CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES CIVIL ENGINEEBING TYPES AND DEVICES A CLASSIFIED AND ILLUSTRATED INDEX OF PLANT, CONSTRUCTIONS, MACHINES, MATERIALS, MEANS AND METHODS ADOPTED AND IN USE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS OF EVERY CLASS. FOR THE USE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, DRAUGHTSMEN, STUDENTS, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Mitb 1,760 Jllustrations. BY T. W. BARBER, M.INST.C.E.. AUTHOR OF "THE ENGINEER'S SKETCH-BOOK OF MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS", ETC., "THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF MACHINERY," "THE PORT OF LONDON AND THE THAMES BARRAGE," ETC., ETC. NEW YORK : D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. MCMXV. STEPHEN AUSTIN & SONS, LTD., PKINTEKS, HEKTFORD. PREFACE. THE object aimed at in this work is the collection and classification in one handy volume of all the known devices and methods in use in every branch of civil engineering work, in the form of sketches, or brief drawings and descriptions, sufficient to enable an engineer to make a selection without overloading the matter with detail, which every competent engineer can readily design for himself. There are numerous published works dealing with special branches of engineering, or parts of such, in full detail, which may be consulted for details ; but no general illustrated index such as is presented in the following pages. It is hoped that this index may be of the same service to the active civil engineer as the Engineers Sketch-book has proved to be to the mechanical engineer. T. W. BARBER. 3O8662 CONTENTS. SECTION. PAGE. 1 Foundations: wet and dry . . . . . . 2 2 Masonry and brickwork . ., . . . . 8 3 Drainage . . . . . . . -. . 12 4 Motive-power . . . . . . . . 16 5 Bridges and girders . . . . . . 18 6 Iron buildings . ..... . ... . 44 7 Wood framing . . . ' . . . . 46 8 Columns, struts, and ties . . * . . . 52 9 Anchorages . . . . . '. . . 58 10 Constructional steelwork . . . . . 62 11 Floors and partitions . . '. m . . . . . % . 66 12 Roof coverings . . . . . . . . 72 18 Roads and streets . . . . ... . .72 14 Rolled iron and steel bars and plates ... . . 74 15 Materials of construction other than iron and steel . . 84 16 Retaining walls . . . . . . . .. 86 17 Railways: earthworks . . . . ... . 92 18 ,, permanent way . . ... . . 96 19 ,, signalling and telegraphs . . . . 108 20 stations . . . . . . . 110 21 ,, tunnels and culverts . . . . . 116 22 Carriages and rolling stock for road and rail . . .120 23 Tramways . . . '. . ... . 128 24- Canals, aqueducts . . ... . . . '. 134 25 Heating and ventilation . . . . . . .140 26 Plate work . . ' . 144 27 Gas supply . . . . ...;.' . 150 28 Hydraulics . . . . . . . . , . 152 29 Sea and river structures . ... . . . . 160 30 Irrigation .- . . . . ; . . . 174 31 Docks, harbours . . . . . . .176 viii CONTENTS. SRCTION. PAGK. 32 Lighthouses, huoys, heacons, moorings . . 182 83 Disposal of refuse, etc. .... .184 34 Tanks and containers ... . 186 35 Mines, wells ..... .188 36 Fencing . . . ... .192 37 Staging and false works . ; 196 38 Hoisting machinery . . . . 202 39 Submarine engineering ... .214 40 Opening bridges . ... . .216 41 Roofs . . . . . . . ' . . 220 42 Concrete and reinforced concrete .1 ^34 43 Dams and weirs ..... . 240 44 Water supply . . ... '. 244 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES FOR THE USE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, DRAUGHTSMEN, STUDENTS, BUILDERS, AND CONTRACTORS. 2 CIVIL ^ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 1. FOUNDATIONS: WET AND DRY. (See also Sections 16, 17, 29.) 1 Concrete bed or base for a large building on uncertain ground. Soft places are strengthened by piling. 2-9 Cylinder or caisson foundations for bridge piers, etc. The groups of cylinders are connected by horizontal frames and capped with girder framing to form a base for the masonry or steel arches. 10 Vertical section of a cylinder caisson lined with brick- work or concrete. The bottom edge is bevelled to enter the ground, and, where necessary, the cylinder is loaded inside or on top to force it down as the material is excavated. 11 Sinking a pile in soft ground or sand by water-jet from a pump. 12 Elevation of a cylinder base for a bridge pier. FOUNDATIONS. 4 CIVIL ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. 13 Elongated caisson for a bridge pier, sunk in the same way as No. 10. 14 Retaining wall with apron, supported by sheet piles. (See also Section 16.) 15 Caisson sunk by compressed air and air-locks in water, or strata heavily charged with water. 16, 17 Iron piles sunk by water pressure in soft strata or sand. 18 Iron cylinder sunk to the rock as a working pit or caisson in which to fix a column founded on the rock. 19 Screw pile foundation for a wall. Each pair of piles is connected by a top girder on which the wall is founded. 20 Another form of caisson (as No. 13) lined with masonry. 21 Concrete or sand piles. (See Section 42.) Sand piles are formed in holes prepared by a driven pile or jumper (see Nos. 1-10, Section 41) and filled with sand. FOUNDATIONS. 6 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 22 Concrete and stepped footing for a wall. 23 Ditto, battered, for a retaining wall. 24 Concrete pile. (See Section 42.) 25 Footing of wall founded on piles. 26 Wall footing on longitudinal timbers resting on piles. 27 Retaining or sea wall, with stone apron to protect the footing from the wash of the sea. 28 Wall on girders, supported by screw piles. 29 Relieving arch over a soft place in a foundation. 30 Invert arch to spread the load of piers between openings evenly on the foundation. 31 Flange-footed pile, sunk generally by water, as No. 16. 32 Ditto, with flat flange. 33 Hollow screw pile, with serrated cutting edge. 34 Hollow flat-flange pile, with radial scrapers to facilitate sinking as the pile is revolved. Holes for posts or trees are sometimes made by blasting with small sticks of dynamite or powder cartridges sunk in holes jumped in the ground. FOUNDATIONS. 8 CIVIL ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. ; Section 2. MASONRY AND BRICKWORK. 1 Section of random rubble stone wall. 2 Ditto, in courses. 3 Ditto, coursed rubble wall. 4 Brick wall with ashlar face. 5 Squared stone wall. 6 Ditto, backed by brickwork. I 7-11 Various forms of hollow or rusticated joints in masonry or ashlar. 12-16 Sections of brick walls from half brick to 2| bricks thick. 17 Flemish bond in wall face. 18 English bond in ditto. 19-22 Plans of bonding in li brick walls. I 23 Ditto in 2 brick wall. 24 Elevation of face of random rubble wall, No. 1. I 25 Ditto, in courses, No. 2. I ' 26 Ditto, coursed rubble wall, No. 3. t 27 Ditto, of ashlar and masonry walls, Nos. 4-6. MASONRY AND BRICKWORK. 10 L UL UJU r r T r 12 13 j_ 14- 15 I . I I . I J6 t . I I . I I . I I , I I I. . I I . . I I . .1 JL I 19 20 W~n 21 22 23 27 m 10 CIVIL ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. 28 Face of squared masonry wall. 29 Toggle bed joint in masonry wall. 30-2 Other forms of toggle-jointed masonry. 33 Toggle-joints in arched masonry. 34 Relieving arch over a pair of windows. 35 Slab wall tongued and grooved. 36 Wood partition faced with concrete or fibrous plaster slabs secured by nails. (See Section 11.) 37-43 Copings for boundary walls. 44-5 Corbels, brick or stone ; angular or straight. MASONEY AND BRICKWOEK. 11 30 31 36 12 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 3. DRAINAGE. Land drains naturally to streams and rivers. 