THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES REGINALD HENNESSEY ART BOOKS 8325 Campion Or Los Angeles, Calif. 90045 THE VOLUME I. LONDON PBINTBD BY SPOTTISWOODB AND CO. NEW-STBEET SQCABB ; ? THE HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS FROM ITS FOUNDATION IN 1768 TO THE PRESENT TIME. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF ALL THE MEMBERS. BY WILLIAM SANDBY. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, ROBERTS, & GREEN. 1862. V Art Library TO HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE PATRON OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, THE FOLLOWING HISTORY OF THAT INSTITUTION, FOUNDED BY HER MAJESTY'S ILLUSTBIOUS ANCESTOR KING GEOEGE THE THIHD, AND NOW FOSTERED BY HER GRACIOUS PROTECTION, is, WITH HER MAJESTY'S PERMISSION, MOST HUMBLY DEDICATED BY HER MAJESTY'S MOST LOYAL, DEVOTED, AND HUMBLE SERVANT WILLIAM SANDBT. 15C8027 PKEFACE. TT is scarcely necessary to offer an explanation or an apology for the appearance of a History of the Eoyal Academy of Arts an institution which has endured for nearly a century, and has been the centre around which the most eminent professors of the arts in this country have been gathered during that long period. My own surprise is that an account of the Royal Academy, combined with notices of its members, has riot been published long since ; and it was only after continued expectancy that such a work would be written by an abler hand, that I ventured to undertake it feeling that every year's delay would make the task more unsatisfactory, and the information, as to the early part of the history, less accurate. Still, I should have been glad if a member of the Academy, or, if not a professional artist, at least one deserving the name of a connoisseur, had undertaken the work, rather than one who, while regarding it as a labour of love, can lay no claim to a technical knowledge of art, and whose professional occupations have only admitted of his devoting the leisure hours of each day to the pleasant task of tracing the history viii PREFACE and progress of an institution which has been the means of affording so much gratification to the lovers of the arts, and of conferring so many important advantages upon the professional artists of this country. The statements frequently circulated adverse and prejudicial to the Eoyal Academy apparently arising from a wrong impression as to the nature of its con- stitution, or from ignorance of its proceedings have, at length, impelled me, however, to endeavour to write its history, in the hope that, by giving a simple record of facts relating to its career in the past, I might remove some of the unkind and undeserved opposition to which it has been exposed, in the future. Before commencing my work, I deemed it necessary to solicit permission to consult the records of the Academy ; and, although I was personally unknown to the President and Council, their consent was at once given, without any reservation. Several of the members, to whom I have applied for information as to their own personal history, have also most kindly aided me in the biographical part of my work. To the President and Council, to these gentlemen, and to the Eegistrar, who afforded me every needful facility in obtaining access to, and explanation of, the documents in his charge, I beg to tender my grateful acknowledgements. The plan of the work scarcely requires explanation. I have first endeavoured to show the state of anarchy and confusion into which the old Art Societies, preceding the foundation of the Eoyal Academy, had fallen, at the time when it was established; and I have then divided the subsequent history into periods being the term of each Presidentship in order that I might PREFACE ix thus group together in successive chapters, as far as possible, the history of the members, with that of the Academy, in each stage of its progress. The biographical notices have somewhat the dictionary form, which I have adopted to condense the facts con- tained in them as much as possible, and to facilitate reference. The information contained in several of these has been derived from the detailed memoirs published separately of the more distinguished artists; in others from notices which have appeared in various works and periodicals, some of older, and some of modern date ; and several of the later memoirs are based upon information obtained by direct communica- tion with the living originals. It is right that I should state that the members of the Eoyal Academy are in no way responsible for any opinions, statements, or suggestions contained in this book ; and that, when speaking of the character of the works of artists, whether deceased or living, I have endeavoured to confirm or correct my own opinions by the estimate which more competent judges have formed of them. In a work containing more than two hundred biogra- phical notices of men, many of whom have lived in comparative seclusion, and also giving details relating to the history of art in England during a whole century, I can scarcely hope to have avoided some errors and inaccuracies, amidst the conflicting statements I have so often had to reconcile. For such faults as I fear there may be, I must crave the indulgence of the reader. It has often been impossible to avoid some slight repetitions, when writing the history of the Academy, x PREFACE and of its members, in separate chapters, and when recapitulating the results of alterations and arrangements, made at different periods, and recorded as they occurred. It seemed to me preferable to lay myself open to this charge rather than to give the reader the trouble of referring, by foot-notes, from one chapter to another. The Appendices will be found to contain many interest- ing particulars connected with the laws and regulations of the Royal Academy and its schools, and also in relation to the personal labours of the members ; and the Index will, it is hoped, guide the reader to the principal contents of these volumes. LONDON : April 24, 1862. CONTENTS THE FIEST VOLUME. CHAPTER I. THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE FINE ARTS IN ENGLAND. Influence of Art The English School a comparatively Modern Creation Causes of its Tardy Development - Notices of Art and Artists in the Saxon and Norman Periods The Foreign Schools The Effects of the Invention of Printing and of the Reformation upon Art Its Condition in England subse- quent to the Reformation Charles I. as a Patron of the Fine Arts The Georgian Era Patronage of Foreign Artists by the English Sovereigns Con- noisseurship Portrait Painting Decorations of Ceilings, &c. Sign Painters The Characteristics of the English School PAGE 1 CHAPTER II. EARLY ACADEMIES OF ART IN ENGLAND. The Necessity and Advantages of the Study of Art The Ancient Guilds of Art The "Museum Minervse" in Charles L's Reign John Evelyn's Plan for an Academy of Art Private Academies established by Sir G. Kneller, Sir J. Thornhill, and Hogarth Offer of Aid in Founding an Art Academy made by the Society of Dilettanti Project of a Public Academy of the Arts in 1753 Nesbitt's " Essay on the Necessity of a Royal Academy " in 1765 Tho Duko of Richmond's School of Design The Exhibition of Pictures painted for the Foundling Hospital The First General Exhibition of Pictures in 1760 The First Society of Artists The seceding "Free Society of Artists" Apology for the Charge for Admission to the Exhibition by Dr. Johnson Strife and Dis- sension in the " Incorporated Society of Artists of Great Britain " Resignation of the Original Director* . . 17 CONTENTS OF CHAPTER III. ORIGIN AND FOUNDATION OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY, 1768. Royal Patronage of Art solicited Favourable Reception of the Artists' Memorial by George III. Plan of the Royal Academy Instrument of its Institution Obligation signed by its First Members Election of Officers and Professors First Public Announcement of its Foundation The Fate of the Incorporated Society of Artists The Diploma The Royal Favour and Bounty bestowed on the Academy, and its Influence on Art The Limita- tion of the Number of the Royal Academicians to Forty The Example of Foreign Academies in this respect Restriction of Members from exhi- biting their Works elsewhere than at the Academy The Advantages of the Exhibition to Non-Members The Question as to the Utility of Academies of Art The Characteristics of the English School .... PAGE 45 CHAPTER IV. THE FOUNDATION MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY . .72 CHAPTER V. THE ROYAL ACADEMY UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, 1768-1792 124 Opening of the Royal Academy Address of the President The Schools Election of Associate-Engravers The Annual Exhibitions Appropriation of its Funds Lectures Appointment of Associates, a Librarian, and Hono- rary Members The Early Home of the Academy The Annual Dinner Proposal made by the Academicians to decorate St. Paul's The Society of Arts The Pension Fund established The Pall-Mall Exhibitions until 1779 The Removal to Somerset House, 1780 Discontinuance of Aid from the Privy Purse Complaints as to Exclusion of Pictures Peter Pindar and other Satirists attack the Academy Boydell's Shakspeare Gallery Internal Troubles Reynolds's Resignation of the Office of President, and Re-accept- ance of it His last Discourse Changes in the Academy by Death of original, and Election of new Members Succession of Officers The Ex- hibitions from 1781 to 1791 . . . . . . .124 THE FIRST VOLUME xiii CHAPTER VI. ROYAL ACADEMICIANS ELECTED DURING THE PRESIDENCY OF SIR J. REYNOLDS PAGE 176 CHAPTER VII. ASSOCIATES ELECTED DURING THE PRESIDENCY OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, WHO DID NOT SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME ROYAL ACADEMICIANS . . 230 CHAPTER VIII. THE ROYAL ACADEMY UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF BENJAMIN WEST, 1792-1820 Qualifications of West for the Office of President His Addresses The Fate of Proctor the Sculptor Publication of Bromley's "History of the Fine Arts" Anthony Pasquin's Attacks on the Royal Academy Royal Warrant for the Appointment of a Treasurer to succeed Sir William Chambers Finances of the Academy Pension Fund established Dispute between the General Assembly and the Council Barry's Dismissal from the Office of Professor of Painting and from the Academy Grant towards the Fund for the Exigencies of the State Laws as to Students amended Award of Pensions to Widows of deceased Members Illness of the King, as it affected West, and the Progress of the Arts Temporary Resignation of the President His Plan for a National Association of Art Artists' Volunteer Corps Prince Hoare's Academic Annals and Foreign Correspondence Establishment of the (Old) Water Colour Society and the British Institution John Landseei's Appeal for full Academic Honours for Engravers Varnishing Days Financial Arrangements amended in 1809 Complimentary Presents made by the Academy Premiums offered by the British Institution The Commemoration of Reynolds, 1813 Waterloo Memorial proposed Canova's Visit to England Exclusion of G. H. Harlowe from the Royal Academy > Privileges of Students, and Increase of Allowances to travelling Students Pensions augmented Commemoration of Fiftieth Anniversary Last Years and Death of the President Changes among the Members and Officers of the Academy Its Financial Position The Exhibitions . . . 248 xiv CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME CHAPTER IX. ROYAL ACADEMICIANS ELECTED DURING THE PRESIDENCY OF BENJAMIN WEST . PAGE 290 CHAPTER X. ASSOCIATES ELECTED DURING THE PRESIDENTSHIP OF BENJAMIN WEST, WHO DID NOT SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME ROYAL ACADEMICIANS . . 395 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN '. THE FIRST VOLUME. THE ROYAL ACADEMY, 1862 : being the East Wing of the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square . Frontispiece THE OLD ACADEMY in Peter's Court, St. Martin's Lane . . . PAGE 23 Sra JOSHTTA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 124 (From the Portrait by Himself, in possession of the Royal Academy.) VIEW OF THE OLD ROYAL ACADEMY in Pall Mall, 1769-1779 . . .125 f From a Drawing in the Print Room of the British Museum.) PORTION OF OLD SOMERSET HOUSE, occupied by the Royal Academy, 1771-9 139 (From an aquatints Print by W. Moss.) THE ROYAL ACADEMY in New Somerset House, 17801837 .... 165 BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A 249 (From the Portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A.) THE HISTORY OF THE KOYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS CHAPTER I. THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE FINE ARTS IN ENGLAND Influence of Art The English School a comparatively Modern Creation Causes of its tardy Development Notices of Art and Artists in the Saxon and Norman Periods The Foreign Schools The Effects of the Invention of Printing and of the Reformation upon Art Its Condition in England subsequent to the Reformation Charles I. as a Patron of the Fine Arts TJie Georgian Era Patronage of Foreign Artists by the English Sovereigns Connoisseurship Portrait Painting Decorations of CeHinys, SfC. Sign Painters The Characteristics of the English School. THE history of Art, in any of its branches, is an im- portant and interesting subject ; for it is in reality little less than the history of the taste and moral refine- ment of the people, their advancement in civilisation, and in the appreciation of all that is beautiful and true. In proportion to the development of these principles of progress, in the same degree have the arts flourished ; and those who wish to observe the growth of the one, ought not indifferently to pass by the consideration of the other. When once the love of art is created in a nation, it does not rest satisfied till it has attained to the possession and enjoyment of its noblest performances ; and thus the advance towards perfection, and the healthy influences of VOL. I. B 2 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. I. elevated and refined feelings, are combined together to produce the happiest results upon individuals and com- munities. It has been truly stated that a taste for what is beautiful is one great step to a taste for what is good. Kings and statesmen may therefore regard the encourage- ment of the arts at home, to be as much a part of their duty as the defence of their country in the field, or the maintenance of its interests in the cabinet. The pictured morals of the work of art charm our minds, and, through our eyes, correct our hearts. Pictures, it has been well said, are the books of the unlettered, and they are to be read as books, the work of one mind addressed to another mind, it being, however, necessary, in order to derive real instruction from them, that the language in which they are written should be understood. It was thus with the influence of Art. in England. So long as it was unappreciated by the people, so long as it remained the refined and ennobling taste of the few, its effects were but limited ; but when it came at length to be made known to, and understood by, the many, then the habits and tastes of the people generally improved, and so will continue to improve, in proportion to the extension of its pure and gracious influences. Yet it was not till a comparatively recent period that England could boast of a native School of Painting; indeed, a single century embraces the period during which it can be said that the British School of Art has been in existence ; and as we now contemplate the powers of the artists of this country, the number of the professors and patrons of the fine arts, and the influence which is thus exercised over the tastes and tendencies of the people, we cannot but rejoice at the progress which a century has effected in the advancement of the fine arts in England. The time has long since passed away when continental critics were able to suggest (as was done by the Abbe du Bos, Winckelmann, and others) that the frigidity of climate in this country, operating upon the imagination of its CH. L] EAELY ENGLISH ART 3 inhabitants, hindered that warm and vigorous exertion of fancy which enabled the Italians of old to rise to fame. It now needs no argument to prove that in the works of the English school there is certainly not less originality of thought, or variety of execution, or difference in mode of composition, than in any school of art in any age or country, if we except, indeed, the most celebrated masters of Italy. It is, nevertheless, both interesting and profitable to trace the progress of the arts among us, and to observe the causes which have operated to retard the formation of anything like a distinctive English School of Art until so late a period in the history of this country. True it is that art, like the oak, grows but slowly and gradually to maturity and strength ; but while others of the handmaids of civilisation were gaining power among us, painting and the sister arts were centuries in developing their beneficial influence, and rose but tardily to the importance they have now attained. A brief review of the records and remains of art in England, which are scattered up and down in the history of the country, will help us in this inquiry. The antiquities which have been preserved to us of early British and Saxon times are sufficient to prove that architecture and sculpture were practised extensively, and that painting, or at least design, with simple light and shade, was then understood. During the Norman period, architecture underwent a still further development; but ecclesiastics (and these chiefly foreigners) designed the cathedrals, and painted the frescoes, the stained glass, and the missals which adorned the libraries and the halls of the abbeys and monasteries. Henry III. (121G-1272) was an earnest patron of the fine arts, founding cathedrals, and enriching them with sculpture and painting. It was at this period, and in the reign of Edward III. (A.D. 1327- 1377), that the works in the Painted Chamber and St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, were executed. D 2 4 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. I. A long blank interval succeeds, during which artists T. Miller, John F. .Mill-hull, Francis F. Hat/man, President Cotes, Samuel A. Ramsay, Vice-Presi- Cozens, Alexander dent Alexander, Cosmo Dott, N. T. Atwood, Thomas Dalton, Richard Dance, George Baillier, William "\rftfh mi* **7 Baldwin, Robert Davy, R. Ballard, Thomas Diemar, T. M. Bannerman, Alexander Dixon, John Barber, Lewis Docker, John Donaldson J. Barralet, John J. Donowall, John Barrett, George Downes, B. Barron, Hugh Durno, James Barry, Edward Bartolozd, Francis Ebdon, Christopher Basher, John Edwards, Edward Baupre", A. Edwards, John Beanir, Samuel Elliott, William Berridge, John Evans, George Biarelli, C. Bibb, Charles Falconet, Peter Bonneau, Jacob Farington, Joseph Boydell, John Finney, Samuel Brampton, Richard Fisher, Edward Brown, Peter Forrester, R. W. Brown, T. Fosifer, John Biirdett, Peter Friend, J. P. Burford, Thomas Burgess, Thomas Gainsborough, Tfiomas Burton, John Gilpin, Sawrey Byrne, William Gowpy, Joseph Gossit, Isaac Canot, P. C. Grandon, John Carlini, Andreio Green, Benjamin Carver, Robert Green, Valentine Catton, C. Greenwood, John Chamber/in, Mason Grease, J. Chambers, Thomas Grignion, Charles Chambers, W. Grose, Francis Clarkson, Nathaniel Grryn, J. Clayton, John Collins, William Hall, John Cosway, Richard Hamilton, John Cotes, Fraud* , Hugh D. 40 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. II. The officers of the Society named as directors in the Eoyal Charter, were George Lambert, President; Francis Hayman, Vice-President; Eichard Dalton, Treasurer; F. M. Newton, Secretary; J. M'Ardell, George Barrett, William Chambers, W. Collins, F. Cotes, C. Grignion, J. Gwyn, N. Hone, J. Meyer, G. M. Moser, J. Payne, E. Penny, E. Eooker, Paul Sandby, C. Seaton, W. Tyler, S. Wale, Eichard Wilson, G. Wilton, and E. Yeo. In this Charter there were, unfortunately, many points left undetermined which were necessary for the maintenance and govern- ment of the Society. The number of members was un- limited, each one being designated a " Fellow," and every one entitled to hold office as a " Director." l Morland, J. C. Mortimer, John Moser, G. Nelson, A. Nesbitt, J. Newton, F. M. Newton, William Nixon, James Oneacle, J. H. Paine, James Parbury, George PaiT, Samuel Parry, William Parsons, Francis Paxton, John Peates, J. Peters, R. , M. W. Picot, Vic Maria Pine, R. E. Platt, John Poland, William Powell, Cordal Pugh, Hubert Ralph, B. Ravenet, Simon Reynolds, Joshua Richards, John Richards, James Richardson, George Robertson, George Rogers, Thomas Rooker, Edward , W. H. Romney, George Ryland, W. W. Sandby, Thomas "- ^' ) Ctftw Sanger, G. Schaak, J. H. Seaton, C. , John T. Scrres, Dominic Shaw, William Sherlock, G. Smart, John Smirke, Robert Smith, Joachim Soldi, Andrew Spicer, Henry Stevens, Edward Stewart, Charles Strange, Robert Stubbs, George Sullivan, Luke Sykes, F. Tassaert, P. J. Taylor, Isaac Taylor, John Thompson, William Tomkins, W. Turner, James Tyler, W. Vardy, John Vespre, Francis Vivares, Francis Wale, Samuel Walton, John Ward, F. S. W 7 atson, James Webb, Westfield Webster, Samuel West, Benjamin Wheatley, Francis Williams, Joshua Williams, W. Wilkison, George Wilson, Richard Wilton, Joseph Woollett, William Wright, Joseph Wright, Richard Yeo, Richard Zoffany, J. Zucarelli, Francis 1 An abstract of the Charter is British Art," and the whole pro- printed in Pye's " Patronage of ceedings of the directors and fellows CH. II.] INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF ARTISTS 41 The exhibition of the year 1765 produced 826 12s., and that of the following year 874 9s. ; but it would seem that no public academy for art-instruction was pro- posed ; and the St. Martin's Lane Academy was still far from fulfilling the requirements of the artists, A resolu- tion was passed by a majority of the Fellows on the 3rd of March, 1767, " That it be referred to the directors to consider of a proper form for instituting a public academy, and to lay the same before the quarterly meeting in Sep- tember next." This resolution was repealed in conse- quence of a subsequent announcement made to them by one of the directors, Mr. Moser, as appears by a minute dated 2nd June, 1767. " Eesolved, that the resolution that the directors should proceed to consider of a form for instituting a public academy be repealed, his Majesty having been graciously pleased to declare his royal inten- tion of taking the Academy under his protection." There is little hope at this period, of ascertaining what the King really designed to do, although he was known to be a lover of the arts, and generously disposed towards its pro- fessors. Sir R. Strange tells a very improbable story, no doubt the scandal of the day, that Dalton, the treasurer of the Incorporated Society, had embarked in a specula- tion to open a print warehouse, in a house belonging to Mr. Lamb, an auctioneer in Pall Mall ; that after spending a considerable sum in alterations, the project failed ; and that he had used his influence, as the King's librarian, to persuade liis Majesty to establish an art- academy in these rooms, to relieve himself of the burden and loss arising from the possession of them. However this may be, the members of the St. Martin's Lane Academy transferred their furniture, anatomical figures, statues, &c. to the house referred to, and the title of " The Eoyal Academy " was placed over the door. Subscriptions were received at this time, and subsequently, arc Robert Strange's " Inquiry into the fully investigated and commented Rise and Establishment of the Royal upon iu that work ; and also in Sir Academy of Arts," 1775. 42 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. II. towards its support, and each student paid a guinea at the opening. 1 It lasted only a short time ; but in the year 1767 the funds of the Incorporated Society, amount- ing to 1255 165., included a donation from the King of 100, and from the Princess Dowager of Wales of 10 10s., which shows that his Majesty was anxious at that time to promote the welfare of the society. A painful record of strife and dissension follows. The fundamental error of the original Charter, the absence of any restriction as to the number of members to be ad- mitted to the Society, was now beginning to show its pernicious fruit ; for inferior and inexperienced artists formed the majority, constituted themselves into a party in opposition to the directors (who had founded the Society, and who were the most distinguished artists of their time), and endeavoured to transfer the government to then: own hands. With this object they proposed a law to remove eight of the twenty-four directors annually, to be replaced by others from their own number, and obtained an affirmative opinion from the Attorney-General on the 26th June, 1768, as to the legality of this course. It was naturally opposed by the directors, but neverthe- less carried against them on St. Luke's Day (the 18th of October), when Mr. Joshua Kirby was substituted for Mr. Francis Hayman, who had succeeded Mr. Lambert as president; Mr. F. M. Newton was removed from the office of secretary ; and sixteen of the directors were ex- cluded. The members of the Society had previously met, in compliance with the terms of a circular, dated 8th October 2 , and had resolved to exclude the whole of the original directors. Those who were newly elected quickly showed that love of power, and not any regard for the promotion of the arts, was the object for which they sought to hold office, and quickly intimated their inten- tion of removing the remaining eight of the old directors 1 See Strange's " Inquiry," pp. 7077. 2 Ibid. pp. 8889. CH. II.] RESIGNATION OF DIRECTORS 43 at the next quarterly election. Seeing, therefore, that there was no prospect of an amicable termination of the struggle, and finding the government of the Society in- trusted to men, the majority of whom were wanting in practical knowledge of art, or a real desire to advance the interests of its professors, the remaining number of the old directors determined also to withdraw from the Society, and tendered their resignation accordingly in a letter, which was couched as follows : " To Joshua Kirby, Esq., President of the Society of Artists of Great Britain. "London, November 10, 1768. " Sir, Though we had the strongest objections to the un- warrantable manner in which most of the present directors of the Society were elected, yet our affection for the community was such, that we had, in spite of every motive to the contrary, resolved to keep possession of our directorships. But finding the majority of the present directors bent upon measures which we think repugnant to our charter, and tending to the destruc- tion of the Society, we judge it no longer safe to keep possession of our employments : therefore, do hereby resign them, that no part of the blame which will naturally follow the measures now pursuing may in any shape be laid upon us. " From the motions and insinuations of the last meeting, we clearly see what plan is to be pursued ; and we likewise clearly perceive that, however odious and hurtful such a plan may be, we shall find it utterly impossible to prevent it. "We would not, however, by any means, be understood to object to every remaining director. You, sir, and some others, we have the highest esteem for, as you have been elected into your offices without taking part in any intrigue ; and being men of honour and ability in your professions, are extremely proper to fill the places you occupy. " We are therefore, " Your and their most obedient, humble servants, " JOSEPH WILTON WILLIAM CHAMBERS EDWARD PENNY G. M. MOSKK RICHARD WILSON PAUL SANDBY BENJAMIN WEST F. M. NEWTON." 44 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. II. Many members of the Society followed the example of these directors, and the faction which had thus excluded all the founders from any part in its government was not a little startled by the result of its proceedings. The con- duct of the directors and the retiring members was severely censured at the time by those who were so little prepared for the effect and consequences of it ; but we cannot but think there was sufficient reason for the step they determined to take, when they found the Society diverted from its original purposes, and its constitution completely changed. Nor can they be charged with intrigue (as was done by Sir E. Strange, Hay don, and others), when they united together subsequently to form another society more congenial to their own tastes, and better adapted, at least in their judgment, to promote the knowledge and success of the arts in England. It was not to be endured that a society of artists should consist chiefly of members who were such only in name, and who, in their desire to appropriate the funds of the Society eacli to his favourite purpose, shed abroad an influence for evil which preponderated over the good, and left the true lovers and students of the arts at their mercy. By exa- mining the list of the members of the Incorporated Society, as at first enrolled, and by withdrawing from it the names of those who subsequently became the foundation- members of the Royal Academy, it will at once be seen that the true artists were the seceders, and the result showed that as an art-academy the Incorporated Society of Artists utterly failed without their aid and influence. 45 CHAPTEE IE. ORIGIN AND FOUNDATION OP THE EOYAL ACADEMY, 1768 Royal Patronage of Art solicited Favourable Reception of the Artists 1 Memorial by George III. Plan of the Royal Academy Instrument of its Institution Obligation signed by its First Members Election of Officers and Professors First Public Announcement of its Foundation Tlie Fate of the Incorporated Society of Artists The Diploma The Royal Favour and Bounty bestowed on the Academy, and its Influence on Art The Limitation of the Number of the Royal Academicians to Forty The Example of Foreign Academies in this Respect Restriction of Members from exhibiting their Works elseiohere than at the Academy The Advantages of the Exhibition to Non-Members The Question as to the Utility of Academies of Art The Characteristics of the English School. THE directors who had been compelled to resign their places in the government of the Incorporated Society carried with them the sympathies of all who desired to see the fine arts elevated and advanced, and they wisely resolved to endeavour to rescue the study of art from the evil effects of the anarchy and confusion which had divided the association. Very quickly after the retire- ment of the eight directors who retained office when the new faction succeeded in gaining a majority in the management, four of their number, viz. Chambers, West, Cotes, and Moser, formed themselves into a committee, in order to take measures for forming a new academy, which, by its constitution and government, should be saved from the disastrous consequences of the defective organisation of all the preceding attempts of the same kind. They determined at the outset to seek the royal pro- tection, in order to preserve the arts in England from the power of those who sought not to promote their culture so 46 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. HI. much as their own personal aggrandisement ; and art hap- pily found, in the taste and judgment of King George III., a noble support, and its professors a generous and gracious patron. Chambers, who had been appointed tutor in architecture to the young prince before his accession to the throne (Moser having been his instructor in delineation, and Kirby in perspective), and who had subsequently been appointed architect of works to the King, and enjoyed the royal favour, was thus enabled to submit the whole case to his Majesty, representing that many artists of reputation, together with himself, were very desirous of establishing a society that should more effectually promote the arts of design than any yet esta- blished ; but that they were sensible their design could not be carried into execution without his Majesty's patronage, which they had begged him to solicit. The King was not ignorant of the dissensions existing in the Incorporated Society, for they had been publicly referred to in the newspapers of the day ; and he was pleased, in answer, to say, that whatever tended effectually to promote the liberal arts might always rely upon his patronage. Thus encouraged, the four artists already named pre- sented (on the 28th of November, 1768) a Memorial, setting forth the prayer of the artists to the King, of which the following is a copy : " To the King's most Excellent Majesty : "May it please your Majesty, We, your Majesty's most faithful subjects, Painters, Sculptors, and Architects of this metropolis, being desirous of establishing a Society for pro- moting the Arts of Design, and sensible how ineffectual every establishment of that nature must be without the Eoyal in- fluence, most humbly beg leave to solicit your Majesty's gracious assistance, patronage, and protection, in carrying this useful plan into execution. " It would be intruding too much upon your Majesty's time to offer a minute detail of our plan. We only beg leave to inform your Majesty, that the two principal objects we have in Cn. m.] MEMORIAL TO THE KING 47 view are, the establishing a well-regulated School or Academy of Design, for the use of students in the Arts, and an Annual Exhibition, open to all artists of distinguished merit, where they may offer their performances to public inspection, and acquire that degree of reputation and encouragement which they shall be deemed to deserve. " We apprehend that the profits arising from the last of these institutions will fully answer all the expenses of the first; we even natter ourselves they will be more than necessary for that purpose, and that we shall be enabled annually to distribute somewhat in useful charities. " Your Majesty's avowed patronage and protection is, there- fore, all that we at present humbly sue for ; but should we be disappointed in our expectations, and find that the profits of the Society are insufficient to defray its expenses, we humbly hope that your Majesty will not deem that expense ill-applied which may be found necessary to support so useful an institution. We are, with the warmest sentiments of duty and respect, " Your Majesty's "Most dutiful subjects and servants, " BENJAMIN WEST RICHARD YEO FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI MARY MOSER NATHANIEL DANCE AGOSTINO CARLINI RICHARD WILSON FRANCIS COTES GEORGE MICHAEL MOSER WILLIAM CHAMBERS SAMUEL WALE EDWARD PENNY G. BAPTIS. CIPRIANI JOSEPH WILTON JEREMIAH MEYER GEORGE BARRET ANGELICA KAUFFMAN FRA. MILNER NEWTON CHARLES CATTON PAUL SANDBY FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI FRANCIS HAYMAN." The King received this memorial very graciously, and stated that he considered the culture of the arts as a national concern, and that the memorialists might depend upon his patronage and assistance in carrying their plan into execution ; but that, before giving his sanction to their proposal, he wished their intentions to be more fully explained to him in writing. This was done by Chambers, in conjunction with other artists who had 48 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. III. signed the memorial. 