*!»?!& mK^^''^'<^\. r ■if B 3 5M ^ oa'=i LIBRARV University of California. Class 151 S I'iOZ CASE B ^ Clje CuDor jFatsimtlt Ccyts ^J3iu6 anb tEirtrinia Hpius an& l>irQinia Cl)c Cubor fateimilt Ccjts ^pius anb ®lirginia Date of only Known Edition, 1575 Reproduced in Facsimile, 1908 Ctie Cutior jFacstmtle Cejctg Under the Supervision and Editorship oj JOHN S. FARMER ^piu0 anti Virginia 1575 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII GEIfiEWl aipius anb 'Sairginia Again to '■''the Irish Jind of 1906" is due the unearthing of a second copy of the original edition of this play. Until then the exafnple in the British Museum [Pressmark C. 34, h. 2) was the only copy known to be extant. Like many other unique exatnples of early English plays now in national custody it came from the Garrick collection. Since the Irish copy was sold^ another from the Mostyn Library came into the market in June i 907. Th^ identity of R. B. has not been defnitely ascertained — tlie initials apply to several writers of the time — but it is commonly attributed to Richard Bower, of whom, however, " The Dictionary of National Biography " takes no note. The date oj composition is probably 1563; there are several references pointing to the plague of that year. It was entered on the Stationers' Register in 1567 by Rycharde Jonnes. Mr. J. A. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, has little to criticise after comparing this facsimile with the original copy : — { I ) Title-page, there is no smudge under the " tfl " ?/ "Cragicall" /// the original. (2) 3. a. recto, line \\from top of page, original has a white maj-k, a piece of paper having apparently stuck to it, but the word is quite legible as "pu!00ant," (3) C. iv. recto, this page is a trijle too faint. (4) £). \\\, verso, last line, initial letter is slightly clearer in original. It is evidently " JI3." (5) (£. \\. verso, last line, " CO ttC " is clearer in original. (6) (JB. \\\. recto, last line at end, clearer in original : "Strpf " [C], and catchword "JT " [ame], below. JOHN S. FARMER. ^^ A new Tragical! Comedie Qf(*ytpm and Virginia^ y Bijtcem \^ Ikielp cjrpicfCcD a tare example of the vcrtue of Chaftitic, b^ Virginias conffanf^.tn tinflbiag rather to he jlAtHedt her on:ncYd^ x\)txB banlitSj tljcn to be Dcflo\»»s red of the wicked luJgc Apius. By R. B. SS!)elpiarcr0 names. Virginia J. Maccr. Virginia; Haphazard. Subferuus, Apitts. Confcience. luftice. Qanciius* RuuTour. Corefoitc, Rewardct Doftrina, Mctnoricf, Imprinted at London, by ^/^ liainHoWj for Richard Ihoncs* 1 5*? 5. j&a The Prologue. ^ Q-\i eapis xcherut & fummu (ctniert (ec^a Vim limul ac friudein dilcutc chirc tibi. Ftias bic nuiii iuuu,n6 (onii f.i£l2 iuu.buC, Soli Oei tua te tiahat.tcrfe fiiki. f- Qui placet in terrij intidli piiluJis in(br, Viuerc Virgin! im nitore virgo lequi. Quae tuiit & luflus.difos gjudia nugna Vitae.dum pircelcindcr tilj parent. Hue ides 6 vitgo.pirittre morituti lepulchrOj Skill, 8c finiem pallida motcemuut. V\7'^o t)off) scOre tfte tramp of fame.to founu tnto t\)e &ftf ^ ' al); cli uifjo feebes tftcibol? pIace,U)bcie migbt^ louc i)i l^emuftnotbuoeceitfuUminD.nojHetb^ pu' uUftrcngt^, %out b^ tbc faitb anD facreo Ii'fe,bc mutt it toin at Icngtft, Bno tutjat flje be tbat tJtrgins I^fcon cartb luolD glaol^ leaDe, S^befluos tbat Virginia oio fall, J U'ifbbcr rcaDc, %}tr DoUer anb bir Dolefutl loffcano t?f t ber io^s at bcatli, Come cairgins pure to graae tuitb ma,quotb ftc toitb lateft bj» Vtu lLo;rDingff all tbat pjcfent be.tbte SDragibic to bearc, i^ote toell Uibat f calc ano loue,bf erein ootb Uicll appcare, ilno Haoics pon tbat Unhco are, in UicDlocbc banoes foj mtr, ^0 imitate tbc life vou fa.tobofe fame taill pcriflj neuer, 13ut aiirgin« i^oujob iLacies faire.foj bonour of pour name. ^cD leao tbc life apparent bare,to tout inimojtall fame, ilct not tbe blinocD CDod of Loac,a0 ^octiB tcarme bim fo, floi Venus iuitb ber bencrp,no: ILccbojs caufc of tDO J'our dirgtns name to fpot o; filetoeare oamcp obferue tbe Kite, Cbat fairc Vcrginia oiD obfenie,Vubo ratber toifl} tbe Knife, ^f fatbcrs bano bir life to enDe,tben fpot ber tbatteti? j ^»3 (be DiD Vuailcluatle ^ou ber iuant tou maiojwjfcourteSe. Jfani' b? erample becrctuouio fl)tin tbat great anop, £)iir iintbotir Uioulo rciorre in b^rt, anD toe \uo«lo leap fo? iop, €(Llouto ©003 tbat our inoeuer m^,as toell to pleafc ^our eareg, 35 ie our ^udois meaning beere,tben tocre toe tiogoe of fcarrs : 16ut pacientlf toa toift rou beare toitb tbi5 our firft attempt. '^ ©ilbtcbftirelt'toiUt0«»ourbca:,tt!;n rttlu t33 no contempt, / ilnD aifepou plcafe in pacient toifc,our ftrft foj to mriue* > ijcr« long a better l6aUi;oHtoin, if goo * a HnterVirginius. SLJe l^caiicns,anD tbc planets chcanD mo^U from ant to bote. men framcD tfjep ^ man of moulD ( clap,f gauc fjtm time to raign ^ famcD bctt tftcir facrr o nunD£,to runnc ano turnc againe i N >cp framcD ai(o after t\)\s,out of bis tcnccr Cue, 1 Jttof mucbfo;mofitie,UJitbbimfc;toabiOe: (t tnfanOc to luC^ pou.anD fo to raignc atobtler yell to line, tyl Eras be bntearc0,Do bim beetle, tb fo fee tbefc qiUes of tbem,on grounDeo caue to Deto, wtntrl? to XKcli tbem bp,lDbub after tbc^ map rcTu : ;rfo;c 3 tbanktbc Coos aboue,tbat i^ttlD to ma futb faff, Iwclie to mec fo mft a fpoiifcanD ehc fo louing mate, ber J banc a tjirgin pure.an pmpe of beaucnlp rare, tb foUer,mabe, anD mcDcft tiD,anD t)crtuou3 in lp!