1-5 Glazed earthenware drain-pipes. \- ' ! 6 Drain-pipe bedded in concrete. 7 Cleaning branch and eye for a drain-pipe, with box and cover. 8 Inspection chamber, brick in cement, with cast-iron cover and frame and open junctions. 9 Smaller inspection box : the drain may have a branch and cover as shown or open half-round pipe as No. 8. 10-12 Open, half -round, and closed junctions for inspection chambers. 13-16 Land drains : subsoil drains. 17 Open canal or cut drain for surface water. 18 Stonework box drain. 19 Circular stonework drain. 20 Oval ditto. 21 Egg oval brick sewer. DRAINAGE. 13 13 14- 15 16 17 19 14 CIVIL ENGINEEEING TYPES AND DEVICES. 22 Arched brick sewer on flat brickwork base. 23 Egg oval drain on concrete base. 24 Another form of ditto. 25 Main sewer in an earthen embankment. 26 Cast-iron pipe sewer lined with brick or concrete and carried across a river or stream on steel girders. 27-30 Forms of surface traps in general use. 31 Pedestal closet-pan and trap with flush pipe. There are numerous varieties of this type. 32 Trap and cleaning eye combined. 33 Draining marsh land or lake by syphon carried over an embankment wall. Separate sewers are sometimes used for surface and domestic drainage. Marshes are drained into rivers and streams by open drains intersecting the marsh and emptying into a main drain usually inside and parallel to the river wall. From this drain the water is run through sluices in the wall at low tide. DEAINAGE, 15 24- 31 16 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 4. MOTIVE-POWER. It is assumed that all physical energy is derived more or less directly from the sun, whose rays combine ; 1, heat ; 2, light ; 3, actinic or chemical power. Heat may be obtained a By direct use of the sun's rays. b From any combustible material. c From chemical reaction. Light does not separately develop power. Chemical reactions are employed to develop heat, combustion, contraction, or expansion, as means of developing power. From the foregoing elementary physical sources the following are the practical sources of our power for mechanical purposes- : Electrical power. Magnetic power. Tidal motion. Falling water. Descending weights. Wave motion. Wind. Expansion of air or other gases. Steam. Explosives. Fuels, hydrocarbons, etc. 'These are employed in producing power by the following apparatus or motors : Electric motors driven from a dynamo, battery, or accumu- lator. Magnetic power cannot be employed continuously as a motor, as its work is restricted to attraction. Tidal motion can be utilized to drive any kind of wheel, see Water Wheels, Section 28. It can also be stored in a reservoir, driving a water engine as it flows in and out on the flood and ebb ; or a floating vessel may, by its rise and fall, communicate motion to machines. Falling water ; for machines employed to utilize, see Water Wheels, Turbines, Water-pressure Engines, etc., Section 28. Descending weights must first of course be raised, absorbing as much power in raising as they give out in falling, neglecting friction. Clockwork, water, or compression of a spring, and multiplying pulleys are the apparatus employed to utilize this form of energy. MOTIVE-POWER. 17 Wave motion is too uncertain and erratic to be a practicable source of power. Rocking air-compressing chambers, rocking pumps, etc., have obtained some small measure of success. Wind, windmills. Expansion of air and gases. Ascending currents of hot air from a fire are used to drive a light screw motor, fan, etc. Hot-air engines, see Ryder's patent and numerous others, which act by alternate expansion and contraction of air by heating and cooling. Air compressed in an accumulator or reservoir is employed to give motion to multiplying pulleys or an air engine. Expansion of liquids, other than water (by heat), into the gaseous form. Engines in which the fuel is burnt under pressure and the total products of combustion employed (with or without steam) to drive a motor. Steam is in reality one of the last-mentioned sources of power ; it is employed by direct pressure on a piston or ram ; or to produce direct rotary motion also in the jet pump ; or injector ; or by direct pressure on a body of water contained in a closed vessel, as in the pulsometer, steam accumulator, etc. Explosives are substances which, by application of flame, heat, percussion, etc., suddenly assume the gaseous form, thus increasing their bulk many hundred times, usually in a small fraction of a second of time. A second class comprises explosive mixtures of gases, such as hydrogen and oxygen, carburetted hydrogen, and air. Some attempts have been made to employ explosive substances to drive engines in various ways, but with no permanent success. The second class of explosive mixtures of gases is largely employed in the gas engine, petroleum engine, and their varieties. Fuels, hydrocarbons, etc., are employed to evaporate water into steam ; to expand air or other gases, or convert liquids into gases ; and also by vaporization to supply gas for use in numerous forms of gas and oil engines. Hot-air motor. A current of hot air passing up a flue revolves an air turbine. Naphtha engines are gas engines employing the vapour of naphtha and air as an explosive mixture, instead of that of petroleum (oil engine) or carburetted hydrogen gas (gas engine). 18 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 5. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. (For details of girders, booms, struts, and ties see Sections 8 and 10.) MASONRY BRIDGES. 1 Semicircular arch. 2 Elliptical arch. 3 Gothic arch. 4 Byzantine arch. 5 Moorish arch. 6 Skew arch bridge. 7 Lintel over door or window. 8 Flat brick arch. 9 Semi-arch. 10 Three-hinge arch bridge. TIMBER BRIDGES. 11 Simple pile and girder bridge or gantry. 12 Pile and girder bridge or gantry with struts. 13 Horizontal stepped-timber girder bridge. 14 Timber girder bridge with double struts and masonry piers, BEIDGES AND GIRDERS 19 13 14 10 20 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 15 Horizontal stepped-timber girder on masonry piers. 16 Braced timber girder, double strutted and carried on masonry piers. 17 Similar bridge, but on double pile piers. 18-22 Timber-braced girder bridges. The bracing may be wholly wood or wholly or partly steel. 23-4 Arched timber bridges, braced. 25 Timber-braced girder with vertical steel ties. 26 Timber arch bridge with laminated arch and radial struts. 27 Combined bowstring and horizontal braced girder bridge. BKIDGES AND GIRDERS. 15 TT TT 16 / 18 19 26 22 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 28 Timber gantry or viaduct with timber wings to support an embankment or abutment. 29 Cross section of ditto. 30-2 Cast-iron bridges. CAST-IRON BRIDGES. 33-4 Cast-iron braced girders. 35-41 Cross sections of various types of cast-iron girders. 42 Cast-iron girder with parallel flanges. 43 Ditto, with curved top flange. 44 Cast-iron fish-bellied girder with steel truss rods. 45 Cast-iron girder with steel truss rods. STEEL GIRDERS. 46-8 Sections of rolled steel girders. 49-51 Sections of built-up girders formed of rolled girders, channels, angles, and plates. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 23 28 30 33 42 29 41 39 38 37 36 50 51 44 46 47 4-8 49 45 1] 24 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 52-3 Sections of built-up girders, formed of rolled girders, L irons, and plates. 54-7 Sections of pressed steel troughs for bridge floors. Small bridges are frequently constructed of troughs across the span as girders. 