I of -America ^oJt/iekn (^li fornix " iatology Etc. P.CKemo/hdino.M.D. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ULYSSES S. GRANT COLLECTION The RALPH D. PEKD LIBRARY DEPARTMENT t UNIVERSITY of LOS AJsGELK KNIA 1* 2 / tY.2.. I'n i Firs c Toubis ra illl.KN California. The Mediterranean Shores of America. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: CLIMATIC, PHYSICAL, AND METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS. P. C. REMONDINO, M.D. (JEFFERSON), MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN MEniCAL ASSOCIATION, OK THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION, OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY, OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF CALIFORNIA ; VICE-PRESIDENT Off THE CALIFORNIA STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY AND OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MEDICAL SOCIETY, ETC., ETC. lETTJIULY ILLTJSTRATKD. 1MIILADKMMIIA AND LONDON ! THE F. A. DAVIS CO., PUBLISHERS, 1892. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by THE F. A. DAVIS COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C, U. S. A. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A.: The Medical Bulletin Printing House, 1231 Filbert Street. Geology Library PREFACE. Climate is a wonderful as well as a powerful factor — be it in religion, arts, sciences, or civilization. It makes morality and creeds; the wild and weird mysteries of Eulesis, the festivals of the Roman Flora, or the orgies that accompanied the feasts and worship of Dionysius or Bacchus, never could have taken place except between certain degrees of latitude. Climate determines the diet, occupation, the diseases of which we shall suffer and die, as well as the average length of our existence ; it determines our temper, faculties, and facilities for ac- quiring knowledge and the arts. Climate is. in fact, as observed by Montesquieu, the most powerful of all em- pires. We need but observe the effects of the American climate on Europeans, and of the European climate on the Americans, to become convinced of the truth of this assertion. Southern California climatology is quite a study ; many of its meteorological results are even real puzzles, — puzzles met with nowhere else. It has many oddi- ties ; for instance, one of the greatest peculiarities or oddities of this climate consists in the relative condi- tions existing between the degrees of temperature and the degrees of atmospheric humidity. It is this atmos- pheric condition that puzzles all new-comers, and that i^ incomprehensible to the average observer of meteorologi- cal conditions and their results. As a medical visitor once observed to the writer, "Nature has evidently fitted Southern California meteorology with such a nice self- adjusting regulator that climatic accidents to health (hi) 1.0 IV PREFACE. cannot occur to you. With a rise in the thermometer you have a double discounting diminution in your hu- midity, and with a fall of your thermometer you have an equal double discount of an increase in your humidity, which at once produces equability. I do not know of a region on the wide globe that is so favored." This condition is its actual state, and the peculiar adjustment between temperature and relative humidity accounts for the fact that our people — delicate ladies, children, or invalids — walk the streets without even the protection of a sun-shade, in a temperature of over 100 degrees in the shade, without any discomfort, enervation, or resulting accident, as the writer observed in the streets of Los Angeles, in the first week in June of 1890, the unusual heat being then due to forest and mountain fires. It is this nice adjustment that also explains why, in different temperatures and in apparently gradually- increasing extremes of thermometric range, as it is ex- perienced in moving inland toward the mountains and in departing from the shore of the sea, that the same degree of health, well-being, and the meteorology of this section is one full of interest. It gives to it the coolest summers and warmest winters in the United States, with an absence necessarily of either spring or fall weather. Space will not permit a fuller description, but, in conclusion, it may be said that it is to this equability and the peculiarities described that California, especially the "Italy of America" of Charles Dudley Warner, enjoys the possession of a climate that is the best, either for production, comfort, health, or long life. Although on the shores of a vast ocean, no sea-shore is more free from high or boisterous winds or storms. In evidence of this it may be stated that at the Signal- Service Station in this city the cautionary storm signals, PREFACE. V consisting of the various colored flags and Lanterns that are generally used at sea-ports in the rest of the United States, were returned to the Washington office after having laid here for eight years without ever having been once used. The region has not one lightning-rod to the writer's knowledge; and neither linen dusters, fur coats, sun-shades, or any other stormy weather, heat or cold preventives are here necessary. The enchanted isles of the dreams of our free and careless youthful imagination have here their actual earthly reality ; the paradise, as far as climate can make it. is in this favored region. Here disease and death may he kept at bay and life enjoyed to the end of the term of man's natural existence. Again, persons are in the habit of speaking of the Southern California climate as they would of that of one of the Sandwich Islands, or of that of some other con- stricted locality, when, in fact, it would be as relational to speak of the climate of the north of Italy a- ;i whole, and give to the Valley of Aosta, that of Susa, or to the hills of the Apennines a like climate to that of the Riviera or of Venice, and where Genoa — although on the same shores with Mentom — possesses an alto- gether inferior medical climate. Southern California lias fully as varied a climatology as that of the north of Italy; it may even lie said to possess more extremes of condition ; but, with these ex- tremes, it enjoys the anomalous condition of ha\ r ing these extremes alike favorable to health and long life — just the reverse of the Italian extremes. Southern California has six distinct classes of cli- mates, all having a therapeutic value and application, as follows : — 1. A purely insular climate. VI PREFACE. 2. The peninsular climate. 3. The coast climate. 4. The foot-hill and valley climate, 200 to 2500 feet elevation. 5. The mountain climate, 2500 to 9000 feet elevation. 6. The desert climate, from 360 feet below sea-level to 2500 feet elevation. Of these the three first are essentially marine cli- mates, the fourth is partly marine in its effects and influ- ence, and the fifth and sixth classes are land climates. None of the six can be called moist or humid, as the same dryness and aseptic condition of the atmosphere that is found on the coast or inland prevails on the neighboring- islands. Invalids with the same disease and temperament do not always do well alike in the same locality, by any means, and a variety of climates is to them a necessity. This region not only has a great variety of climates, but a variety that is susceptible of further subdivision. The San Diego Bay region alone furnishes no less than four distinct localities, each with its characteristics, besides the difference furnished by elevation, where the range between day and night is still less than on the lower lands. California climatology is not a new discovery. Blod- gct discovered and described its main general features long ago ; as far back as in 1857, in his great work on the '■ Climatology of the United States," in speaking of the Pacific-coast climates, he says, at page 200 : — " The elastic atmosphere and bracing effect of the Pacific climates constitute a striking difference from those of the Eastern States. Whether due to the ab- sence of humidity alone is not clear; but, whatever the cause, it is a notable practical feature. The interior PREFACE. All valleys, where the heat is excessive, are similar to the cold coast also, and there is no climate which is not the reverse of enervating in its whole extent. II'. as before stated, the moisture of the sea-air on the Pacific is rela- tive rather than positive, or is developed by the contact of great extremes of temperature, the whole may be taken as more dry than it would at first appear to be. and its uniformly bracing- character will not be difficult to ac- count for. As it is, all residents concur in pronouncing it more favorable to physical and mental activity than any they have known, from whatever quarter they come. The heat of the South, where the peculiarities of Spain are reproduced, is never enervating, ami that of the ex- cessively hot valley of the interior is singularly endurable." California meteorology is something that will interest the reader, whether in search of a more genial home or in search of lost health, or, even if only as a matter of new information about one's own country. The data and tables given have all been compiled from the U. S. Signal-Service Office, or from reliable observations made witli perfected and tested instruments. The data will be sufficient whereby to form an intelligent opinion regarding the climate. The book is necessarily an incomplete work. — being only intended as a short guide or abridged hand-book. Of this the author is well aware; but he has undertaken, in as condensed a form as possible, to give to the seeker alter a climate for health such information as will be of value, besides giving to the reader some general ideas on climatology in relation to health and disease not often found in local climatic guide-books. He has also en- deavored to explain that much more depends on the care and prudence of a patient than is generally believed, and that too much should not be left to climatic effects. Vlll PREFACE. In closing, the author acknowledges kindly assistance and favors in material for illustrations from Harper & Brothers, The Cosmopolitan, The California Illustrated Magazine ; Mrs. Madge Morris Wagner, of the Golden Era ; Mr. Barry, of the Richfield News ; Mrs. Turner, of the "Elite Studio" of San Diego, and from Mr. Willard, of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Although the book is not a descriptive work, the illustrations will assist the reader to a better knowledge of the region to which it is devoted. And last, but not least, the writer must acknowledge his thanks to the publishers, The F. A. Davis Company, for the neatness and dispatch with which the work has been issued. P. C. Remondino, M.D. San Diego, Cal., 1892. CONTENTS. Preface, Contents, List of Illustrations, .... Bibliography, Introduction, Meteorological Conditions and Disease, Sea-Air and Marine Climates, Ocean-Moisture and Soil-Moisture, Rain and Rainy Weather on Coasts, . Misapplied Terms as to Moist Climates, Extreme Diyness of the Air, Consumption and Temperature, . Geographical Limits of Consumption, The Relative Merits of Altitudes, Why Phthisis is more Prevalent on Lower Elevations Are Altitudes Exempt from Consumption ? Ventilation and not Altitude the Factor in Exempting Equability of Temperature an Important Factor, Different Effects of Sunshine and Shade, Sea and Mountain Climate on Infant Mortality. Marine Climate and Adult Life, . Southern California: Its Physical, Meteorological, and Climatological Conditions, Area and Extent, Mountain Chains, Valleys, Soil, Soil Heat and Dryness, Rivers, ...... Ocean and Channel Currents, (ix) PAGE iii ix xi xiii 1 6 7 11 12 14 14 17 17 19 20 20 2 - 22 25 26 30 34 34 86 37 40 41 I 'J \ CONTENTS. 'rides, ....... Islands, ...... Fauna, ....... Flora, Temperature, ..... Temperature of the Sea- Water, . Temperature of the Valleys, Temperature of the Mountains, . Desert Temperature, .... Summary of the Subject of Temperature, Winds, ....... Rain-Fall and Rainy Seasons, Relation of Rain-Fall to Health and Disease, Atmospheric Humid it}', Barometer, ...... Atmospheric Electricity, Diaphanous Conditions of the Atmosphere, Sunshine, Thunder and Lightning, Ozone, ....... Competent Observers' Views of the Climate, Effects of the Climate, .... Vital Statistics, General Statistics and Advice, Altitudes and Southern California Resorts, Are Altitudes Necessary to the Consumptive ? Examples Furnished by the Anahuac Plateau, Aerial- Voyage Meteorology Not Applicable to Firma, California Elevations Do Not Differ Medically fr Lowlands, ....... Remarkable Cases of Chest Wounds and RecoA Hereditary Consumption and Climate, Pneumonia and our Climate, Terrs the Oil) eries PAGE 45 47 48 50 51 70 73 78 80 84 91 94 99 101 106 108 109 111 112 113 113 118 122 126 129 140 142 143 144 145 153 156 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Frontispiece, Beach Scene at Santa Catalina Island, B Hotel Coronado from the Northeast, 8 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, 13 Beach and Hotel at Redondo, Redondo Beach, .... 18 The Raymond, Pasadena, 23 Arrowhead Hot Springs and Hotel, 29 Palm Valley, San Diego, 33 San Luis Rey Mission, 3G San Luis Rey Mission, General View from Northwest, . . . 89 Puhlic Library, Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, 42 Southeast View of Hotel del Coronado, 46 Caves at La Jolla, 49 Live Oak, Orange Grove 2V venue, Pasadena, ."in Old San Diego Mission, Founded 17G9, ...... 53 Ostrich Farm, Pasadena, .">; Grand Opera-House, Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, .... 59 Hot Mineral- Water Baths at Elsinore, San Diego County, . . 61 Bathing in the Surf at Coronado Beach in January, . . .00 San Gabriel Mission 71 In and Around Los Angeles, 78 Eaton Canyon. Proposed Electric Road to the Summit of Mount Wilson, near Pasadena, T'.i The Beach Line of an Ancient Lake in the Desert 81 A Mirage in the Desert, Scenes ut and near Yiuna Children in Open-Air School, Coronado Boat-House and Hot Sea-Water !'»;i!li-, Coronado Beach, Live Oaks on Julian Mountains, 97 (xi) Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Headquarters of Commodore Stockton in San Diego, at its Capture from Mexico, 100 Part of Old Mission San Juan, 105 Ancient Cloister-Gallery, San Juan Mission, 107 View of Hotel del Coronado from the Boat-House Observatory, . 110 View of San Diego Bay. Coronado Ferry in Right Margin, . . 114 Under the Cactus at the Old Misson, San Diego 117 Mexican Indian, 140 Years Old, 121 San Diego Bay from Coronado Beach, 125 Ascending Mount Wilson by the Trail, North of Pasadena, . . 128 Boy and Ferns, 131 The Loop 133 Tall Trees, 137 Sweetwater Dam and Lake, 141 A January Race on a Southern California Sea-Beach, . . . 146 Cable-Road Pavilion of San Diego Cable-Road Company, . . 151 Old Man, 110 Years of Age ,155 Hotel Arcadia, Santa Monica, California, 160 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bancroft. Native Races of the Pacific Coast. Volume I. 1883. Beard. American Nervousness. 1881. Bell, A. N. Climatology and Mineral Waters of the United States. 1885. Bell, A. N. Medical News, Philadelphia. August 3, 1889. Bell, John. Regimen and Longevity. 1842. Bennet, J. H. Winter and Spring on the Mediterranean. 1875. Bennet, J. H. Pulmonary Consumption. 1879. Blodget. Climatology of the United States. 1857. BUCKS. Hygiene and Public Health. 1879. Coni. Causes of Infant Mortality. Buenos Ay res. 1886. De Pietra Santa. Climates of the South of France. Paris. 1874. Dennison. Rock}- Mountain Health Resorts. 1880. DiSTURNELL. Influence of Climate. 1867. EMORY. Reports and Notes of Travel. 1849. Fonssangrives. Naval Hygiene. Paris. 1856. Fonssanorives. Pulmonary Phthisis. Paris. 1866. Gigot-Suard, L. Climate in its Hygienic and Therapeutic Relations. Paris, 1862. Gunn. Picturesque San Diego. 1888. Hittell. Resources of California. 1869. Lancereaux. Geographical Distribution of Pulmonary Phthisis. Paris. 1877. LlNDLEY. Extremes of Altitudes in California. Los An::. 1888. Lombard. Geographical Distribution of Diseases. Paris, 1880. Madden. Health Resorts of Europe and Africa. L876. Martinenq. Sea-Air and its Influence. Paris. 1865. Mai ky. Physical Geography. 1887. Millard. Climate and Statistics of Consumption. 1861. (xiii) \iv BIBLIOGRAPHY. Nordhoff. Peninsular California. 1888. Taukks. Manual of Hygiene. 1883. Richardson. Preventive Medicine. 1884. Van Dyke. Southern California. 1886. Warner, Chari.es Dudley. Our Italy. 1891. \\ ' i iinkv and Lindi.ey. California of the South. 1888. Zagiell. Climate of Egypt. Paris. 1876. Ziemssen. Hand-Book of General Therapeutics. Vol. IV. 1885. California Annual Meteorological Review for the Year 1888. California State Board of Health. Ninth Biennial Report. 1886. California State Board of Health Reports. 1880. Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A., Report. Washington, D. C. 1888. Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A., Report of Rainfall. Washington, D. C. 1889. Harper's Monthly. November, 1887. Hygienic and Medical Reports. Navy Department. 1879. Massachusetts State Board of Health. Fourth Annual Report. 1873. Popular Science Monthly. November, 1879. Scribner's Magazine. April, 1888. Southern California Practitioner. December, 1886. United States Marine-Hospital Reports. 1879. flty o/7.our/ (((ft/oil' Seal Burk 5 M PBlridd ulation, Census of 1890 — 204,500. MAP OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Green represents inhabited parts; Yellow, the Desert part Figures denote elevations Population, Census of 1890—204,500. Southern California; WHAT ARE ITS CLIMATES? INTRODUCTION The preparation of this book was suggested to the writer while trying to unravel the intricate and contra- dictory information that is encountered in pursuing the study of medical climatology and its relations to the etiology of phthisis, — two very mixed-up subjects. As observed by Weber, every classification of climate is defective, — even more so than that of drugs. All at- tempts to form a classification based on either isothermal lines, altitude, humidity, barometric pressure, or any other atmospheric condition, have all alike proved abortive. Alter a careful survey of the whole field, we may well pause and inquire how much practical progress has the science of climatology, as a therapeutic agent, made since the days of Hippocrates, who looked upon climate as a purely local attribute, composed of three important factors, — air, water, and locality. When titty years had elapsed after the great [iufeland had written his "Art of Prolonging Life," Erasmus Wilson undertook the task of editing a new English edition, to his surprise he found but little to add and still less to criticise. — so little progress had the science made in all those years. With all the advances that ha\e been made in medicine and its different branches, there lias certainly been no better definition of a climate that is favorable to health or conducive to long life than that (1) 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. penned by Hufeland, in Jena, over a century ago. This great medical philosopher counselled a cool rather than a warm medium, placing great reliance on the character of the ground and soil: a cold soil he looked upon as detrimental; a marine air was to be preferred, on account of its greater uniformity in regard to heat, cold, and harometric pressure, " as all rapid variations are so many internal revolutions that occasion an astonishing con- sumption, both of the powers and of the organs." Islands and peninsulas he looked upon as the cradles of old age, and he particularly noticed the difference that existed between the longevity of different countries, which he attributed to the various degrees of variability to which they were subject. In his day the nearest approach to perfection was to be found in the islands to the north- west of Great Britain, — localities that have since been pointed out by Dickinson as the least subject to disease of any part of Great Britain, and are to-day the homes of as long-lived a race as is to be found in Europe. Bennet cannot speak in too high praise of the health- fulness of the western highlands of Scotland ; Donnelly and Wilde, in their report made to Parliament on the health and vital statistics of Ireland, stated that the proportion of diseases generally, and of those of the respiratory organs in particular, w r as all of two-fifths greater on the eastern than on the western side of the island ; the infant mortality in Ireland, during the first year of life, is only one-half of what it is in Spain or in Switzerland, and nearly three-fourths k % ss than what it is in Bavaria. In the Shetlands, Orkneys, and Hebrides it is even less. There is hardly a country in Europe that has so many very old people as the westerly coasts and islands of Great Britain. The high mountain-plateaus of the Colombian and [NTRODUCTION. 3 Peruvian Andes of South America offer a like exemption from pulmonary diseases, and nearly a like tendencj longevity. The same immunities as regards disease and the same favorable conditions that are conducive to old age, both in an increased degree, are to be found on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Southern California. It is noteworthy of remark that, wherever — as in the coun- tries above mentioned — diseases of the respiratory organs are rare, there also will be found a minimum of renal diseases, and that, where these are wanting, longevity can be looked for in all its perfections. It may now be asked: Have all these localities that tend to maintain such a healthy condition of the organs and body, by which man is enabled to reach such a green and enjoyable old age, a like climate ? Is not a certain barometric pressure, altitude, atmospheric dry- ness, or a certain amount of rain-tall, number of rainy days, mists, or of winds of a certain mildness, an imper- ative requisite to induce that sound organic condition that will lead to a long life I The climates of the regions named offer even possible condition of climatic opposites and the region different features of physical geography. The Scotch islands lie over 60 degrees of latitude farther north than the Colombian capital: the former are nearly at sea-level, while the latter is at an elevation of 9000 feet; the 'western highlands of Scotland are Olllj of medium elevation ; Ireland and England have no high mountains; Southern California presents every possible elevation — from 300 feel below sea-level to marly 1 1,000 feet above. So that simple elevation is evidently nol a necessary factor, as. otherwise, the Valley of the Jordan and the vast steppes inhabited by the Kirghis Tartars — ranging from loo to 1300 feet below sea-level — would hardly offer the same immunity from certain diseases 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. {hat is offered by the high Andean or Himalayan plateaus. The same wide difference also exists as to the dryness and humidity of* the air, — as all extremes of hygrometric conditions are to be met in the above-named regions, California alone exhibiting every extreme, from the 5 per cent, in its arid regions — which even goes lower still — to the point of 100, or saturation, which is at times reached on the coast. The islands to the north of Scotland, the Scotch hills, and the west of Ireland, as well as England, are in a continued moist atmosphere ; while the opposite conditions exist on the different levels of the high mountain-plateaus of the Andes. Humidity of the air, as gathered from its natural source, — the ocean, — can hardly, then, be accused of being the mor- bific element elsewhere. The same may be said of mists, fogs, or rains, as every possible condition in which these are to be found is met in the above localities — from less than an inch of rain to a maximum of 100 inches per annum are repre- sented — to which might be added the Asiatic localities that have excessive rain-falls, as of 500 or more inches, which are also exempt, from phthisis. The number of rainy days, also, is represented by either extremes, as much as are the winds, electric condition of the air, and diaphaneity. Density of population, which has been accused as a factor of phthisis, has been shown by Hirsch not to be such a blamable element, as he cites seven cities that have from 20,000 to 320,000 inhabitants, without any accompanying phthisis. The material col- lected by the Swiss Statistical Bureau and the researches of Midler, Schroter, Kuchenmeister, and others have demonstrated that it is more in the manner in which a population lives than its mere density that is the real factor of disease. 0r> lift 6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. What, then, is the condition, that can be termed climatic, that is to be found in all these different regions in anything like an analogous degree of constancy \ The only climatic factor that unites these regions, and that can be claimed as the exempting cause of disease and as the preserver of health and longevity, is their invariability OF temperature, a temperature that uni- formly stands moderately low, and none other. In the island of Monach, the most westerly of the Hebrides group, are to be found the warmest winters — it being even warmer than in Ventnor — and the summers are the coolest in Britain. In the Andean elevations there is not the difference of one degree between the winter and the summer means, and, on the coast of Southern Cali- fornia, a nearly alike equability exists. That this is the real and only cause has been well demonstrated by the researches of Haviland, Morselli, Mitchell, of the United States : Mitchel and Buchan, of England ; Bennet, Wil- son, Richardson, A. McLean Hamilton, Gihon, Bell, and hosts of others. Aside from the consideration of the immediate injuries or physical perturbations that are apt to follow atmospheric disturbances, there is the very im- portant fact that shifting temperatures make ventilation inconstant and very irregular and at times even impos- sible ; and this, as a disease-producing factor and as a life-shortener, is fully dwelt upon by many of the older writers. Tissot, of Lausanne, long ago recognized this as a cause of the then great Swiss mortality, and pointed out its remedy. METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS AND DISEASE. The ordinary reader will probably require some gen- eral information in regard to the general effects of climate, altitude, and other conditions on consumptives. INTRODUCTION. 7 Such information, aside from the mere meteorology of Southern California, will greatly assist the reader in coming to a conclusion. The simple exhibit of an atmospheric condition is one thing, but what mot persons are interested in is the knowledge whether it is injurious or beneficial. They also are interested in knowing how different meteorological agents act singl) or in unison with others. The considerations of climatic conditions in a general way will probably assist the reader more than a fruitless group of sel essays on meteorological factors, winch, when taken singly, are simply going out of date in medical climatology. To explain some of these subjects will ho the object of this introduction. The reader can draw his own conclusions from the matter presented to him. SEA-AIR AND MARINE CLIMATES. The consideration of the effeel of sea-air on the con- stitution has been one of greai interest, research, ami one that has caused considerable acrimony. Is sea-air injurious to the phthisical '. On this ques- tion there was greai difference of opinion. Rush believed that it was. and advised stronglj against a sea-side resi- dence. Laennec was so pious a believer in its efficacy that, if his patients were too feeble to stand the journey to the sea-shore, it was bis practice to strew sea-weeds and other marine dibrls about the apartment to impreg- nate the air with marine odors or. as he imagined, with an artificial sea-air. Rush believed in the South, and those - of his patients unable to travel he inclosed in con- servatories of a stated temperature, which lie found a good substitute for a Southern journey. Later. Jules Rochard, of the French navy, in a memoir to the French Academy, which was awarded a prize, gave to sea-air a INTRODUCTION. 9 very bad reputation. The title of his paper showed the source of his deduction, his memoir being on "The Influence of Navigation and Warm Countries on the March of Pulmonary Phthisis." M. de Martineng pointed out that, if the navigation had been to colder countries, lie never would have written the hook; as warm climates, and not sea-air or navigation, were the morbid cause of the rapid march of phthisis. De Pietra Santa, a noted authority on climatological therapeutics, advises the invalid not to neglect the sea- promenades in boats, relying greatly on the •■ -. >a-air bath" obtained from pulverized sea-water, as forced into spray by the action of the oars. J. Henry Bennet, an authority noted for his clear views, as expressed in his work on pulmonary consump- tion, a work to be read with pleasure and profit, gives it ;is Ins opinion that, 'Mo chest cases in general the prox- imity of the sea is decidedly beneficial." The rarity of phthisis among the inhabitants of the Hebrides, Feroe <>r Shetland Mauds, localities of decided marine atmosphere, or it > almost total absence from Turks and Caicos Islands, of the Bahama group, exposed to the lull influence of the Atlantic (Hell, in Medical News, August 3, 1889), favors the belief that sea-aii must have a sanitary influence. Comparative st.-iti^tics between the navy and army give the navy a smaller ratio of deaths from client affec- tions, and, in instances where the injurious unhygienic practices peculiar to the na\\ are omitted, the effect of a marine life is found to be remarkably salubrious and preventive of disease. ("Sea-Air and Moisture on ship- board.'" by Medical Inspector Turner. Hygienic mid Met fir,,/ Reports, 1879.) Richardson, quoting Boudin, shows that in L856 the 10 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. deaths from consumption among the British troops of the line wore 8.9 per 1000; in the guards, 12.5 per 1000; and the deaths from phthisis in the British navy, from 1830 to 1850, inclusive, were 1.76 per 1000 men. llaviland found sea-air beneficial in respect to heart disease and dropsy; remarking, " that whenever the sea- air lias uninterrupted access, we find a low mortality from those diseases." He further observes that a warm, well-drained soil is coincident, as a rule, with low mor- tality from phthisis. (Richardson, "Preventive Medi- cine!") On investigation, all objections to sea-air, from Hush to Rochard, will be found to depend on causes which, if eliminated, would leave sea-air innocent of any dele- terious effects. Rush came to his conclusion from observing the death-rate of phthisis on the northeastern coast of the United States, where sudden and great changes of meteorological conditions are the rule. Ro- chard was unable to observe that the sea-air had no morbific effects if separated from the extreme variability of the northwest coast of France or from the tropical heat of the French colonies. According to Wilson, in England the registration returns of deaths among sailors of the mercantile marine show that the proportion of deaths from consumption, as compared with those from other causes, is ten times less than it is amongst the English land population. But, if we take only the deaths that occur between the ages of 15 and 45 (the usual period that sailors remain . at sea), we shall find the result still more favorable; the proportion of deaths from consumption, as against those from all other causes, being sixteen times less at sea than on land. To its presence the Scotch isles, Madeira, the South INTRODUCTION. 1 1 of England coast, ami the Mediterranean Riviera, as well as the North African coast, owe their great salubrity, which is only diminished in proportion as the land influ- ences displace those of the sea. The nearer approach to an oceanic climate, the greater the salubrity. OCEAN-MOISTURE AND SOIL-MOISTURE. A purely sea-atmosphere has everything in its favor: freedom from impurities, either palpable or gaseous; a constant uniformity of humidity and of temperature, with constant mobility as a body, rendered unavoidable by the winds constantly playing over its surface; and. in the latitude of Southern California, the greatest possible number of hours' exposure to the chemical influence of a bright and warm sun. One element of sea-air has been made the subject el' undeserved and unfounded censure: I refer to moisture, or humidity, 'flic effects of soi'Z-moisture we all admit, hut the moisture i> only the vehicle for the injurious germs and ferment-. — moisture i- only an ingredient in a combination, the combination being responsible for certain results. When Megendie, 1>\ confining rabbits in dark, damp cellars, was con\ meed that he produced tuber- cles in their lungs, the darkness, excess of carbonic acid, ami soil-air. with its filth, ferments, and resulting impair- ment of nutrition, rather than moisture /"/• se, should have been accused as the cause. The healthier air of the street ma\ he moist to saturation, while the disease- breeding cellar-air ma\ be relatively one-third drier. Briggs, the best authority on atmospheric moisture, assigns 70 ;i^ the relative humiditj best consistent with health for the United State- (Turner, in Hygienic pa— oil several years at Fori Yuma, near the 32d parallel, and at Fort Mojave, on. the 35th parallel of latitude. both on the eastern side of the desert. He informs me that in winter, spring, and fall the range of temperature in twenty-four hours is something extreme, at times from 90 degrees, or over, in the day, dropping down t<. 17 degrees or 20 degrees at night. Although the troops never developed any disease that could he ascribed to climate or locality, phthisis was prevalent with the Indians at both posts, especially at Mojave. Rheumatism was also quite common. Both diseases were greatly aggravated by a syphilitic taint, their mode of living, diet, and going ahout naked. They use but little animal food, hut suhsist mainly on the mesquite bean, wild potatoes, and what little corn or grain thej raise; s,, that, being poorly nourished, they early become con- sumpth In the Sahara the Arabs observe great precaution Ill SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. agaiusl rheumatism, where heavy woolen garments are worn as protection; and Professor Jean Vilain, of Paris. gives some interesting Tacts relative to the action of the extremely dry. as well as extremely variable, atmosphere of the Sahara Desert on the lungs of its native inhabi- tants, which also somewhat demolishes our preconceived ideas of the relative health between domesticated and wild animals. Whilst serving as a surgeon to his regi- ment in Algeria, he dissected the carcasses of fifty lions. Of these lie found twenty with diseased lungs, of which fully one-half had but a small remnant of lung left, showing the prevalence of phthisis in the dry air of the Sahara and Sahel Deserts. At the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris, seven lions died since 1869 (written in 1819), all born in Paris. He dissected them and found their lungs perfectly healthy. {Popular Science Monthly^ November, 1879.) Desert-air has 1 per cent, more oxygen in its composition than the air of the Nile Valley, and does not exhibit a trace of carbonic acid or any mephitic gases; not a favorable air for microbes or the ubiquitous bacillus. The atmosphere is exposed to sufficient sunshine at all times to render it free from germs. Here we have an atmosphere aseptic to an extreme degree, and nothing detrimental to account for the phthisical occurrence, except it be the extreme variability of temperature between day and night, the range in winter at times reaching 100 degrees. Interference with proper nutrition, by the unavoidable irregularity of meals incidental to a wild lion's life on the desert, may be an additional cause, but is not such a morbific cause as the irregularity of temperature ; the piercing cold of the dry air being more deadly when on the heels of an extremely hot day. At Cairo, with an atmosphere whose humidity runs INTRODUCTION. 1 7 up as high as SO degrees, (luring twelve years, out of a total of 26,300 cases treated at the medical school, there were only 18 ol' phthisis and 22 of pneumonia. ("■Climate of Egypt," by Prince [gnaze Zagiell.) CONSUMPTION AND TEMPERATURE. The stress laid on warmth as a necessary adjunct to a climate for the phthisical is not fully warranted, either by the geographical limits of the disease or the results obtained in warm regions. Young, in his "Night Thoughts," in speaking of his daughter, then ill with phthisis, of "tearing her away from her native clime, where black Boreas blows the breath of death, and with his paternal arms to carry her nearer the sun," only reflected in a poetic strain the practice of the time. Geographical limits make "black Boreas" very friendly to the phthisical, and practice teaches that heat has a way of rendering latent tubercles active ; hut the tuberculous patient is drawn toward warmer climes, like the victim of frost to warmth, or the overheated to deceptive shades and cool drafts; as if the immediate gratification of being immersed in a tempera- ture agreeable to the body was all that was required. GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITS OF CONSUMPTION. North of the 00th degree of latitude phthisis is hardly ever met. Lombard, of Geneva, gives it a little greater range to the north, hut investigation shows that between the 55th and 00th degrees there is hut very little phthisis, while to the ninth it disappears entirely. From the 55th to the 35th is its most active field. Below the 35th it (Miters tin- dominion of hepatic and abdomi- nal diseases, with which it harvests its victims as tin- is the 30th degree of latitude, from whence to the equator 18 INTRODUCTION. 19 it leaves a clear field to the latter diseases. It is remarked that phthisis is more slow or latent in the North than in the South ; the nearer the equator, the more uninterrupted and rapid its course. I am satisfied, from a great numher of examinations of bodies and the evidence of cicatricial tissues found on the lungs of persons who claimed never to have had phthisis, that in- cipient phthisis is much more common in the northern part of the temperate zone than is supposed; as well as that many spontaneous cures are effected; and. further. that the recoveries are more frequent as higher latitudes are approached. In cold regions phthisis is developed not so much from cold, but from the variability where it exists, and from the "detective ventilation of the houses warmed by stoves, and probably still closer in the North than in the South." (Bonnet, " Pulmonary Consump- tion.") The natives of Labrador, in tents made of spruce-branches, more or less open to the air, and suffer- ing privations, are strangers to phthisis ; but when these same natives come down to the St. Lawrence to fish, to live in well-built houses, and are well fed, many of them, in the course of a year or two, become consumptive and die miserably. (Beunet.) THE RELATIVE MERITS OF ALTITUDES. Much has been claimed for the superiority of high altitudes in favor of the phthisical. I am far from being convinced thai a low elevation, with a dry soil, equable, moderate temperature and humidity, i^ nut onlj superior in the majority of cases, but far more practicable. It will occur to those who have had charge of an} of the charitable institutions on the coasl of California that tlic majority of the cases of chest affection come from the mountains; and I well remember that, during a term of 20 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. service in charge of the County Hospital of San Diego, running over several consecutive years, not a few had chronic pulmonary diseases, originating in high altitudes east of the Colorado River, where acute pulmonary dis- eases prevail, they having gradually worked their way to the coast in hope of relief. The dry soil of high altitudes, the pure air, sparse population, out-of-door life, and the physical exercise of its people are antagonistic to consumption. These con- ditions can be duplicated on the California coast at any port from San Francisco as far as Cape St. Lucas, from the shore line to the peaks of the coast range. WHY PHTHISIS IS MORE PREVALENT ON LOWER ELEVATIONS. Sea-ports and navigable rivers are the portals and highways of commerce. There, cities and industrial centres are situated, where, from social, but not climatic reasons, every condition exists favorable to the produc- tion of phthisis. An undrained soil or marsh land in the neighborhood may furnish a local climatic cause as an assistant, but, as a rule, there is quite sufficient in the combined causes resulting from civic crowding for all purposes. The combination of these conditions with the rivers or harbors is simply a natural law of indus- trial trades and commerce, and the greater prevalence of phthisis in these locations is not due to the harbor or river especially, but, as stated above, to the results of several conditions ; conditions to escape from which it is necessary to give up a civic life, and retake the pastoral or nomadic existence of our biblical forefathers. ARE ALTITUDES EXEMPT FROM CONSUMPTION "? Efforts have been made to establish a definite limit to the altitude beyond which there is complete immunity INTRODUCTION. 21 from phthisis ; this has not been attended with that suc- cess that was anticipated. High plateaus are undoubt- edly very free from it, but, as the coast of Southern California enjoys the same immunity, it cannot be a simple question of altitude. Kuchenmeister gave 3000 feet as an estimated alti- tude in Switzerland for immunity from consumption, while Dr. Emil Miller, in his work on the distribution of phthisis for the same country, gave some interesting data on the subject under discussion. In one of his tables we find the following showing of the effects of industrial trades, as compared to an agricultural or pastoral life, on deaths from phthisis. The industrial class comprises occupations entailing confinement in the workshop or at home: — Altitude from 1600 Feet to 2300 Feet. Industrial, 10.2 per cent. Mixed, 5.9 " Agricultural, ..... 5.3 Altitude from 3000 Feet to 3400 Feet. Industrial, 6.5 per cent. Mixed, 6.1 Agricultural 3.5 Altitude from 3400 Feet to 4400 Feet. Industrial, 9.8 per cent. Mixed, 7.5 Agricultural, 5.0 Above the elevation of 4400 feet the purely industrial class does not occur, but there La a class following a partly industrial and partly an agricultural life, among whom, up to an altitude of 5000 feet, there is a mor- tality from phthisis of 7.1 per cent. Above 5000 feel the population is ver\ sparse and wholly pastoral and agricultural, deaths from phthisis still occurring, the rate being 4 per cent, of the mortality. 