1 & :■ LIBRARY OF THK University of California. Class P-x* A4-04 CASE w Cl)e Cutior facsimile %txt& & *piap of £otoe Made by JOHN HEYWOOD Date of the Earliest Known Editions , 1533—4 [5/. John's College and Magdalene College Libraries, Cambridge^ Reproduced in Facsimile, 1909 flMa^ of %ovc Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER H flMa? of Xove Made by JOHN HEYWOOD J 534 OF THE " UNIVERSITY OF Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 1 6 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMIX auifcRto- a $Iap of 3Lo*e Made by JOHN HEYWOOD " A Play of Love " completes the list of interludes known to be written by, and also those attributed to, John Hey wood. All are included in " The 'Tudor Facsimile Texts." When Hazlitt compiled his " Bibliography of Old English Literature," only one copy of this play was scheduled as extant. It was, moreover, imperfect ; and of a later edition than the present one, having been printed by IValey between 1547-58. Since then earlier impressions, printed in 1533 and 1534 by the brother-in-law of the author, Wm. Rastell, have been discovered. Of these, two copies, one of each date, are at present known. I am again indebted to the courtesy of the Pepysian Library authorities at Magdalene College, Cambridge, for permission to reproduce their unique example of this early interlude. Pasted in the Magdalene original on A. i. verso [back of title-page) is a portrait engraving of Samuel Pepys : otherwise the page is blank. As one of the special features of this series is to show originals as thoroughly as may be as they actually exist to-day, the portrait is retained. In truth, as we are indebted to the jovial secretary to the Admiralty and the president of the Royal Society of his day for a uniquely dated copy of "A Play of Love," it is not unfitting that his industry and taste as a collector, and his consequent connec- tion with the early and later developments of English literature, indirect though this be, should be thus perpetuated. Mr. R. B. Fleming, contrasting this facsimile with the original copy, says that " taking the book generally the result is very good ; the only real '■fault ' is the blurred patches, and these are trifling in any page. There is a stain on the lower half of all pages, most pronounced on the outside edges ; this occurs all through the book." Particular criticism is as follows : — (1) Title-page, this is much discoloured, specially the edges. (2) [8. ).] verso, the portrait is a very good reproduction of the original. (3) 13. UJ, and [til),] verso, are somewhat blurred, particularly the latter. The same '■'■fault" occurs on lower half of [C. Uij>] verso and [D. Uij.] verso. (4) C j. and C. ij. verso, [C. UIj'.] recto and verso, and on > 31 man alouet not bdoueD ♦ 31 tooman beloucD hot loupng • alouet an&bclotieb* bpfe notice louer no? bdoitth JW r I - i. ! w CijelouetnotbeUmed* IT tf>fp?,tol>oro t^atlokct^^erefo? cuttef? 2£r 3nb fertj me feme as onep.:etenbrng » onc XVutasbmbougbtbppon tinisfobcnlp 3f pp;oet)etIj the mpbbps amottge pou euerpdjone 3no of pou all fcpttj nought to anp one* $)ap ttjpnfee me tetobe peccepupng of toljat fojte pe feme to be, anb of toljat ftatelppo^tc* ©ut 3! befecrje pou In mod tmmble topfe Co omptte bpfpleafuteanb patbon me j$p manet ts to mufe anb to beupfe £>otbatfome tpme mpfelfemap carp me <3&p feif e fenotoptb not tobetc, anb J afutc pe £>o Ijatb mp felfe bone notoe, fo : out loibe toot tobete J am,o? tob,at pe be , J fenotoe not* 0i thence 3f cam, o: ton prtiet J (b, all 311 tbte tn manet as bnknotoen to me #ut eupn as fortune gupoerl) mp fote to fale *bo toanber ip ,pet tobete fo euet J be 3nb tobom o: botoe manp fo euet 1 fe 3« onepetfon to me is euctpdjone £*o euetp place to me but as one 31 3nbfoj tljatonepetfone euetp place fefce If tobtcbone onesfounbe JTfpnbe ofalltljetett flat one mpflirog, aufctn the conttatp Cbat one abfent,tbougb t&at tfjete toete rjctepjett 311 tbc creatures Ipupng moft anb left Vtt laefepng bet 1, u)ulbe anb euet fyall a&e as alone fpns u)e to me is all 3nb alone ts flje tof rtjout eompatpfot? Confettipngtljegpftpsgpupn bpnatute Jn fauout fap?nes anb pojte as of petfon &q Ipfe betprb trje Ipfee of rtjat creature ^o? no tonge can attapne to put tn bje l&ctto bpfctpue, foi botoe can too :bes erp?es Cb at tbpng ttjefull to&ctof no tt^ougbt can ges. 2»nbas(ti0 ttjrng tneftpmable ComafeetepojtcofljeebetotpfuHp 1 fsm ts mp loue totoatbe bet bnable Co be r epojtpD as toljo feptf; tpgb rip %iU jrojmpf f o? mp foolc fetupce airtD loue to ttiat laop [0 gpucn tmDct fuctj tjabounDant faQ^oti jatnotongetyetof can make tpgfjt telafypon* Solicrin 31 fuppofe tin's tocll fuppofcD Wnto pott all,rtjat fpns 0)e p etcepupng 9s mttcfj of mp loue as can be DpfclofeD CupnofDetptpgbt mtccompenfpng ^jf ougfet foj mp loue agapne to be loupng if 02 toijat moie tpglj t to gtaunt toljr n loue loue sequitety Cfcen loue f o; loue,tobcn loue nought els D cfpjctl) 55 ut enpn as facte touts as otbettopfe tfjcu fo ^fetanDejin cafe in manetDefpetate 0o tpme can tpme mp fetot to eafe mp too • 2$efo?e none to etelp anD all tpmts els to late Clws tpme out of tpme mpftpmetb mp tate JToj tpme to bjpng tpme to tyope of anp gtace djat tpme tympty no t^mi to anp tpme o? place* tobetbptpll tpme Ijaue tpme fofatte ettpnete Cljat beta map Detetmpne mp ipfe tims DeDlp $o tpme can % tefte alas J am fo Ipncte Co gteucs bo# fo jteate anD alfo manp C&at bp #e fame J fap anD topll Detpfp ^Df all papnestfye mode mcompatablepapne Jfi to be a louet not loupD agapne. C&e fcomanbeloupD uotlo- upngenttefy, . 2$eloupD not loupnjj. $3>n astouriipng tfjofc too?Des of compatpfoti tolncUepebauefepD anD toolDe femetotoetpfpc Jl it map pleafepou to ftanoe tfcetupon feeatpng anD anftoetpng me pacpentlp % Doubt not bp tfyt fame incontpnentlp pout fclfe to fee bp tooiDes fyat fljall enfue Cbc conttatp of pout too;Des SctpfpeD fo; ttue* Xouetnotloueft Sfapielabppleafpt&ttpotttotepapjenete 3toD to tins caufe to tt)etoc caufe teafonable tolietbp caufe of tefomtacpon map appete 4Dfteafon3mufteanD toplbe tefojmable % oupD not lo up n g todl fpns pe p?etenDe to be containable Co teafon, in auopDpng citcumftaunce tf?tfejp bp teafonjtyait tbettutlje mwee* pebe pebeaJouetnofohptfottpSagapne $ 3nD3l am ioupDot to^om3(iottf not^png Cben ftanbpti? out; queftion bettoene tijefe tfoapn* ; ^Houpngnotloupb,ozloupbnotlouimo; itoijiri) t& rbe cafe mofte papnf ull in fijff erpng tobetto 3( fape tijat tb e mofte papne bo tij mows Co tyote beloupb of to&ome t^ep can not lone %om not loupa* Ctyofe foo;be0 app?oueb lo , mpgfit mafeea cfyaunge ^fmpne opinion/ but berelp rtnjecafeaspeputirjftijpn&e moze ftraunge C!jen ttue>f02 tfiougb tije bdoupD partp CannotIoueagapnc } petpoffpbIp Can J not tbpnfcc , no; 3f tijpnUc neuet tyall Cljat to be lo upD can be arip papnc at all* jSelottpo not tonpng. C^ateeafonpeccepttpDanbtecepupDfo?trout^ jftompzopetcompacpfon Ojolbedecc confounbeme jSettocnejapne^ no papne,no fucty comparpfon gtototfr Cljen oz 31 can on comparpfon gtounbe me Copzouemp cafepapnefullpe^aue fpzft bounbeme Cotobicljfpn0peD?pttemebppouc oenpall ^attteto^at eufuetb befo;e ferret trpalL ^fapejfamlouppofaeeefepneman > lobom fo? no fctot jl can fauout agapne SUnDttiatJmueJtolDcbpinfpnstiigfetotbcgan 3B tboufanbtpmesbuteuiScptpmemtoapne dPoz neuecfeafetb bi0 tongc tQ eomplapne 3no euet one tale totitcbe IHieuet can flee jfo? euer in manec tuyere Jam to Ije» IRotoe tf pou to ^ere one t^png ejueep totieee Conttatptopoutappetptetyolbebeleb toecc it but a moufe lo fyoTbepepe in pout ere £>? altoap to ^arpe on actuft of bjeb . ^otoecouteepoulpaefuc^^atppngatpouc^ett ftoapng not lottpd, £>ometin)at Dpfpleafaunt it toetejt not benp Jtoupb not lottpwg, C^mfotnefcnjat papnefula0 bell fepb fapjf ispfpleafure anb papne be tfcpnge* fopmlp anejei jToi as it is bpfyleafaunt in papne to be £>bfti0 papnefull in bpfpleafuce to be be# Cbu0 bf bpQjleafuce in papne pe confe0 me fobetbp (ptt0 pepart of mp papnebo fee 3[nmpfer$er papne JOjallnofoe Declare 3Mtf» C&at :/ < 1 t ; r i COat papne bp toljpcOe tottJj pour papne 31 compare* £> male toete t^e quant? tc of mp painfull fmerte pf bps tangelpngepetcpb no further tben mpne etps But tbo?ougb mpne erp0 optectlp to mpne baite percptb bte toojbps eupn Ipfce as manp fpecps Bp tobpcbe 1 baue fpent fo manp anD fucfte terp0 Cbat toete tliep ail teb as tbep be all tobpte Cbebloob of mp barte bab be gone oj tbps qupte 3nD almofte in cafe as tbougb it toere gone 3m percept bps fetot take enblbojtelp f o: it Dotb Ipke me eupn Ipfcc as one ^bolb offer me ferupcemoft buntblp toptb an are m bps banbe,contpnuallp J5efecbpnge me gentpllp tbat tbps mpgbt be fyeb * Co graunte \fjftn tap gooo topll to ftrpfee of mp bed J allebge foi general! tbps one fpmplptube 3!uopDpng reberfale of papnes pattpculet Co atyeueate tbe tpmcano to erclube ^ntplufage of looses in tbps out matec BptobpcbeenfaumplepfpeconfpDete Jftpgbtlp mp cafe at left topfe pe map fee gpp papne as papnf ull as pour papne can bee* 3nD pet fo; fljojtet cnb put cafe tbat pour papne toere oft tpmts rao?e ujatpe anb foje m Degre Cbeninpneps at anptpme pet topll 31 pioueplapnt ^©p papne at lengbt fuffpepent to matcb pc . tobfctie parte to be true pour felfe (ball agre pf pour affetcpon to tbat J u)all cefpgbt S$ap fuffee pour reafon to tmbetftanberpgbt pouftanbtnplefurebattpngpoucloueinfpgbt 3nb in bee abfens bope of fpgtjt agapne feepptb mofte tpmes pofleffpon of tome Delpgbt Cbusbauepou oft tpmesfometoapeafe of papne 3lntJl|neuernotoapfo?tDben^bo remapne In bps Piefens,m Deoip papne j f o(o?he 3nD abient.balfe beb mfeate of bps retourne ft»pnsp?efens no? abfens abfentetbmp papne But altoaptbe fame to me is p?efent 3nDtbatbpp?efens anb bopeofpiefens agapne C^erbot^appewmpcbeofpourtpmefpente .'.[■; fl)utof 1 ^utofpapne^etfymfcetlHScottrcquent Cljat mp papne map toeli bp meane cf tlje length Comparetoit&pourfljojterpapneofmoje fttengfy JUuernotlottcD, fifcapftres if pour long papne be no (hanger Cbeh is pour lonaereafonagapnftmpfyotfe papne pelacfee no Ipcftlptjob to Ipue muclj longer Cfjen be tljat tooloe ftcpfce of pour Ijeo fo fapne pet left pe tools e note me pout too ?Dcs to Dpftapne % am content to agree fo? a feafon * Co graunt ano enlarge pour latter reafon 3mptte b)? l)ti p ?efens Ijalfe mp tpme pleafaunt 3BnD all pour tpme as papnefull as in cafe ran be pet pour papne to be mod ,reafon topi not graunt 3nD fo: enrample 3f put cafetljat pe £»tooo in colbe toaterall a Dap to flje fene 2BnD 31 Ijalf c tbe fame bap to mpb leg m rlje fpec tooloe pe cljaungc places totrtj me f o? ttye D?pec ftoueb not loupng* ^p t!jat tooloe J not be pe affuectD Horn not loueb. jpojfotlj ano m^ papne abouepours is as pll 3s fp?c aboue toater ttws to be enDctojcD Came m^ papnebut at tpmes ano pours continue ftpl! pet u)olD mpne manp toeps to toljome can Cfepil • ^betoe pouts Jncompatpfonbettoenetljettoapne £>bantlp able fo? a ft)abetoe to mp papne k tfeUpebutouepangfuc&as^felemanp £)ne pang of Dpfpap;e,o? one pang of Defpje £>nepangof one&pfbleafaunt lofce of tjerepe fl>nepang of one toojDeof f>et moutl) as in p?e £>? in refttapnt of ^erloue to^rtj j tequpje ' £>ne pang OfaHtfjefe felt onestn all pour Ipfe $>!?oiDe quaplepoiit Opti^onanb quen$ all our ftrpfe tyub pange* J, fa? abrnptteb C)o?t as pe Ipft 2!nb all mp tpme befpbe pleafaunt as pe pleafe ptt cotiloe not {befljo?tnes tlje fyarpnes fo refpft Cbepercpngof ntptytitintifem of alltfjefe 55utmufb it ouetmac^etl) all pour Dpfeare 5To? no to^ptm effect* is pour cafe Dpfplcafaunt »uftobenpa%ngto^t0pelpftnottograunt i©? to ^ere afefoter Bp daplp peticpon In fcumblemaueras topt can oeupfe lfcequp# i iRequpje a tfang ro ft anbpng in conbptypon 3s no pojcpon of alibis enteep?pfe toitbout pout confmt can Cpebe m anp topfc Cbis fetot tt)U0 attemptcD neuer fo long JDoubtpe no Defy tpll pout papne be moje ftcong £otoe fpn0 in tb<0 matcc beitoene t>0 bpfputeb S&pne abmpttance of pour toojbes nottottbftanbpng 3 bati* tbusfullp pour pact confuteb fobat tan pe Cap notoe % come to benpeng roue pjpncpplc , gcaunteb in mp fo?efapeng toblcb &80 tbt0,bp tbe ptefms of mp labp 31 gcaunteb pou balfe xm? tpme fpent plcafaunrlp i 3ltbougb mpne affeccpon lebptb me to confent Cljat b ev felbe p?efen0 (0 mp eelef e onelp * yet win ceafbn appcretnall mp rounent 25?eDbpbcrp?efcn0anDmacKe dns cauTe tobP ® efo?e Jf falne tjer 3R tclt no malpbp . 3nb fpn0 3f fatoc bet 3! ncuee teas fee jfcom ttoapne tlje gceateft papnes tbat in louebe 1&efp?e i0 tlje f»?ft bpon mp tpjft fpgbe 3nDDcfpap?ertjcnerte bpon mpfp?ft fetot jTo? tjpon bee fpjtt anftoere bope teas put to flpgbt 3nD ncuee came fpns in place to Dpfpetot $o toe b?pngetb tben bee p?efens to me anp fcetot to; bopetes anb bdp cles in flames of Defpje 3nb b?opp es of befpapje 31 fmolbee in fp;c «Cbefe ttoapne bepng enbeles fpns tJjep began 3nb botb bp tbe p;efen0 of bee tobollp JBegon anb contpnueb,3 toonbet if pe can $bptfce anp too?be mo?e,but peloe pmmebpatelp , jfo>ba&3fnomopapucs buttbefe,pet clerelp % tboufanbe tpmes moie is mp gcefe in tbcfc ttoapne Cfcen pouc0 m all ttyc cafe bp tob icb pe complapne Xoueb not toupng. Cbat (s as pefep but not as 3 fuppofe 00) as tbe treuthi is,tob«b poue felfe mpgbtfe 36p ccafons tbaij coulbeanb tooloebpfdofe ^aupng tbat 3( fee fucbpaccpalpte £)n poue pacte.tbat toe (ball neuecagee mnleflc pclopUaompt Come man inbpnerent jnbpffecentlp to bcocc bs , anb fo gpue ittDgement. aigteb, fcouet not loueo; 3gteD, f o?tt>ouglj tfje fcnotoleDge of all mp papne « tfafemp papne no tobpt pet tyatt it Declare ©teat caufe of abatement inpou to complapne 3fn countetfet papnes totti^ mp papne to conipate » tit bete t0 no iubgc mete, toe muft fcfcc elles tolj ere XottpD not loupng, 3 botoe me content the fame to conDpfcenDe jMeafe ttpou to fet fo?ti) atto 31 u)all atteno. !£ete tfjep 90 botfy out anD t!) c lo net be- loupD enttcrtj toitl) a 10113c Xouex belcupD, 13 p comen erpetpencc totjo can Denp jpnpombplpte f 0? man to ft)otoe ^10 tntoacD entent , but bp fpgnes outtoarDlp % s to3>tpng,fpec^e,02 countenance , toljctbp Doty gtotoe jr 4DuttoatDe petcepupiige intoatDlp to fcnotoe M euetp feccecp in mans b?eft tmougbt f to man bnto man fye effectc of ccl;c tljo u glj t * Cljefe rinses toeUfoepD in manptbpngesfyetoeneDe 3fln out outtoatDe fpgnes to tyetoc Ds fo ttjfat plapne 3Kcco?Dpng to outtjjougftte0/too?De0 and fpgnes pjocepe jfo? tn outtoatDe fpgnes totyete men ace fene to fapne tobat cteoenee m man to man map rcmapne SJBans mtoatDe mpn&e totty outtoacD fpgnes to fable gj^ap fone be mo;e comen tljan comenDable. k\ <$uct> ate toe louers tben to be commenbpD 5Poj louebfs appatenceDpffembletb in no topfe 2Sut as fyebactefelptljlpfee fpgnes altoap p?etcnDpD toljofapncinappatenceatcloues mo?tallenmpes 2£s in Dpfpap? of fpeDe toljo $at can mp?rlj Deupfe 0) baupng gtaunt of grace can Gjetoe tbem as momet* ^»uc^ be no louets but eupn tietp fttotnets* Cbc true loiters battetfjat can not obtcpne fsfoto?mentpbtbatalltbeboDp cuetmoje fo compelDe to complapne Cbatfonetmap tbefuffctetljpDetljc futp £>f afetuentfeuct^cuof fyatmalaDp JBp anp potoet Jjumapne be poflpble map $pDe ttjc lefie papne of a fyoufanoe J Date fap* 3tab be ton in I ottpng fjatfj lot to fuel) c lucfte* Cbatloue fojloueof InslouebcfounDe §>balbc of potoet m^n as eafelp to plucfcc Cije mone to a momet toity a fpnget to gtounDe II r 3f* of ty* iop to enctofe tftf cebounbe 23ut tbat tbe cefteccion ttjetof from bis bartc Co in* beljolDecs tt)all typnein edje parte Cbus be a ^louet in top o? in cate 3UtbougbtopilanDtoptbtscftatctoolDe!