1 Northcote, in his "Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds," tells us that " They also made out a list of their officers, as well as of those who were to com- pose the body, containing about thirty names, and had inserted that of Reynolds among the rest. This list was to be delivered to the King for his approbation and sig- nature. However, Mr. Reynolds was still unwilling to join with either party, which resolution he made known to Sir William Chambers, in consequence of which Mr. Penny was sent to persuade him to join the party ; but that proved in vain. Penny then applied to Mr. West, and begged him to intercede with Reynolds, adding that he was the only person who could influence him to con- sent. Mr. West accordingly called on Mr. Reynolds on the same evening on which the whole party had a meet- ing, about thirty in number, at Mr. Wilton's house, ex- pecting the result of Mr. West's negotiation, as the King had appointed the following morning to receive their plan, with the nomination of their officers. Mr. West remained upwards of two hours endeavouring to per- suade Reynolds ; and at last prevailed so far, that he ordered his coach, and went with Mr. West to meet the party ; and immediately on his entering the room they with one voice hailed him as 'President.' He seemed to be very much affected by the compliment, and re- turned them his thanks for the high mark of their ap- probation ; but declined the honour till such time as he had consulted with his friends, Dr. Johnson and Mr. Edmund Burke. This demur greatly disappointed the company, as they were expected to be with the King on the very next morning by appointment ; but Messrs. West and Cotes avoided going to the King the next day, as they could not present him with a complete list of their 1 See the introduction to Edwards' Royal Academy to the General As- " Anecdotes of Painters," and the sembly of Academicians, 1860." " Report from the Council of the CH. III.] THE " INSTRUMENT " OF INSTITUTION 49 officers, for the want of a President ; and it was not for a fortnight afterwards that Eeynolds gave his consent." On the 7th of December, the sketch of the plan of the proposed academy was presented to the King, and his Majesty was pleased to express his approval of it. He requested that the whole might be submitted in form for his signature ; and on Saturday, the 10th of De- cember, 1768, it was laid before his Majesty, and signed by him. Thus was founded THE KOYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS IN LONDON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CULTIVATING AND IMPROVING THE ARTS OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHI- TECTURE. The following is a copy of the " Instrument " which was submitted for the Eoyal sanction, and which defines the constitution and government of the Eoyal Academy thus auspiciously inaugurated : " INSTRUMENT. " Whereas sundry persons, resident in this metropolis, eminent professors of painting, sculpture, and architecture, have most humbly represented by memorial unto the King that they are desirous of establishing a Society for promoting the Arts of Design, and earnestly soliciting his Majesty's patronage and assistance in carrying this their plan into execution ; and, whereas, its great utility hath been fully and clearly demon- strated, his Majesty, therefore, desirous of encouraging every useful undertaking, doth hereby institute and establish the said Society, under the name and title of the Koyal Academy of Arts in London, graciously declaring himself the patron, protector, and supporter thereof; and commanding that it be established under the forms and regulations hereinafter mentioned, which have been most humbly laid before his Majesty, and received his royal approbation and assent. "I. The said Society shall consist of forty members only, who shall be called Academicians of the Royal Academy; they shall all of them be artists by profession at the time of their admission that is to say, painters, sculptors, or architects, men of fair moral characters, of high reputation in their several pro- fessions ; at least five-and-twenty years of age ; resident in Great VOL. I. E 50 HISTOKY OF TIIE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. III. Britain ; and not members of any other society of artists esta- blished in London. f ' II. It is his Majesty's pleasure that the following forty persons be the original members of the said Society, viz.: JOSHUA REYNOLDS G. MICHAEL MOSER BENJAMIN WEST SAMUEL WALE THOMAS SANDBY PETER TOMS FRANCIS COTES ANGELICA KAUFFMAN JOHN BAKER RICHARD YEO MASON CHAMBERLIN MARY MOSER JOHN GWYNN WILLIAM CHAMBERS THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH JOSEPH WILTON J. BAPTIST CIPRIANI GEORGE BARRET JEREMIAH MEYER EDWARD PENNY FRANCIS MILNER NEWTON AGOSTINO CARLINI PAUL SANDBY FRANCIS HAYMAN FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI DOMINIC SERRES CHARLES CATTON JOHN RICHARDS NATHANIEL HONE FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI WILLIAM TYLER GEORGE DANCE NATHANIEL DANCE WILLIAM HOARE RICHARD WILSON JOHAN ZOFFANY " III. After the first institution, all vacancies of Academicians shall be filled by election from amongst the exhibitors in the Royal Academy; the names of the candidates for admission shall be put up in the Academy three months before the day of election, of which day timely notice shall be given in writing to all the Academicians ; each candidate shall, on the day of elec- tion, have at least thirty suffrages in his favour, to be duly elected ; and he shall not receive his letter of admission till he hath deposited in the Royal Academy, to remain there, a pic- ture, bas-relief, or other specimen of his abilities approved of by the then sitting Council of the Academy. " I\ T . For the government of the Society there shall be annu- ally elected a President and eight other persons, who shall form a Council, which shall have the entire direction and management of all the business of the Society ; and all the officers and ser- vants thereof shall be subservient to the said council, which shall have power to reform all abuses, to censure such as are deficient in their duty, and (with the consent of the general body, and the King's permission first obtained for that purpose), to suspend or entirely remove from their employments such as On. III.] THE INSTKUMENT " OF INSTITUTION 51 shall be found guilty of any great offences. The council shall meet as often as the business of the Society shall require it ; every member shall be punctual to the hour of appointment, under the penalty of a fine, at the option of the council ; and at each meeting the attending members shall receive forty-five shillings, to be equally divided amongst them, in which division, however, the secretary shall not be comprehended. " V. The seats in the council shall go by succession to all the members of the Society, excepting the secretary, who shall always belong thereto. Four of the council shall be voted out every year, and these shall not re-occupy their seats in the council till all the rest have served ; neither the president nor secretary shall have any vote either in the council or general assembly, excepting the suffrages be equal, in which case the president shall have the casting vote. " VI. There shall be a Secretary of the Eoyal Academy, elected by ballot, from amongst the Academicians, and approved of by the King ; his business shall be to keep the minutes of the council, to write letters, and send summonses, &c.; he shall attend at the exhibition, assist in disposing the performances, make out the catalogues, &c.; he shall also, when the keeper of the Academy is indisposed, take upon himself the care of the Academy and the inspection of the Schools of Design, for which he shall be properly qualified ; his salary shall be sixty pounds a year, and he shall continue in office during his Majesty's pleasure. " VII. There shall be a Keeper of the Royal Academy, elected by ballot, from amongst the Academicians ; he shall be an able painter of history, sculptor, or other artist, properly qualified. His business shall be to keep the Royal Academy, with the models, casts, books, and other moveables belonging thereto ; to attend regularly the Schools of Design during the sittings of the students, to preserve order among them, and to give them such advice and instruction as they shall require ; he shall have the immediate direction of all the servants of the Academy, shall regulate all things relating to the schools, and, with the assistance of the visitors, provide the living models, &c. He shall attend at the exhibition, assist in disposing the perform- ances, and be constantly at hand to preserve order and decorum. His salary shall be one hundred pounds a year ; he shall have a convenient apartment allotted him in the Royal Academy, where 9 52 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. he shall constantly reside ; and he shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. " VIII. There shall be a Treasurer of the Royal Academy, who, as the King is graciously pleased to pay all deficiencies, shall be appointed by his Majesty from amongst the Academi- cians, that he may have a person on whom he places full confi- dence in an office where his interest is concerned ; and his Majesty doth hereby nominate and appoint William Chambers, Esquire, architect of his works, to be treasurer of the Koyal Academy of Arts ; which office he shall hold, together with the emoluments thereof, from the date of these presents, and during his Majesty's pleasure. His business shall be to receive the rents and profits of the Academy, to pay its expenses, to super- intend repairs of the buildings and alterations, to examine all bills, and to conclude all bargains ; he shall once in every quarter lay a fair state of his accounts before the council, and when they have passed examination and been approved there, he shall lay them before the Keeper of his Majesty's Privy Purse, to be by him finally audited and the deficiencies paid; his salary shall be sixty pounds a year. "IX. That the Schools of Design maybe under the direction of the ablest artists, there shall be elected annually from amongst the Academicians nine persons who shall be called Visitors; they shall be painters of history, able sculptors, or other persons properly qualified; their business shall be to attend the schools by rotation each a month, to set the figures, to examine the performances of the students, to advise and instruct them, to endeavour to form their taste, and turn their attention towards that branch of the arts for which they shall seem to have the aptest disposition. These officers shall be approved of by the King ; they shall be paid out of the trea- sury ten shillings and sixpence for each time of attending, which shall be at least two hours, and shall be subject to a fine of ten shillings and sixpence whenever they neglect to attend, unless they appoint a proxy from amongst the visitors for the time being, in which case he shall be entitled to the reward. At every election of visitors four of the old visitors shall be declared non-eligible. " X. There shall be a Professor of Anatomy, who shall read annually six public lectures in the schools, adapted to the arts of design ; his salary shall be thirty pounds a year ; and he shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. On. III.] THE " INSTRUMENT " OF INSTITUTION 53 " XI. There shall be a Professor of Architecture, who shall read annually six public Lectures, calculated to form the taste of the Students, tp instruct them in the laws and principles of composition, to point out to them the beauties or faults of cele- brated productions, to fit them for an unprejudiced study of books, and for a critical examination of structures ; his salary shall be thirty pounds a year ; and he shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. " XII. There shall be a Professor of Painting, who shall read annually six Lectures calculated to instruct the Students in the principles of composition, to form their taste of design and colouring, to strengthen their judgment, to point out to them the beauties and imperfections of celebrated works of Art, and the particular excellences or defects of great masters ; and, finally, to lead them into the readiest and most efficacious paths of study ; his salary shall be thirty pounds a year ; and he shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. " XIII. There shall be a Professor of Perspective and Geo- metry, who shall read six public Lectures annually in the Schools, in which all the useful propositions of Geometry, toge- ther with the principle of Lineal and Aerial Perspective, and also the projection of shadows, reflections, and refractions shall be clearly and fully illustrated; he shall particularly confine himself to the quickest, easiest, and most exact methods of operation. He shall continue in office during the King's plea- sure ; and his salary shall be thirty pounds a year. " XIV. The Lectures of all the Professors shall be laid before the Council for its approbation, which shall be obtained in writing, before they can be read in the public Schools. All these Professors shall be elected by ballot, the last three from amongst the Academicians. " XV. There shall be a Porter of the Koyal Academy, whose salary shall be twenty-five pounds a year; he shall have a room in the Royal Academy, and receive his orders from the Keeper or Secretary. "XVI. There shall be a Sweeper of the Royal Academy, whose salary shall be ten pounds a year. " XVII. There shall be an Annual Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, and Designs, which shall be open to all Artists of distinguished merit ; it shall contiilue for the public one month, and be under the regulations expressed in the bye-laws of the Society, hereafter to be made. Of the profits arising therefrom, 51 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. two hundred pounds shall be given to indigent artists, or their families, and the remainder shall be employed in the support of the Institution. All Academicians, till they have attained the age of sixty, shall be obliged to exhibit at least one perform- ance, under a penalty of five pounds, to be paid into the treasury of the Academy, unless they can show sufficient cause for their omission; but, after that age, they shall be exempt from all duty. " XVIII. There shall be a Winter Academy of Living Models, men and women of different characters, under the regulations expressed in the bye-laws of the Society, hereafter to be made, free to all Students who shall be qualified to receive advantage from such studies. " XIX. There shall be a Summer Academy of Living Models to paint after, also of Laymen with draperies, both Ancient and Modern, Plaster Figures, Bas-reliefs, models and designs of Fruits, Flowers, Ornaments, &c., free to all artists qualified to receive advantage from such studies, and under the regulations expressed in the bye-laws of the Society hereafter to be made. "XX. There shall be a Library of Books of Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, and all the Sciences relating thereto ; also prints of bas-reliefs, vases, trophies, ornaments, dresses, ancient and modern customs and ceremonies, instruments of war and arts, utensils of sacrifice, and all other things useful to Students in the Arts ; which Library shall be open one day in every week to all Students properly qualified. One of the Members of the Council shall attend in the room during the whole time it is open, to keep order, and to see that no damage is done to the books ; and he shall be paid 10s. 6d. for his attendance. No books shall, under any pretence, be suffered to be taken out of the Library; but every Academician shall have free ingress at all seasonable times of the day to consult the books, and to make designs or sketches from them. " XXI. There shall be annually one Greneral Meeting of the whole body, or more if requisite, to elect the Council and Visitors ; to confirm new laws and regulations ; to hear com- .plaints and redress grievances, if there be any ; and to do any other business relative to the Society. " XXII. The Council shall frame new laws and regulations ; but they shall have no force, till ratified by the consent of the General Assembly, and the approbation of the King. " XXIII. Though it may not be for the benefit of the In- CH. III.] THE "INSTRUMENT" OF INSTITUTION 55 stitution absolutely to prohibit pluralities, yet they are as much as possible to be avoided, that his Majesty's gracious intention may be complied with, by dividing as nearly as possible the emoluments of the Institution amongst all its Members. " XXIV. If any Member of the Society shall, by any means, become obnoxious, it may be put to the ballot, in the General Assembly, whether he shall be expelled, and if there be found a majority for expulsion, he shall be expelled, provided his Majesty's permission be first obtained for that purpose. " XXV. No Student shall be admitted into the Schools, till he hath satisfied the Keeper of the Academy, the Visitor, and Council for the time being, of his abilities ; which being done, he shall receive his Letter of Admission, signed by the Secretary of the Academy, certifying that he is admitted a Student in the Royal Schools. " XXVI. If any Student be guilty of improper behaviour in the Schools, or doth not quietly submit to the Rules and Orders established for their regulation, it shall be in the power of the Council, upon complaint being first made by the Keeper of the Academy, to expel, reprimand, or rusticate him for a certain time ; but if he be once expelled, he shall never be re-admitted in the Royal Schools. " XXVII. All modes of elections shall be regulated by the bye-laws of the Society, hereafter to be made for that purpose. " I approve of this plan ; let it be put into execution. " GEORGE, R. "ST. JAMES'S, December 10th, 1768." Four days after the completion of this important docu- ment, a meeting of twenty-eight of the thirty-four Royal Academicians nominated by the King was held ', at which they signed the following obligation : " London, December 14th, 1708. " His Majesty having been graciously pleased to institute and establish a society for promoting the Arts of Design, under the name and title of the ' Royal Academy of Arts,' in London ; 1 The whole number of forty nominated by the Kinjr, two others, members WHS not completed for five Julian /ollimij and William Hoare, years afterwards. In addition to the were added in 17(50. All subsequent thirty-four artists who were at first appointments were by election. 56 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. III. and having signified his royal intention that the said society should be established under certain laws and regulations, con- tained in the Instrument of the establishment, signed by his Majesty's own hand, " We, therefore, whose names are hereunto subscribed, either original or elected members of the said society, do promise, each for himself, to observe all the laws and regulations con- tained in the said Instrument ; as, also, all other laws, bye-laws, or regulations, either made, or hereafter to be made, for the better government of the above-mentioned society ; promising, furthermore, on every occasion to employ our utmost endeavours to promote the honour and interest of the establishment, so long as we shall continue members thereof." At the same meeting the following officers were elected by ballot : JOSHUA REYNOLDS, President. GEORGE MICHAEL MOSER, Keeper. FRANCIS MILNER NEWTON, Secretary. Council. GEORGE BARRET, WILLIAM CHAMBERS, FRANCIS COTES, NATHANIEL HONE, JEREMIAH MEYER, EDWARD PENNY, PAUL SANDBY, JOSEPH WILTON. Visitors. AGOSTINO CARLINI, CHARLES CATTON, G. BAPTIST CIPRIANI, NATHANIEL DANCE, FRANCIS HAYMAN, PETER TOMS, BENJAMIN WEST, RICHARD WILSON, FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI. And at the general assembly of the Eoyal Academi- cians on the 17th of December, 1768, the first professors were elected also by ballot, viz. : EDWARD PENNY, Professor of Painting. THOMAS SANDBY, ,, Architecture. DR. WILLIAM HUNTER, Anatomy. SAMUEL WALE, Perspective. It was not till all these arrangements were made, that the fact of the intention of founding a Eoyal Academy was publicly announced, as the King wished it to be kept a secret, lest it might be converted into a vehicle of poli- tical influence The mode in which it was made known to the Incorporated Society of Artists is recorded in CH. III.] FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT OF ITS FOUNDATION 57 the " Life of West," by John Gait, who read the manu- script of it to him previous to his last illness *, and which, therefore, may be regarded as a true version of what occurred : " While his Majesty and the Queen at Windsor Castle were looking at West's picture of ' Ee- gulus,' just then finished, the arrival of Mr. Kirby, the new President of the Incorporated Society, was announced. The King having consulted with his Consort in German, admitted him, and introduced him to West, to whose person he was a stranger. He looked at the picture, praised it warmly, and congratulated the artist. Then turning to the King, said, ' Your Majesty never mentioned anything of this work to me. Who made the frame ? It is not made by one of your Majesty's workmen ; it ought to have been made by the Eoyal carver and gilder.' To this, the King calmly replied, ' Kirby, when- ever you are able to paint me such a picture as this, your friend shall make the frame.' ' I hope, Mr. West,' said Kirby, 'that you intend to exhibit this picture?' 'It is. painted for the palace,' said West, ' and its exhibition must depend upon his Majesty's pleasure.' 'Assuredly,' said the King ; ' I shall be very happy to let the work be shown to the public.' 'Then, Mr. West,' said Kirby, ' you will send it to my exhibition ? ' ' No,' interrupted his Majesty, 'it must go to my exhibition to that of the Royal Academy' and in that exhibition it was subse^- quently seen and admired. The President of the Asso- ciated Artists bowed with much humility, and retired. Shortly afterwards he presented a petition to the King from the Society, representing their alleged grievances, and soliciting his exclusive patronage, to which an answer was returned that ' the Society had his Majesty's protec- tion ; that he did not mean to encourage one set of men more than another ; that having extended his favour to the Society by Eoyal charter, he had also encouraged the See Gait's preface to the second part of hU " Life of West," pp. 3038. 58 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. new petitioners ; that his intention was to patronize the arts ; and that he should visit the exhibition as usual.' " l The interest taken by the King in the progress of the Eoyal Academy, however, was alike earnest and un- ceasing. He had himself suggested many of the regu- lations for its government, and when it was established, not only became the patron of the society, but was pleased to take it thenceforward under his personal con- trol. Apartments were provided for the Academy in his own palace of Somerset House ; and when the old mansion, originally built by the Protector Somerset, was taken down, and the site appropriated for public offices, his Majesty stipulated with the government that apart- ments should be constructed in the new building for the Eoyal Academy, among other learned societies. Further than this, the King retained in his own hands the right of approving of all artists elected into the Eoyal Academy, and in his own handwriting drew up the form of a 1 See Strange's "Inquiry," pp. 108, Gardens, where its last appearance 109. It is iiot necessary to detail was made in 1791 two mterme- the subsequent history of this society. diate exhibitions having been held Its decline was gradual 5 but at the in 1783 and 1790, at the Lyceum, period of which we are now speaking, It had long previously virtually 1768, it still numbered more than a ceased to exist, for its power and hundred members. The king gave influence, as well as its usefulness the society 100 in 17G9, and at- had departed, when at least the great tended the Exhibition; but it was majority of the able artists of the the last visit they had from him. day had withdrawn from it in the The following year the receipts de- unhappy dissensions of former years. creased. In 1771 they again in- The last surviving member of the creased, and a pamphlet published society, Mr. Robert Pollard, died at by the society entitled "The Con- the age of eighty- three, having duct of the Royal Academicians previously, in October 1836, given while Members of the Society of up the whole of the books, papers, Artists," attracted attention to their and minute-books of the society, as proceedings. In 1772, they built at well as the royal charter of its in- a cost of 7500 the great room, the corporation, to the charge of the Lyceum in the Strand, for their ex- Royal Academy, in whose possession hibition, and thus contracted a debt they now are. An abstract of these of 4000 ; becoming embarrassed, documents was arranged for publica- they sold it again in 1773. Subse- tion in the Literary Panorama for quent exhibitions were made in 1778 1807 and 1808, in which all that is and 1779, at Mr. Philip's room in of general interest in regard to the Piccadilly, near Air Street. In 1780 society's proceedings may be found, their exhibition was held in Spring On. III.] THE "DIPLOMA" 59 Diploma to be granted to each member on his election, the Eoyal Sign-manual being affixed to the diploma of each Eoyal Academician, and no election being valid until this is done. The following is the form of the diploma : "George the Third, by the grace of (rod, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., to our trusty and well beloved greeting. " Whereas, we have thought fit to establish in this our City of London a Society for the purposes of the arts of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, under the name and title of the Eoyal Academy of Arts, and under our own immediate patro- nage and protection; and whereas, we have resolved to intrust the sole management and direction of the said society under us to Forty Academicians, the most able and respectable artists in Great Britain : We, therefore, in consideration of your great skill in the art of [Painting] do by these presents constitute and appoint you to be one of the Forty Academicians of our said Royal Academy, hereby granting unto you all the endow- ments thereof, according to the tenor of the institution under our sign-manual upon the : And we are the more readily induced to confer upon you this honourable distinction, as we are firmly persuaded you will upon every occasion exert yourself in support of the honour, interest, and dignity of the said establishment, and that you will faithfully and assiduously discharge the duties of the several offices to which you may be nominated. In consequence of this our gracious resolution, it is our pleasure that your name be forthwith inserted in the roll of the Academicians, and that you subscribe the obligation in the form and manner prescribed. " Given at our Royal Palace of St. James, the day of in the year ." It was not simply the advantage of the Eoyal favour and interest in its proceedings, which the new institution was privileged to enjoy. Substantial aid was needed by a society starting into existence amidst rivalry and oppo- sition, and at a time when a public taste for art had to be created ; and it was afforded by the King munificently engaging to supply out of his Majesty's privy purse, any 00 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. deficiency in its funds arising out of the gratuitous in- struction of students in the Fine Arts, or by donations granted to distressed or superannuated artists and their families. The more effectually to exercise control over the funds, the King directed all the accounts to be sub- mitted to him, and audited by the Keeper of the Privy Purse, and retained in his own hands the appointment of treasurer, as well as that of librarian. It is not to be wondered at that the members of the Eoyal Academy have always felt justly proud that their institution was established, and for at least twelve years after its formation aided, by " Eoyal munificence ; " and that the interest of the Sovereign in its proceedings is still a matter of rejoicing to all who desire to see the Fine Arts flourish in our land. For as the Council has justly observed, " In considering the advantages which the Academy enjoys from the Eoyal favour, with more espe- cial reference to the members, it should be borne in mind that rewards of merit are not benefits for those only on whom they are conferred, but for all those to whom they are offered. In all professions the attainment of excellence is promoted no less by the struggle for success which affects many, than by the success itself, which affects one. The advantage of the Eoyal favour and patronage graciously conferred on the Academy is therefore an advantage to the professors of art generally. That those honours are difficult of attainment is a condi- tion common to all distinctions that worthily excite com- petition. The members of the Academy, from its origin until now, have ah 1 contended with rivals in the race, and have all experienced the difficulty of winning the prize. The privileges of the Academy as an institution can only be privileges as long as it comprehends the majority of the first professors of art in the country. Not even the Eoyal favour extended to inferior artists could render their works universally attractive. With reference to the Academy, therefore, the Eoyal favour is to be regarded, CH. III.] LIMITED NUMBER OF MEMBERS 01 as it always should be regarded, as a stimulus to all for the attainment of excellence, inasmuch as it is the honourable result of public approbation." l The limitation made by the Instrument of institution of the number of the Eoyal Academicians to forty, has been a ceaseless source of contention from the first foundation of the Academy to the present time. It was at first argued that it was intentionally done to exclude so many of the artists of the Incorporated Society as never to give them a preponderance over the old directors of that Society, who had seceded from it to become the founders of the Eoyal Academy 2 ; and Sir Eobert Strange was vain enough to declare that the exclusion of engravers gene- rally was adopted purposely to debar him from the privi- leges of membership. 3 As the English school gathered strength, it has been urged that the Eoyal Academy should have expanded and enlarged its numbers in pro- portion to the numerical increase of English artists, so that now it would need to be increased to at least treble its original constitution ; and the Academy is charged with undue exclusiveness, and a failure of its high mission in the cause of art, because it has not fully met these demands. Such statements deserve careful examination before they are either contradicted or adopted. Looking at the state of art in this country a century ago, and contrasting it with its present position, it cannot be denied that the advance has been steady, substantial, and rapid. Indeed, as we contemplate the works of the artists who exhibited in 1760 with those whose works are now to be seen all around us, we question whether it must not be admitted that the original number of forty was not far beyond the requirements of the year 17G8, and that being based on the number of artists who were entitled to membership 1 " Report of the Council " for the Select Committee of the House I860, p. 10. of Commons " on Arts, &c., 1830. 8 See Ilaydon's " Evidence before * Strange'a "Inquiry,"' p. 112. 02 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. in several of the Foreign Academies then existing, it was rather intended to reach that number in England in the future, as the knowledge of art and the ability of its pro- fessors advanced. This seems to have been the motive for leaving several vacancies in the original number un- filled for some years : and even with this admission of the necessity of limiting the honour of full membership to artists of established reputation, it may fairly be questioned whether several of those who were then elected would have been chosen had they lived in our own day. It seems, therefore, that the limit originally fixed was a very large one too wide for the then infantile state of the English school but one which it might reasonably hope speedily to reach. That it has done so is admitted ; but the next question is whether the progress made has been such as to demand a yet further extension ? It must be remembered that if the title of Eoyal Academician is to carry with it a re- cognised claim to superior excellence on the part of the artist on whom it is conferred, if it is to be an honour sufficiently great to be an impulse to the young aspirant, and a laudable ambition in the artist of acknowledged merit, it ought not to be the common dignity of every one who has proved his claim to be ranked among the large number of good painters, or sculptors, or architects, which we now happily possess. And we cannot help questioning whether any country, in ancient or modern times, has ever been able to produce at any one time forty artists of whom it could be said that they were of such superior ability as to render them famous, not only while living, but in after ages, as eminent in their pro- fession and masters of their art. If the highest honours of the Eoyal Academy should be reserved "for such as these, then it is very doubtful, indeed, whether forty is not more than sufficient to meet the necessity of the case, or at all events ample for all time. The vexed question of the admission of engravers to full academic honours CH. III.] ASSOCIATED MEMBERS 63 has been set at rest, and will be noticed in the course of this history. But while the full dignity of Eoyal Academician is thus wisely limited, it is open for consideration whether it might not be a fair encouragement to offer to a large number of really talented artists, to allow them to become associated members, without taking any part in the go- vernment of the Eoyal Academy, or if at all, by being permitted to nominate as representatives of their own body, a certain number of artists, for election by the forty academicians. The bitter experience of the fate of the societies of artists which existed as corporate bodies, and which were torn by dissensions consequent on their government being under the direction of so large a num- ber, or by resistance on the part of the majority to the government of the few, justified the founders of the Eoyal Academy in so constituting it that it should be preserved from this peril ; and from the tone in which the question is still discussed, the necessity remains that the power of governing should be vested in those who have attained, by their own ability, to the coveted pinnacle of fame in art, and that in associating around them their brother artists who are seeking similar honours, they should in some measure adopt a relative position to that of the Senate in the Universities. In this view it may, perhaps, be desirable hereafter to remove all restrictions as to the number of associates and associate engravers, or to in- crease their number ; the election being confined, as at present, to the academicians, and the claim to acknow- ledged merit as an artist being the only qualification de- manded of the candidate for what would still be, though more easily attainable than at present, a coveted mark of dictinction. Several foreign academies were in existence at the time of the foundation of the Eoyal Academy; and as the question of establishing such an institution in this country had been discussed, and many fruitless efforts had 64 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. been made for some years previously, there is no doubt that their constitution was examined before that of the English one was determined ; and it will be found on re- ference to the Continental art-societies, whether of olden times or of more modern date, that as a general rule the number of academicians is not greater in them than in our own. In the French Academy (originating in the ancient company of St. Luke), founded in 1648 by Louis XIV., and of which Le Brun was the first president, the total number is forty, consisting of fourteen painters, eight sculptors, eight architects, four engravers, and six pro- fessors of music. The Eoyal Academy of the Arts of Berlin was founded in 1699 by Frederic L, and consists of twenty-one painters, five sculptors, five architects, and five professors of music, besides a large number of honorary members, native and foreign. In the Academy of St. Luke at Eome, established in 1595, there are twelve historical painters, twelve sculptors, and twelve architects, who are required to reside there, and also four portrait painters, four landscape painters, four gem engravers, and four engravers, partly resident and partly foreigners, besides academicians " of merit," consisting of twenty foreign artists of each of the first three classes. An academy was established at Munich in 1770, which was subsequently in 1808 re-founded by Joseph I. as the Eoyal Munich Academy, with a director, three historical painters, one sculptor, two architects, one engraver, one teacher of elementary painting, one corrector in the antique school, one professor of the history of art (all receiving salaries and retiring pensions from the Govern- ment), and four other professors, in all fifteen members, besides an unlimited number of honorary members and artists. The Eoyal Academy of Antwerp comprehends fifteen painters, five sculptors, three architects, one engraver, and one professor of drawing, besides associated and honorary members. The academies of Florence, Eome, and Bologna, as assemblies of honour as well as CH. III.] CONSTITUTION OF FOREIGN ACADEMIES Go gratuitous schools of the arts, seem especially to have been imitated in the constitution of our own Academy ; and forty, which was the original number of the acade- micians of Florence, has been the limit of the number of members adopted in most of the subsequent institutions of the same nature. By one of the laws in the original constitution of the Eoyal Academy, its members were prohibited from be- longing to any other institution or society of artists in London. This regulation has been considered as calcu- lated to give an exclusive character to the Academy, and to be unnecessary. In the present day it undoubtedly is so ; and it would appear 1 that if not actually cancelled, it has long ceased to be acted upon. The original founders of the Eoyal Academy may, indeed, have thought it a prudent step to guard themselves against similar dis- sensions to those which had debased the art-societies then in existence, and out of which it arose ; and also, since the new institution would have mainly to depend for support upon the contributions of the public, it may have been deemed necessary, in order to prevent a de- cline of the funds, to require the members to centre the attractions, which the products of their talents might afford, solely in the new society. This state of things no longer exists, and therefore the members of the Royal Academy are now found exhibiting their works at the British Institution and at other places, and are not de- barred from taking office in other kindred societies. It is quite certain that the Royal Academy in no case hinders the formation of new art-societies, even when founded simply for the purpose of exhibiting pictures, and that it is always ready to promote the establishment of schools of art in the metropolis and in the provinces. The fact that the exhibitions which annually provide 1 Evidence of Sir M. A. Shee, the Select Committee of the Com- P.R.A. (questions 1000-2), before nions, on Arts, 1830. VOL. I. F 66 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. III. the income and replenish the coffers of the Eoyal Academy, are partly composed of works by artists who are not members, and that the academicians themselves rarely contribute as largely to them, as by their own restricted privilege they are permitted to do has been cited (as we think unfairly), to indicate that the members derive the benefit of the exhibition of the works of artists not belonging to their society, and to whom they give no re- turn. In many cases there is no doubt that the know- ledge that they will find many works of real excellence, by men of established position and talent as artists, leads persons to visit the exhibition who would not else be found within its walls ; while in others it is equally true that the multitude and variety of works may attract many more than would be found if the exhibition consisted exclusively of the works of the Eoyal Academicians. But is an injustice really done to our aspiring artists by this arrangement ? That they do not think so, we know by the fact that there are as many works excluded as ex- hibited, in consequence of the limited space at the disposal of the Academy, and by the eagerness with which they strive to attain an entrance for their productions. In some of the modern exhibitions, which have been com- menced upon the principle of admitting all works upon payment by the exhibitor for the extent of wall-space occupied, the artist finds that the attendance of real lovers or patrons of art is comparatively nothing, and the money he expends is fruitlessly employed ; whereas, with- out charge, and in a place where Eoyalty, nobility, and fashion congregate, and where English art in its annual development is studied by the art-patron, connoisseur and critic, he has a chance of attaining fame and gaining patronage which would never reach him in any other way. So far, therefore, from the plan being disad- vantageous to young or unknown artists, it affords them the surest means of attracting attention to their works ; and that the Academy places its exhibition-room at their CH. III.] EXHIBITORS AT THE ACADEMY 67 disposal, as far as its space will allow, and sometimes to the exclusion of the works of its members 1 , ought to be regarded by them as a boon and a proof of its desire to advance the cause of art, without respect to the rights which its own constitution might authorize it to reserve to its own members. That the Eoyal Academy thus finds its income in- creased is undoubted ; but this does not give the exhibitors who are not members of the Academy, any ground of complaint that they do not share in the emoluments thus derived. It is true that, under certain conditions, there are pensions obtainable by members of the Royal Aca- demy and by their survivors ; but it is not often that they come within those conditions, and a very much larger sum has been expended upon those unconnected with the Academy than upon its members. But the distribu- tion of aid to artists or their families in need of it, is the pleasant labour of the Academy, not always limited to the pensions claimed by its members, nor to the gifts dis- pensed to exhibitors or their families ; and so quietly and delicately is this aid rendered, that not even the members of the Academy are aware of the names of those who are thus benefited, but only the council for the time being, by whom these gifts of kindness are dispensed. Artists who are neither academicians nor associates, and the families of many men of genius little known, and cut short in their career before they could attain the means of leaving a provision for those nearest and dearest to them, are thus befriended, silently and without an attempt at display of charity, by the substantial means of brotherly sympathy which the funds of the Eoyal Academy enable 1 " I must do the members of the avoidable, to see works by contri- Royal Academy the justice to say, butors occupying those prominent that some of their own works have places, which by a fair and acknow- been this year withdrawn to make ledged privilege, are usually assigned room for others ; and it is satisfactory, to members." SjM-n-h of r. Johnson, Burke, ' See Appendix, and Garrick were his friends, and 138 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. company which is then assembled, but especially grateful to one with the feelings and in the untoward circum- stances of the author of the " Vicar of Wakefield." The second exhibition, in 1770, shows an increase in the number of works exhibited, which then amounted to 234, and which filled all available space, as 11 were omitted though included in the catalogue ; and 8 of these were the productions of Academicians who had resigned their own privileges of displaying their works to make room for others. The catalogue followed the plan of arrangement of its predecessor, and included 8 portrait pictures by Sir Joshua Eeynolds, 11 by Francis Cotes, 3 by Eichard Cosway, 3 by Nathaniel Dance, and 5 by Gainsborough, besides a " book of drawings " and a land- scape by the latter ; views by George Barret, Paul Sandby, and Eichard Wilson ; figure subjects by Cipriani, Hayman, Angelica Kauffman, Edward Penny, Johann Zoffanij, F. Zuccarelli, and others ; architectural drawings by William Chambers, George Dance, and Thomas Sandby ; and the drawing by Cipriani, together with a print from it, by Bartolozzi, of the " Head-piece of the diploma given by his Majesty to the Academicians." The receipts amounted to 971 6s. ; and, after deducting expenses amounting to 192 Os. 7|;C?., making grants of relief to the extent of 173 5s., and paying for the maintenance of the schools and management, there was still a deficiency of 727 14s. 11^ d. to be defrayed from the privy purse of the Eoyal founder. On the occasion of the distribution of the prizes to the students on the 10th December, 1770, Sir Joshua Eey- nolds delivered his third discourse, taking for his subject the question of what is understood by the " grand style " in art, and showing that the perfect idea of beauty must be obtained by the artist in the study of the genuine habits of Nature as distinguished from all influences of custom or fashion. The first impressions from the dies for the medals designed by Cipriani, and executed by Mr. CH. V.] REMOVAL TO OLD SOMERSET HOUSE 139 Pingo, were distributed on this occasion. It would seem that for some years the prizes awarded by the Society of Arts seemed to have been preferred to these honours bestowed by the Eoyal Academy, probably from no other reason than that the money which the former bestowed was more acceptable to needy young aspirants than the medals of the latter. Early in the year 1771 the King gave an additional proof of his interest in the Academy by directing the Lord Cham- Portion of Old Somerset House, occupied l>y the Royal Academy berlain to appropriate to its use apartments in his palace at Somerset House, the old building which became the hereditary property of the Crown on the attainder of the Duke of Somerset in 1552, and which was subsequently given up by King George III. to the Government, in order that it might become the site of Government offices, re- serving to himself, however, the right of appropriating a part of the new building, when completed, to the Royal Academy and other learned societies. Until 1780, when ROYAL ACADLMi", Somcrfet Hcufe, Tap. 9, 1771 NOT:Cr; is hereby givsn to the MEM- BERS affd S > UUENTp. tha' tlisACADEMV i$ removc-1 to SOMERSET ;>U*E ->nci -.