\c cafe: /o JTcmpIc tmll 3 Uieno tbcrfo;e,to paio tbe %e{lelwKttawiues, 2Dlje (2Jlope ana «t»c tl)c amc 3 ood agrcr, t^ijcn time f&aU fo p.wuiD^: I5iit tcnccr ?outlj ano tnfanQe> potl) ratber U)i(6 mc bine, teibat ll]0al0 a lofc Dianas gifte, S3nD che tbe fp^ing to ftim : 315p tDl)itb Aftcon fatcallp, l^is Snail rate Dio run: ^boulo ^ as abiert be eftamclJ, ^bJOUg^OUt Pcrnaflus bill, £D: Ilboulo m^ nirgins name be filo^' 3ittocre to g.'eat a ft^U: J5ut ^et it is bnfpottcD loe, fKigbtt ell 3 Dojtcmeaue, lailbcn tocoiocHe nott, require fbe fame» . tJHitb parents louc ano leauc; . J*ct obftinateBl turn not be> 3i5ut toilUng toill mc ?eelD: Wilicn ^ou commauno ano not htfo^js JDljcnDuetsfbatlmcrbeclo. > Virginius, 9b C5otis tbat rule ana rlitnc,in fjcanens^'n fea5,nt flob^anb lanbsi SDtoo couple futb 3 furel? Doemc,i?ou ncuer maDe iuitb banc?, ^©003 tobv Dffl re not compel ccbeS)amctbe Iphe to ll^loe ? ^nb euerp Bimpt^ef bcragaine,berbutptbusfoknoii»^ ;J 3! cannot fia)? m? toungefrom talUc,3 nceoes muft call mr bear^ p" ^b rpoure Uj?1 met i Daugl&ter to, t»bat netuw^to iWBOtt c beare? ^ A new Trag?call Comcotfi navl^ DittiU, m? IjufbanD fo louing, CDraunting ano geuing to all ttiing bptjouing, 3optng tn mc,anD in tfjc fiuidc of mi? toombe. Wilfo iDoalD not rcquit it.tbc C-oDs y>alQt ttjc ir Dome fluD if it be jli.ibc <3oos Dm Dcflrrop moe, llatljer tl)m finnr,fo fojc fljonio anncp me. Virginius. iJDf) UJtfc refcll tbp VoiOjing fo.: iuoe, S0V felfc ti)v fautc rigbtlucll Db hnolti : SlitD ratbct J UuQ) mp felfc to be name, JE^cn tbou oj tUp Daugtjtcr ougbt Vuo fljoulD futtaine. Virginia. £0^ iFaffter mr conTfo:t,o!) S^otljer m^ ioT». . iDi) k^carr^auD £> TuffcratgncDo ccafc to employ tf^&c'cb Dolojus talf5mg,tot)ere Dangers are none, ^^[^^j;3iPScg are atteno^nt^vuttat nccoet^ tl^us mone« - \ of Apius and Virgmiii, Pan matroHj^fi" fpoufc,toa i5urft,anD ^ou toife, Mou comfo;t,tou onlv tUe fomc of bis lyife : i^ou l)oufban3,^ou t)artc,t?ou U)i?c,anD t?ou pleafure, l^ou iiiiig.ano \?ou iicprer,to bcr onli] treafurc, j^ou if atbcr,Tou spotbcr.mf l^fc Dotb fullatne, 3 babe ano 31 bUffc>ro«r ^caltl) am againe, jfojbeare tljen ?our Dolo:,let imrtb be frequented net fojotD Bepartc,anD be not attcmpteo. Virginias. ^b totfe.ob fpoufe,? am tontcntc. Mater, gDb^ufbatUJ, Virginia, J©|j ifatter toee Dffl tonfent. fail0ngctl)i5. E^l^e f ruttttff f reafure in cartb eartlj as toee fa, 3lB man,\uife ano cbilojen in one to ajjree, i Xtttn frienbl^, anD femul^ ,let meafare be mtrca . WHii^ rcaton,ia£eafon,\»bere frienDfl&tp is fi]cei». i Virginjos, /\\?l^en nature nnrfeo firtt of all,]Pons Alexander learneo, ' £)f tobotbc poets menctonmaHc.miuogemcntfooefcrneo,. ' f^ii tnbat m toant tbat loue pjotureDbis tittal ena inelt neare, ^iis is tfje bope iubere parents loue,tbcir cbilo^enoo netfcate,. jailftngtbtiS. %})t f ruffteff trcafure in eartb a« toee fa^ 3S man totfe anD cbtlQ^en f c Mater. tEHben time J^mg Nifus toonlD not Ief,bis Baagbter to fie tauglii^ iTf an? one correcting b<^na to nurtue to be b:cagbt : ^betoitiofDuti?cutbislochcS;,nnDgoll>entreffcsrttare, ^^t iiafaerebv bis realme toa0 oucrrun, anD Ibe toas jja^D bcr biWr ^ J A new Tragjcall CotBccIi« auangtljfs. fftjc f rtiStclt trcafiirc in cart^j as toe fee, 3;s man loife anD cl)tlD!cn.(c Virginia. tClbcn Dedaluj from Crecte DiB flie, tEClitl) Icarui l)ts io^: l^e naugW regarotng fatbcre UiojDs, S>i3 fccfec bis oirmc anop: f5c monntcD tp into tljc fkics, iklbcrat tUc Cods Dio frolune, ano Phabas fo jc l)is toingcs oio fr te, l^no bcDIongc dins btin Downe. aUfingctbis. SCbe f ruCicft^reafuic in cartb as tue fe^ ^ 310 man totfe ano cbilojcn f c. Virginius. JCbcn Ctb tfjat pcrfualitie.ttot!) partly DifcojDe moirr , janD batrcD often times Dott) crecpc Uibe re oucrmutb tecc louftt Slno if tue lout no lubit at all,tbc faming trump \mU founfi, <£:omeU)ife,comcfpoufe,comcDaugbter oearr.lct meAfurc beare.J! illlDngctbis. (groanoi SCbc f ruff tcft trcafure in eartb as Ine fee 3« man tuifc anD cbilD;cn in one to agree, S^bcn fricnDlr,anD btnclr.lct meafure be mires, Eaii Q0ttb reafon, mfeafon,U)bere frtnDOjip (s fireo. %^ttt rntretb Haphazard tlje dice, \7"€rr luell fir,tcrv tucll Or,it Q)alfac Done, 3s faft as eucr ji! ran p:cparc, tClto Dtpprs fettb he Dmeljbe baD neeDe banc a long fpone, j©j els full fmalc toill be bts fare : ^ctapjoperOsntilcmanS amoftrutbc ^ l^catbdtmaE see ffisbsmc long fiDego)»nc& oFApms and Vjrgmla. ptti bat b)W am 3i,a S>cbolcr,o? a fcl)olc:iiaittcr,Oi (Ik foiiw^ootft, fl LaU)icf,a ttiiBicnt oj cIs a countrie cloune ^ )*3jiimman,a 5l3afiut mafecr,o.: a BaUerof J^tMt, a flefl) ; a jf (fl)mongcr,oj a foluer of lies : j9 Jloufc o; a loufcr,a Lccbe 02 a LarUe: 3 Sijramcr aD2o:iiincll,a fire 0; a fparSc t it Cattifca Cuttb.:ote,a crcpcr in cojaers, fl ljcrb;ainE,3 i)aitgman,o j a grafter of Imntrs : 3Sg tbc ©005,3 UnoUj not bolu bcft to Dciiifc, SBv name 0; mi? p^opcrtr.toell to Difguife: a !©arcbauntc,a spap pooU,a man oj a machrell: Crab 0; a Creai(c,a Crane oj a focfecrcll : jpoft of ail tbcfc mp nat(ir« ootb iniop, ^omttnic 3 aouaonce tbcin.romtimc f Bcffrop, SI ma^Ds 01 a ^uDfeU ioof e,a uiife 0: a InilDe Dudtc, ;35 bolDc as bltnoc bai'erD,as tutfc as a toooo cocker 03 8nc as pbippcticcafi p:ouDc as a pecochc, m^ Ilout a0 a &tockrfifl^,a5 nxake as a mccocke, .0^ biggc as a bcgger,afl fat as a fmlc, ' Sis true as a 2Ctnker,as hcbe as an S)lDle, Wiit^ IjcT? tricfecboto trolulfjtrci' trip, anbfrc? trace, E:roUUe bajaro in a tengcanrc 31 bcD^ielu bisfenaucs face jf oj tro,an& trotulc bajarD,ba:pe fucb a range jbbat pcD:c bapbaj arD,toas ncucr fo ftrange, 15ut pet l^ap})ajarB,bc of gm^ rbarc, <25oc plap ant) repaft tba; man,be mcrp fo ^krti JlTbougb tittaile be oaint j» ano [jarD foj to get. |?ct perbaps a number liitll Die of tbe fluct, Eboiigb it be in hajarOj^et bappe!^ 3 map, Cbougb monp be Iacbing,pet one oap go gap. f enter Manfipulus." Cabcn S^aaD.tuitb a pcftclencctoljat maktt tfjou no Ijitti £^f ISapbcrp infcnce bclibe tboa toouloett tail, 15p tbe dDoDs 31 baue ftapeo a full great lijbile, i spp lo jDe be is ncare bano bp tbis at tbe Cbttrclj ffile, J Hna al fo: ^auD mumble turDe,tljat mampoooing maOgic ? ^p tbe C^oD3 if Qiir I) it irr, it c geuc Ijer mp batsae. ^ ■ -- -^ i5" ■sf',^-'-^^^-'' The Tragk^n Comedic fSlitatojoIte nofeo miacU, begin tiou to floute. 