}pDe pet fljall W femblaunce as a bpale Declare $otoe tlje cloefce goetb toJnclj mar be toell applpcb- jn abjpgemcnt of clrcumftauce to? a gupeb Co Icabe pou in fetoe too:bes bp mp bpbauour Coknotoemein grace of mp labpes fauour, 5f o? bepng a loner as 3( am m bebe 3no tberto bpfpotyb tbus pleafaunth* Jsaplapne apparenceofmpfucb fpebe 3s J in loue cotolb topft) anD bnboubteblp 9?p loue is rcquptcb fo lonpnglp Cbat m euerp tbpng rtjat map bclpabt mp mpnbe. &?p toptcan not topu)e ttfo toell as J fpnbe toljidj tljpng at full confpb?eo , J fuppofe i Cbat all tbe tobole ido:Idc mult agree in one bopci 31 bepng bcloueb as 3 notoebpfriofe 4)f one bepng ebcfe of all tlje Jole cbopce ^ uft baue incomparable caufc to reiopcc #o? tbe bpeft pleafuretfjat man map obtapne Jis tobealouee beloueb agapne Botljcr louer no: loucD entrerfy #o loner no? loueb* #otoe gob pou goob eupn mapfler fooooro c Jt Jlouer loueb* Comettj of rubeneffc o?letobeneu"etbatmocfc Bo louer nojloueb. Come tobetof it fyail pc come of fucb ftoca Cbat gob pou goob eupn mapftee tooobcocft* N Rouer loueb* Cbis lofcll b^ Ipfce barb loft bts topt #to louer no? loucD* & ap nap mapfter tooobcocfc hot a bbpt 3! ijaue tmotoen pou fo? a tooo&cocfc o? tins £>? els Ipfce a tooobcocfc 3f tafce pou a mp* 33 ut tbougb fo? a toooccocfc pe benp tbc fame ^et u)all pour topt toptnes pou mete f o? tljat name* ftouerloueb* ^otoefo^ Bo louer no? loueb* Cbuslo. 3f bo percepue bp pour fo?mare p:occs. Cbat pe be a louer toljerto pe confes pour felfebeloueb in as loupng topfe 2&B bp topt anb topll pe can toptye to beupfe Conclu- ' ■*.. CmcluDpng rtjcritt Dcteanittatdp Cbat of all pleafures plefaunt to tbe boDp Cbebpeftpleafuretbat man map obtapne Jfi to be a louer beloueD agapne . Jn tobicb conclufpon befo?e all tin's flock iffyallpjouepouplapneas topfc as a toooDcock £buet loueD* , 3inD me tbpuke tins toooDcock is tomD on t!jp fpDe ContrarptocurtfpanDrcafontoijfe (Cbus ruDcip to raple o?anp too:De be trpeD 3fn.p?ofe of tbp parte , tobe^bp 3 Do rcfufe Co anftoere tbe fame, ttyou canft not crcufe CbP folp in tbis, but if tboti toplt fap ougbt 3lffaptofap better fo? tbis fepng is nought #o louer no2loueD* torU (pns it is fotbatpe be Dpfcontcnt CobecaUeDfole ojfuetbcr matter be fpcnt topil pe gpue me leaue to rail pe fole auotic toljenpourfelfe pcrcepuetb tijat 31 baue pioucD pou one* )Louer loueD* pe bp mp foule anD topll take it. in gooD too jtb 0o louer no* loueD* iftotoe bp mp fatbers foule tben top# toe eupn fojttj Cbat parte reberfeo of pour fepng o? tyte 4Pt all our Debate tbe onelpcaufe is y» j tobere pe af oje bauc faftlp aftxrmeD Cbat fucb as be loners agapne beloueD £>tanDc m moft pleafure rtjat to man map moue Cb at tale to be falfe trurbe foal truelp p: one ftouet JoueD, tobat folke aboue tbofe Ipne mo:e plefauntlp irlo loner no: loucD* tpbatf olke marp eupn fucb folke as am 31 ftouee loueD* #*png no louer tobat matt map pebe flo louer no: loneD. ^o louer no bp got>l toarraunt pe , % mrm louer infucb maner ment. %% Dor)) appere in tins purpofe pzefent fw m touebpugtoomen go tobercj u)all 3 am at one popnt taritytoomeu all* Cbefmotbeft tbe fmp:kcft tbe (mailed C^etretoeft / tbetrpmeuVtbe talleft/ Cb*topfeft/tbe toplpeft/tbc toplDeft/ Cue merpeft/tbe manerlpeuVtbe mplDcuV Clje ftrangeft/tbe ftrapgbteuVtbe ttrongcuV C*)t luftpeft/tlje left/oj tbe longeft/ Cbe ra^eft/r^e ruDDpeft / tbe rounDeft/ Cbe fageft/tbe fatotoeft / tbe founDeuV Cbecopeft/tbe curfteft/tbe colDeft/ Cbe bpfpeft/tbe b?pgbtca / tbe bolDeft/ fi^be tbanfefulleft/tbe t^pneft / tbe tbpeneft/ Cbe fapnttpeft/tbe fete?eft / tbe fpekeft/ Cake fyefe tottlj all tbe refte anD of euerpebone £>o 50D be mp belpe 31 loue neuet one* louer loueD. Cben 1 befeclje tlje tins one ttypnge tell me $otocmanptoomentl)pnReft tljouDotbloue tfjc S>P? as J be faueD bp ougljt J can p2oue 3H ain bcloucD eupn Ipne as % lone Cljen a« appecetlj bp tl?ofetoo?Dc0 retyerfeD Cfyouart notbet loiter nozbcloucD Borbct louer no: beloucb trjatts euen true &\ms tljat 10 true J meruepll tobat can enfue f o? p?ofe of fyp parte m tbat tbou maDcir attaunt £>f botb ouc eftatcs to p?oue tljpnc mod plefaunt £J9p parte f o : moft plefaunt map Tone be gelt £p mp contpnuall qupetpD reft ©epng no louer toljio m *V n»rct bc^ Bo louer no? loueD. flap bepng a louer toljat man is l?c Cljat is qupet Xouet loueD* SParpj Bo loner no? loueD. Sparppelpe fio louer no: loueD. louer loueD. 0o louer no? loueD. louer loueD, irio louer no? loueD. louer loueD. louer louco. $o louer no? loueD. loner loueD* 0o louer no? loneD. louer loueD. Bo louer no? loueD* tobat paepcus mp frenDe pe are to baftp 3f pe towl pactentlp marfce tu^at J, fyall fap pour fclfe u)all percepue me in qupet altoap Jfrap toljat tbou topll ano J fbeun p?oteft (Co beleueno too?De tbou fapft mod no: left Cljan toe ttoapne (ball talhebotl? in Dapne 31 fee Crcept our mater atoarDeD map be ©ptuDgcment of fome uiDtffcrcnt beter s^arp go tbou anD be &n inqucret 3nD If tbou Ninft b:png one anp tbpng Ipcfelp $e tbalbe aDmptteb f o? mp parte qupcttlp jRotocbp tbegooo gob J grauntto agree jTo? be tbou auetoieD it frometb me Cljattbouu)ulbeft compare in pleafure to be Iphe me, anD furdp 3! p?ompfe tr>c £>nctoapo?otbcr j topll fpnberebics f pnbe tbe bed anD nert toap tbp topt can gc0 3nD ercept pour nobs fo? maloug Do nebe pe 39afceb?cfcreturncafclpu)pp fpeDe pe. iaft ofcall fent fcat&etpns fotjete tosgneuer fb r/mnD , as toas ber ^elc mtot i« to** anD toljo couiDe topnne it ^ S«fo?l«p^elenol)otDemit petonertljatijerbeatotptoasromurfje jpnpleafaKntquaiptesber graces toerc fuci> } 02 Dalpaunt paftaunce pas tobere fl)c fyoIDe |io greater Dpffetencebcttoenc ieDe anD golDe Cbenbettoenetfjc reft anDljcr, anD fudjeatopt Cbat no topqfrt % toene mpgljt matcije ber in it 3f f flje baD not frpt to tti| tins mapftres :ff pll late acqnapnteD anb f o: lone no toljpt j&utfojmppleafureioappjouemp tort $otoe JcoulDelonetorijistrpcKer DpiTpmble tobo trt bpffpmelpng foas perfpt anD npmble tfo? totjere o? tofcan fi>e Ipft to gpue a mocfc £&be coulDeanD hjcIDcdo it beponDe ttjc nock toberin 3! tbougtjt tljat if J, trpfeD fjer 3f fyulDetfoerbp ipfce mp top* fye better 3nD if Cje riftaunfeii to ttpp o? trpfe me Jt 0)olDe to learne fe>pt a gooD lefifon be ^usfo?mppaftipmt3fbp& Determpn (Co mocfc o? be nioefct of tins mocftpng nermpn 5Toi toljtc& fceepjefens J, DpD fpjft obtapne 3nD tbat obtapneb fo?tbfcnib fell toe ttoapne %n great acquapntaunceanD maDe as gooD cljete 3s toe baD ben acquapnteD ttoentp pere 3nD 31 tf^ougljfapje flatterpng brijauouc ^>empD i i fbaxuto anbn? fb bepe tttfjcr tenonc Cftat tbougt* t&etpme tljen fo tarte paueb foaS Cljat tpme tequp?eb Ijs afonbet to pas pet conlb 3f no paf pe?t get of mp ftoettpnge CpU J toas full tooeb to? tlje new bape0 metpnge #0? feto?aun0 to^etof 31 nrnftt as ft)e bab <&?ue tjet to gage beft well 31 tfjece bat) 3&nb after mpeij mp?