< ill open oil N'.v)NDAV r.sxt the i4th 1 ift. nt jr'ivs o'Cl. c irt the Afternoon. F. M. NEW TOM, Sec. with. his Royal Highnefs the Duke erf" Cumber- land has ordered a Prcf^nt of One Hundred Guineas to be made to the Royal Academy, re- moved from Pall-mall to Somerfct-houfe. 'he D. of C. has given 100 Guin' lock in the Evening t,f Fri- day the i ith ; after whic i Ti:ne nj Perfcimance will ; received. F. M. N'.WTON, Sec. R.A. Nfte, Mv Copies whatever, nor any Imitations of Pai-.ting in Necdie-w.rk, artificial Flowers, Si oil- work, or any i>'.ii4; KM d will be adm/.tcd, ner any P't&i' ^s, ic. v.-i:hout Fr.imcs. Weddcrburne was on Monday \i Juapp ,irfled Attorney General, ^j^ . /4,'f'ft' Ll * M nday^the Acadeniician^fnet for the hra Tim: fince the Removal of the Royal A- Cideniy to S...merfct Houfc : The PnrfiJent on 140 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. the new building was finished, the only rooms occupied by the Academy in the old palace were those for its meetings, libraries, schools, and lectures, which were for- merly in the possession of Sir James Wright, the exhi- bition being still held in its rooms in Pall Mall. The Eoyal Academy met in their new apartments for the first time on the 14th January, 1771 ; his Eoyal Highness the Duke of Cumberland and several of the nobility were pre- sent on the occasion. 1 It was in this year also that the first of those interesting annual gatherings the dinner preceding the opening of the exhibition was held 2 , which have ever since been so attractive to all those who are privileged to be present either as members of the Academy or as guests, and which even the public without look forward to with interest, since of late years reports of the proceedings have been published in the newspapers. One who has been favoured with an invitation to meet that select and talented com- pany has described both the first dinner, and his own im- pressions of the effect of a similar gathering in later times, so graphically, that we give his account of it, rather than any dry detail of facts which might be gathered from other sources : "On St. Greorge's Day, April 23, 1771, Sir Joshua Eeynolds took the chair at the first annual dinner of the Eoyal Academy, when the entertainers, himself and his fellow- Academicians, sat surrounded by such evidences of claims to admiration as their own pencils had adorned the walls with, and their guests were the most distinguished men of the day the highest in rank and 1 In a letter from John Deare to his father, dated March 24, 1777, quoted in Smith's "Npllekens and his Times," vol. ii. p. 307, he says : "In my last I promised you a de- scription of the Royal Academy. It is in Somerset House, Strand, for- merly a palace. There is one large room for the Plaster Academy ; one for the Life ; a large room in which lectures are given every Mondav night hy Dr. Hunter on Anatomy, Wale on Perspective, Penny on Painting, and Thomas Sandby on Architecture." 2 It was resolved that twenty-five gentlemen should be invited on St. George's Day, and it appears that the dinner was charged at 5s. a head and Is. 6d. the dessert. with.' 1 is Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cnmber- hnd has ordered a Prcfrnt of One Hundred Guineas to be made to die Royal Academy, re- moved From Pall-mall to Somerfct-ho'ufe. 'he D. of C. has given 100 Guin(e& T* al Academy. This is laudable' < lie F: rcre f.-n the Hint, and give 100 G?' ce ' n/in^ Poor ? v '*** - S?}, , .1- Weddtrburne was on Monday ^ii^htapp ,irtlect Attorney General. . L;iit M nday^the Acadeniicianixfnet for *the fir.t Tim: fince the Removal of the Royal A- cidemy to Scmerfet Houfe : The Proficient on FIRST ANNUAL DINNER 141 '"5 ?' 5" p" s the highest in genius, the poet as well as the prince, the minister of State and the man of trade. Goldsmith attended this and every dinner until his death, and so became personally known to several men belonging to both parties in the State, who doubtless at any other time, or in any other place, would hardly have remembered or acknowledged his name. Nor, it may be added, has the attraction of these social meetings suffered di- minution since. All who have had the privilege of invitation to them can testify to the interest they still excite ; to the fact that princes and painters, men of letters and ministers of State, tradesmen and noblemen, still assemble at that hospitable table with objects of a common admiration and sympathy around them ; to the happy occasion that their friendly greetings afford for the suspension of all excitements of rivalry, not between artists or Academicians alone, but between the most eager com- batants of public life, ministerial and ex-ministerial ; and to the striking effect with which, as the twilight of the summer even- ing gathers round while the dinner is in progress, the sudden lighting of the room at its close, as the President proposes the health and pronounces the name of the Sovereign, appears to give new and startling life to the forms and colours on the pictured walls. " Undoubtedly this annual dinner, then, must be pronounced one of the happiest of those devices of the President by which he steered the new and unchartered Academy through the quick- sands and shoals that had wrecked the chartered institution out of which it rose. Academies cannot create genius : academies had nothing to do with the begetting of Hogarth, or Reynolds, or Wilson, or Gainsborough, the greatest names of our English school ; but they may assist in the wise development of such original powers, they may guide and regulate their prudent and successful application; and, aboveall,they may and do strengthen the painter's claims to consideration and esteem, and give to that sense of dignity which should invest every liberal art, and which too often passes for an airy nothing amid the bustle and crowd of more vulgar pretences, * a local habitation and a name.' This was the main wise drift of Reynolds and his fellow-labourers ; it was the charter that held them together in spite of all their later dissensions ; and to this day it outweighs the gravest fault or disadvantage which has yet been charged against the Royal Academy. 142 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. " A fragment of the conversation at this first Academy dinner has survived ; and takes us from it to the darkest contrast, to the most deplorable picture of human hopelessness and misery which even these pages have described. Goldsmith spoke of an extraordinary boy who had come up to London from Bristol, died very suddenly and miserably, and left a wonderful treasure of ancient poetry behind him. Horace Walpole listened care- lessly at first, it would seem, but very soon perceived that the subject of conversation had a special interest for himself. Some years afterwards he repeated what passed, with an affectation of equanimity which even then he did not feel. f Dining at the Royal Academy,' he said, ' Dr. Goldsmith drew the attention of the company with an account of a marvellous treasure of ancient poems lately discovered at Bristol, and expressed enthusiastic belief in them, for which he was laughed at by Dr. Johnson, who was present. I soon found this was the trouvaille of my friend Chatterton, and I told Dr. Goldsmith that this novelty was known to me, who might, if I had pleased, have had the honour of ushering the great discovery to the learned world. You may imagine, Sir, we did not at all agree in the measure of our faith ; but though his credulity diverted me, my mirth was soon dashed, for on asking about Chatterton, he told me he had been in London, and had destroyed himself.' " ' The exhibition, which was thus inaugurated by a fes- tive gathering, showed a still advancing progress over the two preceding ones ; 256 works were exhibited, and 16 omitted from want of space the difficulty which has ever since been on the increase, notwithstanding the larger extent of accommodation subsequently obtained. In these early exhibitions it was not the practice to name the per- sons whose portraits were hung on the walls beyond that of " a lady," " a nobleman," " a gentleman," &c. ; and, to satisfy the curiosity of visitors, a key to the catalogue was published by Baretti (the secretary for foreign cor- respondence), giving the information as to the identity of the several portraits. Sir Joshua Eeynolds this year ex- hibited several fancy subjects as 'Venus chiding Cupid 1 The " Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith/' by John Forster : 3rd edition, pp. .3724. CH. V.] EXHIBITION OF 1771 143 for learning to cast accompts,' ' A Nymph and Bacchus,' ' A Girl Reading,' ' An Old Man,' besides portraits ; Mason Chamberlin, Cosway, N. Dance, Gainsborough, and N. Hone, followed in their own branch of art. West exhibited nine historical pictures, and among them the famous one of ' The Death of General Wolfe,' in which he had ventured very wisely to depart from the custom of his predecessors by representing the personages of the story in the modern costume of their day, and not in the ancient classic garb. Angelica Kauffman contributed six works on classical and poetical subjects; and Wilson, Sandby, Serres, and Barret were among the chief land- scape painters. The new associates also contributed a large share of attraction, and the engravers exhibited proofs of their skill. The receipts amounted to 1124 5s. ; the expenses to 217 9s. 3|^. Donations and grants to the extent of 188 4s. were made at the close of the exhi- bition, and at the end of the year the deficiency in the funds for the third time was paid out of the privy purse the Eoyal aid this year amounting to 669 13s. Id. It was in this year, 1771, that the " Travelling Student- ship " was established, the appointments being made from among the gold medal students, and the object being to afford those who gave promise of superior ability the means of studying their art abroad for three years a great boon to aspiring artists. The first selection proved an unfortunate one ; Mauritius Lowe, who was appointed to receive the salary of 60 for three years, having by mis- conduct forfeited the allowance the following year. On his recall, the second on the list of successful competitors for the gold medal John Bacon, afterwards the eminent sculptor was sent to Italy in his stead. The President chose the subject of " Invention in Painting " in delivering his discourse to the students when distributing the prizes on the 10th of December of this year. The schools still continued to receive a large number of students, although not so many as on their first opening, 150 having been 144 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. admitted since their commencement. Of these, twenty- two eventually attained the rank of Associate or Acade- mician, and many won for their names an enduring remembrance as masters of their art. In 1772 the fourth exhibition was held, presenting no new features, but increasing the number of works displayed to 310, besides 14 additional paintings omitted for want of room. Six of Eeynolds's ever attractive portraits, several of Gainsborough's graceful delineations of ladies and 10 drawings of landscapes, besides 10 large historical compositions by West and Angelica Kauffman, would alone in our own day render an exhi- bition attractive. Barry, then beginning to obtain cele- brity, exhibited his ' Venus Kising from the Sea ' and other similar works ; some of Cosway's miniatures, of Flaxman's models, and of Nollekens' busts, were there ; VHC. US,./ . . ' . ' t.ii and an attractive portrait picture was exhibited by the . * rr- *: *u -D . i new member, Jonann Zonanij, representing the Koyal Academicians in the hah 1 of the Academy during one of the evenings devoted to drawing from the living model. The picture has been admirably engraved by Earlom in mezzotinto, and is an interesting memorial of the earlier days of the Academy. There was a decline in the amount of the receipts, the sum being only 976 5s. The ex- penses of the exhibition were 221 3s. lO^d. ; aid to artists and their families was granted to the extent of 208 9s. ; and, after the charges for the schools, &c., were defrayed, a deficiency of 623 10s. l^d. remained, to be again made up from the privy purse of the King. The fifth of Eeynolds's discourses was delivered this year on the occasion of distributing the prizes on the 10th of December, when he continued the subject of the preced- ing one, illustrating his teaching by an analysis of the works of the great masters in the ancient schools of art. In the foil owing year (1773) the full complement of forty academicians was attained. Originally only thirty- four were nominated by the King; subsequently, in 1769, CH. V.] THE FIFTH EXHIBITION 145 his Majesty named two others, Johan Zoffanij and William Hoare ; but after that time all the academicians obtained their appointment by the election of the members. Thus Edward Burch and Eichard Cosway (two of the first students) were elected associates in 1770, and E.A. in 1771. Joseph Nollekens, the sculptor, was elected in the same year ; and James Barry, the painter, in 1773. Even at this early period death had visited the new community, and Francis Cotes and John Baker had passed away from among them. The fifth exhibition, in 1773, again showed an increase in the number of works sent for exhibition, 359 being hung, and 26 excluded, 9 of these being the productions of the academicians, and one of them a full-length portrait of a lady by Eeynolds. But in this collection the Presi- dent had twelve of his most celebrated works displayed ; among them, his portraits of their Eoyal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, the famous ' Straw- berry Girl,' 1 which was sold to Lord Carysfort for fifty guineas, and realised, a few years since, at the sale of Samuel Eogers' pictures, the sum of two thousand ! and another picture, of a very opposite character, the ' Count Ugolino and his Children,' from Dante's " Inferno." Here, too, were twelve of West's classical and Scripture pieces, five similar works by Kauffman, and a large number of portraits and landscapes by Cosway and Zoffanij, Sandby, De Loutherbourg, and D. Serres. The receipts of the exhibition were 1006 8s.; and its expenses, 263 7s. A sum of 200 1 Is. was distributed afterwards ; the charges for the schools, &c., absorbed the balance, and a further sum of 458 1 Is. 7(/., which the King again graciously supplied from the privy purse. It was in this year (1773), while the Eoyal Academy Reynolds often said that no lifetime, and when ho painted the man ever produced more than half- ' Strawberry Girl, ' he remarked, a-dozen original works in his whole " This is one of my originals." VOL. I. L 146 inSTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. V. was still in the infancy of its career, and had not yet overcome the opposition of rival societies of art, that its members gave a noble instance of their public spirit, and of their generous desire to advance the cause of art, at a great cost of time and labour to themselves, by offering to paint, at their own expense, a series of Scriptural histories, for the decoration of St. Paul's Cathedral. This proposal arose out of one made by some of the members that the chapel in Old Somerset Palace, which had been assigned to them, would afford a good opportunity of convincing the public of the advantages that would arise from ornamenting churches and cathedrals with works of art ; but the president considered that the Metropolitan Cathedral would be the best site for such an illustration of their purpose. The artists selected to carry out the design were Angelica Kauffman, Sir Joshua Eeynolds, Benjamin West, Cipriani, N. Dance, and James Barry. The latter says 1 that "Dance had chosen for his subject, the 'Eaising of Lazarus;' Eeynolds, the 'Virgin and Christ in the Manger ;' West, ' Christ Eaising the Widow's Son;' and mine, 'Christ Eejected by the Jews, before Pilate.'" As this offer was in accordance with the original design and intention of Sir C. Wren, the architect of the cathedral, it was expected that it would have been readily accepted by the ecclesiastical authorities, especially as the King gave his ready consent to the proposal. In this, however, the artists were doomed to suffer a sad dis- appointment. The causes which led to its rejection are stated in detail by Dr. Newton, then Dean of St. Paul's, and afterwards Bishop of Bristol, in the life, written by himself, prefixed to the 4to edition of his works, 1782. He says : " As he was known to be such a lover of their art, the Eoyal Academy of Painters, in 1773, made an application to him, by their worthy president, Sir Joshua Keynolds, representing that 1 Letter to the Duke of Richmond, 14th October, 1773. CH. V.] OFFER TO DECORATE ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL 147 the art of painting, notwithstanding the present encouragement given to it in England, would never grow up to maturity and perfection unless it could be introduced into churches, as in foreign countries, individuals being for the most part fonder of their own portraits and those of their families than of any historical pieces ; that, to make a beginning, the Koyal Acade- micians offered their services to the Dean and Chapter to decorate St. Paul's with Scripture histories . . . that these pictures should be seen, and examined, and approved by the Academy before they were offered to the Dean and Chapter, and the Dean and Chapter might then give directions for alterations and amendments, and receive or refuse them as they thought them worthy or unworthy of the places for which they were designed ; none should be put up but such as were entirely approved, and they should all be put up at the charge of the Academy, without any expense to the members of the church. St. Paul's had all along wanted some such ornament, for, rich and beautiful as it was without, it was too plain and unadorned within. Sir James Thornhill had painted the ' History of St. Paul ' in the cupola, the worst part of the church that could have been painted. . . . They had better have been placed below, where they would have been seen, for there are compartments which were originally designed for bas-reliefs, or such decorations ; but the parliament, as it is said, having taken part of the fabric-money, and applied it to King William's wars, Sir C. Wren complained that his wings were dipt, and the church was deprived of its ornaments. Here, then, a fair opportunity was offered for retrieving the loss, and supplying former defects. It was certainly a most generous and noble offer on the part of the Academicians, and the public ought to think themselves greatly obliged to them for it. The Dean and Chapter were all equally pleased with it; and the Dean, in the fulness of his heart, went to communicate it to the great patron of arts, and readily obtained his Royal consent and approbation ; but the trustees of the fabric, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, were also to be consulted, and they disapproved the measure. Bishop Terrick, both as trustee of the fabric and as bishop of the diocese, strenuously opposed it. Whether he took it amiss that the proposal was not made to him, and by him the intelligence conveyed to his Majesty, or whether he was really afraid, as he said, that it would occasion a great noise and clamour against it, as an artful x. 2 148 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. V. intrusion of Popery, whatever were his reasons, it must be acknowledged that some other serious persons disapproved the setting up of pictures in churches." An intimation was given to Sir Joshua Eeynolds that the project must therefore be abandoned, a decision which was alike disappointing to the artists who had thus volunteered to devote their services gratuitously for the decoration of the noble structure, and to the public, who, far from thinking that Popery would be strengthened, felt that the representation of Scriptural scenes might be sub- ordinated to the teaching of the simple truths of the Protestant faith. The new building belonging to the Society of Arts, Manufactures, &c., in the Adelphi, was occupied by the society in the year (1774) following that in which the above proposition had been made ; and probably wishing to take advantage of the public spirit of the artists, the society sent an invitation to the members of the Royal Academy to paint a series of pictures for the decoration of their great hall of meeting, offering, by way of re- muneration, that the pictures, when finished, should be exhibited for the benefit of those who might have executed them. Eesolutions were passed, proposing to have eight historical and two allegorical pictures, the former illustrating English history, the latter to be " emblematical designs relative to the institution and views of the society," and naming Eeynolds, West, Cipriani, Dance, Mortimer, Barry, Wright, Eomney, Penny, and Angelica Kauffman as proper persons to execute them. But the rejection of their former proposal by the Bishop of London caused the members of the Eoyal Academy to decline any more similar undertakings, and the plan of the Society of Arts remained in abeyance till 1777, when James Barry offered to paint a series of pictures on ' Human Culture ' for the society, which occupied him nearly seven years, in return for which the society granted him the proceeds of two exhibitions, CH. V.] THE EXHIBITIONS OF 17745 149 which yielded 503, voted him 250 guineas, their gold medal, and a seat of membership. His desire for fame was thus gratified, and he was satisfied with the remunera- tion he received ; yet his labour was so far unprofitable to him that it necessarily involved years of poverty and seclusion. The sixth exhibition, in 1774, did not present any new features, or make any advance on its predecessors. The number of works exhibited was nearly the same, 354 ; the number omitted (always at that time numbered and described in the catalogue) only 8. Historical and fan- ciful pictures were numerous. There were 3 by Barry, 7 by A. Kauffinan, 3 by B. West, including 'Moses re- ceiving the Tables,' a design for a picture intended to have been painted for St. Paul's Cathedral, and a design for the altar-piece of St. Stephen's, Walbrook. Sir J. Eeynolds exhibited twelve pictures, chiefly portraits. In landscape the principal exhibitors were Barret, De Loutherbourg, Booker, Sandby, Serres and Wilson. Bartolozzi, Cipriani and Fuseli contributed drawings ; and Bacon, Nollekens, and Wilton were the chief sculptors. The receipts in- creased to 1158. The expenses amounted to 286 13s. 2^d. ; 216 6s. was distributed as gifts at the close of the exhibition ; and on the accounts of the year the sum of 368 17,9. lid. was furnished by the King to meet the expenditure for the schools, &c. In the following year, 1775, 390 works were exhibited, and 10 excluded, among the latter 4 by Angelica Kauffinan, and a basso-relievo by Banks. The Presi- dent showed by 1 2 portrait pictures that he was still the favourite in that branch of art. West contributed 7 pictures, chiefly of Scripture subjects : A Kauffinan and Barry followed with classical designs : De Loutherbourg, Booker, Sandby, Serres and Wilson sent many landscapes ; and among the prominent works in sculpture were the graceful models by John Bacon, Flaxman and Nollekens. The exhibition receipts amounted to 1001 8*. ; its 150 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. expenses to 310 17 s. Sd. ; and after a sum of 84 had been distributed in aid to artists and their families, there was still the necessity to appeal to the liberality of the Royal Patron of the Academy to supply 408 Qs. 8|d., to defray its expenses, out of the privy purse. Hitherto the Academicians had derived no benefit from the annual distribution of the money which had been placed at their disposal ; but in 1775 one of the members, J. Meyer, considering that it often happens from a va- riety of causes that even men of great talents are ex- posed in old age to penury and want, proposed that instead of the Academy expending annually 200 (as prescribed by one of the laws of the institution) in chari- table gifts to persons who were often strangers to art, or had but small connexion with it, an annual investment in Government securities should be made of half that amount, to accumulate into a fund, " to be paid in sums not ex- ceeding 25 per annum to such Academicians (or their widows) or associates, if thought proper, as shall appear to have no income of their own exceeding 50 per annum." This judicious arrangement was gladly acceded to by the Council, and approved by the King : and thus was founded the " Pension Fund " which has since been so great a boon to many a talented artist in his declining years, and so great a benefit to otherwise impoverished families. Among the first members of the Academy who derived advantage from this measure was Samuel Wale, who was placed on the fund in 1778 ; and after that date the widows of members appear on the list of claimants. Although the Academy had thus steadily progressed in establishing its reputation, by the high character of the works exhibited by its members, and by the instruction afforded by them to students in art, it must not be forgotten that during all these years it was contending with opposition from the two rival societies out of which it arose. In 1771 an octavo pamphlet was published, entitled "The Conduct of the Royal Academicians while CH. V.] SIR K. STRANGE'S PAMPHLET 151 members of the Incorporated Society of Artists of Great Britain, viz. from 1760 to their Expulsion in 1769, with part of their Transactions since " in which the conduct of the seceders from the Society was, of course, un- sparingly condemned. And in 1775, the same kind of attack was renewed by an old antagonist, Sir Eobert Strange, the eminent engraver, who in that year published "An Inquiry into the Eise and Establishment of the Eoyal Academy of Arts : to which is prefixed a Letter to the Earl of Bute," to the statements in which we have already had occasion to refer. With him the question at issue was a personal one, his own exclusion from member- ship with the Academy on the plea that he was an en- graver. It was then considered that as the engraver was but the transcriber of the work of the artist, he could not take equal rank with the latter, from whose work he was but a copyist ; and although the course taken imme- diately after the formation of the Academy, in the elec- tion of associate engravers, was designed to recognise the merits of those who contributed so much to spread a taste for art by means of their skilful and truthful engravings, and who displayed so much of the artist's feeling and ability in the rendering of his work yet it failed to satisfy the ambition of such men as Sir Eobert Strange, who had already attained an eminent place among English engravers. A still further concession of the original principle of the Eoyal Academy in this re- spect has been made within the last few years ; and it is to be hoped that the ill-feeling so long excited between two classes, whose mutual co-operation is so essential to the advantage of each, will now finally pass away. The exhibition of 1776 contained 364 works, and ex- cluded 15. Its chief attractions were still created by the number of Eeynolds's brilliant portrait pictures, the his- torical and fanciful creations of Angelica Kaufiman, Ben- jamin West, Samuel Wale and Barry, the miniatures of Cosway, the portraits of Beechey and others, and the 152 HISTORY OF TILE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V landscapes of Barret, De Loutherbourg, Paul Sandby, Serres and Wilson. Many of the new associates were dis- playing proofs of their genius ; and with the addition of a variety of contributions from without, we can easily con- ceive that these early exhibitions afforded as many objects of interest to the real lover of art as we could find in the present day. This at all events proved more attractive than any of its predecessors, and produced 1248 16s. The expenses were 316 13s. 10|e?., and (acting upon the resolution of the preceding year to invest one-half of the sum usually applied to the relief of artists) only 94 10s. was distributed. The expenses of the Aca- demy being defrayed, 177 Is. b^d. had to be made up by the Royal bounty the sum thus generously pro- vided from the King's privy purse being gradually re- duced, as the Academy continued to gain public support and estimation. In the following year, 1777, no less than 423 works were sent to the exhibition, which still retained the charac- teristic appearance which would be given by so many works by artists whose well-known styles would lead at once to their identity. First in the number, as well as in the excellence of his works, was Reynolds, who this year contributed 13 paintings. Other portraits were by Beechey, Cosway, and John Singleton Copley, besides some by Gainsborough, who also sent a few of his charm- ing landscapes. Other scenes were depicted by Barret, De Loutherbourg, Wilson, Sandby, and Serres. Angelica Kauffman and West displayed several fanciful pieces, and the latter exhibited two pictures containing portraits of the Queen and the Royal family. Bacon, Flaxman, and Nollekens still held the first place in sculpture. The Academy's receipts were this year 11 93 Is., its expenses 323 12s. 2d. The grants amounted to 121, and the sum of 211 Is. Q^d. was contributed from the privy purse to meet the deficiency on its liabilities for the main- tenance of the schools, &c. In this year John Soane, the CH. V.] EXHIBITIONS OF 17789 153 architect, was sent to Eome as a travelling student from the Koyal Academy. In the catalogue of the Exhibition of 1778, 427 works are included, but only 404 were exhibited ; and 3 of Gainsborough's portraits were of the number omitted. Eight others by him, besides 2 landscapes, were exhi- bited. Keynolds had only 4 pictures, West only 3 ; but Beechey, Copley, Cosway, A. Kauffman, and Bar- tolozzi contributed a number of their performances in the same branch of art ; while Barret, Daniell, De Louther- bourg, Eooker, Serres, Wheatley, and Wilson furnished an array of landscapes ; and Bacon, Flaxman, and Nollekens well represented the sculptors. The receipts were larger than on any former occasion, the exhibition having pro- duced 1475 Us. Its expenses absorbed 363 16s. 5e?., grants of aid another 100, and after the charges of the Academy had been defrayed, and its annual investment made to the pension fund, the deficit, 236 11s. 4c?., was supplied by the privy purse. In 1779 the last exhibition of the Eoyal Academy in Pall Mall took place. Four hundred and eleven works were sent for exhibition, but of these 16 were omitted. Among those displayed were the works de- signed by Keynolds for New College Chapel, Oxford the ' Nativity,' and 'Faith, Hope, and Charity' besides some portraits by him, Gainsborough, West, Cosway, Beechey, and Hone ; several historical and poetical com- positions by West, Cipriani, and Angelica Kauffman ; landscapes by Wilson, Gainsborough, Barret, De Louther- bourg, Sandby, and Serres, and a large collection of genre subjects by artists of less note. The receipts yielded 1380 16s., its expenses were 359 11s. 9^e8 are to f^tuacA, suggests the ways by which painters One floating scene nothing made out . J . J For which he ought to be abused, may win popularity, and thus la- ments in Ode XIIL the death of "Glvcmc the pencil whose amazing- style, -vr TT_-,,. TJ t . Make* a bird's beak appear at twenty mile ; " JlOne, IV. .A. . ' In the third series, dated 1786, ^ 1780 he pub i i8hed The Fare . the first Ode condemns the works ex- well Od in which he humorou8 | y hibited in that year by West, Gams- de8cribe8 ti, e : oy of the artista on borough, and Itigaud. The second h ; 8 re8 j gniuo . the laureateship of the refers to Barry s attacks on the Pro- Acade my ; describes the annual din- ner; again attacks the productions " ( %Ki^&^SRR& of W"'! * befc " blddin * the Darin* mom cir.-ii.irui war to wage. academicians fiurewelL oomplimenti those whom he has not attacked in And the third, fourth, and seventh his rhymes : satirise Sir W. Chambers, the archi- .. Vp Roy ^ Hlnii Mnn i t tect of Somerset House. In Several Ix>t m.- lnr,,rm > -<,me dewrvp my nralc; . . ,, ,-, 1.1... But triint mo. Kfiiilc S.|iiliv, ycmvlmt few, Others ho reviews the Exhibition, and Wkon naino would not disgrace my lay*/ M 2 164 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. V. and I hope that, by your interposition, this luckless picture may yet be admitted. " I am, &c. "SAM. JOHNSON." 12th April, 1783." " To James Barry, Esq. " SIR, Mr. Lowe's exclusion from the exhibition gives him more trouble than you and other gentlemen of the Council could imagine or intend. He considers disgrace and ruin as the inevitable consequence of your determination. He says that some pictures have been received after rejection ; and if there be any such precedent, I earnestly entreat that you will use your interest in his favour. " Of this work I can say nothing. I pretend not to judge of painting ; and this picture I never saw : but I consider it ex- tremely hard to shut out any man from the possibility of success. And therefore I repeat my request, that you will pro- pose the reconsideration of Mr. Lowe's case : and if there be any among the Council with whom my name can have any weight, be pleased to communicate to them the desire of, Sir, " Your most humble servant, "SAM. JOHNSON." 