TC 824 C2 A2 no. Ill T J^I^Al^V ^^mTHE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA p a r t m c n t of Wa ter Resources BULLETII^Nvii? "^^SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY / .JK.' -'j('-\ — Jl EDMUND G. BROWN Governor State of California ;RSI-TY OF CALIFORNI, DAVIS FEB 2 5 1S63 LIBRARY WILLIAM E. WARNE Admmstraior The Resources Agency of California ond Direcfor Department of Water Resources *^l<*^* state of California THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Wa ter Resources BULLETIN No. Ill SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY AUGUST 1962 EDMUND G. BROWN Governor State of California U-i^TlI^ITY OF CALIFOJJNM DAVIS WILLIAM E. WARNE Adminisfrator The Resources Agency of California and Direrfor Department of Water Resources TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL viii ACKNOWLEDGMENT' ix ORGANIZATION, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES x ORGANIZATION, CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION xi AUTHORIZATION :-:ii CHAPTER I. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Findings 1 Recommendations k CHAPTER II. INTRODUOl'ION 7 Objectives and Scope of Investigation 7 Area of Investigation 8 Physiography 9 Geology 9 Soils 9 Climate 10 Data Collection Programs 11 Scope of Report 12 Related Investigations and Report 13 CHAPTER III. HYDROLOGY 17 Minimum Flows 17 -111- Page CHAPTER IV. WATER UTILIZATION 21 Domestic Water Systems 21 Irrigation Supply 22 Recreation 2k Fish and Wildlife 27 Navigation 28 Waste Disposal 29 Domestic and Municipal Wastes 29 Present Discharges to Sacramento River 29 Present Discharges to Tributary Streams 31 Future Discharges 31 Industrial Wastes 33 Diamond National Corporation 33 American Crystal Sugar Company 33 Agricultural Drainage 3^ Ssilinity Repulsion 35 CHAPTER V. WATER QUALITY 37 Water Quality Criteria 38 General Criteria 38 Domestic and Municipal Water Supply 38 Criteria for Irrigation Water hi Industrial Water Supply h2 Preservation and Protection of Fish and Wildlife .... U2 Specific Criteria Mj- Policy of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board (No. 5) hk Recommendations of Board of Consiiltants ^5 -IV- Page Contract Between the State of California and the Metropolitan Water District k6 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Sacramento River Viater . . ^7 Temperature 14-7 pH UQ Suspended Solids, Turbidity, and Color kQ Total Dissolved Solids U8 Hardness 50 Corrosion PotentieJ. 53 Major Constituents 5^ Minor Constituents 55 Radioactivity 59 Bacteriological Quality 59 Stream Biology 68 Plankton 69 Benthos 71 Oxygen Relationships 75 SoxATces of Pollution 75 Dissolved Oxygen 75 Diurnal Variations 77 Characterization of Oxygen Relationships 78 Oxygen Sag Analysis 78 Multiple Linear Correlation Analysis 79 Diurnal Curve Analysis 79 Future Work 82 CHAPTER VI. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT 83 Conservative Constituents in the Sacramento River 83 Nonconservative Constituents and Biological Characteristics .... 87 SpecieQ. Investigations 88 -V- TABLES Table No . Pa^e 1 Hydrology: Minimum Flows - Sacramento l-tiver 19 2 Present and Future Land and Water Use in Sacramento Valley 21 3 Domestic Use of Sacramento River Water, I96O 22 h Major Irrigation Diversions from the Sacramento River, i960 23 5 Boating from Anderson to Butte City, I956-I96O 27 6 Sewage Treatment Plajit Discharges to Sacramento River, I96O 30 7 Discharges from Irrigation Drains to the Sacramento River, 1950-59 3^ 8 Limiting Concentrations of Chemical Constituents for Drinking Water 39 9 Upper Limits of Total Solids and Selected Minerals in Drinking Water as Delivered to the Consumer kO 10 Hardness Classification of Waters Ul 11 Qualitative Classification of Irrigation Waters 42 12 Water Q\iality Limits for Vjater for Export at Points of Diversion at Southern Boundary of Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta . . . U6 13 Water Quality Objectives for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 1+7 ill- Hardness in Sacramento River and Tributaries, I96O-6I .... 53 15 Langelier Saturation Index of Sacramento River Water .... 5^+ 16 Heavy Metals in the Upper Sacramento River and in Spring Creek 56 17 Concentrations of ABS in Waste Discharges to Sacramento River, I96O-6I 57 18 Radiological Assays of Sacramento River Water, 1952-60 ... 59 19 Recommended Water Quality Monitoring Program for the Sacramento River 86 -vx- FIGURES Figure Ko. Page 1 liecreational Use of Sacramento River, Hamilton City to Rio Vista 26 2 Suspended Solids - Sacramento River, I96O-I96I 49 3 Total Dissolved Solids - Sacramento River, 196O-I96I 51 4 Specific Conductance - Sacramento River, 1960-1961 52 5 Bacteria in Sacramento River - Upper Reach ,» 6I 6 Bacteria in Sacramento River - Middle Reach o 62 7 Bacteria in Sacramento River - Lower Reach: Coliform Bacteria . . 63 8 Bacteria. in Sacramento River - Lower Reach: Fecal Coliform Bacteria , o 64 9 Sacramento River Plankton, Total Plankton per ML by Month and Station 70 10 Numbers, Diversity, and Volumes of Aquatic Organisms o ... ,0 72 11 Average Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen in Sacramento River, Late spring to Fall . „ » . . 76 12 Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Ket Diffusion in the Sacramento River below Sacramento o . 81 SUPPLEMENT Water i^uality and the Public Health 0..9I LIST OF PLATES Plate No. (Plates are bound at end of report) 1 Area of Investigation and Sampling Program 2 Tributary Basins of the Sacramento River APPEIJDIXES (Bound separately) A Hydrography, Hydrology, and V.'ater Utilization B Water Quality C Public Health Aspects D Benthic Biology -vii- WILLIAM E. WARNE Director of Water Resources B. ABBOn GOLDBERG Chief Deputy Director REGINALD C. PRICE Deputy Director Policy NEELY GARDNER Deputy Director Administration ALFRED R. GOLZE Chief Engineer EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY ADDRESS REPLY P. O. Box 388 Sacramento 2, Co THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1120 N STREET, SACRAMENTO August 8, 1962 Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Governor, sind Members of the Legislature of the State of California Gentlemen: I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. HI, enti- tled, "Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey." The investigation described in the report was authorized by Chapter 1909, Statutes of 1959 and by subsequent actions providing for appropriations from the general fvmd. This report concludes that water quality of the Sacramento River is eminently satisfactory for present beneficial uses. The in- creases in dissolved mineral concentrations that do occur are related to irrigation practices. Below Sacramento, dissolved oxygen levels are approaching the minimum values set for fish. The future increased utilization of Sacramento River waters requires an adequate program of water quality management. To this end, specific recommendations for water quality monitoring and for special investigations are presented. Sincerely yours. ^X Director ACKI<;OV;LEDGi'ZI^T The Sacramento River Later Pollution Survey was greatly implemented by the valuable assistance and cooperation of several agencies of the Federal Government and of the State of Californjaj Cities, Counties, and private com- panies and individuals. The participation, cooperation, and assistance of the following organ- izations is particularly acknov/ledged: Advisory Committee composed of: Central Valley Regional V.'ater Pollution Control Board (Ko. 5) California Department of Fish and Game California Department of Public Health Col. J. S. Gorlinski Charles T. Carnahan David C. Joseph Paul C. Ward Arnold E. Greenberg U. S. Public Health Service F. V/. Kittrell William M. Ingram H. P. Kramer H. V/. Jackson U. S. Navy, 12th Naval District Commander C. \\. Heck Warrant Officer Sullivan U. S. Bureau of Reclamation U. S. Geological Survey Tennessee Valley Authority California Department of Fish and Game California Department of Natural Resources Division of Small Craft Harbors M. A. Churchill Ellis Berry City of Red Bluff City of Rio Vista City of Isleton City of Sacramento, Department of V/ater and City of Redding Sacramento County Sheriff's Office 'West Sacramento Sanitary District American River Junior College Miller Park Boat Harbor American Crystal Sugar Company, Clarksburg Diamond National Corporation at Red Bluff H. A. Eaton Raymond Barth Joseph Barbutt Sewers Raymond Jones Harold Jeffery Hal E. Marron Robert Gullixson Lt. Parker Smith V/alter Moniz Kenneth D. Boettcher Bud Silva C. W. Hogge Ernest Develter Special mention is made of the following individuals who loaned boats and equipment to the investigation: Neal Butler, W. D. Cofer, V.'alter DoI^^^aldt, C. D. Hayes, Noel Helphenstine, Earl Van Hoorbeke, William J. Hunter, VJalter Johnson, Raymond Kapusta, Clay Keyer, V/. Q. Miller, Grover E. Oaks, S. V. Scott, Harry V/ebb, Jack V.'oods, and Sebastian Yturralde. -IX- STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGEI«ICY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES EIMUND G. BROWN, Governor WILLIAM E. WARNE, Administrator, The Resources Agency of California and Director, Department of Water Resources ALFRED R. GOLZE, Chief Engineer DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING William L. Berry Division Engineer Wesley E. Steiner Chief, Planning Management Branch DELTA BRANCH Carl A. Werner Branch Chief Willard R. Slater Chief, Special Investigations Section The various phases of this investigation were conducted under the supervision of Planning Arthur J. Inerfield, Senior Engineer Field Operations Edward E. Whisman, Senior Engineer Report Charles G. Gvinnerson, Senior Engineer ELSSisted by Thomas E. Bailey Assistant Civil Engineer Richard M. Daum Engineering Associate William Durbrow Senior Engineer Leonard 0. Fisk Fisheries Biologist IV Jack F. Hannaford Associate Engineer William F. Jopling Engineering Associate Richard W. Kretsinger Associate Engineer Robert F. Middleton Associate Engineer William B. Mitchell Associate Engineer John M. Richardson Assistant Civil Engineer Harley R. Woodworth Associate Engineer Robert G. Wright Assistant Civil Engineer -X- CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION PIALPH M. BRODY, Chairman, Fresno VJILLIAM H. JhMJINGS, Vice Chairman, La Mesa JOHN W, BRYANT, Riverside JOHN P. BUNKER, Gustine IRA J. CHRISMAN, Visalia GEORGE FLEHARTY, Fresno JOHN J. KING, Petal uma NORRIS POULSON, Los Angeles MARION R. WALKER, Ventura WILLIAM M. CARAH Executive Secretary GEORGE B. GLEASON Principal Engineer -XI- AUTHORIZATION The Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey was authorized by the California State Legislature in Chapter I909, Statutes of 19^+9. This, and subsequent legislative section, provided for appropriations from the general fund for the conduct of the investigation. Statutory authority for pollution investigations derives from Section 229 of the Water Code. -Xll- CHAPTER I. SUMMARY AIJD RECOMMENDATIONS The Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey was authorized by the California Legislature in 1959 to provide guides for maintaining ade- quate levels of water quality in the river. Specific objectives included: 1. Determine present (base-line) quality conditions in the river from Shasta Dam to Mayberry Sloijgh. 2. Determine soxirces and effects of present degradation of water quality. 3. Establish a continuing water quality monitoring program. k. Recommend future studies and water quality management prac- tices for the Sacramento River. Intensive studies of the river and influent flows were made from April i960 through J\me I961. More than 8,000 samples of water were aned-yzed for oxygen content, temperature, and bacteria. Concentrations of dissolved minerals were determined for over 3^000 samples. Evaluation of these and related data met the four objectives; the first two are dis- cussed in the findings and the last two are presented as recommendations. Findings Water quality of the Sacramento River during I96O-61 was emi- nently satisfactory for present beneficial uses. However, a few danger signals axe beginning to appear. If the greater quantities of wastes which will be discharged in the future are handled by present methods serious water quality problems can be expected. Specific findings axe summarized below: -1- (1) Between i960 and 1990 > Sacramento Valley populations are expected to increase from 1,114-2,1+20 to 3,092,1+00, irrigated lands from 1,900,000 to 2,714-7,000 acres, and total water demand from 7,1+68,000 to 10,688,000 acre -feet per year. (2) During I960, five domestic water systems supplied an aver- age total of 53 million gall ons per day of river water to about 272,000 people . (3) Present diversions of river water for agriciilture amount to some three million acre-feet per year, divided almost equally between the Sacramento Valley and, by means of the Delta-Mendota CaLnal, the San Joaquin Valley. (1+) Recreational use of the river involves many thousands of people during holidays aiid the expenditure of millions of dollars annually. Water contact sports are concentrated near population centers where sewage discharges causes significant bacterial populations in the water. Since sport fishing, commercial fishing, and wildlife habitats are dependent upon the river, minimum reservoir releases are specified for fish protection. (5) The river channel is maintained at a minimum depth of ten feet below Sacramento and six feet upstream to Colusa by a minimum flow of 5,000 cubic feet per second near Wilkins Slough. Commercial shipping amounted to about 5,500,000 tons in I96O. This is expected to triple by 1990. (6) Sewage treatment plant effluents are discharged directly to the river by the Cities of Redding, Red Bluff, Coming, West Sacramento, Sacramento, Isleton, and Rio Vista. All plants provide only primary treat- ment. About 90 percent of the total 55*3 million gallons per day of sew- age flow is through the Sacramento main plant. Within the near future, -2- additional plants in the Sacramento area, with an aggregate design capa- city of 21.5 mill ion gallons per day, will be discharging secondary efflu- ent to the river ajid its tributaries. (7) Most industries discheirge to municipal sewerage systems. The two major direct discharges to the river sure from a wood products plant near Red Bluff and a sugar beet processing plant near Clarksburg. The former causes no measureable effect in the river and the loading from the latter is superimposed upon the effects of discharges from the Sacramento 8u:ea. (8) Irrigation return fljows of about 900,000 acre-feet per year are largely discharged to the 20-mile reach above the Feather River. (9) Releases from Shasta Dam repel sea water in the Delta so that salt water incursions into the river have been restricted to the lowest seven miles since 19^9* (10) The present mineral quality of the Sacramento River is excellent with total dissolved solids rsmging generally between 75 a n d 100 parts per million in the upper reach ajid between 100 emd I50 parts at Sacramento; the increases are primarily due to irrigation return flows. (11) The bacteriological quality of the river reflects the dis- charge of sewage treatment plant effluents to which vao^ring amoiints of chlorine have been added. River water used for domestic purposes accord- ingly requires treatment for removal of bacteria as well as occasional turbidity, tastes, and odors. (12) Algae populations in the river vary sestsonally and typi- cally increase with distemce from Shasta Dam as winter ten^jcrature rise and as nutrients from tributeuries eind waste discharges are added. (13) The occurrence of bottom organisms in the river is con- trolled by natxiral conditions unrelated to waste discharges. -3- {ik) Dissolved oxygen levels in the river axe adequate for the multiple uses to which river water is put. The most critical oxygen con- ditions in the river sure, sjid will continue to be, found below Sacramento; the minimum observed concentration of 5-2 parts per million shows that the minimum of five parts established for fish is in jeopardy. Additional data are required to adequately determine the waste assimilative capacity of the river. (15) The present water quality monitoring program shows condi- tions in the river; it does not permit sufficiently precise determination of the present causes of water quality changes or of probable future water quality conditions. These aspects of water quality management can be provided by monitoring the tributaries and computing quality in the river. Although the initial effort will be an expansion of the program, ultimate annua.1 expenditures will be reduced. (16) Investigations similar in scope to the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey require about two man-days on data eveiluation for each man-day in the field, concurrent with the data collection phase. During the final data evaluation and report writing phase, an additional two man-days in the office are needed for each m£ui-day in the field. These ratios do not include laboratory requirements. Recommendat ions In order to minimize future degradation of water quality in the Sacramento River due to increased utilization of the water, it is recommended that: (1) The present depsurtmental surface water quality monitoring program for mineral constituents in the river be chamged to provide data on tributaries and waste discharges and that mineral quality of the river be computed. -1^- (2) Departmental requirements for information on bacteriologi- cal and biological conditions, organic materials, euid dissolved oxygen be met by conducting intensive short-term surveys, and by installing con- tinuous dissolved oxygen analyzers at Sacramento and Walnut Grove. (3) In addition to the basic program outlined above, additional special studies be made as follows: (a) Analyze continuous conductivity recorder data obtained during the present investigation to characterize vertical ajid longitudinal mixing. Evaluate the use of conduc- tivity recforders to investigate travel times, flow distribution, and mixing in waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaq.uin Delta. (b) Conduct a special study of water ten5)eratures and heat balances throughout the Sacramento River systems, including the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, to provide criteria for reservoir operations, to estimate the capacity of the river to assimilate thermal pollution, and to provide data on mixing. (c) Conduct a special two-year investigation of oxy- gen relationships in the river between Sacramento and Rio Vista consisting of two-day intensive surveys at monthly intervals; this will provide correlation factors for predicting future dissolved oxygen levels. (d) After the revised monitoring program for mineral constituents has been in operation for one year, predict future mineral quality conditions in the Sacramento River. Make sub- sequent predictions at about two-yeeur intervals which include consideration of a Sacramento Valley master drainage system. -5- CHAPTER II. INTRODUCTION Objectives aiid Scope of Investigation The principal objective of the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey was to satisfy the requirements of various agencies responsible for or interested in the field of water quality by establishing a compre- hensive knowledge of the many interrelated variables which influence water quality in the Sacramento River. The survey was planned to provide the information necessary to establish suitable guides for use in maintaining adequate levels of water quality in the Sacramento River. To implement the general objectives stated above, the investi- gation provided for determination of: 1. Present (base-line) quality conditions in the Sacramento River from Shasta Dam to Mayberry Slough. 