$ as out fopttes eoulbe bcupfe toe patteb anD J rfce nejete mo?ne DpD atpfe In tpme not to tpraelp fitclje tpme as H eoulbe 1 alotoe no loue to&ete 0epe is not alotobe [ toas o? j entteb tljts io?nep bofob ^ecbtbetpdenb butnotbcrpp?otob 25uttcpm muft j be,fo? flouenlp lobers Is^auepetoot toell no place amonge louers J3utl,t!)u0 becktatallpopntes pophtbeupce 3ltbo:etoetc tfjisttull toa03!toa0ata ttpce tobecat 31 knocfteb Ijcr p?efens to topn toljettontb it toa0 openeb anD J t»a0 let pn 3nD at mv fp?fte commpng mp mpnpon fcmeD aietp merp } but anone u)e mpfbemeD Cljat 31 toa0 not merplp bpfpofeb 3toD fo tnpgbt ft)e t!)pnfee,foj J, bifdofeb o tooibe no? lofce,but fucb as flietocD as foblp %% J in hthe tntoarblp tbougbt mablp 3lnD io mutt 3j fljetoe fo? louecs be in rate £>omtpmes metp butmoft tpmes pafTponate 3Rn geupngrtjanke0to^ett»f ouet npg!?t tec fet b0 botnne an beup couple in fpgfyt 3Bnb tbectoitljall Jftta fcgb fnc!j one 3fis mabe tf|c fc?me (baftc tobtcb toe botl) fat on toijecupon tye tottbout mojc tooibce fpofcro # ell in toeppng a0 bee fcatte flwibe baue b joKcn 2Jfub3(wfeccetlaugbpng foljattelp Cljat from mpne epes cam toatec plenteouflp aCnohc 3! tutneb toity lofee fablp fyat u)e *3^ptoeppnga0toatetpa0 !jet0mpgl)tfe to!)lc^ bone tbefe too?Dcs anone to me u)e fpafee 3la0betcl)atteto!jat topgbtmpg!)t bnbertafrc Co fljetoe one fo fab a0 pout^ts mompng JSepngfometpaspou lad euenpng 3f fb facte tljen rbe metpet fo? pou 26nb toitbout Defect tbus farce die faDbernofo** Cbefelfetbpng miotb 3f W)W mabe metben glabbe die felfe fame is tbpnge tbat mafectb me notoe faboe Clj e loue $at 31 otoc pouis ojigpnale - • <5toun&eof mptatetopanDpiefcntpapne all 3lnDbptl)tsmrane>uciscucrmojeiaD Bettoene rtoo angels one gooD anD one baD i^ope anD D?eDc toljidj ttxio be altoap at fttpfe tob icb one of tfyem botii tottb loue ft)all tetole moft rpfe 3nD bopc tbat gooD angell fpn? parte of laftnpgbt £>?atoe DjeDc tbat bab angell out of place qupgbt 9opeftoarc3fu)olDe(rrepp:btbaue pour loue at one0 3nb DjcDe ttjis baD angell ftoarc blouD anD bones Cbat if J toan pout loue all in one botoje 3lu)olbelofettallao;apnep; as toucfypng mocfepng quotb u)c % am fetoec pebeto topfeto put tbat bete tnfye ft$ notbet gpue J caufe tohp pe fo fljulDe Do #o: nougbt coulbe pe topnne tbat toap tourty an olb fljo :tf o; tob o to tbat mocfeetb u)all furdp ttuc Cljfs olDe pjouerbe mockum moccabttur \ But as fo? po u 1 tbpnHe mp felf e affctojeb Cbat berp loue barb poubptbec aleto:eb rff o; totucb qu o tfj u>e let bope bop bp agapnc 3nD trapnqupft) d?cd fo tbat it be tn bapne Co D:eD 02 to Doubt but 31 tn euerp tbpn g 3s caufe gpuetb caufe toplbe pour otone Derlpng A £>toete bacte quotb J after ftojmp colDe fmertes toarm toojDes i toarm louers bjpng louers toarm partes 3fno fo baue pour tooiDcstoarmcD mp barte eupn notoe Cbat DjeDles anD Doubtles note muft % loue pou ain one tbere teas J loue pou anD 3[ loue pou Xoudp toe louers loue erijeotber 3f loue pou anD J fo? loue louepou Qfyy louelp loupng loueD bjotbec TLoue me, loue tbe, loue toe, loue \)t, loue u)e, Pepper loueapparent tn no ttoapne can be ^Hupte ouer t^e eares in loue anD felt no gtounD $aD not ftopmmpng bolpe in loue 31 bab bpn D?ounD' &ut J ftoam bp tyc u)o?e #e bauntage to feep e Co mocH Co mocfetjermlouef«!iprt$tofl»i>!n mo?eDepe Cbus contpnueb toe Dap by Dapr . «CpU tpme tbat a monetb toas paffeD atoap 3Rnall tbe toinclj tpmefucijeatoapt tye iofcc Cfyttbp so meaiie 3 mpgfoonag fct one lobe ttlpon anp tooman incompanp ©utttrcpo#tto3pu>fet tbefpnger in tl;e epe 3nD Dp fyat fame aptnes tn ieloufp J tijougttf fetoer flje laueD me petfctlp 3oD J to tyetoe mp Crtf e to Ww loupng BpffimpleD Ip fee c&ece in att bee ipfce loftpng 35p tfjtjs anD otber Ipfce tijpnges then in tjanfte 31 gaue betmocfees me tbougbt aboue a t^oofano tobeifcp 3 tbougbt bee otone tale IpUc a but ^>tacHtobet otone bacfemoefcum moccabitut 3nD Upon tins J felt in Or opfpttg Co bipnge to enDe tins pDrll Dpfgpfpng toberupon fobapnlp J (tale atoap 3ffl> totjen J bab ben abfenttyUfea Dap 99p baite mpfgaue me bp gootbat bought me Cbat if fyempft me tobete J tbouginaje fougljt me £>befctoertootocjbe raaDDebptoue tbatOjeougljtmc tobetinnotloue,butpetpfoto:oughtme Cbat to eetume anone jfbctbougfjtme 3nD fo tetutneD tpll cbaumlrbaD mougbt me totthout motoo;besth,e&o;cto betfyeujvt Jttanbpngtoithoutfiaifrontofmptopt If n tbat tljt s tooman u)olDc Dpe in mp faute ;©utfpns31 coulDetatbecebpnonc aOatotc Co bee chamber topnbotee 3f gat about Cofeeattbelefttoap the cms lapDout 3KnD tbere lofcpng in bp gobes blcffcD mothec 3 fatoe tjet nafceba beD tottb an otfjet 3nD tottb bee beDfelotoe laugijt me to fco;ne 3s mtcplp as euerfbe laugbt bef ome Cbc totycb toben 1 fato, anb ttjen rcmemb pD Cbe tetcpble toojbes tt>at mother 23 renD?pD 3no alfo bctbougbt me of euerp tbpng £>betocb in tins tooman true loue betofcenpng flppfelfcto leeOeweo tbuspjatelp nX €*U Com? Co mp fctfe J laugliet) eupn Ijattelp Wt&mpfetfeconfp&eqmgtobjMeitfDlpfee fpeDe JffmpfelfeljaDbenalouetmOe&c. 75ut notoe to make fom matter toljetbp J map take mp leue of mp loue Ijoncftlp £&toete fjact quort) 3f pe tafee to much, t>pon pe #omo?ett)cn becomes mcfenotoetyoutoeiiauott) u)e &ut djoubatttafcpu to mudjbpou tije 3(ntabpng t^atttjou tofce infyanoe tomocfe me tob^nuftombcgpnnpng3Mauefcne tbe tet Xpfce a« a foole mpgbt tjane tettpb in a net ^eleupng ^pmfelfe faueof l>pm felfeonelp (Co be pcrccpucD of no Ipupng bobp &ut tocil fato J typnetntent at begpnnpng teas to beftoto a mocfe on me at enbpng Wjen tnou laugh, coed Dpupmulpng a toeppng fr art Ctjen % toitb toeppng epes ptapcD tuvn tljc Ipfee part toJjettoul} 3! b?ougl)t tn moccum moccabttuc 3m0 pet rljoubepng a long fnototcD cur CoutbenotofyptOneU rljat all mp meanpng toas Co gpue mock fo? mock a* nob 10 come to pas totyrtjnoto ttyts pafleo if tup topt be tjanbfome 3papbefen&etJ)Cfrommocfee0 in tpmetocome 35? dapppng faft to tb,p fnotot euetp Dap ^ftnmnioccabunttfojanofegap tobtitotin tyeflatt bp anb 6>pt b>c topnbotoc to ; t^idjbonc3l!)aijnomo?etofapnojDo 53uttt)jmfecmpfelfeojanpman elles afoole ^nindcjOTWtoplestofeftoomeutofcoolc #ut notoe to purport toljetfoje J began 2EU rtjougtj i toere mabe a folc Sp ttjts toomati Concfmpng mocfepng pet botyttjts taleappioue flOjcStl am toellfencm the arte of loue tf*l 3[ enrenbpng no ioue but tomocfe pet coulbe no iouer of all tbe bole a ocfe Cttcmnftaitneeof loueOpfcJofemoic nojbcttcc F&3ituefubttauneebepngnogteatet 3nbb? tiw taleafoje peallmap fee 3IUt^oag^alouecastoellloueDbe 30totie catrfieupfeb^m fo? pleafaunt fpeDe Stttoo bp^ljtafuteg teloufp ano tyebe 0tnf#toa$lone to&ecbplouefs a Dipnfe mete ;o55>uebabe0 fo? toomtes fOMtb?pnktl) bpttet Ctoete 3nba«fo?ibtefcabe outloaet mtoljofctjeb 56pafi»ntpk toojmeljis opinion is b?eb 3Kteeonebjaugbt of typ mebfpn mpnpffcpo 3(nto ■ 3(tj to tN0 bjapnebp m^ t^tte apopnt^D JReafonujalifo temper Jji0 opinion Cbatijen^iUfeeitttottoojrljanonpon SnDftyeijaueanpotfc/er tfcpno; to«fep J fcaue to conupnfe t?pm enetp toap ato&fpiw mp parte notoe &o$ #U0 toeil appere ©epemppactenera notoatt of gooo tyece 23ut fpience euerp man fcpon a papne dro? mgptefoooDcocfc is notoe come agapne* Cije loiter ioueDenttctb XouctUwetu C^eotoefepngfept^lKttjatfefeet^^alifpnDe to^afterlona fefepngtrueljffuejfounoe 23ntfo?fuc^ea tpnOpogmp feifeto bpnDe Co fuel; a fefcpng 30 3K teas nolo bonnDe 1 tooloe ratijer fefee to iefle ttocntp punoe ^otoebett Jf tjauefdtujftt ft> farre to mp papne (Cb.at at tbeiaft 31 Jjane ftmnbe ano b?ougbt ttoapne CC!?c iouer not loueD, anDIoneo .ftotioupngentren;* $olouctno?toueD. Comet^epa^rebae^ ftoneriottc&v ^apifiepcomea&tfc tobjd^i§mp^iee&ere;fottfo? fi>iz gteatmpft $o loner no? loueo* #p tps ana petfee % t&oit blprt&e baioe rote ^ Cijatone of t^ofednapnempo^t rpDe if be Ipfl; ^uerioueD* l^otor Bo louerno? iouet>. ^arpfojJje lebptlj a nag on %i& bj0 fpft r, . ^apfe»0peaceiwlcoaiB, and toelcomepebe JtoueD not loupng, $iap toetcome be pe,fo? toe toere tjece bef o;e pe $o louer no? ioneo» petjauebeni?erebefo?emet>rfo?enoto 3HnDnotoe J am b,eceiwfo?epott 3nD notoe 31 am Ijere fcebjmDe pe - 3lnDnotoepebeljerebehjm&eme 3teD notoe toe be hereenpn bait) to gct&er 28nb notoebe toe toelcomfeeapftbotb, tjptyec ^pnftootorperpnDeme hereto*!) cttrtfpjf map 33p*p«ttoeU»mei>ptijeca*3[ map fap ©utfcttpiig tb, 10 afpDe,iet tefet a b?oclje dje mater to!jerfo?e pe b. ptb,er app?ocbe toherinjfjjaue $ peti)atpe both, topll& <25oooimto me, ano efpecpallp pe • tfttl teiiea mpnoe t&at itierp gooo face l^at^ euerfomeppteof ai»?e man0ca(e 25epno;a»inpttefea matecfo rpgb* Ufiit^Hnfi-.,^ ^iJ 8f ^nwP^8cttrpab,tatfp?