12th April, 1783." , Such intercession, Boswell tells us, was too powerful to fybe resisted, and Mr. Lowe's performance was admitted ' at Somerset House ; but it could only be exhibited in an empty room, where the unfavourable judgment of the public confirmed, unfortunately for the artist, the wisdom of the original decision of the Council for its rejection. An internal trouble, greatly to be regretted, occurred in the following year, on a point in which the sensitive- ness of the artist, then as now, is keenly awakened. Gainsborough sent a portrait to the exhibition of 1784, with a request that it should be hung " on the line," low down, nearly to the floor. The members who were regu- lating the hanging of the pictures were either unable, consistently with the bye-laws, or unwilling for reasons CH.V.] ALDERMAN BOYDELL 165 which we cannot now learn, to comply with his request, and informed him of their decision. He was greatly offended, and never sent another picture to the exhibition during the few remaining years of his life. The year 1789 was memorable in the annals of art, as being that in which Boydell's Shakspeare Gallery in Pall Mall was opened to the public. A few years previously the enterprising Alderman had given commissions to the best English artists of the time to paint a series of pic- tures in illustration of the works of our great Bard ; and the 170 works thus produced were gathered together in Pall Mall for exhibition in a gallery built expressly for the purpose. Sir Joshua Eeynolds, at the suggestion of Edmund Burke, proposed the health of Alderman Boydell at the Eoyal Academy dinner of 1789, as "the Com- mercial Ma3cenas of England," and the Prince of Wales and the whole company joined heartily in the toast. The collection of pictures thus formed was afterwards (in 1805) disposed of by lottery, when this great patron of British art found that his means had been impoverished by the long career of earnest enterprise by which he had freed the artists of England from foreign rivalry on their own soil, and spent 350,000 in his efforts. The plates he published, as well as his own engravings, testify to the large amount of employment which he provided for the artists and engravers of his day. It had been the practice of the artists to meet annually to dine together to celebrate the birthday of the Royal Founder of the Academy, on the 4th of June. In 1789, it was celebrated with additional thankfulness and loyalty, for it was in March of that year that the Te Deum had been sung at St. Paul's, after the King's recovery from the attack with which he was visited in the preceding year. The dinner was held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand. The company numbered about four hundred guests, who were disposed round four tables one for the Royal Aca- demicians, the others for the rest of the guests. A similar 166 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. gathering of artists was made on the Queen's birthday, and at that time the expense of both, amounting to 112, was paid for by the Academy ; but after 1809, those who attended them were required to pay for their tickets. Another controversy, still more painful, and more for- midable to the Academy in its threatened results than the one previously referred to, arose out of the division of opinion as to the election of Bonomi, the Italian architect, for whom the President, at the persuasion of the Earl of Aylesford, sought to obtain the appointment of Professor of Perspective, which had remained vacant 1 after the death of Samuel Wale, in 1786. But before he could be eligible for the office it was necessary that he should be elected a Eoyal Academician. In 1789, a vacancy among the associates occurred, and Bonomi offered himself as a candidate for it. The number of votes was equal for him and Gilpin, an artist of some reputation but Eeynolds gave his casting vote for Bonomi, who was ac- cordingly elected. In the following year a vacancy among the academicians occurred, when Fuseli, an asso- ciate two years before, and already eminent in his profes- sion, entered his name as a candidate, and personally solicited the President's vote in his favour. He was courteously told that on another vacancy he should have his support, but that on that occasion he thought it " not only expedient, but highly necessary for the good of the Academy that Mr. Bonomi should be elected." Doubtless, the President felt what he said, and convinced his own mind of his reasons for thus determining ; but his opinion was not shared by a majority of his brethren in the Academy ; and when, on the evening of election, some drawings by Bonomi were exhibited for their inspection, by which a rule was transgressed, and no similar oppor- 1 Speaking of the chairs of the should be ever left unfilled. A ne- professors, in his last discourse, Rey- gleet to provide for qualified persons, nolds observed : " I look upon it to is to produce a neglect of qualifica- be of importance that none of them tions. CH. V.] RESIGNATION OF SIR J. REYNOLDS 167 tunity was given to Fuseli the impression gained ground that the President was unduly exerting himself in favour of one whose merits were not equal to his competitor ; and this feeling was unmistakeably manifested by the election of Fuseli by a majority of two to one over Bonomi, for whom nine votes were given, and twenty-one for Fuseli. When the result was known, the President quitted the chair, and it was evident, that for once in his lifetime he was deeply offended, and lost that calm self-possession for which he was celebrated. Thirteen days afterwards he wrote a letter (dated Leicester Fields, 22nd Feb. 1790) to the Secretary of the Eoyal Academy, in these words : " Sir, I beg you will inform the Council, which I under- stand meet this evening, with my fixed resolution of resigning the presidency of the Koyal Academy, and consequently my seat as an Academician. As I can no longer be of any service to the Academy as President, it would be still less in my power in a subordinate situation. I therefore now take my final leave of the Academy, with my sincere good wishes for its prosperity, and with all due respect for its members :" adding, " Sir W. Chambers has two letters of mine, either or both of which he has a full liberty to communicate to the Council," if they wished any further explanation of his motives for the course he had taken. That such a trifling circumstance should have es- tranged one so eminent in his art, and so revered by his brethren, would indeed have been a disaster to the rising Academy, and it is greatly to the credit of the Council that they immediately took measures for bringing about a re- conciliation between them and the President. Before the above letter reached the Council, Reynolds had made known his intention of severing his connexion with the Academy to Sir William Chambers, who informed the King of what had occurred, and received directions to express his Majesty's regret at the decision, and the plea- sure it would afford him if Sir Joshua would resume the 168 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. presidential chair. Even the Eoyal favour did not dispose him to alter his decision but when at length a deputa- tion, consisting of his oldest Mends in the Academy, viz. : Benjamin West, Thomas Sandby, Copley, Bacon, Catton, Cosway, Farington, and the Secretary, waited upon him at his house, to beg that he would reconsider his determina- tion, their persuasive and kindly friendship prevailed, and the same evening he resumed his place among them. 1 It was well that the misunderstanding was thus satis- factorily terminated, for the President's career was well- nigh at its close ; and it was on the 10th of December of the same year, 1790, that he delivered his last discourse to the students from the presidential chair. 2 Since the address on their first assembly at Somerset House, he had spoken to them, in 1782, of the genius of the artist : again in 1784, concerning the method of regulating their studies : two years afterwards, as to the place which imi- tation should occupy in regard to art : in 1788, his discourse was on the excellences and defects of Gains- borough, then recently deceased, " one of the greatest ornaments of our Academy" - and, in his last discourse, he thus generously referred to the recent controversy : " Among men united in the same body, and engaged in the same pursuits, along with permanent friendship, occasional dif- ferences will arise. In these disputes men are naturally too favourable to themselves, and think, perhaps, too hardly of their 1 Peter Pindar reminded the aca- mence, a beam in the floor gave way demicians of this controversy in his with a loud crash. The room was odes " On the Rights of Kings : " crowded ; for, besides the members "YOU quarrelled with sir Joshua some time since, and students, there were a number Of painters easily allowed the prince n f viaitn-q n f rnT ilr and pminpiifp The emperor, let me say, without a flattery : Yet, wantonly, against this emperor, lo i present. The audience rushed to An overflowing tub of bile to show, zi j ii j e ii You foolish planted an Infernal battery tile d.00r, Or to the Sides 01 tne room, " Ah ! could you wish your President to change ? and great confusion and alarm pre- Ah! could you, Pagans, after false gods range? -\ A cr T l, 1, * swop solid Reynolds for that shadow west ? vailed. hir Joshua, however, sat in love affairs variety 's no sin- silent and unmoved in his chair, and Travellers may change at any time their inn in i i > i , Here, 'tis painM>lasphemy I do protest." as the tlOOr Only Sank a little, it WOS 2 A circumstance attended the soon supported, and the company delivery of this discourse which resumed their seats, and he corn- threatened a serious disaster. Just menced his discourse with perfect as the President was about to com- composure. CH. V.I REYNOLDS'S LAST DISCOURSE 169 antagonists. But composed and constituted as we are, these little contentions will be lost to others, and they ought certainly to be lost amongst ourselves, in mutual esteem for talents and acquirements. Every controversy ought to be, and I am per- suaded will be, sunk in our zeal for the perfection of our common art. In parting with the Academy, I shall remember with pride, affection and gratitude, the support with which I have almost uniformly been honoured from the commencement of our intercourse. I shall leave you, gentlemen, with un- affected cordial wishes for your future concord, and with a well- founded hope that in that concord the auspicious and not obscure origin of our Academy may be forgotten in the splendour of your succeeding prospects." Eeviewing the Academy as a school of art, tlie President thus spoke of his own labours, and the design of his discourses : " We may safely congratulate ourselves on our good fortune in having hitherto seen the chairs of our professors filled with men of distinguished abilities, and who have so well acquitted themselves of their duty in their several departments. ... In this honourable rank of professors I have not presumed to class myself: though in the discourses which I have had the honour of delivering from this place, while in one respect I may be considered as a volunteer, in another view it seems as if I was involuntarily pressed into this service. If prizes were to be given, it appeared not only proper, but almost indispensably necessary, that something should be said by the President on the delivery of those prizes; and the President, for his own credit, would wish to say something more than mere words of compliment, which, by being frequently repeated, would soon become flat and uninteresting, and, by being uttered to many, would at last become a distinction to none. I thought, there- fore, if I were to preface this compliment with some instructive observations on the Art, when we crowned merit in the artist whom we rewarded, I might do something to animate and guide them in their future attempts." A presentiment that the close of his career was at hand, led him to add, " My age, and my infirmities still more than my age, make it probable that this will be the 170 . HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. last time I shall have the honour of addressing you from this place ; " and, finally recommending the study of the works of his favourite master, he concluded by saying: "I reflect, not without vanity, that these discourses bear testimony of my admiration of that truly divine man ; and I should desire that the last words which I should pronounce in this Academy, and from this place, might be the name of MICHAEL ANGELO."' When he had concluded his discourse, Burke, who was among the crowd of illustrious persons assembled to hear him, stepped forward, as Eeynolds descended the reading- desk, and taking his hand, said : " The Angel ended ; and in Adam's ear So charming left his voice, that he a while Thought him still speaking, still stood fixt to hear." The President's last wish was, unhappily for the cause of art, literally fulfilled, for his voice was never again heard in the Academy, after pronouncing the name of his great predecessor in art. In the following year a malady long existing in his frame, manifested most painful symptoms, and he again solicited to be allowed to resign his position in the Academy, but was urged to retain it 1 When these discourses -were large picture. In both productions published, Dr. Johnson expressed one may trace a most elevated genius, his great satisfaction at their ap- I recommend you to give my thanks pearance, and since his time until to Sir Joshua, and to remit him the the present day, they have retained box I send as a testimony of the their popularity. They are con- great satisfaction the perusal of his stantly presented as prizes to stu- discourses has given me, and which dents in art at the Royal Academy I look upon as perhaps the best and elsewhere. When Reynolds work that ever was written on the sent a copy of them, with his pic- subject." The box was a gold one, ture of ' Hercules,' which he painted with a basso-relievo of her Imperial for the Empress Catherine of Russia, Majesty in the lid set with dia- she wrote to her ambassador in Lon- monds, enclosing a note written don, saying : " I have read, and I with her own hands, as follows : may say, with the greatest avidity, " Pour la Chevalier Reynolds, en those discourses pronounced at the temoignage du contentement que j 'ai Royal Academy of London by Sir ressenti a la lecture de ses excellens Joshua Reynolds, which that illus- discours sur la peinture." trious artist sent to me with his OH. \.] INFLUENCE OF REYNOLDS 171 for the -sake of his brother artists, a deputy being ap- pointed to perform his duties. This was only for a short time, however, for his death took place on the 23rd of February, 1792. All possible honour was paid to his memory. His body laid in state in the great room of the Academy at Somerset House, and was followed to its final resting-place in St. Paul's Cathedral, not only by all the members of the Academy, but by many noblemen and gentlemen who desired thus to testify their respect for his genius. Among them, a conspicuous figure was that of his most valued and beloved friend, Edmund Burke, on whose countenance was depicted the deep grief he felt on the occasion. Such a scene was calculated to make a striking impression on the students who formed part of the procession, and Sir M. A. Shee (who attended in that capacity) afterwards spoke of it as a stimulus to young artists, to see such a tribute paid to departed genius, and to witness the high social position by which its efforts had been rewarded in the case of the deceased President. That Sir Joshua Eeynolds did much, by his personal character and disposition, no less than by his ability as an artist and a teacher of its principles, to advance the dignity of the institution over which he presided, cannot be doubted ; and the English School owes, if not its foundation, at least its primary development to his eminent skill and the irresistible charm of everything that proceeded from his hand. It is true, indeed, that he never attained to eminence as a historical painter, or as an imitator of the grand style of the ancient masters ; but by following portraiture chiefly, he not only met the ex- isting demand for art, but applied it to those objects which would most surely tend to its future improvement and extension. Portraits were from the first the most abun- dant class of pictures in the exhibitions, and will always be so, because of the personal interest which the owners of such pictures possess in representations of that nature. Had Sir Joshua Eeynolds not opened the way to make 172 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. V. such subjects really works of art, they would have been still abundant, but the taste for what is really beautiful in art would not have been improved as it has been by the wide dissemination of well-painted portraits. Dr. Johnson truthfully expressed the value of such works when he said : "I should grieve to see Eeynolds transfer to heroes and goddesses to empty splendour and to airy fiction that art which is now employed in diffusing friendship, in renewing tenderness, in quickening the affections of the absent, and con- tinuing the presence of the dead. . . . This use of the art is a natural and reasonable consequence of affection ; and though, like all human actions, it is often complicated with pride, yet even such pride is more laudable than that by which palaces are covered with pictures that, however excellent, neither imply the owner's virtue nor excite it." Walpole went further, and said that " Portraiture is the only true historical painting. Its uses are manifest, it administers to the affections ; it preserves to the world the features of those who, for their services, have deserved the gratitude of mankind, and of those who have been in any way remarkable for their own actions, or through their position in society ; and in a simply historical point of view, it illustrates the costumes and habits of past ages." Death had serried the ranks of the Eoyal Academicians of more than half their original number at the period of its history at which we have now arrived. Besides the five already named as having died before the removal to new Somerset House, thirteen others of the original members had preceded the President to the grave. Eichard Wilson died in 1782 ; G. M. Moser, the Keeper, in 1783 ; Barret and Nathaniel Hone in the follow- ing year; Cipriani in 1785 ; John Gwynn the architect, and Samuel Wale, the Professor of Perspective and Librarian, in the next year ; Mason Chamberlin in 1787 ; Gainsborough the next year ; J. Meyer and Zuccarelli in 1789 ; Carlini, the Keeper, in 1790 ; and E. Penny, the CH. V.] NEW APPOINTMENTS 173 Professor of Painting, in 1791. To these must be added the names of the associates, P. C. Canot and Thomas Chambers, engravers, and William Pars and William Parry, the painters, who died within the same period. Between the year 1780 and that in which Eeynolds died, sixteen new Eoyal Academicians were elected, of whom an account will be given in the next chapter ; and we shall notice in the following one the associate- engravers elected during his presidentship, and also such of the new associates as were not subsequently elected Eoyal Academicians. Several changes had also taken place among the officers of the Academy. F. M. Newton resigned the office of Secretary in 1788, and was succeeded by John Eichards. The office of Librarian had been successively filled by Hayman, Wilson, Wale, and Wilton ; and that of Keeper by Moser, Carlini, and Wilton. Among the Professors, E. Penny had been succeeded by James Barry as Professor of Painting ; Samuel Wale by Edward Edwards, as Professor of Perspective ; and Dr. William Hunter, the Professor of Anatomy, had been succeeded by John Sheldon in 1783. Among the Honorary Members, the Eev. Wm. Peters, formerly an Academician, had been Honorary Chaplain from 1784 to 1788, and was suc- ceeded by the Bishop of Killaloe. Oliver Goldsmith, the first Professor of Ancient History, had been replaced suc- cessively by the Eev. Dr. Francklin and Edward Gibbon. On Dr. Johnson's death in 1787 1 , his friend Bennet 1 A proposal was made that the to the memory of great artists re- Koyal Academy should contribute cently deceased, especially as the 100 towards the monument erected funds were ordered, by the Royal man- to the memory of Dr. Johnson in date, to be only applied to the pur- St. Paul's ; but in November, 1701, poses specified in the Instrument of Sir W. Chambers (the treasurer), Institution. The proposal was carried, and other members of the Academy, but the money was not paid, for objected to the grant of any of its when the intended subscription was limited funds to the purpose of a submitted to the king for approval, memorial of such general importance, it was not continued by his Majesty, while no mark of honour was puid 174 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. V. Langton filled the office of Professor of Ancient Lite- rature ; and James Boswell had succeeded Baretti as Secretary for Foreign Correspondence ; while Eichard Dalton filled the office of Antiquary from 1770 to 1784, after which it remained vacant for several years. One travelling student, Charles Grignion, the painter, was sent abroad in 1781 ; in 1785, John Deare, and Charles Eossi, the sculptors, were selected for the same privilege ; and in 1790, an architect, George Hadfield, was chosen from the gold medal students. In the last- named year the Eoyal Academy increased the allowance of 60 a year granted for three years to travelling students to 100 a year. In the exhibitions of the Eoyal Academy after the removal to Somerset House, a large and continued increase in the number of contributions took place. These, which were 489 in 1780, rose gradually till they numbered 780 in 1792, the year in which Eeynolds died. The year of its removal to Somerset House, was the beginning of the financial independence of the Academy, its receipts being more than sufficient to meet its expenses, irrespec- tive of the Eoyal aid, which was discontinued in con- sequence after 1780. The receipts, which were 2178 1 2s. in 1781, rose to 2954 in 1792, and the annual expen- diture left a large balance in favour of the Academy. Of the style and appearance of these interesting displays of the abilities of the artists of the period, we may readily form some notion 1 , when it is remembered that the prominent places in the exhibitions would be occupied with pictures by Eeynolds, Lawrence, West, and Opie, with the graceful designs of Bartolozzi, the bold concep- tions of Fuseli, the pleasing pictures of Hamilton, Hodges, Humphreys, Smirke, Stothard, Tresham, and Wheatley, 1 Two prints published at the were views of the exhibition of period will also assist in forming an 1787, and the Royal family visiting idea of the general appearance of the exhibition of 1788 by Ramberg, the exhibition in those days. They engraved by P. A. Martini. CH. V.] THE EXHIBITIONS 175 the landscapes of De Loutherbourg, Series, Paul Sandby, and others, and the sculptured works of Banks, Nollekens, and Northcote. Others, younger in years and reputation, were rising into notice ; and as the fathers of the Academy were one by one removed, a new generation of artists was preparing to take their place, and to maintain the repu- tation of the newly founded English School of Art. 176 CHAPTEE VI. ROYAL ACADEMICIANS ELECTED DURING THE PRESIDENCY OF SIR J. REYNOLDS. Painters: ZOFFANY, HOAKE, COSWAT, BARRY, PETERS, COPLEY, DE LOTT- THERBOT7RG, GARVEY, RlGATTD, FARLNGTON, OPIE, NORTHCOTE, HODGES, RUSSELL, HAMILTON, FUSELI, WEBBER, WHEATLEY, AND HTJMPHREYS. Scttlptors: BURCH, NOLLEKENS, BACON, and BANKS. Architects : J. WYATT, AND J. YENN. mWENTY-FIVE new members were added to the J- number of Eoyal Academicians during the period of Sir Joshua Eeynolds's presidentship. Two of these (viz. John ZofFany and William Hoare, painters), were ap- pointed in 1769, on the nomination of King George III., in the same manner as the original thirty-four members ; all subsequent appointments were made by the ballot of the members. Three were so elected in 1771-2, viz. Eichard Cosway, painter, Edward Burch and Joseph ISTollekens (sculptors), from among the newly-created asso- ciates ; and in 1773, James Barry, the painter, was elected, thus completing the full number of Eoyal Academicians, which has ever since been kept complete. The subse- quent elections were made in the order of time as follows : -in 17 77, William Peters (painter); in 1778, John Bacon (sculptor) ; in 1779, J. S. Copley (painter); in 1781, P. J. de Loutherbourg (painter); in 1783, Edward Garvey (painter) ; in 1784, J. F. Eigaud (painter) ; in 1785, Thomas Banks (sculptor) ; James Wyatt (ar- chitect), and Joseph Farington (painter) ; in 1787, John Opie, James Northcote, and William Hodges (painters) ; in 1788, John Eussell (painter) ; in 1789, CH. VI.] JOHN ZOFFANY 177 William Hamilton (painter) ; in 1790, Henry Fuseli (painter) ; and in 1791, John Yenn (architect), J. Webber, F. Wheatley, and 0. Humphreys (painters). Of these new Eoyal Academicians, nineteen were painters, four sculptors, and two architects. We pro- ceed first to notice the painters, in the order of their appointment to full academic honours. JOIIANN ZOFFANIJ, or Zoffany, E.A., was by descent a Bohemian, but his father, who was an architect, had settled in Germany when he was born. According to Fiorillo, John was born at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, in 1735, but Zani says he was born two years previously at Regens- burg in Bavaria. He was early sent by his father to Italy, where he studied for several years. After his re- turn to Germany, he practised both as a historical and portrait painter at Coblentz, and a few years before the foundation of the Eoyal Academy he came to reside in London, at first in the north-east wing of Covent Garden Piazza, and afterwards at No. 9 Denmark Street. For some time he met with so little encouragement that he was reduced to great distress ; and but for the patronage of Sir Joshua Reynolds and David Garrick, would have found it impossible to obtain the reputation he subse- quently acquired, first by a portrait of the Earl of Barrymore, and afterwards by those of celebrated dramatic performers in their favourite characters, which were de- signed and painted with surprising truth of expression. He painted Garrick as 'Sir John Bute,' and as 'Abel Druggers ' in the " Alchymist," and in the " Farmer's Return : " also portraits of Foote, as Sturgeon in the "Mayor of Garret," and Weston and Foote in " Dr. Last." All of these became very popular by the engravings made from them by Dixon, Finlayson, and Haid. In 1771 he painted a large picture containing ten portraits of the Royal family, which was engraved by Earluin ; and three years after- wards a picture containing thirty-six portraits of the VOL. I. N 178 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. Academicians assembled in the life school, which was also engraved. Having expressed a desire to revisit Italy, the King was pleased to interest himself so far on the occasion as to give him a recommendation to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. While he was at Florence he painted a picture of the interior of the gallery there, which was purchased by George in. In 1781 he went to India, and lived for some years at Lucknow, where he acquired a com- petent fortune by the exercise of his art. Three of his best pictures, engraved by Earlom, were painted there one of these, ' the Embassy of Hyderbeck to Calcutta,' contained a hundred figures, besides elephants and horses ; another was, ' an Indian Tiger Hunt ; ' and the third, ' a Cock Fight,' at which there are many spectators. He returned to London about 1796 ; but although he con- tinued to paint after his return from India, it was evident that his powers as well as his health were weakened ; for his latest productions lack the spirit and vigour of his earlier works. He died at KCW-, on the 16th December, 1810. WILLIAM HOAEE, E.A., the last artist nominated by the King to the rank of Eoyal Academician, was a historical and portrait painter, born at Eye, in Suffolk, in 1706. His education was commenced under Grisoni, an Italian painter residing in London. He subsequently went to Borne, where he studied for nine years under Francisco Fernandi, called D'Imperiali, and was a fellow-pupil of Ponipeo Battoni. He came back to England, bringing with him many copies and studies of the works of the great masters, and established himself at Bath, where he acquired a great reputation as a portrait painter in oils and crayons. His taste was rather to follow historical painting ; but he found little encouragement in that branch of art. There is, however, an altar-piece by him in St. Michael's Church, at Bath, of ' Christ bearing the CH. ^ 7 I] HOARE COSWAY 179 Cross,' and another in the Octagon Chapel, of the ' Lame Man healed at the Pool of Bethesda.' He was a constant contributor to the exhibition of the Eoyal Academy. His son, Prince Hoare, both a painter and an art-critic, was for many years the Foreign Corresponding Secretary of the Academy, and the author of " An Inquiry into the requisite Cultivation and present State of the Arts of Design in England," " Academic Annals," and many dra- matic pieces. William Hoare died at Bath in 1792. EICIIAKD COSWAY, E.A., was born in 1741, at Tiverton, in Devonshire (the native county of Eeynolds), where his family had long been settled, and where his father held the appointment of Master of the Public School. His uncle, the mayor of Tiverton, placed him with Hudson, under whom Eeynolds also studied ; and he subsequently attended Shipley's drawing school in the Strand, where he made rapid progress, and soon displayed the genius for which, especially as a miniature painter, he afterwards became celebrated. At the age of fourteen he gained the Society of Arts' premium of five pounds ; and in the course of the next ten years he had obtained four more premiums from the same society. Subsequently, in the Duke of Eichmond's sculpture gallery, he acquired great skill in copying the fine flowing outline of the Grecian statue, and won the praises of Bartolozzi and Cipriani, and soon took a high position among the artists of the day. He was a student of the Eoyal Academy in 17G9, an associate in 1770, and a Eoyal Academician in 1771, and painted several fancy pictures, pertaining more to poetry than to portraiture, for its exhibitions. Among these were 4 Einaldo and Armida,' 4 Cupid,' ' St. John,' ' Venus and Cupid,' ' Madonna and Child,' and ' Psyche,' all of which in reality were portraits of some of his titled patrons, good likenesses, and successful works. He sometimes painted in oil, and in this style showed his predilection K 2 180 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. for the manner of Correggio ; but his chief excellence was in miniature painting, both in oil and water colour, for which he had an exquisite taste, and bade defiance to any attempts at rivalry. Sir Joshua Eeynolds spoke highly of his talents, and recommended him very warmly to his own sitters. The patronage of the Prince of Wales, for whom he painted a miniature of Mrs. Fitz- herbert, which gave great satisfaction, alone proved of great value to him, and supplied him with continual em- ployment either at Carlton House, or in the gay world of which the Prince was then the leader. People of the highest rank eulogised and courted Cosway, and he quickly became, without a question, the fashionable miniature painter of his day. All his portraits are characterised by exquisite grace, neatness and finish, and were drawn with great freedom and skill. But as in the engravings of Bartolozzi, the artist had a preconceived ideal of beauty in his own mind, influenced by which the resemblance to the original was frequently lost ; so in the desire to produce a pleasing picture, Cosway sometimes sacrificed the value of the portrait as a likeness. To this failing, may probably be attributed the circumstance that Cosway is said to have painted more lovers' presentation pictures than any ten artists of his time. He excelled most of all in the small whole-length figures he drew of certain ladies of fashion, celebrated for their beauty. The figures were drawn in a loose, unconstrained style, purely his own, with the blacklead pencil ; the faces were painted in miniature, and frequently highly finished. They are captivating specimens of his peculiar style, and many of them, as well as of his other works, were en- graved by Bartolozzi, V. Green, and others. When painting miniatures, it was Cosway 's custom to have a small panel with an oval opening cut in the centre, of the exact size of the frame to enclose the picture, fixed to a stand which was placed at his elbow : moving this occasionally at a chosen distance, he looked through the CH. VI.] RICHARD COSWAY 181 aperture at his sitter, and compared it with his picture as he proceeded. By this means, he said that he acquired the habit of comparing nature with his work, and that his mind became so abstracted in the study as not to distinguish a difference between the original and his imitation of it. Shortly after his election as a Royal Academician, he married Maria Hadfield, who, though of English parent- age, was a native of Leghorn, where her father kept an hotel much frequented by English travellers. After her marriage, she also became known as an exhibitor at the Eoyal Academy, and painted many portraits and other works of a poetic and imaginative nature ; but her hus- band would never allow her to paint portraits profes- sionally. When he found himself high in Court favour, at the suggestion of his wife, he removed from Berkeley Street to Pall Mall (in the middle portion of the large house built for the Duke of Schomberg, recently incor- porated with the War Office), where for some years, and afterwards at a splendid mansion in Stratford Place, Oxford Street, the musical parties given by Mrs. Cosway (and at which she was the principal performer), were among the chief attractions of the fashionable world. The carriages of the Prince of Wales and other persons of distinction were constantly to be seen at Cosway's house, which became the morning lounge of the aris- tocracy. Nor was it without its artistic attractions for besides being superbly furnished in the olden style, it contained a vast collection of pictures by the ancient masters, old armour, and various curiosities : and the studio of Cosway was a museum full of rich specimens of all that is choice in the pursuits of vertu. Late in life (and he lived to a great age) he considered it a favour to paint a miniature; and it can scarcely be wondered at that he fell into the folly of vanity, when we think of his remarkable success in life, and the popularity he had attained. Yet the satires suggested by envy, and his own restless sensitive spirit, hindered 182 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. him from being really happy. Added to this, he passed several of his last years in pain both of body and mind. A paralytic stroke disabled his right hand, and thus cut off from him the power of drawing, and his only conso- lation was in the tender solicitude of his wife. It was painful to his friends and admirers, with whom his well- stored mind and natural turn for humour led him to be regarded as a most pleasant companion, to behold also a weakness of intellect, which led him to indulge in many extravagant fancies and delusions in his latter days. Shortly before his death, he dispersed his collection of pictures and curiosities, and removed from Stratford Place to Edgware Eoad, where he died on the 4th July, 1821, in his 80th year. He was buried at the New Church of St. Marylebone, where a tablet is erected to his memory. His widow retired to Lodi, where she had formerly spent some years, and established a ladies' college. She died there, widely respected, several years afterwards. JAMES BAKEY'S name must still find a place among the members of the Eoyal Academy, notwithstanding the painful circumstances which led to his expulsion from their Society. He was born on the llth of October, 1741, at Cork, where his father, John Barry (a descendant of the same family as the Earls of Barrymore), was a coasting trader, for which profession he also was intended ; but after making two or three voyages with disgust, and having exhibited considerable talent in drawing, he was permitted to follow his inclinations, and to obtain such education in art as the schools of Cork afforded. He afterwards received instruction in the school at Dublin, kept by Mr. West a teacher who had studied under Vanloo and Boucher, and who was reckoned a very able draughtsman of the human figure. As early as the age of seventeen Barry attempted painting in oil, and before he was twenty-two he painted a historical picture which first brought him into notice as an artist. This was a CH. VI.] JAMES BAERY 183 representation of St. Patrick on the shore of Cashel, who in baptizing the sovereign of the district had planted the sharp end of his crozier through the foot of the monarch, unperceived by himself, and unresented by his convert. This work, exhibited at the Society of Arts in Dublin, led to his introduction to Edmund Burke, who discerned in it such evidence of genius as induced him shortly afterwards to take the artist with him to England, where he gave him ah 1 the advantages of his patronage. Here he was introduced to Barret, his countryman, who was then acquiring fame and honours as a landscape painter in London. In 1766, under the protection and with the assistance of Burke, Barry went to Italy, first stopping at Paris to examine the productions of Le Soeur, Poussin and Eaffaelle, in the Luxembourg. Shortly after his arrival in Eome, Barry's irritable temper, which afterwards proved of so much annoyance to himself and others, in- volved him in a series of disputes with the artists and virtuosi in that city, which being reported to Burke, called forth a letter of admonition from his patron. In Eome he adopted a singular mode of study : he drew from the antique by means of a patent delineator, not aiming to make academic drawings, but a sort of diagram, in which a scale of proportion was observed, to which he might at all times refer as a guide and authority. In the latter part of the year 1770 he returned to London, visiting Florence, Turin, Bologna, &c. On his way to the latter city he was made a member of the Clementine Academy there. In 1771 he exhibited his first picture at the Eoyal Academy, which he began shortly after his arrival at Eome, the subject being ' Adam and Eve ; ' and the next year he produced his much-admired whole-length picture of * Venus rising from the Sea.' He became an Associate in 1772 and E.A. in 1773. The works by which he attained these honours were followed by 184 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. another, ' Jupiter and Juno,' his first attempt at the grand style of art. About this time ' The Death of General Wolfe,' was a popular subject with the artists of the day, and had been represented by West, Penny, Komney, Mortimer, and others. In 1776 Barry also chose the same subject, but his picture was generally condemned, for (probably to display his knowledge of the human form) he represented all the figures nude; and, angry at not being flattered for his skill, he never afterwards exhibited at the Academy. Up to this time he lived in Suffolk Street, Haymarket. We have already mentioned the part taken by Barry in the offer made by the Eoyal Academy, to paint gra- tuitously a series of pictures for St. Paul's ; and also the subsequent rejection by the members of the Academy of the proposal of the Society of Arts, that their new room should be decorated with paintings by them. Barry was greatly mortified at this, for he was eager to exhibit his talents, and to refute publicly the unjust opinions of English artists, which he found to prevail on the Con- tinent. Winckelmann and Du Bos had asserted that the English were incapable of excellence in any of the higher walks of art ; and Barry attaching more importance than was due to such sweeping conclusions, undertook formally to refute them. With this object he published in 1775 " An Inquiry into the real and imaginary Obstructions to the Acquisi- tion of the Arts in England," and offered the Society of Arts to paint a series of pictures for their great room, on the condition that the Society provided him with canvas, colours, and models proper to carry it into execution. His offer was accepted, and his grand work now enriches the Society's room in the Adelphi. The series