2. Detailed information on present sources of degrada- tion smd their influence on water quality 3. A continxiing water qusility monitoring program. k. Recommendations for fut\ire studies and for quality management practices which would maintain optimum water quality in the Sacramento River. These objectives cross the traditional boundaries of several agencies. Accordingly, full-time professional services by personnel of the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Fish and Game were obtained by inter-agency agreements. In addition, the Central Valley Regionsil Water Pollution Control Board (No. 5) and personnel of the United States Public Health Service, Robert A. TsLft Sanitary Engineering Center served in advisory capacities. -7- Area of Investigation The Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey was conducted over the 300-iaile reach between Keswick Reservoir, which provides afterbay reg\ilation of releases from Shasta Dam, and the confluence of the Sacramento and Saji Joaquin Rivers at Mayberry Slough (Plate l) . The river may be divided into three major reaches. In the upper reach between Keswick (mile 300) and Hamilton City (mile 200) , the river flows throxigh rolling to mountainous country in a steep, well-defined channel with many rapids. Inflows from permanent eaid intermittent streams and from rising gixDund water occur in this reach. Throughout the middle reach, between Hamilton City and Sacramento (mile 60) , the river follows a meandering course through a deep and wide allizvial fill and is controlled by extensive levee systems and flood-control bypasses. Most of the side streams in the upper portion of this reach are diverted throiogh Col\isa Basin to the west and through Butte Slough suad Sutter Beisin to the east. There are a number of irrigation diversions and retxoms. The two major tributaries, the Feather and American Rivers, enter at miles 80 and 6I, respectively. The lower reach, between Sacramento and Mayberry Slough, is characterized by distributary flows through various waterways in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The major diversion from the river through the Delta Cross Channel (mile 27.'+) provides water to the San Joaquin Valley through the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation's Delta-Mendota Canal. Tidal action causes flow reversals as far upstream as Clsirksburg (mile U3) and affects water levels and velocities eis far upstream es Verona (mile 80) . The maximum flow reversals occxir in the vicinity of Isleton (mile I9) • -8- Physiography . The Sacramento River drains an area of over 26,000 square miles eis shown on Plate 2. The river is fed by 39 streams originating in the Coast Raiiges to the west, the Klamath Mountains to the northwest, the Cascade Range and Modoc Plateau to the northeast, and the Sierra Nevada to the ea^t. Elevations range from below sea level in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to lk,l6l feet at Mount Shasta. Geology . The major inflow to Shasta Dam comes from the Modoc Plateau which is underlain by thick accumulations of lava with many small volcauiic cones and from the Cascsuie Range which consists primarily of a chain of volcanic cones. Shasta Lake is located in the extremely rugged Klamath Mountains which eure comprised of a wide variety of deeply weathered marine sediments, some of which have been metamorphosed, and granitic rocks. The Coast Ranges are a system of essentially parallel ranges consisting primarily of old marine sediments. The Sierra Nevada is a tilted block with a gentle westerly slope. In the foothills, the rocks are mostly metamorphic while massive granites axe found in the high Sierra. The Sacramento Valley occupies the northern portion of the Central Valley sind is underlain by a thick series of water-bearing sedi- ments. These sediments are over 2,000 feet thick near the Sacramento River and thin laterally towards the sides of the valley. Soils . The soils of the Sacramento Valley vary in their physi- cal smd chemical characteristics according to their sources, ages, and degree of development. These soils can be divided into four broad groups: (1) old valley fillings, (2) basin soils, (3) recent alluvium, «md {k) organic soils. -9- (1) Soils derived from old valley fillings smd remanents of former alluvieil fans are foiind along both sides of the veilley floor. Leaching and other soil forming processes have brought about soils vary- ing from those with dense claypan or cemented haxdpan subsoils, to those with moderately compact subsoils. These soils are generally suitable for shallow to medium-deep rooted crops. (2) Basin soils have developed from the sediments deposited by overflow water in low-lying basin areas between the all\ivial fans and the major river flood plains. These soils axe normally fine textured and, due to limited or restricted drainage, accumulation of soluble salts and exchangeable sodium is often present. The basin soils are suitable for many climatically adapted medivim and shallow rooted crops. (3) Recent alluvial soils occupy alluvial fans and flood plains adjacent to major and minor stream channels. In general, these soils are deep, friable, and medium textured and have undergone little or no change in their profile characteristics since deposition. Where adeq.uately drained, these soils have wide crop adaptability and are highly valued as agricultviral lands. (U) Organic soils resulting from decomposition of tules and other axiiiatic plants are found in the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta. These soils have a high agricultural value for specific crops when properly drained and managed. Climate . The climate of the Sacramento Valley is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters. The rainy season extends from November through April. Mean annual rainfall varies from about 15 inches in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to 22 inches at Red Bluff and 3k inches at Shasta Dam. Mean monthly temperatures in the basin vary from about -10- 39 "F in the winter to 73 "F in the sximmer with a mean annual temperature of about 55**^. The average annual evaporation in the vailley varies from about 50 to 75 inches. The valley is normally free from frost for a period of seven to eight months each year. For the most part, the summer and fall seasons exhibit aji almost continuous succession of sunny days. In the mountainous areas, the major portion of precipitation consists of heavy snowfall in the winter months. During late spring and early summer, snowmelt supplies the streams tributary to the Sacramento River. Near Donner Pass, in the Yuba River watershed, records indicate snow depths as great as 375 inches in l880. The depth during l88l was UO inches, the minimum for the period of record. Data Collection Programs Field programs were conducted during the period April i960 throiigh June I96I to provide data on hydrology; physical, chemical, and bacteriological quality of the water; oxygen relationships; stream biology; and the effects of tributaries and waste discharges on these character- istics . Plate 1 shows the locations of saarpling stations . Monthly determinations of physical and chemical characteristics, algae and other plankton, and bottom life were made throughout the river. Waste discharges and tributary flows were analyzed monthly for mineral and organic constituents. Continuous records of, or daily sampling for, mineral constituents were made at key locations . Intensive sampling surveys were conducted in the upper reach (mile 297.3-131^.5) in June and October I96O, in the middle reach (mile I8I1.5-62.6) in September I96O and May I96I, and in the lower reach (mile 62.6-4.0) in June, late August, and October I96O. During the May and June periods, runoff from snowmelt was essentially complete, and irrigation -11- returns were negligible. In late Axjgust, irrigation returns were nominal and sestsoneil waste discharges from food processing plants were at a peak. Maximum irrigation returns from rice fields occurred in September. In October, reservoir releases and irrigation diversions were at a minimum and highly mineralized irrigation waters were returned to the river. Each of the intensive surveys was conducted over a four-day period when 8aa5)les were taken at three-hour intervals from closely spaced river sta- tions and waste discharges. Samples were analyzed for bacteriological quality, dissolved oxygen, and organic content as indicated by the bio- chemical oxygen demand. Analyses were made in accordance with the 11th edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water" (2) . Temperature, dissolved oxygen, acidity or alkalinity as meas\ired by pH, and toteil dissolved minerals as measured by electrical conductivity, were determined in the field. Chemical analyses were performed at the depart- ment's laboratory at Bryte, near Sacramento. Bacteriological aiialyses and eLLgae identification- sjid enumeration were performed by the State Department of Public Health using a mobile laboratory and at the Berkeley laboratories, respectively. Bottom organisms were identified by a State Department of Fish and Game specialist at the Bryte laboratory of the Department of Water Resoiorces. Scope of Report This report summarizes the findings of the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey and presents recommendations for future water quality monitoring and additional studies necessary for water quality management in the Sacramento River. Detailed technical discussions sind basic data are presented in separately bound appendices as follows: -12- Appendix A. "Hydrography, Hydrology, and Water Utilization," by the Department of Water Resources Appendix B. "Water Quality," by the Depaxtment of Water Resources Appendix C. "Public Health Aspects," by the Department of Public Health Appendix D. "Benthic Biology," by the Dei>artment of Fish and Game. Related Investigations and Reports A large number of reports containing information and data per- tinent to evaluation of water quality of the Sacramento River were utilized during the current investigation. Complete lists and references axe in- cluded in appendices to this bulletin. The following partial listing includes the reports of major importance and those which are cited in this bulletin. Reference is marie to these reports in the text by means of niimbers in specific parentheses; e.g., (l). (1) Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, DepsLrtment of Limnology. "Sacramento River, Keswick Reservoir and Vicinity." July 1956. (2) American Public Hesilth Association. "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater." 11th Edition. i960. (3) California State Department of Public Health, Bureau of Semitaiy Engineering. Report No. 2i<-2. "To the California State Board of Health on Quality of Sacramento River Water at Sacramento." July 28, I920. (If) . Report No. 2kh. "To the California State Board of Heeilth on Quality of Sacramento River Water at Sacramento." A\igust h, 1920. (5) . Office Report, "A Study of the Sacramento River as Influenced by Waste Discharges from the American Crystal Sugar Corporation, Clarksburg, California." 1950. (6) . Office Report, "Enterprise Public Utility District Semitaxy Survey." December 9, 1953* (7) — — . Office Report, "Redding Sanitary Survey." January 10, 1955. -13- (8) — — . Office Report, "Sacramento River Survey - October 1956." October I956. (9) ..... Office Report, "Recommendations for Operating the Red Bluff Sewage Treatment Plant." September 10, 1959. (10) — — . Memorandum, "Sewage and Sewage Treatment of the City of Rio Vista." May I6, i960. (11) — — . Memorandum, "Sacramento River Survey - September, i960." September 6, i960. (12) -.— . Monthly Notes, "Report of Plant Inspections at Coming." July 29, 1959; November 5, 1959; June 1, I96O; February 6, 1961. (13) . Office Report, "Report on the City of Redding Sewage Discharge Effects on Sacramento River Water and Down- stream Water Uses." May I961. (IJ4.) — ... Office Report, "City of Sacramento Municipal Water System." June I961. (15) -.— . Office Report, "Progress Report on the Qixality of the Lower Sacramento River Water said Domestic Sewage Effluent Discharges." April 1957 • (16) ~.— . Memorandum, "Bacteriological Quality of the Lower Sacramento River." May 3, 1957. (17) ~ — . Memorsuidum, "West Sacramento Sanitary District - Sewage Disposal Expansion Project." November h, 1957. (18) Memorandum, "Appraisal of Red Bliaff Sewage Treat- ment Plant Operations." August 20, 1958. (19) . . Monthly Notes, "Reports of Plant Inspections at Isleton." April 9, 1958; September 30, 1958. (20) Office Report, "A Study of the Effectiveness of Al\im Coagxilation sind Chlorination in the Redding Water Supply." June 1959* (21) Office Report, "City of Vallejo Water Siq)ply System, Report of the Semitary Engineering Survey." September 1959. (22) California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. Twenty-Six Reports of Sacramento -San Joaquin Water Supervision Covering the Period I92U to 195^+. (23) "Sacramento River Basin." Bulletin No. 26. I93I. -lU- (2U) -— . 'Variation and Control of SeuLinity in Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay." Bulletin No. 27. I931. (25) Ceilifomia State Department of Water Resources, Division of Resources Planning. "Quality of Surface Waters in California, 1951-5'+." Water Quality Investigation Report No. 15 • November I956. (26) "The California Water Plan." Bulletin No. 3« May 1957. (27) "Quality of Surface Waters in California, 1955-1956." Bulletin No. 65. December 1957. (28) "Quality of Surface Waters in California - 1957." Bulletin No. 65-57- December i960. (29) . "Quality of Surface Waters in California - I958." Bulletin No. 65-58. December I960. (30) "Surface Water Flow for 1959." Bulletin No. 23-59. May 1961. (31) "Quality of Surface Waters in California - 1959." Bulletin No. 65-59. July 196I. (32) "Surface Water Flow for i960." Bulletin No. 23-60. September I96I. (33) California State Water Pollution Control Board. "Water Quality Criteria." State Water Pollution Contixjl Board Publication No. 3. 1952. (3^) California State Water Resources Board. "Water Resources in California." Bulletin No. 1. I95I. (35) Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board. "Water Pollution Study - Sacramento River Watershed." 1955. (36) Chiurchill, M. A. and Buckingham, R. A. "Statistical Method for Analysis of Stream Purification Capacity." Sewage and Industrial Wastes, 28, k, 517. April 1956. (37) Churchill, M. A., Elmore, H. L., and Buckingham, R. A. "The Prediction of Stream Reaeration Rates." Division of Health aj3d Safety, Tennessee Valley Authority Pre- sented at Nationel Convention of ASCE. October 16 - 20, 1961. New York. (38) Odum, H. T. "Primary Production in Flowing Waters." Lim- nology £ind Oceanography. Vol\mie 1, No. 2. pp. 102-117. April 1956. -15- (39) Odum, H. T. and Hoskin, C. M. "Comparative Studies on the Metabolism of Marine Waters." Publications, Institute of Marine Science. Volume 5» December 1958. (Uo) O'Connor, D. J. and Dobbins, W. E. "Mechanism of Reaera- tion of Natixral Streams." Transactions, ASCE. Volume 123. p. 6i+l. 1958. (Ul) Streeter, H. W. and Phelps, E. B. "A Study of the Pollu- tion and Natural Purification of the Ohio River. III. Factors Concerned in the Phenomena of Oxidation and Reaeration." Public Health Bulletin No. II+6. U. S. Public Health Service. I925. (42) Streeter, H. W. "Measures of Natural Oxidation in Polluted Streams. II. The Reaeration Factor and Oxygen Balance." Sti^am Pollution. Sewage Works Journal. Volume "J, No. 3- p. 534. May 1935- (iv3) Tsivoglou, E. C. "Discussion of Stream Data Applied to Waste Treatment Plant Design." Technical Report W-58-2. U. S. Public Health Service, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati. 1958. (kk) U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. "Quality of Surface Waters of the United States, 1955." Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1403. 1959 • (45) — -. "Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Character- istics of Natural Water. " Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1473. 1959 • (46) U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfso-e, Public Health Service. "Drinking Water Standard, 1946." Public Health Report 6I :37a- 384. 1946. Reprint No. 2697 (47) Welch, P. S. "Limnology." McGraw-Hill Book Conipany, Inc. New York. 1952. (48) — -. "Limnology Methods . " Blakiston Publishing Company, Philadelphia. 