58-61 Bulb and U steel girders. 62 Plate girder with parallel flanges. 63 Ditto, with fish-belly bottom flange. STEEL BRIDGES. 64-6 Braced girders with horizontal flanges. 67 Lattice girder. 68-9 Warren girders. 70-4 Bowstring braced girders. In No. 74 the dotted lines show a method of strengthening the top flange sometimes employed. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 25 52 53 54- A 55 56 58 59 60 61 57 1 & 62 63 64- 65 66 \/v 67 68 69 73 74- 72 \ X 26 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 75-8 Braced arched girders. 79 Combined horizontal and Warren type bowstring girder. 80 Bowstring and fish-belly braced Warren type girder. 81-3 Braced arched girders. 84-5 Bowstring girder bridges. 86 Trussed braced girder. 87 Diagonal braced American type girder. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 27 28 CIVIL ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. 88-9 Trussed braced girders. SUSPENSION BRIDGES. 90 Ordinary catenary suspension bridge with vertical ties. 91 Suspension bridge with braced horizontal boom. 92 Ditto with diagonal and vertical ties. 93 Ditto with braced catenary. 94 Ditto with diagonal ties. 95 Ditto with braced catenary. 96 Ditto with counterb raced vertical ties (or struts). BKIDGES AND GIRDERS. 29 88 90 91 XXXi 96 30 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 97 Suspension bridge with Warren type bracings. 98-9 Cantilever bridges with central girder. 100-1 Braced arch bridges. 102 Centre and two-side spans, cantilever continuous. 103-5 Braced arch bridges. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 81 32 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 106 Braced arch bridge with two side spans. 107 Arched centre span and two semi-arch side spans. 108 Double cantilever bridge with diagonal pier struts and central girder. 109 Another form of the last. 110 Bowstring tubular plate girder bridge with tubular top boom. Ill Braced bowstring girder with tubular top boom. 112-13 Sections of the last two. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 33 34 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 114 Double cantilever bridge with vertical and diagonal bracing and central girder. In the last three types the roadway is carried on the lower horizontal boom. 115 Ditto with horizontal top boom forming the roadway. 116 Ditto with arched top and bottom booms. 117 Ditto with arched bottom boom. In the last two types the roadway is carried on the vertical braces. 118 Combined horizontal and bowstring bridge with vertical ties. 119 Tubular plate girder bridge. 120 Section of the last with cellular top boom. 121 Ditto with stiffened top boom. BEIDGES AND GIKDERS. 14- 118 7 I \ 119 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 120 36 CIVIL ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. 122 Lattice girder. BRIDGE FLOORS. 123 Longitudinal plank flooring on rolled cross girders. 124 Longitudinal plank floor, covered with asphalt and ballast, banked for a curved line of sleeper railway. 125 Transverse flat or trough plates, covered with asphalt, old bricks, and ballast for sleeper railway. 126 Plate cross girders carrying longitudinal rail sleepers and rolled joists. 127 Longitudinal section of floor constructed of rolled cross girders with arched brick filling, carrying asphalt and ballast for a sleeper railway. 128 Transverse troughs (see Nos. 54-6) filled with ballast for a sleeper railway. 129 Ditto carrying longitudinal sleeper railway. 130 Longitudinal troughs carrying longitudinal sleeper railway. 131 Ditto on arched plates riveted to longitudinal J rolled girders carried on cross girders. 132 Plate girders, transverse and longitudinal, supporting plank flooring and longitudinal rail sleepers. BRIDGES AND GIEDERS. 37 123 i i i i i i i r 126 127 J28 129 132 130 38 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 133 Longitudinal sleepers supported in longitudinal troughs carried by cross girders. 134 Transverse rolled girders supporting arched plates and ballast for a railway. 135 Carriage roadway and two footways of wood or granite setts with concrete channels, carried on planking and longitudinal girders, with concrete arched filling. 136 Ditto with cast-iron channels laid on three thicknesses of planking on cambered cross girders. 137 Cambered roadway of wood or granite setts on cast- iron plates and longitudinal rolled girders. 138 Ditto on arched steel plates and cross girders. 139 Sleeper railway on longitudinal plank floor carried on cross girders. 140 Sleeper railway banked for a curved line on ballast and longitudinal trough plates and sloping cross girders. 141 Double line of flange rails on plank floor supported on four longitudinal sleepers. and cross girders. 142 Transverse section of a girder bridge having transverse arched top bracing. BEIDGES AND GIRDERS. 39 14-1 40 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 143 Bowstring plate girder. 144 Arched plate girder. 145 Plan of girder bridge with diagonal wind bracing. 146-8 Sections of plate girders. 149-50 Platework and T standard parapet. 151-2 Tube rail bridge parapet, with cast- or wrought-iron standards. 153-4 Cast-iron panelled parapet. BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 41 14-3 42 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 155-7 Elevation plan and section of light rope suspension bridge. 158~9 Braced bridge of triangular cross section. 160 Type of railway crossing footbridge in timber or steel. 161 Pontoon bridge on boats, pontoons, rafts, or barrels. Reinforced concrete girders. (See Section 42.) Bridge parapets. (See Section 36.) BRIDGES AND GIRDERS. 43 '159 L 161 V 160 44 CIVII, ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 6. IRON BUILDINGS. (For details of steelwork see Section 10 ; for iron roofs see Sect. 41.) 1 Galvanized corrugated iron or steel building with arched roof (see Section 41) and walls framed of T and L irons. 2 Iron shed (any type of roof, see Section 41) carried on cast-iron or steel columns (see Section 8), and either open sides or wood or corrugated steel filling on framing. 3 Side elevation of side of iron building. 4 Ditto of open side building. 5 Ditto, ornamented in cast iron. 6 Details of iron buildings with H columns and corrugated sides. Corrugated iron dwellings, bungalows, sheds, stables, schools, chapels, and other buildings are of very varied design and do not require illustration. They are generally lined inside with matched boarding, or studding covered with fibrous plaster, and the fire-places, flues, and chimneys built of brickwork with wood or concrete floors. Such buildings are frequently made to take apart and pack for export, and are easily erected on a shallow concrete wall foundation. Steel frame and masonry buildings. Steel frames are now commonly employed for all large buildings, the brickwork, masonry, and reinforced concrete walls, floors, and partitions being constructed to enclose the steel framing. (See Section 42.) IRON BUILDINGS. 45 Or -ilk a- 46 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 7. WOOD FRAMING AND STRUCTURES. (For wood bridges see Section 5 ; wood fencing, see Section 36 ; wood roofs, see Section 41.) 1-7 Junctions of crossing or right-angled timbers. 8-10 Junctions of rafters and principals. 11 Rafter and wall-plate or purlin. 12 Crossing of girder and tie beam. 13, 14 Post and girder junctions. 15, 16 Scarfing longitudinal timbers. 17, 18 Ditto, notched, for tensile strains. 19-21 Scarfs with keys and bolts. WOOD TEAMING AND STRUCTURES. 