(l:rpoAt cotter not loneD, gumma? toeii aoubt $otoe mp topt topil feme ^tmptop»fromrpo^tu)ailneiwfb&w • i r XoueDnotlotsjmg; ,$oIouetno?ta!teD« jUmeDnotloupn0» XouetloueD #olouet»o;loueo* Xottebnotlonpng. #o loner nojloueD. XouetnotloueD, $alouetno;loueD« %ouet notloueD* BolouecnojloueD. 3LotuD not loupng. &at mm ,anu as pe fefo f e? ijeipc to me Jtpke f etot ^aue 31 to fetoe f o? belpe to pe . ff 02 as mud) neDe baue J of tjelpe as polo 3 tfomfee bell tbat Dete batt but tell me bote Ctyeea(ri0tt)i0 3 pettBapn feme in pleafute 3foto toe ttoapn tn papne tobicb papne Doty procure J8p compatpfon betibene t)pm awD me 30 great a conapct to^icb of 1)0 ttoapnbe 3(it grcateft papne,as ts tetioene pe ttoapne tobuljenfpou ttoapne in moftplcafurc dotty remapne tobernt toe fometobaf baue bete DebateD 3ftiDbotbtotril truetbfbgrebplpgratco ttyon affectum ecbe to our otonefpbe Cbat mtoncluflontoemuft nebes p:o upbc £»ome fueb as toolbe anD coulDc be inDpffeteut SJnDtocborbtoftanDebnto tbatfuDgcmcnt toberupon foilackcof aiubge nub ts place toe fougbt manp places anD vet tn tbts cafe #o man coulDetoe mete tbat meDpU topllojran Cplltpmc tbat toe met tottbtbts genrplman tobome in Ipke erranD fo2 Ipke lackc of apD toas D?puen to Dcfpie out tubgement be fapb t oifoffc tt ts ; b J piompfpng plapne C&ep ttoapr r jetu*en tts ttoapn geupng internet plapne tor ttoapn bettoen tbem ttoapn fouib tub gerggijtagapne (CbatpiompuefoperfoimejnotDpfbapne f ojtour&ngrpgbt as} ama rpgbtcoue man 3( topll gpuepou as mucbe tpgbtasj can /potbpng butrpgbtbefpje J pouamong 3f twllpnglp topll notbitdpue no? take toionge liaptnmpconfcpensjtbpnfec bptbisbobe pour confepens topll take notbpttg tljat comett> a ctoke jPo2asmconfcpen0tobat euetpeDo penotbpng Do butaspetoolDebeboneto £> bop e of goob enbe , o $>atp motbet fl^apfttes one of ts map notoe belpe a nortjet 35 utfp? 3 Piappoufome mater Declare tobetbpjmap knotoe in tobat grefepearte J amaiouernotloueb tobtcb plapne Jfi Daplp not Dolefull but mp Deblp papne % louet not loueD^auepeknptt^at knot pe fo2fotb jPoSbtbpebetbemejcfot j&otocittapftres3!&artelpbefe$ pe KTrU me tobat manec cafe pout cafe map be 3! «m beloueD not loupng tofcetb? ▼ 31 am not tn papne but in to;menttp '"" > OF THE f U ^'VER S |TY ^L OF 0o louer no; toned* Jfc tfjte' pour to jmmtout god turne !?pm to go od Jtoueo not loupng* |$ap ttjere t0 another man onejne as toooD 30 t\)ts man on a nothet tooman t0 #c louer no; loued* pe tbpnfce tljem botb maD and To do J, bp tpst ^0 mot 3f tb;pue but tofyo t&at Ipft to matUc fiball percepue here a p;atp pepce of toatfte %tt t>s fall fometoljat in tfcefe partes to ffcaunpn 5 Jioupng not loued^ued not loupng ftoued and loupng,not loupng no; lottcD topllpe fee tljefe fouce partes toell topned Xoupng not loucd,and loued not loupng Ctjofc partes can iopne in no mancr tefcenpng ftoupng and loued , loued no; louer Ctjefe partes in lopnpng in Ipbetopfe dpffet T&iti in tljat pe loue pe ttoapne iopned be 3nd bepng not loued pe fopne toity me 2Knd bepng no louer toitfj me topnetb, u)e 3tod bepng bdoued toitl? bet iopne pe $ao 3{ a iopner totty me iopned iopntlp toetopnersfljulDe topneiopnttofopnt qupcfclp :tfo;fp;tt3ftoolde parte t&efe partes in flcfes 3lnd ones Departed tbefc parted pefes 0arte and parte toitb, parte 3f Isolde To pattlpfce parte Cfatecfjepan fyulDeparte tolth, qupet&atte % ouer not loued* &P? fpns tt paffetb, pour potocc tfjat part to play ftet paffe, and let fc* parrlp no toe aflap Co b;pnge fome parte of tfjat purpofe to ende foi toij (<% all partpes pet in dapne attende Jloued not loupng. J do defp;e tlje fame and tljat foettoapne Spap fp?a be barde fyat 3f map fcnotoc mp papne Xouertoued* 38*auntfo;mppartebpfapt& ofmpbodp fefrptonere tfee deupll is tins ljo;efon nod? ^o louer no; lotted* 3 neuer fpt in iuftpee but euer mo;e J bfe to be u);puen a Ipttell befo;e aind notoe fpns that mp confeupon is done 3f topll depart and come taHe penauncefone to&en cofepens p;pcfeerh, confepens muft be fetrfjt b^ god JJndpfcijatgpng of confcpens 0; els gods fo;bod tobjdj mafeetfc me mete tonjen confepfs muft come in place Cobeaiudge in euerp comencafe ©ut fot>o map Ipfce me b, is auaunfement auaunt #otoeam3ia?we^att|tf anpaberptoepfee papnc Jo? Jputcafetbat mp Jouel^etgaue 3Bno #atfo?mp louejetioue j| opo craue :ff oj toptcfc tyoup#3f Daplp fete Dap bp bap ^olouetnojlouefc pe0bpfapnt^atprotbecafemapftanDe Cbat fometooman tjab leuec take in banDe Co ipDeon pouc ercanD on &unD?eth mric ^umuuuvmhww. -j t p C onbecpacteanp papne Defpne #olouerno:louet>» lD| ^2L^^^ Xoueonotloupn* W^^ff 3fe tyougbmp Denpai mp fetoter to loue mmn tbe tteutb tea contearp plapne Jbouo^ttbepapneftiapetmpmofl celefe S?-R mi ?J ,apn€i08lIatt ^^ tbpng tofttcfttjou^ pe fojgef o? ^pbebp Dpflkmphma 25utmapftct0topou totty papne of ttys man Cljat €t>atpfynttbat$ compare teflfctelp tyt 1 am ioueb of one tobome tbe tcetttij (0 [ cannot louc, ant) To it ts iotttj me >bat from bpm m manet 3 neuer can fief 3nDeucrponetoo?t>emfct»tof b*s parte ifjpps tbjtfuob mpne eaces ana tons tfyouglj tt^ l?atte ^isgalrfulllofecfopalctbatbnnctbll 3Dfate f 01 mpne races cad totoarbe bpm an cpe an&to^an j 00 tljat epe m? tyOngbt pjefentpty £*tcepg$t to tap bart anb tims mp papne aufcmenrptfr ^ne tale foofte alas anb fo importune Sis ctclamacions fomfpmconfo?tune >ome tpme on bpmfelw Come tpme bpon me 3nDfo;ttbattbpngtbattfmpDa i bn)olbebc ©jougbtfttepgbt in place etceptlftocce content £ Co grauirt t$e fame, pet cotdoe j not aflent 3nD Ije fepng tbis pet feafptb not to ccatte tor^at oetijcouiOc be too?fe tben tins Ipfe tyat J tyaue Xottf c not loueb* (Ojuftaietopuepofe purposed* no mo?c #utfpo*tanb$earpn5complapntofWfo}e J q onetp ttjc gtcfe tbat pe Do fu&epne 3lastenbecbact fpns pebpetnpapfie Ctnspapue to percepue bp fpgbff anb beacpng fcotoeeoulDcpoulpnctoknotoe out papne bp fclpng dfcu&e toell tbts queftion anb anftocre as pe can 31 man ttjat lsbangebojtljat mans bangman to^tebmanoftbofettoapnefttflfaeebmoftpapne 3loueDnotlottjmg. I^etb«feban5^_, #olouctno>io*eo. £ptij«inatetttsfopuip*r fc ^ louec not Mtoo. - toell fapb fo? me,f o? J am tbc fufletec 3fnb p* tbe bangman tmbctftantte as it toetc Cbcfccafi^barpmnomanetatfypng ^feaupngtbls femes in tblsmanncsbangpng ComeWp tsboneagapnft tbe bangmang topll 3obpc Of belpgbtfttll tepll,pottt louec mi Xoucb not lOttpnff* &t bripgbtfulliopil, nap- tbat is not fo 3speu)allpetfetlppeccepueo?toego 33 ut of tbofe at tobofe bangpngljauc bangmen bp . _ ^otto»anpfta«ei»e*i^ett||ii»gtopllpngJp % Jloueo not ioupng* jfaijfiiiapotttGtfefcom onefcafe Dotii bacp tfoM*#atlouetobetelouctepll take no place potttotnne toplUspontotoncleoeca plapneeafe 3tobnotonelp bncompelleb foitbout aletme * e Bntlo?tagapnftbwtopUpourfetPtpeenDcto?e . , #oto* twjt$mtyU toloue o*b pou procure «t- rf 3nb ■ £ouev not loupb* XoueDnotloupug, Xoucr loueD, Bolouerno:loucD. Itoucr loucD. ^olouctno.iloueO. Xouecnotloudk HoueDnotloupne;. Xouec uotloueD* foS 3nb toirij tbat topll,pe put tljat loucin b;e 3nD no toe tbat toplLbp topt fetb loue fuel) papne 3s topttp topUtoolDe