22 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. VENTILATION AND NOT ALTITUDE THE FACTOR IN EXEMPTING. The difference in the ratio of mortality between an altitude of 2700 feet, at 4.7 per cent., and that of an average of 3900 feet, at 9.8, in the industrial class, speaks for itself. Sedentary occupations require artificial warmth in cold weather. In regions where the cold of winter is extreme, — a condition inseparable from altitude in the temperate zone, — houses or factories are built with an eye to including all the warmth and excluding all the cold air; the higher the altitude and the colder the winter weather, the more imperative this object becomes, and more impracticable is ventilation, the true safeguard against phthisis ; hence the danger and death-rate from phthisis at high altitude, and to this cause may be attrib- uted the prevalence of phthisis in the mountains of Norway and Sweden. EQUABILITY OF TEMPERATURE AN IMPORTANT FACTOR. The death-rate from phthisis in Southern California can never reach as high as that of the lowest rate of the Swiss mountains, for the simple reason that the mechan- ics are not subjected to that overheating required during extreme cold weather elsewhere, and to the subsequent variations, but are continually, whether in factory, home, or out-of-doors, always in an atmosphere of the same temperature, and, while at work, in a continually chang- ing volume of air. This effect of free ventilation is observable in the healthy appearance of all those whose occupation keeps them confined to work-bench or desk. Free ventilation during the working hours is possible at all times in such climates as that of Southern California. Where the air is pure and uncontaminated, and con- stant and free ventilation possible, as in Southern Cali- fornia, there is your true immunity from phthisis, — INTRODUCTION. 23 conditions emphatically impossible in any altitude under the temperate zone. The question of altitude lias been too arbitrarily settled in its favor with regard to phthisis, without due 24 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. regard to any discriminating conditions. Latitude does here exercise a decided influence, which is generally overlooked ; an altitude under the equator, or within the tropics, and an altitude on the 40th degree of latitude are two entirely different conditions, and more so in their effects. On the St. Bernard, at an elevation of 8000 feet, stands the Monastery, the highest inhabited spot in Europe, being on the 46th degree of latitude. Arctic weather here prevails, and here is to be found the shortest- lived of any of the monastic orders ; the climate, although polar, gives to the poor monks none of the immunities enjoyed by the dweller of the arctic circle ; their term of office or service is short, and those who escape pneu- monia generally fall victims to phthisis later on. At Bogota, on the contrary, nearly under the equator and at an altitude of 9000 feet, the winter mean temperature is 59 degrees and that of spring and summer 59.5 de- grees, and phthisis and pneumonia are unknown. All of the altitudes to which reference is made from Anahuac down, as affording immunity from phthisis, will also be found within the tropics, where equability and venti- lation, and not altitude, are the real factors. It is this equability, allied to pure mountain-air, free ventilation, and out-of-door life, that gives to Jauja, in Peru, its great immunity from and curative power over phthisis, 79| per cent, of the cases going there being said to be cured. Here the temperature is never varying from between 50 and 60 degrees. Areguipa, also in Peru, and at an altitude of 8000 feet, enjoys a like cli- mate and reputation for health. The causes of this immunity and effects of these tropical altitudes are in nowise applicable to those of the temperate zone, where a condition as different as in the height of their snow- line exists as regards pulmonary diseases. Leadville, in INTRODUCTION. 25 Colorado, with its extremes of temperature, and a like elevation in Peru, with its equability, give an entin 1\ different ratio for acute pulmonary attacks and their results. DIFFERENT EFFECTS OF SUNSHINE AND SHADE. In a land that owes its all to its bright, warm sun, it would be strange, indeed, if its abstraction produced no difference. That it does, seems to cause a feeling with some that the climate is faulty. Sunshine and shade are no more alike here than anywhere else, and just as different. Southern California is generally sought for its balmy, aseptic air, genial atmosphere, and invigorating climate. These and sunshine, or a southerly exposure, go together, and are no more to be looked for in the shade or in a northern exposure than the comforts of a Pullman in a cattle car. Violets and invalids require a different location and atmosphere. They would not do well in the same location ; and. as long as there is a preponderance of locality for invalids to thrive in, I do not see any reason why Southern California should be denied some little spots, cool and moist enough, even if made artificially, wherein to grow the gentle and fragrant violet. Traveling in the Alps I have found fully more differ- ence between the temperature of a sun exposure and that of shade than in that difference on which so much stress is usually laid as existing on sea-coasts, where the winters are mild and genial. As to the difference to 1"' found at about sunset, there is really no comparison be- tween the two. During carefully-made observations for a full month, made one hour before sunset, at sunset, and at the following hour, by Dr. Ilearne. of the United States Signal Service, at San Diego, the following respective means for the different observations were obtained : 62.6, 26 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 60.1, and 60.8 degrees. Besides, during the day, this coast is never subject to such sudden or great variations as I have noticed in Alpine regions at any seasons, espe- cially at the lower elevations and in the valleys along which the roads wind. I have trudged along the valley down which flows the Arc, in the fall of the year, and, with the disappear- ance of the sun behind some Alpine peak, have felt the atmosphere at once assume a cellar-like chilliness that is very depressing. On the higher elevations habitations are very chilly, unless warmed to overheating. J. Henry Bennet, who spent a summer at the different Alpine health resorts, noticed these extreme variations. At Murren, 5500 feet high, in July he found at 1 o'clock a temperature of 78 degrees, and one hour afterward it reached 80 degrees ; during the same month a storm deposited three inches of snow on the hotel-veranda. During his excursions up and clown the mountains he particularly observed that in passing through the cold fog-clouds it resulted in pains in the chest and laryngeal irritation. I never noticed specimens of extreme old age in the Alps as I have in Southern California ; neither have I seen such age in any of the high altitudes of the United States ; in fact, I do not believe that such age can ever be attained on high elevations, unless it be on those under the equatorial borders of the tropics, where there is the same moderate equability of temperature and im- munity from disease. SEA AND MOUNTAIN CLIMATE ON INFANT MORTALITY. In Switzerland we also find an excess of infant mor- tality under the first year of life. A comparison as to the effect of a marine climate over that period of life INTRODUCTION. 21 will also be interesting, as compared with that of the climate of elevation. In Scotland we have all these con- ditions, with this exception, that the marine climate, even when not pronounced, in a manner modifies that of the whole. In the purely insular climate (the Shetlands, Orkneys, and Hebrides), where the marine climate is at its maximum, we find the death-rate to be 8.05. on tin 1 mainland country districts 9.80. and in the cities a rate of 14.91, while in Switzerland the rate i- 1*.7!». In Ireland, with its insular climate, it is only 9.59. In France there is further evidence of tin 1 increased mortality, due to the variability of mountain regions, and confirm- atory of the general proposition that the nearer the approach to perfect equability the more is health and long life made secure. Villerme and Edwards — in which they are confirmed by Dr. Lombard, of Geneva, on the main points — have observed the great mortality during the period under discussion, and have erroneously ascribed it to cold alone. For the whole of France the mortality under 1 year is 16.80, while that of Alsace-Lorraine is 21.27. Now, here is an interesting study. In the rest of France we have its great extent of sea-board, its great river- valleys, that of the Rhone, Loire, and the Seine. where the large cities with their great civic-infant rate (in Paris-on-the-Scine it is 39.07) are to be found. In these localities many that are puny and of poor stamina survive to propagate a weakly offspring ; whereas, in the mountainous regions, as observed by Bennet, such infants are nearly sure to succumb, thereby leaving only a Btrong propagating element. From this it naturally follows that a weaker infant stamina exists on the coast and river-valleys, and more robust and healthy stamina i^ inherited in the mountains; and yet. with all this in favor of the mountain infant, there is his greater mortality to 28 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. be accounted for. When his robust ancestry, better quality ol" food, and purer air are all considered, the mountain-bred infant should outlive his not so fortunate young countryman on the lower levels or sea-boards; but the reverse are the facts. One cause of this excess of mortality in France has been partly explained by Edwards, who accuses cold as being the cause. I do not agree with him on this. Infants born in the south of France, Italy, and Spain followed the grand army in its invasion of Russia in 1812, and many returned alive through all the exposures and horrors of the retreat. Children are born under the greatest of exposures to cold in northern regions, as I have seen among the Indians in the Northwest, and live and thrive. The Esquimau child is often born in an ice-hut with a very low temperature ; so that mere cold cannot be said to be the cause of infant mortality. In England it has been found that during the first month of life 1 child in 21 dies, whereas in France it is 1 in 14. Investigation has shown that the excess of this French mortality was in winter, and greater in the north or mountain districts. Villerme and Edwards undertook to explain this by the custom of civil registra- tion and religious baptism, which exposed the tender infant at this period to cold. Admitting that the cold, damp church, with its filth, ferments, and the excess of carbonic acid in its atmosphere; and that the musty, foul air of the ordinary mayor's office, unventilated and close, as it necessarily is in the northern provinces, must have a morbific effect on the vital organism of the infant, I cannot see where mere cold can be made either a primary or even a determining cause of this mortality, unless it be in the sense of an extreme condition from the heated apartment to which it is returned after these ceremonies; INTRODUCTION. 29 rooms overheated from a mistaken idea of parental solici- tude, more so than usual, simply because the child has been out in the cold. The real cause of the mortality lies simply in the vitality-depressing influence of the foul, miasmatic air in the public places, and in the ex- treme variability of temperatures to which the child is subjected; and cold, by itself, or the condition in which it is encountered — in the open air — being in reality the most friendly to the infant of all the conditions. In an I Arrowhead Hot Springs and Botrl, San Bernardino Codntt. equable temperature like that of Southern California, at son-level, or in Bogota at its high elevation, but, witb a like climate, such a mortality is simply impossible, owing to an utter absence of the combined causes. The wt Statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria " give to that kingdom a mortality of 34.04. Bavaria, to the east and north, has its Alps and other mountains, and is situ- ated in the centre of Europe, away from any oceanic influ- ence. Spain, a high and mountainous country, with its 30 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. population at higher elevations than that inhabited by the masses in France, has a mortality of 18.61. European Russia, with its continental climate, has a rate of 26.68 ; while in some portions of the empire the winter mortality among those under 1 year reaches the great ratio of 69.1. The Russian climate is one of extreme range; at Yakutsk, 300 miles south of the arctic circle, the winter temperature reaches — 58 degrees and that of summer 99 degrees, — a range of 157 degrees for the year. Ventilation among the poorer classes is quite impracti- cable during the extreme cold winter; this fact and the great variability in temperature show their effects in this great mortality, which in summer — ventilation being practicable — drops down to 31.6 per cent. A comparison of the climates of the mountainous and inland continental plains, with their great range and im- practicable observance of hygiene and their infant death- rate, in contrast to the mild, equable, low temperature of the insular climates and their low death-rate at this period, speaks for itself as to the effect of a marine climate in inducing disease of the respiratory organs, as it is that class of disease which, in winter and in the high elevations of Europe, causes the greatest mortality among infants. MARINE CLIMATES AND ADULT LIFE. The infant, aged, and invalid have a like suscepti- bility to atmospheric changes, or anything that tends to depress the vital functions. What a climate will do for one of these three classes, it can be depended upon for doing to either of the other two. Statistics as to the migratory invalid are not to be had, and no exact census as to longevity is obtainable; but the influence of the Scotch climate on infant mor- INTRODUCTION. 31 tality, duration of human life, and in a therapeutic sense — as well as that of Ireland, which is also well known — fully carry out the proposition already set forth. Equa- bility of temperature and health go hand-in-hand ; there is no disease that equability induces; 1 nit its reverse condition brings respiratory-organ diseases in the tem- perate, and of the abdominal organs in the tropical. zones. Even in the equable British Islands, it is ob- served by Bennet that the Registrar-General's reports show that the healthiest summers are those that arc the lowest in temperature; the healthiest winters, those that are highest. The seasons of least mortality in the year arc those in which the temperature is neither extreme 'in one sense nor in the other. Conversely, the years and seasons of the greatest mortality arc those in which ex- tremes of cold in the winter and of heat in the summer are reached. Aside from the above reasons, every other condition being equal, a great majority of pulmonary affections are only secondary to some cardiac or renal affection. The profession of to-day entertain a different opinion about the etiology of pneumonia from that held some years ago. Had Delatield written his "Studies in Patho- logical Anatomy" in the times of Broussais, he never would have headed his classification with " Pneumonia from Heart Disease." Now, it is well known that a diseased kidney will produce organic change in the heart, which, in its turn, will affect the lungs. In these cases — and there are many — altitude is altogether inad- missible; such cases do well on sea-le\el. but give a dis- astrous result when sent to altitudes. 1 have known such cases, who were doing well on the shore, suddenly develop a mitral insufficiency by a camping-trip to an altitude of 4000 feet or over, and return in a hopeless condition. 32 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Here is a point that will bear explanation. The question is often asked, and with apparent reason, " Has not California more heart and kidney diseases than any other State in the Union \ " There are, undoubtedly, more uncomplicated cases of the above diseases that jog along in this State than in any other, for the very simple reason that elsewhere a pneumonia, a bronchitis, or some other intercurrent dis- ease would long ago have stepped in and taken off the patient. Here such complications do not occur, unless provoked by very serious and persistent aggression on the part of the patient; and then, only in the form of the simplest passive congestion at the end, without the least sign of any sthenic condition, — -just a simple suffo- cation, that gradually takes off its victim; in other cases it may be sudden. It is owing to these uncomplicated cases of heart or kidney disease terminating in this singular manner that the impression above mentioned has been formed. The climate does not produce either of these classes of disease, but it keeps other complications at bay, giving the patient his primary ailment alone to overcome, — a benefit not to be had in an equal degree in any other climate in the United States. Altitudes are of great benefit in many cases, and the different elevations as necessary, in a therapeutic sense, as the gradation in the cell-power of a galvanic battery. Patients often find benefit from one elevation more than in another. I have had patients who do well at Colton or Riverside for one disease, and others, with the same disease, who improve more rapidly by coming from there to the sea-shore ; and it is better to fit the climate to the patient than to undertake to fit the patient to the climate. In many cases of incipient tuberculosis, with an otherwise good organism, nothing better can be sug- INTRODUCTION. 33 gested than a sojourn in an altitude ; especially the balsamic-atmosphered highlands of Southern California, where acute pulmonary diseases do not occur. Having now given the reader some general idea regarding the relations that exist between health, longev- ity, and disease and climates, as well as between differ- ent meteorological conditions, we will now proceed with the description of the meteorology of Southern Cali- fornia. Alter a careful perusal of the foregoing remark-. the reader will be better able to comprehend how tin- described atmospheric and other physical conditions will be likely to affect man, either in health or in disease. Palm Valley, Ban Diego. (By parminloii of Southern Pacific C .uipaoy.) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Its Physical, Meteorological, and Climatological Conditions. AREA AND EXTENT. Southern California covers an area of territory equal in extent to the States of Maine and Ohio com- bined, or of the combined surface of England and Wales. In its widest diameter, from east to west, it is over 380 miles in breadth, and from north to south its diameter is over 180 miles. Its northern boundary is formed by a chain of mountains, — spurs of the coast range and Sierra Nevada, — very high and mountainous in the west, but more low and hilly to the east ; the east is bounded by the Colorado River, the south by the Mexican frontier, and the southwest and west by the Pacific Ocean. The shore line of the mainland faces Santa Barbara Channel and its chain of islands that stand out at sea from 20 to 70 miles distant. From Point Arguello — the western limit of its coast — to the Mexican boundary monument on the sea-shore, which marks its southerly coast limits, the shore trends to the east a distance of over '214 miles, this beiii"' the difference in latitude that exists between the two points ; this also fully exhibits the southerly exposure of the coast. Its southern borders are nearly on the 32d degree of north latitude. A glance at the map will show the high and exten- sive ranges of mountains, running east and west, which form the northern boundary of the California of the South ; below these are seen the Santa Inez and San (31) SER LEVEL . is, 2000 to 3000 feet high. ountains lay parallel to above, just 7 to 9 is the length of the San s inhabited, and brown the Desert 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6 1- 8. 9- 10. 1 1. 12. PROFILE, EAST AND WEST. 50 MILES ABOVE BOUNDARY LINE. Pacific Ocean Cha and 5 Santa Barbara Channel. Semi-tropic California. Mountains. 4500 to 8000 feet high. Sink in Desert, 300 feet below sea-le 7. Desert Mountains. 2c 8. Colorado River. 9. Mountains of Arizona 3 to 3000 feet high. PROFILE. EAST AND WEST THROUGH LATITUDE OF SAN GABRIEL VALLEY. High mountain, lay parallel to above iust G.t'.m, The T : U "r;' t"**" in Llgh ' G "" Sh3de ' •"•"""■« '~» "« ^ 5 * F*. 9. 7 .0 9 is the length ., the' San portionl " ' egl0n e " h ' bi,S a "^ tOP °^ W ' Ca] P-""» G '«" -I— * W-btad. and b,o»n the Desert Pacific Ocean Submarine range of hills of San Miguel. Santa Rosa Island. Santa Cruz Island. Anacapa Island Hills (submarine). Santa Barbara Channel. Wilmington, Mouth of Los Angeles or San Gabriel Riyer. San Gabriel Valley— about 700 feel elevation at Fig. 8. Edge of Desert to the east of Colton and San Bernardino. Extension of San Bernardino Range into Desert. Colorado R.rer— eastern boundary of Southern California. AREA AND EXTENT. 35 Fernando Mountains, which form a second chain; below these still are seen the Santa .Monica. Siena Madre, and the San Bernardino ranges. It is these mountain chains that insure to Southern California so much more rain than that which falls in the interior of Middle California ; and why sca>on> of drouth in the large valleys to the north of Mojave are not followed by like drouths in the south is here explained, as these high ranges of hills intercept and precipitate the moisture in the air, which is borne upward against their southern slopes by the southerly winds during the seasons of rain, the clouds losing the greater part of their moisture in passing over these three successive ranges. It is also these same mountain chains that divide the California of the South from Middle Cali- fornia, so to make such a unique and distinct climate to the former. The abrupt descent that the mountains make from their highest elevations down into depths of the desert will also explain how the great heat of that locality is prevented from flowing over to the westward, and shows plainly how this overheated air. which at times reaches a temperature of 1 10 degrees, is forced upward into the cooler regions several thousand feet in the air before it flows to the west — the only direction it can find as an outlet; as to the east, the arid wastes of Arizona offer a like column of overheated air that hems it in from that direction. It is. therefore, forced so far upward that it loses the greater part of its heat before flowing down over the western slopes of the mountains. This topographical feature will be noticeable bj consult- ing the map showing the sectional profiles, where it will he seen that, whereas the ascent from the sea-shore is made in from 45 to 60 miles on the west, the descent from the crest to the desert i> often accomplished in a few miles. 36 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. MOUNTAIN CHAINS. At Point Conception the coast range of mountains follows the sea-shore in its abrupt turn to the east, run- ning in that direction to the San Emidio Mountains, so as to form a mountainous rampart to the north ; from the sea-shore the Sierra Santa Inez forms another east and west range to the south of that of the coast range. Further inland the San Fernando range forms §3g •^■^ View of San Luis Rey Mission, San Diego County. a mountain chain to the south of the San Emidio Moun- tains. The Santa Monica and the San Antonio are two more ranges of mountains that run east and west, the former being on the coast ; the Sierra Madre and the San Bernardino mountains also face the south. As the south is approached, Ave meet the Santa Rosa range, San Jacinto range, and Smith's Mountain ; all of the above mountains face to the south. Across the San Gorgonio Pass, which leads through a gap south of Mount San Bernardino from the extensive valley of the San Gabriel into the desert of the Colorado, the coast range again VALLEYS. 37 take up their southerly course with a varying elevation of from 5000 to 1)000 feet, and by their presence divid- ing the California of the South into two separate and opposite-conditioned regions. — that to the west being the semi-tropical garden of the Pacific Slopes, the ideal Eden of Nordhoff and of Truman, the land of summer seas and of perennial spring. — the veritable modern representative of that land which Moses, in describing to the children of Israel, said: "The land whither thou goest in to possess it is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh of the water of heaven ; a land which the Lord thy God careth for." To the east the mountains drop suddenly into the heated and arid wilderness of the desert, — a sandy and irregular waste, intersected by low ranges of mountains having a southeasterly trend, and the hottest region on the American continent ; a physical formation as puzzling and as incomprehensible as the Sphinx. With all its aridity and excessive ranges of temperature, its simoons and sand-storms, it is. never- theless, the home of some nomadic tribes of Indians. Under the head "Altitudes," farther on. the reader will find a closer description of the topograph) of the Southern California Mountains. VALLEYS. Southern California is a land of valleys and plains, as well as <>!' mountains and of sea-shores. In Largest valley is that of San Gabriel, a hroad, extensive valley, extending from the ridge of low mountains, at the base of San Bernardino Mountain, as far as the ocean. This hroad and beautiful valley has been termed the Lom- bard) of America, no other large vallej in the United States being capable of producing the like climatic features <»i- the like variety of productions. Next in im- portance there is the Santa Ana Valley, which covers 38 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. nearly as much territory as the State of Connecticut. These valleys are more deserving- the name of vasl plains, as the San Gabriel has often reminded the writer of the historic Plains of Marengo. The Plains of San Fernando lie to the north of Los Angeles, and the San Jacinto Plain — a broad, level stretch of prairie, bounded in by the horizon and distant mountain chains — lies to the south of Colton and San Bernardino. The southern part of Southern California is studded with numbers of lesser valleys, such as the San Luis Rev, once the home of a thrifty Franciscan mission, the second one estab- lished by the Spanish and Mexican monks, and which at one time entertained several thousand Indians ; the San Diego River Valley, — the scene of the first mission and settlement in California; the valleys of the Cajon, Poway, Santa Ysabel, and Santa Maria. These valleys all present different climatic conditions, these being influ- enced by altitude and proximity to ocean or high moun- tains. Some are tropical, others are semi-tropical, and those like the Strawberry Valley are Alpine in character. One need not fear the lack of variety in Southern Cali- fornia, as valleys laden with the aroma of the salty sea or of the mountain pine can be found at only a few hours' ride from each other. The varied productions of these valleys, from the gigantic pine-cones of the north to the banana, or the date of the tropics, furnish a pleas- ing variety of scenery to the invalid; these, with the ever-present flowers to denote a perpetual spring, prevent that ennui so fatal to patients. SOIL. The soil on the immediate coast and adjoining table- lands is largely composed of a decomposed granite ; in many localities there are large patches of a dark clay, 39 40 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. which is termed adobe. It is, when wet, very much like putty in consistence, very adherent and unserviceable. It is useless for roads even. The generality of the soil is of the disintegrated granite, and very sandy and porous. At varying depths there exists a hard cement- like conglomerate, which is called hardpan ; it may be formed of a mixture of small boulders and soil, or en- tirely of the soil in conjunction with the cement-like, cohesive material. This layer may be one or more feet in thickness, and is perfectly impervious to the passage of water. In working through it, it has to be blasted by means of powder, as if it really were rock. This peculiar formation is to be found in nearly every part of California. In the small valleys, sand and gravel, with a top layer of loamy earth, forms a very porous soil. SOIL HEAT AND DRYNESS. From the nature of the character of the soil, its easy drainage, and the presence of the layer of impervious hardpan, such a thing as soil moisture cannot exist ; it therefore follows that there is nothing in the ground to make it either damp or cold, as the heaviest of rains cannot go beyond the layer of hardpan. The hot sun of the latitude is therefore continually pouring its warm rays on a heat-retaining soil. There is no moisture whatever in the ground to come up from below, and, therefore, being always dry, the soil is very warm. At ground-level it is 20 degrees warmer than five feet above it. Cellars are here much warmer at all times than the temperature above ground, and water drawn from wells on the shores of the Bay of San Uiego is found to be many degrees warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. The character of the natural vegetation, consisting, as it does, of cacti and resinous plants, RIVERS. 4 1 grasses, and shrubs, Like the sages, damiana, and verba santa, sufficiently proves the dry nature of the soils. To the south of the track of the Atlantic »S: Pacific Railroad, in San Bernardino County, there rises, from the extensive lava-beds thai once came from the westward, a giant cone called the ••Crater,'' which the road-master states is rising at the rate of two feet per year; the ground of this cone is so hot that it will cook an i buried in its side in a few minutes. This cone and lava- beds are very interesting formations. RIVERS. The rivers of this region are not many. The water- shed of the mountains being to the south and west, all of its rivers flow toward the ocean ; the character of the soil and its sloping condition make drainage a thing of the greatest facility. As a natural result, the rain-fall is quickly carried out to the sea; and. although the main streams may, during the winter rains from mountains, be converted into turbulent torrents of mad and swift- flowing waters, they are in the summer hut the appar- ently dry beds of the former streams. When the rains have been slowly pouring and long-continued, i;i\in:_: the hill-sides ample time for a thorough saturation, the streams rise very slowly and are much later in reaching the mm. After a season of ample rains, the rivers run in broad, deep currents to the ocean, carrying a vast amounl of sand and soil in their rapid descent. This ma\ lasl until late in the sninmer; the volume of waters then slowl) diminishes, the currents are less rapid, and soon the Les- sening waters uncover the sand} river-beds. This process gradually proceeds inland, until the whole river-course is a dry, sandy channel, that may extend twentj or more miles upward from the sea-shore toward the mountains, 42 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. where the former river still exists, in the shape of a small rivulet, that here ends in the sands. The river has not. however, entirely lost all its identity ; the volume of water which it still carries is far in excess of what is visible. It is simply a subterranean river, and one or two feet of digging- in any part of its course, from the point of its sinking out of sight in the hills to its outlet at the sea-shore, demonstrates the existence of the fresh- water stream. The San Gabriel River has the largest and most productive water-shed, as it obtains its supply Public Library, Raymond Ave., Pasadena. from the long chain of Sierra Madre and other mountains that face to the south, this being the direction from whence the greatest amount of moisture is condensed. The Los Angeles River is a small stream all through the summer. OCEAN AND CHANNEL CURRENTS. This portion of California has its climate modified by the marine currents: First, by those of the ocean in a general way, and secondly by the channel currents locally. Heat is brought to the American coast by two currents — these being the Kuro-Siwo or Japan stream OCEAN AND CHANNEL CURRENTS. 43 and the great circular North Pacific drift-current. Cold is imparted from the colder waters coming from the many cold, deep, ocean currents with which the Pacific abounds. In the latitude of San Francisco the southward-flowing return current of the Japan stream is joined by the east- erly current of the greal circular drift-stream; at this point some of* the very cold waters of some of the deep< r cold currents also conic to the surface. (At the Farallone Islands. 35 miles westward from off" the Bay of San Francisco. 42° F. is the constant annual temperature.) The admixture of all these streams goes to form the Cali- fornia current, which follows the coast as far south as Point Conception, where the submarine mountain chain. of which the Channel Islands form the crests, deflects the stream to the south and off the shore, which here turns abruptly to the east, so thai abreast of the middle of the Southern California const this cold ocean current lies nearly 100 miles to the westward of the shores of the mainland. The swiftly-moving stream and the deflecting winds, which further assist the wave-movement to the southward, form a suction or aspirating force that is exerted on the waters to the east of the Point. This movement results in forming a westerly-moving current in the Channel waters. This westward motion is followed by all the mass of waters lying between the mainland and the submarine chain of lulls. — ;t formation thai • it- tends some hundreds of miles to the south; the ocean waters in the Channel required to keep up this westerly- moving current comes from the wanner waters of more southerly latitudes, w here the) are drawn into the south- ern end of the Channel by the aspirating force first exerted at Point Conception. Prom the deflection of the colder ( lalifornia current to such a distance off the coast, and the drawing up of the warmer waters of the South 44 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. to fill the Channel, it follows that the shores of its coast are bathed in a warmer sea-water than the rest of Cali- fornia; the shallower depths of the submarine valley that forms the bed of the Channel further assists in excluding- the colder and deeper streams, as well as in keeping - up the warmth of its waters. On the northeast shores of Santa Catalina Island the waters are remark- ably clear, calm, and warm, the warmth being much greater than that of the waters on the shores of the main- land ; fishes are seen swimming among the rocks and sea-weeds at a great depth. The tropical characteristics of the sea at this point and at the Bay of San Diego, due to the southerly source of the waters and to the peculiarly heating character of the land, which thereabouts abounds in hot springs, is in marked contrast to the chilly and bleak California stream — over 300 miles in width — flowing to the south, to the west of the islands. The islands of the inner tier have a much milder climate than those of the outer tier, and the easterly sides of the islands are milder than the west. The peculiar meeting of arctic and tropical currents gives to the shores of San Diego an odd variety of sea- fauna, which is the best evidence of the widely different sources from whence the sea of the neighborhood obtains its waters. In regard to marine fauna, Prof. C. It. Orcutt observes that San Diego probably stands the first on the list in the number of recorded forms of marine life. '•The San Diego fauna possess additional advantage, however, in not only having a fair admixture of northern types, but also in yielding a large number of forms be- longing to the warmer waters to the southward." In the neighborhood of La Jolla — a sea-side resort with a cove with the sea-waves beating into deep and fantastic caves, made by wave-action into the face of the nearly TIDES. 45 perpendicular cliff — the bright-hued, gold-tinted, and bright-red and blue fish can often be seen, with seals basking in the outer edge of the cove, while schools of whales or porpoises sporl oul at sea, — a queer mingling of the sea-denizens of the warm seas of the tropics and the dark-blue, cold waters of the arctic regions, bringing up simultaneous visions of the bright coral reefs and cocoa-nut palms of the South and the chilly glaciers and iceberg's of the far North. As before said, these are con- ditions almost incomprehensible and irreconcilable when occurring together, and they must be seen to be appre- ciated. As stated by Charles Dudley Warner: it is incongruous that he should be looking at a date-tree while wearing his overcoat; and he is puzzled that a thermometrical heat that should enervate him elsewhere stimulates him here. '"It is a fraud," he says, "all this visible display of summer, and an almost summer at that; it is really a cold country." The effect on the climate produced by this peculiar condition of the ocean water is to give it ;i constancy of temperature. For further information concerning the ocean and bay waters and their temperature the reader is referred to a paragraph on the temperature of ocean water farther on. in which a comparative table i- given, comparing the California Channel waters with those of the Atfmtic and of the Pacific in Middle California. TIDES. * The tides on the Channel shores are of the greatest regularity as to the limit of their rise and fill, owing to the entire want of disturbing elements in the shape of storms or any unusual wind-. The spring tides rise 5.6 feet above average low-water mark, and the neap tides fall 4 2 feet below. The daily papers on the coast 46 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. are in the habit of publishing tide-tables ; so that the tourist or invalid can readily ascertain the time of the I T lowest tide, when he may gather sea-mosses or other specimens of natural history belonging to marine life. rSLANDS. 47 SEA-SHORE AND BEACH. The sea-shores present many peculiar features, the most noticeable being a strange formation of a beach of large pebbles and small boulders at the mouth of the creeks and small rivers; the rocks broughl down by the streams are thrown back by the sea-wave action and piled up with such regularity that it looks as if it were the systematic work of man. At different points of the coast are to be found many of those fantastic isolated results of wave-action on outstanding rocks, perfectly similar in every regard to the Pigeon Rocks mar Bey- rout, in Syria; at La Jolla. in the vicinity of San Diego, a high, perpendicular cliff has been worn by this cease- less wave-action into a number of large, irregular, deep caves, which can be entered at low tide ; these Sea-cav- erns and the adjoining rocks are full of sea-mosses and marine plants, both easy to gather as well as to preserve. Santa Barbara, Santa Monica. Long Beach, Carlsbad, Pacific Beach, and Coronado Beach all have fine, hard, sandy beaches. At Coronado the beach-drive extends in a crescent facing the ocean to the southwest for a dis- tance of 15 miles. At Carlsbad the beach-drive is one long stretch of over 20 miles. At all of these resorts there is good surf-bathing, and shore us well as deeper sea-fishing, either of which can be enjoyed at any season of the year. Boating and yachting are also much prac- ticed, the absence of sudden squalls, high winds, or storms on this portion of the coast robbing this pastime of all dangers. I SI. ^NDS. At a distance of from 20 to 70 miles from the main- land there is a chain of islands, disposed, as n were, into two tiers. — an outer and an inner tier. Tl ley are the crests of a submarine chain ol mountains that par- 48 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. allel the coast and rise from 500 to 3000 feet above the level of the sea; the largest of the group are from 15 to 28 miles in length. These islands are resorted to by- yachting, hunting, and fishing parties. FAUNA. The animal life of this region is denotive botli of its southerly latitude and of the influence that is exerted upon its climate by the extensive cold current to the westward, and the almost continuous action of the westerly sweep of the winds. On the seas and its shores are found the gigantic sea-turtle and bright-hued fishes of the tropical 'seas, alongside of the seal, sea-lion, sea- otter, and whale of the arctic regions. On the Cortes Banks, in the full sweep of the cold California current, the analogue of the Newfoundland cod is in as plentiful abundance ; nearer in-shore the tunny and sardine of the Mediterranean are found in equal profusion ; the white-fish and rock, shrimp, lobster, crab, and clam of the Virginia bays and inlets are here as abundant and in as great varietv ; besides, these waters furnish an excel- lent quality of sea-bass, sole, mackerel, smelt, baracouta, redfish, and many more edible varieties of excellent flavor. Tons of abalone meat, it being the edible part of a large shell-fish, are yearly exported to China. On land there is the bear, deer, wild cat, lynx, hare, rabbit, squirrel, cayote, or wild dog; while the birds are repre- sented by all varieties of ducks, geese, brant, quail, doves, as well as by all kinds of small birds and the birds of prey; the sea-gull, pelican, curlew, sea-snipe, and shags are very plentiful along the shores. On the desert a small land-tortoise is found that has a won- derful tenacity to life. The reptiles are also well repre- sented. My friend, Dr. F. E. Blaisdell, has collected ^Hl^^l 50 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. over 250 species of birds and over 5000 species of ento- mological specimens in the neighborhood of San Diego Bay region alone, which are a part of his large cabinet of natural history at his home at Coronado Beach. To the naturalist this section offers an endless amount of material for labor and interesting study, owing to the richness and numberless varieties of its fauna and flora. FLORA. Like to its fauna, the flora of the region partakes its characteristics from nearlv every floral realm. Along its shores, and in such quantity as to act the part of an effectual breakwater to the wave-action, there is found, Live Oak, Orange Grovb Ave., Pasadena. at many places, a broad barrier of kelp or sea-weed, sometimes extending for miles in length. On the rocks and in the caves of the sea-shore, Mr. D. Cleveland has collected no less than 158 varieties of algae, or sea- mosses. The various sorts of ice-plants, with their bright flowers, abound along the coast. The ferns are beautiful, and grow to perfection. Twenty-eight varie- ties have already been collected. C. R. Orcutt, the nat- uralist, has gathered specimens of 75 different varieties of grasses and 15 of malvae. The rosaceae, geraniaceae, lichenes, leguminosae, and ranunculae, as well as the papaveracea, are found in a profusion of varieties. The region is the natural home of the labiatae, or mints, to TEMPERATURE. 