47 16 15 21 20 48 CIVIL ENGINEEEING TYPES AND DEVICES. 22-3 Other scarf joints, keyed or notched. 24-5 Post and girder junctions with struts and head-pieces. 26-8 Laminated arch. (See Section 5.) 29 Junction of rafter, purlin, and queen post. 30 Junction of purlin, queen post, and rafter. 31 Queen post and principal. WOOD FRAMING AND STRUCTURES. 49 22 23 50 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 32 Junction of principal, rafters, and king-rod in cast-iron sockets. 33-4 Scarf joints. 35-9 Matched or outside boardings. Buildings wholly of wood are frequently used, and in some cases constructed to take apart for packing for export, bolts, nuts, and screws being used for the disjointed parts. Wood pile structures. (See Sections 29, 37.) Wood dams and weirs. (See Section 43.) WOOD FEAMING AND STRUCTURES. 51 33 34- 39 52 CIVI1, ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 8. COLUMNS, STRUTS, AND TIES. (For wood columns and struts see Section 7 ; for reinforced concrete columns see Section 42.) 1-3 Cast-iron round column and base. 4 Ditto, but cross-shaped section. 5-7 Cast-iron H section column and foot. 8 Cast-iron round column with stiffening ribs. 9-11 Fluted square cast-iron column with round core. 12-14 Wall pilaster columns. 15, 16 Box or raised bases for cast-iron column. 17 Steel tube column fixed in cast-iron base. 18 Upper floor junction of cast-iron columns and steel girders. 19 H steel column or strut. 20 Ditto, with two plates. 21-2 Built-up steel columns or struts. 23 Double flat bar tie with cast-iron distance pieces. 24-7 Built-up open steel columns or struts. COLUMNS, STRUTS, AND TIES. 53 18 VL1 ILJ i rl 21 L_J) ri 22 24- 25 26 54 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 28-9 Box-form built steel columns. 30 Double channel bar strut stiffened with cast-iron distance pieces. 31 Double T and plate strut. 32-8 Hollow or box-form steel columns for heavy loads. 39 Cross steel strut. 40 Double channel and H bar steel strut. 41 Box-form steel column for heavy loading. 42-5 Steel lattice columns. 46 Double H steel column with cast-iron distance pieces. 47-8 Built-up steel columns. For high-class buildings these and the girders and flooring are usually covered with terra- cotta hollow blocks, as No. 47. 49 Box- or lattice-form steel column. 50-1 Built lattice column. 52-3 Column formed of four round steel bars, connected by cross- shaped horizontal braces. COLUMNS, STRUTS, AND TIES. 55 28 29 b m 30 52 I nl IQl 51 56 CIVIL ENGINEEEING TYPES AND DEVICES. 54 Section of two box-form steel columns, joined by transverse plates or stays. 55 Elevation of head of last-named. 56-7 Double H lattice steel-tapered column. 58-9 Double L steel lattice column or strut. 60-3 Cast-iron columns. COLUMNS, STBUTS, AND TIES. 57 |u o o o. :o o o! \ o o, o: !;o o; ii O O ' / 1 1 | ] ; 60 61 58 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 9. ANCHORAGES. 1 Rope pulley anchor truck, which grips by sinking its wheels in the soil ; employed for ploughing tackle. 2 Anchor plate, buried in the ground below a mass of masonry, for attaching guys, tie-rods, etc. Sometimes a frame or plate laid on the ground and ballasted is the method used. 3 Screw mooring. (See Section 39.) Screwed into the ground. 4 Heavy stone sunk in the ground and having a ring attached ; or a mass of concrete similarly placed. Used for guy ropes, tie-rods, and foundation bolt attachments. 5 Grapnel. 6 Mushroom anchor. 7 Double fluke anchor. 8 Martin's patent anchor, with swivelling flukes. Several other patent anchors are modifications of this. 9 Anchorage for suspension bridge chains with rolling expansion bearing. ANCHORAGES. 59 60 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 10 Anchorage for suspension bridge. Anchored concrete roof. (See Section 42.) Anchored buoys and moorings. (See Section 32.) ANCHOKAGES, 61 62 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 10. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. (See also Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 42.) 1-6 Details of junctions of roof bracings with principal ties. 7 Crossing of two T bars. 8-11 Roof bracings, junctions of braces with principal ties. 12-14 Cap of steel column. 15-17 Roof principals, wall junctions. 18-27 Sections of top booms of steel-braced or plate girders. 28-30 Sections of box-form top booms of steel-plate girders. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. 63 64 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 31-2 Sections of box-form top booms of steel-plate girders. 33 Section of bottom boom of braced girder, formed of four plates separated by distance pieces, and showing bearings for cross girders. 34 Ditto, formed of two channel bars, with transverse plate stiffeners. 35 Box-form top boom of plate girder. 36 Section of bottom boom of braced girder with two plates and transverse plate stiffeners, showing suspension of cross plate girders. 37-42 Sections of struts or compression members of bracing. (See also Section 8.) 43-4 Roof principals, column bearings. 45 Cross section of plate girder. 46-9 Side elevations of plate girders. Junction of cross girders on bottom trough -shaped boom of braced girder. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. 65 50 39 37 38 4-6 4-1 4.2 45 43 44- 66 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section II. FLOORS AND PARTITIONS. Bridge floors. (See Section 5.) Reinforced concrete floors. (See Section 41.) 1 Ordinary joist floor, boarded. 2-3 Floor boardings, various types. 4 Double boarding. 5 Parquet, cement or asphalt on boarding. 6 Wood brick floor bedded on sand or asphalt, on close boarding. 7 Girder and joist floor, boarded. 8 Cross section of last-named. 9 H steel joists and concrete floor, covered with asphalt, wood bricks, cement, stone slabs, or tiles, bedded on cement. 10 Ditto, covered with concrete, stone, or slate slabs. 11 Ditto, brick arches, and concrete floor, finished either in cement, tiles, etc. FLOORS AND PARTITIONS. 67 1 \ I I I \ I \ I l 1 I !L 10 I II 68 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 12 H steel joists and concrete with flat soffit to take a plaster ceiling ; coverings may be as No. 9. 13 Reinforced concrete floor on H steel joists. (See Sect. 41.) 14 H steel joists with concrete arches and any covering, as No. 9. 15 Ditto, with hollow brick arches and concrete and any covering, as No. 9. 16 Ditto and concrete on iron cross bars. 17, 18 Sections of ditto. 19-21 Similar floor, but with channel-shaped earthenware bearers on steel cross bars. 22 H steel joists with concrete filling, covered with wood boarding on crossed strips. 23 Ditto, connected by diagonal bars with concrete filling ; any covering, as No. 9. 24 Ditto, carrying on their bottom flanges concrete slabs supporting an ordinary wood joist and boarded floor, as No. 1. 25 L (or H) bar joists filled between by arches formed of inter- locked hollow bricks ; coverings may be of any kind, as No. 9. Ceilings below formed of ceiling strips and plaster. FLOOES AND PARTITIONS. 69 12 III 14- 15 22 I I 23 24 70 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 26 H steel joists filled between by hollow brick lumps serrated on underside for a ceiling and covered with concrete and any finish, as No. 9. 27 Ditto, filled with flat arches of toggle -jointed arch bricks ; any covering, as No. 9. 28 Ditto, flat arches of hollow arch bricks, and concrete or other covering. 29 Steel trough floor (see Section 5), filled with concrete in which wood floor strips are bedded to take wood boarding, as Nos. 2, 3. 