I WEAKER THAN A WOMAN BY BERTHA M. CLAY, AUTHOR OF DORA TBORUE," "THE EARLE'S ATONEMENT," "FOILED BY LOVING, ETC., ETC. CHICAGO: DONOHUE BROTHERS, 407-429 DEARBORN ST. WEAKER THAN A WOMAN, CHAPTER L THE LEGACY. " It is true, Kate every word of it. I was, like you, in- credulous at first ; but I heard the will read, and I assure you that Mrs. Hardman hao left me six thousand pounds." "I cannot believe it, Darcy. Seehow rry hands tremble. I have hardly the strength to speak. It is impossible. Six thousand pounds ! Oh, Darcy, if there should be any mistake, let me know it at once, before I begin to found any hopes upon such good fortune before I take it into my heart of hearts as a truth." "My dear Kate, there is no mistake there can be no mistake. I should not have told you had there been the least probability of such a thing. The money is our own, and will be paid to us when the estate is settled." "Six thousand pounds! Why, Darcy, that means three hundred a year, does it not?" "Certainly," replied Darcy Lonsdale, "properly in- vested." "And three hundred a year means freedom from anxiety, trom the constant toil of trying to make both ends meet. It means a larger and better house, a tfoveniess for t ho chil- dren. Oh. R-ii-ey. how ran we be thankfnl enough f "My dear Kate,' 1 said the lawyer, s : mp]y, "I assure you that for some time after I had heard it I did not know how I felt. The most pleasant part of it was coining homo to tell vou. I knew how deli-bled YOU would be." " ilave you told Felix '{" asked the anxious wife. 2135140 6 WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. u No ; I have not seen him yet. He is gone over to Nun combe He will be pleased. I can take him into partner- ship now. which is a thing that I have long wished to do. We have had a hard struggle together, Kate, but it is al- most over now. I should not have believed that money could make such a difference in any one's sensations. !-day I felt that the world was my master; to-day I feel that I have mastered the world." " We shall be able to go to the sea-side now, and you can take a rest occasionally ; and we can get some good port wine for little Nellie." The lawyer smiled. "And my bonnie Kate shall have a superb dress, " ho said, "one that shall make her look young and beautiful to others as sh: does to me. In truth, Kate, I see no end to the relief, the ease, the happiness, that this unlocked for legacy gives us." 4> We must take Vale House; it is to be let," remarked Mrs. Lons'lale. " It is just such a house as I always longed for; it is so large, so convenient, and has a much better drawing-room than that of the Mertons. What do you think, Darcy ?" " Yes ; I think we might take Vale House. I will go out to-day, and inquire about the rent, rates, and taxes." "What will Mrs. Merton say?" mused Mrs. Lonsdale. " Never mind about that," replied the lawyer. " All that we have to do is to enjoy our good fortune. I really do not know, but I think that such a sum of money never made people so happy before. Kiss me, Kate, and we will not forget to thank Heaven together. ' ' The speakers were Darcy Lonsdale and his wife. Darcy Lonsdale was the principal lawyer in the clean and well- built town of Lilford in Loomshire a man who had had a hard hand-to-hand struggle with the world. He had been twice married. His first wife died in her twentieth yer, leaving an only son, Felix ; and ten years afterward ihe lawyer married again. His second wife was a blithe, bonnie, rosy girl who loved him with all her heart, a-nd thought no one in the wide world so clever, so great, or so good. For his sake she took little Felix to her heart, and loved the dark-haired, handsome boy as much as she did her own children. The lawyer's one drawback was his large family; nearly every year a pretty, rosy, smiling baby appeared, until, as he pleasantly declared, he had ceased to count them, for their mimber frightened him. "small army" he called them; and, though he was WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. 7 proud of them and fond of them, though he would not have missed one fair head from the circle for the whole world, yet the number told upon him he could not save money, ikl not even buy a house, his ingenuity was taxed to make both ends meet. The bills were so numerous little feet must be shod, little fair heads must be covered, little minds trained ; and nothing could be done without money. Still Darcy Lonsdale was a very happy man; he \. charming wife, beautiful children, a good practice, and ho liked work. The one pride of his life was his tall, hand- some son, Felix, in whom the honest, simple-hearted 1. hail concentrated all his hopes and ambition. The "small army" were all under twelve, so that he oould not build any hopes on them at present. ilis life had on the whole been a pleasant one ; but he did wish at times that he had a little more money. His prac- tice was a good one ; still it could hardly be called lucra- tive in the small pleasant town of Lilford. There was not miK-h to occ\ipy