consists of six pictures, namely, ' Orpheus reciting his verses to the wild inhabitants of Thrace,' ' A Grecian Ilarvest Home,' ' The Victors at Olympia,' ' The triumph of the Thames,' ' The Society distributing their CH. VI.] JAMES BARRY 185 Prizes,' and ' Final Eetribution.' These pictures, de- signed to illustrate the position that the happiness of mankind is promoted in proportion to the cultivation of knowledge, appear somewhat dissimilar and hetero- geneous, yet each is brought to bear on the general sub- ject with wonderful force and unity, and in regarding them we are impressed with the conviction that such a work could neither have been conceived nor executed except by a mind of the highest order. Some inac- curacies of drawing and defects of colour are to be met with in Barry's work, but on the whole it is not only a splendid example of pictorial skill, but embodies whatever impressions have been transmitted to us by poetry or history of the events represented. In accom- plishing this task Barry fulfilled the great aim of his life to attain the reputation of a great historical painter. But it was purchased by no slight sacrifice, through seven years of hardship and privation, and met with no pro- portionate reward at its close. An extraordinary meet- ing of the Society of Arts was held to view the pictures, at which a vote of thanks to the painter was passed, and permission given for their public exhibition for his benefit. He obtained 500 as the result, and 200 was added to it by the Society these sums comprise nearly the whole produce of his professional career. During the exhibition of the pictures in 1783 he issued a pamphlet descriptive of the series, and also proposals for engraving and publishing by subscription a set of prints from the pictures ; and with his usual independent spirit, he undertook and completed the task himself without any assistance, even to the writing and printing on copper, and finished the plates about the year 1793. In 1782, when Mr. Penny resigned the chair of Pro- fessor of Painting at the lloyal Academy, he was ap- pointed to that office. The length of time he took in preparing his lectures (the first not being given till 1784) called forth a remonstrance from the President, to which 180 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. Barry with clenched fist and rude gesture replied, " If I had only in composing my lectures to produce such poor mistaken stuff as your discourses, I should have my work done, and ready to read." The conscious dignity and tranquil temper of Eeynolds alike restrained him from making any reply ; but the conduct of Barry on this occasion, with other causes, such as his per- petual altercations with the members, a naturally fierce, turbulent, and irritable disposition, intemperance in his language (particularly in his lectures, which abounded in ridicule of the works of his contemporaries), and a coarse attack upon the President and members of the Eoyal Academy led to his removal from the office of Professor of Painting, and finally to his expulsion from the Academy in 1799. These proceedings will be de- tailed in a subsequent chapter. It is here only to be observed, that an apology, though certainly not a justi- fication of the conduct of Barry, may be found in the bitterness of feeling which disappointment through years of labour had generated, and in the exasperation of his naturally excitable temperament, produced by the little sympathy or notice which he met with from the public. The immediate act which led to his dismissal from the Academy, was the publication in 1797 of his famous " Letter to the Dilletanti Society, respecting the obtention of certain matters essentially necessary for the improve- ment of taste, and for accomplishing the original views of the Eoyal Academy of Great Britain." He subse- quently issued a second edition, with an appendix relative to his differences with the Academicians. His series of lectures contain much originality of thought, and sterling subject matter, and he brought both his great knowledge and experience to illustrate them but they display a strong partiality for the outward form of art, and for technical execution rather than for its sentiment. His last literary work was an address to the King, published in the " Morning Herald," 3rd Decem- CH. VI.] JAMES BARRY 187 ber, 1799. He had previously revised a new edition of Pilkington's " Dictionary of Painters." In addition to the pictures already mentioned, may be named among the other works of Barry, 'Job reproved by his Friends,' engraved by himself, and dedicated to Mr. Burke; ' George III. delivering the Patent to the Judges, of their office for life ; ' and ' The Queen and Princesses patronising Education at Windsor,' intended as additions to the series of pictures in the Adelphi. These, and 4 The Conversion of Polemon,' ' Philoctetes in the Island of Lemnos,' and several sacred subjects, are among his principal works. Latterly he lived at No. 36 Castle Street, Oxford Street, and here when Burke visited him, he was found dressing his dinner, of which his eminent friend partook, after being requested by Barry to go to an adjoining public-house to fetch the beer. In 1805 some friends of Barry (particularly the generous Earl of Buchan) procured a subscription in the Society of Arts to purchase an annuity for his life, which amounted to about 1000, but unfortunately he did not live even to receive the first payment of it. He was taken ill at a tavern where he usually dined, and was removed to the house of Mr. Bonomi, the architect, No. 76 Titchfield Street, Oxford Street, where he sunk under an attack of pleuritic fever, which his obstinate rejection of medical aid in the first instance rendered fatal. He died on the 21st February, 1806, and his remains after lying in state in the great room of the Society of Arts, which he had adorned by his skill, were interred in a vault in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral, near the last resting-place of Sir Christopher Wren, and Sir Joshua Eeynolds. WILLIAM PETERS, R.A., was born in Dublin, where his father held an appointment in the custom-house. He acquired the first rudiments of drawing from Mr. West, 188 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VL the master of the National Academy of Design in that city, and after a short time was sent by some patrons (who saw signs of art-genius developing themselves) to Italy, where he copied a celebrated picture at Parma by San Gierolorno (his copy of which afterwards became the altar-piece of the church of Saffron Walden in Essex), and also Eubens's ' Four Philosophers' in the Petti Palace at Florence. These works obtained for him the patron- age of the Duke of Eutland, who, in 1782 sent him to Paris to copy a picture by Le Brun in the Carmelite Church. He also painted for BoydelPs Shakspeare Gallery, scenes from ' The Merry Wives of Windsor ' and ' Much Ado about Nothing ; ' besides portraits and fancy subjects for other patrons. In his style of paint- ing he greatly resembled the impasto of Sir J. Eeynolds. There are engravings from his works in the Boydell Shakspeare, in Macklin's Gallery, and. others by Bar- tolozzi, and J. E. Smith. He painted both historical pictures and portraits with success. A full-length por- trait by him of ' George IV. when Prince of Wales,' is now in Freemasons' Hall. It is not exactly known why he abandoned painting as a profession, as personally he did not lack patronage or lucrative employment. But it is said that a lady of rank asked him to recommend to her a good landscape painter, and that, knowing Wilson's need of employment, he at once named him to her, and obtained a commission for two pictures : when he made known his success to Wilson, the poor artist confessed his utter inability even to purchase canvas and colours to execute the task ; and Peters was so saddened by seeing Wilson, with all his genius, nearly starving, that he at once resolved to re- nounce art as a profession. He had been elected an Associate of the Eoyal Aca- demy in 1771, and was chosen to be a Eoyal Academican in 1777, but he resigned these honours in 1790. Some years prior to this, he had entered Exeter College, Ox- CH. VI.J PETERS COPLEY 189 ford, took the degree of LL.B., was ordained, and became Eector of Woolstorp in Lincolnshire and Knipton in Leicester, Prebend of Lincoln, Chaplain to H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, and (from 1784 to 1788) Chaplain to the Eoyal Academy. After resigning his connection with it, he continued as an honorary member, to exhibit occasionally pictures bearing on subjects in harmony with his new position. * The Pious Family bursting from a Sepulchre,' 'The Angel carrying the Spirit of a Child into Paradise,' ' The Cherub,' and other kindred subjects, occupied his pencil at intervals during the rest of his life. He died at Brasted Place in Kent, in April 1814. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, E.A., was born at Boston in the United States, on 3rd July, 1737. His father, John Copley, had married Mary Singleton, an Irish lady, and had long been resident in Ireland, although of English extraction. Their son was born immediately after his parents' arrival in America, and was educated in that country. He taught himself to paint without the aid of instructors, by studying the scenery around his father's residence, and thus acquired much more skill than many who had greater advantages. It is a curious coin- cidence, that thus simultaneously both Copley and West were labouring to prepare themselves for future distinc- tion in art, in the same distant country. The first picture by which attention was attracted to him in England, was one painted in 1760, the subject being 4 A Boy with a tame Squirrel.' For some years subsequently, he was making a good income by portrait painting in his native town, but was sighing for a visit to Europe. After leav- ing a number of paintings with his mother in Boston, and supplying himself from his earnings with a sufficient sum of money for a three years' tour in Europe, he set sail from Boston in 1774, and arrived in England, leaving it again on the 26th of August of that year for Eome. There he stayed till the following May, when he pro- 190 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VL ceeded to other parts of the Continent to study the Venetian and Flemish Schools, and at Parma copied the famous Correggio. At the end of 1775 he returned to London, and resided at 25 George Street, Hanover Square. He had previously sought the help of West in obtaining an introduction to the Eoyal Academy, and in 1776 he exhibited his first work there, ' A Conversation.' In the same year he was elected an Associate, and E.A. in 1779. The picture by which Copley established his fame was that representing ' The Death of Lord Chatham,' now in the National Collection. It contained so many por- traits of members of the House of Peers, that it was universally sought after, and the fame of the picture was sustained by a large engraving from it by Bartolozzi, of which 2500 impressions were sold in a few weeks. America joined in the praises of the artist, and his aged mother's heart was gladdened at her son's success. Washington, when acknowledging a copy of the print sent him by Copley, said, " This work, highly valuable in itself, is rendered more estimable in my eyes, when I remember that America gave birth to the celebrated artist who produced it ; " and John Adams wrote, " I shall preserve my copy both as a token of your friend- ship, and as an indubitable proof of American genius." Another work, displaying less of the dry and stiff man- ner of this picture, also excited great attention, ' The Death of Major Pierson,' a young officer who fell in the defence of St. Heliers, Jersey, against the French. This picture was painted for Boydell ; and when long after- wards his gallery was dispersed, it was purchased back by the artist, and is now in the possession of his illus- trious son, the venerable Lord Lyndhurst. Another picture, painted for the Common Council of London, now in Guildhall, represented on a large canvas, ' The Eepulse and Defeat of the Spanish Floating Batteries at Gibraltar,' in which portraits of the gallant Lord Heath- CH. VI.] COPLEY DE LOUTHERBOURG 191 field and others were introduced. A picture of another kind, bequeathed by him to Christ's Hospital, represented 'The Escape of a Sea-boy from a Shark.' But while he painted such subjects and portraits in great numbers, his ambition was to be able to excel in historical com- positions. Most of his pictures in this style were taken from the history of England, and particularly the period of the Revolution. Among them, were 'King Charles signing Strafford's Death Warrant,' 'The Assassination of Buckingham,' ' King Charles addressing the Citizens of London,' 'The Five Impeached Members brought back in Triumph,' ' The King's Escape from Hampton Court,' &c. He also painted a view of ' The House of Commons visiting the Army at Hounslow.' Occasion- ally he chose sacred subjects, and his last work (with the exception of a portrait of his son painted in 1814) was ' The Resurrection.' He died 9th December, 1815, aged seventy-eight years. His son, who is eminent both as a profound lawyer and a great statesman, has long occupied his father's house in George Street, Hanover Square, and has with praiseworthy devotedness collected within its walls the best works of his distinguished parent. PHILIP JAMES DE LOUTHEKBOURG, R.A., was born at Strasburg, on 31st October, 1740, and was the son of a miniature painter who died at Paris in 17G8. He intended his son for an engineer in the army, while his mother wished him to become a minister in the Lutheran Church, and he was educated at the College of Strasburg, in lan- guages and mathematics, as a preparation for it, until his decided propensity for painting led him to determine to pursue it as a profession. He at first studied under Tisch- bein, afterwards under Vanloo and Casanova, but formed his principles and style upon those of the last named, who was then in great vogue as a historical painter. After having obtained considerable reputation at Paris by the 192 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. works which he exhibited at the Louvre, and having been elected in 1763 a member of the Academy of Painting there (when eight years below the limit of age for his admission), De Loutherbourg quitted I ranee and travelled in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, coming finally, in 1771, to England, where he was at once engaged by Garrick at a salary of 500 per annum, to make designs for the scenes and decorations of Drury Lane Theatre. His vigorous style of execution, poetical imagination, and perfect knowledge of scenic effects, well qualified him for a department of art which demands them all, and which is only held to be a subordinate one, because its pro- ductions are soon laid aside and entirely forgotten. While his own peculiar forte was in landscape painting, by his education he was enabled to give to it a greater compass and range of subjects than usual. Besides his easel pictures, he occasionally employed his pencil on a larger scale, in depicting the events of his time. Thus among his most popular pictures were the 'Eeview of Warley Camp (1780),' 'Lord Howe's Victory on 1st June, 1794,' and the ' Storming of Valenciennes.' For Macklin's Bible pictures, he painted two, representing the ' Deluge,' and the ' Angel destroying the Assyrian Host.' Ah 1 his works are stamped by great vigour and by excellent manage- ment in regard to composition. He possessed great dexterity of hand, but sometimes displayed the foibles of a mannerist, and a meretricious gaudiness of colouring, destroying the tempered harmony of effect so observable in nature. His best landscapes are views of lakes and coast scenery. Soon after settling in this country, De Loutherbourg took up his abode at No. 45 Titchfield Street, Oxford Street, and was elected an Associate in 1780, and E.A. in 1781. He produced in 1782, under the title of the ' Eidophusikon, or a Eepresentation of Nature,' a novel and highly interesting exhibition, displaying the changes of the elements and their phenomena, in a calm, a moon- CH. VL] GARVEY KIGATJD 193 light, a sunset, and a storm at sea, by the aid of reflect- ing transparent gauzes highly illuminated. Gainsborough frequently visited and admired this spectacle, which not only anticipated, but in some respects surpassed our present dioramas, although upon a smaller scale. He also etched in aquatinta several of his own compositions re- presenting soldiers, marine subjects, and landscapes. Late in life he unhappily became a disciple of Brothers, and like him also professed to be a prophet and a curer of diseases. Some of his predictions having failed, his house was attacked, and his windows broken by an angry mob, and he was thus silenced from issuing any more pre- dictions. He died at his residence^ in Hammersmith Terrace, -Ghiswick, on the llth March, 1812, in his - 73rd year. EDMUND GARVEY, E.A., was one of the first Associates elected in 1770, and was chosen E.A. in 1783. Very little is known of his history, except that from his connexion he is supposed to have belonged to an Irish family. He painted landscapes in the manner of Wilson : his exe- cution was neat, but rather dry. He was a constant contributor to the exhibitions of the Eoyal Academy, sometimes painting in oil, and at others in water-colours. Many of his pictures were scenes from Eome, Savoy, and the Alps ; others of gentlemen's mansions and remarkable places in this country. He died in 1813, and left many small pictures, which were sold by auction in 1816. JOHN FRANCIS EIGAUD, E.A., was probably of French or Swiss origin, several artists of the same name having flourished in Paris during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many of whom passed several years in England. He practised as a historical painter, and was one of the artists chosen by Boydell to illustrate the works of Shakspeare. He also painted subjects selected from VOL. i. o 194 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. VI. Scripture, and English history, mythology, and portraits. He was chosen an Associate in 1772, and elected E.A. in 1784. He translated Leonardi da Vinci's ' Treatise on Painting,' and published it with illustrative copper plates. Several engravings have been made from his pictures, which in style follow rather the manner of the French than the English school. He died on 6th December, 1810, at Packington, the seat of the Earl of Aylesford. He received many honours from abroad, having being elected a member of the Academy of Bologna, and of the Eoyal Academy of Stockholm : he was also appointed historical painter to Gustavus IV., King of Sweden. JOSEPH FAKINGTON, E.A., descended from an ancient family, was a son of the Eev. Wm. Farington, B.D., Sector of "Warrington and Vicar of Leigh, in Lancashire. He was born in 1742, and studied landscape painting under Eichard Wilson. He was admitted a student at the Academy on its formation, was elected an Associate in 1783, and E.A. in 1785. His works are chiefly views of the lake scenery of Westmorland and Cumberland, many of which were engraved by Byrne and others. His colouring was clear and transparent, but his drawing sometimes hard. He took an active part in the govern- ment and management of the Eoyal Academy : he first brought forward, as one of the auditors, the plan for increasing the income of the Academy which was adopted in 1809, and proposed some important resolutions in regard to the pension fund. In recognition of these services the Academy voted 50 to be employed in the purchase of a piece of plate to be presented to him. By his great personal influence over many of his brother Academicians, resulting from his unceasing attention to the interests of the institution, combined with great diplo- matic tact, and many other effective elements of social popularity, he possessed a degree of weight in the councils of the Academy, far beyond any other member so much CH. VI.] JOHN OPIE 195 so that with some he bore the appellation of " Dictator of the Koyal Academy." He died in 1822. JOHN OPIE'S life adds another chapter to those which have been so frequently written, exhibiting the career of genius first manifested in the humblest walks of life, and by its own internal strength rising to prove a public benefit to mankind. He was born in May, 1761, in the parish of St. Agnes, seven miles from Truro, where his father and grandfather were reputable master-carpenters. The family name was Oppy, and his mother was descended from the ancient and respectable family of Tonkin, of Trevawnance in Cornwall. Young Opie was very early remarkable for the strength of his understanding, and for the rapidity with which he acquired all the learning which a village school then afforded. At ten years of age he had made some progress in Euclid, and at twelve he set up an evening school at St. Agnes, where he taught arithmetic and writing to some who were twice his own age. He was bound apprentice to his father, and when assisting him in the repair of a gentleman's house at Truro, an incident occurred which proved the existence of a decided talent for art. In the parlour hung a picture of a farm-yard which attracted his attention so strongly that he frequently stole into the room to gaze at it, until chastised by his father for doing so. On his return home that evening he procured canvas and colours, and com- menced painting a resemblance of the farm-yard, and thus from memory in the course of a few days transmitted to his own canvas a very tolerable copy of the picture. His desire to become a painter was now confirmed ; but his father still treated his attempts witli great severity, and used his utmost endeavours to check him in the pursuit of a profession which lie regarded as destructive of his future prospects. Encouraged by one of his uncles, however, in a little time he had hung Iiis father's house with portraits of his family, and of his youthful companions. o 2 196 HISTORY OF TIIE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VL At this period in his career he attracted the notice of Dr. Wolcott, then residing at Truro (and subsequently famous as the celebrated Peter Pindar), who having him- self some knowledge of painting, a shrewd judgment, and a few tolerable pictures, was able to offer various advantages to the young disciple of art. By his recom- mendation he was enabled to find employment in making tours in the neighbouring towns as a professed portrait painter ; and on one of these occasions, after a long absence, he returned, not in the boy's plain short jacket with which he set out, but dressed in a handsome coat, with very long skirts, laced ruffles, and silk stockings, and presented his mother with twenty guineas, which he had earned by his pencil, informing her. that henceforward he should maintain himself. When he subsequently attained emi- nence and profitable employment, his first use of his increased means was to spread comfort around this beloved parent. The first efforts of his pencil, though void of that grace which can only be derived from an intimate knowledge of the art, were true to nature, and in a style far superior to anything generally produced by local country artists. He painted at that time with smaller pencils, and finished more highly than he afterwards did, when his hand had obtained a broader and more masterly execution ; but several of his early portraits would not have disgraced even the high name he afterwards attained. About the year 1777, he was introduced to Lord Bateman, who gave him a commission to paint figures of old men, beggars, &c., whose portraits he sketched with characteristic force and vigour. In his twenty-eighth year he was brought to London by his patron, Dr. Wolcott, and by the aid of this gentleman, in whose house he resided, he soon became the rage of all the fashionable world, and was everywhere spoken of as " the Cornish wonder." Although this " terrific popularity " (as he after- wards called it) was not of long duration, the tide of patronage left him in comfortable circumstances. Ac- CH. VI.] JOHN OPIE 197 customed in childhood to prove himself superior to his companions, the desire of competition never left him, and when he came to the metropolis it was with the liveliest hopes that he would be able to attain to eminence. He had the good sense to meet flattery with caution, and even with trembling, and he viewed the unfeeling caprices of fashion with the sensitiveness of genius, but with the un- conquerable force of sense and justice. His portraits were the faithful expression of individual character in a broad masterly style, but they wanted the refinement and delicacy of the works of those trained in schools. He contributed some of his best works in the historical style to the Shakspeare Gallery of Boydell, and the collections illustrating the Bible and English history formed by Macklin and Bowyer. While thus actively pursuing his art in London, he sought most studiously the cultivation of his own mind, applied himself to reading the best authors, and "re- membered all he read ; " sought the society of the learned, and was ardent in every research which could give vigour to his mind. Thus he fitted himself for the literary un- dertakings in which he afterwards engaged. The life of Eeynolds, in Dr. Wolcott's edition of " Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters," was the first specimen of his ability in this way. A letter published in the " True Briton " newspaper followed, in which he proposed the formation of a National Gallery of Pictures, and which was subsequently reprinted as "An Inquiry into the requisite Cultivation of the Arts of Design in England." His lectures delivered at the Royal Institution dis- played his extensive professional knowledge, set forth the principles of painting, and presented an accumulation of maxims founded both on history and observation. They were listened to with attention in a fashionable circle assembled for intellectual entertainment, but they were so far from satisfying their author that he declined to continue them. 198 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. In the Eoyal Academy he was elected an Associate in 1786, and E.A. in the following year; and on the Pro- fessorship of Painting becoming vacant in 1799, by Barry's dismissal, he offered himself as a candidate for it, but being told that he had a competitor whose learning and talents pre-eminently fitted him for that office, he resigned his pretensions at that time, but renewed his claims on Fuseli's removal to the appointment of Keeper, and was then elected. This was in 1805. About this time he pro- posed a plan for the erection of a huge figure of Britannia, in the Isle of Wight, as a monument to commemorate the exploits of the British Navy. He commenced his series of Lectures on Painting at the Eoyal Academy, in February 1807, and only delivered four of the course on design, invention, chiaro-scuro, and colouring when he died somewhat suddenly at the house he had occupied for sixteen years, No. 8 Berners Street, Oxford Street, on the 9th of April, 1807, and was buried on the 20th of the same month in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral, near the grave of Sir Joshua Eeynolds. Opie was twice married, first soon after he came to London, to a faithless wife, from whom he was afterwards divorced ; and secondly, in 1798, to Amelia, the daughter of Dr. Alderson, a physician at Norwich, who was both an intellectual companion and a judicious adviser to her hus- band, possessed alike of kindness of heart and gentleness of disposition, and by her own genius added lustre to the name of Opie, becoming one of the most popular novelists of the day. She published a memoir of her husband after his decease, and his lectures at the Eoyal Academy, which though they displayed none of the brilliant specimens of erudition and imagination which characterised those of his predecessor, Fuseli, appeared to be unequalled of their kind ; and it is to be regretted that the system of pro- fessional instruction he had designed in these lectures was cut short by the progress of a fatal disease which termi- nated in his death at the early age of forty-six. CH. VI.] OPIE NORTHCOTE 199 Portraiture and historical painting divided the attention of Opie after his arrival in London. His most admired productions in the latter style are the 'Presentation in the Temple,' ' Jephthah's Vow,' The Murder of James I. of Scotland,' ' The Death of David Eizzio,' ' Arthur taken Prisoner,' ' Hubert and Arthur,' ' Belisarius,' ' Juliet in the Garden,' &c. None of these works affect ideal beauty or refined poetical composition, but they are stamped by energy of style and a perfect purity of colour, an har- monious tone, and exact effects of light and shade. In his portraits their truth and reality abundantly compen- sate for the absence of the more refined characteristics of elegance and taste. JAMES NORTHCOTE, E.A., who lived to a venerable age, was born on 22nd October, 1746, at Plymouth, where his father was a watchmaker. From a very early period in life, he manifested his taste for art ; and so enthusiastic was he, that when Reynolds visited Devonport with Dr. Johnson in 17G2, he pressed through the crowd only to touch the skirt of his coat, " which I did," he says, " with great satisfaction to my mind." His father, however, felt no inclination to encourage his predilection for so uncer- tain a profession, and therefore apprenticed him to his own trade. It was not till after his articles were concluded, and that he had attained the age of twenty-four, that lie began earnestly to study as an artist. A friend of his father, Dr. Zachary Mudge, introduced him in 1771 to Sir Joshua, who, though he had little opinion of his talent or progress at that time* resolved to give him a trial, and for five years he was a resident pupil in his house, enjoy- ing all the advantages of study in his gallery. During this period his diligence soon compensated for the defi- ciencies of his previous training, and he quickly gained the esteem and approval of his preceptor. Soon after quitting Reynolds's studio, he commenced practice on his own account as a portrait painter, and 200 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. VL endeavoured to imitate the colouring and style of Rey- nolds ; but being ambitious of directing his attention to the higher walk of historical painting, he set out for Italy in 1777, where he spent about five years, and was elected a member of the Academies of Florence and Cortona. Shortly after his return to England, an opportunity for exercising his skill in historical composition was offered by BoydelTs Shakspeare Gallery. His contributions to this laudable undertaking established his reputation, and secured him a high rank among the artists of his day. Indeed, among the many splendid productions by the British artists of that period which were then collected together, none were more justly attractive than the com- positions of Northcote which he painted in 1786. The scene of 'The Smothering of the Princes in the Tower;' ' The Removal of their Bodies by Torchlight for Interment at the Foot of the stone Steps ;' his large picture of ' Wat Tyler,' for the city of London ; and the scene between ' Hubert and Prince Arthur,' may be especially noticed in proof of this statement, and as displaying the successful imitation of the colouring of Reynolds, to which North- cote had attained. These works were followed by ' The Grecian Girl ;' ' The Dominican Friar ;' ' The Landing of the Prince of Orange ; ' ' Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph ; ' ' The Angels appearing to the Shepherds ; ' ' Romulus and Remus ; ' ' The Death of the Earl of Ar- gyll ;' and ' Prospero and Miranda.' By means of the en- gravings made from them, these and other productions of his pencil were widely known in Europe ; while ' The Village Doctress,' and similar familiar subjects, were seen framed and glazed in various parts of the country. In- deed, to the unwearying labour of Boydell in promoting the interests of the British School of Engraving, the artists of that day had to attribute much of the patronage they received. The disastrous result to Boydell of the specu- lation in the Shakspeare Gallery, and other undertakings, seems for a while to have damped the ardour, and crip- On. VI.] JAMES NORTIICOTE 201 pled the energies of the artists whom he patronised ; and thus Northcote, among the number, failing to maintain his position as a historical painter, divided his labours between these compositions and fancy subjects and por- traiture. Subsequently, with the wish to rival the works of Hogarth, he painted a series of ten pictures on moral subjects, illustrating Virtue and Vice in the progress of two young women. These designs, though they bore directly on the subject of the drama they were intended to represent, were wanting in that life-like character and expression which Hogarth gave to his composition of ' The Marriage a la Mode,' and similar works. Northcote was enthusiastic in the pursuit of his art, but his ability and genius were not equal to his applica- tion. He took delight in painting wild animals, both beasts and birds ; and on one occasion, whilst making a study of a vulture from nature, he laid down his palette, and clasping his hands, exclaimed, " I lately beheld an eagle painted by Titian, and if Heaven would give me the power to achieve such a work, I would then be con- tent to die." Though he never attained the eminence, as a painter, nor that perfection in the arts, which he coveted, he found in his artistic pursuits sufficient to satisfy his mind, and to preserve him in undisturbed tran- quillity during a long life. From a studious desire not to incur debts, he lived economically and in retirement, occasionally enjoying the society of his brother artists, to one of whom, when confined by sickness, he one day observed, " If Providence were to leave me the liberty of choosing my heaven, I should be content to occupy my little painting-room, with a continuance of the happiness I have experienced there, even for ever." The conversational powers of Northcote were regarded as of a high order, arid were distinguished by an acute- ness and perception which arc supposed to have origi- nated in the delight with which, as a boy, he listened to 202 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. the colloquies of Dr. Mudge, and other intellectual men, who were visitors at his father's house. Many persons paid him visits for the sake of listening to his criticism on art and artists ; and though much of his time was thus passed, he never allowed it to interfere with his painting, which he pursued uninterruptedly, whoever might be present at the time. Severe and satirical in his censure, few men escaped condemnation in some point, yet some favoured individuals maybe mentioned, Opie he always spared ; and so great was his veneration for his preceptor Eeynolds, that he would never allow any one to utter aught to the disparagement of his memory, but himself. Hazlitt's conversations with him afford a good portraiture of his character, and of the qualities of his mind. The literary productions of Northcote are far from inconsider- able. Many papers by him appeared in a work entitled " The Artist ;" and in 1813 he published his memoirs of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, with an analysis of his discourses, in a quarto volume, to which he afterwards added a supplement. In 1828, at the venerable age of eighty-two, he brought out his " One hundred fables, original and selected ; " and two years later his life of Titian, a work which contains much information on art generally, but which is known to have been written by Hazlitt, from the materials fur- nished by Northcote. Neither did he lay aside his pencil till within a day or two of his death, which took place on the 13th July, 1831, in the 86th year of his age. On his first arrival in London he became a student at the Eoyal Academy, in 1786 he was elected an Associate, and in the following year a Eoyal Academician. For many years his works held a conspicuous place in the exhibitions at Somerset House, where they always at- tracted attention from the clear way in which he told the story he represented. There was a certain dignity and grace in all his pictures, which were unfortunately counterbalanced by defective drawing, want of pictorial conception, and dulness of colouring. Nevertheless, he CH. VI.] WILLIAM HODGES 203 amassed a large fortune by his profession, and his habits, like those of Nollekens, were too penurious to dissipate it. He was never married, but lived with a maiden sister, to whom he bequeathed a large property. For nearly fifty years he occupied the house in which he died, No. 39 Argyle Street, Eegent's Street. He was buried in St. Marylebone New Church. WILLIAM HODGES, E.A., was born in London in 1744. His father was a blacksmith who worked at a forge he kept in St. James's Market. When quite a boy he attended Shipley's drawing school, in the Strand, and subsequently became a pupil of Wilson, the landscape painter. In these early days he painted decorations for theatres, and architectural views. In 1772 he accepted the appoint- ment of draughtsman in the second voyage to the South Seas, undertaken by Captain Cook, and his drawings v ^ were published with the narrative of the expedition. A After an absence of three years he returned to England, and painted some pictures for the Admiralty of scenes at Otaheite and Ulietea in the Pacific. He afterwards went to India, under the patronage of Warren Hastings, where he realised a considerable fortune. He was elected an Associate in 1786, and a Eoyal Aca- demician in 1787. He painted two pictures forBoydell's Shakspeare Gallery, ' The Forest of Arden, with the wounded Stag ; ' and ' The Grove Scene from Portia's House.' In 1790 he made a tour on the continent of Europe, and in 1793 exhibited a view of St. Petersburg at the Eoyal Academy. His style was an imitation of that of Wilson ; and one of his best works is a view of Windsor from the Great Park. In his later years he ex- hibited several of his foreign views two of these, repre- senting a seaport in time of peace and the same place devastated by fire and sword, are now in the Soane Museum. Many of his works were engraved, and he published a series of aquatinta plates of his views in 204 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. India, and an illustrated account of his travels, dedicated to the East India Company. Unfortunately, he was in- duced in 1795 to invest his Indian fortune in establishing a Bank at Dartmouth, in Devonshire, which failed two years afterwards. The shock caused his death on the 6th March, 1797, and his third wife died a few months afterwards. JOHN EUSSELL, E. A., was born at Kingsten-en-Thames in 174^. He studied crayon drawing under Francis Cotes, whose skill in that branch of art has never been excelled. In 1770 he became a student of the Eoyal Academy, and continued to paint crayon portraits in the manner of his preceptor, which were greatly admired, although they were more gaudily coloured than