topll loue to refrapne 3nDpebp topil tbat louc meet) cconDiclon Co ertpnct,map be pout otone pbeflcion Cjccept pe be a foole o; toolDe mafce me one tobat fcpng cotoD fct a gooD grouuD to fpt on Co mafceanp man tbptme pour papne tbus drong SJ^aHpng pour otone falue pour otone fo;c tbus long •apapftres murb parte of tbts p:occs purpofeD y& matter of trutb trudp DpfdofeD etoctbmp tale perfautcD euerpDcll f 02 entre to anftoerrit as tocil ti)i& put cafe pc as Depelp notoc; fepb &pD louepyutleueras fcebo# louepoto £>bulbe not tbat loupng fuppofe pe unm C^3tpapnete^ict)elacliofldu?ngDoti)potrc0 Xoneb not loupng. pe0 iouer not loueD> ^jwb loue gpupn to rjpme gpuettj pout felfe eafe , tJjan <£fccpt re loue papnc,tobp loue pe not tfus man Jtoueb not lost^lS* ftoue bptn nap as 3( lapo mutt 3! fttepgi;t tyofe Co lone ijpm o? els mp fyeD fjetc to lore 3( fcnotoe toelljjf coulDe not mp Ipfe to fane tottlj loupng topll graunt bprc mp lone to tjaue Jtouer not loueo* 31 ttjpnke pe fpefce ttuelp to? topll topll not be 5Fo?ceD in lone totyetto?e tije fame to pe ^bpn0 true i&wpou furi) Dpffpculte totjp not a tbpng as DpOpcult to mo Co topll tljc let of loue tobete topll mp lone rjatrj fet 31s pou to topll to fet lone toljete topll is pout let jotted not loupng* toell fapD anb put cafe it as fjacDe no toe be 5To? pou to topll to leue bet, as fo? me Co loue l?pm , yet baue pe aboue me a meane Co learne pou at length to topll to ieueloue cleane tobtcb meane manp tboufanbes of loiters batfj b?otitrljt jfrom tpgbtfecuent loupng to loue rpgrjt nought torn^ long anb oft app?oueb meane is abfens ' tobctto tobenpe topll pe mapbauelpcens torncbe 3! erauc anb topu)e ano can not obtapne Sn r/e topll neuee mppjefens reftapne %om not loueo, CbisisameDfprilpfceaspetooiDctoplime jpojtjpngto neto?eme t^e#ng tyat toolbe ftpllme fo} p^fens of £er,tljo«gft 3|ttloe totjan map fcaue Is (bole t be meofpn ttyat mp Ipfe botij faue ?ct abfens can J toffy as pll topli topll Ks 31 can topll to leue to loue bet ftpil Cijus is tb ts topll b?ougb t in InfpDenrlp #0 apoe in pour pttcpofe toojtt; taple of afl> 2CnD as concernpng out p?pncppall mater 311 tbat pe lap map be lapb ettpn a toater 31 toonbee tbat ftame I uffetetfj pou to compare toiilj tnr papne/pns pe ate D?puen to Declare (Cbatattpour papne is but fpgtjt anb rjeatpng fl>f^pmtl?ata03BDODpetrjinpa^nefelpng papne bpon papne tofyat papnes J fuftapne #ocrafteof tbe Beupll canerpjefleall mp papne 3lnHtf0boDp no^m/loprtt/fenoto/no? \)epne/ 53 ut martretb ecbe otyer,anb fyis b;apnc Cbefeenmpofallbp^einuentpng fl^pnebnfauerpfetote to^er bpfcontentpng 3B«i* S^p fh fpeafepn&mp fcewpn'flr, mp tofcpng 3 mp tbpnfcpng n fpttpng.in ftanDpng, *« i»akpng,oj topnftpng, tobat euecj Do,oi tobece euer 3! go <$p b?apne anD mptyap in all tbefe Do me bo 30 fo? rap fcnfcs ectje one of all fpue . foonDjetb as it can to fcle it felfc a Ipue SfttD tban batb loue go ten all in one beti 8pm felfc anD bis feruauntes to loDge in tb# be& Uapne bope,Dpfpap2e,D;:eDc, anD auDactte, $aft,toaft , luft toitbout Ipfepng 02 Ipberte ©tlpgence^umtlpt^truflUnD ielonfp, 3Defp?e,pacpcnt (ufferaunce, anD conttanfp, Cbefe toitb otber in ttjis beD Ipttc fbarmcs of Decs £&tpng in Debatpng tbep; contrarpetees CbetoenpmtobetoffcomtbisbeDDpftplletb 3Dottmetotbi0b2eftanb tbis bat* it tylktli 311 tpmes in all places of tbtsboDp i 3$p tbis Dpaemperauncetbus opftempojcD am 31 jfebeuerpng tn colDe anD pet in bete J Dpc _ t • 55?otoneDinmopftttreparcbcDpetcl)raentD?pe J*o louer no? Joueo\ ColDe bote mode Djpeall in ail places at one* flatp fp? ttjts is an ageto f 02 tbe nones utoitoeo^uetuDgeraentjmuft feed) to beta tobetber tins eupDens be falfe 02 trcto l^apftanOeOpll poue patt(^allp20ttenenect^elDarft tfobpfapnt fauoutbeteisatobotars ftet me fele pout nofe, nap fete not man be boloe tocll tbougb tbis ars be toarmc anD tb< s nofe colDe fettbeftttoaptrebpattomep tyougbtin one place »3wasftefeftbcoU)eattDtrf|Otborbmlpfce cafe ft g> tobat papne Diougbt is fee bote b& &?p Ipps j ; Sftnotben put cafe tfjat onetopouloue Dpo bete 3 tooman tbat otbet fo fcglp foere Cbat edje Kp0 of bet moutb calleD pou to gpbbe0 fed £>? tfjat pout fanep abbo?teo bet fo at left Cbat bet p?efen& toete as ftoetetofuppofe 3soneu)ulDep?efent 3(to?Defo bts nofe pe in gooDfaptb,tobetto tbe cafe is tins Cbat betfpptfull pzefens abfentneuet is £)f tbefe ttoo cafe0 if cbaunce u)ulae Djpuc pou Co cbofe one,tobtcb toolDepe cbufe tell troutb nofo tobatpeftuDp Catppebetogreop $$m be not Ipfee toomen alfoap tcbp 9!n gooo fotb to tell tteutb of tbefe cafe0 tfoapne tobicb cafe is tbe toutft is to me tmccttapne :tfp?ft cafe of tbefe ttoapnejf put fo? pout patte 3lnD bp tbe laft cafe apetetb mpne otone fmatte 3}f tbep p?oceD iwtb tijts fp?ft cafe of outs Cben is out matet fcnooubteblp pouts 3tnD if iuDaement pane toitb tbis laft cafe in fone Cben is tbe matet afeto?eDlpmpne £>pns bp tbefe cafes out partes fo Do feme Cbat tobicb is moft papnefullpout felfe can not Deme. 2Kf penotoctopHall citcumftaunce efcbeto 50afeetbisqtteftion in tbefe cafes outpfleto 3nu tbe papne of tbefe men to ab?eupate ^>et all out otbet matet as fcufttate 31gteeD Cbenfuttbct to ab?cogepout papne ^»pns ibis out pfleto apetetb tjms plapne SUsfolkenotDoubtpng pout confctcus no? connpntt focu)atttn tbe fame let patte all tefonpng pempngtopoutiudgetnent tbebolcof mp patte %rt*l Ipfeetopfe mpnetoitb topll and gooo batte s»o lo mafce pou loto cuttfp to me noto 3nD fttcpgbtf topll mafce as lotoe cuttfp to pou Isapftan&epencretbe tjppet enbe3fp?appe 5f0:tbeneptbetenbe is gooopnougbfo?me pout cafes t»bicb encluDe pout gcefeecbe WPt ^ballDtoelltntbisbeb 3Bnttirt mpne but pet J? tbattoebetein outiuDgcment publpO) 3 (ball befpie pou tbat toe ttoapne map fpnp© 3KS fatte in out matet toteatbe iubgement %s pe baue Done in pouts to tbe entent 3©.ii» Cbai 0q louer no? Ioucd ftoueD^otloupng* &ouec not loiieD. t ouec loueD* $o louer no; loueD* jtouerloueu* BoiouecHD;toucDv Xouptlouet>« Cfjat toe our partes bjou^ttogc^er ttjptljee $pap come to iuDgement fro tfrens to gpttjei 23p; laop fp; anb 3 Defp;e flje fame 3 toolDe pe began ©egpn ttyen in gobDes name £>ijall3begpn ^bpn3]|lofeebtttfo? topnnpng <5pne me ttjc enDe ano cafee pou fye begpnnpng totjo fi>all topnne tije enDe, ttje enbe at enDe Qall ftp #0; mp parte tefcerof notoe tjjus begpn 3 3 am as 3 fapD a beloueD louer InD tje no louer no? beloueD nottjec 3(n tD^icli ttoo cafes be matted? tits auatmt £>f botb our partes to p?oue bis molt pleaTaunt 3&utbepeauuereD bp ougbt 3?tl fe 3|n Ijfs eftate no maner pleafure ran be pes ttoo maner pleafures pe muft neDes conf tt f P?ft 3 ^aue tfjc pleafure of qupetnes '&nb tlje fecounoe is 3 am contenteD CfyatfetonDepleafure no to fcconoip fnuente& Co compare toil!) pleafure bp contcntau)pon 3s a toerp feconDe pmagpnafypon $0 louer no? lcueD f ' ®%m ityetoepour topt foi p?ofe of tin's m fcanbe I^otoe map pleafure tottbout contcntacpon (lanDe pleafure toitbout contentacpon can not be JSut contentacpon tottljout pleafure toe fe 3« ttnwges innumerable euerp Dap m all tobidj marke tbefe totycb 3 fyall notoe lep J9utcafettjat3fc; pleafure of fomefrenDe ®) fome ttjpng totjtefc 3 longeb to fe at enDe toolDe be content to rpDe tfy?e fcoje mple rt)ts npgft t 3nD neuer toolDe bapte noineuer alpgtjt 3 mpgljt be rpgtjt toell content to Do ttys atnD j?et in tins Dopng no pleafure tyere is. $9 o?eouec pe bp pacpent fufferaunce 3gap be contenteD toitb anp mpfdjaunce Cbc lofle of pour rijplDe frenDe 0? anp fypng Cljat in tyit too^oe to pou can be longpng totjcrtnpe contenteD neuer fo toell pet is pour contentacpon pleafure no Dell fCtjefe ttoo erfamples