a lawyer ; the setting forth and renewal of 3, the drawing up of title deeds, the making of wills, the framing of agreements, composed the whole of his busi- ness. Among his clients was an eccentric widow lady, named Martha Hardman, and Darcy Lonsdale had for twenty been her faithful friend, adviser, and guide. She said to him, laughingly, one day: You will have something to thank me for when I am dead." "How can I thank you when you are dead ?" he asked. nodded her head gravely. i will see," she replied. "You have done everything for me since you began to practice ; but I shall not 1> make my will. Tell me whom you would advise me to send for to d Thinking that she was in a capricious mood, he an- cd . ud for George Malcolm ; he is an honest laws or and an honest man. But why not let me make your will. Hardman?" "Because I am going to leave y<>u something in it ; and I have not read of the glorious uncertainties of the English law for so many years without wishing to be on the safe side. I may fail, but I will take all reasonable precau- tions." He laughed at the time, giving little heed to what slm said, and soon afterward he forgot all about the incident 8 WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. Three years later Mrs. Hardman died, and her nephew, her heir-at-law, came upon the scene. Darcy Lonsdaie had all her papers, an exact list of all her moneys, her deeds, leases, documents of various kinds but he had no will. " Did she make a will ?" asked the heir-at-law. "I cannot tell," replied Darcy Lonsdaie. "I have cer- tainly drawn up no will for her. ' ' " Has she ever mentioned a will ?" pursued James Hard- man. Suddenly the lawyer remembered that she had men- tioned a will, and his face flushed as he thought of the conversation. James Hardman looked at him suspiciously. " She did speak of her will to me once ; she told me that I should not draw it up for her, and asked me to name some lawyer. I told her that George Malcolm was an hon- est lawyer and an honest man ; but I never heard whether she sent for him or not." "You know, of course, of what her property consists, and that I am her heir-at-law." "Yes, "was the cheerful reply; "we have often talked about you. I can give you the particulars of the late Mrs. Hardman's property. She owned the estate called Wood- burn, consisting of a large farm and a good substantial house ; and she had, besides this, twelve thousand pounds in the Funds." " And that is, of course, mine ?" said James Hardman. " I know nothing as to that," replied Darcy Lonsdaie. " I did not make her will, nor did she ever ask my advice about it. ' ' After the funeral George Malcolm came "with the will and the instructions that he had received from Mrs. Hardman. It was read aloud ; and then it was discovered that the lady had left Woodburn and six thousand pounds to her nephew, James Hardman, while to her true friend and adviser, Darcy Lonsdaie, in acknowledgment of his long friendship and faithful services, she had bequeathed the sum of six thousand pounds. On hearing that the lawyer hurried home, delighted with the intelligence, to his wife. What a vista of com- fort this legacy opened out to them ! For the first time in his long honorable career the lawyer felt some relief he could meet his expenses now, and when he died there would be something for his wife and children. Nor was his wife less delighted. In her heart she had longed for the same luxuries that the wives of other pro- fessional men enjoyed for a drawing-room like Mrs. Mer WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. 9 ton's, for a nursery governess such as the doctor's wife, Mrs. Dalverley, had engaged, for a silk dress like the one that the rector's wife wore. But of these desires she had never spoken. She knew that her husband did his best in every possible way, and gave her all the money that he could. But now she ventured for the first time to indulge in such blissful reveries. They were no longer idle dreams ; they would be realized. She would live in Vale House, that delightful residence she would have a charming draw- ing-room, a nursery governess, and a costly silk dress. While she sat dreaming with a smile on her face her step-son, Felix, entered the room. There was the warmest attachment between these two kindly liking and respect for his step-mother on his part, the highest admiration and the truest love for a step-son on hers. She was so young when Darcy Lonsdale brought her to the great white square house in Castle street, Lilford, that it seemed absurd for Felix to call her mother. As he grew older it appeared to- him that, with her soft Italian beauty, the most suitable title for her was madre. He looked at her now. "J/ac?re," he said, "you are looking very pleased and bright ; what is the good news ?" Mrs. Lonsdale went up to him and clasped her arms round his neck. She drew the handsome face down to hers. "Kiss me, Felix," she said; "I have ne\vs to tell you the best you have ever heard. I know you will be pleased indeed the very thought