30 Another form of No. 28. 81 Close wood joisting, tongued below for ceiling plaster. Partitions. (See Section 2, Nos. 35, 36, and Section 41.) Brick partitions are usually of half brick or brick on edge, in mortar or cement. Ordinary partitions are of wood scantlings covered with lath and plaster, matched-boarding, fibrous plaster slabs, lath and cement, etc. FLOORS AND PARTITIONS. 71 26 27 28 29 30 31 72 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 12. ROOF COVERINGS. Thatch. Formed of reeds laid on a bed of straw and fastened down by ash spears, galvanized wires, etc. Slates. Laid on laths or close boarding, made in many sizes, secured by zinc or copper nails, and unprotected places covered by lead or" zinc flashings. Tiles. Hollow (pan) or flat ; concrete tiles ; secured usually by fillets on the underside, which hook on to wood laths. Wood shingles. Split boards laid to lap as slates, sometimes held down by stones, but usually nailed down to boards, laths, or purlins. Boarding. Various sections, as Nos. 1-3, Section 11, tarred or covered with tarred canvas, "rubberoid" sheeting, tarred felt, " Willesden " paper, sheet zinc, or lead. Concrete (reinforced) with wire or expanded steel netting. (See Section 41.) Glass, in frames or as glass slates. Galvanized corrugated steel. (See Section 6.) Galvanized flat sheets laid on boarding. Zinc or copper sheets. Section 13. ROADS AND STREETS. 1 Macadam road, consists of rough stone base about 1 foot deep, with a 6 in. layer of broken stone and a little fine ballast ; rolled down by heavy roller. 2 Tarmac road ; similar to No. 1, but the upper surface is saturated with coal tar. 3 Wood brick paved road, laid on asphalt, above 9 in. to 1 ft. of concrete. 4 Granite cubes, laid on concrete or hard rolled rough broken stone. 5 Gravel road, formed of 3 in. of gravel on broken stone base, for light traffic. 6 Tramway road. (See Section 23.) Asphalt roads are formed of li to 2 in. of Limmer or Val de Travers or other natural asphalt on concrete base. EOADS AND STREETS. rm irrrniTTrrrrrrr^ 74 CIVIJj ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 14. ROLLED IRON AND STEEL BARS, PLATES, ETC., USED IN CONSTRUCTION. The following memoranda relate only to such materials as are required in connexion with machinery or mechanical constructions, and are intended to supply particulars of the dimensions of the manufactured or raw material, giving the sections manufactured and the limits as to size available for incorporation in any design under consideration. Rolled iron and steel bars are manufactured as below : Rounds, from -fe to 7f in. diameter and up to 18 ft. long. Squares, from rVto 6 in. square, and up to 18 ft. long. Flats, from \ to 14 in. wide, and up to 18 ft. long. L iron sections are made from f by f in. up to 14 by 3f in., or to 12f united inches, with equal or unequal flanges, and up to 30 ft. long; but the acute, obtuse, and round angled sections are not usually stocked. T irons, from 1 by 1 in. up to 12 united inches, or to 9 by 4 in., and up to 30 ft. long. Rolled girder iron, from 3 in. deep to 20 in. deep by 10 in. flanges, and to 36 ft. long in hundreds of sections. Zore girders, from 3 to 8 in. deep, and to 24 ft. long. Channel iron, from f to 12 in. wide, and to 25 ft. long. Convex iron, from 1 to 6 in. wide, and up to 20 ft. long. Cope iron, from 1 to 4 in. wide, and to 20 ft. long. 1 Half-round iron, from \ to 4 in. wide, and to 20 ft. long. 2 Funnel ring iron, from 3| by iV in. to 8 by T 9 in. wide, and up to 18 ft. long. 3 Jackstay iron. 4 Half round groove iron. 5 Double-headed rail, 30 to 60 ft. long. 6 Flanged rail. 7 Bridge rail. 8 Bulb angle iron. 9 Bulb girder iron. 10 Bulb angle iron. EOLLED IKON AND STEEL BARS, ' 75 o o 10 12 13 o o 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 76 CIVIL ENG1NEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. 11 Bulb web plate. 12 Column iron. 13 Tram plate. 14 Ditto. 15 Tramway rail. 16-18 Firebar iron. 19 Double angle iron. 20 Cross iron. 21-3 Casement bars. 24 Fire bearer iron. 25 Octagon iron. 26 Hexagon. 27 Tyre bar. 28-9 Bevelled flat iron. 30 Trough iron. Used for bridge flooring, fire-proof floors, etc. 31 Double convex iron. 32-3 Tramplate iron. 34-5 Chair or sleeper iron. 36 Oval iron. 37-9 Round edged flats. 40 Segment round iron. 41 Round edged convex iron. 42 Bevelled flat iron. 43 Bevel edge flat iron. 44 Bevelled flat iron. 45 Round edged hollow convex iron. 46 Taper edged hollow convex iron. 47 Boiler tube expansion ring iron. 48 Moulded flat bar. In addition to the above, iron ornamental mouldings are rolled with moulded and relief ornaments in bars, from f to 2f in. wide, and up to 16 or 18 ft. long. Also plain mouldings similar in sections to those used in joinery. EOLLED IRON AND STEEL BARS. 77 28 29 30 31 < 180 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 22-3 Type plan of repairing slips and graving dock, showing three slips branching from a floating dock, opening into a river or harbour. 24-7 Block plans of types of river jetties ; 26 and 27 contain barge docks to provide berths for barges receiving goods direct from ship or jetty. 28 Another plan of double jetty with stepped berths on the inner sides. 29 Plan of pair of locks with sluicing openings, culvert, and sluice gate. 30 Lock caisson, used in place of gates and floated into position. 31 Balanced swing landing-stage. DOCKS, HARBOURS. 181 \ ^ _ ~~ .^-s. - :- ~~ ^ -- ^~ 28 2.4 A 26 A 27 V 1 ) n ^b L_ J e "cT ^_> TJ- -I - 30 182 CIVII. ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 32. LIGHTHOUSES, BUOYS, BEACONS, MOORINGS. 1-6 Various forms of buoys, with and without cages or bells, used to mark channels or sunken rocks or shoals, and their form and colour varied to indicate their purpose. 7~10 Beacons for similar purposes, usually fitted with screws and screwed into the sea bottom. (See also Section 30.) 11 Lighthouse of tower form of cast-iron plates, with gallery and lantern on stone or concrete base. The light-rooms, stores, and lightkeepers' rooms are all in the interior with a spiral stair to the lantern. 12 Screw pile sea lighthouse with upper platform carrying the stores, and living-rooms. This type is often fixed to rock foundation by special rock-boring screws. 13 Masonry lighthouse of the Eddystone type, built on a rock which is exposed at low water. All the stores and living- rooms are in the interior of the tower. The masonry is usually toggled or dovetailed together. 14 Masonry lighthouse for a headland or elevated position with short tower, gallery, and lantern. The stores and dwellings are in the adjoining building. 15 Cylindrical caisson foundation for a lighthouse as No. 30. The caisson is filled with concrete and may be protected by a mound of rubble. 16 Screw pile lighthouse for a shoal or sunk rock, with large platform and iron building containing the stores and dwellings. LIGHTHOUSES, BUOYS, ETC. 183 -V: ^ 184 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 33. DISPOSAL OF REFUSE, ETC. Town refuse : Is ordinarily conveyed by collecting vehicles to municipal destructors and burned. Destructors are of two classes 1. Low temperature furnaces ; the products of combustion escaping into the atmosphere. 