bp ougfjt tbat 3 fe" 35e no ttnmg tije t&pnges tbat anp tfcpuge tourij me tottb Dettj of mp cfjplbe mp bepng contenteD f&l papne tottt) mp frenDe topllpnglp affenteD ?s not contentacpon boluntatp 0; tijat contentacpon cornet^ fojceablp ftouer loueD, > ^lo louer no; loucD* #ttt I Xoueclouct). |*olotterno?loueb. Ttouerloueb, ^olouernojloueb* fs>n be?e contented euen a* pe tell vet pout contentacpon can notycr ercell 5fto2beeompareb egali to mpne eftate Jo/toucbpng contentacpon J am in rate atebpelpxontentebtolouea0pefe ■ %t pe to fo?bere loue can topft)e to be »ab 31 no moie to fapmtln* argument Sut tbat3fiama*toeU a0pou content pet bath rap parte notoe goob appiobacpon Co mat# toitlj pout* euen bp contentacpon ©tttcontentactonienotaUt^et^png Cbatlfojmploueliaue in recompenepng 3boue contentacpon pleafureg felpng fcaue;?fomanp,tt)atnotopgl)t Ipupng Canbpanptoptoitongetlje famerepo?te fl)thepUafauntpieafuresinouc refoite 3fter rap bepng from ^er anp to^pt^ec totmtplearnre* bauetoein wmmpngtogptljec Ccbe tap ont&e grounbe totoatbe me totty &er tote a©otftbatljeinbelpg^tmpberp!)atte rote <£?uecp ttopnfce of *er alurpng epe iaeupuett> mp fpirites euen tyoiofooutlp Ccbetooibe of becmoutt) not ap^cparatpue j&ut the rpg&t mebtcpne of piefetuatpue \ tDebefotoconbe anb iopfullp iopneb »ec loue fo? mp louef o curcantlp copneb (ftataUpleafuregpeetfclptyetteuttj tobedatc 3Jce pleafuce0 not able totfy ours to compare Cbls moutlj in manec recepuetl) no f oob jLouets tbe febpngtljatbotijtlitebobp goob 3Knb ttu0 beb bpfppfctl) all tyefe epe0 topnfcpng )Longertl)enlottebotl)feepetW0l;artet^pnfepn5 Co bieame on mp flpete barte , loue 10 mp f eaber ftoue a mp loibe, anb loue t0 mp leabec 4Df all mpne affapjw in ftougtjt , tooibe, anb ntHe, 5louei0tbeClj?ift0ccoffe tbatmuftbemp fpebe #P tljla 31 petcepue toel pe mafee refeenpng Cbat loue 10 a gooblp anb a goob tbpng £oue goob tobatpll in loue cantttbou mafceapete peg 31 fljal pioue tlu0 loue at tbt0 tpme ment fceee in tljt0 man0 cafe a0 pll a0 10 tbe betipll anb m pour cafe 31 fljail piouelouemoieeupll tobattoimentrpcoulbeall tijebeuplle0 in tjell 3©eupfetoty0papne#att>ebofy not tell 3D.fif» toga 1 toba wvne typngetb tbat boop t^ofc Dcupls in that hea gcfrpfptb mfoe beo?otonetb in oiouabt mt parte of fjts bobp loue barb bought abouaht tonboutftpntof rage bispapnesbc fofo:e «u>at no fenoe map torment man in Ml mo:e 3Kuo as tn pour cafe to pjoue tbat ioue is tours tban tbe DeuHl mp meanpng is this Xouc opftemperetb bpm bp tomiem to parae 3^0 loue opftemperetb pou as farre m top piapne pour otoue confeffion Declared that pe I Sft?tt >0 i flc t e ^ a0 ?M ^ be 3BnD be tbat iacftetb anp one of tbofe ttoee geitbptopo?bppapnederepefee Spetb nmft be feqnell botoe etter it be 3nDtbnsarepe botbb?ougbtbp loues mDuccwm 55p papne o; bt> top to t#i popnt of Dpftcuccpon tobtcbpopntap?ouetb loue in tins cafepaft ^epottbe tbe Deupll in turmentrp to batie a caft fox J rrotoepe tpnbe not rljat tbe Deupll can rpnbc £>f tbe DeapllanD louejoue is the mo?e pil ^^SPtwpngJfmapfaptopoto |f gtfo bap fene as mucb as J Tap noto ?loue bad beu&ucpfer anD Doubt pe no tonpr gut etperpensnotoe barb taugbt goofuchtw* ^S&W* ont £ eb ^ i , ^"$a*fc?POucparteanpp?ofeauoucbetb Cbe bpffcofe of pours fo; tobere pou alleOgeD pour parte aboue mpne to be compared SJSSS?' D ? nfee > n ?> fle P*>°? « ntoft not mucb 3n lacfte toberof mp talcpjouetb plapnlp Jcbe parte of pour pleafure a turmentrp to&etbp pourgooo louej^auepjoueo fo eupli C&ar Cljat loue i* appaatinflp *»?s trjen tfaompa 3no as toacbpng mp parte tfrere can arpfe 0o maner Dpfpleafures no? to?mentrpes . Jn tyat 3( Jottt not , no? am not loud) 3} mone no fcpfpleafures no? none to me moucb ftm all opfplea(urc0 of loue f to me abfcnt , 2&p abfcns totyerof 3 oupetlp content Jlouet lotteD* £>p? toljece pe fapb anb rtnmfee pe Ijauc fapb toel Cljat mp mpjbp louetyall b?png Dctl) in fcqucil %n ttjatbp rbe fame in maner 3 &pft>apne v ^ToDeam»flepe>t^i0p?ottecbeanftoeretl|pouplapne Jlofee not on t^t meat, but lofee on #e man $ otoe lofee pe on me and Cap tobat pe can 0o louctnojloucb jftapfojatpmcloucmap puffebp attjpnge But lackpng f ooe ano flepc Dctb is tlje enbpng Xouee loneo bell fp? tpll fncb tpme as defy app?oue it Clus pact of pour tale map flepe euerp tofcpt 3nb toljcte pe bp abfcnt bpfpleafucc tooloe fll^atclj toitb mp p?efent pleafurcpe feme mo?e bolde C^en topfe , fo? tftofe ttsapne be farre Dpatrent fetoec $o louer no?Ionco. 3fs notabfens of dpfpleafurca pleafure Jlouer louct> . pes in Ipfte rate as a port is pleafeD totjicb as bp no meanest can be Dpfeafed © p Dpfpleafure pjefent fo is it tteto Cbat no pleafure piefcnt tn ttcanenfeto t&ieafurcs o? dpfpleafures felpng fenfpblp ;>v 3poftpcbnotoetoellcannotfelepoffpblp 3nd as a poft in t\m cafe I take pou Concempnge tlje effecte of pleafuce m Ijande nob f o? anpropng pe in pleafuce indure S£o?e tljenpe fap pefefc ui jdpffcleafure Bo loucr nojlouei)* &p? tljottg& tfc eferte of powpleafutc p?efent &e mo?e plcafaunt tljen dpfpleafure abfcnt pet^otoe compaa peWt^fnjmc abfcnt papne iiH'JL ®?P^^WP^««^^tt«^^Pceemapne Xouer lotted. s©p p ? e(ent Dpfpleafures 31 knotoe none fuel) 0o loucr no;ioued. Imotoeptnopflpnetylouelptellno? much loucr Joued, # ... ;] , w , #doueruo;loucd. Cbmu)aU|ujetocfucl)atlnmg iufytspur* 31s u)o?tlp u)all^el«ej|jereitt pour parte fte tours #9l*«rJ $?ap godtfce deupll iabeU W>nbe me i » • .- gut fpns it is tfeus 1 muftgo fetcfj it 3d topknot tarp , a ft tyeocupli flcetcb it ftoueeloueb* tfatetoellDatococfc r $o louec no; loueD. jfatetoeH tooobcocfe &ouet loueD* $e is gone jloueD not loupng* ata topnDotoe tberof a« 3f rood 3f t!j?«fl in mp betJanDeupn at a a uft) jfpjcflaftt in mp faceanD fo tokc mp butt) louer loueD* totyttgoofe/ P. o louer no? loueD* 3 fyonfe papnteD toitb teD oker o tbat to apere tbere J cm not matte bee « .toelipe map bume to gptber fo? all tbis .3nDDo toellpnougbfo? ougbt tbat 10 pet amps tfoi goDs fake one ronne after anD baft bpm Jt toere great ppte tfce rp?e fljulDe toaft bpm jfo? bepngfattepourknotoleDge muftreco?De 3 tooob cock toell roll is a Dpflfe f 0? a lo?De 3nD fo? a toooDcock pe all mult notoe kno toe Ijpm 25p mater of reco?De tbat fo Do tb fl)etoe bpm 3nD b icuelp to b?png pou all otit of Do tot 311 tbi0 baue 31 fepneD to b?pnge abotot €4, £pm '. •■ ^ $pm:fc§fcfe couupnc e ft*ti felfe eucn bp actc 3* be batb Done bere in Dopng tbte facte i l^e tafcetb mo;c tbougbt f o; tbts one tooman notoc (Cften coulDe J fo?.ail inttje too;tDe 3f ntafee auotoe totjicl) ^atlj To a)amefuilp DefaceD Ins parte Cbat to tftimie notbet batb tie face no? batte tobtcb fenc,tobple0 tie anD ft)e lefetpmc m npflpng e Detb of mp Darlpng tobome I tbanfce gob is in beltb atiD eplcttj notbpng fio louet no; loueD $6»p; j befcebe pou of all pout Dpftnaplng tobat other caufc canpe lep tytn pour loupng Xouct loucb. g$p loupng,nap all tbe caufe teas pour ipeng #io louet no; I oucD* tobat bab mp Ipe Done if pe baD not loueD ftouct loueD* tobat DpDmplouetpllpour Ipe teas moueD & o louet no; ioucD, 53ptbefettyoqucuwn0itrcmctbtoemapmafee . pour loue anD mp Ipe to parte euenlp ttjc (take JLoupng anD Ipt&g banc toe b;ougl)t no toe bptbec Xouers ano Ipers to lep botb to gprber T&M put cafe mp Ipe of bet Detb toerc true tubat crcufe fo; pour loue toulDe tben eufue XoucclcuiD. Jf fortune goo faueberopD b;pugbertott Cbe faure toore in fortune anD m loue no tobpt fro louer no; loueD* Clje bole f ante in f o :tune bp mp tyeti; toell pt ©oD fcnDe pour fo;tune better tt^m pour topt ftoucc loueD, toell fp;aterttempte^ can pioue (Xbe faute m f o;tunc as mucb as in loue Ho loner