those of Cotes. He published a treatise on the " Elements of Painting in Cray- ons," which was so far popular at the time as to pass through two editions. Besides painting, he seems also to have had a taste for astronomy, having made a model, showing the appearance of the moon, called the Senelo- graphia, and published a description of it with plates engraved by himself. He also invented a peculiar mode of preparing his own crayons, &c., which was afterwards continued by his son. He was elected an Associate in 1772, and an E.A. in 1788. He lived in Newman Street, Oxford Street ; but died in lodgings he had taken at Hull, on the 21st April, 1806. He held the appointment of portrait painter in crayons to the King and the Prince of Wales. WILLIAM HAMILTON, E.A., was descended from a Scottish family, but was born in London in 1751, his father being then resident at Chelsea, and an assistant to Eobert Adam, the architect. In his youth he went to Italy as a pupil of A. Zucchi, and after spending some years in Eome, returned to England to pursue the profession of a portrait and historical painter. His gentle and amiable manners CH. VI.] WILLIAM HAMILTON 205 gained him many patrons ; and the charm of his colour- ing, the soft delicacy of his style, and a refinement ap- proaching even to extravagance, caused his portrait pic- tures to be very popular. As a historical painter he was extensively employed to take part in the schemes of Boydell, Macklin, and Bowyer, to illustrate the Bible, the Poets, English History, and Shakspeare, and most of his works of this kind displayed great readiness and faci- lity of invention. They were engraved by Bartolozzi, and others. He was also frequently engaged in designing vignettes for book-illustrations ; and his small coloured drawings were so fresh, so full of colour, and finished with so much taste, that they were deservedly admired. Lord Fitzgibbon gave him 600 guineas for his designs on the panels of his state-coach ; and he executed some beau- tiful arabesque ornaments for the seat of the Marquis of Bute, in Hampshire. He found abundant and lucrative employment for his varied talents. His best historical pictures are ' The Woman of Samaria,' and ' The Queen of Sheba's Visit to Solomon,' the latter a design for a window in Arundel Castle ; and in portraiture, ' Mrs. Sid- dons, in the character of Lady Eandolph.' He became a student of the Eoyal Academy in 1769, an Associate in 1784, and was elected E.A. in 1789. He died somewhat suddenly, in the prime of life, on 2nd December, 1801. He attended the Royal Academy as one of the visitors on the 26th of November, but on his return home to Dean Street, Soho, in the evening, he was seized with the fever of which he speedily died. His remains were interred in St. Ann's churchyard, Soho, and were followed to the grave by many of his brethren in the Royal Academy, where he was much beloved. His talents had made him a great favourite with the public, and his virtues caused his friends greatly to lament his deatli in the prime of life. HENRY FUSELI, R.A., unlike the majority of the artists we have mentioned, belonged to a family of painters. He 206 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. was the second son of John Jasper Fiieseli (a portrait and landscape painter, and the author of " The Lives of the Helvetic Painters "), and was the godchild of the celebrated Gessner. He was born at Zurich on the 7th of February, 1741, and though several members of his family were artists, his father discouraged to the utter- most his son's predilections for the same profession. Yet the attempt was made in vain. When a boy he bought with his small .allowance of pocket money, candles, pencils, and paper, to enable him to draw when his parents believed him to be in bed ; and the produce of these studies when sold to his companions, enabled him to purchase fresh supplies of materials for carrying on his work. Being destined for the clerical profession, he received a classical education at the Collegium Carolinum at Zurich, and while there he made the acquaintance of Lavater, and other persons afterwards distinguished in the world of letters. He took the degree of M.A., and entered holy orders in 1761 ; but though, it is said, he excited considerable attention as a preacher, it is evident his inclinations were not suited to his holy calling. Having in conjunction with Lavater, written a pamphlet exposing the unjust conduct of. one of the magistrates of Zurich, he excited the enmity of a powerful family, and his friends advised him to leave the city. He accord- ingly travelled about Europe till 1765, when Sir A. Mitchell, the English Minister at Berlin, invited him to accompany him to England to assist in a literary com- munication proposed to be opened between Germany and this country. He became acquainted with Mr. Millar and Mr. Johnson, two eminent publishers, and for three years he seems to have depended for support principally upon the produce of translations for the booksellers, from the German, French, and Italian languages into English, and from English into German. In 1766, after an unfortunate attempt to obtain lordly patronage as travelling tutor to Lord Chewton, the son CH. VI.] HENRY FUSELI 207 of Earl Waldegrave, he determined to return to England to devote himself to the arts, and having been fortunate enough to obtain an introduction to Sir Joshua Reynolds, he was greatly encouraged by the kind opinion he ex- pressed of the drawings he submitted for his inspection. " Were I the author of these drawings, and were offered ten thousand a-year not to practise as an artist, I would reject the proposal with contempt," were Eeynolds's words. For two years Fuseli devoted his attention exclusively to the arts still continuing, however, to gain the friend- ship of men eminent in the literary world, with which his early labours as an author had connected him. In 1770 he set out on a visit to Italy, and was absent from England nine years. In this long interval, his biographer, Mi\ Knowles, says that " although he paid minute atten- tion to the works of Eaphael, Correggio, Titian, and the other great men whom Italy has produced, yet he con- sidered the antique and Michael Angelo as his masters, and formed his style upon their principles," endeavouring to infuse some of their power and spirit into his own productions. After his return to England, he exhibited several pictures at the Eoyal Academy, one of which, ' The Nightmare,' in 1782, excited considerable surprise by its bold nervous treatment. Literary pursuits were still mingled with his artistic labours, and about this time he assisted Cowper in his translation of Homer, edited the English version of Lavater's works on " Physiognomy," and contributed frequently to the " Analytical Eeview." Fuseli was one of the artists employed on Boydell's Shakspeare. lie painted eight pictures for this series the most notable being " The Witches ' in Macbeth, and 4 The Ghost appearing to Hamlet.' He also contributed to the Mackhn and Woodmason Galleries, commenced in imitation of Boydell's plan ; and all these works are known by the engravings made from them. In 1788 he removed from No. 100 St. Martin's Lane, took a house in Queen Anue Street East, and married Miss Sophia 208 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. Eawlins of Bath-Eaton, and in the same year was elected an Associate of the Eoyal Academy. In 1790 he was elected a Eoyal Academican, at the time when Bonomi was also a candidate ; and although Eeynolds supported the latter, and felt much annoyed at his failure, he did not exhibit any ill-feeling towards his opponent Fuseli, to whom the President's kindness remained unaltered to the last. At this time Fuseli projected his " Milton Gallery," and in the next nine years painted forty pictures in illustration of the poet's works. In May 1799 his Gallery was opened to the public, but unfortunately the speculation proved ruinously unproductive ; for at the close of the exhibition, the money taken was not suffi- cent to pay the rent of the premises, and the other expenses attending it : in the following year the Gallery was re-opened with seven additional pictures ; but not- withstanding the countenance and support which it met with from the Eoyal Academicians 1 , and other influential friends, and the fame obtained by the artist, the result was equally unsuccessful with the first. This may per- haps be attributed to the circumstance, that Fuseli's works, wonderful as they undoubtedly were for inven- tion, were not such as generally to meet with popular favour. His earliest examples had been the drawings of the German artists of his native place, and their man- nerism more or less displayed itself in all his works. He possessed a wild and unbounded imagination, and his productions partook of that mysticism and exaggera- tion which he had imbibed from his German origin and education ; hence, the excellences of his style, and the real genius he displayed, were lost upon ah 1 but those who had a taste for the highest specimens of art, and his lofty imaginings were set down by all others as extravagance. On the removal of Barry from the office of Professor 1 The members of the Royal Aca- brate its opening, paying for the cost demy gave a dinner in honour of of the entertainment among them- Fuseli, at the Milton Gallery, to cele- selves. CH. VI.] HENRY FUSELI 209 of Painting, at the Eoyal Academy, in 1799, Fuseli was appointed to it without opposition, Opie, the only other candidate, having withdrawn. His first lectures were delivered in 1801 ; they were well attended, and in their delivery he was frequently interrupted by applause. They were published in the same year, and have since been translated into German, French, and Italian. Though not to be compared to Sir Joshua Eeynolds's discourses for general information, or the exhibition of the principles to be applied to the purposes of art, Fuseli's lectures, nevertheless, contain some of the best fine-art criticism in our language ; and the earnestness of his manner, combined with the eloquence with which he was gifted, rendered his addresses highly popular among the students. He vacated the office of Professor of Painting in 1804, when he was elected Keeper of the Eoyal Academy ; but in 1806, as Opie, his successor, had not then prepared his course, he again delivered his series of lectures. In the following year, as we have seen, Opie died somewhat suddenly, after having given only four lectures ; Mr. Tresham, his successor, resigned in 1809, on the plea of ill-health ; and the Aca- demicians then generally expressed their wish for the re-election of Fuseli. This, however, was contrary to one of their bye-laws ; and it affords a proof of the high estimation in which he was held, that they waived this objection in consideration of his eminent talents. In the next year, therefore, he resumed his lectures, then enriched with many observations made during a recent visit to France to see the collection of pictures from all parts of the Continent, gathered together in Paris by Napoleon. In 1810 also, Fuseli published a new edition of Pil- kington's " Dictionary of Painters," having inserted in it some 300 additional notices of artists. Among his other literary works, which have not already been mentioned, was a translation into German of Lady Montagu's VOL. i. p 210 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. "Letters," and of Winckelmann's work on "Ancient Painting and Sculpture in England," into English. In 1818, when in his 78th year, Mr. Knowles, his exe- cutor and biographer, collected under his inspection the " Aphorisms on Art," subsequently printed ; and in 1820 Fuseli published another edition of his lectures, adding three others, and an introduction entitled, " A Characteristic Sketch of the Principal Technic Instruc- tion, Ancient and Modern, which we possess." Six ad- ditional lectures from MS. were published subsequently to his death. Though Fuseli was a foreigner, and had made England but the country of his adoption, his know- ledge of our language was perfect ; he could never, how- ever, overcome the difficulty of pronunciation, and for this reason changed his family name of Fiiessli, first to Fusseli, and afterwards to Fuseli, in order to suit the Italian sound of it. Having lived to a good old age, and survived all his early and intimate friends, Fuseli died in his 88th year, but in the full vigour of his mental faculties, in the house of his stedfast friend, the Countess of Guildford, at Putney Heath, on the 16th of April, 1825, having re- ceived from that lady and her daughters all the attention it was possible for them to bestow upon him, in order to soothe the severity of his last sufferings. Although a man of sarcastic and violent temper, he had many admiring friends : among them, Cowper, the poet ; Coutts, the banker ; the famous Mary Woolstoncroft ; and he re- tained to the end of his life the regard of Sir Thomas Lawrence. He was buried on the 25th of April, 1825, in St. Paul's Cathedral, between the remains of Sir Joshua Reynolds and those of Opie, and was attended to the grave by the President and most of the members of the Royal Academy, besides his private circle of acquaintance. After his death, his drawings, 804 in number, were sold by Mrs. Fuseli to Sir Thomas Lawrence, who gave her a bond, bearing interest at 200 a-year ; outstanding at the CH. VI] HENRY FUSELI 211 time of his decease. The drawings were returned by his executor, and the bond cancelled. Subsequently they were sold to the Dowager Countess Guildford. Fuseli's genius was of a high order. An intimate acquaintance with the learned languages had early enabled him to fill his mind from the rich storehouses of ancient poetry, and the energy of his imagination dis- played itself in all his works. His style as a painter, undisciplined by all the restraints of an early artistic education, had a degree of wildness which, in dreamy or terrible subjects, was often grand and impressive, although in its character almost amounting to extravagance. He seems to have been conscious of this, for he is said to have observed, " If you would have a picture of Nature as she is, you must go to Opie ; if one as she has been, go to Northcote ; but if you wish to possess representa- tions which never have been nor ever will be, come to me." Sometimes his designs were marred by exaggerated proportions, and convulsive muscular action ; but in regard to invention and composition, they generally merit unmixed praise ; and although his colouring was often deficient, and even repulsive, from its sickly yeUow tinge, by some it has been admired for that solemn tone which is found in the works of the greatest fresco painters. As a teacher of the fine arts, whether Fuscli be con- sidered in his capacity of Professor of Painting or in that of Keeper of the Schools of the Eoyal Academy, he was eminently skilful ; he possessed an extensive knowledge of the works of the ancient and modern masters, a sound judgment, and an accurate eye. To the students he was a sure guide, ever ready to assist by his instruction modest merit, and to repress presumption. That the English School of Design reaped great advantages from his appointment as Keeper of the Eoyal Academy is evident, when we refer to those who were his pupils, among whom were Hilton, Etty, Wilkie, Leslie, and Mulready. His warmth of temper sometimes brought r 2 212 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VL him into direct opposition to his colleagues; and on these occasions he was wont to boast that he could " speak Greek, Latin, French, English, German, Danish, Dutch and Spanish, and so let his folly or his fury get vent through eight different avenues." His sarcastic sayings live in the memories of numerous artists who felt their force ; while his own peculiarities of style, in design and colouring, led the wits of his time to confer on him the title of " Principal Hobgoblin-painter to the Devil." Still, if his pictures were not popular, it was because they lacked the prettinesses of painting, and not that they wanted 'the poetical treatment or originality of conception which characterise the productions of the real genius in art. JOHN WEBBEE, E.A., was born in London in 1752. His father was a sculptor (David Garrick's monument in Westminster Abbey is his work), a native of Berne, in Switzerland, and he sent his son to Paris, when he was still young, to receive instruction as an artist. On his return to London, in 1775, he became a student at the Eoyal Academy, and not long afterwards was ap- pointed draughtsman to the last expedition to the South Seas undertaken by Captain Cook, with the view of making drawings of whatever was remarkable in those hitherto unknown regions ; and when the vessels arrived at Kamtschatka, he acted as interpreter also, for no one else on board could speak German. He returned from this voyage in 1780, and was employed by the Admiralty to superintend the engraving of the prints made from the sketches he had taken of the lands they had explored and the scenes they had witnessed. Subsequently he etched and aquatinted a series of views of the principal places he had visited in China, Eussia, &c., which were afterwards coloured, and were deservedly popular. He was elected an Associate of the Eoyal Academy in 1785, and E.A. in 1791. He confined himself to landscape CH. VI.] FRANCIS WHEATLEY 213 painting, drawing with great accuracy both scenes and figures, and carefully finishing every minute object in his pictures, which were always pleasing in effect, but some- times too highly coloured. He died before he had com- pleted the publication of his series of foreign views, at his lodgings in Oxford Street, on the 29th of May, 1793. FRANCIS WHEATLEY, E.A., was the son of a tailor, and was born in London in 1747. His first instruction in art was received at Shipley's drawing school, and while still young he obtained several of the premiums awarded by the Society of Arts. In his earlier productions he followed the manner of Hayman and Gravelot; but having made the acquaintance of John Mortimer, he copied several of his paintings and drawings, and thus fell into his style. He assisted him in decorating the ceilings of Lord Melbourne's fine seat at Brocket Hall, in Herts, and in the early part of his career he was employed on the decorations for Vauxhall. He excelled in rural pieces with figures, and in landscapes, which he painted both in oil and water-colours ; but he also found con- siderable employment in the early part of his life in painting small whole-length portraits. Edwards represents him to have led a very irregular life, and says that " he left London for Dublin, in company with Mrs. Gresse, with whom he had the folly to engage in an intrigue, for which he was prosecuted, and cast in the Court of King's Bench." During his residence in Dublin he met with great encouragement from persons of taste and fashion, and gained some reputation by his picture of the ' Irish House of Commons,' with portraits of all the members, at the moment when Grattan was making his motion for the repeal of Poyning's Act. This picture was afterwards disposed of by raffle in Dublin. On his return to London he pursued a new style, somewhat in the manner of the French painter Greuze, who was then a favourite, in which he painted popular rural and domestic subjects. 214 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cir. VI. ' The Eiots of 1780 ' afforded him another subject for his pencil, and this picture was one of his best works. It was unfortunately burnt in the house of James Heath, the engraver, in Lisle Street, Leicester Fields, who had made a print from it for Mr. Alderman Boydell, who gave Wheatley 200 for the use of it. He also employed him to paint twelve pictures for his Shakspeare Gallery, chiefly illustrating the scenes in the comedies ; and in these works, and his pictures for Bowyer's Historical Gallery, his merits, both in composition and as a colourist, are fairly displayed. He was a student of the Eoyal Academy in 1769, an Associate in 1790, and E.A. in 1791. In his later years he was a martyr to the gout, and died from that disease on the 28th of June, 1801. OZIAS HUMPHREY, E.A., was born at Honiton, in Devon- shire, on the 8th September, 1742, and was educated at the endowed grammar school there, under the Eev. E. Lewis, M.A., until his fourteenth year. At his own earnest solicitation his parents sent him to London to be instructed for the profession of an artist ; and he studied drawing under Mr. Pars, who kept a school for design near Beaufort Buildings, in the Strand. Subsequently he took advantage of the Duke of Eichmond's munificent plan of making public to students the plaster casts from the antique which he had collected ; and after three years thus spent, he returned to Devonshire, in conse- quence of his father's death. Shortly afterwards he sought admission to the studio of Sir Joshua Eeynolds ; but not being successful, he went for two years to study with Mr. Samuel Collins, a miniature-painter of high re- pute in Bath, accompanied him when he removed to Dublin, and succeeded him in his professional employ- ment there. In 1764 he came back to London, having been invited by Eeynolds to come to the metropolis. In 1766 he attracted attention by a miniature-portrait he sent to the Spring Gardens Exhibition of John Maling CH. VI.] OZIAS HUMPHREY 215 (subsequently the well-known model of the Eoyal Aca- demy), which was purchased by the King, who presented him with one hundred guineas, and afterwards showed his appreciation of his talents by giving him a commis- sion to paint miniatures of the Queen and other members of the Eoyal family. This was the commencement of a long series of successful works in miniature, which was interrupted in 1772, when in consequence of a fah 1 from his horse, Mae found his nervous system so shaken as to unfit him for such delicate execution. He therefore re- solved to turn his attention to oil-painting on a large scale ; and in 1773, accompanied by his friend Eomney, proceeded to Eome, where, and in its immediate vicinity, he lived four years, studying the principles of oil paint- ing, which were tih 1 that time almost unknown to him. From 1777 to 1785 he was occupied in London, painting generally in oil. In the latter year he embarked for India; and on his arrival at Calcutta, was persuaded to renew his first practice of miniature painting. His talents and gentlemanly bearing procured him the esteem and friendship of Sir W. Jones and Warren Hastings ; and he was chosen one of the first members of the Asiatic Society. While in India he visited the courts of Moor- shedabad, Benares, and Lucknow, painting portraits of princes, nabobs, and other distinguished persons. Decay of health compelled him to return again to England in 1788, after he had realised a handsome fortune in India. He resumed his miniature painting, and exhibited many of his recent works in the exhibition of the following year. In 1779 he had been elected an Associate of the Eoyal Academy: he was now in 1791 elected a Eoyal Academician. He was engaged to paint a cabinet for the Duke of Dorset, with likenesses of his Grace's ancestors, from the portraits in the collection at Knole ; but when he had finished nearly fifty portraits in a fine and delicate style, his eyes became so weakened by excessive appli- cation as to compel him to relinquish the labour. Loving 216 mSTOEY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. his art, however, he found a resource in crayons, to which line of painting he now devoted his attention, and was eminently successful. Two portraits, of the Prince and Princess of Orange, in this style, were completed in 1797, and were his last works, as his sight then com- pletely failed him. He passed the remainder of his days at Knightsbridge, and died on the 9th March, 1810. His taste and genius, his assiduity in the study of the best models, his correctness of design, and rich and har- monious colouring, combine to render his works both valuable and attractive. THE SCULPTORS elected as Academicians during the presidency of Sir Joshua Eeynolds have next to be no- ticed : these were, Edward Burch, elected in 1771, Joseph Nollekens in 1772, John Bacon in 1778, and Thomas Banks in 1785. EDWARD BURCH, E.A., was the first Eoyal Academician elected by the members, all those preceding him having been nominated by the King. He entered as a student in 1769, was one of the first associates in 1770, and an E. A. in 1771. He was most eminent as a gem-sculptor ; but he exhibited occasionally models in wax, and busts from the antique. Among modern artists, Burch was re- garded as the one who had attained the nearest to the point of excellence reached by the Greek and Eoman engravers, although he had no advantage from foreign study. He studied with great assiduity, sketched all his figures anatomically with extreme care, finished his works with a truth and delicacy which left nothing to be de- sired, and detailed the muscular parts of every figure so as to express the emotion by which they were set in action. A large number of his works were arranged to- gether in the famous " Tassie Collection of Gems." He exhibited a series of his beautiful sculpture casts from gems and other similar works year by year at the Eoyal CH. VI.] JOSEPH NOLLEKENS 217 Academy, till his death in 1814. For some years pre- viously he held the appointment of Librarian to the Academy. JOSEPH NOLLEKEXS, E.A., has had his life written at great length by one of his executors, J. T. Smith, the late keeper of the prints at the British Museum ; but from disappointment at not sharing in his fortune, it is written in an unkindly spirit, although we can learn from it the main facts of the sculptor's life. He was the son of a painter (" Old Nollekens," as he was termed by Walpole and others), a native of Antwerp, and of his wife, Mary Ann Le Sacque. Joseph was born in Dean Street, Soho, on the llth August, 1737, and baptized at the Eoman Catholic Chapel in Lincoln's Inn Fields. His father died on the 21st January, 1748, when he was very young, and his mother quickly remarried, and went to reside with her second husband in Wales ; hence Joseph's school education was neglected, and he early set to work to study as an artist, never afterwards attempting to make up his lack of book-learning. After a short time spent in Shipley's drawing school in the Strand, he was ap- prenticed, when only thirteen, to Scheemakers, the sculptor, whose studio was in Vine Street, Piccadilly. While there he worked patiently and perseveringly, early and late, and success rewarded his exertions. In 1759 he gained the Society of Arts' premium of fifteen guineas for a group of figures in clay ; and in the next year thirty guineas for a bas-relief, and ten guineas more for a model in clay of a dancing faun. Anxious to escape from the jealous opposition of some of his fellow-students at Scheemakers', and also to im- prove himself in his art, he went in 1760 to Borne, and he had to work hard while there to obtain a maintenance. In 1761, he was so fortunate as to have awarded to him by the Society of Arts, fifty guineas for his marble group of ' Timoclea before Alexander.' David Garrick met him 218 HISTORY OF TIIE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cii. VI. in the Vatican, remembered these successful prize-works, and sat to him for his bust, giving him twelve guineas for it. This was his first commission. Another, also obtained at Eome, was from Sterne, done in terra-cotta, and so admirable a likeness that it greatly increased Nollekens' reputation. An equally profitable occupation he found in Eome was the purchase of antique fragments, and their restoration into complete statues. These and other purchases judiciously made, reimbursed him hand- somely when resold : some of the terra-cottas he bought at Eome are now in the Townley Collection in the British Museum. He found ready patrons for these works among the English visitors to the Italian capital ;. and among them were the Earls of Yarborough and Bes- borough, and Lord Selsey. For Lord Yarborough he afterwards executed two of his best works, ' Mercury ' and ' Venus chiding Cupid.' Ten years were spent in Italy, and on his return to London, Nollekens took a lease of the house in Mortimer Street, once occupied by Newton, the Secretary of the Eoyal Academy. Here he formed a studio for himself, a shop for assistants, and a gallery for models, and his busts of Sterne and Grarrick having preceded his return, he found many patrons ready to employ him. His simple unassuming manners and quiet looks pleased the sitters who came to him for busts, as much as the excellent like- nesses he wrought, and employment hence became abun- dant. He had presented a fine cast of the Torso to the Eoyal Academy on his return from Eome, and was elected an Associate in 1771. He obtained his diploma as a Eoyal Academician in the following year ; the King ex- pressing his satisfaction at his election when he signed it, and proving his estimation of his skill by himself sitting for a bust. That of Dr. Johnson soon followed, and has ever since been admired, the Doctor himself admitting, " It is very like me ; and there can be no doubt that the sculptor has great skill in his art." CH. VI ] JOSEPH NOLLEKEXS 219 By this time Nollekens had amassed some 20,000 by frugal, simple habits, hard industry, and worldly prudence. He now sought a partner in Mary Welsh, the daughter of a magistrate, a tall, light-haired beauty, with a small fortune, whose fine figure contrasted with his short and ill-shaped frame. They lived happily together, practising, by mutual consent, the extreme of frugality in their home-life. The only difference between them was in their religious faith, he still attending the Eoman Catholic chapel, while his wife proceeded to the parish church. Nollekens found that the taste of his day was not for poetical sculpture, but for portraiture, and devoted him- self chiefly to making busts, his prices for which rose to 150 guineas. He occasionally laboured on works of fancy, however, among which were ' Cupid and Pysche,' ' Bacchus,' ' Peetus and Arria,' and five Venuses, one of which, known as the ' Eockingham Venus,' representing her anointing her hair, was regarded by him as his best work in that style. Monumental sculpture also fell to his share ; and when the Government gave a commission for a monument in Westminster Abbey to the commanders who fell in Rodney's great battle on the 12th April, 1782 (Captains Manners, Bayne, and Blair), the choice of the Council of the Eoyal Academy (who were requested to nominate the sculptor to execute it) fell upon Nollekens. Another similar work was the monument to Mrs. Howard of Corby Castle a design of great beauty, pathetic in conception and elegant and tasteful in execution ; for this he received 2000. The statue of Pitt (the face from a mask taken after death), now in the Senate House at Cambridge, produced him 3000 guineas. To extreme old age Nollekens continued actively at -work even as late as 181 G, when he was nearly eighty. His wife died in the following year ; and all his early friends having passed away, the rich old man was now surrounded by those who desired to obtain a share of his fortune. He was observed to be more liberal than 220 HISTORY OF THE EOYAL ACADEMY [Cn. VI. formerly. One day, when weak and ill, he asked his nurse, " Is there any one with whom I am acquainted that would be the better of a little money any person that wants a little money to do them good ? " and he sent 10 to each of the persons she named. He was kind to his servants, increasing his annual presents to them on his birthday, sometimes to as much as 20 a-piece. In 1819 he visited the Eoyal Academy Exhi- bition for the last time in a sedan chair, accompanied by Chantrey. He gave those who helped him to his coach a guinea each, took off* his hat, and bade farewell to the Academy, and gradually declined in strength, until at length he passed away in his 86th year, on the 23rd of April, 1823. He was buried in Paddington Old Churchyard, and a tablet, executed by Behnes, is erected in the chancel of the church to his memory. Great anxiety was felt to learn the contents of his will. When it was opened it was found that some 6000 was distributed among his humble people and assistants ; 100 each to his executors, Sir William Beechey and J. T. Smith ; and the remainder of his vast fortune, of more than 200,000, between his friends Mr. Francis Palmer, and Francis Douce, the well-known antiquary. An oddity of manner was natural to him, and his some- what uncouth demeanour and freedom of speech rather increased than detracted from his popularity. In the course of his practice he executed 100 busts and many duplicates ; all were truthful and simple, unaffected and elegant wanting, perhaps, in those of men, the power of expressing vigour of thought, and in those of women, the softness of female beauty ; but he will be remembered by these works when his poetic and monumental sculptures are forgotten. JOHN BACOJS", E.A., was born at Southampton on the 24th of November, 1740. His father carried on the business of a cloth-worker, and after a short school education his CH. VI.] JOHN BACON 221 son began to assist him in his trade. In 1755 he was apprenticed to Mr. Crispe, a porcelain manufacturer in Bow churchyard, from whom he learned the art of painting on China, and also of modelling little ornamental figures. It would seem that by reverse of fortune his parents were even at this time mainly dependent on his exertions. Many sculptors were in the habit of sending their models to this pottery to be burnt, and from the sight of them, Bacon's ardent mind determined his future occupation ; and indeed the transition from modelling to sculpture was in itself so natural that he had only to imitate the objects he admired to enter upon his new career. To him has been ascribed the discovery of the art of making statues in artificial stone ; but although the invention was pro- bably of an earlier date, he is unquestionably entitled to the credit of having facilitated the process of that art, and of rendering it popular. When he thought he had made sufficient progress to venture on a display of his works, without relinquishing his means of maintenance, he sent one of them to the Society of Arts, as a competitor for one of its premiums ; and so rapid was his progress, that he gained no less than nine premiums from that Society in the next few years. The first, in 1758, was for a figure of ' Peace,' and several of his early productions, 1 Mars,' ' Venus,' ' Narcissus,' &c. are still in possession of the Society. About the year 1768 he began to work in marble, and invented an instrument now in general use for trans- ferring the form of the model to the marble with a cor- rectness till then unknown, thereby rendering the execu- tion of the work more a mechanical operation, and leaving his mind at liberty for the practice of design. In 17G9 he accepted employment in Coade's artificial stone works, at Lambeth, where groups and statues, keystones, wreaths of flowers, and other ornamental works, were modelled, moulded, arid burnt. On the institution of the Eoyal Academy he enrolled himself as a student, and received 222 HISTOEY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. in 1769, from the hands of the President, the first gold medal for sculpture awarded by the Academy, for his bas-relief of ' Eneas escaping from Troy.' In 1770 he was made an Associate, and in 1778 a Eoyal Academician. The celebrity he attained by his early works (and espe- cially by his cast of a statue of Mars, exhibited in 1771, of which he subsequently made a copy in marble for Lord Yarborough) induced Dr. Markham, afterwards Archbishop of York, to give him a commission for a bust of the King, for the hall of Christ Church, Oxford. While modelling this bust, his Majesty inquired if he had ever been out of England, and on receiving a reply in the negative, said he was glad of it, for he would be the greater ornament to his country. The admirable execu- tion of this bust gained him the Eoyal patronage, and shortly afterwards a commission to execute a copy of it for the University of Gottingen, a third for the Prince of Wales, and a fourth for the Society of Antiquaries. In 1773 he married Miss Wade, a lady to whom he had been long attached, and removed from his first hum- ble studio in Wardour Street to a new house at No. 17, Newman Street. His wife died three years afterwards, having given birth to five children. In the following year he was married to Miss Holland, by whom he also had three children. In 1777 he was engaged to execute a monument to the memory of Dr. Guy, the founder of Guy's Hospital ; another of Mrs. Withers, for Worcester, and some marble figures for the Duke of Richmond. These led to his being em- ployed by the City of London to execute the monument to the memory of the Earl of Chatham, for Guildhall. In 1778 he completed the beautiful monument to the memory of Mrs. Draper (the ' Eliza' of Sterne), in the Cathedral of Bristol. From this time his occupation was incessant. He was employed by public bodies and private indivi- duals ; and so numerous are his works, that to enumerate them all, or to specify the precise order in which they CH. VI.] JOHN BACON 223 appeared, would be difficult. Among the principal may be mentioned, in addition to those already referred to, the monument to Lord Chatham in Westminster Abbey, erected by the King and Parliament at a cost of 6000 l ; the statues of Dr. Johnson (1785), John Howard and Sir William Jones (1795), in St. Paul's Cathedral ; the two groups on the front of Somerset House, and the bronze figure of ' Thames,' in the courtyard ; the figures in the pediment of the late East India House ; a statue of Judge Blackstone for All Souls' College, Oxford, and one of Henry VI. in the Ante-Chapel at Eton ; Lord Cornwallis at Calcutta ; and Dr. Anderson and the Earl and Countess of Effinpham at Jamaica. He felt that his best works t/ were his statues, and he had the good sense to disclaim any pretensions to that knowledge of the antique which he was accused of wanting, asserting that in the study of living nature he sought for excellence, as the ancients used to do. The plain realities of life were within his grasp works of imagination requiring refined percep- tion of beauty, were not. He had throughout his life followed the Methodist pro- fession, and sustained a high character for religion and morality. He wrote a series of epitaphs with a view to correct the common violation of taste in such compo- sitions, and in his letters and conversation he always infused a religious element. In the prime of fame and health he was suddenly attacked with inflammation in the bowels, which proved fatal in less than two days, and he died at his house in Newman Street, on the 6th of August, 1799. At the time several of his monuments 1 It is stated that Bacon prepared sculptors for Public Works, he gave a large model for this monument, his orethren some offence by this and availed himself of the Kind's manoeuvre, and yet more by a pro- favour to show it to him privately, posal to erect all the Government and thus to obtain the order for the monuments at a certain percentage work. As it was always the privi- below the usual price a proposal lege of the Koyal Academy to select which was very properly rejected, one of the designs of the competing 224 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. were left unfinished ; these he directed should be com- pleted by his second son, John Bacon. His wealth the well-earned fruits of a life of industry amounting to 60,000, he divided equally among his children. He was buried in Whitfield's Chapel, in Tottenham Court Koad, London ; and the following in- scription, written by himself, was engraved on a plain tablet over his grave : " What I was, as an artist, seemed of some importance while I lived ; but what I really was, as a believer in Jesus Christ, is the only thing of im- portance to me now." THOMAS BANKS,R.A.,was born onthe J22nd of December, 1735, at Lambeth, and was the son of the land-steward of the Duke of Beaufort, who intended to educate him for the profession of an architect, and placed him under Kent for that purpose. With him he remained seven years, but young Banks had formed a decided preference for sculpture, and stimulated by the offers made by the Society of Arts of premiums for models in sculpture, he devoted himself to the study of that art, and obtained several of the honours conferred by the Society. Until the institution of the Eoyal Academy, he appears to have been self-taught as a sculptor. He entered the schools of the Academy in 1769, and in 1770 obtained the gold medal for his bas-relief of ' The Eape of Proserpine.' In 1771 his reputation was increased by a group repre- senting ' Mercury, Argus, and lo ; ' and in the following year he was sent to Rome, as the travelling-student from the Academy for three years, and through the liberality of his father, and the portion obtained with his wife (Miss Wooton), his resources were not limited to the allowance from the Academy. His first work executed in marble was ' Caractacus before Claudius,' a bas-relief both grand and simple, which was long one of the orna- ments of the Duke of Buckingham's seat at Stowe : 'Pysche Stealing the Golden Flame,' intended for a portrait CH. VI. ] THOMAS BANKS 225 of the Princess Sophia of Gloucester, and a statue of 4 Love seizing the Human Soul' followed, both being distinguished by grace and symmetry of form, accuracy of contour, and classical elegance. While in Eome he discovered that the Italian sculptors were far more skilful in the mere working of the marble than our own, and he took lessons in carving of Cappizoldi, a distinguished Eoman sculptor. He returned to England in 1775, and took up his abode at No. 5 Newman. Street. Oxford Street. He was elected an Associate in 1784, and a Eoyal Aca- demician in the following year. f] Although he had acquired fame, he had hitherto found little profit, for neither in Eome nor in this country was his success equal to his expectations Nollekens being at that time the established favourite for busts, and Bacon for statuaiy. In 1784, -therefore, he accepted an invitation from the Empress Catherine, and went to Eussia. 