3lle frie i)ou in a fagot ttitk{, b^ cocttc gooDman loute f?ou boafter i?ou b;agger,tou li;au»Iing hnaiic : 31le pai» tbce tftr foitrpcntc, tbou bjaiDling Qaue: S^^ lUDtcs great buliiies beliKe is at cnDe, WI)cn rou gooDman DatDcocke,lu(t fo; to loenti, ^ou,coDfi)cD \!0u cract?eropc,i?ou cljattering pre, ^auc iDitb tCjljauc at fej^our manljoDe to tr?. Haphazard. tSUbat bolDc T'oiir l>anDB niaacrs,b)bat?Rc foj Owtne fie, OTbat culling,^U)bat luUingftobat ttur banc tore berc^ zmiat tuggtng^lDbat luggmgf lubat pugging bp tbc care» Wbat part ano be fretnDs,anD enoe all tbi0 Itrife, Mnnfipulus. /pau ratljer 31 tuifte bir.tbc eno of m^ Unifc : Manfipula. jDtatBC it.geue ma it,3i Uull it receaue, fbo tbat fo; to place it,3i mtgbt baue gooD Irane, 315? tbc ©oDBtbut fo; lofingmp lanD,lpfe,anD tiuinj^ 3t (boulD be fo placcD,be C^oulo baue-ill tb^iutnge: Manfipilm. JBr tlje ©obs boto bngraciouflr tbc tiicbfen (be ^attcti), Manfipula. 0nbbe cncn as UnauiDblr.mp anfUjcr be pattetb. Haphazard. [ l^crc is naugbt ds.but railing of uiojos out of rcafon, ^otu tuggmg.noU) tatling.noto muQing in feafon, if 0? (bamc be contentco anb If auc of tbts bwtoUng, Manfipulus. Content,fo? 3 tftall repent it, fo? tbis mr tonge to;alUn6: Manlipula. Ebon fenauc,but fo j tbce, ere tbis time of bar, sp\>1labic«fairc puc»baD been ftratueD full gap: ®3itb pnmrofcji, Couflips, ano aiolcts ftoeete: •mat^ S|^int0,anD uiit^ j^arisolt)0,ano q^arserum mttte, of Apius and Virginia, tsnijit^ ttolD l^etb tjncleanlr? ann all long of tlia* jDljat a Qjamc rccompentc tl)ce,foj IjinD^ing nice, Manfipulus. )aft pjetic piancfe parncl,t6e CouD^en ano Booftr, ezaijercon be ftouloe reaDe ano fenttlc.are piefcnt bere loohe J £0^ LoiOe tobcn Ije fcetl) mee,l)C toill call fucb an tije, ^3 pincb U)\?ll m^ Ijart neare reaot! to Die: ^nu tl)u6 toifc,anD t!)ug tDifc,l)iB ftano tu^ll be txjalhing dKJitb tbon pzccious fenau c,a\»a^ get t^a pacbing •[l^ereletb^mfigbt. Haphazard. ^a\! tbcn bp tbe malTc, its time to be fenacbmg, /jio tooios at all but to me be is pointing: jjiag bauc at rou againej^ou Iball baue ?our antwrnting, Manfipula. 5l5oi3t? of me,boli> ?f re can, Oabat U)ill pu hill fucb a^oper man f Haphazard. ^aiJ fare 31 bane Done toben tDomen Do fpeaSe, QSlb? tuonlD tbe l^naue mt! pactence fo b;eaHe j Manfipulus. tSffell 31 muff faegon,tbere is no remeup ^0} feare m^ ta^le mabes buttons,bs mine ^onttt'g. Haphazard. 5Foj rcuerence on pur face.^onr nofe anD ^ur cbin: i^^e tbe dJoos baue yje b aro facb an bnmannerlB tjilUn, Manfipula. 3( neuer bearD one fo rancke of ruonefle, Manfipulus. jn faitb it is but fo.t lacbc of lci»oneffe : liBut bcrc 3 burne oap ligbt, tobile tbus 3( am falfttnjl SI mn'i come Manfipula,let t)s be lualHing, Manfipiula Content eo Manfipulus^baue luitb ^te loitb ffnt^t Haphazard. ^81! ffa? jet mi: fr«ROw H am not agrabf , ^ , . .• • «,^ - ' — '-.-lip-' The Tragicall Coraedi* I ^'lanfipula. Witt Dare not tarp,b? ©od loa ftocarc, ! Haphazard, ^a^ tarrp tahe comfojt tuttb pou foj to bcarc,. 3t is but m tajaro anD ^f rou be mift, j(lnD To it nta^ bappcn ^ou fale not \iiB ftff : IDcrbaps l)c is ftaroc b^? talbe toitb fomc frteno jt is but in b«ijaroe,tl)cn Diig oj voii vucno Elct tjopc be ?our t)elpcr,rour care to Dcff no. Marfipulus. 15p bap o: bp bajarDjtoc finge o.i Uie crie, JLbcn fingc let Ijs fap fo, let fo;ofa) ge bp» JVlanfipula. ^c can be but beaten tbat is tbc luo:ff, ^,Cnter Subfcruus. ©HbatbotoM.infipuli'i.tboubnaueart tbouforff^ » S©V loJOc ftanoctb talfeinfl anD J, gape foi tba. Come aU)ai7 tcitb a Ujannion,rtinne battonOtlK,. j Manfipulus. (ri":%'j" ; j5apbcrbenSupferaus,tt«>p3lp,:»ptbee, I i,ct\3sbaueafoaganDtbcnbauclDttt(tlja: I Subfcruus, Content if tboMbietbce. ^feingbocrcallv %)opt fo,dna b^p fo,in bajaro of tb;etntngc, £.bc i»o?tt tbat ran bap lo^nt *nB w but beating. i Manfipulus. i W^^^ ^ "^^ tLoiDtiigcDoo cljmince fot to mrlTe inp, tElic tooza timt can,l)appcn,ts; CTiiDgcU irUi Mc luc e, 5n furi) biiiDc nf ltocctnc.g,3i f^care ir^' uSoDS inotljcr, , 3 1 toill plcare \\n better , it iuecs on fouic otijer, kl©tt1) tljtrichc tl)toacft ,\xiitl) tiniuip ttnurp, toiti) bo joing miD tnun, £)in; fpoe faDmc ftotilDers (balUJcxltic tljat totf) coine *> ! lggij^.aiiptwgro,inb«.5,ara|f,fc. of Apim and Virginia » Manfipula, * {[ ^f cafe (^t iw KlaDp ,tJo tincaf c« iw cafe, 00 caiifc to contMr'S'jut bcarc Ijit a fpacc, lUntill flje DiaU) l;onie Io,tDi;ei:c fo Q)e toill Ijfe met 3ll.2( BocJ-crS Doti; Doubt it,l)o\M 3 (^oulD ejcmfc me, aa^itl; t\MtU tl)toacb,tx)iti) t})ump tlniuip, MDtti) bobbing anD bmn, £)iir filkc faDMc OJoiiIDcts! (l)al CDeiltie tl)att»ot{) come; l^ope ro,anD Sjap fo,in bajarD i c. SubfcruuJ, CWDljat if poiir coinpanp caufe me Ijaue tooo» SlminDe not companponsf fofoone tofoigo: %tt l)ope 1)0ID? tl)c li^rimct,ttll bmnt it be pad, 5fo? bloefi arc but m^iti aiiD toozlii but a blaft, UDitlj tljtotcb rtjtMacb,!!)!!:!) timmp tljump, iMitl) bobbing atiD bum, i©ur XiDe faDDle OjoiUDccs; ®al ©eilD tijat Dortj come> !3opc fo,anD bap fo,tn Ijajam if. Haphazard. IC^?)en let bsi be merp,tt is; butbp Imp, 3B !)a?arlilp cfjsunce map Ijacboz a clap, ©efttic ?e,be merr,be gtali anD be roping, if o.i bloesi ace but bufifitg atiD fmale time annoping, Mitl) tijtoicit ti;U3acb,U)itt) tljump tljump,' toiti) bobbing anD bum, i©ur fiDe faDDle flJoulDersi a)al fteilDtijat Dotfj come* l^ope CojanD tiap fo,in bajaro ? c, C<3ri;eenDoftI)efong» Haphazard fargUu!',tl)e(IDoa3 00 tfjanbsfldaf. Exioar* ,i Haphazard. IFartofU mpfncnDB,fartoeU goc pjanc&c t?« r 15e tfje (IDoos Iiaphazard,tf)cfe mcn ^aue ixitn tlj^ W^ AnewTrag'icallGjmedie I tIErfjo fa^D tljott toaff no man.fure be belieD tbet, f 15^ louc matter ^artbantbpfcaojbp lano, ^Z, f MlotilDgctbutfmalcargcnt,if3li)iDnotaanO, ; l}is bcrpgoD matter. 3| map fapto yoti, j , Wbcn be bajaros in bopc,U)bat bap toiU infuc: 3n courts am no man,bp t ocfec ttr i?c lie, " ' : a piotoman pcrbaps o;trt tbat be Die, I ' ipap bap be a ©cntlcman,a Courtier ojCaptaine, ' awo bap map fo bajaro.bc map goc a begging: ^crbap tbat a <2irntlcman,bcr;c to great lanu, JEHbicb fclletb bist liuing,foj monp in banD* j in bajaro it 15 tbebping of mo;f, I pcrbapu be map rioe Uibenfpcnt ie tbc tto^e: ft5ap map fo bajaro tbe S&cont map fo cbaunge. SCbat men map be maftcr0,anD iuiucs luill not raunge : IBut in bajaru it is in manp a grange. 