1948. -16- CHAPTER in. HYDROLOGY The hydrograpMc and hydrologic features of the Sacramento River vere determined from previously existing data and from measurements taken during the course of the present investigation. The minimum flows expected tinder present and future conditions govern the amounts of dilution avail- able for various discharges. Minimum Flovrs Minimum flows in the Sacramento River under present conditions of development were determined on the basis of the 1921-i4-l base period, using diversions for the 1953-5'<- vater year. Present conditions include projects operating or under construction in 196I except for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Upper American River Development and the Bureau of Reclamation's Coming CaneG.. Futvure conditions of development incliode all of those projects and demands as outlined in "Agreement Between the United States of America and the Department of Water Resources of the State of California for the Coordinated Operation of the Federal Central Valley Project and the State Feather River and Delta Diversion Projects," May I6, i960. Development includes the Trinity River Diversion, Whiskeytown Reservoir Project (Clear Creek) , Coming Canal, Tehama-Colusa Canal, Black Butte Reservoir Project (stony Creek), Oroville Reservoir (Feather River), and the Folsom South Canal in addition to all presently operating development. It is expected that these developments will be in operation by the year 1990* Diversions used in the future conditions study were cofflpiled from existing water rights on the Sacramento River. These water rights quantities were employed in the department's Sacramento River Trial -17- Distribution Studies and have been published in a joint report entitled "Report on 1956 Cooperative Study Program~Water Use and Water Rights Along S€U5ramento River and in Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta, " March 1957, and in sirpplements on hydrology emd water rights by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, the State Depaxtment of Water Resources and the Sacramento River ajid Delta Water Association. Irrigation return flows for both present and futxire conditions were estimated as a percentage of the diversions for each separate river reach. Percentages were assumed to be the same for both present and futxare conditions. Return flows from diversions were considered to be negligible from November 1 to March 31» The mininium navigation requirement for the vicinity of Wilkins Slxjugh (about mile ll8) employed in the futvire conditions study was 14-, 000 cfs, with a 1,000 cfs deficiency allowable under certain conditions of project inflow, project and nonproject demands, and combined storage in project reservoirs. The resvilts of the minirmim flow stiodies are shown in Table 1. Minimvim flow rates in cubic feet per second are tabulated for each nonth of the yeaj: under both present and future conditions of development. Flows represent the minimum conditions to be expected for that month of the year. Deiily flows could drop below the specified amoimts while con- trol measures are being taken at any of the various projects. The results listed in Table 1 are presented only as a guide for water quality management plauining. They axe valid for the particvilar operating conditions and as8\in?)tions outlined previoiisly. It is expected that the operations plan will be i-evised from time to time so that better estimates of iti-iniimTiii flows, partic\ilarly downstream from the Feather River, will be available, -18- s -Q a d o 8 8 :88 fO Q Q O Q OOQ< Q O 5 O Q QQO' H CO 00 a\ -* o<o a\' CO CO CO 00 VO ^O l/^ I/NVO _ . _ _ 8 8 8888 On ir^ vo vo iH u^ ocymiTN ^^ ^^ CO CO t— vD irwrws:) o\ O O Q O O Q OQQO SO O O O O OOOQ O VD t— On l/N Ou^vOn-* ^O VO C— t— NO VO t/N l/NND On O 3 o S o i 8 o o o o NO OcO onnD NO l/\ L/^ ^— 00 O s 8 8 o S o o l/M/N CTnON O Q O Q 8 5 o o O CVJNO ITN LfNCO CO 8 8 8888 On o o o o on ^ U\ ir\ ITNCO CO 8 o o o ro m CO o o NO NO ro m CO o C\j c\] i/\ UN J- i/\ irNi/Nt-[— I O IS o o Q o g So o o o v^ tTN ITv ON O Q o g Q o S g S o O O O UN IT* UN UN U\\J3 ^— o o ON 8 NO o o 3 S o s o o ON o o o o g o o o o o g o o UN 5 UN UN NO t— 888 t-^ ON J- rj a\ 00 NO I >^ 3! OJ On 00 NO o! - OB I 8 8 H On '^^'^i O ' 8n ' O :8 o o g o o o m On (^ o irv i/N 8 §888 m m [^ t— 8 8 8 8 8 8888 UN t— UN 0\ lA r^UNQUTN o g o o o o On UN - O 8 8 o o o o 3 S ^ S O ' m cn\o vo 8888 mro-=r -* 8 8 8888 CO O O O H OJ O O NO o o J- J^ t- t- ° Q Q Q fl rH unn5 UN UN NO NO o o o \5 \o a ) o o iS8 oi OJ tnmj--*-*j- uNNO o o NO o o o S OJ NO o o o o g O OOOQ ro ro CO UN UN 8 O g O o o o g OJ OI oi unCK J- -* -*"uNUN 8 8 t— OJ §o o o o o o t^ t- ON f»N mND NO t- o ON C— OJ OJ I I 8 On moj -* ON g O Q m '■o M 0\ <5n5 m 5 cKoomd -19- CHAPTER IV. WATER OTILIZATION The major soxirces of California's waters axe located in the northern peurt of the State where the waters are leirgely wfiisted to the ocean. Central and southern regions, with the bulk of the population and rich in productive land areas, lack sufficient water supplies. Over 70 percent of the stream flow in California occurs north of a line drawn throvigh Sacramento. The streams of the Sacramento basin carry about 32 percent of the total for the State. On the other hand, 77 percent of the present consiomptive water requirement and 80 percent of the futvire ultimate requirement is south of Sacramento. The Sacramento Valley covers an area of about 5*000 square miles and averages about 30 miles in width. Table 2 svmraiarizes the present 6U3d predicted future land amd water use patterns: Table 2 PRESENT AND FUTURE lAND AND WATER USE IN SACRAMETPTO VALLEY .* i960 ; 1990 Population 1,142,1^0 3,092,1400 Urban area, acres ll»-3,000 336,000 Urban water demand, acre-feet per year 225,000 71+5,000 Irrigated land, acres 1,900,000 2,714^7,000 Irrigation water demand, acre-feet per year 7,214-3,000 9,914^3,000 Domestic Water Systems Five domestic water systems presently derive all or most of their water from the Sacramento River. In the Redding area, the City of Redding and the Rockaway Water Company pump their total supplies from the river intakes and Enterprise Public Utility District supplies come -21- from an infiltration gallery along the river and from two veils. The City of Sacramento derives 80 to 85 percent of its supply from the river. The Vallejo water system serves water from Cache Sloiigh to that city and nearby military installations. Table 3 lists the I96O use of river water in millions of gallons per day (MjD) : Table 3 DOMESTIC USE OF SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER, I96O : :Rockaway:Enterprise; .City of. Water : Public ; . Redding. gonjpaoy . utility ; City of Sacramento, City of Vallejo Estimated population 12,500 8k U,700 Average MGD 3.7^^ 0.008 — Maximum M3D 9.27 0.015 — Average summer M3D — _ — 0.25 Average winter MaD — 0.038 Average gallons/capita/day 299 90 — . 139, Uoo 115,000 37.7 11.9 71.0 17.3 259 103 The major additional development of domestic supplies will occur at Sacramento late in I962 when a Ik MJD Ranney collector is schedviled to be placed in service. Irrigation Supply In i960, almost three million acre-feet of Sacramento River water were diverted for agricviltiiral use. Fifty- two percent of the total was vised in the Sacramento Valley and the balance wsis delivered through the Bureau of Reclamation's Delta-Mendota Canal to the San Joaquin Valley as shown in Table ki -22- Table k MAJOR IRRIGATION DIVERSIONS FROM THE SACRAMENTO RIVER, I96O River Mile Total Diversion, acre-feet : Maximum : Monthly :Diversion, : cfs 297 -TR Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District 205. IR Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District 205 -OR Jacinto Irrigation District IjU.lR Princeton-Codora-Glenn Irridation District 118. 9L Sutter Mutual Water Company 118. 3R Reclamation District No. I08 99. OR Reclamation District No. 20i+7 71. 2R Woodland Fanas, Incorporated 27. 3L Delta-Mendota Canal 17^^,700 395 768,100 2,320 85,600 175 65,600 150 213,100 760 95,100 350 61+,lt00 220 65,200 260 1,389,200* 3,925* * Including minor amount from San Joaquin River. The 1.5 million acre-feet diverted in the Sacramento Valley constitute about 20 percent of the requirements shown on Table 2; the beuLance is provided by other streams and locad. groiond waters and by re- use of some of the drainage water. Drainage waters generally have specific conductance values be- tween 300 and 600 micromhos dviring the irrigation season and from 600 to 1200 during the winter, depending upon the particular area. Siipply waters have conductances generally ranging from about 100 to 200 for sur- face waters and 200 to 500 for grovuid waters. The increases of conduct- ance and, accordingly, of dissolved solids, during irrigation are caused by loss of water throiigh evaporation from water surfaces and transpira- tion through plants suid by addition of minersLLs leached from the soil. -23- A special stxidy was made to determine the effects of applica- tion of a weedicide on a rice field. Twelve ounces per acre of MCPA (2-methyl, l4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) were applied to the field which W8U3 flooded to a depth of about four inches; this is equivalent to a con- centration of one part per million. Water which drained from the field between two and ten days after the application had an average concentra- tion of one part per bill ion. Although the initial concentration of the weedicide was undoubtedly higher, small and apparently healthy fish were observed in the drain throughout the period. This indicates that the MCPA had no significant effect upon the aquatic life in the ditch. Recreation The Sacramento River is ideally suited for pleasure boating and boat fishing. A channel is maintained upstream to Colusa which will accommodate large boats and gmaii boats can navigate thro\ighout the river. Fishing boats cem be rented or launched in almost every section of the river. There are approximately 68 public landings, parks, resorts and harbors that provide boating and fishing facilities and many offer over- night accommodations. There are long stretches where the tree-lined river passes through primitive areas adding to the esthetic enjoyment of boat- ing. Other recreational activities such as swimming, wading, and water- skiing eire collectively considered as water-contact sports. The public health signlficsuice of water-contact sports is discussed in the next chapter. Downstream from Sacramento, floating resta\iraiits with docking facilities are available for public use. At Walnut Grove, new docking facilities are being constructed to serve the boating public at a recently renovated hotel and restaxirant. Large marinas at Rio Vista and near -2lt- Isleton have recently expanded their facilities, and a new, large park and marina is planned north of Colusa. A sxirvey of recreational activities on the river between Hamilton City and Rio Vista, including Steamboat Slough between Courtland and Rio Vista, was made by boat on Labor Day weekend, September 3-5* 19^0 . The results of this survey axe summarized on Figure 1, A. total of 2,338 people were observed. This integrates individual observations along the river, and may be eissumed to reflect instantaneous daytime recreational activity. The actual number of people who used the river was imdoubtedly several times greater as indicated by the ratio of total boats (2,584) to boats in use (628) . It is not possible to estimate the additional number of boats which were launched from trailers during the weekend but which were not observed. A total of ^4-3 resorts, public landings, camp- ing areas axid paarks were observed. There were 90 private docks, fishing floats and boat sheds. Information on boating activities from Anderson to Butte City was obtained from s\irveys made by the State Department of Public Health in 1956 and I96O. In these surveys, information on the uses of the irLver was obtained from resort owners along the river. The findings of these surveys are sunmarized in Table 5 which lists the maximum number of per- sons and boats for a single day during the recreational season. It can be seen that the number of privately owned boats berthed at the resorts or lAxmched from trailers almost doubled during the four-year period. The number of persons boating auad fishing from boats increased proportionally. -25- »*0J9 inuiOM I jod»»jj fiuipuoT styBiux iii > i a: XjiO U04)IUJ0H O f». o- s s S JO s s s ^ 5 S 5 ' n •o S 1 R o- tn •« G (N = S - ^ = s 2 •V — VI ? ^ « o — — fN r>* <r» £ ■o o — ^ s 5 i = R h^ — oi 1 s s 1 O V CD s s trt r^ ^ s tn o « 1 R ? _ ^ — n — s s a K g „ « _ g to •o <1 — = — o = o- "<I o o s s „ - , 2 = = S iQ n O (^ s 3 r^ to — = (N O 5 s o o o g a r^ — *o o 2 (N lo <N o o o o r^ R - S o Ol O I Cf O O o s m ^ -r O ^ u-l •o = o. ^ o o o s 2 _ f^ 1^ ■s P; ° pr ■V o o o g Ia o — r^ !S to o s r^ o o o g a> o o o § o o s O o o o « o (-1 O t-) ■o rv n 1 o o o o g o <>* <M -W "W o r* n s o o o o g s ^ ^ (^ — o< rl G o- o o — £ s < o m I - I tn (E Ul V) VI s a: IT ^ UJ UJ ^ O S * < (n (o » I? JS3 -26- Table 5 BOATING FROM ANDERSON TO BUTTE CITY, I956-I96O October 1956 September I960 Nxnaber of Resorts Rental Boats Private Boats (oDored) Private Boats (launched) Persons Fishing From Boats) 22 + 1 coimty park 21 + 1+ county parks 1»^5 91 1^85 16k 150 Persons Pleasure Boating r- 075 38U 1,U92 U07 Fish and Wildlife Sacramento River water provides for large mmbers of migratory and resident fish and vildlife. The anadromous fish of the river and the migratory vaterfowl of the Pacific Flyvay are of major economic ingoor- tance to all the states of the Pax:ific Coast. These renewable resources are dependent upon both the quantity and qusLLlty of river water. Protec- tion of these resoiirces is euLso dependent upon appropriate control of waste discharges into the river. An iDQKtrtant commercial fishery depends on the king salmon of the Sacramento River. This is an anadromous species which is hatched in vrpstream reaches, begins its journey to the ocean after a month or two of stream life, attains adulthood in about foxir years in the ocean, and returns to the river to spawn ajad die. The estimated contribution of the Sacramento emd San Joaquin Seisins to the CeiLifomia king salmon fishery from 191+8 to 1959 was 5,800,000 povmds retailing at approximately $3,600,000 nnmifliiy. Morever, king salmon fix)m these basins contribute -27- fiui appreciable but unknown amount to the Oregon and Washington conmercieQ. fisheries. An indication of the economic value of California's anadromous sport fisheries is seen in gross emnual expenditxires of anglers. The California Department of Fish aiid Game estimated that anglers spent about $26,000,000 in 1953 fishing for king salmon, steelhead, and striped bass in the Sacramento and San Joeiquin Basins. Undetermined expend! tvires vere made in connection with fishing for Americ8Ui shad, white catfish, channel catfish, black bass, and panfish. C\irrent expenditures are not known, but they axe certainly greater than the 1953 amounts. Many thousands of acres in the Sacramento Valley provide habitat for wildlife. For example, Colusa, Sutter, and Butte Basins provide wintering areas for five to eight million waterfowl that frequent the Pacific Flyway, a migration path which extends along the western part of North America and funnels through the Central Valley of California. These leuids also provide considerable habitat for pheasants. Sacramento River water is essentisQ. to the maintenance of the above fish and wildlife populations, and reservoir releases have been estab- lished for this puipose. Minimum fish releases from Shasta Dam provide from 2,300 to 3,900 cfs, depending on the season, during normal years and from 2,000 to 2,800 cfs during critical years. Minimum releases from Folsom Dam assure 500 cfs in the American River during the spawning sea- son and 250 cfs throughout the rest of the year. Other diversions of Sacramento River water through the Delta^endota Canal are made in the fall for wild-fowl habitat in the San Joaquin Valley grasslands. Navigation The Sacramento River channel is maintained at minimum depths of 10 feet from the Delta to the City of Sacramento- and six feet between -28- Sacramento and Colusa. These depths are provided by maintaining a mini- mimi stream flow of 5^000 cfs at the navigation control point near Wilkins Sloiogh. An estimated 5^550,000 tons of commercial products, consisting primarily of petroleum products with a lesser, though significant, quan- tity of fann produce, were shipped through the Sacramento River's navi- gation system in i960. There is also a large amount of military shipping. Under future conditions, the mininnnn flow at the navigation control point will be 1^,000 cfs with an allowable depletion of 1,000 cfs downstream from the control point during the irrigation season. 5y 1990* commercial shipping in the Sacramento River area is expected to be about 15,000,000 tons. Military shipments are not included. Petroleum will remain the principal commodity to be shipped. Waste Disposal The history and public health benefits of water-borne waste collection and treatment systems are weU known. Local physiographic, land-use and economic considerations have often resulted in ultimate dis- posal of these wastes to watercourses. Accordingly, a major use of the Sacramento River is for the disposal of wastes. The effects of waste disposeuL on the Sacramento River are discussed in Chapter V. Pertinent data on individual waste collection, treatment, and disposal works are presented on the following pages. Domestic and Mxmicipal Wastes Present Discharges to Sacramento River . Quantities of sewage treatment plant effluents discharged directly to the river in I96O axe listed in Table 6 and locations of the discharges etre shown on Plate 1. -29. Discharges from other sewage treatment plants in the Sacramento eirea reach the river through drains and tributaxies . Table 6 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLAMT DISCHARGES TO SACRAMENTO RIVER, I960 : Treatment Facilities ! Design: Flow : Average Flow (hCD) : Ave rage Communities : Date of : Construction : Type of : :Treatment: Post- chlorination; : BOD : (ppm) Redding I9k8 Primary None 3.75 2.1 139 Red Bluff 1952 Pri raary None 0.9 1.1 130 Coming 191+9 -it- Primary 10 ppm 0.1^ 0.2 West Sewraaento 195^ Primary 0.5 ppm residual 5.0 2.0 ll»8 Sacramento (main plant) 195'+ Primary Subresidual 5i+ 1*9.1+ 151 Sacramento (Meadowview plant) 1958 Primary None 2.75 0.2 ll;0 Isleton 1956 Primary 0.5 ppm residual 0.65 0.1 70 Rio Vista 1951+ Primary None 0.72 0.2 80 * Land disposed, in summer. The bacteriological qtiality of the effluents depends upon the degree of postchlorlnation, while bacterial populations in the river depend upon the chlorination, the dilution afforded by the river, and time of travel. Coliform bacteria concentrations in the discharges vary from a few hundred per 100 ml in highly chlorinated effluents to several tens of millions per 100 ml for xmchlorinated effluents. The organic loadings on the river are measxured by the amount of oxygen utilized, in five days or the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) . BOD concentrations of the dis- charges vary throughout the day at the various plants. Seasonal discharges -30- of industrial weistes from food processing plants axe also reflected in the BOD's. Present Discharges to Tributary Strefuns . Although there are a number of sewage treatment plants which discharge to various tributary- streams, the locations ajid flows of only those pleints serving communities and industries north and east of Sacramento are of significance to the Sacramento River. These discharges eventually reach the Sacramento River by either the Natomas East Main Drain or the American River. Both enter the east side of the Sacramento River at river mile 60.U within a few hundred yards of each other, immediately