'Cupid with a Moth,' executed for the Empress, was his principal work in that country. He received commissions for one or two others, to represent ' The Armed Neutrality,' but the subject being uncongenial to him, he returned after two years to England. His first work after his return was 'The Mourning Achilles,' a cast greatly admired both for its classic beauty and its natural truth. It was presented after his death to the British Institution, where it may still be seen. Among his many subsequent per- formances, the best of those not yet mentioned were an alto-relievo of ' Thetis consoling Achilles,' and another of 4 Shakspeare, attended by Poetry and Painting,' executed for Alderman Boydell, and now in front of the British Institution in Pall Mall. The ' Falling Titan,' which he presented to the Eoyal Academy on his election, is a very fine production. His first production in monumental sculpture excited great attention, this was a memorial to the only daughter of Sir B. Boothby, now in Ashbounie Church, Derbyshire. The child is represented on her couch VOL. i. u 226 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. asleep ; and when the monument was exhibited at Somerset House, placed in the middle of the room, it attracted the especial notice of Queen Charlotte and the Princesses, and awakened deep feelings in many a mother's heart. The tomb to Woollett the engraver, in the cloisters of Westminster " Abbey, was his next work. Later in life he executed the monuments of Captains Westcott and Burgess in St. Paul's, and of Sir Eyre Coote in Westminster Abbey, in which with very questionable taste, he attempted to improve the poetic feeling of our public monuments. His strength was in subjects purely ideal, but he became weak in applying his lofty imagination to the plain realities of life. Banks died on the 2nd of February, 1805, and was buried on the south side of Paddington Churchyard. A tablet was set up in Westminster Abbey bearing this inscription ': " In Memory of Thomas Banks, whose superior abilities in the profession added a lustre to the arts of his country, and whose character as a man reflected honour on human nature." As he advanced in years he grew strict in religious duties, and by his purity of life and elevation of intellect, was held in great regard by many friends. After his death, Flaxrnan delivered an eloquent discourse on his genius and character.^ He lived simply, but was always generous in rendering personal visits of sympathy and help to the poor, and in encou- raging art in all its forms. He made a collection of drawings, &c., by the old masters, and left behind him i ar g e number of masterly sketches of his own. The two Architects who were added to the number of Eoyal Academicians during the Presidency of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, were James Wyatt and John Yenn. JAMES WYATT, E.A., was one of the most extensively patronised architects of the last century ; but although the commissions he received were both numerous and CH. VI.] JAMES WYATT 227 extensive, he was far from accumulating a large fortune, and was often involved in pecuniary difficulties. He was the son of a farmer, who was also a dealer in timber, and was born at Barton Constable, in Staffordshire, in 1746. While quite a boy he so forcibly attracted the attention of Lord Bagot, by the germ of talent he discovered in him, that when that nobleman went to Italy as Ambassador to the Pope, he took James Wyatt with him (although then only fourteen) that he might have an opportunity of studying architecture in Eome. There he spent three or four years examining and measuring the chief remains of ancient architecture. Thence he proceeded to Venice, where he studied for two years under Vincentini, an archi- tect and painter, and returned to England in 1766. In 1770 he was elected an Associate of the Eoyal Academy, and at that time commenced the work by which he first acquired celebrity, the old Pantheon in Oxford Street, which was finished and opened in 1772. It was fitted up in a style of great splendour, and the ' Eotunda ' or great room was the rendezvous of the gay and fashionable world so much so that Walpole called it the winter Eanelagh of the metropolis. It was unfortunately burnt down in January, 1792, and no detailed drawings were preserved of the interior, as designed by Wyatt. The front and portico in Oxford Street were rebuilt and altered after the fire. The fame which this resort of the fashion of the day obtained for its architect, led to his receiving numerous commissions to erect mansions in various parts of the country, which are regarded as great improvements on the usual designs then in vogue for private residences, not so much in architectural form, as in the superior accom- modation and refinement of comfort, which.he introduced into domestic buildings. There is a degree of sameness in his simple Greco-Italian residences, which may per- haps be accounted for by the statement which is made, that his engagements were so numerous that he gene- Q 2 228 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VI. rally sketched out his design in the carriage as he travelled to the place where it was to be erected. In 1778 he was employed in making additions to some of the colleges at Oxford, and having turned his attention for some years chiefly to the study of Gothic archi- tecture, he made his first effort in this style at Lee near Canterbury, in the mansion he erected for Mr. Barrett. In this new manner, Wyatt gained as much popularity as in his former one ; and if subsequent architects have far excelled him, it must not be forgotten that we owe to him in a great measure the practical revival of the Gothic style ; for that which his successors found de- lineated and measured for them on paper ready for re- ference, he had to draw and measure for himself, and thus to acquire by great labour, a knowledge of all its elaborate details. In this style he was extensively employed at Oxford, in the observatory, the library of Oriel College, and alterations at Balliol ; and also in making restorations at Salisbury and Lichfield Cathedrals. Un- fortunately he was reckless in dealing with relics of antiquity, and many of his incongruous adaptations of pieces of monuments and bits of altar screens, to form " restorations," have earned for him among antiquarians and archaeologists the name of "the destroyer." In 1795 he erected Fonthill Abbey for Mr. Beckford, and in the following year the castellated Eoyal Military Academy at Woolwich. The latter commission he owed to the fact that in 1796 he succeeded Sir William Chambers as Sur- veyor-General, and as such, was subsequently employed at the House of Lords, and at Windsor Castle by George III. In 1801 he made designs for Downing College, which were not, however, approved, and were severely censured by Mr. T. Hope. The addition of wings to the House at Chiswick ; a Gothic palace com- menced at Kew, and since demolished ; Cashiobury ; and Mausolems at Cobham and Brocklesby, were among his later works. He died on 5th September, 1813, from CH. VI.] JOHN YENN 229 the effects of an accident, having been overturned in a carriage, while travelling from Bath to London. He felt a widow and four sons, one of whom was the architect .-.. ji ' of Drury Lane Theatre. He became an E.A. in 1785, (. w^/- and in 1805, during the period in which the office of ( President of the Eoyal Academy was vacated by Ben- jamin West, it was filled by Mr. Wyatt but it can only be regarded as a temporary appointment during a party strife, until the division among the members was healed, and peace restored. JOHN YENX, E.A., was a student at the Eoyal Academy in 1769. In 1771 he gained the gold medal for the best architectural design for a " nobleman's villa," and was elected an Associate in 1774. By the designs he ex- hibited at the Eoyal Academy, he seems to have been chiefly employed in domestic architecture, erecting mansions in town and country for the nobility and gentry. He was elected a Eoyal Academician in 1791, and was appointed treasurer in 1796, holding the office by special warrant under the King's sign-manual, in succession to Sir William Chambers. This appointment he resigned in 1820, and he died in the following year. CHAPTER VII. ASSOCIATES ELECTED DURING THE PRESIDENCY OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, WHO DID NOT SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME ROYAL ACADEMICIANS. Associate Engravers: T. MAJOR, S. F. RAYENET, P. C. CANOT, J. BROWNE, T. CHAMBERS, V. GREEN, F. HA WARD, J. COLLYER, J. HEATH. Associates: J. GEORGE, E. MARTIN, A. ZTJCCHI, M. A. HOOKER, W. PARS, N. T. BALL, B. REBECCA, W. TOMKINS, T. ELMER, E. EDWARDS, W. PARRY, J. H. MORTIMER, J. NIXON, H. HONE, G. STFBBS, J. WRIGHT, E. STEVENS, JOSEPH BONOMI. IT was determined very early in the history of the Eoyal Academy that the claim to full academic honours should be reserved for those who had previously been recognised as deserving of the rank of associates. Consequently in the preceding chapter we have referred to a large number of those who were elected associates during the presidency of Sir Joshua Reynolds, for within the same period no less than thirty-one were chosen to fill the higher grade of Royal Academicians. Eight others, who were chosen associates prior to 1791, were afterwards elected to full membership, and of them we shall have to give an account hereafter. These were Philip Reinagle, W. R. Bigg, Sir F. Bourgeois, Sir R. Smirke, Thomas Stothard, Sir T. Lawrence, Henry Tresham, and N. Marchant. Fifty-eight associates were elected between 1770 and 1791. Nine of these were engravers in the separate class appointed for that branch of art, 31 have already been mentioned as Royal Academicians, and 18 others re- CH. VII.] MAJOR RAVENET 231 mained in the rank of associates, sixteen of these being painters, and two architects. The ASSOCIATE ENGRAVERS first elected (in 1770) were Thomas Major, Simon Eavenet, P. C. Canot, John Browne, and Thomas Chambers. The full complement of six was obtained in 1775, by the addition of Valentine Green. Three death vacancies were subsequently filled as follows : in 1783, Francis Haward ; 1786, Joshua Collyer ; and in 1791, James Heath. THOMAS MAJOR, A.E., was born in 1720. In early life he resided in Paris, where he engraved several plates after Wouvermani, Berghem, and others. On his return to England, he was employed on a variety of subjects, portraits of Earl Granville, Cardinal Pole, and others; landscapes after Claude and Poussin ; and general subjects after Murillo, Teniers, &c., all of which he produced in a neat, firm style, displaying good qualities of effect and execution, and especially a feathery lightness in his etching of foliage. In 1786 he published a set of twenty-four prints, after the designs of J. B. Borra, illustrating the 4 Euins of Pa3stum.' His merits as an engraver are con- siderable, and for several years he held the appointment of seal-engraver to the King. He was an early friend of Gainsborough, and engraved his fine 'Madonna.' In 1770 he was elected as an Associate Engraver of the Royal Academy. He died at his house in Tavistock Row, Covent Garden, on the 30th of December, 1799, in his 80th year. SIMON FRANCIS RAVENET, A.E., was a Frenchman, and was born in Paris in 1 706. He was a pupil of Le Bas, and practised his art with considerable success in his own country, until invited by Hogarth to England, to take part with Baron and Scotin in executing the engravings from his pictures of * Marriage a, la Mode.' He settled in 232 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cu. VII. London about 1750, and was largely employed among the booksellers, and also by Boy dell. He copied Hou- braken's portraits, for Smollett's " History of England ; " the ' Four Ages,' after Mercier ; ' Sophonisba ; ' and the 4 Story of Tobias,' besides a variety of subjects after the great Italian masters, and several portraits by Eeynolds and others. He gave both colour and brilliancy to his engravings, and finished them with great precision. His son also followed the same profession, and W. W. Eyland was his pupil. He was elected an Associate Engraver in 1770, and died in April, 1774. He was buried in Old St. Pancras Churchyard. PETEE CHAKLES CANOT, A.E., was also a Frenchman, and was born in 1710. He came to England in 1740, and resided in this country during the remainder of his life. He engraved a large number of landscapes : among them two views of Westminster and London Bridge, after Scott ; a series of marine views and sea-engagements, after Paton ; twelve sea-pieces by Peter Monainy ; Views on the St. Lawrence Eiver, by Swain ; and several works of Vandevelde, Teniers, Pillement and Claude. His plates were very popular, and many of them, especially his sea- pieces, possess great merit. He was elected an Associate Engraver in 1770, and died in Kentish Town in 1777. JOHN BROWNE, A.E., was born at Oxford in 1742, and was a pupil of Tierney at the same time with William Woollett, who worked with him in a style of landscape engraving, effected by the union of etching and the graving tool, which greatly increased the polish and effect of their works. Many of the plates he etched were finished by Woollett : among them, ' Celedon and Amelia,' from Thomson's " Seasons ; " the ' Jocund Peasants,' &c. Those which are exclusively his own are etched and engraved in a masterly style. His best work is perhaps ' St. John preaching in the Wilderness.' He displayed great judg- CH. VII.] CHAMBERS GREEN 233 ment in the selection of his subjects, chosen chiefly from the landscapes of Claude, Poussin, Eubens, and Hobbema. He was elected an Associate Engraver in 1770, and died at Wandsworth on the 2nd of October, 1801, in his 60th year. His widow received a pension from the Academy for thirty years from that date. Boydell and other print- sellers gave him ample employment, and in private life he bore a high character for uprightness, integrity and good nature. THOMAS CHAMBERS, A.E., was born in London about the year 1724. He was of an Irish family, and studied draw- ing and engraving both in Dublin and Paris. Alderman Boydell employed him to engrave several large plates for him, of which the best are ' St. Martin dividing his Cloak,' after Eubens, and ' A Concert,' after Caravaggio. There was great freedom and firmness in his manner, but the effect was not pleasing, and his drawing was not al- together correct. He engraved several portraits for the booksellers, and most of those in Walpole's "Anecdotes of Painters." His principal works are ' Mrs. Quarrington as St. Agnes,' after Eeynolds, and the ' Death of Marshal Turenne.' He was elected an Associate Engraver in 1770. Occasionally he was the assistant of Grignion, but he did not prosper in his profession, and unhappily, being pressed by his landlord for the rent owing for the rooms he occupied in Little St. Martin's Lane, he left his home in distress of mind, and his body was found floating in the river, near Battersea, a few day afterwards. This happened in 1789. VALENTINE GREEN, A.E., was celebrated as one of the most eminent mezzotint engravers of the early English School. He was born at Hales Owen, near Birmingham, in 1739. His father intended him to follow the profession of the law, and he was accordingly placed with a practitioner at Ensham, in Worcestershire ; but disliking this employment, 234 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VII. after spending two years in a lawyer's office, he left it, without his father's concurrence, and became the pupil of a line engraver at Worcester. In 1765 he came to London, and began to turn his attention to mezzotint, in which style, without instruction, he attained to rare excel- lence. M'Ardell and Earlom share with him the credit of carrying this branch of the art to a perfection never previously attained. He acquired' great reputation by his many prints after West, especially two large plates, published a few years after his arrival in London, of the ' Eeturn of Eegulus to Carthage ' and ' Hannibal swearing Enmity to the Eomans,' two of West's best works, originally painted for George III., and now at Hampton Court. One of Green's masterpieces is the ' Stoning of St. Stephen,' also after West. In 1775 he was elected one of the six Associate Engravers of the Eoyal Academy, and in 1782 published a "Eeview of the Polite Arts in France, compared with their Present State in England." He also wrote the " History of the City of Worcester." In 1789 he was granted the exclusive privilege of engraving the pictures of the Diisseldorf Gallery by the Elector of Bavaria, who conferred on him the title of Hof Kupfersticher (court engraver). By the year 1795 he had published twenty-two prints of that collection; but, unfortunately, when the city was besieged by the French, in 1798, the castle and gallery were demolished, and his property and prospects of remuneration for his labours at once destroyed. He executed sixteen plates from Sir Joshua Eeynolds's portrait-pieces, and a like number of plates from West's historical subjects. Besides these, he engraved several large plates after Eubens, including the ' Descent from the Cross,' at Antwerp ; and by unremitting exertion, during a period of nearly forty years, produced about 400 plates after the most celebrated ancient and modern painters. On the foundation of the British Institution, in 1805, he was appointed keeper, and gained alike the respect of the public and of the artists CH. VIL] HAWARD COLLYER 235 by his zealous exertions in that capacity. He died in St. Alban's Street, London, on the 6th of July, 1813, in his 74th year. FRANCIS HAWARD, A.E., was born on 19th of April, 1759, and became, in 1776, a student at the Eoyal Academy, of which he was elected an Associate Engraver in 1783. He was chiefly employed in copying the portraits made by Sir Joshua Eeynolds, and the fancy pieces designed by Angelica Kauffman. One of the best specimens of En- glish engraving is the copy he made of Eeynolds's famous picture of ' Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse.' Other admirable examples of his style are the ' Infant Academy ' and ' Cyrnon and Iphigenia,' after the same master. Of his portraits, the best is that of the Prince of Wales, 1793. He lived at 29 Marsh Street, Lambeth, and died there in 1797. His widow afterwards received a pension from the Eoyal Academy for forty-two years. JOSEPH COLLYEE, A.E., was born in September, 1748, and was a pupil of Anthony Walker. On the death of his master he at once sought to form a connection among the booksellers, his neat style of engraving suiting admirably for book-illustration. In this way he obtained adequate employment, and subsequently attracted the notice of Alderman Boydell, for whom he made an engraving after D. Teniers, and also of the ' Irish Volunteers,' by Wheatley, in which he took a higher rank in his profession. Subse- quently he won great praise by his copies of Sir J. Eeynolds's ' Venus ' and ' Una,' in the manner of chalk, closely imitating, not only the character of the originals, but also the touches and pencil of the master. He also engraved, with great success, the ' Girl with a Cat ; ' the portrait of ' Miss Palmer,' the niece of Sir Joshua ; and of Eeynolds, by himself. He became a student of the Eoyal Academy in 1771, and was elected an Associate Engraver in 1786. Subsequently he was appointed por- 236 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cii. VII trait-engraver to Queen Charlotte. The date of his decease is not known. JAMES HEATH, A.E., born in 1765, was a pupil of Collyer, and must have derived from his instruction some portion of that talent which distinguished his style. His numerous engravings gave a new impetus to the then rising taste for book-illustration, since his execution far excelled that of his predecessors in the same class of works. In the beginning of his career he engraved several portraits published in "Lord Orford's Works and Correspondence." Subsequently the designs of Stothard were his especial study, and both engraver and artist gained celebrity by the perfect rendering which the burin of the one gave to the graceful drawings of the other. The publications of Harrison and Bell, in which these prints appeared, were eagerly sought for, and are still valued for the sake of these illustrations. His larger plates are the ' Death of Major Pierson,' after Singleton ; the ' Dead Soldier,' after Wright ; the 'Eiots in 1780,' after Wheatley; the 'Death of Nelson,' after West ; and several scenes from ' Shak- speare,' after Smirke and Peters. The print of the ' Canterbury Pilgrims,' after Stothard, was also completed by him. He was elected an Associate Engraver in 1 7 91 , and was appointed engraver to the King. He died in 1835. Passing from the associate engravers elected during the presidency of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, we now have to notice the sixteen painters elected as associates during the same period, who did not subsequently attain to the higher rank of Eoyal Academicians. These were elected as follows: in 1770, George James, Elias Martin, Antonio Zucchi, Michael Angelo Eooker, and William Pars ; in 1771, N. T. Dall, B. Eebecca, and William Tomkins; in 1772, Stephen Elmer; in 1773, Edward Edwards; in 1776, William Parry; in 1778, John Mortimer and James Nixon ; in 1779, Horace Hone ; CH. VII.] . JAMES MAETIN ZUCCHI 237 in 1780, George Stubbs; and in 1781, Joseph Wright, of Derby. GEORGE JAMES, A.E.A., was a portrait painter. He studied for some years in Eome, and was elected an Asso- ciate in 1770. He commenced his profession in Dean Street, Soho, but afterwards, in 1780, removed to Bath. There he found ample employment, and during many years contributed a large number of portraits, and some fancy pieces, carefully painted, and not inelegant in design and execution, to the exhibitions. He inherited property from his grandfather, who built Meard's Court, in Dean Street, and married a lady of fortune ; so that he was, to a great degree, independent of his profession, nor did he take a very high rank in it. A few years before his death he went to reside at Boulogne, and there, in com- mon with many more of our countrymen, fell a victim to Eobespierre's tyranny, and was confined in a dismal prison. His constitution sank under this cruel oppression, and he died early in the year 1795. ELIAS MARTIN, A.E.A., was admitted a student of the Eoyal Academy in 1769, and an Associate in 1770 ; and appears to have divided his talents between landscapes and portraits. The former seem to have been chiefly views in this country and in Sweden, some of them of an architectural character, the latter, chalk drawings of ladies and children. The period of his decease is un- known ; but his name was not removed from the list of associates till 1832, it being supposed that he was then dead, sixty-two years having elapsed since his election. ANTONIO ZUCCHI, A.E.A., an Italian artist, long resident in England, was an exhibitor at the Eoyal Academy from its foundation, contributing views of ruins of ancient temples, and similar works. He became an Associate in 1770. He was brought to this country by the brothers 238 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VII. Adam, the architects, who employed him to paint decora- 3 t*~ ti ns f r tne edifices erected by them. He painted ceilings fAAi*or the Queen's house, in St. James Park (old Buckingham *-c House), and at Osterley Park >/v These works were exe- f*4jbttted in a light and pleasant manner, and were chiefly scenes of poetic and mythological history. He became, in 17glj the husba^ O f Angelica Kauffman ; but the union did not prove a happy one. In August of that year he went with her to Eome, where he continued to reside till his death in December, 1795. MICHAEL AN T GELO BOOKER, A.E.A.,was the son of Edward Eooker, an engraver of architectural subjects, and was born in London in 1743. His father first instructed him in the art of engraving, and he was subsequently a pupil of Paul Sandby, who taught him landscape and water- colour painting, and whose style he very closely followed, drawing with great care, and enlivening his scenes with well-sketched figures. In 1769 he became a student at the Eoyal Academy, and was one of the first associates elected in the following year. In 1772 he exhibited a view of ' Temple Bar,' which possessed considerable merit, and was much admired. His views of the colleges, which he engraved for the Oxford Almanac for several con- secutive years (for each of which he received fifty guineas), are still admired as works of great merit. They comprise some of the best views taken of that interesting city. For several years Eooker was the principal scene-painter for the Haymarket Theatre. He died on the 3rd of March, 1801, and was interred in the burial-ground of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, in the Kentish Town Eoad. The remainder of his drawings were sold after his death for 1240. WILLIAM PARS, A.E. A., was born in London in 1742, and first learnt the rudiments of art at Shipley's drawing school, in the Strand. Subsequently he studied in the CH. VII. ] PAHS DALL 239 St. Martin's Lane Academy ; and on the opening of the Eoyal Academy, became a student there. In 1764 he gained the Society of Arts' twenty-guinea premium for historical painting. When the Dilettanti Society proposed that a party of gentlemen should proceed to Greece to make further researches among the remains of antiquity to be found in Ionia, Pars was chosen draughtsman to the expedition, and was absent from England from this cause for three years. Subsequently he accompanied the then Lord Palmerston on a tour through Italy and Switzerland, to make drawings of the most remarkable ruins and antiquities ; maiiy of these were engraved in aquatinta by Paul Sandby. He was elected an Associate in 1770, and in 1774 was chosen by the Dilettanti Society to receive the pension for a certain number of years which they then determined to bestow upon some rising artist, to enable him to complete his studies in Eome. There he remained, pursuing his studies, until the year 1782, when he died of a fever, which abruptly terminated his career in his 40th year. NICHOLAS THOMAS DALL, A.E.A., was a native of Denmark, who settled in London about 1760. Eight years afterwards he obtained the first premium for the best landscape painting, given by the Society of Arts. He was chiefly occupied in painting scenes for Covent Garden Theatre ; but he nevertheless found time, after his election as an Associate in 1771, to contribute a large number of land- scapes to the Eoyal Academy exhibitions, chiefly views in Yorkshire, where he was extensively employed by the Duke of Bolton, Lord Harewood, and the owners of property in that county. He died in Great Newport Street, in the spring of 1777, leaving a widow and children, for whose aid the managers of Covent Garden Theatre gave a benefit, out of respect to the artist. BIAGIO EEBECCA, A.E.A., was a student at the Eoyal 240 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VII. Academy in 1769, and was chosen an Associate in 1771. In that year he contributed a painting of ' Hagar and Ishmael ' to the exhibition, and ' A Sacrifice to Minerva ' in 1772, but nothing for several subsequent years. He also contributed towards the ornamentation of the new rooms of the Academy at Somerset House. He died in his lodg- ings in Oxford Street, aged seventy- three, on the 22nd of February, 1808. WILLIAM TOMKIXS, A.R A., the son and nephew of artists, was born in London, about the year 1730. In 1763 he obtained the second premium of twenty-five guineas for the best landscape, offered by the Society of Arts, and in 1771 became an Associate of the Koyal Academy. He made some copies after Claude Lorraine, and from Hobbema, and other Dutch artists, and painted nu- merous landscapes, and views of gentlemen's seats, in the West and North of England ; also, a series of views, for which he received a commission from the Earl of Fife, of his lordship's seat in Scotland. He died in Queen Anne Street, East, on the 1st of January, 1792, leaving two sons, one of whom was celebrated as an engraver (a pupil of Bartolozzi), and the other also worked in aquatinta. STEPHEN ELMEE, A.E.A., elected an Associate in 1772, is principally remembered as a painter of dead game and objects of still-life, which he executed with a very bold pencil, and with striking fidelity to nature. He died in 1796, at Farnham, in Surrey, where he resided during the greater part of his life. An exhibition of his works was made by his nephew in 1799, when 148 pictures were collected. Many of those remaining unsold were de- stroyed by fire in Gerrard Street, Soho, in February, 1801, together with a choice collection of prints by Woollett. EDWARD EDWARDS, A.E. A., was born on the 7th of March, CH. VII.] EDWARDS PARRY 241 1738, in Castle Street, Leicester Square, where his father was a carver, at which trade his son was employed, till he showed a decided taste for drawing, when he took lessons from a master ; in 1759 was admitted a student at the Duke of Eichmoud's Gallery, and eventually became a member of the St. Martin's Lane Academy. Subsequently he was employed, both by the Society of Antiquaries and by Alderman Boydell, to make drawings from the works of the old masters. He contributed a scene from the " Two Gentlemen of Verona " to the Shakspeare Gallery, and painted Scriptural and classic subjects, and portraits, which he exhibited at the Eoyal Academy. He was one of the students in its schools from 1769, and was chosen an Associate in 1773. In 1775 he was employed by Mr. Udny, by whose aid he visited Italy, carefully studying art and nature in that country. On three occasions he obtained prizes from the Society of Arts for drawing, historical painting, and landscape. On the death of Samuel Wale he was appointed, in 1788, teacher of per- spective at the Academy, and continued to fulfil the duties of that office till his death. He published a treatise on the subject, and the " Anecdotes of Painters," bearing his name, which he compiled at intervals during his life, as a continuation to those of Walpole, and which contain much interesting information in regard to the history of art in this country at the commencement of the reign of King George III. He painted many excellent arabesques for the Hon. Charles Hamilton, at Bath, in 1782-3, and for Horace Walpole in the following year ; and finished, in 1792, a series of fifty- two etchings, of various subjects. He died on the 19th of December, 1806, and was buried in Old St. Pancras Churchyard. WILLIAM PARRY, A.R.A., was born in London in 1742, and was the son of the celebrated blind Welsh haq)ist,for whose concerts he made a small etching, which served as a card of admittance, representing his father playing on the harp. VOL. i. R $ 242 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VII. First learning drawing in Mr. Shipley's school, he next studied from the antique in the Duke of Kichmond's Gallery, and afterwards became a pupil of Sir J. Eeynolds. About the same time he studied in the St. Martin's Lane Academy, and in 1769 entered the Koyal Academy schools. He was so fortunate as to gain several pre- miums from the Society of Arts, and to obtain the patronage of Sir W. W. Wynne, by whose generosity he was enabled to visit Italy in 1770. After four years he returned to England, and in 1776 was chosen an associate of the Eoyal Academy. For a year or two he practised portrait painting ; but meeting with little encouragement, he went back to Borne in 1778, and remained there for several years, until ill-health compelled him to return to England. He only survived a short time, and died on the 13th of February, 1791. JOHN HAMILTON MORTIMER, A.E.A., was born in 1741 at Eastbourne, Sussex, where his father was the collector of customs. From an uncle who was an itinerant artist, he acquired a strong inclination to become a painter, and his father gratified his wish by paying a hundred pounds premium to Hudson, to receive him as a pupil. He had already practised sketching near his rough sea-coast home ; now he desired to learn colouring, and finding he could do little with Hudson, he left him to study with Pine, a good colourist, and to draw from the antique in the Duke of Bichmond's gallery. There he gained the favour- able notice both of Cipriani and Moser, and the Duke wished to retain him to paint the walls and ceilings of his 'mansions, after the fashion of those days. But Mortimer had a higher ambition, and disputed with Bomney, in 1765, the claim to the prize of fifty guineas, offered by the Society of Arts for the best historical picture, in his painting of ' Edward the Confessor seizing his Mother's Treasures.' He subsequently had adjudged to him by the same society one hundred guineas for his picture of ' St. CH. Vn.] J. H. MORTIMER 243 Paul converting the Britons,' which afterwards became the property of Dr. Bates, who presented it in 1778 to the church of Wycombe, Bucks. He acquired the friendship of Eeynolds, and attracted the notice of the King, for whom he painted a coach-panel, with a repre- sentation of the ' Battle of Agincourt ; ' and by his pictures of ' King John granting Magna Charta to the Barons,' ' Vortigern and Eowena,' and other similar works, he successively increased his celebrity. Unfortunately his habits were dissipated, and his her- culean frame and handsome figure were shattered and spoiled by frequent over-indulgence and excess. Kepent- ing of these misdoings, he married, painted from his own experience 4 The Progress of Vice,' pointed the moral of his own changed feelings in the ' Progress of Virtue,' and leaving London life and its temptations, went to reside at Aylesbury. Here he lived a quiet, sober, and even reli- gious life. He came back to London in November 1778, took up his abode in Norfolk Street, Strand, and was apparently in improved health ; but on the 4th of February following he died from the effects of a sudden and severe attack of fever in the 38th year of his age. Al- though he had never exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, he had been chosen an Associate in 1778, and by the especial wish of the King was to have been raised to the highest honours of the Academy, when his career was thus suddenly closed. He was buried by the side of the altar in the church of High Wycombe, near the picture he painted. Mortimer was not a good colourist, and his portraits were not pleasing, although his drawings in black and white chalk were very effective. In design he was emi- nently successful, both in historical, and in wild fanciful subjects. He was especially celebrated for groups of banditti, the originals of which were the hordes of smug- glers on the coast near his early home. His rapid power of sketching made him popular as an illustrator of books B 2 244 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. VII. and he also designed ' the Elevation of the Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness,' for the great window of Salisbury Cathedral, and cartoons for the stained glass in Brasenose College, Oxford. For fine drawing, ease and freedom of touch, few of his compeers excelled him ; but there was extravagance in some of his conceptions, and many of his best designs were marred by the cold dull colours with which he afterwards clothed them. JAMES NIXON, A.E.A, one of the first students at the Eoyal Academy, who was elected an Associate in 1778, was a portrait and miniature painter, and exhibited a variety of works in these styles at the exhibitions. He was also employed to paint many histrionic scenes, which he exe- cuted in a masterly style in oil-colour, and to illustrate popular poems, &c. He was limner to H.E.H. the Prince Eegent, and principal miniature painter to H.E.H. the Duchess of York. He died on the 9th of May, 1812, aged 71, at Tiverton in Devonshire. HOBACE HONE, A.E.A., was also a painter of portraits, in oil-colours, miniature, and enamel. He had many fashion- able sitters, and was appointed miniature painter to the Prince of "Wales, retaining that situation when H.E.H. became Prince Eegent. He was elected an Associate in 1779, and died in 1825. GEORGE