51 which belong the sages, as well as of the century-plant and of the cacti. In the liills and mountains spice- shrubs, laurels, birch, walnut, oak, willow, sycamore, and pines abound, and in many varieties. On the desert and in the interior valleys, and, al times, even near the - - shores, are the wild palm, with edible fruit; the Texas plum, mesquite- and screw- bean, yucca, and the Sim- mondsa, or edible goat-nut, — all plants which furnish fruits that sustain animal life. On the higher elevations, where the climate greatly resembles that of New Enar- land, the wild strawberry, dewberry, and thimble- or bush- mulberry arc found in abundance during their appropriate season. In addition to its great wealth of indigenous flora, the Franciscan monks, who first planted the seeds of civilization on this coast, introduced the grape, fig, olive, the date of Arabia, the orange, Lemon, lime, chestnut, and the fruits of semi-tropic Mexico and Southern Europe, and all the cereals have since then made this coast their natural home. No region can boast of a more rich or beautiful flora than that possessed by Southern California, and its hardy nature is strongly de- notive of the vitality-inducing properties of the climate. TEMPERATURE. Tlu 1 coast, foot-hills, mountain, and desert all have their distinct and peculiar conditions of temperatures. Beginning at the extreme westerly limits of the region that is comprised within the California of the South, we first meet the outer borders of the seaward island^. Tlie temperature is not hen' influenced by the latitude. Imt wholly by the cold character of the California current, which, as has been already shown, has n large admixture of dccji sea-current waters of an arctic coldness. The sides of the islands that face the mainland are much 52 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. warmer. The inner tier of islands, as lias been observed, have a much milder climate than the outer. The temperature of the coast itself is greatly influenced by the immediate topographical features, where deep or well-defined valleys are so situated as to produce a pow- erful aspirating movement from the sea to the inland regions. It is much warmer where there is no break ill the coast-line of any consequence, and where no such aspirating force exists. On the islands the temperature is very even, and the range but small. On the shores of the mainland the equability is somewhat disturbed by the influence of the land, but it is still remarkably equable. The following table will give a comprehensive idea of the general temperature on the immediate coast : — Mean of Monthly Temperature at San Diego, Cat.. u 3 a 03 1-3 u Si o u p. < >> oj 3 1-5 1-5 Si < £ a 00 di o o O 3 s > o 3 5 o O V p Taken from 16 years' average mean for each month .... 53.5 54.7 .56.0 58.2 60.2 64.6 67.1 69.0 66.7 62.9 58.1 j 56.0 Mean at 7 a.m. for 1887 for each month . . 47.5 47.1 51.7 54.5 57.6 60.5 63.4 63.5 62.6 59.3 53.8 48.9 Mean at 3 p.m. for 1887 for each month . . 60.9 57.7 62.4 63.3 66.3 68.5 69.6 69.6 69.5 69.6 64.4 60.5 Mean at 10 p.m. for 1887 for each month. 54.6 53.9 57.5 59.1 62.3 64.9 66.5 65.4 65.0 64 6 59.3 54.5 Maximum for month, 1887 74.0 76.0 82.0 80.0 79.0 78.0 79.0 77.0 79.0 85.0 82.0 74 Minimum for month, 1887 38.0 38.0 44.0 44.0 48.0 54.0 60.0 54.0 .58.0 50.0 44.0 36.0 The above means may be taken as a fair average of the temperature of the day, as the daily variation from one day to another is so slight that the mean in the three daily observations can be said to be the actual tempera- ture daily at those hours. At Santa Barbara it is n 54 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. slightly warmer than at San Diego, owing to the coast at that point facing square to the south, and to a high hill that runs north and south to the west of the town. The sun's heat is there more powerful, and the coolness of the sea-breeze hardly perceptible ; but for the rest of the coast the foregoing table may be taken as a fail- standard. The maximum is reached, as a rule, at the hour that precedes the advent of the sea-breeze, and is of short duration. At the very moment that the land begins to become heated, the breeze is at once felt to come fresh and cool from the sea ; so that anything like a prolonged existence of a heated temperature is utterly impossible. The afternoon temperature is cooler than that of the morning, owing to the above cause. By reference to the table, it will be seen that, even in the month of June, when the days are longest and summer may be said to exist, the heat of the afternoon is only 8 degrees greater than that of the early morning hour, while that of July and August is only 6 degrees higher. The coldest hour of the twenty-four is • to be found at about 3 in the morning, and the warmest between 9 and 10 in the morning. The nights are always cool, as, after the hour of 10 in the evening, the tem- perature gradually declines until the minimum is reached, at the hour of the early morning, as above stated. At the hotels, all the beds are made up with a pair of thick, woolen blankets, with an extra quilt at the foot of the bed, to be used in case of need, — an ad- ditional covering that is often required by many. The habitual coolness of the atmosphere makes summer clothing too light for any comfort, and woolen garments are continually worn. Umbrellas or sun-shades are never required, as, owing to the sea-breezes, the heat of the sun is not noticed, nor is it felt. To one coming TEMPERATURE. 00 from the eastern or middle regions of the United St where either outside heat or overheated interiors are the customary temperatures that arc experienced, that of this coast is at first round to be uncomfortably cool. Especially is this feeling intensified by the utter want of overheated interiors, — omething that is sadly missed by the Easterners. Europeans from the north of Europe experience the same discomfort, when they first arrive at the sea-side stations in the south of Europe, in the fall or winter months. This has been particularly observed among the invalids from the north of Russia or of Germany, who, although accustomed to a very rigorous climate, are, nevertheless, unable to bear the continued cool atmosphere of the Riviera without resorting to the box- stoves of their own native land. The Russian campaigns of 1812 fully demonstrated the fact that northerly people are much more sensitive to the extremes of tempera- ture than those who have lived in a mild climate. The same sensations of uncomfortable chilliness are expe- rienced by the Americans of the northern half of the States that lie to the east of the Rockies, who find their way into the mild and equable climates of the highlands of tropical and of semi-tropical South America, where 60° F. is about the constant temperature. The highest maxima of the thermometrical readings on this coast are never due to purely natural meteoro- logical causes, bul to the result- of the extensive forest- and brush- tires that spring up from accidental causes, in the mountains or oil the plains, during the hottest portion of the summer, as in those localities the heat at that season is fully equal to that of an\ region possessing hot summers. The great heat fr these tires rises and joins the westerlv-sroins currents of overheated air that rise on 56 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. the desert to the east of the mountains. These move swiftly toward the sea, where, by losing- a portion of their heat, they are enabled to descend to the level of the sea, where the current of air, yet warmer than usual, is as rapidly drawn back toward the land. That this process actually takes place there is sufficient and con- vincing- evidence in the fact that, during the existence of the fires to the east, the westerly winds from off the sea have deposited the calcined leaf of the distant oak and other mountain trees to the seaward of the houses on the coast. At those times the heat, so artificially raised, is much greater than the sea can dispel ; it, there- fore, comes back to the land in the shape of a warm sea- breeze. The lower currents are sufficiently cooled in their passage over the ocean-waters, and receive sufficient moisture to produce such a modification of the other- wise hot condition of the atmosphere as to rob it of any excessive disagreeableness ; as, otherwise, the sun-heat of the latitude, the great ground-heat, and the artificial heat additional from the fires would, but for the temper- ing influence of the sea, make it unendurable. These are the conditions that give to the temperature its great- est heat. The only other additional source of unusual heat is the prevalence of the "simoon," or desert-wind, which will be described under the heading of "Winds." Regions with a. constantly moderate temperature, standing in the neighborhood of 60° F., have, as a rule, a very rapid diminution of heat at about the hour of sunset. Some ten years ago, at my request, Dr. Hearne, then in charge of the government signal- and weather- station at San Uiego, kindly instituted a series of detailed observations, to determine the actual condition of the atmosphere at that period of the day. This consisted of a thermometer-reading 60 minutes before sunset, at 58 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. sunset, and at 60 minutes after sunset, continued for thirty days. These readings gave the following respective means for the month : one hour before sunset, 62.6° F. ; at sunset, 60.1° F. ; and at one hour after, 60.8° F. The sensible change produced by the abstraction of the sun- heat as the sun reaches the western horizon is apparently much greater, as the body is then giving out instead of receiving heat ; a process no more different here than it is found to exist in any locality with a constant moder- ately low temperature, and which should be guarded against in any part of the world, especially by the invalid class, who, as a rule, have no heat to part with. There is also, in common with all localities with a like temper- ature, a greater or less difference between a shade totally away from any sunshine and a sun-exposure. This difference is much greater than that which exists between sun and shade in more northerly latitudes, where greater ranges of temperature are found to exist, and where the summers are short and very hot. The reason for this is simple enough : in those countries the atmosphere is heated as a mass, and there is no persistent and active agent, continually at work to reduce the temperature. The heating or cooling is there done en masse, and there is no way of escaping the extreme changes or ranges of temperature of either heat or cold. — as they may obtain the mastery. Here, however, the sun's heat and the coolness of the sea-breeze are always striving for the mastery, with the result of a compromise between the two warring elements, in the shape of a constant mod- erately low temperature. It naturally follows, however, that, wherever either the sun or the sea-wind obtains the undisputed sway, there the characteristics of the ruling element will make itself the most felt ; it also follows that a person can, from the very nature of the TKMI'EKATURE. 59 causes of these opposite conditions of temperature, that medium which he finds by experience to be the most congenial or conducive to health. — this election being as much at his choice as the temperature <>t" the water which is used for the personal ablutions or for drinking purposes. Aside from the important consideration of tempera- ture, southerly exposures have another qualification of as great and vital import, — that of facile, easy, and natural Grand Opkra Hou.sr, Raymond Avi .. Pa ventilation. Although the prevailing winds are from the northwest, apartments thai face to the southward are found to have a constant mild and agreeable breeze pouring in through the open windows ; this air is warm, genial, and invigorating, and constantly renews itself throughout the apartment, and either al nighl or in the daj i- constantly can*) ing on its work of ventilation. The air of Mich southerly-exposed rooms does not become overheated during the day, but, on the contrary, owing to tlu* free and ever-active ventilation, their air is actually 60 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. fresher in the day, and, strange as it may seem, even actually warmer at night. The cause for this greater equability at night is not so obscure as it would at first sight appear; the ground that faces the buildings which have an all-day sun exposure is naturally warmer from having absorbed heat all through the day. This heat it now gradually gives out to the adjacent atmosphere throughout the night ; whereas, a northerly exposure lias nothing that tempers the colder night-air, and during the winter rains there is the additional coldness, due to the humidity of the ground, making a northerly exposure less desirable. In such an exposure there is also lacking the well-recognized benefits to the maintenance of an equable night-temperature that arises from wall-heat. A well-located southerly exposure has, therefore, all the advantages that are to be derived from temperature, which has here been shown to produce equability and ventilation, the mural transmission of air being assisted by the extreme dryness and heat of the walls and by the difference in the temperature between the inner and outer air, as well as by the breezes, already mentioned, that come through the south windows. Westerly exposures are necessarily colder in the morning and hotter in the afternoon and evening. Easterly apartments are not so objectionable, as they are warmer in the morning and of a more equable temperature through the rest of the day, as well as the night, than those facing to the west. A south exposure should always be advised ; next to this, an easterly; hut a patient should, under all circumstances, avoid any place that is not subjected to the influence of the sun for a good part of the day. From the description already given as to the occur- rences of the maxima and minima of the temperature, and of the decidedly short time in which they are 62 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. present, and of the causes that originate them, it will be evident that anything- like any great or sudden change of temperature is something of an impossibility, and that such a thing as a warm day being followed by a cold night, or vice versa, is also something that does not occur. It is these possible even conditions of temperatures and utter want of variability that explain the entire absence of such diseases as cholera infantum or any of the acute abdominal affections, and of the like class of chest diseases. On the immediate coast the difference in temperature from month to month, or from one part of the year to another, is so slight that the coast may really be said to have no seasonal limit or periodical seasonal line of demarcation that is defined by temperature. Taking the months that are usually grouped into seasons elsewhere would give for the coast the following seasonal means: — Spring, 58 degrees; summer, 68 degrees; autumn, 62 degrees; winter, 54 degrees. Many years' observation gives the mean annual temperature as 60.5 degrees, the mean annual maximum as 67 degrees, and the mean annual minimum as 53 degrees. All the above remarks on temperature are for the coast climate. The following table will give a general idea of the comparative difference between the temperature of the sea-shores, inland valleys, and the desert. Monthly or yearly means have always been something obscure, un- explaining, indefinite ; as places with the same annual mean may have an entirely different climate, and a lo- cality may have a much hotter monthly day-temperature than one that gives a much higher monthly mean ; so that a monthly mean is no index of what the day- or night- temperature may or may not have been. Ranges of temperature are fully as deceptive in their information. TEMPERATURE. 63 * cL « =~ § g s g C S H os oi o Ol Or I >i8tance 1 i nm thi - English Miles. to o — OS OI -i o Ol to © OS © Ell -v.iT ii in ;il...\ ■■ Si-.i-li \ i 1. ill i I © © Iffc bo — ^1 4*. © OI p b O' Ol c 'os 00 -. be 4- p to January. oi CO © p OS Ol f os Ol to to 4- 0' 00 Ol Ol b Ol © Ol 00 b Ol OS February. © os b OS tO OS OS to © © Ol OS o> p April May. 8 to 00 Ol Ol June. © to © © © 00 © OS vo bo © © -3 OS © oo if*. -J to or «3 © © © July. © © © © Ol -1 00 © © 00 © '© -7 to p-k © oo 4* © p © -7 - 99 r. August, ~T © © Sfptf'llll'PV. -■ - - r - : i a : Z * I $ - - - /- - 33 ~ a r ? - I / r - .- S3 H - - N % - ~ © oo 4x OS © OS Ol © 00 •-- © 8 © Ol Ol © Ol © -• / Ol © - - / November. :: © -3 © .- 4*. X. r. -< © Ol 10 Ol Ol Ol -< OS 01 © © Ol Ol 01 -1 i ie< ember. © -1 to -* to © -' 00 X M October. © © © © Annual -- - ~_ - >•- — x Highest I ibaei red. OS os :. g & il Observed. 64 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. As an example: San Diego on one year had, on one day, owing to artificial causes, a temperature above 90 degrees, it being the only time during the year when it reached that point; and in many years it is only seen at 75 degrees once or twice in June, the same being said of 85 degrees in July and of 80 degrees in August or September. The table is of interest, however, as it shows the difference between the temperature of Santa Cruz, in Middle California, on the Pacific Ocean, and three other sea-side localities on the Channel shores of Southern California, and the annual distribution of heat on the coast, inland valleys, and desert. On the desert it must be observed that the nights, even in summer, are at times exceedingly cold, and at the same season the days are always of extreme heat, as it is a region of the most decided extremes at any season. The monthly mean, therefore, only shows that one month has been colder than another, without giving any idea of the actual state of the temperature at any time, or of the extreme range that is there experienced in the twenty-four hours in winter, — a range that is the analogue of the range between night and day in the Sahara of Northern Africa. This portion of the subject will be further explained under the heading of the "Valley Temperature." It is to be regretted that the table is not more defi- nite, especially in reference to the temperature of the in- terior and that of the desert, — the required material and data not being procurable. For instance, nothing in the table would suggest that in the desert, at the Yuma Sta- tion, in 1880, there were one hundred and eighteen days in which the temperature exceeded 100 degrees and twenty- eight days on which it exceeded 110 degrees; or of the extreme great range that may and does occur in the course of twenty-four hours between day and night. For TKMrEKATURE. 65 the first year in which regular observations were made by the United States Signal Service, at Sail Diego, the following were the minimum and maximum ranges of temperature that were registered. The same data for 1886 are subjoined for the station of Santa Barbara : — Maxima, Minima, and Ranges op Temperati be at Ban Diego, Califor- nia, I'm: the Two Last Months op 1871 and the Ten Following .Months OP 1872. ( U. 8. Signal Station Observations.) -' >. — s = > z /■ - o o - — = - a a ■- - - M < d r -> 3 — — " OS a u 9 < - I - - - 9 Z z 7S 81 73 68 71 74 - 83 7.", B0 87 11 i: 38 13 11 r: 10 58 60 -,l 15 Extreme range during month . . 37 • 35 25 27 31 :;i 28 17 20 12 1 I 18 1 1 11 13 13 10 Ifl III 'i 17 1" Maximum daily range 27 26 is 23 23 27 23 11 15 is 31 8 5 5 « 6 3 5 7 S 6 6 7 Maxima. Minima, and Ranges op Temperature at Santa Barbara, California, fob the Twelve Months op the Yeab [From the Observation of Mr. 11. D. Vail, of Santa Barbara.) >. >> la - ■- i r. 3 -: - — to - - '9 < (A !9 - a -: w a M = < = z~ t i z ~ Z - : =. - Maximum during month .... 77 87 71 :i 80 80 34 78 :>> ^ ; 81 M minium during iimni h .... 85 12 ::i in 18 52 53 :.l 12 a K\ i reme range during monl h 12 15 87 36 in 82 a ■-7 15 in 18 21 Ifl Ifl "i Ifl Ifl Ifl 25 19 Maximum daily range 28 28 j: ■i ;i i 10 I 1 : - in i: i VI • From what has been said in relation to the ranges, it will be remembered that the days are of a uniformly gradually increasing warmth on the sea-side and inland 66 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. stations from sunrise up to the advent of the sea-breeze, or from thence on to the noon hour, at which time the maximum temperature is registered, and that the nights are of a uniform coolness. It thus comes that, in 1886, on the Channel coast, there were only 13 nights on which the thermometer did not fall below 60 degrees; TEMPERATURE. 61 of these, 1 was in January. 2 in February, 3 in July. 6 in August, and 1 in September. Of the 13 nights, on only 3 did it reach 62 degrees; < s out of the 13 the mercury not rising above (in degrees. The benefits of such a night-temperature in inducing or allowing sound, recuperative rest is something that will be fully appre- ciated by all physicians. It also furnishes ample satis- factory reasons for the entire exemption that is enjoyed by this southern coast from all active intestinal or thoracic diseases, and why invalids or the enfeebled undergo such rapid and visible recuperation. The following summary of temperature statistics is compiled from the government records of the observa- tions taken at San Diego, and can be taken as illustrative of the climate of the Channel coast. It covers a period of ten years, — 187(5-1885, both years inclusive. The compilation was made by Mayor Douglas Gunn, by whose permission it is here used : — During these ten years, embracing 3653 days, their were 3533 days on which the mercury did not rise above 80 degrees. The remaining 120 days were distributed as follows: In 1876,8 days; in 1877, 12 days; in 1878, 10 days; in 1879, 19 days; in 1880,9 days; in 1881, 7 days; in 1882, 4 days; in L883, 23 days; in 1884, 13 days; in 1885, 15 days. Only one hundred and twenty days in ten years in which the tliermometer marJced a higher temperaturi than so degree -. But the showing is still more remarkable. Of the total number of 3653 days, there were bul forty-( days in which the thermometer rose above s ~> di but twenty-tico days on which it rose above 90 degrees, but four days on which it rose above 95 degrees, and only one day on which it rose above 100 degrees. The highest temperature recorded during the whole period 68 SOUTHERN" CALIFORNIA. often years was 101 degrees, on the 23d day of Septem- ber, 1883. During- these ten years there were never more than two days in any one month on which the mercury rose as high as 85 degrees, except June, 1877, 4 days; Sep- tember, 1878, 5 days; June, 1879, 3 days; September, 1879, 4 days; October, 1879, 6 days; and September, 1883, 4 days. On not a single day during the ten years did any unusual warmth continue more than a few hours, the li'ujliest minimum for any day being only 70 degrees, on five of the 3653 days. From the above it will be evident that exhaustive heated terms do not occur on this coast; the summary in regard to cold for the same period of ten years shows an equal tendency toward equability, as out of the same 3653 days there were 3560 days on which the mercury did not fall below 40 degrees. Of the remaining 93 days, there were only six on which the temperature fell below 35 degrees, and only two on which it registered as low as 32 degrees, and none on which it fell below that point. On no day did the mercury remain below 40 degrees more than one or two hours, and this in the period between midnight and daylight, the lowest maxi- mum for any day being 52 degrees, on four of the 3653 days. The next table is a comparative exhibit of the Channel-coast temperature, in comparison with that of other points in the United States, showing the highest and lowest temperatures that were registered at the different stations within a given number of years. It will be well to explain that wherever the terms " maxi- mum," "minimum," "highest," and "lowest" are used, they refer only to the readings of the self-registering TEMPERATURE. 09 00 ~ 00 e 3 r- — y "- !zj r o *? < a ■a v. EB < / < -. > - iq '_• - ; EL < - n p 5" M _ ■r; yj GO c y r- ► E — M _ — NO. Of Yr 11 B '■! tO © to GO to -^ -i CO _ — /- _ — 09 CO CO _£_ ii (O JO ' <- _ _©_ CO CO -7 -i C.T CO -1 CD -i © Maximum. - - - r c; — • ■- © S3 / - -/. © p j co to 3 $2* CO i: .-.; to Minimum. -. Si oo 4^. to — i: -. *.* 5 © © -J CO © CO -l OR CO -j Maximum. \= vr -< — _ S- © *t Ol to - ^* i; i: CO E* •-■- :: :: to Minimum. - X — •-: •to. — 1 — -j -f. :: BE - co o CO CO © •— CO 00 CO 00 Maximum. > -J .to. co co .to* i: <0 — --1 -. -a p-i r to :: •: •: :: to Minimum. - ■— © •to- © -i •to- /. < S so o CO •-C -3 © © •- © •— Maximum. 2 — _ •to. >to. •to. ■- Ol © CO c — •to. to ;: -. ■to. Ol •to. :: Minimum. z -' ■-• -1 :: -3 -. — ' ,_* s. © o © co © - © •-T ^ © Maximum. e-i - — — CI © — ' — -1 -1 — Ol G 3 01 — .to. CI •to- — © - s •to. Minimum. - — -J X © — <- — -' »J - co to CO --r CO © •-T © sc © Maximum. — © CO CO — ~t •to. - -: c •to. © 1 ' Minimum. - < CI Ol •to. ei Ol ~. -1 r. n 4- '-' -j: © -. X — © © -1 _ (_fc CO © CO © CO o - •-r ■-: a > - 1 © © eo CO en _ CO -1 Z.3 -. Cl Ol Ol ea •«>. © 09 — © Ol Minimum. .to. _ c: _ oi -. _ ■~ X -. 1— * •— » © © -_- © -» EC © EC 8 Maximum. r. — — • - -: -i CO CO IC •to. - - Cl 4- © .to. ci 91 — EC r. -' a: s © Minimum. © © to -a 2 L -1 Ol tc • - X c © X © c* :: Mai mum. Minimum. Z - - *. iu & .. (0 4k. — - :: ■to. i; / SC _ 0i i i= — CO CO -i -> r. X r X X -i Maximum. V : - / CO '- — •-* — •to. :: :: 1 - — ti — . :: u Minimum. — :: -Q © X :: -i CO CO to CO - © c / -J -i -1 - Maximum. / © -■ — © i i a — - CO CO EC M _ to 10 Minimum. to © — 1-1 co* — -J — to c.+ 1 70 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. thermometer, — that being the actual extreme temperature that was readied in the twenty-four hours, and not the mere temperature reached at the regular observation hour or at any other specified time. The preceding table, taking in the period from 1872 to 1883, taken from the annual report of the Chief Signal Officer, shows the highest and lowest temperatures recorded since the opening of stations of the Signal Service at the points named, up to and including the year 1883. TEMPERATURE OF THE SEA-WATER The following table of the temperature of the sea- water at San Diego and at Santa Barbara, showing the equable temperature of the Channel waters and the comparative temperature of the ocean waters on the shores of Santa Cruz, on the ocean, which lies a short distance to the south of San Francisco Bay, in Middle California, as well as with the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean at Newport, B. L, will give the reader a compre- hensive idea of the great equalizing element that is the cause of the wonderfully equable climate for which this part of California is so justly celebrated, besides furnish- ing interesting comparative information. The table was compiled by Dr. Walter Lindley, of Los Angeles : — Comparative Temperature of Sea-Water. >> S >> ■- 3 ce 91 a 3 .2 Z & c H a ,a rt "C >> c3 o R >> fcf a •5 > o 9i &. § < *3 - — < j. O fc- - Santa Barbara Channel Waters. 60 61 61' 61 61 62 64 65 66 63 61 60 52 58 52 67 57 58 60 60 60 56 55 53 32 82 34 43 52 62 66 70 65 58 44 36 34 34 88 59 67 70 69 52 47 39 Atlantic at Charleston, S. C. . . 52 52 60 67 75 79 85 84 7!) 72 64 54 71 72 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. The two last lines of the comparative table arc added to exhibit the temperature of the Atlantic in more south- erly latitudes than is shown in Lindley's table. Charles- ton, in South Carolina, is on the same latitude as San Diego, in California, and the figures given indicate the means. The range is at times considerable for an ocean water. In New York the range is much greater, the highest temperature reached at the latter locality at fifteen feet below the surface during the year being 75° F. and the lowest 30° F. ; at the Charleston station the highest being 87° F. and the lowest 49° F. On the California coast the water-temperature has but a very slight variation, even for the year, and the figures in the fore»oim>- table for the Channel and for Santa Cruz need not be considered as the mean, as it is intended for the stations on Atlantic borders ; but they may be taken for the actual temperature, the transition from its mini- mum of 60 degrees to the maximum of 65 degrees being made with a slow and gradual regularity. There is simply a gradual diminution of warmth in the waters from the middle of September to the middle of December, and as gradual an increase from the middle of January to September. In the Bay of New York the water may, and often does, reach a lower temperature during the month of June than is experienced at any time in the winter season on the California coast, although it may exceed the Pacific waters by 12 degrees before the end of the same month. The remarkable equability of the Channel waters will be more appreciated if we look to the opposite angle of the United States — at Key West, Florida — where its latitude and the proximity of the Gulf Stream would induce a belief that an unusual equability existed ; such a condition does not, however, exist ; in January it may fluctuate between 60 degrees TEMPERATURE OF THE VALLEYS. 73 and 70 degrees, and in June between 81 degrees and 92 degrees, while in March it may go from 65 degrees to 82 decrees. It can easily be understood how sea- and surf- bathing is practiced at all seasons on the Southern California coast. TEMPERATURE OF THE VALLEYS. Further inland the temperature changes. It partakes more of the land variability and is less influenced by the sea. The following table of comparative thermomel ric readings for the early morning hour and the afternoon, taken at the sea-shore and in the interior, shows that on the coast the mornings are warmer and the afternoons cooler than in the foot-hills, denoting colder nights and warmer days inland: — Inland and Coast Temperatures Compared. Temperature. January. February. March. December. Los Angeles, 7 a.m. San Diego, 7 a.m. . Los Angeles, 3 p.m. San Diego, 3 p.m. . 46.5 47.5 65.2 COO 44.5 40.7 47.1 51.7 58 1 70.7 57.7 62 -1 46.4 48.9 61 8 80.5 The city of Los Angeles is situated in the San Gabriel Valley. It is about 20 miles from the ocean and at an elevation of 300 feel above sea-level. Ets highest temperature occurs just before the advent of the sea-breeze, which is here some two hours later than at San DieffO. As these hours are those in which the 8UTJ approaches its meridian, that part of the day is conse- quently much warmer than on the COast, and during these hours the ground becomes much more heated. — a pr< that later assists in keeping up a higher temperature, 74 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. even after the arrival of the sca-breczc. The nights — especially the latter part — are always cool and refreshing, and the minimum temperature is always reached during the early morning- hour. The following- table exhibits the monthly means of four daily observations, and may be taken as a fair representation of the climate that is met in the valleys at the base of the foot-hills : — Monthly Mean Temperature at Los Angeles, Twenty Miles Inland. (From Private Observations by Mr. Broderick.) >> 3 1 u a B 8 < s *-> CO U 33 S 0) 03 0) ,a o o O 1 > = O 40 55 61 50 41 56 64 48 40 60 69 54 53 66 73 57 56 65 71 60 61 70 77 64 66 74 80 67 05 75 81 69 61 75 85 67 59 74 79 62 49 67 69 57 47 9 A.M 57 m 51 The effects of temperature have been mostly studied by climatologists in the conditions that they are encoun- tered in the Eastern States or in Europe, where the minimum for the twenty-four hours is as liable to occur at high noon as soon after midnight. The extent of the thermometric range, under such conditions, is a matter of great moment. Here, however, the conditions are en- tirely different; the maxima and minima arrive at stated hours, and can be looked forward to with certainty to appear, each at its appointed hour of the twenty-four. Here, in the interior plains and valleys, the maximum comes in the middle of the forenoon and the minimum soon after midnight; so that were the range even greater than it is found in some very variable localities, the manner of its occurrence and its regularly-known time of arrival robs it of its dangerous after-effects, that are such a prolific source of disease and death elsewhere. By penniulon of Southern 1'iuilic Company 76 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. An illustration will help to make this point clearer: To the north of the San Fernando Mountains the Southern Pacific Railroad descends into a large valley formed by the coast range and the Sierra Nevada Mountains; in the summer the heat is simply infernal during the day, but at night the coolness is most agreeable. In journeying from San Diego to San Francisco I have always so timed my departure so as to pass the night instead of the day in the valley, where, in spite of its more than tropical heat of the day, such a thing as a hot night is unknown. (With all its great heat and cool nights, this valley, over 300 miles in extent, enjoys the best of health, and cases of heat-exhaustion, sun-stroke, or hydrophobia are un- known.) The following table of temperatures is from the United States Signal Service tables taken at Los Angeles, and exhibits the mean monthly maximum and minimum temperature for one year: — Table of Tempekattjres at Los Asgeles 3 a 1-5 rt ■a fa $3 s 3 < 1-5 -t-= < = s ft a u — w O S 3 > O "A g a o o Monthly mean . • 54 1 54.6 55.8 58.0 62.0 64.7 71.1 70.0 69.8 63.4 62.0 55.3 Maximum for month 83.0 87.0 93.0 80.0 86.0 81.0 72.0 71.0 76.0 80.0 89.0 81.0 Minimum for month 55.0 56.0 52.0 43.0 45.0 36.5 37.0 41.0 41.0 41.5 47 47.0 Of the above, the mercury only reached as low as 37 degrees twice in January; 38 degrees twice ; between 43 degrees and 45 degrees on ten days; from 46 degrees to 50 degrees on eleven days, and from 51 degrees to 53 degrees on five days. These low temperatures, it has already been explained, occur after midnight, while on two days the maximum was 58 degrees; 60 degrees TEMPERATURE OP THE VALLEYS. 77 once; twice 61 degrees; twice 66 degrees; three times 62 degrees; 63 degrees on six days; on four days 64 degrees; on lour days 65 degrees; on three days, (>7 degrees; once 68 degrees; twice (>!) degrees, and once 72 degrees. On the day of the highest maximum the minimum was 51 degrees; in June tin- highest reading reached on fourteen days was between (i!) degrees and 75 degrees; one day ai 80 degrees, and only once 81 degrees; in July eleven times it went to between 76 degrees and 80 degrees; from 81 degrees to 85 degrees on eleven other days; on five days from 86 degrees to 90 degrees, and 5)1 degrees, 92 degrees, 93 degrees each on one day. on which days the minimum was 70 degri 70 degrees, and 67 degrees, respectively. The above detailed explanation is made to show that the extremes of temperature are nol of -frequent occur- rence; and when it is remembered that the maximum is only reached before the advent of the sea-breeze, or soon thereafter, after which the temperature becomes quite agreeable, and that the nights are always cool, it will be easy to understand why extremes in California are en- tirely different in their effects, or so much more endurable than elsewhere. I [igh California temperatures are unique in their immunity from evil results; a temperature which in St. Louis or New ^k ork is attended by great prostra- tion and an excessive mortality is. in California, a matter of hut little concern, and with no resulting detriment to health or life. I have walked about the streets of Los Angeles in an atmosphere where it vvas 108 degrees in the shade, the great heat being due to surrounding brush-fires on the neighboring hills and plains, and have seen business and labor go OH without interruption. ladies and children shopping, — all oblivious of the really unusually extreme high temperature but for the ther- 78 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. mometrical registry. The greater heat is noticed, but the constitutional effects would never denote its extreme range. Those hot, enervating days and sweltering, rest- less nights, the accompaniments of the summers of the great river-valleys of the East and West, are no part of California's climatology. TEMPERATURE OF THE MOUNTAINS. The varying altitudes give a number of greatly dif- fering temperature-belts, even in June, from the semi- tropic climate of the foot-hills to snow and Alpine weather. It is only a short journey, as snow rests on some of the higher mountain-crests all the spring and into the summer. On medium elevations the seasonal temperature greatly resembles that of the highlands of New England, the atmosphere being only drier; the fruits and other productions are also the same as those of the far East. Some ten years ago, on a Christmas, I left San Diego, with its balmy air, bright orange-groves, flowers, and semi-tropic vegetation, to attend some wounded men who had been injured in an affray in a mining-camp on the eastern slopes of the mountains, at an elevation of 3000 feet ; very cold winds were encount- ered coming from the northeast ; a little higher, and snow was reached. Arriving at the summit of the pass, at 4500 feet, the village was found enshrouded in snow and ice ; tubs of water, pumps, and ponds had all been frozen solid ; the sharp snapping and loud cracking of starting-boards was to be heard on every hand, and a cold blast, filled with finely-pulverized snow, was sweeping through the street that few cared to face ; a short descent toward the east and the change was very suddenly made into a milder atmospere ; at the camp, some distance down, it was summer — even warmer than at San Diego. : ' «-,.-•• 4 K ■ Baton Canton. Proposes Electric Road i" rtti Smacir or Moukt Wasov, rear Pasadena (Br i>«riniuiun uf llm "California Illuitr»Ud Muuiar") 80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. This extreme weather at that altitude is not of frequent occurrence, as I have only known it to happen once during the eighteen years that I have resided here. Cold weather, snow, and ice descend much lower on* the west- ern than on the eastern slopes of the mountains. As a rule, the summers are cool and the winters mild and of short duration, as the sea-breeze (unless overcome by some great disturbance of the upper aerial currents, as was the case in the winter incident just mentioned), that has traveled over the warm ground of the coast and foot-hills, sweeps through these passes and mountain- crests on its way to supply the demands of the desert. At Campo, in the mountains, in 1877-78, the Signal Service registered 13 degrees one night and 20 degrees on another in January, fifteen of the others being above 32 degrees, with 47 degrees for the coldest day ; range for same month being 56 degrees and of 65 degrees for August, with eighteen nights in August when it fell below 47 degrees, four of which were below 40 degrees, one being as low as 35 degrees. DESERT TEMPERATURES. The desert atmosphere is to be found in its greatest degree of heat on the west side of its extent, and imme- diately under the mountains that form its western bound- aries. The heat at these points at times is more than terrific, although, singularly, not in any degree as a temperature of 90 degrees is in New York ; it is simply a burning heat, and no more. Temperatures of 140 de- grees and over have been observed here. The stations of Indio and Mammoth Tank, whose temperatures have been given in a previous page, are not in the region of this great heat, as they are on the railroad that crosses the desert from its southeasterly corner to its northwest- DESERT TEMPERATURES. M erly, where the nap in the lower range of the hills assists in materially lowering the temperature, so that the sta- tions or the road arc not in the hottest portions. The stations arc built with a double roof, with an ample open and free space between the two so as to protect the in- terior from the great heat of the sun. At Mojave, a Southern Pacific Railroad junction on the northern boundaries of Southern California, the arid air of the — i f\ r\ "\ .O •r a •••-:•-- ■ — ' The Beach link of an amikm Laki in mi Desert. desert of the Mojave is fully experienced, the means for June, July. August, and September being, respectively, 73, s l . s ">. and 93.9 degrees, with a maximum of 1 1-') de- grees and a minimum of 1(> degrees — these being; for the year 1886. This station is at an elevation of 2751 led. and situated on the summit of the pa^s in the mountain chain that stretches across from east to west to divide Southern from Middle California. This bleak, wind- 82 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. swept, extreme-temperatured locality has an annual moan of 66 degrees, which is only mentioned to show how useless the information amounts to that is conveyed by the term " annual mean." Jerusalem, Malta, Corfu, and Palermo have about such a mean, but half an hour's stay at Mojave will convince the greatest stickler in favor of the term " annual mean " that the " mean " of several places may be alike, but that there the analogy stops ; it may even do so in every other particular, even down to the temperature, constant, daily, or that of night. In a communication in reference to the high tempera- ture of the Colorado Desert, made to the writer by Lieutenant W. A. Glassford, of the Signal Service, an accomplished meteorologist who has carefully investi- gated the peculiar conditions of the Pacific-coast climate, he says : " There is one subject, however, that I should like to see you or Dr. Widney discuss, and that is the reason why the heated places, like Yuma, for instance, or any of the desert places, do not cause discomfort in the heat running up to 120 degrees or thereabouts. It is usually laid to dryness ; in fact, I have, in a paper, assigned this cause, but it does not go to the bottom of the matter, as I would like, from a physical point of view, such as a physician can do. As I said, it is the sensible or wet-bulb thermometer that affects the system, and I found the average wet bulb at Yuma, at the hottest time of the day, to be about 30 degrees below the exposed, or, with a temperature of 115 degrees, the sensible was 85 degrees. At New York, on the contrary, the sensible or wet-bulb temperature was, in heated periods, above that of Yuma." Yuma is situated on the banks of the Colorado River and on the edge of the desert, and, although the hottest place in summer that there is in the United States, it is DESERT TEMPERATURES. froo from any <>f the diseases or accidents resulting from heat. My friend, Dr. R. J. Gregg, in speaking of this subject, says that the proposition thai malaria is a prod- uct of great heat and soil-moisture combined does not hold good as to Southern California, as he has seen p< r- sonally, on the low lands near the mouth of the ( lolorado, a heal thai made the low, marshy lands fume, where the natives merely make a hole in the moisl ground with their toe, insert a grain of corn or any other seed, and, a Mikage ozs i u i Desert. presto! the plant appears in a marvelousl) short space of time, and where the combined heal and moisture causes the flax to attain such a size thai he has seen horses tethered to one of the stalks; and yet, with all this combination of greal heal and swamp-moisture, rapid growth of vegetation and necessary consequent decay, lie tells the writer that he knows of no region so remarkabl) free from either intermittent, continued, or paludal fevers. The same observations have been practi- cally made to the writer bj his classmate, Dr. I .. \ . Loring, 84 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. and Dr. Semig and Dr. Heed, all of the U. S. Army, and all of whom have served at the army-post at Yuma. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT OF TEMPERATURE. This part of the snhject has been purposely long dwelt upon and fully explained in detail, as temperature may really he taken as the fundamental stone of medical climatology. It is temperature that has kept civilization within certain geographical limits; it is temperature — and that alone — that allows of free ventilation, which is the real and only safeguard against phthisis. The re- searches of Hirsch, Bennet, Lomhard, Mailer, Schroter, Kuchenmeister, Lindsay, Kolb, and others have demon- strated the fact that occupations such as are in-doors, in proportion to the impediments that they place to ventilation, and in proportion that they facilitate the breathing of a vitiated air by previous respiration, just in such proportion they tend to develop or to produce phthisis in the human subject. Perfect ventilation is impossible where the rigor of the climate and sedentary occupation require that all of the cold, external air be excluded and all of the internal warmth of the rooms be retained, that the operatives may be in temporary comfort ; it is this that explains the presence of phthisis in the Swiss or Bavarian Alps, where it exists in proportion to the number of their people who are engaged in confining, industrial pursuits ; it is this same confinement and consequent lack of ventilation that has caused so much consumption in the great mass of people congregated in our large industrial centres, where it is further prop- agated by the infectious nature of the disease, where the population have to sleep in close rooms, live in badly- ventilated apartments, sit in unventilated churches or Bv permMon of Southern Pacific Comptnj , Si I n I - A i \Mi N'KAi: Vl MA 86 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. schools, work in close offices or shops, — there phthisis can always be looked for, regardless of elevation, atmos- pheric humidity, amount of rains, fogs, thunder-storms, or any other atmospheric condition. On the other hand, all of the localities that have been celebrated for their peculiar exemption from phthisis will all be found to owe the immunity to an equable temperature, an atmospheric condition that allows of free and constant ventilation at all times and under any and all circumstances ; there phthisis will not be found either at sea-level or at 10,000 feet elevation, be it a dry or a moist air, a compressed or a rarefied air. This has ample verification on the sea-shores of California at sea-level and on the high plateaus of the Mexican, Colombian, and Peruvian mountains, in either of which countries the people carry the natural and unavoidable ventilation to such a point that they may literally be said to live and sleep out of doors. This solution has always appeared very simple to me with- out searching for any other specific cause, either in the barometric pressure, atmospheric constituents at dif- ferent levels, amount of sunshine, rain-fall or fog; as it is a well-established fact that many consumptives have fully recovered by simply making a change to an out-of- door life from their former confining and free-air-pro- hibiting occupation. On the other hand, it is a well- known fact that it often happens that, where persons have given up an out-of-door life for one of confine- ment, phthisis has rapidly developed. Arab or Egyptian prisoners, the imprisoned inmates of Eastern harems, the freshly-imported slave from the south to the north of Africa, taken from his free, out-of-door life to live in houses, and the Labrador fishermen who leave their well- ventilated spruce huts for modern, close houses on the SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT OF TEMPERATURE. 87 St. Lawrence, or the savage who gives up his nomadic life for civilized homes, are all eloquent examples of what the want of a free and constant ventilation will do for mankind. To fully carry out that perfect ventilation which is an imperative necessity to health and life, the nature of the climate must be such as will allow it to be done in an automatic or self-adjusting manner, as otherwise it will not be done; living- in . un ventilated apartments becomes such a habit that when oner established it is hard to eradicate. The stupefying and life-slowing effects of a foul and vitiated, close atmosphere seem to become, after a time, a part of the physical existence and a necessity with many; so much so that they become positively uncomfortable in fresh air, just as their oppo- sites, the South American, will live in an atmosphere of ()() degrees with all the doors ajar, day or night, — a tem- perature which, strangely enough, would not be long home by Europeans to the north of the -Kith degree of latitude, nor by the North Americans north of the 38th, without great discomfort and the closing of doors or the aid of artificial warming, a degree of sensitiveness being established, in these two classes of people, by the ex- tremes of temperatures to which they are subjected, making 60° F. too cold for them. \-> strange as it may seem, the races of men living on the Mediterranean shores or in tin' equably-climated parts of Europe are better able to stand an extreme cold temperature than those who have been living — them- selves and a long line of previous generations — und< r the influence of great ranges and variability of tempera- ture. — facts well established by the observations of Baron Larrey during the campaign and retreat of the Grand Army, in 1ST2. Lieutenant Schwatka, the Antic ex- 88 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. plorer, — a gentleman whose youth was passed on the Pacific coast, with its mild climate, — lias informed the writer that, during one of his Arctic journeys, in an ex- treme degree of cold, and when the supplies had given out and his Esquimau escort were exhausted and perish- ing for want of food, he started out for assistance, mak- ing the extraordinary journey of 82 miles in twenty-four hours, over snow and ice, to procure the required aid. But for the superior endurance of a man nurtured in a mild climate, and better able to withstand the rigors and privations of their own clime, the Esquimaux would have all perished. In Southern California it is never necessary to close the houses, either to exclude the heat of summer or the cold of winter. During the years in which no extensive mountain-fires occur or the hot simoon of the desert does not pour over the mountains from the East, the highest temperature experienced on the Channel coast does not exceed 82, 83, 84, and 85 degrees, as was the case in the years '73, '80, '81, '82, and '86; and as to cold, the wall-heat in a properly-constructed house that has been absorbed and accumulated through the long day's exposure to the sun of the latitude is fully sufficient to maintain the interior temperature at the moderate point throughout the coldest night that the coast is liable to experience, as by sunrise on the next morning the warming process is resumed. Families have lived for several years — my own being of the number — with wide- opened windows, without awnings in summer or fires in the winter, in the greatest of comfort, showing the ease, practicability, and comfort with which free and constant ventilation can be practiced in this climate. California meteorology can in no way convey to the outside world any idea of the climate as experienced by a 90 SOUTHEKN CALIFORNIA. the senses. As observed by Charles Dudley Warner, in " Our Italy," " It is impossible to give an Eastern man a just idea of the winter of Southern California, who, while gazing on gardens laden with tropical plants clothed in their rich and luxuriant foliage, or on the date and banana ripening in the bright sun, and on the strawberries of his warm months which here are bein^ gathered in midwinter, cannot understand why he needs an overcoat. The ordinary Easterner has not noticed the fact that a temperate temperature of 60° F. is something that he is a stranger to, and that, although such a temperature is called temperate, to those unaccus- tomed to it it is positively chilly ; and to the Easterner coining here with the- expectation of finding the pro- verbially warm climates of the tropics nothing but dis- appointment will result. Health does not demand either the summer heat of the East or the great artificial heat of the houses of those regions, which usually is raised above 75° F. ; whenever the outside temperature falls to 60 degrees or thereabouts, as observed by such competent observers as James Henry Bennet, of Men- tone, the temperature of winter that has been found most congenial to either the well or the sick has been the temperature of from 55 to 60 degrees ; and with such a temperature fogs, mists, or rains are in no way harmful, even to the invalid. As observed, this temper- ature is not an agreeable one for those accustomed to extremes, and many will perpetrate the blunder of housing themselves before a hot stove in a close room ; but the wise will simply clothe themselves properly in warm woolen garments, protect their feet with sensible shoes, and breathe the cooler air. " The Chinese are a very peculiar people, and have many odd ways. They are even said to be in a state of WINDS. !)1 senile civilization, no longer able to make any forward move; hut in this regard — how to weather the weather — we can learn something from that nation. China has a changeable and extreme climate; the aged, as well as many in their prime, sleep on ovens made of brick, which maintain their heat throughout the night ; their houses are open, and, like the South American, the Chinaman never will sit in an apartment with closed doors. Draughts and air-currents affect neither the Peruvian, Colombian, or the Chinese mandarin; but all these people have the incomprehensible habit — to an American — of sitting shawled or overcoated in their apartments.- A wealthy Chinaman generally lias a sup- ply of fur-lined robes with which to accommodate each guest, so that while at a Chinese private reunion, if the temperature should suddenly fall, a servant soon appears with a collection of furry coats, vests, and tippets, wliich are passed around to each guesi something like napkins are passed around at one of our afternoon teas. There is one thing that the barbarian will not do, however, — something our Americans are continually doing, with great persistency. — cram their guests' lungs lull of foul and over-respired air. People should not forget that it is all-important to keep the bod) warm, — something that can he done with appropriate clothing, — bul that it' we wish to he well and keep health} we must hreatlje fresh air. and that air of a temperature of 55 degrees or <><> degrees is not too cold for breathing purposes, even if disagreeably cold to the body surface."' WINDS. The winds of this part of ( lalifornia, like these for the rest of the Pacific coast, are from the west; the following brief summary will give a genera] idea of their direction, 92 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. frequency, and velocity, the data having been compiled by Dr. W. M. Chamberlain, of New York : " Out of 14,612 consecutive observations at San Diego, 878 were reported calm; 1730 were reported north wind; 1044 were re- ported south wind ; 2879 were reported easterly; 8146 were reported westerly ; and the mean average velocity wixds. 93 5.9 miles per hour as compared with 7.7 miles per hour at New York and 15.S miles per hour at Cape Hatteras." In regard to the velocity and as evidence of the constant mild character of the winds of the coast, it may be mentioned that, some eight years ago, the U. S. Alinv Signal Station at the port of San Diego returned to the department all of its sets of cautionary signals, consisting of the flags, lanterns, and other apparatus which are usually hoisted as a warning to mariners in case of ap- proaching storms, after having had them on hand for as many years without having had occasion to use them once. During the first year's observations at the Signal Station at San Diego, out of 974 regular observations, 511 gave westerly winds; calms, 164 times; southerly winds, 131; southeast winds, 26; east winds, 44, and from the northeast 98 times ; the north wind was ob- served 124 times; the easterly and north winds are the night- or land- breezes. The sea-breeze conies with the greatest regularity at its accustomed hour in the fore- noon, and moves inland until evening, when there is usually a season of calm ; after dark the evenings are always very pleasant, and are never cold, as the coolness does not appear until the advent of the land-breeze, which arrives later in the night. It is this sea-breeze that sweeps inland in a gentle current, flowing at the rate of 6 or 8 miles an hour, coursing over hill and plain, or up through the valleys, and finally pouring down over the mountains into the great basin of the Colorado Desert to the east, that is the carrier of the marine coolness to this semi-tropic land, and the fac- tor of the exceptionally cool summers that this coast enjoys. Storms come from the southerly points of the compass, 94 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. but never attain any magnitude. There is, however, the desert wind, which here is known as the " norther " or the east wind, — the only disturber of all this meteorologi- cal symphony, — a very disagreeable wind while it lasts, due to some perverted action in the desert atmosphere ; it comes from the desert, and pours through the passes and over the mountains ; it is accompanied by a sudden rise of the temperature, great diminution of atmospheric humidity, an increased electrical condition of the air, and, strange as it may seem, it produces no barometrical dis- turbance or serious results ; it is an occurrence that comes once in the course of a few years. RAIN-FALL AND RAINY SEASONS. The winter is, in California, the season of rain ; but all winters are not rainy seasons, as it happens, now and then, that there are winter seasons nearly as dry as that of summer. In California there are what are called the medium, dry, and wet seasons ; agriculturally speak- ing, the good seasons are those with a little more than a medium rain-fall, and where it comes down slowly. The following tables will give an idea of the rain-fall for the region and of its distribution by months; the first table gives also the average fall of rain by the month for sixteen years, and also the monthly distribution, as an example of each of the dry, very wet, and medium seasons: — At San Diego, on the Sea-Coast— Monthly Inches of Rain. Average per Month. jj ^ S P < a> ■a a 8 5 | o O 93 X! a > u (a fit a « o a Q >> p i i-s >> u c3 P u fit 4) fa "3 < OS o a 2 o 16 years . . 0.03 0.19 0.04 0.44 0.73 2.09 2.05 2.33 1.55 0.93 0.41 0.06 10.95 1876-77 . . 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.15 1.05 0.18 1.44 26 0.43 3.75 1883-84 . . 2.01 0.20 1.82 134 9.05 6 23 2.84 2.17 0.31 25.97 18SS-89 . . 0.01 0.04 0.26 1.83 2S4 1.72 1.80 2.20 0.19 0.03 0.10 11.02 RAIN-FALL AND RAINY SEASONS. 95 The second table gives the amount of rain by the month for an extremely dry and one extreme wet season at Los Angeles : — At LOS Anci ii 3, i 8 THE Interior Valleys - 53 >» Aver vob per Mow PH. 1 / < a — 1 s> ,a s O - - 5 > E - u V Q - r. ►a - a - 5 < >. a) a 1-3 1876-77 . . 0.40 3.84 0.01 (i.v; 0.26 0.30 188 WJ4 . . L.42 2.56 3.15 13.37 12.36 3.58 . 1.89 There are, however, exceptional years, when even January may be a very dr\ month. January, in 1872, had only 0.44 inch of rain; that of 1S()<). 0.(51 inch; that of 1880, 0.52 inch; that of 1884, only 0.35 inch, while January of 1886 had only T ^ inch of rain ; on the other hand, August, which is usually a rainless month, had, in 1S73, nearly 2 inches of rain. The third rain-table exhibits the rain-fall for the im- mediate ports on the shores of the Channel. The stations are named in their order of geographical situations, from vvesl t<> easl : — stations on THE SEA-SlIORE. o T-. > 3 t. _• <- r • 7. - - v.z —— Rainiest Mnntbs for that Season. Rainless Monti,- Eor Same Season. Months with I • -- 1 ban < >ii<- i . hi i th Inrh oi Rain. Point Concep- ■j:.s B 12.21 7.62 Feb. and Mar. July, Am:., ami Sept. Ma> ami .1 mie. Santa Barbara 30 l'.i 17.83 23.74 l>rc. Jan., anil Feb. August. July. Sept., ami June. San Buenaven- tura .--i 11 16.87 21.12 .Ian. and Feb. .Inly ami Aug. Sept.and June. Santa Monica ;» 8 16.18 24.68 Nov. ami .Ian. July, anil Sept, < October, May, ami J une. Drum Barracks. '■-' 5 8.74 1 i.i . anil .Ian. Sept., May, ami June. July, \"^ . ami Oct. Ajiahe m . . . . 250 9 M.nl 1 L75 I )cr. ami Feb. July, \ult.. ami Si pi. June. San 1 >iegO . ■ ■ 40 15 11.01 16.95 Dec.. Jan., •ml Feb. July, Aug., Sept.and June. 96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. The fourth rain-table relates to its quantity and dis- tribution in the inland valleys, and explains itself: — Stations fkom Fifteen Miles Inland to Foot of Mountains. 8 '& > ?. £ a> > ><8 ■ (A * — z£ it « c* Ci rjK-, 5 5 s ,Ced <*HOO ^2 Los Angeles Co. Los Angeles . 371 9 17.64 22.70 Spadra .... 705 12 12.39 16.50 San Bernard Co. Colton .... 965 10 9.84 9.66 Riverside . . . 1030 5 9.37 9.60 San Bernardino 16 16.17 20.25 San Diego Co. Fall Brook . . 700 11 17.75 26.23 Escondido . . 11 15.69 20.87 8 14.15 16.80 Rainiest Months for 1885-86. Dec, Jan., Feb., and Mar, Jan., Feb., and March. February. Feb. and Mar. Dec, Jan., and Feb. Dec, Jan., Feb., and Mar. Dec, Jan., Feb., and Mar. Dec, Jan., Feb., Mar., and April. Rainless Months for 1885-86. Months with Less than < inc-tourtli Inch of Rain. July and Aug. June and Sept. July. September. July. July. Aug.. Sept., and June. June, July, Aug., and Oct. June and Sept. June, July. Aug., and Sept. June, July. Aug., and Sept. June and Aug. June, July, Aug.,andSept. In the mountains the rain-fall is necessarily much greater. At Julian, at an elevation of 4500 feet, the yearly rain-fall has a mean of 37.74, which is nearly 2 inches more than that of Turin, on the upper valley of the Po, in Northern Italy ; at Julian the yearly precipi- tation has reached 61.62 inches. On the desert, at the station of Indio, 12 feet above sea-level, the observations of nine years give an annual mean of 2.32 inches of rain, with some years as low as 1.10. Fort Yuma — also a railroad-station on the eastern edge of the desert, and situated on a hill on the west bank of the Colorado River — has an average precipitation of 3.86 inches annually. Lieutenant Glassford, of the United States Signal Service, has given the most comprehensive explanation RAIN-FALL AND RAINY SEASONS. 97 of the origin and history of the California rains and of its winter storms. It also explains why the rains are always preceded by southerly winds and come from the South, while the rains first appear in the North and gradually approach the South from that direction. For instance, rain is telegraphed as falling in San Francisco; as a rule, it may he looked for in the South from twenty- I.ivk oaks on Julian Mountains. lour to sixty hours later; meanwhile the wind is steady from the southward, and when the rain does come it appears at earl) evening, when the sea-breeze has begun to subside and it comes from the South. Of local rains there are none, as there are no local causes to produce them; and although it may accidentally rain at some rare period without the precursory rains farther north. the storm is always found to be due to the same causes, 98 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. only that the winds in their northward sweep have not accumulated a sufficient amount of moisture for precipita- tion in their earlier course farther north. According to the researches of the Lieutenant, the Californias depend on their rains in proportion to the amount and extent of the cyclonic disturbance which seems to gather or centre in the region of Puget Sound, as there are no ocean winds to bring them any rains independently. The cyclonic area originates or moves with the Japan current on the Washington and Oregon coasts, where the high mountain chain arrests it and causes it to parallel the coast, while its centre wavers up and down, giving to the coast and its immediate neighborhood its great rain-fall ; and that only in a disturbance of protracted force, or with a cyclonic development central off the mouth of the Columbia, will its marginal border affect or influence Southern California. The more prolonged is the period of cyclonic disturbance at its far northern centre, the longer the rain and the greater the amount that falls in Southern California; this result is brought about by the aspirating force that is exerted by the storm-centre on the otherwise pacific region to its southward. With the cessation of the aspi- rating suction created by the cyclonic disturbance to the north the southerly winds cease, and the westerly breezes at once resume their accustomed course, with an immediate clearing away of all clouds and traces of a rain-storm. This is the reason of the inconstancy of the California rains, of the sudden clearing up, and of the beautiful, clear, and cloudless weather that occurs be- tween storms of rain ; to these causes this region owes the fact that no steamy, unhealthy, or depressing, or enervat- ing weather precedes, accompanies, or follows its rains, and that no physical disturbances are experienced dur- ing the storm periods ; the storm causes being at such RELATION OF RAIN-FALL TO HEALTH AND DISEASE. 99 remote distances that their physical influences cannot be felt. The following tabic of comparative rain-fall l'or the whole extent of the Pacific coast of the United States exhibits, in an undisputed way. the learned description of this part of our meteorology by Lieut. Glassford : — Table Showing Gkaiu'ai.i.v Decreasing Rain-fall from thb 18th to the 32d Degree of North Latitude on mo: Pa< u u Pacific-* !o vst Station. Neah Bay Astoria Port Orford Humboldt Light-House . . Point Arenas Point Reyes Santa Cruz Monterey Point Conception San Dieso Annual [nchesof Rain (Mean). 111.00 77. 1-3 70.50 33.02 30.53 38.09 25.24 14.42 12.21 11.01 Approximate Approximate Latitude. Longitude. 48 3 15' 46° 12' 42° 4G' 40O 30' 3JP 380 37 36° 36' 34° 28' 320 44' 101 25' 124 124 22' L24 20' 123^ 46' 1233 122 120O 30' 1170 8' The above table not only exhibits the two extremes on the Pacific coast, but it gives the rainiest and the least rainy of all the United States sea-stations on any of its extent of sea-coasts; at Neah Bay the yearly pre- cipitation has been as high as 132 inches, with a record of rain for a single day of 6.90 inches, while at San Diego, for a whole year, the total amount recorded in some extreme season lias only been 3.75 inches, RELATION OF RAIN-FALL TO HEALTH \XI» DISEASE. I have never placed the stress thai is usually laid on the importance to health of a small rain-fall. In the 100 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Khasia Hills, '200 miles north of the shores of the Bay of Bengal, the rain-fall in some years amounts to 600 inches, with an annual mean precipitation of 493 inches ; as recorded at Chcnapoonjee, 30 inches have fallen on a single day. Bogota, in South America, with 74 inches; Cape Hatteras, on the Atlantic shores of the United States, with 78 inches ; the Oregon, AVashington, and Alaskan shores, on the Pacific, with an annual rain-fall of over 100 inches ; Valencia, in the southwest of Ireland, with its 235 days of rain, and Seath- waite, in England, with its 152 inches of rain, are no more the developers of phthisis than localities with the least possible rain-fall or the least number of rainy clays. This has been well demonstrated by the testimony of many observers. The venerable Lombard, of Geneva, as long- ago as in 1834, in his work on the " Influence of Trades on Phthisis," pointed out the fact that those who followed occupations that exposed them to wet and to an atmosphere laden with moisture were less subject to the disease than those in the dry and better- protected trades. Thackrah, in his work dealing with the ATMOSPHERIC HUMIDITV. 101 effects of trades on health, made the same observations. Dickinson particularly calls attention to the less liability to diseases on the rainy and foggy west coast of Scotland. Donnelly and Wilde, in their report made to Parliament, observed that the proportion of diseases generally, and of those of the respiratory organs in particular, was all of two-fifths greater on the eastern than on the rainier and more humid western coast of Ireland. All authors, from the time of Ilufeland down to the present, have called attention to the exemption from disease and the tendency to longevity that is enjoyed by islanders generally ; and, later, Bennet, of Mentone ; Frank and Marcet, of Cannes; and Weber have mentioned that the pulmo- nary invalids did better in the winter of 1878-79. with half of the days rainy and with an unusually low tem- perature, than they had done at any other season. Bennet, of Mentone, speaks very favorably of the results of the rainy atmosphere of the western highlands of Scotland. Bennet lays stress, however, on the fact that rainy weather, to be healthy, must be accompanied by a temperature, of from 55 to 65 degrees; he also particu- larly notices that in Scotland seasons of great rains are, as a rule, the healthiest of seasons. These points have already been touched upon, but they are hen 1 repeated, in conjunction with the subject of rain-fall, to recall the main points to the reader's mind. ATMOSPHERIC HUMIDITY. Considerable discrepancy is to be found In the opin- ion as regards the atmospheric humidity of tins coast. Every term in the meteorological vocabulary relative to moisture or dryness 1ms boon conscientiously applied to the region to denote the qualit) of its climate, most observers failing to conciliate the facts that thej were 102 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. dealing with two opposite climatic factors not often found in unison, to wit, the exceptionally and peculiarly dry soil already mentioned, with its undecaying vegeta- tion and a marine air or atmosphere loaded with ocean moisture ; the humidity that is here respired, es- pecially on the sea-shores and outside of the cities, where the peculiarly persistent and undying grasses of the land cover the ground, is as pure an ocean or sea humidity as is breathed on board of ship at sea, as the ground cannot and does not contribute the least particle of moisture, but, on the contrary, it continually gives out heat both by radiation and reflection, lifting higher the watery vapors that are contained in the winds as they sweep inland over its warm surface ; higher and higher it carries the vapor — even through the night — and in the morning it is seen gathered in the heavens in the form of a high fog that resembles heavy clouds or following the course of the higher valleys ; the air below these, and lying between these fog-clouds and the land, being perfectly clear and bright, while clothes or any moist article that is exposed to the air near to the ground dries rapidly, showing the great relative dry- ness of and warmth of the lower stratum of air ; show- ing, in an indisputable manner, the sanitary benefits of a warm and dry soil and the manner of its operation, and how, in this climate, the ground-air is by no means the coldest or dampest, as is generally the case elsewhere. The coast offers a strange contrast in comparison to the rest of the country in regard to its seasonal relative humidity, in the fact that, while with decreasing tem- perature it increases elsewhere, here it diminishes, as will be seen from the following table, covering several Southern California stations and samples from the Atlantic sea-board and the Mississippi Valley : — ATMOSPHERIC HUMIDITY". 103 Mean Relative Mean Tempi Stations. Humidity. 1 IKK. January. July. January. July. San Diego, Cal 68 73 55 68 61 61 54 71 San Bernardino, Cal 69 7:J 52 76 Bismark, Dak. • • . 77 79 63 62 17 22 71 St. Paul, Minn 73 52 31 26 73 06 62 35 ?8 75 70 32 74 It will be observed that the higher relative humidity in the three first-mentioned stations is coincident with the wannest month, whereas with all the others it coin- cides with the coldest. The relations that exist on this lower coast between the temperature and humidity are not to he judged by the same rule a^ elsewhere; with the maximum temperature there is always such a rapid diminution of atmospheric moisture that it has been as low as 5 per cent., when book-covers curl outward and bread and everything else undergoes a rapid desiccation. The only sources that this region has to draw its extra heat from — the deserl and mountain tires — make any other combination of heat and humiditj nut of the - tion. This is why any natural degree of excessive heat is never followed by any physical disturbance, and why it is so peculiarly endurable and unnoticed. The follow- ing table gives the mean relative humidity for each month of 1878 for the coast and the inland regions; other localities are added to the table for the purpose of comparison : — 104 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Monthly Mean Humidity in Southern California. >> g 1-5 3 3 ■— & o fa < >> 4> a >-3 >> 3 •-5 00 0) g C. OS o A c o O o s c g o u o Q 68 74 78 74 75 76 73 77 74 73 55 61 61 69 72 69 70 72 61 61 62 67 46 56 San Diego, Cal. . Los Angeles, Cal, Sacramento, Cal. St. Paul, Minn. . Denver, Col. . . Elsewhere. 79 80 71 65 57 53 43 46 43 49 72 74 79 72 65 58 56 69 62 72 66 70 74 78 52 47 42 32 46 48 31 35 36 =0 49 54 6] The salubrity and agreeableness of a climate do not evidently depend upon a minimum of moisture, provided the temperature be moderately low ; it would seem as if an atmosphere holding considerable moisture was the most consistent with good health and long life. Accord- ing to Levy, the average humidity the world over is 72, and Briggs, the best authority on the subject, in regard to the United States, assigns 70 as the most consistent with health for this country. Beard attributes the better health and longer life of the western Europeans to the great relative humidity of western Europe ; and, on the other hand, he attributes all that is comprised under the head of American nervousness to the very dry climates of the United States. The humidity of this region is, at the best, but a marine moisture, and, either as held as vapor in the air or in the shape of fog, it does not become a factor of putrefaction to either animal or vegetable matter. Meats, fish, fruits, and grasses, freely exposed to its influence, are cured and well pre- served at any locality, either on the sea-shore or up in the hills. ATMOSPHERIC HUMIDITY. 105 I have often seen a quarter of beef hanging up on a tree by a rope and tackle, which was let down by Pakt ok Old Mxssioh Bah Juan. these means for the purpose of cutting away what was wanted for the family use, and which has kept good to the last morsel. Animals killed or dying, and left on the 106 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. ground, do not corrupt, but simply mummify. Hides are simply hung up or spread on the ground. The Cali- fornia raisins are all sun- and air- dried. The mulberry, with which the silk-worms are fed, does not require the same care that is exercised in France or in Italy, on ac- count of the putrefactive decay of the vegetable substance and consequent injury to the worms that takes place in those countries ; the branches are here simply thrown in, and the leaves keep in a good condition until they are all eaten up. Leather articles, books, and such materials do not mold in ventilated apartments, and sea-mosses, ferns, and botanical specimens of all kinds are preserved without the least difficulty ; salts do not deliquesce — all tending to show the harmless character of the humidity in whatever degree it may be present, and its general salubrious effect on both animal and vegetable tissues — a striking contrast to the effects of the humidity of Madeira, where leather articles mold, salts deliquesce, metal articles rust, botanical specimens can hardly be preserved, and musical instruments can hardly be kept in tune. The relation that exists between heat, moisture, and human health and life was well exemplified during the heated week ending July 6, 187*2, at Xew York, when the mortality exceeded that of the cholera week of July, 1866, and of the grippe week of January, 1890. In the fatal week of 1872, the mean temperature was 83.97 de- grees and the humidity was 75 degrees, — a combination that is utterly impossible in the Southern California climate. BAROMETER. Being out of the track of storms, this region is not subject to any great or frequent barometrical disturb- BAROMETER. 107 ances; from the description already given in connection with the subject of rain-fall, it will be seen that the cyclonic area is so distant that it can cause but little dis- turbance so far to the southward. A study of the low barometer areas that are carefully recorded year after Am iknt Cloistek-Galleuv. jsa>' Juan Mission. year by the United States signal Service shows that this region is left away to the right as the storm-track moves southward from the time it strikes the coast on the shores of Paget Sound. The desert storms do not cause any barometrical fluctuation ; the only atmospheric 108 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. elements that they increase are the heat, electricity, and dryness; neither do the rains of winter make any appre- ciable difference in the barometer. As before remarked, there is no local disturbance that in any way accom- panies the rain-fall. The following table gives the mean monthly readings of the barometer for San Diego on the Channel shores and Los Angeles for the inland regions: — Los Angeles. July . . . August . September October . November December January . February March . . April . . May. . . June . . 29.530 29.575 29.523 29.592 29.672 29.656 29.706 29.644 29.646 29.560 29.570 29.559 ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. In this regard this region of country is peculiarly situated. The hot and arid desert to the east ; the cool ocean, with its cool and moisture-laden atmosphere ; the exceptionally dry soil of the land of the coast, and the two currents of air that continually friction against each other — a cool, marine, humidity-laden, ocean breeze moving rapidly inland as the lower stream, and a warm, dry, upper current moving as rapidly out to sea — are conditions that are all eminently favorable to the devel- DIAPHANOUS CONDITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 109 opment of electricity, — the exact analogue of the elec- trical condition that is found on the high Peruvian Andes, and precisely similar causes — opposite currents of air of widely-differing temperature and of hydrometric condition — lying one over the other. The extreme dry- ness of the ground makes it a very poor conductor; so that all this abundance of electricity at times charg metallic bodies that may be placed on any insulating material. During the prevalence of one of those deserl storms already mentioned the amount of electricity i- so increased that the hair will stand out as if on an insu- lating-stool ; horse's tails then stand out as if they arc thick brushes; but no physical disturbance accompanies these occurrences. The rheumatic or the invalid need never have to resort to insulating-glass disks to retain any electricity in his body. DIAPHANOUS CONDITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Tl lis property may be considered the fairest test of the clearness of the air and of its freedom from any over- charging with watery vapors or minute particles of mineral, -vegetable, or any other organic or inorganic dust. This atmospheric condition is at times found on land in its most accentuated form; when small objects, as the outlines of a house, a rock, edge of a hill, or of a ravine, stand out sharp and well defined at a distance of fifteen miles, the diaphaneity causing them to appear as if no more than one or two miles off; the granite shaft that stands near the sea-shore at the initial point of the westerly limit of the Mexican boundary-line often stands out boldly outlined against the southern landscape, and plainly visible from the Hotel del Coronado, sonic sixteen miles to the north of the monument. From the top of the Volcan Mountain, a high hill of the coast range sonic 110 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. fifty miles inland, I have seen the whole panorama of the shores and bays of the San Diego region, the city and villages and the hills and valleys all sharply out- lined, and, on days when the bank of fog that usually hangs far out at sea has been pushed farther out than usual, the Island of San Clemente, seventy miles to the SUNSHINE. Ill westward, oft' the coast, — distant one hundred and twenty miles, — seemed not twenty miles away ; from the highest peaks of Mount San Bernardino this diaphaneity allows a still more extended range of vision, as on a bright, midsummer day a circular panorama of nearly three hundred and fifty miles in diameter, comprising the most varied scenery of high mountains, low deserts of yellow. shifting sands, cultivated valleys, and ocean that is im- aginable. This condition of the atmosphere is so deceptive that often newly-arrived strangers, accustomed to measure distances by the eye in the thicker and less diaphanous air of the East, have started to walk to a hill for the prospect, which seemed about a mile off. when the hill was really a high mountain more than twenty miles away. SUNSHINE. This region enjoys an unusual amount of sunshine, there being but few days on which the sun does not appear for some part of the day. The prolonged cloiulv days and of threatening rain are here unknown, and even between showers the sun often shines out as it does after an April shower in the East; foggy days in the London sense are here likewise unknown, as our fogs are. as has been described, high fogs, which disappear with the rising of the sun, or they may be Light evening fogs coming in from out ;it sea niter sunset. The latter variety is uncommon and of very rare occurrence, and liable, at times, in the spring. It must be a very thick log. indeed, that will persist to remain and hold it -^ own against the sun-heat of the latitude and the radiating heat of the ground, which is of the most constant char- acter; ami day fogs never occur. The daysare long, the '20th of June being fifteen hours and seventeen minutes in length, and the '20th of December being ten hours 112 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. between sunrise and sunset. The sky is of a clear, bright blue, and at times a whole series of months may pass without a speck of cloud to mar its surface; it is this bright sunshine and perpetual clear, blue sky that is the real unconscious power — more so than any local custom or habits — that brings Califomians back to these shores, who, after many years spent on the coast, have attempted to again live in the East. What benefits are to be derived from living in an atmosphere of warm and genial sunshine are certainly to be had at their maximum in Southern California, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. The most expressive proof of the absence of thunder and lightning lies in the fact that on the San Diego Bay region and in the San Gabriel Valley, with their vast populations, there is not a lightning-rod to be seen on any building; neither do thunder-storms occur on the Channel. In the mountains, however, the case is different ; there the storm elements try to outdo those of New England. On the coast or in the inland valleys the rain comes without any of the usual Eastern or European storm accompaniments ; it simply begins to fall about sunset in a gradually increasing shower, with- out any extra wind ; it patters down through the night, with a probability of the heaviest downpour taking place after midnight, but never with any violence. During the winter of 1889-90 there was, on one occasion, a night of rain with several sharp peals of thunder, being the first I had heard in eighteen years of residence in San Diego. During the summer, flashes of heat-light- nins are often seen over the mountains to the East ; it generally appears coincidently with the occurrence of the Sonora rains or the summer storms of Western COMPETENT OBSERVERS' VIEWS OF THE CLIMATE. 113 Mexico that come as far as the eastern edge of the desert, and no farther. OZONE. The southwesterly exposure of the coast and the westerly winds which prevail, the electrical condition of the air and the forests of pines through which the sea- and land- breezes sweep on their way to and from the desert, all tend to lead the atmosphere with ozone. Some eleven years ago Dr. Hearne, the obliging officer in charge of the l. S. Signal Station at this port, kindly instituted a series of morning and evening observations for one month for the purpose of determining the atmos- pheric condition as to ozone; the method employed was Schonbein's test, the scale used being that of 10 degrees — from the lightest perceptible tint to the deep-bine color of iodide of starch ; the paper exposed from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. gave a mean of 4.0 degrees, and that exposed from 8 P.M. to 8 a.m. gave a mean of 6 degrees for the month; of the sixty-two tests four gave 10 degrees of the scale. three out of the four being from the night exposures, the lowest figure of the scale observed being 2 degn which happened nine times out of the sixty-two. COMPETENT OBSERVERS' VIEWS OF THE CLIMATE. General Emory, who first visited this coast as a Lieutenant of Topographical Engineers with the in- vading army of General Kearny, in 1846, noticed tin- coast climate as favorable to all the grains and fruits of the temperate /one and many of the tropical, which have flourished Luxuriantly, ••and that on descending to the coast the winds from the southwest in winter and northwest in summer produce a great uniformity <>f tem- perature, and the climate is. perhaps, unsurpassed for salubrity." "The white teeth of the Califomians, and 8 114 SOUTH KRN CALIFORNIA. the blood tingling in the cheeks of their olive-colored faces," as indicative of their superb physical health, did not escape his notice. (Emory's " Report and Notes of Travel in California.") General Greely, chief signal officer of the United States, in an exhaustive article on summer climates, after enumerating the requisites for the best moderate temper- atures, balmy breezes, and cool nights, says : " There is possibly one place in the United States where such con- ditions obtain, a bit of country of about forty square View of San Diego Bay. Coronado Ferry in Right Margin. miles at the extreme southwestern part of the United States, in which San Diego is situated ; but even here, perhaps, once in two or three years, the sultry blasts of the Mojave Desert pass over the low mountain range and parch this favored district." (This is the " norther " previously mentioned.) (Article of Gen. Greely, in Sci'ibner's Magazine, April, 1888.) General Greely speaks from personal observation and from the records of the Signal Service, which, I think, were limited to the area mentioned. Precisely the same climate is found, however, from Point Conception down COMPETENT OBSERVERS' VIEWS OF THE CLIMATE. 115 as far as the limit of the concession granted by Mexico to an English company, some two hundred miles south of San Diego, and extending from the sea-shore to some distance inland. Professor Louis Agassiz, when on the shores of San Diego Bay, remarked, i; I have seen many parts of the world. This is one of the favored spots of the earth, and people will come to you from all quarters to live in your genial and healthful atmosphere." Wm. Smith Brown, in a review of the climatic re- sorts of three continents, alter forty years spent in travel and observation, says: "For those who are simply deli- cate, or inherit a tendency to consumption, I know of no country where I should regard the chances better for fair health and a prolongation of life than a residence in Southern California." ( %i Winter Climatic Resorts of Three Continents," in II<<'r's Monthly for November, 1887.) 