upstream from the City of Sacramento water intake. Future Discharges . The Redding Sewage Treatment Plant has suf- ficient capacity to treat the expected increase inflows from the city for the near future. When present facilities become inadequate, it is proposed in the City of Redding 's master plan that new facilities will be constructed south of town. The sewage treatment plant at Red Bluff is overloaded by 15 to 20 percent during much of the yeeu:. The city is presently investigat- ing the possibility of obtaining another site for sewage treatment facili- ties and may revert to land disposeO. of the effluent from the new treatment plsint . The Sacramento area is undergoing a rapid population expemsion and a number of changes and additions to the present sewage treatment facilities are proposed. A new secondary sewage treatment plant has been proposed to serve the area north of Sacramento on the east side of the Sacramento River known as the Natomas Sewer Maintenance District. The plant will have a design capacity of h,^ MSD and will eventually discharge -31- into the East Drainage Canal of the Natomas Main Drain and reach the Sacramento River at river mile 6I.5. A new sewage treatment plant under covinty supervision and opera- tion is under construction to serve the area northeast of Sacramento along the Americsutt River. The initial design capacity of the Becondairy treat- ment plant will be 9 MGD. The effluent from the plant will enter the Americem River approximately 12 miles above its confluence with the Sacramento River. The Southeast Sanitation District plant is presently under con- struction southeast of the City of Sacramento which will treat the sewage from new subdivisions in county areas. The plant will provide secondary treaianent with an initial design capacity of 8 MID and an ultimate capa- city of kS hCD. The effluent will enter the Seuiramento River at mile k6 which is approximately ik miles below Sacramento. No plans have been made as yet by the City of Sacramento for ejcpansion or modification of the Sacramento main plant. The Meadowview Sewage Treatment Plant is presently operating far below its design capacity. The sewage treatment plant for West Sacramento has undergone additions and modifications which will enable it to handle sewage from the West Sacramento area without fxirther expansion for a number of yeeirs. The present sewage treatment pleints at Isleton, and Rio Vista have sufficient capacity to treat any exi)ected increase in wastes from the communities in the forseeable future. Installation of disinfection facilities at the City of Rio Vista Sewage Treatment Plant has been recom- mended by the State Department of Public Health. -32- Industrial Wastes The tvo significant industrial waste discharges to the Sacramento River are from a wood products plant near Red Bluff and a sugar beet pro- cessing plsuit at Clarksburg. Minor discharges include several log pond overflows in the Redding - Red Blviff area (one sizeable flow, 1 MGD, reaches the Sacramento River via Anderson CreekJ , an intermittent discharge of diluted battery acid near Sacramento, cooling water from a food storage plant at Hood, and wastes from a mushroom plant near Locke. In the past, sesLsonal occurrences of tastes and odors in the Sacramento water supply are believed to be associated with an industrial discharge from a mili- tary instsQlation which eventually reaches the Sacramento River a short distance upstream from the water intake. Diamond National Corporation . The Diamond National Corporation plant located two miles south of Red Bluff produces molded paper products such as plates and trays. About 0.5 MjD of waste is produced which con- tains sxilfur conipounds, silica, and wood pvilp. Another 1.5 MSD of waste consists of supernatant containing wood fiber from molded pulp process- ing operations. Wastes from both processes are settled with alum and treated with lime to control the pH and discharged to settling and leach- ing ponds located beside Redbank Creek. Redbank Creek also receives 1.5 JCD from a log pond. BOD's in the creek vary from 2 to 90 ppm. American Crystal Sugar Company . This company processes sugsu: beets at a plant in Clarksburg. In I96O, the operation ran from August 9 to December 1. Flows generally vary from 3 to ^i ICD and BOD's range from 21*0 to 550 ppm. -33- AgriculturaJ. Drainage Most of the agricultiiral retvim water is discharged to the river in the 20-mlle reach above the Feather River (mile 79.9) • Table 7 lists major annual discharges from 1950 to 1959* Table 7 DISCHABGES FROM IRRIGATION DRAINS TO THE SACRAMENTO RIVER, 1950-59 ~f \ ' Discharge (1000 acre-feet) Drain (river mile) .^^^q .j^^^j^ .j^g^g ;1953:195'^ :1955 :1956 ;1957:195Bn^59 Butte Sloiogh (138.9) 228 168 lOl^ 181 205 180 lUl 122 83 128 Reclamation District 70 {12k. 2) 16 18 33 31 36 2k 3k 15 36 21 Reclamation District 108 (100.1) 121 159 172 ll+l 167 126 132 93 151 111 Reclamation District 787 (93.6) 6 9 19 22 19 11 27 13 22 16 Colusa Basin Drain (90.2) 261 310 225 305 271 355 326 353 236 356 Sacramento Slough (80.8) 338 335 200 180 3^5 ^5 276 2U6 370 232 Natomas Cross Canal (79.1) 171 ♦ 21U 81 83 107 152 1+8 12 1+ Reclamation District 1000 (61.5 - 75.5) k3 38 77 k^ k6 51 65 17 82 9 TOTAL 1,18^ 1.037 1,01+3 987 1,172 1,298 1,152 907 992 877 * No record. Table 7 indicates that the total irrigation wBste discharged from the eight drains is over 3I+ percent of the total amount of vater diverted for irrigation between Sacramento and Redding. Since the over- all Sacramento Valley irrigation water service area efficiency is -3it- approximately 6o percent, practically all of the unused applied irriga^ tion >ra,ter returns to the river by the drains listed in the table. Salinity Repulsion The lower reach of the Sacramento River is subject to salinity intrusion from the ocesui. The extent of this incursion is governed by the height of the tidal rise axid the flov in the river. Natural fresh water outflow from the' Central Valley is inade- quate to repel salinity during summer months. The maximum recorded extent of salinity incxirsion occurred in September 1931> when ocean ssiLts reached 35 miles upstream in the Sacramento River. The control of sea-water invasion is presently effected by re- pelling the saline water with fresh water released from upstream reservoirs. Since operations of the Central Valley Project began in 19^9^ intrusion of sea water into S€icramento River has extended only to mile 7»0. Without such operational releeises, in 1955 saline water would have intruded about 90 percent of the Delta channels. Reservoir releases for salinity control are coordinated with releases for navigation, hydroelectric power generation, and other bene- ficial uses of the water* -35- CHAPTER V. WATER QUALITY Tlie Sacramento River responds to heat and cold, light and dark, geographiceO. and geological featiires, and activities of man in much the same manner as a domestic animal. Like a domestic animal, it provides man with both practical and intangible benefits, and it can be abused. The behavior of the river is determined by its memy physical, chemical, and biological cheuraxiteri sties. Some of the constituents axe conservative; that is, once they are added, they stay. Ctonsnon salt, for exaniple, added by leaching of irrigated fields or by municipal xise of the water remains in the water thereafter. Concentrations are increased by evaporation from water svirface or throxigh plants. With respect to dis- solved conservative constituents, the river is the sim of its parts. Nonconservative constituents in a stream are those which axe subject to change by biological processes. Photosynthesis by floating and attaxihed plants adds food aM oxygen to the water. This food, together with that introduced by tributary flows and wsiste discharges, is used by animEils and bacteria. Wherever there is food, there is feasting azid with this feasting, there is consumption of oxygen \jy respiration. The amoxmt of oxygen dissolved in the water decreases accordingly. Under extreme conditions, the dissolved oxygen is utilized more rapidly than it can be supplied by the atmosphere and by photosynthesis combined, and the stream becomes septic. In suidition to oxygen, nonconservative con- stituents include carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and, to lesser extent, silica and trace constituents, aU. of which are constantly shifting between organic and inorganic forms. The various beneficial uses discussed in the preceding chapter, some of which are competing, have different water quality reqtilrements . -37- These requirements and. the effect of these uses on the river are presented in the following pages. Water Quality Criteria Criteria utilized in evsuLuation of the quality of water of the Sacramento River are presented in two categories: (l) general criteria which are applicable to broad classifications of \ises end not associated with any particular source of water supply, and (2) specific criteria related directly to the water of the Sacramento River. General Criteria These criteria were used as guides in detennining the sxiitability of a water supply with respect to the following broad categories of uses: domestic and municipal water supply, industrial water supply, irrigation water supply, and preservation of fish and wildlife. Domestic and Municipal Water Supply . Chapter 7 of the California Health and Seifety Code contains laws and standards relating to domestic water supply. Section ^4010.5 of this code refers to the drinking water standards promulgated by the United States Public Health Service for water used on interstate carriers. These criteria have been adopted by the State of California. They are set forth in detail in United States Public Health Report, Volume 6l, No. 11, March 15, 19*^6, reissued in March 1956. According to Section 4.2 of the above-named report, chemical substances in drinking water sxrpplies, either natural or treated, should conform to the limitations presented in Table 8. -38- Table 8 LIMITIJNG CONCENTRATIONS OF CHEMICAL coNarrruENTS for drinking water United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, 19k6 : Parts Per Constituents : Million Mandatory Fluoride (F) 1.5 Lead (Pb) 0.1 Selenium (Se) Hexavalent chromium (Cr"*^) 0.05 0.05 Arsenic (As) 0.05 Nonmandatory but Recommended Values Iron (Fe) suid manganese (Mn) together 0.3 Magnesium (Mg) 125 Chloride (Cl) 250 Sulfate (SOi^) 250 Copper (Cu) 3.0 Zinc (Zn) 15 Phenolic compounds in terms of phenol 0.001 Total solids - desirable 500 - permitted 1,000 The 19^ standards also states that txurbi dity shall not ex( 10 ppm (silica scale), that color shall not exceed 20 (platinvmi-cobalt scale) , and that the water shall have no objectionable taste or odor. In 1962, the Public Health Service adopted a revised set of drinking water standards. These have not yet been adopted by the State of CeLLifomia. They eire presented in Chapter IV, Appendix C. Interim stsindards for certain mineral constituents have recently been adopted by the California State Board of Public Health. Based on these stsmdaxds, temporary permits may be issued for drinking water sup- lies failing to meet the United States Public Heeilth Service Drinking -39- Water Standards, provided the mineral constituents in Table 9 sxe not exceeded. Table 9 UPPER LIMITS OF TOTAL SOLIDS AND SELECTED MINERALS IN DRINKING WATER AS DELIVERED TO THE CONSUMER California State Board of Public Health ! Permit* . Temporary Permit Total solids 500 flOOO) 1,500 ppm Sulfates (SO4) 250 (500 J 600 ppm Chlorides (Cl) 250 J500) 6OO ppm Magnesium (Mg) 125 (125) 150 ppm * NuBibers in parentheses are maximum permissible, to be used only where no other more suitable waters are avail- able in sufficient quantity for use in the systems. The California State Boatrd of Health has defined the maximum safe amounts of fluoride ion in drinking water in relation to mean annual temperature . Mean annual Mean monthly maximum temperature fluoride ion concentration in **? in ppm 50 1.5 60 1.0 70 - above O.7 The relationship of infant methemoglobinemia (a reduction of oxygen content in the blood, constituting a form of asphyxia) to nitrates in the water supply has led to limitation of nitrates in drinking water. The California State Department of Public Health has recommended a tenta- tive limit of 10 ppm nitrogen {hh ppm nitrates) for domestic waters. Water containing higher concentrations of nitrates may be considered to be of questionable quality for domestic axid municipal use. -I4O- Limits may be established for other organic or mlnersLL substance if, in the judgment of state or locsQ. health authorities, their presence in water renders it hazardous. An additional factor with which water users are concerned is hardness. Hardness is due principally to calcium and magnesixim salts ftnH is generally evidenced by inability to develop suds when using soap. The United States Geological Svirvey considers the four classes of hard- ness listed in Table 10 (kh) . Table 10 HARDNESS CLASSIFICATION OF WATERS U. S. Geological Survey Range of : Relative hardness in ppm i classification 0-60 Soft 61 - 120 Moderately hard 121 - 200 Hard Above 200 Usually requires softening Criteria for Irrigation Water . Criteria for mineral quality of water have been developed by the Regional Salinity Laboratories of the United States Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the University of Celifomia. Because of the diverse climatologicsLL conditions, crops, soils, and irrigation practices in California, criteria which may be set up to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation vise must necessarily be of general nat\ire, and judgement must be used in their application to individual cases. Suggested limiting values for total dissolved solids, chloride concentration, percent sodium and boron concentration for three general classes of irrigation waters are shown in Table 11. * A detailed discussion of water qixality and the public health is presented in the addend\jm to this bvOletin on page 90. -41- Table 11 QUALITATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF IRRIGATION WATERS Chemical pixDperties Class 1 Class 2 Excellent to good (Suitable for ', most plants i \inder any con-! tioQS of soil ', and climate) Good to injurious (Possibly harmful for some crops under cer- tain soil conditions) Class 3 Injurious to uns at i s f ac tory (Harmful to most crops axd. unsatisfactory for all but the most tolerant) Total dissolved solids: In ppm In conductance micromhos at 25*C Chloride ion concentration: In millieqLuivalents per liter In ppm Sodium in percent of base constituents Boron in ppm Less than 700 700 - 2,000 More than 2,000 Less than 1,000 1,000 - 3,000 More than 3,000 Less than 5 Less than 175 Less than 60 Less than 0.5 5-10 More than 10 175 - 350 More than 350 60-75 More than 75 0.5 - 2.0 More than 2.0 Industrial Water Supply . Water quality criteria for industrial waters are as varied auid diversified as industry itself. Food process- ing, beverage production, pulp and paper manufacturing, and textile indus- tries have exacting reqxiirements, while poor queility waters can be used for some cooling or metal 1 Tirgiceil operations. In general, where a water supply meets drinking water standsurds, it is satisfactory for industrial use, either directly or following a limited amount of polishing treatment or softening by the indxistry. Preservation and Protection of Fish and Wildlife . A healthy and diversified aquatic population is indicative of good water quality .J+2- conditions which in turn permit optimum beneficial uses of the water. For such a population to exist, the environment must be suitable for both the fish and the food-chain organisms. Msmy mineral and orgsuiic substances, even in low concentrations, axe harmful to fish and aquatic life. Insecticides, herbicides, ether- soluble materials, euid salts of heavy metals are of particular concern. It may be noted that although the drinking water standards presented in Table 8 permit as much as 3*0 and 15 ppm of copper and zinc, respectively, such levels are highly toxic to fish. Tolerance to tenperatiure extremes varies widely between fish species. In general, cold water fish are found in waters of from 32* to 65 *F; warm water fish require temperatures between k^" and 85 °F. The maxijnum tenrperature for successful salmon spawning is 58 *F. Rapid changes in water temperature may result in fish kills. The miniimnn requirements for dissolved oxygen concentrations vary with the location and season. In general, 5 PPm is satisfactory for migrating fish. However, anadromous fish require at leaist 7 ppm dis- solved oxygen in spawning axeas and, under some conditions, 9 PP™ is needed. It has been found that fish can thrive between pH limits of 6.5 and 8.5. The combined effect of many chemical or physical characteris- tics are not the siii5)le sum of the specific effects. For exaxaple, while the hardness of the water does not of itself affect fish, some insecti- cides are more toxic in soft water and others are more toxic in haz*d water (chapter II, Appendix C). These problems of synergistic and antagonistic effects extend through a wide range of materials and conditions. Frequently, predictions of the effects of a paxticular waste discharge are made from biological studies in similar waters receiving similar wastes. In many -U3- cases, these requirements for similarity may not be met and laboratory bioassays are necessary. Specific Criteria Specific criteria which are relLated to water quality of the Sacramento River are included in (l) a policy statement adopted by the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board, (2) recommendations by a board of consultants on water quality, and (3) a contract between the CeuLifomia State Department of Water Resources and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Policy of the Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board (No. ^) . In September 195^+, the boaxd adopted Resolution No. 5^-35 to provide guidance in preparing quality requirements for wastes to be discharged into the Sacramento River. Relevant sections of this resolu- tion are quoted as follows: "RESOLVED, that as an initial policy the waters of the Sacramento River at the Division of Water Resources sampling station (Station No. 15) at M Street Bridge near the City of Sacramento : 1. Shall not have a sulphate concentration in excess of h ppm over the sulphate concentration present in the river at the saine sampling station. Maximum observed to date itO ppm. 2. Shall not have a chloride concentration in excess of k ppm over the present chloride concentration at the same sanipling station. Maximum observed to date 20 ppm. 3. Shall not have a sodium concentration in excess of k ppm over the present sodium concentration at the same sampling station. Maximum observed to date 25 ppm. k. Shall not have a hardness concentration in excess of k ppm over the present. Maximum observed to date 92 ppm. -hk. 5- Shall not have a total solids concentration in excess of 25 ppm over present. Maximum observed to date I76 ppm; and be it RESOLVED further. That 6. The Sacramento River at no point shall have a dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 85 percent saturation. 