2. High temperature ; the hot gases being utilized to generate steam in boilers, the power being applied to municipal services, as electricity production, pumping sewage or water, gasworks power, etc. The remaining clinker and ash are used for road-making, concrete and mortar mixing. Tipping refuse on land : Usually on low land which needs raising or levelling and not too near to dwellings. As manure : The refuse is seldom of a quality suitable for manuring, although much of it is so used. Street sweepings are, however, good and valuable as manure. Trades wastes from paper mills, bleach works, wool cleaning, chemical works, tanners and leather works, bleachers and dyers, etc. The wastes are treated : 1, chemically to recover useful con- stituents, or combine them into saleable substances. 2, by pre- cipitation in tanks or reservoirs. The liquor is chemically or DISPOSAL OF REFUSE, ETC. 185 bacterially treated to form an innocuous effluent, and discharged into a stream or sewer. The sludge is treated chemically or dried for use as a manure, and in most cases considerable quantities of valuable by-products are obtained from both the liquors and the precipitates. Drainage (see Section 3) carries away a very large proportion of town and domestic refuse from streets, house drains, roofs, open yards, closets, and sinks. s(i CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 34. TANKS AND CONTAINERS. 1 Railway water crane and tank. 2-6 Plans of cast-iron or steel tanks of various forms. 7 Tubular heating tank. 8 Square wrought-iron tank. 9 Circular cast-iron tank. 10 Evaporating or heating tank, containing numerous sloping shelves. 11 Similar tank, vertically arranged. 12 Similar tank with diagonal shelves or diaphragms. 13 Saddle tank. 14 Hot- water tank. 15 Steel gas bottle for high pressure. (See also Section 44.) TANKS AND CONTAINERS, 187 luQ '000 0000 1 O O o O Q o O o o oo O oo .o o O O 00o o C 12 188 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 35. MINES AND WELLS. Ventilating mines. (See Section 25.) 1 Plan of circular mine shaft. There are usually six cage guide timbers framed together, also pump rods, rising main, and pipes for compressed air, etc. 2 Plan of elliptical mine shaft with similar fittings. 3 Mode of sinking shafts or wells by cast-iron or steel cylinders, sometimes lined internally with brickwork and loaded to assist sinking. The soil and water are removed from the interior by hoisting and pumping. (See Section 1.) 4 Well sinking by cylindrical brick cylinder. The lower section, penetrating water-bearing strata, is built with holes or in dry brickwork. The cylinder is loaded to assist sinking. 5 Well sinking by cast-iron or steel cylinder. 6 Brick-lined well in soft ground continued down into rock or hard strata without a lining. 7 Mode of timbering a shaft for sinking in soft strata. 8 Another method, permitting the top diameter to be maintained throughout. 9 Coal or mineral washer. 10 Ditto, and separator. Tube wells, put down singly or in groups or series, are tubes with the lower lengths perforated and driven down to water- bearing strata. An internal suction pipe is used for pumping, and several wells may be connected to one pump. MINES, WELLS. 189 \> . 190 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 11 Mine-cage governing gear to control speed of cage. 12 Cage safety gear ; kept out of action by the pull of the hoisting rope. 18 Another method. 14 Cage safety hook, detaches the cage if drawn too high. 15-16 Cage indicators for winding engines. 17 Section of cage rope pulley. 18-19 Cage safety gears, as No. 12. 20-1 Horizontal winding engines. MINES, WELLS. 191 _ 2 0-,.- 192 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 36. FENCING. 1 The common sod hedge. 2 Thickset hedge. 3-4: American rail fence, laid zigzag. Tree stumps and roots are also placed close together to form a rough fence. 5 Split post and wire fence. The uprights are woven in with the wires, so that the fence can be rolled up for carriage. 6 Open or close pale and rail fence. 7 Ditto, with triangular rails. 8 Lattice and rail fence. 9 Post and three-rail fence for cattle. 10 Five-wire fence with wood posts. Varieties of this fence have from three to seven wires, the lower wires thicker than the upper; also iron standards as Nos. 19, 20. 11 Three-rail split-rail fence. The rail ends have bevelled ends to lap in the post mortises. 12 Two-rail fence with lattice upright or diagonal panels. 13 Rustic fence formed of tree branches. 14 Galvanized corrugated sheet-iron fence FENCING. 193 194 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 15 Three-tube fence with cast (or other) posts. The tubes are usually ordinary gas-pipes, galvanized and joined by the ordinary unions. 16 L iron rail fence, with T iron (or wood) posts. 17 Tube fence with wood posts. 18 Garden fence of stout wire, with L or T iron posts. 19 Post and strut with footplates for the ground. 20 T or L iron posts and struts and mode of fixing to a bridge girder. 21-2 Panelled brick boundary wall. 23-9 Various forms of stone copings for masonry or brick boundary walls. 80 Stone open parapet with turned balusters. 31 Rolling gates for bridge or level crossing. Fencing posts are also made of reinforced concrete or vitrified clay or shale, also many sections of steel or iron bars and tubes. Holes for fencing posts are sometimes blasted by small sticks of dynamite (40%Tsunk in holes jumped in the ground, or bored by a screw auger. FENCING. 195 17 19 20 b 24 25 29 21 22 26 27 30 23 28 i= 196 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 37. STAGING AND FALSE WORKS. (Forms, etc., for reinforced concrete work, Section 41.) 1 Centering for a semicircular arch with side supports. 2 Ditto, with four supports. 3 Ditto, with side supports. 4 Centering for an elliptic arch supported on corbels. 5 Braced centering for an elliptic arch with striking wedges at the springing. 6 Strutted centering for a flat arch. 7, 8 Braced centerings for elliptic arches. 9 Centering for a segmental arch, supported on a braced centre framing. 10, 11 Temporary timber viaduct. STAGING AND FALSE WOEKS. 197 198 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 12 Centerings for a high girder viaduct of long spans, with masonry piers. 13 Centering for long-span girder viaduct, with travelling crane for constructing the girders. 14, 15 Ordinary builders' scaffold for house building ; formed of poles, putlogs, and planks, and reached by ladders, materials being hoisted by a rope pulley or winch. 16 Continental builders' scaffold of poles, planks, and put- logs, reached by incline stages, the materials being carried or wheeled up the inclines. The centerings shown are types of which there have been very many varieties designed and used. Every country has its own designs of centerings. 17 Travelling stage for use inside a railway station or other building, to clean or repair skylights, etc. 18 Floating barges and stage to carry a cylinder caisson into position. STAGING AND FALSE WORKS. 199 A ~ r *>~~ ~ A *~ ~ A - - A- -?\ - L_ __ "i. - V- i !- V _-_-V4- -^^ - ^'^ - ^ -_ -_^r-_ _ L /6 n n r\ 17 200 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 19 Floats and stages to carry a long girder and deposit it in position in a tidal river. 20 Staging and capstan used for screw piles. 21 Floats to carry a caisson or cylinder to its site. STAGING AND FALSE WORKS. 201 19 202 CIVIL ENGINEEKING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 38. HOISTING MACHINERY. 1 Is a common type of wharf crane, but with the post, revolving in a footstep and base plate ; this gives a better base than where the post is fixed in a base plate. 