'I ILeft UJiuc0 lucre tbc oD0 aboue.bcno Dotonc to i^care mi; eric, Sis once be DiD to SaIfca(iS,tn ponD fjaro Lyzia bf : ^b tbat Virginia toere in rafc as Comtimc Salmafis, flno in Hermafrodicus ftctDc,ni^ felfe migbt fecbe mv bliffc, Jib ©oos.tooulD 38 tinfolDe bpr^rincs.complerting of m^ nctbe ? fi);taoulD3lburtbcrmjfl[bl;e))ani),o;^eelDcberfucbacbctkcf * Caiouli) 3 gainfa^ bi^Xntoer ftjinnc,to baatb lubcre 3 do tuafljc # )©,: els refufc bir foft fluafc lippes,to toucb m^ naheu flel^e; ^AV->ob tbe CDooS DO hnoiu m^ minDe,5 ratber tooullJ requier, jbo fue,to fcruc,to crontb,tohnalc,to traucfo; m?Deficr. iSut out t?e ©oDBj^e bcnDc \?our bjotncs, anD frotone to fee me fare> ^c Do not fo;te ni? ficble fate,^c Do not tna? mt? care, Hnrtgbteous,anD tnequall C'ODs,bniuft ,anD cfec tnfure, tiffitoc Uio?tb tbe time ^e maoe me Iitie,to fa tbis bapleffe Ijourc : JD^D Iphis bang binifelfc fo? loue,of ilaor not fo faire i S>i els DID louc tbe clouDte miSes^benD Dolune from ligbtfome a^i^c; £1)^ as tbe poets mcncion mat?e,of Inachs Daugbter mcehe, i?oj loue D?D be to inafee a «£oiDe,U)bom Inach long d^d fccbc : 3(0 loue fo great, to caufe tbe quicfee,to enter into l^ell, 0s ftout Orpheus DiD attempt,as biltoncs Do tell i 2^ben U)bat is it tbat lone cannotf tnbp louc d^d pearcc the fBfes : tctbl! Pheb.anD famous Marcury,ix)itb loue baD blinDeD eics i y£>tt,o} tbat 3 lucre tinU)CD&cD. ^l^cre cntrctb Haphazard, ' T\/^p ceafc Cr i&nigbt,fo j tobp perbaps,of ^u fl&c l^lbe beDDeW , jf 02 folotu m? connfell,fo map ton me pleafc, Ebat of careful! refurging.pour bart ll&all banc cafe, Apius. !©h tbunDitng dUoDs tbat tb:caten t»;^ anD plague fo; ecbe offence ; A new TMgicall Come Ji« ^oor Mats 3( Dime iwoulo counff U crauc, tnt^isTofitpietcnce: ;ano f be four nimW ftretcftto armr0» tiutb great rcUiaros tooulo fltc» JDo purctjafc fairc Virginia, roDeareaiutgbttonie: Sinn fricnDjJ ftoeare bp luhitcr, anD eke bp lunos feote : janD cbe bi? all tbe nuSerie^, tDbere on ttou tand intreate : Srtiou Qialt poireffc anD taue> JUulUbttgrauntanDgcac, ' jLbc greateS part of all mr Kealme, fo;aretl)fft0rclceue. « Haphazard. IClcll tftcn^tbts 18 my counfcll.tbus ttanuetb tl;ij cafe, iUcr^aps fucb a fctcbf.aB mnf pleafc ?our grate : S^ljcrc us no mo;c Ujapes.but bap o; bnp not, jC'itbcr b^p.o.: els baple(re,to bnit bp tbe tinot: ^nD if ^ou U)tU ba^arOjto tenter tobat falles, ]pcrbaps,tbat Haphazard, luill cnD al Dour tb;aU^. Apiui. 3 mcane fo.? tcill fo,if tbou oo perficaoe me, SDq bap o; to ba^arD,U)bat tbtng iliall c nuaDe me : 3 :itng,ano J lacrfcr, J rule anD oucrlDbralnic: 5 00 tubat it plcafe me.tottb in tl)is mp rcalme: tClbcrfojctn tbp tiiDgcment.foe tbat tbou Do enter, i^ap life o; bap Death, 3 furclv tuill tjentw, Hjpll.lZald. SCbcntbis.anD in tbts fojtfjftanDcfb tbe matter, tiaUjat naDc manv U)o:Dr0,t!nlcfi]c j: ttjonlo flatter, Jf ull manp tbcrc bc,U)iU liajaroc tbrtr life, feappeli! to cafe voar graci of all voiir ff rife, £."'f tbis hinoc of confpirafic nolo let ts common, ^omc man, Virguiius,bcfc:c rou mutt fummon, ■^wn fag tb*t Virginia is nojic Of bis Datgljter. ^: Or/\pi Uidilu rni^iiimt '^[it t^at Virginius fcy ni0)t aiunv raugtt Ijf r t Then c'jargc fou tbc father fete S?aiigtitcr to t-;tn2t, EDen DO v'ou Dctavne lnr,ttll pjouco be tbctbing: ca!)tri) UjcU rou ma^ Utin biisftf p?cff nt in Ijoiifc, 3;t 13 but l^apbajar Qca man oj a uioufc Apius. 3 finoc it, 3 minue if, 3; llucare tl?af J tjcii!, JZljoug:!) Q)vnne,o.i Dcfanic,5c Ijappcn ncfbill, Here UtWri 13ut out 35 am toounocD.JjoU) am ^ Deiunca? nukciirhogii £:U)o ffatcs of int! UfCifi'oni me nn noiu gliDcD, t^"i« c^n. fio; Condrncc fje pjicbctt) mc contempncD, (n?Ht fince and lu- xliiD 3(tifticefiUtij,JuDgcmclitUiolD baticmc ronocm fiiceeome out, Conficncc faitl) crucltpefurtiuillDctelimc: o!him,andief^ flna JnHirx fattlj,9catb in tIjenDc Uiill molcft mc, Confiece bold' ^no fasti) in one fciiDcn mc tbttthee tbcr Do trie, '" ''" ^"'^'=* Si:ftatScrctcrnaU,inp fouls nj.iUQcftror. ,oSrft"cf Haphaz.lrd. tauc'ifwordc Wi\)v fbefe arc but tljoughts nianfiiih^ fie fo: djamt fie and hold it be. iFojConficacetuascarclcffc, anD failing b^fcas> foreApiw ^(asD^oUmeD in a bafhctanDfjaD a Difcafc, I'left. &01C mmucD fo; pittic,to!)cn Ijc luonlo graunt none, ' if oj beyng barD barteD,toas turneD f o a ftonc: anD failing bp ^anotoitcbc be funbe fo? bis fin, JTbcn care not fo.i conQence, tbe toojtb of a pin: 0nD juDgcment iuDge Juftirc to bauc a rcioaro, if o: iuDging ftill iuJllv'.but all 10 noto maroe, Sfoi giftes tbcp are geuen,tober juDgcment is none, SbuB SluDgemcnt ano Juftice atD:onge iuap batb gont: Cben care not fo? Confiencc tbe toojtb of a fable, Juftice is no man,no.; nougbt to Do able. Apius. SRCfaieatboafornDfurcD franue.tljenfjapasbapl^alltjit, net vIonCence grope.s iuegemcnt craue, 3 tail not ftjinit one io6i£ J toetl perfetier in m? t&QJicfet.li toilloefloluer birpoutfe, 2 iuiit not fure atieit?D tcmi? bart fijcill fsaue no rutb» C:ms osi ]}iau^z &no b)«ii:teon m^^j^ u)iU ^ap iaoea^lP^U§» iCSt C, " iK- . , 9apbI'jnf,t)Jp flbarp.liap Ufr .bap 9cat^,t|)ou0t) H»phasar4 Vt tt Haphazard. (^CflUb 0tl)anD(quofI)p{chepuifc)fttrcrctpam3t, pet\j>tU to t\)C Cut purfc.bc ruUD bt mc G)nfcicnce, F-«it. Cootttbere, £D clenrc tinfpottcB fiftrs cf loue, l^oly baps tQou art refufeu; ji^l) Con&cncc tlearr^tDt)at crudl minot JCIjp trutU batb tbuB mifufeO i 3 fpottcD am b^ intlfuU uiill, S5v la\3Q\ct lour and luffe iiSp ojcasfiilfDaungcr of tb< Hfe. iiSrfattbtbatiBbnuift. 2!) gift of louf ,ab i?o;tunc0 fart, abftatccfacDDrUff. 3 Juftice am ano pjinrc cf parrw, JCbc cno of 1UU'C» ano ftnff : £1 guiDcr of tbc common tucale, 2 giucroon to tbc piDjr: ilno ^ct batb mtb^ lutt fupp;eff, $©^ tjcrttics (n one boure, ?kl cU iurll tbis is tbc nioS to truS, 3n rnoc ire fl)all cfptrr: Jlofflttbc cnooftbefcourfocB CUUb rU)o;o ana cbe luitb Ore. Confcicncc. j2Db tclp fc CPoDBjtoc mrmbcr0 require. ^^ ^Cntcr Haphazard. tEIfjen gapne is no granQer, SnO gauDcs naugbt frt b^ : ^02 pu6liing«,noj pie mcaft, fD(D:e bnaucB tniil come nte : JLbcn bap anO Haphazard, ^ballbaueancUicotc: 4 iilnb£Qitm4Ct)appciu ■ > of Apius an«i SCo ott touetoufncffe tftjotc: ^^eatbenftainuBscApms. Virginia obtarne: Slna <^fe ftall tracbe flj^ulTcls, ^erl)apsmtl)cr«rn« 3LcrUe0fljalbe JlcuerctSi ano fhip to ano fro: jartD t^ioartcs Qjalbc coO0&eaW« ^erl)apsanOalfo: 55ut peace foj mans boDy?, Haphazard be mumj ^ie p;atl^ns noDor. juD^c Apios 10 come» C^erecnftct^IilDgeApias anO Oaudius. 