1 am often asked if these climates do not favor rheu- matism. Among the Indians of the coast rheumatism is unknown, although it is no stranger to the Indian of the Colorado Desert, of Alaska, or the islands of the Northern seas. If the atmosphere had any tendency to produce it, — as is done by the climate of Japan, where it is only by the greatest of care that their horses are exempted from it, — the California horse would certainly be a victim, as for generations he lias known no shelter or attention; but a hardier animal does not exist. Ring- bone and spavin, that product of hereditary or acquired rheumatism so common elsewhere, is not found among them. The improvements made in the imported Eastern breed in physique, speed, and endurance, when bred on tins coast, are sufficiently evident from the showing Lately made on eastern tracks by California horses. 116 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. I have elsewhere alluded to the similarity existing between the high Peruvian altitudes and the Southern California coast in their climatic conditions. There is another similarity in the matter of the physical develop- ment of the chest, which is there ascribed to the rarefied air of the altitude. Dr. Ward observed among the natives the largest proportionate chests for their height. I have observed the same condition with the natives on this coast, their chest capacity being simply enormous. The good effects of this climate in developing the physique are not limited to the original native population and the horse ; its effects are apparent in the rising generation. The original inhabitants excelled in per- sonal beauty. It was remarked by the early Spanish explorers that the women of Southern California were very handsome, and that the men were well formed. Michler also noticed that the women were beautifully developed and superbly formed, their bodies as straight as an arrow. (Bancroft, "Native Races.") Beard, in his work on "American Nervousness," ascribed beauty as a gift of climate, and observes the indisputable claim that America develops more beautiful women than Europe, not only as to quality, but as to its extent among the people. California bears the same relation in this regard to the United States that the nation bears to Europe. In California personal beauty is becoming a state character- istic, and the Californian will soon be as distinctive a feature and as celebrated as the Greek. Charles Dudley Warner, after a careful investigation, has pronounced this region " Our Italy." or the " Rivi- era " of the United States ; adding that " any description would fail to give the charm of existence here ; restless- ness disappears, but there is no languor or depression." He also expresses his belief that the Southern California Ubdkb the Cactus at th« Old Mission, Sam dikuo. 117 118 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. summer climate is as desirable for pleasure-seekers and for invalids as that of winter, and that the climate of winter is so mild that one has not to make a continual fiiiht for life with the elements, as elsewhere. I should advise all prospective visitors to read " Our Italy." It can be procured from Harper Brothers, New York, and I do not know of a more candid and plain-spoken honest work on California. EFFECTS OF THE CLIMATE. This whole region enjoys an immunity from any endemic diseases, but the most remarkable being that from diseases of the respiratory organs of an acute form and phthisis. Those who experience the greatest imme- diate benefit are those whom some serious illness has left weakly and broken down, the wrecks of overwork and malaria, the nervous and anaemic, and those afflicted with some mild disease of the respiratory organs. As remarked by Beard, those that begin to sleep well are safe in assuming that they are receiving some benefit from the climate ; the above class of cases generally sleep well as soon as they arrive. Generally speaking, those coming from the East experience an improved ca- pacity for food and sleep, with a general stimulation of all the faculties of animal life ; women, especially, are generally improved by the change. From my personal observation I can say that at least an extra ten years' lease of life is gained by a removal to this coast from the Eastern States ; not ten years to be added with its extra weight of age and infirmity, but ten years more with the additional benefit of feeling ten years younger during the time, for there is a rejuvenating influence about the atmosphere that is remarked upon and felt by all new- comers after a residence of several months. EFFECTS OF THE CLIMATE. 119 Dr. 11. J. Gregg has related to me some cases from his practice showing the almost Incredible results of our climate upon phthisis; he, however, did not place so much stress on the benefits derived from the presence of ozone as others have done; he has considered it rather a nervous and heart irritant. Of the phthisical. I have ohserved the best and more remarkable results in the laryngeal variety; these cases soon regain their voice, the less of rest and flesh is replaced by good sleep and a gain in weight, the countenance gradually loses that peculiar expression of physical distress, and very often, with nothing but the hygiene of common sense and climate, the patient glides into recovered health almost insensibly. I had one case of this kind, a young man who, when a child, was taken to Minnesota on account of the tuber- cular manifestations. After some years' residence there he was advised winters in Florida and Bermuda, with summers in the mountains of New York, all without benefit; who completely recovered his health, or. rather, became a well man. This was a remarkable case ; the disease developing so early in childhood, and disappear- ing in this climate, after so many efforts elsewhere. Dr. William A. Edwards, formerly of Philadelphia, now of San Diego, has given me the history of some in- teresting cases of cured laryngeal phthisis occurring in his practice since removing to California. Of the general run of cases of all varieties, our banks, stores, and business men are largely made up of cured cases. The mechanics and trades class i^ well sprinkled with those who came here almost hopeless. Of the physicians, lawyers, dentists, and clergymen, it is safe to say that eight out of ten originally came here for their health. At one time there was not ;i solitary physician practicing in San Diego living there from 120 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. choice. It was kidney with one, heart with another, larynx with this, and lungs with a number; rheumatism, gout, asthma, and malarial poisoning were all repre- sented, and not one felt safe to leave, some not daring even to go on a visit, so well convinced were they that to the climate they owed their existence. During six- teen years we have not lost one from the ranks of the old guard of invalids. Cases with haemoptysis generally do well. Dr. Worth- ington, of Los Angeles, who came as a pulmonary invalid with haemoptysis, says he never despairs of a case in which there is evidence of fibroid disease, be it ever so extensive. Every physician, whether in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, the San Gabriel Valley, or in San Diego, has cases by the score where the disease, in its incipiency, has been arrested or cured, even when serious inroads had already been made. In my practice I have had a number of cases of haemoptysis with good recovery. While connected with the Marine Hospital at San Diego, for a period of seven years, T never saw an acute case of phthisis as originating on the California coast, but saw a number of cases who had taken a sea-faring life to be cured of it. One gentleman especially, now well and hearty, then and still now in the employ of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, some thirteen years ago had repeated haemorrhages, short, quick respiration, hectic flush, night-sweats — who, in spite of severe haemor- rhages, as soon as he was able to work, kept right on with his occupation as freight-clerk, and afterward as purser, running from San Diego to San Francisco, at times changing for the novelty to a few trips to Alaska, and making one voyage to China and Japan ; he was several years in improving, but has been well repaid for his per- severance by now having a strong, vigorous physique. Mexican Indian, HO Vkaks Old. 122 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Another case (now the steward of the Ensenada steamer Pacheco) I saw some years ago, with waxy skin, cedematous legs, with slight oedema of hands and face, very profuse haemorrhages, witli apparently not a sound hit of lung, now fully recovered, and following his vocation. Several years ago the American ship Annie Camp, anchored just inside the heads, and, on hoarding her, I found all the crew down with scurvy; one man had died and had been cast overboard just outside the bar ; several were lying helpless in their bunks. Seven of the crew were transferred to the Marine Hospital in a very precarious condition ; two of these gave all the indica- tions of advanced phthisis, and three more of incipient phthisis ; all made a slow recovery except one, an old seaman named Peter Woods, one of the two advanced cases. He was finally sent to San Francisco, apparently with only a short time to live, but still hanging bravely on. Some years afterward the U. S. steamer Hartford steamed into port, and I received a call from my former patient, Peter; spare and old, but still a hearty tar, and in the navy. VITAL STATISTICS. From a carefully prepared table from' the mortuary report in the Health Department's office at San Diego, I can give some interesting data for this city in this regard. In a period of ten years there were 258 deaths registered from phthisis. Of these 1 had only arrived the day before ; 33 were here from one to thirty days ; •±6 from thirty to ninety days ; 29 from ninety to one hundred and eighty days, and 35 from one hundred and eighty to three hundred and sixty-five days, making 14-4 who died after from one to three hundred and sixty-five days' residence. Of the balance, 27 died during the VITAL STATISTICS. 123 second year's residence and 18 managed to worry through ten years after coming- here. Of the remainder. 24 died between the second and ninth year, and of 36, although strangers, no exact information as to actual length of residence could be obtained; the remaining 9 were born in Southern California. Out of 258 consumptives, 86 were foreign born. Canada having 21 ; Germany, 13; Ireland. 13; Mexico, 13; Sweden, 7 ; England, 4 ; Scotland, 4 ; Switzerland, 3 ; Greece, 2 ; France, 2 ; Russia, 1 ; Portugal, 1 ; China, i. From the United States, New York furnished 24 and the New England States 18, the balance coming from every State in the Union. There is, in Southern California, and especially in San Diego, a large population of Italians, Greeks, French, Spaniards, and Austrians from the shores of the Adriatic, with a sprinkling from the Mediterranean Islands of Malta and Minorica and a number of Portuguese. Out of all these many are engaged in the fisheries, whaling and sealing, many having lived here for over twenty years ; not one of the colony living here has contracted phthisis, or died of any diseases of the respiratory organs. Of the 5 from the above nationalities in the recorded deaths, all came here with phthisis, and were no part of that population. The Portuguese was here two years ; one of the French, a woman of 23 years, only four months; the other French, a man of GO years, only eighteen days. The two Greeks were here lour months and six months respectively. There is something interesting to us as physicians in tht 1 i) recorded San Diego-born as dying of phthisis; out of the 9 deaths only 1 was a male ; the ages of the 8 12-4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. females were as follow: 36, 27, 20, 20, 18, 17, 16, and 15. At a meeting of the San Diego County Medical Society I called attention to the nature of these cases, as I have attended a number in Mexico of the same order. It was questionable with me whether they were really cases of phthisis, and whether, from the nature of the beginning of the illness, they were not cases for gynaeco- logical treatment, and whether, if properly treated in the beginning (they never consult a physician until too late), the disease ever would end as it usually does. If you will recall the ages, they were, with two exceptions, young girls. I am informed that it originates with a habit they have of bathing their feet in cold water to check the menstrual period, usually the practice being followed by no serious result. The cases were attended at the end with a general break-down — the lungs, from their importance, doing so very prominently, hence their registration from phthisis. My disbelief that they were true tuberculosis is founded on the fact that no one was ever infected or fell a victim to the disease by being with them, although the adobe houses, many with only soil floor and no ventilation, are eminently favorable nurseries for germs, and the ill-nourished condition of many of the Mexican population would predispose them to the infection. My friend, Dr. McHatton, who practiced for many years at Mazatlan and elsewhere on the Mexican main- land, tells me that phthisis is quite prevalent and very fatal with the native Mexicans ; that when it begins with one of the family it takes them all before it ends ; many are scrofulous, ill-nourished, living in total disre- gard to hygiene of any kind ; a natural predisposition to phthisis is with them. Knowing all this, and the infectious character of VITAL STATISTICS. 1 25 phthisis, I have never reconciled myself to the idea of tubercles in connection with the foregoing cases, never having had an opportunity, by post-mortem exam in a- >, JJEejisfc^r *f . i tion, to assure myself of the true condition. One thing is certain, that, it' the} were tuberculous, they certainly did not infect anj one else, neither did anj of these cases 126 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. exhibit any bacilli on examination. In connection, I may add that there are now on the Bay of San Diego several hundred girls, born here, from 14 years of age and up- ward, of American and European parentage, and I do not know of a case occurring with them analogous to these cases. GENERAL STATISTICS AND ADVICE. The general statistics relating to deaths from con- sumption, as given in many books, are misleading. Cali- fornia is, necessarily, given a large percentage, which signifies nothing more or less than so many have left their homes in a moribund condition. Most patients wait until onlv a stub of a lung is left clustered about the large bronchial tubes, with a tubercular liver and in the last stages of phthisical marasmus, and either come of their own accord or are shipped off "to test the truth of the California climate,'" which would be about like giving a surgeon the remains of a gun-blown Sepoy to reconstruct into a healthy Hindoo. The climate can arrest diseased action in certain cases, and prevent its development in others. It can even prolong the days of the organically demoralized, but it cannot re-animate the mummified remains of Rameses II any more than it can reconstruct new organs where they have undergone a complete structural change or suppurative destruction. There is a time when an invalid can come with what might be said every chance for a recovery in his favor; but he must come before the undertows of malassimila- tion, malnutrition, and general destruction have carried him off his feet, or before all recuperative powers are completely evaporated. I daily see patients who are leading an invalid existence who, had they started four or five months previously, would have made a complete recovery. GENERAL STATISTICS AND ADVICE. 127 Another mistake made by many patients consists in their believing that if they get out here before the cold of January they are all right. Consumptives do better by starting for California as soon as they can, and there- by avoiding the .summer heat, variable fall, and the cold winter, with the overheated rooms of their own homes. Many lose their chances of recovery by remaining home during the summer. My advice, based on experience, is, start as soon as your physician thinks you are in danger. be it in April or December. Again, if you are coming for your health, don't undertake to make a tourist's picnic out of your trip. I have seen many who have done so wear themselves out sight-seeing. 1 have seen many more come by roads which they should have avoided l>r<n another, so that they might see more. By such a course I have seen many a patient aggravate his condition, and in more than one case bring- on their first haemorrhage by the fatigue and exposure incident on their want of proper instruction. Ifyouare after lost health, attend to ilmt. and don't convert your- self into a tourist or a picnicker,&& you probably require more rest and quiet than revelry or deviled ham-sand- wiches, hard-boiled eggs, and picnic pies or cakes. Make it your sole business to attend to what you left your home and friends for — the regaining of your health. Keep out of crowded halls, churches, and parties ; cat regularly,go to bed regularly, dress conveniently, live generously, be patient; do not expect to he transformed into a Samson or a Goliath in three weeks ; expect ups and downs; stay in the open air as much as possible; be rational; don't lie, like a Strasburg goose, broiling your liver in a " sun bath;" and. if there is any "build up" to you, it will come at its proper time. ALTITUDES AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESORTS. Helen Hunt Jackson has well said that, climatically speaking, the California of the South was an island on land, so completely insulated is it from the influence of any of the surrounding climates. As observed by the talented and lamented authoress above ([noted. "Climate is to a country what temperament is to a man. — Fate. The figure is not so fanciful as it seems ; for temperament, broadly defined, may be said to be that which determines the point of view of a man's mental and spiritual vision, — in other words, the light in which he sees things. And the word "climate' is. primarily, simply a statement of bounds defined according to the obliquity of the sun's course relative !<> the horizon. — in other words, the slant of the sun. The tropics are tropic because the sun shines down too straight. In the temperate zone the sun strikes the earth too much aslant. There area few spots on the globe where the conditions of the country override these laws, and do away with these lines of discrimination in favors. Floridn. Italy, the south of France and of Spain, a few islands, and Southern California complete the list." It was practically the same view of the subjec! that induced the late scientist, Professor Louis Agassiz, when on the shores of Southern California, to observe, " I have seen man) parts of the world; this is one of the favored spots of the earth." Charles Dudley Warner, in "Our Italy." writing under the inspiration of these unique climatic conditions, said: " There ia a geniality about it for which the thermometer does not account, a charm which it is difficult to explain. Much of the 9 (129) 130 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. agreeability is duo to artificial conditions, but the climate man has not made nor marred. It is a true marine climate, but a peculiar and dry marine climate, as tonic in its effect as that of Capri, and, I believe, with fewer harsh days in the winter season." Gen. A. W. Greely, Chief of the United States Signal Service, an occasional visitor to these shores of continued spring, calls attention to the very peculiar and insulated condition of the climate of the section in an interesting article in Scribner , s Magazine for April, 1888, to which the reader is referred. One great peculiarity in this climate is the far inland influence of the marine climatic characteristics, made so by the aspirating influences of the great upward currents of overheated air arising from the glistening and arid wastes of sand of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts, which during the hours of sunshine keep a steady stream of sea-air flowing eastward and upward from the shores, through valley and over hill and mountain, until it dis- appears over the mountain-crests to sink into the deserts. This result of a very peculiar combination, of what might be called the elements of the physical geographi- cal make-up of Southern California, tends in a great measure to modify the effects of our altitudes, which are only altitudes as elsewhere in a barometric sense, and hygrometrically in having at times a somewhat drier air; the sea-breeze, as a rule, parting with a part of its moisture as it journeys along with its load of ocean humidity from the sea-shores to the mountain-crests. A winter or summer passed in Southern California has generally been associated with Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, lledondo, Carlsbad, Coronado Beach, or San Diego, all stations at sea-level, or with the low elevations at less than 300 feet, like at Los Angeles, Escondido, or any of the low-lying inland val- ALTITUDES AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESORTS. 131 leys among the first ranges of hills; hence, any reference to its climate, either for pleasure or health, — to those unacquainted with Southern California, — brings up Boy and Fern; visions of low, warm sea-coasts or summer seas, and, owing to our southerly latitude, of a warm, steamy, relaxing atmosphere, with never a though! of the exist- ence of medium and high altitudes, where the air is as 132 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. rarefied as in the mountains of Colorado, Idaho, or of Montana ; or where the scenery rivals that of the Swiss or Bavarian Alps. Even those who have wintered at San Diego season after season, but who have never gone out of sight of its bay, have left in ignorance and are incredulous of the wealth of forests of pines and of firs, of the grassy meadows, thick masses of wild roses and underbrush, clear lakes and babbling brooks, filled with speckled trout, that lie hid between the sea and the seemingly near but yet far mountain-crests to the north and east. Unseen and unsuspected, these altitudes, nevertheless, exist. At Santa Barbara and San Buena- ventura they are close to the coast ; they recede as Los Angeles is approached, and with the Santa Rosa Moun- tains, about midway toward San Diego, they again near the coast. With the Santa Margarita range, the high- lands again recede inland, describing a huge semicircle, with the convexity of the arc toward the rising sun, leaving a vast stretch of plain and valley between the sea and the foot-hills in the latitude of San Diego. Below the boundary-line, in Mexico, the mountains again approach the sea. Among these elevations are to be found not only all the peculiarities of soil, scenery, and climate that belong to the heather-clad hills of Scotland, but the peculiarities of the Appenine slopes ; those of the fertile valleys of Northern Italy, of the fir-clad hills of Norway, and the aseptic-atmosphered Swiss Alps resorts of Davos or of Andermatt are here as faithfully reproduced, without, however, any of the attendant discomforts of the long- lasting winter mantle of snow or piercing Alpine zephyrs, that make some seasons anything but seasons of comfort in some of the latter-named localities. Snow does cer- tainly fall in Southern California on the higher altitudes, 134 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. but at elevations of from 4000 to 5000 and G000 feet it docs not remain long ; the warm, semi-tropical sun of the latitude soon causes its disappearance. At the above elevations snow does not fall even every winter ; but on the northerly declivities of Mount San Bernardino and Mount San Jacinto, at an elevation of 11,000 feet, snow- does not only fall, but often lingers on until late into the summer. Varying elevations, with considerable thermometric differences in the day and night temperature, can be found at Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego, in different parts of the same town, being, when high, cooler in the day and warmer at night; besides the dif- ferent effects that a difference of 100 or 200 feet eleva- tion and difference in barometric pressure may produce in persons of more than usual nervous sensitiveness, — something that I have more than once noticed and ob- served to act beneficially by changing in either direction, in cases of insomnia and slight neuralgic affections. In this regard I may state that I have found elevations above the surroundings to have a move beneficial effect on patients — especially the decidedly neurotic — than the mere elevation above sea-level ; so that elevation above the immediate surroundings must not be overlooked, as there is a vast difference in the chemical constituents of the air and of its constant thermometric and hygrometric condition found between the atmospheres of such locali- ties, — conditions which are more effective for good or evil than the difference in mere barometric pressure. In fact, I know of many cases wherein the good or evil effects of the former have been attributed to the latter. In many localities I have seen orange- and lemon- trees growing luxuriantly at certain elevations, where a descent of half a dozen or more miles, to valleys some 1500 feet ALTITUDES AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESORTS. 135 lower toward sea-level, neither the orange or lemon would thrive. Entering the western or inhabited parts of Southern California at Barstow, we find ourselvesat an altitude of 2105 feet; from this point the railroad goes upward to the summit of the range, where an elevation of 3819 feel is readied, — a locality where at times there falls as much as 28 inches of rain in twenty-four hours; here the road descends to the southward, passing the famous Arrowhead Hot Springs and hotel, at an elevation of 2000 feet ; 925 feet lower than this resort the train reaches San Bernardino. If we enter the region from the Yuma route, the traveler first conies to Banning, on the confines of the Colorado Desert, at an elevation of 2317 feet; a slight ascent brings us to Beaumont, at an elevation of 2560 feet — a locality noted for its good accommodations, and for its remarkably dry and bracing air — a perfect haven for the asthmatic and the rheumatic. From this station, as in the cast 1 of the northern route, the descent is made rapidly to Colton, some three miles to the south of San Bernardino, Colton being at an ele- vation of 0(55 l'eet. Following the two routes toward Los Angeles, we find that the stations on the north side of the valley are somewhat at a higher elevation than those on the south side. Among these stations we find Riverside, which stands at 990, Pasadena 829, Pomona 875, Ontario 081, and Los Angeles at. 293 feet eleva- tion. The city of Los Angeles is situated at, ;i some- what higher elevation than 293 feet, which is that of the Southern Pacific Railroad-Station, many of the residences being situated on ground from lot) to 200 feet higher. Northward from Los Angeles the railroad passes through a series of elevations to Tehaehapi. on the crest of the northerly range of mountains, at an 136 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. elevation of 4025 feet. Dr. Walter Lindley, in speaking of the vicinity of Newhall, which stands at an elevation of 1265 feet, — the lowest point on the plains in which it stands, — mentions that the average elevation of the plain on which it is situated is about 2500 feet. Here, the Doctor tells us, we have cooler winters and warmer sum- mers than in Los Angeles, and that the air is of such an extreme degree of dryness that fruits are brought to Newhall in large, flat cars from the north and allowed to remain side-tracked only for the purpose of drying ; during some seasons, so great is this industry that the locality looks like the encampment of an army. This arid-atmosphered region is not devoid of attractions, as Dr. Lindley tells us that Elizabeth Lake covers an area, of some 600 acres, and that in the vicinity, at an eleva- tion of 3700 feet, are a number of smaller lakes, sur- rounded by a very fertile country ; the neighborhood of these lakes abounds in ducks, geese, deer, rabbits, and quails. From Newhall the Santa Barbara branch of the railroad descends slowly to the westward in the direc- tion of Santa Barbara and the ocean. The Ojai Valley opens toward the sea from the north as the road passes its neighborhood, stages meeting the travelers at the station to take them up into the valley. Dr. A. B. Stuart, whom I formerly well knew in Minnesota, re- sided in this valley for a time, and has given me the most glowing accounts of its charming and salubrious climate, which he likened to that of the Yale of Temple in the classical age of ancient Greece. My friend and class- mate, Dr. Cephas L. Bard, who has practiced in the neighborhood for over twenty-five years, has likened the Ojai Valley to a terrestrial paradise. This valley is really one of the charming spots of Southern California ; Tall ii.i 138 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. well wooded and watered, easy of access and near to the sea, with its orchards and homes, it forms a picture not to be forgotten. Turning- to the southward there is a road running from San Bernardino into San Jacinto, which stands at an altitude of 1400 feet. From this thriving railroad- station a wagon-road takes the traveler up into the Strawberry Valley, at an altitude of 5200 feet. Here we find picturesque forests of pine and fir, stretches of rich meadows, and strips of thickly-bushed land. From this valley a series of paths and trails lead to Tauquitz Valley, some 7500 feet in elevation. Dr. Lindley de- scribes this valley as an enchanted locality, " a magnifi- cent combination of forest and grassy plains." Ascend- ing still higher, to 9000 feet above sea-level, the traveler enters a beautiful meadow traversed by a mountain- stream ; this is the entrance to the Tamarack Valley. Giant pines and stately his, with stretches of grassy meadows covered with flowers, characterize the scenery of this valley. Still higher, and an elevation of 10,300 feet is reached, where a small plain affords fine camping- facilities ; 800 feet above the level of this plain stands the highest peak of the mountain — 11,100 feet above the sea. Many former invalids, victims of haemorrhages, hepatized lung, and of the many ills that go to make up the list of pulmonary diseases, have found a home and lost their ailments in the hills and valleys that skirt this mountain. From Los Angeles, railroads go to Santa Monica, Long- Beach, Redondo Beach, and southward to San Diego. Along this latter route the stations stand, as a rule, at less than 200 feet elevation, being mostly in low valleys or close to the sea-shore. From any of these stations roads lead up past the valleys and into the hills. From Ocean- ALTITUDES AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESORTS. 139 side, at the mouth of the San Luis Rey Valley, good wagon- roads go to Pala, the seat of one of the second or inland line of missions established by the Franciscan friars in the foot-hills near to the Agua Tibia Springs. To the north of Oceanside, on the Temecula Canon route? in the Santa Rosa Mountains, the scenery reminds one of the upper valley of the Po, in Northern Italy, in its valleys, and of the Tyrolese Alps in its mountains. Whatever barrenness may accompany the many hill-sides and plains or the masses of granite mountains that are to be met in various parts of Southern California, along the many railroad routes, it must not be overlooked that they do not as yet penetrate into the elevations or high- lands, where an entirely different condition of scenery exists, and which are as yet only reached by wagon- roads. A i San Diego the foot-hills are at a considerable dis- tance in the interior, the interval being taken up by a series of plains and valleys separated by ranges of low hills. From this point roads lead into the interior and into Mexico; bv rail one ma v go to the first range of the foot-hills directly to the eastward, and by a motor- road to the Mexican boundary-line and to the Sweetwater Lake, where is situated the great dam of that name ; the motor going a few miles to the eastward of the dam, takes the traveler to the foot of the Jamul Valley, a lo- cality of less than 1000 feet elevation, and which pro- duces the finest oranges in the States. Alpine is a favorite health resort, at an elevation of 2200 feel east- ward from San Diego, and the Cuyamaca and interven- ing valleys, at varying elevations from 1 sOO to 4500 feet, are favorite resorts for invalids, tourists, and campers. Fisher's Hotel, near the Santa Ysabel Valley, at an elevation of about 2000 feet, is a favorite resort. 140 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. ARE ALTITUDES NECESSARY TO THE CONSUMPTIVE'? Speaking in a medical sense, and viewing altitudes in a therapeutic light, it must not be overlooked that man} pulmonary invalids have but too often some cardiac or renal difficulty as a primary affection or starting-point for the phthisical condition ; and, whilst to the simply hereditary tubercular, or to some cases of incipient tuber- culosis, even the elevation of Tamarack Valley may be of essential benefit, it requires, a nice discrimination and a broad-minded view of cases, taken in all their aspects, not to send a man even to a 2500-foot elevation when his better chance for life remains in his sticking- to sea-level. The condition of the heart and kidneys is often of more importance than that of the lung. In this con- nection Professor Hirsch, of Berlin, in commenting upon the climate and altitude cure of consumption, asks us not to forget, in our warfare against the bacillus or a phthisical lung, that we have a sick man besides to look after — something which is too often neglected and over- looked. Redner, at the same meeting (the Tenth Inter- national Medical Congress), also observed ''that in con- sidering climate we should not confine our attention to the question whether the bacillus can live there or not, or even breed spores or not ; but that Ave should rather turn our inquiries into what is the effect of the climatic conditions on the general health of the individual and on his resisting powers." Dr. Huggard. of Davos, who took part in the discussion that followed the reading of a climatic paper by the writer, observed that we paid too much attention to precise meteorological conditions on the one hand, and to the too precise morbid physical condition on the other, and not enough to the general resistive force or power of tissue change in the patient. *.** iwk' •A ■1 » %sik 141 142 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. EXAMPLES FURNISHED BY THE ANAIIUAC PLATEAU. Quoting from Jourdanet, in regard to the highlands on the Analmac Plateau, we observe that diseases there assume a greater fatality, owing to the less resisting powers of the system. Furthermore, we there learn that rheumatic and heart affections, pneumonia, pleurisy, diarrhoea, and dysentery, and, lastly, uterine diseases are all quite prevalent. Typhus fever there assumes, at times, the form of a virulent endemic disease, and seems at all times to stand ready to assail its victim when he is already handicapped by some of the other diseases above mentioned. Now, the plateau of Anahuac, on which is situated the City of Mexico, stands at an elevation of over 6000 feet, and is probably as well favored, in a climatic point of view, as any like altitude ; the temperature being, on the whole, temperate, and with the exercise of judgment, choice can be made with regard to point of compass exposure and residence location, so as to render the immediate surrounding atmosphere as equable as possible. If mere altitude is, therefore, so beneficial ami desirable as it is represented to be, it should, on these plains, exhibit its benefits to the best advantage; it makes, on the contrary, quite a different showing, as, in addition to the classes of diseases above named, we learn that digestion is there carried on but with diffi- culty, and that the prevailing anaemia and muscular de- bility — lack of physical tone and vigor — and mental lan- guor do not make the plateau a desirable residence locality, especially when we are told that these low and morbid conditions of physical and functional life disappear on de- scending to lower levels or in ascending to El Guarda, — AERIAL-VOYAGE METEOROLOGY. 143 some 2000 feet higher, — all of which emphasizes the need of considering - locality as something of importance. AERIAL-VOYAGE METEOROLOGY NOT APPLICABLE TO TERRA FIRMA. Considerable confusion has been introduced into the subject of medical climatology by the introduction into its discussion of details which can have no possible bear- ing upon each other. For instance, we often see refer- ences made to Glaisher's tables and experiments ; while I admit the skill, perseverance, courage, and devotion of M. Glaisher in the cause of science, and do not pretend to deny the very important bearing that his discoveries and observations may have in their proper and appro- priate application, I must object to their indiscriminate use in connection with medical climatology on land ; here we have factors, that are absent in aerial meteor- ology, which completely alter matters. Glaisher him- self observes that different observations — owing to the character and condition of clouds, mist. etc. — do not always give anything like the same relative condition of humidity at the same distance from the ground ; a humidity, he finds, which also differs materially in differ- ent localities, irrespective of altitude. Nothing is of more interest to read than his graphic description of his noted ascent, on the 5th of September, 1862, from Wolverhampton, to an elevation of 29,000 feet, where lie and his plucky assistant. Mr. Coxwell, ncarh losl their lives. His "Voyages Aeriens" is full <>i' interesl and information; but it must be clearlj discernible that. to apply his deductions in mid-air to the atmosphere en terra firma, we musl firsl decide to ignore thai the earth, trees, houses, and other surroundings, with the slant of the land, in reference to the point of the compass, and 144 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. the proximity and the character of bodies of water in the vicinity, have of themselves any modifying or factorial influence. It is straying away altogether too much from the principles of inductive or deductive philosophy and tending too much to dabbling in the speculative to intro- duce too much aerial meteorology into that of terra firma. A south room in a brick building lias not only the difference that the sun gives during the day, but the additional difference that the warm walls impart to the apartment during the night, — a difference that may hold for days, even when the sky is overcast. Of what possible advantage would it be to know the exact tem- perature of the air or its hygromctric condition in mid- air some 200 feet above the street I Neither the well nor the invalid are supposed to make a balloon ascen- sion, — either for a residence or for pleasure. What we wish to know is the status of the air in the locality in irltich he dwells ; in fact, we want to push our inquiries to the fullest extent, as implied in Angus Smith's expres- sion, " the chemistry of climate," concerning the air in which he sleeps and habitually lives. Air of altitudes should be judged by the same principle as we would analyze a cellar-air — neither more nor less — and not by balloon meteorology, and on the result of these investi- gations we should, base our opinion and advice. CALIFORNIA ELEVATIONS DO NOT DIFFER MEDICALLY FROM THE LOWLANDS. Southern California elevations have this in their favor, in regard to pulmonary affections : pneumonia, as will be more fully explained, does not occur, either as an accidental, intercurrent, or traumatic disease ; nor is it ever seasonably endemic. The above applies to the CASES OF CHEST WOUNDS AND RECOVERIES. 145 immediate sea-shore, — medium elevations, as well as to the highest altitudes. In the mountains, with warm days and cold nights, many follow the occupation of mining, — going down into deep shafts and into tunnels, where the atmosphere is damp and the temperature is necessarily high ; and, although 1 have practiced to a considerable extent among the mining class, this form of disease does not appear on my note-hook as occurring amongst them. I have attended a number of cases of accidents, fractured ribs, knife wounds, and gunshot wounds of the chesl implicating the lungs, with but a single case of resulting pneumonia. REMARKABLE CASES OF CHEST WOUNDS AND RECOVERIES. One case in particular was that of J. C, aged 50 years, who. in a fit of irascibility, struck at an Indian with his clubbed shot-gun, which had been previously well and generously loaded with slugs and buck-shot lor that particular Indian. The Indian parried the blow with a shovel, which, catching on the hammer, dis- charged the contents of the gun into the left breast of the holder of the gun. The charge struck jusl below the apex of the heart, carrying into the lung a miscellaneous assortment of cloth, wadding, lining, shirting, flannel, lead, paper, and burning powder. The muzzle of the gun net, being more than a few inches from the person, the wound of exit was necessarily some three inches or more in diameter, through which protruded tern Lung and muscle and a quantity of broken bones. Some of the clothing was taken out through the posterior wound, which was situated about two inches below the angle of the scapula and a little to the left of the spine, but much more came out. or rather up. h\ the mouth. The haem- orrhage from both wounds and the mouth was profuse, 146 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. and for a time threatened to extinguish the patient. I saw the man soon after the accident, and lie made a rapid recovery ; so that in the course of four weeks he was out on mule-back. This case occurred at an alti- CASES OF CHEST WOUNDS AN!) RECOVERIES. 147 hide of 4000 feet. I have notes' of several other ca of gunshot and pistol-ball wounds penetrating the lung, occurring in the mountains. — some with and many more without haemorrhage, but without a single occurrence of pneumonia. I also have notes of the ease of a sealer, acci- dentally shot on one of the sealing islands off the coast. The ball — a large, expansive rifle-bullet, which had already passed through the head of a seal — glancing from the water's surface, shot upward toward the rocks on which stood one of the crew; the shot struck the man on the ninth rib, near its articulation with the spine. It fractured the rib, traversed the lung, and im- bedded itself in the anterior wall of the chest. The man was at once taken to the vessel and brought to San Diego. The haemorrhage was great, but the man made a rapid recovery . Some sixteen years ago I had an opportunity, not often afforded, of making an examination in the case of a traversing gunshot wound of the lung immediately after recovery. Hennen, in his "Military Surgery," laments never having had such an opportunity, as the sudden death of a person who has just made a perfect recovery after an extensive wound of the above order, and who is. besides, in otherwise good physical health, is, to say the least, a remarkably rare occurrence. In the above case it happened in thiswise: A murder had been committed some thirty miles to the north of San Diego ; the crime was traced to a Mexican and an Indian. In attempting to arrest the latter — who was armed and in- trenched in a defensive position in the hills — he was shot through the left breast by a rifle-ball, which, striking near the left nipple, went straightly through the lung, going through the posterior client-wall and imbedding 148 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. itself in the fleshy mass of muscles in the back between the spine and the shoulder-blade, where it was removed on his arrival at the jail, some hours a i 'tor ward. In its passage the ball had evidently severed some large vessel, as the haemorrhage was very severe and apt to recur on the least provocation. The jail-room is a large, quadrangular apartment, partly below ground, in the north side of the court-house, witli high windows to the cast, and west, and witli an asphaltum pavement.