STUBBS, A.E.A., was famous as a painter of animals, and especially excelled in portraits of horses and dogs. He was born at Liverpool in 1724, and at the age of thirty went to Eome to study. He afterwards settled in London, and steadily pursued the especial line of art he had chosen. In 1766, he completed his work on " the Anatomy of the Horse," which was illustrated with plates etched by himself after his own designs. Before his death, he published three numbers of another work under the title of " A Comparative Anatomical Exposition of the CH. VII.] STUBBS WRIGHT 245 Structure of the Human Body with that of a Tiger and a Common Fowl," in thirty tables. Many of his paintings were engraved by Woollett, Earlom, Green, and others. Among these the plate by Woollett of his ' Spanish Pointer,' is a fine specimen. Although Stubbs was chiefly employed in painting portraits of the most celebrated racehorses of his time, he showed by his picture of ' Phaeton with the Horses of the Sun,' that his talents were capable of a higher exercise. In 1780 he became an Associate, and was elected in the following year a Royal Academician ; this honour, however, he declined. He died on the 10th of July, 1806. JOSEPH WEIGHT, A.R.A., distinguished from others of the same name as "of Derby," was the son of an attorney of that town, and was born there in 1734. He came to London in 1751, and became a pupil of Hudson, the portrait painter, at the same time with Mortimer. On leaving this master he returned to Derby, and commenced his career as a portrait painter with fair prospects of success. In 1765, he sent two pictures to the London Exhibition of the Society of Artists ; and in the following year exhibited three pictures of fire-pieces and candle-light subjects, which were much admired. In 1773 he married, and soon afterwards set out for Italy, visiting Rome and other places during the interval between this period and the year 1775, when he returned home and established him- self at Bath. While at Rome, he made some drawings from the frescoes of Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel, which are said to have preserved admirably the character of the originals. In 1777 he settled at Derby, and re- mained there until his death in 1797. In 1781 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy, but subsequently requested that his name might be erased from the list, it is said because Edmund Garvey was chosen a Royal Academician before him. In 1785 he made an exhibition of his works in a large room 246 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VII. in the Piazza, Covent Garden, where he collected together twenty-four of his pictures, among which were several illustrating the effects of fire-light, a style of work for which he had a great taste, the best of these was 'The Destruction of the Floating Batteries off Gibraltar.' Sub- sequently he occasionaUy sent his works to the Academy exhibitions ; in his later years he chiefly painted land- scapes, his last work being 'the Head of Ullswater Lake,' a large picture of great merit. His best historical pieces are ' the Dead Soldier,' ' Edwin at the Tomb of his Ancestors,' ' Belshazzar's Feast,' ' Hero and Leander,' ' the Lady,' in " Comus," and the ' Storm Scene ' in the " Win- ter's Tale," painted for Alderman Boydell. His landscapes displayed equal excellence and great variety ; his Italian views, 'Cicero's Villa,' and 'Maecenas' Villa at Tivoli,' ' the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius,' and the ' Fireworks exhibited from the Castle of St. Angelo at Eome,' exhibit the Wilsonic effect which he sometimes produced, and the effects of fire which he so admirably rendered. He drew and coloured well, both in figures and landscapes ; but his works having been purchased from the easel by his own townsmen, or preserved in his family, are rare, and little known except by the engravings from them. Two architects were included among the early Asso- ciates. EDWAKD STEVENS, A.E. A., who was elected in 1770 and died in 1775, and who in the interval exhibited drawings from the buildings which he designed, the Eoyal Ex- change at Dublin, and other works of secondary impor- tance : and JOSEPH or GUISEPPE BOIV T OMI, A.E.A., who was born at Eome in 1739, and studied architecture in that city under the Marchese Teodoli. In 1767 the Brothers Adam invited him to England, and he was for many CH. VH.] J. BONOMI 247 years employed by them. In 1775 he married Eosa Florini, the cousin of Angelica Kaufftnan, who, when she left England to reside with her husband Zucchi at Eome, persuaded Bonomi also to return to Italy, but he did not remain in that country above a year, afterwards taking up his abode at No. 76 Titchfield Street^ Oxford Street. In November 1789 he was elected an Associate of the Eoyal Academy, but never became a Eoyal Academician, although, as we have elsewhere stated, it was the strong wish of the President to raise him to that rank, in order that he might succeed to the professorship of perspective, then vacant ; his failure in this object led Eeynolds for a time to resign the presidency of the Academy. Bonomi's most celebrated work is the splendid mansion at Eoseneath in Dumbartonshire, erected for the Duke of Argyle in 1803, but left unfinished. He had previously made additions to Langley Hall in Kent in 1790 ; designed the chapel for the Spanish embassy in 1792 ; Eastwell House in Kent, 1793 ; Longford Hall, Salop, and Laver- stoke, Hants, in 1797. In 1804 he was appointed Hono- rary Architect to St. Peter's at Eome, and made designs for the new sacristy. He died on the 9th of March, 1808. Two of his sons have attained to eminence, the eldest as an architect, and another (Joseph) as a traveller and writer on Egyptian antiquities, who has recently (March 1861) been elected Curator of the Soane Museum by the President and Council of the Eoyal Academy. Benjamin West, P.R^., from the Portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence CHAPTER VIII. THE ROYAL ACADEMY UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF BENJAMIN WEST, 17921820. Qualifications of West for the Office of President His Addresses The Fate of Proctor the Sculptor Publication of Bromley's " History of the Fine Arts" Anthony Pasquin's Attacks on the Royal Academy Royal Warrant for the Appointment of a Treasurer to succeed Sir William Cham- bers Finances of the Academy Pension Fund established Dispute between the General Assembly and the Council Barry's Dismissal from the Office of Professor of Painting and from the Academy Grant towards the Fund for the Exigencies of the State Laws as to Students amended Award of Pensions to Widows of deceased Members Illness of the King, as it affected West, and the Progress of the Arts Temporary Resignation of the President His Plan for a National Association of Art Artists' Volunteer Corps Prince Hoare's Academic Annals and Foreign Corre- spondence Establishment of the (Old) Water Colour Society and the British Institution John Landseer's Appeal for full Academic Honours for Engravers Varnishing Days Financial Arrangements amended in CH. VIII.] WEST'S QUALIFICATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT 249 1809 Complimentary Presents made by the Academy Premiums offered by the British Institution The Commemoration of Reynolds, 1813 Waterloo Memorial proposed Canova's Visit to England Exclusion of G. H. Harloioe from the Royal Academy Privileges of Students, and Increase of Allowances to travelling Students Pensions augmented Com- memoration of Fiftieth Anniversary Last Years and Death of the Presi- dent Changes among the Members and Officers of the Academy Its Financial Position The Exhibitions, AMONG all the surviving founders of the Eoyal Academy, or indeed among the younger artists who had subsequently been elected to membership, none could prefer so good a claim to succeed Sir Joshua Eeynolds in the office of President, as Benjamin West, upon whom the choice of his brethren fell. As an artist he had acquired considerable fame ; he had introduced, by what was at the time regarded as a daring innovation, the practice of painting events in modern history with the characteristics of costume and place proper to the occa- sion, rather than upon the classic models to which all previous artists had reverted ; he followed the highest branch of art-history, and had obtained Court favour and popularity by his productions ; and besides the claim which his personal labours in founding the Eoyal Aca- demy gave him to succeed Eeynolds, he possessed those peculiar qualifications for the office of President which his predecessor so constantly displayed, a quiet and gentle temper, extreme courtesy and forbearance, and a natural dignity of manner, of some consideration in one who had to discharge the duties of the office to which he was called. To the choice of the Academicians, his Majesty gave his ready sanction, for West had long been a favourite with the King, and had engrossed so large a share of his patronage as to excite, it is said, even the envy of the late President. On the 24th of March, 1792, West delivered his inaugural address, in which he spoke enthusiastically both of the condition and prospects of British art, and of the gracious patronage with which the Academy was 260 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. VIII. favoured by the King. He referred to his own elevation as " the free and unsolicited choice with which you have called me to fill this chair ; " and of the Academy he said : " The exhibitions are of the greatest importance to this institution, and the institution is become of great importance to the country. Here ingenious youths are instructed in the art of design, and the instruction acquired in this place has spread itself through the various manufactures of the country/ . . . But there is another consequence, of a more exalted kind ; I mean the cultivating of those higher excellences in refined art which have never failed to secure to nations, and to the individuals who have nourished them, an immortality of fame which no other circumstances have been equally able to per- petuate." All his subsequent discourses were more or less dis- tinguished by their simplicity and practical good sense, rather than by any novel theories, or by attempts at research into the characteristics of ancient art. His aim seems to have been to urge the students to seek for knowledge, and to study their art constantly, in all objects and at any cost, and thus to develope whatever genius for art they might possess, and to chasten and direct their imagination. In his first discourse to the students, 10th December, 1792, he recalled the circumstances of the foundation of the Academy, and the encouragements which the efforts of artists had received from the Eoyal patronage. Next he remarked on the connection between moral conduct and good taste, and the necessity for Academic instruction, while admitting the advantage of freedom and nature in study to true genius. " In every branch of art there are certain laws by which genius may be chastened, but the cor- rections gained by attention to these laws amputate nothing that is legitimate, pure, and elegant. Leaving these graces untouched, the schools of art have dominion enough in curbing what is wild, irregular, and absurd." In his CH. VIII.] WEST'S DISCOURSES 251 second discourse, 10th December, 1794, he took a more scientific view of the principles of the fine arts than in the first, recommending the drawing of the human figure ; attention to the improvement of the eye, accustoming it to an accurate discrimination of outline ; and the culti- vation of a philosophic spirit, leading by the study of proportion, expression, and character, to the ideal of beauty. In his discourse in 1797, he drew a comparison between the taste of the ancient Greeks and that of modern tunes in painting and sculpture, and gave his advice as to exact outline in drawing, light and shade, colour, composition, and study from nature. In subsequent discourses he spoke on the philosophy of character in art, showing how it has been attained by others in ancient and modern times, and reminded the students that patronage, whether royal or general, could only be ex- pected to follow what is eminently meritorious. Early in the year following West's election, an event occurred in connection with the sad fate of a young and promising artist, which strikingly exhibited the generous disposition of the new President. Thomas Proctor, who had been a student of the Eoyal Academy, and had gained the gold medal in 1784, for a historical painting, had subsequently attracted West's notice by a model in clay, for which he gained the silver medal, and by some classic compositions he had exhibited at the Academy. Unfortunately he found no patrons, and his best work, 4 Diomede torn to pieces by Wild Horses,' was returned to him at the close of the exhibition, and was then in the bitterness of his disappointment broken to pieces. Proctor disappeared, and after a time West, who had previously treated him with marked kindness, and had invited him to his house and table, set on foot inquiries respecting him, which resulted in the discovery that he had abandoned his art in despair, had been sleeping in a garret by Clare Market, and living on sea-biscuits and water. West, at this time President, at once submitted 252 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Car. VIII. his case to the Council of the Eoyal Academy, and pro- posed that Proctor should be sent to Italy as the travelling student, and that 50 should be given him to make preparations for his journey. The motion was unani- mously approved, and the poor sculptor was sent for the next day to dine with West, who informed him of what had been done, and arranged that his own son should accompany him. The help and the fair prospect both came too late. Within a week a messenger came to the President to tell him that Proctor was no more ; his con- stitution, undermined by want and mental distress, had given way under the revulsion which this bright future had created in his mind. The Academy in this case, unfortunately, was not in time to avert the calamity of neglect of genius ; but in how many other instances has its timely aid befriended the struggling aspirant, and strengthened him until he attained to independence ! The early part of the presidentship of West was attended by several circumstances which could not have been otherwise than vexatious to him, and to many members of the Academy. Some dissatisfaction arose in 1793, on the publication of the first volume of the Eev. William Bromley's " History of the Fine Arts," in which the President's works were highlv extolled, but those of <_j / * Eeynolds (so recently deceased), and Fuseli (stih 1 living), were spoken of in such disparaging terms that Fuseli criticised the book with great severity in one of the lead- ing journals, and the Academicians, who had subscribed for the work, refused to take the second volume, which, however, was never published. A suspicion arose that West had sanctioned the publication, as he was known to be a friend of the author, and to have consulted him in the preparation of his lectures : if this supposition were correct, it was certainly ill-judged, and naturally aroused the angry feeling it occasioned. In the same year (1793) the members of the Eoyal Academy celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its Cn. Vm.] PASQUIN'S CRITIQUES 258 foundation, by dining together at the Academy on the day of its commemoration, the 10th December. These social gatherings of the Academicians had charms which the more stately Exhibition Dinner could not afford. The members met to know each other more intimately to discuss freely, as friends and brothers in art, the prospects of the institution of which they formed a part, and the several matters in which their individual sympathies were concerned. They sung songs (at least those who could do so), and some of these were composed expressly for the occasion of their meetings, by such of their number as possessed the poet's skill. One of the oldest members of the Academy, Paul Sandby, was frequently in the habit of thus entertaining his fellow-academicians with some verses referring with a pleasant humour and sometimes keen satire, to the foibles and follies of the passing hour. In the year following the commemoration of the com- pletion of the first quarter of a century of the existence of the Eoyal Academy, it was exposed to a similar satirical attack to that to which it had been subjected by Wolcott's Odes of " Peter Pindar," in the publication of a "Liberal Critique on the Exhibition for 1794," and of " Memoirs of the Academicians, being an attempt to improve the taste of the realm, by Anthony Pasquin, Esq.," whose real name was Williams, and who, while holding up most of the members of the Academy to contempt, and ridiculing their works, showed some discernment in commending the early works of many others who after- wards attained to especial excellence. In another work by the same author, " An Authentic History of the Artists of Ireland," he proposed to publish " original letters from Sir Joshua Eeynolds, which prove him to be illiterate," and thus by insult to the memory of one whose genius was beyond dispute, caused added indignation among the members of the Academy. 1 1 Here are some specimens of his by Opie, of Fusjli, he describes him criticisms. Speaking of a portrait as " one of those ungrateful and 254 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [Cn. VIII. Several important changes in the mode of conducting the affairs of the Academy were made in the year 1796. The first treasurer, Sir William Chambers, died, and was succeeded by John Yenn, who held the appointment under the Eoyal sign manual, a proof of the interest which King George the Third still felt in the Academy, and of his desire to retain a supervision over its funds. The form of this document is as follows : "aEOKOKE E. " Whereas we have thought fit to nominate and appoint John Yenn, Esq. (Clerk of the Works at the Queen's House), to be Treasurer to our Royal Academy, during our pleasure, in the room of Sir William Chambers, Knight, deceased : Our will and pleasure therefore is, that you pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said John Yenn all such sums as shall appear necessary to pay the debts contracted in the support of the said Academy ; and for so doing this shall be to you a sufficient warrant and discharge. Given at the Queen's Palace, the 31st day of March, 1796, in the thirty-sixth year of our reign, " By his Majesty's command. (Signed) " CARDIGAN." " To ova right trusty and well beloved Cousin, The Earl of Cardigan, Keeper of our Privy Purse." The finances of the Eoyal Academy were taken into consideration in the month of October 1796, when it was found that in the year 1785 it was in possession of 7900, three per cent, stock, and two "Marybone Bonds " of 100 each. That in the ten intervening years indolent R. A. 's, who leave their Aca- vourite domestics who are the saints demic mother to be illumined and and demons of his necessities." R. supported by the striplings of the Westall's portrait of a young gentle- establishment." Of Thomas Stothard man "is as puerile as the subject; " he says, "whose education and un- and his 'Minerva' "all legs and derstanding enable him to rescue the thighs, like the late Sir Thomas Ro- general character of a Royal Acade- binson." Lawrence's portraits were mician from the imputation of igno- " delicate but not true, and attractive ranee." He speaks highly of Shee's but not admirable." Such was the works, but condemns those of West, general tone of his remarks, inter- observing that "the identity of Mr. mingled with much coarseness which West's figures is so continually appa- cannot be repeated here, rent, that I believe he has a few fa- CH. VIII.] PENSION FUND 255 there had been an average annual saving of 400 per annum, so that its funds were increased to 13,800, and that in none of those years did the expenses exceed the income, while the solid fund was then increased to 10,000 stock, yielding 300 a-year ; and the charity fund was augmented to 6000. It was therefore con- sidered that the interest of the stock was sufficient to guard against any probable deficiency in the income of the Academy, and that the time had arrived when a PENSION FUND might be established. The following is the plan which was adopted for this purpose on the 7th October, 1796 : " First. That the savings of the Academy, after payment of all their annual and contingent expenses, be hereafter applied towards the increase of the stock in the" 3 per cent. Consolidated Annuities, which shall hereafter be called the Pension Fund ; and that when the said stock shall amount to 10,000, the Council shall have power to give the following pensions, viz. : " To an Academician, a pension not exceeding 50 per annum, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 100. " To an Associate, a pension not exceeding 30 per annum, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 80. " To a widow of an Academician, a pension not exceeding 30 per annum, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 80. " To a widow of an Associate, a pension not exceeding 20 per annum, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 50. "When the Fund shall be increased to 15,000, the Council shall have power to give the following pensions, viz. : "To an Academician, a pension not exceeding 60 per annum, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 100. "To an Associate, a pension not exceeding 36 per annum, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 80. " To a, widow of an Academician, a pension not exceeding 250 HISTORY OF THE EOYAL ACADEMY [On. VIII. 36 per annum, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 80. " To a widow of an Associate, a pension not exceeding 25 per annum, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 50. " When the Fund shall be increased to 20,000, the Council shall have power to give the following pensions, viz. : "To an Academician, a pension not exceeding 70 per annum, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 100. " To an Associate, a pension not exceeding 50 per annum, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 80. " To a widow of an Academician, a pension not exceeding 50 per annum, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 80. " To a widow of an Associate, a pension not exceeding 30 per annum, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 50." For the administration of the fund the following rules were ordered to be observed : " That every Academician, Associate, Widow of an Acade- mician, and Widow of an Associate, who is a claimant for a pension from the Eoyal Academy, shall produce such proofs as the President and Council may require of their situation and circumstances ; and in this examination the ' President and Council shall consider themselves as scrupulously bound to investigate each claim, and to make proper discriminations between imprudent conduct and the unavoidable failure of pro- fessional employment in the members of the Society ; and also to satisfy themselves in respect to the moral conduct of their widows. " That any Academician or Associate who shall omit exhibiting in the Eoyal Academy for two successive years shall have no claim on the Pension Fund, under any of the regulations above mentioned, unless he can give satisfactory proof to the President and Council that such omission was occasioned by illness, age, or any other cause which they shall think a reasonable excuse. "That these pensions shall not preclude any Academician, Associate, or their widows, in cases of particular distress, arising CH. VEX] THE CATALOGUE THE COINAGE 257 from young children, or other causes, from receiving such temporary relief as may appear to the Council to be necessary or proper to be granted. But it is to be strictly understood that this Pension Fund shall on no account be considered as liable to claims to relieve such difficulties. All sums paid on account of claims of such a nature shall be carried, as usual, to the current expenses of the year." Another change proposed in the same year, 1796, related to the Exhibition Catalogue, which it was sug- gested might be printed more cheaply in octavo, but the specimen produced did not give satisfaction, and the idea was abandoned. To reduce the bulk of the quarto cata- logue, it was, however, determined to print the names and addresses of the exhibitors in two columns, and in a smaller type, and still to continue the original price of sixpence. This practice was continued till 1809, when further alterations were made, which will be noticed hereafter. In 1798, the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury requested the assistance of the Eoyal Academy, in regard to the preparation of designs for a new coinage, and a committee from that body was appointed to meet the committee of the House of Lords, to discuss the future fashioning of the coinage of the realm, and to be pre- pared with drawings and models for the coins to be substituted for those then in use. On several other occasions the Government has applied for the aid of the Eoyal Academicians, to give their advice and decision in questions of taste, which is a pleasing proof of the estimation in which their judgment on matters relating to art is held. The value of the influence of the Eoyal Founder in governing the Academy, was shown in 1799, when Henry Tresham, one of its members, represented to the King that the law prescribed by the fifth section of the " Instrument of Institution," regulating the succession of seats in the Council by rotation, had been departed from, VOL. i. s 258 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VIII. the vacancies having been balloted for. A long dis- cussion followed ; and on the 4th February, 1800, the President vindicated himself, at a meeting of the Council, against the charges and the intemperate language used by Mr. Tresham in arguing the question ; but still the matter was left undecided, until his Majesty required a return to a strict obedience to the original law, and the printing annually of the rotation of the Council ; and thus finally closed the controversy on the subject, by insisting upon all the members taking their fair share in the work of governing the Academy. Obedience was at once willingly rendered to such an authority, and the question has never since been raised. The same year, 1799, is memorable as the one in which the long-continued strife between James Barry and the Academy was brought to a painful termination. One of the earliest subjects of contention, was the earnestness and vehemence with which he insisted that all the surplus funds of the Academy should be ex- pended in the purchase of pictures to form a gallery of the Old Masters for the use of the pupils, to aid them in design, composition, and colouring ; and he launched his full power of sarcasm and invective against his brethren, when they urged that according to the rules of their institution, the funds could not be so appro- priated, but must be applied first to the maintenance of the schools, and then to the award of pensions and grants to artists or their families who might need such assistance. That such a gallery -was desirable none could deny ; but few could agree with Barry that it fell within the province of the Eoyal Academy to exhaust all its means in very imperfectly attempting to form it. Since his time our National Gallery has been established ; but even now, when individual liberality and the Parliament have combined to expend large sums upon the gathering together of a collection of pictures, how little has yet been accomplished towards the formation of a series of CH. VIII.] JAMES BARRY'S EXPULSION 259 paintings, which would enable the student of art to trace its history or progress, much less to examine the de- velopment of its practice in the different continental schools. This was only one instance of the many in which contention, suspicion, and unlicensed accusation were displayed by Barry. At one time he w as robbed of 400 by thieves who broke into his house ; the next morning he posted up a placard to announce that the burglary was committed by the thirty-nine Eoyal Aca- demicians who opposed him ! He was continually publicly condemning the President and his brother artists ; and when he took advantage of his position as Professor of Painting, to link these personalities with the teaching of the principles of art, and to make invidious comparisons between the works of deceased artists and those of the living men among whom he laboured, it was evident that he sought rather to foster among the students con- tempt for the Academicians than to instil the knowledge of the true theory and practice of art. By thus abusing the trust committed to him, he justly excited the anger of ah 1 the Academic body, and for this breach of faith and confidence towards them, they might properly have expelled him from the office of Professor. But after Eeynolds was dead, and Barry had with strange incon- sistency passed a glowing eulogium on his talents, they allowed him to remain among them, even though they were perpetually subjected to the violent irritability of his temper. In 1797, however, he published " A Letter to the Dilettanti Society, respecting the obtention of certain matters essentially necessary for the improvement of public taste, and for accomplishing the original views of the Eoyal Academy of Great Britain." In this work, after describing the leading principles of national art the objects which the Eoyal Academy had been instituted to accomplish and the purposes to which their money as well as their energies ought to be directed, he pro- 8 2 260 HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VIII. ceeded to discuss the actual conduct of the affairs of the Academy, denounced private combinations and jealousies, asserted that the funds were dissipated by secret in- trigues, and proposed that the votes of the members should be taken on oath on every occasion of importance, to secure the honest and truthful expression of their opinion. It was scarcely to be expected that the Academicians would read without indignation such a bitter insult from one of their own professors. Farington read aloud at a general meeting of the members held on the 15th of April, 1799, Barry's Letter to the Dilettanti Society, and information of his personal irregularities was given by Dance and Daniell ; whereupon the Keeper, Wilton the sculptor, was directed to embody the charges made against him in a resolution, accusing him of making digressions in his lectures, in which he abused members of the Academy, the dead as well as the living ; of teaching the students habits of insubordination, and countenancing them in licentious and disorderly be- haviour ; of charging the Academy with voting in pensions among themselves, 16,000, which should have been laid out for the benefit of the students ; and, finally, of having spoken unhandsomely of the President, Ben- jamin West. It is much to be regretted that in the in- dignation of the moment, the Academicians acted upon these charges without affording Barry a copy of them, or the opportunity of explanation. According to the statement he afterwards published as an Appendix to his " Letter," it would appear that the ground on which this course was taken, " was the admission imputed to him of the charges," but against which he protested in a letter he addressed to Richards the Secretary, on the 16th of April. Eight days afterwards, however, the final decision was communicated to him in the following terms : CH. VIII. ] GRANT IN AID OF THE STATE 261 " April 24th, 1799. "Sir, The General Assembly of Academicians having re- ceived the Keport of the Committee appointed to investigate your academical conduct, decided that you be removed from the office of Professor of Painting, and, by a second vote, that you be expelled the Royal Academy. " The Journals of Council, the Report of the Committee, and the Resolutions of the General Assembly having been laid before the King, his Majesty was graciously pleased to approve the whole of the proceedings, and to strike your name from the roll of Academicians. "I am, &c., " JOHN RICHARDS, R.A., Sec. " To James Barry, Royal Academy." Thus closed the vexatious strife which had so long agitated the Academy ; but unfortunately the angry feeling of resentment was not extinguished, although it was mitigated as far as Barry was concerned, by the efforts which his friends made soon afterwards to save him from want in the few remaining years of his unhappy life of disappointment. The patriotism of the Eoyal Academicians was illus- trated by a grant of 500 made by them in 1799 to the Government towards the exigencies of the State, to meet the heavy pecuniary demands upon the public purse arising out of the prolonged war with France, the rebellion in Ireland, the contests in India, and the recent suspension of cash payments by the Bank of England. An offer of another 500 towards the subscription for the relief of the sufferers by the war, was made in 1803, on the renewed outbreak of the European war, but the grant was vetoed by the King, who while sensible of the loyal motive which prompted the proposal, considered that it would not be for the welfare of the Academy thus to divert its resources from their original purpose. In the two succeeding years, 1800-1, some changes were made in regard to the students in the schools. On the first establishment of the Eoyal Academy, the period 262 HISTORY OF THE EOYAL ACADEMY [On. VIII. of study was limited to six years. In 1792 this term was extended to seven years ; and in 1800 it was further increased to ten years, and the privilege was accorded of an annual renewal of studentship, dependent upon the attention to study previously given by the applicant. This regulation continued in force until 1853, when the term was again reduced to seven years for those students who have not obtained medals, the grant of which con- stitutes them students for life. In accordance with the resolution passed in 1796, by which it was ordered that the payment of pensions should commence when the funded capital attained the sum of 10,000, the claims of certain applicants were considered in 1801, the year in which the capital reached the amount specified, and five widows were awarded pensions in 1802. These were Mrs. Barret, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Serres, and Mrs. Hamilton, widows of Eoyal Academicians, who were to receive 30 per annum, each, and Mrs. Haward, the widow of an Associate Engraver, 20 per annum. Although no law had been acted upon prior to this time, a pension had, however, been awarded by the Academy to Mrs. Hogarth, from 1787 to 1789, at 40 per annum, out of regard to the memory of her famous husband, when it was known that in her declining years such assist- ance would be acceptable to her. In 1809 the pension fund reached 15,000, and the higher scale was acted upon till 1816, when the fund having been increased to 20,000, the highest rate of pension prescribed by the law passed in 1796 was thenceforward awarded. The average annual sum thus expended was about 190 a very small proportion of the amount yearly dispensed by the Academy at that time among artists and their families requiring assistance. Yet while the Academicians have generally attained sufficient eminence to save them- selves and their families from want, it cannot be over- looked that in sickness or adversity, the consciousness that there is such a provision made to meet unavoidable CH. VIII.] THE KING'S ILLNESS 263 necessity, has cheered many a man of genius in the dreary evening of his life, and on his dying bed has consoled him with the thought that his family would not be left utterly destitute when he could no longer support them by the fruits of his own labours. The distressing malady which had at intervals since 1788, cast its shadow over the Eoyal Founder of the Academy, was felt as a personal sorrow by all his loyal subjects ; and the necessary retirement of the King at a subsequent period from all public duties was felt as a great loss to the institution which had owed so much of its success and prosperity to his support and sympathy. Artists lost a friend and supporter, as well as a patron, when King George III. was no longer able personally to foster and encourage the arts and its professors ; and none experienced this more than the President. From 1769 till 1801, he had always received all orders for pictures from his Majesty in person. But he now received inti- mation by Mr. Wyatt,* the Eoyal Architect, that the pictures painting for the Chapel at Windsor must be suspended until further orders. He wrote to the King on the 26th September, 1801, expressing his great concern that the pictures on ' Eevealed Eeligion ' were not to be completed, and lamenting that such a decision would be alike ruinous to himself, and would damp the hope of patronage in the more refined departments of painting. No answer was received, but on subsequently obtaining a private audience of the King, after his recovery, West learnt that his Majesty never ordered the suspension of the work, nor had he received his letter. " Go on with the pictures, West," he said, " and I'll take care of you." Thus encouraged West pursued the great task he had undertaken, receiving 1000 per annum till his Majesty's final illness, when it was suddenly stopped, and he was officially informed that the paintings must be suspended. " He submitted in silence," says his biographer, Gait ; " he neither remonstrated nor complained." 264 HISTOEY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY [On. VIII. There are never wanting those who delight to disparage a good and great man, when suffering neglect or misfor- tune, and now that it was known that West no longer retained his pre-eminence at Court, a document was published representing that he had received no less than 34,187 from the King for the works he had executed by his commands. But it was not stated that this was the reward for thirty-three years' labour ; and the state- ment made by West in reply, giving the details of the work done, and the sums received from time to time during this long period, removed the impression that he had unfairly amassed a fortune. He was known to be a man of such honour and integrity that his explanation at once silenced the ill-natured reports circulated against him. To show the unkindness of the attacks to which West at this period of his career was exposed, we print the fol- lowing statement which was issued by authority in answer to one of them : " Royal Academy, Somerset House, "April" 15th, 1803. " The Council of the Eoyal Academy feel themselves com- pelled to notice a paragraph in the * Morning Post ' of yester- day, of an unwarrantable kind, levelled at the President and at the Eoyal Academy at large. The circumstances which occa- sioned the paragraph are as follows : Mr. West sent for the exhibition a historical painting, representing ' Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness.' On the first view of the picture, a member of the Council expressed his opinion of its having been previously exhibited, although the words