2 Has no post, but a revolving frame and base plate with front and back friction rollers and a centre pin. 3 Post and jib in one piece, usually of wrought iron. A balance weight is fixed at A to balance the overhanging jib. 4 Swing derrick crane, generally of wood. The jib turns three- fourths of a circle, and the two guys are fixed at an angle of 90 apart, and well secured by anchoring or loading ; often made with very long jib for builders' work, and mounted on three tall framed stages to enable the crane to reach every part of a building. 5 Wharf crane, with centre tension bolt instead of crane post. In this arrangement there is a vertical tension on the centre bolt and thrust on the foot of jib. 6 Warehouse wall crane. 7 Warehouse wall crane, with high jib-head. 8 Whip crane, chiefly used in goods sheds. The barrel is some- times worked by an endless handrope as shown, and sometimes by a second rope and drum with a hand crank. 9 Portable hand crane, with balance weight. The balance weight can be shifted in or out to balance the load. 10 Foundry crane, sometimes with travelling carriage on the jib, as No. 11. 11 Swing bracket crane and traveller, usually formed, of flat bars on edge ; used only for light loads, for smiths' shops, etc. 12 Wharf derrick, to turn an entire circle, similar to No. 4, but employed for heavy loads. 13 Floating derrick. 14 Light balance crane. HOISTING MACHINERY. 203 204 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 15 Trussed jib crane, with centre tension bolt. 16 Simple derrick and winch, with two or three guy ropes ; for temporary purposes only, and may be easily shifted about. 17 Sheers and winch. 18 Tripod and winch. 19 Sheers with screw adjustment to back leg. This design is adopted for very heavy lifts, such as loading heavy machinery, shipping-masts, boilers, etc. 20 Four-guy derrick and winch, used for fixing columns, bases, masonry, etc. 21 Fixed post steam crane, for wharfs, piers, jetties, harbour works, etc. 22 Portable steam crane, very largely used on wharfs, piers, etc., and sometimes fitted with travelling gear in addition to hoisting and slewing motions. 23 Wharf crane, with fixed engine, centre bolt, and trussed arched jib. This is a very good type, as the ground is kept clear for goods, etc., and of course all motions, hoisting, lowering, and slewing are controlled from the crane above ground by hand levers. 24 Hydraulic wharf crane, with fixed post. The common type universally used in docks, etc., with the ordinary form of multiplying hydraulic cylinder and chain gear : the valve for controlling its movements is operated by hand levers ex- tending up through slots in the floor ; the slewing is performed by a separate cylinder and chain gear, with a distinct con- trolling lever. HOISTING MACHINEEY. 205 206 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 25 Hydraulic short lift ram, centre crane, and traveller, employed chiefly to raise the ingots out of the casting pits of Bessemer steel works. The ram is of course subject to severe cross strains, and many designs provide an overhead guide or support for the ramhead. 26 Automatic balance crane, portable or fixed ; the position of the fulcrum varies with the load. 27 Steam multiplying cylinder crane, in which the ram is forced out by steam pressure, acting either directly or by an intervening body of water. 28 Breakwater swing crane. 29 Overhanging travelling crane, for use on breakwaters, etc. 30 Overhead hydraulic travelling goliath, to span a railway ; has slewing motion and a balanced jib. 31 Single rail crane with top guide rail. . 32 Overhead traveller on gantry. 33 Goliath. 34 Steam overhead crane, with carriage to span a railway. Largely used on dock wharves, etc., as they have a high lift and do not encumber or encroach on valuable quay space. 35 Hydraulic cylinder post crane ; sometimes adopted instead of the type No. 24. HOISTING MACHINERY. 207 208 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 36 Heavy hydraulic crane, with suspended cylinder ; employed for work of the very heaviest type. ) 37 Ship's davit. 38 Balanced jib post crane, no tie-rod. The weight must be sufficiently heavy to balance the jib and load. 39 Hydraulic strut jib crane. The load is raised by raising the jib. 40 Overside dock crane, for discharging from ships into barges. The overhang being very great in this design, it must be provided with a heavy frame or balance weight. 41 Wagon tip crane, for loading vessels. 42 Double sheave 4 to 1 purchase for crane jib. 43 Crane with rising jib. 44 Suspended travelling hand crane. 45 Basement crane, projected diagonally upward when in use. The winch is a fixed one. 46 Loophole crane, projected horizontally when in use by a hand-rope "gear working" a pinion and rack, or by a chain wound upon a barrel. 47 Travelling wharf crane to span a railway. HOISTING MACHINERY. 209 36 210 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 48 Wharf goliath, with swinging beam and traveller. 49 Gantry crane or transporter to unload from a vessel and deliver into trucks. 50 Roof traveller crane. 51 Wharf crane with elevated inner rail. 52 Transporter. 53 Gantry crane. 54 Long jib wharf crane to reach over two or three vessels. HOISTING MACHINERY. 211 212 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 56 Travelling crane or goliath running on rails laid on the ground. 57 Overhead type travelling crane, running on overhead girders, with staging and derrick for fixing roof principals. 58 Jetty or pier pile-driving travelling stage and steam hoisting engine. 59 Jetty or wharf end crane. 60 Travelling hydraulic wagon, hoisting, tipping, and dis- charging stage. 61 Revolving cantilever crane. 62 Wharf crane with jointed jib for quick discharging. 63 Travelling transporter for unloading coal, etc., and depositing it in heaps. Builders' steam derrick cranes, as No. 4, for high and extensive buildings are mounted on a triangular platform raised above the building on three framed timber piers on towers braced together and fixed inside the building. HOISTING MACHINERY. 213 214 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 39.-SUBMARINE ENGINEERING. (See also Sections 29, 30, 32, 39.) 1 Canal dredger, with one, two, or three sets of chain buckets. The material is usually fed into a side trough or conveyor and dumped on the canal bank, or shot into drop-bottom barges and deposited in deep water. (See Section 24 and Nos. 6, 7.) 2 Bottom dredger for deepening a harbour or river or removing shoals. The material is shot into barges with drop bottoms and sunk in deep water. 3 Water or compressed air injector jet suction. Dredger for sand or mud bottom. Has a pipe line to convey the material to the shore. 4, 5 Submarine tube tunnel and mode of laying on prepared or pile foundation and afterwards covered with concrete in mass in form of a bank. 6 Canal dredger, discharging on to a bank tip. 7 Canal bank chain bucket dredger, travelling on a railway laid on the canal bank. 8 Dolphin, a group of piles braced together used as a protection to a pier. 9 Ground chain moorings and screws for harbour buoys. SUBMARINE ENGINEERING. 215 216 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 40. OPENING BRIDGES. 1 Balanced lifting bridge for short spans. 2 Rolling and lifting bridge, with balance weight for short spans. ;->-4 Single swing bridge, supported on a strut frame fitted with rollers running on a curved rail on the bottom. 5 Double balanced lifting bridge, with overhead fixed bridge to be used when the lower bridge is open to the river. 6 Swing bridge on a turntable, carried by an air float. 7 Lifting bridge, with winch gear, usually balanced. 8 Double swing bridge on a central pier, giving two openings. When open it is protected from drifting vessels by dolphins or pile tenders. OPENING BRIDGES. 