'T'l^e furies fell of Lymbo laKe. * my! p;inccl? oaics do (boitc: jtlQjoUjnDe intjcaol^ U)OC0 3 Hue, tbatottceo^oiopmfpojt, 3 Ituc ano lang^uifl) in mv Ipfc, as ooti) ttje Ujounoeo S>care : 31 tbtrft,3 trauc,3l call ano crie, ano uct am nau^^t tbe nearc ; jano^et 3 baue tbat me fo matclj, toitbin tbo Kealme of mine: IBnt Taoulus amtOB m^ tare, 31 bunger fterue ano pine; jRb Sifijfus 3 roule tbe ftone, tn^ainetotopofl^ill:- \ %\iat eaermo:e tjncertainli?, reuoluinsQioett^lttl^ : ^!), as if to ber it toere to me, tobat labours twoulD 1 flicf fClljat raging feas toOMb 31 nat plolv> lolierwmnwoitiM ^— - _ . # $5af out aU«3f Doubt it fo;e iellD^OufpiVlorphcu';; ' iV-Jr-nTJ ^!^S!.'??^^*'*"2Oomc0 5rauntcDljatf;, '' ^ tettlj ©clues aiiobcuitwus' J^ *DpC^oD0abouctt)atrulctijeS»l5ics •* KX5aUMf(,atbwggcu,t,iiffc: ' 4 ■f e Oomms, pe Cracw pou, toJjat burning buuuiBtbw? JfenoDotonerour^rcDcftropme quifftr; o^etetojjrmintmearafc ^ mo;e but tijat mp burning bjcffe Virginia mar imb«r: 3ir cafe pour carts be Dcao ann Dfafe tlie irecnae ano fpiitrs bcloe: won carcleffe rarls of timbo JtaJjy, ^^"•"i""'' migbtes DO nme. tJ>ou Pluto plancDknanc: Mnfumetbcmtotbcgraue- -'**»'* SL-wttoiUnotaioemprafe, ' _, Claudius. Content anbtf it lifte pour grace. ' ^^Uiill attempt tbcDaDg; .■.■"31 fommon uiill Virsmius, btfoit pour feat UitthfpdDf, Jtt - Haphazard, jri« but m Hazard, ano map come bp ban ^m f,cr,o; lofe &er,f rte pou m trap. * SBP tf)c (l?oO0,3( confen? to tF,« Claudius nofa gfpare t^e in {,,», Virginiust,nfo, ^aw [jiiiigiumauno f,jm;tjpoft Dw aleg«att« of Aphjjand Virginia « ®Xtt!j all bmue of fpGEOe.fo vflcioe bis obcTjfancej IScfoji? ntf fcate in mp confiftars feubpenc of laiiDclifc ana treafurie. Here let Claudius go ouc with Haphazard, ' gio let ,110 ttar.no: ougbt pcrturbjaunce," ^{jall caufc me to oiuit ttic furttjcrauncc, ^f tt)i« mg inaigbtg cfjarge: Es^f» Apius. ©HcllnoinSrangcatlargcmptoillfoitowpjeffe, , j?o.: loohe boiu Torquin , Lucres fairr,Ui; fo;ce Di6 onct ttppitne, Cucn fotoill 5 Virginia bfe: Here let Conficncc fpeakc within, 3|ui5ge Apius p:iiicc,ol) ftay rcfufe, 3l3criilcDbpfl)I?frJf»5c: Zliilbat blouDr ocatb tuitb open (bain^ pio Torquin gaine in cntie; Apius. Wi\)tntz Dotb tbts pincbing fonn8£ ttcfsittief Confciencc, Jf rom tontrit Confrientc pjicfteD on, 35]p member of tbr ltff> [ CnfojccD foj to cri? ano call, jinsalltoenoourffrife. Apius. QSlbaf art tbou tben Declare be b;aft^ Conficnce, ^of flelb noj filtb? lott Ji am: 5But fecrct conficnce 3, Compelo to crie toitb trimbling foil!*, jat ^mt ncrc banc to aiif. Apius. ®Ilbt! «o aifcafe oatb are apj3t!5e,no grtefe Wrtti mttkt mt Sfvitigti jBat toant of faire Virgjnia/iKborebeautp ism? 3n6j5f; j5g bir 31 Uw,\)2 Wr 3 oic;fo.i ^tr 31 "? o^ tooe. A ntw Tragicall Cotncdle jlo} Iltr m? fonle Oot^ fintte o; ftoimme, fo; ^ir $ Tiocre 31 goe» Confcicncc. 01) nn,tobnoU) Ui^at nouss ano c^care, t\jc (IDoD« my maiaerB,^apJ;ajarD is barop, if oz l)C toill run rafljlf ,bc tber neue r fo manr, J«ca be topll Ongc fo tofnotot,anD (hnap Iritb tbe bctf, 3i3ut pcace,bibo comes );onOer,l)}bat jols gcoO gcfU ^c re enter in tu itb a fcnge. ■^^Wl^cn men toill fame mifbotibtfulfp^ Sl^ttbout an tobp,to catlano err, flnD fearing toitb tcmcrctr,its ieoparbr.of libertie, Wiet toiO) bim tatie to (bere bif bart^^pba^arD, 5i;?ouloc blmBc bararor, i^rsgc fo: biB bncourtcOf, .. , S^bat fecbes to (ban gmB company. Manfipulus, < SCIbat if cafe tbat t racltp,(l)oul5 buffcll me,an6 tnffell m«, SlnD ^olvloanD CjoulD tttblc me,fo: beiping of gmo compante t 3le foloto bp mv boneftie.bap i#apbajarD,boulD blinoc barani, ^ 8S0C foi bit \)ncaurtcfie,tbat fcebes to Oju n goiO (cmpaniC' ilUflngctbis. c^henmentopU feeme miftioabtfuil^i; 6UUbOiUanu)bB>tocaUiuiO(rie.fe, <»f Aptiis and Vir jim» « Mandpuh. ^.eacr tons ftat nrtftcriB.io furious no: curiou*, fic} v^t tur blocs fo botfterotis,no.: raftcro«s,no;Co!ojoti«, 15tjt lure 3 U)3ulD tcntcrous,f)ap l^apbajsro, bouloe blmoc ba\»art ftficgcfoi t)i9 \jnMurteIi',tb>it iedtxZB to fljuagc^ wmpaatc. ilUfiiiBetbi^. CClbcn men topll tenic mifDoub'.fallp, ttilitljeut an U>br»to tall ano eric «c. Haphazard. 3C5jcn \utttXi i?c on ano foloto nic,Manfipula,Minrpuli JLct troprng cares be call a\na?,comc foloVu me.romc fololn mt, Snbfcruu* 13 a pplp loutc.b jacc i^apba j;:ro boulo blinac baparoes 0fij3e fc; bis t)iUourteCc.t!)atfithcs to ftungaaD company, ail fing fois. Kilbf n men tuill feme mifDoubtfullp, Wlu^out an U){)r>to tall ano trt-fc. mecnboftljcfong. i^ccrc ll^apljajart) fpf abctii. 31 bi! t1)c Oobs mr madders,? foalo ton plaine, tabo coiiipanrcs luitb mc.Uiill QcOrc mc aija?ne; i5iit boto orD r c fpcE3 c a P Jfl? r e fl'cto mc, ^as all Well agrccD.otii no boDt! blolo se. M-mfipulus. spaffc fr j,ljap D^D fo bappen,tbaf m^ tojtte anB maiffer, &tatco in bcbolDins ano tiieioing tbe paftnre. * Cabtrb Ujben 3 pcrfciucD,U>bat crnifc m 3 mabc^ 3 came m tbe croffc u»av,on ttje ncrfiDc tbe ifojlabe, ^arobp \^oDges balfe nher,at gaffers fillers Hile. E^be ncrt toni' rouno about,bt tbe fpacc of a mile, aiiOat &? mbtns Qoe riDge,m? ]Io:d ftooe talftirg, flno anger 1^ to me ( qaotb i)e)tDber baft tbon htu tonlkiag m\t\)ottt mi lta0scrrnjc;73l ^ao rcao^ mi; l^e. AnewTragicall CoitieJi« £>uf at ® itogemeOotUjanD at fficnolB Icafcfqcwt^ J) pour fatlmsa are feotng tocU ^ir.tljc ©oDo be pjatfcb; ja gooDlT? loumc of b«f on tijem 10 all rent? raifcD, JDf)c outftcps on /f rnuncifi tabulator tljat toan ncacr mi: frtcnof , i^oto paft ^ou (Larici fl ^a? rcci;6,at iong mcootn cttoc %\)(: re ir igtJt onei'qpotlj J]e)tottf3iH tl)ui fcU) Dares, Cditt) a caft nrr Ijau geucn.tm knaucs great affapcs; t;lnDert!jel:.9.:3gci-;ntbapaij;e3fnelTianD Dto no mo:e mmDc it. llaphazard. 