* In this large room he was placed on a cot, the rest of the prisoners occupying bunks in the cells or iron tanks which were grouped in the central space. Dr. T. C. Stockton, of San Diego, assisted at the examination of the patient, at the extraction of the ball, through the subsequent treatment, and at the autopsy that followed immediately after his execution by hanging. The wounds of entrance and exit were easily discernible from their fresh, cicatricial appearance ; diametrically corresponding to these was a thin, membranous, stringy-like tissue, * In connection with this partly basement, asphaltum-paved, often-washed, and therefore often-damp, north-exposed jail-room. I have had a number of peculiar experiences. G., a man of 50, phthisical, both lungs affected, had been subject to haemorrhages lie fore coining to .Southern California, having hectic fever and daily afternoon rise of temperature, night-sweats, copious expectoration, and harassing cough: was living on a ranch, at an altitude of 18U0feet; was very irritable and with but little appetite; digestion poor. While in this condition, and at his home, in an irascible moment, provoked by a person against whom he felt a strong, natural antipathy, he shot his offender, breaking his arm. Being arrested for this offense, he was lodged in jail, where he remained for several months. In this interval he lost his cough, night-sweats, expectoration, hectic, and all unfavorable symptoms; gained in appetite, digestion, assimilation, and weight, as well as in strength and endurance. I examined him just before his discharge, and all phthisical signs had disappeared from either lung. I have seen a number of somewhat similar results with other chest eases among prisoners confined in the same jail, and while I would hardly counsel a consumptive to become hilariously and recklessly criminal, that he might be confined in the San I >iegO < 'ounty .Tail, as in a sanitarium, it would lie wise for that (Mass to fully appre- ciate that the thorough ventilation, cool atmosphere, enforced hygiene, regular hours, and diet inseparable from a sojourn in this particular jail can be duplicated with equal benefit elsewhere. The court-house is situated in a square, and at the time the jail or rear portion was surrounded by eucalyptus trees. The jail is on the low part of the city and not many feet above sea-level, and is. without an exception, one of the healthiest localities in existence. Having been its physician for over five years at one time, I had ample opportunity for observation. CASES OF CHEST WOUNDS AND RECOVERIES. I 1 ( .» traversing the lung — evidently the fast-disappearing cicatricial formation in the track of the rifle-ball wound. There were no pleural adhesions, effusion, pulmonary hepatization or air-cell obliteration of any kind, or if there had been they had disappeared. About two inches to the left of the wound of entrance, and at nearly the same distance to the left of the one in the hack, there were two other wounds, showing a previous penetrating and traversing wound of the chest of the same side, the inner pleural evidences being plain; the man had told mc that he had mack 1 a recovery from a like wound be- fore, having- the external wounds as evidence; and until the autopsy revealed the true nature of the former wound, neither Dr. Stockton nor myself believed bul that the previous bail had merely followed the outer border of a rib. With the exception of a number of severe haemorrhages and considerable pain, shock, and prostra- tion, he made in the end a good and rapid recovery, at no time with a trace of pneumonia. Several years ago 1 saw a soldier at the San Diego Barracks with Assistant-Surgeon Semig, the post-surgeon. The man was shot through the upper part of the left lung, the hall — a large, 45-calibre conical bullet — passing out at the back; in two weeks the man was out in the barrack-grounds. In the great number of cases of the foregoing order that I have seen, then 1 was only whal resembled pneu- monia in one ease, this being a case of pistol-shol wound of the left breast, followed by an oedema that affected both lungs, and accompanied with intense pain and a feeling of suffocation on the affected side. Many of these ca^es have been under observation for periods of from two to sixteen years, and in not one case has there oc- curred any subsequent pneumonia, chrouic disease of the 150 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. lung, or phthisis. The recoveries that have taken place in cases of pulmonary diseases contracted elsewhere have been as remarkable. Nordhoff mentions the case of a consumptive friend, who had spent two winters at Nice and Mentone and one in the South, without any benefit or arrest of his disease, coming in desperation to Southern California one October, whom he met in Los Angeles, only on the following January, well, hearty, and hardly recog- nizable.' Xordhoff's experience is but the oft-repeated experience of every observer, be he a physician or not, who has had any length of residence in Southern California. There seems, undoubtedly, to be some elective selec- tion or affinity as to locality and altitude in some of the cases; but, as a rule, the selection does not seem to be influenced by any specific morbid condition of the lung in the patient, which would denote that a certain form of morbid pulmonary phenomena require this or that altitude, and these indications seem rather prompted by the existence in the patient of those idiosyncrasies of body that are so noticeable in the neurotics — something that is more dependent on that morbid condition or cachexia that form a branch of the gouty or rheumatic diathesis in general — than on any local or specific morbid condition of the lung. I have often seen two patients presenting precisely the same local morbid pulmonary symptoms, who, from the above reasons, required entirely different localities, just as, on the other hand, we often see patients — for instance, one with a dry cough and the other with profuse expectoration and a moist cough — who do well in the same spot. Attempts at making up statistical tables are, in their results, rather more obscuring than enlightening. 152 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Invalids arc ;i very restless and shifting-about class, and in a locality of the extent of Southern California, with as many distant resorts and widely distanced, favored local- ities, it is next to impossible to keep them long in sight. It often follows that an invalid whose condition prog- nosed a speedy end, and who was long believed defunct, suddenly turns up, well and hearty, in some sequestered spot, wherein he has been rusticating for months or a year. The custom of discharging- all men from the army who have become apparently unfitted for future service tends to make even the army-hospital records very use- less and misleading in this regard ; that is, if taken from the books. As an instance, I will give an illustration in point that recently fell to my notice : The patient, a soldier of the Eighth United States Cavalry, was sent to San Diego, with a consolidation of the upper lobe of the right lung, and with a diagnosis of incipient phthisis. In the course of a few months after his arrival at this post the cough, purulent expectoration, night-sweats, and pain had disappeared, and the soldier was, at his request, transferred to the infantry company then on duty at the barracks. While out rowing on the bay he was taken sick, and on the same day he was returned to the hospital with a relapse of his former complications, which soon developed in full force, with the addition of hasmorrhages. From this relapse he slowly recovered, and, when convalescent, was discharged as phthisical. He continued to improve, however, and, with the advent of fine weather in the East, he left for his home in Mil- waukee. Fearing the effects of the Wisconsin climate, he returned to San Diego, where, in September of the present year, Dr. Burton, captain and assistant-surgeon United States army, and myself examined his chest, with HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION AND CLIMATE. 153 the result of finding that all tuberculous signs had disap- peared, and that there existed not the least evidence of consolidation. The man was in good flesh and active, and, although we could not advise a return to a resi- dence in a harsh climate or any trying occupation just at present, we cannot help but consider him a cured consumptive. Dr. Huntington, the former post-surgeon at this army-post, gives the result of 15 cases that were sent to this hospital from various ether army-posts to be treated lor consumption. Of these. 3 were tubercular, and the others were consumptive, as the result of pneumonia. Of the first 3. one died within the month of his arrival, and the second within 8 months ; the third was dis- charged cured. Of the remainder, 10 made recoveries and 2 — although discharged cured — subsequently died elsewhere. From the favorable results observed on the Southern California coast, Surg. Preston H. Bailhache, of the United States Marine-Hospital Service, has recommended the port of San Diego as a fit locality for the establish- ment of a marine hospital for the reception of the pulmonary patients of that service. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION AND CLIMATE. In common with many, I believe that a constitutional tendency to tuberculosis may be transmitted, and that with many this trait or tendency in time becomes — under favorable climatic surroundings — an actual family habit. just as it will disappear under other climatic conditions. I also firmly believe in the infectious nature of tubercu- losis, and am as firmly of the opinion that much of the so-called heredity — direct by actual transmission — is nothing more nor less than the result of otherwise avoid- 154 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. able infection, assisted in many cases by the inherited tendency in the patient. Especially do I believe this to be the case in many of those; cases of disseminated tuber- culosis that so often occur in children of tuberculous parentage. As to the manner of infection — leaving aside the infection through food or drink — there is a mass of conflicting testimony. Dr. W. II. Geddings mentions that the negroes of Aitken, S. C, who arc engaged in beating out the carpets that have been used during the season in the rooms occupied by the con- sumptives, although exposed to the inhalation of the dust from dried phthisical sputa, nevertheless escape infection ; while the women of the same class, who are engaged in washing the linen of the invalids, are more apt to infection. On the other hand, much stress is laid upon the dangers that this same dried sputa subjects persons to who happen to be exposed to its influence in street- or railroad- cars, stores, or the street. In Southern California the constant daily sunshine and almost constant movement of the air, and the absence, that is so remarkable, of any evidences of tubercular infection, impress one with the truth of Koch's asser- tion that the bacillus is but very short-lived and harmless if exposed for hut a short space of time to the free action of sunlight and air. Be that as it will, it is a certainty that there is here an utter absence of hereditary consump- tion, or of that propagated by infection. Neither have I seen any phthisis following on any lung injury, severe physical injury or surgical operation, nor on any wasting- sickness. During a long course of observation, I have seen but one case of what might be taken for tubercular menin- gitis ; one parent was tubercular, and, beyond this, from the history of the case, it was at the time a question with old Man, 110 Years of A ai 156 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. me whether the case was not one due originally to purely ursemic causes. I have scon any number of children, born of parents who were, or had previously been, tuber- culous, without one resulting case of apparent hereditary transmission or of infection. This wonderful result, here obtained without any other sacrifice, and only else- where at the cost of incurring - other dangers, has been ascribed to the highlv ozonized condition of the air of our sea-shore and mountains. A careful reading of Prof. J. F. Baldwin's essay on " The Relations of Ozone to Disease " will have a tendency, however, to cause a depreciation of our ideas of ozone — either as a germ destroyer or as a disinfectant — and relegate our germi- cidal hopes back to the simple action of the free sweep of the sea-winds and to the longest possible hours of bright sunshine. The low temperature; dry, warm soil; steady, cool winds ; bright sunshine, and absence of any and of all deteriorating elements whereby a tuberculous tendency may be engendered, are, in all probability, the real factors in the exemption to the disease enjoyed by the inhabitants of Southern California. PNEUMONIA AND OUR CLIMATE. During a practice of nineteen years in Southern California I have seen but two cases of pneumonia. By pneumonia I refer to those congestions of the lung that are sudden and vehement, and are accompanied by a high degree of fever and exudation, and are either fol- lowed by resolution or softening, and not to the last and closing act of the drama that but too often closes the career of the victim of diabetes, of valvular disease, or of a soft and fatty heart, wherein the lungs simply under- go a passive hyperemia, filling up like sponges, — a con- dition, even if fatal, as little entitled to be returned PNEUMONIA AND OUR CLIMATE. L51 as pneumonia as it is heart-failure. In this latter class of cases the condition is one of stasis, and not one of active feverish congestion ; it is, as a rule, the precursor of a gradual death, and in the many post-mortem exami- nations that I have made in such cases there has uever appeared the least evidence of exudation or of the soften- ing peculiar to pneumonia. Pneumonia, such as I have seen in army practice, in the Philadelphia hospitals, and in civil practice in France and in Minnesota or Wisconsin, takes down its victim with an acute, inflammatory, sud- den congestion, which often, and at once, threatens the Life of the patient, be he a child, in the prime of life, or already among the aged. The disease runs, as a rule, a definite course; attacks all ages. The majority make good recov- eries ; while, on the other hand, that morbid complication which is here but too often called pneumonia does not attack children or persons in health, and recoveries are. from the very nature of the condition, well-nigh impossible. I have taken the pains to investigate into the history of the cases reported at the health office as having died of the disease, and it lias invariably been found that. although there had been an unquestioned congestion of the lung, the congestion had. as a rule, been more passive than active, and that it was more as the closing act in a long drama of disease and suffering than an independent, . separate, or acute disease. It has often happened that the physician has not been called until this lasl and closing act or stage of the disease process had been reached. and then only for the express purpose of reliex inu- tile pulmonary distress. I well remember being called sudden 1\ to attend a patient in the absence of the regular medical attendant ; the patient had just had a "fit," I was told; on mv arrival at the bedside I further learned 158 SOUTIIKRN CALIFORNIA. that he had been under treatment for pneumonia, which had been slowly coming- on for some weeks prior to the calling- of the family physician. An investigation into the case developed that the "fit" was a ursemic convulsion, and that diabetes bad existed for months without causing the patient sufficient anxiety or alarm to induce him to con- sult a physician. It was only with labored and painful res- piration and the occurrence of some haemorrhage from the bronchial mucous membrane that advice was sought for. This case was recorded as being a death from pneumonia. On another occasion I met a gentleman at the rail- way-station as I was about to embark on the train to see a patient some distance out of town. He was consider- ably worried about business matters; two parties were threatening to bring two separate suits against him ful- some personal injuries received while in his employ. The damages they claimed, he informed me, were more than he was worth, and, while he had no expectation or fear that the suits would be decided against him, he, nevertheless, felt that their occurrence at the time would assist materially to further complicate his already unsatis- factory condition of affairs. He had a worried and care- worn look and a sighing respiration ; he had lost sleep; had neither appetite nor an active digestion ; his pulse was intermittent and of a fluctuating impulse and volume. I had attended the gentleman some years previously, and was aware that he labored under the disadvantage of degenerated kidneys and of a softening heart, and plainly saw that the latter organ was now giving way to the mental worry and physical strain, and that already his lungs showed symptoms of a slight hyperemia. Absolute rest might have averted the approaching end, but this I could not prevail upon him to take; I never saw him again alive, and subsequently learned that he PNEUMONIA AND OUR CLIMATE. 159 died of pneumonia some ten days after our interview. I will not say that this passive congestion can take place at all times without creating such a disturbance or an attempted resentment on the part of the lung that it might readily he taken lor pneumonia, hut I must object, on general principles, against classing such a condition with either acute or chronic pneumonia. The two cases of the disease which 1 have seen were cases of double pneumonia, both consequent upon sudden chilling when overheated. In both, the onset was Midden and nearly fatal at the beginning; but in the end the) made perfect recoveries. The first of these two cases 1 attended with Dr. R. J. Gregg, the patient being a , butcher, and the second was that of an English sailer. whom I attended in the Marine Hospital with Dr. T. C. Stockton. I have already noticed the remarkable exemp- tion to pneumonia that is experienced in cases of chesl wounds, and it may here be added that this pulmonary complication is also absent as a sequela to any severe or wasting disease ; neither have 1 seen pneumonia occur as an intercurrent complication. The late wide-spread epidemic of the grippe has fully exemplified the immunity enjoyed by the section in the above regard ; for, whilst in the East and West the death-rates from pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases greatly increased, and many were started on the unwelcome road of incipient tubercu- losis, those living in Southern California can hardly be said to have suffered any from the grippe beyond its mere immediate lover and inconveniences, — a result that, when it is taken into consideration that a large portion of the population is made up of confirmed, improving, and cured invalids. — a class who elseu here could no more resist the deadly influence of the grippe than salt can withstand the deliquescing effects of water. — i^. to say KJO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. the least, something remarkable. In some cases, much more broken down than the general average victims of long-existing interstitial nephritis or of a rheumatic or gouty kidney, the recovery has. of necessity, not been as rapid or as perfect; but, take it on the whole, what is known as the grippe-lung or the grippe-kidney can hardly be said to have been left behind as a souvenir of the visit of the epidemic. The absence of pneumonia during the grippe epidemic is the best evidence that it is not fostered by the climate. e t&3£ Mk£M3£bi&.^ Hotel Arcadia, Santa Monica, Cal. SEASON OF 1891-1892. (3 ATALOGUE In place of repeated revisions, Supplements to this Catalogue Will be issued at intervals of iiImmiI <•• • I \ three months. These supplements will be regularly mailed to all those who will favor us with their name and addrebS. OF THE Medical Publications OF P. A. DAV15, Medical Publisher sub Bookseller, 1231 Filbert Street, philadelphia, pa. Branch Offices: NEW YORK CITY— 117 W. 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Text-Book of Hygiene — Rohe 21 I Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, etc. Diseases of the Heart, Lungs, and Kidneys— Davis 7 Diseases of the Heart and Circulation in Children — Keating and Edwards ... 12 Diabetes : its Cause, Symptoms, and Treatment— Purdv 17 Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. Hand-Book of Materia Medica, Phar- macy, and Therapeutics— Bowen ... 4 Ointments and Oleates— Shoemaker ... 21 Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Shoe- maker 22 International Pocket Medical Formulary — Witherstine 26 (2 Miscellaneous. PAOB Book mi the Physician Himself— Cathell . 5 < Ixygen— Demarquav and Wallian .... 7 Record-Book of Medical Examinations for Life Insurance — Keating 11 The Medical Bulletin, Monthly 18 Physician's Interpreter 15 Circumcision— Remondino 18 Medical Symbolism— Sozmskey 23 International Pocket Medical Formulary —Witherstine 26 The Chinese : Medical, Political, and Social— Coltman 31 A, B, C of the Swedish System of Educa- tional Gymnastics — Nissen 32 Lectures on Auto-Intoxication — Bouchard :;_' Nervous System, Spine, etc. Spinal Concussion — Clevenger 6 Structure of the Central Nervous System — Edinger 8 Epilepsy : its Pathology and Treatment- Hare 10 Lectures on Nervous Diseases— Ranney . 30 Obstetrics. Childbed : its Management; Diseases and Their Treatment— Manton 13 Eclampsia — Michenerand others 15 Obstetric Synopsis— Stewart 24 Pharmacology . Abstracts of Pharmacology— Wheeler . . 25 Physiognomy. Practical and Scientific Physiognomy — Stanton 30 Physiology. 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Thus he will always have at hand a source of Individual improvement and benefit in the practice of his profession, the value of which can hardly be overestimated. ( (F. A. DAVIS. Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.. U.S.A.) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. A Text-Book on Practical Anatomy. Including a Section on Surgical Anatomy. B}' Henry C. Boenning, M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia School of Anatomy; Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Medico-Chirnrgical College ; Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Philadelphia Dental College; Lecturer on Diseases of the Rectum in the Medico-Chirnrgical College, etc., etc. Fully illustrated throughout with about 200 Wood-Engravings. In one handsome Octavo volume, printed in extra-large, clear type, making it specially desirable for use in the dissecting room. Nearly 500 pages. Substantially bound in Extra Cloth. Also in Oil-Cloth, for use in the dissecting-room without soiling. Frice, post-paid, in the United States, $2.50, net; Canada (duty paid), $2.75, net; Great Britain, 14s. ; France, 16 fr. 20. BOWJEN Hand-Book of Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. By Cuthbert Bowen, M.D., B.A., Editor of" Notes on Practice." The second volume in the Physicians' and Students'' Ready Refer- ence Series. One 12mo volume of 370 pages. Handsomely bound in Dark-Blue Cloth. Frice, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.40, net; in Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; in France, 9 fr. 25. EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE — "While this is essentially a Student's Manual, a large amount of matter has been incorporated which, it is hoped, will render it a useful refer- ence-book to the Young Graduate who is just entering on his professional career, and more particularly the individual whose sphere of work demands a more practical acquaintance with pharmaceutical processes than is required of the ordinary city practitioner. Great care has been taken throughout the book to familiarize the student with the best methods of administer- ing the various drugs he will be called upon to use, and with this object a large number of standard prescriptions have been selected from the works of the most eminent authorities, which he can either adopt, with modifications to suit particular cases, or use as models on which to construct his own formulae." sort, and which are destructive to vision and temper alike. — St. Louis Med. and Surg. Jour. In going through it, we have been favorably- impressed by the plain and practical sugges- tions in regard to prescription writing, and the metric system, and the other things which must be known in order to write good and ac- tb'be comrhendeTl," as opposed to the nonpareil j curate prescriptions. — Medical and Surgical and agate usually used in compends of this I, Reporter This excellent manual comprises in its 366 pages about as much sound and valuable information on the subjects indicated in its title as could well be crowded into the com- pass. The book is exhaustively and correctly indexed, and of a convenient form. The paper, press-work, and binding are excellent, and the typography (long primer and brevier) ishighlv BURET Syphilis : To-day and in Antiquity. By Dr. F. Buret (Paris). Translated from the French, with the author's permission, by A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil, AM., M.D., Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology in the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons. To be completed in three 12mo volumes. Volume I, Syphilis in A "tiquity. In Press. Ready in October, 1891. (4) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. CAPP Her Health, Education, and Wedlock. The Daughter. Homely Suggestions to Mothers and Daughters By William M. Capp. M.D., Philadelphia. This is just such a book as :i family physician would advise his lady patients to ol>t:iin and read. It answers many questions which every busy practitioner of medicine lias put to him in the sick-room at a time when it is neither expedient nor wise to impart the information sought. It is complete in one beautifully printed (large, clear type) 12mo volume of 150 pages. Attractively bound in Extra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00, net ; In Great Britain, 5s. 6d. ; France, 6 fr. 20. In the HI pages allotted to bim he lias com- pressed an amount of homely wisdom on the physical, menl d, and moral develops t of the female child from birth to maturity which is to be found elsewhere in onlj the great book of experience. It is. of course, a book for mothers, hut is one so void of offense in expression or ideas thai ii can safely be recom- mended for all whose minds are sufficiently developed to appreciate its teachings.— PAiJa- ./. ■'////(..• Public J.' dffl r. Many delicate subjects are treated with skill and in a manner which cannot strike any one as improper or hold. The absolute ignor- ance in which most young girls are allowed to exist, even until adult life, is often productive id' much misery, both mental and physical Quite a number of books written b) physi- cians lor popular use have been prepared in SUCh a way that the professional man can read between the Lines strong bids for popular favor, etc. These objectionable features will not be found in Dr. Capp's brochure, ml lor this reason it is worthy the confidence of physicians. — Medical y< ws. CATHELL Book on the Physician Himself And Things that Concern his Reputation and Success By D. W. Cathell, M.D., Baltimore, Md. Being the Ninth Edition (enlarged and thoroughly revised) <>f the " Physician Himself, and what lie should add to his Scientific Acquirements in order to Secure Success." In one handsome Octavo Volume of 298 pages, bound in Extra Cloth. Thousands of physicians have won success in their chosen profession through the aid of this invaluable work. This remarkable hook litis passed through eight. (S) editions in less than five years. It has just undergone a thorough revison by the author, who litis tidded much new matter covering many points and elucidating many excellent ideas not included in former editions. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $2.00, net ; in Great Britain, lis. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 40. I am most favorably Impressed with the wisdom and force of the points made in "The Physician Himself," ami, belli Ve the work in i he hands o i a young graduate will greatly en- hance his chances for professional succi -- From Prof. l>. Hayes Agnew, Phiia., Pa. \\'e strongly advise every aetual and Intend- ing prai tt oner of medicin 'surgery to hare • i be Physician Himself," ami the more tt In- fluences hi- fut me conduct t be better he '.Mil be. — /'/ow the Canada Medical and Surgical Journal, Montit cU, In the present edition the entire work has been revised and some new matt* r introduced. The publisher's pan is well done: paper i- Rood and the print large: altogether it is a very readable and enjoyable booML—Montri al Medical Journal We have read it carefully and regret much that we bad not done bo earlier .mil followed Its i" . cepts, The hook Is toil of good advice. tii-t it at oncc—Pacifle Recordo/ Medicine ami Surgery. We cannot Imagine a more profitable Invest menl for the jun ur practitionei than the pur eh,-, md careful -tu.h of "The Physiciai 1 1 .ui-eii."-- 1 >r< ,,i, ntal '■ ' " t. To the physician who has discovered tin there |g something else besides dry book bin ing i led to make b m .1 desirable visit. o n the bedside, we commend this volume! that he ma\ a-- in:i it.- gome of the read) crystallized worldly wisdom which otherwise he maj be many years acquiring by natural process* -- — North Carolina Medical Journal. (5) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. CLEVENGER Spinal Concussion. Surgically Considered as a Cause op Spinal Injury, and Neuro- logically restricted to a certain symptom g roup, for which is Suggested the Designation Erichsen's Disease, as One Form of the Traumatic Neuroses. Ity S. V. Clevenger, M.D., Consulting- Physician Reese and Alexian Hospitals; Late Pathologist County Insane Asylum, Chicago; Member of numerous American Scientific and Medical Societies; Collaborator American Naturalist, Alienist and Neurologist, Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases; author of " Comparative Physiology and Psychology," "Artistic Anatomy," etc. This work is the outcome of five years' special study and experience in legal circles, clinics, hospital and private practice, in addition to twenty years' labor as a scientific student, writer, and teacher. The literature of Spinal Concussion has been increasing of late years to an unwieldy shape for the general student, and Dr. Clevenger his in this work arranged and reviewed all that has been done by observers since the days of Erichsen and those who preceded him. < There are abundant illustrations, particularly for Electro-diagnosis, and to enable a clear comprehension of the anatomical and pathological relations. The Chapters are: I. Historical Introduction; II. Erichsen on Spinal Concussion; III. Page on Injuries of the Spine and Spinal Cord; IV. Recent Discussions of Spinal Concussion ; V. Oppeuheim on Traumatic Neuroses ; VI. Illustrative Cases from Original and all other Sources; VII. Traumatic Insanity; VIII. The Spinal Column; IX. Symptoms; X. Diagnosis; XI. Pathology; XII. Treatment; XIII. Medico-legal Considerations. Other special features consist in a description of modern methods of diagnosis by Electricity, a discussion of the controversy concerning hysteria, and the author's original pathological view that the lesion is one involving the spinal sympathetic nervous system. In this latter respect entirely new ground is taken, and the diversity of opinion con- cerning the functional and organic nature of the disease is afforded a basis for reconciliation. Every Physician and Lawyer should oxen this work. In one handsome Royal Octavo Volume of nearly 400 pages, with thirty Wood-Engravings. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $2.50, net; in Great Britain, Us. ; in France, 15 fr. The reader will find in this book the best II This work really does, if we may he per- discussion and summary of the facts on this ! mined to ase a trite ami hackneyed expres- topic, which will make it verv valuable to j sion. '"till a long-felt want." The subject is every physician. For the specialist it is a treated in all its bearings; electro-diagnosis text-book that will be often consulted. — The , receives a large share of attention, ami the Journal o/ Inebriety. \\ chapter devoted to illustrative eases will he The work comes fully tip to the demand, and the law and medical library, to be com- "ete, cannot be without it. — Souihem Medical g. cord. found to possess especial importance. The author has some original views on pathology. — Medical Weekly Review. (t>) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. Consumption: DAVIS How to Prevent it, and How to Live with it. Its Nature, Causes, Prevention, and the Mode of Life, Climate, Exercise, Food and Clothing Necessary fob its Cure. By N. S. Davis, Jr., A.M , M.D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine in Chicago Medical College; Physician to Mercy Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association, Illinois Slate Medical Society, etc., etc. 12nio. In Pkess. DAVIS Diseases of the Heart, Lungs, and Kidneys. By N. S. Davis, Jr., A.M., M.D.. Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine in Chicago Medical College; Physician to Mercy Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association, Illinois State Medical Society, etc., etc. In one neat 12mo volume. No. in the Physicians' and Students' Ready- Reference Series. In Preparation. DE3IABQUAY _ _. A Practical Investigation of the Clinical On OXVOen. and Therapeutic Value of the Gases in Medical and Surgical Practice, With Especial Reference to the Value and Availability of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen Monoxide. By J. N. Demakquay, Surgeon to the Municipal Hospital. Paris, and of the Council of Slate; Member of the Imperial Society of Surgery; ( lorrespondenl of the Academies of Belgium, Turin. 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On all sides professional men of standing and ability arc turning their attention to the use of the gaseous elements about ||S as remedies in disease, as well as Bustainera in health In prosecuting their inquiries, the tirst hindrance has been the want of any reliable, oris any degree satisfactory, literature on the subject. This work, translated in the main from the French of Professor Demarquay, contains also a very full accoum of recenl English, German, and American ex- periences, prepared by l>r. Samuel S. Wallian. of New \ oik. whose experience in i his field antedates thai of any other A merican writer on i he subject. Tins i« a handsome vol time of 800 i>;ijre- In large \>iiiit, on *_r « >« »< i paper, and nicety illus- trated. Although nominally pleading for the use of oxygen inhalations, the author shows in a philosophical manner how much gr good physicians might r the lungs, kid- neys, ami skin. We commend it- perusal to our readers. — The Canada Medical Record. Neva*, (7) The book should be w Idely road, tat to many it win bring Hie addition ol a new weapon to their therapeutic armament.— JVorMu Lancet. Altogether the boot Is > valuable one, which will Ik» found "i >oiv in i in- busj prao- tiii r who wishes to keep abreast ••! the improvements in therapeutics. — Medical Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. BISBNBJEBG Bacteriological Diagnosis. Tabular Aids for Use in Practical Work. By James Eisenberg, Ph.D., M.D., Vienna. Translated and aug- mented, "with the permission of the author, from the latest German Edition, by Norval H. Pierce, M.D., Surgeon to the Out-Door Depart- ment of Michael Reese Hospital; Assistant to Surgical' Clinic, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 111. This book is a novelty in Bacteriological Science. It is arranged in a tabular form in which are given the specific characteristics of the various well-established bacteria, so that the worker may, at a glance, inform himself as to the identity of a given organism. They then serve the same function to the Bacteriologist as does the " Chemical Analysis Chart "to the chemist, and the one will be found as essential as the other. The Greatest care has been taken to bring the work up to the present aspect of Bacteriology. In one Octavo volume, handsomely bound in Cloth. Ready Soon. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, Ss. 6i ; in France, 9 fr. 35. JEDIITGER Twelve Lectures on the Structure of the Central Nervous System. For Physicians and Students. By Dr. Ludwig E dinger, Frankfort-on-the-Main. Second Revised Edition. With 133 Illustrations. Translated by Willis Hall Yittum, M.D., St. Paul, Minn. Edited by C. Eugene Riggs, A.M., M.D., Pro- fessor of Mental and Nervous Diseases, University of Minnesota; Member of the American Neurological Assoeiation. The illustrations are exactly the same as those used in the latest German edition (with the German names translated into English), and are very satisfactory to the Physician and Student using the book. The work is complete in one Royal Octavo volume of about 250 pages, bound in Extra Cloth. Price in United States and Canada, post-paid, $1.75, net ; Great Britain, 10s. ; France, 12 fr. 20. One of the most instructive and valuable works on the minute anatomy of the human brain extant. It is written in the form of lec- tures, profusely illustrated, and in clear lan- guage. The book is worthy of the highest eneoniums. and will, undoubtedly, command a large sale. — The Pacific Record of Medicine Every point is clearly dwelt upon in the and Surgery. text, and where description alone might leave a subject obscure clever drawings and dia succeeded in transforming the mazy wilder- ness of nerve fibres and tells into a district of well-marked pathways and centres, and by so doing has made a pleasure out of an anatomi- cal bugbear.— The Southern Medical Jiccord. Since the first works on anatomv, up to the present day, no work has appeared on the sub- ject of the genera] and minute anatomy of the central nervous system so complete and ex- haustive as this work of Dr. Ludwig Edjnger, Being himself an original worker, and having the benefits of such masters as Stilling, Weigeit, Geilach, Meynert, and others, he has grams are introduced to render misconception of the authors meaning impossible. The book is eminently practical. It unravels the intri- cate entanglement of different tracts and paths in a way that no other book has done so explicitly or so concisely. — Northwestern Lancet. (8) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. GOODELL Lessons in Gynecology. By William Goodell, A.M., M.D., etc., Professor of Clinical Gyne- cology in the University of Pennsylvania. This exceedingly valuable work, from one of the most eminent specialists and teachers in gynecology in the United States, is now offered to the profession in a much more complete condition than either of the previous editions. It embraces all the more important diseases and the principal operations in the field of g}'necology, and brings to bear upon them all the extensive practical experience and wide reading of the author. It is an indispensable guide to every practitioner who has to do with the diseases peculiar to women. Third Edition. With 112 illustrations. Thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged. One volume, large octavo, 578 pages. Price, in United States and Canada, Cloth, $5.00 ; Full Sheep, $6.00. Discount, 20 per cent., making it, net, Cloth, $4.00; Sheep, $4.S0. Postage, 27 cents eztra. Great Britain, Cloth, 22s. 6d. ; Sheep, 2Ss., post-paid. France, 30 fr. 80. It is too good a book to have been allowed to remain out of print, and it lias unquest ionably been missed. The author lias revised the work with Bpecial care, adding to each lesson such fresh matter a_s the progress in the ait ren- dered necessary, ami he has enlarged >t by i he insertion of six new lesBons, This edition « ill. without question, be as eagerly sough.1 for as were it-- predecessors.— Ameruan Journal of Obstetrics. Ifis literary style is peculiarly charming. There is a directness and simplicity about it which is easier to admire than to copy, lljs chain of plain words and almost blunt expres- sions, his familiar comparison and homely illustrations, make his writings, like his lec- ture-, unusually entertaining. The Bubstance of his teachings we regard as equallv excel- lent. — Philadelphia Medical and ,s<< Report* r. Elxtended mention of the contents of the hook is unnecessary; suffice ii to -ay that even important disease found in the female sex is taken up and discussed in a common- sense kind of a way. We wish every physic Ian in America could read and carry out the sug- gestions f Contents shows the scope of the book : Contents. — Chapter I. Introductory. II. The Infant. 111. Child- hood. IV. Adolescence of the Male. V. Adolescence of the Female. VI. Marriage: The Husband. VII. The Wife. VIII. Buabaud and Wife. IX. To the Unfortunate. X. Origin of the Sex. In one neat Kiino volume, bound in I^xtra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00; Great Britain, 6s. ; France, 6 fr. 20. Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. HARE Epilepsy: Its Pathology and Treatment. Beino an Essay to which was Awarded a Prize op Fotra Thousand Francs by the Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique, December 31, 1889. By IIohart Amory Hark, M.D. (Univ. of Penna.), B.Sc, Professor oi Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, Phila. ; Physician to St. Agnes' Hospital and to the Children's Dispensary of the Chil- dren's Hospital ; Laureate of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, of the Medical Society of London, etc. ; Member of the Association of American Physicians. No. 7 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready-Reference Series. 12mo. '.'28 pages. Neatly bound in Dark -blue Cloth. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.25, net ; in Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; in France, 7 fr. 75. It is representative of the most advanced views of the profession, and the subject is pruned of the vast amount of superstition and nonsense that generally obtains in connection with epilepsy. — Medical Age. Every physician who would get at the gist of all that is worth knowing: on epilepsy, and who would avoid useless research among the mass of literary nonsense which pervades all medical libraries, should get this work." — The Sanitarian. It contains all that is known of the pathology of this strange disorder, a clear discussion of the diagnosis from allied neuroses, and the very latest therapeutic measures for relief. It is remarkable for its clearness, brevity, and beauty of style. It is, so far as the reviewer knows, altogether the best essay ever written upon this important subject.— Kansas City Medical Index. The task of preparing the work must have been most laborious, but we think that Dr. Hare will be repaid for his efforts by a wide appreciation of the work by the profession; for the book will be instructive to those who have not kept abreast with the recent litera- ture upon this subject. Indeed, the work is a sort of Dictionary of epilepsy — a reference guide-book upon the subject. — Alienist and Neurologist. HARE Fever: Its Pathology and Treatment. Being the Boylston Prize Essay of Harvard University for 1890. Containing Directions and the Latest Information Con- cerning the Use of the So-Called Anti- pyretics in Fever and Pain. By Hobart Amort Hare, M.D. (Univ. of Penna.), B.Sc, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, Phila.; Physician to St. Agnes' Hospital and to the Children's Dispensary of the Chil- dren's Hospital; Laureate of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, of the Medical Society of London, etc.; Member of the Association of American Physicians. No. 10 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready -Reference Series. 12mo. Neatly bound in Dark-blue Cloth. Illustrated with more than 25 new plates of tracings of various fever cases, showing beautifully and accurately the action of the Antipyretics. The work also contains 35 carefully prepared statistical tables of 249 cases showing the untoward effects of the antipyretics. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.25, net; in Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; in France, 7 fr. 75. As is usual with this author, the subject is thoroughly handled, and much experimental and clinical evidence, both from the author's experience and that of others, is adduced in support of the view taken. — New York Medical Abstract. The author has done an able piece of work in showing the facts as far as they are known concerning the action of antipyrin, anti- febrin, phenaeetin, thallin, and salicylic acid. The reader will certaiuly find the work oue of the most interesting of its excellent group, the Physicians' and Students' Ready -Kef er- ence Series. — Ttie Dosimetric Medical Revit w. Such books-as the present one are of service to the student, the scientific therapeutist, and the general practitioner alike, for much can be found of real value in Dr. H are's honk, with the additional advantage that it is up to the latest researches upon the subject. — Univer- sity Medical Magazine. (10) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. JAMBS American ReSOrtS. With Notes upon their C li mate. By Bushrod W. James, A.M., M.D., Member of the American Public Health Association, and the Academy of Natural Bci( a; the Society of Alaskan Natural History and Ethnology, Sitka. Alaska, etc. With a translation from the German, bj Mi:. B Kaufpuann, of those chapters of '• Die Kliniate der Erde " written by Dr. A. Woeikof, of 8t Petersburg, Russia, that relate to North and South America and the Islands and ( lecatis contiguous thereto. This is a unique and valuable work, and useful to physicians in all parts of the country. We mention a few of the merits it Firs'. Lis] of all the Health Resorts of the country, arranged according to their climate. Second. Contains just the information needed bytourists, invalids, ami those who visit summer or winter resorts. Third. The latest and best large railroad map for reference. Fov/rth. It indicates the climate each one should select for health. Fifth. The author has traveled extensively, and most of his - >ns are practical in reference to localties. In one Octavo volume. Handsomely bound in Cloth. Nearly 300 page^. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $2.00, net; Great Britain, lis. 61 ; France, 12 fr. 40. Taken altogether, this is by Ear the most pathological indications and constitutional complete exposition of the Buojecl of resorts predispositions.— Tlu Sanitarian. tluit baa yet been put forth, and it is one that !■ The book before us is a very comprehensive every physician must needs possess intelligen information apon.-BuflTalo Med. & Surg. Jour The special cbaptei i n the therapeul cs oj climate . . is excellent for its precautionary suggestions in the selection <>i climates and local conditions, with reference t" known volume, giving all necessary information con- cerning climate, temperature, humidity, sun- Bbine, and indeed everything nee — arj to be stated for the benefit of the physician or invalii health i esi *1 ii I ie I uited States, — Southern Clinic. Journal of Laryngology and Rhinology. Issued on the First of Each Month. Edited by Dr. Norris Wolfenden, of London, and Dr John MacintyTe, of Glasgow, with the active aid and co-operation of Drs. Dundas Grant, Barclay J. Baron, Hunter Mackenzie, and Sir Morell .Mackenzie. Besides those Bpe( in Europe and America wlio have so ably assisted in the collaboration of the Journal, a number of new correspondents have undertaken to assist the editors in keeping the Journal up to date, and furnishing it with matin- of interest. Amongsl these are: Drs. Sajous, of Philadelphia; Middlemass Hunt, of Liver- pool; M.llow, of Rio Janeiro; Sedziak, of Warsaw; Draispul, of St. Petersburg, etc. Drs. Michael, Joal, Elolger, Mygind, Prof. Massei, and Dr. Valerius [delson Will still collaborate the literature of their respective countries. Price, 13s. or $3.00 per annum (inclusive of Postage). For single copies, however, a charge of Is. 3i (30 cents) will be made. Sample Copy, 25 Cents. KEATING Record-Book of Medical Examinations Fob l.iii. I ksi bancs. Designed by Johs M Keating, Rl.D. This record-book is small, neat, and complete, and embraces all the prin- cipal points that arc required by the different companies. It is made in two viz.: No. 1. covering one hundred (100) examinations, and No. 8, coverii hundred (200) examinations. The Bize of the book is7x8j inches, and can be conveniently carried in the pocket. r. s. and I aicul.i. t;re. it Bi Italn. I No. 1. For 100 Examinations, in Cloth, - - $ .50 Net 3s. 6i 3 fr. 60 No. 2. For 200 Examinations, in Full Leather, with Side Flap, - - - - 1.00 " 6s. 6 fr. 20 (in Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. KEATING and EDWARDS Diseases of the Heart and Circulation. In Infancy and Adolescence. With an Appendix entitled " Clinical Studies on the Pulse in Childhood." By John M. Keating, M.D., Obstetrician to the Philadelphia Hospital, and Lecturer on Diseases of Women and Children; Burgeon to the Maternity Hospital; Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital; Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, etc.; and William A. Edwards, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine and Physician to the Medical Dispensary in the University of Pennsylvania; Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital; Fellow of the College of Physicians; formerly Assistant Pathologist to the Philadelphia Hospital, etc. Illustrated by Photographs and Wood-Engravings. About 225 pages. Oc- tavo. Bound in Cloth. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; in France, 9 fr. 35. Drs. Keating and Edwards have produced a work that will give material aid to every doctor in his practice among children. The Style of the book is graphic and pleasing, the diagnostic points are explicit and exact, and the therapeutical resources include the novel- ties of medicine as well as the old and tried agents. — Pittsburgh Med. Review. It is not a mere compilation, but a systematic treatise, and bears evidence of considerable labor and observation on the part of the authors. Two fine photographs of dissections exhibit mitral Stenosis and initial regurgita- tion ; there are also a number of wood-cuts. — Cleveland Medical Gazette. LIEBIG and ROHE Practical Electricity in Medicine $ Surgery. By G. A. Liebig, Jr., Ph D., Assistant in Electricity, Johns Hopkins University ; Lecturer on Medical Electricity, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore ; Member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, etc. ; and George H. Rohe, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Hygiene, College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Baltimore ; Visiting Physician to Bay View and City Hos- pitals ; Director of the Maryland Maternite ; Associate Editor "Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences." etc. Profusely Illustrated by Wood-Engravings and Original Diagrams, and published in one handsome Royal Octavo volume of 383 pages, bound in Extra Cloth. The constantly increasing demand for this work attests its thorough relia- bility and its popularity with the profession, and points to the fact that it is already the standard work on this very important subject. The part on Physical Electricity, written by Dr. Liebig, one of the recognized authorities on the science in the United States, treats fully such topics of interest as Storage Bat- teries, Dynamos, the Electric Light, and the Principles and Practice of Electrical Measurement in their Relations to Medical Practice. Professor Rohe, who writes on Electro-Therapeutics, discusses at length the recent developments of Electricity in the treatment of stricture, enlarged prostate, uterine fibroids, pelvic cellulitis, and other diseases of the male and female genito-urinary organs. The applica- tions of Electricity in dermatology, as well as in the diseases of the nervous system, are also fully considered. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $2.00, net; in Great Britain, lis. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 40. Any physician, especially if he be a beginner in electro-therapeutics, will be well repaid by a careful study of this work by Liebig and Rohe. For a "work on a special subject the price is low, and no one can give a good ex- cuse for remaining in ignorance of so impor- tant a subject as electricity in medicine. — Toledo Medical and /Surgical Reporter. The entire work is thoroughly scientific and practical, and is really what the authors have aimed to produce, "a trustworthy guide to the application of electricity in the practice of medicine and Surgery." — New York Medical Times. In its perusal, with each succeeding page, we have been more and more impressed with the fact that here, at lasr, we have a treatise on electricity in medicine and surgery which amply fulfills its purpose, and which is sure of general adoption by reason of its thorough excellence and superiority to other work- in- tended to cover the same field.— Pharmaceu- tical Era. After carefully looking over this work, we incline to the belief that the intelligent physi- cian who is familiar with the general subject will be greatly interested and profited. — American Lancet. (12) Medical Publications of F. A. I)aci.<, Philadelphia. 31ASSJEY Electricity in the Diseases of Women. With Special Reference to the Application op Strong Currents. By G. Bettoh MassSy, M.I)., Physician to the Gynaecological Departmenl of the Howard Hospital; late Electro therapeutist to the Philadelphia Ortbi Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases; Member of the American Neuro- logical Association, of the Philadelphia Neurological Society, of the Franklin Institute, etc. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. With New and Original Wood-Engravings. Handsomely hound in Dark-Blue Cloth. 240 pages. 12mo. No. 6 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready-Beferena Series. This work is presented to the profession as t he most complete treatise vet issued on the electrical treatment of the diseases of women, and, is destined" to fill the increasing demand for clear and practical instruction in the handling and use of Btrong currents after the recent methods first advocated by Apostoli The whole subject is treated from the present Stand -point of electric science with m ir and original illustrations, the thorough studies of the author and his wide clinical experience rendering him an authority upon electricity itself and its therapeutic applications. The author lias enhanced the practical value of the work by including the cruet details of treatment and results in a number of cases taken from his private and hospital practice. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.50, net ; in Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; in France, 9 fr. 35. A new edition of this practical manual at- tests the utility of its existence and the recog- nition ot its merit. The directions are simple, easy to follow and to put into practice ; the ground is well covered, and nothing is assumed, the entire book being the record oi experii nee. — Journal <>f Sen-mix mill Metital Diseases. it is only a few months since we noticed the fil'Sl edition of this little hook; and it is only necessary to add now that we consider it the best ti eat ise on this subject we have seen, and that the improvements introduced into this edition make it more valuable still. — Boston M, dical and Surgical Journ. The style i> clear, but condensed Useless detaile are omitted, the repoi ts of cases bein^ pruned of all irrelevant material. The book is an exceedingly valuable one. and represents an amount of study ami experience which is only appreciated after a careful reading.— M, dical Record. MAKTON Childbed; Its Management; Diseases and Their Treatment. By Walter P. Manton, M.D., Visiting Physician to the Detroit Woman's Hospital; Consulting Gynaecologist to the Eastern Michigan Asylum; Presidenl <>f the Detroit Gynaecological Society; Fellow of the American Society of Ob- stetricians and Gynaecologists, and of the British Gynaecological Society ; Member of Michigan State Medical Society, etc. In one neat 12mo volume, \ in th( Physicians' and Students* Reaay-Referena Series In Preparation. Medical Bulletin. A Monthly Journal of Medicine asp Surgery. Edited by John V. SHOEMAKER, A.M., M D. Bright, Original, and read- able. Articles by the best practical writers procurable. Every article as brief he is consistent, with the. preservation of its scientific value. Therapeutic [Totes l\ the leaders of the medical profession throughout the world These, and many other unique features, help to keep The Medical Bulletin In it- present position as the leading low price .Medical Monthly of the world. Subscribe now TEEMS : $1.00 a year in advance in United States, Canada, and Mexico. Foreign Subscription Terms : England, 5s. ; France, 6 fr. ; Germany, 6 marks; Japan, 1 yen; Australia, 5s.; Holland, 3 florins. (13) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. The Medical Bulletin Visiting-List or Physicians' Call Record. Arranged upon an Original and Convenient Monthly and Weekly Plan for the Daily Recording of Professional Visits. Frequent Rewriting of Names Unnecessary. THIS Visiting-List is arranged so that the names of patients need be written but once a month instead of four times a month, as in the old-style lists. By means of a new feature, a simple device consisting of stub oh HALF leaves IN the FORM OF inserts, the first week's visits are recorded in the usual way, and the second week's visits are begun by simply turning over the half-leaf without the necessity of rewriting the patients' names. This very easily under- stood process is repeated until the month is ended and the record has been kept complete in every detail of visit, charge, credit, etc., and the labor and time of entering and transferring names at least three times in the month has been saved. There are no intricate rulings ; not the least amount of time can be lost in comprehending the plan, for it is acquired at a glance. THE THREE DIFFERENT STYLES MADE. The No. 1 Style of this List provides space for the daily record of seventy different names each month for a year ; for physicians who prefer a List that will accommodate a larger practice we have made a No. 2 Style, which provides space for the daily record of 105 different names each month for a year, and for physicians who may prefer a Pocket Record-Book of less thickness than either of these styles we have made a No. 3 Style, in which "The Blanks for the Record- ing of Visits in " have been made into removable sections. These sections are very thin, and are made up so as to answer in full the demand of the largest practice, each section providing ample space for the daily record of 210 dif- ferent names for two months ; or 105 different names daily each month for four months; or seventy different names daily each month for six mouths. Six sets of these sections go with each copy of No. 3 Style. SPECIAL FEATURES NOT FOUND IN ANY OTHER LIST. In this No. 3 Style the printed matter, and such matter as the blank forms for Addri.sses of Pattents, Obstetric Record, Vaccination Record, Cash Account. Birth and Death Records, etc., are fastened permanently in the back of the book, thus reducing its thickness. The addition of one of these removable sections does not increase the thickness more than an eighth of an inch. This brings the book into such a small compass that no one can object to it on account of its thickness, as its bulk is very much less than that of any visiting- list ever published. Every physician will at once understand that as soon as a section is full it can be taken out, filed away, and another inserted without the least inconvenience or trouble. Extra or additional sections trill be furnished at any time for 15 rents each or $1.75 per dozen. This Visiting-List contains calen- dars, valuable miscellaneous data, important tables, and other useful printed matter usually placed in Physicians' Visiting-Lists. Physicians of many years' standing and with large practices pronounce it the Best Ltst they have ever seen. It is handsomely bound in fine, strong leather, with flap, including a pocket for loose memoranda", etc., and is furnished with a Dixon lead-pencil of excellent quality and finish. It is compact and con- venient for carrying in the pocket. Size, 4x6f inches. iisr t:&3::e3.:e::e: styles. net prices. No. 1. Regular size, to accommodate 70 patients daily each month for one year, . . . 81.25 No. 3. Large size, to accommodate 105 patients daily each month for one year SI. 50 No. 3. In which the " Blanks for Recording Visits in " are in removable sections, . . . SI. 75 Special Edition for Great Britain, without printed matter, 4s. 6d. N. B.—The Recording of Visits in this List may be Commenced at any time during the Year. (14) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis. Philadelphia. JIICHEXEIt Hand-Book of Eclampsia ; By E. Mk'hkxkk, M.D. ; J. II. Stubbs, M.I). THOMPSON, M.D. ; S. Stebbins, M.D. lGmo. Cloth. or, notes a!*i> cases ok i»h:ri'i:rai. convh.sions. R. B. Ewing, M.I). ; B. Price, 60 cents, net ; in Great Britain, 4s. 61 ; France, i fr. 20. KISSEN A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION FOR GIVING Swedish Movement $ Massage Treatment By Prof. Habtvig Nisskn, late Director of the Swedish Eealth Institute, Washington, 1). ('. ; late Instructor in Physical Culture and Gymnastics at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Bid. ; Instructor of Swedish and German Gymnastics at Harvard University's Bummer School, L891. This excellent little volume treats this very important subject in a practical manner. Full instructions are given regarding the mode of applying the Swedish Movement and Massage Treatment in various diseases and conditions of the human system with the greatest degree of effectiveness. Professor Nissen is the best authority in the United States upon the practical phase of this subject, and his book is indispensable to every physician who wishes to know how to use these valuable handmaids of medicine. Illustrated with 29 Original Wood-Engravings. In one 12mo volume of 12-^ Pages. Neatly bound in Cloth, Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00, net; Great Britain, 6s. ; France, 6 fr. 20. This manual Is valuable to the practitioner, a> it contain-, a terse description of a subject but too little understood in this country. . . The book is ^ot up very creditably.— TV. )'. The present volume is a modest account of the application of the Swedish Movement and Massage Treatment, in which the technique of the various procedures are clearly stab <\ aa well as illustrated in a Ten excellent manner. —Zfarth American Practitioner, This attractive little book presents the sub ject in a very practical Shape, and makes it possible tor every physician to understand at [< as) bow it is applied", if it does not g ve him dexterity in the art of its application.— -Chicago Mi d, limes. Physicians' Interpreter. In Four Languages (English, French, German, and Italian). Specially Arranged for Diagnosis by M. von V. The ohjeel of this little work is to meet a need often keenly felt by the busy physician, namely, the need of some quick and reliable method of communicating intelligibly with* patients of those nationalities and languages unfnmiliar to the practitioner. The plan of the hook is a systematic arrangement of questions upon the various branches oi Practical .Medicine, and each question is so worded thai the only answer required of the patient is merely res or No. The questions arc all numbered, and a complete Index renders them always available for quick reference. The hook is written by one who is well versed in English, French, German, and Italian, being an excellent teacher in all those languages, and who has also had considerable hospital experience. Bound in Pull Russia Leather, for carrying in the pocket. Size, 5x2j inches. 906 pages. Price, post-paid, in "Jnited States and Canada, $1.00, net ; Great Britain, 6s. ; France, 6 fr. 20. Many other books of the same Bort, with more extensive vocabularies, have i n pub- lished, but, from their see. and from their being usually devoted to equivalants in Eng- lish and one other language only, they have not had the advantage which is pre-eminent in this— convenience, it Ishandiwmel) printed, and hound in flexible red leather in the form of a diary. It would scarcely make itseli t . it in one's hip-pocket, and Would insure its bearer against any ordinary conversational difficulty in dealing with foreign-Bp< people, who are constantly o ming Into oar - Bpitals.— .v. !/• York tfedicatJoxu This little \oluine is nne of the 111"- - nioua aids to th.> physician winch we have Been. We heartily commend the book ' one who. being without a knowledge i foreign tango iges, Is obliged to i who do not kti"w (oir own language.— BL Louta Courier of Mi dUtin* . (15) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia, Physician's All-Requisite Time- and Labor- Saving Account-Book. IJking a Ledger and Account-Book for Physicians' Use, Meeting all the Requirements of the Law and Courts. Designed by William A. Seibert, M.D , of Easton, Pa. Probably no class of people lose more money through carelessly kept accounts and overlooked or neglected bills than physicians. Often detained at the bedside of the sick until late at. night, or deprived of even a modicum of rest, it is with great difficulty that he spares the time or puts himself in condition to give the same care to his own financial interests that a merchant, a lawyer, or even a farmer devotes. It is then plainly apparent that a system of bookkeeping and accounts that, without sacrificing accuracy, but, on the other hand, ensuring it, at the same time relieves the keeping of a physician's book of half their complexity and two-thirds the labor, is a convenience which will be eagerly welcomed by thousands of overworked physicians. Such a system has at last been devised, and we take pleasure in offering it to the profession in the form ot The Physician's All-Requisite Time- and Labor- Saving Account-Book. There is no exaggeration in stating that this Account-Book and Ledger reduces the labor of keeping your accounts more than one half, and at the same time secures the greatest degree of accuracy. We may mention a few of the superior advantages of The Physician's All-Requisite Time- and Labor- Saving Account-Book, as follows : — First — Will meet all the requirements of the law and courts. Second — Self-explanatory ; no cipher code. Third— Its completeness without sacri- flcing anything. Fourth — No posting ; one entry only. Fifth — Universal ; can be commenced at any time of the year, and can be continued indefinitely until every accwunt is filled. Sixth— Absolutely no waste of space. Seventh — One person must needs be sick every day of the year to fill his account, or might be ten years about it and require no more than the space for one account in this ledger. Eighth— Double the number and many times more than the number of ac- counts in any similar book ; the 300-page book contains space for 900 accounts, and the 600-page book contains space for 1800 ac- counts. Ninth — There are no smaller spaces. Tenth — Compact without sacrificing completeness ; every account com- plete on same page — a decided ad- vantage and recommendation. Eleventh — Uniform size of leaves. Twelfth — The statement of the most complicated account is at once be- fore you at any time of month or year — in other words, the account itself as it stands is its simplest statement. Thirteenth — Xo transferring of accounts, balances, etc. To all physicians desiring a quick, accurate, and comprehensive method of keeping their accounts, we can safely say that no book as suitable as this one has ever been devised. A descriptive circular showing the plan of the book will be sent on application. NET PRICES, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID, o. 1. 300 Pages, for 900 Accounts per Year, Sine 10sl2, Bound in & -Russia, Raised inu.s Back-Bands, Cloth Sides, . . . $5.00 t 2. 600 Pages, for 1800 Acoounts per Year, Size 10sl2, Bound in # -Russia, Raised Sack-Bands, Cloth Sides, . . 8.00 (16) Canada (dutv paid). $5.50 8.80 Great Britain. 28s. France. 30 fr. 30 42s. 49 fr. 40 Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. PRICE and BAGLETON Three Charts of the IMervo-Vascular System. Taut I. — The Nerves. Part II. — Thb Arterier Part III. — The Veins. a New Edition. Revised and Perfected. Arranged by "W Herri Price, M.D., and S. Potts Eagleton, M.D. Endorsed by leading anatomists. Clearly and beautifully printed upon extra durable paper. PART I. The Nerves. — Gives in a clear form not only the Cranial and Spinal V in;; the formation of the different Plexuses and tbeii branches, hot alio the complete distribution ol the Sympathetic Nekvbs. I'AKT II. The Arteries — Gives a Unique grouping of tile Arti -i 'i£ the lions and subdivisions of ;ill the vessels, beginning from the heart and tnu big their continuous distribution to the periphery, and showing at a glanftfi the terminal branches of each artery. PART III. The Veins. — shows how the blood from the peripherj >>( tin- body i- gradnall) collected by the larger veins, and these coalescing forming stiii largei veaw is. an til the) finally trace themselves into the Right Auricle 01 tbebi It is therefore readily seen that "The Nervo-\£ascular System of Charts" offers the following superior advantages : — 1. It is the only arrangement which combines the Th ms, and yet each is perfect and distinct in itself. 2. It is the only instance of the Cranial, Spinal, and Sympathetic >■'• Systems being represented on one chart. 3. From its neat size and clear type, and being printed only Up it may be tacked up in any convenient place, ami is always ready ioi freshening up the memory and reviewing for examination. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, 50 cents, net, complete ; in Great Britain, 3s. 6i ; in France, 3 fr. 60. For the student of anatomy there can p,,s. its price is nominal and its value inestimabl sibly be no more concise wa\ of acquiring a knowledge of the nerves, veins, and arteries of the human s> stem. It pr< fiance their trunks and branches in the great divis- ions of the body. It will save a world of tedi- ous reading, and will impress itself mi the iziml' their anatouiic.il Midies. — Buffa mind as no ordinary vade nu rum. even, could. ana Burg. ■/■■it. v. -i mi, nt should !••' « Ithout I ../ Medicim and Burg* i >/. These are three admirably arnu for the use of student!', to as-i-t in meuior- n any Diabetes: Its Cause, Symptoms $ Treatment By ('has. W. 1Vi;hy, M.D. (Queen's University), Honorary Felloe of the Royal i lollege of Physicians and Burgeons of Kingston ; Member of the i !olleg< of Physicians and Surgeons ol Ontario, Author of "Bright'i Dh i Affections of the Kidneys ; " Member of the Association of Amerit an Pbvsiciani . Member of the American Medical Association; Member of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, etc. Contents. — Section I. Historical, Geographical, and Climatological Con- Biderations of Diabetes Mellitus. II. Physiological and Pathological Con tions of Diabetes Mellitua HI. Etiology of Diabetes Mellitus. I\ M Anatomy of Diabetes Mellitus. V. Symptomatology of Diabetes Mellitus \l Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. VII. clinical Illustrations of Diabetes Mellitus. Ylll. Diabetes Insipidus ; Bibliography. l2mo Dark Blue Extra Cloth. Nearly 900 pages With Clinical lllns (rations No. 8 in the Physicians' recent] (rived In this country, receives i trery care- ful and Impartial discussion at the hand* nt tiie translator, and :i nwsl valuable chapter on the prophvlaxia of diphtheria and croup closes t lie volume. Altogether the bonk u oiv that is valuable and timely, and one that should be in the ii:mds of every general prac- i Diphtheria li tvina Itecome »u< ii -i pn wide-spread, and ratal -li~i :i~e>. no •_•• i i to i><- without tin- work it will aid in preventive promptness In application ol ncj in, treatment.— -aoulhtrn PracU Imii'-r. (19) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. Principles of Surgery. By N. Senn, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111.; Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Polyclinic; Attending Surgeon to the Milwaukee Hospital; Consulting Surgeon to the Milwaukee County Hospital and to the Milwaukee County Insane Asylum. This work, hy one of America's greatest surgeons, is thoroughly complete; its clearness and brevity of statement are among its conspicuous merits. The author's long, able, and conscientious researches in every direction in this important field are a guarantee, of unusual trust worthiness, that every branch of the subject is treated authoritatively and in such a manner as to bring the greatest gain in knowledge to the Practitioner and Student. In one handsome Iioyal Octavo volume, with 109 fine Wood-Engravings and 624 pages. United States. Canada (duty paid) Great Britain. France. Price in Cloth, $4.50, Net $5.00, Net 24s. 6d. 27 fr. 20 Sheep or ^-Russia, 5.50 " 6.10 " 30s. 33 fr. 10 OPINIONS AND CRITICISMS. STEPHEN SMITH, M.D., Professor of Clini- cal Surgery Medical Department University of the City of New York, writes : — "I have examined the work with great satisfaction, and regard it as a most valuable addition to American Surgical literature. There has long been great need of a work on the principles of surgery Which would fully illustrate the pres- ent advanced state of knowledge of the various subjects embraced in this volume. The work seems to me to meet this want admirably." Lewis A. Sayre, M.D., Professor Ortho- paedic Surgery Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, writes : — "My Dear Doctor Senn : Your very valuable work on surgery, sent to me some time since, I have Studied with great satisfaction and improvement. I congratulate you most heartily on having produced the most classical and practical work on surgery yet published." Prank J. Lutz, M.D., St. Louis, Mo., says : — "It seems incredible that those who pretend to teacli have done without such a guide before, and I do not understand how our stu- dents succeeded in mastering the principles of modern surgery by attempting to read our obsolete text-books. Americansurgeryshould feel proud of the production, and the present generation of surgeons owe you a debt of gratitude." W. W. Dawson, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes : — "It is a work of great merit, and one greatly needed. Reliable Surgery must be founded upon correct principles. - ' Wi. Osler, M.D., The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, says:— "You certainly have covered the ground thoroughly and well, and with a thoroughness I do not know of in any similar work. I should think it would prove a great boon to the students and also to very many teachers." .1. C. Warren, M.D., Boston, Mass., writes : —"The book comes at an opportune moment ; the old text-books on Surgical Pathology are out of date, and you are tilling practically a new held." The work is systematic and compact, with- out a fact omitted or a sentence too much, and it not only makes instructive but fasci- nating reading. A conspicuous merit of Senn's work is his method, his persistent and tireless search through original investigations for additions to knowledge, and the practical character of his discoveries. This combina- tion of the discoverer and the practical man gives a special value to all his work, and is one of the secrets of his fame. No physician in any line of practice can afford to be without Senn's "Principles of Surgery." — The Review of Insanity and Nervous Diseases. Every chapter is a mine of information containing all the recent advances on the sub- jects presented in such a systematic, instruc- tive and entertaining style that the reader will not willingly lay it "aside, but will read and re-read with pleasure and profit. — Kansas Medical Journal. It is a most admirable work in all respects, and should be in the hands of every senior student, general practitioner, and " special surgeon. — Canadian Practitioner. After perusing this work on several differ- ent occasions we have come to the conclusion that it is a remarkable work by a man of un- usual ability. We have never seen anything like it before. The author seems to have had a very large personal experience, whicb is freely made use of in the text, besides which he is familiar with almost all that lias been written in English and German on the above topics. We c mgratulate Dr. Senn upon the manner in which he has accomplished his task.— Tlie Canada Medical Record. The work is exceedingly practical, as the chapters on the treatment of the various con- ditions considered are based on sound deduc- tions, are complete, and easily carried out by any painstaking surgeon. Asepsis and anti- sepsis are exhaustively treated. All in all, the book is a most excellent one. and deserves a place in every well-selected library. — Medical Record. It will prove exceedingly valuable in the diffusion of more thorough knowledge of the subject-matter among English-speaking sur- geons. As in the case of all his work, he has done this in a truly admirable manner. No- where is there room to criticise the accuracy of SeniVs statements, and everywhere is there evidence of a thorough study of the best work of the most eminent men. The book throughout is worthy of the highest praise. It should be adopted as a text-book in all of our schools.— University Medical Magazine. The principles of surgery, as expounded by Dr. Senn. are such a< to place the student in the independent position of evolving from them methods of treatment : the master of the principles readily becomes equally a master of practice. And this, of course, is reallv the whole purpose of the volume.— Weekly Medical Review. (20) Medical Publications of F. A. Darix, P)iila}iia. SllOi:?IAKElt Heredity, Health, and Personal Beauty. Including the Selection of tiik Best Cosmetics fob tiik Skin, Hair, Nails, anij all Parts Relating to the Boot. ByJoHH V. Shoemaker, A M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medics, Pbar macology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Biedicine, and Clinical Professor oi l> of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; 1 to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, etc., etc. The iiealth of the skin and Lair, and bow to promote them, an the treat men I of the nails; the subjects of ventilation, food, clothing, warmth, bathing; the circulation of the blood, digestion, ventilation; in fact, all that in daily life conduces to the well-being of the body and refinement is duly en upon. To i hese stores of popular information is added a list of the best medicated soaps and toilet soaps, and a whole chapter of the work is devoted to household remedies. The work in largely suggestive, and gives wise and timely adi to when a physician should be consulted. This is just the book to place on the waiting-room tabU of every physician, and u work that willprovt usefal in tht hmnln "f your patii ids. Complete in one handsome Royal Octavo volume of 42 > pages, beautifully and clearly printed, and hound in Extra (huh, Beveled I h side and back gilt stamps and in Half-Morocco Gilt Top. Price, in United States, post-paid, Cloth, $2.50; Half-Morocco, $3.50, net. Canada ('duty paid), Cloth, $2.75; Half-Morocco, $3.90, net Great Britain, Cloth, Hs. ; Half-Morocco, 19s. 6i France, Cloth, 15 fr.; Half-Morocco, 22 fr. The book reads not like the fulfillment of a task, hut like the researches ai d observations of one thoroughly in love with his Bubiect, fully a p| reciatmg its importam e, and wrfl ng pleased, and improved. — Tin- Boutin rn CUnie. This book is written primaril) for the laity, but wit] prove of interest to the physic well. Though the author goes to some extent for "the pleasure he experiences in it. The into technicalities^he confines himseli to tbe work is eery comprehensive and complete in use ol good, plain English, and in that i espect its scope. Medical World. i notable example to many other writers The hook bef as is a most remarkable on similar subjects. Furthermore, the book production and a most entert lining one. The is written from a thorough!) American staud imok is equally \\ cii adapted for the laity or point. — Medical Record. the profession. It tells us how to be healthy, Tins is an exceedingly Interesting happy, and as beautiful as possible. Wecari't both scientific and practical in character, hi' review this book ; it is different from anything tended for both professional and la\ n we have ever r.ad. It runs like a novel, and The book is well written and presented In ad- will be perused until finished with pleasure mrahle foim t>> the publisher.— C a nadi a n and profit. Buy it, read it. and be surprised, Practitioner. SHOEMAKER Ointments and Oleates : ^"^Ul^lr""^ By John V. Shoemaker, A.M., M.I>., Professor of Materia Medics, Thar macology, Therapeutics, and < ilinical Medicine, and ( Ilinical Professor of D of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, i The author concisely concludes his preface as follows: 'The reader may thus obtain a eon pectus of the whole subject of Inunction as it exists to-day in the civilized world. In all cases the mode of preparal ion is Liven, and the thera- peutical application described seriatim, in so far as may be don.- without n< repetil ion. si cokd Edition, revised and enlargi d. 898 page* 1 -"'" Neatly hound in Dark-Blue Cloth. Nb.6inthi Physicians' and Students' Ready-Refet Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, 8s. 6i ; in France, 9 fr. 35. the best form in which to prescribe med i.\ u.i\ of the -k n the book will prove ralu able, owing to the many prescription* formula wh.eli dot it- piffi -. while thei op OU» index at the ha< k mate iall> aid- in making To the physician who feels uncertain as to the book a usefal one.— Medical If i (SI) It is Invaluable as ■ ready reference when ointment- or oleates are to i.e used, and U serviceable to both druggist and physician.— < fanada Mt dical /.'< cord. Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. SHOEMAKER Materia IViedica and Therapeutics. With Espeotal Reference to the Clinical Application of Drugs. Being the Second and Last Volume of a Treatise on Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics, «ind an Independent Volume upon Drugs. By John V. Shoemaker, A.M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medici, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, etc., etc. This, the second volume of Shoemaker's "Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics," is wholly taken up ■with the consideration of drugs, each remedy being studied from three points of view, viz. : the Preparations, or Materia Medica; the Physiology and Toxicology, or Pharmacology; and, lastly, its Therapy. It is thoroughly abreast of the progress of Therapeutic Science, and is really an indispensable book to every student and practitioner of medicine. Royal Octavo, about 67.3 pages. Thoroughly and carefully indexed. Price, in United States, post-paid, Cloth, $3.50; Sheep, $150, net. Canada (duty paid), Cloth, $100; Sheep, $5.00, net. Great Brit- ain, Cloth, 20s. ; Sheep, 26s. France, Cloth, 22 fr. 40; Sheep, 28 fr. 60. The first volume of this work is devoted to Pharmacy, General Pharma- cology, and Therapeutics, and remedial agents not properly classed with drugs. Royal Octavo, 353 pages. Price of Volume I, post-paid, in United States, Cloth, $2.50, net ; Sheep, $3.25, net. Canada, duty paid, Cloth, $2.75, net; Sheep, $3.60, net. Great Britain, Cloth, Hs. ; Sheep, ISs. France, Cloth, 16 fr. 20 ; Sheep, 20 fr. 20. The volumes are sold separately. SHOEMAKERS TREATISE ON MATERIA MEDICA, PHARMACOLOGY, AND THERA- PEUTICS STANDS ALONE. (1) Among Materia Medica text-books, in that it includes every officinal drug and every preparation contained in the United States Pharmacopoeia. (2) In that it is the only work on therapeutics giving the strength, composition, and dosage of every officinal preparation. (3) In giving the latest investigations with regard to the physiological action of drugs and the most recent applications in therapeutics. (4) In combining with officinal drugs the most reliable reports of the actions and uses of all the noteworthy new remedies, such as acetanilid, an ti pyrin, bromoform, exalgin, pyok- tanin, pyridin, somnal, spermine (Brown-Se'quard), tuberculin ( Koch's lymph), sulphonal, thiol, urethan, etc.. etc. (5) As a complete encyclopaedia of modern therapeutics in condensed form, arranged alpha- betically for convenience of reference for either physician, dentist, or pharmacist, when immediate information is wanted concerning the action, composition, dose, or antidotes for any officinal preparation or new remedv. (6) In giving the physical characters and chemical formula? of the new remedies, especially the recently-introduced antipyretics and analgesics. (7) In the fact that it gives special attention to the consideration of the diagnosis and treat- ment of poisoning by the more active drugs, both officinal and non-officinal. (8) And unrivaled in the number and variety of the prescriptions and practical formulae, representing the latest achievements of clinical medicine. (9) In that, while summarizing foreign therapeutical literature, it fully recognizes the work done in this department by American physicians. It is an epitome of the present state of American medical practice, which is universally acknowledged to be the best practice. (10) Because it is the most complete, convenient, and compendious work of reference, heing, in fact, a companion to the United States Pharmacopoeia, a drug-encyclopaedia, and a therapeutic hand-book all in one volume. material compressed in so limited a space. The book will prove a valuable addition t>> the physician 's library. — Occiuental Med. Times. It is a meritorious work, with many unique features. It is richly illustrated by well-tried prescriptions showing the practical applica- tion of the various drugs discussed. In short, this work makes a pretty complete encyclo- paedia of the science of therapeutics, conve- niently arranged for handv reference. — Med. World. The value of the book lies in the fact that it contains all that is authentic and trust- worthy about the host of new remedies which have deluged us in the last five years. The pages are remarkably free from useless infor- mation. The author has done well in following the alphabetical order. — N. Y. Med. Record. In perusing the pages devoted to the special consideration of drugs, their pharmacology, physiological action, toxic action, and therapy, one is constantly surprised at the amount of (22) Medical Publications of /•'. A. Davis, Philadelphia. SMITH Physiology of the Domestic Animals. A Text-Book foe Veterinabx" and Medical Sti dents and Pbactitionebs. By Robert Meade Smith, A.M., M.I). Professor of Comparative Physi- ology in University of Pennsylvania; Fellow of the College of Physicians and Academy of the .Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; of American Physiological Society; of the American Society of Naturalists, etc. This new and important work, the most thoroughly complete in the English language on this Bubject, treate of the physiology of tin- domestic animals in a most comprehensive manner, especial prominence being given t<> the suhjecl of foods and fodders, ami the character of the diel for the herbivore under different conditions, with a full consideration of their digestive peculiarities. Without being overburdened with detail-, it forms a complete text-book of physiology adapted to the use of students and practitioners of both veterinary and human medicine. This work has already been adopted as the Text-Boob on Physiology in the Veterinary Colleges of the United Stales. Great Britain, ami Canada. In one Handsome Royal Octavo Volume of ovei -, profusely Illustrated with more than 400 fine Wood-Engravings and many Colored Plate-. United States. Canada (duty paid) Great Britain. France Price, Cloth, - - $5.00, Net $5.50, Net 28s. 30 fr. 30 " Sheep, - - 6.00 " 6.60 " 32s. 36 fr. 20 A. LlATJTAHD, M.IV. H.F.R.C., vs., Pro- fessor of Anatomy, Operative Surgery, and Sanitary Medicine in the American veterinary College, New York, writes: — •• I have exam- ined the work '>r Dr. i;. M. Smith on the 'Physiology of the Domestic Animals,' and con- sider it (me of the best addil ionB to veterinary literature that we have bad for some t ime." E. M. Reading, A.M., M.D., Professorof Physiology m tin; ( thicago Vetei inary ( Sollege, writes: — "I have carefully examined the 'Smith's Physiology,' published by yon. and like it. it is com] rehensive, exhaustive, and complete, ami is especially adapted to those who desire to obtain a full knowledge ol the principles of physiology, ami are nol satisfied with a mere smattering of the cardinal points." Dr. Smith's presentment of his subject is as brief as the status of t he science permits, and to this much-desired <• iseness he has added an equally welcome clearness of statement. The illustrations in Che work arc excei diugly good, and must prove a valuable aid to ' In- fill 1 understanding of the text.— .Join - Comparative Medicitu and Surgery. Veterinary pract itioners ami graduates will read it with pleasure. Veterinary students will readUy acquire needed knowledge from its pages, and veterinarj schools, which Mould be well equipped for the work they aim to perform, cannot ignore It a- their text-1 k in physiology. — American VeU rinary R< oU u . Altogether, Professor Smith's •• Physiology of the Domestic Animals" Isahappj produc- tion, and will lie hailed with del ghl in both the human medical and veterinary medical worlds. It should And its place, besides, in all agricultural libraries.— Paul PaQUIN, M.D., \'.s., in the Wei khi M, dieal /.'- n, „■. The author bas Judiciously made tbenutri- tive functions she strong point of n e work. and lias devoted special attention to tin i i ■ i ■ i of foods and digestion. In looking through other sections ol tin- woi k. it appi an to us that a Just proportion ol Bpace is assigned to each, in view "f their relative importance to the practitioner.— .London Lancet. soznrsKEY Medical Symbolism. Historical Studies in tlic Art* of Healing and Hygiene. By Thomas S. So/.inskiy, Ml)., Till)., Author of "The Culture of Beauty. "The Care and Culture of children," etc. I'.'nio. Nearly 200 pages. Neatly hound in I >ark I'.liic ( 'loth. Appropi! ately illustrated with upward of thirty (80) mw Wood Engraving \ ' in the Physicians' and 8tudents' Ready Referenei >'•- sou ml ami serious mat ti i ." ikIkiii Pretention* r. in the volume before ns we ti ive in u Me ami v, fui attempt to mi forth In order those medical symbols which have come down to us, and to explain on historical ground* theii Blgnifli ince va astonishing amount ol Information Is contained within tni tie- book, and e\ en p igi ol the woi k token oi the painstaking Renin! and erudite mind Of 'he now unhappily deci.isid autlior —London Lanet t (23) • Irilical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. STEWART Obstetric Synopsis. By John S. Stewart, M.D., formerly Demonstrator of Obstetrics and Chief Assistant in the Gynaecological Clinic of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia: with an introductory note by William S. Stewart, A.M., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. By students this work will be found particularly useful. It is based upon the teachings of such well-known authors as Playfair, Parvin, Lusk, Galabin, and Cazeaux and Tarnier, and contains much new and important matter of great value to both student and practitioner. With 42 Illustrations. 202 pages. 12mo. Handsomely bound in Dark- Blue Cloth. No. 1 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready -Reference Series. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00, net ; in Great Britain, 6s.; Prance, 6 fr. 20. DeLaskie Miller, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., says: — "1 have examined the 'Obstetric Synopsis,' by John S. Stewart, M.D., and it gives me pleasure to characterize the work as systematic, concise, perspicuous, and authen- tic. Among manuals it is one of the best." It is well written, excellently illustrated, and fully up to date in every respect. Here we find all the essentials of Obstetrics in a nutshell, Anatomy, Embryology, Physiology, Pregnancy, Labor, Puerperal State, and Ob- stetric Operations all being caret' ulry and ac- curately described. — Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. It is clear and concise. The chapter on the development of the ovum is especially satis- factory. The judicious use of bold-faced type for headings and italics for important statements gives the book a pleasing typo- graphical appearance. — Medical Record. This volume is done with a masterly hand. The scheme is an excellent one. The whole is freely and most admirably illustrated with well-drawn, new engravings, and the book is of a very convenient size. — St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal. ULTZMANN The Neuroses of the Genito-Urinary System in the Male. With Sterility and Impotence. By Dr. R. Ultzmann, Professor of Genito-Urinary Diseases in the Uni- versity of Vienna. Translated, with the author's permission, by Gardner W. Allen, M.D., Surgeon in the Genito-Urinary Department, Boston Dispensary. Full and complete, yet terse and concise, it handles the subject with such a vigor of touch, such a clearness of detail and description, and such a directness to the result, that no medical man who once takes it up will be content to lay it down until its perusal is complete, — nor will one reading be enough. Professor Ultzmann has approached the subject from a somewhat different point of view from most surgeons, and this gives a peculiar value to the work. It is believed, moreover, that there is no convenient hand-book in English treat- ing in a broad manner the Genito-Urinary Neuroses. Synopsis op Contents. — First Part — I. Chemical Changes in the Urine in Cases of Neuroses. II. Neuroses of the Urinary and of the Sexual Organs, classified as : (1) Sensory Neuroses; (2) Motor Neuroses ; (3) Secretory Neuroses. Second Part — Sterility and Impotence. The treatment in all cases is described clearly and minutely. Illustrated. 12mo. Handsomely bound in Dark-Blue Cloth. No. Jf in the Physicians' and Students' Ready -Reference Series. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00, net ; in Great Britain, 6s. ; in Prance, 6 fr. 20. This book is to be highly recommended, owing to its clearness and brevity. Altogether, we do not know of any book oi the same size which contains so much useful information in such a short space. — Medical 2Vews, Its scope is large, not being confined to the one condition, — neurasthenia, — but embracing all of the neuroses, motor and sensory, of the genitourinary organs in the male. No one who has read" after Dr. Ultzmann need be re- minded of his delightful manner of presenting his thoughts, which ever sparkle with original- ity and appositeness.— Weekly Med. Review. It engenders sound pathological teaching, and will aid in no small degree in throwing light on the management of many of the dif- ficult and more refractory cases of the classes to which these essays especially refer.— The Medical Age. (24) Medical Publications of F. A. JDat-i.--, PJiiladelphia. WUUELER Abstracts of Pharmacology. By IF. A. AVni:i:r.i.it, M.D. (Registered Pharmacist, No. 8468, !■ i pared for the use of Physicians and Pharmacists, and especially forthenseof Students of Medicine and Pharmacy, who are preparing for Examination in Colleges and before State Boards <>f Examiners. This hook does not contain questions and answers, hut solid pa abstracl information. It will be an almost indispensable companion to lh< ticing Pharmacist, and a very useful reference-booh to tin' Physician. It i ontains a brief but thorough explanation of all terms and processes used in pi pharmacy, an abstract of all that is essential to he knewn of each officinal drug, its preparations and tkerapetic action, with doses; in Chemistry and Botany, much that is useful to the Physician and Pharmacist; a general working formula for each class and an abstract formula for each officinal preparation, and ii: the more popular unofficinal ones, together witb their <'■■ ■ many symbolic formulas; a list of abbreviations used in prescription writing; rules governing incompal ibilitiesj a list of Solvents; tests for the more common drugs; the huhitat and best time for gathering plant- to secure their medical properties. The hook contains 180 pages, 5J x8 inches, closely printed and on the best paper, nicely and durably hound, containing a greater amount of information on the above topics than any other work lor the money. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, 8s. 6i ; in France, 9 fr. 35. YOUNG Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy. Incli ding tiik Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By James K. Young, M.D., Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania; Attending Orth Surgeon, < hit-Patient Department, University Hospital, etc While the author has prepared this work especially for students, sufficient descriptive matter has been added to render it extremely valuable to the busy practitioner, particularly the sections on lh< i Special Senses, and Sur- gical Anatomy. The work includes a complete account of Osteology, Articulation*: and Ligaments, Muscles, Fascitis, Vascular and Nervous Systems, Alimentary, \ and Respiratory and Qenito-Urinary Apparatus, the I I Special S and Surgical Anatomy. In addition to a most carefully and accurately prepared text, wherever possible, the value of the work has been enhanced by tables t'> facilitate and minimise the labor of Btudenta in Requiring a thorough knowledge of this important subject. The section on the teeth bas also been especial lj pn to meet the requirements of students of dent, Illustrated with 76 Wood Engravings Utono. A". ., in th« Physicians' and Student*' TUady-Rtfcrei • Price, post-Mid, in United States and Canada $1.10, net; Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; France, 9 fr. 25. Every unnecessary word dm been excluded, bat ■ definite flolil of Bsefnlaem.— PtSi out of regard to the verv limited time at the M,.> good aa The n.».k isiuui >ry than ti>- a reference-nook, as it presents the facta nbout "remembi inces" In vouue, and yet is not !•>.» winch lie u ishes to i efresh M> niemni y in tin briefest manner consistent with cle&rni .V, a- y,,rk Medical Journal. Ae 'a companion to the diasectlng-table, and a convenient reference for the practitioner, it cnmbei some to be oan led ai onnd odd moment — .< propert) which tin- student u ill readily apu , M'dical i ■-'•.) Medical Fuhlicntions of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. WITJIEllSTINE The International Pocket Medical Formulary A HiiANGED Therapeutically. By C. Sumner Witiikrntink, M.S., M.D., Associate Editor of t lie "Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences;" Visiting Physician of the Home for the Aged, G-ermantown, Philadelphia ; Late House-Surgeon Charity Hospital, New York. Mure than 1800 formulae from several hundred well-known authorities. With an Appendix containing a Posological Table, the newer remedies include;!! ; Important Incompatihles ; Tables on Dentition and the Pulse; Table of Drops in a Fluidrachm and Doses of Laudanum graduated forage ; Formulae and Doses of Hypodermatic Medication, including the newer remedies ; Uses of the Hypo- dermatic Syringe ; Formulae and Doses for Inhalations, Nasal Douches, Gargles, and Eye-washes; Formulae for Suppositories; Use of the Thermometer in Dis- ease ; Poisons, Antidotes, and Treatment; Directions for Post-Mortem and Medico-Legal Examinations; Treatment of Asphyxia, Sun-stroke, etc.; Anti- emetic Remedies and Disinfectants ; Obstetrical Table ; Directions for Ligations of Arteries ; Urinary Analysis ; Table of Eruptive Fevers ; Mptor Points for Electrical Treatment, etc. This work, the best and most complete of its kind, contains about 275 printed pages, besides extra blank leaves — the book being interleaved throughout — elegantly printed, with red lines, edges, and borders; with illustrations. Bound in leather, with side flap. It is a handy book of reference, replete with the choicest formulae (over 1800 in number) of more than six hundred of the most prominent classical writers and modern practitioners. The remedies given are not only those whose efficiency has stood the test of time, but also the newest and latest discoveries in pharmacy and medical science, as prescribed and used by the best-known American and foreign modern authorities. It contains the latest, largest (06 formulae), and most complete collection of hypodermatic formulae (including the latest new remedies) ever published, with doses and directions for their use in over fifty different diseases and diseased conditions. Its appendix is brimful of information, invaluable in office work, emergency cases, and the daily routine of practice. It is a reliable friend to consult when, in a perplexing or obstinate case, the usual line of treatment is of no avail. (A hint or a help from the best authorities, as to choice of remedies, correct dosage, and the eligible, elegant, and most palat- able mode of exhibition of the same.) It is compact, elegantly printed and bound, well illustrated, and of conve- nient size and shape for the pocket. The alphabetical arrangement of the diseases and a thumb-letter index render reference rapid and easy. Blank leaves, judiciously distributed throughout the book, afford a place to record and index favorite formulas. As a student, the physician needs it for study, collateral reading, and for recording the favorite prescriptions of his professors, in lecture and clinic; as a recent graduate, he needs it as a reference hand-book for daily use in prescribing (gargles, nasal douches, inhalations, eye-washes, suppositories, incompatihles, poisons, etc.); as an old practitioner, he needs it to refresh his memory on old remedies and combinations, and for information concerning newer remedies and more modern approved plans of treatment. No live, progressive medical man can afford to be without it. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada $2.00, net; Great Britain, lis. 6d. ; France, 12 fr, 40. enough of incompatibilities before commenc- ing practice to avoid writinc: incompatible and dangerous prescriptions. The constant use of such a book by such prescribers would save the pharmacist much anxiety.— The Drug- gists Circular. In judicious selection, in accurate nomen- clature, in arrangement, and in Style, it leaves nothing to be desired. The editor and the publisher are to be congratulated on the pro- duction of the very best book of its class.— Pittsburgh Medical Review. It is sometimes important that such prescrip- tions as have been well established in their usefulness be preserved for reference, and this little volume serves such a purpose better than any other we have seen. — Columbus Med- ical Journal. To the young physiciun just starting out in practice this little* book will prove an accept- able companion. — Omaha Clinic. As long as "combinations'' are sought, such a book will be of value, especially to those who cannot spare the time required to learn (26) Medical Publications of F. A. Darin, Philadelphia. Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences. A Yearly Report of the Progress of the General Sanitary Sciences Throughout the World. Edited by Charles E. Sajous, M.D., formerly Lecturer on Larynj and Rhinology in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, etc., and Seventy Associate Editors, assisted by over Two Hundred Corresponding Editors and Collaborators. In Five Royal Octavo Volumes of about 500 pages each, bound in Clotli ami Half-Russia, Magnificently Illustrated with Chromo-Lithographs, Engravings, Maps. Charts, ami Diagrams. Being intended to enable any physi- cian i>> possess, at a moderate cost, a complete Contemporary History of On Medicine, edited by many of America's ablest teachers, ami superior in every detail of print, paper, binding, etc., a befitting continuation of Buch greal works as " Pepper's System of Medicine," "Ashhurst's [nternational Encyclopa Surgery," "Buck's Reference Hand-Hook of the Medical 9ciem SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION, OR SENT DIRECT ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID. Subscription Price per Year (including the " SATELLITE " for one year; : In United States, Cloth, 5 vols., Koyal Octavo, $15.00; Half-Russia, 5 vc'.:.. Royal Octavo, $20.00. Canada (duly paid), Cloth, $16 50; Half-Russia, $22.00. Great Britain, Cloth, £4 7s. ; Half-Russia, £5 15s. France, Cloth, 93 fr. 95 ; Half-Russia, 124 fr. 35. The Satellite of the " Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences." A Monthly Review of the most important articles upon the practical branches of Medicine appearing in the medical press at large, edited by the Chief Editor of the A.NNUAL and an able stall'. Published in connection with tin- A.\.\ru„ ami for its Subscribers Only- Editorial Staff of the Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences. CONTKTIJUTOKS TO SERIES 1888, 1889, 1890. 1891. Editok-in-Chibp, CHARLES E. SA.IOUS, M.D., Philadelphia. SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Agnew, I>. Saves, M.D., LL.D., Philadelphia, Beries of 1888, 1889. Baldy, .;. M.. m.i>.. Philadelphia, I89L Barton, J. M.. A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, [889, Mia. 1891. Birdaall, W. U., M.l>„ New York, 1889, 1890, 1891. Ili-own, F. \\\, M.I) . Detroit. |K!W. IS!I|. Bruen, Edward T., M.D., Philadelphia, i- Brnsh, Edward N., M.D., Philadelphia, 1889, 1890, is'.'i. Cohen, J. Holla, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888 1889 1890, 1891. Conner, P. 8., M.D., LL.D., Cinolnnal 1889, 1890, 1891. Currier, A I-'., A.I'.., M.I>., New York, 1889, 1890, 189L Davids,,.!. C. ('.. M D . Phlladelphl i !>;, \ is. N. H., A.M., M.D., LL.D., < I 1889, 1890, 1881. Delafield, Francis, M.D. New York. 1888. Delavan, D. Bryson, M.D.. New York, 1888, L889, 1890, 189] . Draper, !•'. Winthrnp. A.M., M.D.. New York, [888, 1889 1890, 1891. Dudley, Edward C, M.D., Chicago, l- Ernst," Harold «'., a.m.. m.i>., Boston, 1689, 18JM, 1891. Forbes, William 8., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, L890. Oarrotson, J. E., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889. < • , ton, J. McFadden, M.D . Atlant , 1891. Qihon, Uberi T . A.M.. M.D.. Brooklyn 1889, 1890 1891. Good ii. William, M.D.. Philadelphia, 1889. 1890, Grav. Landon Carter, M.D., NewYorM 1891. b, i p. Croser, M.D.. Philad, Iphl 1890, [89J, Guilford. S. H., D.D.8., Ph.D., Philadelphia, ,-. John, M.D . Ph.D., Charlestoi Hamilton. John B . M.D.. II. D . Wash Hare, Hobarl Vmorv, M.D., B 3e . l'i lladel- phia 1888, 1880 1890, ; - Henrv. Frederick P., M.D., Philadelphi ,. 1889, IgnO, 1891 II, ,11 ,n,l..l. W .Ml' I Holt L. la tt. M .!>. New \ oi I 1891. Howell, W. II.. Ph.D., M D. Ann Arbor, I 1890, 1801. linn. Henry, M.D.. Uhanv, Hooper. Franklin II . M D. I 1891. l I .. i. h< r, \M . M.D.. Chicafjo, IKSft, IS91. \^ . W . \ M . M.D.J Johnston, Christopher, M.D., Baltimon Johnston. W. \\'., M D . ' [890, 1891. (») Medical Publicaliom of F. A. Davis, Philadel/ihia. SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS (continued). Keating' John M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Kelsey" Charles l'.., M.D.,New York, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. K.'v.s, Edward L., A.M., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Knapp, Philip Coombs, M.D., Boston, 1891. Laplace Ernest, A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 181)0. 1891. Lee, John G., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Leidy, Joseph. M.D., LL.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, is! hi, 1891. Lonestreth, Morris, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, L889, 1890. Loomis, Alfred L., M.D., LL.D., New York, 1888, 1889. Lyman, Henry M., A.M., M.D., Chicago, 1888. McGuire, Hunter, M.D., LL.D., Richmond, 1888 Man ton, Walter P., M.D., F.R.M.S., Detroit, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Martin, H. Newell, M.D., M.A., Dr. Sc, F.R.S., Baltimore, 1888, 1889. Matas, Rudolph, M.D., New Orleans, 1890, 1891. Mears, J. Ewing, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Mills, Charles K., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Minot, Ohas. Sedgwick, M.D., Boston. 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Montgomery, E. E., M.D., Philadelphia, 1891. Morton, Thos. G., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889 Mini ile.' Paul F., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Oliver, Charles A., A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1889, 1890, 1891. Packard, John H., A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, 1S90, 1891. Parish, Win. H., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, 1890. Parvin, Theopliilus, M.D., LL.D., Philadel- phia, 1888, 1889. Pierce, O. N.. D.D.B., Philadelphia, 1888. Pepper, William, M.D., LL.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Rannev, Ambrose L., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890. Richardson. W. L., M.D., Boston. 1888, 1889. Rockwell, A. D., A.M.. M.D.. New York, 1891. Rohe'. Geo. H., M.D., Baltimore. 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Saious, Chas. E., M.D.. Philadelphia. 1888, 1889, 1890,1891. Savre, Lewis A.. M.D., New York, 1890. 1891. Segnin E. 0., M.D., Providence, 1888, 1889, ~ 1890. 1891. Senn, Nicholas, M.D., Ph.D., Milwaukee, 1888, 1889. Shakspeare. E. O., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Shattuck, F. C, M.D., Boston, 1890. Smith. Allen J., A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1890, 1891. Smith. .T. Lewis, M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Spitzka. E. C, M.D., New York. 1888. Starr, Louis, M.P., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, 1890 1891 Stimson. Lewis A., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Biuvgis, F. R.. M D., New York. 1888. Sudduth, F. X.. A.M.. M.D . F.R.M.iS., Minne- apolis, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, Thomson, William, M.D., Philadelphia, 1SS8. Thomson. Wm. H., M.D.. New York; 1888. Tiflfanv, L. McLane, A.M., M.D., Baltimore, 1890. 1891. Tumbull, ('has. S.. M.D., Ph.D., Philadelphia, 1888. 1889, 1S90 1891. Tvson. James, M.D., Philadelphia, 1S88, 1889, 189:1. Van Harlingen, Arthur, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1880, 1890. 1891. Vinder Veer, Albert, M.D.. Ph.D., Albany, 1890. Whittaker. .Tas. T., M.D., Cincinnati. 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Whittier. E. N.. M.D.. Boston, 1890, 1891. Wilson. ,l:mies C., A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. 1S89. 1890, 1891. Wirgman, ('has., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Witherstiiie, C. Suniner. .M.S., M.D., i'hila- delpliia, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. White, j. William, ALL., Philadelphia, 1889, 1890, I old. Young, .las. K., M.D., Philadelphia, 1891. JUNIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Baldy, J. M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1890. Bliss. Arthur Ames, A.M., M.P., Philadelphia, 1890, 1891. Catteii, 11. W., M.D.. Philadelphia, 1890, 1891. Cerna, David, M.D. , PhD.. Philadelphia, 1891. Clark,.l. Payson, M.D., Boston, 1890, 1891. Crandall, V. M., M.D., New York, 1891. Cohen, Solomon .Sobs, A.M., M.D., Philadel- phia, 1890, 189L Cryer, II. M., M.D., Philadelphia. 1889. Deale, Henry B., M.D., Washington, 1891. Dollev, C. S., M.D., Philadelphia, 1889, 1890, 1891. Bollinger, Julius. M.D., Philadelphia, 1889. Dorland, W. A., M.D.. Philadelphia 1891. Freeman, Leonard, M.D., Cincinnati, 1891. Goodell. W. Constantine, M.D,, Philadelphia, 1888, 1889, 1890. Gould, Geo. M..M.D.. Philadelphia, 1889, 1890. Greene, E. M.. M.D., Boston, 1891. Griffith, J. P. Crozer, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Hoag, Junius, M.D., Chicago, 1888. Howell, W. H., PhD., B.A., Baltimore, 1888, 1889 Hunt, William, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1889. Jackson. Henrv, M.D., Boston, 1891. Kirk, Edward C., D.D.S.. Philadelphia, 1888. Llovd, James Hendrie, M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. McDonald. Willis G..M.D.. Albany, 1890. Penrose, Chas. B., M.D.. Philadelphia. 1890. Powell. W. M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1889, 1890, 1891. Quimbv, Chas. E., M.D., New York, 1889. Bayre, Reginald IL, M.D., New York, 1890. 1891. Smith, Allen J., A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1889, 1890. Vickery, H. F., M.D., Boston, 1891. Warfieid. Ridgely B., M.D.. Baltimore, 1891. Warner. Frederick M., M.D.. New York. 1891. Weed. Charles L., A.M., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888, 1S89. Wells. Brooks H., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890, 189k Wolff, Lawrence. M.D., Philadelphia, 1890. Wyman, W r alter, A.M., M.D., Washington, 1891. ASSISTANTS TO ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Baruch, S., M.D., New York. 1888. Beatty, Franklin T., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. Brown, Dillon, M.D.. New York, 1888. Buechler, A. F., M.D., New York. 1888. Burr, Chas. W., M.D.. Philadelphia. 1891. Cohen. Solomon Sobs, M.D., Philadelphia, 1889. Cooke, B. G., M.D.. New York, 1888. Coolidge. Algernon. Jr., M.D.. Boston, 1S90. Currier, A. P., M.D., New York, 1888. Daniels. F. H., A.M.. M.D., New York. 1888. Deale Henrv B., M.D., Washington. 1890. Eshner, A. A.. M.D., Philadelphia. 1891. Could George M.. M.D.. Philadelphia. 1888. Grandm Egbert H., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889- Greene E. M.. M D.. Boston. 1890. Ouite'ras. G. M., M.D.. Washington. 1890. Hauee, I. H. A.M., M.D.. New York, 1891. Klingenschmidt, C. H. A., M.D., Washington, Martin.' Edward, M.D., Philadelphia. 1891. McKee E S M.D., Cincinnati, 1889, 1890, 189L Myers P. HL M.D . New York, 1888. Packard. F. A.. M.D.. Philadelphia 1890. Prltchard. W. B.. M.D., New York. 1891. Kannree E H. A.M.. M.D. . Philadelphia, 181)0. Sears G. G., M.D.. Hoston. 1890. Khulz. R. C, M.D.. New York. 1801. Souwers. Geo. F., M.D., Philadelphia. 18SS. Taylor H. L.. M.D., Cincinnati. 1889, 1890. Vansant, Eugene L., M.D., Philadelphia, 1888. (28) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. ASSISTANTS TO ASSOCIATE EDITORS-(CONTINUED). Vlckery, II. F, -M.L., Boston, I8G0. Warner, P. M., M.D., New York, 1888, 1889, 1890. Wells, Brooks EL, M.I>., New York, 188a Wcii.it, E. u.j M.D., New York, i- Wilclor, W. ll.. M.D., Uincinnatl ;- Wilson, U. M< igs, M.D., Philadelphia, I Wilson, W, i:., .M.l»., Philadelphia, 1801. CORRESPONDING STAFF. EUROPE. Ant ai. Dr. Gesav., Puda-Pesth, Hungary. Baginsky, Dr. A., Berlin, Germany. Baratoux, Dr. J.. Paris, France. Barker.Mr. A. )■:..)., London, England. Barnes, Dr. Kancourt, London, England. Bayer, Dr. < ail, Prague. Austria. Boucbut, Dr. L., Paris, France. Bourni ville, Dr. A.. Paris, France. BramwelL Dr. Byron, Edinburgh, Scotland. Carter, Mr. William, Liverpool, England. Uaspari, Dr. G. A., Moscow, Russia. Ubiralt y Selma, Dr. v.. Seville, Spain. Uordes.'Dr. A.., Geneva, Switzerland. D'Estrees, Dr. Debout. Contrexeville, France. Uiakonoff, Dr. P. J., Moscow, Russia. Dobrasbian, Dr. G. S., Constantinople, Tur- key. Doleiis, l>r. I... Taris. Franco. Doutrelepont, Prof., Bonn, Germany. 1 loyoii, Dl'. i L, Lyons, France. Drzewiecki, l>r. ,1os.. Warsaw, Poland. Dubois-Reymond, Prof., Berlin, Germany. Ducrey, l>r. A.. Naples, Italy. Duiardin-Beaumetz, Dr., Paris, France. Duke, Dr. Alexander, Dublin, Irelaud. Eklund, Dr. 1'., Stockholm, Sweden. Fokker, Dr. A. P., Groningen, Holland. Fort, 1 >r. I. A., Paris, France. Foamier. l>r. Henri, Paris, France. Franks, Dr. Kendal, Dublin, Ireland. l-'iviiiv. 1 >r. l [., Nice. France. Fry, l ir. George, I lublin, 1 1 eland Qolowina, Dr. A., Varna, Bulgaria. Gouguenbeim, Dr. A., Paris, France. Haig, I'r. A., London, England. Hainon, Mr. A., Paris, Fi ance. Harley, Mr. V:, London. England. Harley, Mr. II. R., Nottingham, England. Harley, Prof. Geo., London, England. Harpe, Dr. de la, Lan-aimr. Switzerland. Hartmann, Prof. Arthur, Berlin, Germany. ;i inn. I >r. .1.. Vienna. Austria. Kelferich, Pr< i.. Greifswald, Germany. Hewetson, Dr. Bendelack, Leeds, England. Holt. Dr, B. M., Copenhagen, Denmark. Humphreys, Dr. 1-. Rowland, London, Eng- land. Mingworth, Dr. C. K.. Accrington, England. Jones, I ir. 1 '. M. de Silva, Lisbon, Portugal Knott. i>r. .1. K.. Dublin, Ireland. Krause, Dr. IL. Berlin, Germany. Landolt, Dr. K., Paris, France. Levison, Dr. J., Copenhagen, Denmark. Lutaud, I »r. A.. Pai is. France. Mackay, Dr. w. \.. Eiuelva, Spain. Mackowen, Dr. T. i '.. Capri. Italy. Manche", Dr. I... Valetta, Malta. Massei, Prof. 1'.. Naples, Italy. Mendez, Prof. K.. Barcelona, Spain. Meyer, l >r. F... Naples, Italy. Meyer, Prof. W„ Copenhagen. Denmark. Monod. i 'i . i bai l< -. Pai Is, Prance. Montefusco, Prof. A.. Naples. Italv. More-Madden, Prof. Thomas, Dublin, Ireland. Morel, Dr. J., I Ihent, Belgium. Mygind, Dr. Holger, Copenhagen, Denmark. Mynlieff. It. a.. Breukelen, Holland. Napier, Dr. A. D. Lelth, London, England. Nicolich, l >i . Trieste, Ausl rfa, Oberlander, l>r.. Dresden, Germany. ( Ibersteiner, Prof., \ i. ana Austi la. Pampoukis, Dr., Athens, Greece, Pansoni, I »r.. Naples, Itailj . Parker, Mr. Rushton, Liverpool, England, Pel, Prof. P. k".. Amsterdam, Holland. Pippinskjold, I>r.. Helslngfors, Finland Pulido, Prof. Angel, Madrid, Spain Rona, Dr. s., Buda-Pesth, Hut isch, I »i . 1... L\ o\ . < , . Rossbach, Prof. M. I 1 '.. Jena, Germ St. I o i in. in:. 1 >r. de. l'u Prof. M., I many. Schiffers, Prof., Liege. Belgium. Schmiegelow, Prof. E., Copenhagen, Den mark. Dr. G. M., Moscow, I: Simon, I n. Jules I ice. Sollier, Dr. P., Pa Solowieff, Dr. A. N., Lip< Prof. it. de l.i. Seville, Spain. Sprimont, I ii .. Mos< ow, Rust sto, kvis. Prof. B. J., Amsterdam, Holland. Szadek, Dr. < -art, K ew, Tait, Mr. Law son, Birmingham, Englaud. Tbiriar. I ir . Brn uui. Triflletti, Dr., Naples, Italy. Tuke, Dr. D.'Hack, London. England. I'll ik, J»i. Axel, i . Unverricht, Prof., any. Van dei Mey, Prof, G. IL. Amsterdam, Hol- land. Vim Leent, Dr. 1'.. Arasterd im, Holland. Van Millmgen, Prof, i key. Van Rijnberk, Dr., Amsterdam, Holland. Wilson, 1 >r. < leorge, l^eamii tnd. Wolfenden, Dr. Norris, London, England. Zweifel, Prof., Leipzig, Germany. AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. Bittencourt, Dr. J. C, Rio Janeiro, Brazil Cooper. Lr. An-i n N.. Buenos Ayres, A tine Republic. Dagnino, Prof. Manuel, euezuela. Desvernine, Dr. C. M.. Havana. Cuba, I-'ci nandez, I>i . J. I... Havana, i Finlay, Dr. Charles, Havana, Cuba. Fontecha, Prof, R., Tegucigalpa, Hondui Harvey, Dr. Eldon, Hamilton, Bermuda. Herdocia, Dr, E. Leon, Nicaragua. Levi. lir. Joseph, i 'olon, l'. s. Columbia, Mello. Dr. V iei ra de, K Bi azil. Mo i. Dr. J. v, . r„ i./c. British Honduras. Mi mi oi vo, Prof., Rio Jai eii o, Bi aziL I 'it. Dr. L. 1'.. Havana, Cuba. Lake, i it. Beavi n. Trinidad. Rincon, l»r. F.. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Semeleder, Dr, F., Mexico, Mexico, Soriano. Dr. M. S., Mexic >, Mexico. Strachan, Dr. Henry, Kingston, Jamaica. OCEANICA, AFRICA, AND ASIA. Baelz, Prof. i:.. Tokyo. Japan. Barrett, Dr.Jaa. W., M< Ibmirne, Australia. Branfoi t, I >r. \. .M.. Madras, India. ■ _.• irgiades, Dr. J. < ;.. Lima&sol, Cypi Cochran, I >r. Josepli I*., < iroomiab, i Coltman, 1 > r. Robert, Jr., Cbe-foo, China. Condict, Dr. Alice \\ .. Bombay, India. e, I ir. John M.. Syd ey, A ustralla. Dalzell, l>r. J. Dianiantopulos, I \ rna. 'I'm Id Drake Brockman, Dr., Madras, India. raid, Mr. T. N . Melboui ne, \n-t i Fori in. in. Dr. I. . s> iincv, Australia Qaidzagian, Dr. Oban, A Minor. Dr. Dai id, Melbourw Johnson, Dr. IL, Dera Ishmall Khan, B elusian. Kiniiu.i. Prof. J. K., Tokyo, Japan Knaggv, Di s., Sydney, Australia. -eii. l m . L.i shara I , Hi nmuu in A*i i. Mc( 'andless Dr. H. H. Hainan, < 'inn a, Moloney, I >r. J., Melbou Nc\ c. Dr. Ai tliur. Bombay , Im Perez. Dr. ( rlffe. lieid, Dr. John, Melboui ne, \ ■ »on, Dr. W. K., P ,\pt. Kini\ ler, Prof. .' uli -. I in, I M . William ! Slnclaii , Dr. H., 8j dnej , Ausl Thompson. Dr. Jamec !'• . Petchaltui t c. - Wheeler, Dr. P.i l< m, Palestine. Whitney, In. ll I I • h u. i inn i. Whitney, Dr. W. Norton, Tokyo, Japan. (29) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, JPfiiladelphia. JiANNBY Lectures on Nervous Diseases. From the Stand-Potnt of Cerebral and Spinal Localization, and the Later Methods Employed in the Diagnosis and Treatment of these Affections. By Ambrose L. Ranney, A.M., M.D., Professor of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital; Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the Medical Department of the University of Vermont, etc. ; Author of "The Applied Anatomy of the Nervous System," " Practical Medical Anatomy," etc., etc. It is now generally conceded that the nervous system controls all of the physical functions to a greater or less extent, and also that most of the symptoms encountered at the bedside can be explained and interpreted from the stand-point of nervous physiology. Profusely illustrated with original diagrams and sketches in color by the author, carefully selected wood-engravings, and reproduced photo- graphs of typical cases. One handsome royal octavo volume of 780 pages. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION, OR SENT DIRECT ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID. Price, in United States, Cloth, $5.50; Sheep, $6.50 ; Half-Russia, $7.00. Canada (duty paid), Cloth, $6.05 ; Sheep, $7.15 ; Half-Russia, $7.70. Great Britain, Cloth, 32s. ; Sheep, 37s. 6d. ; Half-Russia, 40s. France, Cloth, 34 fr. 70; Sheep, 40 fr. 45; Half-Russia, 43 fr. 30. We are glad to note tliat Dr. Ranney has published in book form his admirable lectures on nervous diseases. His book contains over seven hundred large pages, and is profusely illustrated with original diagrams and sketches in colors, and with many carefully selected wood-cuts and reproduced photographs of typical cases. A large amount of valuable information, not a little of which has but recently appeared in medical literature, is pre- sented in compact form, and thus made easily accessible. In our opinion, Dr. Rnnney's book ought to meet with a cordial reception at the hands of the medical profession, for, even though the author's views may be sometimes open to question, it cannot be disputed that his work beats evidence of scientific method and honest opinion. — American Journal of Insanity. STANTON'S Practical and Scientific Physiognomy; OR I~Io\x7- to Read Faces. By Mary -Olmsted Stanton. Copiously illustrated. Two large Octavo volumes. The author, Mrs. Mary O. Stanton, has given over twenty years to the preparation of this work. Her style is easy, and, by her happy method of illustration of every point, the book reads like a novel and memorizes itself. To physicians the diagnostic information conveyed is invaluable. To the general reader each page opens a. new train of ide:is, (This book has no reference whatever to phrenology.) SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION, OK SENT DIRECT 03J RECEIPT OF PRICE, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID. Price, in United States, Cloth, $9.00; Sheep, $11.00 ; Half-Russia, $13.00. Canada (duty paid), Cloth, $10.00; Sheep, $12.10; Half-Russia, $14.30. Great Britain, Cloth, 56s. ; Sheep, 63s. ; Half-Russia, 80s. France, Cloth, 30 fr. 30 ; Sheep, 36 fr. 40 ; Half-Russia, 43 fr. 30. (30) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. S A JO US Lectures on the Diseases of the IMose and Throat. Delivered at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. By Charles E. Sajous, M.I). Formerly Lecturer on EUiinology aud Laryngology in Jefferson Medical College; Vice-President of the American Laryngological Association; Officer of the Academy of France and of Public [nstruction of Venezuela; Corresponding Member of the Royal Society of Belgium, of the Medical Society of Warsaw (Poland), aud of the Society of Hygiene of France; Member of the American Philosophical Society, etc., etc. J^T° Si no' the i>nhlixlivr brotitjhi this valuable work before the pro- fession, it has become : 1st, the text-book of a large number of colli 2d, the reference-book of the U. S. Arm;/, Navy, and the Marine N rvice; and, 3d, an important and valued addition to the libraries of over 10,000 physicians. This book has not only the inherent merit of presenting a clear expose of the subject, but it is written with :i view to enable the general practitioner to treat his cases himself. To facilitate diagnosis, colored plates are introduced, showing the appearance of the different parts in the diseased state as they appear in nature by artificial light. No error can thus be made, as each affection of the nose and throat has its repre- sentative in the 100 chromolithographs presented. In the matter of treatment, the indications are so complete that even the slightest pro- cedures, folding of cotton for the forceps, the use of the probe, etc., are clearly explained. Illustrated with 100 chromolithographs, from oil paintings l>y the author, and 93 engravings on wood. One handsome royal octavo volume. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION, OR SENT DIRECT ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID. Price, in United States, Cloth, Royal Octavo, $i .00 ; Half-Russia, Roral Octavo, $5.00. Canada (duty paid), Cloth, $4.40 ; Half-Russia, $3.50. Great Britain, Cloth, 22s. 6d. ; Sheep or Half-Russia, 28s. France, Cloth, 24 fr. 60 ; Half- Russia, 30 fr. 30. It is intended to furnish the general practi- t" him were they seen in t!i<- tiring • tioner not only with a guide for the treatment As a guide to the treatment ol the no oi diseases of the nose and throat, but also to thi irdtallyi mmend this work. place before him a representation of the nor- ■ — Boston Medical and SurgiccU Jot mal and diseased parts as they would appear || X2T PEESC. THE CHINESE : Their Present and Future ; Medical, Political, and Social. By ROBERT COLTM \ X. Jr., Ml) . Sin-con in Charge ofthe Presbyterian Hospital and Dispensary at Ten- Cho"« Fu; < 'onsulting Physician of the An Southern Baptist Mission Society; Examiner in Surgery and Diseases ol f for the Bhantune Medical Class; Consulting Physician to the English Baptist Missions, etc. Illustrated with about Sixteen Pine En pra\ In ■ from photoj raphs of persons, places, and objects characteristic of China. In one Octavo volume of about 350 pages. Rraot A.boi t Dkoi kbi r l. 18D1. The author has spent many years among tin- Chinese; lived with them in their dwellings; thoroughly learned the language; has become com with all their Btrange and odd characteristics to a •_•;■• ater extent than almost any other American, lie has been a physician i" all classes of this wonderful people, ami the opportunities thus afforded for a clear insight into the inner lite of the Chinese, their virtues and vices, political, social, and Banitary condition, probate destiny, and their present important position in the world to day. have been ably and wiselj used by Dr. Coltman. (31) Medical Publications of F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. yearly Ready. Will be Issued about October 1, 1891. Age of the Domestic Animals. Being a Complete Treatise on tijk Dentition of the Horse, Ox, Sheep, Bog, and Dog, and <>n the Various Otheb Means of Telling the Age of these Animals. By Rush Shippen Huidekoper, M.D., Veterinarian, A 1 fort, France. Professor of Sanitary Medicine and Veterinary Jurisprudence in the American Veterinary College, New York; Lieutenant-Colonel and Sur- geon-in-Chief National Guard of Pennsylvania; Fellow of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia; Honorary Fellow of the Royal College Veterinary Surgeons, London ; L:ite Dean of the Veterinary Department University of Pennsylvania, etc., etc. Complete in one handsome Royal Octavo volume, with about l(i<» Illustrations. This is one of the most important works on the domestic animals published in recent years. Heady Very Shortly. A, B, C of the Swedish System of Educational Gymnastics. A Practical Hand-Book for School-Teachers and the Home. By Hartvig Nissen, Instructor of Physical Training in the Public Schools of Boston, Mass.; Instructor of Swedish and German Gymnas- tics at Harvard University's Summer School. 1891; Author of U A Manual on Swedish Movement and Massage Treatment,'' etc., etc. Complete in one neat 12mo volume, bound in extra flexihle cloth and appropriately illustrated with 77 excellent engravings aptly eluci- dating the text. Lectures on Auto-Intoxication. By Prof. Bouchard, Paris. Translated from the French, with an Original Appendix by the author. By Thomas Oliver, M.D., Professor of Phj'siology in University of Durham, England. In Press. (32) Date Due UCLA-Geology Geophysics Library F 867 R28m L 006 572 377 7 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY F AA 001 198 356 HI li ■HI tgil K T11