of the news makes me tremble with joy. You could never guess it, Felix. " " I suppose I never could. Have any of the 'small fry' distinguished themselves?" "No; it is nothing of that kind. It is this. You re- member Mrs. Hardman, of Woodburn ?" "I should remember her, madre ; some of the dreariest hours of my life nave been spent in copying deeds bearing her name." " My dear Felix, her name must be held blessed among us for evermore. She has left your father a legacy of six thousand pounds and to us, my dear, that means so much. It means Vale House to live in, a governess for the chil- dren, and a partnership for you." His handsome face flushed hotly. " Ami that, mudre that means for me Violet Have." A tender light came into Kate Lonsdale 's clear eyes. "I hope so," she said, gently ; " I shall be so pleased if it is so. Now, Felix, people call money dross. Could you 10 WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. or I estimate the amount of happiness that lies in six thou- sand pounds ?" " I value it because it will give me Violet, ' ' declared the ardent young lover. "And I because it will give me every desire of my heart," said Mrs. Lonsdale. "And, above all, it will give your dear father a little rest." CHAPTER II. WOOING VIOLET HAYE. Violet Haye ! There is something in a name. More than one man murmured this one over and over again, won- dering to himself what sweet magic, what wonderful sor- cery lay in it. Violet Haye the very sound evoked a vis- ion so beautiful, so full of witching grace, so dainty, so delightful, that dwelling on it proved too much for minds and brains not overstrung. What had not Violet Have to answer for ? How many prosperous young farmers had wasted the best hours of the summer days while the hay spoiled in the meadows and the corn grew over-ripe in the fields, watching in Castle street, or waiting in the green lanes, for one glance at the peerless face of Violet Haye? The young doctor, who had bought the old physician's practice had almost gone mad for love of her ; and when she told him, with a sweet, bright smile, that she disliked medicine and everything connected with it, in pique and despair he married a prim little old maid who had ceased for u years to dream of a wedding-ring. Young curates came, saw, and were comquered ; but beautiful Violet res- olutely refused to help any parish work she would have nothing to do with the schools. One after another the curates went away, with a bitter memory of one of the lovelist girls in Loomshire. The young tradesmen of the iilac^ had never dared to lift. their eyes to her, for she be- longed to the class known in Lilford as the gentry; but when by chance Violet Haye did enter a shop the mas- ter of it had need of patience during the next twenty-four hours, for Violet Haye was a most beautiful girl, and reigned queen of the country round Lilford. There was a wonderful charm about the girl. It was not simply for the sheen of her golden hair, for the wonderful light of her violet eyes, the exquisite tints of her face, the beauty of her rosebud mouth, that men loved her so ; it was WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. 11 not that she was tall and slender, with a perfect figure ; it was not that she had white hands that wove wondrous spoils, that she moved with grace that was all harmony, that she spoke with a voice sweeter than sweet music ; that, when she laughed, the silvery chime stirred a man's heart like the sound of silver bells ; it was not for this that men her. She was not a flirt, not a coquette she never, by word or looks, made any man believe that she loved him ; but she could no more have helped the way she had of (/harming men than she could have helped living. She be only child of Francis and Margaret Haye, who lived in a pretty villa called the Limes, on the outskirts of Li 1 ford. By kind indulgence the Hayes were permitted to rank with ntry. They were not poor, they were not professionals ; they were not in trade. Francis Haye had an income that kept his family in comfort, but it would cease at his death. He had insured his life for the benefit of his wife and child, and the money that would come to them from that insurance was all that he had to leave them ; still they belonged to the gentry. It was not a numerous cl; Li 1 ford, and was by no means to be identified with county ' v ; that was a far-off and greater glory a world that even beautiful Violet with her Greuze-like face had never : to enter. The gentry comprised old Colonel Maddox and )r Mr-;. Urownson. a widow lady with a daughter of uncertain age ; the late rector's widow. Mrs. Uoulders; a maiden lady. Miss Stanley, the pride of whose life was that her second cousin had married a baronet, and who, in i'lence. piqued herself on her high connections, and 1 in a similar way of the aristocracy: and a few others of the same caliber. It was notf a brilliant circle but to Violet Haye it was a world. If, of her numerous lovers she preferred one, it was Felix It was an old story. He had certainly been her from the early agi n. He had never thought of anyone else; to him and for him the world w. Violet. In the sun'x rays shone Violet; the birds 'Violet;" no sweet (lower bloomed that w she. He had lived with this one thought; he had studied iled all for Violet, hoping that the day would come when he would be able to marry her. He had do life to this one ohjcct. Darcy Lonsdalo h.