315]? t\)t OoD« t^at luas fpojt.ve ano fpo;t alone, MAnfipuLu 59ca,bt!f 3f lr.-»s in tuajfe rafc jbr &aint Jlion, spr iloDp in «It}urct) tea? fct fullDoiiodt, janO l)faring mp coinming Qje toumcDaboutc: JBat r^ fcDiic a«t 3 fjearD bir fnappifljl^ founor, 3n tt)i3 fo:rr j rroutbf D me Dotonc to f ^e grcunoe, jano manncrlp £pauDc,as tlioiyl) j torrc fao. SXs fooncas the puc tbcn l^r.-.U cai 3 bao, ^I)c gatte r.x r. toii'.rttcan: frciijr.rDiv froV.".!?, ©Hbcrbp 3 00 iu'-.^r;, fi?c Vjcilse touf cll mv jicirne: JCben 3 Dvtjscniic, a p:efr ffnc jjj-nUr, ^ meiiif c;IjcrcbT? to picfeemcatfinlie: j^fiPargcrv' ^tipon tbc mai"c:cjft5c£pilItcIjotjfe, flnD fl-atner tbe if-nttcr t!j: guiQ of t\}t Cojc l;cufe, JLfjcn luaii :ut> iisnirs .ingcr trcl! gcjrr, lanoiuilUf fo u:l!ja:-!3fjetrafbcbr notlaiofcnc. Hapliazard. i3er JLabfjbarcfjof r t^ii3 bafecg f nii.!5 SubGrruus, fia'^ but 3i efc'.pjc mo.^c finclr, jf|o? 3(tj{jaertl?i?hPD.:';r»tctyiuic^';D u.-.v, ninici- ■■ ^ ' ,.'r.:;i'!v ., . ; «^^A^ fT^r of Apius and Virginia. SD)m flipt 31 beljtno f bent among all tbc reff, 3no faemcD to common to,oftlnngs iuitt) tbc facffy li5uf fo it oio bappen.tljat all tbtngs lucre toell, JSut bajaro it w^Uaa time uiill trutb telL Haphazard. JDut.tnf ,tbat toas but bi? bap,anD if it be fo, , Well Qtb it toas in bajaro tben let it g(o> Subferuus. Content b? mp boncaif,tben farctoell all too. JManfipulos. ! Come out Dogge,tefpeabebappcl^oftrutb if it be fo« I failfpeahe. ! ^oto matter Haphazard,fare ^ou Inell fo; a feafon. Haphazard, ' ilet m? councell at no time tottb vou be geafon. failfpeabcttj. ^0 b? tbe <]Dob0,be fure not fo. Haphazard. MtU Qtb bere is no company baue luitb ?e to Hcrtco. Env CnterVirgiwn*. IZIbat fo tbe (DoM tbe? baue becroEO to toozbe anb bo b? mef 3i uicruaile tnbr Ja^se Apius b?,fucb grctings lets me fa: 31 ferueo baue Ijis feate,anD ttate,5 baue maintainb biii iueal^ 31 baue fupp;ett tbe rebels ftoute,3l beare to bim fucb jeale, 0nt3 nolo be fenbs to me fucb cbar0e,tpon m^ life ano lanos, tlSLIitbout Demur,o;i furtber paufe,o; ere ougbt tbings be fcanOj SDbat 3 in baft,\uitb potting fpeeoejfo Court 3| Do repairs* %o aunriner tbat aleageo is,befo?e bis Blnogement Cbaire> J^omc ll^ittojies tbet? do crpicire.toben fucb miJbaps Do fall, SLbct (boulD baue tohens man? a one,3l baue not one but all: 0?{> Biuels fomtime p;iccious,Do babe ano beare no betoe, spi? fences tbcp Do fljun tbcre courfe,mj? ligbts Do burne id blefoe: ^t« tnilling Usigbts are loareD Qouittbat once toere fioifte in fpeeD«.^o t ^? bart it tb^obs in toonoerous fo;^mp nofe botb otimU^CT The Trag'icall Comcdie fi0\» DicaljfuU Djcamcs bo aiato mp tooc ano batcfull !)a?arD bale, i^htic tokens be of CMCll t]ap,t^)i0 is tbe olD Uitues talc: 15ut t!ct aD tl)ou Virginiusjtoljofc boarp Ijcarcs are olDc, SDioft trcafon ncucr vet comniit,of tljis tljon maift be boulu: 3!n spars bis games.m marHjall featcs,tbou toaft \)is onlp aioc, Srijc I)uge c,o;t?etaD?i£e lanDe, Laccfacc cbilDe ttiat Minnotaur,DiD cauff tljee encr ftanOc: 2Co pleafnre bim,to fmte t^v Icaclj.to hape all tbinops t)prigbt> SDbou (E>oD aboue.tbcn tuljat is it.tbat taloctt) me tbis fpigbt? ^itb notbingneeDc miftioubtcD bctobcrcgrounDCD raufc is none, 3 enter tuill JtiDgc Apiu$ !3ate,rciccting care ano monc: 515ut ffai? Virginiui,lor,tt)? ?D'f"« "ottj enter into place,' fl)t) fuCEcrant ilojOjano rifit)tfull3(m)ge,tt>e OoDs do fauct^ir flracr> C^ctc entteti) IfiiDge Apiui anoCUudiiu. -.,..■■ zaitti tenner fjart Virgin »uj,tboa foelcome art to me, 3 fojp am to tttcr out,tbc tbings J bcrc of tbee: . - • - jjfo? Claudius a fubicttc berc.a man of michlc fame, SUp^ealctb tbcc bcfo;e mp T'n^ntniav, Virginias gilt? finbe Ciiudius, iL&iS^ant ILQ^Mmrrtgbtf j'l ^uo^c.tbis ItanQrtb nolD ^ rafe, m of Apius and Virginia. fn fcnucr ^outlj notions agoncncrc fiirtenc rfsrw of fpace, VM-ginius a tbjall of mtne,a cljiloe auD infant fonge, ifrom me Dio take bp fufatcll ntcanr,anD kapcs bp arme full ff rong ano fjcre bcfojc votir grace J fraur,tbat Jtiaicc be crftcnoco, %l)at 31 mas t)auc nip tfjjall agapne,ano fauite s map be nmcnDcO Virginias, ill) Cofis f bat guiDc tlje globe aboiic lubat fojgca tales 3 fjcrc, S>ii Jutige Apmsjbenu pur cares.iubtlc tbis mp crime 3| clcarc: ^bc ismpcbilD.anoof nif toifcbcrtenDerco:pcsDiorpange, net all tl)c countreu tobcre a OU)Cll,beare luitneffc of tbc tbinjj. Apius anu Claudius go fo^tb,Out Apim fpcahctb ftw. ifiar bp tijc dDoos not fo mp frienD,3( Do not fo Decrte, 31 cbarge tbec bcrc in paine of Dcatb,tbou biing tbc maioc to mec: 3n cbanibcr clofc,in pitfon foimJ),(l^c fecret l^all abioe, flnD no hinDcof UjigbtrballtalbelDitbbcr.tjntilltbctrutfjbefriuc: SDbis DO 3 cbarge,tbt5 j comma«nD,tn paine of Dcatb let fa, ©aitboutanp lct,tbat Oie be b;ottgbt,a3 p^ifon? r tjnto mc; Exit. !^crc let virginiusgo about tbc fcaflfolD flb ficfele faule,t)nabppp Dome,ob moff Ijnccr taine rate, SDbat euer cbaunce fo cburltfblPjf bat neuer ftaioe in ftate: (ffnoe-* . ^ie:ibat3!uDgei5tbis:tobatcruelllD;5etcb^tDbatfaitb Dotbclaudiii 2!:be (lUoDS DO recompcnce toitb Jftame,bis falfe ano faitbles .minoe- ^ell borne 3 muft,no remcop.tubcre ftall mv fohing tearea, augment mg tDoe«,eecreafe mg iopesttobile oeatb Do rio mp feare* C^etccntcetlj Rumour. Come vcDtus come,bioU) fo;tb tb? blaff, ^jinceEolUffcnUicll, SDbefiltbiefffachtetbatcucr iaae, 3 Kumo: uoUi (ball tell: ^oa goDft bcHD Dotone to b^re m? crt^» ^^i^-- ThcTragicall Comcdic rcucnsementc ttulr fljolue, %\)\> Kunioj traues did Claudius lar» anD bjing JuDgc Apms loc^ jCl)at UucbeD man,tl)at flcftlr JtuDgf , batbhiereo Claudius, SDo rlaimca cl)ilDc,tl)C onlt !)CT!?f » of olDC Virginius. ja Ijircin pare,a ©uanc in life, tot)ofe ftatc mai? be Ocplojeo, ' ^o; toljT? ttit fiiuttnc of cftaftc life, is lit^e to be DcflourcD: D13v faEfe Juttgc Apim trucll toictrte, lul)o ttraipljtlp ftatb tommaunocD, JChat Hjc to bcptng bis be b:ougbt, . pjiticc Pluto tins DcmaunocD ; %Q fhics 3 flic to blafc