217 218 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 9 Transporter bridge. 10 Single swing bridge on a turntable. 11 Double swing bridge on central caisson pier. 12 Telescopic bridge at Queen's Ferry, Chester. The central opening span is balanced by weights and runs back on rollers under the floor of fixed side span. The central floor is hinged to swing arms and falls far enough to pass under the floor of the fixed span. 18 Rolling bridge with lateral approach. 14 Balanced lifting bridge. 15 Double-leaf lifting bridge. The lifting beams have balance weights on their inner ends. OPENING BRIDGES. 219 220 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES Section 41. ROOFS. TIMBER ROOFS. - 1 Simple triangular truss with king rod (or post). 2-3 Queen post trusses. 4-5 Church roof trusses. 6 Gothic arch truss. 7-8 Church roof trusses. 9~10 Arched roof trusses, framed and braced. 11 Framed truss with arched laminated tie. 12, 13 Laminated arch truss. ROOFS. 221 222 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 14, 15 Simple triangular trusses. 16 High-pitch roof truss. 17 Arched and framed truss with horizontal tie. 18 Mansard truss. 19 Truss with arched tie, ornamented. 20 Framed truss with Gothic openwork spandrils. STEEL ROOFS. 21 Arched T iron principal with horizontal rod tie. 22 Simple triangular truss. 23 Triangular truss with one bracing. 24 Ditto with eight panels. 25 Arched or bowstring truss with eight panels. 26 Ditto with cambered tie-rod. 27 Triangular truss with cambered tie-rod. ROOFS. 2528 14- 224 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 28 Triangular truss, another form. 29, 30 Ditto with compound truss bracing. 51 Arched corrugated sheet-iron roof, simple type. 32 Compound triangular truss. 33 Six panel triangular truss. 34 Triangular roof in three bays with four supports. 35 Braced segmental arch truss. 36 Three hinge braced Gothic arch truss. 37 Semicircular braced arch truss. 38 Ditto. 39 Triangular truss with counter-braced principals. 40 Ditto with central headway. ROOFS 225 31 226 CIVIL ENGINEEEING TYPES AND DEVICES. 41 Mansard type triangular truss. 42-3 Station roof with elliptic tie and ventilator. 44 Three-hinge roof. 45 Double cantilever roof on single column. 46 High-pitched roof with arched ties. 47 Compound truss Mansard type. 48 Ditto. 49 Three-hinge compound truss with outside cantilevers as a station roof. 50 Station roof with outside cantilevers. 51-2 Cantilever roofs supported from a wall. ROOFS. 227 228 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 58 Station roof with outside cantilevers. 54 Ditto with overhanging eaves. 55 Roof formed of four triangular bays carried on parallel braced main girders. 56 Triangular roof with cantilever eaves. 57 Three-bay station roof on two columns. 58 Station roof over two platforms carried on rolled girders reaching the entire width. 59 Double platform station roof with central gutter supported on double columns. 60 Station roof of central arched bay and two cantilevers. 61 Factory or shed roof in several bays. The steep slopes are of glass and face the north to avoid sun -glare. 62-3 Roof formed of one or more short spans placed transversely and carried on arched girders. 64-5 Sections of ventilators with louvres. EOOFS. 229 230 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 66 Arched roof on rolled girder principals. 67 Roof of two or more bays carried on longitudinal braced or plate girders. 68 Arched station roof covered only over the platforms. 69 Cast-iron three-bay platform roof on two columns. 70 Platform roof of wood on two columns with central gutter. 71 Triangular platform roof on double columns. 72 Ditto on single column and wall. 73-9 Platform roofs supported from walls. 80 Theatre front pavement roof, usually of glass and highly ornamental. ROOFS. 231 232 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 81-3 Cantilever platform roofs, steel framed. 84-5 Typical details of a triangular truss framing and wall or column supports ; 85 is an elevation of a trussed purlin. (See also Sections 6 and 10.) 86 Junction of principal and tie bar. 87 Junction of tie bar and diagonals. 88 Junction of principal, tie bar, and steel column. 89 Section of iron and wood roof and gutter at support. ROOFS. 234 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 42. CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE. 1,2 Section and elevation of square concrete pile re- inforced with four steel rods and horizontal ring ties. 3, 4 Circular pile similarly reinforced. 5, 6 Forms for circular and square piles. 7-10 Iron rammers for "Compressol" piles. With No. 7 a hole is made in the ground by repeated rammings, com- pressing 'the soil around the hole. Stones are then dropped in and rammed into the foot of the hole and the hole filled with concrete. 11 Form (hinged together) for a square pile or column. 12 Wall forms with various forms of ties. There are many kinds of ties of special make in use. 13 Ditto showing insertion of wood bricks or fillets. 14 Plan of angle or quoin forms. 15, 16 Foundation bed of concrete for a building on concrete piles. 17 Form for a square column. 18-20 The " Kahn " trussed reinforcement bar for a main girder. 21-2 Grooved bar to take splayed truss rods fixed in the grooves. 23 Triangular wire mesh reinforcement. 24 Corrugated bar for ditto. CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE. 235 rfr i rfri M-W 18 19 12 ] j: 17 236 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 25-7 Type of forms for a floor, with joists and girders, sup- ported on columns ; all in reinforced concrete. 28-30 Sections of reinforced concrete floors and joisting. 31-4 Floor girder ; square section showing various styles of reinforcement. 35 Reinforced concrete casing to the piles of a pier, subject to abrasion by sea beach. 36 Concrete arch bridge, reinforced, with suspended temporary staging or forms. 37 Another form of reinforced concrete arch bridge. 38-9 Reinforced concrete arch and spandril bridge. The arch is in three ribs. 40-4 Various types of notched and corrugated or twisted rein- forcement rods. 45 Reinforced concrete column top with girder joists and floor. CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE. 287 238 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. 46 Reinforced concrete roof arch and side walls, in which the thrust is taken by anchored tie bars. 47-8 Concrete slab partitions. 49, 50 Reinforced retaining wall with toe and back buttresses. 51 Another form of reinforced concrete retaining wall. 52 Reinforced concrete battered retaining wall with long toe and projecting heel. 53-4 Reinforced concrete hollow darn or weir with trans- verse partitions and openings. Prevention of freezing of concrete by additions of solutions of calcium chloride or common salt ; said to improve the concrete by rendering it more impermeable. Expanded steel is also extensively used for reinforcement of concrete in floors, roofs, partitions, walls, etc. Concrete hollow building blocks of various shapes are used instead of stone or brick for walls and partitions. CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE. 239 49 4-7 48 240 CIVIL ENGINEERING TYPES AND DEVICES. Section 43. DAMS AND WEIRS. (See also Sections 29, 30.) 1 " Gerard " shutter dam, operated by a hydraulic ram. 2 Fish pass. 3 " Stoney " sluices and darn with balanced rising sluice gates. I Balanced sliding dam or sluices. 4>, G Arched gravity dam in masonry or concrete. 7 Drum weir, balanced by the water pressure.