-id contrived to "There is no need to wish him good fortune," she said to herself ; " the girl does not live who would say ' No' to him. As she went through her round of duties. Mrs. Lonsdale thought often and anxiously that she would like to know how Felix was speeding in his wooing. H WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. CHAPTER in. "l HAVE NOT QUITE PROMISED." It was a glorious afternoon. The country about Lilford was beautiful in the extreme, with lovely undulating meadows, great chain of green hills that stretched into the far distance, dark shady woods with some of the finest trees in England, lovely green lanes where wild flowers raised their bright heads. The town itself was quaint and picturesque ; the pretty old-fashioned houses were almost- buried in foliage. The one long main street of the town Castle street might have been a Parisian boulevard, it was so regularly planted with trees. This afternoon seemed to Felix Lonsdale one of the finest that he ever remembered. He walked through the clover meadows, his heart singing for joy, snatches of song rising to his lips. The hedges were all pink and white with haw- thorn, long sprays of woodbine twined round the rugged trunks of the tall trees, the clover was thick and odorous. He crossed the path at the end of Oakwoods, where he saw most glorious vistas of light and shade, entered a long green lane, and then he reached the fair green fields that led to the Limes, the home of his love. Presently he saw Violet Have. He gazed at her in mute wonder that earth should hold anything so fair. She car- ried a little basket filled with flowers, and on her golden head she wore a simple garden hat. Her dress seemed to him a wonderful combination of white and blue. A feeling of humility came over him who was he that he should hope to win this brilliant young beauty and make her his own ? Then his pride reasserted itself ; his love ennobled him ; he could hope to win her because he loved her so dearly. Violet did not see him. She was walking in the other direction, and he hastened after her. It was no wonder that he loved her ; the smiles with which she greeted him would have turned many a wisej brain than his. " Felix, "she cried, " I did not dream of seeing you." "And seeing you, Violet, is like a dream," he replied, "and after I have left you I think of a hundred things that I wanted to say to you, and meant to say, and yet forgot. " "That proves that you have a bad memory, Felix,* I WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. IS laughed Violet ; " but what has brought you to the Lnnea on this warm afternoon?" "I have come to see you, Violet." "I ought to be much obliged to you," she replied ; "buc the afternoon is a, very busy time with me. I attend to all (lowers myself." "I will help you with the. flowers, and I hope that I shall be no obstacle to your pleasant thoughts, Violet," he said. They walked together until they readied an opening in the 1 :s\-n ; there was a bank gay with wild Mowers, a hedge full of wild roses, and hawthorns crowned it. Felix took the basket from her hand and placed her on the bank. "1 have come to talk to you, Violet," he said. "You must forget your flowers for a few minutes and listen to me. Such a day as this, Violet, was made for a, love-story. I an idea that everything in nature is interested in mine." "Your ideas are not of the ordinary kind," she remarked. ''No. tl icy are not, I own. Still they please me, Violet. I have % sweet fancy, Shakespeare says all sweet fancies L'ome to lovers.'' "But we are not lovers, Felix," she said, gravely. "Then I hope we soon shall be. I have a fancy, Violet, that every bird singing in the trees knows why 1 am here, chat the (lowers and the sunshine know it." "Then," observed Violet, "they are wiser than I." "No, not wiser or sweeter or brighter than you; but it >i idle, pretty fancy, Violet. As 1 walked under the shady trees every leaf seemed to stir as l j. the roses in the hedges nodded ; they said, 'The sun shines and the earth is fair: now is the time for youth and ! Violet, looked up at him with a resigned little sigh. " Not being either a bird or a. llov. not in their confidence, Felix ; and perhaps when you have finished \vitli them you will tell me what you have to say." "I will tell you now. I have such good news, Violet. Mrs. llardman, one of my father's clients, lias left him six thousand pounds." Violet's violet :-yes opened wide in wonder. "Six thousand pounds ! That is a great deal of money, is it not, Felix P' "Yes, a very great deal. You know my father has an excellent business, but he did certainly want a little more