abioDc, tbc trompc of Dcpc Defame, Keucngerou Coos tbis Kuinoj cranes, tbis biout) anb bloDOr (I)ame: l^aue thioueb tbe av;e,gcrie plate ^nju at;efl> tbis is my Dutpc Done, ffbc ©003 confoiinD futb lctJ)crer0, loeUumo;tbiB 3 run. Virginiuf. iD man.f) ttioulo,ob niucbe,fl) tlav,flM:^cll,2) bclltrtjbounDe, ^ faulfc jtuDge Apius U)jablinge UuetcD.w tbw tbv treafon foiinit tlEloctooitbtbe mantbatgauetbefaDe.Joberbp ^firftDiDftfpnng IHJoc tD0?tb tbe toombc ^ bare tbe babc,to meane tbis bluDDi' tbmg: IKDioe iDo:tb tbe paps tbat gaue t fucbe.Uioe Uio:tb tbe j?oftcr» ckc dSloe tDo;itb all fucb as euer DiD,tbT> bealtb o; lihing ferhe: £>\) tbat tte graueo reares of mine,\i)cre couereo in t\)t tlai; Claris: zn*r?tf) "^/'irginia, IrtpacicntcDrareffV.iirr nme,«our rigoj fomctbing ffaT*, il^ t)^ 00 SOU ^ do ?ou toeepe ano moncf of Apius and Virginia . Virginius fflft noitgWer Beare anti oiUb ^mtttnt life is neare fbjgone, dno all fo; loue of tbee Virginia. 2 CoDs ^olo ma^) tt)ts bef pcarc fatbcr oo VoitbDjatn ?our ujeaD.anti letmc feno\u the taufc, SPS felfe Uj?ll apDc toitlj l^'fe oj Dcatl),\mtbout Demur o.: paiif«: £;^f n tcnoer ijoiir cl)UDc,tl)at crauct^ f Ijia bouno. Virginius £Dl) darken Deare Daugljter atf enD tbou m? ronnoe : 3uDge Apius piirbf fo?tb tuitb fiUb? Deflre: S^t)v pcifon 410 ilcmmon,Dotl) greatlp require: 2nD no binoc of intrcattc,no feare nojrto ftame, Wiill \)t Ijcarc alcDge,ocfcnDing t\)t fame: 3nD ftraigbt UJttljout aa^tng in patnc of m^ ceatlj, 3 muft b;ing tbcc tl)itber,toberfo.je ttop m^ b;eatb> jD &iaer0,3l fearc5,3! fafec,anD 3 craue, fio mo;eat pour f)ant)es,but Deatt fo; to !)ane> JSatber tben fee mi? E)augbtcr oeflouroe, ^i tls in ill fo;tc>fo tilDelp beuourDe. Virginia. ^l) fatt)tr,oh fricnol6ip,ob fafljerip fauour, • Mlbofe Dulfet tDo;ti0,ro t\uatl^ no fauour, j2Dn hnsts 3 bef ecdbe tl)tc to graunt mp requeS^ 3n all tl)ing0 a cf«,:Dtn0,as l^betft tljee beft : SDbou hnoUicft,£D mp fatber.if 3 be once fpotteo, S0^ name anD m^ binD;eo,tben fojtft tnilbe blotteu: ^nb if tbon mp father, fboulb Diefo; mp caufe> %\)t tDOjlD tooulo accompt me as gilt? in canfe : %\3m ratber beare fatl)er,if if b? tbp pleafnre, fa,mt me S> fatlier mi? inftant rrqueitc. L ^1 A new TragleaU Comtii^ Virginius C!)f It r?fc t)p m? Da«Bl>tcr, mr auttfincre 600 note, 5From mouti) of ttiT! fatl)cr,tu^ofc eiics Do noiu aotr. ^ ftaughtcr,ol^ ?)wrc,£D OarUng,ol) Damr, SDiTpatcb me J pza^ ttjtt,rr8i\ror not mi? name; 313atT?Pt,as ttjou fatcft Otlj remeDp none, j!5ut ilemmon tbon muft be,if 3l lucre gone, ^no better tt tB to {irc toitb goio fame, SCfjen longer to hue to reape is but fljame: ^ut if tiioudDD^e, no boubt IB at ail, JSut picfentlr- after m^ fclfe fololn Cbnll, fDljen cno tottftout (Ijame fo let bs pcrfeucr, IRSlttl) trompe of gop fame fo iD^e fball loc neuer. Virginia here knedcih, JDfjen fcnoer anves complett f be necb,Da) o;i? tljf fafljeris f e arcf, ^ou nimbic banDcs foi U)o tobcrrof,my loutng bart it turares: iDb fatber mtne.rcfraine no tBbit,^our fbarpeo hnife to tabe , 5From giitlcs il^atb,in? Qtamt to cnoe,anD boop beab to mabe; 3Let not tbe fljamcles blouops iuDgcDcfilc mv tiirgins life, ff)oe take my beaD ano fcnn it bim,t)pon ^our bloub^ bn ife: 31510 btm tmb;ue bus blouDpbant)e0,inetltIes bloubofinet: 3 tirgin Dte,bc Icacber iiut0,be luas m\! enoe ron fee: ^0 moje bcla^es.lo biffc me fira,tben ftrctcb ^our ffrongeff arme. 3©o rp> m? U)oe,incr^afc mt ior>Do cafe ^our tbilbc of barme. • 1^ Virginias. • S^tavyi \Ditt't6 of tDo,o} luealtb.ot; fcblc ageo man* J^to ran tbi? arnue gene futb a bloUi.tbp Dcatb 3 loiflje tbee fljan: JiBut fitb tbat njamc initb enoles trompc.loil founDc if cafe tbou iof, J3? meanes of falfe iuoge Apius bc,mp fclfe tuill tbcc oeftroi?; Jf ojgeuc me babe tbifl blouDp DaDe,ano makclp tabc tbr cnor, l^erc let btm p;ofer a blolue, SCbe CcD3 fojgcuc tbcE fatber Deare,farcU)cll,tbi' blotn Do bcno: ^et ftava B)brI«.o f^itbr bearejfo? flcafljtoDeatb tsfrailc, etfirftmi! tmniplc btiiu m^ cves,ant) tbcn tbp bloU) affaile. *^r Jvo;be tb? \uill on me,tbat life 31 ma^ tnioi;. f^S^. .. —- — - — -__ ^ere of Apius and Virginia » f f^ert tye a Ijanorartljcr aboute tir C!!C0,Snis f Ij^n ftriftccfturbfaoc. /liotD Crete!) tlji? IjanD Vir§inius,tljat Ictf) iDOulo flci^ iitff ro^ £) f ruell banoe3,oj blouDD? liinfc,o man tobat baft tbou Done, JDb? Daugbter DcarejaiiD o"nelp bet?;e,btr bitall cnut batb toonet Come fatall blaoe make lipke Dirpatcbe,conic Atropos , come enne, Strike boine tbou careles armc initb fpeeDe,of Dcflttj b? not af ra^DC. i^ece tnttCtl) Comfor:. ' • \\'A. fl)bnobl^fenisbtvirginius,Doftap,be notaifma^De. '' 3 ciirmsComfojtp?cfcntam,^ourDcUertoai?De; Virginius, ^itbto^ is gone, Ctb life iBOeaoe: -> tisabat ccmfojt ran tbere be ; ^omo;e tbere is but Dspe Difpaire, ^nb beaol)? oeatb to me: Comfort: ^omoje &ir Itnigbt.but take tbe beao,anb tocnbe a tubilc tuitb me. Bit fljalbc fcnt to court,fo? tbat Jubge Apius ma^ it fc, Jn recompcnceof leacbojs luft,tbisp?cfcnt letliim bane,' glnbttap rour co?psfo.:certatne fpace.in coping from tbe granet. ■ ^0 (ball ?ou fee tbe enb of bim,anD all bis tubole contents SLbis ix)ilbe comfort -to ^our barte, Virginias be content. Virginius. £)f trufb euen fo,fo.: Comfort c!0,3| bnotn.rigbt toell is none, IKlb^refoje 3 ooc confent tnitb i?ou,comc on let bs be gone: ^ut mcffengcr mp felfe iD^ll bee,mprelf Inill geuetbe gifte. Come on groa Comfort, tncno loc tbcn,tberc is no otber Ibifte fl^ereentretbluDge Apius. £««« tSUell bap as can bap,02 no, 3n bajaro it is but let tbat goe, 3 tDpll tobat To bappen pcrfue on ff in, wm^V none tb ere ts l(uing,can let mem^ to^tt: 3 iDillbaue Virginia, 3 iDtUbirbefloure, Cl0 rijojons f\»o;D,bir bart ftall oeuouce , A new Tragi caD G>tne^ie 3 came ftom Caleco enen f^e rsme ^oure, flnD ^^ap luM bpjeD to bachnc? in Jjcmpttrto, 3|n bajaro fte toasijf rioing on beamcftriD, SLbcn crotD crop on tree top Ijoift top tt)c: fa^le, 2Dbcn groncDtt)ctrnecbcB,b^tl)cvx)cigbt oftbeir taplc, SCbcn D^D Car iufc3t,>ut tlt^erc tb.iee together, i^apD tbcm tbcir