7. The waters of the Sacramento River at all points shall be bacteriological 1 y safe for its present use. 8. The waters of the Sacramento River shall be free of grease slicks and floating solids of sewage or waste origin. 9. The Sacramento River shall have no substances discharged to it of such character or quantity as to be injurious to humans, plant, animal, fish or aquatic life. 10. The Sacramento River shall have no substances discharged to it of such character or quantity as to be injiorious for irrigation use. U. The Sacramento River shall not have sludge of sewage or waste origin deposited either on its bottom or banks. 12. The Sacramento River shall receive no waste discharges which will cause objectionable discoloration. 13. Waste discharges to the river shall not raise the temperature of the Sacramento River more than 0.5"*F at aiiy point. lif-. Waste discharges shall not cause the pH of the river to fall below 6.5 nor rise above 8.5 at any point except that no more than 10 percent of the samples shall be less than 7*0 ajid no more than 10 percent of the sam- ples shall be more than 8.0. 15. The Sacramento River shall have no substances in it of such character or quantity as to be capable of caus- ing detectable tastes or odors in a domestic water supply after conventionsuL and practical treatment." Recommendations of Board of ConsvuLtants . A board of consultants was retained by the Department of Water Resources to recommend water quality criteria for water for export at points of diversion at the southern bound- ary of the Sacramento-San Joaq\iin Delta under the ultimate pattern of water transfer and use proposed in Tbe Ceilifomia Water Plan ^^"^ . The 1955 reconmendations of this boaxd listed in Table 12 were adopted by the Department of Water Resoxirces as the quality objectives to be met at points of diversion from the Delta for water to be exported to the major areeis of deficiency. Table 12 WATER QUALITY LIMITS FOR WATER FOR EXPORT AT POINTS OF DIVERSION AT SOITTHERN BOUNDARY OF SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Recommended by Board of Consultants on Water QueLLity Jxine 1955 Item . Limit • Total Dissolved Solids - itOO ppm Electrical Conductance (EC x 10° at 25 "C) 600 Hardness as CaC03 l60 ppm Sodium Percentage 50 Sulfate 100 ppm Chloride 100 ppm Fluoride 1.0 ppm Boron 0.5 ppm pH 7-0 - 8.5 Color 10 ppm Other constituents as to which the U. S. Public Health Service has or may establish mandatory or recommended stsmdsa^s for drinking water USPHS Limits Contract Between the State of California and the Metropolitan Water District . In November i960, the Department of Water Resources entered Into a contract with the Metropolitan Water District for trans- port of surface waters to southern California for use by the district. The contract sets forth quality objectives to be met by the State at points of delivery to the district. These objectives are listed in Table 13 as a guide for evsuLtiatlon of the quality of the Sacramento River. -1*6- "It shall be the objective of the State and the State shall take all reasonable measures to make available, at »n delivery stixictures for delivery of project vater to the District, project water of such quality that the following constituents do not exceed the concentrations stated as follows : Table 13 WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOITTHERN CALIFORNIA • rMonthly: Average for any: Constituent . Unit :Average :10. -Year Period : Maximum Total Dissolved Solids ppm. khO 220 Total Haxdness ppni« 180 no . Chlorides ppm. no 55 • Sulfates ppm. no 20 . Sodium Percentage i> 50 ko - Fluoride ppm. - - 1.5 Lead ppm. - . 0.1 Selenium ppm. m > 0.05 Hexavalent Chromium ppm. - .- 0.05 Arsenic ppm. - mm 0.05 Iron and Manganese together ppm. - -' 0.3 Magnesixan ppn. - itf 325. Copper ppm. - . 3.0 Zinc ppm. - - 15. Phenol ppm. ~ " 0.001 Subsequent contracts between the Department of Water Resoiarces and local agencies have Included water quality objectives consistent with those in Table 13 . Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Sacramento River Water Temperature Water temperat\ires at Keswick generally vsury between 50 and 55°F« During winter months, ten5)eratures decrease 8is the water moves downstream. For the rest of the year, temperatures rise to between about 6o°F and 75°F above Sacramento. After being cooled a few degrees by inflows -1*7- from the Americsm River, temperatures remain essentially constant except for a local seasonal increase below Weilnut Grove where current reversals < due to tides are important. The Sacramento River is slightly alkaline with a mediaji pH of 7-3 from Keswick to Rio Vista. Tributary streams have similar pH values while irrigation returns are somewhat more alkaline. Spring Creek is strongly acid becaxxse of mine wastes; however, this discharge is quickly neutralized so that no effect on the river was observed. i< Suspended Solids, Turbidity, and Color Concentrations of suspended solids, turbidity, and color increase with disteuace from Keswick. Seasonal increeises are due to unregulated tributary flows, to irrigation returns, and to algae ajid other plankton. Figure 2 shows suspended solids concentrations observed in I96O-6I.J1 Uniniblished records of the U. S. GeologicsLL Survey revesl approximately the same concentrations as those shown in the figxire during low flow periods; however, dxiring winter storms, much higher average values are reported. The I9U6 Public Health Service drinking water standards set a limit of 10 ppm on turbidity and 20 color \mits. Although turbidities and color are usually within these limits, provision for their removal should be made in domestic water systems. Tot el Dissolved Solids Concentrations of total dissolved solids may be determined by weighing the residue of evaporation or by summation of the concentrations of individual constituents. The electrical conductivity of water is directly proportional to the amount of dissolved minersuLs and csm be meas- ured continuously; this is reported as specific conductance in micromhos. s < o l< \I lio \ i 2 1 V4, 1 1 1 1 1 s " 1 % 1 ^ 1 1 i a 1 1 o o z o o a: 1 8 i m K S 5 S V; i .0 s t Is ; 5 i 1 t ■^ 4 S * ii z •I X i 11 1 > i JU . ■ Au * A SEf LY I960 GUST I960 TEMBER I960 y , ^ / -^^ 1 'A \ 'A / ^^ .^^ .''">/ >\, A'' 'P " a-' .i— — » — .-4 — ...^rt -t _^ ■ a--""" '■^^ ^ — — '" J' -° "^ 11 1 1 / f n [^ JANUARY 1961 i • FEBRUARY 1961 * * MARCH 1961 ^.. / \ y ,'*- ^ ~~ ■B'' '*''— 'a^ y -' ^-'k^ *'''_--^° If- / ^-'— ' J 6'' ^6 _^— - — y ^ ^° ^ . / <F^ " 200 180 160 140 RIVER MILES 120 100 80 60 40 20 SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY Figure2. SUSPENDED SOLIDS — SACRAMENTO RIVER 1960-1961 -49- Figures 3 and k show how total dissolved solids and specific ; conductance, respectively, varied throughout the river during the period ' of investigation. Generally, the concentration of total dissolved solids ' in ppm is about six-tenths of the specific conductance in mlcromhos. The figures show that during months of spring snowmelt, solids concentra- tions in the river tend to be reduced by tributary flows. IXiring the rest of the year, concentrations increased due to Irrigation return flows, j The maxtm\im increase occvirred in September when concentrations approxi- j mately doubled between Keswick and Bryte. Solids concentrations were ' reduced by Feather and American River flows and were sharply increased in the lowest reaches by tidal waters. Continuous conductivity recorders Installed at locations shown on Plate 1 showed that intermittent discharges of irrigation return waters, particularly from the pumping plant of Reclamation District No. 108 (mile , 100. l), could be traced down the river. The record clearly showed that j monthly and daily sampling downstream had historically missed R. D. 108 j discharges. These discharges were made at night in order to take advan- j tage of off-peak power rates and coiild be traced downstream to Isleton I (mile l8.8), the most distant recorder. I J! I Hardness Water in the Sacramento River is very soft in the upper reach. Hardness is added by i"rrigatlon returns, but the river is still generally i soft at Sacramento. Table Ik siammarizes observations of hardness in the ; river and tributaries during the survey period. ^ li J ( -50- i 1 ^ > 1- 5 ^ 1^ k 1 3 Z u S < 8 O 5 ? Uj (£ a l*i >j S H K £cj r ? •i f, « o *» i m 5 S i ^o < * 2? a z 1! 1 O 5 i a: 1 a s 3 < I O si X z I o £ nivER MILES 300 200 260 240 220 200 ISO 160 140 120 100 80 ^--<^:^ 40 20 o o AP » . MA 4 » JU RIL I960 r I960 NE I960 i^^^*^= _,^-^-*:ft^- ^,-' 0-- aPTi; — " — — t.- ■ ^=4— ---- -- ..i.S---=' V. -C^" 1 AUGUST I960 A SEPTEMBER I96C -->:// 5^ ;>^ 00 o oc . < NO a 6 OE TOBER I960 i/EMBER I960 .EMBER I960 .,-.-, _,-- '-----a- __-a fl-- A ' ---. :Siz^^8=^ ■::Si^::-" _-^rr -'i^^^^Tz: — " ■"■"" --~.._„^^,,* ^--■i^/''" 1 o ■ APRIL 1961 ■ » MAY 1961 . • JUNE 1961 .==-- ^>J. ---f:^ ^,A^^ A / / -^ ■ _j^^ , =!"-<_- ■ — ''\' ^ ^^ A'' '"'"" » A- — — - ■— "" 300 280 240 220 RIVER MILES SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY Figures. TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLI DS — SACRAMENTO RIVER 1960-1961 -51- 3 < a I i i 3 1 1 1 i 1 e II 5 5 S o S S < ^ o5 g 1 O o X s 1 8 5 u? 3 a a K 1 s 1 i i i j2 o ii °i »- X z p 1 s o '21 4 11 o II H RIVER MILES 160 • • AP ._ _. MA • ■ JU RIL 1960 Y 1960 NE I960 r \^ ... ; 1/ i- .^.^.i^ B 1 '^...--' •■-•. *•-—•.-;- ../ T- S * l=«==^ ki...^^.- >|arR J •--^ ^ > „ M . . AU , . SE LY I960 GUST I960 PTEMBER I960 --^' ^ — •" ■^ ■■): r^i - :|i*— *^ ^^'- 8^ rBi=r^rT!^ f^' — '--■ —^'—'^ 1 1 ' o OCTOBER I960 ■ > NOVEMBER I960 t a 6 DECEMBER I960 jt$:"!- ., — .-.-r: J I 4- t -" — ' 4 "—h — =rz;::!!;-**^=:-^^ — • _» ■ - ■ " 1 ■ ■ o JA ■ ■ FE . . MA NUARY 1961 BRUARY 1961 HCH 1961 1 / ^ / / i^. - / ^•- <n^--''~- ".<>! /,-' —'--"'' :Ir^""v- Z:'',^^-^ " " ^■^ ~^ =,. - ■ -J- ■"■"■'" 1 I " RIVER MILES SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY Figure 4. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE - SACRAMENTO RIVER 1960-196! -52- 1 Table Ik HARDNESS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES, I96O-6I Station • • • • Maximum : ppm : Miniraum 1 ppm ! ! Median ! ppm Sacramento River Redding (297.7) Hamilton City (199-6) Snodgrass Slough (37-2) 58 67 k2 kS kk 59 1 Tributaries Butte Slough Colusa Basin Drain Sacramento Slough Feather River American River 163 296 281 61 30 86 100 132 31 18 128 136 174 49 21^ Corrosion Potential The Langelier index of a water supply is determined from the pH, alkalinity, and calciian in the water. A negative index indicates that the water is under saturated with calciiim carbonate and may corrode iron pipes. A positive index indicates an excess of calcium carbonate which is likely to form scale on pipes and fixtures. Table 15 lists typical values of the Langelier index for Sacramento River water. -53- Table 15 LANGELIER SATURATION INDEX OF SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER Location ! Mile ; ■ 4 Index Redding 293.7 -1.9 Red Bluff 2hh.l -1.8 Hamilton City 199.6 -1.6 Butte City- 168.2 -1.5 Knights Leuading 90.5 -l.k Bryte 62.6 -1.6 Freeport h6.h -1.8 Rio Vista 12.8 -1.7 Maybe rry Slough k.o -1.6 Corrosion problems may be expected in cold or hot waters with indices more negative than -O.5 ajid 0.0, respectively, and the corrosion tendency of Sacramento River water is appeirent from Table 15. The great- est corrosion potentials occiir just below Shasta Dam and below the mouths of the Feather and Americeua Rivers. Major Constituents Concentrations of major constituents in the Sewramento River during I96O-6I varied in the same degree and from the same causes as total solids . During the months of August throxjgh October I960, when irriga- tion return flows were most significant, average concentrations at Freeport (mile k6.k) were: calcium - 1^4-. 2 ppm, magnesium - 8.1 ppm, sodium - 1^.5 ppm, potassium - 1.3 Ppm, bicarbonate - 90*^ PPm* s\ilfate - 10.1 ppm, and chloride - 10.0 ppm. Percent sodium was about 30. These concentra- tions are well within the limits for beneficieuL uses stated previoxxsly. -54- Minor Ctonstitttents Within the river, concentrations of minor constituents were less than various limiting cjriteria except for occasional slight excesses of iron and manganese in the Redding area diiring storm periods. Fluoride concentrations veuried randomly between 0.0 and 0.3 ppm. Average concen- trations of silica decreased from about 2k ppm above Redding (mile 297«T) to 20 ppm at Snodgrass Slough (mile 37 '2) . Boron averaged about 0.1 ppm throughout the river. Phosphate was generally 0.1 ppm above Sacramento and from 0.2 to O.U ppm below Sacramento, reflecting the use of detergents. Total nitrogen in the river was generally between 0.1 and O.U ppm above Sacramento and 0.35 "to 0.55 PPm below Sacramento. Inorganic nitrogen as axmnonium, nitrite, and nitrate was relatively constemt while orgsjiic nitrogen approximately followed plankton concentrations. Heavy metals in the river were found only in very low concen- trations. In the upper reach, where acid mine wastes from Spring Creek have long been suspected of contributing to fish kills, somewhat higher concentrations were observed as summarized in Table I6. -55- Table l6 HEAVY METALS DI THE UPPER SACRAMENTO RIVER AND IN SPRING CREEK (in ppm) : Sacramento River'^ : Spring Creek Constituent : Maximum ; Maximum : Median : Maximum : Median : (1952-60) : (1960-61) : (1960-61) : (1960-61) : (1960-61) Iron (Total) Iron (Dissolved) i+38 ... 0.3^ 0.80 0.05 308 rL6 Aluminiim 0.31 o.ii9 0.0 133 33 Arsenic 0.01 o.oi^ 0.00 0.32 0.00 Chromivan (Hexavalent) 0.1 0.1 0.00 0.00 -_. Chromium (Total) -.— .— _ .... O.Oi; Copper 0.07 0.13 0.00 15 3.1+ Lead 0.09 0.03 0.00 0.66 0.03 Manganese 0.01 0.29 0.00 2.6 0.79 Zinc 0.09 0.10 0.2 136 26 * Redding (mile 293.7) to Bend (mile 256.3) Concentrations of heavy metals in the river are primarily con- trolled by the quality of influents to Shasta Reservoir. The effects of Spring Creek, although they sure small, extend for at lea^t k6 miles. Large quemtities of heavy metals are typicfiOJLy discharged from Spring Creek during the first rains of the season when minirmmi flows are being released from Shasta Dam (l) . A dam has been constructed by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation on the creek about one-half mile from the iBOuth. When filled, in I962.63, Spring Creek Reservoir will hold 6,500 acre.feet of water which can be released at rates which will provide ade- quate dilution by flows in the Sacramento River. Analyses for detergents as edkylbenzensulfonate (ABS) in waste discharges to the river are sumnarized in Table 17 . -56- 33 5 1.7 - 8.9 33 5.i^ 2.0 - 8.8 36 8.2 i+.8 - 15 16 U.O 2.0 - 8.0 k lU.O 10 - 2k 19 1+.8 0.2 - 5-9 21 6.1 0.1 - lU.O 16 0.2 0.1 - 0.6 Table 17 CONCENTRATIONS OF ABS IN WASTE DISCHAEGES TO SACRAMENTO RIVER, I96O-6I : No. of : Median : Rsunge Waste Discharge lAnal^ses; (ppm) : (ppm) Redding Sewage Treatment Plant Red Bluff Sewage Treatment Plant West Sacramento Sewage Treatment Plant Sacramento Sewage Treatment Plant Meadowview Sewage Treatment Plant Isleton Sewage Treatment Plant Rio Vista Sewage Treatment Plant American Crystal Sugar Company ABS concentrations in the river were determined throughout the year on the monthly program and during the first upper reach and first and second lower reach intensive sampling programs. One-tenth ppm ABS was found in the river downstream from the Redding Sewage Treatment Plant discharge about six percent of the time. Downstream from the Sacrsimento Sewage Treatment Plant (mile 5^-11')^ 0.1 ppm occurred about half the time at Freeport (mile kS.k) and about one fifth the time at Rio Vista (mile 12.5). Detergent was reported about 65 percent of the time at Mayberry Slough (mile k.O) where concentrations of 0.3 ppm were reported on five occasions, but the lack of significant sources in this area suggest that there was some interference with the test. Periodic analyses of Sacramento River and drainage waters were made by the carbon adsorption method. Plate 1 shows the locations where from 3^000 to 5^000 gallons of water were passed through a carbon filter. The adsorbed organic material was subsequently extracted with alcohol or chloroform, and infra-red spectrograms were made of the extracts. The spectrograms are on file at the Berkeley laboratories of the State -57- Department of Public Health for future references. The concentrations of weedicides in irrigation drainage waters obtained in this manner have been presented in Chapter IV. The emalyses of river samples revealed that the average total extractable material increased from llU pairts per billion at Keswick Dam to 350 parts per billion at Wsilnut Grove. The major increase of approxi- mately 170 parts per billion, took place between Sacramento auid Wal nut Grove. The average chloroform extractable material increased from 35 parts per billion to 100 parts per billion from Keswick Dam to Walnut Grove. The maximum value at Walnut Grove, 120 parts per billion, is below the value of 200 parts per billion which has been tentatively associated with the presence of tastes and odors in water and which has been speci- fied in the I96I U. S. Public Health Service drinking water standards (Chapter IV, Appendix C) . The average alcohol extractable material increased from 83 to 250 parts per billion over the same area. The best general use of the data will lie in the future when the present resiilts can be compared with later analyses. Direct analyses for phenols and ether solubles showed that these materials were generally absent from the river. Occurrences of taste smd odor which have been observed in the Sacramento water system which occur early in the rainy season eure believed to be due to the flushing of creeks that receive industrial wastes and which discharge to the river immediately upstream from the water intake. Threshold odors of Sacramento River water during the present investiga- tion averaged about one unit just below Shasta Dam and increased to about -58. foiir units at Freeport. The longitudineLL and seasonal vaxiations in odor corresponded closely to algae concentrations in the river. Radioactivity Radioactivity in Sacramento River water has been determined semieumiially since 1952. No additional radiological sampling was done during the I96O-6I sxirvey period since background radiation has always been small, there are no nuclear reactors on the water shed, and atmos- pheric fallout was low. Maximum radioactivity in Sacramento River waters for the period of record is listed in Table I8: Table iB RADIOLOGICAL ASSAYS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER, 1952-60 Station Maxlmrmi Radioactivity in micromlcrocuries per liter Dissolved : Suspended Alpha ; Beta ; Alpha ; Beta Keswick 10.8 ± 5.