money. This legacy has made him happier than I can tell you." 16 WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. " I should not think that money would make any one happy," said Violet, thoughtfully. '' No, it would not. Never hold with that idea, Violet. But this is the important thing my father will now give me a partnership. My darling, do you understand a partnership ?" "Yes, Felix what then?" " I have one hundred a year that my dear mother left me ; I make quite another by reviews and articles for legal papers that makes two hundred ; then from the business I am sure to obtain at least three hundred more that will give me five hundred a year, Violet; and, my darling, there is a beautiful little cottage orne near Oakwoods ; and, oh, Violet, Violet, will you be my wife ? My darling, you know how long and how faithfully I have loved you. I have come to-day to ask you to be my wife. " Her white hands dropped listlessly ; she turned her face to his ; no warm flush covered it, no love-light shone in the violet eyes. "How cruel of you," she said, in soft, lingering tones ""how very cruel on this sunny day to ask me such a ques- tion !" There was no anger in her face, no annoyance nor was there pleasure or happiness ; she looked rather like a child who had been disturbed at play. He was neither anxious nor dismayed, for he understood the expression on her face well. " Why is it cruel, Violet ?" he asked. u It is cruel. You know I do not want to be married, Felix. I do not like being teased about love. " " But, my darling, no one can look at you and not love you. " " That is not my fault. And, Felix, you should not call me 'darling ;' do you not know that is hardly proper?" " If I knew a word that conveyed more, and sounded more sweetly, I should use it," he said, looking with pas- donate admiration at the pure, perfect face. u Oh, Violet, do accept me. No one else in the wide world loves you half so much. I would make you so happy that you would never regret it." "I am very happy now," she murmured, plaintively. "That little cottage orne is so pretty, Violet. There is a charming drawing-room that opens on to a flower garden imagine that all furnished in white and gold ; then there is a little room up stairs I should furnish as a boudoir for you a room that would be a fitting shrine for my pearl of WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. 17 pearls. My darling, you should have everything that your heart desires. " She touched his face gently with her dainty hands. " You would buy the moon for me if I wanted it, and you could obtain it," she said, laughingly. "But, Felix, I do not want the moon, and I do not want to be married. Do talk of something more pleasant." " Violet, my heart is so full of this ; it seemed to me as I came along that I walked on air. I have loved you so long ; I have no life apart from you ; and I have been wait- ing so impatiently until I could see a chance of making a beautiful home for you. Now, I see it do not be cruel to me, Violet, I implore you." " It is you who are cruel to shadow this fair day by talk- ing of love and marriage, Felix." The words sounded hard and cold, but there was no cold- ness on her fair face. " You know that I have loved you, Violet, ever since we were children.'" 11 Yes, I know it. I should know it you tell me so every day." u And you you have had admirers of every kind, I be- dark and fair, tall and short ; but, Violet, you love me best, do you not?" The lovely face drooped over a bunch of wild thyme. She did not answer ; but he persisted in his questioning. " You love me best, do you not ? Oh, my darling, be ft little kind to me !" There was such passionate love in his handsome eyes, such passionate pain in his face, that she was touched. " Yes, I do love you, Felix," she said, gently; and then she looked up in alarm. He had clasped her hands in his and covered them with kisses; his dark eyes were dim with tears. " < >h, my love," he cried, "you hold my heart in the hol- low of your hand. If you had said you did not love me, the words would have killed me as surely as ever a man was slain. My darling, do you not see that if you love me you must of necessity be my wife ? You must of necessity be my wife," repeated Felix, "or what is the use of love?" "It is pleasant," she replied; "still, marriage well, Felix, you will laugh if I tell you that it seems to me like calling a child into a gloomy house from the sunshine and from play. " "That is not a pleasant comparison, Violet, my darling," he remarked, smiling. " You will be very happy. Now 18 WEAKER Th^N A WOMAN. you spend your life among all kinds of bright pretty things. You shall do the same then. No shadow of care shalJ come near you. You shall know no trouble. You shall be one of the most worshiped as you will be one of the most beau- tiful of wives. " u But, Felix," she said, slowly, with an air of perplexity on her beautiful face, "it seems to me that marring* is the end of everything. Once married, there is nothing for one to look forward