UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. BUIiliETIN NO. 31. [in order to render the results of investigations - and experiments conducted by the Agricultural De- partment of the University of California more quick- ly and more generally available than has heretofore been done through the annual or biennial reports, it is proposed to embody hereafter, in the form of "Bulletins," to be issued as often as may seem de- sirable, reports of results, as well as such other discus- sions, information or answers to questions as may be of general interest. It is intended to make these bulletins, as a rule, short enough for insertion in the daily or weekly papers of the State, and proof-slips of the same will be regularly mailed to papers apply- ing therefor. The substance ot these bulletins will ultimately be embodied in a more complete and con- nected form, in the annual reports of the College of Agriculture.] Examination of Trousseau and Burger Wines. Trousseau. It is well understood that among the more important problems to be solved on behalf of. California viticulture is the determination of the proper blends for the Zinfandel grape; of which, on account of its uniform and vigorous productiveness, so large a proportion has been planted, while the very pronounced peculiarities of its wine stand in the way of its taking a high rank among clarets when unblended. Among the grape varieties best adapted for the purpose of overcoming the too pronounced j characters of the Zinfandel, the Trousseau has been prominently mentioned. There is no ques- tion that in several cases this blend has been re- markably successful; perhaps more decidedly so than any except the Grossblaue. But in others it has been unsatisfactory; and it is of consider- able interest to determine the cause of this dif- ference, since the Trousseau when properly pruned is a good bearer and its wine imparts to blends a desirable delicacy. Below are given the results of the analyses of several authentic Trousseau wines, that throw some light on the question : Acid. . S igar by Swindle . • CO o • — co • lO CO Acid as Tar- taric ifi o o ^ 10 rj- o CC l> X O iO TP ^ "3* Ash Tt« oo cs os CO CN *± ^ CO CO CO Tannin 'MO-CC pH O O O O Alcohol. By Vol. © © 00 CO h o »-i a t> CO CO g 5 g © S 5 • *t3 m w CO os © i.o ^ co (NMO CO C C Q S CO CM CO CM o co —> - OS — < — ' >— t-^ OS 00 OS CM CM O ^ <-H CM CO CM O W ^ oo oo co oo co oo 00 00 00 oo 00 00 td a b " CO 00 .