^ 13.8 ± 6.U 0.9 ± 0.8 2U.9 ± e.^ Redding 6.5 ± U.6 12.1 ± 7.^ 6.8 ± 3.5 9*7 ± 5.8 Hamilton City 9.9 ± U.l 12.0 ± 9.k I3.T ± 5.0 l4.1 ± 7.9 Knights Landing 12. $ ± 3-7 - 7-9 ± 5*0 ik.Q ± 7.I+ Sacramento 6.8 ± 3.7 6.5 ± 5.2 I3.O ± h.Q 9.2 ± 7.3 Rio Vista 5.7 ± ^^.7 20.2 ± 9.4 11.4 ± 4.5 8.8 ± 7*4 The reported levels of radiation axe well below any limits that have been proposed for domestic water supply. There is no evidence that any of the radioisotopes being used by the licensees of the Atomic Energy Commission located throughout the watershed axe in any way reaching the river in measxirable quantities. Beuiteriological Quality Present knowledge requires that information on bacteriological conditions be obtained from Intensive short-term surveys. Accordingly, -59- samples of Sacramento River water and waste discharges were taken at three- hour intervals during the intensive survey periods: Upper reach (mile 297.3 - I8U.5) - June 6 - 10, i960 October 3-7, I96O Middle reach (mile I8U.5 - 62.6) - September 12 - 16, i960 May 8-12, 1961 1 Lower reach (mile 62.6 - U.O) - June 20 - 2k, i960 August 29 - September 2, I960 October 2k - 28, I96O Concentrations of coliform bacteria euid of fecal coliform bacteria were determined. The occurrence of either of these groups in water does not of itself mean that pathogenic bacteria are present; rather, the absence of these groups is generally taken to indicate that the water is bacterio- logically safe. The standard test for coliform inherently includes some water euid soil bacteria that have no sanitary significance. Accordingly, tests to differentiate fecal coliform bacteria by the Eijkman procedxire (2) were made. As expected, it was found that the total coliform popxila- tion in sewage included a high percentage of fecal colif orms . In tributary streams or irrigation waste waters, a lower percentage of fecal colif orms were found. However, these relative percentages were not consistent in the Sacramento River below points of discharge so that observations of fecal coliform densities must be applied with caution. Figures 5 through 8, inclusive, show the concentrations of coli- form and fecal coliform bacteria in the river during the intensive surveys. The statistical significance of the concentrations shown on the figures is discussed in detail in Appendix C. It is sufficient here to note that sewage treatment pl^nt effluents have obvious effects on the bacteriologi- cal quality of the river and that these effects are reduced by effluent chlorination. -60- o o c s • Z O L // j O Q Z Ul ^ ( s c u 1 / J c o o / • / 1 o T, X o < UJ q: UJ Q. \ / \i / h o o 1 o / '\ ! 1 1 O o c 'c o o .^ 1 lO « c 1 / OJ * o o 1 / \/0 \ / < UJ 1 ' o a CVJ (\J n o F I B ? ity and 50% Confidence Lim RAMENTO RIVER- < tr UJ 1- o < CD c i / / / \\ € 1- o < CD 2 ■^^ »0 2 d Bonk Creek 1 2 (T O 3 o o ^"^ ^^ # ^^1 u. _i o o _l < \ \~ .?l" 1 // i '/ o UJ f 2 S effluent (2726) Geometic Mean Dens Figures. BACTERIA IN SAC / / y 1 1 , '0 2( ferson Creek 1 / / '/ 1 / 1 1 cy c < \f / o o O c ^"^ i'2! ^ _./_ =. ./_ -^^ «> 2 c/ ' ^^ googoogot sti3innniN ooi U3d daennN 3 3-iev90k a. O 6000 4000 2000 RIVER X MILES J 5< 5 m 1- -61- -10 ;:r 9> ? >t / 1' 6 if 1 cw > n "^ so 1 c c 1 -EGEND / i 1 b c c CD £ < "-^^ \ \^ \\ -0 0» "-V ^\ \ - <D 5> S5J \ /111 K c \ / S ' I \ / E z < \ / I I C C) E iij a: '>. ^- y/i . * CM . ■. ^^ \ \ \ S a \ \\ ^ 2 00 C CO UJ -J I "— ~-^ v> III 2 "o 1 III 00 a z 1 « / 1 1 1 b ^ - Q i 1 1 /// / < a: o UJ / UJ c > < 1 /// 1- • ^^ (K /// •0 q: Ul /// < **- (- III m < CD 2 K ? N 2 q: <B 1 O) 1 1 U. to UJ k £- III - S S - i>- d C s — U- — 3 " 1 1 11 < O '^ \ \ \ III -I 2 q: o f 1 < LU ll. q: -0 1 C c < en / V -2 S / Y s e / 1 1 2 z T. £ CT 3 1 \ • E < 1 j - ^ q: 3 ' m UJ K 01 hvl s •fT I'f en < //// 10 _ JO m OJ '1 1 / ^ An CV( • J3 nn « E .'I'll 0) a ^A ( e / - t 3 « ^^ ' 1 ''1 ' // * / .2> K / V) u. / 1 1 / / / 1/1 / V / / / / / / / /I 1 - S VI ff ) 5 UJ l^ c c 00 c Q s c 00 c lijuj ■* flo > d « 5 Sdiinnniw 001 y3d bbswon 3-i9V90yd isow o: S K -62- (A E » u c « «♦- c o o ss o If) T3 C < '» c 0) O c o a> o ^ o E o d> u Figure?. BACTERIA IN SACRAMENTO RIVER LOWER REACH COLIFORM BACTERIA g c So o (0 0> OO* CM 1 (M »-: o o a > 9 i = (D : I Vi > Ul 1 i \ UJ o UJ / / \ 2 1 O m 1 I o 1 o f ^ s c o o § o o / • o ■ > o o o .y ;^ o c a O / X /;>- '^ /' w 1 // / o c E o o o 1 s j: 3 o Vi c i o m i4 *ssa ^\ ^ O E ■-5== ^ ^- ■~-i 1 J O < ! o w cm' I-" Q. UJ V> <7> CM < > o i — 5 1 i • » o \l ■( 5 o Pi 1 ° 1 3 1 9 3 A ° 1 o i r^ :^, • « • > o • c o o o o o z / ::< '/ O o o o i: - — — ^ .^ r ^ • 9 O J j 03 •1 o » o c • E o o ^ /' y N y O IE c • 9 03 !!l^ ■v. -^ ^ X o ^ ^ ^ 1 / » o < \\\ - O <o CM O CM Ul z ,1 > o i — 5 = 5. * o c > 1 i \\ ^ M O in • 1 "5 O Z 5 £ 3 t» o -^ /■ 7 £ m W c o o o o o 6 z o ^' * S > s o O 1 . 1 ,r" :^ ^ ■ c '5 o s ^ ^ <. \ s c o -^\ — ■ — _^.^ -^ o (D o 6 o O a c o o « 1 c: o c a o 1^ 8 1 \ r= •i ^ o E ■ . (T) « 1 i O < ^\ l/> "^ t'l c c c > O O O O O O O c > o o o o o o o > o q q q o. o o (D V O W €\I <D If SH3inmiH 001 u3d a38HnN 3Tevaodd isow 3-1 Z UJ > IT 4 X U Vt a 1 Si 1 -63- o v> a> a. iij o> CM 6 < \ ; o o > o o a. 5 CO ? • > o </) • c o c 5 5o \/ t \ O 1 \ ■i ccr ^ I ■-^ J 1\ C o u o m <^ m o S o 1 c ? ^ o f^/ . ___i 4' w o > > i o ■o o // ^ _— ■— - "^ _^ o -o .- °/ o / r < zz ' in « o X 4> o c O) i '-^ — > > ~~~-^ ■ — ^ < j ^ o « o ^ 1 g e - ° 1 c O 3 O in c o c c o (D in iB c 5 o o o g o 2 O ^ ' '--I ^ ^ 5 o 6 ■< ■--■ <. i^-, o o wi o M^ -\--i- o « i 1 E T3 O O O I O < ui o cr > S I- I— ^ t (0 UI < cr o < CO z K o Zi o u -I ~ UI cr UJ h- o < CO 00 0) 3 O) saainmiw ooi aad aaawnN anavsoad isow -64- The bacteriological quality of the Sacramento River above the Redding sewage treatment plant discharge was good during the June and October sanipling periods. The mean densities of coliform bacteria for the two sampling periods were 50 per 100 ml and 90 per 100 ml, respectively. Downstream from Redding and Red Bluff, the bacteriological quality of the river water is adversely affected by sewage discharged from the two cities. The highest coliform bacteria populations were found in October when the river flow was low: below Redding, 13,500 per 100 ml and below Red Bl\iff , 11,100 per 100 ml. Peak fecal coliform den- sities in June were 3,600 per 100 ml and 1,300 per 100 ml below Redding and Red Bluff, respectively. In all cases the peak coliform bacteria concentrations were found at the first station downstream from the dis- charges. The fecal coliform bacteria below Red Bl\iff in Jvine exhibited a nine-hour lag period before reaching peak concentrations. A flow of 0.25 WjD chlorinated primary effluent from the City of Coming was discharged to the river at river mile 217.6 during the October period without noticeable effect on the river. During June, the effluent was confined to land. Agricultural drainage discbarges in the middle reach of the river (mile 181^.5 - 62,5) caused increases in the coliform bacteria n\m- bers in the river immediately below the drains. No similar increases in the fecal coliform concentrations of the river were observed. The lowest numbers of coliform bacteria in the middle reach were fovrnd at river mile 100.2, inmediately above the discharge from Reclamation District No. 108. Coliform densities were 250 and 520 per 100 ml in September i960, and May I96I, respectively. From this point to mile 62.5 north of Sacramento, the coliform level increased to 510 -65- and 700 for the two periods. The increase is attributed to five agricul- tural drains vhich discharge to the river between these two points. In the lower reach, the bacteriological quality shows the effect of sewage effluent discharges in the Sacramento area. The West Sacramento Semitation District discharge, 2 MaD of disinfected primary effluent, had no noticeable effect on the river water bacteriologiceO. quality. The City of Sacramento discharged kO to 65 M3D of primary effluent which received subresidual postchlorination from the main plant euid 0.25 M3D of unchlorinated effluent from the Meadowview plant. The coliform bac- teria content downstream from these two discharges was from 10,800 per 100 ml to 28,800 per 100 ml dxiring three sanipling periods in June, August- September, and October. The lower peak values occurred when the effluent was more heavily chlorinated. Maximum fecal coliform concentrations were 2,000 per 100 ml and 2,800 per 100 ml dviring the Jvcne and August-September periods. The Meadowview discharge apparently contributed a significemt portion of the bacteriological concentrations found downstream from both discharges. Any increase in the bacterial densities of the river caused by waste water from a sugar beet processing plant at Clarksburg was over- shadowed by the effects of the upstream discharges. The Isleton and Rio Vista sewage discharges had locsJ. effects on the bacteriologiceJ. q\iality of the water in Jvine. No effect was noted in the other saaipllng periods. The profile of coliform bacteria for June reveauLed a minor peak at river mile 35 which is 12 miles (10 hours) downst3r«am fixjm the Meadowview sewage discharge. There sure no loceQ. sewage discharges nesur mile 35 to accoxmt for the peak. The fecal coliform profiles for both June and August-September periods exhibited major peaks at the same point. The downstream displacement of mny-i mum concentrations is caused by "aftergrowth" of the bacteria. The coliform bacteria content of the sewage discharges ranged from 300 per 100 ml at West Sacramento, vith heavy ixDstchlorination, to 39,000,000 per 100 ml at Redding vith no chlorination. Coliform bacteria in water from seven major agricultural drains were between l,l80 and U,600 per 100 ml. Fecal coliform concentrations in sewage discharges ranged from 80 per 100 ml at the Isleton Sewage Treatment Plant (chlorination) to 11^,300,000 per 100 ml at the Meadowview Sewage Treatment Plant (no chlori- nation) . The feceJ. coliform density of the agricultural drainage water was from 95 per 100 ml to 330 per 100 ml. There are five domestic water systems that use the Sacramento River as a source of supply. Three of these. Redding MunicipsuL Water System, Rockacway Water System, and the Enterprise Public Utility District System use Sacramento River water above the Redding sewage discharge. The Rockaway system which provides only sin5)le chlorination has exceeded bacteriological limits of the U. S. Public Health Service "Drinking Water Standards". The other two systems that divert water above Redding have met the bacteriologicsLL stsmdards. Redding provides chlorination and settling, 8U3d Enterprise chloirLnates water from an infiltration gaJLlery. Sacramento and Vallejo, the other two systems \ising Sacramento River water, provide complete water treatment euid the finished product has consistently met the "Drinking Water Standards". The bacteriological quality of the Sacramento River has its greatest significance in connection with recreatio n al awitivities. Com- parison of Figvires 5 throxjgh 8 with Figure 1, in the preceding chapter, shows that large numbers of people pursue water-conteu:t sports in areas with high bacterial concentrations due to sewage treatment plant discharges. Near Sacramento, one of the most popular sports areas is at Clay Bank -67- ''^: Bend which extends from one-half to two and one-half miles below the out- f flll from the Sacramento Sewaige Treatment Plant; here, detergent foam from the discharge occasionally collects on the hanks and the coliform bacteria concentrations range from 6,000 to 20,000 per 100 ml. No epi- demiological studies have been made, and no baxiterial standards for fresh water recreation areas have been adopted by the State Department of Public Health. However, the presence of foam euid high bacterial n\jmbers indi- cated that a higher degree of sewage treatment emd disinfection is needed In the Sacramento area. Stream Biology Both plant and animal life axe found within a stream. Some of these are floating or weakly swimming (plankton) and others are attached or burrowing (benthos) . The forms of life vary from the simple to the complex. Photosynthetic plants ramge from single-celled floating algae to such flowering plants as pond weeds. Similarly, animals range from single-celled protozoans through wonns and insects to fish. Stream life also inclxodes non-photo synthetic plants such as bacteria or fungi and photosynthetic protozoans. Only a fraction of the life within the Sacramento River has been stiidied dxiring the present sxxrvey. Of the bacteria, only those of sanitary significance which are easily enumerated have been investigated. Plankton have been identified, counted, said reported in accord- ance with the method followed by the U. S. Public Health Service for the national stream monitoring network. Bottom (benthic) smimaLLs have been sangpled and enumerated by methods outlined in Standard Methods (2) or Welch (Ut) • The identifica- tion of many of the benthic organisms has been coaiplicated by the discovery -68- of previously unreported species and Yias been hanrpered by the lack of sxiitable handbooks or keys. The identifications which vere made were beised ui)on the most recent systematic classifications available. Investigations of native bacteria, fungi, benthic protozoans, and fish within the river were beyond the scope euad funding of the inves- tigation. The survey did include, however, those aspects of stream biology which are traditionally studied in pollution investigations. Plauikton Samples collected from 22 monthly stations were preserved and examined for plankton at the Berkeley laboratories of the State Depart- ment of Public Health. Figvire 9 sinnmarizes the observations of total plankton fo\md in the 265 samples collected from April i960 through June 1961. The lowest concentrations, thro\;ghout the river, were fo-und in the winter months. During the rest of the year, plankton populations increased from a few hundred individuauLs per milliliter at Keswick to as many as 15,000 per milliliter in the lowest reach. Figure 9 shows that increases typically occurred below the Redding, Red Blxiff , and Sacramento Sewage Treatment Plants. The blooms which occurred in late spring or early sum- mer of both years aire characteristic of natural streams. Essentially all of the plankton consisted of algeie, particularly the diatoms Synedra, Cyclotella , emd Melosira . Blue-green and other algae were found in low concentrations. Zooplankton, that is, animal plankton, generally comprised between zero and one percent of the total; these low percentages might reflect the difficulty in recognizing many of the proto- zoans in the preserved saarples. Statistical analyses of plankton populations showed a high degree of correlation with water temperatures and very little correlation with -69- z o z a! o »- < {;; o »- Q Z - < a' o 3i u > >• m < cr o < en -70- stream flow. The reasons for and the signlficemce of the more intense bloom that occurred in I961 as conqpared with i960 axe unknown. Since it is known that most algae require certain growth fac- tors, a limited study of vitamin B12 was made in June I961. In the river, vitamin B]_2 increased from 0.002 to O.OI3 mlllimicrograms per liter (mug/l) between mile 297.7 (at Redding) and mile 8I.5 (above Colxisa Basin Drain), respectively, and remained relatively consteuat thereafter. In sewage effluents, B^^ varied from O.60 to more than 1.0 mug/l and in Colusa Basin Drain, a concentration of 0.022 mug/l was found. Comparison of plankton with nitrogen and phosphorus concentra- tions showed no consistent relationship except, as previously noted, a rough correlation with orgeuilc nitrogen. The high algae concentrations found below Sacramento indicate a possibility of rapid clogging of filters and taste and odor problems in domestic water purification systems. Benthos Benthic or bottom organisms were collected at 29 river stations at monthly or bimonthly intervals between Keswick (mile 305.7) and Mayberry Slough (mile k.O) . The reference collection is stored and maintained at the California Department of Fish and Gene field station at Sacramento. The results in terms of variety and abundance are sunmarized in Figure 10. The figure shows that the tipper euid extreme lower reaches con- tedned the greatest total number and mass of organisms and that the middle reach of the river was relatively barren. The limited populations in the middle reach are ascribed to the nature of the sediuents, which con- stitute an unstable or shifting bottom. In the upper and middle reaches, the bulk of the benthic organisms were the larval and pupal stages of -71- 0) CO CO < CD CC o o I- o SI < . O 3 LJ X O X > h- < >- Wi cr > o CO <r ui m o < Z oUJ "(E liJ< 53 =50 _iin 111 o < UJ in csi CO 00 2 < O cr o LiJ o < cr UJ > < ^ \//////////////^7Z^. K\\\\\\\\\\\V\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\^^^^^ ^ , 2 UJ ro CNJ uo o » n o I I o < UJ CL UJ _J Q Q % v//////////////////////y///A k\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^^^^^ - ^ Ml K) 0> CVI UJ I I o < UJ a: (E UJ Q. Q. 3 O o t- UJ I o < UJ cr cr UJ o m UJ en c\j 2 I I o < UJ (T UJ _l Q Q tr UJ Q. CL 3 O N 8 CVI o o S o -72- insects. In the lower reach, most of the animals vere molluscs (clams) and oligochaetes (worms) . The greatest diversity of animals was found in the upper reach. Seasonal variations in totsil population density and conrposition have not been evaluated although new information on the life cycles of some of the insects was developed. It was fo\md that areas of riffles or rapids supported the largest and most varied populations. Because of the Ijnportance of the area for seulmon spawning, particular attention was given to spasming gravels above mile 229.8 (Elder Creek). Dissolved oxygen concentrations in interstitial waters of these gravels varied from ^4- to 12 ppm while the overlying waters contained 9.5 to 12 ppm. Large differences in gravel dissolved oxygen occasionally occurred over a few feet. The lower con- centrations were generally found at sampling locations where there was a relatively large aiaovtnt of silt in the gravel. This may explain why successfiil salmon spawning occurs in very localized areas within a genersJ. spawning reach. Because the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey included the most intensive effort on benthic biology made to date on the river, knowledge of living organisms within the river weis greatly increeised. The geographical distribution of a number of forms was established; for example, an amphipod (related to the ubiquitous sand flea found along the ocean shore) which had previously been assumed to occupy only brack- ish waters, was consistently collected 80 miles upstream at Verona and was even found ll8 miles upstream at Wilkins Slough. In spite of the fact that little effort in detailed taxonomic work was possible, several forms were recorded for the first time in California waters. -73- Considerable effort was directed toward correlating water quality and "pollution indicators". Such knowledge would be v£Q.uable in relat- ing specific waste discharges to aquatic life in that a pollution-tolerant organism is an accumulating device which gives a measure of past water qviality conditions in the river. However, there was no indication that waste discharges had aiiy measureable effect on the abundance or distribu- tion of organisms in the river. Some forms, such as midge laxvsie, which have been cited in the literature as indicating pollution, were found in locations where no pollution was possible. The findings, which are suBBiarized on Figure 10, can be attributed to natural conditions unrelated to waste discbarges. The main value of the observations of benthic biology made during the present investigation will be realized in future years when the effects of water quality degradation due to additional development in the Sacramento Valley can be quantitatively assessed. To this end, additional study and cross-correlations of the existing data are required, and further taxonomic study of the reference collection is warranted. Future biological investigations of the scope of the present survey shoxild provide, for each man-day spent in the field, from three to five man-days in the laboratory. In addition, a minimum of two man- days of professional time in the office for each day in the field are required from the outset of the investigation for evaluation of the data, and at least two more man-days are required during the finsG. evalviation and report-writing stage. Findings of the biological portion of the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey, viewed in light of presently ainticipated development in the Sacramento Valley, indicate that futiire con^jrehensive investiga- tions should be made at intervals of about five years. Local studies -TU- of an operational nature which relate to specific waste discharges must, of course, be scheduled as needed. Oxygen Relationships A high level of dissolved oxygen contributes to the potability of a domestic water supply and assists in the stabilization of organic materisLL with the result that a stream is pleasing to look at, sustains desirable fish and aquatic life, aoad promotes recreationaLL activities. Soxirces of Pollution During the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey, monthly observations were made of flows and 5-day biochemicsLL oxygen demand (BOD) loadings from municipal suid industrial waste discharges and from irriga- tion returns (Plate l) . The natural BOD in the stream was also determined. The most complete data were obtained during intensive surveys. BOD load- ings in discharges ranged from a few percent of the natxireO. BOD in the stream for the smaller .plants to one to two times the natural BOD for the City of Sacramento's main sewage treatment plant. The highest BOD loadings on the river occurred diiring the late summer and early fall. Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and satioration values of dissolved oxygen were obtained monthly and d\iring intensive k-djBiy sampling periods. Although the monthly data were used in one evalxiatlon of oxygen relationships in the lower reach, the best information on oxygen levels throxoghout the river wsis derived from the intensive sajapling sxurveys . Figure H shows average temperatvire and dissolved oxygen in the Sacramento observed on the seven intensive surveys between May and October. Although gross seeusonal differences are apparent on the figure, -75- i-S- \l .\ g^ 5 > 4 '^ 1 \ ) ( 1 / / J = 1 1 ' / 1 11 s / / j / d rV (|i»qu9JMDj saoiSsp u|) 3aniVa3dW3i (uoiiiiuj J8d sijod ui) N39AX0 aSAHOSSIQ (uo(|Djn|OS (U93 J9d) N39AXO QSAHOSSia 3 -76- the data are nevertheless consistent, and clearly shov the overall pat- tern of oxygen levels in the river. Oxygen concentrations were between 10 and 11 ppm neau: Redding and decreeised more or less viniformly through- out the river. The oxygen sag near Walnut Grove due to upstream waste discharges is apparent, with averages between 7 and 8 ppm euad minimum concentrations (which are not shown) between 5*2 smd 6.5 ppm. The 5*2 ppm is close to the 5 PPm cited earlier as being the limiting value for fish migration. Saturation vaJLues started at 98 or 99 percent, rose some- what within the upper reach where the effects of heating were domineuit, and then begem a steady decline to the mouth. On the whole, the river loses oxygen from Redding (mile 297.7) to Mayberry Slough (mile k.O) » Waste discharges cause sags in oxygen levels which are superimposed upon the overall pattern of decreasing oxygen. Diumail Veuriations An vinexpected resvilt of the intensive surveys was the observa- tion of frequent depajrtiires of diurnal variations in oxygen levels from the classical pattern. It is generally assvuned that dissolved oxygen is at a minimum just before dawn, increasing diiring the day due to photo- synthetic activity of algeie, reaches a maximum about mid-afternoon, and then decreases to the pre-dawn minimum. This classical pattern was fovind, particularly in the upper reach, but as the river flowed downstream de- partures from this pattern increased. Minimimi values occurred all the way from 1 or 2 a.m. to noon, and maxima often persisted well past sunset. Increases were found at night when there could be no photosynthesis. Completely inverted curves, with maxima at about midnight auid minima at midday were observed. These variations are attributed to changes in -77- biological activity which have iniporteint consequences in eval.viating the WELste-assimilative capacity of the river. Characterization of Oxygen Relationships Oxygen Sag Analysis . Since 1925 > the method of Streeter and Phelps {ho) has been the standard for describing oxygen conditions in a stream below a waste discharge and for determining the waste etssimila- tive capacity of a stream. The method, which is described in detail in Chapter V, Appendix B, relates the rates of deoxygenation to the rates of atmospheric reaeration. The rate of deoxygenation is assumed directly proportional to the amount of BOD, and the rate of reaeration is assumed proportional to the saturation deficit. The deficit eqxials the differ- ence between the actual oxygen level sund that which would occur if the water were saturated. Since 1925, the major effort in stream sanitation has been directed towards determining the rate constants, which were known to vaiy from different wastes and streams, to be inserted into the Streeter-Phelps formulation. The rate of deoxygenation is determined for laboratory tests which are assumed to be applicable to stream conditions. That they are not has been apparent from a number of failures of the method {k2) . The reason for these failures lies in the observed departxires of diurnal oxy- gen variations from the classical pattern noted above; biological (or biochemical) activity in a stream is not a simple function of the BOD of food supply. From time to time, plants or soiimals in the stream rest and, accordingly, utilize oxygen and stabilize wastes at lower rates. The rate of reaeration may be cauLcvilated from the rate of de- oxygenation applied to observed river conditions, or may be derived -78- independently. However, the assumption that this rate is dependent upon the saturation deficit neglects photosynthesis. An effort was made to characterize the oxygen relationships and to determine veiste assimilative capacity in the Sacramento River below Sacramento by the Streeter-Phelps method and by various modifications thereof proposed by Streeter (^l), O'Ctonnor and Dobbins (39) > aod Churchill (36) . These computations typically resulted in negative veuLues for the reaeration coefficient which have no physical meaning. Multiple Linear Clorrelation Analysis . Somewhat better success was obtained by applying the statistical method of Churchill (35) to the monthly data from April I960 to June I96I on flows, tenperatures , 03cygen levels, and total wsiste loadings in the lower reach. Application of the niauerical factors derived from the linear correlations to the conditions observed during the three intensive surveys on the lower reach resulted in excellent agreement for the September 29 - October 2, i960 period, but gave unsatisfactory resiilts for the other periods. It follows that, in order to make this method generally applicable, the correlations must be expemded to inclxide variations of sdgae populations, relative amounts of waistes from individual, sources and other factors. In addition, the linearity of the interrelationships should be confirmed. Diurnal Curve Analysis . In 1956, Odxm. (37) published a new method for determining the amounts of oxygen supplied by or lost to the atmosphere, added by photosynthesis, and utilized by respiration. Respira- tion is identical with BOD satisfaction and includes the deoxygenation of Streeter and Phelps. In addition, the effects of bottom organisms or deposits (benthic demand) axe included. The be^is of the method Is -79- summarized in Chapter V, Appendix B, and is presented in detail in Odvun's publications (37, 38). The diurnal curve suialysis could not be applied to «n of the data collected during the intensive surveys. The method inherently in- volves some simplifying assumptions and fails completely where maximum dissolved oxygen is fovmd at night. Figure 12 shows rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and net inward diffusion between Sacramento (mile 62.6) and Mayberry Slough (mile k.O) during the three intensive surveys in the lower reach. Values axe reported in grams per square meter per day which can be multiplied by 8.93 to give pounds per 8u:re per day. In addition to local variations due to individual waste discharges, photosynthesis and respiration rates increase throughout the degradation portion of the oxygen sag curve, decrease in the sag portion, and increase in the recovery portion of the curve. The figure shows that in the degradation phsise, respiration is greater than the sum of diffusion plus photosynthesis and oxygen levels in the stream decrease. Where respiration approximately equals diffusion pliis photo- synthesis, as in the sag portion, oxygen levels axe essentially constant and where diffusion pltis photosynthesis exceed respiration, oxygen levels In the stream recover and approach initial concentrations. The numerical values of diffusion, photosynthesis, and respira- tion show a high degree of correlation with physical and biologlceO. con- ditions in the river and qualitatively demonstrate the response of the stream to waste discharges. It has not been possible to congQute satis- factory oxygen balances for the river below Sacramento and these values must therefore be considered eis only semlqviantitative. As with the other methods of characterizing oxygen relationships and estimating waste -80- JUNE 20-24, I960 /-; ,¥"' ^■■"-v "~\ XV / / ' \ 1 OISSO .VED OXY( EN \ AUGUST 29-SEPTEMBER 2, I960 '■■^•'N.-- N. i~-\ DISSOLVED OXY( \ EN \ \ / / i- ' v.. — 66.3) R D. 1000 No 3 61.5) R. 0. 1000 60.4) AMERICAN RIVER 58.0) WEST SACRAMENTO ST P. 54.1 ) SACRAMENTO S T P 47 7) MEAOOWVIEW S T P 43 3) AMERICAN CRYSTAL SUGAR CO. 342) SUTTER SLOUGH 32 6) STEAMBOAT SLOUGH 27 3) DELTA CROSS CHANNEL 26.7) GEORGIANA SLOUGH 18.1) ISLETON S. r P 14 2) STEAMBOAT SLOUGH II .6) RIO VISTA S T P 9.2) THREEMILE SLOUGH River 70 Wiles Figure 12. PHOTOSYNTHESIS, RESPIRATION, AND NET DIFFUSION IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER BELOW SACRAMENTO -81- I assimilative capacities, the greatest uncertainty lies in the evaluation of rates of respiration or BOD satisfaction. Futtire Work . The diumsQ. curve analysis method is considered i to have the greatest potential for determining true oxygen balances and, ^ ultimately, the best procediire for calcxilating the waste assimilative capacity of the Sacramento River. The method inherently describes con- ditions as they actually occur in the river. However, intensive svirveys i are required throughout wide ranges of flows and temperatures in order to be able to predict rates of diffusion, photosynthesis, and respiration I uMer future conditions below Sacramento. In particular, more adequate data on respiration are required. j -82- CBAPTER VI. WATER QUALITY MftNAGEMENT The full development of Cal.ifomla's water resources requires the construction of additional Impoundments within the Sacramento Valley and the diversion of addltlonaLL waters from north coastal area of the State into the valley (26) . Some of the additional supply will be used within the veLLley to meet the additional demands discussed in Chapter III, and the balance will be exported to central and southern California. The additional domestic, agricultural, and municipal uses of water in the Sacramento Valley will result in additional requirements for waste disposal. The safeguarding of the quality of Sacramento River water for both local use and esqoort requires a management program which will per- mit mftYiTnum utilization of this resource. The requirements for future monitoring of the river and its influents in order to maintain optimum water qxiality conditions must be rigorously established. For conserva- tive const itvients, such as chlorides, a logical data program caui best be based upon salt-routing or materials balance techniques. For noncon- servative constituents, such ais dissolved oxygen, and for biological conditions, the data program Involves less exact methods based upon con- tinuous evaluation of current conditions. The public heeuLth significance of water qioality and water utilization and their relationships to water qxiality management axe discussed in detail in Chapter IV, Appendix C. Conservative Constituents in the Sacramento River In a natiiral stream, concentrations of dissolved minerals are inversely proportional to flows so that the poorest quality is found at low flows. In a regulat*^*? stream, the quality is relatively constant regardless of the flow. Ir the Sacramento River, unregulated tributary -83- flows tend to develop the typical inverse flow-concentration relationship; however, this relationship is neither well defined nor stable, since it is dependent upon which of the tributsury streams axkd irrigation return flows 8Lre predominating at a given time. Within limits which depend upon the paurticular drainage ba^in and the degree of agricultural suad urban development, a i>ositive relation- ship between the specific conductance and the concentrations of various salts is found. Since the former is readily determined smd may be con- tinuously recorded, the relationships between flows and specific conduct- emce of the Sacramento River during I960 were examined by meajis of a mathematical model. During this period, water quality conditions were within 10 percent of the 20-year mean and hydrologic conditions were within 25 percent of the 50-year mean. This indicates that i960 adequately represented normal conditions. Further, these relationships suggest that water quality vsuries over a much smaller range than stream flows, a con- clusion that is siipported by independent analyses of flow and quality. The computations, which sure discussed in detail in Chapter VI, Appendix B, showed that concentrations of dissolved minerals can be com- puted to an ew:cur«w:y which is limited primarily by the coBopleteness of data on tributaries and waste discharges. The results indicated that essentially all of the increeises in dissolved minerals below Keswick were contained in less than 20 percent of the accreting flows. There are about 70 sites of accretion or depletion along the river, any one of which is capable of exerting a significant effect on the river's dissolved mineral content. The relative magnitude of these effects are variable and, with present knowledge, not predictable to an adeqxiate degree of reliability. It was found, however, that influent ground waters above Butte City con- tribute about 5,000 tons of dissolved solids per month to the river. -84- The present monitoring program, which has been conducted since 1951, and the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey clearly indicate that future emphasis should be placed on study of conditions suffecting flow and mineral concentration of the trioutary sovtrces, rather thsm con- tinuing attempts to study effects of the tributaries \ipon the Sacramento River. A knowledge of the factors affecting flow amd mineral concentra- tions of the various tributaries, together with the existing knowledge of the tributaries' combined effect on the Sacramento River, would consti- tute a sound basis for making short and long-term predictions of water quality conditions. The requirements for these predictions, for deter- mining long range rates of acc\jmulation or leaching of seGLts from soils, and for maintaining current information on water qviality in the river cem be met by the monitoring program outlined in Table 19, evaluated in conjunction with water qviality data obtained from within the tributary watersheds . The program outlined in the table provides varying degrees of coverage on inflows from 95 percent of the natural drainage area above Sacramento eind on the water from the Trinity Diversion. Althovigh some new permanent stations are added, the \iltimate effect will be a reduction in the department's svirface water quality monitoring program for the Sacramento River. Tengx>rary stations are shown for tributauries where supplemental data are required. On the main stem of the river, additional temporary stations will provide contin\iity and checks on csLLculated water quality. The program outlined herein will provide adeqxiate monitoring data as well as the background for predictions of futvire mineral quality in the river. A necessary element in the revised program is the continuing -85- a 4) o "3 ■H -H <U +J -H o <U gj Pi CO -p o 55 ro o m o & +> o ^t ■d o d u O 4) a o g X X XX K XX X X XXX X X xxxxx xxxxx XX XXX XXX XXX X X xxxxx XXX XX XXX xxxxx X X X xxxxx XXX XX XXX xxxxx X xxxxx o\ m^O <M iH ^vo^^co 0^ Oh 1-3 C4 hA ^ ^ « ij .J i/N o -* 3 a\ K iJ K Oh iJ CO ON 3 cvj r- CO iJ ij h3 iJ J a\ en i/\\o ^ O vo ONOO^ o ir\ o\vo a- (^Ol rH H H J^^:r?