to, nothing, as it were, to hope for : it is the beginning of a dull, gray, monotonous stretch of life." "You will not always say so, Violet," Felix laughed. " You must marry you love me. Promise to marry me. " She was looking away beyond the green trees, as though she were trying to peer into some far-off future. - 1 do love you," she returned, thoughtfully. " I am sure that I love you but there seems to be something more wanting. I cannot think this is all that life holds for me ; yet I cannot tell what it is I want." "You love me," said Felix. "I am quite content. The rest is nothing but the natural fear that a young girl has of a new life. Tell me again my heart hungers for the words that you love me, Violet. " Slowly she turned her eyes from the distant hills ; slowly she raised them to her lover's face. Love him? Certainly she did. His ardent young face had some of the pi*oud stern beauty that immortalized the Greek heroes. There was none like him in Lilford. Certainly she loved him very much. Why hesitate to say so ? She spoke slowly, in a sweet, clear voice. "Most surely, Felix, I love you" and the words seemed to fill him with delight. He took the soft white hands in his, and held them while he made her repeat again and again that she loved him. " You can never go back from your word, Violet. No human ear hears us; but behold the great broad sky. Your vow is made to me, darling, before Heaven." "I have made no vow, Felix." "You have said that you love me. Violet, make me quite happy now. Already I am so happy that the air seems to intoxicate me. Say you will be my wife." She was thinking again, with the same far-off look in her eyes, and she said, suddenly : " A cottage orne. Do you mean that pretty villa where the Hendersons staid ?" The question seemed to him almost decisive. She would not have asked it had she meant to refuse him. He could WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. 19 hardly answer her calmly, but he beat back his emotion. "She is so easily startled," he said to himself "I must be very cautious what I say to her. " He answered : s, and many of the beautiful things that Captain Henderson bought are there now. To my mind it is the prettiest house in Lilford ; and, my darling, I have a vision of you standing in that pretty entrance-hall, waiting for me when business hours are over. I can see the light ieil glass window falling on your golden hair. I can see the sunlight lying outside on the flowers. I ee my wife's sweet face gro\v brighter for my coming. 1 can see your hands stretched out to welcome me. I can 'e the years pass on, and life grow brighter and more iful. Do you like the picture, Violet { Will you make it real?" ilis gn at passionate love, shining in his eyes, trembling on liis lips, touched her. Her beautiful 1. pale. She was woman enough to feel the beauty of the future he had painted for her woman enough to appreciate the deep, -', true love offered to her. " 1 would rather not promise," she said ; " but I will think of it, Felix/' You do not refuse, Violet?" "No, I do nut refuse," she answered. "Why, then," he cried, "the victory is won! You will be my My darling, I love you all the better for your shy, - rve. How could I be so foolish as to fear that I should not marry my sweet girl-love Violet? darling, I have been keeping this for you ever since I came, home from London last year." He drew a little morocco case from his pocket, and, opening it, took out a j 'f gold, set with pearls. "You will let me put this on yo.ir iinjjvr. Violet, This is your betrothal-ring. i will never part with it promise me." She look*- 1 at the pretty jewel shining on her finger. "No. I will i t with it," she said; "but remem- ber, Felix. 1 have not quite promised." "Not quit <.' in- ivt.urned, with a happy laugh. "You will 1. the Limes with you, Violet, and tell Mr. liav.- what I have asked you?" "Must you teU them now so soon!" she asked. "It will be almost tin- s. i;ie thing as being married if yon t:!>I:I> WOMAN. The news of an encca. was always well r in Lilford ; it was sometinng Lo discuss, to think of 22 WEAKER THAN A WOMAN. thing in which both maids and matrons took a lively in- terest ; and it was certain that no engagement ever courted so much discussion as this. How intensely the young farm- ers in the neighborhood detested Felix Lonsdale for having won beautiful Violet ! Each one made up his mind that Felix Lonsdale should do no more business for him, and wondered why she preferred a lawyer to a farmer. All the old people thought it a most suitable alliance. Felix and Violet, they said, were equal in position, and marriages of that kind were the best. Mothers who had daughters of their own to marry were thankful that beautiful Violet would rival them no longer. The girls thought that Violet had Avon a prize, for there was certainly no one in all the country-side like Felix. There was one pure, gentle heart to whom the news of the engagement came like a terrible blow, although it had long been expected. Evelyn Lester had ne\ r