no; loueD, Cbenfo;tuticinlpKe cafe to itb loue notoe topnepoto 310 31 toitb loupng iopneD Ipeng eucn nolo 3nD toell tbep map topne all bp ougbt tbat 31 fe f oi ecbe of all tb;e 3 take Ipke banpte i&ut fpns pe ronfeflfe tbat pour part of furb papne Cometb balfe bp loue, anD tbat itjs certapne Cbat certapne papnes to loueD loiters Do moue jpn tobtcb* tbe faute in notbpng fauc ouelp loue 3(0 D;eD anD teloufp ecbe of tobicb toitb mo Co pour eftate of loue is a Daplp fo 3flnb J cletc out of loue Declarpng Curb Ojoto 3etn mp cafe no papne to me can groto H Tap tbiS confpD;eD batb pptb fu0pcpent jn pjofe of mp parte to D;pue pou to luDgcmcut r I fcmcr iourt. ^ap fpift a feme mobes/p? fl^baQto K confts Cbat loue b2pngetb, Tome papne anbjtouc cafe papnlei 2&p meane of pout; contenteD qupc tnes ^et tljactuall ptcaruccs tljat ip poffcs ^ce as farce about tbe cafe n)at pe p?of cs 3ts is mp papne in pout pmagpaa cpon ainDcc itje pleafutes of contentacpon CfcustoaDeboWtopUonetoapoiotbec gif^e topnne one leap pe (tyatt lefe anotbec 7d\xt if pe mtenbe fo? enbe to be b?cfe Joint toptb, me decern fc? inbtf ferent pzefe 3t tcee pe bnotte tocl is a tttfngc ttjat tjattj life 3; no fucb a trjinge as neuec felctb, papne o? Ottfc 25ut etier quiet anbalaap contenteb auDastijcrecannotoapbemucnteu fCobjingcatcceDpfplearurebpfclmcrepame £>o no feiinge plcafuce m it can rcmapne 3 bczs is a tljingc tbat bath, lift alfo 3no lie ap felinge fcltt| bctt) toeltrj anb too l&p D?vuince 02 D?ateiuge ai bap in tbe mice Qftany payncrull iomeps batb be in ty ec K ut after al tbofe lie Ijatlj almap at nigbt Crjcfe pleaftjr es f olotrtng to bts great oelpcft ffiSk f app toaf^t at a rtoee 0? a icepie amoftraignt bxugtjt to a Oabei toarme anb fapie &2ptubbpDan&ebafeb from beo to bete ano eoipbtpUrje be dpfee as an ele Crjenb^isUttribftimanecBorerjie ainobcpasmuc^astetllintjisbrtie Cnen pjouenbec batb be otespefe benes n? tyc&e tetter) f e Ding mfelinge as plraf aunt to t)o fete 31 pleafttre aboue pou in rate tare 3inb as tbe tee felftb norbec ano tbe bo?s botfj Cuen fo pfcafure anopnine bcrooene bs tmaine gbetfo ^>ms tbere t «o cafes fo moiff eccnttp fall Cbat pout fetfe can iuogc notbee fo? peecfall jfo? (r, Different cnoc 3! tblnUe tbistoapbeft £)f aU otic tcafoimig to bebacre tbe reft asnb in tbefe ttoo cafes this one queftfon Co be tbe iffue tyat me u)al fopneo.? J$o (oner no; louca. Jge It fo nottenottcD. ^ptpe aw tl)e f e Meg fotec f,ebfo nic Cfcat botb fibcs 3! trua ©all tafce enoe u)o;tlp Eoncr not tooeo. 31 bope ano Dettre tbe fame anb frns toe toere fpjft bacbe,toe botb bumblpbefecbe pe Cbat \»e in itfec botfe mape ijaue fuogement tucfl &t tbe male anb J come betto? mttcfl towr imea. Cbougb nature fo?ce man Gpftp to endf ne Co bis otxme parte in ecb parttculec tbtag! jt t reafon tooloe man to&an man #al oetennine jGDtijec mens partes bp f nbifferent a\»atDtng ^Different to be in albes reafonlng b berfoje tn ttjie parte cut out of affect/on &o tbat tntnff erenep be Mreccfon . Contenteo twitb tbat anb bp oua# 3! &V2 $o toner mi una. ^ ma? m ,^ g ^^ ta ^ e tntfe q^lp ■& tan tee tbe p? cafes as u)e bio applp tbem Cbat boe mappecceiue bobat is ment bp tbetn S|e lourtb bnloueb a gooBlp one fbty is loueb not louinge of an bglp one JD? in bis epe bis louer femet^ gooolp &no in bcr epe tier lober femetb as n$lp lace moft befpeeb angels face be can not fee $ts moft lottjetp bell bounoes face (tyt can not ftc* ^e touetbtyc adboirctb toberbp p?e f en s is Viib lif e.ber oetbbcbcrbp 31 fap euen ttys 9 53e bis fcUng paf nes in euerp begre $sgreatanbasmanpasbefaptbtbepbe ret in mp lubgement bp tbefe cafes batb fl&f 3s great anoas tnanp Wing panics as be btfjeti < ■ i 80 pern tbis mgement tyme lepb tbis notoe tobat tealon *be tpme -J» me u)ulbe be beiepD U prl)auefpo^nm?ttjottQ^ttot)crfo^to?ou fn peyrmg pour pames mp confct ens botb alotoe toft cenntecpatre anb ttyts pour pannes be 3 ftiDgeDby be tooame one pame m bcgre twcrtwtioBco. ttt«»ri(n0po«c cdnr^eh0b?iuetb?out^tt0toiuO5e 31 re cefue ttys fttogemenr tcitftout gcefc id? gtubge lowsnwioutng. 3nD31 mUfccrate,pclDfngbnro pouttaoame l^artp fbanfcf s fo? tfjis ?onr bnocferuiD pame »oaerMt iwcB. $ott* maitters map rt pleafe pou to Declare $b touching tbcic partes ofttfyat minoe pe ace Esnco sot iowhjc. ^itlj rfgb t gooo will frr 3 anb Kite 3( fupp ore C^eir partes m fetoe too joes mare come to pot n f e toell C^ettto tramples toljic^e Wo Dffdofe 911 ecrours oj DoUbtes bo electa ctpell ©be eflate of a tre bis efiate botb tell a«ooftbebo?sljfstaletoeltjnber8anbe JDcclate rt> as Boetf $s cafe noise in banbe #o?as noting can pleafe m wfpleafe a tee ttpanipteafuceo? oifplearue-telmg $o?neuerbjmgatcemfcotitenttobc J ^>o bfte cafe to tyra noV !6dcO not lotting 7louccannotoapb2tngple9fmo;o?om;Ica^ng Time teomen,we boomenjitnteimmieaoj fatm, 3tt aH^e content^ aUsdnc to fctra * 3nbasafr?re!#bmanfpamefaUfo?nef0 3 touec beft loueo batb patne s m like twfe 9sberebatbaperebbpfono#ws . »*ett ty 9nb in fome cafe be f elerb etten as nrncbeleflTe 23et wene tbe rao?e anb tbe leffe ft f erne tb to me Cbat bettoene tbetc pleafttres no cboire is to gciTe !©berro?ejpgftieiubgementmtbo;t p?ocelTe &ct tbe tone plearuce earn to trjc to tb ec in tljr re too?Deshatb gpuen rpgbt iuDgemeul 3!n affirmance toberof 3! fuDge anDawarDc 23ottj theft plcafutcs of pours as one in regatDe t cuer loocD. ^TOCl tyi S 3} tbinfee pe botf) t»ltt)OUt C02t U pCf OH 3! fl)all moue no mat ec of interruption £o loner no* loua.' &W 11 but mapftets tbougb H rap nought in tfjts <$ap 31 not thfnke mp pleaf ure moje than tys £.oact> not isuins. 3iff cceion bnbiioleD map tnabe tos al ttjpnbe Chat ectje of osbatn Done other tojonge 2&u t wjlje t e t eafon tafeetb place 1 1 can not fiufee & r n s caure to be pc trial lie re is none bs amonge Cbat one hco tbat tooloe tbfnbe his otone tint ro fttong Chat on tys iubges be mpght tuDgemcnt Deufle tctjat tuoge in fo waging eoulDe ttioge bpm topfc toell mpne eflate tpgbt rati rontentctb me ^o io««S!S 3nD 3 imthmpne as *ell content as p* jLoucrn* loocft. £>o 0}ulDei?e botb UkeWfe be contentco €chc other to fee content to fttcb Degree 315 on pout partes our iugement batb atoaroeD your nepgbbou* in plearure Ipbe pour reife to be (Blaolp tottitlie cfeittts pjecept Dotb bpnoepc Cbus contentat ion u>itDe altoap pjefer £Dne man to top the pieafute of an other Rftoer inwD. (^ r ue anD conreneton map be in bkerafe 311 tbougb no beltb pet belpe anD greate relcfc In botb pour papnes foi pe bautng fucb graet Co be contentcD in ruffecauute of grete ^tbail bp contentacion auotoe mucb mpfcbtefe £>ucb as tbe contrarp (ball f uerlp biing pou laapne to paine as pameful as pour paine is nob* Cbus not toe f once but al tbe too?lDe beftoe £notoleDge tbem felfe 02 other in fopo? papne ^atb mbe of contentact on fo? a gpoe $autnge top o; papne content let bs cemapne ^n fop o? papne of otber Sec tot Ddbaiue 55c toe content toeltb 02 tooo,anD ecbe fb; other Setopfe in tbe tone anD ppte tbe tother jLoacrnotioncs. ^pnsfuch. contention map tjacDlpaco;De i v / I lette feketheloueof that ioupngiojDe toboto fuffCTpaffionfo?louetoas content toberbp ftfe louccs that lone fo? loue affimt 4fe>baIlbauettifpneaboue contentacpon Cbe fripng pleafnte of etecnall faluacpon fobtcb lo?oe of lofles foh ofc iopf ull ano blelleo bp#j Jg note cememtyeo op tpme pzefentpng Cbt0accuftompDtpmcof boneft mwtb Cijat lojoetoebefecbe in molt bumble mcanpng Cbatttmap pleafehpmbp meccpfttliheatpno; Cbeftatcof taauopens ionge to enoute Jn tnp?tb,hetth,anD toeitb, to graunt b(s pieafuw £jpnteobp.fo.ttafWi ^cccw.jcjqcuu. 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