& MD ^ CVi H ? ft CVl CO CO OJ o O CO t— t- t- rOOJ CU CVl (M mo\^ OS CO mc\j CVl H o\ CVl CVl CVJ CVJ H CO 00 U~\ ITv 00 00 C3\ CO OOO O O 1 o^ojgosc 0\^3 H Q Q at en -I ^ t O 3 m o 'H fM 4} A ■P t t Ou n at rain &yi M D Oj -H o <u Jd a) *H Creek Slough 108 Dra Basin ^^ 4) O 1) »H 4) O 4) 4) O 4) O Pli t< ^^ -H telo n c omes er C g Ch 0) ^^i9 O +^ rH 5iess +j 3 • O m m OS o A ^ •H q S -86- analysis of ciirrent data so that monthly reports on water quality in the river can be published in the minimum time. The partial mineral analyses include determinations of specific conductance, pH, calcium, sodium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, boron, percent sodium, carbonate and noncarbonate hardness, and turbidity. Complete mineral cuialyses include, in addition to those in the partial suoalyses, deteiminations of magnesium, potassixaa, sulfate, nitrate, fluoride, silica, phosphate, and toteLL dissolved solids. Analyses for trace elements include determination of alvmilnum, beryllium, bismuth, ceidmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, gal 1 ium, germanium, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, lead, silver, titanium, vanadium, and zinc by spectrographic methods. Wet chemical procedvures are used for axsenic and selenium. Analyses at the cooperative USGS daily stations include deter- minations of specific conductance, pH, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potas- sium, cstrbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, boron, nitrate, fluoride, and carbonate and noncarbonate hardness, and silica. Nonconservative Constituents and Biological Characteristics Concentrations of dissolved oxygen, organic materials, and alka- linity vary seasonally aM diurnal 1 y because of biologicsuL activity. Temperatures vary seasonally throughout the river and diiimally to a degree which is controlled by local hydrographic conditions. In general, intensive short-term studies in selected areas at critical periods of the year are the major sovirces of information required for water quality management. Continuous monitoring of certain constituents identifies needs for intensive surveys and provides supporting data. The following monitoring program will provide the mini mi nn amoxmt of data required: -87- Temperature - Continuous recorders at all stations where other types of recorders are or will be in operation. Dissolved Oxygen - Continuous oxygen analyzers are required at Sacramento (mile 63.6) and Walnut Grove (mile 27. U). At intervals of about two yesLTS, dissolved oxygen levels in the lower reaches of the Sacramento and American Rivers should be obtained from intensive sxirveys during the critical month. pH amd Alkalinity - To be determined during intensive sxirveys. Nitrogen Series - To be determined dviring intensive surveys. Organic Materials - Permanent installations for determination of organic materials by the carbon adsorp- tion method should be provided on the Sacramento River at Colusa (mile iM+.l), Sacramento (mile 63.6), and Walnut Grove (mile 27.^) and on the American River neeo: the mouth. Algfiie - Monthly analyses of the Sacramento River at Bend (mile 256.3), Colusa (mile iMi.l), Sacramento (mile 63.6), and Walnut Grove (mile 27.1+) are required. Bacteriolxjgical Quality - Sampling reqviirements for bacteriological data cem be met during intensive surveys of oxygen relationships. Minor Constituents - Analyses for ABS smd phenols axe made semi- annually for monthly stations listed in Table 19 . Benthlc Biology - At about 5-year intervals, collect bottom organisms from 28 biological stations (Appendix D) throughout river. Saaiple bimonthly for a one-year period. Special Investigations In addition to the programs outlined above, the Sacramento River Water Pollution Survey has indicated the need for additioneO. aneOysis of the data collected during the survey and for special studies as follows: Continuous conductivity recorder data obtained during the pres- ent Investigation should be aneilyzed to evaluate vertical and longitud in al -88- mixing. In addition, the use of conductivity recorders to investigate travel times, flow distribution, aiid mixing in waterways of the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta should be evaluated. A special study of water tengjeratures and heat balances through- out the Sacramento River system, including the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, should be made to provide criteria for reservoir operations, to estimate the capacity of the river to assimilate thermeLl. pollution, w n d to provide data on mixing. The most critical dissolved oxygen conditions in the river ere and will continue to be caused by waste discharges in the greater Sacramento area. Accordingly, special two-day intensive surveys of oxygen relation- ships in the river between Sacramento and Rio Vista at monthly intervals shoxold be conducted for a two-year period. This will provide correlation factors for predicting future dissolved oxygen levels. After the basic monitoring program for conservative constitu- ents outlined in Table 19 has been in operation for one year, predictions of futvire minereO. quality conditions in the Sacramento River should be made. These predictions shoiild be made biennially and should inclxide consideration of a Sacramento Valley master drainage system. Future Investigations which are sijnilar in scope to the Sacramento River Water Pollution S\irvey should provide for about two man-days on data evaluation for each man-day in the field, concurrently with the data collection phase. During the final data evauluatlon and report writing phase, an additional two man-days in the office are required for each man- day in the field. These ratios do not include laboratory requirements. -89- SUPPLEMENT WATER QUALITY AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH Reproduced from Appendix C, "Public Health Aspects" WATER QUALITY AT.D PUBLIC HEALTH The public health interests in water queility are manifold, since many of the physical, chemicaJL, and biological properties of water deter- mine its suitability for drinking, recreation, and the preparation or growing of foodstuffs. Man's drinking water must be free of disease-producing organ- isms and chemical substances that are harmful. It should be cool, clear, and free of odors and tastes. It should be suitable for all household purposes such as culinary use and the washing of clothes. Domestic water should not stain, corrode, or foul pipes or plumbing fixtures. Waters used for aquatic sports must be safe not only from the standpoint of disease transmission but also reasonably free of accident hazards. Clarity of recreational waters should be such that submerged logs and rocks are visible to bathers, and not so turbid that swimmers and divers cannot be readily seen by lifeguajrds. Food crops must not be contaminated by waters used for their irrigation. The foodstuffs which are usually eaten raw are of particular concern if they should be wetted by water which has been contaminated by sewage. Water used in the processing of foods also must be free of filth and disease-producing organisms. Devastating epidemics of typhoid and other "water-borne" bac- terial diseases are now a matter of history in the United States, due to the application of knowledge, continuously growing, in the sanitary sciences and preventive medicine. In large part, the near eradication of "water-borne" bacterial diseases is due to progress in water purifi- cation and pollution prevention, control, and abatement. The threat of "water-borne" disease, however, will persist as long as wastes from the human body are placed where they may find their way into man's sources of water. -93- At the present time, increasing attention is being directed towsird viruses and. the role water and sewage may play in transmission of virus diseases. Within the past few years about 75 enteroviruses, those found in the intestinal tract and sewage of man, have been identi- fied, though not »11 have yet been associated with specific diseases. It is known that conventional water treatment practices are not sufficient to destroy certain of these viruses which are found in human excreta. Of particular concern is the virus of infectious hepatitis. Overwhelm- ing evidence has established that this disease can be "water-borne", but laboratory methods have not yet been found to isolate the causative organ- ism of this disease. Until laboratory techniques have been developed which will ascertain the type and degree of treatment that is necessary to destroy hepatitis, control must depend on judgements based on experience. Also of concern is the presence of the new types of chemicals in sewage, industrial wastes, and land drainage. Typical of these new contaminants resulting from our dynamic industrial technology are radio- isotopes, synthetic detergents, and pesticides. Accurate laboratory methods have not been developed to identify or measure the amounts of most of these new chemicals that now may be reaching our waterways. Some of the synthetic organic chemicals do not break, down in receiving waters, nor are they removed by normal sewage or water treatment methods. The subtle and long-range effects of these new chemicals on the public health must be learned, eind threshold limits established. Until this is done, policies must necessarily be conservative. The common mineral constituents in water originating in the geological formations through which the water passes and, frequently, from agricultural waste waters, are also of public health concern. High levels of sodium cannot be tolerated by people suffering from certain -94- I heaxt and kidney diseases, euad by many pregnant women. Such people must carefully limit their total sodiian intake, including that jx^rtion con- tributed by their drinking water. Natural waters high in sodium are not often suitable for such people, and alternate water sources are necessary. Excessive amounts of fluorides in water will have major detrimental effects on the physical structvire of teeth of children drinking such waters. In addition to these, and possibly other adverse .physiological effects, waters high in total minerals (including chlorides, sulfates, eind magne- sium) have a brackish, selty or bitter flavor, and at higher levels are most unpalatable and therefore unacceptable to the public. Flavor of water is of particiilar significance since the State Board of Public Health, in granting permit for domestic water supply, must find that the water delivered will, among other things, be wholesome and potable. Only costly demineralization processes will remove such undesirable common minersLLs. In addition to the ideas already expressed, the following are axioms that are fundamental to the public health interest in water q.uality. 1. In order to serve the widest range of human needs, the waters of the State must be maintained as clean as possible. 2. It should be the responsibility of the water user to retvim the water as clean as it is technically possible. 3. Beneficial uses of a water must not be destroyed, or even seriously impaired, by a waste discharge. h. Pollution and contamination are best dealt with at the sources. Treatment of a seriously degraded water even in those cases where possible, and quarantine of contaminated areas, are undesirable alternatives to prevention of water degraidation. -95- areas, axe undesirable alternatives to prevention of water degradation. 5. The most complete and efficient types of sewage treatment utilized today do not, of themselves, produce from sewage, water that is restored to its original quality. Natural purification and dilution afforded by receiving waters must be available to further reduce concentrations of undesira- ble constituents. Moreover, on esthetic grounds, the public demajids a separation of time and distajice between waste dischsirge auad water use. 6. Singular dependence on water treatment or sewage treatment should be avoided. For a high degree of public health pro- tection, there must be reliable ajid effective treatment of both sewage and water. 7. Water and sewage treatment are not infallible. Treatment processes for both water and sewage are subject to mechani- cal failure and human error. 8. Sudden and unexpected changes in raw water quality are likely to upset water treatment processes to a degree such that the plant may fail to produce an acceptable quality water. 9. With relation to many taste- and odor-producing substances, seriously degraded waters usually cannot be returned to a high quality condition by even the most complete water treat- ment processes generally utilized. 10. A water quality memagement program, to be successful, must be based on engineering studies and evsluations of all -96- through adequate water treatment possible the maintenajice of a high level of water qiiality in all the waters of the State. The U. S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards of 19^6 are used as a quality standard for public water supplies in California. The Drinking Water Standards include maximum SLllowable and maximum suggested values for physical, chemical, and bacteriological quali- ties of the water. The 19^+6 standards axid. the chemical standards eire summarized in Table A. -97- Table A CHEMICAL LIMITS U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE DRINKING WATER STANIARDS Recommended Maximum LimitsCl) : Concentrations which : constitute grounds for / ,,, , v: rejection of supply (milligrams per liter) . (^-^jg^g^ ^^^ ^^^^^) : 1962(3) 19^^ ! 1962(3) ; 1946 0.05 0.2 (2) Alkyl benzene sulfonate - 0.5 (Detergent) Arsenic - 0.01 O.O5 0.05 Bsu-ium - 1,0 Cadmium - 0.01 Carbon chloroform extract - 0.2 (exotic orgajiic chemicals) Chloride 25O. 250. Chromiim 0.05 Copper 3.0 1.0 Cyanide - 0.01 Fluoride - (2) I.5 Iron -^yL. manganese 0.3 Iron - 0.3 Lead 0.1 O.O5 Manganese - O.05 Nitrate - h^. Phenols 0.001 0.001 Selenium 0.15 0.01 Silver - 0.05 Sulfate 250. 250. Total dissolved solids 500. 500. Zinc 15. 5. (1) Concentrations in water sho\iLd not be in excess of these limits, when more suitable supplies can be made available. (2) Maximum levels of fluoride concentrations are related to average air temperatures. See text of proposed stsmdards. (3) Proposed. -98- In determining the degree of treatment required for aiiy psirticu- lar source of domestic water, major dependence lies with the sanitary evaluation of the watershed; however, raw water quality guides are a use- f\il tool in the evaluation. Based on the operating records of Ohio River water treatment plsint, Streeter has proposed a guide for the maximimi degree of coliform bacteria that can be accepted by various water treatment methods if the treated water is to meet the standards of the U. S. Public Health Service. The l^kB guide is presented in Table B. Table B RAW WATER BACTERIOLOGICAL LIMITS FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF WATER TREATMENT Monthly Average Coliform MPN/IOQ ml Limits of Variability Treatment Method 50 5,000 5,000 None Not more than 5,000/l00 ml in more than 20^ of monthly sanrples. More than 5,000/l00 ml in more than 20^ of monthly samples but not more than 20,000/100 ml in more than 5?^ of monthly samples. More than 5,000 None Chlorination Filtration and Postchlorination Presedimentation, prechlo- rination or their equiva- lent, filtration and postchlorination. Prolonged preliminary storage or other reliable measures in addition to prechlorination, filtra- tion and postchlorination. The State Boaxd of Public Health has not yet adopted bacterio- logical standards for irrigation water, except those in the board's regulations governing the direct use of sewage effluents for crop irri- gation. Also, no bacterieuL standards have been established for fresh -99- water recreation areas. The present bacteriological methods of water ajialyses csui not in themselves be used to evaliiate its safety for recrea- tion or irrigation. Bacteriological quality is ein important parameter, but the acceptance or rejection of a water for irrigation or for water- contact sports must depend on a complete sanitary engineering appraisal of all factors influencing water quality. -100- PLATE I ''"llii ., ''/lilt '""" '//lO' "ilii' 1 •.„„... ■.., ,v' nil*' ''if ''I' '"'//111"-..,, LOCATION OF SAMPLING STATION, RIVER MILE. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT AND IN- DUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGES, SAMPLED MONTHLY. SAMPLED ONCE OR TWICE MONTHLY FOR PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, AND OXYGEN ANALYSES. SAMPLED MONTHLY OR BIMONTHLY FOR PLANKTON, BOTTOM ORGANISMS, SEDI- MENT GRADATION, DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND TEMPERATURE. •'%. ■•'//,, SAMPLED DAILY FOR TEMPERATURE AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF COMPOSITE SAMPLES. PERIODIC ORGANIC ANALYSES SAMPLING USING CARBON ADSORPTION METHOD. CONTINUOUS ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY RECORDER. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DELTA BRANCH SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY SAMPLING PROGRAM AND AREA OF INVESTIGATION 1960-61 SCALE IN UILES 5 LOCATION OF AREA OF INVESTIGATION niVER MILE Viili nut. '}.-:- '.'.'.•}- Xiiii 2 •A-.'.- iiiii. SSESS iTiii -.~-A'. •~.-.'A'. DUSTHUtL WASTE DBCHAFICES. SAMPL^O - ,. » - N » SAMPLED ONCE OR TWICE MONTHlT FOB PHYSICAL. CMEUICAL, AND OXYCEN NN '" ,.,.. ,.N , «N "" i SAMPLED MONTHLY OR BIMONTHLY FOR PLANKTON, BOTTOM ORCANI5US, SEDI- MEMT GRADATION. DISSOLVED OXYGEN - ' «- - ' SAMPLED DAILY FOR TEMPERATURE AND ANALYSES OF COMPOSITE SAMPLES X « .N X ..N, - >,» . . X PERIODIC ORGANIC ANALYSES SAMPLDIC ' - X>N - « recorder"* ='-='=™'*^*'- CONDUCTIVITY ' - K « ' > « '■ ■■>»"',. !/,,,_ t.nOUR tHTZHVMJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DELTA BRANCH SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY SAMPLING PROGRAM AND AREA OF INVESTIGATION 1960-61 in. PLATE 2 _0 R E G N STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DELTA BRANCH SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY TRIBUTARY BASINS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER 1960-61 I ' PLATE 2 O R E G N STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DELTA BRANCH SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY TRIBUTARY BASINS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER 1960-61 SCALE OF MILES SACRAMENTO RIVER WATER POLLUTION SURVEY TRIBUTARY BASINS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER 1960-61 iS^ .^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL ECEIVED DEC21REC"t^^^^^ ^^^^ PHyS SCI LIBRARY! 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