the top, it will be impossible to cut off any more of the rise than can be done by a cutting. From 60-|- to 63f miles the descent into the Eao Valley occurs by a 1 in 50 grade. The work of onstruction along this grade will be very heavy. From 63f to 66i miles the line passes up the Eao Valley with easy gi-ades and work to a saddle at the head of the Mahorahora ; it then descends by a 1 in 50 grade, with moderate work, to the Mangaroa Valley at 68f miles (this grade may probably be flattened) ; then up the Mangaroa Valley to 72 miles ; then crossing into the Ohura Valley on a very low saddle with an easy grade ; then up the Ohura and Waikaka valleys to 85 miles with easy grades. The work of construction to 81 miles will be easy, then to 83 miles it will be a little heavier, and from 83 to 85 miles it will be heavy, requiring a short tunnel at 84 miles to cut ofi' a bend in the river. Betv/een 85 and 87J miles the ascent to the saddle in the Wanganui-Mokau watershed is made by a 1 in 50 grade, the work of construction being moderate. From 87J to 91|- mUes the line descends by a 1 in 50 grade. The work of construction along this gi-ade will be very heavy, including one tunnel 10 chains long through a cross spur : in fact, I consider this the worst portion of the whole line. Before proceeding further, I might state that, from a view I had of the country, I tloink the the line between 63 and 71 miles may be straightened considerably. I was unable to examine this part as thoroughly as I wished, on account of provisions running short. From 91i to 93} miles the line passes over open flat country, the construction-works required being easy. Between 94} and 97J miles the line rises by a 1 in 50 grade, and descends by a 1 in 55 grade to cross the low hills between the Mokau-iti and Mokau rivers ; work moderate. From 97i to 109|- miles the line runs up the Mokau Valley, with flat gi-ades and easy work, the large bends in the river being cut off by passing over saddles in the low hills in the valley. Between 109i and 112 miles the line descends by a 1 in 50 grade into the Mangapu Valley. Two lines for this grade are shown on the plan, as a trial line must be run on both to decide which is the better. The work on both will be very heavy on account of steep sidehngs, cross gulhes, and tunnel. From 112 to 123 miles the line follows down the Mangapu Valley to Mr. Eochfort's line near the confluence of the Mangapu and Mangaokewa creeks ; work easy. The Tangarakau Eange, which is crossed by the line at 60| miles, extends from thence in a northerly and south-westerly direction, the country towards the east being a great deal lov>er than that towards the west. The country on east side consists of valleys varying in Avidth from 20 to 100 chains, with low hills on each side varying in height from 200ft. to about 400ft. ; while the Tangarakau Eange stands out like a wall, the top being very straight, with very few peaks, and reaches an extreme elevation of about 1,100ft. above the Ohura Valley. The valleys narrow in again at about 88 miles, near where the line commences to ascend to the saddle in a branch of the Tangarakau Eange, which forms the Mokau-Wanganui watershed, and continues narrow to 90 miles, there being no flat land in them : the hills on each side are very steep. At 90 mUes the hue is in open country, comparatively flat, which is drained by the Hinoteko, a tributary of the Mokau-iti : both these rivers are crossed at about 94 uules, they being situated very close together. From there to 100 miles, in crossing from the Mokau-iti to the Mokau, the country is rather broken. From 100 miles to Te Awanuitu the valleys are altogether wider, and covered (with very few exceptions) with dense fern. At 94 miles the line enters the limestone country. This stone will form a suitable material for building culverts, as slabs varying in thickness from 1 to 6 inches can be obtained without any quarrying or dressing, which vv^ould suit well for the floors and roofs of 9in. to ISin. drains. The Wairere Falls, in the Mokau Eiver, near 98 miles, are formed by a mass of stone of the same description as. that in the hills round Wellington : this is covered above the river-level with a cap of limestone horizontally stratified. A seam of coal, about 5ft. thick, is exposed to view on each side of the Tangarakau Eiver at 55 miles, and is similar in character to that now being worked about twenty-four miles from the sea up the Mokau Eiver. The maximum length of the bridge required to cross any of the rivers, on the square, will be 80ft., with the usual end-spans according to height of approaches. Before finally adopting tliis line, I consider it advisable to explore the country to find whether a line could be run from 42 miles in an easterly direction to the Eao, and up that river until the line already explored is reached : this would avoid the rough and valueless country in the Tanga- rakau Gorge, and would open more effectively the good country said to exist in the lower part of the D.-5. 12 Eao Valley. This line was not examined because time was short, and, having found a practicable^ route, I did not consider it advisable to waste time and money in trjing to improve the Ime already obtained, as it could be done to better advantage while running the trial line. From 61 to 74 miles an alternative line was explored as shown on plan, which is not an improvement, as it runs out of the direction, and lengthens the line, and is no saving in cost. A line was also explored from 77 miles up the Ohura Valley, across a very low saddle, to join Mr. Eochfort's line in the Ongaruhe Valley. The grades would be easy to the saddle ; from thence a drop of 200ft. occm-s, which would require a 1 in 50 grade. At 87 miles this alternative Une enters the pumice-stone coimtry, which extends the remainder of the distance, viz., to 123 miles, where the hne, as described, would join Mr. Eochfort's, at a distance of 25 miles from Te Awamutu. The construction- works required would be moderate over a considerable length of the line, but very costly over other portions ; the formation averaging probably a little over £4,000, and this with rails, rolling-stock, stations, &c., added, would amount to a total of about £7,000 per mile, not including cost of land. I have, &c., E. W. Holmes, The Engineer-in-Chief, Wellington. . Eesident Engineer. By Authority: Geoege Didsbcey, Government Printer Wellington. — 1884. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 969 409 2