paut long 31 {ftall not toant ber figl)t,3 ftar bcr comnitng bare, ^b luch^ ligbtjlo p^efent beerc bir fatbcr Dotb appcare, ^b boiD 31 ior.rrt bjagge tbou not.Sramc bcutp btbcs bcbinbe, Virginius,Uibere 10 tbe maioef botu baps tbou b}ca\u8 m^ ntmbcf ^^ercentretb Virgbius. flb toirkcD 3labgc tbe 53trgtn cbaffc, l^atb fcnt bcr bcutious face, 3n rcconipcnrc of iLecbour gainc, Slo tba fc tjijior of grace: . febcJnbBcb(cii!A,juctbt!i)loubTjb^'^be0, ^**flo(iU^S ILe;!)c rou0 minoe: of Ap'ms and VirgUira. mii^s Venus n>'imfc!s tjoruc cf Qjame, t ^oti fp :itc0 bcloU),t'ou bclliflj boun3cs,oo gcue tint gaule fo> mktii £^r felfc tPill fe Ijts latter cnD, 3 3uDgc bim to tbe Dcatlj, sLibc Ocatl) ttat faire Virginia tohc,t\)e l^bc ftall ttop bw bjeatti: jEben flafhi? fanfia of lLi?mbo ldbe,bis flboft do fo tojmoi'lc. S:!)at be baue ndeDc of Carons l)clpe,fo? all but filtb? to^le : Come Jufticc tljen,come.oH KeUjarD6,comc atioe me in niT? nabf, JTljou toi^heo bnigbt fljal flaugbter bc,lD fclf fame bnife toitft fpoO. Vjrgii^iui, feitb fljc a tJtrgine pure ann cbatt,irf Skauen leaBcs bir life. Content 3 am to b?e uittb bcr,ano D^e tjpon bcr hntfe. Apius. Come luStte t^cn,come on reU)arD,tot)cn ^uogment notoootl) caL C^PCPf entreti) luftice anl» Reward. 0no tbn? botb fprabe tt}is. tStc botb are reao?' bere at JjanDc,to tnoibc tb^ fatall fall. Iiiftice. £>b go jgan 3f uDge,vubat laU)le0 life baff tbou mott iuif fecD IcUf Cbr fchJng finnc batb fonfee tbp foulejtbf t)crtuc« aU are QeO 1 Z\)ou cbatt ano tir.ocSleti life DiDett fabe foz to baae (pQ|teB«.r^ ano tU? UcUiarD u? reaus bcrc,bB luttuf noV» aM$^» ' f TheTragicallComcdic ' Rewardc. SCftp lHttReward,i0DcaDlpDeatll),tDbcrfaiecomctitcn6atoa?, %o Deati) 5 ttraiafyt vutll Do t^y> co;p6,tl}en [utt (ball t)aue tiw p;as : Viginius tbou toofull bnigljtjcomc ncarc ano take tbpfoc, 3n pjifon tbou make bim faa,no mo;c let tjiin do fo: , * llet CiauDtUB fo; ttrran? be t)angtD on a Ua, Virginius. 91) rigljf Rcward.ttic ©0D5 be bliff, fDt)is Da? 31 ctjaunce to Tec. Haphazard. ZSUl)^ IjotD itotD m? loio Apiusjtnbat fbcare # tElbv toljere is mv -Kctoaro fo; tbis gearc? ®!^bT? Brti 31 rioe run ano rcurll, jSnD fo; all my; iatinting now am mabe a ^ancUf OTljpruniir bnaaccall mcClaudius; SDbcn run toitlj a bcngcaunrc toatcfj Virgniui, • %ben rioe firra.ts Virginia at :oncl, tbat D:oU)fv D :ahcnofcD D;iuill, i{)c ncucr IcarncD bis mannrro in &t(ull :^ JiiDge mav taufe a gcntlrman,a gentleman nat? a tacli bcaringe Us boneft as be tbat caries bis bofe on bis necb fo; fcarc of Uicring 9elDe,permit anD p;omife, autbereuenetues to^ouofm^feruice : 3iamfricnDli?,3l am kinDlp,3l pjoffer ?oa faire, ^ou(tall be m\> ful erecuto; ano bes;e. Reward. ^■^\i mafee t?ou reau^ Srft to D^c bt? flie roooe, jCbcn iue toill bifpofc it aiS toe tfjinh it gooo; 'ten tljofe tbat toitb ^ou to tbis opD confent, { l]2he reluaro Oball caufe ti;cm repent. The Tragicall Comedit lunice 0s^ ttap a iubite Virginius is f ommmg, '^ai» foft Haphazard you arc not fo cunning, frect to go SCt)u0 to c(capc luitbout puniQjmcnt, lootili. Rcwardc. ^0 ccrtut it 10 not To eppe Dtcnt, ^)ert entrrtft Virginius, flDft noblc-IufliceDufr uoncbeboID 3f fomcnffainc, %o fljcU) Don tljot Apiusftc bimfclfc tjtUb IctoDly (laine, Sl8 iconc 00 be in pnfon ums endofeo out of figl)t. Ipc Defpcrate foj blaoop DocDcDiD flea Ijim fdfe out risftt, Jino Claudius ooti) mere? rrauc lobo did < he oaDe foj fcarc, aoutcljfafc ol) JuDue to fauc \)\s lifc,tt)ougl) countrtc ])t fo;bcare» lllftlCC, tac graunt bim grare at tby? rc^ueft.but banntft bim tbe lanoe, ^n3 {\x ti;at ocati) be Done out rigbt on bim tbat berc Dotb ftano^ H^ipiiazard. JJJap (^.Virginias taHc biin bv tbe banue i|[ crane notftn feruice tbe tbing Uiojtb ougbf, l^anginj quotb pou ,it b tbe latt cno of m? tb«igb< iFl'efo; Qjamefrc, tfap bp mp fatbers foule, UOihv this-ie tile to aCaiii turners oo ulc. i^angoncnian,anDfauc all tbe red, SDake part one U)itbanatber,p(aine Dealing is bed. ' Rcwaidc. Cbis is our Dcalina.tljus oealc U)C toitb ttae, Sialic binibeme Vir»»niusgoetru(re tinttoatrde. Hapliazard. pt (ball in a ropes namr,\ubctber atoat toitb me. * Vfr2;inius. ■ Come JuenD tboa in battctbi' oeatb fWto U}ief %iti\iiMajm^^\i)iH leaoc t\)xtt^ quicUc Difpatcb to maftf . ''T' ■'»*i'- . . ' •fAjfiusandyirgmV Haphazard. ._ ! 0i\il 3 naelJCB ban0e,b? ftjc goDs it Doflj fpigije mf, E^ tbinkc boU) trabbcDli? tbi0 fllfee lafc mill bite me: lID&n come coQn catpur£,£oine runne batte ana foloto me, JHaphazardjinutt bangc^comc foloU) t|)e Iviucric. ' Wt; lulhcc. lEJ^n iD^nOc toe noto tbc fiiiatl eitoc of Se(l)Ic hi2 tux Tee. Reward . . ContentRewardc 15 tcan^ bent tottb JuHice to agree. C^creentrctljFame. j^b ffai?,^Du noble Jnaice tta^,J$ctoarD ms mafte no battf » XBSie ILsaics tb^ee b^ue bjousbt ^ Co.:re in e^frtb t^at nuift be plaSe^ Doftrina ant) Memoric ana Virg'uiius - b.nng a tome. 'fTiSie^«biaug!jtbafkc virginiusjffjc funerall to far, g gratmt Um ttjat tijc Icarnco pcii (IjaU bauc tftc a?Dc of ma : - S^o to^igbt injcarncQ tjerfe tbe bono; of bir name. Fame." ijinb the it {ball rerotono b\> trompe of mc E>aine Fame, • Ci^erelcfMeroorietojigije on tbc tome. 31 Memoric iDill min^e btr life,bir awrb (bail cuer raine. ilRKitbtn tbe moutb ana minoe of man/rom age to age agatiie. I IlftlCC. ^8 lufticc fure toill apoe all tbofe tbat immifate bir lrf«J m, Rcwarde. ■. jpj lardc toiU^punniib tbcfe eb MrtiblT' life {3 gr.mnf« none fo ; cucrmo:c to raisnc, t iSut Denting; d wtft iiul caiifc t\)tm al to grant ttjis toojlD « twii I Kigljt U)o:fi);pfull Ott) furc if is tfjat mojtall life muft toaoe, , SDo pjarttfc tljen to vuinivDis loue tbat all tn all l)atfj maoc: , jano bp tbis Poets faining Ijcrc crainplc do poii tabe, ; j£)f Virginias life, ofcbaactie,ofoat^ to tbp make, , ]i)f lone to U)iff. of loue to fpoufcoflottc to bafbano Df are, a>f bringing tp of tcnoer ^outb.all rbcfe are note D bcaret 3 Doubt if not rigftf \jjo:{!)rpful,but tocll pou do concciuf ^ ' JDl)C matter tbat is fcnDcD noVD,am) tljus 3 tabc mv leaner IBcfoccbing